id,externalId,skipped,status,label,content |
ckyd738o3044h0l0p9bxu47bx,0,False,LABELED,CONTENT, |
ckyd738o3044i0l0pexsyb8hk,1,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,clear and easy to read! |
ckyd738o3044j0l0p88lr982u,2,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,really? i have to pay on order to be able to read? |
ckyd738o3044k0l0p0u939e6m,3,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,this is not good right now. best of luck for the future. |
ckyd738o3044l0l0pbgqf16a4,4,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o3044m0l0p6f115b5v,5,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o3044o0l0pgpfxer3q,7,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,i hope this helps you as much as it helps me! |
ckyd738o3044p0l0paul37lgu,8,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o4044q0l0pf48u1vnq,9,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o4044r0l0p3yvdh7z5,10,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,great platform! |
ckyd738o4044s0l0pc3tp741u,11,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o4044t0l0p656jagqf,12,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION, |
ckyd738o4044u0l0pcy6627r0,13,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE, |
ckyd738o4044x0l0p22622n79,16,False,LABELED,CONTENT,good info! |
ckyd738o4044y0l0p3hze9co8,17,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,i really happy using this apps. |
ckyd738o404520l0pdq16fww5,21,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,select the option to copy the entire text |
ckyd738o404530l0pcah8chj2,22,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,amy interesting articles you have to pay |
ckyd738o404540l0pcl8dhxdx,23,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,this is not good for unemployed readers as well as for those whose salary is less than 1000$ per months. |
ckyd738o404550l0pc18law69,24,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,i will not support any social platform that will not support free speech. |
ckyd738o404560l0pac9u007m,25,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,i have been a paid member of medium for more than a couple of years now. lately i have started facing a lot of issues renewing my membership. the fee has been debited 2 times without my membership status getting updated on the app. quitting medium for good |
ckyd738o404570l0p8faohxsq,26,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,cool |
ckyd738o5045a0l0pe7gi2h4s,29,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o5045b0l0pdw5x1wqy,30,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o5045d0l0p1h1w1h0f,32,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,this app is more like a malware you accidentally downloaded from chrome |
ckyd738o5045g0l0p5inx50f6,35,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,doesn't work in landscape mode. |
ckyd738o5045h0l0p0wp81pa9,36,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,very limited selection choices for areas of interest. also couldn't believe it doesn't have a simple search function! |
ckyd738o5045i0l0p32mqgr6i,37,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,web and mobile are so slow! |
ckyd738o5045j0l0p9vjfgpv4,38,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very good app for following people you like. |
ckyd738o5045n0l0p405ycj9s,42,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,app lags and is buggy. desktop version works a lot better. |
ckyd738o6045q0l0p1elw3v2o,45,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,app keeps crashing |
ckyd738o6045v0l0pgc0xg6qs,50,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,the app was much better when i started with medium. now it has limited features and does a poor job of prioritizing the writers i prefer to follow. |
ckyd738o6045w0l0p2s8vct7y,51,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,"i don't need the app, there is website, but for some reason, you don't allow me to use it. i only downloaded it to leave 1 star review." |
ckyd738o6045y0l0pf2jaeqp4,53,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,edit button dosen't work |
ckyd738o604620l0p6g367455,57,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,it great piece of work |
ckyd738o604630l0p99be3u0o,58,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,cannot register by openid as google account |
ckyd738o604650l0p4vrkeitg,60,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,the app is effective and bug free for my experience. |
ckyd738o604660l0p12u15uas,61,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,no landscape orientation available! that makes it hard to read code snippets in articles. |
ckyd738o604680l0p14e9adu9,63,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd738o604690l0p9kwg0cql,64,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,i have paid for membership but it's still showing not a member. please solve this |
ckyd738o7046a0l0pf06z8717,65,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,the app is glitching a lot. i can't see the number of claps on my stories and notifications are rarely getting updated. please fix this cuz the app is the only way to keep track of things while i'm on the move |
ckyd738o7046d0l0paaokb8is,68,False,LABELED,CONTENT,love reading medium very good writers |
ckyd738o7046f0l0pfqbzd9u5,70,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"terrible. can't open links properly from chrome, search is broken, wishlist delays, list of bugs and broken features goes on. |
glitchy, can't log in." |
ckyd738o9046x0l0p8ccbbamb,88,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,all of my stories went missing after the most recent update. i looked in my profile and can see only 3 published stories when i've published dozens. what the heck🤬 |
ckyd738o904700l0p1rnd5w8k,91,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,$5 per month to read sometimes very amateur content. no thank you |
ckyd738o904710l0pf7ws5w5r,92,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION, |
ckyd738o904730l0p18i13ahu,94,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,excellent mobile experience. i almost never read on desktop. |
ckyd738o904780l0phpbk68hg,99,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,impossible to manage content after its posted. do better. |
ckyd73cyj039x0l1i7c6g74ms,102,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,awesome app app for knowing things which are beyond your seek |
ckyd73cyj039z0l1id1r75g0u,104,False,LABELED,CONTENT, |
ckyd73cyk03a30l1i12myaukk,108,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very good software |
ckyd73cyk03a60l1idds5a5tz,111,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very good app i appreciate you medium team. |
ckyd73cyl03a80l1i3h2g7yix,113,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,cool but nothing is perfect so i rate your also 4 |
ckyd73cyl03a90l1i1trt8vmf,114,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,nice app easy to use availabilities of various variety option .thanks |
ckyd73cyl03aa0l1i3s5b02z4,115,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,impossible to read text with code snippets. app constantly automatically scrolls text up/down to align screen with next/previous snippet. found no way to turn this off. awful and unusable. |
ckyd73cyl03ad0l1i0pgn7837,118,False,LABELED,CONTENT,love content on this app |
ckyd73cym03ag0l1i7eyl2fkz,121,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73cym03ah0l1igmr33qyr,122,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73cym03aj0l1ibjvy5xyc,124,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73cyn03al0l1i4az51h1m,126,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,best platform for individuals who seek to learn new things (including money making skills) and modify their way of thinking. |
ckyd73cyn03an0l1id8ymgin4,128,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,try to subscribe?!? i couldn't!?! they continue to send me a code and refuse to accept my valid visas!?! no choice but to uninstall this worthless mismanaged app! |
ckyd73cyo03as0l1i5j729h7v,133,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,"you'll have to pay to continue reading, sorry i'm not up for that." |
ckyd73cyo03at0l1ichs1f48n,134,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very useful to learn and write things.we can expose it to public also.it is so quick and awsome. |
ckyd73cyo03au0l1i14v4a41c,135,False,LABELED,CONTENT,i really like spending time on this app. it's a medium to increase the knowledge and get countless valuable information on various topics according to the likes of the topics of an individual through reading of wonderful informed article beautyfully written in simple english by wonderful medium writers.five star from my side without any doubts. |
ckyd73cyp03ax0l1i1k0u4hwh,138,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,great place for sharing valueable knowledge. |
ckyd73cyp03b10l1ibd6919n3,142,False,LABELED,CONTENT,i'm in love with the insightful articles that medium has. highly recommended! |
ckyd73cyq03b60l1i78agev8c,147,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,what everyone else said and the widget no longer works. |
ckyd73cyr03b90l1icu5t8zh2,150,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,pay pay pay 0 star then |
ckyd73cyr03bc0l1ihf8natv3,153,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,medium is a very beautiful app |
ckyd73cyr03bd0l1i6zd9g8b5,154,False,LABELED,CONTENT,good to discover news of cryptocurrencies |
ckyd73cys03bf0l1ifh1y4g3q,156,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,fantastic app |
ckyd73cys03bg0l1i1ul8h3fq,157,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,one of the best. |
ckyd73cyt03bm0l1i360587ve,163,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,they will take your money without you even knowing. |
ckyd73cyt03bn0l1ie0b4cph4,164,False,LABELED,CONTENT,very informative and fun articles. |
ckyd73cyt03bo0l1i2zdh8odz,165,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,why there's no sort by date feature in search? |
ckyd73cyt03br0l1i6pyeb8qm,168,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,best information app iv seen |
ckyd73cyu03bu0l1i4ioi2jkf,171,False,LABELED,CONTENT, |
ckyd73cyu03bw0l1i75iv1b4p,173,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73cyu03bx0l1i2kfl80fr,174,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,this by far is the best app for reading and writing articles.i have been using it for more than three years and i have always loved it. |
ckyd73cyv03c10l1ibtqt1hgs,178,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,i started reading full articles on browser by clearing cookies and site information. that's better option than the paid subscription of this app. |
ckyd73cyv03c30l1i6geb85th,180,False,LABELED,CONTENT,absolutely better for reading new unique article. getting updates for my favorites brands. |
ckyd73cyv03c40l1i1z1j4vu9,181,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,i like it just for now but i wont know what may happened in the future. |
ckyd73cyx03c80l1i22u7hcj5,185,False,LABELED,CONTENT,love this app! very informative and helpful with peoples stories and advice!! |
ckyd73cyy03c90l1id1um2zcz,186,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,an excellent app to improve your reading skill |
ckyd73cyy03cc0l1i0wre12xj,189,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,well experience |
ckyd73cyz03cg0l1i655sck8l,193,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,it’s very nice app |
ckyd73cyz03ck0l1iap5e6r39,197,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,crtitical issue to be fixed!!! paid for annual subscription. still unable to read full articles. please fix the issue at the earliest. |
ckyd73cyz03cl0l1i403agper,198,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,there is no option to highlight when i select text! that is the only reason i subscribed to the service! |
ckyd73cz003cm0l1idy4587n0,199,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"the new look is really neat, simple, and elegant. i really love it. it makes the app easier to use." |
ckyd73h5z0h590l1t55kn36m5,200,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,latest version of the app not working on my android device |
ckyd73h5z0h5a0l1t8leq2vll,201,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,poor performance recently. takes lot of time to load articles. |
ckyd73h5z0h5c0l1t1wqjfqz8,203,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,working perfectly |
ckyd73h5z0h5d0l1tafim4i31,204,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,worst.. keep promoting articles even in search which are ages old. being on top why don't app still doesn't have sort feature atleast in search result. spamming my landing page is fine but should atleast give option of sorting search result |
ckyd73h5z0h5f0l1th6ns46bi,206,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,"fake promises. i was told if i installed that i could view an article. when i installed that i was told i had to sign up for an account, just like on the website. liars." |
ckyd73h600h5g0l1t7z5l07ey,207,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,good ui. |
ckyd73h600h5h0l1tcblra9rc,208,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION,"bad, no egypt, and you want me to pay to read random people opinions?" |
ckyd73h600h5i0l1t7w166eub,209,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,old classic view design was better ux |
ckyd73h600h5j0l1th4e16edq,210,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,it includes a lot of life teaching articles written by people.i recommend this app to others as well. |
ckyd73h600h5l0l1t2279hsmz,212,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,beautiful app for quick read and to get more insight for your area of interest. |
ckyd73h600h5m0l1tdnqreb6m,213,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,provide q and a pls. provide google translations options pls. |
ckyd73h600h5o0l1tbnzd2zhv,215,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,its so slow. |
ckyd73h600h5p0l1tcl4i4mpf,216,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,nice app |
ckyd73h600h5q0l1tdvznhhbi,217,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,good and informative for all sections of people. |
ckyd73h600h5r0l1t7irg2gmm,218,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,not able to scroll the code snippet inside the articles. |
ckyd73h600h5v0l1tg7656krk,222,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,does not show stat graphs on android. an app should perform similarly on all devices. the medium app does not. |
ckyd73h600h5w0l1t2hd68z45,223,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,"can't really read anything. scrolls up & down by itself randomly. reloads images & code snippets again, every time i scroll up and down. |
follow button issue resolved but now i cannot view the app in landscape mode on galaxy tab s7. only portrait mode works!!! please fix it!! also if i switch to another app while reading an article and i come back to the app, the app takes me to homepage and not to the article i was reading. this also happens when i switch to homepage of my tablet . |
was an excellent app until this year, a few months ago. there are so many glitches that need to be fixed. current broken parts: commenting, highlighting, responding to comments, notifications, clapping, lists, etc. it used to be a great app & i used it primarily. now, it's so glitchy it makes it hard to connect with stories and writers." |
ckyd73h610h6h0l1t099e311f,244,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very helpful for me |
ckyd73h610h6j0l1te24uezsb,246,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,my go to app i love this |
ckyd73h610h6m0l1t5x3a24ps,249,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,nice app |
ckyd73h620h6s0l1t57jifz4w,255,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,great app for writers and readers. |
ckyd73h620h6t0l1tggeuax2b,256,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,cannot reset my suggested articles. the same articles everyday being shown on my face. cannot search and filter by topic. new articles with the keyword golang sorted by date? nope. uninstalling |
ckyd73h620h6v0l1t9uoz1rcp,258,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,continue reading so much easier. |
ckyd73h620h6w0l1tgwgb26c6,259,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,smooth as hell ..! |
ckyd73h620h6x0l1t8ia13ksy,260,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,"for an app that's all about written content, it's got a lot of unreadable articles with poor grammar. i could write clearer articles in elementary school." |
ckyd73h620h6y0l1t2y6u5okd,261,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,i love this app very informative and in very simple english words one can understand easily |
ckyd73h620h700l1tdcv35lmp,263,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,so bad |
ckyd73h620h720l1t1e5hfp52,265,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,"i can't search, it just says 'couldn't load results, check your connected to the internet'. dunno what i'm supposed to do with an app where i can't find things i'm interested in. |
after the latest update my app search bar is not working and for every keyword in search bar it's showing ""no results""" |
ckyd73h630h7w0l1tfwsxc4ej,295,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION,slapping a 5 usd mandatory fee on open source content/articles isn't fair. |
ckyd73h640h7z0l1tcuuja73y,298,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73h640h800l1ta14s9j0h,299,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,awful |
ckyd73ll80h1m0mz1gw1zge7u,300,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73ll90h1p0mz1huhi7t10,303,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73lla0h1z0mz14qgkh2vk,313,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION, |
ckyd73lla0h210mz19xbhdkst,315,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd73llb0h260mz1dmlw86tv,320,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION,good app before but now it lets me pay |
ckyd73llc0h2g0mz1fgvq3rdv,330,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,i paid twice inr 199. still the app keeps on asking me to upgrade. doesn't allows me to read anything. i want refund. |
ckyd73llc0h2h0mz1eola3x04,331,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very bad |
ckyd73lld0h2o0mz15tgb3ap7,338,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION,"trial, must pay to view more than a few stories written by essentially what are bloggers who site no sources and are not creditable. medium seems to not check stories for creditability either." |
ckyd73lld0h2t0mz1f3up2scm,343,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,"horrible curations, and no option to export my stories to pdf or docx." |
ckyd73lle0h320mz1hjyufxa4,352,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,best place to learn everything |
ckyd73llf0h390mz13kj8e88z,359,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,the app doesn't let you publish into a publication. i changed my user name and now it is not even allowing me to self publish the article. i cannot even connect my facebook account. what to do? |
ckyd73llg0h3s0mz141fpe1m6,378,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,i don't why i should pay just to read content ! |
ckyd73llh0h3y0mz1f2pygnqb,384,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,great. easy to navigate. |
ckyd73llh0h410mz112taczmt,387,False,LABELED,CONTENT,full of man-hating articles. really disgusting amount of venom and vitriole. |
ckyd73lli0h4b0mz15ati88ag,397,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,"there may be some good articles, but i think 50 euros per year is just way too much." |
ckyd73qb703dj0lyq4yuk1uy2,415,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,"i uninstalled the app, can't afford a subscription u unfortunately don't offer anything for people that are low income, disabled or seniors even amazon prime offers a discount for people receiving subsidized food or housing! but hey maybe you're developers think we're uneducated! 9/21 review today i've got email articles & i reached my limit! remove me from your marketing list i'll read google news" |
ckyd73qb803dw0lyq7ezy7yk9,428,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,"really enjoyed this app, a great way to follow and discover interesting articles. unfortunately after about a day of browsing it told me that i had read all of the free stories that i was entitled to for the month and if i wanted to keep reading i needed to pay a monthly subscription fee" |
ckyd73qb903ef0lyq9sos8d3h,447,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"latest update forces me to link twitter, and there's no way to refuse. do i need to make a twitter account to use the app i paid for? |
some very good content but plagued with click bait articles, not worth sorting through the junk. |
uninstalled the second i saw the 6 designs that white people never notice are racist article. anybody that publishes that trash, i want no part of... ready for a few of the racist products? sunglasses, bandaids, heart monitors, make up... so cringe. aa's make up about 10% of the us population - why the hell would any biz make a product for such a small segment??? great way to make sure you fail as a biz but this article tried to make smart common sense biz practices into a race issue. trash." |
ckyd73uif042q0mw80e9w6gw2,512,False,LABELED,CONTENT,what is there not to like here ? the quality of the blogs are amazing. |
ckyd73uif042t0mw864e1gkbc,515,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,"it seems like im paying to something that i can easily find on the internet.. uninstalling now,, id rather create my own free platform" |
ckyd73uif042x0mw80whianxw,519,False,LABELED,CONTENT,it's a good app to motivate reading for beginners as it give us a variety of field. i can read which ever topic i want. |
ckyd73uif042z0mw815xq7zbo,521,False,LABELED,CONTENT,i enjoy the breadth of articles. |
ckyd73uif04340mw8cqg669gc,526,False,LABELED,CONTENT,lovely way of quickly catching up with news of your favourite projects |
ckyd73uif04360mw82jalfvbc,528,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,really like the content/topics but didn't realize there was a limit to reading and forcing into a membership..that's reverse marketing. |
ckyd73uig043p0mw82r0c1vfv,547,False,LABELED,CONTENT,good and short insightful stories and editorials. |
ckyd73uih043u0mw806icfwkd,552,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,it's not that convenient for beginners. |
ckyd73uih043y0mw8h6n8140h,556,False,LABELED,CONTENT,great stuff to read. |
ckyd73uih04400mw85nsg3g7i,558,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,nice app easy to handle |
ckyd73uih044a0mw8dww2aypt,568,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very nice app |
ckyd73uih044b0mw8fhi1bnig,569,False,LABELED,CONTENT,good articles about a broad range of interesting topics. |
ckyd73uii044e0mw8hk7c34t5,572,False,LABELED,CONTENT,that srticle i read here was excellent! |
ckyd73uii044f0mw81i84eypy,573,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,nice blogging platform but no free option. |
ckyd73uii044i0mw8e0xwhum2,576,False,LABELED,CONTENT,informative |
ckyd73uii044j0mw89wbjdkmu,577,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,nice app for the writter |
ckyd73uii044k0mw8emn3but0,578,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"i like the way it helps me bookmarks, highlights, and saving articles as i read. it also separately shows my highlights." |
ckyd73uii044l0mw84eju7yfc,579,False,LABELED,CONTENT,"medium has some great, life-changing articles." |
ckyd73uii044n0mw89r8j12vu,581,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"not all functionalities of the desktop version are available in the app (e.g. private messaging), but it works very well for reading." |
ckyd73uii044o0mw8b2n0fug0,582,False,LABELED,CONTENT,great advice on love relationships for men are women |
ckyd73uii044q0mw82njm57ww,584,False,LABELED,CONTENT,good articles! thank you for writing on such topics. |
ckyd73uii044r0mw80csqc8ps,585,False,LABELED,CONTENT,great app for informative article |
ckyd73uii044t0mw8cr2u4sjy,587,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"all in all great app. bug free and relevant suggestions for reading. but i am unable to save articles for further use. somehow clicking the ""add to library"" doesn't work for me |
slow as slowpoke, even on a 4gb ram mid range smart phone, it a shame on a big company like medium, no mobile responsiveness. |
its like if you went to the news chanal and they asked you for money just to watch, you need a membership |
dark mode is great and i only like to use darkmode. however the text is in grey color instead of white, pretty hard to read in daytime . layout is not really utilising the space: text too small and too much padding around the text. |
old ui was better, now i don't like the app to use because of the new ui" |
ckyd73zba0gq40l0ec2fzhcv8,642,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,you will not find bookmark categories. if you bookmark from website into some newly created category. you will not find that in app. |
ckyd73zba0gq90l0egjde3fan,647,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"medium is a great example of how a great thing ruins itself , it was a great platform but it's algorithm ruined everything. remember the best writing on medium won't make it to your feed , you have to search for it & that's sad |
the only missing feature is when holding on a word, it doesn't always give the option to translate or define, that would more efficient reading experience if they add this up" |
ckyd73zba0gqf0l0eb17n640j,653,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,out of 10 stories 8 or 9 stories are paid on home page |
ckyd73zba0gqg0l0efbpd7hlj,654,False,LABELED,CONTENT,best technical article app around!!! |
ckyd73zbb0gqm0l0e0z7i50ur,660,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,the search feature doesn't work. shows zero results even when i can find the same in website |
ckyd73zbb0gqo0l0e665p3l73,662,False,LABELED,CONTENT,very interesting and relevant reads |
ckyd73zbb0gqq0l0e7p2q6ze2,664,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,they don't give a single article without premium plan. |
ckyd73zbb0gqu0l0e6tgq4zvn,668,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,impressive positive experience |
ckyd73zbb0gqw0l0e1i042kfp,670,False,LABELED,CONTENT,"i felt better informed, if even more pessimistic." |
ckyd73zbb0gqx0l0eaaarhsqz,671,False,LABELED,CONTENT,best application for growth our knowledge |
ckyd73zbb0gr20l0e0ryrh7db,676,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,pay to read bs... no thanks |
ckyd73zbb0gr40l0e1pd4gxd8,678,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,great application |
ckyd73zbc0grb0l0eaxribn6p,685,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"immediately started getting spam emails to all my email addresses, even the ones i didn't sign up with! this steals your information and uses it for marketing. stay away |
educative,inspring,motivation in reading articles. |
i cant login this app,,, everytime i want to log in but it,, could not login,,, worst app i had ever seen |
just started, lots of interesting stuff. 2 free articles per month! are you joking? i think i'm going to be uninstalling this app. really disappointed." |
ckyd743i903vf0mz4hccxcqwy,761,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"the app said i could get a 1 month free trial at the end of which they charge the amount. so i started the free trial and immediately the subscription amount got deduction from my card. when the payment is upfront, why do you publicise it as free trial." |
ckyd743i903vg0mz40fmd7vim,762,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,definitely worth the subscription for the quality and amount of professional readings i find here! |
ckyd743ia03vi0mz463lzfuz9,764,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,good reading experience but buggy app. the offline mode for the saved stories is not working. this makes the app useless during the flights. search is also taking forever. a below-the-average user experience. |
ckyd743ia03vj0mz4gm2i5mb5,765,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,simplicity |
ckyd743ia03vl0mz4890e1rlq,767,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,app is free but need to pay for read posts. uninstalling it |
ckyd743ia03vm0mz45v57fnpz,768,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"useless, android app, follow button not working, how can such a key feature be broken for so long." |
ckyd743ia03vo0mz4fcxseewi,770,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"easy to use, good platform." |
ckyd743ib03vr0mz4486p3cbc,773,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,the subscription helps a lot so i won't be stopped by limits on what i can read and it's reasonably priced. |
ckyd743ic03vx0mz4gc3eghzr,779,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"i do really love the medium app. however, the one and only frustration i get from it is the inability to write captions for pictures. no matter how i try, it won't just do it. do pls fix this problem. |
everything is good, just one thing i have find out missing that is you can add a feature to listen what we are reading. this would be really helpful. thank you. |
link management doesn't work well. when trying to navigate to a a medium article from a webpage, it doesn't open in the medium app and only shows a loading page with the logo. |
bummer..joined just to respond to food review, became interested in app so filled out interests/profile. evidently i read 2 (two!?!) additional stories in past 10 min since downloading app (though i don't recall doing so) and told:""no more free, pay monthly fee$"". honestly? i'd be happy to but wish to try it for a week first. one week..not much to ask..entire countries have withdrawn from others in less time. so uninstalled for now. ps- i never read 2 additional stories. |
some illuminating and some radical ideas. some content gives me 'ah ha' moment; some content gives me the i couldn't agree more"" moment; but just recently i had had a ""you f$#@*ng idiot!! ...i can't believe someone found enuff merit in your backward thought to print your bs moment... |
if you want to find all the winey libral views, complaints and deception all in one place.. perfect app for you! pure brainwash.. i'm just here for crypto posts!" |
ckyd747hh0hlm0l0u3a52fcn3,817,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,"wow i love it,it's so nice and easy. |
i intended to buy the subscription, but i wanted to give it a try for which the free trial option was perfect. however, the moment i took it, next thing i know, i am charged for the subscription. what about the free trial then? the point is, you should make it clear to your customers if they are going to be charged or not. because that literally fails the point of free trial. |
please fix your external links, which seems broken while accessing from browser. |
no nonsense, trustable,dense,useful,must read-n-ruminate content. |
short, crisp, to the point, informative, identifiable, motivational, inspirational... pleasure reading and value additional. |
the app was a great idea but i read i think 2 or 3 articles before being told i couldn't read anymore for a whole month. i suggest making it x amounts of articles per day, rather than per month. sadly deleting the app" |
ckyd747hj0hmt0l0u2mli8gqg,860,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,the app doesn't open up. the splash screen appears forever. |
ckyd747hj0hmu0l0uhpmndayl,861,False,LABELED,CONTENT,very good for learning stories and develop mind... |
ckyd747hj0hmv0l0ufe8s913i,862,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd747hj0hmy0l0u2i84gyh0,865,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,really confusing to use. everytime i try to open a comment it gives me a different screen and it is nearly impossible to find where to respond to a comment. |
ckyd747hj0hn10l0u5ouq63jt,868,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd747hk0hnh0l0uhbnk4uhr,884,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,can we have landscape mode for tablets please? |
ckyd747hk0hnl0l0u3khzaww7,888,False,LABELED,CONTENT, |
ckyd747hk0hnp0l0u2gwu1ojt,892,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,the update is total rubbish.. i can't follow no matter how many times i click the follow button.. it also takes long before loading at times it doesn't load at all.. worst version of medium i ever used.. |
ckyd747hk0hns0l0uhsp4hrlw,895,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,have to pay to read news articles? no thanks. |
ckyd747hk0hnt0l0u1x2d4cfu,896,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,really cool app! you can easily write and share your story |
ckyd74bvr03n10lymcyko843g,901,False,LABELED,CONTENT,great app with top notch contents for anyone who wants to be in the know. |
ckyd74bvt03n90lym48pf1w7z,909,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,good content but paid |
ckyd74bvt03ne0lym99i5hpzu,914,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,one of the best app in this category. 1 star less because of only two free reading article. it should be increased to atleast 5. |
ckyd74bvu03ng0lymf7xi4d0b,916,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION, |
ckyd74bvu03nh0lym6n6md9jd,917,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,very satisfied. brings my interests right to the door |
ckyd74bvu03nm0lymh2s1a3mg,922,False,LABELED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd74bvv03ns0lym79f6c1lh,928,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,fk paying for your articles when i can read the same stuff from other sources for free. wouldnt have bothered downloading the app if there was an article limit. |
ckyd74bvw03nv0lymalr249rf,931,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,after the recent updates the app is taking more time to load and sometimes crash too. |
ckyd74bvw03nw0lym5r9g7zol,932,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION, |
ckyd74bvx03o10lym8kwg17le,937,False,LABELED,INTERFACE,new version of the app is pretty slow. takes quite some time to load the page. i think earlier versions were better and seamless. the app keeps on worsening. bad experience for quite some time. |
ckyd74bvy03o90lym9anxgs2j,945,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,amazing app so many informations and i love it |
ckyd74bvy03oa0lymacxt040a,946,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,this is the most amazing app ever till date to broaden your knowledge about the latest enhancements in many fields going on around the world. really loved it. |
ckyd74bvz03od0lymamy35gb9,949,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION, |
ckyd74bvz03oe0lymgimq3i5b,950,False,LABELED,SUBSCRIPTION,it says you can only read three stories a month and yet everything i clicked on was blank and now it says i've read all i can read for a month without giving them money? and there's no way to contact anyone that i see they have a thing that lets you sign up to send them money but you want to talk to somebody there's no contact us information that i can find on the app this is total bs who would deal with this for more than a moment |
ckyd74bvz03of0lym170yc3yv,951,False,LABELED,CONTENT,"great stories, not long reads but impactful ones." |
ckyd74bw203ov0lym61jx4b13,967,False,LABELED,USER_EXPERIENCE,excellent platform to enhance learning and sharing useful knowledge |
ckyd74bw303p10lym307489m6,973,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION,"great experience reading all of the 2 articles i was able too read. however, i believe it to be wrong to restrict information when payment is not given, that is why i am considering deleting the app and looking for other platforms. i am not happy and would ask the devs to consider changing this." |
ckyd74bw303p30lym49es76hc,975,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,awful app ever made in history |
ckyd74bw303p60lymai9tcmuo,978,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,medium is great! i highly recommend it |
ckyd74bw903p70lyma15v3sqe,979,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,"once downloaded and registered, i'm unable to browse anything. it just keeps on loading. |
sadly the app is not working, the articles is not loading |
buggy, cannot load content |
i gave one star cause i want you to read this: i like knowledge and information, why are you restricting knowledge and information from me?. i read all the member posts of this month and i cannot read any posts now. i do not think that is the roght way to think if you want this world to be a better post, rather than directly stopping me, you should have given an option to donate for those who can, cause i can't give you money, cause i do not have a job and i need those information on medium." |
ckyd74gp10hcb0l16hq3j37hd,1046,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,the update has improved the layout with a list but articles fail to load even with 1gbit lines and where other apps have no problem. not to mention the web version is so much better and more responsive. avoid. |
ckyd74gp10hcc0l16bewx081j,1047,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,one of the best app for blogs. |
ckyd74gp10hce0l1692b03mj2,1049,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,its an exceptionally best app but the latest update got crashed everytime i open.. please solve this issue. |
ckyd74gp20hcj0l16d1sfd7ga,1054,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,terrible complete wastage of my time and data |
ckyd74gp20hck0l16ev8i5bbl,1055,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,"no normal homepage access, so all i see is a repeating list of 6 ""recommended"" articles which are all premium and i can't access them. i will be uninstalling. |
would have given 5 star, but it takes a long time to get redirected to medium from any medium(app) like chrome,mails, or from medium to another app |
what is this app, even two or four words are not allowed for free |
account setting photo upload fails with an error message try uploading again. the image picker doesn't even initialize to allow you selecting something from the storage" |
ckyd74gp20hcw0l161db54gu5,1067,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION,content locked behind paywall |
ckyd74gp20hcx0l16fqj5df5p,1068,False,REVIEWED,SUBSCRIPTION,they forget to tell you before you add the app. that there is a small fee.. |
ckyd74gp20hcy0l16fobndy8r,1069,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,the recent update takes minutes to load the pages. every time i open the app to read something the long delay makes frustrated and close the app. so please fix it. |
ckyd74gp30hd20l1641qeaxus,1073,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,i was forced to install this in order to reply to an article. that's not cool. also not cool (among other things) is that medium no longer allows good formatting in replies (though this is not app-specific). |
ckyd74gp30hdd0l16h8f2dpqr,1084,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd74gp30hde0l16co5sba87,1085,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,excellent reads; no pressure! |
ckyd74gp30hdg0l163dx8he2k,1087,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,please why is my medium app not opening? i've updated it and my internet connection is strong but it's still not opening. |
ckyd74gp30hdi0l16e2cy7f7p,1089,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,very good article s can be found here great app |
ckyd74gp40hdk0l1647av2zgz,1091,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,trash app just like reddit |
ckyd74gp40hdn0l162bl20lfm,1094,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,please change your algorithm i'm living in an echo chamber! |
ckyd74gp40hdr0l169p6yft4n,1098,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,i have had to unsubscribe from updates from all writers because i keep getting stories from writers that i have stopped following. |
ckyd74kom03vs0k0yd2ld8io7,1101,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT,"has much information to think about, with good, clearly well-informed writing." |
ckyd74kon03vy0k0yauijbg1c,1107,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,dev: on the app multiple claps are allowed from single user. press and hold the clap for few seconds and it crosses 100 claps. there is no option to undo. should be something more geneic like clap/unclap. i accidentally clicked clap and tried to unclap. and eventually gave 100+ claps just to validate it's broken. fix it. |
ckyd74kon03vz0k0yfqxl3x3y,1108,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,data miner app please be cautious never download it i realised it because my entire data pack of gbs got exhausted within minutes after i downloaded it. the problem of data draining got fixed when i uninstalled the app |
ckyd74kon03w40k0yajax4z4w,1113,False,REVIEWED,CONTENT, |
ckyd74kon03w70k0yhf123791,1116,False,REVIEWED,USER_EXPERIENCE,a outstanding informative tool for learning |
ckyd74kon03w80k0y5u5ucb45,1117,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE, |
ckyd74koo03we0k0yanneajzv,1123,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,this is one of my most frequently visited blog-type apps. it's a great layout and easy to navigate. |
ckyd74koo03wg0k0ybcidhbiw,1125,False,REVIEWED,INTERFACE,"took my money and no membership. what is going on? this continued and it sucks. you owe me months. if you took me off the platform you could have the balls to tell. no you continued to take my money and block me from using the platform. i want an explanation now! i don't have much money, that never matters to you. |
only 10 articles are shown on the home page, repeating in an infinite loop. please fix this |