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<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Reese : I m not a fugitive , Ric , so I have to wonder why you re going around knocking on doors searching for me .
Ric : I m here to see Sonny , Agent Marshall . He went to great lengths to assure me that you were nt here , but now you ve both been caught in a lie . Which makes me wonder , why all the secrecy , hmm ? Why not just admit that you were staying here with Sonny ?
Alexis : I think the answer is obvious .
Sonny : What are you doing here ?
Carly : Waiting for Jason . I wanted to tell him you ve lost your mind and started sleeping with a Fed .
Sonny : You saw us ?
Carly : I saw everything .
Sonny : Okay , look , Carly , I m sorry that you walked in on me and Reese , but it s not like we re married --
Carly : Did you not hear me the first time ?
Sonny : No , I heard you .
Carly : No , Reese Marshall is a Fed , so she s sleeping with you to get evidence .
Sonny : You do nt think I know --
Carly : If you want to throw you re own future away , fine , but , you know , you have no right to throw away mine or Jason s or the kids !
Sonny : Carly , Carly , Carly , you do nt think I know what I m doing ? I know what to say to her , when to stop .
Carly : You re grieving . She s using it to work you .
Sonny : Even if that were true , it does nt matter . Reese has already compromised herself . Anything she can get against me she can not use . So you can go ahead and say you re sorry , go , or admit the real reason that you re mad is because you saw me with another woman .
Carly : Oh , so you think I m jealous ?
Sonny : You were born jealous . You always want what you ca nt have .
Carly : I ca nt have you ? Never again ? Do nt bet on it .
A.J. : Hello , Dad . Long time no see .
Alan : A.J.
A.J. : It s me . And look who I brought . I brought my son .
Alan : My God , A.J. I never thought I was ever going to see you again . I m so glad to see you .
A.J. : Me , too .
Alan : I m so glad to see you . Hi , little guy . I m happy to see you . I missed you both so much .
A.J. : Yeah , you know , we missed you , too , Dad , yeah .
Alan : I have so many questions to ask you . Where have you been ?
A.J. : Dad , I will tell you everything , but right now we have to get out of here before somebody sees us .
Alan : What about your mother ? The whole family wants to know that you re --
A.J. : No , no , no , you ca nt tell them . You ca nt say anything .
Alan : But Michael -- there are people who want --
A.J. : Dad , please . What I need from you right now is to hide us and to promise that you ll keep a secret .
Alan : No . This is going to end right now .
Sonny : Do nt do this , Carly . You know , we both decided that our marriage is over .
Carly : Really ?
Sonny : Yeah .
Carly : Because the way I remember it , you informed me that we had irreconcilable differences and that was it . Hasta la vista , Carly . Take the kids and a fortune in alimony and go .
Sonny : I did nt want to fight with you then . I m sure as hell not going to fight with you now . Too much has changed . The worst thing that could ever happen . There s not a day goes by that I do nt think about Michael , a night . Every night I have to dream about his voice , that gunshot .
Carly : Michael s not dead .
Sonny : Carly , do not do this to me .
Carly : I swear to you , Sonny , that s why I came to the house -- to tell you there s proof that Michael s alive .
Reese : In case it slipped your mind , I recently had an attempt made on my life .
Alexis : Reese , your car blew up on Sonny s property . Would nt you have gone to someone else for assistance ?
Reese : Sonny had nothing to do with the car bombing .
Alexis : Those are what I believe are famous last words .
Reese : All right , if Sonny wanted me dead , why would he have pulled me away from the explosion ?
Alexis : I did nt think Sonny wanted you dead , but he is quite probably the reason that someone else did . Anyone associated with Sonny is inevitably a target .
Reese : Sonny had nothing to do with this .
Ric : Well , that sounds like you know who s responsible .
Reese : Yeah , I m working on it , Ric , and you ll know as soon as I do .
Ric : Could it be John Durant ? Left a message on my machine that you wanted to talk about him .
Reese : I do . In private .
Ric : Anything you say in front of me you can say in front of Alexis .
Reese : Okay . All right . So John Durant has been trying to pressure me into pinning the Sandoval killings on Sonny . I told him I do nt have any proof , so what does he do ? He goes and he tries to coerce Maria Sanchez into giving false testimony .
Ric : Yeah , I m aware of all this . He set up a phony drug bust on Ms. Sanchez s son , Diego .
Reese : Right . Okay , so I argue with Durant about his tactics . Two hours later , my car blows up .
Ric : You know , John Durant thinks he s above the law . We ca nt eliminate him as a suspect .
Alexis : John Durant is a federal prosecutor . Where I believe he will bend the law to get a win , he is too smart to resort to murder .
John : I want to know who I m working with .
Man : We prefer to remain anonymous , Mr. Durant . That s why we re working through you .
John : You have given me money ; you have given me resources to get evidence against Sonny . You claim that we re on the same team . I -- why ca nt I know who you are ?
Man : A more important question might be , can we get a conviction against Corinthos or not ?
John : Of course I can . It s only a matter of time .
Man : Are you actually making progress or is that a figure of speech ?
John : It wo nt be much longer .
A.J. : I rescued Michael from Faith and the kidnappers , and we were on our way to the Bahamas when our plane crashed on a deserted island .
Alan : Good Lord .
A.J. : Yeah , well , luckily we were rescued after a few days . I took Michael to live with me , Dad , because Sonny and Carly did nt want Michael as their son anymore . It was tough on Michael at first . But now he s started to accept that Morgan is Sonny s real son , true son , and that they have the family they want . At least now Michael and I are finally together . But it s not going to stay that way unless you help .
Alan : What kind of help ?
A.J. : I got into business with some bad guys .
Alan : What do they want ?
A.J. : Money . Lots of it . So I brought Michael here to hide out until I can make some arrangements . Will you hide us ?
Monica : Alan ? Where are you ?
A.J. : Listen , Dad , you ve always said you love me . Here s your chance to prove it . Come on , Michael , let s go .
Monica : You with somebody ? I thought I heard voices .
Alan : I guess I was talking to myself . I ve been doing a lot of that lately . So was there a particular reason that you were looking for me ?
Monica : Well , I was worried about you . I mean , I know what kind of day you ve had .
Alan : Oh , beyond your imagination .
Monica : I mean , hearing me announce that I m going to sell the house would be enough , but then people telling you that A.J. was alive , not to mention your chest pains .
Alan : Hmm . Well , I was taking a little time to calm down and think things through . I m sorry if I worried you . So , are you still determined to sell the house ?
Monica : I think it is the best thing for the family . I mean , I really believe that .
Alan : Well , then I believe it , too . Where we live does nt matter . You re all the home I ve ever needed .
Monica : Wow . It s been a long time since you ve done that .
Alan : And I want to apologize to you for brooding and lashing out and the drinking . It s not going to happen again , I promise you , and I m going to find some way to make it up to you .
Monica : You do nt have to do that .
Alan : You want to take a walk in the garden ? Mother s roses are probably in bloom right now . It would be a nice way to start over .
Monica : I d like that .
A.J. : Did you hear that , little man , huh ? Did you hear how your grandfather covered for us ?
Michael : He lied .
A.J. : It was for a good cause -- us .
Michael : Monica s your mom . How come you do nt want her knowing that we re here ?
Dillon : I wanted to be a rebel , and rebels believe that the rules do nt apply to them , that they can lie and cheat and steal and do whatever and it s not going to catch up to them . Well , with Michael , it did . And no matter how hard I try , I m not getting past that , so --
Georgie : Dillon , Dillon , you are not to blame for that . You are kind and you are caring , and , Dillon , you would never do anything to intentionally hurt anybody .
Dillon : I do nt exactly think you re impartial here .
Georgie : Why , just because I love you ?
Dillon : Yeah . You might want to rethink that at this point .
Georgie : You see , Dillon , that s what I m talking about . You do nt see how wonderful you really are .
Dillon : Yes , because helping the old lady find her purse at the movie theater really qualifies me for sainthood .
Georgie : No , no , no , I m talking about other things . Do nt you remember when Brook Lynn was nt getting along with her parents ? You helped her through that . I mean , and then when Sage died , you kept us all from falling apart .
Dillon : That s not a big deal , Georgie . Anybody would do that .
Georgie : And you taught me how to love . You taught me how to trust completely . You taught me to care about someone else as much as I care for myself .
Dillon : You are the best thing in my life . You know that ? Probably the only thing at this point .
Georgie : No , no , Dillon , no . You have your passion for making films .
Dillon : No , I do nt . Not anymore . It s gone . I ca nt go to film school while Michael is lying dead in a swamp somewhere .
Georgie : If you do nt do this , you will regret it for the rest of your life , and I m sorry , I ca nt let that happen to you . Do you still have the letter of intent ?
Dillon : Yeah , it s at my family s house somewhere .
Georgie : Good . Okay , we re going there right now and we re taking it straight to the post office .
Dillon : Why are you so invested in this , really ?
Georgie : Because , Dillon , when you love someone , their dreams become your dreams . I want this to come true for both of us .
Dillon : Michael was a child . He did nt even know what his dreams were . So I -- I guess , yeah , the best way to honor that is to fight for what I want , make my life count for something .
Georgie : That would be a good start .
Alexis : Durant has no reason to want to kill you . If he thought you were protecting Sonny , he would simply have you reassigned .
Reese : All right , you know , I know it s really hard to believe , but that s why I did nt mention it in the first place .
Ric : Yeah , and on the other hand , we all know that Durant is obsessed with destroying Sonny . That kind of fixation can lead to bad decisions .
Alexis : How many people have you put in prison in your career ? Could nt one of them have set the bomb , completely unrelated to Durant ?
Reese : Yeah , anything is possible . That s why I have to protect myself by staying here .
Ric : All right , we wo nt let anybody know that we found you here .
Alexis : Wild horses could nt drag it out of me .
Carly : Michael s alive . I have proof .
Sonny : You have proof ? Where ?
Carly : On Jason s computer . There s that picture of Michael when he was in the swamp --
Sonny : Why would Jason even show you that picture ? Why would you even want to look at it again ?
Carly : Because I want to find my son , and the picture proves he s alive ! His pupils were nt dilated like they would be --
Sonny : I saw the picture ! His eyes were closed !
Carly : Not completely . When Jason enlarged the picture , you could see --
Sonny : Jason saw exactly what he wanted to see . And he was wrong to -- he was not right to give you false hope .
Carly : It s not false .
Sonny : What is it , then ?
Carly : It s not -- you d know it , too ! I know he s alive , if you d just let me finish , but it s like you wo nt hear me out ! You re afraid that you ll believe and then it ll turn out not to be true and then we ll lose him all over again .
Sonny : That s exactly what I m afraid of , because you got a look on your face like , you know , as long as you fight hard enough , you re going to get what you want . Forget the picture , forget the F.B.I. , forget the bitch that killed our son . Let s think about reality here . You re asking me to watch you break your heart . I wo nt do it .
Carly : No , Sonny , I m asking you to risk your own heart and trust me . Our son is alive , and we can bring him home .
Sonny : Tell me . Go ahead , tell me what you found .
Alexis : I do nt believe for one minute that Reese believes Durant tried to kill her .
Ric : She sounded convinced to me .
Alexis : She s trying to have a common enemy with Sonny because she s obviously emotionally involved with him .
Ric : Alexis , I think you might want to employ some of those coping strategies right about now .
Alexis : The responsible thing for her to do right now is to have herself removed from this case so that she can be replaced with somebody with more objectivity .
Ric : I do nt think she s going to see that as a viable option .
Alexis : Then maybe you should speak to her superiors about it .
Ric : Alexis , I ca nt prove that Reese and Sonny are involved .
Alexis : An attempt was made on her life and she ran to him , to Sonny , for protection . Does nt that speak for itself ? Reese Marshall is emotionally --
John : Well , excuse me . What was that about Agent Marshall ?
Max : You have to help me .
Reese : Where s his nanny ?
Max : I do nt know . It s her night off or something .
Reese : No , I m sorry , Max . I m -- I m not good with children .
Max : But you -- oh , great .
Dillon : Uh -- it was right here .
Georgie : Well , I do nt know , maybe someone took it for safekeeping .
Dillon : No , you know what ? I put it into a box , and Alice said she d take it up to the attic .
Georgie : Well , Dillon , let s go . I want that letter in the mail by morning .
Dillon : You know , there s -- it s pretty secluded up there , and we could maybe throw down some blankets or something .
Georgie : No . Never , ever , ever in this house .
Dillon : No ? Because I could be really quiet . I can be --
Georgie : I m glad you re feeling better . Come on -- attic .
Michael : This is where we re going to be staying ?
A.J. : Yeah , listen , those men are still after us , okay ? The fewer people who know where we are , the safer we ll be .
Michael : Why do nt we just get people to take care of them ?
A.J. : What do you mean by that ?
Michael : Make them disappear .
A.J. : That s what Sonny would do , is nt it ? That s not the answer , Michael . Look , Sonny s world is no place for a kid like you . I m sorry you had to grow up like that , I really am , but I promise you , once my problems are over , things are going to be different . It s just you and me living a happy , normal life , okay ?
Alan : A.J. , I need to see you immediately .
A.J. : All right , Dad , hold on . I just want to make sure Michael s okay .
Alan : No , no , do nt put me off . I ve got questions that need to be answered .
A.J. : All right , okay . Hey , you going to be all right here by yourself ?
Michael : Well , I m kind of hungry .
A.J. : All right , I ll get you a sandwich , all right ? Michael , please stay quiet , all right ?
Michael : I will .
A.J. : All right , I appreciate it . Thanks , buddy . Let s go .
Alan : Hey , Michael ? I m so happy you re here .
Carly : I guess the most important thing that you do nt already know is that A.J. s alive , too .
Sonny : That s beautiful .
Carly : What ? I thought you were going to hear me out .
Sonny : I m listening . Go ahead .
Carly : All right , first , Jason enlarged the picture , which was enough to convince him that Michael was alive , too .
Sonny : Okay , so he went looking for someone with a motive to fake Michael s death ?
Carly : Stan traced Faith s credit cards to a hotel in the Bahamas , like , uh -- Tropic Imperial . Jason and Sam went down there and they found someone who overheard Faith on the phone talking to a rich guy from Port Charles .
Sonny : A.J. ?
Carly : Well , yeah , and -- well , yeah , but , I mean , Jason did nt know that yet .
Sonny : Because , you know , Courtney was being investigated for A.J. s murder .
Carly : Right , but Courtney was exonerated and Rachel Adair was charged , and that s when she confessed that A.J. was nt dead at all . She helped A.J. stage the whole thing .
Sonny : She -- she confessed ? What do you mean , stage the whole thing ?
Carly : All right , well , think about it from A.J. s point of view .
Sonny : All right .
Carly : The only way he could steal Michael is if no one was looking for him . So he seduced this Rachel and got her to help him fake his death , while he hired Faith to fake Michael s .
Sonny : So -- okay . Are you sure that Faith and A.J. were in the Bahamas ?
Carly : Yeah , Rachel s the one who told Jason how to find the villa . Jason s down there right now looking for Michael .
Sonny : The deposits in Faith s accounts -- 2 million the day Kristina was taken , 4 million for Michael and Morgan . You saying it was all a job ? A.J. hired Faith to kidnap my children as a smokescreen so that we would believe that the picture was real ? Faith did nt kill Michael . She fired -- she did nt fire at him . She fired --
Carly : That s right .
Sonny : Michael s alive ? Our son
Ric : Alexis and I were just discussing Agent Marshall s disappearance from the hospital . You would nt know where she was , would you ?
John : At this point , I m just hoping she s alive . Have either of you heard or seen anything that could help me find her ?
Ric : No , wish we had .
John : Oh . All right . Well , let me know if you do , hmm ?
Alexis : Notice I did nt say a word ?
Ric : I appreciate your restraint .
Alexis : I told you I would nt tell anyone and I wo nt .
Ric : Alexis , I am --
Alexis : I am doing everything I can to learn not to resist .
Ric : I know . I appreciate the effort , okay ? I know how hard this is for you .
Alexis : Oh , no , you do nt . Which is why I have a professional to speak to . Which reminds me -- I need to make an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Winters . I ll be right back .
Sonny : When did you know ? I mean , not the visions and the feelings . When were you sure that Michael was alive ?
Carly : When Jason said it . I was in the park with Sam , and she told me that Jason had proof that Michael was nt dead . It was the strangest feeling . I -- I started to walk away , and then I just started to run straight to Jason . And he opened the door , and I do nt remember what I said . I do nt even know . I just -- I think I said something like , Michael s still alive , and Jason said he thought so , too . And that s when I knew it was real , that our son was alive and we were going to bring him home .
Sonny : Why did nt you come to me then ?
Carly : You would nt have believed me .
Sonny : Yeah , you re probably right . Wow . Okay . A.J. , you know , got his money s worth . Faith had the perfect plan , she had the motive , and she was smart enough to take Kristina first . That way when she grabbed Michael and Morgan , you know , it would even look more like revenge . And then when it seemed like Michael was dead , that all made sense because he was big enough to fight back and he was old enough to be a witness .
Carly : Yeah . Maybe it was Faith s idea to send that picture , but trust me ; it was A.J. who decided to set it in the swamp .
Sonny : What , Carly ?
Carly : I ca nt -- I just -- he wanted us to think that our little boy had been shot --
Sonny : It does nt matter .
Carly : And thrown away like garbage !
Sonny : It does nt matter .
Carly : He wanted us to carry that image for the rest of our lives .
Sonny : It was a lie . It s done , okay ?
Carly : Yeah . Yeah , I know .
Sonny : He set up the perfect kidnapping , and you figured it out .
Carly : Yeah .
Sonny : So it s good , it s over .
Carly : It s not over . Michael s not home yet .
Sonny : He will be . The only way this would ve worked is if we accepted that our son was dead . You would nt do that . I know I m always yelling at you for not listening to me , but now I m going to thank you for following your heart , for proving that our son is alive . And I m going to tell you this right now -- we re going to bring him home .
A.J. : It s important that you know , Dad , that everything I ve done in the past few months has been for my son .
Alan : Why do nt you start from the beginning ?
A.J. : I hired Faith to kidnap Michael , Morgan , and Kristina , and then fake Michael s death , and got Rachel Adair to help me stage my own murder .
Alan : I do nt believe what you re telling me . How could you hurt so many people ?
A.J. : Sonny , Carly , and Jason hurt me just as badly . And -- and I made sure Faith did nt harm those children .
Alan : Faith almost had them adopted by another family .
A.J. : That was me . I needed it to be real . I knew they d be rescued before -- before it happened .
Alan : And what about pinning your murder on Courtney ? What s your excuse for that ?
A.J. : She left me for my brother . I have no regrets .
Alan : I m so glad your grandmother is nt alive to hear you say that . Do you have any idea how you have tortured this family ?
A.J. : No . I do nt .
Alan : What do you mean ?
A.J. : I did nt think any of you cared . I thought I was already dead to all of you .
Alan : Oh , my God . Do nt , do nt . I ve always cared about you . Always . I m so sorry . No man should ever feel that way no matter what he s done .
A.J. : I deserved it . I have been a one - man wrecking crew my entire life , ruining everything around me !
Alan : But you re not anymore . You re not . We re going to rebuild it . I m going to help you . The most important thing is that you re alive .
A.J. : Yeah . Yeah , yeah , yeah , maybe we can . There s one complication .
Alan : Okay , tell me , what s that ?
A.J. : Jason . He s on to me . And if he finds me , I m a dead man for real .
Alan : You ca nt hide from Jason forever . Let me go talk to him .
A.J. : No ! No ! I can not take that chance . I have a plan . I have a plan . We ll get new identities , complete with -- with passports . But until then , I need you to hide us .
Alan : What happens if Jason finds you here ?
A.J. : He wo nt . This is the last place he ll ever look . I need your word , Dad , okay , that you will not tell Jason or anyone where we are .
Alan : What about your mother ?
A.J. : No . Absolutely not . You know as well as I do she ll run straight to the golden boy .
Alan : Okay . So you get these new identities . And then what do you do ?
A.J. : We ll leave . I said it , I m leaving , and we ll start over , make a whole new life for ourselves . I need you to come through . For once in my life , Dad , please let me win .
Dillon : It was in my film book . I think Alice , like , put it in a cardboard box or something .
Georgie : Dillon ?
Dillon : Yeah ?
Georgie : It s right here .
Dillon : Yeah , that s it . This is it . It s funny , when I sent out the application , Michael was still alive .
Georgie : Well , I know how badly you feel about Michael s death , but -- and you have to know I feel the same way .
Georgie : No , no , no , no , Dillon , I m -- I m fine . Really , no , Michael s death has -- it s made me realize that the future is a gift , it s not a promise . And I am going to live the best , fullest life I can .
Dillon : I think Michael would like that .
Georgie : Me , too .
Reese : No more sugar . You want him to get wound up again ?
Max : I m open to suggestions .
Reese : All right , give him to me . Come on . Hi , baby !
Max : Okay , um , I ll just be outside here if you need anything , okay ?
Reese : Hi , sweetheart . Aw , yeah . I know , you re sleepy , are nt you ? Are nt you ? I m going to help you fall asleep , okay ? Oh , it s nap time , is nt it ? Yeah . Come here , baby . Oh . How about this ? How about this ? Huh ? Hey , you like stories , Morgan ? How about if I told you a story , huh ? Would you like that ? I m going to tell you a very special bedtime story , okay ? A story that I m going to make up especially for you , just like I used to do with my little boy .
Carly : I ca nt believe I left my ringer off .
Sonny : It does nt matter . What did Jason say on the message ?
Carly : They found A.J. s villa , but they missed him and Michael .
Sonny : Any leads ?
Carly : They found an atlas with a list of countries . I guess A.J. was planning on taking Michael for a trip around the world . Jason thinks they re headed to Siena , Italy .
Sonny : Michael did that report on it last year , right ?
Carly : That s why Jason thinks he s going . Can you -- typical A.J. to take him to a place that you and Jason helped him learn about .
Sonny : Okay , did Jason find anything else , Carly ?
Carly : His -- Michael and A.J. s luggage . They could nt have missed them by more than a few minutes .
Sonny : Okay , so Jason s going to Siena ? Is that what s going on here ?
Carly : Yeah , but the good news is that they found a picture of A.J. and Michael , so we know that Michael s alive and okay .
Sonny : So he is going , then , right ?
Carly : Yeah , they -- I think they re on the plane right now .
Sonny : Okay , you know what ; we re not going to play hide - and - go - seek with A.J. all over the planet . I got a better way to find out .
Louise s voice : This is Dr. Louise Winters . I m taking two weeks off to attend a medical convention . I ll be out of the office until Wednesday , April 20 . If this is an emergency , press 22 and you ll be connected to my service .
Alexis : Who you calling ?
Ric : I was just -- just checking the messages . Hey , um -- you want to have lunch tomorrow ?
Alexis : Well , that s a nice idea .
Ric : What time s your appointment with Dr. Winters ?
Alexis : 1 : 00 . I can make it earlier if you want .
Ric : No , no , no . Why do that ? Why mess up a good thing ?
John : Why d you want to see me so soon ?
Man : We ve located Agent Marshall . She s staying at Sonny s house .
Reese : Once upon a time , there was a princess who lost the only thing that mattered to her . And from that day forward , she was so sad , and nobody could make her smile . And then one day she met a lonely knight , and he understood exactly how she felt .
A.J. : Michael , Sonny and your mom were ashamed about not wanting you . So instead of telling the truth , they told everyone that you d died .
Michael : How could they say I died ?
A.J. : They said that you had drowned . That way , there would nt be any body .
Michael : And everybody believed them ?
A.J. : Why would nt they ? They were your parents . So now everyone thinks you re in heaven , and they can get on with their lives .
Michael : Pretty soon everybody s just going to forget that I ever lived .
A.J. : I know it hurts . I know . That s why I did nt tell you before . But it s -- it s best that you know , okay ? And as soon as I can shake these guys who are after me , I promise you , okay , I do nt ever want to come back here again , ever . And now that you know the truth , I m sure you do nt either .
Monica : Rachel told Jax and Courtney that A.J. was alive , you believed them , and that s why you re bouncing off the walls .
Alan : Of course it is . You know me so well . A.J. is alive , and I got a feeling we re going to see him very , very soon .
Sonny : Your lying son faked his death and stole Michael , and we re here to bring our son back .
Lucky : If I stay at Wyndemere a little bit longer , maybe she ll talk about the rape .
Carly : Do you think he was at the house last night ?
Jason : Alan would probably help A.J.
Carly : Monica wo nt .
Jason : Will you help me ?
Monica : A.J. would not be that cruel .
A.J. : I could lock you up here , you know , but I do nt want you to feel like a prisoner .
### Summary:
| In front of Michael , AJ claims to Alan that someone is after him and that he and Michael need a place to hide . Alan allows AJ and Michael to hide in the attic . Alone with Alan , AJ explains how he hired Faith to kidnap the children and fake Michael s death , as well as enlisting Rachel s help to stage his own murder . After overhearing Georgie and Dillon , Michael asks AJ why people believe he s dead . Carly convinces Sonny that Michael is alive . Sonny and Carly confront Alan and Monica at the mansion . Reese tells Ric and Alexis she suspects Durant might have tried to kill her . Ric and a reluctant Alexis agree not to tell anyone that Reese is hiding at Sonny s . The priest later tells Durant that Reese is at Sonny s . Ric learns that Alexis therapist has been out of town and that Alexis has been lying about going to therapy . Still grieving her own son , Reese refuses to help Max with Morgan . Reese has a change of heart and tells Morgan a bedtime story which is similar to her own life . Georgie tries to convince Dillon to reconsider not going to film school . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Angie : Jesse , ready to go ? Derek s expecting us . Hey , baby , what s wrong ?
Jesse : I do nt know , it s just -- it s just so --
Angie : Strange ? I know . But this is happening . Now , we re going to walk out that door into broad daylight -- you and me .
Jesse : Yeah , it s just -- wow , it s been so long .
Angie : All right , all right , so you re a little rusty . But that s why I m here -- remember ?
Jesse : How could I ever forget that ?
Angie : I know it s hard to believe , but it s over , Jesse . This nightmare , thank God , is finally over .
Adam : Are you sure it s safe to go home , Krystal ? Who knows what other dangerous criminals Martin s provoked ?
Tad : It s safe , Adam .
Adam : Oh ?
J.R. : Who would it hurt if you just stayed a few more days just to be safe , huh ?
Babe : We re moving out , J.R.
Opal : Oh , there he is , my precious boy with all his parts intact ! Oh , thank you , Lord , thank you . Do nt you ever , ever take that kind of risk again -- do you understand -- not ever , I mean it . Oh , good morning , everybody .
Krystal : Good morning , Opal .
Babe : Opal , do you want some coffee ?
Opal : Yeah , I would , and on the way over , I stopped and got some muffins , as well . Here you go , and -- oh , and I also picked up a stray . You can come in now .
Robert : I -- I hope I m not intruding on anything . I can come back later if that s better or --
Adam : Do nt be ridiculous . You saved my daughter s life . I am honored to have you in my home .
Greenlee : I just spoke to Jack -- he ll be on the next flight home .
Kendall : Good , that s good .
Aidan : I spoke to some of the officers here .
Kendall : Anything new ?
Aidan : No , it s just that they said that it s pretty obvious that Erica had nothing to do with the great escape .
Greenlee : Pretty obvious ? Are you kidding me ? I mean , she s handcuffed to some bank robber chick who is probably a very cool person . Everything s going to be ok , Kendall .
Zach : Greenlee s right .
Kendall : No , you do nt know that , Zach . The bottom line is my mother is chained to this -- this random stranger , and we have no idea how dangerous she is .
Carmen : Not your smartest move , Erica Kane .
Erica : Look , you re making a mistake .
Carmen : I ve made plenty of mistakes -- this is nt one of them .
Erica : What I mean is the accident happened so fast , there was no time to think , let alone come up with a really good plan .
Carmen : Do nt tell me what I know .
Erica : Ok , I m sorry . I m -- I m really sorry .
Carmen : I m tired of people telling me what I know . Being in charge -- that s how I ended up here in the first place .
Erica : How did you get here , anyway --
Erica : I mean , if you do nt mind my asking ? I -- I know your ex set you up .
Carmen : Yeah . He s a slimy lowlife that does nt deserve to breathe .
Erica : Well , I ve known a few of those .
Carmen : Erica Kane ? Nah -- I do nt believe you .
Erica : Oh , you can believe me . So , what did he do ?
Carmen : Mando says we re going on vacation to some all - inclusive place in Aruba . Of course , I jump on the chance . I m all dressed up , ready to go when he says he has to make a stop . I m like , What kind of stop ? He s like , I got to go get some money . Well , come to think of it now , where we were going , we did nt need any money the kind of place we were going . So , any -- whatever .
Erica : So what happened then ?
Carmen : When ?
Erica : When he went to the bank .
Carmen : Oh , yeah . He stole $ 100,000 and never came back .
Erica : And that s the last time you saw him ?
Carmen : Yeah . I m sitting there filing my nails when all of a sudden , a cop comes over to the car , the car s running , I have a loaded gun in the glove compartment , and all of a sudden , bam -- charged with accessory on the spot .
Erica : Oh , my goodness .
Carmen : Yeah , well , those were nt the first words out of my mouth , but , yeah .
Erica : And the police have nt found him yet ?
Carmen : No . But when I get him , he s going to wish they did .
Samuel : Listen , I just want to say how sorry I am about all this .
Kendall : I do nt want to hear your apologies , Mr. Woods . I want to know my mother is safe .
Zach : Hey .
Samuel : I understand that .
Aidan : Have you been in touch with the Feds yet ?
Samuel : I just got off the phone with the regional FBI director , and they re cooperating with the local police .
Zach : All hands on deck . They re going to find her .
Kendall : Can you tell me more about this Carmen Morales ? How worried should I be ?
Samuel : Well , Carmen has no priors , so my guess is she was overprosecuted , because the Feds thought she might lead them to the real bank robbers . And when that did nt go down , I think they threw the book at her .
Greenlee : Oh , I m sure that did nt make her mad . Is there anything else ?
Kendall : You -- there s something else , is nt there ?
Zach : When one of the guards regained consciousness , his gun was gone .
Greenlee : Oh , God .
Kendall : Oh , great . Ok , so you re telling me that this woman , this unhinged , revenge - seeking escapee , is chained to my mother with a loaded gun ?
Zach : Yes .
Adam : So that s that -- Agent Gardner , retired ?
Robert : Well , they always say go out on top , right ?
Adam : Huh -- that they do , yes .
Robert : Well , for me , top was finally busting Papel and that drug ring .
Adam : Mission accomplished .
Robert : Yeah , after about 20 years or so .
Adam : All the more impressive -- you never gave up .
Robert : Well , thank you . Now , coming from you , Mr. Chandler , that is a huge compliment .
Adam : Do nt be ridiculous .
Robert : You know , I -- I really hope I m not barging in on something here because --
Adam : You are a genuine hero . You can barge in here any time you like .
Krystal : Adam s right . We ca nt thank you enough for what you did for Colby and Frankie -- for all of us , really .
Opal : Well , I ll second that . Boy , if you had nt shod up when you did , I do nt know where my Tad would be today .
Tad : So what s next , Uncle Robert ?
Robert : Well , tell you the truth , I have nt really figured it all out yet . Um -- one thing I do know is I want to ease back on the throttle a bit . Chasing after bad guys can wear on you after a while , and we re not getting any younger , are we , Mr. Chandler ?
Adam : Oh , speak for yourself -- I m just getting my second wind .
Krystal : So , do you have any general ideas where you d like to be headed ? Sunny skies , crisp mountain air ?
Robert : Well , actually , there is one town that has some potential .
Adam : Really -- where s that ?
Robert : I like the weather right here -- in Pine Valley .
Jesse : Yeah , running , hiding , looking over my shoulder 24/7 -- that s been my life the last 20 years , baby .
Angie : But not anymore .
Jesse : No , now my son is a grown man -- he s been to war and back . Now , after all this time , I get the chance to know him again , I mean , really get to know my son .
Angie : You ve been given a gift .
Jesse : And if it s taken away ?
Angie : It wo nt .
Jesse : But you do nt know that .
Angie : Oh , but I do . And you do , too -- you do , too . I -- I know that you know this deep , deep inside , Jesse . It s over . I mean , you saw it with your own eyes . Robert Gardner shot the man who s been after you -- Papel s dead .
Jesse : Yeah . I just wish -- I just wish it made more sense , you know ? I mean , this guy -- I still do nt know what he wanted from me . It s like I lost 20 years of my life .
Angie : Ok , ok , all right , baby . You -- you ve missed a lot , we ve missed a lot . But , God , we get to make up for it . That s so much more than so many people get -- a second chance ? I mean , that s a story that s in books and -- and movies . That does nt happen in real life . But it s happening to us . It s happening right now .
Jesse : I know .
Angie : So let s -- I want you to grab it and take ahold of me and Frankie and whatever else you can , because this is our chance at happiness . And I do nt know about you , baby , but I m going to take it .
Jesse : Oh , God . I love you so much .
Angie : Ok , so , what do you say ? Ready for this ?
Jesse : Yeah .
Angie : Huh .
Jesse : Let s go .
Samuel : Yes , the woman with Erica is armed . We have no reason to believe that she s going to use the weapon .
Kendall : Oh , God , this is unreal .
Samuel : We re doing everything we can to get your mother back . And I m seeing to it personally .
Kendall : Ok . Why did nt you tell me ?
Zach : You had enough to worry about .
Kendall : Zach , this is my mother , ok ? I do nt need my big , strong husband to swoop in and save the day -- I m not going to break .
Zach : I know you re not .
Kendall : All right , well , the last thing that I want to worry about is -- is not knowing all there is to know . Ok ?
Zach : Ok .
Kendall : Ok , well , no more waiting for the right time .
Zach : Full disclosure if that s what you want .
Kendall : Yes . Ok , please . All right , now that I ve done my whole I am woman , hear me roar thing , can you just hold me for a second ?
Zach : Sure . Come here .
Kendall : Hmm .
Greenlee : Hey , are you ok ?
Aidan : Can we get you something to eat , drink ?
Kendall : No , no , I m -- I m no hungry . I just -- I want this to be over .
Samuel : Kendall ?
Kendall : Any news ?
Samuel : No , but the press is here , and they d like to ask you some questions about your mother .
Erica : You want to get back at your ex , and I get that . And you re right , Carmen , I can help you -- just not from out here .
Carmen : Well , why not ?
Erica : Because I do nt have any access to my resources .
Carmen : Resources ?
Erica : My money , my friends , my people .
Carmen : Huh -- people . If you have so many people , why are you handcuffed to me ?
Erica : Because I -- I broke the law and no amount of resources could make that go away . But you have nt broken any laws -- you were set up , so I can help you .
Carmen : How ?
Erica : Well , there are any number of routes we could take to find this man . I mean , you could come on New Beginnings and tell your story , I could hire my good friend Tad Martin who is a fabulous PI .
Carmen : You keep missing it .
Erica : What , what am I missing ?
Carmen : You keep saying find this man . I do nt want to find Mando -- I want to kill him !
Erica : Ok , I -- Carmen , please forgive me for repeating this , but that does nt make any sense to me , because instead of facing a -- a 10 to 20-year sentence , you re going to be facing a life sentence .
Carmen : That s if I -- if we get caught , and believe me , I do nt have any plans of getting caught .
Erica : Well , then why do nt you help me ? Maybe you could just let me go . I have nothing to do with this .
Carmen : Well , that s not true . I already told you -- no one is going to risk hurting Erica Kane , even if it is to get to me . Anyway , if we re going to get this done , we need some fuel . Food -- you ever heard of it ?
Erica : Right , of course . Uh -- do nt want to commit murder on an empty stomach . Thank you .
Carmen : Come on .
Erica : Ok .
Adam : Have you given any thought to what you d like to do once you get settled in , or is there going to be pure relaxation from here on out ?
Robert : Oh , I think sitting around doing nothing would get pretty old pretty quick , so , yes , I think I m interested in picking up some sort of work .
Adam : Well , if there s anything I can do to help , do nt hesitate to ask .
Robert : Oh , my . First , I get the pleasure of meeting you , and now you re offering to help me out .
Adam : Nonsense . I am indebted to you for what you did for Colby .
Robert : Oh , it was an honor , believe me -- not every day you get a chance to save the life of the daughter of the legendary Adam Chandler .
Tad : Legendary ?
Krystal : Huh , huh . That s what he said .
Tad : Well , only Adam Chandler would fall for that line of BS .
Krystal : Uh - huh . Well , he s grateful . We all are .
Tad : Yep . Robert Gardner -- the great American hero .
Opal : Tad ? I know , honey , how hard this is for you , I really do -- having a reminder of Ray Gardner sneaking up on you after all these years , bringing back memories of all the horrible things he did to you .
Tad : To all of us , Mom .
Opal : That s right -- to all of us . But , you know , Robert is not Ray .
Tad : Yeah , I know that .
Opal : Do you ?
Tad : Mama , I spent my entire life trying to get rid of memories of what Ray Gardner did to us . It does not make it that much easier for me to have that SOB in there looking --
Opal : I know --
Tad : Just like him .
Opal : And bringing it all back . I understand . It did the same thing to me . But do you think you could do your mother a little favor ?
Tad : Ah , do you really have to play the mother card right now ?
Opal : Any chance I get .
Tad : What is it ?
Opal : Just try to have an open mind . Ok ?
Tad : Ok .
Babe : So , will you call and let me know if I forgot anything ?
J.R. : Yeah , well , I could tell you right now you already forgot these .
Babe : You know , those are nt my cards .
J.R. : No ? Because I thought your name was written all over them . Since I have them out , we could play a quick game -- you know , make a little wager ?
Babe : Oh , really ? And what would the stakes be ?
J.R. : I think you ll like them .
Babe : So , do these stakes involve me taking off my clothes ?
J.R. : That s entirely up to you . But if you win , I ll do anything you want .
Babe : Hmm , really -- and if I lose ?
J.R. : If you lose , you have to stay here at the mansion -- which is not like losing anyway , so --
Babe : All right , all right . Nice try , J.R. , but I m going to go home to my home . You know , it s the first time I can say that and it feels good .
J.R. : Mm - hmm . You ca nt blame a guy for trying .
Babe : I think Little A left a bag upstairs .
J.R. : Yeah ? Best two out of three ?
Adam : How about a drink ? Ah .
Krystal : Adam , come on now . It s way too early , and you should nt be drinking at all . Tad says you keeled over in the car , ran into a tree ?
Adam : Ah . Tad Martin dishing up his daily dramatics .
Krystal : No , no , it s serious , Adam . Come on now . When -- when are you going to start paying attention to your health ?
Adam : Oh , be careful , Krystal -- it almost sounds like you give a damn .
Tad : Hey . What the hell are you doing ? Are nt you supposed to be in bed for another two days ?
Colby : Oh . I just -- I could nt sleep .
Tad : Oh , baby . Nightmares ?
Colby : No , I think it was the adrenaline from last night .
Tad : Really ?
Colby : But , man , I m really sad everyone s leaving . It was kind of fun having a full house again , you know ? A little dysfunctional and twisted , but it was still fun .
J.R. : Hi .
Colby : Hi .
J.R. : What , are you talking about me again ?
Colby : Oh !
Babe : Colby , are you ok ?
Colby : Oh . Yeah .
J.R. : It s good to see you in one piece .
Colby : Thank you .
Tad : Ah -- you should ve seen your sister last night , kicking some major butt . I was proud of her . So how are we looking upstairs ?
J.R. : Well , there s a few more bags if you want to run up there and get them .
Tad : Ah -- what a diva . Why does nt she just bring them down herself ?
Tad : Yeah , I know . Hang on , Jenny -- your sherpa s coming .
Babe : So , Colby , tell me what happened . I mean , we have nt gone over the details yet . What -- what s going on ?
Colby : Ugh . What did nt happen is more like it . It was so crazy . Ok , so first , my car would nt start at the hospital , so Frankie came over to help and then out of the middle of nowhere , this guy shows up , and the next thing you know , we re kidnapped .
Babe : Who was he ?
Colby : Some psycho after Frankie s father .
J.R. : But wait a second . Frankie s father -- is nt he dead ?
Colby : Oh , it s a long story . So then , we were thrown in the back of a plane .
J.R. : You guys were flying somewhere ?
Babe : What ?
Colby : No , no , it was under a hangar . But we were tied up until Frankie figured out a way to get us out . It was like he knew exactly what to do .
J.R. : Amazing , huh ?
Colby : Frankie totally saved my life .
Zach : Kendall talking to the press -- not a good idea , Sam .
Samuel : They re not going anywhere .
Kendall : He s right . Erica Kane s on the run with a fugitive . I mean , the only story that s bigger than that would be people rising from the dead .
Angie : What s going on ?
Jesse : These guys are nt all here for me , are they ?
Angie : Well , I do nt see how . Nobody knows you re back yet . Come on .
Jesse : Detective Jesse Hubbard died in the line of duty .
Derek : I think it s about time we took that picture down , do nt you ?
Kendall : I -- I think I should . Maybe it would help .
Samuel : You ready , then ?
Kendall : Yeah .
Reporter : Kendall , how are you taking your mother s disappearance ?
Second Reporter : Did Erica say anything to you regarding a potential breakout before she left for prison ?
Third Reporter : Any idea where the women are hiding ?
Samuel : Let s go one at a time , please .
Reporter : Have any new charges been filed against Ms. Kane ?
Samuel : No . Until we ascertain Ms. Kane s involvement , if any , in the escape , no new charges will be filed .
Reporter : Has there been any contact at all , either from Ms. Kane or Carmen Morales since they went on the run ?
Samuel : No , no contact as of yet .
Reporter : Is the FBI involved ?
Samuel : Yes , the FBI is working with local authorities . Now , we re doing everything we can to bring these women home safely and as quick as possible . And when we know more , you ll know more .
Reporter : Kendall , we want to hear from you . What s going through your head right now ?
Kendall : I would like to talk to the woman who s holding my mother hostage .
Clerk : I sure wish I had someone to cuddle up with like that .
Erica : Oh , no , no . This is not at all what you think .
Carmen : Do nt be embarrassed , sweet cheeks . Sometimes she s not into that whole PDA thing .
Erica : Ah -- PDA ?
Carmen : Just go with it , Erica Kane .
Erica : Excuse me -- can I ask you a question ?
Carmen : Shoot .
Erica : What exactly makes you think that I m not going to scream my head off and blow this whole charade wide open ?
Carmen : I do nt think you would do that . On the other hand --
Erica : Hmm .
Carmen : Now , let s see what looks good here . Oh -- hold this .
Erica : Cheese in a can ?
Carmen : Tasty . Take a couple of these , too .
Erica : Why ? What are these ?
Carmen : Beef and cheese burritos .
Erica : And exactly how do you think you re going to pay for this feast , if I may ask ?
Carmen : Oh . The cops who were driving the van are treating us . I lifted their wallets before we left . Move it .
Carmen : And a couple of small waters , too , please .
Clerk : That comes to $ 9.75 .
Erica : Sam .
Kendall : You ve probably figured this out by now , Ms. Morales , but my mother really is an incredible woman . Erica Kane is an original . She s kind , loving , and smart as can be . And we want her back .
Carmen : Who the hell is Sam ?
Erica : Sam . Sam s chewing tobacco -- that s it right there , is nt it ?
Carmen : You like chewing tobacco ?
Erica : Oh , I ca nt get enough of it . But I should nt , really , because I quit -- stuff will kill you .
Carmen : You dipping ? I ca nt picture that .
Erica : See ? That s what keeps your relationship alive -- always keep learning new things about each other .
Erica : I could use a lipstick .
Kendall : I do nt know who you are , Carmen Morales , and I m not judging you . But you have taken my mother on a ride that she did not sign up for . Please do nt hurt her . Please let her go . Erica Kane keeps our whole family together . I m not sure we could survive without her .
Man : Morning , Bob .
Bob : Hey , Jake . Headed out today ?
Jake : Sure am -- Chicago .
Carmen : Chicago ? We re on our way to Chicago -- well , at least we were until our car broke down . You would nt happen to have some space in that big truck of yours , would you ?
Jake : Sorry , maam , the truck s full . Good luck , though .
Carmen : Thanks .
Kendall : Please know that we love you , and we miss you , and you have to come home .
Adam : Come in , come in .
Frankie : Ah , thank you .
Adam : Colby -- she tells me that you had -- you played quite a hand in saving the two of you . Um -- thank you .
Frankie : Well , it s no sweat , and for the record , your daughter played a pretty important part , too .
Adam : Thank you . Um -- Colby , you have a visitor .
Colby : Thank you . Oh , you miss me already ?
Frankie : Hmm -- yeah , something like that . How s the head ?
Colby : Oh , well , there s no permanent damage , so --
Frankie : Oh , cool . Ha -- bam !
Colby : What s this ?
Frankie : Replacements .
Colby : Huh ?
Frankie : Just open it . I thought you could use a new pair , since I dismantled the old ones to break us out .
Colby : Frankie -- oh . I do nt know what to say .
Frankie : Oh -- huh . Now , that s got to be a first .
Colby : Thank you .
Krystal : Well , I smell romance .
Babe : Well , I think it s sweet -- look at them .
J.R. : I am . I m making sure he keeps his hands to himself .
Babe : All right .
Colby : So , how s your dad ?
Frankie : Good -- glad to have me home in one piece . Yours ?
Colby : Oh , same . God -- what a night , huh ? Thanks for saving my butt back there .
Frankie : You know , if it needs saving again --
Frankie : You know who to call . Uh -- I m -- I m sorry , Colby .
Colby : For what ? Hey , you did nt know that guy was going to just grab us .
Frankie : No , about the other stuff -- me calling you spoiled and everything .
Colby : Oh , hey , do nt worry about it . You probably were nt too far off anyway .
Frankie : Yeah , I was . You re more than daddy s little rich girl , and I m sorry it took me a while to see that .
Derek : Now that we know what s what , we were finally able to link Rafael to his extensive East Coast drug operation .
Angie : We owe Robert Gardner a lot for ending this .
Jesse : So is this investigation completely closed ?
Derek : Got a few loose ends to tie up , but pretty much . Tad filled me in a little on how you got involved .
Jesse : Yeah , I was heading up this drug crimes investigation 20 years ago and this guy Papel found out and apparently wanted me dead . But what does nt fit for me is that he was after something specific . I mean , he was positive I had information that he needed .
Derek : And you have no idea at that was ?
Jesse : To this day , not a clue .
Angie : Well , lucky for us , it does nt matter anymore .
Jesse : Listen , if there is anything that comes up new in this case , anything at all , would you just let me know , keep me in the loop ?
Derek : I do nt foresee anything popping up , but of course , I ll let you know . Now , I know it s hard to believe , but this really is over . You ll see . In the meantime , welcome home , Jesse .
Jesse : Thanks , man .
Angie : Thanks , Derek . You hear that , baby ?
Angie : You re home .
Greenlee : Hey . You did good .
Kendall : When is this going to be over ?
Greenlee : Listen , I know your mother better than anyone , and she is going to get out of this without a scrape on her . You ll see .
Kendall : Ok , all right , and then -- and then what ? Then we re going to have another crisis to face .
Greenlee : You ca nt think that way .
Kendall : Why not ? That s what keeps happening . I mean , Ian should have been safe inside me for three more months . Spike should be able to hear my voice without needing a listening device . My husband should ve been able to take his son home from the hospital , and he should ve been sitting with us at Thanksgiving dinner . And my mother should be with us right now safe and sound and driving everyone crazy .
Greenlee : Just like old times .
Kendall : This is it , Greenlee -- no more . I m -- I m done with this . No one will ever take anything from us ever again .
Aidan : All right , I m going to make some calls , get a couple of my guys on this , all right ?
Samuel : As long as they do nt interfere with the police , the more , the merrier .
Aidan : I ll let you know what I come up with . I ll see you later .
Zach : Right . Thanks for everything you re doing for Erica . I know it s not your fault .
Samuel : Yeah , I -- I just hope it s enough .
Zach : You re pretty intense about all this .
Samuel : You get to know me , you ll find I m intense about a lot of things .
Carmen : Thank you . Come on .
Erica : Ok , bye .
Bob : Bye .
Erica : Thank you .
Erica : So , I -- I take it we re going to Chicago ? Why do you think Armando is there ?
Carmen : I just know .
Erica : Well , how do you propose we re going to get there ?
Carmen : We re going to hitch a ride with Jake there .
Erica : But he said his truck was full .
Carmen : Well , I got a funny feeling there s space for two more . Come on .
J.R. : Hey . You taking off ?
Frankie : Yeah , I got to get going .
J.R. : Look , I just wanted to say thank you for protecting my little sister .
Frankie : Oh , no problem . Oh , hey , hey . You all right , man ?
J.R. : Yeah . Uh -- it s just this flu , I just -- I ca nt seem to kick it .
Frankie : Well , why do nt you come down to the hospital later , let me take a look at you ?
J.R. : No , I m fine , really .
Frankie : Hey , hey , look , no offense , man , but you look like hell . It ca nt hurt to have somebody take a look at you .
J.R. : I thought I was supposed to be the one doing the favors .
Frankie : Catch me next time , ok ?
J.R. : All right .
Robert : Do nt worry , everything s going just according to plan . These people think I m a hero . How long ? Well , just as long as it takes Jesse Hubbard to give me what I want .
Jesse : Not exactly sure where to go from here . Maybe we start over ?
Angie : Uh - uh , no . We start now . I do nt want you to think about reclaiming that life -- we got to live this one as we are now , wrinkles and all .
Jesse : Yeah , right . You look better now than you did 20 years ago , if that s possible .
Angie : If you say so . But I m not the same and neither are you . Baby , we re going to figure this out together . J.H. , Are you with me ?
Jesse : A.H. -- Oh -- you know , in here , I never left .
J.R. : So , Babe -- I ll be seeing you and Little A soon ?
Babe : Yes , and do nt forget you have a play date lined up with him tomorrow .
J.R. : Mm - hmm . And then maybe we can have a play date ? I ll walk you out .
Babe : Ok .
Krystal : Where s Jenny ?
Tad : Oh , she s doing wheelies in the driveway .
Krystal : Seriously , Tad , where is she ?
Tad : Colby s got her .
Krystal : Ok .
Tad : Relax .
Krystal : Well , thank you , Adam . I guess that s it .
Adam : Next time you need your life saved , you ll know where to come .
Krystal : Uh -- I ll meet you in the car .
Tad : A lot of people I care about had their lives on the line last night , so -- thank you .
Robert : That s what families are for .
Robert : I m sorry about that phone call -- just took a little longer than I expected .
Adam : No , no , no , no . I ve been thinking .
Robert : Hmm ?
Adam : After you get settled , I -- I d like to have a talk with you about , well , whatever you d like to do . I have a lot of contacts here . And I m confident that I can find something that you will enjoy .
Robert : Oh , Mr. Chandler , thank you , but I really -- I do nt want to put you out .
Adam : Oh , nonsense . After what you ve done for my family , it s a debt I m more than willing to repay .
Zach : Hello ? Who are you ? She did ? Thank you . Thank you .
Kendall : Who was that ?
Zach : It was some convenience store clerk . Uh -- he -- he saw your mother . She left a note with your number on it .
Kendall : Is she ok ?
Zach : Apparently , yeah .
Samuel : Did he say where she was going ?
Zach : Chicago .
Carmen : Ok . Climb aboard and stay quiet . This is our free ride to the Windy City . Ready or not , Mando , here I come .
Annie ( to Greenlee ) : You kissed Ryan because you still want him .
Ryan : I ca nt go on living like this , Kendall -- I ca nt .
Jack ( to Sam ) : If anything happens to Erica , then I m coming at you with everything I have .
Carmen ( to Erica ) : I know what I m doing .
### Summary:
| Jesse just stands and looks at the door . He still ca nt believe that things are finally over and he is free to go out into the daylight . Babe and Krystal prepare to leave Adam s mansion . Adam tries to get them to stay longer , but Krystal refuses . Opal comes in and is relieved to see Tad alive . Opal mentions to them that she brought in a visitor . Robert comes into the living room . Adam thanks Robert for saving his daughter s life . Greenlee , Aidan , Kendall and Zach are at the police station . Greenlee lets them know that she called Jack . Kendall is worried about Erica s safety . Erica tries to steal the gun from Carmen , but she wakes up and the gun at her . Carmen tells Erica that she made a big mistake . Erica asks Carmen how she ended up in this situation with her boyfriend . Carmen tells her all about the bank robbery . Samuel offers Kendall his apologies which Kendall refuses . Kendall questions Samuel about Carmen . Kendall finds out that Carmen has a gun . Robert tells Adam about his busting the drug kingpin , Papal . Krystal thanks Robert for all his help . Jesse still ca nt believe that all this ordeal is finally over . Samuel tries to relieve Kendall s worries over Erica . Erica and Carmen go into a grocery store . Carmen pretends as though they are lovers and kisses Erica on the cheek . They are paying for the things that they had gotten when Erica sees Samuel and Kendall on the television . Erica writes Kendall s phone number on a napkin and leaves it for the cashier to find . J.R. tries to get Babe involved in another high stakes poker game , but she refuses . Krystal and Babe leave Adam s mansion . Frankie comes to visit Colby and brings her a gift of a new pair of shoes . Colby hugs him . Kendall conducts an interview with the press . She appeals to Carmen to let Erica go . Derek reveals to Kendall and Zach that Erica and Carmen were seen in a store where Erica left a note . Jesse and Angie are at the police station and he sees an old pic of himself up on the wall . Jesse and Angie go into the interrogation room where Derek plus the other officers give Jesse a round of applause . Erica and Carmen sneak onto a delivery truck headed for Chicago . The driver of the truck comes out and puts a lock on the back door . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Oh , beautiful Logan -- we needed this .
Brooke : Ridge --
Ridge : I love you . Do nt ever doubt that again .
Felicia : So you re planning to take my son to Italy whether I want you to or not ?
Bridget : I thought he was our son , Felicia .
Felicia : He is .
Bridget : You re the one that convinced me that sharing him could actually work .
Felicia : I meant sharing him together . I never dreamed you d want to take him away from me , out of the country .
Bridget : Well , his father is Italian .
Felicia : So ? Have him invite his whole Italian family to Los Angeles . I ll pay for the tab .
Bridget : Dante wants to take Dino to visit his grandparents , at their home .
Felicia : Well , it ca nt happen . Not now . I need Dominick here with me . Take him to Italy after I m gone , okay ?
Bridget : Felicia , your white blood cell count is almost normal . You do nt have to live each day as if it were your last . And we ll be back before you know it . Look , I ve written down all of the names , phone numbers and address where we can be reached and who we will be with . And Dante s cousin has a web -cam , and we re gon na set it up so Dino can wave to you every night .
Felicia : Bridget , I am asking you not to do this . Please do nt make me beg .
Stephanie : What s going on ?
Felicia : Bridget and Dante want to take Dominick out of the country .
Bridget : To Italy ! So Dante s parents can meet their grandson . Apparently , someone forgot to mention it .
Stephanie : Well , I just assumed the trip was off .
Bridget : Well , it s not .
Stephanie : I do nt think this is a wise thing to do .
Bridget : Excuse me ?
Stephanie : I think the baby should stay here , with his mother . Where he belongs .
Nick : What are you doing here ?
Massimo : We need to talk . In a strange , funny way , I m proud of you for sticking up for what you believe . You re angry at me now , but someday you ll understand . You do nt have the perspective of appreciating the bigger picture .
Nick : What picture is that ?
Massimo : Family . Family is everything . Our history , our future --
Jackie : Our morality .
Massimo : You dare use that word with me ?
Jackie : I m not afraid of you .
Massimo : So you enjoy being imprisoned and being stripped of your dignity ?
Jackie : I may have been framed and falsely arrested , but I never lost my dignity . I did nt deserve this , Massimo . Not for having an affair with Deacon Sharpe , or supporting our son in his relationship with Brooke . I ll never forgive you .
Massimo : You think I m here to ask for forgiveness ? [ Massimo sighs ] I am here to try to make things right with our son , and you are damn well going to hear it .
Jackie : Our son is in love . Brooke may not be your choice , but she is his , and u should respect that .
Massimo : Brooke is the mother of his brother s child . Where is the respect in that ?
Nick : You want me to respect a man that has treated her like dirt for the last two decades ?
Massimo : All right . Dominick -- you re gon na lose . However Ridge has treated her , Brooke has always gone back , time and time again . And this time is not gon na be any different .
Nick : The only one who loses here is Forrester . Because he s chasing something that s never going to happen .
Ridge : Oh , Logan -- when I hold you like this , everything s right with the world again . I ve missed you -- missed this . I love you . You make my heart race , after all these years . I love you so much . I know it ll take time to work things out , but the important thing is we re together again . In every sense of the word .
Brooke : Ridge --
Ridge : Logan ? What s wrong ?
Felicia : Mother , Bridget and I agreed to raise Dominick together .
Stephanie : Yes , I -- I know , I understand that . But the reality is , you are his mother . Bridget , I m sorry if that hurts your feelings .
Bridget : I m just as aware of the reality of the situation as you are , Stephanie .
Stephanie : I do nt think you are . I think , actually , that you re in denial about this .
Bridget : Because I wo nt just step aside ?
Stephanie : Yes . Look , Felicia thought she was dying . That s why she wanted you to take the baby . She knows you , she loves you , she understood that you are a kind , generous , loving person -- you would be a wonderful mother . But the situation has changed , honey . She s alive .
Felicia : But that does nt mean that a day wo nt come where I ll need to be replaced .
Bridget : But you ca nt just have it both ways . You ca nt cut me out and then just pull me back in whenever you need me .
Felicia : I m not cutting you out .
Bridget : Only because you ca nt afford to , because someday you might actually need me .
Felicia : I told you , Dominick and I will always need you .
Bridget : I certainly bought into that -- good , old , dependable Aunt Bridget , always there in a pinch . That s just not good enough anymore , Felicia .
Stephanie : Well , it s gon na have to be , honey . Felicia is improving everyday . She s getting stronger everyday , and I think the baby has a major effect on that . I think that s what she draws her strength from . He needs to be with her . She needs to have her child with her . She is the mother . And the sooner that you accept that , the better it s going to be for you and for everyone .
Brooke : What have you done ?
Ridge : Logan , are you -- what s going on with you ?
Brooke : The pills .
Ridge : Pills ? What are these ? For anxiety ? Brooke , how many did you take ?
Brooke : Too many . I passed out .
Ridge : What ? Logan , I did nt know that -- oh , my god , Brooke , I would never have --
Brooke : Just go , just go . Go .
Felicia : Bridget , I m sorry . I know how much you and Dante want to take Dominick to Italy .
Stephanie : It s only natural his parents would want to see their first grandchild , but I think it would be better if they came here .
Bridget : It s always on your terms , is nt it , Stephanie ?
Felicia : Just until I m stronger .
Bridget : I thought I was gon na be the one having problems sharing Dominick , but it s you . I m just an afterthought .
Felicia : That is not true .
Bridget : It is true , Felicia , and I ca nt live like this . I m just waiting by the phone wondering when it might ring so I can find out when you might need me . I feel like I m your understudy .
Stephanie : You re absolutely right , Bridget , it s not fair . It s not fair to you and it s not fair to Felicia . You can not expect her to be a part - time mother any more than you can expect her to be a part - time mother . She s his mother , 100 % .
Felicia : Mom , I want Bridget to be part of Dominick s life .
Stephanie : I understand that . You ca nt ask her to put her life on hold while she waits to see if something s going to happen to you . Now , I ve been thinking about this the past few days . If something happens to Felicia , I think the best thing for everyone , all around , would be if I raise the baby .
Bridget : You ?
Stephanie : I m his grandmother .
Bridget : He has a father , Stephanie ! Dante loves Dino ! He would never , ever just give him away --
Stephanie : Look , I m just trying to say --
Bridget : You would probably , actually , try to take him away , would nt you ?
Stephanie : I m only trying to make this easier --
Bridget : Oh , for you and for Felicia , but you do nt consider how I feel , how Dante feels --
Stephanie : Of course I do . Of course I consider it --
Bridget : I do nt even know why I m here .
Stephanie : I love you . I do nt want see you hurt during this .
Bridget : You know what ? Dante does nt need permission to take his child to Italy to meet his parents . And just so we all understand each other , neither do I.
Stephanie : Excuse me ?
Felicia : The papers I had the lawyer draw up giving Bridget legal guardianship of Dominick .
Bridget : Back when she trusted me . All I m asking is that you trust me again , now . Fine , you do nt want it ? I ll leave it here . I have other copies at home .
Felicia : Bridget , please do nt do this .
Bridget : I m sorry Felicia , but -- Dante and I have a legal right to take his child to Italy to meet his parents , and that s exactly what we re going to do . I ll call you tomorrow night when we come by to pick him up before the flight .
Felicia : My god , what if she takes him and what if something happens to me while he s gone , mother ? What if I never see my son again ?
Stephanie : The baby -- the baby s is nt going to go anywhere --
Felicia : What are you talking about ? I signed those papers --
Stephanie : I do nt care ! I do nt care about the papers . The child is not leaving the country . And if they try to take him , it ll be the biggest mistake of their lives .
Massimo : I think you underestimate Ridge s powers of persuasion .
Nick : Our conversation about him -- or anything else -- is over . It s time to take you home . Then I m gon na head over to Brooke s .
Massimo : I would knock first if I were you . I do nt think I have to remind you what happened the last time you barged in . They were in bed together , for god s sake .
Nick : Let s go .
Ridge : If I had any idea at all , I never would ve followed you upstairs , Brooke . You have to know that I would cut my own heart out before I d ever take advantage of you .
Brooke : Nick --
Ridge : I ll make this right somehow , I --
Brooke : Go .
Ridge : I m so sorry . I ll make this right . I -- I promise you that .
Bridget : Dino loves that toy . Listen , I came back because I felt like we really got off on the wrong foot .
Felicia : We sure did .
Bridget : I think we re dealing with a very unique and challenging situation here .
Felicia : Challenging ? What s so challenging about loving a precious little boy ?
Bridget : Nothing .
Felicia : It s the sharing him that s tough .
Bridget : It does nt have to be that way . I -- the more that Dino s loved , the better .
Felicia : No argument from me there .
Bridget : I just want to find a way that we can do it without threatening each other .
Felicia : Feeling threatened ?
Bridget : Yes . I think that s why I dug my heels in and really wanted Dino to come to Italy with Dante and me .
Felicia : And why I m so afraid of letting him go .
Bridget : Listen , I never , ever meant to upset you , though , Felicia .
Felicia : I know that .
Bridget : I do nt really think that Stephanie s helping the situation either . I mean , you may think that she s looking out for your best interests , but --
Felicia : We can not blame this on my mother .
Bridget : Okay , okay , all right . I just think that before she got involved , we were on the same page .
Felicia : We were .
Bridget : So , if we just focus on -- your baby , I know we ll find a way .
Felicia : And what if that way leads to Southern Italy ?
Bridget : All right , listen , it does nt matter how many legal papers are drawn up or how close Dante and I have become , you re always going to be Dino s mother , always . I will never , ever , ever take your place in his life .
Felicia : I want to believe that . But when you tell me you re taking my son out of the country regardless of how I feel , Bridget , I have to question that .
Bridget : Do nt ! Do nt -- I did nt come here tonight to try to convince you to accept us taking Dino to Italy . I came here because I wanted to tell you how much I admire you .
Felicia : You ve got a funny way of showing that .
Bridget : I m sorry . I m sorry if I ve been really insensitive or selfish . I think that you re an amazing mother . Every time I look at Dino , I see your courage and your strength .
Felicia : My bald head ?
Bridget : Okay , look , I know that we do nt have anything resolved here , but --
Felicia : We do nt , do we ? But it s okay , huh ?
Bridget : It s okay because -- cause you re here . Oh , god , Felicia , you re here . Look at you . You re just getting spunkier and healthier and more rebellious every single day . More you . And that means that Dino and everyone else that loves you so much -- they get to have you in their lives for a really , really long time . Oh , baby , listen , it does nt matter what happens . Just do nt ever forget how much I love you .
Felicia : Yeah , yeah .
Bridget : I do .
Ridge : Oh , what have I done ?
Brooke : What are you doing ?
Ridge : Oh , god !
Nick : Hey , I just let myself in . I did nt want to wake up the whole house .
Brooke : Yeah , I m sorry , I was in the shower .
Nick : We were right . Megan was working with my old man . He set my mother up . My old man was behind everything . Are you okay ? Brooke ? What is this ? These are tranquilizers .
Brooke : I do nt usually -- my father --
Nick : Hey , Brooke -- my god , you re -- you re trembling . Brooke , honey -- was your father here tonight ?
Brooke : No .
Nick : Ridge ? Why was he here ? Brooke , honey , I want you to tell me what happened here tonight .
### Summary:
| Felicia does everything but beg that Bridget and Dante not take Dominick back to Italy to see his grandparents . Wait until she is gone before they do that . Stephanie joins the group and she too sides with Felicia . Dominick should stay here with his mother where he belongs . She tries to get Bridget to understand that and the sooner that she lets go and understands this , the better . While visiting his mother in jail , actually there to bring her home after her release , Nick and Jackie are talking when Massimo drops in . There is a coolness in the air and Nick wonders why he is there ? Mass knows he is angry with him now , but figures someday he will understand , and appreciate the bigger picture . All because of family . But , Jackie makes it clear , she will NEVER forgive him . And Nick has chosen Brooke , and he should respect that . Massimo laments that time after time Brooke has always gone back to Ridge , and this time will be no different . Nick opines that this time he s chasing something that is never going to happen . Meanwhile , Brooke has awaken enough from her pill - induced stupor to find Ridge in her bed . He s been blathering on and on how much she needed this , how they are truly now back together and they will work it out . Suddenly she realizes something has happened and is startled . She asks what has he done ? He asks what is wrong with her and starts looking at her like it s the first time he s really seeing her or paying attention ? She mentions the pills and that she took too many . He starts a lame apology that he did nt know and he never would have She asks him to just please go . Bridget goes ballistic when Stephanie finally suggests that if something happens to Felicia that Stephanie raise Dominick , so that Bridget does nt have to literally put her life on hold waiting for that to happen . Bridget still argues in Dante s favor since he s the father . She even plays the legal guardianship card saying she has a legal right and that is exactly what she is going to do . Stephanie hugs her daughter and says that will never happen , or it will be the biggest mistake of their lives . Nick tells his dad that his conversation with him about Ridge or anything else is over . He s going to take Jackie home and then go see Brooke . Mass advises him to call first ; remember what happened the last time he barged in . He will find them in bed . Ridge dresses while Brooke sits devastated in bed in fetal position . He apologizes and says he will make this right , he promises her that . She keeps telling him to just go . Bridget tries to make amends with Felicia and apologizes for her being insensitive . She did nt come to take Dino away , but to tell Felicia how much she admired her . She ends up hugging Felicia as they laugh about Felicia s bald head . Back at his office , Ridge rebukes himself for the latest happenings with Brooke . Brooke emerges from the shower , and takes the bottle of pills , possibly to destroy them , but Nick walks in at that moment and tells her they were right , Megan and his old man was behind everything . She practically falls into a chair and he realizes something is terribly wrong , that she is trembling . He spies the pill bottle and seizes it from her hand and asks about her father and Ridge , did they come back to her house ? When he says Ridge , she is silent and it s a dead give- away . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Caroline : Hey .
Ridge : Good morning .
Caroline : Wait , what ? [ Sighs ] I laid down after physical . I must have fallen asleep .
Ridge : I did nt want to wake you when I came in last night .
Caroline : Mm . Well , hey , how d everything go at Forrester ?
Rick : This has to be it , Dad . I did more research last night . There s no sign that -- that Spencer transferred those shares over to Liam .
Eric : But Liam says he has control of those shares .
Rick : Right , so Ridge assumes that Bill just handed them over to him free and clear . Otherwise , he would nt be going into business with a man that he hates -- who hates so what I gather is Bill still has control of those share . We just got to get him to confirm it . And , uh , maybe find a way to make it worth his while so he ll side with us and not Ridge . Yes , it s a long shot . But as far as I m concerned , it s the only shot we got .
Katie : Oh , my ! What s going on here ?
Bill : My son has a new title , so , uh , dad s buying him a new suit . I mean , for me , suits are a little uptight . What ? Will you just measure , Bernie ? !
Liam : D - Dad , stop picking on Bernie . Thank you .
Bernie : Pleasure . I ll have it for you in three days Mr. Spencer .
Liam : Great .
Bernie : Thank you .
Katie : Do nt you think you re getting a little ahead of yourself ? I mean , nothing s official .
Bill : Who needs official ? That coup is as good as done . Thanks to my brilliant progeny over here .
Liam : Yeah , well , I think Ridge deserves some credit for initiating .
Bill : Are you kidding me ? You went to that clown months ago with the idea of pooling the shares to get Rick out . I mean , if anyone deserves the credit ... look , Forrester is in much better hands being out from under Rick s little thumb . So are Caroline and Ivy .
Katie : Oh , oh , you might want to ask Ivy about that ... especially since Steffy s part of the bargain .
Ivy : [ Sighs ] Heard you made the move . And uncle Eric knows everything now .
Steffy : Yep .
Ivy : And ?
Steffy : My granddad backed the wrong son , and my dad did the only thing he could .
Ivy : Well , I m sure you re pleased about that .
Steffy : I m pleased about a lot of things these days .
Ivy : Well , I gather this means you re staying in L.A.
Steffy : And how do you feel about that ?
Liam : What do you know that we do nt ?
Katie : Nothing . It s just , you know , this has been difficult for me because Rick is my nephew , but I realize that Forrester needs to move in a new direction .
Bill : Exactly . Something had to be done . Liam did it . Bold leadership .
Liam : Again , Ridge was the one who put things in motion .
Katie : With a critical assist from his lovely daughter .
Bill : Steffy s a player -- gutsy , smart , not afraid to take anyone on .
Katie : Yeah , well , that s worked well for her so far .
Liam : What do you mean so far ?
Katie : Just that she s used to getting her way . About most things , anyway .
Bill : Moving on .
Katie : You know , it s interesting because I was talking to Ivy earlier and she s pretty gutsy herself , especially when it comes to the man she loves . So , I m just curious . How do you feel about working so closely with Steffy and being involved with Ivy ?
Ivy : I ve always supported Liam s plan with this .
Steffy : Even if it means having me back for the foreseeable future ?
Ivy : [ Scoffs ] Steffy , we re family . Forrester Creations is important to both of us .
Steffy : To Liam , as well .
Ivy : You do know why he s doing this , right ?
Steffy : Yeah , because Rick was mean to his girlfriend and Liam felt the need to rescue you .
Ivy : Steffy , I - I did nt need rescuing . Liam did all this to create a better working environment at Forrester Creations for myself and for Caroline .
Steffy : Yeah , something that could never happen without me . But , hey , as they say , it is not over until the fat lady sings . Something tells me Rick wo nt go down without a fight .
Eric : Rick , slow down , all right ?
Rick : We ca nt slow down . We have to go to Spencer . We have to appeal to him .
Eric : Just listen to me for a second . Look , even if -- even if Bill still has control of those stocks , he s the last person on earth I want to do business with . And I know you want to keep your position of CEO here . I respect that . [ Sighs ] But I have to think about the whole business and the family . Letting Bill in the door is dangerous .
Rick : More dangerous than what Ridge is doing to you ? Stabbing you in the back , kicking you to the curb along with me ? We ca nt capitulate , Dad . I wo nt ! Not to Ridge .
Ridge : So , how was your therapy ?
Caroline : Oh . [ Sighs ] Excruciating , but ... it s good . They say , um [ Grunts ] Yeah -- uh , that at the rate that I m going , I should be able to put pressure on these bad boys pretty soon .
Ridge : Proving everybody wrong .
Caroline : Yes , it s what I do best . [ Chuckles ]
Ridge : That s wonderful .
Caroline : No , what is wonderful is you and the way that you ve been taking care of me . You know , you re helping with my physical therapy and ... pampering me , especially with everything that you re dealing with .
Ridge : There s nothing more important than you , and I should have been here for this session .
Caroline : I m sure you had a good excuse .
Ridge : Do I ever .
Ivy : So , what options does Rick have ?
Steffy : He does nt . [ Sighs ] My dad s got this pretty much sewn up .
Ivy : Oh . Okay , then . So , all we have to do is , uh , stay focused on our objective .
Steffy : Oh ! It s our objective now , is it ? Huh .
Ivy : Steffy , I -- I think you re gon na make a great president .
Steffy : Mm - hmm . And with Liam as my VP , how can I fail ?
Ivy : Your VP ?
Steffy : Oh . It s just a figure of speech .
Ivy : Can I just get something clear ? I do nt have a problem with you and Liam working together . In fact , I think the company could really use it . What I do have a problem with is you making a play for my boyfriend at any opportunity you get .
Liam : Wait a second . Y - youve been talking to Ivy ?
Katie : Yeah , I guess she walked in on you and Steffy at Forrester ?
Bill : That s my boy ! Right there in the office ?
Liam : Oh , we were nt doing anything .
Katie : Apparently , Steffy has nt given up on getting you back , even though she dropped it as a condition for --
Liam : Wait , are you saying -- did Ivy overhear Steffy --
Katie : Oh , oh , Steffy declaring that she will always love you ? Yeah , she heard all that .
Bill : Uh - oh !
Liam : No uh - oh .
Bill : Uh - oh !
Liam : No uh - oh ! That is not what she -- listen , Steffy understands that this is purely business .
Katie : Mm - hmm .
Bill : Monkey business .
Liam : It s not monkey business ! It s different this time . There s no conditions or stipulations .
Bill : Dump the Aussie , or else ?
Liam : Okay , I understand why Ivy might think that , given -- [ Stammering ] Steffy knows .
Katie : Steffy knows that what the two of you had , you can never have again ?
Bill : Think I said those exact words about Katie and me after we divorced . But look at my baby and me today , huh ?
Liam : Damn it . I m -- I m trying to explain something to you , okay ?
Bill : Uh - huh . Yeah .
Liam : I m trying to explain --
Bill : Go ahead . Explain . Go . Okay , let me help you out . You re trying to explain why you and Steffy can work together with none of those old feelings resurfacing and that Ivy is going to buy it . Good luck with that .
Liam : [ Scoffs ]
Ridge : I like that .
Caroline : Ugh . I ca nt wait to get back to the office full - time . Oh , did I really just say that , after how Rick and I are ?
Ridge : Yeah , they were giving you a hard time .
Caroline : [ Sighs ] Well , now Maya s gone , and Rick --
Ridge : And Rick is on his way out , too .
Caroline : Is that what you meant ?
Ridge : Yep , something huge is happening at Forrester , something ... that Rick was nt expecting . Or my dad .
Eric : I ca nt believe you re even considering this after everything that Bill did to Maya .
Rick : Which I hate him for .
Eric : But you ll overlook it if it means you might keep your seat as CEO .
Rick : No , I ca nt overlook it . I will make Spencer pay ... when the time is right .
Eric : But not now .
Rick : What you do nt know is Nicole told me where Maya was hiding out . I went to see her , had a long talk .
Eric : That s great .
Rick : Well , it was all a big misunderstanding . We still have a lot to work through , but when Maya heard what was going on , the one thing she made very clear is for me to do whatever it takes to stop Ridge .
Eric : Even if it means getting into bed with the devil ?
Rick : The last thing Ridge expects us to do is -- is go to Spencer , and if he still has those shares and we can pull this off , we ll blindside Ridge . It ll be a knockout punch . And it s up to me to convince Spencer to help us land it .
Steffy : Oh , my God . What are you talking about ?
Ivy : Yesterday , you were in here talking to Liam .
Steffy : Oh . So , you were eavesdropping ?
Ivy : No .
Steffy : Oh .
Ivy : What I did hear was you telling him that you re in love with him and that you re always gon na be in love with him . It s like you ca nt let an opportunity go by .
Steffy : Without reminding Liam how I feel ?
Ivy : [ Scoffs ]
Steffy : Okay , Ivy , I m always going to love Liam . We ve shared a lot .
Ivy : Yeah , and I --
Steffy : And I believe that he ll always love me .
Ivy : And you honestly believe that , even though he s clearly moved on ?
Steffy : Has he ?
Ivy : [ Scoffs ]
Katie : Do nt pay any attention to him . He s just trying to get a rise out of you .
Bill : Hey , if Ivy s okay with Liam and Steffy doing their thing over at Forrester --
Liam : A - and if by doing your thing , you mean working with Ridge as professionals to get the company back on track --
Bill : Yeah , yeah , working as professionals . Blah , blah , blah . I m sure Steffy is completely over you .
Katie : Oh , uh , Liam did nt say that . But , you know , we both know Liam very well , and he s committed to Ivy .
Bill : Well , uh , what Liam better be committed to is making sure that Spencer Publications reaps the benefit of that takeover because that s why I gave Liam control of my shares in the first place .
Liam : Listen , man , I m very grateful . I know how hard it is for you to give up control ...
Katie : [ Chuckles ]
Liam : ... Of anything . And -- and to have my back not only with your support , but with your 12.5 % , that really means a lot --
Bill : All right , yeah , save all the mushy stuff , okay ? Especially when things are not a fait accompli until they are . Especially if that something involves Ridge . I mean , so , the guy can make a dress . That does nt qualify him to be CEO . But you re gon na have to keep an eye on him . In fact , we are both going to have to keep an eye on him .
Ridge : So , that s it . All the same combined shares without Steffy s stipulation .
Caroline : Wow . It s a ... whole new era at Forrester Creations .
Ridge : It s a whole new power structure . Steffy s gon na be president , Liam vice president , and I will be pulling double - duty .
Caroline : As CEO and head designer ... which means that you re gon na be twice as busy .
Ridge : Which means I wo nt be here . And neither will you ... cause you re gon na be right by my side . My design partner . The woman in my life .
Bill : I do nt give a damn . You get back to me with what I wanted A.S.A.P. you got it ? Good .
Rick : Well , I see you re hiding out in your office .
Bill : Oh , boy . All right , look , uh , yeah , I m gon na have to give you a binky if you re gon na have a little temper tantrum right in my office .
Rick : How the Hell could you do that to Maya ? That was her story to tell , if and when she wanted to tell it . You had no right .
Bill : I had every right . Take a look around . I m the king of a publishing empire . And my loyal subjects -- I.E. the public -- had every right to know they were being played like suckers .
Rick : No , that s not how it was . You took something extremely private and you exposed it , which is -- is cruel and it s ruthless .
Bill : [ High - pitched ] Cruel and ruthless . [ Normal voice ] You want a box of tissues ? All right , get over yourself . This is my business , and I made a sound business decision .
Rick : Only that s not what s happening , because I ve already seen the backlash that s happening to your company .
Bill : I ll you what , slick . I ll worry about my company , and you just worry about Milton , Myron , or Maya -- whatever .
Rick : All right , enough ! I m here for another reason , anyway . I have a proposal for you . One that I m quite sure that you re not gon na want to turn down .
Ivy : What is it going to take to convince you ?
Steffy : Oh , that you re Liam s future and I m his past ?
Ivy : Steffy , he s been completely straight with you , no mixed signals , and yet you continuously believe that there s a chance for you both !
Steffy : What ? That -- that he still loves me ? Look , we ve shared a lot , Ivy . And we re always gon na love each other . And that s something that I do nt think you ll ever understand .
Ivy : I do nt want to have what you had with Liam . We re two completely different people . We re in a brand - new relationship , but what we do have is something so special .
Steffy : Yeah , and -- and I get that . But Liam and I will always have -- always have a connection , you know ? A certain je ne sais quoi .
Ivy : You just --
Liam : Hey ! Oh . Hi . Uh , I did nt realize --
Ivy : Actually , no , this is perfect timing . Steffy was just about to tell me how much you re in love with her . So , I m just wondering -- is that true ?
Caroline : I m really happy for you , the company . I mean , you ve been working for this for a really , really long time , and I think that you re gon na make an amazing CEO
Ridge : Yeah , I m not sure my dad agrees . He thinks I betrayed him .
Caroline : Well , maybe he just ca nt admit it because of the guilt that Rick s put on him .
Ridge : Yeah , maybe that s part of it . I never wanted it to get to this , you know ?
Caroline : You re not thinking of yourself . You re thinking of -- of the company , you know ? And your children s legacy , Eric s legacy . I think -- I think when things settle down a bit , he ll -- he ll see that , and -- and the hurt feelings will subside . I mean , you re not -- you re not gon na lose your father over this .
Ridge : It s ironic , is nt it ?
Caroline : What ?
Ridge : I m going against the man I love using the shares of a man I detest .
Rick : I despise you , Spencer . But I can be cutthroat , too .
Bill : Sure you can .
Rick : Which is why we need to team up .
Bill : Team up ?
Rick : Yeah , you see , uh -- see , Ridge is showing his hands , which , uh , circumstances are shifting .
Bill : At Forrester .
Rick : Circumstances that would give you a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity .
Bill : Yeah , well , I ve been offered more once - in - a - lifetime opportunities than I can shake a stick at , but ... do go on .
Rick : You see , you and I , we speak the same language . Uh , we re both shrewd businessmen , which is why I hate coming to you with this , but ...
Bill : You want my shares .
Rick : You ve obviously given Liam control of them . They re still yours , which I m hoping that means that they re still in play .
Bill : Why would you think that ?
Rick : Well , if you combine your shares with Ridge and his kids , Ridge will be in control . But if you vote your shares with my dad and me , it will be 50/50 , an even split .
Bill : Thereby defeating Ridge s attempt to oust you as CEO or so you hope .
Rick : You do realize if , uh , Ridge becomes CEO , you wo nt have any say in the company .
Bill : Well , I have virtually no say now .
Rick : You will if you join forces with my dad and me .
Bill : How s that ?
Rick : Well , for starters , you wo nt have any persona non grata every time you walk in the building the way you would with Ridge .
Bill : Whoopee .
Rick : And there s one other little detail . My dad and I discussed , uh , the idea of you being able to choose Forrester s next president .
Bill : Who would have to answer to you , the CEO .
Rick : Anybody you would want as president .
Bill : Hmm ! Even me ?
Rick : Even you . And Ridge would have to answer to you .
Caroline : How does a girl get in good with the new CEO ?
Ridge : I m not CEO yet . Let s not jump the gun .
Caroline : Okay , fine , but it s still a really big deal for you and for those of us who love you .
Ridge : I m just glad that Liam has his father s shares . Otherwise , none of this would be happening .
Caroline : No . [ Laughs ]
Rick : This is your chance , Spencer . Who would you rather team up with ? Us ... or Ridge ?
### Summary:
| Ridge watches Caroline sleep and gently wakes her up . She said she had physical therapy and fell asleep . Rick tells Eric that he did more research last night and he found nothing to back that Ridge has control of Bill s shares . So that is their long shot , the only one they have . Katie walks in on Liam being measured for a new suit since Bill thinks he needs one with his new title . Ivy confronts Steffy about the takeover and her staying in L.A. Liam asks Katie what does she know about Steffy that they do nt . She knows Steffy had a big assist in helping Ridge and she is used to getting her way . And she thinks Ivy is pretty gutsy herself so how is Liam going to feel working with Steffy and being involved with Ivy too . Liam tries to explain Steffy is not going to be a problem , none of those old feelings re - surfacing .and Bill adds sarcastically that Ivy will not be bothered by that . Ivy tells Steffy that she did not need rescuing and Rick will not go down without a fight . Eric says he knows Rick wants to remain CEO but he does not want to depend on Bill for any reason . Ivy tells Steffy that she does not have a problem with her working with Liam but she does have a problem of her making an open play for him every chance she can get . Steffy rationalizes it that she will always love Liam and he loves her too . Ivy questions her if that means even if Liam has moved on . What will it take for Steffy to realize that . Rick states he does hate Bill and he did Maya wrong , but he will overlook it for this . He and Maya still have a lot to work on but there is hope . And the last thing Ridge will expect is for them to go to Bill and that be the knockout punch but he thinks he can land it . Bill tells Liam he gave him the shares but they both are going to have to keep an eye on Ridge . Just because he can make a dress does not mean he is good CEO material . Ridge tells Caroline she is going to be his design partner , the woman in his life . Caroline says she does not want Ridge to lose his father over this .so let things settle down . Rick marches into Bill s office and chides him for taking something extremely private about Maya and publishing it . He had no right . Bill says look around and see his publishing company without his binky and he will see he had every right . Rick shuts up and says that is not the reason he came anyway . He has a proposal he thinks Bill can not turn down . Rick says he hates coming to Bill but they are both shrewd business men and he hopes his shares are still in place so if he sides with him and his father they will have 50 % and Ridge can not win . And Bill could name the next President , even himself .. and Ridge would answer to him . Liam walks in on Ivy s convo with Steffy and she asks him if it is true that he is still in love with Steffy . Rick tells Bill this is his chance to team up with who he wants he and Eric or Ridge ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Abigail : Okay , well , so far it looks like all of my rsvps are a yes .
Chad : That s awesome . Who could say no to you ?
Abigail : I was just worried that I had sent them out a little too last minute .
Chad : Apparently not .
Abigail : You know , I am looking really forward to formally announcing that my brilliant husband is going to be back at the helm as ceo .
Chad : Does feel like our lives are finally getting back on track .
Abigail : Between my brother being reinstated and theo coming out of a coma , I got a pretty good feeling it s going to be an amazing new year for everyone .
Kate : I m totally screwed .
Andre : Well , good morning to you too .
Kate : Abe knows .
Andre : What , theo told him the truth ?
Kate : No , I did .
Andre : What ? That s why you went to the hospital , to make sure the truth did nt come out .
Kate : Theo had already lied that he was working alone by the time I got to the hospital . Apparently , he felt that he needed to protect me . He feels , in his mind , that I m still part of dimera family .
Andre : Well , you are my wife .
Kate : And I m chad s enemy . You know he called me a coward because he said I was letting theo take the blame , and i was nt stepping up .
Andre : So you came clean to prove him wrong ?
Kate : Now I m waiting for abe to lower the boom .
Rafe : Abe . What can I do for you ?
Abe : There s something you and I need to discuss about theo s case .
Claire : Do you have any idea how excited I am ? That I get to ring in the new year with the man I love ? [ Phone ringing ] Hey , tripp , what s up ?
Tripp : I m just at the café , getting really slammed .
Claire : I mean , did nt fran bring anyone else in ?
Tripp : You and I were the only ones scheduled , and I tried covering for you , but fran said you ve already taken too much time off . If you do nt come in , I m afraid you re going to get fired .
Claire : I mean , she said I could take off as much time as I needed to be with theo .
Tripp : I guess since he s awake , she s not feeling too generous .
Claire : Ugh . Okay , whatever . Just tell her I m on my way .
Tripp : There , I did what you wanted . Happy now ?
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Jennifer : Oh , hey !
Hope : Hey ! Hi !
Jennifer : I am so glad that you could come meet me today . Hi !
Hope : Hi ! Take a deep breath ! I can meet you just about any day , you know why ? Because I have plenty of time on my hands at the moment .
Jennifer : Well , I mean , hopefully not much longer . I know I ve told you this before , but jj and I , we still feel horrible that you lost your job going to bat for him .
Hope : Stop , stop , stop . Jj is a good cop . I could nt be happier that he s been reinstated .
Jennifer : Well , I talked to abe about forgiving jj , and he came around , so maybe he ll extend that change of heart to you , I hope .
Hope : Well , as much as i would love to see that happen , um ... I have a lot of other things on my mind these days .
Jennifer : Wait , you and rafe are still okay after that little mini - breakup right ?
Hope : It s not rafe that I m worried about . It s ciara .
Ciara : What s your problem ?
Tripp : I should nt have done that .
Ciara : Hey , it s not like i forced you .
Tripp : You know , I m gon na call claire back .
Ciara : Wait , stop !
Tripp : I do nt like lying to her .
Ciara : Tripp , listen to me . It s just one little white lie , that s all . No one gets hurt ! It just helps us achieve our goal .
Tripp : I do nt know .
Ciara : Well , I do . Claire shows up here , so I have a chance to tell theo how I feel about him . And then , once theo dumps claire , she s all yours ! That way , we both get what we want .
Claire : Mom , dad ! What are you guys doing here ?
Shawn : We came here to see theo , and you have nt been returning our phone calls , so we figured we d find you here .
Belle : We were hoping you would join us for a farewell breakfast .
Claire : Wait , what ? You guys are leaving already ?
Shawn : Yeah , your mom , she got a big job , a big project there .
Belle : Listen , I took a leave of absence to come here when all this happened with theo , but I ca nt stay .
Claire : I know , I get it . I understand . I m bummed I ca nt even go to breakfast right now because I have to go to work .
Belle : Oh . Well , that s more important .
Shawn : Yeah , and I mean , do nt worry , you know ? We ll be back for grandma s wedding .
Belle : Yeah .
Claire : Okay , well ... better not have a long , teary goodbye , because mascara streaks do nt really bring in the big tips , so ...
Belle : You gon na be okay ?
Claire : Yeah . I mean , now that theo s awake , I m great , so ...
Shawn : What about the situation with ciara ?
Claire : Oh , I mean she s still a nightmare , but I m handling it
Belle : Listen , we can talk to her , if it really--
Claire : No , no , no . That would be so lame . She would think that I was using my mommy and daddy to fix all my problems , and like I said , I m handling it . But thank you . I hate that you re leaving . Oh , no ! I m gon na miss you guys .
Belle : I m gon na miss you too , sweetie .
Claire : Okay , in the meantime , lots of photos ! And e - mails , and video chats and all that , okay ?
Shawn : Yes , yes , absolutely .
Claire : I love you guys so much .
Shawn : I love you too .
Belle : I love you too , sweetie .
Claire : Aww .
Shawn : She s gon na be okay . She s gon na be all right .
Belle : I know . I know . It s not just about claire , it s just ... I just feel like my work here is nt done , you know ?
Shawn : What ? Do you mean with the dimeras ?
Belle : You know , I just do nt really want to let chad down , and I just feel like after all these weeks , I m no further along than when I started .
Abigail : So I told chloe to plan that about 3/4 of the guests that were invited would actually show up . But I should probably double check to make sure she ordered enough food and champagne .
Chad : I m sure she has .
Abigail : Yeah , but I do nt want to risk it . Do you know what I really wish is that doug and julie were nt out of town , because she would know exactly what to do . And tonight has to be perfect !
Chad : That s a lot of pressure for one night .
Abigail : I know . But when you stepped down as ceo -- ah ! You are terrible . Company stock fell , and revenue came almost came to a complete halt . Okay ? So it is up to us to convince the dimera board that you are the man to fix what s broken , which means nothing can go wrong tonight . I saw the change in rich when we moved into the new house .
Claire : God , you know , it s so weird .
Tripp : What is ?
Claire : Like fran seemed surprised I was even here . Not mad at all .
Tripp : So how s theo doing ? Ready to get out of the hospital , I bet .
Claire : Yeah , I mean he s not going anywhere until the doctors evaluate him , and figure out what kind of therapy he ll need .
Tripp : Well , you must be relieved , after practically living in that hospital .
Claire : I know , and I really could not have done this without you , you know ? Covering my shifts , making sure I remember to eat , and sleep , I mean I could not have done this without you . You ve been a great friend , so thank you so much . I owe you , big time .
Tripp : You do nt owe me .
Claire : Tripp , are you serious ? No , I would ve lost this job if it were nt for you . So , uh ... which tables are mine ? Yeah ?
Tripp : Um , none of them .
Claire : [ Laughs ] Very funny .
Tripp : No , I mean it . Fran was surprised to see you because she was nt expecting you .
Claire : I mean , when you called me , you said that she--
Tripp : I know what I said . But the truth is ciara wanted to talk to theo without you being there . She s the one who got me to call .
Claire : I m sorry , what ? Tripp , you lied ? To help ciara be alone with my boyfriend ?
Tripp : I m so sorry .
Claire : That bitch ! How did she get you to take her side ?
Tripp : I did nt do it for her . [ Clears throat ] As much as ciara wanted to be alone with theo ... I wanted to be alone with you .
Ciara : Do you remember that time you got me the heart shaped pizza ?
Theo : I do , yeah . You ate way more of it than I did .
Ciara : I did . You used to do lots of sweet things like that . I did nt always deserve it . But I did nt come here to talk about the past . I came here to tell you in person what I did nt have the guts to tell you before I left salem last summer .
Theo : What s that ?
Ciara : I still love you , theo . Oh , wow ! When I thought you were shot , I thought I d never be able to tell you that . But we have another chance now . And I am glad , because I really do believe , theo , with all of my heart that you and I belong together .
Hope : Seems the only person ciara is nt angry with these days is theo . She blames claire for the fact that they re not togetheR.
Jennifer : Wait , I thought ciara was the one who broke up with theo in the first place .
Hope : Yeah , well she s had a change of heart . And she sees claire as the only obstacle standing in her way . When the two of them are together , cuz , ciara can be so hostile ,
Jennifer : That makes me really sad , they were so close .
Hope : So close , and as if that is nt upsetting enough , something is now going on between ciara and rafe . I mean , not between them-- you know what I mean . She said she needs to talk to me about him .
Jennifer : And you have no idea why ?
Hope : I have absolutely no idea why . We did nt get a chance to talk about it , but she seems very upset with him , and why I-- god , I do nt know . I mean -- I do nt know !
Rafe : So you want me to step down so hope can have her job back ?
Abe : You tried to talk me out of firing hope , and I would nt listen . I let my personal feelings get in the way , and that s always been a mistake .
Rafe : It doesnt-- you know what ? It happens to all of us , does nt it ?
Abe : Well , regardless , I hope we can all put this whole episode behind us and move on .
Abigail : It s nice to see that hope and rafe are gon na make it . Kind of hoping I can convince jj and lani to come together . You are the worst .
Chad : Hoping I can talk you into coming over here .
Abigail : Oh , chad , I ve got so much work I got ta do . Come on , oh , no , seriously , I have so much work to do .
Chad : Watch your fingers !
Abigail : Mm , I should see who that is .
Chad : Oh , nope !
Abigail : [ Moans ]
Shawn : According to the internal affairs report , theo believed that there was a server inside that building that was being used to hack dimera and steal corporate secrets .
Belle : But that was a dummy corporation , right ? Like cfr partners or something ?
Shawn : Yeah , yeah , that was the name that was on the lease .
Belle : Huh . Well , there s no way of knowing whether they were hacking or not , since the building was cleared out by the time the police raided it , right ?
Shawn : Yeah , still , it challenges chad s working theory that andre is dimera s saboteur .
Belle : You do nt think he is ?
Shawn : No , it does nt make any sense . Why would a guy hack into a company that he already has access to ? He s got access to inside secrets and everything !
Belle : Huh . Wow , leave it to the brilliant detective to ask the questions I should have asked from the very beginning . Wow .
Andre : If abe was going to arrest you , he would ve done that last night .
Kate : No , no . You did nt see his reaction when I confessed that I was the one that had ordered the break - in .
Andre : So what did he say ?
Kate : Well , he did nt say much . But his look said everything , you know ? He s always been so excruciatingly slow and deliberate and yet he did nt take any action . I think he just wanted me to spend the night sweating the possibility of prison before he makes my nightmare a reality .
Rafe : Well , in the end , all that really matters is that theo is awake , and he s gon na be all right .
Abe : Yeah , yeah , I hope so . I m afraid my son has a long road ahead of him . I m just hopeful that everything can go back to the way it was before this whole ordeal began for all of us .
Rafe : Yeah .
Jennifer : I am sure whatever issue ciara has with rafe is nothing to worry about . Cuz , from your lips to god s ears . I just pray to god that whatever it is is resolved by the time we say I do .
Jennifer : What ? Does that mean you finally set a date ?
Hope : Oh ...
Jennifer : Yes ?
Hope : Well , we re looking , you know , at the calendar , zeroing in on a few dates , yes .
Jennifer : I am so , so glad that things are good between you two .
Hope : Things are better than good , actually . Gosh , we can not wait to ring in the new year and say goodbye , bye - bye , 2017 , bye - bye !
Jennifer : Yes !
Hope : Oh , wait , you re going to the dimera party , right ?
Jennifer : Oh , yeah , abigail wants me to go , just you know , press coverage .
Hope : Well , you re more than welcome to join me and rafe after you finish , you know that .
Jennifer : Oh , thanks . Yeah , I m actually going with someone , so ...
Hope : You are ? Who ? What ?
Jennifer : It s eric , just dont -- we re going as friends , I do nt want to mess that up .
Hope : Not even for a little romance ?
Jennifer : Hope !
Hope : What ? Come on .
Jennifer : I broke things off with him because he was still in love with nicole .
Hope : She s gone . Bye - bye .
Jennifer : She s gone from salem , not from eric s heart .
Hope : Maybe he needs a little help to move on , you know , like giddyup ?
Jennifer : Hope ...
Hope : What ?
Jennifer : No , it s new years eve . And it s a hard day for eric because of everything that happened with daniel . I just want to be there for him . You know ?
Hope : Excuse me , sorry . Oh ! Rafe needs me to go down to the station . I got ta go .
Jennifer : No , hold on !
Hope : What ?
Jennifer : Look at me .
Hope : I am .
Jennifer : I do nt want you to say one thing to eric about us , okay ? Or me ! Nothing ! Nothing !
Hope : The network s not with me .
Jennifer : Pinky ! Nothing !
Hope : I m keeping my pinkies to myself !
Jennifer : Promise me !
Hope : I love you !
Jennifer : I love you . Promise !
Hope : I promise you that i love you and I want you to be happy !
Theo : Why are you telling me this now ? I m still with claire , I ca nt be with you .
Ciara : But theo , do nt you see ? Claire is using you , it s what she does to everyone that she pretends to care about !
Theo : She s not using me , she loves me .
Ciara : I hate to break it to you , theo , but I am 100 % certain that if you stayed in that coma for any longer , claire would ve left you for someone else .
Claire : Okay , um ... tripp , how long has this been going on ? And why would you say something to ciara and not me ?
Tripp : I did nt tell ciara , she just figured it out .
Claire : And what ? What , you think that now theo s awake , you have a chance with me ?
Tripp : No , no .
Claire : Then why did you help ciara get me away from him ?
Tripp : I should nt have , okay ? I let my emotions get in the way of what I knew was right , and I am so sorry . I m sorry . Say something . Just ... just please say you do nt hate me .
Claire : No , no , it S ... tell fran I had to go , okay ? ( Vo ) more doing chores for mom
Theo : No , claire wouldnT ... leave me for someone else . I told you , she loves me .
Ciara : Do you have any idea how many boyfriends claire had senior year ? 16 ! 16 , theo , and now she has one ! I mean , do you really think a person can change that fast ?
Theo : I ... look , I do nt know . All I know is she s been really good to me .
Ciara : And I have nt been ? Theo , I mean , come on . We ve been best friends since we were kids . We have a stronger bond than most couples I know .
Theo : I know . You and I have always had a really strong bond . Oh , god , I ... I could nt stand it if I lost you .
Ciara : I could nt stand it either .
Hope : Rafe , I got your text . Abe , I did nt know you were going to be here .
Abe : I asked rafe to call you down .
Hope : What is it ? Is it theo ?
Abe : No , no . Theo s -- is fine , thank god . I wanted to talk about you . Internal affairs has validated everything you said about jj s culpability . Or ... should I say his in - culpability in theo s shooting ? You were trying to protect me from compromising the case with my personal feelings . And I fired you for it . I truly am sorry .
Hope : Apology accepted . I know I ve done some serious damage to our friendship . So I m hopeful that what I m about to do will be the first step in repairing that .
Hope : I do nt understand .
Abe : Rafe and I discussed this and we both agree that the best person to do the job of commissioner is you .
Rafe : And with that said ... boom . Welcome back , commissioner brady . Hm ?
Hope : Thank you .
Abe : Yeah . As far as theo s case is concerned , I m turning it over to you . It S ... it s up to you , the way to move forward with it .
Hope : Thank you . I can not tell you how much this means to me , that you trust me again , abe .
Abe : I never stopped . I was ... I was just scared for my son .
Hope : I know . I know , I understand .
Abe : Well , since you re taking over theo s case , you should know that he made a statement about the shooting .
Rafe : Yeah , actually , lani took this thing ... that s right here . And ...
Hope : Theo was working alone ? That s not at all what I was expecting .
Abe : Well , I have something to say about that .
Kate : Even if abe does nt have me arrested , the dimera board hates scandal . If they find out that I m the one who is the reason that theo was shot , chad wo nt be the only one who wants me barred from everything dimera .
Andre : Well , I ll do whatever I can to make sure that does nt happen . I want you by my side at wilhelmina .
Kate : Even if chad does nt ?
Andre : Chad said I can do whatever it is I want . And I want you to work with me . No matter what .
Kate : Well , the board despises you . Your support might do me more harm than good . Andre , look , I will always be grateful to you for standing by me and for fighting on my behalf against chad , I will .
Andre : Well , that s what a husband s supposed to do , is nt he ? Defend his wife ? Listen , no matter what happens , even the worst , come with me to abigail s party tonight . Like one last hurrah , so to speak .
Kate : Would nt it embarrass you if your date , your wife , is dragged out in handcuffs ?
Andre : You d go out with a bang .
Chad : You still worried about the party ?
Abigail : What party ? [ Phone ringing ] Oh no , ignore it . No . Tell them to -- no , no , no , no . [ Overlapping laughter ] Maybe you should answer that one .
Chad : I thought you were leaving for hong kong today .
Belle : We re supposed to , but I wanted to call you before we leave .
Chad : What s up ?
Belle : Well , shawn and I have been putting our heads together , trying to figure out who might be sabotaging dimera .
Chad : Any luck ?
Belle : I think we might have a lead .
Abe : Oh , uh , I was wrong to tell you how to handle your job with regard to jj and the shooting . You should handle it the way you see fit . Theo committed a crime . So if you feel charges should be brought against him ...
Hope : Abe , hold on one second . According to the statement that theo gave , he planned on breaking into the building , but never actually followed through . All he really did was set off the alarm , which makes it a charge of an attempted b & e at best .
Rafe : She s right , abe . Any halfway decent lawyer will have that knocked down to a misdemeanor .
Hope : And he would probably plead it out anyway . I have better ways of allocating police resources than on a case that most likely is going to be thrown out of court .
Abe : Does this mean that you re not going--
Hope : Theo paid a very high price for his action . At least as far as I m concerned , this case is closed .
Abe : Thank you . Thank you .
Theo : You mean so much to me .
Ciara : You have no idea how good it is to hear you say that .
Theo : But you re my best friend . I do nt want that to change .
Ciara : Um ... I was talking about what we were before , theo . What we could be again , a couple .
Theo : Yeah , but only if i cheated on claire , and I m not gon na do that . I love her , I m sorry .
Ciara : Oh , wow . Okay , but what about all those fights you guys used to have ? When she would get mad at you for trying to help her ?
Theo : I know , but look , couples fight all the time . And claire and I do nt fight half as much as--
Ciara : Say it ! What ? As much as you and I did ?
Theo : You and I did fight a lot . And now you re fighting with claire a lot . Okay , if we-- if we could stop , maybe you and claire could stop , and you guys could finally be friends again .
Ciara : No . No . That s never gon na happen , theo .
Theo : Ciara , come on . You just -- you--
Belle : So shawn made a compelling case that this might not be an inside job , right ? So I ve been following the money , but I have nt found anything yet .
Chad : Keep at it , okay ?
Belle : But listen , shawn thinks you should keep your guard up . It s been a while since dimera s been attacked , and I think it s coming , maybe soon . My daughter is ...
Hope : I ca nt believe it . I ca nt believe that you have to go back so soon to hong kong !
Shawn : Well , blame her . She s popular , and she s got a big project back waiting for her .
Belle : Yeah , well , as soon as it s over , we ll be back for a visit !
Rafe : Well , you better be back , in fact , you better be back before our wedding .
Belle : Did you two set a date ?
Hope : Well , you know , we re getting closer .
Shawn : Okay , well , when you do set the date , you better let us know , because we will be back .
Belle : Yeah , would nt miss that !
Abigail : So , if someone from the outside is trying to sabotage dimera , that means they could be watching our every move , which also means they might try to sabotage the party tonight .
Chad : I am confident you have done everything to make this party go off without a hitch .
Abigail : Mm - hmm . There might be one little hitch , but it would only affect you . Andre asked if he could bring kate to the party , and I said yes . Do nt be mad . Are you mad ?
Chad : Mm ...
Abigail : Do nt be mad !
Chad : I m not thrilled . But I suppose it s better that she s there . That way , we do nt raise the board s suspicions .
Abigail : That s what i thought too .
Chad : Why my brother cares about that woman is just beyond me . What ? Hey , what are you not telling me ?
Abigail : You are not going to like this . I think that andre cares about kate because he wants to turn their marriage of convenience into something real .
Andre : Well , you have nt answered my question . Are you going to go to the party with me ?
Kate : I d be delighted , because if I m going out with a bang , it might as well be with style .
Abe : Thank you , harold .
Kate : Here we go .
Andre : I wish harold would ve let us know we had visitors .
Abe : Actually , I came to see you , kate .
Kate : Well ?
Abe : It pains me greatly to say this . You re going to get off scott free . You re not going to be held accountable for your part in theo s shooting .
Kate : Thank you , abe .
Abe : I m not doing it for you . I m doing it for my son . Bringing you into this situation might ve reversed the department s decision not to press charges against him .
Kate : Well , that would be unthinkable . He s been through enough already .
Abe : Yes , he has . But there is one condition to my kindness . In exchange for my silence , I expect something from the dimeras . Mother nature
Hope : Hey .
Shawn : Hm ?
Hope : Can I ask you a favor ?
Shawn : Yeah , anything .
Hope : Your sister--
Shawn : Yeah .
Hope : As you know , she s going through a very rough time right now , and so angry with claire ... the world .
Shawn : Yeah .
Hope : I know she s so crazy about the two of you . If she happens to open up , would you--
Shawn : Yes , I know . I will ! I will let you know , I will tell you everything , I promise .
Hope : Thank you . You re such a good brother .
Shawn : Mm - hmm .
Hope : She s so lucky to have you . You ve always looked out for your sister , and I m so grateful for that . You ve never disappointed her or hurt her .
Tripp : So I guess I do nt have to ask if claire interrupted your big moment with theo . Look , I m sorry , ciara . I had to tell her the truth .
Ciara : It does nt matter .
Tripp : What do you mean ?
Ciara : Theo does nt want me . He wants her . She s the one that he s in love with . I told him everything . That I still love him , regretted pushing him away , but all he could talk about was claire . So I guess you and I both lose .
Theo : That was a quick shift .
Claire : Yeah , there was a-- there was a mix - up with the schedule . Do you really mean all of those nice things you said to ciara about me ? Theo : Why would I say them if they re not true ? But you really should nt be eavesdropping .
Claire : I know . I know , but that s nothing compared to the guilt trip that she just laid on you . Theo , are you okay ?
Theo : I m always okay when you re here . I am kind of tired , though .
Claire : Okay , then rest . You need to get well . I ll be right here when you wake up .
Abe : In exchange for my silence , you are not to allow my son to work for the dimeras .
Andre : So much for trusting theo to make his own decisions .
Kate : Okay . Will you stop ?
Abe : I want to trust him . But he s already had one job that nearly cost him his life . And I ca nt let that happen again .
Kate : I understand .
Andre : We all want what s best for theo .
Jennifer : Eric , hey ! I was just about to call you ! Jj what ? Oh , that is so great , because i thought with theo being out of the woods , that maybe he would nt follow through and go to counseling , so ... oh , tonight ? Uh , yeah . Well , what time sounds good ? Yeah , that s great . Oh , that s okay , you know , I can just meet you there , really ... okay , okay . I will let you pick me up . Yeah , I m looking forward to it too .
Abigail : Okay , okay . So , it says hope , rafe , andre , kate , um ... oh , weird .
Chad : What ?
Abigail : I just -- I do nt recognize this e - mail .
Chad : About what ?
Abigail : I do nt know , i guess I just sent out so many , I do nt even know who it is , but I guess I will find out tonight , if whoever it is decides they re gon na show up .
### Summary:
| Abe went to see Rafe about something important . Tripp called Claire while she was with Theo . He told her that she had to work . Ciara was satisfied that he told her the lie . Ciara wanted a chance to see Theo . Tripp did nt approve of lying . Ciara told him that he could have Claire . Belle and Shawn told Chloe that they were leaving town . Later , Claire went to work and thanked Tripp for helping her keep her job . Tripp admitted that Ciara was the one who wanted him to call her . Claire wanted to know how she got him to do it . He admitted that he wanted to be alone with her . Ciara visited Theo . She told him that she loved him . She thought they deserved another chance . Hope talked to Jennifer about Ciara s behavior towards Claire and Rafe . Rafe figured out that Abe wanted to reinstate Hope as commissioner . Abe admitted that he was being irrational towards Hope . Belle and Shawn talked about who could have been hacking into DiMera Enterprises . Andre thought that Abe would have said something to Kate if he was going to do it . Hope advised Jennifer to go after Eric , but she thought they were just friends . Jennifer did nt want Hope to say anything to Eric . Theo reminded Ciara that he s with Claire . Ciara tried to convince him that Claire would be with Tripp soon . Claire was nt happy with Tripp because of what he did . Ciara tried to make Theo realize that they should be together . Ciara and Theo told each other that they could nt lose each other . Claire overheard them talking . Hope arrived at the station and saw Abe and Rafe . Abe apologized for the way he treated her . She accepted his apology . Abe wanted her to be the commissioner again . Abe told Hope and Rafe that Theo made a statement about what happened when he was shot . He took the blame for everything . Hope did nt see a point in pressing charges against him . Abe was grateful that she did nt want to press charges against Theo . Andre wanted Kate to work with him at Countess Wilhelmina and be his date at Abby and Chad s party . Theo told Ciara that he loved her , but he did nt want to cheat on Claire . He wanted Ciara to be friends with Claire , but she did nt want to be her friend anymore . Ciara started to walk out and saw Claire . Belle told Chad that she and Shawn were investigating who hacked the company . Abby told him that she was afraid the hacker would strike at the party . She told him that she invited Andre and Kate to the party . Andre asked Kate if she would go to the party . She agreed to go with him . Abe showed up at the mansion and told Kate that she would get off scot free . He wanted something in return for his silence . Ciara was at the town square and Tripp apologized for telling Ciara the truth . She did nt care because Theo did nt want her . Abe did nt want Theo to work for DiMera Enterprises anymore . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Adrienne : Oh , sonny .
Sonny : Mom .
Adrienne : Whoa . Hello . Am I that scary ?
Sonny : No . No , no , no . I just , um , I did nt hear you come in . I m just ... I m just thinking about something .
Adrienne : Leo starke .
Sonny : Why would you say that ?
Adrienne : Because the man almost ruined your life .
Sonny : But that s over now . The lawsuit is dropped , and leo S ... he left town .
Adrienne : But you must be afraid that he s gon na come back to town and cause trouble again .
Sonny : Not really .
Adrienne : Look , honey , it s okay to feel that way . I get it . I feel exactly the same way about that awful bonnie lockhart .
Sonny : Well , has uncle steve gotten any leads on her whereabouts ?
Adrienne : He s gotten close . She s a slippery one .
Sonny : He ll find her eventually . When he puts his mind to it , he can crack any case .
Adrienne : Yeah .
Steve : What the hell is this about ?
Kayla : What are you doing ?
Steve : Thought you had a meeting .
Kayla : It was cancelled . Do we need to have a conversation about respecting each other s privacy ?
Steve : Might be an awkward conversation , considering .
Kayla : Considering what ?
Steve : You want to tell me what this is about ? Why do you have a picture of ted laurent ? And why are you spying on kate dimera ?
Kate : What do you want ?
Ted : I just want to let you know that I will be stopping by later .
Kate : Oh , great . Because I have a box of your stuff waiting for you . Unless , of course , I decide to dump it in the lake .
Ted : I m also expecting the money . If I do nt get it , your grandson and his ex - husband will be charged for the murder of leo starke .
Kate : Why are you whispering ? Where are you ?
Ted : You do nt want to know .
Kate : Hi .
Will : Hi . I - I had nt heard from you since I left you with ted . What happened ?
Kate : I told you , I m handling it .
Will : What does that mean ? What are you gon na do ?
Hope : Counselor .
Ted : Hello , commissioner . I want to talk to you about my client , ben weston .
Hope : What about him ?
Ted : Well , I want you to drop the arson case and stop harassing him .
Hope : Hmm . Well , first of all , we were not harassing him . And secondly , I did drop the case . The investigation , it s over , counselor . Ben is a free man .
Tripp : Okay , so that s one vote yes , and , if you have nt guessed , my vote is no . So , claire . You break the tie .
Claire : Actually , uh ... my vote is yes . Ben can stay here .
Ciara : Uh , thank you for being reasonable . Unlike some people I know .
Tripp : Uh , claire , I , uh ... I do nt understand , how could you agree to let a serial killer live here ?
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Kayla : I thought I got rid of those photos .
Steve : I found them in your deleted folder .
Kayla : Why were you going through my deleted photos ? In fact , why were you going through my phone at all ?
Steve : Because you re hiding something from me .
Kayla : Could you just let this go ?
Steve : No . I canT. And I wonT. Because I m worried that you re in trouble .
Kayla : Steve .
Steve : Please , baby . Please just let me help you . Tell me what it is , and we ll work it out together .
Tripp : I dont -- what-- why would you ever trust him to live here after all the things that he s done ?
Claire : You know , if ben is such a great guy , then maybe ciara should just be with him .
Marlena : That s - that s not what I was saying .
Claire : I mean , why not ? That would be perfect . And tripp will be free from me , right ? I mean , if he can stand the sight of me anymore .
Marlena : Claire--
Claire : Look , I really do have to get going . I really do . But , oh , it s so good to see you . Thank you so much . I love you . I love you , I love you . You know , tripp , I spoke with my grandmother today , and she said that ben s totally sane .
Tripp : I m not sure you two are totally sane .
Ben : Okay , I m sorry , it s rough . But if it helps , I promise you , I d only stay here until I find another place .
Ciara : See ? It s only temporary .
Tripp : I do nt care if it s only for five minutes . It s not happening . There s no way I m letting this psycho move in with us .
Hope : Your client and i reached an understanding .
Ted : What do you mean ? You spoke to my client without me being present ?
Hope : Counselor . Relax . It was a friendly chat . Please . Sit down . I offered to close the arson investigation if he agreed to leave town .
Ted : I spoke to ben this morning , and he did nt mention anything about a deal . In fact , he was asking about other homeless shelters around salem area . Sounds like to me , he s gon na stick around . Once - daily toujeo ® helps you control your blood sugar .
Adrienne : So your uncle steve is thinking about hosting a big family dinner sometime next week to celebrate his successful eye surgery , so I do nt know what your sche-- are you waiting for a call or something ?
Sonny : Huh ?
Adrienne : I m trying to talk to you , and you re -- you re on that phone , like , every two seconds . What the heck ?
Sonny : I - I m just waiting to hear from will .
Adrienne : Oh .
Sonny : Yeah .
Adrienne : Oh .
Sonny : We ve been , um ... we re just trying to coordinate a time for him to come see ari .
Adrienne : Well , I m glad to hear you and will are on such good terms .
Sonny : Yeah , I think it s important to get along for ari s sake .
Adrienne : Absolutely .
Sonny : Yeah .
Adrienne : Co - parenting can be tricky .
Sonny : Why are you looking at me like that ?
Adrienne : Hmm ? No reason .
Sonny : Mom ?
Adrienne : Okay . I m just thinking that maybe there s more to it than this , that maybe you and will are on your way to getting back together , is all .
Kate : So , uh ... first , I tried to convince him to drop his blackmail scheme , put our relationship ahead of his desire for money .
Will : I do nt think that guy puts anything ahead of his desire for money .
Kate : No . Apparently not .
Will : Oh . I m sorry .
Kate : No , no , nO. Believe me , it s - it s the least of it . He s holding all the cards , will . I really think we have no choice but to pay off the bastard .
Will : Okay . Do you -- do you have the money for that ?
Kate : Well , actually , I m expecting a windfall from andre s inheritance . The transfer is supposed to happen this afternoon , so .
Will : Okay . I m gon na pay you back . I swear . I know it s a lot , but every cent , I do nt care how long it takes .
Kate : I m not worried .
Will : Well , I am . And I also ... I want you to know that I was telling the truth about leo . I promise you . It was an accident .
Kate : I believe you . But just for the record , if you had decided to off him purposely , I would nt blame you .
Will : Kate--
Kate : I am your grandmother , okay ? I would do anything to protect you , so .
Will : Thank you . I m sorry . I m sorry I dragged you into this mess . I just ... I did nt know where else to go .
Kate : Well , you did exactly the right thing , coming here , because in this situation , I am the master .
Kayla : I think you are letting your imagination run away with you .
Steve : You re a terrible liar , sweetness .
Kayla : I am not lying .
Steve : You ca nt even look me in the eye when you say that .
Kayla : I m not in danger .
Steve : Okay . Explain that picture of , uh , the lawyer guy and kate . Were you following them around ?
Kayla : No . I - I was just--
Steve : What were you gon na do with those pictures ?
Kayla : I , um ...
Steve : I got ta take this . Steve johnson . Are you sure ? Okay , hang tight . I ll be there as soon as I can .
Kayla : What was all that about ?
Steve : A case I m working on . There s been a break . I have to go . It s now or never . We re gon na finish this conversation when I come back .
Kayla : I love you .
Ciara : You said it yourself that when it comes to the loft , the three of us have equal say . The votes are in . Two to one , tripp . You lost .
Tripp : So you think that s the end of this ?
Claire : The decision is made .
Tripp : What happens when your parents find out ? Or your mom and rafe ?
Ciara : They do nt pay for the rent . We do .
Tripp : Claire , can you honestly say that you feel safe with this maniac sleeping on our couch ?
Ben : Tripp , listen . I get why you do nt trust me .
Tripp : That makes me feel so much better .
Ben : But I remember everything now . I did nt set the fire .
Tripp : The fact that you doubted it for a moment says everything I need to know .
Ciara : Okay .
Tripp : You need anything , I will be right outside in the hall .
Claire : Okay .
Kayla : Delete . Steve did nt see these photos . Delete .
Marlena : Busy ?
Kayla : Nope . I m just destroying incriminating photos so I can keep on lying to my husband .
Marlena : All righty , then . Sounds like you did nt tell him the truth about stefan last night , hmm ?
Kayla : I could nt get to him . I ran into stefan , and he told me that he has remote access to steve s bionic eye . He could shut it down any time he wants .
Marlena : Shut it down ?
Kayla : Yeah . And if he does , steve will be blind . Forever . I ca nt let that happen .
Adrienne : So you re okay with just being friends with will then ? And parents ?
Sonny : Am I okay with it ? I mean , no . I m not okay with it . Every time we re together , I am fighting all these old feelings . And then I m trying not to let him see that I ... that I actually still love him .
Adrienne : I know how badly you wanted that serum to work and for him to regain his memory .
Sonny : It seemed to be working . He actually remembered when I said I loved him , and he loved me back . He remembered that . Then it just ... it just stopped .
Adrienne : Did will want those memories to return ?
Sonny : I do nt know . It just does nt matter because he ran out of the serum , and the hospital refuses to make more .
Adrienne : So that s it ?
Sonny : Yeah , I guess so . I mean , that s it . I have to accept the fact that he s probably never gon na regain his memory . Which means I have no chance with him .
Adrienne : Oh , sonny , come on . You and I absolutely know that is not true .
Will : I ... I owe you one .
Kate : It s only money . I ll make more .
Will : Well , I mean , it s a lot of money . And I m not even just talking about that . I mean , like , you stood by me . And you risked everything .
Kate : You did me a big favor too , I mean , you showed me who ted really was before I got in too deep .
Will : Right , well , I m glad I could at least do that .
Kate : I mean , you would think after all this time , I would be able to pick a better man , would nt you ?
Will : Well , I mean , it s not your fault that ted turned out to be a snake .
Kate : Yeah , but I tend to follow the same pattern .
Will : Well , they re all idiots then . In my opinion . Because you re amazing . And you could do so much , so much better than ted .
Kate : Ah .
Will : Ugh .
Kate : [ Laughs ] Well , thank you for that .
Will : Yeah . Honestly , I just hope , one day , he gets what s coming to him .
Hope : I hope , for your client s sake , that you re wrong about him sticking around salem . Ben and I had an agreement .
Ted : That was not an agreement . That was intimidation . And now I have all the rights to sue you and your department for harassment if you try to reopen that arson case .
Hope : Where s ben ?
Ted : I have no idea . But like you said , ben weston is a free man . He can do whatever he wants . Have a good day , commissioner .
Claire : Well , showers will be limited to seven minutes or less . Please do not touch my special face soap or my music instruments . And definitely do not think about drinking my vitamin water .
Ben : Short showers , no vitamin water . I got it .
Claire : Great . Awesome , then we should be set .
Ben : Yeah . Thank you . For letting me stay here .
Claire : You should thank ciara .
Ben : Yeah . It just surprised me that you voted yes , considering how recently you just clobbered me over the head with a frying pan .
Claire : Okay , that was a misunderstanding .
Ben : Mm . Painful one . Still have the lump .
Claire : Sorry . I - I owed you , I guess .
Ben : Mm . So is that the reason you voted for me to crash here , or is there some other motive ?
Claire : What do you mean ?
Ben : I just was wondering if , you know , maybe there was something in it for you .
Tripp : Look , I know that ben helped you with your motorcycle accident .
Ciara : Saved my life .
Tripp : Yes . And I m grateful for that too . Okay , but to ask him to live here ...
Ciara : Okay . Yeah , I know . I admit , it was an impulsive decision .
Tripp : The man murdered people , ciara , and what-- now you re inviting him into our home ?
Ciara : He s not that person anymore . I owe him my life . I m sorry if that upsets you , but it s the right thing to do .
Tripp : For ben . But what about for you and me ? What does this mean for us ? Fact is , every insurance company hopes you drive safely .
Kayla : I ca nt let stefan take away his eyesight . Not after he s come so far . I m just gon na have to do what stefan says until I can figure out how to neutralize him .
Marlena : How long do you think you can do that ? Steve is going to catch on .
Kayla : He already has . He overheard me saying something to jenn . He knows ... that I am keeping something from him .
Marlena : What did you say ?
Kayla : I said it was about jenn . But he s not buying it . You know , I - I came back in here and found him on my phone .
Marlena : Did he find anything ?
Kayla : Well , some photographs that raised some questions .
Marlena : Okay . And what did you tell him ?
Kayla : He got a phone call about a case and said he had to leave . But he knows I m lying . How am I gon na keep him from finding out the truth ?
Adrienne : Just because you had to give up on will regaining his memory does nt mean you have to give up on winning him back .
Sonny : I tried . I did . And it did nt work .
Adrienne : Oh , honey . If there s still a connection between the two of you ... there is . I see it on your face !
Sonny : Okay , we ... have been spending a lot of time together lately . And when we re together , mom , it s so natural . You know , there s moments that he ll smile at me , like , a certain way . And for a moment , I ... he s made it clear . His heart is with paul .
Adrienne : Well , paul is a wonderful man . And I ... I was completely on board when you were gon na marry him . And I m not suggesting that you do anything unseemly to undermine their relationship , of course .
Sonny : Okay . Cause it sounds like that s exactly what you re doing .
Adrienne : Honey . I firmly believe that when two people belong together , they find a way , and I m just telling you , you should nt give up hope .
Sonny : Mom , hope is not going to make will fall back in love with me .
Adrienne : You need to talk to him one more time and tell him how -- yes!-- And tell him how you feel . Why not ? Why not ?
Sonny : Because I do nt want to make will s life more complicated than I already have .
Adrienne : What do you mean by that ?
Will : I am very proud of you for not setting ted s things on fire .
Kate : Well , thank you so much because I was very tempted , actually . I am so glad you have better instincts in men than I do .
Will : Oh , I dont-- well , I would like to think so , of course . Although , you know , I do nt remember most of my past .
Kate : Well , I know that paul is a very solid guy . I also know that he loves you very much .
Will : I m very lucky to have him . I really hated having to lie to him about the whole sonny and leo thing . I think it s a lot better that everything is out in the open noW.
Kate : So he knows about the blackmail .
Will : Oh , yeah . I tried to hide it and protect him , but he thought that something romantic was happening between sonny and me , and so sonny had to tell him the truth .
Kate : Did he have any reason to worry ?
Will : No . Of course not .
Kate : Well , I do nt think I would say of course not . I mean , you and sonny have , uh , quite a rich history between you .
Will : Yeah , that I do nt even remember , really .
Kate : Yeah , but the two of you have been spending a lot of time together , right ? Protecting the secret .
Will : Yeah , I mean , we have .
Kate : So what was that time like together ?
Will : I do nt know . Weve -- I mean , we definitely , sure , we formed a tighter connection over this whole nightmare , you know , protecting each other .
Kate : Connection .
Will : Connection . Not that -- no , no , no . Not that type . I -- okay . I love -- I love paul . That s it . That s the -- that s the end of the story .
Kate : Yeah , no , of course . I get it . I mean , I - I take the hint .
Will : Yeah .
Kate : Okay ? I m going to , uh , contact the bank and see if those funds came through . If they have , then we will pay ted , and we will be done with this .
Will : Okay . Thank you again . Thank you so much . Thank you .
Kate : Of course . It s my pleasure . Will , having you come back in my life has been such a gift to me . It really has . It has . And there is nt anything that I would nt do to keep you safe .
Will : Aww .
Kate : It s okay .
Will : Okay .
Kate : So I ll keep you posted .
Will : Um ... oh , um , what - what happens if ted does nt back down , even after you pay him ?
Kate : You let me worry about that . Ted is never going to bother you again .
Will : Okay .
Kate : Love you .
Will : I love you . Okay .
Adrienne : What do you mean , you complicate his life ?
Sonny : I just , I mean , you know , I do nt want to keep burdening him with my feelings . After a while , it s desperate .
Adrienne : Oh , honey . You do nt seem desperate .
Sonny : It s just not fair . Okay , it s not fair to will , it s not fair to paul if I keep getting in the middle of their relationship . They deserve a chance to make it work .
Adrienne : What about you ? What do you deserve ?
Sonny : I just need to focus on getting my life back on track . I need to prove that I deserve to lead titan . So maybe it is a good idea that I spend some time on myself . You know , some alone time . I could pick up hobbies . Right ? Rock climbing . Cage fighting . Or ... decoupage .
Adrienne : Honey . You re no good at art .
Sonny : Yeah , you re right . I forgot .
Adrienne : But you do deserve to be happy . If you love will , then you can not give up . You need to tell him how you feel , because you know , maybe , just maybe , he feels the same way .
Kate : Coming .
Ted : Got my money ?
Kate : Nice to see you too . It s all right here .
Ted : Great . I knew you d come through for me .
Kate : Not so fast . There are a few things we need to get straight first .
Hope : Are you sure ? No one named ben weston or anyone even fitting that description has checked into your shelter today ? Okay . If he does , come by . Call the police station right away . Thank you . This is exactly what I feared .
Ciara : I do nt see how ben staying here affects our relationship . Not if we re solid .
Tripp : Just - just trying to get back on track , ciara . I mean , we almost slept together and then ben shows up and ruins the mood , and now , what , he s gon na be staying on our sofa ? What s that gon na do to our love life ?
Ciara : You mean our sex life ?
Tripp : No , that S ... that s not what this is about . I m just worried that you re trying to find excuses to put distance between us again .
Ciara : No . Does nt have anything to do with this .
Tripp : I know you ve been through a lot of terrible things in your life , okay ? And if you want to take things slow , I am totally okay with that , but there s more to it .
Ciara : Like what ?
Tripp : Like you having feelings for ben .
Ciara : That s crazy .
Tripp : Is it ?
Claire : I ll admit , there are some benefits to having you stay here . Ciara and I just recently became friends again , and this vote definitely brought us closer together .
Ben : So it has nothing to do with your feelings for tripp , or ...
Claire : I m sorry , what ?
Ben : What ? Yeah . Ciara told me you re into him . It seems to me that it d be in your best interest if tripp and ciara were having problems .
Claire : Okay , well , I guess you could say that I still have some feelings for tripp .
Ben : You guess .
Claire : Look , I am not about to start another war with ciara . She is with tripp , and I have to respect that . The real question is , will you ? You re headed down the highway
Ben : I do nt know what you re talking about .
Claire : Oh , okay , so you do nt have feelings for ciara .
Ben : No . She s my friend .
Claire : Okay . If you say so .
Ben : Look , I - I helped her out when she was hurt . She helped me get out of jail . That s all there is to it .
Claire : Yeah , no , I understand , I do . I just ... I m just saying , if you did have feelings for her , then I think it might go both ways .
Ben : You mean , ciara--
Claire : Look , I m not saying that she openly said anything to me , but I do know her pretty well , and she does nt go out of her way to help just anybody .
Ben : Yeah , she has a big heart .
Claire : Yeah , but it s the way that she defends you . The way that she talks about the time that you guys spent together in the cabin . It just really sounds like more than a friendship to me .
Ben : Well , she never said anything about it to me , so .
Claire : Maybe she does nt realize it herself . But I see it . And so does tripp .
Ben : Tripp thinks ciara has feelings for me .
Claire : What did you think this whole thing was about ?
Ben : He believes I m dangerous .
Claire : Okay , well , you re right about that , just not in the way you think .
Ben : No , look , you re both wrong . There s nothing between me and ciara .
Claire : What if we re not ? What if there s a chance that ciara has feelings for you ? What if you two could be together ?
Ciara : What s going on here ?
Kayla : I am sorry to be laying all this on you . You have a wedding to plan .
Marlena : No , please . Please , I m so happy for the distraction . I - I am way overthinking this ceremony .
Kayla : Something wrong ?
Marlena : No ! Nothing s wrong . I just want it to be perfect this time . That s all .
Kayla : You re marrying john . How much more perfect do you need ?
Marlena : Well , look at you . I m the therapist , and you re the one with all the good answers .
Kayla : Sure . When they re not my problems .
Marlena : Oh , honey , how can I help you ?
Kayla : You ca nt help me . Nobody can help me . If I tell steve that stefan blackmailed me , he will go after stefan . And then stefan will destroy the eye . And steve will be blind forever .
Marlena : Steve loves you . And - and he trusts in your love for him . And if you tell him the truth , he will completely understand .
Kayla : I am not sure about that . Steve hates stefan . And I am the one that has put us under his thumb . If I tell him , I just think it s gon na destroy my marriage .
Will : Hey .
Sonny : Hey . [ Door closes ] Did you speak to kate ?
Will : Yeah . She s gon na pay off ted .
Sonny : Okay . Wow . I guess that s good news .
Will : Yeah . I mean , yeah , she said she promised that she d make sure he would never bother us again .
Sonny : She s a good person to have on your side .
Will : Yeah . She s amazing .
Sonny : And as soon as I get my ceo salary back , I am gon na pay her every penny .
Will : Oh , well , so will I.
Sonny : No , do nt be silly . I got you into this mess . I will take care of it .
Will : Sonny . How many times do I have to keep telling you ? We are in this together . Okay ? Every step of the way .
Sonny : You re just so-- you ve always been stubborn . Always .
Will : I bet that probably drove you crazy .
Sonny : Sometimes . I remember this one time , we were at a chinese restaurant , and we got into a huge fight over who was gon na pay the bill .
Will : Oh . Really ? Like--
Sonny : No , not like a fist fight , but there may have been a chair kicked . There may have been a fortune cookie thrown at someone s head .
Will : Oh , my god .
Sonny : Mm - hmm .
Will : You re lucky you re alive .
Sonny : It got so out of hand that the manager actually kicked us out .
Will : Jeez . Well , it sounds like maybe I m not the only one who can be stubborn .
Sonny : You re right . Yeah , I do nt like to give up easily . Especially on things that-- that really matter to me .
Kate : Once I give you this money , you will have no contact with my grandson or sonny . That means no texts , no threatening letters , no eye contact if you even happen to pass them on the street .
Ted : That s fine with me .
Kate : Will is my flesh and blood , and you will not mess with my family .
Ted : I really do admire the way you protect them . Even if it means sacrificing your own happiness .
Kate : Happiness is greatly overrated .
Ted : Did nt you tell me you have a box of my stuff ?
Kate : Yeah . I changed my mind . I put it into the dumpster in the alley .
Ted : Of course you did . Oh , yeah , there s one final , uh , piece of business . It s time to get my money .
Claire : Yeah , ben and I were just getting to know each other , now that we re roomies and all .
Ben : Yeah .
Claire : How did things go in the hallway ?
Tripp : I still think this is a terrible idea , and I m gon na be watching you like a hawk the entire time you re here , but ... if ciara wants you to stay , then I guess you can live here . For now .
Hope : He can what ?
Kayla : Thank you for listening to me . I should really get back to work .
Marlena : And what are you going to do when steve gets back ?
Kayla : I m going to ask him to trust me and tell him to drop it .
Marlena : Oh . Okay . We both know that s not going to work .
Kayla : I know . I know . When steve wants answers , he never lets it go .
Adrienne : Hey , there .
Steve : Hey , baby sister . You busy ?
Adrienne : I was just gon na grab a bite to eat . What s up ?
Steve : Well , I just got back from a quick trip to chicago . I ca nt wait for you to see the souvenir I picked up for you .
Will : Well , kate should be meeting ted right about now . With any luck , he ll take the money and then this whole ordeal will be over .
Sonny : I just ... I do nt know if I m ever gon na be able to forget what happened . Will , I - I killed a person .
Will : It was an accident . You protected me from a maniac . And I ll always be grateful for that .
Sonny : And I will always be grateful that you ve protected me ever since .
Will : Um ... I should get going . All right . Uh ... I guess ... this is it , I mean , I guess our ... partnership is over .
Sonny : Yeah . Yeah .
Will : Okay . Um , yeah . I ll see you around .
Sonny : W - w - will . What if I do nt want it to be over ?
Kate : Should I count it ?
Ted : If you want , but it s not necessary . I trust you .
Kate : That was your first mistake . Right now . Thank you , justin . Thank you , guys .
### Summary:
| Kayla caught Steve looking through her phone . She wanted to know why he was looking at it . Steve wanted to know why she had pictures of Ted and Kate on her phone . She was upset that he violated her privacy . Steve wanted answers . Will went to see Kate about the money . Kate told Will that she would get money from Andre s estate . Ted talked to Hope about Ben s case . Hope told Ted that she dropped the charges as long as Ben left Salem . Ted told her that Ben was still in town . Tripp , Ciara , and Claire voted on whether Ben would stay with them . Tripp was outnumbered , but he still wanted Ben out . Tripp wanted to talk to Ciara alone . Steve suddenly had a phone call when he wanted answers from Kayla . She deleted the pictures from her phone when Marlena showed up . Kayla told her what Stefan threatened to do to Steve if she did nt do what he wanted . Will tried to make Kate feel better about being with someone like Ted . He hoped Ted would get what he deserved . Ted threatened to sue Hope for harassment if she reopened the arson case . Ben was surprised Claire voted for him to stay with them . He wondered if there was something in it for her . Tripp and Ciara continued to talk about Ben . Kayla decided to do what Stefan wanted . Marlena wondered how long she could do that without Steve getting suspicious . Kayla told her that Steve suspects she s hiding something . Kate and Will talked about Paul . Will was about to leave when Kate told him that she would take care of Ted . Ted went to see Kate . He wondered if she had his money . Ciara did nt think Ben would affect her relationship with Tripp . Tripp and Ciara kissed each other . Ben figured out that Claire had feelings for Tripp and wanted him for herself . Claire thought Ben had feelings for Ciara He denied it , but Claire thought Ciara had feelings for him too . Marlena thought that Kayla should tell Steve the truth . Kayla thought the truth would ruin her marriage . Kate warned Ted not to contact Will or Sonny . Tripp agreed to let Ben stay . Hope walked in and heard it . Steve called Adrienne and said he had a souvenir for her . It was Bonnie . Kate was about to count the money when Ted stopped her . He said he trusted her . She said that was a big mistake . She pulled a gun on him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Thomas : So you re gon na do it ? You re gon na help me pull off this stunt ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Well , I have no idea what you have in mind , but if it s gon na get the press attention , I m on board .
Thomas : Good , good . Cause I have an idea that will definitely get me some attention . Everybody s gon na be talkin about it . Just remember to follow my lead .
Brooke : Okay .
Taylor : Okay , I - Ive got ta say I m a little worried .
Whip : ( Clears throat ) Oh , maybe a couple of reporters have left . That s all . There s still plenty of people . I just hope Thomas takes my advice .
Taylor : That s exactly what I m worried about .
Whip : What s that supposed to mean ?
Taylor : Well , what were you saying ? You told him what , he should pull some kind of P.R. stunt or P.R. gimmick ? What is that ?
Whip : Sweetheart , I m sorry . I - I do nt mean to burst your bubble here , and I know he s your son and everything , but look around . I mean ... ( Scoffs ) Hope s line really knocked their socks off , and now what are they supposed to do ? Sit around and wait ...
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Whip : For some boring preview about men walking around in suits ? No , he s gon na have to do something big .
Taylor : Yeah , but still , he -- he has to be careful about what it is he does . This is his introduction , his first impression of his new line .
Whip : Oh .
Taylor : You know , this-- this is Forrester Creations . It s not Jackie M. Its two different things .
Whip : Okay , well , you re gon na just have to trust me on this , okay ? He s going to have to make a statement , some big splash that s gon na make every single reporter in this room forget that they even saw Hope for the Future today .
Eric : This is the one we re gon na use .
Thorne : Aunt Pam , you re drooling .
Eric : Pam , give me the belt .
Pam : Oh , wait , Max needs help getting dressed .
Ridge : Are you almost ready ?
Rick : Just about .
Marcus : Big day .
Ridge : Yeah , the first half went great . Let s hope we get the same reaction with the men s line .
Bill : This long intermission is really trying my patience . It looks bad . Now that I own a piece of this company , they should be asking my advice .
Katie : I agree . I do nt know where Brooke is . Hi .
Bill : Where have you been , Romeo ?
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Uh , with Hope , actually .
Bill : Oh , big surprise .
Jarrett : Well , she should be very proud . Her line is gorgeous .
Liam : Oh , yeah . She s beyond happy .
Katie : Well , she s not the only one . You look like you re on cloud nine .
Liam : You know what ? You know what ? That is exactly where I am . Between me and Hope , things could nt be better .
Hope : Hey .
Oliver : Hey .
Hope : Hey .
Oliver : What s goin on ?
Hope : Oh , well , I just heard uh , my dad and Eric talking , and I just wanted to be sure you were okay .
Oliver : You do care .
Hope : You know I care . So , um , what happened ?
Oliver : You re wondering if I still work here .
Hope : Look , Oliver , if they fired you , I - I will talk to them . I will--
Oliver : They did nt .
Hope : They did nt ? They did nt ? You still work here ? You still have your job ? Oliver , that s great . Oh , my God . I am so relieved .
Oliver : Yeah , your dad and Eric were awesome .
Hope : Yeah , I m glad we re still gon na be working together .
Oliver : Yeah , me , too .
Hope : It was a close call .
Oliver : You saved the day .
Hope : Well , I m just glad that Liam and I figured out what was going on before anything happened .
Oliver : When are you gon na dump that guy and come back to where you belong ?
Hope : Oliver .
Oliver : Do nt you dare tell me it s not gon na happen . You re my Hope , and I m not givin up .
Katie : ( Giggles )
Bill : All right , can you lose that goofy grin before I throw up ? Hope s not even here right now .
Katie : Oh , do nt listen to your father . I think it s sweet that you care about her so much .
Liam : I do . Thank you .
Katie : ( Chuckles )
Liam : Katie , your niece is amazing . She s everything I ever imagined and more .
Katie : Well , she s a Logan . ( Laughs )
Bill : All right , I just can not take it anymore . I m gon na leave you two ladies to your Harlequin romance , okay ? Jake .
Jake : Yeah ?
Bill : What the hell is goin on ? Is the second half of the show ever gon na start ?
Jake : Soon . We re movin as quick as we can . Adding Hope s line to the schedule just threw us .
Bill : Well , any idea what the reasoning was behind that ?
Jake : Uh , no , I do nt .
Whip : See ? Look right there .
Taylor : What ? ( Sighs )
Whip : That s why Thomas has got ta do something .
Taylor : This is horrible . This was supposed to be his big day .
Whip : I know . People that are supposedly here to see your son are leaving . It s a shame that Hope s line overshadowed everything . ( Sighs ) You know , he ca nt just get out here and do some sort of run - of - the - mill preview . If he wants to be in the headlines tomorrow , he s got to have something else planned .
Thomas : Max . Stop . Just stop .
Max : Thanks , Man .
Thomas : Okay , tuck that in . Do nt go embarrassing me out there , okay ?
Max : ( Chuckles ) No way .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Marcus : Hey , are you getting nervous ?
Thomas : Trying not to .
Marcus : ( Chuckles ) Well , I am . You know , I ve never really done this modeling thing before . Being out there on that runway just , uh , kinda got my palms a little bit sweaty .
Thomas : Dude , Marcus , you were great in rehearsal . You in that suit -- you-- you re gon na knock them dead . You kidding ?
Marcus : Well , I hope so , Tom . I mean , I really want this to be a big smash for you , Man .
Thomas : Thanks , Marcus . ( Chuckles ) Man , people need to stop leaving .
Rick : Thomas , stop stressing , okay ? It s gon na be packed .
Thomas : It better be . I - I - Ive worked way too hard on this line for it to be upstaged .
Rick : You do understand why things were moved up the way they were .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) Do nt get me wrong , Rick . I - I m glad we were able to throw things together and pull the rug out from underneath Amber , but it s frustrating . I just thought today was gon na be about me for a change . Okay , I m -- I m not gon na let this be a big deal . I m just gonna-- I need to go out there and remind em why , you know , they came in the first place .
Marcus : Hey , look , no problem . Now what you re gon na do , you re gon na go out there , and you re gon na wow them with charm , all right ? Now that s what you do .
Thomas : ( Chuckles ) Oh , I m gon na wow them all right . You ll see . They re gon na be talkin , that s for sure . ( Sighs
Brooke : Taylor , I m so glad you came .
Taylor : To my son s premiere ? Of course . I would nt miss that for the world .
Brooke : Well , you told me how you feel about me working with your son .
Taylor : I m very proud of my son . I m very proud of him . I ve told him that . I think this new men s line is going to be amazing . If you have to be a part of it , then I guess that s the way it is .
Whip : Great job with , uh , with Hope s line . You guys really knocked it out of the park . I had no idea what Amber was doing , by the way .
Brooke : I know . Thank you , Whip .
Taylor : Not that I was comfortable with it at all .
Whip : Taylor .
Taylor : Well , I m not .
Brooke : Okay , what can I do to make it better ?
Taylor : Do nt be a part of it .
Brooke : I am not walking away from the men s line . I already told Thomas I would help him .
Taylor : Well , Brooke , it s only just been a few weeks since your last scandal , so since it s all like clockwork with you , you re due for another one any moment now , and I do nt want my son involved in it .
Brooke : That s crazy . What do you think s gon na happen ?
Taylor : ( Scoffs ) With you ? Anything goes . Anything -- that s the problem .
Whip : It s okay . Come on . Just relax . ( Sighs )
Hope : I feel like I ve been so worried about you getting down on yourself , but then I see you smile ... ( Chuckles )
Oliver : How can I not smile when you re around ?
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Oliver : Not that I have nt made some big , hairy mistakes .
Hope : Well , everyone s made mistakes .
Oliver : I did nt exactly not water the plants .
Hope : Well , true . Yours were slightly more epic .
Oliver : But you forgave me because you have a big heart .
Hope : Yes , I do .
Oliver : The biggest I ve ever seen .
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Brooke : I just spoke to Jake . The stage is ready .
Thomas : Great . So we re good to go ?
Brooke : Looks like it .
Thomas : Well , awesome . You want to gather the troops ?
Brooke : I think you should .
Thomas : Okay . All right , everybody , gather around , please . Please hurry up . Now today is a big day for Forrester Creations . Not one but two of our lines will be making headlines .
Pam : Yes !
Man : All right . Yeah .
Thomas : Now they re a bit restless out there , thinking they ve seen the best we have to offer , but they re mistaken . We re gon na get them up and out of their seats , pumped and excited .
Pam : Yes !
Brooke : Yes ! All right !
Thomas : All right , let s do this .
Pam : Okay . All right !
Man : Let s do it . Let s do it .
Eric : Come here .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Ridge : I m proud of you .
Thomas : Thank you , Dad .
Ridge : Go out and knock em dead .
Thomas : Thank you . Thank you , everyone . My name is Thomas Forrester . And as the designer for the new men s line , I am very proud to be introducing the second half of our show .
Thomas : Now I sincerely appreciate your patience . This was supposed to be the main event . But necessity required a change . I think you all agree that Hope for the Future will be one of our most popular Forrester lines ever . Well , good news . You re about to preview another . Our reenergized men s line will blow you away . It -- it s focused on Brooke Logan s original concepts , uh , from the past years-- innovative styles , bold new lines , and a distinctive departure from the traditional business suit . I ve had a great opportunity to have Brooke s input . She has been extremely invaluable . And I could nt have done this without her . And at Forrester , we want our men to be hot , and they will be . So , ladies and gentlemen , get ready to witness something unlike you have ever seen before-- the new men s line by Thomas Forrester .
Brooke : ( Mouthing words )
Hope : We ve been through a lot together .
Oliver : And yet , we re still here . Nobody died .
Hope : ( Chuckles ) More good times than bad I think .
Oliver : You really feel that way ?
Hope : Yeah , I do .
Oliver : You know , I got this gig at Forrester because of you .
Hope : I just made sure your music got heard . That s --
Oliver : You got me in the door . You did that for me .
Hope : And I never regretted it .
Oliver : Not once ?
Hope : Nope , not once . We did really great things together on this Hope for the Future campaign . I mean , we re gon na get a lot of publicity . Who knows ? Maybe you and I will be like the next dynamic duo at Forrester .
Oliver : ( Chuckles )
Hope : It s incredible where life takes you sometimes .
Oliver : Incredible .
Katie : ( Chuckles ) Whoo ! ( Chuckles ) Babe , pay attention . Does nt Marcus look great ?
Bill : Yeah , beautiful . Take a look around . In case you have nt noticed , no one cares , including me .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Taylor : These are good , right ? Or am I just being a mom ?
Whip : No , no , no . They re -- they re fine . Really . They re okay . I just wish he did nt have to follow Hope s premiere . He would have had a much better reaction otherwise .
Taylor : ( Sighs ) You know , he worked so hard on this . I m telling you .
Whip : I know . I - itll be okay , as long as he follows my advice . He s gon na have to get the audience responding , get their jaws dropping .
Whip : And he s gon na have to do it soon .
Thomas : Marcus , Dude , you blew it up for me out there . Thank you .
Marcus : I do what I do , Man .
Eric : Let me see you . Let me see you . You looked good out there .
Thomas : Max , where are your pants ? Rick , can you get the pants ? We re comin up on the end of the show , and I - I m still not ready .
Rick : Sure . Come on .
Thomas : Thank you .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) You seem a little stressed . Do nt be . Everything is going well .
Thomas : Yeah , not well enough , and you know it .
Brooke : Well , then it s time to pull out the big guns . Are nt you the guy with the mysterious plan ?
Thomas : Well , you re still with me on this , right ?
Brooke : I said I would be . It would help if you d give me a clue what it is .
Thomas : Nah , it would nt be the same . Trust me . Just promise me you ll go with me on this , okay ?
Brooke : I promise . ( Chuckles )
Thomas : Thank you .
Oliver : You have no idea what this does to me when I m close to you like this .
Hope : Well , I do nt want to send any mixed signals .
Oliver : Why not ? You ve got mixed feelings .
Hope : Oliver , I felt so much for you . You know , I - I ca nt just turn that off . I m not wired that way .
Oliver : Yeah , me either . I bet when you were younger you d find , like , abandoned cats and little injured birds and nurse them back to health .
Hope : Yeah , I did that a lot , actually .
Oliver : Cause when you see a creature in distress , you want to help them .
Hope : Oliver , if you re asking me to rescue you--
Oliver : No , you already did by blowing Amber out of the water . You saved me from ruining this entire company . You were a huge hit , and I saved my job . I am so lucky because of you .
Hope : I feel the same way . Oliver , after everything that we ve been through together , and after all we ve accomplished , I ca nt imagine my life without you , and I do nt want to .
Oliver : Well , your dad did nt fire me . You re stuck with me . You know what I think ? I think that our lives are tied together ...
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Oliver : You know ? That no matter what happens , we re gon na cross here and there and everywhere . You changed me . I changed you . I screwed up , and you forgave me , but now we can move on . We can look towards our future .
Hope : Oliver , I--
Oliver : Hope , hold -- let-- just let me finish , okay ?
Hope : I ... ( Sighs )
Oliver : Our future together is gon na be so great . And I am gon na love you like no guy has ever loved anyone ever before . And I m gon na be there for you . It s not over for us , Hope . It s never gon na be over for us .
Ridge : Thomas is next .
Whip : He s got ta do better than this .
Eric : Ladies and Gentlemen , Thomas and Brooke Forrester .
Audience : ( Gasps ) ( Applause ) ( Cheering ) ( Cheers and applause )
### Summary:
| Thomas tells Brooke to trust him and follow his lead . The press will definitely pay attention . He s going to wow them for sure . Whip says it will have to be really big to make the entire room of reporters forget Hope For The Future . Hope hugs Oliver when she hears that he was nt fired and still has his job at Forrester . She thinks they might be the next dynamic duo at Forrester . He kisses her and says he has not given up hope . They will be together again . Thomas makes his speech and introduces the men s line . Basically the audience is bored and not raving as Thomas expected . Brooke innocently tells him that it s time to pull out the big guns . Thomas takes his final turn down the catwalk and then motions for Brooke to come out . When she joins him , he dips her and plants a big kiss on his step - mother . She is caught by surprise with a dumbfounded look as well as most of the reporters . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Liam : Hope was there ?
Brooke : She said that she planned to meet you on top of the mountain , and you just said that you got the message , so you were waiting for Hope , were nt you ? And then Steffy walked up , and before you knew it , you were getting married .
Steffy : Hope , can you please talk to your mom and tell her to back off ? I mean , she s interfering with my marriage .
Hope : I do nt want to talk about your marriage , Steffy-- not with you , not with my mom .
Steffy : Okay , Hope , wait . Just please wait . Look , I - I m sorry , okay ? I know this is hard for you . We see each other every day at work . But we re family , and I want us to get along .
Hope : ( Scoffs )
Pam : The tumors are gone ?
Stephanie : Well , they did nt detect any new ones .
Pam : Well , Steph , that s great . Right ?
Stephanie : Uh , oh , yeah , I m happy , but they did nt use the word Cured , Pam .
Pam : Well , come on . Eric must be over the moon .
Stephanie : Yeah , he s happy . He has his own agenda these days , though .
Pam : Well , what does that mean ?
Stephanie : He wants to turn this into some sort of-- I do nt know , personal celebration .
Pam : Of course , he d want to celebrate . We are all interested in your recovery .
Stephanie : Yeah , well , he s interested in something else , something I m not so sure that I can -- I can give him .
Nick : What are you doing ? You re still in your robe .
Jackie : I may change my mind . I m not going into work today . It s all ... ( Sighs ) Suddenly feeling a bit much .
Nick : Well , sure . Take all the time you need .
Jackie : I m not going to be here indefinitely , you know . I m underfoot .
Nick : Mother , you need a little time to heal .
Jackie : Well , I m kind of thinking of this as a ... a new , exciting chapter in my life , so I made a decision . Now that Steffy is married , she s , um , she s put my old loft on the market , so I called my broker , checked into it ... I m buying it , Nicky . I m buying it . I m -- I m gon na move back in again .
Nick : Oh . Well , that s ... well , that s a great idea , a - a - as long as going there does nt bring up too many memories .
Jackie : Well , that s why I want it . It will be filled with memories of the happiest days of my life .
Nick : Mm .
Jackie : So ... ( Sniffles ) I m gon na move as soon as I possibly can , because I really do nt want Owen thinking that I m , like , depressed or anything .
Nick : Oh , Mother , you just ended your marriage , so a little melancholy is expected .
Jackie : No , this is a joyful divorce .
Jackie : Joyful .
Nick : At least that s the idea .
Jackie : Everybody is better-- Owen , Bridget , Logan--
Eric : And they have you to thank for it .
Pam : Do you want to talk about it , whatever It is ?
Stephanie : I m trying to convince myself that it is nt a big deal .
Pam : Well , then just do nt let it become one .
Stephen : Hello , hello .
Pam : Hey ! I did nt know you were coming by ( Chuckles ) Mm .
Stephen : Mm . So how s my little Nutmeg , huh ?
Hope : Wow . Steffy , can not believe you just said that to me .
Steffy : Okay , you know what ? I am trying my best .
Hope : ( Scoffs )
Steffy : You could , too .
Thomas : Come on , Steffy . Lay off , okay ? Look , this situation is nt easy .
Steffy : No , this-- this is not a Situation . This is my marriage . Excuse me .
Hope : Now she s mad at you , too .
Liam : I mean , Hope-- ended the engagement . I thought she wanted nothing to do with me .
Brooke : It was a rash decision in a moment of emotional distress .
Liam : What are you talking about ? ( Stammers )
Brooke : Liam , she followed you to Aspen to explain , and the next day , the very next day after she broke the engagement , you re -- you re marrying Steffy ?
Liam : No , no , dont-- do nt say it like that , okay ?
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Liam : Steffy was ready to commit to me . Hope was not .
Brooke : Right , because Hope saw you and Steffy kissing . That s why she broke off the engagement . She saw both of you kissing in the car the night of the bachelor party while she was there preparing for the most romantic night of your life , her life .
Liam : ( Stammers ) You re s -- okay , okay . You re saying--
Brooke : Yes , I m telling you she was ready .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Brooke : She was ready to move in . She figured you two were as married as any two people could ever be , and she wanted to give herself to you . You could have been with Hope that night .
Pam : Well , wait , Honey . You just got here .
Stephen : Well , I know . I know . I do nt want to be late for my appointment . I - I could have called you on the phone and told you that I booked the honeymoon , but I was so excited for you to see this .
Pam : Well , you re not the only one who s excited now .
Stephen : And it was another excuse to see you .
Pam : Mm .
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Jackie : Yeah , Nicky . He d better keep his feet off my desk . That s all can say . ( Chuckles )
Eric : ( Laughs ) Jackie , look , I do nt want to impose . I just want to , uh , I want to be sure you understand how grateful I am .
Jackie : Oh , thank you . And I m -- I m just really glad you re here , Eric . It reminds me that I m not as alone as I feel .
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Well , you have lots of friends .
Jackie : Oh , yeah .
Eric : Stephanie and I will help you get through this .
Jackie : Stephanie . Oh , when I think of what she s had to contend with , I mean , how can I even complain about what I m going through ?
Eric : We had some good news with her last checkup .
Jackie : You did ? Really ?
Eric : Yep . The tumors appear to be gone .
Jackie : Oh , that is so , so good . Oh , you must be really relieved .
Eric : Yes .
Jackie : Yeah . Having someone as loving and supportive as you-- she is so lucky .
Eric : You want to tell her that ?
Jackie : I m sorry if I ve misspoken . I mean , everything s all right between you and Stephanie , is nt it ?
Thomas : So I m not worried about Steffy . I m her brother . I ve survived her looks of death before .
Hope : Yeah . ( Sighs ) Me , too . I m just really tired of it .
Thomas : It s gon na get better .
Hope : ( Sighs ) Well , it ca nt get any worse , so ... ( Sighs )
Thomas : ( Sighs ) Let Liam go . It was nt meant to be .
Liam : So Hope followed us .
Brooke : Yes , to explain what happened , and to convince you that your love could survive this , and it can . It s never too late .
Liam : ( Sighs ) I did nt even realize the gondola was stopped .
Brooke : Right , because Steffy was juggling knives , or doing cartwheels , or whatever she had to do to keep you looking away . I m sure she was terrified that you would see Hope .
Liam : No , Steffy did nt know that Hope was there , either .
Brooke : She orchestrated it .
Liam : Oh , come on , Brooke .
Brooke : She knew ...
Liam : Come on . ( Scoffs )
Brooke : That Hope was going to be at the top of the mountain to meet you , and she had that gondola stopped .
Liam : H - how , Brooke ? There s no way ?
Brooke : I - I do nt know . I do nt know how she did it , but I m absolutely convinced that she did . Do nt you see it , Liam ? ( Sighs ) This has changed Hope . She s not the same person . I do nt even recognize her . That is what your wife has done . So you tell me , did you go to the top of the mountain the day after your engagement fell apart to marry Steffy or to see Hope ? I think we both know the answer to that . You married the wrong woman .
Stephanie : It s nice to see the way you and Stephen are . You ve got such a nice physical connection . I ca nt give that to Eric anymore .
Pam : Wh - what do you mean ? You mean , you two arent--
Stephanie : No . That s what I ve been trying to tell you .
Pam : Oh . Well , but , Steph , Honey , you have been battling cancer .
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Pam : I - I - I ca nt believe that Eric really has expectations in the bedroom right now .
Stephanie : Honey , he s a man . Come on .
Pam : Well ...
Stephanie : He s made it very clear that he wants to be intimate again and I ... ( Sighs ) I ca nt explain it . I just ... I have absolutely no interest . I d like to be there for him . I wish I could just snap my fingers and be in the mood , but I ... I just have no interest , absolutely none .
Pam : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : What am I gon na do ?
Pam : ( Sighs )
Jackie : Eric , you and Stephanie-- you re both okay , are nt you ?
Eric : We butt heads once in a while , but I think that s part of what makes us work .
Jackie : I guess some couples really are Till death do us part .
Eric : I suppose so .
Hope : ( Sniffles ) I m sorry . I should nt be crying on your shoulder .
Thomas : No , that s okay . I do nt mind . Really .
Hope : ( Sighs )
Thomas : Look , you re going through a hard time . I m here if you ever need to talk .
Hope : ( Sighs )
Steffy : Hi .
Brooke : I just came from seeing Liam . He needed to know the truth .
Steffy : Okay , the truth ?
Hope : About why his marriage to you is such a big mistake .
Liam : I love you , hope Logan , and I ll always love you .
Liam : Hope ? I spoke to your mom . Is it true ?
Stephanie : Did you see Jackie ?
Eric : Yes , yes , I did .
Stephanie : How is she ?
Eric : Surprisingly well , actually .
Stephanie : She s a remarkable woman .
Eric : Yeah , she is . So are you . I have so much respect for you , Stephanie . Everything you ve been through this past year emotionally and physically and-- and -- and -- and ... I m sorry . I - I do nt want to ask more of you than-- than you re able to give . I - I--
Stephanie : Eric , I wish we were at the same point in our lives with our needs and our desires , if for no other reason than for you .
Eric : No , it-- it s not just about desire . It s ... it s about warmth , and-- and it s about connection , and -- and it s the touch , wanting the touch of ... of the woman I love . You know that s what I was saying , that I m so much more than that . You know I -- that s what I was saying the other night .
Stephanie : I understand . Is that enough for now that I understand and that I ll try ?
Eric : You ll try ?
Stephanie : Eric , obviously , I m having some real issues with intimacy at this point in my life . It is nt that I do nt want to be intimate with you , I - I mean , and be passionate and -- and close again . It s just that I ... ( Sighs ) These are the golden years of our lives . Here we are together . I do nt want it to be filled with tension and disappointment for you . I want to be the partner that you need . I do . It s ... Be patient with me .
Eric : I love you . I want to be the partner that you want . Of course , I ll be patient . And that you understand ... that s enough for now .
Steffy : I am sorry you do nt want me to be married to Liam . But I am .
Brooke : He s your husband by default , only Hope did nt default . She was there that night ready to move in with Liam to surprise him , right after the bachelor party , and then she saw you and Liam kissing in the car . Oh , you did nt know that ? That s why she left the ring . That s why she broke off her engagement . But she realizes that she overreacted . Her feelings for Liam have nt changed , and he knows that now . He knows everything .
Hope : What did my mom tell you ?
Liam : Everything .
Hope : I was ready . I was ready to move in with you and to be with you . But , when I saw you kissing Steffy ... ( Sniffles ) I do nt know , Liam . I do nt know . Everything just got so messed up in my head . All that time that I was waiting for you to get home , and I was preparing our night ... You were with her .
Liam : It was nt like that , but ... yeah .
Hope : I felt sick and betrayed and hurt and angry . And , Liam , I know that I should nt have given you back your ring but in that moment , that was all I could do . And I overreacted . I - I know that I overreacted . But I did nt realize that until the next day when I went to your place . I went over there just to talk to you , and ... and you were already engaged to her . And you were flying off to Aspen . And I did everything I could to get to you . I flew to Aspen for you , and I tracked you down , and I was-- I was on my way up the mountain , and --and the damn gondola stopped . It just stopped .
Liam : You had to watch ...
Hope : One day ... I am ready to begin my life with you . And the next , you re marrying Steffy . I think that it is the hardest thing that I have ever gone through . ( Sighs )
Liam : I thought I got the message wrong , you know ? I thought that I went up there for nothing . And then Steffy showed up , and I was so confused and ...
Hope : Wait . You were nt there to get married ? You were there to meet me ?
### Summary:
| Pam is ecstatic that Stephanie s tumors have not returned . She is sure Eric is over the moon and wants to celebrate . Stephanie laments that he wants something more . She is nt sure that is what she can give him . He s made it clear that he wants to be intimate again and she d like to be there for him , but she has no interest in that at all anymore . With the loft available again , Jackie tells Nick that she is going to buy it and move back in , memories and all . Eric stops by . He tells Jackie that he and Stephanie will help her get through this difficult period without Owen . She inquires if everything is all right between the two of them . Later Eric tells Stephanie that he will be patient with her in their golden years . She admits she wants to be intimate with him , but she ca nt right now . Brooke explains to Liam that Hope saw him and Steffy kissing the night of his bachelor party and she broke off their engagement . She then realized she overreacted and followed him to Aspen to tell him so . It s never too late ; their love can survive . It s simple ; he married the wrong woman . Steffy asks Hope to keep Brooke away from her as she is trying to ruin her marriage . Hope cries on Thomas s shoulders . Brooke visits Steffy and confesses to her that she just saw Liam and told him the truth . She won Liam by default and he knows that now . Liam comes by Forrester s and asks Hope if what her mother said was true . She admits she was ready to move in with him and really be with him until she saw him kissing Steffy . She felt hurt and angry and betrayed . Maybe it was wrong of her to suddenly give back his ring , but in that moment that is all she could do . She grabs him and kisses him when she realizes he did not go to the mountain to marry Steffy , but to meet Hope . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Xander : [ Sighs ]
Eric : My love . You will be free and clear of this very soon . I promise . You will be free of xander .
Nicole : I wanna believe that . But what if we do nt find the recording ? As long as xander has that , I cant--
Eric : I m going to find it , and I m not going to stop until I do .
Nicole : So tomorrow after xander leaves the apartment ...
Eric : I m gon na tail him . And our plan will be in motion . In the meantime , we still have today .
Lucas : Look at her . Look at her look at you like that . It s like she really wants to know you .
Chloe : Aww , well , I wanna know baby bonnie , too . Because she s a part of you .
Lucas : Aww . You know , I think part of the reason why I m so taken by this little one -- you know , despite the circumstances -- is because i get to be a father again . [ Baby cooing ] I do . Hurt so much when sami took allie away from me , you know ? And it took me by surprise . I was nt ready for that . Really hurt .
Chloe : I know it did .
Lucas : But this baby just popped into my life , coming out of nowhere . I definitely get a second chance . I get to be with my little girl . I get to be with my daughter finally .
Mimi : I miss my little girl , damn it .
Bonnie : What d you do that for ?
Mimi : To get your attention . That s what for . Thanks to you , my very own mother , I have spent the last 24 hours away from her . From your very own granddaughter , who you obviously do nt give a rat s ass about . Just a total you - know - what show .
Bonnie : Now , now , now . Just take a breath , all right ? Seriously , we re gon na figure out a way to get baby bonnie back .
Mimi : I m holding you to that . And just so we re clear , lucas horton is never getting his hands on my daughter again . I already missed out on raising one baby . No way I m spending another minute without my little girl .
Kate : Hey , lucas . What -- is everything all right ?
Lucas : Yeah , yeah , everything s fine . I was just wondering if you could , uh , meet me at doug s place .
Kate : Right now ? What s going on ?
Lucas : I ll tell you when you get here .
Kate : Please tell me that it s not bad news .
Lucas : No , it s not . It s amazing . It s amazing news . At least -- at least I think it is .
Kate : Okay , I ll be right there . [ Cell phone beeps ] Hmm . Hey , sami .
Sami : Oh , hey . Look , I have no time to talk . I have a new lead on kristen . An address . I think I m gon na find her .
Kate : Did you call the police ?
Sami : Are you kidding ? Of course not . They d stop me . I am going to find ej .
Kate : Be careful .
Kristen : Hey , brady , it s me . Uh , just checking in to see how you re doing . I miss you . I ll see you soon .
Male announcer : Like sands through the hourglass , so are the days of our lives .
Jennifer : Oh , kayla , hey . Um , I just wanted to talk to you for a minute . I m talking kind of low cause i do nt want abigail to hear me , but you can hear me , all right ? Can you ? Good , good . Um , chad and I had an incident with abigail last night , and now she feels like we re just ganging up on her . But she also mentioned that maybe you could get her in to see marlena if marlena was up to it . Um , yeah , I mean , I guess a referral would be okay , but ... yeah , uh , just let me know . Okay , great . Thank you so much , kayla . [ Doorbell rings ] Oh , I have someone at the door . I need to go . Okay .
Maggie : Hi .
Jennifer : Aunt maggie , hi .
Maggie : I come bearing fresh baked cookies .
Jennifer : Yes , come on in .
Maggie : Your grandson thomas put in some extra chocolate chips .
Jennifer : So sweet .
Maggie : I know . I have an ulterior motive for showing up . Jen , can we talk about eric ?
Nicole : I keep thinking about our time at the cabin .
Eric : It was a lot like this .
Nicole : Yeah . We both thought it was the beginning of the rest of our lives .
Eric : It should have been .
Nicole : Before today ... all we have is that one night to hold on to .
Eric : Lost a lot of time , I know . Hey , no more . Now that I have you , I m not letting go .
Nicole : [ Sighs ]
Kristen : You are looking well . I know you re not able to talk right now . But maybe you can understand what I m saying . You ve come a long way in the past few years . Fact is , every insurance company hopes you drive safely .
Lucas : Oh , she loves you .
Chloe : Oh .
Lucas : Wow .
Kate : Chloe ?
Chloe : Hi , kate .
Kate : [ Sighs ] You did nt tell me she was gon na be here .
Lucas : Well ...
Kate : Dear god , please do not tell me that you re getting engaged .
Lucas : No , no , not yet . Not yet , but I do want you to meet somebody . Meet your granddaughter .
Kate : [ Sighs ] What ?
Lucas : It s my daughter , mom .
Kate : Oh , man . Well , I noticed you were looking a bit zaftig lately .
Chloe : I m not the baby s mother .
Kate : Then who the hell is ?
Mimi : I m going to go get my daughter right now .
Bonnie : No , please , please . Please . If lucas finds out that this is nt his kid --that I tricked him , hell--
Mimi : He ll have your little deal revoked , which is exactly what you deserve .
Bonnie : How could you do this to your mother ? Think about how you d feel if your daughter turned her back on you .
Mimi : [ Screams ] I ca nt believe I ever agreed to this .
Bonnie : Honey , you did it because you love your mother . Listen , I told you you ve got nothing to worry about . Lucas is gon na take great care of our little angel , honey .
Mini : My little angel ! And it s not just lucas I m worried about . It s chloe , too . She s probably making my kid s ears bleed with her arias .
Bonnie : I thought you two had mended fences .
Mimi : Well , the truce is over if she thinks she can work her phony charms on my little girl -- that heartless bitch . Which , according to belle , is exactly what she did with nicole . Which is why I do nt want her anywhere near my little girl . So I m putting a stop to this . Now .
Eric : You know that holly s down for a nap . And xander s gone .
Nicole : Eric , if xander ... if he found us together ...
Eric : Yeah , well , you did say he s not gon na come back until late .
Nicole : Well , there s really no reason for that to change now , but ...
Eric : Well , there s nothing that s gon na come between us . Forever .
Nicole : But what if we -- what if we do nt find the recordings ? And what if xander comes after you again ?
Eric : Xander s a coward .
Nicole : He tried to kill you .
Eric : And I would give up my life for you .
Nicole : Do nt say that .
Eric : But it s true . We ve made some terrible mistakes . And we have paid the price for them . Even brady realizes that he was wrong to try to come between us because nothing can break us apart . Today is the first day of the rest of our life together .
Nicole : I wish I could believe that .
Eric : Believe it .
Xander : Hey there , matey . Offer you a bite to eat ? What s the deal ? He s a turnip .
Kristen : Okay , I told you this before . We were nt able to administer the drug as early as some of the other patients , and rolf had nt perfected it yet . I mean , we have had some successes -- most notably will horton -- but his mother was tenacious , and sami brady , she s one tough little mon -- oh , my god . That-- that s -- that certainly perked him up .
Brady : [ Groans ] I landed . At humana , we believe great things are ahead of you when you start with healthy . And part of staying healthy means choosing the right medicare plan . Humana can help . With original medicare , you re covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits when you re sick . But keep in mind you ll have to pay a deductible for each . A medicare supplement plan can cover your deductibles and co - insurance , but you may pay higher premiums than you do with other plans . And prescription drug coverage is nt included . But , with an all - in - one humana medicare advantage plan , you could get all that coverage plus part d prescription drug benefits . You get all this coverage for zero dollar monthly plan premium in most areas . And humana has a large network of doctors and hospitals . So call or go online today . Find out if your doctor is part of the humana network and get your free decision guide . Discover how an all - in - one medicare advantage plan from humana could save you money . There is no obligation and the book is free .
Jennifer : So I guess eric told you that we called off the engagement .
Maggie : Yes , he did . He told me why . I m so sorry .
Jennifer : No . It s not your fault . I m the one who kept the truth from him about nicole . You seem surprised .
Maggie : Um , eric had nt told me that part .
Jennifer : No . Of course he didnT. He s way more honorable than i am , aunt maggie .
Maggie : Jennifer . I do nt blame you for trying to hold on to the man that you love .
Jennifer : That is really generous of you to say that .
Maggie : Because I understand . I lied to eric , too . I told him I did nt know where nicole was , but I did . And when I found out why nicole really left , I decided that eric -- he deserved to know that , too .
Jennifer : Where is she ?
Maggie : She s staying in sarah s apartment in nashville . I gave eric the address , and he went down there to find her .
Jennifer : Yeah . So they re together again ?
Brady : [ Groans ]
Kristen : Hey , brady , it s me . I , uh ... I m just checking in to see how you re doing . I miss you . I ll see you soon .
Brady : Yeah , maybe sooner than you think . As soon as I figure out how to get the hell in there .
Kristen : So , did the mention of sami ... did that perk you up ? You re pretty tenacious yourself . Oh , come on , say something . Sami . [ Snapping , clapping ] Sami . Sami , sami , sami , sam--
Lucas : It s okay .
Kate : Baby bonnie lockhart is a hideous name for such a beautiful child .
Lucas : I mean , she is beautiful . Look how cute she is . Does it matter ? Come on . You can look past that .
Kate : Oh , lucas , lucas , how did this happen ?
Chloe : Well , I would think you of all people knows how this happened .
Lucas : Listen to me . I drunkenly slept with bonnie because I thought she was adrienne . That s it , okay ? And now bonnie s trying to blackmail me . She s trying to keep me away from my daughter . And I get to keep her out of prison . That s the deal .
Kate : Okay , honey , I hate to tell you , but it s -- I m kind of seeing it as impossible that bonnie would be able to conceive at this point . Really ? This is another one of her scams .
Chloe : We thought so , too , but the dna test came back with a match for both parents .
Lucas : Yeah .
Kate : So you already did a dna test ? What , did you already get her out of prison ? What s -- what the hell ? How long have you known this ?
Lucas : It does nt matter . What difference does it make ?
Kate : What difference does it make is I would think that you would have told me right away .
Lucas : I did nt wanna tell you because I did nt want you to be judgmental like you always are , all right ? The last thing I wanted to hear was , oh , lucas , you made another colossal mistake . You slept -- you got a felon pregnant and you did nt even know it ? What are you doing ? I did nt wanna hear that from you . And you know what ? Sometimes really good things come out of some bad mistakes . And this baby -- baby right here-- is definitely one of them . [ Baby cooing ] Are nt you ?
Kate : Oh , my god .
Lucas : It s okay . It s okay .
Bonnie : Look , mimi , come on . Come on . I do nt like this any more than you do . Honey , please , you ve got ta trust me . We are gon na figure out a way to get baby bonnie back for good .
Mimi : Would you stop calling her that ? It s not even her name .
Bonnie : Well , I m her grandmother , and I can call her anything I want . And do nt forget , honey , I m not the one who killed david lockhart .
Mimi : I ca nt believe you re threatening me .
Bonnie : Honey , it s not a threat . It s a fact . And in the end you know you really owe me here .
Mimi : I think I ve done my part . And paid for it .
Bonnie : Wait , no , wait . Just look -- look at it this way . Look at it this way . Your daughter s not with strangers . She s with lucas who s part of her family . And thank god he is . I was so worried about those dna results coming back . I mean , praying that they would match , since you and I are related and of course lucas and--
Mimi : Do nt even start with that .
Bonnie : What , we ca nt talk about the baby s real father here ?
Brady : [ Sighs ]
Kristen : [ Laughs ] Okay , easy , easy . [ Gasps ] Oh , that is some grip you ve got there . [ Sighs ] There it is . Oh , you re , uh ... that s a good sign that you re trying to come back to us . [ Sighs ] I guess that s the power of true love .
Nicole : Tell me I m not dreaming .
Eric : You d better not be .
Nicole : When I first got here , this is all I dreamt about every night . There was no one here but me and holly . She was my world . And I made a good life for us . Course I could nt risk going out and meeting anyone new . And as happy as I was with holly , it got very lonely .
Eric : I can only imagine .
Nicole : Every time someone knocked on the door , I hoped it was you . And not my neighbor from upstairs asking me if I ve seen her cat . [ Chuckles ] And then one day , xander showed up at my doorstep . Talk about a nightmare .
Eric : I just hate that you had to go through that .
Nicole : You wanna know what I hate ? I hate that you thought that I did nt love you anymore . And you did nt know that the last thing I wanted was to leave you . That you did nt know that you had my heart . Always .
Eric : Nicole .
Nicole : But now ... but now ... even though I do nt wanna let go , and I just wanna stay here with you all day and night , we have risked so much already . Because if xander chooses this one day to come home early ... please , eric , you have to leave .
Eric : No .
Nicole : [ Sighs ]
Lucas : I think she likes you .
Kate : I have to admit , she does remind me of billy as a baby . [ Baby cooing ] Actually she looks a little bit like philip .
Chloe : Philip ? Yeah , I could see that .
Lucas : I think she just agreed .
Chloe : [ Laughs ]
Lucas : Well , I could stare at this baby forever , but I think bonnie s on her way to come pick her up .
Kate : And take her where ?
Lucas : I do nt know . I do nt know where bonnie s staying . It s okay . It s all right .
Kate : Well , then how are you gon na go pick her up when you wanna visit with her ?
Lucas : I do nt know , mom , all right ? We did nt work that out . We do nt have the custody arrangements working .
Kate : Okay , okay , well , you need to do that . You need to do that right away . I mean , what are you gon na do ? Every time you wanna visit her , you re gon na have to give bonnie another get - out - of - jail - free card ? Come on , lucas .
Chloe : I agree with kate .
Kate : Oh , what , did hell just freeze over ?
Lucas : Uh , we all agree , okay ? [ Baby cooing ] I know , I m sorry . It s okay .
Kate : You know , chloe , you ve been uncharacteristically silent about all of this . How do you feel about it ? I mean , having the baby just dropped in your lap .
Chloe : Well , honestly , since nicole left town , I ve really missed holly . So I m thrilled to have this little girl in our lives .
Kate : Are you going to be thrilled to have bonnie in your life as well ?
Chloe : Well , having bonnie in our lives is not exactly ideal . But it s not my call , and i stand by lucas , whatever decision he feels is best for his daughter .
Mimi : My baby s daddy is irrelevant . All that matters is he s not lucas . His name is nt on the birth certificate . So unless he decides to take this to court , he s got no legal claim on my kid .
Bonnie : Neither do I.
Mimi : Well , we re not gon na give him a chance to find that out . First , you go meet him just like you planned and take my daughter back . Nice and easy .
Bonnie : Mmm , I do nt do nice and easy .
Mimi : You re right . That would be suspicious .
Bonnie : Mm - hmm .
Mimi : So you show up and rip my child from his arms .
Bonnie : Mm - hmm .
Mimi : Then once she s back in mine , I ll get the hell out of this town . And so will you . In the opposite direction .
Bonnie : Mmm , he ll think he s following the baby .
Mimi : Really he s just off on a wild goose chase . You lead him around the world and back while I raise my daughter in peace .
Bonnie : So how long does this goose chase last ?
Mimi : As long as it takes . What do you care ? You got your freedom .
Bonnie : Hold on a second . Hold on , are you saying ... are you saying that I m never gon na see my grandbaby again ?
Mimi : That s exactly what I m saying .
Maggie : I m sorry . This could nt have been easy for you to hear .
Jennifer : No .
Maggie : You probably look at what I did as a betrayal .
Jennifer : I do nt , aunt maggie . Of course I donT. You were protecting your granddaughter . I m the one who broke eric s trust . And I could nt live with the guilt . So I had to tell him this secret that I was keeping from him .
Maggie : [ Sighs ] It must have been so difficult for you , darling .
Jennifer : You know , when eric and I first started seeing each other , I really was nt sure if I wanted this relationship to go any further because i really-- I really believed that he still had feelings for nicole . But he said that he did nt , and he said that he had to put those feelings behind him , and -- and he thought that nicole left because she did nt love him enough .
Nicole : Eric , you have to leave . Whether it s sooner or later , xander is coming back .
Eric : I do nt care , and I am not leaving you here .
Nicole : Please , just for one night . And then tomorrow you can follow him . I wish I could have done it myself , but ...
Eric : Baby , you were taking care of holly . She was your first priority . Now I have a chance to follow xander and see where he goes , where he might be keeping those recordings . He will have nothing to hold over you anymore .
Nicole : I pray that you find it . But you ca nt stay here . Because if xander catches us , you wo nt be following him tomorrow . Do you understand me ? Cause he could expose me or hurt you or worse .
Eric : You know what ? I do nt care what-- if I go , how can you expect him not to try and sleep with you ? All right ? He s trying to find new ways to punish you .
Nicole : No , no . Xander only wants me because he knows he ca nt have me . He knows that my heart belongs to you . Now and forever .
Xander : Problem ?
Kristen : No , I m just surprised brady has nt called back . It s not like his social calendar is full at the moment .
Xander : His sun rises and sets on you , eh ? How sweet .
Kristen : Cut the sarcasm .
Xander : I know you think you can trust brady , but from my experience , you should watch your back .
Kristen : Did I ask for your advice ? No , I didnT. And are you forgetting who works for whom ?
Brady : [ Grunting ]
Jennifer : As much as it hurts to lose eric , maybe it s just better if I m not with anyone right now because , you know , i have a lot of things to do . I have a lot of things I need to be focused on , and ...
Maggie : Yeah , I know abigail , she s been through a rough time . I mean , she s pregnant with stefan s child . And chad moving out .
Jennifer : Yeah . She s in a lot of pain , aunt maggie .
Maggie : Yeah , so is chad . I mean , it s -- it s obvious what a toll it s taking on him .
Jennifer : This whole thing is such a mess .
Maggie : Oh , well , I just keep holding out hope that they will be able to get through this .
Jennifer : Me , too .
Maggie : Yeah . Hey , you know I hate it when people I love are suffering . [ Sighs ] Jennifer , have you talked to lucas lately ?
Jennifer : No , I havenT. Why ?
Maggie : Uh , well , he is dealing with a very complicated situation of his own .
Kate : Well , I think you have made a really , really good decision . I m gon na go to justin s office right now and get the ball rolling .
Lucas : That d be great .
Kate : Okay .
Chloe : Oh , you know what ? You ve got ta get this baby out of here , then , before bonnie shows up . Why do nt I take her for a walk ?
Lucas : That ll be even better . Thank you . I really appreciate it . Thank you , both of you .
Kate : Honey , you know that i would do anything for my family . Anything .
Bonnie : So what you re telling me is that all I have to look forward to is spending the rest of my life on the run ?
Mimi : How exactly did you think this was going to turn out , mom ? I do love you . But I think we love each other best from afar .
Bonnie : [ Sighs ] Well , I ca nt argue with you about that , for sure .
Mimi : Look , we do nt have time to waste . You go get the baby , then meet me in the square in an hour .
Bonnie : Okay .
Mimi : Okay .
Bonnie : Okay . Oh , hey , wait , just ... mims .
Mimi : Yeah ?
Bonnie : If I have nt already said it , thank you . Thank you for everything you ve ever done for me . I love you .
Kristen : Well , I think our friend here is getting pretty tired . Maybe you can take him back to the room so he can rest . Hey , I ll see you soon .
Brady : Come on . Truth time . Did you tell sami that ej was alive just to -- to drive her nuts ? Were you being manipulative ? Huh ?
Kristen : Can we not discuss this right now ? We have so much to catch up on . Right now I just -- I wanna enjoy this time being in your arms . [ Clattering ] Who s there ? For mild - to - moderate eczema
Bonnie : Oh , there s the proud papa . Did baby bonnie give you any trouble last night ? Lucas : No , no , actually she was perfect .
Bonnie : Oh , good . So , where is the little rugrat ?
Lucas : Out .
Bonnie : Out ? I -- hello , did nt we agree to meet here so I could pick her up ?
Lucas : Yeah , yeah , I know . I know . I changed my mind .
Bonnie : What ? What s going on here ? I -- I m the mother . I have rights .
Lucas : Not for long .
Bonnie : What s that supposed to mean ?
Chloe : [ Shushes ] It s okay , baby bonnie . You re all right . Are you tired ? Nap time ? Okay . Hush little baby do nt say a word mama s gon na buy you a mockingbird
Mimi : Except you re not her mama .
Maggie : So bonnie refused to tell lucas where the baby was unless adrienne dropped the charges against her . So she did . And now lucas is just trying to sort out the custody .
Jennifer : My goodness . This is unbelievable .
Maggie : Mmm .
Jennifer : I mean , it s -- it s wonderful also , but it s so completely complicated . I ca nt believe he did nt tell me this .
Maggie : Well , I think he was overwhelmed .
Jennifer : Yeah , of course .
Maggie : But he is determined to be a part of his daughter s life .
Jennifer : Yeah .
Maggie : [ Chuckles ]
Jennifer : That s my brother .
Maggie : Yeah .
Jennifer : And I m -- I m gonna -- I m gon na help him .
Maggie : Yeah .
Jennifer : Thank you for coming here and bringing me cookies and -- and listening to my problems and giving me perspective .
Maggie : Jennifer rose , you know that you can always talk to me about anything . I m just so sorry you re suffering . I know how much you loved eric .
Jennifer : I did . I do . But it just is nt meant to be .
Eric : I m gon na leave . But I m not gon na be very far , so if you need me , I can be back here very quickly .
Nicole : I know I told you you have to leave , but now I ...
Eric : You re having second thoughts .
Nicole : Yeah , is that crazy ?
Eric : No . Not at all . You re just ... the thought that this is just another fleeting moment of happiness . But I promise you , this really is the beginning of our new life together . I have something for you . It s for protection . Until I can give it to you myself .
Nicole : I love you so much .
Eric : And he would nt knock , would he ?
Nicole : No . I mean , I have a diaper delivery service that comes about this time . You know what ? You should probably hide anyway just in case .
Eric : I ll be right here , okay ?
Nicole : Yeah . [ Screams ] What the hell ?
Sami : Oh .
Nicole : [ Winces ]
Sami : Um ...
Brady : Ej .
### Summary:
| Kristen and Xander checked on the guy in the wheelchair . Brady was still passed out on the floor . Sami ran into Kate on her way to looking for Kristen . Lucas gushed over little Bonnie with Chloe . Lucas called Kate to tell her the news . Maggie went to see Jennifer and they talked about Eric being with Nicole . Eric and Nicole made love . Kate went to meet Lucas and found out that he was a father . Mimi wanted to get her baby from Lucas . Bonnie reminded her that she would go to back to jail if she said something . Brady came to and saw that the box he tried to open was still open . Kristen tried to get the guy in the wheelchair to start reacting so she said Sami s name over and over until he grabbed her wrist . Kate could nt believe that Bonnie had Lucas baby . Lucas and Chloe told her that the DNA test proved he was the father . He explained that he had drunken sex with her . Kate thought that Bonnie was playing him . Bonnie reminded Mimi that she killed David Lockhart . Mimi could nt believe that Bonnie threw that up in her face . Bonnie told her that the baby was safe because she was with family . Bonnie started to say how Lucas was related , but Mimi stopped her from talking . Eric and Nicole finished making love and they talked about how she had to leave him . Nicole was afraid that Xander would come home early and wanted him to leave . Eric did nt want to go and kissed her again . Maggie apologized to Jennifer for telling Eric about Nicole . Jennifer understood because she was looking out for her granddaughter . Nicole asked Eric to leave again , but he did nt want to leave her . She told him it would just be for one night . Mimi did nt want Bonnie talking about the father of her baby . She planned on leaving and never coming back once she got her daughter back . Kristen was worried that she had nt heard from Brady . Brady managed to break into the door with a crowbar and went inside the room . Jennifer felt that she should be alone for a while . Kate wanted to go to Justin to straighten out what s going on with little Bonnie . Chloe wanted to take the baby for a walk . Mimi felt that her relationship with Bonnie works best when they are apart . Bonnie had to agree with her . Mimi wanted her to get the baby and meet her in the town square . Brady walked inside the room and saw Kristen with Xander . Brady ended up making a noise and Kristen heard it . Bonnie met Lucas at Doug s Place . She wanted him to give her the baby . Chloe was singing to the baby when Mimi saw them together . Eric gave Nicole a necklace for protection when someone knocked on the door . Sami sprayed Nicole in the face . Kristen looked around to see who made the noise , but Brady got away . He found Xander coming out of another room so he went in and said EJ s name . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : That is exactly what i want , is to have someone I care so much about that I will do anything for them . Is nt that what you want ?
Adam : I promised you that i will publish the article online , but I ca nt do it .
Alyssa : Why not ?
Adam : Your piece , it -- it deserves more . That piece -- it belongs at a major national magazine .
Victoria : I do nt mean to bother you , but I believe we have some people in common .
Alyssa : Really ? I know friends of yours ?
Victoria : Well , you may know them , but make no mistake -- they are not your friends .
Victoria : Victoria newman .
Alyssa : Newman ? Adam s sister .
Victoria : Half - sister . I understand that you re working with my brother on something .
Alyssa : I do nt know what you ve heard , but I m not really at liberty to discuss it .
Victoria : Well , I already know everything . I m afraid that you re the one who s in the dark .
Alyssa : What are you talking about ?
Victoria : Whatever promises adam has made to you are false , and whatever he s told you is a lie .
Adam : Picked up a bottle of your favorite tequila . How bout a toast ... to the changing of the guard and a new era for newman enterprises ?
Victor : No , thank you .
Adam : Okay . Suit yourself .
Victor : This is no cause for celebration , son , so get this over with , okay ?
Billy : Hi . I m just gon na head to the bar .
Nate : You know I would have asked you out if you had nt beat me to it .
Amanda : Really ?
Nate : Of course . You were just quick on the draw .
Amanda : So I win .
Nate : I think we both win . But it was a nice surprise .
Amanda : Well , I have to admit , phyllis was the one who helped me muster up the courage . She was very , very encouraging .
Nate : So was elena on my end , and , uh , she was not so subtle about it .
Amanda : Well , it is nice to know that people other than you and I think that this would be a good thing .
Nate : Yeah . I m glad we re all on the same page , hmm ?
Amanda : And it s not even like it s a blind date because we know each other pretty well .
Nate : But there s knowing somebody , and there s knowing somebody .
Amanda : Very true .
Nate : I just mean this feels different ... like something new .
Phyllis : Okay .
Nick : Here we are again .
Phyllis : Yeah . Mm - hmm .
Nick : You know , we ca nt solve every problem by having sex .
Phyllis : Exactly . We can not .
Nick : What do you mean , exactly ?
Phyllis : Well , I just think that --
Nick : No , no , no , no , no . Cause ... we had a conversation -- remember ? -- About us committing to each other , and ... you re acting like that never happened and you know what we re doing , and I m wondering , you know , what would happen if we were facing a serious problem , like what rey and sharon are .
Phyllis : I want to talk now . I think that , um ... [ Sighs ] I think sex clouds our judgment .
Nick : I disagree . My I.Q. Feels actually 10 points higher since the last time we slept together .
Phyllis : Um , I m serious .
Nick : Yeah .
Phyllis : I - I just think , what if that s it ? I mean , all these years , what if we just have a very strong physical attraction to each other and that s all it is ?
Nick : No , it s not . So talk to me . Tell me . What s going on ? Hi , you made it ! Additional sponsorship
Billy : Did nt think you d still be here .
Lily : Uh , yeah . Same .
Billy : What are you working on ?
Lily : The serialized fiction platform we want traci to run .
Billy : You still think it s a good idea to start a brand - new platform instead of just acquiring one ?
Lily : Well , I m looking at all the options so that we can make the most cost- effective decision .
Billy : You re sharing too much information with the software engineer .
Lily : Okay . I do nt need you to stand over my shoulder and tell me how to do my job , so --
Billy : And , also , do nt you think that we should talk about this before we start bringing in outside people ?
Lily : I am gathering information so that you and i can have an informed conversation , and I ca nt do that with you yakking in my ear .
Billy : Well , that s too bad for you , because I am ready to yak away .
Lily : [ Sighs ] Why are you here ?
Victor : These are the deals that you need to attend to immediately -- two on the east coast , one in switzerland .
Adam : Got it .
Victor : Go through them thoroughly , alright ?
Adam : I will .
Victor : Make sure that your department heads are in on this , alright ?
Adam : Believe it or not , I ve done this job before . I know how to do it . It s not rocket science .
Victor : Now , you know that your father has built this company from the ground up . What you do nt know is what it feels like to create something that lasts . All you know is how to destroy and steal things .
Adam : You see yourself as the noble entrepreneur , you know , generating jobs , and a wealthy embodiment of the american dream .
Victor : That s right .
Adam : Except you re leaving out all the dirty dealings you did to get on top , so the picture you paint leaves out a lot , just like the murder you committed . And , speaking of paintings , I decided that I d change up the decor a bit .
Victor : Ah . Well ... your office now , so you do as you want .
Adam : That s right . It is mine . And you were never gon na give it to me unconditionally without strings attached to you . So I had to take it . That s what you would have done . Does nt it deserve a little congratulations , a little acknowledgment ? Alright , fine . I will take my congrats in the form of an ironclad contract that prevents you from firing me in the future . I had it sent over to your lawyers .
Victor : I ll have them take a look at it . Are we finished ?
Adam : Almost . I would like to know how you re going to explain that I m the new C.E.O.
Victor : I ll frame it as a family decision .
Adam : It s perfect . Speaking of family , how did nick take the news ?
Phyllis : I m just thinking that you re just gon na ... tire of wherever this is and you re gon na leave ... and it -- it will be , uh , right after I let my guard down and open up to you .
Nick : I already told you that s not gon na happen .
Phyllis : Yeah , but you do nt know if it s not gon na happen because we do nt have a time machine to predict the future . We do know about the past , however , and I think that that s why summer is putting up flares , right ? We ve hurt each other enough to last a lifetime . I just do nt think my heart can withstand being hurt by you again .
Nick : Just so you know , I do nt take this lightly . I m as invested in this as you are .
Phyllis : Okay . I m -- I -- uh , I mean , I -- I mean what I said . I meant it . It would -- that was not easy for me to say .
Nick : I know .
Phyllis : Okay , because i think that you think that sometimes I m just real tough and I can just bounce back after I fall down , and that s true , but -- but this -- this ... [ Sighs ] ... Is big and scary .
Nick : I do nt know what else I can do or say to prove to you that I m in this for the long haul .
Phyllis : You know what ? I ll know when I hear it .
Nick : Whoa , whoa . What s that ? Are you just gon na lock us in here ?
Phyllis : Yeah . I m gon na lock us in , and we re just gon na talk and we re just gon na sit here and we re gon na talk ourselves silly and communicate about our relationship . How bout that ? We re gon na do that , and , um , then at the end , we ll know whether we should do this or not .
Nick : So , just lots of talking ?
Phyllis : Yeah . Yeah . Lots of talking .
Nick : [ Sighs ] Alright , cool .
Phyllis : Really ?
Nick : Yeah . Challenge accepted .
Phyllis : Yeah ? You ca nt touch me .
Nick : Hands to ourselves . Chicago !
Nick : You afraid ?
Phyllis : I m not afraid . I m not afraid . I am ... cautious . And that s because I m smart .
Nick : You do nt have to be .
Phyllis : I do nt have to be smart ?
Nick : You do nt have to be cautious .
Phyllis : Oh . Well , I do . Come on . I just said -- that was not easy for me to say to you . I do feel better . I feel relieved . I just always feel relaxed around you , and I can get out of my bunker mentally , and ... I can be who I really am . I do nt have to fight , and i do nt have to have to worry about being ...
Nick : A warrior ?
Phyllis : Is that what you think I am ?
Nick : Do nt you ? Look ... I really like being the guy who you feel like you can be yourself the most with .
Phyllis : Uh ... I like that you like being that guy . I think you can read my mind .
Nick : And right now you re thinking ...
Phyllis : That I need food .
Nick : Yeah . I m starving .
Phyllis : Uh , do you want mexican ? Do you want to order mexican food ? And I ll take a shower .
Nick : See ? We re already thinking alike .
Phyllis : Are we ?
Nick : [ Sighs ]
Victoria : Adam had no intention of getting your story published because he did nt want the truth to come out .
Alyssa : I - I do nt understand . He was devastated by what his father had -- what your father had -- done . He wanted him to suffer the consequences .
Victoria : I m not surprised you would think that , but lying comes naturally to adam . He wanted you to do all of the legwork and dig up the evidence that he was looking for so that he could buy that story and then bury it .
Alyssa : Why ? To protect victor ?
Victoria : No , the opposite , actually . So he could use that information to blackmail my father into making him C.E.O. Of newman enterprises .
Alyssa : C.E.O. Of your family company ?
Victoria : He used that information to take my job . That s why I wanted to talk to you , because , as you can see , I m deeply invested in this , as well .
Victor : Nicholas has not been informed as of yet about your new position , but I will speak to him shortly .
Adam : Oh , I wish I could be there for that -- you know , the angry meltdowns , the meaningless threats . You know , he likes to punch things , so I d keep him away from the portrait .
Victor : [ Chuckles ] It s all a joke to you , is nt it ?
Adam : No , of course not . It s not a joke . But it is a game . Is nt it ?
Victoria : No , son , it isnT.
Adam : Mm .
Victor : It s my legacy , my family .
Adam : I think you have postponed telling nick because he ll ask uncomfortable questions , like why put me in charge now ? And I hope you have thought long and hard how you re gon na answer that , cause it s definitely not gon na be the truth . But what I do know is that I m sure you ll do whatever it takes to make sure that you protect yourself and what you ve done . I mean , god forbid your kids find out what they ve assumed all these years that you re capable of unspeakable things . Abby -- well , I m sure you have nt even given thought to what she would feel about this , cause you never do . She learned that a long time ago -- to lower her expectations when it comes to you . And nick -- he s never even wanted anything to do with newman . You had to threaten to give me the job just to have him come in- here and fill in for victoria . And speaking of victoria --
Victor : Victoria s a brilliant girl . She s very hardworking .
Adam : [ Sighs ] And she s loyal ... to a fault . She was content on being here under your terms , to live in your shadow . And she knew if she did anything to color outside the lines , anything you disapproved of , you would ve yanked that job away from her .
Victor : You know , victoria once threw a letter opener right into that portrait there .
Adam : Mm .
Victor : She is tougher than you think she is .
Adam : Afterwards , she clearly forgave you ... for whatever you did to make her upset . Okay ? Not me . I m not gon na let things slide to stay in your good graces . And you know what ? That s why I belong in that chair . I know it , and you know it . So why do nt we just drop the whole cool - and - detached act ? Sweetheart can you please finish your breakfast
Nick : So much for keeping our hands to ourselves .
Phyllis : That was a stupid idea .
Nick : So stupid .
Amanda : You are the first person who is not constantly eyeing me with suspicion .
Nate : Well , we re all presumed innocent , right ?
Amanda : In theory , yes , but not always in practice . So I appreciate you looking beyond other people s opinions and getting to know me for yourself .
Nate : Well , that s the least I can do . And I felt like I just scraped the surface .
Amanda : Well , I felt like i had to be guarded when I first got to town , for obvious reasons .
Nate : Mm .
Amanda : But those reasons are gone now , so ... ask me anything .
Nate : Mm . Okay . Uh ... well , I know you re a highly educated lawyer with an impressive record .
Amanda : Mm - hmm .
Nate : I know you really connected with jared in part because you also ...
Amanda : Went through the foster - care system , yes .
Nate : Is that something you feel comfortable talking about ?
Amanda : Uh , well , it s not something that I usually talk about on a first date , um , but , yeah , I do nt mind . Um , I was given up when I was an infant , so that s all I ve ever really known -- moving from family to family .
Nate : That must have been hard .
Amanda : Not really . I did nt know any different . But I do think that it has affected me .
Nate : Mm .
Amanda : I m pretty sure that s where I get my ambition . I ve always known that I m on my own . So you know where I get my drive .
Nate : [ Chuckles ]
Amanda : What about you ? I heard you went to some fancy boarding school in england .
Nate : [ Laughs ] Well , uh , my upbringing is a little more complicated than that .
Amanda : Mm - hmm .
Nate : I was , uh , born here in genoa city . My dad died when he was young -- hit by a car .
Amanda : I am so sorry .
Nate : No , it s okay . My mom s amazing . She s a doctor , too . I think I get my , um , intellectual curiosity from her as well as my interest in medicine .
Amanda : I take it she no longer lives in town ?
Nate : Oh , she works for doctors without borders now .
Amanda : Oh . Wow .
Nate : [ Chuckles ]
Amanda : That s amazing . So , I guess that that s where you get your desire to help people from , too .
Nate : I also have a couple of the greatest father figures . My stepfather , malcolm , is a world - class photographer and perhaps the coolest man on the planet .
Amanda : [ Chuckles ]
Nate : My , uh , uncle neil is the best role model a guy could have . I figure as long as I m trying to emulate them , I m doing okay .
Amanda : Ugh . You re making this family thing sound pretty good .
Nate : [ Chuckles ] Without them , I do nt know where I would be . That s why I m so impressed that you re completely self - made .
Amanda : Well , I had some help along the way -- teachers and professors who encouraged me . And I had an amazing mentor when I started my law career .
Nate : I m sure they saw what I see -- that you re something special .
Amanda : Okay . Um ... next question . What would people be surprised to learn about you ?
Nate : Oh , we re -- we re doing that ?
Amanda : We re doing that .
Nate : [ Chuckles ]
Billy : I m here to work , too .
Lily : Uh - huh .
Billy : Traci has nt let us know if she wants to work with us yet , so I ve been thinking about other acquisitions . Have you ... looked into hashtag yet ?
Lily : No . It has not been my top priority .
Billy : So , my ideas are second - tier priority ? Is that it ?
Lily : No .
Billy : You think your ideas are better than mine ?
Lily : Okay . Can you please stop with this ? I m really trying to concentrate right now .
Billy : So am I. And the reason why I think hashtag is a good buy is because it s a news organization that is growing an audience , and I would like to scoop it up before someone else does .
Lily : Okay . I will look at it first thing in the morning .
Billy : Thank you . I ve also been looking into an entertainment platform that will counterbalance our , uh , think - piece journalism .
Lily : No , that sector is our long - term goal . That s too expensive for our launch .
Billy : Well , I think we should have multiple properties in order to hedge our bets .
Lily : Hedge our bets ? Really ? Sorry . Wh - where did billy go ?
Billy : I am right here , and I m thinking strategically . In order to be a successful company , we need to make sure that we have our hands in the cookie jar and they all work together , so ...
Lily : Can you please stop talking for one minute ?
Billy : Yes .
Lily : Okay , good . I think it s time that we get something straight , partner . The young and the restless will continue .
Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] [ Laughs ] You ve still got it !
Nick : Back atcha .
Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] You could take pepe out of the roadhouse but not the roadhouse out of pepe !
Nick : Not just the roadhouse .
Phyllis : I like that we got married there . I like that we eloped even though it was nt legal .
Nick : It was one of our best ideas ever .
Phyllis : I know -- our best ideas .
Nick : You know , uh , what you said earlier about ... always being able to be yourself around me ?
Phyllis : Yes .
Nick : I just want you to know I feel the same way . I mean ... it s not always easy being the guy that everybody can count on -- you know , the responsible one . I mean , it s absolutely the guy I want to be .
Phyllis : You ca nt be the guy wearing the white hat all the time . It s tough , right ?
Nick : Well , with you ... I do nt have to think about anything -- just kind of let myself go ... relax into it . It s free and easy . Does that make sense ?
Phyllis : Yeah . It s perfect sense .
Nick : It means a lot to me now .
Phyllis : Because we re older and wiser ?
Nick : Well , we are definitely --
Phyllis : Do nt finish that .
Nick : Better than ever ?
Phyllis : Better than ever .
Nick : Okay .
Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] I m really surprised . Well , I m not surprised . But ... you have nt gotten tired of me yet , after all these years ?
Nick : Not yet .
Phyllis : Time will tell .
Nick : I mean , let s see . It s early , right ?
Phyllis : Who is it ?
Nick : Ugh . It s my dad . He needs to talk .
Phyllis : Okay . You can go if you need to .
Nick : I m not going anywhere . I m sorry . I know this must be hard for you to hear , but ... can you please tell me more about your conversations with adam ?
Alyssa : I mean , it all started organically , or -- or so I thought . He had some suspicions about what happened in kansas regarding our fathers deaths . I mean , we both felt like we needed to follow up on them to find out the truth . I thought we felt the same disillusionment about what our fathers might have done .
Victoria : It s emotional manipulation . It s one of adam s specialties .
Alyssa : [ Scoffs ] I had no reason not to trust him . He was my childhood friend . You re saying he used our history against me ?
Victoria : Adam has his eye on the prize . Everything else be damned .
Alyssa : [ Scoffs ] I ca nt believe I fell for it . I m a reporter . It s my job to know when people are lying to me .
Victoria : Well , you were at a disadvantage . My brother is a master at using whatever leverage he has .
Alyssa : At some point , I felt something was nt right , but i ignored it .
Victoria : When was this ?
Alyssa : He asked me to give him my evidence so that whoever was gon na publish the article could fact - check it . Oh , my god . I just came from talking with him and chelsea , and they were --
Victoria : Do you think that chelsea knows everything ?
Alyssa : Yeah . They had this little routine , but she s in on it .
Victoria : What did they say ?
Alyssa : That they were seeking out bigger publications than we originally talked about to give the story more exposure .
Victoria : Oh , I see . Well , that s a stall tactic to put you off and to buy them more time . But we re not gon na give them more time . We re gon na make a move .
Adam : I ll admit victoria did have a good run . She was a loyal soldier . She definitely put up with her share of crap from you . But as soon as I made the decision I wanted the top job , it was ... inevitable .
Victor : So , what do you want me to do -- say , job well done , I m proud of you -- what ?
Adam : I ve outgrown my need for that .
Victor : You ve got to know that I m doing this for the stability of my company . Has that ever even been in consideration for you ?
Adam : Of course it is .
Victor : Because I do nt get that feeling from you . I do nt think you have thought this through . Some things you have nt considered .
Adam : Like what ? What have nt I considered ? Lactaid is 100 % real milk , just without the lactose .
Lily : I know why you re here . It s because you re bored and you re restless and you have nobody waiting for you at home .
Billy : Ouch .
Lily : Well , you know , maybe you have to deal with that reality -- at home , though , not the office , where I m trying to work .
Billy : I m trying to work , too . This is me working . You should just get used to it .
Lily : You know , you do have your own office .
Billy : Yeah , but who am gon na bounce ideas off of ? Excuse me .
Lily : [ Chuckles ] How have you gotten away with this for so long ?
Billy : I m effective , and some people find me charming .
Lily : Sorry . Which people ?
Billy : Same people that appreciate my vision and my putting . You should get on board .
Lily : Uh , yeah . Your putting stinks .
Billy : We just started this division . The worst thing we could do is put it in neutral right now . We need to tell the industry that we are players . We are creating buzz . We need to get them thinking about what we re gon na do next .
Lily : [ Chuckles ] Oh , my god . You sound like one of those grungy guys at a startup where they have foosball tables and skate ramps .
Billy : I might be slightly too old for the skate ramp .
Lily : Slightly ? Really ?
Billy : But the foosball table -- that s a great idea . What do you think ? Conference room ?
Lily : Yeah . Not in a million years .
Billy : Fine , but your intended insult backfired . The good startups -- they have an eye on the future . They have a vision . That is what we need to have . We ca nt just be details and practicalities .
Lily : Details and practicalities are what make every business successful .
Billy : The vision leads the way .
Lily : Well , execution makes it a reality .
Billy : What are you gon na execute without vision ?
Lily : Without execution , your vision dies .
Amanda : You were on the olympic swim team ?
Nate : Not quite . I was invited to the trials , but I wanted to focus more on medical school .
Amanda : You are starting to make me sound like an underachiever .
Nate : [ Chuckles ] Okay . I m gon na move on to a topic full of possible land mines ...
Amanda : Uh - oh .
Nate : ... Music .
Amanda : [ Inhales deeply ]
Nate : Who s someone you can listen to and never get tired of ?
Amanda : Rihanna .
Nate : Ooh . Good answer .
Amanda : You ?
Nate : Neil was a huge fan of jazz , so he passed that along to me . I can listen to coltrane and miles on a loop .
Amanda : Mm . Nothing wrong with that .
Nate : Mm . Mm . Uh , favorite place to vacay ?
Amanda : London .
Nate : For a scenic view , mountains or beach ?
Amanda : Mm ... you go first .
Nate : Let s go at the same time .
Amanda : Okay . 1 , 2 , 3 .
Nate : Mountains .
Amanda : Beach .
Nate : [ Chuckles ] Okay . Okay . That s okay . It s not a deal - breaker .
Amanda : Agreed . We can work it out over cocktails ...
Nate : [ Chuckles ]
Amanda : ... On the beach .
Nate : Oh - oh - oh . Um , okay . Favorite food ?
Amanda : Oh , that would have to be a toss - up between sushi and key lime pie .
Nate : Mm .
Amanda : Yes , and I have been known to combine the two in the same meal , even though it s very weird .
Nate : Yeah .
Amanda : What about you ?
Nate : Porterhouse steak , rare , of course , with a side of garlic butter potatoes .
Amanda : Very specific .
Nate : What can I say ? I know exactly what I like . So , I think I ll stump you with this one . What s the most spontaneous , reckless thing you ve ever done ?
Amanda : That would have to be dating ripley . He was another lawyer , and he was dynamic and charming , and i prided myself on being able to read people -- looking at what they re not saying to see what was lurking beneath the surface . With him , I got it all wrong . And I am so sorry . Uh ...
Nate : No , no , no , no , no . It s -- it s okay .
Amanda : I think he just makes me second - guess my judgment , so it makes it a little difficult to jump into anything new .
Nate : Yeah . I - I get it . And we re not jumping into anything . We re taking it slow .
Amanda : Thank you . So , why do nt we , you know , get out of here and go and do something fun ?
Nate : Yeah , yeah . Let s do it .
Amanda : Okay .
Adam : Well , tell me , what do you think I have nt considered ?
Victor : Have you asked yourself ... what this might mean to my time with your mother in kansas ?
Adam : [ Chuckles softly ]
Victor : I loved your mother , you know . How do you think she would feel about what you re doing right now , hmm ? You ... the son she was so proud of .
Adam : There really is no level to which you wo nt stoop . I mean , bringing up my mother to make me feel guilty . For what -- for holding you accountable for your actions ? That is why we were here . This is what led to this -- you . Okay ? Whatever . I thought that you d be more gracious in defeat this time . I do nt know why . You know , who cares ? All that matters is I got what I wanted , right ? Cause you and me , we re exactly the same -- all about the results ... and the bottom line .
Victor : Enjoy your time in that chair , okay ? I just realized ... you do nt know me at all .
Nick : I think I m reading your mind again .
Phyllis : What am I thinking ?
Adam : Let s see . You re thinking , uh ... you re wondering if what we re feeling is real . But you re also ... worried about the risks we re taking and you want to know how I feel about it .
Phyllis : Mm . Nope . [ Both chuckle ] I m kidding . You could be a mind - reader .
Nick : You know , IM ... as comfortable with you as anyone in this world . I mean , we re connected and in sync , but ...
Phyllis : But ... you re afraid I m gon na do something to screw it up , do something self - serving ?
Nick : Well ... you know , you always ... you know , need to protect yourself . I always kind of thought it was about ... your dad and the kind of guy was . You know , he stole people s life savings for a living , and you could nt trust him , so you did nt feel like you could trust anyone .
Phyllis : My dad ? Well , I mean ... maybe that ... uh ... that sort of gives me an instinct for self - preservation , yeah , but , I mean ... I would think that you d feel the same way . Right ? I mean , do nt you feel the need to protect yourself ?
Nick : Yeah , I have that same instinct ... cause we have broken each other s trust so many times in the past .
Phyllis : And each other s hearts .
Nick : And I m not gon na give in to that . There s too much good here . And I know you as well as you know yourself . But I keep discovering more . You keep finding ways to surprise me ... like how gracious you were with sharon . I mean , that was amazing . And how you figured out how to talk to summer about it ...
Phyllis : Sharon has cancer . How did you expect me to act ?
Nick : Hey , come on . I have things to say , okay ?
Phyllis : Okay .
Nick : And I need to get it off my chest , so you need to be quiet and let me talk , cause that s the way this works .
Phyllis : [ Chuckles ] Okay .
Nate : So , what would you like to do -- head to the grand phoenix for a game of pool ?
Amanda : Or bowling .
Nate : I never would have guessed you were a bowler .
Amanda : We live in wisconsin . You have to be able to bowl at least a 150 or you are shunned from polite society .
Nate : I bowled a 288 one time .
Amanda : Oh , come on . Seriously ?
Nate : No .
Amanda : I was gon na say , you ca nt be good at everything . That was , um ... nice .
Nate : Very nice .
Amanda : [ Chuckles ]
Nate : Shall we ?
Lily : We need to capitalize on our strengths .
Billy : And build our roles around them .
Lily : Yes . Like , you re annoying , but you can see the next thing around the corner .
Billy : Right , and you re equally annoying , and you bring those things to life .
Lily : You know what ? This could work if we keep thinking like this .
Billy : If we keep complementg each o and I like where this is going .
Lily : Yeah . Me , too .
Alyssa : I do nt know what moves we can make . I ca nt take the article anywhere else because --
Victoria : Adam had you sign an N.D.A. ?
Alyssa : Yeah .
Victoria : Of course .
Alyssa : [ Sighs ] All I want to do right now is go confront that bastard .
Victoria : No , no , no . That s the last thing you should do . Promise me that you ll sit tight , and I ll get back to you .
Alyssa : [ Sighs ] What are you gon na do ?
Victoria : I ll fill you in later , but right now , just let me handle it .
Nick : I want this . I want you . And it s not just ... the chemistry ... or the sex , which is pretty good .
Phyllis : Yeah , it s very good .
Nick : It s the whole thing -- the whole beautiful , complicated , maddening package . I mean , we ca nt just be friends with benefits or be casually dating like there is nt anything on the line , because there is . I tried living without you . I tried getting over you , and i do nt want to do it . My life is infinitely better with you in it . And I would nt be taking this ... huge step if there was something deep and powerful backing it up . It s that thing that s always been there between us .
Phyllis : So , what are you saying ?
Nick : I m saying ... that I am 100 % ... all - in . And if you ca nt hear that , you have nt been listening .
### Summary:
| Victoria told Alyssa that Adam was never going to publish her story and that he d used the evidence she gathered to blackmail Victor into making him CEO . Alyssa wanted to confront Adam , but Victoria asked that she keep quiet and wait for Victoria to contact her . Victoria learned that Chelsea was involved in Adam s scheme . Victor met with Adam to transfer over the CEO s job . Adam wanted Victor to sign a contract stating that Victor could nt fire him . Adam said he took the job , just like Victor would have . Victor said Adam did nt know him at all . Billy went to Society , but he left when he saw Amanda on a date with Nate . Billy went back to work , where he and Lily worked on finding a way to blend their conflicting business views . Nate and Amanda got to know each other and had their first kiss . Nate learned that Amanda was placed in foster care as an infant . Phyllis and Nick had shower sex . Phyllis was hesitant to let her guard down with Nick , because she was concerned he d grow tired of her and break things off . They had a heart to heart , and he assured her that he wanted to be with her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
David : It s me . Any news ?
Kendall : What are you doing in my house ? Do nt tell me Zach had the nerve to bring you here .
Reese : I -- I do nt know where Zach is , and I have not figured out where to go next .
Kendall : Vive la France !
Reese : Hey . Bianca , hey , I m really glad you called .
Bianca : I need to see you .
Reese : Ok , um , right now ?
Bianca : Unless you re too busy .
Reese : No , no , no . Should I meet you at the casino ?
Bianca : I ll meet you in the lobby .
Reese : Ok , I ll be right there . Bianca --
Ryan : You did this . I loved her , and you took her from me .
Zach : I m sorry .
Ryan : You do nt get to be sorry , Zach . Greenlee is gone , and it s because of you . And I swear to God -- I swear to God , I will make you pay . I will take everything , everything you have , everything you love .
Zach : I think you need to walk away .
Ryan : Walk away -- you mean like you should have walked away from Reese ? Like that ?
Zach : You do nt want to have this conversation .
Ryan : Let me be clear about something right now . This is not a conversation -- this is a warning . And when I m through , you ll wish you were the one that was dead in that river .
Annie : No .
Dr. Sinclair : Just relax , just relax .
Annie : Please .
Dr. Sinclair : It will all be over soon .
Annie : Please , please do nt .
Dr. Sinclair : Take a deep breath .
Dr. Sinclair : Because it s going to be your last .
Annie : Ah , get away from me ! Somebody help me ! Somebody get me out of this room . Please . Please , somebody get me out of here ! No !
Annie : Please , please , somebody get me out of here . Get off me !
Dr. Sinclair : Get away from me . [ Screams ]
Aidan : Annie , Annie , it s ok . It s ok . Are you all right ? Are you all right ?
Aidan : Ok , now -- what the hell have you done to her ?
Dr. Sinclair : What -- what happened ? Oh , my God . Oh , my God ! Get it out , get it out , get it out !
Administrator : What the hell is going on ?
Aidan : What s in this syringe ? Answer me -- what is in this syringe ?
Annie : It s poison . Dr. Sinclair tried to kill me .
Administrator : The stuff s lethal .
Dr. Sinclair : Please , you have to help me .
Emma : I miss Mommy and Daddy and Greenlee .
Kendall : Come here , you . Come here . You re going to see your daddy real soon , I promise . In the meantime , how about a hug ? Oh , that s a good hug . That s a good hug . That s what I m talking about . Thank you .
Emma : Are you sad ?
Kendall : A little . Emma , you ca nt give him to me , he s yours .
Emma : Take him .
Kendall : You would really give Sandy to me ?
Emma : Until Uncle Zach gets home to make you feel better .
Kendall : Thank you .
Zach : I d take it easy on the threats if I were you .
Ryan : If you were me ? Oh , my God , I would love to see that . I would love to see you brought to your knees right now .
Zach : I know you re angry .
Ryan : Yes , I am angry .
Zach : Go home .
Ryan : To what ? What should I go home to , an empty apartment , Zach ?
Zach : Go home to your son and your daughter .
Ryan : To my daughter ? My daughter , who just lost another mother , thanks to you .
Zach : Greenlee s death was an accident , no one s fault .
Ryan : Oh , ok , so you were nt driving the car that ran her off the road ? At least that s what you re telling everybody , right ? But honestly , it does nt really make a difference who was driving the car , Zach . You still killed her .
Zach : That s enough .
Ryan : No , she would nt be on the road if it was nt for you , Zach .
Zach : You re not the only one who lost somebody . Ever occur to you , she was my friend , and she s gone . I wish she were back here . I wish I could do that , but I ca nt .
Ryan : No , you ca nt . You re much better at taking things away , are nt you ?
Zach : Do nt put this on me .
Ryan : No , she would be alive right now if she did nt find out about you and Reese .
Zach : And you should have kept your mouth shut . There is no me and Reese .
Ryan : Oh man , it sure looked like there was to me , Zach . It really did . And the reason I told Greenlee about that is because we did nt keep things from each other . It s a little thing called honesty . You should try that sometime . But at least this way , she does nt get to see what kind of a selfish bastard you are .
Zach : I m selfish ? You ran to Greenlee and told her you saw something , something you could nt possibly understand . You could nt mind your own business . You could nt listen to me when I told you that there s nothing going on . You had to go and cancel the wedding . See , Greenlee should be on her honeymoon right now . Instead , I ve got you standing here with a piece of her wedding dress in your hand , telling me that I m being selfish .
Ryan : Wait a minute , wait a minute -- are you seriously trying to tell me that this is my fault ?
Zach : I m stating the facts , Ryan , stating the facts . When you re scared , you start running . You did it when you jumped off the cliff . You did it again on your wedding day .
Ryan : What are you even talking about right now ?
Zach : I m stating the facts . You hurt the women you re with . You always have . And now you come here and tell me you re going to bring me to my knees , take everything I care about , everything I love . And you know what ? That does concern me , because I ve seen you do it before . I ve seen you do it to Annie -- the last great love of your life .
EMT : Her pulse is erratic . Breathing is rapid and shallow .
Second EMT : Let s get her out of here . Is she going to be ok ?
Aidan : Yeah , we re going to be right behind you .
Annie : She attacked me . I had no choice .
Aidan : I m very proud of you , Annie , for fighting back and not letting her win .
Annie : But she almost did win . If you had nt come in , I -- do nt leave me , please .
Aidan : I wo nt , I wo nt . I m not going anywhere .
Annie : I m scared .
Aidan : It s all right . It s going to be ok .
Annie : How do you know that ?
Aidan : Because I ll always protect you , no matter what .
Jesse : What I know is , Annie is about to be charged with another attempted murder .
Kendall : Emma is just getting her shoes on . She ll be down in a few minutes .
Opal : Then I ll take her home . Not going to feel much like a home anymore , now , is it ?
Kendall : Emma s a strong girl .
Opal : I just -- I ca nt get it out of my head , that awful scene playing over and over . Greenlee in her wedding dress , tearing through the night on that motorcycle -- sorry , what am I doing , going on about what happened ? I do nt have to tell you how awful it is .
Kendall : No , you do nt .
Opal : You and Greenlee -- like two peas in a pod . I do nt know what I would do if I lost my best gal pal . How are you holding up ?
Kendall : One day at a time , I guess .
Opal : And Zach -- knowing that he was the one that was driving .
Kendall : You know what ? I do nt know what s taking Emma so long . I should probably go help her .
Opal : Oh , you know kids and their shoelaces . I m not in any hurry . Poor Ryan . Is nt it enough that he s got to deal with his own heartbreak , but now he s got to figure out some way to tell that little pumpkin that Greenlee is gone . I mean , how much can a soul take ?
Kendall : Ryan will be ok .
Opal : Yes , I think he will . I know he will , because he s got friends like you and Zach -- friends that stick by each other and support each other through everything .
Zach : I get it . It s got to be easier blaming me , I mean , anyone but yourself .
Ryan : You are truly delusional . You drove Greenlee off the road . You and your lies .
Zach : I was behind the wheel , but I ve got a feeling that Greenlee was done for the moment she agreed to marry you . That s what happens when you fall for Ryan Lavery .
Ryan : Oh , and everybody s always safe with Zach Slater , is that right ? Like the night of the tornado ? When you left your wife alone , and she ended up in a coma ? Is that what you call protecting your family ? I m just curious .
Zach : My wife is still alive .
Ryan : You son of -- this is perfect . Here s your girlfriend . She could nt stay away , could she ?
Reese : On this night , Zach , I think we should -- how could you do it ?
Ryan : Excuse me ?
Reese : How could you tell Bianca what you saw ?
Ryan : Are you serious right now ?
Reese : She left me , Ryan .
Ryan : And that s my fault ?
Reese : We were in love . We were happy , and you --
Ryan : You were cheating on her with Zach .
Reese : No , I was not -- it was one kiss .
Ryan : Whatever happened , it was the night before you got married , Reese .
Reese : God , are you self - righteous ! What the hell -- from what I have heard , you and Greenlee were rolling around while you were still married to somebody else .
Ryan : Do nt compare our situation to yours .
Reese : Oh , I am not comparing it , but you are --
Ryan : What are you trying to tell me ? Are you in love with Zach ? Is that what you re saying ?
Reese : No , no , I m not , actually . That s the difference . I m in love with Bianca . Zach was a mistake .
Ryan : A mistake that cost Greenlee her life .
Reese : That is not fair . Greenlee is gone because of --
Bianca : Stop it . Leave her alone .
Jesse : So , that was you , the guy in the hoodie , when I almost had a conversation with the mysterious Mr. Stone , was it ?
Aidan : I m sorry that I did nt tell you what was going on , but I had to be there , Jesse .
Jesse : Why ? What was pretending to be insane going to get you , Aidan ?
Aidan : Answers , all right ? I wanted to see if Annie was crazy . And it did nt take me long to find out that she was .
Jesse : Ok , fine . But then you stayed .
Aidan : Because of the way that Sinclair was treating her . She was obsessed with proving that Annie was faking her insanity .
Jesse : Why ?
Aidan : So that she would stand trial for Richie s death , and be put away in prison for life .
Jesse : And so in your nonmedical opinion , Annie was nt faking it ?
Aidan : That s right .
Jesse : And you think this highly - educated top psychiatrist could nt come to the same conclusion ?
Aidan : Oh , she came to the same conclusion , all right . She just chose to ignore it . She wanted Annie to admit that she was of sound mind when she killed Richie . Even if she had to force it out of her .
Jesse : Force it how ?
Aidan : By abusing her every chance she got . Sinclair taunted Annie . She put words in her mouth . She even slapped her around the face .
Jesse : You saw this ?
Aidan : Annie s cell was right next to mine , so I could hear everything that went on in there through the grate in the wall .
Jesse : You seem a little invested in all of this , Aidan .
Aidan : Jesse , we were both hurt by the same people . I did nt lose it -- Annie did . And I can understand why .
Jesse : Then help me understand this -- how do you know Sinclair is wrong ? I mean , criminals fake insanity all the time to avoid prison . I m sure Sinclair has seen this a lot in tons of patients .
Aidan : Yeah , but Annie is no ordinary patient . Annie was the woman that took Richie Novak away from Sinclair .
Jesse : Wait , you mean Sinclair and Richie Novak --
Aidan : Were lovers . She treated him years back . They had some big romance .
Aidan : Sinclair was never out to make Annie better . She was just out for payback .
Jesse : I do nt know , Aidan , this -- Annie has hurt so many people , including you . Now Sinclair is fighting for her life . That does nt exactly scream innocent Annie , does it ?
Tad : So maybe we have to turn up the volume .
Ryan : Please do nt tell me that you re here to forgive her .
Bianca : Ryan , this is between me and Reese .
Ryan : You know what ? You re right , it is between you and Reese , and I have a lot bigger things to deal with , like how to tell my daughter that Greenlee is dead .
Reese : I m really , really glad that you called . We have a lot of things we need to figure out .
Bianca : No , you know what ? I think I actually have it all figured out . Reese Williams , this is Donna Stillman .
Donna : Nice to meet you .
Reese : Bianca , what s going on here ?
Bianca : Donna is my attorney . She ll be handling the annulment .
Reese : The -- I m sorry , the what , the what ? You ca nt -- you ca nt do this .
Donna : Given the circumstances , it should be pretty cut and dried . I ll just need your signature here .
Reese : No , it s not cut and dried . Excuse me . Bianca , it was a kiss . It was one stupid , idiotic kiss . You can not end what we have over that .
Bianca : What we have is a total lie .
Reese : I love you and our daughters . That is not a lie .
Bianca : I do nt believe you anymore .
Reese : But our family , our lives together -- come on , please , will you just hear me out ?
Donna : From what Bianca has told me , Ms. Williams , you ve already spoken at some length .
Reese : No , actually that s not true .
Donna : In my experience , it s best to just sign the papers and then move on with your lives .
Reese : But my life is with you . Bianca , it -- excuse me , would you please just give me a minute ?
Bianca : It s ok .
Donna : Are you sure ?
Bianca : Yeah .
Reese : I -- I do nt know where to even start .
Bianca : Maybe that s because there s nothing left to say .
Zach : Hey . What are you doing home ?
Kendall : I know it s been awhile , but I live here , remember ?
Zach : You know I remember , but how did you get out of the hospital ? Did Jake release you ?
Kendall : No , actually , I released myself .
Zach : And you think that s wise ?
Kendall : What , do you wish I was still there ?
Zach : No , I just want to make sure that your heart is ok .
Kendall : Medically , it s fine . Sit .
Zach : Are we having dinner ?
Kendall : Yeah , I ordered out from B.J. s . I hope that s ok . Zach , I m not going to poison you . I mean , I can taste your food if you want me to .
Zach : Ok . What is this ?
Kendall : This is grilled chicken .
Zach : What is this ? What are we doing ? The last time you looked at me , you did nt want to know me at all , so --
Kendall : Well , the last time I saw you , I was in shock .
Zach : But now ?
Kendall : I m hungry .
Jesse : So you were trying to dig up dirt on all those missing years when I busted you grilling Dr. Sinclair , is that right , Mr. Pearson ?
Tad : You did nt bust me doing anything . I just wish you d showed up ten minutes earlier . We would nt be having this conversation if you had . You should have heard her going on about doctor - patient relationships , how they frequently cross the line . She even used the word love at one point . It was nt just creepy , it was definitely personal . I just did nt know how personal until Ryan told me about Aidan .
Jesse : About how you thought Novak was somehow involved .
Tad : Right , and you would nt believe how hard we had to dig to find out that Richie had more than one shrink when he was in hoosegow .
Aidan : So the long and the short of it is she resigned her position as prison psychiatrist because the news got out .
Tad : She did nt want it on her resume , so she did everything she could to make it disappear .
Jesse : And you with your crack reporting skills , you were able to figure it all out , right ?
Tad : With a lot of help from Aidan , yes .
Aidan : And that s why Sinclair went crazy and attacked Annie , because she knew that we knew .
Jesse : And you confronted her with this ?
Aidan : Well , I told her that if she left town and did nt look back , all would be forgiven . But obviously Sinclair did nt want to leave it like that , and she tried to murder Annie .
Jesse : One hell of a story . You believe all this ?
Tad : Every word .
Annie : Where s Aidan ? He promised he would nt leave me .
Angie : Do nt worry . He s right outside .
Annie : Can I see him ?
Angie : Yeah , just as soon as I m done here .
Annie : You re scared I m going to hurt you . You think I m a lunatic like everybody else .
Angie : No , I just think that I want to get this wound taken care of , that s all .
Ryan s voice : Beautiful flowers for my beautiful bride - to - be , see ? Yellow roses .
Kendall : Sorry about the potatoes . I -- I told her to make sure that they were extra fluffy .
Zach : The potatoes are fine .
Kendall : Ok , but I know you do nt really like broccoli and so I guess they ran out of string beans .
Zach : The food is fine .
Kendall : But we re not ?
Zach : You tell me .
Kendall : I really do nt want to talk about it right now .
Zach : Well then , when ? When do you want to talk about it ?
Kendall : I m trying , Zach , I really am . I mean , I put together this nice dinner for us , and we re having a nice , quiet evening at home alone , just like normal people .
Zach : This is normal to you ? Us sitting here not talking , that s -- that s normal ?
Kendall : What do you want me to say ?
Zach : I do nt know . Say something . Let s just talk . We ll talk about the kids , we ll talk -- talk about Greenlee if you want . You did nt lose me , not for one second . It s always only us . Ok . So how long you going to do that ? How long are you going to punish me -- a week , a month , a year ? Just let me know a timeframe , so I can get ready for that . We got ta deal with this . Where are you going ?
Kendall : I m going to see Ryan .
Zach : Why ?
Kendall : He needs me .
Reese : If I could take it back --
Bianca : You would . I do not doubt that .
Reese : But you doubt me . Bianca , baby , it was one --
Bianca : One kiss , yes , yes . I know . I do nt need to be reminded about it every five seconds .
Reese : Ok , well , you tell me what it is you do need , and I will give it to you . What , do -- do you need space ? You ve got it . You need therapy , it is done . Just please do nt tell me that we are finished . I mean , do you even -- you have a plan ?
Bianca : Yes , I m going to take the girls , and I m going to go to Paris .
Reese : Ok , perfect , that sounds great , because that s exactly what I want . Let s -- let s pack them up , let s go away , let s -- let s go back to Paris , to the house that I built , and we can live together , we can relax --
Bianca : So we just pretend that none of this ever happened ?
Reese : No , I m not asking to you to pretend , ok ? What I m asking your to do is just please try and forgive . Sweetheart , please , come on . Let s just go back to the place where we were truly happy .
Bianca : It does nt work that way .
Reese : Why not ? Who says ? Come on , you , me , and Miranda and Gabrielle , we can go back to Paris . We can go thousands of miles away from here , thousands of miles away from Zach .
Bianca : You say that like it s a good thing . Zach was one of my closest friends . He was like a brother to me , and now he s just gone .
Reese : I m sorry about it .
Bianca : But do you get it ? You keep saying it was just a kiss . Just a kiss ? It took everything . You took everything , and I m not just talking about Zach . You took my hope , my love , my trust .
Reese : But I do love you . You know that . I know you may not believe me right now , Bianca , but you can trust me .
Bianca : No , I ca nt . What kind of marriage is that ?
Reese : Do nt do this .
Bianca : You did nt give me a choice . It s over , Reese .
Jesse : Hey , how s Dr. Sinclair doing ?
David : Well , I just got her conscious again . She s going to have to stay here for the next eight hours , make sure all the toxins are out of her system .
Jesse : So she s going to make it .
David : Do nt sound so thrilled .
Jesse : Does she know ?
David : I was just about to share the good news .
Jesse : Do you think maybe you can hold off on that for a few minutes ?
David : So in other words , you need me to do a favor for you , right , Chief ? Let us not forget this glorious moment .
Jesse : Oh , there s a few moments I wo nt forget .
David : After you .
Jesse : Thank you . Dr. Sinclair ? I need you to level with me right now .
Dr. Sinclair : There s no point in lying . What do you want to know ?
Jesse : Do you think Annie Lavery is mentally ill , or do you think she s faking it ?
Dr. Sinclair : Annie is not faking . She is insane .
Jesse : Why are you so bent on bringing her down for her brother s murder ?
Dr. Sinclair : I loved Richie . Because of her , he s gone .
Jesse : Did you try to kill Annie today ?
Dr. Sinclair : Yes , I did . And if I had the chance , I d do it all over again .
Jesse : Ok , ok .
David : You should go now .
Dr. Sinclair : Wait , wait , wait . Am I going to be with Richie now ?
Angie : Annie s going to be just fine .
Aidan : Can I go see her ?
Angie : Mm - hmm , she s been asking for you .
Tad : What are you doing ? Were nt you supposed to go talk to Sinclair ?
Jesse : Your story checks out .
Aidan : Did she admit to everything ? Richie , trying to kill Annie ?
Jesse : All of it .
Aidan : Big of you to finally believe our story . Now if you ll excuse me , I m going to go see her .
Jesse : You re welcome , Mr. Stone . Anybody else getting the more than just friends vibe from these two ?
Tad : The only vibe I m getting is from you . You were gone for five minutes . How on earth did you get her to spill her guts in that time ?
Jesse : I used a nunya .
Tad : What s a nunya ?
Jesse : Nunya business , Einstein .
Tad : Oh , I see . Like that , is it , huh ? Well , if you do nt spill any trade secrets from the guild of detective idiots , just say so . You do nt have to get all mysterious about it .
Jesse : Shut up .
Angie : Oh , my God , you two -- a marriage made in heaven ?
Reese : I m not signing anything . I m not signing these . We have a family , Bianca , or have you forgotten that ?
Bianca : Oh , no , I remember it all the time .
Reese : Ok , so , um , where in here does it say anything about Gabrielle and Miranda ? You think I m just going to , what , take you to the airport , wave you guys goodbye ?
Bianca : They re my daughters .
Reese : Yes , they are . And they re mine , too . Look , I may not have a legal right to Miranda , but with Gabrielle we have equal parenting rights . You signed those papers , too .
Bianca : She s mine . It was my egg . I carried her .
Reese : What , it could have just easily have been mine .
Bianca : Yeah , well , it was nt .
Reese : Because we decided to use your egg together .
Bianca : Yes , so that Miranda --
Reese : Miranda , who I feel like is mine . Oh , I get it , I see . So everything that you told me about me being just as much their mother , what was that ? It was all words ?
Bianca : Things are different now .
Reese : No , they re not different between me and my girls . That has not changed . I wo nt let you disappear with them .
Bianca : It s not your call .
Reese : Oh , like hell it s not .
Bianca : You know what ? This is ridiculous . Would you just tell her that she has no idea what she s talking about ?
Lawyer : Actually she does .
Opal : Yoo - hoo , anybody home ?
Emma : Daddy !
Ryan : Hi , hi , hi , sweetheart . Oh , oh , I missed you so much .
Emma : I missed you , too .
Ryan : Yeah ? Hey , did you have fun with Spike and Ian ?
Emma : But I wanted to come home .
Opal : You sure did . Most excited little chatterbox I ever saw . Could nt wait to see her daddy .
Emma : And Greenlee . Where is she ?
Zach : So Ryan needs you , huh ? Well , you know what ? I need you right now .
Kendall : You did nt just lose the love of your life . You do nt have to tell your six - year - old daughter that her mother is never coming home . I mean , as if Emma has nt had enough to deal with lately . I need to go .
Zach : How long ?
Kendall : As long as it takes .
Zach : Ok .
David : You got something for me ? That s exactly what I wanted to hear . Keep me informed . Good evening , folks .
Angie : Was that -- was he just cheerful ?
Jesse : I hope not . A cheerful Hayward is a dangerous Hayward .
Tad : Is there any other kind ?
Bianca : What -- what are you doing ?
Reese : If you re dead - set on the annulment , it s fine . But it is not going down like this .
Bianca : Like what ?
Reese : Like ... I m sorry , ok ? I made a mistake , and I will admit it , but this is absolutely --
Bianca : This is what s fair .
Reese : No , it s not fair . You think you can shove this in my face , and I m just going to roll over ? I love you , Bianca . I love you and that has not changed . But if you want to take that away from me , if you want to take it away from us , that is fine . But you can not take my daughter away from me , too .
Bianca : So what are you saying ?
Reese : I m saying , you want a fight ? You got one . Excuse me .
Ryan : Hey . What are you doing here ?
Kendall : Um , I knew Emma was coming home tonight , so I thought maybe you could use the support . And I thought Emma could probably use this .
Ryan : Thanks .
Kendall : Have you told her ?
Ryan : I do nt know how .
Kendall : That s ok . We ll figure it out together .
Aidan : It s over , Annie . Sinclair confessed . She s going to go to prison for a very long time .
Annie : And what about me ? Where do I go ?
Aidan : You go back to Oak Haven , but not to maximum security . To that wing you were in before . And you re going to get the help that you need .
Annie : Are you coming with me ?
Aidan : I ca nt . But I will visit you .
Annie : I never would have gotten through any of this without you . I owe you everything .
Aidan : You do nt owe me anything , ok ? Just -- just get better .
Annie : I will . For you , but most importantly , for Emma .
Ryan : Emma , there s something that we need to talk about , and it might make you very sad .
Kendall : But it s ok to feel sad or angry or hurt , because that s how we get through these kinds of things .
Ryan : Greenlee is gone .
Kendall : She went to heaven .
Emma : Like Mittens ?
Ryan : Yeah , just like your cat . And while Mittens gets to play with angels , Greenlee gets to be one .
Kendall : That s right . A beautiful , perfect , smiling angel who will always protect you .
Emma : Greenlee s gone ?
Kendall : Emma , is Sandy sad ? Sandy s sad , huh ?
Emma : I am , too .
Kendall : Yeah .
### Summary:
| At Pine Valley Hospital , David gets a call . Kendall arrives home and sees Reese sitting on the sofa . Kendall orders her out . Reese gets her coat and purse and leaves . Outside the house , Reese receives a call . Kendall watches Reese leave from the window . At the casino , Ryan vows revenge on Zach for being the one responsible for Greenlee s death . At Oak Haven , Annie gets up off the floor . Dr. Sinclair pulls out a syringe . She grabs Annie and holds her around the neck while she aims the needle at Annie s neck . Annie pushes Dr. Sinclair away from her and starts to yell for help . A struggle results with Annie and Dr. Sinclair ending up on the bed . Aidan and an orderly come in and pulls them apart . Dr. Sinclair realizes that the needle is stuck in her arm . Aidan pulls out the needle before Dr. Sinclair collapses . Emma comes downstairs to spend time with Kendall . Dr. Sinclair and Annie are both taken to Pine Valley Hospital . Jesse comes in and demands to know from Aidan as to what is going on . Opal arrives at Kendall s to pick up Emma to take her home to Ryan . Ryan and Zach still argue when Reese comes in . Ryan begins to blast Reese for her actions when Bianca comes downstairs and tells Ryan to leave Reese alone . Bianca and Reese meet with Donna Stillman , who is Bianca s lawyer . Bianca lets Reese know that she is having the marriage annulled . Aidan , Tad and Jesse discuss Dr. Sinclair and how that she was out to make Annie pay for Richie s death . While treating Annie , Angie puts a pair of scissors in her pocket . Ryan comes home to an empty house . Ryan sees a bunch of flowers on the table . He picks them up and throws them off the balcony . After Kendall finishes lunch , Kendall tells Zach that she is going to see Ryan . Bianca tells Reese that it is over between her and Reese . Dr. Sinclair confesses to Jesse that she was in love with Richie and that she had tried to kill Annie . Opal brings Emma home . Kendall arrives at Ryan s . Together , Ryan and Kendall tell Emma that Greenlee is dead . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Finn : It s the second - most expensive bottle on the list . I figure you re charging our list of industrial comps to the WSB .
Anna : Mmm . Oh , it s very good .
Finn : Hmm ?
Anna : It s very good .
Finn : I ll take your word for it . I m sticking to the sparkling water cause it s sourced in Switzerland .
Anna : [ Chuckles ] Ah . Bottom s up .
Finn : Mm . I may also order the most expensive entrée on the menu .
Anna : Would nt you rather order something you like ?
Finn : Well , I figure it s a small consolation for being blackmailed into a job that was a total waste of time . Cheers .
Anna : [ Sighs ] God , are you always such a pessimist ?
Finn : It s not me . Cassandra all but told us that she never leaves Monte Carlo .
Anna : Yeah , but she pretended to shut you down before . So maybe she ll change her mind . Maybe she does want to be treated by you so badly that she ll go to Port Charles .
Finn : [ Inhales deeply ] For mostly imaginary symptoms .
Anna : So you ll find the cure for hypochondria . You ll win the Nobel Prize .
Finn : You just do nt give up . And if Cassandra does nt bite , do you have a Plan B ?
Valentin : I have nt spoken to you in years , and now you want , what ? A medical reference ?
Cassandra : Well , there s a simple explanation .
Valentin : No , nothing is ever simple with you , Cassandra . So , how d you hear about Dr. Finn ?
Cassandra : Well , I did nt . It was blind luck that I met him . I was dying , and he saved my life .
Valentin : And where did this happen ?
Cassandra : My favorite brasserie in Monte Carlo . You know the one -- when the cars race by during the Grand Prix , you can feel it in your chest .
Valentin : Monte Carlo ? What s Dr. Finn doing in Monte Carlo ?
Cassandra : From what I understand , he s on holiday . You have nt said anything about how happy you are that he saved my life .
Valentin : Hmph . Well , how bout that .
Cassandra : Have you forgotten how well we used to work together ? Almost as well as we used to play .
Valentin : Goodbye , Cassandra . Adieu .
Cassandra : [ Scoffs ] Do nt be so rude . We have matters to discuss -- things of mutual interest .
Valentin : We have nt had a mutual interest in a very , very long time . Cassandra , bonne nuit et bonne chance .
Valentin : Hello , Laura . I did nt realize you were back in town .
Laura : May I come in ?
Valentin : Please .
Ava : [ Sighs ]
Griffin : Hey .
Ava : Hey . So ? What did you do with Klein ?
Griffin : He is in the room next door , tucked in with the lights off . Whatever was in that syringe should keep him out for hours .
Ava : How did you know where to find me ? Believe it or not , I ... I met a man in a church .
Father Stanislov : A train is not best for you .
Patient 6 : The American who came here to pray -- he gave me some money . I can afford a ticket .
Father Stanislov : Ticket is no good without papers .
Patient 6 : [ Sighs ] Yeah , I know . I know they check passports . I m just gon na have to figure out a way around it .
Father Stanislov : There is another way -- boat going to America .
Valentin : Can I offer you a drink ?
Laura : No , thank you . Not from you . Lulu filled me in about how you bought Ava s silence ... with some kind of a promise of a - a miracle restoration ?
Valentin : Well , I do nt know about that , but I did give her a referral to the clinic that performed all my surgeries .
Laura : You took advantage of a vulnerable woman who s suffering from disfigurement .
Valentin : I m gon na go out on a limb here and suggest that I ve probably forgotten more about pain and disfigurement than you will ever hope to learn .
Laura : And yet , you were still willing to use that against Ava to manipulate her .
Valentin : Did Lulu , uh , tell you that we agreed to joint custody ?
Laura : You did nt give her a choice .
Valentin : We agreed to compromise for Charlotte s sake .
Laura : You forced her into it . [ Scoffs ] You murdered my son , you left Spencer an orphan , and now I think it s time that I got revenge for all of it .
Cassandra : Are we really going through this tiresome pantomime again ? Go get your glass .
Man : Thank you , Madam .
Cassandra : Dr. Finn seems very capable . Too bad I have to travel to the states to be treated by him .
Man : Yes , it is . Madam , you re not seriously considering ... ?
Cassandra : It s just a plane . It s not like it s a voyage in a three - masted schooner .
Man : You despise planes .
Cassandra : Well , they re disgusting -- all those germs trapped in the air vents .
Man : Much safer to stay here .
Cassandra : I ca nt be cured here .
Finn : Seriously , here I am -- I m playing spy games against my better judgment , I m doing the best I can to hold up my end of whatever the hell this is .
Anna : And you have -- you have .
Finn : Oh , okay , so , all I really want to know is if Cassandra does nt want me to treat her , am I off the hook or ... or do you find some other use for me ?
Anna : May I point something out to you ?
Finn : Instead of answering my question ? Sure .
Anna : We re in Monte Carlo . Hmm ? Yeah , I know maybe I pressured you into coming here , and maybe , yes , it s kind of a strange way to show my gratitude for saving my life , but you re on an adventure . You know ? By the looks of things , you really needed it .
Finn : No , that s where you re wrong . I did nt need that . You know what I needed ? I needed peace . I needed to be left in peace , and the only face I needed to see was Roxy .
Anna : Your lizard ?
Finn : Technically , bearded dragon . She s a support animal . And I know that s -- that must sound very strange to someone like you who dodges bullets for a living , but yes , I have an emotional - support animal .
Anna : I think that s really nice .
Finn : Really ?
Anna : Mm - hmm .
Finn : Well , it s just ... that , you know , I can talk to her . She s the closest thing I have to a friend . Do you have someone like that ? You know , like , um ... like a friend or a confidant , or is that verboten in your world ?
Anna : Well , it s not verboten ...
Finn : Ah .
Anna : ... But it s risky because ... attachments ... that kind of shows your vulnerabilities , and your enemies ... they can exploit that ... and they will ... and they do . And then , sooner or later , your dedication to duty just kind of leads to disappointment and regret .
Finn : Yeah ... I get that .
Finn : [ Scoffs ] Is that your boss ? What are you -- what are you going to tell them when they ask for a progress report ?
Anna : Aww !
Griffin : Okay , it s all clear . We should get going .
Ava : Yeah , I know , it s ... it s just you being here ... you showing up here like this in the nick of time ... if I did nt believe in miracles before , I certainly do now .
Griffin : Look , that was insane . What were they gon na do to you ?
Ava : I - I m not sure . I know that Klein was getting ready to punish me for helping another patient escape .
Griffin : Light -- light hair , blue eyes ?
Ava : Yeah . Yeah . How do you know that ?
Griffin : He told me where to find you .
Ava : Oh , it s the man you met in the church .
Griffin : Yeah .
Ava : Is he all right ?
Griffin : Last I saw . Look , do -- do you have your travel documents and your passport ?
Ava : No , there s a room down the hall where they keep the patient IDs , and it s locked .
Griffin : Wait , wait , w - will this help ? I t-- I took this off of Klein .
Ava : Well , first a fight , now theft ? I m impressed , Father . Maybe there s hope for you yet .
Griffin : Hurry , okay ? Every second counts .
Father Stanislov : This is Vasca -- a sailor . His ship goes to America .
Patient 6 : You can get me onboard ?
Father Stanislov : Yes , he has agreed .
Patient 6 : I ll pay . I ll pay . This is just a deposit . I ll get you more money when we get to the US . Just please , take it .
Father Stanislov : You do nt need to pay . He helps stranger -- his act -- pleasing to God .
Patient 6 : Then you take it .
Father Stanislov : No , your need is greater . You keep .
Patient 6 : Thank you .
Anderson : Open up .
Valentin : You have my attention .
Laura : This Ava thing ? You re gon na fix it .
Valentin : Um ...
Valentin : Laura , even if I wanted to , Ava s already retracted her statement in writing . It s out of my control .
Laura : You got her to change her mind once , you can do it again .
Valentin : Ava s out of the country . I have no idea when or even if she s coming back to Port Charles .
Laura : You sent her away ! You can get her to come back ! And for God s sake , it s not like you have nt kidnapped anyone before , have you ?
Valentin : You re disappointed and you are upset , but you have to face facts . With Ava s testimony withdrawn , Spencer s civil suit is dead in the water .
Laura : Oh , no , no . We are going ahead with that lawsuit , with or without Ava .
Valentin : Well , then , my lawyers will bury you ...
Laura : [ Scoffs , laughs ]
Valentin : ... And you will be putting Spencer through a pointless ordeal , because you ca nt even prove that Nikolas is dead .
Laura : I know my son is dead , and I know you did it -- cruelly , deliberately . And I know you never paid for it , either . And now you probably think that you never will , right ? Cause you got Ava to change her story , so you just think you re -- you re home - free , right ? Think again . [ Laughs ] Is this how it felt when you held the gun on my son -- knowing that at any moment , you could just pull the trigger ... and end his life ? Well , now I know what it felt like to be in your shoes , and you know what it felt like to be in his .
Anna : It s from my daughter , Robin .
Finn : [ Chuckles ] I met her . She s nice .
Anna : Yeah .
Finn : Is she one of those attachments that you mentioned that your enemies have tried to use against you ?
Anna : Yeah . All her life . Most recently , Olivia Jerome . She held her trapped in an elevator at the hospital with a bomb . Do you remember that ?
Finn : I did nt realize that was about Robin .
Anna : Yeah . I came so close to losing her . But this summer , she had her second child -- a little boy . [ Chuckles ] He just went for his well - baby checkup , and he passed with flying colors , so ...
Finn : Really ? That s nice .
Anna : Yeah . He s named after his two grandfathers -- Noah Robert . We call him Noah , but really , he takes after Robert . I mean , it s kind of crazy to say that you can see the twinkle in the eye of a newborn baby , but you really can . I mean , he s just -- he has it . He s so like his grandfather .
Finn : Where s -- where s our food ? This is taking forever .
Anna : You know , I never even told Robert that I was pregnant with Robin . I did nt tell him . I gave her to a good friend to raise . Not a day goes by that I do nt regret those lost years .
Finn : Years ?
Anna : Six years ... yeah . I had to keep her in hiding . I used to go and see her as a friend , but I could never really be her mother . You know , I could nt tuck her in at night or ... kiss away her tears . And then , we were able to be together , and I just became a mom with a vengeance -- you know , full - time ... until we were separated again . But now , she has , uh , two children . She s a mother . You know , I have a second chance to make up for lost time .
Finn : You ca nt . You ca nt ever make up for abandoning the people you love .
Ava : Hey .
Griffin : I was worried you got caught .
Ava : No , no , no . I m not gon na waste this miracle getting caught . Got my wallet , my passport -- my phone !
Griffin : Hey , maybe we could skip the packing .
Ava : No , no , no , I m almost done .
Griffin : Well , is there anything in there that ca nt be replaced ? If not , just leave the luggage . Let s get the hell out of here !
Ava : Get the hell out of here ? Well , that s nice language for a priest , huh ?
Griffin : If that s what it takes to get through to you , leave the damn luggage and let s get moving !
Ava : What do you think we re gon na do ? We re gon na peek out there and make sure the coast is clear and then make a run for it ?
Griffin : Yes .
Ava : No .
Anderson : We re searching for an escaped mental patient . Let us in ! [ Speaks Russian ]
Patient 6 : Is there another way out of the church ?
Father Stanislov : Uh , yes , Vasca will show you .
Patient 6 : No , not for me . For you . You need to get out of here -- both of you .
Father Stanislov : What will you do ?
Patient 6 : I m gon na stop these guys .
Father Stanislov : No !
Patient 6 : They ve already been here once . They came back because they figured out I m here .
Father Stanislov : Then , go .
Patient 6 : I ve seen these guys . They re gon na come in here , they re gon na tear this place apart , and when they do nt find me , they could take it out on you . And I do nt want that to happen .
Anderson : Last chance ! Unlock the door !
Patient 6 : Please , you have to get -- you have to get out of here .
Father Stanislov : I can not let you fight in house of God .
Valentin : You are so lucky .
Laura : Me ? You do nt know how close I came to putting bullets in this gun .
Valentin : It s a mistake to wave a gun at a person when you do nt know what level of self - defense training they ve got .
Laura : Oh , I know you re dangerous . That was a risk that I was willing to take , because I wanted you to have the experience ! I wanted you to know what it felt like to know that your life was about to be over . You know , Valentin , you are not invincible . You re not invulnerable .
Valentin : I never claimed to be either of those things .
Laura : Tell me something ... Valentin , I m curious . When you thought it was all about to be over , what God do you pray to ? Or do you ?
Anna : You have no idea how hard it was for me to leave my daughter . Yes , she was showered in love and affection , but it hurt like hell .
Finn : Somehow , you found the strength to abandon your child .
Anna : [ Clicks tongue ] I did nt have a choice .
Finn : I know . You did nt have a choice , you know , cause ... you know , maybe the pregnancy was an accident , right ? And you did nt think you were set up to be a mother . You knew your job was important to you , so to be good at your job , you had to -- you had to choose that over your daughter . You did nt even have the strength to tell the baby s father the truth .
Anna : You have no right to judge me .
Finn : You had no right to run away . You had no right to run away cause you were lucky enough to be having a child and to be having a child with a man who loved you so much .
Anna : Oh , this is about Hayden ... and the baby you lost .
Ava : Trust me , I have a little expertise in this area . The way to get away with a crime -- thank you -- is to make it look like no crime took place .
Griffin : I do nt consider it a crime to run for our lives .
Ava : Well , we re not gon na run . We are gon na have the main desk call us a car , and we are gon na very calmly walk down the hallway with my luggage in tow .
Griffin : But if Klein wakes up --
Ava : But I thought you said he d be out for hours ?
Griffin : But what if I m wrong ? You know , what if I m wrong ? What if -- what if somebody finds him ? You do nt think they re gon na come looking for us ?
Ava : Do they even know you re here ?
Griffin : Yes . I had to use my medical credentials to get in . I told them I was consulting with a patient .
Ava : Well , then , that s perfect . The result of that consultation is that I ve decided to check out , and I m gon na leave with my personal physician .
Griffin : Oh , my God , this is insane . We re gon na get caught .
Ava : No , if we do it your way , we ll definitely get caught . If we do it my way , we have at least a 30 % chance of success . So , Father , would you mind getting the door ?
Father Stanislov : God has helped you . Do nt repay him with violence .
Patient 6 : I - I m not the one you should be worried about .
Father Stanislov : Go now , please . [ Speaks Russian ]
Patient 6 : Thank you .
Father Stanislov : All are welcome here , but , uh , I only speak , uh , small English .
Anderson : We re looking for an escaped patient . He s very dangerous . Someone else already lied and said he was nt here . Another American .
Father Stanislov : Another ?
Anderson : Our patient is also American . We d like to handle this quietly , but we can call in the police to search .
Father Stanislov : The police can come if you want , but as you can see , there s no one here .
Anderson : We ll see . No one back there .
Finn : [ Sighs ] I guess I m just not Bond material .
Anna : You re doing just fine .
Finn : [ Sighs , sniffles ] I m sorry . I m sorry about what happened in there . I got a little lost thinking about ... this woman I loved and this baby I could nt wait to hold in my arms . And part of me keeps thinking that if Hayden had stayed , if he had nt run , I could ve saved the baby . I m -- I m not good at much , but I m a hell of a doctor . And it was early in the pregnancy , and I ... forget I said that . [ Chuckles ] The road to hell is nt paved with good intentions , it s paved with if - only s .
Anna : Hey , um ... I can just say something , but it s , um , gon na sound really hypocritical .
Finn : By all means , go for it .
Anna : [ Chuckles ] I do nt know . [ Sniffles ] Sometimes you just have to accept that ... things are nt in your control .
Finn : [ Inhales sharply ] You re only saying that cause you think you still need me .
Anna : No .
Finn : Do nt worry . Your operation s safe . I ll continue to play nice with Cassandra cause it s -- it s pretty clear I got ... nowhere else to go and nothing better to do .
Cassandra : I d like to know more about Dr. Finn s traveling companion .
Man : Why ?
Cassandra : He never even mentioned her name .
Man : Is there any reason he should ?
Cassandra : A man and a woman vacationing together in Monte Carlo ? They re either siblings , lovers , or business associates , or some combination thereof .
Man : They could simply be friends .
Cassandra : [ Scoffs ] Platonic friendships between a man and a woman are like unicorns -- everyone s heard of them , but no one s actually seen one .
Man : You consider me your friend ?
Cassandra : Course I do -- a well - paid one . I m still trying to figure out whether Dr. Finn s silence about his traveling companion implies a lack of involvement or a secret .
Man : It wo nt matter if you never see him again .
Cassandra : You expect me to pass up a chance to be accurately diagnosed -- maybe even cured ?
Man : When no one else could cure you , why should he ?
Cassandra : He s brilliant .
Man : Is that all ?
Cassandra : As opposed to ... ?
Man : Madam has been known to mix business with pleasure .
Cassandra : [ Scoffs ] Do nt be absurd . The man is a doctor .
Man : And ?
Cassandra : And this time will be different . I m almost sure of it .
Valentin : I do nt pray to anyone for anything . But if my life ever does flash before my eyes , I will be faced with some pretty powerful regrets .
Laura : You do nt regret killing my son . You re happy you got away with it .
Valentin : I regret the encounter on Cassadine Island because , as it turns out , my father s will was already written and I am the legitimate heir . So , I could ve very peacefully disinherited Nikolas without resorting to violence , and that would ve been better off for everybody .
Laura : You bastard .
Valentin : Yeah , I know . And I also know that you mean that as an insult , but it s nothing short of the truth .
Laura : You would nt know the truth if it jumped up and bit you . All you know are lies ! And you know what ? Soon , Nina is going to figure that out , and one day , Charlotte will , too .
Valentin : I ve missed our chats . And Charlotte will be very glad to have you back in town , because she needs her grandmother , and you and I really should learn how to get along together .
Laura : Oh , you ve got this all figured out , do nt you ?
Valentin : Oh , hardly ! But like I said , Lulu and I came to an agreement for Charlotte s sake .
Laura : Which you forced her into .
Valentin : I did nt hold a gun on her like you just did me ! And if you ever think about denying this , I want you to think long and hard about what kind of tech I have installed here , because I might have video of everything that s transpired . And if I show it to the police , you ll be facing some very serious criminal charges .
Laura : You re bluffing .
Valentin : Is that what you re counting on ?
Laura : Mm - hmm .
Valentin : Because I promise you , if you ever pull a stunt like this again or if you try to disrupt my agreement with Lulu --
Laura : You ll what ?
Valentin : I ll win . And you and that bobble - head daughter of yours will lose .
Ava : I keep thinking , am I dreaming this , or did Klein actually drug me and I m having some kind of hallucinations or what ?
Griffin : [ Groans ] You re not dreaming .
Ava : Oh , you -- you probably should nt be encouraging my vices .
Griffin : Oh , come on , you had a tough day .
Ava : Mm . Oh . [ Sighs ] I ca nt believe we did it . We got out of that clinic , we managed to find the airport , we got through security , and we got ourselves to these seats .
Griffin : Well , are nt you the one that said we had a 30 % chance ?
Ava : Well , I was lying .
Griffin : [ Chuckles ]
Ava : [ Chuckles ]
Griffin : That certainly did nt show the way -- the way you stayed icy calm as we walked out of the front of that clinic . And were nt you scared at all ?
Ava : Oh , yeah . Yeah , I was scared to death .
Griffin : Well , you have nothing to be afraid of now . All you have to do is lean back and close your eyes and sleep . I ll wake you up when we get to JFK .
Woman : Ladies and gentlemen , we ve been detained at the gate for some kind of security issue .
Laura : Excuse me . [ Inhales sharply ] You know , there s one more thing that I want you to know before I leave . It s about your family .
Valentin : You mean our family .
Laura : Your step - mother put a curse on me once .
Valentin : Yeah , that sounds like Helena .
Laura : Mm .
Valentin : You believe in curses , do you ?
Laura : I do nt , but the funny thing is , you do nt need to believe in Helena s curses for them to work .
Valentin : So , how does this curse manifest itself ?
Laura : Oh , she could make things happen . But just knowing that she had a vendetta against me and everyone I love , that was enough . She tortured me and my family for decades .
Valentin : Well , then , I suppose it s best for all of us that she s gone .
Laura : You know , that s what I thought , too . After she died , I thought maybe the curse was finally broken , but I was -- I was very cautious . I waited a moment to see ... if there was any black cloud looming on the horizon . And then , there you were .
Valentin : Well , you know , curses are a lot like prophecies and gods . They really only have as much power as you give them , so I choose not to believe in such stuff .
Laura : You do nt have to believe in the supernatural to understand evil . It s a sickness of the mind , of the heart -- it manifests itself through the things you do -- the things you put out into the world .
Valentin : Uh , if this is gon na be a lecture on karma --
Laura : Oh , yeah , I m sure that you do nt believe in karma . But you know what ? Just like Helena s curses , you do nt need to , cause karma works whether you believe it or not . So just enjoy this little victory of yours now . But , Valentin ? You will never know peace of mind . You will have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life , wondering when your past is gon na catch up with you .
Anna : I m sorry .
Finn : [ Scoffs ] For what ? I mean , there s a lot to choose from .
Anna : [ Laughs ] Yeah . I was really insensitive -- talking about my family and my grandchildren , knowing what you ve been through .
Finn : It was fine . I m sorry . I ... I should nt have judged you for leaving your daughter . I know that must ve been heartbreaking , and you were just doing what you thought was best .
Anna : Yeah . I do nt know . Okay , so ... now we ve officially apologized for everything we regret .
Finn : Yeah .
Anna : We should probably quit while we re ahead . Just cancel the food and ... get the check .
Finn : Yeah .
Anna : Call it a night , yeah ?
Finn : Yeah , we , uh , we probably should .
Anna : Okay .
Finn : Yeah . But where s the fun in that ?
Anna : Sorry , what ?
Finn : You were right before . I mean , we re not in new York , we re in -- we re in Monte Carlo . The smart play here when you re on a roll is you double - down . I mean , that is unless you re not still a gambler .
Anna : [ Chuckles ] What did you have in mind ?
Announcer : Sorry about the delay . This issue has been resolved , and we ll be pushing back from the gate very soon . Please sit back and relax and enjoy our flight to New York City .
Ava : Oh , God , I ve missed this . Believe it or not , even underground Russian medical facilities do not serve alcohol . At least not to patients , anyway .
Griffin : After what you ve been through ...
Ava : Mm . Once this goes down the hatch , I m not gon na think about how that flight attendant tried so hard not to look at me and how so many of these passengers -- they were very busy , uh , studying the emergency card .
Griffin : Some of them were actually reading it for the instructions .
Ava : Oh , really ?
Griffin : Yes .
Ava : Oh , good . Well , let s hope whatever s on that laminated card can save us if we go plummeting into the Atlantic .
Griffin : [ Sighs ] So , you ready to tell me about what happened back at the clinic ?
Patient 6 : This is great , thank you .
Vasca : When underway , no crew this level . Till then , be careful .
Patient 6 : Yeah , I ll stay out of sight . One q-- one question -- where in the US is this ship headed ?
Vasca : New York .
Finn : You know , we told this big crime syndicate we were in Monte Carlo to have a good time .
Anna : Mm - hmm . Yeah ?
Finn : We -- we have to keep up the front . We need to look the part . So , what do you say we go on back to the hotel , I ll try to round up a dinner jacket , you find yourself a dress , we hit the town , maybe try our luck in the casino . What s your game ? Is it roulette or baccarat ?
Anna : Let s roll the dice and see what happens next .
Finn : You re on .
Anna : Yeah ? [ Chuckles ] Let s go . Thank you .
Ava : And now you want me to change my testimony to help exonerate you , and for what ? So I can once again be pretty ? !
Valentin : Do you really want Spencer to wonder if his father s alive and well out there ? That he s actually just abandoned him ?
Ava : I know you killed him cause I saw it with my own eyes .
Valentin : Well , you have two choices -- you have two choices . You can stand by your original statement , you can put us all through a pointless trial , and you can look like you do for the rest of your life . Or you can sign it .
Valentin : I thought I told you we have nothing further to discuss .
Cassandra : Well , I ve never known you to make such a blindly uninformed decision . I should think , given our past --
Valentin : But despite what you and certain other people in my life believe , the past is much better left where it is .
Cassandra : Well , we ll put your theory to the test when I see you .
Valentin : And when do you think that s going to be ?
Cassandra : Sooner than you do . I ve decided to seek treatment with Dr. Hamilton Finn , which means I will need to come to Port Charles . A bientôt , mon chérie .
Ava : You know , if it s all the same to you , I d rather not relive what happened at the clinic right now .
Griffin : I mean , you said you helped that man escape and the doctor was punishing you for it . Why ?
Ava : Just later , okay ? Right now , all you need to know is written all over my unfinished face .
Griffin : Hey . Come on , do nt -- do nt lose hope . There -- there still might be a way .
Ava : I already received one miracle today . I do nt think I ought to push my luck .
Griffin : Fair enough .
Ava : Besides , the more you talk about me , the more you re avoiding the question . Why did you come to find me ?
### Summary:
| Finn asks Anna if she has a plan B if this does nt work out with Cassandra . Anna does nt want him to be so sure that it wo nt . She gets a text from Robin and they end up discussing how Anna had to give up Robin when she was born . Finn does nt think that it was ok for Anna to do that and she was being selfish . Finn ends up storming out of the pub and Anna follows him . She realizes that he is thinking about Hayden . Finn realizes he should nt have lashed out at her . They end up deciding to have a night of gambling . Cassandra calls up Valentin and wants to know what Port Charles is like and what Finn is like . Valentin does nt want to talk to her because he has nt in years . He hangs up . Laura shows up at his house and points a gun on him for what he did with Ava to stop the civil suit . Laura still plans to go through with it . She reveals the gun has no bullets . Valentin threatens her . Laura promises that all his misdoings will come back to haunt him whether he wants to believe so or not . Valentin gets another call from Cassandra . She is definitely coming to Port Charles . Ava and Griffin attempt to figure out how to get out of the clinic . Griffin had to pretend to have a patient here to get in . Griffin explains that Klein is passed out in another room . Ava suggests that they just walk out the front door and hope that no one questions anything . She goes to get her stuff first so they can leave the country . On the plane , they are temporarily halted but then the plane takes off . Griffin promises that things will work out fine . The priest introduces patient six to a man with a boat that is going to America . He offers him a ride on the boat . Patient six thanks them both but then the people looking for him show up again . Patient six wants them both to leave so he can take care of them . The priest just wants him to leave as no one can fight in the church . Patient six agrees . He gets on the boat . It is headed to New York . When it has taken off someone sneaks up behind him ready to fight . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Daniel : Chloe ! Hey , what are you doing here ?
Chloe : Hey . You forgot to take your pill .
Daniel : Oh , I did , you re right . Thank you . Thank you .
Philip : Hey .
Melanie : Hi . Oh , my gosh , you should have seen the surgery . It was so cool .
Philip : Oh , you know how I love hearing about stomach surgery .
Melanie : No ! Carly and Daniel were working on this guy , and his intestine-- nowhere near where it was supposed to be .
Chloe : You did nt tell me that Carly did the surgery .
Daniel : Yeah , really , it was no big deal .
Carly : And thank you again , really , because -- and sorry to steal him from you like that-- but he saved the day .
Chloe : Uh , let s go to your office .
Daniel : You know , how bout we get some coffee at the pub ?
Chloe : No , I want you to take your pill , and we need to test your blood pressure . Then we can go .
Carly : [ Ahem ] Still think it s a good idea for me to stay with you ?
Daniel : Yes .
Carly : [ Sighs ]
Vivian : Well , is nt this unusual -- Carly Manning without a man standing around .
Melanie : I do nt know . I just kinda thought Chloe was lightening up a little bit , inviting us to brunch .
Philip : Well , she is . She s , uh , really trying to make everything work .
Melanie : I thought we were starting to get along , but that look she gave me could have stopped a clock .
Philip : Ah , that s not because of you . It s Carly .
Melanie : I think it s more complicated than that .
Nathan : I ca nt tell you how sophisticated you look . Oh , Steph -- come on , do nt go .
Roman : Sweetheart ... what s wrong ?
Sami : Dad , um ... ha . Everything . Pretty much everything . Rafe is in a holding cell because he d rather be there than with me , and , uh , Will has moved out . Because I m , again , just so unbearable to be around . And the worst part is , they re right . I have made a mess of my life , and it is all my fault .
Stefano : Well , clearly ... the truth is too much to ask for .
EJ : Wait ! Wait . Fine . You want the truth ? I kidnapped Sydney .
Stefano : And you re going to regret that .
EJ : I do nt think so .
Stefano : [ Chuckling ] Who knows ? Perhaps you re right . [ Chuckles ] Maybe Anna s confession , all you put us through , is not enough to convict you of kidnapping , you know . But it s more than enough for Samantha to get control of your children and ... maybe a little restraining order .. for good luck .
EJ : Perhaps .
Stefano : Perhaps ?
EJ : If you get that DVD to the authorities . But ... you re not going to do that .
Stefano : And how are you going to stop me ?
EJ : Oh , by any means necessary , old man .
Kate : I want this to be your decision . I - I - I do nt want you thinking back later that I manipulated the situation , okay ? And I think ... that you re very upset . Are you sure you re not having second thoughts ?
Will : No . Not about Mom . We ... cant handle living together . But , um ... I m just afraid that when Mom finds out that I m moving in with you , I wo nt get to see Sydney anymore .
Roman : All right , all right , hold on , wait a minute here . Will is moving out ? Why ?
Sami : He s mad at me . He took Sydney out and he ran into Nicole , and he let her say good - bye to Sydney . He told me that Sydney called her Mama . He let it happen , Dad , and it just upset me , you know ? And ... and I - I let him have it .
Roman : Well , he sure as hell found a way to pay you back in spades . Where is he ?
Sami : No . No , no , no , Dad .
Roman : No . Somebody s got ta talk to him -- what ? You lose your temper , he moves out ... like letting Nicole get anywhere near that baby was nt at the very least idiotic ?
Sami : He s mad at me for more than just that . He s mad because EJ s still staying with me .
Roman : Talk about idiotic .
Sami : I told you it was all my fault . EJ s staying in my guest room , and Rafe is in custody . Oh , God ... and now he s furious at me too .
Roman : Well , I m not sure I wanna know , but why ? Why ?
Sami : Cause I wanted him to have an alibi , Dad , so I lied .
Roman : To who ?
Sami : Hope .
Roman : Ha . Sami . So you lied to the police .
Sami : Great . Now you re mad at me too . God !
Roman : Whew ! You know what ? When we got Sydney back , I thought, ... just maybe everything would be peaceful .
Sami : Ha .
Roman : At least relatively peaceful .
Sami : Thought so too .
Roman : You do see , do nt you , what s at the root of all your problems ?
Sami : Yeah . Me .
Roman : No . EJ .
Stefano : Well , it seems that we are at an impasse .
EJ : See , I do nt see it that way . It s like this , this stupid game of yours . You make your move ... I respond .
Stefano : All right . [ Sighs ] I suppose , you know , I could , uh , simply fold , you know ? Ha ha . And , um ... just hand over ... Anna s confession .
EJ : Right . Let the healing begin .
Stefano : Or ... I could defy you .
EJ : Try . That DVD ... does nt leave this room .
Stefano : You re smart enough to know that s not the only copy . All I have to do is lift up the phone .
EJ : I wo nt let you .
Stefano : [ Sighs ] You re gon na watch me that closely , huh ?
EJ : I wo nt have to if you re dead .
Carly : What are you doing here , Viv ? You sick ? Nothing trivial , I hope .
Vivian : Oh , I m not a patient . I m waiting for Victor to come out of his board meeting . We have so much to do before the wedding .
Carly : Oh , I m sure , but you re in really good shape in terms of something old .
Vivian : Ah ha ha . How droll . Well , Victor tells me Bo s gone to California . You must miss him terribly .
Carly : I do .
Vivian : Do nt you feel uncomfortable with no one watching over you , no one to guard you ? Do nt you feel vulnerable ?
Carly : No .
Vivian : Mm . Well ... Lawrence felt safe until you plunged the knife into him ...
Daniel : Well , how bout this , Vivian ? How bout you get the hell away from her before I call the men in the white suits and order that long overdue psych evaluation ?
Madeline : I was worried that you and I had started off on the wrong foot and that this situation with my husband and your brother was nt going to make things any easier .
Gabi : There is no situation . My brother would nt do that . He would nt leave someone who was hurt .
Madeline : Well , your brother is very lucky to have a sister who is not only beautiful but loyal . I have to ask a favor of you .
Gabi : Me ?
Madeline : My husband , Chad s father , has a very volatile personality . I ask that you not blame Chad for anything that his father might say or do .
Gabi : I would nt do that .
Madeline : I think you ve made quite an impression on my son . Chad actually challenged his father s story about last night , and one does not challenge Charles lightly .
Gabi : You did that ?
Chad : I just asked him if he was really sure . Because the more that I think about it ... I have to agree with what you ve said all along . Your brother would nt do something like that .
Kate : Okay . I do nt think you re going to lose ties with your sisters or your brother because ... say what you will about Sami , but she does love her children . So ... why do nt you move in with me ? And then after everything calms down , I m sure you re going to be able to work things out with your mom .
Will : [ Scoffs ] Oh , man , this is so weird .
Kate : Mm ... I know .
Will : It s like ... I end up moving in with the DiMeras ... because EJ moved in with us . Do you , um ... know what he s up to ?
Sami : This thing with EJ is temporary until he handles his father .
Roman : Handling Stefano is not a temporary job .
Sami : Dad , EJ is Sydney s father . He moved heaven and earth to get my little girl back . He has talked me off the ledge again and again .
Roman : Okay , so now ... there are no more barriers ? Is that it ? Damn it , Sami . Have you forgotten Grace s funeral ?
Sami : Of course not , Dad .
Roman : You were burying a child . He served you with custody papers , and now he s in your guest room .
Sami : He s changed .
Roman : He s a DiMera . They do nt change .
Stefano : Dio mio . You are threatening ... to kill me ? Your own father ?
EJ : You played God with my life . You side with my greatest enemy .
Stefano : I tried to protect our family--
EJ : You threatened to take my child ! And now you say you re gon na do it again ? No . I wo nt let you . I wo nt let you do that .
Sami : Well , I ca nt tell you what a comfort it is to be at the end of your rope and have your dad tell you what a complete idiot you are .
Roman : Have you forgotten what his last name is ?
Sami : No . But I also have nt forgotten what it feels like to want people to believe that you have changed . He has agonized with me ... when Sydney was missing . He is the only person on the planet who knows , really , what I went through .
Roman : It did nt look to me like Rafe was just a disinterested bystander .
Sami : Rafe ... is the one who ca nt forgive me , dad . Not the other way around . So right now it just seems to me like EJ is the only person ... who accepts me for who I really am .
Roman : In other words ... he s got you just where he wants you .
Kate : Honestly , I do nt know what s going on in EJ s head . But he has locked horns with Stefano .
Will : That must be fun for you .
Kate : Hmm . Actually , I feel badly for both of them .
Will : You know ... I thought that when we finally got Sydney back , things would kinda settle down , but ... it just does nt feel like it has .
Kate : I know .
Will : It still feels like ... like there s something really wrong .
Stephanie : I m not leaving , Nathan . I m on a date .
Nathan : Oh . Sorry .
Stephan : Do nt be . I m not .
Aaron : Got em .
Stephanie : No way . Those tickets have been sold out for over a month .
Aaron : What can I say ? I know a guy . Hey .
Stephanie : Uh , Aaron , Nathan . Nathan , Aaron . Aaron is a supply sales rep , and we are celebrating . He just got a promotion .
Aaron : Stephanie put in a good word for me .
Nathan : Is that right ? Congratulations .
Aaron : Thanks .
Nathan : Yeah . So when s this , uh , this concert , Aaron ?
Aaron : Next Friday night .
Nathan : Oh , really ? Too bad . Cause Stephanie s not available . She has plans .
Melanie : [ Laughs ] She s got a fiancé who s got this kid who s got a mother who works at the hospital with said fiancé , and maybe when she walked in , she saw us all there and thought we were a family unit that she s not a part of .
Philip : Yeah . I mean , that would make ... anyone insecure .
Melanie : Well , sure . She s beautiful and extremely talented . I d be insecure .
Philip : Can I ask you a favor ? Can you cut her some slack ?
Melanie : Of course . Yeah . No ... Philip , I do nt have a problem with Chloe . Chloe s got a problem with Carly .
Vivian : And how do you think your godfather will feel when he finds out you ve threatened me ?
Daniel : I really do nt care . But if he goes ahead and marries you , I ll have grounds to commit him too .
Vivian : Well , I never ! You--
Daniel : That s right , you will never bother another member of the staff when he or she is on duty . I will call security , and I will press charges , and before you say it again ... I am not afraid of Victor Kiriakis .
Carly : Daniel , um ... I think Ive -- Ive kept you from Chloe way too long . Why do nt you go ? Nothing s gon na happen here , right , Viv ?
Daniel : Yeah . I need to go talk to Chloe .
Carly : Go . Really .
Daniel : I ll call you .
Carly : Chloe , I am sorry .
Chloe : That s okay . If I m gon na be a doctor s wife , I d better get used to changes in plans .
Vivian : [ Laughs ] It s like Bo has an understudy . Tonight the role of the knight in shining armor will be played by--
Carly : Shut up ! You shut up and listen to me . I got rid of him because I do nt want someone else saying this for me . I mean , the truth is , I do nt need Bo or Daniel to take care of me . I mean , hell , I to care of Lawrence , did nt I ?
Vivian : Ooh , you--
Carly : Shut up , and you pay attention , cause I m gon na tell you a very important truth . You are getting on my last nerve . You came here to threaten me , to unnerve me , to pick a fight-- well , you got it . Your weapon of choice , Vivian-- a poisoned hair comb . Mine ? I like a syringe . Just a tiny little air bubble , and the whole world thinks that good old Vivian stroked out . I mean , heck , they re wondering how you lasted this long anyway . But here s the thing . I do nt want you to die . I dont -- I want you to live , and . I want your brain to work perfectly . Because then I can come in and I can tell you stories about Lawrence and all his little shortcomings . It s time to go , Vivian . Now !
Stephanie : I m sorry , I do nt know what Nathan s talking about , because I do nt have any plans next Friday .
Nathan : How s that shoulder doing , Aaron ?
Stephanie : What are you doing ?
Aaron : You know what , Steph , I forgot about a call I have to make . I ll call you about Friday .
Nathan : Yeah , I would nt hold my breath if I were you .
Stephanie : Just who the hell do you think you are ?
Sami : Well , Dad , I really appreciate the faith you ve shown in me .
Roman : Sami , you just got done telling me your life is a mess and it s all your fault .
Sami : I did nt expect you to agree with me .
Roman : [ Sighs ] Listen to me , okay ? Nobody should ever have to go through what you went through , and maybe ... maybe I even get that you feel close to EJ . But you ca nt forget who he is .
Sami : He s Johnny and Sydney s father .
Roman : And remember what he did when you told him Grace was his child .
Sami : He was angry at me for lying to him . He s forgiven me .
Roman : That s another thing DiMeras never do .
EJ : Your arrogance has finally got the better of you . You do nt even comprehend what the stakes are here , do you ?
Stefano : My arrogance ?
EJ : You would take my child away from me ... because I had the gall to pay you back ... for what you did to me ? And now you re gon na give my child to a woman who you hate !
Stefano : Maybe , Elvis ... I m doing it for their sake . After all ... a man who could take this precious child ... use her as a pawn ... take her clothes , bloody them up , float them in a river ... lead me to believe that she s a horrible death ... God forgive me but ... maybe that kind of man should not have children !
EJ : Do nt you dare . You are no longer my father .
Chloe : Thank you .
Daniel : Yeah . So , I do nt know , Bo , he wants me to keep an eye on Carly , and you saw what happened back at the hospital . So , yeah , I think he has a -- he has a point , you know . We ca nt trust Vivian to keep her promise .
Chloe : So ... Carly would move in with us ?
Daniel : Yeah , just until Bo gets back from L.A. But , you know , if you re not really comfortable with that , we could , uh , we ll figure something else out .
Chloe : Like ...
Daniel : I do nt know . I suppose we could , uh ... we could move into Bo s place until he gets back , or I could , or -- look , really , honey ... whatever works best for you .
Vivian : You re cracking . I like that .
Carly : You re not gon na like what comes n.
Philip : Vivian . What are you doing here ?
Vivian : I m fending off a maniac . Did you see the way she attacked me ?
Philip : No . I saw you provoking her . Why do nt you just go home ? Go to hell .
Vivian : What ?
Philip : Just get outta here .
Vivian : Philip !
Philip : I know , I know , you re gon na tell my father on me .
Vivian : Everyone takes her side . Everyone .
Melanie : Oh , wow ! Looked like you were about to hit her .
Carly : I m sorry you had to see that . I do nt usually lose control like that .
Melanie : It s okay . It s been a long day . You had a tough surgery .
Carly : Your father was amazing , was nt he ?
Melanie : Yeah . You re pretty good too , I guess .
Melanie : I guess I got good genes on both sides .
Carly : Yes .
Melanie : Uh ... so now would nt be a good time to ask you for a favor ?
Carly : A favor ?
Melanie : Yeah , um ... say , like , I wanted to maybe rejoin the nursing school program ? You could , like , put in a good word for me ?
Carly : You wanna come back and join the program ?
Melanie : I know I m really far behind , but I d work very hard .
Carly : I think the timing is perfect , and it s the best news I ve heard in a really long time !
Melanie : Okay , cool .
Kate : Okay . I m gon na get some coffee .
Will : Okay . I ll see you at the mansion .
Madeline : So while it might take a little while for Chad s father to calm down , I will do everything that I can to expedite your brother s release .
Gabi : Really ?
Madeline : Well , it s not reasonable to treat an FBI agent with an amazing record like a common criminal .
Gabi : Thank you so much . If there s anything I can do ...
Madeline : Just try not to worry . We do nt want any lines on that pretty little face of yours .
Will : Hey , Chad , um ... how is your dad doing ?
Chad : He s gon na be okay . They re still holding Gabi s brother . They think he s the one who attacked him .
Will : They got ta let Rafe go . He would nt do anything like that .
Madeline : Well , that seems to be the general consensus . My feet are killing me , darling . Why do nt you get the coffee , and I ll just grab this table . Make sure they get skim milk .
Chad : That s my mom .
Gabi : She s great . She s gon na help Rafe .
Chad : Yeah . What s up with that ?
Sami : You know what , Dad ? You and Rafe , you should form a club ... with Brady : the Everything in the World is EJ DiMera s Fault club .
Roman : Not everything . There s the stuff Stefano does .
Sami : I have to do what I think is best for my kids , Dad . And that means having a good , honest relationship with their father ... even if it drives you crazy .
Stefano : I m no longer your father . [ Chuckles ] The truth , Elvis ... is that I will always be your father .
EJ : Do you know what the saddest thing is ? [ Sniffles ] Saddest thing is I find myself remembering when I was a child . I had no idea that you existed . I really wish ... wish ... that I could go back there again .
Daniel : Do you want me to move into Bo s ?
Chloe : Without me ?
Daniel : Well , I m not saying that , it s just that I figured maybe you would nt be ... comfortable staying there .
Chloe : But you would be .
Daniel : This is about protecting Carly .
Chloe : Yeah . I get that .
Daniel : Okay , well , then , you think that would be better to just move in with Bo ?
Chloe : No ! N - no . It-- Carly can move in with us . She can stay with us . It s fine .
Daniel : Nah , nah , see , I m not buying -- you re still a little dubious there . What , does this -- does this threaten you somehow ?
Chloe : No !
Daniel : Because , my God , if you do nt know by now how much I love you--
Chloe : I know that , I know . It s just ...
Daniel : Just what ?
Chloe : It just does nt seem like it s a good time . I mean , you re still recovering and if Carly really is in danger ...
Daniel : Chloe , I m fine . You re worrying again .
Chloe : You were seriously injured .
Daniel : Well , it s not like I m gon na duke it out with Vivian ... which could be fun . [ Laughs ] Look , it s more that Vivian knows that someone is watching after Carly . You saw back at the hospital , right ?
Chloe : Right .
Daniel : Okay . Well--
Daniel : Ah ... who invented these things ? All right , I got ta get back .
Chloe : That s fine . Go .
Daniel : All right , I will call you ... when I know when I m coming back .
Chloe : Okay .
Daniel : Okay ?
Chloe : Go . I m fine .
Daniel : You are ?
Chloe : Yes . Do nt worry . Hey , there , father . Nice to see you .
Father Matt : You too , Daniel .
Daniel : Well , you know , always in a hurry . Excuse me , all right ?
Father Matt : Of course . Hello , Chloe .
Chloe : Father ! Hi . What a nice surprise .
Father Matt : Well ... I was here to see Caroline , but she s in Los Angeles still , apparently . I m saying a special mass for Kimberly . But I m glad I ran into you .
Chloe : Well , do you have time for some coffee ?
Father Matt : I think so . Did you get my secretary s message ? You and Daniel still need to finish up your pre - cana sessions .
Chloe : Yeah , I know , I m so sorry . Things have just been crazy lately .
Father Matt : Well , we re running out of time , Chloe . I d hate to have to change your wedding date . Is everything all right , Chloe ?
Philip : Look , I told you , I m working on it . What am I supposed to do , grab the first person I see and ... make them a roving reporter ? You know , maybe that s not such a bad idea .
Nathan : Look , I know you re mad at me for butting in ...
Stephanie : You re so perceptive .
Nathan : But there s something you do nt know -- this guy has been in the E.R. three times in the last six months , always complaining about this injury or that . Does nt want an x - ray , just wants a prescription for oxycodone .
Stephanie : No .
Nathan : Yes . Look , you ve already dealt with me . You do nt need to deal with a jerk like that . And I m sorry if I did nt handle it correctly . I m just ... I m worried about you .
Will : Hi .
Sami : Will , I m so glad you re here , cause ... I really wanna finish that conversation we started this morning .
Will : Yeah .
Sami : You know , I was just talking to my dad about how ... I overreacted . I should nt have jumped all over you about the whole Nicole thing and ...
Will : Mom--
Sami : I should have told you that ... the thing with EJ , him staying here -- it s temporary .
Will : Mom , I am not moving in with Dad and Nathan .
Sami : Then what s with the suitcases ?
Will : I m moving in with Grandma Kate .
Stefano : [ Sighs ] Oh ... Elvis ... I do nt know what s happened to you ... inside . I mean ... the things you ve been doing . The last few months ... how you ve been acting . I ve always tried to do ... what is best for our family . And I m talking about Sydney here . I am talking about Giovanni . I have to do this , Elvis . I have to .
EJ : And I have to stop you .
Chloe : So Daniel thinks he has to take care of Carly for Melanie s sake .
Father Matt : And that idea does nt sit well with you .
Chloe : You think I m terrible , do nt you ?
Father Matt : I certainly do . Most women would be thrilled to have the mother of their fiancé s daughter as a houseguest .
Father Matt : He does nt really get that he s asking a heck of a lot ?
Chloe : He said I could say no .
Father Matt : But you did nt .
Chloe : Well , the other option is for him to move into Bo s house when Bo is away . And he said I could move in there too , but it just did nt really seem like he wanted me to .
Father Matt : Ah ... you ve got some clueless dude there , Chloe .
Chloe : [ Laughs ] Yeah . He s -- he s just so nice , Father , and he would do anything for his daughter . I just do nt think that he sees--
Father Matt : That he knows how you feel .
Chloe : Actually , I was gon na say I do nt think that he sees that Carly is a manipulative bitch .
Melanie : Uh ... you want me to be the roving reporter for Titan TV .
Philip : You re a natural .
Melanie : [ Giggles ] Does nt bother you that I would have no idea what I m talking about .
Philip : Well , the girl who has the job now does nt know either . We just promote her as having a unique perspective .
Melanie : Oh ...
Philip : Come on , do it . The audience will fall in love with you , just like I did .
Melanie : You hated me for a long time before you fell in love with me .
Philip : It ll be fun . Come on .
Melanie : Not that the idea of having a highly paid high - profile job , for which I have no qualification for , is nt appealing ... I ca nt .
Philip : Because of the nursing program ?
Melanie : Mm - hmm . There s more to it .
Stephanie : I did nt mean to jump down your throat .
Nathan : No . That s understandable . I did ... cancel our date at the last minute .
Stephanie : As nicely as you could . And if you ca nt get over Melanie , then you just ca nt .
Nathan : And I wish I could .
Stephanie : But it may happen . I mean , this time last year , I was about to marry Philip . Neither of us thought we could move on , but we did .
Nathan : How ?
Stephanie : We both fell for someone else .
Gabi : I m sorry . I have to go . I have to get to work .
Madeline : Well , it was lovely getting to know you . I hope we can do this again soon .
Gabi : Yeah ! Thank you . Thank you again for helping with my brother . Well , I ll see you around .
Madeline : That ... is a lovely young woman .
Chad : Well , Dad thinks she s trash .
Madeline : Oh , God , are we back to that ?
Chad : And you ... you probably think she s not worthy of me , huh ?
Madeline : She s too young for you .
Chad : Hello , Mrs. DiMera . Mom ?
Madeline : What ?
Chad : Where d you -- whered you go just now ?
Madeline : Nowhere . I was just , uh ... I was thinking about something . Um ... so Will is moving into the DiMera mansion ?
Chad : Yeah . So ?
Madeline : So after all of the problems you ve had with those people , I hope you will be keeping your distance .
Chad : Uh , well , Will and I do nt hang out together . We just , uh ... know each other .
Madeline : Good . Cause you certainly do nt need any more dealings with the DiMeras .
Sami : There is no way you are staying at that house !
Will : Okay . So ... EJ can stay here , but I ca nt stay there .
Sami : I told you it s just temporary !
Will : Oh , okay , fine ! You know what ? Then I ll stay there temporarily .
Sami : Over my dead body .
Will : Whatever . You know , I have a study group to catch , so I ll see you around . Or not .
Sami : Will !
Marco : Is there a problem , Mr. DiMera ?
Stefano : No , no , no , Marco , it s fine , we -- no problem . We re , uh ... having a little talk . It s all right . Do we have a problem ?
EJ : Not for long .
Father Matt : I mean it , Chloe . You need to have an honest talk with Daniel . Now , promise me you ll do that .
Chloe : Yes , Father .
Father Matt : I did nt hear you .
Chloe : [ Giggles ] Yes , Father . I will .
Father Matt : Call me . Let me know how it goes .
Chloe : Okay .
Father Matt : You take care , dear .
Chloe : Thank you , you too . Yeah , right . Have an honest talk with Daniel . What am I gon na say ? Hey , Daniel , you know Carly ? I hate her stupid guts .
Vivian : Well ... welcome to the club , Chloe .
Philip : Here you go .
Melanie : Thank you . I just think that working at the hospital will ... help me get closer to my dad .
Philip : And Carly too ?
Melanie : And Carly too . Thank you for offering me the job . That was very sweet of you .
Philip : I keep telling you , all I want is for you to be happy .
Melanie : Well , how could I not be with a husband like you ?
Philip : That s sweet .
Melanie : Thank you for understanding .
Nathan : Look , I do nt know if this is gon na come out right . But you know I would nt have put on the brakes so fast if I did nt think that you were really special .
Stephanie : I was nt complaining . Listen , I know where we stand . Just like I know that there are other guys out there for me if things do nt work out with us . I m not as fragile as you think I am .
Nathan : Good . There s this concert on Friday , and I got tickets .
Stephanie : Shut up .
Nathan : Mm - hmm . Good seats too . And since I just saved you from this hophead sales rep , maybe you would like to go with me .
Stephanie : You know what ? I would love to .
Stefano : Elvis ...
Stefano : No matter ... what happens ... I will always love you .
Sami : What the hell do you think you re doing ?
Nicole : You need to face this head - on and fight back .
Carly : Gosh , you drive me nuts !
Hope : Do I ? Good .
Stefano : The feature ... is about to begin .
### Summary:
| Melanie decides to go back to nursing school , and asks Carly for a recommendation . After Vivian confronts Carly , Daniel is more determined than ever to have her move in . Chloe reluctantly agrees , but confides in Father Matt that she is nt in favor of the arrangement . Later , Vivian overhears her saying that she hates Carly . Roman warns Sami about EJ . She s later furious to discover that Will plans on moving into the DiMera mansion . Madeline gets to know Gabi and promises to help Rafe . Kate and Madeline see each other at the cafe and clearly recognize one another . EJ tries to kill Stefano with a letter opener , but is unable to bring himself to do it . Nathan saves Stephanie from a date with a pill addict , and the two set up another date so that Nathan can try to get over Melanie . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Chris : [ Russian accent ] Mmm ! This is the perfect martini , my friend . You are a genius . I salute you .
Jack : Thank you .
Chris : You are --
Jack : Jack . Jack Ramsey .
Chris : Jack . How are you ?
Jack : Yeah , and you are --
Chris : I am George . There is but one .
Jack : Right , right .
Elizabeth : I ca nt believe that Chris is actually convincing them that he s this designer .
Chris : Ok , so now I think the party really does begun , yes ? I give all all the peoples the fashion advice , and I start with Elizabeth . Oh - ho - ho , my love , my vixen -- my dress ! You are wearing me !
Elizabeth : In your honor , George .
Chris : Yes -- oh , and , you , poor thing , you think I not show , huh ? But I do . And I make your dreams come true , yes ?
Elizabeth : People were beginning to think that I did nt know you .
Chris : Who said that you not know me ? That -- this is insult ! Lizzie is one my closest friends .
Elizabeth : Close friend ? Ok , do nt call me Lizzie .
Chris : [ Normal voice ] Wait , do nt stop me . You re wrecking my vibe here .
Elizabeth : What do you think of the gym , George ? ? Alison s done a fabulous job , has nt she ?
Chris : [ Russian accent ] Yes , fabulous . Yes .
Alison : Excuse me . Mother .
Elizabeth : Oh , god . Alison , I d like to pres--
Elizabeth : This is my daughter , Alison .
Chris : Alison , hmm . No your daughter . I can not believe you . You two -- you are sisters .
Alison : I just wanted to thank you so much for coming . I really appreciate it .
Chris : Oh , no , it is nothing . It is my pleasure . I do anything for Lizzie . She is something special . But I digress . I must see the rest of this place . You must show me . I have attention span like busy bee . Come , go .
Alison : Well , ok , ok . Well , it s sort of your small - town gym --
Chris : Yes .
Alison : So we tried to make it , you know , real casual , sort of a funky feel .
Chris : Funky , funky , yes .
Alison : You know , I know that probably not everybody will like it , but --
Chris : I like it . Alison , honestly , what is there to like ? There is only to love !
Alison : Oh ! You really love it , then ?
Chris : Yes .
Alison : Ok .
Chris : Good taste -- it can buy many things , including gyms , much like in my country . What does that mean ? I do nt know !
Kevin : Well , I guess for a town this size , this is bound to happen , so I suggest we try to make the best of it . Listen , I -- I m sorry we could nt work out Christina s visitation schedule , so I just want you to know I m available to do it anytime --
Ian : This is not the time or the place .
Kevin : Of course not . I understand .
Lucy : I guess I should tell him .
Kevin : Tell me what ?
Lucy : I signed the divorce papers .
Imani : Ugh ! What is the deal with this town ? I ca nt even hang out at a party without somebody asking me too many questions . Of all people , Caleb Morley giving me a hard time . I just came here because I wanted to be left alone ! I do nt have time to make new friends . Not even you , Jamal . Sorry . Just I got to get out of here . Got to get out of Port Charles .
Rafe : What d you just say ?
Jamal : I said that I have it .
Caleb : Yeah , sure , you do .
Jamal : No , I m telling you I have the ring , ok , so you might as well stop wasting your time with Imani .
Rafe : Are you telling me you had it this whole time and you re just coming clean about it right now ?
Jamal : What difference does it make at all , anyway ?
Caleb : You re not buying any of this , are you ?
Rafe : Why should nt I ?
Caleb : Anybody can see he s just trying to protect his new girlfriend .
Jamal : I am telling you , I have it . I have it .
Caleb : All right , I ll play along . Let s say you have the ring .
Jamal : Ok , let s say .
Caleb : How d you get it ?
Jamal : Dude , what difference does that even make ? I ve had it since you and Rafe here killed Joshua .
Caleb : All right , you got it . There s only one thing left to do . Hand it over .
Chris : [ Russian accent ] Yes , it is so wonderful to be here in Port Charles . I must tell you , I will dress you all ! Except for you . You I will undress . Give me your phone number .
Alison : Oh , my god . He said that he would design a whole line of workout clothes for us . I mean , do you really think that he would do that for our gym ?
Elizabeth : Well , actually , maybe not quite a -- an entire line . He s -- he s very , very busy .
Chris : Oh , nonsense . Lizzie , your daughter -- I design the whole line .
Alison : Will you really ?
Chris : Yes ! Yes . I can see it now . We have the gym shorts and we have the little teeny stretchy bras . Very nice .
Alison : Oh , it would be so fun , and that would really put us on the map .
Elizabeth : oh , yes .
Chris : Yes , and , of course , we will need a couple or two beautiful models ?
Alison : You must have your own models .
Chris : Of course I do , but I must use local ladies -- the short , the tall , the blond , blonder .
Elizabeth : Ok , Georgie , why do nt we take all of these details back to your hotel and discuss them there .
Chris : Lizzie , you re going to make me cry .
Elizabeth : No , no , no . I insist , George .
Chris : No , but the people of Port Charles , they have so little , and I have so very much to give .
Lucy : You know --
Ian : Yeah .
Lucy : Thanks . He really is just taking good care of me , looking out for me .
Kevin : He has no reason to trust me , and he should nt . Lucy , it really is me .
Lucy : You ?
Kevin : The old me .
Lucy : Doc .
Kevin : So , you signed the papers ?
Lucy : Yes , I did . I signed those papers .
Kevin : Then we re done . Ok , well , you know , it s strange , is nt it ? When you know something s coming , but you still get sad when it gets there . But , hey , you know what ? I m happy . I am , really . I m happy for you .
Lucy : Thank you . And you re right , it is strange . I think the feelings get a little mixed up , do nt they ? The happiness and sadness and -- just mixed up .
Kevin : You know what I find myself thinking about is everything we lost , all those years leading up to one special day .
Lucy : Our fantasy white wedding .
Kevin : I wasted it all , did nt I ?
Lucy : We had quite a ride .
Kevin : Yeah , but --
Lucy : But -- I ve done a lot of thinking about it . Obviously , I d have to -- I have no choice -- in the past year or so .
Kevin : Well , go ahead , fire away .
Lucy : I just thought of all the problems we had before . You know , there were a lot of things that we worked out and got through , but I ve just decided that maybe the universe was telling us this was nt quite meant to be .
Kevin : Wow . For someone who believes in fate and destiny so much , that must be very hard to say .
Lucy : I just -- I m trying to read the universe . And I think what she was telling us was it was nt fate and it was nt destiny , and I guess we just were nt listening .
Kevin : I like to think that it was telling us to enjoy what we have right now , because tomorrow may not be what you think .
Lucy : Tomorrow , right . Hey , what are you going to do ? What is your tomorrow ?
Kevin : I do nt know . I do nt know . As much as I think about it , I ca nt leave town . I have Livvie to think about --
Kevin and Lucy : And Christina .
Kevin : And Christina . Thank you for that , again . Beyond that , I do nt know . I ll take it slow .
Lucy : Good . I think the best way with all of this is just step by step . It ll work .
Kevin : Yeah , I think you re right . I m going to need some time . I need to make amends with a lot of people , and -- I do nt know . In the end , I could open up a private practice . It will take time . And I ll paint . Of course , I ll paint .
Lucy : You should . You re an amazing artist .
Kevin : No , I wanted to be an amazing artist . But I lost my muse .
Chris : Excuse . Ms. Lucy cue .
Lucy : Coe . I do nt know you , I m sorry .
Chris : Yes . No , no , no . I never do forgot your gown at the nurses balls -- exquisite !
Lucy : You ve seen my balls ?
Chris : Just two of them .
Lucy : Well , what did you think ? I mean , you really liked them ?
Chris : Absolutely . Sublime .
Jack : Hey , Livvie . So you re going , huh ?
Livvie : Hardly , Jack .
Jack : Yeah , well , it s kind of surprising because you and Caleb are joined at the hip .
Livvie : Why is it every time we see each other you have to say really horrible things to me ?
Jack : The only thing that s horrible are the memories I have of you .
Livvie : Oh , that s sweet . You miss me , huh ?
Jack : No , not hardly . You re Caleb s headache now . And I m sure he s popping aspirin as we speak .
Caleb : If you got it , then give it to me .
Jamal : I do nt have it here , Caleb .
Rafe : Where is it ?
Jamal : At the bike shop , hidden away , and I m the only one who knows where it s at .
Rafe : Is that true ?
Jamal : No , Rafe , I m lying .
Caleb : Right , so what are we waiting for ? Let s go get it . After you .
Jamal : Actually , you know what ? I ll meet you two there . There s something I got to do first .
Caleb : No , no ! All right , look , I do nt think so , Jamal . We re going there tonight , together , you and me . Let s move . I said let s move !
Rafe : Caleb , stop !
Caleb : Get out of my way , Rafe .
Rafe : No . You re not going anywhere near that ring .
Imani : All packed . Only one thing left . I owe him this note at least .
Imani : Dear Jamal --
Imani s voice : I m not very good at goodbyes , so I m just saying thanks . You re a cool guy , and you read me so well . You even seem to know how I m feeling before I do sometimes . Sorry we ll never have that smoothie , but --
Jamal s voice : I just wish there was someone I could actually share you with , somebody nice and soft . That would be kind of cool . Because when I came to Port Charles , I was --
Jamal : I was all over the place . It just takes you a little bit of time to get your bearings straight , you know . You ll be fine . All right ?
Imani : You really would nt mind if I moved in ?
Jamal : Who me ? No .
Imani s voice : Oh , Jamal s so cute . Hmm , he seems like such a sweet , sexy guy . Oh , only who am I kidding ? I already know it can never work out with us -- never .
Imani : I ca nt just tell him why I have to leave .
Imani s voice : All I wanted to tell you is --
Imani : God , no ! I ca nt even do it !
Ian : Looks like she met her match . I m sorry about the other night , because I was trying to pick a fight with you , but you already know that .
Kevin : Hey , I m an old pro . I tried it with you , remember ? You know what ? This is just going to take some time to get used to .
Ian : Yeah . I do love her . And I will take care of her always .
Kevin : I know you know that .
Ian : What do you -- we ve gone through this way --
Kevin : Ian , you know what you are . Just let me finish . I m not pointing fingers . Your situation is nt your fault . But happiness is nt just about today , either .
Ian : Go on .
Kevin : Just take me out of the equation , just for a minute , and take a hard look at your life and woo you are right now .
Ian : I know who I am . I m a vampire , and I m trying to --
Kevin : You need human blood to survive . You ll be alive long after Lucy s gone . You ll watch Danny and Christina grow up and grow old . Is that fair to Lucy ? Is that what she wants ? Is that fair to the kids ? You re always asking me to do what s right for the family . I m just asking you to do the same .
Livvie : Is this ever going to stop , or are you just jealous that I chose Caleb over you ?
Jack : How d you know ? I mean , because you re totally right . I mean , I cry pretty much every night that -- you know --
Livvie : Ahem . You know , that s very funny , Jack .
Jack : I m doing fine , Livvie . I have a great girl , and I do nt have to feed on blood , so how would I possibly want with your life ?
Lucy : You really , truly were at two nurses balls ?
Chris : [ Russian accent ] Yes , yes . There was so much champagne . And I thought all the peoples that Lucy Cue was the chickest of the chick .
Elizabeth : You know , so , what do you say , George ? We should probably get going now .
Chris : Not now , Lizzie - pooh . Come .
Lucy : Oh , well , you know , like I say , I do nt know you . I mean , I know --
Chris : Ah , nonsense ! Everyone knows George .
Lucy : I do nt , but you know what ? Now that I look at -- there s something very familiar about you .
Chris : Oh , of course , because we are so soo mats .
Lucy : We re soo what ?
Chris : Soo mats .
Lucy : Mats ?
Chris : The mats of the soul , yes --
Alison : Lucy , Lucy , Lucy , I m sorry , so sorry to interrupt you . Did you hear ? George here is going to do a whole line of clothes for us for the gym !
Chris : Yes .
Lucy : Really ?
Alison : Yes !
Lucy : A whole line , like little tight stretchy bras and little tight pants --
Chris : One can only hope .
Lucy : Hey , a fashion show . That s what I m sensing . We should do sort of a rock n roll --
Chris : Oh --
Lucy : Soo mats , do you feel it ? A fashion show ?
Chris : Yes , yes , here in the gym .
Alison : That would be such an awesome idea . That s perfect !
Chris : Of course it is .
Elizabeth : No , it s not .
Alison : Oh , my god . That s great ! That s great !
Elizabeth : Yeah , it s a great idea .
Alison : Wait , wait . Jack , if we did a rock n roll fashion show , could nt we get , like , a lot of really good press , maybe through television ?
Jack : Yes , and I know a great bar that can do all the catering .
Alison : Right ?
Chris : Yes , it will be bigger than big !
Alison : No , it will be perfect ! Best show in town !
Chris : Yeah , well , you know , maybe not so big .
Jack : No , the bigger , the better , my friend . Come on , let s give it up for the man right here .
Alison : Yeah ! That s great !
Caleb : What ? You know you ca nt hurt me .
Rafe : You re not going anywhere near that ring .
Jamal : I said that I would meet you guys at the bike shop , come on .
Chris : Ok , this is good on opening night -- chaos .
Jack : Come on , Alison .
Chris : Yes .
Elizabeth : Ok , come on , this is our chance . You are coming with me .
Chris : Ok , peoples , I will see you . Ciao .
Jack : What s going on ?
Rafe : All right , everybody get back inside .
Ian : What s going on , Rafe ?
Rafe : Ian , I m fine . It s going to be ok .
Kevin : What s going on here ?
Rafe : This is between me and Caleb !
Caleb : Yeah , listen to him , folks . I ve seen him like this before . He s very serious right now .
Jamal : Just when I was kind of getting used to having you around , I got to give you up .
Caleb : What was that you said , Jamal ? I did nt hear you .
Jamal : Me ? No , nothing . I was nt talking to you .
Caleb : Yeah , well , I m talking to you , and I want an answer . What the hell are you hiding ?
Chris : Was that a great save or what ?
Elizabeth : What , that is your definition of a save ?
Chris : Well , yeah . I mean , I had everybody fooled in there with the accent . I mean , there was Lucy and Kevin , even my brother , Jack .
Elizabeth : You have completely lost your mind .
Chris : What are you talking about ?
Elizabeth : You completely designed us into a corner . [ Disguised voice ] Mr. Fabulous , fabulous . It was just fabulous .
Chris : Ok , ok , just stop for a second . I just saved your butt in there . I mean , you said yourself you were going to be the laughingstock of the whole party .
Elizabeth : [ Normal voice ] But you did not save my butt . What you did was , a , promise my daughter that you were going to design a whole new fashion line of workout clothes for the gym , b , put on a fashion show , and , c , invite the press and make it just the grandest presentation that Port Charles has ever seen . We ca nt do that .
Chris : What are you talking about ? Of course we can do that . All we have to do is put together -- oh , no .
Elizabeth : Exactly . So , what do you propose , George ?
Imani : So much for starting over . Bye , Port Charles . Maybe I ll even get an apartment in my next town .
Imani : No !
Imani : How did they find me ? How ?
Rafe : Ok , everybody go inside . There is nt going to be a fight .
Lucy : Ahem . Excuse me ? Cousin , what is going on ?
Rafe : I ll explain later . Just go .
Lucy : No , I m not going . My slayer powers are back . I can help you . Let me help you .
Rafe : I got this one , please .
Lucy : Oh , let me do something .
Rafe : Lucy ?
Lucy : What ?
Rafe : Please .
Lucy : Fine . I hope he knows what he s doing .
Ian : Well , he knows exactly what he s doing .
Lucy : I m talking about Rafe , not Kevin . What s going on ?
Ian : I just got a lot on my mind , that s all .
Alison : Hey , hey , what s going on ? What is all this about ?
Rafe : You want to tell her , Jamal , or should I ?
Jamal : You know --
Caleb : Come on , Jamal . Look , why do nt you just save yourself a lot of trouble and hand over the ring ?
Jamal : I told you , I do nt have it .
Caleb : All right , kids , I tell you what I m going to do . I m going to count to three .
Jamal : I do nt have it .
Caleb : One --
Rafe : Not as long as I m alive , vampire .
Caleb : Two --
Livvie : Caleb , please .
Rafe : You re not going to get the ring !
Caleb : Three !
Jamal : All right , enough ! Enough ! I ll give it to you . You re right , I got it right here in my pocket . I ll just -- just stay cool . I just -- I do nt have it .
Caleb : Jamal , come on , no more games !
Jamal : I m not playing any games ! I do nt have it . It was in my pocket . I do nt have it . I do nt have your ring .
Caleb : Oh , Jamal , Jamal .
Jack : Well , well , well . Looks like things are going to be a little different around here . The Elixir is all mine , and so is Caleb s ring . Stay tuned for scenes from the next Port Charles : The Gift .
Jack : What is so special about this ring ?
Reese : Oh , my god ! Jack !
Ricky : You either stay here or stay away for good .
Jamal : I took the ring to keep you two idiots from killing each other .
Caleb : You know how heroes usually end up , Jamal ? They end up dead .
### Summary:
| Using an outrageous disguise and a horrible fake accent , Chris manages to convince everyone but Elizabeth that he s Georges , the famous European designer . As Georges , he promises to design an entire clothing line for the gym , hold a fashion show , and invite the press . Elizabeth is appalled , but Chris does nt see any reason to worry -- until he actually thinks about it . Kevin is dismayed to learn that Lucy signed the divorce papers , but he understands that she felt she had no choice . After Ian apologizes to Kevin for his behavior at the house , Kevin lays out Ian s future as a vampire and asks him to do what s right for his loved ones . Upset about the questions everyone is asking , Imani packs her bags . Before she can leave her room , she hears a noise outside and realizes that her secret past has caught up with her . She locks the door and pulls the shades , wondering how they managed to find her . Jamal claims to have hidden the ring at the bike shop . Rafe refuses to allow Caleb anywhere near the ring . Before Rafe and Caleb fight it out , Jamal shouts at them to stop . He agrees to give Caleb the ring , but when he reaches into his pocket , it is nt there . Jack is pleased with himself for having gotten hold of Caleb s ring . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lizzie : Let me see it , can you look scared ? Shake like a chihuahua . Hey !
Jonathan : We need to talk .
Lizzie : Yeah , we need something . Wow , you look worse every time I see you . What are you wearing , desperate for men ?
Jonathan : You re just as desperate as I am , Lizzie .
Lizzie : Yeah ? Well , at least my shoes are new , and I ve had a manicure and a pedicure .
Jonathan : Great . Beautiful . Now let s talk about something important like getting that tool away from Tammy .
Lizzie : Joey s not a tool , Jonathan . Sorry , but ... okay , I m working on something that might help the both of us .
Jonathan : Might ? Not good enough .
Lizzie : Probably , how s that ?
Jonathan : You know Lou , my pet snake ?
Lizzie : Yeah .
Jonathan : He has a dream .
Tammy : Mmm , I ca nt wait . I ve been living off of bar food .
Joey : That s what I hear . Wait one second . I also hear Jonathan has a place outside of town .
Tammy : Yeah , Outskirts .
Joey : Yeah . No offense , Tammy , but the guy comes off like he has a major chip on his shoulder . Not the guy I pictured you with .
Tammy : I m not with him-- not anymore . Let s not talk about him , okay ?
Cassie : Joey Lupo ? When did you get back ?
Joey : I m not , I m just visiting . It s great to see you , Mrs. Winslow .
Cassie : I m guessing it d be even greater if I just said hello and then made myself scarce , huh ?
Tammy : Mom .
Cassie : Okay , okay . I m going . I just ... well , it s great to see you . And you just keep her out as late as you want .
Joey : Thanks .
Cassie : There are no curfews anymore , right ?
Tammy : Mom .
Cassie : Okay , I m going .
Joey : I guess she approves this time , if it matters .
Tammy : Maybe it does . Maybe all of that does matter now .
Dinah : Hasta la vista , baby . That s it . I ve had enough of you ! Liar !
Jeffrey : Excuse me . ( Knocking on the door ) Hello . Hi . What you mind keeping it down a little bit ; my room s right below this one . I m trying to get some work done , okay ? And it sounds like world war III in here . This is Mallet s room , right ? You have nt got him stuffed in that bag , have you ?
Dinah : Oh , I m sorry , you caught me . Yeah . I ll go ahead and turn off the chainsaw so you can concentrate . ( Whistles ) so , what s up ?
Jeffrey : ( Laughing ) You tell me .
Dinah : Well , you know what , I m at a loss . So , uh ... why do nt you buy me a drink ?
Jeffrey : Okay . Because ?
Dinah : Because the other day you offered me something and I m willing to take you up on it .
Jeffrey : Well , I ve got a mini bar in my room .
Dinah : Perfect .
Jeffrey : Madam .
Harley : You were right , we should ve kept that gun .
Mallet : Harley !
Gus : It s probably just Alan .
Harley : It s Mallet .
Gus : Then I m going to get out of sight , okay ? I m not ready to deal with this yet .
Harley : And I m not ready to share you .
Mallet : Harley , you in there ? Come on , I saw your car ! Harley , where are you ?
Harley : I m right here . God , I ll make it easy .
Mallet : Where have you been ? What are you doing here ? Are you okay ? What s going on ?
Harley : No , I m fine . I m fine . I was just uh ... I was just checking out some of the um ... the new construction on the kitchen area and the back before Gus ...
Mallet : Hey , hey , hey , never take off like that again , okay ? Come on , never .
Jeffrey : You look you could use about eight of these .
Dinah : Line em up , baby .
Jeffrey : You want to talk about it ?
Dinah : Nope .
Jeffrey : Okay , good , good . Because we re not ... we re not that kind of friends , anyway . Because I do not want to hear about your boyfriend problems .
Dinah : And I sure as hell do nt want to hear about your Cassie troubles .
Jeffrey : Okay , good . So ...
Dinah : So what were you doing before I got here .
Jeffrey : I told you , I was working .
Dinah : I can see that . Who is she ?
Jeffrey : Look , did nt we just say we were nt going to get into all of this ?
Dinah : Yeah , you did , because we re not that kind of friends . Why do nt you tell me what kind of friends we are .
Jeffrey : Do you remember how simple it used to be ? All we had to worry about was doing the job . And maybe having a little fun . That s all . Real simple . Totally uncomplicated .
Dinah : Uncomplicated ? Now who are you kidding . You were in love with Cassie from the start and I wanted her dead . Now that s just strings attached galore .
Jeffrey : Okay , well , the strings are cut , now , right . The strings are cut . So we re free to do whatever we want .
Dinah : And what do we want , Jeffrey ?
Cassie : There s a leak in the ceiling ? Under which room ? Jeffrey ONeill s ? Well , did you go up there ? Yeah , I know-- I know he does nt allow people in his room when he s not there , but if there s ... you think the tub is overflowing . The tub is overflowing and he s not answering .
Tammy : Romeo , Romeo , where for art thou Romeo ? I look around and you re nowhere to be seen , and then Lizzie yells out , He s in the loo !
Joey : ( Laughing ) He s in the loo . Those rehearsals were a lot of fun , but mainly because I got to spend time with you , which you do know is the only reason why I took that part , right ?
Tammy : I knew that .
Joey : Did you ? Did you also know about Shayne ? How he used to give me lines to say to you , which is obviously why I came off so suave and worldly . ( Laughter ) All right , I tried . I did try .
Tammy : You were cute , very cute . I knew your heart was nt into doing that play . Remember that time that Sand--
Joey : You were going to say Sandy . I heard about the accident . I ca nt believe he is gone . He was a good guy . But happy memories , right ? Do remember that time he was directing and we were trying to figure out what was going--
Tammy : Joey , I ca nt . I ca nt talk about him .
Joey : Okay . I m sorry . I do nt know any details about anything , so we ll just leave it like that , okay ?
Tammy : Thank you .
Joey : You re welcome . ( Music playing ) Do you hear what I hear ?
Tammy : I ca nt believe this . We danced to this at the prom , did nt we ?
Joey : Shall we ? Love breaks a really strong heart for a while I had you and it felt like the truth ...
Joey : You feel good .
Tammy : You , too . You left and I could nt go on ...
Tammy : It s like we re right back in high school , just like no time has passed at all . Like everything that s happened , did nt . It s lucky I ran into you .
Joey : Yeah , lucky . Luck , luck did nt really have anything to do with it . I have a confession to make . I planned this whole trip . I had to see you . We were meant to be together ...
Tammy : Well , you-- why now ?
Joey : Look , I found out that you were going to get married and something happened at the last minute , and , Tammy ... the truth is , I have never stopped loving you . And that s why I m here .
Jonathan : As long as we understand each other .
Lizzie : As long as you understand ? Even if not for you we both know he s gone soft , right ?
Jonathan : What the hell you talking about ?
Lizzie : Jonathan , you saw Joey and Tammy , and what did you do ? Oh , you did nothing .
Jonathan : What am I supposed to do , burn down the building ?
Lizzie : Yeah . It would nt be the first time . What happened to the guy who seduced Tammy to get back at his mom ? Where is the guy who gave me drug my boyfriend so I could get him into bed ? You know what ? Tammy has tamed you .
Jonathan : No .
Lizzie : Mm - hmm .
Jonathan : I just have things a little more under control now .
Lizzie : Oh , you do nt even have your hair under control . You are too scared to fight the way you used to because you do nt want to alienate Tammy , and you do nt push her further away .
Jonathan : No , I m not scared . I have tickets for us to get out of town , just the two of us , if I can get her alone , which I ve not been able to do .
Lizzie : Well , then do something about it ! Since when did you get so moral ? Be the guy that you were , be the guy that had no problem helping me drug my boyfriend .
Jonathan : What , are you suggesting that I drug Tammy ?
Lizzie : Drug Tammy ? I would never suggest something so drastic . Okay , mess me up or something . I need to look a little bit-- well , a little bit more like you . Never mind .
Coop : I was wondering , do you have any plans later ? What are you doing ?
Ava : Are you asking me out on a date ?
Coop : Well , I was just rather curious to see what you were up to .
Ava : Oh , really ? Okay , well in that case , it s none of your business .
Buzz : She s free , you re free , it s a date .
Mallet : Okay , okay . I m sorry for charging over here like this , but I thought , you know I thought maybe something happened .
Harley : I told you on the phone I was fine .
Mallet : Yeah , but I tried to call you back and you turned your phone off . I thought something happened to you .
Harley : No , I m cool . You can go .
Mallet : No , no , no . No , no , no , listen to this . You re right , Alan and Beth are definitely sitting on something about Gus .
Harley : Why , what did they say ?
Mallet : Beth said something about Gus staying gone , right as if he would nt stay gone . I do nt want to give you false hope , but we definitely have to check this out . We ve got to do it together . We ve got to pursue--
Harley : You know what , this is my fight ! Okay ? Would you just back off and leave me alone .
Jonathan : I ll do what we have to do-- what I have to do to be together , Tammy .
Joey : You okay ?
Tammy : I guess I m surprised . I thought you would go away and forget about me .
Joey : Forget about you ? Yeah-- no , Tammy , you re not too easy to forget about . And looking at you now in this dress and your hair , it s like we re back behind the curtains during rehearsal trying to kiss each other--
Tammy : I ca nt believe nobody caught us hooking up like that .
Joey : I never cared .
Tammy : Hey .
Joey : Hey . And then all those the rehearsals . Remember that rehearsal where we all decided to skip and we showed up , and Sandy made us drop to the floor ... every time I say his name-- what is it ?
Tammy : There are things that you do nt know about me . I m not that girl anymore , the one that you keep talking about .
Joey : Tammy , you are , only better .
Tammy : You do nt know .
Joey : Know what ?
Tammy : The night of the accident , I was there . I was--
Joey : I m sorry . That s really horrible . I m so sorry .
Tammy : Me , too . Joey , I want more than anything to be that girl that you went to school with , the one who played Juliet and cheered you on at the baseball games , but I m not that girl anymore . I ve changed . I do nt even think I deserve someone like you .
Joey : Tammy , you are that girl . You re everything that that girl embodies and more .
Tammy : Do you really mean that ?
Joey : Of course I do .
Tammy : Thank you .
Joey : You re welcome . Wow .
Tammy : Take me home .
Joey : You sure ?
Lizzie : Oh , you re a lifesaver . I just need to sit for a couple of minutes .
Coop : Well , we re getting ready to close in a little bit , okay .
Lizzie : Are nt you going to say hi .
Ava : Hi !
Lizzie : You know , you have nt won , right ? Coop and I are just going through a rough patch . It happens to every couple .
Ava : Hmm , I think I remember telling you something about how I was nt going to have to screw up your relationship with Coop , that you were going to do it all on your own . Well , you re screwed .
Coop : Lizzie ? Hey , Lizzie , are you okay ? Lizzie ? What s going on ?
Lizzie : I think I m in big trouble .
Dinah : Do I hear the water running ?
Jeffrey : Oh . The young lady who was here earlier wanted to take a bubble bath , and uh ... well that s before her ex called and then I started to go to work--
Dinah : We could take a bubble bath . How many candles do you have ?
Jeffrey : As many as we need .
Cassie : Wow , hey , do nt mind me .
Mallet : What s going on with you ? I can help you with this .
Harley : It s just not fair , to you or Dinah-- especially Dinah . And I ca nt keep dragging you away on these wild goose chases .
Mallet : That s what I m saying , this is nt a wild goose chase . You were right to be suspicious ; you were right to think that something s going on .
Harley : Maybe it is , maybe it is nt , but I think I need to do it alone .
Mallet : Why ? Oh , why ? Does this have something to do with what happened between us ?
Harley : Can you give it a rest ? Just-- I need a break ! I need ... I need to stop obssessing about Gus and get an a semblance of my life back here , okay ? I ca nt do this anymore ! And I m getting my period !
Mallet : Right . Um ... whatever you say . See you later .
Gus : You were pretty tough on him .
Harley : Yeah , you do nt know . He was such a big help to me when I was trying to find you . Oh , I did nt tell you , I m back on the job as Mallet s partner . Hopefully he ll understand why I sent him away when he finds out about this .
Gus : We ll make him understand , right ? I ca nt believe I m saying this , but I guess um ... I appreciate that he was there for you , you know as a friend .
Jonathan : We re closed .
Tammy : I live here . I could nt stay away .
Rob Bogue , Inside The Light . I have been accused by other members of my family that perhaps I m slightly spoiled . There s no basis for that . Whoa , wow . I was just a little boy lost . I wanted to fly jets . It s impossible with my eyes . They re not going to let me near a million dollar jet , so that one was out . I became an actor because I really could nt get a job doing anything else . See Mallet , Wednesday , March 29 , Inside The Light .
Harley : I was a basket case after you left . I could nt eat , I could nt sleep . Mallet saw that , and I think he was worried about what I might do if I could nt find you .
Gus : Yeah . You needed somebody ; it is understandable .
Harley : I needed you . And I drove him crazy with these clues that went nowhere and these hunches that did nt pan out .
Gus : He was complaining about that ?
Harley : Maybe once or twice , but really , he was pretty good . He was great .
Gus : Well , yeah , as partners go , he s pretty good , I guess .
Harley : You have no idea . He was really upset after you disappeared . He blamed himself . He took leave from the force to help me investigate . And then when he went back , he refused to partner up with anybody else . Dinah finally had to convince him to be my partner .
Gus : Dinah ?
Harley : Oh , yeah . Dinah and Mallet are a couple .
Gus : Din .... and what did ... remember , you thought I was crazy ?
Harley : Shut up .
Gus : No , I called that . I said that in the first place that they d make a good ...
Harley : I know . You re amazing .
Gus : Right , I m good like that . It s unbelievable , I ve missed so much . I ... I just missed you . You and the boys .
Harley : The boys missed you . Oh , my-- you should see the refrigerator . It is a gallery of Gus . And my dad put up a framed picture of you in Company .
Gus : Is that right ? Because you know when you get your picture into the family , it s serious . Your dad s a good guy . He has very good taste , I think .
Harley : You have no idea the stuff you ve missed since you ve been gone . But right now ...
Gus : Right now ?
Harley : ... All I see is you .
Gus : Is that right ?
Harley : All I want is you .
Gus : Mmm .
Harley : That s all I want .
Buzz : Kitchen s closed .
Mallet : Hey , Buzz . Buzz , I ve got to get a bottle of champagne .
Buzz : No .
Mallet : Then I ve got to get uh ... give me your flowers , all of the flowers in the place , please .
Buzz : Would you like a green card with hat ?
Mallet : I ll pay you whatever you want . Come on , man .
Buzz : Frank told me you ran out on your own dinner party . I bet you ve got some explaining to do .
Mallet : No , it s going to be fine , really . Dinah , she understands .
Buzz : Well , I m glad your confident .
Jeffrey : What a surprise ?
Cassie : Yeah , for all of us .
Jeffrey : Dinah ...
Dinah : Dinah s leaving . She s not going to be a part of this mess anymore .
Jeffrey : Dinah ...
Cassie : Well I m sure sorry to have barged in . I did nt mean to ; I uh ... I came up because there is a leak in the ceiling under your bathroom .
Jeffrey : Oh , oh , oh , wait a second . Oh . I forgot to turn the faucet off !
Cassie : Shall I send up housekeeping ?
Jeffrey : No , no , no , no . I threw some towels down . Just send the bill to me .
Cassie : Okay .
Jeffrey : How are you ?
Cassie : I m fine . You ?
Jeffrey : The same .
Cassie : You know , every ounce of my being is screaming , how could you do this ? With her , no less . But I realize I have no right . I have no claim on you anymore . I ca nt be angry or upset because I have no right to judge anything you do anymore .
Jeffrey : You re not angry and upset , you re not . You re hurt . You re hurt because you still love me , but you ca nt admit that . And no matter who we re with or where we are , we re still going to love each other . I can say it . I still love you . I love you . Okay .
Lizzie : Wait . Wait , wait , you re going to walk me to my car . I do nt have to go out there by myself ?
Coop : Lizzie , what do you think is out there ?
Lizzie : My ex - boyfriend Joey is stalking me . I ran into him earlier and I told him that I was seeing someone and he said , not for long . It was the way he said it , the way he looked at me . It was like his eyes were looking right through me .
Coop : Did you tell your family ?
Lizzie : I ca nt .
Coop : Why ? Lizzie , I m sure they would probably love to help .
Lizzie : My mom is having a baby . Granddad just got back . What am I going to say , I have ex - boyfriend problems ? I ca nt put this on them . Look , I know that I have no right to ask you for help , but just this one time , I really , really need some help .
Jonathan : I thought you were supposed to have a big date tonight with what s his name ?
Tammy : I did . It was fun . Joey s a great guy , so funny and decent and caring . We have a lot of memories together , good memories . When I m with him , I feel--
Jonathan : You feel what ?
Tammy : Like me old self .
Jonathan : As opposed to ? When you re with me , you feel like you re damaged self .
Tammy : I did nt say that .
Jonathan : Why did you come here , Tammy . Did you come here to torture me ?
Tammy : I told Joey I wanted to go home with him tonight . I did nt want the night to end . So we got in the elevator and we headed down ... and it hit me , you know . I could nt do it , Jonathan . I could nt be anywhere except for right here with you .
Jonathan : You walked away .
Tammy : Here I am . You were right , Jonathan , you do own me . And I own you . And I just ca nt run from that . Whatever we have or do nt have , I ca nt run anymore . ( Jonathan sobbing )
Cassie : So I guess I ll just have someone come up and mop the floor .
Jeffrey : Cassie .
Cassie : What ? What do you want me to say ? ! Do you want me to say that I hate this ? ! That this is killing me to see you move on ?
Jeffrey : Well that might be a start .
Cassie : I m the one who sent you away , and so I have to deal with it . And if what you want to do is you want to go on and you want to meet someone and fall in love , then that s what you should do .
Jeffrey : Fall in love ? I m not going to fall in love with anyone ever again ! That s it , I m done . Cassie , I never meant to hurt you .
Cassie : Well , I never meant to hurt you , either . But , sure enough , here we are . Every time those words come up .
Jeffrey : Well I suppose some people keep at it until they get it right .
Cassie : Yeah , I suppose they do .
Jeffrey : Well , you ll fall in love again .
Cassie : No , no . No , thank you , no . I m done .
Coop : Lizzie , where s Joey right now ? Do you know where he s staying ?
Lizzie : I have no idea . He was calling me for the past several weeks and he just showed up . He could be at a hotel ; he could be waiting for me in the parking lot . I have not idea .
Coop : Okay , all right , all right . Why have nt you mentioned his name until this moment now , huh ?
Lizzie : You do nt believe me . Fine . Here . Oh , look . Could I have made up those phone calls ? No , call him . Call him , see if he does nt answer the phone .
Ava : A burger s getting cold !
Coop : Thank you , Ava .
Lizzie : I got it . I got it . Just forget about it . No , it s fine . It s fine because you know what , Joey will probably leave me alone . Or , hey , maybe when he said he did nt want to ever let me go , maybe he did nt mean it . No , it s cool . I m probably overreacting , right ?
Coop : Lizzie , would you hold on a minute ?
Lizzie : Just forget it . It s not like Joey is going to try to kill me , right ? Like Sandy did with Tammy .
Coop : All right , Lizzie , slow down a minute . Okay , please , can you just--
Lizzie : Forget it . I m not your girlfriend . You do nt have to worry about me .
Coop : Well , it s a little too late for that , okay ? I am a little bit worried here . So why do nt you sit down , eat your burger , let me finish closing and then I ll walk you to your car , all right ? Please ! Lizzie , just listen to me . Do this for me , okay ?
Lizzie : Okay .
Coop : Thank you .
Jonathan : You re back .
Tammy : I m back . Oh , this is wrong in every possible way . You turned my life upside down .
Jonathan : Well , is that a bad thing ?
Tammy : I had it all back , Jonathan-- my mom , school , even my old boyfriend . The future looked like it used to , like it s supposed to .
Jonathan : Supposed to does nt mean anything . You re my future . And all of that s nothing compared to this .
Tammy : I love you , Jonathan . I did nt even know if you would be here , but I had to try .
Jonathan : ( Breathing heavy )
Tammy : Is that mine ? It is . Were you packing it up ?
Jonathan : I thought that you were nt coming back . I um ... I thought that I d have to let you go , you know .
Tammy : What s that ?
Jonathan : Tammy , wait .
Tammy : Is this ... oh , my God . Tickets , drugs . That s why you were packing me up , is nt it ? You were going to knock me out and take me away !
Jonathan : No . There you are in the early light of day there you are in the quiet words I pray I have been blessed by the simple happiness of the perfect love we ve made every time I turn around , when I m lost and when I m sad like an angel standing guard , there you are every time I take a breath , and when I forget to breathe you re watching over me there you are when I m looking for the light in the middle of the night searching for the brightest star there you are there you are there you are .
Coop : Lizzie , wait a minute . Wait , wait , wait . Okay , look , this situation is crazy . Why do nt you just find this guy Joey and talk to him and tell him to stay away from you .
Lizzie : No , you ca nt .
Coop : Why ?
Lizzie : You re right . I ll tell my grandfather . He ll know what to do .
Coop : Okay , let me walk you to your car .
Lizzie : What if he knows where I live ? What if he is going to come there ? What if he s already been there ? I ca nt go to my house alone . I ca nt go there alone . Coop , I ca nt ...
Coop : I ll take you to your place , I ll scope it out , make sure it is safe , but then I ve got to come back , okay ?
Lizzie : Thank you .
Coop : Look , Lizzie , I ca nt stay for more than a minute .
Lizzie : Okay , that s all it will take .
Jonathan : Tammy , I would never put anything in your drink .
Tammy : Where did you get those drugs ? What are you doing with those tickets ?
Jonathan : Look , I talked to Lizzie and for a second it crossed my mind .
Tammy : Crossed your mind , like you were going to do it ?
Jonathan : Yeah , look , for a desperate second , but then it stopped . Tammy , come on . I could never hurt you , Tammy . You have to know that by now .
Tammy : I ca nt do this , Jonathan . I can not live like this anymore !
Jonathan : Okay , okay . Okay , okay . Look , look , I made a mistake , okay , but I m sorry . We need each other .
Tammy : I ca nt afford to need you . What s going to happen next time ?
Jonathan : There wo nt happen again .
Tammy : You are right about that .
Jonathan : No . Tammy , I love you .
Tammy : I love you , too . I always will .
Jonathan : Tammy . Tammy , do nt go . Do nt go , do nt go .
Tammy : Good - bye , Jonathan .
Jonathan : Tammy . Please , Tammy , please . Come on , Tammy . Come on . Tammy ! Tammy ! Tammy ! Come back ! ( Screaming ) Tammy ! Tammy !
Cassie : Well , do nt worry , I would nt be making anymore house calls any time soon ?
Jeffrey : Well , that s good , because you re not much of a plumber .
Cassie : Jeffrey , we may never fully resolve the issues between us . But for all of the time we spent together , for protecting me from Edmund , and for supporting me after I lost Hope , thank you .
Jeffrey : Yeah , you , too .
Cassie : I ll be seeing you .
Jeffrey : Yeah , I ll be seeing you .
Mallet : Dinah ? Dinah , it s me !
Harley : I want to make up for everything you missed while you were gone .
Gus : Wow . Okay , then let me start with Happy New Year !
Harley : No , that was nt good .
Gus : No .
Harley : But Valentine s was great .
Gus : Yeah ?
Harley : I was here with you .
Gus : Is that right ?
Harley : I lit candles , I played music , we danced , we drank beer .
Gus : Ooh , did I get a hangover ?
Harley : You were a mess .
Gus : I thought so .
Harley : But I felt you here . I felt you so strongly .
Gus : You have no idea how hard I tried to get home by Valentine s Day . You were the reason I was able to make it , babe , you know .
Harley : Do nt you wish we could go back and undo everything we messed up ?
Gus : Well , I know what you mean , but , no , I think we should concentrate on now , here and now , you know .
Harley : Welcome home , my darling .
Gus : It s good to be home . It s good .
Harley : I love you .
Gus : You do ? I love you , too .
Mallet : Wait , are you dumping me ?
Dinah : Whoa ! Bingo ! He s catching on .
Harley : We are together again . You and me , together again .
Gus : Nothing s going to pry us apart .
Harley : Nothing and nobody .
Gus : That s right .
Dinah : I want you to go find Harley and figure things out , okay ? Gus is dead ; Harley s free . And now , so are you .
### Summary:
| Mallet finds Harley at the house and Gus hides while the two of them talk . Harley finally convinces Mallet to leave and Harley and Gus make love . Dinah takes up Jeffrey s invitation for a drink and the two kiss . Cassie , wanting to find out why Jeffrey s room is leaking walks in on the two of them . Dinah leaves and Jeffrey tells Cassie that he is still in love with her and from now on all of his relationships will be without love , which sends Cassie from the room also . Mallet returns to the apartment to find a very angry Dinah . After Jonathan gets on her case about not doing enough to get Tammy back for him , Lizzie tells him that the old Jonathan would have done something to get her back by now . She even talks about drugging Tammy to get what he wants . Jonathan considers this and at Outskirts starts packing up Tammy s things . Tammy has a good time with Joey and is shocked when he tells her that he is still in love with her . When he brings up Sandy , Tammy runs away and tells Joey she is nt the girl he used to know . She asks him to leave with her but later shows up at Outskirts . She tells Jonathan that she just could nt be with Joey since she is in love with Jonathan . They start to make up but then Tammy finds her clothes packed , two plane tickets , and the drugs . She correctly guesses that Jonathan thought about drugging and kidnapping her and although he swears he would nt have gone through with it , she throws a metal box at him and leaves . Jonathan breaks down in tears . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bill : What s taking him so damn long ?
Wyatt : With Jarrett ? You just called him .
Bill : If he leaves his cubicle the moment I summon him , it takes exactly 2 minutes , 42.6 seconds for him to arrive at my office . I timed it .
Wyatt : Okay , are you in a rush ?
Bill : To get through a meeting with Jarrett ? Always .
Wyatt : No , I mean , are you in more of a rush than usual ?
Bill : Oh . Is it obvious ?
Wyatt : Yeah . You were nt even paying attention when I was talking about profits a second ago , and usually that gets you pretty excited .
Bill : Well , I - I know I never say this , but I have more important things on my mind .
Wyatt : Than money ? ! Who -- who are you right now ? !
Bill : I m gon na meet Brooke as soon as I leave here . We re planning our wedding .
Lauren : How s your day going ?
Ridge : Good . You know what , Lauren ? I m gon na be okay right here .
Lauren : Sure .
Ridge : Thank you . Hi . You look beautiful .
Brooke : Thank you .
Ridge : There s only one thing that would make this perfect . Let me see here . There .
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Ridge : Neither one of us needs to look at that hideous thing while we re having a meal .
Thomas : So , Sally has a hearing today ?
Carter : Pretrial . Yeah .
Steffy : So soon .
Carter : Forrester influence . Things move quickly when you have connections . I m on my way if either of you want to join me .
Steffy : Well , do nt let me stop you if you feel like you need to be there .
Thomas : I do nt . Let me know what happens .
Shirley : The shark that works for Forrester ! Carter Walton .
Shirley : That s him . Cute guy , but downright evil . He said that Sally might be facing 15 years ? That s not gon na happen , right ? Worst - case scenario .
Saul : But -- but you ve worked cases like this before ? You ve gotten people off ? Sure , sure . I mean , well , every case is different .
Sally : But prison will be likely . At least some amount of time . Not necessarily . If we can get the criminal charges dropped . I brought my lucky penny . Things are going your way today .
Ridge : So do you want to order an appetizer , or is this gon na be a quick meal ?
Brooke : I m gon na wait , since my date is nt here yet .
Ridge : Your date ? Ah , yes . Your date .
Brooke : But go ahead . Order what you want . But if I were you , I would take it to go .
Ridge : I like my banter with bill . It s always so interesting because we can talk about him , we can talk about his wardrobe , his jewelry . It s great .
Brooke : And our nuptials . Bill and I are going to be discussing our wedding .
Jarrett : You want it to sound like an obituary ?
Bill : Mnh - mnh . No , I do nt want it to sound like an obituary . I want it to be an obituary . Spectra fashions , rest in peace .
Wyatt : Okay , should nt we just wait a little bit , though ? It s not -- it s not certain .
Bill : It s certain enough ! You heard that garrison clown ! Spectra s folding .
Jarrett : It s just too bad Sally resorted to knockoffs .
Bill : Well , if you do nt have the talent to do it on your own ...
Jarrett : But she does ! There s a lot she ll have to learn , but the talent is there , the potential . If we had nt sabotaged Sally , she could have made something of herself . Spectra fashions did nt have to die .
Steffy : Have I told you I went to see Sally after the showing ?
Thomas : You did ?
Steffy : Yeah . I told her how foolish she was .
Thomas : I bet that went well .
Steffy : She did nt have to do it .
Thomas : No , she did nt . She wanted to keep it legit , and she could ve if she just would have asked me for help .
Steffy : Spectra DNA is too strong . The art of stealing is in their nature . And after today , Sally s gon na pay the price .
Judge Jon Oplinger : You re currently renting ?
Sally : Correct .
Judge Jon Oplinger : Means the building ca nt be confiscated . You can expect all other assets will be seized . I see you ve -- [ Chuckles ] You ve confessed . She has , your honor . Sally is completely remorseful . She s apologized to the Forresters .
Carter : Apologies can only go so far . Yes , actions speak louder , which is why Sally has canceled all orders . Spectra wo nt be making a dime off the stolen collection . Because of that and her obvious regret , we re hoping the criminal charges can be dropped .
Carter : Dropped ? My client has a spotless record . Miss Spectra has no priors , and that will certainly affect her sentence . I m sure you re all aware that cases like these often lead to 15 years in prison . Given the circumstances here , I m guessing we wo nt be looking at anything near that . Five years is more than likely .
Sally : Five years ? Given the egregious nature of what you ve masterminded -- industrial espionage -- I do nt think you should expect anything less .
Thomas : Carter ?
Steffy : No . No , it s Liam .
Thomas : Oh . Yeah , it s a little soon to be getting any news .
Steffy : I know you feel guilty , and it probably wo nt help for me to say this , but ... what Sally did , she brought that on herself .
Thomas : Perhaps .
Steffy : Actions have consequences .
Thomas : That s true . She lied and she stole from us .
Steffy : [ Sighs ]
Thomas : And if it were anybody else , I would have no problem picturing them rotting in prison right now .
Steffy : Well , whatever the judge decides , something has to be done .
Thomas : I agree . Spectra should pay for what they did . But Sally going to prison ? Nothing about that feels right .
Shirley : My granddaughter will go to prison for five years ?
Judge Jon Oplinger : The Forresters want to proceed ?
Carter : An entire line stolen , months of hard work , a huge loss in revenue . Yes , they want to proceed .
Judge Jon Oplinger : We ll have to see what happens at trial , of course , but a five - year sentence is entirely appropriate . You can get out in three years with good behavior .
Sally : Three years in the slammer , huh ? Well , I guess that s what I got coming .
Bill : Careful , Jarrett . You re sounding like you re a Spectra fan . Surprising , considering that scathing review you wrote .
Jarrett : My name on your review , you mean .
Bill : Are you standing up for Sally Spectra , condoning what that criminal did to the Forresters ?
Jarrett : Absolutely not .
Bill : That really makes me question your judgment . What kind of man thinks it s okay to steal someone else s hard work ?
Jarrett : No , that s not --
Bill : Those beautiful gowns maliciously taken from their rightful fashion house ? And yet here you are yammering on about poor Sally Spectra , and if she only had a chance !
Jarrett : I was the one who questioned whether those designs were legit . Trust me , I do not condone what Sally did . Not at all .
Wyatt : Right . You re just saying that she would nt have gone down the path she did if your review , or his review , had nt have been so harsh ?
Jarrett : Exactly .
Bill : Who gives a damn ? Everybody wins in the end .
Jarrett : Everybody ? What do you mean ? The Forresters lost an entire collection . Spectra will likely be going under .
Bill : So I win in the end , and that s really all that matters . I get my property , I get my building , and most importantly , I get my Brooke .
Ridge : Planning a wedding , huh ? All right , have you chosen a color scheme ? Cause black on black has always been my favorite .
Brooke : It s time .
Ridge : Time to plan a wedding . You know , you were planning a wedding with me just five minutes ago . What s the rush ?
Brooke : I m ready .
Ridge : Marrying bill is not gon na make your feelings for me go away .
Brooke : My feelings for you are very ... complicated . I will always have feelings for you , but that does nt mean I need to make them mean something .
Ridge : They do mean something . Yes , you can marry bill and push me out of the way for a little while , but I am here , a part of you .
Brooke : Yeah , you ll be there , unsatisfied , looking over my shoulder at any woman , every woman .
Ridge : That s not true . I made a mistake . I told you I made a mistake , but do nt compound it by making an even bigger mistake . We can work through this . We always have . And you know what ? In the end , we re gon na end up together , you and me . That s how it ends . You know that as well as I do .
Steffy : I do nt want Sally to go to prison , either . Well , not necessarily . Well , not for , like , 15 years , but like a month or two in the orange jumpsuit , I think that d be really entertaining .
Thomas : Okay , she should nt be going at all . Look , I thought there was a future for us . I really did . And now she could be going to prison .
Steffy : Only if the judge thinks she deserves it .
Jarrett : Guess he ll get his building .
Wyatt : Was that ever in doubt ? My dad always gets what he wants eventually .
Jarrett : True . It s just the way he goes about it .
Wyatt : Jarrett .
Jarrett : What Sally did was wrong . No question . But your father does nt see how his actions set hers in motion .
Wyatt : Oh , no , he sees it . And he likes what he sees . It does nt do you any good to call him out on it .
Jarrett : I need to learn to keep mouth shut around him , do nt I ?
Wyatt : Would nt hurt . Job security is a good thing , Jarrett . Not that you have anything to worry about . I mean , you are our best reporter , and dad knows that , I think .
Jarrett : He s just been so intense lately . I mean , more than usual . Used to see my therapist once a month , and lately it s been weekly thanks to that man .
Wyatt : Look , hang in there , all right ? Once dad gets married to Brooke , he ll be a lot more mellow .
Jarrett : Well , one can only hope .
Wyatt : Hey , your therapist sure does .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] Ridge , I appreciate your belief in us . I really do .
Ridge : Belief is something you ve been working on for a long time . And look , it s good . Do nt give up now .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] Wow . Oh , my ... how -- how do you do that ?
Ridge : How do I do what ?
Brooke : You make me laugh when I really do nt want to .
Ridge : Got to do something .
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Ridge : Either laugh or cry . But we got to figure this out . We got to work through it . I m not gon na give up on you , not ever .
Bill : Beat it . Now .
Ridge : Ah .
Bill : I m sure there s a skirt that needs hemming somewhere .
Ridge : And there s bill right on cue .
Bill : Do you have any idea how pathetic you are ?
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Ridge : I m sure you re about to tell me .
Bill : Can you just stop harassing the woman ?
Ridge : I m not harassing her . We re having lunch .
Bill : Save it . Look , I do nt know what you did -- yet -- but I saw the result it had on Brooke , and now she s where she belongs -- with me . What did you do ? What did you do to make this woman , who has given you so many chances over such a long period of time , finally kick you to the curb ?
Brooke : Bill , please . Just leave it alone .
Bill : Not until he leaves you alone . Not until he accepts that you re wearing my engagement ring and this pathetic groveling and pleading stops .
Ridge : Not what s going on here .
Bill : I mean , is nothing beneath you ?
Ridge : Brooke and I have a history . You ll never understand that .
Bill : Yeah , you do have a history , and it s just that . Brooke is looking to the future now . Are nt you ?
Carter : My clients would like to wrap this up as soon as possible . Should nt take long . The case is straightforward enough . Let me check my docket . I think we can get this over and done with quickly .
Shirley : Please , your honor , have mercy . My granddaughter ca nt go to prison . What if we got someone to speak on her behalf ?
Judge Jon Oplinger : Miss Spectra s confession already speaks volumes . But you re welcome to present witnesses at the trial .
Shirley : Well , I ll do it ! I ll -- I ll witness ! File a motion ! Do something !
Judge Jon Oplinger : You might want to advise your client and her grandmother how wasting my time wo nt bode well for her sentencing . Hearing testimony of a biased relative will not carry much weight .
Saul : I m not a relative . I ll -- I ll speak on her behalf .
Judge Jon Oplinger : Mr. Feinberg , is it ?
Saul : Yes .
Judge Jon Oplinger : A paid employee of Spectra Fashions ?
Shirley : Hardly ever ! He did nt get much !
Judge Jon Oplinger : Thank you , Saul , but I m not sure we ll need your testimony , either .
Saul : Well , we got to do something here . We ca nt just let Sally go down without a fight ! There must be somebody who can testify for her !
Thomas : There is . Me .
Judge Jon Oplinger : And you are ?
Thomas : Thomas Forrester .
Bill : What if Brooke looks you in the eye right now and tells you again that there is no chance ? Will you stop embarrassing yourself ? I mean , do you really need to hear it one more time ?
Brooke : Ridge , just go , please .
Bill : I guess you re gon na have to be , uh , even more clear . He has to understand that there is zero chance of a future with you .
Brooke : You betrayed me for the very last time . Now I need to move on . I m wearing bill s ring . We re going to get married .
Ridge : So you re saying there s no place in your heart for me ? No future for us ? Tell me that and I ll back off . Thomas Forrester ? This is your client ?
Carter : Yes , your honor . What are you doing ?
Thomas : I m doing the right thing .
Judge Jon Oplinger : You have something to say that would affect Miss Spectra s upcoming trial ?
Thomas : I do .
Judge Jon Oplinger : Then let s hear it .
Thomas : I want Sally Spectra to pay for what she s done . She betrayed us professionally and personally . But I ve spoken with her , and after hearing her explanation on her awful lapse of judgment , I believe she regrets what she did , that she would take it back if she could , and she s learned her lesson . It may take a lot of people going to prison to get to that point , but Sally s already there . Spectra fashions , on the other hand , should pay . That company should cease to exist . Sally -- locking her up does not bring back what my company has lost . And I do nt see what good it does putting a woman with so much potential behind bars . That s all I have to say . Thank you , your honor .
Sally : Thomas ! Thomas , wait ! Thank you . I really do nt deserve it , but thank you .
Thomas : I would nt have said it if you did nt deserve it .
Sally : You may have just kept me out of jail .
Thomas : I hope so .
Sally : I love you . More than I have loved anyone ever .
### Summary:
| Wyatt is surprised that Bill is paying no attention to sales . Where is the real Dollar Bill Spencer ? At the outdoor restaurant Ridge spies Brooke and sits down . First thing he does is take a napkin and covers her engagement ring , that hideous monstrosity does nt want to ruin his meal . She says he better make it just appetizers as she is meeting her date and they are discussing the wedding . Bill tells Jarrett he wants him to write the demise of Spectra , their own obituary . Thomas tells Steffy that he agrees that Spectra should pay for their crimes but he does not think that has to include Sally going to prison . Sally s attorney says he brought his lucky penny along and he will go with that today . Bill can not believe Jarrett is standing up for the Spectra s when those beautiful gowns were stolen from their original fashion house . Jarrett comments that he does not condone what Sally did at all but if they had not written the original scathing review she would have made it on her own . Her gowns were nt bad . Ridge tells Brooke that he has already told her that he made a mistake but she does not have to make an even bigger one . Thomas tells Steffy that he thought he and Sally might have a future and now it looks like she is going to prison . Carter and Sally s attorney meet with a judge and he says considering this is industrial espionage Sally can not expect less than five years . Both Saul and Shirley take a big gulp . Bill shows up and tells Ridge to beat it . He is sure there is a hem that needs some work . What he d really like to know is what Ridge did to make Brooke finally see there was no future with him . Ridge says they have a history . Bill says yes , just that a history . What he and Brooke have is a future , so get lost . He can say it one more time but there is zero chance for Ridge and Brooke to have a future . Brooke joins in and says she is wearing Bill s ring and they are going to get married . Ridge tells her to say there is no place in her life for him and then he will back off . The judge says he needs to check his docket but this seems simple enough and he thinks he can get a court date arranged quickly . Shirley gets up and says they can bring in character witnesses if that will help . The judge says he is not sure that will be of much help since they are all family . Thomas walks in the door and says he is not family and has something to say . Thomas laments that Sally had an awful lapse of judgment and she regrets what she did . Spectra Fashions should pay by making it non - existent . Putting Sally in prison will not bring back FC s gowns . He walks out and Sally runs after him and thanks him . He hopes it keeps her out of jail . She says she loves him more than anyone ever and plants a big kiss on him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Victor : A dozen roses within the hour , okay ? Yep . Hi , sweetheart .
Victoria : I hope you know a dozen roses is nt gon na buy mom s forgiveness .
Victor : These roses are meant for an employee who s in the hospital .
Victoria : Well , I m sorry to hear that .
Victor : Some coffee ?
Victoria : No , I m not here for a visit . I came by to make sure you got the car key I dropped off for you .
Victor : I did . And I m gon na give that car key and the car back to reed where it belongs .
Victoria : What ? No . Dad .
Victor : That was a gift to my grandson !
Victoria : As his mother , I m not gon na let you control him the same way you tried to control me .
Cane : Hey .
Phyllis : You need to tell Victoria about us . Right now . And I m very sorry that Nikki is suffering . I really feel bad . But I am not going to be the other woman , sneaking around .
Billy : Hey , hey ...
Phyllis : It s not gon na happen .
Billy : There is no other woman . You re the only woman in my life , you hear me ?
Cane : Hey , you re here early , huh ?
Billy : Wrapping up some work from last night .
Cane : Yeah ? That was a good night . We got to know each other a little bit better .
Billy : I know enough about you already , Cane , thank you very much .
Cane : Well , that s the difference between you and me , cause I keep myself open to new ideas . You know what , as a matter of fact , I even have a new insight about you .
Billy : Is that right ? What would those insights be ?
Scott : Hey , Phyllis !
Phyllis : Oh , you re way too cheery this early in the morning .
Scott : Well , I got some , uh , pretty cool --
Phyllis : [ Sighs ] Do nt tell me it s because things are happening in your love life .
Scott : Whoa ! What happened ? Last time I saw you , you were happy for me .
Phyllis : I was . I m sorry . I just -- love is really busting my chops right now .
Scott : You met someone ?
Phyllis : Which was great , until it was nt . But actually ... you may be able to help me out .
Neil : Yes , sir . And the best news is , construction is well ahead of schedule . You know that never happens .
Devon : We ll be laying out our whole floor of offices before you know it .
Neil : Hamilton - Winters . I ca nt wait to get this thing off the ground .
Devon : Me neither .
Neil : Uh - oh . Did you already find a company to acquire ?
Devon : Yes , I did .
Neil : You sure did . That is fast . How d you make the selection ?
Devon : I channeled you , thought about which company you would pick and why , and that s what I did . I think you ll be impressed , too .
Neil : Oh ? So I m more impressed with the fact that you moved as fast as you did on this . What s the name of the company ?
Devon : Hang on .
Neil : Let me see . Mergeron enterprises .
Devon : Are you familiar with it ?
Neil : Very much so . Incredibly successful . And the owner has quite a history with the Abbotts .
Jack : I m gon na have to give Mrs. Martinez a raise . If people find out how good her muffins are , she s gon na leave me and open her own bakery .
Ashley : Well , I m sure Gloria would be happy to fill in .
Jack : Now why d you just do that ? We just had a lovely breakfast together .
Ashley : And it was lovely because Gloria was nt there .
Jack : Would you just drop it ?
Ashley : No , I just ca nt , jack . Please , give me a valid --
Jack : We have already exhausted this subject .
Ashley : No , we have nt . We have nt even scratched the surface .
Jack : Okay , I m gon na ask this nicely . Would you please not talk about Gloria ?
Ashley : Only if you have something more pressing going on in your life .
Jack : Nikki invited me out to the ranch last night .
Ashley : And you went ?
Jack : Well , yeah . Victor was out of town .
Ashley : Oh , my God , you never learn .
Devon : So , yeah , how is Mergeron enterprises connected to the Abbotts ?
Neil : Dina Mergeron , C.E.O. She was once married -- thanks -- to john Abbott .
Devon : Really ? I did nt read anything about that when I was researching the company .
Neil : It was probably because she s responsible for that .
Devon : So jack , Traci , and Ashley are Dina Mergeron s kids ?
Neil : Mm . She s an excellent leader , you know . Mergeron is a powerhouse in the world of technology .
Devon : Well , yeah , and they also have a number of diverse interests , which work for what we re doing .
Neil : All this seems to have happened since Dina took over .
Devon : Well , after Mr. Mergeron passed away . But it s the streaming service that she developed that initially attracted me to the company because I would love to incorporate that into our music division .
Neil : Right , right . No , I know . She s got her faults , but she s the real deal . She s a savvy businesswoman .
Devon : What kind of faults you talking about ?
Neil : Well , from what I know , she walked out on john and the kids when they were very young . Jack and his sisters , they , you know , they never forgave her .
Devon : So acquiring Dina s company could be a problem for the Abbotts .
Jack : Nikki needed my help .
Ashley : With what ?
Jack : In her words , to get her mojo back .
Ashley : You did nt .
Jack : I believe I did .
Ashley : You re messing with me -- do nt do it . It s a bad day for obvious reasons .
Jack : Okay , Nikki asked for some suggestions on how to improve her life .
Ashley : Well , did you tell her to divorce her husband ? Again ?
Jack : Yes . And then when her husband walked in on us ...
Ashley : No .
Jack : I noticed a distinct chill in the air . There is trouble in paradise .
Ashley : No . I do nt believe that , Jackie . There s no way . It s Victor and Nikki . It s a lovers quarrel .
Jack : No , no , no , no , no . This is different this time . This time it appears Nikki has had it with his domineering ways . Anyway , enough about that . Let s talk about you . You seem happy . Or you certainly seemed happy when Ravi got here last night .
Ashley : Oh , you want to talk about Ravi ? We could do that . But it s not gon na stop me from talking about Gloria .
Scott : If I can offer up some help , then it s all yours . What do you need ?
Phyllis : You re writing Victor s biography , which requires you talking with his family , right ?
Scott : Right .
Phyllis : Has anyone mentioned anything about Nikki s health ?
Scott : I m not sure how that relates to your love life , unless you and nick are thinking about getting back together .
Phyllis : No . No , no . That s not in the cards .
Scott : Sorry . It s just the journalist in me .
Phyllis : Right now , I need a friend more than a journalist .
Scott : Of course .
Phyllis : Nikki s health ?
Scott : As a friend , as far as I can tell , Nikki s fine .
Phyllis : So you do nt know for sure if there s been an incident about the M.S. Flaring up .
Scott : I saw her the other day . Did nt seem to be anything physically wrong with her .
Michael : Hey ! Either of you seen Kevin ? Mm , am I interrupting ?
Scott : Not at all . I was actually about ready to head out . I got an appointment . But , uh , hey , you gon na be okay ?
Phyllis : Absolutely . Thank you .
Scott : Yeah .
Michael : Holding it in is nt going to help . So , um , start talking .
Billy : So , go ahead , Cane . Look deep into my soul , share these profound insights .
Cane : I do nt know , just at last night s dinner , you and Victoria seemed to be getting closer together . It s just a shame that Jill was nt there to see it , right ?
Billy : Oh , you care about my relationship with Vicki all of a sudden ?
Cane : Yeah , why would nt I ? You re my co - worker . She s my boss .
Billy : Well , I m not buying that , so why do nt you tell me what s really going on ?
Cane : Okay . So , tell me , is something going on between you and Victoria ?
Billy : It s got you spun out , huh ?
Cane : Uh - huh .
Billy : So how do we really get you around the bend ? Maybe I tell you that Vicki and I are getting back together ... ... or maybe I tell you we re playing nice for the sake of the kids .
Cane : Or maybe you could go against your natural instinct to lie and tell the truth for a change , Billy . Maybe you could do that , do nt you think ?
Victor : What you call control I call love .
Victoria : Love ? Love ? Buying my 16-year - old an expensive car , making Abby temporary C.E.O.
Victor : It s a loving gesture .
Victoria : Investing in Chelsea s company .
Victor : It s ensuring my grandson s future .
Victoria : So , what are you gon na do for nick s kids ? Are you gon na buy them Nobel prizes ?
Victor : Do nt exaggerate , okay ?
Victoria : You re bribing my son .
Victor : Will you listen to me ? You re a busy mother . You run a company . I thought you d be happy if reed had a car that needs to take him where he needs to go !
Victoria : If I wanted to buy my son a car , I would have done it myself . So why do nt you just admit -- admit , dad , what you re really doing .
Victor : I m a loving , generous grandfather . That s what I m doing !
Victoria : Mm - hmm , yeah . You re attempting to bribe every single family member that has no idea what the truth is about you . I do nt know why I bother .
Victor : What , you re just gon na walk out on me , or what ?
Victoria : You know that forgiving you accomplishes nothing ? You turned our forgiveness into a blank check , carte blanche so you could do whatever you want ! And when Adam would nt bend to your will ...
Victor : I was trying to help him !
Victoria : After you made a pact with the woman who killed him , dad !
Victor : She killed my son . That affected me greatly . Do nt you understand that ?
Victoria : Yes , I do . What if one of us cost you your son ? Would you be able to forgive that ?
Phyllis : Billy claimed that he could nt tell Victoria we were back together because Nikki was ill with an M.S. Flare - up .
Michael : Maybe it s true .
Phyllis : According to jack and Scott , Nikki is looking perfectly healthy .
Michael : Nikki knows how to power through illness . It s what she does . But you think Billy s lying to you .
Phyllis : I saw him hugging Victoria .
Michael : Define hugging .
Phyllis : Okay . It was nt a pat on the back kind of hug . It was a genuine hug- hug , Michael . Trust me .
Michael : If it was that intimate , why would they do it in front of you ?
Phyllis : They did nt know I was there .
Michael : So you were spying on them .
Phyllis : Define spying . Okay , fine . I was watching them .
Michael : Which should nt surprise me at all because that s what you do when you re feeling insecure .
Phyllis : Or when I feel like I m being played .
Michael : If you do nt trust the man , why would you even want to be with him ?
Phyllis : Because we have a connection , all right ? A soul connection . There is a spark . It feels right when we re together .
Michael : You do nt have all the facts .
Phyllis : I know what I saw .
Michael : Is it possible that Nikki really is ill and Billy was hugging Victoria because he was comforting her ? Before you go crazy , maybe you ought to try talking to the guy .
Phyllis : Oh , we are gon na talk , all right . We re gon na talk .
Jack : Believe it or not , I always have jabot s best interest at heart .
Ashley : How can you say that to me when you re sleeping with Gloria ?
Jack : I m toeing the Abbott line . What is it that dad always said ? Never let personal life get in the way of business . It is nt easy . I m managing .
Ashley : No , you re not ! You re horrible at it . Our father , he was great at it . Even after Dina broke his heart .
Jack : Yeah .
Ashley : Abandoned us without even a glance backwards .
Jack : Somehow dad always managed to keep family and business together .
Ashley : I know . We were so lucky to have him as a father . I mean , he made us feel loved .
Jack : And cherished .
Ashley : Daddy ... unlike Dina . Can you imagine ? Walking out on your children like that ... I mean , I try to forget that we came from that , but we did . And I m sure we re making our own mistakes where our kids are involved .
Jack : Well , we d never turn our backs on them . We never would .
Ashley : I know , jack , but I mean , how can you be a great parent when we had such an absent role model ?
Jack : You just said it yourself -- because we had such an incredible father .
Ashley : But we have Dina s DNA .
Jack : Yeah , you got me there . You know , I only have one picture of me with mom from my childhood ?
Ashley : Really ? I ve never seen it .
Jack : Well , it s in the back of a drawer . I would nt display it .
Ashley : Why do you keep it at all ?
Jack : To remind me I will never let another human being do to me what our mother did to us .
Ashley : Aww , Jackie . Is that why you hated divorcing all those women ? Just pushed all your abandonment issues ?
Jack : At least I m not alone . You got the same issues .
Ashley : Yep . Well , I guess it s the ultimate fear , is nt it ?
Jack : That the people we love will leave us .
Ashley : Well , here s to our mother . Thanks for screwing us up , mom !
Jack : [ Chuckles ]
Ashley : Cheers .
Scott : Victor . Uh , your secretary said I should just come on in , but if it s a bad time , I --
Victor : Come on in . How s the book coming ?
Scott : You know , I think it s going well .
Victor : I d like to read a few chapters .
Scott : And I look forward to showing them to you , but I m a bit confused by something that happened while you were away .
Victor : What s that ?
Scott : Nikki told me to stop working on the book .
Victor : Why ?
Scott : You know , I get the sense that she was trying to protect you and the family , but when I asked her if there was something specific she was worried about , she denied it .
Victor : And you believed her ?
Scott : Yeah , and no .
Cane : You know , I think as Victoria suggested , the content for Juliet s press release should focus on how many new customers we ve acquired .
Billy : I think the year - to - year increase in what customers spend is a more compelling story .
Cane : Well , it s not your project , is it , Billy ?
Victoria : You know , we can table this for now . Cane , if you can document what we ve discussed , I have to check in with marketing before my meeting with the lawyers this afternoon . Billy , can I speak with you alone for one minute , please ?
Billy : Yeah , of course . What s going on ? You all right ?
Victoria : Yeah , I m okay . Johnny s teacher just texted me . You know that little boy Howie whose family just moved here ?
Billy : Yeah . The one who s having a hard time finding friends , making friends ?
Victoria : Yeah , his new classmate . Well , today s his birthday , and Johnny made him a birthday card and asked him if he wanted to be friends .
Billy : He did ?
Victoria : Yes .
Scott : Nikki believes there will be this massive wave of people that you ve done wrong rallying to tell all .
Victor : And you doubt that ?
Scott : I expect it , but I do nt think that worries you .
Victor : Do I look worried ?
Scott : What about your wife , your kids ? I mean , online harassment can be something .
Victor : Well , Scott , you ve got to know that my family has been in the limelight for a long time .
Scott : [ Scoffs ] This is the limelight on steroids , amped by the news of Chloe Mitchell s responsibility in Adam s death .
Victor : Very unpleasant , indeed . But it s over .
Scott : Until , uh , Chloe s found and brought back here .
Victor : You think she may be found ?
Scott : There was a new development while you were gone . Chloe reached out to Kevin and your former son - in - law Billy Abbott .
Victor : Contacted them how ?
Scott : She sent letters stating that either one of those men could be her child s father .
Victor : And ?
Scott : Kevin turned out to be the real dad .
Victor : That should make Kevin happy .
Scott : Yeah . Yeah , he loves that little girl .
Victor : Are the cops aware of it ?
Scott : They are all over those letters , man . They re hoping to find any clue that can track down Chloe . But being that the letters were mailed from two different places in the world , it might take some time . I m certain they re gon na be able to find her eventually .
Victor : I ll be very happy to know that the woman who killed my son gets what she deserves . Anything else ?
Scott : No , I m just surprised .
Victor : By what ?
Scott : When Nikki told me you were away , I would have laid odds that you were out searching for Chloe .
Victor : Interesting idea .
Scott : It s logical . One , you ve got resources . Two , you are nt saddled by rules like law enforcement .
Victor : And three ?
Scott : Victor Newman would never let anyone get away with murdering his son .
Michael : Oh ! Thanks .
Kevin : Hi . Thanks for squeezing me in .
Michael : It sounded important .
Kevin : It s a dad thing .
Michael : Mm . Have a seat .
Kevin : Thanks . I need advice on how to talk to Bella about what happened to her mom .
Michael : What have you told her so far ? Have you told her anything so far ?
Kevin : Mostly Esther and I have been playing distract the toddler .
Michael : Kevin --
Kevin : But she keeps asking questions , she s not sleeping through the night anymore ... [ Sighs ] Nobody understands Bella like Chloe .
Michael : Are you talking about Bella , or you ?
Kevin : Both of us , I guess . A part of me was ripped apart when Chloe left .
Michael : Kevin , she did nt just leave , she ran .
Kevin : The rational part of me gets that . [ Sighs ] She murdered Adam . That s heinous . But the part of me that loves her understands why she did it and forgives her . I do nt know which part of me should be explaining this to my daughter .
Billy : You see my phone ?
Cane : Unh - unh .
Billy : I got to take off for a second , all right ?
Victoria : Victoria Newman . Yes .
Phyllis : Two seconds . Tell me why you have been lying to me .
Billy : What are you talking about ?
Phyllis : You told me that you could nt tell Victoria that we were back together because Nikki was sick .
Billy : Nikki is sick .
Phyllis : Nikki is nt sick ! I have proof .
Billy : Okay , hold on a second . What are you talking about right now ?
Phyllis : Is this whole M.S. Flare - up just something that you concocted so you can play your two - women - against - each - other thing ?
Billy : I m telling you what Victoria told me .
Phyllis : Ohh ! Okay , so she s the one who s lying now .
Billy : I do nt know who s lying , okay ? I did nt concoct anything . I will tell Victoria once I know that Nikki s health is stabilized .
Phyllis : Stabilized from what ? A non - relapse ? I told you ! I told you I will not be the other woman . You are not gon na play me that way ! Stop it !
Michael : [ Chuckles ]
Kevin : What ? What s that look ?
Michael : Oh , me being proud of my little baby brother .
Kevin : Oh ! That s what I do nt recognize it . [ Sighs ] So you do nt think I m gon na mess things up with Bella ?
Michael : Listen to me . Forgiving Chloe is the very best thing you can do for that little girl . You re allowing her to grow up knowing that she has a loving mother with a big heart .
Kevin : And the rest of it ?
Michael : Well , wait till she s older . Listen , you re good at this .
Kevin : Thanks . I love my kid . My kid -- I ca nt believe I get to say that . I m gon na give her everything she needs , especially the non - tangibles . Unconditional love ...
Michael : Things we did nt get form our mother .
Kevin : Gloria .
Michael : You have nt told her .
Kevin : Well , can you blame me ? She hated Chloe even before all this went down .
Michael : Listen , Bella is her granddaughter , and , you know , she has tried not --
Kevin : I know , and she was amazing after the whole wedding fell apart . Ugh , she s gon na lose it when she finds out I m Chloe s baby daddy .
Michael : What s gon na happen when the entire town knows about this and not Gloria ?
Kevin : That would be bad .
Michael : No , you tell her , Kevin . You tell her before she finds out from someone else .
Gloria : Are you unhappy with my work ?
Jack : Actually , I ca nt believe I kept you around this long .
Gloria : Beg your pardon ?
Jack : What I meant to say was you re doing great work and I m grateful that you re here .
Gloria : Just wondering . We have nt met at the athletic club lately .
Jack : I ve been busy . I m sorry if I made you feel abandoned .
Gloria : Relax , jack . We agreed this is a relationship , friends with benefits . You do nt owe me anything .
Jack : But ... ?
Gloria : Our late - night tryst made life more interesting .
Jack : On that , we are in full accord .
Gloria : [ Chuckles ] Mmm ! Who d have thought we d ever get to this place ?
Jack : Not me . And certainly not john Abbott .
Neil : Dina has nt been in the Abbotts lives for years .
Devon : Then why would jack and Ashley have a problem , then , if we acquired the company ?
Neil : You know how it is . Families are complicated .
Devon : Yeah , but I mean , this is business . You and I are businessmen . I m not gon na back away from the deal just cause there could be a chance the Abbotts have a problem or get mad .
Neil : You know ... you are absolutely right . This Mergeron deal ? Victor Newman would be all over it .
Victor : Well , as much as I d like to make the person who killed my son pay for what they did ... I will not go after Chloe .
Scott : You re that forgiving ?
Victor : I m not gon na go to prison again .
Scott : Can I quote you for the book ?
Victor : Unless I fire you before .
Scott : In that case , I ll make sure to e - mail you those brilliant chapters right away . Thank you , Victor .
Victor : Welcome . And Scott ?
Scott : Hmm ?
Victor : Just remember one thing . I call the shots . No one else .
Scott : You got it .
Cane : Hey .
Victoria : Hey .
Cane : Hey , uh , you should get going if you want to make the meeting with the lawyers , okay ?
Victoria : Oh , no , I -- I still have time , actually .
Cane : No , I just checked the traffic , and there s a big accident across town , so you re gon na have to take an alternate route .
Victoria : Oh , my goodness . Thank you for the heads up . I should leave now , then .
Cane : What s wrong ?
Victoria : The damn elevator does nt seem to be working . The call button wo nt light up .
Cane : All right , uh , I ll call maintenance for you , okay ?
Victoria : Okay . Thanks .
Phyllis : Every time that I get angry , you try to stop me by kissing me , and I m not gon na let you do that anymore . I want the truth .
Billy : Okay , you want the truth ?
Phyllis : Yes !
Billy : This is the truth . I will tell Victoria because I ca nt stand the fact that we have to lie about wanting to be together . I ca nt stop thinking about you . When you turn to me in the middle of the night ... ... the taste of your perfume when I kiss your neck ... ... your voice when you whisper and even when you yell at me like that , I pull you towards me and I never want to let go .
Neil : You re right , son . Mergeron would be an excellent acquisition for our company . But let s not forget , there s gon na be a lot of larger companies with established reputations that are gon na be bidding on it , as well .
Devon : Well , that s why we re gon na be first in line . Is your passport up to date ?
Neil : Yeah . Why ?
Devon : Cause we re flying to Paris to meet Dina Mergeron . You in ?
Neil : Damn right , I m in .
Devon : Let s do it , man .
Neil : Yeah .
Ashley : Hey , you !
Ravi : Hey !
Ravi : Thanks so much for dropping by and bringing me that rose . It was very sweet . No pun intended .
Ravi : Now , a month ago , I would never have had the nerve to just drop by , certainly not with a rose or , you know , any other flower .
Ashley : [ Laughs ] Well , I m glad you did .
Ravi : Sometimes it s good to take a risk .
Ashley : Yeah , I ve been taking some of those lately myself .
Ravi : Yeah , I ve noticed .
Ashley : Right ? I was talking to jack , and I kind of realized that maybe I ve lived my life in a certain way out of fear .
Ravi : What frightens you ?
Ashley : Honestly , possibly ending up like my mother , maybe .
Ravi : Huh . You ve just never mentioned her before .
Ashley : I know , and you were always too polite to ask .
Ravi : Well , if you want to talk about her now , you can . Ashley , why have you never mentioned her before ?
Ashley : Because I hate her .
Jack : No , I have nt checked the news . Yeah , Ashley knocked it out of the park with that conference . We re still getting all kinds of press for our products . Yeah , I m pulling it up right now . All right . Perfect . I ll talk to you soon , then .
Gloria : So , what s so important we have to talk now ? I have a job , you know .
Kevin : I know , mom .
Gloria : Was Chloe found ?
Kevin : No . Have a seat .
Gloria : [ Sighs ]
Kevin : This is about Bella .
Gloria : Oh , yeah ? She all right ? She s not sick , is she ? Well , whatever it is , just keep the child away from me because I do nt need to catch it .
Kevin : She s fine , mom , except for missing her mother .
Gloria : Of course she does . Say what you will about Chloe . For all appearances , she was a loving mother . I ll give her that . And it is awful that that little girl s going to grow up without either of her parents .
Kevin : Actually , she wo nt . Well , it turns out that I m Bella s biological father .
Gloria : Hmm .
Victor : No more interruptions today , okay ?
Chloe : How did you find me ? You said you never wanted to see me again .
Victor : Did nt I tell you that if I ever crossed your path again , you would lose everything ?
Chloe : Victor ...
Victor : Did you think you could hide from me ?
Chloe : You wanted me gone to protect yourself .
Victor : I wanted away from your insanity .
Chloe : I m better .
Victor : If that were the case , the institution that housed you would have released you on their own . Without my involvement . Admit it .
Chloe : I m not crazy .
Victor : Ohh . Well , if you re not crazy , then you killed my son while you were sane . So what do you think the next thing is going to be ?
Chloe : You re gon na kill me ?
Ashley : I just want to make sure that I get everything that jack needs .
Ravi : Ashley ... hate is a strong , especially when applied to one s mother .
Ashley : Yes , it is a strong word , but she deserted jack , Traci , and me when we were very , very young children .
Ravi : Oh , I m sorry .
Ashley : She just walked out and she never looked back .
Ravi : You never kept in contact ?
Ashley : Well , we were children , and she never acknowledged our birthdays or graduations or anything .
Ravi : I m so sorry to hear that . Sounds like you had a mother who was thoughtless and unkind .
Ashley : And what does that say about me ?
Ravi : Hey . It says that despite all that , you are brilliant , you are considerate , you are loving ... you know what else ? You re nothing like your mother . Nothing at all .
Gloria : [ Chuckles ] So you and Billy had DNA tests , and you re the daddy . That s it ?
Kevin : [ Exhales sharply ] You re freaking me out right now , mom . You have nt said a word about how this permanently connects me to Chloe .
Gloria : Are you happy about this , Kevin ?
Kevin : What do you think ?
Gloria : Then I am happy for you .
Kevin : You are gon na be a terrific -- well , interesting grandmother to your first granddaughter . Do you know how much fun you and Bella could have together ?
Gloria : I will do my best . Really .
Kevin : I know . I appreciate it .
Gloria : In fact , we are going to give that little girl the best family we can .
Kevin : I just wish I could talk to Chloe one more time , tell her that Bella is mine , and let her know how happy I am about it .
Victor : Tell me .
Chloe : He never suffered , okay ? I promise you . Adam never suffered .
Victor : You ve lied to me before .
Chloe : I swear on my daughter s life . Your son never suffered .
Victor : Unlike you , I m not a murderer . You take this and disappear . That s enough money in there for you .
Chloe : But I ca nt --
Victor : I will drag you back to Genoa City .
Chloe : Yeah , but you ca nt because when they find out that you used me for framing Adam , you ll be arrested .
Victor : I ve survived prison . I seriously doubt you will survive maximum security .
Chloe : Okay . Okay , I ll leave . [ Sighs ] You have to do me one thing . My daughter . I do nt want Bella growing up an orphan . There are two men that might be her father . I just -- I want to tell them , let them know , and then they can find out the truth , and then she can be raised by her biological father .
Victor : Let me tell you something . Do nt ever play games with me . I will do this for your daughter s sake . You write a letter to both of these guys , and I ll see to it that they get it .
Chloe : Why should I trust you ?
Victor : What choice do you have ?
Victoria : [ Sighs ] This is weird . I m just gon na take the stairs .
Cane : Hang on , I m on the phone with maintenance . They said someone locked out the elevator .
Victoria : Who would do that in the middle of a work day ?
Cane : They do nt know , but they said it was nt them , and they re gon na override the lock right now .
Victoria : Thank you . Oh , my God .
Jack : You re not even a little curious as to why our mother has her company up for sale ?
Neil : Let s not get ahead of ourselves . There is no guarantee that we re gon na make this deal close .
Victor : We have nt made a big acquisition for a while . Maybe this might be a good time .
### Summary:
| Neil and Devon meet at the Athletic Club to discuss their upcoming business venture . At home , Ashley and Jack discuss Nikki asking him for help in getting her spunk back . Jack still insists that something is going on between Nikki and Victor that they are trying to hide from the public . Ashley also asks Jack about Gloria . Phyllis and Scott meet at the Coffeehouse for small talk and what is going on in their lives . Billy , Cane , and Victoria have a short strategy meeting in her office . Cane mentions to Billy that he and Victoria are getting closer . In his office at Newman , Victoria and Victor discuss the gift that he bought for Reed without first asking her and also the fact that he made Abby CEO of Newman . Michael interrupts Scott and Phyllis to find out where Kevin is . Michael and Phyllis discuss that she saw Billy give Victoria a hug . Phyllis is steaming with jealousy . Michael tries to calm her down advising her to talk to Billy about the matter . Jack assures Ashley that he will always have Jabot s best interest at heart . Scott visits Victor to discuss the book s progress . Scott tells him that Nikki asked him to stop writing the book . When Victoria and Billy leave the room to discuss Johnny s birthday party , Cane reads a text from Phyllis to Billy to meet in the elevator . Victor and Scott discuss Chloe killing Adam and her whereabouts right now . Victor remembers bursting in and finding Chloe in a hotel room . Scott then reveals that Chloe sent both Billy and Kevin letters that they may be Bella s father , but it turns it is Kevin . At the Coffeehouse , Michael tells Kevin to tell Gloria that he is Bella s father . Kevin reminds Michael that he still loves Chloe . Gloria confronts Jack as to the kind of job she is doing for him . Jack assures her that she is doing a fine job . Neil and Devon discuss the fact that Mergeron Industries is up for sale and Victor would jump on it . Billy meets Phyllis in the elevator and she tells him that Victoria lied to him that Nikki is not having a relapse of MS . Billy tries to get closer to her but Phyllis pushes him away only to give him in to him and his kisses . Cane tells Victoria that there has been a wreck and a road is closed . Victoria tells him that she needs to leave right now , but when she tries the elevator , she finds it is stuck . Cane offers to call a repairman to get it to moving . When the doors open , Victoria sees Billy and Phyllis kissing . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : All right , Dad . Caterers are paid . Everything s cleaned up . Where are my keys ? Hey !
Ivy : Hey !
Ridge : I did nt know you were here ! Hi !
Ivy : Yeah , I , uh ... I m back . I , uh , missed the wedding , though . How was it ?
Ridge : It was great . It was really cool . Now I got to go and deal with Brooke . She s not feeling well . Have you seen my dad ?
Ivy : Uh , no .
Quinn : He is in the shower and then he s off to bed .
Ridge : Weddings . They really take it out of you , do nt they ?
Quinn : Yeah , they can . But he s very happy for Zende and Nicole .
Ivy : Oh , well , we all are .
Quinn : Yeah . But it has been a very long day .
Ivy : Oh , sorry , I got to get this . It s dad just making sure I got home safely . Hello ?
Ridge : So , I figured you d be up there with him .
Quinn : I m thinking of doing just that .
Ridge : Do nt let me stop you .
Quinn : Like you ever could . So , why are you still here ? Should nt be home tending to Brooke ?
Bill : Are you trying to make yourself worse ?
Brooke : Oh ! Oh , my God ! Bill !
Bill : What are you doing standing in front an open refrigerator ? That s probably how you got sick in the first place !
Brooke : [ Coughs ]
Bill : Liam texted me . He told me that you were ill , had to miss the wedding . That s why I brought you this -- the bill Spencer pick - me - up .
Brooke : I m afraid to ask .
Bill : Steak . Protein . Iron . Those are the keys to fighting off infection .
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Zende : You sure you re okay with this ? My bedroom on our wedding night instead of some five - star hotel ?
Nicole : Who needs five stars when I have my wonderful , amazing husband ? That s all I need . Besides , it is fitting . I mean , this is where we first ...
Zende : Oh ! You remember .
Nicole : Mm - hmm . I fell even more in love with you that night .
Zende : Mm , well , look at us now -- an old married couple .
Nicole : [ Giggles ]
Zende : There s nothing I would nt do for you , Nicole . I m gon na prove it , too . Every day for the rest of our lives .
Zende : Just so you know , I have a fabulous honeymoon planned for us . We leave tomorrow .
Nicole : Tomorrow ?
Zende : Yeah ! Somewhere beautiful and exotic . But tonight -- tonight my bedroom is gon na have to do .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] This is perfect , Zende . Right here , right now . I ca nt imagine anything better .
Zende : I would nt speak too soon . You have nt been to Tahiti yet , right ?
Nicole : That s where you re taking me ?
Zende : I mean , we could go to the Caribbean , go to one of those romantic islands .
Nicole : You know what I d prefer ?
Zende : What s that ?
Nicole : I love you so much .
Brooke : I appreciate the hunk of red meat . It s really very thoughtful of you , but I do nt have much of an appetite at the moment .
Bill : Hey , no problem . You can have it for breakfast in the morning . What s better than steak and eggs ?
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Bill : I m sorry you re sick , had to miss the wedding .
Brooke : I really feel terrible about that . But at least ridge went , and he gave Nicole and Zende my best wishes .
Bill : Yeah . Poor ridge . Had to go to the wedding all by his lonesome .
Brooke : Uh , it s -- it s really nice that you stopped by , bill , but I think you should go cause ridge is gon na be home really soon .
Bill : Yeah , where is he , anyway ? Better yet , who s he with ?
Brooke : He called and asked if he could stay at Eric s a little while longer . He wanted to make sure everything was taken care of after the wedding .
Bill : Did he say how everything went ? Everybody on their best behavior ?
Brooke : If you re asking about Quinn ...
Bill : Is nt it interesting ? Those two were clearly at odds , and now they seem to have found some common ground .
Brooke : Well , they have a very unique , complicated relationship .
Bill : Mm . So it would seem .
Ridge : I see you did nt waste any time getting your portrait back up there .
Quinn : I did nt mind sharing it with Nicole on her special day . It was important to Zende , and now that they re married ... why am I even explaining all of this to you ?
Ridge : I do nt know , maybe because I can under your skin more than anybody else .
Quinn : Do nt flatter yourself . And you still have nt answered my question .
Ridge : What question ?
Quinn : Why are you still here ? I could have paid the caterers , made sure everybody cleaned up ...
Ridge : You got dad to take care of .
Quinn : And you have a sick fiancée to take care of . So ...
Ridge : I do nt know , I thought I was helping .
Quinn : Helping . Yeah , I ll tell you how you can help . At the wedding , the reception afterwards -- the way you were looking at me ? Do nt look at me like that again .
Nicole : It happened . We re really married .
Zende : Yeah .
Nicole : The most romantic day of my life , and it s only going to get better .
Zende : We have so much to look forward to . Building a life . But tonight -- tonight is about you and me . First night as husband and wife . To my beautiful , beautiful bride . I love you . Always . It s good .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ]
Bill : So I was hoping the wedding would give you some ideas .
Brooke : You mean what kind of wedding I want to have with ridge ?
Bill : No . Cold feet .
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Bill : How many times have you two actually said wedding vows only to have it completely fall apart ? The marriage either declared invalid or an annulment or there s a divorce ... does nt that tell you something ?
Brooke : You never give up , do you ?
Bill : Not when I see the woman I love headed for another disastrous marriage to a man whose promises mean nothing . Zero ! Zip !
Brooke : Bill ! Please , stop !
Bill : Okay ! All right , I wo nt go off on Forrester . You know , even though there are people out there that think that you and that imposter will be the next marriage , I do nt . I m convinced that you will be mine . You should face it , Brooke . You already are .
Ridge : Wait , so now I ca nt look at you ? What did I do ? How did I look at you , exactly ?
Quinn : You know .
Ridge : I do nt know .
Quinn : [ Laughs ] This was a family wedding .
Ridge : Yeah .
Quinn : You were giving me these long looks .
Ridge : Me ?
Quinn : Yeah . You .
Ridge : Please .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ] Do nt tell me it was my imagination .
Ridge : It must have been your imagination because I remember you staring at me .
Quinn : You still think about it , do nt you ?
Ridge : Think about what ?
Quinn : San Francisco . The conference .
Ridge : I thought we were talking about the wedding . What just happened ?
Quinn : No . Something more happened there . More than business . You know what I m talking about .
Ridge : Let s just pretend that I do nt know . What are you talking about ?
Quinn : [ Sighs ] The kiss .
Ridge : The kiss . What about it ?
Quinn : It never should have happened .
Ridge : And it s never gon na happen again .
Brooke : Do the words moving on mean anything to you ?
Bill : Not when it comes to you and me .
Brooke : Bill . We had our chance . We had many chances , as a matter of fact , and we never made it to the part where the minister pronounced us husband and wife .
Bill : Right , and I blame Forrester for that . Okay , and myself ! And myself . All right ? This last time , I screwed up , let my damn ego get in the way . But I learned my lesson . Not Forrester . Never has , never will . He will leave you for another woman , just like he has before . Taylor s just one example .
Brooke : That s all in the past !
Bill : Really ?
Brooke : Geez !
Bill : Oh , come on , Brooke . Face it . The guy is who he is . He ca nt help himself when it comes to you and other women !
Brooke : You can hardly be objective about ridge any more than he can be objective about you !
Bill : I m being completely objective ! If past is prologue , the guy s gon na do what he s done 1,000 times before .
Brooke : No , he wo nt . Ridge is my destiny , and I am his . I am more certain of that than ever . There is no other woman for ridge but me .
Ridge : All right , let s get something clear . For me , kissing you -- it s like kissing a lamp post in the middle of winter .
Quinn : Right . Right . Cause I m just some cold - hearted witch .
Ridge : No , I do nt mean that , but I just -- I do nt want you making goo - goo eyes at me . It s weird .
Quinn : Goo - goo eyes ?
Ridge : Mm - hmm .
Quinn : Was that your 12-year - old ego talking ? [ Laughs ] Wow , do you think every woman wants you ? Just one kiss , and they re under your spell forever ?
Ridge : Keep your voice down . Dad is right upstairs .
Quinn : Yet , here you are , standing in my home , scolding me . What are you gon na do next , ridge ? You gon na put me over your knee and spank me ?
Ridge : Is that on the table ?
Quinn : So this is how you repay me , huh ? For making you co - C.E.O. Give me a hard time ? I thought you appreciated how I supported you .
Ridge : I do appreciate it . I ve been very grateful , I think .
Quinn : Well , why do nt you show me a little more gratitude and tell me why you stayed behind , paid the caterers , made sure everybody was taken care of and left . It was to see me , was nt it ?
Zende : I made a lot of promises today . Commitments from my heart . I plan on honoring those . I m gon na honor you , Nicole . My lover . My best friend . My wife . You re everything to me .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] So this is what it s gon na be like every night .
Zende : Well , if you re up for it , then yeah .
Zende : Although , there is a confession I need to make .
Nicole : A confession ?
Zende : Yeah . I ve been able to hide it in my past , but ... I snore . A lot . Like a lion , but , like , not in a jungle .
Nicole : Really ? I did nt know .
Zende : I know I should have told you on our wedding night . I m so sorry ! It s not a deal - breaker , is it ?
Nicole : Seriously ? I m like the most sound sleeper in the world . Your snoring is not gon na phase me .
Zende : [ Chuckles ] Wow . First marital crisis , and it really was nt a crisis at all . Hmm , this marriage thing is all right .
Nicole : [ Giggles ] It s better than all right . We get to spend all our days and nights together . Be there for each other . There s no one in the world that I love more .
Brooke : [ Coughs ]
Bill : You know it s killing me , you in that robe , with everything underneath it ...
Brooke : Bill ! Do nt ! Stop !
Bill : Do nt stop ?
Brooke : No , do nt -- you know what I mean !
Bill : I do nt care if you re sick .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] It s not that !
Bill : Oh , come on . I m telling you , ridge is doing the same thing with someone .
Brooke : No , he is nt ! I have complete faith in ridge .
Bill : Because he s your destiny ?
Brooke : I know you do nt like hearing that .
Bill : You know what I do nt like ? I do nt like that it s your automatic go - to response every time you think of you and ridge , like there s some cosmic force still ordaining that you two be together . Well , I m not convinced . You want to talk about destiny ? It s the life that you and I are going to share . The only destiny I believe in is you and me .
Ridge : I love Brooke more than anything .
Quinn : And I love your father more than anything . Although , I do have to wonder ...
Ridge : Wonder what ?
Quinn : If Liam and Steffy are gon na make it down the aisle before you and your precious Logan .
Ridge : That bothers you , does nt it ? You do nt want to see me get married . Ca nt handle it .
Quinn : That s just your ego talking again . Although I will admit that there is part of me that is attracted to danger and the dark side .
Ridge : Meaning what ?
Quinn : Meaning what s most toxic and wrong in my life is what appeals to me the most . And I try to not go that way , but sometimes I ca nt help it . Your father is the exact opposite . He s everything that s good and right in this world . And , uh ... I try to follow his lead , but no matter how hard I try , I think there s just A ... there s a darkness in me . I know you know what I m talking about . You re the dark prince . Whether it s all that Marone blood running through your veins or something else , you and I , we re a lot alike . We like living on the edge , the temptation of the forbidden fruit . But we know better now , do nt we ?
Ridge : I ca nt find my keys . So I m gon na order a car and go home to Brooke .
Quinn : And I m gon na go upstairs to my husband . Good night , ridge .
Ridge : Good night , Quinn .
Quinn : [ Sighs ] Ridge !
Ridge : Ah .
Quinn : [ Panting ] Your keys . [ Gasps ] Oh !
Ivy : How dare you ?
### Summary:
| Ivy tells Ridge that she missed the wedding but she is glad she is back . Quinn walks up as Ivy takes a phone call from her dad . Quinn tells him that he should be home taking care of Brooke . Brooke turns around from the fridge and there stands Bill again . She is sorry she missed the wedding from feeling bad with her cold and does not have much of an appetite . He asks why is nt Ridge home . She replies he got permission to stay later to help clean up after the caterers and get the house back in order . She asks him to stop ragging on Ridge , but Bill says he hates to stand by and watch her make another big mistake . Quinn asks again why Ridge is still there when he has a sick finance to take care of . He says he is helping . She states that she knows he was looking at her during the wedding and do not do that again . He pretends not to know what she is talking about and the kiss will never happen again if that is what she means . Nicole tells Zende that she does not need a 5 star hotel suite , his bedroom is perfect . He says maybe Tahiti will be better or any of those Caribbean Islands they could go to . Brooke asks Bill if the words moving on mean anything to him . He admits his ego got in the way the last time but Ridge certainly will leave her again and she needs to face that . There will be another woman . Brooke says Ridge is her destiny and she is his and there is no other woman for him . Ridge tells Quinn that she is the one who makes goo - goo eyes at him . She does not believe his excuse of staying behind for the caterers ; he stayed because of her . So what s he gon na do , put her over his knee and spank her . He quips if that is on the table . Nicole and Zende bask in the joy of making love as husband and wife for the first time . Brooke has to push Bill away from putting his hands all over her . She says she has complete faith in Ridge . Bill says the only destiny he knows is the two of them . Quinn wonders if Liam and Steffy are going to make it down the aisle before Ridge and his precious Logan . She admits there is part of her that is attracted to the dark and dangerous side but she tries not to go that way but sometimes she can not help it . She knows that Ridge likes the touch of the forbidden fruit . He says right now he is just looking for his keys . She runs after him , obviously disappointed that nothing happened . She hands Ridge the keys and they touch hands as he takes them . She walks closer , parts her lips and they kiss . When Ridge leaves and she turns around , Ivy slaps her hard across the face with a How dare you ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Man : Hey , Chelsea , what s up ?
Nicole : Okay , let s see here . Cramps , twinges -- ah , here it is -- 215 . Okay . If you ve just discovered you re pregnant , it might be disconcerting if you find yourself experiencing twinges and slight cramps . Do nt panic . They re usually due to your uterus and abdominal muscles expanding to fit your growing baby . Ha ! That s great news , huh ? Hmm . Varicose vein -- hemorrhoids ? Oh , my -- about your episiotomy . Okay , you know what ? This is horrible . Ooh , goodness gracious . Tell me something , Pooks , why is it that women have to do all the work and all the daddies have to do is stand around looking stupid , hmm ? Speaking of daddies , where is E.J. ?
Johnny : Baby .
E.J. : Hey . Hey , what did you say ? What did you say ?
Sami : Oh , he did nt say anything , E.J. He s just babbling .
E.J. : Hey . Samantha , what the hell is my son trying to tell me ?
Sami : He fell asleep in an instant . Listen , E.J. , you really have to be careful about your language in front of my children , please .
E.J. : Well , Samantha , I would appreciate it if you answered my question .
Sami : Johnny said some words . He s been learning lots of new words lately . When he said baby , he probably --
E.J. : He meant baby . I know . It s not the first time I ve heard him say it . But why was he touching you this time ?
Sami : How could I possibly know the answer to that , E.J. ? I can not read the mind of a one - year - old .
E.J. : Why are you suddenly acting all shifty ?
Sami : How do you expect me to act , E.J. ? Should I be opening up a bottle of champagne ? I was shot at by a hit man today . And now I have to join the witness protection program . I - I do nt know when I m coming back . I may not see my daughter before she s speaking complete sentences . She may be applying to college the next time I see her . So pardon me for being a little flipped out .
Lucas : How s my little girl doing , huh ? Watch your blood pressure , all right ? You know it s bad for the you - know - what . Just relax .
Chloe : Well , I see that you re still here milking it for all it s worth .
Sami : How insensitive and -- and heartless can you --
Chloe : Lucas , what s going on here ?
Lucas : She s having a tough time saying goodbye , Chloe .
Sami : I ca nt believe you needed him to explain that to you .
E.J. : She s also having a tough time answering my question .
Chloe : Oh , and what question would that be , E.J. ?
E.J. : I d like to know what Johnny meant earlier .
Sami : He said the word baby , E.J. He s learning lots of new words . Maybe he was just talking to his sister in a secret language . I mean , I know Eric and I did that .
Roman : Sami s right . They did .
Sami : Yeah , I mean , if I remember correctly , Dad , you never understood what we were saying to each other , right ?
Roman : Yeah , took a long time for Eric to say his sister s name . He just called her baby , like she was the only baby in the world .
Sami : See ? There s nothing like twins and their relationship . So I m sure that that s what Johnny meant , and that reminds me that I need to make sure that both of you ... agree to it that the twins spend a lot of time together . You have to let them see each other while I m gone .
Lucas : That s fine . I got no problem with that .
E.J. : No . Me neither . Family comes first . I d never try and separate a child from its flesh and blood .
Nicole : So , someone took a potshot at Sami . Wo nt be the first time . Certainly wo nt be the last . But if E.J. is holding that little twit s hand while I m standing here and growing stretch marks with his little miracle child ... I swear I might shoot them both .
Chelsea : It s just not fair . I mean , she never even smoked , not a day in her life .
Man : The same thing just happened to a friend of mine s dad . I mean , never smoked , just got diagnosed with lung cancer .
Chelsea : Thank you . It s just the worst part about it all is I actually told her ... that I wanted her out of my life forever . And did nt know . Be careful what you wish for , right ?
Man : You ca nt think that way .
Chelsea : I got to , you know ? She was just coughing for weeks , months maybe . We knew she was sick . My whole family , we all knew , but we were just too preoccupied with our own little issues to even care . Now what if it s too late ? [ Knock on door ]
Melanie : Nick .
Nick : Hey . I smell smoke . What s going on ?
Melanie : Uh , I do nt -- I do nt smell any smoke . Maybe it s just , you know , someone s fireplace or something .
Nick : I doubt that . I do nt think there s any fireplaces up here .
Melanie : Right . Well , I mean , if there was a problem , I m sure an alarm would have gone off or something .
Nick : Yeah , I guess .
Melanie : What did you need ?
Nick : Actually , I was , um ... I was kind of worried about you , Melanie . Um , I saw your last party girl blog , and you seemed kind of upset .
Melanie : I m just closing a chapter . Change makes me sad .
Nick : Are you sure you do nt smell smoke ? I smell smoke somewhere .
Melanie : Uh , okay , all right , confession time . I had a cigarette before you came . I smoke when I m nervous . It s a bad habit , I know . Spare me the lecture .
Nick : Hey , I m in no position to judge .
Melanie : Yeah , right .
Nick : So , um ... is there anything I can do ?
Melanie : You re sweet . No , I think I ll live .
Nick : Are you going somewhere ?
Melanie : Yeah , I m getting the hell out of Salem .
Roman : Okay . It s time to go .
Sami : Okay . Allie ... Johnny ... I just want you both to know that ... that I love you both . And that ... and that I m gon na be thinking about you every single minute of the day . The whole time I m gone , you ll both be in my heart . And ... you re more important to me than anything .
E.J. : Come on . Come on , big fellow . Come here . Oh , there we go . There we go . You okay ? You stay safe , all right ? Okay .
Roman : I ll , uh -- I ll wait for you outside .
Sami : Lucas , I can--
Lucas : I know . It s time to say goodbye . Say goodbye to mommy . Can you do that , huh ? Can you say goodbye ?
Sami : My sweet princess , I m gon na miss you so much .
Lucas : Take care of yourself , all right ?
Sami : Just take good care of her , okay , Lucas ?
Lucas : I will . You know I will . Say bye - bye , Mom .
Sami : Can you say bye ?
Lucas : Bye - bye ?
Sami : Bye - bye ?
Lucas : It s all right .
Roman : Hey . Honey , I am so sorry about this . I know how hard this is for you .
Sami : Like you said , it s the only way , right ?
Roman : Unh - unh . We ll catch this killer , okay ? We ll put him away for good , and it will be soon .
Sami : I hope so .
Roman : All right . All right . Sami , meet Darrell . He s your police guard . He ll be with you 24/7 . Darrell , this is my daughter Samantha .
Darrell : Nice to meet you . I heard a lot about you .
Sami : I m sure .
Roman : All right , sweetheart , listen to me very closely . It s imperative that you do everything Darrell tells you to do , okay ? Do not take chances . You will have no contact with family or friends and that especially means E.J. and the DiMeras .
Sami : You do nt have to worry about that .
Roman : Okay . All right , good . Let s go .
Darrell : You all right ?
Nick : Leaving Salem ?
Melanie : Yeah , it s not really working for me here , Nick . I mean , the whole town thinks I m a murderer and if I stick around here , I m gon na be locked up for like the rest of my life .
Nick : But you re innocent .
Melanie : You re the only person who thinks so , my itty - bitty fan club of like one person .
Nick : Running away is not the answer . It ll only make you look more guilty .
Melanie : I do nt really have a reason to stay here anymore . I mean , God , my Dad is dead , and my brother has turned on me , and I do nt really have anybody left .
Nick : You have me .
Melanie : That s very sweet .
Nick : I m not being sweet . I mean it . I want to help you .
Melanie : I do nt really see how you can .
Nick : Melanie , I will be by your side through all of this . You do nt have to be scared because I will be there if you let me .
Melanie : Be by my side .
Nick : You know , to hell with Max and Stephanie and the Brady s . Let them try to turn on you when I m around .
Melanie : So you re gon na defend me .
Nick : Defend you , protect you . You do nt have to be alone through this . I care about you , Melanie . There s a connection here . I know you feel it .
Melanie : [ Chuckles ] W-- I mean , are you saying you want to get serious with me ?
Chloe : Is everything okay ?
Lucas : Yeah . Yeah , she s just kind of mumbling about her mommy a little bit .
Chloe : Yeah , I m sure she is . She saw how upset Sami was earlier . I m sure she knew something big was happening . What ? You suddenly look all heartbroken .
Lucas : I m not heartbroken . It s just I m sad , you know , for the kids sake .
Chloe : Well , I know . I am , too . I just said that , but I m not gon na act all phony and pretend like I feel sad . Sami is a big pain in my -- the woman does nt exactly enrich my life , okay ? It s quite the opposite , in fact .
Lucas : I know , I know . She could be hard to deal with sometimes .
Chloe : Are you hedging your bet on this one , Lucas ?
Lucas : Hedging my what ? What are you talking about ?
Chloe : You know damn well what I m talking about . You are heartbroken that Sami s gone , and you hate me for being glad about it .
Nicole : Oh . Now , the face , I can place it . Looks familiar . Although it s been a really long time . Where do I know you from again ?
E.J. : Look , I m sorry .
Nicole : E.J. ! Yes , that s right . You are the guy whose baby I m having .
E.J. : Nicole , please , just do nt get upset right now .
Nicole : Upset ? Why would I get upset ? Just because you said you were going to the office for a little while and you ended up at the Horton cabin with Sami for most of the night .
E.J. : There was an incident .
Nicole : Yeah , I heard . John told me . The sharpshooter who plugged the mayor shot Sami and missed ? Really ?
E.J. : Yeah . It was pretty harrowing .
Nicole : Yeah , I m sure it was . And what were you doing there ? I do nt even know why I bother asking that question . You were playing the protector and the rescuer yet again .
E.J. : Actually , I went to check on my son because I wanted to make sure that he was safe .
Nicole : Where is Johnny ? Is he okay ?
E.J. : He s fine . He s upstairs . He fell asleep in the back of the car , so I put him to bed .
Nicole : Well , thank God he s all right . I -- E.J. , I -- I m sorry . I did nt mean to be impatient and snarky . I m sorry . I really -- I m sorry .
E.J. : That s okay . I m sorry , too .
Nicole : You know , maybe I should carry you up to bed , huh ? You look exhausted .
E.J. : I m fine , really .
Nicole : Well , what exactly happened ?
E.J. : I was , uh , just talking to Samantha and , uh ... somebody tried to gun her down .
Nicole : Oh , my God . Y - you could have been killed , too .
E.J. : I , uh -- I think I m gon na take a walk or something .
Nicole : Now ? Right now ?
E.J. : I just need a little bit of space . Look , it s not my night to look after Johnny , and the nanny s not here , obviously , so would you mind , please ?
Nicole : No , of course -- fine . Of course , I can . I guess I do nt really have to watch him , right ? I mean , he s sleeping ?
E.J. : If he -- well , he might wake up . If he does , then --
Nicole : All right , I ll figure it out . It s fin
E.J. : He s gon na be upset if I m not here .
Nicole : I m sure that I can do -- I ll comfort him , right ? I ll pat his back . I ll rock him . I ll give him some juice , some milk .
E.J. : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , okay . One of those would be great . Thank you .
Nicole : Okay . I mean , it ll be -- it ll be good practice for me , right ? It ll be nice for me to bond with our baby s half brother .
E.J. : Are you sure you want to do this ?
Nicole : Yes , I m fine . I mean , if Sami could do it , how hard can it be , right ?
E.J. : If you need anything , just call me , okay ?
Nicole : Yeah , do nt worry . I wo nt have to call you . [ Door closes ]
Johnny : [ Crying ]
Roman : All right . Welcome to your home away from home .
Sami : Well , there s indoor plumbing . That makes it a step up from the Horton cabin .
Roman : Okay . Well , Darrell ... everything seems to be secure . When I leave , shut those curtains , keep them shut . Do nt let Sami near the door .
Darrell : Yes , sir .
Roman : I m entrusting my daughter s life to you , Darrell .
Darrell : She s in good hands , commander .
Roman : I believe that . Do nt let me down . Good luck . All right , sweetheart , time for me to leave .
Sami : Dad , do you have to ?
Roman : I wish I did nt .
Sami : No , I mean , I guess we re gon na have to say goodbye eventually , right ?
Roman : Yeah . But I will get by and see Johnny and Allie as much as I can . And I ll miss you .
Sami : Thanks , Dad , for everything .
Roman : I love you .
Sami : Thanks , Dad . Love you , too .
Roman : Hey , do what Darrell says . I love you .
Sami : So , uh , you would nt happen to be a gourmet chef , would you ?
Darrell : Nope , I m , uh -- I m a vegan , actually .
Sami : Swell .
Darrell : Yep -- fruits , nuts , grains . Anything with eyes , I do nt eat it .
Sami : Right .
Darrell : Yeah , let me run it down for you . I , uh -- I do the shopping , run the errands , stuff like that . But only after I ve called in a backup to stay with you .
Sami : Great . So I m never alone , huh ?
Darrell : Not for a minute . And anything you need from the outside is my department . And you re never alone , and you never go anywhere .
Sami : N - not go anywhere ? I mean , not even the mall ? I can wear glasses and a scarf or something .
Darrell : No .
Sami : Well , so wait a second , the killer gets to go to the movies if he wants to , but I m stuck here alone with -- with the vegan ?
Darrell : Yeah , that s about the size of it . You ll be all right .
Nicole : Uh , okay . Um , let s try feeding you again . How s the-- okay . Oh , my gosh ! Listen , I am all out of tricks , Johnny . Um , I mean , Mother Goose went over like a lead balloon , and rocking was a total disaster , and you do nt want me to hold you anymore , so , oh , my God . I ve got nothing . I m sorry . I do nt even have that book yet -- what to do when the toddler something or other . Okay , think . Think . We re thinking , wee thinking . And the thinking is what would a normal mother do , right ? A normal mother would -- I know ! Sing a lullaby ! Lullaby ! Okay ! All right , here it goes . I am no Celine Dion , so just work with me , kid , okay ? Low expectation . Here we go . Ready ? Sing with , Pooks . Rock - a - bye baby on the treetop-- [ Coughs ] All right , know . That s -- that s not good , either , right ? It s horrible . Actually , it s a horrible song . I mean , what is it ? You drop the kid in the cradle ? It s awful . How are kids supposed to sleep with that ?
Johnny : [ Sobbing ]
Nicole : Um ... oh , this is terrible . All right , I know . You ve been fed , right ? You dry . At least I think you re dry . I m gon na check , Pooks , okay ? You stay right here . Sit down . Okay , let s see . All right , let s see if we re dry . Whoa ! Whoo ! There s a little surprise in there . Okay , ooh . You , my friend , need a little diaper change . Yes , you do . Who needs a new diaper ? Oh , and some drooling . Oh , this is fun . Is nt this great ? Oh
Lucas : I am not hedging my bet , Chloe .
Chloe : Oh , please . Sami has so much to deal with . Poor Sami . Such a tough break for her .
Lucas : I never said that .
Chloe : You said the first part .
Lucas : Yeah , because the first part was true .
Chloe : See ? You re admitting it . You ca nt wait till she gets back here so she can keep throwing monkey wrenches into everything .
Lucas : Just keep it down . You re gon na wake up Allie .
Chloe : You know what , Lucas ? I m tired of being the bad guy here while you act all noble and mature .
Lucas : Really ? What s wrong with noble and mature ?
Chloe : Nothing if the situation warrants it . But this is a time for me to feel vindicated and immature . All Sami does is cause trouble . She lives for it . She thrives on it . And even though I feel for her because of her kids -- and I feel really sorry for her kids -- I am beyond thrilled that she s out of here right now , okay ? And if you do nt like that , you can sue me .
Lucas : Chloe , stop !
Chloe : Why are you shouting at me ?
Lucas : Because you wo nt let me get a word in edgewise . That s why . And I d like to tell you something .
Chloe : What ? About what a lovely person Sami is deep , deep down inside ?
Lucas : If you would just listen , you d understand what I m trying to say . I feel the same way you do .
Chloe : You do ?
Lucas : Does that make you happy ? Is that better ?
Chloe : Sorry .
Lucas : That woman has driven me nuts my whole life . I m sick of it .
Chloe : Okay , okay , I get the picture . And I do feel better .
Lucas : Well , good . You made me lose my control . Wo nt let me get a word in edgewise .
Chloe : Okay , okay . I guess I just kind of feel paranoid where you and Sami are concerned .
Lucas : Just a little paranoid or a lot of paranoid ?
Chloe : Forgive me ?
Lucas : Yes , I will forgive you . I think I can do that .
Chloe : Okay , well , now that we both established that we re delighted that Sami s out of the picture , we should nt really get used to it . I mean , when the killer is caught , it s all gon na be over . Sami could be back next week .
Lucas : No , I do nt think so .
Chloe : No ?
Lucas : No . She s probably gon na be gone for a long time with her situation .
Chloe : Why ? Wait . Sami s using witness protection to keep her pregnancy a secret from E.J. ?
Lucas : I do nt think she planned it , but when the opportunity presented itself , she took advantage of it , did nt she ?
Chloe : Oh , my God . Well , what s gon na happen when the killer s caught and it s safe to come back ? What s she gon na do then ?
Lucas : I do nt know . It s Sami . She ll think of something .
Darrell : Uh , you mind if I have a smoke ?
Sami : Yes , I mind . I ca nt believe-- I m ... allergic . You have to take that outside .
Darrell : Fine . I ll just patrol the perimeter , all right ?
Sami : Wow , vegetables and a cigar , huh ? You re a fun guy . Wait a second . You re really gon na go enjoy the scenery and smoke that cigar while I m trapped in here waiting for someone to kill me ?
Darrell : No one s gon na kill you if I do my job . Just sit tight and relax . I ll be right outside .
Sami : Did nt you hear me ? I really do nt want to be alone .
Darrell : I m sure the will calm you down .
Sami : All right , geez , I thought we were bonding . God .
Darrell : Be right outside . [ Door closes ]
Sami : Guess it s you and me , kid .
Nick : Look , that s -- that s just not me , you know ? I do nt just come on to girls like that . I m much more subtle usually . You know , I m not the presumptuous type .
Melanie : Nick .
Nick : No , I m just saying that I do nt like to , you know , put people on the spot or put people in awkward situations . I do nt like to act like I expect anything from anyone . You know , I just -- I m sorry . And if you thought that earlier , that what I meant --
Melanie : Okay , Nick , shut up . [ Laughs ] I did nt say you were coming on to me . And I do nt think you re presumptuous , not even a little bit . I was just teasing you .
Nick : Oh .
Melanie : [ Chuckles ]
Nick : Right .
Melanie : All right . You were just being a friend . And I really appreciate that .
Nick : That s what I want . Helping you is something need to do .
Melanie : Well , you re in the minority , seeing as how everyone in Salem wants to do me in . Anyway , let s get started on our master plan , shall we ?
Nick : Yeah , definitely .
Melanie : So , my Dad says you re really smart . He says your bio - diesel plan could maybe even save the world .
Nick : Well , I would nt go that far .
Melanie : All right , enough with t modesty already . We need those brilliant brains of yours to get the job done right .
Nick : I will use my brainpower to find you a way to beat this murder rap .
Melanie : Well , that is gon na take a miracle , but I am willing to give it a shot . I m gon na -- I ll be right back .
Chelsea : [ Sniffles ] Worldwide lung cancer is the most cancer in terms of both mortality and incidents .
Man : Here you go .
Chelsea : Oh . I did nt order that .
Man : It s on the house . Thought you could use a pick - me - up .
Chelsea : Thank you . That s very sweet of you . Man ; You could also be a friend .
Chelsea : Thank you .
Chelsea : [ Chuckles ] Hey .
Nick : Hey , Chelse . What s up ?
Chelsea : Do you have a couple seconds ?
Nick : Actually , um , I m a little busy .
Nicole : Mm . Sorry , Johnny . Hi , Pooks . Sorry about the whole inside - out , upside - down diaper thing , but it would have been a lot easier if you did nt stand through the whole process .
Johnny : [ Crying ]
Nicole : Oh , hon , now what ? A - a - are you thirsty ? Where s your sippy cup ? I put your sippy cup somewhere-- at the bar . Okay , buddy . [ Humming ] Time for you to have your juice . There . How s that ? Is that good ? Yeah ? Ooh !
Johnny : [ Giggles ]
Nicole : Aah ! Oh , my ...
Chelsea : I m interrupting .
Nick : No , it s just that Melanie --
Chelsea : You know , it s fine .
Nick : Wait .
Chelsea : What ?
Nick : You re upset .
Chelsea : Well , I been better , but you re busy , so it s fine .
Nick : Chelsea .
Chelsea : I can take care of myself , Nick .
Nick : If you want to come by tomorrow --
Chelsea : You know what ? Obviously , we re just -- we re just not as close as I thought we were , okay ? Forget it . Having fun with my ex - boyfriend ?
Melanie : Uh , yeah . Nick s a really nice guy .
Chelsea : Yeah , nice but naive . Does nt really see you for the loser bitch that you are .
E.J. : Nicole ? Nicole , I m back . [ Chuckles ] Hi .
Lucas : You got to promise me , Chloe .
Chloe : I just did . I promised you , I swore , then I promised again . What do you want me to do , write it in the sky ? I will not tell anyone Sami s secret .
Lucas : Thank you .
Chloe : Although why she would do this again .
Lucas : Come on , can we not talk about this , please ?
Chloe : Well , it is relevant , Lucas .
Lucas : Yeah , I know it s relevant , but I d rather not discuss how Sami kept me from Will all those years . It just brings back bad memories .
Chloe : She also tried her best to keep you from getting joint custody of Allie . And did nt you tell me that she tried to keep E.J. from finding out that Johnny was his son ?
Lucas : I guess we are gon na rehash this .
Chloe : I m just saying obviously this is a pattern with Sami . She has these schemes that end up backfiring on her . Why would she do it ? I mean , has nt she figured it out by now ?
Lucas : You d think , would nt you ? Especially since the only person who ends up getting hurt in the end is Sami .
Sami : How about nice game of solitaire , huh ? How boring can I be ? How d this get here ?
Melanie : Who the hell do you think you are ?
Chelsea : Are you seriously asking me that ?
Nick : All right , Chelsea , look , Melanie s going through a rough time .
Chelsea : Oh , I m sorry . Poor Melanie . I guess that s what happens when you murder your own father .
Melanie : I really do nt have to listen to this .
Chelsea : Uh , actually , you do , and not just from me . From the whole town , because you see , Melanie , everybody s talking about it . They re texting and blogging . Cause you re quite the little topic .
Melanie : Really ? That s funny . I m not really sure you re the one to judge seeing as how I heard you hit your brother and left him on the road to die .
Chelsea : You have no idea what you are talking about . You know , Nick may not see you for who you really are , but I do , and so does everybody else . You know , um , when I dated your brother , Max , everybody told him that he deserved better than me . And they were probably right . But if there s one thing that I know for sure right now , Melanie , it s that he deserves better than you -- much better than some lying , trashy , murdering ... you know what ? I feel bad for you , Nick . I really , really do .
Nick : She s upset with me , and she s taking it out on you .
Melanie : Take me home .
Nick : I will . First I m gon na get you some tea , okay ?
Melanie : I do nt want tea , Nick .
Nick : It s gon na make you feel better . Come on , sit . Hey . Just stay here for a few minutes , okay ? And I ll drive you home . We ll meet up again tomorrow , come up with that plan . Everything will be better . I promise .
Melanie : First flight out of Salem -- 7 : 55 A.M. tomorrow .
Chloe : Hey . Remember when she used to wake up all the time ?
Lucas : Not anymore . Now she sleeps all the way through .
Chloe : Bless her heart . I really love that little girl .
Lucas : I think she loves you , too .
Chloe : Hmm , she tolerates me .
Lucas : Mm , I tolerate you .
Chloe : Oh , really ?
Lucas : [ Laughs ] Just kidding .
Chloe : Well , yeah , I know . I m just trying to figure out a way to win you over somehow .
Lucas : I think you have the power . I think there s a way .
Chloe : Really ?
Lucas : And you know it .
Chloe : Ooh .
Nicole : I must have fallen asleep-- oh , my God . Johnny ? Johnny ? ! Oh , Johnny ? ! Oh , my God . You got to be here somewhere . Johnny , I --
E.J. : Nicole , what have you done with my son ? I m kidding .
Nicole : E.J.
E.J. : It s okay . I just put him up to bed .
Nicole : I - I just -- I woke up , and he was nt here , and I thought maybe --
E.J. : I came back and I found you snuggled up on the chair there with Pookie surprisingly . I do nt know how you managed to fall asleep on that thing . It looks impossible , but you were out like a light .
Nicole : Obviously .
E.J. : How was he ?
Nicole : Oh , Johnny ? I -- he was great .
E.J. : Really ?
Nicole : He was fine , yeah . He was a little angel , right , Pooks ?
E.J. : Good . Thank you for holding down the fort . I really appreciate it .
Nicole : Well , Johnny and I got along famously . [ Chuckles ]
E.J. : Hey , come here .
Johnny : [ Giggles ]
Nicole : [ Chuckles ] So , um , when s Sami coming back ?
E.J. : Samantha s not coming back for a very long time .
Sami : E.J. must have left these . [ Door opens ]
Darrell : Hey .
Sami : Hey .
Darrell : What do you got there ?
Sami : Photos .
Darrell : Yeah ? Where d you get them from ?
Sami : I do nt know . They were just in my purse . I think E.J. may have left them for me .
Darrell : E.J. DiMera ?
Sami : Yeah . Why ?
Darrell : I m gon na have to search your suitcase and purse , make sure he did nt try to smuggle anything else in here .
Sami : What ? Like what ?
Darrell : Like a tracking device for starters .
Sami : Believe me , E.J. s the last person I want to find me . Okay , almost the last person .
Sami : Did you hear that ?
Darrell : Yeah . Wait here .
Sami : Oh , God . [ Sighs ] I m doing this for you , baby .
Man : She s disappeared . Dropped out of sight . No , do nt worry . I ll find her . And this time , she wo nt get away .
Chelsea : I was wondering if you had a minute . It s about Kate .
Daniel : Sure .
Chelsea : Is she gon na die ?
Kate : I need to be sure that I m leaving things in capable hands .
Philip : What do you mean leaving things ?
Lucas : Yeah , why you talking like this ?
Bo : So , you do nt care that your father left you a will ?
### Summary:
| Nick finds Melanie packing , and preparing to burn the note shoved under her door saying someone knows what she did in the cemetery . He promises to help her prove her innocence in her father s murder case . Chelsea does online research about lung cancer , and tries to talk to Nick about Kate . He blows her off , and Chelsea ends up laying into Melanie , saying that Nick deserves better , and that everyone in town knows that she is a murderer . Nick tries to reassure Melanie , but she looks up flights leaving Salem , anyway . Sami shares a tearful goodbye with Allie and Johnny , and goes into witness protection , staying at a loft with her guard , Darrell . They clash when Sami learns he s a vegan that smokes , and he takes away the photos EJ snuck into her bag earlier . The shooter continues to stalk Sami , but seems to have lost her for the time being . Lucas and Chloe fight about Sami , until Chloe learns that Lucas is just as happy as she is about Sami being gone . Chloe worries that she will be back soon , but Lucas divulges that Sami will be away until after she has her baby . Nicole watches Johnny while EJ takes a walk . He cries a lot and spits milk in her face . EJ comes home to find Nicole fast asleep with Johnny in her lap . Later , when she wishes Sami would come home , EJ tells her she wo nt be back for a long time . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ryan : Hey , beautiful .
Annie : You know , if I get that reaction every time I m coming here , I may never let you come home .
Ryan : You just try keeping me away .
Annie : So --
Ryan : Hmm ?
Annie : I talked to Joe , and as of now --
Ryan : Mm - hmm ?
Annie : You are released .
Ryan : Yes !
Annie : Happy ?
Ryan : Yes ! Very happy , ecstatic .
Annie : Oh , good . We re so lucky , Ryan . This could ve been --
Ryan : Hmm , but it was nt . Right ? Because from now on , we only think about the positive side of things , all right ?
Annie : Amen to that .
Ryan : Yeah .
Annie : Yeah .
Ryan : So , when were you going to tell me that Richie is going to live ?
Richie : Yeah , I need to know if Dr. Chambers got my message . It s very important . Oh , he did ? Good . Very good . Uh -- are you ready for me now ?
Doctor : Yes , we are . Take a seat , Richard .
Richie : Ok . Well , then fire away . I really want to go home , and I m willing to do whatever it takes to get there .
Babe : No -- would you stop it ?
J.R. : What ?
Babe : Doing -- doing this .
J.R. : Come on , Babe . What s the problem ?
Babe : Huh -- the problem is , is that we keep making the same mistake over and over again . Sex will solve everything -- well , guess what , J.R. It does nt -- not for us , and definitely not for me .
Jack : Where is Zach meeting Hannah ?
Aidan : I think it s best for you not to know .
Jack : Do nt do this to me .
Aidan : That s all you re going to get from me , Jack . I need you to keep it quiet , as well .
Jack : You better be right about this .
Aidan : I am right , and I know what I m doing .
Jack : Whoa . Oh -- sorry .
Kendall : Oh , what is -- what s going on out there ?
Jack : Nothing , nothing , nothing . Uh -- one of the members of the security team , uh , does nt feel so good . He has a personal emergency at home and , um , so Aidan s just taking his place -- just for a little while , then he ll --
Erica : Jack ? Come on . You ve never been a very good liar . Come on , tell us . What -- what s really going on ?
Hannah : Hello , Zach . Glad you could make it . Well , I bet you re pretty upset with me right about now .
Zach : You tried to kill my wife .
Hannah : Yes , I did .
Zach : Why ?
Hannah : Oh , I think you know why . I wanted to live the life that she got to live with you .
Zach : It s not going to happen . It was never going to happen . And this little fantasy about our love affair -- it ends right here , right now .
Hannah : Ok . Let s end it .
Kendall : Come on , if you know something --
Jack : I do nt , I do nt . I do nt know anything . Really , I -- honestly , I do nt .
Greenlee : We re not a bunch of helpless females who ca nt handle the truth . What s going on here ?
Jack : Aidan thinks he might have a lead on Hannah .
Kendall : Well , what kind of a lead ?
Greenlee : Does he know where she is ?
Kendall : Is -- is Zach with her ?
Jack : Kendall , look , will you --
Greenlee : Wait , you let him go after her ?
Jack : Greenlee , Greenlee --
Greenlee : No , Dad ! Hannah has a gun , she s crazy ! She s shooting people ! You let the man that I love go out into the middle of this ?
Kendall : Is Zach involved , too ?
Jack : Now , look , I tried to talk Aidan out of this , but he would nt listen to me , ok ?
Greenlee : Well , then , you should ve told me , because I would ve convinced him .
Jack : Really ? You really think that s the way it would ve played out ? Look , Zach and Aidan have gone through hell trying to protect their families and keep them safe . And now , they feel it s their responsibility to bring all of this to an end .
Erica : And they know what they re doing .
Zach : So that s it ? That s how you re going to solve the problem -- you re going to shoot me , so you do nt have to see my face again ?
Hannah : What , you do nt think I ll do it ?
Zach : No , I know you ll do it . But I thought you called me up here to talk . You must have a lot on your mind .
Hannah : Trying to play me again , hmm ?
Zach : I m not trying to play you , you re too smart for that . I know I ve hurt you , I understand .
Hannah : Wow -- bravo . Three cheers for stating the obvious .
Zach : But I never made you feel that there was anything between us . You came here , you came into town , you wanted a baby with me . I told you it s not going to happen . You told me you needed help . And this whole time , you were working with Adam Chandler .
Hannah : Adam was a way in , yeah , so I took it .
Zach : Why ? You double - crossed both of us . So , what -- what was the point ? I did nt give you what you wanted , so you decided you had to punish me -- by taking the woman that I love . Well , you re right -- Kendall s in my heart . This delusion you have about a great love affair between you and me -- that never happened . And Kendall will be the last person that I think of .
Richie : Who was I so angry at ? I ll be honest with you -- my sister , Annie . It was her testimony that sent me to prison . Did you hear about this ? I was innocent , but she -- she still wanted me to go away . And when I got out , all I could focus on was that there was a lot of payback coming my way , at least that s what I thought . But I do nt think that way anymore . You see , they told me I have a -- a second shot at life , and I do nt want to waste any more time trying to make people pay . I want to live , doc . How do I feel about Annie now ? Well , despite everything , despite all this , she s my sister . I love her . And I forgive her -- I really do .
Annie : Ryan , you ve just been so up , so happy . The last thing I would want to do is drag you into Richie s world .
Ryan : So would you be the donor ?
Annie : What ?
Ryan : Well , from what I understand about these things , um , you know , family usually is the best match .
Annie : I do nt know .
Ryan : Ok .
Annie : I m sorry I -- I did nt say anything .
Ryan : Annie , it s ok -- really . New rules from now on -- nothing brings the Lavery family down , nothing . All right ? Honestly , I could nt really give a damn about your brother . I do nt want you connected to him in any possible way , but I do nt want to spend any more time talking about him . I really do nt .
Annie : Ok .
Ryan : You know what I want to spend time talking about instead ? Your eyes . And -- and your lips . I definitely want to spend time talking about your lips . Do you have any idea how incredibly beautiful you are ? Come here .
Hannah : You think you know me so well . Look at me .
Zach : I am looking at you .
Hannah : No , you re seeing the woman I am now , what I ve become . Look deeper . Do you see anyone else ?
Zach : I m trying . I m trying to see a beautiful 17-year - old girl that I met a long time ago .
Hannah : She s still there somewhere . She s scared and she s pregnant with your child .
Zach : I did nt know about Ethan -- I was in school .
Hannah : I know , but your father did .
Zach : Yeah , he did .
Hannah : I used to pray for you to come home . I prayed every day , every night . Then one day , he caught me . And I looked up , and he was laughing at me , saying that no prayer would ever bring you back . He was right , Zach . You did nt come back for me . And he made -- he --
Zach : He made what ?
Hannah : His hands were so cold . He thought it was funny that I jumped when he touched me . He was so used to taking what he wanted . So he did .
J.R. : Ok , I get it -- sex does nt solve everything . But it s a hell of a conversation starter .
Babe : J.R. , if you re not going to take this seriously --
J.R. : It was a joke , Babe -- like ha - ha , funny .
Babe : Come on , Little A.
J.R. : Get it ?
Babe : No , J.R. , it s not funny .
J.R. : Look , look , nothing bad happened today . We had a great day playing in the snow . We got carried away for , like , two seconds , then we stopped .
Babe : No , I stopped .
J.R. : Ok , you stopped . You re more mature or you ve got more restraint than I do . Look , I love you , Babe . I do nt care if it freaks you out -- it s true .
Babe : It does nt freak me out .
J.R. : You could ve fooled me .
Babe : It s just I do nt think that what happened once should happen again .
J.R. : You mean us having sex ?
Babe : Yes , that s right .
J.R. : Ever again ?
Babe : Oh , my God .
J.R. : Ok , I get it , I get it . I m -- I m not a great catch , ok ? I m -- I m a drunk , I do nt have a job , I got no prospects , I got nowhere to live . Win a date with J.R. Chandler !
Babe : You know that s not how I think of you , J.R.
J.R. : Exactly -- for some reason , you do nt . Just shoot me , but for some reason , that encourages me .
Babe : What do you want , J.R. ?
J.R. : I want you to feel like you re safe with me . I mean , you do , right , right now ?
Babe : Well , I -- I did up until a few minutes ago , yeah .
J.R. : So do you think we could at least try it for a little while ? You know , friends and parents , and then keeping our mind open for anything else ?
Babe : I do nt know .
J.R. : Just tell me I have a shot . That s all I want , Babe -- just a shot .
Kendall : Wait a minute . So Zach and Aidan are out there together , dealing with God knows what ?
Erica : Kendall , Kendall --
Kendall : And -- and we have to wait and find out if there s good news or bad news ?
Greenlee : I am so pissed right now .
Kendall : You are ? Greenlee , Zach almost died a couple of weeks ago .
Greenlee : Kendall , I was there , remember ?
Kendall : Right . Sorry , yeah -- of course , you were .
Jack : Listen , if I could just interject here as --
Kendall : Yeah , I mean , Aidan , Aidan -- he s just -- he s always been so stubborn .
Greenlee : Right , and the only way to get him to do something is to make him do the exact opposite .
Kendall : Yeah . See , I have one of those , too .
Greenlee : Right -- Zach s way or the highway .
Jack : Ok , yeah . Could I just say one --
Erica : Shh , shh , shh .
Kendall : No , you know --
Erica : They re working it out .
Kendall : They -- they think they always know best .
Greenlee : Even when they do nt .
Kendall : But then , sometimes they do and --
Greenlee : Then I d just like to throw something at them .
Kendall : I have .
Greenlee : Me , too .
Kendall : Yeah . But , then , there s times -- oh -- and we would never admit this in a thousand years -- but we do count on them .
Greenlee : Yeah . I mean , in the bomb shelter , I freaked out left , right , and center , but Zach ? He -- he kept talking to me , he -- he stayed with me . He kept me going even though I was so ready to give up .
Kendall : Well , Aidan , he -- he fought really hard to find you , too .
Greenlee : But so did you . I mean , Zach and I would nt even be alive right now if you two had nt gotten together . And it s got to be what makes me believe that we ll get through this , too .
Kendall : Together .
Greenlee : Right -- together , because -- because we ve gotten through worse .
Kendall : Yeah . Hmm .
Sean : Hey , Uncle Jack , Erica -- everybody .
Erica : Hi , Sean , hi . What brings you here ?
Jack : Well , Sean s got a little bit of a personal problem he wants to discuss with me , so we re going to do that . We re going to go outside here , we re going to discuss this . Excuse us .
Sean : Ahem .
Jack : I want you to explain to me one more time -- what the hell were you doing with Hannah Nichols ?
Zach : I did nt know about my father . I did nt know .
Hannah : No . No , of course not .
Zach : Tell me what happened . I want to hear everything .
Babe : Ok . I ll give us a shot .
J.R. : Thank you .
Babe : But just as friends with no privileges -- can you handle that ?
J.R. : All right . All right . Is that ok ?
Richie : Uh -- yeah , I did meet a girl -- Arabella -- but everybody calls her Babe . And I m telling you , she -- she really is one . I mean , she is all that and more . She s sweet , she s smart , she s beautiful . She s -- she s everything a guy could ask for , and I do nt have a clue what she sees in me . All I know is when I got the good news , she was right there like -- like it was meant to be , you know ? Anyway , you know , now that I know I m going to live , I ve got plans . I ve got big plans , and hopefully -- yeah , hopefully Babe will be a part of that . Anyway , uh -- are there any more questions ?
Doctor : No , Richard . I think we ve heard enough .
Richie : Well , if you do need anything , you can always call Dr. Chambers . He was my shrink in prison .
Doctor : Dr. Chambers ?
Richie : Yeah , he was a good guy . He s -- he s always had my back , from day one .
Doctor : Richard , we tried to contact Dr. Chambers before the session this afternoon , and we were informed that he was killed today .
Richie : What -- what ?
Doctor : Apparently , there was an altercation in the prison yard . An inmate stabbed him .
Richie : He saved my life , and he was a good guy .
Doctor : I m sure he was .
Richie : Well , I hope whoever did this -- they get ahold of him and bring him to justice . Look , I m sorry . Uh -- I get a little emotional . It just -- it meant a lot , ok ? Uh -- this is just terrible . This is terrible .
Ryan : You know , your brother and I do have one thing in common .
Annie : And what would that be ?
Ryan : That we both got a second chance .
Annie : Hey .
Joe : Here s your meds for the next 10 days .
Ryan : Thank you , Joe . Fantastic .
Joe : Annie explain the drill ?
Ryan : Yes , she did , yes , she did . It s very , very technical , but I think I can handle it . I got to rest , rest , and then some rest .
Joe : Well , that s it -- you got it . Looks like this guy s ready to go home .
Ryan : Those are the words I was waiting to hear -- fantastic . You know , if I knew that a hole in the head felt this good , I probably would ve drilled one myself --
Annie : Do you hear what I listen to ?
Joe : Ok , I ll just order you a wheelchair .
Ryan : No , I -- I do nt need one . I m good , Joe .
Joe : Too bad -- hospital rules .
Ryan : Oh . Yeah .
Joe : Dr. Martin here . Would you please send a chair up to Mr. Lavery s room ? He s being discharged . Thank you . Now , I take it you ll see to it that he gets home safely ?
Annie : I will . Thank you , Joe .
Joe : Yeah . Ok . See you next week .
Ryan : Ok , thanks , Joe .
Annie : Bye .
Joe : Bye .
Annie : Thanks again , Joe . Whoa -- ah ! What are you --
Ryan : Ah ! To hell with hospital rules -- let s get out of here , come on .
Sean : Well , like I said , I ran into Hannah at the park and -- well , actually she ran into me , but -- only I had no idea who she even was , let alone what she tried to do . I mean , what -- is Kendall ok ?
Jack : Do nt change the subject . Just tell me what happened next .
Sean : Well , you know , we -- we hooked up .
Jack : You know , I m a little unclear on this whole hooked up thing . What the hell does that mean ?
Sean : You want me to draw you a picture , Uncle Jack ? Hannah and I went to a hotel room , and we had sex , ok ?
Erica : Oh , my God .
Kendall : God , I hate this .
Greenlee : Right back at you .
Kendall : Are you ok ?
Greenlee : Yeah , I m just -- I m tired . Joe says it s probably just my body still recovering from such major trauma .
Kendall : And you tell him or call him --
Greenlee : Many , many , many four - letter words . They re going to be fine .
Kendall : Our boys ?
Greenlee : Yeah , our -- our heroes , you know ? They re -- they re doing what they do best , they re -- they re out there keeping the world safe .
Kendall : Yeah . Only who takes care of them , right ?
Greenlee : You know , in the -- in the bomb shelter when Zach was really sick , when he had his fever --
Kendall : Well -- wait , he never told me about that .
Greenlee : Oh , yeah . It was -- oh , man , it was really intense . He -- he was hearing things , he was seeing things . He thought that I was you . He looked me in the eyes , he grabbed my hand , and he called me Kendall . He -- he told me he loved me and that he wanted to . That s when I started to -- well , I did nt hate him so much .
Kendall : Well , I guess you d never seen that side of Zach , huh ?
Greenlee : Yeah , never . I thought if -- if he could love so much , then , well , he probably ca nt be so bad .
Kendall : You know , Aidan loves you like that , too .
Greenlee : Yeah .
Kendall : What ?
Greenlee : I know Aidan loves me . He s -- he s great . But since the rescue , he s , um -- well , something s changed .
Kendall : What s changed ?
Greenlee : Him , or him with me . I -- I do nt know , it s different . He s -- he s not the same with me .
Hannah : When I told your father I was pregnant with your child , he told me to stay , and he d take care of me . And he did , his way . Huh . He d come into my room at night -- to talk . And then , even that pretense stopped . I got through it . He kicked me out , and he called me a whore .
Zach : Why did nt you run ? Why did nt you leave after the first time ?
Hannah : I had to stay , because I knew you d come back for me . But you never did . You never did .
Little Adam : Is the snowman ok ?
J.R. : Yes . Of course . Those snowmen -- they love the cold . And do nt worry , we re going to see him real soon . Ok ? Here , let me get your jacket off .
Babe : Hey -- hey , Little A , why do nt you come over here , and we ll get you all warmed up ? How about that ?
J.R. : Um -- do you mind if I take a shower before I have to get out of here ?
Little Adam : Does Daddy have to go now ?
Babe : No . No , sweetie . Um -- Daddy can hang out for a little while if he wants to .
J.R. : Yeah , he does . Um -- I ll be right back .
Richie : Oh , hey , Mace . What s up , man ? Oh , yeah , I just got sprung . Uh - huh . Oh , they brought up Chambers . Yeah , I showed them some real emotion . It worked . Yeah , thanks for taking care of that for me , man . I owe you .
Ryan : Oh , it is so good to be home .
Annie : It s so good to have you home .
Ryan : Hey -- mistletoe is still up . That must mean that it s still Christmas .
Annie : I guess I forgot to take it down .
Ryan : Yeah , I guess you did . I m sure we can put it to good use .
Ryan : I love you .
Annie : I love you , too . Listen , Rachael has the kids . I thought you could use some peace and quiet your first night back .
Ryan : Ah .
Annie : So I m going to go call and check on them and put all this stuff away .
Ryan : Ok .
Annie : Ok ? I ll be right back .
Ryan : Ah . You made it , Ryan Lavery . You re alive .
Greenlee : Look at me . I look terrible .
Kendall : No , you do nt .
Greenlee : It s ok . I m just -- I m not -- I m not right . I m not back yet . But Aidan -- he -- he wo nt touch me . He -- he s acting like I m some piece of rare china that s going to break .
Kendall : He loves you . He s just being careful .
Greenlee : Too careful . I want him to grab me and kiss me and throw me down and have good old - fashioned , crazy , throw - down sex .
Kendall : Oh . Well , that -- that ll come back .
Greenlee : Great , because I m really patient , as you know .
Kendall : Oh , yeah ?
Greenlee : So are you .
Kendall : Oh , yeah , I am . Um -- it ll be good again with Aidan . I know it will .
Erica : Sean , excuse me . Are you really saying that you had sex with that woman ?
Sean : Uh -- yeah .
Erica : When ?
Jack : Evidently , they met in the park .
Sean : I -- I did nt even know about the shooting until I heard it on the news . I -- that s when I called .
Erica : Well , did -- did Hannah -- just -- thank you .
Jack : Yeah .
Erica : Did she say where she might be going ?
Sean : No , I do nt think so .
Jack : Sean , did she say anything -- anything at all ?
Sean : Uh -- well , yeah . You know , after we , you know -- she asked about girlfriends . You know , what we like to do , where we like to go -- things like that . Uh -- so , you know , and I said some of us like to hang by the rocks , and she seemed really interested in that for some reason .
Erica : The rocks ?
Jack : Yeah , that s out near the waterfall .
Sean : She said it sounded like a cool place , quiet , romantic , no one around . You know , I did nt think anything of it at the time , but -- what ?
Hannah : You heard enough ?
Zach : After my father threw you out --
Hannah : I somehow got it together to find Ethan a good home , so Alexander would nt find him . And -- and I started my own life . Became the successful businesswoman you see right here .
Hannah : Oh , God ! It was all a lie ! I mean , I never stopped becoming that scared 17-year - old who just wanted to be rescued ! And it turns out , I m the only woman in your life that was nt .
Zach : You give me too much credit .
Hannah : No , do nt be modest , Zach . Let me list them for you , ok ? There was Maria . Then Erica Kane . You rescued her in Las Vegas . Julia Santos . Dixie Martin . Greenlee ? Someone you despise ? And let s not forget your beloved Kendall . What did she do to deserve such a savior ? I mean , you -- you brought her baby to term when she was in a coma . You saved her from Dr. Madden .
Zach : He was an evil son of a bitch .
Hannah : Yeah , well , so was your father ! And you did nt rescue me ! And you did nt save our child ! You know , she should have been punished , and maybe you and I -- you know , we could have had a chance . I just -- I just could nt watch you save her over again and again .
Zach : I did nt know . Let me make it up to you .
Hannah : You ca nt .
Zach : I think I can . Let me rescue you now .
Jack : It s still not much to go on .
Erica : Well , but it s a clue . I think the police need to know .
Kendall : Need to know what , Mother ?
Erica : Hmm .
Kendall : And do nt even try to lie to me , because if you do , I will know .
Erica : Look -- oh -- we have reason to believe that Hannah called Zach and asked him to meet her at -- at the rocks .
Greenlee : Where Leo died ? Oh , my God .
Kendall : How -- how do you know ?
Jack : That s a long story , one which Sean here is about to share with the police .
Sean : But , Uncle Jack --
Jack : Do nt Uncle Jack me . I want you to go down to the police station and find Derek and tell him everything you know . Go on , go on .
Sean : Yeah .
Kendall : Ok , I m going . I m going right now , and I m going to go find my husband .
Greenlee : I m going with her .
Zach : Let me help you .
Hannah : It s too late , Zach .
Zach : It s not too late . My father destroyed everything he touched . Do nt let him do it . Do nt give him the satisfaction . Hannah , please .
Jack : Greenlee , listen to me . You are not going anywhere .
Greenlee : Yeah , like hell I m not . Aidan is there -- I m not waiting for the police , Jack !
Jack : No , no , no , no , no -- listen to me , you almost died . You just got out of the hospital , and you re still sick . The answer is no .
Kendall : Um -- you know what ? Actually , Jack is right . I -- you know what ? What were we thinking ?
Greenlee : What ? No !
Kendall : I mean , really , what were we thinking ? You re sick , and I ll probably just get in the way .
Erica : Finally , finally . Kendall , you re making so much sense .
Kendall : You know what we ll do ? We will just wait for the police to take care of things .
Erica : Great . Great idea .
Jack : Good .
Greenlee : All right . Fine , fine . Fine . I m sorry , Dad .
Jack : Honey , it s ok . I understand . Just thanks for listening , that s all .
Kendall : Jack , do you mind taking my jacket ?
Jack : Not at all . And -- and the minute I hear a thing from Derek , I ll let you know , ok ?
Kendall : Yeah , we re just going to -- we re -- we re going to sit around here , and we re going to wait for some -- for some good news .
Jack : I just appreciated it .
Kendall : Yeah .
Jack : I ll get that for -- huh ?
Kendall : No , I ve got it .
Jack : Whoa ! Wait a minute --
Erica : What ? Hey !
Jack : Do nt you -- no , no , no !
Greenlee : You are brilliant .
Jack : Open the door !
Erica : Honey , the door !
Kendall : Careful , careful ! I do nt want to fall down on my neck .
Greenlee : See you later , alligators .
Kendall : Ok -- um -- I got to get my stuff .
Jack : Greenlee , open this door !
Greenlee : Ok . My purse .
Kendall : Later .
Hannah : Do nt . Do nt come any closer .
Zach : Hannah --
Hannah : Do nt pretend that you care about me . Or you would have come after me .
Zach : It was a long time ago .
Hannah : Not for me . It never ended for me . I just -- I wanted you to come home and -- and take me in your arms and say , I love you , Hannah , and tell me it was going to be all right .
Zach : I just came home from school . The old man s not going to hurt you again , I promise .
Hannah : But I m scared .
Zach : I know . But it s ok . I m going to protect you . Nothing s going to happen to you . Please . Come on . Just let me hold you . Come on .
Zach : It s ok . It s ok .
J.R. : Babe ? I ca nt find the shampoo . I d rather not use this peach stuff . Babe ?
J.R. : Hey , Babe , you going to get that ? Oh , my --
Babe : Richie ? What are you doing here ?
Richie : Did I come at a bad time ?
J.R. : Does this look like a bad time to you ?
Annie : We should go to bed . You re probably so tired . Ryan ?
Annie : Ryan ? Ryan ?
Erica : How did you let this happen ?
Jack : How did I let this happen ? Am I the only person in this closet , Erica ?
Erica : The only reason I am in here is because your daughter pushed me in here .
Jack : Yeah , after your daughter gave her the signal to do it !
Erica : I knew they were up to something .
Jack : Oh , did you ? Oh , did you ? Well , that s great . Why did nt you stop them before they got away ? Can I get back there , please ?
Hannah : I -- I wish we could stay like this .
Zach : We can . Sure we can .
Hannah : Yeah ?
Zach : Yeah . It ll be all right .
Hannah : Oh -- ok .
Zach : Come on . It s all right . It s ok . Come on .
Hannah : Do nt -- do nt -- no , no , no !
Kendall : Zach !
J.R. ( to Richie ) : Is it just me , or did Babe kick you to the curb ?
Annie ( to Ryan ) : Can you hear me ?
Erica ( to Jack ) : Close quarters seems to agree with us .
Zach : You hold on to me . Hurry up !
Hannah : Goodbye .
Zach : Hannah !
### Summary:
| Zach meets with Hannah at the Falls outside of the city . Aidan soon join them at the falls , but he does nt let his presence be known to Hannah . J.R. asks Babe for another chance between himself and Babe . After much persuasion , Babe agrees to give them another shot , but only as friends . Ryan readies to go home from the hospital . Jack tries to calm Kendall and Greenlee . Sean arrives and Jack takes Sean outside to talk to him . Once outside , Jack questions him as to what he was thinking sleeping with Hannah Nichols . Richie meets with two psychiatrists at the hospital . Zach tries his best to talk Hannah down from killing them both . Aidan watches with fearful anticipation . Erica follows Jack and Sean outside and soon finds out that Sean had slept with Hannah . Greenlee confesses to Kendall that ever since she was found that Aidan treats her differently . Kendall tries to soothe her worried mind . Kendall and Greenlee follow Erica , Jack , and Sean outside . Kendall and Greenlee find out that Zach and Aidan were at the falls , meeting with Hannah . Greenlee and Kendall want to go to their rescue , but Jack and Erica try to talk them out of going . Greenlee and Kendall pretend as though they are going along with Jack and Erica , but they soon push Jack and Erica into the closet and leave . Zach finally manages to get through to Hannah . They hug . Greenlee and Kendall arrive . Hannah starts to fall over the falls . Richie finds out from the psychiatrists that Dr. Chambers had been killed . Outside in the hall , Richie calls his buddy in prison , who had stabbed Dr. Chambers . Richie goes to visit Babe and finds J.R. there , dressed only in a towel . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bridget : There really is another woman , is nt there , Nick ? Is nt there ? Oh , just forget it . I know exactly who it is . I just ca nt believe that she would have the nerve to do this .
Brooke : You must have misunderstood him .
Storm : Oh , I do nt think so . You know Ridge . He uses simple words , things like , You re fired . Not much room for misinterpretation . I m not even supposed to be in the building . Actually , I m kind of surprised he did nt tell you . Well , then again , maybe he does nt want to make waves . I do nt know .
Brooke : He certainly is making them now . What reason could he have to fire you ?
Storm : Oh , he , uh-- he thinks I m dangerous , especially after he found out that Ashley and I had lunch together . Yeah , he s warned me that I m never to see her again . Oh , and the kicker is he does nt want me anywhere near my niece and nephew . Until further notice , I am to stay away from Hope and R.J.
Brooke : What ? No . No , that s not right . You know , I m gon na talk to him . I m gon na make sure that I straighten everything out .
Storm : Well , thanks . You do nt have to do that , but I do appreciate your help .
Brooke : Well , I need your help , too . It s about Jack .
Storm : Yeah , I got your message . You sure you want to do this ?
Brooke : He is my son , and I need to do everything that I can to protect him from Taylor .
Taylor : ( Sobbing ) ( sighs )
Rick : Taylor ? Taylor , what happened ? You sounded upset on the phone .
Taylor : She s doing it , Rick . ( Sobbing ) I knew she would do this . The minute I found out the truth , I knew that she would do this .
Rick : Okay , okay . W - what are you talking about ?
Taylor : Your mother-- she came over here after you left , and she threatened me . She said she was convinced I m unstable and that Jack is nt safe with me . ( Sobs )
Rick : ( Sighs )
Bridget : I just do nt know how I could love someone so much , and someone that I ve trusted for so long could turn around and stab me in the back like this . I mean , she s been in your home a lot lately , though , and I know she feels about you and Jack . She s really integrated herself into your life , and let s face it . I - I pushed her . I let her do it . I - I - I mean , my God . I m so stupid . How many times am I gon na put myself through this ? ( Sobs ) So just tell me . It s my mother . You re still in love with my mother .
Nick : No . No , no . God , Bridget , this has nothing to do with her . She s with Ridge . That s -- that s over .
Bridget : ( Sighs ) Well , thank God .
Nick : And your mother loves you . She -- she will always , always love you .
Bridget : Oh . Okay . Then I do nt understand . Why are you so confused ?
Nick : You know that I love you . You know that .
Bridget : I love you , too .
Nick : ( Sighs ) I just do nt ... I just do nt know if I can give you what you need .
Bridget : Do you think you re overthinking this ?
Nick : Bridget , I am going through a very difficult divorce right now , and you deserve the best from a man . You need a man to be completely available for you .
Bridget : Would you shut up , Nick ? That is the biggest cop - out I have ever heard . ( Clears throat ) So you re trying to tell me that you do nt want me in your life ? Sure has nt seemed like that in the bedroom .
Nick : ( Sighs ) Bridget , everything s moving so fast for me . I - I really am not sure what the right move is .
Bridget : Who said anything about a move ? Slowly-- I thought we were taking this slowly , right ?
Nick : Well , that is what we said , but--
Bridget : No buts , Nick . No buts . I know you . I know you better than you know yourself sometimes , and I think you re just scared . That s essentially what this is about .
Nick : It s a lot of things .
Bridget : I m sure it is a lot of things . I know it is . That s why I wanted to --to come here and -- and help you out with your child and support you . Listen to you . I still want to give you those things . Do you still want them from me ?
Nick : Of course I do .
Bridget : Okay .
Bridget : Let s just do what we originally planned on doing . Take this slowly .
Nick : Okay .
Bridget : Okay . I got ta run .
Rick : So let me get this straight . You re -- you re telling me that -- that my mother wants custody of Jack ?
Taylor : I think that s exactly what she s trying to do .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Taylor : She wants to prove that I m unstable .
Rick : My God , what -- what is wrong with her ?
Taylor : I knew it . I knew it would come to this .
Rick : Taylor , this is my fault .
Taylor : No . No .
Rick : No , it is . It is . Listen to me . I love you . You know that , but if my involvement with you risks you losing Jack in any way , then I - I dont--
Taylor : This is exactly what she wants . She wants one of us to crumble and then push each other away .
Rick : Did she say that ?
Taylor : She said a lot of things , Rick .
Rick : What do you want me to do ?
Taylor : I do nt know . I do nt know . You know , she donated the eggs , but the baby is not hers . I - I just ca nt even imagine that the judge would grant custody to her .
Rick : Well , I could nt imagine that my mom actually wanted custody of Jack , and look .
Taylor : No , it s beyond that . She wants to prove that the child needs protection from me .
Rick : You know what I think ? You need protection from her .
Taylor : She wants to go in there and prove that the feelings that we have for each other are ugly and evil and wrong , and I m so tired of her ruining things for me . I m so tired of it . ( Voice breaking ) I ve already lost so much to her . And I m done with it . No more !
Brooke : I m frightened for my baby son . He -- he really should nt be alone with Taylor . Can you help me ?
Storm : Yeah , Brooke , I ll help you in any way I can . Of course .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Thank you .
Storm : But I am warning you . You did sign away your parental rights , so it might be a pretty big obstacle .
Brooke : Well , there s got ta be a way around that . Things are so different now .
Storm : Yeah , well , obviously , Taylor is nt turning out to be capable of raising Jack-- not something you could have imagined when you signed those papers . And Taylor s behavior of late has been extremely erratic . I mean , she s already lost temporary custody of Jack to Nick . I do nt know . Maybe you do have some legs to stand on .
Brooke : Ohh , God , why ? Why did I sign those stupid papers ?
Storm : Hey , hey , hey , hey , sis , look at me . Look at me . You know what ? Jack will always be a part of you , and no piece of paper can change that .
Brooke : I need you to make this happen . I really need to play a role in my son s life .
Storm : ( Sighs )
Katie : Do nt you worry about a thing , Pammy . I am keeping em all nice and wrapped up , nice and snug-- keeping an eye on them for ya . All right , do nt hurry back . Bye . Oh , yum .
Bridget : Oh , Katie , I ve been looking all over for you . I - can you talk for a second ? I - it s about Nick . I think there s something wrong .
Katie : What do you mean ?
Bridget : Well , he s just-- he s backing away from me a little bit , and although he says it has nothing to do with my mom--
Katie : You do nt believe him ?
Bridget : No , I do . I want to . He s just going on and on about how he s going through a divorce-- and all of this never stopped him before-- and how much he does nt , you know , could nt love me the way that I deserve to be loved right now and--
Katie : Bridget , I am so sorry . I never should ve encouraged you to pursue this .
Bridget : No , it s okay . I took a pretty strong stand . I mean , I think he s just scared and confused . Right now a lot s going on . I did nt feel like it was really the right time to walk out on him .
Katie : Yeah , you re right , he s probably just scared and confused .
Bridget : So you ve talked to him ?
Katie : Um--
Bridget : We -- I mean , there is something going-- I mean , I do nt want to believe it s my mom , but I think it is .
Katie : No , you -- you should believe him .
Bridget : Katie , what -- what s going on here ? Is -- is there another woman ?
Katie : ( Sighs ) did you know that one in five American adults
Bridget : Katie ?
Katie : I - I do nt really know what to say to you , Bridget .
Bridget : Well , do nt try to spare my feelings . Tell me what s going on with Nick . If it s my mother , I can handle it . She s betrayed me before .
Katie : No , it -- it s not your mother . Nick is -- is not seeing Brooke anymore .
Bridget : Well , how do you-- how do you know that ? How can you be so sure ?
Katie : Because he s told me many times .
Bridget : And you believe him ?
Katie : Yes . Uh , he said the same thing to both of us .
Bridget : That s true . Okay , so it s really not my mom . Thanks . I mean , that helps .
Katie : So what are you gon na do ?
Bridget : Well , I m -- I m not gon na just give up and walk away . I do nt feel like that s the right thing to do . And I know Nick . I know how he operates . And I know he loves me .
Katie : Of course he does .
Bridget : I m so grateful I have you to talk to , Katie . ( Elevator dings )
Bridget : I ll be in touch .
Katie : Okay .
Katie : ( Exhales deeply )
Taylor : I hate this . I hate what it s doing to you , getting you stuck in the middle of it .
Rick : No , there is no middle , Taylor . I m not stuck anywhere . Brooke is my mother , yes , and I love her , but she should not be doing this to you .
Taylor : I am just so afraid she s going to convince some judge that the baby is hers on a technicality or something .
Rick : No , no , li - listen to me . You -- you are Jack s mother . Do not forget that .
Taylor : Thank you . Thank you . Thank you .
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Brooke : So what s the first step ? How do we proceed ?
Storm : Well , for starters , I think you need to leave me out of it .
Brooke : I thought you just said you were going to help me .
Storm : I will , and I am , but I meant as a-- I meant as your lawyer . And of course , if it comes to that , I ll represent you , even if we have to go all the way to the supreme court . But I think your first step is , uh , is much simpler than that . So before we start talking about going to court , I think there s somebody you need to talk to first .
Nick : ( Exhales deeply ) ( sighs ) ( door opens ) Katie ; we need to talk .
Nick : Well , obviously , you do nt need a key .
Katie : Bridget suspects that there s another woman , and I - I think that we need to be honest with her . I think we need to tell her that we kissed .
Nick : Maybe you should have this .
Katie : I jus-- I ca nt keep this from her . I - I - she s my niece , and I love her , and I know that it may jeopardize our entire relationship , but I have to be honest with her . I have to tell her that we kissed . ( Exhales sharply )
Storm : You ve got my fax number , right ? Great . Yeah . Thanks . Sorry about that .
Brooke : No , no , that s all right . ( Sighs ) So you really do nt think I should go to court about this ?
Storm : No judges , no lawyers .
Brooke : Well , how do I remain in Jack s life ? How do I make sure that he s safe ?
Storm : Well , honestly , I think there s only one person that you need to convince of your importance to Jack . You need to talk to Nick .
Brooke : We ve already discussed it . He agrees with my involvement .
Storm : Well , that s good . I mean , that s a start . But I have a feeling he s caught in the middle . He s probably looking at this like this is a Taylor- versus - Brooke situation , and that s just not the case here .
Brooke : Well , it sort of is .
Storm : Brooke ... ( chuckles ) Brooke , this ca nt be about your -- your history with Taylor . This can only be about Jack and the love that you have for him .
Brooke : The love that the three of us have for him .
Strom : Exactly . You Nick and Taylor are all his parents . And yes , you did sign away your parental rights . And truthfully , on a - on a legal level , I m not sure that you ever had any rights . But on a human level , nothing could ever take that away from you . So you go to Nick , you make him understand how in your heart you know how much all three of you love Jack and that you want to find a calm , peaceful way to resolve this whole situation .
Brooke : And then ?
Storm : And then you figure out a plan where all three of you play important roles in his upbringing . Look , all three of you are his parents . It s time that you just work together to find a solution to all this .
Brooke : I just never thought that this would happen . I mean , I always thought that Nick and Taylor would raise Jack together .
Storm : I know , I know . And it s unfortunate , but there s plenty of examples out there of parents who -- who raise their kids in a loving environment even though they re divorced .
Brooke : ( Scoffs ) yeah , but my God , Storm . Taylor s been so irrational for the last few months . I mean , I ca nt imagine my son being raised in that kind of madness . I - I - I just wo nt allow it .
Storm : Well , Nick s gon na be concerned about Taylor and her feelings in all this .
Brooke : I know , I know . We ve all been concerned about Taylor s feelings for months . But what about my feelings ? I am just really concerned about Jack . I do nt want to think of him living over there at Taylor s and then suddenly she just decides she wants to have a drink and get drunk and then becomes delusional again . I mean , it -- it s just really frightening , Storm .
Storm : I know , I know . I m sorry . Look , everything s gon na be fine . You ll talk to Nick , and you ll work it out . You ll find a way , I know . I m sorry .
Brooke : Okay . ( Sniffles )
Katie : ( Exhales sharply ) I can tell you re not wild about me telling Bridget that we kissed .
Nick : What gave you that idea ?
Katie : It s just that I-- I do nt have the stomach for this , seriously . I mean ... ( sighs ) it s going to hurt her , but every time I - I see her , I just have this -- this pit in my stomach . I just feel sick . I mean , why did I encourage her to pursue anything with you ? Why could nt I just stay out of it ? And when am I gon na learn just to shut my big mouth ? And -- and now she s committed to whatever this is , this Relationship that you re in .
Nick : Whatever it is we re in went too quickly , and that s my fault .
Katie : And mine .
Nick : Well , that s true . The point is it escalated too fast . She was there when I needed something and--
Katie : And -- and now she s -- she s not gon na let you go . She s in love with you , and she -- she knows that -- that something s changed . She thinks it-- it s another woman , but she ca nt figure it out . And the whole time I m listening to her tell me this , and -- and the only thing I can think of is-- I mean , you-- you know Bridget . You know how much she s been through and how much she s had to overcome . She is this amazing beautiful person . I mean , she s a doctor . You have no idea how proud I am of her .
Nick : I - I do know . And she has been through a lot in her life .
Katie : And now she has this chance of happiness . And I know I m -- ohh , I m making too much out of this . I know I am , and I - I feel stupid . It s just a kiss . It was just a kiss . But this is just not me . It s -- I do nt do these things . I do nt do these unexpected , unplanned things .
Nick : Why am I getting the feeling everything in your life is very planned ...
Katie : ( Laughs )
Nick : Like you already know what you re wearing tomorrow .
Katie : Of course , I do . I know what I m wearing next week . I mean , that s how I life my life . That is how I feel comfortable . I - I m practical . I think things through . I do nt jump into the middle of situations without thinking about the consequences . I do nt throw caution to the wind . I - that s Brooke . That s Donna . It s not me . My decisions make sense . And I just-- oh , God , I just feel so stupid . I just feel like such an idiot for doing something so unexpected .
Nick : It s -- it s okay . It really is okay .
Katie : ( Sniffling ) Why did I get involved ? God , why did I get involved ? ( Sighs ) ( sniffles )
Nick : It s okay .
Bridget : Um , Katie ? Nick ? My -- my goodness , what s going on here ?
Katie : Ohh .
### Summary:
| Brooke is upset when Storm tells her that Ridge fired him , and she vows she will straighten it out . She also wants his help in keeping Taylor away from her baby son . Rick runs to Taylor s defense when she calls about Brooke coming back and threatening to take her to court . Rick takes the blame for being involved with Taylor and giving his mother reasons to take the baby away . Katie overhears , and Bridget jumps to the wrong conclusion that Nick has another woman and that it is still her mother . Nick tells Bridget that he is not sure he can be what she needs . Bridget finds Katie and confides her suspicions about there being another woman in Nick s life . Taylor hates this , Rick being stuck in the middle . And she is scared that some judge will give Brooke custody of her baby . Storm advises Brooke to work with Nick so that all three of them can raise Jack and be part of his life . He does nt think he should be her lawyer though . Katie is beside herself with guilt and insists to Nick they need to tell Bridget about the kiss . She wishes she could learn to shut her mouth and butt out . Bridget deserves this happiness and Katie thinks she is usually the sensible one , so how did all of this happen ? Bridget walks in and overhears enough and sees them hug . What is going on ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : Nick --
Nick : You re not getting away with this , Forrester .
Ridge : Brooke --
Nick : Do nt you talk to her ! Do nt even look at her !
Brooke : I know you want to protect me --
Nick : He attacked you and he is not getting away with it !
Stephanie : The baby in that bedroom is Felicia s child .
Dante : No one is denying that .
Bridget : Felicia , just -- tell me what happened . I thought we had agreed on a solution , and now your mother is contesting my guardianship ?
Stephanie : Bridget --
Felicia : I did nt --
Stephanie : Bridget , we are contesting your guardianship on the fact that she s alive and capable of taking care of her own child .
Dante : No one is denying that , either . We re not taking Dino away from Felicia . We re just taking him on vacation .
Stephanie : Dante , you re not going to take him anywhere .
Dante : Fine .
Bridget : Felicia , this does nt have to get ugly .
Stephanie : No , it does nt . If the two of you will just step aside .
Dante : Dino is my son !
Stephanie : Shh -- let s not -- let s not get out of control here . Let s talk about this rationally .
Dante : There s nothing rational ! Threatening to be arrested on kidnapping charges because we re leaving the country ?
Bridget : Look , Felicia , we understand that it s hard for you to be apart from Dino . I mean , of course it is , he s your baby . It s just a week . Not even a week . Dante and I saw how sad you were when we took Dino away and we decided to cut the trip short and come back a few days early .
Stephanie : That s very , very generous of both of you . But you do nt seem to understand , Bridget . You have no right to take the baby anywhere for any length of time , period .
Felicia : All right , that s enough .
Bridget : God , thank you . See , I told you that she would nt put up with this .
Felicia : No , what I m not gon na put up with is all this fighting and animosity around my son .
Bridget : I agree . It s not good for Dino . But we are all good for him working together . And loving him . Looking after him . Sharing custody of him .
Jackie : You never thought it would happen , but it did . You found her . Now you re both so in love . If only I could be so lucky --
Eric : Jackie ?
Jackie : Oh , Eric . If you re looking for Nicky , he s not here .
Eric : No , no . I was hoping to see you . I ve hurt you .
Jackie : My feelings are nt your responsibility .
Eric : I asked you to wait .
Jackie : And I waited . But that was my choice . When you put this ring on my finger , all the mistakes of my past , they simply disappeared . Trusting too innocently . Giving myself too freely . You see , I always thought I would nt be alone . That was a man out there for me somewhere .
Eric : There is . Jackie , I made a promise to you . It s a promise I want to keep .
Jackie : What about your marriage to Stephanie ?
Eric : It s over . We re divorced .
Jackie : Divorced ?
Eric : It s official . My marriage to Stephanie is finally over . Here .
Jackie : What -- what are you doing ? Oh , Eric -- Eric , I ca nt take another disappointment .
Eric : And I ca nt take another day without you . It s finally happened . The man that you ve been waiting for is here . Marry me , Jackie .
Jackie : Who am I kidding ? That man s never gon na walk into my life . [ Knock at the door ] May I help you ?
Stephen : I m looking for Nick Marone .
Jackie : Do you have an appointment ?
Stephen : I just dropped by to invite him to dinner or a drink .
Jackie : Business associate or friend ?
Stephen : Actually , future father - in - law .
Jackie : You re Stephen Logan ?
Stephen : Nick has mentioned me ?
Jackie : Yeah . Yes , he has . A few times .
Stephen : I m afraid we did nt get off on the right foot .
Jackie : That s too bad .
Stephen : But I d like to try again . That man s gon na spend a life with my daughter , I figured we should get to know each other better .
Jackie : Nick s an incredible man . He s kind . He s compassionate . He s devoted to Brooke and the children . Hope -- Hope adores him .
Stephen : As do you , apparently .
Jackie : I better . I m his mother .
Stephen : Now that s impossible . You re much too young .
Jackie : And you re much too charming . I m Jacqueline .
Nick : Brooke , you ca nt let him get away with this .
Brooke : Nick , what happened last night was a mistake .
Nick : A mistake ? He said you wanted it .
Ridge : That s not what I said .
Nick : You said that she loves sex . You said that nobody satisfies her like you do .
Brooke : Did you say that ?
Ridge : Well --
Brooke : Damn it , Ridge . Nick , he was just trying to get a reaction out of you .
Nick : Out of me ? Well , what about you ? When do his actions become unacceptable ? You want me to back off ? Fine . What are you gon na do about it ?
Stephanie : Shared custody is not an option .
Dante : Bridget was talking to Felicia .
Stephanie : Yes , well , Felicia is recovering . I do nt want her to have to handle this kind of stress .
Bridget : Oh , well , you re the one causing it , Stephanie . Not us .
Stephanie : Come on , I want you to go inside .
Dante : Wait a damn minute here ! Hold on .
Stephanie : Do you want to make a settlement of some kind ? Then you re gon na have to deal with me .
Bridget : Please , Felicia , just sit back down . I m sure we can work through a solution that will satisfy all of us .
Stephanie : Not tonight .
Felicia : You know , it s been such an emotional day . Maybe mom s right . We can discuss it tomorrow .
Stephanie : Come on , honey .
Bridget : Okay , obviously , you got to her . But , just -- what the hell did you say ?
Stephanie : The same thing that I m going to say to you . Felicia is recovering . She capable of taking care of the baby , all right ? Your guardianship is going to be revoked in a few days .
Dante : You can not revoke my rights as his father .
Stephanie : Dante , please . One drunken night with my daughter does not make a father . It s the hard decisions that make good parents . I m prepared to make that decision making process worth your while .
Bridget : Excuse me ? Did you just offer to buy Dante s son ?
Stephanie : No , I want to reward him for doing the right thing . Bridget , Felicia and I appreciate and will always appreciate the fact that the two of you were willing to stand up and raise this baby in the event that she died . But she did nt die , all right ? You have to accept that . You have to get on with your lives . And I can make those lives much easier . Especially yours , Dante . All you have to do is sign these papers and give Felicia full custody .
Brooke : What happened last night never should have happened .
Nick : Do nt make excuses for him .
Ridge : Why do nt you shut up and let her explain something to you ?
Nick : You wanted him to leave , did you or did you not ?
Brooke : Yes , but --
Nick : Then there s nothing else to discuss .
Ridge : I agree . Why do nt you put a leash on him ?
Nick : You arrogant son of a bitch !
Brooke : Nick , wait ! Nick , stop it ! Stop ! Stop ! Ridge , go . I want you to go . Please , just go home ! Nick , let s talk about this . Let s just calm down , okay ?
Nick : I ca nt believe you re being so calm .
Brooke : This situation is nt black and white like you think it is .
Nick : It is . Either he violated you or you wanted to sleep with him . Which is it ?
Bridget : I just do nt know why you re doing this . You know how much we love that child , how much we love Felicia . Why would you need to draw the line in the sand like this ?
Stephanie : It s because there are no boundaries that this whole situation has gotten out of hand . I know you love this baby , I understand that , but you are not his mother . I understand that you need to hold on to him . I know there s a void in you that has to be filled because of the loss of your child . But you are not his mother , Felicia is , and you ve got to let go .
Bridget : Well , Dante does nt . He s the biological father and he has a paternity test to prove it .
Stephanie : I understand that , but he also needs to work .
Dante : Excuse me ?
Stephanie : You work for me , remember ?
Bridget : You ca nt order him to sign anything .
Dante : She could fire me if I do nt .
Bridget : So what ? You do nt need the money . And you have your art , it s fine .
Dante : Bridget , I need my job at Forrester to keep my working visa .
Bridget : Oh , my god . Are you threatening to deport him ?
Stephen : I hope I can repair your son s opinion of me .
Jackie : Well , he ll think far better of you if you treat his mother kindly .
Stephen : Is that so ?
Jackie : Yes . My son is very protective of me .
Stephen : And of Brooke , I noticed .
Jackie : He d do anything for both of us .
Stephen : Maybe I should ask you to put in a good word for me .
Jackie : We could be in - laws one day . It d be nice if we could get along . Of course that s not always possible , is it ?
Stephen : Do nt tell me . Brooke had Stephanie Forrester as a mother - in - law .
Jackie : You two did nt jibe ?
Stephen : She and Massimo Marone pretty much ruined my life . I made my own mistakes -- and big ones -- but they played me perfectly .
Jackie : The tag team of doom .
Stephen : Then you know ?
Jackie : Oh yeah , better than anyone , Mr. Logan . I was married to the man .
Stephen : Married to Massimo ? I am sorry .
Jackie : Related to Stephanie Forrester ? I may actually be sorrier for you .
Stephen : I think the one I m sorriest for is my daughter .
Jackie : You re right , Stephanie treated her really badly .
Stephen : And I was encouraging her to go back to Ridge .
Jackie : Really ?
Stephen : Well , I m sure Nick told you . That s why I m here . I m Ridge Forrester s trump card .
Nick : You did nt want it . You said no and it happened anyway . What do you call that ?
Brooke : He thought that I was allowing it . But I was nt . I was nt even there . My body was completely numb . I do nt know how else to explain it , Nick .
Nick : Well , I do . The man violated you . I want you to press charges and get a restraining order against him .
Brooke : I ca nt .
Nick : Why not ? What is gon na keep him from attacking you again ?
Brooke : He s not going to do that .
Nick : Why ? You can see he s completely lost touch with reality . He d do anything to get you back . If you do nt lock your bedroom door , it s basically an invitation for him to come back in . Maybe you need to answer that question then -- do you want him to come in ?
Stephanie : I m not threatening anyone . I m just trying to get you to understand , your position is untenable .
Dante : Bridget , if I lose my job at Forrester , I ll have to leave the country .
Bridget : Even if he does , it does nt automatically mean Felicia will get custody of Dino .
Stephanie : We ll get into an international custody battle -- it ll be protracted and probably very expensive .
Bridget : So you re telling me that dante ca nt be a father because he s not a citizen ?
Stephanie : I m not questioning his fitness . Bridget , you know what would make me really happy ? If the two of you would fall in love , decide you want to be a family and start having children of your own .
Dante : I already have a child !
Stephanie : You did nt even know that baby existed until a couple of months ago .
Dante : Okay , so I should be able to forget about my son because I have nt known him that long ? That s absurd !
Bridget : And incredibly insulting .
Stephanie : I am not telling you or expecting you to walk away from that baby , to turn your back on him . I know you love him . I m asking you , can you put his needs above your own ?
Bridget : This is not about Dino s needs . This is about Stephanie s needs . Her need to control anything and anyone around her . You know , ridge finally stopped you from interfering in his life , and now you ve moved on to Felicia . I think she s just a little too afraid to lose Dino to actually stop you .
Stephanie : She is not going to lose that baby , Bridget . I am damn well gon na make sure of that .
Dante : You do nt get it , do you ? That thought never crossed our minds .
Stephanie : Good , and it better never .
Jackie : Well , I know that Ridge has been trying to make inroads with Brooke .
Stephen : And using me to do it .
Jackie : Well , I guess Stephanie is not the only Forrester with a talent for manipulation .
Stephen : I actually thought that Ridge was trying to help me put back together my relationship with Brooke . Now I have no idea what s going on in his head .
Jackie : Have you had a change of heart ?
Stephen : Call it a crisis of conscience . He did something to my daughter and she s forgiven him for it . I m not sure I can .
Jackie : Well , there s no question as to what s going on in Nick s head . He is totally 100 % committed to your daughter and her children .
Stephen : I do nt know him that well yet . But if he s half as charming as his mother , I do nt see how Brooke can resist him .
Brooke : I know you think I m trying to protect Ridge , but I m not . I m trying to protect my children .
Nick : Good , they should be protected , from him . He violated their mother .
Brooke : I do nt want them to know that , nick . But if I press charges or file a restraining order , it all becomes a matter of public record .
Nick : Well , so what ? Are you worried about his reputation .
Brooke : Oh , my god . I am worried about the impact that this will have on my children . Please , let s just forget about this , okay ? Let s just put it behind us and focus on our family -- you , me , the children .
Nick : No , no . I ca nt do it . I ca nt -- I ca nt do it . I ca nt let him get away with this . I want you to press charges . I want this man out of your life forever .
Brooke : He is R.J. s father . I ca nt do that !
Nick : Well , I ca nt let him do this and just think that it s okay and I ll forget it !
Brooke : I know . I know . And I am sorry . I am really sorry . I did nt want this to happen , Nick . I told him to go . You have to believe me . I love you . I love you so much . And I m looking forward to the life that we planned . I want that . So tell me . Tell me that we can put this whole thing behind us . Nick , tell me that . Tell me you wo nt let this come between us . Tell me .
### Summary:
| Jackie was daydreaming in her office about Eric , when Stephen arrived to discuss the triangle between Brooke , Ridge and Nick . As they flirted , Stephen filled Jackie in on Ridge using him to get to Brooke and Jackie assured him that Nick was totally committed to Brooke . Stephen , enchanted by Jackie says that he would like to get to know her son better . Back at Felicia s , Bridget accused Stephanie of undermining her and Dante from taking Dino to Italy by accusing them of kidnapping . Bridget begs Felicia to stand up to her mother , but to her disappointment , Felicia tells Bridget that she just does nt want all this fighting around her son . When Felicia leaves the room Stephanie presents Dante with papers to sign that would give FULL custody to Felicia . Stephanie drops a bombshell when she hints that if Dante does nt sign , she will fire him from Forrester and he will lose his visa and be deported ! At the cabin , Nick tells Brooke , that Ridge implied that she only enjoyed sex with Ridge . Brooke is horrified and asks Ridge to leave . Nick rants and raves that she should press charges against Ridge , but Brooke tells him that for the sake of her children she ca nt . Nick tells her that she may be able to move past what Ridge did to her , but he ca nt . Brooke realizes that this may tear them apart and begs Nick not to let this come between them ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Taylor has nt changed a bit , has she ?
Stephanie : No , she has nt . I mean , to have endured so much . And to have no anger and no bitterness in you , it s --
Ridge : She s the same woman that I fell in love with , mother . Everything she s ever believed , all of her optimism towards life , she s put it all into practice . It s amazing .
Stephanie : It s so wonderful for the children to have her back . To have that great warmth and strength , I mean -- they ve suffered so much .
Ridge : Yeah , we all have , believe me .
Stephanie : I did nt realize that until today . I mean , I did nt truly realize how much we d lost , and how much pain we had endured . I told Taylor something . I told her that when I thought that she had died -- I lost my faith . I could nt believe that god would take someone so moral and so decent from you and from the children . I was so angry . And I was so heartbroken . But then seeing her today , I -- I felt like it was a miracle that she d been brought back to us , and I -- I felt like my faith had been restored . That the family had been made whole again .
Ridge : To see Taylor now with her kids is so amazing .
Stephanie : It is amazing . It is . It s a gift from god , I think . And now the children can -- the children can heal again . Put that pain , that suffering behind them . She s back where she belongs with her family . And with everyone that really loves her .
Taylor : Thank you so much , Bridget . I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you did for the children while I was gone . Stephanie told me what a critical role you played and -- helping them deal with their loss . And how you helped them not to give up faith in goodness and god .
Bridget : You know the time in this house after you were gone was -- it was really , really hard . It was hard on the kids and it was really hard on Ridge . We all were really hurting . Every one of us felt your loss , Taylor .
Taylor : Well , thank god I m back .
Bridget : When I missed you the most , I would -- I would think about what -- what you would be doing if you were here . And I knew you would be reaching out to people and helping them , cause you -- you tried saving the world , one person at a time . You know , you motivated me to follow in your footsteps and -- I m studying medicine .
Taylor : I am so glad to hear that , Bridget . You ll make a wonderful doctor .
Bridget : I do nt know if I ll be as talented as you are , but I do really want to help people .
Taylor : You already have . And if you need help with anything at all or you have a question , you better ask .
Bridget : I will . Its just motivation enough that you re back . I know that one day I m going to be telling a patient that feels like they re in a hopeless situation that I know an amazing woman that battled back from death and fought so hard to come back to her family .
Taylor : I just ca nt tell you how happy I am that you re going after your dreams .
Bridget : I just ca nt imagine what you went through . For being so far away from your family and everybody that loved you so much .
Taylor : Well , we do nt have to cry anymore . I m here . With Ridge and my children . And I am never going to ever leave again .
Taylor : I just feel so badly that I ruined your wedding day .
Bridget : Oh , no , no , no , you did nt ruin it . You just postponed it . And now that I know that you were there -- I consider your presence such a blessing .
Taylor : Nick s a lucky guy .
Bridget : Oh . He s incredible . The guy s been really , really wonderful through all of this . So supportive .
Taylor : From what I hear , he s quite an adventuresome soul .
Bridget : He is ! He s just been all over the world and -- he s done so many different things .
Taylor : And now he wants you to join him . So you can have your life s adventure together . Sounds like he loves you very much .
Bridget : He does . Oh , it s so good to have you back .
Taylor : Brooke , you ve raised quite an amazing daughter here .
Brooke : Bridget s really becoming her own woman .
Bridget : Where have you been ?
Brooke : Oh , I had to pick up a few things at the office .
Bridget : Oh , is there anything that I can do to help you ?
Brooke : No , honey . I do nt need anything . I think you should be spending some time with Nick .
Bridget : Actually , you re probably right . He still considers this time the honeymoon .
Taylor : Well , go have a wonderful adventure then .
Bridget : Okay . It s so good to see you . I ll see you later .
Taylor : Bye .
Brooke : Have a good time with Nick .
Bridget : Oh , thanks , mom . I love you .
Brooke : I love you , too .
Taylor : Bridget s grown into a beautiful young woman . Nick really seems to make her happy .
Brooke : Yes , he does . This is really a special time for Bridget .
Taylor : Well , I ll leave you down here alone , and I ll go get ready before the kids come back from Ojai .
Brooke : Please stay . There s a few things that I d like to discuss with you .
Stephanie : I m sorry I ever doubted you . But , I mean -- you were insisting that you had seen Taylor . That -- that combined with your past behavior this year . The terrible fights that you had with Eric and with Thorne and -- and what happened with Bridget . I m sorry , I just -- if I had just realized that you were still grieving for Taylor , I mean -- I might have found a different way to deal with you .
Ridge : Well , we all did the best we could , did nt we , mother ?
Stephanie : Taylor was such a stabilizing force in your life . It makes you wonder , does nt it ? What it had been like if she d been here these past few years , you know , had been here with you .
Ridge : Taylor has always been an amazingly positive influence in my life .
Stephanie : More so I think than anyone realized . She grounded you . And she did it so effortlessly as she did most things in her life . She was a real gift to this family . You were a very different person when you were with her . You know that ? I was so proud of you . The integrity , the stability that she brought -- well , she s back . And now you can heal . The whole family can heal .
Brooke : I went by a real estate office on my way home from work today , and I picked up a bunch of magazines and brochures on houses that are available in this area . And I really wanted you to see this one . It s really nice .
Taylor : Oh , it s lovely .
Brooke : Yeah , it has a pool .
Taylor : I m a little surprised , but thank you .
Brooke : Taylor , it is a blessing that you re back -- but it s not without complication . Now , I think if we really try , we might be able to find a way .
Taylor : Are the houses near ? Obviously that s very important .
Brooke : I told the real estate agent that it has to be close to this house . I mean , there s no need for the children to be far away .
Taylor : It s good to know that we re on the same wavelength .
Brooke : We all want what s best .
Taylor : Yes . Yes , we do . Brooke , I just want you to know how appreciative I am of how gracious you ve been about all this . I mean , I know if it were me in your position I ca nt imagine how difficult this would all be .
Brooke : It s not really that difficult . All I think about are the children and what s best for them , what they need , then everything s clear .
Taylor : Well , I realize while I ve been gone that this house has become your home .
Brooke : I m so relieved to hear you say that . That you understand .
Taylor : Yes , I do . That s why I want you to take as much time as you need to find the right house for you to move into .
Brooke : Actually , I was thinking it would be you , Taylor , who would be moving into another house .
Taylor : Does Ridge know about this ? Did he suggest that you contact the real estate agent to find me a house ?
Brooke : No . No , we did nt really have time to discuss it . I just assumed -- I was only trying to help .
Taylor : Yes , of course .
Brooke : I know that you and Ridge decided to have Phoebe and Ssteffy come back from boarding school . I was only trying to think of an arrangement that might be best for the children .
Taylor : Well , Brooke , I appreciate the gesture , but I really do that think ridge should be a part of any of these kind of discussions .
Hope : Hi , lady .
Taylor : Hello . Well , you must be Hope . Hi .
Hope : Hi .
Brooke : What do you have here ? Oh . Did you draw this ?
Hope : All by myself .
Brooke : Well , I think it s perfect .
Hope : Mommy , where s daddy ?
Brooke : Daddy ? He s not home yet . But when he gets home , I m gon na make sure that he sees this .
Hope : Okay .
Brooke : Now why do nt you run along and ask Catherine to give you a bath ? And I ll be there soon . And when daddy gets home , I m gon na make sure he comes and gives you a great big kiss . She loves to draw . Ridge has been helping her . He s been having a lot of fun . And she s working on her shading .
Taylor : May I see ? Yeah . And the way she s drawn him -- I can see that she loves him very much .
Brooke : Yes .
Taylor : He obviously has a very strong presence in her life .
Brooke : That s why I m asking you to move out , Taylor . Hope and R.J. -- They need to be with their father .
Stephanie : How is Brooke handling all of this ?
Ridge : Well , she s shocked like the rest of us . But she s happy for Taylor , and she s happy for the children .
Stephanie : There s no doubt that Brooke has been a wonderful influence -- a positive influence in the children s lives . But honey , now that their mother is back , Brooke s role has got to change .
Ridge : Mother , no decisions have been made , all right ? Let s not take this incredible blessing and turn it into a tragedy .
Stephanie : Well , I do nt want to do that . I want you to enjoy every moment of it . But I think you have to start looking ahead to the decisions that are going to have to be made . Well , you re living in the same house , under the same roof with two women -- each one of them thinks that they re your wife .
Ridge : I did nt plan it like this , you know .
Stephanie : Well , I know you did nt . But things have to be settled out , do nt they ? The children are watching this situation . I mean , Hope and R.J. Are too young to understand what s going on , but the girls and tom -- they re watching everything that you do . This is a very critical time in your life . And you can not afford to make a mistake .
Ridge : Mother , I m very aware there are some serious issues to talk about .
Stephanie : And are you aware of how painful it must be for Taylor to have found out that you remarried ?
Ridge : Yes , of course . I know how difficult this is for her . It s difficult for all of us .
Stephanie : I think Taylor is capable of getting past this marriage with Brooke , if you do nt do anything foolish .
Ridge : What are we talking about now ?
Stephanie : A second chance . Do nt do something foolish . Do nt let a lapse of judgment , where Brooke is concerned -- and Brooke can be very sexy . Do nt let that keep you from the opportunity of putting your family together again .
Ridge : What does Brooke s sexuality have to do with any of this ?
Stephanie : Honey , we ve all lost so much . But you -- you have the most to gain . This is your home with Taylor . This is a second chance that you have -- to have a life with her . Understand what that means . This is a rare opportunity to put your family together again . Be smart . Take that opportunity that is right in front of you and grab hold of it .
Brooke : Please , Taylor , believe me . I am so glad that you ve returned . It s an incredible blessing for everybody -- for so many people . For Steffy and Pheobe -- they finally have their mother back . And Thomas -- he missed you terribly . And I know how hard this is on you . You think it s only been a couple of months , when really it s been years . I m sorry that you ve missed so much .
Taylor : I realize a lot of time has passed . Steffy and Phoebe are beautiful and grown up . And Thomas is practically a man . And now there s R.J and Hope -- and I can see how much Ridge loves them .
Brooke : Ridge is their father . I know this seems so unfair .
Taylor : It is unfair . To the children , to Ridge . It s unfair to you . It s unfair to me . I guess it s how we deal with it that matters now , right ?
Brooke : I do nt want to shut you out of anybody s life . I would nt even dream of it . But you have to understand -- this is my family now .
Taylor : And Ridge is your husband .
Brooke : That s right . We ve really made a home for ourselves here . And your children -- they ve grown up . They ve become so independent . Thomas is going to go to college soon . And Pheobe and Steffy -- they re teenagers . But Hope and R.J. -- They are still so young . And they need to grow up with their father . And you as a psychiatrist , you know how important those early child developmental years are .
Taylor : Yes .
Brooke : I know that you want to be close to your children . And you can stay here for as long as you want . But you have to respect the fact that Ridge and I have a family now .
Taylor : I do respect your family , Brooke . [ Taylor sighs ] I really need to know how ridge feels about this . I just ca nt imagine making this decision without him . Do you believe this is what he wants ?
Brooke : I think that Ridge is confused right now . But he s very loyal to everybody . And to his own feelings . But you could save everybody so much torment .
Taylor : Everyone but me .
Brooke : Taylor . I hate to put you in this position . You re a kind and decent person . And everything that you ve been through , my god , I could only imagine . But now I m going to appeal to your kindness and to your decency . Please , Taylor , respect the home . Respect the family that Ridge and I have created . And do nt rob R.J. And Hope of their father .
### Summary:
| Bridget finally gets to see Taylor and the two catch up on each other s lives a bit . Stephanie and Ridge talk about Taylor s return and what an impact it is going to have on everyone . Stephanie wastes no time in trying to convince her son that his place is with Taylor , not Brooke . Brooke in return , wastes no time in pointing out to Taylor that things have changed now . Ridge is her husband now , and they have a family together . She asks Taylor to do the right thing , and find another place to live . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Duke : All right , what s going on ?
Dorian : Nothing . Absolutely nothing .
Duke : Nothing ? It s got to be something , I mean , the way you shut the computer .
Dorian : I was just going over the guest list for my wedding . It s going to be the most important day of my life .
Adriana : It s not the guest list . She s lying .
Rourke : Take a break . All right , take a break .
Rex : How s it going ?
Man : Keep dropping my left .
Rex : Uh , listen , the reason I need to talk to you -- you know her ?
Man : You looking for her ?
Rex : Ah , yes , you ve seen through my ploy . I m looking for her . I thought since you re hired muscle you might know who she is and where she is .
Man : Nope , but I ve kind of been out of the loop . Spending all my time in here training .
Rex : Tell me you have nt given up on your studies . Come on , you do nt have a clue who she is ?
Jackie : Oh ! You re breaking his concentration .
Rex : You re Jackie Mc Naughton .
Jackie : And that s Margaret Cochran , and you re going to stop asking questions about her now .
David : As Chinese culture continues to permeate western civilization , we keep hearing the phrase fung shu-- feng sh-- how in the hell do you spell feng shui ? Got to know how to spell it to find out how to spell it . Hey , look , there s Gerald Ford .
Spencer : F - e - n - g s - h - u - i .
David : Thanks . Is that one word or -- do I have to call security or throw you out myself ?
Spencer : Come on , Dave . I help you with your spelling and this is the way you treat me ?
David : I m in no mood for you tonight .
Spencer : Hey , this get broke -- how d this get broken ?
David : It was broken , Spencer , during the incident with Starr .
Spencer : Oh , yeah . That s too bad . Yeah , she s a good kid . She s -- she s having a rough time , is nt she ? I hope she ll be ok .
David : Wow . That was a really good imitation of someone who cares .
Spencer : Well , I do care , Dave . I m crazy about that kid .
David : No , Spencer , you re crazy about that kid s mother .
Blair : Come on , Todd , just call me . Please .
Jack : Mom ?
Blair : Oh , god . Jack , you scared me to death . What are you doing up , sweetie ?
Jack : I ca nt sleep . I think there s something under my bed .
Blair : You do ? Well , you come here . Come here . Let s think . What could be under your bed ? Let s look around .
Blair : I know -- it s the floor . And guess what --
Blair : Dust bunnies . Big , old dust bunnies with fuzzy teeth , and you know what they like to do ? They like to come up and climb in your bed and go , I need to get your right here , I m going to get you right here !
Blair : And then they come up here and they go under your arm and they re going to get you right there , right there , right there ! And then they come in and they squeeze your little tummy and -- oh , I m sorry , sweetie , did we wake you up ?
Starr : I was nt asleep .
Blair : Huh . You know what ? I think this situation calls for hot chocolate !
Starr : I do nt want hot chocolate .
Blair : Ok . Well , we ll talk , and then I ll get you some hot chocolate . How s that ? Maybe a big bowl ?
Todd : Now , you have to promise me that you wo nt tell your mom that Margaret s pregnant .
Blair : Marshmallows --
Starr : Mom ?
Blair : And whipped cream , all --
Starr : Mom . I ca nt live like this anymore .
Margaret : Merrily , merrily merrily , merrily life is but a dream you stopped singing .
Todd : Yeah , I m thinking about us , our life together .
Margaret : Really ?
Todd : Yeah , just the two of us .
Margaret : Three .
Todd : Just the three of us , all alone . That s the best part , right ? Being all alone ?
Margaret : Oh , yes . Yes , going out to that island . No one is going to be able to find us .
Todd : So I do nt think anyone would mind if we just borrowed this .
Margaret : It s so small .
Todd : Yeah , it s just our own little private love boat .
Margaret : Now I m scared .
Todd : Me , too , honey . I m terrified .
Kelly : Kevin ?
Kevin : I do nt want to say something sappy .
Kelly : Well , girls like sappy things every now and then .
Kevin : I just ca nt believe you re back .
Kelly : I m back .
Kevin : Yeah , I know . You know , right now it just seems so simple , so right . It s hard to understand why we ever split up .
Kelly : Well , we stopped trusting each other . We let other things become more important than us .
Kevin : Yeah . I know that here , you know , but I just ca nt make sense of it . What I do know is that I will really try not to screw it up this time .
Kelly : Well , I do nt think we should think of it like that . I think we should look at our situation and say that we ve made it through a really , really awful time and we re still together . I mean , even when I thought I hated you --
Kevin : You loved me ?
Kelly : Yeah .
Kevin : You did ?
Kelly : Yeah , and it s not just being here with you tonight . It s looking forward to the future .
Kevin : Well , you know , the night s not necessarily over .
Kelly : Mmm , I know .
Kevin : Yeah , well --
Kelly : I just want to think about us being together and being happy and making a family .
Kevin : Yeah , me , too . Well , listen , me loving you has nothing to do with you having a baby . All right ? I mean , I love you no matter what , so if you do nt want to go ahead with this procedure , I understand .
Kelly : No , I know , I know . It s just that I think that we can have a child , and I think Spencer can help us with that . I know he can .
Spencer : Boy , I just really ca nt catch a break from you , can I , Davey ?
David : Because I know you , I know what you re capable of .
Spencer : Yeah , why do nt we just change the conversation , all right , before it starts to get ugly , huh ?
David : Well , it s a little too late for that , is nt it ? You know what , if you re here to blow me out of the water , just do it . Just do it . Just get it the hell over with .
Spencer : Gee , Davey , you almost sounded sincere that time .
David : Spencer , I see through you . I m onto the con . And what really ticks me off is you treat me -- you treat me like I m just another mark . It makes me feel , well , less than fraternal .
Spencer : And I would be conning you because ?
David : Because it s what you do , Spencer , even when you do nt have to . It s just part of your nature . I mean , we both know you came here -- you came here to talk about Blair . Instead , you re putting on this gee , how is Starr skit . Would you put that down ?
Spencer : All right , if you want the truth , no bull , all right ? You know what I think ? I think you ve turned into a self - righteous little prig , I really do . So what if I come around here looking for Blair ? What s it matter to you ?
David : Blair is Dorian s niece , and I like her . And I also know that if you want her , it means you want something from her . And if you want something from her , you re not going to stop until you get it .
Spencer : I do nt know , Dave , beautiful women come my way every day . They really do . Blair s either going to come around or she s not . It s no big deal .
David : No , you re not just going to sit around and wait for Blair to come to you . You re going after her . I want to know two things . Number one , what is your plan ? And number two , what exactly is a prig ?
Blair : I know that we ve had our share of bad times , more than we should . But every time I look at the two of you and look at your beautiful faces , I realize that I m the luckiest mama in the whole world .
Starr : Not all kids are a great , big bundle of joy .
Blair : No , not always . But I would rather have the little imperfections and the problems than have everything all tied up in a nice , neat little bundle .
Starr : Yeah , right .
Blair : Yeah , right . I mean , look at Kelly s life . She s got everything all perfect and tidy . And I bet you she would switch and swap lives with me any time to have what I got .
Jack : Us kids ?
Blair : That s right . Because I think children are a gift from God .
Starr : What if the baby s mother is an awful person ?
Blair : Well , I do nt really believe in bad seeds .
Starr : What if Margaret had a baby with dad ? Would that baby deserve to be loved ?
Margaret : And what are you scared about , Todd ? You can swim .
Todd : You re holding a gun at me .
Margaret : That s true .
Todd : What we have ca nt be about guns . It s got to be about trust .
Margaret : But I ca nt swim .
Todd : And I ca nt row you if you ve shot me . Throw it away , honey . We could be so happy together .
Margaret : You liar .
Todd : Why would I lie to the mother of my son ? Why do nt you let me throw it away ? We could be together . But if you keep it , we ca nt ever have a family , ever .
Margaret : Well , all right . We need to learn to trust .
Todd : We need to do things differently . We need to be partners .
Margaret : I need to hear you say it .
Todd : Say it ?
Margaret : That you love me . That you really do love me . My life goes a million miles a minute .
Dorian : Darling , I think you made Duke feel uncomfortable with your little joke . I -- I mean , really . I suppose Adriana may have felt that it s just so quintessentially boring going over a wedding invitation list with your mother that she -- she was looking for a way to inject a little bit of drama , a little bit of spice into the --
Adriana : I was looking for you to tell the truth .
Dorian : Oh , that s your cell phone . You know , maybe you should take it outside because --
Duke : Good idea .
Dorian : We ve been having trouble with getting good reception in here .
Duke : I should nt be long .
Dorian : All right , take your time .
Dorian : You just called me a liar in front of Duke . How do you think that made me feel ?
Adriana : Caught ?
Dorian : I lied to protect him .
Adriana : No , you lied to protect yourself . But the fact is , if someone has a file on the Buchanan s , Duke has a right to know about it .
Dorian : But I explained to you that we have to keep this thing quiet .
Adriana : That was before I knew what the file was . No matter what , I am not going to lie to duke about something that affects him personally .
Dorian : Oh , but you already have .
Adriana : What are you talking about ?
Dorian : Do nt you think it s going to affect Duke personally when he finds out you ve been kissing Rex ?
Rex : Why should I stop asking questions about Margaret Cochran ?
Jackie : Because you ll live a longer , happier life .
Rex : That a threat ?
Jackie : Why do nt you take it as a really strong suggestion ?
Rex : But you do know her ?
Jackie : Look , kid , you re in the way here . He needs to train if he s going to be the next middleweight champion . And he needs to be the next middleweight champion because I own the biggest piece of him . So why do nt you just go ? You re not going to find her , you re not going to save her .
Rex : Save her ? You think something s happened to her ?
Jackie : Happens when you mess with the wrong people .
Rex : Like you ?
Jackie : Like Todd Manning .
Rex : So you re the guy who was talking to Todd Manning .
Jackie : You re really beginning to get on my nerves .
Rex : What was the topic of conversation ? A little business ? Drawing up a contract ?
Jackie : You do nt take subtle hints , do you ? Beat it .
Rex : Am I not going to find her because you ve already executed that contract ?
Jackie : Look , kid -- bottom line , there is no contract . If Manning wants to take care of this Cochran broad , he ll do it himself .
Rex : And get his hands dirty .
Jackie : Hey , she did the one thing you do nt do to a guy like Todd Manning . She went after his family .
Margaret : I m sorry I put you on the spot . Oh , never mind . You do nt have to tell me that you love me now . We can talk about that later .
Todd : Yes , when we re holding each other under the stars . Now get in the boat .
Margaret : Ah --
Todd : Do nt be scared . I would nt let anything happen to the baby , or even to you .
Margaret : Ok . Let s go .
Todd : Come on over here .
Margaret : Ok .
Todd : All right , come on .
Margaret : Oh , wait ! You have to feel this . He s kicking !
Todd : Shh , shh .
Margaret : No , you might feel your son kicking . Come . You feel him ? He s kicking !
Todd : Yeah , yeah . That s great . Ok .
Margaret : Oh --
Todd : So what do you say ? Let s go for that midnight ride , huh ?
Margaret : Perfect . Row , row , row your boat gently down the stream merrily , merrily merrily , merrily life is but a dream row , row , row your boat
Kelly : Mmm . Chocolate with sprinkles ?
Kevin : You got it . You know , we ca nt do this every time we make love . We re going to be the fattest people in Llanview .
Kelly : And the happiest .
Kevin : Maybe the happiest , yes .
Kelly : Mmm .
Kevin : Mmm . Listen , I was scooping ice cream and I was thinking .
Kelly : Oh , no ! No , scooping and thinking -- that s dangerous !
Kevin : Very funny . Anyway -- look , I know how happy it would make you to have our baby .
Kelly : You , too , right ?
Kevin : Yes . But I have to be honest with you . I m not thrilled about the idea of being indebted to Spencer Truman .
Kelly : Yeah , you do nt like him , huh ?
Kevin : Yeah , just a gut feeling .
Kelly : Well , I think we should look at this as a means to an end . We re using his expertise to get something that we deserve , something that was meant to be -- a child of our own .
Kevin : I like the sound of that . So I was thinking of something else in the kitchen .
Kelly : Mm - hmm . What ?
Kevin : Well , this baby . If and when this baby gets here , is its last name going to be Cramer or Buchanan ?
Kelly : That s kind of a big decision .
Kevin : Well , there s a way to make it easier .
Kelly : How ?
Kevin : We could get married .
Spencer : Plan , Davey ? I do nt have a plan . There is nt any plan . There s no plan .
David : Save that for somebody who does nt know that plan is your middle name .
Spencer : Actually , my middle name is Bradley , just like yours , in honor of our mother . Hey , you remember how mom used to love --
David : Spencer , could you please just leave mom out of it ? We were talking about Blair .
Spencer : Blair -- right , yes . Well , Blair understands that my attraction to her was only temporary and that now I m just proud to be able to call her my friend .
David : Oh , Spencer . Maybe you re past your prime if you re resorting to the friend angle with a woman .
Spencer : Well , that is the best part about being me , Dave . I do nt have to have an angle .
David : All right , enough of this . Cards on the table . You said that you know that Blair loves Todd and he loves her back , so where do you fit into this ?
Spencer : You know , Todd Manning is going around telling anyone who will listen that he has plans to kill someone named Margaret Cochran . The man is a ticking bomb . It s only a matter of time before he self - destructs .
David : So , when he does , friendly Spencer is going to be there to help Blair pick up the pieces ?
Spencer : You know , Davey , that is a spectacular idea .
Margaret : It s such a beautiful night . I wish our baby could see that moon . Well , he will soon . You felt him inside of me , and I saw your face . Made you care about him , did nt it ?
Todd : Did it ?
Margaret : Yes ! It did . I know you better than you think I do . I can read your mind and sense your feelings .
Todd : I bet you ca nt sense what I m feeling about him right now .
Margaret : Oh . See ? It s started already . You called him him , and that means you think of him as a human being .
Todd : He s still a part of you .
Margaret : Yes , but when you felt him -- his little elbow or his foot -- you were curious about him , protective .
Todd : But I do nt even know if he s really mine .
Margaret : That s because you have nt seen him yet . Just wait until he s born , and then you ll see him and you ll know that he s your son . You re going to fall in love with him .
Todd : You know , you could be right .
Margaret : Oh . I knew it . I knew I got through to you .
Todd : I just might fall in love with him . That s why I can never , ever see him .
Jackie : Look , take a tip from a pro , kid . Throw your little picture away and forget you ever heard the name Margaret Cochran .
Rex : You saying that s what you did ?
Jackie : Broad winds up dead , cops are going to come looking for whoever it was that was asking questions about her .
Rex : You really think Todd Manning s going to kill her ?
Jackie : Suppose you loved somebody and some whack job locked them in the trunk of a car and then left them there to die ? Yeah . I rest my case . The left , come on ! Hit and keep it up ! Hit it , come on !
Rourke : You had enough for today . Hit the showers .
Rex : What ?
Rourke : You box ?
Rex : Oh , a little .
Rourke : It looks like you could move fast . Want to work the bag ?
Rex : Yeah , sure , why not ?
Rourke : I should tape your hands .
Rex : I do nt have time for that .
Rourke : Want a few tips ?
Rex : Yeah .
Rourke : Yeah , it s not just the hands and footwork . It s the mind . You got to clear out all the garbage and focus on one thing . Maybe it s something you want . Maybe it s something that s standing in the way of you and what you want . When you see that thing in your mind , you take it out on the bag .
Adriana : You would tell Duke that I kissed Rex ?
Dorian : I m just trying to make the point that there are situations that Duke is involved in that -- well , it would be better if he did nt find out .
Adriana : You know what ? Go ahead , tell him . It was just one kiss .
Dorian : I would think about that a bit more if I were you . You see , the Buchanan s have always had a very sexist attitude toward women . They re either Madonna s or whores . And if Duke were to mention your little indiscretion to Kevin or to Asa , oh , they would tell him never to see you again , and you know I m right .
Adriana : But that file could affect Duke s whole family .
Dorian : The Buchanan s can take care of themselves . I m thinking about the Cramer family interests , and that includes yours .
Adriana : No , mom . You re only interested in yourself , as usual . You win either way . You ca nt stand that I m with Duke , so if I tell him about the disc , you ll tell him about me and rex and pray that it breaks us up .
Dorian : It just might slip out , if I were under a great deal of stress .
Adriana : I ca nt believe you just said that to me . You just threatened your own daughter .
Dorian : You need to think about putting your family loyalty before your affections for duke .
Duke : Yeah , just call me when you do have the answer , ok ? Everything ok in here ?
Adriana : You know how I said before that we were nt looking at the guest list ? That was true . I was helping my mother access a certain computer file .
Duke : What kind of file ?
Adriana : Her gift registry . She was trying to figure out how much money people are spending on her .
Duke : Oh ! You are bad .
Adriana : She s the worst .
Duke : Oh , goodness , hey , you ready to go ?
Adriana : Yeah . I m just going to grab my purse and I ll meet you at the car .
Duke : Cool . Got you a toaster , 79 bucks .
Dorian : I know you re angry with me , but you did the right thing .
Adriana : Caving in to you and lying to someone that means so much to me ?
Dorian : You re really not sure what we re dealing with here , and neither am I.
Adriana : Oh , you know what ? It better be worth it to you , because I hate you for this .
Dorian : You do nt mean that .
Adriana : Yes , I do .
Blair : There s no reason to talk about this , because Margaret is not going to have daddy s baby .
Starr : What if she did ? What would happen to the baby ?
Blair : I do nt know . Child welfare , a foster -- I do nt really want to talk about this now , ok ? Just -- Starr , please .
Starr : Ok , I m sorry .
Blair : Yeah , and , you know , the whole thought of it just -- it makes me sick to my stomach .
Jack : Can we have cocoa now ?
Blair : Yes , we can have cocoa now . Come on , baby . Come on . I ll bring you a cup .
Margaret : You re frightening me .
Todd : Yeah , it sucks , does nt it ? You do nt know if you re going to get out of this alive .
Margaret : You ca nt kill me .
Todd : Oh , you signed your own death warrant when you went after my daughter .
Margaret : This is your son .
Todd : So you keep telling me . And you re right about me , Margaret . I m not a nice guy . But I m not a monster . If I ever held that kid or even just looked at him , I d want to protect him . Especially if you were his mother .
Margaret : If you hurt me , you hurt this baby .
Todd : Yeah . That s the whole idea .
Kelly : Talking about marriage kind of scares me .
Kevin : But you re willing to talk about a baby ?
Kelly : I just do nt want to do anything that s going to jinx us .
Kevin : I get that .
Kelly : It s not that I m unsure about us or that I do nt love you . I do . I would never have a baby with somebody I did nt love .
Kevin : So we are trying to have a baby , then ?
Kelly : Well , Spencer seems to think that if I got pregnant I d be able to carry it to term .
Kevin : Wow .
Kelly : I know .
Kevin : So we re not just enjoying ourselves and having a good time . We re actually trying to accomplish something ?
Kelly : Yep .
Kevin : Well , in that case , I say we put our shoulders to the wheel . Ah !
David : So you re going to circle like a vulture and feast on what s left of Todd Manning s life ?
Spencer : You know , this carrion imagery that you re projecting here , it s all very interesting , but it s a little graphic , do nt you think ?
David : Enjoy your slim pickin s . I got work to do .
Spencer : Come on , Dave , you know , it s quitting time . I thought maybe we could go out and have a drink .
David : Just you , me , and a couple of Mai Tais ?
Spencer : Martini , perhaps .
David : I ll pass .
Spencer : Suit yourself . By the way , I had to get another keycard for my suite . I could nt find the one that I lost the other night .
David : So you came all the way over here to see if I had your keycard ?
Spencer : Do you ?
David : No .
Spencer : That s good , Dave . Because if I thought you were searching my room , I would have to , as you put it , blow you out of the water .
David : Spencer , even if what Todd and Blair have falls apart -- and incidentally , I hope it does because he s a real toad -- she s not going to pick your shoulder to cry on . She s got much better taste than that .
Spencer : We ll see , Dave .
Jack : Ah .
Blair : Was that tasty ? Ok , let s finish up our cocoa and we re off to bed . We all got to brush our teeth .
Jack : I want to hear about when I was born .
Starr : Oh , my gosh , you heard that one , like , 400 billion times .
Jack : I want to hear it again .
Blair : Ok , ok , ok , I ll tell you the story . You -- uh -- were born in a villa down in Mexico when your dad and I were there .
Jack : I got born in a villa .
Blair : Yes , you did , because there were nt any hospitals around or doctors , but your daddy was there and he helped bring you into the world . Will you come over here , Starr ? I think I need a family hug . I feel one -- I feel one coming on .
Starr : Oh , no .
Blair : Ready ? Ready ? Big family hug , everybody . Ready ? Go -- ready ? Oh !
Jack : Oh , my stomach !
Blair : We re a family , you guys . We stick together . And we take care of each other , because that s what families do .
Jack : Ah .
Blair : And nothing , nothing is going to come between us and break us apart .
Margaret : What are you doing ?
Todd : Oh , why go out to our island for a little talk ? We can have it right here .
Margaret : No . I do nt like the water . You know that I ca nt swim !
Todd : Yeah , I know .
Margaret : Look , this is very , very stressful for me and for the baby . Maybe I should row .
Todd : Maybe not .
Margaret : This is not -- this is not good . What are you doing ? You re going -- you re going to turn the boat over !
Todd : What difference does it make ? I m not the one who ca nt swim .
Margaret : Oh , somebody , please !
Todd : You pushed and you pushed , did nt you , Margaret ? Huh ? And you always got your way . Well , guess what -- no more . Did you ever hear of payback , Margaret ?
Margaret : Help me ! Help me !
Adriana : I know what it means to you to work so closely with your dad .
Duke : You get that ?
Adriana : If anyone s going to get it , it s me . You grew up without him and you re trying to make up for lost time . I m glad you can .
Duke : Did something happen with you and your mom ?
Adriana : No . I m just in a weird mood . But believe me , it is not your fault .
Duke : Well , what can we do to make you feel better ? Hmm ? Cheese dog ? Uh - uh . Ice cream . No ice cream ? How about some music ?
Adriana : Maybe some music .
Duke : Maybe some music ? All right , well , I ll go score some quarters , and then I will meet you at the jukebox in 17 seconds .
Adriana : Check .
Duke : All right .
Rex : Hey .
Adriana : You know , why ca nt you just leave me alone ?
Rex : What is wrong ?
Adriana : What s wrong ? Because of you , I had to lie to Duke , and I do nt ever want to do that again , just like I do nt ever want to see you again , ever .
David : Is something wrong ?
Dorian : No . Why do you ask ?
David : Well , you re sitting here like you just lost your best friend , and I know that s not the case , because I m standing immediately to your left .
Dorian : Oh . I had a little fight with Adriana .
David : Uh - oh . What about ?
Dorian : Oh , well , what is it mothers and daughters usually fight about ?
David : Which Rambo film was the best ?
Dorian : I do nt even really remember what we did fight about .
David : Well , whatever it was , I m sure that you are completely blameless , you two are that much closer for it , and you made Adriana an even better person .
Dorian : Nobody slings it better .
David : Speaking of slinging it , I m hungry . I m going to make myself a sandwich . Got an idea . Come with me . Why do nt you go upstairs , you draw yourself a nice not bath , and I will come upstairs and wash your back .
Dorian : Oh . Well , nothing makes me feel better than having something to look forward to .
David : Very good . See you in a minute ?
Dorian : Yes .
David : What are you doing with a data disc in your tote bag ?
Blair : We re going to live happily ever after , Starr . Your daddy is going to make sure of that .
David : Spencer , Spencer , what are you up to ?
Spencer : I just caught you stealing from your employer . What am I going to do about it ?
Blair : Margaret is the murderer , not Todd .
Man : Oh , look . A boat out there .
### Summary:
| Rex has a run - in with Jackie at the gym about Margaret . Jackie threatens him to let it drop . Todd manages to get Margaret into a row boat with him . He takes her out to the middle of the lake , and drops the anchor . He then swims back to the dock without her . Starr suggests to Blair what would happen if Margaret was pregnant with Todd s baby . David inquires of Spencer as to what he expects to gain from pursuing Blair . Dorian coerces Adriana into lying to Duke about what they were looking at on the computer . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Rex : So come on , Tate , bring your friends . Or make new ones . There s a lot of people here tonight . And I m sure you ll find somebody to hang with .
Tate : Son of a bitch .
Rex : Well , what can I say ? It s for a good cause .
Adriana : Are you crazy , Rex ?
Rex : You look shocked .
Jane : This is huge .
Rex : What s the big deal ? It s a new millennium . Nobody cares if you re gay or straight so come on down to ultra violet , Tate . The closet s for mothballs , not men .
Adriana : Rex !
Anchorwoman : What the hell is going on ?
Adriana : Oh . That s what I d like to know .
Cole : Mom , what s wrong with Starr ?
Marty : Look , sweetie , I did nt want to have to tell you this tonight , but her dad is missing .
Cole : When ? How ?
Marty : Look , I will tell you everything later .
Cole : I m going to go talk to Starr .
Marty : Cole --
John : Hey . She should be with her mom right now , do nt you think ?
Cole : Yeah , ok .
John : Ok .
Starr : Dad s missing ? Did -- did he run away ?
Blair : I do nt know .
Starr : Well , maybe he s not gone . Maybe he just did nt want to be with you .
Blair : Um -- Starr , can we talk about this at home ?
Starr : No , I want to talk about it now !
Blair : Could you just keep your voice down , please ?
Starr : All you care about is what other people think ? Dad could be dead .
Blair : No , he s not dead , all right ?
Starr : How -- how do you -- how do you know that ? Why -- where is he ? Why has nt he called me ?
Blair : Sweetheart , we will figure that out .
Starr : But dad -- he could be -- he could be dead .
Blair : He s not . He s not . He s fine , wherever he is .
Starr : Well , then why did nt you tell me that he was missing ?
Blair : Because I did nt want you to worry , ok ?
Starr : So -- so -- so you just -- you thought that he would come back and I would never have to know about it ?
Blair : You blame me ?
Starr : You re scared , are nt you , mom ?
Nash : The Jessica I know -- the one I fell in love with -- she s a fighter . She s strong . But you ca nt do this without me .
Jessica : Well , Antonio will have something to say about that .
Nash : Well , he can try . But it wo nt do him any good . All right ?
Jessica : You do nt know Antonio .
Nash : Ha , ha . Well , he does nt know me . He tried to keep me away from you , but I wore him down .
Jessica : He knows that you love me .
Nash : And he s right .
Jessica : But he does nt know that I love you .
Nash : I think your mom suspects . She practically threw me out of here the other day .
Jessica : She was trying to protect me .
Nash : No , you know what ? Maybe it s time you started doing what you need . And I think you need me .
Cristian : Hey , man .
Antonio : Thanks for coming .
Cristian : How s Jess ?
Antonio : She s -- I m not sure .
Cristian : Is she in there ?
Antonio : Nash is in there .
Cristian : Nash ? Antonio , that s a bad idea .
Jane : Did Tate Harmon give you permission to out him ?
Rex : Tate needs to understand the world will accept him for who he is . He does nt have to hide anymore .
Jane : Is that the reason why you re hosting this aids awareness fundraiser ?
Rex : The purpose of the fundraiser is to raise funds . Tate is a role model to gays everywhere . Successful athlete --
Adriana : Oh .
Rex : Spokesmodel for exposed .
Jane : His girlfriend s company .
Rex : My girlfriend s company .
Adriana : Oh , my --
Rex : With Tate as a spokesperson , the aids fundraising donations would double .
Jane : Well , you have a big crowd already .
Rex : Well , it can never be big enough . So anyone in Llanview who is gay , or -- or has gay friends , needs to come down here and support this worthy cause .
Jane : So you think if Tate were to confess his sexual orientation , more people would come ?
Rex : Absolutely .
Jane : And his claim to be in love with Adriana --
Rex : I -- it s a cover . I told you , she s with me .
Jane : Well , how did you learn that Tate was gay ?
Rex : Someone who was once close to him told me .
Jane : Who is that ?
Rex : I ca nt reveal my source .
Jane : Of course you ca nt .
Rex : Trust me , it s rock solid .
Jane : More on this breaking story later . This is Jane Mc Laughlin for News 7 .
Jane : Next time , a little warning would be nice .
Rex : Yeah , you did great .
Jane : Off the record -- why d you out him ?
Rex : He likes a public spectacle . I gave him one .
Jane : Hmm . Ok .
Roxy : You sure that was such a good idea ?
Rex : You re not ?
Roxy : People who get bitten bite back . You d better watch yourself .
Rex : Nothing I ca nt handle .
Adriana : What ?
Layla : It s me . Are you watching ?
Adriana : Yes .
Layla : Oh , my God . Why did Rex do that ?
Adriana : I have no idea . But I m going to ultra violet to find out .
Layla : I ll meet you there .
Cole : See ? I m fine .
Marty : I know .
Starr : How did you lose dad ?
Blair : Well , your father found the adoption agency that took in his son , the one that he had with Margaret .
Starr : Is the baby alive ?
Blair : I do nt know . And legally the adoption agency wo nt be able to give us any information on that .
Starr : Well , that never stopped dad before . You know what ? May-- maybe he s hiding from the police .
Blair : I think he got a phone call -- a lead about his son .
Starr : And he just left without you ?
Blair : Well , I was asleep , and then when I woke up , he was gone . I guess that s when he got the call .
Starr : Oh .
Miles : I m sorry to interrupt .
Blair : What is it , Miles ?
Miles : Well , Marty told me that Todd was missing . I just wanted to offer my help .
Blair : Really ?
Miles : Yeah .
Blair : You re the reason he went to Chicago .
Miles : I -- I was -- I just gave him the numbers that -- that Spencer gave me . I did nt know what they meant .
Blair : The numbers ? The numbers ? You knew how Spencer felt about Todd . You knew those numbers were -- were bad news . It s your fault if something has happened to Todd !
Roxy : Did I raise you to hate gays ?
Rex : You did nt raise me .
Roxy : Well , I did , you would nt hate anyone , except for lousy tippers .
Rex : I do nt hate gays .
Roxy : Oh , only Tate Harmon .
Rex : He ca nt use my girlfriend to cover his homosexuality .
Roxy : So you re trying to get even with him by outing him on -- on television ?
Rex : I was promoting my fundraiser .
Roxy : You know , it s a little late for that . I mean , the event is half done .
Rex : There s nothing wrong with being gay .
Roxy : Yeah , well , there s something wrong with you . You have no common sense . He s a famous jock , and he s promoting your girlfriend s undie company . You make me so ashamed .
Rex : I was just being honest .
Roxy : Well , why do nt you try being a little honest with yourself ? You re pissed at him because he s a stud making a move on your girlfriend . You re doing everything you can to ruin him .
Rex : No , he was using Adriana .
Roxy : Does Adriana have a say in this ?
Rex : No , she s too nice to stand up for herself .
Roxy : That s not the Adriana that I know .
Rex : Ok , I m an idiot . I -- I should have let the gay man paw at my girlfriend to protect his masculinity .
Roxy : Let me get this straight . His wife said that he was gay ?
Rex : His wife --
Rex : And --
Tate : Are you out of your damn mind ?
Roxy : Hey ! Stop !
Rex : This is a turn - on for you , beating up straight guys ?
Tate : Maybe you wo nt have a such smart mouth with a few less teeth , huh ?
Adriana : No --
Rex : Ah --
Tate : You re not even worth it .
Adriana : That s for sure .
Rex : Whoa -- whose side are you on ?
Blair : You gave that letter to Todd . You set him up .
Miles : No , I --
Blair : That s what you did . You had this crazy idea that maybe -- maybe Spencer faked his death -- you know , to finally get back at Todd --
Starr : Mom -- mom -- please calm down .
Blair : Starr , just listen to me . This man gave your father the clue that sent him to Chicago , yeah .
Miles : I -- listen , I did nt know . Spencer gave it to me , and I did nt know --
Blair : Oh , you did nt know ?
John : Shh .
Blair : You re acting all innocent and everything . You re Mitch Laurence s brother through and through .
Miles : This is not an act .
Marty : Blair , this is not the time .
Blair : Stay out of it ! Spencer gave miles the gun , and miles pulled the trigger .
Starr : Mom , please --
John : Blair --
Blair : What , you pretended to like me , so I d trust you and maybe think that you could do no wrong ?
Miles : I did nothing wrong .
Blair : Well , you know what ? You tell that to the judge . What did you do to Todd ? I want to know what you did to Todd !
Miles : Nothing !
John : All right , Blair , unless you have some proof , stop right now .
Blair : Todd s missing , John . How much more proof do you need ?
John : All right , I m only going to ask you once . Did you give manning the address of that tenement ?
Miles : No , no , of course not .
Blair : No , he -- he did . Will you check his phone records ? Just check his phone records !
Starr : Mom , just took off without you .
Blair : Oh , now , that s just great , Starr . Why do nt we just let this man get away with murder ?
Starr : No , dad s not dead . I would be able to feel that .
Blair : You did this .
Miles : No , I did nt .
Blair : Yes , you did ! You sent Todd to an abandoned -- an abandoned place , did nt you ? Did nt you ? That s what you did !
Starr : No , maybe dad did nt go there , mom . Let s just calm down .
Blair : He was there , Starr !
John : Blair , not now .
Blair : He was there ! There was blood on the floor ! I saw it !
Starr : What ? How did you know that it was -- that it was his ?
Blair : Because the police tested it , sweetie .
Starr : No , no . No , not again . Not again .
Marty : Blair , I know you are distraught , but Miles is being honest with you .
Blair : Oh , there you go . She s defending another psychopath . That is just so up your alley , is nt it ?
Marty : I m not going to do this with you , Blair .
Blair : What ?
Marty : Not today .
Blair : What ? Go ahead . I can take it .
Marty : You are distraught . Just do nt take it out on miles .
Blair : You stay out this !
Cristian : Antonio , what are you thinking , letting Nash see Jessica ?
Antonio : It s the right thing to do , Cris .
Cristian : The right thing to do is to call security right now and get them to kick him out .
Antonio : He s in love with her . He s not going to hurt her .
Cristian : Yeah , you hope he s not going to hurt her .
Antonio : Jess may have passed the hepatitis to the baby .
Cristian : Wow . Wait a minute . You know this for sure ?
Antonio : They re testing her now . Nash has a right to talk to Jessica about their daughter .
Cristian : Right . If that s all they re talking about .
Antonio : Well , Jess will keep him on track .
Cristian : Antonio , this is Nash . And he s not going to stop until he gets her to say that she loves him . And it s probably happening right now , I guarantee you .
Antonio : How do you know that ? Damn it , Cris , what are nt you telling me ?
Nash : Do nt you want to be with me and Bree , together as a family , the way we were meant to be ?
Jessica : Of course I do .
Nash : You have nt changed your mind ?
Jessica : No . No , I love you . I want to spend the rest of my life with you .
Nash : But --
Jessica : I have to tell Antonio and my family .
Nash : About us .
Jessica : No . First I have to tell them how I got this disease .
John : Look at your daughter and tell me you want this to continue .
Blair : You re right . Starr , I m sorry .
Starr : Could you just take me home now , please ?
Blair : You still know more than you re saying .
Miles : I swear , I do nt .
Blair : Oh , yeah . Well , like I should take the word of a Laurence ?
Marty : Blair , just go home before you say something you ll regret . Starr and jack need you .
Blair : They need their father .
John : Yeah . And we will find him , all right ? It s been a tough day . Do nt make it any worse .
Nash : Listen to me . You do nt have to tell anyone how you got Hepatitis .
Jessica : Do nt you want to know ?
Nash : No . I do nt . I just want you to get better .
Jessica : I told you Hepatitis C is not curable .
Nash : They will treat it .
Jessica : Manage it .
Nash : Yeah .
Jessica : But I m always going to worry .
Nash : You ll let me worry for you .
Jessica : That s too easy , Nash . Our daughter might already be at risk , and I just want to be there for her .
Nash : You will be .
Jessica : What if I ca nt ?
Nash : But you will be .
Jessica : We have to be realistic , Nash . We have to talk about our daughter s future .
Cristian : You know Nash as well as I do .
Antonio : Better than you .
Cristian : In any case , the guy is --
Antonio : Look , Cris , he knows she s sick . He wo nt upset her .
Cristian : Yeah , but if he thinks that she loves him back --
Antonio : Well , why would he think that ?
Cristian : Well , because she s weak right now , you know ? She could be easily influenced .
Antonio : Look , before Jessica collapsed , we talked about why she would nt adopt Jamie .
Cristian : Listen , Antonio --
Antonio : Look , I am -- I am so frustrated with this whole situation . You have no idea , man . I do nt even know how to act sometimes . I feel like my back is up against the wall . It does nt matter what I say or do -- nothing seems to work . All I know is that I love that woman in there . And I ca nt lose her .
Rex : Tate snowed you with lies .
Adriana : Tate did nt do anything . Your jealousy is so out of control that you lied on TV to humiliate him !
Rex : Ok , how do you know it s a lie ?
Adriana : Because I know Tate .
Layla : And even if it were true -- and I m not saying it is -- why would you do this ?
Tate : It s not true .
Adriana : I will back you up with the media .
Tate : No , I can handle them , but that does nt mean that you get a free pass .
Rex : Well , deny all you want . But all these people are snapping pictures of you on their cell phones . You re news . And like you said , there s no such thing as bad publicity .
Adriana : Who are you ?
Tate : He wants me gone . If I m gay , that means that my interest in you is nt real .
Rex : For the zillionth time , it s no lie .
Adriana : Who told you Tate was gay ?
Rex : Someone who really knew him well .
Adriana : Did you pay this person ?
Rex : No .
Adriana : Well , I m just saying , it would nt be the first time you paid for the truth you wanted .
Rex : Adriana , I m --
Adriana : I m just saying , for the right price , anyone will say anything , right ?
Rex : The ex - Mrs . Tate Harmon did nt want my money . Her grounds for divorce were fraud after she learned her husband played for the other team .
Adriana : You were married ?
Langston : You re my best friend , Starr . I knew you were in the car with Henry , and I knew he was acting all crazy . I was standing outside talking to the police with Ms. McBain , and I could see the car . And I thought everything was going to be ok . And I saw you all inside , and you seemed fine . And then Henry started driving all crazy in the car . When it crashed , I thought you were dead . And I do nt know what I would have done if it had been true .
John : Hey , look , if -- if I hear anything from the Chicago P.D. about Todd --
Blair : Will you call me ?
John : I ll call you .
Blair : Thank you so much , John .
John : You re welcome .
Starr : Mom --
Blair : Look , I m sorry . I m sorry that I blew up , and it wo nt happen again , all right ?
Starr : I just want to go home .
Blair : I know . So do I. Langston , you all right , honey ?
Langston : I m fine . I -- I m just -- I still ca nt believe it about Henry . I guess you just do nt expect someone your own age to die , you know ?
Starr : It s so weird . I mean , I knew that he was crazy because of the drugs , but he was alive one minute , and then the next he was nt .
Blair : Well , it s a really tough lesson for the two of you to learn at your age .
Langston : I know . I m not saying it s right for anybody to die that way , but Henry was just so --
Starr : Harmless .
Langston : Yeah . He would nt even hurt a flea .
Starr : Except for today .
Rex : Guess the ex - wife never came up when you pretended to hit on my girlfriend .
Adriana : Is Rex making this up ?
Rex : She s real , Adriana . I met her .
Tate : You got nothing better to do than dig up my past ?
Rex : Wait -- nope .
Adriana : Why did nt you ever mention you were married ?
Tate : It was a long time ago , and it s not important .
Adriana : Marriage is pretty important , and you hid it from me .
Tate : Adriana , it was nt exactly a big secret .
Adriana : Well , what was all that crap about never being in love ?
Tate : I mean , it s -- it s true . When -- when I got married , I was young . I was just coming up in the minors , and --
Rex : You married impulsively , realized it was a mistake , and ended it . Wrong , wrong . Your sex - starved wife did .
Layla : What s the fraud thing about ?
Tate : She definitely did nt divorce me because I m gay .
Adriana : Then why did she ?
Tate : Who cares ? The rumor s out there because of your boyfriend , and now I have to spend the rest of my life denying it .
Rex : You do nt have to deny anything .
Tate : Oh , sure , Rex . Women are going to be lining up to buy exposed underwear modeled by a gay man .
Adriana : You turned our ad campaign into a joke .
Layla : Everybody s going to think macho Tate is a softy .
Rex : Hey , you can be macho and gay .
Roxy : Yeah , like the village people .
Adriana : You know what ? Do nt even try to defend yourself . You ended a man s career .
Tate : Not to mention your girlfriend s .
Rex : Ok , you re both overreacting .
Adriana : You do nt get it . I do nt think you ever will .
Rex : We re not done .
Tate : How good are you at spin control ?
Nash : There is no life without you .
Jessica : Nash --
Nash : Hey , you listen to me . You re going to live for a long , long time .
Jessica : But not the way I used to .
Nash : That s ok . It s ok . We ll make some adjustments .
Jessica : But , Nash , we have to talk about the future in case something does happen .
Nash : Nothing is going to happen to you .
Jessica : Grow up . If you want to share this life with me , you have to share in making these decisions .
Nash : But we re not sharing a life yet , so I m off the hook .
Jessica : No . We share a daughter together , and we have to talk about her future together .
Nash : Jess -- you re a toughie , huh ?
Jessica : Oh -- do nt do that .
Nash : Do what ?
Jessica : Joke to avoid the issue .
Nash : Jess --
Jessica : No , go away .
Nash : You do nt want me to do that .
Jessica : No . I m tired of people coming in here with their phony smiles and fear behind their eyes . I m tired of everybody telling me that I m going to be ok . Because maybe I will and maybe I wo nt . I m the only one living in my skin , and I have to make these decisions for me and Bree while I still can , so you can either help me , or you can get the hell out .
Nash : Nah , I tried that . I did nt like it . You do nt want me to do that .
Jessica : Huh . I know . Last time , you barely made it past the city limits .
Nash : See ? I told you , I did nt like it . Not doing it .
Jessica : Are you going to be serious ?
Nash : Only when unavoidable .
Jessica : Hmm .
Nash : Huh . Right , it s unavoidable . If -- if something does happen to you , do you want Antonio to stay a part of Brennan s life ?
Cristian : Antonio , you re not going to lose her .
Antonio : I already have . You do nt seem surprised .
Cristian : Well , she refused to adopt Jamie , so you know , we knew something was up .
Antonio : She has nt been the same for a long time . Ever since the integration , it s --
Cristian : She s more like Tess ?
Antonio : Yeah . And you know , sometimes , it s -- it was fun . You know , other times --
Cristian : Scary .
Antonio : Only because she s not the person I fell in love with .
Cristian : But you married her , anyway .
Antonio : But , you know , I loved her . And I still do . And I thought we would figure things out .
Cristian : Yeah , but it does nt look like that s happened .
Antonio : This type of hepatitis -- do you know how it s contracted ?
Cristian : Yeah . Needles , drug use .
Antonio : You know , I -- I thought Tess was gone . And -- and now she s come back to haunt me .
Nash : Antonio , would you mind stepping inside for a moment ? Jessica and I have something we d like to discuss with you .
Bo : I know what you two have been through today . And if there s anything I can do --
Marty : Thanks , Bo . I ll let you know .
Blair : One stupid mistake , and a young life is gone . He could have taken our children with him .
Marty : And his poor parents . It s a phone call I never want to get .
Blair : Come on , baby , let me get you home . Langston --
Langston : Yeah ?
Blair : Do you want us to give you a ride ?
Langston : Yeah , actually , thanks . I do nt want to walk by the wreck .
Blair : All right . Listen , if anyone asks you two anything out there --
Langston : I know . No comment .
Blair : Right . You want to grab your stuff ?
John : Ok , I got a couple units keeping a lid on the feeding frenzy outside .
Bo : Well , I m sending all the kids out the back through the loading dock .
John : Good call .
Marty : Actually , I came in with -- with you , so --
John : Yeah . You know what ? Things are -- things are under control right now . I ll -- I ll take you home .
Miles : Well , I m heading that way , so my offer still stands .
Marty : You know , thanks , miles , but we re going to go ahead and go home with John .
John : Come on , let s go . Carol , are you there ?
Marty : Is anyone hungry ? You know , I can heat up some pizza .
Cole : No , thanks .
John : I m good .
Marty : Oh , it s not -- it s not a problem .
Cole : Mom , it s all right . I mean , come on . Ms. Cramer almost chewed your head off back there .
Marty : Well , you know , between what happened today and what she s been going through with Todd , who can blame her ?
Cole : Mom , you ca nt let her off the hook . Ms. Cramer s nuts .
Marty : She s -- she s a little emotional .
John : She s having a tough time right now .
Starr : Mom ?
Blair : Hey .
Starr : Hi .
Blair : Are you ok ?
Starr : Yeah . I m -- I m just -- I m just checking on you .
Blair : I m fine . Is your brother asleep already ?
Starr : Will you tell him about dad ?
Blair : Eventually .
Starr : Maybe you ll find him before then .
Blair : That s the plan . How are you holding up , really ?
Starr : I m ok .
Blair : You know , I ve been studying teenage - ese .
Starr : Oh , God .
Blair : Yeah , well -- and I know when you say I m ok , you re really not .
Starr : Yeah , well , your meltdown did nt really help .
Blair : I m so sorry about that .
Starr : You know , I ve been studying mom - ese , too .
Blair : Oh , God .
Starr : And I know that you were nt really angry at Dr. Saybrooke .
Blair : I was angry at miles .
Starr : No . You were nt angry at miles , either . You were -- you were just worried about dad .
Blair : He ll show up . He always does .
Starr : No , mom -- look , you -- you can be scared in front of me .
Blair : Thank you for giving me permission .
Starr : If -- if you are , I ll be scared in front of you .
Starr : Can I sleep here with you tonight ?
Blair : You bet . You -- come here , big girl .
Blair : You know , sweetie , if -- if I have to go to Chicago for a while to look for your dad , you going to be ok without me ?
Starr : Just get home safe , ok ? Just be careful .
Blair : I will .
Starr : And make sure that the both of you come back .
Marty : Your dad would have been very proud of what you did today .
Cole : Yeah , I thought about him the whole time . I wondered what he would do .
Marty : Exactly what you did .
Cole : Do you ever do that , John ? You know , think about what your dad would have done ?
John : Yeah . All the time , Cole .
Cole : That was scary . You ever feel like that ?
John : More often than I care to admit .
Cole : Mom ?
Marty : Yeah . If I lose you , I lose everything .
Cole : Me , too .
Cristian : Tonio , mas tarde , eh ?
Antonio : Si . Esta bien . How are you doing ?
Jessica : Well , I ll be better once I get this over with . It s about Bree .
Antonio : Are the tests back ? Does she have --
Jessica : No , no . I mean , we do nt know yet . This is about her future , in case something happens to me .
Antonio : What did you decide ?
Jessica : Well , we decided that if this disease takes me away from her , we still want you to be a part of Bree s life .
Antonio : Thank you . Ok , but nothing s going to happen to you .
Nash : Do nt go there . Tried it . Failed .
Jessica : Um -- I m going to fight this . This is -- we just have to talk about the worst - case scenario , Antonio .
Nash : If Bree tests positive --
Antonio : She wo nt .
Jessica : Well , if she does , she s going to need both her dads .
Antonio : Well , I m not going anywhere .
Jessica : Thank you .
Antonio : Look , you ll both be ok . Now , it s time you get some rest .
Jessica : Hmm . You think I look tired or something ?
Antonio : No , but you actually look really beautiful . Ok ? But if you re going to beat this thing , you need to get some sleep .
Nash : Ok -- um -- we ll -- we ll talk more tomorrow .
Antonio : Yeah .
Jessica : Thank you for letting Nash visit .
Antonio : Well , it seems like you guys had some really important stuff to talk about .
Jessica : We did .
Antonio : Bree s going to be fine .
Jessica : You ca nt promise me that .
Antonio : She s a happy , healthy little girl . If there was something wrong with her , we would know .
Jessica : Well , I thought I was fine , too . And if she s sick --
Antonio : She s not --
Jessica : How am I going to live with myself ?
Antonio : We will get through this . Together .
Layla : Let me buy you a drink .
Tate : No , you know what ? A drink is not going to take this bad taste out of my mouth . I could kill him .
Layla : Well , if it s any consolation , Adriana s probably doing that right now .
Rex : If you ll just listen to me , I think that --
Adriana : Too late !
Rex : Adriana , let me explain --
Adriana : Get out !
Rex : Let s just talk about this like normal --
Adriana : Oh , what about before you outed him ? Did you lose my phone number ?
Rex : You would have tried to stop me .
Adriana : Yeah , I would have .
Rex : He s a phony .
Adriana : You re jealous .
Rex : Should I be ?
Adriana : I am not interested in Tate . And right now I m not interested in you , either .
Rex : Adriana , just calm --
Adriana : I m going to bed . And right now my bedroom is off - limits to you .
Rex : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa -- can we talk about this rationally ?
Adriana : What was rational about what you did ?
Rex : It was the truth .
Adriana : Even if it was , you hurt someone that did nt deserve it ! Tate s sexuality is his own private business .
Rex : Why are you still protecting him ?
Adriana : Because someone has to . Is was low , Rex . Even for you .
Cole : I was thinking a lot about you last night .
Starr : I was thinking a lot about you , too .
Paula : He is straight .
Rex : Prove it .
Tate : Excuse me ?
Jessica : Are Bree s test results in ?
Michael : Yeah .
Nash : Does my daughter have Hepatitis C or not ?
### Summary:
| Rex makes it known on national television that Tate Harmon is , gay . Adriana becomes furious with Rex for doing this . Marty confides to Cole that Todd is missing . Blair tells Starr that Todd is missing . Blair tries to calm her down , but Starr will not listen . Nash sits by Jessica s bedside and talks to her . Jessica tells Nash that she loves him . Christian arrives at the hospital and Antonio fills him in that Nash is in with her . Christian thinks that this is a bad idea . Adriana and Layla both go to Ultraviolet to confront Rex about the remarks that he had said about Tate . Adriana blames Rex for lying on Tate . Roxie blasts Rex for what he did to Tate on national television . Marty hugs Cole as John and Miles watch . Blair begins to explain to Starr about what had been going on in Chicago . Miles interrupts Blair and Starr . Blair blames Miles for Todd going to Chicago and if something had happened to Todd . Roxie completely reads Rex the riot act for what he had done to Tate on television . Tate comes in , grabs Rex and pushes him up against the window . Adriana arrives and also blames Rex . Rex asks Adriana whose side is she on . Blair blames Miles for what had happened to Todd . John tries to get Blair to stop . Blair still blasts Miles for sending Todd to Chicago . Complete chaos erupts between Marty , Miles and Blair . Christian wants security called to get Nash out of the hospital , but Antonio refuses . Antonio demands to know what Christian is nt telling him . Jessica admits that she has to tell her family how she had contacted this disease . Adriana tells Tate that she will back him up on television . Adriana demands to know who had told him about Tate . Rex tells Adriana that the ex Mrs. Tate Harmon had told him that her grounds for divorce was fraud . Adriana confronts Tate about his being married before . Starr and Langston talk about the car crash . Langston begins to cry and they hug . Blair and Starr go home and get ready for bed . Starr asks if she can sleep with Blair tonight . They get into bed . Blair tells Starr that she is going back to Chicago to try to find Todd . Starr tells her to be careful . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Steffy : We can do this , Katie . We can have a fresh start . We are a family now . I mean , look , your husband is my father - in - law . My husband is your stepson .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Steffy : I want us to get along , do nt you ?
Katie : ( Sighs ) Sure I do .
Steffy : This would mean so much to Bill and Liam .
Katie : I bet it would .
Steffy : So what s stopping us ? Nothing . Nothing . So let s just put our differences aside . If that s what you want , just tell me tell me that s what you want , please .
Bill : It works for you , does it ?
Liam : ( Laughs ) Dad , this is awesome a new office ? Are you kidding me I had no idea .
Bill : You ve earned it , and you should have an office befitting of your position in the company .
Liam : ( Inhales sharply ) Does Katie know about this ?
Bill : Yeah . I mentioned it to her . She thought it was a great idea . I wish she felt the same way about Steffy s seat on the board . But she will . It ll just take some time .
Liam : Um , I do nt know . Katie s always had issues with Steffy .
Bill : And that s going to have to stop . Steffy is a member of this family . Katie will have to accept that , and she will .
Liam : ( Groans ) I would nt force it .
Bill : Liam , you know that I really did nt have a family to speak of growing up , and , uh , the fact is I never anticipated having one of my own . But thankfully , I do , and I have strong feelings about it . There ca nt be any middle ground .
Liam : ( Sighs )
Bill : We support each other , period . Do nt forget that , son .
Eric : All right , good . Now let s get this off the floor . Let s shorten this , like , 3 inches here .
Ridge : Let s scoop this neckline another inch .
Rick : I ll e - mail the changes over to the cutting room .
Ridge : No , no e - mails . We re not going that route anymore .
Rick : Why is that ? Security ?
Thomas : Yeah , no texting , ether .
Rick : We got firewalls left and right .
Eric : And they re probably effective . We just do nt want to take any chances , all right ? Thank you , ladies . Let s take these downstairs . Oops , sorry .
Woman : Incredible designs , Mr. Forrester . It s a privilege to model them .
Ridge : Thank you .
Eric : Pam ? Would you get the guys ?
Pam : Oh , yeah . Of course .
Eric : Thanks , girls .
Pam : Okay .
Eric : Looks good .
Rick : Wow . You guys just keep outdoing yourselves .
Hope : I am truly blown away .
Eric : That s because we are inspired by all the young talent in this room with us right now . Thomas , I m told you re doing some more designing .
Thomas : Yeah , I m working on it .
Ridge : Oh , he s doing more than that . It s excellent .
Hope : Does that mean you might give Thomas a collection ?
Ridge : It does . And until we make that decision , I want to make sure his designs are closely guarded . They re still on the , uh , protected server , right ?
Thomas : Absolutely .
Ridge : Good . Keep them there .
Stephanie : Hello . Oh .
Pam : Oh .
Stephanie : Are you in the middle of something ?
Eric : Well , yes , we are . We always are . Come on .
Stephanie : ( Laughs ) I want you to meet somebody . Oh , come on . Uh , this is Beverly . Beverly , this is my family . That s Eric . Uh , that s my grandson Tom . There s my son Ridge . There s Hope . And there s Rick , Eric s other son . And this is my sister Pam . This is Beverly .
Liam : The way you laid it on Katie that you re putting Steffy on the board-- I mean , dont -- dont you at least think that you should have discussed that with her ? I mean , she s your wife .
Bill : Well , that was my original intent , but as you saw , circumstances dictated that I tell her when I did . Liam , I was running this company long before Katie came along , and I do nt need her approval for every decision I make .
Liam : Right .
Bill : Steffy is a member of the board now
Liam : ( Sighs )
Bill : Now there are nt too many people out there who ever outsmarted your dad . Now she accomplished that , so she should be savvy enough to win over my wife .
Katie : Forgive and forget-- so that s what you re suggesting ?
Steffy : Yeah , that s one way of putting it .
Katie : You make it sound so easy .
Steffy : Because it is , Katie . We have a common interest-- the family , our family , yours and mine they are one in the same now .
Stephanie : Um , my sister Pam is the one that keeps the office running smoothly .
Pam : ( Scoffs ) She means I m a glorified secretary .
Stephanie : Oh , stop it . You re more than that .
Pam : It s nice to meet you . Um , I ve got work to do .
Thomas : Hey , did nt we see you at Dayzee s earlier ?
Beverly : Yeah , Dayzee and I are friends .
Stephanie : She s been a big help to Beverly . Beverly has aged out of the foster system here in California .
Ridge : Thomas has done some mentoring with the foster kids .
Hope : Really ?
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Hope : I did nt know that .
Thomas : So how long have you been in the system ?
Beverly : Well , s - since my mother , um ...
Stephanie : Well , her mom s had some problems , but she s on her own now . Uh , she wants to go to college , and she wants to get a degree .
Eric : That s a worthy goal .
Beverly : Yeah , I ca nt believe I m standing here in Forrester Creations . I ve seen your ads in the magazines .
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Thomas : She s much prettier in person , right ? ( Laughs )
Rick : Thomas is just biased .
Hope : Rick .
Thomas : He s right . I am .
Hope : ( Laughs )
Bill : They ve been in there a while . Maybe we should go check on them , make sure there has nt been a bloodletting
Bill : Look at that . First phone call in your new office .
Liam : Yes , Hillary ?
Bill : ( Chuckles )
Liam : Oh , right . Uh , right . I totally forgot . I have a conference call .
Bill : Well , get on it . And enjoy your new digs .
Liam : Thanks , Dad . It s incredible .
Steffy : So what do you say , Katie ? Can we let down the walls ?
Katie : No , I do nt think I can do that .
Steffy : ( Sighs ) What s stopping you ?
Katie : I lack motivation .
Steffy : Family is nt enough motivation ?
Katie : You will never be a part of my family .
Steffy : But I am , Katie .
Katie : For now , because of deception .
Steffy : Okay , do you know that Hope and Thomas are getting even closer ?
Katie : ( Scoffs ) So what ? That does nt address the issue .
Steffy : If the issue is wanting what s best for your niece , it does .
Katie : One of the issues is how you manipulated Liam into marrying you .
Steffy : Wait , do you think Liam feels manipulated ? Because I know he loves me , and the only one with the problem is you . Your husband does nt have a problem . Liam does nt have a problem .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Steffy : You re only hurting your marriage by continuing to bash your head against a wall .
Katie : Yeah , you know , you re really the last person I would go to for marital advice . But since we re on the topic , here s a question for you-- if I came onto your husband the way you ve come on to mine , if I treated you the way you ve treated me , would you be welcoming me into your family with open arms ? I do nt think so . Do nt get me wrong . I would love to have a daughter - in - law , someone I respect . I do nt respect you , Steffy , and do nt think I ever will .
Beverly : You ve made such a difference , your message .
Hope : I m trying .
Beverly : That s what I want to do .
Hope : Then you will .
Beverly : Just like that ?
Hope : Yeah . I mean , if you feel strongly about something , then yeah .
Beverly : Yeah , there s a lot of things I feel strongly about , but sometimes ... stuff gets in the way .
Hope : Yeah , I know what you mean . Things have been getting in the way for me lately , too .
Hope : ( Sighs ) Uh , Thomas , uh , Beverly was just telling me that she wants to make a difference in the world .
Beverly : Probably just a pipe dream .
Thomas : Hey , dreams come true .
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Beverly : Yeah , for some , they do , not so much people like me . You know , you-- you get a break and then , uh ...
Hope : Then what ?
Beverly : ( Scoffs ) Things go bad .
Hope : Well , that s life , you know ? Things go bad all the time .
Beverly : Yeah , but does nt it mess with your head ?
Hope : Yes , it does . But you ve got to pick yourself up and move on .
Stephanie : Bev , you , uh , mentioned at Dayzee s that you were looking for a job .
Beverly : Yeah , been looking not so easy .
Eric : Well , maybe you just got lucky .
Stephanie : I believe that we might find something for you here .
Beverly : What ? For real ?
Ridge : How about as paid intern right here at Forrester ?
Beverly : Me ? Work here ?
Bill : I m not feeling the love , ladies . What s going on ?
Katie : Steffy wants to mend fences .
Bill : Sounds reasonable .
Katie : Really ? You think so ? I think it s a little more complicated than that .
Steffy : You know , it does nt have to be this way , Katie .
Katie : It would nt be if you had nt had an affair with my husband .
Steffy : It was nt an affair .
Katie : Really ? What would you call it ?
Bill : A mistake . We ve all made them , have nt we , Katie ?
Katie : Yeah , just like Steffy s marriage to Liam .
Steffy : Wow . Okay , you know what ? We are both women here . And the way you feel about your husband is exactly the way I feel about my husband .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Steffy : And I admit , okay , when Hope broke it off , I took advantage , because I was in love .
Katie : And Liam was in love with Hope . You did nt even give them a chance to work things out .
Steffy : You know , when suddenly someone becomes available , and you re in love with him , you go for it . Would nt you do the same ?
Katie : I would nt base my marriage on lies and manipulations . You could have given them a few days .
Steffy : And I would have if Liam asked me that . But he did nt . He proposed , and I accepted , Katie .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : We ve all accepted it , Katie . Time for you to do the same .
Katie : You know , after everything this woman has put us through , how can you ask me to just get over it ?
Steffy : Look , I know we have our differences , Katie , but this is nt just one- sided .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Steffy : Come on . Your sisters have been bad - mouthing me for months .
Katie : ( Laughs )
Steffy : You know what ? I do nt like it , but I m not gon na lose focus of my husband and my family , and you are a part of this family . Like it or not , we are joined by marriage . So it s either we re gon na get along , or we re just gon na be miserable .
Katie : Okay . Okay . Since we re all trying to be reasonable , how about a compromise ? I mean , that s generally how people work out an impasse , right ?
Bill : Sometimes . What did you have in mind ?
Katie : I will attempt to be more accepting if you rescind your offer to give Steffy a seat on the Spencer board of directors .
Steffy : ( Sighs )
Katie : I mean , I do nt think this is too much to ask . Do you agree , Steffy ?
Steffy : You know what ? That s up to Bill to decide .
Bill : Putting Steffy on the board was a business decision .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Bill : It has nothing to do with what we re discussing .
Katie : It has everything to do with what we re talking about , because we re talking about my acceptance of her as a part of this family and a part of this business , and I feel that that should be earned , and I do nt think she s done that .
Bill : Steffy is my son s wife .
Katie : So what ? This is all moving way too fast . I mean , I did nt even get a seat on the board this quickly , and I m your wife .
Bill : Steffy has a tremendous amount of business experience .
Katie : At Forrester , that s true . But I m sure you did nt get a seat on that board this quickly . I mean , it must have taken you longer than a month , right ?
Bill : Katie , this is not a discussion . I ve already made the offer .
Katie : I do nt care if you ve made the offer . I ca nt believe you re not even trying to see this from my point of view . After everything she s done to Hope , after everything she d done to us , how can you reward that type of behavior ?
Bill : I am trying to bring our family together .
Katie : By giving her a major position in our company against my wishes .
Steffy : Katie , I am not a threat to you ...
Katie : ( Sighs )
Steffy : And you really need to accept that .
Katie : Oh , my God . I m not threatened by you . I just do nt like you . And I see what s going on here . You re becoming way too close to my husband again . I ve already caught you two in each other s arms behind closed doors . I mean , how do you think Liam would feel about that , huh , I mean , give your history of inappropriate behavior ? I d say one more moment like that , and he ll be done with you . Your marriage to Liam will be over .
Beverly : You-- you re offering me a job ?
Stephanie : An internship .
Rick : But a lot of interns end up with full - time jobs .
Eric : Yeah , we can fit your schedule here around your classes at school once you start .
Beverly : ( Sighs ) But I have no experience .
Thomas : Well , interns do nt . That s what it s all about-- getting training .
Stephanie : Mm - hmm .
Hope : Mm - hmm . Yeah . You ll really like it here , Beverly . It s a great place to work . You ll learn a lot .
Beverly : Thanks . I ca nt .
Stephanie : Why not ?
Beverly : I do nt think I could handle it .
Stephanie : Well , of course you can . I can see that you re a very competent young lady . Did nt you finish school , get your G.E.D. on your own ?
Beverly : But what if something happens ?
Rick : Well , like what ? Even if you spill coffee on Thomas , and it gets you fired .
All : ( Laughing )
Beverly : I m the first to get blamed for anything . I just -- I ca nt go through that again .
Hope : Beverly , this could be a whole new experience for you .
Beverly : I know . I ca nt believe you guys are all being so kind . I just do nt want to screw up .
Stephanie : Well , how do you know if you do nt try ? You ve got to take the risk . You ve got to learn to trust in yourself .
Thomas : Do nt pass this up , Beverly .
Hope : Come on . Give yourself a chance .
Rick : Yeah , go for it .
Beverly : You really think I can ?
Ridge : You will be learning a lot , and we all have to start somewhere , do nt we ?
Beverly : Why are you doing this for me ?
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Why would nt we ? Everybody deserves a leg up . Maybe this will be your opportunity .
Beverly : All right . Count me in .
Stephanie : Good !
Hope : Yay !
Stephanie : That s great . Congratulations .
Hope : ( Laughs )
Thomas : Twist your arm .
Beverly : Thank you so much .
Hope : Right ? Yeah .
Rick : Good to have you .
Hope : Yeah . Oh . Sorry . Hold on , guys .
Hope : I ll be back .
Stephanie : So when should we have her start ?
Eric : Well , I think now-- right now .
Stephanie : No .
Hope : Hello ?
Liam : Hi .
Hope : Liam ?
Liam : You got a minute ?
Hope : Um , I - I m kind of in the middle of something what s up ?
Liam : Um ... it s about this new ad you re running in Eye on Fashion , this-- this new layout-- um , you and Thomas .
Hope : Times change . People , too .
Liam : He replaced me .
Hope : ( Sighs ) You re married .
Liam : Well , you -- you -- you know I still ...
Hope : ( Sighs ) Just do nt , Liam .
Liam : ( Sighs ) So this is really the ad you want to run ? I mean , this is -- this is-- this is the new Hope for the Future , really ?
Hope : What do you think ?
Liam : Well , just maybe-- I mean , we -- maybe we can have a cup of coffee or -- or something and -- and , um ...
Hope : ( Sighs ) You know what , Liam ? I - I - I m really -- I m busy , so I have to go , okay ? Um , bye . ( Song ) When the rain is blowing your face and the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love
Liam : Will you marry me ?
Hope : Yes . ( Laughs ) Yes , I would like to be your bride .
### Summary:
| Steffy assures Katie that it would be so easy to put their differences aside since their families are one and the same now . Katie replies that she ca nt let down the walls . She d love to have a daughter - in - law , one that she could respect . She does not respect Steffy and she doubts she ever will . Bill points out to Liam that he s been running this company long before he and Katie married , so he does nt need her approval for everything . Katie does make a concession . She will put aside her distaste of Steffy if Bill will rescind Steffy s appointment to the board . The position should have been earned . She ca nt believe Bill ca nt see her point of view . Katie spouts that Steffy has become way too close to her husband again . She believes Liam will see this too and her marriage will be over . Pam hangs around while Eric and Ridge make the last minute changes to their runway fashions . They tell Rick and Thomas there will be no e - mailing or texting for extra security reasons . Stephanie steps in and introduces Beverly to everyone in her family . Hope encourages Beverly to go for her dreams . Stephanie tells the group that Beverly needs a job . They promptly offer her a job to be a pager at Forrester s . She s grateful but reluctant since she does nt want to screw up . She always is the first one to get the blame when something goes wrong , but finally agrees . Liam calls Hope and wants to meet her for coffee so they can discuss the new ads ; the ones where she has replaced him with Thomas . She brushes him off and says he s married and she wanted the change in the ads . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Erica : This is ridiculous ! You ca nt lock me up -- I m Erica Kane ! Oh , there you are . Oh , thank heavens . Thank you for coming , officer . Officer , there has been such a huge misunderstanding . I m being held against my will . No , officer ? I get a phone call . I -- I am permitted to speak to my lawyer , officer . This is America . I m innocent . Yeah , I guess that s what you all say -- of course . And I m sure it applies to you . God , those are cute shoes . They come in black ?
Jack : All right , you ve got my client locked up in a holding cell . Why do nt you tell me , Sam -- who is the public official that she allegedly tried to bribe ?
Samuel : Me .
Jack : Of course .
Samuel : Your client seems to think she s above every law . I m intent on proving different .
Jack : And very publicly , I m sure , because what s the sense of doing anything unless it s in front of a camera -- right , Sam ?
Samuel : Your client is a public person .
Jack : And you re a politician whoring for votes .
Samuel : Be careful .
Jack : You be careful . What you did to Erica -- humiliating her like that ? That was despicable .
Samuel : What I did was arrest someone who committed a crime , just like anybody else . And whatever you or Erica make of that -- you know what ? That s not my problem .
Babe : Lime ?
J.R. : Sure . Why not live dangerously ?
Babe : Are you ready ?
J.R. : I m ready .
Babe : And we re clear on the stakes ?
J.R. : Why do nt you run it by me again ?
Babe : We re going to play no - limit Texas hold em , and if I win , you agree to be Richie s bone marrow donor .
J.R. : And if I win ?
Babe : Huh . You get anything you want .
Aidan : Kendall ?
Kendall : Aidan , what are you doing in here ? This is the ladies room .
Aidan : Greenlee told me about the test .
Kendall : Why ca nt you just leave me alone ?
Aidan : Because it kind of concerns me -- do nt you think ? The fact that you could be pregnant , and I might be a dad ?
Kendall : Well , you re not . The test was negative .
Aidan : Are you sure ?
Kendall : Yes , I m sure . Would you like to see it for yourself ?
Aidan : I m sorry .
Kendall : No , you re not . You re not sorry -- you re relieved , just like I am .
Aidan : I meant that I m sorry that you re going through all of this , all right ?
Kendall : Well , you know what ? There s nothing to be sorry about .
Aidan : Yes , there is . Yes , there is .
Greenlee : Am I interrupting something ?
Aidan : I saw Kendall come in here , and I thought she might be sick .
Greenlee : Are you ? I mean --
Kendall : No . The test was negative .
Greenlee : How do you feel about that ? Kendal well , I -- I do nt know how I feel about anything right now . I mean , between the fashion show and -- and the book and my mom being arrested , you know --
Greenlee : I know , it s a lot .
Kendall : Yeah , and -- and the timing just would nt have been good for a lot of reasons .
Greenlee : Would you give me --
Aidan : Yeah , sure .
Greenlee : Would you excuse me ?
Aidan : Of course .
Greenlee : All right , he s gone . What s really going on ?
Kendall : Greenlee , I am so sorry .
Greenlee : For what ?
J.R. : Does Richie know what you re giving up to save his sorry ass ?
Babe : Well , you never would ve helped him on your own .
J.R. : How do you know that ?
Babe : Huh -- because I was married to you , J.R. You usually do nt do anything unless there s something in it for you .
J.R. : Ouch . That s pretty harsh .
Babe : Well , it s true . You hate Richie , so do nt even pretend , ok ?
J.R. : Clearly , you care deeply for Richie .
Babe : Maybe I just do nt like watching another person suffer and die .
J.R. : Yeah . Keep telling yourself that . So , are we going to talk or are we going to play cards ?
Babe : It s not too late , J.R. , to do the right thing .
J.R. : Which is ?
Babe : Agree to be Richie s bone marrow donor -- no strings attached .
J.R. : It s just a lot more fun doing it this way .
Babe : Oh , you are so going down .
Richie : It s kind of quiet here tonight , is nt it ?
Nurse : Yeah , the shift change .
Richie : Huh . So , you re all alone , huh ?
Nurse : Little old me .
Richie : Hmm . Oh , um -- look , Brenda , I might have just --
Nurse : Oh , it s Bridget .
Richie : Right , right . I m sorry , I m a little loopy , darling . It s just this blood transfusion . Um -- anyway , I -- I think I might have left my wallet down at the reception desk , and it s making me a little nervous . Could you go and check and see if it s there for me ?
Bridget : I -- I m not supposed to leave .
Richie : I know , but you know , I m just so wiped out , and I d really , really appreciate it .
Bridget : Ok .
Bridget : Just do nt tell anyone , ok ?
Richie : Oh , not a word .
Richie : Ok . Let s put this thing to work . Ah .
Erica : Oh , Jack .
Jack : Thank you .
Erica : Jack ? Did you speak with him ?
Jack : Yeah , I talked to Woods . He s definitely playing hardball with this .
Erica : Jack , I do nt even understand what this is .
Jack : First things first , and that would be for me to get you out of here even though you fired me earlier .
Erica : Oh , come on , Jack . You know I did nt mean that . Look , just get me in front of a judge , and I can prove I m innocent .
Jack : I ve already talked to Judge Maier . She s going to hear this bail case a little later tonight .
Erica : Oh , that s fantastic .
Jack : Erica , we have to do this thing my way .
Erica : What do you mean your way ?
Jack : I want you to promise me no matter what gets said in that courtroom that you let me do all the talking .
Erica : But , Jack , if the judge can just hear my side of the story --
Jack : No , no , no -- not a word . I m telling you , not a word or you could end up spending the night with your friend there .
Erica : Sealed .
Aidan : Hey , Josh , can I have a whiskey , please , mate ?
Josh : You got it .
Aidan : And make it a double .
Zach : I know that look .
Aidan : It s been a long day .
Zach : Yeah , male modeling has really got to take it out of you .
Aidan : It s the first time I ve ever walked on a runway . It s going to be my last -- I can guarantee you that .
Zach : A toast -- to trust among men .
Aidan : Ok . Trust among men . Which means ?
Zach : It involves you and Kendall .
Greenlee : There you go -- I got it .
Kendall : Oh . I m sorry .
Greenlee : Stop apologizing . What is wrong with you ? It s like you re going to jump out of your skin .
Kendall : I -- I do nt know . I do nt know , I m just -- I m just a wreck .
Greenlee : Stop it . You ve got two beautiful children , a husband who worships you , a book tour , co - running Fusion . I mean -- and you re thin and gorgeous .
Kendall : You mean stop complaining , right ?
Greenlee : Yeah , yeah . I mean , if you feel bad , what are the rest of us going to do ?
Kendall : I do love you , Greenlee .
Bailiff : All rise . The Honorable Judge Maier presiding .
Judge : Mr. Montgomery , I was just sitting down to read my son a bedtime story when I was called into court . My son does nt sleep well without his bedtime story , so I warn you -- I m not in the best of moods .
Jack : We appreciate your time and your sacrifice , your honor . In all fairness , I did nt think there was any reason for my client to spend the night in jail .
Judge : I ll make that call . In the case of the United States vs. Erica Kane , what are the charges ?
Samuel : One count of insider trading , one count of attempting to bribe a public official of the United States government .
Judge : That would be you , Mr. Woods ?
Samuel : Yes , your honor , and I ll be prosecuting the case .
Judge : Ms. Kane ? Do you have anything to say for yourself ?
Babe : I ll call .
J.R. : You call that a bet ?
Babe : Uh -- you know what -- you re right . Besides , I m going to be getting it all back by the end of the hand anyway , so --
J.R. : Oh . Ok , so I will see you and raise you 2 .
Babe : Oh . I ll call , and I ll raise you 5 more .
J.R. : I ll see your 5 , and I ll raise you 10 .
Babe : I am all in , I am all in .
J.R. : Wait , what do you got ?
Babe : Uh - uh -- no . You re going to have to pay up to find out .
J.R. : I m out .
J.R. : Wait --
Babe : Come to Mama , girls !
J.R. : Let me see your card
Babe : That s right -- no , I do nt have to show you . No , but I will anyway .
J.R. : You were bluffing .
Babe : Yep , and you fell for it which means all this loot is mine
J.R. : Which reminds me -- why are we playing with blocks ?
Babe : What , are you afraid I m going to take you for all you ve got or something ?
J.R. : No , actually , I was thinking we d be playing with something a little more interesting , you know , than just blocks .
Babe : Ok , I ll bite -- if not blocks , then what are we going to use for collateral ?
J.R. : Our clothes . For every hand I win , you have to take something off .
Babe : Why not ? I have nt had a naked man in my house in a long time . I m kind of looking forward to it .
Richie : Ok -- come on . Come on . Yes ! Ok , let s see who s going to save old Richard s life .
Richie : J.R. Chandler -- Junior ? Oh . Oh , huh , huh , huh .
Richie : Hey .
Bridget : I could nt find your wallet .
Richie : Oh , you know , I m sorry . I --
Richie : Must ve dropped it on the floor . Anyway , I should get going . Ahem .
Bridget : Oh , I thought you were nt feeling well .
Richie : Well , it passed . I ll call you .
Aidan : What about me and Kendall ?
Singer : I want to know
Zach : You ve been a good friend to me . I was in that bunker for , what , five , six weeks and you kept Kendall safe . And up on the falls with Hannah -- I mean , I would nt be here if it were nt for you , would nt be around to kiss my wife and my kids .
Aidan : That debt s been paid , Zach .
Zach : I do nt think it has .
Aidan : No , seriously , it has .
Singer : And I know that you want me , too
Aidan : You do nt owe me . If anybody owes anybody something , I owe you for keeping Greenlee alive and for keeping her safe , so why do nt we make a toast -- to our beautiful women , eh ?
Zach : Done .
Singer : The stars are up to no good tonight
Zach : I got to ask you a favor .
Singer : The stars are up to no good
Aidan : What s that ?
Zach : You know , Kendall s got this book tour coming up , and I ca nt be there for all of it .
Aidan : Ok .
Zach : Ok , so I want you to go in my place . It d be a job -- I d pay you .
Aidan : I could nt , Zach .
Zach : Mean a lot to me .
Singer : Oh , just in time
Zach : Ryan out there , lost his memory , now he s obsessed with Kendall ? I do nt know -- I do nt want her out there on her own . I want someone with her that I can trust , someone that I can trust with my wife . So I m asking you .
Singer : Might be tonight so get it
Babe : Read em and weep , big boy . [ Babe chuckles ]
J.R. : Damn it .
Babe : Yep , that s right -- take it off . Oh , oh -- and do it slow .
J.R. : You re enjoying this entirely too much , are nt you ?
Babe : What can I say ? Winning is fun .
J.R. : Now , just so I know , do socks count as one or two items ?
Babe : Oh , heck , I ll throw you a bone . We ll count them as two .
J.R. : You know , you ve been pretty lucky so far --
Babe : Uh - huh .
J.R. : But do nt push it .
Babe : Huh . That s funny , because I m not the one who s going topless .
J.R. : Not yet .
Babe : Oh .
Erica : Jack , are you sure ? All right , all right .
Jack : Ahem . Your honor , we ve barely had time to assess the claims that Mr. Woods has made against Ms. Kane . So in lieu of formal evidence and in order to get you me to your family , I would request a bail summary , so that we might set the bond and all of us go home .
Judge : I ll consider that .
Jack : And if I may also add , Ms. Kane is a pillar of the community . She has a business established here for many years and , in fact , two of her children still live in Pine Valley , so she s clearly no flight risk .
Judge : Mr. Woods ? Any objections ?
Erica : Your honor , if I may --
Jack : Erica ?
Erica : I am not the kind of person who runs from a fight . But I also have nt done anything illegal .
Samuel : Your honor , I assure you these charges are valid .
Erica : And you are a pompous , arrogant , contemptible fraud who is trying to use my name to get your face on the 6 : 00 news .
Jack : Erica ?
Erica : Do you know , your honor , that this man came to my studio and -- and walked on to my talk show under the pretense of giving some bogus speech that was all about fairness and decency and then staged this entire arrest ? This was all a setup .
Judge : That will be quite enough .
Jack : I apologize for my client , your honor .
Judge : Mm - hmm .
Jack : Come here .
Erica : And why should you apologize , Jack ? Everything I said was true .
Judge : One more word , Ms. Kane , and I will charge you with contempt . Now , the issue at hand is bail . Once again , Mr. Woods , do you have any objections ?
Samuel : Your honor , despite Ms. Kane s obvious contempt for the United States and its representatives , we agree that she s not a flight risk , and we do not object to bail . We request that the sum be set at a level fitting to her crime and her personal wealth .
Jack : Your honor , with all due respect , court sets the bail , not opposing counsel , and may I remind you these crimes are alleged ?
Samuel : My apologies .
Erica : Oh , I bet .
Jack : What do I have to do ?
Erica : I m sorry .
Jack : Just --
Erica : No , really , I wo nt -- I wo nt say another word .
Jack : Ok .
Judge : Bail is set at $ 1 million .
Jack : Thank you , your honor .
Judge : You can arrange payment with the clerk . This hearing is adjourned .
J.R. : That s a whole lot of skin you got showing .
Babe : Yeah , well , you re the one in nothing but your shorts . Besides , you just got lucky with your third ace on the river .
J.R. : Yeah , that s me --
Babe : Uh - huh .
J.R. : Lucky .
Babe : Mm - hmm .
J.R. : So , what about the other one ?
Babe : If I lose another hand , that one comes off , too .
J.R. : Oh , no , do nt even think that you re going to be using that garter as another item .
Babe : Oh , shut up and deal .
Aidan : You really think Ryan is a -- is a threat to Kendall ?
Zach : I do nt want to take a chance .
Aidan : And how do you think Kendall s going to react to this idea ?
Zach : I think she s going to hate it . But it s either going to be you or someone she does nt know . Well , now I would rather it be you .
Aidan : I do nt know , Zach .
Zach : Talk to Tad , think it over . But I really would appreciate it -- unless , of course , there s another reason you do nt want to do it .
Aidan : No . No , there is no other reason .
Zach : Partner ?
Aidan : Only until you sort this business out with Ryan , all right ?
Zach : All right .
Aidan : Whew .
Singer : Take it off , oh , take it off
J.R. : This is it -- moment of truth .
Babe : Are you stalling because you know you re going to lose ? Ha - ha .
J.R. : No , I m just giving you a chance to work up some nerves , because you re going to be buck naked in a few seconds .
Babe : Or you ll be saving Richie s life .
J.R. : You realize I ca nt back out -- because the prize is just too tempting .
Babe : Oh , I know , I know , I know because if you win , you get --
J.R. : Anything I want .
Babe : Anything you want , that s right and -- and what exactly is that , J.R. ?
J.R. : I do nt know . You re just going to have to wait and find out .
Babe : I think I have a few ideas .
J.R. : I bet you do .
Babe : Uh - huh .
J.R. : Which brings me to the question -- why did we split up again ?
Babe : Oh -- too many reasons to count . Stop stalling .
J.R. : I called you . Put the cards down .
Babe : Oh , well , just get ready to experience some serious humiliation . Drop them , cowboy .
J.R. : Not so fast . One , two , three , four 10s -- imagine that .
Babe : Well , that is impossible .
J.R. : Apparently not . Now , you going to need some help with those panties ? Or can you handle them yourself ?
Kendall : Ok . How s my eyeliner ?
Greenlee : Perfect .
Kendall : Thanks . Ok . I think I am ready to go .
Greenlee : I m not -- I need some lip - gloss . Do you have Fusion spice ?
Kendall : I think so . There you go . Um -- can I ask a favor before we go out there ?
Greenlee : Uh - huh .
Kendall : Zach does nt know anything about the whole pregnancy thing , and I do nt want to tell him .
Zach : You pregnant ? Somebody say something .
Greenlee : I m going to give you guys some privacy .
Kendall : You know what ? We really should nt do this in here .
Zach : What d I just walk in on ?
Kendall : You know how I ve been sick lately ? Well , I thought that I might be pregnant , so I -- I took a test , and it turned out negative .
Zach : Why did nt you tell me ?
Kendall : I did nt want to make a big deal out of it .
Zach : You did nt think another baby s a big deal ?
Kendall : No , no , of course , I do . But there s just been so much going on with -- with Ryan and the show . Can we just talk about this at home , please ?
Erica : Oh , what , you did nt find my hand grenades ? Must ve left them at home .
Samuel : For what it s worth , I m glad you did nt have to spend the night in jail .
Erica : It s worth nothing . And you , Mr. Woods , have made one very powerful enemy .
Samuel : I m just doing my job .
Erica : And what job is that , Mr. Woods ? Running for office ? Now I understand why the polls show that politicians are less popular than serial killers . You fit right in .
Samuel : You re taking this way , way , way too personally .
Erica : Oh , I have nt begun to show you just how personally I can take this , Mr. Woods . Before I m finished dealing with you , there ll be heel marks on your forehead .
Samuel : Good night , Erica . Jack .
Jack : Sam .
Erica : He s serious , is nt -- he wants to put me in jail .
Jack : I m not going to let that happen .
Erica : Now I have to deal with the press . Well , is this night never going to end ?
Jack : Erica , I ve already arranged for us to be taken out the back way .
Erica : Oh . Thank you but , no , I still have to go to my hotel room , the paparazzi are going to be there . They re going to be perched outside the Valley Inn like vultures .
Jack : Which is why I m taking you home with me tonight .
Babe : I still ca nt believe I lost .
J.R. : Well , you played a good game .
Babe : Oh , I just feel bad for Richie , you know , like I let him down .
J.R. : Look , it s more than most people would do for that -- anyway .
Babe : So , have you decided on your prize yet ?
J.R. : Not yet . But I have a surprise for you .
Babe : Uh - huh , I knew it -- you cheated .
J.R. : What ? No , I actually won fair and square this time .
Babe : Well , then what s the surprise ?
J.R. : I knew about being a match for Richie before you asked me to play . I was already planning on being his donor .
Babe : I do nt understand .
J.R. : What ? That I ca nt have feelings for a human being ? Look , Babe , I do nt want to sit back and watch a guy die , not even Richie .
Babe : You really mean that ?
J.R. : Why would I lie now ?
Babe : Uh , but -- but the game ? I mean , why even play the game ?
J.R. : Because I like games . So do you .
Babe : So , is this what you wanted for your prize ?
J.R. : It s what we both wanted .
Richie : Oh -- come in . Well , it s about time you guys got here . I got work for you to do .
Zach : So what I m trying to understand is -- why you d want to hide the fact that you might be pregnant from me . I m your husband , best friend . Did that ever work for us , Kendall ? Keeping secrets ? Did that ever work for you or me ?
Kendall : You re right . I should have told you as soon as I suspected I was pregnant . But if it were up to me , no one would ve ever known .
Zach : That s a pretty big load to carry all by yourself .
Kendall : Well , we ve had enough surprises to last a lifetime . And I did nt want you to get your hopes up unless I was sure .
Zach : You disappointed ?
Kendall : Honestly ? I m relieved . I mean , I ve barely had enough time to get to know Ian . I think it s too early for another baby .
Zach : I do nt disagree with you . I just do nt want us going back to that place where we were hiding things from each other . We should share everything , whatever it may be .
Kendall : I know . I -- I agree with you . I love you -- you know that . You know that .
Zach : So -- is this where we have makeup sex ?
Kendall : Yes .
Zach : Yeah ? It is ?
Kendall : You want to ?
Zach : Why not ?
Kendall : Here on our favorite place ?
Zach : Yeah .
Kendall : The couch ?
Zach : Let s lie down .
Kendall : Whoo !
Greenlee : Whee !
Aidan : Ah ! We re home .
Greenlee : Ah !
Aidan : Ah . I do remember you saying something about a James Bond fantasy ?
Greenlee : Yeah ?
Aidan : Yeah . Call me Devane -- Aidan Devane .
Greenlee : Get down here and show me your secret service weapon .
Greenlee : Whoo !
Erica : I see you did the room over .
Jack : Yep .
Erica : Been a long time since I slept in this bed .
Jack : Yep . Listen , hopefully you ll -- you ll get a good night s sleep . I ll be in the guest room .
Erica : Thank you , Jack .
Jack : I had Coral drop some clothes in there , but if you need anything else --
Erica : No , I wo nt .
Jack : Good night , then .
Erica : Jack ?
Jack : What is it ?
Erica : We are going to beat this , are nt we ?
Jack : Of course , we are . You sleep tight .
Singer : She has come to understand me and offer me redemption from the secrets in my soul , but lately I have come to be addicted to the sunshine in her smile and the way she makes me whole , and now I thank my lucky stars each night , because they re the only reason I ca nt see why a beautiful woman like you could ever love a man like me yes , why a beautiful woman like you could ever love a man like me
Erica : Not guilty . I m not guilty .
Jack s voice : Erica Kane , you are sentenced to three life terms to be served consecutively .
Erica : But I m innocent . Why would I have to steal ? I built an empire with my two hands .
Jack : That s no excuse . Now , this sentence stands as rendered .
Samuel : Your honor , I object . The United States withdraws all charges . The truth is I did this to -- to get Erica Kane s attention .
Erica : What ?
Samuel : Erica is innocent of all charges .
Jack : I m genuinely confused .
Samuel : I am so sorry if I hurt you -- I was such a fool .
Erica : I knew you wanted me from the minute you walked into my studio .
Samuel : I did . I want you more than anything .
Jack : Order , order .
Jack : I demand order in this courtroom -- order ! [ Echoes ]
Zach : Look who s up . Big breakfast for a big day .
Kendall : That s right . Today Spike is getting his cochlear implant .
Zach : Mm - hmm , good morning .
Kendall : Good morning .
Zach : And our son will finally be able to hear again .
Kendall : Yeah . I ll go get him ready .
Zach : Uh - uh .
Zach : I got it covered -- drink your juice .
Kendall : Ok .
Zach : Ah .
Kendall : Hmm .
Zach : Uh - oh . It s your other significant other .
Kendall : What ?
Zach : Greenlee .
Kendall : Oh . Hey .
Greenlee : Hey . I just wanted to wish you luck with Spike today .
Kendall : Thanks . So , are you getting ready to go to the office ?
Greenlee : Actually , I m waiting for Aidan to wake up . Last night , he was on fire . I was hoping for seconds .
Kendall : Ugh . Too much information -- please .
Greenlee : I do nt know what happened to Aidan at that party , but it was like the weight of the world was lifted off his shoulders .
Kendall : Well , I m happy for you , Greenlee .
Greenlee : Call me after you ve seen the audiologist with Spike .
Kendall : I will . Bye .
Zach : You have nt touched your breakfast .
Kendall : I will . So , did you get any news about my mom ?
Zach : Same as last night . Jackson bailed her out , and she s staying with him to avoid the press .
Kendall : Good .
Zach : Hmm -- I know what I forgot . Aidan s going to be looking after you on your new book tour .
Kendall : Wh-- what ?
Zach : Well , Ryan s not getting any better , and I m a little concerned about it .
Kendall : No . Zach , Ryan is nt going to hurt me . I do nt -- I do nt need a bodyguard .
Zach : I think you do .
Kendall : No -- Zach , I do nt .
Zach : Kendall , please , please . You could put my mind at ease .
Kendall : Ok , but why Aidan ?
Zach : I trust him .
Erica : Come in .
Jack : You re up , I see .
Erica : Oh , for hours already .
Jack : Listen , I was wondering how you wanted to handle these .
Erica : Yeah -- oh . How bad are they ?
Jack : Well , I think I know what the hot topic s going to be on The View .
Erica : Well , the press is going to be eating their words by tomorrow , because I m innocent and -- and nothing anyone says can change that .
Jack : Then I ll just toss these .
Erica : No , no , no . I mean , on second thought , I should look at them . I bet I look stunning .
Erica : Not even handcuffs can ruin that dress .
J.R. : What are you doing out of bed ?
Babe : Oh . I was just going to give Richie the good news .
J.R. : Enough about Richie .
J.R. : He s going to know soon enough .
Babe : Yes , because of my very generous ex - husband .
J.R. : Oh -- so now I m generous .
Babe : Mm - hmm .
J.R. : Mm - hmm .
Babe : You re doing the right thing .
J.R. : Yeah . I m a Boy Scout .
Babe : Hmm .
J.R. : Look , Richie can sweat it out for a few more minutes . Right now , I have a little something else in mind .
Babe : Oh , do you ?
J.R. : I do .
Richie : This is the guy you re looking for . His name s J.R. Chandler , he s a real pretty boy . He s got hair like Tarzan . He ll be easy to spot . And believe me , he ll be even easier to handle , because he ca nt put up much of a fight .
Man : After we grab him , then what ?
Richie : Well , I need him alive . You see , J.R. and I are going to go on a little trip . And without him , I ll be a dead man . But once I get J.R. s bone marrow , all bets are off .
Greenlee ( to Aidan ) : Spike s getting his cochlear implants turned on today .
Woman ( to Zach ) : Why do nt we let Spike s father do the honors ?
Frankie ( to Tad ) : My mom is missing . Something s not right .
Jesse ( to Angie ) : Someone s outside .
### Summary:
| Erica is taken to a holding cell with Jack close behind . Erica insists that she is innocent . Babe and J.R. begin their Texas Hold Em poker game . Babe reminds him of the rules of the game . Aidan follows Kendall into the ladies bathroom . Aidan tells her that Greenlee had told him that she might be pregnant . Kendall tells Aidan that the pregnancy test had come back negative . Greenlee comes in and asks Aidan to give them a minute . Greenlee asks Kendall what is up . Kendall apologizes and tells her that she is so sorry . J.R. asks Babe if Richie knows what she is giving up for him . Richie gets a blood transfusion at the hospital . He makes an acquaintance of one of the nurse s named Bridgett . Richie acts as though he had lost his wallet so that Bridget would go and look for it for him . While she is gone , Richie finds out that J.R. is going to be his bone marrow donor . Erica thanks Jack for all that he is doing for her . Jack lets her know that he had talked to Woods and Woods is a hard nut to crack . Jack also lets her know that her bail hearing was planned for tonight . Erica is grateful . Aidan walks up to the bar and asks for whiskey and make it a double . Zack walks up and join in their conversation . The bailiff calls the court to order . Despite Jack s warnings , Erica lashes out at Samuel and tells the judge what Samuel had done on her show . The judge tells her to sit down or he would charge her with contempt of court . The judge sets her bail at 1 million dollars . Samuel tells Erica that he is glad that she did nt have to spend the night in jail . Jack takes Erica home with him . Erica and Jack arrive home . She notices that he had had the room redone . Greenlee and Kendall are fixing their make - up when Zach pops his head in the door and asks Kendall if she is pregnant . Greenlee makes her exit to give them time to talk . Zach starts questioning her as to why she had nt told him . Kendall urges him to let them talk about this at home . J.R. wins the game of strip poker . J.R. lets Babe know that he had already decided to be a bone marrow donor for Richie . Babe is confused by J.R. s actions . J.R. and Babe make love . Richie is in his motel room when there is a knock on the door . Two men appear at the door . Zach wonders why Kendall had kept this from him . Kendall tries to explain that she had nt wanted to get his hopes up and she just was nt ready for another child . Zach agrees . They promise not to keep secrets from each other again . Kendall and Zach make love on the living room sofa . Greenlee and Aidan arrive home . They make love . Erica dreams that Jack is the judge and he had just found her guilty . Samuel comes in and drops all the charges against her . Samuel tells Erica that he had just done this to get her attention . They start to kiss . Richie tells the two men his plans for J.R. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Hannah : You should ve knocked .
Zach : I did knock . What s wrong ?
Hannah : It s not a good time .
Zach : I know .
Hannah : Please ? Just -- just go .
Zach : What s going on with you ? First you resign from Cambias , and now this -- what is it ?
Zach : I do nt understand .
Hannah : Your brilliant barracuda executive stole the keys to your condo and broke in .
Zach : Why ?
Hannah : For this . For your son s clothes , his toys . I just -- I wanted to look at them , touch them , smell them . Look , I know -- I know it s crazy -- believe me , I know . I m in trouble , and you re the only one who can help me .
Krystal : Tad , stop it !
Krystal : Ok , ok , ok , ok .
Tad : Come on , you got to lighten up . It s high time , you know , we dust off a little talcum powder , right ? Kick back , relax .
Krystal : Thank you for the flowers .
Tad : Oh , do nt thank me , thank the Snyders -- they came from their backyard . They ll never miss them . Relax , stay calm . Oh , look -- our table s ready . Come on , it s right next to the dance floor . You know what they say in France -- let s partay .
Singer : Thinking bout the way she walked out on me
Tad : Krystal ?
Singer : She looked like an angel
Tad : Is something wrong ?
Krystal : No . No , it is a good night for good times .
Erica : Two years ago it was the wedding of the decade . And now it s the divorce of the millennium . Today s a rocky road for many divorced couples out there . But I want those of you who are out there who want to get an amicable , new divorce to know that that is possible , and you can go through it with kindness and class and actually enjoy yourselves .
Jack : You bet . Happy anniversary , sweetheart .
Greenlee : They say it s better to have loved and lost than blah , blah , blah , blah -- what a load of bull . Losing s never better , but at least I do nt have to do it alone -- the gang s all here !
Ryan : Come on , Annie , let s get out of here .
Greenlee : Oh , no , you ca nt leave -- we re the guests of honor . Another round of drinks , beefcake . Welcome home to me , and great , big props for the lovebirds . We just came back from this marvelous Caribbean vacation . Sun , surf , divorce -- does nt get any better .
Ryan : Ok , Greenlee , party is over .
Greenlee : Oh , no , I like it up here -- looking down on everyone ?
Greenlee : You always said you d be my safety net . Too bad nets are more holes than rope .
Kendall : Are you done ? People came here for drinks and to enjoy music , not a floorshow .
Josh : Maybe you should leave , Greenlee .
Greenlee : Well , you really scored with this cute brother , all macho and protective . Too bad you re a little slow . I own this place , Kendall s brother . I do nt leave until I want to . So , where are those drinks ? Boss lady s trying to throw a fiesta .
Amanda : Hey , boss lady , you want some help putting her in her place ?
Babe : I m not exactly boss lady anymore .
Amanda : What ?
Babe : All of the shares of Fusion that Greenlee gave me -- she s -- she took them back .
Amanda : What -- can she do that ?
Babe : I knew that she could , I just hoped that she would nt , but -- look , can you not tell anyone that ? Do nt worry , I ll deal .
Amanda : No --
Josh : Maybe you want to grab a drink someplace else .
Greenlee : Another toast ! To love -- and forgiveness .
Reporter : Mr. Montgomery ?
Jack : Yes ?
Reporter : How long will you put up with the cameras ?
Jack : Cameras ?
Reporter : Mm - hmm .
Jack : What cameras ?
Reporter : Is it scripted or is it real ?
Erica : Oh , believe me , this is as real as it gets .
Reporter : And what do you think of the huge pledge to the Miranda Center ?
Jack : What pledge is that ?
Pam : I meant to tell you -- somebody put a million dollars into an escrow account . The money will be donated to the Miranda Foundation the second the divorce is final . Somebody really wants you both single again .
Tad : Here you go . [ As Curly ] Hey , viola , a little ambience .
Krystal : That s beer .
Tad : [ Normal voice ] Yeah , I know . It s probably the only drink we re going to get around here . We ve been here for 10 minutes . Hey , bartender !
Man : Get in line , pal .
Krystal : Whoo -- tough crowd .
Tad : I ll say . We used to go out -- he s always been like that . It s a lousy table , too . Hang on a second . Ah -- good as new . Damn .
Krystal : Look , you know what ? Let s -- let s just call it a night . Let s go check on the baby , Tad .
Tad : Look , you are going to live through this , I promise you . You can not get a better babysitter than Ruth Martin . She s got skills she has nt even thought about using yet , ok ? She s got eagle eyes , ears like radar stations . She ll make damn sure Little A wo nt find out whether or not Jenny can bounce --
Krystal : Oh --
Tad : Or whether or not she s easy to flush .
Krystal : Oh --
Tad : Maybe just a little kiddie Jacuzzi , you know ?
Krystal : What are you trying to do , scare me to death ?
Tad : No -- honey , I m trying to get you to smile . You remember . Yeah , see ? Just like that . That s what I was after . You know what they say -- we deserve the best . Come on .
Opal : Oh , there they are .
Krystal : And together we can always get it .
Tad : Ow !
Opal : Hey there , you two !
Tad : Mama .
Opal : How are you ? Ooh , good to see you !
Jamie : You look great .
Krystal : Thank you . I --
Joe : Yeah , good to see you up and about .
Krystal : You , too . I did nt know you were all going to be here .
Tad : You did nt get the memo ?
Krystal : No .
Tad : It s in the manual -- when you hang with one Martin , you often get more than you bargained for .
Zach : How can I help you ?
Hannah : Give me what I lost .
Zach : You re tired . Do nt say something you re going to regret .
Hannah : You know what ? My whole life is one big regret .
Zach : Come on . You re a smart , beautiful woman . You re -- successful , you re an executive , you re --
Hannah : Yeah , who goes home to an empty house , an empty life -- no children , no husband .
Zach : You can have all that .
Hannah : Do nt patronize me . I came to Pine Valley to make a connection with my son , to hurt Alexander , and to see if you were the boy I cared for -- or the man I should hate .
Zach : And ?
Hannah : I hurt Alexander , and I m not sorry . But I did nt change anything . I still feel dead inside . And I do nt hate you . When I -- when I look at you , all I see are our son s eyes . I just want what I lost . You wake up every day to a little boy who holds his arms out to you . You get to bathe him , feed him , watch him grow . And you got another one on the way . More little fingers to count , more kisses to give , moments , memories -- I do nt have that .
Zach : I ll get you some tea .
Hannah : You know , when you played dead , you got your freedom , you lived your life , and you never , ever looked back . I had to give up my child and --
Zach : Hannah --
Hannah : No , no . The second you blew up that car , my life went with it , my son s !
Zach : I m sorry .
Hannah : No ! You know what ? That s just a word . It does nt mean anything , it changes nothing . When I met your wife , she told me that you blamed yourself for what happened to Ethan and me -- all of it . Well , you damn well should .
Greenlee : You guys , it s not poison , come on . Hmm ? Oh , right -- Kendall , you ca nt . You re with child -- again . But everyone else -- all right , fine , be that way . Fun s really gone out of this town .
Ryan : Let s go . Come on .
Annie : No .
Greenlee : To love and forgiveness -- something ley residents really know a lot about .
Kendall s voice : We ve seen a lot of men come and go . We ve pushed them away , they ve left . They ve --
Greenlee : Died . It s ok , you can say it .
Kendall : Maybe in the end , this is what we re supposed to end up with .
Greenlee : Ryan would be happy to know that you re here with me .
Kendall : You know how I felt about Ryan . I loved him , and I gave all of that up to watch you two be happy . So if there s anything I can do to keep the love that you had alive , I m here .
Greenlee : But you said -- you said you could nt imagine yourself loving someone so much to carry a child .
Kendall : Well , maybe now I can .
Singer : Cause life s so cruel
Greenlee : Oh , well , you look great , Babe , hardly changed . Well , I hope you changed a little -- you re not still stealing babies and sleeping around , right ?
Josh : Why do nt you lay off , Greenlee ?
Babe : No , really , it s cool .
Greenlee : Hmm , where was I ? Love and forgiveness . Once upon a time , Babe was Bianca Montgomery s best friend -- pinky - swear , tell each other everything best friends -- until Babe snatched Bianca s baby , and then you stole your own . Before that , you slept with your husband s brother while your honeymoon sheets were still hot . Prison ? Tarred and feathered ? An A tattooed on your forehead ? None of the above . Forgiven .
Kendall : Ok , Greenlee , maybe you ve had enough to drink .
Greenlee : Oh , this from the woman who ca nt get enough -- from anything or anyone -- especially when it is nt hers . Kendall had a little roll in the sheets with her lover s brother , just to tick him off . You were ticked off , right ?
Kendall : All right , Greenlee , you re making a scene . Come on .
Greenlee : And then your husband went to town on Pine Valley s electric grid -- zapped lives forever , and not in a good way . What was the verdict ? Forgiven -- hell , she even remarried the loser !
Amanda : Hey , just because you own this place does nt mean you get to go off on everybody .
Greenlee : Ok , this from the etiquette police ? Do nt let her fool you . This little girl was so desperate for Mommy s love , because she s certifiably insane , she tried to drug a guy into marrying her .
Jonathan : All right , Greenlee , I do nt know exactly what your problem is here , but this is nt the place .
Greenlee : Oh , God , and you -- where do I get started -- oh , another drink , please . Murder , mayhem , bombs , kidnapping , and what was the result -- forgiven !
Greenlee : Mr. Dynamite Kiddo himself . I was so happy to be Mrs. Kiddo . I even had our baby names picked out -- until you went and got a vasectomy on the sly . Did nt want to take any chances , right ?
Ryan : Greenlee --
Greenlee : No --
Ryan : Stop .
Greenlee : It s ok . Is nt he the sweetest ? Our wedding was beautiful . Except for a few glitches , Ryan took our vows so seriously , especially the death do you part . He wanted to part so badly , he drove his bike off a cliff . But when he came back , I forgave him -- everyone did . So , what is my little whoopsy ? What is the one thing I ve done that no one can forgive me for ? I came home . That s it ! That s my big crime . And no one can forgive me .
Greenlee : Someone finally going to join me ?
Ryan : It s time to go home , Greenlee .
Josh : There s no reason for you to stick around for round two . Want me to get you a ride home , call you a cab ?
Babe : I actually drove , but thank you for offering .
Singer : Cause I ca nt stop
Amanda : Hey , what happened to you ? You just let Babe walk away ? You did nt insist on driving her home , did nt pick her up and muscle her out of here ? You just let her go ?
Josh : I do nt see you drooling over Jonathan Lavery -- what happened to you ?
Amanda : Oh . Well , when it s time to move on , you know .
Josh : There you go .
Erica : Well , I mean , no matter who made the donation , the Miranda Center will certainly get the million dollars , because Jack and I will certainly get our divorce . And we re going to do that with kindness and respect and dignity .
Reporter : And love ? How about a kiss for the camera ?
Erica : Well , obviously , you are a big fan of the show , and that s just great . Will you excuse us , please , because we have an anniversary to celebrate . Excuse me .
Singer : Because I ca nt stop
Di : Hey . Good thing you re not trying to play Lily here -- it s a pretty bad place to do it .
Ava : Well , it s also pretty bad to be me -- anywhere .
Di : Well , give it a chance , it ll settle down .
Ava : Not so far . Lily s rents were outside . I did nt want to make the scene , so I had to mack on some dude in the kitchen to get in the backdoor . That chick looks familiar .
Di : That s Greenlee . Jack s her dad . You ve probably seen her picture around the house .
Ava : They look at her the same way they look at me .
Greenlee : Home ? Where , exactly , would that be ? My ex wants me to leave my own bar . Go home . Pine Valley is my home . I had a life here -- friends , family , a business . Now all I have is a pack of frenemies who ca nt wait till I m gone .
Singer : Ca nt get enough
Greenlee : Is nt that right , Kendall ?
Singer : I know you feel it , too
Kendall : Please do nt go .
Ryan : I said leave , Kendall .
Kendall : You have to listen to me .
Greenlee : I do nt have to do anything .
Kendall : I did this for you .
Ryan : Kendall , I got it . This is between us .
Greenlee : No , it s not .
Kendall : I love you , Greenlee . Please , please let me help you understand . Please do nt leave me . You re making this worse on yourself .
Greenlee : Another attempt to fast - track me out of town . Me here -- it s too messy for you -- for all of you . Well , I was here first . You should leave , not me . Hey , Jon ? What s a girl got to do to feel welcome in this town -- kill a few people ?
Jack : Greenlee -- Greenlee , what s going on here ?
Greenlee : Dad , what a surprise !
Jack : Yeah , how about I take you home , huh ?
Greenlee : Hugs !
Erica : Listen , what s happened here ?
Greenlee : Oh , did nt think so . My stepmother -- soon - to - be ex - stepmother -- we had some good times , did nt we ?
Jack : Ok , you know what ? Why do nt you let us help you , huh ?
Greenlee : Help me . Everybody wants to help me . Remember my wedding ? You were all sorts of help -- locked me up in the tower . Oh , wait -- that was nt to help me . That was to help yourself to the man I loved . Seems to be a lot of that going around . Is anyone else getting the theme here ? Well , I ll make it easy for you -- it certainly is nt forgiveness . It sure as hell ai nt love . It s not even gang up on Greenlee .
Singer : Cause I ca nt stop
Greenlee : The theme is --
Singer : Thinking about you
Greenlee : I need another drink .
Tad : Now , what does a guy got to do to get a drink around here ?
Opal : Oh , I ll take care of that , honeybunch .
Opal : Hey , we got some thirsty folks over here !
Krystal : Whoo .
Joe : Huh .
Krystal : Impressive .
Opal : Not bad .
Krystal : That was really good . I ca nt do that at all .
Bartender : What do you want ?
Opal : Well , I ll have a Ramos gin fizz -- no , no , no , I m going to have a daiquiri , extra fruit , no umbrella .
Bartender : Next ?
Krystal : I m going to have a kir royale , light on the cassis , please .
Bartender : All right .
Joe : Beer , anything -- whatever you got on tap .
Jamie : A vodka tonic .
Tad : A vodka soda with her umbrella . The man has no sense of humor whatever .
Opal : Well , so , tell me -- how is our new little grandbaby ?
Krystal : Oh , she is just sweet as pie .
Opal : Oh --
Tad : And beautiful , brilliant , witty --
Opal : Of course .
Jamie : She s half Martin , half Carey -- what would you expect ?
Opal : Yeah .
Joe : Well , she s a mighty lucky girl to have you two for parents .
Singer : Blinded by love
Tad : What s wrong ?
Singer : What is love
Krystal : I want to apologize -- for keeping you from your sister , you from your granddaughter , your daughter . I was wrong . I m -- I m sorry .
Singer : When you got the legs for this , too
Opal : We are family now . It s all behind us .
Singer : You ve got the legs for this , too
Tad : Mama , by all means , why do nt you honor us with a couple versus of Bad Girls for old times sake ?
Opal : You know , you better hush up your mouth , or I just might . You know , this family starts brand - new right now .
Joe : Right now -- hear , hear . So tell us , what s my granddaughter been up to ?
Tad : Thought you d never ask . It just so happens I happen to have a couple snapshots right here .
Opal : Oh , goody ! Let me see !
Tad : I ll bring them . Look it -- now , look at this one . I love this -- that s her sleeping .
Krystal : Yeah .
Tad : Is nt she adorable ? She looks like an angel .
Joe : Yes , yes .
Tad : That s more sleeping .
Opal : Oh , she s so precious .
Joe : Yes .
Tad : There she s eating -- see that ?
Opal : Oh !
Tad : Boy , she got an appetite , that s more sleeping . And look there -- see that ? She s got my smile .
Opal : Looks like gas to me .
Krystal : You tell him , Opal .
Tad : That s -- that s just so mean .
Hannah : If it were nt for your dad , we may have still had --
Zach : I could nt fix what I did nt know about .
Hannah : But when you did know you had a child , you did nt try and fix it . You -- you lied to Ethan , you tortured him . You -- you made him feel unwanted and unworthy and -- you made him hate you . Your son died cursing you . The child that I would ve raised with love , the child that would still be here -- you stole that from me . Two lives destroyed -- but you got to live yours ! So you owe me ! You owe me this child .
Zach : What you re asking for , a child -- that s impossible .
Hannah : I know one child ca nt replace another . But I need this baby -- your baby . A chance to start over .
Zach : You have nt thought this through .
Hannah : No , I have . I have . I ve checked my cycle , timing s perfect . Zach , if you do this for me , I ll leave . No one will ever see me again . No one will ever know . Please ? Please give me what I lost .
Opal : Cheers .
Jamie : To Jenny .
Krystal : Oh , thank you .
Tad : You do good work .
Babe : Hey , mind if I crash the party ?
Krystal : Hey ! I m glad you got the message ! Oh !
Babe : Oh ! This is just what I needed . Hi .
Opal : What , a bad day ?
Babe : Oh , well , nothing a beer and some peanuts wo nt fix -- and seeing Mama smiling again , feel great .
Krystal : What s going on ?
Babe : I m just tired , that s it .
Jamie : Uh -- you want me to get you a drink , beat someone up ?
Jamie : I m good at both .
Babe : Just that beer would be great .
Singer : She dances the wall
Babe : This is weird , being back here . Oh , even on this side of the bar , it feels like home .
Bartender : There s your damn beer ! Now , get out of my face ! You know what ? I do nt make enough to work in this sewer -- hell , I have nt been paid in a month !
Man : Hey , what about my drink ?
Bartender : You serve your damn selves .
Krystal : Uh -- maybe we should ve gone to --
Krystal : ConFusion -- a little less intense there , at least .
Ryan : Annie , you do not need to hear any more of this . Let s go , let s get out of here .
Greenlee : Oh , way to go , Ryan . You always knew when to make an exit . Word of advice -- hold on to his motorcycle keys . You never know when he s going to pop a wheelie and be gone .
Kendall : All right , that is it , that is it ! You are coming with me now !
Greenlee : Ow ! You ca nt grab me like that !
Kendall : Get out here , come on !
Di : Are you all right ?
Ava : They really hate that girl .
Di : It s not hate , it s complicated .
Ava : What s complicated ? Some people get smiled at , some people do nt -- life .
Di : Ava , I ve been where you are . That s how I knew you were nt Lily at the wedding -- just the look in your eyes ? People did nt slam you or just -- just ignore you . They were just talking to you , looking at you straight in the eye , genuinely smiling at you , right ? You did nt want it to end ?
Ava : You playing me right now ?
Singer : Love is all I need
Di : I pretended to be my sister .
Ava : Get out !
Di : It s true . It s -- it s incredible , and it s the worst mistake I ever made .
Kendall : What in the hell is wrong with you ?
Greenlee : Hmm -- my best friend is a twisted control freak terrified I m going to take the life she stole from me .
Kendall : I never stole anything from you .
Greenlee : Your husband sure did -- pulled the plug on the fertility clinic and took my life with it . Your devoted husband , your adorable baby , the head of an edgy , glamorous , got - to - have cosmetics company . My life -- you took it , you know it .
Kendall : Stop it , stop , all right ? What you deserve , what you lost , what you re owed . Do you even think about what you did when you left us -- Ryan and me ? No , no , of course not -- you re a spoiled , selfish , vindictive brat .
Greenlee : Who was your best friend .
Kendall : Things went wrong , horribly , I know that . But you could ve stayed , you could ve worked things out , and you did nt , you left . You left us .
Greenlee : You were going to give me a child -- my child . You were my sister , my friend .
Singer : Cause I know
Greenlee : You loved me enough to carry a baby . Well , how much do you love me now ? What will you do to prove it ?
Krystal : All right , anybody who s not a horse s ass , step up and place your order .
Babe : All right !
Krystal : You want a shot ? All right .
Babe : That s on me , everyone !
Krystal : Whoo - hoo - hoo - hoo !
Di : My life was in the toilet , going nowhere , and I pretended to be my sister , Dixie . She -- she had everything , everybody loved her . She had a child , she had a family , she had friends , she could do no wrong . Her life was like a dream that I wanted to wake up in , and -- and I did every day -- for a while .
Ava : Wow . Sounds great to me .
Di : Well , yeah , but , Ava , it eventually hit me -- no one loved me for me . They loved -- they loved her . Every kiss , every hug was a lie , it was my lie , and the more I was around these people the more I wanted them to love me for me .
Ava : How on earth did you do that ? I mean , I have nt done jack to the people in this town -- well , mostly -- and they still hate me .
Jonathan : I m sorry you got a double barrel of Greenlee .
Annie : I can take it .
Singer : Whoa
Ryan : Definitely not Lily .
Jonathan : That s trouble , ok ? We ve had enough of that tonight .
Singer : Whoa
Ava : I want to be the one that people smile at and they laugh with and invite over just to hang . Not because they think I m Lily , but because I m me .
Singer : Whoa the one thing that I found is your love
Ava : Ooh , hottie across the bar -- he likes me already . I m going to go score me a drink .
Di : Ok , not the way to clean it up .
Ava : Just kidding .
Singer : Chasing dreams that we may never find so you keep on pushing till our souls are bruised no matter how far we go
Di : Hey ! When did you get here ?
Aidan : Just now . Ryan s wedding -- you knew that Ava was dressed up as Lily , and you did nt say a word . What s up with that , huh ?
Di : What does it matter ? Ava s harmless . She just wants to be accepted , she wants to be given a little bit of a chance . You and half this town have written her off , and for what ? What did she do that so was bad for everybody ? Why do you hate her ?
Aidan : I do nt hate her . I just do nt think that she should be hanging --
Di : You know what ? I m sick of hearing about it . Ava does not deserve to be treated like trash . And if you do nt get that , we have a problem .
Kendall : So you -- prove that I love you . Have nt I proved that already ? Did nt I prove that enough ?
Greenlee : Locking me in the playhouse did nt scream love .
Kendall : This is exactly why I did nt want you to come back . You test and you push , and you always have to be in control . You leave when you want , you come back when you want . You cut us off , no word for God knows how long , and then you come screaming back into town waiving a list of boo - hoos and gimmes . You re unhappy , Greenlee . You want us just as miserable as you are , and you wo nt stop until we are .
Greenlee : Wow -- honesty . Too bad you were nt handing out the truth when you lied about my baby .
Singer : The one thing that I found is your love
Kendall : I do nt want to hurt you -- not then , not now .
Greenlee : You just want me gone .
Singer : Is your love
Greenlee : It s ok . I can handle it . I mean , that s what best friends are for , right ? Honesty ? Well , thanks . I got it -- right between the eyes .
Singer : Is your love
Jack : Greenlee , wait -- whoa , whoa , wait --
Kendall : No , no , no , no . There is no way you re going after her , no -- not unless you re going to smack her down .
Annie : It s not your call , Kendall . Ryan will do what he has to do .
Kendall : Do you have your flak jacket Greenlee gave you ? I hope so .
Ryan : I m just going to go and I m going to talk to her , ok ?
Jack : Whoa , whoa , I m not so sure that s a wise idea .
Erica : No , Ryan can get through to Greenlee .
Ryan : Jack , let me try , please ? Let me try .
Jack : Ok , do it .
Travis sings Closer : I ve had enough of this parade . I m thinking of the words to say . We open up unfinished parts broken up it s so mellow and when I see you then I know it will be next to me and when I need you then I know you will be there with me . I ll never leave you just need to get closer closer . Lean on me now lean on me now closer , closer lean on me now lean on me now keep waking up . Without you here , without you here . Another day , another day , another year , another year . I seek the truth , seek the truth . We sailed apart , we sailed apart . Thinking of a second chance , a second chance . And when I see you then I know it will be next to me and when I need you then I know you will be there with me I ll never leave you just need to get closer closer lean on me now lean on me now closer , closer lean on me now lean on me now lean on me now . And when I see you then I know it will be next to me . And when I need you then I know you will be there with me . I ll never leave you just need to get closer closer lean on me now lean on me now closer , closer lean on me now lean on me now lean on me now
Colby ( to Sean ) : Before this night is over , you are telling me every secret you have .
Annie ( to Kendall ) : Ryan s done with Greenlee , and she s a smart woman , she will get a clue tonight . Ryan s going to come home to me .
### Summary:
| Zach tries to talk to Hannah and find out what it is that is troubling her . She holds up a shirt of Spike s that she stole from Zach and Kendall s . Hannah tells Zach that she is in trouble and he is the only one that can help her . Tad takes Krystal out to the Roadside Bar for the evening . Her memories , for an instant , go back to Adam sitting on the sofa in his study . Opal , Jaime and Dr. Joe join them . Erica is mobbed by the press who is discussing her anniversary . Jack comes up and kisses her to wish her a Happy Anniversary . Greenlee continues to make a fool of herself in front of everyone in the bar . She throws slurs at everyone who has anything to say to her . Hannah asks Zach to give her the one thing that she does nt have and that is his child . Greenlee has flashbacks of when she and Kendall were friends and loved each other . Babe comes to the Roadside Bar where Krystal , Tad , Jaime , Dr. Martin , and Opal are . Kendall grabs Greenlee by the arm and drags her out of ConFusion . Di confides to Ava that she once pretended to be her sister , also . Ava does nt quite believer her . Greenlee and Kendall argue over Spike . Kendall tries to get her to stop . Greenlee asks Kendall how much she loves her now and what she will do to prove her love . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Pilot : I radioed the tower and informed them there s been a delay . We have clearance to leave Puerto Vista as soon as they arrive .
Massimo : All right , thanks , Jake . Well , hopefully Stephanie and Brooke will get here soon .
Nick : I ll try Brooke s cell again . I should have never let her go off like that .
Massimo : Oh , Dominick , listen -- she just lost her husband , you know ? She needs some time alone to say her final goodbyes .
Nick : I just wanna make sure she s okay . Come on , Brooke , where the hell are you ?
Brooke : I m right here .
Nick : Are you all right ?
Ridge : You bet she s all right . [ Massimo gasps ] And so am I.
Sally : Well , my darling little girl , it seems to be the season of publicity and hype in the rag trade . I see Fenmore s department store has a couple of full - page ads pushing the season a little bit . They re advertising their pre- Thanksgiving sale . That s ridiculous . What happened to Halloween ? I do nt know . I do nt get it . Everybody s rushing around , pushing things ahead . Does nt make any sense . Wait a minute -- what s this ? What is this ? I ca nt believe this . What in the name of all that s holy is going on here ?
Ty : What s the verdict , boss ?
Oscar : You know , not bad for a rush job .
Ty : And what about the radio spots ?
Oscar : I ll get amber on it . If she ever shows up .
Amber : You want me to leave ?
Deacon : Look , I do nt want to confuse my son . I think the longer you stay here , the more likely it is that s gon na happen .
Amber : Confuse him ? I am his mother , not some stranger !
Deacon : Look , I know that . I know --
Amber : Then why are you doing this ? Huh ? Why ? Never mind , I know why .
Deacon : Look , look -- you helped me out . You pitched in when Macy had her accident --
Amber : You know what , Deacon ? Your wife is in a coma . You need me here --
Deacon : No , what I need is for you to leave . And I need you to do it before he gets back from school .
Amber : You mean I do nt even get to say goodbye ?
Deacon : I ll make sure he understands .
Amber : Right . You ll have saint Bridget explain to him that his mother is such a shrew that she ca nt be around him anymore .
Bridget : Amber , stop . Come on , you re still gon na get to see him . It s just not right for you to be living here .
Amber : Oh , please , I am so sick of your meddling in my life , wherever it s concerned -- with my job , my kid !
Deacon : That s it , that s it . That s it ! Stop . Amber , I ve made my mind up .
Bridget : We just want what s best for Eric .
Amber : I am . I -- I am what is best for him . Ask him . Ask him , he ll tell you ! But that s -- that s never going to happen , is it ? No , no , no , no . It s never gon na happen . Because , you know , of little miss goody - two - shoes , here . You know , you have butted in my life for the last time !
Massimo : Ridge .
Ridge : I know what a shock this is for both of you .
Massimo : I ca nt believe it . [ Massimo sobbing ] My god ! This is a miracle . I mean -- I mean , how did this -- we saw you go into the furnace .
Ridge : Yeah , I know . That furnace had a door in the back of it for cleaning ashes out . And that woman , Anna , she was there .
Brooke : She pulled him to safety .
Massimo : What you ve been through --
Ridge : Hey -- what we ve all been through . I owe the three of you my life . Not to mention $ 10 million in gold to my old man .
Nick : Well , if you need a loan , I can help you out .
Ridge : No , you ve done enough . Brooke told me how you made good on your promise . Taking care of her when you thought I was dead . You re a helluva little brother , little brother .
Massimo : Wait till your mother and Eric --
Ridge : Where are they , anyway ?
Massimo : There was some trouble at Forrester , and Eric had to fly back right away . But Stephanie should be here any minute .
Stephanie : Thank you , Jake . Is Mr. Marone on board ?
Pilot : He s inside with Nick .
Stephanie : And is Brooke here as well ?
Brooke : I m right here . And I m not alone .
Bridget : Hey , I figured you d need these .
Deacon : Good call . Thank you .
Bridget : Oh , Deacon , it s gon na be okay .
Deacon : Yeah ? You know something I do nt ?
Bridget : Would I lie to you ?
Deacon : You never have . Not that I can say the same .
Bridget : That s true . People change .
Deacon : I dunno , I guess we both have this past year . I do nt -- I do nt get it . I did nt think you d ever even want to be in the same room with me . Here you are , rushing to my rescue . Again . Why ?
Bridget : I do nt know . It s hard to explain . I guess -- I mean , deacon , we were married . And I loved you . And I think that regardless of everything that s happened , I m always gon na care about you .
Deacon : You know what I think one of my biggest regrets is ? That -- that somehow I managed to miss this entire transformation from this innocent young girl that I met to this amazing woman that s sitting in front of me .
Darla : Hey , Sal . What is it ? Oh , god , no -- it s not Macy ? Sally !
Sally : No .
Darla : Then it s me , huh ? The baby . You re still angry , are nt you ? Okay , I -- I can come back later . It s fine .
Sally : Darla -- stay . Macy is going to need everybody who loves her around her now . Especially now .
Darla : Why ? What do you mean ? See for yourself .
Darla : Oh --
Sally : Yeah . Yeah . You know , quite frankly , I really did nt believe that anybody could sink that low ! But , obviously , they can . Obviously , I was wrong !
Amber : Hey . Hey , Jeff , do you know -- do you know where Ozzy is ? Do you know where he is ? Is he around ? Could you call him for me ? Call him in his office -- cause I need to talk to him . Like -- right now .
Jeff : Okay . No problem .
Amber : Okay ?
Oscar : Let s get on that , all right ? We do nt got a lot of time . Hey , where the hell you been ?
Amber : Yeah . I m late , but I do nt need a lecture .
Oscar : Okay , let s start over . I m not the enemy , okay ?
Amber : Sorry . Sorry . I m just -- you know , I m -- I m fed up to here , yknow ?
Oscar : What , you and Bridget go another round ?
Amber : She told Deacon I should nt be living there .
Oscar : In his place with your kid ?
Amber : Yeah . Yeah , she fed him this bull about it s gon na confuse Eric . And Deacon bought it .
Oscar : So he kicked you out ?
Amber : Yeah . Yeah , he cut me out of my little boy s life again . Not that I should be surprised . I mean , maybe -- maybe he s right . Maybe they re just all right . Maybe I really am just no good .
Oscar : Amber , you re talkin crazy .
Amber : What do you care ?
Oscar : You know what ? I do nt know . But listen , Deacon might come around .
Amber : I do nt think so .
Oscar : Oh , you do nt think so ? How do you know ? Huh ?
Amber : Are you kidding ? This is the story of my life . Okay ? I mean , not that I ever get used to it . And how could I ? You know , my dad , he -- he left when I was a little girl , so I just -- I cut off all feelings for him . And the same with my mom . Cause , you know , she just -- she would always just steer me the wrong way . And then my husband , he left . He left me , too . And now it s my little boy . My precious little baby . Deacon , he -- he wo nt let me be part of his life anymore , so -- god ! How much more of my heart can I just rip out and still have any left ?
Oscar : All right . All right -- enough of this . Enough , all right ? Hey , look at me . Look at me . You raised a good kid , right ? Right ? Well , here s the thing -- eventually , every parent s got ta let go . And I know , maybe this is a little soon . But -- yeah , okay . It is . It s a little soon . But the thing is , you were there . Right ? You were there for the most important years of his life . So no matter what , you re always gon na be a part of him . No matter what Deacon or anybody says . And I know this sucks . It does . It sucks a lot . But I think you re gon na bounce back .
Amber : How ? Huh ? It just feels like there s nothing left .
Oscar : Oh ! Nothing ? What are you saying nothing ? You got this job . Right ? The big reopening . And let me tell you something , we re gon na have to hoof it if we re gon na be ready . And who better to lead the charge than Ozzz s promotions guru -- Ambrosia Moore .
Stephanie : I just did nt know how I was gon na go on . Because all I could think about was the last time we d been with each other . We d been so angry .
Ridge : Yeah , well -- we do nt need to go there , do we ?
Stephanie : No . No . We have a whole lifetime to make up for that . And a lot more .
Bridget : All right , you . You are going to eat this . Every last bite of it , do you hear me ?
Deacon : Were you this bossy when we were married ?
Bridget : I do nt remember . I blanked it all out .
Deacon : The whole enchilada , or just the part where I was a huge jerk .
Bridget : Yeah , that pretty much was --
Both : The whole enchilada .
Deacon : I screwed up , did nt I ? In ways I think I m just starting to realize now .
Bridget : I m gon na go .
Deacon : Oh , you got a hot date ?
Bridget : Not exactly .
Deacon : Okay . Well , then , what exactly ?
Bridget : A little presumptuous , are nt we ?
Deacon : No , no -- a lot presumptuous . Because if you re going where I think you are --
Bridget : Oh , come on , Deacon . I ll be fine --
Deacon : And how many times am I gon na have to tell you --Oz Marone is nothing but --
Bridget : I know , I know . Deacon -- I m a big girl . Okay ? I know what I m doing . Besides , you re the one who taught me to look out for myself , right ?
Oscar : So you re still in , right ? I can count on you ?
Amber : What if I m -- what if I m having second thoughts ?
Oscar : Well , if you re having second thoughts , then I d say that I blew a wad on those business cards for nothing .
Amber : Oh , great . Guilt .
Oscar : That s right . Whatever it takes , right ? As long you stick around .
Amber : You really need me ? You re not just --
Oscar : Saying that to make you feel better ?
Amber : Because , you know , if that s the reason , I m not gon na fall for it --
Oscar : All right . All right . Fine , fine . You want the truth ? I ll give it to you . Here it is , plain and simple -- I believe in you , amber . I do -- I mean , you come in here with a run of awesome ideas . You got crazy energy , talent out the wazoo . I d be a crazy person to let you get away . What are you doing ?
Amber : What ? What ? Huh ? A girl ca nt kiss up to her boss a little bit ?
Oscar : Okay . Okay . But I wanna tell you something about yourself you probably do nt already know . You do nt need to kiss up . Not with everything you ve got going on -- forget about it . All right ? So remember that next time you feel like trashin yourself .
Ridge : Well , maybe I should come back from the grave more often . If it means that --
Stephanie : I should take my blinders off .
Ridge : Seeing my wife in a whole new light ?
Stephanie : I ve been awfully hard on you these last years , have nt I ?
Brooke : I gave as good as I got , Stephanie .
Stephanie : I just could nt accept the fact that you really loved him .
Brooke : You thought --
Stephanie : It does nt matter what I thought . I was wrong . I was wrong about you . You never thought I d say that , did you ? I never thought I d say it , either . But these past few days , I saw how much pain you went through when you thought you d lost him . I just had to face it -- you really love him . So I made a promise to myself . I m never going to come between the two of you again .
Massimo : Good .
Ridge : You gon na bury the hatchet , too ?
Massimo : Oh , ridge -- tragedy seems to bring a family together . I d like to keep it that way .
Ridge : Well , I do nt know about the rest of you , but I ca nt wait to get home with my wife . Start our life together . See our kids . Maybe have one of our own . Who knows ? Could already be in the works .
### Summary:
| Amber gives Brittany a warning after she is asked to move out . Ridge reunites with his parents . Deacon notices that Brittany has grown up . Sally shows Darla the newspaper proving that people can sink very low . Amber has to wonder if Brittany is right that she should nt be living at Deacon s house . Amber feels better when she thinks about the promotion . Stephanie embraces Brooke . Deacon realizes that he may have made a mistake . Amber s boss lifts her spirits . Stephanie tells Brooke that she accepts her and will not get in the way of her marriage to Ridge . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ryan : Hey . Hey , you , what are you doing ?
Emma : Wrapping Mommy s presents so we can take it to her .
Jake : Stupid , stupid holiday . Gifts ? No , you re not going to get gifts . Have you seen the economy ? Do you listen to the news ? I ll give you candy , and not to the overweight people in society , no . Just the skinny --
Greenlee : Yo , Santa .
Jake : What do you want ? What ?
Greenlee : An imposter .
Jake : No , listen . Do nt harass Santa , ok ? He s had a crap day .
Brot : You should nt have come .
Taylor : Well , I could nt just stay away . I want to help you .
Brot : There s nothing you can do , Taylor .
Taylor : I m going to get you out .
Brot : No , you re not .
Colby : Is this for me ? Ok , I ll open it as soon as Nana and the girls get here . Ok ?
Little Adam : Ok .
Colby : All right .
J.R. : And then we can go to the lodge and wait for Santa .
Adam : I really wish you would nt go , J.R. You and Little Adam belong with your family this Christmas , especially this year .
Colby : Dad , if this is something J.R. needs to do , we should let him .
Adam : Of course , of course , you re absolutely right . So , I just want your happiness , you and Little Adam .
J.R. : Ahem . Thanks for the save .
Colby : You re welcome .
J.R. : Can I ask a favor ?
Colby : Hmm , well , that depends on what you got me for Christmas .
J.R. : All right . I m worried about Krystal . Tad asked me to keep an eye on her . Will you look after her while I m gone ?
Krystal : Yeah , thank you , Opal . Thanks for taking the girls last night . This -- this bug is really -- really hanging on . Listen , do you mind taking them one more night ? I -- I just -- the last thing I want to do is give them the flu for Christmas , you know . Yeah . Thank you .
Krystal : Yeah -- no , no . No , that s -- that s ok . No , you do nt have to stop by , really . No -- I ve got -- I have plenty of chicken soup . Ok . Kiss the girls for me ?
Krystal : Ok . Merry Christmas , too .
Zach : You should see the boys . They re so excited to open their presents . There s a few boxes for you , too . I told them to wait . Told them to be patient . That s what Myrtle taught me , or tried to teach me . Be patient . And we ll have Christmas together , and we ll have New Year s together . We ll have our lives together . Just got to be patient .
Brot : I do nt want your help , Taylor . I committed a crime . I stole another soldier s identity .
Taylor : Yes , but that soldier was already dead , Brot .
Brot : It still does nt change the facts . I broke the law .
Taylor : Ok , you broke the law . So what , you just give up ?
Brot : Busting out is nt exactly an option at this point .
Taylor : No , but you ca nt just , you know , rot in jail .
Brot : I m sure I ll take up a hobby .
Taylor : Do nt do that . Do nt act like it s no big deal . I know you .
Brot : All this time , you ve been telling me not to run . Now , I m not running .
Taylor : Ok , but I did nt say not to fight . The Brot I knew , he -- he fought for what he believes in . He -- do nt do this . Do nt just give up . What -- what are you doing ? Are you playing martyr ?
Brot : Some people would call it stepping up and accepting my punishment .
Taylor : You re not being noble . You re not being brave . Now you re using this to hide from me , to hide from the world , to keep from taking responsibility for your life .
Brot : You know what ? You need to accept it and leave me the hell alone .
Greenlee : Tell me you did nt scare the little children .
Jake : They -- they -- they hated me , these little things , ok ? I -- the ho , ho , ho , ho thing and everything and I -- I -- they yell , they booed me . They booed me , their little sticky fingers all over me . I said , Do nt call me names . Do nt do that .
Greenlee : They so picked the wrong person .
Jake : Yeah , well , I m the only one on staff . I m not going -- nothing else to do .
Greenlee : No sick people on Christmas ? That works for me .
Jake : I got my privileges suspended .
Greenlee : Why ? What happened ?
Jake : I tried to do a good deed . I tried to help keep Taylor s fiancé out of prison . Then the prince of darkness takes over the hospital .
Greenlee : What ? Back up .
Jake : No , no , you back up . Let s talk about your crappy life , ok ? I m --
Greenlee : Which part ? The part where I ve filed for divorce from Aidan , who hates me , or the part where I ca nt be with Ryan ?
Jake : Well , Ryan -- Ryan is a tough nut to crack , I give you that . I tried but -- one thing I ll say is I -- I do think he loves you .
Greenlee : When did you try ?
Jake : Stupid . I might have gone there after I saw you the other night at ConFusion . I might have stopped by and had a little talk with him . Yes , I probably should ve been sober before I took on your case , but --
Greenlee : Great . Next time , do nt .
Jake : Look , I still win , ok ? My life sucks a lot more than yours does .
Greenlee : Well , then why do nt you get out of that red crazy suit , and let s go Scrooge together ?
Jake : Because Scrooge is not a verb , my dear .
Greenlee : Do you want someone to be miserable with or not ?
Jake : All right ! Ok ! Fine . But if anybody shows up for more past , present , or future ghost - wise , you know , we kill them . You with me ?
Greenlee : I ll hold them down , you hit them with your sack .
Ryan : I know how badly you want to see Mommy , I really do , but remember Mommy s in a special hospital and -- and she ca nt have visitors right now .
Emma : But she has to have her present .
Ryan : Ok . I got an idea . Why do nt we leave the present under the tree , and we ll leave a little note on the present for Santa to take it to him , because he s got the kind of magic where he can get the present to Mom .
Emma : I ll tell Santa Mommy s been a good girl and just tired .
Ryan : Ok . You finish wrapping , ok ? You finish wrapping .
David : I have been calling , left messages --
Krystal : I have nt felt much like talking .
David : You crashed your car into a tree .
Krystal : I ll survive , ok ? The car will be fine . I m already fine .
David : Really ? Nice bruise . You might have a concussion .
Krystal : Look , I said I ll survive , ok ? I -- I have things to do . Excuse me .
David : Krystal , let me help you . Let me take care of you .
Krystal : Ok , fine . Fine , take care of me . You have five minutes , ok ?
David : All right . All right , let me look at you . Ahem . Have you had any nausea since the accident ?
Krystal : No .
David : Oh . Dizziness ?
Krystal : No .
David : Mm - hmm . Headache ?
Krystal : I took some aspirin .
David : All right .
Krystal : Oh , ok , great . With time to spare . Now if you would please leave .
Krystal : What -- look .
Krystal : It s Christmas , I m busy . I ve got presents to wrap , things to do , people to see , you know ? It got a little messy .
David : You been sleeping on the couch ?
Krystal : Yeah . So what ?
David : Where s Jenny and Kathy ?
Krystal : They re at Opal s . She is their grandmother , ok ? They re doing some kind of a tiny tot s tea party for Christmas . Would you please go ?
David : When was the last time you ate something ? This clearly died a few days ago .
Krystal : It does nt matter .
David : Yes , it does matter , Krystal . You matter .
Krystal : I m sorry , but J.R. asked me to go over to the Chandlers to exchange gifts , so --
David : Well , is nt it a little early to be opening presents ?
Krystal : Yeah , well , J.R. s taking Little A to the Chandler Lodge for Christmas , you know . It s just -- it s too much for him here . You know , there s memories of Babe everywhere .
David : Hmm . It s too much for anyone who loved Babe .
Krystal : Look , I got things to do , ok ? So if you could just show yourself out , I -- I really would appreciate it .
David : All right , wait a minute . I d ask you again if you would give Little A my gift from me , but I get the feeling it upsets you .
Krystal : It does nt . It does nt upset me .
David : You crashed your car .
Krystal : It was icy , ok ? Listen , I m sorry , I ve got to get going . I got Christmas presents to wrap , I got to get dressed , you know ? And I do nt want to be late . Please .
Adam : Merry Christmas .
J.R. : Uh -- you know , I do nt really need another gold watch , Dad .
Adam : Just open it .
J.R. : A map ?
Adam : Yeah , it s a map . It s a trail , up to the lodge . It s way , way up on a hill . You can see for miles . It s a beautiful spot . There s a stream and a bench . You can sit and think , remember Babe .
J.R. : I do nt know what to say .
Adam : Well , I can always get you another gold watch .
J.R. : It s perfect . I m just afraid I did nt get you anything , Dad .
Adam : Ah , well , you ve -- you ve moved back in this house . You could nt have given me a better gift , you could nt .
Emma : When is Mommy coming home ?
Greenlee : Well , she s not here right now , but she s always with you , because she loves you very much . And just like your daddy loves you and your brother Spike loves you , and me . I love you , too , Emma , very much . Come here . Come here .
Jake : All right . Let s go do shots of poison , and we can throw olives at anybody who does nt see Merry Christmas the way we would like them to .
Greenlee : That s the best offer I ve had all day .
Jake : Yeah . So I got to drop this back at Pediatrics before somebody else , I mean -- could I get a second ?
Greenlee : I ll give you two . But you owe me a drink later .
Jake : Ok .
Jake : Hey .
Taylor : Hey .
Jake : You here for physical therapy ?
Taylor : Yeah .
Jake : How s Brot ? Did you see him ? How s he doing ?
Taylor : He s still in jail . I think he s perfectly happy to rot in there . He wo nt take any help from me , he wo nt help himself . How do I let him bury himself in there when the guy that I knew -- you did nt know him . He was so --
Jake : So what ?
Taylor : I m not going to do this . I m not going to dump on you . That s all I do is I dump on you all the time .
Jake : All right , well , go to physical therapy .
Taylor : Yeah .
Greenlee : So ?
Jake : Hmm . Um -- so .
Greenlee : You love her , do nt you ?
Jake : No . Come on , I ll buy you a drink .
Greenlee : Hey . I have a better idea . Go talk to Taylor . She needs you . She does nt want to ask .
Jake : I --
Greenlee : Come on . I ll deliver the Santa suit . Go , go !
Jake : Thank you .
Greenlee : Hmm . Ho , ho , ho - flippin-ho .
Jake : Someone s going the wrong way .
Taylor : I -- I -- I know . I just -- I ca nt -- I ca nt focus on therapy when Brot s locked up .
Jake : Hmm .
Taylor : I ca nt do it . I do nt know why he -- he wo nt even listen to me . He wo nt even let me help him at all . He s so stubborn . I know it s not your problem . It s my problem .
Jake : Well , it s -- it s ok .
Taylor : It s not ok . It s not ok because -- because you know , once upon a time , we were almost something , and now -- now we re --
Jake : Can I help you out -- help you out here ? We re friends . And that s what friends do , they help each other . Look at this . I give you a gesture , a nice gift . Is that nice of me ?
Taylor : Yes .
Jake : I m a nice person . So why do nt we just shut up with all that stuff , talking , just , you know , let s talk about options .
Taylor : With the Army ? The Army s justice system ? There are no options .
Jake : Well , there s got to be somebody that we could talk to , somebody with some power , somebody that could change something , somebody that can maybe -- anything -- reduce the charges --
Taylor : That s a great idea .
Jake : Yeah ?
Taylor : That s a great idea . Thank you ! Thank you , Jake . That s great !
Jake : Which part ? Which part ? Glad I could help .
J.R. : Hey , I was just about to call you .
Krystal : Sorry -- sorry I m late .
J.R. : Here , let me help you . Where s Kathy and Jenny ?
Krystal : Ah , quality time with Opal .
Adam : That s a scary thought . Well , you -- you look a little worse for wear , lady . Could I give you a little Christmas cheer ? Scotch ? Wine ? Whatever you like . I ll bring it up from the cellar .
Krystal : I m -- I m fine , fine . Really . Oh -- whoo ! Oh , goodness ! Ah , look at those pink cheeks .
Krystal : Oh , wow . Hey , huh ?
Little Adam : Are those all for me ?
Krystal : Every last one of them . You want to open them up now ? Ok . All righty . Colby , you want to supervise ?
Colby : Yeah , yeah .
Krystal : Thank you .
Colby : All right , ready ?
Adam : Have you heard from Tad ?
Krystal : Yeah , he -- he called last night .
J.R. : Any word from Jamie or Jeff ?
Krystal : Tad has been to every hospital , clinic , E.R. in the area that Jamie and Jeff were last seen . No sign .
J.R. : Oh , damn .
Krystal : Well , Tad sees it as a -- as a good thing , because it means they re not hurt .
J.R. : Yeah , well , if anybody could find them , it s Dad .
Krystal : Yeah .
Adam : Have you seen David ?
Krystal : Oh -- hey , you -- let me help you with that . Here . That s a tricky one . You scored , Little A. Yeah .
Colby : Ca nt wait to see what Santa brought me .
J.R. : Oh , that depends . Have you been a good girl ?
Adam : Oh -- she s been an angel . An absolute angel .
David : Merry Christmas , all .
Zach : Man , you should see the house . Every inch of it is decorated . Little much for me , but there s presents a mile high . Only present I want is you back in my arms . So come on . So come back to me . Open those beautiful green eyes and come back . All right . I ll see you in a minute . Hey .
Taylor : How s your wife ?
Zach : She s taking the scenic route , but she ll be back .
Taylor : Listen , the last time that we talked , I was a jerk .
Zach : I deserved it .
Taylor : It was an accident , you know ? I had no right to treat you like that .
Zach : Glad you re on your feet .
Taylor : Did you mean what you said then about helping me ?
Zach : Yeah , anything .
Taylor : I have a friend , a good friend . He s in trouble . He s a soldier . Brot Monroe . He assumed another soldier s identity , and he s been arrested . And he did it for me , to protect me , and he s not a bad person . He does nt deserve to be there . But I do nt have any money , and I do nt have any power , so I ca nt help him . And I was hoping you could .
Jake : No , uh . Hey .
Amanda : Just -- please do nt stop . Just keep going . I m not here .
Jake : No , listen , Amanda , I -- I would like -- I need to , um -- I really would like to apologize to you .
Amanda : You should take the shortcut across the pond . Careful , the ice is thin .
Jake : Look , I was an ass , you know . I -- I was drinking that night . I mean , that s not a good excuse , because I hate when people --
Amanda : It s not . You called me a hooker .
Jake : Yeah .
Amanda : But it s ok , I m over it . J.R. punching you in the face helped .
Jake : Yeah , that was good . I m sorry . I -- I never would want to hurt you , ever .
Amanda : Good . Go , you re -- you re blocking my sun .
Jake : The sun , right . Ok . Merry Christmas .
J.R. : Get out .
Adam : I m calling security .
David : Krystal , you re looking well .
Little Adam : Is that for me ?
David : You bet it is . You want to take a look at it together ? Come on .
David : Come here . So what do you think ?
Little Adam : This is exactly what I wanted .
David : Really ? Oh . Oh , I just knew it . Hey , you want to sit inside ? Yeah ? Ok , come on . Here you go .
J.R. : Do nt fall for it .
David : I m going to miss you so much on Christmas Day , Little Adam .
Little Adam : Can you come with us ?
J.R. : No , he s not going to be able to make the trip , Little Adam . But we re going to have all sorts of fun there together .
Adam : Tell you what . We ve got a whole bunch of presents out there that you have nt even seen yet .
Adam : Come on , come on , let s go , let s go check them out . Oh ! What a big guy . Come on .
David : Little Adam , you have a good time , ok ?
David : Well , I guess I ll go spread my holiday cheer elsewhere .
David : Krystal , Colby .
J.R. : Yeah , that was real clever . And that gift ? Scored some face time with Little Adam .
David : That s all I want . No master plan to steal his soul . Just some time with my grandson -- with Babe s son , which we both know she would want .
J.R. : No , Babe did nt want that . You in Little Adam s life is the last thing that she wanted .
David : I have every right to see my grandson .
J.R. : Yeah , about that . My New Year s resolution -- find a way to send you back to hell .
Amanda : Ugh . Hello ?
David : Pack a bag . You re going to the mountains .
Ryan : That s it . Are you all done ?
Emma : I told Santa Mommy s the one with the pretty hair and the big smile .
Ryan : Ah . He s going to find her , and he ll give her the gift , I promise .
Emma : Do you think he ll see it ?
Ryan : Oh , I know he s going to see it . You go ahead , and you put it right in front of the tree where he can find it without any problem , right out there in the open . That s it . Hey , you know what ? It s almost time for you to go to the party with Kathy . Corrina should be here any minute .
Emma : I do nt want to go .
Ryan : What do you mean , you do nt want to go ? You love tea parties .
Emma : Not without Mommy .
Ryan : Well , how about if I go ? Would that work ?
Emma : No .
Ryan : Well , that should be Corrina . Ok .
Woman : Ho , ho , ho !
Greenlee : Ho , ho , ho ! Merry Christmas !
Emma : You re not Santa .
Greenlee : Sure I am .
Emma : Santa s big .
Greenlee : I shrunk . When Mrs. Claus threw my suit in the dryer , I was still in it .
Ryan : Hey , um , Santa , you might want to fix your belt there a little bit .
Greenlee : Oh .
Ryan : Yes .
Greenlee : So , I hear you ve been a good little girl . Come , sit on my lap and tell Santa what you want for Christmas . Oh . So , what s at the top of your list ?
Emma : You re not Santa ! You re Greenlee !
Greenlee : Does that mean I do nt get any milk and cookies ?
Greenlee : So , what gave me away , the ho - ho - ho ?
Emma : You are silly .
Greenlee : I m Santa , baby . Do nt mess with me .
Ryan : Remind me to be a good boy next year .
Greenlee : Well , you made the nice list . Look at all those presents you have . Want to show me some of those ?
Ryan : Yeah , why do nt you show Mommy ? Go . Go get it .
Emma : I got this for Mommy . The real Santa s going to take it to her .
Greenlee : It s so pretty .
Emma : The wrapping s crooked .
Greenlee : Well , crooked wrapping is very in . I am sure Mommy is going to love it -- and what s inside .
Ryan : Oh . Look who s here .
Corrina : It s party time .
Emma : I m not going without Mommy .
Ryan : Annie usually takes her .
Greenlee : Well , who s going to write Mommy and tell her about all the fun and games and the yummy stuff ? I m sure she s going to love to hear all about it .
Ryan : That sounds like a plan to me .
Greenlee : What do you say ?
Emma : Ok , I ll go .
Greenlee : Ok .
Ryan : That s my girl . That s my girl . You can get rid of the hat . How about that , huh ? Does that sound like fun ? Ok , let s get you all dressed .
Greenlee : Just trying to get in the spirit .
Ryan : Get your hat on . You can do the rest before you go outside . Ok , ready ? Here s the other mitten .
Corrina : Let s rock this party .
Ryan : Rock this party is right .
Ryan : You are amazing .
Greenlee : You want to get on Santa s good side ? Give me some milk and cookies . Please .
Ryan : You brought us the tree , you fixed Emma s angel wings , you cheered her on at the recital . Greenlee , you really know how to talk to her . You really know how to make her feel like everything is going to be all right .
Greenlee : Everything is going to be all right . She has you for a daddy .
Ryan : I really do nt know how to thank you .
Greenlee : I have an idea .
Ryan : Anything you want .
Greenlee : I want to get out of these clothes . Who knew that Santa had a thing for synthetic fibers ?
Brot : Who are you ?
Zach : Slater . Zach Slater .
Brot : What do you want ?
Zach : Taylor said you could use some help .
Brot : I told her not to do anything .
Zach : I guess she did nt listen .
Brot : Well , tell her that I do nt want any help .
Zach : Tell her yourself .
Zach : You re free to go .
Brot : That s not possible .
Zach : I got some friends working on your case . Until this is resolved , you re out of here . You coming or not ?
Krystal : What the hell are you doing here ?
David : I m sorry . I did nt mean to startle you .
Krystal : You broke in .
David : No . No , the door was open . I knocked , ok ? You forgot to close it .
Krystal : I must not have been paying attention .
David : Great . Well , now you know why that bruise on your head concerns me .
Krystal : David , would you please just leave me in peace ?
David : All right , fine . Just as soon as I get you something to eat .
Krystal : I m not hungry . You re not going to find anything anyway . I have nt been to the store .
David : All right , look . Here , ok ? There s some cookies on the counter in there and some milk . At least it s something .
Krystal : Do nt want it .
David : All right , Krystal . What s going on ? Come on , talk to me . Why all the suspicion all of a sudden ? And why did you just run out of my house ? Is it something I said , something I did ? What ?
Krystal : I -- I just -- I m tired , ok ? I have nt slept in ages .
David : Ok . Then this is exactly what you need .
Taylor : You re out . What happened ?
Brot : Your friend Slater .
Zach : Case is being reviewed . There s a good chance it s going to get dismissed .
Taylor : I think I want to hug you .
Zach : Come here .
Taylor : Thank you .
Zach : I m glad I could help . Take care of her , would you ?
Taylor : You re out . It ll be ok . Do nt you see ? Now it ll all be ok .
Greenlee : Thanks for the shirt .
Ryan : Yeah , well , anything for Santa .
Greenlee : Mm - hmm ?
Ryan : Mm - hmm .
Greenlee : Nice fire .
Ryan : It takes the chill off a little bit .
Greenlee : Uh , you know , I should run down and , um , to my car , and grab my change of clothes .
Ryan : Hold -- hold -- wait , wait , wait .
Ryan : Open it .
Jake : Sorry . No , I was hogging .
Taylor : Sorry , no , it s my fault .
Taylor : What is it ?
Brot : You should nt push yourself .
Taylor : I m not pushing myself . I feel great . Can I get you something ? Do you want , I do nt know , some eggnog ?
Brot : No , no . I have to go , ok ? I have to go .
Taylor : Wait . But you just got out . I mean , we should celebrate .
Brot : No , do nt worry . I ll call you .
J.R. : Our very own angel .
J.R. : Hey , buddy , I m going to go get some firewood . You stay right here . Ok , I ll be right back .
David : Feel any better ?
Krystal : Mm - hmm .
David : Good . You re not going to get up and run out on me , are you ?
Krystal : No . Too comfy . Hmm .
David : All right , Krystal , tell me . Truth . Why do I get the feeling you re pulling away ?
Krystal : Adam -- Adam said that one way you might try to get close to Little A is by giving him a fancy gift through me .
David : You have to be kidding . I would take that gift and throw it down the Chandler chimney if that was the only way for me to give a little Christmas to my grandson . It s hardly a plot to kidnap him .
Krystal : You hate the Chandlers .
David : Krystal , do nt let them use you . We shared Babe . We loved her . We love her son . Do nt let Adam and J.R. Take away from us what we have . Please .
Krystal : I miss her . I miss her so much . I m sorry . I just -- I just -- I ca nt feel anything , you know ? I ca nt -- I ca nt feel love , I ca nt feel joy . I just feel grief . I just feel so alone .
David : You re not . I m here . And I m going to take care of you . Come here .
Ryan : Are you ok ? If you -- if you do nt like it --
Greenlee : I love it . I love you .
Zach : I met a soldier . He was hurt in Iraq . He should have died . But he did nt . It was a miracle . You re going to be my miracle . All right . I m going home to see the boys . I love you .
Kendall : Zach , wait , I m coming .
### Summary:
| Emma wraps a present for Annie and tells her dad that she wants to take it to her mommy . Jake comes into Pine Valley Hospital in a Santa suit where he plays Santa for all the little children . Taylor visits Brot in jail and offers to help him get out . Brot refuses her help . Little A gives Colby a present before he and J.R. go up to the Chandler cabin in the woods . Krystal is on the phone with Opal , arranging for Jenny and Kathy to stay a little while longer with Opal . Zach visits Kendall and leaves her a pic of Ian and Spike . At the hospital , Jake lets Greenlee know that he his license was suspended courtesy of David . Ryan explains to Emma that they can not go and see Annie right now . When David shows up , Krystal refuses his help but lets it slip that J.R. is taking Little A to the Chandler cabin for a little while . Krystal brings presents to Little A , but David shows up to ruin the festivities . Adam orders David out of his house . Taylor apologizes to Zach for her treatment of him after the fall that Zach accidentally caused . Taylor asks Zach for help in getting Brot released from jail . As Amanda sits on a bench in the park , Jake interrupts her . Amanda brushes Jake off when he tries to talk to her . Amanda gets a call from David telling her that she is taking a trip to the woods to join J.R. and Little A. Greenlee , dressed in a Santa suit , surprises Emma . Ryan thanks Greenlee for her patience with Emma and for being there for her . David interrupts Krystal at home and fixes her a glass of spiked milk . Krystal gives in and lets David carry her upstairs . Brot arrives at Taylor s door along with Zach . Taylor hugs Zach for helping to get Brot out of jail . When Ryan surprises Greenlee with a butterfly pin , she hugs him and says she loves him , then they kiss . As Zach leaves Kendall s room , her spirit arises and yells out for Zach to wait that she is coming , too . Amanda arrives at the cabin just in time for J.R. to hug her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Doris : What flavor ?
Olivia : Vanilla .
Doris : And why are you eating it looking so depressed ?
Olivia : Because I m not lovable .
Billy : Now I think maybe you need distraction .
Vanessa : What kind of distraction ?
Billy : I was thinking of marrying you .
Reva : I feel safe here now . Now I feel like you re here with me .
Bill : Okay . I think I did it . I think that one was a baby maker .
Lizzie : Was it a boy or a girl ?
Bill : I m thinking that one was a boy .
Lizzie : Oh , really .
Bill : Yeah , I think it was a boy . I m thinking that I m going to teach him how to play ball .
Lizzie : Okay .
Bill : And I ll take him fishing . Teach him about the business . Yup . H.B. IV and I are going to be like this .
Lizzie : Okay .
Bill : But if it s a girl , I can take her to her recitals , teach her how to dance .
Lizzie : You do nt know how to dance .
Bill : I can dance .
Lizzie : ( Groans )
Bill : All right , I ll learn to dance . What about you ? What do you think ? Boy or a girl ?
Lizzie : I do nt care . I just want a healthy baby .
Bill : Come on . That s a cop - out .
Lizzie : It is the truth .
Bill : All right . All right , well , you know what ? I think if we are having trouble deciding on what we re going to have here , we are going to need one of each . That means I got to start doing this again , make us some twins .
Lizzie : ( Laughs )
Bill : Uh - huh . Uh - huh .
Vanessa : Hi .
Blake : Oh , Vanessa , hi . What can I get you ?
Vanessa : Just a tea to go . I do nt really have a lot time for breakfast .
Blake : Oh , busy day ahead , huh ?
Vanessa : Yeah , I m afraid so . You know , since Dinah left town I ve been trying to get up to speed at WSPR . I figure if I stay on schedule for a couple more weeks , everything there be fine . I just do nt really do very well with chaos .
Blake : If anybody can do it you can .
Vanessa : Oh , thank you . All right . So I just need to get ... oh , I gave you the money . Just need to get my life under control . Bye .
Blake : Oh .
Vanessa : Thank you .
Blake : Bye .
Billy : Hey , Father Ray .
Father Ray : Hey .
Billy : Good , I caught you . Will you marry me ?
Father Ray : Billy this is so sudden . Thanks for the offer , but I m bound to a vow of celibacy .
Billy : I stepped into that one , did nt I ? You re a funny guy .
Father Ray : That s great news . Who s the lucky girl ?
Billy : Vanessa Reardon .
Father Ray : Vanessa ? I m glad you two are getting back together . When s the wedding ?
Billy : This afternoon .
Father Ray : Today ?
Billy : Yeah , yeah .
Father Ray : What time ?
Billy : 1 : 00 ? Do you think you can do it ?
Father Ray : 1 : 00 ? Yeah , sure , I ll be there .
Billy : Okay .
Father Ray : Where are you having the ceremony ?
Billy : At Towers . I rented Towers for the whole afternoon .
Father Ray : Great , Towers , 1 : 00 . I ll be there right before 1 : 00 .
Billy : Good , thanks .
Father Ray : Sure .
Billy : All right , I ll see you there .
Father Ray : Give Vanessa my regards .
Billy : You ll be able to talk to her . She ll be there , too .
Father Ray : Great .
Reva : Okay , Colin , where s Mommy s keys , huh ? Do you have Mommy s keys ? I did nt give you Mommy s keys . Oh , damn ! Colin , what are we going to do now ?
Josh : Yours looks healthier than mine .
Olivia : Oh , deadly . Good , good , but deadly .
Josh : Like my women . So you seem to be in a better place than you were last time I saw you .
Olivia : I am in a better place . Part in thanks to my friend Josh Lewis .
Josh : Oh , yes .
Olivia : And also my daughter is coming home today .
Josh : Oh , how long has she been gone ?
Olivia : Since Jeffrey s funeral . Ava thought it would be a good idea if she visited for a while . I m sure she had fun , but it s really hard on Mommy .
Josh : Yeah , yeah , I understand that . You know , I used to hate it when my kids just had sleepovers . You know , you like to have them in the house , know they re safe . ( Cell phone rings )
Olivia : Oh , that s your other friend Reva . Do you want me to take a message ?
Josh : That s funny . Hey .
Reva : Hi , the locksmith is nt answering his phone .
Josh : I m sorry ?
Reva : I ve locked myself out of the car .
Josh : Ah , yes .
Reva : And I thought maybe you might be able to come over here and meet me and do that thing you do with the hanger .
Josh : Reva , you know , I do nt actually think that works on newer cars .
Reva : Well , maybe it will work on mine . I m standing outside the car with Colin and groceries that need to go in the fridge .
Josh : Okay , well , give me a second to put my eggs and bacon on a bagel to go , wrap it up in a napkin , and I ll be right there with you .
Reva : Thank you .
Josh : Sure .
Olivia : It s okay . Try not to get it on your shirt .
Josh : Thank you , my friend , Olivia .
Olivia : You re welcome friend Josh .
Josh : Bye .
Olivia : Bye .
Bill : Baby , if I did nt make twins right there , then I do nt know what will . ( Laughter )
Lizzie : What time is the crew getting here ?
Bill : They should be here any minute .
Billy : Hey , Bill !
Lizzie : God , it s Billy .
Bill : Dad ?
Billy : Yeah , hey . Oh , hey , do nt , do nt , I m not embarrassed .
Lizzie : Oh , I am .
Billy : You ll get over it . Look , I came to invite you kids to a wedding .
Lizzie : Whose wedding ?
Billy : Well , I m getting married . I m going to marry Bill s mom this afternoon .
Bill : Your ... whoa , Dad , you are a fast mover . When did she say yes ?
Billy : Well , she has nt said yes , but you see , it s a surprise wedding .
Reva : Hi .
Josh : Hey .
Reva : All my frozen food s that thawing .
Josh : Well , first of all you re welcome .
Reva : Thanks .
Josh : How is it going , Colin ?
Reva : He s good .
Josh : Good to see you .
Reva : He s good , just waiting to get in the car .
Josh : Great . It s locked .
Reva : Yeah .
Josh : Did you try all the doors ?
Reva : What do you think ?
Josh : Just checking .
Reva : Here , I went to the cleaners and got you a hanger .
Josh : Okay .
Reva : Okay . You might want to go in the side , instead of the top , the way you used to ... it s just an idea .
Blake : Coffee ?
Olivia : Yes , please . Is there any more milk because that one s out ? I was rude . I was so rude and I m sorry . I just ... I ... I was nt thinking very clearly . I ve been so hurt since Natalia left . But I m ... I m better , but I was so awful . And I m sorry for being a bitch .
Blake : You had a broken heart . I m glad it s mended .
Father Ray : As I have loved you , so shall you love one another . And I shall call you friend .
Natalia : I would call you a friend , Father .
Father Ray : Natalia !
Natalia : Hi .
Father Ray : What a great surprise . You look great .
Natalia : Oh , actually I look like a big squash , but I feel amazing .
Father Ray : You look amazing . Welcome home .
Natalia : Thank you . And thank you for sending me to St. Ann s .
Father Ray : See , I knew you would like it there .
Natalia : It was perfect for me . The sisters were really lovely and supportive , and it was quiet and I was able to think and pray .
Father Ray : So , did you find out what God wants you to do ?
Natalia : Better . I figured out what I want . And I think that s what God really wants for me , you know ?
Father Ray : That s right .
Natalia : And I was able to really just contemplate and figure out if ... if the decisions that we re making were right . And I prayed and asked God and confirmed that they were .
Father Ray : What are you going to do ?
Natalia : I m going to be happy .
Lizzie : Hey !
Billy : Hey .
Lizzie : Okay , we have no to time to lose . What do you need to us do ?
Billy : Well , I m not really a decorator . I figure you could do it . So just take all this stuff and make it look really pretty , so when Vanessa walks in she goes , Yeah !
Lizzie : Okay , all right . So , let s see ... okay , this is ... this is nice .
Billy : Got those this morning .
Bill : Did you ?
Billy : Yeah .
Bill : All right , well , maybe you should walk me through the plan , Dad .
Billy : Okay , here is the plan . Father Ray s going to do the wedding .
Bill : All right .
Billy : I got a hold of Josh . I could nt get a hold of Shayne . And you re going to go get your mom , make it like you are taking her out to lunch , and you bring her here , and the we yell surprise and we get married .
Bill : All right .
Lizzie : Okay , so , are we actually going yell surprise ?
Billy : Well , yell , Happy wedding , you know , whatever .
Lizzie : Okay .
Bill : So she has no idea that this is happening ?
Billy : Well , I told her I was going to marry her . I just did nt tell her it was going to be it today . I kind of want to , you know , sweep her off her feet and surprise her .
Lizzie : When did you ... when did you ask her to marry you ?
Billy : Well , I did nt ask her yet , but you know , I know her . I know what she wants , okay ?
Lizzie : Okay , okay . Well , did you plan a honeymoon ?
Billy : Hey , two weeks in a bed , what do you need ?
Bill : Oh , I did not need that image in my ....
Billy : Look , I m going to ...
Lizzie : Where are you going to live after you married ?
Billy : Well , I figure I ll let her choose where ... I better run and find out where she is so you ll know where to go to invite her , okay ?
Bill : All right , good idea . Good idea .
Lizzie : Yeah . Good idea ? Nothing about this is a good idea . No girl wants to be surprised for a wedding .
Bill : I do nt know , baby , I think my dad is right . I think my mom wants to marry him again .
Lizzie : This has disaster written all over it . Disaster .
Billy : Hey , how is the most beautiful girl in the world ?
Vanessa : Well , the most beautiful gal in town is really exhausted , and I ve got so much work I ca nt see straight . And then this morning Maureen tells me that there s a school project that I said I would do with her . I ca nt believe it , Billy . I m never going to get out of here .
Billy : So you re going to be around WSPR all afternoon ?
Vanessa : Oh , yeah , budget meetings and a couple of documentary films that should have been edited a long time ago . So I ll be here .
Billy : Well , then you re definitely not going anywhere else ?
Vanessa : Me ? No , I ll be here . Okay , thank you for calling , got ta go .
Billy : Okay .
Reva : You know , maybe if you do nt push so hard ...
Josh : Reva , if you could just not talk that would be ...
Reva : It needs ... oh . How did you do that ? Oh , look at that . Wow . That s ...
Josh : Wait , wait , wait . Apparently my remote opens up your door .
Reva : Well , that s not very safe .
Josh : No . So do you need anything else ?
Reva : No , no , I do nt . I do nt .
Josh : Okay .
Reva : That s ... that s great . Thank you .
Josh : You sure ? You okay .
Reva : Thank you so much for meeting me here . You re a lifesaver .
Josh : Here , you can keep that .
Reva : Great , thank you .
Josh : Okay .
Reva : Appreciate it .
Josh : You re welcome .
Reva : Have a good day .
Josh : You , too .
Natalia : Hi , Blake ? It s Natalia .
Blake : Hey , Natalia , how are you ?
Natalia : Good , I m home .
Blake : Oh , my gosh .
Natalia : Yeah , I was wondering if I could talk to you ?
Blake : Sure . I m right here at the restaurant .
Natalia : Okay , I actually have nt told anyone that I m home yet . Could you come outside ?
Blake : Sure , just give me a minute , okay ?
Natalia : Okay . I m across from the post office .
Blake : I ll be right there . Bye . Be right back .
Natalia : Hi .
Blake : It s so good to see you .
Natalia : You , too .
Blake : Well , you look amazing . How do you feel ?
Natalia : I feel really good .
Blake : Yeah ?
Natalia : I ve been to the doctor and he says everything s great and moving right along .
Blake : Do we know ? Is it a boy , girl ?
Natalia : Oh no , not yet . Not yet .
Blake : So you re back .
Natalia : Yes .
Blake : Is this for good ?
Natalia : Oh , yeah , absolutely . My home is Springfield . I m going to make my life here .
Father Ray : Oh , terrific .
Olivia : Looks good .
Father Ray : Hi , Olivia .
Olivia : Hi , how are you ?
Father Ray : I m good , I m good .
Olivia : Good . I m kind of excited . Emma s coming home today .
Father Ray : That s wonderful . Emma s a good girl .
Olivia : She s the best .
Father Ray : Have you heard from Natalia ?
Olivia : No . No , and I m actually in a pretty good mood , so I do nt want to really talk about that right now .
Father Ray : I m sorry , I just ...
Olivia : No , she made her choices . And now I ve made mine . It was difficult at first , but it s going to be okay .
Father Ray : It s good . It s good to make your own choices .
Olivia : I m putting my life back together . And I m not saying that I am over her because I probably never will be , but I could nt let it take control of my life . So I took a deep breath , and I m moving on .
Josh : Hey , looks like they re having a wedding or something here . I mean , are we supposed to be here right now ?
Billy : Yeah , they are having a wedding . It s mine .
Josh : What ?
Billy : Yeah , Vanessa and I are getting married .
Josh : Well , that was fast .
Billy : Yeah , hey .
Josh : Wow .
Billy : Well , you know , when you know what you want , you kind of move fast .
Josh : So where is she ? Where s the bride ?
Billy : The plan is she is over at WSPR . And Bill s over there , and he s going to invite her to lunch . She comes here , we jump out , we yell surprise , and the we get on with the marrying .
Josh : Surprise ?
Billy : Well , you know , she has had so much stress with Dinah leaving , I figured I d take away the stress of planning the wedding and do it myself .
Josh : Wait a minute , wait a minute , now . Vanessa knows nothing about this ?
Billy : Well , brother , she knows she loves me . What else do you need to know ? Look , I got to get on with my life here , okay ? Now , you will be the best man . And Bill will walk her down the aisle , and Lizzie will be the bridesmaid .
Josh : Okay , sounds like you ve thought of everything .
Billy : That s my job .
Josh : Okay .
Bill : Hey , Mom , how about taking a lunch break ?
Vanessa : Rain check , rain check , rain check .
Bill : Ma , you look a little swamped here . I think it is the perfect excuse to leave , refresh your mind and come back a new woman . What do you say ?
Vanessa : Honey , I do nt have time to refresh my mind or be a , what , a new woman , no .
Bill : You do nt have time for the son who loves you with all his heart and soul , to sit down and have a little meal ?
Vanessa : Next week . Next week , I promise .
Bill : Mom , come on .
Vanessa : What ?
Bill : I m counting on you here .
Vanessa : Honey , you have a new bride . You have a house that you said you wanted to renovate . What s the trouble ?
Bill : You know what happened ? I woke up this morning and said , Bill Lewis , you do nt spend enough quality time with the woman who gave you life , and that s what it is . Let s ... let s go get some lunch .
Vanessa : This is all the quality time I have .
Bill : Okay . Mom this is really embarrassing . I did nt want to have to talk about it . But since Lizzie and I got married there have been some compatibility issues in the bedroom , sex things .
Vanessa : Really ?
Bill : Yes .
Vanessa : Do nt worry about it . It will be fine .
Bill : Okay . I love you , Ma .
Vanessa : ( Sighs ) What in the world ?
Father Ray : Take care , Olivia . Great seeing you .
Olivia : Thanks , Father , you too .
Father Ray : Off to do a wedding .
Olivia : Have fun .
Father Ray : Yeah .
Reva : I need to make a list .
Olivia : Reva ? Hi .
Reva : Oh , hi , Olivia .
Olivia : Did you get your car unlocked ? I was having breakfast with Josh when you called .
Reva : Oh , yeah , the door just opened .
Olivia : Good .
Reva : All set . You must really like ho - ho s , huh ?
Olivia : I do . They re for Emma . I m picking her up from the airport today . I m so excited she s coming home .
Reva : Yeah , it s important to surround yourself with the people you love .
Olivia : It is .
Reva : Tell Emma I said , hi .
Olivia : I will .
Reva : Okay .
Olivia : Bye .
Reva : Bye .
Billy : I think we re almost all set .
Lizzie : Billy ?
Billy : Yes .
Lizzie : I just want to mention , as the only girl here , that you know , a wedding is a very important day to a woman . It s a day that she ll remember for the rest of her life .
Billy : Well , I sure hope so .
Lizzie : I ... I know that you know Vanessa better than I do . But she just strikes me as the type of woman that likes things just so , you know ? She likes to be in control .
Billy : You said it . I mean , that s one of the reason I really like her . She is a lion of a woman . But let me tell you , sometimes she likes somebody else to take control just so she can kind of be in the moment .
Lizzie : An instant bride ?
Billy : It s been a long time coming .
Lizzie : Okay , I hope you guys are happy .
Billy : Oh , hey , you were supposed to call before you came . What s going on ? Where s Vanessa ? Did you leave her downstairs ?
Bill : I could nt ... she would nt . Look , she s not coming . I m sorry .
Josh : Hey . I m back . Where s Vanessa ?
Bill : She s not coming .
Josh : Why not ?
Bill : I tried everything . I tried the guilt , the charm . I even told her that Lizzie and I were having trouble in bed , which we re not by the way . Definitely not .
Josh : Okay , so what s next ?
Billy : Plan B , follow me .
Blake : I m just really glad that you re home . I really am . And you seem so calm .
Natalia : Yeah .
Blake : It must be really wonderful to be able to see everyone again .
Natalia : Yeah , so far , I ve just seen you , and I went to see Father Ray at the church , just to let him know I m okay .
Blake : So you have nt seen anyone . Not Rafe ?
Natalia : No .
Blake : Frank , or even Olivia .
Natalia : I am going to go find them right now , you know .
Blake : Do you have a plan ?
Natalia : Of course , yeah . That s exactly why I went away , you know , so I could figure out what I want , think about what was best for everyone .
Blake : And you figured that out ?
Natalia : Yup .
Blake : And ?
Natalia : I think it s important that I talk to Olivia first . You know , I have to make her understand before I can talk to anyone else . And I do have to go , but I really wanted to tell you how grateful I am . And thank you so much , and I really owe you big time .
Blake : It s my pleasure . I m glad you are okay . I really am .
Natalia : I am . I really am .
Blake : All right .
Natalia : Okay .
Blake : All right . I ll see you .
Natalia : See you .
Olivia : You know what ? Come here , I want one more hug . Come here !
Emma : Wow , you re really happy to see me .
Olivia : I am so happy to see you . Are you happy to see me ?
Emma : Yes , I bring you presents . Ava packed them in my bag .
Olivia : Presents ! I love presents , but you re my favorite present of all . I m happy to have you home , Em , sweet girl . Tell you what , why do nt we get rid of your bag and go have some fun , just the two of us . Thataway . Go , go , go , go .
Natalia : Olivia ? Hi .
Sheryl : Hi .
Natalia : How are you , Sheryl ?
Sheryl : Oh , good .
Natalia : Have you seen Olivia ?
Sheryl : No , not today . You have nt been around for a while .
Natalia : Yeah , I took a break .
Sheryl : Well , it s good to have you back .
Natalia : Thanks .
Olivia : Okay , what do you want to do ?
Emma : You do nt have to work today ?
Olivia : Nope , nope , I m not working on the day my beautiful daughter comes home , so what are we doing ?
Emma : Let s go to the park .
Olivia : Okay . You want to push me on the swings ?
Emma : You have to push me .
Olivia : I push you ? Okay . Come on , come on .
Natalia : Olivia ? Olivia , it s me , Natalia .
Reva : Okay . You know what ? I am going to put all the groceries in the fridge while I still can , the milk and the O.J. and then I am going to get a drink of water , and then I m going to rock you to sleep my little baby boy . Yes , I am . Okay . Oh , oh ! You have got to be kidding me ! Not this again ! Josh , you were supposed to fix this ! Oh , no , no , no , no , no , not again and again . Okay . I m not calling Josh . I m not calling Josh . I m not calling Josh . I m going to call a plumber . That s what anybody else would do . They would call a plumber . Okay . You re out on an emergency ? Well , I have an emergency here , too . This is Reva ONeill calling . I live at 32 Round Rock Road . I m having a plumbing emergency . Do nt call me back . Just show up , please . Thank you . Who else ? Buzz . Oh , please be there . Please be there . Hey , it s Reva ONeill .
Blake : Hey , honey , how are you ?
Reva : Blake , actually I m not good . I ... the sprayer thing in my sink is busted again , and there s water going all over the place , and I thought Josh had fixed it .
Blake : I ve got a great plumber .
Reva : You do ? Can you give me his number ?
Blake : Okay , 555 - 7771 .
Reva : Okay . Great , thanks , Blake . Okay . See ? I can take care of this . Okay , no problem . Water s not going to hurt anything . No , it s not . Another machine ? Do nt you people have secretaries ? Hello , my name is Reva ONeill , and I m having a plumbing emergency . I live at 32 Round Rock Road , and I would really love it if you could get over here as soon as possible , please . Thank you . Now what ? Now what ? Another message machine . Yeah , Josh , it s me again . I know that I said I did nt need your help for anything . But the sprayer thing in the sink is busted again , and you were supposed to have fixed it , but you did nt . So I have tried two plumbers already , and I need to you come over here and see if you can fix this again , please , quickly , thank you . Okay .
Olivia : I m going to catch you . Where did you get so fast ?
Natalia : Olivia , where are you ?
Father Ray : Wow . Hey .
Lizzie : Hey .
Father Ray : Where s the happy couple ?
Lizzie : Well , they re ... they re not here yet , but they might be on their way .
Father Ray : This place looks great . Did you do the decorating ?
Lizzie : Kind of . Billy is really the mastermind behind this .
Father Ray : Bill must be so happy his parents are getting remarried .
Lizzie : He sure is .
Father Ray : Weddings are such happy occasions .
Lizzie : We can only hope .
Father Ray : What ?
Lizzie : They give us such hope .
Father Ray : Yeah .
Vanessa : Ralphie , make sure that Jib gets over to Studio 45 .
Bill : Hey , Mom .
Vanessa : Hi , honey . It s gotten worse . My day s gotten worse .
Bill : Your day s gotten worse ? Oh , that s not good .
Vanessa : No , it s not . The series we were filming on Springfield gardens , Ashlee did the voice - over , she s gone to Canada on a road trip . I may have to do the segment of the voice over .
Bill : Oh , well , you may not have time .
Vanessa : I do nt have time .
Bill : No , I ...
Olivia : Okay , I ll count to three , ready ? One ... I m giving you three . Two ... oh , you re taunting me , are nt you ?
Emma : Yes , I m taunting . You re trying to trick me , are nt you ? Oh , no .
Olivia : Trick you .
Emma : No .
Natalia : Olivia !
Olivia : Okay .
Natalia : Olivia !
Reva : That s great . This has happened like three times already .
Plumber : Should be okay for a while now .
Reva : Good . What do I owe you ?
Plumber : $ 200 . Cash or check .
Reva : Check s okay , right ?
Plumber : Uh - huh .
Reva : All right . Oh , wow , look at the date . It s almost my anniversary .
Plumber : Congratulations .
Reva : Thank you .
Plumber : That s why you have all the pictures out .
Reva : Yeah , yeah . Yup . Okay , whoops . It s a little damp , sorry . I m sure you are used to that .
Plumber : Yeah .
Reva : Bye .
Plumber : Good - bye , darling . Have a good day .
Reva : Thank you .
Plumber : You re welcome .
Reva : You , too . It s almost our wedding anniversary . We ve been together for a year .
Vanessa : Billy , you better have a good explanation for this , because if you do nt ...
Billy : Here we go .
Vanessa : I swear I am going to ...
All : Surprise !
Josh : Surprise ! Surprise .
Billy : Welcome to your wedding !
Vanessa : My what ?
Billy : Yeah , well , you know I told you I was going to marry you . So , hey , I figured I d just get it all set up so all you had to do is show up . I mean , look , Father Ray , cake , champagne , best man , somebody to walk you down ...
Vanessa : Stop ! Billy , stop ! I m not marrying you .
Billy : You ... you ... you re not ... but I told you I wanted to be with you .
Vanessa : No , we re not getting married .
Billy : Are you saying we re not getting married ?
Vanessa : Not for sure .
Billy : Well , I thought for sure you felt the same way that I. I ca nt believe that we re not ever going to be together . That s why ... I ca nt believe that we re not ever going to be together .
Vanessa : I did not say that we are never going to be together . I m saying I m not getting married today , like this .
Billy : I showed up this time . I wanted to surprise you , sweep you off your feet .
Vanessa : I do nt want to be surprised . I do nt want to be swept off my feet . I want you to come to me and propose to me the way normal people do . I want us to talk about it . I want us to plan the wedding and be happy about our plan . I want to have some input . And Mr. Lewis , you have some courting to do .
Billy : So you re not saying no ?
Vanessa : When was the last time you took me out to dinner ?
Billy : You re not saying no .
Vanessa : I m not saying no .
Billy : I think you re beautiful . Would you like to go to dinner ?
Vanessa : I ca nt make it .
Billy : How about tomorrow ?
Vanessa : I can make it .
Billy : 7 : 00 ?
Vanessa : 7 : 00 will be just fine . And you , you and you are in such big trouble , big trouble .
Billy : Lizzie and I do nt have trouble with sex , so that s ... did you get that ?
Josh : No . Are you okay ?
Billy : Oh , boy , am I okay . I m getting the love of my life .
Josh : Ah .
Billy : So when are you going to get yours ?
Josh : I do nt think that s going to happen . This need I have , this incredible need to help Reva , it s overwhelming for both of us . And I have to stop .
Olivia : Be right back , okay ? Stay .
Natalia : Hi . I just got back . I went by the Beacon . I was looking for you .
Olivia : I was picking up Emma . She was visiting Ava in San Francisco .
Natalia : Oh . Did she have a good time ?
Olivia : I think she did .
Natalia : I know that you ve been wondering where I ve been .
Olivia : Yeah , I was wondering at first . Father Ray said that you went on a retreat . I tried finding you , but I ...
Natalia : I m ... I m so sorry that I worried you . I thought about you every minute .
Olivia : I thought about you , too .
Natalia : You look beautiful .
Olivia : Why ... why did you leave ?
Natalia : I had a lot that I needed to think about , and I needed to really decide what I want . And figure out what I felt was best for everyone .
Olivia : I thought we were pretty good . What did you have to figure out ?
Natalia : I m pregnant .
Coming up on Guiding Light .
Lizzie : Do you know where they are ? Do you know where Jonathan has my daughter ?
Jonathan : You promised me she was nt going to be involved .
Jeffrey : Just because we have nt seen him does nt mean he is nt watching .
Olivia : You left me . And you did nt say anything .
Natalia : I never meant to ...
Olivia : You left me .
Jeffrey : Do nt move , you re under arrest ! ( Gunshots )
Jonathan : ( Screaming )
### Summary:
| Bill is with Lizzie and is talking about having kids . Vanessa is at Company and Blake is talking to her . Billy runs into Fr . Ray and tells him he is remarrying Vanessa . Fr Ray is happy for them . Billy asks if Fr Ray can do the ceremony . Josh is on the phone while at Company with Olivia . As Josh is talking to Reva , Olivia is preparing Josh s egg bagel to go . Natalia comes home . Billy gathers anyone he can for his and Vanessa s surprise wedding . Josh comes to Reva car rescue . At the church , Fr . Ray is trying to write a sermon when he hears a familiar voice . It is Natalia . He is so happy to see her . Billy , Bill and Lizzie are at Towers waiting for Vanessa . Billy tells them that Vanessa is going to be surprised . Bill then realizes his mother has no idea what his father is up too . Billy leaves to check on Vanessa s whereabouts on the phone . Lizzie meanwhile tells Bill that , No girl want so be surprised at her wedding . Natalia is outside Company and calls in . Blake answers and is surprised to hear that it is Natalia . Blake asks if she is back in town . Natalia says she is and is right outside Company and wants her to come out and talk . When Blake sees Natalia , she hugs her . Bill visits Vanessa at her office . Bill tells her that he wanted to spend some quality time with her . She reminds him he is married and should be with his wife . Bill gets uneasy when Vanessa questions him more . He mentions a wedding at Towers and leaves . Vanessa turns to the camera and says , My wedding ? At Towers , Lizzie and Billy are alone talking . Lizzie reminds Billy she knows him better than he knows himself . Bill comes back . Bill tells Billy , that Vanessa is nt coming . That he tried everything . Josh then arrives and sees Billy unhappy . Outside Company , Natalia and Blake talk about letting know Olivia that Natalia is back . Natalia tells her when the time is right . That at least she wanted to tell Blake she was back . Emma is home from camp . Olivia is so glad to see her . Natalia goes to check on her physical therapy job . Her co - worker welcomes her back . Natalia then goes to see Olivia . She knocks on the door and gets no answer . Reva is home with Colin . She places him on the floor and tries for the sink . She turns it on and gets splashed . She gets angry and call for a plumber . She gets an answering machine . She tells it her address and continues by saying not to call her back just come . Then she calls Blake over at Company to ask for a plumber . Blake gives her a number of her plumber and Reva calls it and gets some action . She calls Josh also and tells her that she promised not to bother her again , but the sink is at it . Natalia drives around looking for Olivia . At Towers , Fr . Ray and Lizzie are talking about hope . Bill joins Vanessa at the TV station s storage room . She does nt realize a smiling Billy coming up behind her with a pillow case . In no time the plumber has fixed her plumbing and they are having small talk about children . After he leaves , Reva goes to the fireplace and picks up Jeffrey s picture and hugs it . At Towers , Vanessa tells Billy she is not remarrying him . She is actually angry at how he tricked her . Billy tries to change her mind . Natalia finds Olivia and Emma at a park . Olivia sees Natalia and walks over to her . They begin to talk . Olivia tells Natalia that Emma just got back from camp . And that she missed Natalia . Natalia says she thought leaving for awhile was best for everyone . She tells Olivia she is pregnant ... |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Can I ask you something ?
Caroline : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : Why did I think it was a good idea to be away from you even for a moment ?
Caroline : Because you re CEO of Forrester and you have obligations .
Ridge : No , my obligation should be here with you , with our baby . So please , no more false alarms .
Caroline : No , no . Not that that was nt actually very scary , thinking that I was gon na deliver our baby with its father thousands of miles away from me . But luckily Thomas was there to , you know , take me to the hospital , which was very nice .
Ridge : Well , I m here now .
Caroline : Mm - hmm .
Ridge : And everything -- everything has to take a backseat .
Caroline : Clearly you ve forgotten that we re throwing a cocktail party tonight for Forrester s most loyal supporters . I mean , that s why we came over here , right ? To check on the preparations ?
Ridge : Uh - huh . Among other things .
Caroline : What other things ?
Ridge : Things that Rick wo nt be too happy about .
Rick : You did , too !
Bridget : I did not ! Mom , will you please tell him ?
Brooke : Actually , honey , yeah , you kind of did .
Rick : See ?
Bridget : Wait . Maya , help . They re ganging up on me . This is nt --
Maya : Eric Forrester Jr. , you behave . Bridget s your sister , and you do nt get to see her that often .
Rick : And when I do , I like to take the opportunity to set the record straight .
Bridget : Oh , my goodness . I never lip - synched Madonna to Giorgio Armani when I was 7 .
Maya : [ Laughs ]
Rick : Okay , you were 9 .
Bridget : Stop it .
Rick : And he was collaborating with Dad for an international fashion show . Giorgio came over to the house for dinner , and you , my baby sister , were the entertainment .
Brooke : [ Laughs ]
Bridget : Oh , my goodness . Okay . Maybe you re right . But if you ever tell my son , or anyone , for that matter , I swear ...
Rick : I promise .
Bridget : Madonna . Good Lord .
Rick : So , Mom , have you heard from Aunt Katie ?
Brooke : You mean the debacle with the photo album last night ?
Maya : It was nt your fault , Brooke .
Brooke : No , but , uh , made matters worse for Katie . Was nt good for her to see that . But thankfully she has Bill and his love and commitment .
Bill : Gon na have Alison set up an interdepartmental meeting for later today . This latest distribution overhaul affects all aspects of the business , domestically and internationally . I want to make sure everybody is on top of it , and I want you ... I want you to do the same . Katie .
Katie : Hmm ?
Bill : You okay ?
Katie : Yeah .
Bill : You want some coffee ?
Katie : No , I m -- I m fine . I just -- I m having a hard time getting going this morning . Guess it happens to the best of us . Even you , I bet .
Bill : Actually , it does nt .
Katie : Really ? You never wake up on the wrong side of the bed ?
Bill : Not for the reason I m talking about . Not that I do nt understand .
Katie : There s nothing to understand . I slept a little later than usual , and I m having a bit of a slow morning . That s it . Nothing to be concerned about .
Bill : We need to talk about it .
Katie : Talk about what ?
Bill : Last night . What happened aft--
Katie : You were tired . I get it . You know , I went downstairs , I read a little bit , and I went to bed .
Bill : Katie .
Katie : No , I understand . You re concerned about me , but you -- you do nt have to be . I love you for it , but everything s fine . I m fine .
Bill : Everything is not fine .
Katie : It will be . I just need a little time ... and a boss , possibly husband , who cuts me a little slack on the rare occasions that I m not 100 % .
Bill : I could nt care less about that . I just want to talk about --
Katie : You want to talk about Brooke and how she thinks you re the love of her life , because I really do nt want to talk about that . I wish I had never heard that , but you and I both know you ca nt unring the bell .
Bill : If I could , I would for your sake .
Katie : I know .
Bill : I love you .
Katie : I know . But you do nt have to be concerned about me . It s not necessary . Besides , how many more photo albums could Brooke have of the two of you , right ?
Rick : Mom , you gon na be coming into Forrester later ?
Maya : We love seeing you around there again .
Bridget : Aww .
Brooke : And I love being around there again . But I just want to spend as much time with Bridget while she s still here as I possibly can .
Bridget : That s sweet , Mom , but we can do it at Forrester . I can brush up on my design skills .
Maya : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . You re a doctor and a fashion designer ?
Rick : It s a long story .
Maya : Okay , can I get the abridged version ?
Bridget : Oh , let s just say , I , what , tried my hand at designing a long time ago .
Rick : Budge was brilliant . The only problem was she was working for the competitors . Is nt that right , Madame X ?
Brooke : But I m sure Ridge would welcome you back with open arms if you decide to stop medicine and pick up that pencil again .
Rick : Speaking of Mr. Over - inflated ego , I hear he s back in town .
Bridget : Yeah ? Is that a problem ?
Maya : [ Sighs ] Ridge is nt Rick s favorite person .
Bridget : Oh , Rick . I was hoping you guys were getting along a little better these days .
Rick : We are . When he s out of town . It s when he comes back , that s when the trouble starts .
Bridget : [ Sighs ]
Ridge : Little lower on the left I think , no ?
Man : Is that better ?
Ridge : Yeah , much better . Thank you .
Man : Should we leave this in the dining room ?
Ridge : Sure . Why not ? What do you think ?
Caroline : Does Eric know ? More to the point , does Rick know ?
Eric : There he is . I heard you were here .
Caroline : [ Chuckles ]
Ridge : Hey . Good to see you . Come here . Mmm .
Eric : It s good you re back . CEO chair should nt be left empty that long . You were missed .
Ridge : Yeah ?
Caroline : Mm - hmm .
Eric : [ Chuckles ] So , how did it go ? Everything the way you wanted it --
Ridge : Pretty good , right ? The matriarch back in her rightful place , just the way it should be .
Bill : Where d you run off to ?
Katie : Oh , I -- [ Chuckles ] I was headed down to the daycare to check on Will , and then I got halfway down there and then I realized that he s not there today . He s with Nina .
Bill : Yeah , she had that , uh , special outing planned . Will was really excited about it .
Katie : Yeah , I know . I think I m gon na check in with them anyway . You know , I want to say I m sorry for missing breakfast this morning .
Bill : All right , you do that . I m heading out .
Katie : Whoa . Where are you going ?
Bill : Meeting outside of the office .
Katie : What happened to the interdepartmental meeting that Alison is setting up ?
Bill : I ll be back in plenty of time .
Katie : Okay .
Rick : Mom ? Did you hear me ?
Brooke : Uh , sorry . What ?
Rick : The cocktail party that Ridge is throwing .
Maya : Do you know who s invited ?
Brooke : Uh , should I ?
Bridget : Wow . How times have changed . I know a time when you knew what Ridge was up to before he even knew .
Brooke : There s something I need to take care of . Will you be here when I get back ?
Rick : I do nt know . I think I m gon na swing over by the house , check in with Dad and our globetrotting C.E.O. if he s there .
Brooke : Okay . Well , I ll try not to be too long .
Maya : Bye . See you in a bit .
Bridget : What was that all about ?
Maya : Brooke s text ?
Rick : It must be important for her to take off like that .
Eric : You did this ?
Ridge : Sure did . I thought it was long overdue .
Eric : You thought ?
Ridge : Yes , I thought . I m her son . Who better to make the decision ?
Caroline : I think what Ridge means is that --
Eric : I know what Ridge means . I just wonder what prompted this .
Ridge : Dad , I just got back from Europe , and in Europe , portraits hang for years , centuries , and --
Eric : This is not Europe .
Ridge : I know it is nt , Dad . But they got this right .
Eric : Why now ?
Ridge : I do nt know . We re having a party tonight here to show our appreciation for people that we ve entertained for a long time , people that you and mom entertained right here , and I think they would appreciate coming into this room and seeing that mom is still here , looming large , over the family and the business .
Caroline : I kind of think that Stephanie would like it . Do nt you ?
Eric : Oh , I think she would . I do nt think there s any question about that . You know , one of the few things that I did not admire about your mother is that , from time to time , she would actually provoke conflict . I see that you do that . Have you run this by Rick ?
Ridge : [ Sighs ] Why would I do that ?
Eric : Now , see ? There . There . That s exactly what I mean . He and his wife live here .
Ridge : They -- yes , they live here . They play house here . But I grew up here . Felicia and Kristen , Thorne , they -- they all grew up here . This is our home . And they all understand that this picture should be up . And if Rick does nt get it , then I -- even -- w - why ? You understand it . You get it . You put it up there on Christmas .
Eric : Yeah , I put it up .
Ridge : Hey , Dad . It s gon na be okay .
Bill : Thanks for coming .
Brooke : I m not sure I should have . I do nt want to upset Katie anymore .
Bill : Well , I do nt , either , but I needed to speak to you in person and privately .
Brooke : Is she ... ?
Bill : She s at Spencer , and Will s out with the nanny .
Brooke : What happened ?
Bill : There s a problem . I think it s becoming critical . I m hoping you can help , Brooke .
Katie : Yes , Alison , I know how efficient you are , but even the best secretaries -- assistants -- forget to jot things down every now and then , so could you please just check again ? [ Sighs ] That s it ? Nothing ? There s no mention of any outside meeting on Bill s calendar ? Nothing ? You re sure ? All right . Thank you . Thank you very much .
Bridget : I love my brother dearly , but I m excited to get some alone time with his wife .
Maya : Aww . Thank you . Let me guess . You re wondering if Rick and I really are as blissfully happy as we seem to be .
Bridget : Oh , well , I do nt know if any couple is blissfully happy , but ...
Maya : Except maybe you and Owen .
Bridget : Oh . Uh ... I do nt know how much you know . Uh , how do I put this ? What Owen and I are doing defies convention .
Maya : Well , as long as it works for the two of you and your little boy , that s all that matters , right ?
Bridget : Exactly . Logan is very secure and is loved immensely by both of his parents , just like your little baby will be .
Maya : That s really all we can think about . And , of course , we love being at Forrester , but every day that goes by , just knowing that it s one day closer to meeting that little baby , it s ...
Bridget : Speaking of Forrester , um ... so this rivalry between Ridge and my brother , it s still going on ?
Maya : I m afraid so . Nobody pushes my husband s buttons like Ridge .
Eric : Where s Caroline ?
Ridge : She left to get ready for the party .
Eric : What ? So soon ? It s not for hours yet .
Ridge : Well , uh , apparently pregnant women take a little longer to get ready .
Eric : So they do . Your mother said that to me several times .
Ridge : You still miss her , do nt you ?
Eric : Yeah , I do . Every day . And I will until the day I draw my last breath . But life changes . Families change . You and Caroline are expecting a baby . Rick and Maya , the same thing .
Ridge : You know , if you re still worried about Rick and taking down that picture , it s gon na be okay .
Eric : No , that picture is very , very important to Rick .
Ridge : I understand that .
Eric : For a number of reasons .
Ridge : And we will put it back up when --
Eric : Yeah , but to take it down without letting him know first ? You have to know how he s gon na react .
Ridge : What do you want me to do ? You want me to call him ?
Eric : That s a great idea .
Ridge : He did nt call me when he took the picture down in the first place .
Eric : Call him now . Call him now .
Ridge : Okay .
Rick : What s going on ? Where s Maya s portrait ?
Ridge : Well , uh , I m back home . Missed you . Do you want to hug it out ?
Rick : Cut the crap , Ridge . This is your doing , is nt it ?
Brooke : I ll do anything to help my sister .
Bill : I know you will . You love her very much , and so do I. Her behavior recently ...
Brooke : What happened at my house last night ? I m concerned , too .
Bill : Well , believe me , it only went downhill from there .
Brooke : What happened ?
Bill : [ Sighs ] Look , I know drinking , right ? I can handle it . Katie ca nt .
Brooke : You think she s turning to alcohol ?
Bill : As my wife , as the mother of my son ... I m really worried , Brooke .
Maya : I just wish Ridge would let himself know the Rick that I do -- the man with a huge heart who stood by me , who loved and supported me unconditionally the way no man ever has , including my own father .
Bridget : How s that going , by the way ? Are things any better between you and Julius ?
Maya : Because of the baby ?
Bridget : I mean , surely he s excited to become a granddad for the first time .
Maya : Oh . I think he would be more excited if Rick and I had decided to do things differently , if we had nt had my sister carry the baby .
Bridget : Oh .
Maya : But I think he s coming around . And I wish Ridge would , too , where Rick is concerned ... and start giving him the respect that Rick deserves .
Eric : Rick , let your brother explain .
Rick : What s to explain ? It s obvious that Ridge is behind this .
Ridge : Why do you do that ? I m not being sinister . I m just --
Rick : When Maya and I were at the house this morning , her portrait was still hanging above the fireplace .
Ridge : And now it s safe and sound somewhere else .
Rick : Why d you take it down in the first place ?
Ridge : Because we re having a party , Rick !
Rick : What does that have to do with my wife s portrait hanging on the wall ? She is our lead model . You know that .
Ridge : Because the people that are coming to the party are people that knew my mother . They loved my mother . And when they come in here , they would appreciate seeing her picture in a prominent place in the house . That s all .
Rick : I do nt buy it .
Eric : Rick . Come on , Rick .
Rick : No , Dad . It s just another prime example of Ridge overstepping .
Ridge : I tried calling you . I wanted to explain it to you .
Rick : You tried calling me ? Was that before or after Dad told you to ?
Eric : There s no real reason for you to react this way , Rick .
Rick : How am I supposed to react ? We re talking about my wife here . She and I live here . Ridge just ca nt come in here and start moving my things around !
Ridge : Can we not do this ? We have guests coming . Maybe one time we should nt have a scene .
Rick : Then take down that picture , put my wife s portrait up , and we wo nt have a scene .
Ridge : All right . I will . In time .
Rick : Dad , he ca nt do this ! He s disrespecting me ! He s disrespecting my wife ! We re all family here ! We all work for the same company ! But taking Maya s portrait down , it s like a slap in the face to the both of us .
Ridge : Do nt be a child .
Rick : No , I m serious here , Ridge ! You know , you may be CEO at the office , but you re not CEO here at this house ! My wife s portrait deserves to be above that fireplace . And until it is ... Dad , I m not stepping foot in this house .
### Summary:
| Ridge returns home and tells Caroline he wonders why he ever stayed away so long .just because he was CEO . He is throwing a cocktail party tonight here at Eric s and he came to check on some things . At the office , Katie tells Bill that she overslept this morning , she s a little slower moving around but nothing to worry about . Everything is fine . Bill says it is not fine , they need to talk about last night . Katie brushes him off . She says she wishes she had never heard Brooke say what she did , but they can not un - ring that bell . Bridget tells Rick that she was hoping he and Ridge would be getting along better now . Rick laments that they do when he is out of town . Eric comes in and welcomes Ridge back and says he was missed . He hoped everything went the way he wanted . He immediately spies Stephanie s portrait over the mantel . Ridge says it is where it rightfully should be . Eric wonders what prompted this . Ridge says the party tonight where they entertained a lot of clients for the business and they will expect to see it there . Eric says one of the things he did not like about Stephanie is that she provoked people and he sees that in Ridge too . Ridge tells him it will be okay . Bill leaves the office and Brooke gets a text to meet him at his house . At home he fills Brooke in that there is a problem with Katie . Meanwhile Katie checks with Allison to find out about any meeting that Bill said he was attending . She is immediately suspicious when there is none listed . She looks at an apt on her phone showing Brooke s whereabouts . Maya confides in Bridget that no one pushes Rick s buttons like Ridge . Eric admits to Ridge that he misses Stephanie every day and will until he takes his last breath . Rick walks in and asks where Maya s portrait is . Ridge walks toward him to hug him and Rick tells him to cut the crap ; he knows this is his doing . Brooke tells Bill that she will do anything to help her sister . Bill says he knows drinking . He can handle it but Katie ca nt . And as the mother of his son he is concerned . Meanwhile at the office Katie is drinking again while thinking of Bill and Brooke . Ridge explains the party tonight and that people will expect to see Stephanie there , not Maya . Rick says he lives here now and Ridge can not come in here and start moving things around ; it is disrespectful . It s like a slap in the face and until Maya s portrait is back he is not stepping a foot in this house . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Yeah , yeah , I know . Ridge , hurry up . We do nt want to be late for our ... rehearsal dinner .
Brooke : Well , you re right .
Ridge : Holy googa - mooga , do you look great .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) Well , thank you . You look pretty hot yourself .
Ridge : This dress just kinda begs to be peeled off .
Brooke : Unh - unh - unh . We have a party to go to .
Ridge : Oh , rehearsal dinners are very overrated . Did nt you know that ?
Brooke : No , not this one . Wait till you see it . Oh , I m so happy . Nothing is gon na go wrong today . Nothing . Even Rick s gon na rise to the occasion .
Ridge : Yeah , about Rick . I asked him to be my best man .
Bridget : Mary .
Mary : Miss Forrester .
Bridget : Hi . So the kitchen , um--
Mary : Everything s prepared .
Bridget : Great . Good . And the hors doeuvres will be served--
Mary : Served as soon as the guests arrive .
Bridget : Perfect . Um ... I guess that would be now .
Mary : Yes . Absolutely .
Beth : Oh .
Stephen : Oh , here .
Beth : Oh , yes , please . Thank you .
Eric : Well , hello , you two .
Beth : Oh , hello .
Stephen : Eric .
Eric : Welcome . Look at you . You look beautiful .
Beth : Why , thank you , sir .
Eric : Yes .
Stephen : Well , this is quite an event you ve got going on .
Eric : Uh - huh .
Beth : And you know , I think the marriage is gon na take this time .
Eric : Yeah , I think we should drink to that .
Beth : Amen . ( Chuckles )
Stephen : Cheers .
Beth : Cheers .
Eric : Cheers .
Brooke : Uh , what ? You did ? Really ? You asked Rick to be your best man ?
Ridge : He turned me down . Maybe it was kind of foolish on my part .
Brooke : No . No . I think it was a very sweet gesture . I am so touched that you did something like that .
Ridge : I also gave him kind of a pep talk . Who knows ? Maybe some of it ll sink in .
Brooke : Would nt it be wonderful if he came to the party tonight and then to the wedding tomorrow ?
Ridge : Oh ...
Brooke : If he turned around ?
Ridge : Do nt get your hopes up too high , though . At least he ca nt do anything to stop us .
Brooke : Hmm . Your attitude to Rick really has come a long way .
Ridge : Well , I do have my moments , especially when I think about what he did to Phoebe .
Steffy : Will you stop thinking about Rick ? He s not worth your energy .
Phoebe : I was just so naive . You know , I mean , I trusted him completely . Then he got involved with Mom and hit on you .
Steffy : You know I would never have done anything .
Phoebe : No , I know . But just that he would try . God , he s disgusting .
Steffy : But he s out for revenge . I told you . That s all he thinks about .
Phoebe : Yeah , that s why he got involved with me in the first place . I thought he loved me .
Steffy : Stop , Phoebe . You ve got to let this go .
Phoebe : ( Inhales ) Yeah .
Taylor : You two in the middle of something ?
Steffy : Um , no . No , no . We re -- we re good .
Taylor : You re sure ? It seemed like there was a discussion about something that seemed to be a problem . Is it about Rick ?
Rick : Just the thought of you anywhere near my mother-- ( Sighs )
Brooke : So you ready for a party ?
Ridge : Oh , I guess .
Brooke : You guess ?
Ridge : Logan , after all these years , you still take my breath away .
Brooke : Oh . Mm .
Ridge : Yeah .
Brooke : I like that .
Taylor : Was it about Rick ? ( Sighs ) if you do nt want to talk to me , that s -- that s fine .
Phoebe : No , no , no , no , no , no . It s not that .
Taylor : Then what is it ?
Phoebe : Just everything we ve been through . I m sorry for the way I ve been treating you .
Taylor : No . No , I m sorry . I m -- I m the one . I hurt you .
Phoebe : No , it was nt your fault , though . Not really . I see that now . It was Rick . I mean , he s taken advantage of all of us , the entire family .
Taylor : Let s not talk about him , okay ?
Steffy : Yeah , let s not even-- let s not even think about him , all right ?
Taylor : Yeah .
Steffy : Good .
Taylor : ( Chuckles ) Look , you guys are absolutely beautiful . You re going to a fun party tonight . So do nt let anything ruin that for you . You re gon na have the times of your lives .
Steffy : You know , you can join us . Dad did invite you .
Taylor : No , I do nt think it s very appropriate .
Phoebe : Well , just so you know , I m not having dessert , and when we get home , let s go out for ice cream just like we used to .
Taylor : Good . You ve got a deal . Perfect . Perfect .
Phoebe : Oh , here . I want you to have this .
Taylor : Hmm .
Phoebe : I got it in eastern Europe from a gypsy . It s supposed to ward off evil spirits .
Taylor : Oh , good . Good .
Phoebe : ( Chuckles ) Yeah .
Taylor : Awesome . That s very cool .
Phoebe : It s -- it s not much at all , but I - I just--
Taylor : No , I love it . I ll treasure this forever . Now go . Would you get out of here ? You re going to be late . Go .
Steffy : All right .
Taylor : What ?
Phoebe : ( Sighs ) I love you , Mom .
Taylor : I love you .
Phoebe : Okay , let s go . ( Laughs )
Taylor : ( Chuckles ) have fun .
Phoebe : We will .
Steffy : We will . Bye .
Jackie : Hi !
Nick : Mother s here .
Katie : Oh !
Jackie : Thank you .
Katie : Hi . You look beautiful . Mwah .
Nick : Mother .
Jackie : Thank you . So do you . This is a very splendid party .
Katie : I know . Brooke really outdid herself .
Nick : Actually , I think Bridget put this together . She s pretty good at this stuff .
Jackie : Well , you know , Katie throws a pretty mean party herself .
Katie : Oh .
Nick : Well , that she does . Jack s birthday party . Thank you .
Katie : Right . Right . I miss him . I wish we could have brought him with us .
Thomas : Hey .
Steffy : How are you ?
Thomas : Welcome .
Steffy : Wow , this is something . Is Dad here yet ?
Thomas : Uh , no . How s Mom ?
Steffy : We tried to get her to come , but you know ?
Thomas : It ca nt be easy watching the guy you love marry someone else .
Steffy : Yeah , she ll handle it ... I hope .
Taylor : Stephanie , what are you doing here ? I thought you were at the party .
Stephanie : Well , I heard there was a party here ...
Taylor : Oh . Oh , yeah .
Stephanie : So I thought I d come by and see how you were doing .
Taylor : Were we too loud ?
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) I know it s difficult for both of us .
Taylor : I just had so much hope , Stephanie .
Stephanie : I know you did , sweetheart . I know . I know .
Thomas : Where s Phoebe ?
Steffy : Oh , she came in her own car . She said she had to make a stop .
Thomas : Where ?
Steffy : I do nt know . Did nt say .
Rick : Phoebe , hi ! Are you in town for the wedding ?
Phoebe : Why else would I be here , Rick ? To see you ?
Rick : I ... should be so lucky .
Phoebe : I should be so stupid . Is revenge really as sweet as they say it is ?
Rick : This was my father s decision , Phoebe , not mine .
Phoebe : Of course . It s never your fault . Just like getting involved with my mother when you knew it would hurt me . That was nt your fault . Oh , and kissing Steffy . I suppose that was her fault .
Rick : Is this-- is this why you came to see me ? To argue ? Pho -- really ?
Phoebe : No , I did nt come here to argue . I came here to tell you exactly how I feel about you and wipe you out of my life forever . .
Beth : Oh !
Bridget : Oh , Mom !
Brooke : Hi ! Wow . This is great . Thank you all for coming tonight and tomorrow , of course , and helping us celebrate one of the biggest events of our lives . All I ve ever wanted was to be his wife . And you , my sweet , I promise to love you and to honor you and cherish you and please you ... ( giggles )
Beth : ( Laughs )
Brooke : For as long as we both shall live . ( Giggles )
Ridge : That sounds very good to me .
Brooke : ( Giggles )
Ridge : Now the order of the evening is to dance .
Brooke : Yes .
Ridge : The best wedding present any of you could give us right now is to grab a partner and swing !
Brooke : Swing !
Ridge : Come on !
Brooke : Whoo ! ( Laughs )
Phoebe : Do you have any idea how much I loathe you right now ? Of course not . And even if you did , you would nt care . Just like you never cared about me .
Rick : ( Sighs ) That is not true , Phoebe . I cared very deeply for you .
Phoebe : Is that why you proposed to my mother ? Is that why you kissed my sister ? My sister .
Rick : Oh , my God !
Phoebe : You used me . You used my mother , and you used Steffy , all to get back at my dad . And for what ? For being a decent stepfather ?
Rick : Whoa , hang on . Now that is something I take a lot of issue with .
Phoebe : Do nt even try . Do nt say one word against my father . He is a good , honest man . You are an immature , selfish , screwed - up guy I made the major mistake of trusting , of loving , of believing in . I mean , if you wanted to get rid of me , fine , but to humiliate me by going after my mother ? By hitting on my sister ? Did it ever occur to you how much that might hurt me ? Did it ?
Rick : Phoebe , hear me when I tell you that I am so sorry . I never meant to hurt you , okay ? But look , I have-- I have a party to go to , so maybe we can talk about this later when you calm down , okay ?
Phoebe : You re staying right here .
Rick : Do nt do this now , all right ? You re just -- you re -- you re gon na make things worse .
Stephanie : I brought you something .
Taylor : Oh . Oh , Stephanie , look . I - I ca nt take this . It is nt the way it is .
Stephanie : Well , wait . Listen . He and Brooke may be getting married , but you and Ridge always , you know , always have your family here . He loves you and the children very , very much . And this family will be forever connected . You know , he may not be here every day physically with you . But he s here every day with you through the children .
Steffy : Thomas , stop . I m exhausted .
Thomas : What are you talking about ? The party s just getting started . You ca nt drop out now .
Steffy : Man , I m dancing with my brother . How sad . Anyways . Have something to eat .
Man : Steffy , I did nt get a picture of you on the red carpet .
Steffy : Oh , um , we-- we really need one ?
Man : Your father insists .
Steffy : Okay , um ...
Thomas : Have fun .
Steffy : Okay , Gino , can we make this quick ? I do nt exactly enjoy having my picture taken alone at a wedding party .
Marcus : Alone ? Now who would leave someone as fine as yourself alone at a wedding party ?
Steffy : Marcus !
Marcus : ( Laughs )
Steffy : What are you doing ?
Man : ( Speaking French )
Marcus : Hi , baby .
Steffy : I missed you . ( Laughs )
Marcus : I missed you , too . ( Laughs )
Brooke : ( Laughs ) Whoo ! ( Laughs ) whoo ! Whew .
Ridge : Need a break ?
Brooke : No , not a chance . You know , I do nt see Rick anywhere .
Ridge : And I do nt see Phoebe .
Rick : Oh , Phoebe , come on . We re done here .
Phoebe : You may be , but I m not .
Rick : All right , fine . You know what ? I will take you to the party because you should nt be driving the way you are right now .
Marcus : So I got the message in Paris at my office at , uh , work that a plane was waiting for me , so I booked it to the airport , flew back to the states .
Steffy : Just like that , huh ?
Marcus : Mm - hmm .
Steffy : Mm .
Marcus : Just like that .
Steffy : ( Chuckles )
Marcus : Eh , they wo nt miss me in Paris anyway . You know , it s weird , though , because I really have nt been doing much of nothin . I got the feeling that they was nt even expecting me .
Steffy : Yeah , they were nt . Rick sent you so he could mess with my dad and me .
Marcus : I do nt understand .
Steffy : Oh , it just cleared the way for him to--
Marcus : For him to what ?
Steffy : ( Sighs ) He hit on me . But he did it because he wanted to drive my dad up the wall . It did nt mean anything .
Marcus : Now where s that punk at , man ?
Steffy : Hey , hey , hey ! You can deal with Rick later . Nothing happened . I m all about you , babe . I m all about you .
Marcus : You are ?
Steffy : Mm - hmm .
Marcus : I missed you .
Steffy : I missed you .
Phoebe : What was it , Rick ? Was what we had not good enough that you needed to get more from my mother ?
Rick : Oh , Phoebe , please . It was nt like that at all . Come on .
Phoebe : Then what was it ? What was it ? You ruined my life . Everything that I believed was good and true-- I despise it all now . I hate you . I hate you !
Rick : God , Phoebe , calm down ! I m trying to drive !
Phoebe : How can I calm down after what you ve done to me ? Tell me that . How ? How can I calm down ?
Stephanie : You must be so happy to have phoebe home .
Taylor : Beyond belief . I just wish I d never gotten involved with Rick . It s just caused so many problems between us , and if I had just told myself that Ridge is always going to be the love of my life , I would have never even gone through all of this . I-- ( sighs ) things might have turned out differently for us . ( Sighs ) Definitely Phoebe would have been spared all this pain .
Ridge : Hey , Gino would like to take a family photo . Where is Phoebe ?
Steffy : Oh .
Bridget : Where is she ?
Steffy : She s not here yet .
Ridge : What s taking her so long ?
Steffy : I do nt know . We left at the same time , but she said she had to make a stop .
Ridge : Do you know where ?
Steffy : Not really , no .
Thomas : Well , let s just take the photo now anyway .
Ridge : Yeah , okay . We ll do another one on the red carpet with all of us after she gets here . Hopefully it ll be soon . Come on . Come out here .
Steffy : ( Sighs ) Okay .
Steffy : ( Laughs )
Thomas : ( Speaking indistinctly )
Steffy : ( Giggles )
Rick : Just calm down .
Phoebe : My father was right . You used me , and all to get back at him . How could you ? How could you , Rick ? You ca nt even look at me . I loved you . I made you the center of my world . And you slept with my mother , kissed my sister . Do you have any idea what you ve done to me ? What I ve been through ? How humiliated I feel ?
Rick : Phoebe , I m -- I told you , I m sorry . Please just let me drive !
Phoebe : I hate you . I hate you for what you ve done to me . I hate -- pull over . Pull--
Rick : Phoebe , stop it ! Stop !
Phoebe : Rick , pull over !
Rick : Aah ! Stop !
Phoebe : Pull over .
Rick : Stop ! Phoebe , please , get ahold of yourself . Stop ! I m trying to drive . Phoebe !
Rick : No !
### Summary:
| Ridge tells Brooke that rehearsal dinners are terribly overrated , and he has other things on his mind , like ripping off her beautiful dress . After all these years , she still takes his breath away . She is very touched when Ridge tells her that he asked Rick to be his best man , even if he did turn him down . At the dinner , Bridget tries to avoid looking at Nick and Katie as they enter . Stephen and Beth arrive and maintain this time the marriage between Ridge and Brooke is going to stick . However , Rick is sick at the very thought . Phoebe and Steffy discuss Rick . Phoebe does nt really blame her mother , but rather Rick for taking advantage . She gives her mother a piece of gold jewelry she got from a gypsy in Europe , to ward off bad spirits . She expresses to her mom how much she loves her and gives her a hug . Phoebe visits Rick at the office to tell him off and wipe him out of her life forever . She lashes out at him for hurting her by proposing to her mother and hitting on her sister . She vents how much she loathes him . He wo nt listen and takes off to go to the party . Phoebe climbs into the car before he can drive off , and he begrudgingly takes her along as she should not be driving in this state . Marcus returns from Paris and surprises Steffy at the party . He s definitely not happy when she tells him that Rick hit on her just to get back at Ridge . Phoebe continues her tirade on Rick and tells him how much she hates him . Finally she grabs the wheel and tries to slam on the brakes and wants out . Bright lights flash and Rick cries out before they crash . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : So it s all set ? I want this to go quick , and I want it to be clean .
Brooke : Nick ?
Nick : Hey . I m right here .
Brooke : Last night was beautiful .
Nick : Yes , it was .
Brooke : I was afraid you were nt gon na believe me about Ridge . And when you walked out of the cabin , I was nt sure if you were coming back .
Nick : Remember , I m not going anywhere .
Brooke : I feel so safe with you .
Nick : You are safe .
Brooke : I promise you , we are not going to have one trauma after the next .
Nick : You are not responsible for what happened to you .
Brooke : I know , but --
Nick : Brooke , you ve got a man that stands up for you . And I am gon na do whatever it takes to make sure that this never happens to you again .
Ridge : How s Felicia ?
Stephanie : She s getting stronger every day .
Ridge : Thanks to you .
Stephanie : Well -- you know , there is nt anything that I would nt do for you kids .
Ridge : You -- you protect us , do nt you ?
Stephanie : I try to . I do nt always agree with every choice that you make . I know why you re here . You want to get into the new promotional campaign . Let me just buzz Megan . Get her upstairs .
Ridge : Megan does nt work here anymore .
Stephanie : She resigned ? You know , I have to tell you I m not surprised . We talked a long time the other day . And she told me she just was nt happy .
Ridge : Megan got caught up in something .
Stephanie : Really ? All she told me was that she was dating somebody new .
Ridge : Massimo used Megan to frame Jackie .
Stephanie : This tax fraud and money laundering --
Ridge : It s all fake . Apparently , Megan planted a bunch of false evidence in Jackie s computer .
Stephanie : Why would Megan do that ?
Ridge : Because Massimo wanted to get Nick s attention .
Stephanie : So he had his mother thrown in jail ?
Ridge : He wanted Nick to back off , respect my relationship with Brooke .
Stephanie : You think I m manipulative ?
Ridge : Massimo swore to me that he was nt involved in this .
Stephanie : Well , you believe what you have to believe about him . When are you going to get over this obsession with Brooke ?
Ridge : She s the mother of my son .
Stephanie : Now you sound like Massimo . Justifying everything that you do . Thank god this scheme of his fell apart . You and Brooke are nt together again ?
Ridge : No , Mother . We re not together again . But we did sleep together .
Stephanie : Oh , I ll alert the media .
Ridge : Nick thinks I raped her .
Stephanie : What ?
Massimo : Well , well , well , well , well . Vijay , Suzanne , Rinaldo -- to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure ?
Vijay : I called the meeting , Massimo .
Massimo : All right , fine . What is it about ?
Vijay : This was faxed to us last night .
Massimo : Megan Conley .
Suzanne : You re acquainted with Ms. Conley ?
Massimo : While I take full responsibility for my actions , it was Mr. Marone who provided false evidence against her as well as specific instructions to plant said evidence in Mrs. Marone s personal computer with the express purpose of having her arrested and prosecuted for federal tax fraud and money laundering . Outrageous .
Vijay : Is it true ?
Brooke : Nick , if you go after Ridge and your father , it s never going to end . We re together now , and we re happy . So do nt let this need for revenge change that .
Nick : It s not revenge , Brooke . We call it justice .
Brooke : Nick , please .
Nick : You trust me ?
Brooke : You know I do .
Stephanie : Nick thinks you what ?
Ridge : Took advantage of Brooke .
Stephanie : Did she tell him that ?
Ridge : No , she did nt . Look , she took a bunch of tranquilizers , Mother . I did nt know that .
Stephanie : Wait a minute . She s not crying rape ?
Ridge : No , she s not . Brooke is not at fault here . I m the one that made the mistake , okay ?
Stephanie : After all the years that you two have slept together , you re telling me you got your signals crossed ?
Ridge : Yeah , well , it happened . I got into bed with her . What are you looking at me like that for ?
Stephanie : It s Caroline all over again . You got into bed with her .
Ridge : Oh , Mother , that was a lifetime ago .
Stephanie : It was your brother s wife . The only difference was it was alcohol .
Ridge : We thought it was a joke back then .
Stephanie : Oh , yeah , sure . You still slept with her , did nt you ?
Ridge : So , what are you saying ? There s a pattern here ?
Stephanie : Caroline knew it was you . She only pretended that it was Thorne to absolve her guilt .
Ridge : Yeah , well , Brooke s not pretending to be out of it .
Stephanie : The point being it s your brother s wife . When he found out -- when Thorne found out it almost destroyed the family . Now Nick -- for god sakes . You ve slept with the woman he s in love with ?
Ridge : He knows that Brooke forgave me .
Stephanie : Oh , good . That s only gon na make him all the more dangerous . What , is she pitting you against one another ?
Ridge : Why would she do that ?
Stephanie : Oh , come on . That is so typical of Brooke . Excitement . The reassurance that she s still worth fighting for .
Ridge : No , no , no , Mother . She loves me . Look , do nt worry about it . We re going to work all of this out . Okay ?
Bridget : Mom ?
Brooke : Honey .
Bridget : Hey . I hope you do nt mind . Catherine said you had nt come downstairs yet . Just really wanted to see if you were okay .
Brooke : Yeah . You know what happened ?
Bridget : Yeah , I came by to see you yesterday and Taylor said you had to go up to Big Bear .
Brooke : I m sure that s not all she said .
Bridget : She said that you slept with Ridge .
Brooke : Yes , but there were extenuating circumstances .
Bridget : Mom , since when have you been on all this medication ?
Brooke : Honey , it was just anxiety pills . What else did Taylor say ?
Bridget : She said you did nt want it to happen .
Brooke : No , I did nt . But Ridge did nt know that .
Bridget : Mom , how could he possibly not know that ?
Brooke : He did nt realize that I was that out of it . He just thought that --
Bridget : What , that you were just being coy ?
Brooke : He apologized and I forgave him .
Bridget : Taylor also said that Nick found out .
Brooke : Yes , thanks to Taylor .
Bridget : He must ve been really devastated .
Brooke : He was angrier than I ve ever seen him .
Bridget : What happened ?
Brooke : Well I think if I did nt get up to Big Bear when I did , Nick would have tried to kill Ridge .
Bridget : Is he okay ? I mean , was he gon na stay with you ?
Brooke : Yeah , he is . We talked everything out . He knows that he s the one I love .
Bridget : Good . I think it s probably time that , you -- you know , stop telling him and you can just show him how much you love him .
Brooke : Honey . I already did .
Vijay : These are serious charges , Massimo .
Massimo : Ridiculous .
Suzanne : Do you deny having an affair with Ms. Conley ?
Massimo : Of course not .
Rinaldo : She claims you coerced her .
Massimo : To help destroy my ex - wife . My generosity to Jacqueline is a matter of public record .
Suzanne : As is the scandal surrounding your divorce .
Massimo : My relationship with Ms. Conley ended recently . Obviously not well .
Vijay : So she s lying ?
Massimo : Let s say she s reacting like a woman scorned .
Suzanne : Is she lying ?
Massimo : She did not write this letter . She could nt have . It is riddled with legalese .
Rinaldo : You re telling us the letter is forged ?
Massimo : I m telling you that she had help from my son , Dominick . This is a family matter and it is to be handled as a family .
Nick : I really think we ought to deal with this now . We are a publicly traded company , right ? With an obligation to disclose any behavior that could pose a threat to the future of Marone Industries .
Ridge : Brooke and I will be together .
Stephanie : Why ? Why do you still want to be with her ?
Ridge : Because I love her .
Stephanie : Oh , my god . Even after this fiasco ?
Ridge : Mother , she knows I did nt intentionally mean to take advantage of her .
Stephanie : You know , I think she s mentally disturbed . Honest to god . Why ca nt you see this ? I do nt understand . Why do you let her put you through this ? It s so insulting .
Ridge : Mother , I married her . I promised to love and honor her forever , and then I walked out on her . I want to make sure that never happens again .
Brooke : Last night , when we were up in the cabin , Nick and I , we --
Bridget : You know , Mom , it s okay .
Brooke : Honey , I promised you that we would wait until your divorce was final .
Bridget : Well , my marriage to Nick is clearly over . So the divorce is just a technicality .
Brooke : Do you really feel that way ?
Bridget : You know , Mom , I m doing exactly what I said I was going to be doing , and I m moving on .
Brooke : With Dante ?
Bridget : He s a really , really good man .
Brooke : And he really adores you . You make a wonderful family . I thought you were going to Italy ?
Bridget : Well , that trip got delayed .
Brooke : Why ? What happened ?
Bridget : Nothing . You do nt need to worry about it .
Brooke : My god , it was nt because of me , because of my fragile state ?
Bridget : No .
Brooke : I threw those pills away .
Bridget : No , mom , mom , mom , mom , no . No , it s not . But still , you have a lot on your plate , you know , between granddad being here and Ridge , and Nick going ballistic , it --
Brooke : He wanted me to file charges .
Bridget : Rape charges ?
Brooke : He could nt understand why I would nt .
Bridget : Well , because Nick wants you to be as furious at Ridge as he is .
Brooke : Ridge has hurt me before , but he would never deliberately do something to take advantage of me .
Bridget : Does Nick still think you have feelings for Ridge ?
Brooke : I promised him I did nt .
Bridget : He just did nt believe you ?
Brooke : Well , I was nt sure at first . But eventually , he came around .
Bridget : Well , I m sure whatever happened up in Big Bear was supposed to happen . So , you re okay ?
Brooke : Yeah . We re okay .
Bridget : You re just worried about Nick ?
Brooke : He feels betrayed -- by his father , by Ridge . He wants revenge .
Bridget : God help Massimo and Ridge .
Massimo : Dominick , what are you doing ?
Nick : As one of the senior officers of this company , I have a responsibility to our shareholders .
Massimo : This is not the way to handle this .
Nick : I asked Ms. Conley to put in writing exactly what she told me to my face -- that the founder and CEO of Marone Industry personally orchestrated the framing of my mother , one Jacqueline Marone . And Ms. Conley is willing to testify under oath in a court of law . Now , do you realize what this means ? Do you understand what kind of hit Marone Industry could take here ? Which is why I called this emergency meeting .
Massimo : This company has never been stronger .
Vijay : Then why would you put it at risk ?
Massimo : Have any charges been brought against me ? No . Has Ms. Conley made any allegations outside of her ghostwritten confession ? No .
Nick : And she wo nt . I assured Ms. Conley that the board would take appropriate action .
Massimo : Duly noted . Now , if you would all excuse me .
Vijay : We need you to step down , Massimo .
Massimo : Step down ?
Vijay : Resign . Effective immediately .
Massimo : Vijay , you ca nt be serious .
Vijay : The situation is untenable .
Massimo : This is Marone Industries . I built this company with my own two hands . Hmm ? And a Marone will always be in charge .
Vijay : We re hoping your son will take over .
Massimo : Dominick ?
Rinaldo : He is a Marone .
Suzanne : He s certainly qualified .
Nick : I accept .
Vijay : Excellent . Then this meeting is adjourned .
Massimo : So , you think you ve won , huh ? What do you think s gon na happen when I come charging back ? I m never going to forgive you for this . Nice touch . I ll be back .
Brooke : Nick is a reasonable man , Bridget .
Bridget : Yeah , but he thinks his brother raped you . And you re not doing anything about it .
Brooke : I told you --
Bridget : I know , I know . Ridge would never force himself on any woman . I know that , and you know that . But this is Nick we re talking about . Mom , with Nick , rules just do nt always apply .
Ridge : I heard there was a board meeting .
Nick : It s over .
Ridge : Where s Massimo ?
Nick : Gone .
Ridge : Early lunch ?
Nick : Yeah .
Ridge : Want to tell me what s going on ? Megan confessed ?
Nick : The board takes a dim view on that sort of thing -- distortion , conspiracy .
Ridge : You did this ? Get out of his office .
Nick : It s not his office . And you re no longer welcome here .
Ridge : You do nt have the authority .
Nick : The board says I do . I ll send you a copy of the minutes .
Ridge : You think this is going to square things ?
Nick : It ll never be squared .
Ridge : He ll be back .
Nick : You re next .
Ridge : Careful , Nick . Your desperation s showing . You might want to loosen the collar a bit . It s cutting off oxygen to your brain .
Nick : You had her and you lost her , Forrester . And there s nothing you can say or do to get her back .
Ridge : Well , when she does come back to me , you re going to look pretty foolish , are nt you ?
Nick : I know I m a bit dressed up today , but if you re not out of the building in five minutes , I ll throw you out .
Ridge : This is nt over , Nick . It s just beginning .
### Summary:
| Brooke and Nick awaken in her bedroom . He assures her again that what happened with Ridge was not her fault and that he will make sure that nothing like that ever happens to her again . Ridge tells Stephanie what happened between him and Brooke . Stephanie can not believe that he could nt tell that Brooke was under the influence , but even more , she ca nt understand why Ridge still wants her . Ridge also fills Stephanie in on Megan s involvement with Massimo and what the two of them did to set Jackie up to be arrested . Stephanie warns Ridge that Nick will want revenge . After Nick leaves , Bridget comes to see Brooke . Brooke tells Bridget that Nick believes that she did nt want to sleep with Ridge . Bridget cautions her mother about Nicks temper , and he may do just about anything to get back at Ridge . Brooke wants to know why Bridget is nt in Italy , Bridget vaguely tells her that something came up . At Marone , Moss wants to know why the shareholders are there . They explain that they have received an affidavit from Megan confessing to assisting Moss in setting Jackie up . Nick walks into the room and tells Moss that because of what he did Marone is in danger . The shareholders ask Moss to resign and request that Nick take over . Nick happily accepts and as Moss is escorted out , he vows that he will be back . Ridge arrives and is surprised to see Nick in Massimo s office . Nick tells him that he is CEO now and that Moss was forced to resign . Ridge threatens Nick that the war between them is just beginning . Nick tells him to GET OUT ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sami : [ Sighs ] [ Laughs ] Oh , Harold , thank you ! You re a mind reader .
Kate : Do nt thank Harold . Thank me . Welcome home , partner .
Sami : What the hell are you doing here ?
Kate : [ Slurps ] Hmm . I m getting started on our plan to drive DiMera enterprises into the ground .
Rafe : Well , here you go . State auditor s case against EJ .
Abe : [ Grunting ] Well , that s a pretty strong one .
Rafe : Oh , it is , and I plan on making the most of it .
Abe : So you re gon na be burning the midnight oil ?
Rafe : I m gon na start tomorrow . EJ s not going anywhere tonight and I ve got some personal business that I ve been putting off for too long .
Jordan : [ Gasps ]
Clyde : Nice to see you again , sweetheart . Surprised to see me text messaging , are nt ya ? I ve learned a lot since you took off . Not a soul in sight . Looks like the perfect spot for you and me to have a nice , long talk .
Ben : I know what it s about , Abigail . It s about you and EJ DiMera .
Abigail : How could you-- oh , my God . Sami ?
Ben : She was so mad . I did nt know whether to believe her or not .
Abigail : Well ... if she told you that I slept with EJ ... it s the truth .
Lucas : So will knows everything ?
Sonny : [ Sighs ] Oh , yeah . Sami spelled it all out . Do you know how Abigail s doing ?
Lucas : Well , how do you think she s doing ? She just had an affair with EJ DiMera , and Sami s just spreading it all over town .
Sonny : Mom ?
Adrienne : Tell me I did nt just hear you right . Tell me my niece did not sleep with that man .
EJ : [ Sighs ] William .
Will : I just have one question . How could you cheat on my mom and think that you had a prayer of getting away with it ?
Sami : Okay , just because we work together does not give you the right to come into my house unannounced and start boozing up in my living room .
Kate : I m just making myself at home .
Sami : This is nt your home .
Kate : Au contraire . I have moved in , roomie .
Jordan : How did you find me ?
Clyde : Well , you knew I would , did nt ya ? I came real close in Houston , but you gave me the slip . That s when you started using the name Jordan is nt it ? And what kind of a name for a girl is that anyway ?
Jordan : What do you want ?
Clyde : Is that the way you talk to me after all these years ? I ve been so worried about you .
Jordan : Yeah , I m sure .
Clyde : Fathers never stop worrying about their little girls .
Jordan : You are not my father , you son of a bitch !
Clyde : You watch your mouth with me , girl .
Rafe : So DiMera enterprises has to produce a bunch of financial records , huh ?
Abe : Yeah , as subpoenaed by the state s attorney .
Rafe : Yeah , good luck making that happen . I ll bet Stefano is gon na be running the shredder himself .
Abe : Stefano s not running much of anything anymore .
Rafe : What do you mean ? Who is ?
Abe : Sami and Kate .
Adrienne : Is it true ?
Sonny : Yes .
Adrienne : Does Jenn know ?
Lucas : Well , Abigail says she does , but I have nt talked to her yet .
Adrienne : Abigail and him ? I mean , it just doesnt-- he must ve forced himself on her .
Lucas : I do nt know . Abigail said it did nt work out that way , although I know EJ . Probably worked on her until he got what he was after .
EJ : Look , I can see how difficult this must be for you , William , and I m very sorry that I disappointed you .
Will : Do nt worry about me . It s mom . When I think about all the times she told me that there were no more secrets between you and her .
EJ : Look , I do nt think you appreciate the entire situation .
Will : Well , mom does . And she s gon na make sure that everybody else does too . You ever heard that expression , hell having no fury like a--
EJ : No fury like a woman scorned , yeah . Your motherll be fine once she cools down .
Will : No . No , no , no , no , no , no . The only thing that s gon na cool her down is getting back at you . And she does nt care what that s gon na do to her or to anybody else .
EJ : William , you need to understand that I loved your mother . I love your mother more than I ve ever loved any woman in my entire life .
Will : And this is how you show your love ? By getting a mixed up , grieving girl to have sex with you ?
Abigail : I know what you must think of me .
Ben : What I think is that it s none of my business .
Abigail : Oh . Uh , okay , I-- I kind of thought that-- I thought that we were-- but , you know , I guess I was wrong .
Ben : No , no , no , look , what I m trying to say is that I just -- Abigail , I do nt want you to be embarrassed .
Abigail : I m more than embarrassed . I mean , I slept with a guy that I do nt even like . I - I acted like a--
Ben : Like a guy ?
Abigail : [ Sighs ]
Ben : Yeah , hey , do nt do this to yourself . It happened , it s over now . Right ?
Abigail : Right . Yes , Ben , I swear to you , it was over with EJ before I ever even met you , and I do nt even know why it happened . I - I -- when I think about it , I do nt even recognize myself because I was--
Ben : Abigail , I do nt need to know the details . Please .
Abigail : Right . Okay . I - I just ... Ben , I m sorry that I was nt honest with you . My God , I took you to their wedding .
Ben : No wonder you were so stressed out when I got there . EJ was flirting with you and Sami was acting like she was your new best friend .
Abigail : Yeah , well , that s all over now . Sami hates me . Which is -- I get it , I get it . I m just ... I m afraid that Sami s not gon na stop until she has ruined my life .
Sami : You ca nt just move in here .
Kate : Well , actually , I can .
Sami : Who says ?
Kate : Oh , well , you see , the house is owned by DiMera enterprises , and you and I share title of C.E.O. to DiMera enterprises , so you and I share the house . Although I have to say , it was so unfortunate I could only get two trunkfuls of my things delivered tonight .
Sami : Aw , just the pointy hats and brooms ?
Kate : Ugh ! You see , that s that droll wit that I am just going to love living with . [ Chuckles ] But I have to say , I did go ahead and take the master bedroom , you know , because when Stefano and I were married , I just loved watching the sunset from that bedroom , so beautiful .
Sami : [ Laughs ] Yeah , that s what you and Stefano were doing up there , watching the sunset .
Kate : Would you lighten up ? Come on , we re not gon na spend that much time with each other . There s more than enough room in this big , old house for both of us , now that we ve kicked EJ and Stefano to the curb .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] Okay , this has been a long , really , really , really long day , and I am just not in the mood to tangle with you . [ Grunts ]
Kate : Okay . Well , the way I see it , you have two options . You can retire to the library , the billiards room , or any one of the 100 rooms in this house , drink your martinis , pass out , or you can stay here with me and get down to the business of making sure that everyone who has wronged us pays ... and pays and pays and pays . It s up to you .
Rafe : So you re telling me that Stefano and EJ handed over the running of the company to Sami and Kate ?
Abe : I really do nt know how it went down . I assume that the charges against EJ did nt play too well with the board , not to mention the outstanding warrant against his father .
Rafe : So this change in leadership must have come at that big board meeting , right ?
Abe : The DiMeras are finally going down . That s all that matters to me .
Rafe : Yeah . Well , wait , if Sami is running the company , then that subpoena should go to her .
Abe : Right .
Rafe : Okay . Cancel the process server . I m gon na deliver it myself .
Adrienne : Have nt Abigail , Jennifer , and JJ been through enough since they lost jack ?
Lucas : Yeah , they have , Adrienne .
Adrienne : I m gon na call Jenn .
Lucas : Well , good luck . She s not answering her phone .
Adrienne : Well , I do nt care . I m gon na leave a message .
Sonny : Mom .
Adrienne : What ? What ? EJ walked all over Sami and Abigail . They have to know that we re on their side .
EJ : William , I m sorry , I do not want to talk about Abigail .
Will : Then I ll do the talking . Abigail is my cousin , and I have known since last winter that something s been up with her . She finally told me that it was a guy , she would nt say who , of course , but it never entered my mind that this guy could be you . I was so sure that you loved my mom .
EJ : I love your mother ! William , I will always love your mother ! Look , I - I - I m fallible , and I made a mistake , and I m sorry , and it s ruined two people s lives !
Will : Your own brother had just broken Abigail s heart . Chad still loved her when he left Salem and you knew that . You knew all of it , and you still went to bed with her . What is wrong with you ?
Jordan : [ Grunts ] [ Winces ]
Clyde : After all this time , I did nt think we d start out like this .
Jordan : You are not my father .
Clyde : From the moment I married your mama , I thought of you as my own , and after we lost her , I was all you had . That lowlife whose name is on your birth certificate never wanted anything to do with you .
Jordan : Do nt talk about my father like that !
Clyde : You still got him on a pedestal , do nt you ? You were nt even five years old when he drank himself to death .
Jordan : That is not--
Clyde : Please , could we sit down and have a visit ? I want to hear all about you . I ve been so worried about you and your brother . Have you heard from him ?
Ben : There is one thing I d like to know , and then we never have to mention EJ DiMera again .
Abigail : Okay .
Ben : This time that we ve , you know , had together , getting to know each other , has this just been your way of trying to forget him ?
Sami : Kate , is nt it bad enough that we have to work together ? Do you really want to see my face every night across the dinner table ?
Kate : No . [ Sighs ] But when that son of a bitch finds out that we are living here together , drinking his brandy together , and plotting his demise together , he s gon na go out of his mind , and I think that is worth it , do nt you think ?
Sami : I suppose .
Kate : You know another thing I m gon na do , as soon as I have a moment , I think I am going to get a decorator into this man cave . Maybe some flourishes , some chintz . But that abomination is gon na be the first thing that goes .
Sami : Well , now we ve found one thing we can agree on . [ Chuckles ]
Kate : Actually , I think we can find more common ground than that . I have file folders here for each division of the company , and I ve divided them into two groups , group A , group B. Group A , these are the ones that we are going to kill ourselves to make profitable .
Sami : And group B ?
Kate : Well , group B is where Stefano and EJ have invested the bulk of their personal assets . Those are the ones--
Sami : That are gon na crash and burn .
Kate : Oh , by George , you ve got it . You feeling better now ?
Sami : You know what ? I think I do .
Kate : [ Chuckles ]
Jordan : I have nt heard from Ollie . I do nt have a clue where he s at .
Clyde : And here I thought you were smarter than to lie to me right off the bat .
Jordan : I m not lying .
Clyde : Do you think I just rolled into town last night ? I ve been here for a couple of days getting all my ducks in a row . I been watching you . I been watching him too , Ben , as he calls himself now . So how about the three of us get together for a little family reunion ? Right now .
Jordan : I m not letting you anywhere near my brother .
Abigail : I may have made a lot of mistakes , but I swear to you , I m not using you to forget about EJ . I was over EJ before you and I ever even met , and what he and I had , it was -- it was nt about love , it was -- it was nothing even close to that .
Ben : What was it about then ?
Abigail : Uh-- I ca nt say .
Ben : Are you sure you were never in love with him ? Maybe you still are .
EJ : Look , William , the relationship that I have with your mother is -- it s very complex .
Will : How about you and Abigail ? Was that complex too ? Or did you just see that she was vulnerable , and decided to go in for the kill ?
EJ : [ Laughs ] I did nt take advantage of Abigail . Look , you re gon na think of me whatever you re gon na think of me , and I understand that I ca nt do anything about that , I get it , but when it comes to Abigail and your mother--
Will : Look , I realize that they need to take some responsibility for this mess . Mostly , I just think that they-- they did nt want to see you for the man that you really are . Maybe I did nt either . I so wanted to believe that you d changed . So did mom . But you have nt . You re a DiMera . You will always put what you want before anything else .
EJ : I m gon na get her back , William .
Will : Which one ? My mom or Abigail ?
Sami : [ Scoffs ]
Sami : Yeah , but if all of these companies in group b start hemorrhaging money , do nt you think that the board will lose faith in us ?
Kate : Well , not if group a is doing gangbusters . The board does nt care about where it comes from , they just want to see profits in the end .
Sami : Yes ?
Kate : Come in .
Sami : What is it , Harold ?
Harold : Detective Hernandez is here .
Kate : Oh , great , show him in .
Rafe : Oh . Hi , ladies .
Kate : Detective Hernandez . It s happy hour at the manse . Could I offer you a martini ?
Sami : [ Laughs ]
Rafe : [ Laughs ] No , no thanks . But what I would like to know is , what the hell s going on ?
Jordan : I m not calling Ben . I m not setting him up for you . I do nt care what you do to me .
Clyde : You re smart enough to know I have people watching my boy , right now . Do you want to know if he s okay ?
Abigail : Ben , you have to understand that when things with EJ and I started , I--
Ben : I have to go .
Abigail : Wait , but Ben , I--
EJ : You know full well I m talking about your mother . We have two kids , we re a family , and we ve worked through a lot tougher things than this in the past . Once I get out of this mess , I m gon na go convince her that she is the only woman that I love and the only woman that I want to be with !
Will : Save it for someone who cares . I m sorry that I ever trusted you . I m not gon na make that mistake again .
Rafe : So ... this is a subpoena . The state s attorney s office has requested certain financial documents from DiMera enterprises .
Kate : Can I see it ?
Rafe : Mm - hmm .
Kate : Oh , well , these are the divisions that we were just talking about , Sami . Hmm . Absolutely , we would be more than happy to comply with the subpoena tomorrow morning .
Rafe : Great . Not even gon na consult with EJ or Stefano , huh ?
Kate : Well , you see , we re rather tired of answering to men .
Sami : [ Laughs ] Yes , and we have decided to run DiMera enterprises our way .
Rafe : Oh , cool . Although that s got ta be kind of awkward , considering you just married EJ .
Sami : Do nt remind me .
Harold : I m sorry to interrupt . Miss Sydney is out of sorts , maam . She s asking for you .
Sami : Oh , of course . Thank you , Harold . I - I have to go to her .
Kate : No , that s okay , go .
Sami : Okay . Rafe .
Rafe : Sami . So , you and Stefano--
Kate : There is no me and Stefano .
Rafe : Ah . Is there a Sami and EJ ? Cause I m kind of getting the feeling--
Kate : Well , there was a Sami and EJ , but then Sami found out that EJ cheated on her .
Jordan : You know , you might as well give up . He s not gon na show . He got that message , and he took off in the other direction .
Clyde : Nice try , but he knows you re alone with me right now , and if he s half the man I raised him to be , he ll show . And that s a good thing , cause after all these years , three of us have a lot to talk about . And I must say , time has been good to you . You re even prettier than the day you left .
Ben : Get away from her .
Clyde : [ Chuckles ] Hello there , Ollie . Or would you rather me call you by your new name ?
Ben : I do nt want you to call me anything . Has this bastard told you what he wants yet ?
Clyde : I m getting a little disappointed with the way you two are treating this reunion . A stranger might hear you and think I was the one who done you wrong , instead of the other way around .
Ben : You can tell yourself that garbage , but do nt tell it to us . We know the truth . Do you really think tracking us down means anything s changed ?
Clyde : It means I have my family back , and I m not letting em out of my sight again .
Ben : We re not kids anymore , and you re getting to be an old man . I do nt know what you think you can do to us now .
Clyde : Well , then , let me lay it out for you . First , I can get the law on you . You two stole a whole bunch of money from me , and Tammy , you abducted a minor and took him across state line . That s a federal offense . Now , you both know I was real unhappy when you took off . You do nt even want to think about making me that unhappy again .
Abigail : We both knew the truth was going to come out . Did nt we ?
Adrienne : Okay , honey , are you gon na be able to sleep tonight ? Okay , honey . I ll see you tomorrow . I love you . How s the baby ?
Sonny : Sleeping like an angel .
Adrienne : She s the only one .
Lucas : What did Jenn say ?
Adrienne : That she found out about EJ and Abigail because Sami showed up and acted like a total bitch .
Sonny : Mom , Sami was really hurt . She thought of Abigail as a friend .
Adrienne : Yeah , but she had to know that this was all EJ s doing .
Sonny : It does nt sound like it s all EJ .
Adrienne : Oh , come on , I talked to Abigail . She was defending him . He talked about reading her father s book , and how impressed he was . He snowed her . And I should have realized what was going on from the get - go , but for Sami to go over to Jenn s house and--
Will : [ Clears throat ] What s going on ?
Adrienne : I m sorry , will . I really tried with your mother . In fact , I felt so bad for her when EJ was arrested , but now--
Lucas : Adrienne , please , calm down .
Will : No , let her talk . What did my mom do now ?
Rafe : EJ cheated on Sami . Is that a fact ?
Kate : Oh , yeah .
Rafe : With who ? Anyone I know ?
Kate : Abigail Deveraux .
Rafe : [ Chuckles ] Wow .
Kate : I know . I guess she was nt as innocent as we all thought . It s kind of ironic , is nt it ?
Rafe : How s that ?
Kate : Well , Sami cheated on you with EJ .
Rafe : I know , that was the end of things .
Kate : [ Sighs ] And then EJ cheats on her , destroying everything that she thought they were .
Rafe : Well , Sami made the mistake of thinking that EJ could change .
Kate : At least you and Jordan are happy .
Rafe : Yeah . Means a lot to me .
Kate : I want you to know that Jordan is never going to find out that the two of us were together the other day .
Rafe : Yeah . I thought we both agreed that was a mistake .
Kate : I know . I know , and I know if Jordan found out that we slept together again , it would certainly destroy her .
Adrienne : Your mom did nt just tell Jennifer about EJ and Abigail . She had pictures and she showed them .
Will : You re sure ?
Adrienne : Jennifer told me herself . Now , look , I know your mom is hurt and angry , but to do that , that--
Lucas : Adrienne , Adrienne , come on , I think we should go now . That s enough .
Adrienne : You re right . Okay , all right . Listen , I m sorry .
Lucas : Look , I got ta go out of town in the morning , but when I get back , I ll have a talk with your mom , okay ? I ll get her to concentrate on EJ and back off Abigail .
Will : Okay , but look , it-- dad , it s not just Abigail that I m worried about . What s gon na happen to Johnny and Allie and Sydney with EJ in jail and mom on--
Lucas : Do nt worry about it , okay , do nt worry about your little brother and your little sister , I ll take care of them . If I have to , I ll get em out of that house myself .
Will : Thanks , dad .
Lucas : All right , I love you .
Will : I love you too .
Lucas : All right . You ready ?
Adrienne : Good night .
Will : Bye .
Lucas : Sonny , take care , okay ?
Adrienne : Good night .
Sonny : [ Sighs ] My mom is on her high horse again . I m so sorry .
Will : No , what your mom said is true . My mom knows what kind of guy that EJ is . For her to take this all out on Abigail like this , in front of her mom ? I just -- I ca nt believe her . I ca nt believe any of this .
Sonny : Will . Nobody died . Everything is gon na be okay .
Will : Keep telling me that .
Sonny : I ll go .
Abigail : When I think of the lengths we were willing to go to , you were even planning to have nick killed to keep this from coming out . But if we had just been honest , and told everyone when it happened , I-- do you honestly think that it could be any worse than this ?
EJ : I m deeply sorry for what you ve been through . I m getting what I deserve , but Samantha should nt be striking out at you .
Abigail : Well , she told Ben too .
EJ : Have you had a chance to talk to him ?
Abigail : I tried , but he got a text message and said he had to go . I m pretty sure he just did nt want to hear about it or think about it anymore . I know how he feels .
EJ : I m sure he has a lot of questions .
Abigail : Only one , actually . He ... wanted to know if ... I ever loved you .
Ben : You can threaten us all you want . You do nt run our lives anymore .
Clyde : I m not threatening you , but I am your daddy , and you do need to show me some respect .
Ben : I ll show you how much I respect you !
Jordan : No , stop , please ! Wh -- do you really expect us to just go back to the way things were ?
Clyde : No , I do nt expect that at all . I ve made the necessary arrangements .
Jordan : What does that even mean ?
Clyde : I ve hired somebody to manage the business while I m gone . I see why you two like this town . Listen , I know I ve made mistakes . We can get together tomorrow and talk about that , and about how you re gon na pay me back for everything you put me through . I m sure we can come to some understanding . Oh , and if you re thinking about running , I d think again if I were you . Be a lot harder without these .
Jordan : You were in my apartment ?
Clyde : I told the janitor I was your daddy , he let me in . Nice cat you got there .
Jordan : Oh , my God .
Clyde : Listen , sweetheart , I did you a favor by taking these . They re not something you want the police to see , especially when one of those cops is your new boyfriend .
Rafe : That night we were together ... I d just seen Gabi , and--
Kate : No , I know , I know . You had had way too much to drink .
Rafe : Yeah , I m not proud of it . Can we just put it behind us ?
Ben : Have you been watching her ?
Clyde : The two of you are nt gon na be able to draw a breath without me knowing about it . Now , I need time to convince you that I ve changed . I ca nt do that if you go running off . So if you need to reach me before tomorrow , I m at the Salem inn . Which is a nice place . A man could get real comfortable there .
Ben : That bastard . How did he find us ?
Jordan : No clue .
Ben : I do nt know what you re thinking , but I m building a life here . I m not running again .
Rafe : I do nt like lying to Jordan , but I also do nt want to hurt her .
Kate : I understand .
Sami : Gilda ! Please check on Sydney in an hour , make sure she s sleeping .
Kate : How s Sydney ?
Sami : She had a nightmare about her father , that he was lost and she could nt find him .
Kate : Oh , my God . She s gon na have so much to deal with , given the fact that her father , in the foreseeable future is gon na be behind bars for quite a long time .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] So does that subpoena spell out everything that we need to do ?
Rafe : Yeah , it does , so--
Sami : Well , as Kate said , we ll get the information to you first thing tomorrow . Anything else ?
Rafe : No . No , that s it . Actually , there is one thing . I m sorry . I m sorry about what happened to you .
Sami : Are you serious ? You told him my personal life while I left the room ? I m --
Kate : It s not like it s a-- you ve kept it a secret , Sami . Really , I m surprised you have nt gotten a bullhorn yet .
Sami : Well -- that s not the-- I m fine . I can handle this .
Rafe : I know . I saw the look in your eye . I almost feel sorry for EJ DiMera .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] Harold , see Rafe out , please ! Huh .
Kate : What ?
Sami : You and Rafe had a booty call ?
Kate : [ Scoffs ] We could nt help ourselves , okay ?
Will : Thank you , I ll have to think about it . No , I ll get back to you tomorrow . Thank you .
Sonny : Who was that ?
Will : My editor at the magazine . They want me to write a cover story .
Sonny : And you have to think about it ? Are you nuts ?
Will : I do nt know if I can do this .
Sonny : Sure you can . You re a great writer .
Will : They want me to write about my mom and EJ .
EJ : What we had is over . So do nt torture yourself about it .
Abigail : My answer to Ben was that whatever happened between us , it had nothing to do with love .
Sami : I ca nt believe Rafe slept with you again . What , has he lost his mind ?
Kate : Hey , hey , hey ! We re partners , remember ?
Sami : I thought you found out the information , you know , that Jordan s was hiding from him .
Kate : I did , and Rafe is going to find out soon too .
Sami : Is it enough to break them up ?
Kate : Well , let s put it this way , Rafe is going to find that Jordan is nt the wounded , little bird he thinks he needs to protect .
Sami : Okay . What if it s not enough ? What if it does nt work ?
Kate : Well , then we go on to plan B. Jordan finds out that we slept together .
Sami : Hmm . Of course , if you re the one who tells Jordan , Rafe s never gon na forgive you , but all right .
Kate : Oh , I m not going to go anywhere near Jordan . That honor goes to you .
Jordan : I m the one who stole his money . I m the one who convinced you to come with me . If I turn myself in to the police , then the threat is over .
Ben : Do you really think he s gon na leave me out of this ? Jordan , we have to stick together , figure out how to stand up to him .
Jordan : Oh , it s Rafe .
Ben : Answer it .
Jordan : [ Stuttering ] I ca nt . I just need a second to think .
Ben : You were going to tell Rafe anyway .
Jordan : I was going to tell Rafe about a nightmare from my past . But now , it looks like it s starting all over again .
Sami : Have you completely lost your senses ? I m not getting anywhere near Jordan .
Kate : Well , it -- it does nt have to be anything deliberate .
Sami : Well , no kidding . But you fight your own battles . I have enough on my plate , thank you very much .
Kate : Oh , really ? So when this secret comes out , you do nt care that Rafe could be incredibly hurt ?
Sami : Well , he obviously does nt belong with Jordan , but that does nt mean he belongs with you .
Kate : Why are you suddenly so territorial about Rafe ?
Sami : What are you talking about ? I just care , you know , I do nt want to see him get hurt .
Kate : Really ? Is that it , or is it because now that you re through with EJ , suddenly Rafe is looking better and better ?
EJ : You re right . What we had was nt love . As much as I ve always admired and respected you .
Abigail : So how much longer will you be in here ?
EJ : I m being arraigned tomorrow . My lawyer s pretty confident I ll get bail .
Abigail : And then what will you do next ?
EJ : I m going to do everything in my power to get Samantha back .
Abigail : Right . Good luck with that . You know , for what it s worth ... I think you and Sami really deserve each other .
Sami : Let me be clear , Kate . I do nt need another man in my life . Besides , I have nt finished with the one I married . I promised myself I would spend every second of my time making sure that EJ s life is a living hell , and I meant until death do us part .
Kate : Well , we both know how much those wedding vows mean to you .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] Well , they do now . And anyway , if we re gon na be stuck living together , why do nt we get to work on the for richer , for poorer part ?
### Summary:
| Clyde approached Jordan and she was shocked to see him . Adrienne overheard Lucas and Sonny talking about Abby having an affair with EJ . Will went to EJ to find out how he could cheat on Sami with Abby . Kate told Sami that she moved into the mansion . Rafe and Abe talked about EJ s case . Adrienne was upset that EJ took advantage of Abby . EJ told Will that he loved Sami and did nt mean to hurt her . Clyde reminded Jordan how her biological father drank himself to death . He also asked Jordan if she knew where he could find Ben . Kate and Sami discussed what they are going to do to the mansion . They also talked about their plans to destroy the DiMeras . Clyde demanded that Jordan take him to see Ben . She refused to let Clyde near her brother . Rafe went to the DiMera mansion to see Sami . EJ told Will that he wanted Sami back . Will did nt believe him . Sami and Kate told Rafe that they are running DiMera Enterprises now . When Sami went to check on Sydney Kate told Rafe that EJ slept with Abby . Ben met with Clyde and Jordan just as Clyde was flirting with Jordan . Clyde warned Ben and Jordan that he would nt let them get away again . Adrienne continued to badmouth Sami for the way she treated Abby . Will arrived at home and overheard Adrienne talking about Sami . Abby went to the police station to see EJ . Sami heard Kate and Rafe talking about how they had slept together recently . Adrienne apologized to Will for what she said and then she walked out . Will ended up agreeing with Adrienne about Sami . Abby and EJ talked about what they did to Sami and how she felt about him now . Clyde let Jordan and Ben know that they were going to pay him back for what they did to him . Clyde took the passports that Jordan had . Sami did nt let Rafe know that she knew about his fling with Kate . After Rafe left the mansion , Sami and Kate talked about how she was with Rafe . Kate eventually wants Jordan to know about it and wants Sami to tell her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stefano : The clock is ticking . It s only a matter of time before Jonas uncovers Dr. Chyka s name . And when he does ... [ Chuckles ] It will compromise Kristen beyond measure . This needs a quick solution .
Ricardo : Do you want me to kill Dr. Jonas ?
Stefano : [ Scoffs ] Ricardo ... who do you take me for , hmm ? The man saved both of my sons lives .
Ricardo : My apologies , sir . Just whenever you said quick solution--
Stefano : The thing is this . [ Chuckles ] Something might happen to him that is very bad . But not by my hands .
Daniel : Uh , I m sorry . I did nt realize Dr. Lee passed away . Yeah , thank you for your time . [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ]
Daniel : Uh , y -- come on in . Yeah .
Brady : Hey . Bad time ?
Daniel : No , no . Not at all . No , not at all . Please . But if -- however , if you re itching for another fight , just hold off . I m still healing from the last one .
Brady : No , hey . I m not . That s why I m here .
Eric : Early on in this process , I was grappling with everything that was going on . I let my imagination go to a place -- a dark place , a place where I believed untruths . I hurt a friend . Deeply . Terribly , unnecessarily . That s what I regret most . What , did I say something wrong ?
Nicole : Yeah , you sure did .
Rafe : Well , hello .
Lucas : Well , how you doing ?
Rafe : Doing good .
Lucas : You feeling good ?
Rafe : Yeah .
Lucas : Here alone ?
Rafe : Uh , no . No , I m not , actually . Jordan s getting us some coffee .
Lucas : Okay .
Rafe : Yeah .
Jordan : Sheryl .
Sheryl : Jordan . Hi .
Jordan : Wh -- what are you doing here ?
Jennifer : EJ DiMera did what ? I m gon na have to call you back . You son of a ... I am not gon na let you get away with what you did to my daughter .
Kate : You would nt have to what ? Oh , my dear boy , what have you done to this girl ?
EJ : I did nt do anything to Abigail , Kate . Why do you ask ?
Kate : Oh , because you said that ... did you threaten her ? Blackmail her ? Did Chad give you something to use against her ?
EJ : Why does your mind always go to the worst possible place ?
Kate : Because you re EJ DiMera , and I know how you think , and you still have nt answered my question .
EJ : I reasoned with her .
Kate : [ Gasps ] Oh , I see . I thought maybe you , um ...
EJ : [ Clears throat ] Well , I might have lied a little bit , I suppose .
Kate : [ Chuckles ] Really ? Lying ? Horrors . We have nt done much of that lately , now have we ?
EJ : I had to throw a few truths in there Gabriela might not have been too happy about , but got the job done . I do hope you sending her up there to talk to Abigail to shore things up does nt blow this whole thing wide open , Kate .
Gabi : EJ told me everything . He s incredible , is nt he ?
Abigail : He told you ? What was he thinking ?
Nicole : All right , let s just pick it up from--
Eric : Wait , wait . What is wrong with what I said ?
Nicole : Eric , this is not a confessional . You can not use this interview to reflect on your mistakes . This is a vehicle to sell the truth .
Eric : The truth is--
Nicole : Is complicated . So the narrative needs to be simple . Kristen used and manipulated you -- you , who are a blameless victim . And if you say anything else , this interview is useless !
Eric : Nicole , that s not what ... that s not what s bugging you , is it , about what I said ?
Gabi : Well , why would nt EJ tell me that he told you about me and Nick ?
Abigail : Did he also tell you that I totally bought everything that he said ?
Gabi : Did nt you ?
Abigail : Actually , I m not so sure I did .
Gabi : Why not ?
Abigail : Gabi , what did EJ do that was so incredible ?
Gabi : [ Sighs ] Look , everybody talks about how terrible a person EJ is . And for a long time , I thought so too . But he did nt have to help me , and he did . He s been great to me .
Abigail : But why ?
Gabi : Wh -- what do you mean , why ?
Abigail : Gabi , I m really sorry for everything that Nick put you through , I am . But EJ DiMera does nt usually do anything unless there s something in it for him . So something tells me I m not getting the whole story here .
EJ : Hello , Harold .
Harold : Ms. Deveraux is here , sir . I told her you were out , but she insisted on waiting .
EJ : Thank you . Abigail , I ...
Jennifer : Abigail ? Do you think my daughter would step foot into your house after what you did to her ?
Lucas : How are you getting by on the crutches ?
Rafe : Not bad .
Lucas : Not bad .
Sheryl : Well , I ...
Jordan : You know what ? Now s not a great time , and we have so much to talk about . Can I meet you in a few minutes ?
Sheryl : Why ?
Jordan : Please ? Town Square is easy to find .
Sheryl : Okay .
Jordan : Okay .
Lucas : So what self - respecting girl from Alabama s a die - hard Steelers fan ?
Rafe : Well , is a self - respecting guy from Salem allowed to be a Steelers fan ?
Lucas : You ? Come on !
Rafe : Yeah .
Jordan : I m afraid it s true .
Lucas : Well , I do nt know if I could hang out with the two of you in public . I ll just get my stuff here ...
Rafe : [ Laughs ]
Lucas : And you can have my table , since you re in your condition . Just take a little rest .
Rafe : I will .
Lucas : All right .
Rafe : It was good seeing you , buddy .
Lucas : Mm - hmm , you too .
Sheryl : Oh .
Lucas : Yeah , there you go .
Rafe : [ Sighs ] That took you a while .
Jordan : Oh , they made decaf . They had to remake my drink , so ...
Rafe : Maybe you should have gone with the decaf . You re shaking .
Jordan : Oh , it s really freezing in here .
Rafe : Wait , why do nt you let me help ? Let me see that .
Lucas : Is everything okay ?
Sheryl : Yeah . Yeah , um , you know what ? Would it be okay if , while we re waiting for the marketing manager , if I just took a little walk and kinda got to know the place ?
Lucas : No , no , that s fine . There s Town Square , just about a block away . You ca nt miss it .
Sheryl : Great , thank you .
Lucas : Oh , enjoy . I ll see you soon .
Sheryl : Okay .
Lucas : Okay .
Rafe : So I was thinking of making my temporary digs a little bit less like a clinic and a little bit more like a home .
Jordan : Oh , well , I approve .
Rafe : Okay , well , I would really like a woman s touch . So what do you say ? You and me , we go do a little window shopping at the Horton Town Square ?
Stefano : Dr. Chyka .
Chyka : Do you have another job for me ?
Stefano : Yes . The unfinished one from your last job .
Chyka : Is there a problem ?
Stefano : A big one . His name is Dr. Daniel Jonas .
Brady : I pretended that everything was okay , man . And it was far from the truth . I was going off the rails .
Daniel : Okay , you really , really do nt have to do this .
Brady : This is how I thanked you , man . I tried to beat you into a bloody pulp .
Daniel : Okay , you already apologized for that .
Brady : But I did nt ... I did nt mean it . I did nt mean it . Everything I said that night was a lie . Every word . I m bad news . I do nt deserve your friendship . I do nt .
Daniel : Well , I have nt always deserved yours either . But you know what ? You re not getting rid of me that easy .
Brady : I m -- I m humiliated ... about the way I treated you , man , and ... I do nt just owe you an apology . I m not exaggerating when I tell you I owe you my life .
Eric : I know what we re trying to accomplish here , Nicole . But honesty means telling the whole truth . You asked me what my biggest regret was , and I told you , and I m sorry if that dredged up ... the pain over again .
Nicole : It did nt .
Eric : Because it s still there . I know . I ca nt stop thinking about how much I hurt you ... what you lost .
Nicole : Everything .
Eric : All I asked was ... for you to forgive me . My most fervent prayer will never be granted .
Nicole : What s that ?
Eric : To have that moment back so I could undo it .
Gabi : You know why EJ helped me ? It was because of Sami . I am her granddaughter s mother . Nick was trying to take Arianna away from Salem , and ...
Abigail : And ?
Gabi : I did nt want to go with him . I did nt want the whole world to know what I d done .
Abigail : Which is why you did nt tell me -- your best friend -- but you did tell EJ ?
Gabi : No , I told Sami . I just-- I did nt know what to do . Abigail , I do nt know what you want me to say .
Abigail : I want you to tell me what you re doing here , Gabi . EJ sent you here to make sure I bought his story , did nt he ?
Jennifer : My daughter woke up shaking from a nightmare this morning . She is so ashamed , she was almost in tears .
EJ : Jennifer , Jennifer , please understand . It was a mistake , that s all .
Jennifer : What ? A mistake ?
EJ : Terrible-- it was a mistake !
Jennifer : A mistake ? That s what you call it ? A deliberate attempt to manipulate a young woman ?
EJ : No , I would never do that intentionally . I - I think Abigail s a wonderful girl . I would never hurt her .
Jennifer : You hurt her the same way that you tried to hurt me , to have me thrown in prison for something I never did .
EJ : No , this is an entirely different situation , Jennifer .
Jennifer : Oh , you are right ! It is so different !
EJ : No , this is something that was nt premeditated . It just happened !
Jennifer : Oh , that is the most insulting cop - out ever ! I have warned my daughter so many times to stay away from your screwed - up family !
EJ : Look , there has to be some way that we can resolve this without anybody else being hurt unnecessarily .
Jennifer : Unnecessarily ? Are you kidding me ? If Sami is wearing your ring , she deserves to know exactly the person that she is getting into bed with .
Kate : Yes , the spring line lives . I told you we d pull a rabbit out of the hat . That s right , nobody keeps us down for long . Okay . Sheryl !
Sheryl : Hi .
Kate : Hi ! Where s Lucas ?
Sheryl : Oh , he s taking me to meet the head of marketing in about an hour , so I was just getting to know the town in the meantime .
Kate : Oh , I think you re going to find it very charming . Good luck with that interview .
Sheryl : Thank you .
Jordan : Rafe , that s a lot of walking for a guy who just got ejected from his wheelchair a couple weeks ago .
Rafe : Okay , I ll find a bench if I get tired . How s that ?
Jordan : Well , that d be a first . And actually , I have to , um , go deal with this work thing that just came up .
Rafe : Oh .
Jordan : But it ll just take a few minutes , if you do nt mind waiting for me .
Rafe : You know , at the speed I move , I ll probably meet you there at the same time .
Jordan : Oh , well , promise me you wo nt go to Town Square without me right beside you .
Rafe : Okay , I wo nt then . How about I stay right here ?
Jordan : Perfect .
Rafe : Okay .
Jordan : Bye .
Rafe : Hurry back .
Jordan : Okay .
Nicole : Speaking of redo ... I guess it s up to me to ask the right questions from now on . You know , on second thought ...
Eric : What ?
Nicole : [ Scoffs ] I - I m pretty sure we have enough . You know what ? We can just edit out that last part . We do nt need to redo anything .
Eric : Are you sure ?
Nicole : Yeah . You probably wanna get out of here ... and talk to Daniel about what he found out last night in the lab , right ?
Eric : Right , Daniel .
Nicole : Something wrong ?
Eric : No , no .
Nicole : Eric , I know we re gon na find the answers we need this time .
Eric : I appreciate everything you both have done .
Nicole : Well , like you said ... Daniel and I make a great team .
Eric : You do . But how long do you think you ll be able to keep that relationship a secret ?
Nicole : You re not gon na tell anyone .
Eric : No , no . It s just like ... do nt you think people are bound to notice eventually ? Because when you re in love , it s really hard to pretend you re not .
Nicole : Tell me about it .
Eric : You are happy , Nicole , are nt you ?
Nicole : Yes . Why would you ask me that ?
Gabi : No , EJ did not send me here . He does nt even know I came .
Abigail : Then why did you come , Gabi ?
Gabi : Why did I ? Because you re my friend . And you re Nick s cousin , and I need for you to understand why I feel relieved that he s gone , why I need to put him behind me for good .
Abigail : I do understand .
Gabi : Thank you .
Abigail : Yeah .
Gabi : [ Sighs ] I m sorry . I - I m sorry that you re in the middle of this . I know that you have so many things to do and -- look , I m just gon na let you get to that , okay ? Okay .
Abigail : Bye .
Gabi : Bye .
Abigail : What did EJ want from me ?
EJ : Jennifer , if I could take it back , I would .
Jennifer : Yeah , but you ca nt . You ca nt , and now my daughter has to live with the consequences . But you know what ? It s not my daughter who has to live with them .
EJ : Okay , look , you re a mother . I understand you do nt want to see your daughter hurt . I do , okay ? I have children , Jennifer . I have children !
Jennifer : [ Laughs ]
EJ : Samantha and I are finally a family again .
Jennifer : Okay , then you should have thought about that ...
EJ : Okay , and my family means everything to me !
Jennifer : Before you did what you did !
EJ : You re not going anywhere !
Sheryl : Okay , so first off , you should know I did not expect to run into you when I agreed to take this trip .
Jordan : What trip ? Why are you here , exactly ? And what does it have to do with Lucas Horton ?
Sheryl : Okay , I agreed to meet you in private because it was clear you did nt want to have this conversation in front of whoever the guy was you were with , all right ? But I did nt agree to an interrogation , so ...
Stefano : Any information at the hospital ... I can make disappear .
Chyka : But what if Jonas has some of the samples in his possession , and what about the data on his personal computer ?
Stefano : My friend , as we say , that is your problem .
Chyka : But ...
Stefano : I do nt want to hear it ! Thanks to you , my daughter s problem is worse than it already was . Now for her sake and for yours , tie up these loose ends . Do it now . [ Sighs ]
Daniel : Thanks for coming in . What you said means a lot , but what you re doing , that right there ... that s what really matters , all right ?
Brady : Yeah . It s just that I told you on New Year s Eve that I was gon na turn things around . And what did I do ? I can understand why you do nt trust me .
Daniel : What makes you say that ?
Brady : When I came in , I could tell you were working on something that you did nt want me to see .
Daniel : What , oh , that ? No , no , that s not even about you . I thought it was actually Stefano coming in .
Brady : Stefano ?
Daniel : Yeah , he was here earlier , nosing around . He knows . He knows that I m gon na prove that Kristen drugged Eric .
Brady : And ?
Daniel : And I just about have what I need .
Brady : That s , uh , good . That s great . I hope it works out .
Eric : Why did I ask if you were happy ? Because I care about you , Nicole . As a friend .
Nicole : Thanks . But why would nt I be happy ?
Eric : It s just that things between Daniel and Jennifer , they re unresolved .
Nicole : Well , they re resolved now .
Eric : You know , if you re uncomfortable about talking about Daniel , I understand .
Nicole : Yeah , I am , you know , since it s still kinda new , so thank you for understanding .
Eric : All I really wanted to say is I hope you ... you deserve a great life , Nicole .
Nicole : [ Laughs ] I m not so sure about that .
Eric : I am . After everything you ve gone through ... I hope you get it . Whether it s with Daniel or ... I m gon na let you get back to work and go see what Daniel s got .
Nicole : Good luck .
Eric : Thanks for everything .
Jennifer : What do you think you re doing ?
EJ : What do you think you re doing , Jennifer ? You re not being very discreet , are you ? Everybody s gon na find out , sweetheart . People will ...
Jennifer : People will understand that my daughter is a victim and that she has nothing to be ashamed of .
EJ : What happened between--
Jennifer : Yes , what happened between Abigail and Chad , I know . I know that he lied to her to get her to go to bed with him , but you enabled him .
EJ : Enabled ?
Jennifer : [ Sighs ] Kayla told me that you know about everything . You knew that Chad was gon na lie about a brain tumor to get Cameron out of the picture . You helped him ! My daughter never would have made the choices that she made if she knew the truth .
EJ : Chad loved your daughter . And I can see why -- she s a wonderful girl .
Jennifer : Yes , she is ! Which is why you should have stepped in and set him straight ! Chad is young , and he s finding his way , and you showed him how to be a coward instead of showing him how to be a man .
EJ : I m sorry that you re upset , Jennifer . But Abigail s a big girl . She ll get over it .
Jennifer : And what makes you so sure of that ?
EJ : I am sorry if Abigail was hurt .
Jennifer : What are you -- if Abigail was hurt ? We re talking about a young woman and the rest of her life . Her trust has been destroyed completely , EJ .
EJ : What would you like me to do ? Would you like me to apologize ?
Jennifer : No . I just want her to stay away from you and anyone else named DiMera .
Abigail : Oh , my God . That s my mom s car .
Jennifer : And just in case you think you have heard the end of this , think again . And if your brother thinks the third time with my daughter is the charm , why do nt you consider giving him helpful advice ? But also tell him to stay out of Salem if he knows what s good for him .
Lucas : Looks like you re about ready to lose those any day .
Rafe : Yep . Looks that way . Thanks to Jordan .
Lucas : She is amazing . Any flaws besides her being a Steelers fan ?
Rafe : [ Chuckles ]
Lucas : She s drop - dead gorgeous , and she s great at her job . Next thing you know , you ll tell me she can change the spark plugs out of a 68 Chevy .
Rafe : Well , I do nt know . She s full of surprises .
Jordan : I m sure you understand why I was surprised to see you here .
Sheryl : And I m sure that you remember how unhappy I was at my last job .
Jordan : I do .
Sheryl : A headhunter got in contact .
Jordan : And brought you all the way from Alabama ?
Sheryl : Okay , well , I ve interviewed at several places . I mean , what s the matter ? You re acting like -- what , this town is nt big enough for the both of us ?
Jordan : No , it s just a strange coincidence .
Sheryl : What , you think I m following you ? But after the way you treated me in Birmingham ...
Jordan : Sheryl , I am sorry about what happened . But I thought you understood that I had to keep certain things private .
Sheryl : Look , I get that you do nt want anyone to know . But I do nt understand why you re treating me like--
Jordan : What is there not to understand ? I explained it all to you . At least I thought I did .
Eric : I hurt a friend . Deeply . Terribly , unnecessarily . It s my biggest regret .
Nicole : Hey , Brady .
Brady : Hey . I , uh ... I just came from seeing Daniel , and you are number two on my apology tour .
Nicole : Number two ? Wow , I feel so honored .
Brady : Yeah . Well , you always hurt the ones you love , you know . I m sorry . I m sorry about New Year s Eve , the way I spewed all that vile stuff . It was bad .
Nicole : [ Scoffs ] Come on , Brady . You ve apologized for that , like , a million times . And it was true . For God s sake , please , not like I have nt hurt you before . I have nt been a perfect friend myself .
Brady : You -- you have been a great friend to me . You re always there for me . You always want the best for me . I never have to doubt you . I just wanted someone else to be on my misery train with me , I guess .
Nicole : And you found me ?
Brady : Nobody deserves to be as screwed up as me . Not even you .
Nicole : Jeez , Brady , no one makes amends quite the way you do .
Brady : You re working on your little interview there ?
Nicole : Mm , yeah . I suppose Eric is next on your apology tour .
Abigail : EJ , what was my mother doing here ? Thank God I parked in the back .
EJ : Abigail , what are you doing here ? I thought you and I had an understanding .
Abigail : Well , you said that Sami was still gone , and I decided that I needed to speak with you , so I will ask you again . What was my mom doing here ?
EJ : She found out about the lies Chad told you , and she blames me .
Abigail : I m sorry , but ...
EJ : You told her ?
Abigail : Yes .
EJ : Why -- why would you do that , now of all times ?
Abigail : Because I thought that it was a better idea than telling her that I slept with you .
Nicole : You are gon na apologize to Eric , right ? Brady , he was there that night too .
Brady : Yeah , no , I remember . I do .
Nicole : So what s the problem ?
Brady : That stuff I said about Kristen ... I said it to hurt him , you know .
Nicole : Of course . But th -- that s not what you really thought .
Brady : [ Sighs ] [ Groans ]
Nicole : Oh , well , come on , Brady . You basically said he enjoyed having sex with her . Eric was -- he was drugged out of his mind . Daniel pretty much proved that . There was nothing consensual about what happened in that hotel room .
Brady : Eric and I , we ve talked , we ve talked . A couple times . And I think it s best if we just distance ourselves from one another right now .
Nicole : You re acting like he did something wrong . He is not at fault here .
Brady : I did nt say he was at fault .
Nicole : He s a priest , Brady .
Brady : You know what ? He s not dead either , is he ?
Nicole : Oh , well , I suppose Kristen is so good in bed no man can resist her .
Brady : Eric -- Eric is human , just like the rest of us . Just like me , just like you . And maybe Kristen was nt the , uh , first person he wanted to wind up in bed with anyway .
Nicole : What is that supposed to mean ?
Brady : You are always so quick to run to his defense , Nicole , why is that ? I think we both know why , right ?
Nicole : Okay , now you have crossed a line . What , are you high or something again , hmm ?
Brady : This is not crazy talk , Nicole . Come on . The truth is really easy to see when it s right in front of your face .
Daniel : Yeah , come on in .
Eric : Hey , uh , Nicole said you had good news for me .
Daniel : Oh , no , no , no . No , I got some great news . Sit , sit , sit . So it looks like you were given three different designer drugs with a litany of side effects , man .
Eric : And that s good news ?
Daniel : Well , you re lucky you recovered as quickly as you did . I finally got some concrete leads to run down . Now I m arranging for a DNA lab in Boston to finish the analysis and tell me the exact makeup of the compound that I found .
Eric : That s great .
Daniel : It is great . We are so close , Eric . Cause once we prove what Kristen did to you , I predict you are gon na be back at St. Luke s in no time .
Jordan : This job you re interviewing for , do you know who runs that company ?
Sheryl : Of course I do . Her name s Kate Roberts , and she s amazing .
Jordan : Yeah , well , I know her too , and I am pretty sure she brought you here because--
Sheryl : Oh , my God . You re not gon na make this about you , are you ? Do you have any idea how hard I have had to work for this opportunity ?
Jordan : I do . But you do nt underst--
Sheryl : Kate would not just bring me to Salem to spite you , for God s sake . Look , my interview went really , really well . And I hope I get this job . So ... if there is nt room in this town for the both of us , then ... you re just gon na have to leave .
Jordan : Sheryl , wait .
Sheryl : Now you wanna talk to me , right ? [ Scoffs ] It s too late , Jordan . Back in Birmingham , I thought maybe we could still be friends , but thank you for curing me of that delusion .
Jordan : [ Sighs ]
Abigail : If my mother ever knew about this ... [ Whispers ] Oh , my God . After what she has been through , losing my dad and JJ going off the rails , like he did ... oh , my God .
EJ : Abigail , please .
Abigail : JJ -- here I ve been taking this -- this moral high ground with him . The big sister leading this exemplary life , lecturing him on how he should turn his life around and be this -- this decent , stand - up guy and -- and make Mom proud , do everything he can to make me proud-- well , who s the screw - up now , JJ ?
EJ : Would you please stop talking about yourself like this , Abigail ? I mean , it s not as if--
Abigail : What ? Not as if what , EJ ?
EJ : People make love impulsively . It happens . You re not the first person who s --
Abigail : Stop . No , do nt . Please do not placate me that way -- telling me that I m not the first person who s ever done something like this , as if that helps . [ Whispers ] My God . I barely even know you . And I ve slept with you . Oh , my God . My mom . All my mom wants , more than anything in the world , is what s best for her children , and ... she has been having such a hard time since my dad died . She -- she puts our happiness before her own . She is so selfless , and ...
EJ : Okay , Abigail , Abigail .
Abigail : It s all she cares about .
EJ : Abigail , please , just take a deep breath . Your mother s not here . Okay ? She does nt know .
Abigail : I do nt care if she knows , EJ . I do nt even care , because I know . And I ca nt live with myself .
EJ : Abigail , it s not as if you committed a murder .
Abigail : No . I just went to bed with somebody who has .
EJ : Look , Abigail , I think that we both regret what happened , but we ca nt undo it . So ... why do nt we just agree to leave it in the past , okay ?
Abigail : I ve decided I ca nt do that , EJ . Not until you tell me why it happened .
Jordan : Hey , sorry . That took longer than I thought .
Rafe : Yeah , guess so . Anyway ... everything okay ?
Jordan : Yes . And now I have the afternoon off and a handsome man to spend it with .
Rafe : Oh , you re so lucky . Let s get to it then , shall we ?
Jordan : Yes .
Rafe : All right . Okay . [ Grunts ] All right . [ Grunts ] Coming ?
Jordan : Yeah .
Lucas : Mom . Mom , what are you doing here ? I thought you d be with--
Kate : Honey , I need to have you get the jet prepped .
Lucas : Why ?
Kate : We re gon na fly Sheryl back to Birmingham .
Lucas : We re gon na do what ?
Kate : So she can pack and get back here to work A.S.A.P. I suppose you d like to deliver the good news , right ?
Lucas : Well , yeah , but she has nt even met marketing yet .
Kate : Yeah , but I m the boss . And I think she s talented and personable . Do you have a problem with that ?
Lucas : No , no . Um , I did talk to Rafe , though . Seems he likes Jordan .
Kate : Oh , I m so happy for him . But I have no idea what that has to do with us hiring a graphic designer to work at Mad World .
Lucas : Of course you do . [ Clears throat ]
Kate : No , I think the two of you could really hit it off . So the sooner you arrange for that jet , the sooner she can get here and go to work .
Abigail : You re acting like we both made a stupid mistake , when in reality , I m the only one who was stupid . You wanted something from me .
EJ : [ Sets drink down ] Abigail , no , that is not true .
Abigail : You took advantage of me , EJ . Just admit it .
Nicole : Oh , you think you know me so well .
Brady : I do .
Nicole : [ Sighs ] Fine , okay , you know what ? When you accused me months ago of having feelings for Eric ...
Brady : Mm - hmm ?
Nicole : You were right . But when Eric thought I could have drugged him and ... I just ca nt see him the same way anymore .
Brady : Yet here you are , defending him once again , trying to clear his name . Why are you so invested in helping him then , Nicole ?
Nicole : For the same reasons as Daniel -- we want justice .
Brady : [ Scoffs ] You want ju-- that s bull . I know what addiction looks like . And you re looking for any excuse to be around him . Problem is , once you get him back into that collar , it s cold turkey time for you .
Nicole : [ Scoffs ]
Eric : I will let you get back to work .
Daniel : All right , I ll update you when I get the information we need , all right ?
Eric : Hey , Daniel , thanks for seeing everything through .
Daniel : You bet , buddy . All right , keep the faith , right ?
Chyka : Uh , pardon me .
Daniel : Can I help you ?
Chyka : I m counting on it .
### Summary:
| Abby thought EJ told Gabi that they slept together . Gabi was confused about what Abby was talking about . Gabi told Abby that EJ has been great to her . Abby wanted to know what EJ has done for her . EJ thought Abby was at the mansion , but it was Jennifer . Stefano blamed Dr. Chyka for Kristen possibly getting caught . Gabi explained to Abby why EJ helped her . Abby wanted to know why Gabi was at her house . Abby thought Gabi was there for EJ . Jennifer was upset with EJ because of what Abby told her about Chad , but EJ thought Jennifer was talking about him sleeping with Abby . Gabi lied to Abby about why she went to see her . EJ and Jennifer continued to argue over Abby . Kate was eavesdropping when Jordan and Sheryl met at the town square . Jordan intimated that she did something that she did nt want to talk about with Sheryl . Stefano wanted Dr. Chyka to tie up the loose ends with Daniel . Jennifer told EJ that he helped Chad lie to Abby . Jennifer also told EJ that she wanted Abby to stay away from him . Abby overheard Jennifer arguing with EJ . When Jennifer left , Abby confronted EJ about Jennifer being there . Abby stressed that Jennifer could never find out that she was with EJ . He tried to get her to put it behind her , but she could nt do that until she knew why it happened . Someone was watching the two of them together while they were talking . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fox : She s a -- a mermaid ?
Kay : Yes , that s right . Half - woman , half - fish .
Fox : Oh , for crying out loud , Kay . Listen , I know you ve got problems with Siren , but that s nuts , ok ? She already explained to us what she was doing with that fin at the photo shoot . It was a costume .
Kay : No , it was nt . She got caught and she made that story up to weasel her way out of it .
Fox : I do nt buy it , and I ca nt believe that the girl that I m gon na marry buys it either .
Kay : Well , I do , because it s true . Siren is a real - life mermaid and if she makes love to Miguel , he will never be able to love another woman again , ever .
Siren : Make love to me , Miguel .
Miguel : There s nothing I d like better , but there s something scratchy rubbing up against my foot , like -- like a giant tuna . Ugh .
Noah : Hey , move it , Spike , all right ? Lena s waiting for us .
Spike : Hey , cool your jets there , boy scout . Come on , Jessica , honey . You and I go way back . Tell your brother here he s way out of his league . Come on , come on .
Noah : One more word out of you to my sister and you re not even going to make it to Lena s . I ll take care of you myself .
Spike : Oo . Oh , I see , you re still smarting over your little sister s thing for me , are nt you ? Well , you better get over that because your sister s going to be wearing my tattoos for the rest of her life .
Noah : Spike , after tonight you are never going to hurt another Bennett again .
Spike : Oh , is that right , boy scout ?
Noah : You know what ? I could nt be happier to find out that you re the killer of Lena s partner . I ve been wanting to take care of you myself . You ve fired your last shot , you have corrupted your last innocent little girl . For once I m glad Lena s such a cold - hearted bitch . Ca nt wait to see what she s going to do to you .
Lena : Yes ?
Noah : It s Noah . We re on our way . I just wanted to make sure you re ready .
Lena : Oh , yes , Noah . I m quite prepared for your arrival .
Noah : Ok , after we dump this filth , we ll set about putting our lives back together , ok ?
Jessica : Finally .
Noah : Come on .
Noah : Come on .
Lena : I would nt be in such a hurry to get here , Noah . You re in for quite an unpleasant surprise .
Nun : Oh thank God you re here .
Chad : Sister , we found the word that shuts off the alarm around the chalice in the Pope s private chambers .
Nun : Ah , if you found it , then the evil one who pretends to be a servant of God , he s found it , too . He s using the innocent one to commit one of the most serious sins in the history of the world .
Chad : She means Whitney . Come on , we ve got to find her before it s too late .
Nun : Si .
Alistair : [ Disguised voice ] You said that word you came up with was the key to getting the chalice .
Whitney : I was sure it was .
Alistair : Perhaps you misspelled when you typed it into the keypad .
Whitney : No , no , I was very careful . I -- I do nt understand why it did nt work . What are you doing ?
Alistair : You mislead me , Whitney . You are on a sacred mission for the church . You obviously have not taken your task very seriously .
Whitney : No , I have . I ve done everything you ve asked me to do and more .
Alistair : All right . Of course . You have tried your best , but you will have to try harder . We can not leave here without the chalice . There s got to be another way to take it .
Whitney : Ok , wait . Maybe -- look , maybe you just reached for the chalice too quickly . Let s just wait a second . Ok , we ll wait a second and try again .
Beth : No wonder I love Luis . He just loves being a hero ... even though he failed this time . Fancy drank my poisoned champagne before he could save one more blonde damsel in distress . Hmm , that ll teach you to mess with my man , Fancy .
Luis : Oh , thank God you ve still got a pulse . You must have swallowed some of that poisoned champagne without even knowing it . Sorry , Fancy , but the ambulance is gon na take too long .
Luis : I m gon na get some of that poison out of you the old - fashioned way . Somebody get me some milk !
Theresa : I am married to Alistair Crane . I can give you anything in the world that you want . Just tell Ethan the truth about how his paternity was exposed .
J.T. : Like $ 10 million ?
Gwen : J.T. , no , do not fall for that . Just get out of there !
Rebecca : You ca nt fall for the oldest trick in the book ! You -- you ca nt trust her . Theresa : $10 million ? Absolutely , yes , J.T. , it is yours , as soon as you tell Ethan the truth , absolutely !
Gwen : No , no !
J.T. : $ 10 million , going once , going twice , sold to the tiny terminator . You got it . It s true . I know Rebecca and her daughter Gwen , and they re the ones who outted your real daddy . Theresa had nothing to do with it .
Gwen : Oh , my God . Oh , my God , this ca nt be happening .
Theresa : Did you hear that ? Ethan , it was Gwen and Rebecca all along . It was nt me . See , now there s no reason for you to stay with her . We can finally be together . All these years , you ve believed that I was the one who betrayed you , but J.T. Cornell just admitted the truth -- that it was Gwen and Rebecca all along .
Gwen : You swore to me that J.T. would never turn his back on us and tell Ethan , and now he has and my marriage is over , Mother . I Ethan to Theresa .
Theresa : You never would have left me if you had nt believed their lies . Now you can come back to me . We can finally be together .
Spike : Hey , man .
Noah : You re a tough guy , eh ?
Jessica : Hey , Noah , I still do nt get it . This whole thing you ve got with Spike . It s about a lot more than what he did to me back home , is nt it ?
Noah : Jess , I already hated him for what he did to you , ok , for hurting you so badly , but it turns out that Spike is also responsible for me losing Fancy .
Jessica : But how ? Why ?
Noah : It s a long story . I could nt even tell Dad when he asked .
Jessica : Does it have anything to do with why you re here in Rome with your ex - girlfriend Maya when I thought you were in love with Fancy ?
Noah : Jessica , look , years ago , when Maya and I were first together , we witnessed a murder and we should ve gone to the police , but we did nt . We were young and we were stupid , all right ? Anyway , fast forward a couple of years and Maya shows up back in Harmony and she s in trouble . Apparently she was being pressured to find the killer .
Jessica : And you decided to help her .
Noah : Well , in all honesty , I did nt want to at first , but the partner of the murder victim , well , she made me an offer I could nt refuse . She threatened Maya s life and she threatened my life and she threatened Fancy s life .
Jessica : Oh , my gosh , that s horrible . And you could nt tell anyone .
Noah : Well , look , it got a little complicated when the FBI got involved --
Jessica : The FBI ? You ve got to be kidding me .
Noah : I wish . It s ... [ Jessica screams ]
Jessica : No ! [ Noah grunting ]
Noah : There s no way you re getting away from me .
Beth : I know , sweetie . This is just like the lamb your daddy gave you . Do nt worry , ok ? You and Mommy are both gon na be with your daddy forever and ever , ok ? Oh .
Nanny : Your bags are in the taxi downstairs , Miss Wallace .
Beth : Thank you .
Nanny : I m gon na miss you , sweetheart .
Beth : Well , he s gon na miss you , too , Nanny , but there s no other way . All right , baby ? Arrivederci , Roma .
Luis : Look , I m sorry I had to poor that disgusting stuff down your throat , but it was the only way to get the poison out .
Fancy : Ugh , yeah , what was it ?
Luis : Uh , you do nt want to know .
E.M.T. : Scusi , scusi . Hey , what s the problem ?
Luis : She ingested some poison , possibly arsenic .
E.M.T. : We ll take her to the hospital , have her stomach pumped .
Fancy : Uh - huh , no way . You are not taking me anywhere .
Luis : I see you re back to your old self . Honestly , she s probably fine . I ca nt imagine there s anything left in her .
Fancy : Mm , yeah , I ll be just fine as long as you do nt force any more vile drinks down my throat .
E.M.T. : If you are sure .
Luis : Yeah , yeah . I m sure . Grazie .
Fancy : Beth . We were about to go after Beth . She got away thanks to me .
Luis : Hey , you are not going anywhere , young lady . Besides , it s too late . Beth s already had a huge head start . She could be anywhere by now .
Fancy : Yeah , which is all my fault , and you know it . Come on , come with me . We ll scout out every street --
Luis : No , no , would you listen to me ? I m not mad at you anymore , ok ? This is not your fault .
Fancy : The hell it is nt . Because of me , you ve had her and lost her twice already . I have to help you find Beth and Marty .
Luis : Would you listen ? I appreciate the sentiment , ok ? The fact of the matter is Beth s already got away from me by myself more times than I care to remember .
Fancy : But I m to blame for what happened tonight .
Luis : Look , I m not going to argue with you .
Fancy : Ok , good , then let s go .
Luis : Fancy .
Fancy : No , are you coming with me or not ?
Luis : Fancy .
Fancy : Fine , I ll find them myself .
Luis : Oh .
E.M.T. : Americani .
E.M.T. : [ Whistles ]
E.M.T. : [ Chuckles ]
Gwen : I lost him . I lost Ethan to Theresa .
Rebecca : You know , I really thought we could wriggle our way out of this mess , I mean , the same way we ve wriggled our way out of so many others .
Gwen : Why in the world did I ever listen to you ? You know , you are the one who got me into this mess in the first place , and today you swore to me you d get me out of it . And now , because of you , I have lost everything that has ever mattered to me . I hate you .
Rebecca : Oh , honey , you do nt mean that . I mean , I ve never let you down before . My schemes have never failed me in the past .
Gwen : Really ? Then why is your husband shacking up with Eve Russell under your same roof ? I never , ever , ever , should have listened to you .
Rebecca : Honey , please , just do nt be angry with me , ok ? I mean , you re all I have .
Gwen : What am I supposed to do now ?
Rebecca : Ok , for starters , you re gon na stop all this moaning and groaning and feeling sorry for yourself cause that does nt help anything .
Gwen : Well , Theresa won ! She won ! Cause your stupid ex - boyfriend tabloid editor confessed it was us who tipped him about Ethan s real paternity and not Theresa . Now Ethan knows I lied to him . He s gon na hate me .
Rebecca : Are you there , you yellow - bellied , sap - sucking sellout ? I m talking to you , J.T. Look , you are gon na need that $ 10 million for reconstructive surgery after I feed you to a wood chipper .
Theresa : I told you . Gwen and Rebecca framed me . They made it look like I was the one who sold your secret to the tabloid . They were so afraid that we were gon na get married that they sunk to the lowest depths imaginable and they betrayed you . I understand that you re in shock , Ethan . You just found out that your wife could do such a thing and that she s lied to you about it all these years . It s ok to be upset .
Ethan : Oh , I am upset .
Theresa : It s gon na take , you know , time .
Ethan : I m upset to think for one minute that you would think that I would believe this clown s story .
Theresa : Wait , what ?
Ethan : Theresa , I do nt believe a word out of his greedy , self - serving mouth , and I do nt believe that Gwen and Rebecca would sell my story to some sleazy tabloid .
Fox : Have you lost your mind , if this is about the fin or the tail or whatever it was that Siren was wearing at the photo shoot , she already told us it was fake .
Kay : She was lying . She did nt want anyone to know she was a mermaid , but she is .
Fox : Ok , so she could nt produce the costume on demand . That does nt mean a damn thing . She had a perfectly plausible explanation , though .
Kay : What ? That it just fell off her in the water and sank to the bottom of the ocean ? How convenient .
Fox : Holy cow , Kay . Do you have any idea how crazy you sound right now ?
Kay : Fox , you have to believe me . We have got to stop Miguel from making love to her . It will ruin his life if he does .
Fox : Ok , ok . Let s say for a second that Siren really is a half - babe , half- fish . If she and Miguel dig each other , then who cares whether she is a real woman or a mackerel ?
Kay : Ok , it s not funny . The mermaid s curse is that if a man makes love to a mermaid , he can never be with a real woman again , ever , for the rest of his life . And I ca nt let that happen to Miguel .
Miguel : Let me up , Siren . I ca nt see what s scratching my leg .
Siren : It s just your imagination . Make love to me .
Miguel : Ah , what the hell ? It feels like a giant flipper . Oh , mm .
Chad : Whitney , if you can hear me , stop whatever it is he s making you do . He s using you for something terrible .
Paloma : Because she s innocent ? Is that why the old nun called her the innocent one ?
Chad : Yes . Look , I did nt believe the old nun at first either , but it s the only thing in this whole weird mess that makes any sense . There s some evil guy who s pretending to be a monk . He s got Whitney doing whatever it is he wants her to . We got ta find Whitney before she does something awful , something that ca nt be undone .
Simone : Whitney ! Whitney , it s me , Simone ! Whitney , where are you ?
Guard : I found them . I have the trespassers .
Chad : Hey , let them go . We re trying to stop something terrible from happening here .
Guard : You have come to do the Holy Father harm .
Chad : No , it s not us you need to worry about . There s someone else here in the Vatican , someone who means to do all of us harm , the whole church . Come on , you have to let us go so we can go stop them .
Rebecca : Oh , you are gon na need that $ 10 million when I am through with you , J.T. Where do you think I m gon na start the amputation , huh ? Want to guess ?
J.T. : Come on , Becks . It s 10 mill . I mean , I m in a lot of debt .
Rebecca : Debt really is nt going to matter once you re skinned alive . Besides , Theresa is nt going to give you a dime of that money .
J.T. : Au contraire , she said she would .
Rebecca : She would say anything to steal my daughter s husband away from her and now that you ve given her what she wants , you re never gon na see her again . But you will see me . So if you are nt sitting there thinking that you just made the worst mistake of your life , you should be .
J.T. : Hold on , Becks . There s something off here .
Rebecca : Yeah , that s an understatement from a tabloid editor .
J.T. : No , no , no , I mean with Theresa and Ethan . I mean , I ca nt hear what they re saying , but she looks upset . Would nt you think she d be happy now ?
Rebecca : Hmm .
J.T. : I do nt think that he believed me .
Rebecca : You do nt think Ethan believed what you said ?
Gwen : Oh , please , God . Oh .
Theresa : What are you talking about ? You heard the truth from J.T. He told you what Gwen and Rebecca did , how they were the ones who sold you out .
Ethan : You just offered that guy $ 10 million . Anybody would say anything for that kind of money . Hell , I d confess to selling myself out at that price , Theresa .
Theresa : You do nt believe him . After everything that I ve done to catch up to him , you -- you do nt believe him .
Ethan : Theresa , I m sorry , I m sorry . I need proof . I mean , come on . That creep s say - so is not gon na cut it , and I do nt believe , furthermore , that Gwen could do something so heartless and duplicitous . I just do nt believe it .
Luis : Damn it , Fancy , you should nt have come here tonight . You could ve been killed .
Fancy : Oh , do I look like I m dead to you , Luis ? I disobeyed you by coming out tonight because it was important to me to help you find Beth and Marty . And I m even more determined now than I was earlier .
Luis : Yeah , but they could be anywhere by now
Fancy : Or not . Think about it . We ve seen her twice at the gallery and around here , too . I have this gut feeling this is near where she lives .
Luis : Yeah , which means just about nothing .
Fancy : Luis , look around . It s late . There are nt many people out . Chances are , she got scared to death by her close call and she s gon na take off soon Marty . So all we have to do is keep our eyes peeled for a woman and a little boy .
Luis : Why did nt I think of that ?
Luis : Look . That s them . [ Yelling ] Beth , stop right there !
Spike : Ha ha , come on , Noah .
Noah : Oh , I m not gon na lose you this time !
Jessica : Noah , be careful !
Noah : Lousy son of a --
Noah : Hey , why do nt you just try that again , Spike , huh ? Give me an excuse to use this . Come on .
Spike : Ok , ok .
Noah : Get up . [ Phone ringing ]
Noah : Get my phone , Jess .
Spike : All right , cool out , man .
Noah : What ?
Spike : Cool out .
Lena : I thought you were on your way , Noah . I m waiting .
Noah : We re coming right now . We ll be there in 5 minutes . Once I give you this piece of trash , you re never gon na see me again .
Spike : Easy with the knife .
Lena : Truer than you know , Noah . After tonight , nobody will ever see you again .
Theresa : He just told you . You just heard the truth from his own lips .
Ethan : No dice . No way . Theresa , you offered him 10 million bucks . Anybody would say anything for that kind of money , and I do nt believe that Gwen and Rebecca had anything to do with selling that story to the tabloid . I ca nt without real evidence , you know ?
Theresa : I ll just force J.T. to show you a photograph of him and Rebecca in bed together because that will prove that they were connected . I ll get him to call Rebecca on the telephone and you can listen in and then you ll know for sure that she s been in cahoots with him all this time .
Ethan : Theresa , Theresa , Theresa . This has got to stop .
Theresa : It s not going to stop . Not till I prove to you that I am telling you the truth . See , this is why we re not married right now . This is what kept us from being together , and this has kept you from being with me ever since . So I m not gon na stop until I prove to you that this whole thing has just been one horrible mistake . J.T. ! J.T. !
Ethan : Theresa , come back .
Rebecca : Now what s going on ?
Gwen : J.T. , it s Gwen . Can you hear what they re saying ?
J.T. : I can only hear snippets . But she s -- she s saying something about showing him proof .
Gwen : You were right . Ethan did nt believe you . Ah , there is a God .
Rebecca : Gwen , I would nt go that far , all right ? We still have to stop Theresa . She s not gon na give up , you know .
Gwen : Ok , J.T. , where is Theresa right now ?
J.T. : Looking for me . She s getting closer , but she does nt see me yet .
Rebecca : Look , J.T. , I am gon na give you one more chance to save your sorry hide .
J.T. : What s that ?
Rebecca : Stop Theresa .
J.T. : But she s like the terminator .
Rebecca : Look , just stop Theresa or I am gon na terminate you .
J.T. : Whoa . Are you suggesting what I think you re suggesting ?
Rebecca : Just get rid of her .
J.T. : How ?
Rebecca : I do nt know , J.T. You are a very smart guy , or at least you used to be , so just figure it out .
J.T. : Oh , my God , she means business . But it s either Theresa or me .
Theresa : J.T. , I know you re here ! Come on out , J.T. ! I m gon na find you !
Beth : [ Gasps ] Oh , my God , Luis . The damn blonde survived the poison . Oh , God , come on . Let s get in , let s get in . Watch your head . Ok . Drive ! Drive or you ll be sorry ! Go !
Luis : Do nt go ! Do nt go ! Damn it , stop !
Fancy : Luis , motorcycle . Come on .
Luis : Hey , get off , get off . You re not going with me .
Fancy : The hell I m not .
Beth : Lose the motorcycle . Floor it ! Come on !
Fox : Oh , the mermaid s curse . That sounds like something out of Grimm s fairy tales .
Kay : I m telling you , Fox , that if Miguel makes love to Siren , he will never be able to be with another woman again , ever .
Fox : So maybe they ll get married and stay together . There s nothing wrong with that .
Kay : No , she wo nt do that . Mermaids are notoriously fickle . They love having mortal men fall in love with them , and once they do , they get tired of them and they just swim back out to sea . And she will do that to him . She will seduce him and then leave him stranded with a broken heart , and I m not gon na let that happen to him . I have got to find them before it s too late .
Miguel : Siren , could you please move over so I can see what s scratching my leg ?
Siren : I m sure it s nothing .
Miguel : Look , maybe not , but it s my leg and it s creepy feeling , ok ? Oh , it s got to be a fish , a big one at that . Why do you keep moving away from me ?
Siren : Was I ? I guess I just got carried away . I did nt want you to get wet while we re making love . Bet you do nt feel that fish anymore either .
Miguel : Uh - uh . Must ve washed away with the tide .
Siren : Forget the fish . Make love to me , Miguel .
Chad : Look , you have to let us go .
Guard : You are trespassing . For all we know , you tried to enter the Holy Father s personal chambers .
Chad : Yeah only to stop someone else from breaking in , someone who wants to do harm the church .
Guard : You can tell it to the jury of cardinals when they meet next month . Meanwhile , you will all be in prison .
Nun : What are you doing ?
Guard : We caught them trying to break in , Sister .
Nun : [ Speaks Italian ] You do nt understand . They re here to help , not harm . They re on the side of good and not evil . Let them go .
Guard : But --
Nun : Now . The innocent one is here in the Vatican , probably in the pope s quarters as we speak . Oh , evil is manipulating her into committing an unspeakable act .
Chad : And all we want to do is find her and stop her .
Nun : Let them go now , or more than the church is in danger . We are all doomed if evil triumphs tonight .
Chad : Come on , let s go .
Alistair : [ Disguised voice ] The hidden word was supposed to turn off the alarm . I should have that chalice in my hand by now . You tricked me , Whitney .
Whitney : I would never do that . I was sure it was gon na work . Ok , I know . We ll reverse the order this time .
Alistair : How ?
Whitney : We ll use the keypad and then the key .
Alistair : This is not going to work . It s the same damn thing .
Whitney : Just give it a chance . Now try to reach for it again .
Alistair : For your sake , it better work this time .
Alistair : [ Normal voice ] I ve got it . It s mine . The chalice is mine . It s mine . [ Breathing heavily ] [ Rushing of air ]
Theresa : J.T. ! I know you re here cause there s no way out , so why do nt you just show yourself to me , J.T. ? Ethan did not believe your admission about Gwen and Rebecca . We need to show him proof , concrete proof . Like the photograph of you and Rebecca in bed together so he knows that you were connected . J.T. !
J.T. : Whoa !
Theresa : All right , J.T. I see you . Come on . Come down . Come on , please .
J.T. : Not going to happen , Theresa . I kept my end of the bargain , your turn to keep yours .
Theresa : Ok , I promise you I will give you -- I will give you the $ 10 million once we convince Ethan that we are telling him the truth .
J.T. : Hey , that was nt part of the deal . I told him what you wanted . Not my problem if he did nt believe me .
Theresa : Come on . You have to have a shred of decency left in you . I am telling the truth , and you know that . Just help me , please , just a little bit more . Call Rebecca on the phone , and Ethan , he can -- he can listen while you talk to her .
J.T. : Like that s going to happen , brown - eyed super girl . Well , I do nt know .
Theresa : J.T. , I have never done anything to you .
Ethan : Theresa ? Theresa , it is time to let this go .
Ethan : What the hell is J.T. doing ?
Ethan : Oh , God . Theresa , stop !
Theresa : I am not going to stop , Ethan , until you know the truth .
Spike : Easy , slick . Easy , slick .
Noah : Here is the dirtbag who killed your partner , Lena . Signed , sealed , and delivered .
Lena : I ca nt believe you actually found him .
Noah : There s no need for that . He s not going anywhere .
Lena : Just an extra precaution .
Noah : He ll deny it , of course . But both Jessica and I heard him admit to killing your partner that night in the attic . He even had the audacity to act like he enjoyed it . Did nt he , Jess ?
Jessica : Uh - huh . Hey , you know , let s go . Maybe you can explain things to Fancy now .
Noah : No , it s too late for that .
Jessica : Maybe not .
Noah : Look , I m done with you , Lena . I brought you your partner s killer . Now I m free of you forever .
Beth : Do nt let them catch us ! Go !
Fox : Kay .
Kay : So you believe me ?
Fox : Because I m helping you find Miguel and Siren ? Uh - uh . Kay , I think you re off your rocker . Siren is not a mermaid .
Kay : You ll see .
Kay : Oh , no .
Fox : Well , if you re right about this lunacy , looks like we re too late . We can get out of here .
Noah : Look , I ve done your dirty work , so , ciao , Lena .
Lena : Not so fast , Noah . I did nt say you could leave .
Noah : Tough . I am going and so is my sister . I brought you your partner s killer . Tell Maya to have a nice little life .
Lena : Oh , I so wish I could say the same to you .
Noah : What s going on ?
Lena : All is not what it seems , Noah . Spike and I , well , we re associates if not friends .
Noah : Do nt tell me you re working together .
Lena : All right , I wo nt tell you . I ll let you figure it out .
Gwen : This is like a dream come true . Theresa got J.T. to spill his guts , and Ethan did nt believe him . He really does love me .
Rebecca : Yeah , and at least he trusts you a lot more than he does Theresita . But she is still a threat to your marriage .
Gwen : I know . I know she s never going to stop .
Rebecca : No , not as long as she is breathing , she wo nt .
Gwen : When you said that to J.T. , about stopping Theresa --
Rebecca : Honey , do not worry your pretty little head about it . J.T. will think of something .
Chad : Sister , why did you stop ? We are almost to the Pope s private chambers .
Simone : Oh my gosh .
Nun : They re coming from the Pope s inner sanctum . Oh , no . It ca nt be .
Chad : What ca nt be ?
Nun : The chalice . They have the chalice . The innocent one is aiding evil . Come , we must stop them before it s too late .
Alistair : It s mine . The chalice is mine !
Whitney : You sound so strange .
Alistair : The power . The control . It is all mine ! [ Laughing ]
Alistair : Mine . Mine .
Theresa : I am not a threat to you , J.T. I ll give you that $ 10 million , I swear I will . In fact , I can hook you up with the best tax attorneys in the states , and I can help fix your I.R.S. problems . I just need you to help me with Ethan . I need you to help me prove to Ethan that it was Gwen and Rebecca who sent the information . Like that photo of you and Rebecca .
J.T. : Sorry , Theresa , but Rebecca scares me a lot more than the tax man .
Ethan : Theresa , do nt get any closer to him .
Theresa : Ethan , you ca nt stop me .
Theresa : [ Screams ] Ah !
Luis : Stop that taxi , now ! Pull over ! Give me my son ! Pull over !
Beth : Look out !
Luis : Marty !
Noah : You set me up ? What the hell is going on ?
Whitney : Do nt ! Chad , Simone , get out of here right now . Do nt come in here .
Fancy : Luis , get away from there ! Luis !
### Summary:
| Theresa got JT to admit Gwen and Rebecca were the ones who outted Ethan s paternity to the tabloid , but he still wo nt believe her . Gwen and Rebecca , listening in on the phone , are upset that he knows , but when JT announces Ethan s disbelief , they are overjoyed , and Bex orders JT to terminate Terrorcita . He sets about to do just that by dropping a heavy object on her , while Ethan tries to protect her . Luis gets Fancy to drink something that gets the poison out of her , and then they both leave to find Beth and Marty . They find them getting into a cab , and give chase on a motorcycle . It ends when the cab , trying to miss a woman pushing a carriage , rams into a wall and bursts into flame . Luis can only call Marty s name as he watches the carnage . Noah and Jessica finally get Spike to Lena , but when they try to leave , she stops them and lets them know she s been working with Spike all the time . Chad , Paloma , and Simone , along with the old nun , try to stop The Evil One ( Alistair ) and The Innocent ( Whitney ) from getting the chalice , but they are too late . As Alistair revels in finally getting his hands on God s power , Whitney seems not to realize what she s done . She watches him with a happy smile on her face . The nun realizes what s happened , however , and urges Chad and the girls to follow her into the Pope s chambers and set things right . Kay convinces Fox to help her find Miguel before he and Siren make love , which will cause him to never be able to make love to a real woman again . On the beach , once Siren s tail changes back into legs and stop scratching Miguel , he settles down to business , and it seems Kay and Fox are too late once they finally find them . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : I knew I could count on you , Logan . How did it go ?
Brooke : Katie asked for my advice , what I thought of the sketch , and I told her that it was cutting - edge , that it was the bomb .
Ridge : Little does she know .
Brooke : Not only could the bomb detonate Bill s hold on the company , but it could also blow apart my relationship with my sister .
Ridge : Logan , I wish it had nt come to this . Katie s not a bad person .
Brooke : I know . I know . She just made a bad decision siding with Bill .
Ridge : He manipulated this entire situation . You ca nt fight fair with somebody like that . We tried . And now we have to fight with everything we ve got . It s our only way , our only way to get this company back .
Ridge : Yeah ?
Thomas : ( Sighs ) Everybody ready for Grandpa s big performance ?
Steffy : Press conference .
Ridge : It s okay , guys . Logan s on board .
Donna : So you re asking me to lie to my sister , set her up to be a laughingstock ?
Eric : Donna , Katie is gon na get caught in the crossfire here , you re right . But she put herself in that position . Look , honey , I ca nt do this without you .
Donna : Okay . Oh , honey bear , you know there s nothing I would nt do for you .
Eric : ( Whispering ) Good . Thank you . ( Normal voice ) Oh , sweetie .
Bill : Oh , come on . I m gon na throw up . What -- what are you-- are you consoling your honey bear ? I do nt want any sad faces at this press conference . We are celebrating Eric s decision to return to work . His comeback is Forrester s comeback . That is the message . And I expect you people to deliver it .
Eric : What I m gon na deliver , Bill , is gon na be the most jaw - dropping collection I have ever produced .
Bridget : I do nt believe this . Dad would have definitely told me if was going back to Forrester .
Nick : Not if he was trying to get a jump on us .
Bridget : But his heart is nt in it . That s why he left the first time . You have to love , love if you re gon na do something like this in order to succeed . You have to eat , breathe and sleep it .
Sandy : I do nt know a swatch from a swizzle stick .
Stephanie : You ll learn .
Sandy : Yes , maam .
Stephanie : And how about we save the maams and the sirs for the clients and the vendors ? And it would be perfectly fine with me if you would call me Stephanie .
Sandy : Yes ... Stephanie .
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) Okay , and the other important thing is just relax . But do nt ... mess up .
Nick : And a happy holiday to you .
Man : Thank you .
Bridget : Oh , sure .
Nick : Happy holiday .
Woman : Thanks . Nobody thought that we were gon na get bonuses this year . This is-- will help with the bills .
Man : Thank you .
Bridget : Oh .
Woman : Thank you so much .
Bridget : Happy holidays .
Woman : Thanks .
Bridget : Bye , you guys .
Woman : Bye .
Bridget : Wow . Times are really , really tough , really tough in this economy .
Nick : Yeah . I think we might have to do something about that .
Stephanie : The fashion business is just like life . It s all about relationships .
Sandy : With buyers and vendors ?
Stephanie : Exactly . Uh , what you re going to discover very quickly in a place like this , which is filled with loony people , is that you can not be a shrinking violet . And if you want to be my assistant , you ve got ta show initiative . Now I know you do nt know a lot , but I m perfectly willing to teach you and mentor you and guide you and all of that . But you got ta learn to be prepared for just about anything , okay ? I mean , for instance , we could -- we could fly over to Paris tonight . Do you have your passport ?
Sandy : We re going to Paris ?
Stephanie : I wish we were , but no . I was just sort of using that as an example . Um , if you really want to be my assistant , I d like to think that if we did fly to Paris tonight , you d really be excited about it . But I do nt get that feeling from you .
Bill : It has been my experience , Eric , that people do nt give me things without expecting something in return .
Ridge : What s going on ?
Eric : Bill and I are discussing the new collection .
Bill : A present from your father , his way of kissing and making up .
Eric : Actually , the collection is not a gift to you . It s more like , uh , it s more like something I feel I owe you for everything you ve done . Now Forrester is not the company it used to be . I see that now . I can also see where it s headed , and I know exactly what I have to do to get it there .
Thorne : ( From the hallway ) I do nt know where you got this rumor from ... ( Door opens ) but I promise you , my father is not coming ... back to Forrester .
Bill : Ladies and gentlemen , please come in . We have some big news to share with you .
Bridget : Hey , babe .
Nick : Hey .
Bridget : What are you doing ? Are you thinking about Christmas ?
Nick : Yeah . Yes , I am .
Bridget : I want to do something really special for Jack . I d love to have a big tree and do lights .
Nick : Mm - hmm .
Bridget : ( Chuckles ) I m just gon na need help . I do nt have time to do it all . What ?
Nick : We do it here .
Bridget : Here ?
Nick : No , we do it here . We have Christmas right here in the office , in the building . We do dinner , we do presents , we have the employees , we spread our wealth right here in the building .
Bridget : Just decorate the office and have ...
Nick : Absolutely .
Bridget : Like , Santa drop by ?
Nick : Yes .
Bridget : Jack would love that .
Nick : ( Stammers ) Do you think it s too late to find somebody to cater for Christmas Eve ?
Bridget : Oh , well , Stephanie could probably make that happen .
Nick : She would . I ll buzz her right now .
Bridget : No , no , no . I want to talk to her about Dad anyway . I ll call her .
Sandy : You re worried that I m not prepared . I m not prepared . I was nt prepared for any of this . I signed on to be a surrogate . I - Id meet a nice couple , make some money , and I d have the satisfaction of knowing I helped their dreams come true . But this wasnt-- this was nt part of the bargain .
Stephanie : Well , Sandy , if you do nt want the job , no one s forcing you to take it .
Sandy : Mrs. Forrester , I would nt allow myself to want a job like this . I would nt even allow myself to daydream about having a job like this . Opportunities like this , they do nt happen for people like me .
Stephanie : People like you ?
Sandy : Unlucky people .
Stephanie : I can see that this is a little overwhelming . And I m sure that I m a little overwhelming , as well . You know anything about this place , really ?
Sandy : Mnh - mnh .
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) Jackie and I used to absolutely hate each other . As a matter of fact , I was vilified and hated by every single person in this building . Well , that s because I was the competition . But , you know , my politics , it makes for strange bedfellows . So here we are . I do nt think that you should continue to feel overwhelmed . I think you should relax and try and enjoy this . Go with the flow . If you keep the job , I honestly think it will help you . And I honestly think that it will enrich your life .
Katie : Bill is right . We have a very big announcement to make today . As of today , Eric Forrester has rejoined the team here at Forrester Creations . And we are all so pleased and so honored to have him back . Eric .
Eric : Thank you , Katie . Thank you . I am glad to be back . And I know that you must have some questions . I will , uh , I ll make sure to answer all of them in a second . I just want to say first that , uh , well , I m happy to be back , and I apologize for my absence . I really do . I have nt come back to save Forrester from Bill and Katie . I ve come back because I ve seen an opportunity here . We have new owners , no longer a family business . We are a division of Spencer Publications , an international conglomerate . We have , uh , stockholders to answer to now , but the upside of that is that they have provided us with the means and the motivation to take Forrester to the cutting edge , and that s exactly what I intend to do with this new collection and with my return to the company . So thank you . ( Applause )
Katie : Thank you all so much for coming .
Bill : Thanks , everyone .
Thorne : Do you want to tell me what s going on ? What happened , Dad ? Is it money ?
Bill : Jarrett , copy on my desk , one hour .
Thorne : I mean , look , I know the market s down ...
Eric : Thorne , listen . Thorne , just wait ...
Thorne : But for goodness sakes .
Bill : Eric , ready to see your new office ?
Eric : Yes , yes , I m ready . Let me , uh , get my things , and I ll get to work .
Bill : This way .
Sandy : I do nt know what to say .
Stephanie : Say thank you . And say thank you every morning when you wake up . Jackie M. s is a very special place , filled with a lot of crazy people .
Sandy : ( Laughs )
Stephanie : You ll fit right in .
Bridget : Stephanie ... ( Stammers ) H - Hi . I m sure she can probably settle this and tell the truth . Is Dad going back to Forrester ?
Stephanie : I heard that .
Bridget : You did ?
Stephanie : Mm - hmm .
Bridget : From who ? Dad ?
Stephanie : No .
Bridget : See , this is odd . It s odd , do nt you think ? It s odd .
Donna : I warned her that that guy was trouble . And the moment they met , I knew that she would get hurt .
Brooke : I feel the same way you do . But we ca nt let them know that . Bill and Katie have to think that we re on their side . We do nt have to like it , but we do need to get with the program .
Donna : Okay .
Katie : ( Sighs )
Eric : ( Groans )
Thorne : This is my office .
Bill : I know what it is , Thorne . And what a wonderful opportunity sharing it with your father .
Thomas : This is how you say welcome back ?
Steffy : If you have to double up , then why do nt you put the designers together ?
Eric : It s all right , you two . It s okay .
Bill : Is this going to be a problem , Eric ?
Eric : No , boss .
Bill : Good . Now here s what I want . You and Ridge have promised me a collection like no other . And I expect you to deliver , and fast . Concept presentation A.S.A.P. We need to get rolling on this line .
Eric : That s exactly what we need to be doing .
Bill : You good with this ?
Katie : Sure .
Bill : Okay . Then I will leave you to your creative devices .
Katie : Uh , Bill ?
Bill : Yeah ? Welcome back .
Thorne : ( Whispering ) You son of a ...
Eric : ( Clears throat ) Okay , you heard what the boss said .
Thorne : No , sir ? Yes , boss ? What the ...
Ridge : Thorne , Thorne , Thorne , Thorne . Just let Dad explain .
Thorne : How can you suck up to him like this ?
Eric : Take a look at the designs . You ll see what I m doing .
Thorne : ( Sighs heavily )
Thorne : What in the ... this is not what you promised Bill Spencer , Dad .
Eric : Yes , it is . This is the cutting edge of fashion for the future .
Thorne : Yeah , for the 80s .
Eric : When I deliver these designs to Bill and to Katie , you will praise them , and you ll praise Bill , more importantly , for his willingness to make such a bold fashion statement .
Thorne : So you want us to convince him that these are good ? When everyone else will know that they are nt ? Buyers , our clients . No one will buy them . ( Chuckles ) Dad , our reputation will be ruined . I mean , this is professional suicide .
Eric : That s the risk that we re gon na take here . We have to , Thorne . We have to take this risk to get this company back .
Donna : Lying to our sister-- I - I just hate this .
Brooke : I know . I do , too . She asked what I thought of the latest design .
Donna : Well , what did you tell her ?
Brooke : I told her that I thought it would turn Forrester Creations upside down .
Donna : Oh . ( Door opens )
Katie : Hey . What are you two doing up here ? Everyone else is downstairs .
Donna : Oh , I thought you were going to Eric s office .
Katie : Yeah , he s , um , sharing an office with Thorne .
Brooke : Whose idea was that ?
Donna : Or do we even have to ask ?
Brooke : Okay . ( Sighs ) So how did Eric take it ?
Katie : Better than I expected .
Stephanie : Well , I ... I - I - I guess maybe your father has nt talked about it because he probably does nt really want to go back to work there .
Bridget : Oh , well , then why-- why go and do it ?
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) Honey , I stopped trying to-- questioning your father s motives years ago .
Nick : I have a question-- Douglas fir or Scotch pine ?
Bridget : Nick and I were talking about Christmas .
Stephanie : Oh . We giving trees out as bonuses for Christmas ?
Nick : Um ...
Bridget : We were gon na have Christmas Eve here ...
Nick : Yeah .
Bridget : At the office . And -- and you re both invited .
Sandy : Christmas at the office ?
Bridget : Sure , yeah .
Nick : Mm - hmm .
Bridget : I mean , it s not gon na look like an office when we re done .
Nick : Everyone s welcome .
Bridget : Unless , of course , you have other plans , you know ? I m sure Dad will be doing something .
Stephanie : ( Chuckles )
Bridget : What ?
Stephanie : Oh , I ca nt wait to have eggnog with Donna .
Bridget : Okay . You are invited . We would love to have you .
Nick : Yes .
Sandy : Well , I just started working here . I do nt really know anyone .
Bridget : Well , you re not gon na spend Christmas by yourself . You have to come .
Sandy : Oh , that s so sweet . Thank you . I m touched . But I really ca nt .
Bridget : Huh .
Bill : Just give em the facts straight up-- Eric Forrester is back . Hey .
Katie : Thorne s office ? Really ?
Bill : I wanted to see what Eric would do .
Katie : Did he pass your test ?
Bill : I m not sure . Maybe he s as fired up as he says he is . Or maybe he s up to something .
Eric : ( Sighs )
Donna : Oh , honey bear , I am so sorry . I ca nt believe Bill is treating you this way .
Eric : It s okay . It s okay . He s testing me . I expected that .
Brooke : Did you and Thorne have a chance to talk ?
Thorne : Yes , we did .
Eric : And now it s time for phase two of our plan , the collection itself .
Ridge : We ve already put together some preliminary sketches . And Bill wants to see the whole concept . The first thing we need is a name . Bill wants a collection that demands attention , makes you notice . Well , we re gon na give him cutting edge . We re gon na give him trendsetting . But we need a name to reflect that , something bold , something daring .
Steffy : Daring . Daring . How about Dare ?
Thorne : ( Scoffs ) Yeah . As in I dare you to wear this ?
Steffy : No , dare to be ... young , dare to be beautiful , dare to be ... different .
Eric : That s good . That s very good . I like it . I think Bill and Katiell like that , too .
Donna : But what if they do nt ? Look , I - I hate to say this , but if this does nt work ...
Eric : ( Sighs )
Donna : Do we have a backup plan ?
Ridge : Donna , it has to work .
Thorne : But at what cost , Ridge ? We re turning our family name into a joke .
Eric : Thorne , I felt the same way at first . I mean ... ( Stammers ) destroying my reputation that I built over a whole lifetime with one collection ... but-- but ...
Ridge : But when the collection fails , Bill s the one that s gon na take the fall . Forrester becomes a drain on Spencer Publications , a liability , not an asset .
Eric : Spencer s board of directors will force him to sell it .
Ridge : And he ll be anxious to sell , all right . And you know who s gon na be there to take it ? Us .
Eric : That is the day when we take this company , the real Forrester Creations , and -- and help it rise to its former glory . We can rebuild this-- this reputation of class and elegance when the company s back in our hands .
Ridge : It s time to bring Forrester Creations home and put the company back in the hands of the people that made it great . This is our name on the building out there , everybody . I want to see Forrester on the C.E.O. office door now . This has got ta be really top secret . No leaks at all , okay ? We have to sell this line like we ve never sold anything before . There s no room for doubt , no room for suspicion . We have to make Bill and Katie believe this is the wave of the future .
Eric : It s very risky . Ridge and I understand that , and we re asking a lot of all of you here , especially of you , Donna , and you , Brooke .
Donna : I ll do it . I will do what-- I ll do whatever it takes for you to get your company back .
Brooke : And I convinced you to sell . I know I made a terrible mistake . I support you completely .
Thorne : Count me in . I ll do whatever it takes , too .
Ridge : Great . Well , we have what it takes right here in this room-- Forresters united , standing together , committed , fighting for what is ours . Listen , everybody , we will dare . We will win , cause I swear to God , Forrester Creations will be ours once again .
Donna : ( Chuckles )
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Okay .
Donna : Okay .
### Summary:
| Brooke tells Ridge that she told Katie that the new designs were the cutting edge . Ridge says Katie is not a bad person , but she got caught up in all of this and now this is the only way . Eric tells Donna who also is not happy to keep this secret to bring the Spencer s down . Stephanie tells Sandy to please drop the Mrs. and calling her madam and just call her Stephanie . As her assistant , she needs Sandy to be ready for just about anything . Sandy admits she did nt know this was part of her future . Opportunities like this do nt happen to people like her . Stephanie shares with her how hated she used to be and that Sandy just needs to relax and go with the flow . She thinks it will enrich her life . With reporters present , Katie announces that Eric is returning to the company . Eric states that it is a golden opportunity . Nick and Bridget tell Stephanie and Sandy that they are having a Christmas party here on Christmas Eve and they both are invited . Stephanie is delighted as she has no other plans and ca nt imagine sharing eggnog with Donna . Sandy says she just started work there and does nt think she can make it . Brooke tells Donna they do nt have to like it , but they do need to make Katie think they are on Bill and Katie s side . Bill shows Eric his new office sharing almost the basement with Thorne . Eric lets Thorne in on his plan , and Thorne admits this will be professional suicide . Bill admits to Katie that Eric may be as fired up as he claims to be or he might be up to something . Eric tells Donna that she knows Bill is testing him and that is okay . Now it s time for Phase 2 of their concept . Bill wants to see results and they do have the preliminary designs . Ridge says they need a new bold name to go with their new line . They will give him cutting edge and trend - setting . Steffy suggests the name Dare . Thorne quips like in dare to wear this . They are sure Spencer s board of directors will be there urging him to sell this company when it becomes a liability and it will be back in their hands once and for all . They will help it rise to its former glory . Ridge reminds them that Forrester Creations is on the outdoor sign , but he wants to see a Forrester CEO on the office door . They have to sell this like nothing before . They have to make Katie and Bill think this is the wave of the future . Donna tells Eric that she will do whatever it takes for him to get his company back . Brooke and Thorne also say they are in . Katie happens to be looking through the window when she sees them all hugging and giving high five s . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Roman : Just to remind you , getting caught is not an option .
Arianna : I know . I know . Look , I ve been in this business long enough to see that these dirt bags would just as soon drop you as say hello . But there is a way to find out who s running this operation , and when I do , he s going down .
Roman : Well , EJ , did nt see you come in .
EJ : That s quite all right . You seem very focused on Arianna . I m sure whatever she was telling you was ... very important .
Rafe : What does she look like ? Uh - huh . Yes , that sounds like Nicole . What about the kid ? No , no . Sydney s only ten months . Yeah , all right . You know what , do me a favor , fax over the image anyway . Thanks . [ Sighs ]
Sami : Another dead end ?
Rafe : Yeah . Yeah .
Sami : It s okay . I m not upset . I m angry and I m frustrated . But we re gon na find her . Not if , when we find Sydney , I swear to God ... Nicole s gon na wish she were never born .
Nicole : Okay , sweetheart , Mommy is almost ready , and soon we will be far , far away from here . And no one will ever be able to keep us apart . Okay ... all right , let s get out of here .
Marge : What s the hurry , Mrs. DiMera ?
Philip : What are you doing ?
Vivian : Looking for my phone .
Philip : Vivian , I just told you we have--
Vivian : Oh , Vivian , we have to get a few things straight . You sounded just like your father . Oh , here it is . Now , how do I work this bloody thing ?
Philip : What ?
Vivian : Well , I want to take a picture of you .
Philip : No , you do nt . No .
Vivian : Oh , I must . I want to send it to my friends and show them what a handsome , grown - up son I have . Give me back my phone .
Philip : Vivian , you listen to me and you listen hard . You are not my mother . You never were , and you never will be .
Melanie : Hey , Alicia , it s Melanie . I m a little early so I m gon na get a table , but I was just reminding you to bring your physiology notes . Uh , see you soon . Brady !
Brady : What s up , Mel ?
Melanie : Um ... why do you have fliers ?
Brady : Uh , these are missing fliers for Sydney . I m putting them all over town .
Melanie : That s right , Nicole stole Sami s baby . What a psycho . I m -- I m sorry . I know you used to have feelings for her , but hey , luckily now you have Arianna . Look , I know you re the strong and silent type , but you mind saying something to me so I know I m not talking to myself here ?
Brady : Arianna and I broke up .
Melanie : What happened this time ?
Brady : It s complicated , Melanie .
Melanie : Huh ... it was Nicole , was nt it ?
Roman : Well , EJ , I m not exactly sure what you mean by that .
EJ : Oh , I m -- I m sorry . I mean , I assumed that you were talking about your sister . I mean , did she remember anything else about Nicole ?
Arianna : No . No . Nothing new .
EJ : I see .
Arianna : Look , Gabi feels awful about helping Nicole escape . You know , she did nt know what she was doing or where she was going .
EJ : That s okay . I understand . It s not her fault .
Arianna : Still , it must be terrible not knowing where your daughter is .
EJ : Well , I appreciate your concern .
Arianna : I have to get going . I will let you know if I hear anything . Excuse me .
Roman : Okay . Well , unfortunately , I do nt have any news either .
EJ : Look , Roman , I have news . I have news for you .
Rafe : Any luck on those missing persons sites ?
Sami : Not yet . But I just got an email back from my brother . Eric said that he left a message for Nicole , but she has nt called him back . No surprise .
Rafe : Well , you said it was a long shot , right ? Hey , listen , what do you say we get out of here , we get some fresh air , grab something to eat ?
Sami : I m not hungry .
Rafe : Sami ... you need to eat .
Sami : It s not me I m worried about . It s my daughter .
Sami : It s my dad ! Daddy , what is it ?
Roman : I just spoke with EJ . I think we have a lead .
Sami : What ? Really ? What is it ?
Roman : Come over to the pub . I ll explain when you get here .
Sami : Okay , we ll be right there . Hey , hey , my dad said he has a lead . We have to go to the pub .
Rafe : Let s go .
Sami : Okay .
Nicole : I m sorry , I think you have me confused with someone else .
Marge : Not according to this picture .
Nicole : Why ? Um , who is it ?
Marge : You . Before you turned into a brunette ... and this little girl turned into a boy .
Nicole : Okay , I told you this is my son , and if you keep calling him a girl , you re gon na give him a complex . Okay , you know what , fine . That is me and that is my daughter . But I m sure that article does nt tell you the whole story .
Marge : Which is ?
Nicole : My husband is a very powerful man . And he s also controlling and abusive . And I finally got enough strength to run away . But if he finds me , I m a dead woman .
Marge : Oh , you poor thing .
Nicole : I m telling the truth .
Marge : Yeah , like hell you are . It s gon na cost you big time if you want me to keep quiet .
Nicole : Okay , you know what , I am done living in crazy town . I m out of here .
Marge : Hold it , sister . I got 911 on speed dial , and I ai nt afraid to use it .
Stephanie : I told you it s fine .
Nathan : No , you twisted that ankle pretty bad . Just come on .
Stephanie : Look , really , you do nt need to do this .
Nathan : Just sit and let me try and earn some of this fat sum they call intern s pay . All right , let me look at this . Have you been icing it ?
Stephanie : Yeah .
Nathan : Is that painful ?
Stephanie : Yeah . No ! No .
Nathan : Which is it ?
Stephanie : I told you it s fine . There s -- you re wasting your time .
Nathan : No , it s not fine . And this has nothing to do with your ankle .
Vivian : Philip , I m -- I m hurt .
Philip : Yeah , I m sure you re devastated .
Vivian : Why are you being so cruel ?
Philip : No , why are you playing games with me ?
Vivian : Philip , we have a bond . I carried you in my womb for nine months .
Philip : Right , because you stole an embryo that happened to be me .
Vivian : From the moment I felt you kicking , I considered you my son . The magic of giving birth to you . The joy of watching you grow up .
Philip : The joy ? All I remember was a whole lot of tears and fights .
Vivian : I m sorry you got caught in the middle of everything .
Philip : Yes , I m sure you re just full of regrets . [ Laughs ] I mean , what a joke ! That you would come back here after all these years and pretend there was some sort of bond between us when all you did was use me .
Vivian : That is not true .
Philip : You think I m gon na let you use me again ? Forget it . Get out of my life and stay out .
Melanie : What is wrong with you ? Arianna is smart and beautiful and fun , and Nicole is evil and conniving and--
Brady : Look , look-- hey , hey , hey , I know what she did was wrong .
Melanie : Good , so you re not brain dead .
Brady : She s not a monster .
Melanie : I do nt know , Brady . Switching babies , kidnapping them ...
Brady : Look , I m not defending her actions . But she s had a tragic life . You do nt know about it . All right ? And when she had the miscarriage , she was desperate , Melanie .
Melanie : It sounds like you re defending her actions .
Brady : She only wanted a family . That s all she ever wanted . And now she really does love that little girl .
Melanie : Yeah , and you really do love her . Even though she s caused you nothing but pain .
Brady : Do nt you think I know that , huh ?
Melanie : It s not like she even loves you back . You went to her and you spilled your guts out . And you tried to get her not to marry EJ , and what did she do ? She went and she married him anyways .
Brady : I m not saying that I want to be with her . Okay , I know she probably would nt be that good for me .
Melanie : Then why are you letting her screw up things with you and Ari ?
Brady : Because you ca nt choose who you fall in love with .
Melanie : No , you re right . You ca nt . Okay . Okay . I -- I just-- you re my friend and Arianna s my friend . I just want you two to be happy . Uh ... hey , Ari .
Arianna : Hey , Melanie .
Melanie : I , um-- I m meeting my friend here for lunch , so I got ta go .
Sami : Hey , Daddy . So what is it ? What d you find out ?
Roman : EJ got a call from Nicole .
Sami : What ? When ?
EJ : A little over an hour ago . Look , Sydney s fine . I could hear her in the background .
Rafe : Why d she call ?
EJ : [ Sighs ] She , um-- well , she called to say good - bye . But mainly she just called to tell me I was an inhumane bastard , and that , you know , I was impossible to live with . And anyway , the important part is she feels that Sydney s gon na be better off with her , so ... she s taking her and saying good- bye to me .
Sami : Were you able to trace the call ?
EJ : That s why I came to talk to your father .
Roman : We re trying to determine her location . We should hear something soon .
Sami : EJ , we are gon na get Sydney back . Okay ? We re gon na get our daughter back .
EJ : Hey , it s okay . We re gon na get her back . Okay ?
Nicole : Marge , please , be reasonable . I mean , I do nt have anything of value . And the money I do have left , I have to feed my baby .
Marge : Well , I might as well turn you in . I m sure I can get some sort of reward .
Nicole : Marge , please , put the phone down .
Marge : Oh , I m sorry , sweet thing , but I m just doing my civic duty .
Nicole : Okay , fine . Call the cops . But I would think about it if I were you . By bringing the cops down here , you know , that could be tricky for business . You know , once they start looking around and seeing all the shady things that go on in this establishment . And , of course , it s my civic duty to inform them . But look on the bright side . I mean , we could share a cell together , braid each other s hair .
Marge : Get out of my face .
Nicole : Gladly . Oh , and one more thing , Marge . I m all bitten up by bedbugs from staying in this dump . So if you do nt want me to twitter all about the infestation to the entire Midwest , you better keep your damn mouth shut .
Vivian : Philip ... I m saddened ... that you would lash out at me like this . I know that you have strains between you and Kate . But why would nt you ? She betrayed you . She married the man that tried to kill you . And I thought I could be there for you .
Philip : Well , you thought wrong .
Vivian : I know that we ve been out of touch ... but you ve always been in my heart . And I ve kept a mindful eye over you , and when I heard that you were CEO of Titan , I was just brimming with pride . I wanted to shout it out to the world .
Philip : But not to me , obviously . I never heard a peep out of you . Not about that , not about anything .
Vivian : I was trying to keep my distance because I know how Kate feels about you , and I did nt want to complicate your life .
Philip : Oh , I see . So when you heard that I cut ties with my mother , you thought you d swoop in and take her place ?
Vivian : Take her place ? No , I would never do what Kate did -- control you , manipulate you . What I would be is the mother you never had . And I would only have your best interests at heart .
Philip : [ Chuckles ] Vivian , if you have my best interests at heart , you ll never show your face around here again .
Vivian : I m afraid I ca nt do that . Because despite what you say , I know that you need me now more than ever . And I m not going anywhere .
Arianna : Have you heard from Nicole ?
Brady : No .
Arianna : I m not surprised .
Brady : Ari , I know you re mad at me for calling her . But I really believe that I can convince her to bring Sydney back .
Arianna : Because of the great love you two share , right ?
Brady : Ari , why do you have to say s--
Arianna : I got ta go , Brady . Good luck . I really hope you can get through to her soon .
Sami : Look , thanks for telling my dad about Nicole s call . I know that it s not your first instinct to go to the police .
EJ : I m trying something new . I think to myself , what would my father do ? And then I do the opposite .
Sami : [ Laughs ] That s a good plan .
EJ : Well , I m giving him the benefit of the doubt that working with the police is the best way to bring Sydney home .
Sami : Yeah , well , hopefully it ll work , right ?
EJ : Yeah .
Roman : Yeah , Brady here . What do you got ?
Sami : Dad , do they know where Nicole is ?
Nicole : Impressive . I appreciate you putting those together so fast .
Man : You can really show me your appreciation by coughing up the rest of the cash .
Nicole : But you were already paid this morning .
Man : No , that was a down payment .
Nicole : Okay , fine ... I ll give you $ 100 , but-- wait . But I need that for bus tickets . Now what are we gon na do ?
Woman : What a cute little baby . Reminds me of my niece .
Nicole : It s a boy .
Woman : Do you mind if I say hello to him ?
Nicole : Uh , sure . You know what , you can even hold him if you like .
Woman : Oh . [ Laughs ] Look at you . Are nt you a precious little angel . Look at you . Yes . Oh , yes . Hello !
Melanie : Okay , yes , it s true . Dr. Horton and I are dating .
Alicia : Are you kidding ?
Melanie : But you ca nt tell anybody cause of that stupid no dating your colleagues rule at the hospital .
Alicia : Wait , so you guys ca nt be seen together , right ?
Melanie : Um , not technically , but we are sometimes . I think people know , but they just pretend like they do nt know . Look at this . Is nt he gorgeous ? Right ?
Alicia : Ooh . [ Clears throat ] Speaking of gorgeous ...
Stephanie : I do nt know what you re talking about .
Nathan : Well , it s -- I mean , come on , Stephanie , things have been a little strange between you and me lately . I mean , we work here together , and I like you . And I do nt want things to be awkward , you know ?
Stephanie : Why do you think they re awkward ?
Nathan : That s what I m asking you . All right . Look , Melanie seems to think--
Stephanie : I do nt want to hear what Melanie thinks .
Nathan : Okay . Fair enough .
Stephanie : But I bet I can guess .
Nathan : All right , no . You know , we should probably just drop this right here . Let s not get into it .
Stephanie : No , no , I think we should get into it .
Nathan : Okay .
Stephanie : Melanie seems to think that I have a thing for you , right ?
Nathan : Mm - hmm .
Stephanie : And she s intimidated by that , and that s why she warned you that I may very possibly be making a big play for you . Am I correct ?
Roman : Yeah , okay . Well , let us know as soon as you can . We ll be waiting .
Rafe : Nothing ?
Roman : Not yet .
EJ : Well , how much longer is it gon na take ? Did they say ?
Roman : They re not sure that they can track it at all .
Sami : What ?
Roman : I m sorry , sweetheart .
Sami : Dad-- he said that Nicole was calling just to say good - bye . She s probably never gon na call us again .
Roman : Sami , you re just--
Sami : Do nt tell me to calm down because I m not just gon na just stand here and do nothing ! I ca nt just keep -- ow !
EJ : Hey , whoa , okay . Come on . Slow , come on . Let s just calm down . Just calm down , okay ?
Nicole : Mommy feels so guilty that she had to steal , baby , but sometimes if you have a good reason , you have to do bad things . And I ca nt think of a better reason than keeping you and me together . But you know what , we are gon na have a great life in Canada . Yes , we are . And you know what the best part is ? You wo nt have to grow up with all those people fighting over you . We can forget about everyone in that miserable little town . Except for Brady . Even though he wanted Mommy to go back to jail ... he s still a good person . He s the best person I know . Oh , my God ... people must know by now that he paid my bail . I mean , they must-- they must think he helped me escape . Oh , no , please-- please let him not be in trouble .
Brady : Hello ?
Nicole : Brady , it s me .
Alicia : Um , I think Mr. GQ is checking you out .
Melanie : Well , I do nt care about Mr. GQ because I already have the best boyfriend in the whole world . Do nt you have a shift you re supposed to be covering ?
Alicia : Oh , yeah , I really have to run . I will catch you later .
Melanie : Okay .
Alicia : Bye .
Melanie : Oh ... you stalking me now ?
Philip : Do nt start , huh ?
Melanie : Should nt you be at work ?
Philip : I m having a drink .
Melanie : In the middle of the day ?
Philip : What s it to you anyhow ?
Melanie : What s wrong , Phil ?
Philip : It does nt have anything to do with you , Melanie . And I do nt really think you d care if I did tell you .
Melanie : Philip , look at me . Of course I care .
Nathan : You know what , I have a confession to make . From the moment that I met you , when I bumped into you , literally ... looking at you , I thought you-- maybe you could potentially be somebody that I d want to be with .
Stephanie : You never told me that .
Nathan : Yeah , that s because I did nt want to get involved with all the drama with you and Philip . And you know what , you re -- you re good to go , so ...
Stephanie : Thanks .
Nathan : All right . I m sorry that I made a big deal out of this .
Stephanie : Do nt worry about it .
Nathan : Okay . I m gon na get back to work .
Stephanie : Uh , wait . Can I ask you a question ?
Nathan : Yeah , sure .
Stephanie : What if Melanie was right ? What if I do have a thing for you ?
EJ : Okay , maybe you should sit down .
Sami : Ow . I m not sitting down . I just twisted my ankle , okay ? I m fine ! All right ? I m sick of this ! I ca nt just stand here and do nothing--
Rafe : Sami , Sami , stop it . Stop . Stop . And listen to me . We are gon na get Sydney home safely . I promised you we d get her back , right ?
Sami : Yes . But , Rafe--
Rafe : Have I ever let you down on a promise ? No . We will bring Sydney home safely . Okay ? Okay ? All right . Calm down .
Brady : Nicole , I m so glad you called . Where are you ?
Nicole : I ca nt tell you .
Brady : Are you okay ? Is Sydney okay ?
Nicole : Yes , we re both fine , but it s you that I m worried about .
Brady : Me ?
Nicole : I thought that maybe people were accusing you of helping me get away , since you paid my bail and everything . I thought maybe you were in trouble , maybe you were arrested .
Brady : Are you serious ? That s why you re calling me , because you re worried about me ?
Nicole : Brady , I care about you . And besides Sydney , you re the only person that I-- you re the only person I care about .
Brady : Well , if that s true , Nicole , then you come home . Come home right now .
Philip : I do nt really feel like talking about it .
Melanie : Was it work ?
Philip : Uh - uh .
Melanie : Your dad ?
Philip : No .
Melanie : Your mom ?
Philip : [ Coughs ] Which one ?
Melanie : Which one ?
Philip : I am ... for better or worse , the biological son of victor Kiriakis and Kate Roberts . However , Vivian Alamain was a surrogate who actually gave birth to me .
Melanie : The surrogate ...
Philip : By virtue of having stolen me -- embryo me . A few hundred cells at a time , give or take .
Melanie : Give or take ... that s , um , wow . I had no idea .
Philip : Yeah , it s not one of my favorite topics , as you can imagine .
Melanie : Well , sure . I mean , it s , um , unconventional .
Philip : Yeah . Yeah , and now incubator mom is back , and she wants to coddle me , make up for lost time . She s missed me terribly . You see ?
Melanie : I do see . This is a tough situation .
Philip : Well , it gives me the chance to be the screw - up I am in life , right ? I mean , how could I be a success if I started out life as a stolen embryo ?
Melanie : Well , I mean , it s not the usual way to start out life , being a stolen embryo . But I had a tough childhood too . You know , so I just-- I understand what you re going through .
Nathan : Well , if Melanie is right , uh , then you re saying ...
Stephanie : I m interested in you . There , no more awkwardness , right ? Because everything s out in the open .
Nathan : Yeah . Definitely .
Stephanie : Except now I feel like everything is way more awkward than it was before .
Nathan : No , no , no , I mean , I -- I think it s great , and I m glad that you re honest .
Stephanie : You do nt seem glad .
Nathan : No , I am . I m just , um ...
Stephanie : What ?
Nathan : I just -- I feel--
Stephanie : Tense ?
Nathan : I d like to finish my own sentences , please .
Stephanie : Okay , well you probably feel that way because I put you on the spot . But can you imagine how much more tense I feel ? Because I just opened myself up for rejection and/or humiliation . But I prefer to be direct with people . I do nt like playing games .
Nathan : No , me too . And I believe that too , and I just--
Stephanie : Then again , maybe I would nt have had the guts to tell you how I feel about you if you had nt told me that , since the first time we bumped into each other , you thought that maybe I was the right person for you . I mean , that s the reason I had the courage to be honest with you just now . Say something .
Nathan : Okay . Stephanie , although you are an amazing person-- I mean , you re smart and you re beautiful ... at this point--
Stephanie : At this point you think Melanie s the right person for you . And you re obviously sure of that , so it s fine . You know , I get the message . So let s just drop the subject . How bout those bulls , huh ? They re probably , what , two years away from the championship , but I figure they ll get there .
Nathan : I m sorry .
Stephanie : I told you to stop apologizing . Who knows , maybe-- maybe it s better this way . You know , no more games . Everything s out in the open . I ll see you .
Nathan : Hold on , hold on . Wait .
Sami : I ll be okay . I just -- it s just frustrating , you know ?
Rafe : I know .
Sami : Thank you , Daddy . I just--
Rafe : Trust me , Sami , I ve seen these types of situations before , okay ?
Sami : And it takes time . I know . It s just hard , you know , to just sit here and do nothing . And I know I m acting crazy .
Rafe : No , you re not acting crazy . You re not . You re acting like a loving mother who lost her child . Again . Do nt you be sorry , okay ? Never be sorry .
Nicole : Brady , I ca nt come home . They ll take Sydney from me .
Brady : Nicole , you re a good person . Deep down you know this is wrong .
Nicole : I ca nt give her up , Brady .
Brady : You played God with that little girl s life , and I helped you . It s time to make things right .
Nicole : But Sami played God too . She was nt gon na let Sydney know about her own father .
Brady : Nicole , come on .
Nicole : I do nt want to talk about this anymore , okay ? Now that I know you re okay , there s -- there s nothing left to say .
Brady : Wait . Do nt go .
Nicole : Why ? You do nt give a damn about me . I mean , you have your perfect little life with Arianna .
Brady : Actually , that s not true . We split up .
Nicole : Why ?
Brady : Because of you .
Stephanie : I really do have to get back to work .
Nathan : I want to say something . I am sorry if--
Stephanie : I told you to stop--
Nathan : Let me finish , please . Look , I m sorry if I led you on in any way , and I was nt honest with you from the beginning . I mean--
Stephanie : You were fine .
Nathan : Okay .
Stephanie : And I think that you and Melanie ... [ Sighs ] No , I do nt think that you and Melanie are gon na be happy together . But I wish you luck , and I hope that neither of you gets hurt .
Nathan : [ Sighs ]
Philip : I do nt need your pity .
Melanie : Well , I do not pity you . I m just -- I m just saying I know what it s like to grow up and have a hard childhood . And it s hard because now you start thinking about those childhood memories , and you think maybe you did something wrong . You know , like maybe somehow it was your fault .
Philip : Thanks for being here .
Rafe : Ari ... hey . Ari ... is everything all right ?
Arianna : Yeah , it-- I just -- I ran into Brady and , you know , the usual , so ... any word on Sydney ?
Rafe : No . Did Brady say if he had spoken to Nicole ?
Arianna : Actually , she has nt returned any of his messages , which is just killing him . So , um , I got ta go upstairs . I got ta finish my work and get my life back on track . Whatever s left of it .
Roman : I need to go talk to Rafe for a minute .
Sami : Okay . Thanks , Daddy .
EJ : Hey . The lead did nt pan out , did it ?
Sami : But it will . And if this lead does nt pan out , then the next one will .
EJ : We re going to get her back , Samantha . We are . And when we do , I sincerely hope we can put-- I hope we can put everything between you and I behind us .
Sami : I d like that .
Nicole : Brady , I m -- I m sorry if I caused problems for you and--
Brady : Stop . Stop . I m not blaming you for what happened with Arianna . That s kinda part of the problem , Nicole . See , I should hate you , and I dont ... and I ca nt .
Nicole : Brady , I do nt know what to say .
Brady : Say you ll come home . For Sydney s sake and your sake , come on . I know you want Sydney to have a good life . You want her to be happy . You want her to be safe , right ?
Nicole : I do . I do want that .
Brady : Then make the right decision , Nicole . Be the woman that I know you can be . Be the one I fell in love with . Nicole , did you hear what I said ?
Nicole : Yes , Brady . I heard you . And I know you re right , I--
Brady : Nicole ? Nicole , are you there ?
Nicole : Oh ... the stupid battery died . Oh , Sydney ... what should I do ?
Stephanie : I think the world of you , Nathan . I always have . I think you re a really terrific guy .
Nathan : Oh , um ... I did nt know you felt that way about me . I mean , maybe if I had ...
Stephanie : Maybe if you had ... what ?
Nathan : Uh , well , maybe things would be different .
Stephanie : Different how ?
Nathan : Um , like this .
Stephanie : It did nt happen , Stephanie . It s not going to happen .
Philip : Melanie ...
Brady : Roman .
Roman : What s going on ?
Brady : I just got a call from Nicole .
Sami : What ? Where is she ?
Brady : I do nt know . I do nt know where she is . But I may have gotten through to her . And I m hoping she s gon na bring Sydney back .
Nicole : Well , little one , pretty soon we could be in Canada . Home free , huh ? Grandma and Brady told me to do what s right for you . And I thought I was . But now I m not so sure . Oh , Sydney ... am I doing the right thing ?
Nathan : What the hell is going on ?
Philip : Nathan deserves to know the truth .
Brady : I swear to God , I think she s on her way back .
Nicole : But I have to go . The bus is gon na leave any minute .
### Summary:
| Stephanie tells Nathan that she has feelings for him , but she knows he thinks Melanie is the right girl for him . She wishes him luck , though she does nt think the two will be happy . Nathan admits that he thought Stephanie was the right girl for him at one time , but he s with Melanie now . Philip tells Vivian to get out of his life , and runs into Melanie , who tries to comfort him . The two nearly kiss , and Nathan catches them . EJ tells Roman , Sami , and Rafe about Nicole s phone call and tries to get it traced by the police , but they have no luck . Melanie and Arianna both lay into Brady over his feelings for Nicole . The hotel manager recognizes Nicole s picture in the paper and threatens to call the police . Nicole manages to get away and heads down to the bus station to make good her escape . The man with the fake passports takes the rest of Nicole s money , and she steals a woman s cell phone . She ends up calling Brady , worried that he might be in trouble for bailing her out . He begs Nicole to come home , and reminds her that that is what is best for Sydney . Nicole considers it . Brady hurries to the pub to give Roman and Sami the news about Nicole possibly returning Sydney . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Greenlee : Get off me . Oh . Get off me . Off .
Zach : What happened ? Greenlee ?
Greenlee : What is this place ?
Zach : I have no idea . Are you ok ?
Greenlee : Yeah , like you care . Oh , my God ! My -- oh !
J.R. : All right , all right , all right -- so I got a little dent in my car . It s probably nothing . I probably just hit a deer or something . That s got to be what it is . Was I drunk enough to put the deer in my front seat ? That s got to be where the blood came from .
J.R. : God , why ca nt I freakin remember ?
Kendall : Car trouble , J.R. ? What did you do to him ? What did you do to my husband ?
Ryan : I said get away from her .
Richie : Sure thing , boss man .
Annie : Ryan , it s ok . We were just talking .
Richie : Just a little family bonding -- you do nt mind , do you ?
Annie : It s ok . I m fine , really .
Ryan : Really ? Good -- then maybe Richie can talk to me . So , you want to tell me how you got rid of the other Boy Scout from your old troop ?
Richie : Oh , are we back to the drowning Boy Scout ? Are you sure you do nt have some sort of unhealthy obsession ? Did you not get a merit badge when you were a kid ?
Ryan : Let me guess -- you know nothing about Tommy Brennan disappearing .
Richie : Who ?
Ryan : And you do nt have anything to say about hacking into my e - mail account .
Richie : Nope . But if you re having Internet security problem might I suggest a new firewall ?
Ryan : Get out .
Richie : Bye , sis . Sorry I overstayed my welcome .
Ryan : What did I just walk in on ?
Annie : Believe it or not , it was a -- a rare moment of sincerity .
Ryan : Richie , sincere ? No , Annie , not a chance .
Annie : Well , he was being his usual arrogant self until I brought up Babe .
Ryan : What about her ?
Annie : I told him he s going to break her heart , he s going to hurt her , and he lost it on me and swore up and down that he would nt do that . Maybe I m nuts , but I think he actually really cares about Babe .
Babe : Yeah , Mama s picking up the turkey . We have dinner covered .
Colby : Oh , wish me luck -- and , hmm , hide all the knives .
Babe : Why ? What s going on ?
Colby : Just Thanksgiving dinner . Only a Middle East peace summit would be easier .
Babe : I m afraid to ask .
Colby : Then do nt .
Babe : Oh -- good luck with that .
Adam : Colby . You sounded urgent .
Colby : Thanks for coming , Dad .
Adam : Is everything all right ?
Colby : Oh .
Tad : Hey , I am , I got your bulletin -- what --
Adam : Oh . Oh , I -- ok , I see .
Tad : We ve been set up ?
Colby : Well , I was hoping for a favor .
Tad : Depends on what it is .
Colby : I just wanted to see if my two favorite men would get along for Thanksgiving .
Adam : You mean spend the holiday with him ?
Tad : In the same room ?
Adam : No , no , I do nt think so .
Tad : When pigs fly .
Adam : No .
Kendall : I m waiting , J.R.
J.R. : I do nt know where Slater is . I have nt seen him in weeks .
Kendall : Oh , really ? Ok , then where did this picture come from ?
J.R. : I do nt know . Where did you get that anyway ?
Kendall : I got it from under Zach s car on the side of the road , where someone hit him .
J.R. : What ?
Kendall : It was you , J.R.
J.R. : I did nt hit anyone .
Kendall : Oh , ok . I m supposed to just take your word for it ?
J.R. : I think I would remember running over someone , would nt I ?
Kendall : I do nt know . Should we ask Amanda ?
J.R. : Oh , Kendall , just stop ! Take your batch of crazy someplace else !
Kendall : Yeah , but this batch of crazy will rain hell on you if you do nt give me a straight answer right now .
J.R. : I do nt know ! I did nt do it !
Kendall : Rough night , huh ? I can smell from the booze from here .
J.R. : I had a setback . I m working on it .
Kendall : Look , J.R. , I do nt care if you ve been drinking , ok ? I wo nt go to Derek . I just want to know what happened to my husband . He is out there somewhere , and we do nt know where . There was no sign of him near the car . All we found is blood , Zach s blood , ok ? That means that he s been hurt .
J.R. : Maybe he went to go get some help . Maybe while you re standing here accusing me of something I did nt do , he might be at home right now waiting for you .
Kendall : No -- no , ok ? Zach is not at home . He s out there . He is out there somewhere , and you are going to take me to him right now .
Greenlee : Oh , damn it . I did nt -- I do nt know . I lost my phone . Do you -- do you see it anywhere , on the floor ?
Zach : I can barely see you .
Greenlee : This is amazing . This is -- this is beyond bad luck . This is cosmically bad luck , being stuck here with you .
Zach : Tell me about it .
Greenlee : You must be so disappointed you ca nt call the cops on me , have them waiting by the door .
Zach : Yeah .
Greenlee : Where s the door in this place ?
Zach : We fell through it .
Greenlee : All right . Ok . All right , I m just -- wait , wait , wait , wait , wait . Hold on , I think -- I think I ve found some light . Just pray that it works .
Greenlee : What the hell is this place ?
Zach : Bomb shelter . But from the looks of it here , 1960s . And no one s been here since .
Greenlee : That means no one s going to come find us , either .
Annie : I m telling you , when Richie was talking about Babe , he was almost sweet , different .
Ryan : And I am telling you , Annie , it s just another con .
Annie : Yeah , but for those few moments , he just seemed like a normal guy falling for a nice girl .
Ryan : Richie is anything but normal .
Annie : Maybe it is possible . Maybe there is a human being in there somewhere .
Ryan : I m telling you , you could look inside this guy until Emma graduates college , and you re not going to find what you re hoping for , Annie . You re just not -- Richie is not capable of normal human emotions .
Annie : I know , I know , but you did nt see his face , Ryan . I mean , he had nothing to gain by revealing all of this .
Ryan : About Babe , you mean ?
Annie : Right . What ?
Ryan : This might sound a little bit crazy --
Annie : What ? What is it ?
Ryan : Well , I do nt -- I do nt know , but if Babe really is the one that can get to Richie , then maybe we should use that .
Annie : I do nt understand -- how ?
Ryan : Well , if he s already convinced her that we re the crazy ones , and he s the victim here , then maybe she should get to know him a little bit better , you know , find out what makes him tick , find out what he really wants from us .
Annie : You want Babe to be a spy ?
Ryan : No , I want to find out why Richie is here and what he wants from us . And if he s really as hung up on Babe as you say he is , then I do nt know -- maybe he ll let it slip .
Annie : I -- I do nt know .
Ryan : I do . I m serious . As a matter of fact , I think we should start by inviting them to Thanksgiving .
Babe : Do nt worry -- Fusion will be there after Thanksgiving . Ok , knock off early . I ll be at The Comeback if anybody needs me . Ok , bye .
Richie : Sorry I bailed earlier .
Babe : No big deal .
Richie : That s why they re not a very big bouquet .
Babe : So , why did you take off so early ? I mean , was it really business ?
Richie : It s complicated .
Babe : Everything about you is a little complicated .
Richie : Do nt say I did nt warn you .
Babe : Huh .
Richie : Huh .
Babe : So , do you want a drink ?
Richie : Look , Babe , um -- we both know what would ve happened if I d have stayed .
Babe : Do we ?
Richie : We were getting close . I wanted you . I wanted you more than I ve wanted anybody in my life .
Babe : So you just bolted ?
Richie : Maybe I was scared . I was afraid that if I stayed , if we got closer , I d hurt you . And I do nt want to hurt you , Babe -- never .
Zach : Good news -- I found the stairs . Bad news -- they re rotted all the way through .
Greenlee : Light . Zach , I need light .
Zach : Calm down .
Greenlee : Just bring it back over here , or I swear --
Zach : Or you ll what ?
Greenlee : You know , you steal my family , you ruin my life , and then you hunt me like I m some sort of animal .
Zach : Just for the record -- I was nt hunting you . I was looking for a new house for my wife .
Greenlee : Oh -- ok , right . So , the two of you frame me , you destroy every dream I ve ever had , you make me run for my freedom , and then you go shopping for a country house ?
Zach : Yeah . Now , as far as I know , you re the one that mowed me down in the first place .
Greenlee : That s what happened to you ? You were hit by a car ? What , were you going to frame me for that , too ?
Zach : Keep looking for a way out -- can you do that ?
Greenlee : What does it look like I m doing ? I mean , do you think I want to be stuck down here with you ? I should ve just left you by the side of the road .
Zach : Why did nt you ?
Greenlee : Well , that s the billion - dollar question . Would you have dragged my ass through the forest ? If I was lying in a pile of blood , would you have lifted a finger to save me ?
J.R. : I do nt know where Slater is . For the last time , I did nt run him over or hit him with my car or hit his car .
Kendall : Ok . Well , then where is your car ?
J.R. : I m upgrading to a new one .
Kendall : You re a liar . You re lying -- you hate Zach .
J.R. : Yeah , well , there s no big news there , but not enough to mow him over with my car !
Kendall : Well , it would nt be the first time .
J.R. : Yeah , so you keep reminding me . You know , here s an idea -- how about I put my denial down on tape , so you can listen to it over and over again on your way home ?
Kendall : You re a bastard .
J.R. : Zach s pretty good at this whole disappearing act . Maybe he wants to stay gone .
Kendall : No , no . Zach wants to be with his family . He wants to bring his son home . He would never leave us .
J.R. : Oh , you know what ? Why do nt you just save your freak - out for the person who actually did it ?
Kendall : Ok , J.R. , where were you tonight ?
J.R. : I was a lot of places .
Kendall : Well , name them .
J.R. : It s none of your damn business .
Kendall : Yes , it is my business . It s my business . My husband is out there somewhere bleeding , hurt , in the cold . Now , I could ve gone to Derek with this picture , but I chose to go to you instead hoping that maybe for once in your life , you d be a man and own up to what you did .
J.R. : I did nt do a flipping thing !
Kendall : Ok . All right . Well , maybe this is something that you can understand . You either tell me exactly what happened , or I m going to the cops right now .
J.R. : You got to be kidding me . Over a photo ?
Kendall : J.R. , listen to me ! You either tell me the truth , or we re going to the police station -- that s it .
J.R. : I do nt have a clue .
Kendall : Oh , my God , you thought I flipped out before ? You just -- you have no idea . No idea .
J.R. : Stop it . Do nt , do nt . Look , I -- I do nt remember . I do nt remember what I did . I do nt remember where I was .
Kendall : Excuse me ?
J.R. : I do nt remember what I did or where I was . Look , you smelled the booze . It was a lot worse than what you think . I -- I blacked out . I do nt remember a damn thing .
Colby : It s one day , Dad -- a day of thanks .
Adam : No .
Colby : Remember that ?
Adam : No . I m not going to spend a day , a holiday -- Thanksgiving Day -- with a man who would make me get a court order to pass the cranberry sauce .
Tad : Well , it all depends . Think we can get baby carrots on the black market ?
Colby : Ok , you two have both lost your right to ever call me immature again .
Tad : I can live with that .
Colby : You know , I m studying World War I in History class .
Tad : Yeah , why bother ? You can go to him for a firsthand account .
Colby : There was this one Christmas where opposite sides agreed to a truce -- French , German , English , American . Soldiers from opposite sides were friends for one night .
Adam : Yeah , do nt forget they resumed killing each other the next day .
Tad : Yeah -- why wait ?
Colby : Ok , stop ! Both of you , stop . You both say you care about me , but have you thought about this ? Thought about me in the middle ? If you really love me like you say you do , you ll find a way to get along -- for my sake and Krystal s . And then , the next day , you guys can continue on with your trench warfare and shoot each other like turkeys for all I care . One day , please .
Adam : Fine .
Tad : Fine .
Colby : Now , where are we going to have this monster meal ?
Adam : Well , Lucretia makes a wonderful cranberry compote .
Tad : Why do nt you stick your berries , ok , because Jenny s not setting foot in your house .
Colby : Ca nt we just figure out a compromise ?
Tad : How about a duel ?
Adam : I ve been waiting years to get you at 20 paces .
Kendall : You were drinking , and you do nt remember what you did ?
J.R. : It s like it s gone . It s like that time never existed .
Kendall : It existed .
J.R. : I m sorry , Kendall . I -- I just -- I do nt know . I do nt have a clue .
Kendall : You re sorry ?
J.R. : Yes .
Kendall : You think some lame apology makes it all right ?
J.R. : Of course not , but , hey --
Kendall : But nothing .
J.R. : It s not my fault !
Kendall : J.R. , that is what you always say . You always say it is not your fault , but it is ! It is . How come you always end up hurting my family somehow ? I mean , for God s sakes , you -- you set up Babe , your own wife , and what happened ? Me and my unborn son got crushed in the process .
J.R. : I never meant to hurt you .
Kendall : But you did . You did , J.R. -- Spike nearly died . You have gotten away with hurting my family too many times , and if you were behind bars like you should ve been , this never would ve happened . You could ve never hit Zach , and we d be together right now . Damn it . Here , let s go .
J.R. : Where ?
Kendall : You re going to the crash site , and then you re going to sit there until you remember exactly what you did to my husband .
Zach : Time to focus . How do we get out of here ?
Greenlee : Zach , your head . Oh , God -- no , no , no , no . That looks bad .
Zach : The ladies like it .
Greenlee : No , it looks real bad . If you pass out , we re not going to get out of here . If you lose too much blood --
Zach : I m fine . Shh .
Greenlee : Hey . Hey , there s a first - aid kit . But the -- the latch is rusted and -- and I ca nt seem to --
Greenlee : Here . Oh !
Zach : Your bedside manner could use a little help . Ah ! Scotch .
Greenlee : The walls are closing in on us , and you want a nightcap ?
Zach : It s to sterilize the wound .
Greenlee : Ooh .
Zach : And there s our way out .
Richie : So , when I realized where things were heading , I thought maybe I was being a little selfish .
Babe : Oh , nice line . It s -- it s right on up there with Let s just be friends .
Richie : How many times do I have to tell you , I m not exactly a catch ? Ex - con , no real education , and now this whole leukemia thing . I did nt want any pity action .
Babe : What makes you think I pity you ?
Richie : Look at you -- come on , look at you . You re smart , you re beautiful , you re funny . You ca nt play baseball . Why are you around me ?
Babe : Well , to -- to improve my swing , for one .
Richie : Um -- ahem . You have a big heart . I do nt want to take advantage of that .
Babe : And I m a big girl . You re not the only one who knows the limits here , you know ? I have doubts myself , like -- like Where is this going ? And Why am I even here ?
Richie : Why are you here ?
Babe : Well , you probably would nt understand . I -- you did nt know me when I first came to Pine Valley .
Richie : Yeah ? Who was that girl ? I want to know who that girl was .
Babe : It was a lifetime ago .
Richie : Hmm , I bet I d still like her .
Annie : You want Richie in our house for the holidays ?
Ryan : Well , think about it , Annie . For months now , we ve been trying to figure out what he s up to , what he wants from us . I mean , we tried to prove that he s not really sick , we tried to get some proof from Tommy that he killed that boy , but he s always been one step ahead of us until now -- until Babe . We found our way in .
Annie : No . No . We ca nt . I -- I do nt feel comfortable with him being here , and not with Emma .
Ryan : Are you kidding me ? Do you think I would ever , ever let anything happen to Emma ?
Annie : No , but --
Ryan : I will be here , Jonathan will be here . It will be perfectly safe , and maybe we will find out what s going on . Annie , look . Do nt you think that if Richie wanted to hurt us , any of us , he would ve tried something by now ? I m not saying this is going to work . I m saying that we have to take a shot at it . We have to take this chance . Let s do it -- let s kill your brother with kindness .
Annie : You know what ? I m sorry I brought it up , Richie and Babe .
Ryan : Look , if you do nt want to do this , then we wo nt . It was just a thought , but I really think it could work .
Annie : You re right . I mean , it would be a good way in . But Emma must stay safe .
Ryan : Of course , Emma is going to stay safe . It s one meal . If I was nt 100 % sure about this , I would nt let him near her for a minute .
Annie : You really think Richie will go for it ?
Ryan : Look , your brother is really smart . Maybe -- just -- just maybe , he ll trap himself with this one . I mean , we ve tried everything else .
Annie : Ok . Ok . But since you just kicked him out of our house , how are you going to convince Richie to come back and join us ?
Babe : Well , let s just say , when I first came to town , I -- I was the underdog .
Richie : Sweet ! I like rooting for the little guy .
Babe : Well , substitute grew up in a trailer park for ex - con , and we re kind of in the same place .
Richie : Being poor is nt exactly like going to prison .
Babe : Well , I made a lot of mistakes , Richie . Big ones , you know ? I should have gone to prison myself for a couple of them .
Richie : Ca nt be that bad .
Babe : Oh -- oh , believe me , yeah , it was . But I m not that person anymore . You know , since then -- well , things are different . You know , I fought like hell to turn my life around , and -- and most people have forgiven me , but they have nt forgotten .
Richie : To hell with them .
Babe : Yeah , that s what I said , but it s not that easy . And I ll always be bad news to them , even if I make the front page of The Wall Street Herald . The sad thing is , is that s the way I sometimes thought of myself , too .
Richie : Then you re crazy .
Babe : But , see , that s just it . You know , when I met you , I was nt carrying around all that baggage anymore . You know , you saw me for the person I had become , and not who I was . And I liked that .
Richie : I believe the word I used was amazing . And you truly are amazing .
Greenlee : All right , if we could just find a way to get up to that hole , I can -- I can stand on there , and you can -- you can lift me and --
Zach : You ca nt climb up there , no ! It s too high .
Greenlee : Damn . We re going to die in here , trapped , underground .
Zach : Will you just calm down ?
Greenlee : We re going to die , we re going to die , we re going to die , we re going to die --
Zach : Stop , stop , look at me . Look at me . Calm down . Take a breath . Just relax .
Greenlee : Ok .
Zach : Ok .
Greenlee : Ok . I just need some of that fresh air , just a little .
Zach : Ok . That s good .
Greenlee : You know , if we -- if we can look out , then -- then maybe somebody will walk by , and they -- they can look in . Just -- get off of me .
Greenlee : Your blood -- your blood --
Zach : Do nt worry about it , do nt -- it s fine .
Greenlee : No , no , we got to stop that bleeding , or -- or I m in here with a corpse .
Adam : Oh , ah !
Tad : All even .
Adam : Lucky shot .
Colby : Winner chooses the Turkey Day location .
Adam : Well -- well , while you re dining in my home tomorrow , I hope you remember to be thankful for the little time you spent with my wife , because Krystal and I will be back together .
Tad : Yeah , knock yourself out , Adam . Jenny wo nt be with you .
Adam : How callous can you be ?
Tad : How callous can I be ?
Colby : Ok , ok , enough , enough , enough , enough ! It s a tie . You both lose . Come on , come on , let s go .
Richie : Hey , sis . Something you forgot to yell at me about ?
Annie : I wanted to apologize for the way we left things . We were really having a --
Richie : What , a breakthrough ? Yeah , then Hello , Ryan .
Annie : I wish we could have finished our conversation .
Richie : But we did nt . The boss man made sure of that .
Annie : Look , Richie , I really do nt want to fight with you anymore . We have a lot coming up now with Spike s surgery and his recovery .
Richie : Well , you know how I love our conversations , but --
Annie : Well , wait , wait . Um -- I was wondering if you want to come over -- you and Babe want to come over tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner . I mean , I figured you two would be together for the holiday , anyway , so --
Richie : I doubt Ryan s making a place card for me .
Annie : He s willing to try , if you are .
Richie : Sure , sis . Why not ?
Annie : So I ll see you tomorrow , then ?
Richie : Tomorrow it is , then .
Ryan : You think he bought it ?
Annie : He seemed to . But with Richie , who knows ?
Richie : Hold your turkey plans . We just got an invite .
Babe : We ?
Richie : As in you and me .
Babe : Oh , so -- so we re a we now ?
Richie : Annie invited us to Thanksgiving dinner .
Babe : Oh .
Richie : And that sound we just heard ? I m pretty sure that s all the snowballs melting in hell .
Babe : Look , Richie , I appreciate the offer , but I already have plans with Mama and Little A.
Richie : Sure you do , yeah . I understand . No big deal . Yeah , actually , it is a really big deal .
Babe : Ok , I ca nt leave Little Adam .
Richie : I m sure he s -- he s invited , too . I m -- to be honest , I m sure Annie only invited me because you d be coming , too . She figures if you like me , then maybe I m not such a bad guy . No Babe , no go . I do nt think I ll be welcome without you .
Babe : Well , maybe . All right , all right , all right , but only because I really want to see this work out for you . I ll -- I ll explain it to Mama .
Richie : That s it . Tomorrow , the greatest , the biggest bouquet I can find .
Babe : It s a de .
Richie : Hmm - hmm - hmm .
Zach : It s a head wound . It looks worse than it is .
Greenlee : You know , I m not taking any chances . If you die , it s going to look like I murdered you . It s really bad , Zach . Oh , God .
Zach : You do nt know how to sew .
Greenlee : I sewed a button -- once .
Zach : I ll do it myself .
Greenlee : Are you nuts ? You re going to sew your own head ? I ll do it .
Zach : All right , then do it . What s taking so long ?
Greenlee : Oh --
Zach : Ah .
Greenlee : This may sting a bit .
Kendall : Ok , J.R. , where in the hell is Zach ? You see this ? You see this ? Is this his car , and that is his -- that is blood .
J.R. : I ve never been out here before in my life .
Kendall : Well , you -- you must remember something , J.R. What about -- what about the ride on the way here ? Do you remember any of the signs on the road ?
J.R. : Nothing .
Kendall : Think , J.R. !
J.R. : Why would I drive out to some random location that I ve never been to before in my life ?
Kendall : I do nt know -- maybe , maybe you were nt in the right frame of mind to be the navigator . Maybe you followed Zach here . You must remember something .
J.R. : How many times do I have to tell you ? Blackout , as in no memory , none .
Kendall : Look . Look at this . You see this ? You see this ? You did this .
J.R. : I did nt do that .
Kendall : Did -- did you know that it was Zach ? I mean , did you hit him and then keep going ? Well , did he say anything ? I mean , was he even conscious ?
J.R. : I do nt know , because I was nt here .
Kendall : Ok . Well , maybe you took pity on him . Maybe -- maybe you took him to the hospital .
J.R. : I do nt remember a hospital . I do nt remember Zach . This whole thing is pointless .
Kendall : The hell it is .
J.R. : These hours -- these missing hours -- they re not coming back .
Kendall : We are going to look for them until we find them !
J.R. : No , this was your crazy idea . This is your theory that I was out here , but you re wrong . I m sure now -- I had nothing to do with Zach s accident .
Colby : I am sick and tired of you both making Krystal and me and everyone else choose sides , even when it comes to a stupid dinner . I love you . You re my dad . And , Tad , you are this wonderful guy who takes care of my family , and me . I love you , too . But this grudge match between you guys is getting in everyone s way . So I m going to decide . Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow , neutral grounds , here at The Comeback . You ll come , you ll ask for seconds , you ll eat pumpkin pie . You both will keep your mouth shut , and we ll have a happy Thanksgiving . Understand ?
Adam : Fine .
Richie : Have I thanked you enough for coming with me ?
Babe : About a million times already .
Richie : It means a lot to me .
Babe : I m glad .
Richie : I have nt had a holiday in seven years .
Babe : Well , I ll see you tomorrow , then .
Richie : Hmm . I wish I could trust you , Annie .
Ryan : I m going to watch Richie like a hawk , ok ? This can work .
Annie : Maybe . Just do nt expect miracles .
News anchor : Local businessman Zach Slater is missing after an alleged hit- and - run car accident . His car was found on Old Ridge Road . If you have any information , please call --
Richie : You re supposed to be dead , damn it .
Kendall : So you remember nothing ? Nothing at all ?
J.R. : I swear to God , Kendall . I do nt remember . If I did , I d tell you . I m sorry .
Kendall : Any news on Zach ?
Derek : We re still canvassing the area . Nothing yet .
Kendall : I found this . It was under Zach s tire , and it s J.R. s .
Derek : Why the hell did nt you say something when you found it ?
Kendall : Well , I thought I could handle him .
Derek : And ?
Kendall : I showed J.R. the picture , and he only admitted that he was drunk , and he blacked out . But he must have hit Zach , ok ? You should arrest him .
Derek : I ca nt . Your word is nt proof .
Kendall : Yeah , but what about the picture ?
Derek : Worthless now since you moved it from what could be a crime scene .
Kendall : All right , ok , well , then please , go and look for J.R. s car , find J.R. s car . I will bet my life that you will find the evidence that you need .
J.R. : Hey , Barry . It s J.R. Chandler . I ve got a problem . I ve got a car in long - term parking at the airport . Can you make it disappear for me -- quickly ?
Zach : You really do nt know what you re doing ?
Greenlee : You know what ? Just shut up and sit still . I m doing the best that I can .
Zach : I know .
Greenlee : I m just -- I m going to -- I m going to stitch you up , and then I m going to get out of here . Here we go .
Greenlee : Zach , we got to deal with your hand first . Oh . Oh , God . Go ahead and scream . It s not like anyone s going to hear you .
Kendall : Zach , where are you ?
Kendall ( to Ryan ) : Ian is coming home today and his daddy is not there .
Greenlee ( to Zach ) : You do nt get to die on me . You do nt get to ruin my life more than you already have .
Erica : Ms. Celine Dion .
Celine : What do you say ♪
### Summary:
| Zach and Greenlee come to and try to move . Greenlee tries to get up and falls into Zach s arms . J.R. comes home and mumbles to himself that he does nt remember what happened nor where the blood came from on his car seat . Kendall comes in and demands to know what J.R. did with her husband . J.R. denies knowing anything about the whereabouts of Zach . Ryan barges in on Annie and Richie and demands to know what happened to his Boy Scout buddy . Richie denies knowing anything . Ryan orders Richie out . Babe and Colby make plans for Thanksgiving . Adam and Tad come in and want to know what is going on . Colby asks them both if they could get along long enough to spend Thanksgiving together . Kendall shows J.R. the pic of Babe , J.R. and Little Adam that she had found under the wheel of Zach s car . Kendall demands to be taken to where Zach is . J.R. lets her know that he blacked out and does nt remember anything . Greenlee and Zach realize that they are in a bomb shelter and no one will come looking for them . Zach begins to blame Greenlee for hitting him with a car . Richie brings Babe a bunch of flowers . Annie and Ryan come to the conclusion that if Richie really cares for Babe then they might be able to use her to find out what Richie is after . Tad and Adam finally agree to spend Thanksgiving together at The Comeback . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Steffy : I do nt know where you stand with hope ... but I hope you know what you mean to me . Can I give you a hug ?
Liam : [ Chuckles ] Yeah . Yes . Yeah .
Steffy : Ignore it .
Liam : Okay .
Liam : Hope . Uh--
Hope : Liam , what the hell are you doing ? You proposed to me last night , and now you re kissing steffy .
Ridge : See , this makes sense to me . We should be doing more of this and less talking about our kids .
Brooke : I agree . I do nt want to fight about our children anymore .
Ridge : It s inevitable , is nt it ?
Brooke : We care about each other too much . We have to figure out a way to make this work .
Ridge : I know , but how ?
Brooke : You will always love your son , and I will always protect my daughter , but the love for our children should nt be what s tearing us apart .
Ridge : It should nt be , no .
Brooke : I want you to come home , ridge . I want you to work this out with me somehow .
Ridge : How can I do that ? You hate my son . You ca nt even be around him , and now hope is cutting all ties with my grandson . You really think she s gon na do that ?
Brooke : Knowing how liam and hope feel about each other , I think that liam is putting a ring on her finger as we speak .
Ridge : I want to make sure I get this right . So hope is rethinking the one thing that she wanted more than anything else-- to be douglas parent . She does nt want to do that anymore .
Brooke : No .
Ridge : So what , this is your idea ? Whose idea is it ?
Brooke : Thomas is the only reason that you and I are apart , ridge . He s the reason why liam is so afraid for his family .
Ridge : Okay . That is quite a thing to put on somebody , your new bride . You re asking her to not talk to certain people and you re telling her who not to parent ?
Brooke : She was surprised about the proposal and about the terms , but she wants to have a life with liam , and she wants to be a mother to douglas as well .
Ridge : Okay , but liam did nt want to have any of that .
Brooke : He walked out .
Ridge : There s a shocker .
Brooke : And he went over to steffyS. So hope rushed over there to tell liam that she wanted to be in his life . She wanted to accept the proposal . So hope and liam are going to move on with their lives without thomas lurking in the background .
Hope : You asked me to marry you , our daughter sleeping in the next room , and now this ?
Steffy : Hope , it s not what you think . I was hugging him , and I -- I kissed him .
Hope : I do nt care . I do nt want to hear it . I do nt want to hear any excuses . There is no excuse .
Liam : Hope , listen , you know how I feel about you . I literally got down on one knee last night .
Hope : And I wanted to accept your proposal . I want to put that ring back on my finger more than anything . I want to marry you , liam , but the conditions that you set--
Liam : Yes . Yes . There were conditions because thomas ca nt be a part of our life anymore . He just canT.
Hope : I understand how you feel about thomas . But there is a little boy involved , liam , and he matters , too . I know it s a complicated situation , but I did not expect you to go running back to steffy .
Ridge : My son keeps proving himself . For some reason , you do nt want to see that . There s a whole side to him that you just want to ignore .
Brooke : What do we talk about every time we re together ? Who do we talk about ? What is the common thread to all of our problems ? It s thomas .
Brooke : Ohh .
Brooke : Still he s creating chaos , and he s creating friction .
Ridge : No , you know what the common thread is ? We talk about what happened six months ago . We do nt talk about now at all .
Brooke : Yeah . Well , we do talk about what happened months ago and the fear of what s gon na happen next and what s happening right now .
Ridge : What s happening ? We had a nice holiday , thomas has a new girlfriend , and things are on the upswing .
Brooke : Mm - hmm . Well , that s what he says , and that s what he wants to make it look like . But I have a hard time believing it .
Ridge : No , I know because you -- you believe that he s gon na do something , right ?
Brooke : Oh , yes , I do , 100 % . And I m not the only one who feels that way .
Ridge : [ Laughs ] Oh , that s fantastic . So now you and liam , you agree on things ?
Brooke : I just want thomas out of hope s life . I do nt like how he s been insinuating himself in every area of her life . I just-- I worry about her , ridge .
Ridge : You do nt have to worry about her . He s not gon na hurt her . He s not gon na hurt anybody .
Brooke : Do you think I like this ? I do nt want to think about what catastrophe s gon na happen next . I hate the fact that you re not here in your home . And I do nt want to worry about hope anymore . I do nt want to watch her suffer . And that s all because of thomas , because he continues to destroy people s lives .
Ridge : Well , he has nt destroyed mine . And I believe in my son .
Brooke : I know . Maybe some day , when you see thomas the way I do , maybe that s the day that you ll come back to me .
Hope : How did we even get here ? One moment you want to marry me , and now ...
Liam : I still want to marry you , hope . Nothing s changed .
Hope : After everything we fought through-- losing our daughter , finding out she was alive-- to just have it fall apart like this ?
Liam : This is my point . Thomas is the one who keeps coming between us .
Hope : You know , I barely slept last night after you left . I just kept going over and over what you said to me , and , after talking to my mom this morning , I came over here ready to talk about the ultimatum . I was so sure that we would find a solution .
Liam : We can find a solution . We can work all of this out .
Hope : And then you went and did something like this . A year ago , we lost our daughter . But we made our way through that unspeakable tragedy . But our family was reunited because of douglas . And I m not going to walk away from him . That boy needs me .
Liam : I hear you . But you re not hearing me every time I tell you how concerned I am about thomas , and if our life together-- if our relationship is gon na work , that needs to come before everything else .
Hope : Even douglas ?
Liam : Y--
Hope : He was the only one that told the truth about beth , that she was still alive . That little boy gave us our daughter back . He gave us our lives back . And he brought us together again . I do nt know where I would be if it was nt for him . I love you , liam , but I m a mother to douglas now , and I am not going to abandon him . And after seeing the-- the two of you here today ... together the way you were ... I m more sure of that now than ever .
Ridge : I do nt think I m asking too much . I m asking you to give credit where credit is due . Thomas is working hard . He s trying to figure it out . Look at him . He s -- he s designing with hope .
Brooke : Which I m not sure is a good idea .
Ridge : Why ? He s -- he s dating zoe .
Brooke : Well ...
Ridge : Well , nothing , and he s a-- he s a good father . He s working on it . He s spending time with douglas .
Brooke : He has been spending more time with douglas . I ll give him that .
Ridge : Okay . Give him that . And maybe find it in here to give him a little more than that . You know why he s doing well right now ? Because his family is there for him , there to support him . And you re part of that family . He s doing okay with steffy . He and hope , they re in a decent place . He s working at the company , but you , for whatever reason , you just want to sit here and wait for him to fail , wait for him to do something else . You know what that does to me ? That tears me up . I m over at my dadS. Yeah , we re one big happy family . I m not-- I m not happy when I m not with you .
Brooke : Is shauna still there ?
Ridge : Yeah , shauna s there . She s -- she s in the guesthouse cause quinn and dad , they asked her to stay . We re not talking about shauna right now . We re talking about thomas . We re talking about us because if we do nt figure this out , it s gon na be too late .
Brooke : Too late ?
Ridge : You re in my heart . You know that . But so is my son . If you re gon na love me , you have to love thomas .
Liam : I m sorry you walked in on that .
Steffy : It s my fault .
Liam : Listen , I-- I m sorry that you re hurting . This is not how I wanted things to go . But I meant everything I said last night . I want to be your husband . I want to be with you and beth forever . And yeah , hope , I have conditions . And , steffy , I m sorry I keep on bringing this up in front of you , but thomas is obsessive , and that makes him dangerous . He wanted you so bad that he was willing to keep the truth about beth from both of you , and then he exploited your feelings with his kid , and then he tricked you into marrying him , and then , when his back was up against the wall , he kidnapped you . He actually kidnapped you . And despite all of this , you re still letting him pressure you into working with him ? I mean , the guy has a history of insinuating himself into our lives , and he s doing it again , and I feel like I am watching a horror film where he just keeps on dragging you back in .
Hope : I have not forgotten about what thomas has done . But I do believe he is trying to be a better person , that he is moving on .
Liam : No , he s not . He s a psychopath .
Hope : Oh . Okay . So we should just let douglas be with a psychopath .
Liam : Douglas has a home , hope . He has a family that acts as a support system , and yes , we re always gon na be in his life , but you-- you c -- you can not be his mother if co - parenting him means a lifetime connection to his father because that is exactly what thomas wants .
Hope : Thomas is the least of our problems right now , liam . I came over here today hoping to work things out with you , hoping to leave with a ring on my finger , that our hearts could guide us through this , but now I do nt think that s ever going to happen . Because I saw with my own eyes how much you still want steffy . ( Dog vo ) my beneful superfood blend
Brooke : I do believe in second chances , and I do want thomas to get better . [ Sighs ] I want to be able to forgive and accept .
Ridge : Well , then let s do that . But do nt do it for thomas . Do nt do it for us . Do it for you because ... carrying around that kind of resentment , that just ca nt be healthy . You got to know if I thought that he was dangerous in any way , I would nt do that to you . I would nt do it to your daughter . He just needs a little help , and if -- if-- if we can do that , if we can find some forgiveness and move on , we can rip up those divorce papers and I can move back in . I -- I do nt want to be without you anymore .
Liam : Hope , donT. DonT.
Hope : I saw what I saw , liam .
Liam : I know , but now you re talking about , like , ending things .
Hope : You were kissing steffy .
Liam : Yeah , and you keep bringing thomas deeper and deeper into our lives , and I ca nt live that way .
Hope : Oh , apparently not because you spent the night here last night .
Steffy : Hope--
Hope : You and -- no . Steffy is obviously a beautiful woman . And you have a child together . And it s complicated with douglas and thomas , and instead of working through that , you want to take the easy way out .
Liam : No . What I want is you .
Hope : I do nt think I m an option anymore . That is why I went to italy all those years ago-- because of this .
Liam : Whoa . You -- italy now ? That s -- okay . Okay . I-- I m sorry . I m sorry that I hurt you . And yes , you re right . I have a child with steffy . I slept on the couch with kelly last night , and you know something ? It made me realize I do nt see her enough anymore .
Hope : Well , you ll be seeing more of her now . It just breaks my heart that you wo nt be there to see beth every morning when she wakes up .
Liam : What -- what is that ? Do nt say that . What are you talking about ?
Hope : How can we possibly fix this , liam ? You were kissing her ! You wanted to kiss her ! And you re still in love with her , are nt you ? Admit it , you love her . Ha !
Liam : We have-- we have a child together , hope . Yeah , I love her .
Hope : [ Chuckles ] I ca nt do this anymore .
Steffy : Hope .
Hope : Steffy , please . I do nt want to play these games . And I do nt want to share you with her . Last night you proposed to me , but today you broke me . You broke us . You brought back every fear , every insecurity that I have ever had about our relationship . It is all just right here , right in front of me .
Liam : Okay , okay , listen . Listen , can we just ... could we go home and talk ? Can we take a breather here ?
Hope : What you put the both of us through , it s not fair . And the thing that keeps coming between us , liam , it is nt thomas . It s steffy . It always has been , and you ve never gotten over her . So , as much as I will ... always love you ... I ca nt do this anymore . I -- I canT.
Liam : Hope--
Hope : I wonT.
Liam : Hope .
Hope : [ Sobbing ]
### Summary:
| Behind Steffy s house , on the beach , Hope goes over to Liam and Steffy ( where they were just kissing ) and yells at Liam for kissing Steffy after he just proposed to her . Thomas watches from nearby , behind a chain link fence , hunkered down . Steffy tells Hope that she kissed Liam , not the other way around , but Hope does nt buy it . She and Liam argue again about Thomas and Douglas . She also thinks he still wants Steffy . They argue more until Hope says she ca nt take it any more and storms off . Ridge and Brooke kiss . They still ca nt get past their impasse about their relationship and Thomas . They keep arguing the same way they have been for weeks . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jack : I ve been expecting a visit from legal all day . It s late , and we have nt closed the Fenmore deal .
Ashley : You already came to terms with Lauren . The meeting with Michael is just a formality .
Jack : I want signed contracts before Lauren surprises me with any more leverage . Bringing Eric Forrester into this was just dirty work .
Ashley : Come on . And eliminating her investors -- what would you call that ?
Jack : Good business judgment .
Ashley : Okay , I got to ask you this . I thought you only wanted Fenmore s if you could have controlling interest , Jack .
Jack : And you thought I would walk away when all I managed to get was 49 % ?
Ashley : Well , yes , if the point was to run Fenmore s . This is kind of reminding me of when we were kids and you would nt play unless you could be boss . Unless , of course , there was a girl involved , and then that was your secret agenda . So what ? This is nt about Fenmore s ? It s about Phyllis ?
Jack : In a word , yes .
Phyllis : I wish I could have seen Jack s face when Eric Forrester walked through the door !
Lauren : [ Laughs ] I should have taken a picture . Seriously .
Phyllis : Perfect for your corporate page of your new dazzling website .
Lauren : Hmm ! Tempting , tempting . But too mean .
Phyllis : Even after he used Gloria to cripple the competition ?
Lauren : Ugh . Jack did not give birth to my husband . And I feel very betrayed by the person who did .
Phyllis : Yet she is the only one who s walking away with nothing from your sweet deal . And who also just sashayed through the door .
Lauren : Oh . You know , I would hate for her to hear it from some stranger .
Phyllis : Absolutely . It would be cruel of us to keep quiet about it .
Lauren : Hmm . Gloria !
Gloria : Oh !
Lauren : Come join us for a drink .
Gloria : Yes .
Nick : All right , all right , all right ! You need an opening act before the deejay starts spinning ?
Noah : Who you have in mind , dad ?
Nick : I do have a guitar .
Noah : The one that Avery got you ?
Nick : Yeah . Pulled up some videos online . I think I m ready to rip it up .
Noah : That s a great idea . Let me just call the insurance guy , see what our liability coverage is . Cause I m pretty sure you could cause some serious damage , like -- like worse than when the roof came down on this place .
Nick : Huh . That s just hurtful .
Noah : Hand me that tape .
Nick : Why are you , uh , setting the equipment up ? Why is nt the deejay doing it himself ?
Noah : I m just helping him out . Uh , helping her out , actually . She s not a deejay . She is the fastest trending edm artist right now .
Nick : Wow . The fastest edm artist ?
Noah : Yeah . Check it out .
Nick : DJ spectral - xxx .
Noah : She s got a big show in Madison tomorrow night . It s a big booking for us , dad .
Nick : Well , I m proud of you , bud . You know , uh , your mom and I , we always thought you d have a career in music . Uh , writing , producing , maybe performing .
Noah : Yeah , mom always used to say that .
Nick : Yes , I think she had mapped out a whole Justin Timberlake thing for you .
Noah : Hey , have you talked to mom lately ? Cause I ve barely seen her .
Nick : No . Why ? What s going on ?
Noah : It s just that I think she s all freaked out about this secret cop mission that Dylan is on . And I told her that I m sure he ll be back any day now , but , I do nt know , she just wo nt listen .
Sharon : Dylan ?
Nikki : Sharon , I just --
Sharon : Dylan s gone .
Nikki : I know . When I said goodbye to him yesterday , I knew that it would be for the last time . I ve just been at home with Victor , grieving all day .
Sharon : So why come here ?
Nikki : Wanted to see you , find out how you re doing .
Sharon : [ Sniffles ] How I m doing ? My husband just ripped my heart out ! He left , and he s never coming back ! And do nt you dare tell me how sorry you are about it ! You finally got what you wanted , Nikki ! Me out of your son s life forever ! you know , when Dylan was on assignment , I did nt have a moment s peace . I could nt sleep . I could nt focus . All I could do was obsess about all the terrible things that could be happening to him . And you know what s messed up ? These last few hours , I ... have been aching to go back to those days . Because I ... at least I did nt know about this . I did nt know that this was even a possibility . You know , as selfish and twisted as this may sound ... if Dylan had been killed in the line of duty , it would nt be this bad , because there would be closure . And as wrong as it is to think this way , you know , at least that way things would make sense . But instead it will be an eternity of never knowing where he is . And I ... [ Sniffles ]
Nick : The last time I saw your mom , she was preoccupied with Dylan s undercover thing . And , uh , he d only been gone a day or two .
Noah : Yeah , she s really worried about him , which does nt make a whole lot of sense cause mom sees Dylan as , like , a hero , you know ? It s not that big of a stretch Dylan is basically indestructible .
Nick : He is like the perfect husband . I mean , that whole thing with Christian , he handled it better than anyone . I mean , he did nt do anything wrong , and he was really torn up . A lot of that s on me .
Noah : No , dad , you did the best you could .
Nick : I was pretty hard on him . In fact , when he comes back to town , I m gon na hook up with him and Sharon and I m gon na try and get rid of all this tension between us .
Noah : Faith would love that .
Nick : Enough to live with your mom ?
Noah : Ooh . That s gon na have to be her choice . But , you know , somehow that kid ended up with the most highly developed moral compass of anybody in the Newman clan .
Ashley : This is nt about Fenmore s ? It s about Phyllis ? Please .
Jack : Phyllis is the key factor . This is nt about rekindling a romance .
Ashley : Thank heavens for that . I m still lost , though .
Jack : Well , I will straighten you out . Fenmore s was gasping its last breath when Lauren was wise enough to take Phyllis on .
Ashley : To revive the digital presence .
Jack : And she revitalized their entire brand with this app of hers , this virtual dressing room .
Ashley : Right . I m very familiar with the app . It s very similar to one that we have .
Jack : So JabotGo and Fenmore s app are highly compatible and wonderful developments on their own . But what fascinated me was Phyllis going after our own tech guru , Ravi . It proved to me there is huge unmet potential in pairing the two of them to work on these apps together , encouraging exponential growth in both companies . That s what this really is .
Ashley : Really ?
Jack : What ? You disagree ?
Ashley : No . But I also think it s a fantastic camouflage for your real secret agenda .
Jack : Which is ?
Ashley : Well , of course , you know , playing footsies with Phyllis under the table at board meetings .
Gloria : So , what is it we are celebrating ?
Lauren : Oh , I m sure you know .
Phyllis : The biggest week for Fenmore s since Lauren took over .
Lauren : Oh , that s right . And my gratitude for that special help you provided .
Gloria : I did ?
Lauren : Uh - huh . [ Chuckles ] Thank you . And I know now that you did nt undermine my save Fenmore s campaign . I just -- I should nt have accused you of that .
Gloria : [ Sighs ]
Phyllis : That was unfair .
Lauren : It was , but , you know , I - I did nt see the bigger picture then .
Phyllis : Yes , but it is so clear now .
Gloria : Because I would never do anything to undermine my son , my daughter - in- law , or her exquisite chain of stores .
Lauren : Right . And even when you went to Jack to spill my confidential business about Craig Steele being a silent partner , no , that was nt a knife in my back , right ?
Phyllis : No , that was a shining light on you , showing you your true path .
Lauren : Yes .
Gloria : Absolutely . The true path .
Lauren : Mm - hmm .
Gloria : To ...
Lauren : Jabot !
Gloria : [ Squeals ] Oh , I just sincerely hope that Jack and Ashley take pity on you and keep you both on .
Phyllis : Gloria , do you think you could maybe put a good word in for us ?
Gloria : Well , I suppose I could do that .
Lauren : Aww . See ? Our guardian angel to the rescue .
Gloria : Oh , it s really no trouble . I ca nt promise anything . And if you are wise , you will have a backup plan .
Lauren : Oh , I have the ultimate backup plan . I m still the majority stockholder in Fenmore s . Jabot s investment only gave them 49 % .
Phyllis : Joyous news .
Lauren : [ Laughs ] Thanks , guardian angel .
Gloria : [ Exhales sharply ]
Ravi : Ashley ! I got it running ! Check out this test -- oh , sorry . I did nt realize you guys were in a meeting .
Jack : No , no , no , no , no . Calm down , Ravi . Come on in . We were just talking about you .
Ravi : Oh . Really ?
Ashley : Mm - hmm .
Ravi : What s , uh , what s up ?
Ashley : What s this ?
Ravi : Oh , it s what I was telling you about . The customer photo result projection .
Ashley : Jack , you ve got to see this feature . It is so genius what Ravi came up with . It s where our users can see virtual results from our top rejuvenation products .
Jack : So the wrinkles and the dark circles disappear before their very eyes ?
Jack : I love it . Excuse me . Uh , it s late . Could you call my assistant in the morning ?
Gloria : This is urgent ! It ca nt wait ! [ Sighs ] Can you meet me at the top of the tower ?
Jack : I suppose . Good night . Got to run .
Ashley : Bye .
Ravi : Uh , sorry for interrupting . I m sure that was an important meeting .
Ashley : No , no . No worries . Question . How do you feel about working with Phyllis ?
Ravi : That s not happening . Did -- did someone tell you that I was gon na work --
Ashley : No , no , no , no . Your loyalty is not in question , but , um , looks like we re gon na be partnering with Fenmore s , so ...
Ravi : So now you -- you want me to work with Phyllis ?
Ashley : Not especially , but I think it might be inevitable .
Ravi : Okay .
Ashley : Are you hungry ?
Ravi : Yeah . Starving .
Ashley : Perfect . Do you like Chinese food ?
Ravi : I love it .
Ashley : Good . Okay , then you can fill me in on all your brilliance while we eat dinner . I m gon na order from my favorite Chinese place . It s faster online , right ? Okay . How about some -- ooh , juicy dumplings . And we like that sweet and succulent chicken . Oh ! My favorite is the spicy noodles . Do you like it hot ?
Ravi : Ye-- yeah , uh , as spicy as possible , please .
Ashley : Fantastic . I knew you were easy .
Ravi : [ Chuckles ]
Noah : Wow , this is -- this is a great crowd for us . Did you , like , send out a blast before the show ?
Evilution : No , nothing . My manager said I can use this as a dress rehearsal for Madison . This is all you guys .
Noah : Wow .
Evilution : Good job .
Noah : Thank you .
Nick : Are you guys fans of DJ spectral - x ?
Phyllis : Oh , big . I am a big fan .
Lauren : Huge . I m a huge fan of that guy . [ Laughs ] Hey !
Michael : Hey !
Lauren : I m so glad you could come !
Michael : Me , too , now !
Lauren : Yeah , okay .
Michael : My goodness !
Lauren : Whoo ! Here . Let me buy you a spectral - tini . They re very yummy .
Michael : No , no , no , no , no , no . News update . You re either celebrating a late - breaking Victory or you ve decided to chuck it all for a life of booze and , uh , electronic music .
Lauren : Well , it s over . And guess how it ended ?
Michael : Jack s investing in Fenmore s , and it s all on your terms !
Lauren : How did you find that out ? !
Michael : Jabot s lawyers called , amusingly desperate to lock the deal down . Congratulations !
Lauren : Why , thank you .
Michael : [ Laughs ] No , I m not congratulating you . I was congratulating myself for having such a hot and powerful wife .
Lauren : [ Chuckles ] Come on . Let me buy you a drink , hot stuff .
Michael : Ow ! Ooh . Ohh . Okay .
Lauren : [ Laughs ]
Paul : Nikki , hi .
Nikki : Hi .
Paul : Sharon , your phone kept going to voicemail , so I thought I d stop by and tell you -- tell you both -- that , uh , Dylan s plane landed safely .
Sharon : But you ca nt tell us where .
Paul : For your protection and your entire family .
Nikki : Well , thank you for driving all the way out here . It was very considerate of you .
Sharon : Well , it s the least he could do . He s the one that sent Dylan undercover , almost got him killed . That s why Dylan s in exile now . I mean , can we all be real enough to at least agree on that ?
Paul : You know , Sharon , I think we can assign blame in any number of combinations . But you know I did not force Dylan to go . He insisted on it .
Sharon : I know that you were just the escape hatch , Paul . I m the one that gave him enough reason to go . I m sorry , Nikki .
Nikki : Sharon . Do nt do that . Nobody knows what went on in Dylan s head . And yes , it s always gon na hurt , but it s gon na get better . We have to find a way to get the strength to get through this . And not just for ourselves . There -- there are other people counting on us .
Sharon : Yeah . Faith .
Nikki : Yes , for one .
Sharon : How am I going to explain this to her ? To anyone ?
Nikki : We will figure out a way , okay , together .
Sharon : No , you know what ? I m serious . Paul , what are we supposed to do ? Just pretend that Dylan died and have a closed - casket funeral ?
Paul : No , I would never put either one of you through anything like that .
Sharon : That would certainly stop all the questions .
Paul : That s not the answer .
Nikki : Well , then what is ?
Paul : Something clear and simple . I think I have a solution . Okay , you both understand our mutual goal . Heading off any questions from anyone about the details of Dylan s undercover mission .
Sharon : But why would he leave the job and the family he loved ?
Paul : [ Sighs ] Personal reasons . Something that people who know him would easily understand .
Sharon : You want me to say that it was me , that I m the reason he left , that he not only gave up on me and our marriage , but he had to disappear and cover his tracks so well that I would never find him again ?
Nikki : Paul , are you sure there is nt some other way ?
Paul : I m sorry . The simplest explanation is always the most believable .
Sharon : Who cares that the truth is Dylan really did forgive me and he was willing to give me another chance ? Who cares what Noah and Mariah and faith and nick think about me for the rest of their lives ?
Paul : Sharon , I do care . And I will not go ahead with this story without your permission . This is a request , not an order . Which I am making because I think it s the best chance we have to keep Dylan safe ... and alive .
Michael : [ Laughs ]
Lauren : Whoo !
Nick : All right , everyone ! Welcome to the underground . Is everyone having some fun ?
Nick : More fun ? !
Nick : All right , well , if you re gon na have fun tonight , you can thank one man -- my son , Noah Newman . This was his brainchild .
Nick : Mondays -- so come on . Noah Newman s major Mondays .
Michael : That s right ! That s right !
Nick : Let s kick things off right now with this rising edm phenom , the one , the only DJ spectral - X.
Evilution : Genoa city , who s ready to party ? !
Phyllis : Uh ...
Michael : You are not . [ Laughs ]
Phyllis : You can see why they are my favorite couple .
Nick : I mean , who knew they were this much fun ? Must be nice to have somebody you can just go nuts with .
Phyllis : Someone who loves you no matter how ridiculous you look ?
Nick : That used to be us , right ?
Phyllis : Yeah . I miss that part .
Nick : I miss it , too .
Phyllis : Yeah . You were more ridiculous , though .
Nick : You were like the mount Rushmore of ridiculous .
Michael : Hey ! Yo !
Ashley : So , after looking at all these amazing photo features , I think I want to go with the floating shopping basket . You keep checking the time .
Ravi : Sorry . I know it s distracting .
Ashley : Do you have someplace you re supposed to be ?
Ravi : No . Not at all .
Ashley : I am so sorry . I did nt even ask you if you wanted to work . I just got so carried away . But if you have to be someplace , please go .
Ravi : There s nothing more important than our work .
Ashley : You re entitled to have a life , Ravi .
Ravi : Yeah , but I do nt .
Ashley : Are you seeing somebody ?
Ravi : No . No . Not at all . I told you .
Ashley : No , I mean are you seeing somebody tonight ?
Ravi : Oh . Oh , yeah , well , um , there s this edm artist I like , and someone posted that she has a secret show at the underground .
Ashley : Why did nt you tell me ? You should go .
Ravi : Well , when you said you wanted to work , I did nt know about the show .
Ashley : Please . We can do this tomorrow .
Ravi : [ Sighs ] You sure ?
Ashley : Yes , absolutely . You should go .
Ravi : Okay .
Ashley : Go on .
Ravi : You should come with me . My treat .
Ashley : That s really sweet of you , but you know what ? I do nt think that edm is really my thing . What is edm again ?
Ravi : [ Chuckles ] It s electronic dance music .
Ashley : Hmm .
Ravi : Really like her . She composes her own stuff . She ... presses a lot of buttons . Actually probably think she was horrible .
Ashley : Yeah . Well , you re going .
Ravi : Is it up to me ?
Ashley : No . Bye . Have fun .
Ravi : Okay .
Ashley : I ll see you tomorrow .
Ravi : See you tomorrow .
Jack : Okay , what is so damn important I had to drop everything , leave work , and come here of all places ?
Gloria : How much could there be to drop , Jack ? It s late !
Jack : You know , if you hurry , you can make it home and into your coziest flannel nightgown in time for murder , she wrote .
Gloria : I sleep in the nude , Jack .
Jack : Gee , I m glad I brought that up .
Gloria : You promised me a job . It s time to deliver . Fenmore s is part of the Jabot family . That was our deal ! And do nt think about toying with me .
Jack : What exactly did we agree to ?
Gloria : [ Sighs ] For helping you get your hands on Lauren s stores , you promised me a job somewhere doing something , a decent salary , a - a little dignity , and all the respect that comes with it . It s all I asked for , Jack .
Jack : Unfortunately , things did nt go quite as I wanted , and 49 % of Fenmore s does not give me the power to hire or create jobs . I m sorry . I do nt like it , either , but that s the way it landed .
Gloria : Oh , I feel real bad for you , Jack .
Jack : Well , do nt blame me . Blame Eric Forrester and his counteroffer .
Gloria : What ? !
Jack : Yeah , he showed up just long enough to make my day less fun and yours downright depressing .
Gloria : So once again ... prosperity for all . Windfalls for all concerned . And a big , fat nothing for me .
Jack : Well , no , not on my watch . No , you deserve more than that . I ll buy you a drink . Yeah . A shot of anything you want . Top shelf , if you like . None of the cheap stuff . And I ll provide the tip . After all , you earned it .
Gloria : Mmm . Top shelf . [ Laughs ]
Jack : What ?
Gloria : So Lauren brought Eric Forrester all the way to Jabot just to put you in your place .
Jack : Yeah , afraid so .
Gloria : [ Laughs ] She and I may not share DNA .
Jack : Well , her husband will be grateful for that .
Gloria : But she has what it takes to be a ruthless major manipulator and cut a streak through the business world . I am proud of that girl .
Jack : Well , I ll tell you this . I wo nt be underestimating her any time soon .
Gloria : [ Scoffs ] I wish you d say something like that to me . Oh , well . I will just settle for you treating me to another one of these .
Jack : You know what , Gloria ? You re a sport .
Gloria : [ Scoffs ]
Jack : I will not only treat you to one of these . I will join you .
Gloria : Oh , Jackie boy , do nt tell me your recovery has gone the way of the flip phone while I was in France .
Jack : My healthy and ongoing recovery is only about the difficulties I had with one substance -- pills .
Gloria : Ah .
Jack : Do nt be one .
Gloria : You know , we used to be family . Mm - hmm . And I still care about you . In moderation .
Jack : Barkeep , I ll have whatever my ex - stepmom is having .
Gloria : [ Chuckles ] But you realize you are pathologically obnoxious .
Jack : Absolutely .
Gloria : Ah . [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ]
Nick : Hey , next song , you are up on the bar .
Phyllis : Oh , I will if you will !
Nick : All right !
Noah : Phyllis , please . Do not let my dad get up on the bar , okay ? There are safety rules and regulations , and dance quality is definitely on the list .
Nick : Look at this guy ! One monster night and he thinks he s a big shot . Well , now I m gon na get up there and have my magic moment just in spite of you !
Noah : No , I do not want to come back to a vice squad raid , okay ? No !
Nick : What do you mean , come back ? Where are you going ?
Noah : Something s going on with mom . She s not answering my texts , so I m gon na -- I m gon na go check on her .
Nick : Noah , you ca nt leave me here by myself !
Noah : Dad , it s cool , okay ? I called for backup . I ll be back by the encore , all right ?
Nick : Thanks a lot !
Phyllis : How did you raise such a mature and responsible kid ?
Nick : You know , I do nt know , but I m glad he s gone because now we can definitely get you up on the bar .
Phyllis : That s not happening , okay ? Let s be honest .
Nick : Oh , it s happening . How else are we gon na showcase all of that ?
Phyllis : What ? !
Nick : Yeah ! It s time you jumped back into the dating pool .
Phyllis : There s really more like a puddle , okay ? And I ve had history with every eligible guy in this town , and most of it s deeply embarrassing .
Nick : Well , there you go . We just need to find you a guy who does nt know you . So give me your phone .
Phyllis : Can I ask you what you re doing at least ?
Nick : I am gon na drag you and your love life into the 21st century . [ Clicks tongue ]
Sharon : If following your instructions keeps Dylan safe for even one more day , then that s what I m gon na do .
Nikki : I have to be honest . I m very proud of you .
Paul : So am I.
Sharon : You know , I do nt really care about what you two think . It s Dylan that matters .
Nikki : You re absolutely right .
Paul : This is hard on all of us , but you re doing the right thing . Go ?
Noah : What s -- what s going on ? Why are Dylan s clothes out here ? Mom , come on . Just talk to me . What happened ? Please .
Sharon : Dylan s gone .
Noah : He s -- he s gone ? He s like , gone , gone ? Did this happen while he was undercover ?
Sharon : He -- he s alive . He s okay . I just mean that he -- he left . We ve decided to end our marriage .
Nick : Hey , what s wrong ?
Phyllis : You said this app was simple ! It s overwhelming !
Nick : Oh , you re trying to do the full profile . You do nt have to do that . Come here . I ll set you up . Uh , username .
Phyllis : My name ? What do they want next ? My address and credit - card numbers ?
Nick : It s just a username . Let s , uh , let s go with ms . Summers .
Phyllis : A tad formal , but fine .
Nick : Age ?
Phyllis : No .
Nick : 29 to 60 ? Special interests .
Phyllis : A guy who can catch me when I fall off the bar I m dancing on .
Nick : Too specific .
Phyllis : Fine . Horseback riding .
Nick : I did nt know that .
Phyllis : That s cause it s not true . We re creating a profile ! That s the creative part . [ Chuckles ] We love you , spectral - x !
Ashley : Why is nt she playing the hits ?
Ravi : Are you kidding ? This was her breakout single ! Hey .
Ashley : Hey !
Ravi : What are you doing here ?
Ashley : I m broadening my musical horizons ! Spectral - tini ?
Ravi : Yes . [ Chuckles ]
Gloria : Your turn . And prepare to fail epically .
Jack : Do nt count on it . Here we go . Ready ?
Gloria : Okay .
Jack : I m going to the bar to get a mojito , a French champagne split , a boilermaker , a white Russian , a black Russian , three planters punch wine coolers , a bottle of absinthe , spearmint schnapps , and ... a chocolate chip gelato amaretto freeze . Your turn , Mom . Good luck !
Gloria : [ Laughs ] I am going to the bar and get a mojito , a French champagne split , a boilermaker ... a black Russian , a white Russian , um , a bottle of schnapps , and a spearmint --
Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa !
Gloria : What ? !
Jack : Three planters punch wine coolers .
Gloria : [ Whimpering ] Oh , damn . [ Inhales sharply ] No self - respecting lounge would serve a wine cooler . You cheated , Jack , just the way you cheated me out of a job . You re a nasty man .
Jack : No , no , no , no , no . I m a good man . I m a nice man . I bought all these drinks . I just play by the rules . You have to break them all the time .
Gloria : I am not going to sit here and be insulted this -- [ Screams ]
Jack : Hello .
Gloria : [ Chuckles ] Hello .
Gloria : Oh , come on . What ? No round two ? Huh ? Afraid I m gon na mop the floor with you ? [ Laughs ]
Jack : Mopping is not part of your repertoire or any other household chore . No , I think we ve both had enough . My driver is downstairs . We ll drop -- we ll drop you off at Kevin s .
Gloria : I can find my own way home . Thank you very much . I just need to find my purse . Where s my purse ? Did you steal my purse , Jack ? [ Laughs ] So ... does this mean I m hired ? [ Laughs ]
Lauren : Did you find some new workout music ?
Michael : There s music ? Did nt notice .
Lauren : [ Laughs ]
Michael : I just keep replaying you on that bar shaking all of your stuff . Yeah , like that . It s been so long , I forgot you had that wild side .
Lauren : Oh , come on . You were mortified .
Michael : Hardly . I loved every crazy second of it because I am crazy in love with you , woman .
Lauren : Aww .
Michael : Yeah .
Phyllis : Hey , I hope that the waves of silence from my mini profile is convincing you that playing my online cupid is a big waste of time . A sweet waste , but still .
Phyllis : Oh , wait a minute . Something s happening .
Nick : Yep , right there . Just proves your wise , old ex is right again .
Phyllis : Okay , so what does it mean ?
Nick : That s your first match via text alert . That is a yes . This is where you click to see who it is and respond .
Sharon : There were too many painful memories of a baby that was nt his all because I lied .
Noah : Dylan forgave you . I mean , I could see it when he was with you . It does nt make any sense .
Sharon : I think he wanted to forgive me and he tried . But the time that he spent away made him see things differently , and he -- he could nt trust me . I mean , can you blame him ? You know , I think Dylan just realized that there was no getting around that , and so now , um , he s gone . It s over . He s left , and I have to accept that .
Noah : Mom , I am so , so sorry .
Sharon : [ Voice breaking ] So am I. More than you could ever know .
Devon : So you brought me good news , then ?
Lily : Depends how you look at it , but we think so .
Victoria : Reed is more than welcome to apologize .
Billy : You embarrassed him in front of a girl . I do nt think he s gon na forgive you any time soon .
Jack : I have to meet with Lauren to finalize the contract for my stake in Fenmore s .
Jill : What are you talking about ?
### Summary:
| The Underground has an electronic dance music party with an electronic dance music artist and the club is filled with people . Michael and Lauren have some fun and celebrate her getting a great deal with Jack to save Fenmore s . Phyllis and Lauren enjoy telling Gloria that she still owns Fenmore s , and she will never have a job there . Jack and Gloria later get drunk at Top of the Tower and almost kiss . Ashley decides to accept Ravi s invitation to go to the Underground after work to enjoy the electronic dance music . Phyllis realizes while she is watching Michael and Lauren dancing that she is lonely , so she puts a profile up on a dating website . Sharon and Nikki share their pain over not being able to see Dylan again . Paul arrives to tell them that Dylan arrived safely at his new undisclosed location , and he asks Sharon to tell everyone that Dylan left her , because he could nt forgive her for lying to him about Christian . Sharon does nt want to do that at first , but she agrees to the lie to keep Dylan safe . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ridge : Hey , what re the options back there ?
Brooke : Well , you can have any kind of soup you want -- as long as it s clam chowder or clam chowder .
Ridge : Do we at least have those little cracker dealies that go along with them ?
Brooke : Yes . Best if used by March of 98 .
Ridge : Look , next time you kidnap someone , will you be a little more prepared ?
Brooke : I did nt know we were going to get snowed in . What re you doing ?
Ridge : Looking for Bridget s cell phone number . See if she can stay with the kids .
Brooke : Why do nt you just call your mom ?
Ridge : Oh , now there s an excellent idea . Then I wo nt need anybody to look after the kids , because she ll hire a sled and a bunch of dogs to come after us herself . Bridget s number ?
Brooke : 310
C.J. : Hey , I really appreciate you being on time . Thanks a lot , man . I ll see ya next week .
Bridget : Hey , Ceej .
C.J. : Hello . Wow , you look great .
Bridget : Thank you . Well , I had to guess what to wear , since you would nt tell me where we re going for dinner .
C.J. : Well , you see , it s got to be a surprise . Otherwise , your other boyfriend might track us down .
Bridget : Mark ?
C.J. : Ah , no , Massimo .
Bridget : That joke will never be funny .
C.J. : Well , maybe I d quit telling it , if you would tell me why he keeps hanging around all the time .
Bridget : I told you . He s worried about Ridge . You ready to go ? Let s go .
C.J. : Yep , I am . [ Cell phone rings ] is that me , or is that you ?
Bridget : I think that s me . Yeah . From the cabin . Hello ?
Ridge : Hey , princess .
Bridget : Ridge ?
Ridge : Hey , listen , I need a favor . I m up at the cabin right now , and I m very snowed in --
Bridget : And you want me to watch the kids .
Ridge : I know you got a life of your own , and I know you probably had plans --
Bridget : Yeah , I do .
Ridge : This is the first night I ve been away from them since their mom died .
Bridget : Okay .
Ridge : Seriously ?
Bridget : Yeah . I mean , I do nt want them to get scared .
Ridge : Thank you so much .
Bridget : Sure . Ridge , what are you doing up at the cabin anyway ?
Ridge : Oh , maybe I should let your mom explain that one . It was her bright idea anyway .
Bridget : My mom s up there with you ?
Ridge : Yeah . You want to talk to her ?
Bridget : No , that s okay . I should go get the kids anyway . They re at the after - school program , right ?
Ridge : Yeah . Thank you , again . I owe you big time .
Bridget : Yeah , you do . I m so sorry .
C.J. : You know what ? It s totally cool . I understand family does come first . So , your mom is up at the cabin with Ridge ?
Bridget : Yeah .
C.J. : Things are moving pretty quick there , do nt you think ?
Bridget : I guess so . I should go . Sorry , again .
C.J. : Hey , hey , hey , not so fast . Come here .
Bridget : I ll call you .
C.J. : You d better .
Macy : Oh , Dad , I thought you left .
Adam : Not without kissing the bride . Your bags are all loaded . Lorenzo just went to put some gas in the car .
Macy : The hotel you booked us into looks beautiful .
Adam : Aw , honey , I wish I could ve given you a better honeymoon -- better wedding .
Macy : No , it was beautiful .
Adam : But you wish your mother was here .
Macy : Lorenzo s my husband now . She does nt even know him .
Adam : Maybe someday .
Macy : Yeah . Someday .
Clarke : Sally , you hear me ? Okay , this is gon na keep you warm .
Darla : Hey , Sal , I need your signature -- oh , my god ! Clarke , what happened ?
Clarke : She just collapsed !
Darla : Sally , Sally -- well , did you call 911 ?
Clarke : Of course I did .
Darla : Well , god , where are they ? !
Clarke : They re on their way !
Thorne : In here , this way , this way . They re here . They re here . They re here .
Paramedic one : Step aside . Step aside .
Darla : Oh , my god . Oh , my god .
Paramedic one : She s breathing .
Darla : Oh , my god .
Paramedic one : Weak pulse . Get the EKG leads on . Was anyone with her ?
Clarke : Yes , he and I were .
Thorne : We were .
Clarke : She clutched her chest , and then she collapsed to the ground .
Thorne : She was in a lot of pain .
Paramedic two : S.T. Elevations in lead two , possible M.I.
Paramedic one : Does she have a history of heart problems ?
Darla : No , no , nothing , nothing .
Paramedic two : Let s get her in the unit .
Paramedic one : All right , we ll start an I.V. En route .
Clarke : Okay , Thorne , you and I will go with the ambulance to the hospital . Darla , I need you to call C.J. And to meet us at the hospital .
Darla : All right , all right . Do nt leave her . Do nt leave her alone for a minute . Do you hear me ?
Clarke : Get a hold of C.J.
Darla : I will , I will . Hang in there , Sal . Hang in there , sweetheart .
Mark : Ah , here she is .
Paramedic one : Female , unconscious .
Mark : I know the patient . Where do we stand ?
Paramedic : Bp s 90 over 50 , up from 80 over 40 . Pulse is 60 . Respiration s 24 . Patient showed three millimeter S.T. Elevations in lead two . We started an I.V. , Gave her ten liters of o2 by nonrebreather and a 500 cc fluid bolus .
Mark : What s her level of consciousness ?
Paramedic : Responding only to painful stimuli .
Mark : Sally ? Sally , it s Mark Maclaine . Can you tell me where it hurts ?
Mark : All right , get her to ICU now ! Go , go ! Another fluid bolus , we need a portable chest x - ray , a twelve - lead ekg . I want a cbc , cpk , troponin -- get dr . Cooper !
Clarke : How is she ?
Mark : She had a heart attack .
Clarke : Is she gon na be okay ?
Bridget : You guys must be starving , huh ?
Phoebe : Not really .
Steffy : Is daddy hurt ?
Bridget : No , no , sweetie , I told you . He s just stuck in the snow .
Phoebe : All alone ?
Bridget : No , my mom s up there with him .
Thomas : Figures .
Steffy : Why d he have to go ?
Thomas : He did nt have to . He wanted to .
Bridget : Your dad did nt want to be away from you guys . I know that for a fact . But , come on , he s had to work late before , right ? He s had to go on business trips . What d you and your mom do then ?
Phoebe : She used to make something he did nt like for dinner .
Bridget : Like what ?
Phoebe : Macaroni and cheese .
Steffy : Franks n beans .
Bridget : Your dad does nt like franks n beans ? He must be crazy ! I love em !
Steffy : Me , too .
Bridget : Okay , okay . So that s what were gon na make . But I m gon na need your help , because I m a really terrible cook .
Thomas : Yeah , we know .
Bridget : Oh , yeah ?
Thomas : Yeah .
Bridget : Yeah , says the grand master chef himself . You think you could do so much better ?
Thomas : Anybody could .
Bridget : Oh , you are getting more and more like your dad every day , you know that ? You just like giving me a hard time .
Thomas : No , I mean it . You ca nt cook .
Bridget : Come here . Come here . Yeah , get out of here you little stinkers .
Brooke : Here we are !
Ridge : Look at this . Such service .
Brooke : Yes . Well , it s the least I could do . You re stranded up here , and it
Ridge : Well , if it was nt for the kids --
Brooke : I know . I m missing Hope , too . But she s in good hands , and so are yours .
Ridge : Bridget s being such a sweetheart .
Brooke : Yeah , she is . So can we stop thinking about the kids and worrying about them , cause they re fine . Let s focus on the bright side , okay ?
Ridge : The bright side ?
Brooke : I m sure if you think real hard , you could come up with something .
Ridge : I do nt know . You and I , up here all by ourselves , roaring fire , no one to bother us . I m -- I m drawing a blank .
Brooke : Right . Did you know that regular pads are designed to best fit a size six !
Adam : You know you made the right decision , do nt you ?
Macy : Do nt ask me that , Dad . My head is spinning .
Adam : I know , honey , I know . Everything happened very quickly .
Macy : I do wish I could ve at least talked to her .
Adam : I know what she would ve said .
Macy : Do you ?
Adam : She would have said , My baby finally got what she deserves .
Macy : But , Dad , she has no idea where I am or how I m doing . She s probably worried sick .
Doctor : Her vitals are stable now .
Clarke : So Macy s alive ?
Thorne : Yeah .
Clarke : She s not coming back ? Sally may never see her again ?
Thorne : We tried to convince her .
Clarke : No wonder . No wonder .
Thorne : No one can find out about this . Understand ?
C.J. : Dad ! Is mom okay ?
Clarke : Yeah . She s in there now . We do nt know --
C.J. : What ?
Clarke : We re waiting to hear . She had a heart attack .
C.J. : Were you with her ?
Clarke : We both were .
C.J. : What did you do ? Huh ? Were you arguing with her ? Is that what happened ?
Clarke : We were talking .
C.J. : No , I know , Dad . They were talking about Macy . What ? It s bad enough you killed my sister , now you re after my mother , too ?
Clarke : Take it easy , take it easy . Mark -- how is she ?
Ridge : What are you doing ?
Brooke : Just making up your bed .
Ridge : So , what , am I sleeping out here tonight ?
Brooke : Well , I would offer to sleep on the sofa , but I know you . You re too much of a gentleman to let me do that .
Ridge : A gentleman ?
Brooke : Good night .
Ridge : You re going to bed now ?
Brooke : Yeah , I m tired . Whipping your butt really took it out of me .
Ridge : Yeah , right . Whatever . Good night . See you in the morning .
Brooke : Are nt you at least gon na give me a kiss good night ?
Ridge : Oh , I m far too much of a gentleman to do something like that .
Brooke : Well , lucky for you -- I m not too much of a gentleman . Sleep tight . Do nt let the bedbugs bite .
Macy : Oh , Mom -- I wish things could be different . I really do . But we ve both just got to go on the best we can . You ll be fine . I know you will .
Mark : Sally s in critical condition .
Thorne : So it was a heart attack ?
Mark : I ll let Dr. Cooper , our chief cardiologist , explain .
Dr. Cooper : Well , we did an arteriogram and discovered significant blockage in two of the main blood vessels . I performed an immediate angioplasty , but we ll --
C.J. : Whoa , which is what ?
Dr. Cooper : Well , we inserted a balloon into the blood vessel , and then inflated it to remove the blockage . We also put stents in the affected area to help keep them open .
Clarke : You think that should solve the problem ?
Dr. Cooper : We hope so .
C.J. : You hope so ?
Mark : Sally s blood pressure has improved , but it s still borderline low . With this type of procedure , there s always the risk of reocclusion or complete blockage . In which case , an emergency surgery would have to be performed . So we re gon na watch her very , very closely .
C.J. : Are -- are you telling me that she could still die ?
Mark : We re going to do everything we can to make sure that does nt happen , okay ?
Brooke : Hello .
Bridget : Mom .
Brooke : Oh , honey . Is everything okay ?
Bridget : Yeah , everything s fine . Kids are just getting ready for bed , but they wanted to call their dad and say good night .
Brooke : Oh , sure . I ll get him . Let me just throw something on , okay ?
Phoebe : Is that daddy ? Is that daddy ?
Steffy : I want to talk to him .
Bridget : Okay , hold on a sec , all right ? Why do nt you sit on the couch ?
Ridge : Nice outfit .
Brooke : Shh -- it s the kids .
Ridge : Hey , gang .
Bridget : Oh , hold on , it s still just me . I m gon na put you on speaker , okay ? Go ahead .
Steffy : Hi , Dad .
Ridge : Hey , sweetheart . Who s there now ?
Phoebe : All of us .
Ridge : Oh , yeah ? What you been doin ?
Steffy : We made franks n beans for dinner .
Ridge : Oh , that s so sweet . That s just like mommy would ve done . So you guys are having fun ?
Phoebe : Yeah , but we miss you a lot .
Ridge : I miss you , too . Thomas , are you there ?
Thomas : Yeah .
Ridge : How you doing , buddy ?
Thomas : Fine .
Ridge : Hey , listen , guys , I m sorry about what happened . And I m gon na get home as soon as I can , okay ? But in the meantime , I want you guys to be really nice to Bridget .
Steffy : Okay , Dad . Good night .
Phoebe : Okay , Daddy . Good night , I love you .
Ridge : Night - night . Love you , too .
Thomas : Night , Dad .
Ridge : Hey , Bridget --
Bridget : Yeah , hold on . I m here .
Ridge : I just wanted to thank you again .
Bridget : No problem . Actually , is my mom there ? Could I talk to her for a sec ?
Ridge : Yeah , yeah . Hold on .
Brooke : Hi .
Bridget : Hey . Look , I know this is none of my business --
Brooke : What ? What s going on ?
Bridget : I would just hate to see you rush things with Ridge .
Brooke : Bridget , I ca nt really talk right now .
Bridget : I know , I know . But the kids are still really fragile , Mom . And so is Ridge , whether he knows it or not . So just -- be smart about this , okay ? That s all . Good night .
Ridge : What was that all about ?
Brooke : Nothing . All right , see you in the morning .
Ridge : You re just gon na boot me out of here , huh ?
Brooke : Ridge , we have to be smart about this .
Ridge : Why ?
Brooke : Because .
Ridge : Because why ? You know you do nt want me to go .
Brooke : No . I do nt want you to go , but it -- that does nt mean--
Ridge : But what ? No .
Brooke : Ridge --
Ridge : Shh .
Brooke : Ridge ?
Ridge : Hmm - mm . Hmm - mm .
### Summary:
| Brooke tries to find something to eat in the cabin , while Ridge looks for Bridget s cell phone number so he can call her and get her to take care of the kids . Bridget and CJ were supposed to go out on a date , but before they can , she gets a call from Ridge asking her to baby - sit . Bridget is nt thrilled to have to cancel her plans with CJ and seems even more disturbed that her mom is up at Big Bear with Ridge , alone . She agrees to watch the kids . Brooke makes up the sofa for Ridge and states she is going to bed , but not before a kiss . The two share a passionate kiss . Before the kids get to bed , Bridget calls up to the cabin . She seems a little chagrined that Brooke answers the phone . Ridge says goodnight to the kids and notes that Thomas does nt sound very happy . Bridget warns her mom to be smart and take thing slow with the Ridge for his and the kids sake . Brooke attempts to send Ridge out of the bedroom , but he persists and the two wind up making out with very little clothing on . Sally is rushed to the emergency room , but does nt die . She s in critical condition , but is at least breathing on her own . After finding some blocked arteries , Dr. Cooper and Mark did an angioplasty and put some stints in the arteries to keep them clear . Clarke realizes the reason Sally had the heart attack was because of Macy s disappearance . CJ blames Thorne for Sally s heart attack . He is mortified to hear there is a chance that Sally could still die . Before she leaves on her honeymoon , Macy and Adam discuss Sally . He knows she would be thrilled that Macy is finally marrying a good man . Macy tries to reassure herself that Sally will be fine without her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jesse : The van s here . Let s go .
David : Ok , now , wait a minute . You are not gon na take this amazing moment away from me . This is what I do best . Kendall Slater would be dead right now if it were nt for me .
Jesse : Well , maybe she ll come and visit you in prison to say , Thank you . Then again , maybe she wo nt .
Jackson : So Kendall should be here any minute , huh ?
Bianca : My sister the survivor .
Jackson : Absolutely . What ?
Bianca : I do nt know . Just wondering why you re not happier .
Jackson : Are you kidding ? I m thrilled .
Bianca : Uh , that right there does nt exactly scream thrilled .
Jackson : Look , Bianca , it s been a long night , ok ? But you re right , when you start focusing on the positive like Kendall is gon na get better and David is on his way back to a 5 x 8 cell .
Bianca : Oh . That is what I m talking about . You ca nt walk away .
Caleb : Dorothy , you re in trouble right now , and I m not going anywhere until you get through it .
Erica : Even if I ask you to ?
Caleb : Like I asked you again and again to leave me alone ? And you stayed there , and you made me deal with it , my son , Sonia .
Erica : This is an entirely different situation .
Caleb : Is it really ? You were there when I needed help . Now it s my turn .
Erica : Do nt do this , Caleb . Not now .
Bianca : Mom .
Jackson : What is it ? Is it Kendall ?
Erica : No , no , nothing s changed .
Jackson : Then what is it ? What s wrong ?
Erica : Jesse , Jesse , wait .
Jesse : Kind of in a hurry .
Erica : No , no . You ca nt take David away .
Cara : Well , you know , I m a girl , and girls like jewelry , so what , did you think that I was gon na throw this out or something ? I mean , come on . I -- I guess I , um -- I threw it on , and I did nt realize -- I did nt realize what this was when I , you know , had it .
Jake : You did nt realize it was your wedding ring ? From our marriage ? That you killed , by the way ? So the ring just ends up at the end of a chain around your neck ?
Cara : What do you want me to say ?
Jake : How about the truth ? How long you been wearing it ?
Kendall : I love you . I love you so much , Zach .
Griffin : I m gon na give you some oxygen , ok ?
Kendall : No , no ! Do nt touch me ! Do nt touch me ! Get that away from me ! Get it away from me ! No ! No ! I said no !
Griffin : Kendall , you need this to help you breathe .
Kendall : No , no , no . He s trying to talk to me . Zach , I m right here . I m right here , Zach . I m right here .
Griffin : Kendall !
Kendall : He s gone . He s gone .
Jake : It s a pretty simple question . A week ? A month ? A year ?
Cara : Yeah . I ve got to --
Jake : Will you answer me , please ? How long have you been wearing the ring ?
Cara : C --
Fire Chief : Is the patient ready for transport ?
Cara : I bet you she is , and I will help you with that .
Cara : You guys ready to go ?
Griffin : You hear that ? We did it . You and me . Just like I told you we would .
Kendall : Mm --
Griffin : Keep the mask on , Kendall . Keep it on . Keep it on . Keep it on .
Kendall : Thank you .
Erica : Jesse , you re jumping the gun .
Jesse : Are you kidding me ? You re the one leading the charge to get this guy locked up .
Erica : That was before . We re worried about Kendall .
Jesse : The surgery went great .
Erica : Yes , of course , it did , but she s hardly out of the woods , and she s still out there in that icy mess .
Jesse : Hayward can not go to the crash site .
Erica : Oh , no , no . That s not what I m suggesting .
Jackson : What are you suggesting exactly ?
Erica : That until Kendall is here , safe , I do nt want to take any chances . David is the one who guided Dr. Castillo through the surgery . He is the one who performed her original heart transplant , so he is the one who should examine her and make sure that there are no complications .
Jesse : Fine . As soon as you re done , we are out of here . No more excuses .
David : Understood .
Jackson : You can not think this is a good idea . Erica , there are any number of competent surgeons right here at this hospital .
Erica : Kendall does not need any doctor ; she needs the best , ok ? I hate this as much as you do , Jack , but I m sorry , Kendall has got to come first .
Jackson : Ok , David stays for now .
Erica : Thank you .
Jackson : Yeah . Look , I m gon na go over to Krystal s , get some food . It s turning into a long night .
Bianca : Hey .
Caleb : Hi .
Bianca : Someone should go to Kendall s , reassure the boys . They do nt know what s going on . Think you could give me a ride ?
Caleb : Yeah , sure . Let s go .
David : And set up an NG tube as soon as she is settled .
Nurse : Right away , Dr. Hayward .
Erica : Jesse . I d like a moment alone with David .
Jesse : Again , you do realize the man does not have a license to practice anymore .
Erica : But he saved Kendall s life , and that s good enough for me .
Jesse : Fine . I ll be right out here if you need me .
Erica : Thank you , Jesse .
Jesse : You re welcome .
David : Some night , huh ?
Erica : You have no idea .
David : I m a parent , too , remember ? I meant what I said earlier , Erica . Yes , this kept me out of prison for now at least , but I really do care what happens to Kendall .
Erica : I know it sounds crazy , but I know you do .
Jesse : I just got an update from the crash site .
Erica : Kendall ?
Jesse : So far , so good . She s being taken from the ambulance right now .
Griffin : Careful now , guys . I want you to keep pressure on the incision . With everything she s been through , I do nt want her to bleed out . All right , Kendall , all on you . You can go home to your boys . Fred , let s go . Careful . Careful . Keep her still as possible . That s good , good .
Jake : You better have a bed for me ! We need blankets , negative O blood , like , yesterday , and tell Respiratory we may need to intubate . Her lungs are bad .
Erica : Kendall --
Griffin : Miss Kane , you re gon na have to wait outside .
Erica : What ? No !
Griffin : No . We need to take X - rays . We got to hook her up to monitors and replace some of the blood she s lost .
David : As soon as she s stable , we ll let you know .
Erica : Take care of her , David .
David : I will .
Griffin : Hey , thanks for the assist .
David : Anytime .
Griffin : Let s get her set up .
Jake : Hey , you got everything you need ?
Griffin : I think we re good . Thanks for the help , Jake .
Jake : Page me if you need me .
Griffin : Yeah .
David : Well , not exactly how I envisioned us working together again . Must have been pretty intense being on the other end of that phone , huh ? Dr. Castillo , take a breath . You did it . It s over .
Jake : Now are you ready to talk ? Cause I m all ears .
Cara : What do you want from me , Jake ?
Jake : I thought that we were clear that this was a lifetime ago . I thought we were clear on that .
Cara : We re clear .
Jake : Then what are you doing ? I do nt understand . I have a wife . I got a kid that I love .
Cara : I know that .
Jake : Wait . Cara , you came to town , you made it seem like it was all about a job offer --
Cara : Look , I want you to know I m not trying to bust up your life , ok ?
Jake : Well , then what are you trying to do exactly ?
Cara : What do you want from me , Jake ?
Jake : What do I want from you ? First of all , I do nt even know what this is . What is this ?
Cara : What is this ? You said it yourself . You ve moved on , you re married , so none of this matters .
Jake : Cara , you blew into this town , and you ingratiated yourself back into my life , and you work where I work , and you cozied up to my family , and I think I have the right to know .
Cara : Because you say so ?
Jake : Well , because you get to make all the decisions all the time ? You decide that our marriage is over ? You do nt care how it affects me .
Cara : No , that s not true .
Jake : You do nt care how it affects me . First I was under the impression that it was because you were in love with somebody else . And you know what ? I came to terms with that . It took me years , Cara , years , but I did it . I wish somebody had told me , Hey , do nt waste your time , because it s not actually true , Jake . It s not actually true . And then you let me believe that , well , you re happier without me . You want to go ahead and live your life , like I m holding you back from living your life . I did nt want to hear that . I heard it . I accepted it .
Cara : Do nt do this .
Jake : What am I doing exactly ? I just want some honesty ? That s all I want . So if it s not the first thing , that you fell in love with somebody else , which you said it was nt , but it s the second thing , that you felt like I was holding you back , then I just want to know , why are you wearing the ring ?
Cara : Why am I wearing the ring ? You want to know why I m wearing the ring ? Because I left to protect you , that s why I m wearing the ring , because making you believe I did nt love you , that was the only way . Was it true ? Absolutely not ! Of course , I loved you . In fact , I still love you , Jake .
Amanda : Jake . Oh , thank God --
Jake : Hi .
Amanda : You are ok .
Jake : I m ok .
Erica : How is she ?
Griffin : Go see for yourself .
Erica : Really ?
Griffin : Yes , but keep it brief . It s vital to her recovery that she gets her rest .
Erica : Ok .
Erica : Hi , sweetheart .
Kendall : Mom .
Erica : No . Do nt talk , honey , no , no . You just conserve your strength now .
Kendall : But you need to know , please .
Erica : What , honey ? What is it ?
Kendall : I remember .
Erica : You remember what ?
Kendall : You took the blame for me .
Erica : Kendall , I do nt want you lying --
Kendall : Mom , I m the one who shot David .
Amanda : Are you sure that you re ok ?
Jake : Yeah , I m good , I m good . Totally good .
Amanda : Ah . What happened ? And Kendall -- you guys seriously operated in an ambulance ?
Jake : Babe , it s like a blur , but I guess we did , yeah .
Amanda : Oh , wow . What a night . I am sure that intense does nt even begin to describe it .
Jake : Well , you d be right .
Cara : Hey , sit down . Sit . It s comfy on the floor . Ha ha !
Griffin : Oh . Ahh . So I do nt think we ll ever top that , hmm ?
Cara : Really ? I thought it was a piece of cake .
Griffin : Oh .
Cara : Next time I do surgery , it s gon na be in a barrel .
Griffin : Oh .
Cara : Going over Niagara Falls .
Griffin : Nice , nice , but I m gon na top that . How about if you re blindfolded ?
Cara : Ho ho !
Griffin : But no worries . I m gon na send you instructions via some form of mental telepathy .
Cara : Wow . That s very creative .
Griffin : Thank you .
Cara : You re welcome .
Cara : I still ca nt believe it .
Griffin : Which part ?
Cara : The part before the surgery . I overheard you tell Kendall -- you promised her that she would pull through .
Griffin : If I had nt , she would nt have pulled through .
Cara : I get it . I m just surprised . I just never thought that Dr. Griffin Castillo would let a patient in .
Griffin : World - renowned Dr. Griffin Castillo .
Cara : You broke your rule , and you made it personal .
Griffin : I did nt have a choice .
Cara : You re officially involved .
Griffin : Unofficially in serious trouble .
Cara : So what s next ?
Griffin : I do nt know . A promise is a promise .
Kendall : Why ?
Erica : Why did I take the blame or why did nt I tell you ?
Kendall : Both .
Erica : I needed to protect you . You repressed the memory for a reason . But it s all turned out ok because the charges against me have been dropped . Case closed .
Kendall : Mom , but I m the one who did it .
Erica : No one ever needs to know that . No one . Do you understand me ? No one . You already lost your husband . I m not gon na let you lose anything else .
Kendall : I saw him .
Erica : You saw who ?
Kendall : Zach . After the surgery . It was like he was trying to tell me something .
Erica : Really ? Tell you what ?
Kendall : I do nt know . I could nt hear him . But , Mom , it was like he was really there .
Jesse : So I hear Kendall s all squared away .
David : Not quite . Even though I could finish this write - up to the medical team a lot faster if I were nt in handcuffs .
Jesse : Just finish .
Kendall : Hi .
Ricky : Hey . I hope I m not interrupting .
Erica : Not at all . Please come in .
Ricky : I heard about the accident . I came right away . How do you feel ?
Kendall : Tired .
Ricky : I bet . Look , I could nt help but overhear . You saw Zach ?
Kendall : You think I m crazy ?
Ricky : Not even close .
Nurse : Excuse me . Mrs. Slater needs her rest , so if you would nt mind --
Erica : Oh . Ok . Ok , then , sweetheart , we ll talk tomorrow , ok ? And until then , you just relax .
Kendall : Yes , Mom .
Nurse : I m just gon na grab your test results , ok ?
Ricky : All right , see you .
Kendall : Ah , no , no , no . You do not have to pretend .
Ricky : Pretend what ?
Kendall : Like this is normal . Zach is gone .
Ricky : Yeah , he is , but that does nt mean he ca nt speak to you . Look , in my experience , those barriers are crossed all the time . So what did Zach say ?
Kendall : He was trying to tell me something -- but I could nt hear him .
Ricky : Huh . Hey . I know that I m not Zach , but I bet I can guess what it was . He wanted you to be strong , to pull through , to be healthy for your sons . Hang on tight to that strength . You ll be better in no time .
Erica : David . I need to know something .
David : Shoot . Oh , yeah . That s right . That s Kendall s specialty .
Erica : David , if I m able to convince Governor Brooks to help you , I need to know that you will hold up your end of the bargain . I need to know that this whole nightmare will be over . That you will never press charges against Kendall for what she s done . I need you to say it , David .
David : You have my word .
Amanda : Do nt ever scare me like that again , ok ?
Jake : I ll try .
Amanda : Mmm . Good .
Jake : Good . Where you off to ?
Amanda : I have something I have to take care of .
Jake : Right this second ?
Amanda : Well , I just had to see you , kiss you , know you were ok , and I m sure you have a lot on your plate . Yes , this can not wait , but I will be back , ok ? Ok .
Jake : Ok .
Cara : Thank you , Doctor .
Griffin : You re welcome , Doctor .
Cara : Ha ha ! Hey , I want to know how you did it . I want to know how you got Kendall to trust you .
Griffin : Huh . I , uh , I told her I needed to trust her first . Told her a secret .
Cara : What kind of secret ?
Griffin : Nothing major , just -- it worked .
Cara : Clearly .
Griffin : What ?
Cara : I m proud of you . I am . You know , you were nt this almighty surgeon , fixing things and then moving on . You actually made a real human connection with someone outside of the family . That is huge .
Griffin : Ok , ok , do nt make it out to be more than it is .
Cara : Ok , fine . You re still the same emotionally stunted guy there ever was .
Griffin : That s more like it .
Cara : You re not the only one who broke a rule tonight . Jake saw the ring .
Griffin : I told you not to wear that thing . How did he take it ? What did you say ?
Cara : Well , he did nt take it very well , and I did nt say near enough .
Griffin : Cara , you do nt owe him anything .
Cara : Well , that s not true .
Griffin : Once it s out there , you ca nt go back .
Cara : I know . I ll be fine . Why do nt you go ? Go check on that patient of yours .
Griffin : [ Sighs ] All right .
Cara : Love you .
Griffin : Love you .
Cara : Jake . We need to talk .
Jesse : All right , I do nt care if the report s done or not , let s go .
Jesse : Go for Hubbard . Of course , I ll hold for the governor . Governor , sir . Yes , I ve got him right here . I do nt understand . There must be some sort of mistake . I -- I understand all that , sir , but the charges against this man -- yes , sir . I ve got -- yes , sir .
David : Is something wrong ?
Jesse : Nope . You ve got an appointment first thing in the morning with the governor .
Jackson : You re kidding me , right ? The governor s considering clemency for Hayward ? You ?
Cara : Ok , now that we re here , I m not really sure where I need to start .
Jake : Well , you said that you wanted to protect me . You were protecting me from what ? What were you protecting me from ?
Cara : Do you remember what it was like out there in the Sudan , the political nightmare , the rebel groups , the drug cartels all over are setting up base there .
Jake : Yes .
Cara : There was this brother of the head of a Mexican drug cartel who died at our base because of me . When they brought him in , I was in the middle of surgery on this little boy . He was , like , 8 , and I was nt gon na leave him , especially not for the guy who put that kid on my table in the first place . And that guy , he died waiting for treatment . And his muscle made it very clear that I was going to pay -- beginning with everyone who was close to me . I do nt regret the choice that I made saving that little boy s life , but I do regret the consequences .
Jake : Well , if you were going through all of that , why did nt you say something to me ? I could have helped you . At this point , I m your husband , right ? So --
Cara : Yeah , but you know what it was like . You know how those guys operate . Jake , they were gon na go after you . I was not gon na let that happen .
Jake : So you just left .
Cara : For my safety and yours .
Jake : And the letter ?
Cara : I , um -- that -- I mean , the words that -- to think those words and then I had to write them down , you know , it was -- but if I did nt send you that letter , you never were gon na let me go , and , uh -- all I could think about was -- your face when you read it -- how much it must have hurt . And I wanted so badly to come back to you and to throw my arms around you and explain .
Jake : But you could nt .
Cara : Because being apart , Jake , I could stand it . I hated it , but I could stand it because if anything ever happened to you --
Jake : So then your brother takes you into hiding , and then what happened ?
Cara : I tried to forget you . It was impossible because everywhere I looked , there you were . It was -- if I saw a jeep or if I saw a can of spam -- or if I saw a spider -- you were in my head , you were in my heart .
Jake : I just need to know why you came back here .
Cara : Because I missed you . And I needed to see you . But you know , I came here , and I realized that it was a mistake because you re happy . You re in love . And I get it . We ca nt go back . I get it . I understand . Ok , are you sorry ? You re sorry that I just told you everything cause I --
Jake : I do nt know what I am .
Cara : I should have been honest . But no matter how much I hated hurting you , I would nt change it for anything in the world because you re here -- and you re safe -- and that s what I care about .
Jesse : All right , so I m gon na lock you up until the morning . Hopefully by then the governor will come to his senses and have me toss the key .
David : I think you re right . I need to get going . Early start tomorrow . I want to be as bright - eyed as possible for the governor .
Jesse : Ha ha !
David : I hope Kendall feels better .
Jesse : Let s go .
Jackson : You did this , did nt you ? You called the governor , and you turned on that trademark Erica Kane charm , and you convinced him to set that bastard free .
Erica : Jack .
Jackson : No , no . I just want you to admit it . I just want to hear the words come out of your mouth .
Erica : Maybe we should do this in a private place .
Jackson : Oh , no . We re gon na do this right here , right now .
Erica : All right , yes , I called the governor .
Jackson : This -- what s wrong with you ? Have you lost your mind ? This is Hayward we re talking about . Hayward ! I thought that we were on the same page about all this .
Erica : We were .
Jackson : But what the hell happened ?
Erica : Things changed .
Jackson : Things ? Things ? That s the answer I get ?
Erica : Right there , right now , that s what you get . I did what I had to do for my daughter , Jack .
Jackson : Your daughter . What about my daughter ? Did you consider for even one second the consequences ?
Erica : Of course , I did , Jack , that s all I thought about .
Jackson : Because here s my daughter , here s Greenlee , and she s on the verge of finally enjoying real peace with the man she loves .
Erica : How lucky for her .
Jackson : Oh , do nt do that . Do nt make this about Zach . You know that Greenlee went through the wringer because of Hayward , but it was all over . No more looking over her shoulder . No more wondering when he was gon na make his next sadistic move . She was finally rid of him . She s not now . And she may never be because of you .
Erica : I do nt know what to say .
Jackson : I tell you what I d like to hear . I d like to hear that you understand what you ve done .
Erica : Yes , I understand . Do you ? I had no choice . David saved my daughter s life . I owed him .
Jackson : You owe him nothing ! Look , I know you do nt answer to anybody about anything , and I ve always admired that about you . In fact , it s one of the things I love the most about you , but you ve gone too far . You ve crossed the line . You ve put lives at risk , and you ca nt take that back . I mean , not that you would even if you could because , what the hell , you got what you wanted . Oh , that s right . You had no choice . Let me tell you something . We always have a choice .
Erica : No , I did not . I had to make a decision in that moment to save my daughter s life , and that s what I did .
Jackson : You had no one to turn to . You could have turned to me . You could have talked to me right from the very beginning instead of going behind closed doors in the shuttered room and making a deal with the devil and the rest of us just go to hell !
Erica : Kendall was in danger , J - Jack .
Jackson : Well , now we re all in danger , Erica , every last one of us because of you .
Erica : Jack , please do nt go . Please wait . I know that we can work this out . I know that we can . Please . Please do nt leave . Please , Jack . Not tonight . Please . It s been so difficult .
Jackson : What s the matter with me ? The past couple of minutes have nt been about you . Let s get back on track .
Erica : Oh , come on , Jack . Do nt be like that .
Jackson : You know what kills me ? What absolutely galls me about all this ? Here you are , this woman strong enough to make this momentous decision that affects all of our lives , but now you need a shoulder to cry on .
Erica : I need you .
Jackson : You have a funny way of showing it . But it ai nt no worry . You need a shoulder ? You got the mountain man there . He looks eager . I m done .
Erica : Do nt .
Caleb : Dorothy .
Erica : I said do nt .
Bianca : Let her go .
Singer : I had my fill of drinking from the well of bitterness , yeah livin each day between a rock and a hard place low as I could get yeah so much time I ve wasted on my way here I know what it s worth to have you here tonight and with every touch you show me what s been missing in my life every sacrifice every broken road led me to you I ll never let you go cause I know what it s worth oh -- I know what it s worth
Amanda : There s Daddy .
Jake : Hey !
Amanda : I told you I d come back .
Jake : Yes , you did . Look at this guy . Oh , who s a big boy ? Who s a big boy ? How is he up so late ?
Amanda : I told him that he could stay up late tonight .
Jake : Is that right ? What s the occasion ? I said what is the occasion ?
Amanda : Are you kidding ? His dad is a real - life hero . He wanted to tell you how proud he was .
Jake : Is that right ?
Amanda : How proud we both are . Because you are the best husband and father in the whole world , and you mean the world to us , and we re so happy that you re ok .
Jake : Ha ! Wow .
Singer : Every sacrifice , every broken road led me to you I ll never let you go I ll never let you go I know I know what it s worth I know what it s worth
Kendall : I know your secret .
Griffin : What ?
Kendall : I know you care .
Singer : I know
### Summary:
| At the hospital , Jesse starts to take David back to jail , but David insists that he wants to stay to check on Kendall s health after the surgery . Jack and Bianca watch as Erica talks to Caleb about walking away before it complicates her relationship with Jack . Caleb refuses to walk away from Erica because she had been there for him when he had needed her . Caleb promises to be here for Erica . Erica leaves Caleb alone in the corridor and bumps into Jack and Bianca . Cara tries to explain about the wedding ring that Jake sees around her neck . Jake orders the truth from Cara . In the ambulance , Kendall , thinking that she is talking to Zach , tells Griffin that she loves him so much . Griffin picks up the oxygen mask and Kendall yells to get that thing away from her . Griffin tries to put the oxygen mask over Kendall s nose , but she insists that she does nt that thing . Kendall realizes that Zach is gone . Jake continues to question Cara about the ring and she continues to evade the question . Kendall tries to take the mask off , but Griffin insists that she keep it on . Erica urges Jesse not to take David away for Kendall s sake . Jack pulls Erica away from the group and demands to know what is going on with her wanting David to remain here instead of going back to jail . David comes in to join Erica . David lets Erica know that he cares about Kendall . Erica tells David that she knows he does . Jesse walks in to join them and lets Erica know that Kendall is headed for the hospital . Jake questions Cara , once again , as to why she still has their wedding ring . Cara tells Jake that she is not here to break up his marriage . Jake reminds Cara of what it had done to him when she had left him like she did . Cara lets Jake know that she still loves him as Amanda runs in and hugs Jake . Cara leaves them alone . At the hospital , Erica visits Kendall in her room . Kendall lets Erica know that she had remembered everything that she had been the one , who had shot David . In the corridor , Cara sits down in the floor and leans up against the wall . Griffin joins her . Cara lets Griffin know that she had heard him when he had told Kendall that he would not let her die . Griffin confesses that he is emotionally involved in this case . Jesse gets a call from the Governor , who wants to see David the next morning . Erica watches them as Jack walks up and hears the news . Jack confronts Erica if she is behind this . Erica confesses that she had called the Governor about David . Jack can not believe her ears . Cara opens up and tells Jake about the incident in Sudan which involved a little boy whom she had saved while another man had died . The man s family had vowed revenge on Cara and had threatened her as well as her family . Cara goes on to explain that she could not let anything happen to him and that is why she had ran away and Griffin had kept her hidden . Erica confesses everything to Jack about her getting David the hearing with the Governor in order to benefit Kendall . Jack asks Erica had she even considered his daughter . Erica becomes upset by Jack not understanding why she had done this for Kendall . Jack lets Erica know that he is done . Erica is left standing in the corridor . Caleb comes up to comfort her , but Erica pushes him away . Bianca joins Caleb and tells him to let Erica go . Erica cries to herself . Cara looks at the wedding ring around her neck . Amanda and Trevor joins Jake in an exam room . Jake hugs Trevor and Amanda . Kendall wakes up and sees Griffin sitting by her bed . Kendall smiles and tells Griffin that she knows his secret that he cares . Jesse locks David up again in his jail cell . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Theresa : That s right , sweetheart . You go to sleep . Because your mommy and daddy want you to grow up really big and strong .
Theresa : I know your daddy s really mad at me right now because I had Gwen rearrested . But once the trial is over and she s convicted , he s going to come back to us . He s going to realize what we already know -- that he belongs with us . We are going to be together as a family . I promise you that .
Ethan : You re still up ?
Gwen : How am I supposed to sleep ? I just ca nt believe that Theresa had me rearrested and I am facing going to prison .
Ethan : Well , at least you re out on bail . And -- and I m going to find a way to have these charged dropped , I promise you that .
Gwen : Ethan , I want more than that . I m sorry , but I want revenge , and I want you to find a way to get back at that malicious tramp .
Ethan : Gwen , come on .
Rebecca : He does nt have to . The way to get back at Theresa is right here in this contract . The way to make Theresa pay is to take from her what she took from you , Gwen -- her baby .
Sam : Ivy , is that true ? You knew ? You knew what Jessica s been up to all along ? The drugs ? The clubs ? This tattoo ?
Jessica : Daddy !
Sam : Well , you should nt have gotten it if you did nt want people to see it .
Ivy : Sam , it s not what you think . I did nt -- I --
Sam : What the hell is going on ?
Jessica : Sure she knew . She knew everything . She knew when I snuck out and when I came back . She knew I was off to see Spike at his club . She gave me permission .
Simone : Looks like Ivy s blown it with your dad big - time .
Tabitha : Looks like it s all over for poison Ivy . And we have front - row seats for a blockbuster of pain .
Fox : You re not going anywhere with my son .
Chad : And who s going to stop me ?
Fox : Man , you are sick . The only reason you want my son is to get close Whitney ? She s your sister , Chad .
Eve : You can put a stop to all this .
Whitney : No , Mom .
Eve : No , when Chad gets that baby home , he is going to realize that it s his son .
Whitney : No , he ca nt . He wo nt figure it out .
Eve : Oh , honey , you are deluding yourself . You can put a stop to all this madness right now if you just do one simple little thing . Tell the truth . Tell Chad and Fox the truth !
Luis : Yeah , well , you tell the chief I ll be in first thing in the morning , then . You bet . Good night . Where s Sheridan ?
Mrs. Wallace : Well , I thought she went upstairs .
Luis : Oh . Sheridan ? You up there with little Marty ?
Sheridan : This is the place . I know it . I can feel it . Please help me !
Sheridan : This is it . They held me down here in this basement . I was right . Beth was behind everything .
Ethan : Ok , these are the contracts that we had Theresa sign when she was our surrogate .
Rebecca : Yeah . That s right . And you are a lawyer . So even though all that legalese may be Chinese to the rest of us , I m sure you can find something in there that we can use to take Jane away from Theresa .
Gwen : Well , you re a genius .
Rebecca : Eh -- I have my moments .
Gwen : And you know the first thing I m going to do is change Jane s name legally to Ashley .
Ethan : Ok , ladies , ladies , hold on a second , hold on . See , these contracts are specifically in regard to the embryo of Gwen and Ethan Winthrop .
Gwen : So ?
Ethan : That s not Jane . This has nothing to do with Theresa carrying her own baby .
Rebecca : Oh , so what ? Look , you agreed to take the gloves off . And this contract here is our golden opportunity . I mean , we can really use this to tear Theresa apart . This is no time to be splitting hairs .
Ethan : But I do nt see how I can use this .
Rebecca : Do nt see or do nt want to see ?
Ethan : What s that supposed to mean ?
Rebecca : It means , Ethan , that it is time for you to make up your mind . Whose side are you on ? Theresa s or your wife s ?
Sam : You knew Jessica was involved with that sleaze , Spike ? Why did nt you tell me ?
Ivy : Jessica , you re hurting me .
Jessica : Yeah . And there s plenty more where that came from if you try telling me what to do .
Ivy : I could nt .
Sam : Why not ? You knew my daughter was involved with drugs and with that creep , Spike ? You knew how worried I was about her . And yet , you could nt tell me ? The first thing you should have done was tell me !
Tabitha : Time to stir the pot , Endora . Oh , Jessica , tattoos ? Oh , such an unfortunate fad , dear . And time withers all , you know . One of these days , you ll sag and wrinkle , like the rest of us . And then those letters will change . Yes , one stretch mark , and that tattoo could read stupid .
Jessica : I wo nt ever get a stretch mark .
Tabitha : Now , that s what we all think . Oh ! What s all that on your arm ? Oh , that looks very nasty .
Sam : Jessica , do you have more tattoos on your arm ?
Jessica : It s nothing , Dad .
Tabitha : Oh , it did nt look like nothing to me .
Sam : Show me .
Jessica : No !
Sam : Jessica , tell me . Do you have more tattoos on your arm ?
Tabitha : Oh - oh -- maybe she s into piercings , too . I hope she has nt got one on her tongue .
Jessica : Shut up !
Sam : Jessica -- show me .
Jessica : No !
Sam : Show me . My god ! Jessica -- these cuts and burns . What happened ?
Sam : Jessica ? Sweetheart , talk to me . Who did this to you ?
Fox : You sick bastard . That s my son .
Chad : No , he s my son now .
Julian : Would you stop it ?
Chad : Yeah , what are you going to do , hit me while I m holding the baby , huh ? What , what , big man , what are you going to do ?
Eve : How can you just stand here and watch this ? Those boys worlds are crumbling just because of you .
Whitney : Leave me alone , Mom .
Eve : No , not till I get through to you , Whitney . Please , honey , just tell the truth before it s too late , before it gets even worse . Secrets always come out . I know . Mine did , and it destroyed my life . Please , Whitney , tell the truth . Tell them that Chad is the father .
Chad : You know , I ve had enough of this . I m out of here .
Whitney : Chad , wait .
Sheridan : It was here . Look , I m rich ! My family -- they ll give you whatever you want . I m right . I know I m right . Luis ! Luis , come here !
Luis : Sheridan , where are you ?
Sheridan : I m in the corridor by the kitchen .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , no , she s by the basement ! Angels , please , protect me . Do nt let blondie remember a thing !
Luis : What is it ?
Sheridan : Ugh ! Oh , god ! My baby s coming !
Luis : Sheridan ?
Mrs. Wallace : What s wrong with you , Sheridan ?
Sheridan : Nothing . Nothing s wrong . I -- I remember . I was held captive in this house right down there . Beth was behind everything . Marty is my son !
Chad : Well , Whitney ? What d you want to say ?
Whitney : I --
Fox : Have nt you caused enough trouble tonight ?
Whitney : Look , no more fighting or yelling , ok ? It s bad for the baby .
Fox : Bad for the baby . The baby s fine -- or will be once he s back with his real father . That s me .
Chad : Now , hold up , Fox , she s right . Now , Whitney , what -- what are you trying to say ?
Whitney : Let s just not have any more yelling or accusations . Let s just let Chad take the baby and go .
Fox : Whitney , that baby should be with me .
Chad : Great . Now see what you did ?
Fox : What the hell kind of mother wants to throw their own baby away ? That s my son , Whitney .
Julian : No , son . Let him go .
Fox : You re nuts if you think this is over . I m going to get my son back if it s the last thing I do .
Whitney : Oh , this is horrible .
Eve : You just had the perfect chance to make it all right . Whitney , why , oh , why did you not tell Fox and Chad the truth ?
Whitney : Do nt you get it , Mom ? It s over . I m never telling them the truth .
Luis : Sheridan -- Sheridan , come on , you re not making sense .
Sheridan : No , I figured it out , Luis . Beth was behind everything ! She s the one who kidnapped me , she put me in a pit , she stole my baby ! I can prove it to you !
Luis : But , Sheridan , you re wrong . Ok , now , listen to me , the D.N.A. test proved that Beth is Marty s mother , ok ? Honey , you ve got to stop hanging on to these false hopes that our son is still alive .
Sheridan : Luis , this are not false hopes . I was held captive in this house . I remember being kidnapped . Do you see these stairs ? I was on these stairs . I was fighting with the clown to escape !
Luis : That s not possible , Sheridan .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , those stairs -- I got scars from stapling that damn carpet ! Oh -- how did I get into this mess in the first place ? Here I am , aiding and abetting my lunatic daughter ! Well , that s good , and it s good for 10 to 20 , is nt it ? Ow ! Ow !
Mrs. Wallace : Oh ! Ugh !
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , how can she remember ? We redid the basement . It s totally different .
Luis : Now , come on . We ve bothered Mrs. Wallace enough for one night . And besides that , we need to get some rest , ok ?
Sheridan : You mean , I need my rest . Well , forget it , Luis . I am not crazy . This is the house where I was help captive , and I ll prove it to you .
Sam : Jessica , honey , talk to me . Look , I m your father , all right ? I will help you .
Jessica : No , leave me alone , all of you .
Sam : Sweetheart , honey , you re home . You re safe . How did you get those scars ?
Jessica : I said leave me alone !
Sam : Was it Spike ? Did he do this ? I ll kill him !
Jessica : No , Spike did nt do it .
Sam : Sweetie , who ? I mean , whoever did this to you is sick .
Jessica : I did it , Dad ! Me !
Sam : Jessica , what are you saying ?
Tabitha : I heard her quite clearly . She said she inflicted those wounds on herself .
Sam : But why ?
Kay : You re just like Claudia , are nt you ?
Sam : Who s Claudia ?
Kay : She s a girl from school . She has scars just like that , and burns , too , all over her body . It s some psychological condition that mainly affects teenage girls . They hurt themselves with knives and razorblades over and over and over . They re called cutters .
Jessica : Shut up , Kay .
Kay : No , I m not going to shut up . Remember what happened to Claudia ? She got shipped off to that psych hospital .
Simone : Yeah , and then counselors came and talked to the rest of us and explained . Cutters -- girls like that -- are in real trouble , and when they hurt themselves , it s a cry for help .
Jessica : I do nt need any help .
Sam : Jessica , honey , talk to me . I mean , why did you want to hurt yourself like this ?
Jessica : I do nt feel well .
Tabitha : That must be the drugs wearing off , dear .
Sam : Look , Jessica , listen , you re not going anywhere until you tell me why you wanted to hurt yourself like this .
Jessica : What does it matter ? Why should I listen to you anyway ? Everything you ever taught me was a lie .
Sam : What ?
Jessica : Kay and Jessica -- Sam and Grace Bennett s perfect little girls from their perfect little family . Ha ! You and Mom taught us to be good girls , go to church , and study hard so we can grow up and be just as happy as you . Where the hell did that get us ? Mom dumped us , that s what happened . Kay got pregnant , moved out . Noah never comes home . And then you let that slut move in !
Sam : Jessica , that s enough .
Jessica : Oh , no -- no , it s not . Not nearly enough . You both lied to us , you and Mom . It does nt matter a damn whether you re good or bad . The only thing for sure in this world is that life is crap .
Sam : Jessica , that is not true .
Jessica : Oh -- Mom lied to us , Dad ! She did nt care about any of us , that s why she left !
Sam : Your mother loves you --
Jessica : And you could nt wait two minutes to replace her . All you wanted was a warm body in your bed . Well , good pick . She s just like Mom . She does nt give a damn about her own children , let alone us .
Ivy : Jessica , that is not true .
Jessica : She saw what I did to myself , Daddy . She saw , and she did nt try to help me . She never tried to help me !
Tabitha s voice : Let s see Ivy lie her way out of this one .
Sam : You knew about the tattoo and Spike , and you did nt tell me ?
Ivy : Sam --
Sam : You knew my daughter was hurting herself , and you did nt tell me ?
Sam : You knew my daughter was mutilating herself and you did nothing ?
Ivy : Sam --
Jessica : She knew all about it .
Sam : Did you or did nt you ? Tell me now !
Ivy : Yes , Sam , I knew --
Sam : Then why in god s name did nt you say anything ? What were you thinking ? Well , answer me .
Ivy : Sam , Jessica changed almost overnight . I did nt know what to do . You do nt know the things that she has done . She -- she abused me and -- and she stole my jewelry to sell . All she wanted to do was see Spike , and I -- I could nt tell you that because I knew it would kill you . I could nt hurt you like that .
Sam : So now you blame Jessica ? It s Jessica s fault that you did nt tell me about the mistakes that she s made ? My god . What kind of a monster are you ?
Whitney : Hey . Thank god you re home .
Theresa : What s wrong ?
Whitney : I do nt know what I m going to do . I think I m going to explode here .
Theresa : It s Fox and the baby , is nt it ?
Whitney : Um -- no . It s worse . It s Chad .
Theresa : Chad ?
Whitney : Well , Fox came home , and when he found out I put the baby up for adoption -- I mean , he lost it . I mean , he thinks I m just this -- this selfish , horrible person , and he was angry with me and the things he was saying to me -- you know , they were really horrible , but -- anyway , he went to the adoption agency to try to stop the adoption and I followed him , and to make a long story short , he could nt stop the adoption because the grace period was up . And my mother and Julian -- they tried to adopt the baby , and so did my dad and Aunt Liz . But -- but it was too late because -- because --
Theresa : Ok , all right , come on . Sit down . Take some deep breaths .
Whitney : Ok .
Theresa : All right ? Ok , tell me what happened .
Whitney : Chad adopted the baby , Theresa .
Theresa : Chad adopted his own son ?
Whitney : Yep .
Theresa : Whitney -- come here .
Fox : Ethan ? Look , we need to talk now .
Rebecca : Uh -- Fox , get in line . We are working with Ethan right now .
Fox : Yeah , this is urgent .
Ethan : What is it ? What is it ?
Fox : You got to help me , man . I got to get my son back from Chad .
Ethan : Chad ? What are you talking about ?
Fox : Chad -- he adopted my son !
Chad : Well , this is it , little man . I know it s not much , but it s home . I promise I ll do better for you . Here you go . You just wait . We are going to have a great life together . Come here .
Eve : I do nt believe it .
Chad : You ever heard of knocking ?
Julian : The door was open . It appears you ve been -- been shopping for the baby .
Chad : Yeah , I wanted to be prepared for when I brought him home .
Eve : Well , you only just found out you were going to be allowed to adopt the baby , so why would you -- oh , my god , have you been planning all along to adopt Whitney s baby ?
Sheridan : It was here . This is where I was held . I remember there was a little window -- I could hear voices from it . I threw rocks at it , but no one could hear me .
Luis : Ok , well , there s no little window in here , Sheridan .
Sheridan : Well , maybe not now , but there was . I was in this basement !
Mrs. Wallace : Yeah , and Jimmy Hoffa is up in the attic .
Luis : Sheridan , please -- all right ? You ve got to stop this , ok ? Now , come on . It s been a long day .
Sheridan : Luis , I was being held in this basement , all right ? I can prove it . There was a window right over here .
Luis : Sheridan , you re imagining things .
Sheridan : No !
Luis : Sheridan , stop it . Sheridan , stop .
Sheridan : See ? What did I tell you ?
Luis : Ok --
Sheridan : Proof .
Ivy : I am not the monster , Sam . I did the best I could !
Sam : That s no excuse for doing nothing .
Tabitha : What a pity Grace was nt here to hear Jessica s desperate cry for help .
Sam : Well , Grace was nt here , but Jessica still had two responsible adults in her life -- you and me . You know , I could kick myself for not realizing what was going on . But you -- you knew that she needed help , and you did nt bother to tell me , her own father ?
Ivy : She hurt me , Sam , and she scared me !
Sam : She is a child ! And when I was worried about her , you said it would be better if we did nt call Grace , because the two of us could handle her problems .
Tabitha : Oh , Grace would ve realized in two seconds flat that Jessica was in trouble .
Jessica : She would have done anything to keep Mom from coming home .
Sam : That s why you said nothing . You were afraid if Grace came back , that you would lose me .
Ivy : No , Sam --
Sam : You did nt give a damn about Jessica . All you cared about was yourself .
Jessica : Oh , Daddy , I am so sorry .
Sam : Sweetheart , listen . Do nt you worry , ok ? You watched my daughter as she got involved in drugs , the clubs . You knew that she was hurting herself . And you did nt want me to call Grace because you knew that I d have Grace come home to help her . You are despicable .
Ivy : Sam --
Sam : Listen , it s going to be ok , all right ? I love you , and I m going to get you help . Do nt you worry . There s nothing more important to me than my children .
Jessica : Thank you , Daddy .
Chad : You know , I have nothing to hide . Yeah , the first minute I found out Whitney was giving this baby away , I decided to adopt him .
Eve : Why ?
Chad : Well , I felt a connection to him from the first time I saw him . You know , it s not that hard to figure out .
Julian : Figure what out ?
Chad : Fox is right . I want to be as close to Whitney as I can be . And I figured by adopting her baby , that one day , you know , she might come around and want to be a part of his life , which means she ll be a part of my life .
Eve : Oh , Chad , you ca nt do this .
Chad : Why not ?
Julian : Whitney is your --
Chad : Half sister ? Yeah , I realize that . Like I said before , I love her and I want her in my life , even if our relationship will only be platonic . You see , that s why I adopted that baby .
Fox : You and Theresa knew that Whitney was going to give away my son , right ? I mean , that s what you were going to tell me on the plane ?
Ethan : Fox , we tried to tell you .
Fox : Look , we ll have a little chitchat about that later , ok , but we do nt have time for that now . I got a copy of the adoption release right here . Go through it line by line , man . Just figure out a way for me to get my son back .
Ethan : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Ok , hold on , hold on . I do nt understand -- why would Chad want to keep your baby anyway ?
Fox : Well , that s his ticket back into Whitney s life !
Rebecca : Ew . That is so icky . Ugh .
Ethan : I do nt know if I should get involved in Chad s --
Fox : Get involved ? Whoa , whoa , hold on a second . You re already involved , man ! Look , the power of attorney -- that s your signature , right ? This is the same power of attorney that Whitney used to give my son away .
Ethan : Yes , yes , and if you recall , I advised you against signing this , Fox .
Fox : You know what ? I told you so does nt get my son back , Ethan . Now , look , Dad says that we should file some kind of injunction , right , because Whitney s use of my power of attorney was duplicitous . The adoption agency -- they re not hearing that , so --
Ethan : Yeah , well , they know what they re doing . They have to because adoption is very tricky legally , and the contract is probably very , very tight . But -- but Julian is right . If Whitney did trick you into giving away your baby , then we have grounds to challenge the adoption . So I will look at this , I promise you , and I ll get back to you as soon as I can , ok ?
Fox : Yeah , yeah , ok . Thanks . I need all the help I can get on this . There s no way in hell I m going to let Chad Harris raise my son . Just get back to me as soon as you can , all right ?
Ethan : I will . Will do .
Fox : Thanks .
Ethan : Oh --
Rebecca : First things first . Fox can wait until you get Jane back for my Gwennie .
Whitney : What if Fox finds out that the baby is nt really his ?
Theresa : I think you ought to tell Fox and Chad the truth .
Whitney : This , coming from you ? I mean , deceit comes more naturally to you than breathing .
Theresa : That s a terrible thing to say , Whitney .
Whitney : I m sorry . I m sorry . I should nt be picking on you . I m happy for you , Theresa . I mean , I really am . You have your baby back , and now finally all this craziness with you and Gwen and her horrible mother is finally behind you . Chief Bennett said that Ethan talked to him and the charges have been dropped , and you finally did the right thing . Now that you ve buried the hatchet with Gwen , you can go on with your life . You have a peaceful , wonderful life ahead of you . I think you should enjoy it . You should enjoy every bit of it , ok ?
Theresa : Well , my life is nt as peaceful as you think .
Whitney : What do you mean ?
Theresa : I did nt bury the hatchet with Gwen . I told Chief Bennett to forget what Ethan said , and he rearrested her .
Whitney : No .
Theresa : Yeah . Gwen is going to go to jail , and then Ethan s going to be mine .
Whitney : Theresa , no .
Sheridan : What did I tell you ? There is the window that I saw from the pit that I was held in .
Luis : Well , that s great , Sheridan , but you just -- you ca nt go around ripping up Beth s basement !
Sheridan : Why not ? This is proof ! Luis , I was held in here for months and -- over here . Right here . This is -- this is where the pit was . This is where I could see that window . And it was here that I fought with that clown , and then I ran up those steps !
Mrs. Wallace : The only thing that has ever lived down here is rats .
Sheridan : All right , look , it might look different , but the layout is still the same . I knew it -- Beth was behind all of this . I was right all along . Beth kidnapped me , then she disguised herself as a clown to hide her identity , and then she stole my baby !
Luis : Sheridan , come on . You said like some crazy Oliver Stone conspiracy- theory movie .
Sheridan : No , Luis -- look , over here . Right here , this is where the pit was .
Luis : Move over .
Sheridan : You believe me , do nt you ? You found evidence that there is a pit !
Sheridan : I was right , was nt I ? You found evidence that a pit was there .
Luis : Look , Sheridan ! Solid concrete , ok ? No pit , no hollow spaces -- no nothing .
Mrs. Wallace : Her nibs is upstairs selecting paint samples , while her crippled old mother is down here pouring cement into a pit . Now , what is wrong with this picture , huh ? Oh , and , lord , why did you curse me with daughter from hell , huh ? Oh !
Sheridan : No . No . No , Luis , look , all right ? This -- this concrete -- it s brand - new !
Luis : Concrete s concrete , Sheridan . You know , Beth probably cleaned it before she put the carpet down .
Mrs. Wallace : Before she put the carpet down .
Luis : Please , come on . Come on , let s go .
Sheridan : No , Luis , look , the window , the stairs -- they re right where I remember them !
Luis : Sheridan , you know how many houses in Harmony have the same floor plan ? Crane Industries built dozens of these things for their workers years ago -- the stairs in the same place , the water heater in the same place , the window in the same place . Nothing in this basement proves that you were held here .
Sheridan : Beth kidnapped me .
Luis : Sheridan , please -- please , you ve got to stop this , ok ? Listen , the D.N.A. test proved that Beth is Marty s mother . You got to stop torturing her , and you got to stop torturing Mrs. Wallace .
Mrs. Wallace : Yeah , please do nt torture me , honey -- that s my daughter s job .
Sheridan : Luis , this is where I was held .
Luis : Ok . Why do nt we just -- we ll go see Marty , ok ? Then we can talk about this more tomorrow . All right ?
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , thank you , angels ! Thank you for sparing a feeble , old lady from the slammer !
Ivy : Sam , I wanted -- I wanted to tell you about it . But I wanted to find a way to help Jessica first .
Sam : I do nt believe you .
Ivy : Look , I did research into her condition .
Sam : You left my daughter to suffer alone .
Ivy : No , I did nt . I tried to help her . She would nt listen to me . And then she slapped me , and she threatened me !
Sam : Even if she did , it was a cry for help , and you did nothing .
Ivy : I started a plan , Sam . I just wanted the details in place before I told you about it . Look , I found this place . It specializes in teenage girls with psychological problems .
Kay : That s where they sent Claudia .
Ivy : Yes . It s all the same , Sam . It s the self - mutilation and the low self- esteem . They have a wonderful success rate .
Sam : This is a psychiatric hospital .
Ivy : Yes , and it is the best one on the eastern seaboard . You know , they have a wonderful reputation . This is where we could send Jessica for help .
Jessica : Daddy ? Do nt listen to her . You wo nt send me away , will you ?
Ethan : Rebecca , come on , give me the contract . I will look through Theresa s surrogacy contracts , but I have to help Fox out , too .
Rebecca : All in good time . First , you have to get Jane back for my Gwennie .
Ethan : Look , look , I know these surrogacy contracts are ironclad and secure . I know this because I wrote them , and I do nt think we can use them to get Jane away from Theresa . She is the biological mother of the baby .
Gwen : Fox is the father of Whitney s baby , yet you think you can break the adoption contract .
Ethan : I did nt say that , Gwen .
Gwen : Yeah , but , honey , you gave him hope . Listen to me . You are Jane s real father , just like Fox is the father of that baby . And if you think you can get his baby back , then you can get Jane back for me .
Whitney : No . No , Theresa , you re out of your mind .
Theresa : Why are you yelling at me ?
Whitney : Because -- because you had a chance . You had a chance for a calm , peaceful life , free from anger and hatred and lying . I would give anything to have a life like that , and what do you do ? You throw it away because of your crazy dream of being with Ethan ?
Theresa : Look , Whitney , it s not a crazy dream . Ethan loves me .
Whitney : Good god , Theresa , how can you live with yourself ? I mean , how ? You have a beautiful , healthy little girl . And why is nt that enough for you ? I mean , why do you have to start up this whole craziness with Gwen again , huh ? Why ?
Eve : So you adopted this little baby because you ca nt give up the mad idea of being with Whitney ?
Chad : Yeah .
Eve : So you re willing to play god with a child s life just so you can stay connected to your half sister ?
Fox : I knew it all along . You re going to pay for this , Chad .
Mrs. Wallace : Let me get the door for you .
Luis : Thanks again for being so understanding .
Mrs. Wallace : Oh , it was nt anything , Luis . I just did what anyone would have done in my place .
Luis : Ok . Good night .
Mrs. Wallace : Good night , good night , good night , good night . Oh , boy , is she a walking time bomb . If she remembers anything more , the jig is up ! Oh !
Jessica : Daddy , I do nt want to go . Only crazy girls go to places like that .
Kay : But , Jess , if you ve got a real problem , then you should --
Jessica : No ! Dad , please . Do nt send me away . Please .
Sam : I wo nt .
Sam : You re the one that I want to leave this house .
Ivy : Sam , no --
Tabitha : Yes , Sam , yes ! Throw her out into the gutter where she belongs .
Sam : I mean it . I want you to leave my house .
Fox : You sick bastard . I knew it all along . You do nt want to be a father to my son . You just want to get your dirty little hands back on your half sister .
Chad : You know what ? You get out of here . I do nt want you anywhere near my son .
Fox : He s my son ! And you disgust me . I m not going to stand here and let you use him like some chess piece so that you can get back together with your sister ! Now I m not leaving here without my son .
Theresa : So why are you so mad ? Because I want to be happy , Whitney .
Whitney : Be happy ? You and Gwen have been feuding for years , and you just made it worse ? Let it go . I mean , why ca nt you be happy with what you have ? You have two gorgeous children . Just drop the charges against Gwen . Let it go before it s too late .
Gwen : Ethan , are you going to help me get Jane back ? I mean , honey , she is your child , too . And , listen , if Chad can take Fox s baby , then it should be a snap for you to get your baby back from Theresa . I mean , honey , look at all those documents . I mean , certainly my brilliant lawyer husband can find a loophole in there to get my baby back for me .
Rebecca : It s time to step up to the plate , Ethan . Are you going to help us to use this contract to take Jane away from Theresa or not ?
Chad : Go home , Fox ! I need to spend some time with my son .
Theresa : Gwen s going to go to jail , and I m going to have my family .
Rebecca : This is war , and Theresa fired the first shot .
Jessica : Do nt think for one minute I ll put up with you interfering in my life !
### Summary:
| Chad is home with his new son for about 10 minutes when Eve and Julian stroll in . They try to get him to rethink his decision , but he says it s the only way he can be near Whitney . Fox comes in and hears that and the fight is on . So far it s only verbal , but you know these two guys . Whitney went to Theresa s to talk to her , and her friend had the same advice as her mother had - tell the men the truth about the baby s paternity . Whitney changes the subject to Theresa s new - found freedom to live with her two kids in peace , but Theresa quickly dispels that idea , leaving Whitney wondering what is wrong with her friend that she seems determined to destroy what she has . Rebecca and Gwen work on Ethan , trying to get him to find a legal way to get Jane from Theresa and give her to Gwen . He wants to make Theresa pay , but figures the contract they signed is no help . Rebecca demands he keep his entire attention on getting Jane , not worrying about helping Fox get his son back . Sheridan is determined to prove she was held captive in Beth s basement , but even after she shows Luis the window that was hidden behind the new paneling in the basement , he would nt believe she is right . They finally give up and go home , while Edna tries to figure out how to keep Beth from sleeping with her own father . Sam demands Ivy leave the house after finding out she knew all the things Jessica was doing and did nt let him know . Jess is gloating while Ivy is crestfallen . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Alan - Michael : Now there is a handsome devil . Sharp dresser , too . Wait , it s not what you think . I m just trying to start off with something positive , an upbeat note , because it s all downhill from here . The big day for our family , which usually means trouble right there . Lots happening . Dad-- that s Alan to you-- decided to have a small memorial for Lizzie s baby , Sarah . But as you can see , that s not the only thing going on here today -- accent on going . In fact , things are pretty much as a crossroads in our little corner of heaven . Make that hell . Lizzie s a wreck , and Beth blames herself for it . Here she tried to give Lizzie everything she wanted , but the poor kid winds up with nothing but her dog . Beth knows it s crunch time . She s got to hit the trifecta : Make up for her mistakes ; protect her daughter at all costs ; and get them the heck out of that house . Of course , if it were as simple as that , she and Lizzie would already be gone .
Rick : You re ... you re really going to move out ?
Beth : Yeah . Hilda s packing our bags as we speak . I just do nt really see any other way .
Rick : So what s wrong ?
Beth : Oh , nothing . I just ... I have to be back for Sarah s memorial service . Alan insisted on having one .
Rick : Okay , so then once that s over , you and Lizzie are going to leave ?
Beth : That s ... that s the plan .
Rick : It s about time . Leave , Beth . Leave and never look back .
Beth : Yeah , I ... I know . I know you re right , yeah .
Rick : ( Scoffs ) She says with something less than conviction .
Beth : I m just scared , you know . It s going to be hard , at first , being on our own .
Rick : You re not going to be on your own , Beth .
Beth : Do nt make promises you ca nt keep .
Rick : I m not .
Alan : Excellent , excellent . Unpack it right over here .
Alan - Michael : Speaking of the old man , there he is now . He s always got a project he s working on . The latest one ? Putting his life back together . He s grieving over baby Sarah as much as Lizzie is-- maybe more-- and he could give Beth a serious run for her money in the guilt department . That sweet , baby girl . She was going to be his fresh start , a way to make up for the train wreck he d made of his past , his family . Only she s gone . It s a whole new disaster . What happened ? You ve heard the rumors . That three people are dead because dad was doing what he always does-- playing puppet master . A lot of people in this town think he s finally going down for this one . I would nt count on it . It s not that I have inside information , I just know the guy . And trust me , no matter what the rumors say or how bad it looks for him , well , he s got more lives than a cat .
Jeremy : There s a call for you , sir
Alan : Who is it ?
Jeremy : The District Attorney .
Alan : Careful ! Careful with that . Thank Ms. Wolfe for calling , and tell her I ll call her back as soon as I can .
Jeremy : She said it was important .
Alan : This memorial service is the most important thing to me . She ll understand .
Jeremy : Very good , sir .
Alan : Careful , careful with that . I do nt want anymore accidents . No more accidents .
Alan - Michael : No , do nt count Papa Spaulding out yet . He s got a lot of fight left in him , because even he knows that freedom means nothing if he winds up alone .
Mover : One , two , three .
Alan - Michael : Where is it going ?
Alan : It needs to be more over here .
Alan - Michael : So , is this freedom thing going to stick ? Or is it just a matter of time before they arrest you again ?
Alan : Why would they arrest me ? I m an innocent man .
Alan - Michael : Uh - huh .
Alan : I thought you were supposed to be on my side .
Alan - Michael : The last ... the last time we talked , you all but admitted to being involved in Tammy s death .
Alan : I do nt remember that .
Alan - Michael : You re amazing .
Alan : The man who was driving the car that killed Tammy Winslow has been arrested and had nothing to do with me .
Alan - Michael : And he ll say the same thing under interrogation ?
Alan : Well , I do nt know . He s been extradited to Australia , so he wo nt be around to spread anymore lies about me .
Alan - Michael : Very nice , Dad . This would nt happen to have anything to do with the D.A. s visits to the house ?
Alan : Doris Wolfe is a very zealous servant of justice .
Alan - Michael : ( Laughs ) And a new fan of opera , so I hear .
Alan : Yeah . She also realized she had no case against me .
Alan - Michael : I ll bet she did . So what does Ms. Wolfe expect in return for this realization ?
Alan : My undying gratitude .
Alan - Michael : Why do nt I think that ll be enough ?
Alan : Alan - Michael , Ms. Wolfe is not like us . How shall I say it ? She s an employee of the state .
Alan - Michael : Poor . Is that what you re trying to say ? Maybe common ?
Alan : I represent a whole new world to Ms. Wolfe , something she s only dreamed about and read about . I think she ll be easily impressed and pleased , if you know what I mean .
Alan - Michael : Yeah , I follow . It was starting to look like he had everything under control -- in the crime and punishment department , anyway . But even Alan knows staying in a jail does nt solve all his problems . At least there he d have a cellmate for company .
Lillian : I know you re hungry , sweetie , and I do nt know where all the treats are .
Alan - Michael : Lillian . She s the one person who makes this house seem remotely normal , and she s tougher than she looks I ve never seen her back down to my father . She can almost put him in his place . Yeah , Beth could learn a thing or two from her .
Lillian : Well , where have you been ?
Beth : What is it ? Is it Lizzie ?
Lillian : Well , I am concerned about her , I m just not sure she s up to the service .
Beth : Oh , I do nt know , Mom , but maybe this will be good for her . Maybe it will be good for all of us .
Lillian : How do you feel about standing next to Alan ?
Beth : Today is not about him .
Lillian : Well , maybe you should tell him that .
Alan : There you are . Lillian , if you would nt mind , I need a moment alone with Beth .
Lillian : Sweetie , I will go tell Lizzie that you re home . Come on , Roxy . Let s go find mommy . Come on , sweetie .
Alan - Michael : Beth and Alan together . I should nt be surprised , but I still am . The biggest surprise : I think they actually care about each other .
Alan : You look beautiful , Beth . I know that you are determined to leave , but I was hoping you would nt .
Beth : I ve made up my mind .
Alan : After the service , we could make a fresh start .
Beth : And how many times have I heard that before ?
Alan : I do nt want to lose you .
Beth : I m already gone , Alan .
Alan : No , you re not . Not as long as you have this ring on your finger . We re married , and we re family .
Beth : I do nt want to do this today .
Alan : Today is about family solidarity , family unity . You know how broken our family is right now . We need major healing , and I want to fight for that . There s so much we could do together , not only for Elizabeth but for ourselves .
Beth : That is not going to change what s happened , Alan .
Alan : I want to show you something . Come .
Beth : Fine .
Alan : I wanted you to be the first to see it .
Beth : It s a beautiful gesture .
Alan : There s more .
Beth : I do nt understand . Beloved ?
Alan : It s for our baby , the baby that we lost , Beth . I want you to know , no matter what happens between us , that I will never forget . And I know that you never will , either .
Beth : ( Crying )
Alan - Michael : Quite a sight , the two of them out there-- not fighting , not stiff , almost friendly . You can see why , too . Those statues , Beth was nt expecting something like that . That s Alan for you . He s always got a way to reel you back in .
Alan : This may sound strange , but the other night I had a dream . And in the dream , these two statues were placed exactly where they are right now . And when I woke up , I had this feeling of such peace . I just wish that this were a happier event .
Beth : They re a wonderful way to remember those children .
Alan : I m glad you like them , because they re going to be here forever , a part of this home and a part of our family , Beth .
Beth : Alan - Michael .
Alan - Michael : Oh . Instant sculpture garden .
Beth : Your father surprised me .
Alan - Michael : He has a way of doing that . So what s the second statue for ?
Beth : It s ... it s for the child that Alan and I lost .
Alan - Michael : Oh .
Lillian : Oh , my .
Lizzie : What did he do ?
Beth : Oh , come . Come look , sweetie . ( Crying )
Lizzie : I like having them here , instead of at the cemetery . And they can stay close .
Beth : Yeah .
Alan - Michael : It changes the feel of the place , does nt it ?
Alan : I think , now that we re all here , we can begin . Every one of us share in the loss of these children . I know we all have our issues and our grudges run very deep , but I want each of you to know how much I need you . I need you more now than I have ever needed you . And I hope that you feel the same .
Lillian : Alan asked me to do a reading , but I could nt find one . So I d like to tell a little story instead .
Alan : Please , Lillian .
Lillian : On a snowy Thanksgiving evening , a baby was born to a very scared mother . She was afraid that she was nt enough . She was afraid that she was nt ready . And maybe she was nt ready . But she loved that baby with all her heart . And when the baby was put into her arms , the baby loved its mommy .
Lizzie : ( Crying )
Lillian : Nothing will ever take that away .
Lizzie : ( Crying ) I will never stop loving you . In fact , I ll never be the same . Granddad , please .
Alan : Elizabeth , we have nt spoken in days . I pass you in the hall , and you turn the other way . I know that you are looking forward to leaving with your mother , are nt you ?
Beth : Alan , do nt do this to her now .
Alan : I m not pressuring her . I just want her to know ... I want you to know how sorry I am .
Lizzie : Sorry for what ?
Alan : For everything that has led us here today .
Lizzie : Why are we supposed to believe you now ?
Alan : You have every right to be angry because you have lost your baby . I m not asking for forgiveness . I do nt deserve it . But I want you to know one thing .
Lizzie : What ?
Alan : Elizabeth , when I look in your eyes and your face , you re whole being , I ... I see an emptiness about you , something that was never there before . I want to fill it with joy again .
Beth : Stop , please . You ca nt bring Sarah back .
Alan : No , I ca nt bring her back . I ve been horrible to you . I know that . But I just want us , as a family , to get back to what was normal in our lives .
Lizzie : Stop !
Alan : I can protect you if you will allow me to . I want to . I ve done so many things wrong . Please , I am asking you , I am begging you to give me one more chance to do something right for you .
Lizzie : ( Crying ) It just hurts so much ! It hurts so much ! ( Crying )
Alan : I know , sweetheart . I know it does .
Lizzie : ( Crying )
Alan - Michael : I have to admit that even got to me . Dad can be an amazing guy that way . You hate the bastard for his ego and manipulation , but when he let s the vulnerability show , you see how exposed that heart of his really is , exposed and hard to resist .
Lizzie : Are we still leaving ?
Beth : Yes , I think so .
Lizzie : You re not sure after that ?
Beth : What do you think ?
Lizzie : I m not sure .
Beth : I think it s for the best .
Alan : Beth ?
Beth : Alan , I think I know what you re going to say , and I really do nt want to get into it again .
Hilda : Excuse me . Mrs. Spaulding ? All the bags are in the foyer . Would you like them put in the car ?
Beth : Yes .
Alan : Beth , please , please , just ... just wait . ( Cell phone rings ) This is really not a good time to talk .
Doris : Really ? Then make it a good time . You are enjoying your freedom , are nt you ? Unless you want to change that . Are you still there ?
Alan : Hold on . Beth , Beth , please wait .
Beth : What , are we going to make this a three - way conversation now ?
Alan : I will get rid of this call . I sense you re having doubts about leaving .
Beth : I have more doubts about you .
Alan : Then stay . Give me a chance to talk some more .
Beth : Okay . I ll wait for you on the patio .
Alan : Thank you . Doris , I m sorry to keep you waiting .
Doris : It s really not a good idea for someone in your position .
Alan : You know I am very appreciative of what you did for me and ... but , you see , now is not a really good time to talk . We re at a memorial service for baby Sarah .
Doris : Making it a bad time to chat ?
Alan : Absolutely . I think you can understand that .
Doris : Of course I can . But you and I need to talk .
Alan : Yes , and I look forward to that . As a matter of fact , ever since I have been released , I have been thinking about ways that I could repay you .
Doris : What did you come up with ?
Alan : Well , I thought of a number of ways that I could boost your career quite considerably .
Doris : Hmm .
Alan : But I ... as I said , I do nt want to go into them right now . So could we meet later ?
Doris : Main Street , half an hour .
Alan : All right . I m glad you waited , Beth .
Beth : It does nt mean anything .
Alan : So you re still intending on leaving ?
Beth : I ... I think that it s best for Lizzie .
Alan : Well , at least you stayed long enough for me to tell you how sorry I am .
Beth : Well , twice in one day .
Alan : Not just for Elizabeth , but for the way I have treated you , all the things I ve done to you .
Beth : See , I ... I do nt think that you know what that means .
Alan : I know it means that I wish I could go back and correct so many things . I think my worst offense was taking you for granted . When I needed you , I used you . When I did nt , I ignored you .
Beth : Yes , and all in the name of family .
Alan : Family . We almost started our own , did nt we ?
Beth : Yes .
Alan : And I think when we lost our beloved , we also lost ourselves .
Beth : Oh ! Let s just call it fate and leave it at that , huh , Alan ?
Alan : The problem I had was I could nt let go of what we almost had .
Beth : I know that . I know that that s why you went after Lizzie s baby .
Alan : Because she was the last chance , or so I thought . I thought she would fix everything . But what I failed to realize , Beth , was what I needed was someone , someone I already had .
Beth : Oh , Alan . Do you honestly think that we stand a chance after everything that s happened ?
Alan : I have to believe that . But if you and Elizabeth want to go ...
Beth : We have to go ! Do nt you see that ? She could be implicated in Tammy s death .
Alan : She wo nt .
Beth : How can you be so sure ?
Alan : Because I will protect her . But if you and she are going to go , I m not going to stop you .
Beth : I find that hard to believe .
Alan : I want you to want to be here . But if you do nt ...
Beth : You ll just step aside ?
Alan : Yes .
Beth : Why ?
Alan : Because I love you too much not to give you what you want . If you feel that you need to leave , I will honor your wish . Do you want me to have the car brought around ?
Beth : ( Crying )
Alan - Michael : You did it again , pulled it off . I guess I should nt be surprised . Somehow he always finds way to come out on top . He and Beth hugged like a couple of newlyweds , even kissed . It s touching stuff , but Alan s not one to forget his obligations . He told Beth to meet him later , bring the family . They d make an event out of it , celebrate their new beginning . I swear he was practically skipping when he left the house . Yeah , just one last thing to sew up before life is sweet again . And Beth ... well , we Spauldings are a tough habit to break . We ve been all she s known for her entire adult life . And as much as a part of her hates Alan and fears him , there s another part . Alan was probably right about one thing . She needs him . But there is always another choice . She could always choose the person she used to be , someone she buried for a long time , someone who may be lost forever . Beth tried to explain , but it did nt go down too well . She did nt have time to give it another shot , though . She had to gather the family , meet up with Alan . He d said something about a meeting that would nt take long . Did I say the man s got more lives than a cat ? Forget that . Make it a house full of cats . He s not just a survivor , either . He does nt only squeak through . Somehow he comes out smelling like a rose every time . It s a hell of a talent . And I d never tell him this to his face , but the truth is , I m kind of in awe of the guy .
Alan : Yeah , now ...
Doris : You re in a good mood .
Alan : Well , yes , I am . And again , I apologize for running a little late today , but my life is pretty good . I think there may be something about redemption after all .
Doris : If you say so .
Alan : Yeah . It s a beautiful day , I m a free man , and I just may have saved my marriage .
Doris : I thought Beth was walking out the door with Lizzie .
Alan : Well , she was , but not anymore .
Doris : Is that so ?
Alan : Yes . And the funny thing about it is , Doris , I think you played a major role in turning that around .
Doris : I did .
Alan : Yes . You gave me my future .
Doris : You know , I feel the same way .
Alan : Good . Now , I mentioned on the phone that I have some good ideas ...
Doris : I think I ve come up with the perfect gesture .
Alan : Really ? Well , name it .
Beth : Alan - Michael said to meet him near the newsstand , so ...
Alan : Doris , you ca nt ask me to do that .
Doris : Hmm . I can , and I did .
Alan : Look , there must be another way to work this out .
Doris : Yes , but this one s my favorite . I m ready , and be believable . Oh , and FYI : I do have the police headquarters on speed dial on my phone .
Alan : I ... I ca nt ...
Doris : Oh , I m disappointed in you , Alan . But you know what ? I will give you one more chance . Do it , Alan . Do it now , and make it good .
Alan : Doris , you are an amazing woman . I ve never met any woman quite as exciting as you are . Will you marry me ?
Beth : What the hell is going on here ?
Alan : Well , hello , everyone .
Doris : Perfect . Witnesses .
Alan : Yes .
Alan - Michael : Is this some kind of joke ?
Alan : No ! No , not at all .
Beth : You just asked Doris Wolfe to marry you .
Alan : Yes . That s why I came here in the first place .
Beth : Your meeting was for you to propose ?
Alan : Yes . I want to marry Doris , and the first thing you do is ask for one s hand in marriage .
Doris : And the second is my answer : Yes , yes , yes .
Alan : ( Laughs )
Lizzie : Okay , this is completely insane .
Lillian : Do you think I should get on the phone to Ravenwood ?
Beth : I hate to ruin your blissful moment here , but the first step is nt to ask for her hand . It s to get a divorce from me , because in case you ve forgotten , I m still your wife .
Alan : Well , we can take care of that .
Beth : This does nt make any sense !
Alan - Michael : But it s no accident , you can count on that .
Alan : It s very simple , Beth . I m in love .
Lizzie : With her ?
Doris : Beth , it s no secret that Doris and I have become very close in the last few months . So now I do nt have to keep my feelings under wrap .
Beth : You re in love with her ? Excuse us . You cut a deal with her , did nt you ?
Alan : What ?
Beth : Oh , my God , that s it . She was going to charge you in connection with Tammy s death , but said ... oh , my gosh , she said that she would let you off the hook , but only if you d agree to marry her first . That s it , is nt it ?
Alan : That s ridiculous .
Beth : No . What s ridiculous is you expecting me to believe that this is real . When you ... when you spoke to me earlier today , you said that you wanted a fresh start . That was from the heart . I could see it . She s blackmailing you , is nt she ?
Alan : You ve got it all wrong .
Beth : You re lying . I can see it . We re a team , remember ? Remember ? Just tell me the truth .
Alan : The truth ? You want the truth ? The truth is , Beth , I told you all of those wonderful things because I knew you were going to leave me . And there s no way I was going to be left that way .
Beth : But you changed my mind ! You made me want to stay , to try again .
Alan : Right . I drew you back in so I could leave you first .
Doris : I m sure this comes as quite a shock . I ll give you a moment . I m going to go make a few phone calls , spread the happy news .
Beth : I do nt believe this .
Alan : I ve been waiting for this moment ever since you humiliated me and betrayed me with Rick Bauer . I swore revenge then .
Beth : No .
Alan : And I vowed , Beth , that I would make you feel as small and as weak as you made me feel .
Beth : Stop this ! Stop it !
Lizzie : Do you even hear how awful you sound ? Granddad , you told mom that you needed her . What is wrong with you ?
Alan : She has made my life a living hell . You both have .
Lizzie : What ?
Alan : I want you two out of the house .
Beth : Alan , stop this .
Alan - Michael : Technically , it s my house .
Alan : Yes . Well , I m not living under the same roof with these two drama queens who are so self - centered .
Doris : Well , I thought we d celebrate .
Beth : The hell you will !
Alan : Beth , put that down . What you need to be doing right now is looking for a talented divorce lawyer .
Doris : I could recommend a few .
Beth : Divorce ?
Alan : Yes .
Beth : I do nt think so .
Alan : I told you ...
Beth : Oh , yes , you have told me plenty today . Well , now you re going to listen . Mom , Lizzie , Alan - Michael , I want you to listen up , too . I want you to hear this . Lizzie and I are nt going anywhere .
Alan : What ?
Beth : That s right . That house that you ca nt stand the thought of us being in ? Well , that is our home . That s where we belong . And I will be damned if I am going to be pushed aside by some social climbing shark in a bad suit .
Doris : Oh , well , I will be dressing better as Mrs. Alan Spaulding .
Alan : Beth !
Beth : Do you get all of your men by blackmail , Doris ?
Alan : Beth , put that down !
Beth : Enjoy it ! Lizzie , let s go .
Doris : Oh , Alan !
Alan - Michael : I bet you really were nt paying attention before , when I started telling you about all this , how it started bad and just got worse . Or if you were paying attention , maybe you did nt want to believe me and half way through you got to thinking , No , see , he s wrong . We re on our way to a happy ending . If that s how it is , well , do nt blame yourself . I thought the same thing .
Beth : I m so glad that you re not off - duty yet . I need to talk to you . I ca nt believe what just happened . Alan ....
Rick : Alan Spaulding ? The ... the man you wanted to work things out with , that Alan Spaulding ?
Beth : Do nt be angry with me now . I could nt take it .
Rick : Oh , I m sorry . Let me see if I can have an attitude adjustment . I m sorry , it did nt work .
Beth : Rick , let ... let me just explain .
Rick : You know , you made yourself ... you re made yourself perfectly clear . You wanted to leave Alan , you wanted me to help you .
Beth : Just listen to me .
Rick : No . You made your choice .
Beth : Rick !
Rick : I ve got to go back to work .
Alan : I was so cruel to her .
Doris : Who ? The soon to be ex - wife ?
Alan : It s horrible . I treated her like dirt .
Doris : You did nt have much choice , did you ? I did have your you - know - whats in a vice . In fact , I still do . Alan , for what it s worth , you were brilliant .
Alan : What ?
Doris : With Beth . Using her affair like that ? Oh , you would put most trial lawyers to shame .
Alan : Well , that s very comforting .
Doris : It s one of the things I most admire about you , actually . You re ability to adjust on the fly , never losing your balance . It s quite something to watch you work . That was a compliment .
Alan : Thank you .
Doris : You know , as horrible as you think you may have been to Beth , she has been just as horrible to you . If not worse .
Alan : No . And Doris , you know , I would have given you anything you wanted .
Doris : But I got everything I wanted . Do you remember the time that we first sat down one - on - one , talking business ?
Alan : Yes . I needed help in removing a restraining order that Jonathan and Lizzie issued on me .
Doris : Mmm . You reeked of power . I watched every head turn when you walked in that room . And I said to myself , I would give anything to be right by his side . Right here .
Alan - Michael : It s funny , in a sad , Spaulding kind of way . Beth nailed it when he accused Alan of doing all this because he d cut a deal with the DA to stay out of jail . And it does nt matter one damn bit . Alan s always going to do what s best for Alan , always . Everybody ought to know that by now . Beth sure does . Caught her right between the eyes . I ll tell you , though , Beth s got some game of her own . She s not rolling over like she used to . It makes her even sexier . Yeah , if nothing else , this could get interesting .
Marina : Josh , she has to stop stalking Alan Spaulding .
Josh : Stalking ?
Gus : Where is her big sister ?
Harley : If I had to make a guess , I would say that she s upstairs looking in a mirror , practicing her testimony .
Ava : You re lucky you found me because I ve had some ideas .
Josh : He s ... he s not going to get away with it , okay .
Cassie : Is nt that what Alan does ? I want him dead .
### Summary:
| Rick has conversation with Beth that does nt go his way . Alan receives a crate . In is statues for Sarah and his son by Beth . Alan - Michael comes by to gloat . He wants to know exactly where Doris Wolfe plays into all of this . Lillian and Beth talk about Lizzie and the so called service Alan is planning . Alan interrupts asking to speak to Beth . Alan wants Beth back as his wife . Alan unveils the statues to her . Alan - Michael appears and is watching the hug between Beth and Alan . Suddenly Beth notices Alan - Michael in the doorway . Soon Lizzie and Lillian arrive . They see the statue for Sarah . Alan starts his short service . Lillian tells a story of Thanksgiving and what occurred . Lizzie starts to cry as she lays a flower on the statue . Alan tries to comfort Lizzie by talking about Sarah . Lizzie gets angry at Alan . She wants him to stop . Alan tells her he wants a chance to right the wrong . Meanwhile Alan - Michael s voice is being used as a narration . Alan wants Beth to wait before she leaves . Alan gets a call from Doris Wolfe . She threatens him . His freedom gone or they talk and he remains free . Beth overhears this and wants to leave . She does leave the room . Alan continues his talk with Doris . They agree to meet later in the day . Alan continues his conversation with Beth , he is sorry for taking her for granted . He unveils the other statue . It is for their dead son . Beth is overcome and wants to go , so does Lizzie . Alan says he will honor her wish if she wants to leave . Alan goes to meet Doris Wolfe . Beth gets a call from Rick . Alan - Michael continues the Narration as he is looking on . Alan tells Doris today is a good day , he s free and he may have saved his marriage to Beth . Beth , Lillian , and Lizzie are talking a walk and see Alan and Doris Wolfe together . Alan - Michael also happens to come by and sees what Beth is watching . Alan asks Doris to marry him with Beth , Lillian , Lizzie and Alan - Michael looking on . Beth reminds Alan they are still married . That he is committing bigamy . Then is occurs to Beth that Alan and Doris made a deal . Beth says Doris is blackmailing Alan . Alan says no . That he wants to leave her for Doris . Alan reminds Beth of the fling she had with Rick . Alan says he even wants Lizzie out of his life . Beth angrily says they are not going anywhere . She has Lillian , Lizzie and Alan - Michael as witnesses . Beth then leaves the others follow leaving Alan and Doris wet from water Beth threw on them . Beth then goes to see Rick . Rick is very cool toward Beth . Doris is relishing in what she just witnessed . Alan is nt quite sure he did the right thing . Meanwhile Beth and Alan - Michael are at a bar . They have come in separately . Alan Michael comments on his fathers many emotions , and talents in his Inside the Light episode . The Spaulding Family hosts a memorial for Sarah . Beth is shocked to see Alan s vulnerable side and rethinks her decision to move out of the mansion . Rick promises to be there for Beth as long as she does what is best for Lizzie , by moving out . Alan reaches out to Lizzie who is clearly hurting at the loss of her child . Doris blackmails Alan into proposing to her . Alan then orders Lizzie and Beth to move out of the house . Beth refuses to give up on Alan . She figures out that he is being forced to propose to Doris , despite the fact that he wo nt admit it to her . Rick turns his back on Beth when he finds out that she s going to remain living in the mansion . Alan seems to feel guilty about how cruelly he treated Beth . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brad : Ooh -- need fresh meat .
Katie : Eww !
Brad : Preferably blonde .
Katie : Stop it , now ! How old are you , like six ?
Brad : Zombies have no age !
Katie : Put me down ! Put me down ! Put me down !
Brad : Ohh ! You are a zombie prisoner ! I have you now .
Paul : Rosanna , I just asked you a question . Are you ready to marry me ? Okay , what s going on ? Is this wedding going to happen ?
Meg : I just washed my hands .
Craig : Well , good to know . I ve always been a fan of personal hygiene .
Meg : After I dried them , I put the towel on the second rack , not the third rack where I found it . I hope that s all right . You know , I could always put it back on the third rack .
Craig : Am I supposed to know what the hell you re talking about ?
Meg : If you have no objections , umm , I d like to call room service and get something to drink . Well ?
Craig : Well , what ?
Meg : What should I get to drink ?
Craig : The antidote for whatever it is you re on . What the hell is wrong with you ?
Carly : I am so sorry .
Gwen : I wish people would nt say that . It makes me feel like a charity case .
Carly : You re right .
Gwen : And you re the last person I should be dumping on . I mean , after everything you ve been through , it s amazing that you re even here .
Carly : You know that being treated like a charity case thing you just mentioned ?
Gwen : Right .
Carly : Okay , so I ll pick the topic .
Gwen : Okay .
Carly : Lovely wedding .
Gwen : Yes . You come here often ?
Carly : Your hair is beautiful .
Gwen : That s sad .
Carly : It s sad , but it beats I m sorry any day , does nt it ?
Gwen : Yeah , definitely . What happened to Jack ?
Carly : You know , I do nt know . He just -- he stepped out , he had something to do , but I thought he d be back by now .
Katie : Down ! Put me down ! Down means now , not when you feel like it .
Brad : I have a cramp . Ahh --
Katie : Put me down !
Brad : Okay ! Ow ! You play dirty .
Katie : I -- I play dirty ?
Brad : Holy cow , I think you scratched me . I m telling Kim .
Katie : Oh , you re such a big baby . Let me see this supposed scratch ?
Brad : Yeah , it s like -- right behind that huge bulging muscle . Right there , you scratched me . That s horrible .
Katie : Where ? Where is this mortal wound ?
Brad : Ow ! You re horrible .
Meg : I can order tea . If you do nt have a problem with my ordering tea ?
Craig : I have a problem with you acting like some kind of Stepford wife , Meg .
Meg : Oh , but is nt that what you wanted , Craig ? You made it very clear that you do nt like me being independent , going off on my own .
Craig : You re not on lockdown .
Meg : Then stop treating me that way . I m not going to break , Craig . I m just pregnant .
Craig : Yeah , you are pregnant with my child . And do nt you understand , I m doing all this because I love you ?
Paul : Look , if this is about me going out before , I swear that had nothing to do with you . This is the most important night of my life . And I just needed a little time to think , that s all .
Paul : You re asking me to leave Rosanna on our wedding day . In the off chance that you might be pregnant with my child .
Meg : Yes .
Rosanna : Is there anything you need to -- tell me ?
Paul : Yes there is . I want to marry you . Right now .
Rosanna : Okay . That s all I needed to hear .
Paul : You had me worried . For a minute there I thought you changed your mind .
Rosanna : Do you really think that I could let you go ?
Paul : You re everything to me . No one else even comes close .
Carly : Oh , Rosanna , there you are . Look , if you want to get married tonight , you have to come with me .
Paul : And the next time you kiss me , you ll be my wife .
Rosanna : And you ll be my husband -- forever .
Katie : Okay , it s a little red . There s nothing there .
Brad : Well , I am touched that you care enough to look . I thought for sure that you would leave me here to rot with all the rest of the ghouls .
Katie : Do nt say rot , okay ? Not when we re standing where we re standing .
Brad : Are you -- are you afraid of ghosts ? Oh , sorry . You are .
Katie : No ! No , it s just -- I get the whole Halloween , skeleton , ghost thing is supposed to be a joke . It s just , these used to be real people . And being here just feels wrong .
Brad : Well , let s get a move on and let these guys rest in peace .
Katie : Really ?
Brad : You think I d like some jerk goofing around on my grave ? Think again . Come on , we re out of here .
Craig : I do nt intend to lose you or this child , Meg . I protect the people I love . Now , sometimes that means I overreact --
Meg : It was your overreaction that caused you to lose all your other children .
Craig : What do you want from me ?
Meg : It s not what I want Craig . I need to know that you really intend to change . I need to know that this time , it s going to be different .
Carly : You look spectacular .
Rosanna : Thank you so much for being here . I m so grateful that you re here .
Carly : I m not going anywhere . Not for a long time . I brought you something . Every bride needs a handkerchief . I do nt know why no one designs these dresses with pockets . But -- Jack gave this to me when we were married in Montana . Consider it your something borrowed .
Rosanna : Thank you .
Carly : I did nt think you were going to make it back in time . What happened ?
Jack : I was delayed . Sorry .
Carly : But you went looking for Rosanna , and she was back much before you were , so -- so --
Jack : Shh --
Minister : Please join hands with the person next to you . We will now have a moment of silence to honor the friends and family here today , in body and spirit , who share in Paul and Rosanna s joy . Marriage is more than simply recognizing that love exists , or blindly hoping that it will be everlasting . Marriage requires faith and commitment . Tolerance and understanding . It demands that a couple be able to stand together and face the unknown that is life . Together Paul and Rosanna will be their own new family . If anyone here can show just cause why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony , speak now , or forever hold your peace .
Meg : I believe this baby is ours , that we conceived out of love . Will you look at me ? Here , this -- this is what matters .
Minister : I m honored to be here , bearing witness to Paul and Rosanna , pledging their hearts , and their lives to each other . This is an occasion that should bring hope to all of us that it is never too late . That there is no obstacle that is insurmountable to keep two people apart , who are destined , as Paul and Rosanna are , to be together .
Brad : Thank you for giving me a ride home .
Katie : Hey , what are friends for ?
Brad : See , we had a good time after all . Katie ?
Katie : I should nt have come here .
Jack : What greater thing is there for two human souls , than to feel that they are joined together to strengthen each other in all labor , minister to each other in all sorrow , to share with each other in all gladness , and to be with each other in the silent unspoken memories .
Katie : I did nt think it would hurt so much remembering how happy I was . Right here . I was standing right here when Jack and I vowed to love each other for the rest of our lives .
Brad : Do nt think about that now .
Katie : I do nt know how not to . Everything here just reminds me of Jack . This is where we fell in love . We had our first kiss here .
Brad : You have to let that go . As hard as it is .
Katie : But this was -- is Jack s home . And in a way it was going to be mine too . I needed that . I wanted that so badly . To be part of a family -- a warm and loving place . And now it just reminds me of everything that I ve lost .
Brad : This is nt just Jack s home . This is mine too . And you have to know , you are always welcome here .
Katie : Thanks . Really . But it s not the same .
Brad : Maybe it s not supposed to be .
Paul : Look , my whole life I felt like there was a piece missing . That there was some part of me that was nt there , and if it was there , then I would feel whole . And you , Rosanna , you are that part . You are the reason that I fought to come back to this life . So that I could be with you , so that I could hold you . So that I could love you . I think that this is a new beginning for both of us . And nothing before now , before this moment , really mattered . Really had any meaning . And from now on , I get to stand by you , and I get to be a better and a stronger man for you , and because of you . And I know that I ve made a lot of mistakes , and I ve done a lot of stupid things , and I ve done -- I ve done some things that defy explanation . But not this . Because this -- being with you , marrying you , is right . And for the first time in my life , I m really just at peace .
Craig : I keep telling you I want a family with you . I want to share my life with you . I keep hoping that s going to be enough .
Meg : Not when you put restrictions on me . You do nt own me , Craig . And you do nt own this child either .
Craig : I do nt want to own either one of you . And I want to be a better father to this child than I was before . I want to be a better husband to you . But to do that , I am going to need something from you too .
Meg : Like what ?
Craig : I need you to start being a better wife to me .
Paul : Are you okay , Rosanna ?
Minister : Do you have anything to say ?
Rosanna : You know , for a long time , I was in darkness . I did nt know where I was . No one could help me or hear me . No one even knew that I was alive inside . And then I looked up , and I saw you . Before I could remember who I was or -- or how I got in the hospital bed , I remembered loving you . You were my light in the darkness . And you -- you have been that for me ever since . I know that we have been here before , we have promised to love , honor and cherish each other before . But this time , we know how precious a gift that love is . We know that we have to fight to protect it . And that is why the bond between us now is stronger than it has ever been . It is unbreakable . I know what it s like to be in that darkness , I know what it s like to be without you . And I wo nt go back to it again . And I know that -- that you wo nt let me . After tonight , nothing , no one -- past , present , or future -- will ever come between us again .
Minister : Repeat after me . I give you this ring as the symbol of my love --
Paul : I give you this ring as the symbol of my love --
Rosanna : And with all that I have , and all that I am , I honor you .
Paul : With it I we d you and commit my life to you --
Rosanna : Forever . In the name of the father , and of the son , and the holy spirit .
Minister : Now that Paul and Rosanna have given themselves to each other by solemn vows , with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings , I now pronounce them husband and wife . You may now kiss the bride .
Craig : I thought marriage was supposed to be about compromise .
Meg : Of course it is .
Craig : Well , then how can you doing whatever it is you want to do , whenever you want to do it , is always right , and my wanting to take care of you is always wrong ? Ca nt we meet halfway ?
Meg : That s what I want .
Craig : Well , then , in the interest of compromise , let me put my cards on the table , and my heart on my sleeve . My life , before you , Meg , it had a tendency to change in an instant . Sierra left me . A few words from Bryant on an answering machine , and the next thing I know , he s dead . My daughter leaves town , taking another child of mine with no word . I do nt know where they are --
Meg : I understand all of that .
Craig : No , people that I love have a tendency to disappear . And I m hoping to break that trend with you .
Meg : I ca nt give you back what you lost , Craig .
Craig : No , but you can keep me from losing something else . I do nt want to lose you and this baby . Meg , do you understand ? That s why I m upset when I come home , and you re not here . You re not the only one that needs assurance that history is not going to repeat itself .
Carly : Here s a radical idea . You could actually tell me what s wrong , so I do nt have to drag it out of you .
Jack : Okay . When I went to go find Rosanna , I ran into Katie and Brad .
Carly : And they said something to you ?
Jack : No , they did nt know I was there . And I really did nt want to interrupt them .
Carly : I do nt understand .
Jack : They looked like they were a little more than friends , okay ? They were laughing , and carrying on like a couple of kids .
Carly : Well , Katie s been through a lot . Maybe hanging out with Brad , acting like a kid , is just what she needs .
Jack : Right .
Carly : You seem -- almost jealous that they were together .
Jack : Yeah . Maybe I am .
Katie : I should probably be getting back .
Brad : It s okay .
Katie : No , it s not . I ca nt keep losing it like this . For a moment there I was standing here , feeling like I used to . Felt like I was just waiting for Jack to come home .
Brad : Instead you re here with me .
Katie : No , it s not your fault ! It s nobody s fault . But I ca nt keep doing this . I ca nt keep dumping my moods on you , and relying on you . I keep thinking that maybe I should go somewhere . I should just clear my head , but honestly , I do nt think it will help .
Brad : I wish there was something I could do to make the pain go away .
Katie : I wish that too .
Craig : You say you want me to be honest with you , and then when I am , you pull away .
Meg : Sometimes when you open up to me like that , it s just so out of character it s -- it s overwhelming . But you re right . I have nt been a good wife .
Craig : That sounds like the start of a confession . Is it ?
Meg : No . I have nothing to confess .
Paul : Your vows were very powerful .
Rosanna : Oh , I just spoke from the heart . And I meant every word . We re unbreakable now .
Will : Hey , we can get out of here if you want to . We do nt have to stay .
Gwen : No , I m fine .
Barbara : I am so sorry about the adoption fiasco . I just want to make it up to you . I will find a better agency , or maybe you might be able to adopt privately . No agency at all .
Gwen : No , please , stop . You know whose fault it is ? It s not yours , it s not the agency s -- it s mine .
Will : Gwen , stop --
Gwen : And no matter how much I keep telling myself that kids just are nt in the cards for some people , I just feel like there s got to be something wrong with me .
Barbara : I do nt want to see her upset like this . Let s think about a private adoption , okay ? Please --
Will : Mom , no one is going to let a former mental patient adopt a child -- publicly or privately .
Jack : I m going to top this off . You want anything ?
Carly : No .
Brad : You deserve better than this . You deserve better than me , even . And if you ever tell anybody I said that --
Katie : Your secret s safe with me .
Brad : So cry , yell , throw a punch -- you have a really good punch by the way . I m here for you . Katie --
Katie : You should probably get that .
Brad : Carly .
Carly : Are you still with Katie ?
Brad : Well , not right now . How did you know ?
Carly : Jack saw the two of you together .
Brad : Did he like what he saw ?
Carly : No !
Brad : Good .
Carly : Bad . Instead of letting this wedding remind him of the times we ve shared , he spent the entire time worried about her .
Brad : He should be worried about Katie . This whole thing has been so hard on her , and your lies have really messed up her life . And she s not the only one hurting .
Carly : Failure to die is not a crime .
Brad : Well , why do nt you let my brother , the detective , decide that one ?
Carly : Brad , I want him to know the truth just as much as you do . It s just the time has not been right .
Brad : Yeah , well , I ve been there . But you got to bite the bullet and get it done .
Carly : I will . I will tell him very soon . I m so close . That s why I called you .
Brad : Talk fast .
Carly : Is there any way you can get Katie to leave town for a little bit ? You know , some story for Oakdale Now ? Brad ? What is it you re not telling me ?
Brad : Katie was just talking about leaving town for a little bit .
Carly : That s perfect ! Convince her to go !
Brad : Hello ! I do nt want her to go . I want her with me .
Carly : Well , go with her . Brad , this could be the chance we ve both been waiting for .
Will : Do you need help getting out of that ?
Gwen : No , I m good .
Will : I m going to go take a shower , unless you want to go first .
Barbara : Gwen was nt feeling well , so Will took her home .
Rosanna : Oh , I understand . But at least she was able to be here for the ceremony . Yes ?
Maid : You have a phone call , Mrs. Ryan .
Rosanna : Mrs. Ryan . It feels so good to say that , to be that again . Excuse me .
Barbara : I understand why you were asking about Rosanna . She does a little -- intense .
Paul : Yeah , well , we re both a little emotional . I think it s because we never thought we d get this chance again .
Katie : I m sorry .
Brad : Is nt there something about being co - stars that means you never have to say I m sorry ?
Katie : No , I m sorry because I m taking all my confusion out on you , and it s not fair . I should ve known coming here would mess with my head .
Brad : You know , I ve been thinking , maybe you were onto something , when you were talking leaving town . Going someplace where nothing reminds you of Jack .
Katie : You think ?
Brad : Yeah , it ca nt hurt .
Katie : I spoke to my mom earlier today . She s doing some shows in the Bahamas .
Brad : Great idea ! I love that ! Sandy beaches , you know , drinks with umbrellas , tan lines -- I m in .
Katie : No , you re not .
Brad : Look , I know , I know , you re thinking of the show . I ll talk to Kim about , you know , we ll do great story on the Bahamian beaches . I guess I should find out if it s Bahamian or Bahamanian ?
Katie : Brad , it does nt matter because you re not coming with me !
Rosanna : There s only one person I wanted to have this .
Carly : Rosanna , thank you . I know you know what this means to me .
Rosanna : Enjoy the time you have together . You never realize how precious it is until it s gone .
Barbara : Fake flowers . You d think , for the chief of detectives , they could do something a little classy , do nt you ? I know , I know , I know , I can hear you . Barbara , get to the point . I used to hate it when you said that . Drove me crazy . But even though it would take me a long time to get to the point , you d like what I had to say . You always listened . And now it s too late . I just wish I could hear what you had to say . Because I ve made a mess of things . I failed our son . I know , I know , you warned me , everyone warned me . And I just did nt listen because I manipulated Will s life for years because I thought I knew what was best . But now I know that I was wrong . It was self - serving . And Hal , I ve hurt our son so badly .
Will : Gwen ?
Barbara : He deserves to be a father . The wonderful father that you taught him to be . He deserves a normal life , Hal . And I swear , I swear , I will do whatever it takes to make sure that that happens .
Rosanna : Alone at last .
Paul : Mm - hmm .
Rosanna : Paul , is something wrong ?
Paul : Rosanna , there is something wrong . Look , I made a mistake . And I do nt know if I ll ever be able to make it up to you , but at least I have to try . I have neglected to ask my beautiful wife if she would please dance with me .
Iris : Well , well , well -- if it is nt my fellow mommy - in - law . Barbie , this must be your lucky day .
Barbara : What do you want , Iris ?
Iris : Barbie , you and I , we got something in common . See , we both want our children to be happy , and we -- well , we know they re not going to be until they have a kid of their very own . So , I ve come up with an idea on how to help them .
Barbara : God help us .
Iris : I got the lead on a baby . I thought you should be the first to know .
Barbara : And why is that ?
Iris : Because it s going to cost you .
Gwen : When we got married , you gave -- I felt like anything was possible . And you gave me things that I d only ever dreamed of -- a home , somebody who loved me , and a future .
Will : You still have all of that .
Gwen : What have I given you ? Nothing .
Will : How can you say that ?
Gwen : Because you re too nice to say it , so I will . This is nt the life you imagined when you married me .
Barbara : It s always about money with you , is nt it ?
Iris : All righty , well , I ll just tell the stork to forget it then .
Barbara : What sort of stork is this ?
Iris : You see , that s the beauty of it . It s my grandbaby .
Barbara : You mean , it will be .
Iris : No , it is my grandbaby . See my son , Cole , he accidentally got this girl knocked -- well , in a family way . You see , they re just -- they re not ready to have a family . So with your Will and my Gwennie just crying their eyes out for a kid . It s a win - win !
Barbara : I ca nt believe it .
Iris : I know ! I know ! Talk about luck !
Barbara : Talk about tacky ! You actually expect me to buy your grandchild from you ? Are you completely insane ?
Iris : Now you see -- that would be you and Will , you would know something about that , huh ? Just thinking about it . Okay ? It might make a whole lot of people happy .
Will : That s not true . I love you and I love our life together .
Gwen : Why ?
Will : What kind of a question is that ? You think I married you just to have kids ?
Gwen : No . But you did nt marry me thinking that you d never be able to have a child . I saw how great you were with Johnny . You love kids .
Will : Not more than I love you .
Gwen : Never is a really long time , Will . We can never have kids . I do nt know how we re supposed to deal with that .
Brad : No , you do . You do want me to go with you . Think of the ratings . And I -- I could really use a break from Oakdale myself . And you ll be miserable without me . I make you smile .
Katie : Yeah , you do . Against all odds . But I have to do this for myself , which means I have to be there alone . If you re there , I ll lean on you . And when I m vulnerable , I -- make mistakes .
Brad : Mistakes ?
Katie : I do nt want to ruin --
Brad : If you say ruin our friendship , girl or no girl , I m going to bop you one .
Katie : Please do nt bop me . And please tell me you understand .
Brad : I do . I m gon na miss you .
Katie : I m gon na miss you too .
Carly : It was nice of her to give this to me , huh ?
Jack : Yeah , it was .
Carly : Oh , you know , I loaned her my handkerchief . The one that you gave me at our wedding . Something borrowed .
Jack : I bet she did nt have any pockets in her wedding gown either .
Carly : You remember that ?
Jack : I remember everything about that day . My life s never been the same since . I m going to go check on the kids . Make sure Sage did nt fall asleep in her costume .
Carly : Well , I ll be up in a minute to help you peel her out of it . I m just going to put this in some water . [ Phone rings ] Hello ?
Brad : You got your wish . She s not on the plane yet , but she s definitely going .
Carly : And you do nt sound very happy about that . I take it you were nt invited .
Brad : You take it right .
Carly : Well , do nt worry . She ll come back . And she ll come back to you . People have a way of ending up exactly where they belong .
Meg : I m sorry , but I still do nt feel very well .
Craig : Oh , yeah -- okay . It s pretty common in the first trimester . See -- I ve been reading up . When you re ready to pop , I will be an expert on you and everything there is to know about this baby .
Meg : I do nt know if I should be flattered or terrified .
Craig : Probably a little of both .
Meg : So with all this knowledge , I assume you re okay if we do nt --
Craig : Yeah . As long as I got my arms around you and our beautiful baby , I m a happy man .
Jack : Really I forget -- I forget about you being sick .
Paul : Think about what you could do with all that money .
Rosanna : When you went to the cemetery last night before the wedding , why were you with Meg ?
Meg : If it does prove that the baby is Paul s then everything will change .
### Summary:
| Paul and Rosanna get married in a beautiful ceremony even though Paul ca nt stop thinking about Meg . Rosanna also has doubts because she has a feeling Paul is still in love with Meg . Carly is disappointed when the weddings fails to have the desired effect on jack because while looking for Rosanna Jack sees Brad and Katie together at the cemetery and when he comes back to the wedding he can only think of Katie . Katie tells Brad to talk to Katie so that she will go out of town and hopefully go with her so that they can moth have a chance with the people they love . Meg vows to be a better wife to Craig after he promises to be a better husband to her . Barbara vows to do anything she has to do so that Gwen and Will can have a child because she ca nt stand to see Gwen in so much pain . Iris tells Barbara that she can give Sofie and Cole s baby to Gwen and Will for a price . Katie decides to go to the Bahamas to visit her mother Lila but she does nt want Brad to go with her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stacy : Rex , where are you ? You re supposed to take me to the doctor . Our baby might not be born yet , but he still needs his daddy .
Jay : Your father needs your blood . Listen , he has lost a great deal , and our bank is low on his type . If he does nt get it --
Jessica : So are you saying that if he does nt get a transfusion --
Rex : He ll die ?
Jay : Yes .
Rex : Looks like Mitch Laurence s fate is finally in our hands .
Nigel : If , indeed , your wife has been unfaithful , sir , you will never hear it from me , nor from my cousin Nevil .
Nevil : You talking to me ?
Kim : Is there another handsome man around ?
Nevil : Oh ! You re looking for Mr. Buchanan . He s right behind you heading up the path .
Kim : Oh , crap ! Hide !
Clint : Kim ? What s going on ?
Matthew : You guys are back ! I thought you were nt getting in until this morning .
Bo : Well , craziness at home . You know , got a late start .
Nora : Yeah . But the good news is we re here now .
Matthew : You guys look funny . Is there bad news ?
Bo : The bad news is we ca nt stay .
Matthew : Really ?
Nora : Yeah . We spoke to Dr. Evans this morning , and he just said that you re well enough to travel now .
Bo : We re taking you home , son .
Matthew : I ca nt go , not until I know Dani s okay .
Dani : Dad , why are we stopping ?
Blair : I mean , seriously , Ross . We re in the middle of nowhere .
Todd : What the hell s the matter with you people ? Why have nt you found Rayburn ?
Officer : Sir , we re doing everything we can .
Todd : Well , you should do more , then .
Téa : Todd , you might not want to alienate the people who are looking for our daughter .
Todd : I wish one of these people was looking . And how hard can it be to find a gun - toting maniac who drove off with a woman and child ?
Ross : We got to ditch the car .
Blair : What ? Here ?
Ross : Here ? Yes , here . By now , the cops have circulated a description of me , the two of you , and this car . The minute we stop for gas , we re dead .
Blair : I know that you love Dani , but this has gotten way out of control , Ross . Maybe it s time you turned yourself in ?
Ross : I got a better idea .
Téa : You know , you were right , Todd . This is all my fault .
Téa : If it were nt for me , Dani would nt be where she is right now -- wherever that is -- and neither would Blair .
Todd : Yeah , I m sure you re really upset about Blair right now .
Téa : Oh , I hope Blair is safe , and I m glad she s with Dani . Because as much as we hate each other , I know that she would do anything to protect a child .
Ross : All right . Everybody , out of the car . Gon na trade this puppy in for a new model .
Dani : Where ?
Ross : Do nt worry , honey . Your old man s got it under control . Okay ? Hey . What are you doing in there ?
Blair : Oh , you caught me , Ross . I was trying to make a mad getaway . Look , give a girl some time to put on her shoes , all right ? Come on . Move out of the way . It s not like I can go anywhere anyway out here in bigfoot country .
Ross : Exactly . No one s gon na find the car out here .
Dani : This is crazy .
Ross : Hey , Dani , I know you re scared , but trust me . Once we get across the border into Canada , we can start our new life . All right ? Just you and me . What do you say ?
Dani : Whatever . I m tired , and I want something to eat .
Ross : Okay . Well , hang in there , and I ll get you something . Hey . What do you got in the bag ?
Nora : Okay , Matthew , we understand that you re worried about Dani .
Bo : And we know that her father has Blair with him now , too .
Nora : Okay , but we really need to get back to Llanview .
Matthew : Then go . I ll be fine . Just come get me when she comes back .
Bo : I m sure that the local P.D. is doing everything it can to find her . Now , we ll keep you informed about what s happening when it s happening .
Matthew : Look , when me and Dani were busting out of Warwick , she could ve ditched me . Who needs an accomplice in a wheelchair ? But she stuck by me , so I m sticking by her .
Nora : Wow . I did nt realize the two of you had become such good friends .
Matthew : Well , I guess when 2 people go through something that big together , they get closer .
Bo : Hmm .
Kim : You sent me to get that file , remember ?
Clint : Yeah . I kind of thought that you d have it back at the office by now .
Kim : This is so embarrassing . I m new in town . I got lost . I m so sorry . It wo nt happen again .
Clint : No , it s good that the file is here . I m gon na work on it tonight .
Clint : No . It s all right . I ll see you tomorrow morning at the office , all right ? Did I see Nigel out here ?
Kim : Your butler ? Um , I did nt see him .
Clint : Oh . All right . Well , good night . See you tomorrow .
Kim : Bye .
Nevil : What is the meaning of this ?
Kim : Is nt it obvious ? I just did nt want my new boss to see me fooling around with the staff .
Nevil : Foo -- fooling around ?
Kim : Well , the truth is I m very attracted to you . I do nt know what it is : Your accent , your smile . When I saw you standing here , I just -- I felt something .
Nevil : Really ? What ?
Kim : Have you ever heard of a Sicilian thunderbolt ?
Nevil : No .
Kim : That s okay . Come with me and I ll tell you all about it . Better yet , why do nt I show you ?
Jessica : We are only here to get Mitch s blood in case one of our children ever needs it . That s all .
Jay : Well , Mr. Laurence does nt have any to spare right now . Do you know your blood types ?
Rex : A - negative .
Jay : Well , I m afraid you re not a match .
Jessica : Well , I ca nt donate unless you re okay with Mitch getting Hep - C.
Rex : Looks like we re gon na have to hope that the blood I had stored for Shane will be enough . Otherwise , it looks like this S.O.B. is gon na kick
Nurse : Doctor , I have news . The lab was able to locate his type from a blood bank in Cherryvale .
Jay : Well , it does nt look like I need you two after all . Excuse me .
Rex : Well , I guess we should ve known it was nt gon na be that easy .
Jessica : Yeah . Should ve .
Stacy : Wow . Why is she so scared of you ? Hmm ? I m gon na see if I can find out why . Okay . Patient name .
Rex : Glad it s not my blood saving his life .
Rex : Does that make me like him ?
Jessica : It makes you like me .
Rex : He saved my kid s life . I do nt want to return the favor .
Jessica : I owe you an apology .
Rex : Why ?
Jessica : It must ve been very difficult to come and tell me that Mitch was your biological father , too , and I could ve been more understanding .
Rex : Believe me , I get it . What do you do when somebody tells you , hey , remember the guy who raped your mother , dug up your husband s remains , killed your brother - in - law ? Well , it turns out he s my dad , too . It s not the greatest connection to have to somebody .
Jessica : Well , that may be so . But the good news is you re Bree s uncle . And I m Shane s aunt , and that makes me happy . It really does . And although I do nt really like what I m hearing about Stacy , I m excited that I m gon na get a new niece or nephew soon .
Rex : Blood or no blood , our kids are gon na have nothing to do with Mitch Laurence .
Kim : Oh ! You re still here !
Stacy : Yeah . I m just waiting for Rex .
Kim : Stacy , Nevil . Nevil , Stacy . Is nt he adorable ?
Nevil : A pleasure to meet you , Miss.
Kim : Oh , that accent drives me crazy ! Ha ha !
Stacy : Apparently .
Kim : Now , Stacy , where are our manners ? Maybe our guest would like a drink ? Hmm ?
Nevil : Oh , no , no , no , no . Thank you . I do nt drink . Well , maybe a small sherry .
Kim : No problem . One vodka coming right up .
Stacy : [ Whispering ] Girl , what s with those teeth ?
Kim : [ Whispering ] He s from England . They do nt have dentists there .
Stacy : You re not actually gon na do the deed with him , are you ?
Kim : Wo nt be necessary . I ve already got him on the ropes . A little TLC , a little vodka , he ll be blowing the whistle on Bo and Nora in no time .
Stacy : I thought you were gon na get the other guy to do it .
Kim : I was . But then I overheard Nigel telling old crumpet over there that he was never gon na tell Clint the truth about Bo and Nora . If anybody s gon na do it , it s dear sweet Nevil .
Stacy : Oh , well . As long as the brokenhearted billionaire has your shoulder to cry on .
Kim : And I ll use the rest of me to help him forget all about his slut of a wife .
Bo : We hear you , Matthew . Oh , we understand .
Matthew : But you re not gon na let me stay ?
Nora : Oh , sweetheart , this may be difficult to accept , but there s really nothing that you can do for Dani here .
Matthew : Except be here , like she was for me in London . Look , guys , you already put me on a plane once and took me away from my friends . Just listen to me . I have to stay here . I m needed here .
Nora : You re not really giving us much of a choice .
Todd : So what is she like ?
Téa : Excuse me ?
Todd : Dani -- what is she like ? What kind of music does she listen to ? Is she a good student ? Does she have any friends ? Do nt tell me she has a boyfriend yet .
Téa : Daniella is like you : Very complex . Ha ha .
Todd : Come on . Tell me about her . I mean , I d like to get to know her in case I get a chance to be a father -- or , when I get a chance to be a father . Oh , come on . What are you -- what are you doing ? I want to talk about our daughter , and you re gon na work ? What the hell ?
Téa : This is nt my work briefcase .
Todd : Yes , I know . That s -- I remember that briefcase . That s the one you flipped out about when you could nt find it . What the hell is in there that s so important ?
Téa : The story of our daughter s life .
Blair : You know , when you took my phone , all that s left in here now is a wallet and a lipstick .
Ross : Really ?
Blair : Yeah .
Ross : Now , I know you re holding out on me , Blair . When I took your phone , I saw the snacks you were hoarding in there . Come on . Hey , my daughter s hungry .
Blair : Well , you know what ? Why do nt you turn yourself in ? And then maybe I can take her someplace nice , all right ? Here you go .
Dani : We can share it if you want .
Blair : No , that s -- that s okay . I m gon na hold out for a real meal because it s not like we can be on the run forever !
Ross : Okay , look , we need to do something about the car .
Blair : You okay ?
Dani : Look , I know it s hard to see right now , but my dad really is a good guy .
Blair : Yeah . Well , I know he can be .
Dani : No , he is . But he would nt be doing any of this if he did nt feel backed into a corner .
Blair : Dani , people do crazy things when they re desperate .
Ross : Excuse me ? Get a little help here ? Blair ?
Nevil : Thank you , but I should nt .
Kim : But I made it special for you .
Nevil : But as I said , I really do nt -- ahh . Well , since you went to the trouble --
Stacy : Oh . Well , look at the time . I have my doctor s appointment . You 2 kids have fun !
Nevil : I never really fancied vodka before .
Kim : That s because you ve never had pineapple . Yummy , huh ? I m sure I can introduce to you lots of new things .
Nevil : American girls are so helpful .
Kim : And Englishmen are so good . I mean , it was so brave of you to come all the way across the ocean to tell Clint the truth about Bo and Nora .
Nevil : How do you know that ?
Kim : I did nt mean it . I just overheard you and Nigel talking .
Nevil : Then you must ve also heard my cousin tell me to keep silent .
Kim : I did . But it s just some things just need to be out in the open .
Nevil : Uhh
Nigel : You have a conference call with Mr. Penske at 6 : 00 . The latest numbers from London will be in for your review at 7 : 00 . And you ll want to wish Ronald , the new gardener , a happy birthday .
Clint : Thank you , Nigel . What would I do if I did nt have you to tell me what s going on ?
Bo : Looks like we ll be staying in Seattle a little longer .
Matthew : Oh , thank you .
Nora : Well , we certainly do nt want to take you away from a friend who needs you .
Bo : And I ll call the local P.D. , find out the latest on Dani and Blair .
Matthew : Thanks , Dad . You re the best .
Bo : Okay .
Nora : I will be right back . Hey , hey , hey . Um , are you planning on asking around or getting involved ?
Bo : Well , I plan to ask around . And Blair s a friend . If she s in trouble , then , you know .
Nora : Okay .
Bo : Hmm . Oh -- yeah .
Matthew : I feel a lot better with Dad on the case . Now I know they ll find her .
Nora : Yeah . I m still caught up on Téa having a daughter we knew nothing about .
Matthew : And that we just so happen to go to the same boarding school in London ?
Nora : I know . Right ? And how did you guys end up getting so close ?
Matthew : I do nt know . We talked .
Nora : What d you talk about ? Music ? Movies ? The two of you having crazy lawyer mothers ?
Matthew : Ohh --
Nora : Ohh -- ? Oh ? Oh .
Ross : Yeah , this is perfect . You ca nt see the car from the road .
Dani : Is all this really necessary ?
Ross : Well , honey , it would nt be if your mom had nt shanghaied you all the way to London . She was getting ready to move you again , was nt she ? Well , see ? Dani , Dani , if I had nt done this , she would ve taken you somewhere else and I would nt be able to find you . She s forcing me to do this .
Blair : It s because she loves you , Dani . A mother will do whatever she has to do to protect her children .
Dani : I m sorry . How do you know my parents ?
Blair : Well , actually , we have a long history , Dani . I was married to your mother s --
Ross : History is a little overrated , though . Is nt it , Blair ?
Dani : You were married to my mother s --
Blair : Boyfriend . Married to your mother s -- yeah . Married to your mother s boyfriend . You know what ? I do nt know what you re looking for : A car out here . I mean , the next dealership is 30 miles away !
Ross : Hey , Dani , remember when we used to thumb rides down to Teahupoo to catch the surf ? Those were great waves , were nt they ?
Dani : The greatest .
Ross : You think you can work your magic thumb here ?
Blair : Are you kidding me ? I do nt know if you ve noticed , but this is nt Tahiti , Ross . You re gon na let your teenage daughter stand on the side of the road and hitchhike ?
Ross : I m watching my teenage daughter . And if you so much as hint to her that she s not my teenage daughter , I m gon na cause some damage . You got that , Blair ?
Blair : Yes . I got it loud and clear . You know what ? We both know the truth , though , do nt we ? I bet Todd knows the truth , too . Yeah , I could see it in his eyes in the parking garage . And I bet you you could hear it in his voice when he was warning you not to hurt Dani .
Ross : I m not afraid of Todd .
Blair : Well , I tell you what , you should be . And you better pray that the cops get here before he does . Because we both know how far Todd Manning will go to keep his children .
Téa : When I -- when I left Ross and , um , put Daniella in boarding school , I -- I figured I d never go back to Tahiti . So I took everything that mattered , and everything that mattered was my daughter -- ha ha . Our daughter . Um -- oh . Ha ha . This was the first and last time Daniella ever wore pink .
Todd : What do we got here ? Report card ?
Téa : Oh , yeah . Oh , you re gon na love this . Read that .
Todd : Danielle is extremely bright , but she can sometimes be intolerant of students who are not up to her level . Good for her .
Téa : Yeah . When I was away from her , this was all I had of her . And I m glad to have it now .
Todd : A poem by Dani , 7 years old . My mommy is so pretty , my mommy is so smart , my mommy is the one I ll always love with all my heart .
Todd : Hey , Bo . What are you doing here ?
Bo : Well , Nora and I are here to take Matthew home . And we re worried , too -- you know , the situation with Rayburn s daughter and Blair ?
Téa : Will you be helping with the search ?
Bo : I told Matthew I d get him an update . I ca nt make any promises .
Todd : I can give you an update . These idiots do nt know their asses from deep center field .
Bo : Manning , you re not an easy man to want to help .
Todd : And , listen , I know that I m certainly not the first person you d like to help , and Téa probably the second to last person . But , you know , we re talking about this young girl and Blair . So if you could --
Téa : Bo , we re begging you .
Bo : Okay , well , just let me talk to the chief and see what I can do .
Dani : Thanks for stopping .
Man : Young lady , what are you doing out here by yourself ? Are you in some kind of trouble ?
Ross : Teenagers -- when are nt they in trouble ? Listen , thanks for stopping , man . We ve got some car trouble .
Téa : You did nt correct Bo when he called Dani Ross daughter .
Todd : Well , Dani should nt be the last person to find out she s my kid . I m gon na tell her myself when Bo brings her back safe and sound .
Bo : The chief says he ll give me everything they ve got . They think that Rayburn s headed to the Canadian border . He s trying to evade U.S. jurisdiction .
Todd : I guess we better find them before they cross it .
Ross : It s nice to know there s one good person left in the world . Think you can give us a lift ?
Kim : Oh , Nevil ! I want you so bad .
Nevil : Do you ? Really ?
Kim : Do nt you want me , too ?
Nevil : Oh , yes .
Kim : Then there s one left to say -- welcome to America . I ca nt do this .
Nevil : What ? Why not ?
Kim : It s not that I do nt want to . Believe me , nothing would make me happier than to rock your world right now .
Nevil : Well , then by all means , dear , rock away . Now , rock away !
Kim : No . Not when my boss is --
Nevil : Your boss ? Mr. Buchanan ?
Kim : Clint , yes . All I can think about is how his wife and his brother are stabbing him in the back right now . I mean , what ever happened to loyalty ?
Nevil : Yes . Loyalty .
Kim : Well , I wo nt be like them , Nevil . I wo nt let myself do all those hot , crazy , helpful American girl things I want to do to you , not when those people are breaking my boss heart . Damn it . I hate cheaters ! They ruin it for everybody !
Nevil : It is an unfortunate situation . If there was only something --
Kim : Oh , there is , Nevil ! You must tell Mr. Buchanan the truth .
Nevil : But , uh --
Kim : And then -- and then I ll finally be able to breathe , and I can think about you and me and finishing what we started .
Nora : Wow . Did you really hate me that much ?
Matthew : I do nt know . I just hated what you and Dad did .
Nora : Oh . Yeah . Ooh . We might ve been a tad overprotective .
Matthew : Mom , you two kidnapped me . You were way too overprotective .
Nora : Yeah . That was nt good , was it ? I m sorry . It s just the thought of losing you -- that s the scariest time of my life .
Matthew : You were scared of me dying , and -- I was scared I d never walk again . I just think we all went a little nuts .
Nora : Yeah . Heh heh .
Matthew : I think that s why you and Dad kissed that night .
Nora : What ?
Matthew : I m sorry I threatened to use that against you . I should nt have done that .
Nora : Oh , you know , we were just a little nuts .
Matthew : But I think I figured it out .
Nora : What -- what ?
Matthew : Me and Dani , we got so close because of the way we felt about our mothers . And you and Dad got closer because of the way you felt about me . And that s a good thing , right ?
Nora : Yeah -- oh , excuse me . Oh ! Clint , hi .
Clint : Hi . I have a few minutes , so I thought I d check in . How s Matthew ?
Nora : I m with him right now . And he s waving at you -- with his feet !
Clint : Next to your voice , that s the -- that s the best thing I ve heard all day .
Nora : Yeah . And Dr. Evans says that he s ready to come home now .
Clint : Home ? That s fantastic . I ll have Nigel make all the arrangements .
Nora : Um , well , actually , we re not going to be coming home right away . Matthew would like to stay until he knows that Dani and Blair are safe .
Clint : Oh . So you and Bo are both gon na stay there a little while longer ?
Jay : Well , the transfusion s working . He s starting to stabilize . As soon as your dad s blood pressure is high enough , we ll take him into surgery and repair the internal damage .
Jessica : Thanks . Do nt work too hard , Doc .
Rex : Let me ask you something . Does this make sense to you ? Why would Mitch stab himself ? He s cheated death . He s faked his death . Why would he do this ?
Jessica : Well , I guess we can rule out an act of conscience . But this did keep him out of jail .
Rex : The hard way .
Jessica : You know , what I do nt get is , why would he stab himself in front of Natalie ?
Rex : No . See , that I get . What better way to mess with her head even more than he already has ?
Jessica : Right . You know , she was a wreck when Brody and I saw her . I should probably check on her . I ll talk to you later . Okay ?
Stacy : Rex ? I have been calling and calling you ! You were supposed to pick me up .
Rex : Doctor s appointment ! I am so sorry . I forgot .
Stacy : Well , this is your baby , okay , and the appointment s in this hospital . How could you even forget that ?
Rex : It s Mitch . He s in there .
Stacy : Your father ?
Rex : Yeah , he s my -- he s my father . He tried to kill himself .
Stacy : Oh , my God .
Rex : Would you mind taking yourself to the doctor s appointment ? I need to be here .
Stacy : Rex , our baby needs his daddy just as much .
Rex : Oh , my God . I need to call Gigi , let her know what s happening .
Stacy : After Rex and I get married , I think I m gon na call you dad . I have a feeling you re gon na be very useful to me .
Rex : What are you doing in here ?
Stacy : I , um , I was just getting a good look at him because I -- I only have the picture . So I just wanted to memorize his face in case he lives and tries to come after us .
Rex : Okay , but this is nt the first time you ve seen him unconscious in a hospital bed . The clinic ? When you and Roxy were stealing his blood to pass it off as your own ? Ring any bells ?
Stacy : How many times do I have to apologize for that ?
Rex : Have you apologized for that ?
Stacy : Besides , he was basically like a turnip in a bedspread . This is hardly the same thing . Oh , Rex , I am sorry . I m sorry . I know this must be hard for you , but you re not alone . I remember everything you told me about him . I know the kind of man our baby s grandfather is , and it s gon na be okay . We re in this together .
Orderly : We ll be moving your dad into surgery as soon as we get his blood work back .
Rex : Okay .
Orderly : I just need to get these samples .
Nevil : I m sorry , Kimberly . I regret I must decline your kind offer to renew our relations .
Kim : Why ? Is it me ? Did I come on too strong ?
Nevil : Oh , on the contrary . I now see all that is good about America . Unfortunately , I can not meet your conditions . I could nt possibly tell Mr. Clint Buchanan what I know . It is simply not my place .
Kim : But it s the right thing to do .
Nevil : But it is not the proper thing . Mr. Buchanan would never accept this news coming from me .
Kim : Well , I ve only been his assistant for a hot 5 minutes , so I ca nt tell him .
Nevil : There is only one person in our master s life who could intrude in this way , and that s Nigel . He s Mr. Buchanan s right hand , and he s earned his trust .
Kim : Yeah , I ve noticed he s pretty protective . He s a real pain in the a --
Nevil : Nigel is an example to those of us in service .
Kim : That s what I was saying .
Nevil : I only wish I could be more like my cousin .
Clint : Of course I mean it . If you and Bo need to stay there a little longer , that s fine .
Nora : You re sure ?
Clint : Yeah . I think it s great that Matthew wants to make sure his friend is okay . I m proud of him for that . Nora , do what you need to do .
Nora : Okay . Thank you . How s Natalie holding up ?
Clint : Well , I have nt seen her since this morning . She was cleaning out Jared s desk .
Nora : Oh . Poor thing .
Clint : Yeah , it s pretty rough , but she s gon na get through this . Uh , look , I have to go . All right ? But listen . I hope Matthew s friend gets home soon .
Nora : Me , too .
Clint : Because that way , my family will get back soon , too . I love you , Nora .
Nora : I love you , too .
Matthew : Are you okay ?
Nora : Hmm ? What ? Oh , yeah . I m fine . Why ?
Matthew : It s just I know that I ve come between you and Uncle Clint .
Nora : Oh , honey , no . It s not you .
Matthew : Then what is it ?
Nora : It s nothing . Clint and I are fine .
Matthew : Look , I ll admit at first I was nt okay with you being with Uncle Clint and stuff , but now I really am cool with it . And plus , if it was nt for Uncle Clint finding Dr. Evans , I would nt be able to do this .
Nora : Oh , my God ! Look at you ! Ha ha ! That s even better than last time !
Matthew : Mom , are you crying ?
Nora : I m not crying . I m not , I m not , I m not . I m just -- I m so happy to have my baby back . Oh , gosh . I can only imagine what Téa s going through .
Bo : It s a rental agreement for Blair s car . Did you send out a description of the vehicle ?
Officer : To every filling station in a 90-mile radius .
Bo : Okay . Did you check the GPS ?
Officer : That make of car does nt come with one .
Bo : Yeah , but it says right here that Blair rented a portable GPS . So call the car company . Try to get a serial number for that unit .
Téa : This mean you can track where Ross has gone ?
Bo : Well , we ll see .
Ross : It was the craziest thing . We were driving along , the steering locks , and the car slid off the road . We ended up way , way over there . And we re lucky to be alive .
Man : Then you need a tow more than a ride .
Ross : Yeah . You know what ? Actually , could I use your phone ? Because our cell reception for some reason does nt work out here .
Man : It s in my car . I ll make the call for you .
Stacy : You know , do nt worry about the doctor s appointment . I ll just reschedule it . Hey . Um , I m sorry to hear about your dad .
Orderly : We re ready to take him to the O.R.
Mitch : My children . I knew they d come to me , for angels seek their father s face .
Jessica : Save it , okay ? We re not here for you . We re here for our own children .
Rex : Next time you try to kill yourself , try harder .
Mitch : Kill myself ?
Kim : So you really think Mr. Buchanan would listen to Nigel if he told him the truth about his wife and his brother ?
Nevil : I do . I only wish I was half the man my cousin is .
Kim : I do nt know , Nev. Do nt be so hard on yourself . I think you could be exactly the man Nigel is .
Clint : Thank you , Nigel . Is everything all right ? You look troubled .
Nigel : I was thinking about this family and all you ve been going through .
Clint : Well , we could nt get through any of it without you .
Nigel : That s very kind of you , sir .
Clint : No , I mean it . You re a good man , Nigel . You re always thinking about what s best for the Buchanan family .
Nigel : I do try , sir .
Nora : You are doing great , okay ? Just one more . Oh , gosh . Is that too much ? Am I hurting you ?
Matthew : No . Fine . Just keep going .
Nora : It s Dani , is nt it ? Oh , come on , sweetheart . They ll find her . I promise . Remember ? Dad s on the case now .
Bo : Okay , we input the serial number . Now we should be able to pick up a signal from the GPS .
Todd : It s not doing anything .
Bo : Well , it does nt emit a signal until the unit s turned on . And it looks like maybe the unit s not turned on .
Todd : My God .
Téa : How are we gon na find my baby ?
Dani : You hit him so hard , he s not even moving .
Ross : Dani , he s gon na be fine , honey . He s just gon na wake up in an hour with a headache .
Blair : Ross , you ve gotten way too out of control . This man needs to go to a doctor , and you need to turn yourself in .
Ross : That s a great plan , Blair -- lose Dani all over again ? Get moving . Get in the car . Now !
Bo : I m sorry . I was sure this was gon na work , but it s not over . All right ? We will find her .
Todd : So what are you gon na do now ?
Bo : I m gon na stay here and figure out the next step . Okay , why do nt you two go get some rest ?
Téa : How are we supposed to rest , Bo ?
Todd : We re not gon na go anywhere .
Bo : Well , I ll let you know if anything happens .
Ross : Hey ! I do nt know who you re waiting for . But if you think you know what I m capable of , Blair , you ai nt seen nothing .
Bo : Wait . All right , Blair ! I think we may have a fix on them .
### Summary:
| Bo and Nora are ready to take Matthew home since he s ready to walk soon . But he is not going anywhere until he knows that Dani is ok . Bo goes to see if he can find where Ross had taken Dani and Blair . Todd and Tea are together , getting closer when they are both worried about their daughter and both grateful that Blair is there for her . At first , Bo ca nt find them . But Blair activates her GPS so that the cops can find the car they are in before Ross takes them over the Canadian border . Doctors ask Rex and Jessica if they can donate their blood for Mitch s transfusion because their father could die without it . They are not certain what to do . The doctors find the blood for Mitch . And right then , Stacy happens to be in the hospital ready for a check up but needs to falsify the paternity for Rex . So she takes a tube of blood for Mitch . Meanwhile , Kim attempts to get Neville to admit to Clint that Bo and Nora are messing around so that she can be there for Clint when he s in a vulnerable state of mind . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ethan : Ahem -- Mom , Dad --
Gwen : Well --
Ethan : Excuse me . What s the meaning of this ?
Ivy : Ethan , I ca nt believe you saw that .
Sam : Talk about role reversal . I feel like a teenager again .
Ethan : Yeah . Well , just do nt let it happen again , ok ?
Gwen : Please do nt listen to him . He loves seeing you two happy .
Ethan : Yeah . Well , I m a sucker for a happy couple , you know , especially when it s my own parents .
Charity : Why did you have to die , mom ? Nothing s been the same ever since . Aunt Grace ran off with her first husband . Kay hates me . I ve lost Miguel , the love of my life . I have never needed you more than I do right now .
Kay : Ew . How creepy is that ? When her eyes change color , they look just like my mom .
Tabitha : She s her twin sister -- well , not exactly the twin of the dear departed Faith . Rather a perfectly formed body double . Maybe we should call her Faithless . So now who s mocking my dark - side prowess ? I conjured her up all by myself with a little help from my darling Endora , of course . Welcome , Faithless . You know what you re here to do , so get cracking .
Kay : Whoa , whoa , whoa , what is she going to do ?
Tabitha : She s going to eliminate the biggest problem in your life . It s time for Charity to die .
Antonio : Nobody tries to steal my wife and gets away with it . Not even my brother .
Hank : Where the hell do you think you re going ?
Antonio : That would be none of your business , so why do nt you get off the boat .
Hank : Not if you re charging off half - cocked after Luis .
Antonio : I m going to find my wife , hank . But if I find out that Luis has taken her against her will , well , enough said .
Hank : I m going with you . Do nt want to see anyone get hurt .
Antonio : You know what , Hank ? It s too late for that , because if I find out that Luis is with my wife , he s a dead man .
Sheridan : How much stuff did you bring ? How long are you going to keep me here ?
Luis : Well , I figure as long as it takes . As long as it takes for you to remember your feelings for me .
Sheridan : You know , you really have lost your mind . You do nt force someone into loving you by kidnapping them from their home . All right , I want to go home .
Luis : So you left me no choice . Oh , come on , you know I d never hurt you .
Sheridan : I do nt know what I know about you anymore . But I can tell you this -- loving you is the farthest thing from my mind right now .
Luis : That s ok . I figure we ve got all the time in the world .
Sheridan : Maybe you do , but I do nt . I want to go back home to my husband , Antonio .
Luis : You know , we ll see how you feel about that after you spend a little quality time with me .
Sheridan : This is outrageous ! You have no right to keep me here .
Luis : Sheridan , would you just relax , ok ? I ll take you back to Harmony as soon as you get your memory back and you tell me you love me . And then we ll go back together .
Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places ; and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet ; and I , would fly on the wings of the bird , I knew could take me highest . Breathe in , breathe out . You keep me alive ; you are the fire burning inside of me . You are my passion for life .
Sheridan : Luis , I m very flattered by all the time you are taking to do this , but it s not going to work , all right ? Antonio s not just going to sit around twiddling his thumbs while I m missing . In fact , he s probably out there looking for us right now .
Luis : Well , I m not going to lose sleep over it .
Sheridan : You might not , but I will , because when he finds you , he will kill you .
Luis : Well , I thought you did nt care .
Luis : You know something , Sheridan ? Antonio can come after me all he likes , ok ? Because I m basically willing to risk anything to make sure that we get back together .
Sheridan : You are incredibly selfish . You know that ?
Luis : No , actually , I m just a man in love , and I love you more than anything in this world , and , well , I m just as sure as you are glaring at me right now that you -- well , love me just as deeply .
Sheridan : Arrogant , too .
Luis : Right , you know , stubborn . You forgot that . Well , you know , I get that from my Latin mother and my Irish father , but -- oh , come on , Sheridan . You know , Ackland all but admitted -- well , actually , you know what ? He did admit that if we spent time together your feelings for me would come back . So basically , you know , all I m doing is , I m just following your doctor s advice , ok ?
Sheridan : You are impossible . How I ever got involved with you in the first place I will never know .
Luis : You hungry ?
Sam : I m glad you both could join us for dinner .
Gwen : Well , so are we . Actually , we are celebrating a little something ourselves tonight .
Ethan : Oh , yeah , a real little something . Gwen and I are going to be parents in a few months .
Gwen : Yeah !
Ivy : Oh , wonderful . Then everything went well with the surrogate .
Gwen : Well , not exactly . As usual , Theresa has derailed our plans .
Ivy : What did she do this time ?
Gwen : Well , for starters , she had herself implanted with one of our embryos instead of the real surrogate .
Ethan : But once we found out , we tried again with the surrogate .
Gwen : And she lost the baby . Dr. Russell said my eggs are nt viable , so the surrogate was our last chance to have a biological child .
Ethan : Except for Theresa , who is pregnant .
Ivy : Oh , that scheming little --
Sam : Ahem , that is conniving , I admit .
Ivy : That woman would do anything to cause chaos in everyone else s life .
Sam : Except in this case something good s coming out of her outrageous behavior . Ethan and Gwen are going to have their own child . Congratulations .
Gwen : Thank you .
Sam : To the mom - and - dad - to - be .
Gwen : Thank you .
Ethan : Absolutely .
Eve : Are you ok ?
T.C. : How can I not be when I am sitting across from the most beautiful woman in this world . My dreams were snatched away from me over 25 years ago . But God saw fit to bring you into my life . I am the luckiest man in the world .
Liz : The investigating officer was detective Ronald Cook . Well , let s just hope Detective Cook would like to dig into a very old , very cold case .
Kay : I never said that I wanted Charity to die .
Tabitha : Do nt go squeamish on me here , Kay . I m trying to help you .
Kay : But if she s killed , it s going to tear Miguel to pieces , ok ? And the last thing he s going to want to do is get close to me . And what about Timmy ?
Tabitha : What about him ?
Kay : Well , he loved her so much that he gave his life to save her . I mean , it s Timmy s heart that she s walking around here with . I ca nt believe you would even consider having her killed .
Tabitha : I did nt say that I was going to enjoy this , Kay . And as far as Tim- Tim goes , he is nt here anymore , and he loved me , too , you know , and as long as Charity is alive , Endora and I are at grave risk .
Kay : Ok , but there s a hundred other ways to go without betraying Timmy s memory or shattering Miguel s heart . I mean , let Charity meet a guy from , like , South America , ok ? And she can move , like , far away with him and design some serapes or something . Or -- or I know -- turn her into a nun . I mean , she s always reminded me of one anyway , with all that virgin - till - I - die crud . I mean , she would fit great into any convent .
Tabitha : No can do , dear . As you well know , I have certain powers , but they are useless when it comes to anyone or anything as achingly good as Charity . The only influence I have is over pure , unadulterated evil . Evil personified .
Evil Faith : Where is my darling daughter ?
Charity : What happened , mom ? We were so happy back then . I thought it would get easier with time , not having you around , but it has nt . And I need you more than ever now , mom .
Luis : Well , that s not bad .
Sheridan : Modest , too .
Luis : Yeah , you re not going to be complaining if it gets any colder , are you ? All right . You sure you re not hungry ?
Sheridan : For an orange ? I do nt think so .
Luis : Oh , no , actually , I was thinking of something a little more substantial .
Sheridan : I m starved . I have nt eaten since breakfast . What do you have ?
Luis : Well , nothing yet . Wish me luck , or we re going to bed without dinner .
Sheridan : Oh , Luis , if Antonio finds you , you re going to need more than luck .
Antonio : All right , shine the light this way . [ Searching by boat with a spotlight . ]
Hank : You see something ?
Antonio : Yeah , over there . Go over there . If it s what I think it is , Luis has made the last mistake he s ever going to make .
Liz : Yes . Is this Harmony P.D. ? Yes , I d like to speak with a Detective Ronald Cook . He s retired . Listen , do you have any way of getting in touch with him ? I m his cousin , and our aunt just died , and I d really like to let him know . Oh , yes , an address would be fine . Thank you so much . Well , I think it s time to pay a little visit to Detective Cook , see how much he remembers about T.C. s terrible accident all those years ago .
Sam : Eve , T.C. --
Gwen : Hi .
Eve : Hi .
Sam : How are you ?
Eve : Good . How are you ?
T.C. : We got to get home .
Sam : What a shame . We ve got some family celebrating to do .
Eve : So you re feeling better about the baby , then ?
Gwen : Hmm -- you mean feeling better about the fact that Theresa s carrying it for us instead of the surrogate we chose ?
Eve : I know . It s a very difficult situation .
Gwen : Well , it is outrageous and unfair , but Ethan is right . It is either dwell on the negative or look forward and be grateful for the fact that in just a few months we re going to have a baby of our own , so I m grateful and I am not going to think about Theresa .
Ethan : There you go .
T.C. : Well , that sounds like a plan , and I m sure you two will be wonderful parents .
Gwen : Thank you .
Ethan : Oh , thanks , T.C.
Ivy : Actually , could I talk to you just a moment about the hospital fundraiser ? [ Ivy slips off to the side with Eve in tow . ]
Eve : What do you want , Ivy ?
Ivy : How the hell did you let Theresa become pregnant with Gwen and Ethan s embryo ?
Eve : I was nt the doctor who performed the procedure . I did nt even hear about Theresa s duplicity until well after Gwen s embryo was implanted .
Ivy : Unbelievable . How could something like that happen ?
Eve : Well , I do nt know . Maybe in the same way that you switched John and Grace s DNA , so that everyone would think he was her biological child .
Ivy : That was different . That was for a good cause , not some travesty of medical science .
Eve : No , Ivy , what you did was far worse . You broke up Sam and Grace s marriage so you could get your hooks back into Sam . It appears that you ve done it .
Ivy : Stop scolding me , Eve . Grace is happy as a clam in Europe with David , and John thinks his mother and father have been reunited . You know , so I did everyone a favor with that DNA switch , especially you . You know , I could have spilled the beans about you and Julian and your illegitimate son . By the way , are you still playing hanky - panky with my ex ?
Eve : If you breathe just a whisper of a word about me and Julian , I swear to god I ll take you down with me .
Ivy : You would nt dare .
Eve : Try me .
Luis : Mmm . Here , try some .
Sheridan : I m not hungry anymore .
Luis : Oh , come on . Liar . Come on . Here .
Sheridan : Hmm .
Luis : Well ?
Sheridan : It could use a little seasoning .
Luis : That s the girl I fell in love with . Harmony s answer to Emeril .
Sheridan : Quit making fun of me .
Luis : I m not . Hey , you remember that time you made me those scrambled eggs ?
Sheridan : Those eggs were completely inedible .
Luis : Mm - hmm . And I was kind enough to share my juicy steak with you . You know why ?
Sheridan : Uh - uh .
Luis : Because you tried so damn hard to impress me with your domestic skills .
Sheridan : Yeah , I had a lot of nerve .
Luis : No . Just a woman in love , trying to impress her man .
Sheridan : Look , Luis , that s in the past , all right ? Things change .
Luis : Some things do , and some things do nt . Here , hold this a sec . I ll be right back . I ll show you something .
Hank : Do nt do this , Antonio .
Antonio : You know what , Hank ? Nobody asked you to come . Sheridan ? Sheridan are you here ?
Hank : You got to calm down , man .
Antonio : Sheridan ! I m just telling you , Hank , she better be ok . You hear me , Luis ? If you have so much as laid a finger on my wife , I m going to kill you .
Hank : Do nt do it , Antonio . Your brother would nt hurt Sheridan .
Antonio : Damn it , they re not here , and there s no sign of them being aboard . Where has Luis taken my wife ?
Hank : I do nt know . It does nt look like this is the boat they were on .
Antonio : Well , then , what s it doing here , Hank ? Wait a minute . I know . Luis probably planted this as a decoy boat , thinking that I would nt follow him anymore , but you know what ? He s wrong , because I m going to hunt them down and then I m going to make him pay for kidnapping my wife .
Sheridan : Your wallet ? You think you re going to pay me to remember that I love you ?
Luis : Oh , no . What s in here is more valuable than money .
Sheridan : I know what you re doing , Luis , and it s not going to work .
Luis : What am I doing ?
Sheridan : You re going to try to remind me of how much we used to be in love .
Luis : No , it s actually more like how we used to hate each other . Remember that ? When we first met ?
Sheridan : Oh , yeah , I remember now .
Luis : See ? Exactly .
Sheridan : You used to think that I was this spoiled rotten bratty heiress , and I thought that you were this narrow - minded bully . It was your way or the highway . Sort of like now .
Luis : You know what , though ? You left out one of my most notable character traits -- persistence . But come on , after that boat exploded in Bermuda , I was the only one who thought you were still alive . Everyone else wanted to give up . It was me . I sensed you were still out there somewhere .
Sheridan : I remember thinking about you when I was on St. Lisa s . I could nt even remember my name , but I remembered that I had a deep love . It was almost like I had this sense memory of being totally and completely happy .
Luis : Yeah , well , that s how it was between us .
Sheridan : Look , Luis , I do nt want to talk about this anymore .
Luis : All right , then . Suit yourself . There s something else I want to do while we re here anyway .
Sheridan : Whoa . Wait a minute . Where are you going ?
Luis : No , no , no . It s nothing you d be interested in . You know , it s guy stuff . But I wo nt be long .
Sheridan : Whoa , wait , you can not leave me here . Where are you going ?
Luis : I m going swimming . Diving for buried treasure , if you must know .
Sheridan : Excuse me ?
Luis : Well , you see , it s a story that I ve heard all my life . There was a pirate from around here , and , well , a few hundred years ago , he was said to have commandeered this Spanish galleon , and he tried to sail it out from Bermuda . This big noreaster came in , capsized the boat . There s said to be sunken treasure around here . So when I was a little kid , you know , we used to go snorkeling and look for parts of the wreckage . Never found any , though .
Sheridan : And this is what you want to do tonight ?
Luis : Why not ? Maybe you re my good - luck charm . Now , who knows ? Maybe tonight I will get lucky .
Sheridan : It s going to be dangerous out there .
Luis : I thought you did nt care .
Sheridan : I do nt .
Luis : Well , ok . Anyway , I m not scared of sharks .
Sheridan : Sharks ? You can not go out there !
Luis : It was a joke . I was kidding . You want to come ?
Sheridan : No . I d rather sit here and eat worms .
Luis : All right , up to you .
Sheridan : Wait . Luis , I m coming with you .
Kay : Put down that meat cleaver , will you ? You are not going to chop Charity into little pieces .
Evil Faith : Why not ? I mean , you know , Tab could feed her to fluffy for weeks , save us a fortune in cat food .
Kay : Oh , that s horrible . This is the way she always thinks ?
Tabitha : Oh , this is nothing .
Evil Faith : Come on , you know , it s not like we re going to get caught . The cops will think that it was one of those serial killers . You know , like that blond shrink in Salem . Ooh , talk about a whack case .
Kay : Tabitha , tell her to stop . I do nt want her to kill Charity , just help me get rid of her .
Evil Faith : You know , it s the same thing in my book , girlie .
Tabitha : Listen , Faithless , Kay may not be wrong on this . I think , perhaps , we should not be quite so fatal and work our way up to Charity s demise .
Evil Faith : Come on , Tabitha , that s no fun !
Tabitha : Oh , well , it could be if we put our heads together . I know . How about a good haunting ? You could pretend to be the simpy girl s mother and just haunt Charity to go far , far away .
Evil Faith : Well , I suppose it could be amusing .
Tabitha : Yeah .
Charity : Mom , are you in here ? Did you get out ? Mom .
Charity : Oh . Oh , mom . Oh , god .
Evil Faith : I m here , sweetheart .
Charity : Aunt Grace , I thought you were --
Evil Faith : No , no , no . Aunt Grace is still in Europe . It s me , your mother .
Charity : No , this is impossible .
Evil Faith : No , no , no , no , trust me , Charity . It s true . I heard you calling me , so I came . But I need you to do something for me .
Charity : Anything .
Evil Faith : Ok . I need you to go to our old home .
Charity : But there s nothing there . It s burnt down .
Evil Faith : I know you will understand when you get there . Now go .
Eve : You tell anyone about my past with Julian , and you will regret it , Ivy , and that s a promise . I am never ever going to forgive you for making me lie to my best friend . Never .
Eve : Oh .
Ivy : Oh -- oh .
Woman : Hi .
Ivy : You are Omarosa from The Apprentice . I adore that show .
Omarosa : That s Omarosa Manigualt - Stallworth , and I m glad you were entertained .
Eve : Well , what are you doing here in Harmony ?
Omarosa : I ve been in discussions with Alistair Crane to head up his Washington division . I m here to close the deal .
Ivy : Well , let me give you some advice .
Omarosa : I m perfectly capable of sealing this deal on my own without the advice of strangers . Thanks .
Ivy : No , really , I think you want to hear me out . I m Ivy Crane .
Omarosa : Oh , hi , Ivy .
Ivy : And not many people know this , but Alistair really wants to bring the Crane Industries benefit package up to par with the rest of corporate America , so you might suggest something like -- oh , free full - time daycare for all employees . I m sure you re going to get a reaction out of him with that .
Omarosa : Hmm . Thank you . I ll try it .
Ivy : Mm - hmm , oh , yeah . Alistair -- he s a real sweetie , and he does nt care how long you take for lunch as long as you get the job done .
Omarosa : Thank you . Thanks a lot .
Ivy : Best of luck . And , Omarosa , you re fired .
Man : What do you want ?
Liz : Detective cook ?
Man : He s retired . You got a police problem , take it to the Harmony P.D.
Liz : No , you do nt understand . This is about something that happened a long time ago and on your watch , if you re Detective Ronald Cook .
Man : I told you , young lady , I m not in the business anymore .
Liz : Sir , I need your help . Or at least a friend of mine does , and you re my only hope .
Detective Cook : All right , make it quick . I have nt got all day .
Liz : I m Liz , and my friend s name is T.C. Russell , and you were the lead detective on a case that he was involved in over 25 years ago . He was injured in a hit - and - run accident .
Detective Cook : I had a lot of those .
Liz : Yes , I know , but -- well , I m hoping that you can remember T.C. He was such a young man at the time , a very promising tennis career ahead of him . In fact , he was scheduled to play a big tournament the next day . This accident completely destroyed his career .
Detective cook : What do you expect me to do about this ?
Liz : I do nt expect you to do anything , Detective . I m just hoping that you can help me do something .
Detective cook : Well , I do nt see what that could be . Like you said , I spent months trying to close the case . Never got anywhere . There s only one explanation for that -- someone did a lot of work trying to cover up all the evidence . The way I remember it , when we got to the scene , there was nt a fingerprint anywhere . You know , unfortunately , as far as your friend , Mr. Russell , is concerned , he was out like a light . Could nt even swear to whether it was a man or a woman driving the car .
Liz : Still , would nt it be great to solve this case ? I mean , you d be on every talk show in America , maybe even a book deal .
Detective Cook : I never even thought about that .
Liz : And not only would it be great for you , it would mean so much to my friend . Do you think you still have your old notes ?
Detective Cook : Never threw out a one . Come in . You can help me look .
Sam : Have a good night , guys .
T.C. : Yeah , you , too . Ivy .
Ivy : Thanks , T.C.
T.C. : You two , congratulations , ok ?
Gwen : Thank you .
Ethan : Thanks . Thank you .
Eve : Is something wrong , T.C. ?
T.C. : Seeing Ivy makes me think of Julian , and all of the bad memories just start flooding back in .
Eve : About the car crash ?
T.C. : We were so close to nailing that bastard at the Founders Day Dance . Luis had the information that I needed , the evidence to prove that Julian was the one who broadsided my car . Wait a minute . Maybe the evidence that Alistair had is not the evidence I need . Maybe I can get that evidence from some other place .
Eve : Honey , it was so long ago , I ca nt imagine what --
T.C. : No , sweetheart , I know where I can get the evidence . Come with me .
Eve : Honey , where are you taking me ?
T.C. : You always wanted to see what was in my shed .
Eve : You re going to show me tonight ?
T.C. : I think it s time . I do nt know why I have nt shown you until now . We have never kept secrets from each other , and I do nt want to keep this secret from you . I want to share everything with you , Eve , even if it does remind me of my darkest hour .
Luis : I do nt think I ve ever been to this spot before . I m going to check it out .
Sheridan : Hey , I m coming with you .
Charity : That could nt have been a dream . It seemed too real , that was my mother .
Charity : I m coming , mom . I m coming to the old house .
Tabitha : Looks like it s worked . You are the perfect lure to get Charity to do whatever we want her to do .
Kay : Ok , well , what about when Charity gets to where they used to live ? I mean , the house has nt been there since it burned down .
Tabitha : Yeah , well , Evil Faith will deal with all that . All we can hope for is that Charity will do what her mommy tells her to do .
Liz : So you kept notebooks on all your old cases ?
Detective Cook : Any cop worth his salt does the same thing .
Liz : And you ll let me look through it when you find it ?
Detective Cook : No can do . It s still official police business and you re a civilian .
Liz : But like you said , you re not on the force anymore . And you know , that hit - and - run driver was nt ever brought to justice . And think of how people will look at you if you solve this case now .
Detective Cook : What the hey . It could give my pension check a boost , too . But , first , I got to find the damn thing . Ah , I kept a few files in here , too .
Eve : Oh , my god .
T.C. : This is the car that I was driving the night that I was injured in that hit - and - run . I know I should have junked it a long time ago , but it was a part of me that reminded me of what happened that night when that bastard ran me off the road . Eve , I could have been somebody .
Eve : Oh , T.C. , you are somebody . You ve done so much with your life since then .
T.C. : What s that expression ? Those who can do . Those who ca nt coach . Eve , I wanted be a player . I never wanted to be some guy standing on the sideline , just throwing the calls .
Eve : I know , but --
T.C. : I know that Julian was driving the car the night of my accident . He s the only person I know that s so much of a coward , he would nt even stop to see if I was ok . He would nt accept responsibility , and one of these days , I m going to get the proof that he did it .
T.C. : Honey , what is it ? You look like you ve seen a ghost .
Hank : Satisfied ? It was nt Luis boat . Now can we go back to the dock ?
Antonio : No , I m not going anywhere until I find my wife and my brother .
Hank : You honestly do nt think Luis would hurt Sheridan .
Antonio : I do nt know what he d do . He was crazy enough to take her against her will . Look , Hank , I m not giving up on this one . I m going to find Sheridan , and I m going to teach Luis a lesson he s never going to forget .
Evil Faith : I ca nt wait to kill Charity .
Tabitha : I ll zap you over to Castleton . Then you can slice and dice her there .
Eve : Oh , god , I ve hurt you . I ve made you suffer .
Sheridan : Luis ! What if something happened to him and I did nt see ? What if he s still down there ?
### Summary:
| Sparks fly between Luis and Sheridan as they spend time on the island . Luis reminds Sheridan of the times they shared , both good and bad . Luis goes diving and gets trapped underwater . Antonio is searching for Luis and Sheridan , and has a loaded gun ! Ivy learns that Theresa had herself implanted with Gwen and Ethan s embryo and is so angry . Sam says that something good will come out of Theresa s actions , and Gwen says she is trying to take Ethan s advice and focus on the postive side . T.C. shows Eve the car that he has kept in the shed - the car that he was in the night of the accident that ruined his career . Eve has a flashback of an accident . Liz contacts the policeman who investigated the accident , and he agrees to help Liz search the files . Tabitha has conjured up an Evil Faith to kill Charity . Kay says she does nt want Charity killed and reminds Tabby that Timothy gave his heart to save Charity . Charity dreams about her mother and the fire . Evil Faith visits Charity and tells her to go to the house where she and her mother lived . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : Hope and R.J. are nt here . Felicia s having an all - kids slumber party , so we re alone . We can talk .
Ridge : Good , cause we need to talk about this . For their sake , for our sake , we need to resolve this .
Brooke : Mm - hmm . We need to do what s best for everybody . That s what we both want .
Katie : Congratulations .
Thorne : For what ?
Katie : For getting Forrester back .
Thorne : Oh , yeah , that . ( Laughs sarcastically )
Katie : You do nt sound too happy .
Thorne : ( Sighs ) well , I m not so sure I like the terms .
Katie : What do you mean ?
Thorne : Oh , this is great . Thank you . Well , we were a family - run fashion house , and that s what set us apart , but it seems that my father has just jumped into an affair with your sister .
Katie : Oh , no , Thorne . I do nt think so .
Thorne : I saw em , Katie .
Katie : Uh , listen , Brooke is in no condition to be ...
Thorne : Not Brooke . Donna , my almost - wife .
Katie : That is disgusting !
Ashley : Hi . You wanted to see me ?
Eric : Sometime before you leave , yeah .
Ashley : Okay , that would be now . So am I being transferred to Paris , or is my lab being moved across town somewhere ?
Eric : Ashley , I m well aware that all of us being back here at Forrester Creations might create a kind of a ... an awkward situation for you vis -- vis Brooke .
Ashley : Yeah , well , I do nt think we re gon na need a referee if that s what you re worrying about .
Eric : I want you to be comfortable , that s all . And I want you to know that my appreciation and my support for you and for your work is unchanged .
Ashley : Thank you . You know what ? I would just love to have a little bit of your personal support , too . I mean , I know that you re in the inevitability camp where Ridge and Brooke are concerned-- that they re supposed to be together whether that s what he actually wants or not .
Eric : All I said was that I had observed a certain pattern over the years .
Ashley : Wait . Wait . I m not a pattern . I m a person . Ridge and I are going to be married , and I m not going anywhere . Can you deal with that ?
Ridge : First , I want to apologize for changing my mind about your counseling session .
Brooke : I understand . Ashley s feeling threatened .
Ridge : Not threatened . Annoyed .
Brooke : Is that a pretty constant thing for her ?
Ridge : Logan , there are a lot of other people in your life that would , uh , be there for you and support you if you d just let them , like Katie , for instance , or Donna or even Bridget .
Brooke : I know . But do you know what a difference it s made to have the man that I love and trust right there by my side ? Ridge , most women who go through this-- they ca nt stand having a man near them , let alone touch them , and I do nt feel that way because of you .
Ridge : And I very much appreciate that , but there s a lot more going on between us than just support .
Brooke : Hmm . Well , you finally admit it . Did you tell Ashley ?
Ridge : No , and there s no need to , because it s got ta stop tonight .
Katie : So let me get this straight . Donna ca nt get to Stephanie through you , so she decides to throw herself at Eric ?
Thorne : Thank God , somebody gets it . You know what the creepy thing is , though ? He sounds just like I did . She s brash . She s out there , but she really cares about me .
Katie : Does your father , just , like , lose his mind every couple of years ?
Thorne : I thought he was past that . Obviously , he is nt .
Katie : ( Sighs ) wow . Thorne , I am really sorry .
Thorne : It s not your fault .
Katie : Someone really ought to be able to do something about Donna .
Thorne : ( Scoffs ) you know what I do nt get is my father . He and my mother have a fight , and all of a sudden , he has a fling ? What ...
Katie : Well , no offense , I know she s your mother and you love her , but that s the one part of this I understand .
Eric : Ashley , I have nothing but good wishes for you and Ridge , really .
Ashley : Hmm .
Eric : I mean , he -- you know , he s very much like me . He sort of needs a strong woman in his life .
Ashley : Oh , wait a second . I m nothing like Stephanie . I mean , if I have a problem with Brooke or anybody else , I m not gon na recruit some stranger-- I m sorry .
Eric : So he , uh-- he told you ?
Ashley : Well , I could nt understand why he felt so responsible . He even got involved in Brooke s rape counseling .
Eric : Ashley , look , Ridge and I both feel kind of a responsibility here . We both feel that we should have-- we should have seen something coming , you know ?
Ashley : Wait a second . Stephanie did what she did , and then she chose not to face the consequences . That does nt mean that you should or that Ridge should . What have you heard from her ?
Eric : A couple of letters , and that s all .
Ashley : Really ?
Eric : Frankly , I m worried . I think everybody is a little bit .
Ashley : Oh , hi .
Donna : Hi .
Ashley : Um , Ridge is probably home by now , so thank you for worrying .
Eric : Okay .
Ashley : It ll be okay . Excuse me .
Donna : It s closing time .
Eric : No , no , no . I never close . I m kind of a 24-hour convenience store here , you know ?
Donna : ( Laughs ) so you re not heading home ?
Eric : This kind of feels like home here better than anything else .
Donna : So how did , uh , things go with Thorne ?
Eric : You were nt listening at the door ? I m disappointed in you .
Donna : ( Laughs ) look , nobody has ever stood up for me the way you did . I mean , nobody who actually knew me . The thing I did nt expect , and I probably should have , was what a strong stand he took for Stephanie .
Eric : Donna , he does nt know what Stephanie did .
Donna : Would it matter ? I mean , there-- there s a selfishness that children have . We think our parents have a duty to stay together .
Eric : That may be part of it , yeah .
Donna : Which makes me wonder , what s gon na happen when Stephanie walks in your door ? And you know she will .
Ridge : Logan , we have a son . We work together . We have a relationship that I will always , always value . It s just not gon na be the way you want it to be .
Brooke : Are you sure that s the way it works ? Because I think the relationship chooses you , not the other way around .
Ridge : We need some boundaries here .
Brooke : And you think I ve been taking advantage .
Ridge : Look , if I ve given you mixed signals , I highly apologize . That was not my intention .
Brooke : Yes , you ve been giving me mixed signals , and I believe that that would mean there s some mixed feelings .
Ridge : I know how lucky I am to have you in my life , Logan . You will always be a part of me , but I ca nt have it both ways . I m in love with somebody else . I m marrying someone else .
Brooke : All right . ( Sighs )
Ridge : Thank you .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) look , I m not gon na argue with you , Ridge , because I still have faith in us , whatever that may mean in the future . Look , before you go , I made you something , sort of a thank - you for knowing what I need , even though I did nt know what I needed , so ... here , wait . Hang on . ( Laughs ) something I came across in the closet . I was cleaning the closet out for Katie , and these old photos were in there -- duplicates . And some of them , we never thought would see the light of day , so ... ( sighs ) open it at your own risk . ( Laughs )
Donna : I do nt know how legally enforceable your agreement with Nick is . I mean , if you do nt divorce Stephanie , what s he gon na do , besides huff and puff and blow your door down ?
Eric : I do nt know what he s gon na do . I do nt really know what I m gon na do until I see Stephanie .
Donna : Well , maybe Thorne was right . You ve got a lifetime invested in that relationship , even if it never really made you happy . But maybe -- maybe happiness is nt the most important thing .
Eric : What is ?
Donna : Maybe it s feeling connected or ... attached , tethered to the world so you do nt blow away like yesterday s Times . You have that with her , at least . Maybe I m what Thorne says-- after your money , your name , revenge-- things that do nt have much to do with you .
Eric : Are you ? You know , I think highly enough of myself and what I have to offer that if you told me that was the case , it probably would nt make much difference . Maybe I d appreciate you more . Maybe .
Donna : ( Laughs )
Eric : Is that what you re doing ? You re just using me , Donna Logan ?
Ashley : He ll be home .
Ridge : I see what you mean .
Brooke : Puerta Vista .
Ridge : Those outfits-- boy , the heat must have fried our brains .
Brooke : ( Laughs ) oh , yeah , I m sure it did , definitely . Oh , and here s British invasion Ridge . Love that long hair .
Brooke : That s at the Villa dEste , Lake Como . { Music playing ] In my heart and here at home but I m afraid that they ll just fade with time photographs are cold and a memory s hard to hold I never got a chance to say good - bye one more day one more night one more chance to make it right .
Ridge : I love you , Logan . { Music playing ] A few more words a few more laughs it does nt seem too much to ask and I know it s just a dream but I d give up everything if you d walk through that door just once more ooh - ooh - ooh just once more
Brooke : I ve loved you all my life , and I will till the day I die .
Ridge : ( Inhales deeply ) I ll look at these later .
Brooke : Oh , wait . Did I do something wrong ?
Ridge : No , no , no . I just , uh , need to get going . Thank you for these .
Brooke : Oh , you do nt have to take it .
Ridge : No , I want to . I want to look at them later .
Brooke : Okay . Keep in touch ?
Ridge : We re gon na see each other tomorrow at work , yes ?
Brooke : Oh , right . ( Laughs ) tomorrow at work , yeah .
Ridge : Yes .
Brooke : Just like the old days . Well , no , no , not like the old days .
Katie : You know , there are days I wonder if I m even really a Logan . Who knows ? Maybe I was left on the doorstep .
Thorne : ( Laughs ) I know the feeling . I ve had fantasies that my real family would show up and claim me . Then it did -- Darla .
Katie : You re not in the lost and found , you know ? You re just waiting , just like the rest of us .
Thorne : For what ?
Katie : The right thing-- hoping that you ll know it when you see it .
Thorne : This , uh -- thank you . This was very thoughtful of you .
Katie : Well , hey , it might come in handy if you ever get amnesia .
Thorne : ( Laughs )
Katie : I m nothing if I m not practical . Anyway , I got ta go . Um , I ll see you around .
Thorne : Okay , see ya around .
Katie : Okay .
Donna : I d tell you the truth about myself if I knew what it was . I do nt think about myself as much as other people seem to . I look at myself in the mirror , and I like my hair or I do nt , or if I fill out a dress , and that s about it . Do I mind that you re rich ? Not much .
Eric : Well , that s very big of you .
Donna : Life goes well with money . But for the things I like to do best , I really only need pantyhose and bourbon .
Eric : Yeah , well , do nt be drinking the cheap stuff , all right ? It s terrible for your teeth ...
Donna : ( Laughs )
Eric : Rotten . They ll fall out .
Donna : Now see , I could ... flatter you to no end and -- and list all your fine qualities , but the fact that you just said that makes me think , now that is a man I want to wake up to .
Eric : And what about the idea of Stephanie having palpitations when she finds out about you and me ?
Donna : Mmm . Oh , that s a huge selling point .
Eric : Yeah ?
Donna : I mean , for that alone I could throw myself at you unmercifully .
Eric : Mmm .
Donna : But I imagine the streets are just littered with women who threw themselves at you that you politely sidestepped . I see the way those models look at you .
Eric : I have nt noticed that lately .
Donna : ( Laughs )
Eric : I ve been kind of busy , you know ? I ca nt get what I need from a 19 year old .
Donna : Which would be what exactly ? You ca nt name what you re looking for , and I ca nt name what keeps me coming back . But I - I do have one thing to say in -- in the interest of full disclosure .
Eric : Okay . What ? I m listening .
Donna : I went into this with my eyes wide open . I thought it d be good for you . But I never ever kid myself that I d be right for you . But still , somewhere along the way , a line got crossed , and now you have the power to hurt me . I - I m not telling you not to . I ... ( sighs ) it s just information .
Eric : I m not gon na sidestep you . I want to be as good for you as you are for me .
Ashley : Hi .
Ridge : Hey .
Ashley : What time is it ?
Ridge : Late .
Ashley : How d things go with Brooke ?
Ridge : Oh , let s talk in the morning , okay ? { Music playing } One more day one more night one more chance to make it right a few more words a few more laughs it does nt seem too much to ask and I know it s just a dream but I d give up everything if you d walk through that door just once more ooh- ooh - ooh
### Summary:
| Brooke tells Ridge the kids are at a sleep - over , so they are alone and can talk . He apologizes for changing his mind about being there for her therapy session . Brooke understands ; that Ashley felt threatened . But she looks askance when he tells her all of that has to stop as of tonight . She agrees he has been sending her mixed signals , and she thinks that means he has mixed feelings . She even springs a photo album of happier times out to give to him . Katie brings Thorne a doorplate for his office . She thinks it is disgusting when Thorne tells her that her sister , Donna , is having an affair with his dad . Eric promises Ashley she will still have a place in the company . He agrees that Ridge needs a strong woman in his life . She asks about Stephanie , and he replies he s only had a couple of letters . Donna walks in , so Ashley leaves . Donna asks how things went with Thorne ? And what is Eric going to do when Stephanie walks in his door , and she will ? Eric is not sure until he actually sees her . As Ridge looks at the photos , Ashley is wondering if he is home and why is nt he calling ? Memory Lane is great , but Ridge takes the album and says he really has to go . Eric tells Donna he is not going to sidestep her . He hopes he is as good for her as she is for him . Ridge sneaks in and Ashley asks how did things go with Brooke ? He puts it off by saying they can talk in the morning . He lays beside Ashley , but both he and Brooke s minds seem to be on each other . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
R.J. : Mom is gon na marry Spencer today . I mean , you have to stop her . You ca nt let this happen .
Ridge : Your mother is an adult , R.J.
R.J. : You know this is a mistake . You ve stopped her before . When you guys went to Dubai --
Ridge : Abu Dhabi . A lot has changed since then .
R.J. : But Spencer has nt . He was nt right for her then , and he s not right for her now .
Ridge : There s more to it , son .
R.J. : Like what ? You and Mom love each other . If there s a way you can make this work ... you just ca nt let her do this , Dad .
Ridge : Your mom and I have a plan .
Donna : Dad is crazy . No matter how many pictures Marcus sends of Rosie , he always wants more . And then he sends them to me . Even the ones I already have . Oh , I can take some photos if you want . But I m sure Bill s already got that handled . He s so excited . It s kind of cute . That s ... a funny expression to be wearing on your wedding day .
Brooke : Oh . Sorry .
Donna : Is something wrong ? R.J. ?
Brooke : It s Ridge .
Donna : What now ?
Brooke : He wants me to marry Bill . He has a plan .
Bill : Hey .
Wyatt : Hey .
Bill : You ready to do this ?
Wyatt : I ll be the best best man you ever had .
Bill : Best and last .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Bill : Brooke and I are getting married for good this time .
Wyatt : I m proud to be a part of it , Pop .
Bill : Having you at the altar means a lot to me .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] Hey , this is about you and Brooke today . You focus on your wife . I will take care of everything else . No distractions .
Bill : No need to worry about that . My mind is on one thing -- Brooke finally becoming my wife .
Wyatt : Hey , have we heard from the minister yet ?
Alison : He just texted that the 405 is backed up , but he s almost to the exit .
Bill : It s all right . No rush . Brooke s still upstairs getting ready .
Justin : No rush . Listen to this guy . Marriage is softening him up already .
Bill : Hey , you know what , Justin ? It took Brooke and me a long time to get back here . Now that we have , I m gon na savor it .
Justin : You almost sound sentimental , dollar Bill .
Justin : All kidding aside , man , I m really happy that you re happy .
Bill : Well , that s the effect Brooke has on me .
Brooke : This is strictly between us . You ca nt say anything .
Donna : I do nt even know what you re talking about . Ridge has a plan ?
Brooke : To get control of the company .
Donna : What does that have to do with you marrying Bill ? Ridge ca nt want that . Bill is giving you shares of Forrester creations . Ridge wants them .
Brooke : Yes .
Donna : But he ca nt want them that badly . He s never thought that Bill was even right for you .
Brooke : He still does nt . He hates the idea of us being together .
Donna : So you marry Bill today and Ridge gets the shares . [ Sighs ] What lips do you want ?
Brooke : There s more . Ridge kissed me .
Ridge : Bill owns part of Forrester . I need those shares to get Quinn out of the company .
R.J. : Okay , but what s that have to do with Mom ?
Ridge : The shares are gon na be a wedding present for her .
R.J. : You re not gon na stop the wedding because of a couple shares of Forrester Creations ?
Ridge : We need to get Quinn out of here . She s gon na destroy this company , everything I worked for , everything I want for you .
R.J. : Yeah , but what about Mom ?
Ridge : [ Sighs ] We ll be together again .
R.J. : How ?
Ridge : It s Bill Spencer , R.J. He does stupid things . He s gon na say something stupid , do something stupid , and she s gon na leave .
R.J. : This is crazy , all right ? You re leaving this up to a what if ? How could you let her be his wife for even one day ?
Bill : Reverend , I want you to meet my son and best man , Wyatt .
Wyatt : It s great to have you .
Reverend Brown : My pleasure .
Bill : My assistant Alison , who , of course , you ve spoken to on the phone .
Reverend Brown : Hey , Alison . It s nice to finally put a face to that voice .
Alison : Lovely to see you .
Bill : And my best friend , Justin .
Justin : Yes , sir . I ll be handling all the paperwork .
Reverend Brown : Hey , Justin .
Bill : Ah , who is also my attorney .
Reverend Brown : Well , it seems you have everything well taken care of .
Justin : Yes , sir .
Bill : Well , this wedding has been a long time coming , so I did nt want to leave anything to chance .
Alison : It s gon na be a wonderful ceremony .
Wyatt : Yeah , we re all very excited about it .
Justin : No more than this guy .
Reverend Brown : And the bride .
Justin : Oh , yes .
Reverend Brown : Has she arrived ?
Bill : Oh , yeah . She s , uh , she s upstairs getting ready .
Brooke : I ve told you everything , and I ve got to get ready . We ve got to do my hair and get dressed .
Donna : But none of this makes sense . I ... I do nt understand . He -- he kisses you , yet he expects you to marry Bill , get the shares , and then leave him ?
Brooke : I told him that s not happening . He s hoping I m gon na have a change of heart .
Donna : I ca nt believe Ridge .
Brooke : I know . I know . It s crazy . But if you saw the hold that Quinn has on Eric ...
Donna : Do nt even get me started on that fiasco .
Brooke : That s why Ridge is acting this way . Everything is heightened because of Quinn and how R.J. s back in town and all these residual feelings are coming up because I m getting married today . [ Sighs ]
Donna : But you do nt have those feelings for him , right ?
Brooke : I love Bill .
Donna : Good . God . How many times has Ridge done this ? Swooped in at the last minute to throw your life into chaos . You ca nt let him do this to you again .
Brooke : I know .
Ridge : R.J. , I m talking to you , because I know you re mature enough to understand .
R.J. : Okay , but it does nt make sense .
Ridge : It does nt make sense to me , either . But that s the situation we re in .
R.J. : Okay , then change it ! I mean , go over to her !
Ridge : It s not that simple . We need the shares .
R.J. : Dad , what type of person has a plan like this ?
Ridge : This is about our company ! It s about our future , son !
R.J. : It s about our family . We could have been together again , and you re just gon na throw that away ?
Ridge : No , we can still have that .
R.J. : [ Scoffs ] I know you love Mom , Dad . You got to stop her from marrying Spencer . This is insane !
Ridge : No , it s not insane ! It s extreme ! Your grandfather wo nt listen to me . And Quinn ca nt have this kind of power , but Brooke -- your mother has made a decision to marry that tool . We got to respect that and just hope that the marriage wo nt last .
R.J. : [ Scoffs ] Did Mom tell you that ? Cause I ve talked to Mom . And she did nt say anything about being unsure or shares or you , Dad . She talked about Bill Spencer , starting a life with him , how much it meant to her . She s actually becoming Mrs. Bill Spencer right now , and you re just standing here .
Ridge : You think I like this ?
R.J. : Then change it . She s really marrying Bill . But this time it s forever .
Ridge : Well , we ll see about that .
R.J. : You really want to play this game ? Do shares mean that much to you ? Sure , protecting the company , but risking a life with the woman you love ? [ Scoffs ] This is your last chance , Dad . This is it . If you do nt do something about this now , you can lose her for good .
Bill : I do like this suit .
Wyatt : Thank you .
Bill : You have the rings , right ?
Wyatt : They re in my pocket . They re right here till the minister asks for them .
Bill : All right , just checking .
Wyatt : You re not getting nervous , are you , Dad ? I m just asking . I m just making sure .
Bill : I m your dad , right ?
Wyatt : Yeah .
Bill : So you know me .
Wyatt : Yeah .
Bill : Am I the most patient man ?
Wyatt : [ Scoffing ] No .
Bill : But I do nt give up , either .
Wyatt : Hmm .
Bill : So , if I have to wait a little while longer to make Brooke my wife , it ll be well worth it .
Bill : Tell me you agree , that you know this is right . Love will prevail . We will prevail .
Donna : I found it !
Brooke : Oh ! [ Laughs ] It looks like you found some champagne , too .
Donna : Oh , and ...
Brooke : And some ...
Both : Water .
Brooke : Yes .
Donna : Oh , so the necklace was on the floor in the backseat . Must have fallen out on the way over . And as for this , I figured , um , you know , it s a day for celebration .
Brooke : Mm - hmm .
Donna : We could , uh , toast the occasion , talk about your husband - to - be , how lucky he is . [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : Yeah , he is pretty lucky .
Donna : Yeah . [ Chuckles ] To my big sis . [ Sighs ] May you have a lifetime of happiness with Bill . Sure took you guys a long time to get here , but you faced it together . And you will -- everything from now on as husband and wife . I m really happy for you , babe .
Brooke : Cheers .
Donna : Cheers .
Brooke : Hmm ! I got to freshen my lips .
Donna : Oh .
Brooke : Where is that ?
Donna : Oh , oh , here it is . Here . Let me do that .
Brooke : Mm - hmm .
Donna : [ Sighs ] Here you go .
Brooke : I really do appreciate this .
Donna : Come on . It s nothing . Nothing at all .
Brooke : I mean it . It -- it means a lot to me .
Donna : Of course . Ca nt have you thinking about Ridge today . [ Sighs ] Did he realize how unfair he was being ?
Brooke : He s just looking out for my best interests , you know . He just ca nt believe that I want a life with Bill .
Donna : So he -- he kisses you .
Brooke : Look , I - I thought you did nt want me dwelling on Ridge .
Donna : I do nt . I m -- I m sorry . I just -- I -- [ Scoffs ] I m just surprised . You know , I ... I hope you set him straight .
Brooke : Yeah , I think I did , for the most part . Mm - hmm . Anyway , uh , Bill is waiting , so I need to get ready .
Donna : Brooke , look at me . You said you -- you love Bill .
Brooke : Yes , I do .
Donna : That s the only thing you should be thinking about right now , not -- not Ridge , not Eric or Quinn . Just ... you and Bill , starting the rest of your lives together . Today marks the beginning of forever .
Ridge : I m not losing your mother forever , R.J. I just -- I have to let this play out .
R.J. : Yeah , yeah , until you get Bill s shares , right ? But what if Bill s shares are the only thing you get ? Mom would nt just say vows if she did nt mean what she says . Think about what you re asking . She s not making a commitment until things get tough . She s thinking long term . She s thinking forever . You re just gon na let it happen ? As they start a life together , you just sit , cross your fingers , and hope that she changes her mind ? Are the shares that valuable to you ? I mean , you have loved Mom since you saw her catering a party at Grandma and Granddad s house . I mean , how many times have you told me that story ?
Ridge : [ Chuckles ]
R.J. : You two are meant to be with each other .
Ridge : Yeah , maybe we are .
R.J. : But you re letting her marry another man ? A man you despise ? So you re okay with this ? The wedding , the romantic honeymoon on his yacht , building a future together ?
Ridge : No , I m not okay with it ! It makes me sick !
R.J. : Well , it makes me sick , too . But I ca nt do anything about it . You can . What means more to you , Dad ? The company or Mom ?
Ridge : Come on . Your mother .
R.J. : Then treat her that way . I do nt care if it s for all the gold in the world . You ca nt be this obsessed with getting rid of Quinn . Do you want Mom ? Do you want Mom ? !
Ridge : Yes !
R.J. : Then go and get her ! Stop the wedding before it s too late .
Ridge : You re right , R.J. You re right .
Wyatt : I forgot . Am I giving a reading ? Cause I think there were some words about love being patient .
Bill : Come on ! What s the hold - up ? You know waiting does nt suit me .
Alison : I have spoken to the caterers , and we re gon na combine the reception with the cocktails as soon as the ceremony is over .
Bill : Well , who knows when we re gon na get started ?
Justin : Donna s probably up there talking Brooke s ear off , so ...
Bill : I m gon na find out what s going on .
Alison : I think it is prudent for the groom to stay put . A woman wants to look her best on her wedding day , so you will wait right here and look appropriately dazzled when she arrives .
Bill : [ Groans ]
Wyatt : I can go sneak up the back stairs if you want me to . Hmm ?
Bill : No . No , no , uh , Alison s right . Everything s been planned , and it s gon na happen this time . I ve waited this long , right ? I guess I can wait a little bit longer to see my -- my beautiful bride come walking down those stairs .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Donna : You re a beautiful bride on her wedding day . So much to look forward to . The promises you make today , they re supposed to last a lifetime . You have to mean them .
Brooke : I will .
Donna : You ca nt let Ridge or the thoughts of the kiss get in your head .
Brooke : I wo nt . Ridge is just acting on old feelings cause R.J. s in town . But I m here because I love Bill . We could have an incredible life together . And there s nothing he would nt do for me or for the children .
Donna : Exactly . You can only do this if you mean it . No thoughts of Ridge or -- or shares .
Brooke : Okay .
Donna : You re ready ?
Brooke : [ Laughs ] Yes ! Yes , I m ready .
Donna : Okay . All right . Okay , I ll go down and tell them .
Brooke : Okay .
Donna : [ Chuckles ] Oh !
Ridge : Hey , hi . I m sorry .
Brooke : Ridge , what are you doing here ?
Ridge : I got to talk to you .
Brooke : What --
Donna : I think she s a little busy right now .
Ridge : You ca nt do this .
Brooke : What ? !
Ridge : You ca nt marry Bill .
Brooke : He is downstairs waiting .
Ridge : I know where he is . Just call it off .
Brooke : What about the shares ?
Ridge : I do nt care about the shares . No , I do . I do care about the shares . But I - I care about you more . So at this point , I m -- I m just hoping that my dad will come to his senses , the same way that I ve come to mine .
Brooke : What are you saying ?
Ridge : I m saying that destiny is a real thing . It s been going on for months now . You know , we re getting closer . We re -- we re reconnecting . R.J. s in town and ... man , we can have our family back . I know I ve made mistakes . I know . [ Sighs ] I have had some pretty hurtful misunderstandings . But I do nt want to live my life like that . I - I do nt -- I do nt want my hatred for Quinn or my -- my concern for this company blind me to what is right in front of me , and you are right in front of me . And I love you . I always have . So the better or for worse , in good times and in bad . I want to be with you , so do nt marry that guy . Spend the rest of your days with me .
Brooke : [ Gasps ] [ Exhales deeply ]
### Summary:
| RJ insists to his father that Brooke is getting married today they have to stop her . Ridge says she is an adult , there is nothing they can do . RJ repeats that Ridge stopped her once before when Bill was not right for her and he is still not right for her now . RJ is dumbfounded to hear that Ridge and Brooke have a plan , so there is more to it than RJ thinks . Ridge fills him in about the shares they need from Bill . RJ thinks that is stupid for even letting his mom be near that man for one more day . Ridge tells him eventually he and Brooke will be back together but they need to get Quinn out of the company now to save the legacy that he wants RJ to get . RJ asks if he really wants to play this game . He knows about the shares now but what about Brooke . She will be marrying Bill for what she thinks is life , not just for a day to get back the shares . That is risking the life of the woman he loves . He says this is Ridge s last chance and if he does nothing he could lose her for good . He keeps hammering away at his dad that all the gold in the world is not worth this trying to keep Quinn out and giving his mom over to Bill . Ridge says he is sick of it just like RJ is so he admits he is right . Donna feels Brooke is being distracted and asks if anything is wrong . Brooke finally says it is Ridge . He has a plan . She swears her to secrecy . She fills her in on the shares at FC and that Ridge even kissed her . Donna reminds her that she loves Bill and they have taken a long while to get to this point so all she needs to do is focus on Bill and not Ridge . Wyatt tells Bill that he will be the best man he ever had . Bill says he only wants the last one as this is his last wedding . It means a lot to him for Wyatt to be there at the altar with him . Wyatt assures him that he will take care of everything so Bill just needs to focus on his bride , he will take care of everything else . Bill says good . He only has one thing on his mind and that is to get Brooke to be his wife . Donna tells Brooke that she will say those vows and they will last the rest of her life so do not even think about Ridge and his kiss . She starts to leave when Ridge bursts in the door and practically throws Donna aside . He tells a surprised Brooke that he loves her .. come home with him .. and do not marry that guy . He loves her and they can be a family again . He knows he has made some monumental mistakes but he wants her and he knows she still is in love with him too .so go get rid of Bill right now . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
David : I thought that medical examiner would never sign Aunt Betsy s death certificate . Hey , would it be considered bad taste to frame this ?
Dorian : Of course not . And I want to have a reading of Aunt Betsy s will as soon as possible .
David : I think we just pulled this off .
Dorian : Ha ! No , no , no , no , I m not so sure I want to kiss the man whose kisses killed Aunt Betsy .
Kevin : Where the hell have you been ?
Dorian : Not that that s any of your business .
Kevin : I ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours . Blair was just admitted .
Dorian : Here ?
Kevin : Yes , here . Doctor , hey , do you know where the neurologist , Kingsley , is ? His patient s in there unconscious .
Michael : Oh , I ll have Dr. Kingsley paged . In the meantime , I ll take a look at her myself . Could you page Dr. Kingsley , please ?
Dorian : Oh , my God .
Michael : Hello ? Blair ?
David : What happened ?
Kevin : Blair just blacked out and collapsed at The Palace Restaurant .
David : Does anybody know why ?
Kevin : Yeah , Todd Manning s why .
David : Todd manning is always why .
Man : What are you doing ?
Todd : Trying to help my lawyer with my appeal .
Man : Waste of time . Nobody ever wins an appeal .
Todd : I pulled some stuff off you would nt believe .
Man : That s what I thought , too . Get used to it , my friend . This is home for the next 10 years .
John : You do nt have to do that . You do nt have to make me dinner .
Natalie : Yeah , well , you do nt have to be sleeping on the couch , protecting me from Haver , but you re doing it .
John : I ll sleep better that way .
Natalie : You know , if the killer wanted me dead , he s had plenty of chances to do it .
John : Well , that does nt mean --
John : Hold on a sec . McBain .
Antonio : I ve got Jessica . We re on our way home .
John : He s got Jess .
John : What about Haver ?
Antonio : No sign , John , I m sorry .
John : Look , do me a favor , let me know when you get back , ok ? Thanks . Good news , for once .
Natalie : I needed it . You know , if Jess -- so , I guess you ll be going now ?
John : Haver s still out there .
Natalie : Yeah , but he s not coming here .
John : I do nt know that , Natalie .
Natalie : Is there something that you re not telling me ? Did the killer make a specific threat ? John , I have a right to know . This is my life . Am I in danger again ?
John : Yeah , you are .
Antonio : Honey , I m going to have to ask you again -- did Haver hurt you ?
Jessica : I told you , no .
Antonio : Ok , good . If we ca nt get him for murder , at least we can link him to a kidnapping charge .
Jessica : Antonio , he did nt kidnap me . He needed help , and I offered it to him .
Antonio : You what ?
Jessica : Dr. Haver did nt do anything wrong , Antonio .
Stephen : Technically , not part of the music box killer s plan , but Rae , I m sorry , you just got in the way . So , eight down , two to go .
Antonio : Jess , you remember calling me ?
Jessica : Yes , I remember calling you . I had to wire the phone to make it work .
Antonio : You needed help because Haver drove you up to the cabin and locked you in .
Jessica : No , no , I never said that .
Antonio : That s what I heard you say .
Jessica : I -- I was nt -- I did nt -- I was nt talking about Professor Haver .
Antonio : You said Haver was driving and you fell asleep . When you woke up , he had gone and locked you in .
Jessica : No , no , what I -- when I said he , I -- I was talking about the music box killer . I was nt talking about Professor Haver . You re mixing up what I meant , Antonio .
Antonio : Ok , ok , ok , let s -- let s start again , all right ? Who brought you to the cabin ?
Jessica : I do nt remember anything before I called you .
Antonio : Ok , so , what was the last thing you remember before that ?
Jessica : Um -- I -- I -- Professor Haver asked me to take him to the police station so we could go and clear things up with Bo .
Antonio : Did you ?
Jessica : Yeah . Yeah , we -- I dropped him off , and that was the last I saw of him .
Antonio : Wait a minute . You -- you drove off and then woke up in a cabin you ve never seen before ?
Jessica : Antonio , I m sorry . I -- I do nt want to talk anymore . I m tired . I do nt want to talk . I just want to rest .
John : I hate that I m putting you through this . It s my fault . Haver s playing games with the past -- his and mine .
Natalie : How do you know ?
John : He s trying to re - create Caitlin s death from five years ago .
Natalie : And I m -- I m his next victim ? Well , what -- what is he going to do to me ?
John : He s not going to do nothing because it s not going to happen .
Natalie : Yeah , could you at least try to tell me what he s going to do ?
John : I do nt know yet , Natalie .
Natalie : This is so sick ! What am I supposed to do , just cross my fingers and hope you win ?
John : If it s any consolation , I do nt think he s going to do anything before there s clues .
Natalie : But is there anything you could do about it ?
John : We have an A.P.B. Out for Haver . We have cops at his house 24/7 .
Natalie : Is that really going to stop a madman ? Ok what happened to Caitlin ? I m sorry . That was extremely insensitive . I m so sorry . I m upset and I -- I m sorry .
John : Well , you re right . I did nt stop Caitlin s death , and maybe I could have .
Rex : Well , I see more of you now that we re not seeing each other than we did when we saw a lot of each other .
Lindsay : I m just glad that we can still be friends .
Rex : Actually , I m hoping that you can be my favorite mother - in - law again .
Riley : See ? I told you . Ask me anything you need to know about the rise of capitalism .
Jen : Wow , you read the whole book , did nt you ?
Riley : Jen , we were supposed to read the whole book .
Jen : Oh , yeah , look , I ll just read it when I watch the Oscars on Sunday .
Riley : I ll bet you will .
Jen : Let s go somewhere else .
Riley : Why ?
Jen : You know what ? No . I m not going to run away from this .
Lindsay : Hi , honey .
Rex : Hi , honey .
Lindsay : Rex --
Jen : You two just ca nt stay away from each other , can you ?
Man : There s another way to get out of here , you know .
Todd : Oh , yeah ? What s that ? A tunnel ?
Man : Ca nt tell where I got these , but I ll share if you make it worth my while .
Todd : What are those for ?
Man : To help you escape , my man -- for a while , anyway . This yellow one will take you to Hawaii . The red one will take you to outer space . And the rest --
Todd : No , thanks .
Man : Come on . Everyone says you have all the bucks . With your green and my connections , we could live like kings . You really think you ll win ?
Todd : I have to . I have to .
Jordan : The results from your M.R.I. from a few weeks ago came back negative .
Blair : You said that that was stress .
Jordan : No , no , no , no , you said that that was stress .
Blair : You said --
Jordan : If I look closely , it says here etiology unknown . Look , let s just chalk it up to some he said , she said from a few weeks ago . What I m really concerned about is how you feel right now .
Blair : Well , actually , right now , I --
Jordan : Whoa , careful . Can you tell me what just happened ?
Blair : I just leaned -- I feel really -- like I m going to throw up .
Kelly : Hi .
Kevin : Hey .
Kelly : Jack is with Hedy . Starr insisted on coming . What s going on ? How s Blair ?
Dorian : Well -- excuse me . I am Blair s aunt . I m also a medical doctor . How is she doing ?
Jordan : She s doing fine . We do nt know what s wrong , but I ordered another M.R.I.
Dorian : Good . What are you looking for ?
Jordan : Right now , it s best not to guess . Let s just wait and see what the pictures tell us .
Dorian : Thank you , doctor .
Jordan : For sure .
Starr : Aunt Dorian , can I go in and see her ?
Dorian : Why , Starr , I think she d like that very much . Doctor ?
Jordan : Oh , yes .
Dorian : Thank you .
Jordan : Excuse me .
Dorian : Can you imagine what would ve happened if Blair had been alone when she collapse
David : Yeah , you re right . Thank goodness Kevin was with her .
Kevin : Yeah , I was lucky . I was there talking to her about The Sun , obviously .
Kelly : Hmm , lucky .
Blair : Starr ?
Starr : Hey , mom .
Blair : Hey , baby .
Starr : Do nt die ! Please do nt die ! Today we re so busy ...
Lindsay : Do nt walk away from me like that .
Jen : I can do anything I want to do . Just like you -- you and Rex .
Lindsay : We barely speak to each other anymore .
Jen : Forget speaking . Are you sleeping with him ?
Lindsay : No .
Jen : Have you ? Do nt lie to me -- yes or no ?
Lindsay : Jen , do nt do this .
Jen : I guess I got my answer .
Rex : So , why is Jen going off on study dates with you ?
Riley : Well -- because it s so much of your business -- we re actually trying to pass history . She wants a degree so she can actually make something of herself .
Rex : Hey , look at me -- no degree , and I ve got everything I want .
Riley : Well , not everything , sport .
Jen : Did you ever once think about what that would do to me -- you make a fool of yourself over Rex ?
Lindsay : What that would do to you ? You still have feelings for Rex ?
Jen : I could nt care less about him .
Lindsay : Oh , my God , Jen , you do .
Man : Those your kids ?
Todd : Yep .
Man : My kids were that size when I was sent up . Boy must be over 6 feet tall by now .
Todd : You do nt know ?
Man : Nah . My ex - wife got custody . She wo nt let them anywhere near me .
Todd : Not going to happen to me .
Man : Want to bet ?
Todd : You do nt know anything about my family .
Man : Hey , your old lady s the reason why you re here . She s so mad at you ; I bet she ca nt wait to jump into the bed with the new guy . Oh ! Guard ! Guard !
Kelly : Hey , since we have some time , why do nt we go over to maternity and schedule a sonogram ?
Kevin : Oh , yeah , that s a good idea .
Kelly : Ok .
Dorian : Are you all right ?
David : I guess in -- in times of crises like these , you realize how fragile life is , and -- if anything ever happened to you , or especially to me , I d hate to think that we left the world like we are .
Dorian : David , what are you talking about ?
David : I m talking about getting married .
Doan : We re engaged .
David : I m talking tonight , right now .
Michael : They ve taken your mom to a special room to have some pictures taken of the inside of her head . That way , they can find out what s causing the pain .
Starr : So she ll be all right ?
Michael : Well , if we find out what s causing her headaches , we can fix it .
Starr : That makes sense . Thanks for not treating me like a kid .
Michael : No problem . Hey , you want to go check out the cafeteria ?
Starr : Thanks , but I do nt really need anything .
Michael : Ok .
Starr : Ok . Yes , I do . I have to tell my dad that my mom s sick .
Todd : Hey ! Turn those lights back on !
Guard : Hey , pipe down . This ai nt a hotel .
Todd : I m trying to read here .
Guard : It s lights out . Now , you got 10 years to get used to it .
Blair : So , Natalie , is everything set ?
Natalie : Got a table reserved for your special party .
Blair : Starr , Jack , you have your presents ready for Daddy ?
Starr : He s going to be so surprised .
Blair : Oh , good . You look beautiful , and you look so handsome .
Todd : Blair ?
Blair : Oh , my God . Todd .
Todd : Have I changed so much ?
Jack : You re Todd ?
Todd : Right . Who are you ?
Jack : Jack . I thought you were dead .
Todd : Starr ? At least you must be happy to see me .
Starr : After what you did to Mom , not really .
Todd : But you know I m innocent .
Starr : I was a kid . What did I know ?
Jack : He s here !
Kevin : Hey .
Blair : Oh --
Kevin : How are you , buddy ?
Todd : You guys , it s me , I m home .
Natalie : For the guest of honor .
Blair : 10 years ago today we were married , and Jack and Starr became your legal children .
Starr : Congratulations , Daddy .
Jack : You re the best Dad in the world .
Blair : Is nt he ? He s terrific .
Kevin : Oh , man , I
Starr : This is an emergency . I need to talk to my father right away . What orders ? Can I at least -- hello ?
Dorian : I wonder what s taking so long with those test results ?
David : Hey , I d kind of like an answer . There s a chapel here in the hospital . We could take care of this right now .
Dorian : It s impossible . We do nt have a license .
David : I took care of that . Next obstacle ?
Dorian : Um -- what s the big hurry ?
David : Why are you so hesitant ? Look , I m not thinking about money here . I m -- I m thinking about us .
Dorian : I m thinking prenup .
David : If you re thinking prenup , I better be thinking prenup , too .
Jordan : Hi . The results are in . Can we have a little privacy ?
Blair : No , it s ok . Just -- tell me what s wrong .
Jordan : Your symptoms are being caused by an intraventricular mass with extensive intracranial edema . We missed it the first time on your first M.R.I. because of its location .
Kelly : What does that mean ?
Dorian : Blair has a brain tumor .
Natalie : Why do you think that Caitlin s death is your fault ?
John : I provoked it . I was young and arrogant and -- I insulted him , thinking that would make him slip up somehow .
Natalie : But he did nt ?
John : I made it personal . So he got me back . I never saw it coming .
Natalie : That does nt mean that it s your fault .
John : I was so focused I did nt protect Caitlin the way I should have . This guy -- he got in my home , Natalie . He -- he shot her right in front of my own -- my own eyes .
Natalie : John , you re dealing with a psychopath . There is no way that you could ve possibly known what he was going to do .
John : Maybe not . But this time , when Haver makes his move , you are going to be nowhere around .
Antonio : While you rest , I m going to go check in with John .
Jessica : Ok .
Antonio : There s a cop outside the door , and there s one in the back of the building .
Jessica : Ok .
Antonio : All right ? I wo nt be long . If -- if you re worried about anything , anything at all , you call me , understand ? Ok . Try to get some sleep .
Antonio : Nobody gets in or out , including her .
Officer : You got it , Detective Vega .
Jessica : Hello ?
Stephen : Jessica , do you know who this is ?
Jessica : Yes , hi . Dr. Haver , you re my friend . You re the only one I can trust .
Stephen : That s right . And now I need you to do something for me .
Lindsay : I do nt want you to walk away --
Jen : Let me go .
Lindsay : No !
Jen : I do nt even know you anymore .
Lindsay : Do nt say that . I love you .
Jen : Yeah , you ve ruined too much .
Rex : Jen , let me explain --
Jen : Do nt talk to me ! Do nt call me ! Do nt even think about me .
Rex : Jen , do nt do this , all right ? I will do anything , just name it !
Jen : Ok , next time you sleep with my mother , do nt lie to me ! Just keep away from me !
Daniel : Hey , Riley , what s up ?
Riley : Dad , what is ever up ? I go to class , I study , I go to sleep . I go to class , I study , and I sleep .
Daniel : Yeah , you know , I know what you mean , son . You know , I go to work , I go to A.A. , I go to --
Riley : Ok , ok , ok , I got you . So , how are things with Jen s mom ?
Daniel : Oh , good , good , ok . I mean , you know how it s like with women . You know , it s -- I have no clue .
Dorian : Starr --
Starr : What s going on ?
Dorian : Honey , do nt you think you should --
Starr : What s wrong with my mother ? Does she need an operation ?
Michael : Starr , yes , your mother will most likely need an operation . But that decision is ultimately up to her .
Jordan : I ve been trying to discuss this with your niece , but she s lapsing in and out of consciousness right now .
Dorian : Mm - hmm .
Jordan : We need to operate . And in the condition she s in , she ca nt sign for consent .
David : Well , should nt we get a second opinion ?
Jordan : Oh , we had three staff neurosurgeons have a look at her M.R.I. , and they all agree . You re a doctor , right ?
Dorian : Yes , I am .
Jordan : We need to do this as soon as possible . And in the condition she s in , she ca nt sign consent .
Dorian : Yes . David , there s no other choice . I mean , I wish I did nt know what the risks are , but there -- there s no other option .
Jordan : Thank you .
Dorian : Be very good .
Jordan : We ll do everything we can .
Dorian : All right . The decision has been made . Starr , your mother is going to have the operation .
David : Yeah .
Starr : Will my mom be all right ?
Dorian : That s the plan , yes . Yes , she will be .
Starr : Can I say good night to her ?
Dorian : Of course , honey . Excuse us .
David : Yeah .
Starr : Mom , I know you ca nt hear me right now , but I m scared . Please do nt let me lose you and dad . Ok ?
Antonio : So you re thinking he s going to come after Natalie again ?
John : I do nt know . That s why I m moving her tomorrow .
Antonio : Why not now , when it s dark ?
John : Oh , I d love to . But she wo nt go before Cristian s memorial .
Antonio : Oh , well , it s going to be tough to secure the church . Lots of alcoves , balcony , organ loft .
John : We ll cover it . I ll get a team in from Philly if I have to . And if Haver shows , we nail him for kidnapping .
Antonio : We got a problem . Jessica wo nt say Haver kidnapped her .
John : What ? I thought you said that --
Antonio : Yeah --
John : I thought you said that he trapped her up at that cabin .
Antonio : He kidnapped her , and she knows it was the music box killer , but somehow she wo nt or ca nt link the killer to Haver .
John : Ok , well , look , you know her better than I do . What s going on ?
Antonio : Yeah . Good question .
Antonio : Honey , I need you to tell me what Haver did when he took you up to that mountain . I need you to tell me what he said before he locked you in . You can trust me . Whatever it is , trust me . Trust me .
Stephen : Trust me . Trust me . Trust me .
Antonio : Haver ! You re under arrest .
Stephen : You see what I mean ? The police are wrong . I m not dangerous . Antonio is . And John McBain is dangerous . They will hurt you , Jessica . They will hurt you .
John : Yeah , no , things were -- things were quiet here last night . Yeah , well , look , thanks for sending over those blueprints of the church . That good . Antonio s coming over later so we can go over those . Look , Natalie s coming around . Can I give you a call back ? Ok . Hey .
Natalie : Oh . You were nt up all night working , were you ? Really ?
John : I wanted to stay up , anyway , you know ? It s good for the soul .
Natalie : I have so much to do today before Cristian s memorial service .
John : While you re at it , can you pack a bag ?
Natalie : Where am I going ?
John : Haver comes looking for you , you wo nt be here .
Natalie : Can you at least tell me where I m going ?
John : The less you know , the better .
Natalie : What , now you do nt even trust me with my own life ?
John : Look , I do nt know how he gets his information , Natalie , but the fewer people that know our plans , the fewer chances are that someone s going to tip him off .
Antonio : So , you ok with going away with Natalie ?
Jessica : Makes sense , I guess .
Antonio : Well , I thought I was going to have a fight on my hands . How are you feeling today ?
Jessica : A little less wiped out , a little less muddled .
Antonio : You remember better what happened with Haver now ?
Jessica : Not exactly . But I know John s right -- Haver definitely had something to do with it , and I sure ca nt trust him .
Antonio : Oh , well , you both will be someplace else tonight . Maybe when you re safe , relaxing will help you remember .
Jessica : I m trying .
Antonio : Hmm -- do nt try . Just let it come . I m going to go check on the church .
Jessica : Ok , go ahead , I ll meet you .
Antonio : Ok . The uniform follows you , ok ? All right , I do nt think Haver s going to try anything with a bunch of cops around , but if he calls --
Jessica : I ll call you instantly .
Antonio : Just checking .
Stephen s voice : Make Antonio think you ve turned on me , so the police wo nt be suspicious of you . Let them think you trust them , when , really , I m the only one you can believe and trust , Jessica .
Starr : She d be going --
Kelly : You want to see if she s in there ?
David : Hey .
Kevin : Hey .
David : She did nt want to leave last night .
Dorian : Hmm . God , what time is it ?
David : It s almost time .
Kevin : I m going to look for Dr. Kingsley .
Kelly : Starr --
Starr : There s only one hour when prisoners can take phone calls , and it has to be now .
Kelly : Look , no one wants Todd to know that Blair is here .
Starr : But he d want to know , and he d want her to get better . And we need all the good thoughts for Mom as we can get .
Michael : She s conscious . Still a little woozy from the medication , but she s asking to speak to Kevin .
Starr : Please , Kelly . Let my Dad be a part of my Mom getting well .
Kelly : All right , come on , let s do it .
Guard : You -- you got a phone call . But the warden says you do nt leave your cell . You got 30 seconds .
Todd : Hey , Evangeline .
Starr : Daddy ?
Todd : Starr ? How d you --
Starr : Mom s in the hospital . She needs you .
Todd : What ?
Starr : They say she has a brain tumor .
Todd : All right , now listen to me . If this is one of your stunts --
Starr : No , it s not . They re about to operate , and I m really scared something bad s going to happen .
Todd : Hey ! Hey ! I m not finished ! That was my kid . Give me that phone back ! Police !
Todd : I got to get out of here .
John : So we got men in the choir loft and at the north and south entrances .
Antonio : Plainclothes outside working as groundskeepers .
John : Good . Hey , look ; I m sorry that we have to hit you with this on the day of your brother s memorial .
Antonio : He d understand , John .
John : Ok . Ok .
Natalie : Hmm . What is this , secret police plans ?
John : No , actually , we were just talking about how nice you look . Ok , maybe a little bit of both .
Natalie : Mm - hmm . Well , I m going to go pack my bag , like a good little girl .
John : Thank you .
Natalie : Hmm .
John : Jessica s coming , too .
Natalie : Good . John , Antonio , thank you . I appreciate what you guys are doing . But I -- I do nt want to forget that this is definitely Cristian s day , and I really do nt want to think about anything else .
John : It will be Cristian s day , I promise .
Natalie : Thanks . Where s Jess ?
Antonio : She s home . She s safe .
Natalie : Ok , good . Because I could nt deal with this -- I could nt handle this if she were nt fine .
Jessica : Hello ?
Stephen : Hello , Jessica . This is your friend Stephen .
Jessica : Hello .
Stephen : Did you do what I asked ?
Jessica : I told them that I did nt trust you anymore .
Stephen : That s right . So now John and Antonio will believe in you . But they re the ones who ca nt be trusted . You know that , do nt you ?
Jessica : Yes . I pretended to go along with their plan .
Stephen : Good . Tell me -- tell me about their plan .
Blair : You know , Kevin , if you had nt had been there when I fell --
Kevin : But I was .
Blair : I m afraid . What if --
Kevin : Hey , nothing is going to happen to you , ok ? Too many people need you -- Starr and jack and , you know , your mother , and Kelly and Dorian .
Blair : Thank you .
Jordan : Good morning .
Blair : Good morning .
Jordan : We re ready for you in pre - op .
Blair : Ok . Thank you .
Jordan : Take it easy .
Blair : Ok .
Jordan : Easy .
Kevin : Here .
Blair : Thank you , Kevin .
Kevin : You bet .
Dorian : I love you .
Blair : I love you . Kelly , thank you . Thank you for bringing Starr .
Starr : I love you , Mom .
Blair : I love you , too , baby . Now , I want you to be strong for me , ok ? And you keep a smile on . I m going to be all right .
Kelly : Well , we should probably go .
Kevin : Oh , I d actually rather stay .
Kelly : Someone has to take Starr home . You ll call us if you hear anything ?
Dorian : Yes .
Kelly : Ok .
Dorian : David , you do nt need to stay .
David : What , are you kidding ? I m not going anywhere . You want to try the chapel ?
Dorian : Look , I told you , I -- I just --
David : Relax . I know . I thought maybe we d try the prayer thing for Blair . Come on .
Michael : Listen , we re all pulling for your mom , kid .
Starr : I know .
Kelly : Ok .
Man : Hey . Hey . You all right ? Hey ! Hey ! Hey , guard ! Hey , guard ! Help ! We need some help in here ! Hey . You idiot ! He took every pill I had . That s enough to kill a man !
Guard : Hey ! Hey , we need to get this prisoner to the infirmary , fast ! Man hey ! Hurry ! Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life To Live .
Officer : This camera was found at the cabin where Jessica Buchanan was held .
John : He was watching her .
Antonio : Jessica , what did Haver do to you ?
Jessica : I told you everything .
Antonio : Then why wo nt you let me touch you ?
Blair : Todd ? What are you doing here ?
### Summary:
| John spends the night at Natalie s just to make sure she is safe . Antonio tries to get Jessica to remember how she got to the cabin and how it was who took her there . Kevin tells Dorian and David that Blair has been admitted to the hospital . Todd reads up on some stuff that he thinks will help him with his appeal . John tells Natalie that she is in danger again and that s why he is with her . Natalie gets a bit upset at John and the fact that she might be the next victim of the killer . Jen asks Lindsay if she has slept with Rex . Lindsay accuses Jen of still having feelings for Rex . Starr is scared that something will happen to her mother . Stephan uses mind control over Jessica to make her believe that she ca nt trust Antonio or the police and that he is the only one she can trust . John and Antonio ca nt seem to understand how Jessica ca nt remember how she got to the cabin . Blair finds out that she has a brain tumor and now has to have surgery . Starr convinces Kelly to help her so she can call Todd and tell him about Blair . Todd s prison roommate finds him laying on the ground and thinks that Todd took all of his pills . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
David : Great . Can I have a martini , please ? Ah , uh - uh -- the expensive stuff . Hold the Vermouth . Make it two . It s been a long day .
Paige : Can I help ?
David : Dr. Miller , I presume ?
Paige : What , I do nt rate first - name basis ? We were in - laws once .
David : Shh . I m trying to forget that , remember ?
Paige : Yeah , Spencer s up to it again . He s recommended me for chief of staff at the hospital .
David : That s a good thing , right ?
Paige : This is your brother , my ex - husband , remember ? Spencer does nt do anything out of the kindness of his heart -- if he even has one .
David : What do you think he s up to ?
Paige : I do nt know . But I have worked hard for what I have , David . I m not about to let Spencer ruin it for me .
Spencer : You have something you want to tell me ? And I m taking a wild guess that it s not something that I want to hear .
Kelly : I m really sorry to have to do this , but I do nt think we can see each other anymore .
Viki : Kevin ?
Kevin : Hey .
Viki : Hi . I thought you d be with Kelly .
Kevin : Yeah . She had to see someone .
Viki : Oh .
Kevin : Listen , I just got off the phone with dad , and he s still trying to get back to see Natalie , but that storm wo nt let up , so --
Viki : Yeah , well , maybe he wo nt have to rush back . You know , maybe she ll just pull through this .
Kevin : I m sure she will .
Viki : We re almost there , you know ? We just have to get through this last part , and then I think everything s just going to be fine . Natalie s going to be fine and Jessie will be fine and everybody will be fine .
Kevin : Hey , it s ok .
Viki : Yeah .
Tess voice : Is this where we re all supposed to cry ? Any sweeter and we d all go into insulin shock .
Tess : You think you got rid of me ? Think twice , princess .
Jessica : Leave me alone .
Roxy : Hey , baby , who are you talking to ?
Nash : I m looking for a Todd Manning .
Antonio : Sorry , man . I do nt work here .
Nash : Ah , that does nt mean you do nt know the man who does . Look , it s not about the paper . It s personal , all right ?
Antonio : You got a beef with Manning ?
Nash : Yeah . He went after someone I care about . I want to make sure he stays the hell away .
Antonio : Good . Then get in line .
Nash : Oh , you , too ?
Antonio : So we got something in common ?
Nash : Well , my newfound ally , why do nt we compare notes ?
Jessica : Roxy --
Roxy : Oh , yeah , it s me , but is there someone else here ? Like your imaginary playmate ?
Jessica : What are you talking about ?
Roxy : I do nt know . The invisible somebody that you were going off on .
Jessica : I --
Rex : Look , something s going on with Natalie . Mrs. B , Kevin , come on !
Evangeline : Natalie just woke up .
Bo : Are you sure ?
Evangeline : I saw it myself .
Michael : Sandy , could I get some help over here ?
Natalie : John ?
John : Yeah . It s me .
Natalie : John , you have to help me . I m trapped in here . I got to get out .
John : No . Listen to me . You re not trapped . It s ok . You re in the hospital .
Michael : Ok , big brother , you re out of here . I got to check her out .
John : She woke up .
Michael : Yeah .
Natalie : John -- John --
John : Hey -- I ll be right outside .
Natalie : John ? John ? John , help me , please ? Do nt leave me ! Help !
Kelly : Ok , it s not that I do nt think that you re a wonderful guy . I mean , you are . You re a brilliant doctor and you re a philanthropist and you re charming and intelligent and handsome , and I m sure you re asking yourself , you know , if I think all these things , then why do I think that we should stop seeing each other ? I just do nt think it s a good idea . I mean , we re business associates , and we re going to be family soon , what , with David marrying my aunt and all , and I just think it would be better if we stopped seeing each other , so I hope you understand .
Spencer : I understand . I just simply do nt accept it .
Kelly : Oh .
David : I think you ought to consider this chief of staff job . I mean , it s a great gig .
Paige : Yeah , one that Spencer wants me to take . No , he talked me up in front of the hospital board , but you just know there s got to be strings .
David : Yeah , but you d have so much power . I mean , chief of staff -- it s big , right ?
Paige : Oh . It s never stopped him before . God , you know , I just thought I was done with Spencer when I divorced him .
David : Yeah , the gift that keeps on giving , right ?
Paige : You know , I was happy , perfectly happy before this whole chief of staff job . I had a good career going , a great guy with Bo .
David : And then the great Dr. Truman comes to town .
Paige : Yeah , to do what ?
David : Well , I ve been spending the last several weeks and about a dozen bottles of vodka trying to figure out the very same thing . I do nt know . You know , Dorian and I are getting married soon . Spencer s going to be my best man . You do nt think I m worried about that ?
Paige : And now he wants to promote me . I m sure he has some sick scheme ready for me and Bo .
David : Well , he s ruined our lives in the past . Do nt think he wo nt try to do it again .
Bo : Natalie is awake . She s a little disoriented right now .
Viki : But physically -- I mean , is she ok ?
Bo : Michael Mc Bain s in there checking her out right now .
Rex : Oh , when can we see her ?
Bo : He ll let us know . We just have -- we have to hang in just a little longer .
Natalie : John ? John , help me , please ! John !
Michael : Natalie ? Natalie ? Natalie ? It s me , Michael Mc Bain , ok ? You re safe . You re in the hospital in Llanview . John is here . Your family is here .
Natalie : Michael ?
Michael : Hi . Now , everybody is waiting right outside that door to see you , which is nt going to happen until you let me examine you . Do you understand what I m saying ? Ok . Now , you know your name . That s good . Open your eyes . Follow my finger . Ok . What year is it ?
Natalie : 2005 .
Michael : Ok . Now , where did I say you were ?
Natalie : Llanview hospital .
Michael : And who am I ?
Natalie : Your brother s guard dog .
Michael : Nice to have you back , kid .
Evangeline : She s safe now . Hayes Barber is locked up , and soon we ll all be able to start getting our lives back .
Rex : How s Natty ?
Kevin : Hey , is she going to be ok ?
Roxy : She sure is . You tell them , doc .
Michael : She s awake . She is lucid . She s answered all my questions correctly . She does nt seem to have any permanent neurological damage .
Viki : Oh , thank God .
Roxy : Ditto .
Michael : We re re - hydrating her right now , but her vitals look good . She did sprain her ankle back when she was in the basement with Evangeline . She seems to have agitated it during the cave - in . But other than that , you know , I think that she s going to be fine .
Jessica : So , when can we see her ?
Michael : Now . But only one at a time .
Viki : Oh --
Roxy : You first , Vik .
Viki : Thank you .
Natalie : Mom .
Viki : Oh , honey , I m here . Oh . Oh , honey .
Kevin : What s the matter ?
Jessica : Oh -- I just -- I have a little bit of a headache . It must be from all the stress .
Kevin : Well , listen , it s over now , sweetie . Maybe this family of ours can finally have some peace , huh ?
Antonio : So what exactly did Manning do ?
Nash : Yeah , I do nt know , but she is afraid of him .
Antonio : Your wife ?
Nash : Girlfriend . Girlfriend . She wo nt talk about it . But then I found out he s a convicted rapist , which started to make some sense . What about you ?
Antonio : Me ?
Nash : Yeah , you , you know , get in line , got a beef ?
Antonio : Oh , right . He uses this tabloid to hurt people , and we do nt like each other .
Nash : Oh . He s a nice guy , huh ?
Antonio : Yeah . Yeah , look , I know we do nt know each other , and you have no reason to trust me , but your girl -- her name would nt happen to be Margaret , would it ?
Nash : No , but that is the second time this evening that I hear that name . This -- this Margaret -- what does she look like ?
Antonio : Tall , red , curly hair ?
Nash : No , that s not my girl .
Antonio : What is your girl s name ?
Nash : Why do you want to know my girlfriend s name ?
Antonio : Well , I ve lived here all my life . I know Manning , I might know your girlfriend , what the deal is with the two .
Nash : All right , fair enough .
Antonio : Excuse me . Hello .
Jessica : Antonio ? It s Jessica . I just wanted to call and tell you that Natalie s awake and she s going to be all right .
Antonio : Oh , well , that s great news . I ll be right over .
Jessica : Oh , no . No , you do nt have to .
Antonio : No , no , no , honey , I want to be there with you .
Jessica : No , I m all right . My family s here .
Antonio : Any sign of , you know --
Jessica : No , no . I ve got Tess under control . Do nt worry about that , but could you please meet me at Llanfair later ? I want you to be there when I tell my mom about Tess .
Antonio : Are you sure you re going to want to do that tonight , honey ? I mean , they just found Natalie and --
Jessica : I have to . Natalie s safe . She can handle it . Listen , the sooner she knows , the sooner she can help me figure out what to do . I have to get rid of Tess for good .
Antonio : Ok , so then I will see you there later . I love you . Listen , pal , I d love to continue this conversation , but I got to go . Good luck .
Nash : Yeah . You , too .
Kevin : Hey . Is there something I can do ?
Tess voice : Yeah -- mind your own business , bro .
Jessica : No , I m fine , really . I m doing better .
Kevin : Ok , but if you need something for that headache , just let me know .
Jessica : I just --
Kevin : I m sure we can rustle up some aspirin .
Viki : You really need to get some sleep , sweetheart , so I think I m going to let you rest , ok ?
Natalie : No , mom . Please , do nt -- I -- I just -- I was alone for so long before , and -- and when I was nt alone , it was Hayes Barber , and I never knew what he was going to do next .
Viki : Sweetheart , he s in prison , and he ca nt hurt you anymore , not now , not ever .
Natalie : When Hayes stopped coming and no one came to throw food down in the hole for me , I did nt think I was going to make it .
Viki : Shh . You know what ? Maybe you should nt think about that now , you know ?
Natalie : Mom , you re not supposed to feel that way . I know that . You re not supposed to give up .
Viki : Sweetheart , anyone would , given what you went through .
Natalie : You would nt have .
Viki : Oh --
Natalie : You would never give up .
Viki : Well , I do nt know about that . But I know I never gave up on you .
Natalie : Neither did John . Did he ?
Viki : No , never .
John : You know , you do nt have to stick around .
Evangeline : Ah . Trying to get rid of me ?
John : Nope . I just do nt want to see you run yourself into the ground .
Evangeline : Do nt worry about me .
John : How can I not ? That could have been you I pulled out of that pit tonight .
Evangeline : Stop it .
John : Just tell me how .
Evangeline : Whether it was me or Natalie is nt the point . The only thing that matters is that we both survived . We re both here , and we re going to be all right . You re the one who is nt .
John : Me ?
Evangeline : Yes . All this I could have done this and I should have done that and I did nt do this -- John , put down the cross just for tonight and be happy that we re all alive .
Bo : Natalie s going to be fine , Paige . Thanks for caring .
Paige : She s your niece , Bo . Of course I care . So I guess it s safe to assume that you ll be working late tonight ?
Bo : Do nt have to . John s taking Natalie s statement . I m taking the rest of the night off . Can you meet me at my place later ?
Paige : Nothing would make me happier .
David : Well , I like you better when you re smiling .
Paige : Well , it s nice to have something to smile about .
David : It is , is nt it ?
Paige : You know , I worked long and hard to get Spencer out of my life , and I have to do everything I can to keep it that way .
Spencer : Sorry . Ok , so , where were we ?
Kelly : I think you were telling me why I m not allowed to break up with you ?
Spencer : No . What I said was that I do nt accept your reasons . So be honest . This is about Kevin , is nt it ?
Kelly : Ok , yes , I -- I wish that things were different between us , but they are not and they re never going to be . But I really hope that we can still be friends .
Spencer : I hope so , too .
Nash : What the hell ? Why is Tess so afraid of Manning ?
Woman : What are you doing here ?
Nash : You know , I was just going to leave manning a quick note .
Woman : Who are you ?
Nash : I ll call him tomorrow .
Spencer : Drinking partners all of a sudden ? I did nt know you two were so close .
David : Strength in numbers .
Spencer : Well , I m glad I wore my kevlar t - shirt , the way you two have been boring holes in me all night .
Paige : Back off , Spencer .
Spencer : Excuse me .
Paige : You know , I told you to stay the hell out of my life . That includes the hospital .
Spencer : Oh , right , the dreaded chief of staff promotion .
Paige : No , I wo nt accept it .
Spencer : Well , it s your life . You want to turn down the opportunity of a lifetime --
Paige : Yes , one that you manipulated so that I would owe you .
Spencer : Oh , but you do owe me , Paige . You owe me for everything you have and everything you are . So what s one more little I.O.U. , huh ? You do not want to make me angry . Do you ?
Bo : Do you know how good it is to see you here ?
Natalie : I m getting the idea .
Bo : Mm - hmm . You know who s going to be happy is Matthew . He s going to be so excited you re here and you re safe , sound .
Natalie : Not as glad as I am . Just so you know , I promise I m going to keep a low profile at the police station . No more independent investigating for me , I promise .
Bo : Come on , none of this was your fault . But I do think it d be a good idea if you leave the police work to the pros from now on , ok ?
Natalie : Thanks , uncle Bo .
Bo : Yeah . Welcome home , Nat .
Michael : So , you up to seeing more family ? They re practically breaking down the door to get in here .
Roxy : Ca nt keep us out anymore .
Natalie : Hey .
Rex : How you doing , Natty ?
Roxy : How is she doing ? How do you think she s doing ? She got kidnapped by a whack job , burned at the stake , thrown into a pit , and used as worm food ?
Rex : You re not helping , Roxy .
Roxy : I m not ? I m not ? Because I m trying to help . Honey , you know , I ve been worried about you 24/11 . And Viki and I -- we ve just been wringing our hands together . In fact , it s so bad I m chewing up my acrylics .
Natalie : You think that s bad ? I would kill for a new set .
Roxy : You know , honey , as soon as you blow this pop stand , I m going to close up shop and I m going to give you a spa fest -- hair , nails , the whole thing .
Natalie : Sounds wonderful .
Roxy : Honey , not that you need it . In fact , you never looked more beautiful than you do right now .
Rex : Ahem .
Roxy : What ? Thanks .
Natalie : So , I heard that you got into it with Hayes , too , huh ?
Rex : Yeah , I d do it again , too , no matter what the voltage .
Natalie : He used a stun gun on you ?
Rex : Not you , too ?
Natalie : No -- I mean , he threatened many times , but -- I ca nt believe what you did for me .
Rex : Well , I was nt the only one .
Roxy : Dr. Mikey was tripping after you were gone .
Natalie : Guess I grew on you , huh ?
Michael : Yeah . Like a fungus .
Rex : All right , say good night , Roxy , so Natty can chill .
Roxy : Do I have to ?
Rex : Yes .
Roxy : Ok , honey . You just call me , you know , if you need any eyebrow wax or anything like that . Just call me day or night .
Natalie : Ok . Bye , Roxy . Rex .
Michael : So ? You really missed Roxy , huh ?
Natalie : You know -- it s not just them . I mean , I missed everybody . I missed you .
Michael : Hmm .
Natalie : I guess I just never really realized how much I had to live for until tonight , and I have a second chance to appreciate it , thank God . And John -- he --
Michael : Not just John .
Natalie : Michael , please , let s -- let s just not go there , ok ? I know how you feel about your brother and me , but John saved my life . He saved me from that pit .
Michael : It was nt John .
Natalie : I -- I saw him there with my own two eyes right before the hole caved in on me .
Michael : Yeah , you did . But he would nt have known where to look for you if it had nt been for somebody else .
Natalie : Who ? Who else do I owe my life to ?
Evangeline : This Killing Club case almost destroyed us , but it did nt . We survived it -- at least Natalie and I did . We can move on now . Can you ?
Michael : Hey .
John : Hey .
Michael : I m sorry to interrupt you guys , but Natalie wanted to speak to you , Evangeline .
Evangeline : You wanted to speak to me ?
Roxy : Hey , you hanging in there ?
Rex : Never used to think about death or dying . Figured it was long range , it would nt touch me anytime soon or anybody I knew .
Roxy : Well , at least we still got Natty .
Rex : I do nt think I could have handled it if she went , too .
Roxy : Oh , yeah , baby . You know , I got the D.T.s all just thinking about it . Of course , maybe I just need a hit of something . How about going out with your mama and celebrating Natty coming back ?
Rex : I m not up for partying tonight .
Roxy : Well , I guess I m going solo .
Rex : Or maybe I can meet you a little later .
Roxy : Ok . Free drinks . First round s on me , and not that rotgut stuff , either . Ok .
Rex : Come here .
Roxy : What ?
Rex : I love you , Roxy . You know that ?
Roxy : I ca nt remember the last time you said that -- or if you ever said it . Back at ya , baby .
Rex : Come here .
Spencer s voice : Ah , but you already owe me , Paige , for everything you have and everything you are . So what s another little I.O.U. ?
Bo : Paige . Come here . Oh .
Paige : Oh .
Bo : Hi .
Paige : Hmm . Well --
Bo : Hmm ?
Paige : Well , you need more nights off .
Bo : You ai nt see nothing yet .
Paige : Wow . What is this all about ?
Bo : Well , appreciating what I have , when I have it . I m not going to , you know , wait till something happens .
Paige : Well , nothing is going to happen to us , Bo . I can promise you that .
Bo : Careful -- I may hold you to it . Let me just hold you .
Paige : Mm - hmm .
Bo : Maybe till Sunday . Can you stay the weekend ?
Paige : Oh , careful . I may never leave this house .
Matthew : You re moving in with my dad ?
David : You re still here ?
Spencer : And I have to put up with this attitude , why , exactly ?
David : Whoa , whoa , whoa . Paige is the one who roasted you , not me .
Spencer : Hmm . The prerogative of an ex - wife , yes , but then again , you should know all about that . How many have you had now ?
David : Legally or otherwise ? You know what ? Do nt even answer that question . You know why ? Because I m getting married for the last time to Dorian , who adores me and puts me on a pedestal , by the way -- unlike you , who got dissed by not only one , but two women in the same evening .
Spencer : What on earth would give you that idea ?
David : Oh , come on . I saw that pathetic look that Kelly was giving you , that I m dumping you look . Admit it . Oh , no . What is about you that tells me that s exactly what you wanted ?
Kevin : I m going to fill grandpa in .
Viki : Oh , ok . I ll tell her , I ll tell her .
Kevin : All right , all right .
Viki : Are you leaving , too , darling ?
Jessica : No , I m just going to go and check my messages .
Viki : Ok .
Tess voice : Ok . You ve had your little family - bonding thing . Little Miss victim is fine , so take a break .
Jessica : Go away . Go away , go away .
Tess voice : I m not going anywhere . I ve got some loose ends to deal with , and you are nt stopping me .
Dr. Jamison : Jessica ? What s wrong ?
Jessica : Dr. Jamison , it s happening again . Tess -- she s -- she s in my head . She s trying to take control . She s trying to take over . I -- we have to stop her tonight .
John : Did Natalie say why she wanted to talk to Evangeline ?
Michael : She probably just wanted to set the record straight . It s something you might try yourself .
Evangeline : It s good to see you here -- even in a hospital bed . Better than that pit .
Natalie : You were there ?
Evangeline : We did nt know if you were going to make it .
Natalie : I would nt let that freak get the best of me .
Evangeline : I know what you mean .
Natalie : Yeah , well , if anyone would --
Evangeline : But when Barber locked us in that basement together , you never gave up .
Natalie : Neither did you . You know , you kept me going , there and in the hole .
Evangeline : Me ?
Natalie : Yeah . You were an inspiration to keep me alive . Let s just keep it at that , ok ?
Evangeline : Boy , that Hayes sure knew how to work us , the way he played us against each other to get to john ?
Natalie : Evangeline , honestly , I did nt bring you in here to fight about John . I asked you to come in here because I want to thank you for saving my life . Michael told me . If there is anything I can do for you --
Evangeline : Actually , there is .
Bo : Matthew , no , no . Nobody s moving in here .
Paige : I have my own place , Matthew .
Bo : Yeah . But you know what ? I m glad you woke up , because I ve got a surprise . We found Natalie and she s ok .
Matthew : Sweet . Can I go see her ?
Bo : No , no . I tell you , she s pretty wiped out right now , but maybe tomorrow . There s something else -- I m taking the weekend off , so we can do that , we can do other things . I just want to spend some time with you and with Paige .
Paige : If that s ok with you , Matthew .
Matthew : Sure . You know , I know I was nt too cool about you and my dad before , but now I really am .
Paige : You sure ?
Matthew : Yeah . It s not like with Daniel . You re not keeping bad stuff from us .
Bo : Hey , you know what ? I ve got take - out in the kitchen . Feel like a snack ?
Matthew : You know what ? I already ate with Marianne . I think I m going to go back to bed .
Bo : Ok . Fine .
Bo : You just heard that , doctor ? You just got the thumbs - up from my biggest critic . And it really does mean something , because that poor little guy has been through so much lately , and it s all because of Colson . So it s nice that he s got someone like you in the picture . And it s nice for me , too .
Michael : Listen , John , you ve put yourself through a meat grinder the last couple of weeks . It s over now . It s time to get on with the rest of your life .
John : Yeah , that s what everybody keeps telling me .
Michael : Like Evangeline ? Tell you what -- maybe you should listen to us , you know ? A doctor and a lawyer both tell you something , chances are they re on to something .
Evangeline : I m not naive enough to think that you and I could ever be friends . But I would like to propose a ceasefire .
Natalie : Of course , we -- you know , we ve been through too much together . But , Evangeline , my feelings --
Evangeline : No , let s -- let s not get into that -- no , not now or ever again . There s no point . I want you to know this -- John is not a part of my life anymore .
Natalie : You sure about that ?
Evangeline : Am I sure about that ? Sure , like you were sure it was over between you and John when you met Paul Cramer ? No , Natalie . I m not sure . And you ought to understand that better than anyone .
Jessica : For the first time since I ve been back , I can feel Tess inside of me , fighting to get out .
Dr. Jamison : We can set an appointment up tomorrow or the next day , get your mother involved .
Jessica : No , no , no . No . It has to be tonight . It has to be tonight before Tess comes out again . Listen , I m pretty sure that my mother can handle it now that Natalie s back . And maybe she can help me figure out this horrible thing that I m suppressing that has made me create an alter like Tess .
Dr. Jamison : Good . You should nt do this alone , Jessica .
Jessica : Well , Antonio s going to be with me . I think that Tess is pretty psyched out by him . I -- maybe it s because of how much we love each other . That s something Tess has never experienced .
Nash : Do nt you worry , Tess . I ll find you . If Manning s touched one finger on you , I swear I ll kill him .
David : So why did Kelly give you the kiss - off , huh ? She did nt find out that you made me steal those B.E. merger papers to leak to the press , did she ?
Spencer : Oh , I would never give you up , little brother . You should know that by now .
David : You re up to something with Kelly .
Spencer : No , no . Just one of those things , you know ? Just did nt work out . Women , you know ?
David : Hmm .
Spencer : Listen , I got to go back to the hospital . I ll see you later , Dave .
David : Yeah .
Spencer : Congratulations , Kevin .
Renee : Hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , you ! You re not going out of here until you give me the money for those martinis .
David : Kevin , give her that money you owe me .
Kevin : What was that all about ?
Renee : Oh , who knows ? Who cares ? Oh , you re a sweetheart . Tell me about Natalie .
Kevin : Oh , she s doing much better . Probably be home in the morning .
Renee : Good . I ca nt wait to tell Asa . And Kelly is going to be very relieved .
Kevin : Kelly ?
Renee : Mm - hmm , Kelly . She s right over there .
Kevin : Hey , hey .
Kevin : I just saw Spencer leave . I m surprised you two are nt up in the penthouse with Renee s best champagne .
Kelly : Well , we decided that we re better off as business associates .
Kevin : Really ?
Kelly : Yep .
Kevin : Why ?
Kelly : Kevin , sometimes you can be such an idiot . I broke up with Spencer because I m still in love with you .
Viki : Well , Jessie should be home soon . You know , with all this good news , I ca nt decide if I want to just stay up all night or pass out from exhaustion .
Antonio : Well , you may want to stay up , because I know Jess is going to want some time with you .
Viki : Oh , and I with her . I have the feeling she wants to talk to me about something very specific . Do you know what it is ?
Antonio : She might want to tell you herself .
Tess voice : Running home to mommy ? Oh , ca nt wait to rat me out , can you ? Like that s going to solve anything . You really think your mom s going to help ? She s just going to make it worse .
Jessica : Then why are you trying to stop me , Tess ?
Tess voice : Does nt matter anyway . I have another secret now .
Jessica : Another secret ? About what ?
Tess voice : Would nt you like to know ? Something happened in New York , Jessica . Just when you think you got it all figured out -- surprise ! We re playing a whole new game .
Natalie : Why is it that every time I open my eyes from the dark there you are ?
John : Just lucky , I guess .
Natalie : You got -- you got your guy , did nt you ? Like you always do .
John : Yeah , we got him .
Natalie : Good . Oh , God , John , I was so scared . I thought that it was over . I thought I was dead . And then I -- I would just -- I thought about you , and I just kept going . You gave me my fight back , John . You saved my life .
john : So what d I do in this dream ?
Natalie : You married Evangeline .
Rex : Is there any chance of the two of you getting back together ?
Antonio : We still have a lot of obstacles to get through .
Viki : Like what ?
Jessica : What happened in New York ?
Nash : That s what I d like to know . You ran out on me .
### Summary:
| Spencer and Kelly share a drink at the palace , but she puts a damper in the evening by telling him that she ca nt see him anymore , but he will not take no for an answer . Natalie wakes up , and is fine , but she yells for John . Michael fills her in that she not only needs to thank John for saving her life , but she also needs to thank Evangeline . Nash still looks for Tess . Jessica , once again is plagued by the voice of Tess , who now has a secret of her own . Kelly lets it out to Kevin that the reason that she had broken up with Spencer is that she is still in love with him . Nash sees Jessica in the park , and mistakes her for Tess . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Dickinson : These pills are yours ?
Starr : Cole was just covering for me .
Dickinson : You are aware of our zero tolerance policy . With your record , Ms. Manning , you do nt want to test me .
Cole : Ms. Dickinson , wait
Dickinson : This does nt concern you , Mr. Thornhart .
Cole : You do nt understand .
Starr : It s okay , Cole . I have a prescription .
Dickinson : I see . If that s the case , then we do nt have a problem . Just let me see the bottle .
Wes : The kid in Iraq . The one you shot ?
Brody : What about him ?
Wes : I lied to you , Brody . He did nt have a gun . He was unarmed .
Brody : There was a weapon in his hand .
Wes : Brody , listen to me --
Brody : No . I saw it . I saw the gun .
Wes : You saw what I wanted you to see .
John : What was that for ?
Marty : I was trying out one of my old identities . Marty the party girl .
John : Did it work ?
Marty : Nope . I guess that s what you get for studying yourself like a term paper . Empirical research just does nt pan out .
John : Maybe because I never knew the party girl .
Marty : Or maybe because the party girl would nt have looked twice at you .
Jared : You totally aced getting those shots .
Natalie : She screamed her head off .
Jared : For like 30 seconds . Did you see those other babies in the waiting room ? They were in awe , because you are amazing .
Natalie : Yeah , well I m sure they heard her screaming .
Jared : What a set of lungs , huh ?
Natalie : I know . But you know what ? Your Uncle Jared s right . You are the most amazing baby in the whole wide world .
Marcie : They all are , are nt they ?
Jessica : I know what happened . I know what happened .
Viki : Shh , it s all right . We re here with you .
Jessica : I hid it . It s all my fault .
Clint : None of this is your fault .
Jessica : I know the truth . I have to do something about it .
Viki : Sweetheart , you know the truth about what ?
Tess : My baby did not die because of me .
Bess : I merely told you the truth . I ca nt make you believe it .
Tess : I loved my baby . She was Nash s baby . How could you let her die ? Why did nt you help her ?
Bess : The baby was born dead because of your neglect . If I had not kept the truth from you and Jessica , we would all be dead . You killed the baby , but I saved us .
Tess : How did I hurt the baby ? How did she die because of me ?
Bess : The problem with you , Tess , is you do nt know how to multitask . You were so focused on revenge that you forgot to take care of yourself and the baby .
Tess : Everything I did , I did for her .
Bess : Did the baby want you to stop going to your prenatal appointments ?
Tess : I went to one . The doctor weighed me , said I was fine .
Bess : And then you went ahead with your plans to blow up Natalie and Jared . You were so busy with your dynamite , you ignored your contractions .
Tess : Natalie and Jared had to pay .
Bess : And when you were sure that they would , where did you go ? Someplace sensible like a hospital ?
Tess : I went to the cottage that Nash built for us .
Bess : Did that seem like a good place to deliver a baby ?
Tess : Are you saying that if I had gone to the hospital when I went into labor , my baby would still be alive ?
Bess : We ll never know , will we ?
Jessica : I talked to Bess . Or she talked to me .
Viki : What did she say ?
Jessica : She did nt want to say anything .
Dr. Levin : Her job is to keep you from facing what you do nt want to face .
Jessica : I made her tell me the truth .
Viki : Which is what ?
Jessica : I m a bad person .
Viki : Oh , no . No , no , no . Honey , no . That s simply not true . Oh , darling . Whatever it is , you can tell us .
Clint : It s safe here , Jess--
Dr. Levin : Jessica , your parents are here with you . I m here with you . We wo nt let anything happen to you . You can tell us whatever Bess said .
Jessica : Where s Natalie ?
Viki : Natalie ? She s taking Chloe to the pediatrician .
Jessica : I think you need to call her .
Marcie : How is Jessica doing ?
Natalie : She is doing okay , according to my mom . I m not allowed to see her yet , but --
Marcie : Oh .
Natalie : Uh - oh .
Marcie : Well , this must be so rough for her . There s nothing harder than being away from your baby .
Natalie : Do you want to hold her ?
Marcie : Oh , well -- yeah , I d love to . Sure .
Natalie : There you go .
Marcie : Come here . Come here , Chloe . Hi . How are you doing ? Oh , you okay ? Look at that smile . Hi , Chloe . Are nt you getting to be such a big girl ?
Natalie : 11 pounds , 4 ounces .
Jared : The pediatrician said she is the perfect two - month - old baby .
Marcie : Two months ?
Jared : Yeah .
Marcie : She s the same age as Hope would have been .
Starr : You need a bottle ? I left it at home .
Dickinson : Oh . Well , then I m sure that the nurse has your prescription on file .
Cole : Ms. Dickinson
Dickinson : Cole . This does nt involve you .
Cole : Yes , it does .
Starr : We had a baby a couple months ago . And we lost her . Did you know that ?
Dickinson : Of course .
Starr : My doctor prescribed me those antidepressants .
Dickinson : That s what these are ? Antidepressants ?
Starr : Right . You think just because we were nt going to keep the baby , that we should nt be depressed ?
Dickinson : No . I m not suggesting that .
Starr : She was our daughter , and now she is gone . And we re just trying to cope in any way we know how .
Brody : There was no gun ?
Wes : I m sorry , man . I m so sorry .
Brody : There was no gun .
Wes : I never wanted you to go through this .
Brody : Go through what ? Going crazy ?
Wes : You re not crazy .
Brody : But I saw it . I saw the gun .
Wes : I know you did .
Brody : You have to tell me what happened . Please . You have to tell me everything .
Marty : Maybe you were nothing to me , John .
John : Maybe . Then again , it does nt matter what I was .
Marty : Really ? Because you sure went out on a limb to save me .
John : I thought you d feel better if I got you away from Manning . It does nt look like you do .
Marty : Maybe now you wish you d left me there .
John : Do nt do this . All right ? Talk to someone who could actually help you .
Marty : Oh . Ah . Being patronized by an old lover , that s just not good . You know , maybe -- I surprised you before , maybe that s the problem . Maybe if it was nt such a surprise , I d actually feel something real .
John : That s not the answer .
Marty : No ? You got a better idea ?
Tess : How did the baby die ?
Bess : She was nt crying .
Tess : I remember that . Tell me something I do nt know . You re the smart one .
Bess : After months of neglect , you started asking questions about the baby s welfare . I knew that if you got those answers , Jessica would be destroyed .
Tess : What did you do ?
Bess : I took over . I m the one who watches and waits . I knew that another baby was entering the world on the same night .
Tess : Todd s kid , Starr .
Bess : And because we overheard your uncle s plan --
Tess : And Jessica --
Bess : Knows nothing . So I took the baby you let die to the hospital , and switched it for a healthy one .
Tess : And then you got rid of me . Then you gave Jessica Starr s baby .
Bess : And now Jessica can move on . With Hope , she can survive anything . Except knowing her baby s dead .
Viki : Natalie , honey , I m glad I got a hold of you .
Natalie : Is everything okay ?
Viki : Yeah . Jessica s had some sort of a breakthrough .
Natalie : Really ? Is that good or bad ?
Viki : Yeah well , I m not sure , because she wo nt talk about it unless you and Jared are here . Honey , do you think that you two could get out here to Nash s old cottage just as soon as possible ?
Natalie : We re still at the pediatrician s office with Chloe , but -- we ll be there as soon as we can .
Wes : We burst into the shack , remember ? We could nt see squat . Everything was crazy .
Brody : Tell me about the boy .
Wes : We could barely see him . He raised his hand . He was pointing something . And you --
Brody : What ?
Wes : You protected yourself . You took him out .
Brody : Then what ?
Wes : You saw it was a kid .
Brody : No ! Oh , my God . No !
Wes : It s okay . It s all right .
Brody : It was a kid .
Wes : It s all right . It s all right .
Brody : He s dead . I killed him .
Wes : Hey . It s okay , all right ? Come with me . So , then I took you outside . I tried to calm you down . I did nt know what to do . I d never seen you like that . Hey . Come on . Breathe .
Brody : How did you make it okay ? What did you do ?
Blair : Uh , what s going on here ?
Marty : Oh , that s a good question , John . John , Blair wants to know what s going on between us . And I think she d be very interested in knowing the results of our little experiment .
Blair : And what experiment would that be ?
Marty : John here thinks I need therapy , so I thought , what the heck ? Go for sense memory .
John : It was nothing .
Marty : It s true . Sadly , it was true . I figured a little kiss might stir up some memories , and it did of my old Aunt Kiki .
Blair : So you do nt remember anything ?
Marty : It was nice of John to try , though , do nt you think ? He is so helpful that way . In fact , he likes helping so much that he helped save Todd .
Blair : He was drowning , Marty .
Marty : Oh , that s right . You were there , too . You helped save him , too , did nt you ?
Blair : No , I m sorry if I do nt get a kick out of watching other people die .
Marty : You know what I think ? Here s what happened -- I kissed John because I felt like it . You helped save Todd because you re not over him .
Starr : I got them right after the baby died .
Dickinson : Perhaps you were nt aware that all drugs taken on the school grounds must be registered and dispensed by the school nurse .
Starr : Oh , I m sorry . I did know that . I just forgot about it . But I will bring that in . I just got them , they re new .
Dickinson : I suppose I could look the other way this time . Just make sure she gets the prescription .
Starr : Okay . I m sorry .
Cole : What are you doing ? Are you crazy ?
Starr : I m not the one who bought painkillers from a dealer .
Cole : So you tell Dickinson they re yours ?
Starr : It worked , did nt it ?
Cole : What happens when she goes to the nurse and asks for your prescription ?
Starr : Well , she will get it .
Cole : You have a prescription for antidepressants .
Starr : Dr. Joplin prescribed them to me after we lost the baby . But I did nt get them filled , but now I ll have to .
Cole : So what , you re not depressed ?
Starr : I m unhappy . There s a difference . I do nt feel like I need pills to take that away .
Cole : You must be a stronger person than I am .
Starr : But these are not the answer .
Cole : Then what is ?
Starr : I feel like when you go through something like that , in order to put that behind you , you have to go through it . And those are just putting that off .
Marcie : Mike , this is what I used to dream about for us . You know , even when I knew it could nt happen . Even after you told me that you would nt adopt Starr s baby .
Michael : Yeah , if only it had been somebody else -- not related to Todd .
Marcie : It did nt matter to me . I just kept dreaming . I used to dream about that moment , you know ? That moment when the doctor would put the baby in my arms for the first time . And I always pictured you walking in , seeing us . It was stupid .
Michael : I thought about it , too .
Marcie : You did ?
Michael : Yeah . The three of us as a family . Even though I knew that it was nt going to happen , it did nt stop me from thinking about it . You , me , and a baby . Just like this .
Marcie : What I would ve given for a chance with you and Hope .
Tess : The baby in the psych ward --
Bess : A beautiful baby girl .
Tess : I knew she was nt mine .
Bess : Starr gave birth to her . But she s Jessica s baby .
Tess : And are you okay with Todd s kid thinking that her baby s dead ?
Bess : Tess , you ve never cared about anyone s needs but your own .
Tess : Answer me .
Bess : Starr is nt fragile . Not like Jessica . Look what happened when Nash died .
Tess : I know what happened when Nash died .
Bess : If Jessica knew her baby was dead , she d blame herself . She would nt survive .
Tess : Why are you telling me this now ?
Bess : You would nt let it go . I had no choice .
Tess : What about Jessica ?
Bess : What about her ?
Tess : You said she was fragile . Did you tell her the truth , too ?
Clint : This Bess , or whoever s keeping a secret from Jessica , is that normal ?
Dr. Levin : Well , alters exist to serve the host personality in different ways . They deal with information and situations that the host can not .
Viki : Niki Smith held the knowledge about my father .
Clint : But Jessie says she knows the truth .
Dr. Levin : Well , whatever Bess shared with her , it s upset her terribly .
Clint : I wish Natalie and Jared would get here so we could find out what it is .
Dr. Levin : Well you can take some comfort in the fact that Jessica wants to talk to them . Wishing to confront the secret herself is a very good sign .
Natalie : Hey , Jess . Are you okay ?
Jessica : I ve done something terrible . And I need to tell you about it .
Tess : Did you tell Jessica what you told me ?
Bess : She wanted answers . I had to tell her something .
Tess : Did you tell her that Chloe died ? Did you tell her that you switched her for someone else s baby ?
Bess : No .
Tess : What did you tell her then ?
Bess : The truth .
Natalie : Jess , what is it ? You can tell me .
Jessica : I wanted you and Jared to die .
Brody : Tell me what you did .
Wes : You sure ?
Brody : I need to know .
Wes : I left you with Sanchez . Hey , hey .
Sanchez : What do we do ?
Wes : Stay with Lovett . And do nt say anything , all right ?
Sanchez : Lovett . Lovett , it s okay .
Wes : Freeman was kneeling next to the kid . Where s the weapon ?
Man : No weapon , Sarge .
Wes : Then what the hell was he pointing at us ? I knew he had a gun . We all saw it . A couple of feet away -- I found it .
Freeman : It s no weapon , Sarge .
Brody : A flashlight ?
Wes : I m sorry , Brody . It was dark , and we could nt see . There was no way you could have known .
Brody : But I thought --
Wes : You were already so messed up . I figured if you found out -- I did nt know what you d do .
Brody : What did you do ?
Wes : I made a decision .
Wes : I took one of the insurgents guns .
Wes : And put it in the boy s hand .
Blair : I m trying to be civil here , because I know that you re going through hard times .
Marty : Oh , well thank you for validating my experience , Blair .
Blair : But you talked the father of my children into jumping off a roof . And then I walk in here , and you re kissing on the man in my life , so I m getting just a little pissed here .
Marty : You want to talk about anger ?
Blair : You re hurting , Marty . That s why I m not belting you for trying to tell me how I feel about Todd .
Marty : All right , then do nt talk about how you feel about Todd . But how about I talk about how I feel about him ?
Blair : Oh , I think you made that pretty clear when I heard you say that you got Todd to try to commit suicide .
Marty : Yeah . He finally admitted that he was a miserable human being . He was going to help me put it all behind me . I was going to finally be free of him , until you two heroes show up .
John : We did it for you .
Marty : Oh , that s right --
Blair : Marty . Do you really want a man s death on your conscience ?
Marty : Are you really this dense ? Just admit you still love the guy .
Blair : He is the father of my children . Okay ? And just because you want him dead does nt mean that I m going to let you kill him .
Brody : I killed him . I killed that kid .
Wes : I told Freeman we had to do this . This is the only way , right ? To save him ? Sanchez , how s he doing ?
Sanchez : He s bugging out , man .
Wes : Hey , Brody , it s okay , all right ?
Brody : I killed him , I killed him .
Wes : You did nt have a choice . Come here . I ll show you , okay ? Come on . Come here . Come on , come on . Look -- no , look ! You have to look . Look at this . He was going to kill you . He wanted to kill all of us . You saved us , man . There was nothing you could do . You hear me ?
Wes : Brody . I thought telling you that -- I thought that it was the best thing for you . I guess I was wrong .
Natalie : Tess is the one who wanted to kill us , not you .
Jessica : That s what I ve been telling myself .
Natalie : Because it s the truth .
Jessica : No .
Natalie : Jessica , you -- you could nt hurt us .
Jessica : You have to listen to me , Natalie . Okay ? You have to listen .
Natalie : Okay .
Jessica : When Nash died , I was so angry . I was angry that he was taken from me without warning . I was angry that my babies were going to grow up without knowing their father . I was angry that I was all alone . And the only way I knew how to deal with that anger was to blame someone , so I blamed you .
Natalie : I understand .
Jessica : And after I went off at you at the funeral , everything changed .
Viki : When we took you home that day .
Jessica : I remember .
Viki : You were not you for again for months .
Jessica : I remember . I was looking at pictures of Nash and Bree . And then I -- I felt Tess . I knew what she wanted to do to you . And I could have fought back . I could have stopped her .
Viki : No , darling , you do nt mean that .
Jessica : Yes , I do , and you know that . I ve been integrated for over a year . I knew what to do when I have those impulses , but I was so angry . I was so angry . So I just -- I let her come out . Because I knew that she could do what I could nt .
Natalie : Jess --
Jessica : I wanted her to kill you .
Bess : I could nt tell Jessica what I told you .
Tess : So you lied to her ?
Bess : I told her the truth . It was simply a different one .
Tess : You did nt tell her that her baby s dead .
Bess : You can handle the fact that your baby s dead . Jessica can not .
Tess : My baby s dead because of me . That s the truth . That s what you said .
Bess : You were reckless and careless .
Tess : My baby , Nash s beautiful little girl .
Bess : You loved her .
Tess : I loved her so much .
Bess : But now you have to go on without her .
Tess : What do we do ?
Bess : We give Jessica her life back .
Tess : How do we do that ?
Bess : We integrate .
Marty : Your kids have nothing to do with the way you feel about Todd .
Blair : Do nt tell me how I feel .
Marty : Oh , gloves are coming off .
Blair : I m not going to fight you , Marty , but I m not going to explain myself to you , either .
Marty : Good , because there is no explanation for why you would save Todd .
Blair : I get it . He s bad so he does nt deserve to live . Is that it ? Thumbs up , thumbs down , according to Marty Saybrooke ?
Marty : You saved him for his children and your children . Why the restraining order against him then ?
Blair : My relationship with Todd is none of your business .
Marty : Oh , I think I m getting it . Now I know why you were so interested in what I feel for John .
Blair : John has nothing to do with this .
Marty : Oh , yes it does . Do nt you see ? Because if he and I get back together , you do nt have to tell him the truth .
Blair : And what truth is that ?
Marty : That you still love Todd .
Starr : Cole , I know you are hurting , and we all are , but you can get through this .
Cole : Yeah , I know that I should be able to and that you re the one that had the baby , but --
Starr : I m not saying it should be easier for you .
Cole : And you ve got your family .
Starr : Which is completely falling apart right now . Jack is freaking out because he misses my dad , but my mom still has a restraining order against him and I m probably going to be the one to put him in prison .
Cole : Well , at least they still know who you are . I found out that my mom was alive the day that the baby died . And I thought there must be a God because there she was on the worst day of my life . And I thought everything would go back the way it was .
Starr : She ll get her memory back .
Cole : No . How do you know that ? There s no way of you knowing that .
Starr : But she s still your mother .
Cole : No , she s someone else . Someone that does nt even want to live in the same house as me .
Blair : What s the matter , Marty ? Being the victim did nt get you enough attention ?
Marty : What , you think that s why I asked you how you feel about Todd ?
John : Hey , what do you say we call this quits ?
Blair : No , you -- no , you need to hear this , John , because this is classic Marty . If she does nt get her way , she makes trouble for everybody else . You know , she might not remember it but I certainly do .
Marty : Ah , so you know the old Marty the party girl .
Blair : Oh , yeah , I knew her real well . But from where I m standing , you ca nt seem to let go of the past .
Marty : Really ?
Blair : Mm - hmm .
Marty : Or is that the past has let go of you ?
Blair : Oh , no , that s deep , Marty . Why do nt you explain that ?
Marty : Todd s in love with me , or whatever is his sick version of love . He went up to the Palace Hotel roof with me , not you .
Blair : I do nt care . Good for you . I do nt want Todd .
Marty : Yeah , but you ca nt stand that he wants somebody else .
Blair : Okay , John , I would really like for you to throw her out , please .
John : No , I m not going to do that .
Marcie : I never would have gotten through this without you . You know that .
Michael : We were a family , Marcie . You and me and Tommy .
Marcie : Yeah .
Michael : No matter what happens , that s always going to be true . What are you thinking about ?
Marcie : I m thinking about what it would be like to be a family again . You know , in a perfect world we would be . Heck , in a perfect world , this little one would be ours , would nt she ?
Tess : Integrating , that means Jessica knows everything .
Bess : It wo nt be a true integration . We ll keep this one secret from her .
Tess : I do nt get it . What does that mean ?
Bess : I mean we go away .
Tess : We let her handle this without us ?
Bess : It s the only way out of St. Ann s . She needs to take care of her two little girls .
Tess : Bree .
Bess : And Chloe . Even though she s not really ours , she still needs a mother .
Tess : What do we do ?
Bess : We rest . You need to rest , Tess . You ve been working so hard .
Tess : I just wanted to make things right for my baby and Nash . I just wanted to make things right .
Bess : And now you can . You can do Jessica s grieving for her .
Bess : Come on , Tess . Your work here is done . Let Jessica have her breakthrough .
Jared : You wanted us to die ?
Natalie : You really wanted Tess to hurt us ?
Jessica : Yes , I did .
Viki : Darling , you were irrational with grief .
Clint : Honey , you never would have acted on those feelings .
Jessica : But Tess would , and I just stood back and I let it happen .
Natalie : No , you tried to stop it , okay ? She tried to poison us and -- and you saved our lives .
Jessica : Maybe that was a moment of conscience .
Natalie : No . You did nt really want us to die .
Jessica : Then why -- why did nt I fight ? I knew what she wanted to do to you . I knew that she wanted to hurt you .
Natalie : You could nt have known that .
Jessica : I did . I did know it , and if Mom and Charlie had nt gotten to you when they did , and --
Viki : But we did . Jessica , we did get there and it s over , darling . Do you hear me ? It is over .
Jessica : Mom , Tess is a part of me . She did nt do this on her own . I stood back and I let it happen . And knowing that , I do nt know how you can really forgive me .
Wes : I do nt expect you to forgive me . But you re a good soldier . That s why I did what I did . And that kid dying , man -- that was a mistake . But it could have happened to anyone . It does nt mean you re not a good man . And I m sorry if what I did made you forget that . But you re still a good man , Brody . You re still a good soldier .
Brody : Thanks for telling me the truth .
Wes : Another kind of guy would nt have wanted to know .
Starr : I do nt know what I would do if my mom lost her memory and I do nt know how I would deal with it .
Cole : Well , you would nt buy pills from some dealer .
Starr : Okay , Cole , tell me -- tell me how you felt when I made my decision about our baby .
Cole : What does that matter ?
Starr : Just tell me how you felt .
Cole : I felt -- I felt like I did nt have any power .
Starr : That s how I feel right now . You have made a decision that I obviously do nt agree with and I ca nt stop it .
Cole : But you did it anyway . I mean , you were going to give the baby away .
Starr : That s because I fully thought it through . I made sure that s exactly what I wanted , and that s what I want you to do right now . Cole , if you are going to go through this , I want you to think it all the way through .
Cole : And what happens if I decide to do it anyway ?
Starr : You accepted my decision and I ll have to accept yours .
Blair : You re going to let Marty stay ?
John : Yeah , I am .
Blair : Well , what if she s harassing your customers ?
John : She s not harassing anyone .
Blair : What about the things that she said about you ?
John : I can handle it .
Blair : Yeah , well , so can I. It does nt mean I want to .
John : I do not want you to go . I m not throwing her out , either .
Blair : Why not ?
John : That s not the answer .
Blair : Well , neither is me staying here and trying to explain myself to you .
Marty : What do you know ? You really are the hero .
John : Enough , Marty .
Marty : Come on , I m your damsel in distress . Do nt you want me to thank you ?
John : No .
Wes : Hey .
Marty : Gosh , you would not believe what I just had to deal with .
Wes : Oh , yeah ? What ?
Marty : You okay ?
Wes : No . But I m not the one I m worried about .
Marcie : It s okay , Michael . I know that Chloe s not mine .
Michael : You miss Hope .
Marcie : Yeah . Well , I mean , I ca nt help it . I look at Chloe and I -- well , I see everything I came so close to having .
Tess : I ll never see Nash again , will I ? Or my baby ?
Bess : They re at peace . Now it s your turn .
Viki : What -- what is it ?
Jessica : Nothing . I do nt know .
Viki : Are you -- are you all right ?
Jessica : Yeah , it s -- I m just tired .
Tess : I m tired . I m so tired , Bess .
Bess : I know .
Clint : What do you make of all this ?
Viki : Oh , Clint , I honestly do nt know .
Clint : Do you think Jessie s going to be all right ?
Viki : Knowing that she wanted to kill her own sister ?
Clint : At least now she knows the truth .
Viki : Oh , I do nt think so .
Clint : Well , this was what she could nt face , right ?
Viki : Come on . That makes no sense . The reason we came here is because Tess is upset about something that happened to the baby .
Clint : I do nt know if I can explain any of this .
Viki : Well , neither can I. But I ll tell you one thing . We do not know the truth about what happened that night .
Clint : Maybe we never will .
Bess : The secret s safe now . We can all rest .
### Summary:
| Jessica struggles to remember what Tess and Bess do not want her to know . Tess demands that Bess tells her how the baby died . Bess tells her she was negligent . Tess is devastated but they both realize that Jessica must never know . Jessica admits that she knows that Tess is a part of her and she wanted Tess to murder Natalie and Jared . But Jessica still has no conscious awareness that her baby died nor that Bess switched her with Starr s baby . Wes admits to Brody that he let Brody falsely believe that the kid he shot had a gun . Brody is devastated but attempts to process the truth alone . At Rodi s , Blair and Marty have a big argument about both of their history with Todd . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Taylor : Here is the doorway . Okay , you just step in and just a couple of steps over here . This is a desk right here . Yes , that is the fax machine . Okay . Now just take each step and count them so I can show you where everything is . Keep going . One -- now you re stepping over the carpet . Two , three , four , five . That is the dresser . Okay , now we re walking across this way . So count how many steps .
Hector : One , two --
Taylor : Oh , yes . Okay , now that was the bed . At least if you fall , you wo nt hurt yourself .
Hector : That s about the only thing .
Taylor : Okay , go around and sit .
Hector : Every step I take feels like I m about to walk off a cliff . Man , am I ever going to get used to this ?
Taylor : You re doing great .
Hector : I should put on my sunglasses again . I have burn marks --
Taylor : No , no , I told you -- no , you look fine .
Hector : Well , you re the only person that it really matters to me how you feel about the way I look anyway .
Taylor : Well , then , I think you re perfect .
Hector : I ve done some crazy things , Taylor . I mean , but I only did them because of the way I feel about you .
Taylor : That might be some of your firemen buddies . I ll go get it .
Hector : Go ahead . Desk . What I ll need a desk for , I have no idea , but at least I can try not to run into it .
Taylor : Stephanie , hi . Come in .
Stephanie : Taylor ? Thorne called me and said that he called here and he thought someone answered and then the phone was cut off and -- I was worried .
Taylor : That s kind of strange . Nope . Everything s fine . There s a dial tone . I do nt know .
Stephanie : That s weird . I want to talk to you about something else , anyway .
Taylor : What about ?
Stephanie : Look , we both know that Thorne , emotionally , is very vulnerable right now . He told me he kissed you . And I guess I m concerned . I want to know what your intentions are .
Brooke : I ca nt believe that Ridge said those things to Donna . Professing his love and making out with her on national television . My god , what was he thinking ?
Nick : Probably that it would be great publicity .
Brooke : Well , it was disgusting .
Nick : Well , I do nt disagree , but who really cares ?
Brooke : I do .
Nick : This is it . This is the perfect example of why I wish you would get out of business with that family .
Brooke : Oh , god , I ve really got to talk to Ridge .
Nick : What ?
Brooke : I do nt want him using my sister like this !
Ridge : People love it when you do the unexpected .
Donna : You did that , all right .
Ridge : We did , kiddo . Donna , you were terrific .
Donna : Everything you said and did , ridge , was it just for the publicity ? Was any of it real ? Because for me it was .
Ridge : Donna , you got this all wrong . Yes , I m a businessman . Yes , I enjoy playing to a crowd , doing whatever to get them to think about Forrester Creations . But what I said to you , about the way you make me feel -- the way you ve given me a reason to keep working -- I meant every word of it .
Brooke : Oh , gosh !
Nick : Brooke , we are technically still newlyweds . We are in our bedroom at night . Please tell me you do nt want to run off to your ex and argue with him about who he chooses to kiss . I ca nt even believe we re having this conversation !
Brooke : Nick , ridge is going to make a laughingstock of Forrester with his stupid behavior . And since I am CEO , I am the one who has to go over there , and I have to put a stop to it . I have to stop him from doing what he s doing .
Nick : This all started off about your sister . Now it s all about Forrester . Okay , you re upset , right ? And you may not be thinking clearly . Just get a good night s sleep . Everything will look differently in the morning , I promise .
Brooke : I m sorry . I am . I m sorry . I got ta go .
Nick : Brooke !
Brooke : I m sorry , Nick .
Nick : Do nt leave this house . Brooke !
Taylor : I think you re perfect .
Hector : But can you love a man , Taylor , who ca nt even see you ?
Taylor : Not that I should have to explain myself to you , Stephanie , but I do have true concern and affection for Thorne .
Stephanie : Well , good , that s what I wanted to hear . You know , you ve already done wonders . You really have helped him . Each day , a little at a time , he s moving on with his life .
Taylor : Well , I ca nt take all the credit for that .
Stephanie : No , but I think you can take a good portion of the credit . You know , people do nt stop mourning just because a certain period of time has transpired . It usually takes something or someone to help them realize that life is still worth living .
Taylor : Right , because he s dealing with a lot of complex emotions , Stephanie .
Stephanie : Yes , he is . Darla would want him to find happiness .
Taylor : He will find happiness . In his own way . In his own time .
Stephanie : What s with the cane ?
Taylor : Oh , it s Hector s . They gave it to him at the hospital .
Stephanie : What s it doing here ?
Taylor : Well , he s here , upstairs . He s staying here .
Stephanie : For how long ?
Taylor : As long as he needs to .
Stephanie : Whose idea was that ?
Taylor : Mine .
Stephanie : I ca nt believe you came up with that idea all on your own .
Taylor : Well , yeah -- Stephanie , where are you going ?
Stephanie : That s the kind of fellow that will take advantage of you , and I m not going to let that happen .
Taylor : Wait a minute . Stephanie
Ridge : I meant what I said out there , Donna . Most guys would have said it at dinner or snuggled up on the couch . I just thought it d be fun to do it there with a little publicity .
Donna : It was fun . It was fun , Ridge , but was it real ?
Ridge : When I said you re a very special , very wonderful woman who has energized me like I have nt known for years -- yes , I meant it .
Donna : And nothing like my sister ?
Ridge : I m still dealing with her loss and I ca nt deny that .
Donna : Well , is there anything I can do to speed up the process ?
Ridge : Uh -- maybe . Possibly . Definitely .
Brooke : You stop it right there !
Nick : Thanks for taking over last minute like this , Catherine .
Catherine : Yeah , sure . Is Brooke working late ?
Nick : I m not really sure where my wife is or when to expect her home , but I ll be on my boat if anything happens , okay ? Thanks again .
Catherine : Okay .
Brooke : Was anyone listening when I told you to -- explicitly not to get personally involved ? Obviously not . Because you paraded yourselves around on national television like two moonstruck teenagers .
Ridge : Well , I m sorry it looked that way to you .
Donna : Brooke , with all due respect , you ca nt tell me who I can --
Brooke : Donna , please . This really does nt concern you .
Donna : Oh , really ? I think it does .
Brooke : Did you think you were going to make me jealous , Ridge ? So I d come back to you ?
Ridge : Brooke , that was nt my purpose . Your sister and I --
Brooke : Do nt bring Donna into this !
Ridge : But she is into it ! And I m into her ! This is no stunt .
Brooke : What are you talking about ? You are the king of stunts .
Ridge : Maybe , when it comes to trying to prevent you from marrying nick . But that did nt work . You married him anyway , did nt you ?
Brooke : Oh , I see . So this is payback ?
Ridge : No , Brooke . This is my life . I m just trying to live it .
Brooke : Oh , really ?
Ridge : This is nt about you anymore , Brooke . It s about a warm , wonderful exciting woman who s bringing a little joy into my life , revving up my creativity .
Donna : Brooke , I m not trying to hurt you . No one is .
Brooke : Donna , could you just please leave for a moment while I talk to Ridge alone ? Just get out !
Hector : Taylor ?
Stephanie : Hello , Hector .
Hector : Stephanie --
Stephanie : How are you feeling ?
Hector : Tired . Blind .
Stephanie : Well , no one is sorrier than I for this terrible thing that s happened to you , hector . Except perhaps Taylor . Which is why you re here in the house . And I want to tell you , it s the wrong place for you to be .
Hector : Wrong for who ?
Stephanie : For everyone . Look , my offer for you to go to that facility in Minnesota still stands .
Taylor : Stephanie , he does nt want to live in a facility .
Stephanie : This is the wrong place for him . I m sorry to be so blunt .
Hector : There s a surprise .
Stephanie : Look , you do nt feel the same way about him as he feels about you . This is just a recipe for disaster .
Taylor : Okay , okay , I know you mean well .
Hector : And if she gets what she wants , so much the better . Taylor , I hope that you can see that this is about a controlling mother whose only interest is making sure that you re not focused on anybody else but her son . Never mind whether a relationship with Thorne is right for you . It s what she wants and that s all that matters .
Stephanie : Talk about the pot calling the kettle . I feel a little maneuvering on your part . What did you do ? Stand and sigh and cry and wring your hands until she broke down and invited you to move in ?
Taylor : Stephanie , that s not very nice . The man just lost his eyesight , okay ? Now do nt make a snap judgment that he s using me . I told him I would help him while he s trying to adjust and that s exactly what I m doing . [ Doorbell rings ] Oh , my gosh . Hold on .
Nick : Well , Harry , at least the place looks lived in .
Brooke : I ca nt believe this . My own sister .
Ridge : She s not trying to hurt you .
Brooke : I m not talking about her , Ridge . I m talking about you ! Why did you have to pick Donna ?
Ridge : You picked her . I like to think fate brought us together , though .
Brooke : Oh , god , do you honestly believe that ?
Ridge : You used to think that fate brought the two of us together , remember ? We had it all , Brooke , you and I. Then you married Nick and ruined it .
Brooke : No , you ruined it . Because you left me for Taylor . I thought I was safe with you , Ridge . I trusted my daughter and our son to you . And I really believed that we would be together for the rest of our lives , that that was our destiny and nothing could ever tear us apart .
Ridge : I could nt have anticipated Taylor coming back .
Brooke : No one did . And then , of course , there was Stephanie , who was manipulating the whole thing behind the scenes . But you know what ? That really does nt matter . Because you left me anyway . You walked out on me the same way my father walked out on me when I was a little girl . And that little girl still is inside of me , ridge . And I trusted you not to abandon her , and you did . You did ! Look , I do nt want your excuses or your apologies .
Ridge : No . No excuses . Look at yourself here . I think you need to be honest . For you to be this upset , this angry over all of this , Brooke , that says to me that you want our life back . Our life together . You want our life back as much as I do .
Stephanie : Move out of the house , Hector . You do nt belong here .
Hector : That s not your call , Stephanie . Say something . I ca nt see you .
Stephanie : Okay , Mr. Hero . I know what you re doing . I can see this . I can see that Taylor s bought into this . You re playing on her guilt and her innate goodness . I mean , this is a pretty sad situation .
Hector : You know , people like you think everyone else operates the way they do .
Stephanie : Do nt even try to get on the same racetrack with me . You have nt got the horsepower or the stamina . It s very simple . My son needs Taylor in his life . And that s the way it s going to be , Hector .
Bridget : Is anybody here ? Nick ?
Nick : Nick is here . And now you are , too . I m sorry , would you like a little pop here ?
Bridget : No . No , thanks , I m good .
Nick : All right , then . I ll have yours .
Bridget : I just stopped by because I saw the lights and I thought maybe you and mom were here .
Nick : No . No mom .
Bridget : I saw Ridge kissing Aunt Donna on tv when my shift ended at the hospital .
Nick : Well , what a coincidence . So did your mother . She proceeded to head right over and address the situation with Ridge . Of course , it s about business and protecting her sister , and blah , blah , blah --
Bridget : Oh , goodness . Nick --
Nick : Why do nt we find out what happened , hmm ?
Bridget : What are you doing ? Who are you calling ?
Nick : I m calling your Aunt Donna . Because I d like her opinion about what happened .
Brooke : All my life I ve wanted to be your Logan . I still love you , Ridge . You are the great romantic love of my life and you always will be . That will never change . But I m married to Nick now .
Ridge : My brother does nt do it for you .
Brooke : Well , it s different . It s more grounded .
Ridge : As in boring !
Brooke : As in solid and reliable . And he s a wonderful man , and I love him very much !
Ridge : Oh , god , this is such a waste ! I screwed up . I know that . I was being pulled in so many directions . I had two families -- one with you and one with Taylor -- just trying to do the right thing and I made the wrong decision . I ve been beating myself up for it ever since .
Brooke : Maybe . But it s still too late .
Donna : She busted in like a freight train , told me to get lost so she could talk to Ridge alone .
Nick : Well , what s the freight train doing now ?
Donna : I do nt know . Talking ? I guess .
Ridge : It is not too late . Brooke , I m not your father . Yes , I left . For a month . Not for years . And I never stopped loving you . Not for one moment .
Brooke : Ridge , do nt .
Ridge : I want you back . I m not waiting another second .
Donna : Oh , my god .
Nick : What is it ? What are they doing ?
Donna : Nick , listen , maybe you should just not --
Nick : Answer me ! Or I will jump through this phone !
Donna : They re kissing .
Ridge : Forgive me , Brooke . Be mine again .
### Summary:
| Taylor takes Hector through the paces of finding his way around his new room in her house . She tells him she thinks he is perfect when he says she is the only person he cares about how he looks . And the crazy things he did , he did because of the way he feels about her . Stephanie goes to Taylor s and tells her she knows about the kiss with Thorne and wonders what her intentions are ? Stephanie is grateful for her help and friendship . When she realizes Hector is upstairs , she heads upstairs to have a talk as this is a man who will take advantage of Taylor and the situation . She tells them both this is wrong and her offer of the facility still stands . And to Taylor that this is a recipe for disaster . Hector opines that he hopes Taylor can see this is nothing more than a controlling mother who s only focus is on her own son . Taylor offers that the man just lost his sight and she s only offering to help him . Alone with Hector , Stephanie tells Mr. Hero this is a pretty sad situation and he is playing on Taylor s innate goodness and guilt . She states that it is this simple - her son needs Taylor in his life , and that s the way its going to be ! Brooke has a tirade to Nick about the antics of Ridge with Donna on the Rich Ginger Show . He likewise is livid that they are in their bedroom , late at night , yet arguing about her leaving to go see who Ridge is kissing . She does nt heed his strong pleas not to leave the house . Ridge explains to Donna that people love it when you do the unexpected . And she was terrific . She asks if it was all for publicity or was any of it real because for her , it was real ? He tells her what she wants to hear he meant every word of it . She wants to speed up the process of his forgetting her sister , so he obliges by kissing her passionately . Brooke barges in and tells them to stop this instant and accuses them of acting like moon - struck teenagers on national TV . Likewise , she accuses Ridge of trying to make her jealous and she d like him to leave Donna out of it . He denies it and says he is into Donna . He vows this is his life , not payback for her marrying Nick . She barks at Donna to get out so she can talk to Ridge alone . She lambastes Ridge for purposely picking her sister and then reminds him of choosing Taylor over her and all that followed . Ridge reads this as her wanting their life back , as much as he does . She admits she still loves him , always will be the love of her life , but she is married to Nick now . Nick is polishing off a bottle of liquor on The Shady Marlin when Bridget comes aboard . Sarcastically he tells her about Brooke s leaving him alone to go take care of Ridge . He calls Donna to find out what s happening , only to be told they are kissing . Ridge is telling Brooke it is not too late for them . He wants her to be his again . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR : ... careful over there, Nick. We'll stay very close touch with you. And to our viewers, thanks very much watching. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram @WOLFBLITZER. Tweet the show @CNNSITROOM. Erin Burnett OUTFROM starts right now.
ERIN BURNETT, CNN ANCHOR : OUTFRONT next breaking news Attorney General Bill Barr refusing to testify before the House Judiciary Committee. The announcement coming after five hours of grilling by senators today. Democrats now threatening to subpoena him and hold him in contempt. Plus, Barr goes to war with Mueller, it's personal. Calling Mueller's letter snitty and repeatedly contradicting the Special Counsel's written explicit findings. And the President won't let it go. Why is he so obsessed already with Joe Biden? Let's go out front. And good evening. I'm Erin Burnett. OUTFRONT tonight, the breaking news, a no-show. Attorney General Bill Barr refusing tonight to testify before the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow morning. It comes after a five-hour grilling by the Senate Judiciary Committee. During that hearing, Barr ripping into a damning letter from Robert Mueller himself, a letter in which Mueller criticized Barr for his summary of the Mueller report's findings.
WILLIAM BARR, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL : The letters a bit snitty and I think it was probably written by one of his staff people ...
BURNETT : A bit snitty. It was a two-page letter and obviously it was a really important letter, so Mueller signed it himself. Whoever may have written parts of it or not clearly was OK with every word, staffer didn't sign it, Special Counsel himself signed it. It's clear Barr-Mueller are at odds over some of the most basic black and white findings from Mueller's report. Take cooperation and Mueller's findings that the President repeatedly tried to thwart the investigation.
SEN. PATRICK LEAHY (D-VT) : Do you think it's fully cooperating to instruct the former aide to tell the Attorney General to unrecuse himself ...
BURNETT : OK, that sounds really strange. He fully cooperated. It is strange. It's the exact opposite of what Mueller determined. Mueller, for example, writes about a meeting that the President had with Corey Lewandowski about a message the President wanted Corey Lewandowski to deliver to Jeff Sessions. Let me read it to you. This is from the Mueller report. "The message said that Sessions should publicly announce that, notwithstanding his refusal from the Russia investigation, the investigation was 'very unfair' to the President, the President had done nothing wrong, and Sessions planned to meet with the Special Counsel and 'let him move forward with investigating election meddling for future elections.'" Well, of course, that's not fully cooperating. It sure doesn't sound like Mueller thought that's what was happening and that was not the only time that Barr's testimony didn't add up today. Barr was also pressed about this exchange from April 9th.
REP. CHARLIE CRIST (D-FL) : Reports have emerged recently, General, that members of the Special Counsel's team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24 letter that it does not adequately or accurately, necessarily, portray the report's findings. Do you know what they're referencing with that?
BARR : No, I don't.
BURNETT : The pause may have been much more significant than the answer, "No, I don't." I'm going to talk to Congressman Crist who asked that question in a moment because, of course, the reason the pause matters so much is because Barr did know that the Special Counsel's team felt Barr's memo did not adequately portray Mueller's findings, he'd already received a letter from Mueller which said Barr's memo, quote, did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of the Special Counsel's work and conclusions. Today, Barr was asked about what he said to Congressman Crist. Given that we now know Barr had already seen Mueller's letter when Crist questioned him, Barr did what? I mean what's the word here to use, mislead? Lied? Listen for yourself.
BARR : When I talked to this Special Counsel about the letter, my understanding was his concern was not the accuracy ...
BURNETT : His understanding was Mueller was not concerned about the accuracy of Barr's letter. Again, Mueller's letter says Barr summary, quote, did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of the Special Counsel's work and conclusions. Maybe Barr's trouble with the truth today is part of why he's refusing to appear tomorrow and take questions from Congress and the big dispute, congressional lawyers. We're following these breaking developments at the Justice Department in Capitol Hill tonight. I want to begin with Evan Perez. Evan, what is the Attorney General's reasoning here?
EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT : Well, the reasoning that the Attorney General has given Jerry Nadler and the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee is that he doesn't want to answer questions from staff attorneys. That is the breakdown here. He says he's willing to appear to answer questions from members of Congress, but he says the answering questions from staff attorneys is a no-go, Erin, according to this statement that's been issued by the Justice Department. Now, if you remember they've been having this negotiation back-and- forth and it seemed to be like everything was going to happen tomorrow and then all of a sudden we have this breakdown. So according to the Justice Department, the Attorney General is still willing to negotiate a new date. They're willing to sit down and answer questions, perhaps, even have members of Congress come in and look at the less redacted version of the Mueller report. But what he will not do is sit down and answer questions from staff attorneys from both Republicans and Democrats. And you can see at the end of today's hearing, Erin, that the Attorney General was losing patience with some of the questions.
BURNETT : Right.
PEREZ : So perhaps he was seeing essentially tomorrow was going to be a continuation of that.
BURNETT : Right. I mean it certainly seems like that. He's trying to stand on this, not having the lawyers involved even though of course there have been many times in the past, but he waits till he's done today and it's unpleasant to say he's not showing up but it certainly smells funny. All right. Evan, thank you very much. I want to go to Sunlen who's on Capitol Hill. So now that the Attorney General is saying, "I'm going to defy you." What is the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee in the House, Jerry Nadler, going to do about it, Sunlen?
SUNLEN SERFATY, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT : Well, he says he's as of now still not ruling out the possibility to potentially subpoena Bill Barr to get him in front of the Committee eventually to answer questions. And the chairman was clearly agitated a short time ago, Erin, when he appeared up here on Capitol Hill talking to reporters. He says he thinks Bill Barr is trying to blackmail the Committee. He says he believes he's just terrified to take questions from staff lawyers. Of course, as Evan described really the crux of the holdup over the dispute over the format and the conditions of his testimony. But Nadler at the same time is making it very clear here, his first priority is going to be pushing to get the full unredacted report and the underlying evidence the Department of Justice tonight also told the committee that they will not comply with their subpoena to get the full report and the underlying evidence. And Nadler saying he's going to try to work with them over the next few days potentially try to get a deal, but if there is not a deal, he is going to move to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress over this. Of course, the committee will go on as planned tomorrow and Barr was saying, excuse me, Nadler saying is of course there essentially is still a seat for Barr, but no expectation, of course, that he's going to show up.
BURNETT : All right. Sunlen, thank you. And I want to go out front now to Democratic Congressman Charlie Crist. So you just saw him, right, questioning Barr back in April, a question that has become so crucial and was crucial today and I want to get to that in a moment. Congressman, let me start by asking you about the breaking news, the Attorney General now says he will not appear before the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow. He had all sorts of complaints about it, but he didn't say he wasn't going to show up until he was done, the five-hour grilling today. What's your reaction?
CRIST : Well, it's not terribly surprising but it's terribly disappointing. Obviously, he is not comfortable responding to these questions. It puts him in a difficult position and that's very telling in and of itself. I think the fact that he doesn't want to come tomorrow is that he doesn't want to have to be accountable. And for the fact that the Attorney General of the United States of America is afraid to be accountable before the United States Congress exercising its appropriate oversight role is stunning to me. I don't understand it. I'm really kind of embarrassed for him for it and it's a disservice to the American people most importantly.
BURNETT : So Barr had threatened, he said, "I won't go if they include questions from committee lawyers," even though, of course, that has happened many times. It's not an unusual thing necessarily to do.
CRIST : Right.
BURNETT : What do you think the committee should do about Barr's defiance? I mean right now it's sort of threatening content, maybe a subpoena, what should they do?
CRIST : Well, it would seem to me a subpoena would be the obvious route to take in this circumstance and I'm sure that the Chairman is reviewing that possibility and will come to the appropriate conclusion. But when people refuse to be held accountable before a congressional committee to answer questions about his involvement, and review, and summarization of the Mueller report interpretation, you could go on and on. It's just very discouraging that this new Attorney General doesn't take a separate branch of government seriously enough as the founding fathers set up to have three equal branches of government.
CRIST : So that you could have that kind of accountability and he's ignoring accountability here.
BURNETT : So I want to ask about your question, because it became front and center today. You asked him about reports, members of the Special Counsel's team were frustrated that the Barr letter didn't accurately portray the report's findings. Then we get the letter from Mueller, turns out that Barr had already seen it when he told you he knew nothing about those concerns and it said exactly what you asked him. Then you hear him today twisting around about this. Did he lie to you?
CRIST : Yes. I mean I don't know what other conclusion you can come to. I mean I very simply asked him the fact that news accounts had indicated that members of Mueller's team were not satisfied with this summarization that the Attorney General had presented and did he have any idea why, essentially. And he said no he didn't, but he had already received a letter from the Special Counsel, from Bob Mueller himself and kind of today it seemed like he was trying to parse the answer away and say that I was asking him about members of Mueller's team. Well, Mueller is the quarterback of the team for crying out loud. I mean I thought it was silly to respond to it that way. It was untruthful. It was lying and it was just disingenuous.
BURNETT : So is it perjury in the legal sense?
CRIST : Well, it seems to be it would be. Look, I was Attorney General of Florida, the third largest state in the country and I understand that when you come before a body and you're sworn under oath, your obligation is to be truthful to be transparent, to be forthcoming. He was anything but those three things when he responded to my question. And by the way also to the question of Senator Van Hollen of Maryland who asked him the same sort of thing, the very next day on April 10th after I had talked to him April 9th. So he doubled down on it and he seemed to be parsing his answers today and now we have the conclusion that he's not going to show up tomorrow. I mean it's really sad.
BURNETT : So I want to play another moment in the hearing that's been getting a lot of attention today, congressman. This is between Senator Mazie Hirono, Attorney General Barr and the Chairman of the Committee Lindsey Graham. I'll play it for you.
SEN. MAZIE HIRONO (D-HI) : You lied to Congress. You told Representative Charlie Crist that you didn't know ...
BURNETT : What's your reaction to that? I mean you yourself said the Attorney General lied. She said it in the hearing. Was it slander or was it appropriate?
CRIST : I think it was appropriate. I mean I asked the man a simple question. He responded to it in the negative and yet he already - now we know as of about 24 hours ago as a matter of fact that he had already received the letter from Bob Barr, from the Special Counsel, and yet he acted as if he had no idea what the concerns of the Special Counsel were. That's a falsehood. That's a mischaracterization of the truth. That's a lie. Whatever you want to call it, it all leads to the same road and it was being disingenuous with the American people. And so the Senator was right in what she had to say and it's just unbelievable where we are right now in this moment and not surprising that the Attorney General doesn't want to come before the House tomorrow.
BURNETT : All right. Well, I appreciate your time, Congressman. Thank you.
CRIST : Thank you, Erin.
BURNETT : And next, Attorney General Bill Barr stumbling when asked whether the White House has suggested that he investigate anyone.
BARR : I don't know ...
BURNETT : Plus, a growing number of Democrats now calling for Barr's resignation or his impeachment. 2020 contender Julian Castro was among the first. He's my guest. And President Trump now weighing in on Barr's testimony. What the president is saying tonight?
### Summary:
| Barr Refuses To Appear Before House Committee Tomorrow; House Judiciary Chair Considering Citing Barr With Contempt; Barr Refuses To Appear Before House Committee Tomorrow After Facing Five Hours Of Tough Questions In Senate Today; Barr Refuses To Appear Before House Committee Tomorrow; Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) Is Interviewed About Attorney General Bill Barr's Appearance On The Next Hearing And Complaints About The Hearing; Barr Refuses To Appear Before House Judiciary Tomorrow; Nadler: "He's Trying To Blackmail" Committee Over Ground Rules; Barr Calls Mueller's Letter Criticizing His Memo "Snitty"; Trump Praises Barr's Testimony; Presidential Candidate Julian Castro is Interviewed About Barr's Testimony; Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) is Interviewed About House Judiciary Chair Considering Citing Barr with Contempt. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Melanie : Let go of me . Please . Let go of me .
Nick : I m not letting you go , Melanie !
Melanie : What are you gon na do , kill me ?
Nick : What ?
Melanie : I said , what are you gon na do , kill me , like you killed my Father ? Let go of me . No ! No ! [ Crying ] Please . You stabbed him , did nt you ? Did nt you stab him ? !
Kate : How long have you been standing there ?
Daniel : I got here a moment ago .
Kate : Mm . [ Laughs ] You were smiling just like that .
Daniel : What ?
Kate : In my dream ... you were smiling . And I think it s gon na come true . You saved me .
Chloe : Hey .
Lucas : How are you doing ?
Chloe : Good .
Lucas : Thanks for getting here so quickly . I really appreciate it .
Chloe : Yeah , I got here as soon as I got your message . What s so urgent ?
Lucas : Well , I have to decide on whether or not to commit to something for us . Well , here , open it .
Bo : So we re on the same page here . Nick is our killer , not Melanie .
Hope : Yeah .
Bo : Look , you do nt have to do this . Why do nt you go home ? I ll take care of it .
Hope : No way .
Bo : He s your cousin .
Hope : Which is exactly why I need to stay .
Stephanie : Oh , thank God . It s Nick .
Philip : Nick . Nick , are you there ?
Melanie : No ! You re the one that killed him !
Nick : You re delusional , Melanie ! I saw you !
Melanie : You re a liar !
Nick : Do nt call me that .
Melanie : You yelled at him , and then you stabbed him . It s all coming back to me -- the knife going into his back , the sounds that he was making , moaning , dying .
Nick : Poor Melanie . Now she s imagining things .
Melanie : Like hell !
Nick : Cause she ca nt take the guilt .
Melanie : You are the guilty one , not me ! There s no going back now . Do you not understand that ? I remember . I know the truth now .
Nick : And I m sorry you do . You ll never know how sorry I am .
Stephanie : What s going on ?
Philip : Shh ! I think he pocket - dialed you . There s people talking in the background . There s so much shouting , I -- I ca nt make out what they re saying .
Melanie : Please do nt touch me .
Nick : You ve got to hear --
Melanie : Why did you tell me I would be sorry ? Are you threatening me ? Am I just another --
Nick : You have to hear what I have to say right now . All right ? [ Breathing heavily ] Good . Cause if -- if you do nt hear what I say , if you do nt understand , then there really is no hope for the future . Is there ?
Kate : I usually do nt put much stock in dreams , you know ? They just fade away . But I think I m gon na hold on to this one . You came up with , um , a miracle cure . It was one little pill and I took it and I was back to my old self . I was healthy , and I was strong .
Daniel : Well , I wish there were just one little pill .
Kate : Yeah . Some day , right ?
Daniel : We re getting closer all the time .
Kate : So ... these tests that you re running now that the treatment has stopped , they re gon na give us a lot of information , right ?
Daniel : We ll get to see how effective the treatment s been , the size of the tumor , how much it shrunk . It ll give us an idea , obviously , of what to do next .
Kate : And what my chances are or whether or not I m even going to survive this , right ?
Daniel : It tells us what we re up against .
Kate : So , when do you get the results ?
Daniel : Within an hour .
Chloe : This is ...
Lucas : Ours .
Chloe : Lucas , oh , my God . This is beautiful .
Lucas : Is nt it ? It s five bedrooms , pool . It s on a double lot .
Chloe : You already bought it ?
Lucas : Well , I just put a bid on it . I just wanted to check with you first , make sure you did nt have any objections before we went to contract .
Chloe : Well , it s incredible . I mean , how could I have any objections ?
Lucas : Listen , ever since Sami s been gone , you ve been an amazing mother to Allie . And we do nt really know , you know , it could be months or even years before Sami comes back and is truly a part of Allie s life . So ...
Chloe : So what are you saying ?
Lucas : Well , as far as I m concerned , we re already family , you know . And , uh , even though we have nt talked about marriage too much because of my Mom s illness and because I ve sensed a certain amount of ambivalence on your part ...
Chloe : Ambivalence ?
Lucas : Yeah . I think maybe you feel that I m not committed to this because of Sami , because of the fact you ve been hurt in the past . But you know what ? By buying this house , this is my way of showing you that I am very committed to us .
Chloe : Lucas .
Lucas : And I m a great guy . You know , I m a great friend . And I m amazing in bed . I know all that .
Chloe : You re modest , you .
Lucas : The husband thing , that s where I shine . I d be a great husband for you .
Chloe : You will be . I truly believe that .
Lucas : Why do I get the feeling you re gon na tell me something I do nt want to hear , like you wrecked my car or something ?
Chloe : I m sorry .
Lucas : Did something happen ? You could tell me . Is something going on ?
Chloe : I saw my ex - husband today .
Lucas : You saw Brady here in Salem ?
Chloe : Yeah , uh , he flew in this morning .
Lucas : That s great . Good . Good . How long is he gon na stay ?
Chloe : He s not sure . He s just here to see his friends and family . And he s been clean for almost a year .
Lucas : Good . Great . Good for him .
Chloe : Yeah . He s really gotten himself together .
Lucas : Is this where you tell me that you re leaving me and you re going back to him ?
Chloe : No . No , not at all . We just ran into each other . I was here getting some food , and he showed up . It was just a coincidence .
Lucas : So why tell me ?
Chloe : Well , because ... well , seeing Brady made me realize something .
Lucas : What , Chloe ? What did you realize ?
Chloe : How lucky I am to have you .
Hope : My God . All this time , I have been so concerned for Nick , warning him about Melanie , so sure that she was the one who was corrupting him .
Bo : Fancy Face , you re the most intuitive person I know . You ca nt beat yourself up for something you could nt have seen coming .
Hope : Well , maybe I did see it , and I just chose --
Bo : Would you stop ? How could you have predicted something like this ?
Hope : Oh , Brady , come on . This whole past year , there s been something so completely off about Nick . He was suffering , and I did nt reach out to him . Well , you know what ? I m gon na be there for him now , even if it means --
Bo : Hope , stop .
Bo : Brady . Where ? Okay , I ll check it out . Thanks .
Hope : What ?
Bo : We may have a lead on where they are .
Stephanie : What is that ?
Philip : It sounds like a plane .
Nick : That could be us . [ Airplane engine roars ] We could be on a plane in a couple of hours , on our way to Vegas , getting married . Melanie , it can be the way that we planned it .
Melanie : Is that the hope that you were talking about , that I would still want to marry you after I found out you killed my Father ?
Nick : Do nt you see ? I did this -- I did everything for you , for our future , for us .
Melanie : No , there is no us ! I m getting out of here . Do nt try and stop me . Just leave me the hell alone ! [ Static ]
Nick : Why are you doing this ? ! How can you act this way when I ve done everything for you ?
Melanie : You have nt done anything for me !
Nick : How dare you say that ? !
Melanie : You ve done horrible things to me -- unforgivable things , and I hate you ! [ Sobbing ] I hate you !
Daniel : I guess I should go see if those results are ready .
Kate : Daniel , wait . I m sorry .
Daniel : For what ?
Kate : For putting -- for putting pressure on you . I did nt mean to do that .
Daniel : I do nt understand .
Kate : The dream -- the dream of you saving my life .
Daniel : Why would I feel pressure ?
Kate : [ Laughing ] Because -- because you might be thinking that I expect it .
Daniel : You have every right to expect it .
Kate : No , I do nt . No one does . And like I told my sons , this is the hand that I ve been dealt , and I m going to fight as hard as I possibly can . And I know , as my doctor , you re going to do everything that you can to save me . But I am prepared not to be saved .
Daniel : Kate --
Kate : No . Please . I want you to listen to me . I have lived a full life . I have ... I have had love , and that is ... the most important thing ... really , the only thing . And I think the more you struggle , the more clear that becomes . So that s the upside ... the clarity . And it s ... it s what I want for you , to have a life filled with love .
Lucas : So Brady made you realize ...
Chloe : How lucky I am . I mean , I started thinking how if you had nt come into my life , I might have still been pining for Brady , wondering how everything went so wrong . But now I have you and Allie . And we re like this little family . And it makes me feel safe and warm . I guess you ve domesticated me , Lucas Horton .
Lucas : Yes . Yes . So , is that a yes on the house ? Yeah ?
Philip : Nothing , right ?
Stephanie : I m gon na try again .
Philip : You re not gon na reach him , Steph .
Stephanie : We have to do something . You heard Melanie screaming . What if something is wrong ?
Philip : She sure as hell wanted out of that hotel .
Stephanie : Yeah , which hotel ?
Philip : Wait .
Stephanie : What ?
Philip : Remember that plane we heard ?
Stephanie : Yeah .
Philip : Come on .
Nick : You hate me .
Melanie : Oh , yeah . That must come as a real shock to you . I mean , all you did was kill my Father and terrorize me for weeks .
Nick : I thought --
Melanie : I do nt really care what you were thinking or what you re thinking now . Really , all I want you to do is just shut the hell up and leave me alone .
Nick : I never meant for this to hurt you ! That was never my intention , Melanie .
Melanie : [ Crying ] Please , just stop talking .
Nick : I did this for you ! I did everything to make your life better . Please , you have to forgive me .
Melanie : [ Sniffles ] You are sorry ?
Nick : You have no idea . To see you like this , I feel horrible .
Melanie : I know . I know you did nt mean to hurt me .
Nick : It s the last thing I wanted to do . You have to believe that .
Melanie : Maybe I was too hard on you .
Nick : I was only doing ... what I thought was right . I wanted to make you happy . I wanted to make your life better . I wanted to make you feel free , like you had another chance .
Melanie : Cause you are my friend . [ Sniffles ] Well , the good -- the good thing about -- about all this is -- is because you re such an amazing guy , you can still make this right .
Nick : How ?
Melanie : And if you do that , I will forgive you .
Nick : How ? What do I do ? How can I make this right , Melanie ?
Melanie : [ Sniffles ] Call the police ... and confess . Do it now .
Lucas : [ Clears throat ] Mom ? Mom .
Kate : Oh . Hey . I m sorry . What a nice surprise .
Chloe : What were you listening to ?
Kate : I was listening to David Bowie . He s very uplifting .
Chloe : Ah .
Lucas : Speaking of uplifting , you look great .
Kate : [ Exhales deeply ] I feel pretty good . I do . The -- the treatment was rough , but , um , I got through the first one , right , with your support ... and yours , Chloe . I do nt think you realize how much you helped .
Chloe : All I did was remind you what you already know . [ Door opens ]
Daniel : It took a little longer than I thought , but -- oh , you , um , have company . I can come back .
Kate : No , please . Please . Um , Daniel has the results of my latest test to see how effective the first treatment was . So , was all the pain and nausea worth it ? Did the chemo work ?
Bo : There it is , credit card belonging to Nick Fallon .
Hope : Used at the Airway Motel . Let s go .
Bo : Hey , guys , what s up ?
Philip : We have some information about Nick .
Stephanie : We think he and Melanie are holed up at a hotel near the airport .
Philip : Stephanie got a call from his phone . No one was on the other end , but we heard a few things .
Stephanie : We heard fighting , and there were some screams . And then we heard an airplane , so we figured --
Bo : You just confirmed what we were in the middle of checking out .
Hope : We just traced Nick s credit card to an airport motel .
Philip : Can we tag along ?
Bo : We ll handle it .
Hope : Just go home . I ll talk to you later .
Stephanie : After what we heard ? Nick may need our help . How can we just go home ?
Philip : We ca nt .
Nick : Confess ?
Melanie : Nick , you said that you did nt want to hurt me , that all you want was to see me happy .
Nick : Yeah , but ...
Melanie : So , then , do nt you see that this is the only way that that can happen ?
Nick : But I d go to prison . If I tell the cops I killed a man , Melanie , I d never see you again .
Melanie : That s not true . I ll come and I ll visit you all the time . I promise .
Nick : You ll visit ?
Melanie : [ Panting ] What -- what -- ow ! What are you doing ?
Nick : You re playing me , just the way you play everybody .
Melanie : No , no , I -- Nick , I would never do that to you .
Nick : I gave you everything !
Melanie : [ Crying ] Nick , please !
Nick : You do nt care about me . The only thing you care about is saving yourself . You do nt care about what I did or what I m going through . That s not gon na happen , not this time .
Daniel : Great news . First run of chemo is as successful as I ve ever seen . The , uh -- well , the tumor shrunk significantly .
Lucas : Thank God .
Kate : Oh , my God . It was worth it .
Daniel : Well , I m very encouraged , Kate , and this bodes extremely well for your prognosis .
Lucas : I ca nt believe this . This is the best news ever .
Chloe : I m so happy for you .
Lucas : Oh , man .
Kate : Thank you .
Daniel : Do nt thank me . You re doing well . The way you responded to the treatment -- it had nothing to do with me . It s all you .
Lucas : So , wait a minute . What happens now ? What do we do next ?
Daniel : Uh , you know , I ll go over specifics later . But right now , why do nt you guys just enjoy the visit ? I ll get some work d done . Okay ?
Lucas : Thanks .
Kate : [ Laughing ] Oh , my God .
Stephanie : This is really bad , Philip .
Philip : Just keep a watch out on the door , make sure no one s coming .
Stephanie : What are you doing ?
Philip : Just keep a watch . [ Keyboard clacking ] Got it .
Stephanie : Got what ?
Philip : Salem Airway Motel . 13501 Seaside .
Stephanie : Oh , Philip , you are a genius .
Philip : Wait . We got to stay quiet and out of sight .
Stephanie : I know . We ca nt let your brother know we re interfering . I get that . Maybe we can find a place , like an alley . Lie low and check things out .
Philip : Okay . Let s go .
Melanie : [ Crying ] No , Nick . You re right . You re right . I do nt know -- I do nt know how or why you did the things that you did , and it was selfish of me not to ask -- not to ask what you were going through . I m sorry .
Nick : Such a -- a strange feeling -- the knife , when it actually went in .
Melanie : Why did you do it , Nick ? Did -- did you think he was gon na hurt me ?
Nick : I ... I do nt know .
Melanie : Tell me . Tell me .
Nick : I -- I got to the cemetery and ... I heard what -- what sounded like an argument and ... I saw the two of you and ... your dad looked , I do nt know , crazy . And when he knocked you down ...
Melanie : Get off of me !
Nick : You son of a bitch !
Trent : Leave it to Melanie to have a dork like you for a knight in shining armor .
Nick : No ! No !
Trent : [ Grunts ]
Nick : [ Breathing heavily ]
Nick : ... I could tell he was gon na keep going . He was gon na do something worse . I could nt let that happen . Seeing him hurt you like that , I just -- I do nt know . I lost my mind . All I could think about was you , taking care of you . That s why I was there . That s all I could think about . And then I -- I looked at you , and you were about to come to . And Trent , he was -- he was staggering and -- and gasping for breath . I should have called the police . I should have stayed put . I should have just owned up to everything right then and there . But all I could think about was how much I wanted to be with you , how much I wanted to make you happy and make everything right . So I left ... because I love you . If I had confessed , I would have had to give you up . And how much sense would that have made since I did everything for you in the first place ?
Melanie : Yeah , how much sense would that have made ?
Nick : It s weird . You know ?
Melanie : What is ?
Nick : It s not that different from what I did before .
Melanie : You ve done something like this before ?
Nick : [ Sighs ] I guess I did .
Lucas : I wonder what s next . I mean , I know Daniel has nt given us any specifics yet .
Chloe : Lucas , your mom just got great news . Why do nt you let her savor that for a while ?
Kate : Thank you , Chloe . I would really like to do that .
Chloe : And if you promise not to bug your mom about the next step , then I will leave you two alone .
Kate : I m gon na keep him in line .
Chloe : All right , cool . You know what ? There s a little kids bookstore across from the park . I ll just go get Allie another picture book . I ll meet you back here later ?
Lucas : That sounds great . Thank you .
Chloe : All right . Kate , can I get you something -- magazines , trashy romance novel ?
Kate : Ah , no , I think I m okay .
Chloe : Okay . I ll see you guys later .
Lucas : All right .
Lucas : It s kind of weird , but it s amazing .
Kate : What ?
Lucas : Well , it s almost as if you guys like each other .
Kate : Well , I do nt think I d go that far .
Lucas : But it s gotten better , right ? It s improved ?
Kate : Well , clearly , she makes you very happy .
Lucas : Yes . Yes , she does .
Kate : She s been very kind to me . She had cancer herself , of course , and she was able to empathize with me , and it was comforting . It was . And my feelings towards her have changed slightly . What ?
Lucas : Just slightly ? Come on , you re gon na have to do better than that .
Chloe : Daniel ?
Daniel : Hey . I - I m just getting some fresh air . That s all .
Chloe : Are you okay ?
Daniel : Long day . [ Sighs ]
Chloe : It s more than that , is nt it ? Well , you ca nt be upset about Kate . You said her test results were really positive , so ... was that not true ? Is there something you did nt tell her ?
Melanie : This happened before . You killed another person .
Nick : This girl I knew . But it was an accident . At least , that s what I told everyone .
Melanie : What happened ?
Nick : She died . But it was nt my fault ... not really .
Melanie : Who was it ?
Nick : Her name was Willow . She was my friend ... till she started blackmailing me . [ Chuckles ] It was all over a stupid hairbrush .
Nick : Give it to me , Willow .
Willow : No ! Give me the hairbrush ! I m gon na kill you ! Nick , let go !
Nick : [ Breathing heavily ] Willow . Answer me , Willow ! If you re hurt , just say so . I ll call someone . Willow , stop screwing around , okay ? It s not funny . Willow .
Nick : [ Sniffles ] See ? It s all connected . I caused one person to die for Chelsea ... and now another one for you . It seems like every time I try to do good ... people end up dead . Maybe ... I ca nt help but ruin everything I touch ... including you .
Kate : Lucas , I do nt want to be pressured into feeling something I do nt feel .
Lucas : I m just saying --
Kate : I know that you love her , and because you love her , you want me to love her . And I do nt know -- maybe that will happen . But right now , I m still feeling a little wary .
Lucas : All right . Okay . Fine , I wo nt push , and I wo nt pressure you in any way .
Kate : Okay .
Lucas : But I do have something I want to show you .
Kate : What ?
Lucas : Feast your eyes on that bad boy . Look at that place . The place is huge , is nt it ? You could have dogs and birds and varmints and herds of buffalo even .
Kate : It s nice .
Lucas : It s not nice . It s beautiful . This is my dream home . What are you talking about ? Ca nt you at least be excited ?
Kate : Look , I just do nt want you to move too fast . That s all .
Lucas : I m not moving too fast , all right ? Chloe and I are nt strangers . We ve known each other forever .
Kate : No , but you have not been a couple forever , okay ? What about Sami ?
Lucas : What about Sami ? She s out . And Chloe s in . I m gon na ask Chloe to marry me .
Kate : What ?
Lucas : What do you mean , what ? Ca nt you at least be happy for me right now ?
Kate : Yes , of course I m happy for you . I mean , I m happy for you if this is what you want , if Chloe is the woman you love . That s all that really matters , is nt it ?
Lucas : Yeah . I m glad you feel that way cause I want you at my wedding . I want you to dance up a storm .
Kate : I want that , too .
Daniel : Actually , Kate s test results were every bit as good as I said they were . In fact , I downplayed them a little bit .
Chloe : So what s there to be upset about ?
Daniel : When you re in medicine , they teach you that you have got to maintain your objectivity . And doctors should be compassionate , of course , but they ve got to do it in a detached sort of way , not get emotionally ... involved .
Chloe : And you have a problem with that .
Daniel : Yeah . Yeah , I do . I m working on it , though .
Chloe : But with Kate , she s not just another patient .
Daniel : Which makes it that much more difficult , yeah .
Chloe : Well , what s wrong with caring too much ?
Daniel : It s not only that . See , it s also -- look , I lack humility , Chloe . I ve always believed that I should be able to save every patient , cure them . Now , that s great if you re an intern or if you re just right out of med school , but ... look , I should have learned by now ... I am not a God .
Chloe : So you feel passionately about what you do . Why be hard on yourself for that ?
Daniel : It s not only being passionate about what you do . But it s also being passionate to the point you ca nt even breathe . Doctors -- they lose patients . It s inevitable . As hard as we work , in spite of all of our efforts , people -- people die . And to perceive that as just some sort of personal failure ...
Chloe : Is that what you do ?
Daniel : Well , my wife died . You think I d learn by now to distance myself , but I have nt learned a thing , have nt learned a single thing .
Chloe : I still do nt understand , though , Daniel . You said the news with Kate is good .
Daniel : Kate still has cancer . And although I m encouraged -- she should be , too -- but it is not over . It should be over . So when I heard her being relieved , I got all anxious about it because I ca nt tell her she can go home , that , that woman in that bed is cured . I ca nt do it .
Chloe : I understand .
Daniel : I m glad ... because I m gon na need a huge favor from you .
Philip : [ Grunting ] Damn .
Stephanie : It s locked ?
Philip : Unless you ve got a battering ram .
Stephanie : We re gon na have to go through the front .
Philip : We ca nt .
Stephanie : Come on , Philip .
Philip : We ve been through this , Stephanie .
Stephanie : Just because your brother s car is parked out front ?
Philip : Just because we are interfering with an investigation .
Stephanie : Oh , yeah . Nick s life is on the line , but let s worry about being reprimanded by your brother .
Philip : [ Sighs ] You re right . We have to find out if they re here , but we ca nt go through the front .
Stephanie : Okay , then how ?
Philip : You have a paper clip ? A Swiss Army knife ? Anything to jimmy this lock .
Stephanie : Um ... how s this ?
Philip : Keep your fingers crossed .
Melanie : You have nt ruined me . You have nt ruined anything .
Nick : Everything I touch .
Melanie : No . Nick , look at me . Look at me . Please . I see now all the things that you ve done for me , and it s made me realize that I want to be with you .
Nick : You re lying .
Melanie : No , I promise . We could leave right now . We can go to the airport . We do nt even have to go to Vegas . I ll go anywhere with you .
Nick : The only reason you want to go now , Melanie , is because you know that as soon as we re out in public , you can get away from me .
Melanie : No !
Nick : I ca nt let you go . I just ca nt .
Melanie : But I do nt want you to let me go . I promise .
Nick : I wish I could believe that .
Melanie : You can , Nick . You can . You can believe me .
Nick : I want to trust you , Melanie . I really do . And maybe one day I can . But until then , we re just gon na have to stay here . [ Chain rattling ]
Nick : Melanie , what are you doing ? !
Bo : Melanie ?
Hope : Nick ! Nick !
Bo : Shh . Listen .
Melanie : Get off ! Let me go !
Nick : No , I m not letting you go , Melanie !
Melanie : Nick , stop it !
Kate : Of course I ll dance at your wedding , whomever you marry .
Lucas : You re missing the whole point of this conversation . I just told you that I want to marry Chloe . It s not whoever I marry . I know she s not your dream choice , but , you know ...
Kate : Come on , I m your mother , all right ? I just want you to be cautious , honey . I do nt want you to rush into anything .
Lucas : I know . But I love her . I love her like I ve never loved anyone before .
Kate : [ Chuckles ] Then who am I to stand in your way , right ? Especially now when I am beginning to realize that that s really all we have , is nt it , love ? Love is what it s all about .
Lucas : You know what ? I think you re gon na find it , too . You re gon na find someone to make you very happy .
Kate : You think so , huh ?
Lucas : Mm - hmm . Yeah . I just got this funny feeling .
Daniel : So if you would nt mention anything to Kate or Lucas ...
Chloe : That s the huge favor ?
Daniel : Well , I -- I just do nt want Kate to know anything other than I ve been coolly objective about her condition .
Chloe : Of course . And I m sure she does nt have the slightest idea that you would ever get emotional or maybe anxious about her .
Daniel : Okay , okay . She s probably onto me . But some things are better left unsaid .
Chloe : I understand . It s okay . This will be just between us . My lips are sealed .
Daniel : Thank you , Chloe .
Stephanie : This is taking too long . Somebody s gon na see us .
Philip : Okay , relax . I think I feel something .
Melanie : [ Screams ] Please , just let me go !
Nick : No !
Bo : Melanie ? !
Melanie : Nick , please , let me go !
Hope : Nick !
Nick : Melanie , what are you gon na do in here , jump off the balcony ?
Philip : Nick ! Melanie !
Bo : Melanie !
Melanie : Stop ! Let me go ! [ Screams ]
Nick : Melanie !
Stephanie : Philip , be careful ! Oh , my God .
Melanie : [ Screams ]
Nick : Melanie !
Nicole : How long are you planning to stay in Salem ?
Brady : Maybe permanently .
Chelsea : Where are you ?
Stephanie : The police station .
Chelsea : What ?
Stephanie : You should come down here , now if you can .
### Summary:
| Daniel gives Kate good news about her new test results , and it seems her tumor is shrinking . Lucas tells Chloe that he is ready to make a commitment to her , and has placed a bid on a new house for them to live in . He later tells Kate that he plans on marrying Chloe . Daniel and Chloe talk about his troubles being objective about Kate as her doctor . Chloe promises not to tell Kate or Lucas he said so . Nick tells Melanie that he killed her father to help her , and tells her about Willow Stark and her death . He thinks that every time he tries to help a girl , lives are destroyed . Melanie pretends to understand and says she wants to be with Nick , but he does nt believe her . Hope , Bo , Stephanie , and Philip all arrive at the hotel in time to find Nick and Melanie struggling on the balcony . When Bo kicks the hotel room door in , it startles Nick and he lets Melanie go . Phillip and Stephanie watch from the ground as Melanie flies over the balcony railing . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Aaron : Luce , you ca nt just take off . You drove this whole way .
Lucy : I have to go .
Aaron : No , no , please . Do nt go anywhere . We re gon na go with you .
Alison : What ? Not yet , Aaron . We do nt even have the certificate . The justice of the peace just went to get it .
Justice of the peace : I m afraid your marriage is nt quite legal yet . Mr. And Mrs. Snyder , I m sorry , but there was a misprint on the license .
Alison : Okay , so then what do we do to make it legal again ?
Justice of the peace : Just sign another license . Unless you ve changed your mind in the last few minutes .
Aaron : What do we need to sign ?
Justice of the peace : This way , please .
Lucy : Aaron -- you can still get out of this .
Aaron : Yeah , but Alison s still gon na be pregnant . And I m still gon na be the father . Luce , please stay here . Do nt move . And we ll be right back , okay ? Please stay .
Rosanna : My darling man , I not going home simply because you want me there more than you want me here . Paul needs me to be here , I want to be here for him . Why ca nt you understand that ?
Craig : Because you have nt explained why you ca nt bring yourself to leave the side of that poster boy for self - pity .
Rosanna : Everyone thinks he poisoned Rose ! And , of course , he did nt do it .
Craig : Well , yes , and , of course , you , his new bestest friend , feel obligated to show your support ?
Rosanna : What is wrong with that ?
Craig : Because you re being worked , bub . Played like a tuba . He is a junkie for attention , and this time , it happens to be you , who just happen to be my wife . I know Lucy s at home with a broken heart -- over Aaron . Now what if Rose takes a turn for the worse here ?
Rosanna : Then Paul will need a friend more than ever .
Craig : Rosanna , your family -- Lucy and Cabot and I -- need you . Now , lord knows , it is awful what happens to Rose . But despite that , and despite your friend s mommy issues , tonight , we need you a little more than he does .
Carly : Hey , what do you mean you do nt care if Rose dies ? Molly , your own husband was murdered . How could you possibly wish that on -- I thought I knew you .
Molly : I thought you did , too . I mean , to think that just because I ca nt stand Rose , you immediately jump to the conclusion that I did something to her . What s that about ? Just because I have a problem with the fact that the girl spent the night before her wedding with Dusty and then still comes out a victim --
Carly : So that s what this is about ? You re ticked because Rose spent the night with some guy you re hot for ?
Molly : Yep , that s my problem . You ve completely figured me out . So do they have proof that she was poisoned ? What d they use ?
Carly : Thought you did nt care ?
Molly : That s right . I keep forgetting . I do nt . I have to find out what they know .
Jennifer : Mom ? What did you do ?
Barbara : Nothing !
Jennifer : Then what did you mean by the police never being able to prove that Paul poisoned Rose ?
Barbara : You know what , Jennifer ? You have to stop being so literal . It s just that whenever anything goes wrong in this town , the police always come after me or someone in my family . And I m not gon na let Hal spin his little web of conspiracy around me or Paul or anyone . It would be different if he had found something , but , of course , he did nt . And , of course , does that stop Hal ? No , of course it does nt .
Jennifer : The thing is , the police are gon na be searching Paul next . I know it . And the things he said to Rose at the church -- they were so vicious , and everybody heard . If Rose dies --
Barbara : You know , Jenn , do nt even go there . Because I will run interference with Hal , with the D.A , with whomever . I promise you this . Rose DAngelo will never hurt this family again . Alive or dead .
Dusty : Rose . No , no ! Rose , stay with me . Stay with my voice . Okay , baby ? Do nt leave me .
Paul : Hey , hey . Kimberly , she needs you .
Holden : What s happening here ?
Lily : I do nt -- I do nt know . Rose said she wanted to talk to Dusty , and then -- I -- I do nt know .
Holden : Lily -- Lily , let the doctors go in .
Lily : No , you do nt understand . She was talking . She was doing -- she was doing better . She was doing much better .
Dusty : John , you ve got to let me stay with her .
John : You ca nt stay with her . You re doing no good by getting in the way of people who are trying to help . She s in cardiac arrest ! We re trying to stabilize her . Give us a break , will you ?
Lily : Oh , please . Oh , please do nt let my sister die .
Rosanna : Our family always comes first with me .
Craig : Then you should understand how much Lucy needs you tonight .
Rosanna : Lucy probably is nt even home right now .
Craig : Why not ?
Rosanna : Because she told me she wanted to go look for Aaron to tell him about Rose .
Craig : She -- she what ?
Rosanna : She probably did nt even go . I mean , Aaron and Alison went somewhere . I do nt know where . What -- is she not answering ?
Craig : No . She s probably off crying her eyes out somewhere . All right . Stay . I got ta get home .
Rosanna : Great . I think you re a wonderful father . I do . Do nt you understand why I need to stay here ?
Craig : No .
Rosanna : Paul has no one here for him . Ca nt you imagine how that must feel ?
Craig : No . But I do nt wear fragrance either . Look , if this was you in that emergency room , and your life was hanging in the balance , it would nt matter who else was here . No words would penetrate . Because my every breath , my every thought would be focused on keeping you with me .
Rosanna : You win .
Craig : What about you know who ?
Rosanna : He ll call if he needs me .
Craig : Yeah . And you ll come running ?
Rosanna : Only if all is well on the home front . Okay ? Come on , let s go find Lucy .
Aaron : Luce ? ! Lucy ? !
Alison : She left , huh ?
Aaron : Yeah , she was really hurt . Look , we got ta get home now .
Alison : No , but I thought that we were still spending a couple of days away like we had planned .
Aaron : Alison , Rose is my aunt . And if she s as sick as everybody s saying , I think Holden and Lily are gon na want me at the hospital around the clock , okay ? So we got ta go . Look , what about my little brother and sister ? Look , I have to be home to help out .
Alison : You just want to go back because of Lucy .
Aaron : Yeah , that s a part of it . But I still need to go home , Ali .
Alison : Okay , so -- so , then we ll check into a hotel . And we ll sleep in and then drive back --
Aaron : Alison , we re going home , and we re going home now .
Lily : What did you do ? I told you to stay away from her .
Paul : I swear to you , I did nt do this . I would never do anything to hurt Rose .
Dusty : Why do nt you speak the truth , huh ? You made your way back in there to finish what you started .
Jack : Hey , hey . Let s take a walk , okay ?
Paul : No , I m not going anywhere until John Dixon comes out here and says that Rose is all right !
Dusty : What are you gon na do ? Are you gon na let him -- are you gon na stand there and let him call the shots ? ! Have nt you figured out yet that he wants Rose dead ?
Hal : All right , all right . That s enough . That s enough for you . You re both going lockup . Dusty , you re with me . Jack , you take care of that one .
Jack : We re gon na take that walk .
Hal : Let s go . Let s go !
Lucinda : Bob just -- she went into cardiac arrest ?
Holden : Yeah , they re in there with her now .
Lily : But she s -- they know . They know the poison that she had . And they said that the poison is nt always fatal . And she s going to be okay . You know she s very strong . You know Rose , she s a fighter . She s gon na be all right .
Lucinda : John ? Well , how is she ?
John : The acidosis in her blood is increasing .
Lucinda : What the hell does that mean , John ?
John : The poison is moving faster than we can . And her internal organs are shutting down .
Lily : Well , you got ta stop that ! John , will you please -- ? You got ta stop that .
Holden : John ? How long ?
Aaron : It s one little marriage license . What is taking so long ? !
Alison : Aaron , I m feeling kind of sick . Ca nt we just go back in the morning ? I ll feel a lot better .
Aaron : Well , I would nt be too sure about that . You know how our kid hates mornings .
Chris : I wanted to tell you I scheduled the sonogram for 10 : 00 tomorrow morning .
Alison : Well , I m sorry , but I ca nt make it .
Chris : Why not ?
Alison : Because what s going on inside of my body is none of your business .
Chris : It is if the child is mine .
Aaron : What s wrong ? Why are you looking all weird ? You want me to walk you to the --
Alison : You re a good guy , you know that ?
Aaron : Hey , come on .
Alison : I do nt want to go home and face those people . Ca nt we just please , please , please just spend the night ?
Aaron : I ca nt .
Alison : Okay . Well -- well , then maybe I can just stay here myself . And I can go back tomorrow when I m just feeling better .
Aaron : In a -- in a strange town ? Is that what you really want to do ? Ali , what if something happens to the baby ? Who s gon na take care of you ?
Alison : I do nt know .
Aaron : Exactly . Look , we got married to prove to everybody that we are capable of being good parents . I mean , let s not blow this by like hiding out like we have something to be ashamed of .
Justice of the peace : Mr. And Mrs. Snyder , sorry for the delay . You re all set . You might want to look it over .
Aaron : Yeah , I m sure it s fine . Look , we re in a hurry , okay ?
Justice of the peace : Newlyweds always are . Enjoy the rest of your lives together .
Aaron : Okay . Thanks a lot . See ya later , speedy .
Jennifer : Mom , you re out of control .
Barbara : You do nt like Rose either , Jennifer .
Jennifer : But I do nt wish her dead , mother .
Barbara : Whatever happens happens .
Jennifer : If you really want to help Paul , you better pray that Rose recovers . Because if she does nt , they re gon na come after Paul next .
Barbara : They can try .
Jennifer : Enough . I m gon na call the hospital , see how Rose is doing .
Barbara : Someday they ll thank me for cleaning up their messes .
Dusty : I mean , do nt you guys -- do nt you check out the fiancé or the husband first , huh ?
Hal : That s why Jack s looking at Paul and I m here looking at you .
Dusty : Why do nt we look at the facts ? He just proved in church in front of family , in front of friends , he hates Rose DAngelo . That s worth looking at , is nt it ? !
Hal : Yes . Kind of obvious for somebody who supposedly poisoned her , do nt you think ? I mean , why not go through with the wedding ? Rose collapses after the vows . He s a happy husband , heartbroken but home free . I mean , if he s gon na kill her , why dump her , huh ?
Dusty : Rose spent the night before the wedding with me . Paul Ryan is a jealous , angry guy .
Hal : Maybe you should fill me in , Dusty .
Dusty : She had proof . She had proof that Paul threatened her life . She was scared . She did nt know what to do , so I spent the night taking care of her . She did nt want to be alone .
Hal : And you also wanted to talk her out of marrying Paul , right ?
Dusty : Yeah .
Hal : Yeah . But she went through with the ceremony anyway , did nt she ?
Dusty : Yeah .
Hal : Why ?
Dusty : Because I guess she -- I do nt know -- does nt realize I -- I love her like I do .
Hal : Did nt you tell her that you love her ?
Dusty : Not enough ! No ! No , not nearly enough , I did nt .
Paul : You got ta let me see Rose . Jack , Dusty s in there now . He s telling her that I tried to kill her .
Jack : Did you ?
Paul : Jack , do you remember what it felt when you found out about Mike and Carly ?
Jack : No , this is nt about me .
Paul : You answer my question . How did you feel ? You were hurt , right ? Were you angry ?
Jack : Obviously .
Paul : Were you angry enough to kill her ? Well , there s your answer , Jack . No , I did nt try and kill Rose . What I did to her -- hurting her in front of everybody like that , that was the only violence on my agenda . I wanted to hurt her . I wanted to cut her out of my life so completely that there was no way I could go back . Even as I did it , I knew -- I could see that my words -- they were hurting her . And I loved her . And I threw the ring down . And I loved her , and I turned around and I walked away , and I knew that I d made a mistake . And I got ta go see --
Jack : No , no . Do you wanna get yourself thrown in jail ? !
Paul : Why ca nt you just help me ?
Jack : Help ? Help you ? I am helping you , by keeping you away from Rose . You have words with Lily , you fight with Dusty , and you re out of here . That last chance you want at patching things up with Rose ? Gone .
Paul : What if I do nt -- what if I do nt get another chance ?
Jack : You re in a chapel . Pray that does nt happen .
Lily : No .
Emily : What ? What s going on ?
Lily : John and Dr. Daniels want me to say good - bye to my sister . They want me to write her off the same way that they have .
John : Lily , we re doing all we can .
Emily : Can I have a minute alone ?
Lily : I ca nt do it . I ca nt say good - bye to Rose .
Emily : Then do nt .
Lily : I just ca nt .
Emily : Listen , do nt . Just be with her , you know , like if you were running into her at Java or the Roller Palace or something . Just be with her , talk her about hair or clothes or Jersey . Talk to her about Jersey .
Lily : Yeah , she d like that . She could make fun of me .
Emily : Good , so let her . You know , cause laughing s good , Lily . And because the doctors are nt always right . And who knows ? Maybe she ll surprise all of us , and she ll be here tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that .
Lily : Yeah .
Emily : So do nt waste this precious time yelling at John , okay , when you can spend it with her . Okay ?
Lily : You re right . Thank you . You re right . You are .
Rose : Where ya been ?
Lily : Just giving John Dixon a hard time .
Rose : Do nt be too hard on those doctors , Lily . They just brought me back from the dead . So Ms. Walsh , you sent your plane to get my pop ?
Lucinda : Sure did . You know how I like to throw money around .
Rose : You could give those dead presidents a hernia the way you squeeze them . [ Laughter ] Thanks for teaching me .
Holden : Rose , I think that maybe Lucinda and I ought to leave before we wear you out .
Rose : I d like to see you try . You know , I ve loved a lot of men in my life , Holden Snyder . But nobody could beat you . Would you come back when your wife s not around ?
Holden : You re on .
Lucinda : Oh , Rose , I love you .
Rose : He always did like you best .
Lily : Oh , well , that s only because he saw me first .
Molly : Holden , hey . I m really sorry about Rose . I heard she was poisoned . Do they know what with ?
Holden : Yeah , methanol . And it s too late for an antidote . Look , Lucinda is off calling the family , so I m gon na go help her out .
Molly : I understand . One more question . I m sorry to ask this , but I thought I would catch Dusty here . Has he been around ?
Holden : Yeah , he s around somewhere . He and Paul got into it again , and Jack and Hal had to pull him off and put em in separate corners .
Molly : Thanks . I ll find him . I really am sorry about Rose .
Rose : I m trying to fight . I m trying . I do nt want to die .
Lily : Then I wo nt let you .
Coming up on As The World Turns --
Alison : I just said , I m not doing the sonogram . Why ca nt you just believe me , this is nt your baby ?
Chris : I guess we ll find out in the morning .
Rose : I need --
Lily : What do you want ? What do you want ? I ll get you anything , whatever you need .
Rose : Paul .
Craig : Listen , I m gon na go check up on nanny and the baby and let you work your magic .
Rosanna : Actually , you know what ? I think we should trade .
Craig : Yeah , but whenever she s crying about Aaron , I usually make things worse .
Rosanna : Well , do nt do that .
Craig : Hey . Oh , hey .
Lucy : Daddy --
Craig : What ? Tell me .
Lucy : Aaron and Alison --
Craig : What ? What s got you so upset ?
Lucy : I saw them . They got married . They got married ! Now she s not only having his baby , she s his wife .
Craig : Oh .
Lucy : Is nt it awful ?
Craig : Oh , yeah . It s just -- that s awful .
Barbara : What did you find out ?
Jennifer : They re not sure if Rose is going to live through the night . I have to get back to the hospital and be there for Paul . I do nt know what this will do to him if Rose dies . Where are you going ?
Barbara : My son needs me .
Jennifer : So you can go off on Rose in front of everyone ? No . That is not what Paul needs right now . Mom , the best thing you can do is stay away .
Barbara : Sorry , honey , I ca nt do that . There s far too much at stake .
Paul : Well , could you do me a favor , Jack ? Could you at least go see Rose and find out if she s --
Jack : And what will you be doing ?
Paul : I ll sit right here . I will . Believe me , the last thing I want to do is give you an opportunity to throw me in jail .
Jack : See that you do nt .
Paul : Okay , father . You have to save Rose .
James : No , I do nt think so .
Paul : I did nt mean you . You just go away .
James : What s all this moaning and weeping ? What s wrong with you , huh ? Do nt forget , this was your plan all along . No Rose , a Rose - less life .
Paul : This was not my plan , this was your plan ! You forced me to misjudge Rose , and now she s hurt ! Why -- why could nt you just leave me alone ? !
James : Because you re my son . I ve always looked after you , have nt I ? And all along , you knew I was right about Rose . She wants Dustin even now , even on her deathbed .
Paul : She s not gon na die . Do you hear me ? She is not -- she s not gon na die .
Hal : You re sure that Paul is guilty ?
Dusty : I m telling you , I grew up with that kid . You got ta arrest him right now , and you have to go let me see Rose , please .
Hal : And why should I do that ?
Dusty : Cause she wants to see me . Does Lily even know where we are right now ?
Hal : I ll check with Lily about you going back . But you stay put until you hear otherwise , or I ll have you thrown out of this hospital , Dusty .
Dusty : Will you tell Rose that I love her ? I mean , she s got ta know that I love her , all right ?
Lily : I wo nt let you die , Rose .
Rose : I m so glad to hear you say that . Because in this town , what Lily Snyder says goes .
Lily : And do nt you forget it .
Rose : I need you to pull some strings for me , okay ? I need you to find Mitzi and tell her that I forgive her .
Lily : For what ?
Rose : She ll know . Tell her that I love her , and she ll always be my friend . And you make sure that nothing happens to her , you promise ?
Lily : How about this ? I will promise to take care of Mitzi until you re well enough to take care of her yourself . Okay ? You just said it , Mitzi needs you . She loves you , and you love her . My kids need you , their Aunt Rose . And I need you . I found my other half in you .
Rose : Your better half .
Lily : That s true . You re never afraid of anything . You re never afraid of what people think about you . You just go after your passion . And I ve learned so much from you . You know that I m a better person because I found you in my life .
Rose : Hey , I mean , we re cut from the same cloth . I m a little rougher than you but -- we ll always be a part of each other .
Lily : You know what ? Do nt -- Rose , now do nt talk like you re leaving me .
Rose : We started together in the same egg , huh ? Things like time and distance and death , they ca nt keep us apart . We ll always be together right here .
Molly : You love Rose ? You ve got a hell of a way of showing it !
Dusty : You do nt know what you re talking about ! Shut up !
Molly : You do nt care what damage you did to her , Dusty . This is all about you , your ego . You -- you want her close , you do nt want to let her out of your life , but you ca nt let her get too close . Because no woman gets to be too sure of Dusty Donovan .
Dusty : Oh , so we re talking about you ? We re talking about you ? !
Molly : No . I m just the one you slept with while you could nt have the woman you loved . And then you destroyed her .
Dusty : Paul did that .
Molly : No .
Dusty : Not me .
Molly : No .
Dusty : Not me .
Molly : You . You did it , Dusty . Who broke them up , huh ? Who kept them from getting married six months ago and living happily ever after ? Do nt kid yourself , stud . You are the one who brought poison into Rose s life . You . So if she dies , you get to live with that . I guess I m lucky I m the one you did nt love .
Rose : I need --
Lily : What ? What do you want ? What do you want ? I ll get you anything , whatever you need .
Rose : Paul .
Lily : Rose , come on . Rose -- please , anything but that . You need to fight ; you need your strength to get better .
Rose : No . I just need to tell him something before it s too late , please .
Lily : Okay .
Paul : I ll do whatever it takes . I ll beg for her forgiveness . I will find -- for the rest of my life , I ll make this up to her . And you -- you will rot in your jail cell until you finally have the good grace to go rot in hell .
James : You ll miss me when I m gone .
Paul : No . Rose DAngelo will be my wife . She ll be my wife . We ll have a yard and a dog and 1,000 anniversaries . And you -- well , when you re gone , I will finally have something in my life that I ve -- I have nt had it in so long , I ve forgotten what it feels like .
James : You ll have a boring , listless life .
Paul : I ll have happiness . All right . I know I ve got no right to ask for this . But you let Rose get through this , and I swear to you , I ll spend the rest of my life making it up to her . I ll spend the rest of my life proving how much I love her .
Lily : Rose wants to see you .
Jack : Paul , she s in -- she s in very bad shape .
Paul : Rose is gon na get better .
Rosanna : How are you doing ?
Lucy : Better . Just a little depressed about Aaron . Nothing new .
Craig : He married Alison .
Rosanna : When did this happen ?
Lucy : Tonight . That address you gave me was for a justice of the peace .
Rosanna : Oh , sweetheart , I m so sorry . I m so sorry .
Lucy : I guess I kind of knew that s what they were going to do . I just had to see for myself to really believe it . So what s going on at the hospital ? How s Rose ?
Rosanna : Oh , well , I just checked in with Carly while I was upstairs . Rose is nt doing well , Lucy .
Lucy : No . Well , we have to go back to the hospital . We have to do something . We ca nt just stay here . We have --
Craig : Aaron will probably be there by now .
Chris : Anything I can do to help ?
Alison : I was just looking for my Mom because I have really great news . Aaron and I just got married .
Chris : You re kidding ? Why ?
Alison : Why do you think ? Aaron and I are having a baby .
Chris : Alison , this is crazy . You do nt just rush into marriage . I mean , you re not even sure that Aaron s the father .
Alison : That -- that s what I keep trying to tell you , Chris . I am sure . You re not the father , and you re not my husband . So why do nt you just stop with all of these tests and sonograms , because I m married now . And you do nt have any say on what goes on with my baby .
Chris : You know what ? I ll be sure to congratulate Aaron first thing in the morning . Do nt be late .
Alison : No , that s what I just said . I m not doing the sonogram .
Chris : You know what ? You want me to back off ? You want to get rid of me ? This is how you do it .
Alison : Why ca nt you just believe me , this is nt your baby ?
Chris : I guess we ll find out in the morning .
Molly : Somebody s got to pay for what happened to Rose .
Paul : Rose ? I m so sorry .
Rose : Why ?
Paul : Because I m wrong . I did nt -- I did nt know what I understand now .
Rose : Why ?
Paul : No . I m going to find a way to make this up to you .
Rose : I loved you .
Paul : I know .
Rose : Why ? Why did you do this to me ?
Paul : Oh , Rose , I did nt do this to you .
Lily : Rose ? Get away from her ! Get away from her ! Get away from her ! Just stay away from her , you hear me ? ! Rose !
Walker : Code blue ! Code blue !
Dusty : John -- John , what s going on ? John ? Is she still alive ?
Jennifer : Paul ?
Lily : She s gone ?
John : I m sorry .
Lily : Oh , Rose . Oh , Rose .
Jack : What do we do ?
Hal : Well , we say good - bye to our friend , and then we find out who murdered her .
Next week on As The World Turns --
Chris : Why did you cancel the sonogram ?
Aaron : What sonogram ?
Chris : The one that is going to determine whether the baby is mine .
Molly : Damn !
Lily : If you and Paul had just left her alone and not put her though this , she would still be alive today . There is no hero in this story , just two selfish men !
### Summary:
| Aaron wants to see his aunt . Alison tries to manipulate some more to miss an appointment . Barbara heads over to forbidden territory . Chris could nt care less about a recent wedding . Craig convinces Rosanna to forget about Paul and come home to her family . Dusty is a little too sure that Rose loves him over Paul . Hal finds a rose of a story stinks . Lily heads out to get the man she hates . Lucy would like to go to the hospital but someone that saddens her might be there . Molly has questions about the poisoning even though she says that she does nt care about Rose . Paul s prayers seem to be answered . Rose goes into eternity with an unanswered question . The minister has made a mistake with the marriage papers . The twins started in the same egg and will never be apart . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Ethan : Yes . I m here to take you and the baby home to your motherS.
Theresa : Oh , my goodness , sweetie , look , look ! That s daddy ! I knew we could count on you . Yes , yes , yes .
Ethan : Well , actually , the only reason I could get away is because rebecca s staying with gwen at the jail .
Theresa : Hmm . That s a good place for both of them .
Ethan : Theresa --
alice : Excuse me . I ll be back in a moment .
Theresa : Thank you . Oh , yes . Oh , yes , yes . Oh , yes .
Ethan : Listen , gwen s in terrible shape , all right ? She is literally losing her mind by the minute . Theresa , please , will you please show some mercy ? You have the power to end all this . Will you please just drop the charges against gwen ?
Fox : I hope whitney confides in mrs . Wheeler -- grandmother .
Chad : Yeah , it s bizarre to think that that woman s our grandmother . I mean , I got relatives coming out of the woodwork .
Fox : Well , welcome to the family , chad . You never know what you re going to get . Look at her over there . She s so bothered . She looks so upset .
Whitney : I should nt be bothering you with this . I mean , you re a stranger to me . I m sorry .
Katherine : But sometimes that could be a good thing because I m not involved with what s troubling you . Whitney , I want to help you . Please tell me what s wrong .
Whitney : Damn . I am pregnant . I would like that . I need to talk to somebody .
Pilar : Tell me what happened . Why did you disappear ?
Martin : It s horrible , pilar . Be prepared for a shock . I know you re strong .
Pilar : I ve had to be .
Martin : This is hard . The reason that katherine and I ran off --
luis : Shut up . Just shut up ! You are nothing but a fraud . Stop wasting my mother s time with your lies .
Tina : See , I told you I saw sheridan on our security monitors .
Alistair : Uh - huh . Good work , tina . So my darling daughter is sleepwaking again . Another bad habit , like mating with the lower classes .
Tina : Dr. Russell seemed very concerned about your daughter . She said that sheridan only sleepwalks during times of great stress .
Alistair : Uh - huh .
Tina : And she has been lucky so far not to injure herself . But even if she does nt catch pneumonia dressed like that , with all the stress that she s been under with mrs . Crane s return and all , she could very easily hurt herself .
Alistair : Hmm . There s another possibility . Sheridan could hurt someone else .
Singer : I would hold the hand of the one who could lead me places and kiss the lips of the one who could sing so sweet and i would fly on the wings of the bird I knew could take me highest breathe in , breathe out you keep me alive you are the fire burning inside of me you are my passion for life
Gwen : Mother , please take this thing off . I ca nt hold my baby with this thing on .
Rebecca : Gwennie , the doctor says it s for your own good .
Gwen : For my own good ? Mother , I ca nt move in this thing , ok ?
Rebecca : Look at that ! She is going to hurt herself here ! Take this thing off !
Dr. Sprague : Mrs. Crane , trust me , wearing the straitjacket is for her protection as well as the people around her . I mean , god knows what she s capable of in her condition .
Rebecca : My gwennie would not hurt a fly ! I mean , a mexican cockroach maybe , yes , but --
dr . Sprague : Are you kidding ? She just tried to kill --
rebecca : I know , I know , I know . She almost killed theresa low - class- fitzgerald , and then she almost strangled sheridan . Of course , alistair and julian tried to kill sheridan several times , and I do nt see them wearing one of those .
Dr. Sprague : I told you , your daughter will only get worse as long as she s confined . Has your son - in - law made any progress with the victim ? If the victim refuses to cooperate with the authorities , they ll drop the charges . We can get gwen out of here .
Rebecca : I know he s trying . It s just , so far , no luck .
Gwen : Mother , please help me .
Rebecca : Oh , gwennie . Hold on , ok ? I will think of something . Oh , ethan , come on . Convince the little tramp to drop the charges against my gwennie before she loses her mind forever .
Ethan : Theresa , come on , you know what it s been like these last couple of months . The stress of waiting for this little baby to be born has stretched gwen s nerves way too tight . When she found out it was yours , well , she snapped , and it could happen to anybody .
Theresa : But it did nt , ethan . It happened to gwen , and she tried to kill me .
Theresa : I know .
Ethan : You know , through all our ups and downs -- and we ve had a few -- there s always been one thing that I ve always admired about you , and that was your compassionate heart , theresa , just like your motherS. Why ca nt you find it in your heart to forgive her now ? You understand what s going on here , do nt you ? Gwen s entire being has been focused on this baby .
Theresa : My baby .
Ethan : That s right , your baby . Your surrogacy was gwen s last chance of ever having a biological child , and when that rug was pulled out from under her , theresa , she went crazy . I mean , think about what she lost . Will you take a look at her ? Look at that little girl . Would nt you go crazy if someone tried to take her away from you ? Please , find it in your heart and show a little mercy here .
Alice : About ready to go ?
Theresa : Mercy ? Take a look , ethan , right there . My chariot awaits . You dare talk to me about what gwen lost ? What about me , ethan ? Shh , shh , shh . I ca nt move my legs because your sicko wife stabbed me in the back with a scalpel , twice . Do nt waste your breath trying to ask me to drop charges against gwen because as far as I m concerned , she can rot in jail until she s dead .
Whitney : I ca nt keep this to myself any longer . I think I might really go crazy if I do .
Katherine : That s why it s a good thing to get it out . And in case you had nt heard , I m rather good at keeping secrets .
Whitney : Ok . But the father of my child can never know . You understand me ? Never .
Katherine : I promise I wo nt tell a soul .
Fox : Well , we both know how much she s been through lately , all those problems with her parents and my father .
Chad : And with me .
Fox : Yes , chad , and with you .
Chad : And now dr . Russell s in jail .
Fox : Even with all that stuff going on , though , I think there s something else that s bothering her , you know ? I think it has to do with the baby . Well , I mean , think about it . Think about theresa , right ? She had all those bizarre problems with gwen and ethan , and she was still on cloud nine half the time because of the little nipper . And look at whitney , she s -- I do nt know , ever since she found out she was pregnant , she s been moody and upset . I do nt get it . She should be excited about it , you know ? She s having my child . I m excited about it . We re bringing a baby into this world . Supposed to make you feel good , not despondent .
Chad : Wait a second . You know , I know exactly why whitney s so upset .
Pilar : Mijo , por favor , your father was about to tell me the real reason why he left harmony .
Luis : Another day , another story ?
Martin : Luis , if --
luis : Who are you going to blame this time ?
Martin : If you d just listen --
luis : For what ? Huh ? For what ? Because it all boils down to the same thing -- a , you ran off with another woman , and b , you mooched off her for the last 20 years . Do nt you listen to a word this bastard has to say , ok ? I m telling you , it s nothing but lies .
Tina : What is she saying ? I ca nt hear her .
Alistair : All right , we ll get a little closer , but do nt wake her up . Do nt wake her up .
Sheridan : It was here . It was here .
Martin : We build a gazebo right over there .
Young sheridan : What are they talking about ?
Martin : No one will ever know .
Sheridan : No one will ever know .
Alistair : No . No , she ca nt remember that . If she remembered -- no , she can not remember that meeting ! My whole empire could be destroyed . No !
Ethan : You disappoint me . You disappoint me . What would father lonigan say about this , huh ? You have a chance to practice some mercy , and you re going to ignore it .
Theresa : Throw religion in my face to get what you want , ethan ? That s low . Gwen , she does nt deserve mercy . You know , if things were reversed , she d laugh in your face . I bet you she s gone crazy because I m still breathing . I m sorry , baby .
Alice : I ll give you two some privacy .
Theresa : Shh , shh .
Ethan : Why are you being so hard ? Will you just look at her side for a second , please , because it s sad . All her hopes , theresa , and all her dreams have been wrapped up in just having a baby . That s it . But first she had to lose sarah , then she had to deal with the agony of you not being able to carry our little boy to term , and now this ? Our daughter , yours and mine ? You know what this means ? This means that that little boy that was lost , that was gwen s child .
Theresa : That s right , ethan . I did nt want to have the procedure . Do you remember ? But you and gwen begged me to go through with it . I left it up to the doctors , just like you wanted .
Ethan : Even so , she is broken , she is in torment , and she is literally losing her mind by the minute . It s awful . You should see her in that cell .
Theresa : Is it wheelchair - accessible , ethan ?
Ethan : Please , do nt let your anger and your need for revenge keep you from doing the right thing . I know you re angry . I do nt blame you for being angry . Gwen and rebecca did everything they could do to ruin your lives . They took your jobs , they took your home , and even little ethan . I know this .
Theresa : And you helped them .
Ethan : That is not true . And it s over now . You have your home back . Luis is a detective on the force .
Theresa : My son , ethan -- do I get my son back , too ?
Ethan : Gwen ca nt even agree to give little ethan back to you because she s in a jail and she s going mad . No court would even let her make a decision , given the state she s in . You can not let her rot in that jail or you may never see little ethan again . It s that simple . Just drop the charges , please .
Chad : God , man , I m so stupid . I should ve suspected it . I should ve known .
Fox : Yeah , of course . What are you talking about ? Should ve known what ?
Chad : Well , the reason why whitney s been so upset . Man , she s still in love with me .
Fox : Well , that s disgusting .
Whitney : Well , actually , it all started with alistair , really .
Katherine : Alistair . His evil , it manages to reach everywhere .
Whitney : You see , chad and I were in love , you know , and then we found out that we were brother and sister , and alistair knew . I mean , he knew the whole time , and still he pushed us together . I mean , he even went so far as to lend chad money so that he could give me the valentine s day of my dreams .
Katherine : He s malicious and sadistic .
Whitney : And then everything happened with my mother and father and julian and it all happened , you know , kind of at once , and it was hard for me to take in , really . And I mean , you know , chad and I were intimate for a long time . And that s when I found out . And fox , you know -- he s been in love with me for a long time . And the baby -- how can I even say this ? God , how can I even tell you my secret ?
Tina : Sir , what is it ? What s wrong ?
Alistair : Sheridan has remembered far too much . I had no idea . This is a disaster .
Martin : No one will ever know .
Sheridan : No one will ever know .
Alistair : This ca nt go on . I have to stop her before she remembers the secrets that I ve hidden away for so long . Farewell , my love . In the purple tur > > No , green is money . What celebrity is not after 46th annual duran t - s canada for the it s so nice t we re gon na have a good time . In
singer : You are my passion for life
gwen : Ugh ! God !
Rebecca : For god s sake , doctor , look at her ! Loosen that thing !
Dr. Sprague : As I ve already told you , it s not in her best interests . Oh , no .
Rebecca : What ? What s wrong with her now ?
Dr. Sprague : Gwen ? Gwen . Gwen ?
Rebecca : Gwen ? Gwen , honey ? Honey , wake up . Honey ?
Dr. Sprague : I was afraid this might happen again .
Rebecca : What ? I mean , what did you do to her ? Will she be all right ?
Theresa : Do you think that I m an idiot , ethan ? If gwen is so nuts that she ca nt make any legal decisions on her own , the courts are going to turn to you , her husband .
Ethan : That s not necessarily true .
Theresa : Come on , I did nt go to college , I did nt go to a fancy law school , but I read the papers . They would appoint you power of attorney , and then you could give me my son back in two seconds . And how many times have you agreed with me that that would be the right thing to do ? So unless you are going to turn around and become some total hypocrite , do nt stand there and try to bargain with me using my child . Ethan , gwen is in jail , and she s going to stay there till she gets just what she deserves -- prosecution to the fullest extent of the law .
Chad : Well , it s true . She still loves me .
Fox : Listen , that is a horrible thing to say . You are her brother .
Chad : Which is why she feels so upset . She s dealing with the guilt she feels because she still loves me .
Fox : Well , that s not what she told me .
Chad : Well , she s lying .
Fox : Well , maybe you re lying .
Chad : Look , I m sorry , fox , but I know it s the truth . Because I m just the same , you know . I still love her .
Fox : You are so sick .
Chad : Maybe . But you know what ? You ca nt just turn love on and off like a light switch . I know there can never be anything between us again , all right , but I still dream about her , I still have feelings for her .
Fox : You canT.
Chad : You know what , do nt tell me what I can or ca nt do . I know it s taboo , but I still love her , all right ? I ca nt help it . And she still loves me , too .
Whitney : I am so sorry . I wish I could just , you know , spit it out , but it s hard .
Katherine : You do nt have to . You do nt have to say another thing . I understand . And I just ca nt believe that you ve been carrying this awful secret all by yourself . My poor grandchild . Oh , my great - grandchild . What a difficult secret to keep by yourself .
Whitney : You understand ? Oh , my god , you re amazing . I mean , you understand , and I did nt even have to , you know , spell it out for you .
Katherine : Do nt you worry . Do nt you worry . Alistair will pay for his evil in the next world , believe me . Every one of his actions will have a consequence . So many innocent people have been hurt . I m so sorry .
Whitney : I mean , I had no idea . I mean , who knew that it would affect chad and me , you know ?
Katherine : You and chad ? What does chad have to do with your baby with fox ?
Whitney : Um --
pilar : Luis , por favor , just -- just once , listen .
Luis : No , the time for listening is over , ok ? He has hurt too many people s lives .
Martin : Please , luis , take it easy . Please listen to me for your mother s sake .
Luis : No , you do nt have the right to ask me anything , ok ?
Pilar : Luis , por favor , I think we re judging without knowing all the facts . Your father was about to tell me something , something very important , so for just one moment , please swallow your anger and hear your father out .
Tina : Mr. Crane , it is one thing to pay others to blow up sheridan s car . It is quite another for you to shoot your own daughter in cold blood .
Alistair : If she s remembering what I think she s remembering , she has to be stopped . This little incident she s reliving right now could ruin everything .
Young sheridan : Oh , no .
Sheridan : Oh , no .
Alistair : She s recalled far too much . She has to die . Goodbye , sheridan . From an early age , we re taught to listen to the other guy s side of the story . To build consensus in decisions . But at some point , you ve got to knock it off . Finance minister ralph goodale is currently going thru an elaborate pre- budget consultation process , even gathering input from the finance critic of the opposition ndp . All part of the age of minority .
Rebecca : Gwen ? Honey ? Honey , please , it s me , it s mother . What is wrong with her ?
Dr. Sprague : She s fine physically .
Rebecca : Fine ? She s like a statue !
Dr. Sprague : Look , it s not uncommon . She s catatonic . She was under extreme stress . Her mind just shut down .
Rebecca : Well , then fix her , you quack !
Dr. Sprague : Look , it s probably better this way . In this state , she ca nt hurt herself or anyone else , but you ve got to get her out of jail or her condition will only get worse .
Rebecca : I know , I know . Ethan is working on it .
Dr. Sprague : Well , she ll be all right for the moment . Guard ? Shall we ? I ll be back to check on her later .
Rebecca : No , I am staying right here .
Dr. Sprague : Alone with her in her cell ? She s still potentially dangerous .
Rebecca : Yes , I am staying here ! You know , for a shrink , you do nt know a whole lot about motherly love . This is my baby and she needs me ! As if my gwen would ever want to hurt me .
Dr. Sprague : All right . But you ll call if there s any change in her condition or if you re in trouble ?
Rebecca : Honestly , as if I had anything to fear from my own daughter . No , I am her favorite person in the whole world .
Rebecca : Oh , god , please . You know that theresa had it coming to her . So please , please help ethan . Help him to convince her to drop the charges . I ca nt stand to see my gwennie in this place for one more minute .
Ethan : Theresa , gwen s sanity -- her sanity is in question here , ok ?
Theresa : I do nt care , ethan . I m not going to drop the charges against her . I do nt care what you say or what you do . Great . Now look what you did . Shh , shh , shh . It s ok , baby . There , there . It s ok .
Ethan : All right , I m sorry , I m sorry . I did nt mean to upset anyone .
Dr. Adams : Why all this commotion ? Why are you upsetting ms . Lopez - fitzgerald like this ? I know I ve already discharged her , but she still is a sick woman .
Ethan : Doctor , I m sorry .
Dr. Adams : My patient needs all her energy for two things and two things only -- to nurse this baby and to recuperate from her injuries . Now , if you ca nt help her with that , please leave . I do nt want you upsetting her again .
Ethan : You re right . I m sorry . I might as well go .
Theresa : Wait , ethan . Wait , please . I m sorry . It s my fault , too . See , we were talking and things just got out of hand . Please stay . All right , I still want you to take us home , if you still want to .
Ethan : Of course I do .
Dr. Adams : Look , the personal lives of my patients is none of my concern , but your situation vis - a - vis theresa and your wife is nt exactly a secret in this town . Now , whatever s happened , it s important that theresa stay calm , for her sake and the sake of the baby .
Ethan : I understand .
Dr. Adams : And I may as well get tough with you , too , young lady . Your aftercare is complicated by your paralysis . You re going to have to obey a strict regimen when you get home until you heal and learn to care for yourself . Simply adjusting to the wheelchair in itself is difficult , but you have a fragile infant to care for , as well .
Theresa : Yes , but , doctor , I have many people at home that are going to help me -- my mother and my brother and ethan . Right ?
Ethan : Yes , of course .
Theresa : And there s still hope , right ? I mean , I m not always going to be paralyzed , right ?
Dr. Adams : Well , your chances for recovery would be better if you took those steroids I prescribed .
Ethan : Wait , wait , steroids ?
Dr. Adams : Yes , they would cut down on the swelling around the spine at the injury sites . They ll help the healing begin .
Ethan : She s nursing , though . I mean , steroids , they d hurt the baby , right ? Are you seriously considering taking steroids ?
Katherine : What in the world does chad have to do with my great - grandchild ?
Whitney : Well , you said you understood my secret just now , and --
katherine : I do , I do , and it s no surprise . Alistair is so evil . You were afraid that the crane bloodline would adversely affect your child . You considered termination , did nt you ?
Whitney : Uh --
katherine : You do nt have to say any more . It s all right . But I do nt want you to worry . Just because a child is a descendant of alistair s does not mean that he or she is going to have the potential for evil . Just provide your baby with all the love in the world , a nurturing environment , and let god do his work . Whitney , whitney , your baby is going to be just fine .
Whitney : Thank you . Thanks .
Katherine : What does chad have to do with any of this ?
Whitney : Well , I was just saying that , you know , chad and I were intimate and , you know , we re brother and sister . And I thought about what could happen if --
katherine : Oh , my darling , no , no , no , do nt worry . Do nt worry . That would be just too horrible , horrible for you and for everyone if chad were the father of your child .
Whitney : Yes , yes , that would be more than anyone could bear .
Fox : Will you do me a favor , quit talking about how whitney s still in love with you ? That s disgusting , ok ? You re her brother .
Chad : You have a better idea ? That s why she s so upset , because she s consumed with guilt .
Fox : Ok , look , you know , maybe you and I are on the outs right now , ok , but we used to be friends , right ? We re brothers .
Chad : Yeah , half brothers .
Fox : Whatever , ok ? The point is we got to work together on this and I do nt want to fight you , but you got to do me a favor and quit talking about how whitney s still in love with you , ok ? She has no feelings for you whatsoever .
Chad : You know what , you re wrong .
Fox : You know , I m going to get the hell out of here . I m not going to sit here and listen to this all day . Thank god you two did nt have children .
Chad : Children .
Katherine : Sharing secrets always makes them seem less frightening . Are you doing better ?
Whitney : Um , yeah . Yeah , yeah . Hey , thank you for listening , yeah .
Katherine : You re welcome . Thank you , whitney , because talking to you has given me confidence , because if I can communicate with you , then maybe I can get through to my daughter , sheridan , before I leave harmony . You ll see . Having children is going to change your life forever . And that s why I m very sure that your mother is heartbroken to be estranged from you .
Whitney : Well , like I said , I do nt want to have anything to do with my mother .
Katherine : I know , I know . But I hope you re going to understand how painful it is for her to be separated from you after you give birth to your own baby . Just wait . The connection between a mother and child is -- is indescribable .
Whitney : God , I am so stupid . I thought she really knew that chad was the father of my baby .
Theresa : Of course I m not going to take steroids . The drug could get in my breast milk and could harm our baby , so I m not going to do anything to jeopardize her health . I think she s had enough hospitals to last a lifetime , so no steroids , even if it means I ca nt walk again .
Alice : She wo nt take painkillers , either , for the same reason . She s had some pretty rough nights .
Ethan : Theresa , hey , I did nt know . Ca nt the baby take formula ?
Dr. Adams : Not yet . She lost weight when we tried to feed it to her , and she needs every ounce of body weight she s got . Breastfeeding s important for her welfare . It s a damned if you do , damned if you do nt situation . Theresa needs those steroids to heal , but she ca nt take the steroids for the sake of the baby .
Theresa : Of course I m going to keep breastfeeding . I will sacrifice anything for you . You are way more important than I ll ever be .
Pilar : Escuchalo que tu padre tiene que decir .
Luis : No . You know what , we have heard his excuses over and over again ! Look , do nt buy it , ok , and do nt let him weasel his way back into your good graces .
Martin : Luis , if you --
luis : No , for what , ok ? I ve heard it . I ve heard the lies over and over again . Enough . No more . I m not listening to any more of your lies . I am certainly not going to let you hurt the people I love ever again .
Tina : Mr. Crane , you ca nt really shoot her , not here on your own estate .
Alistair : Where better ?
Tina : I ca nt watch . It s your own daughter .
Alistair : Weak as water , girl . I do what I have to do to protect my interests , tina .
Young sheridan : Oh , no . No . Oh , no , no , no .
Sheridan : No . Oh , no , no , no .
Alistair : There we go .
### Summary:
| Theresa and the baby are finally ready to go home , but a confrontation with Ethan might threaten their health . The doctor has to lecture both of them before he would let them go , but they left a happy group , for the most part . Gwen is a raging bull , then becomes a motionless statue right before Rebecca s eyes , making her desperate for Ethan to succeed in getting the charges dropped . It became even more imperative when she suddenly found herself at her daughter s mercy due to her own insistence on ignoring doctor s orders . Martin is trying to tell Pilar why he really left , but Luis steps in and shoves his mouth in the way . Meanwhile , back home , his beloved has sleepwalked out into the snowy night , slipperless and in her jammies , while her Daddy Dearest aims to put a bullseye on her back to keep her quiet . Her memories from childhood threaten his dynasty . It seems to be race between her and Martin as to who will blow the lid off it first . On the wharf , Katherine has a near - miss with the truth as Whitney finally tries to unburden herself only to find her father is nt the only one who really does nt know as much as he is sure he does . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bill : Do nt say a word . I ve already heard .
Brooke : Liam told you about the annulment ?
Bill : Yep .
Brooke : So , Hope and Liam ...
Bill : Yeah , they can get married whenever they want . Can we not talk about the kids ?
Brooke : Are you upset ?
Bill : Upset ? Coming home and seeing you like this ? Upset is definitely not what I m feeling .
Katie : Hold mom s phone , okay ?
Donna : Bill s gon na be really excited to see him .
Katie : Yeah , we ll see .
Donna : [ Chuckles ] Come on , Katie . Despite everything , you know that he really missed that little boy .
Katie : If he s taken the time to think about it .
Donna : When you called him and told him that you were coming back , was nt he thrilled ?
Katie : I did nt call him .
Donna : You did nt ?
Katie : No .
Donna : Why not ?
Katie : Oh , I think I should surprise him . Or them , I should say .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ] What can I say ? You were brilliant .
Quinn : So were you .
Wyatt : We re a great team .
Quinn : It was a great concept .
Wyatt : Hmm .
Quinn : Eric loved it .
Wyatt : How could he not ? A diamond that s almost identical to the hope diamond , using it to promote Hope for the Future -- it s a perfect fit .
Quinn : If you and Hope can convince Ricardo to loan it to us .
Wyatt : There is nothing that Hope and I ca nt accomplish together .
Quinn : Her fiancé might take issue with that .
Hope : Wow .
Liam : Yeah , you can thank your mother for that one .
Hope : Oh , weird .
Liam : No . No !
Hope : [ Laughs ]
Liam : Oh , no , no , we just -- we had a little -- a little talk after you left .
Hope : Uh - oh .
Liam : No , it was good . It was good . It was a chance for me to , like ... say stuff .
Hope : What kind of stuff ?
Liam : Ai nt nothing you have nt heard before , Girl .
Hope : Oh , what ? You do nt want to tell me ?
Liam : I do nt think you need to hear it again .
Hope : What if I want to hear it again ?
Liam : [ Laughs ] It was about you . It was about how I m anxious to marry you . That kind of thing .
Hope : That s not very caveman - y .
Liam : No . I m just glad it s all over . I m glad we got that annulment signed .
Hope : Yep . Steffy never ceases to amaze . Um ... I have -- I have to get going . [ Chuckles ]
Liam : Really ? Why ? What s -- what s going on ?
Hope : I am taking a little day trip .
Liam : Where ?
Hope : Mexico .
Liam : [ Chuckles ] Where ?
Hope : No , seriously , I m going to Mexico .
Liam : You re going to Mexico ?
Hope : Just for the day .
Liam : By yourself ? Hope , that s --
Hope : No . No . Uh , I m going with Wyatt .
Donna : Katie , there s no reason not to call Bill .
Katie : And give him the heads - up ? Why ?
Donna : Bill was a wreck when you left him .
Katie : [ Scoffs ]
Donna : And look , Brooke , she -- I ve never seen her so guilt - ridden .
Katie : I m sure they had no problem getting over it .
Donna : Katie , they re not the carefree lovers that you think they are . I know our sis . She s suffering .
Wyatt : [ Scoffs ] Liam wo nt be a problem .
Quinn : Do nt underestimate him , Wyatt .
Wyatt : Wh-- do nt underestimate Hope . She knows we ca nt get the diamond without Forrester s backing and security .
Quinn : I know . Ricardo Montemayor will never let it out of his sight .
Wyatt : Right . But he would for Hope and for Forrester . Imagine the marketing potential . To have that exquisite diamond in the Forrester boutique in Beverly Hills surrounded by Hope s designs and our jewelry .
Quinn : Yes , but that is only half of it for you . To be alone with the girl you love ... oh , Sweetie , I want this to work out for you . You and Hope deserve a chance to be together . Come here .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Liam : You re going to Mexico with Wyatt ?
Hope : Just down and back . And , Liam , wait until you hear why we re going .
Liam : Whose idea was ... it was his . Of course it was his .
Brooke : I love you .
Bill : And ?
Brooke : I wish love was enough . It should be . But I think of Katie and Will in New York , and I know how much you miss your son .
Bill : Brooke , I do nt want you feeling guilty about that .
Brooke : I just wish Katie was in a better place . I wish we all were in a better place .
Bill : I want that , too . And if Katie s not happy , Will wo nt be happy . And you ca nt raise a happy child if you re miserable .
Brooke : Well , then , we have to change that . We have to get through to Katie somehow .
Bill : I believe we will . But Katie has to come home first .
Katie : Okay , we re here .
Donna : Let me come with you .
Katie : I do nt need a chaperone , Donna .
Donna : Okay . All right . But at least call them and let them know you re coming .
Katie : You know , all that talk about how Brooke and Bill are suffering , you do nt really believe that .
Donna : Look , I just want to be here for you and for all of you .
Katie : And you have been . And I appreciate it . But I need a dose of truth . I need to see them together . Alone .
Quinn : And do nt forget ...
Wyatt : To give Ricardo Montemayor your regards . I know . You told me twice .
Quinn : He s been a good friend and an excellent supplier . [ Sighs ] Eric .
Eric : Hey . You re all set for this trip , right ?
Wyatt : Just heading out .
Eric : Good .
Wyatt : And thank you again for all your support .
Eric : Oh , I m -- I m glad to give it to you .
Wyatt : [ Laughs ]
Eric : I have to admit , I was a little skeptical when you first brought this thing up , but , uh , now that I ve thought about it , I mean , a Hope for the Future diamond .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ]
Eric : It s a promotional dream if you can pull it off .
Wyatt : Hope and I will . Well , better get going . Bye , Mom . [ Smooches ]
Eric : [ Chuckling ] Right . Good luck .
Wyatt : Thanks .
Eric : Is he always this enthusiastic , or is this particular trip , uh , unique to him in some way ?
Liam : And it s in Mexico .
Hope : Mm - hmm . It belongs to a private collector , and he s a friend of Quinn and Wyatt s .
Liam : Why ca nt they just go get it themselves ?
Hope : Well , Liam , this thing is worth like $ 100 million . And the guy who owns it , Ricardo Montemayor , he wants to know that it s legit . And I bring the credibility and the security of Forrester Creations .
Liam : It kind of sounds like a job for Eric , no ?
Hope : You do nt think that I can handle it ?
Liam : That s not what I m saying .
Hope : What are you saying ?
Liam : You know what ? Just -- just go get your diamond , okay ? And come back to me safe .
Quinn : Yes , this is more than just a business trip for Wyatt .
Eric : I sensed as much .
Quinn : But the goal in bringing back the diamond is primary .
Eric : Oh , I do nt doubt that at all . But Wyatt is aware of the complicated history between Hope and Liam , is he not ?
Quinn : Acutely .
Eric : And yet he s undaunted .
Quinn : Well , he must get that from Bill .
Eric : Or he gets that from you .
Quinn : Hmm . I try to be more discreet .
Eric : [ Chuckles ] Yes ?
Quinn : [ Chuckles ] Most of the time .
Eric : Yeah . I think discretion is something more suited for young people .
Quinn : Oh , really ?
Eric : Mm - hmm . It s a lesson that they need to learn .
Quinn : And what about the more mature among us ?
Eric : It s a lesson that we need to unlearn . Otherwise we miss opportunities .
Quinn : I like that perspective .
Eric : Makes sense , does nt it ?
Quinn : Undeniably . But I think there is a time that discretion can be set aside even for the young .
Eric : And when is that ?
Quinn : Matters of the heart .
Eric : There are some people who would argue that that s the time discretion is most important .
Quinn : But you said it yourself . Opportunities can be missed . And even for the young , love -- real love -- should be embraced .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Flight Attendant : Mr. Spencer ?
Wyatt : Huh ? Sounds good to me .
Flight Attendant : Miss Logan s on her way . Can I , uh -- can I make you something to drink ?
Wyatt : Uh , thank you , but no . I ll -- I ll wait till she gets here .
Flight Attendant : Uh , well , make yourself comfortable , and we ll be taking off for Mexico shortly .
Wyatt : Perfect .
Flight Attendant : All right ?
Hope : [ Chuckles ] If I do nt leave now , I wo nt be back by tonight .
Liam : Hmm . Interesting .
Hope : Mm - hmm . You think you can wait that long ?
Liam : Uh , 10 , 12 hours ? I do nt know .
Hope : It s a lot . I know .
Liam : Just be careful .
Hope : I ll tell the pilot .
Liam : I m not talking about the pilot .
Hope : I ll keep my seatbelt fastened .
Liam : I think Wyatt should keep his seatbelt fastened .
Hope : He will be busy working the whole time . I ll make sure of it .
Liam : Okay . Mmm . Enjoy yourself .
Hope : I ll be back tonight .
Liam : Okay .
Hope : [ Sighs ] Hey .
Liam : Hmm ?
Hope : Keep those fires burning .
Liam : Oh , you know it .
Liam : [ Sighs ]
Bill : You ll be happy to know I called off the private detective .
Brooke : Oh ! Thank you .
Bill : I think things are under control . I do nt need these guys ducking behind hot - dog stands . There s that smile I adore .
Brooke : I do nt like this feeling . Guilt can be so debilitating .
Bill : Yeah ? Especially when you do nt deserve it .
Bill : I ll get that . Katie .
Will : [ Babbling ]
Katie : Surprise .
Bill : Hey , you ! Come here ! Hi !
Will : [ Fusses ]
Bill : All right , you want that ba - ba ? All right .
Will : [ Crying ]
Katie : Oh , my goodness . Meltdown . Meltdown .
Bill : Okay . Let Mommy give you your ba - ba .
Katie : Here you go . Here you go . Yeah , I know .
Bill : Look at him . I ca nt believe how big he s gotten . It s like he s -- he s all grown up .
Katie : Has nt been that long .
Bill : It just feels that way .
Will : [ Fusses ]
Bill : How did you like New York , huh ? Did you ride the ponies in central park ?
Katie : Almost every day .
Bill : Every day ? What s up with that ? What ? Mommy spoiling you ?
Katie : We tried to have some fun .
Bill : That s what mommies do . Mommies do the spoiling . Daddies toe the line .
Katie : Right .
Bill : I m so glad to see you two .
Katie : It s good to be back .
Bill : You must have been busy . I called , left voicemails , sent some text messages .
Katie : Well , I needed to get away .
Bill : I know .
Will : [ Babbling ]
Katie : How are things with you ?
Bill : Uh , well , pretty good . I m riding my motorcycles and working on my handicap a little bit , catching up on all the TV I ve missed the last 40 years .
Katie : In other words , you re bored silly .
Bill : I m fine , Katie . I m moving on . But I have been thinking a lot about you and will .
Katie : Still staying here with Brooke , I see .
Bill : Hey , you want to do some exploring ? How about that ? There s a lot of cool stuff out there .
Katie : You want to get some fresh air with daddy ?
Bill : Let me pull you away from mommy just a minute . Come here . Take the bottle . We ll take the ba - ba . Come here . Oh ! Whoa !
Will : [ Fusses ]
Katie : There you go .
Bill : Come here , come here , come here . Let s go see what we got here . Shh .
Liam : [ Sighs ] Hi . Give Wyatt a big send - off ?
Quinn : Yes , actually , I did . Not that he needed my encouragement .
Liam : This was all your idea , right , this Trip to Mexico thing ?
Quinn : Oh , I can only take half the credit .
Liam : Yeah , well , it s good , you know , that Hope for the Future diamond . That s -- that s really good .
Quinn : Oh , I m glad you like it . Though I am a little bit surprised .
Liam : [ Chuckles ] Why is that ?
Quinn : Oh , all the effort you put in to getting Hope to drop our jewelry line .
Liam : Right , well , I m surprised you re surprised , considering all the effort your son put in -- you know what ? It s -- it s behind us now . I just hope this promotion is as big as everybody says it s gon na be .
Quinn : [ Chuckles ] It ca nt miss .
Liam : Y - yeah , I agree . As long as they re successful in bringing that diamond back .
Quinn : They will be . I believe in Hope and Wyatt . Do nt you ?
Liam : I believe in Hope .
Hope : Well , do nt you look comfortable .
Wyatt : Hey , Beautiful .
Hope : Where did you find that cigar ?
Wyatt : It was in the humidor in the back .
Hope : Oh , it s probably 50 years old .
Wyatt : It s not as old as the bottle of wine I saw back there . This place is stocked !
Hope : Do nt you dare think about lighting that thing .
Wyatt : It s just a prop .
Hope : Here .
Wyatt : What s this ?
Hope : Accessory options for you to look over during the flight .
Wyatt : You re putting me to work ?
Hope : I m keeping you out of trouble .
Wyatt : Oh , and how are you gon na stay out of trouble with irresistible me sitting across from you ?
Hope : You know , somehow I think I ll manage .
Wyatt : [ Laughs ] Are you as excited about this as I am ?
Hope : It is going to be interesting .
Wyatt : It s groundbreaking , Hope . It s kind of like our own version of Romancing the Stone .
Hope : Let s just sell Ricardo on the idea first . [ Laughs ]
Wyatt : We will . You and I are one potent team . If we can secure a rock like this for Forrester -- well , it s like I always say -- rock n roll , hmm ?
Hope : Get it ? [ Laughing ] Rock n roll ?
Wyatt : [ Laughs ] This is gon na change our lives forever .
Brooke : Katie ! [ Chuckles ] You re back ! That s great ! I m -- I m glad to see you .
Katie : I bet you would nt be so glad to see me an hour ago .
Brooke : What are you talking about ? Oh , uh , yeah , no . I - I was gon na shower .
Katie : Yeah , I imagine you need to after what s obviously been going on here with my husband .
### Summary:
| Bill tells Brooke not to say a word ; he s already heard it . He knows about the annulment papers coming from Steffy . Obviously he s not pleased and asks Brooke not to talk about Hope and Liam . But he says he is not upset ; coming home to her looking like this is only a good thing . He steers her to the bed and they begin to disrobe each other . On a plane , Katie shocks Donna by saying she did not call Bill to let him know she is coming home . She thought she would surprise him ... or them . Wyatt is excited and tells Quinn that she was brilliant . She returns the favor by saying he was too . He says they make a great team . She concludes that it was a great concept and Eric was very happy too . Wyatt says of course ; they have found a diamond that is almost identical to the Hope diamond and they can use it in the HFTF line and it s a perfect fit . Quinn tells him only if he and Hope can convince Ricardo to loan it to them . Wyatt boasts that there is nt anything that he and Hope ca nt accomplish . She reminds him that Liam might take issue with that . He claims Liam wo nt be a problem . And for Quinn not to underestimate Hope . She knows they will never get Ricardo s backing without the Forrester name and security . Of course the diamond is only half of it . She wants him to be alone with the girl that he loves . She hopes this works out for him . Eric comes in before Wyatt takes off and says the more he thinks about this , the more excited he is . This is a promotional dream come true . Hope tells Liam that she has to get going . She is taking a little day trip . He quizzes and she says Mexico . He scoffs really where is she going ? She states that she really is going to Mexico and not alone but with Wyatt just for the day , there and back . He does nt see why it has to be her . It sounds more like a job for Eric . He kisses her and says go get the diamond and come back to him . He tells her to be safe and she says she will keep her seatbelt fastened at all times . He quips that Wyatt better keep his fastened at all times too . As she says goodbye she tells him to keep the home fires burning . Wyatt boards the jet and marvels at the cabin with all it s luxuries . Bill tells Brooke that he called off the P.I. s , no need for them to be jumping out from behind every hotdog stand . The doorbell rings and he says he will get it . He s surprised to see Katie . He immediately takes Will and leaves Katie just standing at the door . Later inside they catch up and Bill says he is watching his handicap and catching up on all the TV he missed for forty years . She figures he is bored silly . He states simply that he is moving on . Liam greets Quinn at the office and asks if this was her idea . She says she can only take half the credit but she s surprised that he likes the idea since he put in all the effort to try to get Hope to drop the partnership . He says he just hopes the promotion is going to be as big as everyone says it is going to be . She says it ca nt miss . She believes in Hope and Wyatt . He admits that he believes in Hope . Hope enters the plane and tells Wyatt that he sure looks comfortable . She gives him a big folder of papers of accessory auctions to keep him busy and out of trouble . He wonders what is going to keep her out of trouble when she is sitting across the table from little old irresistible him . She says she will manage . He says it will be sort of like their own version of Romancing The Stone . She says they better secure the rock from Ricardo first . Yep , he says , this could change their lives forever . Brooke is making the bed when she looks up and there is Katie standing there . Brooke says she is happy to see her . Katie replies but probably not an hour ago . Brooke tightens her robe and says yes , she needs to take a shower . Katie gives a sniff and replies that yes , especially since what probably just happened in that bed with her husband . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Belle : [ Laughing ]
Shawn - D : Are you okay ?
Belle : Yes .
Shawn - D : It s the end of the line for you .
Belle : Hey , what s in --
Shawn - D : That ? Oh .
Belle : What s this ?
Shawn - D : It s Zack s . It s chalk . He wanted to see how big he was , so he lied down in the driveway this morning , and I traced his outline .
Belle : Oh , lie down . Let me trace you .
Shawn - D : Oh , no way , Monet .
Belle : I m feeling very artistic .
Shawn - D : Oh , are you ?
Belle : Yes .
Shawn - D : Yeah , and I m sure you ll just look for some way to take advantage of me , like tickle me or something .
Belle : Oh , come on , Shawn . I just want to try the chalk thing . I m , um , thinking up a new ad campaign for basic black , so it s really important .
Shawn - D : Oh ... here . Trace Mr. Bumper .
Belle : Okay .
Shawn - D : If you master that , then I ll lie down .
Belle : Oh , okay , great .
Shawn - D : Look at those skills .
Belle : I m really good at this .
Shawn - D : You do a lot of sketching for your job , right ?
Belle : [ Laughs ]
Shawn - D : Oh .
Belle : I think his arm s kinda like ...
Shawn - D : That s all right . Hey , you forgot something .
Belle : He s happy . That s all that matters . [ Laughs ] Shawn ...
Shawn - D : Yeah .
Belle : I love you , too . [ Laughs ]
Belle : I ca nt lose him .
Belle : Do you really think Shawn s not coming back to me ?
Shawn - D : Sooner or later , I am going to get outta here .
Jan : Yeah , well , uh , I built this love nest to last forever .
Shawn - D : You know , I really have to get back to Salem so I can be with Belle . Cause her mother was killed tonight , okay , and she needs me .
Jan : She ll get over it .
Shawn - D : I love her .
Jan : You know , I do nt want to hurt you , Shawn - Douglas , but if you re a bad Boy , I just might have to . Come on . Say that you love me and not Belle . Say it !
Shawn - D : You are totally psycho .
Nicole : Kill Marlena . I want her dead . Crystal , what the hell s going on down there ?
Crystal : Our plan is on track . Before the night is over , the cops are going to put more holes in Dr. Marlena than a slice of Swiss cheese .
Nicole : Shoot her . Shoot Marlena .
Brady : Nicole ? What s going on ? Who were you telling to shoot Marlena ?
John : I ca nt believe that she s gone .
Celeste : I know , darling .
john : Something inside of me just ca nt let go .
Celeste : That s my fault .
Celeste : You heard me speaking to her . It must ve been some -- some kind of waking -- waking dream . It s happened to me before . I gave you false hope , John . For that , I am so very sorry .
John : I could ve proved her innocence . I know I could ve . If I just had more time ... oh , my God . It s true .
Philip : Belle , come inside . Come on .
Belle : I heard what you said to Mimi and Rex . Maybe Shawn left her for good this time . Do you know something I do nt know ?
Philip : No , I --
Belle : Look , Philip , Shawn just left town to clear his head , and he promised me he was nt going to be gone forever .
Philip : Look , I do nt know anything . I said that because I m angry at Shawn for not being here .
Belle : I do nt blame Shawn for leaving . I just -- I do nt understand why he has nt called . Does nt he get that my family are the ones who are grieving right now ? And do nt say that maybe he did nt get my message or maybe he has nt heard yet . Because that would mean that something s happened to him , and I just ca nt --
Philip : Belle , you need to calm down , all right , and you need to get some sleep . Let s go , come on .
Belle : I need him so much right now . It s washing away ! Aah !
Jan : Do not call me psycho !
Shawn - D : I was never in love with you , and I never will be in love with you ! Look around ! This -- this is crazy !
Jan : Oh , okay , Shawn , so maybe you want me to see another shrink again . Someone like Dr. Marlena Evans ? Yeah , talk about crazy !
Shawn - D : Listen up to me . My heart belongs to Belle . It always has . You and I never had a real relationship .
Jan : How can you say that ? How can you say that after all that we ve been through together ?
Shawn - D : Jan , I was trying to help you , okay ? And I am still willing to if you will let me .
Jan : You and I had a baby together ! We were planning to get married until Belle pushed me down the stairs and killed Shawn Jr.
Shawn - D : Okay , losing that baby must have been a very traumatic experience for you .
Jan : Our little love child .
Shawn - D : No . No , that baby was never ours , Jan. You were raped by Paul Mendez , and that was a horrible experience that happened down in Puerto Rico . I m very sorry for that , but that s probably when this entire breakdown began .
Jan : Are you crazy , Shawn ? Because I ve never felt better .
Shawn - D : No , no ! You shot Paul ! I know that you remember that ! It s right around the time that you got pregnant . That s why I said that the baby was mine -- to protect you and the life of that child . But I never should have done that , because lying just hurt everyone .
Jan : Oh , yeah . Cause you re lying now , Shawn . Belle -- Belle hurt me ! She pushed me down the stairs .
Shawn - D : No . You fell , and you had a miscarriage . And then you found out your parents died , and you were all alone .
Jan : Except for you . Except for you .
Shawn - D : I understand why you re acting this way , all right ? You re feeling alone . It makes sense now . But listen , if you just take these chains off , I will help you , Jan. I will help you any way that I can .
Jan : No . You re still lying , Shawn . Belle is a liar ! She lied to you ! Do nt you remember that ? She gave her mother an alibi , leaving her free to murder your grandma .
Shawn - D : How do you know about that ?
Jan : Who does nt know about that ? I was there , baby . I heard it all . I heard you tell Belle that you could nt forgive and forget , and then you dumped her . God , I wanted to jump up and down and cheer . But of course I could nt let anyone know I was back in Salem .
Shawn - D : So it was you that was stalking us that entire time . Who else knows about what you re doing , Jan ? I mean , look at this cage . Someone s got to be helping you . Come on , tell me , Jan. Who is it that helped you build this entire thing ?
Nicole : God . What ?
Brady : I heard you talking in your sleep . Who were you telling to kill Marlena ?
Nicole : No , that was Bo , not me . Bo was the one who gave the order to shoot to kill .
Brady : What are you talking about ?
Nicole : Oh , my God . You do nt know ? I m so sorry , Brady . I hate to be the one to tell you --
Brady : Tell me what ?
Nicole : It s all over the news . Marlena tried to escape from prison tonight . She was shot ... and killed by the Salem P.D.
Brady : Wh-- no , n-- no , Nicole , that s ridiculous . That ca nt be . Somebody would have called me and told me that .
Nicole : I m sorry , Brady . I know how hard this must be . She was your step mom , the woman who raised you .
Brady : My dad , though . I mean , is -- my -- he was trying to get her out of prison . Why would she try to escape ? That does nt make any sense .
Nicole : She must have been desperate .
Brady : Are you sure ? I mean , you re absolutely positive that she s dead ? I mean , there s no chance that she could still be alive ?
Celeste : What s true , John ?
John : She s really gone . It s so hard to make myself understand just what that means .
John : At least I can remove the cruel thing .
Celeste : [ Gasps ]
Milbauer : Oh , you re still here .
John : Well , it seems that somebody has to stick around and make sure you do nt mutilate my --
Milbauer : I apologize , Mr. Black . I m a man of science . I -- I do nt like suggestions of the occult around my profession .
John : So you shove a knife in my wife s body to prove that she s dead ?
Milbauer : A mistake . I am very , very sorry , Mr. Black . Mr. Black , it s very late . I must ask you to please let me finish my work here .
John : And what exactly does that entail ?
Milbauer : Perhaps it s best not to be too specific .
John : Well , after what you did earlier , I want the details . I will not have my wife s body treated disresctfully .
Milbauer : Well ... we drain the blood from the body and replace it with embalming fluid .
Celeste : Well , if Marlena were alive , that would surely kill her .
Milbauer : But she s not . There s absolutely no chance she ll feel a thing . I promise you , Mr. Black , I will treat your wife s remains with the utmost respect . May I proceed ?
John : You re not gon na touch her .
John : I need ... a moment alone with my wife .
Milbauer : Of course .
John : Oh , doc ... you re so much a part of me , I ca nt think of anything to do except go on living for our children . And I will see your face every time I look into our daughter s eyes .
Marlena s voice : Our love is eternal .
John : Our love is eternal , and I will hear your voice in every beat of my heart until we are together again . Now you sleep well , beautiful woman . I m not gon na say goodbye .
Milbauer : You re welcome to come back and view the body in the morning .
Celeste : That must have been so difficult , John .
John : Yeah .
Celeste : And I m sorry if I made it worse . But when -- when Marlena s spirit sat up and -- and spoke to me , it all seemed so real .
John : I d do anything to bring her back . Anything .
Nicole : I told you you did nt want to see this .
Brady : I have to go find my dad .
Nicole : Hey , hey , I m sure he ll return your call as soon as he picks up .
Brady : My dad always knew Marlena was innocent . He was sure there were extenuating circumstances . My God , he must be going insane .
Nicole : How can I help ?
Brady : Well , Nicole , you can start by not trying to pretend that you care .
Nicole : Brady ! She was nt my family , but I know how devastating this is to you .
Brady : Nicole , you can just do your happy dance . You know why ? Cause Marlena is dead , and Lexie will not be able to give her another dose of the truth serum , and the police are never going to know whether or not Marlena could have identified you and your accomplice as my grandfather s killers .
Nicole : Marlena could never have IDd me as Victor s killer , because I m not . And even if she did know something about Victor s murder , maybe she s the one person who could have cleared me . And maybe now I ll never know who murdered my husband .
Brady : What the hell is this ?
Nicole : I was upset when I heard the news , so I started drinking .
Brady : Champagne ?
Nicole : I reached for whatever I could find .
Brady : Kind of looks to me like you were celebrating .
Philip : Belle , what are you doing ? You ca nt just stop the rain .
Belle : It s washing away !
Philip : It s just a drawing .
Belle : No , Philip , it s a promise from Shawn . I ca nt lose him . I ca nt !
Philip : Belle , listen to me . You did everything you could do . You begged him not to leave . And when that did nt work , you backed off and you gave him space .
Belle : What else could I do ?
Philip : Nothing . Nothing . It s up to Shawn now to come back to you .
Shawn - D : Answer me . Who is helping you , damn it ?
Jan : We did it all by ourselves , did nt we , kewpie ?
Shawn - D : How long have you been planning this ?
Jan : Oh , a long time . Do you remember that teacher at Salem high who said that I was nt very creative ? What was her name again -- Mrs. Cornmusser ? Yeah , well , anyways , she was really wrong . Because I worked long and hard on this plan , and I have to give myself an a - plus .
Shawn - D : Yeah , yeah , a - plus felony , maybe .
Jan : Well , it s working , is nt it ?
Shawn - D : No , no , actually , it s not working . Let me explain to you why . Because when I get outta here , which I will , I m going to be going to the police and reporting to them everything that you have done -- stalking and kidnapping -- and then you , my dear , will end up in jail .
Jan : Wrong .
Shawn - D : No , I m right . I m right . You are going to be the one who s going to be living in a cage .
Jan : You re right . With you . We re going to spend the rest of our lives in our love nest , and one of these days , we re going to get married .
Shawn - D : I am not going to marry you .
Jan : Guess again .
Shawn - D : Are you crazy ? No , do nt answer that .
Jan : I have it all planned . There . Now you look perfect for our wedding . I ca nt wait . Can you ? With this ring , I thee we d . With this ring , you me we d . I now pronounce us husband and wife . You may kiss the bride .
Shawn - D : Would you mind if we just had the honeymoon right here ?
Jan : You bet . Here s our precious girl . Would you like to hold your daughter ? Oh , I ... forgot you ca nt . Now give Daddy a kiss . Mmmwhah !
Shawn - D : You have given me the most incredible gift .
Jan : You and me plus baby makes three . How s that for a happy ending ?
Nicole : I was nt celebrating . I was in a state of shock when I saw that Marlena had been gunned down by a police sniper .
Brady : Dad .
John : Hey , kid . I got your message . I was just on my way over here to talk to you .
Brady : Dad , I m so sorry about Marlena . I m so sorry . Is there anything that I can do for you ?
John : Uh , yeah , you can come with me . I think we need to , uh , go check on Belle .
Brady : Oh , Belle . My God .
John : We got to , uh , we got ta call Eric in Colorado . Hopefully , this has nt hit the national news yet . We got ta call Carrie .
Brady : Whatever I can do , yeah .
John : Yeah , why do nt you , uh , why do nt you get some clothes on ?
Nicole : Please accept my condolences . Can I make you a drink ?
John : No thank you .
Nicole : Well , we have to look at the bright side . Maybe this was the best way for her to go .
John : What ?
Nicole : Well , Marlena was headed to death row , right ? What a nightmare watching the clock tick down -- dead woman walking , all that stuff .
John : Is this your idea of trying to help ?
Nicole : All I meant --
John : Marlena s death was a tragedy , and I , for one , do nt believe she was guilty of any of the murders .
Nicole : But she confessed .
John : Unlike Victor s death , which was your special little project . And sooner or later , they re going to nail you for that . Now , Marlena may not be able to testify against you , but once they find that accomplice of yours , you re both going down .
Celeste : Oh , God . Marlena was ... always such a kind person , but ... in my vision tonight , her spirit was filled with rage and ... someone else is going to die ?
Marlena : Yes . That s it .
Celeste : Well , you have to tell me , Marlena . Who s going to die next ?
Marlena : Everyone . Everyone in Salem .
Celeste : It s impossible . Oh , please . I just pray that Marlena s spirit never visits us again .
Celeste : The mortician was right . Marlena is dead . I m so tired . My imagination -- it ... it just must ve been working overtime .
Milbauer : From hour to hour , we ripe and ripe . And then from hour to hour , we rot and rot . And thereby hangs a tale .
Belle : Philip . I m beginning to understand how you feel , you know , losing a parent .
Philip : It s pretty unreal .
Belle : Yeah . One minute , I believe it , and then the next minute , I do nt . I kind of feel like I m going numb .
Philip : Well , people y that s our Body s way of protecting us , you know , when everything is too much .
Shawn - D : That s your own personal fantasy , okay ? And I do nt want to have any part of it .
Jan : Hey , I m flexible . Would you rather have twins -- a girl and a Boy ? Two Boys ?
Shawn - D : All right , listen , you let me go right now , I wo nt press any charges , okay ? I just need to get to Belle because she lost her mother tonight . If you d just --
Jan : What part of never do nt you understand ? You re never going to speak to that little twit again , so get used to it .
John : You know how the cops found unidentified fingerprints all over this house ? Well , they re closing in on a positive I.D. dead woman walking , Nicky K. ? Well , that s going to be you .
Nicole : You re grieving . I understand your need to lash out .
Brady : All right . Let s go .
Nicole : Brady . Give Belle my best . Tell her how sorry I am about her mother . They ll never be able to pin Victor s death on me now .
Nicole : Hello ?
Crystal : I ca nt take another night in this hellhole . I need you to post Bond now .
Nicole : it s not going to be that easy .
Crystal : Hey , I delivered on my end of the deal . I set Marlena up to look like she was making a break for it . She s dead , just like you wanted .
Nicole : All right , just calm down , crystal .
Crystal : I ca nt . I want outta here , and you owe me .
Nicole : I ca nt just write a check or withdraw a lot of cash . They re watching my account like a hawk .
Crystal : I am warning you , if you leave me here , I m going to blow the whistle . I m going to tell the cops who masterminded the jail break tonight and set Marlena up to die .
Nicole : Come on , Crys , you would nt dare .
Crystal : You know , I do nt know all the details of why you wanted that shrink six feet under , but I m sure the cops would be very interested .
Nicole : Look , I just need a little more time , okay ?
Crystal : Unless you want to join me in this cell , you better deliver the goods pronto .
Nicole : Damn it . What am I gon na do ? Brady s already admitted that he s monitoring my account . Okay . Okay , this is totally nuts , but it s the only chance I ve got .
Shawn - D : You seem to think that this is sexy -- chaining me up , forcing yourself on me . Yet , I can not tell you how turned off I am , and if this was nt so ... pathetic , it would be funny .
Shawn - D : Oh , you better answer that .
Jan : What ?
Nicole : I need you to do something for me .
Jan : I m sorry . I m busy .
Nicole : It s an emergency .
Shawn - D : Help ! Help ! Jan spears is holding me hostage ! This is Shawn Brady !
Nicole : Oh , my God , is that Shawn ?
Jan : In the flesh . I finally got him where I want him . But , Nicole , you re not going to tell anybody , okay ?
Philip : Thanks . But , you know , cocoa s not really going to help you sleep , Belle . It s got caffeine .
Belle : Well , there s no point in going to bed because I ll never get to sleep , anyway .
Philip : Well , you want me to sing you a lullaby ? I can carry a tune .
Belle : Shawn used to hold me before I would go to sleep .
Philip : All right . Well , come here . How s that ?
Belle : Are you sure you do nt have to go back to the base ?
Philip : No , no , I m good . I can be here all night as long as you need me .
Shawn - D : I am being held hostage ! I am out on red oak road ! Please send the cops ! If you can hear me , whoever s on the phone ...
Jan : Nicole , promise me you wo nt tell anybody .
Nicole : Believe me , I wo nt . Is he in the cage ?
Jan : Oh , yeah . He loves it . He has everything he ll ever need , mainly yours truly .
Shawn - D : She trapped me ! She s holding me against my will !
Nicole : Somehow he does nt sound too happy .
Jan : Oh , no , that s just a game Shawn and I like to play . I m making his every fantasy come true .
Nicole : I got ta hand it to you , girl . You are nuttier than a fruitcake . But you do get the job done . So listen up . I ve got another job for you .
Jan : Sorry . No can do . It s almost time for Shawn s hot oil massage .
Shawn - D : Call the Salem police department ! Ask for Bo Brady !
Nicole : The massage can wait . I need you to bail someone out of jail .
John : You know , when your mother died , it broke my heart , kid . But ... in my heart , I knew that she was gone forever . But this ... this is different somehow .
Brady : It s entirely different . You know , with Mom , you knew she was sick . And you had months to deal with that , to accept that it was terminal . With Marlena , it was all over in a second .
John : Yeah , I hear what you re saying . It s just ... yeah , there s more to it than that .
Brady : How do you mean ?
John : This is going to sound out there , kid , but ... when I arrived at the mortuary tonight , I ... I thought I heard Marlena talking to Celeste .
Brady : Dad , it s impossible . You know that .
John : Yeah , I know . It turned out that it was just one of Celeste s visions .
Brady : Oh , really . Like the other ... chat sessions that she s claimed to have had with all the other deceased .
John : Well , you know that I m a skeptic . It s just that she has been amazingly accurate .
Brady : Dad , none of her mumbo - jumbo has prevented one single death .
Marlena : Celeste . Have you forgotten what I told you ?
Jan : Yeah , of course I have the money , but I ca nt just leave right now . I mean , Shawn s going to think it s rude .
Nicole : If you and I end up on death row for killing Victor Kiriakis , you wo nt be spending any time with Shawn at all . Now get going , and carry out the instructions I gave you to the letter . And do nt blow it . Wow , what a looney toon . But as long as she has what she wants , I m sure she ll get the job done .
Jan : I am so sorry to do this to you , lover , but I have to go run an errand . But do nt worry , it wo nt be long . And when I come back , we will have the rest of eternity together , I promise .
Shawn - D : I do nt want to spend eternity with you . I just want Belle . So let me outta here !
Jan : La la la la la la la !
Shawn - D : Belle ! Belle ! Belle !
Belle : You make me feel so safe .
Philip : I m here for you , Belle . Anytime you need me .
Belle : I always want to be with you like this .
Philip : Belle ?
Belle : I love you , Shawn .
Marlena : I tried to warn you , Celeste , but I sense you re not listening . There will be more deaths . Everyone in Salem will die .
Celeste : No . No . No , no , no , this ca nt be happening . No , no .
Marlena : Celeste .
Brady : Well , Dad , no matter what I think about Celeste , I can definitely understand why you d want to believe Marlena is still alive .
Celeste : [ Gasping ]
John : What the hell s going on ?
Celeste : Marlena -- her spirit walks . I just saw her . She told me that -- that everyone in Salem is going to die .
Brady : What ?
John : Where is she ?
Celeste : There -- she s -- she s there . She s coming !
Next on Days Of Our Lives
Sami : My mom s not dead , and I m not going to let them bury her .
Belle : Shawn , where are you ? Why has he left me alone like this ?
Shawn - D : You have to take me out of these handcuffs . That way , we can really spend the rest of our lives together .
Hope : Bo really wanted to be here today .
John : You think that s why your son did nt show up , either ?
Hope : I wish I knew .
### Summary:
| Brady accuses Nicole of celebrating Marlena s death . Crystal calls Nicole to demand her bond money or she promises to blow the whistle on their plan . Shawn tries to convince Jan to let him go . Jan claims that she constructed the love cage on her own . Jan fantasizes about her life with Shawn , the whole time during the fantasy still having Shawn handcuffed to the cage . Nicole calls Jan to have her post bail for Crystal . Philip tries to comfort Belle , growing frustrated each time Belle talks about Shawn . Belle frantically tries to cover up a chalk drawing made when she and Shawn were happy as it begins to rain . John says a final goodbye to Marlena . Marlena s finger movements go unnoticed . Marlena s eyes opening for a short moment go unnoticed by the coroner as he drains Marlena s blood . The coroner finishes the job by making Marlena look like the picture that Belle and Sami chose . Celeste questions her visions until Marlena s ghost visits her again outside of the morgue . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Chloe : [ Sighs ] So ... we slept together . I m not proud of it . But that does nt mean that you have anything on me .
Quinn : Guess again .
Melanie : Hey .
Dario : Hey . Do nt worry . I m not here to see you .
Melanie : I m not . Just wanted to tell you your sister is doing good .
Dario : I m glad to hear it .
Melanie : I m not worried .
Dario : Sorry ?
Melanie : Well , you said , do nt worry . I m not here to--
Dario : No , no , no . I get it . But , um , the thing is ... you should be .
Melanie : [ Scoffs ] Should be what ?
Dario : Worried .
Gabi : Hey .
Will : Hey . You re back . How you feeling ?
Gabi : Better than I did last night . Ah . I thought . Ow .
Will : Yeah , uh , they said you d be sore for a couple days . You re totally fine though . Uh , your appendix ... not so much .
Gabi : Yeah , well , I m glad all of this happened yesterday and not today with ... prom and everything that s going on .
Will : You still want to go ?
Gabi : Well , yeah . If doctor says it s okay , then , yeah , definitely . So has my brother stopped by ?
Will : Uh , uh , yes , he has . He just went to get some coffee . Dario has been here the whole time actually .
Gabi : I meant Rafe . Good . I m glad he did nt come . And I hope he does nt show up either . The last thing I need is to see him right now .
Rafe : Hey , Sami , it s me . Listen , I just wanted to let you know I m heading over to the hospital to see Gabi . And it s just killing me not to know whether or not she s okay . I know . I ca nt wait till I do nt have to pretend to be this jerk anymore . Soon as we pay EJ and Stefano back for what they did to us .
EJ : [ Sighs ] Come on , Taylor . Pick up , pick up , pick up .
Taylor : Go ahead , Nicole . Go ahead , because nothing you say or do is gon na make me stop loving EJ .
Nicole : You know what ? There is one thing .
Taylor : Actually do nt want to hear it .
Nicole : That is too bad .
Taylor : Let go . Let go of me .
Nicole : You think you know everything about your precious EJ ? Your knight in shimmering armor . Well , you have a lot to learn , girl , so let s roll . EJ DiMera 101 . Ready for your crash course ? Because , ms . Walker , you are gon na learn first and foremost the vile and dastardly deeds that your prince charming has committed most recently . You ready to take notes , huh ? Let s cut to the chase .
Taylor : You know , I do nt want to hear any more of your lies , Nicole .
Nicole : Why do nt we start with the evil perpetrated on one Rafe Hernandez ? And , honey , it will boggle your besotted brain .
Chloe : Oh , my god . Why are you doing this to me ?
Quinn : Let s just say I ve got an eye for talent . Stick with me , Chloe lane . You ll go far . Trust me on that .
Melanie : Why should I be worried about you ?
Dario : Uh , because I m the kind of guy that you should stay away from . Well , you said it yourself . You even said you were scared of me , which is even a little more intense , is nt it ?
Melanie : Look , all I meant--
Dario : Yeah ?
Melanie : I just screwed up my life , you know , a lot and it usually has to do with a guy . So ... I also said I want to be friends with you , which I mean . You do nt believe me ?
Dario : I m gon na go see my sister .
Gabi : There you are .
Dario : Wow . You look human again .
Gabi : Yeah , well , I feel much better .
Dario : That s good . That s good . I brought something for you .
Gabi : Oh , yeah ?
Dario : I smuggled it from the hospital cafeteria .
Gabi : What is it ?
Dario : Bam !
Gabi : Oh , yes ! A sugar cookie . Thank you .
Dario : So , um , what about Rafe ? Have you heard from him ?
Gabi : [ Sighs ]
Dario : Big surprise , huh ?
Gabi : Yeah , I do nt know what s up with him , Dario . I mean , first -- first , he was a creep , then he got nicer , and now he s just a creep again . I do nt know what s going on with him .
Rafe : Hey , Melanie .
Melanie : Rafe , long time no see .
Rafe : Okay , listen . My sister . I heard she had her appendix out .
Melanie : She did last night . Where were you ?
Rafe : Uh , had some business to take care of .
Melanie : Business ? That s what we re gon na go with ?
Rafe : Uh , yeah , uh - huh .
Melanie : Wow . No wonder your brother thinks you re such a flake .
Rafe : [ Scoffs ] My brother ? What else did Dario say about me ?
EJ : Taylor ! Taylor , can you hear me ? Taylor !
Taylor : You ve really lost it . You know that ?
Nicole : You ve made me this way , you bitch . All the men in Salem , you go after my husband . What the hell did I do to you to make you hate me so much ?
Taylor : I have never hated you , Nicole . Th - th - this is about--
Nicole : Love , right . Love . You and EJ , it could nt be controlled . That is a load of crap !
Taylor : Okay , you know what ? We re done here .
Nicole : No , we re not !
Taylor : When you calm down , we can talk .
Nicole : Oh , no , you do nt . I am not gon na let you stop me from telling you what an evil bastard your new boyfriend is . And if you leave this park , I will put it in skywriting . EJ is the devil . No heart . No soul .
Taylor : Oh , my god ! Will you just shut the hell up ?
Chloe : You set me up ?
Quinn : That s kind of a narrow way of looking at it . To me , it was more of an audition .
Chloe : Oh , my god .
Quinn : And you , lucky girl , got a call back and performed even better . Congratulations . You re a natural .
Chloe : Please tell me that this is some kind of a sick joke .
Quinn : This is your big break , darling . Look , I m sorry I was nt more forthcoming in the beginning , but I had to be sure you could deliver . And personally speaking , oh , well , you knocked it out of the park . The job is yours .
Chloe : I do nt believe this . I ca nt .
Quinn : Give yourself a few minutes . Deep breaths .
Chloe : You actually think--
Quinn : Well , hey , look , times are tough . These kind of opportunities are few and far between . Chloe , take my advice on this . Do nt blow it .
Chloe : I thought you liked me .
Quinn : I do , and I promise I will take good care of you , make sure no one hurts you . I mean , ask anyone . I look out for my girls .
Chloe : I am not one of your girls . And you are out of your mind if you ever think I d be a whore for you . Some low - rent prostitute ?
Quinn : Again , you re looking at all this backwards .
Victor : Everything all right here ?
Melanie : Well , he says that you ve turned into a complete jerk , which I get since you re only now coming to see your sister .
Rafe : I told you I had business .
Melanie : Business . That s right . No , that s definitely more important than seeing family .
Rafe : So what did Dario say ?
Melanie : You know what , Rafe ? I really -- I do nt want to get in the middle of the brother hernandi , so I ll let you guys keep that as your business .
Rafe : Well , last time I checked , you brought it up .
Melanie : You know what ? You re right . I did . So I ll just give you a few specifics , although they re not what Dario said . They re what I think , just for the record . Um , I think that people have you two mixed up . Cause I think that you re the jerk and that Dario is the one that has character .
Dario : Look . Look who finally decided to show up .
Rafe : Hey . How s Gabi ?
Dario : Like you give a damn ?
Rafe : All right , listen . I m late . I know that . I m sorry , okay ?
Dario : You know what ? Go to hell .
Gabi : What , I m supposed to be okay about it that , you know , the brother that once existed is not even here anymore , he does nt act like himself ?
Will : Hey , I do nt want you stressing out right now , okay ? That s all . Because you just had surgery , remember ? So you need to try and relax .
Rafe : Hey , Gabi . I m sorry I did nt get here sooner .
Gabi : Okay , I know . I know you had more important things to do . I get that .
Rafe : Listen , if I d have known how serious it was , I would have been here .
Gabi : Stop , all right ? Just stop acting like you care . Actually , I m fine now . As a matter of fact , I m great . Just ca nt wait to get out of here so that we can go to the prom .
Maxine : Sorry , honey . That s out of the question .
Gabi : What ?
Maxine : Doctor s orders . No prom . You re with us through the night , sweetheart .
Gabi : [ Sighs ] [ Sobbing ]
Rafe : It s okay . Gabi , hey , it s okay . It s okay . It s okay .
Taylor : You know what ? Why do nt I put in skywriting that you have lost complete touch with reality and are living in denial ?
Nicole : Me ? You re the one who thinks she s gon na live happily ever after with some lowlife criminal . Your perfect little head is in the sand pretending that the love of your life is some sugar - sweet altar boy .
Taylor : Look , I know he has nt been a saint , but--
Nicole : Has nt been a saint ? Who are you kidding ?
Taylor : Okay , he s a DiMera . He s a DiMera and he s done some shady things , but it is different now . He s changed .
Nicole : No . You re the one who s changed , Taylor . What happened to you ? You used to be the smart one , the sensible one , and to even believe that EJ would ever change for anyone or anything . It would be downright funny if it was nt so depressingly stupid !
Taylor : God , Nicole , you know , you can not see past what you want to see . You think that you know everyone s motives about everything .
Nicole : Oh , and you think you know EJ ? Well , wait till you hear what he s done and what he is still doing .
Taylor : No , why would I listen to you ? Nicole , why ? Because you would say anything-- absolutely anything to slander him because you can not stand that he does nt love you , so you just want to ruin him .
Nicole : He does nt need my help for that .
Taylor : God , Nicole , you are such a liar ! You -- you -- you-- god , when things just do nt go your way , what do you do ? You say anything that pops into your vindictive head .
Nicole : I m a liar ? I m a liar ?
Taylor : Yes , you are .
Nicole : You fell in love with my husband and pretended that you could nt stand each other and then you slept with him . You are not only a liar , Taylor , but you a are a full - blown slut !
Taylor : Okay . Well , at least I do nt have to blackmail a man to get him into my bed .
Nicole : Oh . What if one little pop
Rafe : Gabi . Gabi , honey . Hey , it s okay . It s all right . There are other dances .
Gabi : No ! Not like this . I mean , you only get to go to your high school prom once . I m sorry , will .
Will : Okay . Gabi , please do nt be sorry .
Gabi : But you re going .
Will : What ?
Gabi : Yeah , you have to go to the prom .
Will : No .
Gabi : Yes , you re not gon na miss it just because of me . I mean , you can go and take pictures and you can text them to me .
Will : Look , Gabi , I m not going to the prom without you .
Gabi : Will , please . You have to go because I ca nt live with myself if you do nt . Just go , please .
Will : Uh , okay . Yeah , okay , I ll go and I ll text you pictures . And , uh , yeah , I ll leave you two alone and we ll talk soon . See ya .
Gabi : Well , like you said . Not a big deal .
Rafe : Yeah . Hey , listen , if it makes you feel any better , I hated my prom .
Gabi : Really ?
Rafe : Oh , yeah , yeah . My tux was totally uncomfortable . My shoes did nt fit . Oh , and the girl that I went with , she wanted to be with another guy .
Gabi : What ? No way .
Rafe : Yeah . No , I swear . I swear it . She ends up flirting the whole night with Chris Olivero .
Gabi : What a witch .
Rafe : Totally . Oh , and to top it off , my shoes , they totally did nt fit and they had no grip . So aside from killing me , I ended up last dance of the night slipping , falling on my ass .
Gabi : Oh , no .
Rafe : That was the most embarrassing moment of my life . What ?
Gabi : You just said all of that to make me feel better .
Rafe : I wish .
Gabi : No , um , thank you . That s very sweet . Means a lot to me , Rafe .
Rafe : Yeah .
Gabi : Thanks .
Will : No . Okay , mom , it s okay . It s okay . Dont -- dont freak out . I understand . You need to stay with Johnny and Sydney . Yeah . I do nt know . I ll figure something out though . Yeah , I will . Okay , all right , thank you . Got to go . Okay , bye .
Melanie : And ... going on my break !
Will : Oh , uh , Melanie ? Um , I kind of need your help with something and it s kind of an emergency .
Chloe : Everything is fine , Victor .
Victor : Does nt look like it to me . Is this woman bothering you ?
Chloe : Oh , please just go away .
Victor : Not until I ve warned this obviously unsuspecting gentleman that he needs to stay the hell away from you . Her M.O. Is seduce and destroy .
Chloe : Hooray . You did your community service for the day . Now beat it .
Victor : Just so you know , I do have some credibility . I m Victor Kiriakis of titan industries . And you are ?
Chloe : Why does it matter , you bastard ?
Victor : Getting a little feisty , are nt we , Chloe ?
Chloe : Do nt you have anything better to do than stand around here and insult me to a total stranger ? This man s idea of a good time is to be cruel to people . He has a soul the size of a pea .
Victor : And she s such a wit too .
Chloe : Just go away ! Please leave us alone .
Victor : Why do I get the feeling that you re trying to get rid of me ?
Nicole : How do you look at yourself in the mirror ? How are you not paralyzed with shame ?
Taylor : What do I have to be ashamed of ? I am not the one who is living a lie . I am not the one forcing someone to stay married to me . I mean , how sick and pathetic is that ?
Nicole : I swear to god , Taylor , you better shut your mouth or I will shut it for you .
Taylor : Or what ? What are you gon na do , Nicole ? It really does nt matter . Say what you want . You can make insane threats , but EJ is never gon na love you . [ Gasps ]
Melanie : Okay , you know what to do . I ll handle the rest . Go .
Will : Okay , thank you so much again for everything .
Melanie : You re welcome . Go .
Will : All right .
Melanie : You again .
Dario : Me again .
Melanie : Coincidence ?
Dario : Or are you stalking me ?
Melanie : Huh . See , stalking just really is nt my style . Although if I were stalking someone , I do nt know if I d choose you . I m sorry . I m just kind of over the whole unpredictable thing . Three years ago though maybe .
Dario : Is that the image you had of me , because you seem to have painted a different picture for my brother .
Melanie : That s because you were being nice to your sister . I found it sweet , so sue me for thinking there s a heart in there somewhere .
Dario : Yeah , I ve always had a soft spot for my baby sister .
Melanie : Obviously . So can you put your hostility aside for a minute and help me out with something baby sister related ?
Dario : Yeah . Sure .
Melanie : Come with me .
Dario : Okay .
Chloe : Why do you get the feeling that I m trying to get rid of you ? Because I am . Take a hint !
Victor : I m sorry . I did nt get your name .
Quinn : I m Quinn .
Chloe : I am talking to a friend here and we do nt want you here anymore , so please leave .
Victor : Friend ? Right . Is Chloe just a friend , Quinn ? I did nt think so . Although I suppose I should be grateful that you ve moved on and at lightning speed , I might add .
Chloe : How is this any of your damn business ?
Victor : Oh , it s not . Although I must say it has become sort of a macabre hobby of mine to follow your trail of destruction ... from Lucas bed to Daniel s to Philip s .
Chloe : How dare you ?
Victor : How dare I what ? Tell the truth ? Listen , Quinn . If you re really considering having a relationship with this woman , you should know who you re dealing with .
Quinn : I do nt know what your problem is , sir , but Chloe does nt need you trashing her .
Victor : Oh , is that right ?
Quinn : She s a special girl . And if you ca nt see that , then-- then I d say you ve got a screw loose .
Victor : [ Chuckles ] Right . I ve got a screw loose .
Quinn : I d appreciate it if you left us alone .
Victor : Another one who s succumbed to Chloe s innumerable charms . You ll find out soon enough .
Quinn : I asked you to leave .
Victor : She s brought down many a decent man . You ll be no exception .
Quinn : Ah , but that s where you re wrong . See , this time it s different . Is nt that right , sweetheart ?
Victor : Different ? You have an Aussie accent . That s about the only thing that s different . Good - bye .
Quinn : Maybe next time you should take some of your own advice when it comes to women .
Melanie : [ Clears throat ]
Gabi : [ Gasps ] What is going on ?
Will : Well , um ... you could nt go to prom , so we brought prom to you .
Taylor : I do nt know how I could have ever been so wrong to believe my sister with all of her problems and all of her struggles was actually a good person , and would be there for me no matter what .
Nicole : Be there for you ? How -- how am I supposed to be there for you ? You re sleeping with my husband !
Taylor : Oh , my god , Nicole , you know -- you know that nothing would have happened and EJ and I would not have fallen in love if there was anything between the two of you .
Nicole : If you had nt been there , Taylor , there would have been something between me and EJ because he was falling in love with me again . I know he was .
Taylor : You re delusional .
Nicole : I m not delusional !
EJ : Hey , get away from her !
Nicole : [ Grunts ]
EJ : Leave her alone .
Nicole : Let s go of me !
EJ : Hey ! You all right ?
Taylor : I m okay . I m okay .
Nicole : [ Sobbing ]
Melanie : Ahem .
Will : Wow . You look so beautiful .
Rafe : Lucky guy , will .
Gabi : No , I m the lucky one . Thank you all so much for doing this for me . Thank you so much .
Dario : Yeah , I-- I think that s our cue . [ Laughs ]
Melanie : Yes . Um , all right , you guys . Have a great night . Remember curfew .
Will : Curfew ?
Melanie : Yeah , visiting hours stop at 10 : 00 P.M.
Will : Oh , okay , got it .
Melanie : You know what ? I could probably pull some strings .
Will : Okay , thank you . All of you , thank you .
Melanie : Come on , let s go .
Dario : Have fun , Gabriella .
Gabi : [ Sighs ] This is so crazy . I feel like I m dreaming .
Will : Yeah . It s real . So is this .
Gabi : Will , I ve been-- um , I ve been thinking .
Will : Uh - oh .
Gabi : No , this is serious .
Will : Okay , now I m scared .
Gabi : No , no , do nt be scared . Do nt be scared . Um , it s about me , not you .
Will : Okay .
Gabi : I just feel like sometimes I can be a little bit too needy .
Will : Needy ? What makes you say that ?
Gabi : Well , ever since my sister died in the accident with Rafe and he s changed , I just feel like I ve depended on you so much .
Will : Uh , so ? And what ?
Gabi : I just -- I feel like-- like this burden sometimes .
Will : No . Never , Gabi . No . Why would you feel like that ?
Gabi : I do nt know . I mean , I just-- I ve kind of sensed that you ve been a little distant lately .
Will : Distant ? Um , I do nt understand . I mean , we spend so much time together . And when we re not together , we text each other , like , 100 times at least an hour . You know , and just now , I , um-- I mean , I set up this whole prom thing for you . Uh , for us , you know ?
Gabi : I know and I love it . It means a lot to me . But it s , like--
Will : It s what ? I mean , what s the matter ? I do nt know what you re getting at .
Gabi : I do nt want to push you away by needing you too much . I mean , I had this friend and her boyfriend dumped her because he felt claustrophobic . I mean , he actually used that word , and he said that he needed to feel free , to be his own person .
Will : Okay , I do nt know this guy , but he sounds like a jerk . Look , Gabi , I do nt know why you re feeling insecure right now , okay ? But you have to know that you are the most beautiful and special person that I have ever known .
Gabi : Even if I do nt know how to play hard to get very well ?
Will : Look , I m not interested in the games , okay ? I hate them , in fact . And you-- I mean , you re such an honest and direct person , and that is why I feel so close to you . You know , and if you want to talk about needy ... I m needy .
Gabi : No , no , you re not .
Will : Yeah . Yeah . I mean , my life has nt been so easy lately . My family has been dysfunctional forever , so , I mean , if anybody needs support and understanding--
Gabi : I hope you feel I give that to you .
Will : Gabi , are you kidding ? You are my best friend , okay ? And you have no idea how much you help me , and how much I rely on you .
Gabi : Thank you ... for making me feel better .
Gabi : I m just telling you the truth . I love that you need me . Cause I need you too .
Victor : Do I know you ?
Quinn : Never laid eyes on you in my life .
Victor : Then why would you say what you just said ?
Quinn : Clearly you ve made some bad choices with women . Otherwise you would nt be so bitter and mean - spirited , out here alone trying to rain on our parade .
Victor : How terribly astute of you .
Quinn : I try .
Victor : Good - bye , lovebirds .
Chloe : Do nt ever touch me .
Quinn : What ? That s how you thank me for stepping up against the grandfather of your baby ? I mean , what if I told him what you did , huh ? That could have put a fairly significant crimp in your custody hopes , no ? Well , it still can . Believe me .
Taylor : Uh ... I m okay .
EJ : Come here .
Taylor : I m okay .
EJ : What the hell is wrong with you ? Hmm ?
Nicole : How does no one see this ? You two were sleeping together behind my back , and I m out of line ? How do you think Taylor will feel when she knows who you really are ?
EJ : I would nt say things that you will regret , Nikki .
Nicole : Nice . Is that a threat , EJ ?
EJ : It s friendly advice .
Nicole : Screw your friendly advice . Cause if I go down , I am taking you with me . And you have a lot more to lose than I do .
Quinn : You should be thanking me .
Chloe : For being a pig ?
Quinn : Oh , Chloe , Chloe . This is the real world . We buy and sell each other every day .
Chloe : Wow . That s deep .
Quinn : Hey , I could have shown grandpa Victor this not - too - flattering recording of you , but I did nt , did I ? I protected you and I ll keep protecting you .
Chloe : Why are you doing this to me ? Do nt you already have a stable of whores working for you ?
Quinn : Not like you . I told Victor you were special and you are . You re extraordinarily beautiful . You re sexy , you re charm--
Chloe : That s what makes this all so sick . You made me feel like I was special when I was at my lowest . You made me think that I mattered . And all I was trying to do was get my life back together . I thought asking my family and friends for help was the worst thing I could do . I was so wrong .
Quinn : You re not wrong . You do need help and that s what I m offering you .
Chloe : Go to hell .
Quinn : Look , Chloe , I m not a monster .
Chloe : I told you not to touch me !
Quinn : Look , I m just trying to make your life better . Let me do that . Look , once you calm down , I know you ll see this for what it really is . A way to get back on your feet , and a relatively painless way at that .
Chloe : Oh , yeah ? How am I gon na make it painless ? By pretending that I m into it to make your so - called clients happy when all I want to be is sick to my stomach ? No way . I ca nt do this .
Quinn : You can , okay ? You ve already proven that . Chloe , listen to me . Do you have any idea how much cash a girl like you could make in one night ? You ll be able to provide for your son in no time . More than provide . You can do this , Chloe . You can . And you will .
Will : Uh , well ... now that that is settled ... do you want to dance ?
Gabi : Of course .
Will : Okay .
Will : [ Chuckles ] Loving you
Melanie : Nice work , you guys .
Dario : Worked out well , huh ?
Melanie : It did . I guess we could nt have done it without you .
Rafe : Yeah , right . Anyway , whatever . That was cool . I ll be in touch .
Dario : Yeah , yeah , go . We would nt want to keep you from whatever s so important .
Rafe : Thanks for your understanding .
Dario : Any time .
Melanie : All right . Calm down . At least he showed up .
Dario : Yeah , sure . He shows up when Gabi s all better , right ? And when she really needs him , he s out on business .
Melanie : Yeah , I know . Look , I already yelled at him earlier . He seemed sorry .
Dario : Wow . You sure change your mind a lot .
Melanie : What does that mean ?
Dario : Well , first , you think that guy s a creep and now he s nice and he s a good guy ? I mean , same thing with me . First , you hated me and ... now you think I m a prince .
Melanie : Oh . All right , well , do nt throw what I said to Rafe about you in my face because I meant that .
EJ : What exactly are you implying ? Do you think you have nothing to lose ? Can I take that to mean that you no longer care about Johnny and Sydney ? That they no longer fill this little place in your heart ... as you so poignantly told me over and over and over and over again ?
Nicole : That is not what I m saying , but you would just hurt your children like that by taking me away from them .
EJ : Behave ... and maybe I will let you have some small part in their lives . I think that s better than no part at all . Do nt you ?
Nicole : Damn you . I am not gon na let you get away with this . Either one of you .
Victor : Hello , Rafe .
Rafe : Victor .
Victor : Bye , Rafe .
Rafe : Hold on a second . Got a minute ?
Victor : For what ?
Rafe : I just remembered once before you helped me out with Nicole .
Victor : You still having trouble with her ?
Rafe : Uh , no . More so the husband .
Victor : Ahh , I see . And what is it you think I can do for you ?
Rafe : Well , just wondering if you were going to , uh , set your sights on taking down the DiMeras , what would you do ?
Quinn : Be there on time . I ll give you further instructions when you arrive . Do I have your assurance that you will turn up ? Chloe , I d hate for this video of you to get leaked to the public . Think about it , okay ? I know you ll do the right thing .
Dario : Proms suck .
Melanie : I would nt know . They did nt have them where I grew up .
Dario : Yeah , I did nt go to mine either .
Melanie : Why not ?
Dario : Well , I ll tell you another time . Let s just say that I m not really a prom kind of guy . It s not my style .
Melanie : [ Chuckles ] Is a , um-- a burger at the Brady pub . Is that your style ?
Dario : Are you sure you want to risk it , being around such a bad influence ?
Melanie : Sure . I ll risk it . Cause I want to love you
Will : How you feeling ?
Gabi : Fine .
Will : No . I can tell that you re tired .
Gabi : No , no , no .
Will : No , it s okay . You just had surgery , remember ? So you need to rest . Come on , let me help .
Gabi : [ Sighs ]
Will : [ Sighs ]
Gabi : Will , um , this night has been so amazing . Better than the real prom , for sure .
Will : You know , uh , I have heard rumors about the real prom . Pretty lame apparently .
Gabi : Yeah , but the afterparties . I mean , will , you should go to those at least .
Will : No , no , no .
Gabi : Yes .
Will : Okay , look . I am right ... where I want to be . Which is aqui ... contigo . [ Giggling ]
Victor : I have nt had any dealings with the DiMeras in quite sometime . But as I m sure you know , they re very difficult to get to once they circle the wagons . Damn near impenetrable .
Rafe : Yeah , well , I figure there s got to be some way .
Victor : Well , they are human , fallible , mortal ... regardless what they want all the rest of us to think . Their weakness lies in the people they surround themselves with .
Rafe : What ?
Victor : Well , they said you changed after your accident . Seems to me you re the same person I had this conversation with last year .
Rafe : Huh . Well , you know what they say . The more things change , the more they stay the same .
Victor : [ Chuckles ] Indeed .
Taylor : I have never seen her like that .
EJ : [ Sighs ] Sorry . Wish I could have got here sooner .
Taylor : EJ ... Nicole was desperate to tell me something about you . Was she trying to hurt me ? Was she trying to scare me ? Hey . Is there something else I need to know about ?
Nicole : I am not done with you , EJ . Not even close . Stefano ! Stefano , I know you re here ! Do nt make me look for you ! Stefano ! I need you ! It s a matter of life and death .
Jennifer : I m going away for the weekend with Daniel .
EJ : Nothing is going to come between us .
Nicole : Are you gon na help me , Stefano ?
### Summary:
| At the pier , Quinn showed Chloe footage of her having sex with him . She said that it proved nothing so he showed her something else . He showed her footage of her taking the money after they made love . He considered it her audition . Chloe was shocked . She thought he liked her . He said he does like her and he will look after her . She told him he was out of his mind if he thought she was going to be a prostitute . Victor showed up and warned Quinn to stay away from Chloe because she seduces and destroys people . Quinn defended Chloe . Victor did nt care for him and left . Chloe broke down and called this sick . She told him how he made her feel special when she was at her worst . He told her how much money she s going to make . He also gave her a number . He said he would be in touch . At the hospital , Dario and Melanie ran into each other . They talked about why she could nt date him . In Gabi s room , Gabi found out that Rafe did nt visit her . When Dario went in her room , they talked about Rafe . When Rafe showed up , he got a mouthful from Melanie and Dario . Rafe apologized but it did nt do any good . When he went in Gabi s room , she yelled at him . When she talked about the prom , Rafe comforted her . Taylor and Nicole got into argument . EJ called Taylor during their argument . Taylor s phone fell out of her purse and answered the call . EJ listened to Nicole and Taylor s argument . He heard Nicole say that Taylor will know the truth . He rushed out . Nicole and Taylor continued to argue . During their argument , Nicole slapped Taylor . Taylor goaded Nicole , which caused Nicole to attack her . EJ showed up and broke the fight . Nicole and EJ argued . He offered to let her spend time with the children . Nicole warned them that they would not get away with this . When Nicole left , Taylor wanted answers . Rafe ran into Victor . Rafe asked Victor how he could take down the DiMeras . Victor said it would be hard , but their weaknesses lied in those they surround themselves with . Victor realized that Rafe did nt change the way everyone thought . When Nicole went home , she yelled for Stefano and told him it was life or death . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Todd : Hey , what are you doing ? What are you looking at ?
Marty : My rapists .
Todd : Marty , why would you do that ? And what the hell are you doing out here by yourself ? Did you come down the stairs ? You could have fallen down those stairs and broken your neck .
Marty : Todd , I need you to explain this to me .
John : Hey , I need you to pull a file for me -- a cold case .
Officer : Sure , what s the name ?
John : Saybrooke , Marty , and , Coleman , keep it on the down - low .
Ofc . Coleman : You got it .
John : Thanks .
Antonio : Hey , John .
John : Hey .
Antonio : Welcome back .
John : Thanks , it s good to be back .
Antonio : Listen , I -- I told Sarah she could be here when -- when we talked this through .
Sarah : Well , basically I would nt take no for an answer .
John : You have the right to know everything we know .
Sarah : Thank you .
John : But no investigating on your own .
Sarah : I know -- I know the drill -- Uncle Bo , Antonio told me . Look , I just want Cristian back .
Antonio : So what do you know ?
John : The key to finding Cris is going to be a guy named Ray Montez .
Nora : Nigel ? Nigel ? Nigel ?
Dallas : Oh .
Nora : I m sorry . , what are you doing here ?
Dallas : I spent the night here .
Vanessa : Those clothes look better on you than on my husband every day . Even his prison jumpsuit looked better .
Cristian : How long are we going to be in the dark like this ?
Vanessa : Who knows . Here !
Cristian : You know , you have no Internet connection and your phone is not working .
Vanessa : I know , electricity in this town is a bitch .
Cristian : There are people in the U.S. who are worried sick about me .
Vanessa : Tu mama , tu hermano , y tu novia , you keep saying .
Cristian : I have to let them know I m okay .
Vanessa : You know , what do you want from me , a carrier pigeon ? Everything is down . You might as well have a drink . The air here is still hot .
Cristian : Really ?
Vanessa : Well , maybe you d like the weather better in prison .
Cristian : I promised to help you find your husband if he helps me get home , and you have me here chilling . Why ?
Vanessa : Because you re a fugitive . How are you going to help me if you get caught ?
Cristian : What do you really want from me , Vanessa ?
Vanessa : Okay , I lied . I do nt want you to help me find Ray . What I want , what I need is for you to keep him from killing me .
Markko : You know this is love , right ? Cause I m so not a morning person .
Starr : Well , it s actually good that Aunt Dorian s hearing is in the morning , because as soon as we get everything out about Uncle Ray , the sooner we can make sure that you never , ever have to go with him .
Langston : I hope you re right .
Roxy : Boy , oh boy , oh boy , oh boy !
Gigi : Shane is with Marcie . She s feeding him breakfast in the cafeteria , so I m going to go and see him now .
Roxy : Oh , honey , you ca nt .
Gigi : Why ? Why ? Did something happen ? Is Rex --
Bo : No , no , no . He s the same , but he s not alone .
Gigi : Oh . Well , who s in there ? Is it a specialist , because his family is out here .
Layla : No , his whole family is not out here .
Adriana : Hey , baby , it s me ! Everything is going to be ok now . I m home .
Langston : Dorian , are you ok ? You look exhausted .
Starr : We went to visit you , but they would nt let us in .
Dorian : No . I m fine , kids . Do nt worry about me . Where s Blair ?
Starr : Oh , she had a meeting with Jack s teacher . I told her that we would be here , and she wanted me to call her as soon as I knew what was happening .
Dorian : Good . Please ? Langston , I m really very sorry that I messed up the custody hearing yesterday . I --
Langston : No , you did nt mess up --
Dorian : I did . I did , but I promise you you are my daughter , and there s no way I m going to let that man take you away from me . You do believe me , do nt you ?
Langston : Yes , cause while you were in custody , Cole found out something huge about my Uncle Ray .
Dorian : Cole ?
Cole : I walked in on him shaking hands with Clint last night .
Clint : Well , good morning , you two . Welcome home , Nora .
Nora : Clint , can you explain to me why your ex - girlfriend is lying on the couch in your bathrobe ?
Dallas : I have nt had a chance to explain .
Clint : Oh . Oh . Well , Dallas hotel room -- well , actually , it s a couple of floors . They got flooded , and The Palace did nt have anything else to rent to her , so I told her that that she could stay here .
Dallas : I hope it s ok .
Clint : Yeah . I knew you would nt mind .
Dallas : And I do feel awful about imposing on you , but you know Clint . I mean , he just insisted .
Nora : Well , you know . With Clint insisting , you can hardly say no .
John : I m headed for the prison . That s where Banks said he last saw Hesser . The warden there tried to stonewall me , but I got a guard to I.D. Cris picture .
Antonio : And this guard was sure that it was my brother inside there , positive ?
John : Yeah , except he knew him as Ray Montez .
Sarah : Why ?
John : I m not sure but when I got to Cris room , it was empty except for a prison jumpsuit with the name Montez on the front .
Antonio : I hope my brother did nt leave that prison the hard way .
John : I did nt see any signs of violence .
Sarah : But as far as we know , anybody could have Cris now .
Cristian : Your husband wants to kill you ?
Vanessa : Yes .
Cristian : Well , what does that mean ? Has he tried ?
Vanessa : You know , Ray was in that prison for murder . You know this . Why are you acting so suspicious ?
Cristian : Because you told me you wanted to find your husband . Now , you re saying that if you find him , he s going to kill you .
Vanessa : Well , it s complicated .
Cristian : Or you re lying .
Vanessa : Why would I lie to you ?
Cristian : Why would nt you ? You do nt know me from Adam .
Vanessa : But I bought you out of that prison .
Cristian : I did nt belong there . Ray did .
Vanessa : You still owe me .
Cristian : I do nt owe you a damn thing until you start telling me the truth . How did your husband get out of prison ? And why do you think he wants you dead ?
Adriana : It s ok . Everything s going to be ok .
Gigi : How did -- So Adriana flew back from Paris ?
Layla : I called her . She is the man s wife .
Gigi : They re separated . Everyone here knows that .
Roxy : Well , we were really thrown for a loop . She got here after you left with Shane and Marcie .
Bo : Well , we ll straighten all of this out . Right now , we just need Balsom to open his eyes and tell us that he s all right .
Adriana : Do nt be scared , baby . I m here now , and you re getting the very best care . You re going to be good as new . I promise . Addie and Layla called me last night , told me what happened . And I jumped on the first plane out here . I was so scared that I d be too late . You d be -- I kept thinking on the plane ride here , what if that last phone conversation is the last time I m ever going to hear his voice . You asking me for a divorce -- telling me you loved Gigi -- we shared so much . And we loved each other so much . I still love you , you know . I d die if I ever lost you . Hush , it s okay . I know . Let me do the talking for both of us .
Marty : Look at this and tell me what the hell I m supposed to think .
Todd : What would you like me to explain ?
Marty : You said there were three rapists -- one , two , three , four .
Todd : Right , four were accused but only three were convicted .
Marty : One of them got away with it ?
Todd : No .
Marty : Something happened to him ?
Todd : Yeah , he was innocent .
Marty : According to whom ?
Todd : Trust me , he was innocent . He was at the party , but you just got his face mixed up with the other ones .
Marty : You re saying I was confused about one of the men who raped me ?
Todd : Well , you were pretty wasted . I mean , yeah . When you finally realized what had happened , you -- you knew he did nt do anything , so you went to the cops , and you cleared his name . Yeah , he was innocent .
Marty : Which one was it ?
Dallas : Milk , no sugar , right ?
Clint : Yeah -- yeah , thank you .
Dallas : Mm - hmm . And , Nora , how do you take your coffee ? I d be happy to have Nigel bring in an extra cup .
Nora : I ve had it . The coffee -- I ve had -- I ve -- plenty of coffee , plenty . Thank you , though .
Dallas : You know , I -- I think should go get dressed and let you get settled . And , Clint , I m just going to put this bathrobe somewhere .
Clint : Yeah , wherever , wherever , thank you .
Nora : Could nt pack her own bathrobe when she was coming for her endless stay ?
Clint : You re mad ?
Nora : Mad ? At coming home at dawn after an eight - hour layover in OHare to find my boyfriend s asked his ex - girlfriend to move in ? Finding her on the couch -- on my couch , in your bathrobe ? No , why should I be mad ?
Clint : I did nt ask her to move in . An old friend needed a place to stay .
Nora : Yeah , and , God forbid , so long as it s got some place connected to you .
Clint : Yeah , well , I assumed that you meant what you said when you said this was still my house .
Nora : Oh , got it . So now this is on me , huh ?
Clint : Okay , so do you want me to kick her out right now , right into the street ?
Nora : Oh , cut the crap , Clint . You re not going to kick her out into the street or to the other five - star hotel in town or to the myriad of bed - and- breakfasts that she could have booked had she cared to .
Clint : You know something , maybe now I can get a proper kiss hello .
Nora : No , because while I m still in the mood , I want to ask you . How s operation Langston going ?
Langston : And it s not like they just ran into each other . I mean , my uncle was at Clint Buchanan s house .
Markko : And no way was that a coincidence .
Cole : Yeah , he -- he pretty much admitted that he was trying to get back at you for taking over his company .
Langston : I still ca nt believe it . It seems so crazy .
Dorian : How did Clint react when he found out you had seen him with Mr. Montez ?
Cole : Well , he got rid of Mr. Montez pretty quick and then he tried to intimidate me into keeping my mouth shut .
Dorian : I took his company and now he s trying to get his revenge by taking away the one thing in the world that means the most to me .
Langston : How can he do this ? Does nt he care about my life ?
Dorian : Oh , that s the Buchanan mentality . Money is always first , everything else second .
Markko : Hmm , guess that s how the rich stay rich .
Starr : What we need to focus on right now is you making nice with that judge so that you can really help us fight for Langston .
Dorian : Right . Yeah , I know exactly what I m going to say to -- yeah . I ll handle Clint . You know , Cole , you have not been high on my list the last few months , but I want to thank you very , very much for coming forward and telling us about Clint and Mr. Montez .
Starr : It was nt very easy for him at all . Clint basically told him that he would kick Cole out of the house .
Cole : That s -- no , it -- it does nt matter . You guys are all that matters to me .
Woman : Dr. Lord , so sorry I m late . Now remember , act repentant .
Dorian : Yeah , yeah , let s do this .
Bailiff : All rise . The court is now in session , the Honorable Judge Jenkins presiding .
Judge : Please , take your seats . Dr. Lord , tell me why I should even consider letting you go free .
Bo : Gigi , I understand what you re going through , but Layla s right . Adriana is still Balsom s wife .
Gigi : In name only , you know that .
Bo : Yeah , but do you want to get into all that right now , here ?
Gigi : No -- not with Rex in there fighting for his life . But Adriana is the reason that Brody came to town . She s the reason that he s in the I.C.U.
Adriana : Rex is awake .
Roxy : Oh , thank God . I ll go get the doctor .
Layla : Was it when he heard your voice ?
Bo : Was he responsive ? I mean , did he know you ?
Adriana : I talked to him and he definitely heard me . He even tried to talk but he could nt with the tube . I m 100 % sure he knew who I was .
Layla : That s amazing .
Bo : It s what we ve been waiting for .
Gigi : I m going to go in and see him .
Adriana : I do nt think so , Gigi .
John : Whoever this Montez is , the warden wanted people to believe he was in prison . So he made a deal with Hesser , Cris became Montez .
Antonio : Well , this ca nt just be some kind of bureaucratic error . I mean , they did nt just put Cris in the wrong jumpsuit .
Sarah : And -- and Cristian would have told everyone that he s innocent and that he s an American citizen .
John : Which may explain why he s still not in that prison .
Sarah : I never should have left his side .
Antonio : Sarah --
John : Hey , look , the good thing is Cris is out of that place . And with a little luck , he s going to get in contact with us .
Vanessa : You re judging me .
Cristian : Yeah .
Vanessa : Well , you think I m some kind of messed - up chick with a persecution complex ?
Cristian : Vanessa , excuse my French , but I do nt give a rat s ass if you re a neat freak with a Madonna complex . I just want to get home to my family .
Vanessa : And to hell with the woman who saved you from a foreign prison , huh ?
Cristian : Is that what you do ?
Vanessa : What are you talking about ?
Cristian : Slice and dice other people s words to get them into doing what you want ? Will you stop with the candles already ? This is a blackout , not our honeymoon .
Vanessa : You do nt like my choice of words . You do nt like my efforts to make you feel more comfortable .
Cristian : You know what s going to make me feel comfortable right now ? Start telling me something that I can believe .
Vanessa : How many times do I have to tell you ? Ray wants to kill me .
Cristian : That s right , he wants to kill you -- just because ? I m supposed to believe that .
Vanessa : Ray said that if he ever got out of prison , he would kill me .
Cristian : Why ?
Vanessa : Because he kills people who displease him . That s why he was in prison . And now he s free .
Cristian : And how d he manage that ?
Vanessa : I do nt know .
Cristian : You do nt seem to know anything , but you want me to protect you from this guy .
Vanessa : Yes .
Cristian : How am I supposed to do that ?
Vanessa : I need to get as far away from that bastard as possible .
Cristian : Great , I m already here longer than I want . Just get me to a phone and I can call my people .
Vanessa : No , no , I do nt want you to call anybody .
Cristian : Why not ?
Vanessa : Look , Ray was a convicted murderer who managed to get out of prison . You do nt think he has connections ? We need to do this quietly and efficiently without outside interference .
Cristian : Okay , fine . Where exactly do you want me to drop you off before I get to go home ?
Vanessa : Now , I should think that would be obvious .
Judge : Dr. Lord .
Dorian : Your Honor , yesterday , in your courtroom , I was so concerned about the safety of this young lady that I turned into a mother lion and I pounced . That does not in any way excuse my actions . I have had ample time in that jail cell to consider my actions , and I want to say that I take full responsibility for them . They were regrettable and I humbly ask the court to please accept my apologies .
Judge : I did not throw you in jail simply to make a point . This is a court of law . It is my responsibility to ensure proper procedure .
Dorian : Yes , I understand that now .
Judge : You re free to go .
Judge : A word of warning . Find a way to accept my ruling with regard to the placement of your foster child . The decision is final .
Judge : This court is adjourned . Bailiff , please remove the handcuffs .
Bailiff : All rise .
Lawyer : I ll be in touch .
Langston : Great -- you were so great .
Gigi : If Rex is awake , I would like to see him .
Adriana : I m sure you would , but the doctor needs to examine him first .
Roxy : He hates needles , so when you re drawing blood , you got to do something to distract him . Maybe you should use one of those little itty - bitty little butterfly ones because Rex hates pain .
Adriana : Rex opened his eyes about five minutes ago . I think it was knowing that I was there .
Doctor : Well , that s a hopeful sign , Ms. --
Adriana : Mrs. Balsom . I m his wife .
Doctor : Oh . Well , you should know , though , that spontaneous eye movements do nt necessarily mean consciousness . It could have been involuntary .
Adriana : He definitely responded to me .
Doctor : All right , well , why do nt I go examine him and we ll see what we re dealing with .
Adriana : Thank you .
Bo : Ahem . This is a difficult situation , I understand that . But Gigi was with Balsom when all this happened , so was I. Now if he s awake --
Adriana : You re more than welcome to see Rex when the doctor clears it . But Gigi is not getting into that room .
Bo : Do you really think that s fair ?
Adriana : What s not fair is Rex lying in there on a ventilator because Gigi s psycho boyfriend shot him .
Marty : Which one was it ?
Marty : Which one of these guys did nt rape me ?
Clint : The situation with Langston is going very well .
Nora : Meaning what ?
Clint : Meaning Ray won guardianship in family court . And after he did that , he told Langston and Dorian that he was taking his niece and they re going back to Colombia .
Nora : Oh , Clint .
Clint : No , it was absolutely brilliant . I mean , Dorian pitched a fit and the judge threw her in jail for contempt , and as far as I know , she s still in a holding cell somewhere , which is the bing cherry on top of my ice cream sundae .
Nora : You know , if this was just about Dorian , it d be one thing , but there s an innocent kid here at stake . I mean , are you really comfortable having Langston be the collateral damage in your war with Dorian ?
Clint : I m just trying to gain control over Dorian by using a language she understands .
Nora : What , wrecking havoc is now a language ?
Clint : Nora , do nt --
Nora : No , this is what Dorian does , Clint . Whenever she gets hurt or she gets humiliated or gets a hang nail , she -- she destroys people , and you re just following her right into the abyss .
Clint : The abyss ? It s a little melodramatic , do nt you think ?
Nora : Oh , God . You know , this may be just some strategic little game for you , but there is an innocent kid here , you know , who s probably terrified right now .
Clint : All Dorian has to do is give me back the company . Then she gets custody of Langston , Ray disappears , and everybody lives happily ever after .
Nora : So , um , when does Dorian find out that you re the mastermind behind this evil plot ?
Clint : Well , maybe I do nt need to tell her . Cole s probably doing that right now , as we speak .
Nora : What ? You involved Cole in this ?
Ray : Wow . It s good to see he let you go , Dr. Lord . I -- I never wanted all of this to get so --
Markko : So what ? So jacked up ?
Ray : Yeah .
Starr : You re a liar , and you know how we know ?
Dorian : No , no , no . Starr and Markko , thank you , all of you for coming here to support me . I really appreciate it , but I do nt want any of you to be late for school . That is , if it s all right with you , Mr. Montez , for Langston to go to school . I want to defer to you as Langston s legal guardian .
Gigi : You want to talk about psycho ? Who s the one who brought my ex - boyfriend to town ?
Bo : All right , all right , this is getting out of hand . Adriana , trust me , this is not Gigi s fault , and as for what Brody did , this is a very troubled young man .
Adriana : Obviously . He shot my husband .
Doctor : Mrs. Balsom .
Adriana : Yeah .
Doctor : Rex has regained consciousness . Now , this is a good sign , but we re not out of the woods yet . He s still critical and we need to keep him on the ventilator for now .
Roxy : But he s going to get better , right ?
Doctor : Well , he s stable , but the true test will come when we remove the ventilator to see if he can breathe on his own .
Bo : Is there anything we can do ?
Doctor : Just keep him calm , do nt upset him . He really needs to recover now .
Gigi : I want to see him .
Adriana : You heard what the doctor said .
Gigi : I m not going to upset him .
Adriana : Excuse me , but as his wife , it s up to me to say who can and can not see my husband , right ?
Doctor : Technically , that s right .
Adriana : Then I do nt want her anywhere near that hospital bed .
Doctor : I ll note it in his chart .
Adriana : Thank you .
Roxy : I d like to see my son . Am I on your guest list ?
Adriana : Of course you are , Roxy .
Roxy : That s big of you , I m sure .
Layla : Adriana , listen to me . Just think about it , please . Could nt you just let Gigi in to see Rex ?
Adriana : No . Because every time he looks at her , he s going to remember getting shot .
Gigi : Every time he looks at you , he s going to remember all the things you did to keep him and me away from each other . But you ca nt keep us apart forever .
Adriana : Want to bet ?
Todd : That s him .
Marty : And you re sure he was innocent ?
Todd : I m sure you were sure . That s why you recanted your accusation .
Marty : Who was he ?
Todd : Just a guy .
Marty : Did I know him ?
Todd : Marty , why are you doing this to yourself ? Why are we digging up --
Marty : Because it s my life .
Marty : Just tell me what I want to know . Who was he and why did I think he raped me ?
Todd : He was one of the fraternity brothers at the house where the party happened .
Marty : And ?
Todd : And , as I say , you were really drunk , and so he took you upstairs to let you sleep it off .
Marty : Then he said , Hey , guys , drunk chick in my bed . Have at it .
Todd : No .
Marty : I m supposed to believe he was the one gentleman in a room full of rapists ?
Todd : No , he was nt in the room . He had no idea what happened .
Marty : How do I know that ? How do I know he did nt pressure me --
Todd : Because I m telling you -- I m telling you that s what happened . He just would nt do it . He s a --
Todd : He s a choir boy type . You know ? Comes from money and two parents . Love and all that crap . No , he would nt do it . But I can tell you this -- he suffered a lot trying to protect you .
Marty : Because I accused him . Accused an innocent man , great .
Todd : No , you made a mistake .
Marty : Yeah , well , it was nt a multiple - choice test . I almost ruined a man s life just like these -- three .
Todd : You did nt ruin anyone s life . You did nt ruin anyone s life .
Todd : He s fine , and you took a hit for what you did . You fixed things . You moved on .
Marty : It just seems like I hurt a lot of people back then .
Todd : Let s let it go . You re not that person anymore .
Cristian : You re jerking me around , Vanessa . I m out of here .
Vanessa : Cristian , Cristian , Cristian , wait ! How far are you going to get with no power , no lights , and no money ?
Cristian : Away from here .
Vanessa : I m scared ! Is that what you need to hear ? I have nobody , and my husband wants me dead . I got you out of that prison because you re an American and you can help me . You owe me something .
Cristian : What do you want from me ?
Vanessa : I want you to take me back to America with you , to this Llanview that you keep talking about , where the three of us will be safe from Ray .
Cristian : What three of us ?
Sarah : So , how does a convicted murderer just waltz right in to this country ?
John : If he s not a known terrorist , he may not be on a watch list .
Sarah : But did nt he need to get a visa ?
Antonio : He s connected . I mean , listen , did you ever find out what Jared Banks was doing at Plato Prison when he saw Hesser ?
John : Uh - uh , some kind of business deal . More importantly , now that we know he s here , I think we should run Montez through lein , see if we ca nt get a hit . Excuse me for a sec . That s it ? This is everything ?
Ofc . Coleman : Everything I could find on the van accident in Ireland that killed Saybrooke .
John : Okay . Thanks . Remember , keep quiet .
Ofc . Coleman : Keep what quiet ?
Antonio : No , this ca nt be . Can it ?
Ray : Of course , Langston may go to school .
Langston : Dorian , are you sure you want us to go to school ?
Dorian : Of course . Of course , kids . I ll be fine . You go on ahead and I will see you at home later .
Langston : Be careful .
Dorian : Do nt worry , I ll be just fine .
Ray : Have a wonderful day .
Ray : So , was there something you wanted to ask me privately ?
Dorian : I have nothing to say to you , Mr. Montez . Nothing at all . But I have a great deal to say to the man who put you up to this .
Marty : So he s okay , this one ?
Todd : Yeah , as far as I know . He lives in London now .
Marty : Good , I m glad .
Todd : Yeah , me , too . So , we can just --
Marty : I ca nt believe I m looking at their faces . They look like kids .
Todd : Yeah , they were .
Marty : I want to know everything about them . I want to know what they were like , where they were from , and their names .
Cristian : You keep not telling me the truth , Vanessa .
Vanessa : Lola , ven aca .
Clint : What s happening , Ray ?
Ray : Dr. Lord is out of jail . She knows about our connection .
Clint : Thanks for the heads - up . I ll take care of Dorian .
Dorian : Not if I take care of you first .
Sarah : There was seriously a hearing just yesterday in family court with a petitioner named Ray Montez ?
Antonio : There seriously was .
Sarah : He s in Llanview ?
Cole : Jeez , hey , I m -- hey , I m sorry about that .
John : Do nt worry about it . You all right ?
Cole : John , what are you doing ?
Todd : Marty , here s the thing . We talked about this before , right ? I thought we both agreed that we were nt going to look into the past anymore . We were just going to look into the future . And I thought you wanted a fresh start .
Marty : I do .
Todd : Well , but you want to look up the names of these people who hurt you ? I understand why you d want to do that , of course , but I know from experience that if you start down that path , you just ca nt get off . I mean , you ll start to get all crazy with -- with anger and no matter how good your life is and how many good things that are in it , you just wo nt be able to appreciate them anymore . You ll just be obsessed . Does that make sense ? I m not trying to tell you what to do , and I do nt want to tell you what to do , but --
Todd : Do you want to -- to -- to relive so much pain right now in your life ? I mean , you re just starting to look forward to things . But , you know , the choice is yours .
Bo : Adriana , a lot has happened since you and Balsom separated .
Adriana : I know . My husband was shot by Gigi s boyfriend .
Gigi : The one you bribed into coming to Llanview . The one you helped doctor a D.N.A. test .
Adriana : I want you to go now .
Gigi : You and what army ?
Adriana : I may not be able to kick you out of here , but I decide who can and can not see my husband , and you ca nt , so you have no reason to be here .
Gigi : I am not leaving Rex alone with you calling the shots .
Adriana : Then I m calling security .
Gigi : Go for it .
Bo : No , Gigi . Shane is going to be back pretty soon . Now , he s already been through a lot . You want him to walk into the middle of this ?
Adriana : Go get your son and get the hell out of here .
Bo : Go get Shane . I ll call you as soon as I hear anything .
Gigi : You re weak , and you re petty , and that s why Rex left you .
Bo : Gigi --
Gigi : And when Rex can finally talk , he will throw you out and ask for me .
Adriana : I doubt it .
Roxy : He s trying so hard to talk , but he ca nt . I do nt know what he wants .
Adriana : He wants his wife .
Gigi : I wo nt let her keep me away from you , Rex -- I wo nt .
### Summary:
| Adriana rushes to the hospital after not being seen nor heard from for a long time . And she stands her ground that she is Rex s wife and she calls the shots about who can and can not see him . And she informs Gigi that it s her ( Gigi s ) fault that Brody shot Rex . Rex is awake but there s no guarantee that he will live . Marty is surfing the net to find the article of the night when she was raped . She probes Todd for information that he does not give her . She does not seem to be catching on to who really raped her . But she has a lot of questions she will not let go of . After Cole informs Dorian of Ray Montez s secret with Clint , she becomes confident that she can run him out of town and prevent him from taking Langston . Meanwhile , Cristian and Ray s wife , Vanessa are stuck in South America together . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Rey : It s just my way of saying that even though I m with mia , you re still important to me . The drug dealer s house we raided , there was a child on the premesis .
Sharon : I ll be right there .
Arturo : Things got intense when we fought , yeah .
Mia : But we made up just as passionately .
Mac : J.T. And I went to marriage counseling , and it really opened up my eyes . It made me see that he was emotionally abusive .
Victoria : The real reason that I broke up with J.T. Is not civilized , it s a nightmare . J.T. Abused me .
J.T. : Why are you doing this , victoria ? Why ?
Victoria : Stop ! Get off me !
Sharon : [ Gasps ]
Nikki : Oh , reed , I m so sorry .
Phyllis : I have something i need to say about J.T.
Traci : You want to eulogize J.T. ?
Phyllis : Why not ?
Victoria : I can think of a few reasons .
Reed : Maybe after my grandma says what she wanted to say .
Phyllis : I d like to think i speak for all of us .
Nikki : No , really , you donT.
Victoria : You worked with J.T. A long time ago . It s not like you know him that well .
Phyllis : Yeah , but , really , who among knew J.T. ? I mean , the real J.T. We have all praised him . We are fond of the memories he gave us , but , you know , we really can not forget the man he was -- the flawed , imperfect person that we are saying goodbye to . So I just think we need to be completely honest . All of us . Once and for all .
Mia : Wisconsin in winter is no joke . I m about to freeze to death unless you do something .
Arturo : Yeah , I m getting an eta on the parts I need . Like that , I can fix that furnace right up for you .
Mia : [ Groans ] Phone calls are not gon na keep this florida girl warm . And unless your friend has a snow plow , no way that part is coming here tonight , so ... scooch in closer before I die of frostbite .
Arturo : This is as close as i can get .
Mia : Mm , with your clothes on . Kidding . Come on , cuddle up so we can make some heat .
Sharon : Hey , are we -- are we driving a little too fast ?
Rey : We re not -- we re barely moving . That s the snow that s coming down 100 miles per hour . What you did was pretty darn heroic .
Sharon : You were nt so bad yourself , rosales .
Rey : I got mad skills . What can I say ?
Sharon : [ Chuckles ]
Rey : Hold on .
Billy : I m not sure what your endgame is here , but I think everyone knows that J.T. Was a complicated man .
Phyllis : I do nt think we should sugarcoat bad behavior . What he did was criminal .
Billy : Yes , and we are all aware that he tried to kill victor .
Nikki : Phyllis , this is hardly the time or the place to drudge up old grudges . You need to face the truth .
Phyllis : Yeah , you re absolutely right , nikki , and this is nt about me . This is about all of you canonizing J.T. , Singing his praises . When you should be speaking from the heart . Now , I am not condoning speaking ill of the dead , but I think it is time we start speaking the truth .
Nikki : I do nt know what you re trying to accomplish here , but it s time for this to end .
Phyllis : Why is everyone afraid of the truth ?
Victoria : Phyllis , this is not the place . Nick , would you please escort your girlfriend out of my house ?
Reed : No . Let her stay . I want to hear the whole truth about my father . Additional sponsorship
Sharon : [ Panting ]
Rey : Are you okay ?
Sharon : Yeah .
Rey : Are you sure ?
Sharon : You ?
Rey : Black ice ?
Sharon : It must have been . How s the car ?
Rey : I do nt think we hit anything .
Sharon : [ Sighs ] Thank god we were going slow .
Rey : I think I m gon na take it slower all the way back home .
Sharon : Yeah . Good idea .
Rey : All right . You ready ?
Sharon : Yeah .
Mia : [ Shivering ] Maybe some warm thoughts will raise the temperature in here , huh ?
Arturo : Mia ...
Mia : I m just talking about a warm walk down memory lane . No decency laws against that .
Arturo : Yeah , but it depends on the memories .
Mia : [ Chuckles ] The first time I gave you a haircut .
Arturo : What was I thinking ? Letting you near me with a pair of scissors ?
Mia : Hey , I was pre - professional . I was still good , though .
Arturo : I asked for a faux - hawk and you gave me a mohawk .
Mia : It still looked good .
Arturo : That s because I make anything look good .
Mia : Look at you , still so full of yourself .
Arturo : That s what you liked about me .
Mia : [ Laughs ] We were wild back then , unstoppable .
Arturo : Always getting into trouble .
Mia : [ Giggles ] And your brother always worried about doing the right thing and following the rules ...
Arturo : That guy was a cop way before he even put on a badge .
Mia : I know ! [ Laughs ] It s crazy how two people can have the same parents and still be so different .
Arturo : Tell me about it .
Mia : [ Sighs ] Well , you guys are both such great guys . I m lucky to have you both in my life .
Arturo : Yeah . You are .
Mia : Now , if only I can have two husbands .
Arturo : Abby might have something to say about that .
Mia : [ Chuckles ]
Arturo : You know , the past was fun , but this is now , and ... now I have something real good with my girl .
Mia : I know what you mean . It s nice to finally be with the person you re supposed to be with .
Phyllis : No , I -- I actually have some very nice things to say about J.T. I think that he was undeniably charming , but underneath those wholesome good looks and that great smile , there was something darker , something even more sinister than his battles with victor .
Traci : What do nt we already know about the man ?
Phyllis : J.T. Emotionally and physically abused victoria .
Traci : What ?
Reed : No , she s -- she s lying . You have to be !
Phyllis : I m sorry .
Reed : You ve got it wrong . Whoever told you that , that s not the kind of man that my dad was . Tell em , mom ! Tell them that dad would never hurt you .
Victoria : I never wanted you to find out about it . Not like this .
Rey : Okay , well , it s not exactly four stars , but walking distance to the car . The best we could do .
Sharon : Do nt worry about it . We ll make it work . We ll just stretch out on our beds and relax . Come morning , we ll head back to the car .
Rey : Sounds like a plan .
Sharon : Oh , I think I see a light over here .
Nick : So I guess this is the point of the evening where , um , we thank you for braving the conditions outside and coming to J.T. S service . We thank you very much for your kind words and thoughts . Be careful on your way home . It s pretty treacherous out there . Thanks again .
Victoria : No , wait a minute . Please do nt leave . Not yet . There s something that I want to say to all of you . I think I ve kept quiet long enough . I never wanted any of you , especially reed , to find out like this ... but now that he knows in the most public and painful way possible ... there s no reason to keep it a secret anymore . I do nt think J.T. Loved me . Love -- love does nt hurt like that . Domestic abuse can happen at any time and any place to anyone . It can happen to a picture - perfect family in a storybook home in a beautiful neighborhood . You just -- you never know , really , what s going on behind closed doors . But I think that the more of us that speak up about it , that there s less shame in it . For all of us .
Mac : Including me . Part of me mourns the loss of J.T. But a bigger part of me finally feels safe . For the first time in a really long time . We ll get through this . You re not alone .
Sharon : I m gon na have to spend the night in kenosha . Can you just make sure that faith gets a good dinner ? I think pizza is good , yeah , if you can just find a vegetable or two . Oh , and no staying up late . I mean , unless they declare a snow day tomorrow . Okay ! I ll see you in the morning . Love you , too . Bye .
Rey : Everything okay ?
Sharon : Almost too good . I guess you better call home .
Rey : Yeah . Yeah . Got to make sure mia s not frozen solid . She has nt really gotten the hang of these extreme winters yet .
Sharon : Well , I ll give you some privacy .
Mia : [ Shivering ] Move closer so we can get warm !
Arturo : I m plenty close , thanks .
Mia : What ? What is it ? My feet ?
Arturo : Oh , those blocks of ice ? Forget it .
Mia : Get over here , or i unleash the feet !
Arturo : You wouldnT.
Mia : Give me heat or I give you ice .
Arturo : DonT. Stop !
Mia : [ Laughs ] [ Cellphone rings ] It s rey . Rey ?
Rey : Hey . How you doing ? I bet you re freezing .
Mia : I m staying warm . Do nt worry . When are you coming home ?
Rey : Not till tomorrow . My car hit a patch of ice , spun out .
Mia : Oh , my god , are you okay ?
Rey : No , no , I m fine . It s just , uh , the car needs a little work , and I wo nt be able to get to it till there s light out and it stops snowing .
Mia : Where are you staying ?
Rey : I snagged the last room at a little motel in kenosha for the night .
Mia : Well , I m just glad you re all right .
Rey : Well , I m better now that I hear that you re warm . I ll see you tomorrow , okay ?
Mia : Love you .
Rey : Yeah . Love you , too .
Sharon : Sounds like the heat s back on . That s good .
Rey : Yeah . Hate lying to her .
Sharon : You did nt lie . You just left out one little fact -- me .
Rey : [ Scoffs ] It s like she has some sixth sense . She always knows when I m not telling her the whole truth .
Mia : A teensy white lie . It s not like we did anything wrong .
Arturo : Why does it feel like we did ?
Mac : I know emotional abuse does nt leave the same tangible scars as physical abuse , but ... it s just as insidious . Using words to beat you down and keep you there .
Traci : My heart is just breaking for all the pain the two of you have had to endure . I m so sorry . I wish I had known . Maybe I could have reached him somehow , maybe ... I -- this is so hard to believe , this sweet young man that dated colleen ... that he d change into this entirely different person . I -- I got a little glimpse of it last year , how troubled he had become , but , honestly , I thought -- I thought it was just a bump in the road . I had no idea it had gotten this bad .
Mac : Poor reed .
Victoria : No . I m just glad that he never saw his father raise a hand to me .
Traci : But to find out the truth this way ...
Victoria : I know . No , it s definitely not what i imagined , but we re gon na get through it .
Mac : Make me a promise .
Victoria : Yeah . Sure .
Mac : That tonight really is a new beginning for you , for us , that we ... just bury the bad that J.T. Did and we move on .
Victoria : I promise .
Mac : Okay .
Nikki : You should be ashamed of yourself .
Phyllis : It if had nt been for you , I would nt have had to do that .
Nikki : Oh , it was my fault ?
Phyllis : It was time for the truth to come out , the truth about what really happened to J.T. , But if you keep carrying on the way you ve been doing , we re gon na end up in a cell .
Nikki : You thought I was gon na confess so you throw victoria s family under the bus ?
Phyllis : I was saving us from going to prison . Confession might be good for your soul , but until and unless you can find a way to keep me out of it , you need to pocket that story . You heard what victoria said . She is happy the truth came out .
Nikki : It was nt your truth to tell . You were never abused by J.T.
Phyllis : Not when he was alive , but I have nt had a good night s sleep since he s died .
Mia : Why do you feel guilty ? You have nt done anything .
Arturo : This is nt about what I ve done .
Mia : Then what is it ? Something you wanted to do ? Arturo , there s nothing that you and I ca nt talk about .
Arturo : Hey . Give me some good news , man . Are you close ? [ Sighs ] All right . I ll be down in two .
Mia : Your friend made it through the snow ?
Arturo : Yeah . Yeah . I ll fix this furnace right up and be out of here in no time .
Mia : Thanks , arturo .
Sharon : That chair looks like an instrument of torture .
Rey : Yeah , I ve slept on worse , and it s only for a couple hours . Come morning , I will get the car started , and we will be back on the road .
Sharon : Well , if you insist .
Rey : Whoa . What are you -- what are you doing ?
Sharon : I m taking off my dress .
Rey : Yeah , uh , you got to -- you got to warn a guy . Now you may undress .
Sharon : Old - fashioned .
Rey : Eh , it never goes out of style . I am a hero and a gentleman . You finished ?
Sharon : Um ... almost . Okay , finished . Um , whoa , whoa . I think you have to give a girl a warning .
Rey : [ Chuckles ] So tell me something -- you snore , or what ?
Sharon : Like you would nt believe . I m a chainsaw .
Rey : [ Chuckles ] I knew it . [ Sighs ] All righty . Now it is safe for you to turn around .
Sharon : Okay .
Rey : [ Sighs ] Sharon .
Sharon : Yeah ?
Rey : Are you actually tired ?
Sharon : No . I m actually still wound up . You ever been to a slumber party ?
Rey : [ Chuckling ] No . I ca nt say that I have .
Sharon : Well , it s too early to go to bed . The cable s out , so there s no tv . There s no mini - bar , so no night cap . It s too creepy to do a seance , and we do nt have enough people for truth or dare so ... any idea how to pass the time ? Oh , rosales , you -- grow up !
Rey : I knew you were gon na do that . Now this is mine . Do nt even try to get it back .
Sharon : Not fair !
Rey : Who said life was fair ? You sleeping yet ?
Sharon : No . Plotting my revenge . [ Chuckles ] Are we ever gon na get any sleep tonight ?
Rey : [ Sighs ] By my calculations , no .
Sharon : So ... what do you want to do ? The young and the restless will continue . Hey ! Havertys is having a big sale .
Cane : Hey , um , we re gon na head home .
Mattie : Let reed know we re thinking of him .
Victoria : Yeah . Of course I will . He ll be happy to know that .
Charlie : Uh , good night .
Victoria : Good night .
Cane : Hey , will you , uh , grab my coat for me ?
Charlie : Yeah .
Cane : Listen , I want you to know , what I said the other night about you and J.T. , I did nt know he hurt you in any way . He was my friend , and I thought I knew him .
Victoria : So did I.
Cane : So , from the bottom of my heart , I want to say I am so deeply and truly sorry .
Phyllis : You gon na ever talk to me again ?
Nick : Honestly , I do nt know what to say . I mean , what the hell was that ? What were you trying to accomplish ?
Phyllis : I do nt know . I just -- I think I m getting tired of everyone talking about J.T. Like he s a modern - day saint .
Nick : Well , it seemed like you were trying to get some payback for victoria slapping you .
Phyllis : No , it was not about that , absolutely not .
Nick : Then explain yourself .
Phyllis : I canT.
Nick : Well , you caused a big enough scene here already , so ... I m gon na take my mom home . I ll see you when I see you .
Billy : Just when I think you ca nt get any worse , you go and pull another trick from your sleeve .
Abby : Need anything ?
Victoria : You would nt happen to have any advice on how to handle teenage boys , would you ?
Abby : Not even when I was a teenage girl . You re amazing , you know that ? I ll check in later .
Victoria : Thank you .
Abby : Bye , nikki .
Nikki : Bye , honey .
Victoria : Hey . Everyone but family is gone .
Reed : I heard .
Victoria : I was gon na come up and check on you and see if you needed anything .
Reed : Just answers . Grandma , you were gon na say something during the service . You want to say it now ?
Nikki : Uh ... it s not important . Not anymore .
Victoria : Reed , listen . What phyllis said is true . Your father was abusive . But not to you . And never to johnny and never to katie .
Reed : Does nt make what he did okay , mom . You are us . We re a part of you . If you get hurt , then we all do .
Victoria : I m really not sure that he saw it that way . Look , I did nt tell you because I just wanted to protect you . It s my job .
Reed : It s his job , too . He didnT ... he did nt hit you , did he ?
Victoria : [ Sighs ] But it got physical . Phyllis said --
Victoria : It did . He grabbed my throat . But I thought he was gon na hit me .
Reed : How could he , mom ? I m so sorry .
Victoria : No , look , none of that matters , okay ? There s nothing you could do , absolutely nothing . Just know that . We re gon na be okay . Promise you , everything s gon na be better . He s gone . I love you . I love you . Everything s gon na be okay , baby .
Reed : [ Sobbing ]
Victoria : Shh . It s okay . It s okay .
Mia : [ Sighs ] Does that mean what I think it means ?
Arturo : [ Sighs ]
Mia : Uh ...
Arturo : [ Exhales sharply ]
Mia : Oh !
Arturo : We got heat .
Mia : Oh , my god ! Arturo ! Oh ! Thank you ! Oh ! Oh ! You got magic in those hands .
Arturo : Uh , we should call sharon and have her cancel that emergency repairman she had coming .
Mia : Right , uh , spare the poor guy a trip through this blizzard .
Arturo : Yeah .
Rey : You should have told me you were at the memorial service .
Sharon : Would you have told me to stay ?
Rey : No , because I needed you . Nobody can do what you can do .
Sharon : Well , what can I say ? I love my job .
Rey : We make a good team . I have the looks and the brains ...
Sharon : Oh , wow . Yeah , we re gon na have to just agree to disagree .
Rey : Ah , right , like we do about victor .
Sharon : Here we go again .
Rey : You still think I got the wrong man ?
Sharon : It does nt matter what I think . You re the one leading the investigation . You re the brains .
Rey : And the looks . Do nt -- do nt forget about the looks .
Sharon : [ Scoffs ]
Rey : I knew ...
Sharon : Oh ! [ Gasps ] It s mia .
Rey : Why is she calling you ?
Sharon : I could ask .
Rey : No . Do nt -- do nt answer it . Maybe -- maybe she ll leave a message .
Mia : No answer .
Arturo : Try her landline .
Mia : I do nt have the number .
Arturo : I do .
Mia : [ Shivers ]
Arturo : Hey , sharon . It s arturo . Oh ! Sorry . Do you know where she is ? Could you do me a favor , then ? Could you call off the handyman she had coming to fix rey s furnace ? Yeah , I took care of it . Great . Thanks .
Mia : Sharon taking care of it ?
Arturo : Mariah .
Mia : Where s sharon ?
Arturo : She got stuck somewhere overnight , car trouble . Kenosha ?
Mia : Kenosha ? Same place as rey . Small world , huh ?
Arturo : Hey , they work together , okay ? It does nt mean they re hooking up .
Mia : There was something in his voice that sounded ... different . Now I know why . He s with her .
Arturo : You have no proof sharon s there .
Mia : I do nt need proof . I m his wife . I know him , or at least ... I thought I did .
Arturo : They probably got stuck there doing police work . No one runs off to kenosha to hook up when there are plenty of hotels here in genoa city .
Mia : [ Sighs ]
Arturo : I m not saying that s what s happening . Sharon s not the type .
Mia : No , you should have seen the two of them when I first came into town . The way they looked at each other when they thought I was nt looking ? He wants her .
Arturo : Rey would never step out on you .
Mia : God , I feel so silly thinking I could come back into his life and he d fall in love with me again . That we had a second chance . And tonight , I believed everything he told me . Every lie he said . And I was so worried about him , and he s probably --
Arturo : Mia , do nt think like that . You ca nt do this to yourself .
Mia : He does nt love me anymore , arturo . He s pretending . Going through the motions . I m -- I m his wife ... I m his obligation . His liability . He does nt want me anymore . He wants her , and I tried . I really tried .
Sharon : Rey .
Rey : Yeah ?
Sharon : Are you okay ?
Rey : Just ... trying to find the soft spot .
Sharon : You re fighting a losing battle . That chair will kill you before dawn .
Rey : I ll be fine .
Sharon : Get over here . There s plenty of room . I promise to keep my hands to myself . Cross my heart .
Billy : How s reed ?
Victoria : [ Sighs ] I think that he just needs a little time to process all of this .
Billy : Do nt we all ? I really wish I did nt get behind this whole memorial service .
Victoria : It was important to reed that we supported his idea , like you did .
Billy : Yeah , but if I would have known it was gon na end like this , vick ... you okay ?
Victoria : I knew I should have told you , I just couldnT.
Billy : Well , why did you end up telling phyllis ?
Victoria : It s a long story .
Billy : I wish I could have done something to stop him . What you must have been through ...
Victoria : No , I just -- i should have left him sooner , that s all .
Billy : Do nt do that , okay ? This ... you ca nt blame yourself for anything that happened .
Victoria : [ Sighs ] I was -- I was so scared , billy . I thought he was gon na kill me . He threw me around like I was nothing . He raised his fist like he was gon na hit me . [ Sighs ] And I took him back . [ Sighs ] I gave him another chance .
Billy : You have nothing to feel guilty about . The thought of him putting his hands around your neck ... I wish to hell he was still alive because I d kill him myself .
Billy : So , what the hell got into phyllis tonight ?
Victoria : She was completely out of line .
Billy : Completely .
Victoria : But maybe reed did have a right to know about his father .
Billy : In your time , on your own terms , yeah .
Victoria : I would have waited until ... never .
Billy : You would have found the right time , vick . If I did nt tell you this yet , I m very proud of you . You handled yourself extremely well . You were ... very strong .
Victoria : Well , that s what having the right people in my corner does for me .
Billy : People ?
Victoria : Person .
Billy : Ah . Music to my ears .
Victoria : I think it s been a long time since I felt like i could count on anyone , trust them .
Billy : Well , you matter to me .
Victoria : Do nt get me wrong , I could do all this on my own , you know that .
Billy : [ Chuckles ]
Victoria : It s just that , having you around , it S ...
Billy : Eh , it s amazing . It s more fun .
Victoria : Yeah , something like that .
Billy : It s part of my charm .
Victoria : I m really glad you re here , billy .
Billy : Me too .
Victoria : Because ...
Billy : Because I m really good at washing dishes .
Victoria : Because I still love you .
Sharon : Rey ?
Rey : Yeah ?
Sharon : Sweet dreams .
Rey : Sweet dreams , sharon .
Mia : What do you think they re doing ?
Mia : I call rey , he says nothing about sharon being there with him . I call sharon , she does nt pick up . Coincidence ? I do nt think so .
Arturo : Yea , that s not the rey that I know .
Mia : Well , maybe this is a brand - new rey . The monster I created after i cheated on him with you . Maybe this is ... my karma , yeah ? I did this . I pushed him into another woman s arms , into her bed ...
Arturo : Mia , do nt say that .
Mia : It s true ! I broke his heart , and now he s punishing me for that . I deserve this .
Arturo : Hey . Everything s gon na be okay .
Mia : How ?
Arturo : Well , because the mia I know always lands on her feet . She s funny , she s smart , she S ... beautiful . What are we doing ?
Mia : I thought you --
Arturo : Mia , I am so sorry if I gave you the wrong impression , but I -- I ca nt do this , and neither should you .
Nikki : You think I should have stayed with victoria tonight ?
Nick : No . She s got billy there .
Nikki : Maybe I could have helped with reed .
Nick : They re probably gon na be up all night talking about it . They ll work it out .
Nikki : [ Sighs ] I suppose you re right .
Nick : I can stick around , help you get settled in here .
Nikki : You re sweet to offer , but I think I m just gon na curl up in front of the fireplace and get cozy .
Nick : You sure ?
Nikki : Positive . Once I relax and get some sleep , I ll perk up .
Nick : Okay . You call me if you need anything .
Nikki : I know where you are . Mwah .
Nick : I love you .
Nikki : Love you back .
Nick : Mom ? Mom , what is it ? Mom , what is it ?
Nick : What ? I do nt see anything . What ?
Nick : The fire poker ?
Nikki : No , no , no ! Do nt touch it !
Nick : Why ?
Nikki : It s a murder weapon .
Nick : Mom , what are you talking about ? Whose murder ?
Nikki : J.T.S.
Nick : How would you know that ?
Nikki : I know because ... because I killed J.T.
### Summary:
| Rey and Sharon hit a patch of black ice and the car Rey is driving does nt start so they have to spend the night in a hotel room with only one bed . Rey calls home but does nt tell Mia he is with Sharon . Mia does nt tell Rey that Arturo is there with her waiting on a part for the furnace both of them think that their white lies to each other wo nt do any harm . Rey tries to sleep in a chair but Sharon tells him there is nt any point in hurting his back they can both sleep in the same bed . Arturo s friend arrives with the part for the furnace so Arturo fixes the furnace and Mia calls Sharon to tell her to cancel the repairman but Rey tells Sharon not to answer the phone because they ca nt risk Mia finding out they are together . Arturo calls Sharon s house and Mariah tells him Sharon is stuck in Kanosha and wo nt return untill tomorrow . Mia figures out Rey and Sharon are together and starts to cry because she realizes Rey does nt love her anymore and Arturo holds her to comfort her and Mia and Arturo almost kiss but Arturo stops himself and advises Mia not to tell Rey about their almost kiss and he wo nt say anything to Abby about it either because there is no point in hurting Abby and Rey when nothing happened between them . Phyllis tells everyone at the memorial service that JT emotionally and physically abused Victoria in order to keep Nikki from telling everyone she killed JT . Billly and Nick are both angry with Phyllis for telling everyone about JT so publicly and causing Reed more pain . Nick takes Nikki home and the stress of the day gets to her and she thinks she sees blood on the fireplace poker . Nikki cries as she admits to Nick she killed JT with a fireplace poker . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : What are you do--
Taylor : You better tell me I did nt hear what I think I heard . You better tell me that that is not true , that it did nt happen . You slept with my son on that island ? ! You seduced my son ? !
Stephanie : I think that you should remind her that the two of you had sex on the island .
Thomas : No , grandma , I told you . We did nt have sex .
Stephanie : No , tom . You dd . Do you want to have control of this company someday ?
Thomas : You re asking me to lie .
Stephanie : If it were nt for Brooke , your mother and father would be together today .
Thomas : On the island in the cave ... we made love .
Brooke : ( Gasps )
Steffy : Hey , no spacin out on the job . You may be an owner , but you own 5 % , and I own 25 % . I kina hope it stays that way , do nt you ?
Gloria : You re certain about this-- revising your will , creating an irrevocable trust ?
Stephanie : Yes , I - I want to do this for my grandson . I want him to have my share of Forrester when I die , uh , and that s exactly what this instrument , uh , does .
Gloria : Yes .
Stephanie : Good .
Gloria : I ll drop by tomorrow with a notary . You can sign the official copy then .
Stephanie : Thanks so much , Gloria . Oh , wait , um , we re the only people that know about this-- just three of us , and I want it to stay that way .
Gloria : Stephanie , obviously , you re doing what you feel is best , but--
Stephanie : Of course . It s for my grandson and my family .
Gloria : I ll see you tomorrow .
Stephanie : Thank you so much .
Gloria : Bye - bye . Hello , ridge .
Ridge : Hello .
Stephanie : I d ask how you are , but I do nt think I really have to . I know what happened .
Thomas : So what s this ?
Steffy : Some correspondence I need you to get up to speed on . But first ... I want some answers . Okay , those berries that you brought back from the islands , the ones that mom ate , and then she went to the hospital-- I mean , Thomas , what were you thinking ? Did you know they were hallucinogenic ?
Thomas : Steffy .
Steffy : Cause if you did , and you brought them home--
Thomas : Please , I do nt want to do this right now . It s been a crazy day , and it s not even over .
Steffy : Okay . What s up ? Come on . Spill .
Thomas : ( Scoffs ) whip ... he s ended things with mom . You do nt seem that surprised .
Steffy : Uh , no , IM ... ( sighs ) I m just -- I m remembering something that grandma said to me earlier--
Thomas : About whip and mom ?
Steffy : No , about dad and Brooke . She feels Brooke s days are numbered , and if that s true , and -- and mom s not with whip ...
Thomas : ( Clears throat )
Steffy : You know what that means ?
Thomas : Yeah , I m very well aware of what that could mean for our mother .
Stephanie : Tom told me . Well , honey , he had to confide in someone .
Ridge : No one else can know about this .
Stephanie : Of course not . What happened on ht island will stay a secret . How did you leave things with her ? I guess it s , uh , pretty much over between the two of you . I mean , the truth is , the only thing you and Brooke now share is R.J.
Ridge : I d rather not talk about this right now , mother .
Stephanie : Fine , fine . I understand . Focus on -- on your kids and on Taylor , the most wonderful woman that you ve ever known . Honey , you ca nt go back to her . You ca nt go back to Brooke . You just cant-- for your sake , for your children s sake , for mine .
Brooke : No , no , I did not seduce Thomas . Yes , I gave him the berries , but--
Taylor : What ? ! Is -- is that what you used ? The berries ? You used it ?
Brooke : No , no , we were starving , and we were desperate , and when we found the berries , it was an answer to a prayer . I ate those berries because I was starved , not because I wanted to do something inappropriate .
Taylor : Inappropriate ?
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Taylor : That s the word you re using ? That is the word you re using for what you did ? I ca nt believe it . The next thing I know , you ll be telling me you ca nt remember anything .
Brooke : Taylor , I do nt remember . And neither does Thomas , but all of a sudden , he s having these flashes .
Taylor : Of you enticing him to eat the berries . That s exactly what you did .
Brooke : It was nt like that , Taylor . We were fighting for our lives !
Taylor : That s what makes this whole thing even sicker . Thomas was vulnerable , and you used it for your own pleasure , and I m telling you , I am not going to let you get away with this . I am not , Brooke .
Steffy : Do you know something you re not saying ? Like , you re holding back . I think you do .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) I do nt want to talk about this , please
Steffy : Okay . ( Sighs ) you think dad already left ?
Thomas : Why ?
Steffy : Well , I m just-- I m curious to see how he feels about mom and whip splitting up .
Thomas : Seriously , Steffy , you re getting way too involved in this .
Steffy : Too involved in mom s future happiness , really ?
Thomas : This is between dad and mom , all right ?
Steffy : Come on , Thomas . You ve always wanted our parents together . I m not buying this hands - off approach , all right ? And the only way that s gon na happen is if Brooke s out of the picture . I know you like Brooke . I know you probably even bonded with her while you were stranded on that island . But we only get one mom , and this may be the last chance for them to really reunite . Come on , there s just-- there s got ta be some way we can just deal with Brooke .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) I need to go . Someone I need to see .
Stephanie : Over the years , I ve come to realize something . When you re with Brooke , somehow I lose you . I do nt want to die without you and Taylor being together again . Please , you know , whip has moved out . He s left her , because he s finally , finally admitted that she s never going to love anyone the way she loves you . Honey , go back to her . Appreciate her for the wonderful woman that she is . I know you have forgiven Brooke over and over again , but this is the unforgiveable . I mean , surely she realizes that .
Ridge : Of course , she realizes that .
Stephanie : Well , good . Now the truth is out , and now that tom remembers everything ... you know , the one thing tat she promised you was that she would always tell you the truth . She would never lie . With Brooke , it s -- it s really a matter of ... lack of control . That s what this is about , what it s always been about , what it will always be about , unless you put a stop to it now .
Taylor : You and ridge are done he is never going to be able to forgive you for this . You betrayed him in the worst way you possibly could , and ten you lied to him .
Brooke : I am not lying . I have no memory of it .
Taylor : I accidentally ate those berries , Brooke . I know exactly what they do . You were aroused , and then you gave the berries to Thomas . You probably told him to eat as many as he could .
Brooke : No , we ate those berries to survive . The only thing on my mind was staying alive for ridge and the children .
Taylor : No , no , you saw it as n opportunity Brooke-- as an opportunity that you might not ever have again that-- you would have my son alone on an island , and then you would be able to just take advantage of him . How can you live with yourself ? How can you not be horrified ?
Brooke : I am . I am horrified .
Taylor : Right .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) it makes my physically ill to think that something could have happened with me and Thomas .
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Brooke : I do nt believe it happened . I do nt . ( Sighs )
Taylor : Well ( it did , and you made it happen , Brooke . You need to just admit it to yourself . You destroyed ridge s son . I mean , really , how can he have any kind of a hope of having a healthy , loving relationship with a woman one day ? You did that , Brooke . You took it from him .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Thomas : I saw dad s car in the driveway .
Stephanie : Oh .
Thomas : Is he here ?
Stephanie : Uh , yes , he s down walking in the garden . What are you doing here ?
Thomas : How s he doing ?
Stephanie : Well , naturally , he s upset .
Thomas : Yeah . Because of me . Brooke never came on to me , okay ? We never had sex .
Stephanie : Stop it . Stop it . Dont -- keep your voice down , for god sakes , tom .
Thomas : It s a lie , grandma .
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Thomas : What we are doing here is a lie .
Stephanie : The attorney was just here . The test that you wanted me to have draw ...
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : I ve done it . I ve changed my will . You get my 25 % of the company when I die .
Thomas : Stop it , grandma . I know what it means . I thought it s what I wanted . But come on . Seeing how this lie-- it s affecting dad and Brooke . Gosh Brooke-- after everything she s done for me , stabbing her in the back ...
Stephanie : You know , tom , people that run big corporations ...
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : Learn to make tough decisions . If you wan be successful and get to the top , you can not allow yourself to be mired in sentimentality , especially where Brooke is concerned . She never did . She did everything in her power to take your father away from your mother , and your mother paid the price-- the whole family did-- but you can change that . In a way , you already have . You ve got everything set in motion-- everything set in motion to bring the family back together again , and ... to have my 25 % of the company . It s all here . It s all right here in the will , and it s all yours . The person that leads Forrester creations into the future is going to be you , tom .
Brooke : What happened on that island was not intentional .
Taylor : Oh , for god sakes , would you stop it ? That s the same excuse you use for everything-- that you did nt mean to , that there were extenuating circumstances , and then you turn on the water works , and then you expect everybody to just forgive you .
Brooke : I would never intentionally hurt Thomas .
Taylor : ( Laughs )
Brooke : I care deeply for him , Taylor .
Taylor : Do nt ever want to hear you say tat again
Brooke : It s true , and you know it .
Taylor : No , what I know is there s something dark and perverted inside of you that would allow you to-- to seduce your own husband s son . And it s that same dark perversion that my marriage to ridge was subjected to for years .
Brooke : What are you talking about ?
Taylor : I m talking about you and your seduction . I mean , what -- what relationship could possibly survive what we went through ? Nothing . And -- and you did nt have any problem breaking us up . And yet , you know what ? I respected your marriage . I respected it , and I stood back , and I moved on , and I married whip , and ... ( sighs ) well , that-- that marriage is over now . ( Chuckles )
Brooke : What ?
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Taylor : That s right . Whip walked out on me , just like ridge just walked out on you . And he is never going to come back to you , and he s never going to see you the same way gain , not after this .
Stephanie : He was just here . He had a lot he wanted to say to you and a lot that he needs to hear from you , honey . He needs you to reassure him what happened , what -- what Brooke seduced him into doing .
Ridge : She did nt seduce him . It was the damn berries .
Stephanie : Well , she gave him the berries , did nt she ? Just another one of her many indiscretions . I hope she realizes that all the tears and all the I m sorrys are nt going to put this back together again . You ve got to walk away from this . Honey , come back to the people that you love and trust-- Taylor and Steffy and tom .
Stephanie : I m sorry you re in so much pain . I really am . Let your father and I help you through this .
Brooke : I know Thomas would never lie , but if he s confused , if it s a false memory or part of a hallucination , or ...
Taylor : Thomas would have never said anything at all to ridge if he did nt know it was true . He would nt hurt him like that .
Brooke : I m just saying--
Taylor : No , be quiet . I do nt want to hear you say anything . You re just tryin to save yourself , like you always do , but it s too late . Because that line that ridge told you never to cross , not only did you cross it , you did it with our son , and the only thing worse is seeing you stand there defending yourself , trying to cling to your marriage when the really decent thing to o would be to just disappear out of our lives , and let us move on , and let us heal in peace !
Brooke : I will not walk away from what ridge and I have .
Taylor : Had . Everything has changed .
Brooke : Believe what you want .
Taylor : How do you think everybody s gon na react when they hear about this ?
Brooke : What are you talking about ? Nobody can know .
Taylor : ( Laughs )
Brooke : You ca nt tell anybody , Taylor .
Taylor : Are you kidding me ? I want o prosecute you .
Brooke : What ? ! You re only gon na hurt ridge and Thomas .
Taylor : ( Laughs ) oh , do nt try to tell me you re worried about Thomas .
Brooke : You-- you listen to me . I would nt be here right now if it were nt for your son . He saved my life . I would have died on that island . You do nt have to tell me how despicable this is . I need help . I know that , and I m gon na get it . I m gon na regret hurting Thomas till the day I die .
Taylor : ( Chuckles )
Brooke : And if there s some way I could undo this , I would . If only it were nt true .
Taylor : Oh , please .
Brooke : I swear , Taylor , I did not set out to do this . I swear .
Taylor : You have destroyed your last victim in this family . Are you proud of yourself , Brooke Logan , the serial seductress ? ( Scoffs ) I swear to you , I am gon na get you out of this family and out of our life if it s the last thing I do . And I am going to heal my son with ridge . We re gon na bond together , and we re going to get our son better , and I am gon na be there for him . I am going to be a sane person for ridge , someone who loves him and who can give him stability and peace , because you ca nt ! You and ridge are finished , and I am going to pick up my life where it left off .
Brooke : ( Sobs ) what ? Oh , god . ( Sobs ) no ! God , no ! ( Sobs )
### Summary:
| Taylor storms into Brooke s house just after Ridge left . She rants at Brooke that she hopes she did nt hear what she thought she did that Brooke seduced her son on that island . She obviously used the island and the berries to get what she wanted and Taylor is not going to let her get away with it this time . She has finally finished any loving relationship she can have with Ridge after what she did with his own son . Stephanie speaks with her lawyer advising her that she wants to change her will to leave her Forrester shares to her grandson and this is to be kept between just the three of them . Ridge walks in and goes straight for a drink . Stephanie says she knows what kind of day he must have had as she knows the latest news about Brooke . And it must be evident to him that he ca nt go back to Brooke now . The one thing she wants to see before she dies is to see him back with the most wonderful woman in the world , Taylor . Thomas stops by Stephanie s . He says he saw Ridge s car in the drive . Stephanie says he is out for a walk right now , but for Thomas to keep his voice down . Thomas does nt like this stabbing his dad in the back . Stephanie reminds him that over the years Brooke did everything she could to take Ridge away from Taylor . Now things are in motion to get his family back together and he will even be the one leading the company in the future . Taylor rants more , even telling Brooke that Whip walked out on her just like Ridge walked out on Brooke and Ridge will never look at Brooke the same way again . She wo nt listen to Brooke justifying what might have happened because she ate the berries . She even wants to prosecute Brooke . Brooke says she would have died on that island if it had nt been for Taylor s son . She needs help and she intends to do that , but she swears she did not set out to do this . Taylor vows that she is going to pick up her life with Ridge and they are going to heal Thomas as a family together . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Stephanie : Morning .
Eric : Morning . You have a cup of that for me ?
Stephanie : I absolutely do .
Eric : Oh , bless you .
Stephanie : Did you have trouble sleeping , too ?
Eric : ( Sighs ) Yeah .
Stephanie : God , after everything that s happened ... ( Sighs )
Eric : Just , uh , wondering what s going on with my marriage , and wondering how Donna s doing .
Katie : Hey , honey .
Bill : Can I get you something to eat , Donna ?
Donna : No . None for me .
Katie : Honey , you got ta eat something .
Donna : I - I m not hungry .
Katie : Listen ...
Katie : This is hard . This is horrible , but mom would nt want us to fall apart .
Donna : You were nt there , Katie . I found her . I tried to save her . I tried so hard .
Katie : Oh , honey , I know . I know .
Donna : I just -- I cant-- I ca nt believe she s gong . She s gone . ( Sobs ) ( Sniffles )
Bridget : Uh , I ve just got a few more things to do here , Mom , and then I ll be right over . But hang in there , okay ? I love you , too .
Jackie : ( Gasps ) Oh , there you are . Oh , darling . We re so , so sorry to hear about your grandmother s death . Please , would you convey our sympathies to your family ?
Bridget : Yeah , I will . Thank you .
Jackie : Mm . Now listen , if there s anything , anything we can do , you let us know . You just say it , okay ?
Owen : Look , I m so sorry .
Bridget : Thanks . ( Sighs )
Katie : Uh , I talked to Brooke . She should be here any minute .
Donna : Did you talk to Dad ?
Katie : Yeah , he says he s gon na catch up to us later on .
Donna : He should nt be alone today .
Katie : I know , but he says he needs to do this on his own .
Marcus : Oh , Mom .
Donna : Hi .
Marcus : I m so sorry ...
Donna : ( Sighs )
Marcus : About everything .
Katie : Hey . ( Clears throat ) Come on in . There s , uh , food and coffee .
Brooke : Thanks for doing this .
Katie : Sure . Of course . Is Bridget coming ?
Brooke : Uh , she s on her way . Yeah . How you doing ? Eric did nt come with you this morning ?
Donna : Oh , um , I slept here last night .
Brooke : Oh , Donna . ( Sighs )
Stephanie : O.J. ? There you go .
Eric : Thank you . The style section for you ?
Stephanie : Mm - hmm . Thanks .
Eric : What ?
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) Old habits .
Eric : Well , they re comforting at a time like this . I called Donna again while you were in the kitchen . Her phone s going straight to voice mail .
Stephanie : Eric , she ll call you when she s ready .
Eric : Yeah .
Stephanie : She knows you want to talk to her .
Eric : I hope she s all right . That s all .
Stephanie : She s with her sisters .
Eric : I should call Brooke .
Stephanie : Eric , she knows exactly the kind of person that you are . She knows that if she picks up the phone and calls you and tells you that she needs you , you ll be there lickety - split .
Eric : You do know what to say to me , do nt you ?
Bridget : Where s Dad ?
Brooke : He s not coming .
Bill : Your father decided supporting Stephanie was more important than supporting his wife .
Katie : Bill .
Bill : His loyalty should be to Donna .
Bridget : Well , it is , is nt it ?
Donna : He , uh , stood up for Stephanie ... again . After everything that happened , he ... he defended her .
Bridget : Donna , I m really sorry . I m so sorry .
Brooke : Yesterday was a horrible day . Everybody was in shock .
Rick : I m sure he feels awful about it today .
Hope : Aunt Donna , has he called you ?
Donna : I do nt know . I - I turned off my phone . I ...
Brooke : Donna , he does love you . Stephanie is just playing on his sympathies and his memories , but you are in his heart .
Donna : I - I want to talk to him . I do . I really do , but I ... I ca nt face her . I ca nt face Stephanie . Not -- not today .
Bridget : Is Stephanie still in the guesthouse ?
Donna : No , he asked her to leave .
Katie : Well , that s good . That s positive , right ?
Donna : Yeah , uh , yeah , I guess I-- I should go see him .
Brooke : He s your husband . He ll support you .
Marcus : Yeah , Mom . I can drive you over there .
Donna : Oh , no . It s -- it s okay , sweetie . It -- really , I ll be fine . But thank you .
Marcus : Okay .
Donna : ( Sighs ) All right .
Katie : I love you .
Donna : ( Sighs ) Thank you .
Bill : You will be fine . You stick to your guns . You re Eric s wife . Stephanie lost the title of Mrs. Eric Forrester a long time ago .
Donna : ( Sighs ) Bye .
Brooke : Okay . Bye .
Donna : ( Sighs )
Eric : Wait , wait , wait , wait . I m not done with that .
Stephanie : ( Chuckles ) You know , when I was living with Taylor , Tom would say to me in the morning , Grandma , do nt be poundin the caffeine . I m like ...
Eric : ( Chuckles ) Pounding the caffeine ?
Stephanie : I know . ( Chuckles )
Eric : You enjoyed that , did nt you ?
Stephanie : I certainly did .
Eric : Having that time with Taylor and the kids .
Stephanie : Yeah , it was great .
Eric : Yeah .
Stephanie : But , of course , it was nt my home . Not like this is .
Eric : Yeah , a lot of memories in this place for both of us .
Stephanie : Mm - hmm .
Eric : Not all of them good .
Stephanie : No . You re not gon na go to work , are you ?
Eric : No . Are you ? Are you going in ?
Stephanie : What , and leave you alone ? Absolutely not .
Eric : Thank you .
Stephanie : Thank you for asking me to stay last night . It meant a lot .
Eric : It meant a lot to me to know that you were out there in the guesthouse .
Stephanie : Well , I ve got a couple things I d like to do . I ll be back in a little while .
Eric : Yeah .
Stephanie : You ll be all right ?
Eric : Yes , I ll be all right .
Stephanie : Good .
Man : Good , yeah . Right here . Eyes right here . Great . Great . Great .
Man : Nice . ( Speaking indistinctly )
Jackie : Whoa .
Whip : Okay , great job .
Jackie : ( Laughs )
Whip : Excellent work . Owen , buddy , you really went for it .
Jackie : ( Laughs )
Whip : I mean , you made me believe that you d do almost anything for this woman .
Owen : Are you kidding me ? I would do anything for this woman . Anything and everything .
Jackie : Oh ...
Owen : Mm - hmm .
Jackie : Mm .
Hope : Oh , is that you and Grandma ?
Brooke : Yeah , modeling my favorite dress . ( Chuckles )
Katie : I remember when she told you that you had to pass it down to Donna . ( Chuckles )
Brooke : Oh , I was heartbroken .
Katie : You had practically worn it to ribbons . And I knew I would never get my turn in it .
Brooke : Well , it was nt so much about the dress . It was really about the day . I mean , mom took me to go buy a dress , and it was just us . Just her and me . And we had lunch at the department store tea room , and it was very clean and white , crispy tablecloths with the napkins set just perfectly . I mean , mom must have ... ( sighs ) must have worked for weeks to be able to make that day happen . ( Sniffles )
Katie : Donna and I were so jealous . ( Chuckles )
Brooke : Yeah , but you guys had your turn . And mom was so good about that , you know ? She was so good about each one of us having our special memories with her . I do nt think I really appreciated everything she did as a mother . Not really . Not until I became a mother myself . ( Sighs ) ( sniffles ) Your grandmother was really special . She taught us a lot . She taught us girls how to sacrifice , how to work really , really hard , and she taught us that it was very important to take care of each other and to love each other , even if we did nt really like each other at times . ( Chuckles ) But ...
Katie : ( Chuckles )
Brooke : Most importantly , she ... ( sighs ) she taught us that we need to stick together as a family . She loved you all , all of you , so very much . ( Sniffles ) I just ... ( sighs ) I do nt want you to ever forget that . Okay ?
Donna : I m looking for some justice . I would think that my husband would stand by my side . I need you to stand by my side . I need you-- I need you to say that Stephanie is responsible . Say it ! Just ...
Eric : No , Donna . I ca nt . I m sorry , but I ca nt .
Eric : Donna ? I ve been worried about you . I - Ive been calling you . I ve been leaving messages . I ve been , uh , I - I - Ive been worried about you . Oh , look at you . Here . Mm .
Donna : ( Sighs )
Eric : Come on . Come sit down . I want to talk to you .
Donna : ( Sighs )
Eric : I , uh , I feel awful . I - I feel very badly about how I-- about how I handled things yesterday , and , um , there s something you need to hear me say . And I should have said it yesterday . Your mother was wonderful . She and I shared a ... a long , long history , and -- and a very complicated one , and ... and it was nt always positive , but we always treated each other with -- with dignity and -- and with respect . That s why it was so hard to see what Alzheimer s did to her , and -- and it affected me doubly because of how much it hurt you and-- and the affect it had on her . Oh , your mother was resilient ...
Donna : ( Sighs ) ( Sniffles )
Eric : I - in the best sense of the word . She was -- she was a fighter . And when I saw what Alzheimer s was -- was doing to her , I just ... she could nt beat it . And as much as she was a fighter , she never stopped defending her family and you and everyone else .
Donna : ( Sighs )
Eric : I see that same spirit . I s -- I see that in you .
Donna : ( Chuckles )
Eric : I do .
Donna : I ... I was wrong . I should nt have walked out last night . I m sorry . I should nt have left you here all alone .
Katie : It was good talking about mom like that . I think it helped .
Bill : It s too bad Donna was nt here for it .
Katie : I think it was more important for her to talk to her husband . I know you ve never been Eric s biggest fan .
Bill : Look , I do nt expect the guy to be the perfect husband . But when you re involved in a tug - of - war between your wife and something else , you let go of the something else , no matter what it is .
Eric : No more talk about mistakes .
Donna : ( Sighs ) I know . I know , but I ve made so many of them . I mean , not just walking out on you , but leaving my mother all alone .
Eric : Mm .
Donna : I mean , how-- how could we have done that ? It just--
Eric : Your mother asked for some dignity . I mean , we had-- who could have known what was gon na happen ?
Donna : I just keep w-- wondering if we could have prevented it . I mean ...
Eric : ( Sighs )
Donna : I just keep thinking about this again and again in my head . If we just followed her , maybe I could have stopped her from confronting Stephanie . I--
Eric : Donna , do nt . Do nt . Look , I - I do nt want to argue today .
Donna : I do nt either . I do nt either , especially when I need you now more than ever . ( Sighs )
Eric : I m here for you . I love you . You know that .
Donna : But you can not be here for me and for Stephanie at the same time . And I need to know where we stand , Eric . I -- yesterday , you ... you defended her . I-- she admitted-- she admitted that she was the last person who saw my mother alive ...
Eric : Donna , hon -- honey--
Donna : Yet -- yet you were not suspicious at all .
Eric : Donna , look , Stephanie has done some terrible things . I m ... ( chuckles ) I m not deluding myself about that . But she s not cap-- look , I do nt want us to talk about Stephanie . This is not about her . We should be concentrating on you . You re grieving , and I want to help you . I want to be here for you , all right ?
Stephanie : Eric , I just remembered the dry cleaners pick up today , and I was wondering if there s anything that you--
Donna : ( Stammers ) Y - you -- you let her stay here ? She--
Stephanie : Well , I did nt think that Eric should be alone .
Eric : Donna , look , uh--
Donna : No . No .
Eric : Would you give us some time ? Thank you .
Donna : I - I - I - I dont-- I do nt want to hear this , Eric . I do nt want to hear this .
Eric : Let me explain .
Donna : No , Eric . ( Sighs ) My mother just died here yesterday , and you invite her-- her worst enemy to stay with us ? My God , she ripped my parents marriage apart . She -- she -- she tried to do the same to us . You re my husband . You vowed to -- to love and honor and protect me and ... ( sighs ) how could you ?
Stephanie : Donna , look .
Donna : Just-- you stay out of this ! You stay out of this ! This is between me and my husband !
Eric : Stephanie , look , please--
Donna : My God , having this woman is disrespectful to me . It s disrespectful to the memory of my mother ! ( Sighs ) Look , if you want this marriage , Eric , if you want us-- and I love you . I want this -- but if you do not sever all ties with her , that s it .
### Summary:
| The next morning Eric laments to Stephanie that he just wonders how his marriage is and what Donna is doing . Donna is huddled on Katie s couch still crying over what happened to her mother . Jackie tells Bridget that she is so sorry for her grandmother s death and to let them know if there is anything they can do . Bridget meets with the rest at the beach house . Bill tells her that Eric wo nt be there as he has defended Stephanie over his own wife . Donna has hesitations about going home as she can not face Stephanie today . Donna does return and Eric comforts her and gives a lovely tribute to her mother s fighting spirit in the throes of Alzheimer s . Donna apologizes for walking out on him last night and leaving him here in the house alone . He tells her no more talk about mistakes . She keeps harping that she wonders if they could have prevented the accident from happening if they had watched her mother more carefully . She warns him though that he can not be there for her and Stephanie at the same time . He does nt want to talk about Stephanie . This is a day of grieving , not blasting . Stephanie walks in and Donna is aghast that he let her stay here for the night . She tells him that if he wants this marriage that he will have to sever all ties with her or this is it ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Amanda : Mom , stop !
Jamie : Amanda ?
Amanda : You ca nt leave !
Janet : You get out of my way !
Jamie : Janet ?
Janet : I am so hurt by what you just said to me .
Amanda : Mom , please , stop !
Janet : No , no please me .
Amanda : Do nt do this . Let me help you .
Janet : I have given you my all and now you throw me away for a man who never even loved you ?
Amanda : Mom !
Janet : Oh --
Amanda : Please ! You need help !
Janet : Oh , please . Now you ask nicely -- after everything you ve done to me ? Now you ve turned into one of them .
Janet : You re after me the same
Adam : I m paying you a small fortune . Any idea where my grandson is ?
Guard : No , sir , but we ve posted Miss Carey s picture .
Adam : Babe Carey can go to the devil for all I care , and you can send her there by whatever means necessary . The only thing I care about is getting my grandchild home .
Krystal : You call him back . I want you to pick up the phone . You call him back , and you tell him , You bring Babe home as safe and snug as Little Adam .
Babe : Hey , little man . I m glad somebody is dreaming sweet dreams . And I promise you by the time you open those baby blues , Mama will have a way out of here .
Babe : Wish I could just huff and puff the place down .
Babe : We did it , Little A. One nail closer to getting home .
Aidan : Whoa . You care to repeat what you just said ?
Erin : Did I ever tell you that when I was a kid , I was a pinball wizard -- wizardess , actually . Is that a word -- wizardess ?
Aidan : I believe you said that you --
Erin : Oh -- tilted -- dang it .
Aidan : Hey .
Erin : Oh .
Aidan : You think you love me ?
Erin : Oh . Did I say that ? Um -- getting warm in here or is that just me ?
Aidan : I do nt know . I could be wrong , because it came out of nowhere , but I think it went something like this -- I think I love you .
Lily : Hello ? Hello ?
Lily : Jonathan ?
Jamie : Come on , Janet , stop .
Janet : Take your hands off me , you beast !
Amanda : Jamie , please do nt hurt her .
Janet : Oh , I ve already been mortally wounded by my own blood !
Amanda : Mom , please do nt fight .
Janet : Oh ! I ve had to fight all my life -- first for love , then for you . I know what I have to do . Get --
Janet : Help , somebody !
Amanda : Help , please , help .
Janet : Help ! Oh .
Amanda : No ! Come back ! Wait ! Oh , my God ! David , what did you do ? Are you ok ?
Jamie : You are an idiot ! Do you have any idea what you just did ?
David : Yeah , I know exactly what I just did . It s called payback , and it feels great .
Jamie : Oh ! You re such an ass .
David : Next time you hit me from behind , you better kill me .
Jamie : I did nt hit you !
David : Oh , yeah , right -- deny it . Coward .
Amanda : He did nt do it . My mom did .
David : What are you talking about ? Your mother s not here .
Amanda : Well , she was . You let her get away .
Jamie : Oh .
Amanda : Oh , Jamie . Oh , my God . Look , you -- you ca nt drive . You can barely stand . Oh , she could ve told us where Babe and Little Adam were . Now we re never going to find her .
Jamie : And once again , you have totally screwed everything up .
David : All right . Well , I guess we re back to Plan A. You are going to help me find my daughter .
Babe : That s it -- come to Mama .
Babe : Who am I kidding ? I m supposed to get us out of here with , what , a baby spoon ?
Janet s voice : You do nt deserve this child . You have no idea what it means to be a good mother . I m not about to let you go . I mean , the whole reason I brought you here was to suffer . My baby is in pain , and I want you to hurt , too . My Amanda is nt happy , then you are not happy forever and ever , amen . It was your bad karma that made me rig that explosion in that beautiful old mansion , and if you do nt start behaving , that bad karma could bring some disaster here into this little cabin . If you do nt start behaving , you re the one who s going to hurt that little boy .
Babe : Oh . You have not seen difficult yet . You can take your stupid karma and shove it . Oh -- there s no way you re touching my son again .
Erin : Gets really quiet in here , does nt it .
Aidan : Yeah , it usually happens when there s no talking .
Erin : Do you mind if we just keep doing this -- not talking ?
Aidan : How long did you have in mind ? An hour , forever ?
Erin : A few minutes .
Aidan : Any particular reason ?
Erin : Um -- brain - mouth coordination , just words , just too many of them and , so , can we just --
Aidan : Not talk ?
Erin : Yeah .
Aidan : Sure . Do you mind if I sit ?
Erin : It s your office .
Aidan : There s room for two .
Lily : You re spying on me .
Reggie : No , I m not spying . I m out in the open . You hear that , Lavery ? Huh ? If you can hear me , show your face .
Lily : I do nt like this . I do nt spy on you .
Reggie : I m not spying . It s more like protecting .
Lily : I do nt need to be protected from Jonathan .
Reggie : Listen , Jonathan can act nice all he wants . It does nt mean that he is . Lily , you think you know him , but you do nt . You re so sweet , you can be naive at times . You think you know somebody , but you really do nt . You trust people too easily .
Lily : I m not stupid .
Reggie : Lily , listen , I m not calling you stupid , ok ? You re the closest thing to a genius I know , but you are my little sister . I m going to look out for you no matter what . You hear that , Jonathan ? You ca nt hide behind your little mask out here .
Lily : Stop it . Stop it . This is my special place . I m safe here . Go away , leave me alone .
Reggie : No , I m going to stick to you like glue , Lily . I m not leaving .
Lily : I come here , because it s quiet , and you re making it loud .
Reggie : I m just making sure Lavery does nt come bother you .
Lily : Stop it . Go away . Stop it .
Reggie : No , ok . All right , Lily , stop .
Lily : Go away . Stop .
Reggie : Can you calm down ? Please do nt -- all right , Lily .
Lily : Go away . Go away .
Reggie : I understand why you wanted this place to be all yours , ok , but I am -- I m with J on this one .
Lily : Go away .
Reggie : All right , all right , Lily , please . All right . I m going to go up the road for a little bit , all right ? You get to be alone , and I can head off Jonathan if he comes by . You get what you want , and I can keep you safe and keep my promise to J at the same time . Is that ok ? So we re cool , right ? Ok . We ll , I ll be back in , like , an hour or something , ok ? All right .
Lily : Climb me .
Adam : All right , you can save the theatrics , Krystal , unless that s one of those trick lighters . In that case , I think I ll have a cigar .
Krystal : Do nt you move a stinking muscle .
Adam : This is nt the first time a woman s held a gun on me .
Krystal : Well , it could be the last .
Adam : Would you get to the point ? I have a major rescue effort to oversee .
Krystal : Yeah , I heard . You blast Babe to smithereens , and you ask questions later . She is not a criminal , Adam . She is a mother .
Adam : She stole my grandchild .
Krystal : Just because they re both missing does not mean she snatched that baby .
Adam : Oh , come on . The Mardi Gras Ball blows sky - high -- it s the perfect distraction . She sees her chance , she runs off with my grandchild .
Krystal : No , no . You think if you say it enough , it s going to be true ? The only thing that we know is that they re both gone . We re not going to know the truth until she comes home , and she tells us .
Adam : Oh , you think she s going to come home without a little forceful help ?
Krystal : You call off your team .
Adam : Put down the gun , Krystal .
Krystal : No . You call your chief of security , and you tell him to rein in those dogs .
Adam : You are strung real tight , lady . It s one of your more interesting qualities .
Krystal : Do nt move a muscle .
Adam : Hmm . Krystal , there s no point in this . It s ridiculous . We can work this out . Man and wife ? Come on . A very short time ago , we came -- you and I came to a whole new level of understanding .
Krystal : Oh , come on . Now , that was -- that was just sex . And then you had them toe - tag me .
Adam : I -- I had nothing to do with that .
Krystal : And now you want to bring down my baby doll ? Well , you know what ? I am going to bring you down first .
Adam : All right , fine . Take your best shot , because whether I am alive or dead , they re going to track down Babe and make her pay for her crime . Oh , good . A witness .
Krystal : Nice try , Adam . You think I fell off the pumpkin truck this morning ?
J.R. : Put the pistol down .
Krystal : Oh --
J.R. : Dad ?
Adam : Hold on .
J.R. : Dad , are you ok ? Are you hit ? Give me that . I ll take that .
Adam : The gun was loaded . It was loaded . You could ve killed me .
Krystal : You pulled the trigger grabbing it like that .
Adam : You would ve done it , would nt you ? You would ve shot me ?
Krystal : That s usually why people put bullets in their pistolas , yes , Adam .
Adam : Ok , you were prepared to kill me ? Hmm ? After what we shared ?
Krystal : That does nt mean I have pudding for brains . You and J.R. as good as told your security team to mow down Babe . Now , no way am I going to let you be judge , jury , and flipping executioner .
Adam : You would ve killed me ?
Krystal : I mean business , Adam , and I want you to know that . And since you re still breathing , you pick up the phone , and you call off those hounds . Ok . Ok . This is not over .
J.R. : Well , that went well .
Jamie : Let her go , Hayward .
David : You want Babe home , we have to start talking Janet s language . And since I m not fluent in ding - a - ling , I m resting on the fact that she loves her daughter like crazy -- pun intended . She has what I love , I have what she loves . I call her up , we make a trade -- my daughter and grandson safe and sound for the freedom for her to take her daughter to the planet of her choice .
Amanda : I am trying to help .
David : You are helping , darling , as my hostage . Now let s go .
Jamie : I wo nt let you take her .
David : How sweet -- you care . Did nt your heart once go pitter - patter for Babe ? So what -- now Amanda s the one that has your panties in a knot ?
Amanda : Jamie did nt love me , ok ? He never did . It was all a move to bust my mom .
David : What a surprise . Just like Daddy , huh ? Have to play the hero all the time ? Well , move over , sonny . I can take it from here . Why do nt you go practice on some cadavers ?
Jamie : You want to take shots at me , or do you want to get Babe back ?
Amanda : He is trying to save your daughter .
David : Which is exactly what I m trying to do , only my method is much more effective .
Amanda : Hello ! My mom shot out of here to get away from me . I was turning her in . She thinks I ve totally gone to the other side .
David : Why do nt we do this my way and see what happens ?
Jamie : Come on , Hayward -- think . What if this maneuver of yours puts her over the edge ? She could go ballistic , get revenge instead . You could lose Little Adam and Babe forever .
David : I know what I m doing !
Jamie : Like hell you do . Janet has killed already . But you re willing to set her off , even with Babe and Little Adam in her sights . Stop being an idiot . Now , on the count of three , you let Amanda go . One , two
Jonathan : Welcome to your tree house . Do you like it ?
Erin : Do you know what I usually do when things get freaky ?
Aidan : Play pinball ?
Erin : No . I run . I mean , how do you think I ended up in Nova Scotia ?
Aidan : So you ve done this before , then ?
Erin : Um -- jetted out of town , yeah . Said those words like that out loud -- never , no .
Aidan : So you have any plans on crossing the border ?
Erin : I like it here .
Aidan : Here USA or here Pine Valley ? Or here with me ?
Erin : I only said it earlier because it was you , not someone else . Oh , my God -- that did nt even make sense .
Aidan : Yes , it did .
Erin : Uh --
Aidan : It did , clear as glass .
Erin : Oh , no . Are you doing that thing where you talk to the crazy girl , and you back away slowly and maybe she wo nt notice ?
Aidan : Am I moving ?
Erin : What I m trying to say is when I said what I said , it -- it was because of what you said earlier -- about Jonathan ?
Aidan : What , so has it just hit you that I m KO as Jonathan would put it ?
Aidan : Right ?
Erin : Hmm .
Aidan : And you could nt keep it to yourself . I understand .
Erin : Hmm .
Aidan : So what was it -- my smile , my charm , my wit ?
Erin : It was your anger . You -- you totally blasted Janet for trying to ruin Jonathan s whole world when he s just trying so hard to make a new , good life for himself .
Aidan : So you dropped the L word because I lost my temper ?
Erin : You were angry for all the right reasons . I mean -- I mean , hardly anybody cares about Jonathan , what happens to him , but you do , and I do nt know , it just hit me .
Aidan : So all of this because I yelled a bit ?
Erin : And --
Aidan : What ?
Erin : It did nt even scare me . I mean , usually when people yell and scream , I just -- I want to run , and I want to run as far and as fast as I can , but -- but when you yelled , I do nt know . I -- I felt safe . Is that weird ?
Aidan : No . No , weird is when people lie , not when they tell the truth .
Jonathan : I built it for you .
Lily : 89 boards . At least four nails in each board . This took a lot of material and time .
Jonathan : I wish I could ve done more .
Lily : It s quiet . Even though it s up high , it feels safe . My favorite color and my favorite flower .
Jonathan : I could nt find purple tulips . Well , I hope you do nt mind yellow .
Lily : They re bright .
Jonathan : It s not done . I m not finished , but I m going to have a lot more time soon . Aidan told me he has plenty of evidence against the chameleon lady , and that they re going to drop the charges against me .
Lily : Aidan s a very good detective . He s very logical . If anyone can find her , he will .
Jonathan : He would nt even have known to look for her if it was nt for you . You re the one who figured out that -- that a hallucination of my imagination ca nt rent a costume .
Lily : Maybe the police will have a piece of paper that says you re innocent .
Jonathan : I do nt need a piece of paper .
Lily : My dad does . He s a lawyer . He likes documents . Maybe if he could read that you did nt do any of the things you re accused of , he ll like you .
Jonathan : I did a lot of bad things before .
Lily : You could use some of the things we learned in Life Skills , like respect his personal space and talk about subjects that interest him , like who s going to win an Oscar this weekend , and laugh at his jokes . Do you know any good knock - knock jokes ? He really likes those .
Jonathan : Lily , I -- I could learn a million knock - knock jokes . Your dad s never going to like me .
Lily : Then I ll never get to see you . Maybe I could lie . That way , my dad would be happy -- not that I lied , but if he could believe that I was nt seeing you .
Jonathan : No , Lily , Lily , you -- you ca nt lie . You remember how you told me -- you said that man , that he smells like cheese ? I mean , you say exactly what s on your mind . That s one of the things that I love the most about you .
Lily : Maybe I could learn -- stop my mind from automatically saying the truth . It s normal to lie , and I want to be normal . It s one of the life skills I do nt have . Could you teach me ?
Babe : Only two to go . Three s a charm , and we re on our way home .
Amanda : I confronted my mom about Babe and Little Adam , and all she said is that Babe would never bother me again .
Jamie : That s it ? No hint of where they stashed him , anything that can give us a clue ?
Amanda : I blew it . I tried to force her into getting help , and she spun out of here . This is all my fault .
David : You had to come back to Pine Valley , huh ? Why could nt you just stay away ?
Jamie : Back off .
Amanda : Look , do nt you think I wish the same thing ? I thought I was escaping the freak show that is my mom s life . I never dreamed I d bring it with me . I m so sorry I did nt tell you what I knew the second that I knew it . Maybe none of this should ve happened .
David : Let me tell you something , sweetheart -- you re in this nearly as deep as your mommy , as an accessory to all this insanity .
Amanda : Look , Jamie , I did nt want to believe that my mother did all these crazy things , and then when I found out that they were true , I -- I just wanted to protect her .
David : You wanted to protect her while she s out there trying to kill half of Pine Valley ?
Amanda : And I wanted to get her back home with my dad . He takes such good care of her .
David : Oh , please ! Could we kill this TLC ?
Jamie : Anything , Amanda , no matter how insignificant could tip us off in the right direction .
David : The only thing Amanda has right now that could help us is her warm body as our hostage -- a fair trade . Well , not exactly fair . Babe is worth ten of you .
Jamie : Either help or get the hell out . Janet got away because of you . Now she s ticked off and betrayed . Who do you think she s going to take it out on ? You better hope it s not your daughter and your grandson . Now , we are running out of time and options . I m calling the cops .
Krystal : Adam ? Adam , last chance for an attitude adjustment , or I am going to call the police . Adam !
Krystal : Help ! Help me ! Somebody help !
Jamie : Janet got away before Amanda could get anything concrete . Dad , I m on it . We wo nt stop until we get something that points to where Janet s holding Babe and Little Adam .
Amanda : Oh . So is your dad full of ideas to crank the info out of me or does he just want to pass along what an idiot I am ?
Jamie : Hey , you are not an idiot -- just have nt made the smartest moves when it comes to your mother .
Amanda : Jamie , I have always been able to talk my mom down . I really thought I could handle her this time . I m so scared . I have never seen her this bad . And , I mean , now she thinks I hate her . God knows what she s going to do . She must feel so unloved and alone . Oh , God .
Jamie : So threatened . Is there anywhere that Janet feels safe , some place she may have mentioned taking you to ? Some place you guys would ve met ?
Amanda : Usually , Mom found me . Except for the warehouse . I mean , I never knew where she stayed or hung out , and , Jamie , if she wants to disappear , trust me --
Jamie : No , you know her better than anyone , and somewhere in that head of yours could be the piece of information that we need .
Amanda : I m totally blank , I swear .
Jamie : That -- that does nt mean it s not there . You re just too close to see it .
Amanda : You know when you and your dad asked me what I knew about everyone being kidnapped ? I yelled and screamed . But I had a feeling that it was my mom , and those people could ve died , because I did nt help you , and now it s Babe and Little Adam and I could ve stopped that , too .
Jamie : Ok , enough with the guilt .
Amanda : Do you hate me for covering for my mom ?
Jamie : Am I happy about it ? No . Do I hate you ? I ca nt . You love your mom . That s loyalty to your parents -- I get that .
Amanda : Yeah , it works when they re both sane .
Jamie : We ca nt change what s happened , but we can stop Janet from hurting Babe or anyone else in her way .
Amanda : Listen , Jamie , I swear I will do everything I can to help .
Jamie : Ok . So back to square 1 . If Janet gave up her hideout at the warehouse , where else would she be ?
Babe : Come on , you son of a gun ! Oh , come on .
Babe : Oh . Wishing on stars worked for J.R. s mama , Little A. Maybe it ll work for us . Please , please let me get my son home and safely in his father s arms . Please let my mama and J.R. and everyone be ok .
Jonathan : Are you sure , Lily ? Because if -- if you ever need to lie , I could just do it for you .
Lily : But you wo nt be there unless I can tell the lie , so I can be with you .
Jonathan : Ok . Ok . Are you sure ? Ok . So , like , if people ask if we re still seeing each other , just say no .
Lily : But I do nt want to stop seeing you .
Jonathan : No -- no -- no , it wo nt be true . It ll be what we tell people .
Lily : So I ll still see you ?
Jonathan : Yeah . We -- we can meet here in your secret tree house , and that way no one will know .
Lily : To tell a lie , all I have to do is say the opposite of what s true , like -- like Jonathan is bad , but you re not . I m just saying that because it s the opposite .
Jonathan : I know , but maybe we could avoid questions about us instead of lying .
Lily : I ve tried , but my dad is smart enough to keep asking . I want to be with you , even if I have to lie to do it . I should practice -- it s not easy .
Jonathan : Ok . Ok . I ll be Ryan .
Lily : All the time ? You do nt look alike at all .
Jonathan : No , no , no , just for right now , for pretend . And then when we re done practicing , I ll be -- I ll be me again . Ok ? All right . Um -- [ As Ryan ] Hey , Lily , what s up ?
Lily : Ryan s never said that to me . You do nt sound like him , either .
Jonathan : [ Normal voice ] Uh , well , that -- that s because we re just practicing . It s pretend . Ok ? Um -- [ As Ryan ] Hello , Lily . How are you ?
Lily : Hello , Jonathan s brother . I am fine .
Jonathan : Have you seen Jonathan today ?
Erin : You ready for some more truth ?
Aidan : Ooh , I do nt know . Shall I sit down here ?
Erin : You made me almost like Christmas .
Aidan : Really ?
Erin : Mm - hmm .
Aidan : That night we spent out in the cold chopping up Christmas trees ? See , that does nt usually have that effect on women .
Erin : It was nt the trees .
Aidan : New Year s when you took me ice fishing . All that ice , those creepy , crawly worms -- definitely memorable .
Erin : Now you re making fun of me .
Aidan : No , I m not . Come on .
Erin : You -- you re bitter . You are bitter because the big one got away .
Aidan : No , it did nt , because I have the catch of the day right here .
Erin : Oh , God . Can we -- can we just go back to not talking maybe ?
Aidan : Why ? I love every word that comes out of your mouth .
Erin : Ok . Go ahead , just -- just talk all you want , say anything . Go .
Aidan : I think you re beautiful , and I think you re sweet . And you re a pinball wizard or wizardess .
Erin : That is really good . You re -- you re great at this whole talking thing .
Aidan : You should try it sometime .
Erin : Hmm . When I m with you , I feel warm and light , and I hear your voice and prickles just --
Aidan : Really ?
Erin : Yeah . Feel .
Aidan : What else do you feel ?
Erin : Um -- my face hurts .
Aidan : That s not good .
Erin : No , from smiling . Do you think if I -- if I keep doing it , my face will stick like this ?
Aidan : I do nt know . I d like to hang around long enough to find out .
Babe : But we ca nt wake that loud lady , so we have to be very , very quiet . You think you can do that for me ?
Little Adam : No .
Babe : Of course , you can because you are Mama s big boy . Yes , you are .
Little Adam : I do -- I do it in the diaper .
Babe : You do ? Yes , you re such a big boy in your diapers , I know . Ok , so we re going to do it , and since you re Mommy s big , big , brave boy , it s going to be kind of silly , but we are going to go out that window and pretend it s a door , ok ? It ll be so fun . And since you re my brave boy , you get to go first . All right ? Kiss for good luck . Love you . Ready ?
Little Adam : Let s go out .
Babe : Yes , you get to go out .
Little Adam : No !
Babe : I m going to go out with you . Ready ? Let s put our feet -- one foot , two foot out the window ready ?
Little Adam : No .
Babe : You re ok , baby . I m right here with you . Right there -- oh , there s the ground . That is my big boy . Now , you stay right there and do nt even blink .
Jonathan : Maybe we -- maybe we should just forget about the lying , Lily .
Lily : I m just afraid that when my dad looks at me the way he does , I ll forget and just tell the truth .
Jonathan : That s ok , Lily . That -- that s ok . I -- do nt lie to your dad if it s going to make you feel bad .
Lily : I wo nt know until I try . I tried dancing , and I liked it . Maybe I can do this , too .
Jonathan : Just do what feels right . Um -- like when I asked you to marry me , and you said no .
Lily : You re glad I said no ?
Jonathan : I m glad you told me what you meant . You told me how you felt . And you can always do that with me , Lily , even if you re going to say something that I do nt want you to say . I do nt want you to ever , ever feel -- feel trapped with me or scared .
Lily : I feel free and happy up here . This will be my new special place . We can meet here , and no one will see us together , and I wo nt have to go away to school .
Lily : Free as a bird .
Jonathan : A watch bird .
Lily : I should probably go . Reggie said he d be back in an hour , and it s been 58 minutes . But Reggie s always late , so maybe I could stay another 15 .
Reggie : Lily ? You ready ?
David : So , tell me , Adam -- do you feel stupid yet ? Breathing fire about Babe kidnapping your grandson ? Well , it turns out they re in real danger .
Adam : Yeah , all the facts pointed to Babe as the culprit .
David : What facts ? You did nt have any facts , Adam . Well , pound these facts into that warped brain of yours . It was all Janet Dillon . Every last psycho stunt pulled in this town over the last few months -- the poison , the quicksand -- all of it Janet . She s the one that nearly blew us all out of kingdom come . And now she has my daughter and my grandson , and who the hell knows what she s going to do with them ?
Adam : We ll stop her .
David : Oh , oh , oh , oh , now ? Now you want to help , right ? Well , how much time have we wasted , Adam ?
Adam : Krystal was right . Krystal was right ! I got to find her . I got to tell her .
David : Wait a minute -- Adam !
Krystal : Get this off ! Who the heck are you ? When this blanket s off and it s a fair fight , I am going to kick booty , so you better be prepared to fight like a man !
Erin : I just remembered my New Year s resolution .
Aidan : Please tell me no more ice fishing .
Erin : I vowed to have fun .
Aidan : And how s that working out for you ?
Erin : This is better . This is it . This -- this is what happiness feels like .
Reggie : Lily ? Oh .
Lily : You re only a minute late .
Reggie : You look a lot happier than when I left .
Lily : I like it here , very much .
Reggie : Ok . I d rather leave nature to the squirrels , but whatever works for you .
Lily : Works very well for me . I m going to come here a lot more often .
Reggie : That s nice . Come on , let s go .
Amanda : That s it -- brain drain , everything I can remember my mom saying on the phone , in person . Look , I m sorry I ca nt be more help .
Jamie : No , this is good .
Amanda : Oh , God ! It s a whole lot of nothing .
Jamie : Hey , hey , it s just part of the process . We now know all the useless stuff . We re that much closer to finding the clue that will lead us straight to your mom .
Amanda : Jamie , it s hopeless , ok ? My mom wants to vanish , no one can do it better than she can .
Jamie : Amanda , have you ever known me to give up on something that I want ? We re going to find your mom .
Babe : Mommy s coming , baby . You re being such a brave , brave good little boy . We ll be home in no time , we will .
Janet : Not so fast , missy .
Adam : Did Krystal come through here ?
David : Oh , please do nt tell me that you lost your wife in your own house . What hope could I possibly have that you re going to find Babe and Little Adam before it s too late ?
Adam : If you ca nt tell me where my wife is , then just shut the hell up !
Krystal : You ?
Janet ( to Babe ) : Brace yourself . J.R. may be killing your mother .
Amanda ( to Simone and Kendall ] : My mom caused the explosion at the Mardi Gras Ball .
Di ( to Dixie ) : You care about your son so much , why are nt you just marching into the Chandler Mansion telling everyone you re alive ?
### Summary:
| David tells Amanda and Jamie that he knows Janet has Babe and little A and the only way to get her to negotiate is to use Amanda as hostage . Jamie agrees that Janet is responsible for all the crimes and she has Babe and little A but does not believe David knows how to handle the situation . Babe is ready to escape while Janet is out . Aidan and Erin are finding romance . She reveals to him that she thought his anger toward Janet for framing Jonathan was heroic . Jonathan find a tree house where he can meet Lily secretly . Adam and Krystal are arguing about how to find Babe and little A. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Edmund : Oh , damn it .
Maria : You do nt have to worry about me and Edmund . Really .
Edmund s voice : I get to throw Slater in prison . And Maria ? Well , that lying cheat -- I do nt care where she lands as long as it s not in my house .
Maria : Brooke ? What s wrong ?
Greenlee : It s early , Ryan . Jonathan s probably still asleep .
Ryan : Yeah , I know , but that s what phones are for . Phones ring , people wake up , they answer them .
Greenlee : He could ve turned it off . Some people like to lounge in a nice , warm bed and ignore the world .
Ryan : So much for the afterglow , huh ? Are you ticked at me because I ruined our sequel to the honeymoon ?
Greenlee : Wistful . It was fun while it lasted . I ve missed that , missed you .
Ryan : We re going to have plenty of afterglow . We have a lifetime of that , ok ? Just --
Greenlee : I love you .
J.R. : The myth , the legend , Adam Chandler , III . Roar of the crowd , the anticipation for his first solo steps . That s a good boy ! Yeah , whoo - hoo ! Ah , that s my boy . Yeah . Will you get lost ?
Ethan : Oh , my God .
Zach : Help me !
Ethan : Finish him ?
Zach : What s wrong with you ? Help me get him out of here . Now . Now ! Here .
Ethan : All right . I think he s alive , barely .
Zach : Take your coat off , put it on him . All right . Call 911 .
Ethan : You want this guy to live ?
Zach : Ambulance -- yes ! Fire department . Just do it !
Ethan : You re leaving ?
J.R. : Crazy lady is going bye - bye . Can you say , Beat it ? Can you say , Beat it ?
Babe : I just came to bring him his favorite things , and then I ll be gone .
J.R. : Think you d catch a free look at my son ? Well , nothing in life is for free , Babe . Winifred ? Could you have the nanny come to the library immediately , please ? Guess you re in the mood for a restraining order .
Babe : He s gotten so tall .
J.R. : Yeah , and I m sure he ll grow another inch by the time you see him next . Yeah , it sucks to be an unfit parent , does nt it ? That concludes my act of charity for the day .
Babe : Hi , baby . Mommy is --
J.R. : Is leaving . Did your lawyer not read you the visitation rules ?
Nanny : Mr. Chandler ?
J.R. : Could you put my son to bed , please ?
Babe : James , Mama loves you . It s ok , sweet boy . It s ok . Hey !
J.R. : His name is Adam Chandler , III . Sole custody is mine , his name is mine , and every other decision --
Babe : I know , I know , J.R. -- is yours . I know .
J.R. : Look at that . She can be taught , folks .
Babe : I m going to follow the custody agreement every single step of the way . I just -- I do nt want us to be those parents who make their children choose sides . This is our son from now until forever , so can we just try to get along for his sake ?
J.R. : You want to be friends ? I may choke .
Babe : Friends ? Yeah , and I want world peace and blue eyes . I m not stupid . I know that we re never going to be able to play nice , but at least we can try for polite .
J.R. : How about we try for invisible , as in I never see your face ever again ? When you have your generous three hours one day a week , I ll be nowhere near here . You will come , you will go . I ll never see you , as if the world has opened up and swallowed you whole .
Babe : My son loves me , and he needs me .
J.R. : He got over Kelly . He ll get over you . No , wait a second . Save me the messenger service .
Babe : You ca nt sue me , J.R. You ve already taken everything that matters .
J.R. : No , our divorce came through finally . Three cheers for the legal system . Hip - hip go away .
Babe : This is it . It s over . So , tell me -- did you ever even love me , or was I just the new best way to stick it to your daddy ?
Adam : Look at it this way , Joe . Your cardio unit will survive without him , and you have a soon - to - be empty office space available .
Palmer : Yeah , you better hose it down with holy water first .
Joe : Well , this day has been a long time coming .
David : Oh , hey , I know you two . The crotchety , old loudmouths on the balcony of The Muppets , right ? Hey , nice job hiding that hand up your --
Adam : Laugh it up , Hayward . They say humor is the best medicine . And since you do nt practice here anymore , punch lines are the only thing left in your doctor s bag .
Palmer : Well , enjoy your last night as a doctor , Doctor .
David : It s not like I have nt been booted from this hospital before , Joe .
Joe : Tomorrow they re going to petition the AMA to revoke your license . No hospital , no clinic . You ve pulled out of a tailspin before , but this time --
David : Well , then I guess I m going to have to cut their victory dance short , huh ? Draw up my resignation posthaste .
Aidan : Who leads on a lovesick teenager with Autism Spectrum Disorder , huh ?
Anita : A decent man who did nt want to see her get hurt .
Aidan : I just break her heart instead .
Anita : Aidan , this is my fault , too . I mean , I m the one that told you that pretending to be her boyfriend was this big act of kindness .
Aidan : Well , you could nt know .
Anita : Well , neither could you . And you ve been nothing but good to her . You ve been a supportive , loyal , sweet friend , and she wanted more . And who can blame her ?
Aidan : Hello ?
Jack : Aidan . Thank goodness . It s Jack . Listen , have you -- have you seen Lily ? Her bed has not been slept in , and I have nt heard a word from her .
Aidan : I m sorry , Jack . Lily found out that I m not her real boyfriend anymore .
Jack : Oh , boy . So you have seen her ?
Aidan : Well , she saw me kissing Anita , and she reacted how you d expect . But we got her through it . She should be home by now .
Jack : Well , she s not home . So where is she ?
Aidan : I do nt know . Maybe she s still on the grounds here at Wildwind . I m on it , Jack . We ll find her .
Ryan : He s not here . I should never have left him alone .
Greenlee : It s only been a few hours .
Ryan : Well , how long does it take a guy to walk out the door ? Like , two seconds . I should ve just listened to my gut .
Greenlee : Instead of me . That s what you mean .
Ryan : I m trying to save my brother .
Greenlee : I m saving our marriage .
Ryan : Greenlee , our marriage is fine . My brother is not . Look , I do nt want to fight about this . I just want to find him .
Greenlee : I ll call around .
Ryan : I ll check the front desk and the bar .
Greenlee : Concierge , valet .
Reggie : What the hell are you doing here ? You do nt live here anymore .
Jonathan : Maggie does . I m -- Maggie ? Maggie ! Where is she ? Where d she go ?
Reggie : Let s just say your arms are way too short to hit her from here .
Jonathan : Where is she , huh ? When is she coming back ?
Reggie : Yo , if you like walking , you will get away from my girl right now .
Danielle : I m good . Ask me again .
Jonathan : Bianca ? Is she with -- Bianca s in France . Everyone knows that . Has Maggie left yet ? When is she coming back ?
Reggie : Yeah , do it . Touch me ! Please , just give me an excuse !
Brooke : I am just exhausted . This is sort of my pre - deadline look .
Maria : Well , whatever it is , we ve been through plenty , so you can say whatever you have to say , even if it has to do with me and Edmund . Especially . Please .
Brooke : I think the marriage is between the two of you . I do nt think anybody should be in the middle . Not me , not anyone .
Maria : Not Zach .
Brooke : Maria --
Maria : It s -- Zach is not an issue . He s not , not anymore . And yes , there were times that I thought that Edmund and I would nt make it , but I know we will now . I know we will , especially with the help of some friends that are dying to spill just the right information .
Brooke : I just want Edmund to be happy again . And you . And I would be thrilled if you -- if you decide to give each other that . Anyway , you know , this look of mine -- two double espressos only go so far .
Maria : Ok .
Brooke : So --
Electronic voice : Fire , zone eight . Fire , zone eight .
Maria : Zone eight ? Oh , my God , that s the horses . The horses .
Brooke : What ?
Ethan : A man s unconscious . We re at the north end of the estate . Where the bloody smoke is !
Anita : Oh , my God , Edmund ! Is he --
Jonathan : He s -- he s alive . The ambulance is on its way .
Aidan : Listen , where are the stable doors ?
Anita : Around the side !
Aidan : All right , I m going to go check out the horses .
Anita : Come right back , Aidan !
Aidan : I will , I will .
Anita : Edmund ? Edmund , can you hear me ? Help is on the way !
Maria : Who is that ? Edmund . Edmund ? Oh , my God , what happened ?
Anita : What happened ? Is he breathing ?
Ethan : I have no idea .
Maria : Yes , he has a pulse . All right , baby . Come on , stay with me , sweetheart . You re going to be all right . Stay with me . We re going to get you through this . It s ok . All right . Oh , my God . Edmund ?
J.R. : Go ahead , move your lips while you read . That means you ll be gone that much faster .
Babe : Well , I guess this is the answer , why you even bothered to marry me .
J.R. : Who knows why these things happen ? A deep emotional connection , two - for- one tequila shots ? As you can see , I actually filed the paperwork so you ca nt pull that Oops , I m still married BS on the next moron . Speaking of which , my condolences to Jamie . You re all his now .
Babe : So I guess it would probably be too much to hope that Stuart could spend some time with my son ? At least then he d have two decent male role models .
J.R. : Wow , I m flattered .
Babe : I m talking about Jamie .
J.R. : Did you hear Jamie s name mentioned in the custody ruling ? No . He will never be in the same room as my son .
Babe : You ca nt do that .
J.R. : I can . I really can . You break that court order and your three hours of mamahood will turn into none .
Babe : Jamie loves that little boy .
J.R. : You were knocked up by the time we traded vows , so why do nt you hurry up , crank another one out for Jamie , and leave my son alone .
Babe : Are you really that sick ? J.R. , you won ! It s over ! You could let Jamie see him if you wanted .
J.R. : I do nt want to .
Babe : He s your brother .
J.R. : He s nothing to me ! You know , you keep saying it s over . Well , nowhere near . Not yet .
Babe : You made sure that my son was close enough to touch , and then you have him taken away ? If that is not punishment , then -- you still want me to bleed .
J.R. : You tried to take my child and get away with it . What world do you live in ?
Adam : No job and no medical license . That s a good start .
Palmer : What do you say we have his car impounded ?
Adam : I ll flip you for first shot at the compactor .
Adam : What is this doing in my house ?
Palmer : Oh , she should leave while she still has enough bleached brain cells to know what to do .
J.R. : You hear that , Babe ? Enemies unite all because of you . You know , Babe , the party has just started .
Jonathan : What s the matter ? Scared , Reggie ? Here you go . Huh ? What , not man enough to take the first shot ? You want me to do it for you ?
Reggie : Go ahead . Come on . Give me your best shot .
Danielle : Look , Maggie s gone . Airplane , bye - bye . Get a clue .
Jonathan : Yeah , with Bianca because Paris is for lovers , right ?
Danielle : Look , you got what you came for , now get out . Or -- I have my dad on speed dial . Maybe you want to count the seconds till you re fresh meat ?
Jonathan : You got to love a feisty girl with a pretty face , huh ? Why are you waiting for this chump to go through puberty ? I ll show you how to get it done .
Reggie : You know what , you re done !
Danielle : Oh , you know what ? Or you can kiss mine and die fast , all right ?
Reggie : You know what ? Get out of here before I throw you out of the window . And if you ever come near my girl again , you re dead .
Jonathan : The two of you together -- you re just so cute .
Reggie : I wanted to hit him so bad , so bad .
Danielle : What was I thinking ?
Maria : Edmund ? Edmund , stay with me . I ca nt see anything , I ca nt . It s too dark . I ca nt see his pupils . Where is Anita with my bag ? Where is -- can I have this , please ? I ve got to do something to stop the bleeding .
Brooke : Here .
Maria : Thank you .
Brooke : Edmund ? Edmund , please --
Maria : No , no , no , do nt you worry . We re going to get him through this . We ve gotten him through a lot worse . It s going to be ok , baby . Come on . Edmund ? Come on . Where is --
Anita : Got it .
Maria : Thank you . Thank you , thank you , thank you . Can you get the gauze , please ? I m trying to stop the bleeding .
Ethan : A head wound . Yeah , yeah , there s blood . I know it s a fire , but --
Maria : What happened ?
Aidan : The horses are out of the stables . They re fine .
Maria : Will somebody please tell me why my husband is laying here unconscious and bleeding ? What in the hell happened ?
Aidan : I think that s Lily ! Come on .
Maria : Ok . Hold that . How s it doing ?
Lily : Red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red
Ryan : No sign of him . The valet . I m going to go check with the --
Greenlee : No , no , stop , stop . You ca nt do this . If you have to bird - dog him every second of every day , then he should nt be on the loose .
Ryan : What are you saying , that you want him in jail ?
Greenlee : How about just treatment from professionals who handle these situations ?
Ryan : Like in an institution ? You want him locked up ?
Greenlee : Get him help .
Ryan : Greenlee , I walked away from him once . It s not going to happen again .
Greenlee : I know why you re freaked . Your brother is on the loose , which means that he could hurt someone . I m right , are nt I ? You re afraid that he went after Maggie .
Jonathan : I d have to use my passport . Maggie made her jet plane getaway from the big , bad wolf .
Danielle : Are you ok ?
Reggie : Yeah , I m all right . It s just all these boxes in this place , it s like one good - bye after another . It was Bianca , Maggie , Jamie . The second Babe showed up and flashed her smile , the whole crew was gone .
Danielle : Well , old friends go , new friends come . That s life , right ?
Reggie : Yeah . That s very Zen of you .
Danielle : Well , just call me Sensei .
Reggie : Ok , Sensei . This whole life thing ? It bites .
Danielle : Or it can not bite , too . And that s not me being Zen . That s me saying I m here to stay .
Reggie : And that s news I can handle .
Reggie : Yo , J , what s up ? No , man , I have nt seen her . All right , I ll be there . Lily did nt come home . J said she might be hiding at Wildwind .
Danielle : Is he going to meet us there ?
Reggie : No , he s got to hang at home just in case she shows up . We ll hook up with Aidan . We re going to find our girl .
Lily : Red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red , red --
Aidan : Lily !
Aidan : Lily ! Lily , where are you ? Lily ! Wait , I m coming up !
Ethan : All right , I m going to check the stables .
Lily : Red , red , red , red --
Aidan : Lily !
Lily : Red , red , red , red --
Aidan : Lily !
Lily : Red , red , red , red --
Aidan : Lily !
Lily : Red , red , red , red --
Lily : Red , red , red , red --
Aidan : Are you ok ? I ve got her , I ve got her ! I m coming for you , Lily .
Lily : Red , red , red --
Aidan : Hold on ! I m coming for you , Lily ! Quick , come on , give me your hand ! Turn around ! Lily , give me your hand !
Lily : Red , red , red , red --
Aidan : Lily , give me your hand ! I ve got the sunglasses ready ! Lily , we re partners . Please , turn around and give me your hand , quick . Please , come on !
Lily : Red , red , red , red --
Aidan : Lily ! Lily !
Zach : You going to let me die ?
Aidan : Lily , come on . Come on , Lily , we re partners . Please , reach back and give me your hand !
Lily : Red , red , red --
Aidan : Lily , please , take my hand ! I ca nt come to you ! I m too heavy ! But you re light . Please , reach out and give me your hand . These floorboards wo nt take my weight . You re going to have to come to me . Look at me . Take my hand , please . Please . I do nt know how long this is going to hold . Please , take my hand .
Zach : Go ahead , walk away . No one would ever know . A true Cambias would do it .
Aidan : Lily , come on . Lily , come on , you can do this . Trust me . I m here for you . I m going to grab you , all right ? You re not going to fall . I ve got you . Come on , just grab me . Grab my hand . Take my hand . Come on . Let s get you out of here . Take my hand . Come on .
Aidan : Lily , come on , that s it ! Come on .
Aidan : It s ok , I got you .
Ryan : You went to Maggie s place ?
Jonathan : It was my place , too . Not anymore .
Greenlee : Maggie never mentioned leaving with Bianca .
Jonathan : Yeah , well , I guess it was one final surprise for my benefit , huh ? Last chance to flip me off ? Bianca s idea , I m sure .
Ryan : Jonathan , you were nt supposed to go anywhere near Maggie . Why would you do that ?
Jonathan : To tell her I m sorry . So she d know I hate what I did . The shrink , you here with me -- it s working . And I realize what I did and how much I must have terrified Maggie . No worries now , though , right ? All you girls got what you wanted . Maggie skipped continents to get away from me .
Ryan : Hey , Maggie left you because of you , Jonathan , nobody else .
Jonathan : I know , and I have to live with that . I did it all wrong . I did nt love her the way she deserved . But I loved her . Forget it , you know ? She s with Bianca now .
Greenlee : You do nt know they re a couple .
Jonathan : Well , whatever they are , Maggie will be happy . I have to be happy for her .
Ryan : That s easier said .
Jonathan : All my fault . Look , look at this . Look what I ve dragged you guys into . The -- you play babysitter and you sit home alone ? This is insane , Ryan ! Hey , we ca nt live like this . I m not going to have you put your lives on hold anymore , not for me . That s it , I ve got to go . It s time for me to go .
Ryan : Whoa , whoa , slow down . Just because Maggie left does nt mean that you re all alone here .
Jonathan : Ryan , you have a wonderful marriage , a wonderful life .
Ryan : Yes , I know , and Greenlee understands that I ca nt go anywhere , I ca nt let you go until we ve worked this through , until we ve figured this out , ok ? I m not going to go anywhere . So just come on . Enough with this leaving stuff . We got plenty of time to talk this through . Just give me a second . I m going to get changed . I ll be right back .
Jonathan : Ok .
Greenlee : That was so slick , you can see the grease marks . But you know what , Hocket ? You do nt fool me for a second .
Maria : Come on , baby . Stay with us . You ll be ok . Edmund ? Edmund ? Let s get some more gauze , put some more pressure .
Anita : Ok .
Maria : We got a head wound over here . His pulse is 120 . His pupils are really sluggish . He s been unresponsive for over 30 minutes .
Lily : Stop it !
Aidan : Lily , you re safe . You re safe now . It s going to be all right . I need some help here .
Lily : Do nt touch , do nt --
Aidan : But be careful . She s Autistic . She does nt like to be touched .
Paramedic : I got to check her out .
Aidan : It s all right . It s all right .
Lily : No ! Do nt touch me ! Do nt touch !
Aidan : 75 , 74 , 73 , 72 , 71 , 70 --
Maria : Edmund , come on .
Reggie : Maria , Edmund s going to be all right . We re here , Lily .
Maria : Call Radiology and put them on standby , and call in and make sure the hyperbaric chamber is ready just --
Paramedic : He s not stable enough .
Maria : Call it in ! It s ok , baby , we re going to get you through this . I m not going to let you down . Edmund ? Come on , sweetie . Go ahead , let s get him in there .
J.R. : Babe has this idea that everything is over now . Mama s in prison , and it s all better .
Palmer : Krystal in an orange jump suit . Let me ponder that .
Adam : Did you disabuse the poor naïf ?
J.R. : Well , I told her , in America movies do nt end without complete retribution .
Adam : Too many syllables . You are toast .
Babe : And here I was worried that my boy would nt have enough decent male role models . I came to bring my son his things . I m finished here .
Adam : You should run to see your pa . I think he could use a shoulder to cry on right about now . We just pulled the plug on his job and slapped a DNR on his medical career .
J.R. : Mama s in prison , Daddy s on the skids . What joy you ve brought into their lives .
Adam : Now , we would nt think of leaving you out . You re not going to be able to get a job or a line of credit .
Palmer : You let me believe that Dixie s grandson was gone forever . Well , forever is how long you should pay .
J.R. : To sum it up , dear ex , life officially sucks for you . Cheers .
Palmer : Chin - chin .
Adam : Ah , salud .
Babe : Bring it on , boys . Bring it on .
J.R. : Oh , we will . We will .
David : Vitals ?
Maria : GCS is around 11 .
Maria : Pupils are getting smaller .
Lily : No red !
Maria : BP is 90 over palp .
Reggie : Whoa , you ca nt touch her ! You ca nt --
Lily : Do nt touch !
Reggie : If you touch her ...
Maria : We got a possible skull fracture , cerebral hemorrhage . He seized in the ambulance . Let s start another IV .
David : He has a history of heart failure . Somebody get this crash cart on standby .
Maria : Going to need an ICP monitor .
David : Come on , come on !
Maria : And we need a cooling blanket .
David : Hold on , Edmund .
Maria : Come on , baby . Come on , baby , stay with me .
Jack : Lily ? Lily ?
Jack : Lily , I m right here . Lily , I m right -- is she badly hurt ?
Aidan : She wo nt let us close enough to find out .
Lily : Do nt touch me !
Jack : Sweetheart , listen to me , it s Daddy . Honey , honey -- Joe , Joe , Joe -- do nt touch her right now . Do nt touch her right -- please , it s Daddy . Let us help you , ok ? Please ?
Lily : Do nt touch me !
Jack : Joe , do something .
Joe : We need to sedate before she hurts herself .
Jack : All right , do it . Do it .
Joe : Nurse , sedative .
Jack : Sweetie , listen to me .
Paramedic : You sucked in a lot of smoke . Keep it on .
Zach : I ll be fine . Take care of the others . Thanks .
Lily : No , no !
Jack : You re all right , you re all right .
Lily : No !
Jack : Look at me .
Lily : Do nt touch me !
Jack : It ll be all right . I ll be with you , ok ? We re going to keep you safe . We will always keep you safe .
Greenlee : Good . Stay in character . Would nt want to blow your cover .
Jonathan : You sat next to me at the police station . You said you wanted me to get help . I m getting help .
Greenlee : You re throwing a pity party with a guest list of two . Maggie s safe . It s Ryan who needs protection now .
Jonathan : You think I d hurt my brother ?
Greenlee : Lie to his face , crank out a few tears , make it look like it s all his fault .
Jonathan : I offered to go .
Greenlee : You re good , but you ll slip . Ryan will see you for the manipulative freak that you are . Then you wo nt have to offer to leave , he will boot you across state lines and never look back .
Jonathan : Smart mouth , dumb girl . Ryan know this about you ?
Greenlee : Ryan knows everything about me . Does he know everything about you ?
Jonathan : Now I understand why someone tried to make you go away . Lucky for you , though , whoever poisoned you has nt had another chance . Because if they did , bye - bye , Greenlee .
Ryan : You leaving ?
Greenlee : Long night . A girl s got to get her beauty sleep .
Jonathan : I m really sorry if I worried both of you .
Ryan : Hey , I m going to walk you to your car , ok ?
Greenlee : No , no . Stay . Jonathan needs help , now more than ever . See you .
Jonathan : She s right , huh ? Long night . I m thinking pancakes , sausage . Hey , do you still dip your sausage in your --
Ryan : I heard you .
Jonathan : What ? Is that a yes ?
Ryan : I heard you , what you said to my wife -- whoever poisoned her getting another chance .
Jonathan : Ryan , I -- hey , it was just lame and stupid .
Ryan : It was vicious !
Jonathan : She pushes my buttons , Ryan . She treats me like a woman - beating thug ! It gets to me , yeah . Oh , but she -- she s right . She s right . I deserve it . Hey , we can work on this with the doc .
Ryan : You know , I used to think it was your personality . But you hate Greenlee .
Jonathan : That s not it at all .
Ryan : I heard you , Jonathan . Your words , the tone . You hate my wife .
Jonathan : You re wrong ! Eggs scrambled ? Over easy ? You used to like over easy , right ? Well , do mine over easy . I m going to make this call .
Lily : 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 . 126 .
Aidan : Lily was upset when she saw me kissing Anita . But I promised her that we d always be great friends .
Jack : What every young girl with her first crush wants to hear .
Aidan : Yeah , I know . But she seemed to be ok with it .
Jack : Did she ? So you just let her walk away and got back to business with Anita , is that the way it went ?
Aidan : She told me that she was going to go home .
Lily : 126 .
Aidan : And I promised her that I would give her a lift , but she refused . And then when you called , I went looking for her . I heard her scream . The fire started , and I got her out . I just wish I had found her sooner .
Lily : 126 .
Reggie : Yo , J , Lily s coming around . She stopped counting .
Jack : Hey , sweetheart . You re fine , and everything is going to be all right . Sweetheart , how do you feel ? I mean , do you hurt anywhere ? Do you need anything ?
Lily : 126 .
Reggie : 126 , what ?
Lily : 126 days till summer break .
Aidan : Lily , you gave us some kind of scare . What happened ? How did you end up in the hayloft ?
Lily : 1,022 .
Jack : Sweetheart , we all want to help you . But you have to help us . What s with these numbers ? What do they mean ? Are you doing a math problem in your head ?
Reggie : What if they re clues ? I mean , with the whole detecting thing and all .
Aidan : Jack , I think I know what the numbers mean .
Maria : Let s push the Mannitol .
David : Positive battle signs .
Joe : The nurse will do that . Check on Mr. Slater s burns .
Anita : No .
David : Active bleeding . Get neuro down here .
Joe : We ll do everything we can for Edmund .
Anita : I m sorry , Dr. Martin , I wo nt touch Zach Slater , ever . Find someone else .
David : Hold on . Hold on .
Zach : Why did nt you just walk away , never look back ? You had your chance . Why did nt you take it ?
Aidan : 126 are the number of tiles in the ceiling . Right , Lily ?
Lily : 126 .
Danielle : So what s the other number ? Stars in the sky ?
Aidan : I think 1,022 are the number of checks in Jack s shirt .
Reggie : Way to go , Lily . Can you guess how many bedpans are in this place ? All right , I m sorry . I know it s not the time .
Jack : It s all right , it s all right . I m just afraid there s not going to be much to smile about until both Edmund and Lily are well and out of this place .
Brooke : Not like this , Edmund . Not like this .
David : He s crashing ! Stand by with 5 ccs epi and a cardiac needle ! Get the paddles to 300 , now !
Maria : You hear me ? Stay with me !
David : Clear ! Damn it . Again , now -- 360 ! Clear !
David : Damn it , Edmund , how many times do I have to save you ?
Maria : No , no , no , Edmund !
David : You owe me .
Maria : Stay with me !
David : Come on , come on !
Maria : There you go . Edmund , Edmund ? Come on , baby . Come on , baby . No , no , we re not giving up on him ! No , no ! Come on ! Come on . One , two , three , four -- five more ccs of epi , now !
Joe : We ve done everything we can .
Maria : No , we have not !
David : You heard the doctor . Let s not give up .
Zach : You proved you should nt be anywhere near the Cambias cesspool .
Jamie : Will you marry me ?
Krystal : Just walk away and -- and leave me alone .
Tad : I ca nt .
### Summary:
| Jonathan goes looking for Maggie and finds Reggie and Danielle going through the empty apartment . He makes it clear he s still obsessed over Maggie . And Ryan overhears him indicating to Greenlee that he supports whoever tried to kill her , and what that could mean . Babe goes to see her son . But JR gloats that he has full custody , she only gets 3 hours a week with their child and if she ever brings Jamie to see him , he will make sure she never sees her son again . Adam and Palmer are in cahoots with JR for what she did to him and for making him believe that Dixie s grandson is dead . They also go to the hospital and petition to get David permanently suspended from the hospital . Dr. Joe Martin indicates that David has been in enough trouble and this time he might never be reinstated . Somebody puts an electric heater on the hey in Edmund and Maria s horse stable and starts a fire . Edmund gets knocked out . Zach , who s also been knocked out comes to . He gets caught in the fire and Ethan saves him . Lily is also there hiding and AIden rescues her from the fire . Edmund is taken to the hospital but does not make it . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Phoebe : No , no I m at Dad s . You should come over . It s a great night for swimming .
Rick : My favorite person there ?
Phoebe : No , but I mean -- even if he was , it would nt matter because it s okay for us to see each other now . Remember ? Rick ; yeah , but that was before he found out I was such a louse .
Phoebe : You know what . Stop . Okay ? I mean , it s not like you re still seeing whoever she was . And you know what , if I move on , then so will my dad . So how soon can you get here ?
Rick : I have to take care of something first . Then I m all yours .
Phoebe : And do nt you forget it .
Ridge : Casanova taking time out of his busy schedule to stop by ?
Phoebe : Hi dad . Where were you ?
Ridge : Well if you must know , I had a date with Ashley .
Phoebe : Really ?
Ridge : Mm - hmmm .
Phoebe : She s great , dad . I mean , I love her . She s amazing . She s classy and honest . I mean , everything that you deserve .
Ridge : You deserve that , too . Rick ai nt it .
Phoebe : Do nt go there again .
Ridge : Sweetie , the guy s not being true to you .
Phoebe : We were broken up , Dad .
Ridge : For what ? A day ? And already he s involved with someone he what ? He met in a bar ?
Phoebe : No , Rick would nt do that .
Ridge : That means it was nt a fling then . He s been seeing someone behind your back . Someone he s probably sleeping with .
Phoebe : Stop ! Stop , dad . Stop . Okay , I m moving on , okay . And I need you to , too .
Ridge : Okay . If I did nt love you so much , sweetheart , I could move on .
I say everything will be all right cause everybody loves everybody cries
Rick : You re really sweating this , are nt you ?
Constantine : It s going to be a masterpiece .
Rick : Kind of like my duet with Phoebe , right ? We are still on for the day after tomorrow ? Laying down the tracks for my duet ?
Constantine : Ca nt you just do some karaoke or something ?
Rick : Karaoke ? Right . See , you laid down fresh tracks for your song . I would like to do the same . I mean , it has to be fair .
Constantine : Look , everything s set up as I promised .
Rick : Good . And you hired only the finest musicians , just like you did for yourself ?
Constantine : Feeling insecure , Rick ?
Rick : No , I just want to make sure I can trust you .
Constantine : I have no need for trickery . Our duet will win , then Phoebe will start making a name for herself in the music business . And then you can go back to your little chickie on the side .
Ashley : Well , hi , Brooke . Ridge just left .
Brooke : I came to see you .
Ashley : So I take it you re upset that Ridge and I are spending time together . Is that why you re here ?
Brooke : No . No , I m not upset . Just concerned for you , Ashley .
Ashley : Aww . Really ?
Brooke : Ridge and I have a history . We share a child . I m sure you do nt want to interfere with that .
Ashley : Not at all . Of course not .
Brooke : Good . Then we have an understanding .
Ashley : Well , let me clarify . I mean , I would never do anything to interfere with you and Ridge parenting your child together . But that does nt mean that I m stepping out of the situation . Because I m not .
Phoebe : Are you going bash Rick all night ? Because if you are --
Ridge : I m just telling you what I see .
Phoebe : Why ca nt you just drop this ?
Ridge : I have a feeling you really admire Ashley Abbott . What do you think she was doing at your age ? She was going to college , seeing what life had to offer . Making her way . I guarantee you , she was nt mapping out her life according to some boyfriend .
Phoebe : Dad !
Ridge : That s what I want for you , sweetie . You do nt have to depend on a man -- be around a man all the time . You can become successful and very happy all by yourself .
Phoebe : Right . I know I can . But I can also do all of that with Rick . It does nt mean my entire life is centered around him .
Ridge : It sure seems that way to me though .
Phoebe : Are we going to fight all night ? Or do you want to hear about everything else that s going on in my life ?
Ridge : We re going to fight . Come on . Come on , take your best shot .
Phoebe : I give up . I -- you talking about Constantine and your singing ?
Phoebe : Well -- Rick had this idea . And maybe now I ll be able to pursue the whole rock star thing more freely .
Ridge : In what way ?
Phoebe : Well , Rick agreed to sing a song with me . To record a song with me . And he challenged Constantine to this contest at Insomnia . And basically , we re both going to sing a duet . I m going to sing one with Rick and Constantine and then if the audience likes the one I sing with Constantine better , then I ll pursue my music career .
Ridge : So Rick thinks he can sing better than a professional singer ? Well , that does nt surprise me . What if , by some fluke , this duet you do with Rick wins ?
Phoebe : It wo nt , Dad .
Ridge : Humor me -- what if ?
Phoebe : Well , Rick thinks that I should focus on my job at Forrester .
Ridge : Sweetie , the fashion business is always going to be there for you . You ve got a chance now to do something with your music . Do nt , please , do nt let somebody stand in your way .
Phoebe : Including Rick ?
Ridge : If Rick does nt like you moving on -- possum - ing out , then to hell with him .
Phoebe : There s just a small problem . I love him . And it matters to me what he thinks . And actually , he s going to be here soon , so I m going to get us some food . All right , I love you .
Ridge : I love you too .
Rick : You just love rubbing that in my face , do nt you ?
Constantine : Yeah , I do . But what I do nt love is you cheating on Phoebe .
Rick : You want her for yourself , Constantine . I can see right through you . This concern that you have , that s what it s all about .
Constantine : When Phoebe s eyes are opened -- finally , and she dumps you for good -- we both know you wo nt be alone for long . Your little secret woman is out there somewhere and it wo nt be long before you turn to her again .
Brooke : You must realize what you re letting yourself in for . All of the complexities . Getting involved with a man that has a child with another woman .
Ashley : It is so complicated , is nt it ? And given that you re that other woman , it makes it even more complicated .
Brooke : I trust that you will do what s best for everybody concerned -- and not turn this into a battle .
Ashley : Oh , I do nt want a battle . But Ridge has made it very clear to me that he does want me to be in his life , so --
Brooke : Ashley , he s been in hell the last few months . He needs some space to sort things out .
Ashley : And you do nt ?
Phoebe : How long have you been standing there ?
Rick : Oh , long enough to memorize you in that bathing suit .
Phoebe : Oh , I feel like it s been a hundred years .
Rick : Come here . You miss me ?
Phoebe : You think ? Did you -- did you bring your swimsuit ?
Rick : I did nt , I forgot . So , we re going to have to go skinny dipping .
Phoebe : Well , I happen to have something in the pool house , actually .
Rick : Oh , that s a bummer . Well , okay , you re going to have to come with me because I forgot how to put on a bathing suit .
Phoebe : Oh my God ! You need to cool off .
Rick : No , I am not the one -- come here . I m not the one who needs to go in the pool .
Ridge : Hope I m not catching you at a bad time .
Constantine : No , not at all . So what can I do for you , Mr. Forrester ?
Ridge : Uh , two things . First , you can just call me Ridge . Mr. Forrester would be my dad .
Constantine : Right .
Ridge : And secondly , keep what I m about to say to you strictly between us .
Brooke : This is not about me , Ashley .
Ashley : Well , maybe it should be . Do nt you think that your behavior s been a little erratic lately ? Are you sure that Ridge is even the man you want ? Maybe you should take some time and just reflect on that . You know , maybe take a little break between relationships .
Brooke : I have made mistakes . I ll admit that . I m sure you have too . But we do nt get do - overs . The best we can do is make amends to the people that we ve wronged . And I plan on doing that with Ridge .
Ashley : I wish you all the best . I mean that .
Brooke : Just as long as the best does nt come between you and Ridge ?
Ashley : It s really late and I m kind of tired .
Brooke : I can take a hint . I just hope you can too .
Rick : Come here . Look at you . You re like my little mermaid .
Phoebe : Do you want some food ? Those strawberries are amazing .
Rick : I m sure they are , but I m looking at you and you re looking pretty amazing right now .
Phoebe : I m serious , come try one .
Rick : Okay . Mmm -- that is good .
Phoebe : Where were you when I called earlier ?
Rick : Oh , I was um -- I was at Constantine s . I was just making sure everything is in order for our recording session .
Phoebe : You know , it would have been nice of you to tell me what you were thinking . I mean , you sprang it on us .
Rick : I know , I m sorry --
Phoebe : Not that it was nt intriguing that you challenged him like that .
Rick : He would have no idea who you are if he never saw that clip of you and I singing at Insomnia . I mean , all I ve got to find is that perfect song and -- watch out .
Phoebe : You know what ? Either way , I m happy because I have you . You know , and I still have my music and my career at Forrester s . I mean , how many girls get to say they have a perfume named after them ?
Rick : Not many .
Phoebe : You know , and Ashley s doing a great job and things are great . If my dad would just lighten up .
Rick : What ? Your father is being a pain , again ? Wait listen to me , again , like he ever stopped .
Phoebe : He s just -- he s just worried about you and the other woman .
Ridge : Thank you . Phoebe told me about this duet contest . I said hallelujah , finally something to focus on for her besides Rick .
Constantine : I know , really . I was hoping that when I played her that message , that she would realize that he was no good for her .
Ridge : What message ?
Constantine : Oh , well someone had left a phone here one day and I played the voicemail just to see whose phone it was . You know , of course . And there was a message from a woman -- a sexy voice , About last night , Rick . And then asking Rick to call her back .
Ridge : Sweet , innocent , naive daughter keeps insisting they did nt have sex .
Constantine : I do nt know , maybe I was wrong , but I copied it . I thought Phoebe should hear it .
Ridge : You still have it ?
Constantine : No , she asked me to erase it . And now I guess , all is forgiven .
Ridge : I might have recognized the voice . I keep feeling like if this woman was a little more real to Phoebe , she would nt be so determined to hang on to this punk .
Rick : You have nothing to worry about , okay ? Listen , there is no one else . No one . I love you . You are the one that I love .
Phoebe : Even if I m -- I mean -- even if I do nt think that I m
Rick : Hey , hey . Until you re ready , I am going to find every possible way to make love to you . Any way that I can think of . By doing things like this . And through our song , our duet . I m going to pour my heart and my soul into that song . And when that happens , we ca nt lose .
Constantine : Phoebe and I ll come out on top . Not only will our record be good for business , but I think it ll show her that there s a big wide world out there . One that does nt revolve around Rick Forrester .
Ridge : I just want things over between those two . Before she gets in any deeper .
Constantine : Then you and I want the same things .
Phoebe : I m sorry , I m sorry , I --
Rick : What ? What s going on ?
Phoebe : I just ca nt stop thinking about it . I --
Rick : Thinking about what ? Talk to me .
Phoebe : Umm -- you and that other woman .
Rick : I m sorry .
Phoebe : You know what ? Whoever she was , I just , I do nt want to know . I do nt want to have that picture in my head . Just promise me that I m never going to meet her . That she s gone .
Rick : I promise . I promise .
Phoebe : I m sorry , I m sorry . I should nt , I should nt -- why am I talking about --
Rick : What ? No , why are you apologizing , Phoebe ? Listen , you should be talking about it . That s good . It s all good .
Phoebe : Okay . I m going to go change . I ll be right back . I love you .
Rick : I love you . Hmmm .
Ashley : Hello .
Rick : Hey . It s me , I got your message .
Ashley : Yeah , we need to talk about our situation .
Rick : What situation ?
Ashley : All the secrecy about us . I ca nt deal with it .
Rick : What the hell are you talking about ?
Ashley : All this sneaking around . What s the point ? I mean , we ve both moved on . You re with Phoebe , I m dating Ridge now , so --
Rick : You re -- you re dating -- Ashley , my God .
Ashley : Look mister , you do nt have the right to tell me who I can and can not date , okay . And the point is , this is getting extremely awkward . We just need to be truthful . Tell them that we had a thing and it s over . I mean , we re too intertwined not to be above --
Rick : Ash -- , Ashley , listen , I understand you want to be above board , but it s going to blow up in our faces . People will get hurt , especially Phoebe . She -- Phoebe can not know that you and I were involved .
Ashley : Rick , they re going to find out .
Rick : Not if we do nt broadcast it . I understand you want to do the right thing , Ashley , but -- it s going to be a disaster .
Ashley : It ll be even a bigger disaster if they realize we ve been hiding this all along . At least this way we can control how and when the information comes out . [ Knock at the door ] Somebody s at the door . Hold on a second . Who is it ?
Ridge : It s me , Ridge .
Ashley : It s Ridge , I ve got to go .
Rick : Ashley , do nt , Ashley , do nt say anything please -- Ashley ?
Ashley : A handsome man at my door , how lucky can a girl get ?
Ridge : Is that a rhetorical question or what ?
Ashley : Yes , for now . Did you come here to flirt with me , or do you actually have a reason for your visit ?
Ridge : Well , Abby comes home tomorrow , right ?
Ashley : Uh - huh .
Ridge : Parents are having a little Fourth of July gathering by the pool and I wanted to invite you and Abby to come attend .
Ashley : What a lovely invitation . We accept .
Ridge : It ll be a good time . Mainly family , lots of kids for Abby to play with .
Ashley : Oh , she ll love that .
Ridge : I m sure Rick will probably show up in his usual lovely self . I wanted to ask you about --
Ashley : No , it s all right , go ahead .
Ridge : Go ahead , go . Go ahead .
Ashley : You . What ?
Ridge : It s just this whole thing with Rick and Phoebe . It s really worrying me . I do nt know if you know this , but there s another woman involved apparently .
Ashley : Oh , really ? Um -- does that upset you ?
Ridge : Rick claims it s over . I do nt trust the guy and neither should Phoebe . This woman he had an affair with is out there somewhere , Ashley . I m going to find out who she is .
### Summary:
| Poolside , Phoebe talks to Rick on the phone and invites him over for a swim . He wonders if his favorite person is there , and Phoebe states he is nt but even if he were , it s okay that they are seeing each other now . Rick says that was before he found out he was a louse . Phoebe assures him it s okay , he is not seeing that other person now . If she has moved on , so can Ridge . Ridge happens by and he tells her he had a date with Ashley . Phoebe is happy as Ashley is amazing , classy and honest like he deserves . He wishes that for her too and Rick ai nt it . The guy is nt being true to her , though she argues they were broken up at the time . She has moved on , she needs him to do the same . Rick checks with Constantine to make sure they are still on for him to lay down his tracks in two days . It s not going to be karaoke , he wants it to be fair and have the same advantage Constantine did . Constantine replies there will be no trickery ; he will win fair and square and then Rick can go back to his little chickie on the side . He is sure Phoebe will dump him for good and Rick s secret woman is out there somewhere and he can turn to her again . Brooke shows up at Ashley s and Brooke would like her to say that Brooke has clear sailing with the father of her son , but Ashley will not give her that assurance , so it s every woman for herself . When Ridge hears about the challenge between Rick and Constantine , he does nt want this to stand in Phoebe s way to have a new career if that is what she wants . Rick and Phoebe smooch by the pool while he memorizes her in that bathing suit . He will make love to her in song , any way he can until they do for real . She tries to get the other woman out of her head , but admits it is hard . She gets Rick to promise she is gone and she will never meet her . Ridge visits Constantine in his studio and thanks him for suggesting this duo contest , then is surprised to hear about this sexy voicemail and who the other woman could be . He thinks if Phoebe could hear the message or knew who the woman was it would be a little more real to her and she d drop punk Rick . They realize they are on the same page and want the same thing . Ashley calls Rick and wants to talk about their situation , the secrecy of it . She advises they tell Ridge and Phoebe since they surely will find out anyway , Rick is against it . Ridge comes back to Ashley s and he too brings up the other woman in Rick s life . He laments Rick claims it is over , but he does nt trust him . This woman is out there somewhere and he intends to find out who it is . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
EJ : Samantha .
Sami : Hi . The kids are upstairs with my Grandma .
EJ : I just came to say good night to them . I thought you were away on a business trip .
Sami : [ Chuckles ] I was supposed to be . There s been a change of plan .
EJ : What sort of change ?
Sami : If you want to see the kids , you should probably go up now . They re about to go to sleep . [ Sighs ]
Kate : He s tracking-- he s tracking her every move . Stefano . [ Sighs ] Stefano . It s me , my love . Um , I know you do nt like to use the phone , I know that , but I really do need to hear your voice , so call me please . I am out to dinner with some fashion editors right now , but I will leave on my phone . Okay . I would really rather be at home with you . I love you .
John : I can not believe that I agreed to be the old man s errand boy again .
Hope : Why ca nt we just do what he says ? Why do I have to think I m some crazy Princess named Gina ?
John : Well , cause you know why . It s fun for him . And if we want to keep Bo and Marlena alive , the old man is calling all the shots now .
Madison : What are you doing here ?
Ian : I was right .
Madison : About what ?
Ian : About how astonishing you d look in that dress . As soon as it hit the runways of Paris , I had to see you in it .
Madison : Ian , this was supposed to be a dinner with two fashion editors .
Ian : It is . I ve invited two editors who work for Titan Subsidiaries . I told them I thought it was time that they meet some of Salem s local talent . Ah , here comes our first guest .
Girl : It s you .
Chad : Uh , do I know you ?
Girl : You re the guy from the Countess W ad .
Chad : Uh , well , yeah , she s in the ad too . And , um , yeah , this is act -- this is my girlfriend , sorry .
Girl : Will you sign my shirt ?
Chad : What ?
Girl : Please ?
Chad : Uh , okay . Um ...
Melanie : D - I - m -- good .
Chad : Uh , there you go .
Girl : Thanks .
Chad : Yeah .
Girl : I ll never wash this shirt again .
Chad : Um ... I m sorry about that .
Melanie : Wow , well , it s just the price of fame .
Chad : Uh , yeah , we should , uh , we re probably gon na have to walk across to the square anyway , so uh ...
Melanie : [ Laughing ] Okay , yeah .
Chad : Wonder what happened to Will .
Will : I think I might be gay .
Marlena : That s it ?
Will : Yeah . [ Laughs ] I said -- I -- I said , I think I might be gay .
Marlena : Mm - hmm .
Will : I told you that I kissed Neil because I was drunk , but I dont -- I--
Marlena : I--
Will : I -- in--
Marlena : I think it s okay .
Will : You think it s okay ?
Marlena : Yeah . Remember that Lady Gaga song you played for me once ? Where she said that sexuality is like the color of your eyes ?
Will : [ Chuckles ]
Marlena : It s a thing that you re born with ? Well , I happen to agree with that . You were born with great good looks and charm and wisdom and a wonderful future . And if you re figuring out something about yourself now and acknowledging it , it s nothing to be ashamed of . It s a cause for celebration .
Will : Well , wait , I did nt say I was -- I was sure that I was gay .
Marlena : Okay .
Will : I mean , I do nt want ... like Grandma Caroline in church praying for my soul , trying to save me from eternal damnation .
Marlena : [ Laughing ] Honey , do you think there has never been a Brady or DiMera that was gay ?
Will : Well , if there was , he did nt let anyone find out about it .
Marlena : [ Chuckles ]
Will : Excuse me , who are you calling ?
Marlena : I m just -- you know , I do nt think I really have to be at that dinner party to represent Basic Black . I thought I d just cancel .
Will : No , no , no , do nt . Come on .
Marlena : I love talking to you , I like being with you .
Will : I love talking to you , but you always change your plans for me ...
Marlena : It s o--
Will : And I cant -- I cant -- I actually have to pick up my friends .
Marlena : Oh .
Will : And I m late for that , so I got to go .
Marlena : Well , I--
Will : I m sorry .
Brady : The invitation that I got was from two fashion editors .
Madison : Yeah , I know , I got the same one .
Kate : What are you all doing here ?
Ian : As head of Titan , I felt it was incumbent upon me to promote all the businesses here in Salem .
Kate : Ah , because you have always been so civic - minded ?
Marlena : Good evening .
Ian : Hi , Marlena .
Marlena : Hi , Brady .
Ian : Dr. Evans . Marlena , if I may , I m so glad you could join us . Uh , Brady you know , I m not sure if you ve met Madison . Uh , you know Kate .
Marlena : Of course . Madison , good to see you again .
Madison : Good to see you .
Marlena : Kate , always .
Kate : Marlena .
Ian : Well , I think I ll open some champagne , and we ll have a toast .
Kate : You re late . What kept you ?
Marlena : Oh , I ran into Will on the way in .
Kate : He s all right , is nt he ?
Marlena : I m sure he is , yeah .
Kate : You know , you re not the only one who cares about Will . He has two grandmothers . I want nothing but the best for him .
Marlena : I know that , Kate .
Sami : Hey , so how is everything up there ?
EJ : It s fine , Sydney fell asleep on my shoulder .
Sami : Oh . So I guess that means they re staying here tonight .
EJ : You were planning on taking them away with you ?
Sami : Well , I was just about to figure out what to do next .
EJ : I see , because Kate s canceled your business trip .
Sami : She canceled more than that , EJ . Your stepmother is out to destroy me .
Kate : Alicia , Serge , I want to introduce you to the faces of Countess Wilhelmina , Gabriela Hernandez and Chad DiMera .
Alicia : The two of you have such chemistry together .
Gabi : I guess we do .
Alicia : [ Chuckles ]
Chad : It s nice to meet you . Um , this is Melanie .
Melanie : Hi .
Serge : Hi . How long have you and Chad been together ?
Melanie : Uh--
Chad : Oh , um , yeah , we re not together .
Serge : Oh .
Gabi : Oh , we used to date , but that was a while ago .
Chad : Yeah , actually , I m -- I m with Melanie .
Serge : Oh .
Alicia : [ Chuckles ]
Gabi : Okay .
Marlena : Regardless who got us here , I think we should use tonight to promote Basic Black . And I m going to , uh , go do that right now . Excuse me .
Kate : You go ahead . We ll see who s queen of the night .
John : You and I , we have to do whatever it takes to get home . I know we wanted to believe there was another way , but it looks like this is it , so I just want to give Stefano whatever the hell he wants and just get out of here .
Hope : But letting him back into our heads ? What are we doing ?
John : I know , I know . Even if we do find this damn jewel - encrusted--
Hope : He does nt care about that , John . Come on , let s be honest here , he just wants to control us , and we said yes .
John : What were we gon na say ?
Hope : We re damned if we do . And Bo and Marlena are damned if we do nt .
Chad : Who are you texting over there , Texty McTexter ?
Gabi : [ Laughs ] My mom . She s gon na freak out when she finds out that I met the fashion editors of those magazines she reads at the hairdressers .
Chad : Oh .
Melanie : Well , luckily it was only drinks . I m not sure how much more talk about the wow factor I could have taken .
Chad : [ Laughs ]
Gabi : Will s here . Hey .
Chad : How about that ?
Gabi : We were worried about you .
Chad : Oh , hi .
Will : Uh , yeah , sorry . [ Laughs ]
Chad : Oh , do nt sweat it , we got there on our own .
Gabi : It was fantastic , okay , we drank champagne , and we met all these fabulous people . I had a great time .
Melanie : Yeah , it was great .
Gabi : Hey , you know what ? I have an idea . Since -- since we re already dressed up , and Will can obviously get dressed up , why do nt we go hit up a club ?
Chad : You know , maybe another time . Melanie and I are headed back to my place .
Melanie : Oh , we are ?
Chad : Yeah , we are .
Gabi : Oh , okay .
Chad : So for tomorrow night , where would you like to go ? Chez Rouge or Buddy s Burger Barn . Are -- are you kidding me ?
Gabi : Yeah , you guys have a great time . I -- will and I have a lot of catching up to do .
Chad : Uh , yeah , okay . Good night , guys .
Gabi : Night .
Melanie : Bye .
Chad : See ya .
EJ : Look , Samantha , the last thing that I want is to get involved in your business dealings with Kate .
Sami : Mm . Who asked you to get involved ?
Kayla : Everything all right here ?
Sami : Yes , Aunt Kayla . Everything is great .
Kayla : Hmm , somehow I do nt believe that .
EJ : What is it you re drinking , darling ?
Sami : The house Pinot Grigio .
EJ : [ Mumbling ] House Pinot Grigio .
Kayla : It s a modest , little wine .
EJ : Yeah , we ll take a bottle , please , thank you .
Kayla : Bottle . Okay .
Sami : If you do nt want to get involved with my problems , EJ , then why did you order a bottle of wine ?
EJ : Two reasons . Uh , first reason is that you re the mother of my children . The second reason is you look like you could do with it .
Sami : [ Laughs ] It s the fact that I m the mother of Lucas children that makes Kate want to kill me .
EJ : I thought that you and Kate were getting along swimmingly .
Sami : Yeah , well , I should never have gone to work for her .
EJ : Maybe these things will just ... blow over .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
EJ : Kate has this thing at the moment because she s got this idea in her head that somebody or someone or something is spying on her operations at Countess Wilhelmina . Here s a good idea , why do nt you see if you can ingratiate yourself by finding out who this little rat is ? Oh , my God . It s you .
EJ : I m right , are nt I ? Sit down , sit down .
Sami : It was nt my idea , all right ? It was Madison s .
EJ : It was Madison s idea , and you went along with it ? Are you out of your mind ?
Sami : Look , I thought it was a good idea at the time , and she was my boss , and anyway , she chickened out of the whole thing , okay , and I quit . I do nt work for Mad World anymore .
EJ : That does nt mean that s not disputable , sweetheart .
Sami : I know that . And Kate is threatening this-- press charges , the whole thing . You re a lawyer . Oh , my God . Am I really desperate enough to ask you for advice right now ? [ Sighs ] Yes . Yes , I am . Just-- EJ--
Kayla : Here we are . Here you go . Let me get that for you .
EJ : Get for me , thank you .
Kayla : Sami , let me get you something to eat . How about some chowder ?
Sami : I m fine , Aunt Kayla .
EJ : Thank you for your help .
Kayla : Mm - hmm , I can see that .
Sami : Just tell me what to do . What do I do now ?
EJ : [ Sighs ] Look , the first thing you need to do is just calm down .
Sami : Okay .
EJ : Okay .
Sami : And then what ?
EJ : Without knowing any of the specifics of the case , I ca nt really give you any advice .
Sami : I just need the name of a good criminal lawyer .
EJ : [ Sucks in air ]
Sami : And then I ll figure out how to pay him , or her .
EJ : Okay . I know someone . Might waive the fee .
Sami : What s his name ?
EJ : Elvis , God help him .
Marlena : Okay , easy there , big boy .
Brady : Does she look like a woman in love to you ?
Marlena : Yes , she does . Just not with Ian .
Brady : Exactly .
Marlena : But that s not the point . There s obviously some reason that she s staying with him , and you ca nt change that .
Ian : Everyone ? Uh , dinner is about to be served . Please .
Marlena : Oh . [ Chuckles ] Let s go over . [ Indistinct chatter ] Oh , thank you , Brady .
Madison : Oh .
Ian : Thank you all very much for joining me . I know we are competitors , but we do have one thing in common . We appreciate beauty , and we understand its power . Now , some campaigns will prosper and some will not , so may the best man or woman win . Here s to attaining your heart s desire .
Marlena : Cheers .
Melanie : Okay , I m getting kind of dizzy .
Chad : Okay , hang on , just one sec , hold your horses .
Melanie : Is something burning ?
Chad : Uh , no , no , no , um ... okay , open up .
Melanie : Oh , wow . This is so pretty .
Chad : Is something wrong ? It just kind of seems like you ve been down the whole night .
Melanie : No . No , no , no . You just -- you went to a lot of trouble , and--
Chad : Is there something you re not telling me ?
Melanie : Yeah .
Hope : [ Sighs ] What are we doing ?
John : We are keeping the people we love alive . And right now , you and I can not allow ourselves to think the worst here . We have to stay strong .
Hope : How ? How do we stay strong ? Once Stefano is done with us , we wo nt even remember Bo and Marlena . When I talked to Billie , she said Bo was in really bad shape .
John : Stefano said he s alive .
Hope : Stefano said . Stefano said ? I do nt believe a word out of his lying mouth . Stefano ! I want proof that my husband s still alive , or I m not doing anything for you . Damn it , answer me !
Hope : Stefano !
John : Hope , listen--
Hope : I said , I want to see my husband !
John : Hope , listen to me .
Hope : Stefano ! [ Whimpers ]
John : Turn -- turn around . Look at me . You saw the videotape of Marlena , right ? If Bo had died , you would have seen it in her eyes . She would be with Bo s family right now . Would nt be walking around in Salem with one of Stefano s goons trailing her .
Hope : He needs me , John . He ca nt speak .
John : That is why we are going to do exactly what Stefano wants .
Hope : Once we lose our free will , how do we know we ll ever get it back ?
Sami : [ Sighs ] You are going to represent me ?
EJ : Precisely .
Sami : Why ? What do you get out of this ? Unless you re gon na work with Kate to take my kids away from me .
EJ : I would not do that to them .
Sami : You already have done that to them .
EJ : I would nt do that to them again .
Sami : Why , cause you re a changed man ? Puh - lease .
EJ : Samantha , if you were not the mother of my children , you can disappear and never come back , for all I care . But you are , and they love you . And so for their sakes , I m going to keep you from making an even bigger mess of your life than you already have .
Sami : Do you know that it is your fault that my life is a mess ? Yes , it is totally your fault . If it were nt for you , I would have Rafe to help me out of this mess right now , but I do nt . I m all by myself because he wants a divorce .
Melanie : I m sorry , it s just--
Chad : It s just what ?
Melanie : Uh , ever since you got this whole , like , modeling thing , I feel like I have to fight off half the women in America . And Serge could nt keep his eyes off you either .
Chad : I let all those girls know that I m with you . And Serge too .
Melanie : I know . I know , I m sorry , I m just -- I m not really used to being jealous .
Chad : You -- you re jealous ?
Melanie : Well , no , I m not , I m not , like -- like , jealous jealous , when -- I-- I mean , the bitch with the shirt , I almost ripped her hair out .
Chad : Continue , keep going .
Melanie : [ Laughs ] No . Um ... and Gabi .
Chad : What about her ?
Melanie : Just everybody says you guys have so much chemistry together , and you do .
Chad : [ Scoffs ]
Melanie : I just-- I do nt really know where it s coming from .
Ian : I have an announcement to make , if you will indulge me . I have worked , uh , very hard . And I ve been lucky , but heading Titan is something that I could only dream about when I was young . Proud as I am of my achievements , I am more proud of the beautiful lady who shares my life . Helping Madison to become successful is one of my greatest achievements , and when you are as happy as we are together , and as fortunate , I feel it s only right to give something back . So that is why I ve created a foundation in Madison s name . A portion of the sale of every Mad World product will be used to help young ladies in underprivileged areas to realize their dreams .
Marlena : Wow .
Brady : Wow .
Madison : I dont -- I do nt know what to say .
Brady : I know what to say . I do . And I have one or two things to say ... about your wife .
Ian : Well , this should be interesting .
Brady : I would like to toast your lovely wife . Oh , and by the way , she is not something that you created .
Marlena : Brady , sit down , hon--
Brady : I know everyone-- you d like everyone to think that , but that s -- that s just a load of bull . I mean , this woman is who she is , and she s where she is because of her , not because of you .
Madison : Thank you , Brady . Thank you , that s enough .
Ian : No , darling . Let him have his say .
Brady : She did nt need you then , she does nt need you now , so why do nt you go back to where you came from and leave her the hell alone ?
Madison : Hey , Brady !
Brady : That would be great !
Madison : I said that s enough !
Chad : So you re jealous of Gabi ? She and I get paid to look like we re hot for each other . I mean , it s not real whatsoever .
Melanie : I know , but it seems like Gabi thinks it s real . She looks at you like she s madly in love with you , and that does nt bother you at all ?
Chad : It does nt matter what Gabi thinks . Does nt mean anything . But if you want to see what madly in love looks like ... it s me when I look at you .
Melanie : You re madly in love ?
Chad : Yes . I love you . And I want us to be together .
Melanie : I want that too .
Will : So ... what s the deal with you and Chad ?
Gabi : There s no deal .
Will : Hmm .
Gabi : Your apartment , by the way , is amazing .
Will : Thank you . Seriously , though , dont -- dont change the subject . What s the deal ?
Gabi : I do nt want to talk about Chad . I want to know why EJ pays your rent and why he bought you your car .
Will : Uh , perks of the job .
Gabi : Okay , most people would be happy with dental care . How does your mom feel about you working for EJ ?
Will : Oh , she loves it .
Gabi : Okay , and what about Rafe ?
Will : Um , he does nt get a vote anymore .
Gabi : So you honestly like working for EJ ?
Will : Yeah . I mean , I did nt at first , but , um , it turned out better than I expected .
EJ : So you do nt think that Rafe s going to get over himself and forgive you ?
Sami : If he were screaming and fighting with me , I d think maybe I had a chance , but he s not . You know , he s so calm about the whole thing , he s offering to let me and the kids stay in the loft . You know , things like that .
EJ : I see .
Sami : Like I d stay there without him . No , now I have to figure out a place to stay with the kids that I can afford , with no job . I ll get right on that , unless I end up in jail . [ Chuckles ]
EJ : It does nt really sound very much like you , Samantha .
Sami : What do you mean , like me ?
EJ : I mean , you sound like you ve given up . You sound lost , defeated .
Sami : It s not just what you and I did . I have the little problem of my sister to deal with too . Carrie ... set her sights on Rafe the moment she met him . And she s having trouble with her marriage now too .
EJ : Do you really think that Carrie s the problem ?
Sami : Are you kidding me ? After all the problems I caused her and Austin ? She s loving every minute of it . How are things with you and Nicole ?
EJ : Hmm . Uh , let s see . Well , um , I signed the divorce papers . Just waiting for her to file them .
Sami : Well , there goes your big idea to keep it a secret , huh ?
EJ : [ Laughs ]
Sami : That worked out great .
EJ : Yeah .
Sami : What the hell were we thinking , EJ ?
EJ : We were nt thinking .
Sami : [ Sighs ]
EJ : I still thought I d lost my son . In the moment , the only person I knew who felt that pain ... was you .
Sami : Yeah , but why ca nt we just ... experience pain like normal people , you know ? Hold hands , cry . Why were we tearing each other s clothes off ? I mean , either we re the most disgusting people on the entire planet , or we re crazy . We ca nt leave each other alone .
Gabi : If you re happy , that s all that matters . I mean , it s cool that you re getting everything you want .
Will : Not everything I want .
Gabi : But you could , right ? I mean , technically , if you had somebody backing you up .
Will : What somebody ?
Gabi : Maybe it could help to have a woman around .
Will : Okay . What are you getting at ?
Marlena : Brady , Brady , Brady . Honey , let s get you home .
Brady : Listen , somebody has to get through to -- to Madison , all right ? She has to know how much that guy is a -- he s a jerk , that guy s a jerk !
Marlena : Somebody has to get through to you . Look , you did rehab , you did 12 steps , how many drinks did you have tonight ?
Brady : I-- I do nt know , I had a couple , but I m not an alcoholic , and I can handle it , okay ?
Marlena : You can handle it ?
Brady : Hey , I m fine .
Marlena : Let me share with you . Besides making a fool of yourself tonight , you ve also put Basic Black in jeopardy . Do you even have any idea what you ve done ?
Kate : Well , there s one thing that can be said about Brady , he knows how to bring a deadly evening to life .
Madison : I have to find him .
Ian : Sit down .
Madison : No . No , I m not gon na sit down . Damn it , Ian , this was not about business , this was about you torturing Brady . That s why you set this up . I m not gon na help you do that anymore .
Kate : So it appears the worm has turned . You re going to need a whole nother bottle of champagne to take the curse off this evening .
Ian : [ Chuckles ]
Kate : Do you know what I think you should do ? I think you should accept the fact that the person you married is in love with someone else . That s what I did .
Ian : Oh ?
Kate : Ah , yes . I found out that Stefano is still obsessed with Marlena .
Ian : How do you know ?
Kate : I have proof . I have proof that he s -- he s -- he s tracking her every move . I do nt even know why I m telling you this .
Ian : I do . Because in your heart of hearts , you know that I care about you in a way Stefano never will .
Brady : I know I -- I know I lost it a bit tonight . I can fix it , it s gon na be fine .
Madison : [ Sighs ] Thank God , I thought you were in your car somewhere .
Marlena : I would nt let that happen . You two need to talk .
Brady : Mm . Well ?
Madison : Brady , you have to stop letting Ian push your buttons .
Brady : Ian does nt scare me the way he scares you .
Madison : Yeah , well , he should . When you wanted to leave , I should have said , fine , go .
Brady : Do nt you know I would nt have left without you ? Hmm ? Hmm ?
Madison : Mm .
Sami : [ Laughs ] You did nt say anything about what I said before .
EJ : Oh , about the two of us being out of our minds ?
Sami : Yes .
EJ : [ Laughs ]
Sami : That .
EJ : Oh , I do nt know , I think the two of us are , um ... unique .
Sami : Unique ?
EJ : Unique .
Sami : That s a good word to describe us .
EJ : [ Chuckles ]
Sami : Definitely .
EJ : Well , we both seem to think that we re the center of our own universes , you know ?
Sami : Maybe that s what made the sex so good . Sor -- ahem .
EJ : [ Laughs ]
Sami : I m just saying . I mean , it s a horrible set of circumstances . I ca nt believe -- we re the only two people on the entire planet who would do something like that under those circumstances . No wonder Rafe ca nt understand it , I ca nt understand it either . It s so embarrassing .
Sami : Were you happy with Nicole ?
EJ : Yeah , no . Of course , you know . Eventually , mm - hmm .
Sami : That s what I mean . I mean , how does that happen ? How do we ruin everything ? Like we always do . We just -- we just blow it . I do nt understand that . God , it s like -- now here we are , sitting here , all alone .
EJ : You re not alone , Samantha .
Gabi : Why are you looking at me like that ?
Will : Oh , I m just trying to figure out what you want .
Gabi : [ Sighs ] Will , my whole life I ve done everything by the book . Uh , I mean , it s just how I was raised .
Will : Oh , yeah , me too , believe it or not .
Gabi : But you know , sometimes when you do everything by the book ... well , then you ... you just end up with the book .
Will : Yeah . And sometimes the people telling you to live one way are nt doing it themselves .
Gabi : Exactly . I mean , you re working for EJ , and your life is better , right ?
Will : Yeah .
Gabi : I mean , waiting around for things to happen a lot of the time just gets you nowhere . I think bending the rules a little bit is nt bad .
Will : Well , I agree .
Gabi : Teach me how you did it .
Will : Did what ?
Gabi : Stopped being perfect Will and got EJ to do all of this for you .
Will : Okay , how -- what do I get out of it ?
Gabi : Well , I meant it when I said we could both help each other .
Marlena : Hey , Will .
Will : Grandma ?
Marlena : Hi , Gabi .
Gabi : Hi .
Will : Hi , what s up ?
Marlena : Hi .
Will : Did nt you have some dinner you were supposed to go to ?
Marlena : Wha s up ? How did I raise you ? Yes , dinner ended early , so-- oh , maybe we have some time for coffee .
Will : Um ... uh , some other time , I guess . Uh , yeah , Gabi and I are about to go out and do activities , so--
Marlena : So , okay .
Will : Later , good night , see ya .
Gabi : Night .
Marlena : Good night , good night . Really ?
Melanie : Ow .
Chad : Oh , what happened ?
Melanie : I just--
Chad : You okay ? What-- ?
Melanie : Where did this come from ?
Chad : Uh , I do nt know . Whatever it is , I have no idea how that got there . What is-- ?
Melanie : It s -- it s a woman s earring , so I feel like there s something you re not telling me ?
Chad : Uh ...
Melanie : Wow . [ Chuckles ] Okay .
Chad : Whoa , what are you-- what are you doing ?
Melanie : I m -- I m gon na go home .
Chad : Uh , look , this-- [ Laughs ] This is nt what you-- what you think it is .
Melanie : Really ?
Chad : I -- I -- I told you that I have no idea how it got there .
Melanie : Well , I -- I think I have an idea .
Chad : M -- Melanie , just c--
Melanie : You know what ? Um , just for the future , when you set up a little seduction scene , change your sheets .
Madison : We ca nt do this .
Brady : Yes , we can .
Madison : No , Brady .
Brady : You want to do it , I want to do it , let s do it .
Madison : Brady , you ve got to let me go .
Brady : You ca nt tell me what to do , I do nt want--
Madison : You will lose everything , do you hear me ? You will go under . And you will take your dad s company with you .
Ian : It may interest you to know , I did not come here to Salem for Madison . I came here for you .
Kate : I find that rather difficult to believe , considering the fact that you have forbidden me to use what I have on her to destroy her and that you forced me to witness your gag - inducing display of husbandly pride .
Ian : Oh , that . [ Scoffs ] That was just my attempt to remind Madison of how much she owes me . Though , as you saw , she went chasing after Brady . I knew she would , she s so predictable , but that leaves me here alone with you , a woman who just gets more and more beautiful .
Kate : Well , I m not yours anymore . You know , there was a time that I wanted that more than anything . [ Chuckles ] But you preferred Madison . And now I prefer my husband .
Ian : Even if he prefers Marlena ?
Kate : That wo nt last long . I ll fix that .
Ian : I want you to know , whenever you re ready , I ll be here waiting for you .
Kate : [ Sighs ] [ Breathes heavily ]
Sami : What do you mean , I m not alone ? Oh . You mean because of the kids , right ?
EJ : Right .
Sami : You know , I always have to find a way to tell them that everything s gon na be all right , and I just do nt know how to rally to do it this time .
EJ : Samantha , I m not going to let you or the children go under .
Sami : Oh , good . Oh , good , you ll find a way to buy them off , just like you did Will . That fancy apartment that he wo nt even let me go inside .
EJ : [ Chuckles ]
Sami : You know , he s barely talking to me . You know why I took that job with Kate and why I stayed there ? Because I was proud . Because I was good at that job and I had a paycheck with my name on it , and I could support my kids . I could take care of my family . And I liked it . And now I do nt have that or Rafe .
EJ : Samantha , you and I will get through this . We re strong . We overcome any obstacles that are put in front of us . You just keep being you , okay ? You ll be fine .
### Summary:
| At the Brady Pub , EJ walked in and saw Sami . He was there to check on the children . He noticed that something was wrong with her and they talked about Kate and how she s out to destroy Sami . While they were talking , EJ realized that Sami was the mole at Countess W. Will and Marlena talked about him being gay . Marlena thought it was a good thing that he came to the decision by himself . She wanted to talk to him some more , but he had to go get some friends . John could nt believe that he agreed to work for Stefano again . Hope did nt understand why he needed someone called Princess Gina . John said if they wanted to keep Bo and Marlena alive , Stefano called the shots . John said they had to do whatever it took to get home . He wanted there to be another way , but there was nt . Hope did nt like the idea of Stefano being in their heads . Hope thought that Stefano just wanted to control them and did nt care if they found the jewel . Hope thought they were in a no win situation . Sami told EJ that it was Madison s idea to be the mole . EJ thought she was out of her mind for going along with the idea . She thought it was a good idea at the time . Since Madison was her boss , she felt she had to go along with it . She told him how Madison chickened out and then she quit . He told her that it was still espionage . She knew that and told him that Kate threatened to press charges . She remembered that he is a lawyer and wanted his advice on what to do . He could nt help her without specifics . She needed the name of a good criminal lawyer and she would figure out a way to pay them . He said he knew someone who would waive the fee . She wanted to know the name . He told her he would help her . She wanted to know what was in it for him . She thought he might have been helping Kate take her kids away from her . He said he would nt do that to them . She wanted to know if he was a changed man . He said if she were nt the mother of his children , he would care less where she went . For the kids sake , he s going to help her before she makes things worse . She blamed him for why things were bad . She would still have Rafe . She told him that she s getting a divorce . Chad and Melanie were in his dorm room . She was insecure about different women coming on to him now that he s a model . She was insecure about people saying that he has chemistry with Gabi . She was jealous that Gabi looks at him as if she s in love with him . It did nt matter to him that Gabi looks at him that way . He assured her that she s the one he loves . Hope wanted to know what they were doing . John said keeping their loved ones alive . He said they had to keep strong . Hope thought that once Stefano was finished with them , they would never see Bo and Marlena again . She told him that when she talked to Billie , she said Bo was in bad shape . She screamed at the monitor and told Stefano that she wanted proof that Bo was alive or else she s not helping him . She kept yelling but did nt get a response . John told her that she saw Marlena on the video . If Bo died , Hope would have been able to tell from Marlena s eyes . He said Marlena would have been with Bo s family and not walking around Salem getting followed by Stefano s goons . He said that was why they had to do what Stefano wanted . EJ and Sami talked about how they made love and what it did to Rafe and Nicole . When Chad and Melanie were about to make love , she found an earring . She asked him where it came from . Chad did nt know . Chad wanted to know what it was . She said it was an earring . She felt as if there was something he was nt telling her . He told her again that he did nt know where it came from . Melanie had an idea where it came from . She told him the next time he planned a seduction scene , make sure to change the sheets . She left . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nick : What s the matter ?
Taylor : Let s wait . I want to wait . I would like to have dinner and just sit and enjoy the evening . We re having a nice time . I do nt want anything to spoil it .
Nick : You re so nervous .
Taylor : I do nt want to jinx it .
Nick : Okay . All right . You do nt have to explain anything . Unless , of course , this is about something or someone that you re not telling me .
Taylor : Well , it does nt help knowing that Brooke is circling around like a vulture waiting to swoop down on this relationship at the first sign of problems .
Brooke : What do I do to get rid of you , Stephanie ? I left Ridge , I resigned from the company . What more do you want ? Just leave me alone .
Stephanie : Leave Nick alone !
Brooke : Oh , so that s what this is all about .
Stephanie : Well , he s engaged to Taylor now .
Brooke : And you re okay with that ?
Stephanie : No , I d rather he d sail off of the face of the earth with you . But , she s like a daughter to me . She s happy . And I do nt want you going over there , seducing him . Especially if she s pregnant with his baby .
Rick : Hey . Everything okay ?
Ashley : Uh - huh . Babysitter s gone , Abby s pretending to be asleep .
Rick : Pretending ?
Ashley : Yeah , she probably put on her headphones with second I shut the door .
Rick : Must be strange for Abby . I mean , going to a new school and living in a hotel .
Ashley : Yeah , we ve tried to make an adventure of it , you know ? Genoa City , Hong Kong , L.A.
Rick : Like secret agents .
Ashley : Yeah , something like that . Here it is . Market report . I made some notes in the margins .
Rick : Great . Thank you for doing that .
Ashley : Sure . I could go over it with you .
Rick : Yeah , sure . Sure .
Ashley : Yeah ?
Rick : You mean here , tonight ?
Ashley : Sure . I could open a bottle of wine . You re probably anxious to get back to Phoebe and straighten out that argument , right ?
Rick : Honestly , I think that Phoebe could use a little space right now . So , yeah . Let s open that bottle of wine . I have no where else that I need to be .
Ashley : Okay .
Shane : Phoebe . There you are . Finally . All right . [ Shane sighs ] Here we go . I waited a long , long time to talk to you .
Nick : Come on . I do nt want you worrying about anything . Especially Brooke .
Taylor : Listen , she made it very clear to me if I m not pregnant , that she s going to continue to make a play for you .
Nick : Well , that does nt matter . Because I m committed to you . So , let s do what you suggested , then . Okay ? Let s just put this aside and enjoy our evening .
Taylor : Phoebe ?
Phoebe : Mom , Nick , hi .
Nick : Hi .
Taylor : I did nt expect you until much later tonight .
Phoebe : Well , I just wanted to come home . But , you are busy . So , I ll go .
Taylor : Wait , wait . Sweetheart , are you upset ? Did something happen ?
Brooke : I m out of your life now , Stephanie . You ca nt judge me anymore . What I do and who I do it with really is none of your concern .
Stephanie : I m concerned about Taylor . And what you do effects her .
Brooke : Yes , it might .
Stephanie : Look , if she s pregnant , would nt that change everything ? Would nt you please just back off ?
Phoebe : You guys are in the middle of something . I ll stay at Madison s --
Taylor : No , no . No , you re upset , and you re not driving if you re upset .
Phoebe : Mom , I m fine . It was just a stupid fight . I m good .
Taylor : With Rick ?
Phoebe : I do nt really feel like talking about this .
Taylor : Did it have something to do with sex ?
Phoebe : No , Mom . No , no . I ll go . You stay .
Nick : Why do nt you two just talk about this on your own ? No , no , I ll --
Taylor : Phoebe , I m your mother . I know when you re upset . What were you fighting about ?
Phoebe : You . The two of you . Rick thinks that his mom would be better off with Nick and I told him that he was wrong .
Taylor : Oh , my gosh .
Phoebe : He is wrong , is nt he ?
Nick : Yes , he is .
Taylor : And this is something that he does nt need to be hearing from you .
Nick : Phoebe , Rick is very loyal to his mother just like I m very loyal to my mother . And yours . Now it s over between Brooke and me . I do nt want you worrying about that anymore .
Phoebe : Okay , good . Good . It just does nt really help in my situation , but I m glad .
Taylor : You need to tell Rick , this is something you re not going to discuss with him .
Phoebe : I feel like being alone tonight , Mom . I just do nt want to interrupt you . So , I ll --
Nick : I ve got an idea . May I ? Why do nt you head down to my boat ? Spend the evening there .
Phoebe : Yeah ?
Nick : Yeah . It s open . Just walk on . The couch turns into a pull out bed . Stay as long as you want , whenever you want .
Phoebe : Thank you . I actually might take you up on that . That will be nice .
Nick : Okay .
Phoebe : Okay .
Taylor : You going to be okay ?
Phoebe : Mm - hmm . Yeah . Yeah . Have a good night . Finish what you started .
Taylor : Okay .
Nick : Let s go outside .
Taylor : Okay .
Shane : Hey .
Phoebe : Shane . What --
Shane : Phoebe , how you doing ?
Phoebe : How did you get on the grounds ?
Shane : I was just waiting outside your gate . Just saw you pull in . Phoebe ; you were watching the house ?
Shane : No , I was nt watching the house . I ve been meaning to some by here for a long time . I wanted to apologize to you . For walking out on you that night at the Cafe Russe .
Phoebe : That was so long ago .
Shane : I know it was a long time ago , but it s been bugging me for a long time . I wanted things to turn out so differently for us . I know they probably could have . But , you know , of course , I blew it . I m sorry .
Phoebe : You do nt have to apologize .
Shane : Oh , yes I do . I do . Because it was really rude of me . But , then again , you were nt taking me too seriously anyway , were you ? Then , I starting thinking about that . And that really got to me , Phoebe . Because I deserve to be taken seriously .
Ashley : I do nt see anything to be alarmed about . It s a very good marketing plan . I mean , just a few tweaks . Like , right in this section , right here . Rick ?
Rick : Yes ?
Ashley : The section right here ?
Rick : Oh ! I m sorry .
Ashley : Did you hear anything I said ?
Rick : I -- no . Listen , Ashley , you re the expert on this . You do nt need to defend your suggestions to be them implemented .
Ashley : Mm . So nice to have my opinions valued again .
Rick : They are . Very much so . Ashley it s really nice to be working with you again .
Rick : So , you re not regretting your decision , coming to L.A. ?
Ashley : No . Not one bit .
Rick : Are you getting to know some people ? Meeting new people ?
Ashley : I ve been a little bit too busy to socialize . I did have an interesting conversation with your sister , however .
Rick : You did ?
Ashley : Yeah . And , oh yeah , when I was locked in the closet with Ridge , we had a little bit of a conversation .
Rick : Oh , yes .
Ashley : He should nt have punched you .
Rick : It was nt just about the punch . Ashley you re right . He could have handled this entire situation differently . But , then again , the same thing could be said about you . Only he s had a much higher price to pay for his mistake .
Rick : Has he ?
Ashley : Yeah . He lost your mother .
Rick : Well , it serves him right . I mean , how many times has he walked out on my mom ?
Ashley : He s in a lot of pain . You ca nt even conjure up a little bit of sympathy for him ?
Rick : Sounds like you got enough sympathy for the both of us .
Ashley : Obviously , I do nt have the history with Ridge that you do .
Rick : Consider yourself lucky .
Ashley : As a matter of fact , I do nt have a history with anybody in this city but you . And I sure do nt want to mess that up by arguing with you about your mother s ex - husband .
Rick : No . You re not messing anything up . I mean , geez . I m arguing with everybody tonight .
Ashley : Well , you know , I touched a nerve .
Rick : No , I m just being overly sensitive .
Ashley : Nothing wrong with sensitive .
Rick : Well , it s making me snap at everyone in my life .
Ashley : Well , it s easy for me to talk . I m new to this city , I m new to your company , I m new to your family . I m looking at it with no personal investment . I left all of that in Genoa City .
Rick : Must be nice .
Ashley : It is . It is so nice . Reminds me of when I was in Paris . You know , when I met you . Just gone through a divorce and I was starting over . I was meeting new friends and wearing new things .
Rick : Oh , that crazy boutique . I remember that .
Ashley : Yeah , the resante anre .
Rick : You remember the street ?
Ashley : Yeah . How could I forget ?
Rick : How much wine did we drink that night ?
Ashley : Not enough to forget that accordion player .
Rick : Well , not all night .
Brooke : I hope you re not waiting for an answer .
Stephanie : Of course I am .
Brooke : You wo nt get one with a loaded question like that .
Stephanie : It s a perfectly legitimate question . Will you leave him alone if Taylor s pregnant ?
Brooke : Taylor is not pregnant .
Stephanie : But she may be soon .
Brooke : Well then , until she is , your question is purely hypothetical .
Stephanie : Why do I even bother ask it ? I know the answer . You like destroying families . It s what you do best . It s who you are .
Taylor : Thank you .
Nick : You re welcome .
Taylor : You do nt even know what I m thanking you for .
Nick : I just assumed it was for my minty fresh breath .
Taylor : I m thanking you for the candor and respect you showed my daughter .
Nick : She deserves it .
Taylor : I just ca nt believe they were arguing about us . I guess as protective as Phoebe is of me , Rick s just as protective of Brooke .
Nick : When did kids get so protective , anyway ? I like that . You know , when we have our kid , do you think you could handle the first 16 years or so , and then I ll move in for the tough parts ? What do you say ?
Taylor : Oh , no . No , it does nt work that way . If we re going to be parents , you re in for the whole bumpy ride .
Nick : Okay .
Shane : I also wanted to ask you about this .
Phoebe : It s a picture of Rick and me .
Shane : Are you dating this guy ?
Phoebe : I do nt --
Shane : Are you really dating this guy ? Come on .
Phoebe : I do nt feel comfortable talking about that , Shane .
Taylor : Shane ?
Shane : All right , look , I know you guys are gon na throw me out of here . Just give me one second alone with Phoebe .
Taylor : Were you invited here ?
Phoebe : No , he followed me .
Nick : Well , how about I follow you out ?
Shane : Listen , I just want to talk to her . Just give me one second , all right ? I just want to apologize and make things right with her . Phoebe , listen , you are the kindest person that I have ever met , all right ? And thanks to you -- you ve turned my whole life around . But since we ve been apart and I ve lost you , things have just -- they ve fallen apart , all right ? I need your help here . I need you to help me out .
Nick : I need you to leave .
Shane : Hey !
Nick : Come on .
Shane : Do nt touch me , all right ?
Nick : Out !
Shane : I do nt want to start --
Nick : Out !
Shane : Phoebe , just listen to me !
Nick : Come on . Get off the property , leave the girl alone and we got no problems . We clear ?
Taylor : I do nt know . Maybe I should nt have let Phoebe go .
Nick : It s all right . He s gone .
Taylor : He s been watching the house , Nick .
Nick : He s gone .
Taylor : How can we be sure ?
Nick : Relax . Not supposed to be any stress for the mother - to - be . It s that the rule ?
Taylor : I m going to find out .
Rick : That was a great night .
Ashley : Mm - hmm . One of the best , if not most memorable of my life .
Rick : It should nt take too much to fill in the blank spots .
Ashley : What are you doing ? Are you offering to refresh my memory ?
Rick : Um , excuse me .
Ashley : Phoebe ?
Rick : Uh , yeah . I got to take this . I m sorry . Hey , Phoebe .
Phoebe : I really wanted to apologize , Rick .
Rick : Yeah , so do I. We should not be arguing about our parents .
Phoebe : Yeah , we should nt be arguing at all . I mean , things between us are great . The rest of it , I mean , my mom and Nick , and your mom and my dad -- does nt have anything to do with us .
Rick : No , it does nt . But it still affects us , Phoebe .
Phoebe : I know . I know . I do nt want it to .
Rick : Neither do I.
Phoebe : Maybe if we talked about it . I mean , I m spending the night on the Marlin if you want to stop by for a little bit .
Rick : Um , I do nt think that s a very good idea , but I ll call you tomorrow , okay ?
Phoebe : First thing ?
Rick : First thing . Okay , bye .
Ashley : Phoebe called to apologize ?
Rick : Yeah , yeah , she did .
Ashley : I like that about her .
Rick : Yeah .
Ashley : You re not put off by that .
Rick : No . Why would I be ?
Ashley : You know , a woman making the first move ?
Rick : No , I do nt have a problem with that . I should go . I should go . It s late . Thank you . Thank you for the wine .
Ashley : Sure . Rick , wait !
Rick : Yeah ?
Ashley : You did nt come here for the wine . The marketing report .
Rick : Oh . Yeah , of course -- the marketing report , of course . Thank you . Good night .
Ashley : Good night .
Rick : Good night .
Brooke : It kills you , does nt it ? Knowing that you ca nt make me do what you want . Knowing that you ca nt control me anymore .
Stephanie : If I d ever been able to control you , you d still be out in the valley on Ventura Boulevard . But instead , here you are , threatening the wellbeing of another family .
Brooke : Well , it s not your family .
Stephanie : Taylor is like family to me .
Brooke : Only when it suits you .
Stephanie : Oh , Brooke , please , he s trying to make a life with her . She could be pregnant already .
Brooke : Well , I guess there s only one way to find out . Since you want to know as badly I do , call her . Ask Taylor if she s pregnant or not .
Nick : What exactly are we waiting for ? Pink , blue , boy , or girl ?
Taylor : No , it is nt that sophisticated . It s a yes or a no .
Nick : So , we re looking for blue ?
Taylor : Yes .
Nick : Blue is yes ?
Taylor : Yes .
Nick : How much longer ?
Taylor : I do nt know . I just think it has a little bit more to go .
Nick : Right . Well , these directions should probably tell us . Here we go . According to this , we got about 15 more seconds . Remember what I said , no matter what the outcome here , it does nt matter . It s okay , okay ? Okay . Here we go . 5 , 4 , 3 --
Taylor : Wait . I do nt want to look . What does it say ?
### Summary:
| Nick gives in . Taylor is nervous and does nt want anything to jinx the evening . She d like to wait for the pregnancy test until after dinner . She admits she does nt like the fact that Brooke is circling around like a vulture trying to get him back . Stephanie warns Brooke that she does nt want her going over and trying to seduce Nick , especially if Taylor is pregnant . With Abby asleep in the other room , Ashley and Rick conduct their business on the couch in her hotel room . She does encourage him to go to Phoebe if he wants to settle their argument . He tells her to open the bottle of wine ; he thinks Phoebe needs some space and there is no where else he needs to be . A clearly distraught Phoebe bolts into the house but promises Nick and Taylor that she will make herself scarce . Nick offers The Marlin as a safe refuge . As she heads out , stalker Shane is leaning against the door . As sincere as he can be , he wants to apologize for walking out on her some time back at Cafe Russe . He wanted her to take him seriously ; he deserves to be taken seriously and she did nt . He promptly quizzes Phoebe if she is dating Rick ? She does nt feel comfortable discussing this . Nick ends up physically throwing him out of the house and tells him to get off the property , leave the girl alone and they ll have no problems . Ashley relays to Rick that it s good to be working with him again and it feels good to have her opinions being valued again . He finds it hard to concentrate . He asks if she is meeting new people and she quips yeah his sister , and Ridge in the locked closet . She remarks that Ridge is in a lot of pain and ca nt Rick conjure up just a little sympathy for him ? She has no history with anyone else in the city but Rick and she does nt want to spoil that by arguing with him about his mother s ex - husband . They reminisce about that wild night in Paris , all the wine , the accordion player that Rick sang along with and Ashley remarks that he seemed to sing all night long . He reminds her well not the entire night .. She confesses it was one of the most memorable nights of her life . As they continue their cutesy walk down memory lane , Phoebe interrupts with a phone call . She wants to apologize ; their parent s problems should not affect them . She tells him about The Marlin and asks him to stop by . He nixes that as not a very good idea but will call her first thing tomorrow . The sexual tension is heavy and Rick thinks he should go , almost forgetting why he came over for the marketing report . Since so much is at stake , Brooke challenges Stephanie to call Taylor to find out if she really is pregnant . Shane watches Phoebe call Rick and then she leaves the house . Another kind of nervous tension abounds as Nick and Taylor await the results of the pregnancy test . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Cane : Hey . Sorry we re late . I had a PR thing I had to deal with .
Lily : Yeah , sorry . We rushed over as soon as we ... could . Oh .
Neil : Obviously , there was no need to .
Cane : Why ? Where s Tyler ?
Neil : He had some other matters to attend to .
Cane : Wait , wait , wait . He s not coming to the meeting at all ?
Lily : No , he s probably off with his new fling .
Leslie : I fell asleep ?
Tyler : Yeah . For about a half an hour .
Leslie : Well , did anything happen ? Did the doctor come by or say anything ?
Tyler : No . It s been pretty quiet . You know , it s probably a good time for you to take off , go home , get some real rest .
Leslie : No . I m not leaving , not until I ve seen Dad again .
Tyler : You already know that he s okay .
Leslie : No . I know that he regained consciousness . That does nt mean he s okay . That s why I m glad you showed up . It ll do Dad good to visit with you .
Tyler : I told you , I m here for you , not for him . Besides , the way the two of us have been butting heads , I d probably just give the guy another heart attack .
Leslie : Did nt you hear anything I said before ?
Tyler : Yeah . With the whole Wake - up call thing , doing right by Dad , all that . Yeah , I heard it .
Leslie : Yes . So , you re just gon na be your stubborn self and ignore my advice ?
Tyler : Do nt I always ?
Leslie : You think you can smile this away , that by not dealing with things , they ll some how just get better ?
Tyler : You know what ? I m just -- I m not ready to deal with all this today .
Leslie : Who is , Tyler ? But you have to , and that s why you do it , because you may not get another chance . I - I know he was a lousy father . I know we deserved better , but , Tyler , you are never gon na have better unless you get the courage and you just face him . Do nt cheat yourself . Please , make peace with him before it s too late .
Billy : What a mess . [ Groans ] Carmine , would you like to buy a restaurant ?
Carmine : [ Chuckles ] On what you pay me ? [ Chuckles ]
Billy : The distributor s truck broke down , so there will be no deliveries tonight .
Carmine : Oh . Well , at least we have plenty of vodka .
Billy : Vodka . Great . Okay . Fine . Vodka . Uh ... push the martinis and the bloody marys and try to convince your customers to enjoy their cocktails neat .
Carmine : Ice machine s broken again ?
Billy : Nice of Barry to fill me in on those things .
Carmine : Yeah , I think he was just glad to get rid of the place .
Billy : Yeah . I m starting to get that idea . The place is a real money pit , is nt it ?
Carmine : You can afford it . After all , you re an Abbott .
Billy : I m also a husband , which means I ca nt go throwing money around without discussing it with my wife .
Carmine : Okay . Then set up another poker game . If you play anything like you did the other night , you could cover all your expenses here and have enough left over to buy another restaurant .
Billy : [ Clears throat ] Carmine , that game was a one - time thing . It stays between us , okay ?
Carmine : Okay , Boss . Whatever you say .
Billy : I do nt want anyone to hear about it , especially not Victoria .
Carmine : Okay .
Billy : Okay ? It s just --
Carmine : Yeah , I get it .
Billy : She s got -- she s got a problem with gambling . It s just -- it s her thing .
Carmine : All right . No need to explain to me , okay ? You re not the first person to ever keep a secret from a spouse .
Lauren : [ Sighs ]
Lauren : I was hoping you d be here when I came back from work .
Michael : Well , I had a busy day .
Lauren : Is that why you did nt return my calls ?
Michael : Honestly , I was nt sure what to say to you .
Lauren : Where were you last night ?
Michael : At the Genoa City Motor Arms .
Lauren : Wish I d known that . I might have actually slept last night .
Michael : I did nt sleep very well , either . Could nt stop thinking .
Lauren : About us ?
Michael : About us . And I ve come to a decision .
Phyllis : It is so good to see you .
Summer : I know .
Phyllis : Wow .
Summer : I missed you . It feels like you were gone forever .
Phyllis : What ? Even though I posted pictures every single day ?
Summer : Yes . So , was Istanbul as cool as it looked ?
Phyllis : Uh ... I would nt know . I spent most of my time shopping .
Summer : Yeah , you would .
Phyllis : Hey , I would nt make fun , because you re gon na reap the benefits .
Summer : Ooh . What s this ? Oh , Mom , it s so pretty .
Phyllis : It is , is nt it ?
Summer : Thank you .
Phyllis : Although I m thinking maybe it s a little too young , like it s something you would have worn last year . When did you get ... so grown - up ?
Summer : [ Chuckles ] Um , I ve started to dress a little bit older .
Phyllis : Any particular reason why ?
Summer : Yeah . Now that you ask , there is .
Announcer : The role of Kyle Abbott is now being played by Hartley Sawyer .
Billy : All right , all right , all right . Crisis averted . Thank you very much .
Kyle : So , it s true what Abby said . You really bought this place .
Billy : Mm - hmm .
Carmine : Lucky for us . We finally have a classy owner .
Billy : [ Chuckles ]
Kyle : Well , congratulations , man .
Billy : Thanks , man . I appreciate it . Could nt be happier . You , uh , make sure that you --
Carmine : Yeah . I ll guard it with my life .
Billy : Thank you .
Carmine : Mm - hmm .
Billy : Walk with me . Take a look .
Kyle : So , have , uh , you been thinking about this for a while ?
Billy : Actually , no , but when the opportunity presented itself , I just could nt pass it up .
Kyle : Is it gon na be full time ?
Billy : I do nt know . Why ?
Kyle : Just wondering about Jabot .
Billy : Oh , Jabot .
Jack : Yeah . I was wondering the same thing .
Kyle : Hey , welcome back , Dad .
Jack : Thanks , Son . Missed you .
Kyle : Yeah , sure you did .
Jack : [ Chuckles ]
Billy : How was Phyllis -- I mean , Istanbul ?
Jack : Istanbul was fine . I want to talk about your message . What is this business venture you have for Jabot ?
Billy : Um , I never said it was for Jabot .
Jack : What , then ?
Billy : Well [ Clears throat ] Maybe you d like to take a seat .
Lauren : Should nt any decision about our marriage be made by both of us ?
Michael : Not when only one of us is in it .
Lauren : How can you say that ? I am home , Michael . I am here . I am trying .
Michael : By avoiding me every time I ask you what s wrong ? ! By sleeping just as far away from me as you can ? ! Jumping out of your skin when I try and touch you , as if the thought of it makes you sick ? !
Lauren : It s not that .
Michael : Then what is it ? ! What ? ! Tell me ! I m sorry . You do nt deserve that . Why would you want to touch me after what I did ? I was just hoping that after some time had passed that maybe , just maybe , you would forgive me , but ...
Lauren : I was hoping that , too .
Michael : We never had a chance , did we ? The minute I doubted Fenmore , the minute I forced you to choose between him and me , I blew it .
Lauren : No .
Michael : Of course I did .
Lauren : No .
Michael : Of course , I did . I blew it . I failed our marriage .
Lauren : No .
Michael : I failed our marriage .
Lauren : I did it , Michael . It started from not believing that -- that Fen could actually bully somebody , and I - I do nt know why I did . I - I - I do nt know whether it was because of my mother , who I just -- I could nt do anything right , and I swore that I would never , ever do that to my own child , or whether I was in denial over the fact that I was a bully at his age . Whatever it was , I blamed you for everything . And I went out . You know , I - I tried to forget . I tried to feel ... better . [ Voice breaking ] And all I did was I made things worse , much worse .
Leslie : Do you really believe Dad will pull through ?
Tyler : He s got every reason to .
Leslie : Or he did until I practically drove him out of my apartment .
Tyler : He knows you did nt mean all that .
Leslie : I set my expectations so high , I mean , he could nt help but fail . Do you think I did that on purpose -- to sabotage him , to make him pay for all those times he disappointed us ?
Tyler : You just wanted him to be the daddy that you always dreamed of .
Leslie : [ Sighs ] That s a little girl s dream . I - I - I really want to build a real relationship with him now . I want him to know the grown - up Leslie and find out what kind of man he s become . I mean , is he religious , political ? Does he have any friends ? Is Rose one of them ?
Tyler : Rose ?
Leslie : Yeah . That s the first name he said when he woke up is , I m so sorry , Rose . Does that name mean anything to you ?
Lily : So , we launch the line with unknown faces , representing all those unknowns out there who want their clothes to make them feel special and confident and adventurous .
Neil : Hmm . Dare to be different , huh ? I like it .
Lily : Good .
Neil : It has the right amount of danger and romance . I tell you what -- I think you and Tyler should get on it right away .
Lily : Oh , no . I think -- I think that s a mistake . I just think that Tyler and I are a bad match . I m not nearly daring enough .
Cane : See , I disagree . I think that you were daring enough to support Tyler when the rest of us did nt .
Lily : Yeah , but that s ... different .
Cane : Sweetheart , you are perfect for this , okay ? You are intimately familiar with the line and our philosophy , and you wear these kind of clothes . You are our target audience .
Neil : Okay . Now that that s settled , I got a phone call to make . Excuse me .
Cane : Hey , uh , I have somewhere I have to be .
Neil : Yep .
Lily : Um , I ll walk you out .
Cane : Sure . I ll leave it . I ll get that later .
Lily : Is this about Katherine ?
Cane : Yeah . She has some blood test for her surgery tomorrow .
Lily : Will you please send her my love ?
Cane : Of course , I will . [ Smooches ]
Lily : Wait , um ... before you go , why were you pushing for Tyler and me to work together when you ve been so against it in the past ?
Cane : Cause I know how Tyler feels about you , and I know how you feel about me . And , uh , I think it s about time I trust it as opposed to just paying lip service to it . Not to mention , the businessman in me knows that when you guys put your heads together , the result is magic . So , I think that you two should come to the office and work it , and then , um , you come home , and then you work it with me . Okay ?
Neil : Okay . Thanks . Right , Jim . We ll be in touch . Bye - bye . Okay . Lily , what s going on between you and Tyler ?
Lily : [ Scoffs ]
Tyler : Nothing . That name does nt mean anything to me .
Leslie : Yeah . Me neither . I ve never even heard Dad or Mom mention a Rose before today .
Tyler : I mean , the guy definitely has his secrets .
Leslie : Yeah . And I think I know where he keeps them .
Tyler : What do you mean ?
Leslie : Dad has this box that he brought with him from prison , and he keeps trying to keep it hidden from me .
Tyler : Yeah ? What s in it ?
Doctor : Hi .
Leslie : Hi . How s my dad ?
Doctor : He s awake now .
Leslie : So , can we -- can we see him ?
Doctor : Um , just one at a time , though . We do nt want to get him too excited .
Leslie : Okay , yeah . Of course . Thank you .
Doctor : You re welcome .
Leslie : [ Sighs ]
Tyler : Go ahead .
Leslie : No , no . You should go .
Tyler : I told you .
Leslie : All right . I mean , well , at least just stick around in case you change your mind . Hold this for me . Thank you . Someone sure looks a lot better than the last time I saw him .
Gus : [ Sighs ] I do nt mean to be so much ... trouble .
Leslie : No , Dad . Please , please , do nt apologize . This is -- this is my fault . I just -- I just expected you to be everything I needed at once , and that was unfair .
Gus : I should have never come back here .
Leslie : You followed your kids . Where else would you have gone ?
Gus : You need me ruining your life .
Leslie : You re not ruining anything . This can all still work .
Gus : As soon as I m better , I m gon na -- I m gon na go somewhere .
Leslie : Oh , really ? Well , you re just gon na have to get past me first . And let me tell you something -- not even Adrian Peterson could get around me if I wanted to stop him .
Gus : [ Laughs ] Listen to you , talking football .
Leslie : Yeah , that s my game .
Gus : That s mine , too .
Leslie : See ? Progress already . We have something in common . You re gon na have to stick around so we can find out what else we share .
Gus : It ll be a privilege getting to know you again .
Leslie : I feel the same way .
Gus : I led a pretty simple life the past 12 years . There s not much to tell .
Leslie : You could start by telling me about Rose .
Gus : Where did that come from ?
Leslie : From -- from you . You were calling her name . Who is she ?
Billy : No . I m just not cut out for the corporate lifestyle .
Jack : But you re cut out for slinging hash ?
Kyle : This is nt exactly a greasy spoon , Dad .
Billy : [ Chuckles ] And it s not like I m gon na be in the kitchen dreaming up recipes .
Jack : You re gon na be handing out menus , ordering crates of butter , and getting busboys to clear your tables .
Billy : What s not to like ?
Jack : Oh , come on , Billy .
Billy : Look , I - I can be myself here . I m free . I can say what I want to say . I can dress the way I want to dress . There s no one looking over my shoulder , telling me what to do .
Jack : That s when you usually get in trouble .
Billy : Uh , that s when I m at my happiest -- slinging drinks at Sammy Seagull s bar and grill .
Kyle : Sammy s in Miami ?
Billy : Sammy s in Miami .
Kyle : Dude , that place is awesome .
Jack : You re not helping here .
Kyle : Dad , who are we to tell Uncle Billy how to live his life ?
Jack : There s just something here that s missing -- it s like a piece you re not telling me about . If you have to work in the restaurant business , then all I can say is ... tell the kitchen not to use cilantro in everything and congratulations .
Billy : Thank you . Thank you , Brother .
Jack : I guess Phyllis and I will be dining here more often .
Billy : Oh , yeah ? The trip went well , huh ?
Jack : She s moving in .
Kyle : What ? When I suggested you two go to Istanbul , I had no idea you d come home with a roommate .
Jack : Fantastic , huh ? Phyllis is fantastic . Kyle , I hope some day you have a woman like Phyllis in your life .
Summer : The reason I ve been dressing like this is because I want to look more like you .
Phyllis : Like me ? Really ?
Summer : Yeah . I mean , you re so glamorous , but professional , and it s really hard to pull off , but you do it every day .
Phyllis : As flattered as I am by that , Summer , I think you re trying to be a woman too quickly .
Summer : Okay . I am a woman .
Phyllis : Yeah . You are a young woman , is what you are , emphasis on young .
Summer : Yeah , your emphasis .
Phyllis : No , not just my emphasis . Listen , you have a very , very short period of time to be 18 and carefree . All right ? Revel in it , believe me . Do you think -- this is hard to do , is nt it ?
Summer : [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis : Do you think that -- that I get this by not working at it ? No . This takes a lot of work . I mean , when I m out , you know , do I want to eat the whole plate of French fries ? Yeah , I do . But , no , I just pick one or two off of your plate . Do nt be too eager to grow up . You have it better than you think .
Summer : So , do you need help unpacking ?
Phyllis : I can see that sunk in . [ Chuckles ] Yeah , I m unpacking , then I m packing again .
Summer : Really ? You just got back . Where are you going ?
Phyllis : Jack asked me to move in with him .
Summer : Wow . That -- that s huge .
Phyllis : Yeah , it s huge . Listen , I know there have been a lot of changes , and we can talk about this , and I do nt have to do it if you do nt want me to .
Summer : No , no , no . Mom , no . It s -- its fine . Really , I m happy for you .
Phyllis : You are ?
Summer : Yeah . I mean , look , you get to live with the guy that you love , and then I get this whole place to myself .
Phyllis : Yeah ... no . Oh , wait . No , no . No . No , you do nt . No .
Summer : Okay , then , I guess I ll just move in with you and Jack .
Phyllis : You want to live with me and Jack ?
Summer : Yeah .
Phyllis : And Kyle ? How about we think about this ?
Billy : Well ... she was surprised , but , uh , I think she understands that I need something that kind of fulfills me , especially now that she s back at Newman .
Jack : Wait , back at Newman with Adam ?
Billy : Oh , with Adam and Victor .
Jack : I go on vacation , and apocalypse has begun .
Billy : Yeah , well , I imagine we ll survive .
Jack : Are you sure this is what you want ? Seriously -- crazy hours , all kinds of people you have to mix with , and all kinds of time on your hands , no one to tell you what to do with it . That s a lot of temptation , Billy .
Billy : You know , Jack , I ve got my temptations under check . They re under control , just like yours .
Summer : Seriously ? You think that I want to move in to Jack s with you because of Kyle ?
Phyllis : No . I think you want to move in to Jack s with me because of Mrs. Martinez .
Summer : Okay , I - I - I am over Kyle .
Phyllis : Since when ?
Summer : Since I ve had enough of him rejecting me .
Phyllis : Okay . So you re not picturing bumping into him right after you get out of the shower in your little towel or sitting with him in the hot tub looking at the stars together ?
Summer : Okay , did it ever occur to you that maybe I just wanted to be closer to you ?
Phyllis : Listen , Sweetie , that s very sweet , but you ca nt manipulate a manipulator , okay ?
Summer : Okay , I mean it , Mom . I - I miss being around you , and I can not take living at Dad s house now that he s engaged to Avery . Oh , I m s-- did you know ?
Phyllis : Yeah . Yeah , I knew . I just found out .
Summer : Are you okay with it ?
Phyllis : Oh , I m completely fine with it . I m really happy as long as everybody else is happy .
Summer : Yeah , well , I m not . She s there all the time . [ Sighs ]
Phyllis : I -- is there a problem ? I mean , I thought you were really close to her .
Summer : Yeah , we used to be , until she decided to be my mom , and now she gives me all of this advice and tries to run my life . Okay , I can not take it , Mom . I really can not take it . Can you please talk to Jack ?
Phyllis : Um ... yeah , Baby . I ll -- I ll talk to Jack . Do nt worry about it . I ll talk to Jack . I ll see what I can do .
Summer : Thank you .
Michael : You made things worse ? How ? How did you do that ?
Fenmore : Sorry I m late , Mom . I was at -- Dad . Hey .
Michael : Hello , Son .
Fenmore : Wow . Wow , two parents in the same room at the same time . How did that happen ?
Lauren : Uh , yeah , Honey , we re kind of in the middle of something .
Fenmore : Another argument ?
Michael : Hopefully , Fenmore , there wo nt be more of those . I will be moving out .
Lauren : Are -- are you just saying that you need a couple of days at a motel , or ...
Michael : I have to live someplace else .
Fenmore : Hey , permanently ?
Michael : Uh , all I know is this is nt working , and to put any of us through it any longer than necessary is just cruel .
Fenmore : So , you re giving up .
Michael : What I m saying is that if your mother and I are supposed to be together , we will be together .
Fenmore : You re giving up .
Michael : I love you . Listen to me . I love you more than anything . Nothing is gon na change that . Nothing .
Fenmore : Sure . Whatever .
Lauren : I wish you would reconsider .
Michael : Oh , yeah , well , we both need to figure out what we want , and trying to do it under these circumstances -- that s just , you know -- it s impossible . [ Chuckles ]
Lauren : I m afraid that the , uh , longer that you re away , the easier it will be to stay away .
Michael : Yeah , maybe that s better than hanging in , killing the love we still have . [ Chuckles ] I ...
Leslie : Well , I figure Rose must be important to you , since you --
Gus : I - I - I did nt -- I - I do nt know her .
Leslie : Really ?
Gus : I never heard of Rose .
Leslie : But why would you say her name ?
Gus : I did nt . You must have ... heard wrong .
Cane : Hey . What are you doing here ?
Tyler : My dad had a heart attack .
Cane : Oh , Mate , I am sorry .
Tyler : Yeah , no , it s okay . He ll live .
Cane : So , that s why you were nt at the meeting , huh ?
Tyler : The meeting .
Cane : Do nt worry about it . It s -- its fine . Listen , Lily pitched it , and we re all on board .
Tyler : I owe her big .
Cane : No , just -- just do a good job , all right , and it s gon na pay off for everybody . Listen , um ... I know I ve been hard on you , okay , but , you know , I really do think that you and Lily make a good team . Just -- just do nt give me a reason to , all right , and I wo nt get in the way of it . Okay ?
Tyler : Yeah .
Cane : All right . Listen , Mate , I , um -- I wish your dad well . I hope he recovers . I m sorry .
Tyler : Thanks . I appreciate it .
Cane : All right . Take care .
Tyler : [ Sighs ]
Lily : I do nt know what you re talking about . There is nothing going on between Tyler and me . I mean , not like you re thinking . Yes , you know , he s a flirt , and who does nt like to be flirted with ? Especially when everybody else just sees you as a wife and a mom . Not that there s anything wrong with being a wife and a mom .
Neil : You sure about that ?
Lily : Yes , I m -- I m sure . [ Chuckles ] If anything , the flirting with Tyler just reminded me how much I love my life . I mean it , okay ? I do .
Neil : I believe you . I believe you , but if there s anything ever bothering you , I am always here for you .
Lily : I know I would nt have it any other way .
Jack : I thought you were moving in gradually .
Phyllis : Oh , yeah . This is , um , gradual .
Jack : Well , I guess it s a good thing I told the staff to get one of the spare bedrooms ready as your closet .
Phyllis : Oh , speaking of spare bedrooms , you meant what you said when , uh , you told me that Summer could have one of the rooms ?
Jack : Absolutely . Anytime she wants to stay here --
Phyllis : Okay , uh , long term ?
Jack : I mean , you talked about her staying here a bit , but --
Phyllis : Yeah , apparently , she does nt , um , want to stay at Nick s anymore . I guess that the future Mrs. Newman is spending too much time there playing house ... which I m completely fine with . Really , I am so fine with it .
Jack : Sit down . Sit down . If you think Summer would be happier here ...
Phyllis : I know this is not what you had in mind when you asked me --
Jack : What I had in mind was living with the woman I love . She happens to be the mother of a bright , charming daughter . They are a package deal . And I would nt have it any other way .
Phyllis : [ Inhales deeply ] Thank you . Thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you .
Summer : Uh , Kyle , hi .
Kyle : Hey , Summer .
Summer : Hey .
Kyle : Been a while .
Summer : Yeah .
Kyle : How s it going over in fashion ?
Summer : It s not as exciting as cosmetics .
Kyle : Believe me , you re not missing anything .
Summer : So , are you here with your girlfriend ?
Kyle : Uh ... no . Uh , not -- not tonight .
Summer : Oh . It s not working out ?
Kyle : Actually , I think I ll be seeing a lot more of her in the future .
Fenmore : Summer . Summer , thanks for meeting me .
Summer : Hey .
Fenmore : I hope you have nt been waiting long .
Summer : No , no , no . I - I just got here .
Kyle : And I m on my way out . Maybe I ll see you again soon .
Summer : Yes , you will .
Fenmore : Well , come on . Come on . Let s sit down . I have so much to tell you .
Summer : Okay . Is everything all right ?
Fenmore : [ Chuckles ] Well , its better now . [ Sighs ] I - I - Ive been thinking about you a lot .
Summer : Fen , I --
Fenmore : Look , look . Hear me out . I just want to apologize for all of that stuff I pulled with Jamie and being jealous , treating you like I owned you or something .
Summer : Yeah , that ... wasnt fun .
Fenmore : It s like I was being everything I hate -- like these people I see who are -- they re so messed up , you know ? Like , they re always hurting the people that they say they love the most . That s not gon na be me . When I m with someone , I will give her no reason to doubt how I feel . And it could be that way with us . I know we could have something really , really good .
Summer : No , no , no , no . Fen , Fen , Fen , please . Please , okay , look . Okay , please . I -- look , I like you . I do , but I - I like you as a friend . Okay ? And I m kind of getting involved with someone else .
Fenmore : Who ?
Summer : Okay , it does nt matter . That s not what we re here to talk about , okay ? I - I thought that you had something else to talk about with me .
Fenmore : No . No , no . I - I - I m done .
Summer : Okay , well , I guess I better go help my mom move in to Jack s , then . Look , I m -- I m sorry that I ca nt be what you want me to be . Bye .
Carmine : Now I get why you look so bummed every time I see you . Hey , but take it from a guy who s already been there , man . Go after her with all you got . No girl can resist that . Okay , look . I know you said it was a one - time deal , but if you re ever interested in a little after - hours game , I can , uh --
Billy : I m not .
Carmine : Okay . Well , I m gon na -- I m gon na need those . Okay , so ... sometimes cheap tricks pay high dividends . Ah , now , that is what I call perfect timing . What s wrong ?
Lauren : Everything . I just want to crawl into bed and disappear for days .
Carmine : How about I crawl in bed with you , and we disappear for a few days together ?
Lily : Hey . Nice of you to finally show up . Ad campaign was a big hit , by the way , no thanks to you .
Tyler : Yeah , I know . I - I ran into Cane .
Lily : At the hospital ?
Tyler : Coronary - care unit . My dad almost died .
Lily : Tyler , I am -- I m really sorry . I ... look , if -- if there s anything that you need ...
Tyler : Hey , Veronica . Yeah . No , I m starved , too . No , it s fine . I can meet you there . All right . Um ...
Lily : It s fine . Just go . Relax . Just forget about everything . Go . It s fine .
Leslie : I m telling you , Neil , I know what I heard .
Neil : Rose .
Leslie : Rose . Dad definitely said that name .
Neil : Mm . Wonder why he d deny that .
Leslie : I do nt know , but I am getting the feeling the answer may be in this box of his .
Neil : Leslie ...
Leslie : Yes ?
Neil : The man is entitled to his privacy .
Leslie : But he lied to my face , and maybe if I just open the box , I ll find out why .
Neil : And maybe if you open the box , you re gon na find out something you wish you did nt know .
Leslie : Yeah , but I --
Neil : So just leave it alone . Do yourself a favor .
Carmine : So , how about it ? Tropical paradise far away from all of this , just you and me ?
Lauren : You know something ? I think that s exactly what I need .
Inside the lies desperately trying to be seen we fight , we try on and on and on and on after the lights are gone will you still love me ? On and on and on and on after the truth is shown will you still want me ? Do nt look the other way when you re afraid when you re afraid do nt let your heart betray the love we made when you still had me speaking soft so no one feels attacked we act relieved maybe we could use a little break we make- believe on and on and on and on after the lights are gone will you still love me ? On and on and on and on after the truth is shown will you still want me ? Do nt look the other way when you re afraid when you re afraid do nt let your heart betray the love we made when you still had me on and on and on and on after the lights are gone will you still love me ? On and on and on and on after the truth is shown will you still want me ? Do nt look the other way when you re afraid when you re afraid do nt let your heart betray
Leslie : R. Turner . Are you Rose ?
Kay : I want you in charge . I want you to run Chancellor .
Adam : No , no , no . This gift you re actually gon na enjoy . It s our divorce papers .
Avery : Why are you still here ?
Dylan : I m -- I m gon na be a father .
### Summary:
| Cane and Lily and Neil discuss the new clothing line for Jabot . Cane and Lily wonder where Tyler is . Tyler and Leslie stand vigil at the hospital for word on their father s condition . Leslie begs Tyler to make peace with their father before it is too late . At the restaurant , Billy asks Carmine if he would like to take the restaurant off his hands , but Carmine wants no part of it . Billy urges Carmine not to let Victoria know about his gambling . Michael comes home to Lauren and tells her that he made a decision . Phyllis and Summer hug . Phyllis gives Summer her present that she got her in Istanbul . Phyllis asks Summer why she is dressing so grown up . Kyle congratulates Billy on the restaurant . Jack also joins them . Michael and Lauren argue as usual . Lauren takes the blame for their failed marriage . Leslie asks Tyler if the name Rose means anything to him . Leslie explains to Tyler that Gus mentioned the name Rose when he woke up . Neil , Cane , and Lily discuss the new clothing line for Jabot and that Lily and Tyler will be in charge . Lily asks Cane why he is all for her and Tyler to be in charge of the new product line . Neil asks Lily what is going on between her and Tyler . Lily denies that anything is going on . Leslie lets Tyler know about the box of things that Gus brought home with him from the prison . Leslie visits Gus and urges him to stay in town so they can make things better between them . Jack tries to get Billy to come back to work at Jabot but he refuses . Jack congratulates Billy on the new restaurant venture . Jack lets Billy and Kyle know that Phyllis is moving in with him . Phyllis informs Summer that she is moving in with Jack . Summer volunteers that she would like to live there also . Phyllis reminds her that Kyle will be there too . Jack asks Billy how Victoria feels about the restaurant . Billy says that she went back to work at Newman . Summer insists that she is completely over Kyle . She tells Phyllis that she can not live with Nick anymore because of Avery . Michael asks Lauren how she made things worse for them . Fenmore walks in . Michael lets them know that he is moving out . Fenmore accuses Michael of not even trying to make things better . Leslie asks Gus about Rose . Gus denies knowing a woman by the name of Rose . Cane catches up with Tyler at the hospital and finds out that his father had a heart attack . Lily denies that anything is going on between her and Tyler . Phyllis asks Jack if Summer can move in with them . Jack agrees . Kyle and Summer meet at the restaurant for a brief moment before Fenmore interrupts them . Fenmore wants a more meaningful relationship with Summer , but all she wants is to be a friend to him . Carmine urges Fenmore to go after what he wants . Tyler gets a call from Monica . Leslie tells Neil about the box , but he insists that she stay out of it . Leslie opens the box and finds some love letters . Lauren joins Carmine at the bar . She tells him that she needs to disappear in bed for a couple of days . Carmine insists that he join her . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nicole : Bless me , Father , for I will sin . Oh . [ Gasps ]
Nick : I intend to protect this baby no matter what it takes .
Rafe : Right . But you do realize that if Sami and EJ manage to drag this thing into court ... that you and your prison record are gon na become Gabi s biggest liabilities .
Nick : [ Scoffs ] That s not fair . I paid for my crimes , I did my time . Not everybody does .
Rafe : Hey . I know exactly what happened to you in prison .
Vargas : Do you know what happens to snitches ? Huh ?
Nick : Uh , a lot of things happened in there , Rafe . It s prison .
Rafe : Nick . Nick , hold on a second , will ya ? Listen . I read your record , okay ? I know you were beaten , you were stabbed . Have you talked to Gabi about it ?
Nick : What s your point ?
Rafe : Come on , man . That s a lotta baggage to bring into a relationship . You re talking about starting a marriage and a family . How do you expect to do that if you have nt even been honest with your fiancée about your past ?
Jennifer : Aunt Maggie , hey , it s Jennifer . I was wondering if you had any time today , maybe I could stop by . I just wanted to talk to you a little bit about Daniel . So anyway , uh , just gimme a call when you get this , okay ? I love you . Bye .
Lucas : I knew it . Daniel broke your heart , did nt he ? Again .
Daniel : Now ? Oh , you know , Parker is napping .
Chloe : I know . It s just -- with what happened to him--
Daniel : You know what , I understand , I really do . I get it .
Chloe : I mean , I love my job and teaching the kids and everything . But being with them makes me just wanna be at home with my son . I can be there in no time .
Daniel : Okay , um , it s fine . Fine . He ll be happy to see you when he wakes up . But I am gon na have to ask you to just keep it short , okay ? Please ?
Chloe : It s your day with him , I know that .
Chloe : Daniel ?
Daniel : Yeah , you know what , I got ta go . I got ta go .
Chloe : Hmm . Keep it short , huh ? I do nt think so .
Brady : Surprise !
Daniel : Brady !
Brady : Get well gift for your son . Although it looks like it s his dad who s not feeling so hot .
Daniel : [ Sighs ]
Kristen : Wow , that s amazing news , Father .
Stefano : It s funny , but you still sound very underwhelmed .
Kristen : No , I m thrilled that you re coming back to Salem .
Stefano : Yeah , well , I m coming back a little sooner than I said . Uh , maybe a little too soon , as far as you re concerned .
Kristen : No , I m sorry , I m just kind of distracted . It s not about you .
Stefano : Well , what is it about then ?
Kristen : I am rethinking things . A whole lot of things .
Jennifer : Really ? Eavesdropping now ?
Lucas : You know , all I have to do is look at your face , and I know that Daniel s done it again .
Jennifer : You know what , would you stop ? Daniel did nt do anything . It was me . It was all me .
Daniel : I do nt know . I m just , uh -- you know , I m just tired , that s all really . I m not used to taking care of a little toddler , you know ? What ?
Brady : Just wondering if you talked to Jennifer and worked out everything that was , uh , bugging you .
Daniel : Yeah , we talked . I found her , and we sort of talked .
Brady : You sort of talked . What does that mean ?
Daniel : Look , how often is it that you talk to Kristen and what needs to get said actually gets said ? I rest my case .
Chloe : Victor ! We need to talk .
Victor : Oh , yes . Yes , we do . You see , my dear , I , uh-- I have nt had the opportunity to tell you how delighted I am . Now let me take that back . I am over the moon that you are back here in Salem . Thank you , God , for answering my prayers .
Chloe : If you re done being hilarious , Victor , then it s my turn . And what I have to say is very serious .
Nicole : I think I m getting a cold , and I do nt want you to get it .
Eric : You know , somehow I do nt think that s the problem .
Nicole : Oh , well , you can think what you want .
Eric : Look , you know , I know things got a little tense here last night between us .
Nicole : Mm - hmm .
Eric : I m really glad that you stayed . You just seem so frustrated .
Nicole : [ Laughs ] Frustrated ?
Eric : I do nt know , you seem frustrated with me , with-- with things .
Nicole : Well , it s just , you know , I kinda woke up on the wrong side of the bed and burnt my toast , and I stepped in something unpleasant when I went to get the newspaper , and I lost my keys . And I do nt know , I m just having a really bad day , okay ? And , um , I got ta jet . So ... Ill see you later . So ... later . [ Sighs ]
Jennifer : I really do nt need the third degree right now , Lucas .
Lucas : I m not giving you the third degree . I m expressing my concerns .
Jennifer : Could you just say hello ? Do you have to just jump all over me ?
Lucas : Well , when it comes to Daniel hurting you , yeah . I have a problem with that . I m your brother , and I care .
Jennifer : Okay . Caring is fine ... but not to ask me questions that you already know the answers to .
Lucas : I saw Chloe yesterday .
Jennifer : And there s a non sequitur .
Lucas : And she wants Daniel back , does nt she ?
Jennifer : Lucas--
Lucas : Now that Daniel happens to be Parker s father after all , she s gon na slip into that role ?
Jennifer : I do nt wanna talk with you about this right now . Please !
Lucas : And you know Daniel . Historically , he s got a problem with keeping it zipped .
Jennifer : Are you for real right now ?
Lucas : You know what , Jennifer , I just do nt wanna pick up the pieces for you . That s all .
Jennifer : Oh , okay , well , I will make sure that your shoulder is the last one that I come to cry on .
Lucas : Fine . Do that . Do that , I do nt care . You know what , I ve got ta come back to the house later .
Jennifer : No , you re not coming back to the house . Not if you re gon na act like this -- dont .
Lucas : I have to , there s something I have to get out of the attic .
Jennifer : Lucas ! [ Exhales ] [ Grunts ] [ Sighs ]
Chloe : I did an inventory of all the cleaning products in this house .
Victor : The what ?
Chloe : Are you trying to poison my child ?
Victor : What the hell are you talking about ?
Chloe : I do nt mean to be an alarmist here , but there s not a single green product to be found . Nor is there a child safety lock on any cabinet . Every surface my son runs his finger across could sicken him . And that worries me ! Toxins are everywhere , Victor !
Victor : Yes , I know , I m looking at one right now .
Chloe : Also , do you know how harmful your dry cleaner is ?
Victor : Oh , for God sakes .
Chloe : The chemicals that they use ...
Victor : This conversation is over .
Chloe : Are heinous ! Do nt you ever smell that on your shirts , your suit ? I mean ... [Sniffs ] Ehh ! Bleh ! Disgusting ! Next time you feel compelled to pick up my son , do nt . And the same thing goes for Maggie . I forbid either one of you to pick up Parker until you switch dry cleaning companies .
Victor : You forbid me or Maggie to pick up Parker ? Who the hell do you think you are ? My wife is that child s grandmother . I will no more caution her against having conta-- [ Sighs ] You re living in my house , Chloe .
Chloe : I know that . And with all due respect , if Parker and I decide to stay here , some concessions need to be made .
Victor : If you decide to s
Kristen : Any truly great plan requires flexibility , right , Father ?
Stefano : Look , enough with this nonsense , all right , my dear ? The plan is still the same , is it not ?
Kristen : Crushing John , yes .
Stefano : Mm . Then ?
Kristen : I m just not 100 % sure that I have to break Brady s heart to do that . If I do nt get the result that I had in mind , I mean , what s the point ? Cruelty for cruelty s sake ?
Stefano : Just tell me what is going on , all right ?
Kristen : You just ca nt predict ... everything that you re gon na feel in a situation , okay ?
Stefano : Ah , ha ha . I see . So ... Brady fell for you as planned . What you had not planned was that you may fall for him , huh ? [ Chuckling ] Nailed it , did nt I ?
Kate : Nick , you and Gabi are so young . What you re thinking of doing would be a lot for anyone .
Nick : We re not just thinking about it , Kate . I was at an altar with Gabi about to get married . You know , nobody had a problem with me being Gabi s husband until Will changed his mind about wanting to be part of the baby s life .
Rafe : Okay , okay . We understand that . We re not standing here , telling you to change your plans for the future , okay ?
Kate : We re just asking you to be careful .
Nick : You re asking me to give up Gabi .
Rafe : No . No . No , no , no , no , no , dead wrong .
Kate : It s absolutely not true . Nick , we re just suggesting that you try taking things more slowly .
Rafe : We know you love Gabi , right ? What difference is it gon na make if you wait a while longer to get married ?
Nick : You already asked us to wait longer . And now you re asking us to wait longer . Oh , you -- you want us to wait until the baby s born , do nt you ?
Kate : Yes .
Nick : Well , um , you can forget it , okay ? I respect both of you , but I promised Gabi a great life , and I intend to give that to her sooner rather than later . So ...
Kate : Okay , so that went well .
Kristen : No , I do nt have feelings for Brady .
Stefano : Kristen , please . Do not play games with me .
Kristen : I m not playing games with you . Just listen to me , okay ? If I do manage to convince Brady that he ca nt live without marrying me and I get him to the altar and I dump him , what s the point when John s in Europe indefinitely ? I mean , if John s not there to witness it , then what s to be gained ?
Stefano : Ah , I see . So you think that it would be wrong to hurt Brady , huh ? I do nt understand that . Because it never stopped you before -- why would it stop you now ?
Daniel : I m not gon na just stand here and trash Jennifer . I m not gon na do it .
Brady : Okay , but--
Daniel : But , um , you know , let s just say that there was an issue that came up-- a pretty significant issue-- and she s really slow to acknowledge it .
Brady : Ah . So you are waiting for her to make the first move , and you re ticked off that she has nt done that ?
Daniel : I m not waiting .
Brady : Daniel , look , I do nt know the details of this whole thing , but I know what Jennifer means to you . That was pretty evident in Chicago when we were out there . All I m saying if there s an issue , just bring it up and talk about it , resolve it .
Daniel : It s not that easy , man .
Brady : Yeah , it is . It is actually . You be direct and you tell her what s on your mind . Daniel , you re not in high school anymore . Talk to her .
Jennifer : Excuse me .
Nicole : You look worse than I feel , and that s really saying something . It s Chloe ... isnt it ? You did nt take my advice , did you ?
Jennifer : Nicole , I really need to go .
Nicole : Wait , Jennifer , hang on . What did Chloe get on you that she then turned around and used as a sword over your head ?
Jennifer : You know , I really do nt wanna talk about this right now .
Nicole : All right , you know what your problem is ?
Jennifer : Oh , God ! Save me .
Nicole : Yeah , he does nt really answer that quickly . Trust me . Listen . Your problem is you re too nice .
Jennifer : Really ? You did nt used to think that about me .
Nicole : No , no . You can definitely hold your own . But the problem is that you-- you refer back to your true nature -- the good girl . And that s when people try to take advantage of you , which is what Chloe is doing right now .
Jennifer : Well , you know what , I took your advice and it backfired on me .
Nicole : Really ?
Jennifer : Yeah , really , because I lied . Okay , Nicole ? I lied . I lied to Chloe about where Daniel and I were going because I thought that she would cry wolf the way she did the night before . So then I lose my phone . No ! I leave my phone at home , Daniel s phone breaks , his son spikes a fever . I tell Chloe that we re at a different club , and that s when everything completely goes crazy .
Nicole : Ooh . That s an unfortunate circumstance . However , did Daniel go through the roof ?
Jennifer : Oh , no , he thought it was a hoot that I lied to him and that his son was so sick and that he was unreachable because of me .
Nicole : Whoa , are he and Chloe--
Jennifer : What ? No . No . You do know that I do nt back down in a fight ... as nice as you think I am .
Nicole : Yeah . And I ... I do know how much you love Daniel . You always have , have nt you ?
Jennifer : Why do you say that ?
Nicole : Because even-- even when you got back together with Jack ... you still could nt turn your feelings off for Daniel , could you ?
Jennifer : No , I could nt .
Nicole : So how did you do it ? How could you walk away from Daniel when you cared for him as much as you did ?
Chloe : Here you go-- an estimate to clean out all the air ducts in this place .
Victor : $ 80,000 to vacuum a pipe ?
Chloe : Hey , it s for all of us , Victor -- you , Maggie , the staff too . I notice your eyes get watery easily . Do you have a mold allergy ?
Victor : Let us review . You would like me to turn my house inside out and upside down because you re concerned about Parker , a child who I am not to go near because of my choice of dry cleaners , where , I might add , there is not a solution in existence that can wash away the strain and stain that you have put upon my family up until this very moment .
Chloe : Hmm . There it is . I try to have a simple conversation about better overall health , and you seize the opportunity to cut me down which , I might add , you ve been waiting to do since the moment that Parker and I got here .
Victor : You bet your sweet life I ve been waiting . You accuse my son Philip of rape ... falsely ? Do nt bat an eye over that little malicious lie . But that little transgression pales to the way that you broke Brady s heart with your stiletto heels , forcing him into drugs .
Chloe : Oh , sure . Blame me because Brady s weak . Because Philip has no character or ambition and , even when born with that gigantic silver spoon in his mouth , ca nt seem to make a decent life for himself .
Victor : That s it ! Get out ! I try to make accommodations for you , but you just pushed me too far . Get out of this house ! I do nt wanna see you in this house again , do you understand me ? Out ! Out right now !
Chloe : [ Sighs ] Woe is me . Wherever shall I go now ?
Jennifer : How did I walk away from Daniel ? That s not an easy ... question to answer . But I m telling you it was nt about loving one man more than the other . My love for Jack was different . You know , he was the father of my children , he was my family . And he worked so hard to get back to us . So I thought that it was a choice that I was gon na have to make , when really it was nt a choice at all . And ... Daniel recognized that , and that s when-- that s when he pulled back . But I guess the simple answer to that is ... going back to Jack and leaving Daniel was really tough . But it was right . It was right for me and it was right for my children . And sometimes you have to do the difficult thing . I need to go . I m sorry , I do nt know if that made any sense at all , but ...
Nicole : Okay . Yeah , that made more sense than you know .
Daniel : Hmm ? I ll tell you what we re gon na do . You -- how about you sit right here , and you build Daddy a little block tower , what do you think ? Do you like that idea ? Yeah , try the blocks , see what happens . Or try that . All right , all right . Ah . [ Exhales ] Okay .
Daniel : [ Groans ] Who could it be ? I do nt know .
Chloe : [ Sighs ]
Daniel : What are you-- Chloe , what is going on ?
Chloe : Victor threw me out . I m homeless .
Victor : Put this where you think it ll do the parish the most good .
Eric : I will . Thank you . On a personal note , I d like to say thank you for not pressing charges against Nicole , who is also very grateful . I m sure you know that .
Victor : I m sure I do nt give a damn .
Eric : Victor , you know Nicole is trying to change her life .
Victor : Yes , like every other bad - news bitch in the city . She wants to be a better person . Cut her slack , give her a break . Bull .
Eric : Victor , I--
Victor : Eric , I know you re a priest now , and I m sure you believe in a lot of miracles . But you re supremely naive if you think that Nicole Walker is ever going to turn into a decent human being . That is one miracle that s never gon na happen .
Rafe : Well ... Nick sure is devoted to my sister . Guess that s the good news .
Kate : It s kind of a desperate devotion , do nt you think ? It s almost as if he believes that he s going to lose her at any moment .
Rafe : Yeah , well ... I think she loves him as much as he loves her , so ... maybe he ll see that in time . What ?
Kate : Oh , I was just-- I was just thinking . I was thinking how unexpected it is that my gay grandson made a baby with your sister and the two of us ended up in the same corner .
Will : I shot EJ , and you went to prison for me .
Nick : I ve got everything I need now to get what I want .
Kate : Well , maybe I should go look for Will . Maybe I could gauge a little more clearly what his mindset is on this whole state of affairs .
Rafe : I do nt think that s such a good idea .
Kate : Really ?
Rafe : Mm - hmm .
Kate : Afraid Sami might find out ?
Rafe : Well , yeah . Sure . She is nt exactly thinking rationally .
Kate : That s a shocker .
Kate : Well , I suppose we ve done enough damage for one day . I should get back to work .
Rafe : Yeah , I better get to the station .
Lucas : Hey , Eric , I-- well , this is just great . My day just keeps getting better and better , does nt it ?
Nicole : Glad to be of service . Eric is nt here , so get out .
Lucas : I told him this would nt work . I told him , he did nt listen to me . He said everything would be cool , but here we are .
Nicole : What are you babbling about ?
Lucas : When Eric asked me to serve on the church board , I said , No problem , I d love to do it . As long as it did nt mean , you know--
Nicole : It did nt mean running into me ?
Lucas : Exactly , running into you . I have a problem with that .
Nicole : Oh , really ? Why ? Why , Lucas ? Do you think you re better than me ? You do nt think I belong here ?
Jennifer : So I apologized to Daniel , but I m not really sure if that was enough for him .
Maggie : Well , if he is ... upset ... I m sure he wo nt hold onto it for long .
Jennifer : I do nt know . I left him a message . Never heard back from him . I went to his place . We saw each other . He never even acknowledged the call . So I think he is holding on to it .
Maggie : Well , maybe you should ask him .
Jennifer : Well , the nurse at the hospital told me she handed Daniel his messages , he read through all of them , and then he just threw them in the garbage .
Maggie : Okay , I hear you and I sympathize . The -- the holding on is hard with people that you care about . But I am confused , and here s why . Your story makes sense . Your actions do nt .
Chloe : I made a few simple requests , and he lost his mind on me !
Daniel : Well , what kind of requests ? Here you go .
Chloe : Childproofing the house , basically , all for Parker . Just child safety locks on cabinets , things like that . Victor instantly got furious . He told me to leave and never come back again . I think he s just been looking for any lame excuse to throw me out of that house , and he found one .
Daniel : Okay , you know what , I will , uh -- I will talk to him .
Chloe : There s no point . He s not gon na listen to you or anyone else about this , Daniel . And I ca nt really move into a place of my own until the first of the month . I mean , can you imagine Parker and me living out of a suitcase in a motel in between ? I just -- I do nt know how I m gon na make this work logistically or financially .
Daniel : Okay , you , um-- you ca nt . So look , why do nt the two of you move in here until you find your own place ?
Chloe : Seriously ? Oh , my God , that is the most generous offer ever .
Daniel : Well , I m not being generous , it s , you know , it s for ... it s for our son . He already likes being here .
Chloe : Yeah ! You re right . He loves this place . It makes perfect sense . It more than makes sense .
Daniel : Yeah .
Chloe : Thanks .
Daniel : Um ... you know , I , uh -- I need to go take care of some things just to make sure this works out . And , uh , so you , uh , you know , unpack your stuff , you hang here with Parker , and I ll be back in a bit , okay ?
Chloe : Okay .
Daniel : And you , my man , I will see you in a bit , okay ? Where s the love ? Yeah . All right .
Chloe : Okay , thanks again . Bye . Why did nt Mommy think of this sooner , my angel ? [ Gasps ] This was perfect ! So easy .
Daniel : Uh , yeah , I was wondering if you have any rooms available . Well , for tonight actually . For a couple weeks . Um , I m gon na have to let you know for just how long . No , no . No , just me . Just me , I have to move out of my apartment for a little while . No , um , just restorations . All right . Jonas . Dr. Daniel Jonas .
Jennifer : I do nt know what you mean . What am I doing wrong ?
Maggie : Well , you re here with me , not with Daniel . That s what you re doing wrong , Jennifer . Did it ever occur to you that maybe getting a piece of paper with a message that says Call me on it -- it might not have been enough ?
Jennifer : Well--
Maggie : Listen . Maybe saying how you feel in person to the person that you feel it for has a little more meaning .
Jennifer : Yes , I understand that .
Maggie : So is it so hard ?
Jennifer : No , it s not . I was having Daniel-- I was waiting for him to do all the work .
Maggie : Hallelujah !
Jennifer : Yes , and that note -- I chickened out , did nt I ?
Maggie : Yes . But it s correctable , that s the good news .
Jennifer : Yes , and you re amazing because you always figure everything out for me . As usual !
Maggie : Oh !
Jennifer : Mm , I love you .
Maggie : I m here to serve . Okay , you know what , you ca nt waste any time . Go . Come on .
Jennifer : Right now ?
Maggie : Right now , yeah .
Jennifer : And see Daniel .
Maggie : Talk to him . Tell him how you feel .
Jennifer : I like how you think .
Maggie : I do too ! [ Laughing ] Drive carefully .
Jennifer : I will . I love you .
Maggie : I love you too .
Both : Mwah !
Maggie : Bye . [ Sighs ]
Victor : [ Clears throat ]
Maggie : Well , it s awfully quiet around here today . I m guessing that Chloe has gone out .
Victor : Well , that s one way to put it .
Maggie : You lost me . What do you mean ?
Victor : I asked her to leave .
Maggie : For the afternoon .
Victor : No , for good .
Maggie : Oh , Victor .
Victor : Maggie , I know we should ve discussed it first . I mean , she comes with your grandson , you like having him around . But Maggie , she pushed me too far . I mean , insisting I spend thousands upon thousands of dollars detoxing this house or some such nonsense .
Maggie : Detoxing the--
Victor : And do nt get me started on the fact that she insisted that we change dry cleaners .
Maggie : Well , I know that sounds ridiculous . I mean , my goodness , she should be grateful to you for your hospitality .
Victor : That woman is an absolute nightmare .
Maggie : Yes , she s difficult . I agree . Victor , please reconsider .
Victor : Maggie , no .
Maggie : For my sake . It s wonderful for me having little Parker here . But also , I mean , is nt Chloe more trouble out there where we ca nt keep an eye on her than here ... where we can ?
Lucas : Have nt seen a lot of you since I ve been back to Salem , and that s just the way I like it . And now all I m trying to do is do the right thing . You know , do a little charity , help out , be a good citizen . And I got ta deal with you in my face all the time ?
Nicole : Doing charity work and bitching about it kinda negates the deed , do nt you think ?
Lucas : I m not bitching about the charity , I m bitching about you !
Nicole : Of course , you re bitching about me , because every time I see you--
Eric : Hey ! I can hear you two in the chapel . What is going on here ?
Lucas : I told you , Eric . I told you there s no way I can be in the same room with her . Not more than five seconds , I m gon na tear my hair out , man ! I should ve listened to my gut about this whole thing , stayed away from this place .
Nicole : Yeah , you should ve stayed away .
Lucas : Do nt tell me what to do , all right ?
Nicole : So--
Eric : What did you say to him ?
Nicole : What do you mean , What did I say to him ? I m just sitting here working , and he walks in here and tells me that I do nt belong here . And you know what , maybe he was actually nasty about it , but he s right . I do nt . I do nt belong here .
Kristen : Hi , handsome .
Brady : Hey . Thanks for meeting me .
Kristen : Sure . So what s with the private assignation ?
Brady : I ve been doing some thinking since our last little talk .
Kristen : Yeah , me too .
Brady : You know I ve been through some rough times , right ?
Kristen : Yeah . I know .
Brady : And I - I m more careful now . I m more careful than I used to be . But you came along ... and careful kinda , you know , flew out the window .
Kristen : You seem a little nervous . What s going on ?
Brady : Yeah , I - I - I am . I am a little nervous .
Kristen : But why do nt you just say what you re going to say ?
Brady : Okay . The thought of losing you rips me up , Kristen . It s happened to me before , and I do nt wanna go down that road again .
Kristen : So wait , wait , wait . Are you saying you wanna end things ?
Brady : End [ Whispers]--No . No , let me -- let me ... start again .
Kristen : Okay .
Brady : Sorry , listen . I was talking to Daniel earlier . I was giving him all this advice about how you should nt let something go when your heart tells you that it s right . And even if rushing into marriage is a big mistake , it does nt mean that making a bigger commitment has to be .
Kristen : Okay , bigger commitment but not marriage .
Brady : I--
Kristen : Not marriage ?
Brady : I have an idea . I have an idea . Now , my dad and Marlena are gon na hate it . They re not gon na like it to begin with , but I think , in time , they ll see that it proves that we re serious about one another , so-- that s what I m hoping anyway .
Kristen : Okay . So ... what are you hoping for ?
Brady : For you to say yes .
Rafe s voice : Nick ... I know exactly what happened to you in prison .
Nick : [ Breathing heavily ] I understand .
Vargas : Do ya ? Cause you better be careful , Nicky . You know what happens to snitches .
Nick : You think you know what happened , Rafe ... but you do nt .
Kristen : Say yes to what ?
Brady : Let s get a place of our own . Together . Not my place , not your hotel room . Let s live together . I wanna live with you . Just you and me . What do you say ? Please say yes . I want you to say yes . Just do it , say yes .
Kristen : No . It s not gon na work . None of this is gon na work .
Eric : I know you and Lucas have a history . I was there . I was part of it . I did nt think it would explode in your face like this , Nicole , and I m sorry . You ve been so upset lately . In general . I mean , is it because of Lucas ?
Nicole : [ Scoffs ] What ? Lucas ? O-- okay , you still-- you do nt think I m hung up on Lucas , do you ?
Eric : I thought it was possible .
Nicole : I thought you clerics could see through people s souls or something .
Eric : I am new at being a cleric . I have nt found my second sight yet .
Nicole : I believe it . Otherwise you would know that , yes , I still am hung up on one man . But it sure as hell is nt Lucas .
Daniel : Lucas . Hey .
Lucas : Hey . You looking for Jennifer ?
Daniel : Yeah . Yeah , I , uh -- yeah , I am .
Lucas : Well , she s out .
Daniel : Oh . Okay . Well , do you know where she is ?
Lucas : Hopefully , Daniel , she s gon na stick to what she told me about you ... wherever she is .
Daniel : What are you talking about ?
Lucas : She does nt wanna see you anymore . And in fact she wants nothing to do with you .
Jennifer : Wow . How did I not see this coming ?
Chloe : Can I help you , Jennifer ?
Jennifer : Yes , you can . I really need to see Daniel , please .
Chloe : Just leave .
Jennifer : Chloe !
Chloe : I m not kidding .
Jennifer : I need to talk to him , please .
Chloe : You know what , I do nt have time for this . I need to give my son a bath , and I need to finish unpacking .
Jennifer : What did you just say ?
Chloe : Oh ! You have nt heard ? I m moving in .
### Summary:
| Lucas and Jennifer got into it over Daniel . After Lucas walked away from Jennifer , she ran into Nicole . Chloe purposely started a fight with Victor so he could throw her out of the mansion . Kristen talked to Stefano about whether she should go through with her plan to hurt Brady . Stefano assumed that Kristen was falling for Brady . Rafe and Kate tried to talk Nick into waiting until the baby was born to marry Gabi . Nick was against the idea and walked away from them . Kristen did nt think it was a good idea to hurt Brady while John was in Europe . Nicole thought Jennifer messed up with Daniel and that Chloe succeeded in getting him back . They began talking about what happened to Parker . Daniel and Brady talked about Daniel s relationship with Jennifer . Brady advised Daniel to make thing work with her . Chloe demanded that Victor make changes to the mansion for Parker s sake . Chloe started badmouthing Victor s family and he threw her out . Chloe ended up at Daniel s place after Victor threw her out . Jennifer explained to Nicole how she felt when Daniel ended their relationship . Kate and Rafe talked about how they tried to reach out to Nick . Lucas showed up at the chapel and ran into Nicole . He mentioned how he was on the board at the church . Chloe explained what happened at Victor s place . Daniel offered to let her stay at his place . Chloe was excited that her plan worked . Meanwhile , Daniel was out in the hall making reservations to stay at a hotel . Kate and Rafe ended up making love again . Jennifer went to see Maggie . Maggie advised Jennifer to make up with Daniel . Brady and Kristen ran into each other in the park . While they were talking , Kristen thought Brady was dumping her . Brady wanted to make a commitment to her . He just did nt want to get married . Nick was listening to something through the surveillance device . He ended up thinking about how Rafe said he knew what happened to him in prison . Nick flashed back to the inmate stabbing him . The inmate was shown looking at a calendar . He looked at February 15th on the calendar . Daniel showed up at Jennifer place and ran into Lucas . Lucas told Daniel that Jennifer did nt want to see him anymore . Jennifer went to Daniel s place and found out Chloe moved in with him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Lucky : Who s there ?
Mary : Yes ?
Emily : I need your help . I m sorry to bother you , but I m looking for this man .
Sam : I m not out to ruin Sonny s life . I m glad he loves his children and he wants to spend time with them , and to be honest with you , if he wanted to go back to Carly , I would nt fight it . I mean , it would hurt like hell , but I care about Sonny and I want what s best for him . So this is it , Jason . This is your chance to do something positive . Am I good for Sonny in any way at all , or should I just do him a favor and disappear ?
Jason : Well , you know what I want . I already tried to pay you to leave the country . But it s not my decision , it s yours .
Ric : All that matters to you , Sonny , is what you want at any given moment . That s why you left your wife and your child for some whore like Sam .
Sonny : You do nt know what the hell you re talking about .
Ric : Oh , do nt I , really ?
Sonny : No , you do nt !
Ric : Well , you want to look at it this way , huh -- your father left our mother , right ?
Sonny : Ok .
Ric : Just like you left Carly .
Sonny : Right .
Ric : See , he ran out , you ran out .
Sonny : Right .
Ric : You want to tell me , Sonny , where s the pride in that , hmm ? You re the worst of both of your fathers . You re violent like Deke Woods and you re selfish like Mike . You talk about me , huh ? I m better than my father , or at least I m trying to be . Because I m with Elizabeth , and she s carrying a baby that s not even mine . So that every day I look at you , every day for the rest of your life and every day for the rest of my life , I m going to know that I am a better man than you are !
Elizabeth : Is that why you re with me ?
Sonny : Ok . Well , you know what ? I guess you guys got a lot to discuss here , so I ll leave you two alone . You want to ask me anything about the shooting , Ric , call my lawyer , will you ? Excuse me .
Elizabeth : Please tell me that what Sonny said was nt true , that I misunderstood , that you do nt mean what you just said . Please tell me you did nt marry me to spite Sonny .
Lorenzo : Carly ?
Carly : Hmm ?
Lorenzo : What are you doing ?
Carly : I just -- I found these papers . They fell out of your jacket pocket . Do you need them ?
Emily : Are you sure you have nt seen this man ? Maybe along the road ? He might be injured .
Mary : I already told the police everything I know . They ve been here twice .
Emily : We found his jacket by the river . It was soaked , almost frozen .
Mary : I ll call the police if I see him .
Emily : His name is Nikolas Cassadine .
Mary : I ll remember .
Emily : Uh -- the man in that photo -- who s he ?
Mary : My husband .
Emily : Is he around ? May I speak to him ?
Mary : He s dead .
Ric : I married you , Elizabeth , because I love you .
Elizabeth : So the part about you staying with me to prove that you re better than Sonny was , what , a lie you told out of anger , or a truth you could only tell a brother you hate ?
Ric : No , I hate Sonny , all right ? Fine , I admit to that . But that does nt have anything to do with whether I love you or not .
Elizabeth : So it s an added bonus ? What , for those days when things go wrong and you re feeling angry and impatient -- and believe me , all marriages have those days -- and you tell yourself just hang in there , but apparently not for love or for the sake of your vows . No , you do it to prove a point to Sonny that you re the better brother . It s worth any sacrifice , right , I mean , even staying with me ?
Ric : Wait a minute , I do nt -- it s not a sacrifice to stay with you , Elizabeth . I m with you -- I m with you because I want to be . But you got to want it , too .
Elizabeth : Oh , no . No , no , this is not about me .
Ric : Oh , yes , it most definitely is . Look . Marriage is about two people here , and both people have to be in it . Both of them have to be willing to accept and trust one another , and you do nt trust me .
Elizabeth : Well , can you blame me ?
Ric : No , not at all . No , I know how I ve lied to you repeatedly . I ve broken your trust many , many times . I ve kidnapped Carly . I understand that I have given you every reason to despise me , but you said that you did nt . You said that you forgave me , Elizabeth . But saying it and living it are two different things .
Elizabeth : You re right . You re right . I have forgiven you . I m not angry about what happened , ok ? I just need to know that this could never happen again .
Ric : I ca nt convince you of that , can I ? No matter how much you want to believe it , you -- you do nt trust me .
Elizabeth : Not as long as you re still competing with Sonny .
Ric : Elizabeth , do you see the paradox in that , huh ? I mean , if I -- if I lie to you about my hatred of my brother , then that allows you to pretend to feel safe . I mean , it s not real safety . You re going to constantly question my motives , you re going to second - guess every decision that I make concerning him . I mean , it s a comfortable illusion , one we both seem very happy to be living in . On the other hand , if I am honest with you about wanting to destroy my brother , that s unacceptable . It s not a part of me that you can deal with on any level . So what do we do ? I mean , lies do nt work , and honesty does nt work , either . How do we trust one another ?
Elizabeth : Maybe we just ca nt .
Sam : Look , Jason , I can make up my own mind . I do nt need you or any other man to run my life . It would just really help to know what Sonny really wants .
Jason : Sonny wants you to wait here until he gets back .
Sam : He s going to ask me to move in .
Jason : All right , then that s what he wants .
Sam : But what if that s what he thinks he wants ?
Jason : You know what -- you re giving me a headache , Sam .
Sam : Sonny wants me to move in with him because we have fun together . I mean , when he s with me , he laughs and he smiles , and besides this thing he has with you babysitting me , we really never , ever fight at all . He seems to fight with Carly all the time , but maybe that s what he wants . Maybe deep down somewhere , he still loves her and he s using me as a distraction so he does nt have to miss her .
Jason : So ?
Sam : So ? Then by me staying here , I d be giving Sonny what he thinks he wants rather than what he really wants , which is to be with Carly , which means if I really did care about him , I should probably just leave .
Jason : Ok , you want to know what I think ? Sonny should figure out what s best for Sonny . You should figure out what s best for you .
Carly : Do you need these papers ?
Lorenzo : They re receipts , probably . Leave them . My assistant will go through them .
Carly : I can help you with them if you want .
Lorenzo : If you d rather itemize receipts than make love , we re in serious trouble .
Carly : I did nt say that .
Lorenzo : Certainly hope not .
Emily : Thank you . This really helps .
Mary : You must be freezing .
Emily : I m dry , you know , I have a coat . Nikolas does nt have either . They keep telling me he s probably got hypothermia .
Mary : I m sorry .
Emily : No , I m the one who should be apologizing , Mary , showing up here and dumping all of my problems on you .
Mary : I know what it s like to be worried about the man you love . My husband was a soldier . He died in Iraq a couple of months ago . They say he was a hero . I do nt know how I m going to get over it , but I have to somehow .
Emily : Mm - hmm . I have to believe that Nikolas is still alive . He s -- he was very strong . He walked away from the crash . Thank you for the tea , Mary , but I have to get out there and keep looking .
Mary : Well , I ll walk you to the road .
Emily : Oh , it s all right .
Mary : No , I know I need fresh air , anyway .
Emily : You know , my car s right over there . I ll be fine .
Mary : Are you sure ?
Emily : Yes . And thank you so much for your help . Bye .
Nikolas : Mary ?
Sam : Oh , would you go away ?
Faith : You must be Sam .
Sam : Max !
Faith : Max is on a break . Mind if I come in ?
Sam : Yes , I mind a lot !
Faith : Well , are nt you the spunky little -- what -- bimbo .
Sam : Sonny is nt here .
Faith : Hmm . If you had a brain in your head , you d know better than to tell me that . See , when the man of the house is away , there s no telling what might happen .
Sam : Then why do nt you just leave ?
Faith : Why is nt anybody ever happy to see me ?
Sam : What do you want , Faith ?
Faith : Well , see , Luke mentioned that you told Sonny the killer was a man , and that lets me off the hook with our Mr. Corinthos , so I owe you a favor .
Sam : I do nt want any favors from you .
Faith : Hmm . Leaving town ? Is that because the killer s been taken care of or because Carly s a little much for you ?
Sam : Carly does nt live here , thank you .
Faith : Oh , yes , of course she does . You wake up with her in the morning and she lies down beside you at night . She lives in Sonny s heart , and she always will . Yeah , when you look into his big , brown bedroom eyes , he does nt even see you . In his mind and in his heart , he wants his wife . Now , did you really sign on for a threesome ?
Sam : I do nt need this , thanks .
Faith : What if I told you you did nt have to leave ? What if I told you how to hang on to Sonny ?
Courtney : Hey , dad , Table Four needs coffee . Look , I ll help you set up .
Mike : Honey , I can do this .
Courtney : Ok , Penny s late again , right ?
Mike : Yeah , I know , but look , I can manage . Go , go be a businesswoman .
Courtney : Hey , it s all right .
Mike : Look , we just had a little rush , but people are starting to clear out , ok ?
Courtney : Yeah , well , you still need help .
Mike : You -- you just do nt want to go home , do you ?
Courtney : Yeah , it s kind of funny -- I love my loft , but I just ca nt stand being there .
Mike : What about Rosie ?
Courtney : She misses Jason , too . She s staying with the neighbors tonight . She wo nt be lonely . I grew up living by myself in an apartment . I should be used to it by now .
Jason : Emily . Jason . You do nt have to call me back . I know that you re trying to find Nikolas , and I just wanted to tell you that if you need anything , if you need my help , call me . Hey . So what do you got ?
Stan : The guy s name is Jack Valcone .
Jason : Ok , are you sure that he s the one who blew up Sonny s limo ?
Stan : That s the word . Explosives are his specialty .
Jason : Any ties to Alcazar , Faith Rosco ?
Stan : He s in from Texas . That s all we all know .
Jason : Somebody had to be paying him , and I have to know who it is .
Ric : So is there anything about me that you do believe ?
Elizabeth : I believe you love me . I believe that you re trying to be a good husband and that you ll devote your life to this child , and I know you ll try to be a good father .
Ric : Try ?
Elizabeth : Our lives will always come second to Sonny .
Ric : No , they wo nt .
Elizabeth : Oh , God , Sonny will always be in the back of your mind , Ric . Even marrying me was a way to prove to Sonny that you won and he lost . Our lives will be wasted trying to tear him down .
Ric : Well , why not make our lives about triumph , about beating the odds ?
Elizabeth : Because we have nt ! You want to let go of your vendetta , but you ca nt . You re trying to stop hating Sonny , but you hate him more now than ever . And I will not build a marriage on hate .
Ric : Well , then why not build it on love , Elizabeth ? I love you more than I thought I could love anybody .
Elizabeth : But I will never be enough . I wo nt . Because no matter how much you love me , you are always going to hate Sonny more .
Ric : No , I refuse to believe that .
Elizabeth : Ok , 20 years from now , are you still going to hate him ?
Ric : Oh , come on , Elizabeth , you think Sonny s going to be around in 20 years ?
Elizabeth : His memory -- are you going to hate his memory ? What about his kids ? Is this baby going to have to grow up competing with Baby Morgan ? What about our family life ? Is it going to have to be absolutely perfect to prove that Sonny s is nt ?
Ric : That s ridiculous ! Of course not !
Elizabeth : You know what ; I do nt believe you , Ric ! And I do nt trust you . I do nt . Not when it comes to this .
Ric : So where does that leave us ?
Elizabeth : I honestly thought that love would change you .
Ric : It has .
Elizabeth : No . No . You see , hating Sonny is who you are . And if you stop doing that , then tell me , what do you think you re going to have left ?
Ric : Look , Sonny -- Sonny s family , ok , like it or not . You -- you have family that you ca nt deal with , right -- your parents , your sister .
Elizabeth : Oh , please ! I did not marry you to get back at them !
Ric : Are you sure about that ?
Elizabeth : What ? Oh , you see , this is what I mean -- what you just did right now !
Ric : What ? What ? What did I do ?
Elizabeth : Projecting your feelings on me ! I do nt make you better than Sonny , Ric . In fact , I have nothing to do with Sonny at all , but for you , that line is permanently blurred because everything is about Sonny -- everything . And I refuse to let my children be raised around that .
Ric : Are you breaking up with me ?
Elizabeth : We re not going to make it , Ric , and I think we both know it .
Mary : I did nt add the milk and sugar this time . Just plain old orange spice .
Nikolas : Thank you .
Mary : Mm - hmm . Connor ?
Nikolas : Who was here ?
TV reporter : With an update on the search for Nikolas Cassadine . Authorities have downgraded --
Mike : Excuse me .
TV reporter : The search from a rescue to a recovery , indicating they no longer expect to find Mr. Cassadine alive . Sources inside the PCPD indicate that the massive search yielded nothing more than a jacket found on the riverbank the night of the crash . Mr. Cassadine was engaged to marry Emily Quartermaine .
Courtney : Oh , gosh , why ca nt they just leave Emily out of it ?
Mike : Well , the Quartermaines are a big deal in this town and she makes it a better story .
Courtney : Well , I think that s one of the reasons Jason changed his name . He did nt want people noticing him because he was a Quartermaine .
Mike : Yeah , well , speaking of that , what about your last name ? You thinking about going back to Matthews ?
Courtney : You know , Jason s name is the one thing that I would like to keep . God , I mean , Jason is being so difficult about this divorce , dad . I mean , he wo nt agree to anything .
Mike : Well , what are you asking for ?
Courtney : Nothing . That s just it . I just -- I do nt know . I do nt need Jason s money , you know , and he does nt have any property except that pool table , and , God , he ll probably try to dump that thing on me , too .
Mike : Wait a minute . You lost me , princess .
Courtney : Jason wo nt sign the divorce papers until he gives me something . And all I really want is what we had .
Mike : So why do nt you tell him ?
Jason : You ok ?
Elizabeth : I m looking for my spare set of car keys .
Jason : Did you lock your keys in the car ?
Elizabeth : Yes , is nt that stupid ? But then again , everything I do is so incredibly stupid . But do I listen ? No , no , no , no , no . I just have to follow my heart instead of doing what the rest of the world says . Oh , God , I guess I just deserve this .
Jason : Are you ok ? You seem kind of upset .
Elizabeth : Um -- Ric and I are -- we re getting divorced . Please do nt ask me why , because you already know . I mean , Ric -- he hates Sonny more than he loves me . And he loves me a lot . You know , I honestly thought that I could just love him through it , that I believed if I loved him enough , he would stop hating Sonny , and he just -- he just ca nt . He never will .
Jason : I m -- I m sorry that you re hurting .
Elizabeth : You think I m better off ?
Jason : I know it . So do you .
Carly : Yeah . Just a minute . Ahem . Hi .
Sage : Hey , I was on my way to the hospital to volunteer and I heard my uncle s driver on his cell , and it sounded really bad .
Carly : No , everything s fine . Lorenzo s fine .
Sage : Did somebody try and kill him ?
Carly : It s all over .
Sage : Who would attack a blind man ? Do nt you think that s terrible ?
Carly : Ok , you do nt have to worry about anything . Lorenzo is ok .
Sage : Well , is he here ?
Carly : Yeah .
Sage : I get nervous when he does nt answer his cell .
Carly : Ok , everything s fine .
Sage : Ok , good . So you got a second ?
Sam : Why do you care if I hold on to Sonny ? What s in it for you ?
Faith : Hmm . Now , there s a question I understand .
Sam : So then answer it .
Faith : If you and Sonny stay together , Carly will stay with Alcazar just to spite him . Alcazar and Sonny will continue fighting , which makes my life a lot easier . If Sonny and Carly get back together , it s business as usual and I m a target , and you re left with , what , a leaky boat ?
Sam : Ahem . What s your advice ? Not that I m going to take it .
Faith : Never eavesdrop -- not on those sirs , not in the kitchen , not on the telephone . Sonny is deeply paranoid . Do nt push him . He s also a control freak , so if he tells you to go upstairs , go , no questions asked . And if he asks you back down , look gorgeous , every single time .
Sonny : What the hell s going on ? You know better than to show up here , Faith .
Faith : I ll make it fast .
Sonny : Can you go upstairs for a second ?
Sam : Yeah . No problem .
Sonny : What ?
Faith : This is strictly business .
Sonny : Well , you got no business with Sam .
Faith : No , no , that was just a little girl talk .
Sonny : Oh . Say what you got to say and get out of here .
Faith : Ok . Luke swears that you re letting me off the hook now that you know I did nt hire --
Sonny : Ok , Luke is wrong .
Carly : Sage , what can I do for you , hmm ?
Sage : You want me to leave , do nt you ? It s ok . I understand . Everybody in my life wants me to leave , so sooner or later , I just do whatever I want .
Carly : Do you want me to go wake up your Uncle Lorenzo so you guys can have a talk or something ?
Sage : No , no , not really . I used to hate you , but I admire you , too . You have a good heart -- at least that s what Uncle Lorenzo said . But I did nt believe him at first because I thought you were doing all this just to make Sonny jealous , except then I realized that you were nt .
Carly : Ok . So what made you change your mind , huh ?
Sage : Uncle Lorenzo s happy . Ok , maybe it is your fault that he ca nt see , but , I mean , he would ve never been in that courtroom if it were nt for you . But even blind , he s doing well . I mean , he s doing better than I ve ever known him before .
Carly : Well , that s good to hear , right ?
Sage : I thought you d bail on him the first chance you got , but I was wrong . There s , like , zero chance you d break his heart , right ?
Carly : Lorenzo and I , we re very close .
Sage : I know how much he loves you , and I ve seen you stand by him , which is good because I know what it s like for people to bail , which they usually do -- at least to me .
Carly : Yeah , I know what that s like , too .
Sage : Really ? You do ? Were you , like , dumped into boarding school the second you could walk ? It s awful , is nt it ?
Carly : Sage , what can I do for you ? What do you need ?
Sage : I guess I just need to say thank you for making my uncle happy . I m bad with gratitude . I just have nt really had a lot of practice at it . But I really mean it , from the bottom of my heart .
Elizabeth : I do nt blame Ric for my mistakes . I mean , I m the one who was willing to give the relationship a second try . Unfortunately , that was the worst mistake of all .
Jason : Why d you -- why d you do it ?
Elizabeth : Because I loved him . I wanted to save him . I wanted to prove that I could create a perfect life for myself and my child , do at least one thing right .
Jason : Prove to who ?
Elizabeth : Myself . My parents , my sister , my grandma , you .
Mike : Honey , you know , if you hold this up to the glass , you can hear almost every word .
Courtney : Ok , ok .
Mike : Look , I know that you and Jason have your problems , there s no question . But Elizabeth is nt one of them .
Emily : Did you find anything ?
Lucky : No , not yet .
Emily : Oh , God , it s getting really cold . Where s my scarf ? I thought it was right here .
Lucky : Well , are you sure you brought it ?
Emily : Yeah , positive . Wait . Oh , I left it at that woman s house .
Lucky : Wait , you were at someone s house ?
Emily : Yeah . She s a widow . She s about my age . She lives right over there . She was nice .
Lucky : Yeah , I spoke to her .
Emily : Yeah , she said two cops had been by . God , it was so sad . Lucky , when I came to the door , she was holding a picture of her husband , and I know she d been crying . It was so strange , you know , that picture that she had -- something about it just reminded me of Nikolas .
Lucky : Listen , I got to take this , so you know what , I ll get back to you in just a second . Will you stick around ?
Emily : Yeah .
Lucky : Ok .
Mary : It s an old scarf of mine . I got it in Boston ages ago .
Nikolas : Why was it on the couch ?
Mary : I pulled it out . I thought it might help you remember . We had so much fun on that trip .
Nikolas : Was stored ?
Mary : For ages .
Nikolas : Does nt seem stale . What s the perfume ?
Mary : Something I used to wear .
Nikolas : What s it called ?
Mary : I do nt remember . It cost a fortune , though . That s why I stopped buying it .
Nikolas : That s too bad . It s very nice .
Elizabeth : Thanks for your help .
Jason : Yeah , no problem .
Courtney : Hey .
Elizabeth : I locked my keys in the car .
Courtney : Oh , that s always a hassle .
Elizabeth : Yeah . I apologize for being rude earlier .
Courtney : You know , I could ve been nicer , too .
Elizabeth : Well , you were right , Ric is never going to let go of his grudge against Sonny , and just took me a while to admit it . See you .
Courtney : What was all that about ?
Jason : She s breaking up with Ric . She really wanted the marriage to work , but it did nt .
Courtney : And she s heartbroken . Um -- I have to get to the office .
Jason : Wait a minute , is nt it -- is nt it kind of late ?
Courtney : Well , it s the best time to do paperwork .
Jason : So how s business ?
Courtney : It s ok . It s not what I expected , but nothing really is .
Mike : Why are you just standing there ? Why do nt you go after her ?
Sonny : I let you live as a favor to Luke . You re not off the hook . As far as I m concerned , you never will be .
Faith : Sam has nt improved your disposition much , has she ?
Sonny : You stay away from Sam .
Faith : You make a cute couple , though . You like them spunky , do nt you , just as long as they know their place .
Sonny : You know what ? Luke ca nt save you forever . You re sloppy , you assume way too much , and you re a little bit crazy . So you d better get out of here now . It s about time you leave . Do nt forget to watch your back . Are you listening , Sam ? You can come down now .
Sam : One second !
Carly : Hey , I appreciate how much you love your uncle , and you do nt have to worry , I am not going to leave him when he needs me .
Sage : Thanks , and I wanted you to know that I m sorry . I ve been a jerk to you . I mean , sometimes I ca nt tell when I m being bad . Sometimes I can , and I was to you .
Carly : Hey , it s no problem .
Sage : All right , well , I d better get going . I m going to be late .
Carly : Ok . You going to be at the hospital ?
Sage : Yeah . I ve been doing a lot of computer work .
Carly : Hmm . Well , good , I ll tell Lorenzo that you stopped by and I ll tell him to give you a call .
Sage : All right , thanks .
Carly : Sure .
Sage : Would nt it be cool if we could be , like , friends ?
Carly : It would be very cool .
Sage : All right , well , I ll see you later then .
Carly : All right .
Lucky : I remember this woman . Her name s Mary . She lives alone , but there was nothing she could tell me .
Elizabeth : Ric ?
Ric : Elizabeth , I m glad you came back . Look , look , I understand why you were upset , all right , but I think if we can just get away , we can work all of this out .
Elizabeth : Ok , I ca nt .
Ric : No , I love you , and I know you love me , right ? Look , you said our marriage was flawed . I understand that . There s --
Elizabeth : Can you just let me get this out before I change my mind ?
Ric : No , no , Elizabeth , please , do nt do this .
Elizabeth : I m filing for a divorce .
Sonny : What s that ?
Sam : My stuff .
Sonny : Your stuff ?
Sam : Yeah , I left everything that you bought me upstairs , and the earrings and the bracelet are on the dresser -- except this . I kept this .
Sonny : You do nt like my presents ?
Sam : I do .
Sonny : Oh .
Sam : I like them very much , but you do nt have to protect me anymore , Sonny , so it s time to move on .
Sonny : Jason did nt give you my message ?
Sam : Yes , he did , and that is why I m here . I waited so I could do this in person .
Sonny : To tell me you re leaving ?
Sam : It s for the best . I mean , it s complicated , and we do nt want to complicate things . No strings , remember ?
Sonny : It s kind of just not fair , you know , but --
Sam : Me leaving ?
Sonny : Just running , you know , without giving me a chance to ask you to stay .
Mike : Do you and Courtney have any idea how lucky you are ? I mean , most people go through their entire life not having what you ve got , and you re just throwing it away .
Jason : Courtney made her choice .
Mike : I mean , why are you trying to give her alimony she does nt want , and why is she on the verge of tears all the time ? She is my little girl . She s your wife . I know that she loves you , and I know that you love her . So find a way to make her happy .
Stan : Tracked Valcone s money trail to South America .
Jason : Has he done more for Alcazar ?
Stan : Could nt get confirmation .
Jason : Ok , I m going to do the follow - up . I have to have proof that that guy worked for Alcazar .
Lorenzo : Let me guess . This is you .
Carly : What the hell is going on here , Lorenzo ? I found a piece of paper which is bloodstained in your pocket -- paper that you must have gotten off of the hit man while he was lying here dead . You were trying to eliminate any ties that you had between him because the person who hired someone to blow up Sonny s limo was you , was nt it ?
Lorenzo : Yes .
Monica : I have something that you need to see .
Nikolas : You lied to me .
Sam : Sonny , I m in way too deep . I m falling in love with you .
Carly : Whatever I felt for you is gone . Now , get out !
### Summary:
| Carly finds a bloody piece of paper in Alcazar s pocket . Sage arrives at Carly s and thanks her for making her uncle Alcazar happy , and she tells her she would like to be friends . When Sage leaves , Carly calls the phone number on the bloody paper . She realizes the cell phone she called is inside her house . Carly accuses Alcazar of hiring the hitman when she sees him holding the cell phone . Alcazar admits to hiring him . Jason does nt give Sam a clear response to her question as to whether she should stay or go . Faith shows up at Sonny s and thanks Sam for telling Sonny the hitman was a man . Faith also gives Sam advice on how to keep Sonny around . Sonny asks Sam to stay after she tells him that she s leaving . Ric admits to Elizabeth that he still has a VERY strong hatred for Sonny . Elizabeth tells Ric that she lied to herself by thinking that their marriage would work , and that she wants a divorce . Outside of Kelly s , Elizabeth tells Jason everything about her and Ric . Lucky does nt see Nikolas in the woods . Emily accidentally leaves her scarf at Mary s house when she stops there looking for Nikolas . Nikolas questions Mary about the scarf and the perfume on it . Emily and Lucky later go back to Mary s house when Nikolas is alone . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Faith : There s never been a better time to put pressure on Sonny .
Skye : My God -- someone else was here that night .
Scott : You re under arrest .
Skye : No .
Carly : Why are you so determined to send Courtney away from everything she has ?
Ric : Sonny wants to keep Courtney away from his business .
Jason : Sonny s planning to send you to college out of state . We re going to go up to the cabin , and we re going to tell him .
Elizabeth : They re eloping .
Faith : My sources tell me both Sonny and Jason are out of town . Might be the perfect time to move against them .
Ned : You re right , Faith . It is a good time . And I ve already moved .
Ric : Elizabeth ! Elizabeth ! Elizabeth -- wait . Hold up . What s going on ? Elizabeth , why are you down here ?
Elizabeth : Trying not to think about Jason .
Ric : Is there -- is there anything I can do to help ? You know what ? Why do nt I just throw a little light on the situation ?
Elizabeth : No , please , I -- I like it like this .
Ric : Okay . You know what ? This is my fault . If I had -- I would ve just let you keep going instead of stopping at the loft , you would ve never seen Jason and Courtney .
Elizabeth : I needed to see it . It was the only way I could start to let go . But it did nt work . Jason and Courtney just looked so happy .
Courtney : How much farther ?
Jason : Still a ways .
Courtney : Any chance we could just skip telling Sonny and just --
Jason : No , we owe it to Sonny to tell him to his face . Wait a minute . Here s the turn .
Courtney : Turn ? I do nt even see the road we re on .
Jason : Ah , come on . We re safe , remember ?
Carly : When did you have time to plan all of this ?
Sonny : What , you think the only calls I make are about business ? You need me to help you out there with --
Carly : No .
Sonny : Here you go .
Carly : You know what ? You had your chance . Thank you . And you already proved you do nt know how to make a fire .
Sonny : Yeah , but what I do know is that if you throw matches in there with the flue closed , smoke s going to get all over the place .
Carly : Yeah , I knew that . It s that lever right there .
Sonny : Well , I do nt want to boss you around , but maybe I should help you out with --
Carly : No , no . No , no , no . I ve got it .
Carly : It s not funny . You think this is funny ? Come here . Come here .
Sonny : No --
Carly : Come here .
Sonny : What ?
Carly : Kiss me .
Sonny : I ll kiss you . What are you doing ?
Cameron : It s a delicate situation , Baldwin . You ca nt pressure her right now .
Scott : Oh , I do nt believe for a second that she suddenly remembered the real killer . We re taking her in . Let s go .
Alexis : If she jumps , you wo nt find out , will you ?
Scott : What does this have to do with you ?
Cameron : Just let Jax get her to safety . He s the only one she trusts right now .
Jax : Skye , it s okay . Just take it easy , okay ? Let me help you .
Skye : Jax , I m so sorry . I know that nobody wants to believe me . I -- I remember , though , now . I saw -- I saw her .
Jax : Who ?
Skye : The real killer . She has dark hair , but I do nt think it was Brenda . I really -- I do nt .
Jax : Just take it easy . I believe you .
Skye : You do ?
Jax : Yes , I do .
Skye : Will you help me ?
Jax : Of course I ll help you . I already told you I would help you . I need you to come over the railing . Okay ? Would you please do that ? Come on , Skye . You trust me . That s it .
Skye : Whoa !
Jax : It s okay , it s okay . I ve got you , I ve got you . I ve got you . It s okay . There you go . Hey , it s all right . Did you see her face ? Do you know who the killer is ?
Jax : Tell me , Skye , what did you see ?
Skye : I --
Jax : What d you see ?
Skye : I do nt know . I -- all I remember is dark hair . I do nt know about the rest .
Jax : Concentrate . Try to concentrate .
Skye : Okay , I --
Jax : Okay ?
Skye : I saw a woman running away .
Jax : Okay .
Skye : And --
Jax : What else did you see ?
Skye : I know she had dark hair and -- and she was wearing a dark coat and -- jeans . She was wearing jeans .
Jax : Did you see her face ? Do you remember her face ?
Skye : I do nt know if I saw it . I do nt remember .
Jax : It s okay , it s okay . This could come back to you any minute , okay ? This could come back any moment , so we ll just run with what you gave me , we ll locate this woman , and we ll clear your name , all right ?
Skye : Okay .
Jax : Okay . You ll be okay .
Scott : All right , cuff her .
Jax : Stay away from her .
Ned : Acting on an anonymous tip , the police will find the drugs , and Sonny and Carly will be arrested for narcotics trafficking .
Faith : Neat , clean , and ruthless .
Ned : Is it done ? Good . Good . Now go tip off the cops . How about a cup of coffee and a ringside seat ?
Elizabeth : I have no one to blame but myself . I did nt know what I wanted , and then there was Jason s job and his loyalty . And then he lied to me about something he was doing for Sonny and he just left me hanging , so I ended it .
Ric : And Jason just accepted it ?
Elizabeth : Yeah . Yeah , that s what really surprised me . I thought he put some value on what we shared , and I thought just maybe he would have realized we had something worth saving if Courtney had nt moved in .
Ric : Courtney stole him away from you .
Elizabeth : Anyway , it s all for the best . I mean , Carly never really liked me anyway . Now Sonny and his wife and his sister and best friend -- they can be one big , happy mob family and leave the rest of us alone .
Ric : You know what ? I think you re forgetting one very important part of this equation here .
Elizabeth : Yeah ? What s that ?
Ric : What if Sonny does nt like the fact that his precious baby sister is dating his hit man ? Hmm ? What if he hates the idea ?
Sonny : How s that ? Too hot ?
Carly : Impossible .
Sonny : How are you feeling ?
Carly : Good .
Scott : The fact that she tried to jump proves she s guilty .
Jax : No , it just proves that you were hounding her , Baldwin .
Taggert : We have to arrest her whether you like it or not , Jax .
Jax : Hey , you know what ? Back off . Back off .
Cameron : Hold it , hold it . The last thing she needs right now is a fight . And , Scott , if she goes anywhere after a suicide attempt , it should be the hospital for observation . Did you actually intend to kill yourself out there ?
Skye : No , I just knew that nobody but Jax would believe me . I could nt think of any other way to get him here before the police dragged me off to prison .
Scott : Well , that s usually where murderers go .
Alexis : Do you wake up ranting , Baldwin ?
Scott : Are you representing her ?
Alexis : No .
Scott : Then shut up and get out .
Cameron : Well , that s professional , Baldwin . Go ahead .
Skye : Look , I was nt sure that I did nt kill Alcazar until tonight , okay ? I remembered that there was a woman in the room that night . Now , she was wearing a dark coat . She had dark hair . She had jeans on . I --
Scott : Are you actually going to try and pin it on Brenda again ?
Jax : Would you let her finish ?
Skye : No , no , it was nt Brenda . I do nt think it was . She had dark hair , but I ca nt remember her face .
Scott : All right , enough of this circus . You re just buying time until you can cook up another suspect . Well , that s not going to happen . Taggert , read her her rights !
Taggert : All right , cuff her .
Jax : It s all right . I m going to take care of it .
Skye : Jax --
Taggert : You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can --
Jax : Baldwin , do you really want to arrest the wrong woman again , make an even bigger fool of yourself ?
Scott : If I was you , I would let my fingers do the walking and find yourself an attorney for your ex - wife .
Jax : Skye s attorney s already here if she ll take the case .
Alexis : Jax , I -- I ca nt do that .
Skye : Alexis -- would you , please ?
Jax : Come on , Alexis , you re the best there is . You defended Brenda . Will you do the same for Skye ?
Alexis : I ll meet you at the station . I want to check on my daughter first .
Jax : Okay . Thank you .
Scott : Why are you guys standing around like seagulls ? Get her out of here .
Skye : Will you please get my purse ?
Scott : Let s go .
Cameron : Do nt you think it s time you told me what s really going on ?
Ned : Looks like they took Zander s tip seriously .
Faith : I m impressed . You re very effective .
Ned : Do nt sound so surprised .
Faith : I was just realizing what a good ally you make , what a bad enemy .
Ned : Remember which one you want to be . Kristina would hate what I m doing . She always focused on the positive in everybody -- even me .
Faith : Why did nt you pick up on her positive thing ?
Ned : Because I m a Quartermaine and I was born cynical . Maybe if she d lived long enough , she might be able to change me , but she did nt . She s gone . And now Sonny is going to pay for taking her away , and he s going to keep paying over and over until there s nothing left .
Ric : Look , you have to understand that Sonny wants to keep the violence in his life away from his family -- in this case , his sister . Can I trust you to keep a little secret ?
Elizabeth : Try me .
Ric : Okay . Sonny s instructed me to find colleges for Courtney -- the farther away , the better . Now , does that sound like a man who wants his sister dating his hit man ?
Elizabeth : Jason s more than just a hit man .
Ric : Oh , I m sorry . Yeah , that was a little harsh .
Elizabeth : No , Ric , believe me , I am not naive . I know that Jason s job has its dark side , okay , but he does a lot for Sonny -- guarding Courtney , for one .
Ric : Okay , even if he was instructed to guard Courtney , I do nt think it was Sonny s intention to have him start dating her . Do nt you think that s maybe why they re not telling him ?
Elizabeth : But if Sonny were to find out --
Ric : Oh . Courtney would be on the next plane to Switzerland .
Elizabeth : And that could be the best thing that s ever happened to Jason .
Mac : Police , freeze ! Do nt move . Put your hands where I can see them .
Ric : Hey ! What s going on here ?
Mac : Go on , open it up . We had a tip that Sonny s storing drugs here . Now he and Carly are going to have to answer for it .
Carly : You know , for a male chauvinist , controlling freak --
Carly : You have the most gentle hands .
Sonny : Well , you provide a lot of incentive .
Carly : I wonder if anyone would believe me if I told them that big , bad Sonny Corinthos just washed my hair .
Sonny : Do nt you dare tell anybody that .
Carly : Are you afraid that it might ruin the mystique of you being a cold and calculating , unfeeling human being , huh ?
Sonny : What I am out there in my business happens because I love my family and I want to protect them --
Carly : I know .
Sonny : From my work and its dangers , whether they like it or not .
Carly : I know . I understand . Are you protecting me right now ?
Sonny : I m always protecting you .
Carly : I like it . Will you protect me some more ?
Courtney : Okay -- no street lights , no cabin lights . It s official -- we re lost .
Jason : No , it s an adventure .
Courtney : Yeah , not even close . Adventures have guides and compasses and maps , even .
Jason : It s okay . We re going to get to the cabin soon . There are nt that many roads up here .
Courtney : This is a road ?
Jason : Are you in a hurry ?
Courtney : No , not at all . Just watch the -- no , I m just fine here with you in our own little snow globe . It s great . Jason , watch out !
Jax : How you holding up ?
Skye : Okay , I guess , except for the panic , confusion , and murder charge . Jax , I m so sorry . I just -- I do nt know what would ve happened to me tonight if you had nt shown up . You know me -- when in doubt , act out . I just did nt want to get you involved in another one of my messes . I know you have your own life now .
Jax : Do nt worry about that , okay ? All you have to know is -- is there is no way I m letting you go to jail , and that s a promise .
Cameron : You okay ?
Alexis : A man was stabbed and pushed over this railing to his death . I m the one that found him , remember ?
Cameron : Since you find the images so upsetting , I find it hard to believe that you d take this case on .
Alexis : Jax is a friend of mine . He asked me to do it . I agreed .
Cameron : It s that simple ? This is , what , the fourth defendant you ve taken on in this case ?
Alexis : I became an attorney because I believe that anyone accused of a crime deserves a defense , especially someone accused of killing Luis Alcazar . A horrible man , a killer , was murdered , and I do nt think that anyone should have to pay for that .
Cameron : Do you think you can get Skye acquitted ?
Alexis : She said she saw a woman . She did nt actually see the murder . I believe that I can build a case of reasonable doubt .
Cameron : What if Baldwin stumbled on the right suspect ?
Alexis : Baldwin is a publicity whore . He does nt care who killed Alcazar . He just cares about his record .
Cameron : Alexis -- you still have nt said if you think Skye killed Alcazar .
Alexis : No , I have nt .
Mac : Did you see Carly or anyone else come down here tonight ?
Ric : Look , Commissioner , Elizabeth has been with me most of the night . I guarantee you she has nothing to do with this . She works upstairs at Kelly s . And if I do nt miss my guess , there is another entrance into this place .
Mac : Yeah , I am aware of that entrance . All right , Elizabeth , you can go . But I would like you to stay for a while , Mr. Lansing , if that s all right .
Ric : Whatever you say .
Elizabeth : No . Wait -- wait a minute . He did nt do anything .
Ric : No , no , no , no , no . It s okay . Give us a minute , please ? Listen , I want you to do me a favor .
Mac : All right , you guys --
Elizabeth : Anything . What ?
Ric : This is Sonny s cell phone number . I want you to give him a call and let him know what s going on .
Elizabeth : Okay .
Ric : Thanks .
Elizabeth : Mm - hmm .
Mac : Box -- open it up .
Ric : All right , Commissioner , you ve obviously found what you needed . I do nt think there s anything else .
Mac : Just how involved with Mr. Corinthos are you ?
Ric : Well , as a matter of fact , Mr. Corinthos relies on me more and more every day .
Carly : Are you happy with your life ? If you could go back and change some things , would you ?
Sonny : I like my life just the way it is . Especially you . You know , when we were apart , a night did nt go by that I did nt wake up reaching for you . And not just because you re sweet , gentle , great - looking .
Sonny : I missed you because you re a part of me . And even though I never say it , even though we fight and , you know , sometimes you re wrong , I am -- I just want you to know that I still love you .
Carly : Not that you asked , but I would nt change a thing , either .
Sonny : Yeah , you would .
Carly : Excuse me ?
Sonny : Well , I mean , you know , if it were up to you , you d be richer sooner , have more clothes , more jewelry .
Carly : Oh , no , no , no , no . Okay , all right . So , then , I m just so -- I do nt know what I am -- shallow ?
Sonny : No .
Carly : Materialistic ? Is that what I am ?
Sonny : No , you like nice things .
Carly : Yeah . So do you .
Sonny : Right .
Carly : Mr. I have 33 suits , and I m not even including your summer wardrobe .
Sonny : And that s why I got you something nice .
Carly : How nice ?
Sonny : Well , you re going to have to tell me how nice . You ready ? You ready ?
Carly : No .
Sonny : Here you go .
Carly : You do nt have to get me jewelry , Sonny .
Sonny : Do nt get all noble on me now .
Carly : Who , me ? Really , just knowing that you think about me is enough .
Sonny : I m always thinking about you . Would you open it already ?
Carly : Okay , okay . Sonny !
Sonny : [ Mocking Carly ] What ?
Carly : It s beautiful ! Oh , I love it .
Sonny : [ Normal voice ] Yeah ? You like it ?
Carly : Yeah .
Sonny : All right . You sure ?
Carly : Look at that . Yeah , I m sure .
Sonny : It s gorgeous . And how you going to thank me ?
Carly : Well , how would you like me to thank you ? Hmm ?
Sonny : Well , I mean --
Carly : I think maybe I could come up with a little something .
Sonny : Yeah ? You think so ?
Carly : Yeah , let me see .
Sonny : What do you think ?
Carly : This .
Sonny : Oh .
Carly : Oh .
Sonny : All right . Hallelujah . Okay . All right .
Carly : Oh . Do nt get that . Do nt --
Sonny : What ?
Carly : Do nt get it .
Sonny : I got to get it .
Carly : Do nt get it .
Sonny : No , because it -- no , it s an emergency . You know , it has -- no , listen . Listen to me . It s got to be an emergency --
Sonny : Because only Jason and Ric have --
Carly : Yeah , so --
Sonny : Okay . Yeah . Elizabeth ? Well , how d you get this number ?
Elizabeth : Ric gave it to me , and he told me to call you right away . There s trouble .
Sonny : What happened ?
Sonny : Okay . I ll be -- yeah , I ll be there .
Carly : What ?
Sonny : I m sorry .
Carly : What ?
Sonny : You know , I just -- we got to go . We got to go .
Courtney : Jason ? Jason ? Jason , are you all right ? Are you okay ? Talk to me , Jason . Are you okay ? Are you okay ?
Jason : Yeah , I m okay .
Courtney : Are you sure ? You could ve hit your head . You were nt wearing your seat belt .
Jason : Are you okay ? Your head --
Courtney : Yeah , no , I m fine . I m fine . Where s your phone ? Oh . Here it is . Okay . We need to call Sonny or -- we need to get help .
Jason : It s dead . The battery s cracked . We re not going another foot in this storm .
Jason : We re wedged in between trees . We need to be towed out .
Courtney : So we re stranded ?
Jason : Temporarily . We ll just have to wait the storm out and then hike for help .
Courtney : If we do nt freeze first .
Jason : It wo nt be so bad .
Courtney : Yeah , I know . You ll take care of me . And , hey , it s not like I m helpless .
Jason : That s one of the things I like about you .
Courtney : Yeah ? Well , if we get bored , will you -- will you list the others ?
Jason : Yeah .
Courtney : Okay . All right , well , first , there s a blanket in back . Nice . And I have a thermos full of coffee . I think we can keep pretty warm if we try . Ooh . See , I m warming up already . Except for my nose .
Ric : You were responding to a tip , I guess , huh ?
Mac : That s right .
Ric : Anonymous ?
Mac : So ?
Ric : Yeah , clearly called in by the person who planted these drugs in the first place .
Mac : Well , that s none of your concern , now , is it ? All I need from you is Sonny and Carly s location .
Ric : No , I think you re missing the point here , Commissioner . There s something that you need , and that would be a warrant . Hmm ? Yeah , you know what a warrant looks like , right , boys ? When cops have it , they usually flash it around like some kind of a flag . You took a chance that there was something here .
Mac : You re free to go . This is a secure area , so you need to leave .
Ric : It s just very interesting to me that the suspect crate was opened at the point where the drugs were stashed and they were right on top of the packing , where no amateur smuggler would even dare to put product . Not to mention the street value of this thing . Come on , it s laughable . It s not even worth shipping .
Mac : I asked you to leave .
Ric : No , I m afraid I ca nt do that , Mr. Commissioner . I have to gather evidence here for a lawsuit .
Mac : What lawsuit ?
Ric : Well , harassment , illegal search , property damage , conspiracy .
Mac : Conspiracy ?
Ric : Yes , you and your snitch . I m going to have to get your badge numbers , boys .
Mac : Your clients are still going to have to come down and answer charges . Have them at the station before the weekend .
Ric : Uh - huh . Sure .
Mac : All right , you guys , go on , clear out . You know what ? You seem like a smart man , Mr. Lansing . There are better ways to earn a living than pulling guys like Sonny out of the fire . I d think about quitting while you re ahead . People around Sonny generally end up hurt or dead .
Elizabeth : Sonny s on his way .
Ric : Oh , thanks for doing that .
Elizabeth : It was nothing . But what you just did right here was very impressive .
Ric : Nah .
Elizabeth : You re an amazing lawyer .
Ric : Thanks . It s a learned skill . But he does have a point .
Elizabeth : What do you mean ?
Ric : Well , when and if I win Sonny s trust and friendship , his enemies are going to become mine . And believe me , Sonny has some very powerful enemies .
Ned : Nice work , Zander .
Zander : There s too much here .
Ned : Extra incentive never hurts . You re proving yourself every day .
Zander : Thanks .
Ned : I m glad I took another chance on you . I ll be in touch .
Scott : You need to get out of here , go back to your fiancée , because Skye and I need to discuss the charges against her .
Jax : I do nt think so .
Scott : Look , I m running the show here . Otherwise I ll throw you back in your old cell . Okay ? Now , do you want to confess now , or you want to wait till open court ? But if you sing now , I might make a deal with you --
Jax : You ca nt talk to Skye without her attorney present , so why do nt you just run along .
Scott : I can talk to her any way I want . I mean , she does nt have to answer , but if she was smart --
Alexis : My client has nothing else to say .
Scott : She would talk to me . What ?
Alexis : I said my client has nothing else to say . And you , my friend , are leaving .
Scott : Come on , come on . We both know she s the killer . Look at her . Look at her . Looks like a killer .
Jax : I ll leave you two to get to work . I ll be right outside .
Skye : Jax , thanks again . Thank you .
Alexis : All right , Skye , two things before we start . First , I hope that you can get past the very tough cross - examination that I put you through . It had to be done . Second , I want you to remember this is not an attorney - client conference room , that this is an interrogation room , and sometimes the opposition will be sitting at this table , but all the time they will be right outside that mirror . Behind the mirror there , they re listening to everything that goes on in here . Are you okay with that ? All right . I want you to concentrate , and I want you to tell me everything that you remember about the killer .
Skye : I told them this already . I saw a woman -- dark hair , dark coat , jeans -- running away .
Alexis : I want you to think about the details . Think about her hands . Was she wearing jewelry ?
Skye : I -- oh , Alexis , I do nt know . It was so quick . I was drunk .
Alexis : All right , all right . What about images ? Think -- think about images .
Skye : I --
Alexis : Is it possible you just saw her from behind ?
Skye : She was running away , yes . I -- I do nt know . There was something else .
Alexis : Something about her or something else ?
Skye : Something about her . Oh , God , there s something more . I just -- I know there is . I -- I ca nt make myself see it .
Alexis : All right , let s just start with small sections and we ll just build from there .
Alexis : A color ? Anything ?
Skye : I -- oh , it s gone . I m sorry .
Alexis : It s okay . It s okay . We can work on it tomorrow .
Scott : All right , girls , tea party s over . Time for you to be processed .
Alexis : This arrest warrant is on the razor s edge of fraud . The voice match has nt even been confirmed by a professional .
Scott : Confirmation is pending .
Alexis : You have no grounds for an arrest . But if you want to push your luck , we can take it back to a judge and you can explain your evidence to both of us .
Scott : I have nt got time to wait . Your client s guilty . You re free to go . Get out there , sip a few martinis , because soon you re going to be in the big dollhouse .
Skye : Alexis , thank you so much for doing this .
Alexis : I m happy to help .
Alexis : What are you doing here ?
Cameron : Baldwin wanted my opinion as to Skye s fitness to stand trial .
Alexis : And ?
Cameron : I had a tough time evaluating her . Could nt keep my eyes off you .
Alexis : Is this some weird pickup line ?
Cameron : I m not sure .
Alexis : Okay , well , your timing is really off . Anything else ?
Cameron : Night , Alexis .
Alexis : Good night .
Courtney : I have a confession to make .
Jason : What ?
Courtney : I was afraid . I was afraid for myself that -- that we would never have a chance to be together .
Jason : I m sorry it was hard on you . But you re strong .
Courtney : You know , I -- I learned about how much I cared for you at the trial .
Courtney : You okay ? Here , let me get you some coffee .
Carly : What happened ? If the police broke those fixtures , I m going to sue .
Sonny : Fill me in .
Ric : Well , Mac came in with some uniforms off of a phony tip . Found a drug plant in the first crate of light fixtures he opened .
Sonny : What and how much ?
Ric : Coke . Not a lot , but enough to be a problem .
Sonny : What did Mac say ?
Ric : Well , he was going to bring you up on trafficking charges and close Carly s club .
Carly : Oh , no way . He ca nt do that .
Elizabeth : But they wo nt because of Ric .
Sonny : Okay . What else ?
Elizabeth : Well , Ric got rid of them for you . Sonny , you should ve seen him . He was amazing . He lawyered Mac to little pieces .
Ric : Just doing my job .
Sonny : Okay , did you try to reach Jason ? Because he could be back from the Dominican Republic now . What ?
Ric : Jason s back , but I -- I thought that you wanted to handle this on your own .
Sonny : Okay , wait . Where -- you know what ? We were just trying to have some quiet time together . It was very important to us . Jason has full authority to handle these things .
Ric : Okay , I m sorry . I made a mistake . I wo nt do it again .
Elizabeth : Wait a minute . Wait a minute . Ric is nt telling you everything .
Ric : Elizabeth , do nt , okay ?
Elizabeth : No , I m not going to let him come down on you for no reason . What Ric is being careful not to say is Jason left town again , with Courtney , and it looked to me like they were eloping .
Luke : I do nt want anyone but Laura .
Bobbie : Have you stopped seeing Summer ?
Lucky : I m just trying to figure out who you are .
Summer : It s a waste of time .
Nikolas : I am offering you a clean start . Take the money .
Sonny : How long have you known about Jason and Courtney ?
Courtney : Are you all right ?
### Summary:
| he fixed the problem . Elizabeth tells Sonny that Jason left town again , and this time with Courtney . She tells him it looked like they were eloping . While driving to the cabin to tell Sonny about their relationship , Jason and Courtney s car got of the road , and their car got stuck . Jason tells her they are not going anywhere until the next day because his cell phone was dead , and the car had to be towed out . Jason has a cut on his hand , and seemed to be in a lot of pain . At Alcazar s suite , Jax gets Skye to come back over the ledge . She explained to him that she needed to tell him she remembered a woman being there , because she thought nobody else would believe her . Scott tells Taggert to arrest her , and he does . Alexis agrees to represent Skye , and meets her at the PCPD . Scott comes in and says he is ready to process Skye , Alexis tells him he has no grounds , and he lets Skye leave with Jax . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Riley : Look , will you turn it off ?
Jen : Come on , I ll edit . Just loosen up . Tell me about your feelings . Hey , the song s not ready yet . Riley , this is a documentary on the band . You know , some things do nt always go right for artists . That s ok . You have the scars to prove it .
Riley : Yeah , we , sometimes the scars are just a little too deep , ok ?
Jen : Meaning ?
Riley : Meaning I do nt know if I can do this without Flash . We wrote everything together and we were perfect . So why did she -- look , can you just turn the damn thing off ?
David : You are acting like there is no danger , Dorian .
Dorian : David , please let me handle it .
David : What do you mean -- ?
David : I ca nt believe this . Are you just going to let Paul go and get your blood sample tested ?
Dorian : David , just relax , ok ?
David : If he proves that you re not Adriana s mother , then we re going to say goodbye to $ 30 million .
Dorian : Let me handle this my way .
David : Oh , great , cut me out of the loop again . I knew you did nt trust me .
Dorian : David , everything s going to be all right . I promise you that .
David : Oh , that makes me feel so much better .
Jessica : I , uh , wish I knew what to say .
Antonio : How about yes ?
Jessica : It s not that simple . Yes , I love you so much and , yes , I love living with you , but I --
Antonio : You do nt want to marry me ?
Jessica : No , I -- everything is just really complicated right now with my mom not being well , and us living here , it s just temporary , and it just seems like everything s all up in the air .
Antonio : Look , hey , I m sure how I feel .
Jessica : Antonio , I love you . Of course I m sure about that . I just -- I just ca nt give you a yes or no answer right now , ok ?
Antonio : Ok . Fine . I should nt have sprung this on you that way .
Jessica : Oh , no , no , please , it was so sweet . It really was . I m just -- I m just feeling a bit overwhelmed here .
Antonio : Then you need some space and some time alone . I ll get Jamie and go back to the loft .
Jessica : No , Antonio , please do nt do that , please .
Antonio : No , really , you know , we could probably use some time apart , some time to clear our minds . I ll get the baby .
Natalie : Hey . What s up ? Something wrong ?
John : Hey . I must have two hours of paperwork on that train station bust . What s up ?
Antonio : Your friend -- she get off ok , the F.B.I. Agent ?
John : Yeah , she s on her way to D.C. the Devo twins , they ve clammed up , so who knows , maybe it was a good thing that we offered immunity for Cramer giving his testimony .
Antonio : Yeah .
Officer : Here s that file you asked for yesterday .
Antonio : So why the hell am I getting it today ?
John : Hey . What s going on ?
Antonio : Nothing . Look , I just found out that my life s not going the way I thought it was , that s all .
Eve : Marcie said she d call as soon as she saw her dad this morning .
Michael : Did she say what was wrong with him ?
Eve : No , just because he s in the hospital , but it s not serious . I guess he was having a lot of dizziness and they got worried . She and her brother , Ron , drove back to Jersey last night , but she wanted you to have these .
Michael : Oh . Great . Um , did she --
Eve : Yes . She said you wanted your digital camera ?
Michael : Yes .
Eve : Why in the world would you want that while you re in the hospital ?
Michael : Something to goof around with .
Eve : Uh - huh . And she also said you wanted these .
Michael : Yes .
Eve : Now are you going to tell me what is going on here ?
Michael : Well , I m going to be laid up here a little while , mom , so I thought I d do some bird watching .
Eve : Oh , right .
Michael : Well , it --
Eve : Well , if you re not going to tell me , you re not going to tell , but please tell how you broke your leg .
Michael : It was a really stupid , sort of bonehead thing . I was showing Marcie this move from a kung fu movie that I saw , sort of this , like , 360 , backwards helicopter kick , and I did nt pull it off right .
Eve : Uh - huh . And why did she tell me that you were walking along the top of a stone bench in the courtyard and fell ?
Michael : Well , because in the movie , the guy was on a -- on a ledge . Johnny ! How you doing ?
John : How am I doing ? I tell you what , Michael , I ll be feeling a hell of a lot better when you tell me how you really broke your leg . And while you re at it , why do nt you explain to me why you felt the need to lie about it .
David : You may have avoided my question last night at the hospital but then we come back here to the hotel and you flagrantly use sex to avoid answering my question again .
Dorian : I believe I did it again this morning .
David : Yes , you did . And though it was very good , I got a limit .
Dorian : David , with the pheromones we have going between us , it s like jet fuel .
David : It is pretty good . You are doing it again . When are you going to let me in on what s really going on in your life ?
Dorian : I do nt know why you re so upset .
David : Oh , you do nt ?
Dorian : Nope . Uh - uh .
David : Hmm . You ask me to marry you , then you drug me , and then you leave the country .
Dorian : For a week .
David : And then I find out that Paul is very close to proving that Adriana is nt actually your daughter , and you re not even the least bit concerned ?
Dorian : Uh - uh . He has been saying that ever since I made the announcement .
David : You told me that he s got a sample of your blood . Dorian , he s got your D.N.A. Why wo nt you let me do anything to stop him ?
Dorian : Because I do nt want you making a scene .
David : How can -- I can not believe this . If Paul proves that Adriana is nt actually your daughter , then he can take Aunt Betsy s will and throw it out the window . We re talking about $ 30 million here , and look at you -- not a care in the world .
Dorian : Have some . It s wonderful .
David : For all we know , Paul could be getting those blood test results right this minute .
Eve : You what ?
Michael : Mom --
Eve : You broke into the office of the Chief of Staff ?
Michael : I did nt break in . It was unlocked .
John : What the hell made you want to do that ?
Michael : He s up to something , John , I know it .
John : Like what ?
Michael : Well , I do nt know what , ok , but I know it s not right and I m going to find out what it is .
John : You know what s not right , Michael ? You broke into an administrator s office . That s not right .
Michael : I was only going to be in there a minute .
Eve : And then you walk out on the ledge which was three stories high and fall and practically break your neck ?
Michael : Mom , my neck is up here . This is my leg .
Eve : Oh , Michael , what is wrong with you ?
John : This Dr. Long the one you told me about at the station , the one that does nt like you ?
Michael : Yeah , John , he s the guy that does nt like me . That does nt have anything to do with this . He s up to something and I know it , and I m going to prove it .
John : Ok , you got any proof ? You got anything ?
Michael : What do you think I was doing in his office ?
John : Michael , who else knows about this ?
Michael : You , Marcie , mom .
John : Marcie ? You might as well have told the paper . This is stupid . You know this is stupid .
John : You do something like this again , I m going to throw you in jail . All right , I got to go .
Eve : Bye , honey .
John : See you later .
Eve : Ok .
John : You know what ? I m almost glad this happened to you . It ll keep you out of trouble for a while . Feel better .
Michael : Yeah , thanks for stopping by , Johnny . Always a pleasure . Ma , could you slide me a little closer to the window ?
Eve : Why ?
Michael : I m going to do a little bird watching .
Eve : Ah . Have you heard a word your brother just said ?
Starr : Ok , the cab just dropped me off . Still have a few more blocks to go . My mom s still in the shower , so by the time she gets out , me and Travis will be long gone . Oh , my hands are shaking . I hate this . It s moving the picture . Oh , I hope Travis does nt get mad at me . You know what -- he wo nt . He ll understand . This place is called alphabet city . Lots of people with tattoos and nose rings . Wow . Hey , check out this cool mural behind me . It s awesome . Wow . Nerves of steel , o great one . Just tell him that you sent the wrong picture . Is that him ? Travis , is that you ? It s me .
Boy : Little kid , you want to get the hell away from me ?
Starr : I do nt understand . What are you talking about ?
Boy : Come on , like , now ? Go on , get out of my face !
Michael : Damn it ! There s no way I can see what number he s dialing from here .
Paul : Hey , Michael .
Michael : Hey there .
Paul : How s it going ?
Michael : Oh , it s , uh -- it s good . Real good .
Jessica : Um -- when you showed me that beautiful , beautiful ring , I just -- I could nt handle it . I freaked out , and I reached for the only excuse I could think of , which is my mom s health , and that was wrong .
Antonio : If you do nt want to get married , you do nt .
Jessica : No , no , no , that s not -- that s not what I m saying at all . I just -- it s just a really huge step for me .
Antonio : Well , honey , we re already living together .
Jessica : I know , and you know that I love you , and I love where we are right now . We re together and we re sharing --
Antonio : So wait a second , I do nt understand . What , marriage is going to change that ?
Jessica : No . Antonio , you have your life figured out . You know who you are , you know what you are . But me , I m -- I m still in college . I have nt graduated yet . And I just feel like there s this long road that I still have to travel , you know ?
Antonio : Honey , I want to be able to take that trip with you , as your husband .
Jessica : I know . It s just that I -- I just kind of feel like I owe it to us just to face my future by myself . Do you understand ?
John : Excuse me . I m sorry . Cicetti wants you to see that guy at The Palace . He s actually waiting for you .
Antonio : Ok . I got to give John back his office .
Jessica : Can we talk about this later , please ?
Antonio : I think I ve heard everything I need to hear .
Viki : So should I have bacon with my fried eggs ? Should I have the spicy pork sausage ? Kidding ! Honey , kidding . But listen , I am not kidding when I say that you and Jessica have to concentrate an awful lot less on me and an awful lot more on your own lives .
Natalie : Mother --
Viki : What ?
Natalie : You come first , ok ? Plus that I m not so sure that Jessie s ready to get married right now , anyway .
Viki : And I do nt think living at Llanfair is helping their relationship at all .
Natalie : Ok , enough of that . You need to concentrate on your health and only your health , mother .
Viki : For heaven s sakes , darling , I m not going to stop being a mom because I got a little heart problem . I worry about you , too , you know .
Natalie : I m fine .
Viki : Oh , I m fine . You re so fine ; you drank yourself silly the other night .
Natalie : Oh , mom --
Viki : Well , come on , it s true . Darling , John McBain had to practically carry you in the house .
Natalie : I was nt that bombed . You know , I -- ok , you know , when you get lonely , stuff happens . It s -- it s really not that big of a deal , ok ? Jessica should nt be such a snitch .
Viki : Jessica loves you , too . And I worry about you being alone so much . In fact , I think it d be a much smarter idea for you to live in Llanfair instead of Jessica .
Natalie : I think that d be a great idea .
Paul : Man , you must be going stir - crazy in here . I mean , you re a pretty active guy , right ?
Michael : Yeah . It s not like I ve got much of a choice , you know ?
Paul : Yeah . I can see that . How long you going to be laid up for ?
Michael : I m not sure . Hopefully not so long that I ll lose my position . I mean I m missing my pediatric rounds as it is . Dr. Long might drop me from the program .
Paul : What , because you broke your leg ?
Michael : Well , yeah , that , and because he s an uptight jerk .
Paul : Yeah . Yeah , he is . You know , he s under the gun a lot . It s got to be a tough job being Chief of Staff .
Michael : Oh , no doubt . No doubt . So you work with this guy a lot ?
Paul : I do now . I mean , after Dr. Carter resigned , Dr. Long ended up taking over the medevac units . So , yeah , you re right , he s a very uptight guy .
Michael : Yeah .
Paul : But you do nt want to tick him off .
Michael : How would I do that ?
Paul : Well , by doing something that would make him even more uptight . You know , Dr. Long is a very powerful guy . He can break people . In fact , I think he kind of enjoys it . Anyway , you know what , take care of yourself .
Michael : Yeah . Hey , listen , not that I mind the company , but , I mean , we really do nt know each other . So what s up with the visit ?
Paul : You seem like a pretty cool guy . You checked out my Aunt Betsy s death for me . I figured nothing wrong with keeping a good guy by your side . Anyway , I will see you later .
Starr : Travis ? Travis , wait ! What about all the emails , all the messaging we did ? I m Starr , o great one !
Travis : Yeah , well , you do nt look like your pictures , ok , little girl ?
Starr : No ! I must have clicked on the wrong picture when I uploaded !
Travis : You re not even close to 15 .
Starr : No , I am , really . Everybody just says I look really young for my age . Come on , Travis , what s with the attitude ? Why does what I look like matter ? We re connected , right ?
Travis : Look , we both had parents that split up , ok , but that s not anything that we should --
Starr : We re meant to be together . Look . Look , I m ready to go , man , anywhere . Are we still on or what ?
Antonio : I got to admit , sometimes I -- I feel a little bit out of place .
Natalie : Yeah , Llanfair can be pretty intimidating when you did nt grow up there .
Viki : Look , what I worry about is the strain that this is putting on you and Jessica . You know , sometimes finding the right balance can be very difficult .
Antonio : Yeah .
Viki : If Jessica wants to move back to the loft , you know , I would so understand .
Natalie : Mom ? You know , I think your idea about me moving into Llanfair instead of Jessica -- I think it s a good idea . Maybe you re right .
Viki : I would love it , but that has to be your decision , ok ? Antonio , Jessica loves you so much . Please do nt ever doubt that . And I know that you love her . You have to find the right balance , you have to do it together , and you have to take your time .
Dorian : Surprised ?
Paul : I got to admit , you re pretty good . You got the results switched , and that s not easy to do .
Dorian : Adriana is my daughter , Paul . You d better get used to it . You re out of your league . Against me , you re always going to lose .
Dr. Long : Paul ?
Paul : Do nt count me out , Aunt Dorian , ever .
John : McBain . Hey . Kath , how s it going ? How s D.C. ? Oh , yeah ? How s the investigation going ? You know , I almost wish I was there with you just to see that look on their faces .
Starr : Miss you , dad . New York s cool , but wish you were here .
Starr : Frodo is sending you an I.M. ?
Starr : O great one , I was a jerk . You are cool . Still want to hook up again ? Can you get away tonight ?
### Summary:
| Starr finally leaves to go meet her friend , who s name is Travis . When she finally meets him , he calls her a baby , and says he ca nt be seen with her . Crushed , Starr returns to her hotel room , but he instant messages her again , saying he was a jerk , and wants to hook up again . Jessica can not give Antonio an answer to his proposal , and this hurts his ego . He feels it would be best for him to move out . Later , Viki talks to him , explains how much Jessica loves him , and Antonio apologizes to Jessica . Jessica turns to John for advice , but he admits he s not the one to ask in matters of love . Michael spies from his bed on Dr. Long and Paul , however , Paul is wise to this , and closes the blinds , blocking Michael s efforts . Eve and John visit Michael , wanting answers to the accident , and Michael finally comes clean with how it happened . John asks if Michael has any proof , but unfortunately , he does nt . David continues to wonder why Dorian is nt more upset about Paul s antics , but Dorian is very cool about it . David finally asks if Dorian really is Adriana s mother , but Dorian evades the question . Paul finally gets the results , but Dorian is one step ahead of him , and tells him that whenever he goes up against her , he will always lose . Viki thinks it would make more sense to have Natalie move in to Llanfair , and Natalie agrees . Viki is concerned that Natalie is lonely . Jen convinces Riley to send a video tape to Flash , with his true feelings . Riley let loose , told Flash how upset he is with how she handled the break up , and ended up cutting his hand . As Jen was taking care of his hand , they kiss . Both agree that their friendship is more important , and agree to forget it happened . Later , their hands touch , and from the look on Jen s face , is it forgotten ? |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kelly : I have to try and leave here without my baby . No matter how hard I want him to be mine , he s not .
Babe : I m going to try to be as good of a mama to him as you were . Good luck , Kelly .
Kelly : You , too .
J.R. : I hope I m not breaking in on something .
Erica : Oh , no , of course not .
J.R. : Has she woken up yet ?
Jack : No , no , not yet .
Erica : No , there s no change . There has nt been any change .
J.R. : We ve met , have nt we ? J.R. Chandler .
Jack : This is Judge Lampert . You probably remember her from presiding over Kendall s trial .
J.R. : Right . Right . That s where I ve seen you .
Jack : Yeah , she heard about Bianca .
Judge Lampert : Yes , it s such a tragic accident .
Jack : Mm - hmm .
J.R. : Especially because she s gone through so much . Well , I guess I ll get going . It s nice to officially meet you .
Judge Lampert : And you .
Erica : J.R. -- J.R. , wait . I m sorry . You caught us at a rather emotional time . The flowers are gorgeous .
J.R. : I just want to make sure that she sees them first thing when she wakes up -- right after your smiling face .
Erica : We re so grateful to you for your thoughtfulness and for your friendship . And I m very , very sorry . I ca nt apologize enough for even thinking that you had anything to do with that accident on the balcony .
J.R. : No , it s all right . I love Bianca .
Erica : And she loves you . We owe you so much .
Autumn : Ho , ho , ho .
Chantal , China , and Autumn : Ho , ho , ho !
Autumn : What are you doing , Lily ? Going to take the boat out on the lake , row real fast and jump in and water ski ?
Lily : That s not possible . Anyway , they do nt allow people to take boats out in the winter .
China : So you do know what season it is ?
Autumn : Duh ! Lily s incredibly smart about some things .
Lily : I want to read .
Autumn : What s the book , Lily ?
Lily : The Masterful Murderer . It s part of the Dack Masters series .
Autumn : Oh . Well , I ve got a mystery for you . It s about a girl who betrays her friends and gets one of them into real bad trouble with her parents . I mean , like , suspending her charge cards privileges bad .
Lily : I do nt know that one . Is it good ?
Autumn : Well , it depends on who you re rooting for .
Lily : Is it part of a series ?
Autumn : No . The way this one ends , there could nt be a sequel .
Jonathan : Did anybody call for me ?
Maggie : The phone is still unplugged . Thanks for that , by the way . Really , you do nt need it . Ugh . Wait . No . Ugh ! No , it s gone , it s gone ! Oh , that was -- it was the -- my thought -- it was at the perfect segue into my next paragraph .
Jonathan : Ok , here .
Maggie : Wait .
Jonathan : Well , this banana protein smoothie will probably help , so --
Maggie : No , no , wait . How could -- God , how could I be so completely dense and stupid ?
Jonathan : Hey , hey , hey --
Maggie : I mean , I seriously have a leak in my brain .
Jonathan : It s only a sentence .
Maggie : Well , I thought that this paper was nt due until after Christmas -- after . I love you . I love you so much , and I love that you re living here , but I really can not use the distractions right now .
Jonathan : Oh , so no TV , no radio --
Maggie : No ! No , no , no . No .
Jonathan : Well , what s the topic ? Maybe I can help you .
Maggie : Good idea . You talk , I ll type .
Jonathan : Ok .
Maggie : Ok .
Jonathan : All right .
Maggie : Mitochondrial DNA , glycolysis , and the Krebs Cycle . Go .
Jonathan : Ok , right . Ok , yeah . You have my sympathy . Sorry .
Maggie : You do nt understand . This is worth half my grade ! Ugh ! Ok . Breathe . I can do this . I can do this , I can do this . Calm down . Oh . You know what ? I still have -- I still have those tapes from Dr. Reynolds class . If I can just -- wait . Those will help . Those will really , really help . If I can find them . Because nothing is where it should be !
Jonathan : Ooh .
Maggie : Ugh !
Reggie : Hey . Is Maggie around ?
Jonathan : Afraid not .
Reggie : Well , do you know where she is ? It s kind of important . It s about Bianca .
Jonathan : No , sorry .
Reggie : Well , is your phone unplugged or something ?
Jonathan : I do nt know . I ll have to check . I was sort of busy right now , sorry . So I m going to get back --
Reggie : Wait , wait , wait -- if Maggie has nt been by the hospital , does she even know Bianca s there ?
Jonathan : Well , with all the media coverage , I m sure she has to know . But she s got this massive deadline for school right now . She s probably down at the library .
Reggie : Library -- but not even a phone call , man .
Jonathan : What can I tell you ? I do nt know . But as soon as she surfaces , I ll tell her that you re -- you re worried and everything .
Reggie : Yeah , I know , but --
Jonathan : I ll get back to you on that .
Maggie : I found them ! I found them . Thank God , I found them . Was somebody at the door ?
Jonathan : Yeah , but you do nt want a subscription to The Bulletin , do you ?
Maggie : No .
Jonathan : That s what I told the man .
Maggie : Thank you .
Jonathan : You re welcome .
Babe : Could Bianca die ?
Jamie : I could nt get much information . She s hanging on .
Babe : She does nt even have Miranda back ? She does nt even have her little girl ?
Jamie : Hey , Babe , the reason I did nt tell you before is because there was nothing you could do about it .
Babe : What if J.R. had tried to kill her , Jamie ? Miranda -- we ve got to -- we got to get her out of there --
Jamie : No , no .
Babe : Away from him .
Jamie : Hey , my dad s on the case . And so is your mom and Hayward . Do you think they re going to let J.R. keep Miranda ?
Babe : No . Never .
Jamie : Then we have to let them handle it , or J.R. could find out about James and end up with him .
Babe : I know , and I would absolutely die before I would let that happen . But Bianca -- ca nt we find out if she s ok or --
Jamie : Hey , hey -- I called the hospital , said I was a reporter and that my paper wanted an update on her condition . There s no change . Babe , do you get why I did nt tell you right away ?
Babe : I would nt have been able to stay away . And I would have put James in the line of fire .
Jamie : It used to be so easy to know what to do and know what s right . Now it s --
Babe : It s much harder . At least , it would be without you here . I m the one that got you into all this .
Jamie : I m right where I want to be .
Babe : I just -- I just wish I -- I wish Bianca had someone like you .
Nurse : I m sorry , they re not permitted in the ICU .
Jack : Oh , I ll tell you what -- why do nt you give those flowers to somebody who will enjoy them , then , huh ?
Nurse : I know just the lady .
Jack : Good . Here , I ll get the door for you .
Sharon : Maam ? Your honor .
Judge Lampert : Lead the way to the lab . Erica , the baby is being brought there ?
Erica : Oh , yes . Miranda will be there . J.R. s father is bringing her .
Adam : Nice and warm and toasty . You know , I ve kind of gotten used to you , young lady . In fact , I m rather fond of you . Maybe they re all wrong . All wrong . We ll have a lifetime to get to know each other better . Unless , well , of course , you are Bianca s baby and -- well , we ll just have to deal with that when we come to it , wo nt we ?
Adam : Hmm . I have to know the truth . Like it or not . Ok , here we go . Here we go , here we go . Ready ?
J.R. : Where do you think you re going ?
Anita : Oh , what a dream . That s not cafeteria coffee .
Aidan : You re knackered .
Anita : Knackered better mean gorgeous . And this better be for me .
Aidan : Well , knackered means exhausted . Cream - crackered .
Anita : Unless it s edible and goes with coffee , I do nt care .
Aidan : Well , I can give you the 411 on rhyming slang over lunch .
Anita : You brought me lunch ?
Aidan : You ve been cooped up in here for the last 24 hours . Deprived of sunlight . Remember the sun ?
Anita : I do nt want to leave Bianca .
Aidan : How is she doing ?
Anita : There s no change .
Aidan : Well , then it s settled . Come on .
Anita : No , Aidan , I ca nt leave .
Aidan : Look , we ve both got beepers . They can page us if Bianca s condition changes . I ve already taken care of it .
Anita : All right . Well , I ca nt deal with a restaurant right now .
Aidan : We wo nt go to a restaurant . We ll be outside . Sunlight , remember ? The hamper s in the car .
Anita : Hamper as in picnic ?
Aidan : Why are you resisting this ?
Anita : Hey , I did nt finish that !
Aidan : I ve got chocolate - dipped brownies for dessert .
Anita : Are you parked out front or in the lot ?
Babe : Bianca has to be all right . She has to wake up and she has to get Miranda back .
Jamie : Hey , my dad swore he d make it happen . He ll get Miranda back where she belongs .
Babe : I hope .
Jamie : If anybody can do it , it s my dad .
Babe : When I first found out that I had Bianca s baby , I -- I should have just put Miranda back where she belonged . Jamie , Bianca was my best friend , and --
Jamie : Babe , I m not going to let you go back there . Ok ? It s over , it s done . We have to focus on James .
Babe : Yeah , but if there s something that we can do for her --
Jamie : She s going to come to . And then Bianca and my dadll take care of J.R. Does our tree look a little dry to you ? You know , we d probably better give it a drink before more needles fall off .
Babe : Yeah . Guess we ca nt let James have his first Christmas with a bald tree .
Jamie : Well , we said we d make this Christmas special for James . What else besides powdered - sugar snowball fights ?
Babe : For the first time , I have nt a clue .
Jamie : You know , Christmas is my all - time favorite holiday , too . And not just because of the loot . I mean , it s -- I do nt know -- there s just something about it . There was this one year I got to spend Christmas in Pigeon Hollow with Tad and Dixie and J.R. , when we were just little kids . And Tad and Dixie were so in love . And J.R. and I spent more time making barfing noises than actually singing Christmas carols .
Babe : You brats .
Jamie : Yeah , it was great . J.R. and I were best friends . United against grossed - out kisses and the rest of the world .
Babe : What d you get for Christmas that year ?
Jamie : Presents ? I honestly do nt even remember . I remember on Christmas Eve , we went to this old lady s house that Dixie had known her whole life . She gave us spiced cider and we played these games that her grandmother had taught her . Sounds kind of boring , huh ?
Babe : No , I love that kind of stuff .
Jamie : It was a pig - dog . Ca nt believe I did nt remember that . It was my favorite gift that year .
Babe : Wait , what is a pig - dog ?
Jamie : Well , we decided to make old - fashioned gifts for Christmas that year . And my dad tried to whittle . Only he nearly cut his thumb off . So he did nt finish mine .
Babe : That s got to hurt . So what was it really supposed to be ?
Jamie : You know , nobody knows , and my dad would nt tell us , so we decided to take guesses . And I think we decided it used to be a horse , but it looked more like a cross between a pig and a dog .
Babe : Do you think you still have it ?
Jamie : It s probably at my mom s in a box someplace .
Babe : Sounds like a great Christmas .
Jamie : Yeah , it was , because we were all together and everybody was happy .
Babe : Yeah . That s the best gifts you can give a child . Love and happiness .
J.R. : I ll come with you .
Adam : No , no , no . I mean , you ca nt .
J.R. : Why ? You re just going for a walk .
Adam : Oh , well , all right . You caught me , I lied . We re going to see Santa . Stuart � s playing Santa at Brooke s homeless shelter .
J.R. : Well , you have nt spoken to Uncle Stuart since before Thanksgiving .
Adam : Oh , I know , I know . I ca nt stay mad at Stuart . And Tad tricked him into cooperating .
J.R. : Huh . Sure about that ?
Adam : Oh , sure . Stuart � s a little gullible . I want Bess -- I want Bess first Christmas to be a joyous holiday , unlike her first Thanksgiving .
J.R. : Well , so , great . I ll make it up with Uncle Stuart , too .
Adam : No , no -- let me settle my differences with him first . On neutral territory -- with my secret , irresistible weapon .
J.R. : Well , she certainly is amazing .
Adam : Yeah .
J.R. : Right ?
Adam : We ll pave the way for you , son . I m thinking of you , too .
J.R. : Thank you . Let s just hope it works .
Adam : Ok , little one . Here we go .
J.R. : Bye , Bess .
Adam : God help us all .
Lily : I want to read .
Autumn : And I want to charge a new pair of boots , but my parents revoked my charge privileges .
Lily : I m sorry .
Autumn : We talked to you , Lily , in public .
China : We were seen with you around school .
Chantal : We almost treated you like a friend .
Lily : I ca nt be your friend . You are nt nice to my brother .
Autumn : Your brother got me in big trouble with my parents . My mother went ballistic over that stupid car .
China : Thanks to you , Autumn s a celebrity hitchhiker .
Autumn : I have to depend on all my friends for rides .
Chantal : She s practically a freak .
China : And you know what that s like .
Autumn : But here s the thing . It s Christmas , time of joy and forgiveness -- and all that junk .
China : And it s better to give than to receive .
Autumn : Yeah . So , we brought you something . Chantal ?
Chantal : I started a song for you , Lily .
Lily : You did ?
Chantal : [ Sung to the tune of Rudolph , the Red - Nosed Reindeer ] Lily the Math - smart reject . That s as far as I got . Sorry !
Lily : I have autism spectrum disorder .
Autumn : Oh , we all have quirks , Lily .
China : Even us .
Chantal : Yeah , sometimes we like to dress alike .
Autumn : Like now . Red alert , Lily . [ The three
China : Oh , she s upset .
Chantal : Well , sure because she wants to be like us . You know , to dress like us .
Autumn : But her outfit s so drab . China ?
China : I got it covered .
Babe : Every morning , I would wake up and there d be a stack of envelopes waiting for me under the tree .
Jamie : Like Christmas cards ?
Babe : No , they were more like Christmas promises .
Jamie : So you did nt get any gifts ?
Babe : Well , they would turn into gifts as the year went on . You know , that s one of the reasons that I did nt know that I was poor -- except till that snotty - nosed brat -- Melissa Berryhill -- she s the one that broke the news to me that I was poor . Mama made everything into a game .
Jamie : Well , so , what was in the envelopes ?
Babe : Well , there d be different things . Like , she d write things like new dress or a pony or whatever . And then -- well , thank you . And she d do it all fancy and she d do it with her glittery nail polish . And then -- and then somehow , between that Christmas and the next Christmas , I d end up racking them all up .
Jamie : Hmm . Well , a dress , I can see . But a pony -- that s kind of a stretch . I do nt --
Babe : There was a riding stable close by . And then one day , Mama went to the riding stable . And then , somehow , I had a pony .
Jamie : Well , how did Krystal swing that ?
Babe : Oh , I do nt know . To me , it s like I was taking care of my pet . His name was Shortcake . And I was able to brush his mane and braid it and clean out his stable and ride him and exercise him . You know what ? Come to think of it , I got free riding lessons out of it . Well , technically , he did belong to the stable , but --
Jamie : But when you found out he was nt really yours --
Babe : Excuse you -- he was mine -- in all the ways that mattered . I got to love him and -- and care for him and spoil him .
Jamie : You know what ? Get out your glitter nail polish . What do you want to promise James this year ? And , you know , hey , we can make some for Bianca and Miranda , too .
Babe : Are you trying to break it to me that you are crafty ?
Jamie : Not crafty enough to deliver a pony , but I m crafty .
Babe : No , I m talking , like , crafty as in , like -- like scissors and glue and -- and glitter crafty .
Jamie : Well , I am quite famous for building my mother candlestick holders out of ketchup bottle tops and sticks .
Babe : Really ?
Jamie : Yeah . So what did you have in mind ?
Jonathan : How much longer do you have to spend on this ?
Maggie : Three or four more hours if you keep your hands to yourself .
Jonathan : Oh , I ve got better things to do .
Maggie : Yeah , since when ?
Jonathan : Since it s too cold to ski in the nude .
Maggie : Excuse me ?
Jonathan : I ll pack the car . Let s go skiing .
Maggie : You re kidding .
Jonathan : What ? You do nt want to be in the mountains for Christmas ? Skiing all day , by the fire all night ?
Maggie : Oh , when you put it that way , we could even conduct some private biological research .
Jonathan : Oh .
Maggie : Mm - hmm .
Jonathan : Stop goofing off .
Maggie : Oh .
Jonathan : Type , type , type , type . I m going to pack .
Maggie : Now , here --
Reggie : Have you been hiding from me or something ?
Maggie : What do you want , Reggie ?
Reggie : I mean , I checked the library . Then your friend told me you were up here . I mean , what --
Maggie : Yes , I m up against it , and it s really serious .
Reggie : What s with you ?
Maggie : I have a term paper , and it s due really , really shortly , so I ca nt play right now , ok ? I m sorry .
Reggie : You do nt give a damn , do you ?
Maggie : About what ?
Reggie : Bianca . Who else ?
Judge Lampert : Perhaps Mr. Chandler changed his mind .
Erica : Oh , no . No . Adam wants to find out . He knows we have to do this .
Jack : Yeah , but , honey , if J.R. found out --
Erica : Oh --
Jack : Adam . I m very glad to see you . I believe you know Judge Lampert . We ve asked her to be our impartial --
Erica : And official witness to the test .
Jack : We assume that s all right with you .
Adam : No , it s not all right with me . I do nt like anything about this .
Erica : Well , the sooner we get started , then --
Adam : No , stay -- stay away from her .
Babe : So I was thinking I m going to make these little books on the cards and -- and that ll represent them .
Jamie : And I ll make baseball cards . Actually , I have a different idea .
Babe : That does nt really look like a baseball card .
Jamie : Well , Miss McLaughlin , fourth grade . She taught us how to make these snowflake chains .
Babe : They sound beautiful .
Jamie : So was Miss McLaughlin and that s why I think I never forgot how to make these .
Babe : So when do I get to see them ?
Jamie : She was so hot . I just remember , like , sitting in the back row with --
Babe : Jamie ?
Jamie : What ?
Babe : Snowflake .
Jamie : Oh , yeah , right .
Babe : Focus .
Jamie : Sorry . All right -- almost . And then , you just unfold it and behold .
Babe : Or -- a snowflower .
Jamie : Well , they re supposed --
Babe : Snow shower thing .
Jamie : They re supposed to stick together .
Babe : It s ok . I m sure it ll come back to you .
Jamie : I got to go .
Babe : I m sorry that I laughed at you .
Jamie : No , no , no , no , no . It s ok . These snowflakes will get better as I go along . I just got to go somewhere .
Babe : Where are you going ? What do you have to do ?
Jamie : Well , it s a surprise there , nosy .
Babe : Well , fine , then , Mr. Claus . I can come up with a surprise or two of my own . My Christmas wish for you , Jamie , is --
J.R. : Oh , yes . Bess is going to love you . I m going to make sure her first Christmas is perfect .
Adam : She s not yours yet .
Erica : I did nt mean to imply that I --
Adam : And I am betting she never will be . Who with half a mind would trust the ravings of Babe Carey ? That little tramp .
Jack : Adam , we only want what s best for this child .
Adam : Oh , save it , Jackson . We all know whose side you re on .
Erica : Well , of course I want Bianca to have her baby back , if this little angel is really her baby .
Adam : I am just so sick of this ! I want it to be over , once and for all . That s the only reason I m subjecting Bess to this . But you stay away from her .
Erica : I appreciate that you re here , Adam , of course I do , and so of course you will hold the baby .
Jack : Adam , this is Sharon Murphy . She s our lab technician here . She already drew blood from Bianca under the supervision of Judge Lampert . So , if Miranda � s ready , she can take her --
Adam : Bess . Her name is Bess .
Jack : Whenever Bess is ready , Sharon can take her sample .
Adam : All right , let s get it over with .
Reggie : Maggie , everybody tried except for you .
Maggie : Do you really think that I can wake her up ?
Reggie : I think anything s worth a shot .
Maggie : I ll meet you downstairs . I m going to get my shoes . Jonathan ? I have to go . Bianca s in trouble . She s in the hospital .
Reggie : Wait a second -- I thought you said she already knew Bianca was in the hospital .
Jonathan : I assumed . It s all over the news . I guess she s just tied up with this paper right now .
Reggie : Yeah . Yeah , I m sure that s it . Right .
Maggie : I do nt believe this . She fell down the stairs . She s in a coma ?
Jonathan : I know . Reggie told me .
Maggie : I do nt know when I ll be back , all right ? I ll call you .
Jonathan : No , you ca nt go . I m sorry about Bianca , I really am , but is it worth your future over a girl that blew you off ?
Maggie : That s not who Bianca is .
Jonathan : Ok , I m sorry . That came out wrong . It s -- I d put you and us before anything else . Your career matters to me .
Maggie : You do nt get it .
Jonathan : Ok , I ll grab my coat . I ll drive you .
Maggie : No . You know what ? Reggie s waiting for me downstairs . You can meet us there if you want .
Jonathan : Ah !
Bill : Excuse me -- Mr. Chandler ?
J.R. : Bill . What s up ? I hope nothing s wrong with the jet .
Bill : It s not that . But you ve had me standing by for over 48 hours .
J.R. : Right , ready to take off any minute .
Bill : So you do have a trip planned ?
J.R. : Maybe . Just be ready . What ?
Bill : It s nearly Christmas .
J.R. : Hmm . It sure is .
Bill : And I have a wife and three kids . We live in Allentown .
J.R. : Oh , oh . Oh , that s -- that s it , yeah . We ll make sure that it s an extra - special haul for them this year . Consider this your Christmas bonus . Or your severance pay .
Nurse : I ll let you have some time alone .
Maggie : Bianca ? Bianca , it s me . It s Maggie . I came as soon as I heard . You ca nt just lay there . You have to wake up because you have to talk to me . Bianca , you have to wake up .
Anita : I ve been meaning to ask -- that money that Bobby picked up at the boathouse ?
Aidan : Yeah ?
Anita : Did you ever find out where it came from ?
Aidan : No , not yet . Still got some things to check out .
Anita : You know , sometimes I wake up and I forget it s over . But I m not sad . It s just -- it s not where I thought I d end up .
Aidan : Well , I do nt think any of us know where we re going to end up , Anita , but I promise I think some of your best years are yet to come .
Anita : That s right , they are . You know , actually , Bianca and I , we talked about that . She broke up with Lena .
Aidan : So you re both loose women now ?
Anita : Loose ?
Aidan : Ok , unattached -- I m sorry . Wrong choice of words .
Anita : Anyway , we re supposed to get together on the anniversary of our breakups and laugh about how far we ve come , maybe even cry a little , and just toast at how we re both in control of our lives .
Aidan : Well , I think , Anita , you ll be toasting for a very long , long time , every year .
Anita : I just -- I want to be old , wrinkled ladies , you know , racing to the bar in our walkers .
Aidan : You will be . I d put my money on it . In fact , you should tell that to Bianca . I think she d have a real laugh .
Lily : No ! No , please !
Anita : What is that ?
Lily : Please no !
Anita : Where do you think it s coming from ?
Aidan : I do nt know . The boathouse ?
Lily : No ! No ! Please !
Autumn : Open your eyes , Lily , you never looked so good .
Lily : No ! No !
Aidan : Hang on , we re coming !
Autumn : Our coats !
Lily : No ! No ! No , no , no . No . No . No . No . No . No red .
Aidan : Lily ?
Lily : No .
Aidan : Lily , I m Aidan Devane . It s ok , it s all right . I m not going to hurt you .
Lily : No .
Aidan : I m not going to touch you .
Anita : Honey --
Aidan : We met a while back , remember ?
Lily : No . No .
Aidan : I m a good friend of your father s .
Lily : No .
Anita : Are you hurt ?
Lily : No . No !
Anita : It s all just paint , is nt it ?
Lily : No red ! Bad !
Aidan : Do nt touch her . She ll freak out . She wo nt like it . She s autistic .
Anita : What do you call what she s doing now ?
Lily : Red . No , red .
Anita : Look , we have to find out if she s injured .
Lily : No . Oh .
Aidan : I think it s the color red . I think that s why she s freaking out .
Lily : Red , red . Red bad .
Anita : What kind of sick , screwed - up people would do something like this ?
Lily : Red . Bad . No .
Judge Lampert : Then simply initial it if you prefer . All right . I ll keep an eye on the samples until the tests are complete .
Adam : Yeah .
Jack : Thank you .
Adam : It s just barbaric .
Erica : I m very glad that the baby did nt cry much at all .
Adam : Yeah .
Erica : It s just a shame , you know . You ca nt explain to them that it s just going to be over in a flash .
Adam : Get out .
Jack : Adam --
Adam : Get out . Get out ! Get -- out . Please leave .
Adam : There we go . Yeah . Whoo .
Adam : Oh , I m sorry if they upset you , baby . I m sorry .
Adam : Yeah , but I did nt think --
Tad : Praying for J.R. or yourself ?
Singers : What child is this who laid to rest on Mary s lap is sleeping ? Whom angels greet
Reggie : You better do like Maggie says . We do nt want to get rough with you .
Maggie : Hmm . Yeah , quit slacking .
Reggie : You ve had enough rest , Bianca . Wake up .
Maggie : Bianca , you have to come back to us . Oh .
Maggie : I love you . I love you so much .
Babe : Jamie , come on ! I ca nt wait anymore .
Jamie : Are you sure you re ready ?
Babe : Yes !
Jamie : Say hello to Father Christmas .
Babe : Come here . I love it , I love it !
Jamie : Now , look in the bag .
Babe : It s beautiful . I --
Jamie : I got her because she looks like --
Babe : She looks like Bianca .
Jamie : You see it , too ?
Babe : Of course I do .
Jamie : I thought that we could say a prayer for Bianca and Miranda , then put this angel on top of the tree .
Babe : I d love that .
Jamie : Now , there is something else in this bag .
Babe : There is ? Hmm . What is it ?
Jamie : Well , it s mistletoe , silly . The guy at the store said that in colonial times they used to take big bunches of these and hang them on the street lamps .
Babe : It must have stopped traffic , these people standing around kissing . It could nt have been good for business .
Jamie : Do you think anybody cared ?
Babe : Probably not .
Jamie : I guess that s why New Orleans is such a friendly town .
Maria : Do you think you could just leave and do what you want with my kids without telling me ?
Stuart : Adam was nt at the shelter .
J.R. : Where d he take Bess ?
Adam : You tell Brooke to put a stop on this attack on my son or I ll stop this DNA test .
### Summary:
| Adam grudgingly agrees to authorize the DNA which will prove that the baby he s believed was Bess is really Miranda . JR knows nothing about his father s plans . Nasty girls are tormenting Lily with their red clothes , until Aiden and Anita intervene and try to help her . Jonathan is preventing Maggie from knowing what s happened to Bianca and does nt want her to be there for her friend nor to know that Reggie s been trying to contact her . Babe and Jamie spend their first Christmas together with baby James , reliving memories of special Christmases during their childhoods . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Eric : Mmm .
Eric : [ Singing ] Same place , same season , every year , I carry on , same joys , same reasons , not the same , since you ve been gone , the Christmas trees , the lights , but never quite as bright , I miss you here this night , one reason makes it right , it s you , it s true , Merry Christmas to you
Brooke : Thanks again for inviting R.J. He was so excited . If there s anything I can do to return the favor , please let me know . Oh , I will . Thanks .
Woman singing : Lights aglow a cozy fire
Woman singing : A morning snow a midnight choir but nothing s right till you re in sight you re all I need for Christmas
Brooke : Hope , hi ! Have you landed ? Uh , what e - mail ? Oh , no , no , I do nt check that account very often . It s okay . You do nt have to see either one of them . You could stay in if you d like .
Woman singing : The gifts beneath
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Woman singing : The Christmas tree
Brooke : I understand .
Woman singing : But when you re near
Brooke : Yes , okay . [ Sighs ] I love you , too .
Woman singing : It s crystal clear
Brooke : Merry Christmas .
Woman singing : You re all I need for Christmas your tender kiss is the reason for mistletoe is hard to resist
Eric : Hey , the nanny okay ?
Katie : Everything s great . Yep , they re watching a movie . They re sipping hot cocoa . It s great .
Bill : So give me the scoop . What did Maya do ?
Eric : Maya ? What do you mean ?
Bill : Well , I see Stephanie s portrait is back in its rightful place , so something must have gone down . You took that clown picture of Maya off the wall , and she and Rick are nowhere to be seen .
Eric : No big scandal . Rick and Maya took the Avants to Hawaii for the holidays , and I decided to spend the holiday with Stephanie . Maya s picture will go back up before they come home .
Bill : Do nt do it .
Eric : [ Laughs ]
Katie : Well , that s nice . I m sure Brooke will like that .
Bill : Where is Brooke ?
Woman singing : My list the world is full
Woman singing : Of yuletide cheer , and it s all mine when you appear it s plain to see
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Woman singing : You ll always be all I need for Christmas
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Woman singing : It s plain to see you ll always be
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Woman singing : All I need for Christmas , Christmas
Brooke : Great .
Woman singing : Christmas
Brooke : Eric . What are you doing here ?
Eric : I came to bring you this . I think you could wear it tonight .
Brooke : Thank you . About tonight . I do nt think I m gon na be able to make it .
Eric : Yes , you can . I m not gon na let you spend Christmas Eve alone . You re coming home with me .
Bill : Where s Ivy ? Upstairs primping ?
Wyatt : Uh , actually , she should be landing right about now .
Katie : Landing ? Where is she going ?
Wyatt : Cancun .
Liam : Mm .
Wyatt : Her father s zip lining in a Santa suit and asked her to join him .
Bill : What is the deal ? Hawaii , Cancun . Why ca nt people just stay home for Christmas ?
Katie : Aww .
Brooke : [ Sighs ] I do nt know . I just [ Sighs ] I really wanted to be here with the kids on Christmas Eve and have all four of them in the room together . It s been a while , you know ? So this is how it s gon na be from now on ? On all the holidays ? I m here in this house alone , this house that used to be so full of love and laughter and children and family . It s just all gone by so fast .
Eric : I know . I also know I m not gon na let you stay here alone tonight . You re my family . Come home with me .
Brooke : Oh , Eric . [ Cries ]
Eric : Come on .
Wyatt : Jingle bells .
Liam : Uh , jingle bell rock .
Wyatt : Okay , uh , silent night .
Liam : Um , uh , uh , midnight clear .
Wyatt : That s -- that s not the title of the --
Liam : Yes , it is ! It came upon a midnight clear .
Wyatt : That s the verse of the song , that s not the title of the song .
Liam : Oh , it has to be the title ? Okay , fine . Drummer boy , drummer boy .
Wyatt : Okay , fine , uh --
Thomas : Are they really competing over who can name the most Christmas songs ?
Wyatt : All right .
Liam : Here s a hint . Huh ?
Wyatt : What ?
Liam : Christmas tree , right ?
Wyatt : O Christmas tree !
Katie : Uh , is Eric still not here ?
Bill : Not yet .
Katie : [ Sighs ] Maybe I should have gone instead .
Liam : Hold on . What , are you worried ?
Katie : Well , it s been a tough year for Brooke and I know having her children here in town for the holidays meant a lot to her , and now they re not coming . I just -- I feel for her . Oh !
Eric : Aha !
Wyatt : Oh , hey !
Liam : Hey .
Brooke : [ Gasps ]
Eric : Come on .
Thomas : Welcome , welcome .
Brooke : Hi . Oh !
Steffy : Merry Christmas .
Brooke : Merry Christmas .
Liam : Merry Christmas , Brooke . Good to see you .
Brooke : Thank you .
Wyatt : Merry Christmas .
Brooke : Merry Christmas .
Bill : Hi .
Brooke : Hi .
Bill : Merry Christmas .
Brooke : Thank you . Mm .
Katie : I m so glad you re here .
Brooke : Me too .
Katie : I m sorry about how everything worked out .
Brooke : I was , too , but I m not now . Seeing all of you . This is amazing . And Eric . The man who stayed loyal to me . You are my best friend . Thank you . Thank you for bringing me here and opening your house to all of us . This is the way we should celebrate Christmas , right ? This is amazing -- the family all together like this . It s a necessity . [ Chuckles ] It just fills me up .
Liam : Midnight clear is totally a song .
Wyatt : No , it is not .
Liam : Yes , it is .
Bill : Okay , look . This is why fathers sometimes eat their young in the wild .
Eric : That s the way this is . Well , we re here . We re here .
Brooke : [ Gasps ] [ Laughs ]
Stephanie : Merry Christmas .
Eric : [ Chuckles ]
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Steffy : Ooh !
Wyatt : Whoa . Ooh ! Whoa . Brave woman .
Steffy : What ?
Wyatt : You coming at me , guns blazing with this mistletoe here . Liam is right there .
Steffy : Oh , calm down . Just hold it . Hold it .
Wyatt : Why ?
Steffy : Give me your phone . Come on .
Wyatt : Why ?
Steffy : Okay . Put it over top of your head . Pout your lips .
Wyatt : What ?
Steffy : Pout your lips ! Make it sexy ! So -- yeah , sexy . There it is , there it is.[Laughs ]
Wyatt : Hmm ?
Steffy : Okay .
Wyatt : What ?
Steffy : Send it to ivy .
Wyatt : What ?
Steffy : She ll know that you re thinking of her .
Wyatt : [ Chuckles ]
Steffy : Just do it . She ll love it . Trust me .
Katie : Can you all , uh , gather around for a moment , please ? I -- I just want to say a few things about my sister . Um ... when I heard that you were going to be alone tonight and that you might not come over here , it made me so sad because ... I just ca nt imagine Christmas without you . I mean , let s be honest . You ve been with me since my first . [ Laughs ] We ve been through a lot -- as sisters and as women . But I m grateful for everything we ve overcome . Because for better or for worse , I am the person that -- the woman I am today because of you . And I know that it s disappointing that your children could nt be here tonight , but -- but they are cause they re in here . I m so glad you decided to come .
Eric : To Brooke .
All : To Brooke .
Brooke : Uh [ Laughs ] Wow . Thank you . Thank you . Thank you , all of you . I - I just feel so loved and to -- to think that I almost stayed home tonight .
Eric : Nobody here would have allowed that . Not on Christmas Eve . Not when people all over the world celebrate the birth of that baby in that manger . And celebrate the words that those shepherds heard from on high , glory to God on the highest , peace and goodwill to men .
Steffy : Granddad s right . None of us would have let you stay home tonight . We would have packed up the party . We would have moved to your house if we had to .
Katie : Because Christmas is more than just one day on the calendar .
Eric : It s a spirit that we should all carry with us every day of the year and impart to every person we meet . And that we should do our best to make this world a better place , to actually be the peace and goodwill that those shepherds heard about that night . Now , I want everybody to eat all these cookies and get this stuff out of here . I do nt want any of this here in the morning . I do nt want it . You come down here with me . Come here . Now , let me see , uh , here we are . Now . I think you can have this now .
Brooke : [ Laughs ] Now ?
Eric : Yeah , now .
Brooke : Okay . Oh , Eric . So sweet .
Eric : Open it . Go on .
Brooke : [ Sighs ]
Eric : It s like Katie said . Your kids will always be with you . Right there in your heart .
Brooke : [ Chuckles ] [ Cries ] Oh . Give me a hug . [ Laughs ] You re so sweet . [ Sighs ] Stephanie , may I ?
Eric : I think we re all right .
Brooke : [ Laughs ]
Eric : We re gon na be okay .
Brooke : Okay . [ Giggles ]
Eric : Merry Christmas .
Brooke : Merry Christmas . [ Giggles ]
Steffy : Granddad , you ready ?
Thomas : Hey , it s time ! It s time !
Eric : Come on .
Thomas : Bring it .
Liam : Here we go .
Eric : All right , everybody . I need you all here .
All singing : Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh oer the fields we go laughing all the way ha , ha , ha bells on bobtail ring making spirits bright what fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight oh , jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way
Bradley Bell : From our family to yours .
All : Happy holidays !
### Summary:
| Eric drinks his eggnog and plunks around on the piano and glances at Stephanie s portrait back on the wall for the holidays with Maya gone . Hers will be put back up later . One by one they all bail on Brooke . RJ is invited on a skiing trip with his friend ; Hope does not want to see Liam or Wyatt , Bridget s flight is cancelled due to a terrible storm . Rick does text that they arrived in Hawaii and wishes she were there . Amid tears , Brooke opens the door to find Eric . He will not take no for an answer . He does not want her to spend Christmas Eve alone and insists she come home with him . Wyatt tells Bill and Katie that Ivy is probably landing as they speak . She is meeting her father in Cancun . Brooke is welcomed by big hugs from Liam , Steffy , Thomas , Katie and then an extra big one from Bill . She tells Eric that he is her very best friend and thanks them for opening their hearts to her . It just fills her up . She is especially happy to see Stephanie s portrait on the wall again . Katie gathers them all around and wants to say something about her sister . They have been through a lot as women and as sisters . She is the woman today because of Brooke and she knows it is disappointing that her children are not here tonight . She is so glad she came here instead . They all give cheers to Brooke . She thanks them and says this feels so great and to think she almost did not come . Katie says Christmas is not just one day on the calendar Eric says there should be peace and good will . And he wants them to eat all these cookies and stuff so he will not see it in the morning . He gives Brooke her gift . It s a lovely gold heart necklace . Inside are pictures of her kids so they will always be there in her heart . She turns to Stephanie on the wall and asks if it is all right and then kisses Eric . He goes to the piano and they all sing Jingle Bells . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Provided and Proofread By Suzanne
Hope : This is nt happening , Steffy . You will not end up with Liam .
Steffy : Well , I m wearing his ring , Hope .
Hope : I should nt have taken it off .
Steffy : No , you should nt have . But you made a decision , and so did Liam . It s over .
Hope : No , it s not .
Bill : You need to get out of town , son . Step back from all this . Gain some perspective . You made the right choice . Hope is not the right girl for you . Steffy -- that s the kind of wife you need .
Taylor : Were you telling Hope to go chasing after Liam and try to change his mind ?
Brooke : She loves him . They belong together .
Taylor : He s engaged to Steffy .
Brooke : And less than 24 hours ago , he was engaged to Hope .
Taylor : She broke it off with him .
Brooke : That was a mistake . She was nt thinking clearly . She overreacted , and so did Liam .
Taylor : ( Scoffs ) No , let s get this straight . Last night , Liam realized how little he meant to Hope .
Brooke : That is not true . Hope adores him .
Ridge : Taylor ? Is everything all right ?
Brooke : No . ( Sighs )
Taylor : No .
Ridge : Okay , what s goin on ?
Taylor : ( Sighs )
Ridge : Is it one of the kids ?
Brooke : It s Hope .
Taylor : Steffy .
Ridge : All right , is this about Liam ? What happened now ?
Ridge : Steffy and Liam are engaged ?
Brooke : It was a knee - jerk reaction . He was hurt and angry .
Taylor : Hope made it clear she does nt want to be married to Liam , and Steffy does .
Brooke : When Liam realizes that Hope regrets what she did , then every--
Ridge : You told Hope to go after him ?
Brooke : She still loves him , Ridge .
Taylor : Ridge , last night , Liam and Steffy-- they spent the night together .
Brooke : Hope is or way to find him . She s going to make this right .
Liam : Do nt talk about Hope anymore , okay ?
Bill : I m not badmouthing her .
Liam : Look , she was nt right for me . She was nt ready to get married . I get it . But I do nt want to hear it .
Bill : Okay . Just keep moving forward . Do nt look back ...
Liam : ( Sighs )
Bill : All right ?
Bill : Uh , you know what ? This overseas situation -- these people are driving me crazy this wo nt be pretty . Do me a favor . Just give me some privacy ?
Liam : Yeah .
Bill : Uh , but do nt go anywhere . We re not finished .
Liam : Okay .
Bill : Congratulations .
Steffy : You heard .
Bill : Liam s here .
Steffy : Where ? At the office ?
Bill : I just sent him outside . You want me to get him for you ?
Steffy : Okay , look , we have a problem . Hope was just here , and now she s looking for Liam .
Bill : She knows you re engaged ?
Steffy : She s not happy about it .
Bill : That s her problem .
Steffy : Yeah , she s really worked up . I mean , Brooke called her , and she convinced Hope to go after Liam and to get him back .
Bill : Hope dumped him .
Steffy : Well , she knows that she made the biggest mistake of her life . And now she s embarrassed , and now she does nt want anyone to know .
Bill : Liam proposed to you . Ca nt un - ring that bell .
Steffy : No , she s delusional . She thinks everything can go back to the way it was , like everything was perfect . But she has no idea how unhappy Liam was and now -- now she wants him back ? I m sorry . No way . Liam s had enough .
Bill : Well , do nt worry about it . If Hope shows up here , I ll take care of it .
Bill : File the flight plan . I ll get Liam there as soon as I can .
Man : Yes , sir , Mr. Spencer .
Bill : Hillary , get Liam in here . Go pack a bag .
Liam : What ?
Bill : You re taking a trip-- you and Steffy . I ve arranged everything . She s at the airport .
Liam : Uh , I - I just told you I ca nt go anywhere .
Bill : Why ? What s keeping you here ?
Liam : Well , work for one thing . You ve been riding my ass for weeks about--
Bill : No , no , no , no . You turned in your letter from the editor . The issue s on the stands . You need to take a week off . Do nt worry about it . I got you covered . Consider it my engagement present .
Liam : Where are we going ?
Bill : Does it matter ? You ll be alone . No distractions .
Liam : Okay , Dad , you know Hope and her family are gon na have questions about this .
Bill : Do nt worry about Hope s family . I will take care of the press . You focus on Steffy and yourself . I can see you have nt forgotten how to do that .
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Bill : Look at you . You ve got your swagger back . You feel good , huh ? You re in charge of your life again . Now go on . Get out of here . Grab your fiancée . Go have the time of your lives . Go , go .
Liam : So Steffy s gon na meet me at the airport ?
Bill : Yes , she s meeting you at the airport . And you do nt want to keep her waiting , do you ? Will you get out of here ? You need this . Hit the reset button .
Liam : Thanks , Dad .
Bill : You do nt have to thank me . You re my kid . I just want you to be happy , all right ? Now get out . Go .
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Okay , okay .
Taylor : You need to stop interfering .
Ridge : Come on , Doc . Brooke is just looking out for her daughter .
Brooke : I told Hope to find Liam and to talk to him . This is all happening way too fast . You have to see that , Taylor .
Liam : Hey , it s Liam . Leave a message . I ll call you back .
Hope : ( Sighs )
Bill : Liam just left .
Steffy : Wait , Hope is nt there yet ?
Bill : Let me worry about Hope .
Steffy : She just called again .
Bill : You have his phone ?
Steffy : Uh , yeah , he-- he left it here this morning .
Bill : Well , get rid of it . You wo nt need it where you re going
Steffy : Wait , what ? Wait , where am I going ?
Bill : Out of town . Liam s headed home to pack a bag . You need to pack one , too .
Steffy : What -- Liam is not gon na go out of town without his cell phone .
Bill : If anyone needs to get in touch with you , I ll make sure they do , if it s necessary . I want you and Liam to relax . All this happened very fast . You need to slow down and enjoy it .
Steffy : Thank you .
Bill : Do nt mention it .
Steffy : Y - you did nt have to do this-- I mean , the trip or-- or helping me out the way you did .
Bill : I did nt . You got it ? I never called you last night . I did nt tell you to drive Liam home . If Katie had any idea , she d flip her lid .
Steffy : I got it . Your secret s safe with me .
Bill : I need you to do something else . Take a photo of yourself holding up your ring and e - mail it to Justin at Spencer Publications .
Steffy : Wait , why ? What is he gon na do with that ?
Bill : What needs to be done .
Steffy : Okay , uh , anything else ?
Bill : Just get to the Van Nuys airport as you can . The jet s waiting . Oh , and Steffy ? Welcome to the family .
Steffy : I - I did nt want it to happen like this , but , um , I guess that s how fate works . You know , everything happens for a reason . ( Sighs )
Bill : Well , I m sure my wife would nt agree with what I m doing , but my son s feeling like himself again . He s lookin at a future . I m not gon na let Hope hold him back .
Steffy : Well , she ll have a hard time trying if she ca nt find him . Wait , where - where are we going ?
Bill : You ll find out . Get moving .
Steffy : Look , Bill , um ... I love your son , and he deserves a woman who loves him and supports him , and just really appreciates him .
Bill : He ll treat you better than anyone else ever did .
Steffy : I know . He s a prince .
Bill : Guess that makes me the king , does nt it ?
Steffy : Shut up , Bill .
Bill : Send Justin that photo and get on the plane .
Brooke : Maybe I should call her ...
Taylor : And tell her to leave Liam alone .
Brooke : Make sure she s all right .
Ridge : Liam spent the night with Steffy . Whatever Hope was thinking in the morning , everything s completely changed . Hope was devastated last night , Taylor . She s not playing games or trying to get attention .
Taylor : She is now . Mm - hmm .
Brooke : No .
Taylor : Liam s proposal was very real , even if Hope s rejection was nt . Steffy and Liam are engaged .
Brooke : ( Scoffs ) So that matters to you now ? Now that he s engaged to your daughter ?
Ridge : Okay , this is nt helping our kids . Yes , mistakes have been made , but arguing about it is not going to fix them , all right ? We need- we need to get the three of them in one room and hash this out .
Brooke : Yes , I think that would be a good thing .
Taylor : Oh , bad idea .
Ridge : Hope needs to explain what happened . Liam needs to explain to Hope and Steffy how he s feeling . No assumptions , no misunderstandings - let s just get the whole thing out in the open .
Justin : Steffy emailed me the photo of her and the ring .
Bill : Let me see it . That s a beautiful sight .
Justin : Yeah , a beautiful woman with a complicated history with your family .
Bill : My family is nt the problem . Hope was . Liam was trying to squeeze himself into her narrow little view of the world . He was suffocating , Justin , but his relationship with Steffy is going to be different .
Justin : Have you thought about how this will affect your relationship with Katie ?
Bill : Katie and I ll be fine . We ve gotten through worse .
Justin : Yeah ...
Bill : Liam and Hope were destined to fail . It was just a matter of time before she was just as miserable as he was .
Justin : Well , I understand why one would nt be miserable with Steffy .
Bill : Leak the photo .
Justin : Make an announcement ?
Bill : No , keep Spencer clean , but get it out there , and I mean everywhere . I want the world to know that Liam and Hope Logan s engagement is officially and permanently over .
Hope : Liam , I do nt blame you for not wanting to talk to me right now , but you have to , okay ? You have to hear me out , so ... Look , I m on my way to Spencer right now and please , please do nt leave , okay ? Okay .
Liam : Hi .
Pilot : Hi . Ready to leave when you are , Mr. Spencer .
Liam : All right . You , uh , want to tell me where we re going ?
Steffy : Do nt bother . I already tried to pry it out of him . It did nt work .
Pilot : Congratulations to you both on your engagement .
Liam : Ahem . Thank you .
Pilot : Enjoy the Champagne , compliments of your father . I ll let you know when we re cleared to take off .
Steffy : Hello , fiancé .
Liam : You beat me here .
Steffy : Well , um , I had a little less to pack .
Liam : Ha , ha . Okay , I can- I can- I can deal with that . When you talked to my dad , what did he say ?
Steffy : Hmm , to have the time of our lives .
Liam : No clue as to where we re going ?
Steffy : I do nt care as long as I m with you .
Liam : Well , I certainly hope it s warm because otherwise , you re gon na be quite cold .
Steffy : Oh , okay , you know what ? I m not really worried . I m sure there ll be some way to work up a sweat .
Liam : Wow , I walked right into that .
Steffy : Yeah , you did .
Liam : Are they gon na miss you at work ?
Steffy : You know what , the only thing on my calendar is you .
Ridge : I do nt want my daughters competing with each other .
Taylor : No one does .
Brooke : But if they re both interested in the same man ...
Taylor : Oh , you know what , Brooke ? This has nothing to do with Liam at all , really . This is about you and your family s success and weaseling my family out .
Brooke : Excuse me ?
Taylor : Yeah , it s just like the company . Yes . Who has all the ad budget , huh ? And who is getting all the support for their line ?
Ridge : Whom Liam marries is gon na be his decision .
Brooke : Oh , my gosh ...
Taylor : Well , he s already made it .
Brooke : Twice !
Ridge : Look , how can you expect our daughters to be civil to each other if the two of you ca nt even do it ?
Taylor : She is trying to convince Hope that there s still a chance for Liam and her .
Brooke : Then why not let them talk ? If you re so positive that Liam and Steffy are so solid , what s one little conversation gon na do ?
Taylor : Because Liam is a very kind and gentle and honorable young man , and if he were to be made to feel guilty , then he might question the decisions he s made .
Brooke : Well , you know what ? He should feel guilty . Liam can not make the right informed choice until he talks to Hope . And once he does , I m sure he ll figure it all out . She ll be able to explain , and they ll be able to move on with their lives together .
Liam : Thank you , Captain .
Steffy : When are we leaving ?
Liam : Soon .
Steffy : Oh !
Liam : I know the feeling .
Steffy : You know what ? Your dad was right about us needing to get away .
Liam : Yeah , but he s crazy if he thinks this whole story s gon na go away just because the paparazzi ca nt find us .
Steffy : Oh , okay . Is that how he convinced you to come ?
Liam : What makes you think I need convincing ?
Steffy : You ve never run away from anything , have you , Liam Spencer ?
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Is that what we re doing ? Is that what this is ?
Steffy : No , no , we re just- we re just getting away . Away from the limelight , all the judgment and the gossip . I mean , come on . Last night was a whirlwind .
Liam : ( Laughs )
Steffy : It s just time to really ... balance ourselves .
Liam : Sure . We should settle down , right ?
Steffy : Uh , not gon na happen .
Steffy : No , I really think it s just time for us to , you know , relax and really connect with each other . This is gon na be the beginning of an incredible love story . This is the first chapter for us , and this is something that we re gon na remember forever .
Hope : Liam was nt in his office
Bill : He s not here .
Hope : Okay , but Steffy said that he was .
Bill : He s gone , Hope
Hope : You know what happened .
Bill : I do .
Hope : You do nt seem very upset .
Bill : With you ? I m not . The situation could have been handled better .
Hope : Well , I- I know , that s why I m here . I owe him an explanation . So if you could just tell me where he is--
Bill : He and Steffy left town .
Hope : When ? I just saw her .
Bill : They re celebrating their engagement .
Hope : No , that was a mistake . Liam was just hurt .
Bill : By you .
Hope : I was hurt , too . Okay , none of this should have happened . None of this should be happening . I messed up . I know . I know I messed up , and that s why I m here , so I really just need to talk to him .
Bill : You ca nt .
Justin : I was just surfing the Web . You wo nt believe what I ...
Bill : What s that , Justin ? Go on .
Justin : All right .
Hope : Wait , what is going on ?
Bill : It s better she knows . Everybody else does .
Hope : No , no !
Bill : Liam and Steffy are engaged . Your time with my son is over , Hope . There s nothing left to say . You ll just have to accept it .
### Summary:
| Hope tells Steffy that this is not happening . She is not ending up with Liam . Bill tells Liam that Hope is not the right girl for him . Steffy is . That is the life he needs to lead and Liam needs to get out of town right now . Brooke tells Taylor that Hope over - reacted and so did Liam . Ridge interrupts and needs to know what is going on . Taylor looks to Brooke to explain it . Steffy calls Bill to alert him that Hope knows and is looking for Liam . Bill says not to worry .if Hope shows up at the office , hell take care of it . He tells Liam to pack a bag . He s taking care of everything . Liam is taking the week off . He s sending him on an engagement trip with Steffy . He rushes him out . He needs this ; go have the time of his life . Bill calls Steffy and tells her the same thing ; pack a bag and not worry about Hope or her family . He gives her one order ; take a photo of her and Liam with the ring on her finger and get it to Justin . He knows his wife wo nt agree to this , but he s not going to let Hope pull Liam back . Ridge tells Brooke and Taylor that arguing about this is not helping the kids . Liam , Steffy and Hope all need to be in one room and get it out in the open . Justin gives the photo of Steffy and the ring to Bill . He tells Justin that he and Katie will be fine , but he was not going to let Hope suffocate Liam any more . He wants Justin to get the photo out there everywhere . He wants the entire world to know that the engagement between Hope and Liam is officially and permanently over . The pilot tells Liam and Steffy that they are just about ready for takeoff . She tells him that this is just the beginning of an incredible love story ; one that will last forever . Hope finds Bill in his office and she says she owes Liam an explanation . He informs her that Liam and Steffy are not here . Justin barges in and has to be the bearer of bad news . The internet is full of photos of Steffy flashing the ring . Bill laments that she is too late to talk to Liam . She will just have to accept this . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jack : Whoa , whoa , whoa . How could Adam s being shot be my fault ? How could you possibly blame me for some thug wanting to kill you and both of our families ?
Victor : This is ultimately your responsibility .
Jack : This is your guilt talking . It was your house that was the target , not mine . This is about you and whatever hell you re messed up in now , and once again , innocent people serve as your collateral damage .
Victor : This is about your damn weakness -- your addiction , Jack . That s why Stephanie Wheeler died . You are responsible in the end .
Lauren : Where were you last night ? Where did you stay ?
Michael : Athletic Club . Thought I d take a page from your book . You do nt have to worry . I m only home to grab a suit . If I m gon na return to my practice , I got to look the part .
Lauren : When did you decide this ? I thought you were taking a break so you could work on ... you know , our family .
Michael : By myself ? No , thanks . And since you ve given me no indication that we would be doing that together ... unless you re telling me that something s changed and I have a reason to stay home . You say the word , Lauren , and I will stay . But you need to say it now .
Kay : Katherine Chancellor here .
Cane : Hey . It s me . I m at On the Boulevard . You re not standing me up for lunch , are you ?
Kay : [ Chuckling ] Oh . Darling , I would never do that . I - I m just ... running a little late . I ll see you shortly .
Alex : So , our friend Bob did nt have anything to say about Congressman Wheeler . That s great .
Paul : Did you really expect him to ?
Alex : Well , I expected him to say something . The guy has nt shut up since he got here .
Paul : Yeah , but he does nt really say much .
Alex : Not anything we want to hear . He s a babbling book of nonsense . He s just rattling off facts and figures and recipes . Although , I got to say , it s been informative . I did nt know that Saturn s rings were mostly rock and ice . Did you know that ?
Paul : Maybe it s a ploy .
Alex : A ploy to -- wh - what s he trying to accomplish ?
Paul : Maybe he thinks Mars is getting too much attention .
Alex : [ Chuckles ]
Paul : Maybe he s just trying to make us think that he s crazy , and he s trying to annoy us so we stop listening , and when he says something significant , we miss it .
Alex : Yeah , well , it s working , okay ? I ca nt take any more of that nonsense , any more of that gibberish . The only time that guy will shut up is when ...
Paul : We ask him about Congressman Wheeler .
Jack : What does Stephanie Wheeler have to do with someone wanting to blow up your house ?
Victor : Maybe you should nt have let the Congressman s daughter die while you were high on drugs , Jack , passed out and oblivious .
Jack : You think Marcus Wheeler is behind this ?
Victor : This is about retribution .
Jack : Toward us ? Both of us ?
Victor : You bet .
Jack : You for hiring his daughter and using her , me for not saving her .
Victor : Men have sought revenge for much less than that .
Jack : Do I need to remind you it was your need for revenge against me that got us into this mess in the first place ? If you had nt been so busy trying to get Newman ... I m done with finger - pointing .
Victor : Good .
Jack : You and I are both equally responsible for that woman being in my house that night , and if you re right , if he s out to get us , that means everyone we care about is still in danger .
Victor : Keep your voice down . There are some people who may be listening to this , all right ? Now you re beginning to see the light . The question now is , how do we stop the bastard ?
Kevin : Babe , you got to speak up . I ca nt hear you .
Chloe : I said , Adriana is here , and I do nt especially want her knowing our business .
Kevin : Oh . Got it .
Chloe : [ Sighs ] So , you were saying ?
Kevin : I was saying I called the power company , I finally got a live person on the phone , and I explained to him very emphatically that , uh , they ll be getting a payment from us soon .
Chloe : So , you lied to the guy . How original .
Kevin : Do you have a better idea ? We blew our wad paying off the house , and now we do nt have enough cash to get our power turned back on after the storm . We re screwed , okay ? And it s all my fault , cause it s never your fault . That s what you want to hear , is nt it ?
Chloe : I m sorry , Babe . We ll figure something else out , okay ?
Esther : Excuse me .
Chloe : I ll talk to you later . Oh , do nt tell me that Mrs. Chancellor is selling all that stuff to pay her bills .
Esther : [ Laughs ] Do nt be silly . One of her favorite charities is having a gala , and she s donating some things for the silent auction . All the proceeds go to help needy families .
Chloe : This must be worth a few thousand dollars .
Esther : Yeah , well , Mrs. Chancellor is a very , very generous person .
Kay : Oh , thank you , my dear .
Cane : You all right ?
Kay : Uh - huh . I apologize for making you wait .
Cane : Do nt worry about it . You re busy . It s okay .
Kay : Well , I mean , that s most gracious of you , but I have been distracted with this horrible business at Nikki and Victor s wedding .
Cane : I understand .
Kay : [ Chuckles ] Really ? Well , it s a miracle no one wound up dead . [ Sighs ] Oh . What in the world ? Have they got a draft in here somewhere ?
Cane : You cold ? Do you want a hot tea , something to warm you up , yeah ?
Kay : That would be perfect .
Cane : Tea ? Okay .
Kay : I m sorry I m late .
Cane : It s okay . I already said it s all right . Do nt worry about it .
Kay : Well , I -- I just feel badly that ... I - I , you know -- I mean , I m still shaken up from this ... I should have called you . That s what I should have done . I should have called you and told you I was running late .
Cane : Hey , hey , hey . Are you okay ? Is everything all right with you ?
Kay : Of course , Cane . For heaven s sakes . Now , relax . I m just -- I m really shaken up about what almost happened to my two dearest friends . Really . Where s the menu ? Okay . All right , now . What sounds good for lunch , hmm ?
Jack : Look , if Wheeler wants to play target practice with you , I do nt really care , but I ll be damned if I m gon na stand by and see the people I care about be caught in the cross fire . I ll deal with Wheeler myself .
Victor : Let me ask you -- how do you intend to retaliate ? Go to the police with evidence you do nt have ? You accuse a U.S. Congressman of wanting to destroy an entire family ? This is a complicated situation , Jack . No easy answer .
Jack : I m well aware of that . Thank you .
Victor : You make the wrong move , that Congressman Wheeler will see to it that justice will not be done . And all those people that you claim to love will be six feet under . And if you do nt see that , then you re a bigger fool than I thought you were .
Jack : Okay , I see there is a risk here , taking him on . Why do I get the feeling , though , that is nt the only reason you want me to back off ?
Lauren : You ca nt just issue an ultimatum and think that everything is just gon na be fine between us overnight if you do nt go back to work .
Michael : I was nt expecting a miracle . I never asked for that . I m just hoping you ll meet me halfway . All right . You know , do nt worry about it . I guess you re still not ready .
Lauren : Yeah . I - I m not .
Michael : Hmm . All right . Should I have the paperwork drawn up ?
Lauren : Paperwork ? For what ? Do you want a divorce ? For God s sake , Michael ! I asked for some time . I never said anything about our marriage being over .
Michael : I wish I could believe that -- you have no idea how much .
Lauren : Then do nt talk like it s over .
Michael : I bring up therapy yet again , and , as usual , you re not interested . I -- I ask for the truth again , and still nothing . You say you want things to work , but until you do something that shows me it s true , this is no marriage .
Lauren : I ve been putting you through hell . I do nt mean to . I m struggling .
Michael : With what ?
Lauren : That s why I have to think . That s why I need time .
Michael : I do nt know what that means .
Lauren : I do nt want to lose you . Can you say the same about me ? I mean , are you done ?
Michael : I love you . With everything I am , I love you . And I do nt want a divorce . You asked for time , and I gave you time . Now I think that maybe I need some time to think about what I need .
Lauren : For what ?
Michael : I think we both have to face the fact that there is something broken between us -- something that neither of us is capable of fixing . Until we can agree to work on that together , maybe we should make this separation formal . And you do nt have to do anything . I ll file the paperwork .
Lauren : Michael . Michael , please .
Michael : I have to go now .
Lauren : No .
Alex : You think that Wheeler wanted Victor dead ?
Paul : Well , I can think of a thousand people that would want to cause harm to Victor Newman , but I think Wheeler may be behind what happened at the ranch .
Alex : Why ?
Paul : That , Sir , is the million - dollar question .
Alex : Million dollars , huh ? That s like a pay cut for these guys . But I do know that when you re working a case with über - rich dudes like this , you re gon na have to ...
Paul : You have to follow the money , right . So , what do we know ?
Alex : Well , we know that Victor made this large donation to Wheeler s campaign , okay ? So maybe he threatened to pull the plug on the cash machine .
Paul : Right . That s not really motive for murder , but you might be on to something . Maybe Victor knows something about Wheeler that will affect his chances for ever getting re - elected .
Alex : And that s what politicians want more than anything , right ? And the money s just the easiest way to get there .
Paul : Do you think it s possible that Victor knows something that Wheeler would kill for ?
Alex : Sounds to me like maybe we should bring Victor in for a little chat .
Paul : Well , if we re on the right track , that s not gon na do any good .
Alex : Why do you say that ?
Paul : I ve known Victor a long time , and if he s chosen not to come to us , if he s hiding something , he s not gon na tell us what it is until he absolutely has to .
Victor : So , you think there s more to this ? You do nt think a man is capable of lashing out like this ?
Jack : Come on . Killing a houseful of people -- it does nt make sense .
Victor : What would you do if this happened to Kyle ? You d be enraged . You would nt act rationally , would you ?
Jack : Come to think of it , the last few times I ve seen Congressman Wheeler , he has seemed unhinged .
Victor : Exactly . Think about it . He lost his daughter . He s capable of enormous violence not only against us -- those who are connected with his daughter s death -- but our families .
Jack : So , I guess we do nt have a choice . We have to go out in the open , discuss publicly what our roles were in this .
Victor : You are not thinking rationally right now .
Jack : This is the -- we do that , Wheeler s got nothing . The whole world s eyes are on him .
Victor : You want to divulge your relationship to Stephanie Wheeler to the world ?
Jack : Of course I do nt , but we re talking about our families safety .
Victor : Listen . Leave this alone . I ll take care of business . Wheels already turning .
Jack : What wheels ? I am involved in this whether you like it or not . I m sure you think you re the only person who can handle this , but I m not about to leave my fate in your hands .
Paul : Thanks for coming back in .
Wheeler : I was happy to hear from you , Chief Williams , and I appreciate you changing your mind about keeping me in the loop . Any new leads that you got on the Newman case , I d like to hear about them right away .
Paul : Well , in all due respect , uh ... that is nt the purpose of this meeting .
Alex : We have a few questions for you , Congressman . Please , have a seat . Now , we know that you re friendly with the family , so we were hoping that you could maybe shine the light on something we were missing .
Wheeler : As always , I m happy to help .
Alex : What a nice guy . So , why do nt you tell us about your relationship with Victor Newman ?
Kay : Twins -- how are they ?
Cane : Oh , wonderful . As a matter of fact ... they made you a surprise .
Kay : Charlie and Mattie did ?
Cane : Mm - hmm .
Kay : For me ? Gosh , I wonder what it could be . [ Chuckles ] Oh , those are precious .
Cane : Are nt they ?
Kay : Look at that . I love them ! Oh , I m gon na put them in a place of honor . I ll display them so prominently . You tell them that .
Cane : I will .
Kay : Did they make these in school ?
Cane : No , actually . They made them at home , but they were inspired by pre - K. They love it there .
Kay : Oh , that s wonderful . Just wonderful . They re so bright , so ... well , I do nt have to brag to you about your own children , but you know what I mean .
Cane : Yeah . So , how are things at Chancellor ?
Kay : Oh , just about the same , but ... you know , Jill gives me headaches .
Cane : [ Chuckles ] What did she do now ?
Kay : Oh , she insists we acquire Wilkerson Chemical .
Cane : Really ? I researched that deal when I was at Chancellor , and we both decided it was nt a good business decision .
Kay : Well , you tell her that . She is pigheaded .
Cane : Yeah , she is , but you know what ? Sometimes it s -- it s not a bad thing .
Kay : Well , in this case , it is . All right . Enough shoptalk .
Cane : Okay .
Kay : I d much rather talk about you and your family . Are the children enjoying school ? I mean , have they started kindergarten ?
Chloe : Hey . What s going on ?
Kevin : Uh ... nothing . I thought you were spending the day with Mrs. C.
Chloe : She forgot she made other plans . And I m getting the feeling that you might need me more .
Kevin : [ Sighs ] It has nt been the best day .
Chloe : [ Sighs ] Power Company would nt budge ?
Kevin : Chloe , believe me , I tried . I m so sick of not being home and sick of having to pretend that our power still is nt on because of slow service and storm damage .
Chloe : I know . It s been a month since the blizzard . And I do nt think that people are really buying the whole Slow service story anymore , but we have to pretend until we get the money to cover the bill .
Kevin : Meanwhile , these bill collectors will not stop calling me . We ca nt borrow another dime against this place , and there is no way out -- at least not one I can think of .
Chloe : Michael s here . You know what ? I m gon na let you guys talk .
Michael : Thanks .
Chloe : Hi . Sorry . Got to run .
Michael : No problem .
Kevin : [ Sighs ] So , how are things going with Lauren ?
Michael : We , uh , keep going round and round in circles . Nothing she says to me sounds real .
Kevin : Have you guys -- have you guys thought about going to counseling ?
Michael : Lauren refuses to go . She says she wants to work things out , but how are we supposed to do that when it s so obvious that she can barely stand being in the same room with me ?
Kevin : Come on . It ca nt be that bad .
Michael : It is , Kevin . It is .
Kevin : Well , I m sorry .
Michael : I slept at the club last night . I stopped home for a few things . We got into it . I had to get out of there . I could nt take it anymore .
Kevin : Well , look , I hate like hell that this is happening to you two , but you can not give up hope .
Michael : Easy to say .
Kevin : But remember how bad things were when Lauren moved out ? You got to find a way to fix this , Michael . You two belong together .
Michael : Yeah , well , I always thought that . But I doubt Lauren would agree with you anymore . I told her that we should separate officially .
Kevin : No . No . No . Michael , do not even go there . That is a huge mistake .
Michael : No . I think it s the only solution . My wife has to know that I m not gon na let things go on the way they ve been going . And it ll force Lauren to get clear about what she really wants .
Carmine : Hey , Gorgeous . I , uh , put your bubbly on ice just in --
Lauren : Do nt bother . Michael is talking about a formal separation .
Carmine : Well , it s been a long time coming . You deserve --
Lauren : You do nt understand . I love my husband , and I do nt want what happened between the two of us to destroy what I have with him . I want to fight for my marriage . And I do nt want you getting in the way of that .
Alex : Are you saying you and the Newmans are just social friends ?
Wheeler : My wife and I have had dinner with Victor and Nikki over the years -- shared tables at benefits and so forth .
Alex : You re not close , though ?
Wheeler : Our relationship is cordial . I would nt say we re close . Show me a career politician with a lot of intimate friends , I ll show you a man who s not doing his job .
Alex : [ Chuckles ]
Wheeler : Being an effective policy maker tends to tick people off , not draw them closer .
Paul : Would it be fair to say that Victor is part of your inner circle ?
Wheeler : He s been a generous contributor to me over the years , and we see eye to eye on a lot of issues -- the deficit , international trade --
Alex : Yeah , but that does nt answer the chief s question . I mean , we re not writing an op - ed piece on fiscal responsibility here . We just want to know how close you and Victor Newman are .
Wheeler : If you mean , does he advise me on political or regulatory matters , I d have to say no .
Alex : See , I ve seen you and Mr. Newman together before .
Wheeler : Well , when I m in the district , I make it a point to speak to as many constituents as possible .
Alex : So , then , he s just a constituent to you ?
Wheeler : I believe I ve already answered that question , Detective .
Paul : I think the Congressman has .
Alex : Okay .
Paul : Thank you for your cooperation .
Wheeler : Well , I doubt whether I ve been much help , but , uh , let me know if I can help you out .
Paul : I ll be in touch .
Wheeler : Yeah . And I hope that you get a break in the case .
Paul : Thank you .
Alex : We hope so , too . [ Chuckling ] Oh , man .
Paul : Okay , in case you have nt met one before , that s a quintessential politician -- polite , charming , and intelligent .
Alex : Just a little oily , too .
Paul : Just a little oily . Start digging , Alex . I want you to find out everything you can on Marcus Wheeler . If Victor has something on that guy , we need to find out what it is on our own .
Alex : You got it .
Victor : You need to sit this out . You will botch this operation .
Jack : How will I do that ?
Victor : Like you do anything else -- with a lack of vision . That has always been your problem , Jack .
Jack : My vision has been described as far - reaching and penetrating by a number of notable business journals . I ca nt believe I m hearing this from you . This the way you talk to a man who took your company away from you ?
Victor : Talking about that , how are things going at Newman ? Are they working out the way you planned them ?
Jack : The obstacles I experienced at Newman had nothing to do with my vision .
Victor : Heavy is the head that wears the crown , Jack .
Jack : It s not a crown , Victor . It s not a throne . It s a desk , and I can sit behind that desk every bit as well as you can , and I can take care of Congressman Wheeler just as well as you .
Victor : And you are willing to rush headlong into this ill - fated plan of yours ? That makes you a danger to my family , as well .
Jack : Well , guess what . I do nt trust you , either . How have you handled the operation so far ? You hired his hit man to pour drinks at your wedding ? I m supposed to back off and let you run things , huh ?
Victor : Jack , I ai nt gon na back off . Nor are you . Where does that leave us ? Imagine this -- you and I need to work together .
Jack : I ll agree to this on one condition .
Victor : Which is ?
Jack : You tell me what this is really about .
Victor : I tell you nothing -- not any more than you need to know .
Cane : While I remember , I want to let you know I really appreciate your , uh , input on the Jabot fashion line . Your manufacturing ideas sparked a lot of great -- you know , great concepts . Thank you .
Kay : Well ... happy to do it , as always .
Cane : Katherine , you , um ... you did nt consult me on the Jabot fashion line . Are you all right ? Is -- is there something going on ?
Carmine : Look , my break s in a couple minutes . Can we just go somewhere private and talk about this ?
Lauren : No . We are talking now , and I need you to listen . Hearing Michael talk about a formal separation and realizing that he is about to file papers has scared the hell out of me . Michael and my son mean everything to me . And you -- you ... you ve been incredible . You ve been an amazing friend . You were an escape from all my problems . But I have to face reality now , and we just never should have started . So , it s over and -- and this time for good . I mean , there is no texting . There is no voicemail . There are no yearning glances across rooms . It s done .
Carmine : All right . I get it .
Lauren : Do you ?
Carmine : Yeah . I m happy I could have been there for you when you needed me . I always will be , no matter what .
Lauren : I really appreciate that . But it s goodbye .
Carmine : Lauren . I - I ca nt let you go .
Kevin : Do you have any idea how dangerous this is ?
Michael : If I file the papers for separation , Lauren will be forced to react . Either she will commit to our marriage and fight to keep us together , or , God help me , she ll just let it all go .
Kevin : [ Sighs ] Okay , look . You re hurt , you re desperate , and you are totally pissed at the situation . I get all that . But you might want to think before pulling any triggers here , okay ? This is not some -- some court case where it s all about strategy , where you re trying to back your opponent into a corner to get them to make a move . This is your wife . This is your family .
Michael : But you do nt think I know that ? Do you think I would consider this if I felt I had any other choice ?
Kevin : Of course you have another choice -- do nothing . But giving ultimatums and filing papers -- that can backfire on you big time , Michael , especially when it s the exact opposite of what you want , which is to keep your marriage . And despite everything that s happened , I have to believe that s what Lauren wants , too -- for you and your family to work this out . Because you two love each other , and there might not be any turning back .
Wheeler : Victor , I was sorry to hear about the terrible incident at your wedding .
Victor : Yep . It was right there . That s where my son was lying with a bullet in his chest while we trying to stem the flow of blood . Meanwhile , someone talked about gas in the house , so we were all afraid of being blown to bits . Horrific scene .
Wheeler : Mm . But I also heard the police have a suspect in custody . Is that right ?
Victor : Yeah . They -- they do . They do . They found the man . I just have a sneaking suspicion that he s a pawn , you know , in a larger game . Someone was trying to come here and kill me and my family -- came into my home -- my new home . I do nt take kindly to that , you know ?
Wheeler : I imagine you would nt , but why are you telling me this ?
Jack : Because we both know you sent the killer here .
Kevin : What ? What s all that ?
Chloe : This is our way out .
Kevin : This -- no . This is Mrs. C s . Chloe , what did you do ?
Chloe : Do nt worry , okay ? This is our way out of poverty .
Kevin : Excuse me . What ?
Chloe : We re gon na be like Robin Hood . We re gon na steal from the rich and we re gon na give to the poor . Only difference is we re the poor .
Kay : You tricked me .
Cane : I m sorry , but it s clear you re forgetting things .
Kay : Rubbish .
Cane : Look , I do nt know what you re going through , but I know you re frightened . I can tell you this -- you wo nt have to go through it alone . I ll be here for you .
Kay : When these memory glitches first started , I thought it was because of how busy I was and , uh ... all these things that -- that are on my mind . I -- I mean , it was no big deal .
Cane : I m sure it was nt .
Kay : At first , I , you know ... was misplacing keys , my glasses , and , um , forgetting when I walk into a room for something ... but , I mean , we ve all done that . And it , um ... Cane , it s happening more often . I m -- just , please . This -- this must nt get out . Jill , I mean , Jill must never know about it .
Cane : Okay . Have you seen a doctor ?
Kay : No . And I do nt intend to .
Cane : Listen . I do nt think not seeing someone s gon na make it go away . It may be nothing . It may be serious , but I tell you this -- the Katherine Chancellor I know , she does nt run from a fight . And she does nt hide out of fear . So , why are you starting to do it now , hmm ?
Kay : Because I already know what it is .
Lauren : Let go of my hand .
Carmine : Look , this may have been a mistake for you , but all the time we shared ... come on , Lauren . It meant something to me . And I ca nt stand just to watch you walk away .
Lauren : You re gon na have to .
Carmine : I know . I will . It s just -- you caught me off guard with all this , all right ? I guess I just need a proper goodbye . I hate the thought of never being able to run my hands through your hair again or feeling your breath on my neck . Lauren , please . Just give me one last night .
Paul : So , any luck ?
Alex : I ve been combing through all the available information .
Paul : And ?
Alex : Well , so far , nothing . Congressman Slick does nt even have parking tickets .
Paul : Well , that s just because he has nt been --
Alex : Oh ! Hold on .
Paul : What ? Did you find something ?
Alex : Yeah . Take a look . That s Congressman Wheeler at a swearing - in ceremony in Washington .
Paul : So ?
Alex : That girl .
Paul : His daughter , Stephanie .
Alex : You know , this past New Year s was my first new year away from New York .
Paul : No . I did not know that . I do nt remember asking .
Alex : Well , it was . I was feeling lonely , you know -- no friends , no family . So , I went to the Athletic Club for companionship , if you know what I mean , and , uh , I did nt do so well . I talked to a bunch of women , but there was this one redhead there , and I made her out for a pro the second I laid eyes on her . It s the girl in the photo .
Paul : You re saying Wheeler s daughter s a prostitute ?
Alex : It s not all I m saying . I saw her leave the club that night ... with Jack Abbott .
Wheeler : I have no idea what you re talking about .
Victor : My son is lying in the ICU fighting for his life because of you .
Wheeler : Victor , I understand you re distraught , but to accuse me of attempted murder ? It s preposterous !
Jack : It makes perfect sense .
Wheeler : Why would I want to kill Victor , or anyone else for that matter ? What could I possibly have to gain ?
Victor : Your motives , Marcus , are painfully clear to everyone except to you .
Jack : Hit men do nt hire themselves . You re the mastermind . Admit it . Stop the madness before anyone else gets hurt .
Wheeler : This is an outrage . I m not gon na stand here and listen to these empty accusations . You have nothing on me .
Victor : Really ? You do nt know what I m capable of uncovering , Marcus . And I promise you , I will .
Nick : I wanted to celebrate in style .
Avery : What are we celebrating ?
Bartender : You gon na stare at that phone all night , or are you gon na call her ?
Chelsea : God , Chloe , what if he dies never knowing that he s gon na be a father ?
### Summary:
| Chloe sees Esther packing some of Katherine s things in a box . She explains to Chloe that Katherine is donating the things to a silent auction to benefit the needy . Chloe later shows the box of things to Kevin and tells him the things in the box will help them pay their bills . Katherine forgets a lunch with Cane . When he calls her , she apologizes and heads to the restaurant where they agreed to meet . Cane gives Katherine some picture frames the twins made for her and then tells her how much the twins enjoy pre - kindergarten . Cane gets worried so he thanks Katherine for her advice on the Jabot fashion line . When Katherine responds she was happy to help , Cane tells her that he never asked her for advice on the Jabot fashion line . Katherine admits to Cane that her memory lapses are getting more frequent so he encourages her to go to the doctor . Katherine tells Cane that she does nt want to go to the doctor because she already knows what is causing her memory lapses . When Lauren and Michael have an argument , he tells her that he feels like he is the only one trying to save their marriage . Michael tells Lauren he does nt see another option but to file for legal separation , so they can both have some time to think about things . Michael later talks to Kevin who thinks that Michael should nt file for a legal separation , because he could lose Lauren . Michael thinks that the separation will force Lauren to make a decision to fight for their marriage . Michael is right and Lauren has a talk with Carmine to tell him that she loves Michael and wants to save her marriage . Carmine asks Lauren for one last night together before they say goodbye . Paul and Alex question Wheeler about his relationship to Victor , but Congressman Wheeler only tells the police that he and Victor only see each other at social gatherings . Paul tells Alex to start digging for information about Wheeler , but Alex is unable to find anything until he sees a picture on the Internet of Congressman Wheeler and Stephanie . Paul tells Alex that Stephanie is the congressman s daughter . Alex remembers seeing Stephanie at the Athletic Club on New Year s Eve , and he could tell right away she was a prostitute . Alex also tells Paul that he saw Stephanie leave the Athletic Club with Jack Abbott . Jack and Victor decide to team up to confront Wheeler , because they think he is trying to hurt both their families , because they are both to blame for Stephanie s death . Jack and Victor talk to Wheeler and tell him to admit that he paid Bob to try and kill Victor at his wedding . Victor warns Wheeler that if he does nt tell the truth , he will be surprised at the secrets he can uncover about him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fox : Oh , you re the only woman for me .
Kay : Fox .
Fox : Oh , Kay , my darling wife .
Kay : My husband , Fox .
Miguel : How could she be doing this ? This ca nt be happening . Kay loves me . She loves me .
Chad : What the hell do you think you re doing delivering flowers to my home ?
Man : Hey .
Whitney : Chad , babe , who s at the door ?
Chad : Um --
Chad : Could you -- could you get that for me ?
Whitney : Oh , yeah .
Chad : What if Whitney sees you ? Get the hell out of here . You re going to pay for showing up at my house like this .
Fancy : [ Screams ] What did you do to me , Luis ? Oh , my God , my leg , it hurts !
Luis : Oh , my God , it s acid .
Fancy : Well , get it off of me !
Luis : All right -- all right .
Fancy : No wait -- no wait , stay away from me !
Luis : Fancy , I did nt do this .
Fancy : Do nt come any closer !
Luis : I did nt splash this on you .
Fancy : Well , if you did nt splash this stuff on me , who did ? It s acid and it s burning ! Help me !
Sam : Acid ? Luis , what have you done ?
Person s voice : I do nt care who you wind up with , as long as it s not Ethan .
Theresa : But why ?
Person s voice : Because Ethan is mine , all mine , so stay away from him .
Theresa : What do you mean he s all yours ?
Ethan : Theresa , is that you ?
Theresa s voice : Oh , my God , Ethan . How much did he hear ?
Ethan : What is going on ?
Ethan : Theresa ?
Theresa : Ethan ?
Ethan : Theresa -- what the hell are you doing here , and what is going on ? I -- I heard what was being said . Is someone threatening you ?
Miguel s voice : She s not faking . I ve got to stop this . But how ? How do I stop them without Fox finding out I was in Kay s bed ?
Fox : Do nt answer it , do nt answer it .
Kay : It might be important .
Fox : What s more important than us ? Let s make love .
Chad : Get the hell out of here , Vincent .
Man : Stop it . What are you doing ?
Chad : Oh , man , I m sorry .
Man : Yeah , you should be . Is this how you treat all your delivery people ?
Chad : You re not Vincent .
Man : Not the last time I checked , whoever the hell he is . Look , I know I m late delivering these , but get real .
Chad : I made a mistake , man , I m sorry .
Man : Yeah , you better be . And I d be careful if I were you . That guy Hiro who delivers for Ssally Chinn is a black belt . Here , take these , please .
Chad : Look , man , I m sorry , ok ?
Man : And why do you keep calling me Vincent ? Oh , I get it , he s the dude who s sending you the flowers .
Chad : Hey -- hey , shh .
Man : Hey , pal , ai nt nothing wrong with that . Gay guys have the best taste in flowers and you are the best tippers .
Chad : I m not gay .
Man : Fine , whatever you say . I guess one of your football buddies is sending you $ 300 worth of flowers ?
Chad : Just go , ok ? Here , that should be enough tip to make you forget the whole thing .
Man : You bet . I ll forget my own name for this kind of money , or let you call me Vincent till the cows come home .
Chad : Just go . I need to get rid of these things .
Whitney : Oh , my God , Chad . Those are the most beautiful flowers I ve ever seen . Are they for me ?
Chad : Uh ...
Sam : We ve got to wash this stuff off of her .
Fancy : No , do nt touch me !
Luis : Fancy --
Sam : Here -- here -- here .
Luis : [ Whispering ] He went in this way , he s probably trying to get out the bathroom window .
Sam : Hey , you re not going anywhere until you tell me what happened .
Luis : Hold on , now , let go of me . Get some medical help for Fancy .
Sam : Edwards , hey , this is Chief Bennett . We need EMTs up in room 245 , you got that ? 245 .
Luis : Damn it , he escaped ! All right , come on , we can probably still catch him .
Sam : First you re going to tell me what happened here .
Luis : Hold -- hold on just a second . When I came in here , the attacker was already in here . Fancy , come on , you ve got to believe me . I was downstairs . I was on guard when I thought that my coffee was drugged . I knew something was going on , so I did nt drink it . I played possum to see if I could figure out who was trying to drug me , and I ran up here . When I came in here , I found the attacker . He was already over Fancy s bed with the acid .
Fancy : [ Screams ] Oh , my God , my leg !
Luis : We struggled , and then he ran into the bathroom . You ve got to believe me . Now , come on , we can probably still catch him .
Sam : Hey , the cops have surrounded this place , Luis .
Luis : What ?
Sam : I followed you and Fancy , put a tracking device in Fancy s car , and when I heard screaming , I came in here .
Fancy : Thank you , Sam .
Sam : I did it in an effort to prove your innocence . But when I get in here , you re the one holding the acid .
Luis : I know that this looks bad .
Sam : Looks bad ? I saw it with my own two eyes , Luis .
Luis : I m innocent . When I came in here , the attacker was already in here and he fled out that bathroom window . Now , come on , we got ta put a search out for this guy .
Sam : General alert , the suspect may have been spotted escaping from the Harmony Inn .
Luis : May have been spotted ?
Sam : Quiet . All right , give me a description .
Luis : The suspect is medium build , 56 to 58 with a mask on , that s it .
Sam : Got it ? Get looking .
Sam : Fancy , did you see a man in this room that Luis just described ?
Luis : Of course she did , Sam , she was --
Sam : I m talking to Fancy . Fancy , was there anyone else in this room ?
Fancy : I --
Sam : Yes or no ? Was there anyone else in this room besides Luis ?
Fancy : No , Sam , I did nt see anyone else .
Ethan : Theresa , who -- who was threatening you ? What is going on here ? Is there someone here ? Is there someone here ? Hey , is there someone here ? Who is doing this to you ?
Person s voice : Are you saying you do nt care anything about Jared ?
Theresa : Yes , I care about Jared , but he s not the father of my children . I should be a family with Ethan .
Person s voice : Do nt you ever get tired of singing that one - note samba ?
Theresa : No , it is the truth . Jared is not the man that I am supposed to be with .
Person s voice : Fine , I do nt care who you wind up with , as long as it s not Ethan .
Theresa : But why ?
Person s voice : Because Ethan is mine , all mine , so stay away from him . }
Ethan : Theresa , hey -- hey , answer me . Do nt hold out on me . What is this ? You re not talking to me . Fine , I ll find -- I ll find this person myself .
Theresa : No -- no , do nt -- do nt .
Ethan : Who is it -- what ?
Person s voice : Yes .
Ethan : Who the hell was that ? Who is here ? Who is here ? Why are you doing this to Theresa ? Who are you ?
Fox : Kay , they ll give up . Oh , Kay .
Kay : The -- the phone -- the phone !
Fox : Do nt worry about the phone .
Kay : I m sorry , honey . What if it s one of your doctors ?
Kay : Hello ?
Miguel : What the hell do you think you re doing ? You re supposed to be with me , not Fox . Stop making love to him right now !
Whitney : Oh , honey , these are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen . They re for me .
Chad : Of course , baby , who else ?
Whitney : Wow , I ve seen some amazing flowers at the Crane mansion , you know , but these -- honey , these are exquisite . I have the sweetest husband in the whole wide world .
Chad : Well , I try .
Whitney : But why did you send me yellow roses ?
Chad : Hmm ?
Whitney : The language of flowers -- you remember that article that we read ?
Chad : Article ?
Whitney : Yeah , it was in the Details magazine , the one you brought home .
Chad : Oh -- oh , that one .
Whitney : Yeah . It said that yellow roses are for friendship and freedom . So what are you trying to tell me ? What , you want to be free ?
Chad : No -- no , of course not , baby .
Whitney : Oh , thank God . Then why did you bring me yellow roses ? I mean , you know my favorite are red .
Luis : Fancy -- come on . You had to have seen something .
Fancy : Only you .
Luis : You know , that -- that makes perfect sense because she was asleep until the acid hit her leg .
Sam : But if she woke up when the acid hit her leg , would nt she have noticed this other person ?
Luis : Well , no , not necessarily .
Sam : Ok , then you explain it to me , Luis .
Luis : Because , when the acid hit her leg , it hurt so much she could nt look up until after the attacker fled .
Sam : Is this true , Fancy ?
Luis : Oh , come on ! We re wasting time here , Sam . The guy is getting away .
Sam : Luis , half the cops in this county have surrounded this place . Fancy , is Luis telling the truth ? I mean , were you so focused on your leg , you did nt notice if there was another person inside this room ?
Fancy : It all happened so fast . I -- I was asleep and the next thing I knew I felt like I was on fire , and Luis -- he was there , standing over me holding that , the acid , and it was burning and it s still burning !
Luis : No , do nt look at me like that , ok ? You know that I did nt do -- I came in here to protect her .
Sam : Does nt look good .
Luis : Oh , come on , do nt do this to me . You know I would never hurt Fancy -- I love her . Now , I m telling you when I came in here the attacker was in here and he fled out that window !
Sam : Climbed out this window ?
Luis : That s the one .
Sam : This window is closed , Luis . Are you telling me the perp came flying in here and out that window to try to get away from you and yet , stopped to close the window behind himself ?
Luis : I do nt know . Yeah , maybe he did . Maybe he was trying to slow me down . I do nt know , because I was trying to help Fancy .
Sam : This window is locked , Luis -- from the inside .
Ethan : Well , this is ridiculous . Look , I m gon na -- I m gon na find whoever is torturing you and I m going to get to the bottom of this .
Theresa s voice : Oh , God , if Ethan finds that blackmailer , it is all over . He ll know my secret , that he s Little Ethan s father and I will lose everything . Luis will end up on death row and Miguel will go to jail forever .
Ethan : Theresa , got something . It s nothing to worry about anymore .
Theresa : Oh , my God , Ethan , you found him . You do nt even know it yet , but you re about to destroy my family .
Miguel : Listen to me , just listen to me . You stop making love to Fox right now .
Fox : Kay , who is it , honey ?
Kay : Um , I do nt think that s possible right now , I m sorry .
Miguel : What do you mean , you do nt think that s possible right now ? Stop it , Kay .
Fox : Honey , who s on the phone ?
Kay : Maybe if you call back later --
Miguel : No -- no , no , I am not calling back later , Kay . That s not going to be possible .
Kay : I m kind of busy right now .
Fox : Just tell them that something s come up .
Miguel : I heard that .
Fox : Come on , honey , get off the phone .
Miguel : Kay , stop making love to Fox right now . Get out of that bed or I swear I will come in there and tell Fox everything .
Chad : I , uh --
Whitney : Come on , babe , do nt tell me you did nt know what yellow roses meant .
Chad : No , I -- I remember , baby . I -- uh -- I looked them up on the internet and , well , yellow roses do nt just mean friendship and freedom , they also mean newlyweds , and we re newlyweds .
Whitney : Oh , my God , newlyweds , really ?
Chad : Yeah , and , um , besides --
Whitney : Well , that s sweet .
Chad : They did nt have any more red roses at the store , so --
Whitney : You re crazy . [ Laughs ] I ca nt believe you really did this and spent all this money on me . Honey , yellow roses are for newlyweds , huh ?
Chad : Well , according to Wikipedia . They ve been wrong .
Whitney : Well , I certainly love being a newlywed with you . Do you also know what they say about newlyweds ?
Chad : No , what do they say ?
Whitney : Oh , my God , babe . I guess I m going to have to teach you . Lesson one is ...
Chad : Mmm , is there going to be a quiz on this later ?
Whitney : Mmm , not until we study real , real hard .
Whitney : You re so bad . [ Laughs ]
Chad : I m studying . Come here .
Man : Knock , knock .
Whitney : Oh , my God !
Chad : What ?
Man : Whatever floats your boat , but I do nt think your friend , Vincent , would be too happy to see you making out with a woman .
Chad : Shut up . Now , what do you want ?
Man : I forgot to get you to sign for the flowers .
Chad : Yeah , right . I paid you to get out of here .
Man : Sorry , but without your signature , I could get fired . So just sign right here so that I can prove that the flowers for Mr. Chad Harris Crane were delivered .
Whitney : What -- what -- to Mr. Crane ? What ?
Chad : Whit --
Man : Uh , yeah , the yellow roses are for Chad Harris Crane .
Whitney : They re for you ? Babe , who would be sending you flowers ?
Man : Oops .
Sam : Right in here , guys .
Fancy : It s my leg .
Paramedic : Acid burns ? How did that happen ?
Fancy : Uh , that s what we re trying to figure out .
Paramedic : I ll bet that hurts .
Fancy : Yeah .
Paramedic : But do nt worry , with any luck , you wo nt even have a scar .
Luis : I do nt know . I ca nt explain how the bathroom window was locked from the inside .
Sam : Well , you tell me .
Luis : Ok , maybe when he slammed it , it locked .
Sam : I ll have the lab dust for fingerprints on the acid jar . The attacker s fingerprints should be the only ones on it .
Luis : Yeah , there wo nt be any .
Sam : Why not ?
Luis : Because I just remembered he was wearing white gloves .
Sam : I suppose this will be like the knife that we found in Fancy s princess room ?
Luis : I do not know how my prints got on that knife . They should nt have been there .
Sam : Look , Luis , I want to prove that you re not Fancy s attacker . But I got ta tell you , it s getting harder every minute .
Luis : So fine , why do nt you let me get the hell out of here so that I can find the creep that did this ?
Sam : There s an APB out on him already , all right ?
Luis : Yeah , all right .
Luis : Fancy , I really -- I ca nt wait till we find the guy that did this because when we do it s going to prove that I am innocent .
Fancy : I hope so . I m sorry , Luis , I did nt mean to accuse you like that before . It s just that when I woke up , it hurt so much and you -- you were standing right there with the acid .
Luis : I understand . I just hope that you believe me because I would never hurt you . I love you .
Sam : Yeah , what do you got ? Are you sure ? Ok . None of the cops outside found a trace of an attacker and they searched the entire inn as well .
Luis : Oh , well that s great . What , did he just vanish into thin air ?
Sam : Well , that s one explanation .
Luis : And what s the other ?
Sam : That the attacker was never here , that you were the only one in this room , and that you re lying .
Theresa s voice : Oh , God , if Ethan s caught the blackmailer , it s all over . I am out of here .
Ethan : Theresa , found him . This is what you were talking to .
Theresa : How ?
Person s voice : However I want , Theresa .
Theresa : Oh , my God .
Person s voice : God ca nt help you now , Theresa .
Ethan : Whoever was torturing you obviously programmed this thing to respond to certain words and phrases . It s actually a product from the Crane labs . It s called an answer box . There are smaller versions of this that they put in stuffed animals in the Crane toy division , and this thing is obviously a little more advanced , though . It s really complex . Tell you what , let s see what it says to me , huh ? Why are you torturing Theresa ?
Fox : Kay , whoever s on the phone , get rid of them . I want to make love to you all night long .
Miguel : If he touches you again , Kay , believe me , he will be dying young .
Kay : [ Sighs ] Look , it was the hospital . They want you to get back down there right away .
Fox : Oh , hell no , I wo nt go back there .
Kay : Fox , please , you re sick .
Fox : I ll be a lot sicker if I let them inject me with those treatments .
Kay : Please , Fox , for me . If you take those treatments , you re going to get better .
Fox : No , I m sorry , Kay , no .
Kay : Oh , Fox , I love you . I want you around as long as possible . Do nt you want to live to see Maria grow up ?
Fox : Yes , I do , but not being able to make love to you ?
Kay : No , well , just being together is enough , please . If you love me , you will go back to that hospital and you will take those treatments .
Fox : All right , all right , I ll go back to the hospital . But only for you , cause I love you . You re my wife . All right , I ll go get cleaned up , then we can go .
Miguel : Listen to me . I do nt think you realize how awful it was for me to stand in here and listen and watch you make love to that guy .
Kay : He s my husband and he s sick .
Miguel : He s not sick , Kay . Come on , if he was really sick , you think he d be worried about being impotent ?
Kay : You know , I do nt know what to think anymore .
Miguel : You know what , why do nt you take him back to the hospital ? See if he refuses the treatments . If he does , then you know he s not sick , and never was , and the whole thing was a scheme to keep you with him .
Kay : Ok , just -- just stay right here until we re gone .
Kay : Are you ok ?
Fox : I m as ok as I m probably ever gon na be .
Miguel : He s lying to you , Kay . He s been lying to you all along and I know it . If I could only prove it .
Whitney : Ok , wait a second . Who would be sending you flowers , and why did you lie to me ?
Man : Ok , then , I ll be on my way .
Chad : Baby , it s not what you think .
Whitney : Ok , then what is it ?
Chad : The flowers , they -- they are for you , ok ? I had them sent to me . That way I could give them to you personally .
Whitney : Oh -- oh , that makes perfect sense . I m sorry , I feel like I m constantly doubting you and I guess I have a suspicious mind .
Chad : Yeah .
Whitney : Can you forgive me ?
Chad : Oh , of course , baby .
Whitney : Ok . Now , where were we ?
Chad : Well , I think I can remember , yeah .
Whitney : Oh , oh , wait a second .
Chad : What ?
Whitney : My beautiful husband , I have to read my card .
Chad : Oh , no -- no , no , no , you ca nt -- ca nt read the card yet .
Whitney : Why ca nt I read the card on my own flowers , babe ?
Paramedic : Have your own doctor check that out , but if you keep the wounds clean , you should be ok .
Fancy : Ok , thank you , so much .
Paramedic : No problem .
Luis : Well , Sam , you really must have lost your mind . Now you really think that I would pour acid on Fancy ?
Sam : Luis , I do nt want to , but I have to look at the evidence .
Luis : The evidence . I came here to protect her , and you know that I could never hurt a woman . Could nt even shoot Beth . It would have changed my life if I had .
Sam : I know .
Luis : I did nt do any of these things that I ve been accused of . I did nt kill Rae , I did nt rape Fancy , I did nt do any of this stuff . I m telling you , I am being set up .
Sam : Fancy , did you lock the door before you went to sleep ?
Fancy : Of course .
Sam : Then how the hell did you get in here ?
Luis : It was unlocked when I came . I just opened it and rushed in .
Sam : Fancy , are you sure you locked the door ?
Fancy : Yeah , I -- I thought I did . I mean , no , I -- I remember locking it .
Luis : It was unlocked .
Sam : Well , it was one or the other .
Luis : Oh , God , this is ridiculous .
Sam : What is this ?
Luis : I do nt know , it s not mine .
Sam : Well , it came out of your jacket .
Luis : Well , I ve never seen it before .
Luis : That s impossible .
Sam : This is how you got in this room , is nt it , Luis ?
Fox : Ok , you know what ? I think I was right in my first instincts . I ca nt go through with this .
Kay : Oh , no , you do nt .
Fox : Listen , you ca nt get mad at me for having second thoughts , all right ? I m talking about me being impotent . Do you have any idea how terrifying that is for a man ?
Kay : Would you rather be dead ? Fox , you agreed that you were going to come back here to the hospital , did you not ?
Fox : Yes , yes , I did . But do you realize that when I start taking this medicine , that I wo nt be able to make love to you ? Kay , I d rather not live than not be a whole man .
Kay : You re a whole man to me .
Fox : Well , not for long . Baby , making love is -- is at the basis of our entire relationship .
Kay : Ok , it s part of our relationship , but it s not the basis of it . Love is nt about sex , it s about two minds and hearts learning to communicate , to act as one .
Fox : But you ve got to admit , sex is a pretty good way to communicate .
Kay : Yeah , but --
Fox : It s our favorite form of communication . Do nt you remember the first time we made love ?
Kay : I do . It was during the tsunami , on the roof .
Fox : And we had sex first , and then we got to know each other .
Kay : Yeah , well , that was a crazy situation . We were both in a lot of danger and -- ugh -- you jumped in the water and you tried to save that little boy and , God , I thought you d drowned . I thought I lost you forever . You know , I think it was at that moment when I realized how important you were to me .
Fox : Now you really are losing me forever . Two lost souls clinging on to each other for comfort . That is hot .
Kay : It was more than hot .
Fox : [ Sighs ] Listen , I ll tell you what . Before we head back into that room , you and I need to communicate .
Kay : Here ?
Fox : Yeah , there was a -- a linen closet right over there . We could -- could go get in there .
Kay : No , Fox .
Fox : Baby , I m sorry , but we need to finish what we started at Tabitha s . I need you . I need to make love to my wife .
Kay : I ca nt .
Fox : What ? Why not ?
Kay : Now , listen to me . I know what this is all about , ok ? You re just really scared about the future , and I am , too , but this is not a time to panic . You are my strong husband , ok ? And whether or not we can make love is not going to make you less of a man in my eyes . You promised me that you were going to go through with this , so get in there and get in that bed . And we are going to face this like two responsible adults , ok ? Ok ?
Fox : Ok .
Ethan : Why are you torturing Theresa ?
Theresa s voice : No , no , no .
Ethan : It s not working . I know why it s not working . It s not working because it s programmed to only respond to your voice and your voice only . So you need to say something into this thing . It s the only way we re going to unlock the secrets in this box .
Whitney : Chad , come on , babe . Why ca nt I read the card from my own flowers ?
Chad : Um , well , I have nt written anything in there yet . I mean , I was going to write something special for you , baby . I was nt expecting the flowers to show up so soon . And I was gon na run you a bath and let you soak and then I was going to write a little something special in here .
Whitney : Well , I guess good things come to those who wait . I tell you what , I ll go make us some tea and then you can write something really special in there --
Chad : Ok .
Whitney : For me , and I ca nt wait to read it .
Chad : To Chad , with all my love , Vincent . Damn him .
Chad : Vincent , listen , if you do nt stop screwing with me , I m going to make you pay , all right ? No more stunts , no more flowers , no more cards and especially no more DVDs , you got it ? I hope I got through to him .
Chad : Oh , great , a text message from Vincent .
Chad : Oh , my God .
Chad : Not this again . Damn him , damn him to hell .
Sam : Well , can you explain this ?
Luis : I do nt know how the key got there . I do nt know how it got into my jacket . Whoever attacked Fancy must have planted it .
Sam : Yeah , while you were struggling with the guy over the acid ?
Luis : Yeah . Fancy , you know that I never had a key to your room , right ?
Fancy : Right .
Sam : You better come up with an explanation , and I mean fast . Look at it from my end , all right ? Fancy never saw this phantom attacker . She only saw you holding the acid over her . And the window that the perp allegedly escaped from is locked from the inside , and you have a key to the room , Luis . And the intruder , there s not a trace of him anywhere .
Luis : I m being set up .
Sam : So you say , but I ca nt ignore what happened with Rae . It boils down to motive and opportunity . Now , you say the attacker s motive was to kill Rae to keep her quiet .
Luis : I already told you , Sam , Rae called me . She said that she had information about Fancy s attacker and to meet her down at the Blue Note , that she could nt tell me what it was over the phone .
Sam : Well , can you prove it ?
Luis : You know that I ca nt .
Sam : According to Simone , you had opportunity to be alone with Rae at the Blue Note when she was found clutching your Saint Christopher medal . Stands to reason that the attacker and you are one and the same .
Luis : I did nt do it . I did nt kill Rae . I did nt attack Fancy . I did nt do any of this . You know that , right ? Fancy , you believe me that I did nt hurt you .
Fancy : I do nt -- I do nt know what to believe .
Luis : Fancy , come on , you know I -- I would nt do this . You know that I would never hurt you .
Sam : Luis , I ca nt ignore the evidence any longer .
Luis : Sam , do nt do this , please .
Sam : Luis Lopez - Fitzgerald , you are under arrest for the murder of Rae Thomas and the attacks on Fancy Crane .
Kay : There , is that comfy ?
Fox : Well , it s a little bit lonely . The bed I want to be in sleeps two .
Kay : Well , I managed to get in this one before .
Fox : Well , a lot of good that did me .
Kay : Oh , come on . I only want what s best for you .
Fox : I know you do .
Nurse : All ready for your first treatment ? I need to get to your catheter port .
Fox : No , no , I m sorry , I refuse treatment .
Kay : Wait , Fox , you said that if we --
Fox : Kay , I said I would come back to the hospital because you asked me to . But I m not getting treatments done , absolutely not .
Miguel : You know , if Fox really is sick , how come he s refusing the treatment ?
Whitney : Oh , my God , Chad , what are you watching ?
Chad : It s -- it s -- it s not what you think .
Luis : This is insane . You ca nt arrest me .
Sam : Sorry , Luis , the evidence against you is overwhelming .
Fancy : I m so sorry , Luis .
Luis : Sorry ? Then why do nt you tell him ? Why do nt you tell him that I could nt hurt you or do any of these things , Fancy ?
Sam : Look , I do nt care what she says . It s not going to make any difference . The evidence all points to you . Now we re going downtown and this time I do nt think you re going to get bail . You have the right to remain silent . Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law .
Fancy : [ Sighs ]
Ethan : Theresa , come on -- come on , this thing is only going to respond to your voice . You have to say something . Theresa , what is wrong with you ? We have to find out the information that s inside --
Ethan : Why are you writing ?
Ethan : You re crazy . No , no , there s no bomb . There s no bomb in this . This thing is just like the prototype for the answer box project . There is no room for a bomb in here . I know the circuitry . I used to work at Crane , remember ? And , actually , I can hook this thing up to a laptop and we can see the actual words in the word identification program , and then we ll know exactly what this thing is programmed to respond to when it s spoken to . We ll also know all the information that the person has who made his box .
Theresa s voice : If Ethan opens the box , he s going to see the information in it . He ll learn everything . He ll know that he s little Ethan s father . I will lose my position at Crane and all the money . Luis will be executed and Miguel will go to jail for life .
Ethan : Theresa -- Theresa , will you say something in the box --
Theresa : No , I ca nt !
Person s voice : Little Ethan .
Ethan : This thing just said Little Ethan .
Theresa s voice : Oh , God , no . The box is about to tell Ethan that he s Little Ethan s father .
Julian : I want you to help me , and I in turn will help you .
Luis : I m innocent . Now , why do nt you let me go so I can find the psycho who keeps attacking Fancy ?
Sheridan : You had Luis arrested . What is wrong with you ?
Whitney : How could you do this ? I mean , I feel I do nt even know you anymore .
Spike : I have a meeting that s going to change the rest of my life .
Person : Just making myself beautiful for you .
Miguel : You just gave yourself away .
Julian : Get out of here !
Miguel : I do nt take orders from you .
### Summary:
| Ah you are amazing I love you Fox ! Kay shouts as she kisses Fox s neck and they roll like thunder under the sheets . Miguel wants to puke as he watches . Really he does nt look good at all as he peeks out of the closet where he hides from view Miguel ca nt bear this one more second . He thinks that she must be faking , but he looks and sounds like she is enjoying Fox so much Yes ! Yes ! she shouts Miguel knows that Kay is nt faking when he hears that come out of her throat . He has an idea and gets out his cellphone . Do nt answer it ! Do nt answer it ! Fox says . She sees over Fox s shoulder that Miguel is motioning for her to answer the phone Whitney loves the flowers but ca nt understand why Chad sent her yellow roses of all the colors roses come in . They read an article about roses and yellow ones are for friendship and freedom . She knows that Chad knows that . So why would he send her these instead of some other more meaningful ones . She hopes that he does nt want to be free from her on any level . He denies that he does . Oh thank god . Then why did you bring me yellow roses ? I mean , you know that my favorite are red ? Theresa decides to take off before Ethan returns from his search for the person he heard her talking with . She walks right into him on her way out of there . He holds a device that the Cranes developed in his hands . It is a device called an answer box . Theresa shrinks from it . It is set to answer certain phrases in certain ways . The device is more commonly used in talking dolls , but this particular device is far more developed . Ethan tries to get the thing to talk to him but he does nt respond to his voice . As Ethan holds the item it speaks , but this time it is nt as ominous . Theresa stands back from him in horror at what might be revealed . Whitney sees Chad staring at his cellphone and she grabs it from him . It s not what you think , Chad says before she sees the porn . Theresa refuses to speak when Ethan tells her to . She gets some paper and writes to Ethan telling that there is a bomb in the device . Ethan does nt believe that . He can hook this up to a laptop and see what really makes this device tick Theresa knows that if Ethan fiddles with this it may tell the secrets that Theresa wants hidden Ethan is still pushing Theresa to talk and so Theresa blurts out , No ! I ca nt ! The box speaks . Little Ethan , the Mysterious Figure s voice says in its creepy , crawly voice Theresa ca nt deal with this . It is only a matter of time before the secret about her son is out and she will lose everything including her brothers freedom ! |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sami : [ Sobbing ] This is from EJ . My darling Samantha . If you are reading this , then it means something terrible has happened to me . I ve given this letter to a lawyer , with instruction that it be sent to you within a year of my ... of my death . And if I m gone , there is only one person who could be responsible ... my father .
Stefano : You must fight . Fight , fight , you understand me . I can not bury another son .
Stefano : [ Sighs ] Get out , Hernandez !
Abigail : Ben ? Ben , are you home ?
Abigail : [ Sighs ] Chad .
Ben : What did you say ?
Paul : I m so sorry .
Sonny : [ Sniffles ] What are you doing here ?
Paul : I heard you were in town . I figured this would be the first place you d come .
Sonny : It was the second , because ... [ Sniffles ] I saw my parents first .
Paul : I m sure that they were a real help .
Sonny : They want to be . Everyone wants to be . [ Crying ] This is a crime scene , right ? Right ? People have been tramping in and out all day . They had to have taken things or moved things . How does it look exactly the way it did when I walked out of the door ? Like -- like will could walk in at any minute .
Ben : Sounded like you said Chad .
Abigail : I ... I did . I said Chad because I ... I ca nt stop thinking about the fight between you two .
Ben : It s over .
Abigail : Yeah . I m just-- I m so glad you were nt hurt worse .
Ben : I m tough . But you need to be more careful . This has sharp edges .
Abigail : I know . Lucky nobody stepped on it barefoot . I , um ... kind of cleaned everything up , but I - I guess I missed it because I saw it under the couch and I just--
Ben : It s okay . It s okay .
Abigail : [ Sighs ] I m sorry that I was nt here , Ben .
Ben : Do nt be . I m glad you did nt have to experience that . It was the scariest thing I ve ever seen ... the hatred in his eyes . He wanted to kill me .
Rafe : Well , I do nt mean to intrude . But I m in the middle of an investigation . I ve got three death bodies and so far , all the evidence points to your son .
Stefano : You re here to gloat ?
Rafe : I need to question you . Now , if you d like , you can come down to my office , but I figured I come here and save you the trip .
Stefano : Ah .
Rafe : So , the night of Serena mason s murder , did you see Chad ?
Stefano : That afternoon .
Rafe : It s my understanding the two of you had a disagreement . Chad went to the club and started drinking . He come back to the mansion after that at all ? Did any of the staff see him ?
Stefano : Ask them .
Rafe : I will . And what about after that ? After we were all looking for him ? Did you stash Chad in one of your secret rooms ? The night of Paige s murder ?
Stefano : You re looking for an alibi for him , are nt you ? You believe Chad is innocent , huh ?
Sami : I did nt want to burden you . I knew you were already living in dread of what vengeance my father might take on us . He d been furious ever since we reconciled . He d made threats . I did what I could to placate him . I thought I had . But just in case , I was prepared to run , to leave everything and take you and the children away at a moment s notice . Anything to keep us together . You are reading this because I made a mistake . Somehow I miscalculated . Somehow my father managed ... to get rid of me . Now there will never be peace with Stefano . [ Sighs ] I can see to that . You can ? I can make sure that you and the children are safe . In this envelope , you ll find a key and an address . The key is to a safe deposit box in Zurich . You are the signatory . Inside that box , you ll find my last gift to you ... ammunition . I m giving you the means to take your revenge . It s your choice .
Sonny : When I got the call ... it was like , when a bomb goes off in a movie . Like , everyone is stumbling around and-- you can see people talking , the lips moving , but ... you ca nt hear a thing .
Paul : Yeah , that seems ... right .
Sonny : Nothing about this seems right .
Paul : I did nt mean-- I can -- I can see how that s what can happen when you get a shock .
Sonny : I did nt mean to jump .
Paul : Sonny , you can do whatever you want . Whatever you need .
Sonny : What I need is the last eight months back .
Paul : Yeah , I wish that for you too .
Sonny : Do you ?
Paul : Yeah .
Sonny : Well ... I m just gon na have to settle for ... picking up a few of my things . Will wrote me and said , everything is exactly where I left it . And , uh ... looks like it .
Paul : You want some help packing ?
Sonny : No . I m just gon na grab a couple things now .
Paul : Well , I ... guess I ll leave you to it . Will knew you loved him . He did nt give up because he knew you loved each other .
Eric : You know what , actually I think I ll have another one . I m celebrating . Good for you .
Sami : What happens now is up to you . Just know that whatever I am , in whatever passes for heaven or hell , there is only one thing that gives me peace . I will always picture us together with our children on our own island far away .
Sami : [ Crying ] That is the only image that can sustain me through any eternity without you ... [ Sobbing ] I will hold it for us , as I have always done . All my love ... oh , EJ .
Marlena : Oh , hi -- honey ? Well , Sami . Hey . Is everything all right ?
Rafe : We ll follow the facts , Stefano , the evidence . But my opinion does nt mean a damn thing . The DA is the one that s gon na bring the charges . And right now , right now , the DA is ready to indict him the minute he wakes up . Because the case against Chad is solid . In fact , it s pretty damn overwhelming . But ...
Stefano : But the real killer is still out there .
Rafe : I need solid proof , Stefano . Proof .
Stefano : Mm .
Abigail : I should be asking you that . It s just so--
Ben : Crazy ?
Abigail : Yeah . Just does nt make any sense . That he would come here and fight you .
Ben : He s in love with you , Abigail . And I m in the way .
Abigail : But I chose you , Ben .
Ben : Yeah , you did chose me . And he never accepted it . Did nt you see that ? Did you really believe him trying to be all noble , thinking we re all gon na be such great friends ? He never gave up on you .
Abigail : That s not love .
Ben : You re right . I should nt have used that word . He was obsessed with you . And he hated losing .
Abigail : But that s -- but he had lost . He was on the run . Why come out of hiding--
Ben : You keep trying to force it to make sense . Abigail , it wo nt . It wo nt , baby . It s -- it s -- it s not logical . This guy killed three people . And he tried to kill two more . That s a madman . You have to be able to accept that , Abigail , and just ... let it go . Otherwise ...
Abigail : Otherwise what ?
Ben : You or the baby could get hurt . There s no telling what a monster like that will do .
Ben : Do you understand me ?
Abigail : I ll get it . Hey , hi , Rafe .
Rafe : Hi .
Abigail : Hi .
Rafe : Hey .
Abigail : Um , come on in .
Rafe : Thanks . Sorry to bother you in the evening , but I figured you d be home . I need to get your statement on record . I figured I d save you a trip downtown .
Ben : You need it right now ? Abi and I were just gonna--
Abigail : Oh , no , that s okay . I - I actually have some stuff I have to take to , um , to work . So I can just do that and I - I wo nt be too late . Okay ? It s no problem .
Rafe : Bye .
Abigail : Bye .
Rafe : Okay . Let s start from the beginning .
Ben : All right . Well , I already told you everything that happened last night , so ...
Rafe : Okay , great . Well , then it should nt take long . Ben ... it helps to do this . You would be surprised how many people , they ll suddenly remember some new detail . We want that case against Chad to be airtight when it goes to court now , do nt we ?
Ben : That makes sense .
Rafe : Yeah .
Ben : Okay , so , let s do it .
Marlena : Do you want to talk about what happened in Chad s room ?
Sami : No . No , um-- and -- and , um , it s not that .
Marlena : What is it ? Is it something else ?
Sami : [ Sighs ]
Marlena : Oh . I m sorry , I m sorry . Oh , honey .
Sonny : I heard that-- Sami .
Sami : Oh , Sonny .
Sami : Oh , Sonny . Oh , I m so glad to see you .
Sonny : Not like this . Not like this .
Sami : No . No , Sonny .
Sonny : I ca nt believe this is why I m back .
Sami : No . No , none of us can believe it .
Sonny : I never should ve left town . I was such a coward for leaving .
Marlena : No , Sonny--
Sami : What ?
Marlena : That s not true .
Sonny : Will would be alive if I did nt leave town .
Marlena : No , no , Sonny , you re wrong . You re not responsible for what happened and you could nt have stopped it . Sami , tell him .
Sami : Of course . Sonny , you have to listen to-- you have to listen to my mom . You -- you talk to my mom , okay ? And I - I have to go . I have to-- I have to -- I m sorry . I have to get some air .
Marlena : Honey , Sonny just--
Sami : I know , I know , I have to go .
Marlena : Darling , oh , my gosh .
Sonny : She blames me .
Marlena : No . She does nt blame you . She s just-- she s all over the place right now , you know ? But she does nt judge , darling . She does nt judge , okay ? Everybody is just-- we re reeling . And Sami is just trying to ... she s just trying . Oh , honey . I m so sorry .
Marlena : I know , I know .
Eric : Sami .
Sami : Oh , hey .
Eric : What is it ?
Sami : I do nt know , I--
Eric : What happened ?
Sami : I just have something-- have you been drinking ?
Eric : I - I was with a friend .
Sami : Oh , oh , I m sorry . I did nt mean to interrupt your evening , I just--
Eric : I m sorry . It s fine . What s going on ?
Sami : Well , I wanted to talk to grandma about this , but you know what ? I ca nt , because I m not supposed to be here , and she does nt know about will , so I cant--
Eric : Sami , just breathe . Why would you call grandma ?
Sami : Well , because she s the only one who ever understood about--
Eric : About what ?
Sami : I m gon na tell you . But first , you have to promise me that you re not gon na say anything to anyone . And then , you ll also have to promise me that you ll be objective about this , okay ? You ll be clearheaded because I just need--
Eric : I promise . Just tell me .
Sami : When I went back to mom s , she pulled out all the mail she s been saving for me . And , um ... this was in the pile .
Eric : Handwriting is EJ ?
Sami : Yeah . What ?
Eric : Somebody could ve forged it .
Sami : What ? No ! I mean , maybe , but-- but they would nt have known what to write . And ... I mean , this is all really specific . It s really specific stuff that EJ knew would mean something to me .
Eric : Are you sure ? Remember , you lived in Stefano DiMera s mansion . For all you know , he could ve had the whole place wired .
Sami : Why are you saying this ?
Eric : Samantha , you asked me to be objective , clear - minded , right ? Okay ? I m just saying , I think you need to be skeptical about every word in that letter .
Ben : It s just so hard to relive it all , you know ?
Chad : It was you ! I thought it was your dad . I was sure he was doing it for you , cause I did nt think you were crazy enough to--
Ben : You re out of your mind .
Chad : Your dad was in jail when Will was killed .
Chad : So it had to be you .
Ben : Chad just busted in here and he started raving .
Rafe : That s what you said before , raving .
Ben : Yeah .
Rafe : Yeah . Can you describe it differently ? Any detail ? Besides raving ?
Ben : It was just this nonsense .
Chad : I m right .
Ben : Prove it .
Chad : I will prove it . I m gon na watch you rot in jail for the rest of your life .
Ben : All this nonsense babble .
Chad : First , I m gon na get Abigail as far away from you as I can .
Ben : You ca nt have her . She s mine ; I ll take her . He must ve said that to me ten times . You ca nt have her . She s mine ; I ll take her .
Rafe : And that s when it got violent ?
Chad : Where do you think you re going ?
Ben : I m calling the cops . There s an APB out for you .
Chad : No , no , no , I do nt think so .
Ben : Not at first . He was doing that whole broken record thing and I thought that was gon na be it , you know ? He d run his mouth , eventually he d calm down , and then we could just talk like adults . Then I turned around , or I looked away for a minute , and he sucker - punched me . I did nt even see it coming .
Rafe : But he did nt knock you out ? You fought back .
Chad : [ Grunts ] They ll know .
Ben : Who s gon na know ?
Chad : Abigail will know . I wo nt quit until you ...
Ben : Chad was so crazed , I did nt think I d have a chance . I guess I just got lucky . Otherwise I d be the one in the coma .
Rafe : Yeah .
Stefano : Stay away from my son .
Abigail : Me ? I - I tried to help your son .
Abigail : I did nt believe for a second that he was a murderer . I found a place for him to hide and I believed in him . Then he attacked Ben out of nowhere . I do nt understand why he would do something like that . He knew that the cops were already focused on him and Chad is smart enough to know what that would look like . Why would he do something so foolish ? So foolish if he was nt ... I do nt want to think it . I do nt want to believe that he s guilty , Stefano .
Sonny : Abigail ?
Abigail : Oh , my God . Oh , Sonny . I m so sorry .
Sonny : Yeah .
Abigail : I just ... none of this makes any sense at all .
Sonny : No . It does nt .
Abigail : Where are you staying ?
Sonny : My uncle Vic s .
Abigail : Okay . Good , I m sure your parents are really happy to see you . Please let them take care of you .
Sonny : You know , I went home .
Abigail : Yeah ?
Sonny : Yeah , I saw Gabi .
Abigail : You see Ari too ?
Sonny : No , I m not r-- I m not ready for that .
Abigail : It s okay .
Sonny : Yeah .
Abigail : It s okay . Thank God Gabi s here .
Sonny : I know .
Abigail : Listen , uh , do you want to , maybe , um , go for a walk or get a bite to eat maybe ? Just whatever you want , we can--
Sonny : No , no , I dont-- actually I have a few more people to go see .
Abigail : Okay .
Sonny : Is that the room ?
Abigail : Yes . Yeah . Chad s in a coma . But he ll be officially arrested if he ever wakes up .
Abigail : Okay .
Sonny : Chad is my best friend . He s will s best friend . They knew each other before . Like , they ve known each other forever . Abigail , this does nt make any sense . Like , I - I can-- my mind will not believe this .
Abigail : I know , I know . I know .
Ben : Is that it ?
Rafe : Yeah . That s it for now . But if other questions come up , I may need to get back to you .
Ben : Sure . Anytime .
Rafe : Okay . Good . How are you feeling , man ?
Ben : Oh , better , thank you .
Rafe : Good , good . All right .
Ben : All right .
Rafe : Hey . I remember what I forgot . Timing .
Ben : Excuse me ?
Rafe : Yeah , um , well , you and Chad , you were never friends . There s no secret there , right ?
Ben : No , no .
Rafe : Yeah , but , uh , well , he and Abigail , they broke up before you two started going out . Well , it s not like she dumped Chad to go out with you , right ?
Ben : Does nt mean he ever accepted it .
Rafe : Yeah . Yeah , but you guys have been going out for what , a year now ? And then there s the baby . Everyone pretty much knows about the baby , do nt they ? Yeah . So , see , that s -- that s the thing . That s the point that I do nt get . Cause it just does nt make sense . Why now ? What do you think , just suddenly escalated ? Why ?
Eric : Sami , I m sorry . But you asked .
Sami : I know .
Eric : What do you think ?
Sami : I think it s EJ . I do . Every word in it , it feels like EJ-- the feelings that I have when I read it , it s how we were . At the end .
Eric : So it s exactly what you d want to hear ?
Sami : Yeah . It s -- what happened to you ? When did you get so cynical ? Where is my twin brother ?
Eric : I m right here . I m just taking life as it comes . All right , just tell me why else you believe it , besides the fact that it s exactly what you d want to hear from EJ .
Sami : I never believed that EJ would just let some random junkie kill him . He would nt let a guy like that close to him .
Eric : All right . So now , you think that Stefano put a hit out ?
Sami : Well , he s capable of it , right ? And Stefano was so furious that EJ and I were back together , he would ve done anything , and EJ and I were aware of it , right ? EJ was trying to hold him off .
Eric : And what if it s true ? What then ?
Sami : Well , then Stefano is the reason that my husband was taken from me and my children . And if that is true , then Ill-- I will strangle him .
Eric : The way his other son killed your son ?
Sami : Stefano is responsible for taking my husband and my son from me . And I will make him pay .
Eric : If this is true .
Sami : You think it s a hoax ? You think I m supposed to just forget about it ? Is that what you re saying ?
Eric : No , that s not what I m saying . I m just asking questions .
Sami : So am I. I have to find out if this is real .
Ben : You guys at the Salem pd are smart . I m sure you ll figure it out .
Rafe : Yeah , but if we do nt talk to Chad ... I do nt know .
Ben : I think it kind of makes sense . The pressure just built and built . Chad lost Abigail , he kills those women , he goes on the run , maybe , he -- he decides he s gon na get caught anyway . So if he ca nt have Abigail , nobody can ... especially not me .
Rafe : Yeah .
Sami : The lawyer s information is right here on the envelope , so I can track him down , you know , and get him to explain this key to me .
Eric : Sami , what if that s taking the bait ?
Sami : You re right . You re right , it could be bait . I mean , I m glad you re thinking like this , cause that s -- that s exactly what I need , you know ? And we have to figure out what Stefano could be up to doing this . I ca nt think .
Eric : Of course you ca nt . Not right now .
Sami : Okay , but I ca nt just let it go either , right ? What should I do ?
Eric : Sami , Stefano is here . He s not going anywhere . And this letter is at least , what a year old , right ?
Sami : Well , it might be . But it also , just-- it feels really in my face , you know ? It feels right now I should do something .
Eric : It d certainly be a lot easier .
Sami : What ?
Eric : Well , it d be a lot easier seeking revenge on Stefano than what you came home to do .
Paul : I swear , I m not stalking you .
Sonny : I know . This is always the time that you like to run .
Paul : So ... what are your plans ?
Sonny : My plans ?
Paul : Yeah , after the funeral .
Sonny : I m just gon na make sure that Arianna is okay , and Gabi is okay . Then ... I m just gon na ... catch a flight back to , uh , to Paris . Why ?
Paul : Did you even think about staying ?
Sonny : Is that what you want ?
Paul : It s not for me . There are people here that can help you . Your daughter is here .
Sonny : That little girl ... she s two years old , Paul . How is it fair that I come back here for a week or two or -- or a month ... when I -- when I plan on leaving again ?
Paul : Do you know that ?
Sonny : I do nt know anything .
Paul : Maybe ... do nt make any sudden moves . Getting on a plane has always been your default . But , I mean , wherever you went , or at least , wherever we went , you always talked about family , home .
Sonny : [ Sniffs ] That s true . I - I just , I - I - I do not know what I m gon na do after tomorrow . That was good advice . Thank you .
Eric : So what are you gon na do ?
Sami : Bury my son tomorrow .
Eric : What about the day after that ?
Sami : I do nt know . You ll have to ask me then .
Eric : Okay , just promise me that you wo nt strangle Stefano . Do nt want dad to put you in jail .
Sami : He wo nt have to . Strangling is too good for Stefano anyway .
Eric : [ Sighs ]
Sami : Maybe whatever EJ left me in the safe deposit box ...
Andre : You re still five moves ahead , father . I - I think we have to hope that Chad stays in a coma . I think it s his best option right now ... until we figure a way to spirit him out of the hospital to a place of safety .
Stefano : Perhaps ... there is a third option .
Abigail : You ca nt be-- you ca nt be that monster . Excuse me , maam ?
Abigail : Nothing . Um ... nothing . [ Sighs ] No .
Rafe : Yeah . It makes sense .
Ben : I mean , maybe ... who knows ? The whole family is crazy , right ?
Rafe : That they are . I guess we ll see when Chad wakes up . If he wakes up . Take care .
Ben : [ Exhales deeply ] What happened to you ?
### Summary:
| Sami read a letter that was from EJ . In the letter , EJ made it seem like Stefano was responsible for what happened to him . EJ left a key to a safety deposit box for Sami if she wanted to use the ammo to protect herself . Rafe question Stefano about where Chad was during the murders . Stefano realized that Rafe thought Chad was innocent . Paul went to Sonny to offer his condolences for Will . Sonny explained how he felt when he found out about Will . Sami was about to leave the townhouse when Marlena stopped her . Rafe let Stefano know that he needed solid proof that Chad was innocent . Ben continued to let Abby think that Chad was responsible for what happened at the apartment . Abby was nt sure what to believe because she did nt think Chad was capable of doing that . Rafe showed up at the apartment to question Ben . Ben was ready for Rafe s questions . Marlena wanted to find out where Sami was going when Sonny showed up . Sonny hugged Sami and expressed how sorry he was that Will was dead . Sonny blamed leaving town as the reason why Will was dead . Marlena and Sami let him know that they did nt blame him . Sami wanted Sonny to talk to Marlena and that was how she was able to leave the townhouse . Eric met Sami at the park . She told Eric about EJ s letter . Eric thought the letter was a fake . Sami wanted to believe that it could be real . Ben began to explain what happened at the apartment . Abby ran into Stefano at the hospital . Stefano wanted her to stay away from Chad . Abby told Stefano that she thought Chad was innocent and told him about everything she did to help him . Stefano did nt want to hear anymore of what she had to say and left . Sonny arrived at the hospital at that time and talked to Abby . Sonny saw Chad room and thought it was weird that he would kill Will when they were friends . Abby did nt want to believe that either . Rafe thought it was weird that Chad would come after Ben for being with Abby when they were together for a year . Rafe did nt think that Chad would still be so hung up on Abby being with Ben . Ben had to keep coming up with excuses to explain why Chad would come after him . Eric tried to convince Sami that she should focus on Will and not the letter . Sami still wondered if EJ was trying to reach out to her . Rafe continued to have trouble with Ben s story . Rafe let Ben know that Chad could explain what happened if he woke up . After Rafe left , Ben started to panic . He ended up breaking a picture of him and Abby . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sonny : [ Clears throat ] Okay , so I have an idea about what I want to do next , and I was wondering what you guys think about it .
Adrienne : Okay , uh , what ?
Justin : Lay it on us .
Sonny : All right . I ve been thinking about ... starting Salem U next month .
Adrienne : Wow . Uh , eh , maybe that would be all right . Are you freakin kidding me ?
Sonny : She seems really excited .
Justin : I do nt know , Sonny . It is a lot of tuition .
Adrienne : [ Laughing ] Shut up . So you re gon na go to college . Y - y - you re gon na stay for a while .
Sonny : Yeah . I mean , I think so .
Adrienne : Oh , honey . Oh , my God !
Justin : [ Laughs ]
Abigail : Ugh !
Chad : So I m great , huh ?
Abigail : All right , do nt get a big head .
Chad : Mm , well , I did get a 2.65 average in summer school , so my head s not so big-- at least not the brainy part .
Abigail : Your brain is terrific , young man .
Chad : Mm .
Abigail : You were just distracted .
Chad : I was , was nt I ?
Abigail : Yes .
Chad : But you got all A s .
Abigail : Oh . A little competitive , are we ?
Chad : Maybe a little .
Abigail : Look , you had Calc and Chem . Your fall G.P.A. will be a lot better .
Chad : But I intend to be just as distracted in the fall .
Abigail : Oh , do you ? By what exactly ?
Daniel : You trust me ?
Jennifer : [ Laughing ] No .
Daniel : Hang on .
Jennifer : All these picnics--
Jennifer : Whoo ! You re spoiling me !
Daniel : That s in the lake .
Daniel : Well , I got real champagne glasses this time .
Jennifer : That s very nice . Thank you .
Daniel : Mm . Hope I m not getting boring .
Jennifer : Never .
Daniel : Thank goodness . Predictable ?
Jennifer : Nope .
Daniel : Hmm . Well , if it is too much too soon , you would tell me , yeah ?
Jennifer : I would tell you . But it s not too much , and it s not too soon . What it is , is wonderful . And I realize -- I know that I almost screwed everything up between us , but I m not gon na do that again . I m not gon na go backwards . Everything that I said to you last night I meant with my whole heart . I - I want to move on with you . I do .
Daniel : Cheers .
Gabi : Will , say something . Are you freaking out ?
Will : Uh , no . [ Sighs ] It s just five kids is a lot .
Gabi : Not in my family it s not .
Will : I love being a big brother . You know that . It s just I - I thought that with Sydney finally getting out of diapers , you know , and going to preschool-- I do nt know-- I thought Mom and Rafe would want some time for themselves , you know ?
Gabi : Yeah , well , my-- my mother always says that a baby is always a blessing . And as the baby of my family , I think I have to agree . [ Chuckles ]
Will : I agree , too .
Sami : Hi .
Rafe : Hey .
Gabi : Hey ! Congratulations !
Rafe : What ?
Gabi : Um , we saw the pregnancy test in the trash , and , you know , it s probably not the way you wanted us to find out , but we re so happy for you .
Abigail : And I guess I lose .
Chad : Another round ?
Abigail : So I can kill someone with a flying cue ball ? No , thanks .
Chad : That s fine by me . I guess pool s not really your strong suit , huh ?
Abigail : No . Mm .
Chad : Guess there s plenty of other things that we could do .
Abigail : Oh .
Chad : Um , just , uh--
Abigail : You could ve gotten that .
Chad : Yeah , you know , it s , uh -- it s nobody -- nobody important , so ...
Abigail : It was your dad , was nt it ?
Chad : Uh ... yeah .
Abigail : He is important . He s important to you .
Chad : Look , I moved out of the house , okay ? I left the family .
Abigail : Yeah , but he s still calling you .
Chad : And I m still ignoring , so I would ve done the same thing , even if you were nt here .
Abigail : I did nt realize he was still trying to reach out to you . You know , you could ve told me about that .
Chad : Uh , what would the point be ? I know my family drives you crazy .
Abigail : Yeah , they do . They re pretty much out of our lives now , Chad , and they re still causing problems for us . I mean , is that ever gon na change ?
Chad : [ Sighs ]
Carly : You -- you have nothing to be sorry for . It s me . I m the one who needs your forgiveness .
Nicholas : Mom--
Carly : No , listen to me . I took your father away from you . I hurt you in the worst possible way . How can you ever-- can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me ?
Daniel : Go ! Go ! Go !
Jennifer : I m freezing . I m freezing , freezing ...
Daniel : All right . Hold on . Here . Come here . Okay , here you go . Okay , come on .
Jennifer : Okay , yeah ... oh ! It does nt feel that cold when you re swimming around in there .
Daniel : That s cause we were having too much fun .
Jennifer : I know . That was fun . I did nt know you could surf a two - inch wave . [ Laughs ]
Daniel : Well , you got some latent talent there .
Jennifer : Yeah .
Daniel : I dare say .
Jennifer : You know , it s so funny . I spent most of my adult life in Salem , and the last time that I was here , I mean , I swam , but I just really laid back and relaxed . But I was only 16 years old .
Daniel : Oh , was that a year ago , something like that ?
Jennifer : Yeah , yeah .
Jennifer : It was too long ago .
Daniel : Yeah ?
Jennifer : You know what ?
Daniel : Hmm ?
Jennifer : You re good for me .
Daniel : No , no , no . You re good for me .
Jennifer : Are we gon na argue about this ?
Daniel : Well , we could . And then we could make up .
Jennifer : That s a good idea .
Daniel : Let s do that .
Jennifer : [ Laughs ]
Sonny : So ... guess what . Everything okay here ?
Abigail : Yeah , fine .
Chad : Yeah , totally . It s great .
Sonny : All right , so I just broke the news to my parents that I m transferring to Salem U.
Abigail : What ? Are you kidding me ? That s great !
Sonny : I know . That s what they said .
Chad : And your parents are okay with it ?
Sonny : Yeah , it seems like it . I was telling em about how the business school has an entrepreneur program , and they liked that part .
Abigail : They re gon na teach you how to be an entrepreneur ? Sonny !
Sonny : [ Laughs ]
Chad : Well , the , uh , basic principle of entrepreneurship is to make a ton of money without doing any of the actual work .
Abigail : Oh , stop .
Sonny : Well , I see it as a retirement program for the young and the fashionable . All right , just picture me sitting in my mansion , living off my dividends of salemunited.com or something like that . I think it has a ring to it .
Chad : Ah , so you re living off the social climbing of your peers , huh ?
Sonny : That s the whole idea . You like it ?
Chad : Maybe . What are you gon na do for money ... sell advertising ?
Sonny : That s why you have to come work for me . Selling advertising-- that s brilliant . You re dating a genius .
Abigail : Oh .
Sonny : I was gon na use people s credit card information to buy stuff .
Chad : Well , no , you do nt put your credit card information into a Facebook , right ?
Sonny : Very detail oriented . Come work with me . Come on .
Chad : Uh , you know what ? I -- you know , a DiMera and a Kiriakis going into business together -- that , uh , I dont-- I do nt know about that .
Sonny : [ Laughs ] It d be great press . And besides , I suck at computers . Okay , to me , a platform will always be made by Jimmy Choo .
Chad : [ Laughs ]
Abigail : Oh , Sonny .
Sonny : I m just saying .
Chad : You know what ? I-- yeah , I , uh -- you know , I do nt know if I m gon na have enough time this semester , so , you know , maybe you might want to look around , but--
Sonny : Will you think about it ?
Chad : Uh ... sure , Sonny .
Sonny : Great . All right . Well , I got to go .
Abigail : Bye .
Sonny : See ya .
Abigail : He s staying . He s staying in Salem . I ca nt believe that .
Chad : You look happy .
Abigail : I am ! And I m sorry about what I said before . Look , I know it s not your fault that he keeps calling you . And you ca nt do anything about it .
Chad : [ Sighs ]
Abigail : You re going through a hard time , and I want to support you . I do nt want to make this harder for you .
Chad : You re not .
Abigail : And I also do nt want you to shut me out . You can still talk to me and tell me stuff , because if you start shutting me out , then your dad gets exactly what he wants -- me out of your life .
Chad : That s -- that s not gon na happen , okay ?
Abigail : Okay , good . Do you ever wonder what it would be like if our families did nt hate each other ?
Chad : Uh , you know what ? It does nt matter . It only matters what we do , and we can make this work , all right ? It s up to us .
Abigail : Okay .
Will : Mom . Rafe . Wow . Um , it s a good thing I m going to Salem U , cause you guys are gon na need some more room .
Sami : Ha . Uh ...
Will : What ?
Rafe : Well , we did nt tell you about , uh ... that because it s -- it s a false alarm .
Will : You mean there s no baby ?
Rafe : No , no .
Gabi : Oh , I m -- I m so sorry . I thought the tests were--
Rafe : What , 99 % accurate ? Yeah , well , leave it to us to be in the other 1 % , right ?
Sami : We like to be different .
Gabi : Well , you know that if you get pregnant , um , you ve got two awesome babysitters right here .
Rafe : That s great . So what were you guys up to ?
Will : Uh , video games ... rated E.
Gabi : Are nt you glad you do nt have an overprotective big brother ?
Will : That would be me , actually . Just wait until Allie and Sydney are dating . Actually , and if there s another baby ...
Sami : [ Laughs ]
Rafe : Yeah , so , uh , you guys were gon na catch a movie , were nt you ?
Will : Uh , yeah .
Rafe : Would nt want to be late .
Will : Yeah , we better go .
Sami : Just call me if you re gon na be late , okay ?
Will : Okay .
Gabi : Bye , guys .
Will : Bye .
Rafe : See ya .
Sami : Thank you .
Rafe : I m so sorry .
Nicholas : Mom , there s only one thing you need to be thinking about right now , okay ? And that s getting better .
Carly : You know why I m here ?
Nicholas : God , if you did this because of me , I--
Carly : No . No .
Nicholas : Well , I did nt help . I was too busy thinking about me that I did nt allow myself to think about how much you were suffering , too .
Carly : I would nt have wanted you to , Nicky .
Nicholas : I just-- I keep thinking about when I was little , you know , before , uh , I even knew you were my mother and when we found out ...
Carly : [ Laughs ]
Nicholas : How you gave up everything to give me a family . We were happy .
Carly : Oh , yeah , we were .
Nicholas : Then I grew up ... and you were nt happy for a long time . And I knew it . But I left . I left you with him .
Carly : No . Baby , you -- you went and did the right thing . You went and you lived your life .
Nicholas : And you deserve to live yours , okay ? I - I did nt want to know how bad it was -- the hell you were going through . If I had , then ...
Carly : Oh , baby . No , it s okay . It s okay .
Nicholas : Mom . I m gon na find a way to make this up to you , okay ? I promise .
Daniel : Mm . You warm now ? You warm now ?
Jennifer : Yes , yes !
Daniel : Okay .
Jennifer : Much warmer .
Daniel : Good .
Jennifer : You know , it s funny . When I -- when I look at this place , I feel like-- you know , I feel like this is our place . But when I came back and went to Salem High ...
Daniel : Mm - hmm .
Jennifer : I m sort of ashamed to tell you this is where everybody made out . This was the place .
Daniel : Right here ?
Jennifer : Yeah .
Daniel : Some good memories , then , huh ?
Jennifer : Well , no . I broke up with my prom date right here .
Daniel : What ? No , not on prom night you didnt--
Jennifer : Yeah , I did .
Daniel : You did ? That s cold .
Jennifer : He was hitting on my best friend ! That s cold .
Daniel : Oh , okay , okay . That was nt cool , all right ? What , is he an idiot ? Going to the prom with the prettiest girl in school and not recognizing he had all this , huh ?
Jennifer : Thank you , but I do nt think so .
Daniel : He was an idiot .
Jennifer : I just do nt think I do a very good job of picking the men in my life ... until now , of course .
Daniel : You mean like right now ?
Jennifer : I mean like you , right n--
Daniel : You mean like I can kiss you like right now ?
Jennifer : Yeah .
Daniel : Okay .
Will : So I m sorry . I know we got caught up with stuff at my mom s place , but I did not think the movie would sell out .
Gabi : Actually , you know what ? To tell you the truth , it s okay . Um , I d rather spend time with you without interruptions , like special effects or people munching on popcorn , people making out behind us .
Will : Well , when you put it that way ...
Tad : So am I gon na see you tonight ? Busy doing what ? You know what , Kinsey ? Why do nt you try getting over yourself ?
Will : You look so pretty today .
Gabi : Really ?
Will : Mm - hmm .
Gabi : Thanks .
Tad : So I hear you two lovebirds finally hooked up .
Will : Okay , shut your mouth .
Gabi : Did Kinsey tell you something ?
Tad : Duh . You should probably make better choices in who you confide in .
Gabi : I thought she was my friend .
Tad : That bitch is nt anybody s friend ... not mine , anyways . And here comes the reason why .
Rafe : Hey , how you feeling ?
Sami : Are you gon na ask me that 100 times every day ?
Rafe : I m sorry .
Sami : Oh , do nt be sorry .
Rafe : No , it s --
Sami : It s sweet . It s sweet . Fine mostly , you know ? I m okay .
Rafe : Okay . So are you gon na tell Will ?
Sami : No , I do nt want to be a burden to him , especially if it turns out to be nothing .
Rafe : Yeah , and it probably will turn out to be nothing . Yeah . Well , I think we should do what Lexie said . As impossible as it sounds , we should just try and get our minds off of this thing .
Sami : I do nt see how .
Rafe : Well , I do . Now , why do nt you go get dressed ? I have an idea .
Sami : Okay .
Rafe : A good one .
Sami : [ Laughs ] Of course .
Chad : So I ve been thinking ...
Abigail : About ?
Chad : Us .
Abigail : Uh - oh .
Chad : Not uh - oh . So we keep coming back to the same problem , right ? My family s my family , try as I pretend to think they re not .
Abigail : I guess .
Chad : So I have a three - part plan .
Abigail : Really ?
Chad : Part one ...
Abigail : Oh , and where did you get that ?
Chad : That leads me to part two -- keep the mystery alive .
Abigail : Wow . I m getting nervous to ask what part three might be .
Chad : Ah , that part we must work on ... as much as possible .
Abigail : Oh ?
Jennifer : Thank you for such an amazing day .
Daniel : No , no , no . Thank you .
Jennifer : I kind of wish you did nt have to work . I do nt want this to end .
Daniel : Maybe I do nt . I mean , maybe I called , uh , Dr. Davis , got him to cover my shift for me . And you know that new Italian restaurant you were telling me about ? Yeah , I got us reservations .
Jennifer : What ? They re booked two months ahead .
Daniel : Yeah , I got peeps in high places-- yep , table for two with the perfect view .
Jennifer : Wait a minute . You re amazing .
Daniel : No , no , no , you are amazing .
Jennifer : No , I mean , it s just ...
Daniel : What ? It s just what ?
Jennifer : It s just , you know , Jack was a journalist , so ... I mean , if a pedestrian got bit by a dog , he was off , he was running , he was gon na get that story . And you re a surgeon . You save people s lives . But you still make me feel like I come first .
Daniel : You should . You do always . Get used to it .
Adrienne : He s staying in Salem .
Justin : Uh - huh . I heard you the third time .
Adrienne : Well , I miss being a mom , okay ? I miss having the boys underfoot all the time . [ Sighs ]
Justin : Yeah , those were crazy , happy times .
Adrienne : [ Laughing ] Yes . And , uh , I was kind of beginning to wonder if Sonny was developing a wanderlust .
Justin : You were really afraid ?
Adrienne : Mm - hmm .
Justin : Because you would be worried about him all the time , or because you were afraid that he was taking after your brother ?
Adrienne : Both . You know , I could nt call Jack when Sonny came out to us . I ca nt call him now to tell him Sonny s going to school here in Salem . He probably does nt even know Abigail s going to school here . I could just shoot him .
Justin : And you miss him .
Adrienne : [ Sighs ] Yeah , I do . You know what ? That s the worst part . I miss the big , dumb jerk .
Will : Okay . Can you stop looking at him like that , please ?
Tad : I still ca nt believe he let Kinsey take that picture of me and him .
Will : Oh , my God , man . You are still bent out of shape over that picture ?
Tad : You d be bent out of shape , too , if everyone thought you were gay .
Gabi : T , you re actually making me ill with your stupid homophobic paranoia , okay ? Would you just get over it ? Everybody else has .
Tad : Easy for you to say . Sonny s not messing up your life .
Will : How is he messing up your life ?
Tad : I ve hardly even talked to you since old man Kiriakis came in to rescue his gay nephew .
Sonny : Hey .
Tad : Go to hell .
Gabi : T.
Sonny : [ Scoffs ] I m sorry , man . I literally do not know what else to do .
Will : No , do nt worry about it .
Sonny : I know , but he was , you know , like , your best friend .
Gabi : Yeah , till he became a bigoted moron .
Sonny : Okay , listen , all right , the reason I came over here is I wanted to let you guys know I m transferring to Salem U. Is that not good news ?
Gabi : Are you kidding me ? That s great news ! Oh , that s awesome . Oh , what classes do you have ? I mean , we have to have classes together , right ?
Tad : We will . We can walk together , you know ?
Will : Yeah .
Gabi : That s awesome ! I m so excited .
Sonny : I am as well . Hey babe , thanks for going shopping .
Nicholas : You okay ?
Carly : Yeah . Yeah , yeah .
Nicholas : Need to go sit down ?
Carly : No , no , I want to keep going . We did , like , a whole what , 30 feet ?
Nicholas : Hey . Small Victories .
Carly : Yeah , well , I did nt think I d make it this far , so ...
Nicholas : Yeah . Neither did I. When I came to see you yesterday , you did nt even know I was there . You know , you were crying out and thrashing around . You really looked like you were going through hell .
Carly : Well , I was . But then I had this dream that-- that you were there , and suddenly I felt like everything was gon na be oaky . Does that sound crazy ?
Nicholas : No .
Carly : So I fought my way back . And then I realized that it was nt a dream . It was ... really you .
Sonny : So the other reason I was looking for you is I m thinking about launching an unofficial Salem U social website .
Will : Really ?
Sonny : Yeah . I mean , it s worth a shot . I just have one problem . I need a partner , cause I m not good with the algorithms or whatever you call em .
Gabi : Well , then you ve come to the right place .
Sonny : Now , I talked to Chad . He likes the idea . So are you interested ?
Will : Uh ... well , um , I m good with math , and I like fooling around with computers , but , uh , I ve never designed a website or anything , so ...
Sonny : How hard can it be ?
Will : [ Laughs ] You just said that you do nt know anything about computers .
Sonny : Yeah , but I have faith in you . That s why I m coming to you , cause I have faith , all right ? So will you help me ?
Tad : Hi .
Girl : Hi . Do I know you ?
Tad : Uh , you sat next to me at orientation . You borrowed my pen . Anyway , um , so there s -- there s a party at one of the fraternities that I m thinking about rushing . You want to go with me ?
Girl : I m pretty sure I m busy .
Tad : Why ? Because you saw that picture of me on Sonny Kiriakis wall , and you think I m gay ?
Girl : [ Scoffs ] I go to parties with gay guys . It s dirtbags I have a problem with .
Tad : Bite me .
Sonny : [ Sighs ]
Rafe : But seriously , I bet this thingll make Sydney cry . Look at it .
Sami : It s still better than the goldfish . They would ve loved it , and then it would ve died three days later .
Rafe : Well ...
Sami : But I am sorry I was such a downer at the carnival . I mean , it was a great idea . I just--
Rafe : What ? You just-- you were nt in the mood to eat a corndog that d been sitting under a heat lamp for a week or scream your brains out on the tilt - a- whirl ? [ Chuckles ] What was I thinking ?
Sami : You were thinking that you wanted to distract me , and you get an A for effort . I do nt know what I would ve done without you .
Rafe : Well , you re never gon na have to worry about that , cause I m always gon na be here ... always .
Sami : I hope I m always here for you . My , my . What have we here ?
Abigail : Sorry about that .
Chad : Is everything okay ?
Abigail : Yeah . My mom just wanted to let me know she s not gon na be home for dinner .
Chad : Ah , somebody s got a hot date .
Abigail : Yeah , I guess .
Chad : You okay ?
Abigail : Yeah , I m okay . Yes , I m fine . Daniel s a great guy . He -- he treats my mom like royalty . She s so happy with him , and , you know , she s been through a lot , so she really deserves that .
Chad : Yeah , well , you kind of sound like you re convincing yourself , so ...
Abigail : Uh ... in my head , it s great ... but in my heart , not so much . When I was a little girl , my mom and dad got divorced , and it killed me . I worked so hard to get the two of them back together . I was a nut , and then ... and then it happened . We were supposed to be one big , happy family again ... but it just didnt -- didnt work out that way .
Chad : Sorry to hear that .
Abigail : You know , I know that -- I know no one has the perfect family , but nobody had my dad either . I mean , when he was around , he was amazing . He was fun and games and-- and trips to Paris . And then when he was gone , he was just ... he was just gone ... like off the face of this earth gone . You know , I saw what it did to JJ and to my mom ...
Chad : And to you ?
Abigail : Yeah , and to me ... over and over and over again . But I love him . You know , I ca nt help it . He s my dad . And I guess in some way , there s still a small part of me that just really wants my family back .
Jennifer : [ Chuckles ] Whew ! I do not know ... if I got enough room to eat dinner . Just kidding .
Daniel : You re killing me . You re killing me .
Jennifer : But I do nt know how , how , how you are gon na top this afternoon .
Daniel : Hmm .
Jennifer : But you know what ? I have a sneaking suspicion you ll find a way .
Daniel : Oh , I will . I ll find a way .
Jennifer : Okay .
Nurse : Goodness . I did nt expect to see you out of bed for quite a while .
Carly : Yeah , I did nt either .
Nurse : Well , I m glad the doctor allowed you a visitor .
Carly : Me too .
Nurse : Speaking of , Dr. Norman was just on her way to your room to check on you .
Carly : Oh . Well , I d better get going , then .
Nicholas : I ll help you .
Carly : No , honey , I want to walk the hallway by myself .
Nicholas : All right . Sure .
Carly : Okay .
Nicholas : I ll be there soon .
Carly : Okay .
Nicholas : Tell me ... she s through the worst part now , right ?
Nurse : Physically , yes . Emotionally , you should be prepared that the hard part is yet to come .
Nicholas : Sure . It must be really tough .
Nurse : Some patients are nt strong enough .
Nicholas : To what-- kick the habit ?
Nurse : And live .
Sonny : So you ll think about it ?
Will : [ Sighs ] Okay . Okay , I ll think about it .
Tad : Look at them-- my friends ... hanging out with that bastard instead of me . You think you won , gay boy ? You re wrong .
Rafe : Of course , you re always gon na be there with me . Are you crazy ? Till we re old and gray and ca nt remember each other s names .
Sami : [ Laughs ] You know I m a terrible sick person .
Rafe : Well ...
Sami : Even when I was a kid , Eric would have to wait on me hand and foot . I m gon na drive you crazy .
Rafe : Yeah , well , like I m not used to that .
Sami : [ Gasps ]
Rafe : Ohh ! Hey , listen , I just want you to know , whatever this is , if it s serious , I am gon na do whatever it takes to make you well .
Sami : While you re taking care of the kids and working full - time ? That s too much .
Rafe : Too much ? Crazy . I will not forget what I promised you on our wedding day -- better , worse , sickness , health . Our love will get us through .
Kate : I watched as you destroyed two of my sons lives .
Chloe : She was gon na find proof that I m a hooker and then use it to take Parker away from me . You set me up . Damn you !
### Summary:
| At the rehab center , Carly recalled hearing Nicholas voice in her room . Carly talked about her condition with the nurse . Nicholas visited Carly again . Will and Gabi were at the loft . Gabi hinted that she and Will could have sex again . Will seemed hesitant about that . Will tripped over a garbage can and Gabi saw Sami s pregnancy tests and thought Sami was pregnant . Sami wanted to know if she had cancer . Lexie told her they have to wait and see . Sami and Lexie continued to talk about Sami s condition . Rafe assured Sami they would get through this together . Later Sami and Rafe went home and saw Gabi and Will . Sami told them that she s not pregnant . At the Brady Pub , Will apologized to Gabi because the movie sold out . T showed up and revealed that he knew Will and Gabi had sex . T also started ranting about kissing and Sonny . He believed Sonny was messing up his life . Rafe and Sami talked about her condition . Rafe wanted to know if she s going to tell Will . She did nt want to burden Will if it turned out to be nothing . Rafe believed it will be nothing . He wanted her to get dressed because he had an idea . Justin and Adrienne were on the pier and talked about Sonny staying in Salem and not being able to contact Jack . Sonny told Will and Gabi that he and Chad are going to start an unofficial website . Sonny wanted Will s help too . T walked up to a girl . He tried to ask her out , but she turned him down . He thought it was because she saw the picture of him with Sonny . She did nt have a problem with homosexuals . She had a problem with jerks . T glared at Sonny and prepared to get even with him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
John : What are you doing here ?
Sonia : It s not what it looks like .
John : It looks a lot like unlawful entry . And it looks like you re under arrest .
Antonio : You two are always huddled together , whispering . I want to know what it s about .
Carlotta : We re just talking about a mutual friend from our past .
Antonio : Stop lying to me , mami ! We were almost killed in Puerto Rico , all because of Manuel Santi s money . Now , I want to know why did my palm print open the Santi bank vaults ? How am I connected to Manuel Santi ? Tell me .
Todd : Hello , Blair . What are you doing here ?
Blair : What are you doing here , Todd ?
Kelly : You want me to sign that , giving you sole custody of Ace because you think you re going to lose in court today .
Kevin : I am not going to lose . I m just trying to save you from a public ordeal , Kelly .
Kelly : I am not signing anything . If I do , I know I will never see my son again . I will see you in court . Get the hell out of here !
Kevin : I m going to destroy you in the courtroom , ok ? You re going to lose the kid one way or another . Even if the unthinkable happened -- even if the judge ruled in your favor -- I would just tell everyone how and where you got Ace , and they would take him away from you so fast --
Kelly : Yeah , I do nt think you d do that , because then you d lose him , too .
Kevin : You just do nt get it , do you , Kel ? I will do whatever I have to to keep Ace away from you .
Sonia : I m under arrest ? Hmm . Windows closed . The door has nt been jimmied . I do nt see any signs of unlawful entry . Do you , detective ?
John : Oh , this -- this is rich . I got to hear this one . How d you get in here ?
Sonia : I m the new maid . I have a key .
John : And I m the pool man . Try again .
Sonia : Antonio s family .
John : Oh . You break into all your family members homes ?
Sonia : Well , I want to talk to him , and I stopped by . The door was unlocked . It was practically hanging wide open .
John : Door ? This door was wide open ?
Sonia : Mm - hmm , yeah .
John : Funny , that does nt sound like Antonio at all , especially after everything that went down in Puerto Rico .
Sonia : Exactly . So I just had to make sure that he and Jessica were all right . I just wanted to check things out .
John : Hmm . You thought maybe they d been locked in a drawer .
Sonia : I was looking for a pencil and a piece of paper . Write them a note , let them know I stopped by , and to tell them to be more careful about locking up when they leave . I care about them .
John : Ah . Yeah . Yeah . You know , I m betting if I look in your purse , I m going to find a really , really good set of lock picks .
Sonia : Oh , you might . But if you re anything like me , you re going to find everything but the thing you re looking for .
John : Funny how that works .
Sonia : Mm - hmm , it is . You always this suspicious of people , lieutenant ?
John : Not all people .
Sonia : So I m special .
John : Very special .
Sonia : By the way , how s that murder investigation going -- Padilla s guy ?
John : What the hell . Want to grab a cup of coffee ? I ll fill you in .
Tico : When s the big day ?
Jessica : We have nt set a date yet .
Tico : What are you waiting for ?
Jessica : Well --
Tico : You and Antonio probably ca nt wait to get married .
Jessica : Absolutely . Um -- yeah . I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him , and I m pretty sure he feels the same way . But you know weddings . They take over your whole life . Planning them , really -- there s flower arrangements to buy , and -- and then I have to pick a dress , and then there s fittings for the dress . And -- well , I just got into the journalism program at L.U. , the graduate journalism program , and it s going to be really demanding . And -- well , Antonio , he s -- work has been kind of complicated with him lately , and he s just been so busy .
Tico : Jessica , what s wrong ?
Carlotta : Mijo , the secret is we re as much in the dark as you are about why you were the only one who could access Manny s filthy money .
Antonio : And you ? What about you ?
Angelina : I wish I could help you --
Antonio : Then do ! For God s sake , mami , we were almost killed . How could you have such little respect for my life or yours ?
Carlotta : Antonio , you know how much l love you . I would do anything for you . But there s nothing that I could tell you to help you .
Antonio : You can . Yes , you can . And so can you ! Both of you . I got a feeling that I m right in the middle of this . That s why I was the only one that could access Manuel Santi s $ 100 million . For God s sake , do nt I have a right to know ?
Carlotta : There s not any secret !
Antonio : Do nt -- just tell me what I need to know !
Carlotta : Angelina !
Antonio : I m not going to stop . It s not ending here . I m not going to stop till I know the truth . Angelina . Do nt go , please . Please . If I came on too strongly , I did nt mean to scare you . Sometimes I do nt realize how angry I can get . I need your help . Estoy tratando de proteger a mi familia , Angelina , por favor . Stay . Talk to me .
Todd : When I called you , you said you did nt want to come to this custody hearing , that you did not want to .
Blair : Well , I changed my mind . What are you here for , really ? You here to see Kevin lose custody of Ace ?
Todd : He s already lost Craze and he s lost the mansion . He s on quite a roll . You ?
Blair : I want to support Kelly . She is in trouble , Todd , and she is barely holding it together .
Todd : Yeah . Kevin will probably use that against her , too . He ll do anything he can to make sure that she loses that baby .
Kelly : You stay away from my son . You stay away from me . Get out ! Dorian ! Dorian !
Kevin : Kelly , you ca nt stop me , ok ?
Dorian : What is it ? Kevin , what are you doing here ? Get out of this house !
Evangeline : Kevin , you have to leave now !
Dorian : How dare you sneak into our home !
Kelly : He threatened me he threatened to take Ace away from me , and he wo nt leave .
Evangeline : What ?
Kevin : I was just trying to work out a custody agreement for Ace before the hearing . It s going to be very hard on Kelly , especially since she s already halfway around the bend as it is .
Kelly : Get out !
Dorian : Yes , out !
Kevin : All right . I m sorry we could nt work out a deal . I really am .
Evangeline : You should not be here , Kevin , and you know that .
Duke : Yeah . What are you doing here ?
Kevin : What are you doing here ?
Duke : I told you , I was going to testify for Kelly . Maybe you should reconsider this whole hearing .
Kevin : No , we need to talk about this .
Duke : You know what , at this point , there s not much to say , and you need to leave .
Kevin : Excuse me ?
Evangeline : You better believe that the judge is going to hear about this . Now go , before you make this any harder on yourself .
Kevin : You ll see that I m right .
Kelly : It s ok , sweetheart .
Dorian : Are you all right , Kelly ? Kelly ? Answer me , sweetheart . Are you all right ? You re strong , honey . You re as strong as they come . Do nt let Kevin do anything to undermine you .
Kelly : He scared me . He was suddenly just there .
Evangeline : What he did is unacceptable . And when the judge hears about this , he s going to start off with one strike against him .
Duke : I ca nt believe he tried to pull that . Blair was right -- he is so selfish .
Kelly : I just wish Blair was nt so angry .
Dorian : Yes , I m very disappointed in her , but -- but do nt think about Blair . Does nt matter , ok , because you ve got me , you ve got Evangeline , and you ve got Duke here . Kevin s own son is on your side . Ho - ho . There s no doubt about it . The judge is going to rule in your favor .
Kelly : Where s Ace ?
Dorian : He s upstairs with the nanny , honey .
Kelly : I need to see him . I need to be with him . He needs me .
Evangeline : What we need to do is get to the courthouse , because the sooner we get this hearing behind us , the sooner you can enjoy your son and not have to worry about him being taken away .
Dorian : You are so right about that , right ? She needs to focus . She needs to concentrate right now on the hearing .
Evangeline : Exactly .
Dorian : And that s all .
Evangeline : Thank you . Thank you , Dorian .
Dorian : Yeah . Give it her best effort . You can do this , right , Kelly ?
Evangeline : Kelly , we need to know now , because when this hearing starts , it s going to be too late to back out .
Kelly : I can do it .
Todd : Hey , Kev .
Kevin : I m surprised you two are able to tear yourselves away from your new home .
Blair : Look , if you ll just back off Kelly and give her custody of Ace , we ll give the mansion back .
Todd : Like hell .
Blair : Todd , just shut up , all right ?
Kevin : You two are quite a pair . You really do deserve each other . Amazing .
Blair : Look , I know how you feel about us , but why are you taking it out on Kelly ?
Kevin : Look , I do nt have to bargain with you , Blair . I m going to get my grandfather s mansion back . It s my next court date , and I ll win that one just like I m going to win this one .
Todd : Do nt bet on it . It s my child you re fighting for custody over , is nt it ? That s what you re going to tell the court .
Blair : Todd , we all know that the baby is not yours . The baby is not yours , either , Kevin . And why are you doing this to Kelly ?
Kevin : Well , Kelly s not the baby s biological mother .
Blair : Kelly is the only mother that baby has known , and she loves him .
Kevin : Well , I m the only father that baby knows , and I love him , too .
Blair : Really ?
Kevin : I do nt have to explain myself to you . The fact is Kelly s not fit to raise a child .
Todd : What the hell was that all about ?
Blair : Look , I m trying to save Kelly from --
Todd : No , bull ! We re not going to give anything to that son of a -- no , he s lost -- he s losing everything bit by bit . I m going to see to it .
Blair : Would you stop it ?
Todd : Today it s --
Blair : Stop it . You and Kevin are both egomaniacs .
Todd : Whoa .
Blair : This is nt about you , Todd . This is about a baby here ! Do nt you see that ?
Todd : What s gotten into you ?
John : How we doing on that coffee , Ms. Vega ?
Carlotta : Oh , I m so sorry . It s coming right up .
John : It s ok . It s good service here . It s good .
Sonia : So , no progress on the Octavio Vigil case , huh ?
John : We hit a snag .
Sonia : Hmm . What a shame .
John : Hmm . It s funny , though . Whenever your name comes up in the investigation , the next street s always a dead end . Thank you .
Carlotta : You re welcome .
Sonia : I already told you , I m not with the Santi family .
John : Whatever . I ll give you this -- you re good at covering your tracks . And in the end , I m sure you ll get everything you deserve .
Sonia : So why do you keep hounding me ?
John : Just bored . I finally finished reading that book I started , and there s nothing but reruns on TV . By the way , who were the two guys at the construction site with you last night ?
Sonia : I do nt know what you re talking about .
John : Come on . Your two friends at the construction site . Just -- who were they ?
Sonia : I was nt at any construction site last night .
John : Yeah , you were . And I think I know what you were talking about .
Tico : Forgive me if my asking about your engagement upset you .
Jessica : No , no , it did nt . It s just everything that s been happening over the past couple months , I guess it just all hit me . I mean , I almost lost my mother , and then -- and Antonio -- huh . It s like every time he leaves the house , even if it s just to go for a cup of coffee or to take Jamie to the sitter -- I m so scared it s the last time I m ever going to see him again . He almost died in Puerto Rico .
Tico : But he did nt . And your mother s recovery is going extremely well , from what I ve been told . As for Antonio , he s smart , he s excellent at what he does , and he loves you and his daughter far too much to let anything happen to him .
Jessica : I know . I get that . It s just -- he s obsessed with this bringing down the Santi organization , and he s not thinking clearly at all . And -- it s like he s not going to stop , no matter how much danger he puts himself in .
Tico : Have the two of you spoken about this ? Have you told him how afraid you are ?
Jessica : Only about a million times . But we had a really great talk when he got back from Puerto Rico . We really opened up to each other . We were really honest , and , I do nt know , I felt that we were on the same page about things .
Tico : So what happened ?
Jessica : He started shutting me out again . He kept on putting himself in danger , no matter how many times I begged him not to , and he wo nt even listen . It s like he does nt even care --
Tico : You re not only afraid for Antonio . You re angry at him , are nt you ?
Antonio : Estoy tratando de proteger a mi mama . Angelina , those -- those men in Puerto Rico , they would have shot her -- and me without a second thought . The man calling the shots , he s still out there -- El Tiburon . With my uncle s money , he can rebuild the Santi organization . That would mean a lot of trouble for all of us , Tico and Sonia included .
Angelina : What do you want from me ? What do you want me to do ?
Antonio : You and mami -- you re keeping a secret . I think it involves me and the Santis somehow .
Angelina : No , no , no . There is no secret .
Antonio : Please , it may help corner El Tiburon , prevent him from coming to power . Por favor , Angelina , help me put him behind bars so that he ca nt hurt anyone ever again .
Angelina : Antonio , believe me . If I -- if I could -- if I could help you , I would .
Antonio : There s something you ve been wanting to tell me , Angelina .
Angelina : No .
Antonio : Angelina , if -- if you know something about the Santis , anything -- anything , if you re keeping a secret , Angelina , you could be in danger , too . Please . I swear on my life I will protect you , but you need to tell me . Are Tico and Sonia involved ? Are they connected to El Tiburon ?
Dorian : Kelly , be brave .
Evangeline : Just stick to the kind of answers we practiced a few days ago . You ll be fine .
Blair : Kelly .
Kelly : What are you doing here ?
Blair : I came to stand by you . We re family . We should be together in times like these . Although , I do nt know if I ll forgive you for dragging Todd into this mess that you ve created , but I do nt want you to lose your little boy . I know what that feels like . No one should have to endure that .
Kelly : Thank you .
Todd : We re on your side , Kelly . We ll make sure Kevin loses it all .
Blair : Todd , this is nt about Kevin . This is about a little boy who needs to be with his mother . Are you doing ok , Kelly ?
Kelly : Yeah . Yeah , I am now .
Evangeline : Why do nt we go sit , ok ? Come on .
Dorian : Thank you very --
Blair : Ok , ok . Oh , she must be terrified .
Todd : Yeah , yeah . It s terrifying for everybody . Justice stinks , remember ?
Kevin : I ca nt believe you re doing this to me , Duke .
Duke : Dad --
Kevin : Do nt you think I at least deserve a chance to tell my side , hmm ? People fill your head with lies about me and you take it as the truth . Trust me , this custody battle is not as simple as you think .
Duke : Seems pretty simple to me . Ace should nt be without his mother .
Bailiff : All rise . The family court of Llantano county is now in session . Judge Gail Hernandez presiding .
Judge : Be seated . Ladies and gentlemen , we re convened to hear evidence in the matter of the custody of Asa Buchanan II . I see that all parties are present with their attorneys , so let s begin . Mr. Emerson , are you ready to make your opening statement ?
Mr. Emerson : Yes , your honor , I am . And I think you will find this a simple , if painful , case . This woman is unfit to raise her child . We will prove it .
Sonia : So , apparently you know where I was last night and what I was talking about with the -- what was it , two men ? Why do nt you just fill me in on the rest of the details ?
John : Antonio , $ 100 million -- I mean , stop me when any of this starts ringing a bell .
Sonia : Oh , please . That s all any of us have been talking about since they got back from Puerto Rico .
John : Oh . So you re just -- you re concerned about your family .
Sonia : Yeah . Yeah , Tico and I have been racking our brains -- why would Santi set it up so that Antonio was the only one that had access to that money ?
John : Come up with anything ? Hmm . Well , it s a nice segue . But who were the two guys you were talking to ?
Sonia : I hired some people to find the money , ok ? It s as simple as that .
John : You met them at a construction site ? Late at night ?
Sonia : Secluded , it s private . Why not ?
John : Yeah , why not . Check .
Jessica : This whole Santi investigation thing -- well , it s -- Antonio and I have been fighting more than we ever have before in our entire relationship . I know -- all couples go through hard times . I get it and I know that we re going to get through this , but I m not angry with Antonio at all . I m just really frustrated , and I m scared , and I really want to help him , but --
Tico : He shuts you out . I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be in a relationship with a police officer . They re always at risk , potentially . They ca nt share their whole life with you . You must often feel left out .
Jessica : I knew what it was going to be like living with a cop . But this -- this has gone way beyond the job for Antonio . It s like he s keeping these major things from me , very important things , things that affect our life together .
Tico : It must be very unsettling to love someone and feel that they ca nt share their whole self with you , especially if , as you say , Antonio s become so obsessed . Is that the kind of life you want , Jessica ?
Angelina : I do nt know who this El Tiburon is . I do nt know who this man is .
Antonio : But you know -- but you know something , do nt you ?
Angelina : No .
Antonio : A secret that you and mami are keeping from me . Please , Angelina , there s no reason to be afraid .
Angelina : There are many reasons to be afraid , Antonio .
Antonio : You can trust me . I ll protect you . I swear .
Angelina : No !
Mr. Emerson : Throughout their marriage , Mrs. Buchanan has displayed symptoms of deep emotional imbalance , mood swings , bouts of extreme jealousy and paranoia . There is also a history of extramarital affairs , dating back to when this couple lived in Texas . The most recent of those affairs was with Todd Manning , and resulted in the birth of Asa Buchanan II . Mrs. Buchanan then proceeded to lie about the paternity of her child , letting Mr. Buchanan believe that he was the father . And , in fact , in Ace s young life , Kevin Buchanan has been the only source of stability and consistency for the child .
Dorian : Evangeline --
Mr. Emerson : He is a pillar of the community --
Dorian : Why are you letting him get away with this ? You should be objecting .
Evangeline : This is just opening statements . I will have my turn to set the record straight .
Mr. Emerson : He is the legal father and he has grown to love Ace as his own . He fears for the child s safety and well - being if placed in the custody of so unstable a mother . In conclusion , the court will see it has no choice but to place the child , Asa Buchanan II , in the hands of the father who cherishes him , and will raise him and keep him safe in a secure and emotionally stable home .
Tico : You re shivering . Let me get you some hot tea .
Jessica : No , no , it s not that . It s -- the other day when Antonio was in Puerto Rico , I -- I got this really weird feeling that he was in trouble , and he was .
Tico : Are you having that same feeling now ?
John : Even if you find that Santi money , what are you going to do with it ?
Sonia : What was that ?
John : Gunshots . Stay down !
Carlotta : Someone was shot !
John : Get back !
Antonio : Angelina ? He went that way . White guy , tan suit . This is Detective Vega . I need an ambulance in Angel Square right away .
Carlotta : What happened ? Is she -- is -- Angelina ? Angelina , do nt die !
Antonio : This woman took -- took a bullet for me . She pushed me out of the way and took a bullet for me . Why ?
Evangeline : Kevin Buchanan s infidelity wounded his wife , Kelly . And yes , she wanted to retaliate . But this one moment of weakness brought a beautiful , innocent boy into Kelly s life . And like any new mother , she fell deeply in love with this lovely little boy , Ace ; a child who offered a hope that Kelly could save her marriage . A child that was truly a miracle for Kelly , because she had been told she was incapable of bearing children . She bonded with and loved this little boy from the moment she laid eyes on him . And everything she did subsequently was out of her love for this child , and out of a hope that she could salvage her marriage . I am confident that when you take into consideration Kelly s motive -- a mother s deep and unyielding love -- you will not separate this mother from her child , and you will not give her child to the man who broke her heart . The man who , as I will demonstrate , is fighting for custody not out of love , but out of his desire to punish his wife .
Judge : Thank you , Ms. Williamson . We ll take a five - minute recess before Mr. Emerson calls his first witness .
Bailiff : All rise .
Kevin : This is only the beginning , you know . It s going to get a lot uglier , I can promise you that . So put a stop to it . You know how .
Evangeline : Hey , pay no attention to him , Kelly . Why do nt you control your client , or I m going to get the judge to do it for you .
Tico : Tell me , when can I read the articles you wrote about the Santis ?
Jessica : Actually , I just finished my first piece . But this new editor of The Banner Sun -- he s driving me nuts , double - checking all of my facts .
Tico : Well , as long as you re comfortable with it -- I mean , I would love to read your draft .
Jessica : Sure . I guess you can check my facts , as well . But my conclusions are nonnegotiable .
Tico : I would nt dream of trying to influence your point of view . Unless , of course , you ve painted a flattering picture of my father .
Jessica : No . No , I have nt . Manuel Santi was a vicious criminal . He s dead and he s still hurting people .
Tico : Oh . There I go again , reminding you of Antonio s obsession with the Santis and all the problems it s bringing into your relationship . I -- I apologize .
Jessica : It s ok .
Tico : I ca nt help but wonder -- how much longer can you go on like this ?
Carlotta : I m going to go to the hospital . Be there if Angelina wakes up .
Antonio : Ok . Ok , mami .
Antonio : I ll get a uniform to take you . All right , officer , whatever she needs , ok ? You ll be all right , mami .
John : Antonio , this our guy ?
Antonio : Yes !
John : Easy , easy , easy ! Take it easy !
Antonio : Who do you work for , huh ?
John : Let him go , let him go . Take it easy .
Antonio : Who do you work for ?
John : All right . He had no I.D. on him . He got nothing , all right ?
Antonio : You working for El Tiburon ? Huh ?
John : You got a name ?
Antonio : Come on . What did you do with the money ? Why was I the only one with access to it ? Yeah , you keep smiling , you son of a bitch !
John : Take him to the hospital . Get him fixed up , then charge him with attempted murder .
Officer : You got it .
John : Mirandize him on videotape .
Antonio : How d you get here so fast ?
John : I was at the diner , hitting Sonia up about information about the two guys you saw her with . She was -- she was right behind me . Where d she go ?
Blair : I m proud of you for standing up for Kelly .
Duke : It s the right thing to do .
Evangeline : Ok .
Dorian : Evangeline , I thought your opening statement was extremely effective .
Evangeline : Oh , thank you .
Dorian : I did nt take my eye off the judge , and she -- she looked at you so sympathetically , Kelly .
Kelly : She seems fair .
Evangeline : Well , actually , Judge Hernandez is known for being sympathetic to mother , so we re very lucky we got her assigned to our case .
Dorian : So Kevin s ploy of having the date for the hearing moved up certainly backfired .
Evangeline : Actually , we still have a tough battle ahead of us .
Blair : Good work , Evangeline .
Todd : Yeah . Yeah . Hey , if you want , I ll testify on Kelly s behalf . I ll tell the court that I seduced her , and that she feels very guilty --
Blair : Todd --
Todd : For cheating on Kevin . I ll say whatever you want me to say .
Evangeline : No , you will not . You will say absolutely nothing .
Todd : Why ca nt I help ? I m the father .
Kelly : I told Evangeline everything . Just shut up !
Todd : About Ace ? Are you crazy ?
Blair : Todd --
Todd : Well , I hope you know what you re doing .
Evangeline : Kelly is doing absolutely the right thing .
Dorian : Honey , do nt pay any attention to him .
Evangeline : Listen , I just need to warn you that Kevin s going to be the first witness called , so it might get rough .
Bailiff : All rise .
Judge : Be seated . This hearing is back in session . Mr. Emerson , call your first witness .
Mr. Emerson : I call Kevin Buchanan , your honor .
Bailiff : Do you swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help you God ?
Kevin : I do .
Judge : Be seated , Mr. Buchanan .
Kevin : Ahem .
Mr. Emerson : Mr. Buchanan , are you aware that your wife is a drug addict ?
Evangeline : Objection !
Tico : Do you think your life will go back to normal once the Santi investigation is over ?
Jessica : Well , yeah , it has to . I love Antonio too much for it not to .
Sonia : Tico --
Tico : What ?
Sonia : Angelina s been shot .
Tico : What ?
Sonia : Yeah , they re taking her to the hospital .
Tico : Who did this ?
Jessica : How bad is it ?
Sonia : It s bad .
Jessica : Here , go . Go . Please , go . I ll -- I can see myself out .
Tico : Come .
John : Ok . Yeah , thanks . Let me know if she shows up . Sonia s not at the hospital .
Antonio : So where the hell is she ?
John : You think she was involved in the shooting ?
Antonio : No . No way . Not by the reaction on her face . She turned white when she saw Angelina laying there .
John : Maybe because the wrong person got shot . Listen , I went by your place earlier . I found Sonia acting like she was nt going through your stuff .
Antonio : What ?
John : Yeah . Said she came over to see you . Said you left the door open , it was unlocked .
Antonio : No way . I locked it myself .
John : I know . I could have searched her . Had enough for probable cause , but --
Antonio : We both know it would have been a waste of time charging her with unlawful entry . Look , I m going to go after her myself and find out the truth .
John : No . No , you re not . You let me handle this . You re in way too deep and you re way too at risk . From this moment on , you re on desk duty .
Antonio : The hell I am . Stay tuned for scenes from the next One Life to Live .
Paul : I think it s a little late to be backing out . But if you are , you d better let us know now .
R.J. : Let s just call the guards and get these things downstairs .
John : Not just yet .
Judge : If Todd Manning is not the father , then who is ?
### Summary:
| Antonio confronts Carlotta and Angelina about their secret . Antonio follows Angelina into Angel Square . As they are talking Angelina is shot as she pushes Antonio out of the gunman s way . John finds Sonja in Antonio s apartment . Sonja tries to convince John that she was just leaving a note for Antonio . John takes her to the diner to discuss the Padilla case . They hear the gunshots in Angel Square . Sonja is distressed to find Angelina shot . She and John chase after the gunman . Kevin tries to convince Kelly to give him custody . Dorian and Evangeline demand that he leave La Boulez . The custody battle over Ace begins in court . Duke , Blair , and Todd all come to court to support Kelly . Jessica tells Tico about her fears of Antonio s obsession with the Santi family . Tico is extremely sympathetic . John tells Antonio that he is on desk duty because he is too involved . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Dayzee : You ready ?
Thomas : ( Sighs ) I am now .
Dayzee : Having second thoughts ?
Thomas : Absolutely none . We re gon na go to the wedding shower , talk to my grandma , tell her the secret has to come out . I mean , Brooke and I never made love . It s a lie , and it has to be exposed .
Man : Right away , Mrs. Forrester .
Stephanie : Thank you .
Steffy : ( Gasps ) Wow . Everything looks so wonderful . Oh , Mom s upstairs getting ready , but wait till she sees this .
Stephanie : We are a great team .
Steffy : Damn right we are . Oh , I told everyone not to bring gifts . Well , she s getting Dad . That s more than enough .
Stephanie : Oh . Hmm .
Steffy : Grandma , what s wrong ?
Stephanie : Huh ? What ? ( Stammers ) Nothing . I m fine .
Steffy : Were you sick last night or something ?
Stephanie : No , no . Uh , you know what ? I just did nt get a lot of sleep .
Steffy : Oh . Are you sure you re up for this bridal shower ?
Stephanie : Honey , do you know how long I have waited for this day ?
Steffy : Yeah , I know . You know , you ve always been Mom s biggest supporter . And honestly , I do nt think she would have survived if it were nt for you . Just-- what you re doing is-- is really good for Mom .
Steffy : What do you think ?
Taylor : Oh , my goodness . This is lovely . Wow .
Steffy : Yeah ? ( Laughs )
Stephanie : Well , it s a special day .
Taylor : When did you do all of this ?
Stephanie : When you were asleep .
Taylor : Well , this is just-- it s such a surprise . It s so beautiful and elegant and -- high tea , wow , for a bridal shower .
Steffy : Mom , you are a Forrester . Of course it s supposed to be elegant .
Taylor : Well , do nt tell me you invited Beverly Hills and Bel - Air .
Steffy : Yes , I did .
Stephanie : ( Laughs )
Steffy : No , no , just Jackie and Aunt Pam and Dayzee and us . That s it .
Taylor : Okay , so this is just a lovely high tea with friends , like I wanted . Thank you .
Steffy : Mom , this is all for you-- you and a dream that s finally coming true .
Taylor : ( Whispers ) Yeah . ( Chuckles )
Stephanie : ( Sighs )
Thomas : It happened , Brooke .
Brooke : No . No .
Thomas : After we ate the berries , we made love .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Liam : I guess we , uh , dozed off again , huh ?
Hope : Mm , yeah . I guess we did . ( Sighs )
Liam : So was I right ?
Hope : About what ?
Liam : The sunrise .
Hope : Yes . You said it would be spectacular , and it was .
Liam : Seeing it with you was spectacular .
Hope : Mm , it was our first sunrise together .
Liam : I know .
Hope : ( Chuckles )
Liam : I - I think we should just spend every sunrise together .
Hope : Mm , okay .
Liam : And every sunset .
Hope : Mm - hmm .
Liam : And every moment in between .
Hope : Mm - hmm . ( Laughs ) ( Sighs ) Just being here with you , laying in your arms all night and feeling your heart beat against mine ... and you did nt pressure me once . Thank you so much . ( Sighs )
Taylor : Oh , hi .
Jackie : Look , I just know we were nt supposed to bring gifts , but this is such a teensy - weensy one , and Ridge will really appreciate you wearing it on your wedding night .
Pam : Ooh .
Taylor : Thank you .
Jackie : Congratulations , Darling .
Taylor : Go on in . Go on in .
Jackie : Oh .
Stephanie : Hi .
Steffy : Hi .
Pam : I brought a cake .
Stephanie : Ohh .
Jackie : Mmm .
Steffy : Champagne , anyone ?
Jackie : Ooh , yes .
Pam : Yeah .
Steffy : Oh , here , Mom , I ll get this for you-- non alcoholic .
Stephanie : Oh , I ll have one of those , too . Thank you .
Pam : Yeah , cause you did your drinkin last night , I hear .
Jackie : Will you get one for me please ?
Stephanie : Yes .
Jackie : Are we all here ?
Stephanie : Thank you .
Steffy : I think we re just waiting for , uh , Dayzee . I wonder where she is .
Thomas : Thank you .
Dayzee : For what ?
Thomas : For keepin my head on straight .
Dayzee : I think you would have been ready , with or without me .
Thomas : No . No . There was too much at stake-- my mother s happiness , my -- my grandmother s trust , controlling interest in Forrester Creations . It was all too tempting . And it was wrong . You helped me see that . I m sorry . It s all going up in smoke now after I confess to the lie I ... never should have told . Ready ?
Dayzee : Mm - hmm . I m proud of you .
Thomas : You should nt be . I should nt have lied to Brooke and Dad . I mean , I still ca nt believe I did it .
Dayzee : Look , you re human , okay ? You just wanted your parents together .
Thomas : Thank you , but that does nt justify what I did . I just wanted my mother to be happy , and now I m going to her wedding shower to blow her whole world apart with this -- the truth .
Dayzee : ( Scoffs ) Do you think that lie made her happy ? Because it did nt . I mean , yes , she s getting to have your father , but she s been worried sick about you .
Thomas : I guess that s one consolation .
Dayzee : There s something even bigger that s coming out of this .
Thomas : Yeah ? What s that ?
Dayzee : The way you feel about yourself . You know , you ve been miserable , Thomas . Everybody could see it . We all thought it was because of something that happened on the island . But you ve been sick ever since that lie came out of your mouth . Now you do nt have to be .
Thomas : I owe you so much .
Dayzee : Yeah , you do .
Thomas : All right , let s face the music .
Dayzee : Okay .
Bill : So how was your first night in your new digs ?
Liam : ( Laughs ) Great .
Hope : Hi .
Bill : Hello , Hope .
Hope : ( Laughs )
Bill : Nice t - shirt .
Hope : Oh , thank you .
Liam : Hope , uh , spent the night last night .
Bill : Did she ?
Liam : Yeah , but we-- we did nt actually--
Bill : All right , I do nt want -- I do nt want to hear your problems there .
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Bill : I just want to make sure everything s going okay . And it appears that it is .
Hope : Yep , he s great , and so am I.
Bill : ( Chuckles )
Hope : However , I , uh , should probably go home , so I m gon na go change clothes , okay ?
Liam : ( Scoffs ) If you must .
Hope : Okay . Excuse me .
Bill : See you later .
Hope : ( Giggles )
Bill : I do nt like too many people , but I like her .
Liam : ( Sighs ) Me , too .
Jackie : Mm - hmm .
Pam : ( Gasps )
Steffy : Whoo - hoo . Oh , my God .
Pam : O , mercy , that ought to keep you warm at night .
Taylor : Yeah .
Jackie : Enjoy it .
Taylor : Oh , I m sure Ridge will .
Pam : Yes . ( Laughs )
Steffy : Wow . Dayzee , hey , come on in .
Stephanie : Hi .
Steffy : You look beautiful . Wow .
Dayzee : Thank you . ( Chuckles )
Steffy : Thomas ?
Taylor : Thomas ?
Steffy : What are you doing here ?
Thomas : I just need to talk to Grandma for a second .
Steffy : Uh , can it wait after the shower ?
Stephanie : Oh , that s okay . Um , can I use your bedroom ?
Taylor : Yeah , sure .
Stephanie : Sure , okay , Tom . Let s go .
Dayzee : Um , I m coming , too .
Stephanie : All right .
Pam : What the heck was that all about ?
Taylor : Oh , Thomas is-- is dealing with something . Pam , I wanted to try some of that coffeecake you brought . Could I have some ?
Pam : You do ?
Taylor : Yes .
Pam : Well , waiter , can -- can we get a piece of cake for the bride , please ?
Jackie : I - I would nt eat any cake at all until after your wedding night and you ve worn that .
Pam : ( Chuckles )
Hope : Mom , I just had the most amazing night of my life .
Brooke : Thank you for letting me know you were nt coming home .
Hope : Well , yeah , I mean , I would nt just not call .
Brooke : So did you have a good time ?
Hope : It was incredible-- so romantic . I just ... I spent the whole night in his arms .
Brooke : You did ?
Hope : Yeah . Liam is amazing , Mom . He just -- he just held me all night long , and I know what you re thinking , um , but no , we did not make love .
Brooke : Really ?
Hope : Mm - hmm . Yeah , I told him that I wanted to wait until after the wedding .
Brooke : Whose wedding ?
Hope : Mine ... someday ...
Brooke : Oh .
Hope : Whenever that may be , but , I mean , that s -- that s how I m feeling right now .
Brooke : Okay .
Hope : ( Giggles )
Brooke : ( Giggles )
Stephanie : So what s this about ?
Thomas : I need to talk to you , Grandma .
Stephanie : Okay , what do you want to talk to me about ?
Thomas : You know exactly what this is about .
Stephanie : Tom ?
Dayzee : Stephanie , he had to tell someone .
Stephanie : You did nt .
Bill : So the two of you really did nt sleep to--
Liam : No . No , just held her all night long . That s as far as it went .
Bill : Wow . Well , uh , you are a better man than I.
Liam : ( Laughs ) Well , she wants to wait till marriage , and I do nt want to pressure her . So ...
Bill : So you re okay with the waiting thing ?
Liam : No , of course not . But I m in love with the girl , and I m going the distance . And if she wants to wait , I wait .
Bill : Okay , well , I , um , I guess I am proud of you . That shows a lot of respect , and that s something I did nt really ... have a lot of most of my life .
Liam : ( Laughs ) Oh , really ? Something tells me that s an understatement . ( Chuckles ) Thank you for this place . It s so much more than I ever expected , and it s gon na make a huge difference in my life .
Bill : Evidently , not your sex life .
Liam : Hey . Whoa . Hey . ( Laughs ) After everything I ve just been through , I m just grateful to be with the girl . That s enough ... for now .
Brooke : You re doing it the right way , Hope .
Hope : Well , I m doing it my way , which is what s right for me , and Liam totally respects that , and that s something that I got from you-- to demand respect from people . So do nt tell me that you re not a good mom , because you are .
Brooke : I could have been better . ( Sighs ) I should have been .
Hope : Mom , everybody makes mistakes .
Brooke : If I just had nt done what I did on that island ...
Hope : For the last time , I ll believe it when you remember it .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Hope : Not until then .
Brooke : Okay .
Stephanie : Why would you do that when we re so close ? They re getting married tomorrow .
Thomas : Look , I ve been trying to cling to the secret , but I ca nt do it anymore . I ve lied to Dad . I ve lied to Brooke . Grandma , I ve destroyed their marriage . I ca nt live with that .
Dayzee : Stephanie--
Stephanie : Stay out of this !
Dayzee : Too late !
Stephanie : ( Stammers ) This is what s best for everyone .
Dayzee : Including Brooke ?
Stephanie : Yes , including Brooke . Look how it s turned her life around .
Dayzee : Ste -- are you kidding me ? She s miserable . She s lost her husband over this .
Stephanie : Oh , really ? Well , Ridge would still be married to his mother if Brooke had nt interfered in their marriage .
Dayzee : So now you re interfering with her life and her marriage . Do you think that s right ?
Stephanie : I do think that s right . Okay , she knows . It does nt change anything .
Thomas : No , it does . It changes everything .
Bill : Hope s a lucky girl , Son .
Liam : ( Scoffs ) Well , it s not about luck , Dad . I mean , she knows what she wants . So do I , incidentally . What I want is her , but , you know ...
Bill : So where along the line did you become so enlightened ?
Liam : Uh , well , I would nt call it enlightened , but I certainly learned a lot about myself over the last year .
Bill : Yeah , you and me both .
Liam : It s kind of ironic , is nt it ? Amber , uh , taught us both a lesson .
Bill : Amber took us both for a ride .
Liam : ( Chuckles ) Well , yeah . I mean , I do nt know about you , but Hope and I are closer than we ever have been .
Bill : So , uh , what are the two of you gon na do ? You gon na date and take ...
Liam : ( Chuckles )
Bill : Long walks on the beach ? And do some heavy cuddling or--
Liam : ( Laughs ) Hey . ( Stammers ) I m just gon na take it one day at a time . My whole thing is I do nt want to lay any heavy trips on her . I mean , she gets enough of that in her own life .
Bill : You talkin about her parents ?
Liam : She s really , really devoted to Brooke .
Bill : Mm , well , that s dangerous for anyone .
Liam : Do nt tell Hope that , okay ? Cause she s really supportive of her parents . She -- she wants em back together .
Bill : And you have no idea what went on there ?
Liam : No , she-- she wo nt even talk to me about that .
Bill : Well , I think it has something to do with Taboo .
Liam : Taboo ? Thomas s line ?
Bill : Or little Tommy himself .
Hope : You want some mint tea , fresh from the garden ? Mom ?
Brooke : What ? I m sorry .
Hope : Do have another foundation meeting or something today ?
Brooke : No . Most of my board members are already occupied .
Hope : With what ?
Brooke : Steffy and her grandmother are-- are throwing a luncheon , a wedding luncheon , for Taylor .
Hope : I still ca nt believe that he s getting married .
Brooke : Let s not dwell on that .
Hope : Something s not right . It just-- it does nt feel like you and Dad are finished , not to me .
Brooke : But we are , and it s the way it should be . I did something unforgiveable with Thomas . Ridge deserves a better life . He belongs with Taylor now .
Stephanie : All right , none of this leaves this room . Your mother is happy . Have you ever seen her happier ? She -- you know how much she loves your father .
Thomas : I know . Grandma , the last thing I want to do is break her heart .
Stephanie : Then do nt .
Thomas : So Mom and Dad get married tomorrow ?
Stephanie : Yes , it s meant to be .
Thomas : No , Grandma , not like this . Mom would never be happy if she knew that this was all based on a lie .
Stephanie : Then do nt tell her .
Thomas : All right , so I live a charade while Brooke suffers , Dad suffers , and Mom and Steffy are clueless ? That s my happy family ? Grandma , let me ask you something . Would you be happy in a family like that , knowing that it was your deception , your dishonesty , that manufactured the whole thing ? It would nt .... it would nt bother you knowing that it was nt real ? How could you live with yourself ? You would nt . And neither will I. The truth needs to come out . I ll tell Mom and Dad and Brooke that we did nt make love . I wo nt keep saying we did . I m finished .
### Summary:
| Dayzee shows up on the rooftop at Forrester Creations and asks Thomas if he is ready . He s working out . He says he will change clothes and go to the wedding shower and will speak with his grandmother there . Steffy tells her grandmother that things look great ; they make a great team . She informs Stephanie that she asked for no gifts ; just Taylor getting Ridge back is enough . She comments that Stephanie looks a little peaked .to which Stephanie says she is fine . She just did nt get a lot of sleep , but reminds Steffy of just how long she has been waiting for this . Taylor joins them and appreciates the high tea they are having . Liam and Hope wake up on the couch and she laments that the sunrise was spectacular . It felt so good to wake up in his arms , with his heart beating next to hers and he did not pressure her at all . Jackie and Pam show up and Steffy says they are just waiting for Dayzee . Thomas thanks Dayzee ; he never would be doing this if it were nt for her . There was too much at stake with his mother s happiness and his grandmother s trust . Dayzee kept his head on straight . It was too tempting , but wrong . He says it is all going up in smoke now due to the lie he told . He just wanted to make his mother happy and now he s going to her shower and blow her whole world apart with the truth . Dayzee says one good thing came out of this . He s been sick since that lie came out of his mouth . Now it s time to face the music . He tells her he owes her so much as they hug . Bill catches Hope in just a tee - shirt when he drops in on Liam . Liam tries to explain that they did nt .. Bill does nt care to know all the details . He tells Liam that he likes Hope . Taylor opens her gifts that some insisted on bringing . Then they sit around tasting the yummy goodies . Dayzee comes in and all wonder why Thomas is there . He says he needs to talk to his grandmother . Stephanie suggests the bedroom and Dayzee announces that she will go too . Stephanie is disgusted with Thomas when she realizes that he had to tell someone and that was Dayzee . Hope goes home and explains to her mom how wonderful it was spending the night with Liam , but no they did not make love . Bill tells Liam that he certainly is a better man than he is . Liam explains that Hope wants to wait until marriage . So if she wants to wait , they will wait . Bill says he s proud of him and he has a lot of respect and that is not something he had a lot in his life . Liam thanks him for the house ; it s much more than he would ever expect .. and while it is not doing anything for his sex life , he s just grateful to be with the girl he loves . He s going to take it one day at a time since she has so much other stuff going on in her life with her parents . Stephanie rails into Thomas . She does nt understand how he could do this now . His mother is getting married tomorrow . Stephanie tells Dayzee to stay out of this . This is what is best for everyone , including Brooke . They argue and Stephanie tells Thomas okay , so Dayzee knows . That does nt have to change anything . Thomas says it changes everything . Hope tells her mom that something does nt feel right . She does nt think that her mom and Ridge are finished . Brooke says they ca nt dwell on that . She did something unforgivable with Thomas and Ridge deserves a better life . Thomas stands up to Stephanie and says he could not live with himself . He s finished . He will tell his dad and mom and even Brooke that they did not make love . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Brooke : You feel it , too . I know you do .
Nick : What are you doing ?
Bridget : Oh , hi .
Nick : Hi . You just ca nt lie in bed and do your nails like a normal woman , can you ?
Bridget : What is that ?
Nick : You ca nt even pretend to be lazy . Always nose to the grindstone .
Bridget : Oh , no , I can be lazy . I - I m lazy . Ask me to do something . I ll probably say no .
Nick : You know , one month ago , she became a bride . And now , Honey , what s for dinner ? Nick , you want dinner ? Make it yourself .
Bridget : Is that for me ?
Nick : After only one short month of marriage .
Bridget : It looks like a photo album .
Nick : Is that what love is now ? One short month is the shelf life ?
Bridget : What is it with you ? You sound like a bunch of bad movie subtitles .
Nick : ( Sighs )
Bridget : Let s see here . Oh ! Our wedding album . Look at you . You look so handsome .
Nick : Well , that s what you thought one month ago .
Bridget : What did I do to deserve this ? Oh , this is so sweet .
Nick : Honey , what did you do exactly one month ago ?
Bridget : It s our 1-month wedding anniversary .
Nick : It s our 1-month wedding anniversary .
Bridget : ( Giggles )
Nick : You know , for a very bright woman , you re incredibly slow .
Bridget : ( Laughs ) Oh , you re incredibly sweet . Look at this .
Nick : Mm - hmm .
Taylor : Are you two going to eat ?
Steffy : I m calling him .
Taylor : Steffy , do nt .
Steffy : How long does it take to say , I m marrying someone else ? ( Cell phone vibrates )
Thomas : Ah , Dad forgot his phone . It is on vibrate .
Taylor : Okay , leave it alone . Stop . Stop . There s nothing worse than making somebody feel like they re not being trusted .
Steffy : I trust Dad .
Taylor : Well , you should . Your father is a very trustworthy man . And he s very determined . Otherwise you two would be little unfulfilled wishes floating around in heaven .
Thomas : Why did you shoot Dad down so much before you got together ?
Steffy : Yeah , why-- why did you do that ?
Taylor : Well , I had gotten very close to his wife Caroline before she died , and , well , Brooke was in the picture , and it got-- it got really , really complicated .
Steffy : So you ran away ?
Taylor : Yes , I did .
Thomas : To St. Thomas ?
Taylor : Yes , yes . I did that .
Brooke : Tell me I m right . Tell me that we belong together .
Ridge : It hurts too much , Logan .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Right now , it may feel that way , but , Ridge , ca nt you remember our life together ?
Ridge : ( Sighs ) I love you . I ll always love you . I m tired of hurting you , tired of being hurt . I want to be happy , and not just for a few moments or a few days at a time . I ... ( Sighs ) I love you . But I m gon na marry Taylor .
Bridget : Do you think that it would be okay if I took my favorite photos from the other weddings and just put em in here ?
Nick : Yeah , uh ...
Bridget : ( Chuckles )
Nick : I think it d be fine . Why did I invite Bill Spencer ?
Bridget : I do nt know . I think you were trying to torture my father . But like it or not , honey , he s made Eye on Fashion our personal rooting section . He is gaga over Jackie M.
Nick : He s gaga over you . You can do no wrong design - wise .
Bridget : Mm , I just have nt made a catastrophic professional screw - up yet , that s all .
Nick : Well , you do nt need one . You ve got me .
Bridget : Mm , I sure do .
Bridget : I have nt really talked about it , but I do miss being a doctor . I miss my patients .
Nick : What I think you miss is making a difference in the world .
Bridget : Well , I do nt know . I mean , there s a lot of really good young doctors out there .
Nick : Mm - hmm .
Bridget : I m nothing special .
Nick : Well , I do nt know about that .
Bridget : It s not like that . It s just that I ...
Nick : You re pretty special .
Bridget : Think that they really cared about me and vice versa . I m not gon na have that personal connection with the public anymore .
Nick : Well , you can play doctor with me anytime you like .
Bridget : Can I ?
Nick : Yeah .
Bridget : ( Sighs ) Do nt forget , that s exactly why I married you . So I could play doctor with you anytime .
Steffy : You and Dad never argued .
Taylor : No , all couples have their share of disagreements .
Thomas : No , I - I know what Steffy means . When you two were apart , it was always outside things to blame and not fights .
Steffy : Yeah , like the time we thought you were gone for good .
Taylor : Oh , yeah , well , your father and I have had a few things happen to us that really could nt be foreseen .
Thomas : I still get goose bumps when Dad talks about seeing you at the cemetery .
Taylor : Well , that one I did nt think out very well . I just -- I fought so hard to get back to you guys .
Taylor : At the time , I didnt-- I did nt know that your father was with Brooke , but it did nt really matter , because it-- it seemed like nothing had changed at all .
Ridge : God , Taylor , I - I - I just do nt believe this . I do nt believe it .
Taylor : It s true .
Ridge : ( Sighs ) Look at you . Oh , you beautiful , beautiful thing .
Taylor : ( Laughs )
Ridge : I ve wished this . Ive -- Ive -- Ive prayed for it . And you re here .
Taylor : Yes . ( Laughs ) Yes .
Ridge : Oh , God . ( Sighs )
Steffy : But it was always beautiful between you two .
Thomas : Mom , you came home , and so will he .
Brooke : This is not right . After all that you and I have shared , to just turn around and propose to Taylor ?
Ridge : It did nt really happen that way .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Ridge , I know that she s had a hard life lately , but she s trying to recreate what she s lost , recreate her -- her family .
Ridge : No , Brooke , we both know nothing can bring Phoebe back .
Brooke : She may not know she s doing this , but she s using your loss to get you back .
Ridge : I do nt really think that s fair .
Brooke : Well , you have to think about what you re doing , Ridge . Are you being fair to Taylor ? You were with her last time when you were in love with me , and it did nt work then either .
Ridge : My kids lost a sister . Taylor and I lost a daughter . We finally managed to put the pieces together as a family , Logan . Now you re asking me to just turn around and walk away from them . Well , I wo nt do that .
Brooke : Well , then you ll regret it , because you ll be miserable , and in turn , you will make them miserable , just like before .
Ridge : History does nt always have to repeat itself . Please do nt try to see me . I m asking you to respect that . You tell me you want me to be happy , so let me be happy .
Brooke : I made a mistake . I admitted that to you . But this is nt going to help , Ridge . I mean , you marrying Taylor is nt going to fix the situation , so do nt do it . It s not going to happen .
Katie : Oh , my gosh . It s a gorgeous night out . You really should have come with me . I mean , perfect night for a ride . Brooke ? What s wrong ?
Brooke : Ridge is marrying Taylor .
Katie : That s impossible .
Brooke : He was just here .
Katie : I - I do nt understand . How can he just switch it off like that ?
Brooke : It s what Taylor wants . It was her idea , of course .
Katie : Well , so what ? That does nt mean he has to go along with it .
Brooke : He wants me to stay away .
Katie : Of course he does , because he ll never go through with this if he actually has to think about what he s doing . Call him .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Steffy : So how d it go ?
Thomas : You were gone a long time .
Taylor : Your mother told us .
Ridge : Everything s fine .
Steffy : I know Brooke wants to go back to you .
Ridge : She understands that s not gon na happen .
Thomas : So what ? She s gon na show up on our doorstep in a few hours , or--
Ridge : No , that s not gon na happen either . She understands she has to respect my decision . She ll keep her distance . I m not going anywhere , except maybe outside to peel myself off the ceiling .
Ridge : I ca nt do it , Logan . I ca nt go back .
Brooke : He said to stay away , but that does nt mean I ca nt text .
Brooke : I have to get through to him somehow .
Thomas : Hey , guess what ?
Steffy : What ?
Thomas : Dad s cell phone is vibrating .
Steffy : What ? Oh , my God . I ca nt believe it .
Thomas : What ?
Steffy : Brooke . Text message .
Thomas : Uh , maybe we should nt .
Steffy : Uh , maybe we should . I wo nt come to Forrester or the house . I m gon na keep texting you until you come to your senses . Do nt go through with the wedding . Please remember us . Tell me you remember us .
Thomas : ( Sighs )
Steffy : ( Scoffs )
Thomas : Oh , there s a photo . Open that up . ( Sighs )
Steffy : ( Scoffs )
Nick : ( Sighs ) You know something ? You really are . You re a doctor at heart . You are . It s this whole no - frills thing . You -- you got ta loosen up a little bit . I would love for you to walk into a room sometime , Bridget , and just be expensive , and just suck the air out of the room like Stephanie and your mother does . Give -- give me my pants .
Bridget : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . Are you calling me dowdy ?
Nick : Well , I do nt know . I - I -- why do nt you just once just go spend some money on something amazing for yourself ? Give -- give me my pants .
Bridget : No , wait . Wait , if I need something , I will go get it . What , do you just want a wife to boost your credit rating ?
Nick : Happy 1-month anniversary .
Bridget : Nick .
Nick : Now you can go and be flashy .
Bridget : Oh , my gosh . They re gorgeous . These must have cost you a fortune .
Nick : Well , actually , you re making me a fortune recently , so it was either this or give you a raise .
Bridget : I love you . Let s not get married anymore . And I ll take the raise .
Nick : Okay . Mm . ( Sighs )
Steffy : So much for respecting his decision .
Thomas : ( Sighs ) Yeah , did Dad really think this was gon na work ?
Steffy : He does nt need this .
Thomas : No , he does nt . ( Sighs )
Steffy : I m gon na text her back .
Taylor : I brought you some iced tea .
Taylor : I know this was nt easy for you . Brooke is gon na be okay . I ll be inside if you need me .
Ridge : Doc , uh , dont-- do nt go . I think Brooke was right .
Brooke : Taylor should be ashamed of herself , pushing Ridge into a wedding so soon .
Katie : I just do nt understand why he s going along with it .
Brooke : I - I guess he just does -- doesnt want to feel so unsettled . ( Cell phone beeps )
Brooke : Oh , that could be him .
Katie : Well , what does it say ?
Brooke : I asked you to respect me and respect my decision . Our marriage is over . That picture means nothing to me now . Please do nt contact me again .
Ridge : The way marriage came up between us so abruptly was nt the way either of us really wanted it .
Taylor : I see .
Ridge : You asked me . I agreed . I answered , and , uh , we did nt really get a chance to discuss it . Hardly seems real .
Taylor : What , uh , part do we need to discuss ?
Ridge : Well , when you-- when you make it official , you do things a little differently . Like this .
Ridge : Are you okay ?
Taylor : I love you . I love you . Let s go tell the kids .
Ridge : Okay , come on .
Thomas : Is that what I think it is ?
Steffy : Oh , my God . Mom , it s beautiful .
Thomas : Wow .
Steffy : Let me see this . Oh , I m so , so happy for you .
Taylor : ( Laughs ) Me , too .
Steffy : Here . Let me take a shot of you guys . Ready ? ( Shutter clicks )
Steffy : Nice . Thank you .
Thomas : So that s what took you so long . You were at the jewelry store .
Ridge : Well , your mom may have popped the question , but I did nt think she should go out and get her own ring .
Taylor : Oh , it is absolutely gorgeous .
Thomas : It just shows you how much this guy loves you , right , Mom ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) It s Ridge .
Brooke : Leave me alone .
Brooke : ( Gasps ) ( Sobs )
### Summary:
| When Brooke kisses Ridge , she feels hopeful that he feels the same as she does . He informs her that he wants peace in his life and to be happy again and that he is going to marry Taylor . They ve put the pieces together as a family and now Brooke is asking him to walk away from that . Ridge says she is saying she wants him to be happy , so let him be happy . Do not try to see him ; respect his wishes . She does nt think marrying Taylor is going to fix the situation so she hopes he wo nt do it . He kisses her goodbye . Katie catches Brooke in this down mood . She does nt understand how Ridge can just switch it on and off like this and she does nt believe he will actually go through with marrying Taylor . She advises Brooke to call him back . Nick surprises Bridget with his one month wedding anniversary present of wedding photos . She forgot . Bridget misses the personal aspect of being a doctor . Nick quips that she can play doctor with him at any time . Taylor tells Steffy and Thomas how she once ran away from Ridge to St. Thomas . This was after Caroline and when Ridge was involved with Brooke again . She also remembers when she fought so hard to come back from death to them . Ridge tells Thomas that he is not going anywhere . Brooke understands and she will respect his wishes . Brooke tells Ridge through a text that she will not come to the house , but she will keep texting until he responds . Steffy and Thomas see the phone and intercept the message . After playing hide and seek under the covers , Nick pleads with Bridget to go find some way to spend money and not wear him out . He presents her with a pair of huge diamond earrings . It cost him a fortune , but she s making him a fortune too , so she deserves it . Steffy thinks her dad does nt need this , so she texts Brooke back . Brooke reads it to Katie . Ridge tells her to respect his wishes and not text him again . Ridge tells Taylor that in one way he thinks Brooke was right . This is all happening so fast . They never got the chance to discuss it . She gets edgy , but then he pulls out a huge engagement ring . She ca nt wait to go flash it before the kids . Steffy takes her picture on the phone . Brooke receives the message and is thrilled that it is from Ridge until she sees his response is to leave him alone .and there is the happy picture of him with his arms around Taylor . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kayla : [ Wheezing ]
Stephanie : She s having such trouble breathing .
Max : Hey , how s she doing ?
Frankie : Not good . Just waiting for John to get back with the serum . Mom and pop are on their way .
Max : Oh , this ca nt be happening .
Frankie : We have to stay strong for Stephanie .
Mimi : It seems like Steve is an amazing man .
Max : He always has been . He s the one who got mom and pop to adopt Frankie and I. If he had nt , who knows where we would have been ?
Frankie : He did nt just marry Kayla . He married the whole Brady family .
Max : Yeah , he was always there for us whenever anyone needed him .
Frankie : Maybe that s why he was sent back to us -- to save Kayla s life ..
Kayla : I need to go to sleep .
Steve : No , no , no , no . You ca nt , not yet .
Kayla : I ca nt keep my eyes open .
Steve : You saying you re tired of looking at me ?
Kayla : [ Chuckles ] Never .
Steve : Well , when you close your eyes , I m gon na take it personal .
Kayla : You re a good man . I ve known that since the day I met you .
Steve : You re delirious , baby .
Kayla : No . You always thought you were a bum , but you are nt . You never were . You ... you are the sun and the moon . You shine .
Steve : That s only because of you , sweetness . It was nt me . John is gon na be here with that serum . All you got to do is hang on a little while longer . Come on .
Kayla : I m trying .
Steve : Yeah .
Kayla : I ca nt .
Steve : Yes , you can .
Kayla : I m so tired .
Steve : Come on .
Kayla : I m so tired .
Steve : Stay with me .
Claire : Uh - oh .
Belle : Uh - oh . Well , how did it go ?
Victor : Claire and I had a wonderful time .
Belle : Well , good .
Victor : Oh , excuse me .
Belle : Did you have such a good time ?
Victor : Sami ?
Sami : Victor , is Belle here ?
Victor : Yes .
Sami : Belle .
Belle : What s wrong ?
Sami : Claire . Um ... John and mom -- they flew to Canada in the middle of the snowstorm .
Belle : Yes , I know . They went to get Kayla medicine .
Sami : Yeah , well , they ended up in this really small airplane .
Belle : What happened ?
Sami : I do nt know . They were losing altitude , and mom decided to parachute out of the plane to help lighten the payload .
Belle : What ? Oh , my God .
Sami : So , John is in Ottawa . He made it okay , but nobody has any idea where mom is .
John : I got the serum .
Bo : Thanks , man . I m out of here .
John : Any word on Doc ?
Abe : The rescuers found her cellphone and parachute , but no sign of Marlena .
John : Could nt find any tracks ?
Roman : Storm covered them .
Marlena : Oh ! Oh ! Dead , dead . Let s get out . Get out of here .
Like sands through the hourglass , so are the Days of our Lives .
Steve : Kayla ? Kayla , stay with me . Kayla , listen , uh ... do you remember our wedding ? Remember our wedding ? And there was some poem or somebody read something from the bible or something ? You remember that ?
Kayla : Bo .
Steve : What was that ? Bo ?
Kayla : Bo read .
Steve : He read -- what was that ? Corinthians thing ? Is that right , Corinthians ? Remember that ?
Kayla : I m too tired .
Steve : Come on , how d that go ? No , you re not too tired . Tell me , how did that go ?
Kayla : I do nt remember .
Steve : Kayla , listen to me . Now listen -- I ve gotten so much of my memory back already . You got to help me get the rest . Now concentrate . Concentrate . How d it go ?
Kayla : Love ... love is patient .
Steve : Yeah , what else ?
Kayla : Kind .
Steve : That s it , that s it . Now , come on , tell me the whole thing . Come on , I want to hear the whole thing .
Roman : John , Doc is strong . She s resourceful . She s gon na survive this .
Abe : Roman s right .
John : The whole damn thing was crazy . Developed engine trouble probably because of the storm . We re in an uncontrolled descent , and Marlena thought the only way we re gon na make it to Ottawa is if we lighten the load , and before I could stop her , she freakin bails out of the plane .
Abe : Well , the problem was nt the storm , John . The airport in Ottawa faxed this down here . It s the maintenance report on the Cessna you were flying in . It was tampered with before you left Salem . It was sabotage .
Victor : Get me the coordinates , and I ll have a chopper there within the hour .
Sami : Victor , there s a rescue team already searching for her .
Belle : And ?
Sami : Nothing .
Belle : They ll find her . They have to .
Sami : Belle , it s night . I mean , it s been snowing . There s 30 feet of snow on the ground , and it s below zero . There s no way anyone could survive that .
Willow : Shawn ! Shawn !
Shawn D. : Oh , hey . I did nt hear you come in .
Willow : I know . I thought I d put my stuff in the closet .
Shawn D. : Oh , that s fine .
Willow : Unless you wanted me to put it on the roof so if Belle and Claire stop by ...
Shawn D. : I m sorry if I hurt your feelings earlier .
Willow : I get it . You do nt want me around if they re here .
Shawn D. : Look , my daughter s important to me . I want her in my life , and that means making sacrifices .
Willow : But the only one making sacrifices is me .
Shawn D. : I m sorry , okay ? I am . I m gon na make it up to you . Starting right now .
Willow : Hey , I do nt think we should do that anymore . If I m not good enough to be your girlfriend , if you re embarrassed to tell the world that we re together , then I m not gon na be your whore .
Sami : John s on his way back to Salem Airport . I swear , if anything happens to mom , I m gon na kill him .
Belle : Wait , Sami , I m coming with you . Can you watch Claire a little while longer ?
Victor : It ll be my pleasure .
Belle : Thank you .
Victor : Keep me informed about your mother , and let me know if there s anything I can do to help .
Belle : Thank you , Victor . I appreciate it . [ Door closes ]
Victor : Are nt you a lucky girl ? You get to spend more time with your new friend .
John : How could someone have sabotaged our plane ? Only a handful of people knew Marlena and I were going to Ottawa . We did nt even take my jet . We took that Cessna out of Ogden .
Abe : Keep reading . The mechanic found something in the engine compartment -- a black leather glove .
Marlena : No ! Do nt you dare . I do nt know who you are or who you re working for , but you have kidnaped the wrong girl . You can cut the phone wires . You can lock the doors . You can threaten me , but you ll never win , so drop it . Right now , drop it . Good , that s good .. Now lose the hood . I want to look at you . Oh . It s you .
Kayla : I just have to sleep .
Steve : No , no , no . You ca nt sleep . You ve got to tell me the rest of that passage . Come on , Kayla . Come on .
Kayla : I do nt remember .
Steve : Yes , you do .
Kayla : No .
Steve : Yes , you do . Come on , talk to me . Talk to me . Tell me .
Kayla : Help me .
Steve : I ca nt help you . I do nt remember it . I do nt remember it . Love .... love takes no pleasure in other people s sins . Love ... delights in the truth . Is that it ?
Kayla : [ Weakly ] Yeah , yeah .
Steve : Okay , okay . Come on , there s more . There s more , there s more . Keep coming .
Kayla : Love endures whatever ... whatever comes .
Steve : Love does ...
Both : Not come to an end .
Steve : Yeah . That s it .
Kayla : It does nt . I love you . I will always love you . [ Monitor beeping ]
Steve : Kayla . [ Beeping increases ] [ Flatline ] Kayla ! Kayla ! Nurse !
Shawn D. : I never said that I did nt want you to be my girlfriend or that I was embarrassed to tell people about you .
Willow : You just want me to hide whenever anyone s around . From now on , this is a business arrangement . I let you stay with me at the Y , and now you re repaying the debt . You know what ? I ll just keep my stuff in the back closet , and I ll sleep on the couch . Whenever Belle and Claire show up , I will become invisible . And then as soon as I get enough money , you ll be rid of me for good , which we both know is exactly what you want .
Shawn D. : No , that is not what I -- [ Cellphone rings ] Hello ?
Belle : Shawn , it s me .
Shawn D. : Belle . Willow , shh .
Belle : Shawn , are you there ?
Shawn D. : Yeah , I m sorry about that .
Belle : Something has happened to my mom .
Shawn D. : Is she okay ?
Belle : I do nt know . I got to get to the airport and meet my dad , but I need you to come pick up Claire at Victor s and just keep her until I get back .
Shawn D. : I m on my way , yeah .
Belle : Okay , thank you .
Shawn D. : And let me know what s going on , okay ?
Belle : I will . Bye .
Shawn D. : Okay , bye - bye .
Willow : So , am I staying or am I going into hiding ?
Shawn D. : I got to go pick up Claire , so it would probably be best if you were not here when we get back .
Willow : Okay .
John : This black leather glove means just one thing -- Wells and Lockhart did it .
Abe : You do nt know that for sure .
John : Oh , the hell I do nt . They re behind all of it . Now Marlena and I are on their hit list .
Abe : John , that s for an investigation to determine .
John : Screw the investigation . This is personal now . After I find Marlena , I m gon na drop both of them .
Roman : John , you ca nt go off half - cocked .
Abe : Roman s right . You got to stay calm .
John : Well , how calm would you be if this were Lexie ? Marlena s out there in the middle of nowhere , and God knows what kind of danger she s in , Abraham .
Marlena : Oh , my gosh . It is you . [ Chuckles ] You re Smokey Robinson .
Smokey : You were expecting Neil Diamond ?
Marlena : [ Laughs ]
Dr. Myers : How long has she been asystolic ?
Nurse : 40 minutes . [ Flatline ]
Frankie : Where s Bo with that medicine , huh ?
Hope : He s on his way from the airport .
Caroline : How is she ? What happened ?
Hope : Steve was talking to her , keeping her going till Bo gets here with serum .
Caroline : Yes .
Hope : Her heart stopped .
Caroline : Well , they resus-- Kayla ! Kayla ! Can you hear me , Kayla ? It s your mom . It s mom . Kayla , you got to wake up . Oh , my .
Nurse : No pulse .
Dr. Myers : I m calling it . 1943 . I m sorry , Steve .
Steve : No !
Dr. Myers : There s nothing we can do .
Steve : No ! No , Kayla , no .
Victor : Shawn , come in .
Shawn D. : I m here to pick up my daughter .
Victor : Yes , I know . I did nt expect you so soon , though . I just put her down for a nap . Maybe you can come back in about an hour .
Shawn D. : If she naps now , that means her bedtime s gon na be thrown off . Is she in the nursery ?
Victor : No , she s down the hall . I wanted to be able to hear her if she woke up . I ll get her .
Shawn D. : No , I ll go get her . I want her to see my face when she wakes up .
Victor : I ca nt let you do that .
Marlena : I m Marlena Evans , and I m a huge fan of yours .
Smokey : We ll , I ve found fans in a lot of places , but unconscious on a snowdrift is a first for me .
Marlena : Oh , yeah . Oh .
Smokey : Hey , you better sit down .
Marlena : Thank you .
Smokey : How d you wind up lost in the snow out there ?
Marlena : I jumped out of a plane .
Smokey : That s pretty scary .
Marlena : Not as scary as waking up here and not knowing who you were .
Smokey : Well , I do nt generally think of myself as threatening .
Marlena : Oh , I m sorry . I overreacted . See , I thought the phone lines had been cut . And then I saw you in the coat with the ax , and then I thought that you were --
Smokey : Trying to kill you . [ Laughs ] Well , the phone was knocked out by the storm . And I had on the coat because , baby , it s cold outside . And I had the ax because I had been chopping firewood .
Marlena : Oh , you could have told me that , you know .
Smokey : Well , I was pretty scared myself . You were threatening me with a fire poker .
Marlena : Oh , I m sorry . I m so -- oh , my gosh . My husband , John , must be worried sick . I ve got to get word to him . May I borrow your cellphone ? I lost mine in the snow .
Smokey : Wo nt do you any good . I ca nt get any signal .
Marlena : I ve got to get ahold of John somehow .
Smokey : Well , we ll think of something . Meanwhile , you must be starving .
Marlena : Oh , I m -- oh ! I am .
Smokey : I ll whip something up . Make yourself comfortable .
Marlena : Thank you . Unbelievable .
Belle : Dad .
John : Oh , Izzy .
Belle : Are you okay ?
John : Yeah , I m fine , baby . And listen , do nt worry about your mom . You know I m gon na find her .
Sami : Oh , give me a break . How could you put her in danger again , John ? How dare you come home without her ?
Max : You ca nt just give up ! You ca nt just let her die !
Bo : I ve got it . The roads were closed . Doctor , I ve got the serum !
Caroline : Bo , Bo . It s -- it s too late .
Bo : No . Steve ...
Steve : No . No .
Victor : Claire may be your daughter , but this is still my house . Stay here . She was nt asleep after all . She was just playing quietly .
Shawn D. : Come here , baby . Come here . Hi . Come on , let s get out of here , okay ? Yeah . Let s go .
Victor : Do nt worry . She ll be back .
Sami : What kind of man are you , John ? Mom s in danger because of him .
Roman : John is just as concerned about Marlena as you and I.
Sami : Then why is nt he out there looking for her ? Why did he let her get on that plane in the first place ? Why did you let her parachute --
John : Trying to stop your mother from doing something she is determined to do is a little bit like trying to stop you .
Sami : Please .
Abe : There are rescue teams scouring the area for her .
Sami : They better find her . And she had better be okay .
Steve : Sweetness ...
Kayla : Take you , Steve ... to be my husband . I will love you and honor you ... [ Sniffles ] And keep you in sickness and in health . Forsaking all others , I will be faithful to you ... as long as we both shall live .
Steve : Oh , baby . [ Monitor beeping ]
Dr. Myers : We ve got a rhythm . She s back .
Bo : Oh , my God , she s alive .
Caroline : Oh , thank you , God .
Bo : She s alive . She came back .
Caroline : Oh , my God . Oh , God , thank you . Thank you , thank you .
Steve : Welcome back .
Shawn : [ Chuckles ] Our baby girl s alive .
Caroline : Yes , dear .
Shawn : [ Laughs ]
Max : She s gon na be okay .
Mimi : I know . They re lucky to have found love like that .
Bo : Your mom s gon na be okay .
Stephanie : You saved her .
Bo : No , no . Your dad saved her . He kept her alive long enough for it to matter .
Stephanie : Now they re gon na be back together , and we re all gon na be able to be a family again .
Frankie : It s a miracle , is nt it ?
Bo : Yep . Like ma always says , just got to believe .
Stephanie : I could use some fresh air .
Frankie : You want some company ?
Stephanie : Yeah .
Bo : Phew ! [ Laughs ]
Hope : I , um [ Clears throat ] Meant it when I said I wanted you to come home . If , of course , that is still what you want .
Bo : You know it is . What are we gon na do about Lockhart ?
Marlena : What is Smokey Robinson doing in the mountains ?
Smokey : Um , I discovered this place years ago . Wrote some big hits here . And I still rent it whenever I want to get away and write , and this time I m also rehearsing some vocals for some tracks for my new CD for some TV appearances that I have coming up .
Marlena : It is beautiful up here , is nt it ?
Smokey : Yeah , and quiet . Do nt have to worry about any interruptions . Well , not usually .
Marlena : I hope I have nt kept you from finishing some wonderful song .
Smokey : No , no , no . I m about ready to get back to civilization anyway .
Marlena : Wait a minute . I know that . You are a Kennedy Center Honoree next month , are nt you ? Congratulations . That s incredible .
Smokey : Thank you . There . And ...
Marlena : Oh !
Smokey : ... This was put on by Smokey Robinson . There .
Marlena : Sweet , thank you .
Smokey : Hey , you want something else to eat ?
Marlena : No , no , I m fine . Thank you . I ve got to get ahold of John , see what s going on .
Smokey : Well , my PDA works off radio broadband . I ll see if I can get a message out , and if I can , I ll e - mail the Salem Police Department .
Marlena : Oh , please do that , and if you do , make sure you contact Abe Carver .
Smokey : Okay . PDA s in the kitchen .
Marlena : Oh , great . Thank you . Thank you .
Smokey : Keep your fingers crossed .
Marlena : I will . I will . Oh , please , please get through . And I hope that John got the serum and got to Kayla in time .
Sami : Dad , I feel so awful . I was terrible to mom last time I saw her . I was -- I was fighting with her . I was -- oh , Dad , she hates me .
Roman : No , she does nt . She may not like everything you do , but she never will hate you . She always loves you , and I always do , too .
Sami : You promise ?
Roman : Yes , I promise , but there s a lesson to be learned here -- be careful how you treat the people you love because they can be taken away from you very quickly .
Sami : You re right , Dad . I promise I am going to be a better daughter to you and mom .
John : I thought I got through to her , Izzy . I really did . Damn , just when we got her back .
Belle : I know .
John : Wish I had nt put off that wedding . I wish --
Belle : A million things . I know .
Abe : I just talked to Bo . They gave Kayla the serum . It s working . And I got a call at the station . Marlena s been found .
Sami : What ? Oh , my God . Is she alive ?
Abe : Yeah , but you ll never guess who s got her .
Mimi : Hey . Well , I m glad you convinced your parents to get something to eat . You re a very good son .
Max : Well , they make it easy .
Mimi : I wish I had role models like them . I miss being a Brady . Have you ever found love like that , Max ? Like Steve and Kayla or your parents ?
Max : Um , no . My M.O. s always been never get too attached . Yeah . How about you ?
Mimi : A couple times . I thought I had it with Rex . And then I really thought I had it with Shawn , but I screwed it up both times . Maybe I do nt deserve that kind of love .
Max : You ca nt think that way , Mimi .
Mimi : You do nt know me very well , Max .
Max : [ Chuckles ] You offered to quit your job so that Shawn could work at the garage again . You saved my butt by even taking the job in the first place . You were totally there for me . And you dropped everything to come down here when I needed someone here with me , you know . And that says a lot about who you are , Mimi .
Mimi : Well , you re my friend . And ... you were there for me when I needed someone . And I ll never forget that .
Hope : I told Patrick you were moving back home .
Bo : Bet that went over well .
Hope : He was nt happy about it . But you know what ? I do nt care . I explained to Patrick that , as the baby s father , he and I will be in each other s lives , but ... only as parents . Nothing else .
Bo : Nice . I love you , Fancy Face .
Shawn D. : So , all she got was a sprained ankle ? Your mom s amazing .
Sami : How s Aunt Kayla doing ?
Shawn D. : Frankie said that she s not out of the woods yet , but ... she s gon na be okay , thanks to John and Marlena .
Sami : That s awesome . I m so glad . We should get out of here , get Claire to bed , and get the party ready .
Shawn D. : What party ?
Belle : Oh , we re throwing a thank you celebration for my mom and dad at the Penthouse Grill . I hope you ll come .
Shawn D. : Are you kidding ? I would nt miss it .
Sami : Let s go .
Belle : Well , thank you for picking her up .
Shawn D. : No problem .
Belle : Did she give you any trouble ?
Shawn D. : No , it s just -- Victor was acting kind of weird .
Sami : Victor s always weird . Come on , Belle . Come on , Claire .
Belle : What do you mean ?
Shawn D. : It s like he did nt want me to go get her . Like he did nt want me to know where he had her .
Belle : Well , maybe he just wanted to spend as much time with her as he could .
Shawn D. : I do nt think that s it . Just keep an eye out , all right ?
Belle : Okay , I will . All right , let s get you home and to bed , okay ? Okay .
Sami : I ve got everything . See you later .
Shawn D. : Bye . Bye , Claire . Did Belle and Sami see you ?
Willow : Do nt worry , I hid down the hall till they left .
Shawn D. : I m sorry .
Willow : Now , is it okay if I take a shower or should I grab a bar of soap and stand under a rain gutter ?
Victor : I know Claire has nt been as affectionate as you would like her to be , but do nt worry . She just needs a little time to re - adjust . Then once she does , she ll be yours again . And then I promise you -- no one will ever take her from you , Philip .
Marlena : Oh . Smokey . Oh , John ! John , oh , my gosh ! Oh , my gosh ! How did you do it ? The snow has nt stopped . Oh .
John : Well , Abe called in a favor from a buddy at the F.A.A. who allowed a plane to fly over your location , and once I hit the right coordinates , I just ripped off a page out of your book and jumped . Abe gave Smokey a heads up that I was on my way .
Marlena : Oh . What about Kayla ? Did you get the serum ? Is she all right ?
John : So far , so good .
Marlena : Oh , I m so glad . [ Intro to I love your face plays ]
John : May I have this dance ?
Marlena : John , I ve hurt my ankle . I ca nt .
John : I ll never let it touch the ground .
Smokey : I love your face I love the way you smile at me an open door that lets the sun shine in it lights my world my day begins I love your face I love the look that s in your eyes you see right through the deepest part of me right down into the heart of me I love your face do nt you ever change you re just right for me I love all of you and especially I love your face I love the message there for me the greatest love story I ever heard without a sound without a word I love your face I love your face I love your face
Hope : Bo , I know . Okay , I know that you re thrilled that I wo nt be seeing Patrick anymore , but ... he will still be going to the doctor s appointments with me . I wo nt let him come to the house . But he ll be at the birth . He will share in this child s life , our child -- he wo nt share in my life , I promise .
Bo : Okay , understood .
Hope : One more thing .
Bo : Oh , no .
Hope : You can not fight with him anymore . Bo , if he is behind all of these attacks , then you re right . He s dangerous , and ... I ca nt risk losing you . I wo nt . I could nt take it .
Bo : Okay .
Hope : Neither could Shawn .
Bo : Okay , I hear you . Oh , hey .
Roman : Marlena s safe .
Abe : And John should be with her now .
Hope : Oh , thank God .
Roman : How s Kayla ?
Bo : Oh , the serum s working .
Abe : [ Sighs ] Look , Bo , can I speak with you privately ?
Bo : Sure . What up ?
Abe : The airport in Ottawa faxed me a maintenance report on the Cessna that John and Marlena were flying in . It was nt a malfunction . It was sabotage .
Bo : You re positive ?
Abe : Yeah , and whoever did it left a calling card in the engine compartment -- a black leather glove .
Bo : Oh , the dynamic duo -- Wells and Lockhart .
Abe : I m gon na get these bastards . And I want you in on the fight .
Bo : You can count on that , Abe .
Abe : All right , good . I ll be in touch .
Bo : All right , man .
Kayla : I m so tired .
Steve : Is it okay if she sleeps now ?
Dr. Myers : Absolutely .
Steve : Sweet dreams , sweetness . Okay .
Kayla : Do nt go anywhere .
Steve : Oh , I m not going anywhere . I m gon na stay right here in case you need another transfusion . So , how s she really doing ? Do nt pull any punches .
Dr. Myers : We re monitoring her lungs and vitals . With luck , there has nt been any permanent damage .
Steve : How long until she recovers ?
Dr. Myers : It s gon na be a while , possibly a long while . But it looks like it s gon na happen . As a doctor , every once in a while , I witness something that defies medical explanation . What you accomplished today was a miracle . So I need you to stick close to Kayla because you re obviously as important to her recovery as any medicine -- more .
Steve : Looks like you re stuck with me , sweetness .
Tek : I was going through E.J. Wells bank statement , and I found this .
John : It ll not only tell us who he is but why the hell he wants to destroy our lives .
Hope : Possibly Steve and Kayla would nt be together right now .
Bo : It s a turning point for us , too .
Kayla : Now that I know that you remember , I do nt want us to ever be apart again .
John : You and I are nt innocent bystanders anymore , Doc . This has become personal , and I m not walking away from it .
### Summary:
| Sami informs Belle about Marlena being missing and Belle is forced to leave Claire with Victor until Shawn can come pick her up . Victor uses the time to let Claire visit more with the bandaged houseguest whom he now refers to as Philip . Willow agrees to move in with Shawn but cuts off their romantic connection . John gets the serum to the Salem airport and Bo rushes it to the hospital . He gets there as Kayla flat lines . Steve refuses to let Kayla die and gives her the kiss of life . John and the police learn that the plane was sabotaged and the suspect left behind the black glove calling card . Marlena fears for her life when she wakes in the cabin but relaxes when she realizes that the cabin s owner is Smokey Robinson . Smokey helps wrap Marlena s injured ankle and uses his PDA to send word to Abe of Marlena s safety . John rushes to Marlena s side . Smokey serenades them as John holds Marlena in his arms and they dance . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Mr. John Williamson (New Brunswick Southwest, CPC) : Thank you, Mr. Chair. I will say that this is no substitute for Parliament, but I appreciate the opportunity. New Brunswick families and businesses are rapidly making adjustments to manage and live with the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses here are opening and services are being offered. Families are preparing for summer and even planning ahead for a new school year in September. We have a lot of work ahead of us. One notable absence is Service Canada. When does the government plan on opening its service counters to assist Canadians again?
Hon. Ahmed Hussen (Minister of Families, Children and Social Development) : Mr. Chair, our government is committed to ensuring that Canadians continue to have access to the benefits that they rely on through Service Canada. We have redeployed over 3,000 additional staff to ensure that Canadians continue to have access to their benefits. We've established a 1,500-agent call centre to make sure that people can get access to the phone lines to get the help they need.
Mr. John Williamson : Service Canada is about more than providing COVID-19 information and benefits. Provincial governments are working hard to adjust to Canada's new normal by opening up businesses and front-line government services. When will we see Service Canada play its role and open its service counters in our communities?
Hon. Ahmed Hussen : Mr. Chair, we're currently working with our world-class public health experts to determine how best to reopen the Service Canada network for the public. Make no mistake: Our Service Canada employees have gone above and beyond to ensure that Canadians continue to have access to the services that they rely on and the benefits that they need.
Mr. John Williamson : Please don't hide behind health experts when the Prime Minister is appearing in the middle of large protests, yet is afraid to bring back the Parliament of Canada to do its business. In fact, the New Brunswick legislature is open for regular business. Bills are being studied, opposition input is being heard and MLAs are voting on legislation, not rubber-stamping government bills. By comparison, our Parliament is stuck in pretending it cannot function like other law-making assemblies. Canadians are in the dark about our country's finances. When will the government table an economic update so taxpayers understand what was spent, what is owed by our kids and grandchildren, and what the government's fiscal footing looks like?
Hon. Pablo Rodriguez : Mr. Chair, nobody's hiding. Nobody's doing anything like that. The only reason my colleague is able to ask a question and I'm able to answer his question is that he's right there on the screen. We have this hybrid format that cares for MPs across the country, not only the ones sitting in the House.
Mr. John Williamson : This is no substitute for Parliament. I will ask my question again. When will the government table an economic update so that taxpayers understand what was spent, what is owed by our kids and grandchildren, and what the government's fiscal footing looks like in today's environment?
Hon. Mona Fortier : Mr. Chair, I thank my honourable colleague for his question. Canada's economy is still in a period of extraordinary uncertainty due to COVID-19. We have been open and transparent about the measures we have been providing to support families, businesses and workers. Even our health care
The Chair : We'll go back to Mr. Williamson.
Mr. John Williamson : Except you have not. The Auditor General is underfunded. We have no idea about the total of government spending. Again I will ask when the government will table an economic update so that we can have an understanding of what the government's fiscal footing looks like.
Hon. Mona Fortier : Mr. Chair, we have included biweekly reports to Parliament on the full cost and status of our economic response plan measures since the beginning. I have said, and I will continue to say, that when it is possible to provide a clear economic projection, we will provide an update.
Mr. John Williamson : What is the full cost to date of the government's COVID-19 relief measures, as the minister just claimed the government has provided to Parliament?
Hon. Mona Fortier : Mr. Chair, we have provided support for workers, and 2.5 million Canadians have been helped through the Canadian wage subsidy. We have provided businesses with some loans, and 669,000 businesses have applied for these loans. Even for the CERB, we have over eight million Canadians who have applied.
The Chair : We will now continue with Mr.Bergeron.
Mr. Stphane Bergeron : Mr.Chair, as the leader of the Bloc Qubcois mentioned a few moments ago, the government promised $14billion to Quebec and the provinces, but in targeted transfers. That is very little compared to the considerable expenses incurred to deal with the current crisis. But Quebec and the provinces don't just want this money to be transferred unconditionally, they also want a real discussion on a permanent increase in health care transfers. PremierLegault was rightly concerned about the feds' interference into provincial jurisdictions. The federal government, which does not manage any hospitals or long-term care centres, must stop playing armchair quarterback and transfer the money to the only governments with jurisdiction over health, that is, Quebec and the provinces. Will it do so without delay and without nitpicking?
The Honourable Patty Hajdu (Minister of Health) : Mr.Chair, we know that the Government of Quebec is working hard to ensure the safety of Quebeckers and we are here to support them. As part of this co-operation, we have developed health and safety recommendations for workplaces, we have purchased medical equipment for workers and we have supported the province in developing its reopening program. We are continuing this important partnership to ensure the safety of Quebeckers and all Canadians.
Mr. Stphane Bergeron : The co-operation is so effective that the money is staying in the federal government's coffers. In fact, when the federal government wants to impose conditions, it always takes longer. We see it with housing, for which Quebec has not received a dime of the $1.4billion it is owed. We have also seen it with infrastructure funds, particularly for public transit, water systems and water treatment. The health crisis is now. The needs are now. The much needed reopening of our economy is now. Will the government finally transfer the money without messing around or quibbling?
Hon. Pablo Rodriguez : I am pleased to confirm to my colleague that there is no messing around, no quibbling, nothing of the kind. There is co-operation between two levels of government. It is natural to have discussions with all the provinces and with Quebec. I myself am taking part in some discussions and several of my colleagues are taking part in others. There is a clear willingness on the part of the federal government to co-operate with Quebec and all the provinces. That is what we are doing and that is perhaps what the Bloc Qubcois does not like. It likes bickering, but for the time being, there is none.
Mr. Stphane Bergeron : We don't want to bicker, we want the money to be paid out. It is not complicated, for heaven's sake! We do not want a blank cheque. Right now, the money remains in the federal government's coffers. There is $1.4billion that should be paid to Quebec for social housing and is sitting in the federal government's coffers. We are waiting for money for water treatment and water systems, but it is sitting in the federal government's coffers. It's almost July. We are wasting precious months for construction. What is the government waiting for to pay out the money so that we can get our economy rolling?
Hon. Pablo Rodriguez : The federal government is a very active partner. We are discussing and working with Quebec on infrastructure projects. We are continuing our discussions and negotiations on the housing agreement. Nothing is at a standstill. We are discussing and co-operating for the well-being of all Quebeckers.
Mr. Stphane Bergeron : MadamChair, things are definitely at a standstill, because the money is owed and has not been paid out. Months are going by while construction is not taking place. We need to reopen the economy. We need more flexibility in the gas tax program and Quebec's contribution to allow municipalities to undertake work on city halls, community centres and fire stations. We need the federal government to contribute to funding public transit operations, which have become a real financial drain because of the drop in ridership. What is the federal government waiting for to provide real help instead of just talking?
### Summary:
| As John Williamson, the member from New Brunswick Southwest mentioned, what Service Canada had done was far from enough. Service Canada should be responsible for helping their people to adjust to the post-pandemic situation more quickly and recovering the national economy. The government members tried to persuade him that the government was doing a lot to make the revenue condition clear to the public, and their support fund was already prepared. Also in terms of the support fund, Bergeron went on to ask for a closer cooperation between Canadian government and Quebec to guarantee the regional development and stability during the pandemic. |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Zende : Here . So tell me exactly what the doctor said .
Nicole : I may have a condition called secondary infertility .
Zende : You already had a kid , Nicole . I mean , how could that be possible ?
Nicole : I know . I said the same thing .
Zende : So , it s very obvious that she is wrong . The doctor s wrong . There s no way you re not -- [ Scoffs ] It s ridiculous . And tonight , we re gon na prove them wrong .
Julius : It s a damn shame .
Vivienne : Watch your language , please !
Julius : Well , it is . What Nicole wanted more than anything was to be able to give her husband a baby of their own .
Vivienne : It s devastating , but we have to hope that maybe she still can !
Julius : It just tears my heart out to see her going through this .
Vivienne : Mine , too .
Julius : And you know babies are everything to that Forrester clan .
Vivienne : Maybe they can adopt . Zende was adopted .
Julius : That s true . There is that . But still , I got to wonder .
Vivienne : What ?
Julius : Do you remember how Zende was when Nicole was pregnant ? He wanted that baby for his . His , Viv . When he comes around here , all he talks about is how this wonderful family that he and Nicole are gon na have of their own , and now -- now maybe he ca nt . You got to wonder . How is this going to affect their marriage ?
Thomas : Hey , hey .
Sally : Well , looks like I m a little late . You just showered . Alone .
Thomas : [ Chuckles ] Yeah , you re gon na have to work on your timing .
Sally : Well , I ve tried , but you have nt been answering my texts .
Thomas : Trying to decompress .
Sally : Since you and your father had it out after I left ? How d it go ?
Thomas : It went . We talked about us .
Sally : How you saved me . Which you did , and I love you for that . Were you able to calm him down about everything ?
Thomas : Not exactly . He fired me . Yeah , I m no longer employed at Forrester creations . My dad feels I betrayed him and the company .
Sally : So he fired his own son ?
Thomas : Mm - hmm .
Sally : That s how angry he is that you gave me that money ?
Thomas : No , he s angry that I bailed you out and I kept you from prison .
Sally : [ Sighs ]
Thomas : He s just angry at this entire situation .
Sally : I - I -- but to fire you ? He needs you to design after everything that happened .
Thomas : Now he s got Zende . Apparently he s giving him a chance .
Sally : [ Sighs ]
Vivienne : I hope Nicole s all right . She s with Zende now .
Julius : Delivering the bad news , the first test of their marriage .
Pam : You can just put these right in here , Charlie .
Charlie : All right . Over here ?
Pam : Oh , gosh . I m so sorry . I did nt know anyone was in here .
Vivienne : Oh , I hope it s okay .
Charlie : Well , that is if you signed in downstairs , otherwise I m gon na have to fire somebody . Nothing personal , but , you see , we have procedures here for a reason . And , uh , be honest with me -- did Tim sign you in downstairs ?
Julius : Nicole cleared us . We met her in here .
Pam : See , Charlie ? Everyone s following protocol . Even Nicole . Who , by the way , is a very beautiful , young woman . And if rumors are true , soon to be a very beautiful , young mom . [ Chuckles ]
Nicole : The doctor did nt get it wrong , Zende . I might have --
Zende : It s not like catching a cold , baby . You re either infertile or you re not , and you are nt . Little Lizzy is proof of that .
Nicole : But that s what can cause it . Scarring on my uterus from when Lizzy was born . The doctor ran tests . They did an exam . They show that I have --
Zende : No . I do nt believe it , not for a second . There is no way the only baby you can have you give to your sister .
Sally : Does Zende even have any design skills ?
Thomas : Hmm . He s got promise , that s for sure , but he needs work . Dad is gon na do what dad s gon na do . He is co - C.E.O.
Sally : Yeah , but with your sister . Does nt she have a say in any of this ?
Thomas : No , she does nt really like me right now .
Sally : Is anyone in your family on your side ?
Thomas : R.J. Not that he can actually do anything , but he knows a thing or two about spectra women .
Sally : [ Sighs ] So what are you gon na do ?
Thomas : Well , [ Clears throat ] Let dad cool off . Hopefully he reconsiders . But honestly , I do nt expect to hear anything .
Sally : [ Sighs ] Kicked out of your own family s business . Look , Thomas , I have to ask . Are you reconsidering what you did for me ?
Pam : We all just love Nicole around here .
Charlie : Oh , and Maya , too .
Pam : You must be so proud of your daughters .
Charlie : Yeah . And especially Nicole . I mean , what she did for her sister , giving her a child .
Pam : And now we hear that she and Zende are thinking of starting a family of their own .
Charlie : Yeah . Well , sorry . We did nt mean to interrupt , but , uh , I got -- I got rounds to make .
Vivienne : [ Chuckles ]
Pam : Can I get you two anything ? I mean , would you like a cup of coffee ? Oh , Mr. Avant , I ve got a fresh batch of lemon bars with your name on them out on my desk .
Julius : Thank you very much .
Pam : You sure ?
Vivienne : No . Thank you , but no .
Pam : Well , just let me know if you want anything .
Vivienne : Okay .
Pam : All right .
Julius : You see ? Everybody s waiting for the next member of the tribe . But wait till they hear that it may not be in the cards .
Vivienne : Zende and Nicole will make do . They love each other .
Julius : I just wish that --
Vivienne : What ? That Nicole did nt give up what might be her only baby to Maya ? She did it out of love , Julius .
Julius : If it turns out that my daughter gave up her only child to her ... and she ca nt have one of her own , that would be the greatest injustice of all .
Nicole : Zende , you ca nt just ignore medical science . I have scarring due to my pregnancy with Lizzy , the child that I gave to rick and Maya . Those are the facts . The doctor did nt make those up .
Zende : Look , all I m saying is medical science is nt infallible . Look , let s not overwork this . Let s stay positive . I m healthy . You re healthy . You already had one baby . There is no reason to believe you ca nt have another one .
Nicole : I know , but --
Zende : Look , and even if the doctor is right , whatever it is , we can get it fixed . We are going to have a baby . Do nt you lose sight of that . Everything is going our way . We got married . I have this huge opportunity to work in design . The babies are gon na come .
Lizzy : [ Babbling ]
Zende : [ Chuckles ] The babies are gon na come . What d I tell you ? You hear that ? That is the sound of our future for many , many years to come .
Julius : I do nt know what I was thinking !
Vivienne : Most of the time , I do nt know , either .
Julius : How could I have gone along with it ? My gut told me not to ! But did I listen ? No . Sure , you want to give your baby away , I do nt agree with it , but go ahead . I m not gon na fight you . I should have fought her more !
Vivienne : Is this doing us one iota of good ? Stop it , Julius !
Julius : It s not natural , her giving her child away to her --
Vivienne : You re frustrated . I get that . But we are not going back there . You re a better man than that .
Julius : Viv , if she ca nt have another child , that decision will haunt her , not to mention what it will do to her marriage .
Nicole : I love you for trying to put a positive spin on this .
Zende : Not a spin . Reality .
Nicole : What about the reality of what my doctor told me ?
Zende : Did you get a second opinion ? Actually , did dr . Caspary say that there was a complete certainty that you would never have a child ?
Nicole : No .
Zende : Well , then there you go .
Nicole : Okay . I ll get a second opinion . Even a third .
Zende : [ Chuckles ]
Nicole : But we ca nt deny that this is serious .
Zende : And I m serious . Baby , you remember how determined you were to give Maya that child . Nothing and no one could stand in your way . Not me , not your parents , even though we were against it . Did it matter ? No . Because you were of one mind . Now , I need you to have that same attitude about getting pregnant again , right ? Because it s gon na happen . And I do nt care if the doctor says it or if anyone has to say it . I do nt care if he went to school for 10 years . It does nt matter . We are gon na have a family . There is no way god only blesses you with one child that you gave away . Punish you for what ? What ? For doing something selfless and beautiful ? No . I refuse to believe it . You are an angel , Nicole . You gave your sister a child , a child that she could never have . That is not going to be the only baby you bring into this world . Now , the world can be cruel , but not that cruel .
Thomas : Am I reconsidering my commitment to you and spectra ? It almost sounds like you re giving me an out .
Sally : Well , that s not really my style , bucko , and you know that .
Thomas : But you re worried .
Sally : Are nt you ?
Thomas : What do I have to be worried about ? I am a Forrester . We do nt do that .
Sally : So you re good ?
Thomas : I m always good when you re around . Not so much when my family is .
Sally : See , I do nt want that for you .
Thomas : Neither do I , but ...
Sally : Look , I m just gon na come out and say it . I love you , Thomas . But I told your sister and your father , and I meant it . I am not gon na come in between you and your family . That is your legacy , your company , and your future . There s no hard feelings if you change your mind and decide that you can no longer support me . You have already done so much for me -- standing before the judge , keeping me out of jail . So , if you need to pull back on this ...
Thomas : [ Sighs ]
Sally : I know how much your family means to you and that it s ripping you apart that your dad gave you the boot . The last thing I need or want is to lose your support , but if you need to get back in your family s good graces , I - I totally get it .
Thomas : Obviously I want to be accepted by my dad , my sister , and Forrester creations . [ Sighs ] Since my dad stormed out of here , I ve been trying to figure out what my life means without Forrester creations . It s weird to even say that out loud .
Sally : That is why I asked . I get it .
Thomas : No , you do nt . All of those things , they matter to me , and they are -- they are hard for me to deal with . But I am nothing if I m not a man of my word . Bill Spencer robbed you of your chance to become a designer , and I told you that I would help you get your shot . I intend to keep that commitment .
Sally : You keep surprising me . I ve never met anyone like you . There s no one to compare you to . You re inspiring , and I m learning . Look , I may never be the person that your family wants me to be . But if that s okay with you ...
Thomas : Of course , it is .
Sally : I love you , Thomas .
Vivienne : Please , no more of this . We have a crisis in this family , and we re gon na come together ... as a family .
Julius : Yes . While Nicole s family is coming apart at the seams .
Vivienne : I do nt want to hear it , Julius ! Please ! Nicole and Zende will work this out . This is not Maya s fault . It s nobody s fault . And we have to believe this .
Zende : Got to have faith , babe . We got to believe that good things happen to good people . And there is no one better than you .
Nicole : I just do nt want to disappoint you .
Zende : How ? You wo nt .
Nicole : But what if I ca nt --
Zende : No . None of that what ifs . We do nt have time for that . No uncertainties , no doubts . Look , that has never been us , and we re not gon na start now . We are going to have a family , Nicole .
Nicole : Zende , what if I m not meant to be a mother ?
Zende : Are you hearing yourself right now ? You were born to be a mother . Let me ask you a question . You ve always told me that love conquers all , right ?
Nicole : Yes .
Zende : Now , look , I m not an expert , but I would say we got a little bit of that going on , right ?
Nicole : A little .
Zende : We got a lot , girl . We got a lot of love . More than two people can handle . Now we have to spread that love around for those little ones that are coming along . They are out there , Nicole . They are waiting for us , waiting for our love to bring them to life . And we will . Do nt you worry about that . It s gon na happen . Now , you need to just be ready , because soon enough , before you know it , they ll be running around the house screaming , yelling , throwing up on everything .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ]
Zende : Everywhere . Diapers -- I mean , do nt even get me started on diapers .
Nicole : [ Chuckles ]
Zende : It s gon na be a land mine in here .
Nicole : Stop it .
Zende : [ Laughs ] It s all gon na happen for us , Nicole . Sons , daughters , all of it is coming our way . All you have to do is believe . No second - guessing , okay ? We are gon na have our family .
Nicole : I love you .
Zende : I love you , too , baby .
### Summary:
| Zende wants to know exactly what the doctor said . Nicole tells him again and he says they will prove the doctor wrong . He comments that you are either fertile or infertile and she is not infertile . They are both healthy so they need to stay positive . Whatever it is can be fixed . There is no way God would punish her and take away her only child . Julius tells Viv that it tears his heart out that Nicole is going through this . He knows there is adoption but he also remembers how Zende talked about being adopted and wanting kids of his own . He hopes this does not affect their marriage . He laments that if his daughter gave up her only child to Maya that is not justice . He is even mad at himself for not fighting harder for Nicole not to have the baby for Maya . Sally drops by Thomas s just as he is shaving sans shirt . She hopes everything has calmed down . He says not exactly ; he was fired . His dad felt he was betrayed . He is angry and just needs someone to torture . He is giving Zende a chance . She says that is his legacy and there is no way she is going to come between him and his family , so if he needs to pull back she will understand . She knows how much his family means to him . He says that he is nothing if not a man of his word . He told her he would help her and he intends to keep that commitment . She says she has never met anyone like him . She may never be the person he wants her to be but she loves him . They kiss and he lays her back on the bed . Viv tells Julius no more , they are going to stick together as a family . This is not Maya s fault , no one s fault and they will all work it out . Zende says good things happen to good people so there will be no uncertainly or doubts . They are going to have that family . Love conquers all . It will happen and she needs to be ready . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Bridget : God , please , Nick . Do nt do this . I am just asking to keep my job . How is that unreasonable ?
Amber : You wo nt regret making me lead designer . I ll come through .
Bridget : Oh , you brought this girl in from God knows where as a backup while I was on maternity leave .
Amber : I proved myself . I have fresh ideas and new concepts , right , Nick ?
Nick : Amber has done a very good job .
Bridget : Well , I m sure she has , but I am back now . I want to keep Jackie M. on top where we took it together . God , Nick , do nt turn your back on me now .
Riders : ( Screaming )
Brooke : Let me off .
Stephanie : Oh , Boy ! This is fabulous !
Brooke : Aah !
Brooke : Oh .
Stephanie : Here we go .
Brooke : No . No !
Stephanie : Yes . Yes .
Brooke : No !
Stephanie : Yes ! Yes ! Yes !
Brooke : Oh ! Aah !
Stephanie : Yes ! Yes ! Yes !
Brooke : ( Screaming )
Stephanie : Yes !
Brooke : ( Screaming )
Brooke : Whoa !
Stephanie : Yes ! Yes ! My scarf ! My scarf !
Brooke : Oh , my God . Oh .
Stephanie : Oh , my scarf ! Oh , no ! Where did it go ?
Aggie : After everything you ve done to hurt Nick , you just want him to forget ?
Jackie : This is nt your issue , Aggie .
Aggie : Actually , it is . Nick and I are together now , so it is .
Bridget : I m just asking to keep my job , Nick .
Nick : Why exactly should I do that ?
Bridget : Because it s fair . I made a name for us as a designer , and I took Jackie M. to the forefront of this industry .
Nick : A lot of people had a part in that .
Bridget : Well , that s true , like your mother and Owen , but I do nt remember Amber being one of them .
Amber : Nick made a decision , Bridget , okay ? He told you that . He told us all .
Jackie : I had hoped that you d asked us to come here because you were ready to move on .
Nick : I asked you here to give you a chance to make a choice , and you made it .
Jackie : You wanted to pry me away from my family . I said no .
Nick : This bizarre arrangement that you call a family , Mother .
Jackie : We are a family , Nicky . We are raising a child .
Nick : It s their child , Mother , not yours .
Bridget : Every time you mention that baby , I can see how it just hurts you , Nick .
Nick : You made a lifestyle choice , and it s blown up in your faces .
Bridget : But replacing me with Amber and cutting out your mother , that s just wrong .
Nick : Does nobody else see this here ? This is a P.R. nightmare , and I have to respond .
Aggie : We have to trust Nick s judgment . He knows what s best for Jackie M.
Bridget : Well , I would trust me , Nick . I ca nt imagine it s wise to get rid of your executive and entire design team .
Amber : Sometimes there s a better replacement .
Bridget : Are you certain that there s nothing we can do ? Restore our team . I mean , wo nt you just reconsider ?
Brooke : I ca nt believe I did that . I hate roller coasters .
Stephanie : Uh , you invited yourself .
Brooke : Ca nt we just go home now please ?
Stephanie : I have got to find my scarf .
Brooke : Why , Stephanie ? It s gone . It does nt really matter .
Stephanie : Why not ? Because I m not gon na be around much longer ?
Brooke : No . God , no . That is not what I meant . You have cancer , but you re not dying . A lot of people have cancer , and they beat it . You can , too .
Stephanie : It s stage four . Let s not pretend it s a mosquito bite .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Brooke : Well ?
Stephanie : Well , I was thinking when the scarf flew off that maybe it , you know , it blew over here . I do nt know .
Brooke : Fine . Well , I do nt see it , so ...
Stephanie : Well , I ve got to find it . It s important to me . It s my mother s .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : Will you make sure that Steffy gets it when I m gone ?
Brooke : Please let s not talk about death .
Stephanie : Why not ? Nobody get out of here alive , Honey . ( Chuckles )
Brooke : You re not going anywhere , Stephanie , not yet .
Stephanie : I always thought that you d be the death of me .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : I never thought about cancer .
Brooke : Okay . Okay . All right . Come on . It s really -- it s getting late . We ve got to go now . Come on .
Stephanie : Oh ! Oh ! Look . Corn dogs .
Brooke : Corn dogs ? Gross !
Nick : Whip , those reporters still outside ?
Whip : Yeah , they re not going anywhere anytime soon .
Nick : You all heard that . They re not going anywhere . So like your mother at Forrester Creations who stepped back during a P.R. disaster , that s what s gon na happen here . Mother ... you , and Owen ... are gon na be let go . This company needs to change . It needs to rise above your lifestyle , a lifestyle that I categorize as bizarre . The three of you raising Owen s child together , Rick now proposing marriage-- I mean , come on ! This is nt what the public wants .
Jackie : This is about more than that .
Nick : Yes , Mother , it is . It s about the company , and it s about me , and it s my decision , so live with it .
Jackie : Oh . Okay . Can you please just try to be rational ?
Nick : ( Laughs ) Really ? Rational ? All right . I do nt want you in this building with that baby , a baby that was supposed to be mine that you had with my mother s husband . That s what I got . So , yes , I m feeling a little lost here .
Jackie : Oh , Sweetheart . Trying to get rid of all of us who care about you so much-- it s not the way to get over your pain .
Nick : Mother , this is about our company , the one that we built together . So I will reiterate to you I want you here with me .
Jackie : But not Bridget ?
Nick : She knows how I feel .
Jackie : And not Owen .
Bridget : ( Clears throat )
Jackie : Right . Well , we ll do it your way for now . Bridget , Owen , let s go .
Bridget : I am just gon na have a word with Nick .
Nick : I think we ve covered everything there is to say .
Bridget : Well , I have nt . Oh , Nick . I m just so sorry for everything that s gone wrong .
Nick : ( Sighs ) I think we re past apologies , Bridget .
Bridget : I do nt think so . I understand why you do nt want to see me . I ll respect your decision .
Nick : Thank you .
Bridget : Please ... please know that I never , ever meant to hurt you . And seeing me around here would ... just make your pain worse , I m sure .
Nick : Well , I ... I told you I m -- I m doing this for the business .
Bridget : ( Sniffles ) Yeah , I - I ... I heard you when you said that . It s just when I look at you , Nick , I see a man that s still in so much pain .
Nick : Well , I m getting over it .
Bridget : ( Sniffles ) Yeah .
Nick : I m not sure if I ll ever feel what I felt the day you told me you were pregnant with Owen s child .
Bridget : I will regret that for the rest of my life .
Nick : ( Sighs ) Oh , come on . Listen , do nt waste any of your life on regrets , Bridget . You ve got the baby you wanted .
Bridget : ( Sniffles ) No , Nick . I dont-- ( Sniffles ) I ... have a beautiful son whom I love with all my heart . ( Sniffles ) ( Sighs ) Oh , Nick .
Nick : Well ... spend time with him and ... love him and ...
Bridget : Yeah .
Nick : Start a new life with him but , uh ...
Bridget : ( Sniffles )
Nick : Let s not waste any time on what might have been .
Bridget : ( Sniffles ) ( Sighs )
Nick : ( Inhales sharply )
Nick : ( Sighs ) ( Sobs )
Nick : ( Breathing heavily )
Nick : ( Sniffles )
Stephanie : ( Speaking indistinctly ) ( Laughing ) Ha ! ( Laughs ) She s so beautiful . Uh - oh . Here comes trouble . Thank you .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : Hi . Last bite ?
Brooke : ( Sighs ) I do nt understand how you can be so casual about this whole thing . Your condition is very serious .
Stephanie : Well , yes , I know . That s why I m doing my bucket list . Come on . Fabulous ride on the roller coaster . Look at this day .
Brooke : ( Sighs )
Stephanie : I mean , come on , this is living , Kid .
Man : Come on , Lady . We ca nt help you in there . You want gas ? We ll get you some gas .
Woman : Come on . Give us some money .
Man : Yeah , Lady . Open the door and give us the money and -- and we ll help you out . Open the door . Come on out here .
Stephanie : So , uh , what were you saying ? ( Coughing )
Brooke : What ? What is it ?
Stephanie : A little pain .
Brooke : Okay . That s it . I am taking you to the hospital right now .
Stephanie : No . No . I m not gon na go to the hospital . I m not gon na get pumped full of chemicals and what , buy myself a couple extra months , terrible months ? No .
Brooke : You -- no , Stephanie , you need medical care , and the sooner you get it , the sooner you can fight this disease .
Stephanie : ( Coughing )
Brooke : I know you would do the same thing for me if I were in your position .
Stephanie : I would nt be so sure about that . But we could talk it over dessert . ( Coughs )
Brooke : Dessert ?
Stephanie : Yeah . Cotton candy .
Brooke : What ? Oh , God .
Stephanie : Hi .
Man : Hi .
Stephanie : Uh , one , please . Oh . Oh , unless ...
Brooke : No , just one .
Man : What color ?
Stephanie : They do colors now .
Brooke : Wow . ( Laughs nervously )
Stephanie : Oh , well , pink s fine . ( Laughs )
Brooke : Hmm .
Stephanie : ( Sighs ) Oh , beautiful . Thank you so much .
Man : You re welcome .
Stephanie : I ca nt wait . It s like eating a cloud .
Brooke : A very sugary cloud , which you do nt need .
Stephanie : Are you a killjoy like this with Ridge , too ?
Brooke : No , of course not .
Stephanie : Thank God . Sugar , you know , Darling ... is God s gift to the dying . Pay him . I m going to find my scarf .
Brooke : Oh . ( Mumbling indistinctly ) ( Laughs ) ( Groans )
Amber : You okay ?
Nick : Fine .
Amber : Hmm . Right .
Nick : I m fine .
Amber : Of course you are . You re Nick Marone . I bet you got a girl waiting in every port you ever sailed into .
Nick : Hmm . More than one .
Amber : Hmm . That s the spirit .
Nick : Yeah , that s me . Never let em get under your skin . ( Scoffs ) But one did .
Whip : So you re okay with this , I see , Nick replacing Bridget .
Aggie : Nick seems to know what he wants .
Whip : Is that a smile I see ? Hmm ? Uh - huh . Okay . So what -- what Nick wants besides a new designer is ...
Aggie : You ll have to ask him .
Whip : Oh , no , no , no , no , Little girl . No , no . I see it . It s written all over your face . Come on .
Aggie : Oh , Whip ! I m -- I -- things are just , you know , they re really--
Whip : H - h - heating up between the two of you ?
Aggie : Yes .
Whip : Uh - huh .
Aggie : But I do nt want to jinx it , but yes .
Whip : Okay . Well , I guess I do nt have to ask how you really feel about it .
Aggie : No , I do nt think you do . I love him , Whip . I m totally crazy madly in love with Nick Marone .
Whip : Mm .
Aggie : ( Laughs )
Whip : ( Speaks indistinctly )
Aggie : Oh !
Amber : You re still hurting over Bridget .
Nick : No . Bridget got what she wanted .
Amber : And you ?
Nick : I want to turn this company around . That s what I want .
Amber : You will . We will .
Nick : I d like that .
Amber : You know , Nick , I am gon na make you so proud of me . You are gon na want to rename this company Jackie M. and M.-- Marone and Moore .
Nick : ( Chuckles )
Amber : Mm - hmm . We re gon na take it right to the top , and no one s gon na stop us . It -- it s gon na be amazing . I mean , we re gon na be swimming in champagne and good times .
Nick : Well , that sounds mighty nice , Amber .
Amber : Yeah . Yeah , it does , does nt it ?
Nick : Uh - huh .
Amber : I mean , you re just-- you re just incredible , you know ? I m just -- I m so excited . ( Inhales sharply )
Amber : ( Sighs )
Boy : ( Laughing )
Stephanie : Hey !
Stephanie : You have my scarf .
Stephanie : Look , it s just a scarf , but it means a lot to me . Would you give it back to me ?
Brooke : ( Scoffs ) ( Gasps ) Stephanie !
### Summary:
| Bridget begs Nick to restore their designing team , but he wo nt budge . Even with his mom on their side , he thinks they simply need to make a change with this bizarre publicity nightmare . This is nt what the public wants so he s letting go of Bridget , his mom and Owen . Jackie also begs him to be rational . When he wo nt back down , she says they will do it his way for now . Bridget tells Nick that she will regret that day the rest of her life ; the one where she told him the baby was Owen s . He tells her not to waste her time doing that . She has the baby she always wanted so she should enjoy him now . She cries as she walks out of his life . So does Nick as he pours himself a stiff drink . Amber spies him and comes in to make sure he is okay . Aggie confides in Whip that she is crazy in love with Nick Marone and things are heating up between them . Stephanie laughs and Brooke screams on the roller coaster . Stephanie loses her scarf and tells Brooke that she has to find it . It was her mother s . Amber tells Nick that things are incredible and she is going to make sure they stay that way . She grabs him and surprises him when she kisses him . Stephanie has a corn dog and some cotton candy . Brooke can not believe she is being so casual about this . Stephanie sees an old homeless man digging through the trash and remembers years ago when she was homeless and destitute on the streets during a time of illness . Later she spots a young girl on the shore who has her scarf . She asks if she will kindly give it back . It s just a scarf , but it means a lot to her . The girl is scared and pulls a broken bottle out to fend off Stephanie . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Jessica : Nash ? I want to go home now , ok , so bend the bars , carve me a gun out of soap to break me out of here , but please , please tell me I m going home .
Nash : You re going home .
Jessica : You re a liar .
Nash : Yeah . Well , it s what you said you wanted to hear . I --
Jessica : Well , come here and give me a kiss .
Nash : Ow , ow !
Jessica : Liar . Liar . Liar ! Ok . Come here for real now .
Nash : No -- you got an anvil or something in there ?
Jessica : No , I do nt .
Nash : Crazy -- nah .
Blair : All right -- would you just work with me ?
Todd : Ow ! I m trying to work with you . Tell that to the 80 stitches --
Blair : Do nt hurt yourself . Oh , 80 ? I think you re exaggerating -- it s only 79 .
Starr : Yeah , and if you were nt running around trying to strangle people , then maybe you would nt feel so bad .
Todd : Miles Laurence deserves more than a little strangle around the neck .
Blair : Well , I heard you would ve killed him if somebody had nt stopped you .
Todd : Yeah , and he d deserve it , too .
Starr : Yeah , no doubt , but then you d be back in jail .
Todd : Whew . I ll guarantee you he s not going to bother me anymore .
Blair : Well , just be still , ok ?
Todd : Well , you know , these stitches ? They hurt and they itch .
Blair : Well , you know what ? I ll go get Nurse Ratched and she could come here and scratch them for you -- is that what you want ?
Todd : Now , Starr , I know you do nt think I have any idea what I m talking about , but just think what would ve happened if you were still dating Cole -- you were dating some guy who had Miles Laurence for an evil stepfather .
Blair : Do , um , you want to tell him , or should I ?
Nora : I had Nigel make up your room .
Matthew : It s right down the hall from mine .
Nora : Oh , and tons of DVDs .
Matthew : And it s got one of those dance mat thingies .
Nora : Yeah . And you -- and you ve got your very own bathroom .
Matthew : But do nt drink out of the French water fountain .
Nora : It s a bidet .
Matthew : And it s not for washing your feet , either .
Nora : Ok , ok . Enough . Gosh -- uh , food . We should get you something to eat . Are you hungry ?
Matthew : Pizza .
Nora : Pizza ? Pizza -- is pizza good ?
Cole : Yeah , sure .
Nora : Ok . Well , Matthew , why do nt you order it up for us and I ll go check and make sure Cole s room is ready ?
Cole : Sounds like a hotel .
Matthew : Do nt worry -- you ll like it here . Hi , Henri . Yeah . Yeah , pizza -- yeah , pepperoni . Yeah , thanks . Ok , bye .
Marty : I remember . Oh , my God , I -- I remember .
John : What do you remember ?
Marty : The night Spencer died . It s all coming back to me .
Tate : I am not worthy to live -- say it !
Talia : Freeze , Tate ! On the ground , now !
Tate : Oh .
Rex : Adriana , are you ok ?
Adriana : Yeah .
Bo : Just give it to forensics , see what they have to say . Right . I want you to hold all my calls , all right ? I do nt want to be disturbed .
Paige : What if something important happens ?
Bo : This -- this is important . I mean , you come in here and you tell me like that -- that you re going to leave town and I m supposed to say , ok , honey , just hold that thought . Ok ? No . What happened , Paige ?
Paige : I got a call from doctors without borders .
Bo : I thought that you already decided that you were nt going to do that .
Paige : After I sent in the application .
Bo : How long ago was that ?
Paige : Couple of months .
Bo : Well -- but you did tell them that you were nt interested anymore , right ?
Paige : Yes , I did , but they must ve processed the application anyway . They told me that they got a grant to open a clinic in Hindu Kush , and they want me to head the whole start - up operation . I do nt want to leave , but I -- I feel like I need to do this .
Bo : Ok . How long will it take ?
Paige : I ve given this a lot of thought .
Bo : No -- how long ?
Paige : It s open - ended .
Bo : Well , then , the -- the question still remains . When are you going to come back ?
Paige : Maybe the question should be , will I ever come back ?
Nash : All right , I talked to Dr. Harrison --
Jessica : Mm - hmm .
Nash : And he said that you re doing really well , you re doing great , and that --
Jessica : But I need more tests and they need to make sure that the immuno- suppressants are working and blah , blah , blah , blah , blah , blah , blah . I ve heard it all before .
Nash : Sorry I could nt tell you what you want to hear .
Jessica : Not as sorry as I am .
Nash : You re going to get out of here soon .
Jessica : Not soon enough .
Nash : Hey , I got some good news . Your uncle Todd -- he s back , and he s alive and he s going to be all right .
Todd : Well , I m on pins and needles here . Somebody better cough up something pretty fast .
Starr : Ok , fine , I ll tell you , but you better not freak . Cole and I --
Todd : The next words out of your mouth better be ca nt stand each other .
Starr : We were in a musical together at school . We barely had any scenes , we did nt even talk .
Todd : Little ingrate can sing , eh ?
Blair : Starr ?
Starr : Mom , it s only going to make matters worse .
Todd : Now I m really interested .
Blair : Ok , well , how long do you think you re going to keep your brother from blabbing it ?
Todd : Starr , if you do nt want to make matters worse , you better fess up .
Starr : While you were gone --
Todd : You mean , while I was on vacation ? With a festering knife wound and --
Starr : Cole --
Todd : Garbage heaps --
Starr : Dad !
Todd : Yes ?
Starr : Cole and I got back together .
Matthew : Pepperoni s cool , right ?
Cole : Yeah , sure .
Matthew : He said about 40 minutes . You want to -- you want to play a video game until it gets here ?
Cole : Uh -- no , actually , I was warned about that , so no , thanks .
Matthew : How about -- ooh , how about some basketball ? You play basketball ?
Cole : You know , maybe later . Hey , listen , I know you re trying to entertain me and all , but you do nt have to . You know , it s ok -- I can just hang out for a while .
Matthew : Oh , I m sorry . Am I annoying you ?
Cole : No . No , no , that -- that s not it . I -- I m just -- just trying to figure everything out , you know ?
Matthew : Can can I say something ?
Cole : Yeah , of course .
Matthew : Do nt try so hard . My mom was in the hospital most of last year . I never got used to not having her around . I -- I pretended like nothing was wrong . Kind of like I was tricking into believing that . But one day , I just said , you know what ? Things are going to be like this for a while . And before I knew it , she got better and came home .
Cole : Hmm . That s -- that s probably good advice .
Matthew : I do nt think you re going to have to wait nearly as long for your mom as I did .
Cole : Well , I hope you re right , Matthew .
John : Ok . Sit down , all right ? You want me to get you some water ? You want me to call Dr. Young or something ?
Marty : No , I -- I just need to say this before I lose my nerve or forget it completely .
John : You sure ?
Talia : Grab hold . Here , reach .
Tate : Yeah , I ca nt . My shoulder --
Talia : Come on , try !
Tate : God ! Help -- help me . You know , if I fall , I m going to die .
Talia : You re not going anywhere . No way am I going to let you be an O.P.P. martyr ! Jones , get over here . I ca nt reach him .
Vincent : You mean that bastard s still alive ? Well , well , well . Would you look at that ?
Talia : My arms are nt long enough .
Vincent : You know , I just hope he does nt land on innocent people .
Talia : I called for backup on my way over here , but they re still five minutes out .
Tate : I ca nt hold on that long !
Vincent : Uh - oh .
Tate : Ah !
Talia : He ll fall and he ll die unless you can pull him up .
Bo : Will you ever ? You -- you make it sound like you ll never come back .
Paige : I ca nt say for sure .
Bo : Honey , I thought we were -- I thought we -- we had something . You know , it seems we -- that we were really going to make a go at it . I -- that s what I thought . Was I that wrong ?
Paige : Oh . You were nt wrong .
Bo : Ok , then , you know what ? I m lost . I m lost , I do nt know what happened . All of a sudden , one day , without any warning at all , you come in here and you tell me that you are going to be leaving town and you re going to be going to a place that I ve barely -- I ve barely even heard of this place .
Paige : Hindu Kush ?
Bo : Mm - hmm .
Paige : It s on the northern border of Pakistan near Afghanistan .
Bo : Oh , God . Oh , you know what ? That happens to be one of the most dangerous places in this world right now , not to mention the fact that it s halfway around the world . That makes for a -- a very , very distant relationship . Paige , I do nt -- I do nt know that that can actually work .
Paige : I know .
Bo : Then what ? Was it something I did ?
Jessica : What is he doing here ? What happened to him ?
Nash : He got stabbed .
Jessica : Where ?
Nash : In Chicago .
Jessica : No ! Where on his body did he get stabbed ?
Nash : I -- come -- ow ! I -- I do nt know , all right ? But it -- it does nt matter . Come on , Todd -- he s going to be ok . He s got a thick hide . It d take a lot to puncture that hide of his .
Jessica : Well , who s with him ?
Nash : Uh -- when I went by the emergency room , it looked like pretty much your whole family was there , so do nt worry . Blair is going to make sure he s ok .
Jessica : Does my mom know ?
Nash : She was there , so , yeah .
Jessica : Good . Good . She needs some good news .
Nash : Yeah .
Jessica : Yeah . So do you think they re going to let me see him ?
Nash : You a flight risk ?
Jessica : Huh . No , I m not -- I think that s more Todd s style , not mine . Besides , recuperating in bed is exhausting .
Nash : Well , it will make it all the sweeter when you get out of here and go home .
Jessica : When I get home to my family -- normal family , just like everybody else dreams of .
Nash : Normal family -- wait a minute . First of all , we are not like everybody else , and nothing about us is normal .
Jessica : I guess it s not .
Nash : Mm - hmm .
Jessica : And I would nt have it any other way . But I think that you could stand some conventional for a little while , could nt you ?
Nash : Conventional ?
Jessica : Mm - hmm .
Nash : Hmm . Like what ?
Jessica : Like honeymoons , paying bills --
Nash : Mm - hmm .
Jessica : Preschool applications .
Nash : Yay .
Jessica : Oh , more tests .
Nash : More tests -- come on .
Nurse : More tests .
Jessica : Boo .
Nash : Let you go .
Jessica : Ooh .
Nash : You want conventional , I ll show you conventional .
Todd : You know , you promised me . You promised me .
Starr : Yes , Dad --
Todd : You promised me over --
Starr : Yes , I know !
Todd : And over again that you would never see this jerk again .
Starr : Do you hear me arguing with you ?
Blair : Ok . You know what ?
Todd : I see , so -- I see .
Blair : Do nt be a smart aleck .
Todd : So if I m laid up with a knife wound in some maggot - infested flophouse , it s ok for you to disobey me ?
Starr : Do nt start popping stitches , Dad !
Todd : I want an answer from you !
Starr : You re making it sound so -- it s not even the way that it happened !
Todd : Well , you ve been behind our backs with this guy before , have nt you ? But I guess if -- if I m out of commission , it makes it easier . Is that right ?
Starr : You never listen to me .
Todd : Should I listen to you ? Should I trust what you say ? Maybe I should listen to your mother -- did you catch her sneaking around with this guy ?
Blair : Um --
Starr : She gave us her blessing .
Blair : Not exactly .
Todd : Is that right ? That s fantastic . So here we are , trying to make decisions about raising our children together . That s just fantastic .
Blair : Ok , but do nt --
Todd : What s this crap -- what is this crap about united parenting ?
Blair : Would you listen to me a minute ? You know , you were nt here as I recall , and do nt think that I did nt think about going looking for you because that s all I did -- I was obsessed with it . But , Todd , you did nt have to listen to our daughter every single night cry herself to sleep because -- because she missed her father again . And then , she could nt talk to the boy she loved about it .
Todd : Oh -- love .
Blair : No , Todd , you would ve changed your mind , too .
Todd : Give me a break . Love -- she s a kid . She does nt know anything about love yet .
Starr : Do nt even act like I do nt know what love is !
Blair : She was miserable , Todd . I thought it would help her through the whole ordeal if she had a shoulder to lean on .
Todd : What s wrong with your shoulder ?
Blair : It was off looking for your shoulder !
Todd : Did you stop to think about how I might feel about it ?
Blair : What do you think , Todd ? Come on ! You know what I did ? I finally put our daughter s happiness above your pride , and you think it s funny .
Starr : I do nt even know why you guys are arguing so much . It s not even that big of a deal .
Todd : Actually , I think it is a big deal .
Starr : No , it s not because Cole and I broke up .
John : Let s start from the beginning .
Marty : You already know most of it .
John : Let s hear it again -- for the record this time .
Marty : Ok . Um -- I was looking for Cole because he had missed his community service . I -- I went to the park to look for him , but he was nt there , so I thought that maybe he would be at the hospital with Starr .
John : And you said you did nt think anyone saw you at the park or the hospital . Is that still how you remember it ?
Marty : Yes . Yeah , I -- I remember seeing Rex and Dr. Miller . They -- they were arguing , I think , but they -- they did nt see me .
John : Ok . Afterwards , you told me you took the stairs to Blair s room .
Marty : Yeah . Yeah , I did nt want to wait for the elevator .
John : Then what happened ?
Marty : Then I went down the hall to Blair s room and I could hear something going on inside , but I could nt tell what it was . So I pushed the door open , then went in , but the curtain -- it was drawn , so I -- I had to go all the way inside and -- and Blair was there on the bed , and she was in her wedding dress . And Spencer was on top of her . She was struggling , but I could tell -- it was obvious that she had been drugged .
John : Then what happened ?
Marty : Then I knew I had to stop it .
Talia : Vincent , please . I ca nt reach him . I need your help .
Tate : Well ?
Tate : Please . I ca nt hold on . Help me ! I m slipping . Please .
Tate : Ah !
Tate : Ah -- ah ! Ah , ah , ah ! Ah ! Ow , my shoulder !
Talia : After all the pain you caused --
Talia : Do you really think I give a damn ?
Tate : Ah !
Talia : This is Officer Sahid . The perp is under control . We need medical assistance ASAP . Repeat , medical assistance ASAP . We are on The Palace hotel rooftop .
Todd : So your romance with the steroid king only lasted a couple of weeks , huh ?
Starr : Yes .
Todd : Good . Did you break it off with him ?
Starr : Yes , Dad , I broke it off with him .
Todd : Good . Now , that s my girl .
Starr : Oh . Todd just another in a long line of Starr Manning roadkills . Oh , wait a minute . Did he -- did he do something to you ? Did he hurt you ? Is that why you broke it off ?
Starr : Dad , are you kidding me ? Why would that even matter ? We broke up !
Todd : Because I m your father -- that s why it matters . If he hurt you , if he even laid a finger on you , I m going to be pissed off !
Blair : Hey , hey . Do nt look at me , Starr .
Todd : I want answers right now .
Starr : Cole found out that Miles was holding you captive and he kept it a secret .
Todd : Huh -- what ?
Starr : Only for a couple of days , and then he told everyone .
Todd : Is that right ? Wow . So I m just lying there bleeding to death and --
Starr : Dad ?
Todd : Crawling through the woods and he said nothing ?
Starr : Dad , he did nt lie --
Todd : Lying little son of a bitch .
Starr : Dad , he did not lie . He just did nt say anything .
Blair : Yep . She is the spin doctor , just like her daddy .
Todd : Oh , ok . Well -- huh - huh -- it s a good thing you re not going out with him again .
Starr : I m sorry -- do you guys want me to tell you about lies and liars , because you guys do it all the time . How do you even know what the truth is anymore ? Do you want me start listing things ?
Todd : Hey , hey -- cool it now !
Blair : Ok , that s enough .
Starr : Cole did that to help his mom because he loves her -- unlike hurting her like you guys do . Cole wanted to protect his mom from Miles the psycho . And I would ve done the same thing for you two even though you do nt deserve it half of the time .
Todd : She s a teenager .
Cole : You know , you got some wisdom little dude . Hey , if there s anything I can do for you , you just let me know , all right ?
Matthew : Well , actually , there is something down at the country club .
Cole : All right -- what s her name ?
Matthew : What makes you think it s a girl ?
Cole : Because I m not the guy that can help you with your golf swing .
Matthew : Ok , you got me -- it is a girl .
Cole : Ok , well , in that case , you should probably ask your dad because apparently I m not too good with women .
Matthew : I thought you and Starr were boyfriend and girlfriend .
Cole : Right -- were .
Matthew : What happened ?
Cole : It s complicated .
Matthew : Screwed up , huh ?
Cole : Oh . Uh , yeah -- bigtime .
Matthew : Well , did you at least say you were sorry ?
Cole : Oh , yeah .
Matthew : Well , I m really close with Starr . If you want , I can give you some props and give her a little call and tell her what she s missing and how cool you are .
Cole : Really ? Well , thanks .
Nora : Hey . How s he doing ? How s things going ?
Matthew : Kind of rough .
Nora : Well , he s very lucky to have a friend like you to help him through it .
Matthew : Thanks , Mom .
Nora : Come here , you . Oh .
Cole : Hey , I -- I was just thinking about you .
Starr : I guess we should talk .
John : So what d you do when you saw Truman assaulting Blair ?
Marty : Rape . He was going to rape her .
John : What d you do when you saw Truman about to rape Blair ?
Marty : I confronted him . Stop it ! Spencer , get the hell off of her !
Spencer : You should not be interrupting a bride and groom on their wedding night .
Spencer : Come here !
Marty : No ! He hit me and he told me that I had to get out , that I was upsetting Blair .
John : So what d you do then ?
Marty : I knew I had to stop him . So I -- I looked around for something and I -- I saw the scissors and I grabbed them . And I ran towards him and I raised them above my head and brought them down as hard as I could !
Marty : And that s -- that s when I did it .
Nash : Oh . I ll take it from here , Jeanie . Thank you very much .
Jeanie : Whatever you say .
Nash : Huh ?
Jessica : Jeanie ?
Nash : Yeah . She s your driver .
Jessica : Yeah -- um --
Nash : Here .
Jessica : Oh , I m not even going to ask what the raincoat s for .
Nash : Do nt bother , you ll find out in a moment .
Jessica : Oh --
Nash : Here you go -- a hat . Got to have your hat .
Jessica : Ok .
Nash : Coat .
Jessica : Oh , thank you .
Nash : Sit back .
Jessica : Thank you .
Nash : Ok , you ready ?
Jessica : I think so .
Nash : Close your eyes . And I ll show you a big surprise . I give you , absolute love of my life , the ultimate in conventional honeymoons . I give you --
Nash : Niagara Falls . Huh ? Huh ? Whoo !
Jessica : Oh , my goodness ! Oh , wow .
Nash : And wait , wait , wait .
Jessica : Oh , oh , oh .
Nash : I give you the maid of the mist .
Jessica : Do nt -- do nt you dare ! Stop it . Stop it ! Stop it . Stop it ! I never took you for a Niagara Falls type of guy .
Nash : You do nt like it ? Ok . Close your eyes . Close your eyes .
Nash : I give you --
Nash : Victoria Falls . It s probably a little bit louder , but equally wet !
Jessica : Oh , no ! Stop it . Stop it , stop it . Oh !
Nash : All right . Huh ? What do you say ? Conventional enough ?
Jessica : Perfect .
Bo : I never , ever meant any-- to do anything that would ever hurt you . Ok ? Look , how can I fix it ?
Paige : Oh , God , there s nothing to fix . You are great . Matthew is great . I m not .
Bo : Oh , no , no . No , I m not going to buy that . Listen , I m not some great guy . I m not . I m to be in love with you .
Paige : And I am broken . When Hugh died , a piece of me died , too , Bo . You know what that s like .
Bo : I know , I know . Honey , you ve got to keep moving , ok ?
Paige : Oh , that s the problem . I -- I ca nt move .
Bo : All right , then listen . Hey , I ll carry you .
Paige : I ll just break your back . And when you put me down , I m going to be in the exact same place .
Bo : I do nt want you to go through this alone , ok ? I do nt want you to do that . I do nt want you to leave .
Paige : I do nt want to leave . But , Bo , I am drowning , and I do nt want to pull you and Matthew down with me .
Bo : This is nt any good , Paige .
Paige : I know . It hurts . I m hurting you , I m hurting Matthew . But I just -- I do nt see any other way to do this . You know that you ca nt get me through this grief . I wish you could . But I have to do this on my own .
Talia : Ok , if you guys can hang out here , I m going to get someone to take your statements .
Rex : Where s Tate ?
Talia : At the hospital , under guard . They ll be bringing him here as soon as he s treated .
Vincent : Can you tell us how this statement thing goes ? Can we make the process a little faster ? You know , I think I speak for all of us here when I say I do nt want to be hanging around a police station all night .
Talia : I ll get someone over here as quickly as possible .
Adriana : As soon as we get out of here , I m going to call Cristian and Antonio and tell them what happened .
Vincent : And Shaun .
Layla : And Evangeline -- have to tell her that it s over .
Vincent : You know , I pulled that son of a bitch up . I had his sweaty hands right inside mine . I should have let him die . I should have .
Layla : No , Vincent . That s not who you are .
Rex : All that matters is that it s over .
Cole : Yeah , so talking is good . So is listening . They re -- they re both good .
Starr : I could call you later if you re busy .
Cole : Well , you know me . I -- oh , I always have stuff going on . Except for now . So I guess I do nt always have something going on , especially now .
Starr : Does that mean you do want to talk ?
Cole : Yeah , yeah , of course I do . Actually , I never thought we d get a chance to .
Starr : They found my dad .
Cole : Really ? Is he --
Starr : Yeah , no , he s -- he s fine . Actually , he s the same as he was before , so I would steer clear of him if I were you , you know , just to be safe .
Cole : All right , thanks for the heads - up . Yeah , I m glad to hear that he s back .
Starr : Yeah , well , he would nt be back if it was nt for you , so thanks .
Blair : She s on the phone .
Todd : It better not be with Cole .
Blair : You should rest .
Todd : We got to set some boundaries for her .
Blair : I think that s what we ve been doing , Todd . You know , it has nt really worked . I think we need to figure out a new strategy to guide her .
Todd : All right , let s hear your brilliant plan .
Blair : Guide her . Less control and more guidance .
Todd : Does that mean that you are -- you are bugling retreat here ?
Blair : If you had nt noticed , she s not a little girl anymore . She s growing up to be a beautiful young woman . A woman that s fearless , headstrong -- a lot like her daddy .
Todd : Or like her mother .
Blair : Maybe . But she just told us like it is , and I know why .
Todd : Why , o wise one ?
Blair : Because she s not over the boy .
Todd : How do you know ?
Blair : I know the signs .
John : How do you know you did it ?
Marty : I just -- I know . I did it , I killed him .
John : Do you actually remember stabbing him ? Think about it before you speak . You saw the scissors there . You picked them up , and then what ?
Marty : I raised them above my head and I brought them down as hard as possible !
John : You do nt remember really doing it , do you ? Think . There s more to this . You know it , and I know it .
Marty : No , you have refused to admit from the beginning that I did it , ok ? There s not going to be some fairy - tale ending to this .
Talia : I m so sorry to interrupt , but we got Tate Harmon .
Rex : Cup of Joe ?
Adriana : Thanks , but I think I have enough adrenaline running through me to keep me going for a while .
Rex : Yeah , it scared me , too -- what you did , or what you were about to do .
Adriana : I m so sorry , Rex . You were right about everything . You were right that we should ve come to Bo .
Rex : The ending was good . That s all I care about .
Adriana : If Talia had come a minute later --
Rex : Hey , she did nt , so let it go .
Adriana : I should ve trusted you .
Rex : All that matters to me is how I feel about --
Adriana : You know what , Rex ? Can we not talk about us tonight ? Can we just put a night between this ? Talk when we have clearer heads ?
Rex : Sure .
Tate : Hold on a second , Pepe . I want to say something to Vincent .
Officer : Make it quick .
Tate : About what you did -- when I get the first chance , I m going to take me a hot shower and wash off the filth from where you touched me .
Bo : No , no ! Vincent -- Vincent !
Vincent : Let me go ! Let me go ! Let me go !
Bo : Get that piece of trash out of here now ! Lock him up !
Tate : Trash ? That s the trash !
Vincent : All right , that s --
Bo : Ok , all of y to see you in my office , now , please .
Talia : Go .
Bo : Vincent ? My office .
John : We ca nt base a case on your sketchy memory and a serious lack of evidence putting you at the scene .
Marty : No , Spencer was going to rape Blair , and I stopped him . I had mean , motive , and opportunity -- end of story !
John : How many times did you stab him ? Hmm ? For that matter , how much blood was there ? What d you do with the blood that was on your clothes ? How come you did nt track any blood into the other room ? How come it was so easy for you afterwards to go about your business ? How did you see Cole afterwards and not mention it to him ? Mention anything ? Tell me . Answer any of these questions . That s all you got to do . Just answer those questions .
Marty : I ca nt , I ca nt !
John : Yes , you can . Think .
Marty : Why do nt you just leave me alone , please ?
John : I m not going to leave you alone . Answer the question . Hey , listen to me . Do nt you give up , all right ? I m not going to give up . Do nt you give up .
Nora : Why do nt you and Cole go to the club tomorrow ? You know , sit in the sun , go for a swim . You could invite a friend . Cole could invite Starr .
Matthew : Cole and Starr need some space right now .
Nora : Space ?
Matthew : It s complicated .
Nora : Oh , ok . Yeah . You know , believe it or not , I was once a young girl myself . Girls like a little conversation . You know , they like a little how are you ? Are you doing ok ? That kind of thing , you know ? Trust me , one thing they do nt like -- silence . Just does nt work . Deal .
Matthew : I m trying to shuffle them .
Cole : I did nt do anything . That s the problem .
Starr : If you would nt have turned Miles in , who knows what he could have done to dad ? And I have him back now , thanks to you .
Cole : Yeah , well , I just wish I would have done it sooner .
Starr : You do nt have to say that anymore . I understand why you did it .
Cole : Thanks .
Starr : I got to go . Take care .
Cole : Yeah , you , too .
Matthew : How d it go ?
Cole : Ok , I guess .
Todd : I guess you had a hell of a time looking for me , huh ?
Blair : You kidding me ? Slums , freaks , crazy adoption agencies -- it was just a walk in the park . But I was nt going to give up on you , Todd .
Todd : And I m glad you did nt .
Singer : It s easier to fall and harder to stand
Singer : It s easier to cry and harder to laugh
Singer : I do nt know how I do nt know why but you re the light on my shoulder when I m tired it s easier to run and harder to be still
Singer : It s easier to think and harder to feel
Singer : I do nt know how I do nt know why but you re the light on my shoulder when I m tired ooh - hoo hoo hoo - ooh - ooh
Sarah : Oh , my God . Look .
Jessica : Antonio does nt know that we re married yet , does he ?
Starr : Do you think I should forgive Cole ?
Adriana : I do nt know if Rex and I are strong enough to get past what we did to each other .
Marty : Am I under arrest ?
### Summary:
| Nash comes into Jessica s room and lies to her that she is going home . She calls him a liar . Blair helps Todd back into bed . Cole moves into Asa s mansion with Nora and Matthew . Marty remembers what she had been covering up . Talia forces Adriana to say that she was nt worthy to live . Talia comes in and shoots Tate . Paige tells Bo that she is leaving town for Bo s and Matthew s own good . Tate is rushed to the hospital . Layla , Adriana , Rex , and Vincent are brought into the police station to give their statements . Nash surprises Jessica with a pretend honeymoon to Niagara Falls in the hospital . Nash informs Jessica that her Uncle Todd is back . Starr tells Todd that she and Cole were in a musical together in school . With her mother s encouragement , Starr admits to her dad that she and Cole are back together . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Victor : Son , we need to talk .
Nick : I ca nt believe you . How dare you show your face here .
Nikki : Nicholas ! What is going on between the two of you ?
N nick : Mom , I need to talk to dad alone .
Nikki : Well , I m not gon na leave you two alone like this .
Victor : Nicholas and i need to talk . Give us a chance , hmm ?
Nikki : Why ca nt I hear about it ?
Nick : Because it s personal , and I do nt want to drag you into it .
Nikki : I have a very bad feeling about this .
Victor : Everything will be all right . Do nt worry .
Nikki : All right , look , just remember this-- whatever s happened , you two are father and son . You love each other .
Victor : Right .
Neil : Ahem !
Dru : Oh , neil , neil , what are you doing here ?
Neil : What the hell is going on here ?
Dru : I thought you had a big presentation .
Neil : I thought you had meesestraint , dru .
Wes : Wait a minute , neil .
Neil : No , no , you wait a minute , man . This is my apartment .
Dru : Well , I thought it was our apartment .
Neil : Does nt give you the right to come in here with-- this is unbelievable , you know ? An hour ago we were having breakfast at that table over there with our daughter as a family . I come back here , slick rick is here doing the freak nasty with-- what is going on ?
Dru : Well , you re kind of killing the moment right now .
Neil : Of course I m killing the moment . What were you thinking about , dru ?
Dru : Use your imagination , man .
Wes : No , look , neil , we got out of hand . We got carried away . It will not happen again , all right ? Dru , get your stuff . Let s go .
Neil : Oh , no , no , no , no . No , drucilla -- she s staying right here with me , okay ? You can get out of here , man .
Michael : S , s , chantal ? Look , if this is about the snyder deposition , then ... here . What are you doing here ? ! Get in . If anyone saw you ...
Michael : You look like hell .
Isabella : I have nt been sleeping well .
Michael : Hmm , lying awake at night worrying about the mysterious miss simmons ? Huh ?
Isabella : Oh , her .
Michael : Huh , so blasé . The last time we spoke about it you were on the verge of a nervous breakdown . Hmm . Ah , I see . You neutralized the threat . That explains your lack ofleep . You re catering to your husband . You still think sex will solve everything .
Isabella : This amuses you ?
> Icelel ; : Yes , it does .
Isabella : Well , try this on for size . Your precious christine and my husband-- they slept together .
Paul : Hey , you re back .
Andy : Yeah , I got-- I got back last night .
Paul : L : How was pittsburgh ?
Andy : Pittsburgh -- yes , pittsburgh was as beautiful as ever .
Paul : Right . How about faren and betsy ? Did you see them ?
Andy : Ah , yeah , yeah , it was very nice .
Paul : That s good .
Andy : What about you ? Did I miss anything while I was gone ?
Paul : Only my life crashing and burning .
Andy : Oh , boy . What happened now ?
Paul : Well , for one thing , my wife moved out .
Andy : What ? Paul , why ?
Paul : Cause I told her . I told isabella what happened between me and chris the night of the christening .
Andy : Man .
Paul : Whoever said honesty is the best policy-- I sure hope to hell they re right . Because right now my life is a shambles , and I really do nt know what to do . ( Doorbell rings )
Lynne : Room service-- warm , frothy lattes .
Chris : You re a lifesaver . Come on in .
Lynne : Thanks .
Lynne : You never called last night .
Chris : Yeah , I know . I forgot . Had a lot on my mind .
Lynne : I m worried about you , chris .
Chris : Do nt be .
Lynne : You ve been really withdrawn and quiet the last few days .
Chris : I have a lot to think about .
Lynne : You ve had months to think .
Chris : I m still no closer to an answer .
Lynne : About paul ?
Chris : About everything .
Lynne : I wish I knew what happened between you two the night you left town .
Chris : Lynne , you do nt want to know . Believe me , I do nt want to know .
Lynne : You have nt been sleeping in the bedroom ?
Chris : No .
Lynne : Is there a reason ?
Chris : Lynne , please donT.
Lynne : Ca nt stop thinking about them , can you ?
Chris : Who ?
Lynne : The two men in your life -- paul and michael .
Chris : No , I canT. Especially , since , the other day , I ran into both of them . Wle in at the ranch last night . Your mother told me .
Nick : Yeah , I was there .
Victor : So why did nt you go to your house to see sharon and the kids ?
Nick : How do you know I did nt see her ?
Victor : Well , you did nt , did you ?
Nick : I did go out there to see sharon , dad . See , I was gon na try and patch things up between the two of us . See , I got the divorce papers from sharon , and it really bothered me . We got in this big fight at the coffeehouse . Cause there was this guy-- I thought sharon was hitting on him . I was wrong . He was nt the one she was interested in . ( Knock on door )
Sharon : Nikki .
Nikki : Glad you re here . I have some things I have to say .
Sharon : Do we have to do this ?
Nikki : I can certainly understand why you would rather not , bu y yes , we do .
Sharon : Fine . What do you want ?
Nikki : I m here to ask you-- actually , I m here to tell you to let my son go . You re destroying him , sharon . If you have any compassion , if you have any semblance of feeling left for him , you ll have the decency to go through with your divorce and end this farce of a marriage .
Wes : Let go of her , neil . We are leaving .
Neil : You are leaving . Dru and I have some unfinished business we need to discuss .
Dru : You both need to let go of me .
Neil : What if it was nt me who came walking through that door just now , drucilla ? What if it was our daughter ? !
Dru : It was you , because she s in school .
Neil : Yeah , but what if she suddenly got sick and she came home and she saw that ?
Dru : Oh , neil , would you quit with the hypotheticals ? A nurse would have called me .
Neil : It does nt matter . That s not the point . This is nt your love nest . If you and romeo want to knock boots , why do nt you go do it somewhere else ?
Wes : You know what , neil ? Let s just take it down a notch , buddy .
Neil : I do nt remember the last time that you and i became buddies . And do nt tell me what to do .
Wes : Oh , I see , you want to be the head neil in charge ?
Neil : Yeah , that s right . I am in charge .
Wes : Well , let me tell you something , big man . The only reason I let you get away with this bizarre living arrangement is for lily s sake .
Neil : Why do nt you finish saying what you got to say and then get out of here ?
Wes : Comen , n , neil , wake up . Ca nt you see drucilla and i have something special , very , very special . And you d have to be a fool to think we re gon na put that on hold just for you . Bottom line is if you did nt want it in your face , you should ve thought about that before you asked her to move in , buddy .
Neil : Punk - ass bit-- yeah , it s like that .
Wes : Come on , man
Dru : Okay , okay , stop it . Stop it !
Wes : Keke your hands off me .
Dru : Neil , stop it ! ( Glass shatters )
Dru : Now stop it ! Listen ! You need to go , wes !
Wes : I am not leaving you here with him .
Dru : No , you need to go . You need--
Neil : You heard-- you heard what she said . Get out of here .
Wes : No , you -- no--
Neil : You get out of here . Go on .
Dru : Let s go . Let s go . Let s go . Let s go !
Neil : Punk !
Wes : You re desperate , man .
Dru : Let s go . Let s go .
Wes : Give me my jacket .
Neil : You see you re the one leaving , right ? You see that ?
Wes : It s over , neil .
Neil : Come on with it ! Bring it !
Dru : I will call you later .
Andy : When you say you told isabella ...
Paul : Oh , no , no , not the whole truth . No , I m not brave enough to do that . I did nt tell her that I practically forced myself on chris .
Andy : But you admitted having sex with her ?
Paul : Yeah , I could nt take it anymore , andy , living a lie , knowing what it was doing to my wife .
Andy : Yeah , she probably knew something was wrong .
Paul : How could she not ? I was impossible to live with . I mean , it s bad enough what I did to chris , but the way it s affecting my marriage and ... I just had to say something .
Andy : Okay , and you did , all right ? You took action . And however this thing shakes out , you can at least take some comfort in that .
Paul : I told myself it was for the bt , t , that isabella had a right to know the truth .
Andy : What ? Talk to me .
Paul : It s just that is-- seeing the look on her face , you know ? The hurt and the betrayal . I do nt know . So did I just take the burden off myself and dump it on her ?
Paul : You know the real kicker ? I used to blame this whole thing on michael baldwin . But as big a scum as he is , it s really a cop - out . It s whatever s he s done in the past pales in comparison wt t I ve done . I m really the last person who should throw stones . Last person in the world , andy .
Andy : Yeah , this thing , it s not gon na go away , not until you face it head- on . Figure out , once and for all , your feelings for christine .
Lynne : Oh , my god , chris , you ran into both michael and paul .
Chris : At the coffeehouse .
Lynne : So then they know .
Chris : No , I was wearing my disguise .
Lynne : Oh , they met kelly simmons .
Chris : Paul was with andy .
Lynne : What , you went over and talked with them ?
Chris : No , they approached me .
Lynne : Why ?
Chris : Paul was trying to give his frie s social life a boost .
Lynne : Oh , my god . Of all the women in genoa city .
Chris : Tell me about it .
Lynne : How was it seeing paul ? Chriswewe hardly spoke . He left andy and me alone .
Lynne : And what about michael ? When did he come into the picture ?
Chris : Not when paul was there , thank god .
Lynne : But he approached you , too ?
Chris : After andy left .
Lynne : Why ?
Chris : That s what I keep asking myself .
Lynne : What did you two talk about ?
Chris : It was strange . At first , I thought he was hitting on me .
Lynne : Creep .
Chris : But the more I ve thought about it ... I m not so sure it was a come- on . I really do nt think he was trying to pick me up .
Lynne : What else was it , chris ?
Chris : It s almost as if he were after something-- information .
Michael : What is this , some sort of sick joke ?
Isabella : It s not a joke , michael .
Michael : Paul and christine ?
> Sasalla; : A : Yes . My husband confessed .
Michael : He s lying .
Isabella : I wish you were right .
Michael : When did this tryst supposedly take place ?
Isabella : The night of ricky s christening . Right before your fiancé left town .
Michael : Oh , my god . Oh , my god . How could she ?
Isabella : You believe me ? Damn christine .
Michael : No , damn paul . Paul s the one who never gets--
Isabella : No , come on , michael , she s had her sights on my husband ever since she came back to genoa city . So much for her commitment to you . She was using your engagement as a smokescreen--
Michael : Using me ? Using me ? ! You got it backwards , sweetheart . Paul was the one using you . Pretending to be the devoted husband so he could sniff around christine .
Isabella : No , you re wrong , okay ? You re dead wrong .
Michael : Oh , yeah . You remember the night of the christening ? Late , late that night , I went over to christine s apartment . She was nt there . Guess who did show up ? Paul .
Isabella : He was sick with guilt and he wanted to tell christine to stay the hell away .
Michael : Oh , yeah . He was sick with guilt , all right . He felt guilty for taking advantage of christine . Unfortunately , he was nt able to tell her how sorry he felt about it . Cause he d already driven her away .
Isabella : No , I ll tell you why christine left town-- beususe she felt ashamed , ashamed for messing with paul s head , threatening our marriage , our family ... hell , she might have even felt ashamed for playing you for a fool .
Michael : Shut up ! Shut up !
Isabella : Where are you going ?
Michael : Take a wild guess .
Isabella : You ca nt go see paul .
Michael : No ? Like hell I canT.
Isabella : Do you remember the last time you saw paul ? He nearly beatpulp .
Michael : Well , you know , I forgot to be afraid !
Isabella : Michael , stop ! II m begging you . I m begging you .
Michael : Let go of me . Jen , did you wear my black blouse last night ?
Claire : Oh , yes , I had it all planned , dad . I figured my wife was owed an apology , so I got some flowers and gift , and I headed home . And I was excited , you know , because I was gon na reach out to my wife , try anpuput my family back together again .
Victor : That is what you wanted to do ?
Nick : Yeah . After all that time of you pushing and pushing for me to get back together with my wife .
Victor : Well , I know that you still love her .
Nick : You know that , do you ?
Victor : Yeah , I know whatever the problems are between the two of you , I know that you , you know , have a deep love for her , and I know she loves you .
Nick : You never doubtedhahat ?
Victor : No , never .
Nick : Okay . Even now ?
Victor : Yeah , even now .
Nick : Remember all those talks about forgiveness , putting the past behind me , moving on with my life , remember those ?
Victor : Yeah , well , I did nt think you were listening .
Nick : Oh , yeah , dad , I was listening . Yeah , I was listening . See , I figured it was time , you know ? I was gon na swallow my pride , go to my wife and tell her I love her , and I was a fool and I was ready to start over .
Victor : I m very glad to hear that .
Nick : And it felt good . It felt really good .
Victor : I m sure it did . Um ...
Nick : No , no , no . Do nt you want to hear w this ends ? Because you should hear how this all plays out .
Sharon : Have you discussed your ultimatum with your husband ?
Nikki : I do nt believe it was an ultimatum .
Sharon : You just told me in no uncertain terms , that you expect me to give up your son .
Nikki : What I said was , it would be the best thing to do , the kindest thing .
Sharon : Do you realize that victor has a totally opposite point of view ?
Nikki : That is because he has not spent as much time with nicholas as I have . He does nt understand what this has done to him .
Sharon : Oh , I see , so now mommy is the oh - so - wise one .
Nikki : You are very insolent .
Sharon : No , you are insolent coming into my home and demanding that I end mmamarriage .
Nikki : Look , I do nt knowwhat happened last night , but I can tell you that my son is a total wreck . He has nt slept , he is totally drained , and all fingers point to you .
Sharon : Have you talked to nicholas ?
Nikki : Not enough . I could barely get anything out of him , but I know that he is devastated .
Sharon : I m really sorry about that . The last thing I ever wanted was to hurt nick .
Nikki : Well , you have hurt him , sharon , over and over and over again .
Sharon : Well , I ve been hurt , too , you know !
Nikki : I understand that . I realize that nicholas is not blameless in what happened . But my question is , when something has gone this far astray , what is the point of ting g to cling to it
Sharon : You ve really thought this through , have nt you ? All the reasons my marriage should come to an end .
Nikki : It s just how I feel , sharon . It would be the best thing for you and nicholas . And as far as the children , yes , they will be hurt , but I do nt think that s any worse than living with two parents who are constantly at each other s throats .
Sharon : Well , thank you , nikki . Thank you for that thoughtful , unbiased analysis .
Nikki : I am trying very hard not to turn this into something personal .
Sharon : Oh , bull ! It is personal ! Be honest , nikki . You never liked me from the get - go . You never thought I was good enough for your son . And now you re more certain than ever that you were right . That s what this is about .
Dru : What were you thinking about ? Being a thug ?
Neil : What am I thinking about ? What are you thinking about ? What do you expect me to do ? I come home , I find you and idiot boy half - naked . He s rubbing you down like some porno movie .
Dru : Okay , so you go after him like jealous schoolboy .
Neil : No , I m not jealous ! You know , drucilla , this is all about your irresponsible behavior . Do nt try to put it on me .
Dru : All right , I m sorry , okay ? I was trying to get my needs metokay , I m sorry .
Neil : Dru , I thought you were on board . I thought we were building something here like a real family .
Dru : We are
Neil : So we re not married . So what ? So this is our home . This is lily s home . And for you to be freaking with your boyfriend on the couch is ...
Dru : Excuse me .
Neil : It violates everything that this apartment stands for . This is lily s refuge .
Dru : I said I m sorry , okay ? I made a mistake . I got carried away . I get it , okay ?
Neil : But do you get it , dru , really ?
Dru : You know what ? I get that you re jealous . You may say that you re not , but I know that you are .
Chris : I mean it . Michael was a perfect gentleman . I told him I was new in town , and he offered to show me around .
Lynne : Straight to his bedroom ?
Chris : It was nt like that .
Lnene : What else coulitit be , chris ?
Chris : Maybe he suspects something .
Lynne : Like what ?
Chris : I do nt know . What if isabella told him about kelly s visit ? Although , why would she ? They re not friends anymore .
Lynne : No , but they used to be at one time . You know that she said that michael was the father of her baby .
Chris : Yeah , I know . All the more reason he d want nothing to do with her .
Lynne : You d think , would nt you ? But I ve always had my suspicions about those two . Do you remember when mrs . Williams and I broke into michael s office ? Chris : Yeah , but I forget . That s what you two were looking for ? A connection between michael and isabella ?
Lynne : I do nt trust either one of them , and the fact that they used to be hot and heavy ...
Chris : What are you thinking ?
Lynne : Suppose your visit with isabella rattled her so much that she went running to michael ?
Chris : And he being the thorough attorney that he is , he d check out my story .
Lynne : Right . He would have found out that her ex - husband is nt up for parole after all .
Chris : Yeah , but why would michael do it ? Why would isabella even ask him ?
Lynne : Because maybe they re closer than we realize . Just think about it . Michael approaches you , or should I say kelly , out of the blue . He starts asking you questions . If isabella did go to him after you saw her ...
Chris : Then they re both scratching their heads wondering who kelly simmons really is .
Lynne : Isablala describes her to michael , he spots you in the coffeehouse , he tries to pump you for information . I know isabella has something to hide , and somehow michael is a part of it . Look , we know she lied to paul about her husband being a threat .
Chris : No , we suspect that . We do nt know that .
Lynne : Chris , why are you defending them ?
Chris : Because he s my fiancé . Where are you going with this ? Are you suggesting that he s not the man I think he is ? Well , there s only one way to find out .
Michael : I said let go .
Isabella : Michael , stop . You have to calm down and not do anything that s going to make the situation worse like confronting paul .
Michael : Are you afraid I m going to kill him ? Look , I m the one who gets beaten up .
Isabella : No , we need to put things in perspective .
Michael : I ve put them in perspective . Your husband seduced my fiancéE. He drove her away , and that s why I m going to talk to him . You may be able to ratiize that , but not me , so get out of my way !
Isabella : No , michael , damn it ! My marriage still has a chance , and if you go over there half - cocked--
Michael : Your marriage is on much rougher ground than you could possibly imagine .
Isabella : What is that supposed to mean ?
Michael : I met the mysterious kelly simmons .
Isabella : When ?
Michael : The other day she was at crimson lights . She s still snooping abound . Guess who s an acquaintance of hers . Your beloved husband paul .
Nikki : I just lef victor and nicholas at the coffeehouse .
Sharon : They re talking now ?
Nikki : Nicholas is furious with his father . I do nt know why . Frankly , I was afraid to leave them alone .
Sharon : Maybe you should nt have .
Nikki : You know what ts is about , do nt you ? You know why nicholas is so upset with his father .
Sharon : Nick s anger is misplaced .
Nikki : Why is he angry ?
Sharon : I just hope victor can get through to him and can reason with him .
Nikki : Sharon ? I m gon na ask you again . What happened ? Just tell me . Answer me !
Sharon : Nikki , if you really want to know , I think you should ask your husband .
Nikki : I m asking you .
Sharon : It s not my place to tell you . Look , you said that victor is talking to nick right now , so just go home , nikki , wait for your husband . I m sure he ll tell you whatev he feels you need to know .
Nikki : You are just the most arrogant little ... how dare you take that attitude with me ?
Sharon : I am sick and tired of your garbage . I may be no angel , but your son is no saint , either . I think you have enough problems of your own to worry about right now , nikki , and I think that you would be very smart to stop meddling in mine .
Nikki : Well , I hope my son has the good sense to walk away from you . You do nt deserve a man like nicholas .
Dru : Neil ... come on , neil . Listen . You ve been up front with me , you know , about how you feel , and I really respect that .
Neil : You re still pretty involved with what s - his - name .
Dru : Wesley . Come on .
Neil : Yeah , wesley . The sofa casanova .
Dru : I ... would you let that go ? I told you I was sorry about that .
Neil : Drucilla , and I told you that I was very disappointed .
Dru : Obviously you still are , because of lily , right ?
Neil : What else ?
Dru : Oh , man . Listen , you knew the ground rules going in . I was never gon na stop seeing wes .
Neil : Drucilla , it s not just that , you know . It s that this morning ...
Dru : What ?
Neil : We sat around that breakfast table . We were a family . You know , I -- I could feel it . I know you could feel it , too .
Dru : I m listening . Neil : Ndnd then after our daughter left for school , I felt something . Can you feel it ? It s that old spark .
Dru : Neil , come on , you ca nt get me in here , right ? And was that the whole thing ? You know , making your moves , and then starting to manipulate the situation ?
Neil : Yeah , I was kind ofhopingng -- no , I s s really hoping that things would work out for you and me .
Dru : Neil , listen . You know I care about you . And things have been going good . They ve been going really good . But , um , you know ... neil , I m sorry .
Neil : Well , hmm . The joke s on me , you know ? Cause here I thought that , um , you know ... ah , do nt worry about it . I swear , I promise , I m not gon na bother you again .
Dru : You want lily and me to move out ?
Neil : No , no , of course N. I still think the three of us living together is the best thing for lily .
Dru : What about you and me ?
Neil : Hey , we have a beautiful , talented challenging young lady to raise . And I am game if you are . I do nt want to be late . I have that presentation to work on . I better go .
Dru : I ll get it .
Neil : Thanks . Did you know thatregular - sized pads
Isabella : This is a nightmare . That fraud of a woman was talking to paul ?
Michael : No , she was actually talking to his sidekick andy . I never saw her talk to paul .
Isabella : Well , then how ...
Michael : I made my move when the coast was clear , and I approached the little southern belle . Isabell a and you talked about paul ?
Michael : It came up in the conversation . It was obvious they d met .
Isabella : Who is this woman , and what does she want , michael ?
Michael : I think our first guess was right on the money . She s working for someone and gathering information .
Isabella : You think ? That is all you found out ?
Michael : Yeah , I dug for it . I turned on the charm . I did it all .
Isabella : Obviously it did nt work .
Michael : Yeah , she clamped down pretty tight .
Isabella : Maybe she thought you were on to her .
Michael : I doubt that .
Isabella : That s reassuring . ( Telephone rings )
Michael : Baldwin , williams and associates .
Chris : ( Southern accent ) well , hey there , mr . Baldwin . This is kelly simmons . We met the oth d day at crimson lights .
Michael : How are you ?
Chris : I m fine , though I have nt gotten out as much as I had hoped , and I looked you up thehe phone book , and I was wondering if your offer still stands . Michael : Oh , to take you around town ? Absolutely .
Chris : Well , good . When ?
Michael : No time like the present , if you do nt mind coming over to my office .
Chris : Let s see , you re on century tower boulevard ?
Michael : Yeah , suite 1500 .
Chris : Well , then I ll see you shortly .
Isabella : That was her . That was kelly simmons .
Michael : Sho nuff was .
Isabella : She s coming here ?
Michael : Right agai
Isabella : And you re not gon na go see paul ?
Michael : First things first .
Isabella : Michael , promise me you re going to handle this woman very carefully .
Michael : Nervous , are we ?
Isabella : What do you think ?
Michael : I think this mystery maman is your probm , m , not mine .
Isabella : Oh , bull . We are in this together , michael . Why else would you want to meet with her ?
Michael : She s very attractive .
Isabella : More attractive than christine ?
Michael : I m intrigued by miss simmons . I m intrigued by what s behind miss simmons actions . She reached out to me that way . She called me . Obviously , she has something on her mind , and I doubt that my dashing good looks have anything to do with it .
Bartender : Yes , sir . What can I get you ?
Neil : Um , I ll get a double scotch straight up .
Bartender : What can I get you , maam ? Maam , do you want a drink ?
Nikki : Um , yeah . Vodka martini , please .
Nick : I do nt think there s any sense in contiinththis charade .
Nick : Oh , no , no , no , no , no . I want you to get the full story . So I drive out to the ranch , practically singing . I m that happy . I ve got my flowers . I got a gift . A beautiful note to my wife . So I pull up to the ranch , and I go down to my house-- sharon s and my house . As I m walking up to the door , I happen to catch something out of the corner of my eye . I go back and look , and do you know what I saw ?
Nick : Well , how would you ? So I ll tell you . I saw my wife in the living room , but she was nt alone . She was nt alone . But you already know that , do nt you , you sick bastard . She was kissing you . My wife was kissing my father .
### Summary:
| Neil catches Wes and Dru making out in his apartment . He had hoped they would get back together but Dru tells Neil that s not going to happen . Neil goes to get a drink . Lynne tells Christine her suspicions about Michael and Isabella . Chris arranges to meet Michael as Kelly to find out more information . Isabella tells Michael that Paul slept with Christine and he is furious . Nikki tells Sharon she should get a divorce and that she is not worthy of her son . Sharon lets on that something happened with Victor that made Nick furious . Nikki ends up ordering a drink at the bar a few seats from Neil . Nick tells his dad the whole story about that night and how he saw them kissing . We see Victor having a tear running down his face . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Fox : Listen , everybody s here , so we can start the photo shoot anytime now .
Kay : Did you speak to Alfredo ?
Fox : Oh , did I ever . He adores the idea of a series of ads with a nautical theme . Oh , and he also said to make sure that Miguel wears a lot of sunscreen . He wants to make sure he does nt get any wrinkles . Let s just be thankful he ca nt make it here today , huh ?
Kay : This is going to work , is nt it ?
Fox : Are you kidding me ? This whole campaign with Miguel and Siren ? It s going to kill .
Kay : Yeah , I suppose .
Fox : Do nt tell me -- Siren . Kay , you ve got to get over it . We re working with her , we re living with her , and this antagonism of yours -- it s not helping matters .
Kay : Fox , do nt you think she s weird ?
Fox : The weird thing is your dislike of some girl you barely know .
Alexi : Fox ? I could use some muscles over here .
Fox : I ll be right there . Listen , lighten up , ok ? Let s have some fun today .
Kay : How can I ? There s something really fishy about Siren .
Miguel : Hey , Carl . What s going on ?
Carl : Hey . How d you change from fisherman to supermodel overnight ?
Miguel : I m not really a model . I m just trying to help out .
Carl : Hey , if they re giving you good money , do nt knock it . But be sure to get your parents something nice . They re the ones who gave you the good genes .
Miguel : Hey , why do nt you stick around for the shoot . It might be fun .
Carl : Nah . I m taking my boat out for cod . I got two buckets of bait here they wo nt be able to resist .
Miguel : Is that what that smell is ?
Carl : That s the secret of fishing cod -- you got to let the bait rot for weeks . Who knows , maybe when I m out , I ll see my mermaid .
Miguel : If you have nt seen her in 40 years , I doubt you re going to see her now .
Siren : Hi , Miguel .
Carl : My love ! After 40 years , it s finally you !
Noah : How could she ?
Noah : Fancy , no . And how could he ? Out of all the people in this world , Luis was like a brother to me . How could he stab me in the back ? How could he sleep with the woman I love ?
Luis : I am sorry . Now , I know how much it hurts to lose someone you love . Hey , maybe it s not that bad . Why do nt you just go find Noah , talk to him , work things out ?
Fancy : Uh - uh , not a chance . It is so over .
Luis : What were you guys arguing about , anyway ?
Fancy : You , mainly .
Luis : Me ?
Fancy : Yeah . He walked in here while we were sleeping and he thinks , um , we -- we made love .
Luis : What ? !
Fancy : I told him he was nuts , but he would nt listen . He kept condemning us for our betrayal . So I told him off . Hypocrite . How dare he . I mean , he two- timed me with Maya for months and even now , right here in the same hotel .
Luis : You mean he still thinks that we had sex ?
Fancy : Serves him right .
Luis : All right , well , maybe I should just have a little talk with him then , how s that ?
Fancy : No , no , do nt bother . The pig does nt deserve an explanation . Where does he get off judging me for something he s been doing himself ? Earlier I saw just the kind of man Noah really is , and I want no part of him .
Luis : You really mean that ?
Fancy : Yeah , I ve got to .
Luis : It s all right .
Theresa : So whoever s behind this nasty plan to bring us all to Rome , it can not be Alistair because his doctor just checked on him and he s still in a coma .
Ethan : Then someone else has lured us all here to Rome and put our lives in danger .
Chad : You know , I do nt buy this . It has to be Alistair . I mean , this kind of elaborate plot is right up his alley .
Theresa : That would be impossible .
Chad : Ok , well , then who s the puppeteer who s trying to control us all ?
Alistair : Ah , Sister Whitney .
Alistair : May the blessings of the mother church be upon thee .
Alistair : Oh . Oh , these pathetic fools . Not one of them would ever realize that it was me all along . Do nt any of them realize that this ... is my greatest plan ? My greatest plan . Mmm , mmm .
Alistair : They re all stupid . Stupid . You re all stupid ! Do nt you all realize that I hold your lives in my hands ?
Whitney : Brother , I m back .
Whitney : Brother , where are you ?
Fancy : Oh , you must think I m an idiot .
Luis : What ? You kidding me ? A broken heart hurts worse than anything , and they do nt even give you painkillers for it .
Fancy : Thank you , Luis .
Luis : For what ?
Fancy : Being my friend .
Luis : Hey , we re the walking wounded , right ? We got to stick together . All right , I m not going to find Beth and Marty in this hotel room . I got to get going , ok ?
Fancy : No , no , no , Luis , you ve barely slept . You need some rest .
Luis : Hey , I m fine , ok ? Besides , Beth already has a big enough lead , and I refuse to tell Sheridan that I let her down . The only way I m going to get Sheridan back is if I put Marty back into her arms . Look , I m going to call Theresa and see if I can get her over here to watch you , ok ?
Fancy : Uh , you re scraping the bottom of the barrel for bodyguards , do nt you think ?
Luis : Yeah , probably .
Fancy : I could take Theresa .
Luis : Well , maybe . The point is I do nt want you to be alone . I do nt want anything to happen to you , ok ?
Fancy : What am I thinking ?
Whitney : No . No .
Alistair : [ Disguised voice ] I can explain .
Whitney : Please do nt do this . You were so honest with me before showing me your scars . Do nt be ashamed . You earned those scars doing God s work .
Alistair : I frightened you .
Whitney : I was shocked , yes , a little surprised , but our bodies are just a shell . The soul is what s important . I do nt mind how you look .
Alistair : Oh , my dear . You are so kind . But it is not you , it s me . I -- I m just more comfortable hiding my face . I ve been doing it for years .
Whitney : All right , all right . I mean , if it makes you feel better , ok .
Whitney : What -- what is that smell ?
Alistair : Oh , um , incense . I was praying for the success of our mission .
Whitney : Oh . I have nt smelled incense in a church in years .
Alistair : I m old school . Oh , you found the virtual reality headset . Good .
Whitney : Yes , yes , I did , and I m so sorry I lost the last one in the cave - in .
Alistair : No matter . Are you ready to return to the virtual Vatican in search for the chalice ? We must find the Pope s secret chamber .
Whitney : Yes . I have prayed for strength , and I m ready now .
Alistair : Excellent . Then you should begin . I must leave you for a short while , but I will return soon . I want to be here when you find the chalice .
Whitney : I hope I do .
Alistair : Oh , you must , Whitney , you must . The holy mother church is in danger and time is running out . Find the chalice , sister , and find it now .
Siren : Miguel ?
Miguel : Carl , you re scaring her . This is Siren . She s the girl I was telling you about . She s a dead - ringer for the mermaid on your arm . Siren , look . It looks just like you does nt it ?
Siren : I do nt see the resemblance .
Carl : But -- but you look just like her -- the face , the hair , the body .
Miguel : No , no , no , not the body . I mean , do you see her having that big ugly fishtail ?
Siren : Ugly ?
Carl : What , ugly ? It was beautiful , just like you .
Miguel : Carl , if Siren was your mermaid , she d be , like , 60 years old by now . Does she look anywhere near 60 ?
Carl : I suppose you re right . How could she be my mermaid ?
Siren : Thanks for that at least .
Kay : Miguel !
Fox : Siren , come on , let s get going .
Miguel : Coming . I ll see you around , Carl .
Carl : Hey , you know , on second thought , I might take you up on that invite and stick around . Photo shoot might be fun .
Miguel : Let s do it .
Miguel : Come on , Carl .
Siren : That was a close call .
Fox : Siren ?
Siren : Coming .
Theresa : Luis .
Luis : Thank you for coming . You know , there s safety in numbers . I just do nt want Fancy to be alone right now .
Theresa : Oh , no , yeah , totally , it s fine . I kind of have to keep my mind of Ethan anyway , so --
Luis : What now ? [ Theresa sighs ]
Theresa : Long story , long story . No , you go , go find Beth and , you know , you go find Marty , ok ? God , I just wish everyone could just do what they came to do here in Rome and then get home . You know , I got to go back to work at Crane , and I m sure the work s , like , through the roof .
Luis : Ca nt you stay away that place ?
Theresa : Nope , do nt be ridiculous , Luis . From now on , I m actually going to focus on Crane Industries .
Luis : Well , as far as I m concerned , any time spent with the Cranes is a waste of time . Those people are evil . Why do nt you just cut yourself off from them ?
Theresa : Well , I ca nt . My son is the heir to the Crane empire , Luis . I have to protect him . I have to proctect his birthright . You know , I can change the name . I mean , I now have the power to force the corporation to do good .
Luis : Dream on . Do nt you realize that anytime spent with them is corrupting ? What if you end up like Alistair ?
Theresa : I will never end up like Alistair . What s with you anyway , like , knocking the Cranes ? I mean , Sheridan s , like , the nicest , most moral woman in the world .
Luis : Yeah , and Sheridan is an exception . Come to think of it , Fancy s a lot like her . And that Noah ? He s a damn fool to let her go . Well , let me go , all right ? Rome s a big place . Beth and Marty could be anywhere .
Theresa : Be safe , go find them .
Luis : I will , I will .
Theresa : All right , good luck .
Theresa : How much of that were you listening to ?
Fancy : Some bit .
Theresa : I hope you know that -- you know , we did nt offend you in any way , but , you know , the Cranes , they do have this reputation for being selfish and destructive .
Fancy : Mm - hmm , well , people are always willing to throw stones at people they envy .
Theresa : Yeah , you re right , but it s much more than that . I mean , your grandfather , he -- he took , like , this corporation and he turned it into a mean - spirited conglomerate of absolute power and he used that power for evil . I mean , he was inhuman .
Fancy : I never saw that side of my grandfather . He s always been sweet to me .
Theresa : But you ve been around long enough to see some of his sick plots , Fancy .
Fancy : I suppose .
Theresa : You know , you re the only one who can actually say anything nice about him . He lived to destroy lives . I m just glad he s in a coma . That way he ca nt hurt anyone else ever again .
Alistair : [ Disguised voice ] Alms for the poor , signora ?
Beth : Ugh .
Alistair : Charity is one of God s virtues .
Beth : Please , I gave at church , all right ?
Alistair : I have not seen you at church , my daughter .
Beth : I was there at Easter . Now , if you ll excuse me , I am supposed to meet someone .
Alistair : Perhaps God sent me and I am the one you are meant to meet .
Beth : Get away from me . A monk is the last person I want to meet .
Alistair : [ Normal voice ] You ll find everything you seek in the church , my dear .
Beth : Daddy !
Alistair : Ah , ah , please do nt call me that . And , yes , I -- ahem -- I have returned to help you .
Alexi : Oh , you two are perfect . That s it . Ok , Miguel , now , kiss her again . Uh - huh . Yeah , the two of you have just had a long night of making love . And , Siren , you ca nt get enough . Your lips touch his neck . Uh - huh . And you taste salt and sweat and -- fish ? ! My God , this whole place stinks like rotting fish ! I ca nt take it . Uh , take five , everybody . I ve got to reload the film .
Kay : Ok , that s enough , Siren . The camera s gone now , ok ?
Miguel : You know what ?
Siren : Hmm ?
Miguel : I m getting thirsty . You want some water ?
Siren : No , thanks .
Fox : Come on , babe , let s go get some coffee .
Fox : God , this amazing , is nt it ? Miguel and Siren are so hot , they sizzle .
Alexi : Fox , there s dead fish gunk on my film bag .
Fox : Coming .
Miguel : Kay , about what we were talking about earlier --
Kay : Us . The fact that I loved you for years and you were too dense to notice ? Do nt worry about it .
Miguel : Look , I know it might be a little late , but I just want to let you know that I wish I would ve wised up sooner .
Kay : You do ?
Miguel : Yeah . I was an idiot . But maybe it just was nt meant to be . But look on the bright side , Kay -- we brought a beautiful , gorgeous little girl into the world .
Kay : Uh , as I recall , I m the one who did all the work .
Miguel : Anyway , Fox is a great guy , Kay , and I m really happy for the two of you . He s changed you . You ve lightened up . I mean , you smile and you re happy when he s around . But I just want you to know that I would never want to do anything to mess that up for you .
Kay : I know . But I guess a little part of my heart will always pine for what might have been . Miguel --
Miguel : Yes ?
Carl : Who the hell stole my bait ? !
Miguel : What ?
Carl : My bait ! I had two buckets of chum when I came in here , and somebody stole it ! Now there s nothing but bones !
Siren : Pardon me . Must ve been something I ate .
Fancy : Ok , turn around one more time . Mm - hmm , mm - hmm . If I do say so myself , that Crane Couture top looks fabulous on you , Theresa .
Theresa : Thanks . I love it . It s , like , really , really , really comfortable , too .
Fancy : Mm - hmm .
Theresa : You know , Crane Couture , it s -- it s taken off , Fancy . I mean , the online figures , they re , like , skyrocketing . So I m kind of looking forward to the fall collection , you know , your designs .
Fancy : If that s a gentle hint to tell me to get to work , do nt worry , I ve got lots of things I ve sketched out already , boss .
Theresa : Hey , hey , hey , very nice . Liking it .
Theresa : Oh , my -- wow .
Fancy : Um , you really do nt have to babysit for me , you know . I mean I m sure I ll be fine on my own . I better get used to it .
Theresa : Hey , it s ok , you know ? I was thinking we could watch a movie or something .
Fancy : No , really , I m good . Besides , Beth is crazy , but she s not stupid . She would nt be dumb enough to come back here to try to kill me .
Theresa : What ?
Fancy : Oh . Oh , Luis did nt tell you ? Yeah , Beth showed up while I was sleeping and she tried to kill me .
Theresa : How ?
Fancy : Well , while I was sleeping , she tried to suffocate me with a pillow . But Luis saved me from her , though , and he caught her . It was a mess . I mean , he pulled her right out the ceiling where she d been hiding , and she d probably be in jail if it was nt for me .
Theresa : What -- what happened ?
Fancy : I fell , hit my head , passed out . Luis had to choose between helping me or holding onto Beth , and he chose me , so she got away . It s all my fault .
Theresa : No , no , do nt you kick yourself , Fancy .
Fancy : I just pray that Luis finds Beth again .
Theresa : He will . And he s going to find Marty . I mean , he has to . It s the only hope he has of Sheridan divorcing Chris and going back to him . I m afraid if he does nt bring Marty home , then he s going to be alone forever .
Fancy : I know what that feels like .
Luis : Noah . Can I talk to you for a second ?
Noah : Forget it .
Luis : Look , what you saw up there -- it is not what you think .
Noah : Luis , I know exactly what I saw -- you and Fancy in bed . I thought you were my friend , Luis .
Luis : I am your friend .
Noah : Well , you got a funny way of showing it . After all that crap about Sheridan and how much you care for her , you hop into bed with her niece ?
Luis : Look , I did not sleep with Fancy .
Noah : You betrayed me and you betrayed Sheridan . I m leaving .
Luis : No , not until you hear me out .
Noah : That s for jumping into bed with my girl the moment I turn my back !
Beth : Daddy , I just -- I ca nt believe it ! The whole world thinks that you re in a coma . I mean , it was all over the news .
Alistair : I know , that s what I want them all to believe . That way I can go off and do what I have to do without anyone knowing it s me .
Beth : It s just so great to see you !
Alistair : All right , all right , ok .
Beth : Daddy !
Alistair : Do nt . Please do nt call me that .
Beth : Why ? It s the truth .
Alistair : Well , you and I , Beth , we have to stay as far away from the truth as we can .
Beth : It is just such a relief that you re here because , you know , Luis , he s in Rome . He s after me and Marty again .
Alistair : I know . I brought him here .
Beth : You what ? Well -- but you knew that I was hiding here with Marty . Why -- he already caught me once .
Alistair : Mm - hmm .
Beth : It could happen again . I mean , the only reason I m not in jail is just -- just luck .
Alistair : Well , come on , Beth , you are a very clever young woman . You re too smart to fall into his clutches . Besides , I need you to keep him occupied . I mean , he is so obsessed with finding you and Sheridan s bastard child --
Beth : Ok , Marty is my son .
Alistair : Whatever . In any event , I want him pursuing you . That way he s going to forget all about his true mission in life , which is to find out all my secrets and try and destroy me , and that I will not let happen .
Alistair s voice : No matter who I have to sacrifice .
Beth : Well , um , I m confused . If everyone thinks that you re in a coma and then Theresa s running Crane , how are you going to keep all your secrets protected if she can give Luis anything that he wants ?
Alistair : You know , there is nothing that my sweet little wife can do to harm me . Besides , Theresa and the rest of them do nt even realize that I control them , and soon I m going to be in position because I ll have possession of something that is going to give me ultimate power . Enough power to rule the world .
Beth : What ? What are you talking about , Daddy ?
Alistair : A very special treasure . A chalice .
Whitney : Here goes nothing .
Whitney : Ok , this is it . I m not going down those stairs . That s where that beast thing attacked me last time . But this is also where I found that hollow wall . So the Pope s chambers must be around here somewhere .
Whitney : What is this ?
Whitney : Oh , my God , something s happening .
Whitney : I did it . I found the Pope s private chambers . Oh , it s so beautiful . Ok , got to keep my focus . I have to find the chalice . It s got to be around here somewhere . But where ?
Noah : How could you stab me in the back like that , huh ? !
Ethan : Whoa , whoa ! Hey , hey , hey ! What the hell s wrong with you guys ? !
Chad : Man , you re going to get us kicked out of this hotel ! Now , what s going on ?
Noah : Why do nt you ask Casanova !
Luis : Get him out of here .
Ethan : What is going on ? You guys are friends , come on .
Noah : Friends ? What kind of friend jumps into bed
Luis : It s not what you think .
Noah : I caught him in bed with Fancy .
Ethan : Are you kidding me ? What about Sheridan ?
Luis : Look , nothing happened , ok ?
Noah : The hell it did nt . I saw it with my own eyes .
Luis : I was protecting Fancy .
Noah : In bed ? Go to hell , Luis .
Ethan : What the hell is going on ?
Fancy : What is it about us that makes it so impossible to live without men ? They are so pigheaded . If I had it my way , I d never fall in love again .
Theresa : Oh , come on . Now , you do nt really mean that .
Fancy : I know . It s just so hard sometimes . I hate Noah .
Theresa : Mm - hmm .
Fancy : I do . You have no idea what he said to me .
Theresa : Well , look , I m not going to pry , ok ? Honey , I have to tell you , Ethan s just as bad . I mean , I was so close to proving the truth about Gwen and Rebecca , but he did nt even believe me . In fact , he does nt want anything to do with me ever again .
Fancy : I m sorry .
Theresa : I just want to go back to Harmony and see my kids .
Fancy : Yeah , I ve had it with Rome , too . The city of love is nt so much fun when your lover turns out to be a jerk .
Theresa : It s all kind of strange , though , you know ?
Fancy : Hmm ?
Theresa : Why would anyone bring us all to Rome and , well , who would do it ?
Fancy : Got me . But I m glad about one thing . For once , no one can blame my grandfather . Hmm .
Beth : How can a chalice give you power ? Are you going to use it for a bribe or something ?
Alistair : No , no , no . This chalice possesses the power of an ancient secret ... as great a power as God himself .
Beth : Could I have one ?
Alistair : I have to leave now , Beth . But do nt worry , I m always watching you . Now , everything is under control .
Beth : But what about Luis ? He knows that I m here with Marty . He wo nt stop until he finds me .
Alistair : Well , that s good . The more he focuses on you , he ll never discover that I m searching for this chalice .
Beth : Ok , that s not fair .
Alistair : You have to trust me , Beth . You are safe . You will remain safe if you do exactly what you re told .
Beth : Ok .
Alistair : I think I see Luis . Hide .
Beth : What ? !
Alistair : Hide , hide .
Beth : Oh , God !
Beth : Daddy ? Where d he go ? What is all this craziness about a chalice ?
Alistair : [ Disguised voice ] Whitney , I have returned . Tell me how you are fairing .
Whitney : You re not going to believe it . I m in the Pope s private chambers right now as we speak .
Alistair : You do nt mean it . Have you found the chalice ?
Whitney : No , not yet . I m looking , but I do nt see anything like that anywhere .
Alistair : It must be there . I know it . Look in the drawers or the cabinets -- anywhere .
Whitney : I am , I am .
Whitney : Oh .
Alistair : What is it ? What have you found ?
Whitney : It s a key . A key in a special box .
Whitney : That must be the key to the chalice s hiding place . Search , Whitney . You must complete the Lord s task . Find the chalice now .
Miguel : Siren , are you ok ?
Siren : Oh , I m fine . [ Burps ]
Miguel : You know what -- I think I have some antacids in my backpack .
Kay : Ew , why do your burps smell like fish ?
Siren : This whole place smells like fish .
Kay : No , this is worse . It smells like -- ew -- the dumpsters behind the cannery . Oh , it s funny how Carl s bait just disappears and then all of sudden you start smelling like rotting cat food .
Carl : What are you trying to say ?
Siren : Both of you just leave me alone .
Kay : No , there is something really wrong about you , and I want to know what it is .
Siren : What I do is none of your business .
Kay : Sure it is . I care about Miguel and I do nt want to see him get hurt .
Siren : Oh , right . You just want Miguel for yourself . You re still in love with him . Wonder what Fox would think about my little theory .
Kay : Oh , you leave Fox out of this .
Siren : Should nt your fiancé know that you ve got the hots for another man ? Oh !
Alistair : [ Disguised voice ] Quickly , Whitney . Look for a keyhole .
Whitney : Um -- there s nothing here .
Alistair : There must be . Look . Look , sister .
Whitney : Ok , I m trying , I m trying .
Whitney : Oh .
Alistair : What is it ?
Whitney : I think I just found it .
Alistair : Tell me what s going on .
Whitney : Well , I found the keyhole and it s on some -- on an altar of some sort with a keypad next to it .
Alistair : Use the key . It must unlock the hiding place for the chalice .
Whitney : Ok .
Miguel : What happened ?
Kay : I was just talking to Siren and she stepped back right here and fell into the water .
Fox : You were just talking ?
Kay : Yes !
Miguel : Siren , where are you ? !
Kay : Oh , God , what if she drowns ?
Alexi : What if she ruins her makeup ?
Miguel : Look , there she is . Siren , I m coming !
Siren : No , do nt come in , I m fine !
Fox : Siren , swim over here , we ll pull you up .
Siren : No , I ll get up on my own .
Carl : It s too high , sweetheart . Help me throw her a net .
Siren : I ll be fine if you just leave me alone !
Miguel : Here it comes .
Siren : Ow !
Miguel : Sorry . Did you get it ?
Carl : She s tangled ! Pull her up !
Siren : No ! I m all caught up in this thing !
Fox : Do nt worry , Siren , we ll pull you up . Come on , pull .
Kay : Holy mackerel !
Miguel : Siren .
Siren : Why would nt you listen ?
Carl : I knew it . My love .
Theresa : Mmm , Alexandro ! He s taking the goats , Fancy . Now Giovanna , she s got to make the cheese all by herself .
Fancy : Poor Giovanna . Who will care for all the bambini ?
Theresa : It s the 13th baby . That was the one . That s when he knew something was wrong .
Fancy : Yeah , 13 is always an unlucky number .
Theresa : Hmm , men . They re so pigheaded .
Fancy : Maybe we should give up on men altogether .
Theresa : No . Nope , nope , we re not going to do that . You know what we re going to do ? We re going to make a pact , actually , Fancy . That s what I think we should do . I think that no matter how much our hearts get broken that we never give up on the men of our dreams . Deal ?
Fancy : Uh , deal . The problem is the man of your dreams is and will always be Ethan . What about me ? I thought it was Noah , but I was dead wrong . So who s going to be the man of my dreams now ?
Ethan : You believe those two ? They used to be friends , you know ?
Chad : Yeah , well , they ll work it out . Look , do you need me , because I want to get back out and look for Whitney .
Ethan : No , no , go ahead . I ll catch you later , man .
Chad : Thanks .
Ethan : Please tell me you did not sleep with Fancy .
Luis : Oh , for God s sakes , not you , too . Of course not .
Ethan : All right , good .
Luis : You honestly think that I would do that to Sheridan ? Look , Fancy and I were tired , we fell asleep , that s all . You know , I tried to explain it to Noah , but the fool lost his head , he jumped to conclusions .
Ethan : I figured it was something like that .
Luis : Fancy is a great girl , but Sheridan is the love of my life I m still holding onto the dream that I m going to be able to get her back , and the only way that s going to happen is to find my son , Marty , and bring him back to her . That s my only hope .
Alistair : [ Disguised voice ] Hurry , Whitney . The fate of the church is in your hands !
Whitney : Oh , no .
Alistair : What s happened ?
Whitney : I put the key in and the light went out . But wait a second , the key does fit . Hold on , I m going to turn it . Yes . Yeah , it works . I did it .
Whitney : Something s happening .
Alistair : Do you have the chalice ?
Whitney : No , not yet , wait .
Whitney : I found it . It s so beautiful .
Alistair : [ Normal voice ] The chalice and the powers of the universe ... they re finally mine . All mine .
Theresa : I m not going to let you do this .
Fancy : You ca nt stop me .
Fox : You admit it ? You re a mermaid ?
Alistair : With this chalice , I will rule the world .
### Summary:
| Whitney almost caught Alistair without his disguise today , but he pulled his hood up to cover his real face and would nt allow her to see him again . She argued at first , but finally agreed he could hide if it made him feel better . She then went on a virtual reality tour of the Pope s quarters and found the chalice he wants , and he believes he will rule the world now that he has it . He ran into Beth earlier , and she was thrilled to see him , but he told her to keep her mouth shut so know one knows he s not in the coma . He seems willing to sacrifice her to Luis as long as it keeps him from finding out the old lizard is really the one at the bottom of all that s going on . Theresa and Fancy decided to never give up on their dream men , but Fancy wonders who her s will be now that she no longer wants Noah . Luis comes to mind .... Luis tries to talk sense to Noah , but the guy does nt want to hear any of it . He believes his friend slept with his girl , and wo nt let Luis explain what really happened . Ethan and Chad believe it , too , until Luis explains it to them . Siren and Miguel begin their photo shoot in the fishery , after the old fisherman got over his shock at seeing his mermaid love again . Miguel told him there s no way Siren could be that mermaid , because she s way too young and beautiful . When the photographer took a break to get away from the fish smell , everyone went to get something to drink or eat , and Siren emptied the fisherman s chum buckets for her lunch . When Kay asked about why her breath smelled like rotten fish , they got into a scuffle and Siren fell into the ocean . The others rescued her in a fishing net , and seem to be about to get the surprise of their lives . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Anna : So Heather Webber is in lockdown I take it ? Yes . So , listen , I do nt need to remind you that she has escaped custody on multiple occasions ...
Anna : ... And I would like there to be round - the - clock security . Extra security for her would be nice to keep the town s criminals where they belong for once -- behind bars .
Duke : These are for you , my love .
Molly : [ Chuckles ] Be mine . [ Chuckles ] Sweet . Tweet me . All right , look -- this is romantic and all , but S.A.T. Prep , which will basically determine the rest of my life . I really need to study .
TJ : Mm - hmm .
Molly : Let s get busy . I should nt , but ...
Ava : I have this . All of Julian s confidential files . I hope that I have proven myself to you , Sonny . That flash drive has everything you need to take my brother down . Now do you believe that I m on your side ?
Lulu : Oh .
Dante : Hey . Oh . You re dressed . I thought I could , uh ... talk you into having a shower with me . I mean ...
Lulu : Yeah , no , next time .
Dante : What s wrong ? Oh . [ Chuckles ] That sucks .
Lulu : [ Sniffles ]
Dante : That s , uh ... co on . I thought we , uh ... put all this stuff away .
Lulu : I know . It s okay . It s gon na happen , you know ? We re gon na get ambushed ... toys and baby strollers in the hallway and commercials about baby diapers .
Dante : Oh , TV . TV s the worst . It s ... it s like an obstacle course .
Lulu : We just ca nt let any of this stuff get in between us . And if we are going to spend the rest of our lives together , we need to make peace with the fact that we will never have a child .
Britt : Come here . Nikolas said he had a valentine s day surprise coming for me . You think this is a special delivery ? Let s see .
Britt : Elizabeth , we were nt expecting you .
Elizabeth : Hope I m not interrupting anything .
Britt : Please , come in . If you re looking for Nikolas , he is nt here .
Elizabeth : I m not here to see Nikolas . I m here to see you .
Spencer : Happy valentine s day !
Lulu : Hi ! Oh , my goodness . What ? He s grown . He s taller . He s taller .
Nikolas : Yes , overnight , I know .
Dante : What s up , my man ?
Spencer : Me since 5 : 00 this morning .
Dante : Ha ha !
Nikolas : Yes , Ben is an early riser , so the rest of the family is on his schedule .
Spencer : Babies are annoying . But they re fun .
Nikolas : Yes . Well , sorry to barge in like this .
Lulu : What , are you kidding ? We love seeing you guys .
Spencer : This is for you .
Lulu : What ?
Nikolas : He insisted .
Spencer : And for you .
Dante : Wha-- for me ?
Spencer : Yep . Should I open it ?
Spencer : Open it .
Dante : Yeah ? Is that what I should do ? Okay . What the heck ? Yankees tickets ? Are you serious ?
Lulu : Okay . Perfect gift . Who needs flowers and candy when you can go to a game ?
Dante : Wow ! Uh ... okay . Uh , I will accept these under one condition -- you got to come with me , Spence .
Spencer : I thought you d never ask .
Dante : All right .
Lulu : Let s see . Oh , gosh . This is lovely . Did you pick this out ?
Spencer : Yep . I told you she d like it .
Nikolas : Yes , you did .
Spencer : And Britt will love that ring you got her .
Britt : You want to see me ?
Elizabeth : I have something for you .
Britt : [ Grunts ] What is it ?
Elizabeth : You were right . I had it all along . You re obviously very worried about it . And I think I know why .
Anna : Look , I ll get back to you , all right ? You stay on her . Thank you .
Duke : For you . Happy valentine s day .
Anna : [ Sighs ] Thank you .
Duke : I m sorry I dropped by unannounced , but you have nt been returning my calls .
Anna : Well , I ve been busy .
Duke : I know you ve been busy , and I understand congratulations are in order . You apprehended Heather Webber , and you saved Carly jacks . So , uh ... may I come in for a moment ?
Anna : I m surprised you have time . Are nt you busy , too ... working for Sonny ?
Ava : When you sort through that drive , you will see Julian s strategy . You will see that his main target has always been Corinthos coffee , not your organization itself . His plan was to bankrupt your legitimate holdings , making your illegal assets completely worthless . There s also a list of our contacts , associates , safe houses , and list of your safe houses and businesses -- those that Julian is aware of .
Sonny : All right , miss Ava . I m gon na speak to my son for a bit . I ll keep in touch .
Ava : Of course .
Morgan : I told you , dad -- this is legit .
Sonny : Maybe . But until this checks out ... you re gon na treat Ava Jerome exactly for what she is -- the enemy .
Molly : [ Gasps ] Wait . Oh , I m sorry . We need to stop .
TJ : I thought you said your mom was nt gon na be home all day .
Molly : She s not . It s just ...
TJ : What ? Did I do something wrong , or ... ?
Molly : No . No , no , no , no . I love it when we re together . It s just ... if we do nt stop now , I do nt know if we ll be able to ... before , you know ...
TJ : Yeah , yeah . But , uh ... I mean , would that be such a bad thing ?
Duke : I always have time for you .
Anna : That s not an answer .
Duke : Well , it s the only answer that matters right now .
Anna : So you re still working for Sonny ? [ Breathes deeply ] Thank you for the flowers , but I do nt think it s a good idea if you come in and we catch up .
Duke : Wait . Do nt you even want to talk to me ?
Anna : I do nt know . What is there to say ?
Duke : So that s it , Anna ? Is that it ? We re at an impasse once again ?
Anna : Yes , unless you re willing to abide by our original arrangement , which was that you were nt going to participate in any criminal activities while I was a police commissioner . You do nt leave me any choice .
Duke : Oh , I see . That s because it s your relationship for you to do with what you see fit .
Anna : Oh , that s not fair . This is nt a petty power struggle . You know full well why this is necessary .
Duke : And I agreed readily . But that was before Julian Jerome came back to town . Now everything has changed .
Anna : My conditions do nt change . I ca nt be with a man who is a criminal by choice .
Duke : So you re prepared to walk away from this . I m not . I m not gon na give up the woman that I love .
Morgan : I wish for once you would believe me .
Sonny : I believe you . I mean , you re telling me the truth as you see it . But like I said before , I mean , Ava s got you wrapped around her little finger .
Morgan : So now I m stupid .
Sonny : I did nt say you were stupid .
Morgan : But , you know , that s basically what you re saying . This is an amazing opportunity , and I brought it to you . Do you have any idea what she gave you ?
Sonny : I understand you have feelings for this woman .
Morgan : And she has feelings for me , and that s why she s doing this -- because I m important to her .
Sonny : I hope you re right , but I have to protect the organization ... just in case you re wrong . Now I m not saying that she has no feelings for you . Obviously , she does . Does nt mean she wo nt take advantage of the situation . So , until this checks out ... I do nt want you anywhere near her .
Morgan : What are you talking about ? It s valentine s day . Why ca nt I --
Sonny : I do nt want you anywhere near her , is what I said .
Morgan : Fine . All right . But I have a good reason to trust her . You ll see that .
Olivia : Whoa . Whoa !
Morgan : Oh , I m sorry .
Olivia : Honey ! Where s the fire ?
Morgan : I m sorry , Liv . There s no fire .
Olivia : What s the matter ? I just heard your mom s gon na be okay . You should be over the moon .
Morgan : Yeah , yeah , I should . I am , I am . Uh ... Michael and I were at the hospital all night with her , and , you know , the doctors said that she s fine , which that is -- you know , that s the most important news .
Olivia : So cheer up .
Morgan : Yeah . Yeah , you re right .
Olivia : Valentine s day , kid .
Lulu : Ring ? What ring ?
Dante : Hey , Spence , why do nt we , uh , go over here and work on some of those punches I was showing you before ?
Lulu : You bought Britt a ring ? Does this mean what I think it means ?
Nikolas : Yes . I m gon na ask her to marry me ... tonight .
Britt : Of course I was worried . It s an heirloom . It s irreplaceable . And Nikolas uncle gave it to Ben , and you stole it . I thought you were Nikolas dear friend .
Elizabeth : Oh , I am . As for stealing , that would be you taking Cameron s DVD this Christmas before last . As for the hairbrush ... well , I guess you could just say it was an accident .
Britt : Really . It just fell into your pocket .
Elizabeth : What can I say ? I m clumsy like that .
Britt : Mm .
Elizabeth : Just like , accidentally , the other day , I picked up Dante s water bottle and then I accidentally took a hair from Ben s hairbrush and took it to the lab . And then I accidentally had it tested against Dante s DNA . And then ... I accidentally ... read the test results . Now I know what you know Dante s Ben s father .
Britt : I do nt understand . Why would you run a DNA test ?
Elizabeth : [ Scoffs ] So we re gon na talk about why I ran the DNA test and not what you re doing with Dante s baby ? Okay . Well , I found out that Ben and Dante have the same allergy and I thought it was weird .
Britt : Lots of people are allergic to latex .
Elizabeth : Mm . Not so many that I did nt take notice . And Nikolas told me that brad is nt really Ben s father . By the way , big shocker . This kid is so cute , but you do nt look even a little bit Asian . No , you do nt . And then I learned that you stole a sample from the lab , which is definitely where brad came into play . I m sure he helped cover up the fact that you completely violated your patients trust . Lulu and Dante came to you , asking for help to have a baby . You arranged their donations . You knew where Dante s was . I just kind of pieced it together , and , damn , I was right .
Britt : You could nt be more wrong .
Elizabeth : Come on , Britt . I know you and Dante are Ben s parents .
Britt : [ Clears throat ] Fine . You got me . What do you want ?
Elizabeth : From you ? Oh , nothing . I m just giving you a courtesy heads - up . Do you have anything to say ... before I go tell Dante that he s Ben s father ?
Lulu : I m a little surprised . You and Britt have nt been dating for that long .
Nikolas : Yeah , I know , but we ve been living together for -- for a while now , and ... albeit under some serious circumstances , so , you know ...
Lulu : Okay . Well , that sounds practical .
Nikolas : [ Chuckles ] Come on . You ca nt possibly want to sit here and listen to me rhapsodize about what Britt means to me .
Lulu : Actually , I would . At the very least , I d like to hear you say that you love her .
Nikolas : Yeah .
Lulu : If you re not marrying her for love , you know that you should not be marrying at all .
Nikolas : I really love her . I really do . Aside from the fact that she s insanely beautiful , I love her . I love her intelligence , I love her sense of humor , I love that fact that we can make each other laugh about things that other people find completely absurd . You know , and I love the warmth and the tenderness that she only gives to people that she feels safe with . You know ? And I love that I m one of those people . And , you know , I love that ... that we rely on each other . And I just love that the four of us -- her and me and Ben and Spencer -- that we re -- that we re becoming a family .
Lulu : You sound really convinced .
Nikolas : Yeah .
Lulu : It s gon na take me a little while to get there .
Nikolas : I know that you and Britt have had your differences in the past , but ... with mom being gone , being out of town , it would really mean a lot to me if I had your blessing . Can I count on you for that ?
Molly : I m not saying it would be bad for us to ... you know , to have sex ... it s just , we never have . I never have .
TJ : Wait . It s not like I m some kind of expert . It was just that one time with Taylor .
Molly : We do nt need to talk about it .
TJ : I think we should talk about it . I mean , at least you and me . Like , you know , do we want to ?
Molly : Well , yeah , of course we want to . I m sorry . Could you put your shirt back on ?
TJ : [ Laughs ] I guess all those push - ups are paying off . Do nt look at me like this . I work really hard to be irresistible , all right ?
Molly : Okay .
TJ : Look , look , hey . We re having this conversation . Listen to me , Molly -- that night with Taylor ... we were drunk , all right ? I was hurt and jealous , and , to be honest , I do nt even really remember how it went . The point is , is it was nt this . It was nt me looking at you and wanting you , the person that I love .
Molly : I love you , too , TJ .
TJ : And listen -- listen to me Molly . If you re not ready , I do nt want to rush you into anything , all right ? I know how we feel about each other , and we do nt need to sleep together to prove that . Okay ? So if you want to wait , I mean , I m totally cool with that .
Molly : Thank you . But I do nt want to wait .
Anna : I care about our relationship as much as you do . That is why I want you to end this association with Sonny . It is too dangerous .
Duke : I do nt mean to minimize the danger , Anna , but you put your life at risk all the time . You joined the police force .
Anna : Oh , God . This is my fault now ?
Duke : No , it s not your fault . It s the Jeromes fault , it s Sonny s fault , it s Faison s fault , it s the fault of any individual in this hemisphere who cares to commit a crime . But please do nt pin the whole damn thing on me .
Anna : I m not pinning it on you ! God . I am just cognizant of the dangers .
Duke : As am I. And I will be happy to move on from this life when I know that we are safe .
Anna : What ? So you re just gon na walk away from Sonny once vengeance is yours ?
Duke : It s not about vengeance . The Jeromes have to be vanquishes , and then you and I can go back to our regular lives , where you risk life and limb and I wander around the streets aimlessly looking for employment .
Anna : Oh , that s funny .
Duke : It s not meant to be funny , Anna . And do nt romanticize the past couple of months . It has not been easy for me . I will happily quit my present employ as soon as I know that Julian Jerome has been brought to justice .
Anna : How long am I supposed to turn a blind eye , then ? A week , month ? What , a year ?
Duke : It s my understanding that the war between Julian and Sonny will be over very soon .
Sonny : Yeah , I ll send it over as soon as it loads . And , Shawn , listen , you keep your ear to the street , and you ll let me know if these safe houses check out , that we all know that this information is good .
Sonny : Okay . See you later . Hey .
Olivia : Hey .
Sonny : Wow .
Olivia : [ Laughs ]
Sonny : No , you look -- you look amazing .
Olivia : Thank you .
Sonny : I was starting to think that maybe you stood me up , you know , for valentine s .
Olivia : Please . Actually ... had the kitchen send up something very special .
Sonny : Yeah ?
Olivia : Uh , it s just you and me , right ?
Sonny : Of course .
Olivia : Cause I just saw Morgan out in the elevator . He did nt look very happy .
Sonny : Yeah , well , uh , his father gave him some bad news . He s falling pretty hard for Ava , and I told him he s got to stay away from her .
Olivia : You really think he s gon na listen ?
Ava : I did nt think you were coming . Dazzled with Ava . He does nt listen to reason , and , you know , short of holding him captive , I ca nt force him to stay away from her . So he s gon na have to make the right decision , unless , you know , this information comes through .
Olivia : What information ? Okay . Just -- just tell me -- is there anything I need to be worried about right now ?
Sonny : No , no , no . On the contrary .
Sonny : This could be the key to bringing down Julian Jerome .
Olivia : Okay . Where did you get this information ? From Morgan ?
Sonny : No . From Ava .
Ava : Are nt you gon na come inside ?
Morgan : I , uh -- I do nt even think I -- I should be here .
Ava : And yet ... here you are .
Morgan : I should -- I should go . I should go . I promised my dad I would nt see you until he saw what was on the flash drive .
Ava : It came straight from Julian s computer . You trust me , do nt you ?
Morgan : Yeah , of course I do .
Ava : Then stay . Stay .
Anna : You re being naive . If you attack the Jeromes , it is just gon na go back and forth until you are either dead or crippled .
Duke : Oh , Anna , you always look at the worst case .
Anna : No , I m looking at the hard truth . Frank Smith , the Zaccharas , the Sorels -- it was all a war of attrition , in every case . And if you think that this blood feud between Sonny and Julian is gon na be any different , then you re fooling yourself . I m not gon na go down that path with you . I m not .
Duke : What is the expression ? Do nt flinch before you re hit ?
Anna : I have been hit ! So have you .
Duke : Anna , I know what I m asking . I m asking you to be brave . I m asking you to stick by me .
Anna : Until I m forced to arrest you ?
Duke : You re not in that position , not yet . But are you prepared to give up what we have fought for for something that may happen in the future ?
Lulu : Look , I was nt too happy with Britt there for a while . I mean , she covered for Maxie .
Nikolas : I know . But if it helps , I know that she was really torn up about it .
Lulu : Yeah , I know . She said as much , and ... you know , she is the one that urged us to try again , even though it did nt work out . Dante and I are back together . Got to give Britt a little bit of credit for that . She told me not to give up . She makes you happy ?
Nikolas : Yeah .
Lulu : That is not an easy thing .
Nikolas : Excuse me ?
Lulu : I know how much you struggled after Emily ... died .
Nikolas : Damn it , Lulu . Yeah . You re right . You know , looking back , it feels like ... it kind of feels like I blundered one mistake ... after another , each one worse than the last . I m just glad I -- I , uh ... did nt meet Britt before that , because I do nt think ... that I would ve been ready . But I m -- I m telling you , I am now . I m -- I m really looking forward to the life that Britt and I could make together . I really am .
Lulu : You know , if Britt can do all this for you , I owe her . You know that I -- I think the world of Ben .
Nikolas : Does that mean I have your approval ?
Lulu : Absolutely . Course you do .
Nikolas : Thank you .
Britt : Thank you .
Elizabeth : Thank you ?
Britt : For proving me right . [ Laughs ] You walk around here all high and mighty , so superior , when , in truth ...
Britt : You re just as flawed as the rest of us ... which makes you both a liar and a hypocrite .
Elizabeth : You want to be insulting to me ...
Britt : Coming over here , acting like you re concerned about Ben s allergies , when really , you just wanted the opportunity to steal a sample of his DNA so you could cause trouble between Nikolas and me .
Elizabeth : No , no , no , no . This has nothing to do with Nikolas .
Britt : Oh , really ? Come on . You ca nt stand that we re together . Why else would you stick your little nose in this ?
Elizabeth : Uh , maybe because Dante deserves to know that he s a father .
Britt : There she is ! The upright citizen ! [ Laughs ] Like you ve never lied to one of your baby daddies . This is nt for Dante . You and Dante are nt even friends . You re doing this because you want Nikolas all for yourself .
Elizabeth : You re delusional .
Britt : Oh , I m not saying that you re in love with him . I mean , the only guy you ever truly loved left you , and from what I ve heard , he was so devastated by what you d done to him that he not only walked out on you but he left his children and the country . Ouch . So this little maneuver , torpedoing me , you re just doing it so you can salvage something with Nikolas , so you could justify your affair , so you can go to sleep telling yourself that I had sex with my husband s brother because we felt something real , something special . But we both know that s a crock . You just tell yourself that so you do nt have to face the truth -- that you re nothing but a lying , cheating whore --
Britt : I dare you to try that again .
Elizabeth : Oh !
Britt : Truth hurts , does nt it ?
Elizabeth : Oh , shut up .
Britt : You slept with your own brother - in - law , slut . Is it any wonder your husband left nothing but a vapor trail to get away from you ?
Elizabeth : You re such a bitch !
Lulu : [ Laughing ]
Dante : Take it easy .
Nikolas : Thank you .
Dante : Yeah , you got to be careful with this kid , man . He s got a heck of a right hook .
Lulu : You re gon na be a regular George foreman .
Spencer : The grill guy ?
Dante : Ah ...
Nikolas : Come on , dude . We crashed uncle Dante and aunt Lulu s valentine s day long enough . We got to go .
Spencer : I ll only go under one condition -- I get to watch you propose to Britt .
Lulu : Oh ! Whoa . I mean , do you need Spencer for moral support ?
Nikolas : Although I appreciate the sentiment , I do nt think that s a very good idea , dude .
Spencer : Dad , I want to see .
Nikolas : Tell you what -- I will call you at your grandma Lesley s if she says yes , okay ?
Spencer : She ll say yes .
Lulu : Yeah . I m with Spencer on this one . I would wish you luck , but you do not need it .
Nikolas : You do nt think so ?
Lulu : Mm . Positive . What could possibly go wrong ?
Elizabeth : As fun as this is , I have more important things to do .
Britt : Oh , yeah ? Where do you think you re going , huh ?
Elizabeth : To tell Lulu and Dante the truth , and if I were you , I d have a little chat with Nikolas , because by the end of the day , he s gon na know everything , whether you like it or not . [ Screams ]
Morgan : We ca nt do this right now .
Ava : It s valentine s day . I want to be with my guy .
Morgan : You think I do nt want that ? But I promised my dad , and if we want this to work , we got --
Ava : This can work . He s having somebody look at those files right now . By tomorrow , he ll be taking me to lunch .
Morgan : I hope so , because I ca nt stand being without you .
Ava : You do nt have to be . It s valentine s day , is nt it ? It s a day you re supposed to spend with the person you love . I love you . Why should we wait ? Why should nt we spend the day together ?
Sonny : What s wrong ?
Olivia : Nothing .
Sonny : What do you mean nothing ?
Olivia : Sonny , I ... [ Sighs ] I m sorry . I do nt want to complain . I -- I ... it s just ... we ve been through so much this year .
Sonny : Right .
Olivia : And I just was hoping , for a minute , to catch our breath , you know ? To have a little peace and really get to enjoy each other . I m so-- I m being selfish .
Sonny : No , you re not being selfish . You re telling me what you feel . Go ahead and keep telling me .
Olivia : It took us so long to find our way back ...
Sonny : Right .
Olivia : ... And I do nt want to lose you .
Sonny : Where am I going ?
Sonny : Olivia , who s talking about a war ? If this pans out , I will kneecap Julian Jerome s organization . Okay ? Listen , whatever happens , remember what I told you ?
Olivia : What ?
Sonny : You re by my side , you re my rock . Speaking of -- speaking of rocks ... I almost forgot . [ Chuckles ]
Olivia : [ Chuckles ] What is this ?
Sonny : Eh , it s for you . [ Gasps ]
Molly : I want to sleep with you , TJ .
TJ : Look , Molly , if I m pressuring you in any way --
Molly : No , no , no , you re not . I want to be closer to you . Okay ? I mean , it feels so good just , you know , what we ve been doing . I want more . And after the shootout at the warehouse , when I think about how I could have lost you ...
TJ : Molly , that s not gon na happen . Okay ? Shawn made sure of it .
Molly : How can you be so sure , though ? How do you know that Julian is nt gon na try coming after you ?
TJ : Shawn says the Jeromes do nt care about me . They got bigger fish to fry . So , if that s the reason you want us to sleep together ...
Molly : No , no , no , no , no .
TJ : Okay . I want to sleep with you because I love you ... and because I m ready .
TJ : If you re ready , then so am I.
Anna : I do love you .
Duke : Thank God .
Anna : But I do nt know if I can keep on doing this .
Duke : Anna ... if this was gon na end between you and I , it would ve ended . I would nt be in this room here with you . You d have shut the door in my face , and we d be finished .
Anna : You know how I feel . I m so happy we found each other again . That s why I do nt understand why you could risk this -- us -- even to stop Julian .
Duke : So you admit Julian has to be stopped .
Anna : Yes , but by legal means .
Duke : And , Anna , what if legal does nt work ?
Anna : Then , you know , that s up to us , the police . We have to double our efforts . That s our job . It s my job .
Duke : Is that all that s important to you ? Ca nt you find another way to make a living ?
Anna : Well , I did nt get into law enforcement for the money , trust me . I mean , with my skill set ? No , I -- I could do very well working for a private security firm . Or , I mean , if I just wanted to jettison my ethics entirely , I could -- I could be an assassin .
Duke : Oh , come on .
Anna : No . Why not ? You know , some despicable individual would pay me very well , and I m sure the target would be an equally despicable person .
Duke : Are we really having this conversation --
Anna : Yeah ! Well , think about it ! Why not , you know ? What , three or four cases , I could cash out and we could leave here , go to London . Oh , God , I had a great flat there . Maybe we could find another one . Or got to Scotland , your hometown . How about that ? Would you like that ? All I have to do is ignore everything I stand for , turn my back on who I am .
Duke : I am not asking you to do that .
Anna : How is it different from asking me to close my eyes while you and Sonny go gunning for Julian ? How is that different ? God , you re putting me in an impossible situation !
Duke : No , Anna , an impossible situation is believing the person that you love s been dead for 20 years . That s an impossible situation . I can not believe that this little disagreement is gon na split us up when something like Faison could nt . We mean too much to each other . I can not walk away from you . For 20 years , I have not been able to walk away from you . If anybody s gon na walk away , it has to be you . I am not going to do it . Can you do that ?
Molly : I want to be with you .
TJ : I want to be with you , too , Molly .
Molly : But if we re gon na sleep with each other , I do nt want to rush into it . I do nt want it to happen just because we could nt control ourselves one night when we were supposed to be studying . I want it to be safe and ... I want it to be special .
TJ : Do nt worry . I want it to be special , too . And I m gon na make sure that it s special for the both of us , okay ?
Molly : Okay .
Sonny : It s just beautiful . But then again , you re always beautiful .
Olivia : My mother warned me about you , you know ? Corinthos charm .
Sonny : I m glad you did nt listen .
Olivia : When did I ever ?
Sonny : I appreciate you ... being with me . I know this year s been hell , and you ve been there for me . When I confided in you , I did nt want to involve you in the business cause I know you want to stay out of it .
Olivia : I m not anywhere I do nt want to be .
Ava : God , I ve missed you .
Morgan : My dad s gon na kill me .
Ava : Hmm ?
Morgan : [ Sighs ] This will be over soon , right ? My dad will see you re on our side . He better . Cause I do nt know how long I can wait till the next time I can be with you .
Duke : Tell me to go .
Anna : I ca nt . No matter how hard I try to fight myself ... I just ca nt turn you away .
Dante : We ll see you later on . Okay . I just , uh ... booked us a table at the Metro Court .
Lulu : What ? Valentine s day ? I thought they d be booked solid ?
Dante : Well , I think it kind of helps that we re related to the owners .
Lulu : True .
Lulu : Want to get that ?
Dante : For my valentine , I ll do anything .
Lulu : Mm .
Britt : [ Sighs ] I love you . Hey , big boy . I love you . It sounds so strange , but that s -- that s the part I did nt count on ... how it would feel to be your mother . My patients would always tell me how grateful they were , what it meant to them to become parents , but ... now I know ... how one person can come in ...
Britt : ... Fill your heart and your life up .
Britt : What are we gon na do , Ben ? What re we gon na do ?
Nikolas : Hey . Everything okay ?
Britt : [ Clears throat ] Um , there s ... something I need to tell you .
### Summary:
| Molly tells TJ that she is ready to move their relationship to the next level , but that she wants their first time to be special . Anna argues with Duke about his working for Sonny . He says he has nt done anything illegal yet and that she should nt give up on their relationship based on the possibility that something might happen in the future . Ava takes a flash drive containing all of Julian s confidential files to Sonny . She reveals that Julian s strategy is to bankrupt his legitimate coffee business . Sonny tells Morgan that until the information checks out , he is to continue treating Ava as the enemy . Morgan meets Ava in room 306 where they spend Valentine s Day making love . Sonny gives Olivia a diamond pendant necklace . Lulu finds Connie s shoe that had been lost under the bed . Nikolas and Spencer drop by Dante and Lulu s place with Valentine s Day gifts , Yankee s tickets for Dante and a bracelet for Lulu . Spencer spills that they bought a ring for Britt . Nikolas reveals that he is going to ask Britt to marry him tonight . Spencer wants to watch the proposal , but Nikolas says he will call Spencer at Grandma Leslie s house when he knows Britt s answer . Elizabeth returns Ben s brush to Britt and tells her that she ran a DNA test and found that Dante is Ben s father . Britt laughs in her face . Britt says Elizabeth does nt give a damn about Dante ; she just wants to make trouble so she can come between Nikolas and Britt . Britt says Elizabeth is still trying to rationalize her affair with Nikolas while she was married to his brother , but she is only proving that she is still a lying , cheating whore . Elizabeth slaps Britt . Britt grabs Elizabeth s wrist and twists her arm , forcing her down on the sofa . Elizabeth says she is going to tell Dante right now and that Nikolas will know by the end of the day . Elizabeth goes to Dante and Lulu s loft . Britt tells Ben that she did nt count on falling in love with him . When Nikolas gets home , Britt says she has something she needs to tell him . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Kendall s voice : I am going to tell Zach I slept with Aidan .
Erica : And how will his eyes look back at you ? Are you going to be able to live with that ?
Kendall : I am not like you . I can not live with the guilt .
Annie s voice : Aidan is going on and on and on about how Greenlee does nt love him anymore , so there s no reason for the two of them to still feel guilty .
Aidan s voice : What are you talking about ? It s forgotten . And you ve got Zach back , and I ve got Greenlee back . All right ? That s all that matters .
Kendall s voice : Zach does nt know anything about the whole pregnancy thing , and I do nt want to tell him .
Zach : You pregnant ?
Kendall s voice : I do nt need a bodyguard .
Zach s voice : I think you do .
Kendall s voice : No , Zach , I do nt .
Zach : It would put my mind at ease .
Kendall : Ok , but why Aidan ?
Zach s voice : I trust him .
Kendall s voice : I just want it to be you and me . And our boys . That s it . I just want it to be us . No one else matters . No one , ok , I do nt want anyone to come between our happiness and our family .
Zach : They wo nt . Not if we do nt let them .
Kendall : But that s just it . They do get in the way because I let them .
Kendall s voice : I let Aidan get in the way .
Zach s voice : Did that ever work for us , Kendall ?
Zach : Keeping secrets ? Did that ever work for you or me ?
Kendall : Zach ?
Zach : Yes ? Tell me .
Annie : Livia . Hi . Did we have an appointment ?
Livia : No , just a lawyer check - in .
Annie : You want to know if I m going through with the divorce .
Livia : Well , there is some finalizing of those papers if we --
Annie : You re a genius .
Livia : I am ?
Annie : You told me not to give up on Ryan so quickly . That I needed to really think before I ended our marriage .
Livia : And ?
Annie : Well , we re taking it one small step at a time . Starting with no divorce . At least not yet .
Livia : But you re not back together ?
Annie : No , and we may never be . If Ryan comes back to me , I ll be thrilled . But if he does nt , I ll survive . God knows I ve made it through a lot worse than life without Ryan .
Ryan : I remembered Greenlee . Just quick flashes , you know . Pretty quick .
Therapist : Tell me as much as you can .
Ryan : Ok , um , well , I m into motorcycles , right ? And , so , um , I remember riding along , and I see a woman on the side of the road next to her bike , which had obviously broken down . And I remember her taking her helmet off and , uh , and it was Greenlee .
Therapist : Go on .
Ryan : Well , it was the first time that she had ever ridden a bike . I mean , she could have killed herself , you know ? But Greenlee being Greenlee --
Therapist : Anything else ?
Ryan : Yeah . I had another memory about Greenlee . She d surprised me with a picnic , and it was really elaborate , and she put up this whole nice spread , and I kind of figured that she would pull out caviar , or champagne , or something . But she did nt . She brought beer and barbeque . And I remember the dress that she had on .
Therapist : Sounds like a romantic memory .
Ryan : Well , it was a long time ago , so --
Therapist : Anything else ?
Ryan : Uh , yeah . I had a memory of , you know , me and Greenlee -- making love .
Therapist : And ?
Ryan : And what ? That was it .
Therapist : How did you feel about Greenlee at that time ?
Ryan : Well , I guess I was crazy about her , but I do nt see how that matters .
Therapist : After recovering these memories , how do you feel about Greenlee now ?
Ryan : Next question .
Greenlee : This is real . I m going to be Mrs. Aidan Devane .
Aidan : You know what ? I think I prefer the old ball and chain .
Greenlee : Ball and chain Devane . It has a nice ring .
Aidan : I m kind of wondering where I should put the property of Aidan tattoo . Should I put it here ? Or should I put it here ? Or maybe I should put it right here .
Greenlee : Hey -- wait !
Aidan : I know what I need , and I know exactly where to put it .
Greenlee : You better not have a tattooer thing in there .
Aidan : No , it s something better than that . It s a lot more important .
Greenlee : My ring . You had it .
Aidan : May I ?
Aidan : Oh , look .
Greenlee : It feels right . I should nt have waited too long to let you do that .
Aidan : I love you , Greenlee . I ca nt wait to call you my wife .
Greenlee : I love you . But I m going to need some time -- to plan the wedding of the century . Huge band , tons of flowers , a dessert table that goes on for days , total fabulousness . And my father will give me away , of course .
Aidan : What , do you think you re going to invite Erica to be a special guest ?
Greenlee : Well , I did kind of screw up their first wedding , so I guess I owe her . She can park cars or something .
Aidan : You are so bad . Who else is going to make the cut , then ?
Greenlee : Well , there s going to have to be a best man and -- I was going to say maid of honor , but that sounds hideously old - fashioned , so what if --
Aidan : Oh , dear .
Greenlee : Oh , no , this is good .
Aidan : Come on .
Greenlee : What if we put a modern twist on the whole wedding party thing ? Zach will be my best man , and your best woman will be Kendall .
Kendall : I just wanted to say -- how was Jenny s birthday party ?
Zach : It was fine .
Kendall : The boys had fun ?
Zach : Mm - hmm .
Kendall : Good , that s good . It s very good , actually . You know Spike s first birthday party was a total bust .
Zach : How s your mom ?
Kendall : My mom is -- she s amazing . I walked into that prison , and took one look at her in the orange jumpsuit , and I almost broke down . She s -- she s so positive .
Zach : Glad she s going to be ok .
Kendall : Yeah ? She sends her love . And she wanted me to tell you how grateful she was . I am , too . I m so lucky to have you , Zach . How can I ever thank you for --
Zach : That s enough , no . No more thanks . Do you want a drink ?
Kendall : Ok .
Kendall : I love you .
Zach : I never doubted that .
Aidan : Kendall , my best woman ? It s so funny .
Greenlee : It was nt meant to be .
Aidan : Oh , come on , Greenlee .
Greenlee : She s the perfect choice . Seriously , Aidan . Think about when Zach and I were in the bomb shelter .
Aidan : I d rather not . I d rather think of where we were an hour ago .
Greenlee : Mmm . You , me , Kendall , Zach , the four of us will always be connected because of what happened when we fell in that hole .
Aidan : Yeah , well , I thought you wanted to forget about that .
Greenlee : The snake and the skeleton , yeah . But what Zach and I shared ? We got close . So did you and Kendall .
Aidan : No . I mean , Kendall and I are friends , but I do nt think I want to make a spectacle out of that when we walk down the aisle , you know ? I d rather a traditional wedding .
Greenlee : Aw . You want a real best man .
Aidan : Yes , I do . And I want to ask Tad .
Greenlee : Ok . But you have to admit that it would be hilarious . You at the altar pledging your eternal devotion to me , and who is there to make sure you do nt blow it ? Kendall .
Kendall : So , tell me more about Jenny s party . Who was there ?
Zach : Everyone was there . Annie was there .
Kendall : Oh . Oh , how is she ?
Zach : She s good . She had divorce papers drawn up .
Kendall : What ? They re giving up ?
Zach : A marriage can only take so much . But Ryan asked her to stick it out , so she said yes .
Kendall : That s great .
Zach : And then Annie told me about you and Aidan . How he came to her house , drunk , and you got him out of there .
Kendall : I -- yeah , I told you I drove Aidan over to his office so he could sleep it off --
Livia : At least you and Ryan are on the same page .
Annie : Yeah .
Livia : Ok . Well , I m done here . I ll catch up with you next week .
Annie : Thanks , Livia .
Livia : All right , bye .
Ryan : My feelings for Greenlee are in the past , all right ? The same as my feelings for Kendall . They ve moved on , so I need to move on .
Therapist : Ryan , in my experience , not dealing with the past prevents one from adjusting to the present .
Ryan : You want to hear about my experience ? You want to talk about Annie , and Kendall , and Greenlee , and all that . That s fine , we can talk about them . But what about the guy who comes up to you and says , Hey , Ryan , great to see you . It s been a long time , man . How you been ? And I do nt remember him at all . And he sees that I do nt remember him at all .
Therapist : I know this is very difficult .
Ryan : No , you really do nt . I do nt think you could possibly know . Not unless you spend a couple of weeks in my skin , walking around in a world that you just do not recognize at all . Or -- or if you looked at pictures of yourself , and you saw yourself doing these really , really horrible , horrible things . And you ask yourself , How could that possibly be me ? Or , how about -- how about if you looked into your kids eyes , the same kids that call you Daddy , and you have no idea at all who they are ? But I can love them today , right ? Like , I can be their dad today , and tomorrow , and forever . So , do you see what I am saying here ? The past is like a trap . It s like a prison . And I just will not live there anymore .
Tad : Hey , kids . I see you met our new client .
Aidan : Yeah , thanks to you , you cheeky monkey , telling me there was a missing person s case on my desk .
Greenlee : Well , you solved it , did nt you ?
Tad : I d say so . Did these come in an egg ?
Greenlee : Ah ! You pervert . Give me those . I m getting dressed .
Aidan : Hang on .
Greenlee : Tell Tad the good news .
Tad : You like credit cards ? Say Yeah ! You do know we have a dress code in this place , do nt you ?
Aidan : You re a funny guy .
Tad : No , I m serious . I m absolutely serious . This is harassment .
Aidan : So , how was Jenny s party ?
Tad : Oh , come on . House full of kids , cake . What could go wrong ? So , what s your good news ?
Aidan : Greenlee and I got engaged .
Tad : Well , good on you . Congratulations . I m proud of you .
Aidan : So , that means I ve got a favor to ask you .
Tad : Name it .
Aidan : Will you give me away ?
Kendall : What was that for ?
Zach : You love me , I love you . Always only you .
Kendall : When you -- when you disappeared , I would dream about you . I d imagine your face . I would listen for your voice and try to hear you telling me , Do nt worry , Kendall , I m coming home . But I did nt hear anything .
Zach : You were never alone .
Kendall : But that s how I felt . I kept calling out to you , screaming , Zach , where are you ? Are you ok ? I saw your blood on the side of the road , and I was so afraid . I would fall asleep wearing your coat , so I could remember your smell . I d wrap my arms around myself and imagine you holding me .
Zach : I fought with everything that I had to get back to you .
Kendall : But I could nt feel you anymore . I could nt . You were slipping away .
Zach : And there were times when I thought it was over .
Kendall : What did you do ?
Zach : I thought about you . How much I loved you , and how I had to get back to you , so we could have the perfect family that we dreamed about . You gave me hope .
Kendall : I had hope , too . Until --
Zach : Until what ?
Kendall : A month went by . One month of long , dark , freezing - cold days without a single word .
Zach : It must have been hell for you .
Kendall : People kept trying to prepare me for the worst , but I pushed them away . I tried , I tried so hard to hold on . I really did . But there was nothing to hold on to . No hope , no choice . So I gave up . Every single part of me believed that you were gone forever , Zach . Please , do you -- do you understand me ? Every , every single part of me in my heart , and in my soul , I believed you were never , ever coming back to me . I thought that you were dead . And now I hate myself for that .
Zach : You were scared .
Kendall : I was wrong .
Zach : About what ?
Kendall : Everything . What I knew , and what I did .
Zach : What did you do ?
Kendall : It does nt matter anymore . We re together , and we re safe . We can just forget about everything else .
Zach : Forget everything ? Forget the time in the bomb shelter ?
Kendall : Yes .
Zach : Look at me .
Kendall : I slept with Aidan .
Zach : I know .
Kendall : I -- I do nt understand . How did you --
Zach : How d I what ? Find out that you slept with Aidan ?
Kendall : Zach -- Zach , I need to tell you --
Zach : I do nt want to hear it .
Kendall : No -- I -- you need to . Listen , please . Stop , stop . I have to tell you . I ve got to tell you . Please listen . The only reason that Aidan and I were together at all was because the people that we loved were missing . We searched for you . We searched for you day and night in the snow and the ice . We were digging at the ground searching for any clue , any sign at all that you were still alive . I mean , there were search parties , and -- and dogs , and helicopters , prayers -- nothing worked . We did nt want to face it , but we had to . When Aidan and I looked at each other , and we realized it was over , I wanted to die . It was pure -- pure pain , and agony , and despair . And Aidan felt it , too . And we reached out for each other , but it was once -- once , Zach , only once .
Zach : I do nt want you to explain it .
Kendall : No , please listen to me a second . I felt sick the second after it happened . I felt sick , I felt disgusted , and horrified . And you have to understand , I will regret this for the rest of my life , no matter what , but I was reaching out for you , Zach , you . I wanted you , but you were gone .
Therapist : What about the family -- you and Annie , Emma , and Spike ? How s all that going ?
Ryan : Better . Well , better , you know . Annie was going to file for divorce , and I convinced her to wait .
Therapist : Until you remembered her ?
Ryan : Yes , exactly .
Therapist : And what if you do nt ?
Ryan : I will . I remembered Kendall , and then Greenlee , and Annie s got to be next .
Therapist : There could be a chronological element at work , but have you noticed any other patterns ?
Ryan : No , not really . No .
Therapist : Well , how about a pattern in the way you feel about the memories ?
Ryan : I do nt really follow you .
Therapist : I ve noticed a pattern . There are the memories that have come back to you on your own and those that others have helped you remember . So , why do nt you start with the ones that you ve recalled naturally .
Ryan : Ok . Um -- God , I ca nt -- I guess I remember the ones that , you know , came back to me on my own . I was just -- I was just really in the moment , you know ? I was nt really trying too hard , and I just remembered all the good stuff , all the good complicated stuff .
Therapist : About Kendall and Greenlee ?
Ryan : About all of it , all of it . I had some fun in my life , you know ? It was nt all , you know -- it was nt all horrible . I did have some fun .
Therapist : Anything else ?
Ryan : My kids -- I mean , I do nt remember when Spike was born , and I do nt remember meeting Emma for the first time , but I ve got to tell you that , you know , my love that I have for them , that is back all the way 100 % .
Therapist : Mm - hmm . And how about memories that others have helped you with ?
Ryan : I found out that my sister , Erin , was killed , and that my brother , Jonathan , hurt people , that I hurt people , especially Greenlee .
Therapist : Mm - hmm . It sounds as though you ve remembered the positive memories -- the ones that feel good , but not the ones that feel bad .
Ryan : So -- wait a minute , what are you saying here ? That I do nt remember Annie because it was nt any good ? Because , I loved her . All right ? Everybody says that I loved her . Everybody says that we were happy .
Therapist : Everybody says it , but you do nt feel it , and you have to ask yourself , why is that , Ryan ?
Greenlee : Ladies , it s a gorgeous night for a gorgeous bunch . Drinks on the roof on me . Where is everybody ?
Annie : Uh , Babe was at Jenny Martin s birthday party , and Amanda went to see the distributor before heading home .
Greenlee : What about Kendall ? Did she call ?
Annie : Nope .
Greenlee : Well , any idea where she might be ?
Annie : No .
Greenlee : Great .
Annie : What ?
Greenlee : Nothing .
Annie : Ok , Greenlee , I have a lot of work to do , so is there something I can help you with ?
Greenlee : Yes . Make a toast . Aidan and I are engaged .
Ryan : You re saying that I do nt want to remember my own wife ?
Therapist : I m saying that s the pattern you re describing yourself .
Ryan : So , you re saying that I never loved Annie . That s your grand theory here ?
Therapist : Ryan .
Ryan : No , you know what ? This is crap because I m trying to move on with my life , all of my life , and this -- you know what ? This really is nt helping at all . You know what I mean ?
Therapist : Ryan , I agree with you . Look , nobody could understand what this is like for you , how frustrating it is , how scary it must be . But I m just trying to listen to what you tell me and help you make sense of it . I m not here to judge you , and I know this is extremely difficult .
Ryan : Let me just say this . I loved Annie . All right ? And I will love her again .
Annie : You and Aidan are engaged ?
Greenlee : Is nt it unbelievable ?
Annie : Yeah . Yeah , it sure is .
Greenlee : I have calls into all the top planners . Barefoot on the beach or wine country ? What do you think ?
Annie : Well , whichever you decide , make sure you hire a lot of security . You never know who might crash .
Greenlee : You ca nt really still be pissed I did that . That was like 100 years ago .
Annie : Ok , I was just giving you some advice based on my own experience .
Greenlee : Look , I m sorry that I ruined your wedding to Ryan . I apologized . I was in a bad place . Let it go .
Annie : Is that how it works , Greenlee ? You blow into other people s lives , turn everything upside down , but then when everything is shining again in your world , we re all just supposed to get over it ?
Greenlee : You want to hold a grudge ? Go for it , but I m moving on to my fantastic future .
Annie : Right , because you re done messing with Ryan . So now , it s all about messing with Aidan .
Tad : I think this is a good thing , a really good thing , honestly . Marriage ai nt half bad , especially the right person . So , when s the big day ?
Aidan : Soon . According to Greenlee , very soon .
Tad : What s that supposed to mean ? You getting the yips already ?
Aidan : No , it s not that . I mean , there s no doubt that I want to get married to Greenlee . It s just that we got engaged and she s already started planning the wedding . She s gone nuts already .
Tad : Well , women and weddings , it comes with the dinner .
Aidan : I need your help .
Tad : Ok . I d go with apricot and teal . That s just me . And unless I miss my guess , the calla lilies are in bloom again .
Aidan : I m being serious . I need you to help me and Greenlee elope as a surprise to Greenlee .
Tad : Oh , yeah , she ll love that .
Aidan : We go to ConFusion , we whack back a couple of tequila shots , we jump on a plane , we go to Vegas . Wham - bam , we re married , no fuss , no mess .
Tad : Every once in a while , it s not a bad idea to put on a monkey suit and throw yourself a once - in - a - lifetime party . I should know . I ve done it so many times , I get frequent - flier miles .
Aidan : I do nt know , Tad .
Tad : Aidan , do nt you want your nearest and dearest to be there when you make it official ? It s important . Unless I forget , Greenlee s soul sister and all- around gal pal , Kendall .
Zach : Pain , agony , and despair . I get it . I understand that , but you told me that I was the man that you trust completely with your heart , with your life . I know that was a huge thing for you . I do nt -- I do nt think you realize just what that meant to me . For the longest time , I had parts of me that I wanted to hide from you . You know , parts I did nt want you to see because -- because I thought you d leave . But , hey , I loved you so much , I thought I d better -- better risk it , and I did , and you did nt leave . You stayed , and you gave me the most precious gift anyone ever had . You gave me your faith .
Kendall : Zach , I do believe in you . I love you , and I trust you , and I could nt tell you , because I could nt hurt you like that .
Zach : I know , I know . That would have been a hard thing to say and a hard thing to hear , but then it would have been out there . Secrets and lies , Kendall , secrets and lies . That s what gets us every time . And if you d told me , we could have dealt with this together , but you took that away from us . And now -- it s not that you slept with him .
Zach : Pain , agony , despair , I get it . But you did nt tell me . That s the betrayal right there . So when was it ? When did you stop trusting me ?
Kendall : Zach , I kept this a secret from you , because I love you , and I was trying to protect you , but then finally I realized that I was wrong , and I had to tell you .
Zach : A little too late .
Kendall : Please do nt say that .
Zach : I was right here ready to take on anything as long as it was with you , but you shut me out over and over again .
Kendall : Zach , you make it sound as if I wanted to hurt you .
Zach : You did hurt me .
Kendall : Ok , but , Zach , I thought that you were dead . I thought you were dead . My whole world fell apart , and I was scared . I was scared . I mean , when someone that you love is someone that you depend on -- when that person dies , when you think that they re dead , you feel abandoned .
Zach : But I was nt dead -- I was fighting to get back to you .
Greenlee : I m not messing with Aidan and if you think that I -- you know what ? If you ca nt be happy for Aidan and me , that s your problem .
Annie : Aidan came to my apartment last night .
Greenlee : Right . Did the Queen of England swing by , too ?
Annie : He was drunk and confused , because he asked you to marry him and you said no .
Greenlee : First of all , that s not true . And second , how is this any of your business ?
Annie : Aidan comes to me saying that you turned him down and now you re here saying you re engaged . So , what s the deal , Greenlee ? My guess -- you only accepted Aidan s proposal because you got rejected , again , by Ryan .
Aidan : Kendall means nothing to me .
Tad : Ah , here I was thinking you guys are so close .
Aidan : I m serious , Tad . All right ? I m fed up with it . All the time you ve gone on about this special connection that Kendall and I are supposed to have , all right ? There is nt one .
Tad : Ok , ok .
Aidan : So , leave it alone .
Tad : Look , as your best friend and partner , I m telling you , you ve been acting hinky for weeks . All right ? Enough is enough . Out with it . What the hell is going on ?
Kendall : Have nt you ever made a horrible , horrible mistake and wish that you could fix it ? Zach , please . If I had known that you were alive -- if I had only known that --
Zach : I do nt think you get it . I do nt think you get it at all .
Kendall : Zach , I m trying . I m trying to , but please -- please , you have to understand , too , I felt lost .
Zach : At this moment in time , I do nt care what you felt . I care about what you did and what you continue to do .
Kendall : Yes , and the guilt was eating away at me .
Zach : Stop trying to explain it , please .
Kendall : No , no . All of that time , you were down there with Greenlee comforting her and holding her and keeping her alive while I was out here alone dying without you .
Zach : I said stop !
Angie : Let s just live our lives !
Jesse : I do nt know if I can do that , baby .
Angie : What are you saying ?
Annie : He s remembered something else , and it s about Greenlee .
Kendall ( to Zach ) : I m not trying to hurt us . I m trying to save us .
### Summary:
| Zach looks at a pic of himself and Kendall . Kendall walks in and just stands in the doorway . Zach and Kendall both remember things that had happened in the past and conversations that they had had with other people and with themselves . Kendall and Zach both shy away from the real topic that they want to discuss . Finally , Kendall gives in and tells Zach that she had slept with Aidan . Aidan and Greenlee wake up in each other s arms . Aidan and Greenlee kiss . He places the engagement ring on her finger . They begin to make plans for their wedding . Greenlee suggests that Zach be her best man and Kendall be Aidan s best woman . Aidan does nt like the idea . Tad comes in and catches them kissing . Ryan visit s a psychiatrist . They discuss his remembering Kendall and Greenlee , but he can not remember Annie . The psychiatrist suggests that Ryan may not have been happy with Annie is why he does nt want to remember Annie . Ryan gets up and walks out . Greenlee comes in to work , carrying a bottle of champagne . Greenlee wants to celebrate her engagement to Aidan . Annie is shocked by the news and retaliates against Greenlee . They begin to argue . Annie lets her know that Aidan had gotten drunk and came to Annie s apartment because Greenlee had turned down his marriage proposal . Annie continues to lash out at Greenlee when Ryan walks in . Kendall tries to explain to Zach as to why she had slept with Aidan , but all Zach feels is betrayal , and hurt . Kendall continues to try to explain , but Zach orders her to stop . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Nicole : I m sorry you re not getting any sleep , Nancy .
Nancy : It s okay . It s the baby I feel bad for . She sleeps for one hour , and fusses for two .
Nicole : Well , holly knows me . I delivered her , and I held her all the way to the hospital . I would love to come over and give you a break .
Nancy : No , no , that s okay . You know , she took half a bottle , she s asleep now .
Nicole : But I -- I m sure you d like to sit with Chloe . All you have to do is call and--
Nancy : I know . I know , Nicole . Thank you so much , but you know what ? I have to go now . Bye - bye .
Nicole : Right .
Deimos : Hey .
Nicole : Hi .
Deimos : You going over to see the baby ?
Nicole : Uh , Nancy said that holly had a hard time sleeping last night , and she just got her down for a nap , so , no , I guess not . My assistant just called . I d better find out what she wants .
Deimos : Sure .
Brady : Are you sure ?
Deimos : I just overheard Nicole offer to stay with holly so that Nancy could go visit with Chloe , and Nancy turned her down . Why the hell would she do that ?
Brady : Do you still think that Chloe told her that Nicole s the baby s biological mother ?
Deimos : You re damn right I do . And this has gone on long enough .
Brady : You re right . You re right .
Deimos : Where you going ?
Brady : To pay my ex - mother - in - law a visit .
Kayla : Hi .
Steve : Hey , baby . There you go . Thought you could use that .
Kayla : Thank you . Thank you very much .
Steve : I looked in on jade . She s sleeping . Joe is sleeping in a chair next to her .
Kayla : Yeah . I think he was here all night .
Steve : Just got used to the idea of having a baby . Now there s no baby .
Kayla : Well ... whether we wanted this for him or not , it was still his child . Our grandchild .
Steve : [ Sighs ]
Kayla : Baby .
Rafe : Ca nt believe this happened to you .
Hope : I ll be all right .
Rafe : Yeah , you ll be all right only cause some bitch with a shiv missed your vitals , that s why .
Hope : Hey , hey . Takes more than a homemade knife to get rid of me .
Rafe : You got lucky this time . What about next time ? I ve got to get you out of here .
Hope : [ Sighs ]
Marlena : Have you learned anything ?
Shane : Yes , I have . I ve already spoken to john about it , and I left a message for Steve to call me .
Shawn : Well ? What is it ? Is it gon na help my mom ?
Shane : Well , I should certainly hope so . There s been another Stefano sighting . It seems our old friend is definitely alive and kicking .
Kayla : So how is jade doing ?
Joey : She s still sleeping . Cramps are better , but she could nt stop crying .
Kayla : Well , she s been through a lot .
Steve : So have you , Joe .
Kayla : You know , since she s sleeping , why dont -- why do nt you let your dad and me take you out of here , get you some breakfast , huh ?
Joey : Thanks . I do nt want to leave her alone for that long . Is she gon na be okay ?
Kayla : Physically , yes . Absolutely . And emotionally , I think it s just -- it s just gon na take her a little time .
Joey : Why did this happen ?
Kayla : Well , sometimes there are chromosomal abnormalities that do nt let the fetus grow . And sometimes a mother s body will see the fertilized egg as a germ and it just -- it just rejects it . But you know what , sweetie , first - time pregnancies have miscarriages -- it s very common .
Joey : [ Sighs ] I should have treated her better .
Steve : Joe . Do nt go down that road . You did nt make this happen .
Joey : I did nt stop it either .
Kayla : Nobody could .
Joey : You were the one taking care of her . I just stood there . I could nt do a damn thing .
Marlena : How could Stefano be alive ? Look , hope , shot him , and you verified that he was dead .
Shane : Yeah , I know that . Nevertheless , he seems to have made an appearance at a meeting of black market arms dealers in Prague .
Shawn : Okay , well , who says so ?
Shane : One of our ISA agents . She s been undercover in that group .
Marlena : I ca nt believe this . Not again .
Paul : How many times has he done this ?
Shawn : You know how they say cats have nine lives ? Well , they definitely envy this guy . Is your agent 100 % sure ?
Shane : Ah , well . Not exactly . She tried to follow him once the meeting broke up , but she lost him .
Shawn : Wait , how good is she ?
Shane : She s one of the best . If she was nt , I would nt have called this meeting .
Marlena : So Stefano is alive .
Shane : Looks like .
Marlena : Well then who was it that died that night ?
Deimos : Everything all right with your assistant ?
Nicole : Yeah , it was nothing important .
Deimos : Took a long time .
Nicole : It was nt just that . I , uh , I had to pull myself together before I came downstairs . I just really wanted to see holly .
Deimos : I know you did .
Nicole : Nancy seemed frazzled , you know ? So maybe I ll just-- I ll call her later and maybe holly will be up , and she ll let me drop by .
Deimos : I really wish I could fix this for you .
Nicole : No one can . And it s happening again .
Deimos : What s that ? Baby envy . I mean , I m jealous that Nancy gets to be alone with her own granddaughter . I mean , why am I doing this to myself ?
Deimos : Because you delivered that baby . All right ?
Nicole : No .
Deimos : And then you kept her safe , you kept her warm . My God , Nicole , you even named her .
Nicole : But it s not my job to care for her anymore . She s not even mine . I need to go for a walk .
Deimos : [ Sighs ]
Deimos : Whatever you re up to , Brady , damn well better work .
Joey : When I saw the ultrasound , and mom showed us the baby , it made it real . Next thing I know , I m thinking about what it s gon na feel like to hold it for the first time . It . I never even got a chance to find out if it was a boy or a girl . [ Difficult breaths ] I made this happen .
Steve : No .
Kayla : What are you-- what are you talking about ? You did not .
Joey : I ve been thinking about it all night . And I finally put it together . God took my baby away because I killed Ava , and got away with it .
Hope : Hey . I m a cop doing a bid in prison . There s nothing you can do about that .
Rafe : I told you , Stefano might still be alive . If he is , I find him , I bring him back here-- he s your ticket out of here .
Hope : Rafe , please--
Rafe : Literally .
Hope : You and Justin work on that . Let me handle things here .
Rafe : You do realize that the inmate that was protecting you , she s dead now . It could have just as easily have been you this time . Please , just give me the name of whoever did this to you . I will take care of it from here , okay--
Hope : It was so fast . I did nt get a good look .
Rafe : You ... no . Do nt give me that . Was it Sheila ? Was it Sheila and coco ? Hmm ? Was it them again ? You know I m not gon na stop . I m not gon na stop . You might as well just tell me .
Hope : Yeah . Okay ? It was them . Rafe , please . Wait . Wait . Rafe , sit down . Please . Sit down . [ Sighs ] You ca nt go to the warden . I mean it .
Rafe : Why not ?
Hope : You know , if they smell a snitch--
Rafe : What are you gon na do ? You re just gon na wait for this to happen again ?
Hope : My only option -- my best option is to figure out how to face Sheila and coco head on . It s my only option , Rafe .
Shane : So , I m booked on a flight to London tonight . Got a meeting at ISA headquarters to go over all this in the morning .
Shawn : Okay , so who s gon na go after Stefano ?
Shane : I m sending Steve and Rafe to Prague . They re gon na hook up with the agent that IDd Stefano .
Paul : Well , should I go as backup ?
Shane : Well , you should probably run that by john .
Shawn : You know what ? I want to go too .
Shane : No , no , wait , wait , wait -- Ciara needs you here , and so does your mom . Look , if anything happened to you in Prague , God knows , it would destroy her .
Shawn : You know what ? You re right . I do nt like it , but yeah , you make a good point .
Marlena : So , what Stefano did to hope . That was not about avoiding a terrible death due to cancer . That was about creating a getaway .
Shane : Looks that way .
Shawn : That bastard .
Paul : I m gon na go call dad in Louisiana .
Shane : Yes , of course .
Shawn : I m gon na call Doug , Julie , and Ciara . God , I ca nt believe this .
Shane : Marlena , thank you for coming . I wanted you to hear the news from me . Well , I better get to the airport .
Marlena : Well , not so fast . I want your permission to work with Steve and Rafe .
Shane : Absolutely not .
Marlena : I know Stefano better than anybody knows him .
Shane : Oh , you have no argument from me , but you re a civilian . This is way too dangerous for someone who has nt had any training . Just ask john .
Deimos : So what did you want to see me about today ?
Sonny : I was right about Eduardo Hernandez . He s not in the handbag business . And I know what he s really shipping into this country from china .
Deimos : How did you find out ?
Sonny : I was at the kids party at the hospital , and Dario was there , and he gave his sister a real designer handbag as a present . Then he claimed that he gave her this knock - off by mistake . He apologized to her , but made her empty out all the contents of the bag right there in the hospital , took the purse back , and left .
Deimos : Hmm .
Sonny : And he was in this empty room , and I happened to see him tearing the purse open .
Deimos : What was he looking for ?
Sonny : I m not expert , but it looked like a microchip .
Deimos : Hmm . Well , then I guess the real question is what information is on those microchips . Whatever it is , Eduardo has been using titan to smuggle it into the country .
Sonny : So what s next ?
Deimos : If we play our cards right , we could use the Hernandez family business to benefit our own .
Brady : So I went to see Chloe . The nurse said that there s no change . I m sorry .
Nancy : You know what , Brady , she s young , she s strong-- she just has to beat this .
Brady : Yeah . And the cottage that Chloe is renting-- I know where it is . If you need me to pick up anything , I ll gladly do it .
Nancy : Oh , Brady , thank you , but Craig s there taking care of parker . He brings me anything I need .
Brady : Nancy , look , there s -- I just want to help . There s got to be something that I can do for you .
Nancy : Well ... there is one thing .
Marlena : Look , I do nt have to get john s permission to help go after Stefano .
Shane : This could be very dangerous , if it s him .
Marlena : I can help identify him .
Shane : He does nt seem to be in disguise .
Marlena : I -- I know him . Better than all your ISA agents combined . So whether you like it or not , I m the best person to help find him . And help free hope . So , will you take my help ? Or will you not ?
Shane : Well , obviously I m not gon na talk you out of it .
Marlena : No , you re not .
Shane : I hope I do nt regret this .
Rafe : So can you maybe walk me through your plan as to how you re gon na face off with two hardened criminals by yourself with no weapon ?
Hope : I do nt know yet .
Rafe : Yeah .
Rafe : It s Shane . Hey .
Shane : I , uh , I thought you ought to know : One of our agents has made a tentative i d on Stefano .
Rafe : Really ?
Shane : She sat across from him at a meeting of black market arms dealers in Prague .
Rafe : I ca nt believe this .
Hope : What ?
Rafe : I have got about 1,000 questions for you .
Shane : Yeah , and I ll answer them just as soon as you re in Prague . I want you to fly out there with Steve and Marlena as soon as possible . Is there a problem ?
Rafe : No .
Shane : Right , well , I m at the police station . Get here as soon as you can and I ll brief you .
Rafe : Okay .
Hope : What ? What did Shane say ?
Rafe : An ISA agent has a bead on Stefano .
Hope : [ Gasps ]
Rafe : He s in Prague .
Hope : I ca nt believe it .
Rafe : He is in Prague . I m telling you ... Shane wants me to fly there as soon as possible and-- and find him , and if I do , I m telling you , this is the first step in getting you the hell out of here .
Hope : [ Sighs ]
Steve : I do nt think you got off easy . And the universe sure as hell did nt take that baby away as some kind of payback .
Joey : Jade s in the same room Ava was in . You do nt think that means something ?
Steve : What ? No ! That s a coincidence .
Kayla : Your dad s right .
Joey : If you two are trying to make me feel better , it s not gon na work .
Steve : Joe--
Joey : I ca nt forgive myself .
Steve : Listen , we ve been through this . You talked about this in therapy . You know that you believed that Ava would not stop until she killed your mom , and me , and everyone you care about--
Joey : Dad . All the therapy in the world is nt gon na get me to see this the way you want me to . What am I supposed to do ? Go to college ? Get married ? Have a couple kids ? Forget that I murdered someone ?
Steve : What do you want to do ?
Joey : What I should-- what I should have done back then : Confess . To murdering Ava .
Steve : No . No . Me . I -- I understand your need for wanting to pay for what you did , and I m proud of you for that , but them sending you to prison ? What is that gon na accomplish ?
Joey : I do nt know . It does nt matter .
Steve : Joe . How about just focusing on living a good life ?
Kayla : A life of helping people .
Joey : Nothing can fix me . No matter where I go , no matter what I do , I ll always carry this burden . I ca nt keep pretending that I m okay . Because I m not . And every good thing I have ... anything beautiful ... will die .
Kayla : My gosh--
Joey : Because that s my punishment .
Kayla : No , no .
Joey : That s what I deserve .
Kayla : No .
Joey : [ Sobs ]
Kayla : It s okay .
Marlena : Thank you for understanding , john . I love you too .
Paul : Dad hates this , right ?
Marlena : Uh , yes . He hates it . But he knows it s the best way we have -- the only hope we have-- of getting hope back .
Paul : Well , he told me to keep looking out for you . And I will .
Marlena : Hmm . He s so proud of you .
Paul : I hope so . Well , I have something to take care of before we leave .
Marlena : Why do I get the feeling it s not about packing a suitcase ?
Paul : [ Chuckles ] Right .
Marlena : Want to tell me about it ?
Paul : I do nt know if you re the right person .
Marlena : Why not ?
Paul : Because will was your grandson . And on new year s eve , I kissed his husband .
Marlena : This is a painful conversation for me , you know .
Paul : I know , and that s why I was nt sure if I should talk to you . I think Sonny and I both have a problem with being together now that will s gone .
Marlena : Mm .
Paul : I , uh ... we just feel like it s -- it s too easy .
Marlena : Will would not want Sonny to spend the rest of his life alone .
Paul : But would will want Sonny to spend his life with me ?
Marlena : Oh . What happened with you and will was a mistake . But it does not mean that you re not a good man . You are a good man . And I know you have very genuine feelings for Sonny .
Paul : What are you saying ?
Marlena : I guess I m saying that the two of you will probably end up together . So , that s the way it s meant to be . Do nt let anything stop you .
Sonny : So I m guessing you want Paul to find out what s on those microchips ?
Deimos : Why not ?
Sonny : Good . I ll fill him in next time I see him .
Deimos : He stayed on this case even after you told him to back off . Clearly has your back .
Sonny : I guess so .
Deimos : Your uncle Victor tells me that you and Paul used to be a couple .
Sonny : Yeah , I mean , it was a long time ago , but yeah .
Deimos : You know , Sonny , you and I , we do nt know each other very well yet , but my brother tells me that you re the best of us . And I m beginning to see that he has a point . You deserve to be happy . And do nt let anything or anyone stand in your way of that .
Rafe : Look , Justin , if a sworn statement from an ISA agent that Stefano has been spotted in Europe is nt enough to get hope s case reopened , that s fine . I ll just go there , and I ll drag the old man back here by myself and throw him in front of the judge . That s what I thought . Talk to you soon .
Hope : Told you it was nt going to be easy .
Rafe : Look -- listen : This is Justin being a lawyer , okay ? His wheels are turning . He s just figuring out a way that he can wrap his mind around this and make it work to get you out of here .
Hope : Right . But in the meantime , you are on your way to Prague .
Rafe : Yeah . I am .
Hope : Do nt get your hopes up , okay ?
Rafe : And why not ?
Hope : I watched how Stefano operates most of my adult life . If he went to all this trouble to be presumed dead , why would he suddenly allow himself to be spotted now ?
Rafe : I do nt know . Time s passed and he s gotten overconfident .
Hope : Doubtful .
Rafe : Well , would you-- do you realize this is a huge break for both of us ? Huh ?
Hope : Wait . Who else is going to Prague with you ?
Rafe : Steve . Steve , Marlena , and john s son , Paul .
Hope : Paul ? Wait . No , no , no . I do nt have a good feeling about this . What if it s a setup ? What if he turns the tables on all of you ?
Rafe : No , let me tell you something . Stefano is the one who should be worried . This is my chance . I m gon na take him down once and for all . To do the best
Steve : Okay . Good luck .
Kayla : What did Shane want ?
Steve : Does nt matter . I m not doing it .
Joey : Dad , what s going on ?
Steve : Stefano s been seen alive .
Joey : Where is he ?
Steve : Isa agent spotted him in Prague . Then she lost him .
Kayla : So Shane wants you to help track him down ?
Steve : Yeah . Along with Rafe and , uh , Marlena s going along too .
Kayla : Could nt this get hope out of prison ?
Steve : Yeah , it could .
Joey : Dad . You have to go . Uncle Bo was your best friend .
Steve : I know that . And there s nothing I would nt do for hope . But I ve put things like this ahead of my family too many times . I m not going anywhere .
Joey : Mom will be here .
Steve : You need both of us now .
Joey : Dad , I ll be fine--
Steve : No , Joey . It s a done deal . I m not leaving my son . Not now .
Nicole : Hi .
Deimos : Hey . How was the walk ?
Nicole : Cold . But it felt good . Made me think , and help put things into perspective .
Deimos : What things ?
Nicole : That I m a woman who was never meant to have children no matter how much I want them . But what s important is for Chloe to get better and be a mother to her children .
Deimos : Yeah . Right .
Nicole : I thought about something else .
Deimos : Really ?
Nicole : Mm - hmm .
Deimos : What s that ?
Nicole : How lucky I am to have found you , and that you re in my life .
Deimos : No . I m the lucky one .
Nancy : Brady , now you re sure you do nt mind ?
Brady : I do nt mind at all . That s why I came over here . That s also why I ve always been your favorite son - in - law .
Nancy : [ Laughs ]
Brady : Go take a shower . It s fine .
Nancy : Feel like I was born in these clothes , and I have spit up all over em , and ... I wo nt be long .
Brady : It s okay , I ll just bring this chair around , and Ill -- I will watch her . Do nt worry about it . Go head .
Nancy : Okay , I ll be right back .
Brady : [ Sighs ]
Sonny : Yeah , of course . Sounded serious .
Paul : Something s come up . I ll be out of town for a while .
Sonny : Business or personal ?
Paul : Kind of both . You have to keep this to yourself .
Sonny : Okay .
Paul : Rafe Hernandez and I are leaving for Europe soon , because Stefano DiMera was sighted in Prague .
Sonny : Get out .
Paul : An ISA agent swears by it .
Sonny : It s a mistake . Hope Brady shot Stefano dead .
Paul : They say that he does this whole coming back from the dead number a lot .
Sonny : Well , there s that . Yeah .
Paul : Well , ca nt let hope sit in prison without at least checking this out .
Sonny : Well , when are you leaving ?
Paul : Today . I couldnt-- I could nt get on the plane without talking to you about what happened new year s eve .
Sonny : People kiss on new year s eve every year . Does nt have to mean anything .
Paul : Well , it meant something . We both know that .
Sonny : I do nt regret it . Can tell you that much . Why do nt we save the conversation for the future , when you get back .
Paul : I agree . And , uh , just so you know , I , uh , I do nt regret it either .
Kayla : Joey s right . You should go . Hope is family .
Steve : No . I ve been missing in action too many times when you needed a dad .
Joey : Dad , I m not a little kid anymore . I want you to go . I m not gon na do anything stupid .
Steve : You making me a promise ? Kayla ? You sure ?
Kayla : Yeah . Go . You should go . We ll be okay .
Steve : I love you guys . I ll be in touch .
Rafe : Oh , hey . Hattie . How are you ?
Hattie : Well , hi .
Rafe : It s good to see you . You know , thank you , by the way , for being such a great friend to hope , but , uh , I do nt think that she should be , uh , taking on these women .
Hope : Rafe--
Hattie : No , no , no , no . No , no , he s right . You listen to him . You do nt have the strength anyway to take them on . You know , listen to me . There s a whole lot of dames in that cell block that do nt like coco and Sheila so much . You know what ? So , uh , what I ll do is I ll just organize em . Yeah . Yeah , cause they re not so happy about what they did to you .
Rafe : That s great . By the way , that is a great plan . And , uh , thank you so much for that , so ... I -- I got to get going .
Hope : W - w - wait -- where-- where d you -- whered you go just now ?
Rafe : Oh , just now I just wanted to see how long you were gon na be in here . Looks like it s gon na be a few weeks .
Hope : Few weeks ?
Rafe : Mm - hmm .
Hattie : Hey . Hey , that s great .
Hope : Hattie ?
Hattie : Hmm ?
Hope : Would you just give us a few minutes by ourselves before he goes ?
Hattie : Hmm ?
Hope : Please ?
Hattie : Yeah . Yeah , sure , honey .
Hope : Thanks .
Hattie : I ll come back to pick up the tray .
Hope : Thank you , Hattie .
Rafe : Thanks . Huh , she s a trip .
Hope : Yeah .
Rafe : But I like her .
Hope : She makes me laugh .
Rafe : Yeah . Okay .
Hope : Did , um ... did you do something ?
Rafe : About what ?
Hope : To keep me here for longer ?
Rafe : Well , I might have mentioned to them that I did nt think it was great pr if a member of the police force got knifed a second time . You all right with that ?
Hope : Yeah . Yeah . Thank you .
Rafe : I m gon na find Stefano , and I m gon na bring him back here , and I m gon na get you out of here . Heck , next time you see me , I might have him with me .
Hope : Yeah . Hey . Good luck . Be careful .
Rafe : You too . Luck .
Nancy : Oh . Brady , thank you so much , I--
Brady : Sure .
Nancy : I feel like a new person .
Brady : [ Laughs ]
Nancy : Oh , and holly s still asleep . Thank goodness .
Brady : Yeah , not a peep out of her . She s a good girl . So , if you re , uh-- if you re good to go , then I ll get going .
Nancy : You know what , Brady ? There is just one more thing you could do for me .
Brady : Okay , sure . What is it ?
Nancy : Well , there s no hair dryer in the bathroom . I called downstairs , I asked them to bring one , they said they would , but I think they forgot .
Brady : Mm .
Nancy : If I let my hair go natural , I will scare the baby .
Brady : [ Chuckles ] Um , I ll go . I ll go check .
Nancy : So , holly , he said he was gon na sit right beside you . But , uh , why was he so nervous and so jumpy ?
Deimos : I know how hard it was for you to give up on the idea of having a child .
Nicole : Oh .
Deimos : But I want you to know something . I m here for you , all right ? I love you . And I will do anything-- anything that you need .
Nicole : Thank you . And I want you to know something .
Deimos : You do nt have to tell me that you love me too .
Nicole : I know I do nt . And maybe that s why I want to . I love you . I love you .
Nancy : What am I gon na do ?
Brady : The woman at the front desk said they were short - staffed today . She apologized .
Nancy : Thank you . Well , I guess I better get my hair dried before it goes a la naturel .
Brady : [ Chuckles ] I have to get going myself . But , um , bye , you sweet little thing . Sleep well . You let me know if you need anything .
Nancy : Mm - hmm .
Brady : Okay .
Marlena : Okay , john s plane is gassed up and ready for us , so we should leave for the airport .
Shane : Right , I ll be in touch with you from London . So , good luck , everyone .
Steve : We re gon na do this . That old bastard wo nt even see it coming . Let s go .
### Summary:
| Deimos told Brady that Nancy kept Nicole from Holly . Deimos and Brady agreed that what Nancy was doing was enough . Brady wanted to see Nancy . Rafe wanted to get Hope out of prison . Shane told Marlena , Shawn , and Paul that there was another Stefano sighting . Marlena could nt believe that Stefano was alive , but Shane told her he was . Nicole told Deimos that Nancy would nt let her see Holly . Joey blamed himself for why Jade lost the baby . He thought getting away with killing Ava was why he lost the baby . Rafe told Hope that Stefano being alive was how she would get out . He wanted to know who attacked her , but she lied at first . She finally admitted that Sheila and Coco attacked her . Hope did nt want Rafe to snitch on Sheila and Coco . Hope wanted to face them head on . Shane told everyone that Steve and Rafe were going after Stefano . Marlena wanted to help find Roman . Brady went to see Nancy . He offered to help her . Shane did nt want Marlena to risk her life finding Stefano , but she was adamant about helping . Shane agreed to let her help . Shane called Rafe and told him that one of the agents saw Stefano . Shane told him that he wanted him to go to Prague . Steve and Kayla let Joey know it was nt his fault that Jade lost the baby . Joey wanted to confess to killing Ava . Kayla and Steve tried to talk him out of it . Hope told Rafe not to get his hopes up when he goes to Prague . She thought Stefano could be pulling a fast one . She did nt have a good feeling about it . Steve told Kayla and Joey that Stefano was seen in Prague . Joey talked Steve into going to Prague , but he did nt want to go . Nancy wanted Brady to watch Holly while she took a shower . When she left , he got a swab from Holly . Steve agreed to go to Prague . Hattie went to see Hope . Hattie said no one was happy about what Sheila and Coco did . When Hattie left , Hope wondered if he was the reason why she was staying in the hospital for three weeks . He said he was . He assured her that he would find Stefano . Nancy wanted Brady to get a hair dryer . When he left , she noticed he was nervous . She checked his pocket and found the swab . She thought he knew who Holly s real mother was . She switched the Q Tip with her own . He came back with the dryer . He said he had to leave . Marlena let everyone know the plane was ready . Shane wished them luck . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Sheridan : I have to forget you , Luis . I m married to Chris . I m the only mother James has , and I love them both so much . You deserve love , too . I have no right to stand in the way of you and Fancy . It would nt be fair .
Fancy : Tempting as that may be , no . How long is this course anyway ?
Luis : Too long if you ask me . }
Luis : Oh , damn it -- damn it all to hell .
Theresa : How could Ethan do this to me ? How could he take this case against me ? He knows that it will destroy not only Crane Industries , I will destroy me at the exact same time .
Jared : How much do you know about this Stuart Allen guy ?
Theresa : Basically just his name . Ok , this is what I want you to do . I want you to pull up everything that you can find on him in personnel , his application , his resume , any and all correspondence , copies of e - mails , both personal and business . Like you said , Jared , this is war . Now first thing in the morning I want you to set up interviews with all of his ex - employees and his supervisor . I want to know what makes this guy tick . I want to know who his friends and neighbors are . I want to know the names of each and every one of his relatives . We ve got to come up with something , Jared . I mean , anything , illegal , immoral , or just plain unsavory that we can use against him in court .
Jared : Wow . I d sure hate to be going up against you . I almost pity poor Ethan .
Theresa : No , do nt even pity him . He knew exactly what he was signing on for when he took Stuart Allen s case . Now if he s low enough to come after me , then I will go even lower to beat him at his own game . Nothing and no one is going to stop me from protecting myself , my company , and especially my son s legacy , and that includes Ethan .
Gwen : You know , I really wanted to spend the night at the inn and work on this first thing in the morning .
Ethan : There is no way I would have gotten any sleep . Besides , you heard Stuart Allen , right ? He wants me to get cracking right away on this winning strategy .
Gwen : I know , I know this is a huge case , and I m very proud of you for taking it on . You re finally taking a stand against Theresa .
Ethan : Crane , Gwen , Crane .
Gwen : Crane Industries , Theresa , whatever . It s the same thing because she s running it . She can run it into the ground , as far as I m concerned , now that you re going to sue them for every dime they ve ever made .
Ethan : Look , honey , you do nt have to be so gleeful about this . There s a lot of people that you know and that you care about that depend on Crane Industries for their livelihoods .
Gwen : And I am sure that they can get other jobs at companies that do nt steal from their clients . Ethan , is nt this why you went to law school ? So you could represent the little guy who ca nt fight for himself ?
Ethan : Yes , it is , Gwen .
Gwen : Just because you were raised a Crane does nt mean you need to remain so blindly loyal to them .
Ethan : I am not . If they have committed these unethical and illegal breaches as Stuart claims they have , then I ll make sure that they make restitution .
Gwen : And that s all I meant .
Ethan : But make no mistake about this . This is a corporate battle . This is not personal . This has nothing to do with Theresa per se .
Gwen s voice : Oh , it has everything to do with Theresa . By the time this lawsuit s over , the two of you will never even speak to one another again .
Miguel : One day we will be together as a family , Kay . Ah !
Kay : No , oh , my God ! Oh , my God ! You killed him !
Miguel : What are you doing , man ?
Kay : What s going on in here ?
Fox : Huh , nothing . Ca nt a guy just slice himself a little piece of apple without everybody going crazy ? Mm , want some ?
Ethan : Hey , how about a break ?
Gwen : I m ok .
Ethan : I m really sorry that our night at the inn got sidetracked .
Gwen : It s all right . It s for a good cause .
Ethan : Yeah , well , we can relax this weekend . There s a great NFL game on NBC on Sunday . It s the Colts versus the Giants , Gwen .
Gwen : Yeah and you know , why do nt we invite new co - workers over and watch the game .
Ethan : That s a great idea . What s better than beer , pretzels , and football , huh ?
Gwen : I love football , and I m looking forward to the game , but right now I m craving that delicious chocolate dessert that was on the inn restaurant menu tonight .
Ethan : Wait a minute . I can get dessert for you right now if you d like . I can order it from the restaurant downstairs .
Gwen : That would be so great . Do you still have that bottle of cognac I gave you ?
Ethan : Yes I do . It s right over there in the cabinet .
Gwen : A nightcap and dessert , almost as romantic as a night at the Seacliff .
Ethan : Hi , this is Ethan Winthrop over at Flood and McFarlane . Yeah -- yeah , the law firm upstairs . That s right . Can I have dessert delivered please ? Great -- great . Yeah , something chocolate if you have it . Do you have -- chocolate decadence ? Yeah , that s sounds great . We ll have one of those and two spoons please .
Gwen : And see if they have strawberries and whipped cream .
Ethan : Yeah , my wife would like to -- oh , you heard her ? Yeah -- yes , please . One order of those as well . Thank you .
Ethan : Mm - hmm .
Gwen : Uh - hmm .
Ethan : What ? Mm . Mm -- what , all that for just some strawberries ?
Gwen : All that for you . Honey , I have not been this relaxed in such a long time .
Ethan : Well , I m glad about that .
Gwen : You know , I know now . I know for sure that it s over between you and Theresa , and I know that our marriage survived all of her tricks . Now she s Jared s problem , not ours .
Theresa : Julian , I Hope this is important because I m not in the mood .
Julian : I d rather be home myself , dear .
Theresa : Should nt you be on your third martini by now ?
Julian : I really did nt drop by to discuss my drinking habits . I m here on business .
Theresa : And it ca nt wait till regular business hours tomorrow ?
Julian : Well , apparently not . I assume I m here for the same reason that you are -- this lawsuit I heard that s being brought against the corporation .
Theresa : Bad news travels fast .
Julian : How did you let this happen , Theresa ?
Theresa : I did nt let anything happen , Julian . This just came out of the blue .
Julian : Well , that s the problem , is nt it ? You see , you are CEO of Crane now . You should have anticipated this and done everything necessary to stop it before it got to this point .
Theresa : Well , that would be ridiculous , Julian , because no one could have foreseen this , not even you .
Julian : Well , that s debatable , but what is not in question is the sorry fact that you are head of this company , thanks to the perverse sense of humor of my father , and as such , you are responsible for everything that goes on here .
Theresa : You re making way too big a deal out of this , Julian .
Julian : Am I ?
Theresa : Absolutely . This Stuart Allen , he s nothing more than a disgruntled ex - Crane employee hoping to get a big fat payday for nothing .
Julian : You re sure about that ?
Theresa : I m sure he s not going to get it , not as long as I m at the helm here .
Julian : Such complete confidence from a total novice . Ha ha ha . Especially considering who s representing this Mr. Allen . Ethan as his attorney -- you have a problem on your hands , which means I have a problem , too .
Theresa : Like I told you , Julian , you ve got nothing to worry about .
Julian : Why is it I do nt feel reassured ? Could it be because I do nt believe that you could stand up to Ethan in a legal battle ?
Theresa : Do nt underestimate me , Julian . Other people have and regretted it .
Julian : Well , you know , dear , I m only speaking from experience . I know your history with Ethan . You spent your entire adult life chasing after him . Why should I or the board of directors believe you capable of winning any fight against him ?
Theresa : Because I m telling you that I can .
Julian : Even though the whole world knows that you ve been in love with him for as long as anyone can remember ? I do nt think you have what it takes to win this lawsuit .
Theresa : Well , you do nt know everything about me , Julian . When push comes to shove , I will fight Ethan with everything that I ve got and more .
Julian : Well , forgive me if I m not buying this , but I know the extent to which you ve gone to in the past to be near Ethan . You even went so far as to steal an embryo belonging to Ethan and Gwen and have it implanted in your own womb .
Theresa : And that has nothing to do with what we re discussing right now .
Julian : I think it does .
Theresa : Now you mark my words , Julian . I m not going to back down from this fight that Ethan has started , and I promise you when it is over , there will be one person standing and that will be me , Theresa Lopez - Fitzgerald - Crane .
Sheridan : Mother .
Katherine : What is it , darling ? Why are you crying ?
Sheridan : Luis -- Luis is moving on with his life .
Katherine : I see .
Sheridan : He s falling for Fancy . It s only right . I m married to Chris . I ca nt be with him .
Katherine : But it s making you awfully sad .
Sheridan : I did nt know it would hurt this much . Will my heart ever stop breaking ?
Luis : { No , Sheridan , come on . Do nt burn that , not that . Oh , my God . } She meant it . She does nt even want to remember how much we loved each other .
Fancy : No , I m not quitting the academy . }
Luis : Fancy is a lot stronger than I give her credit for . In fact , she s just the kind of girl I could fall in love with . Why do I feel so torn ?
Miguel : Excuse me , I have some errands to run .
Kay : Why are you looking at me like that ?
Fox : You re beautiful . Why would nt I ? Why would nt any man ?
Kay : Ok , you re freaking me out a little . Ooh .
Fox : Why is that ?
Kay : I do nt know . It s nothing I guess . I -- look , I want you to know that -- that tonight making love to you , it was -- it was amazing .
Fox : It had been awhile .
Kay : Exactly .
Fox : You seem nervous , Kay . Any particular reason ?
Kay : No -- no -- no reason , no -- no . I -- you know , just -- it s just this whole night just seems a little off , that s all .
Miguel : I love you . I need you . }
Kay : Ok , there s something wrong . I mean , you -- you -- you look different . What happened ?
Fox : I m fine , Kay . Never been better . Why would nt I be ?
Kay : I do nt know . That -- that -- that s why I m asking you .
Fox : You know , sometimes people project their own feelings onto others . Everything ok ?
Kay : Yeah , everything s great . I love you .
Fox : That s good to hear . You know , now maybe is a good time to tell you about something I ve been thinking about a lot .
Kay : What s that ?
Fox : Well , the truth is I ve been doing a lot of soul searching , and I ve had a change of heart .
Kay : About what ?
Fox : About us , about our future .
Julian : You know , I would love to believe that you ve finally overcome your addiction to Ethan , but you must forgive me if I still have my doubts .
Theresa : Doubt me all you like . You ll see I mean business in due time . I m ready to do battle , Julian , against Stuart Allen , Ethan , against anyone who would seek to do damage to my son s legacy .
Julian : Our son s legacy . You keep forgetting , Theresa , that little Ethan is my child as well .
Theresa : How could I forget ? You remind me 10 times a day .
Julian : Just out of curiosity , where did you acquire this -- this newfound backbone ?
Theresa : Where else , Julian ? From you and your father -- the most ruthless , heartless businessmen in the world .
Julian : Well , I m not sure my father would agree that I am made of the same stuff that he was .
Theresa : Well , then he sold you short . The same way you re selling me short . I m merely putting into practice what I ve learned from the two of you , putting on my blinders , making sure I do nt get distracted , focusing on the goal .
Julian : Being ?
Theresa : Beating my enemy into retreat after I tear them to shreds . I ca nt wait to take down Stuart Allen and his entire legal staff , and that includes Ethan .
Julian : Time will tell , I suppose .
Julian : Excuse me just one moment . I understand that you ve become very close to Mrs. Crane .
Jared : I do nt see how that s any of your business .
Julian : But it is . I have a proposition for you . How would you like to work for me ?
Jared : I already have a job working with Tess .
Julian : Well , but you could keep that job and work for me on the side . In fact , that is a prerequisite .
Jared : Well , I do nt think Theresa would like that very much .
Julian : Well , she does nt have to know . We can keep it very hush hush . You ll make a hell of a lot of money . I mean , what do you say ? I ll pay you twice the salary that Theresa is paying you , hmm ? I mean , that s a lot of money for a young man new to Crane in Harmony .
Jared : What exactly would you be hiring me to do ?
Julian : Well , spying . You tell me every move Theresa s about to make before she makes it .
Julian : So what do you say ? You d be the wealthiest young man around here , and all you have to do is report on Theresa s activities . You d be a fool to turn down such a juicy once - in - a - lifetime offer .
Theresa s voice : I should have known . I ca nt count on anyone .
Jared : Well , it s a very tempting offer , but I guess you ll have to consider me a fool . No deal .
Julian : Oh , you re kidding . It s the easiest job you ll ever have .
Jared : I said no .
Julian : All right , I will pay you three times the salary that Theresa is now . That s an offer no one can refuse .
Jared : I said no , Mr. Crane . I wo nt do it .
Julian : Well , why the hell not ?
Jared : Because I m not going to go behind Theresa s back .
Julian : Well , I know you re sleeping with her , but for God s sake , you can do both .
Jared : Well , you have your standards , and I have mine .
Julian : I mean , one would think an enterprising young man such as yourself would be smarter about his future .
Jared : Well I guess you got the wrong guy .
Julian : My God , if you re so hung up on -- on Theresa s charms , it s all the more reason to accept my offer . You ll have more money to woo her .
Jared : What part of no do nt you understand ? This is nt about money . I care far too much for Theresa to go behind her back .
Julian : My God , you re pathetic .
Jared : Well , I could say the same thing about you . You and Theresa have a child together . Now it s a pretty nasty way to treat the mother of your little boy .
Julian : This is nt about little Ethan . This is about Crane Industries .
Jared : Well , from what I understand , your father , her late husband , put her in charge , not you , and that s not Theresa s fault .
Julian : But she s milking it . She s enjoying every minute she gets to boss me around .
Jared : Yeah , well then let me lay it all out for you here . As long as Theresa chooses to employ me , I work for her and towards her ends , and if that means keeping you in your place , well then , so be it .
Julian : You re making a very big mistake . Theresa may be as sweet as sugar now , but the lady is as volatile as a cat on a hot tin roof . You just ask Ethan if you do nt believe me .
Jared : Well , I have no intention of discussing Theresa with Ethan .
Julian : You should do yourself a favor and consider it . She ll turn on you just the way she turned on Ethan .
Jared : Well , I do nt think she will because I m not going to stab her in the back like Ethan did . Now if you ll excuse me , I have some files I have to get to my boss .
Jared : You heard that ?
Theresa : Every word .
Katherine : I know why you feel so lost .
Sheridan : Do you ?
Katherine : Of course I do . Your whole life has been turned upset down . You lost the baby that you were carrying for so many months , and then you thought Luis was dead so you married Chris .
Sheridan : Chris is a good man , Mother .
Katherine : I know , and nobody s disputing that , but you have spent most of your life believing that Luis was your soul mate , that you were going to end up together .
Sheridan : I can hardly stand to be in the same room with him .
Katherine : You still love him .
Sheridan : But I m married to Chris .
Katherine : And do you love him ?
Sheridan : Very much .
Katherine : But the love you feel for Luis is deeper , and it s stronger .
Sheridan : I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about Luis . I ve loved him for a lifetime , many , many lifetimes .
Sheridan : If only he d trusted me when I first told him about Beth passing Marty off as her son .
Katherine : But you had nt been well , Sheridan . Luis thought it was just wishful thinking .
Sheridan : But I knew in my heart , and I told him that . If he d only believed me , Beth would nt have had time to leave town with Marty . He would be with us now -- Marty , Luis , and me . I should have made Luis listen . Marty would be here right now if I had .
Katherine : Sheridan , do nt blame yourself for Marty s death . It is not your fault . It is not Luis fault either . It s Alistair s and Beth s .
Sheridan : Instead of crying over my losses , I should be on my knees saying prayers of gratitude for Chris and James . I love that little boy like he was my own .
Katherine : And is it possible that he s the reason that you re staying with Chris ? Is he the reason that you re not rushing into Luis arms ?
Sheridan : It does nt matter if it is . James lost one mother . I m not going to abandon him , even for Luis .
Katherine : I know why you re so upset . You ca nt stop loving Luis any more than you can stop breathing .
Luis : Hey , what s up , little brother , huh ? Get a chance to talk to Kay , tell her how you feel ?
Miguel : I wanted to . I did nt get the chance .
Luis : Well , you better find a chance before it s too late , huh ? You wait around too long , she s going to be gone , unless , of course , you ve changed your mind , you re having second thoughts . Maybe you just want to sit back and watch while she marries Fox Crane .
Miguel : No way , ok ? I want to be a family with Kay and Maria more than anything .
Luis : Yeah ? Well , then what the hell are you doing here , man ? You better stake your claim before it s too late .
Kay : What do you mean you ve had a change of heart , about what ?
Fox : About our wedding date .
Kay : What about it ? I mean , if it s too soon , you know , if you feel more comfortable , we can wait . We can put it off a couple months .
Fox : No , I was nt thinking that at all . Actually I had something more drastic in mind .
Kay : Fox , no -- no -- no -- no , you ca nt call off the wedding . Please do nt do this . I ca nt wait to be your wife .
Fox : Where would you get an idea like that ?
Kay : Oh , you mean --
Fox : Baby , I want the same thing you do . I mean , we ve discussed this for months now .
Kay : But you just said that you did nt like the -- the date that we had set .
Fox : The date , yes . Not the -- not the marriage . You know , in fact , if anything I want to move the date up . I want to get married ASAP .
Kay : ASAP ? How soon ?
Fox : Very soon . You know what ? What if we forget all these invitations and the seating arrangements and the formalwear ? Why do nt you and I jump in the car tonight and drive somewhere where we can get married ? Let s elope .
Gwen : You know , once you make partner , your bonuses alone are going to be more than you make now .
Ethan : I ve heard that , but this wonderful little picnic here is not how I m going to make partner anytime soon . I got to get back to work .
Gwen : I know , on the court papers .
Ethan : On the settlement papers .
Gwen : Who said anything about a settlement ? Mr. Allen wants to take this case to court . I do nt blame him one bit .
Ethan : Listen , that was the original plan , but I ve been thinking about it , and I think a settlement would save both sides a lot of money , a lot of time , and not to mention bad publicity .
Gwen : Yeah , but why settle out of court when you can drag Crane and Theresa through the mud ? Is that the problem here ? Are you getting cold feet about going up against Theresa ?
Ethan : No , not at all .
Gwen : This is crazy . Ethan , settling is a crazy idea . You basically just had a winning case fall in your lap . With what they have on Stuart Allen , you can decimate Crane and make a wonderful name for yourself in the legal world as well .
Ethan : Honey , it s not worth it . Destroying Crane is going to injure a ton of innocent people .
Gwen : Yeah , but you re going to hit the guilty people where it hurts . Plus , you re going to be made partner , and then you can choose to transfer anywhere you want to . We can go to New York like we ve always wanted to . I can be a full - time mother to Jane . Ethan , this one case can change our lives forever . Why on earth would you want to settle out of court ?
Ethan : Because I can get the same results probably with a big settlement .
Gwen : But not the same publicity , and then once again Theresa will get away with murder .
Jared : Well , you ll have to remind me in the future to turn down more offers to stab you in the back .
Theresa : I m grateful to you for putting Julian in his place .
Jared : Well , you did nt actually think I was going to bite , did you ?
Theresa : Yeah , I mean , for a minute I did . He was offering you a lot of money .
Jared : Hey , there s not enough money in the world to make me turn on you like that .
Theresa : Wow .
Jared : Wow what ?
Theresa : For the first time in my life , I actually picked the right guy . To show my appreciation , I m going to double your salary starting tonight .
Jared : Wow . Maybe I should turn that down , too .
Theresa : Do nt you dare .
Jared : If you insist . I mean , I am a nice guy , but I m not dumb . You sure ?
Theresa : Consider it a loyalty bonus . I mean , I ve got to tell you with everything that s going on with Stuart Allen and Ethan , it s made me realize how important loyalty is . I need you , Jared . I need you more than I ever needed anyone . I mean , work - wise .
Jared : Yeah , I -- I got it .
Theresa : Of course , there is a personal overlap .
Jared : Of course , yeah .
Theresa : But I m going to need help , you know , not only to do battle with Ethan , who is a hell of a good attorney , but Julian , too . It s like everywhere I turn , somebody s out to get me .
Jared : Hey , you can turn to me .
Theresa : Thank God for that .
Jared : Well , here are those files you wanted about Stuart Allen . everything you needed to know and more .
Theresa : Did you get a chance to review them ?
Jared : Well , I scanned over them a bit . If he so much as has a parking ticket in there , we ll know about it , and we can use it to our advantage .
Theresa : Ethan is going to be so sorry that he took Stuart Allen s side . We re going to get them where it hurts .
Miguel : God , I tried to , Luis . I went home to Tabitha s to tell Kay how I felt .
Luis : So what stopped you ?
Miguel : You know , it s hard to say . I mean , I was in the shower and I was just wondering if -- you know , I do nt remember , but one thing I do know , Luis , I am the spoiler here , are nt I ? I mean , Kay and Fox are planning a wedding .
Luis : Yeah , a wedding that should nt happen . Well , look , if your gut s right , which I ll bet it is , Kay does nt even want to marry Fox . In fact , I ll bet she s as much in love with you as you are with her .
Miguel : You know what ? Sometimes I think that . Other times I m not sure . I mean , look , maybe it s just in my head .
Luis : Well , you re not going to find out unless you level with her . Do nt let this go on . If you do nt tell her , you re going to live to regret it .
Sheridan : It does nt matter how I feel about Luis . I m committed to my future with Chris .
Katherine : Even though your heart is with Luis ?
Sheridan : Mother , even if I wanted to end things with Chris and go to Luis , I could nt . It s too late . He s moving on with Fancy .
Katherine : You know , I love my granddaughter very much , but you and I both know that Luis belongs to you , not her . Sheridan , please do nt -- do nt waste any of your precious life on the wrong man . Go to Luis . Just tell him how you feel before it s too late .
Sheridan : I do nt know what to do .
Katherine : You listen to your heart . Your heart is never going to steer you wrong .
Sheridan : But --
Katherine : Can you look me in the eye and tell me that you can spend even one day without thinking about Luis ?
Sheridan : No .
Katherine : Without wanting to hear his voice , without wanting to be close to him .
Sheridan : What s the difference ? What I can imagine or even what I can stand . I m married to Chris . I m the mother to his son . Those are facts , not fantasies .
Katherine : Darling , how can you be a great wife or a great mother when your heart lies elsewhere ? Please just let Luis know how you feel . I mean , right now he thinks that you re over him .
Sheridan : I had to make him think that , otherwise he d be waiting for me .
Katherine : It is nt fair . It s not fair to you , and it s not fair to him . Look , I m not a fortune teller . I ca nt tell you how Luis will respond when you tell him the truth , but I do know you must . You both deserve this .
Sheridan : Maybe you re right .
Katherine : I am . You go on . You go , and you tell Luis how you feel ... right now .
Miguel : You know , I knew if anyone could cut through the garbage and set me straight , it would be you .
Luis : Hey , man , that s what big brother s are for .
Miguel : I just hate that you ve given up on you and Sheridan .
Luis : I did nt have any choice . You do . Now you go find Kay , and you tell her how you feel . You hear me ?
Miguel : What if she says no ? What if she s not interested ?
Luis : Do nt give up -- do nt give up till she says yes .
Fox : Say something .
Kay : I -- I do nt know what to say .
Fox : You do nt seem very excited about the prospect of being my wife tonight .
Kay : I am . No , I am . I m just -- just a little surprised -- shocked , actually . I -- I ca nt wait to be your wife .
Fox : Good , then you re in luck because if we elope tonight , you just got a couple more hours to go .
Kay : But --
Fox : But what -- what ?
Kay : My dad and your mom , they -- they would never forgive us .
Fox : They ll get over it .
Kay : I do nt know about that . I mean , they would be really upset if they were nt there for our wedding . Come on .
Fox : Well , ok , then let s make them really happy and move up the date .
Kay : Move -- move up the date ?
Fox : Yeah , I want to get married to you as soon as possible . Do you -- do you have a problem with that ?
Kay : No -- no , I do nt have a problem with that , no . I ca nt wait to marry you .
Fox : God , baby , you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that .
Ethan : Gwen , I am a lawyer . My client comes first .
Gwen : I know that .
Ethan : Then do nt try to make me put my personal feelings ahead of the case . I m sure once Stuart sees the kind of settlement that I can get him , he ll be very happy .
Gwen : Honey , you have no idea how much Crane s going to shell out to make this go away .
Ethan : Oh , I think it will be a lot , and I will make them accountable where it hurts . The next time they think they can steal someone s patent , they re going to think twice about it .
Gwen : I still think you d make a much bigger splash if you took them to court . Oh , I would love to see Theresa up on the stand trying to defend Crane s actions . You know , it would serve her right for everything she s done to us .
Ethan : Oh , she ll feel a hefty settlement payment , too . Gwen , besides , settling means a sure victory for Stuart . Putting the verdict in the hands of a jury does nt . All it would take is one sympathetic juror for Theresa and the whole case could go south . Why would you want to risk that ?
Gwen : Because I have faith in your skills as an attorney . You are not going to lose .
Gwen : Come in .
Ethan : Theresa .
Ethan : What are those ?
Theresa : Well , you asked for those , Ethan . There they are . Now of course I could have had my messenger deliver them to you , but I wanted to deliver my message in person .
Ethan : Ok .
Theresa : So here s my message . You may think that you have a good case , but I will prove you and your client dead wrong . Whatever you throw at me , I will throw back at you 10 times over . No one s going to walk over me again , and the sooner you realize that you can not beat Theresa Lopez - Fitzgerald - Crane , the better off you ll be .
Luis : I love you . You know that I will always love you .
Chad : Look , I better go before Whitney gets suspicious .
### Summary:
| Julian paid a visit to Theresa , telling her she needs to be more careful about the lawsuit and saying with Ethan representing the other guy , there s a good chance she might lose . She says she has no intention of losing , and if he believes she will , he does nt know her very well . As he leaves , he runs into Jared and tries to get him to spy on Theresa for him , offering him a fortune to do so . Jared refused , as Theresa listened . She was very grateful for his loyalty , and doubled his salary right then and there . Ethan told Gwen he was going for a settlement , because a trial would be too hard on everyone involved , and if they win and destroy Crane Enterprises , a lot of people would be hurt . Gwen does nt care , just wants him to win , and to see Theresa crushed by it . Fox again daydreamed about killing Miguel , then started toward him with the knife again , but stopped when Miguel turned around and saw him . He jumped out of his chair just as Kay walked in and saw them , but Fox acted like he was just using the kife to cut an apple . Kay and Miguel were both left wondering what was up . Later , Fox told Kay he wants to move the wedding up so they can marry as soon as possible . She says she agrees , but seems to not be too sure about it . Sheridan told Katherine she still loves Luis , but ca nt leave Chris and James . Katherine told her to do what her heart tells her , asking if she can honestly say a day passes when she does nt think of Luis even once . Luis remembers Fancy saying she wo nt quit the cadet program just so they can date , and thinks she s a girl he could love , but ca nt get Sheridan out of his mind . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Téa : I m so sorry , Starr . You and your brothers are legally under your father s care now .
Todd : Okay , let s get your guys coats , all right . Let s go , Starr .
Starr : No .
Todd : I m sorry , no ?
Starr : No , I ca nt leave here now .
Todd : Well , why the hell not ?
Cole : Starr , please hurry .
Nora : Are you sure Matthew did nt see us ?
Bo : Yeah , I m sure .
Nora : Why are you sure ?
Bo : Because this is nt the first stakeout I ve ever been on , Nora .
Nora : Oh , I m sorry .
Bo : Do nt be sorry .
Bo : I m nervous , too .
Nora : He did seem fine , though . Right ? I mean , did you see the way that he would nt let the aide go inside the school after getting him in the wheelchair ?
Bo : I think he s going to be okay .
Nora : Do you ?
Bo : Well , we could sit here just a few more minutes , you know , make sure .
Nora : Yeah , it s his first day of school and everything .
Bo : He s been dreading it .
Nora : He s been so brave .
Bo : Yeah , he has been .
Nora : Five more minutes could nt hurt .
Matthew : You know , you did nt have to meet me at the door .
Marcie : Look , Matthew -- I just came back to work myself last week so I was thinking maybe we could help each other get back into the swing of things .
Matthew : Yeah , I d like that .
Marcie : Great . You know , I m really , really glad to have you in my English class .
Matthew : Me , too . Oh , I did most of the reading while I was out .
Marcie : Oh , that s terrific . That s great . Hey , Destiny .
Destiny : Hey , Ms. M to the Mc - B. Dude , I m really glad you re back .
Matthew : Yeah , so are they . Now they actually have something to talk about .
Destiny : Please , they ll be over it in three seconds and texting each other , and --
Matthew : You know , maybe it will be okay .
Marty : You sure those fake IDs do nt look like fake IDs ?
John : I know a guy who knows a guy .
Marty : I m sure you do , John . But that s not going to help --
John : Kevin .
Marty : Kevin , right . Sorry , Kevin .
John : Look , once she clears our IDs with security , we get in , we see Powell , and we get out before anyone figures we re not who we say we are .
Dr. Kwon : Mr. Buchanan , Mrs. Brennan , we ve got a problem .
John : What s the problem ?
Dr. Kwon : You and your sister , Jessica , have been cleared by security as relatives of the patient .
Marty : Oh , well then what else would be the --
Dr. Kwon : You re the first family members to come visit Mr. Lord since he s been here with us . Do you see what I m getting at ?
John : Not really .
Marty : Well , you re afraid of how he might react to us , I assume .
Dr. Kwon : That s it exactly . He s sedated a lot of the time , and even when he s not , he s confused . Since you ve never been here before , I m not sure that Mr. Lord will even remember he has cousins named Kevin Buchanan and Jessica Brennan . I do nt know what he ll say or do when you tell him who you are .
John : So is he considered dangerous ?
Dr. Kwon : Since coming here , only to himself . You ll see when you go in . Prepare yourself . He s restrained .
John : So we can see him , then ?
Dr. Kwon : I m not completely comfortable with it , but security has cleared you .
Marty : But we ll be careful , and Kevin will be here with me .
Dr. Kwon : I can only allow one of you in at a time .
John : That s fine . I ll go .
Marty : I ll go first .
John : Um , Jessica , I m not sure that s such a great idea .
Marty : No , I think I can handle it , Kevin .
John : Yes , I know , but --
Marty : I have --
John : If you re not prepared for this --
Marty : I know , but I have experience with mental health facilities , remember ?
John : Yes , I know . But something could go wrong .
Marty : And I will handle that -- I was closer to Powell than you were . Please let me do this .
John : I ll wait here .
Nora : It s been great having you around as much as we have had -- you know , since Matthew s been hurt .
Bo : Thanks .
Nora : I mean , I know you are swamped at the station .
Bo : Well , Matthew comes first .
Nora : I know .
Bo : You have been great with him .
Nora : Thanks , so have you .
Nora : We ca nt just sit here all afternoon . And he s in English class right now with Marcie McBain .
Bo : Did you see that hotdog truck we passed on the corner ?
Nora : I have nt had a hotdog in ages .
Bo : We might as well have lunch there . I mean , stakeout food for a stakeout .
Nora : Sure . Beats sitting at our desk and eating .
Bo : Yeah , you re not kidding . I ll be right back .
Nora : Perfect , perfect .
Bo : Any requests ?
Nora : You know what I like .
Bo : I ll be right back .
Nora : My poor baby boy . Please be okay in there .
Marcie : You know , I hate the way the cleaning crew -- they bunch everything up overnight . Sorry about this , Matthew . We ordered you a special desk , but I guess it has nt come in yet . There , that looks better . And you know what ? This does nt even belong here , does it ? I ll be right back .
Destiny : Question .
Matthew : What ?
Destiny : What was with the what up to Becca out there in the hall just now ?
Matthew : Oh , we re cool now . Justin , too .
Destiny : Is that so ?
Matthew : Yeah . They both came to my house and were really nice to me , believe it or not .
Destiny : Not .
Matthew : I mean , I m not sure if I totally trust Justin , but Becca -- she was really cool .
Destiny : I think they re playing you . I m sorry , Matt , I really am . But I think they re playing you , and I think it s because of me .
Matthew : What ? Why ?
Destiny : I told those two that they could end up getting sued .
Matthew : What are you talking about ?
Destiny : They made you run out of the dance which is why you got into the car and that s why you got into this big accident . I still think they re the reason , but it does nt matter .
Matthew : Back up . What kind of trouble could they get --
Destiny : Look , I made some stuff up . I said they could be , like , accessories .
Matthew : You know my mom is the D.A. ? And I mean , if they were going to get in trouble --
Destiny : Look , they bought it . I watch police shows when I ca nt sleep , okay ? Anyway , I think they re being nice to you because they re afraid of your family suing theirs .
Matthew : You know , that s really not a nice thing to say about my friends .
Destiny : They re not your friends , Matthew .
Matthew : You re just jealous .
Destiny : Of those two morons ?
Matthew : Of Becca .
Destiny : What would I have to be jealous of her for anyway ?
Matthew : Well , she s popular and cool , and you re --
Destiny : I m what ?
Matthew : Well , you re not .
Todd : Starr , I asked you a question .
Starr : What , this is my house . I do nt want to leave . Is nt that enough ?
Dorian : Todd , ca nt you see she does nt want to leave ?
Jack : It will be okay , Starr . It s Dad .
Starr : Okay , then take the boys and I ll stay here .
Todd : No . We re a family . I m not splitting us up .
Starr : It s a little late for that , is nt it ? This is my house . I do nt have to go . I am not a kid .
Todd : Actually , according to Pennsylvania law , you are a kid .
Starr : Oh , really ? And when are you the expert on the law ?
Téa : Starr -- Starr , listen . When you turn 18 , you can do what you want and live where you want , but until then --
Starr : Look , I ve been sick ever since I woke up this morning . I ve been throwing up and -- why do you think I m not in school ?
Jack : She told me the same thing this morning .
Ray : Ca nt you wait one more day ?
Starr : Exactly . Why do nt you take Jack and Sam ? I ll meet up with you in the morning .
Todd : This is not a negotiation .
Starr : You are going to force me out of the house ?
Todd : If I have to , I ll call the police . They ll force you out of the house .
Starr : What is wrong with you ?
Todd : I am your father . And if I tell you you are going to come live with me , you re damn well going to listen to me .
Téa : Starr , listen . Why do nt I come upstairs and help you pack a bag if that s going to make things easier , huh ? How about that , huh ?
Cole : It s going to be okay . It s going to be okay . She ll come back . She ll come back . I ll be okay . I ll be okay . I ll be okay . I ll be okay .
Starr : I can pack on my own .
Todd : I have a better idea . I ll send someone back here to get your stuff and we re going to leave now .
Dorian : Todd , for the love of God .
Starr : Look , I said I would go with you . Ca nt you just give me five minutes to pack underwear or something ?
Jack : Who cares about underwear ? The real question is , do me and Sam get our own rooms ? Our own TVs ?
Todd : You guys get everything you want . In fact , we should go buy new stuff .
Jack : Yes !
Dorian : Todd , she is a 17-year - old girl . She needs her things . Just give her five minutes .
Jack : You know , I want some stuff , too . Like my Z - box , and my diary --
Todd : All right , all right , all right . Hurry up , hurry up .
Jack : Come on , Sam . We re going to dad s ! Let s go .
Dorian : You miserable excuse for a human being . That girl s entire life is in this house .
Starr : I m so sorry .
Cole : What happened ?
Starr : My father is here .
Cole : What ? Does he know ?
Starr : Look , I know you said that you were nt hungry or thirsty but you need to promise me that you will eat and drink everything that I brought up here for you , okay ? It s all a part of the detox . And when you are not eating or drinking you , need to be sleeping , okay ? Do you hear me ? You need to do all of those things .
Cole : My legs feel like they re made of rubber .
Starr : I know . They said that that would probably happen . But you will do everything I told you to , right ?
Cole : It sounds like you re not going to be here .
Starr : I m not , Cole . I m not .
Cole : What ?
Starr : My dad s -- my dad got custody of the boys and me and he s taking us away . I have no choice but to go . I already tried a million times to tell him no but he said that he would call the police if I did nt go with him .
Cole : Starr , I ca nt be here alone .
Starr : I know , Cole . I m sorry .
Cole : Starr , no . I ca nt do it , I ll die .
Bo : I feel more in control of the uncontrollable sitting out here while Matthew is in class . Do you know what I mean ?
Nora : Mm - hmm .
Bo : He would kill us if he knew we were out here .
Nora : Mm - hmm . I was thinking about that . I do nt want to smother him . Okay , at least not any more than I did before he got hurt .
Bo : You know what helps me get through ?
Nora : What ?
Bo : Knowing that at least we still have him to worry about .
Nora : People have said that to me . Somehow it seems very different when you say it .
Bo : Hmm . I do nt know if I could handle what Matthew s been going through if I did nt know what it was like to lose a son -- to never see him again .
Nora : God , Bo . We are so lucky , are nt we ?
Bo : Yeah , we are .
Destiny : Be like that . I do nt care . I tried .
Matthew : You tried to make me hate people who are nice to me .
Destiny : If that s how you see it , fine .
Justin : Training wheels is back . Everyone is talking about it .
Becca : I know . I saw him . I gave him a big hello wave . I ll make a huge deal out of it at lunch . Ask him to sit with me , and --
Justin : We re done with that . Destiny is full of it .
Becca : She is ?
Justin : That whole civil suit thing ? I ran it by my dad .
Becca : Yeah ?
Justin : Total joke .
Becca : You re totally sure ?
Justin : He says his tax money should nt be spent on building ramps for a public school . They ca nt sue us . They ca nt do anything .
Becca : So you are saying I do nt have to pretend to like him anymore ?
Justin : That s just what I m saying .
Marcie : Bell rang , guys . Come on , let s go . Hurry up . Keep moving .
Marcie : All right . Did everyone get through the last 50 pages of Lord of the Flies ? Okay , well , I m loving your enthusiasm . How about some opinions ? Even general ones to start ? Becca ?
Becca : I thought it was kind of lame .
Marcie : Lame ? Really ?
Justin : Not as lame as Matthew Buchanan .
Orderly : What do you think you re doing ?
Dr. Kwon : Your cousin is so docile . It s hard to believe he s a convicted rapist .
Marty : Well , you can believe it . It s true .
Dr. Kwon : Oh , I know . I mean , it just must have been very hard for your family .
Marty : It was .
Dr. Kwon : Well , we ll go in and --
Marty : No . I mean , I would rather go in and see my cousin alone .
Dr. Kwon : You would ?
Marty : Yes . I m just afraid he might react if there is an authority figure in there with us . I mean , it s a secure room , right ? There s a panic button , and I m sure it s activated .
Dr. Kwon : Yes .
Marty : I m going to be fine . And if I m not , I wo nt hesitate to call .
Dr. Kwon : Well , in the state he s in , he s pretty harmless to others .
Marty : Hello , Powell .
Dorian : This is outrageous .
Todd : I agree . It should have happened weeks ago .
Dorian : This was also Blair s greatest fear ever since she regained consciousness , and she was right .
Todd : Then I guess she should have picked someone other than the local serial killer to be stepdad .
Dorian : John is no killer . He s being framed , probably by you . And if you really did love those children the way you say you do , you would nt be ripping them away from the only home they have known for over a year .
Todd : Well , I disagree . And you know , if you are going to pick the world s worst stepdad , you probably should have invested in a better lawyer .
Téa : Shut up , Todd .
Ray : Given that Blair is ill , perhaps a temporary injunction --
Todd : Hey , hey , hey ! Senor , why do nt you mind your own business ?
Todd : You ready ?
Jack : Yep .
Todd : Where s your sister ?
Cole : Starr , you promised you would stay with me .
Starr : What do you want me to do ? If I keep fighting with my dad , then he s going to call my bluffs and call the cops . They ll come over here ; they ll find out that you faked your last drug test , okay ? Then they re going to call Nora and you ll be sent to prison .
Cole : It just hurts so bad . I ca nt even describe it .
Starr : I know . Uh , what do you want me to do ? Do you want me to call your counselor ? What s her name -- Rachel ?
Cole : No , no , no , no . She ll have to report me .
Starr : Okay , maybe I can tell Langston .
Cole : No , Starr . No Starr , I ca nt . Starr , I ca nt . I already lied to Markko s face . I already got him messed up . Besides , I ca nt face him and Langston . Starr , I just want you here .
Starr : I know , and I want to be here . You know that I do . The last place I want to be is my father s house right now .
Cole : It s -- it s not just that .
Todd : Come on , let s go . You want to tell me why this door is locked ?
Bo : You know , I meant to tell you how great -- how happy I am that Rachel is back .
Nora : Hmm .
Bo : You know , she s got a way with Matthew like nobody else .
Nora : Oh , yeah .
Bo : What ?
Nora : She and I are at odds right now . And it s serious .
Bo : Is it something you can talk about ?
Nora : She took a job here at a drug treatment center .
Bo : Well , that s great . She loves that . It s not the facility that Cole was remanded to and -- does she work with him ?
Nora : Oh , you could say that . She s his counselor .
Bo : Oh , wow .
Nora : Mm - hmm . So my daughter is helping the kid who is responsible for paralyzing our son .
Bo : Does Matthew know ?
Nora : Yep . He s fine with it , Bo .
Bo : Can you believe him ?
Nora : He s so forgiving . And I am not .
Marcie : Well , now that we all know that Becca thought the novel was lame , anyone else ? Destiny ?
Destiny : It made me mad .
Marcie : What made you mad ?
Destiny : Those kids on the island . They were sick .
Marcie : Sick ?
Destiny : I do nt get how kids can be so mean to each other .
Marcie : Oh , kids can be very mean . When I was in school , I was teased a lot , and even worse .
Destiny : At least none of us killed each other .
Becca : Yet .
Marcie : The question I want to explore is this -- is it human nature to be cruel ?
Marcie : Justin !
Justin : What ? He threw it at me .
Marcie : The boys on the island , they turn on Piggy . They make him a scapegoat . So , is it human nature to be cruel for no reason ?
Justin : There s always a reason .
Marcie : Oh , there is ?
Justin : People get what s coming to them . Like the fat kid in the book . He was a total know - it - all .
Marcie : And therefore he deserved to be killed ? That s your observation about human nature ?
Justin : I suppose the author wheeled out some good ideas .
Justin : Dude totally rolled with them .
Marcie : There is nothing funny about what you are doing .
Justin : Then why is everyone laughing ?
Destiny : I m not , you doorknob .
Justin : Well , look at you .
Marcie : Quiet . I said quiet ! You telling me you want to be like the boys in this book ?
Justin : I guess I mis - spoke .
Marcie : All right , that is it .
Justin : Sorry .
Marcie : I have had enough of you . I want you to get out of this class . Yes , Matthew ?
Matthew : I think most people are good .
Marcie : Great , Matthew . Why do nt you tell me why .
Justin : But you do nt have a leg to stand on , Buchanan !
Marcie : Here s something funny for you , Justin . I want a 3,000 word essay from you by tomorrow on tolerance .
Justin : Oh , come on .
Marcie : Oh , no . I mean it . And if you do not hand it in by tomorrow , I will average an F into your GPA for this class .
Justin : I ll show you human nature , Buchanan .
John : I was checking my e - mail . I left my PDA at home , and I m ashamed to say , I was having withdrawal .
Orderly : Who are you ?
John : Oh , I m Kevin Buchanan . My sister and I are here visiting our cousin who s a patient . She s in with him now . I m next .
Orderly : We have magazines if you re bored .
John : Got it . I am bored . I ll do that . Thanks .
Powell : Do I know you ?
Marty : I m not sure . Do you ?
Powell : They told me my cousin was coming .
Marty : That s right .
Powell : But I know that s a lie . And so do you .
Marty : Do I remind you of someone else ?
Powell : I do nt have any family . No one comes here , ever , because of a bad thing I did .
Marty : Do you know what you did ?
Powell : I hurt girls . One girl , especially .
Marty : That s right , you did .
Powell : I wish I could see her again .
Marty : Why ?
Powell : Tell her how sorry I am . And you know what ?
Marty : What , Powell ?
Powell : If I could ever get out of here for good sometime , I ll go find her --
Marty : Wait , wait , wait . What do you mean if you were ever to get out of here for good ? Powell , look at me . Do you ever go outside of here ?
Todd : Starr ? What the hell is going on in there ?
Starr : Well , I got -- I got sick again , I m just changing my clothes . I ll be right there . I ca nt stall him for much longer , Cole .
Cole : Well , I ca nt stay here alone . Someone will find me -- then what will we do ?
Todd : If you got sick , I ll take you to the doctor . Come on , let s go !
Starr : Dad , just give me a minute ! Okay , plan b -- we ll go out the window , okay ? I ve done it before , we can do it .
Cole : Do we have time ?
Starr : If we hurry .
Todd : Starr ! I swear to God if you do nt open this door , I m going to kick it down in 10 seconds !
Téa : I m going to check on Starr .
Dorian : You know , you are responsible for this , Téa . Perhaps if you had prepared a little more carefully , this would nt have happened .
Téa : I m sorry , Dorian . I really am .
Starr : Cole , come on , let s go .
Cole : Starr , my legs -- I ca nt stand up .
Starr : Oh , no . Oh , no , no , no , no .
Cole : Starr , I m not going to be able to make it .
Starr : What ?
Cole : I do nt want to be alone .
Starr : I -- I m sorry .
Cole : I know you tried . I m sorry .
Starr : I m so sorry .
Todd : All right , that s it , Starr ! All right , I m kicking the door in !
Téa : Go ahead . Go ahead . Seriously , go ahead and do that , Todd . Kick the door in , grab your daughter , and go !
Powell : Sure , they let me out of here .
Marty : Where do you go ?
Powell : The showers . Once in a while , they let me go to the dining room .
Marty : No , I mean , do they -- do you go outside of here ? Never ?
Powell : They re afraid I ll hurt people . But I would nt . I used to , but I would nt now .
Powell : You sure I do nt know you ?
Marty : You have no idea who I am ?
Marty : I m done .
Marty : You were right . He -- he does nt remember anything .
Powell : You re not my cousin .
John : Hey . How d it go ?
Marty : Uh , Ms. Kwon was right . Powell s very confused , and he did not remember me .
John : Well , maybe he ll recognize me .
Ms. Kwon : I m sorry . Powell s had too much excitement for one day .
John : Well , you said I could --
Marty : Kevin , we can come back .
Ms. Kwon : I think that would be best .
John : Thank you for all your help .
Marty : Powell said he did nt remember me , but I did remember him .
Marcie : Okay , I want you all to be prepared to read the first three chapters of The Chosen by tomorrow -- oh ! And , Justin , you get to do the reading in addition to the essay .
Marcie : Matthew ? I m sorry .
Matthew : It s not your fault , Mrs. McBain .
Marcie : I know , but you know , it took me a while to understand but some kids , they have to tease others and it s usually just because they re trying to cover their own fears and insecurities .
Matthew : What s Justin scared of ? He has everything .
Matthew : Becca ? I guess when Justin came over and said he wanted to be my friend , he was full of it . Are you full of it , too ?
Nora : Bo , do you think I was wrong not to press charges against Cole ?
Bo : It would nt change anything for Matthew .
Nora : Okay . Do you blame Cole ?
Bo : Do I blame him ?
Nora : Yeah .
Bo : Hell , yes , I blame him . I do nt like to think what I would do to him if I saw him .
Starr : It got quiet out there .
Todd : Yeah , you d like that , would nt you ? You want to see me kick down the door like a big stud ? When you go to court , you tell the judge , He kicked down the door --
Todd : Reverse the decision , judge , or arrest him , huh ? You want to retaliate , do nt you ?
Téa : Yeah , I do nt do retaliation , Todd . That s your specialty .
Todd : Oh .
Téa : Okay ? But I did see how upset your daughter was and I m wondering , I m just wondering -- can you check that enormous ego of yours for five minutes and think about your daughter and what is best for her ? You claim to care so much about her .
Todd : Oh , I care about her .
Téa : Then stop acting like a Neanderthal and prove it .
Todd : Starr ? I m very sorry . I want to do this the right way .
Starr : Oh !
Starr : Okay .
Todd : What is this ? You did nt change .
Starr : Oh , I ve changed a lot , Dad . Now , let s go before I change my mind .
John : Yeah , he was passive ?
Marty : Yep . Does nt mean he s not the killer , though . I mean , sociopaths are often amazingly skilled at being harmless . I -- I do nt know how he d get out of there , though . He was in a -- in a locked room in a straitjacket , pumped full of meds .
John : No recognition on his end ?
Marty : He kept asking me if he knew me , talked about the women that he d hurt , one especially -- if he ever saw her , he d apologize and would never do it again .
John : He could ve been faking that .
Marty : Yep . I guess we just went through all that and found out absolutely nothing .
John : Well , that s not entirely true . Although Powell did nt get many visits from family or friends , he did have a doctor visit him quite often .
Marty : Okay , so he s in an institution . He -- that s normal .
John : The killings and the attack on Blair coincide with the doctor signing out these visits . You should have a look at the name of the doctor .
Marty : Oh , my God -- that s me .
Dorian : Now , then . I want you boys to be good , okay -- for your mother .
Téa : Dorian , I will be in touch .
Dorian : It s a bit too late for that , is nt it ?
Todd : Okay , let s go . Come on .
Téa : Come on , Sam .
Todd : Let s go !
Jack : Coming , coming , coming , coming . Come on , ready to walk over ? Hey -- pushy .
Todd : Starr ? Can you do that in the car , please ?
Starr : I m telling Langston goodbye .
Becca : I have to get to my next class .
Matthew : Me , too . Um -- you want to do something after school ?
Justin : Becca ?
Becca : What s the point ? What can you do ?
Nora : Thank you . Thank you , Bo . Thank you so much . Thank you for saying exactly what I ve been feeling . Thank you for understanding .
Bo : Well , you know , I -- I think about pictures I have of me with Matthew . We re -- uh , basketball game or we re standing on the dock holding up the fish that we d just caught or -- or just standing . And I think , We ll never have a picture like that again .
Nora : I know exactly how you feel . I get so angry . I have so much anger , and I have so much rage that s building up inside of me . And at the same time , there s all this relief that he s still here with us , you know ? And it just goes back and --and it s -- it gets so confusing .
Bo : Yeah , I know -- for me , too .
Bo : None of this turned out the way we ever thought it would .
Nora : No , it did nt .
### Summary:
| While Starr is hiding Cole in her room and attempting to help him with his drug withdrawal , Todd suddenly appears and demands that she leaves the house with him after the court awarded him legal custody of all his kids . Tea wants to help but knows there s nothing she can do . Starr goes and Cole remains alone in the room in agony . Bo and Nora take Matthew to school for the first time since his accident . He attends Marcie s class . Destiny wants to be his friend and speaks up against the kids that want to hurt him . But he admits he s not interested in her because she s not popular and is interested in Becca . Justin reveals that he wants to hurt Matthew and make jokes about his situation . Marty and John go to visit Powell Lord , who s in a mental ward and tell the attendant they are Jessica and Kevin Buchanan , his cousins . Marty goes to talk to Powell as John has found out that he might be the killer . And John tells her the believes that Powell is the guilty party . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Reporter : You re firing the Forresters ?
Jarrett : Donna , can you say that again ?
Donna : I said I will be running Forrester Creations .
Ridge : You ca nt .
Donna : I can , and I will . Eric gave me his power of attorney . He left it up to me to make decisions for him when he could nt . It s my job to protect the company until he recovers .
Jarrett : But Ridge is Forrester s lead designer . He has the most experience .
Donna : Actually , no . When it comes to running the company , my sister Brooke has the most experience . As far as I m concerned , Eric is still our C.E.O. I m just doing what he d want me to do .
Thorne : He d want you to fire his kids ?
Donna : Until they re ready to act in their father s best interest and not their own . This is not a decision I made lightly . I can not get into the reasons , but I assure you I am justified . Currently , this is in the best interest of our company .
Felicia : You are out of your mind .
Thorne : ( Scoffs )
Donna : I will be looking to my sister and my nephew to steer us forward while Eric is gone . I want to thank everyone for their kind wishes and their messages of concern . It s a great comfort to me to know that there are so many warm wishes from around the world .
Woman : Mrs. Forrester ...
Man : Mrs. Forrester ...
Jarrett : But , Donna , how can you say this is what Eric wants ?
Woman : Did he have a falling out with his son ?
Jarrett : Uh , uh , Ridge , how are you and your siblings going to respond to this ?
Owen : Look , thank you all for coming , but no more questions . Mrs. Forrester has given her statement .
Jarrett : Who are you ?
Owen : Owen Knight , Mrs. Forrester s assistant . And if any of you would like to speak to her , you re gon na have to go through me .
Rick : All right , guys , he s right . Everybody out . Thank you very much . Please .
Jarrett : Rick , w - were you involved in this decision ? Did your aunt consult you ?
Rick : Um , Jarrett , you re gon na get scooped . Please , go .
Ridge : You have no idea what you re doing .
Felicia : You will end up destroying our father s company .
Donna : If Eric did nt think I could handle this , he would nt have given me his power of attorney .
Thorne : I can assure you he did nt anticipate you firing his kids .
Donna : Maybe not , but I m sure he did nt think you d betray him .
Pam : What is going on ? Those reporters just ran through here in a stampede .
Rick : I know . Now look , when the phones start ringing , and they will , just refer all phone calls to either my mom or me . No statements . No comments .
Pam : What happened in there ?
Rick : Pam , if I told you , you would not believe me .
Pam : It has to be Donna . What s the hot tamale done now ?
Felicia : You can get off your soapbox now , Donna .
Ridge : Felicia , do nt .
Donna : Owen , Brooke , you can stay . The rest of you , please go .
Brooke : Donna , you have every reason to be upset . What Felicia did was wrong , but the company needs stability right now . Our clients are very nervous . We need to reassure them .
Donna : So make all the phone calls you want , but these three are not returning until Eric hears what they ve done .
Ridge : You think he s gon na be angry at us ? You ve shown your true colors today , Donna . All this talk about being loyal to Dad . You think he s gon na be grateful for what you ve done ? He ll come back to a company he does nt recognize if it s even still here . You re playing politics with his baby , and he s not gon na tolerate that . If you do nt reconsider right now , you re out of this company , you re out of Dad s house , and you re definitely out of all of our lives for good .
Pam : Do nt try to keep it from me , Rick . What is all this commotion about ?
Rick : Look , Pam , the press have a lot of questions , okay ? That s --
Pam : But about what ? What is happening in that room ?
Ridge : I gave her a chance . She blew it .
Thorne : I m calling the attorneys .
Pam : What is going on ?
Thorne : Donna fired us .
Felicia : Back your bags , Aunt Pam . You re probably next .
Owen : Good for you . Do nt let them intimidate you .
Brooke : Donna , you have to listen to me . You need to slow down and think about what you re doing .
Donna : They re wrong , Brooke . Eric wo nt be mad at me because I was fighting for our marriage , something his so - called loving children want to destroy .
Brooke : What Felicia did was unconscionable .
Donna : Yes , it was , so why are we even talking about this ?
Brooke : Because you re not gon na be able to run this company . Ridge and I can do it just fine , and then you can spend time at the hospital with Eric and help him recuperate . Is nt that what you want to do ?
Rick : Pam , do nt do it .
Pam : How can you do this , Donna ? Eric s family ? Do nt you think they re in enough pain ?
Donna : If you want to go with them , you can .
Pam : You re firing me , too ?
Donna : No , that s not what Eric would want .
Pam : You just got rid of his children .
Donna : They tried to betray him . Look , I do nt care whether you stay or go , but your desk will be moving downstairs-- general reception . You re no longer needed on the executive floor . My assistant Owen will be taking care of all my needs .
Pam : You will never get away with this , Donna .
Rick : Pam , Pam .
Pam : Never !
Rick : Pam !
Pam : I m going .
Brooke : Owen , could I speak to Donna alone ?
Owen : Yes .
Brooke : What Felicia did was appalling . I agree with that . And you do nt want to work with her . I understand that . But Ridge had nothing to do with this .
Donna : How can I trust any of them ? Eric put me in charge , and he trusted I would do the right thing .
Brooke : And I know you will , because you are my sister and you re capable of doing whatever it is that you want to do . But you can not run Forrester Creations the way Ridge can .
Thorne : Well , word s out . Forresters ousted from Forrester Creations .
Felicia : ( Sighs )
Ridge : It s on the Internet . It s everywhere .
Felicia : Please tell me they re saying she s crazy . Well , she is crazy .
Ridge : She was also provoked .
Felicia : You would nt be complaining if my plan had worked .
Thorne : $ 200,000 , Felicia ?
Ridge : To a complete stranger .
Felicia : Owen took the deal .
Thorne : And then he had a sudden attack of conscience .
Felicia : Yeah , or he got a better offer , okay ? I m just saying have-- did you see him ? Did you see the way he was looking at Donna during the meeting ? I am telling you there s something fishy between those two .
Ridge : Oh , come on .
Felicia : One photo , okay ? One incriminating photo , that s it . I mean , Dad told me himself the one thing he would never tolerate was infidelity .
Thorne : Felicia , Donna is a lot of things , but she is not foolish enough to have an affair on Dad . That s her meal ticket , not to mention for her son , as well .
Ridge : Sis , you went too far .
Felicia : I was fighting for Dad , for Mom , for the company , for our entire family .
Ridge : Your plan backfired , did nt it ? Now we re out . Donna s in . And Forrester Creations , our dad s legacy , is now in Donna s hands . God help us all .
Felicia : And to think I could never understand how Mom s plans would nt work .
Ridge : Felicia , you ca nt always manipulate things to get what you want .
Thorne : Especially with a jerk you just met .
Felicia : He seemed like the kind of guy that would take the deal-- sleazy and greedy .
Thorne : And you re surprised he double - crossed you ?
Felicia : He backed out . He said it would nt work , that Donna would never betray Dad .
Ridge : So he just throws in the towel , huh ?
Felicia : No , guys , get it . He would nt even try . He was with Donna , what , a few days ? Suddenly he s an expert on her character ? I m sorry . I m not buyin it . Look , either I read this guy completely wrong , or he has another agenda , one a lot bigger than $ 200,000 .
Pam : Forrester Creations . Uh , I am not authorized to make a statement . Um , I m sorry . I - I ca nt . No comment . Um , no comment .
Rick : I m gon na have to put you on hold because I have to be down in my office to do that . Absolutely . Okay . Pam , remember , all clients , all buyers , please , send them to me . Thank you . Owen ...
Owen : Yeah ?
Rick : As soon as Donna gets out of there , can you please have her call me ? If I m supposed to keep a lid on this thing , I need to know what the hell is going on .
Owen : Absolutely .
Rick : Thank you .
Pam : Might as well have a pastry . I made em for the press , but , uh , Donna ran em off . ( Chuckles ) lemon bars are my specialty . They re delicious . Have one . Go on .
Owen : Mmm . They re tasty .
Pam : Really ? You like em ?
Owen : You know , my mom used to make lemon bars . Yours are different . They ve got some sort of a kick to them . What is it ? Uh ... no , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait . Nutmeg ?
Pam : ( Scoffs )
Owen : Yeah , that s it .
Pam : You are good .
Owen : It is nutmeg . I m right , right ?
Pam : ( Chuckles ) mm . About the lemon bars , yes . About who you associate with , no .
Owen : Well , I m sorry you and Donna do nt get along .
Pam : A word to the wise , Owen . Watch your back . Donna can be a devious little monster .
Owen : Well , I guess that s it for making nice . You watch yourself , too , Pam . Do nt make an enemy of Donna if you re smart .
Brooke : You and Eric s children have been on a collision course ever since you and Eric have been dating , but this is not the time or the place to wage a war .
Donna : What war ? They re gone . Now we just have to focus on what s next .
Owen : I m sorry to interrupt , but I ve got some important messages .
Donna : Come in .
Owen : Well , I prioritized them , and I put the most urgent on the top .
Donna : Thank you .
Owen : Some people called for Ridge , but I told them that you were in charge now .
Donna : Okay , look , I - I ca nt call people back . I - I need to collect my thoughts . I have to prepare a statement .
Owen : Take your time .
Brooke : You do nt need to do anything except take care of yourself and your husband . Ridge and I can hand this .
Donna : No . No , not Ridge , you and me , Marcus , Owen and Rick . We can keep Forrester going until Eric comes back .
Brooke : And how do you think Ridge would feel if I were to do that ? You say this is nt a war , but why do I feel like I have to choose sides ?
Brooke : I know what it s like having the Forresters gunning for you . You feel weak . You feel exposed . You feel like you need to fight back , but this is not where you should be putting your energy . You need to rise above this . Eric will come through this crisis , and then you can both have the future that you always planned . You just ca nt let the need for revenge poison it , please .
Donna : No , that s not what this is about .
Brooke : Then what is it about ?
Donna : ( Sighs )
Brooke : You need to ask yourself that question . I will help you any way I can , but do you really want to draw a line in the sand ? I mean , Ridge is a huge asset to this company , and he understands that this is a very stressful situation for everybody involved . Now if you just go to him and tell him that you made a mistake , he ll come back here in a heartbeat . I know he will . It s not too late , Donna . Please , just think about it .
Donna : Okay , I - I will .
Brooke : ( Sighs ) Thank you . I love you , sis .
Donna : I love you , too . ( Sighs )
Rick : No , I completely understand that situation , but I have to get back to you when I have more information . Yes . Thank you . Ciao . Mom , is Donna in there ?
Brooke : I would nt bother her right now .
Rick : Our buyers are freaking out right now .
Brooke : Honey , she just needs some time to think .
Rick : ( Sighs ) You mean she could change her mind about this ?
Brooke : Firing Eric s children from the company-- she knows it s a mistake . She went too far .
Rick : ( Sighs )
Felicia : Why has nt Brooke called yet ?
Ridge : She will if she has news .
Thorne : Do you really think she can get through to Donna , Ridge ?
Ridge : Donna knows she s out of her league . She s not gon na destroy Forrester Creations just to spite us .
Felicia : Are you sure about that , big brother ?
Ridge : It means too much to Dad .
Thorne : Well , she sure as hell has put us in a lot of jeopardy , Ridge .
Ridge : We d better get back in there fast . Otherwise , it s gon na be too late to get out of this tailspin .
Felicia : She basically fired us in front of the press . A little hard to come back from that .
Ridge : She can blame it on the stress then or Dad s illness . The woman is not thinking clearly .
Felicia : Well , that s the damn truth .
Ridge : She s gon na have to say whatever she can say . Otherwise , she s gon na have to go to Dad and explain how she ran his company into the ground while he s fightin for his life .
Owen : You did what you had to do .
Donna : For the company or for my own ego ?
Owen : Ridge would have fired you , too , if you would have given him control of the company .
Donna : So I acted in my-- in self - defense .
Owen : Yes , and as far as I know , that s not a crime .
Donna : The Forresters think I m a thief .
Owen : Eric gave you his power of attorney . His kids are trying to steal his company out from under him .
Donna : Yes , yes , but if they have more experience ...
Owen : No , that is your sister talking .
Donna : She has been in the business a long time .
Owen : In all of the years , how many times has she disagreed with Ridge ?
Donna : ( Sighs )
Owen : She stands to gain as much as he does if you give in .
Donna : Well , she does nt think I can do it .
Owen : I do . It s not like you have to hold this company on your shoulders like atlas . You ve got a crack team at your disposal . Most of your staff has been here for years . They can do their jobs with their eyes closed .
Donna : ( Sighs )
Owen : Come on . All you got ta do is let em work . Tell them you re doing this for Eric , and they will rally around you . Now you re doing fine . You re gon na be great .
Ridge : She is in way over her head . I ll be damned if she s gon na take our business down with her .
Felicia : She s got Dad s power of attorney .
Thorne : ( Sighs )
Felicia : Prima Donna can do whatever she wants .
Ridge : Not if somebody stops her .
Thorne : Ridge .
Felicia : Where are you goin ?
Thorne : That s Ridge s phone .
Felicia : Well , answer it .
Thorne : Hello ?
Brooke : Thorne , why are you answering Ridge s phone ?
Thorne : Because he left it , Brooke .
Brooke : Well , where is he ? I - I need to talk to him , cause I think I persuaded Donna to change her mind .
Thorne : Well , that s great news .
Brooke : So where d he go ?
Thorne : I do nt know . He just ran outta here abruptly .
Brooke : Well , have him call me , will you ? I ca nt wait to give him the good news .
Thorne : You got it . ( Sighs )
Brooke : Hi . It is crazy out there .
Donna : I bet .
Brooke : The news is spreading fast , but if we act quickly , we could still turn this around . Did you think about what I said ?
Donna : I did , and I m sorry , Brooke .
Brooke : You re not ready ? You need more time ?
Donna : My decision is final . Thorne , Ridge and Felicia are not welcome here .
Brooke : No . Donna , you do nt mean that .
Donna : Yes , I do , but I need you , Brooke , please . I - I ca nt do this without you .
Owen : Donna , you can do this . How much did Brooke know about the company when she took it over from Eric ?
Donna : You knew about that ?
Owen : A leader needs two things-- courage and devotion . And you ve got both of em .
Donna : ( Sighs ) You think so ?
Owen : I know so . Look , you are in the right here . You stood up to those greedy Forresters . You refused to be manipulated . You stayed focused under incredible circumstances . You re a warrior .
Donna : ( Scoffs ) I - I never really thought about myself that way .
Owen : Well , maybe you need to start , cause you are an incredible person . I do nt think that you realize how incredible . Your love for Eric , your devotion to the man-- it s a beautiful thing , and that s what this is about , right ? Protecting the company for your husband .
Donna : ( Sighs )
Owen : Well , you did it . You did this . You s -- you wouldnt-- you refused to let those Forresters manhandle you . You -- because you ve got way too much integrity for that . You know , when I first started , you impressed me , but watching you today emerge and become the head of Forrester , it -- I -- wow . What else can I say ? You-- you re -- you re incredible . You re unlike anybody I ve ever known . You-- you are-- ( sighs )
Donna : Oh , my God . We cant-- this is all wrong .
Owen : Then why does this feel so right ?
Singer : I ve fallen head over heels for you , baby I know you know we will last forever
### Summary:
| Donna shocks them all including the press that she has the power of attorney and she will be running the company . In the best interest of the company , she will be looking to her sister and her nephew for their help in continuing . Owen informs the press if there are any more questions , they will have to go through him . Ridge chides Donna that if she thinks Eric is going to be upset with them , just wait until he sees what she has done . She will be out of all their lives for good . Pam demands to know what is happening in that room . Thorne , Ridge and Felicia leave and tell Pam to be on guard , she probably is next . She storms into the office , but Donna assures her that Eric would not want her to let her go too , so she can stay but downstairs in the general receptionist area , not the executive one . Owen will be taking care of all Donna s needs . Ridge berates Felicia for her crazy plan . God help them now , the company is in Donna s hands . Felicia states that either she read Owen wrong or he has another agenda , bigger than the $ 200,000 . Owen cautions Pam that it would nt be wise to make an enemy of Donna . Brooke feels like she has to choose sides , Ridge or Donna ? She wants Donna to rise above this , this is not about revenge . She vows she will help in any way she can , but why draw the line in the sand ? Tell Ridge she made a mistake and he will come back . Brooke tells Rick that Donna realizes she went to far , so hold the buyers at bay who are freaking out . Owen gives Donna a pep talk that she can do this . Just keep her staff who are experienced with her , they will rally around for Eric . Donna tells Brooke that her decision is final , Thorne , Ridge and Felicia are not welcome here , but she does need her and ca nt do it without her . Brooke leaves and again Owen emphasizes that Donna has too much integrity to let the Forrester s manhandle her . She is so amazing . He suddenly kisses her . Shocked , she says this is so wrong and runs out . |
<s>### Instruction:
You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Your task is to summarize the following dialogue. Your answer should be based on the provided dialogue only.
### Dialogue:
Erica : Just more trash .
Woman : I ll buy every copy , and wipe it off the Internet , too -- leave me plenty of time to produce your show .
Erica : Where s the segment list for next week ?
Woman : It s on its way . I have something you should see .
Erica : If that s more bad press about my marriage --
Woman : It s the security disc of the studio from a few nights ago . I asked to take a look at it . One of the security guys mentioned how hot your stepdaughter Lily is on camera .
Erica : Lily has nt been here . Let me see that .
Woman : You re not going to like this .
Erica : And who made you the authority on what I like ?
Woman : You did .
Erica : That s not Lily .
Ava : Hmm , hmm .
Sean : Oh -- uh -- my bad . Hey , did nt know you were --
Ava : No worries .
Sean : Uh -- I ll leave you . Well , sorry .
Ava : Not a problem .
Sean : Sorry .
Ava : Hmm . Not a problem at all .
Adam : Will you get these cuffs off of me ?
Tad : Why should I ? I m having fun being shackled to you .
Adam : I m going to get Derek Frye on you so fast , buddy .
Tad : Oh , will you ? Call him , please . You want me to get the phone , huh ?
Adam : Unlock me .
Tad : Not a chance . Sooner or later , Janet Dillon is going to come to you for help , just like you helped her when you got her out of that loony bin , and I m going to be right here when she calls about my baby girl .
Adam : Yeah , for the last time , I do nt know where your baby girl is .
Tad : Hmm .
J.R. : Nice work , Tad . Wish I d thought of it .
Adam : Get -- call a locksmith .
J.R. : A locksmith -- me ? Are nt I dead to you or something ? If you need a break , I ll hop in for you .
Adam : My head is killing me .
Tad : It s funny -- your mouth is killing me .
Adam : Water . I feel -- I --
Tad : Oh , bravo . Author , author .
J.R. : Is nt this convenient ?
Tad : You know what ? Should we step over him or just , you know , call an ambulance ?
Adam : I need my pills .
Tad : My God , you got to give him an a for effort .
J.R. : Have you been practicing a fake mini - stroke , Dad ?
Tad : Undoubtedly . I kind of like him better this way .
Adam : Ow ! Ez -- damn you , Martin .
Tad : It s a miracle . He s been cured . Demons , come out .
Krystal : It s no use . I ca nt sleep with my baby missing .
Babe : Mama , you really need to lie down . You need to get some rest .
Krystal : Hmm -- good luck .
Babe : Going to be home and she s going to need her mama .
Krystal : I ca nt just drift off to dreamland . Every time I close my eyes , I see Jenny crying . And then there s -- there s Janet . I mean , snoozing is not an option .
Babe : You are going to have plenty of sleepless nights when she gets home , believe me .
Krystal : I love you for saying that , but we both know how crazy Janet is .
Babe : We are going to find them .
Krystal : I may never see my baby again . Karma s a bitch , ai nt it ?
Babe : When I was in the cabin with Janet , she was nothing but gentle with Little A.
Krystal : Was that before or after she put you and her husband in the freezer ?
Babe : She would never hurt a child . You are exhausted , and you re letting this get to you . You need to rest .
Krystal : Where is she ? Where is my baby ?
Babe : Mama , please , we will find her . You need to lie down .
Krystal : I can go back in that bedroom and hide from life all I want , but that does not change the truth . The longer Jenny stays with Janet , the less likely she is of ever bringing her back .
Babe : And we have a lot of people looking for them . We have the cops , we have FBI . Tad -- Tad will find Jenny .
Krystal : Or I may have just lost him another daughter .
Babe : I will listen for the phone . Come on . You need to lie down .
Amanda : Mom , please come back .
Erica : Come in .
Lily : Thanks . I -- I have 28 minutes to get to Cambias , and it s only 11 minutes away . It s good to see you , though .
Erica : It s great to see you . We do nt get nearly enough time to talk anymore .
Lily : I know -- I miss you . I wish that your divorce with my dad was nt being finalized .
Erica : Lily , tell me something . How is your new sister , Ava ? How are you getting along ?
Lily : Well , she -- she s not exactly my new sister . She s been my half sister my whole life , but I just did nt know it . And I might -- not never have known it if I was nt my own personal detective .
Erica : I -- I know that Jonathan and Aidan disappointed you . I m sorry about that . I know that they made some mistakes .
Lily : They did nt tell me about my sister .
Erica : Well , they were just trying to protect you , honey , from being hurt .
Lily : But I do nt need protection from my own sister .
Erica : Lily , you are such a special girl . And everyone knows that you have -- you have very specific boundaries , but Ava -- Ava does nt seem to have any boundaries whatsoever .
Lily : How do you know that ? You do nt know Ava very well . And Ava wants to be a movie star , and boundaries hold you in and movie stars are nt supposed to be held in . They have to go after what they want .
Ava : Hey , do nt mind me . I m just , um , grabbing my face scrub .
Sean : Do nt mind at all .
Ava : Thanks , baby . You might want to turn it to cold .
Erica : Lily , did you see what Ava was wearing ? Those things were all stolen from my set that night .
Lily : I ll pay for them .
Erica : Oh , Lily , honey , I do nt want your money . That s not the point .
Lily : Money is nt the point when you have it . When you do nt , it usually is .
Erica : Well , yes , honey , that s true . But not everyone who does nt have money takes things that do nt belong to them . I mean , Ava is stealing things that do nt belong to her .
Lily : But Ava does nt have money , because she does nt have a job . Maybe you could give her a job here at your show . She s very smart . I have to go .
Adam : Oh .
Tad : Good morning there , sleepyhead .
Adam : On a good morning , you d be gone .
Tad : You just keep dreaming there , bucko .
Adam : Will you get this off my wrist ! Oh -- oh .
Tad : Oh , please do nt fake another attack .
Adam : I m not faking . It s -- it s probably heartburn .
Tad : No , it s probably your soul roasting in hell .
Adam : I need something bland to eat .
Tad : Yeah , so do I. Otherwise , I d let you starve .
Adam : I need some breakfast .
Tad : Well , stop winjing . Get Lucretia in here , get us some omelets and some fruit .
Adam : It s been eight hours , and you have nt heard from Janet and you re not going to hear from Janet for another eight days or weeks or months .
Tad : Then you better get real good at doing things with one hand .
Adam : So you re going to persist in this madness ?
Tad : You bet your bottom billion .
Adam : Oh , gee -- yes . I need a shower .
Tad : Come to think of it , so do I. What do you say we jump in the old stall together and do a couple of choruses of Alcatraz , the Musical ? Otherwise , we re going to have to get used to each others sweat .
Adam : That s disgusting .
Tad : So is your personality .
Adam : Yeah . How -- how am I supposed to relieve myself ?
Tad : Do nt expect a hand from me .
Adam : No ?
Tad : Mm - hmm .
Adam : That s -- no , this is inhumane .
Tad : No , no --
Adam : It is disgusting , it s illegal !
Tad : If I were inhumane , I would ve chained your gnarly butt to a fire hydrant , because that s exactly what you deserve for stealing my daughter and trying to fob her off on perfect strangers .
Adam : Yeah , how about Krystal ? That faithless tart tried to peddle your bastard brat to me .
Krystal : I ca nt eat .
Babe : Colby , you should probably go . You re going to be late for school .
Colby : Uh - uh . I do nt want to -- I want to stay here and help Krystal .
Krystal : Help me what , honey ? Pace the floor and wait for the phone to ring ? You d be helping me if you make something out of your day .
Colby : Who cares about school ? Our baby is missing .
Krystal : Look , we ve all got Jenny on the brain , ok ? But if you re distracted by class or by a friend s conversation for just five minutes , you ll be helping me out .
Colby : Will you let me know if you hear anything ?
Babe : Of course , I will . I will call you right away .
Colby : Ok .
Krystal : You want some money for lunch ?
Colby : No . I m ok -- thank you
Krystal : You sure ?
Colby : Yeah .
Winifred : It is time for this little man to have his bath .
Babe : Ooh ! Tons of bubbles ! Play with the ducky for me -- thank you .
Krystal : This is Adam s TIA prescription . He needs this .
Colby : Well , here , I ll take care of it .
Krystal : He should ve started that dosage weeks ago . But then with all the chaos -- oh . Listen to me -- do I care ?
Babe : Of course you do , Mama .
Colby : Yeah , I ll just take it over to the house and give to J.R. No , actually , I ll just fill it myself and then I ll take it to him .
Krystal : Thank you .
Colby : Mm - hmm .
Jamie : Hey .
Colby : Did you find her ?
Jamie : Not yet . Hey , um -- Amanda said she was going to head over here . Have you guys seen her ?
Krystal : No .
Babe : Actually , she was here , Mama .
Krystal : Well , that s news to me .
Jamie : How long was she here ?
Babe : Um -- I do nt know . She came over , we went outside , we talked for a bit , and then I came back inside to take care of Mama -- not long .
Jamie : Do you have any idea where she went ?
Babe : No , I m sorry -- she did nt say .
Krystal : What s going on ?
Jamie : Oh -- Tad and Aidan put a trace on her cell .
Babe : Did Janet call again ?
Jamie : Amanda s cell has nt been used since last night .
Krystal : And nobody s seen her ?
Jamie : She s not at Wildwind or at ConFusion . She did nt come back to my dad s office .
Babe : Well , I hope she s ok . She really was nt doing well last night .
Jamie : I just hope she did nt drop out of sight to help her mom get away .
Woman : real people , real obsession .
Erica : Hmm -- been there , done that -- depressing .
Woman : What about women who want to start their own business ?
Erica : Maybe another time . Look , we need something with punch .
Woman : It s hard to match your punch .
Erica : I think you re brilliant .
Woman : If it s -- if you read it in there , it must be true .
Erica : I want to deal with this . Want to deal with this head - on .
Woman : Not ignore it like you always do ?
Erica : Not this time .
Woman : Will this get us arrested or canceled ?
Erica : Oh . I m thinking nontraditional , I m thinking bold , I m thinking proactive .
Woman : What will your bold plan accomplish ?
Erica : My goals are what they always have been . My goals are to heighten general consciousness and to take care of the public well - being .
Woman : Hmm -- not even touching that . How does Jack fit into your selfless act of public service ?
Erica : Well , do nt you worry about Jack , because Jack will be just fine .
Sean : Hey , Colby , what s up ?
Colby : Oh -- Krystal made me promise to go to school , but how can I sit in some lame History class when Jenny s still missing ?
Sean : Yeah , so ditch .
Colby : Oh .
Ava : Are you Colby ?
Colby : Yeah .
Ava : I m Lily s big sister , Ava .
Colby : Holy -- wow .
Sean : Yeah . Uh -- Ava s going to be staying with us for a while .
Ava : Yeah . Did nt Sean tell you all about me ?
Colby : Um -- yeah -- Sean said you were some crazy clone of Lily , but , God , um -- you re nothing like her at all .
Amanda : Oh .
Amanda : It s ok , it s ok .
Adam : You re a bottom - feeding parasite dressed up in a clown it .
Tad : And you are a babynapping reptile without one shred of human decency .
Adam : Pathetic , wife - bedding joke still feeding off my leftovers .
Tad : After they go run screaming from you , you betcha .
Adam : Well , congratulations -- you got yourself another hostage situation tacked on to your resume .
Tad : Well , why do nt you add blowhard to yours ? Because at this rate , I m not going anywhere .
Adam : It s -- the weight on my chest .
Tad : Oh , for God s sake -- it s probably your conscience because your ex wants her baby back !
J.R. : Well , good morning , Dad .
Adam : I ca nt -- I ca nt breathe .
Tad : How stupid do you think I am ?
Adam : I ca nt breathe . I have trouble breathing .
Tad : I need a judge s ruling on this one -- is he for real ?
J.R. : I ll have to give him an eight . It s pretty good -- for a faker . I mean , first a stroke , now a heart attack . What s next -- Ebola ? Ah .
Tad : Yeah .
J.R. : I m hungry . Can I get something for you , Tad ?
Tad : No , just get your father a nice , tall glass of shut the hell up .
J.R. : I m on it .
Adam : Oh .
Tad : Ah , yes -- note the pain in the left arm , another classic symptom of the heart attack .
Adam : God .
Tad : Boy , are you good .
Tad : I m thinking about nominating you for an award -- most ridiculous performance by a grown man .
Adam : Hello ?
Janet : You lying , filthy snake .
Adam : Wrong number .
Tad : Give me that .
Janet : Like hell . You played me for a fool ! I offered to help you . We were going to start a life together -- now , what happened to that life ? I need the truth , so I m flying on maternal instinct . I m going to the source .
Tad : Hmm . You can knock it off , Adam . Now that she just dropped a major clue , I ll be leaving .
Adam : Will you call someone ?
Tad : Why do nt you call them ? As far as I m concerned , you re free as a bird -- at least until they arrest you for kidnapping , which should be any minute . Now , come on , let s go . Let s get the key . Come on .
Adam : Oh -- ah .
Tad : Hey , that hurt . Would you knock it off ?
Janet s voice : Dear darling , sorry about the bump on the head . I hope it does nt hurt too badly . Please take care of Maura for me . I ve left some formula and snacks for you both -- those cookies you like so much . Love , Mom . P.S. -- Back soon .
Amanda : Mom , what are you doing ? Ok , it s ok , little Jenny . We are going to get you home -- ok . Oh . Ok , come on -- here we go . Where is my phone ? Damn it , Mom .
Amanda : Ok -- no , it s ok . Look here -- we re going to -- we re going to get out of here right now . Yes , we are . We re going to go , ok ? It s ok . Ok , just one second , one second . There you --
Amanda : I know . I m going to come right back , we re going to get out of here . There you go , sweetie . Ok . Oh -- oh .
Krystal : Amanda came over here to cry on your shoulder before she sneaks off to help her mother ?
Babe : No . Amanda wants to find Jenny as much as we do , Mama -- I promise .
Winifred : Well , well ! We are off to the zoo .
Babe : Ooh !
Babe : Ooh , are you going to see the elephants ? Or the monkeys ? Hmm -- I love you .
Krystal : Bye , sweetheart .
Winifred : Come on .
Babe : Have fun .
Babe : Say hi to the monkeys .
Jamie : If Amanda contacts you , Babe , just get as much information as you can and keep her on the line ?
Babe : Maybe something happened to her . Amanda would nt just ditch us like that -- I know it .
Krystal : I think it s a little late to talk about what Amanda would nt do . I m going to lie down .
Babe : I would rather throw down with her than watch her give up like that .
Jamie : Where is the Krystal that stood up to Adam ?
Babe : I do nt know , I do nt know . Maybe she s in there deep down or maybe she s just all cried out -- who knows ? At first , I thought it was just shock , but now , I -- ca nt even stand to look at her like this .
Jamie : She does nt think we ll get Jenny back .
Babe : She s torn to pieces . And I have tried to put the pieces back together , but there is -- there s just too many .
Jamie : J.R. must ve suffered like that -- when we took Little A away ?
Babe : I ve thought about that , too .
Jamie : What were we thinking ?
Babe : We were thinking about Little A s safety , and he was safe with us .
Jamie : Are you sure we were nt thinking about us ?
Babe : Maybe . But we re not Janet -- we did nt want to hurt anyone .
Jamie : We let J.R. think his son was dead .
Babe : And I have apologized to him so many times about that .
Jamie : Huh . I have not once said I was sorry to J.R. -- not once . Now , looking at Krystal , I kind of wish I had .
Babe : It s not too late -- to apologize . You could go see your brother right now . We could go together .
Jamie : Oh , what about Krystal ?
Babe : Hold on .
Babe : She s all set . Let s go .
Krystal : Where s my baby ? What have you done with my baby ? Where is she ? What did you do ? Did you hurt her ? Do you even know where she is ?
Janet : Relax . I ve taken care of your little girl .
Amanda : Ok , come on , little Jenny , let s wake up , it s time to eat . Here you go . This bottle s all here for you . Come on , sweet -- oh , here we go . Come on , you can do it . Come on , here we go . What s wrong , sweetie ? Oh . Hey -- no wonder you re not hungry , you have a fever . Oh , God -- ok . Ok , it s ok . We -- ok , ok .
Krystal : Who is with Jenny right now ?
Janet : I would prefer you call her Maura .
Krystal : My daughter s name is Jenny .
Janet : Maura would prefer you call her that , too .
Krystal : Who is taking care of my little girl ?
Janet : Her caretaker -- Maura s caretaker -- is really none of your business .
Krystal : None of my business ? It s my daughter we re talking --
Janet : You know , she s with somebody very kind , very thoughtful -- that s really all you need to know .
Krystal : All right , you -- you take me to her right now .
Janet : You re not very gracious , are you ? You have nt even invited me in .
Krystal : I do nt want to chitchat , I want my daughter !
Janet : There was a time when people dressed to visit . And they would offer a card . I wonder what my card would say . Janet Dillon , angel of the week , or Janet Dillon , mother to all .
Krystal : Janet Dillon , murderer , kidnapper , soon to be beaten to a pulp , Janet Dillon !
Janet : Maybe it was a mistake for me to come . I guess I d better go .
Krystal : Oh , no . Wait -- wait a minute . I -- I m sorry . Um -- come on in .
Janet : Hmm . Do you have any ice tea ?
Krystal : I -- I -- I can -- I can make some . Come -- come on in .
Adam : I need a doctor !
Tad : Adam , nobody s buying this ridiculous act . Now get off your butt so I can get the key !
J.R. : Ooh , ooh , nice touch , Dad .
Tad : He s being ridiculous . Would you get the key ? I stashed it in the drawer in the foyer .
Adam : Son -- son , help me !
Tad : Shut up .
Adam : J.R. --
J.R. : Hey , good morning , guys . You want some breakfast ? Maybe a sunrise heart attack ?
Babe : We re actually here to see you .
Jamie : Can I talk to you --
Adam : Call 911 !
Tad : Do nt humor him .
Jamie : What the hell is going on ?
J.R. : Well , we could be having a crisis . Then again , maybe not .
Tad : He says he s having a heart attack .
Babe : What ?
Jamie : He looks pale . Adam , are you ok ?
Adam : I need an ambulance .
J.R. : He faked a stroke last night .
Tad : Yeah , and now that Janet s about to spill the beans on everything , he does nt want me to nail him for kidnapping .
Babe : You just get more and more disgusting every day .
Tad : Would you give me the key ? I m out of here . Listen , Jamie , did you get anything on Amanda s phone trace ?
Jamie : No . No calls made or received .
Tad : Well , you better stay on it , because Janet called from somebody s phone .
Babe : Do you know where she is ? Did she say anything ?
Tad : No , but I got a hunch .
Jamie : His lips are cyanotic . He s skipping about eight beats per minute .
J.R. : What does that mean ?
Jamie : It means this is nt a scam . He s having cardiac distress .
Tad : Well , son of a gun --
Adam : I ca nt breathe . I ca nt --
Jamie : Come on , he needs an aspirin .
J.R. : You know , I ll call 911 .
Babe : Or maybe not . Hold on . Stop , Jamie . Adam , what -- what do you think that we should do ? I mean , if it were up to you , we would just walk right out on you , just like you did to Mama , leave it to fate whether you live or die .
Ava : Modeling is ok , you know . It pays the bills , it gets you into the business , it gives you some contacts . But I do nt want to be known as just some model that wants to be an actress . So I ll probably just do some TV stuff and -- and then I ll do the major - studio stuff . No stupid indies that only , like , 20 people see . That s dumb . You ca nt be a star without distribution . Oh , I m sorry . I m , like , totally hogging the conversation . Why do nt you guys just go to school ?
Sean : You know , school is optional for us today .
Colby : So you ve done modeling already ?
Ava : Yeah . I ve got some photog friends .
Colby : Really ? Tell me everything . This is the first time in forever anything s taken my mind off my crazy life .
Ava : Well , once I get to LA , I -- you know , I know some people that --
Ava : Could hook me up .
Colby : Ok , excuse me . Um -- hello ?
Babe : Colby , it s me .
Colby : Yeah , did you guys find Jenny ?
Babe : Look , you need to get to the mansion right away .
Colby : Why ? Did something happen ?
Babe : Just get here as fast as you can .
Jack : Good morning , Erica .
Erica : Jack -- thank you so much for coming by on such short notice .
Jack : Sure . You said it was important . Is this -- is this about Ava ?
Erica : Well , Ava is definitely a concern of mine , and I certainly do want to speak to you about her at another time . But no , that s not why I asked you to come over here now .
Jack : Ok . What ? The suspense is killing me . What ?
Erica : I ve been thinking about us . We have such a history . We have children who think of us as family . Our kind of bond just does nt dissolve overnight . In fact , we could be connected for the rest of our lives , and we should .
Jack : Well , I m with you so far . What -- what s your point ?
Erica : I would be devastated if I lost you , and so I wo nt .
Jack : Is nt it a little bit late for us to be having the I ca nt lose you discussion ?
Erica : Not at all . I have no intention of letting you go , unless you absolutely insist .
Jack : Erica , our divorce is just about final .
Erica : Jack , I want you in my life even after our divorce .
Jack : Do tell . In what part of your life do you see me , just exactly ?
Erica : Jack , this is the 21st century . Divorced couples do nt have to be enemies . They can spend time together regularly and see each other and spend time with their children and vacation together .
Jack : How very progressive of you .
Erica : Well , they could -- they could also share confidences . They can even go on double dates .
Jack : You want to double date ?
Erica : Well , I would very much like to maintain a very close relationship with you . And I m not alone , because many , many former spouses maintain their intimate ties .
Jack : Yes , Erica , but you re not like anyone else .
Erica : Exactly . We can be like those couples , only we can do it better . Jack , I believe in this so much that I want you to join me in a New Beginning show . The New Divorce .
Ava : Do nt worry . I wo nt tell your uncle .
Sean : Tell my uncle what ?
Ava : That you re ditching school . You re not going , right ?
Sean : I told you already , I ve missed a few days of school .
Ava : Well , that s ok . I m good at keeping secrets . And I wo nt tell your girlfriend , either .
Sean : Colby s not my girlfriend .
Ava : Even better .
Sean : Um -- yeah , Colby s got enough problems . She s not sweating about me .
Ava : Well , she would totally sweat if she knew what was happening with us .
Sean : What s happening ?
Ava : This .
Amanda : Come on , it s ok , little Jenny . Come on , you got to drink something , ok ? Here you go . You want to try ? Ok , you know , we ve got to cool you down .
Amanda : You re -- you re too hot . You have a fever . It s ok . I m going to cool you down . Here we go . Please -- ok , there we go . You are way too little to be this hot . Oh . I know . I know , I know . It s ok , it s ok .
Janet : This is nt very cold . Do you have any ice ?
Krystal : Uh --
Janet : Not much of a hostess , are you ?
Krystal : Yeah , I left my white gloves and pearls in the trailer .
Janet : You know , we have all lost gracious living , have nt we ? Did anyone offer you a casserole or baked goods when you moved in ? I think we ve lost all the social niceties . Whatever happened to gloves ? Or heels ? Or -- or hats ? I love a good hat with flowers , or -- or ostrich feathers , or -- I realize some people prefer peacock feathers , but I just find peacocks to be such terrible creatures -- as are people who try to make cell phone calls -- in the middle of an important discussion . Why do nt you put it down ?
Krystal : Where is my daughter ? What have you done with my baby girl ?
Janet : Babe is your firstborn daughter , is that right ? The two of you are very close ?
Krystal : Where are you going with this , Janet ?
Janet : Well , you see , my mother really preferred Natalie , the firstborn , and she could do nothing wrong . I , second born , could do nothing right .
Krystal : Jenny -- could we talk about Jenny , please ?
Janet : I told you to call her Maura . Competition -- it can be fierce between sisters . Now , I realize that competition is the basis of a free market . A penny earned is a penny saved , and -- who said that ? Was that Benjamin Franklin ? Those new florescent lights -- do you think that they really save energy ? What was I talking about ?
Krystal : Competition . My -- my daughter
Janet : Competition can be brutal between sisters , especially when a mother loves and adores one daughter and cruelly rejects the other daughter .
Krystal : I love both my daughters fiercely . I -- I would do anything for both of them .
Janet : Of course , you would . You see , any mother would say that -- I bet you Wilma would even say that -- but I was the daughter that grew up rejected , and I will not let that happen to Maura .
Janet : Maura will grow up loved . Maura is going to grow up --
Jack : The New Divorce , huh ?
Erica : Oh , well , that s just the working title . I mean , we would nt have to even call it that . The important thing is the message -- that divorce does nt have to be the end . It can be the beginning .
Jack : A new chapter , so to speak .
Erica : We d be forging a new path for ourselves , as well as helping others . Please sit down .
Jack : Erica , all this trailblazing and self - help -- what -- what does it entail ?
Erica : One simple show . Maybe an expert or two . Well , you know how I work . And the camera would love you .
Jack : Well --
Erica : Really , it would be a whole new important step for us , Jack .
Jack : Televised for the masses ? Kind of a shot back at those nasty tabloids ?
Erica : Yep .
Jack : Mm - hmm .
Erica : And it would help our audience at the same time , everyone out there who is dealing with a divorce . Well , I mean , you can take your time and think about it , Jack --
Jack : No , Erica , actually I do nt need any time to think about this . I can give you your answer right now if you d like .
Erica : You hate it ?
Jack : I love it . I ca nt wait . Let s do it .
Jamie : Amanda s cell s been traced to a two - mile radius somewhere between Highway 23 and Hunnicut .
Colby : Why is an ambulance here ?
J.R. : She could have been calling from the road .
Jamie : Well , let s hope not .
Colby : What s wrong ? Dad --
Babe : Sweetie --
Colby : Dad , what happened ?
Babe : He s going to be fine .
Tad : What the hell is this ?
Janet : We re having a little visit .
Krystal : Janet was just telling me from personal experience how a mother could destroy her daughter .
Tad : Where s my child ?
Janet : It s an important parental caution .
Krystal : I would never , ever behave like your mother , Janet .
Janet : So you say .
Krystal : Please , it is safe to bring Jenny home .
Tad : Ok , just tell us where she is . We ll go get her .
Janet : I have no intention of letting you anywhere near Maura until I am convinced that you are competent parents .
Krystal : We are !
Janet : People should have to get a license before they re allowed to have children . So just consider me the DMFV , hmm ? The Department of Mother and Father verification . My process is lengthy , so you might as well just have a seat .
Amanda : Come on , Mom , Jenny needs a doctor . Ok . It s ok , little girl . You are going to be just fine . I just need to cool you down . Yes . Come on , Mom . Jenny does nt have much time .
Hannah ( to Josh ) : Just the man I m looking for .
Janet ( to Tad and Krystal ) : When is the wedding ?
Greenlee : You know , I named this color . Rhapsody in red , all me .
### Summary:
| Erica comes into work and finds out from one of her employees that Lily had been there . Erica insists that Lily had not been there and is completely confused as to what is going on . The woman employee puts in a video tape and turns it on . Upon seeing Ava on stage , Erica points to the screen and tells the woman that that is not Lily . Ava steps out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around her when Sean barges in on her . Adam demands that Tad get the cuffs off him . J.R. walks in and begins to laugh at the goings on . Adam begins to feel funny and tells them that he needs his pills . Janet knocks Amanda unconscious outside Krystal and Babe s condo . Lily visits Erica in her office at New Beginnings . Erica inquires about Ava . Erica shows Lily the tape of Ava on stage of New Beginnings . Ava sneaks into the shower with Sean . Adam continues to have chest pains . Krystal finds Adam s TIA prescription in her purse and realizes that it should have been filled weeks ago . Jamie visits and inquires about Amanda . Amanda still lies unconscious . Colby meets Ava when she visits with Sean . Amanda comes to and she finds herself in a doll warehouse with Baby Jenny . Adam falls to the floor unconscious . Amanda finds a note from Janet . As Amanda starts to leave the doll warehouse with Jenny , she finds that the door is locked . Amanda feeds Baby Jenny . Janet comes to visit Krystal who demands to be taken her to Jenny . Amanda discovers that Jenny has a fever . Adam urges Tad to get him a doctor . Colby and Jamie arrive and see Adam lying on the floor . Jamie examines Adam and finds out that he is going into cardiac arrest . Babe hands Jamie a bottle of pills to give to Adam . J.R. calls 911 . Jack visits Erica in her office . Erica tells Jack that she would be devastated if she lost him as a friend and he tells her that she wo nt . |
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