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1998-05-11T05:39:17 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708002 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708002 | [
] | alg-geom/9708002 | James A. Carlson | James A. Carlson and Domingo Toledo | Discriminant Complements and Kernels of Monodromy Representations | 20 page dvi file available at
http://www.math.utah.edu/~carlson/eprints.html Minor changes for final
version to appear in Duke J. Math | null | null | null | null | We show that the kernel of the monodromy representation for hypersurfaces of
degree d and dimension n is large for d at least three with the exception of
the cases (d,n) = (3,0) and (3,1). For these the kernel is finite. By "large"
we mean a group that admits a homomorphism to a semisimple Lie group of
noncompact type with Zariski-dense image. By the Tits alternative a large group
contains a free subgroup of rank two.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 1 Aug 1997 23:18:27 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 13 Feb 1998 16:48:02 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Mon, 11 May 1998 03:39:15 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"James A.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
A hypersurface of degree $d$ in a complex projective space
$\P^{n+1}$ is defined by an equation of the form
F(x) = \sum a_L x^L = 0,
where $x^L = x_0^{L_0} \cdots x_{n+1}^{L_{n+1}}$ is a monomial of degree
$d$ and where the $a_L$ are arbitrary complex numbers, not all zero. Viewed as
an equation in both the $a$'s and the $x$'s, \eqrefer{universalhypersurface}
defines a hypersurface ${\bf X}$ in $\P^N\times\P^{n+1}$, where $N+1$ is the
dimension of the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ in $n+2$
variables, and where the projection
$p$ onto the first factor makes ${\bf X}$ into a family with fibers
$X_a = p^{-1}(a)$. This is the universal family of hypersurfaces of degree $d$
and dimension
$n$. Let $\Delta$ be the set of points $a$ in $\P^N$ such that the
corresponding fiber is singular. This is the {\sl discriminant locus}; it
is well-known to be irreducible and of codimension one. Our aim is to study
the fundamental group of its complement, which we write as
\Phi = \pi_1(\P^N - \Delta).
When we need to make precise statements we will sometimes write
\Phi_{d,n} = \pi_1(U_{d,n}, o),
where $d$ and $n$ are as above, $U_{d,n} = \P^N - \Delta$, and $o$ is a base
The groups $\Phi$ are almost always nontrivial and in fact are almost
always {\sl large}. By this we mean that there is a homomorphism of $\Phi$
to a non-compact semi-simple real algebraic group which has Zariski-dense
image. Large groups are infinite, and, moreover, always contain a free group of
rank two. This follows from the Tits alternative
\cite{Tits}, which states that in characteristic zero a linear group either
has a solvable subgroup of finite index or contains a free group of rank
To show that $\Phi = \Phi_{d,n}$ is large we consider the image
$\Gamma = \Gamma_{d,n}$ of the
monodromy representation
\rho: \Phi \map G.
Here and throughout this paper $G = G_{d,n}$ denotes the group of
automorphisms of the primitive cohomology $H^n(X_o,\R)_o$ which preserve the
cup product. When $n$ is odd the primitive cohomology is the
same as the cohomology, and when $n$ is even it is the orthogonal complement
of $h^{n/2}$, where $h$ is the hyperplane class. Thus $G$ is either a
symplectic or an orthogonal group, depending on the parity of $n$, and is an
almost simple real algebraic group.
About the image of the monodromy representation, much is known. Using
results of Ebeling \cite{Ebeling} and Janssen \cite{Janssen}, Beauville in \cite{BeauvilleLattice}
established the following:
\proclaim{Theorem}. Let $G_\Z$ be the subgroup of $G$ which preserves the
integral cohomology. Then the monodromy group $\Gamma_{d,n}$ is of finite index in
$G_\Z$. Thus it is an arithmetic subgroup.
The result in \cite{BeauvilleLattice} is much more
precise: it identifies $\Gamma$ as a specific subgroup of finite
(and small) index in $G_\Z$. Now suppose that $d > 2$ and that $(d,n) \ne (3,2)$.
Then $G$ is noncompact, and the results of Borel \cite{BorelDT} and
Borel-Harish-Chandra \cite{BHC}
apply to show that
$\Gamma$ is (a) Zariski-dense and (b) a lattice. Thus (a) the smallest algebraic
subgroup of $G$ which contains $\Gamma$ is $G$ itself and (b) $G/\Gamma$ has
finite volume.
Consider now the kernel of the monodromy representation, which we denote by
$K$ and which fits in the exact sequence
1 \map K \map \Phi \mapright{\rho} \Gamma \map 1.
The purpose of this paper is to show that in almost
all cases it is also large:
\proclaim{Theorem.} The kernel of the monodromy
representation \eqrefer{monodrep} is large if $d > 2$ and $(d,n) \ne (3,1),\
The theorem is sharp in the sense that the remaining groups are finite.
When $d = 2$, the case of quadrics, $\Phi$ is finite cyclic.
When $(d,n) = (3,0)$, the configuration space $U$ parametrizes
unordered sets of three distinct points in the projective line and so $\Phi$
is the braid group for three strands in the sphere. It has order
12 and can be faithfully represented by
symmetries of a regular hexagon.
When $(d,n) = (3,1)$ the configuration space $U$ parametrizes smooth cubic
plane curves and the above sequence can be written as
1 \map K \map \Phi_{3,1} \mapright{\rho} SL(2,\Z) \map 1,
where $K$ is the three-dimensional Heisenberg group over the field $\Z/3$, a
finite group of order 27. Moreover, $\Phi_{3,1}$ is a semi-direct product,
where $SL(2,\Z )$ acts on $K$ in the natural way. This result, due
to Dolgachev and Libgober \cite{DolgLib}, is to our knowledge the only one
which determines
the exact sequence \eqrefer{KPhiGamma} for hypersurfaces of positive
dimension and degree larger than two.
Note that in this case $\Phi$ is large but $K$ is finite.
Note also that there are two kinds of groups for which the natural monodromy
representation has finite image but large kernel. These are the braid
groups $\Phi_{d,0}$ for $d > 3$ and the group $\Phi_{3,2}$ for the space of
cubic surfaces. Thus all of them are large. For the braid groups
this result is classical, but for $\Phi_{3,2}$ it is new. Since $\Phi_{3,2}$
is large it is infinite, a fact which answers a question left open
by Libgober in \cite{Lib}.
Concerning the proof of Theorem \xref{maintheorem}, we would like to say first of
all that it depends, like anything else in this subject, on the Picard-Lefschetz
formulas. We illustrate their importance by sketching how they imply
the non-triviality of the monodromy representation
\eqrefer{monodrep}. Consider a smooth point
$c$ of the discriminant locus. For these $X_c$ has a
exactly one node: an isolated singularity defined in suitable local coordinates
by a nondegenerate sum of squares. Consider also a loop $\gamma = \gamma_c$
defined by following a path $\alpha$ from the base point to the edge of a
complex disk normal to $\Delta$ and centered at $c$, traveling once around the
circle bounding this disk, and then returning to the base point along
$\alpha$ reversed. By analogy with the case of knots, we
call these loops (and also their homotopy classes) the {\sl meridians} of
$\Delta$. Then $T = \rho(\gamma)$ is a {\sl Picard-Lefschetz} transformation,
given by the formula
T(x) = x \pm (x,\delta) \delta .
Here $(x,y)$ is the cup product and $\delta$ is the {\sl vanishing cycle}
associated to $\gamma$. When $n$ is odd, $(\delta,\delta) = 0$ and the sign
in \eqrefer{plformula} is $-$. When $n$ is even and $(\delta,\delta) = \pm
2$, the sign in \eqrefer{plformula} is $\mp$ (see \cite{DeWeOne}, paragraph
4.1). Thus when $n$ is even $\delta$ is automatically nonhomologous to zero, and so
$T$ must be nontrivial. Since vanishing cycles exist whenever the hypersurface
$X_o$ can degenerate to a variety with a node, we conclude that $\rho$ is
nontrivial for $n$ even and $d > 1$. Slightly less elementary arguments show that
the homology class of the vanishing cycle, and hence the monodromy representation,
is nontrivial for all $d > 1$ except for the case $(d,n) = (2,1)$.
The proofs of theorem \xref{Beauvillethm}, an earlier result of
Deligne asserting the Zariski density of $\Gamma_{d,n}$, and the main result of
this paper are based on the Picard-Lefschetz formulas
\eqrefer{plformula}. Our proof begins with the construction of a universal family
of cyclic covers of $\P^{n+1}$ branched along the hypersurfaces
$X$. From it we define a second monodromy representation $\bar \rho'$ of
$\Phi$. Suitable versions of the Picard-Lefschetz formulas and
Deligne's theorem apply to show that $\bar \rho'$ has Zariski-dense
image. Finally, we apply Margulis' super-rigidity theorem to show that
$\bar\rho'(K)$, where $K$ is the kernel of the natural monodromy representation, is
Zariski-dense. Thus $K$ is large.
We mention the paper
\cite{Mag} as an example of the use of an associated family of
cyclic covers to
construct representations (in this case for the braid
groups of the sphere). We also note the related results of the
article \cite{DOZ} which we learned of while preparing the final version of this
manuscript. The main theorem is that the complement of the dual $\widehat
C$ of an immersed curve $C$ of genus at least one, or of an immersed rational
curve of degee at least four, is {\sl big} in the sense that it contains a free
group of rank two. When $C$ is smooth, imbedded, and of even degree at least
four this follows from a construction of Griffiths \cite{GriffHyperbolic}:
consider the family of hyperelliptic curves obtained as double covers of a line
$L$ not tangent to $C$ which is branched at the points $L\cap C$. It defines
a monodromy representation of $\Phi = \pi_1(\widehat{\P}^2 - \widehat{C})$ with
Zariski-dense image. Consequently $\Phi$ is large, and, {\sl a fortiori},
big. Such constructions have inspired the present paper. By using cyclic
covers of higher degree one can treat the case of odd degree greater than
four in the same way.
The authors would like to thank Herb Clemens and Carlos Simpson for
very helpful discussions.
\section{Outline of the proof}
As noted above, the proof of the main theorem is based on the construction of an
auxiliary representation $\rho'$ defined via a family of cyclic covers $Y$ of
$\P^{n+1}$ branched along the hypersurfaces $X$. To describe it, let
$k$ be a divisor of $d$ and consider the equation
F(a,x) = y^k + \sum a_L x^L = 0,
which for the moment we view as defining
a set $\widehat {\bf Y}$ in $(\C^{N+1} - \set{0})\times \C^{n+3}$ with coordinates
$a_L$ for $\C^{N+1}$ and coordinates $x_0,\cdots ,x_{n+2}$ and $y$ for
$\C^{n+3}$. Construct an action of
$\C^*$ on it by multiplying the coordinates $x_i$ by $t$ and by multiplying
$y$ by $t^{d/k}$. View the quotient ${\bf Y}$ in
$(\C^{N+1} - \set{0})\times \P^{n+2}$, where we use $\P^{n+2}$ to denote
the weighted projective space for which the $x_i$ have weight one and for which $y$
has weight $d/k$.
The resulting universal family of cyclic covers ${\bf Y}$ is defined on
$\C^{N+1} - \set{0}$ and has smooth fibers over $\widetilde U = \C^{N+1} -
\Delta$, where $\widetilde \Delta$ is the pre-image of $\Delta$. Since $\C^{N+1} -
\set{0}$ is a principal
$\C^*$ bundle over $\P^N$, the same holds over $\widetilde U$ and $\widetilde
\Delta$. It follows that one has a central extension
0 \map \Z \map \widetilde \Phi \map \Phi \map 1,
where $\widetilde \Phi = \pi_1(\widetilde U)$. We introduce
$\widetilde U$ and $\widetilde\Phi$ purely for the technical reason that the
universal family of cyclic branched covers need not be defined over $U$ itself.
The family ${\bf Y} |\widetilde U$ has a monodromy representation which
we denote by
$\tilde\rho$ and which takes values in a real algebraic group $\widetilde G$ of
automorphisms of $H^{n+1}(Y_{\tilde o},\C )$ which commute with the cyclic
group of covering transformations (and which preserve the hyperplane class and
the cup product). Here $\tilde o$ is a base point in $\widetilde U$ which lies
above the previously chosen base point $o$ of $U$, and $Y_{\tilde o}$ denotes the
$k$-fold cyclic cover of $\P^{n+1}$ branched over $X_o$.
The group $\widetilde G$ is semisimple but in general has more than one
simple factor. Let $G'$ be one of these and let
\rho ' :\widetilde\Phi\map G',
denote the composition of $\tilde\rho$ with the projection to $G'$. Then
we must establish the following:
\proclaim{Technical point}. The factor $G'$ can be chosen to be a non-compact
almost simple real algebraic group. The image of
$\rho '$ is Zariski-dense in
Suppose that this is true. Then we can argue as follows. First, the group
of matrices which commute with
$\rho'(\Z)$ contains a Zariski-dense group. Consequently $\rho'(\Z)$ lies in the
center of
$G'$. Therefore there is a quotient representation
\bar \rho': \Phi\map \bar G',
where $\bar G' $ is the adjoint group of $G'$ (that is, $G'$ modulo its center).
Moreover, the representation
$\bar\rho'$ also has Zariski-dense image.
Now consider our original representation \eqrefer{monodrep}. Replacing
$\Phi$ by a normal subgroup of finite index we may assume that the image of
$\rho$ lies in the identity component of $G$ in the analytic topology and
that the image of $\bar\rho '$ lies in the identity component of $\bar G'$
in the Zariski topology. Let $\bar G$ denote the identity component (in the
analytic topology) of $G$ modulo its center, and let
$\bar\rho :\Phi\map \bar
G$ denote the resulting representation. We still have that
$\bar\rho (\Phi)$ is a lattice in
$\bar G$ and that $\bar \rho '(\Phi)$ is Zariski-dense in $\bar G'$.
Now let $\bar K$ be the kernel of $\bar\rho$, and let $L$ be the
Zariski-closure of $\bar\rho'(\bar K)$. Since $\bar K$ is normal in $\Phi$
and $\bar\rho'(\Phi)$ is Zariski-dense in $\bar G'$, $L$ is normal in $\bar
G'$. Since $\bar G'$ is a {\sl simple} algebraic group, either $L = \bar G'$
or $L = \set{1}$. If the first of the two alternatives holds, then
$\bar\rho'(K)$ is Zariski dense, and so $K$ is large. This is because $K$ has
finite index in $\bar K$ and so $\bar\rho'(K)$ and $\bar\rho'(\bar K)$ have
the same Zariski closure.
We now show that the second alternative leads to a contradiction, from which it
follows that $K$ must be large. Indeed, if $\bar \rho'(\bar K) =
\set{1}$, then the expression $\bar \rho'\circ\bar \rho^{-1}$
defines a homomorphism from the lattice $\bar \rho(\Phi)$ in $\bar G$ to the
Zariski-dense subgroup $\bar \rho'(\Phi)$ in
$\bar G'$. If the real rank of $\bar G$ is at least two, the Margulis
rigidity theorem
\cite{MargulisRigidity}, \cite{Zimmer} Theorem 5.1.2, applies to give an
extension of $\bar \rho'$ to a homomorphism of $\bar G$ to
$\bar G'$. Since $\bar\rho'(\Phi)$ is Zariski-dense, the extension is surjective.
Since $\bar G$ is simple, it is an isomorphism. Thus the complexified lie algebras
$\g_\C, \g'_\C$ must be isomorphic. However, one easily shows that $\g_\C
\not\cong \g'_\C$, and this contradiction completes the proof.
We carry out the details separately in two cases. First, for the simpler case
where $d$ is even and $(d,n)\ne (4,1)$, we use double covers ($k = 2$). Then
$G'$ is the full group of automorphisms of the
primitive (or anti-invariant) part of $H^{n+1}(Y,\R)$ and so is again an
orthogonal or symplectic group. The technical point \xref{technicalpoint}
follows from a density result of Deligne that we recall in section
\xref{zardensitysection}. Deligne's result gives an alternative between
density and finite image, and the possibility of finite image is excluded in
\xref{ratdiffsection}. Finally the Lie algebras $\g_\C$ and
$\g'_\C$ are not isomorphic, since when one of them is symplectic (type
$C_\ell$), the other is orthogonal (type $B_\ell$ or $D_\ell$). By lemma
\xref{rankboundslemma} the rank $\ell$ is at least three, so there are no
accidental isomorphisms, e.g., $B_2 \cong C_2$.
For the remaining cases, namely $d$ odd or $(d,n) = (4,1)$ we use $d$-fold
covers, i.e., $k = d$. For these we must identify the group $\widetilde G$
of automorphisms of $H^{n+1} (Y,\R)_0$ which preserve the cup product and
which commute with the cyclic automorphism $\sigma$. This is the natural
group in which the monodromy representation $\tilde \rho$ takes its values.
Now a linear map commutes with $\sigma$ if and only if it preserves the
eigenspace decomposition of $\sigma$, which we write as
H^{n+1} (Y,\C)_0 = \bigoplus_{\mu \ne 1} H(\mu).
As noted in \eqrefer{eigenspacedimform}, the dimension of $H(\mu)$
is independent of $\mu$. Now let $\widetilde G(\mu)$ be subgroup of $\widetilde G$ which acts by
the identity on $H(\lambda)$ for $\lambda \ne \mu,\; \bar\mu$. It can be viewed as a
group of transformations of $H(\mu) + H(\bar\mu)$. Thus there is a
\widetilde G
\prod_{ \mu \in S} \widetilde G(\mu),
S = \sett{ \mu }{ \mu^k =1,\ \mu \ne 1,\ \Im \mu \ge 0 }.
When $\mu$ is non-real, $\widetilde G(\mu)$ can be identified
via the projection $H(\mu) \oplus H(\bar\mu) \map H(\mu)$
with the group of transformations of $H(\mu)$ which are unitary with respect
to the hermitian form $h(x,y) = i^{n+1}(x,\bar y)$, where $(x,y)$ is the cup
product. This form may be (and usually is) indefinite. When
$\mu = -1$, $\widetilde G(\mu)$ is the group of transformations of $H(-1)$
which preserve the cup product. It is therefore an orthogonal or symplectic group.
We will show that at least one of the components $\widetilde\rho_\mu(\Phi)\subset
\widetilde G(\mu)$ is Zariski-dense, and we will take $G' = \widetilde G(\mu)$.
The necessary Zariski density result, which is a straightforward adaptation of
Deligne's, is proved in section \xref{unitarydensitysection} after some preliminary
work on complex reflections in section \xref{complexreflectionsection}. Again,
the possibility of finite image has to be excluded, and the argument for this is
in section \xref{cycliccoversection}. Finally, to prove that
$\g_\C$ and $\g'_\C$ are not isomorphic one observes that
$\g_\C$ is of type $B_\ell, C_\ell$ or $D_\ell$ while $\g'_\C$ is of type
$A_\ell$ (since
$G'$ is of type $SU(r,s)$. One only needs to avoid the isomorphism $D_3\cong
A_3$, which follows from the lower bound of the rank of $\g_\C$ in lemma
In order to apply Margulis' theorem we also need to verify that the real
rank of $G$ is at least two. This is done in section \xref{rankbounds}.
To summarize, we have established the following general criterion, and our proof of
Theorem \xref{maintheorem} is an application of it.
\proclaim{Criterion.} The kernel $K$ of a linear representation $\rho: \Phi \map
G$ is large if
\i $\rho(\Phi) \subset G$ is a lattice in a simple Lie group $G$ of
real rank at least two.
\i There exist a non-compact, almost simple real algebraic group $G'$, a central
extension $\widetilde\Phi$ of $\Phi$ and a linear
\map G'$ with Zariski-dense image.
\i $G$ and $G'$ are not locally isomorphic.
An immediate consequence is the following:
\proclaim{Corollary.} Let $\Phi$ be a group which admits a representation
$\rho: \Phi \map G$
to a simple Lie group of real rank greater than 1 with image a lattice.
Suppose further that there exist an almost simple real algebraic group $G'$,
a central extension $\widetilde \Phi$ of $\Phi$, and a representation $\rho':
\widetilde\Phi \map G'$ with Zariski-dense image.
Suppose in addition that $G$ and $G'$ are not locally isomorphic. Then $\Phi$ is not
isomorphic to a lattice in any simple Lie group of real rank greater than 1.
\noindent{\bf Proof:\ } Suppose that $\tau: \Phi \map \Sigma$ is an isomorphism of $\Phi$
with a lattice $\Sigma$ in a Lie group $H$ of real rank greater than one.
If $H$ is not locally isomorphic to $G'$, then apply the criterion with $\tau$ in
place of $\rho$ to conclude that $\tau$ has large kernel, hence cannot be an
isomorphism. Suppose next that $H$ is locally isomorphic to $G'$. Apply
the criterion with $\tau$ in place of $\rho$ and with $\rho$ in place of $\rho'$
to conclude as before that the kernel of $\tau$ is large.
For most families of hypersurfaces the natural monodromy representation and the
representation for the associated family of cyclic covers satisfy the hypotheses of
the corollary to give the following:
\proclaim{Theorem.} If $d > 2$, $n>0$, and $(d,n) \ne (3,1),\; (3,2)$, the group
$\Phi_{d,n}$ is not isomorphic to a lattice in a simple Lie group of real rank
greater than one.
It seems reasonable that the preceding theorem holds with ``semisimple''
in place of ``simple.'' However, we are unable show that this is the case.
Indeed, our results so far are compatible with an isomorphism $\Phi \cong
\Gamma\times\Gamma'$. We can exclude this in certain cases (see section
\xref{remarkssection}), but not for an arbitrary subgroup of finite index, which
is what one expects.
(a) Suppose that $d \ge 3$ and let $\gamma$ be a meridian of $\Phi_{d,n}$.
When $n$ is odd, $\rho(\gamma)$ is a nontrivial symplectic transvection. Since
it is of infinite order, so is the meridian $\gamma$. When $n$ is even,
$\rho(\gamma)$ is a reflection, hence of order two. Now suppose that $d$
is even and consider the monodromy representation of the central extension $\widetilde
\Phi$ constructed from double covers. Let $\tilde\gamma$ be a lift of
$\gamma$ to an element of $\widetilde\Phi$. Then
$\rho'(\tilde\gamma)$ is a nontrivial symplectic transvection, no power of which is central. Thus
$\bar\rho'(\gamma)$ is of infinite order, and, once again, we conclude that
$\gamma$ is of infinite order.
(b) M. Kontsevich informs us that he can prove that for any $d>2$ (and at
least for $n=2$) the local monodromy corresponding to a meridian is of
infinite order in the group of connected components of the symplectomorphism
group of $X_o$. This implies that the meridians are of infinite order for all
$d>2$, not necessarily even as above. The symplectic nature of the monodromy
for a meridian (for $n=2$) is studied in great detail by P. Seidel in his
thesis \cite{Seidel}.
(c) For the case of double covers the image $\Gamma'$ of the fundamental group
under the second monodromy representation $\rho'(\widetilde\Phi)$ is a
lattice. This follows from the argument given by Beauville to prove theorem
\xref{Beauvillethm}. It is enough to be able to degenerate the branch locus
$X$ to a variety which has an isolated singularity of the form $x^3 + y^3 + z^4
+ \hbox{a sum of squares} = 0$. Then the roles of the kernels $K$ and $K'$ are
symmetric and one concludes that $K'$ is also large.
\section{Zariski Density}
The question of Zariski-density for monodromy groups of Lefschetz
pencils was settled by Deligne in \cite{DeWeOne} and \cite{DeWeTwo}.
We review these results here in a form convenient for the proof of the main
theorem in the case of even degree and also for the proof of a
density theorem for unitary groups (section
\xref{unitarydensitysection}). To begin, we have the following
purely group-theoretic fact: \cite{DeWeTwo}(4.4):
\proclaim{Theorem. (Deligne)} Let $V$ be a vector space (over $\C$)
with a non-degenerate bilinear form $(\ ,\ )$ which is either symmetric or
skew-symmetric. Let
$\Gamma$ be a group of linear transformations of $V$ which preserves the
bilinear form. Assume the existence of a subset $E\subset V$ such that
$\Gamma$ is generated by the Picard-Lefschetz transformations \eqrefer{plformula}
with $\delta\in E$.
Suppose that $E$ consists of a single $\Gamma$-orbit
and that it spans $V$. Then $\Gamma$ is either finite or Zariski-dense.
To apply this theorem in a geometric setting, consider a family of
$n$-dimensional varieties $p: {\bf X} \map S$ with discriminant locus $\Delta$ and
monodromy representation
$\rho:\pi_1(S - \Delta) \map \hbox{Aut}(H^n(X_o))$. Assume that $S$ is either
$\C^{N+1} - \{ 0\} , N\ge 1$ or $\P^N$, so that $S$ is simply connected and
hence that
$\pi_1 (S-\Delta)$ is generated by {\sl meridians} (cf. \S
\xref{introsection} for the definition). Assume also that for
each meridian there is a class $\delta\in H^n (X_o )$ such that the
corresponding monodromy transformation is given by the Picard-Lefschetz
\eqrefer{plformula}. Let $E$ denote the set of these classes (called the
{\sl vanishing cycles}). Let $V^n(X_o)\subset H^n (X_o)$ be the span of
$E$, called the {\sl vanishing cohomology}.
A cycle orthogonal to $V = V^n(X_o)$ is invariant under all Picard-Lefschetz
transformations, hence is invariant under the action of monodromy.
Consequently its orthogonal complement $V\perp$ is the space of invariant
cycles. The image of $H^n({\bf X})$ in $H^n(X_o)$ also consists
of invariant cycles. By theorem 4.1.1 (or corollary (4.1.2)) of
\cite{DeHodgeTwo}, this inclusion is an equality. One concludes that $V\perp$
is the same as the image of $H^n({\bf X})$, which is a sub-Hodge structure, and so
the bilinear form restricted to it is nondegenerate. Therefore the
bilinear form restricted to $V = V^n(X_o)$ is also nondegenerate. Consequently
$V^n(X_o)$ is an orthogonal or symplectic space, and the monodromy group acts
on $V^n(X_o)$ by orthogonal or symplectic transformations.
When the discriminant locus is irreducible the argument of Zariski
\cite{Zar} or \cite{DeWeOne}, paragraph preceding Corollary 5.5, shows that the
meridians of $\pi_1(S - \Delta)$ are mutually conjugate. Writing down a
conjugacy $\gamma' = \kappa^{-1}\gamma\kappa$ and applying it to
\eqrefer{plformula}, one concludes that $\delta' =
\rho(\kappa^{-1})(\delta)$. Thus the vanishing cycles constitute a single
orbit. To summarize, we have the following, (c.f.
\cite{DeWeOne}, Proposition 5.3, Theorem 5.4, and \cite{DeWeTwo}, Lemma 4.4.2):
\proclaim{Theorem.} Let ${\bf X} \map S$, with $S = \C^{N+1} - \{ 0\}$ or $\P^N$
and $N \ge 1$, be a
family with irreducible discriminant locus and such that the monodromy
transformations of meridians are Picard-Lefschetz transformations. Then
the monodromy group is either finite or is a Zariski-dense subgroup of the
(orthogonal or symplectic) group of automorphisms of the vanishing cohomology.
To decide which of the two alternatives holds, consider the period mapping
f : U \map D/\Gamma,
where $D$ is the space \cite{GriffPerDom} which classifies the Hodge
structures $V^n(X_a)$ and where $\Gamma$ is the monodromy group. Then one
has the following well-known principle:
\proclaim{Lemma.} If the monodromy group is finite, then the period map is
\noindent{\bf Proof:\ } Let $f$ be the period map and suppose that the monodromy representation
is finite. Then there is an unramified cover $\widetilde S$ of the domain of
$f$ for which the monodromy representation is trivial. Consequently there is
$\tilde f$ to $\widetilde S$ which takes values in the period domain $D$. Let
$\bar S$ be a smooth compactification of
$\widetilde S$. Since $D$ acts like a bounded domain for horizontal holomorphic
$\tilde f$ extends to a holomorphic map of $\bar S$ to $D$.
Any such map with compact domain is constant \cite{GS}.
As a consequence of the previous lemma and theorem, we have a practical
density criterion:
\proclaim{Theorem.} Let ${\bf X}$ be a family of varieties over $\C^{N+1} - \{ 0\}$
$\P^N$, $N\ge 1$, whose monodromy group is generated by Picard-Lefschetz
which has irreducible discriminant locus, and whose period map has nonzero
derivative at one point. Then the monodromy group is Zariski-dense in the
(orthogonal or symplectic) automorphism group of the vanishing cohomology.
Irreducibility of the discriminant locus for hypersurfaces is well known, and
can be proved as follows.
Consider the Veronese imbedding
$v$ of $\P^{n+1}$ in $\P^N$. This is the map which sends the homogeneous
coordinate vector $[ x_0 \commadots x_{n+1} ]$ to $[ x^{M_0} \commadots x^{M_N}
]$ where the $x^{M_i}$ are an ordered basis for the monomials of degree $d$ in
the $x_i$. If $H$ is a hyperplane in $\P^N$, then $v^{-1}(H)$ is a hypersurface
of degree $d$ in $\P^{n+1}$. All hypersurfaces are obtained in this way,
so the dual projective space $\widehat \P^N$ parametrizes the universal
family. A hypersurface is singular if and only if $H$ is tangent to
the Veronese manifold $\VV = v(\P^{n+1})$. Thus the discriminant
is the variety $\widehat \VV$ dual to $\VV$. Since the variety dual to an
irreducible variety is also irreducible, it follows that the discriminant is
Finally, we observe that in the situations considered in this paper, vanishing
cohomology and primitive cohomology coincide. This can easily be checked by
computing the invariant cohomology using a suitable compactification and appealing
to (4.1.1) of \cite{DeHodgeTwo}. Since this is not essential to our
arguments we omit further details.
\section{Rational differentials and the Griffiths residue calculus}
Griffiths' local Torelli theorem \cite{GriffPerRat} tells us
that the period map for hypersurfaces of degree $d$ and dimension $n$ is
is nontrivial for $d > 2$ and $n > 1$ with the exception of the case $(d,n) = (3,2)$.
In fact, it says more: the kernel of the differential is the tangent space
to the orbit of the natural action of the projective linear group. The proof
is based on the residue calculus for rational differential forms and some
simple commutative algebra (Macaulay's theorem).
What we require here is a weak (but sharp) version of Griffiths' result for
the variations of Hodge structures defined by families of cyclic covers of
hypersurfaces. For double covers this is straightforward, since such covers
can be viewed as hypersurfaces in a weighted projective space \cite{Dolgachev}.
For higher cyclic covers the variations of Hodge structure are complex, and in
general the symmetry of Hodge numbers, $h^{p,q} = h^{q,p}$ is broken. Nonetheless,
the residue calculus still gives the needed result. Since this last part
is nonstandard, we sketch recall the basics of the residue calculus, how
it applies to the case of double covers, and how it extends to the case of
higher cyclic covers.
To begin, consider weighted projective space $\P^{n+1}$ where the weights of
$x_i$ are $w_i$. Fix a weighted homogeneous polynomial $P(x)$ and let $X$
be the variety which it defines. We assume that it is smooth. Now take a
meromorphic differential $\nu$ on $\P^{n+1}$ which has
a pole of order $q+1$ on $X$.
Its residue is the cohomology class on $X$ defined by the formula
\int_\gamma \hbox{res}\, \nu = { 1 \over 2 \pi } \int_{\partial T(\gamma)} \nu,
where $T(\gamma)$ is a tubular neighborhood of an $n$-cycle $\gamma$. The
integrand can be written as
\nu(A,P,q) = { A\Omega \over P^{q+1} }. \eqn\eqref{ratdiff}
\Omega = \sum (-1)^i\;w_i x_i \;dx_0 \wedges \widehat{dx_i} \wedges dx_{n+1}.
The ``volume form'' $\Omega$ has weight $w_0 + \cdots + w_{n+1}$ and the degree of $A$,
which we write as $a(q)$, is such that $\nu$ is of weight zero. The primitive
cohomology of $X$ is spanned by Poincar\'e residues of rational differentials,
and the space of residues with a pole of order $q+1$ is precisely
$F^{n-q}H^n_o(X)$, the $(n-q)$-th level of the Hodge filtration on the primitive cohomology. When
the numerator polynomial is a linear combination of the partial derivatives of $P$, the residue
is cohomologous in $\P^{n+1} - X$ to a differential with a pole of order one
lower. Let $J = (\partial P/\partial x_0 \commadots \partial P/\partial x_{n+1})$
be the Jacobian ideal and let $R = \C[x_0 \commadots x_{n+1}]/J$ be the quotient
ring, which we note is graded. Then the residue maps $R^{a(q)}$ to
$F^q/F^{q+1}$. By a theorem of Griffiths \cite{GriffPerRat}, this map is an isomorphism.
For a smooth variety the ``Jacobian ring'' $R$ is finite-dimensional, and so there is
a least integer
t = (n+2)(d-2)
such that $R^i = 0$ for $i > t$. Moreover,
and $R^t$ is one-dimensional and the bilinear map
R^i\times R^{t-i} \map R^t \cong \C.
is a perfect pairing (Macaulay's theorem). When $R^i$ and $R^{t-i}$
correspond to graded quotients of the Hodge filtration, the pairing corresponds
to the cup product \cite{CG}.
The derivative of the period map is given by formal differentiation
of the expressions (\xref{ratdiff}). Thus, if $P_t = P + tQ + \cdots$
represents a family of hypersurfaces and $\omega
= \hbox{res}\,(A\Omega/F^\ell)$ represents a family of cohomology classes
on them, then
{ d \over dt} \hbox{res}\,{ A\Omega \over P^{q+1} } = -(q+1) \hbox{res}\, { QA\Omega \over P^{q+2}
To show that the derivative of the period map is nonzero,
it suffices to exhibit an $A$ and a $Q$ which are nonzero
in $R$ and such that the product $QA$ is also nonzero.
Here we implicitly use
the identification
T \cong R^d
of tangent vectors to the moduli space with the component
of the Jacobian ring in degree $d$. Thus the natural components
of the differential of the period map,
T \map \Hom(H^{p,q}(X),H^{p-1,q+1}(X)),
can be identified with the multiplication homomorphism
R^d \map \Hom(R^a,R^{a+d}),
where $a$ is the degree of the numerator polynomial used in
the residues of the forms (\xref{ratdiff}). All of these results,
discovered first by Griffiths in the case of hypersurfaces,
hold for weighted hypersurfaces by the results described in
\cite{Dolgachev} and \cite{Tu}.
Consider now a double cover $Y$ of a hypersurface $X$ of even degree $d$.
If $X$ is defined by $P(x_0 \commadots x_n) = 0$ then $Y$ is defined by
$y^2 +P(x_0 \commadots x_n) = 0$, where $y$ has weight $d/2$ and where the $x$'s
have weight one. This last equation is homogeneous of degree $d$ with respect
to the given weighting, and $\Omega$ has weight $d/2 + n + 2$. Thus
$\nu(A,y^2 + P,q)$ is of weight zero if
$a(q) = (q + 1/2)d - (n+2)$. Since $y$ is in the Jacobian ideal,
we may choose $A$ to be a polynomial in the $x$'s, and we may consider
it modulo the Jacobian ideal of $P$. Thus the classical considerations
of the residue calculus apply. If we choose $a(q)$ maximal subject to
the constraints $p > q$ and $a \ge 0$ then
q = \left\{ { n + 1 \over 2 } \right\},
where $\set{ x }$ is the greatest integer {\sl strictly less}
than $x$. Both conditions are satisfied for $d \ge 4$ except
that for $n = 1$ we require $d \ge 6$. Thus we have excluded the case $(d,n)
= (4,1)$ in which the resulting double cover is rational and the period map is
Now let $A$ be a polynomial of degree $a$ which is
nonzero modulo the Jacobian ideal. We must exhibit a polynomial $Q$ of degree
$d$ such that $AQ$ nonzero modulo $J$. By Macaulay's theorem there is a polynomial
$B$ such that $AB$ is congruent to a generator of $R^t$, hence satisfies
$AB \not\equiv 0 \hbox{ mod $J$}$. Write $B$ as a linear combination of monomials
$B_i$ and observe that there is an $i$ such that $AB_i \not\equiv 0$. If $B_i$
is of degree at least $d$, we can factor it as $QB_i'$ with $Q$ of degree $d$.
Since $AQB_i' \not\equiv 0$, $AQ \not\equiv 0$, as required.
The condition that $B$ have degree at least $d$ reads $a + d \le t$. Using
the formulas \eqrefer{topJ} for $t$ and the optimal choice for $a$, we see that this
inequality is satisfied for the range of $d$ and $n$ considered. This computation
completes the proof of the main theorem in the case $d$ even, $d \ge 4$,
except for the case $(d,n) = (4,1)$.
\section{Rational differentials for higher cyclic covers }
To complete the proof of the main theorem we must consider
arbitrary cyclic covers of $\P^{n+1}$ branched along a smooth hypersurface
of degree $d$. Since the fundamental group of the complement of $X$
is cyclic of order $d$, the number of sheets $k$ must be a divisor of
$d$. As mentioned in the outline of the proof, there is an automorphism
$\sigma$ of order $k$ which operates on the universal family ${\bf Y}$ of
such covers. Consequently the local system $\H$ of vanishing cohomology
(cf. \S \xref{zardensitysection})
splits over $\C$ into eigensystems $\H(\mu)$, where $\mu \ne 1$
is a $k$-th root of unity. Therefore the monodromy representation,
which we now denote by $\rho$, splits as a sum of representations $\rho_\mu$
with values in the groups $\widetilde G(\mu)$ introduced in \eqrefer{tildeGdecomp}.
As noted there we can view $\rho_\mu$ as taking values in a group of linear
automorphisms of $H(\mu)$. This group is unitary for the
hermitian form $h(x,y) = i^{n+1}(x,\bar y)$ if $\mu$ is
non-real, and that is the case that we will consider here.
Although the decomposition of $\H$ is over the complex numbers, important
Hodge-theoretic data survive. The hermitian form $h(x,y)$ is
nondegenerate and there is an induced Hodge decomposition, although
$h^{p,q}(\mu) = h^{q,p}(\mu)$ may not hold. However, Griffiths'
infinitesimal period relation,
{ d \over dt } F^p(\mu) \subset F^{p-1}(\mu)
remains true. Thus each $\H(\mu)$ is a {\sl complex variation of Hodge
structure}, c.f. \cite{DeMo}, \cite{SimpsonHiggs}. The
associated period domains are homogeneous for the groups
$\widetilde G(\mu)$.
To extend the arguments given above to the unitary representations
$\rho_\mu$ we must extend Deligne's density theorem to this case.
The essential point is that the monodromy groups $\Gamma(\mu)$ are
generated not by Picard-Lefschetz transformations, but by their unitary
analogue, which is a {\sl complex reflection} \cite{Pham},
\cite{Givental}, \cite{Mostow}. These are linear maps of the form
T(x) = x \pm (\lambda - 1)h(x,\delta)\delta,
where $h$ is the hermitian inner product defined above, $h(\delta,\delta) = \pm
1$, where
$\pm$ is the same sign as that of $h(\delta ,\delta )$, and where
$\lambda \ne 1$ is a root of unity. The vector $\delta$ is an eigenvector of $T$
with eigenvalue $\lambda$ and $T$ acts by the identity on the hyperplane
perpendicular to $\delta$. It turns out that the eigenvalue $\lambda$ of $T$
is, up to a fixed sign that depends only on the dimension of $Y$, equal
to the eigenvalue $\mu$ of $\sigma$.
In section \xref{unitarydensitysection} we will prove an analogue of Deligne's
theorem \eqrefer{delignedensity} for groups of complex reflections.
It gives the usual dichotomy: either the monodromy group is finite, or it is
Zariski-dense. In section \xref{complexreflectionsection} we will show that the
monodromy groups $\Gamma(\mu)$ are indeed generated by complex reflections.
It remains to show that the derivative of the period map for the complex
variations of Hodge structure $\H(\mu)$ are nonzero given appropriate
conditions on $d$, $k$, $n$, and $\mu$.
For the computation fix $\zeta = e^{2\pi i/k}$ as a primitive $k$-th
{\sl root of unity} and let the cyclic action on the universal family
\eqrefer{universalcyclic} be given by $y\circ \sigma = \zeta y$.
Then the ``volume form'' $\Omega(x,y)$ is an eigenvector
with eigenvalue $\zeta$ and the rational differential
{ y^{i-1} A(x) \Omega(x,y) \over ( y^k + P(x) )^{q+1} }
has eigenvalue $\mu = \zeta^i$, as does its residue.
Thus we will sometimes write $\H(i)$ for
$\H(\zeta^i)$ and will use the corresponding notations
$\widetilde G(i)$, $\tilde\rho_i$, etc. Residues with numerator
$y^{i-1}A(x)$ and denominator $(y^k + P(x))^{q+1}$ span the spaces $H^{p,q}_0(i)$, where
$i$ ranges from 1 to $k-1$. Moreover, the corresponding space of numerator
polynomials, taken modulo the Jacobian ideal of $P$, is isomorphic via the residue
map to $H^{p,q}_0(i)$. Since $P$ varies by addition of a polynomial in the $x$'s,
the standard unweighted theory applies to computation of the derivative map.
Let us illustrate the relevant techniques by computing the Hodge numbers and
period map for triple covers of $\P^3$ branched along a smooth cubic surface.
(This period map is studied in more detail in \cite{ACT}.)
A triple cover of the kind considered is a cubic hypersurface in $\P^4$, and
the usual computations with rational differentials show that $h^{3,0} = 0$,
$h^{2,1} = 5$. The eigenspace
$H^{2,1}(i)$ is spanned by residues of differentials with numerator
$ A(x)\Omega(x,y) $ and denominator $(y^3 + P(x))^2$. Since the degree of
$\Omega(x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3, y)$ is 5, $A$ is must be linear in the variables $x_i$. Thus
$h^{2,1}(1) = 4$. The space
$H^{1,2}(1)$ is spanned by residues of differentials with numerator
$ A(x)\Omega(x,y) $ and denominator $(y^3 + P(x))^3$.
Thus the numerator is of degree four, but must be viewed modulo
the Jacobian ideal. For dimension counts it is enough
to consider the Fermat cubic, whose Jacobian ideal is generated
by squares of variables. The only square-free quartic in four variables
is $x_0x_1x_2x_3$, so $h^{1,2}(1) = 1$. Similar computations show
that the remaining Hodge numbers for $H^3(1)$ are zero and
yield in addition the numbers for $H^3(2)$. One can
also argue that $H^3(1)\oplus H^3(2)$ is defined over $\R$, since the
eigenvalues are conjugate. A Hodge structure defined over $\R$
satisfies $h^{p,q} = h^{q,p}$. From this one deduces that
$h^{2,1}(2) = 1$, $h^{1,2}(2) = 4$. Since there is just one conjugate
pair of eigenvalues of $\sigma$, there is just one component in the
decomposition \eqrefer{tildeGdecomp}, $\widetilde G = \widetilde G(\zeta)$,
and this group is isomorphic to $U(1,4)$. Since the coefficients
of the monodromy matrices lie in the ring $\Z[\zeta]$, where
$\zeta$ is a primitive cube root of unity, the representation $\tilde\rho$
takes values in a discrete subgroup of $\widetilde G$. Therefore the complex variation
of Hodge structures define period mappings
p : U_{3,2} \map B_4/\Gamma',
where $B_4$ is the unit ball in complex 4-space and $\Gamma'$ a
discrete group acting on it.
To show that the period
map $p_i$ is nonconstant it suffices to show that its differential is
nonzero at a single point. We do this for the Fermat variety. A basis
for $H^{2,1}(1)$ is given by the linear forms $x_i$,
and a basis for $H^{1,2}$ is given by their product
$x_0x_1x_2x_3$. Let $m_i$ be the product of all the $x_k$
except $x_i$. These forms constitute a basis for the tangent
space to moduli. Since $m_ix_i = x_0x_1x_2x_3$, multiplication
by $m_i$ defines a nonzero homomorphism from $H^{2,1}(1)$
to $H^{1,2}(1)$. Thus the differential of the period map
is nonzero at the Fermat. In fact it is of rank four, since
the homomorphisms defined by the $m_i$ are linearly independent. Similar
considerations show that the period map for $\H(2)$ is of rank
four. The relevant bases are $\set{ y }$ for $H^{2,1}(2)$
and $\set{ ym_0, ym_1, ym_2, ym_3 }$ for $H^{1,2}(2)$.
For the general case it will be enough to establish the following.
\proclaim{Proposition.} Let ${\bf Y}$ be the universal family of $d$-sheeted
covers of $\P^{n+1}$ branched over smooth hypersurfaces of degree $d$.
The derivative of the period map for $\H^{n+1}(1)$ is nontrivial
if $n \ge 2$ and $d \ge 3$ or if $n = 1$ and $d \ge 4$.
\noindent{\bf Proof:\ } Elements of
$H^{p,q}(1)$ with $p+q = n+1$ are given by rational differential
forms with numerator $ A(x) \Omega(x,y) $ and denominator $( y^d + P(x) )^{q+1}$.
The numerator must have degree $ a = (q + 1)d - (n+3) $.
As before choose $q$ so that $a$ is maximized subject to the constraints
$p > q$ and $a \ge 0$. Then $q = \set{ {n / 2} + { 1 / d } }$.
If $n \ge 2$ and $d \ge 3$ or if $n = 1$ and $d \ge 4$, then $a \ge 0$.
Thus numerator polynomials $A(x)$ which are nonzero modulo the Jacobian ideal
exist. One establishes the existence of a polynomial $Q(x)$ of degree $d$
such that $QA$ is nonzero modulo the Jacobian ideal using the same argument
as in the case of double covers.
A different component of the period map is required if the branch locus
is a finite set of points, which is the case for the braid group of $\P^1$:
\proclaim{Proposition.} For $n=0$ the period map for $\H^1(i)$ is
non-constant if $d \ge 4$ and $i \ge 2$.
\noindent{\bf Proof:\ } An element of $H^{1,0}(i)$ is the residue of a rational differential
with numerator $ y^{i-1}A(x_0,x_1)\Omega $ and denominator $ y^d + P(x_0,x_1) $.
The degree of $A$ is $a = d - 2 - i$. The top degree for the Jacobian
ideal is $2d-4$. Thus we require $a + d \le 2d - 4$, which is satisfied
if $i \ge 2$. Since $a \ge 0$, one must also require $d \ge 4$.
We observe that the local systems which occur
as constituents for $k$-sheeted covers, where $k$ divides $d$,
also occur as constituents of $d$-sheeted covers.
\proclaim{Remark.} Let $\H({k,\mu})$ be the complex variation
of Hodge structure associated to a $k$-sheeted cyclic cover
of $\P^{n+1}$ branched along a hypersurface of degree $d$,
belonging to the eigenvalue $\mu$, where $k$ is a divisor
of $d$. Then $\H({k,\mu})$ is isomorphic to $\H({d,\mu})$.
\noindent{\bf Proof:\ } Consider the substitution $y = z^{d/k}$ which effects the transformation
{ y^i A(x) \Omega(x,y) \over (y^k + P(x) )^{q+1} }
{ (d / k) }{ z^{(i+1)(d/k) -1} A(x) \Omega(x,z) \over
( z^d + P(x) )^{q+1} } .
These differentials are eigenvectors with the same eigenvalue. The
map which sends residues of the first kind of rational differential
to residues of the second defines the required isomorphism.
\section{Complex Reflections}
We now review some known facts on how complex reflections arise for
degenerations of cyclic covers. When the branch locus acquires
a node, the local equation is
y^k + x_1^2 + \cdots + x_{n+1}^2 = t,
which is a special case of the situation studied by Pham in \cite{Pham},
where the left-hand side is a sum of powers. Our
discussion is based on Chapter 9 of \cite{Milnor} and Chapter 2 of \cite{Arnold}.
Consider first the case $y^k = t$. It is a family of
zero-dimensional varieties $\set{ \xi_1(t) \commadots \xi_k(t)}$ whose vanishing
cycles are successive differences of roots,
\xi_1 - \xi_2, \
\xi_{k-1} - \xi_k,
and whose monodromy is given by cyclically shifting indices to the right:
T( \xi_i - \xi_{i+1} ) = \xi_{i+1} - \xi_{i+2},
where $i$ is taken modulo $k$. Thus $T$ acts on the $(k-1)$-dimensional
space of vanishing cycles as a transformation of order $k$. Over the complex
numbers it is diagonalizable, and the eigenvalues are the $k$-th roots of unity
$\mu \ne 1$. Note that $T = \sigma_0$ where $\sigma_0$ is the generator for the
automorphism group of the cyclic cover $y^k = t$ given by $y\map \zeta y$, where
$\zeta = e^{2\pi i/k}$ is our chosen primitive $k$-th root of unity.
The intersection product $B$ defines a possibly degenerate bilinear
form on the space of vanishing cycles. For the singularity $y^k = t$
it is $(\xi_i,\xi_j) = \delta_{ij}$, so relative
to the basis \eqrefer{stdvanishingbasis} it is the negative of the matrix for
the Dynkin diagram $A_{k-1}$ --- the positive-definite matrix with two's along
the diagonal, one's immediately above and below the diagonal, and zeroes elsewhere.
Now suppose that $f(x) = t$ and $g(y) = t$ are families which
acquire an isolated singularity at $t = 0$. Then $f(x) + g(y) = t$
is a family of the same kind; we denote it by $f \oplus g$. The theorem of
Sebastiani and Thom \cite{ST}, or
\cite{Arnold}, cf. Theorem 2.1.3, asserts that vanishing cycles for the
sum of two singularities are given as the join of vanishing cycles for $f$ and
$g$. Thus, if $a$ and $b$ are vanishing cycles of dimensions $m$ and $n$, then
the join
$a*b$ is a vanishing cycle of dimension $m+n+1$, and, moreover,
the monodromy acts by
T(a * b) = T(a)*T(b).
{}From an algebraic standpoint the join is a tensor product, so one can write
$V(f\oplus g) = V(f)\otimes V(g)$ where $V(f)$ is the space of vanishing
cycles for $f$, and one can write the monodromy operator as
T_{f \oplus g} = T_f\otimes T_g.
The {\sl suspension} of a singularity $f(x) = t$ is by definition the
singularity $y^2 + f(x) = t$ obtained by adding a single square. If $a$ is
a vanishing cycle for $f$ then $(y_0 - y_1)\otimes a$ is a vanishing
cycle for the suspension, and the suspended monodromy is given by
T( (y_0 - y_1)\otimes a ) = - (y_0 - y_1)\otimes T(a) .
In particular, the local monodromy of a singularity
and its double suspension are isomorphic.
The intersection matrix $B'$ of
a suspended singularity (relative to the same canonical basis) is a function of
the intersection matrix $B$ for the given singularity, cf. Theorem 2.14 of
\cite{Arnold}. When the bilinear form for $B$ is symmetric, the rule for producing $B'$ from $B$
is: make the diagonal entries zero and change the sign of the above-diagonal entries. When $B'$
has an even number of rows of columns, the determinant is one, and when the number
of rows and columns is odd, it is zero. Thus the intersection matrix
for $x^2 + y^k = t$ is nondegenerate if and only if $k$ is odd. In addition,
the intersection matrix of a double suspension is the negative of the given
matrix. Thus the matrix of any suspension of
$y^k = t$ is determined. It is nondegenerate if the dimension of the
cyclic cover \eqrefer{kdoublept} is even or if the dimension is odd and $k$ is
also odd. Otherwise it is degenerate.
It follows from our discussion that the space of vanishing cycles
$V$ for the singularity \eqrefer{kdoublept} is $(k-1)$-dimensional
and that the local monodromy transformation is
T = \sigma_0\otimes(-1)\otimes\cdots\otimes(-1)
where $\sigma_0$ is the covering automorphism $y\map \zeta y$ for $y^k = t$. Thus
$T$ is a cyclic transformation of order $k$ or $2k$, depending on whether
the dimension of the cyclic cover is even or odd. In any case, $T$ is
diagonalizable with eigenvectors $\eta_i$ and eigenvalues $\lambda_i$,
where $\lambda_i = \pm \mu_i$ with $\mu_i = \zeta^i$ where $\zeta$ is our fixed
$k$-th root of unity and $i = 1,\cdots , k-1$.
Note that the cyclic automorphism $\sigma$ of the universal family
\eqrefer{universalcyclic}, given by
$y\mapsto\zeta y$
acts as $\sigma_0\otimes(+1)\otimes\cdots\otimes(+1)$ on the vanishing homology
of \eqrefer{kdoublept}. Thus the eigenspaces of $\sigma$ and $T$ coincide, and
their respective eigenvalues differ by the fixed sign $(-1)^{n+1}$. Since the
$\mu_i$ are distinct, the eigenvectors $\eta_i$ are orthogonal with respect
to the hermitian form. Thus $h(\eta_i,\eta_i) \ne 0$. Moreover the sign of
$h(\eta_i,\eta_i)$ depends only on the index $i$, globally determined on
\eqrefer{universalcyclic}, independently of the particular smooth point on
the discriminant locus whose choice is implicit in \eqrefer{kdoublept}. We
conclude that on the space of vanishing cycles,
T(x) = \sum_{i = 1}^{k-1} \lambda_i{h(x,\eta_i) \over
where $\lambda_i = (-1)^{n+1} \mu_i$.
Now consider a cycle $x$ in $H^{n+1}(Y_{\tilde o})$, and {\sl suppose that}
$k$ {\sl is odd}. Then the intersection form on the space $V$ of local vanishing
for the degeneration \eqrefer{kdoublept} is {\sl nondegenerate}. Consequently
$H^{n+1}(Y_{\tilde o})$ splits orthogonally as
\oplus V\perp$. The action on $H^{n+1}(Y_{\tilde o})$ of the monodromy
transformation $T$ for the meridian corresponding to the degeneration
is given by \eqrefer{TVcxreflectionformula} on $V$ and
by the identity on $V\perp$. Thus it is given for arbitrary $x$ by the formula
T(x) = x + \sum_{i=1}^{k-1} (\lambda_i-1){h(x,\eta_i) \over
h(\eta_i,\eta_i)}\eta_i .
Finally, for each $i = 1,\cdots ,k-1$ we can normalize the eigenvector $\eta_i$
to an eigenvector $\delta_i$ satisfying $h(\delta_i , \delta_i ) = \epsilon_i =
\pm 1$. To summarize, we have proved the following:
\proclaim{Proposition.} Consider the family \eqrefer{universalcyclic} of $k$-fold
cyclic covers of $\P^{n+1}$ branched over a smooth hypersurface of degree $d$,
where both $k$ and $d$ are odd. Let $T$ be the monodromy corresponding to
a generic degeneration of the branch locus, as in \eqrefer{kdoublept}.
Then $T$ acts on the $i$-th eigenspace of the cyclic automorphism
$\sigma$ (defined by $y\mapsto\zeta y$ in \eqrefer{universalcyclic}) by a
complex reflection with eigenvalue
$\lambda_i = (-1)^{n+1} \zeta^i$. Thus
T(x) = x + \epsilon_i (\lambda_i - 1) h(x,\delta_i)\delta_i
holds for all $x\in\H (i)$.
\proclaim{Remark.} \rm In remark \xref{remarkMeridiansInfiniteOrder}.a we observed that
the meridians of $\Phi_{d,n}$ are of infinite order for $n$ odd and for
$n$ even, $d \ge 4$ even. Consider now the case in which $n$ is even and $d$ is odd,
let $\zeta = \exp(2\pi i/d)$, and let $\bar\rho'$ be the
corresponding representation, in which meridians of $\widetilde \Delta$
correspond to complex reflections of order $2d$. These complex reflections
and their powers different from the identity are non-central if the $\zeta$ eigenspace
has dimension at least two, which is always the case for $d \ge 3$, $n \ge 2$.
Thus $\bar\rho'(\gamma)$ has order $2d$. By this simple argument
we conclude that in the stated range of $(n,d)$, meridians always have order greater than two.
However, our argument does not give the stronger result \xref{remarkMeridiansInfiniteOrder}.b
asserted by Kontsevich.
\section{Density of unitary monodromy groups}
We now show how the argument Deligne used in \cite{DeWeTwo}, section 4.4,
to prove Theorem \xref{delignedensity} can
be adapted to establish a density theorem for groups generated
by complex reflections on a space $\C(p,q)$ endowed with
a hermitian form $h$ of signature $(p,q)$. If $A$ is a subset of $\C(p,q)$ or
of $U(p,q)$, we use $PA$ to denote its projection in $\P(\C(p,q))$ or $PU(p,q)$.
\proclaim{Theorem.} Let $\epsilon = \pm 1$ be fixed, and let $\Delta$ be a set of
vectors in a hermitian space
$\C(p,q)$ which lie in the unit quadric $h(\delta,\delta) = \epsilon$.
Fix a root of unity $\lambda \ne \pm 1$ and let $\Gamma$ be the
subgroup of $U(p,q)$ generated by the complex reflections
$s_\delta(x) = x + \epsilon ( \lambda - 1 )h(x,\delta)\delta$ for all $\delta$ in
$\Delta$. Suppose that $p+q >1$, that $\Delta$ consists of a single
$\Gamma$-orbit, and that $\Delta$ spans $\C(p,q)$. Then either $\Gamma$ is
finite or $P\Gamma$ Zariski-dense in $PU(p,q)$.
Let $\bar\Gamma$ be the Zariski closure of a subgroup $\Gamma$
of $U(p,q)$ which contains the $\lambda$-reflections
for all vectors $\delta$ in a set $\Delta$. Then
$\bar\Gamma$ also contains the $\lambda$-reflections for
the set $R = \bar\Gamma\Delta$. Indeed, if $g$ is an element
of $\bar\Gamma$, then
g^{-1}s_\delta g = s_{g^{-1}(\delta)}.
Thus it is enough to establish the following result in order
to prove our density theorem:
\proclaim{Theorem.} Let $\epsilon = \pm 1$ be fixed, and let
$R$ be a set of vectors in a hermitian space
$\C(p,q)$ which lie in the unit quadric $h(\delta,\delta) = \epsilon$.
Fix a root of unity $\lambda \ne \pm 1$ and let $M$ be the smallest algebraic
subgroup of $U(p,q)$ which contains the complex reflections
$s_\delta(x) = x + \epsilon ( \lambda - 1 )h(x,\delta)\delta$
for all $\delta$ in $R$.
Suppose that $p+q >1$, that $R$ consists of a single $M$-orbit,
and that $R$ spans $\C(p,q)$. Then either $M$ is finite or
$PM = PU(p,q)$.
We begin with a special case of the theorem for groups
generated by a pair of complex reflections.
\proclaim{Lemma.} Let $\lambda \ne \pm 1$ be a root of unity, and let
$U$ be the unitary group of a nondegenerate
hermitian form on $\C^2$. Let $\delta_1$ and $\delta_2$ be
independent vectors with nonzero inner product, and let
$\Gamma$ be the group generated by complex reflections with common
eigenvalue $\lambda$. Then either $\Gamma$ is finite or its
image in the projective unitary group is Zariski-dense.
In the positive-definite case $\Gamma$ is finite if and only if
the inner products $(\delta_1,\delta_2)$ lie in a
fixed finite set $S$ which depends only on $\lambda$ and $h$. In the indefinite
$\Gamma$ is never finite.
We treat the definite case first. To begin, note
that the group $U$ acts on the Riemann sphere $\P^1$ via the natural map
$U \map PU$, where $PU$ is the projectivized unitary group. Let $PR$ be
the image of $R \subset \C^2$ in $\P^1$. Since $\lambda$ is a root of
unity, the projection $P\Gamma$ is a
finite group if and only if $\Gamma$ is. The finite subgroups of rotations
of the sphere are well known. There are two infinite series: the cyclic
groups, where the vectors $\delta$ are all proportional, and the dihedral
groups where $\lambda = -1$. There are three additional groups, given
by the symmetries of the five platonic solids, and $S$ is the set of possible
values of $h(\delta_1,\delta_2)$ that can arise for these three groups.
We suppose that
$(\delta_1,\delta_2)$ lies outside $S$, so that $P\Gamma$ is infinite.
Then its Zariski closure $PM$ is either $PU$ or a group whose identity
component is a circle. In this case $PR$ contains a great circle $\alpha$.
However, $PR$ is stable under the action of $PM$, hence under the rotations
corresponding to axes in $PR$. Since $\lambda \ne \pm 1$, the orbit
$PR$ contains additional great circles which meet $\alpha$ in an angle $0 < \phi
\le \pi/2$. The union of these, one for each point of the given
circle, forms a band about the equator, hence has nonempty interior. Such a
set is Zariski-dense in the Riemann sphere viewed as a real algebraic
variety. Since
$PR$ is a closed real algebraic set, $PR = S^2$. Since
$PR \cong PM/H$, where $H$ is the isotropy group of a point on the sphere,
$PM = PU$.
In the case of an indefinite hermitian form, the group
$U = U(1,1)$, acts on the hyperbolic plane via the projection
to $PU$, and $P\Gamma$
is a group generated by a pair of elliptic elements of
equal order but with distinct fixed points. One elliptic
element moves the fixed point of the other, and so their commutator $\gamma$
is hyperbolic (c.f. Theorem
7.39.2 of \cite{Beardon}). The Zariski closure of the cyclic group
$\set{\gamma^n}$ is a one-parameter subgroup of $PU$.
Consequently the orbit $PR$ contains a geodesic $\alpha$ through one of the
elliptic fixed points. By \eqrefer{reflectionconjugacy} the other points of
$\alpha$ are
fixed points of other elliptic transformations in $PM$. Now the orbit $PR$
contains the image of $\alpha$ under each of these transformations,
and so $PR$ contains an open set of the hyperbolic plane. This implies that
either $PM = PU$ or $PM$ is contained in a parabolic subgroup. Since $PM$
contains non-trivial elliptic elements that last possibility cannot occur,
and so $PM = PU$.
Next we show that if the set $R$ which defines the reflections
is large, then so is the group containing those reflections.
\proclaim{Lemma.} Fix a root of unity $\lambda\ne\pm 1$ and $\epsilon = \pm 1$.
Let $R$ be a semi-algebraic subset of the unit quadric
$h(\delta,\delta) = \epsilon$.
Let $M$ be the smallest algebraic subgroup of $U(p,q)$
containing the complex reflections $s_\delta(x) = x + \epsilon (\lambda - 1)
h(x,\delta)\delta$, $\delta\in R$. If $p+q >1$ and if $PR$
is Zariski-dense in $\P(\C(p,q))$,
$M =PU(p,q)$.
The proof is by induction on $n = p+q$. For $n = 2$ the result
follows from the proof of lemma \xref{Ulemma}. Let $n>2$ and assume
$p\le q$. Then $q\ge 2$. Fix a codimension two subspace of $\C (p,q)$ of
signature $(p,q-2)$ and let $W_t$ be the pencil of hyperplanes of $\C (p,q)$
containing this codimension two subspace. Then the restriction of $h$ to each
$W_t$ is a non-degenerate form of signature $(p,q-1)$.
Consider a subgroup $M$ of $U(p,q)$ which satisfies
the hypotheses of the lemma, and let $R_t = R\cap W_t$. Since $PR$, respectively
$PR_t$ is semi-algebraic in $\P (\C (p,q))$, respectively in $PW_t$, it is
Zariski dense if and only if it has non-empty interior in the analytic topology.
Thus $R$ has non-empty interior in $\P(\C(p,q))$, and so for dimension reasons
$PR_t$ has non-empty interior in $PW_t$ for generic $t$. Thus $PR_t$ is
Zariski dense in $PW_t$ for generic $t$.
Fix one such value of $t$, let $W = W_t$ and let $M'(R\cap W)\subset M$ denote the
smallest algebraic subgroup of $M$ containing $R\cap W$. Let $M(R\cap W)$ denote
the set of restrictions of elements of $M'(R\cap W)$ to $W$. Then $R\cap W$ and
$M(R\cap W)$ satisfy the induction hypothesis, thus $PM(R\cap W) = PU(W)$.
Now the orthogonal
complement of $W$ is a Zariski closed set, as is $W \cup W\perp$.
Since $R$ is Zariski-dense there is a $\delta$ in $R - W$
and a $\delta'$ in $W$ such that $h(\delta,\delta') \ne 0$.
Consider the function $f_\delta(x) = h(x,\delta')$. If it is constant
on the Zariski closure $C$ of $R\cap W$, then the derivative
$df_\delta$ vanishes on $C$. Therefore $C$ lies in the intersection
of the hyperplane $df(x) = 0$ with $W$, which is a proper
algebraic subset of $W$. Consequently $R \cap W$ is not Zariski-dense,
a contradiction. Thus $f_\delta$ is nonconstant and so we can choose
$\delta$ in $R \cap W$ such that $h(\delta',\delta)$ lies outside
the fixed set $S$. Then lemma \xref{Ulemma} implies that the unitary group of
the plane $F$ spanned by $\delta$ and $\delta'$ is contained in $M$. But $U(W)$
and $U(F)$ generate $U(p,q)$ and the proof of the lemma is complete.
To complete the proof of Theorem (\xref{udensityprop})
we must show that either $R$ is sufficiently large or that $M$
is finite. Observe that since $R$ is an $M$-orbit, it is a semi-algebraic set.
Let $W$ be a subspace of $\C(p,q)$
which is maximal with respect to the property ``$W \cap R$
is Zariski-dense in the unit quadric of $W$.'' Our aim is to show
that either $W = \C(p,q)$ or that $M$ is finite. Consider
first the case $W = 0$. Then the inner products
$h(\delta,\delta')$ for any pair of elements in $R$ lie in the
fixed finite set $S$ of lemma \xref{Ulemma}. Now let $\delta_1 \commadots
\delta_n$ be a basis of $\C(p,q)$ whose elements are chosen from $R$.
Then the inner products $h(\delta,\delta_i)$ lie in $S$
for all $\delta$ and $i$. Consequently $R$ is a finite set
and $M$, which is faithfully represented as a group of permutations
on $R$, is finite as well.
Henceforth we assume that $W$ is nonzero. If it is not maximal
there is a vector $\delta$ in $R - W$ and we may consider
the function $f_\delta(x) = h(x,\delta)$ on the set $R \cap W$. If $f_\delta$
is identically zero for all $\delta$ in $R - W$, then $R \subset W \cup W\perp$.
Therefore $\C(p,q) = W + W\perp$, from which one concludes that
$W = W \oplus W\perp$ and so $M$ is a subgroup of $U(W)\times
U(W\perp)$. But $R$ consists of a single $M$-orbit and contains a point of $W$,
which implies that $R \subset W$, a contradiction.
We can now assume that there is a $\delta \in R - W$ such that
the function $f_\delta$ is not identically zero.
If one of these functions is not locally
constant, then it must take values outside the set $S$. Then
the inner product $(x,\delta)$ lies outside $S$ for an open dense
set of $x$ in $R \cap W$. For each such $x$, $R$ is dense in
the span of $x$ and $\delta$. We conclude that $R$ is dense in
$W + \C\delta$. Thus $W$ is not maximal, a contradiction.
At this point we are reduced to the case in which all the functions
$f_\delta$ are locally constant, with at least one which is not
identically zero. To say that $f_\delta$ is locally constant
on a dense subset of the unit quadric in $W$ is to say that its
derivative is zero on that quadric. Equivalently, tangent spaces
to the quadric are contained in the kernel of $df_\delta$,
that is, in the hyperplane $\delta\perp$. But if all tangent spaces
to the quadric are contained in that hyperplane, then so is the quadric
itself. Then the function in question is identically zero, contrary
to hypothesis. The proof is now complete.
To apply the density theorem we need to show that the
``complex vanishing cycles'' contain a basis for the vanishing cohomology and
a single orbit. These cycles are by
definition the eigencomponents of ordinary vanishing cycles.
Consider now a generalized Picard-Lefschetz transformation given by
\eqrefer{Tcxreflectionformula}. It can be rewritten as
\rho(\gamma)(x) =
x + \sum \epsilon_i(\lambda_i-1) h(x,\delta_i) \delta_i,
where the $\delta_i$ are complex vanishing cycles and the $\lambda_i$
are suitable complex numbers. Let
\rho(\gamma')(x) = x + \sum\epsilon_i (\lambda_i-1) h(x,\delta'_i) \delta'_i
be another generalized Picard-Lefschetz tranformation. If
$\gamma' = \kappa^{-1}\gamma\kappa$ then the two preceding equations
\sum \epsilon_i(\lambda_i - 1) h(x,\delta'_i)
\sum \epsilon_i(\lambda_i - 1 ) h(\kappa.x,\delta_i)
\kappa^{-1}.\delta_i ,
where $\kappa.x$ stands for $\rho(\kappa)(x)$.
Comparing eigencomponents on each side we find
\delta'_i = \kappa^{-1}.\delta_i,
as required. By the same argument as used in
\S \xref{zardensitysection}, one sees that the complex vanishing cycles
span $H(i)$.
\section{Bounds on the real and complex rank}
In this section we derive lower bounds for the complex and real ranks of the
$G_{d,n}$ of automorphisms of the primitive cohomology
$H^n_o(X_{d,n},\R)$ where
$X_{d,n}$ is a hypersurface of degree $d$ and dimension $n$.
Recall that for a field $k$,
the $k$-rank is the dimension of the largest subgroup that
can be diagonalized over $k$. These bounds
complete the outline of proof. We also show that all the eigenspaces
of the cyclic automorphism $\sigma$ have the same dimension.
The main result is the following:
\proclaim{Lemma}. The complex rank of $G_{d,n}$ is at least
for $d \ge 3$, $n \ge 1$, with the exception of $(d,n) = (3,1)$, for which it is
one, and $(d,n) = (4,1), (3,2)$ for which it is three. Under the same
conditions the real rank is at least two with the exception of the cases $(d,n)
= (3,1),\ (3,2)$ for which the real ranks are one and zero, respectively.
To prove the first assertion we note that the complex rank is given by
$\rank_\C G_{d,n} = [ B_{d,n} / 2 ]$
where $[x]$ is the greatest integer in $x$ and where
$ B_{d,n} = \dim H^n_o(X_{d,n})$ is the
primitive middle Betti number. To compute it we compute the Euler
characteristic $\chi_{d,n}$ recursively using the fact that a $d$-fold cyclic
cover of $\P^{n}$ branched along a hypersurface of degree $d$ is a hypersurface
of degree $d$ in $\P^{n+1}$. Thus, mimicking the proof of Hurwitz's formula for
Riemann surfaces, we have
\chi_{d,n} = d\,\chi(\P^n - B) + \chi(B) = d(n+1) + (1-d)\chi_{d,n-1} .
Since $\chi_{d,0} = d$, the Euler characteristics of all hypersurfaces are
determined. Rewriting this recursion relation in terms of the $n$-th
primitive Betti number we obtain
B_{d,n} = (d-1)\left(B_{d,n-1} + (-1)^n\right),
{}From it we deduce an expression in closed form:
B_{d,n} = (d-1)^n \,(d-2) + { ( d-1 )^n - (-1)^n \over d } + (-1)^n .
{}The preceding two formulas
imply that $B_{d,n}$ is an increasing
function of $n$ and of $d$. Now assume $d \ge 3$, $n \ge 1$. Then $d+n\ge 4$.
If $d+n \le 6$, then $(d,n) = (3,3), (4,2), (5,1)$ and $B_{3,3} = 10 , B_{4,2} =
21, B_{5,1} = 12$. Thus $B_{d,n} \ge 10$ except when $d+n = 4$
or $5$. These are the cases $(d,n) = (3,1), (3,2), (4,1)$ where $B_{d,n} =
2,6,6$ respectively. The inequalities on the complex rank are now established.
Let us now turn to the proof of the second assertion of the lemma. For $n$ odd
the group $G_{d,n}$ is a real symplectic group. Its real and complex ranks
are the same, and so the bound follows from the first assertion. For $n$ even
the group
$G_{d,n}$ is the orthogonal group of the cup product on the primitive
cohomology. This bilinear form has signature
$(r,s)$, and the real rank of $G$ is the minimum of $r$ and $s$. The signature is
computed from the Hodge decomposition:
$r$, the number of positive eigenvalues, is the sum of the
$h^{p,q}$ for $p$ even, while $s$ is the sum for $p$ odd. According to the
first inequality of lemma \xref{hodgeinequalities}, the Hodge numbers
$h^{p,q}(d,n)$ of $X_{d,n}$ satisfy
$h^{p,q}(d+1,n) > h^{p,q}(d,n)$. Thus the real rank is an increasing function of
the degree. Consequently it is enough to show that it is at least two for
quartic surfaces and for cubic hypersurfaces of dimension four or more. For
quartic hypersurfaces $h^{2,0} = 1$ and $h^{1,1} = 19$, so $(r,s) = (2,19)$.
For cubic hypersurfaces there is a greatest integer
$p \le n$ such that $h^{p,q} \ne 0$, where $p+q = n$. We will compute this
``first'' Hodge number and see that under the hypotheses of the lemma, $p > q$.
Since $n$ is even,
$h^{p,q}$ and $h^{q,p}$ have the same parity. Thus one of $r$, $s$ is at least
two. According to the second inequality of lemma
\xref{hodgeinequalities}, $h^{p-1,q+1}(d,n) > h^{p,q}(d,n)$ if $p > q$. Thus
$h^{p-1,q+1}(d,n) > h^{p,q}(d,n) > 0$. We conclude that the other component of
the signature, $s$ or $r$, must be at least two. For the Hodge numbers of cubic
hypersurfaces of dimension $n = 3k + r$ where $r = 0$, 1, or 2, one uses the
calculus of \cite{GriffPerRat} to show the following:
(a) if $n \equiv 0 \hbox{ mod } 3$ then the first
Hodge number is $h^{2k,k} = n+2$,
(b) if $n \equiv 1 \hbox{ mod } 3$ then it is $h^{2k+1,k} = 1$,
(c) if $n \equiv 2 \hbox{ mod } 3$ then it is $h^{2k+1,k+1} = (n+1)(n+2)/2$.
When $k > 0$ these Hodge numbers satisfy $p > q$, and so
the proof of the lemma is complete.
Let $h^{p,q}(d,n)$ be the dimension of $H^{p,q}_o(X_{d,n})$. Then
the inequalities below hold:
& h^{p,q}(d+1,n) > h^{p,q}(d,n) \cr
& h^{p,q}(d,n) > h^{p+1,q-1}(d,n) \hbox{ if $p \ge q$} \cr
\noindent{\bf Proof:\ }{} It is enough to prove the inequalities when $X_{d,n}$
is the Fermat hypersurface defined by
$F_d(x) = x_0^d + \cdots + x_{n+1}^d = 0$. Because of the
symmetry $h^{p,q} = h^{q,p}$, it is also enough to prove
the inequalities for $p \ge q$. To this end recall that
$h^{p,q} = \dim R^a$,
where $R$ is the Jacobian ring for $F_d$ and where $a = (q+1)d - (n+2)$
is the degree of the adjoint polynomial in the numerator
of the expression
\hbox{res}\, { A \Omega \over F_d^{q+1} }.
Now there is a map $\mu: R^{a(q,d)}(F_d) \map R^{a(q,d+1)}(F_{d+1})$ defined
by $\mu(P) = (x_0 \cdots x_q) P$. This makes sense because
$q \le n$. We claim that that resulting map from $H^{p,q}(X_{d,n})$ to
$H^{p,q}(X_{d+1,n})$ is injective but not surjective.
To prove the claim, observe that the Jacobian ideal is generated by
the powers $x_i^{d-1}$ and so
has a vector space basis consisting of monomials $x^M$. The same
is true of the quotient ring $R(F_d)$.
Indeed, a basis is given by (the classes of)
those monomials not divisible by $x_i^{d-1}$
for any $i$. Now consider a polynomial which represents
an element of the kernel of $\mu$.
It can be be chosen to be a linear combination of monomials $x^M$ which are not
divisible by $x_i^{d-1}$ for any $i$. Its image is represented by a linear
combination of monomials $(x_0 \cdots x_q)x^M$. Each of these is divisible by some
$x_i^d$. Thus either $x^M$ is divisible by $x_i^d$, $i > q$, a contradiction,
or by $x_i^{d-1}$, $i \le q$, also a contradiction. Thus injectivity part the claim
is established.
For the surjectivity part note that image of the map $\mu$ has a basis of monomials
$x^M$ which are divisible by $x_i$ for $i = 0 \commadots q$. Thus, to show that
$\mu$ is not surjective it suffices to show that there is a monomial for
$R^{a(q,d+1)}(F_{d+1})$ that is not divisible by $x_0$. Such a monomial has the
$x_1^{M_1} \cdots x_{n+2}^{M_{n+2}}$ where $M_i \le d-1$. It
exists if $a(q,d+1) \le (n+1)(d-1)$. The largest relevant values of
$q$ and $a(q,d+1)$ are $n/2$ and $(n/2 + 1)d - (n+2)$. For these the
preceding inequality holds and so the first inequality
of the lemma holds strictly.
For the second inequality we use the fact that basis elements for the
Jacobian ring of $F_d$ correspond to lattice points of the cube in $(n+2)$-space
defined by the inequalities $0 \le m_i \le d-2$. A basis for $R^a$
corresponds to the set of lattice points which lie on the convex subset $C(a)$
of the cube obtained by slicing it with the hyperplane $m_0 + \cdots + m_{n+1} =
a$. The volume of $C(a)$ is a strictly increasing function of $a$ for
$0 \le a \le t/2$, where $t = (n+2)(d-2)$. For $t/2 \le a \le t$ the volume
function $V(a)$ is strictly decreasing, and in general its graph is symmetric around
$a = t/2$. Let $L(a)$ be the number of lattice points in $C(a)$. If $L(a)$ satisfies
the same monotonicity properties as does $V(a)$, then the second inequality
follows. To show this, we prove the following result.
\proclaim{Lemma.} Let $L_{d,n}(k)$ be the number of points in the set
$\LL_{d,n}(k) = \sett{ x \in \Z^n }{ 0 \le x_i \le d,\ x_1 + \cdots + x_n = k }$.
Assume that $n > 1$. Then $L_{d,n}(k)$ is a strictly increasing function of $k$ for $k < dn/2$
and is symmetric around $k = dn/2$.
\noindent{\bf Proof:\ }{} Symmetry follows from the bijection
$\LL_{d,n}(k) \map \LL_{d,n}(dn - k)$ given by $x \mapsto \delta - x$
where $\delta = (d \commadots d)$. We shall say that these two sets
are dual to eachother. For the inequality we argue by induction, noting
first that
$L_{d,2}(k) = k + 1$ for $k \le d$. Now observe that $\LL_{d,n}(k)$
can be written as a disjoint union of sets
$S_i = \sett{ x \in \LL_{d,n}(i) }{ x_n = k-i }$ where $i$ ranges from
$k-d$ to $k$. Thus
L_{d,n}(k) = \sum_{i = k-d}^k L_{d,n-1}(i) .
L_{d,n}(k+1) - L_{d,n}(k) = L_{d,n-1}(k+1) - L_{d,n-1}(k-d) .
By the induction hypothesis the right-hand side is positive if
$k-d < (n-1)d/2$ and if $k+1$ is not greater than the index dual to $k-d$,
namely $(n-1)d - (k-d)$. Thus we require also that $k+1 \le (n-1)d - (k-d)$.
Both inequalities hold if $k < nd/2$, which is what we assume. Thus the proof
is complete.
\subheading{Dimension of the eigenspaces.}
We close this section by noting that the eigenspaces $H^n(X)(\lambda)$
for $\lambda\ne 1$ all have the same dimension, explaining why the
primitive middle Betti number is divisible by $d-1$, where $d$ is the
degree. Indeed, we have the following,
\dim H^n(X,\C)(\lambda)
= \dim H^n(X,\C)(\mu)
= \dim H^n(\P^n - B,\C) + (-1)^n .
When the degree is prime there is a short proof: consider the field $k
= \Q[\omega]$ where $\omega$ is a primitive $d$-th root of unity and
observe that its Galois group permutes the factors $H^n(X,k)(\lambda)$
for $\lambda \ne 1$. For the general case let $p: X \map \P^n$ be the
projection and note that $H^n(X,\C) = H^n(\P^n, p_*\C)$. The group of
$d$-th roots of unity acts on $p_*\C$ and decomposes it into
eigensheaves $\C_\lambda$, where $\lambda^d = 1$. Thus the
$\lambda$-th eigenspace of $H^n(X,\C)$ can be identified with
$H^n(\P^n,\C_\lambda)$. The component for $\lambda = 1$ is
one-dimensional and is spanned by the hyperplane class. For $\lambda
\ne 1$ the sheaf $\C_\lambda$ is isomorphic to the extension by zero
of its restriction to $\P^n - B$. Thus the eigenspace can be
identified with $H^n(\P^n - B, \C_\lambda)$. By the argument of
lecture 8 in
\cite{CKM} used in the proof of vanishing theorems, the groups $H^i(\P^n - B,
\C_\lambda)$ vanish for
$i \ne n$, $\lambda \ne 1$. Thus $\dim H^n(\P^n - B,\C_\lambda) =
(-1)^n \chi(\lambda)$, where $ \chi(\lambda)$ is the Euler
characteristic of $\C_\lambda$. Fix a suitable open tubular
neighborhood $U$ of $B$ and a good finite cell decomposition $K$ of
$\P^n - U$. Then $\chi(\lambda)$ is the Euler characteristic of the
complex of $\C_\lambda$-valued cochains on $K$, which depends only on
the number of cells in each dimension, not on $\lambda$. This
establishes the first equality above. For the second use
$\chi(\lambda) = \chi(1)$ and the vanishing of $H^i(\P^n - B,\C)$ for
$i \ne n, 0$.
\section{Remarks and open questions}
We close with some remarks on (a) the possiblity of an isomorphism $\Phi \cong
\Gamma\times\Gamma'$, (b) the impossibility of producing additional
representations by iterating the suspension (globally), and (c) generalizations of
the main theorem.
\subheading{(A) Products}
So far everything that has been said is consistent with
an isomorphism between $\Phi$ and the product
$\Gamma\times\Gamma'$, where $\Gamma'$ is the monodromy group
$\bar \rho'(\Phi)$. This, however, is not
the case, at least for surfaces, for we can show that {\sl if $k$ is a divisor of $d$ and $d$ is
odd, then $\Phi_{d,2}$ and $\Gamma\times\Gamma'$ are not isomorphic}.
The argument is based on the fact that the abelianization
of $\Phi$ is a cyclic group of order equal to the
degree of the discriminant, which we denote by $r$.
This is because (a) the generators $g_1 \commadots g_r$ of $\Phi$ are mutually
conjugate, hence equal in the abelianization, (b) $g_1 \cdots g_r = 1$, (c)
the additional relations are trivial when abelianized. See \cite{Zar}.
For the last point note that $\Phi$ is also the fundamental group
of the complement of a generic plane section $\Delta'$
of $\Delta$. This complement has nodes and cusps as its
only singularities. The nodes yield relations of the
form $gg' = g'g$ where $g$ and $g'$ are conjugates of the
given generators. The cusps yield braid relations
$gg'g = g'gg'$. Both are trivial in the abelianization.
Thus the abelianization is generated by a single
element with relation $g^r = 1$. The degree of
the discriminant is given in \cite{DolgLib}, page 6, line 2:
r = \hbox{deg}(\Delta) = 4(d-1)^3.
If $\Phi$ is isomorphic to the Cartesian product,
then there is a corresponding isomorphism of abelianizations.
Let us therefore compute what we can of
the abelianizations of $\Gamma$ and $\Gamma'$.
For $\Gamma$ we note that the generators are the elements
$g_i$ as above satisfying additional relations which include
$g_i^2 = 1$. Therefore $\Gamma$ abelianized is a quotient of $\Z/2$.
Consider next the case of $\Gamma'$ for cyclic covers of
degree $k$. Then $\Gamma'$
is a product of groups
$\Gamma'(i)$ for $i = 1 \commadots k-1$. Generators
and relations are as in the previous case except that
among the additional relations are $g_i^{2k} = 1$ instead of $g_i^2 = 1$.
Therefore the abelianization is a quotient of $\Z/{2k}$.
Consequently the abelianization of the
product $\Gamma\times \Gamma'$ is a quotient
of the product of $\Z/2$ with a product of $\Z/2k$'s.
But the largest the order of an element in such
a quotient can be is $2k$, which is always
less than the degree of the discriminant,
provided that $d > 2$, which is the case.
\subheading{(B) Suspensions}
Since $\Phi$ is not in general isomorphic to
$\Gamma\times\Gamma'$ it is natural to ask
whether there are further representations
with large kernels. One potential
construction of new representations is
given by iterating the suspension. By this we mean that
we take repeated double covers. Unfortunately,
this produces nothing new, since it turns
out that the global suspension is periodic of period two.
To make a precise statement, let $P(x)$ be a polynomial
of degree $2d$ which defines
a smooth hypersurface $X$ in $\P^n$.
Let $X(2)$ be the hypersurface defined by
P(x) + y_1^2 + y_2^2
in a weighted projective space $\P^{n+2}$
where the $x_i$ have weight one and the
$y_i$ have weight $d$. {\sl Then there is an
H^n_o(X)\otimes T \map H^{n+2}_o(X(2)),
where $T$ is a trivial Hodge structure
of dimension one and type $(1,1)$ and
where the subscript denotes primitive cohomology}.
For the proof we note that the map
{ A\Omega(x) \over P^{q+1} }
{ A\Omega(x, y_1, y_2) \over ( y_1^2 + y_2^2 +P )^{q+2} }
is well-defined and via the residue provides an isomorphism
compatible with the Hodge filtrations which is defined over the
complex numbers. However, it can be defined geometrically
and so is defined over the integers. To see why, consider
first the trivial case $g(x) = f(x) + y_1^2 + y_2^2 = 0$ in affine
coordinates, where $x$ is a scalar variable and $f$ has degree
$2d$. Thus $f(x) = 0$ defines a finite point set, and
$g(x) = 0$ is its double suspension. Let $p$ be one point
of the given finite set. Then $f(p) = 0$, so the locus
$\sett{ (p,y_1,y_2) }{ y_1^2 + y_2^2 = 0 }$ lies on the double
suspension. This locus is a pair of lines meeting in a point, and
the statement remains true in projective coordinates. Thus we
may associate to $p$ a difference of lines $\ell_p - \ell'_p$.
This map induces an isomorphism $H_0(X,\Z) \map H_2(X(2),\Z)$
which is in fact a morphism of Hodge structures. For the general
case we parametrize the construction just made. The map in cohomology
which corresponds to the previous construction is the dual of the
inverse of the map in homology.
\subheading{(C) Generalizations}
The main theorem \xref{maintheorem} can be generalized in a number of
ways. First, using the techniques of \cite{Tu}, it is certainly
possible to get sharp results for various kinds of weighted
hypersurfaces, just as we have obtained sharp results for standard
hypersurfaces. Second, one can prove a quite general (but not
sharp) result that reflects the fairly weak hypothesis of criterion
\proclaim{Theorem} Let $L$ be a positive line bundle on a projective
algebraic manifold $M$ of dimension at least three. Let $P$ be the
projectivization of the space of sections of $L^d$, and let $\Delta$
be the discrimant locus defined by sections of $L^d$ whose zero set $Z$
is singular. Then for $d$ sufficiently large the kernel of
the monodromy representation of $\Phi = \pi_1(P - \Delta)$ is large
and its image is a lattice.
The monodromy representation has the primitive cohomology
H^{m-1}(Z)_0 = \mathop{kernel}{\left[ H^{m-1}(Z) \mapright{Gysin} H^{m+1}(M)
as underlying vector space. The results needed for the proof are all in
the literature. First, note that the condition that a section $s$ of
$L^d$ have a singularity of type ``$x^3 + y^3 + z^4 + \hbox{sum of
squares}$'' at a given point is set of linear conditions and so can be
satisfied for $d$ sufficiently large. Consequently by the
Beauville-Ebeling-Janssen argument, the image of the natural monodromy
representation is a lattice. Second, by the results of Green
\cite{GreenPM}, the local Torelli theorem for cyclic covers holds for $d$
sufficiently large, so some component of the second monodromy
representation has nonzero differential. The standard argument used
just following Theorem
\xref{practicaldensitycriterion} proves that the discriminant locus is
irreducible, and so Theorem
\xref{udensityprop} applies to give Zariski-density for the
second monodromy representation. Finally, the Hodge numbers, like the
standard case of projective hypersurfaces, are polynomials in $d$ with
positive leading coefficient and of degree equal to the dimension of
$M$. Consequently they are large for $d$ large, and therefore both the
real and complex rank of the relevant algebraic groups can be assumed
sufficiently large by taking $d$ large enough. Thus the hypotheses of
criterion \xref{largekernelcriterion} are satisfied.
For a quick proof of the statement on the behavior of the Hodge numbers,
consider first the Poincar\'e residue sequence
0 \map \Omega^m_M \map \Omega^m_M(L^d) \map \Omega^{m-1}_Z \map 0,
where $Z$ is a smooth divisor of $L^d$ and $m$ is the dimension of $M$.
From the Kodaira vanishing theorem we have
\mathop{cokernel}{ \left[
H^0(\Omega^m_M) \map H^0(\Omega^m_M(L^d))
\right] }.
By the Riemann-Roch theorem the dimension of the right-most term
is a polynomial with leading coefficient $Cd^m$, while
the dimension of the middle term is constant as a
function of $d$. Therefore the Hodge number in question
is a polynomial in $d$ of the required form.
For the other Hodge numbers we use the identification
\mathop{cokernel}{ \left[ H^0(\Omega^{m-1}_Z\otimes\Theta_M\otimes
N_Z^{q-1} )
H^0(\Omega^{m-1}_Z\otimes N_Z^q) \right] },
where $N$ is the normal bundle of $Z$ in $M$, where $\Theta_M$
is the holomorphic tangent bundle of $M$, and where $p+q=m-1$. See Proposition 6.2,
\cite{JC}, a consequence of Green's Koszul cohomology formula (Theorem
4.f.1 in \cite{GreenKC}) for $d$ sufficiently large. Now tensor the
Poincar\'e residue sequence with $L^{qd}$ to get
\Omega^{m-1}_Z \otimes N_Z^q
0 .
From the Kodaira vanishing theorem and the Riemann-Roch formula one
finds that the dimension of the right-hand part of the cokernel formula
is a polynomial with leading term $C((q+1)d)^m$, where
$C = c_1(L)^m/m!$. A similar argument shows that the dimension of
the left-hand part is a polynomial with leading coefficient
$C(qd)^m$. Thus the leading term of $\dim H^q(\Omega^p)_0$ is bounded
below by a positive constant depending on $L$, $q$, and $M$, times $d^m$.
\subheading{(D) Questions.}
We close with some open questions. The main
problem is, of course, to understand the nature of
the groups $\Phi_{d,n}$. Are they linear?
Are they residually finite? It
seems reasonable to conjecture that in general
they are not linear groups, and, in particular,
are not lattices in Lie groups. We settle this last question
for $\Phi_{3,2}$ in the note \cite{ACT}.
The structure of $\Phi_{d,n}$ is
closely related to the structure of the
kernel $K$ of the natural monodromy
representation. For $n=0$, $K$ is the pure $d$-strand
braid group the sphere and so is finitely
generated. For $(d,n) = (3,2)$, the case of cubic
surfaces, $K$ is not finitely generated (see \cite{ACT}).
It is therefore natural to ask when $K$ is finitely generated
and when it is not.
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Surfaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris {\bf 326}, ser I, pp 49-54 (1998)
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Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
[email protected] $\qquad$ [email protected]
http://xxx.lanl.gov --- alg-geom/9708002
To appear in Duke J. Math.
1997-08-14T10:59:42 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708012 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708012 | [
] | alg-geom/9708012 | Lothar Goettsche | Barbara Fantechi, Lothar G\"ottsche, Duco van Straten | Euler number of the compactified Jacobian and multiplicity of rational
curves | LaTeX, 16 pages with 1 figure | null | null | null | null | We show that the Euler number of the compactified Jacobian of a rational
curve $C$ with locally planar singularities is equal to the multiplicity of the
$\delta$-constant stratum in the base of a semi-universal deformation of $C$.
In particular, the multiplicity assigned by Yau, Zaslow and Beauville to a
rational curve on a K3 surface $S$ coincides with the multiplicity of the
normalisation map in the moduli space of stable maps to $S$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 14 Aug 1997 08:59:50 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"van Straten",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $C$ be a reduced and irreducible projective curve with singular set
$\Sigma \subset C$ and let $n: \widetilde{C} \longrightarrow C$ be
its normalisation. The generalised Jacobian $JC$ of $C$ is an extension of
$J\widetilde{C}$ by an affine commutative group of dimension
$$\delta:=\dim H^0(n_*({\cal O}_{\widetilde{C}})/{\cal O}_C)=\sum_{p \in \Sigma}
so that $\dim JC=\dim J\widetilde{C} +\delta=g(\widetilde{C})+\delta$
is equal to
the arithmetic genus $g_a(C)$ of $C$. The non-compact space $JC$
is naturally an
open subset of the {\em compactified Jacobian} ${\overline{J}} C$ of $C$,
whose points
correspond to isomorphism classes of rank one torsion free sheaves
${\cal F}$ of degree
zero (i.e. $\chi({\cal F})=1-g_a(C)$) on $C$. The space ${\overline{J}} C$ is irreducible
if and only
if $C$ has planar singularities; then ${\overline{J}} C$ is in fact a
compactification of
$JC$, i.e., $JC$ is dense in ${\overline{J}} C$. If moreover $C$ is rational
and unibranch,
then ${\overline{J}} C$ is topologically the product of compact spaces
$M(C,p)$ for every
$p\in \Sigma$. The space $M(C,p)$ only depends on the
analytic singularity
$(C,p)$; it can be defined as ${\overline{J}} D$ for any rational curve $D$
having $(C,p)$ as
unique singularity.\\
Let $B=B(C,p)$ be the base of a semi-universal deformation of
the singularity
$(C,p)$. Inside $B$ let $B^\delta=B^\delta(C,p)$ be
the locus of points for which $\delta$ remains constant. This
means that
$$t \in B^\delta \Leftrightarrow \sum_{p \in C_t} \delta(C_t,p)
The codimension of $B^\delta$ is $\delta(C,p)$; its multiplicity
$m(C,p)$ at
$[(C,p)]$ is by definition equal to the
number of intersection points with a generic $\delta$-dimensional
smooth subspace
of $B$. The $\delta$-constant stratum can be defined in a similar
way for a
semi-universal deformation of a projective curve with only planar
In this paper we show the following theorem.
{\bf Theorem 1.}
{\sl Let $(C,p)$ be a reduced plane curve singularity. Then the
Euler number of
$M(C,p)$ is
equal to the multiplicity of the $\delta$-constant stratum:
Let $C$ be a projective, reduced rational curve with only planar
Then $e({\overline{J}} C)= m(C)$, the multiplicity of the $\delta$-constant
$B^\delta$ at $0$.}
Note that this gives an independent proof of the following result
of Beauville:
Let $C$ be an irreducible and reduced rational curve with planar
Then $e({\overline{J}} C)$
can be written as a product over the singularities of $C$ of a
number only
depending on the type of the singularity, and it is the same
for $C$ and its
minimal unibranch partial normalisation.
Theorem 1 has an application in the following situation.
Let $X$ be a (smooth) $K3$ surface with a complete
(hence $g$-dimensional) linear
system of curves of genus $g$.
Under the assumption that all curves in the system are
irreducible and reduced,
it was shown in \cite{Y-Z} and \cite{B} that the ``number''
$n(g)$ of rational
occuring in the linear system, is equal to the $g^{\rm th}$
coefficient of the
$24^{\rm th}$ power of
the partition function, i.e:
$$\sum_{g \ge 0}n(g)q^g=\frac{q}{\Delta(q)}$$
where $\Delta(q)=q\prod_{n \ge 1}(1-q^n)^{24}$.
In this counting, a rational curve $C$ in the linear
system contributes
$e({\overline{J}} C)$ to $n(g)$:
$$n(g)=\sum_{C} e({\overline{J}} C).$$
If $C$ is a rational curve with only nodes as singularities,
then $e({\overline{J}} C) =1$,
so that $e( {\overline{J}} C)$
seems to be a reasonable notion of multiplicity.
Theorem 1 implies that $e({\overline{J}} C)$
is always positive, and in principle allows an
explicit computation of it (see
section {G}).\\
In fact, we prove a more precise statement. For any
projective scheme $Y$ and
$d \in H_2(Y,{\bf Z})$ let $M_{0,0}(Y, d)$ be the
moduli space of
genus zero stable maps $f: {\bf P}^1 \longrightarrow Y$ with
$f_*([{\bf P}^1])=d$.
Under the above assumptions on the K3 surface $X$
and the linear system
corresponding to
$d$, the space $M_{0,0}(X,d)$ is a zero-dimensional scheme.
If $C \stackrel{i}{\hookrightarrow} X$ is a rational
curve in $X$ (always assumed
to be irreducible and reduced), $n:{\bf P}^1 \longrightarrow C$ its
normalisation, then $f=i
\circ n:{\bf P}^1 \longrightarrow X$ is a point of
$M_{0,0}(X,d)$. The moduli space
$M_{0,0}(X,d)$ contains naturally as a closed subscheme
$M_{0,0}(C,[C])$, the submoduli space of maps whose scheme
theoretic image
is $C$; the latter scheme is of course defined for any
projective reduced curve
$C$, and it is zero-dimensional if the curve is rational.
More generally, $M_{g,0}(C,[C])$ is zero dimensional, where
$g$ denotes the genus of the normalisation of $C$. The following
theorem gives another
interpretation of $e({\overline{J}} C)$ in terms of the length of such
{\bf Theorem 2.}
{\sl Let $C$ be a reduced, irreducible projective curve with
only planar
singularities, and let $g$ be the genus of its normalisation.
Then $m(C)=l(M_{g,0}(C,[C]))$. If moreover $C$ is rational and
contained in a
smooth $K3$ surface $X$, then $e({\overline{J}} C)=
l(M_{0,0}(X,d),f)$ (length of the zero-dimensional component
supported at $f$).}
We now sketch briefly the idea of the proof of Theorem 1.
Let ${\cal C}\to B$ be a semi-universal family of deformations
of a curve $C$
with planar singularities. We prove that the relative
compactified Jacobian $\bar
J {\cal C}$ is smooth; moreover, given any deformation ${\cal C}'\to S$
of $C$ with a smooth
base, $\bar J{\cal C}'$ is smooth if and only if the image of $TS$
is transversal in
$TB$ to the $\delta$-codimensional vector space $V$, the
support of the tangent
cone to the $\delta$-constant stratum $B^\delta$.
Assume now $C$ is rational and has $p$ as unique singularity.
We have to show that
$e(\bar JC)=m(C,p)$. Choose a one-parameter family $W_t$
of smooth
$\delta$-dimensional subspaces of $B$ such that $0\in W_0$,
V=\{0\}$, and for general $t$ the intersection
$W_t\cap B^\delta$ is a set of
$m(C,p)$ distinct points corresponding to nodal
Let ${\cal C}_t\to W_t$ be the induced families. Then
$\bar J{\cal C}_t$ is a family of
smooth compact varieties, hence $e(\bar J{\cal C}_t)$
does not depend on $t$. Arguing as in
\cite{Y-Z} and \cite{B}, we prove that
$e(\bar J{\cal C}_0)=e({\overline{J}} C)$, while $e({\overline{J}} {\cal C}_t)=m(C,p)$
for $t$ general.
{\bf Conventions.} In this paper we will always work
over the complex numbers, and
open will mean open in the strong (euclidean) topology
(unless of course we specify Zariski open).
{\bf Preliminaries.} We will use the language of
deformation functors; we recall a
few facts about them for the reader's convenience.
A deformation functor $D$ will always be a covariant
functor from local artinian
${\bf C}$-algebras to sets, satisfying Schlessinger's
conditions $(H1)$, $(H2)$,
$(H3)$, hence admitting a hull (see \cite{Sch}).
In particular $D$ admits a
finite-dimensional tangent space, which we denote by
$TD$, functorial in $D$. A
functor is smooth if its hull is. The dimension of
the functor will be equal to
the dimension of the hull. We will need the following
elementary result.
{\bf Lemma.} {\sl Let $X\to Y$ and $Z\to Y$ be morphisms
of smooth deformation
functors. Then $X\times_YZ$ is smooth of dimension
$\dim X+\dim Z-\dim Y$ if and
only if the images of $TX$ and $TZ$ span $TY$.}\\
{\bf Proof.} Base change considerations reduce the
problem to the case of
prorepresentable functors, where it is obvious.\hfill $\Diamond$
It would be possible to replace deformation functors
with contravariant functors
on the category of germs of complex spaces, and the
hull with the base of a
semi-universal family of deformations.
The two viewpoints correspond to working with formal
versus convergent power
{\bf Acknowledgements.} This paper was written at the
Mittag-Leffler Institute in
Stockholm, during a special year on Enumerative Geometry.
The authors are grateful
for the support received and for making our
collaboration possible.
The first author is a member of GNSAGA of CNR.
\section{A. Deformations of curves and sheaves.}
Let $C$ be a reduced projective curve, with
singular set $\Sigma$.
Any deformation ${\cal C} \longrightarrow S$ of $C$ over a
base $S$ induces a deformation of its
singularities. More
precisely, one can introduce the {\em functor
of local deformations} by
$D^{loc}(C)(T)$ be the set of isomorphism
classes of data $(U_i,U_i^T)_{i\in
I}$, where $(U_i)_{i\in I}$ is an affine open
cover of $C$ and,
for each $i$, $U_i^T$ is a deformation of $U_i$
over $T$; we require that the
induced deformations of $U_{ij}:=U_i\cap U_j$
be the same.
There is a natural
transformation of functors $\hbox{\sl loc}: D(C) \longrightarrow D^{loc}(C)$;
the induced map of
tangent spaces can be identified with the edge homomorphism
$${\bf T}_C^1 \longrightarrow H^0({\cal T}_C^1)$$
of the local-to-global spectral sequence for the ${\cal T}^i$.
The kernel of this map is $H^1(\Theta_C)$, the cokernel
injects in
$H^2(\Theta_C)$ which is zero. The obstruction space
${\bf T}_C^2$ sits
in an exact sequence
$$0 \longrightarrow H^1({\cal T}_C^1) \longrightarrow {\bf T}_C^2 \longrightarrow H^0({\cal T}_C^2)
\longrightarrow 0.$$
As $C$ is reduced, ${\cal T}_C^1$ is supported on a finite
set of points, hence
$H^1({\cal T}_C^1)=0$. If $C$ has locally complete
intersection singularities, then also ${\cal T}_C^2 =0$, so that
in that case ${\bf T}_C^2=0$. Hence in such a situation, and
in particular when
$C$ is a reduced curve with only planar singularities, the
functors $D(C)$ and $D^{loc}(C)$ are smooth and $\hbox{\sl loc}$
is a smooth map.
Let ${\cal F}$ be a torsion free coherent sheaf on $C$. Analogously
, we denote by
$D(C,{\cal F})$ the functor of deformations of the pair, and
define the functor of
local deformations by letting $D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})(T)$ be the
set of isomorphism
classes of data $(U_i,U_i^T,F_i^T)_{i\in I}$ where
$(U_i)_{i\in I}$ is an affine
open cover of $C$, and for each $i$, $(U_i^T,F_i^T)$
is a $T$-deformation
of $(U_i,{\cal F}|_{U_i})$ such that the induced deformations
on $U_{ij}$ are the same.
Again we have a localisation map
$D(C,{\cal F})\to D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})$.
The four functors introduced sit in a natural commutative diagram
D(C,{\cal F}) & \longrightarrow & D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})\\
D(C) & \longrightarrow & D^{loc}(C)\\
with horizontally localisation maps and vertically forget maps.
Note that this diagram in general is {\em not} cartesian.
{\bf Proposition A.1.} {\sl
The canonical map
$$ D(C,{\cal F}) \longrightarrow D(C) \times_{D^{loc}(C)}D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})$$
is smooth.}
{\bf Proof.}
We have to show the following: Let ${\cal F}_T$, $C_T$ be flat
deformations of
$C$ and ${\cal F}$ over $T$, $\xi_T \in D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})(T)$
the induced local
deformation. If we are given lifts $C_{T'}$ and $\xi_{T'}$
over a
small extension $T'$ of $T$, then we can lift ${\cal F}_T$ to
a deformation
${\cal F}_{T'}$ of ${\cal F}$ over $C_{T'}$ inducing $\xi_{T'}$.
This can be done
as follows: choose an affine open cover $U_i$ of $C$
such that $\xi_{T'}$
is defined by coherent sheaves $F_i'$ on the induced
cover $U_{i,T'}$ of $C_{T'}$.
Assume also that $U_{ij}:=U_i\cap U_j$ is smooth for every $i\ne j$.
Let $F_i$ be the restriction of $F_i'$ to $U_{i,T}$.
The fact that ${\cal F}$ induces
$\xi_T$ means that we can find isomorphisms
$\phi_i:{\cal F}_T|_{U_{i,T}}\to F_i$.
The $\phi_i$ induce isomorphisms $\phi_{ij}:F_i\to F_j$
over $U_{ij,T}$,
satisfying the cocycle condition. What we need to prove
is that the $\phi_{ij}$
can be lifted to $\phi_{ij}':F'_i\to F'_j$, again
satisfying the cocycle
condition; then the $\phi_{ij}'$ can be used to glue
together the $F_i'$'s to
a coherent sheaf ${\cal F}_{T'}$ as required. But on $U_{ij}$
all the sheaves under
consideration are line bundles, hence the obstruction to
the existence of such a
lifting is an element in $H^2(C_,{\cal O}_{C})$, which is
zero as $C$ has dimension
$1$. \hfill $\Diamond$
If $R$ is a ring and $M$ is an $R$-module, we denote by $D(R)$,
respectively $D(R,M)$ the corresponding deformation functors.
{\bf Lemma A.2}. {\sl Let $C$ be a reduced projective curve, ${\cal F}$
a torsion free
module on $C$. Let $\Sigma$ denote the singular locus.
Then the natural morphisms of functors $$
D^{loc}(C)\to \prod_{p\in \Sigma}D({\cal O}_{C,p})\qquad
\hbox{\sl and}\qquad
D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})\to \prod_{p\in \Sigma}D({\cal O}_{C,p},{\cal F}_p)$$
are isomorphisms.}
{\bf Proof.} Both morphisms are clearly injective. On the other
surjectivity is obvious since on the smooth open locus, every
deformation is locally trivial and every torsion free sheaf is
locally free.
\hfill $\Diamond$
{\bf Proposition A.3}. {\sl Let $P$ be a regular local ring of
dimension $2$,
$f\in P$ a nonzero element, and $R=P/(f)$; assume that $R$ is
reduced. Let $M$ be
a finitely generated, torsion free
$R$-module of rank $1$. Then $D(R,M)$ is a smooth functor.}
{\bf Proof.}
As it is torsion free, the module $M$ has depth $1$. By the
Auslander-Buchsbaum theorem (see e.g. \cite{Ma}), $M$ has a
free resolution of length $1$ as a $P$-module, so is
represented as the cokernel
of some
$n \times n$ matrix $A$ with entries from $P$:
$$ 0 \longrightarrow P^n \stackrel{A}{\longrightarrow}P^n \longrightarrow M \longrightarrow 0$$
As $M$ is an $R$-module of rank $1$, the determinant ideal
$(det(A))$ is equal
to $(f)$.\\
Any flat deformation $M_T$ of $M$ over $T$ (as $P$-module)
is obtained by
deforming the matrix
$A$ to a matrix $A_T$ with entries from
$P_T:=T \otimes_{{\bf C}} P$, so that
$M_T$ has a presentation
$$0 \longrightarrow P_T^n \stackrel{A_T}{\longrightarrow}P_T^n \longrightarrow M_T \longrightarrow 0.$$
There is a unique deformation $R_T$ of $R$ over $T$
such that $M_T$ is a flat $R_T$-module, given by the ideal
It follows that the natural transformation
$$D(A) \longrightarrow D(R,M)\qquad A_T \mapsto
is {\em smooth}.
As $D(A)$, the functor of deformations of the matrix $A$,
is clearly smooth,
the functor $D(R,M)$ is also smooth. \hfill $\Diamond$
Note that in the assumption of A.3, although both functors
$D(R,M)$ and $D(R)$ are
smooth, the forgetful morphism $D(R,M)\to D(R)$ is not smooth
in general.
{\bf Remark A.4.} Let $R$ be a one-dimensional local
${\bf C}$-algebra, and let $M$ be a finitely generated torsion free
$R$-module. Let $\hat R$ be the completion of $R$, and
$\hat M=M\otimes_R\hat R$.
The natural morphism $D(R,M)\to D(\hat R, \hat M)$
is smooth and induces an isomorphism on tangent spaces,
and the same is true for
$D(R)\to D(\hat R)$. In fact it is easy to see that
the induced morphisms of
tangent and obstruction spaces are isomorphisms.
\section{B. Relative compactified Jacobians.}
For any flat projective family of curves ${\cal C}\to S$
we let ${\overline{J}} {\cal C}\to S$
be the
relative compactified Jacobian (see \cite{R}).
For every closed point $s \in S$
the fiber over $s$ of ${\overline{J}} {\cal C}$ is canonically
isomorphic to the compactified
Jacobian ${\overline{J}} C_s$;
in particular, its points correspond to isomorphism
classes of torsion free rank
$1$ degree zero sheaves on $C_s$.
Fix a point ${\cal F} \in {\overline{J}} {\cal C}$ over $s\in S$, and
denote again by $({\overline{J}}{\cal C},{\cal F})$ and $(S,s)$
the deformation functors induced by the respective
germs of complex spaces.
Let $C=C_s$. Remark that if ${\cal C} \longrightarrow S$ is a
semi-universal family of
deformations of $C$, then we have an isomorphism
of functors
$$ ({\overline{J}}{\cal C}, {\cal F}) \simeq D(C,{\cal F}) $$
For a general flat family one has a natural
commutative diagram
({\overline{J}}{\cal C},{\cal F}) & \longrightarrow & D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})\\
(S,s) & \longrightarrow & D^{loc}(C)\\
and analogous to {\bf A.1.} one has:
{\bf Proposition B.1.} {\sl
The canonical map
$$ ({\overline{J}}{\cal C},{\cal F}) \longrightarrow (S,s) \times_{D^{loc}(C)}
D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})$$
is smooth.}
We omit the proof, which is almost identical to
that of {\bf A.1.}
{\bf Corollary B.2.} {\sl
Let $C$ be a reduced curve with only plane curve
If ${\cal C}\to S$ is a versal family of deformations
of $C$, then ${\overline{J}} {\cal C}$ is smooth along ${\overline{J}} C$, and
${\overline{J}} C$ has local complete intersection singularities.}
{\bf Proof.} The family is versal if and only if the
natural map $S\to D(C)$ is
smooth. This in turn implies that $S\to D^{loc}(C)$
is smooth, hence the first
claim follows from Proposition B.1. On the other hand,
all fibres of ${\overline{J}} {\cal C}\to
S$ have the same dimension $g_a(C)$, therefore each of
them has local complete
intersection singularities. \hfill $\Diamond$
{\bf Corollary B.3.} {\sl With the same assumptions as
B.2, let ${\cal C}'\to S'$ be
any deformation of $C$ with smooth base $S'$. Let ${\cal F}$
be a torsion free rank $1$
degree zero coherent sheaf on $C$. Then the relative
compactified Jacobian ${\overline{J}}
{\cal C}'$ is smooth at $[{\cal F}]$ if and only if the image
of $TS'$ in $TD^{loc}(C)$
is transversal to the image of $TD^{loc}(C,{\cal F})$.}
{\bf Proof.} We keep the notation of B.2. The dimension
of $\bar J{\cal C}'$ is equal
to $\dim S'+g_a(C)$.
As ${\overline{J}} {\cal C}'$ is equal to the fibred product of
${\overline{J}} {\cal C}$ and $S'$ over $S$,
it follows that ${\overline{J}} {\cal C}'$ is smooth at $[{\cal F}]$
if and only if the image
of $TS'$ in $TS$ is transversal to that of
$T({\overline{J}} {\cal C}, {\cal F})$. Proposition B.1
implies that the image of $T({\overline{J}} {\cal C}, {\cal F})$
is the inverse image of the image of
$TD^{loc}(C,{\cal F})$ in $TD^{loc}(C)$.\hfill $\Diamond$
\section{C. The canonical sub-space $V$}
Let $C$ be a reduced curve with only planar
In this section we study the map
$$D^{loc}(C,{\cal F})\to D^{loc}(C)$$
at the level of tangent spaces. As both functors
are products corresponding to the
singularities of $C$ (Lemma A.2) and the tangent
spaces only depend on the formal
structure of the singularity (Remark A.4), it suffices
to analyse what happens for
D(R,M)\to D(R)$$
where $P={\bf C}[[x,y]]$, $R=P/(f)$, $f$ a non-zero
element of the maximal ideal
such that $R$ is reduced, and $M$ a torsion free rank one
$R$-module given by a presentation
$$ 0 \longrightarrow P^n \stackrel{A}{\longrightarrow}P^n \longrightarrow M \longrightarrow 0.$$
{\bf Proposition C.1.} {\sl The image of the map $
TD(R,M)\to TD(R)$
is the image of the first Fitting ideal $F_1(M)$ in the
quotient ring $TD(R)=P/(f,\partial_xf,\partial_yf)$.}\\
{\bf Proof.}
Let $E_{i,j}$ be the $n \times n$ matrix which has entry
$(i,j)$ equal to $1$ and
all other entries equal to zero. If $\epsilon^2=0$, then
$\det(A+\epsilon.E_{i,j})=\det(A)+\epsilon \wedge^{n-1}(A)_{i,j}$,
we see that by perturbing the matrix $A$ to first order, we
generate precisely the
of $(n-1) \times (n-1)$ minors of the matrix $A$ as first
order perturbations of
This is by definition the first Fitting ideal of $F_1(M)$.
\hfill $\Diamond$
Another description of the ideal $F_1(M)$ is the following
{\bf Proposition C.2.} {\sl $F_1(M)$ is the set of elements
$r\in R$ such that
$r=\varphi(m)$ for some $m\in M$, $\varphi\in Hom_R(M,R)$.
{\bf Proof.}
As $M$ is maximal Cohen-Macaulay, a resolution of $M$ as an
$R$-module will be
$2$-periodic of the form $$
\dots \longrightarrow R^n \stackrel{\bar B}{\longrightarrow} R^n \stackrel{\bar A}
{\longrightarrow} R^n \longrightarrow M \longrightarrow
for some $n\times n$ matrix with $P$-coefficients $B$ with
the property that $$
AB=BA=f{\bf 1}$$
and $\bar A$, $\bar B$ are the induced matrices with $R$
(see \cite{E} or \cite{Yo}).
From the $2$-periodicity it follows that there is an exact
sequence $$
0\longrightarrow M \longrightarrow R^n \stackrel{\bar A}{\longrightarrow} R^n \longrightarrow M\longrightarrow 0,$$
where $M=\ker A=\hbox{\rm im}\, B$. We split this sequence into $$
0\longrightarrow M\longrightarrow R^n \longrightarrow N\longrightarrow 0\\
0\longrightarrow N \longrightarrow R^n \longrightarrow M \longrightarrow 0.\end{array}$$
As $N$ is also torsion free and $R$ is Gorenstein,
$Ext^1_R(N,R)=0$ by local
duality. Hence we see from the first sequence that
the map $Hom_R(R^n,R)\longrightarrow
Hom_R(M,R)$ is surjective.
From this it follows that the ideal obtained by evaluating all
homomorphisms $\phi\in Hom_R(M,R)$ on all elements of $M$
is the same as the ideal generated by the entries of the
matrix $\bar B$.
As $M$ has rank $1$, it follows that $det(A)=f$,
and hence the matrix $B$ is the Cramer matrix
$(\Lambda^{n-1}A)^{tr}$ of $A$. The claim follows.
\hfill $\Diamond$
Locally, the normalisation $\widetilde C \longrightarrow C$ corresponds
to the inclusion of $R$ in its integral closure $\overline R$
$$R \hookrightarrow \overline R.$$
Recall that the conductor is the ideal $I=Hom_R(\overline R,R)$.
One has
$$I\subset R\subset \overline R$$
$dim(R/I)=dim(\overline R/R)=\delta(C,p)$.
As an important corollary of {Proposition C.2} we have
{\bf Corollary C.3.}
$F_1(M)\supset I$.\\
{\bf Proof.} Write $\overline R=\oplus \overline R_i$, with
$\overline R_i$ a
domain isomorphic to ${\bf C}[[t]]$. Let $Q(\overline R_i)$
be the quotient field
of $\overline R_i$, and let $Q(R)=\oplus Q(\overline R_i)$ be
the total quotient ring of $R$.
As $M$ has rank $1$, $M\otimes_RQ(R)$ is isomorphic to $Q(R)$;
as it is
torsion-free, the natural map $M\to M\otimes_RQ(R)$ is
injective. Hence up to
isomorphism we can assume that $M$ is a submodule of $Q(R)$.
Let $m\in M$ be an
element of minimal valuation
(it exists as $M$ is finitely generated). Then multiplication
by $m^{-1}$, an
isomorphism of $Q(R)$ as an $R$-module, sends $M$ to a submodule
of $\overline R$
containing $1$.
So we can assume that $R\subset M\subset \overline R$.
$c$ be any element of $I$.
Multiplication by $c$ defines a homomorpism
$\phi\in Hom_R(M,R)$ with
$\phi(1)=c$ (note that $1\in R\subset M$). Hence
$$\bigl\{\phi(m)\bigm| m\in M, \ \phi\in Hom(M,R)\bigr\}\supset I.$$
\hfill $\Diamond$
{\bf Remark C.4.} From the above description one also sees
that $F_1(\overline R)=I$. Hence the differential of the map
D(R)$ has minimal rank for $M=\overline R$.
Let $C$ be a reduced projective curve with only planar
singularities, $\Sigma$ its
singular locus. For $p\in \Sigma$, let $V_p$ be the
subspace of codimension
$\delta(C,p)$ in
$TD(C,p)$ generated by the conductor, and put
$$V^{loc}=\prod_{p \in \Sigma} V_p \subset
TD^{loc}(C) =\prod_{p \in
Let $V$ be the inverse image of $V^{loc}$ in $TD(C)$; note
that $V$ is a linear
subspace of codimension $\delta(C)$.
If $B$ is the base space of a semi-universal family of deformations
of $C$, then $TB$ is identified with $TD(C)$.
{\bf Proposition C.5.} {\sl Let ${\cal C}\to B$ be a semi-universal
family of
deformations of $C$. Then for any ${\cal F}\in \bar JC$ the image of
the tangent map
${\overline{J}} {\cal C}\to B$ at ${\cal F}$ contains the subspace $V$, and there
exists at least
one such ${\cal F}$ for which the image is exactly $V$. }
{\bf Proof.} The first statement follows immediately from
Proposition C.1 and
Corollary C.3, by applying Proposition B.1 and Lemma A.2.
The second statement
follows in the same way from Remark C.4; e.g., we can take
${\cal F}=n_*({\cal O}_{\tilde
C})$, where $n:\tilde C\to C$ is the normalisation map.
\hfill $\Diamond$
\section{D. The $\delta$-constant stratum.}
Let $C$ be a reduced curve with only planar singularities.
We denote by $B$ an
appropriate representative of the semi-universal
deformation of $C$. The stratum $B^\delta$ is defined as
the set of points where
the geometric genus of the fibres is constant.
This amounts to saying that
$$\sum_{x\in C_t} \delta(C_t,x)$$
is constant for $t\in B^\delta$
and equal to $g_a(C)-g(\widetilde C)$, hence the name.
The analytic set $B^\delta$ (we give it the reduced induced
structure) is very
singular in general, but its properties
can be related directly to the local $\delta$-constant strata
To be more precise, $B^\delta$ is the pullback of
$B^{\delta,loc}=\prod B^\delta(C,p)$ under the smooth map
$B\longrightarrow B^{loc}$.
So let $(C,p)\subset ({\bf C}^2,0)$ be a reduced plane curve
singularity, with normalisation
$$(\widetilde C,q)\stackrel{n}{\longrightarrow}(C,p),\qquad q=n^{-1}(p).$$
Note that in general $q$ will be a finite set of distinct points,
one for each
branch of $C$ at $p$.
We denote for brevity by $D(n)$ the functor of deformations of
C,q)\to (C,p)$ (that is, we are allowed to deform $C$ and
$\tilde C$ as well as
the map).
{\bf Lemma D.1.} {\sl $D(n)$ is smooth.}\\
{\bf Proof.} The morphism $D((C,p)\to ({\bf C}^2,0))
\longrightarrow D(n)$ (given by taking the image of the deformation of the map)
is smooth.
Hence it is enough to verify that $D((C,p)\to ({\bf C}^2,0)$ is smooth,
and this is obvious.\hfill $\Diamond$
{{\bf Theorem D.2.} (\cite{T}, \cite{D-H}).}
{\sl Let $(C,p)\subset ({\bf C}^2,0)$ be a reduced plane curve
$n:(\widetilde C,q) \longrightarrow(C,p) $ its normalisation.
Let $B(C,p)$ be a semi-universal family for $D(C,p)$ and
$$B^{\delta}(C,p)\subset B(C,p)$$
the $\delta$-constant stratum. Then one has:\\
The normalisation $\widetilde B^{\delta}(C,p)$ of
$B^\delta(C,p)$ is a smooth space. \\
{(2)} The pullback of the semi-universal family to
$\tilde B^\delta$ admits a
simultaneous resolution of singularities. This makes
$\widetilde B^{\delta}(C,p)$ into a semi-universal
family for $D(n)$.\\
The codimension of $B^\delta\subset B$ is $\delta(C,p)$.
Over the generic point $p\in B^{\delta}$, the curve $C_p$
has precisely
$\delta(C,p)$ double points as its only singularities.\\
(4) The tangent cone to the $\delta$-constant stratum is
supported on $V_p$, the
vector subspace generated by the conductor ideal. \hfill $\Diamond$}
The second half of (2) is in fact not explicitly stated
in either of \cite{T},
\cite{D-H}; however it follows easily from Lemma D.1. A
similar argument is
presented in the proof of Proposition F.2, so we don't
repeat it here.
\section{E. Proof of Theorem 1.}
Let $C$ be a reduced projective rational curve with only planar
We want to show that $e(\bar JC)=m(C)$. In particular let
$(C,p)$ be a reduced
plane curve singularity. Let $C$
be a projective rational curve that has $(C,p)$ as its only
singular point.
Then it follows that $e(\bar JC)=m(C,p)$.
Let $\Phi:{\cal C}\longrightarrow B$ be a semi-universal family of
deformations of $C$;
we denote its fibres by $C_s=\Phi^{-1}(s)$, $C_0=C$.
Let $\pi:{\overline{J}}{\cal C} \longrightarrow B$ be the corresponding family of compactified
We always assume that we have chosen discs as representatives
for the corresponding germs.
We may also assume that the induced morphism
$j:B\longrightarrow B^{loc}$ is smooth and has contractible fibres.
We choose a section $\sigma:B^{loc}\longrightarrow B$ of $j$ with $\sigma(0)=0$.
We will denote $\overline B:=\sigma(B^{loc})$,
$\overline B^\delta:=\sigma(B^\delta)$ and $\overline V:=\sigma(V)$.
Let $(W,0)\subset (\overline B,0)$ be a smooth subspace of dimension
$\delta+1$ containing the point $(0,0)$ together with a smooth map
$\lambda:(W,0)\longrightarrow (T,0)$ to a disc $(T,0)\subset ({\bf C},0)$.
$W$ is a one parameter family of $\delta$-dimensional subspaces
$W_t=\lambda^{-1}(t)\subset \overline B$.
We require in addition that $W_0$ is transverse to $V$.
\epsfxsize 4cm
\epsfysize 4cm
By {Theorem D.2} we can choose $W$ in such a way that
for $t\ne 0$ the fibre $W_t$ intersects $\overline B^\delta$ in
$mult(B^{\delta})$ points, and for $s\in W_t\cap \overline B^\delta$ the
corresponding curve $C_s$ has precisely $\delta$ nodes as singularities.
For $s\in W_t \setminus \overline B^\delta$ the curve $C_s$ will have
positive genus. Let $\bar \Delta\subset B$ be a closed disc, and let $Z
=W\cap \bar\Delta$.
We define the family $\rho:{\overline{J}}{\cal C}_Z\longrightarrow T$ by pullback:
&&{\overline{J}}{\cal C}_Z&\longrightarrow&{\overline{J}}{\cal C}\\
As we have chosen $W_0$ to be transversal to $V$, Proposition C.5
implies that $\rho$ is smooth along $\pi^{-1}(0)$; by making
$\bar\Delta$ and $T$
smaller we can assume
that $\rho$ is smooth. As $\rho$ is also proper,
all the fibres $\rho^{-1}(t)$ are diffeomorphic, in particular
they all have the
same Euler number.
The space $\rho^{-1}(t)$ is the union, for $s\in W_t$, of
$\bar JC_s$. We know
that if $C_s$ has positive geometric genus, then $e(\bar JC_s)$
is zero; arguing
as in \cite{B}, we obtain that $$
e(\rho^{-1}(t))=\sum_{s\in W_t\cap \bar B^\delta}e(\bar JC_s)$$
(note that if $s\in W_t$, then $C_s$ is rational if and only
if $s\in \bar
The intersection of $W_0\subset \overline B$ with
$\overline B^\delta$
consists only of the point $0$ corresponding to the curve $C$.
Therefore $e(\rho^{-1}(0))=e({\overline{J}} C)$.\\
On the other hand, for $t\ne 0$, $W_t$ intersects
$\overline B^{\delta}$ in $mult( B^\delta)$ points and for $s\in
\overline B^{\delta}\cap W_t$ the curve $C_s$ has precisely
nodes as singularities.
As for a nodal rational curve $C_s$, the Euler number
$e({\overline{J}} C_s)$ is equal to $1$, we obtain
\sum_{s\in W_t}e({\overline{J}} C_s)=\sum_{s\in W_t\cap \overline B^{\delta}}1=
So we get
$$e({\overline{J}} C)=e(\rho^{-1}(0))=e(\rho^{-1}(t))=mult(B^\delta).$$
\section{F. The invariant as length of moduli of stable maps}
Let $C$ be a reduced projective curve with only plane curve
singularities; let
$n:\tilde C\to C$ be its normalisation, and $g$ the genus of
$\tilde C$.
Let $m(C)=\prod m(C,p)$. The scheme $\overline M_{g,0}(C,[C])$
stable birational maps from a genus $g$ curve to $C$ contains
only one point,
namely the normalisation of $C$.
The aim of this section is to prove that its length is equal
to $m(C)$.
Note that if $C$ is an isolated rational curve inside a
smooth manifold $Y$,
$\overline M_{g,0}(C,[C])$ is naturally a closed subscheme
of $\overline
M_{g,0}(Y,[C])$; in particular, $m(C)$ is a lower bound
for the length of the
corresponding component of $M_{g,0}(Y,[C])$ (in case this
scheme also has
dimension zero).
Denote by $D(n)$ the deformation functor of the triple
$(n:\widetilde C\to C)$,
and by $D^{loc}(n)$ the corresponding local deformation
functor. As before
$D^{loc}(n)$ is the product over the singular points $p$
of $C$ of $D(n,p)$,
the deformation functor of the triple $n:(\tilde C,
n^{-1}(p))\to (C,p)$.
If $(C,p)$ is the germ of a planar reduced curve singularity,
then $D(n,p)$ is
a smooth functor (see section D).
{\bf Lemma F.1.} {\sl
The natural morphism of functors $D(n)\to
D^{loc}(n)\times_{D^{loc}(C)}D(C)$ is an isomorphism.}
{\bf Proof.} Let $C_T$ be an infinitesimal deformation of $C$,
and let $U_i$ be an
open cover of $C$ such that $U_{ij}$ is smooth for each $i\ne j$.
Let $V_i=n^{-1}(U_i)$. Let $U_{i,T}$ be the deformation of $U_i$
induced by $C_T$,
and assume we are given a deformation $n_{i,T}:V_{i,T}\to U_{i,T}$
$n_i:=n|_{V_i}$. Then to lift $(C_T,n_{i,T})$ to a deformation
of $n$ we must
choose gluing isomorphisms $\psi_{ij}:V_{ij,T}\to V_{ji,T}$
satisfying the cocycle
condition and compatible with the other data, namely the maps
$n_{i,T}$ and the
gluing isomorphisms $\phi_{ij}:U_{ij,T}\to U_{ji,T}$ induced
by $C_T$. But
$U_{ij}$ is smooth, so that $n|_{V_{ij}}$ is an isomorphism
for each $i\ne j$;
hence the $\psi_{ij}$ are univocally determined by the
$\phi_{ij}$ and
automatically satisfy the cocycle condition.
\hfill $\Diamond$
Let us now denote by $B(\cdot)$ the germ of complex
space being a hull for the
functor $D(\cdot)$. Note that Lemma F.1 implies
that there is a cartesian
diagram $$
{\bf Proposition F.2.} {\sl Let $C$ be a reduced projective
curve with planar
singularities, $n:\tilde C\to C$ be the normalisation,
$g=g(\tilde C)$.
Let $\pi:{\cal C}\to B(C)$ be a semi-universal deformation
of $C$.
Denote by $M= M_{g,0}({\cal C},[C])$; then $M$ is smooth at
$n$, and the natural
map $M\to B^\delta:=B^\delta(C)$ is the normalisation map.}
{\bf Proof.} Write $M$ for the germ of $M$ at $n$.
As the domain of $n$ is a smooth curve, the same is true
for all stable maps in a
neighborhood of $n$. Hence $M$ is isomorphic to $B(n)$.
By Lemma F.1, together
with Lemma D.1, we deduce that $B(n)$ is smooth. By the
definition of $B^\delta$
the natural map $M\to B(C)$ factors via $B^\delta$, hence,
as $M$ is smooth, via
its normalisation $\tilde B^\delta$. On the other hand, we
know that the family
$\tilde {\cal C}\to \tilde B^\delta$ gotten by pullback
admits a very weak
simultaneous resolution of singularities \cite{T}, inducing a morphism
$\tilde B^\delta\to M$. It is easy to check pointwise that
these two morphisms are
inverse to each other (both $\tilde B^\delta$ and $M$
just parametrize the normalisation maps of the fibres of $\pi$).
both $\tilde B^\delta$ and $M$ are smooth, a bijective morphism
must be an
isomorphism. \hfill $\Diamond$
{\bf Proof of Theorem 2}. The scheme $M_{g,0}(C,[C])$ is
the fibre over the point
$[C]$ of the morphism $\tilde B^\delta\to B^\delta$; this
is the multiplicity of
$B^\delta$ at $[C]$, as $\tilde B^\delta$ is smooth. This
proves the first
Let now $X$ be a smooth projective surface, $C\subset X$ a
reduced irreducible
curve, $n:\tilde C\to C$ the normalisation, $g=g(\tilde C)$.
Assume that
$n$ is an isolated point of $\overline{M}_{g,0}(X,[C])$, and
let $M_n$ be the
connected component of $n$. $M_n$ contains $M_{g,0}(C,[C])$
as a closed subscheme,
so we always have an inequality $$
l(M_n)\ge l(M_{g,0}(C,[C]))=m(C).$$
This inequality is an equality if and only the natural morphism
$M_n\to Hilb(X)$
sending each map to its image factors scheme theoretically
(and not only
set-theoretically) via $C$.
Hence to complete the proof of Theorem 2, it is enough to
show that this is the
case if $C$ is rational and $X$ is a $K3$ surface. Let $S$
be the complete linear
system defined by $C$ on $X$, and let ${\cal C}\to S$ be the
universal curve.
It is known that $\bar J{\cal C}$ is smooth, see \cite{Mu}; but
this means precisely that $S$ maps transverse
to the $\delta$-constant stratum in $B(C)$, and we are done
in view of Corollary
B.3.\hfill $\Diamond$
\section{G. Examples.}
\def{\bf A}{{\bf A}}
\def{\bf P}{{\bf P}}
{\bf Example 1 (Beauville):} {\sl Let $(C,o)$ be the
singularity of equation
$x^q=y^p$, with $p<q$ and $(p,q)=1$. Then $$m(C,o)=
{{1}\over{p+q}}{p+q\choose p}.$$}
{\bf Proof.} We write for simplicity $\overline M(X,\beta)$
instead of $\overline
M_{0,0}(X,\beta)$; if $X$ is a curve and $\beta=[X]$ we omit
it. Let $C$ be the
plane curve of equation $y^pz^{q-p}=x^q$. $C$ is a rational
curve with two
singular points, $o=(0,0,1)$ and $\infty=(1,0,0)$.
Let $\alpha:C'\to C$ be the partial normalisation of $C$ at
By Theorem 2, it is enough to prove that
$$l(\overline M(C'))={{1}\over{p+q}}{p+q\choose p}=:N(p,q).$$
The natural map $\overline M(C')\to \overline M(C)$ given by
$\mu\mapsto \alpha\circ
\mu$ is a closed embedding, and the closed subscheme
$\overline M(C')$ is
identified by requiring the deformation of the normalisation
morphism to be
locally trivial near $\infty$.
On the other hand $\overline M(C)$ is naturally a closed subset
of $\overline
M({\bf P}^2,q\ell)$, where $\ell$ is the class of a line.
Let $n:{\bf P}^1\to C$ be the normalisation map, and choose coordinates
on ${\bf P}^1$ such
that $n(s,t)=(t^ps^{q-p},t^q,s^q)$. A morphism in $\overline
M({\bf P}^2,q\ell)$ near
$n$ has equations $$(t^ps^{q-p}+x,t^q+y,s^q+z),$$ for suitable
polynomials $x,y,z$ of degree $q$.
We impose the conditions that the image of the map be
contained in $C$
and that the deformation be locally trivial at $\infty$.
Then we eliminate the indeterminacy generated by
a reparametrization of ${\bf P}^1$ and a rescaling of the
coordinates on ${\bf P}^2$.
We get that all deformations of $n$ in $\overline M(C)$
must be (in affine
coordinates where $z=1$) of the form $$
t\mapsto (t^p+\textstyle\sum\limits_{i=0}^p x_i t^i,t^q+
Hence we are now left with the following problem:
compute the length
of the ${\bf C}$--algebra with generators
and relations given by the coefficients of the polynomial
$f^q-g^p$, where
$f=t^p+\sum x_it^i$ and $g=t^q+\sum y_it^i$.
It is easy to check that the equation $f^q=g^p$ is
equivalent to $qf'g=pg'f$
by taking $d/dt\circ\log$ on both sides. The $t$-degree
of $qf'g-pg'f$ is $p+q-1$,
however we only get $p+q-2$ equations as the coefficients
of $t^{p+q-1}$ and
$t^{p+q-2}$ are zero anyway.
Moreover, if we consider the variables $x_i$ (resp.\ $y_i$)
as having degree
$p-i$ (resp.\ $q-i$), the equations we obtain are homogeneous of
degree $2,\ldots,p+q-1$.
Now we recall the weighted B\'ezout theorem, which says that
if we have a
zero-dimensional algebra given by $N$ homogeneous equations of
degrees $e_j$ in $N$ weighted variables of degree $d_j$, then
the length of the
algebra is $\prod e_j/\prod d_j$.
Applying the formula in our case, with $N=p+q-2$,
$(d_j)=(2,3,\ldots,p,2,3,\ldots,q)$ and
$e_j=(2,3,\ldots,p+q-1)$ gives
N(p,q)={\prod e_j\over \prod d_j}={(p+q-1)!\over p!q!}
={1\over p+q}{p+q\choose
{\bf Example 2.} We would like to outline an algorithm for
the computation of
$m(C,p)$ for a planar, reduced and irreducible curve
singularity $(C,p)$.
Assume we know how to realize $(C,p)$ as singularity
of a rational curve. It is
then easy to realize it as singularity of a plane
rational curve $C$, whose other
singularities are only nodes. Let $d$ be the degree
of the curve, $F(x,y,z)=0$ its
equation, and $\bar n=(\bar x,\bar y,\bar z)$ an explicit
normalisation given by
homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ in $s,t$. Assume
without loss of generality
that $\bar z$ contains the monomial $s^d$ with nonzero
Then we can describe the scheme $M_{0,0}(C,[C])$ explicitly
as follows.
Choose three points $p_i$ ($i=1,2,3$) in ${\bf P}^1$ mapping via
$n$ to smooth points
of $C$; let $L_i\subset {\bf P}^2$ be a line transversal to $C$
at $n(p_i)$.
Choose variables $x_i$, $y_i$ and $z_i$ for $i=0,\ldots d$,
let $x$ be the polynomial $\bar x+\sum_i x_i s^it^{d-i}$;
define $y$ and $z$ in a
similar way.
Then $M_{0,0}(C,[C])$ is naturally isomorphic the
subscheme of $
\hbox{\sl Spec}\, {\bf C} [x_i,y_i,z_i]$ defined
by the equations
(x,y,z)(p_i)\in L_i \qquad i=1,2,3,\\
In fact, all deformations of $\bar n$ are again morphisms
of degree $d$ from
${\bf P}^1$ to ${\bf P}^2$, hence are given by polynomials of
degree $d$.
The first four equations, defining a linear subspace,
correspond to choosing local coordinates near $\bar n$
on $M_{0,0}({\bf P}^2,d)$; the
last one, which is a system of
$d^2$ equations, imposes the condition that the
scheme-theoretic image of the
morphism be contained in
1997-12-16T01:08:53 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708007 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708007 | [
] | alg-geom/9708007 | Yuri G. Zarhin | Yuri G. Zarhin | Torsion of abelian varieties, Weil classes and cyclotomic extensions | LaTeX 2e 17 pages | null | null | null | null | Let $K$ be a field finitely generated over the field of rational numbers,
$K(c)$ the extension of $K$ obtained by adjoining all roots of unity, $L$ an
infinite Galois extension of $K$, $X$ an abelian variety defined over $K$. We
prove that under certain conditions on $X$ and $K$ the existence of infinitely
many L-rational points of finite order on $X$ implies that the intersection of
$L$ and $K(c)$ has infinite degree over $K$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 4 Aug 1997 23:46:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 27 Aug 1997 19:17:28 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 3 Sep 1997 15:12:11 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Tue, 9 Sep 1997 16:53:41 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Tue, 16 Dec 1997 00:08:53 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Yuri G.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Main construction}
Let $F$ be the center of $\mathrm{End}_K(X)\otimes{\mathbf Q}$, $R_F=F\bigcap \mathrm{End}_K(X)$ the center of $\mathrm{End}_K(X)$. We put
$$V_{{\mathbf Z}}=V_{{\mathbf Z}}(X)=H_1(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Z}), \quad V=V(X)=H_1(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})= V_{{\mathbf Z}}\otimes{\mathbf Q}.$$
For each nonnegative integer $m$ one may naturally identify the $m$th rational
cohomology group $H^m(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})$ of $X({\mathbf C})$ with $\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda^m_{{\mathbf Q}}(V(X),{\mathbf Q})$.
For each prime $\ell$ there are natural identifications
$$X_{\ell}=V_{{\mathbf Z}}/\ell V_{Z}, T_{\ell}(X)=V_{Z}\otimes{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}, V_{\ell}(X)=V(X)\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}=V_{{\mathbf Z}}\otimes{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}.$$
There is a natural Galois action
$$\rho_{\ell}=\rho_{\ell,X}:G(K)\to \mathrm{Aut}_{{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}}(T_{\ell}(X)) \subset \mathrm{Aut}_{{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}}(V_{\ell}(X)),$$
induced by the Galois action on the torsion points of $X$ \cite{Serre}.
One may naturally identify the $m$th $\ell-$adic cohomology group $H^m(X_a,{\mathbf Q}_{\ell})$ of $X_a=X\times K(a)$ with
$$\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}}(\Lambda^m_{{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}}(V_{\ell}(X),{\mathbf Q}_{\ell})=\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda^m_{{\mathbf Q}}(V(X),{\mathbf Q}))\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}).$$
This identification is an isomorphism of the Galois modules.
Assume now that $F$ is a number field, i.e., $X$ is either simple or is
isogenous over $K$ to a self-product of
simple abelian variety. Let $O_F$
be the ring of integers in $F$. It
is well-known that $R_F$ is a subgroup of finite index in $O_F$. Recall that
for each prime $\ell$ there is a splitting $F\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}=\oplus F_{\lambda}$
where $\lambda$ runs through the set of prime ideals dividing $\ell$ in $O_F$
and $F_{\lambda}$ is the
completion of $F$ with respect to $\lambda-$adic topology. There is a natural splitting
$V_{\ell}(X)=\oplus V_{\lambda}(X)$
$$V_{\lambda}(X)=F_{\lambda} V_{\ell}(X) =V(X)\otimes_F F_{\lambda}.$$
It is well-known that all $V_{\lambda}(X)$ are $G(K)-$invariant $F_{\lambda}-$vector
spaces of dimension
$2\mathrm{dim}(X)/[F:{\mathbf Q}]$. We write $\rho_{\lambda,X}$ for the corresponding
$\lambda-$adic representation
$$\rho_{\lambda,X}:G(K) \to\mathrm{Aut}_{F_{\lambda}}V_{\lambda}(X)$$
of $G(K)$ \cite{Serre},\cite{RibetA}.
Similarly, for all but finitely many $\ell$
$$R_F/\ell R_F=O_F/\ell O_F = \oplus_{\lambda\mid\ell} O_F/\lambda$$
is a direct sum of finite fields $O_F/\lambda$ of characteristic $\ell$. Also, $X_{\ell}=V_{{\mathbf Z}}/\ell V_{{\mathbf Z}}$ is a free $R_F/\ell R_F=O_F/\ell O_F-$module of rank $2\mathrm{dim}(X)/[F:{\mathbf Q}]$ and there is a natural splitting
$$X_{\ell}=V_{{\mathbf Z}}/\ell V_{{\mathbf Z}}=\oplus_{\lambda\mid\ell} X_{\lambda}$$
where $X_{\lambda}=(O_F/\lambda) \cdot X_{\ell}.$
Clearly, each $X_{\lambda}$ is a $G(K)-$invariant $O_F/\lambda-$vector space of dimension $2\mathrm{dim}(X)/[F:{\mathbf Q}]$.
We write $\bar{\rho}_{\lambda,X}$ for the corresponding modular
$$\bar{\rho}_{\lambda,X}:G(K) \to\mathrm{Aut}_{O_F/\lambda}X_{\lambda}$$
of $G(K)$ \cite{RibetA}.
Let $d$ be a positive integer and assume that there exists a non-zero
$2d-$linear form $\psi \in \mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\otimes^{2d}_{{\mathbf Q}} V(X),{\mathbf Q})$, enjoying the following properties.
\item For all $f\in F; v_1, \ldots v_{2d}\in V(X)$
$$\psi(f v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_{2d})=\psi(v_1,fv_2,\ldots ,v_{2d})=\cdots =
\psi(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,fv_{2d}).$$
For any prime $\ell$ let us extend $\psi$ by ${\mathbf Q}_{\ell}-$linearity to the
non-zero multilinear form
$\psi_{\ell} \in \mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}}(\otimes^{2d}_{{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}} V_{\ell}(X),{\mathbf Q}_{\ell})$.
Then for all $\sigma \in G(K); v_1, \ldots v_{2d}\in V_{\ell}(X)$
$$\psi_{\ell} (\sigma(v_1),\sigma(v_2),\ldots,\sigma(v_{2d}))=
\chi_{\ell}^d(\sigma)\psi_{\ell}(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_{2d}).$$
We call such a form {\sl admissible} or $d-${\sl admissible}.
\vskip .5cm
{\bf Example.} Let us assume that $F$ is a {\sl totally real} number field. If
$\mathcal L$ is an invertible sheaf on $X$ defined over $K$ and algebraically
non-equivalent to zero then one may associate to $\mathcal L$ its first Chern
$$c_1({\mathcal L})\in H^2(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})=\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda^2_{{\mathbf Q}}(V(X),{\mathbf Q}).$$
The well-known properties of Rosati involutions and Weil pairings imply
that $c_1({\mathcal L})$ is $1-$admissible (see p.~237 of \cite{MumfordAV}, especially the last sentence and Section 2 of \cite{SZMathZ}).
\vskip .5cm
There exists a unique $F-2d-$linear form
$\psi_F\in \mathrm{Hom}_F(\otimes^{2d}_F V(X),F)$ such that
$$\psi={\mathbf{Tr}}_{F/{\mathbf Q}}(\psi_F).$$
Multiplying $\psi$ by a sufficiently divisible positive integer, we may and
will assume that the restriction of $\psi_F$ to
$V_{{\mathbf Z}}\times \cdots V_{{\mathbf Z}}$ takes on values in $R_F$. Let
$\mathrm{Im}(\psi_F)$ be the additive subgroup of $R_F$ generated by values of
$\psi_F$ on $V_{{\mathbf Z}}\times \cdots V_{{\mathbf Z}}$ takes on values in $R_F$. Let
$\mathrm{Im}(\psi_F)$ be the additive subgroup of $R_F$ generated by values of
$\psi_F$ on $V_{{\mathbf Z}}\times\cdots V_{{\mathbf Z}}$. Clearly, $\mathrm{Im}(R_F)$ is a
subgroup of finite index in $R_F$ that is an ideal.
Notice that for all but finitely many primes $\ell$
$$O_F=R_F/\ell R_F, \mathrm{Im}(\psi_F)=R_F/\ell R_F.$$
Let us extend $\psi_F$ by $F_{\lambda}-$linearity to the
{\sl non-zero} multilinear form
$$\psi_{F,\lambda} \in \mathrm{Hom}_{F_{\ell}}(\otimes^{2d}_{F_{\lambda}} V_{\lambda}(X),F_{\lambda}).$$
\chi_{\ell}^d(\sigma)\psi_{F,\lambda}(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_{2d})$$
for all $\sigma \in G(K); v_1, \ldots v_{2d}\in V_{\lambda}(X)$.
Similarly, for all but finitely many $\ell$ the form $\psi_F$ induces a
non-zero multilinear form
$$\psi_{F}^{(\ell)} \in \mathrm{Hom}_{R_F/\ell R_F}(\otimes^{2d}_{R_F/\ell R_F} X_{\ell},R_F/\ell R_F)$$
enjoying the following properties:
The subgroup of $R_F/\ell R_F$ generated by all the values of $\psi_{F}^{(\ell)}$ coincides with $R_F/\ell R_F$;
\item For all $\sigma \in G(K); v_1, \ldots v_{2d}\in X_{\ell}$
\bar{\chi}_{\ell}^d(\sigma)\psi_{F}^{(\ell)}(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_{2d}).$$
This implies that for all but finitely many $\ell$ the restriction of $\psi_{F}^{\ell}$
to $X_{\lambda}$ defines a {\sl non-zero} multilinear form
$$\psi_{F}^{(\lambda)} \in \mathrm{Hom}_{O_F/\lambda}(\otimes^{2d}_{O_F/\lambda} X_{\ell},O_F/\lambda)$$
enjoying the following property:
\bar{\chi}_{\ell}^d(\sigma)\psi_{F}^{(\lambda)}(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_{2d})$$
for all $\sigma \in G(K); v_1, \ldots v_{2d}\in X_{\lambda}$.
\begin{rem} Using the K\"unneth formula for $X_a^{2d}$, one may view $\psi_{\ell}$ as a
Tate cohomology class on $X_a^{2d}$. If $\psi$ is skew-symmetric then $\psi_{\ell}$ is a Tate
cohomology class on $X_a$.
\begin{thm} Assume that the center $F$ of $\mathrm{End}^0 X$
is a field
and there is a $d-$admissible form
$\psi$ on $X$. Let $\ell$ be a prime and assume that the
$\ell-$ torsion
in $X(L)$ is infinite. If $L^{(\ell)}$ is the intersection of
$L$ and $K(\ell)$
then the field extension $K(\ell)/L^{(\ell)}$ has finite degree dividing $(d,\ell-1)$ if $\ell$ is odd and dividing $2$ if $\ell=2$ respectively. In addition, $L$ contains ${\mathbf Q}(\ell)'$.
\begin{proof} As explained in (\cite{ZarhinMA}, 0.8, 0.11) the assumption
that the $\ell-$torsion in $X(L)$ is infinite means that there exists a place
$\lambda$ of F, dividing $\ell$
such that the Galois group $G(L)$ of $L$ acts trivially on $V_{\lambda}(X)$. Since $\psi_{F,\lambda}$ is not identically zero, we conclude that
$$\chi_{\ell}^d(\sigma)=1 \quad \forall \sigma \in G(L) \subset G(K).$$
We write $G'$ for the kernel of $\chi_{\ell}^d$. We have
$G(L)\subset G'\subset G(K)$.
Recall that the kernel of $\chi_{\ell}:G(K) \to {\mathbf Z}_\ell^*$ coincides with the Galois group
$G(K(\ell))$ of $K(\ell)$ and $\chi_{\ell}$ identifies $\mathrm{Gal}(K(\ell)/K)$ with a subgroup of ${\mathbf Z}_\ell^*=\mathrm{Gal}({\mathbf Q}(\ell)/{\mathbf Q})$. Since the torsion subgroup of ${\mathbf Z}_\ell^*$ is the cyclic group $\mu({\mathbf Z}_{\ell})$ of order $\ell-1$ if $\ell$ is odd and of order $2$ if $\ell=2$, $G'$ coincides with the kernel of $(\chi_{\ell})^{d'}$ with $d'=(d,\ell-1)$ if $\ell$ is odd and $d'=(d,2)$ if $\ell=2$ respectively. This implies that the field $K'=K(a)^{G'}$ of $G'-$invariants is a subfield of $K(\ell)$ and $[K(\ell):K']$ divides $d'$, since $\chi_{\ell}$ establishes an isomorphism between $\mathrm{Gal}(K(\ell)/K')$ and
$$\{s \in \mathrm{Im}(\chi_{\ell})\subset {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*\mid s^{d'}=1\}
\subset \{s \in \mu({\mathbf Z}_{\ell})\mid s^{d'}=1\}.$$
Now it is clear that $K'\subset L$, since $G(L) \subset G'=G(K')$.
It is also clear that $K(\ell)/K'$ is a cyclic extension of degree dividing $d'$.
In order to prove the last assertion of the theorem, notice that
$\mathrm{Gal}(K(\ell)/K) \subset \mathrm{Gal}({\mathbf Q}(\ell)/{\mathbf Q})={\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*$ and the finite subgroup $\mathrm{Gal}(K(\ell)/K')$ of $\mathrm{Gal}(K(\ell)/K)$ sits in $\mu({\mathbf Z}_{\ell})\subset{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*$. Since $\mu({\mathbf Z}_{\ell})=\mathrm{Gal}({\mathbf Q}(\ell)/{\mathbf Q}(\ell)')$, ${\mathbf Q}(\ell)'\subset K'$. Since $K'\subset L$, ${\mathbf Q}(\ell)'\subset L$.
\begin{thm} Assume that the center $F$ of $\mathrm{End}^0 X$
is a field and there is a $d-$ admissible form $\psi$ on
$X$. Let $S$ be an infinite set of primes $\ell$ such that
for all but finitely many $\ell\in S$ the $\ell-$torsion in
$X(L)$ is not
zero. Then for all but finitely many $\ell\in S$ the field extension
$K(\mu_{\ell})/K(\mu_{\ell})\bigcap L$ has degree dividing $(d,\ell-1)$.
For all but finitely
many $\ell$ the $G(K)-$module
$X_{\ell}$ is semisimple and the centralizer of $G(K)$ in $\mathrm{End}(X_{\ell})$
coincides with
$\mathrm{End}_K(X)\otimes {\mathbf Z}/\ell{\mathbf Z}$. This assertion was proven in
\cite{ZarhinInv} for number fields $K$; the proof is based on results of Faltings
\cite{Faltings1}. (See \cite{MW} for an
effective version.) However, the same proof works for arbitrary finitely
generated fields $K$, if one uses results of \cite{Faltings2},
generalizing the results of \cite{Faltings1}.
Clearly, for all but finitely many $\ell$ the center of $\mathrm{End}_K(X)\otimes {\mathbf Z}/\ell{\mathbf Z}$
with $R_F/\ell R_F=O_F/\ell O_F$. Applying Theorem 5f of \cite{ZarhinDuke}
to $G=G(K), G'=G(L), H=X_{\ell}, D=\mathrm{End}_K(X)\otimes {\mathbf Z}/\ell{\mathbf Z},
R=F_F/\ell R_F$, we conclude that for all but finitely many $\ell \in S$ there exists
$\lambda\mid\ell$ such that $G(L)$ acts trivially on $X_{\lambda}$. Using the Galois
equivariance of the non-zero form $\psi_{F}^{(\lambda)}$, we conclude that
for all but finitely many $\ell\in S$ the character
$\bar{\chi}_{\ell}^d$ kills $G(L)$. We write $G'$ for the kernel of $\bar{\chi}_{\ell}^d$. We have
$G(L)\subset G'\subset G(K)$.
Recall that the kernel of $\bar{\chi}_{\ell}:G(K) \to ({\mathbf Z}/\ell {\mathbf Z})^*$ coincides with
$G(K(\mu_{\ell}))$ and
$({\mathbf Z}/\ell {\mathbf Z})^*$ is a cyclic group of order $\ell-1$. This implies that
the field $K'=K(a)^{G'}$ of
$G'-$invariants is a subfield of $K(\mu_{\ell})$ and $[K(\mu_{\ell}):K']$
divides $(\ell-1,d)$, since
$\bar{\chi}_{\ell}$ establishes an isomorphism between $\mathrm{Gal}(K(\mu_{\ell})/K')$ and $\{s \in \mathrm{Im}(\bar{\chi}_{\ell})\subset ({\mathbf Z}/\ell {\mathbf Z})^*\mid s^d=1\}$. One has only to notice that $K'\subset L$, since $G(L) \subset G'=G(K')$.
\begin{cor} Assume that the torsion subgroup of $X(L)$
is infinite. Then the intersection of $L$ and $K(c)$ has infinite degree over $K$.
\begin{proof} Indeed, either there is a prime $\ell$ such that the $\ell-$torsion in $X(L)$ is infinite or for infinitely many primes $\ell$ the $\ell-torsion$ in $X(L)$ is not zero. Now, one has only to apply the previous two theorems.
\section{Weil classes and admissible forms}
Suppose $A$ is an abelian variety defined over $K$, $k$ is a CM-field,
$\iota : k \hookrightarrow \mathrm{End}_K^0(A)$
is an embedding, and $C$ is an algebraically
closed field containing $K$ (for instance, $C={\mathbf C}$ or $C=\bar{{\mathbf Q}}$). Let $\mathrm{Lie}(A)$ be the tangent space of $A$ at the origin,
an $K$-vector space. If $\sigma$ is an embedding of $k$ into $C$, let
$$n_\sigma = \mathrm{dim}_C\{t \in \mathrm{Lie}(A)\otimes_K C :
\iota(\alpha)t = \sigma(\alpha)t {\text{ for all }} \alpha \in k\}.$$
Write ${\bar \sigma}$ for the composition of $\sigma$ with the involution
complex conjugation of $k$.
Recall that a triple $(A,k,\iota)$ is {\em of Weil type} if $A$ is an abelian
variety over an algebraically closed field $C$ of
characteristic zero, $k$ is a CM-field, and
$\iota : k \hookrightarrow \mathrm{End}^0(A)$ is an embedding, such that
$n_\sigma = n_{\bar \sigma}$ for all embeddings $\sigma$ of $k$ into $C$.
It is known \cite{SZMathZ} that $(A,k,\iota)$ is of Weil type if and only
if $\iota$ makes
$\mathrm{Lie}(A) \otimes_K C$ into a free $k \otimes_{\mathbf Q} C$-module
(see p.~525 of \cite{Ribet} for the case where $k$ is an imaginary quadratic field).
Now, assume that $A=X$ and the image $\iota(k)$ contains the center $F$ of
$\mathrm{End}_K(X)\otimes{\mathbf Q}$ (for instance, $F=k$). Notice that in the case of Weil type the
degree $[k:{\mathbf Q}]$ divides $\mathrm{dim}(A)$. In particular, $\mathrm{dim}(A)$ is even.
Our goal is to construct an admissible form, using a triple $(A,k,\iota)$ of Weil type.
Recall that the degree $[k:{\mathbf Q}]$ divides $\mathrm{dim}(A)$, put $d=\mathrm{dim}(X)/[k:{\mathbf Q}]$
and consider the space of Weil classes (\cite{WeilHodge}, \cite{Deligne}, \cite{SZMathZ})
$$W_{k,X}=\mathrm{Hom}_k(\Lambda_k^{2d} V(X),{\mathbf Q}(d)) \hookrightarrow \mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda_{{\mathbf Q}}^{2d}V(X),{\mathbf Q}(d))=H^{2d}(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(d).$$
Clearly, $W_{k,X}$ carries a natural structure of one-dimensional $k-$vector
space. If fix an isomorphism of one-dimensional ${\mathbf Q}-$vector spaces ${\mathbf Q} \cong
{\mathbf Q}(2d)$ then one may naturally
identify $\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda_{{\mathbf Q}}^{2d}V(X),{\mathbf Q}(d))$ with $\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda_{{\mathbf Q}}^{2d}V(X),{\mathbf Q})$
and $W_{k,X}$ can
be described as the space of all $2d-$linear skew-symmetric form
$\psi \in \mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda^{2d}_{{\mathbf Q}} V,{\mathbf Q})$ with
$$\psi(f v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_{2d})=\psi(v_1,fv_2,\ldots ,v_{2d})=\cdots =
\psi(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,fv_{2d})$$
for all $f\in F; v_1, \ldots v_{2d}\in V(X)$.
Since $(X,k.\iota)$ is of Weil type, all elements of $W_k$ are Hodge classes by Proposition 4.4 of \cite{Deligne}. Therefore, by Theorem 2.11 of \cite{Deligne} they must be also {\sl absolute Hodge cycles}; cf. \cite{Deligne}.
\begin{lem} Let $\mu_k$ be the finite multiplicative group of all roots of
unity in $k$. There is a continuous
character $\chi_{X,k}:G(K) \to \mu_k \subset k^*,$
enjoying the following properties:
For each prime $\ell$ the subgroup
$$W_k \subset W_{k,X}\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}\subset H^{2d}(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(d)\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}
=H^{2d}(X_a,{\mathbf Q}_{\ell})(d)$$
is $G(K)-$stable and the action of $G(K)$ on $W_k$
is defined via the character
$$\chi_{X,k}:G(K) \to \mu_k \subset k^* =\mathrm{Aut}_k(W_{k,X}).$$
\begin{proof} Since all elements of $k$ are endomorphisms of $X$ defined over $K$,
it follows easily that $W_{k,X}\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}$ is $G(K)-$stable and $G(K)$ acts
on $W_{k,X}\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}$ via a certain character
$\chi_{X,k,\ell}:G(K) \to [k\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}]^*=
\Pi_{\lambda\mid \ell}k_{\lambda}^*.$
Let us consider the ${\mathbf Q}-$vector subspace
$$C^d_{\mathrm{AH}}(X)\subset H^{2d}(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(d)\subset H^{2d}(X_a,{\mathbf Q}_{\ell})(d)$$
of absolute Hodge classes. Then $C^d_{\mathrm{AH}}(X)$ is $G(K)-$stable and the action of $G(K)$ on $C^d_{\mathrm{AH}}(X)$ does not depend on $\ell$ and factors through a finite quotient; cf. \cite{Deligne}, Prop. 2.9b. Since $W_{k,X}$ consists of Hodge classes and $X$ is an abelian variety, all Weil classes are absolute Hodge classes, i.e,
$W_{k,X}\subset C^d_{\mathrm{AH}}(X),$
\cite{Deligne}, Th. 2.11. This implies easily that
the subgroup $\mathrm{Im}(\chi_{X,k,\ell})$ is finite and contained in $k^*$, since the
intersection of $W_{k,X}\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}$ and $C^d_{\mathrm{AH}}(X)$ coincides with
$W_{k,X}$. (In fact, $W_{k,X}$ coincides even with the intersection of $W_{k,X}\otimes_{{\mathbf Q}}{\mathbf Q}_{\ell}$ and $H^{2d}(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(d)$.) This implies also that $\chi_{X,k,\ell}$ does not depend on the choice of $\ell$. So, we may view $\chi_{X,k,\ell}$ as the continuous homomorphism
$$\chi_{X,k}:=\chi_{X,k,\ell}:G(K) \to \mu_k \subset k^*,$$
which does not depend on the choice of $\ell$.
Let $r$ be the order of the finite group $\mathrm{Im}(\chi_{X,k})$. Clearly, $r$ divides the order of $\mu_k$. Let us put $Y=X^r$ and consider the K\"unneth chunk
$$H^{2d}(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(d)^{\otimes r} \subset H^{2dr}(X({\mathbf C})^r,{\mathbf Q})(dr)=H^{2dr}(Y({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(dr)$$
of the $2dr$th rational cohomology group of $Y$. One may easily check that the tensor power
$$W_{k,X}^{\otimes r}\subset H^{2d}(X({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(d)^{\otimes r} \subset H^{2dr}(X({\mathbf C})^r,{\mathbf Q})(dr)=H^{2dr}(Y({\mathbf C}),{\mathbf Q})(dr)$$
coincides with the space $W_{k,Y}$ of Weil classes on $Y$ attached to the ``diagonal" embedding
$$k \to \mathrm{End}^0(X) \subset \mathrm{End}^0(X^r)=\mathrm{End}^0(Y).$$
Since the centers of $\mathrm{End}^0(X)$ and $\mathrm{End}^0(X^r)$ coincide, the image of $k$ in $\mathrm{End}^0(Y)$ does contain the center of $\mathrm{End}^0(Y)$.
One may easily check that $G(K)$ acts on $W_{k,Y}=W_{k,X}^{\otimes r}$ via the character $\chi_{X,k}^r$, which is trivial, i.e., $W_{k,Y}$ consists of $G(K)-$invariants.
Let us fix an isomorphism of one-dimensional ${\mathbf Q}-$vector spaces ${\mathbf Q} \cong {\mathbf Q}(2dr)$ and
choose a {\sl non-zero} element
$$\psi \in W_{k,Y} \subset H^{2dr}(Y,{\mathbf Q})(dr)=\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf Q}}(\Lambda^{2dr}_{{\mathbf Q}}(V(Y),{\mathbf Q}).$$
Then a skew-symmetric $2dr-$linear form $\psi$ is admissible.
Applying to $\psi$ the theorems of the previous section, we obtain the following
statement, which
implies the case 4 (in the hypothesis (H)) of Theorem \ref{Theorem 1}.
\begin{thm} Assume that the center $F$ of $\mathrm{End}^0 X$
is a CM-field and $(X,F, \mathrm{id})$ is of Weil type. Let us put
$d= \#(\mu_F) \times 2 \mathrm{dim}(X)/[F:{\mathbf Q}] \in {\mathbf Z}_{+}.$
Let $L$ be an infinite Galois extension of $K$.
\item Let $\ell$ be a prime such that the $\ell-$torsion
in $X(L)$ is infinite. Let $L^{(\ell)}$ be the intersection of
$L$ and $K(\ell)$.
Then the field extension $K(\ell)/L^{(\ell)}$ has finite degree dividing $(d,\ell-1)$ if $\ell$ is odd and dividing $2$ if $\ell=2$ respectively. In addition, $L$ contains ${\mathbf Q}(\ell)'$.
\item Let $S$ be the set of primes $\ell$ such that
$X(L)$ contains a point of order $\ell$ and assume that $S$
is infinite. Then for all but finitely many $\ell\in S$ the field
$K(\mu_{\ell})/K(\mu_{\ell})\bigcap L$ has degree dividing $(d,\ell-1)$.
\begin{rem} Since $[F:{\mathbf Q}]$ divides $2\mathrm{dim}(X)=2g$, one may easily find an explicit
positive integer $M=M(g)$, depending only on $g$ and divisible by
$\#(\mu_F) \times 2 \mathrm{dim}(X)/[F:{\mathbf Q}]$
\section{Proof of Theorem \ref{Theorem 1}}
We may and will assume that $X$ is $K-$simple. Then the center $F$ of $\mathrm{End}^0
X$ is either a totally real number field or a CM-field. If $F$ is totally
real then the assertion of
Theorem \ref{Theorem 1} is proven in \cite{ZarhinDuke} with $N=1$. So, further
we assume that $F$ is a
CM-field. We also know that the assertion of Theorem \ref{Theorem 1} is true
when $(X,F)$ is of Weil type
(Case 4 of Hypothesis (H)).
\subsection{ Cases 1 and 3 of Hypothesis (H)} Enlarging $K$ if necessary, we may and will assume
that $X$ is absolutely simple
and has semistable reduction. Then, the results of \cite{SZ} imply that in
both cases $\mathrm{Hdg}_X$ is semisimple.
This means that $(X,F,\mathrm{id})$ is of Weil type (cf. for instance \cite{SZ}).
Now, one has only to apply the
result of the previous section with $d=\#(\mu_F) \times 2\mathrm{dim}(X)/[F:{\mathbf Q}]$
and get the assertion of Theorem \ref{Theorem 1} with $N=M(g)$.
\subsection{Case 2 of Hypothesis (H)} We know that the assertion of the theorem is true if $(X,F,\mathrm{id})$ is of Weil type. So, we may assume that $(X,F,\mathrm{id})$ is not of Weil type.
Let us consider the trace map
$$\mathbf{Tr}_{\mathrm{Lie}(X)}: F \subset \mathrm{End}^0(X)\hookrightarrow\mathrm{End}_K(\mathrm{Lie}(X)) \to K\subset {\mathbf C}.$$
Our assumption means that the image $\mathbf{Tr}_{\mathrm{Lie}(X)}(F)$ is not contained in ${\mathbf R}$. On the other hand, let us fix an embedding of $F$ into ${\mathbf C}$ and let $L$ be the normal closure of $F$ into ${\mathbf C}$. Clearly, $L$ is a CM-field, containing $\mathbf{Tr}_{\mathrm{Lie}(X)}(F)$. Since $\mathbf{Tr}_{\mathrm{Lie}(X)}(F)\subset K$, the intersection $L\bigcap K$ contains an element, which is not totally real. Since any subfield of a CM-field is either totally real or CM, the field $L\bigcap K$ is a CM-subfield of $K$.
\begin{rem} If $K$ is a number field not containing a CM-field, one may give another proof, using theory of abelian $\lambda-$adic representations
\cite{Serre} instead of Weil/Hodge classes. The crucial point is that in this case the Serre's tori $T_{\mathfrak m}$ are isomorphic to the multiplicative group ${\mathbf G}_m$ \cite{Serre}, Sect. 3.4.
\begin{cor} Let $X$ be a $K-$simple abelian variety of odd dimension. Assume that $K$ does not contain a CM-subfield (e.g., $K\subset {\mathbf R}$). If $X(L)$ contains infinitely many points of finite order then $L$ contains infinitely many roots of unity.
\begin{proof} In the case of the totally real center $F$ this assertion is proven in (\cite{ZarhinDuke}, Th.6, p. 142) without restrictions on the dimension. So, in order to prove Corollary, it suffices to check that $F$ is not a CM-field.
Assume that $F$ is a CM-field. Since $\mathrm{dim}(X)$ is odd, $(X,F,\mathrm{id})$ is not
of Weil type. Now, the arguments, used in the proof of
Case 2 imply that $K$ contains a CM-subfield. This gives us a desired contradiction.
\begin{rem} The assertion of Corollary cannot be extended to the even-dimensional
case. In Section \ref{roots} we give an explicit counterexample.
\begin{rem} Let $X$ be a $g-$dimensional abelian variety that is not necessarily $K-$simple and let $F$ be the center of $\mathrm{End}^0(X)$. Assume that
$$\mathbf{Tr}_{\mathrm{Lie}(X)}(F)\subset{\mathbf R}.$$
Then the assertion of Theorem \ref{Theorem 1} holds true for $X$.
Indeed, if $Y$ is a $K-$simple abelian subvariety of $X$ and $F_Y$ is the center of $\mathrm{End}^0(Y)$ then one may easily check that either $F_Y$ is a totally real number field or $(Y,F_Y,\mathrm{id})$ is of Weil type.
In this section we construct an abelian surface $X$ over ${\mathbf Q}$ and a Galois
extension $L$ of ${\mathbf Q}$ such that $L$ contains only
finitely many roots of unity but $X(L)$ contains infinitely
many points of finite order.
Of course, the intersection of $L$ and ${\mathbf Q}(c)$ is of infinite degree over ${\mathbf Q}$.
\subsection{} Let $E$ be an elliptic curve over ${\mathbf Q}$ without complex multiplication
(e. g., $j(E)$ is not an
integer). Let us put
$$Y=\{(e_1,e_2,e_3) \in E^3\mid e_1+e_2+e_3=0\}.$$
Clearly, $Y$ is an abelian surface over ${\mathbf Q}$ isomorphic to $E^2$.
Denote by $s$ an automorphism of $Y$ induced by the cyclic permutation of factors of $E^3$, i.e.,
$$s(e_1,e_2,e_3)=(e_3,e_1,e_2) \quad \forall\ (e_1,e_2,e_3) \in Y.$$
Let $C$ be the cyclic subgroup in $\mathrm{Aut}(X)$ of order $3$ generated by $s$.
By a theorem of Serre \cite{Serre2} the homomorphism
$$\rho_{\ell,E}: G({\mathbf Q}) \to \mathrm{Aut}_{{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}}(T_{\ell}(E)) \cong \mathrm{GL}(2,{\mathbf Z}_{\ell})$$
is {\sl surjective} for all but finitely many $\ell$.
Notice, that the composition
$$\mathrm{det} \rho_{\ell,E}: G({\mathbf Q}) \to \mathrm{GL}(2,{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}) \to {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*$$
coincides with $\chi_{\ell}: G(K)\to {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*$ \cite{Serre2}.
In particular, if ${\mathbf Q}(E(\ell^{\infty}))$ is the field of definition of all
points on $E$ of $\ell$-power order
then ${\mathbf Q}(E(\ell^{\infty}))/{\mathbf Q}$ is the Galois extension with the Galois group
$\mathrm{GL}(2,{\mathbf Z}_{\ell})$. In addition, the cyclotomic
field ${\mathbf Q}(\ell)$ is the {\sl maximal abelian} subextension of ${\mathbf Q}(E(\ell^{\infty}))$ and the subgroup
$\mathrm{Gal}({\mathbf Q}(E(\ell^{\infty}))/{\mathbf Q}(\ell)) \subset \mathrm{Gal}({\mathbf Q}(E(\ell^{\infty}))/{\mathbf Q})$ coincides with $\mathrm{SL}(2,{\mathbf Z}_{\ell})$.
Let us fix such an $\ell$, assuming in addition that $\ell-1$ is divisible
by $3$ but not divisible by $9$.
Let $\mu_{3,\ell}$ be the group of cubic roots of unity in ${\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*$.
Then there exists a continuous
surjective homomorphism
$\mathrm{pr}_3: {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^* \to \mu_{3,\ell},$
coinciding with the identity map on $\mu_{3,\ell}$.
These properties determine $\mathrm{pr}_3$ uniquely.
Let us define field $L$ as a subextension of ${\mathbf Q}(E(\ell^{\infty}))$ such that ${\mathbf Q}(E(\ell^{\infty}))/L$ is a cubic extension, whose Galois (sub)group coincides with
$$\mu_{3,\ell}\cdot\mathrm{id}=\{\gamma \cdot \mathrm{id}\mid \gamma \in \mu_{3,\ell}\} \subset \mathrm{GL}(2,{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}).$$
It follows immediately that $L$ is a Galois extension of ${\mathbf Q}$ and it does
not contain a primitive $\ell$th root of unity.
This implies that $1$ and $-1$ are the only roots of unity in $L$.
Let us choose a {\sl primitive} cubic root of unity $\gamma \in \mu_{3,\ell}$ and let
$\iota: \mu_{3,\ell} \to C$
be the isomorphism, which sends $\gamma$ to
Now, let us define $X$ as the twist of $Y$ via the cubic character
$$\kappa:=\iota\mathrm{pr}_3 \chi_{\ell}
=\iota \mathrm{pr}_3 \mathrm{det} \rho_{\ell,E}
: G({\mathbf Q})\to \mu_{3,\ell} \to C \subset \mathrm{Aut}(Y).$$
The Galois module $T_{\ell}(X)$ is the twist of $T_{\ell}(E)^2$ via $\kappa$. Namely,
$$T_{\ell}(X)=\{(v_1,v_2,v_3)\in T_{\ell}(E)\oplus T_{\ell}(E)\oplus T_{\ell}(E)\mid v_1+v_2+v_3=0\}$$
as the ${\mathbf Z}_{\ell}-$module but
for all $\sigma \in G({\mathbf Q})$. Now, we construct explicitly $G(L)-$invariant
elements of $T_{\ell}(X).$ Starting
with any $v \in T_{\ell}(E)$, put
$$w=(\gamma^{-1}v,\gamma v,v)=(\gamma^2 v,\gamma v, v)\in T_{\ell}(E)\oplus T_{\ell}(E)\oplus T_{\ell}(E).$$
$w \in T_{\ell}(X);\quad sw =\gamma w.$
Let us check that $w$ is $G(L)-$invariant. Clearly,
$$G(L)=\{\sigma\in G({\mathbf Q})\mid \rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma) \in \mu_{3,\ell}\cdot \mathrm{id}\}.$$
Let $\sigma \in G(L)$ with $\rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)=\zeta\mathrm{id}, \quad \zeta \in
\mu_{3,\ell}.$ If $\zeta=1$ , i.e., $\rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)=\mathrm{id}$ then all
elements of $V_{\ell}(X)$ are
$\sigma-$invariant. Since $\mu_{3,\ell}=\{1,\gamma,\gamma^{-1}\}$, we may
assume that $\zeta=\gamma$, i.e.,
$\rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)=\gamma\cdot \mathrm{id}$
and therefore
$\mathrm{det} \rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)=\gamma^2=\gamma^{-1}.$
$$\iota(\mathrm{pr}_3(\mathrm{det} \rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)))(\rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)(\gamma^2
v),\rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)(\gamma v), \rho_{\ell,E}(\sigma)( v))=\iota(\gamma^2)(\gamma w)=$$
$$s^2(\gamma w)=\gamma s^2 w=\gamma\gamma^{2} w=w.$$
This proves that $w$ is $G(L)-$invariant.
Now, I claim that $X(L)$ contains infinitely many points, whose order is
a power of $\ell$. Indeed, starting with a non-divisible element $v \in T_{\ell}(E)$
and identifying the group $X_{\ell^n}$ with the quotient
$T_{\ell}(X)/\ell^n T_{\ell}(X)$, we get a $L-$rational point
$(\gamma^2 v,\gamma v,v)\mod\ell^n T_{\ell}(X) \in T_{\ell}(X)/\ell^n
of order $\ell^n$.
\section{Another Example}
Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field with class number $1$ and let
$E$ be
an elliptic curve over ${\mathbf Q}$ such that $\mathrm{End}_K(E)=O_K$ is the ring of
integers in $K$. In this section we construct a Galois
extension $L$ of $K$ such that $E(L)$ contains
infinitely many points of finite order but the intersection of $L$ and
$K(c)$ is of finite degree over $K$ (even coincides with $K$).
We write $\iota:{\mathbf C} \to {\mathbf C}$ for the complex conjugation $z\mapsto
\bar{z}$. We write $R$ for $O_K$. Clearly, $\mathrm{End}_{{\mathbf Q}}(E)={\mathbf Z}\ne R$.
It follows easily that
$$\iota(ux)=\bar{u}(\iota(x))\quad \forall x \in E({\mathbf C}), u\in R.$$
Notice that $K$ is abelian over ${\mathbf Q}$. Since ${\mathbf Q}(c)={\mathbf Q}(ab)$, $K \subset
{\mathbf Q}(c)$ and therefore
$$K(c)={\mathbf Q}(c).$$
Let $\ell$ be a prime number. We write $R_{\ell}$ for $R \otimes {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}$.
It is well-known that $T_{\ell}(E)$ is a free $R \otimes {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}$-module
of rank $1$ and therefore
$$\mathrm{End}_{R_{\ell}}(T_{\ell}(E))=R_{\ell},\quad \mathrm{Aut}_{R_{\ell}}(T_{\ell}(E))=R_{\ell}^*.$$
Let us consider the corresponding $\ell$-adic representation
$$\rho_{\ell,E}: G({\mathbf Q}) \to \mathrm{Aut}_{{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}}(T_{\ell}(E)) \cong \mathrm{GL}(2,{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}).$$
Clearly, $G_{\ell}:=\rho_{\ell,E}(G({\mathbf Q}))$ is not a subgroup of
$R_{\ell}^*=\mathrm{Aut}_{R_{\ell}}(T_{\ell}(E))$ but
$$H_{\ell}:=\rho_{\ell,E}(G(K))\subseteq R_{\ell}^*.$$
It is also known (\cite{Serre2}, Sect. 4.5) that
for all but finitely many primes $\ell$. Let us fix such an $\ell$, assuming
in addition that $\ell$ is unramified and splits in $K$.
This implies that $\ell={\mathfrak q}\bar{{\mathfrak q}}$ for some ${\mathfrak q}\in K$ and
$$O_K={\mathfrak q}\cdot O_K+\bar{{\mathfrak q}}\cdot O_K,\quad R_{\ell}=R_{{\mathfrak q}}\oplus R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}},
\quad R_{{\mathfrak q}}={\mathbf Z}_{\ell}, R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}= {\mathbf Z}_{\ell},$$
$${\mathfrak q} R_{\ell}=\ell R_{{\mathfrak q}}\oplus R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}=
\ell {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}\oplus{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}\subset {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}\oplus{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}= R_{\ell},$$
$$\bar{{\mathfrak q}} R_{\ell}= R_{{\mathfrak q}}\oplus \ell R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}=
{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}\oplus\ell{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}\subset {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}\oplus{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}= R_{\ell},$$
$$R_{\ell}^*=R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*,\quad R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*={\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*, R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*= {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}^*.$$
We also have
$$T_{\ell}(E)=T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)\oplus T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)$$
$$T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E):=R_{{\mathfrak q}}\cdot T_{\ell}(E),\quad T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E):=R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}\cdot T_{\ell}(E)$$
are free ${\mathbf Z}_{\ell}$-modules of rank $1$. This implies that for each positive integer $i$
$${\mathfrak q}^i T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)=\ell^i T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E), \quad \bar{{\mathfrak q}}^i T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)=T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E),$$
$$\bar{q}^i T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)=\ell^i T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E),\quad
{\mathfrak q}^i T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)=T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)$$
and therefore
$$T_{\ell}(E)/\ell^i T_{\ell}(E)=
T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)/\ell^i T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)\oplus T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)/\ell^i T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)=
T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)/{\mathfrak q}^i T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)\oplus T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)/\bar{{\mathfrak q}}^i T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E).$$
It follows easily that a point
$x \in E_{\ell^i}=T_{\ell}(E)/\ell^i T_{\ell}(E)$ satisfies ${\mathfrak q}^i x=0$ (respectively $\bar{{\mathfrak q}}^i x=0$) if and only if
$x \in T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)/\ell^i T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E)$
(respectively $x \in T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)/\ell^i T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E)$).
Let us put
$$\tau:=\rho_{\ell,E}(\iota) \in G_{\ell} \subset \mathrm{Aut}_{{\mathbf Z}_{\ell}}(T_{\ell}(E)).$$
Then $\tau^2=\mathrm{id}$ and
$$\tau( R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times\{1\}) \tau^{-1}=\{1\}\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*\subset R_{\ell}^* ,\quad
\tau(\{1\}\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*) \tau^{-1}=R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times\{1\})\subset R_{\ell}^*.$$
It is also clear that
$$\tau(T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E))=T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E), \quad \tau(T_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}(E))=T_{{\mathfrak q}}(E).$$
Let us consider the field $K(E(\ell^{\infty}))$ of definition of all
points on $E$ of $\ell$-power order. It is the Galois extension of $K$ with the Galois group
$R_{\ell}^*=R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*.$
It is also normal over ${\mathbf Q}$ and $\mathrm{Gal}(K(E(\ell^{\infty}))/{\mathbf Q})=G_{\ell}$, since $E$ is defined over ${\mathbf Q}$ and $K$ is normal over ${\mathbf Q}$.
Let us define $L$ as a subextension of $K(E(\ell^{\infty}))/K$ such
$$\mathrm{Gal}(K(E(\ell^{\infty}))/L)=\{1\}\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*\subset
R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*=R_{\ell}^*=\mathrm{Gal}(K(E(\ell^{\infty}))/K).$$
One may
easily check that $L$ coincides with the field $K(E({\mathfrak q}^{\infty}))$ of definition of all
torsion points on $E$ which are killed by a power of ${\mathfrak q}$. In
particular, $E(L)$ contains infinitely many points, whose order is a power
of $\ell$.
Let us consider the field $L'=\iota(L)$. Clearly, $K\subset L'\subset K(E(\ell^{\infty}))$
and $L'$ coincides with the field $K(E(\bar{{\mathfrak q}}^{\infty}))$
of definition of all torsion points on $E$ which are killed by a power of
$\bar{{\mathfrak q}}$.
It is also clear that
R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*)\tau^{-1}=R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times\{1\}\subset
R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*=R_{\ell}^*=\mathrm{Gal}(K(E(\ell^{\infty}).$$
Since the subgroups $\{1\}\times R_{\bar{{\mathfrak q}}}^*$ and
$R_{{\mathfrak q}}^*\times\{1\}$ generate the whole group $R_{\ell}^*=\mathrm{Gal}(K(E(\ell^{\infty}))/K)$,
$$L\bigcap \iota(L)=L\bigcap L'=K.$$
It follows that if $M/K$ is a subextension of $L/K$ such that $M$ is
normal over ${\mathbf Q}$ then $M=K$. Since $K(c)={\mathbf Q}(c)$,
$L\bigcap K(c)=L\bigcap {\mathbf Q}(c)$ is a subfield of
${\mathbf Q}(c)$ and therefore is normal (even abelian) over ${\mathbf Q}$. It follows that
$$L\bigcap K(c)=K.$$
\section{Abelian subextensions}
The following statement may be viewed as a variant of Theorem \ref{Theorem 1} for
arbitrary abelian varieties over number fields.
\sl Let $X$ be an abelian variety over a number field $K$. Then:
\item If for some prime $\ell$ the $\ell-$primary part of $\mathrm{TORS}(X(L))$
is infinite then $L$ contains an
abelian infinite subextension $E\subset L$ such that $\mathrm{Gal}(E/K)\cong {\mathbf Z}_{\ell}$ and $E/K$ is ramified only at divisors of $\ell$.
\item Let $P=P(X,L)$ be the set of primes $\ell$ such that $X(L)$ contains
a point of order $\ell$. If
$P$ is infinite then for all but finitely many primes $\ell \in P$ there
exist a finite subextension
$E^{(\ell)}\subset L$ such that $E^{(\ell)}/K$ is a ramified abelian extension
which is unramified outside
divisors of $\ell$.
In addition, the degree $[E^{(\ell)}:K]$ is prime to $\ell$ and degree
$[E^{(\ell)}:K]$ tends to infinity while $\ell$ tends to infinity.
\begin{cor}[Theorem of Bogomolov] If $\mathrm{TORS}(X(L))$ is infinite then $L$ contains an infinite abelian subextension of $K$.
\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{abelian}]
First, we may and will assume that $X$ is $K-$simple, i.e., the center
$F$ of the endomorphism algebra of $X$ is a number field.
Second, there is a positive integer $d$, enjoying the following property:
If $m$ is a positive integer such that $\varphi(m) \le 2g=2\mathrm{dim}(X)$ then
$d$ is divisible by $m$.
Third, let $\lambda$ be a prime ideal in $O_F$ dividing a prime number
$\ell$. Then, in the notations of Section 1 the following statement is
The composition
$$\pi_{\lambda}:=(\mathrm{det}_{F_{\lambda}} \rho_{\lambda,X})^d:G(K) \to
\mathrm{Aut}_{F_{\lambda}}V_{\lambda}(X) \to {F_{\lambda}}^* \to
is an abelian representation of $G(K)$ unramified outside divisors of
\item For all but finitely many $\lambda$ the composition
$$\bar{\pi}_{\lambda}:=(\mathrm{det}_{F_{\lambda}}\bar{\rho}_{\lambda,X})^d:G(K) \to
\mathrm{Aut}_{O_F/\lambda}X_{\lambda} \to (O_F/\lambda)^* \to
is an abelian representation of $G(K)$ unramified outside divisors of
We will prove Lemma at the end of this section. Now, let us finish the
proof of Theorem, assuming validity of Lemma.
First, notice that the ratio
$$e=2\mathrm{dim}(X)/[F:{\mathbf Q}]$$
is a positive integer. Second,
for all but finitely many primes $p$ there exists a finite
collection of {\sl Weil numbers}, i.e., certain algebraic integers $\{\alpha_1,\ldots
\alpha_{e}\} \subset F(a)$, enjoying the following properties:
\item (Weil's condition) There is a positive integer $q>1$ such that $q$ is an integral power
of $p$ and all $\mid\alpha_i\mid^2=q$ for all embeddings
$F(a)\subset{\mathbf C}$.
For all $\ell\ne p$ and $\lambda\mid\ell$ there is a subset
$S_{\lambda}\subset \{1,\ldots e\}$ such that
$(\prod_{i\in S_{\lambda}}\alpha_i)\in
O_F$ and the group $\mathrm{Im}(\pi_{\lambda})$ contains $\prod_{i\in
\item For all but finitely many $\lambda$ the subgroup
contains $(\prod_{i\in S_{\lambda}}\alpha_i)\mod \lambda \in (O_F/\lambda)^*$.
Indeed, let us choose a prime ideal $\mathbf v$ in the ring $O_K$ of all
algebraic integers in $K$ such that $X$ has good reduction at $\mathbf
v$. Let
$$Fr_{\mathbf v} \in \mathrm{Im}(\rho_{\lambda,X}) \subset \mathrm{Aut}_{F_{\lambda}}V_{\lambda}(X)$$
be {\sl Frobenius element} $Fr_{\mathbf v}$ at $\mathbf v$ (defined up to
conjugacy)\cite{Serre},\cite{RibetA}. Then the set of its eigenvalues belongs
to $F(a)$, does not depend on the choice of $\lambda$ and satisfies all the desired properties with $p$
the residual characteristic of $\mathbf v$ and $q=\#(O_K/{\mathbf v})$(\cite{Shimura},
Ch. 7, Prop. 7.21 and proof of Prop. 7.23).
\begin{proof}[Proof of assertion 1] We know that there exists $\lambda$ dividing
$\ell$ such that the subspace $V_{\lambda}(X)$ consists of $G(L)-$invariants. This means
that $G(L)$ lies in the kernel of $\pi_{\lambda}$. This implies that
the field $E'$ of $\ker(\pi_{\lambda})-$invariants is an abelian subextension
of L, unramified outside divisors of $\ell$ and $\mathrm{Gal}(E'/K)$ is
isomorphic to $\mathrm{Im}(\pi_{\lambda})$. Choosing a collection of Weil numbers
attached to prime $p\ne\ell$, we easily conclude that $\mathrm{Im}(\pi_{\lambda})$ is an
{\sl infinite} commutative $\ell-$adic Lie group \cite{Serre} and therefore,
there is a continuous quotient of $\mathrm{Im}(\pi_{\lambda})$, isomorphic to
${\mathbf Z}_{\ell}$. One has to take as $E$ the subextension of $E'$
corresponding to this quotient.
\begin{proof}[Proof of assertion 2]
We know that for all but finitely many $\ell \in P$ there exists
$\lambda$ dividing $\ell$ such that $X_{\lambda}$ consists of $G(L)-$invariants.
This means that the field $E^{(\ell)}$ of
$\ker(\bar{\pi}_{\lambda})-$invariants is an abelian subextension
of L, unramified outside divisors of $\ell$ and $\mathrm{Gal}(E^{(\ell)}/K)$ is
isomorphic to $\mathrm{Im}(\pi_{\lambda})$. In order to prove that
$[E^{(\ell)}:K]$ tends to infinity, let us assume that there exist an
infinite subset $P'\subset P$ and a positive integer $D$ such that
$\#(\mathrm{Gal}(E^{(\ell)}/K))=[E^{(\ell)}:K]$ divides $D$ for all $\ell\in P'$. This means that
$$\bar{\pi}_{\lambda}^D: G(K)\to (O_F/\lambda)^*$$
is a trivial homomorphism for {\sl infinitely many} $\lambda$.
In order to get a contradiction, let us choose a collection of Weil
numbers $\{\alpha_1,\ldots
\alpha_{e}\}$ enjoying the properties described above.
Clearly. for any non-empty subset $ S \subset \{1,\ldots e\}$ the
product $\alpha_S:=\prod_{i\in S} \alpha_i$ is not a root of unity. In addition,
if $\alpha_S\in
O_F$ then there only finitely many $\lambda$ such that $\alpha_S^D-1$ is
an element of $\lambda$. Since there are only finitely many subsets of $\{1,\ldots2g\}$,
for all but finitely many $\lambda$ the group
$$\mathrm{Im}((\bar{\pi}_{\lambda})^D) \subset (O_F/\lambda)^*$$
contains an element of type $\alpha_S^D\mod \lambda$ different from 1.
This implies that $(\bar{\pi}_{\lambda})^D$ is a non-trivial
homomorphism for all but finitely many $\lambda$. This gives the
desired contradiction.
\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma]
Let $\mathbf v$ be a prime ideal in the ring $O_K$ of all
algebraic integers in $K$. We write $I_{\mathbf v} \subset G(K)$ for
the corresponding inertia subgroup defined up to conjugacy. Assume that the
residual characteristic of $\mathbf v$ is different from $\ell$. It is known
\cite{SGA} that for any $ \sigma \in I_{\mathbf v}$ there exists a
positive integer $m$ such that $\rho_{\ell,X}(\sigma)^m$ is an unipotent
operator in $V_{\ell}(X)$ and its characteristic polynomial has
coefficients in ${\mathbf Z}$. This implies that if $m$ is the smallest integer enjoying
this property then the characteristic polynomial is divisible by the
$m$th cyclotomic polynomial. This implies that $2g\ge \varphi(m)$ and
therefore $m$ divides $d$. Since $V_{\lambda}(X)$ is a Galois-invariant
subspace of $V_{\ell}(X)$ and (for all but finitely many $\ell$) $X_{\lambda}$
is a Galois-invariant
subspace of $T_{\ell}(X)/\ell T_{\ell}(X)$, a Galois automorphism
$\sigma^d$ acts as an unipotent operator in $V_{\lambda}(X)$ and (for
all but finitely many $\lambda$) in $X_{\lambda}$. One has only to
recall that the determinant of an unipotent operator is always $1$.
1997-08-22T16:19:27 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708020 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708020 | [
] | alg-geom/9708020 | Gunnar Floystad | Gunnar Floystad | A property deducible from the generic initial ideal | Completely revised compared to earlier hardcopy versions. AMS-Latex
v1.2, 13 pages | Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 136 (1999), no.2, p.127-140 | 10.1016/S0022-4049(97)00165-5 | null | null | Let $S_d$ be the vector space of monomials of degree $d$ in the variables
$x_1, ..., x_s$. For a subspace $V \sus S_d$ which is in general coordinates,
consider the subspace $\gin V \sus S_d$ generated by initial monomials of
polynomials in $V$ for the revlex order. We address the question of what
properties of $V$ may be deduced from $\gin V$. % This is an approach for
understanding what algebraic or geometric properties of a homogeneous ideal $I
\sus k[x_1, ..., x_s]$ that may be deduced from its generic initial ideal $\gin
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:19:15 GMT"
] | 2011-12-14T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
During the recent years the generic initial ideal of a homogeneous ideal
has attracted some attention as an invariant.
An intriguing problem is what algebraic or geometric properties of the
original ideal can be deduced from the generic initial ideal.
In this paper we take perhaps the most elementary approach possible.
$S = k[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$ and let $>$ be the reverse lexicographic order
of the monomials in $S$. Denote by $S_d$ the graded piece of degree $d$ in
$S$. Suppose $V \subseteq S_d$ is a subspace. Denote by $\gin V$ the subspace
of $S_d$ generated by initial monomials
of polynomials of the subspace of $S_d$ obtained from $V$ by performing
a general change of coordinates.
Then one may ask what properties of $V$ may be
deduced from $\gin V$? The following result gives an insight in this
Let $W = (x_1, \ldots, x_r) \subseteq S_1$ which is a linear space.
Suppose that $s \geq r \geq 3$.
\begin{theoremho} Let $V \subseteq S_{n+m}$ be a linear space such that
\[ \gin V = W^n x_1^m \subseteq S_{n+m}. \]
Then there exists a polynomial $p \in S_{m}$ and a linear subspace
$W_n \subseteq S_n$ such that $V = W_n p.$
Note that if $s=r$ then $W^n x_1^m$ are the largest monomials in
$S_{n+m}$ for the lexicographic order. Thus if $>$ had been the
lexicographic order and $\gin V = W^n x_1^m$ then we could deduce
virtually nothing about $V$.
\vskip 2mm
The general idea of the proof is inspired by Green and worth attention
because of its seeming naturality in dealing with problems of this kind.
The idea in its vaguest and most generally applicable form is the following.
Suppose $\gin V$ has a given form, and suppose $V$ is in general coordinates
so $\ii V = \gin V$.
The given form of $\ii V$ implies some algebraic or geometric property of
$V$. Let now $g : S_1 \rightarrow S_1$ be a general change of coordinates.
Then $\ii {g^{-1}.V} = \gin V$ also. Thus $g^{-1}.V$ will also have this
property. Then this property may be translated back to a property of $V$.
This gives a continuous set of properties that $V$ will satisfy. From this one
may proceed making deductions about what $V$ may look like.
\vskip 2mm
In this paper this is applied concretely as follows. In the case $r=s$ the
given form of $\ii V = \gin V$ implies that there is a $p_1 $ in $S_m$ such
that $ x_r^n \cdot p_1 \in V$.
The fact that $\ii {g^{-1}.V} = \gin V$ also implies that there is a
$p_{g^{-1}}$ in $S_m$ such that $ x_r^n \cdot p_{g^{-1}} \in g^{-1}.V$.
Translating this property back to $V$ we get
\begin{equation} (g.x_r)^n \cdot g.p_{g^{-1}} \in V.
\label{hnpz} \end{equation}
Now for the family of linear forms $h = \sum t_ix_i$ one may choose a general
family of $g$'s depending on $h$ such that $g.x_r = h$. Then
equation (\ref{hnpz}) may be written as
\begin{equation} h^n p \in V \label{hnp0} \end{equation}
where $p$ is a form
of degree $m$ depending on $h$.
\vskip 2mm The second technique, specifically suggested by Green,
is to {\it differentiate} this equation
with respect to the $t_i$. All the derivatives will still be in $V$.
(This is just the fact that when a vector varies in a vector space its
derivative is also in the vector space.)
Letting $V_{|h=0}$ be the image by the composition $V \rightarrow S \rightarrow S/(h)$ this
enables us to show that the forms in $V_{|h=0}$ have a common factor
of degree $m$.
\vskip 2mm The third basic ingredient is now proposition 3.4 which says that
if the $V_{|h=0}$ have a common factor of degree $m$, then $V$ has a common
factor of degree $m$.
Having proven the case $s=r$, the case $s > r$
may now be proven by an induction process.
\vskip 3mm
The organization of the paper is as follows. In the first three sections we
develop general theory which does not presuppose {\it anything} about what
$\gin V$ actually is.
In section 1 we give some basic definitions and notions.
In section 2 we define the generical initial space of a subspace $V$ of $S$
by using a {\it generic} coordinate change on $V$. We also give some basic
theory for this setting which will be used in sections 4 and 5.
Section 3 presents the framework in which we will work. Instead of considering
a continuously varying form $h= \sum_{i=1}^s t_i x_i$
in $k[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$, we
consider $h$ as a linear form in $K[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$ where
$K = k(t_1, \ldots, t_s)$, the field of rational functions of the $t_i$'s.
If now $V \subseteq k[x_1, \ldots, x_s]_d$ is a subspace let $V_K = V \otimes_k K
\subseteq K[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$. The main result here, proposition 3.4, says that if
the forms in $V_{K|h=0}$ have a common factor of degree $m$
then the forms in $V$ have a common factor
of degree $m$. This is proven using differentiation of forms with respect
to the $t_i$.
Only {\it from now on} do we assume that $\gin V$ has the special form
given in the main theorem.
In section 4 we prove the case $s=r$ in the main theorem.
Section 5 proves the case $s > r$ of the main theorem.
In section 6 we give an application of the main theorem. The example
originated in discussions with Green and was what triggered this paper.
Consider the complete intersection of three quadratic forms in ${\bf P}^3$.
Let $I \subseteq k[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]$ be its homogeneous ideal. By standard theory
one may deduce that there are two candidates for $\gin I$ :
J^{(1)} & = & (x_1^2, x_1x_2, x_2^2, x_1x_3^2, x_2x_3^2, x_3^4), \\
J^{(2)} & = & (x_1^2, x_1x_2, x_1x_3, x_2^3, x_2^2x_3,
x_2x_3^2, x_3^4).
By the main theorem, if $\gin I = J^{(2)}$ then the quadratic forms
in $I_2 \subseteq S_2$ would have to have a common factor. Impossible.
Thus $\gin I = J^{(1)}$.
\vskip 2mm
Throughout the article all fields have characteristic zero.
\section{Basic definitions and notions}
\parg Let $S = k[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$.
The graded piece of degree $d$ is denoted by $S_d$.
If $I = (i_1, i_2, \ldots, i_s)$ we use the notation
\[ {\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^I = x_1^{i_1}\cdots x_s^{i_s}. \]
It has degree $|I| = \sum i_j$.
Suppose now we have given a total order on the monomials.
For a homogeneous polynomial $ f = \sum a_I{\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^I$ in $S$
(henceforth often referred to as a form) let the initial monomial be
\[ \ii f = \max \{ {\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^I \, | \, a_I \neq 0 \}. \]
For a homogeneous vector subspace $V \subseteq S$ let the {\it initial subspace} be
\[ \ini V = ( \{ \ini f \, | \, f \in V\} ) \]
the homogeneous vector subspace of $S$ generated by the initial monomials
of forms in $V$.
Sometimes we wish to consider another polynomial ring $R[x_1, \ldots, x_r]$
where $R$ is a commutative ring. Denote this by $S_R$.
The initial monomials $\ii f$ for $f \in V$ may equally well be
considered as elements of $S_R$. We may thus speak of $\ii V$ over $R$
(when $V \subseteq S$) which is the free $R$-module in $S_R$ generated by
$\{ \ini f \, | \, f \in V\}$.
\parg The monomial order we shall be concerned with in sections 4 and 5
is the reverse lexicographic order.
Then the monomials of a given degree is ordered by
${\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^I > {\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^J$ if $i_r < j_r$ where $r$ is the greatest number
with $i_r \neq j_r$. Intuitively ${\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^J$ is "dragged down" by having a large
"weight in the rear".
For a linear form $l \in S_1$ denote by
$V|_{l=0}$ the image of the composition
\[ V \longrightarrow S \longrightarrow S/(l). \]
The following basic fact for the revlex order,
proposition 15.12 a. in \cite{Ei}, will be used several times
\[ \ii {V_{|x_s = 0}} = \ii V _{|x_s = 0}. \]
\section{The generic initial space}
The following section contains the definition of the generic initial space
and some general theory related to it. The things presented here are
certainly in the background knowledge of people but due to a lack of suitable
references for a proper algebraic treatment we develop the theory here.
The most important things are proposition 2.9 and paragraph 2.11.
\parg We identify $S = k[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$ as the affine coordinate ring of
${\bf A}^s$. Let $G = GL(S_1^{\vee})$. There is a natural action
\[ {\bf A}^s \times G \longrightarrow {\bf A}^s \]
given by $(a,g) \mapsto g^{-1}.a$. This gives a $k$-algebra homomorphism
\[ \gamma : k[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \longrightarrow k[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \otimes_k k[G]. \]
If $R$ is a $k[G]$-algebra, we also by composition obtain a $k$-algebra
\[ \gamma_R : k[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \longrightarrow k[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \otimes_k k[G]
\longrightarrow R[x_1, \ldots, x_s]. \]
Note that if $R = k(g)$ for a point $g \in G$, then $\gamma_{k(g)}$ is just
the action of $g$ on $k[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$.
Let $K_G$ be the function field of $G$. The image of a homogeneous
subspace $V \subseteq S$ by $\gamma_{K_G}$ generates a homogeneous subspace
$(\gamma_{K_G}(V))$ of the same dimension as $V$.
Suppose now a total monomial order is given.
The initial monomials of
$(\gamma_{K_G}(V))$ generate a linear subspace over $k$ (or over $K_G$), which is
called the {\it generic initial subspace} of $V$ over $k$ (or over $K_G$)
and is denoted $\gin V$. Henceforth we shall drop the outer
paranthesis of $(\gamma_{K_G}(V))$ and write this as $\gamma_{K_G}(V)$.
\parg Let $\gin V = (m_1, \ldots, m_t)$ for some monomials $m_i$.
Let $b_i \in \gamma_{K_G}(V)$ be such that
\[ b_i = m_i + b_{i0} \]
where $b_{i0}$ consists of monomials less than $m_i$ for the given order.
Now there is an open subset $U \subseteq G$ such that all the $b_i$ lift to
elements of ${\mathcal O}(U) [x_1, \ldots, x_s]$. Now we immediately get.
There is an open subset $U \subseteq G$ (take the one above) such that for $g \in U$
\[ \ii {(\gamma_{k(g)}(V))} = \gin V \, (\mbox{over } k(g)).\]
(The original reference for this is \cite{Ga}.)
\parg Now choose a $g_0 \in G$ such that $k(g_0) = k$. There is then a diagram
\[ \begin{CD}
{\bf A}^s_{K_G} @>\alpha_{g_0}>> {\bf A}^s_{K_G} \\
@VVV @VVV \\
{\bf A}^s \times G @>{\cdot g_0}>> {\bf A}^s \times G \\
@VVV @VVV \\
{\bf A}^s @>{g_0^{-1}.}>> {\bf A}^s.
\end{CD} \]
The lower horizontal map is the natural action. The middle map is given by
$(a,g) \mapsto (a, g g_0)$ and the lower vertical maps are just the action
of $G$. The upper horizontal map is the map induced by the middle map.
From the commutativity of the diagram we see that
\[ \gamma_{K_G}(g_0.V) = \alpha_{g_0}^*( \gamma_{K_G}(V)) \]
where $\alpha_{g_0}^*$ is the automorphism of $K_G[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$
induced by $\alpha_{g_0}$. Note that $\alpha_{g_0}^*$ comes from an
automorphism of $K_G$.
So it does not affect the
variables $x_i$.
Thus we see that the $\alpha_{g_0}^*(b_i) = m_i + \alpha_{g_0}^*(b_{i0})$
are a basis for $\gamma_{K_G}(g_0.V)$, where the monomials in
$\alpha_{g_0}^*(b_{i0})$ are less then $m_i$ for the given order.
Also note that the $\alpha_{g_0}^*(b_i)$ lift to the open subset
$U.g_0^{-1} \subseteq G$.
Thus we have proven the following.
Given $g \in G$, by replacing the subspace $V$ by $g_0.V$ and the
open subset $U$ by $U.g_0^{-1}$ for a suitable $g_0$, we may
assume that $g$ is in the open subset from proposition 2.3.
\parg Now let $\phi : X \longrightarrow G$ be a morphism. We get a morphism
\[ {\bf A}^s \times X \longrightarrow {\bf A}^s \]
and thus a $k$-algebra morphism
\[ \gamma_{K_X} : k[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \longrightarrow K_X[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \]
where $K_X$ is the function field of $X$.
We get a homogeneous subspace $( \gamma_{K_X}(V))$ and also here we shall
henceforth drop the outer paranthesis.
By performing a suitable
coordinate change of $V$ we may assume (by lemma 2.5) that
$\phi(X) \cap U \neq \emptyset$.
The following is now immediate from the results above.
\item [1.] For $x$ in the open subset $\phi^{-1}(U) \subseteq X$ we have
\[ \ii {\gamma_{k(x)}(V)} = \gin V \, (\mbox{over } k(x)). \]
\item [2.] $\ii {\gamma_{K_X} (V)} = \gin V \, (\mbox{over } K_X).$
\item [3.] Given $x \in X$ then we may assume that $\phi(x) \in U$.
\parg By 1.3 we have
\[ \ii {V_{|x_s = 0}} = \ii V _{|x_s = 0}. \]
We would like to have a suitable version of this for generic subspaces.
The version we need is 2. in the following. It is used most importantly
in the proof of lemma 5.2
\item [1.] $ \gin {\gamma_{K_X}(V)} = \gin V \, (\mbox{over } K_X). $
\item [2.] $ \gin { \gamma_{K_X}(V)_{|x_s = 0}} = \gin V _{|x_s = 0} \,
(\mbox{over } K_X).$
\begin{proof} We prove 2. The proof of 1. is analogous and easier. Besides
we will not need 1. We just state it for completeness.
\vskip 2mm
a) Let $S_1^{\circ} = (x_1, \ldots, x_{s-1})$ and $G^{\circ} = GL(S_1^{\circ \vee})$.
Let $k \rightarrow K$ be a homomorphism of fields and let
$G_K^{\circ} = GL(S_1^{\circ \vee} \otimes_k K)$.
Due to the naturally split inclusion $S_1^\circ \subseteq S_1$, there is a diagram
\[ \begin{CD}
{\bf A}^{s-1}_K \times G_K^\circ @>>> {\bf A}^{s-1}_K \\
@VVV @VVV \\
{\bf A}^s_K \times G_K^\circ @>>> {\bf A}^s_K
\end{CD} \]
where the upper action is given by $(a,g) \mapsto g^{-1}.a$.
The lower map gives a $K$-algebra homomorphism
\[ \gamma^{\circ} : K[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \longrightarrow K[G_K^\circ]
\otimes_K K[x_1, \ldots, x_s]. \]
The upper map gives a $K$-algebra homomorphism
\[ \gamma^{\circ}_{|x_s = 0} : K[x_1, \ldots, x_{s-1}] \longrightarrow K[G_K^\circ] \otimes_K
K[x_1, \ldots, x_{s-1}]. \]
For a homogeneous subspace $W \subseteq K[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$ we now see that
\[ \gamma_{|x_s = 0}^{\circ}(W_{|x_s = 0}) = \gamma^{\circ}(W)_{|x_s = 0}. \]
The initial space of the former is by definition
$\gin {W_{|x_s = 0}}$.
By 1.3
applied to the latter initial space we then get
\begin{equation} \gin {W_{|x_s = 0}} = \ii { \gamma^{\circ}(W)}_{|x_s = 0}.
\label{li1} \end{equation}
\vskip 3mm
b) Now there is a diagram
\[ \begin{CD}
{\bf A}^s \times G^\circ \times G @>>> {\bf A}^s \times G \\
@VVV @VVV \\
{\bf A}^s \times G @>>> {\bf A}^s.
\end{CD} \]
The upper horizontal map is given by
$(a,h,g) \mapsto (h^{-1}.a,g)$. The lower horizontal map and the right
vertical map are the actions. Lastly, the left vertical map is given by
$(a,h,g) \mapsto (a,hg)$.
It induces a diagram
\begin{equation} \begin{CD}
{\bf A}^s \times G^\circ \times X @>>> {\bf A}^s \times X \\
@VVV @VVV \\
{\bf A}^s \times G @>>> {\bf A}^s.
\end{CD} \label{li2} \end{equation}
Apply lemma 2.7.
Then $\gamma_{K_X}(V)$ has initial space $\gin V$. Also applying 2.7
to the composition ${\bf A}^s \times G^\circ \times X \rightarrow {\bf A}^s \times G \rightarrow {\bf A}^s$
(from the diagram), gives that $\gamma_{K_{G^\circ \times X}} (V)$ has
initial ideal $\gin V$ over $K_{G^\circ \times X}$.
Now go back to part a) of this proof and put $K = K_X$ and
$W = \gamma_{K_X} (V)$. By the commutativity of the diagram (\ref{li2}) we see
\[ \gamma^{\circ} (W) = \gamma_{K_{G^\circ \times X}} (V). \]
\[ \ii {\gamma^{\circ} (W)} = \ii {\gamma_{K_{G^\circ \times X}} (V)}
= \gin V \, (\mbox{over } K_{G^\circ \times X}). \]
Putting this together with (\ref{li1}) we get
\[ \gin { \gamma_{K_X}(V)_{|x_s = 0}} = \gin V _ {|x_s = 0} \,
(\mbox{over } K_X). \]
\parg Now, there is of course also a natural action
\[ G \times {\bf A}^s \longrightarrow {\bf A}^s \]
given by
\[ (g,a) \mapsto g.a. \]
The morphism
\[ \rho : G \times {\bf A}^s \longrightarrow {\bf A}^s \times G \]
given by
\[ (g,a) \mapsto (g.a, g)\]
is an isomorphism and its inverse $\rho^{-1}$ is given by
\[ (b,g) \mapsto (g, g^{-1}.b),\]
The morphism $\rho$ induces a $k[G]$-algebra isomorhism
\[ \Gamma : k[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \otimes_k k[G] \longrightarrow k[G] \otimes_k k[x_1, \ldots, x_s].\]
Note that $\Gamma^{-1}$ is the $k[G]$-algebra isomorphism induced by $\rho^{-1}$.
For any $k[G]$-algebra $R$ we get an $R$-algebra isomorphism
\[ \Gamma_R : R[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \longrightarrow R[x_1, \ldots, x_s]. \]
The homogeneous subspace $V \subseteq S$ induces an $R$-submodule
\[ V_R = V \otimes_k R \subseteq R[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \]
and so we get a free $R$-module
\[ \Gamma_R^{-1}(V_R) \subseteq R[x_1, \ldots, x_s] \]
which is in fact just $\gamma_R(V)$.
\parg For a morphism $\phi : X \rightarrow G$ with $\phi(X) \cap U \neq 0$ we now
see that
\[ \ii { \Gamma_{K_X}^{-1}(V_{K_X})} = \ii {\gamma_{K_X} (V)}
= \gin V \, (\mbox{over } K). \]
Now consider $G = GL(S_1^{\vee})$ to be an open subset of ${\bf A}^{s^2}$
with coordinate functions $u_{ij}$ for $i,j = 1, \ldots, r$.
Let the $u_{ij}$ take general values of $k$ for $i < r$ and
let $u_{rj} = t_j$. Let $D$ be the determinant of the matrix thus obtained
and let $T = k[t_1, \ldots, t_s]_D$. The situation to which we will apply
the above is to the situation where $X = $ Spec $T$. For the rest
of the paper let $K = K_X = k(t_1, \ldots, t_s)$ the field of rational
functions in the $t_i$.
Finally, if we let $h = \sum_{i=1}^s t_i x_i$, note the following will be
used repeatedly in sections 4 and 5 : $\Gamma_K (x_s) = h$.
\section{ Derivatives of forms}
Given a form $p$ in $S_K = K[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$.
One may then differentiate it with respect to the $t_i$ and obtain partial
derivatives $\partial^{|I|}p / \partial t^I$ where $I = (i_1, \ldots, i_r)$.
More generally for a homogeneous form
$s({\mbox{\boldmath $t$}}) = \sum \alpha_I t^I$ of degree $d$ we get the directional derivative
$\partial^d p / \partial s({\mbox{\boldmath $t$}}) = \sum \alpha_I \partial^d p/ \partial t^I$.
For a form $f$ in $S_K$ let $\ba f$ be its image in
$S_K / (h)$.
Now consider a specific form $p$. Let $l({\mbox{\boldmath $t$}}) = \sum \alpha_i t_i$
be such that
$\ba {l({\mbox{\boldmath $x$}})} = \sum \alpha_i \ba {x_i}$ is not a factor of $\ba p$.
\begin{lemma} Suppose $\partial^k p/ \partial l^k = \alpha_k p$ for $k \geq 0$.
If $f$ is a form such that $\ba {\partial^k f / \partial l^k}$ has $\ba p$
as a factor for all $k \geq 0$, then $f$ has $p$ as a factor.
\begin{proof} We have
\begin{equation} f = u_1 p + h a_1 \label{a1} \end{equation}
for some $u_1$ and $a_1$.
Differentiating this gives
\[ \partial f/ \partial l = \partial u_1 / \partial l \cdot p + u_1 \partial p / \partial l + l({\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}) a_1
+ h \partial a_1 / \partial l. \]
Thus $\ba p$ divides $\ba a_1$. So $a_1 = v_1 p + h a_2$ for some $v_1$ and
$a_2$. Inserting this in (\ref{a1}) gives
\[ f = u_2 p + h^2 a_2 \]
where $u_2 = u_1 + h v_1. $
Now differentiate twice with respect to $l$. We may conclude that
\[ a_2 = v_2 p + h a_3 \]
for som $v_2$ and $a_3$.
Continuing we get in the end that $f = up$.
The following result is proposition 10 in \cite{Co} and is due to Green.
It is assumed there that the field $k = {\bf C}$ but the proof is readily
seen to work for any field of characteristic zero.
Given a form $\ba p$ in $S_K / (h)$ it
gives a criterion for it to lift to a form in $S_K$ which
is essentially a form in $S$.
\begin{prop} Let $p \in S_K$ be a form such that
\[ x_i \ba{ \partial p / \partial t_j} \equiv x_j \ba{ \partial p / \partial t_i} \pmod {\ba p} \]
for all $i$ and $j$.
Then $p = \alpha p_0 + h R$ where $p_0 \in S$ and
$\alpha \in K$.
Consider now a form $f \in S \subseteq S_K$.
It gives a hypersurface in $\bf P^{s-1}$. The following says that if all
hyperplane sections of this hypersurface are reducible with a component of
a given degree then the same is true for the hypersurface defined by $f$.
\begin{kor} Suppose $\ba f = \ba u \cdot \ba p$ in $S_K / (h)$,
where $\ba u$ and $\ba p$ do not have a common factor. Then $\ba p$ lifts
to a form $\alpha p_0$ where $p_0 \in S$.
Furthermore $p_0$ is a factor of $f$.
\begin{proof} Let $u$ and $p$ in $S_K$ be liftings of
$\ba u$ and $\ba p$. We get
\[ f = up + hR. \]
Differentiating with respect to $\partial / \partial t_i$ gives
\[ 0 = \partial u / \partial t_i \cdot p + u \partial p / \partial t_i
+ x_i R + h \partial R / \partial t_i. \]
Thus we get
\[ \ba u ( x_j {\ba {\partial p/ \partial t_i}} - x_i \ba {\partial p / \partial t_j})
\equiv 0 \pmod {\ba p}. \]
Then by proposition 3.2 we conclude that $\ba p$ has a lifting
$\alpha p_0$ where $p_0 \in S$.
By lemma 3.1 we conclude that $p_0$ is a factor of $f$ since the
$\partial^k f / \partial l^k = 0$ for $k \geq 1$.
Now suppose $V \subseteq S_{n+m}$ is a subspace so we get a subspace
$V_K = V \otimes_k K \subseteq S_{K,n+m}$
and $V_{K|h=0} \subseteq S_K / (h)$.
\begin{prop} Suppose the forms of $V_{K|h=0}$ have a common factor $\ba p$
where $\ba p$ is a common factor of maximal degree $m$. Then $V$ has
a common factor $p_0$ of degree $m$ such that $\ba p = \alpha \ba p_0$
for some $\alpha \in K$.
We may choose an $f_0 \in V$ such that
\[ \ba f_0 = \ba u_0 \ba p \]
where $\ba u_0$ and $\ba p$ are relatively prime.
This is seen as follows. Let $\ba p = {\ba a_1}^{e_1} \cdots {\ba a_r}^{e_r}$
be a factorization where the $\ba a_i$ are distinct irreducible factors.
It is easily seen that the set of $f$ in $V$ where $\ba f$ has
${\ba a_i}^{e_i + 1}$ as a factor, is a linear subspace $V_i$ of $V$.
On the other hand if $f$ varies all over $V$ the restrictions $\ba f$
generate $V_{K|h=0}$.
Thus we cannot have $V_i = V$ for any $i$.
But since char $k= 0$ the field $k$ is infinite, so there must be an $f_0$ in
$V - \cup V_i$.
By corollary 3.3, $\ba p$ lifts to $\alpha p_0$ where $p_0 \in S$.
Choose now any $f$ in $V \subseteq V_K$. Then
\[ \ba f = \ba u \cdot \ba {\alpha p_0}. \]
By lemma 3.1 we may conclude that $p_0$ is a factor of $f$ and thus a common
factor of $V$.
\section{ The case when $s = r$}
Now we are ready for the specific work in proving the Main Theorem.
Consider $S = k[x_1, \ldots, x_r]$. Let $W = (x_1, \ldots, x_r) = S_1$ which
is a linear space. Use the notation $W^n = S_n$. (This will make our
statements more unified in form.)
Let the monomial order be the revlex order.
In this section we prove the following (which
is the case $s=r$ of the Main Theorem.)
\begin{theorem} Let $V \subseteq S_{n+m}$ be a linear space such that
\[ \gin V = W^n x_1^m \subseteq S_{n+m}. \]
Then there exists a polynomial $p \in S_{m}$ such that $V = W^n p.$
We assume $V$ to be in general coordinates so 2.7
\begin{lemma} There is a form $p$ in $S_{K,m}$ such that
\[ h^n p \in V_K. \]
From 2.11 we have $\ii {\Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)} = \gin V$ over $K$.
Thus there exists a $q_0$ in $\Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)$ such that
\[ q_0 = x_r^n x_1^m + \mbox{terms with smaller monomials}.\]
By the property of the revlex order, $x_r^n$ will divide
all terms of $q_0$ so there exists a $p_0 \in S_{K,m}$ such that
\[ q_0 = x_r^n p_0. \]
Let $p = \Gamma_K (p_0)$. Then we get
\[ h^n p = \Gamma_K(x_r)^n \Gamma_K(p_0) = \Gamma_K(q_0) \in V_K. \]
From $V_K \subseteq S_K$ we obtain the subspace
\[ V_{K|h=0} \subseteq S_K / (h). \]
Let $\ba p$ be the image of $p$ in $V_{K|h=0}$.
\begin{lemma} The elements in $V_{K|h=0}$ have $\ba p$ as a common factor.
Furthermore it is a common factor of maximal degree.
\begin{proof} We first find the dimension of the space $V_{K|h=0}$.
The map $\Gamma_K$ gives an isomorphism
\[ \ba {\Gamma_K} : K[x_1, \ldots, x_r]/ (x_r) \longrightarrow K[x_1, \ldots, x_r]/ (h). \]
Thus $\ba {\Gamma_K}^{-1}(V_{K|h=0}) = \Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)_{|x_r = 0}$.
Since $\Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)$ has initial space
\[ (x_1, \ldots, x_r)^n \cdot x_1^m, \]
we get by 1.3 that $\Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)_{|x_r = 0}$ has initial space
\[ (x_1, \ldots, x_{r-1})^n \cdot x_1^m. \]
Hence the dimension of $V_{K|h=0}$ is equal to the dimension of this space.
Now differentiate the equation
\[ h^n p \in V_K \]
with respect to $ \partial^{|I|}/ \partial t^I$ where
$I = (i_1, \ldots, i_{r-1})$
and $|I| = n$.
The derivative will also be in $V_K$. This is essentially the fact that
when a vector varies in a vector space the derivatives will also
be in that vector space.
We thus get
\[ {\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^I p + h R_I \in V_K \]
for some $R_I$. Thus
\begin{equation} {\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^I \ba p \in V_{K|h=0}. \label{bap} \end{equation}
But when $I$ varies, all these forms are linearly independent
since $h$ does not divide any linear combination of the ${\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}^I$.
By our statement about the dimension of $V_{K|h=0}$, the forms
(\ref{bap}) must generate $V_{K|h=0}$, thus proving the lemma.
By corollary 3.4 we may now conclude that $V$ has a maximal common factor
$p_0$ of degree $m$. Thus proving 4.1.
\section {The case when $s > r$}
Now we assume $S = k[x_1, \ldots, x_s]$. As before
$W = (x_1, \ldots, x_r) \subseteq S_1$, a linear subspace and assume $s > r$.
The monomial order is revlex.
In this section we prove the following by induction on $s$.
\begin{theorem} Let $V \subseteq S_{n+m}$ be a linear space such that
\[ \gin V = W^n x_1^m \subseteq S_{n+m}. \]
Then there exists a polynomial $p \in S_{m}$ and a linear subspace
$W_n \subseteq S_n$ such that $V = W_n p.$
Assume $V$ to be in general coordinates.
Let $g : S_1 \rightarrow S_1$ be a general coordinate change. Since
$\ii {g^{-1}.V} = (x_1, \ldots, x_r)^n \cdot x_1^m$, by 1.3 it follows that
$ \ii {g^{-1}.V_{|x_s = 0}} = (x_1, \ldots, x_r)^n \cdot x_1^m$ also.
By induction $g^{-1}.V_{|x_s = 0}$ has a common factor. By translating back,
$V_{|g.x_s = 0}$
also has a common factor (depending on $g$).
The following expresses this in the algebraic language we use.
\begin{lemma} There is a form $p$ in $S_{K,m}$ such that $\ba p$ in
$S_{K|h=0}$ is a common factor of $V_{K|h=0}$. Furthermore it is
a common factor of maximal degree.
\begin{proof} By 2.9.2 the generic initial ideal of
$\Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)_{|x_s = 0} = \gamma_K(V)_{|x_s = 0}$ is
$\gin V _{|x_s = 0}$ (over $K$).
The latter is, by 1.3, seen to be
\[ (x_1, \ldots, x_r)^n \cdot x_1^m. \]
By induction there is a form $\overline{p_1}$ in $S_{K,m|x_s = 0}$ which is
a common factor of $\Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)_{|x_s = 0}$.
Now $x_1^m$ is a common factor of $\ii {\Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)_{|x_s = 0}}$
of maximal degree. Then $\ba p_1$ must also have maximal degree
as a common factor of $ \Gamma_K^{-1}(V_K)_{|x_s = 0}$.
Lift this to a form $p_1$ in $S_{K,m}$. Then $p= \Gamma_K(p_1)$ is the
required form.
By corollary 3.4 we may now conclude that $V$ has a maximal common factor
$p_0$ of degree $m$. Thus proving 5.1.
\section {An example}
Consider the complete intersection of three quadratic forms in ${\bf P}^3$.
Let $I \subseteq k[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4]$ be its homogeneous ideal. We have the following
\item [1.] $I$ and $\gin I$ have the same Hilbert functions.
\item [2.] $\gin I$ is Borel-fixed. ( See proposition 15.20 in \cite{Ei}.)
\item [3.] Since $I$ is saturated, by proposition 2.21 in \cite{Gr} we have
$\gin I : x_4 = \gin I$. This is really just the fact that
$\ii {I : x_4} = \ii I : x_4$ for the revlex order
(proposition 15.12 b. in \cite{Ei}),
and that if $I$ is in general coordinates and saturated then
$I : x_4 = I$.
These three facts imply that there are two possible candidates for $\gin I$~:
J^{(1)} & = & (x_1^2, x_1x_2, x_2^2, x_1x_3^2, x_2x_3^2, x_3^4), \\
J^{(2)} & = & (x_1^2, x_1x_2, x_1x_3, x_2^3, x_2^2x_3,
x_2x_3^2, x_3^4).
However, by the theorem above if $\gin I = J^{(2)}$ then the quadratic forms
in $I_2 \subseteq S_2$ would have to have a common factor. Impossible.
Thus $\gin I = J^{(1)}$. On the other hand, if $I$ is an ideal with $\gin I = J^{(2)}$
then since the quadratic forms in $I_2$ would have a common factor it must
be the ideal of seven points in a plane pluss one extra point not in the
Note also the following. Let $>_1$ be the ordering of the monomials which is
lexicographic in the three first variables, and then refined with the
reverse lexicographic order with respect to the last variable. I.e.
\[ x_1^{a_1}x_2^{a_2}x_3^{a_3}x_4^{a_4} > x_1^{b_1}x_2^{b_2}x_3^{b_3}x_4^{b_4}
if $a_4 < b_4$, or $a_4 = b_4$ and
\[ x_1^{a_1}x_2^{a_2}x_3^{a_3} > x_1^{b_1}x_2^{b_2}x_3^{b_3}
for the lexicographic order.
Then if the three forms are general it is easily seen that $\gin I = J^{(2)}$. In
fact it is not difficult to argue that one will always have $\gin I = J^{(2)}$
if you have a complete intersection of three forms and this order.
Thus both $J^{(1)}$ and $J^{(2)}$ are in fact specialisations of $I$.
Furthermore it is not difficult to give an example of a complete intersection
of three forms such that in$(I) = J^{(2)}$ for the reverse lexicographic order.
Thus the fact that one can read some interesting algebraic or geometric
information from the initial ideal depends on the fact that you are looking
at the {\it generic initial ideal}.
To sum up, $J^{(2)}$ is a specialisation of the ideal $I$ of a complete
intersection of three quadratic forms in general coordinates through
the order $>_1$ given above. It is also the specialisation of an ideal $I$
of a complete intersection of three quadratic forms through the
revlex order, but it is {\em never} a specialisation of the ideal $I$
of a complete intersection of three quadratic forms through the revlex
order when the forms are in general coordinates.
1997-08-22T10:49:15 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708019 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708019 | [
] | alg-geom/9708019 | Alexander A. Voronov | Alexander A. Voronov (RIMS and M.I.T.) | Stability of the Rational Homotopy Type of Moduli Spaces | 7 pages, 1 figure | null | null | RIMS-1157 | null | We show that for g > 2k+2 the k-rational homotopy type of the moduli space
M_{g,n} of algebraic curves of genus g with n punctures is independent of g,
and the space M_{g,n} is k-formal. This implies the existence of a limiting
rational homotopy type of M_{g,n} as g goes to infinity and the formality of
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 22 Aug 1997 08:49:13 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Alexander A.",
"RIMS and M.I.T."
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
The description of the algebraic topology of the moduli space
$\mgn{g}$ of compact complex algebraic curves has long been a
tantalizing problem. The idea of ``stable cohomology '' of $\mgn{g}$ as the
genus $g \to \infty$, brought in by J.~L. Harer and D.~Mumford,
suggested a more graspable object to study as a first step. Mumford's
Conjecture \cite{mumford}, stating that the stable cohomology\ is the
polynomial algebra on the so-called Mumford-Morita-Miller classes, has
become a new tantalizing problem since then. Recently M.~Pikaart
\cite{pikaart} has proven that the Hodge structure on the stable cohomology\
is pure, thus providing more evidence to the conjecture, which easily
implies purity.
Our purpose in this note is to show that the rational homotopy type of
the moduli space $\mgn{g}$ stabilizes as $g \to \infty$ and prove
that the moduli space is formal in the stable limit. If the stable
cohomology\ of the moduli space were just known to be the cohomology\ of a certain
space $\mgn{\infty}$, then a theorem of E.~Miller and S.~Morita
\cite{miller} asserting that $H^\bullet (\mgn{\infty})$ is a free
graded commutative algebra would immediately imply the formality of
$\mgn{\infty}$. Thus, the essential result of this paper is showing
that the limit of the rational homotopy types of $\mgn{g}$ as $g \to
\infty$ exists. After this is done, the formality of the limit is
Here are few words about the structure of the paper. Sections 1 and 2
are dedicated to the description of the (nonstable) rational homotopy
type of the moduli space $\mgn{g}$. Section~\ref{infty}, where the
stable rational homotopy type of $\mgn{g}$ is studied, is independent
of the first two sections.
It may be worth noting how this paper relates to Jim Stasheff's work.
Stasheff polyhedra $K_n$ are known for many remarkable properties.
One of them, that $K_n$ is a connected component of the real
compactification of the moduli space of real projective lines with
$n+1$ punctures, was pointed out by M.~Kontsevich in \cite{maxim}.
Thus, Stasheff polyhedra are real analogues of the compactified moduli
spaces $\mgnb{g}$. Or, perhaps, the moduli spaces $\mgnb{g}$ are
complex analogues of Stasheff polyhedra, the chicken and the egg
problem. The topology of $K_n$ is trivial ($K_n$ is contractible), and
the topology of $\mgn{g}$ and $\mgnb{g}$ is just the opposite. It is
rather the combinatorics of Stasheff polyhedra which makes them very
useful in the topology of loop spaces \cite{jim}. The combinatorics of
the genus zero spaces $\mgn{0}$ has similarly proven to be useful in
studying the topology of double loop spaces \cite{gj} and the
algebraic structure of 2d quantum field theory \cite{ksv1,ksv2,kvz}.
But what is the topology of these complex analogues of Stasheff
polyhedra, especially for a high genus?
We also implicitly use a result of S.~Halperin and Stasheff
\cite{halperin-stasheff} throughout the paper: formality over any
field of characteristic zero implies that over the rationals.
I am very grateful to Pierre Deligne, Dick Hain, Eduard Looijenga, and
Martin Pikaart for helpful discussions. I would like to thank the
Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and the Research Institute
for Mathematical Sciences in Kyoto for their hospitality during the
summer 1997, when the essential part of the work on this paper was
\section{The rational homotopy type of a complex smooth
quasi-projective variety}
Here we recall J.~W. Morgan's description \cite{morgan} of a model of
the rational homotopy type of the complement $U$ of a normal crossings
divisor $D= \bigcup_{i=1}^r D_i$ in a compact complex manifold $X$.
The rational homotopy type will be understood in the sense of
D.~Sullivan \cite{sullivan}, see also P.~A. Griffiths and Morgan
\cite{griffiths-morgan} and D.~Lehmann \cite{lehmann}. It determines
the usual rational homotopy type of a topological space if it is
simply connected. In general it determines the rational nilpotent
completion thereof.
The rational homotopy type of $U$ is determined by the differential
graded (DG) commutative algebra that is nothing but the first term
$\mathcal{A}^\bullet = E_1^\bullet$ of the spectral sequence associated with the
weight filtration on the log-complex $\Omega^{\bullet,\bullet}_X(\log
D)$ of the smooth $(p,q)$-forms on $U$ with logarithmic singularities
along $D$. Otherwise, one can describe the same DG algebra as the
second term of the Leray spectral sequence of inclusion $U
\hookrightarrow X$. In any case, the model of $U$ is given by the DG
algebra $\mathcal{A}^\bullet$, where
\mathcal{A}^k & = \bigoplus_{p+q=k} \mathcal{A}^{p,q}, & \mathcal{A}^{p,q} & = \bigoplus_{
\substack{S \subset \{1,2,\dots,r\}\\
\abs{S} = -p}
H^{2p+q}(D_S, \mathbb{C}),\\
p & \le 0, \; q \ge 0, & D_S & = \bigcap_{i \in S} D_i.
The multiplication structure is given by
a \cdot a' =
(-1)^{pq'+\epsilon} (a|_{D_S \cap D_{S'}}) \cup (a'|_{D_S \cap D_{S'}}) & \text{if $S \cap S' = \emptyset$},\\
0 & \text{otherwise}
for $a \in H^{2p+q}(D_S,\mathbb{C})$ and $a' \in H^{2p'+q'}(D_{S'}, \mathbb{C})$,
where $\epsilon$ is the sign of the shuffle putting the set $S \cap
S'$ in an increasing order, assuming each of the subsets $S$ and $S'$
to be already in an increasing order. Note that this multiplication
law makes $\mathcal{A}^{\bullet,\bullet}$ into a bigraded commutative algebra.
Finally, the differential $d: \mathcal{A}^{p,q} \to \mathcal{A}^{p+1,q}$ can be described as
da = \sum_{j=1}^{-p} (-1)^{j-1} (\iota_j)_* a,
where $a \in H^{2p+q}(D_S, \mathbb{C})$, $S = \{i_1, \dots, i_{-p}\}$, $\iota_j$ is
the natural embedding $D_S \subset D_{S\setminus i_j}$, and
$(\iota_j)_*: H^{2p+q}(D_S, \mathbb{C}) \to H^{2p+q+2}(D_{S\setminus i_j},\mathbb{C})$ is the
Gysin map.
P.~Deligne \cite{del:hodge} proved that the spectral sequence
$E_1^{p,q} = \mathcal{A}^{p,q}$ degenerates at $E_2$, that is, the cohomology\ of the
DG algebra $\mathcal{A}^\bullet$ is equal to $H^\bullet(U,\mathbb{C})$. The very DG algebra
$\mathcal{A}^\bullet$ describes the rational homotopy type of $U$, according to
Morgan's theorem \cite{morgan}.
\section{The rational homotopy type of $\mgn{g}$}
Results of the previous section apply to the moduli space $\mgn{g}$,
which is the complement of a normal crossing divisor in the
Deligne-Knudsen-Mumford compactification $\mgnb{g}$. The problem that
the space in question is a stack rather than variety does not arise,
because we work with the \textbf{complex coefficients}, as we will
assume throughout the paper. From the combinatorics of
Deligne-Knudsen-Mumford's construction, we can say more specifically,
cf.\ \cite{ksv2}, that
\mathcal{A}^{p,q} = \bigoplus_G \; \left(
\bigotimes_{v \in G} H^{\bullet} (\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g(v), n(v)}) \right)_{2p+q}^{\operatorname{Aut}(G)},
the summation running over all stable labeled $n$-graphs $G$ of genus
$g(G) = g$ and $v(G) = - p +1$ vertices. Here we refer to \emph{graphs}
of the following kind. Each graph is connected and has \emph{$n$
enumerated exterior edges}, edges which are incident with only one
vertex of the graph. Each vertex $v$ of the graph is \emph{labeled} by
a nonnegative integer $g(v)$, called the genus of a vertex. The
\emph{stability} condition means that any vertex $v$ labeled by
$g(v)=1$ should be incident with at least one edge (i.e., be at least
of valence one) and each vertex $v$ with $g(v) = 0$ should be at least
of valence three. The \emph{genus} $g(G)$ of a graph $G$ is given by
the formula $g(G) = b_1(G) + \sum_v g(v)$, where $b_1(G)$ is the first
Betti number of the graph. The \emph{number $n(v)$} is the valence of
the vertex $v$ and $\operatorname{Aut}(G)$ is the \emph{automorphism group of a graph
$G$} (bijections on vertices and edges, preserving the exterior edges,
the labels of vertices and the incidence relation). The subscript
$2p+q$ in the formula refers to taking the homogeneous component of
this degree. The differential $d: \mathcal{A}^{p,q} \to \mathcal{A}^{p+1,q}$ is induced
by contracting interior edges in $G$, which corresponds to replacing a
neighborhood of a double point on a curve by a cylinder.
Our goal here is to look at the stable (as $g \to \infty$) cohomology\ and
rational homotopy type of the moduli space $\mgn{g}$. The following
result of Pikaart \cite{pikaart} gives a certain clue on what is going
on within a ``stable range''.
The restriction mapping $H^k(\mgnb{g}) \linebreak[1]
H^k(\mgn{g})$ is surjective for $k \le (g-1)/2$.
For $p+q \le (g-1)/2$, the cohomology\ of $\mathcal{A}^{p,q}$ is nonzero only for
$p=0$, see Figure~$\ref{graph}$.
\centerline{\epsfxsize=1.5in \epsfbox{graph.eps}}
\caption{The algebra $\mathcal{A}^{p,q}$. The shaded region is the ``stable
range'', where the cohomology\ is concentrated along the fat line.}
By our construction of the spectral sequence, the natural composite
mapping $\mathcal{A}^{0,k} \to H^{0,k} (\mathcal{A}^{\bullet,\bullet}, d) \hookrightarrow H^k (\mathcal{A}^{\bullet,\bullet}, d)$
is the same as the restriction mapping $H^k(\mgnb{g}) \to
H^k(\mgn{g})$. Therefore, the $p \ne 0$ columns of $\mathcal{A}^{p,q}$ do not
contribute to the cohomology\ of the DG algebra $\mathcal{A}$ in the stable range.
\section{The stable limit}
The stable limit in cohomology\ of the moduli spaces $\mgn{g}$ is achieved,
roughly speaking, by gluing more and more handles to the complex
curve. This yields an inductive system (of isomorphisms) on the level
of cohomology. But since there is no natural mapping between the moduli
spaces of different genera, one cannot speak of a limiting rational
homotopy type. The question of taking the limit of the DG algebras
$\mathcal{A}$ of Section~\ref{mgn} for $\mgn{g}$ may not be so obviously
resolved, either, because these algebras are constructed out of the
cohomology\ of $\mgnb{g'}$, $g'$ running between 0 and $g$. When $g\to
\infty$, $g'$ does not, and on top of that, taking the stable limit of
cohomology\ of $\mgnb{g}$ requires a finer tuning, cf.\ Pikaart
Our plan here is to show that a $k$-minimal model of $\mgn{g}$ is
independent of $k$ as long as $g \ge 2k+3$. In particular, the limit
of $k$-minimal models exists and may be called a ``$k$-minimal model
of $\mgn{\infty}$'', continuing the abuse of notation adopted for
cohomology. Since a minimal model of a space may be obtained as a union
of $k$-minimal models, we call this union a ``minimal model of
$\mgn{\infty}$''. Each of these $k$-minimal models is $k$-formal in a
natural sense, see below, and the formality of $\mgn{\infty}$ follows.
First of all, we recall basic notions on $k$-minimal models, see
\cite{griffiths-morgan,lehmann,morgan}. From now on we will assume that our
spaces and algebras are connected and simply connected, {i.e.}, their
$H^0 = \mathbb{C}$ and $H^1 = 0$. In application to moduli spaces, this is
the case as long as $g \ge 1$, see Harer \cite{harer2}. A DG
algebra $\mathfrak{M}$ is called \emph{minimal} if it is free as a DG
commutative algebra, $\mathfrak{M}^1 = 0$, and $d(\mathfrak{M}) \subset \mathfrak{M}^+ \cdot
\mathfrak{M}^+$, where $\mathfrak{M}^+ = \bigoplus_{i >0} \mathfrak{M}^i$. A \emph{minimal
model} of a DG algebra $\mathcal{A}$ is a minimal DG algebra $\mathfrak{M}$ along with
\emph{quasi-isomorphism} $\mathfrak{M} \to \mathcal{A}$, a morphism of DG algebras
inducing an isomorphism on cohomology. Every DG algebra $\mathcal{A}$ has a minimal
model, unique up to an isomorphism, which is in its turn unique up to
Let $k \ge 0$ be an integer. A $k$-\emph{minimal model} of a DG
algebra $\mathcal{A}$ is a minimal algebra $\mathfrak{M}(k)$ generated by elements in
degrees $\le k$ along with a morphism $\mathfrak{M}(k) \to \mathcal{A}$ inducing an
isomorphism on cohomology\ in degrees $\le k$ and an injection in degree
$k+1$. A $k$-minimal model is unique up to an isomorphism uniquely
defined up to homotopy. If one has an increasing sequence of
\mathfrak{M}(0) \subset \mathfrak{M}(1) \subset \mathfrak{M}(2) \subset \dots
together with morphisms $\mathfrak{M}(k) \to \mathcal{A}$ compatible with each other,
so that $\mathfrak{M}(k)$ is a $k$-minimal model of $\mathcal{A}$, then the union $\mathfrak{M}
\bigcup_k \mathfrak{M}(k)$ along with the natural morphism $\mathfrak{M} \to \mathcal{A}$ is a
minimal model of $\mathcal{A}$.
We will call a DG algebra $\mathcal{A}$ (or a space whose rational homotopy
type we consider) \emph{formal} if a minimal model $\mathfrak{M}$ of $\mathcal{A}$ is
isomorphic to a minimal model of its cohomology\ $H^\bullet(\mathcal{A})$ taken with
the zero differential. This is equivalent to saying that there is a
quasi-isomorphism $\mathfrak{M} \to H^\bullet(\mathcal{A})$. In this case the rational
homotopy type of $\mathcal{A}$ (or the space) is determined by its rational
cohomology\ ring. Formality implies that all Massey products are zero. If
the cohomology\ algebra $H^\bullet(\mathcal{A})$ is free as a graded commutative
algebra, then $\mathcal{A}$ is formal; see Proposition~\ref{k-formal} for a
$k$-version of this statement. Another example of a formal space is
any compact K\"ahler manifold, a famous result of Griffiths, Deligne,
Morgan, and Sullivan \cite{dgms}. We will similarly call a DG algebra
$\mathcal{A}$ or a space $k$-\emph{formal}, if $k$-minimal models of $\mathcal{A}$ and
its cohomology\ are isomorphic.
We also need to prove the following proposition establishing a
particular case of $k$-formality. We say that a graded commutative
algebra $\mathcal{C}$ is \emph{$k$-free} if there exists a graded vector space
$V = \bigoplus_{i=0}^k V^k$ and a mapping $V \to \mathcal{C}$ of graded vector
spaces defining a morphism $S(V) \to \mathcal{C}$ of graded algebras, where
$S(V)$ is the free DG commutative algebra on $V$, which is an
isomorphism in degrees $\le k$ and an injection in degree $k+1$.
Suppose that the cohomology\ $H^\bullet(\mathcal{A})$ of a DG algebra $\mathcal{A}$ is
$k$-free, based on a graded vector space $V$. Then $S(V)$ is a
$k$-minimal model of $\mathcal{A}$, and $\mathcal{A}$ is $k$-formal.
If $H^\bullet(\mathcal{A})$ is $k$-free, then there exists a linear injection
$\phi: V \hookrightarrow H^\bullet(\mathcal{A})$. Pick a linear mapping $V \to
\mathcal{A}$ which takes each element $v$ of $V$ to a cocycle representing the
cohomology\ class $\phi(v)$. Then the natural morphism of graded commutative
algebras $S(V) \to \mathcal{A}$ obviously respects the differentials and
satisfies the axioms of a $k$-minimal model of $\mathcal{A}$. By assumption,
$S(V)$ is at the same time a $k$-minimal model of $H^\bullet(\mathcal{A})$,
whence $k$-formality of $\mathcal{A}$.
Now we are ready to present the main result of the paper.
\item The moduli space $\mgn{g}$ is $k$-formal for $g \ge 2k+3$.
\item The subalgebra $H^\bullet (\mgn{\infty}) (k)$ of
$H^\bullet (\mgn{\infty})$ generated in degrees $\le k$ is a
$k$-minimal model of $\mgn{g}$ for $g \ge 2k+3$.
\item A $k$-minimal model of $\mgn{g}$ is independent of $g$ as long as
$g \ge 2k+3$. We will call it a $k$-\emph{minimal model of}
\item The $k$-minimal models of $\mgn{\infty}$ form am increasing sequence
of embeddings. The union, a \emph{minimal model of} $\mgn{\infty}$, is
isomorphic to its cohomology\ $H^\bullet(\mgn{\infty})$. In particular,
$\mgn{\infty}$ is formal.
1. The stable cohomology\ $H^\bullet(\mgn{\infty})$ is a free graded
commutative algebra, \emph{i.e.}, isomorphic to $S(V)$ for a graded
vector space $V$, according to Miller-Morita's theorem \cite{miller}
for $n=0$ and Looijenga's handling \cite{looijenga} of the $n \ge 0$
case. Moreover, $H^0(\mgn{\infty}) = \mathbb{C}$ and $H^1(\mgn{\infty}) = 0$
for $g \ge 1$, see Harer \cite{harer2}. Given a nonnegative integer
$k$, the groups $H^k(\mgn{g})$ are known to stabilize as soon as $g
\ge 2k+1$; this is the Harer-Ivanov Stability Theorem
\cite{harer:stab,ivanov}. Therefore, $H^\bullet(\mgn{g})$ is $k$-free
for $g \ge 2k+3$: the mapping $V^{\le k} \to H^\bullet (\mgn{g})$
makes $H^\bullet (\mgn{g})$ a $k$-free graded algebra.
Proposition~\ref{k-formal} then implies that $\mgn{g}$ is $k$-formal
for $g \ge 2k+3$, $S(V^{\le k})$ being a $k$-minimal model of it.
2 and 3. Notice that since $H^\bullet(\mgn{\infty})$ is free, the
subalgebra $H^\bullet(\mgn{\infty})(k)$ generated in degrees $\le k$
can be identified with $S(V^{\le k})$, which we have just seen to be a
$k$-minimal model of $\mgn{g}$ for $g \ge 2k+3$.
4. The subalgebras
H^\bullet (\mgn{\infty}) (0) \subset H^\bullet (\mgn{\infty}) (1)
\subset H^\bullet (\mgn{\infty}) (2) \subset \dots
form an increasing sequence of $k$-minimal models of $\mgn{\infty}$,
therefore, their union, $H^\bullet (\mgn{\infty})$, is a minimal model
of $\mgn{\infty}$, and thereby $\mgn{\infty}$ is formal.
In view of this result, Mumford's Conjecture \cite{mumford}, if true,
implies the following refinement:
\emph{the polynomial algebra on the Mumford-Morita-Miller classes
$\kappa_i$, $i=1, 2, \dots,$ and the first Chern classes $c_1(T_i)$ of
the ``tangent at the $i$th puncture'' bundles, $i = 1, 2 , \dots, n$,
with a zero differential is the stable minimal model of the moduli
space $\mgn{g}$ as $g \to \infty$}.
1997-08-07T16:22:05 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708010 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708010 | [
] | alg-geom/9708010 | Carlos Simpson | Carlos Simpson (CNRS, Universit\'e Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France) | Limits in $n$-categories | Approximately 90 pages | null | null | null | null | We define notions of direct and inverse limits in an $n$-category. We prove
that the $n+1$-category $nCAT'$ of fibrant $n$-categories admits direct and
inverse limits. At the end we speculate (without proofs) on some applications
of the notion of limit, including homotopy fiber product and homotopy coproduct
for $n$-categories, the notion of $n$-stack, representable functors, and
finally on a somewhat different note, a notion of relative Malcev completion of
the higher homotopy at a representation of the fundamental group.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 7 Aug 1997 16:31:55 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France"
] | alg-geom | \section*{Limits in $n$-categories}
Carlos Simpson\newline
CNRS, UMR 5580, Universit\'e Paul Sabatier, 31062 Toulouse CEDEX, France.
One of the main notions in category theory is the notion of limit. Similarly,
one of the most commonly used techniques in homotopy theory is the notion of
``homotopy limit'' commonly called ``holim'' for short. The purpose of the
this paper is to begin to develop the notion of limit for $n$-categories,
which should be a bridge between the categorical notion of limit
and the homotopical notion of holim.
We treat Tamsamani's notion of $n$-category \cite{Tamsamani}, but similar
arguments and results should hold for the Baez-Dolan approach
\cite{BaezDolanLetter}, \cite{BaezDolanIII}, or the Batanin approach
\cite{Batanin}, \cite{Batanin2}.
We define the notions of direct and inverse limits in an arbitrary (fibrant cf
\cite{nCAT}) $n$-category $C$. Suppose $A$ is an $n$-category, and suppose
$\varphi : A\rightarrow C$ is a morphism, which we think of as a family of
objects of $C$ indexed by $A$. For any object $U\in C$ we can define the
$(n-1)$-category $Hom(\varphi , U)$ of morphisms from $\varphi$ to $U$.
We say that a morphism $\epsilon : \varphi \rightarrow U$ (i.e. an object
of this
$(n-1)$-category) is a {\em direct limit of $\varphi$} (cf \ref{defdirect}
if, for every other object $V\in C$ the (weakly defined) composition with
$\epsilon$ induces an equivalence of $n-1$-categories from $Hom _C(U,V)$ to $Hom
(\varphi , V)$.
An analogous definition holds for saying that a morphism $U\rightarrow
\varphi$ is an {\em inverse limit of $\varphi$} (cf \ref{definverse} below).
main theorems concern the case where $C$ is the $n+1$-category $nCAT'$ (fibrant
replacement of that of) of $n$-categories.
{\rm (\ref{inverse} \ref{direct})}
The $n+1$-category $nCAT'$
arbitrary inverse and direct limits.
This is the analogue of the
classical statement that
the category $Sets$ admits inverse and direct limits---which is the case $n=0$
of our theorem.
The fact that we work in an $n$-category means that we automatically keep track
of ``higher homotopies'' and the like. This brings the ideas much closer to the
relatively simple notion of limits in a category.
I first learned of the notion of ``2-limit'' from the paper of Deligne and
Mumford \cite{DeligneMumford}, where it appears at the beginning with very
little explanation. Unfortunately at the writing of the present paper I
have not been able to investigate the history of the notion of $n$-limits,
and I apologize in advance for any references left out.
At the end of the paper we propose many applications of the notion of limit.
Most of these are as of yet in an embryonic stage of development and we
don't pretend to give complete proofs.
{\em Organization}
The paper is organized as follows: we start in \S 2
with some preliminary remarks
recalling the notion of $n$-category from \cite{Tamsamani} and the closed
model structure from \cite{nCAT}. At the end of \S 2 we define and discuss one
of our main technical tools, the $n+1$-precat $\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)$
which can be seen as a $k$-simplex with $n$-precats $E_1,\ldots , E_k$
attached to the principal edges.
In \S 3 we give the basic definitions of
inverse and direct limits, and treat some general properties such as
invariance under equivalence, and variation with parameters.
In \S 4 we start into the main
result of the paper which is the existence of inverse limits in $nCAT'$.
Here, the construction is relatively straightforward: if $\varphi :
A\rightarrow nCAT'$ is a morphism then the inverse limit of $\varphi$ is just
the $n$-category
\lambda = Hom _{\underline{Hom}(A,C)}(\ast , \varphi ).
This is in perfect accord with the usual situation for inverse limits of
families of sets. Our only problem is to prove that this satisfies the
definition of being an inverse limit. Thus the reader could read up to here and
then skip the proof and move on to direct limits.
We treat direct limits in $nCAT'$ by a trick in \S 5: given $\psi : A
nCAT'$ we construct an $n+1$-category $D$ parametrizing all morphisms $\psi
\rightarrow B$ to objects of $nCAT'$, and then construct the direct limit $U$
as the inverse limit of the functor $D\rightarrow nCAT'$. The main problem here
is that, because of set-theoretic considerations, we must restrict to a
category $D_{\alpha}$ of morphisms to objects $B$ with cardinality bounded by
$\alpha$. We mimic a possible construction of direct limits in $Sets$
and encounter a few of the same difficulties as with inverse limits.
Again, the reader might want to just look at the proof for $Sets$
and skip the difficulties encountered in extending this to $nCAT'$.
At the end we discuss some proposed applications:
---First, the notions of homotopy coproduct and fiber product, and
their relation to the usual notions which can be calculated using the
closed model structure.
---Then we discuss representable functors, give a conjectural criterion
for when a functor should be representable, and apply it to
the problem of finding internal $\underline{Hom}$.
---The next subsection concerns $n$-stacks, defined using certain inverse
---We give a very general discussion of the notion of stack in any setting
where one knows what limits mean.
---We discuss direct images of families of $n$-categories by functors of the
underlying $n+1$-categories, and apply this to give a notion of ``realization''.
---Finally, we use limits to propose a notion of {\em relative Malcev
completion of the higher homotopy type}.
In all of the above applications except the first, most of the statements which
we need are left as conjectures. Thus, this discussion of applications is
still only at a highly speculative stage. One recurring theme is that the
argument given in \S 5 should work in a fairly general range of situations.
I would like to thank A. Hirschowitz, for numerous discussions about stacks
which contributed to the development of the ideas in this paper. I would like
to thank J. Tapia and J. Pradines for a helpful discussion concerning the
argument in \S 5.
\numero{Preliminary remarks}
We begin by recalling the correspondence between categories and their nerves.
Let $\Delta$ denote the simplicial category whose objects are finite ordered
sets $p= \{ 0,\ldots , p\}$ and morphisms are order-preserving maps.
If $C$ is a category then its nerve is the simplicial set (i.e.
a functor $A:\Delta ^o\rightarrow Sets$) defined by setting $A_p$ equal to the
set of composable $p$-uples of arrows in $C$. This satisfies the property that
the ``Segal maps'' (cf the discussion of Segal's delooping machine \cite{Segal}
in \cite{Adams} for the origin of this terminology)
A_p \rightarrow A_1 \times _{A_0} \ldots \times _{A_0} A_1
are isomorphisms. To be precise this map is given by the $p$-uple
of face maps $1\rightarrow p$ which take $0$ to $i$ and $1$ to $i+1$
for $i=0,\ldots , p-1$. Conversely, given a simplicial set $A$ such that the
Segal maps are isomorphisms we obtain a category $C$ by taking $$
Ob (C) := A_0
Hom _C(x,y):= A_1(x,y)
with the latter defined as the inverse image of $(x,y)$ under the map (given
by the pair of face maps) $A_1\rightarrow A_0 \times A_0$. The condition on
the Segal maps implies that (with a similar notation)
A_2(x,y,z)\stackrel{\cong}{\rightarrow} A_1(x,y)\times A_1(y,z)
and the third face map $A_2(x,y,z)\rightarrow A_1(x,z)$ thus provides the
composition of morphisms for $C$. By looking at $A_3(x,y,z,w)$ one sees that the
composition is associative and the degeneracy maps in the simplicial set
provide the identity elements.
The notion of weak $n$-category of Tamsamani \cite{Tamsamani}
is a generalization of the above point of view on categories. We present
the definition in a highly recursive way, using the notion of $n-1$-category in
the definition of $n$-category. See \cite{Tamsamani} for a more direct approach.
This definition is based on Segal's delooping machine \cite{Segal} \cite{Adams}.
Note that Tamsamani uses the terminology {\em $n$-nerve} for what we will call
``$n$-category'' since he needed to distinguish this from the notion of
strict $n$-category. In the present paper we will never speak of strict
$n$-categories and our terminology ``$n$-category'' means weak $n$-category or
$n$-nerve in the sense of \cite{Tamsamani}.
An {\em
$n$-category} \cite{Tamsamani} is a functor $A$ from $\Delta ^o$ to the category
of $n-1$-categories denoted
p\mapsto A_{p/}
such that $0$ is mapped to a set
Recursively an $n$-category which is a set is a constant functor
where the $A_{p/}$ are all the same set---considered as $n-1$-categories.}
and such that the {\em Segal maps}
A_{p/} \rightarrow A_{1/} \times _{A_0} \ldots \times _{A_0}A_{1/}
are equivalences of $n-1$-categories (cf \ref{defequiv1} below).
The {\em category of $n$-categories} denoted $n-Cat$ is just the category whose
objects are as above and whose morphisms are the morphisms
strictly preserving the structure.
It is a subcategory of $Hom (\Delta ^o, (n-1)-Cat)$. Working this out
inductively we find in the end that $n-Cat$ is a subcategory of
$Hom ((\Delta ^n)^o, Sets)$, in other words an $n$-category is a
certain kind of multisimplicial set.
The multisimplicial set is denoted
(p_1,\ldots , p_n )\mapsto A_{p_1,\ldots
and the $(n-1)$-category $A_{p/}$ itself considered as a multisimplicial
set has the expression
A_{p/} = \left( (q_1,\ldots , q_{n-1})\mapsto A_{p,q_1,\ldots ,
q_{n-1}}\right) .
The condition that $A_0$ be a set yields by induction the condition that
if $p_i=0$ then the functor $A_{p_1,\ldots , p_n}$ is independent of the
$p_{i+1}, \ldots , p_n$. We call this the {\em constancy condition}. In
\cite{nCAT} we introduce the category $\Theta ^n$ which is the quotient of
$\Delta ^n$ having the property that functors $(\Theta ^n)^o\rightarrow Sets$
correspond to functors on $\Delta ^n$ having the above constancy property.
Now $n-Cat$ is a subcategory of the category of presheaves of
sets on $\Theta ^n$.
Before discussing the notion of equivalence which enters into the above
definition we take note of the relationship with \ref{catnerve}. If $A$ is an
$n$-category then its {\em set of objects} is the set $A_0$. The face maps
give a morphism from $n-1$-categories to sets
A_{p/}\rightarrow A_0 \times \ldots \times A_0
and we denote by $A_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)$ the $n-1$-category
inverse image of $(x_0,\ldots , x_p)$ under this map. For two objects $x,y\in
A_0$ the $n-1$-category $A_{1/}(x,y)$ is the {\em $n-1$-category of morphisms
from $x$ to $y$}. This is the essential part of the structure which
corresponds, in the case of categories, to the $Hom$ sets. One could adopt
the notation
Hom _A(x,y):= A_{1/}(x,y).
The condition that the Segal maps are equivalences of
$n-1$-categories says that the $A_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)$ are determined up to
equivalence by the $A_{1/}(x,y)$. The role of the higher $A_{p/}(x_0,\ldots ,
x_p)$ is to provide the composition (in the case $p=2$) and to keep track of
the higher homotopies of associativity $(p\geq 3$). Contrary to the case of
$1$-categories, here we need to go beyond
\footnote{One might conjecture
that it suffices to stop at $p=n+2$.}
In order for the recursive definition of $n$-category given in \ref{ncatsdef1}
to make sense, we need to know what an {\em equivalence} of $n$-categories is.
For this we generalize the usual notion for categories: an equivalence of
categories is a morphism which is (1) fully faithful and (2) essentially
surjective. We would like to define what it means for a functor between
$n$-categories $f:A\rightarrow B$ to be an equivalence. The generalization
of the
fully faithful condition is immediate: we require that for any objects
$x,y\in A_0$ the morphism
f: A_{1/} (x,y) \rightarrow B_{1/}(f(x), f(y))
be an equivalence of $n-1$-categories (and we are supposed to know what that
means by recurrence).
The remaining question is how to define the notion
of essential surjectivity. Tamsamani does this by defining a truncation
operation $T$ from $n$-categories to $n-1$-categories (a generalization of the
truncation of topological spaces used in the Postnikov tower). Applying this
$n$ times to an $n$-category $A$ we obtain a set $T^nA$ which can also be
denoted $\tau _{\leq 0}A$. This set is the set of ``objects of $A$ up to
equivalence'' where equivalence of objects is thought of in the
$n$-categorical sense. We say that $f:A\rightarrow B$ is {\em essentially
surjective} if the induced map
\tau _{\leq 0} (f) : \tau _{\leq 0} A \rightarrow \tau _{\leq 0} B
is a surjection of sets. One has in fact that if $f$ is an equivalence according
to the above definition then $\tau _{\leq 0} f$ is an isomorphism.
Another way to approach the definition of
$\tau _{\leq 0}A$ is by induction in the following way. Suppose we know what
$\tau _{\leq 0}$ means for $n-1$-categories. Then for an $n$-category $A$ the
simplicial set $p\mapsto \tau _{\leq 0} (A_{p/})$ satisfies the condition that
the Segal maps are isomorphisms, so it is the nerve of a $1$-category. This
category may be denoted $\tau _{\leq 1} A$. We then define $\tau _{\leq 0}A$
to be the set of isomorphism classes of objects in the $1$-category
$\tau _{\leq 1} A$.
The above definition is highly recursive. One must check that everything is
well defined and available when it is needed. This is done in \cite{Tamsamani}
although the approach there avoids some of the inductive definitions above.
\subnumero{The closed model structure}
An $n$-category is a presheaf of sets on $\Theta ^n$ (\ref{theta}) satisfying
certain conditions as described above. Unfortunately $n-Cat$ considered as a
subcategory of the category of presheaves, is not closed under pushout or fiber
product. This remark is the starting point for \cite{nCAT}. There, one
considers the full category of presheaves of sets on $\Theta$ (these presheaves
are called {\em $n$-precats}) and \cite{nCAT} provides a closed model structure
(cf \cite{Quillen} \cite{QuillenAnnals} \cite{Jardine})
on the category $nPC$ of $n$-precats, corresponding to
the homotopy theory of $n$-categories. In this section we briefly recall how
this works.
It is more convenient for the purposes of the closed model structure
to work with presheaves over the category $\Theta ^n$ (cf \ref{theta} above),
be the quotient of the cartesian product $\Delta ^n$ obtained by identifying
all of the objects $(M, 0, M')$ for fixed $M = (m_1,\ldots , m_k)$ and variable
$M'= (m'_1, \ldots , m'_{n-k-1})$. The object of $\Theta ^n$ corresponding
to the class of $(M,0,M')$ with all $m_i >0$ will be denoted $M$.
Two morphisms from $M$ to $M'$ in $\Delta ^n$ are identified if they both factor
through something of the form $(u_1,\ldots , u_i, 0, u_{i+2}, \ldots , u_n)$
and if their first $i$ components are the same.
An {\em $n$-precat} is defined to be a presheaf on the category $\Theta ^n$.
This corresponds to an $n$-simplicial set $(\Delta ^n)^o\rightarrow Sets$
which satisfies the constancy condition (cf \ref{theta}). The category $nPC$
of $n$-precats (with morphisms being the morphisms of presheaves) is to be given
a closed model structure.
Note for a start that $nPC$ is closed under arbitrary products and coproducts,
what is more (and eventually important for our purposes) it admits an internal
$\underline{Hom}(A,B)$. These statements come simply from the fact that $nPC$
is a category of presheaves over something.
We denote the coproduct or pushout of $A\rightarrow B$ and $A\rightarrow C$
by $B\cup ^AC$. We denote fiber products by the usual notation.
{\em Cofibrations:}
A morphism $A\rightarrow B$ of $n$-precats is a {\em cofibration} if the
morphisms $A_M \rightarrow B_M$ are injective whenever $M\in \Theta ^n$ is
an object of non-maximal length, i.e. $M= (m_1,\ldots , m_k, 0,\ldots , 0)$
for $k< n$. The case of sets ($n=0$) shows that we can't require
injectivity at the top level $n$, nor do we need to.
We often use the notation $A\hookrightarrow B$ for a cofibration, not meaning
to imply injectivity at the top level.
{\em Weak equivalences:}
In order to say when a morphism $A\rightarrow B$ of $n$-precats is a ``weak
equivalence'' we have to do some work. In \cite{Tamsamani} was defined the
notion of equivalence between $n$-categories (cf \ref{defequiv1} above), but an
$n$-precat is not yet an $n$-category. We need an operation which specifies the
intended relationship between our $n$-precats and $n$-categories. This is the
operation $A\mapsto Cat(A)$ which to any $n$-precat associates an $n$-category
together with morphism of precats $A\rightarrow Cat(A)$, basically by throwing
onto $A$ in a minimal way all of the elements which are needed in order to
satisfy the definition of being an $n$-category. See \cite{nCAT} \S 2 for the
details of this. Now we say that a morphism
A\rightarrow B
of $n$-precats is a {\em weak equivalence} if the induced morphism of
Cat(A)\rightarrow Cat(B)
is an equivalence as defined in \cite{Tamsamani}---described in \ref{defequiv1}
and \ref{essentialsurjectivity} above.
{\em Trivial cofibrations:}
A morphism $A\rightarrow B$ is said to be a {\em trivial cofibration}
if it is a cofibration and a weak equivalence.
{\em Fibrations:}
A morphism $A\rightarrow B$ of $n$-precats is said to be a {\em fibration}
if it satisfies the following lifting property: for every trivial cofibration
$E'\hookrightarrow E$ and every morphism $E\rightarrow B$ provided with a
lifting over $E'$ to a morphism $E'\rightarrow A$, there exists an extension of
this to a lifting $E\rightarrow A$.
An $n$-precat $A$ is said to be {\em fibrant} if the canonical (unique)
morphism $A\rightarrow \ast$ to the constant presheaf with values one point,
is a fibration.
A fibrant $n$-precat is, in particular, an $n$-category. This is because the
elements which need to exist to give an $n$-category may be obtained as
liftings of certain standard trivial cofibrations (those denoted $\Sigma
\rightarrow h$ in \cite{nCAT}).
{\rm (\cite{nCAT} Theorem 3.1)}
The category $nPC$ of $n$-precats with the above classes of cofibrations, weak
equivalences and fibrations, is a closed model category.
The basic ``yoga'' of the situation is that when we want to look at coproducts,
one of the morphisms should be a cofibration; when we want to look at fiber
products, one of the morphisms should be a fibration; and when we want look at
the space of morphisms from $A$ to $B$, the first object $A$ should be cofibrant
(in our case all objects are cofibrant) and the second object $B$ should be
We explain more precisely what information is contained in the above theorem,
by explaining the axioms for a closed model category structure
(CM1--CM5 of \cite{QuillenAnnals}). These are proved as such in \cite{nCAT}.
{\em CM1}---This says that $nPC$ is closed under finite (and in our
case, arbitrary) direct and inverse limits (\ref{prelims}).
{\em CM2}---Given composable morphisms
if any two of $f$ or $g$ or $g\circ f$
are weak equivalences then the third is
also a weak equivalence.
{\em CM3}---The classes of cofibrations, fibrations and
weak equivalences are closed under retracts. We don't explicitly use this
condition (however it is the basis for the property \ref{pushoutA} below).
{\em CM4}---This says that a pair of a cofibration
$E'\rightarrow E$ and a fibration $A\rightarrow B$ have the lifting property (as
in the definition of fibration \ref{fibs}) if either one of the morphisms
is a weak equivalence. Note that the lifting property when $E'\rightarrow E$ is
a weak equivalence (i.e. trivial cofibration) is just the definition that
$A\rightarrow B$ be fibrant \ref{fibs}. The other half, the lifting property
for an arbitrary cofibration when $A\rightarrow B$ is a weak equivalence,
comes from what Jardine calls ``Joyal's trick'' \cite{Jardine}.
{\em CM5}---This says that any morphism $f$ may be factored as a
composition $f= p\circ i$ of a cofibration followed by fibration, and either
one of $p$ or $i$ may be assumed to be a weak equivalence.
Another axiom in Quillen's original point of view (Axiom M3 on
page 1.1 of \cite{Quillen}) is that if $A\rightarrow
B$ is a trivial cofibration and $A\rightarrow C$ is any morphism then
$C\rightarrow B\cup ^AC$ is again a trivial cofibration; and similarly the dual
condition for fibrant weak equivalences and fiber products.
In the closed model category setting this becomes a consequence of the axioms
CM1--CM5, see \cite{QuillenAnnals}.
In the proof of \cite{nCAT}
(modelled on that of \cite{Jardine}) the main step which is done first
(\cite{nCAT} Lemma 3.2) is to
prove this property of preservation of trivial cofibrations by coproducts.
. (On the other hand, note that with our definition
\ref{fibs} of fibrations, the preservation by fiber products is obvious).
We now try to put these properties in perspective in view of how we will use
them. If $A$ is any $n$-precat then applying {\em CM5} to the morphism
$A\rightarrow \ast$ we obtain a factorization
A\rightarrow A' \rightarrow \ast
with the first morphism a trivial cofibration, and the second morphism a
fibration. Thus $A'$ is a fibrant object. We call such a trivial cofibration to
a fibrant object $A\hookrightarrow A'$ a {\em fibrant replacement for $A$}.
In the constructions of \cite{Jardine}, \cite{nCAT} one
obtains the fibrant replacement by adding onto $A$ the pushouts by ``all
possible'' trivial cofibrations, making use of \ref{pushoutA}. The notion
of ``all possible'' has to be refined in order to avoid set-theoretical
actually one looks at $\omega$-bounded cofibrations. The number of them is
bounded by the maximum of $2^{\omega}$ or the cardinality of $A$.
When looking at morphisms into an $n$-category $C$ it is important that $C$ be
fibrant, for then we obtain extension properties along trivial
cofibrations. In particular, we will only define what it means for limits to
exist in $n$-categories $C$ which are fibrant.
When we finally get to our definition of the $n+1$-category $nCAT$ below, it
will not be fibrant. Thus one of the main steps is to choose a fibrant
replacement $nCAT \hookrightarrow nCAT'$.
There is a nice ``interval'' in our closed model category (in contrast with the
general situation envisioned by Quillen in \cite{Quillen}).
Let $\overline{I}$ denote the $1$-category with two objects $0,1$ and with
morphisms going in either direction between them, whose compositions are the
identity. Without changing notation, we can consider
$\overline{I}$ as an $n$-category (pull back by the obvious morphism $\Theta
^n\rightarrow \Theta ^1 = \Delta $).
{\em Claim:}
Suppose $C$ is a fibrant $n$-category. Then two objects $x,y\in C_0$ are
equivalent (i.e. project to the same thing in $\tau _{\leq 0} C$
cf \ref{anotherapproach}) if and only if there exists a morphism
$\overline{I}\rightarrow C$ sending $0$ to $x$ and $1$ to $y$.
To prove this note that one direction is obvious: if there exists such a
morphism then by functoriality of $\tau _{\leq 0}$ $x$ and $y$ are equivalent
(because $\tau _{\leq 0}(\overline{I})=\ast$). For the other direction, suppose
$x$ and $y$ are equivalent. Use Proposition 6.5 of \cite{nCAT} which says that
there is an $n$-category $K$ with objects $0,1$ such that $K \rightarrow \ast$
is a weak equivalence, and there is a morphism $K\rightarrow C$ sending $0$ to
$x$ and $1$ to $y$. Applying the factorization statement {\em CM5}
to the morphism
K\cup ^{\{ 0 , 1\} } \overline{I} \rightarrow \ast
we obtain a cofibration
K\cup ^{\{ 0 , 1\} } \overline{I}\hookrightarrow A
such that $A\rightarrow \ast$ is a weak equivalence. It follows from {\em CM2}
applied to $K\rightarrow A\rightarrow \ast$
that $K\rightarrow A$ is a weak equivalence, thus it is a trivial cofibration.
Now the fibrant property of $C$ implies that our morphism $K\rightarrow C$
extends to a morphism $A\rightarrow C$. This morphism restricted to
$\overline{I}\hookrightarrow A$ provides a morphism $\overline{I}\rightarrow C$
sending $0$ to $x$ and $1$ to $y$. This proves the other direction of the
claimed statement.
As a corollary of the above construction, suppose $f:A\rightarrow B$ is a
morphism of fibrant $n$-categories. Suppose that $a\in A_0$ and $b\in
B_0$ are objects such that $f(a)$ is equivalent to $b$ (i.e.
$f(a)$ is equal to $b$ in $\tau _{\leq 0} B$). Then there is a different object
$a'\in A_0$ equivalent to $a$ such that $f(a')=b$ in $B_0$. To prove this, note
that the equivalence between $f(a)$ and $b$ corresponds by \ref{interval}
to a morphism $\overline{I}\rightarrow B$ sending $0$ to $f(a)$ and $1$ to
$b$. We have a lifting $a$ over $\{ 0\}$. The inclusion
\{ 0\} \subset \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration, so the fibrant property of $f$ means that there is a
lifting to a morphism $\overline{I} \rightarrow A$. The image of $1$ by
this map is an object $a'$ equivalent to $a$ and projecting to $b$.
A variant says that if $f:A\rightarrow B$ is a fibrant morphism between
fibrant $n$-categories and if $f$ is an equivalence then $f$ is surjective on
objects. To obtain this note that
essential surjectivity of $f$ means that every object $b$
is equivalent to some $f(a)$, then apply the previous statement.
One of the main advantages to using a category of presheaves $nPC$ as
underlying category is that we obtain an internal $\underline{Hom}(A,B)$
between two $n$-precats. This represents a functor: a map
E\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,B)
is the same thing as a morphism $A\times E \rightarrow B$.
Of course for arbitrary $A$ and $B$, the internal $\underline{Hom}(A,B)$ will
not have any reasonable properties, for example it will not transform
equivalences of the $A$ or $B$ into equivalences. This situation is
rectified by imposing the hypothesis that $B$ should be fibrant.
We describe some of the results saying that the
internal $\underline{Hom}(A,B)$ works nicely when $B$ is fibrant. The following
paragraphs are Theorem 7.1 and Lemma 7.2 of \cite{nCAT}.
Suppose $A$ is an $n$-precat and $B$ is a fibrant $n$-precat. Then the
internal $
\underline{Hom}(A,B)$ of
presheaves over $\Theta ^n$ is a fibrant $n$-category. Furthermore if
$B'\rightarrow B$ is a fibrant morphism then
$\underline{Hom} (A, B')\rightarrow \underline{Hom} (A, B)$ is fibrant.
Similarly if $A\hookrightarrow A'$ is a cofibration and if
$B$ is fibrant then $\underline{Hom}(A', B)\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,B)$ is
Suppose $A\rightarrow A'$ is a weak equivalence, and $B$
fibrant. Then
\underline{Hom} (A', B)\rightarrow \underline{Hom} (A, B)
is an
equivalence of $n$-categories.
If $B\rightarrow B'$ is an equivalence
of fibrant $n$-precats then $\underline{Hom}(A,B)\rightarrow
\underline{Hom}(A,B')$ is an equivalence.
Suppose $A\rightarrow B$ and $A\rightarrow C$ are cofibrations. Then
\underline{Hom} (B\cup ^AC, D) = \underline{Hom} (B, D)
\times _{\underline{Hom}(A,D)}\underline{Hom}(C,D).
We can relate several different versions of the notion of two morphisms being
homotopic. Suppose $A$ and $B$ are $n$-precats with $B$ fibrant.
According to Quillen's definition \cite{Quillen}, two maps
$f: A\rightarrow B$ are {\em homotopic} if there is a diagram
A\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} A' \rightarrow A
such that all morphisms are weak equivalences, the first two morphisms are
cofibrations, and such that the compositions are the
identity of $A$, plus a morphism $A'\rightarrow B$ inducing $f$ and $g$ on
the two copies of $A$.
In our situation, if $B$ is fibrant then $\underline{Hom}(A,B)$ is a fibrant
$n$-category whose objects are the morphisms $A\rightarrow B$. Two morphisms
are equivalent objects
in this $n$-category (cf \ref{essentialsurjectivity} above) if and only if they
are homotopic in Quillen's sense (this is \cite{nCAT} Lemma 7.3).
In the above situation apply the claim of \ref{interval}. Two objects $f,g$ of
the fibrant $n$-category $\underline{Hom}(A,B)$ are equivalent if and only if
there is a morphism
\overline{I}\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,B)
sending $0$ to $f$ and $1$ to $g$. Such a morphism corresponds to a
A\times \overline{I} \rightarrow B;
so we can finish up by saying that two morphisms $f,g:A\rightarrow B$
are homotopic if and only if there exists a map
A\times \overline{I}\rightarrow B
restricting to $f$ on $A\times \{ 0\} $ and to $g$ on $A\times \{ 1\}$.
We obtain from CM4 the following characterization of fibrant weak equivalences.
A morphism $f: A\rightarrow B$ is a fibrant weak equivalence if and only if
it satisfies the lifting property for any cofibration $E'\hookrightarrow E$.
To prove this, note that CM4 shows that a fibrant weak equivalence has this
property. If $f$ has this property then it is fibrant (the case of
$E'\hookrightarrow E$ a trivial cofibration). The morphisms
of $n-1$-categories
A_{1/} (x,y)\rightarrow B_{1/}(f(x) , f(y))
also have the same property (one can see this using the construction $\Upsilon
(E)$ below) and $f$ is surjective on objects (by the case $\emptyset
\hookrightarrow \ast$). Therefore $f$ is an equivalence.
We can give the following variant characterizing when a morphism is an
equivalence (not necessarily fibrant). We say that a morphism $f: A\rightarrow
B$ between fibrant $n$-categories has the {\em homotopical lifting property for
$E'\hookrightarrow E$} if, given a morphism $v:E\rightarrow B$ and a lifting
$u':E'\rightarrow A$, there is a homotopy from $v$ to
a new morphism $v_1$, a lifting $u_1$ of $v_1$, and a homotopy
from $u'$ to $u'_1$ (the restriction of $u_1$ to $E'$) lifting the
homotopy from $v'$ to $v'_1$ (restriction of our first homotopy to $E'$).
In this definition
we can use any of the equivalent notions of homotopy
\ref{homotopic1}, \ref{homotopic2} above.
{\em Claim:} A morphism $f: A\rightarrow B$ between two fibrant
$n$-categories is an equivalence if and only if it satisfies the
homotopical lifting property for all $E'\hookrightarrow E$.
To prove this, use CM5 to factor $A\rightarrow A'\rightarrow B$
with the first morphism a trivial cofibration and the second morphism fibrant.
Note that $A'$ is again fibrant. The statement being a homotopical one,
the same hypothesis holds for $A'\rightarrow B$. If we can prove that
$A'\rightarrow B$ is an equivalence then the composition with the trivial
cofibration $A\rightarrow A'$ will be a weak equivalence.
Thus we
may reduce to the case where $A\rightarrow B$ is a fibrant morphism. Now given
$E'\hookrightarrow E$ with $E\rightarrow B$ lifting to $E'\rightarrow A$,
choose homotopies
E\times \overline{I}\rightarrow B
and lifting
E'\times \overline{I}\rightarrow A
compatible with a lifting $E\times \{ 1\} \rightarrow A$
as in the definition of the homotopical lifting property. These give a lifting
E'\times \overline{I}\cup ^{E'\times \{ 1\} }
E \times \{ 1\} \rightarrow A,
and the morphism
E'\times \overline{I}\cup ^{E'\times \{ 1\} }
E \times \{ 1\} \rightarrow E\times \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration, so by the fibrant property of $A\rightarrow B$
(which we are now assuming) there is a lifting
E\times \overline{I} \rightarrow A.
The restriction to $E\times \{ 0\}$ gives the desired lifting of the original
morphism $E\rightarrow B$, coinciding with the given lifting on $E'$.
This proves that $A\rightarrow B$ satisfies the lifting criterion given above
so it is a fibrant weak equivalence. This completes the proof of one direction
of the claim.
A similar argument (using CM2) gives the other direction.
\subnumero{Families of $n$-categories}
Using the internal $\underline{Hom}(A,B)$ of \ref{internal} between fibrant
$n$-categories, we define the $n+1$-category $nCAT$ of all fibrant
$n$-categories (cf \cite{nCAT} \S 7).
This is the ``right'' category of $n$-categories, and is not to be
confused with the first approximation $n-Cat$ as defined in
The objects of $nCAT$ are the fibrant
$n$-categories. Between any two objects we have an $n$-category of morphisms
$\underline{Hom}(A,B)$. Composition of morphisms gives a morphism
of $n$-categories
\underline{Hom}(A,B)\times \underline{Hom}(B,C)\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C),
which is strictly associative and has a unit element, the identity morphism.
Using this we obtain an $n+1$-category $nCAT$: to be precise, if
$A_0,\ldots , A_p$ are objects then
nCAT_{p/}(A_0,\ldots , A_p):= \underline{Hom}(A_0,A_1)\times
\ldots \times \underline{Hom}(A_{p-1},A_p)
which organizes into a simplicial collection using the projections or, where
necessary, the composition morphisms. The Segal maps are actually isomorphisms
here so this is an $n+1$-category.
Unfortunately, $nCAT$ is not a fibrant $n+1$-category, although it does
have the
property that the $nCAT_{p/}$ are fibrant. Because of this, we must choose a
fibrant replacement
nCAT \hookrightarrow nCAT'.
Basic to the present paper is the notion of {\em family of $n$-categories
indexed by an $n+1$-category $A$}, which is defined using our fibrant
replacement (\ref{ncat2}) to be a morphism $A\rightarrow nCAT'$.
The {\em $n+1$-category of all families indexed by $A$} is the
$n+1$-category $\underline{Hom}(A, nCAT')$.
Suppose $\psi, \psi ' : A\rightarrow nCAT'$ are families. A {\em morphism}
from $\psi$ to $\psi '$ is an object of the $n$-category
$\underline{Hom}(A, nCAT')_{1/}(\psi , \psi ')$. Let $I$ be the category
with two objects $0,1$ and a morphism from $0$ to $1$ (in our notations below
this will also be the same as what we will call $\Upsilon (\ast )$).
The set of
objects of $\underline{Hom}(A, nCAT')_{1/}(\psi , \psi ')$ is equal
to the set of
morphisms $$
I\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A, nCAT')
sending $0$ to $\psi$ and $1$ to $\psi '$. In view of the definition
of internal $\underline{Hom}$ this is the same thing as a morphism
A \times I \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting on $A\times \{ 0\}$ to $\psi $ and on $A\times \{ 1\}$ to $\psi '$.
\subnumero{The construction $\Upsilon$}
We will now introduce some of our main tools for the present paper. The basic
idea is that we often would like to talk about the basic $n$-category with two
objects (denoted $0$ and $1$) and with a given $n-1$-category $E$ of morphisms
from $0$ to $1$ (but no morphisms in the other direction and only identity
endomorphisms of $0$ and $1$). We call this $\Upsilon (E)$. To be more
precise we do this on the level of precats: if $E$ is an $n-1$-precat then we
obtain an $n$-precat $\Upsilon (E)$. The main property of this construction is
that if $A$ is any $n$-category then a morphism of $n$-precats
f:\Upsilon (E) \rightarrow A
corresponds exactly to a choice of two objects $x=f(0)$ and $y=f(1)$ together
with a morphism of $n-1$-precats $E\rightarrow A_{1/}(x,y)$.
One can see $\Upsilon (E)$ as the universal $n$-precat $A$ with two objects
$x,y$ and a map $E\rightarrow A_{1/}(x,y)$.
We also need more general things of the form $\Upsilon ^2(E,F)$ having objects
$0,1,2$ and similarly a $\Upsilon ^3$.
(These will not have quite so simple an interpretation as
universal objects.) Thus we present the definition in a
general way.
Suppose $E_1,\ldots , E_k$ are $n-1$-precats. Then we define the $n$-precat
\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)
in the following way. Its object set is the set with $k+1$ elements denoted
\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)_0 = \{ 0,\ldots , k\} .
\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)_{p/}(y_0, \ldots , y_p)
is defined to be empty if any $y_i > y_j$ for $i<j$, equal to
$\ast$ if $y_0=\ldots = y_p$, and otherwise
\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)_{p/}(y_0, \ldots , y_p):= E_{y_0} \times \ldots
\times E_{y_p}.
For example when $k=1$ (and we drop the superscript $k$ in this case)
$\Upsilon E$ is the $n$-precat with two objects $0,1$ and with $n-1$-precat of
morphisms from $0$ to $1$ equal to $E$. Similarly $\Upsilon ^2(E,F)$ has
objects $0,1,2$ and morphisms $E$ from $0$ to $1$, $F$ from $1$ to $2$ and
$E\times F$ from $0$ to $2$. We picture $\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)$
as a $k$-gon (an edge for $k=1$, a triangle for $k=2$, a tetrahedron for $k=3$).
The edges are labeled with single $E_i$, or products $E_i \times \ldots , E_j$.
There are inclusions of these $\Upsilon^k$ according to the faces of the
$k$-gon. The principal faces give inclusions
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_{k-1})\hookrightarrow \Upsilon ^k(E_1, \ldots ,
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_2,\ldots , E_{k})\hookrightarrow \Upsilon ^k(E_1, \ldots ,
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_i\times E_{i+1}, \ldots , E_{k})\hookrightarrow
\Upsilon ^k(E_1, \ldots , E_k).
The inclusions of lower levels are deduced from these by induction. Note that
these faces $\Upsilon ^{k-1}$ intersect along appropriate $\Upsilon ^{k-2}$.
$\Upsilon (\ast )= I$ is the category with objects $0,1$ and with a unique
morphism from $0$ to $1$. A map $\Upsilon (\ast )\rightarrow A$ is the same
thing as a pair of objects $x,y$ and a $1$-morphism from $x$ to $y$, i.e. an
object of $A_{1/}(x,y)$.
Another way of constructing the $\Upsilon ^k$ is given in the following remarks
For an $n-1$-precat $E$, denote by
$[p](E)$ the universal $n$-precat $A$ with objects $x_0,\ldots ,x_p$ and with a
morphism $E\rightarrow A_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)$. This can be described
explicitly by saying that $[p](E)$ has objects $0,1,\ldots , p$, and for a
sequence of objects $i_1,\ldots , i_k$ the $n-1$-precat $[p](E)_{k/}(i_1,\ldots
, i_k)$ is empty if some $i_j < i_{j+1}$, is equal to $\ast$ if all $i_j$ are
equal, and is equal to $E$ if some $i_j < i_{j+1}$.
One has $[1]E= \Upsilon (E)$. The construction of the higher $\Upsilon ^k$ may
be described inductively as follows: we will construct $\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots
, E_k)$ together with a morphism
in:[k](E_1\times \ldots \times E_k)\rightarrow \Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots
, E_k).
Suppose we have constructed these maps up to $k-1$.
Note that the first and last face morphisms coupled with the projections onto
the first and last $k-1$ factors give a map
[k-1](E_1\times \ldots \times
E_{k}) \cup ^{[k-2](E_1\times \ldots \times
[k-1](E_1\times \ldots \times
[k](E_1,\ldots , E_k),
but on the other hand the projections onto subsets of factors of the product
$E_1\times \ldots \times E_k$ together with the maps $in$ in our inductive
construction for $k-1$ and $k-2$ give a map
[k-1](E_1\times \ldots \times
E_{k}) \cup ^{[k-2](E_1\times \ldots \times
[k-1](E_1\times \ldots \times
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_{k-1})\cup ^{
\Upsilon ^{k-2}(E_2,\ldots , E_{k-1})}
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_2,\ldots , E_{k}).
Finally, $\Upsilon ^{k}(E_1,\ldots , E_k)$ is the coproduct of the maps
$\alpha$ and $\beta$.
We can think of this as saying that $\Upsilon ^{k}(E_1,\ldots , E_k)$
is obtained by adding on the cell
$[k](E_1\times \ldots \times E_k)$ to the coproduct
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_{k-1})\cup ^{
\Upsilon ^{k-2}(E_2,\ldots , E_{k-1})}
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_2,\ldots , E_{k})
of the earlier things we
have inductively constructed.
The case $k=2$ is simpler to write down and is worth mentioning separately.
Recall that for $k=1$ we just had $\Upsilon (E)= [1](E)$. The next step is
\Upsilon ^2(E,F) = [2](E\times F) \cup ^{[1](E\times F)\cup ^{\ast }
[1](E\times F)} ([1](E) \cup ^{\ast} [1](F)).
One thing which we often will need to know below is when an inclusion from a
union of faces, into the whole $\Upsilon ^k$, is a trivial cofibration.
For $k=2$ the only inclusion which is a trivial cofibration is
\Upsilon (E_1)\cup ^{\{ 1\} } \Upsilon (E_2) \hookrightarrow \Upsilon
^2(E_1,E_2). $$
For $k=3$ we denote our inclusions in shorthand notation where
$0,1,2,3$ refer to the vertices. To fix notations, the above inclusion for
$k=2$ would be noted
(01) + (12) \subset (012).
Now for $k=3$ the inclusions which are trivial cofibrations are:
(01) + (12) + (23) \subset (0123)
(which is the standard one, coming basically from the definition of
and then some others which we obtain from this standard one by adding in
triangles on the right, keeping equivalence with $(01) + (12) + (23)$
according to the result for $k=2$:
(01) + (123)\subset (0123),
(012) + (23) \subset (0123),
(012) + (123)\subset (0123),
(012) + (023)\subset (0123),
(013) + (123)\subset (0123),
(012) + (013) + (123)\subset (0123),
(012) + (023) + (123)\subset (0123).
Our main examples of inclusions which are {\em not} trivial cofibrations
are when we leave out the first or the last faces:
(012) + (023) + (013)\subset (0123) \;\;\;\; \mbox{not a t.c.};
(013) + (023) + (123)\subset (0123) \;\;\;\; \mbox{not a t.c.}.
We call these the {\em left and right shells}. We shall meet both of them
and denote the left shell as
(012) + (023) + (013) = Shell\Upsilon ^3(E_1,E_2,E_3),
and the right shell as
(013) + (023) + (123) = Shelr\Upsilon ^3(E_1,E_2,E_3).
The main parts of our arguments for limits will consist of saying that
under certain circumstances we have an extension property for morphisms
with respect to these cofibrations which are not trivial.
One of the main technical problems which will be encountered by the reader is
deciding when a morphism between $n$ or $n+1$-precats is a trivial cofibration:
we use this all the time in order to use the fibrant property of
the domain of morphisms we are trying to extend. It is not possible to give all
the details each time that this question occurs, as that would be much too long.
The general principles at work are: to be aware of the examples given in
\ref{trivinclusions}; to use the fact that the coproduct of a trivial
cofibration with something else again yields a trivial cofibration
(\ref{pushoutA}); and to use the fact that if a composable sequence of morphisms
\cdot \stackrel{f}{\rightarrow} \cdot
\stackrel{g}{\rightarrow} \cdot
has composition being a weak equivalence, and one of $f$ or $g$ being
a weak equivalence, then so is the other (\ref{explaincmc} CM2). And of
course to
use any available hypotheses that are in effect saying that certain
morphisms are
trivial cofibrations or equivalences. All of the cases where we need to
know that
something is a trivial cofibration, can be obtained using these principles.
We will often be considering morphisms of the form
f: \Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k) \rightarrow C.
When we would like to restrict this to a face (or higher order face such
as an edge) then, denoting the face by $i_1,\ldots , i_j$ we denote the
restriction of $f$ to the face by
r_{i_1\ldots i_j}(f).
For example when $k=2$ the restriction of
f: \Upsilon ^2(E,F)\rightarrow C
to the edge $(02)$ (which is a $\Upsilon (E\times F)$) would be denoted
$r_{02}(f)$. The object $f(1)$ could also be denoted $r_1(f)$.
We make the same convention for restricting maps of the form
A\times \Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k) \rightarrow C,
to maps on $A$ times some face of the $\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)$.
\subnumero{Inverting equivalences}
In preparation for \ref{obbyobequiv} we need the following
result. It says that a morphism which is an equivalence has an inverse
which is essentially unique, if the notion of ``inverse'' is defined in the
right way.
It is an $n$-category version of the theorem of \cite{flexible} which gives
a canonical inverse for a homotopy equivalence of spaces.
For any fibrant $n$-category $C$ the morphism restriction from $\overline{I}$
to $I$:
r:\underline{Hom}(\overline{I}, C)
\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(I,C)
is fully faithful, so $\underline{Hom}(\overline{I}, C)$
is equivalent to the full sub-$n$-category of invertible elements of
{\em Proof:}
We first construct some trivial cofibrations.
Recall (\ref{upsistar})
that $I= \Upsilon (\ast )$. The morphism
\Upsilon (E)\cup ^{\{ 1\} } I\rightarrow
\Upsilon ^2(E,\ast )
is a trivial cofibration (\ref{trivinclusions}), so by
\ref{pushoutA} the coproduct with
\Upsilon (E)\cup ^{\{ 1\} } I\rightarrow
\Upsilon (E)\cup ^{\{ 1\} } \overline{I}
gives a trivial cofibration
\Upsilon (E)\cup ^{\{ 1\} } \overline{I}
\Upsilon ^2(E,\ast )\cup ^{I} \overline{I} .
The morphism
\Upsilon (E) \rightarrow \Upsilon (E)\cup ^{\{ 1\} } \overline{I}
is a weak equivalence (again by \ref{pushoutA} because it is pushout of the
trivial cofibration $\ast \rightarrow \overline{I}$). Therefore the composed
i_{01}:\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(E,\ast )\cup ^{I} \overline{I}
corresponding to the edge $(01)$
is an equivalence. Thus the projection
\Upsilon ^2(E,\ast )\cup ^{I} \overline{I} \rightarrow \Upsilon (E)
is an equivalence (by \ref{explaincmc} CM2). This in turn implies that the
morphism corresponding to the edge $(02)$
i_{02}:\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(E,\ast )\cup ^{I} \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration.
A similar argument shows that
i_{02}:\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\cup ^{I} \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration.
Next, note that
\Upsilon (E) \times I = \Upsilon ^2(E, \ast ) \cup ^{\Upsilon (E)}
\Upsilon ^2(\ast ,E)
(the square decomposes as a union of two triangles). The morphisms in the
coproduct are both $i_{02}$. Thus if we attach $\overline{I}$ to each
of the intervals $I$ on the two opposite sides of this square,
\Upsilon (E) \times I\cup ^{\{ 0,1\} \times I}(\{
0,1\} \times \overline{I})
can be seen as a coproduct of the two objects
considered in \ref{ff1} and \ref{ff2} (we don't write this coproduct out).
Combining with the results of those paragraphs, the morphism from the diagonal
\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow \Upsilon (E) \times I\cup ^{\{ 0,1\} \times I}(\{
0,1\} \times \overline{I})
is an equivalence, which in turn implies that the projection
\Upsilon (E) \times I\cup ^{\{ 0,1\} \times I}(\{
0,1\} \times \overline{I}) \rightarrow \Upsilon (E)
is an equivalence or, equally well, that the inclusion
(\Upsilon (E) \times I)\cup ^{\{ 0,1\} \times I}(\{
0,1\} \times \overline{I}) \hookrightarrow
\Upsilon (E) \times \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration.
Suppose now that $E'\subset E$. Let ${\bf G}$ denote the pushout of
(\Upsilon (E) \times I)\cup ^{\{ 0,1\} \times I}(\{
0,1\} \times \overline{I})
and $\Upsilon (E')\times \overline{I}$ along
(\Upsilon (E') \times I)\cup ^{\{ 0,1\} \times I}(\{
0,1\} \times \overline{I}).
Paragraph \ref{ff3} and the usual (\ref{pushoutA}) and '\ref{explaincmc} CM2)
imply that the
{\bf G} \hookrightarrow \Upsilon (E)\times \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration. Note, however, the simpler expression
{\bf G} = (\Upsilon (E) \times I)\cup ^{\Upsilon (E') \times I}
(\Upsilon (E')\times \overline{I}).
We are now ready to prove the theorem. Fix $u,v$ objects of
$\underline{Hom}(\overline{I},C)$. Suppose
$E'\hookrightarrow E$ is any cofibration, and suppose given a morphism
E \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(I,C)_{1/}(r(u),r(v))
provided with lifting
E'\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(\overline{I},C)_{1/}(u,v).
These correspond exactly to a morphism
{\bf G} \rightarrow C,
which since $C$ is fibrant extends along the trivial cofibration of
(\ref{ff4}) to a morphism
\Upsilon (E)\times \overline{I}.
This is exactly the lifting to a map
E'\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(\overline{I},C)_{1/}(u,v)
needed to establish the statement that the morphism
induced by $r$
is an equivalence. This proves the theorem.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Suppose $f: U\rightarrow V$ is a morphism in a fibrant $n$-category $C$.
Then the $n$-category of morphisms $\overline{I}\rightarrow C$
restricting on $I\subset \overline{I}$ to $f$ is contractible.
{\em Proof:}
The $n$-category in question is just the fiber of the morphism in the theorem,
over the object $f\in \underline{Hom}(I,C)$.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
The next corollary says that equivalences may be inverted with dependence on
Suppose $C$ is a fibrant $n$-category.
Suppose $\psi, \psi ' : A\rightarrow C$ are two morphisms and
suppose $f$ is a morphism from $\psi$ to $\psi '$. Suppose that for every
object $a\in A$ the induced morphism $f_a: \psi (a)\rightarrow \psi '(a)$
is an equivalence in $C$. Then $f$ is an equivalence considered as a
$1$-morphism in $\underline{Hom}(A,C)$.
{\em Proof:}
The morphism $f$ is a map
f: A\times I \rightarrow C,
which we can think of as a map
f_1:A\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(I,C).
From Theorem \ref{resttoIff} the morphism
\underline{Hom}(\overline{I},C)\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(I,C)
is a fibrant equivalence onto the full subcategory of invertible objects.
The hypothesis of the corollary says exactly that the morphism
$f_1$ lands in this full subcategory. Therefore it lifts to a morphism
g: A\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(\overline{I}, C),
in other words to
A\times \overline{I} \rightarrow C
or equally well
\overline{I}\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C).
This shows that $f$ was an equivalence.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
\numero{The definitions of direct and inverse limits}
One of the most useful tools in homotopy theory is the notion of homotopy limit
or ``holim''. This can mean either direct or inverse limit and one of the two
is called a ``colimit'' but I don't know which one! So we'll call both
``limits'' and specify which one in context. Our purpose is to define the
notions of inverse and direct limit in an $n$-category.
We always suppose that the target category $C$ is fibrant. When this is not
the case we first have to take a fibrant replacement (\ref{perspective1}).
\subnumero{Inverse limits}
Suppose $C$ is a fibrant $n$-category, and suppose $A$ is an $n$-category.
Suppose $\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ is a morphism. If $U \in C$ is an
object then we define
Hom (U , \varphi ):= Hom (A, C)_{1/}(U_A, \varphi )
where $U_A$ denotes the constant morphism with value
$U$. If $V$ is another object of $C$ then we have a morphism
C_{1/}(V , U )\rightarrow Hom (A, C)_{1/}(V_A,
and we use this to define
Hom (V, U , \varphi ):= Hom (A, C)_{2/}
(V_A,U_A, \varphi )\times _{
Hom (A, C)_{1/}(V_A,
U_A)} C_{1/}(V , U )
or more generally if $V ^0,\ldots , V ^p \in C_0$ we define
Hom (V ^0, \ldots , V ^p, \varphi ):=
Hom (A, C)_{(p+1)/}
(V^0_A,\ldots , V ^p_A, \varphi )\times _{
Hom (A, C)_{p/}
(V^0_A,\ldots , V ^p_A)} C_{p/}(V ^0, \ldots ,
V ^p ).
However we won't need this beyond $p=2$.
Notice now that since $C$ is fibrant, $Hom (A,C)$ is fibrant and in particular
an $n$-category, thus we get that the morphism
Hom (V , U , \varphi )\rightarrow C_{1/}(V , U )
\times Hom (U , \varphi )
is an equivalence. On the other hand we have a projection
Hom (V , U , \varphi )\rightarrow Hom (V , \varphi ).
It is in this sense that we have a ``weak morphism'' from
$C_{1/}(V , U )
\times Hom (U , \varphi )$ to $Hom (V , \varphi )$.
We say that an object $U\in C_0$ together with element $f\in Hom (U , \varphi
)_0$ is an {\em inverse limit of $\varphi$} if for any $V\in C_0$ the
resulting weak morphism from $C_{1/}(V , U )$ to $Hom (V , \varphi )$
is an equivalence. To say this more precisely this means that the morphism
Hom (V ,U , \varphi ) \times _{Hom (U , \varphi )} \{ f \}
\rightarrow Hom (V , \varphi )
should be an equivalence. If such an inverse limit exists we say that {\em
$\varphi$ admits an inverse limit} (we will discuss uniqueness below). If
any morphism $\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ from any $n$-category $A$ to $C$
admits an inverse limit then we say that {\em $C$ admits inverse limits}.
{\em Uniqueness:}
Suppose $f\in Hom (U , \varphi ) $ and $g \in Hom (V , \varphi )$
are two different inverse limits of $\varphi$. Then the
inverse image of $g$ for the morphism
Hom (V , U , \varphi ) \times _{Hom (U , \varphi )} \{ f \}
\rightarrow Hom (V , \varphi )
is contractible. This gives a contractible $n$-category mapping to $Hom (V ,
U )$. We also have a contractible $n$-category mapping to $Hom (U
, V )$. A similar argument with $p=3$ gives a contractible $n$-category
mapping to $Hom (V , U , V )$ which maps into the contractible things
for $V ,U$, for $U , V$ and for $V , V$. The image at the
end includes the identity. This shows that the composition of the morphisms in
the two directions is the identity. The same works in the other direction. This
shows that the essentially well defined morphisms $U \rightarrow V$ and
$V\rightarrow U$ are equivalences.
(The reader is challenged to find a nicer way of saying this!)
The condition of being an inverse limit may also be interpreted in terms of the
construction $\Upsilon$ described in the previous section.
To do this, start by noting that for an $n$-precat $E$ a morphism
E\rightarrow Hom (U,\varphi )
is the same thing as a morphism
f:A\times \Upsilon (E)\rightarrow C
such that $r_0(u)= U_A$ and $r_1(u)=\varphi $.
In view of the discussion
\ref{interpupsilon1}--\ref{interpupsilon3}, a morphism
E\rightarrow Hom (V,U,\varphi )
is the same thing as a morphism
g:A\times [2](E)\rightarrow C
with $r_0(g)=V_A$, $r_1(g)=U_A$ and $r_2(g)=\varphi$
and such that $r_{01}(g)$ comes from a morphism $\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow C$.
To see this, use the definition of $[2](E)$ by universal property
In a similar way using the description \ref{interpupsilon3}, a morphism
Hom (V , U , \varphi ) \times _{Hom (U , \varphi )} \{ f \}
is the same thing as a
g: A\times \Upsilon ^2(E, \ast )\rightarrow C
such that $r_2(g)= \varphi$ and $r_{01}(g)$ comes from a morphism
$g_{01}:\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow C$ with $r_0(g_{01})=V$ and
Noting that the morphism
Hom (V , U , \varphi ) \times _{Hom (U , \varphi )} \{ f \}
\rightarrow Hom (V , \varphi )
is fibrant, it is an equivalence if and only if it satisfies the lifting
property for all cofibrations $E'\subset E$ (\ref{charequiv}).
Using the above
descriptions we can describe explicitly the lifting property
of the previous paragraph
and thus obtain the following characterization.
A morphism $f\in Hom (U,\varphi )$ is an inverse limit if and only if for every
v:A\times \Upsilon (E) \rightarrow C
with $r_0(v)= V_A$ for $V\in C_0$ and $r_1(v)= \varphi$, and for every
extension over $A\times \Upsilon (E')$ to a morphism
w': A\times \Upsilon ^2(E', \ast )\rightarrow C
with $r_{12}(w')= f$ and $r_{01}(w')$ coming from a morphism $z':\Upsilon
(E')\rightarrow C$ with $r_0(z')= V$ and $r_1(z')=U$, there exists a common
extension of these two: a morphism
w: A\times \Upsilon ^2(E, \ast )\rightarrow C
with $r_{12}(w)= f$ and $r_{01}(w)$ coming from a morphism $z:\Upsilon
(E')\rightarrow C$ with $r_0(z)= V$ and $r_1(z)=U$; such that the
restriction of $w$ to $A\times \Upsilon ^2(E', \ast )$ is equal to $w'$;
and such that $r_{02}(w)=v$.
This is the characterization we shall use in our proofs.
\subnumero{Direct limits}
We obtain the notion of direct limit by ``reversing the arrows'' in the
above discussion.
Suppose $C$ is a fibrant $n$-category, and suppose $A$ is an $n$-category.
Suppose $\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ is a morphism. If $U \in C_0$ is an
object then we define
Hom (\varphi , U ):= Hom (A, C)_{1/}(\varphi , U_A)
where again $U_A$ denotes the constant morphism with value
$U$. If $V$ is another object of $C$ then we have a morphism
C_{1/}(U ,V )\rightarrow Hom (A, C)_{1/}(
{U}_A, {V}_A)
and we use this to define
Hom (\varphi , U , V ):= Hom (A, C)_{2/}
(\varphi , {U }_A,{V }_A, \varphi )\times _{
Hom (A, C)_{1/}({U }_A,
{V }_A)} C_{1/}( U ,V )
or more generally if $V ^0,\ldots , V ^p \in C_0$ we define
Hom (\varphi , V ^0, \ldots , V ^p):=
Hom (A, C)_{(p+1)/}
(\varphi , {V ^0}_A,\ldots , {V ^p}_A)\times _{
Hom (A, C)_{p/}
({V ^0}_A,\ldots , {V ^p}_A)} C_{p/}(V ^0, \ldots ,
V ^p ).
Again we won't need this beyond $p=2$.
Notice now that since $C$ is fibrant, $Hom (A,C)$ is fibrant and in particular
an $n$-category, thus we get that the morphism
Hom (\varphi , U , V )\rightarrow C_{1/}(U , V )
\times Hom (\varphi , U )
is an equivalence. On the other hand we have a projection
Hom (\varphi ,U,V)\rightarrow Hom (V , \varphi ).
It is in this sense that we have a ``weak morphism'' from
$C_{1/}(U,V )
\times Hom ( \varphi ,U)$ to $Hom (\varphi ,V)$.
We say that an element $f\in Hom (U , \varphi )_0$
is a {\em direct limit of $\varphi$} if for any $V \in C_0$ the resulting
weak morphism from $C_{1/}(U ,V )$ to $Hom (\varphi ,V )$ is
an equivalence. To say this more precisely this means that the morphism
Hom (\varphi , U , V ) \times _{Hom (\varphi , U )} \{ f
\} \rightarrow Hom ( \varphi ,V )
should be an equivalence. If such a direct limit exists we say that {\em
$\varphi$ admits an inverse limit}. Exactly the same discussion of uniqueness
as above
(\ref{uniquenessinverse}) holds here too. If any morphism $\varphi : A
\rightarrow C$ from any $n$-category $A$ to $C$ admits a direct limit then we
say that {\em $C$ admits direct limits}.
We have the following characterization analogue to \ref{upsiloninverse4}.
Again, this is the characterization which we shall use in the proofs.
It comes from considerations identical to
\ref{upsiloninverse1}--\ref{upsiloninverse3} which we omit here.
A morphism $f\in
Hom (\varphi ,U)$ is a direct limit if and only if for every morphism
v:A\times \Upsilon (E) \rightarrow C
with $r_0(v)= \varphi$ and $r_1(v)= V_A$ for $V\in C_0$, and for every
extension over $A\times \Upsilon (E')$ to a morphism
w': A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E')\rightarrow C
with $r_{01}(w')= f$ and $r_{12}(w')$ coming from a morphism $z':\Upsilon
(E')\rightarrow C$ with $r_1(z')= U$ and $r_2(z')=V$, there exists a common
extension of these two: a morphism
w: A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E )\rightarrow C
with $r_{01}(w)= f$ and $r_{12}(w)$ coming from a morphism $z:\Upsilon
(E')\rightarrow C$ with $r_1(z)= U$ and $r_2(z)=V$; such that the
restriction of $w$ to $A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast ,E')$ is equal to $w'$;
and such that $r_{02}(w)=v$.
\subnumero{Invariance properties}
Suppose $f:A'\rightarrow A$ is an equivalence of $n$-categories and suppose
$C$ is a fibrant $n$-category. Suppose $\varphi : A\rightarrow C$ is a
morphism. Then the inverse (resp. direct) limit of $\varphi$ exists if and only
if the inverse (resp. direct) limit of $\varphi \circ f$ exists.
Suppose $\varphi$ and $\psi$ are morphisms from $A$ to $C$, and suppose
they are equivalent in $\underline{Hom}(A, C)$. Then the inverse (resp. direct)
limit of $\varphi$ exists if and only if the inverse (resp. direct) limit
of $\psi$ exists.
Finally suppose $g: C\rightarrow C'$ is an equivalence between fibrant
$n$-categories. Then the inverse (resp. direct) limit of $\varphi :
A\rightarrow C$ exists if and only if the inverse (resp. direct) limit of
$g\circ \varphi$ exists. In particular (combining with the previous paragraph)
$C$ admits inverse (resp. direct) limits if and only if $C'$ does.
{\em Proof:}
There are several statements to prove so we divide the proof into several
paragraphs \ref{invariance1}--\ref{invariance9}.
Suppose $f: A' \hookrightarrow A$ is a cofibrant equivalence
of $n$-categories. Suppose that $\varphi : A\rightarrow C$ is a morphism and
that $u:\varphi \rightarrow U$ is a morphism from $\varphi$ to $U\in C$
which is a direct limit. This corresponds to a diagram
\epsilon : A \times \Upsilon (\ast )\rightarrow C
and pullback by $f$ gives a diagram
\epsilon ': A' \times \Upsilon (\ast )\rightarrow C.
We claim that $\epsilon '$ is a direct limit (note that $\epsilon '$ is a
morphism from $\varphi \circ f$ to $U$). Suppose we are given
u: A' \times \Upsilon (E) \rightarrow C
and an extension over $E'\subset E$ to a diagram
v_1: A' \times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E') \rightarrow C
whose restriction to the edge $(01)$ is $\epsilon '$ and whose restriction to
the edge $(02)$ is $u$. Then we can first extend $v_1$ to a diagram
A \times \Upsilon (\ast , E') \rightarrow C
A' \times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E') \hookrightarrow
A \times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E')
is a trivial cofibration (and note also that we can assume that the extension
satisfies the relevant properties as in the definition of limit);
then we can
also extend our above morphism $u$ to a diagram
A \times \Upsilon (E) \rightarrow C
compatibly with the extension of $v_1$,
because the inclusion from the coproduct of
$A \times \Upsilon ( E')$ and
$A' \times \Upsilon (E)$ over $A' \times \Upsilon (E')$, into
$A \times \Upsilon ( E)$ is a trivial cofibration. Now we apply the limit
property of $\epsilon$ to conclude that there is an extension to a diagram
A \times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E) \rightarrow C.
This restricts over $A'$ to a diagram of the form we would like, showing that
$\epsilon '$ is a direct limit.
Suppose that $f: A' \hookrightarrow A$ is a trivial cofibration and suppose
$\varphi: A\rightarrow C$ is a morphism to a fibrant $n$-category $C$,
and suppose now that we know that $\varphi \circ f$ has a limit
\epsilon ': \varphi \circ f \rightarrow U
for an object $U\in C$.
We claim that $\varphi$ has a limit.
The morphism $\epsilon '$ may be considered as
a diagram
\epsilon ' : A' \times \Upsilon (\ast ) \rightarrow C.
This extends along $A' \times \{ 0\}$ to
\varphi : A \times \{ 0\} \rightarrow
and it extends along $A'\times \{ 1\} $ to
U_A: A \times \{ 1\} \rightarrow C.
Putting these all together we obtain a morphism
A\times \{ 0 \} \cup ^{A'\times \{ 0\} } A' \times \Upsilon (\ast )
\cup ^{A' \times \{ 1\} } A \times \{ 1\}
\rightarrow C.
Since $A'\subset A$ is a trivial cofibration the morphism
A\times \{ 0 \} \cup ^{A'\times \{ 0\} } A' \times \Upsilon (\ast )
\cup ^{A' \times \{ 1\} } A \times \{ 1\}
A \times \Upsilon (\ast )
is a trivial cofibration (applying \ref{explaincmc}, first part of CM4,
two times), so by the fibrant property of $C$ our morphism extends to a morphism
\epsilon : A \times \Upsilon (\ast )\rightarrow C
with the required properties of being constant along $A\times \{ 1\}$ and
restricting to $\varphi$ along $A\times \{ 0\}$. Thus we may write
$\epsilon : \varphi \rightarrow U$.
We claim that this map is a direct limit of $\varphi$. Given a diagram
u:A\times \Upsilon (E)\rightarrow C
going from $\varphi$ to a constant object $B$, the restriction $u'$ to
$A'\times \Upsilon (E)$ admits (by the hypothesis that $\epsilon '$ is a direct
limit) an extension to
v': A'\times \Upsilon (\ast , E)\rightarrow C
restricting along the edge $(01)$ to $\epsilon '$ and restricting along the edge
$(12)$ to the pullback of a diagram $\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow C$. Then using as
usual the fibrant property of $C$ and the fact that $A'\rightarrow A$ is a
trivial cofibration, we can extend $v'$ to a morphism
v: A \times \Upsilon (\ast , E) \rightarrow C
restricting along the edge $(01)$ to $\epsilon $, restricting along the edge
$(02)$ to our given diagram $u$, and restricting along the edge $(12)$ to the
pullback of a diagram $\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow C$.
If $E'\subset E$ and we are already given an extension $v_{E'}$ over
$A \times \Upsilon (\ast , E')$ then (as before, using the fibrant property of
$C$ applied to an appropriate cofibration) we can assume that our extension $v$
above restricts to $v_{E'}$. This completes the proof that $\epsilon$ is a
direct limit, and hence the proof of the statement claimed for
Now suppose $p:A' \rightarrow A$ is a trivial fibration. Then there
exists a section $s:A\rightarrow A'$ (with $ps = 1_A$). Note that $s$ is a
trivial cofibration. If $\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ is a morphism then
(\varphi \circ p)\circ s = \varphi
so applying the previous two paragraphs \ref{invariance1} and \ref{invariance2}
to the morphism $s$ we conclude that $\varphi$ admits a limit if and only if
$\varphi \circ p$ admits a limit.
Now suppose $f: A' \rightarrow A$ is any
equivalence between $n$-categories.
Decomposing $f= p\circ j$ into a composition
of a trivial cofibration followed by a trivial fibration and applying
\ref{invariance1}, \ref{invariance2} to $j$ and \ref{invariance3} to $p$ we
conclude that a functor $\varphi : A\rightarrow C$ admits a direct
limit if and
only if $\varphi \circ f$ admits a direct limit. This proves the first
paragraph of Proposition \ref{invariance} for direct limits.
The proof of the first paragraph of \ref{invariance} for inverse limits is
exactly the same as the above.
Now we prove the second paragraph of the proposition. If $f,g: A\rightarrow C$
are two morphisms which are equivalent in $\underline{Hom}(A,C)$ (i.e. they are
homotopic) then there exists a morphism
$\varphi : A\times \overline{I}\rightarrow C$ restricting to $f$ on $A\times \{
0\}$ and restricting to $g$ on $A\times \{ 1\}$. Applying the first paragraph
of the proposition (for either direct or inverse limits) to the two inclusions
$A\rightarrow A\times \overline{I}$ we find that $f$ admits a limit if and only
if $\varphi$ admits a limit and similarly $g$ admits a limit
if and only if $\varphi$ does---therefore $f$ admits a limit if and only if
$g$ admits a limit.
Suppose $C\rightarrow C'$ is an equivalence between fibrant
$n$-categories. In general if $F'\subset F$ is any cofibration and if
$F'\rightarrow C$ is a morphism, then there exists an extension to
$F\rightarrow C$ if and only if the composed morphism $F'\rightarrow C'$
extends over $F$. To see this, look at the (exactly commutative) diagram
\underline{Hom}(F,C) & \rightarrow & \underline{Hom}(F',C) \\
\downarrow && \downarrow \\
\underline{Hom}(F,C') & \rightarrow & \underline{Hom}(F',C')
\end{array} .
The horizontal arrows are fibrations and the vertical arrows are equivalences.
If an element $a\in \underline{Hom}(F',C)$ maps to something $b$ which is hit
from $c\in \underline{Hom}(F,C')$ then there is $d\in
\underline{Hom}(F,C) $ mapping to something equivalent to $c$; thus the image
$e$ of $d$ in $\underline{Hom}(F',C)$ maps to something equivalent to
$b$. This implies (since the right vertical arrow is an equivalence)
that $e$ is equivalent to $a$. Since the top morphism is fibrant, there
is another element $d'\in
\underline{Hom}(F,C) $ which maps directly to $a$.
Suppose still that $C\rightarrow C'$ is an equivalence between fibrant
Using the general lifting principle \ref{lifting} and the fact that the
property of being a limit is expressed in terms of extending morphisms
across certain cofibrtions $F'\subset F$, we conclude that a functor
$A\rightarrow C$ has a (direct or inverse) limit if and only if the composition
$A\rightarrow C'$ does. This proves the first sentence of the last paragraph of
the proposition.
If $f: C\rightarrow C'$ is an equivalence between fibrant $n$-categories and if
$C'$ admits direct (resp. inverse) limits then any functor $A\rightarrow C$
admits a direct (resp. inverse) limit by \ref{invariance7}.
Suppose on the
other hand that we know that $C$ admits direct (resp. inverse) limits. Suppose
that $\varphi : A \rightarrow C'$ is a functor. Since $f$ induces an
equivalence from $\underline{Hom}(A,C)$ to $\underline{Hom}(A,C')$ there is a
morphism $\psi : A \rightarrow C$ such that $f\circ \psi $ is equivalent to
$\varphi$ in $\underline{Hom}(A,C')$. By the second paragraph of the
proposition (proved in \ref{invariance6} above), $\varphi$ admits direct (resp.
inverse) limits if and only if $f \circ \psi$ does. Then by the first part of
the last paragraph proved in \ref{invariance7} above, $f\circ \psi$ admits
direct (resp. inverse) limits if and only if $\psi$ does. Now by hypothesis
$\psi$ has a direct (resp. inverse) limit, so $\varphi$ does too. This shows
that $C'$ admits direct (resp. inverse) limits.
We have now completed the proof of Proposition \ref{invariance}.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
We now start to look at variance properties in other situations.
$h:C\rightarrow C'$ is a morphism between fibrant $n$-categories, and suppose
$\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ is a morphism. If
u: \varphi \rightarrow U
is a
direct limit then $h(u): \varphi \circ h \rightarrow h(U)$ is a morphism.
Suppose that $\varphi \circ h$ admits a direct limit
v: \varphi \circ h \rightarrow V.
Then by the limit property there is a factorization i.e. a diagram
[v, w]:\varphi \circ h \rightarrow V \rightarrow h(U)
whose third edge $(02)$ is $h(u)$.
We say that {\em the morphism $h$ commutes with the direct limit of $\varphi$}
if the direct limit of $\varphi \circ h$ exists and if the factorization
morphism $w: V\rightarrow h(U)$ is an equivalence.
Suppose that $C$ and $C'$ admit direct limits. We say that {\em the morphism $h$
commutes with direct limits} if $h$ commutes with the direct limit of any
$\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ in the previous sense.
We have similar definitions for inverse limits, which we repeat for the record.
Suppose again that
$h:C\rightarrow C'$ is a morphism between fibrant $n$-categories, and suppose
$\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ is a morphism. If
u: U\rightarrow \varphi
is an inverse limit then $h(u): h(U)\rightarrow \varphi \circ h $ is a
morphism. Suppose that $\varphi \circ h$ admits an inverse limit
v: V\rightarrow \varphi \circ h .
Then by the limit property there is a factorization i.e. a diagram
[w,v]:h(U)\rightarrow V\rightarrow \varphi \circ h
whose third edge $(02)$ is $h(u)$.
We say that {\em the morphism $h$ commutes with the inverse limit of $\varphi$}
if the inverse limit of $\varphi \circ h$ exists and if the factorization
morphism $w:h(U)\rightarrow V$ is an equivalence.
Suppose that $C$ and $C'$ admit inverse limits. We say that {\em the
morphism $h$
commutes with inverse limits} if $h$ commutes with the inverse limit of any
$\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ in the above sense.
\subnumero{Behavior under certain precat inverse limits of $C$}
We will now study certain situations of what happens when we take fiber
products or other inverse limits (here we mean inverse limits in the category
of $n$-precats) of the target $n$-category $C$. We study what happens to
inverse limits in $C$. We could also say the same things about direct limits in
$C$ but the inverse limit case is the one we need, so we state things there and
leave it to the reader to make the corresponding statements for direct limits.
Suppose $\{ C_i\} _{i\in S}$ is a collection of fibrant $n$-categories indexed
by a set $S$. Let $C= \prod _{i\in S} C_i$ and suppose $\varphi = \{ \varphi
_i\}$ is a morphism from $A$ to $C$. Suppose that the $\varphi _i$ admit
inverse limits
u_i : U_i \rightarrow \varphi _i
in $C_i$. Then $U= \{ U_i\}$ is an object of $C$ and we have a morphism
u: U\rightarrow \varphi
composed of the factors $u_i$. This morphism is an inverse limit of $\varphi$
in $C$.
{\em Proof:}
The property that $u$ be an inverse limit consists of a collection of extension
properties that have to be satisfied. The morphisms $u_i$ admit the
corresponding extensions and putting these together we get the required
extensions for $u$.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Suppose $f:C\rightarrow D$ and $g:E\rightarrow D$ are morphisms of
fibrant $n$-categories with $f$ fibrant. Suppose that $\varphi : A \rightarrow
C\times _DE$ is a morphism such that the component morphisms $\varphi _C:
A\rightarrow C$, $\varphi _D:A\rightarrow D$ and $\varphi _E: A\rightarrow E$
have inverse limits $\lambda _C$, $\lambda _D$ and $\lambda _E$ respectively.
Suppose furthermore that $f$ and $g$ preserve these inverse limits, which means
that the projections of $\lambda _C$ and $\lambda _E$ into $D$ are equivalent
(as objects with morphisms to $\varphi _D$) to $\lambda _D$. Then we may (by
changing the $\lambda _C, \lambda _D, \lambda _E$ by equivalences) assume that
$\lambda _C$ and $\lambda _E$ project to $\lambda _D$; and the resulting object
$\lambda \in C\times _DE$ is an inverse limit of $\varphi$.
{\em Proof:}
Set $\lambda '_E:=\lambda _E$ and let $\lambda '_D:= g(\lambda _E)$ be the
projection to $D$. Note that by hypothesis $\lambda '_D$ is an inverse limit
of $\varphi _D$. Now $\lambda _C$ (considered as an object with
morphism to $\varphi _C$) projects in $D$ to something equivalent to
$\lambda _D$ and hence equivalent to $\lambda '_D$ (equivalence of the diagrams
including the morphism to $\varphi _D$). Since $f$ is a fibrant morphism, we
can modify $\lambda _C$ by an equivalence, to obtain $\lambda ' _C$ projecting
directly to $\lambda ' _D$. Note that the equivalent $\lambda '_C$ is again an
inverse limit of $\varphi _C$. Together these give an element $\lambda \in
C\times DE$ with a map
u: \lambda \rightarrow \varphi ,
and we claim that $u$ is an inverse limit. Suppose
$F'\subset F$ is a cofibration of $n-1$-precats and suppose
v: V \stackrel{F}{\rightarrow} \varphi
is any $F$-morphism (i.e. a diagram
A\times \Upsilon (F) \rightarrow C\times _DE
restricting on $A\times \{ 0\}$ to the constant $V_A$ and restricting on
$A\times \{ 1\}$ to $\varphi$) provided with an extension over $F'$ to
a diagram
w': A\times \Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\rightarrow C\times _DE
restricting on $(02)$ to $v'$ (the restriction of $v$ to $F'$) and on $(12)$ to
$u$. We look for an extension of $w'$ to a diagram
w: A\times \Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\rightarrow C\times _DE
restricting on $(02)$ to $v$ and on $(12)$ to $u$.
Denoting with subscripts the
components in $C$, $D$ and $E$, we have that the pairs $(v_C,w'_C)$ and $(v_E,
w'_E)$ admit extensions $w_C$ and $w_E$ respectively. The projections of these
extensions in $D$ give diagrams which we denote
w_{C/D}, w_{E/D} : A\times \Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\rightarrow D,
both restricting on $(02)$ to $v_D$ and on $(12)$ to $u_D$, and extending
$w'_D$. Applying again the limit property for $u_D$ to the cofibration
F\times \{ 0\} \cup ^{F' \times \{ 0\} } F' \times \overline{I}
\cup ^{ F' \times \{ 1\} } F \times \{ 1\} \hookrightarrow F\times \overline{I}
we find that there is a diagram
z_D: A \times \Upsilon ^2(F\times \overline{I} , \ast ) \rightarrow D
giving a homotopy between $w_{C/D}$ and $w_{E/D}$.
Notice that
this is a homotopy
in Quillen's sense \cite{Quillen} because the diagram
\Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} \Upsilon ^2(F\times \overline{I}, \ast )
\rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )
is of the form used by Quillen cf \ref{homotopic1}. Such a homotopy can
be changed into one of the more classical form
A\times \Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\times \overline{I} \rightarrow D
because the relation of homotopy in Quillen's sense is the same as the relation
of equivalence of morphisms, which in turn is the same as existence of a
homotopy for the ``interval'' $\overline{I}$. In fact we don't use this remark
here but we use it with $D$ replaced by $C$, below.
Now apply the lifting property for the morphism $C\rightarrow D$, for the
above map $z_D$, with respect to the trivial cofibration
A\times \Upsilon ^2(
F\times \{ 0\} \cup ^{F' \times \{ 0\} } F' \times \overline{I}, \ast )
A\times \Upsilon ^2(F\times \overline{I} , \ast ).
We get a morphism
z_C: A \times \Upsilon ^2(F\times \overline{I} , \ast ) \rightarrow C
providing a homotopy between $w_C$ and a new morphism $w^n_C$ which
projects into $D$ to $w_{E/D}$. The new $w^n_C$ is again a solution of the
required extension problem (or to be more precise we can impose conditions
on our lifting $z_C$ to insure that this is the case. The fact that it projects
to $w_{E/D}$ means that the pair $w=(w^n_C, w_E)$ is a solution of the required
extension problem to show that $u$ is an inverse limit. This completes the
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Suppose $C_i$ is a collection of fibrant $n$-categories for $i=0,1,2,\ldots$
and suppose that $f_i : C_i \rightarrow C_{i-1}$ are fibrant morphisms. Let $C$
be the inverse limit of this system of $n$-precats. Then $C$ is a fibrant
$n$-category. Suppose that we have $\varphi : A \rightarrow C$ projecting to the
$\varphi _i : A \rightarrow C_i$ and suppose that the $\varphi _i$ admit
inverse limits $u_i : U_i \rightarrow \varphi _i$. Suppose finally that
the $f_i$ commute with the inverse limits of the $\varphi _i$. Then $\varphi$
admits an inverse limit and the projections $C\rightarrow C_i$ commute with the
inverse limit of $\varphi$.
{\em Proof:}
The fibrant property of $C$ may be directly checked by producing liftings
of trivial cofibrations.
First we construct a morphism $u: U\rightarrow \varphi$ projecting in each
$C_i$ to an inverse limit of $\varphi _i$. To do this, note by \ref{invariance}
that it suffices to have $u$ project to a morphism equivalent to $u_i$. On the
other hand, by the hypothesis that the $f_i$ commute with the inverse limits
$u_i$, we have that $f_i (u_i)$ is an inverse limit of $\varphi _{i-1}$.
In particular $f_i(u_i)$ is equivalent to $u_{i-1}$ as a diagram from $A\times
\Upsilon (\ast )$ to $C_{i-1}$. The morphism from such diagrams in $C_i$,
to such diagrams in $C_{i-1}$, is fibrant (since it comes from $f_i$ which is
fibrant). Therefore we can change $u_i$ to an equivalent diagram with
$f_i(u_i)=u_{i-1}$. Do this successively for $i=1,2,\ldots$, yielding a system
of morphisms $u_i$ with $f_i(u_i)=u_{i-1}$. These now form a morphism
u: U\rightarrow \varphi .
We claim that $u$ is an inverse limit of $\varphi$. Suppose
$E'\subset E$ is an inclusion of $n-1$-precats and suppose
is an $E$-morphism (i.e. a diagram of the form
A\times \Upsilon (E)\rightarrow C
being constant equal to $W$ on $A\times \{ 0\}$),
provided over $E'$ with an extension to a diagram
[v',u]:W\stackrel{E'}{\rightarrow} U \rightarrow \varphi
(i.e. a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^2 (E,\ast ) \rightarrow C
to $u$ on the second edge $(12)$ and restricting to $w|_{E'}$ on the third edge
$(02)$). We would like to extend this to a diagram $[v,u]$ giving
$w$ on the third edge. Let $w_i$ (resp. $v'_i$) be the projections of these
diagrams in $C_i$. These admit extensions $v_i$. The projection of $v_i$ to
$C_{i-1}$ is an extension of the desired sort for $w_{i-1}$ and $v'_{i-1}$. The
$v_i$ are unique up to equivalence---which means a diagram
A\times \Upsilon ^2 (E,\ast )\times \overline{I} \rightarrow C_i
satisfying appropriate boundary conditions---and from this and our usual sort
of argument constructing a trivial cofibration (this occurs several times
below) then making use of the fibrant property of $f_i$, we conclude that $v_i$
may be modified by an equivalence so that it projects to $v_{i-1}$. As before,
do this successively for $i=1,2,\ldots $ to obtain a system of extensions $v_i$
with $f_i(v_i)=v_{i-1}$. This system corresponds to an extension $v$ of the
desired sort for $w$ and $v'$. This shows that the morphism $u$ is an inverse
Note from our construction the projection of the inverse limit $u$ to
$C_i$ is an inverse limit $u_i$ for $\varphi _i$ so the projections
$C\rightarrow C_i$ commute with the inverse limit of $\varphi$.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
The application of the above results which we have in mind is the following
Suppose $C$ is a fibrant $n$-category and $B$ is an $n$-precat. Then if $C$
admits inverse (resp. direct) limits, so does the fibrant
$n$-category $\underline{Hom}(B,C)$. The morphisms of functoriality
for $B'\rightarrow B$ commute with inverse (resp. direct) limits.
{\em Proof:}
Suppose $\varphi : A\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(B, C)$. We will construct an
inverse limit $\lambda \in \underline{Hom}(B, C)$
such that for any $b\in B$ the restriction $\lambda (b)$ is equivalent (via the
natural morphism) to the inverse limit of $\varphi (b): A\rightarrow C$.
This condition implies that the restriction morphism for any $B'\rightarrow B$
commutes with the inverse limit. In effect, there is a morphism from the
inverse limit over $B$ (pulled back to $B'$) to the inverse limit over $B'$,
and this morphism is an equivalence over every object in $B'$ by the condition,
which implies that it is an equivalence by Lemma \ref{obbyobequiv}.
The first remark is that if
$B\subset B'$ and $B\subset B''$ are cofibrations of $n$-precats such that
$\underline{Hom}(B, C)$, $\underline{Hom}(B', C)$, and
$\underline{Hom}(B'', C)$ admit inverse limits complying with the above
condition, then $\underline{Hom}(B'\cup ^B B'', C)$ admits inverse limits again
complying with the above condition. To see this we apply Lemma \ref{fiprod}.
The only thing that we need to know is that the restriction of the inverse
limits is again equivalent to the inverse limit in $\underline{Hom}(B, C)$.
This follows from the fact that there is a morphism which, thanks to the
condition given at the start of the proof, is an equivalence for each object of
$B$---therefore it is an equivalence.
The next remark is that weak equivalences of $n$-precats $B$ are turned into
equivalences of the $\underline{Hom}(B,C)$. The morphisms
h(1, M') \cup ^{\ast} \ldots \cup ^{\ast }h(1,M')\rightarrow h(m,M')
are weak equivalences. By the previous remarks if we know the theorem (with the
condition of the first paragraph of the proof) for $h(1,M')$ then we get it for
any $h(m,M')$ (again with the condition of the first paragraph).
As pointed out at the start of the proof, morphisms of restriction between any
$B$'s for which we know that the limits exist (and satisfying the condition of
the first paragraph), commute with the limits. In particular when we apply
\ref{fiprod} and \ref{invlim} the hypotheses about commutation with the limits
will hold.
Now any $n$-precat may be expressed as a direct union of pushouts of the
$h(m,M')$. The pushouts in question may be organized into a countable direct
union of pushouts each of which is adding a disjoint direct sum; and the
addition will be of a direct sum of things of the form $h(m,M')$ added along
their boundary. Taking $\underline{Hom}$ into $C$ transforms this expression
into an inverse limit indexed by the natural numbers, of fiber products of
terms which are direct products of things of the form $\underline{Hom}(h(m,M'),
C)$. Applying Lemmas \ref{dirprod}, \ref{fiprod} and \ref{invlim} we find that
if we know the existence of limits for $h(1,M')$ (hence $h(m,M')$)---as
always with the additional condition of the first paragraph of the proof---then
we get existence of limits for $\underline{Hom}(B,C)$ for any $n$-precat $B$.
Therefore it suffices to prove the theorem for $B= h(1,M')$. This is
more generally of the form $\Upsilon E$ (in this case $E=h(M')$). Thus it now
suffices to prove the theorem for $B=\Upsilon E$.
Suppose we have a morphism $\varphi : A\times \Upsilon E \rightarrow C$.
Let $\varphi (0)$ (resp. $\varphi (1)$) denote the restriction of $\varphi$ to
$A\times \{ 0\} $ (resp. $A\times \{ 1\} $).
Let $(\lambda (0),\epsilon (0))$ and $(\lambda (1),\epsilon (1))$ denote inverse
limits of $\varphi (0)$ and $\varphi (1)$.
The morphism $\varphi$ corresponds to a morphism
E\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C)_{1/}(\varphi (0), \varphi (1)).
We can lift this together with $\epsilon (0)$ to a morphism
E\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C)_{2/}(\lambda (0), \varphi (0), \varphi (1)).
The resulting $E\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C)_{1/}(\lambda (0), \varphi (1))$
exends to
E\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C)_{2/}(\lambda (0)_A, \lambda (1)_A,
\varphi (1))
projecting to $\epsilon (1)$ on the second edge,
by the limit property for $\epsilon (1)$.
The first edge of this comes from a morphism $\lambda : \Upsilon E \rightarrow
C$. Noting that the product $\Upsilon E
\times I$ is a pushout of two triangles the above morphisms glue
together to give a morphism
\Upsilon E \times I \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C),
in other words we get a morphism $\epsilon$ from $\lambda$ to $\varphi$
considered as families over $A$ with values in $\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon E, C)$.
To finish the proof we just have to prove that $\epsilon$ is an inverse limit
of $\varphi$. Suppose we have $\mu \in \underline{Hom}(\Upsilon E, C)$
and suppose given a morphism
$f: \Upsilon F \times A \times \Upsilon E\rightarrow C$ restricting
over $0^F$ to $\mu _A$ and over $1^F$ to $\varphi$ (here $0^F$ and $1^F$
denote the endpoints of $\Upsilon F$ and we will use similar notation for
$E$). This extends to morphisms
f'(0^E): \Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\times A \rightarrow C,
f'(1^E): \Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\times A \rightarrow C,
by the limit properties of $\lambda (0)$ and $\lambda (1)$ (the above morphisms
restricting to $\epsilon (0)$ and $\epsilon (1)$ on the second edges).
Now we try to extend to a morphism on all of
$\Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )\times A \times \Upsilon E\rightarrow C$. For this we use
notation of the form $(i,j)$ for the objects of $\Upsilon ^2(F,\ast )\times
\Upsilon E$, where $i=0,1,2$ (objects in $\Upsilon ^2(F, \ast )$ and $j= 0,1$
(objects in $\Upsilon E$). We are already given maps defined over
the triangles
$(012, 0)$ and $(012,1)$ (these are $f'(0^E)$ and $f'(1^E)$), as well as
squares $(02, 01)$ (our given map $f$) and $(12, 01)$ (the map $\epsilon$).
First extend using the fibrant property of $C$ to a map on the tetrahedron
Then extend again using the fibrant property of
$C$ to a map on the tetrahedron
Here note that on the face $(0,0)(1,0)(1,1)$ the map is chosen first as
coming from a map $\Upsilon ^2(F,E)\rightarrow C$. Finally we have to
find an extension over the tetrahedron
Again we require that the map on the first face
$(0,0)(0,1)(1,1)$ come from a map
\Upsilon ^2(E,F)\rightarrow C.
Our problem at this stage is that the map is already specified on all of
the other faces, so we can't do this using the fibrant property of $C$ (the
face that is missing is not of the right kind). Instead we have to use the
limit property of $\epsilon (1^E)$.
The limit condition on $\lambda (1^E)$ means that the morphism
\underline{Hom}^{\epsilon (1^E)}(\mu (0^E), \mu (1^E), \lambda (1^E), \varphi )
\underline{Hom}(\mu (0^E), \mu (1^E), \varphi )
is an equivalence. The morphisms
\underline{Hom}^{\epsilon (1^E)}(\mu (0^E), \lambda (1^E), \varphi )
\underline{Hom}(\mu (0^E), \varphi )
\underline{Hom}^{\epsilon (1^E)}(\mu (1^E), \lambda (1^E), \varphi )
\underline{Hom}(\mu (1^E), \varphi )
are equivalences too. This implies (in view of the fact that the edges
containing $\epsilon (1^E)$ are fixed) that the morphism
\underline{Hom}^{\epsilon (1^E)}(\mu (0^E), \mu (1^E), \lambda (1^E), \varphi )
\underline{Hom}^{\epsilon (1^E)}(\mu (0^E), \lambda (1^E), \varphi )
\times _{
\underline{Hom}(\mu (0^E), \varphi )}
\underline{Hom}(\mu (0^E), \mu (1^E), \varphi )\times _{
\underline{Hom}(\mu (1^E), \varphi )}
\underline{Hom}^{\epsilon (1^E)}(\mu (1^E), \lambda (1^E), \varphi )
is an equivalence. This exactly implies that the restriction to the shell that
we are interested in is an equivalence. The fact that this equivalence is a
fibration implies that it is surjective on objects, giving finally the
extension that we need.
In the relative case where we are already given an extension over $F'\subset F$,
one can choose our extension in a compatible way (adding on the part concerning
$F'$ in the above argument doesn't change the properties of the relevant
morphisms being trivial cofibrations).
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Suppose $\varphi : A\rightarrow C$ is a morphism from an $n$-precat to a
fibrant $n$-category $C$ admitting inverse limits, and suppose that $B$ is an
$n$-precat. Let $\varphi _B: A\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(B,C)$ denote the
morphism constant along $B$. Suppose that $\varphi$ admits an inverse limit
$u:U\rightarrow \varphi$. Then $u_B: U_B \rightarrow \varphi _B$ (the pullback
of $u$ along $B\rightarrow \ast$) is an inverse limit of $\varphi _B$.
{\em Proof:}
This is just commutativity for pullbacks for the morphism
$B\rightarrow \ast$.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
We can use the result of the previous theorem to obtain the variation of the
limit depending on the family. Suppose $C$ is a fibrant $n$-category in which
inverse limits exist, and suppose $A$ is an $n$-precat. Let $B=
\underline{Hom}(A, C)$. We have a tautological morphism
\zeta : A\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(B,C).
By the previous theorem, limits exist in $\underline{Hom}(B,C)$. Thus we obtain
the limit of $\zeta$ which is an element of $\underline{Hom}(B,C)$: it is a
morphism $\lambda $ from $B=\underline{Hom}(A,C)$ to $C$, which is the morphism
which to $\varphi \in \underline{Hom}(A,C)$ associates $\lambda (\varphi )$
which is the limit of $\varphi$.
The same remark holds for direct limits.
Suppose $A$, $B$ and $C$ are $n$-categories. Suppose $F: A\times B \rightarrow
C$ is a functor. Then letting $\psi : A\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(B,C)$
denote the corresponding functor, suppose that $\psi$ admits an inverse limit
$\lambda \in \underline{Hom}(B,C)$. Suppose now that $\lambda$ (considered as
a morphism $B\rightarrow C$) admits an inverse limit $\mu \in C$. Then $\mu$
is an inverse limit of $F: A\times B\rightarrow C$. In particular if the
intermediate limits exist going in the other direction then the composed limits
are canonically equivalent. Thus if $C$ admits inverse limits then
inverse limits commute with each other.
{\em Proof:}
The general proof is left to the reader. In the case $C=nCAT'$ this will be
easy to see from our explicit construction of the limits.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
\numero{Limits in $nCAT'$}
Let $nCAT \hookrightarrow nCAT'$ be a trivial cofibration to a fibrant
The fibrant $n+1$-category $nCAT'$ admits inverse limits.
The rest of this section is devoted to the proof. As a preliminary remark
notice that by \ref{invariance} the statement doesn't depend on which
choice of $nCAT'$ we make. We also remark, in the realm of set-theoretic
niceties, that the statement means that $nCAT'$ (an $n+1$-category
composed of classes) admits inverse limits indexed by any $n+1$-category
composed of sets. To be more precise our proof will show that if we restrict
to a subcategory of $nCAT'$ of $n$-categories represented in a certain set of
fixed cardinality $\alpha$, then the inverse limit indexed by $A$ exists if
$\alpha$ is infinite and at least equal to
$2^{\# A}$, also at least equal to what is needed for making the fibrant
replacement $nCAT\subset nCAT'$.
\subnumero{Construction of the limit}
Suppose $A$ is an $n+1$-category. If $B$ is a fibrant $n$-category we have
denoted by $B_A$ the constant morphism $A\rightarrow nCAT$ with value $B$,
considered as a morphism $A\rightarrow nCAT'$.
We now give the construction of the inverse limit. Suppose $\varphi : A
\rightarrow nCAT'$ is a morphism. We define an $n$-category
\lambda := \underline{Hom}(A, nCAT')_{1/}(\ast _A, \varphi ).
This has the universal property that for any $n$-precat $B$,
Hom (B, \lambda )= Hom ^{\ast _A, \varphi }(A\times \Upsilon B, nCAT').
The notation on the right means the fiber of the map
(r_0,r_1): Hom (A\times \Upsilon B, nCAT')\rightarrow
Hom (A, nCAT')\times Hom(A, nCAT')
over $(\ast _A, \varphi )$.
The problem below will be to prove that $\lambda$ is an inverse limit of
Suppose $C$ is an $n+1$-precat. Then for $n$-precats $E_1,\ldots , E_k$
we define
Diag (E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C)
to be the $n$-precat which represents the functor
F \mapsto Hom (\Upsilon ^k (E_1,\ldots , E_i\times F,\ldots , E_k), C).
We establish some properties.
The first remark is that
$Diag (E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C)$ decomposes as a
disjoint union over all pairs $(a,b)$ where
a: \Upsilon ^{i-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_{i-1})\rightarrow C
b: \Upsilon ^{k-1-i}(E_{i+1}, \ldots , E_k)\rightarrow C
are the restrictions to the first and last faces separated by the $i$-th edge.
Employ the notation
Diag^{a,b} (E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C)
for the subobject restricting to a given $a$ and $b$. If we don't wish to
specify $b$ for example, then denote this by the superscript $Diag^{a,\cdot}$.
In particular note that we can decompose into a disjoint union over the
$k+1$-tuples of objects which are the images of the vertices $0,\ldots , k$
(these objects are all specified either as a part of $a$ or as a part of $b$).
In case $C=nCAT$ we have
Diag ^{a,b}(E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; nCAT)
= \underline{Hom}(U_{i-1} \times E_i, U_i)
where $U_j$ are the fibrant $n$-categories which are the images of the vertices
j\in \Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)
by the maps $a$ (if $j\leq i-1$) or $b$
(if $j\geq i$).
When we are only interested in the set of objects, it doesn't matter which
$E_i$ is underlined and we denote by
Diag (E_1,\ldots , E_k; C) = Hom (\Upsilon ^k (E_1,\ldots , E_k), C)
this set of objects. We can put a superscript $Diag ^{a,b}$ here if we want
(with the obvious meaning as above). The edge $i$ dividing between $a$ and $b$
should be understood from the data of $a$ and $b$.
We need a way of understanding the statement that $nCAT'$ is a fibrant
replacement for $nCAT$. In order to do this we will use the
following property of $nCAT$ which shows that in some sense it is close to
being fibrant.
We say that an $n+1$-category $C$ is {\em quasifibrant} if for
any sequence of objects $x_0, \ldots , x_p$
the morphism
C_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)\rightarrow
C_{(p-1)/}(x_0,\ldots , x_{p-1})\times _{C_{(p-1)/}(x_1,\ldots , x_p)}
C_{(p-2)/}(x_1,\ldots , x_{p-1})
is a fibration of $n$-categories. Note inductively that the morphisms involved
in the fiber product here are themselves fibrations, and we get that the
C_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)\rightarrow
C_{(p-1)/}(x_0,\ldots , x_{p-1})
C_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)\rightarrow
C_{(p-1)/}(x_1,\ldots , x_{p})
are fibrations.
The condition that $C$ is an $n+1$-category implies that the morphism
in the definition of quasifibrant, is an equivalence whenever $p\geq 2$.
Thus if $C$ is quasifibrant, the morphism in question is actually a fibrant
If $C'$ is a fibrant $n+1$-category then it is quasifibrant. This is because
the morphisms (in the notation of \ref{interpupsilon1})
[p-1](E)\cup ^{[p-2](E)}[p-1](E)\rightarrow [p](E)
are trivial cofibrations.
The $n+1$-category $nCAT$ is easily seen to be quasifibrant: the morphisms
in question are actually isomorphisms for $p\geq 2$ and for $p=1$
they are just projections from the $\underline{Hom}(A_0,A_1)$---which are
fibrant---to $\ast$.
We now have two claims which allow us to pass between something quasifibrant
such as $nCAT$ and its fibrant completion.
First of all, if $C$ is quasi-fibrant (\ref{quasifib}) then
$Diag (E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C)$ is fibrant.
Furthermore in this case for cofibrations $E'_j\hookrightarrow E_j$
the morphism
Diag (E'_1,\ldots , \underline{E'_i},\ldots , E'_k; C)
Diag (E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C)
is fibrant.
Secondly, if $C$ quasifibrant (\ref{quasifib}) and if
$C\rightarrow C'$ is an equivalence to a fibrant $C'$ then the morphism
Diag ^{a,b}(E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C)
Diag ^{a',b'}(E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C')
is an equivalence of fibrant $n$-categories. Here $a,b$ are fixed as in
\ref{diag1.5}, and $a',b'$ denote the images in $C'$.
{\em Caution:} it is essential to restrict to the components for a fixed
$a,b$ coming from $C$.
Before getting to the
proofs of \ref{diag2} and \ref{diag3},
we discuss diagrams in a quasifibrant $C$. A morphism
u:\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)\rightarrow C
may be described inductively as triple $u=(\tilde{u}, u^-, u^+)$
u^-= \Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_2,\ldots , E_k)\rightarrow C
u^+:\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_{k-1})\rightarrow C,
are morphisms which agree on $\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_{k-1})$,
and where
\tilde{u}: E_1\times \ldots \times E_k \rightarrow C_{k/}(x_0,\ldots , x_k)
is a lifting of the morphism $(\tilde{u}^- ,\tilde{u}^+)$
(these are the components of $u^-$ and $u^+$ analogous to the component
$\tilde{u}$ of $u$)
along the morphism
C_{k/}(x_0,\ldots , x_k)\rightarrow
C_{(k-1)/}(x_0,\ldots , x_{k-1})\times _{C_{(k-1)/}(x_1,\ldots , x_k)}
C_{(k-2)/}(x_1,\ldots , x_{k-1}).
If $C$ is quasifibrant then the morphisms involved in the previous description
are fibrations. We obtain the following result: that if $E'_i\subset E_i$ are
trivial cofibrations and $C$ is quasifibrant then any diagram
\Upsilon ^k(E'_1,\ldots , E'_k)\rightarrow C
extends to a diagram
\Upsilon ^k(E'_1,\ldots , E'_k)\rightarrow C.
We can prove this by induction on $k$, and we are reduced exactly to the
lifting property for the trivial cofibration
E'_1\times \ldots \times E'_k \hookrightarrow
E_1\times \ldots E_k
along the morphism
C_{k/}(x_0,\ldots , x_k)\rightarrow
C_{(k-1)/}(x_0,\ldots , x_{k-1})\times _{C_{(k-1)/}(x_1,\ldots , x_k)}
C_{(k-2)/}(x_1,\ldots , x_{k-1}).
This morphism being fibrant by hypothesis, the lifting property holds.
Suppose $C$ is quasifibrant. Then for $a,b$ fixed as in \ref{diag1.5} the
Diag ^{a,b}(E_1,\ldots , \underline{E_i},\ldots , E_k; C)
Diag ^{a(i-1), b(i)}(\underline{E_i}; C)
are fibrant weak equivalences, where $a(i-1)$ and $b(i)$ are the images
by $a$ and $b$ of the $i-1$-st and $i$-th vertices.
To prove this we use the description \ref{diag3.5}, inductively reducing
$k$. The
remark \ref{quasifib1.4} says that for any $k\geq 2$ the choice of lifting
$\tilde{u}$ doesn't change the equivalence type of the $Diag$ $n$-category.
This reduces down to the case $k=1$, which gives exactly that the
restriction to
the $i$-th edge is an equivalence (the restrictions to the other edges are
fixed and don't contribute anything because we fix $a,b$).
{\em Proofs of \ref{diag2} and \ref{diag3}:}
The statements of \ref{diag2} are direct consequences of the lifting property
To prove \ref{diag3}, in view of \ref{diag3.7} it suffices to consider the case
$k=1$. Now
Diag ^{U,V}(\underline{E}; C) = \underline{Hom}(E, C_{1/}(U,V)).
Therefore if $C\rightarrow C'$ is any morphism of quasifibrant $n+1$-categories
which is ``fully faithful'' i.e. induces equivalences of fibrant $n$-categories
C_{1/}(U,V)\rightarrow C'_{1/}(U,V),
Diag ^{U,V}(\underline{E}; C)\rightarrow
Diag ^{U,V}(\underline{E}; C')
are equivalences by \ref{internal}.
(Note by \ref{quasifib1.5} that
the equivalence $C\rightarrow C'$ to a fibrant $C'$ that occurs in the
of \ref{diag3} is, in particular, a fully faithful morphism
of quasifibrant $n+1$-categories.)
This proves \ref{diag3} for $k=1$ and hence by \ref{diag3.7} for any $k$.
The hypotheses on $C\rightarrow C'$ used in \ref{diag2} and \ref{diag3}
are satisfied by $nCAT \rightarrow nCAT'$, cf \ref{quasifib2}.
Therefore we may apply the results \ref{diag2} and \ref{diag3} to $nCAT
\rightarrow nCAT'$.
Fix $a,b$ as in \ref{diag1.5} for the following $Diag$'s, and suppose
that the restriction of $a$ to $\Upsilon (B)$ is equal to $1_B$.
From \ref{diag2} and \ref{diag3},
the morphism
Diag ^{a,b}(B,E_2,\ldots , \underline{E_i}, \ldots , E_k; nCAT)
Diag ^{a,b}(B,E_2,\ldots , \underline{E_i}, \ldots , E_k; nCAT')
is an equivalence between fibrant $n$-categories.
\subnumero{Some extensions}
In the following preliminary statements we fix $k\geq 2$. We will only use
these statements for $k=2,3$.
We now describe what will be our main technical tool. Suppose $B$ is a fibrant
$n$-category. We have a natural morphism
1_B \in Hom ^{\ast , B}(\Upsilon B, nCAT')
coming from the identity morphism $\ast \times B \rightarrow B$ in $nCAT$
(which is then considered as a morphism in $nCAT'$).
For any $E_1,E_2, \ldots , E_k$ let
Shell\Upsilon ^k(E_1, \ldots , E_k):=
\Upsilon ^{k-1}(E_1,\ldots , E_{k-1})
\bigcup _{i=1}^{k-1}\Upsilon ^{k-1}(\ldots ,
E_i\times E_{i+1}, \ldots )
it consists of all of the ``faces'' except the one $\Upsilon
^{k-1}(E_2,\ldots , E_k)$). We have a cofibration
Shell\Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k)\rightarrow \Upsilon ^k(E_1,\ldots , E_k).
Now set $E_1=B$ and let $\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^k(B, E_2,\ldots , E_k),
nCAT')$ denote the fiber of
\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon ^k(1_B, E_2,\ldots , E_k),nCAT')\rightarrow
\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon B, nCAT')
over $1_B$ and let
$\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(Shell\Upsilon ^k(B, E_2,\ldots , E_k),
nCAT')$ denote the fiber of
\underline{Hom}(Shell\Upsilon ^k(1_B, E_2,\ldots , E_k),nCAT')\rightarrow
\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon B, nCAT')
over $1_B$.
Suppose $B$ is a fibrant $n$-category and $E$ an $n$-precat,
and $U$ an object of $nCAT'$ (it is also an object of $nCAT$).
The morphism
Diag ^{1_B,U}(B,\underline{E}; nCAT')\rightarrow Diag ^{\ast
E}, nCAT')
is an equivalence of $n$-categories.
{\em Proof:}
In view of \ref{diag2} and \ref{diag3} it
suffices to prove the same thing for diagrams in $nCAT$. In this case, use the
calculation of \ref{diag1.6}: both sides become equal to
$\underline{Hom}(B\times E, U)$.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Since $nCAT'$ is a fibrant $n+1$-category, the morphism
Diag ^{1_B,U}(B,\underline{E}; nCAT')\rightarrow Diag ^{\ast
E}, nCAT')
is fibrant. One checks directly the lifting property for a trivial cofibration
$F'\hookrightarrow F$, using the fibrant property of $nCAT'$.
The morphism
Hom ^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^2(B,E),nCAT')\rightarrow Hom ^{\ast}(\Upsilon (B\times E),
is surjective.
{\em Proof:}
We can fix an object $U$ for the image of the last vertex.
The morphism
Diag ^{1_B,U}(B,\underline{E}; nCAT')\rightarrow Diag ^{\ast
E}, nCAT')
is fibrant by the above remark \ref{itsfibrant}, and it is an equivalence by
\ref{extension1}. This implies that it is surjective on objects (\ref{surje}).
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Suppose $E'\subset E$ is a cofibration of $n$-precats. Suppose we are given
an object of
Hom ^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^2(B, E'), nCAT').
and an extension over the shell to an object of
Hom ^{1_B}(Shell \Upsilon ^2(B,E), nCAT').
Then these two have a common extension to an element of
Hom ^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^2(B, E), nCAT').
{\em Proof:}
Again we can fix $U$.
By Lemma \ref{extension1} and remark \ref{itsfibrant}, the morphism
Diag ^{1_B,U}(B,\underline{\ast}; nCAT')\rightarrow Diag ^{\ast
,U}(\underline{B}, nCAT')
is a trivial fibration. Therefore it has the lifting property with respect to
any cofibration $E'\subset E$. This lifting property gives exactly what
we want to show---this is because a morphism
E\rightarrow Diag ^{1_B,U}(B,\underline{\ast}; nCAT')
is the same thing as an object of
Diag ^{1_B,U}(B,E; nCAT')
or equivalently an element of $Hom ^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^2(B, E), nCAT')$.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
we treat a similar type of extension problem for shells with $k=3$.
Now suppose we have an object $b\in Diag (F; nCAT')$.
Diag ^{1_B, b}_{\rm Shell}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT')
be the $n$-precat representing the functor
G\mapsto Hom ^{1_B, b} (Shell \Upsilon ^3(B,E\times G,F), nCAT')
where the superscript on the $Hom$ has the obvious meaning that we look only at
morphisms restricting to $1_B$ on the edge $01$ and to $b$ on the edge $23$.
The shell $Shell \Upsilon ^3(B,E,F\times G)$ has three faces. We call the faces
$(013)$ and $(023)$ the {\em last faces} and the face $(012)$ the {\em first
face}. Restriction to the last faces (which meet along the edge $(03)$) gives a
Diag ^{1_B, b}_{\rm Shell}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT')
Diag ^{1_B, b_3}(B, \underline{E\times F}; nCAT') \times _{Diag
^{\ast , b_3}
(\underline{B\times E \times F}; nCAT')} Diag ^{\ast , b}(\underline{B\times
E}, F; nCAT'),
where $b_3$ denotes the object image of $3$ under the map $b$;
a similar
definition will hold for $b_2$ below---and recall that
the image of $0$ under the map $1_B$ is $\ast$.
{\em Claim:} that the map at the end of the previous paragraph is a fibrant
Call the object on the right in this morphism $D$. Restriction to the
edge $(02)$ is a map
D\rightarrow Diag ^{\ast , b_2} (\underline{B\times E}; nCAT').
We have an isomorphism
Diag ^{1_B, b}_{\rm Shell}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT')
\stackrel{\cong}{\rightarrow} D \times
_{Diag ^{\ast , b_2} (\underline{B\times E}; nCAT')}
Diag ^{1_B, b_2}(B, \underline{E}; nCAT').
However, the second morphism in this fiber product is
Diag ^{1_B, b_2}(B, \underline{E}; nCAT')
Diag ^{\ast , b_2} (\underline{B\times E}; nCAT')
which is a fibrant equivalence by Lemma \ref{extension1}.
It follows that the morphism
Diag ^{1_B, b}_{\rm Shell}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT')
\rightarrow D
is a weak equivalence (note also that it is fibrant).
This proves the claim.
The morphism
Diag ^{1_B, b}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT') \rightarrow
Diag ^{1_B, b}_{\rm Shell}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT')
is a fibrant equivalence.
{\em Proof:}
It is fibrant because $nCAT'$ is fibrant.
In view of the claim \ref{extension5} it suffices to note that
the map
Diag ^{1_B, b}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT') \rightarrow
is an equivalence, and this by the fibrant property of $nCAT'$
(the union of the faces $(013)$ and $(023)$ is one of the admissible ones in
our list of \ref{trivinclusions}).
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Suppose $E'\subset E$ is a cofibration of $n$-precats. Then
for any morphism
\Upsilon ^3(B, E', F)\rightarrow nCAT'
sending the edge $(01)$ to $1_B$, and any extension of this over the shell to a
Shell \Upsilon ^3(B, E, F)\rightarrow nCAT'
again restricting to $1_B$ on the edge $(01)$, there exists a common extension
to a morphism
\Upsilon ^3(B, E, F)\rightarrow nCAT'.
{\em Proof:}
By the previous Corollary \ref{extension6} the morphism
Diag ^{1_B, b}(B,\underline{\ast}, F; nCAT') \rightarrow
Diag ^{1_B, b}_{\rm Shell}(B,\underline{\ast}, F; nCAT'),
is a fibrant equivalence. Therefore it satisfies the lifting property for any
cofibration $E' \hookrightarrow E$, and as before (\ref{extension3}) a map from
$E$ into
$Diag ^{1_B, b}(B,\underline{\ast}, F; nCAT')$ is the same thing as an object of
$Diag ^{1_B, b}(B,\underline{E}, F; nCAT')$ (and the same things for $E'$ and
for $Diag ^{1_B, b}_{\rm Shell}$). This gives the required statement.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
\subnumero{Extension properties for internal $\underline{Hom}$}
Now we take the above extension properties and recast them in terms of internal
$\underline{Hom}$. This is because we will need them for products of our
precats $\Upsilon$ with an arbitrary $A$. Note that there is a difference
between the internal $\underline{Hom}$ refered to in this section (which are
$n+1$-categories) and the $Diag$ $n$-categories above.
We state the following lemma for any value of $k$
but we will only use $k=2$ and $k=3$; and we give the proofs only in these
cases, leaving it to the reader to fill in the combinatorial details for
arbitrary $k$.
For any $n$-precats $E_2,\ldots , E_k$,
the morphism
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^k(B, E_2,\ldots , E_k),
nCAT') \rightarrow \underline{Hom}^{1_B}(Shell\Upsilon ^k(B, E_2,\ldots , E_k),
is an equivalence of $n+1$-categories.
{\em Proof:}
The morphism in question is fibrant---cf \ref{internal}.
The proof is divided into several paragraphs. In \ref{main1}---\ref{main3}
we give the proof for $k=2$.
in \ref{main4} we give the proof for $k=3$.
We begin the proof for $k=2$.
Corollary \ref{extension2} implies that the morphism in question
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^2(B, E_2),
\underline{Hom}^{\ast}(\Upsilon (B\times E_2), nCAT')
is surjective on objects.
Now we have to prove that our morphism induces equivalences between the
morphism $n$-categories. Suppose
f,g: \Upsilon ^2(B, E_2)\rightarrow nCAT'
are two morphisms (with the appropriate behavior on $(01)$). Then the
$n$-category of morphisms between them represents the functor
F\mapsto Hom ^{f,g; 1_B}(\Upsilon F \times \Upsilon ^2(B, E_2), nCAT')
where the superscript means morphisms restricting to $f$ and $g$ over $0,1\in
\Upsilon F$ and restricting to $1_B$ over $\Upsilon F \times \Upsilon B$.
This maps (by restricting to the edge $02$) to the functor
F\mapsto Hom ^{f,g; \ast}(\Upsilon F \times \Upsilon (B\times E_2), nCAT').
We would like to prove that this restriction map of functors is an equivalence.
In order to prove this it suffices to prove that it has the lifting property
for any cofibrations $F'\subset F$. Thus we suppose that we have a morphism
\eta : \Upsilon F \times \Upsilon (B\times E_2)\rightarrow nCAT'
(restricting appropriately to $f$ and $g$ and to $\ast$), as well as a morphism
\zeta ' : \Upsilon F' \times \Upsilon ^2(B, E_2)\rightarrow nCAT',
restricting appropriately to $f$, $g$ and $1_B$. We would like to extend this
latter to a map defined on $F$ and compatible with the previous one.
This extension will complete the proof for $k=2$.
We now prove the extension statement claimed above. As in \ref{pfvar4} we
consider the diagram as the product of an interval $(01)$ and a triangle $(012)$
and we denote the points by $(i,j)$ for $i=0,1$ and $j=0,1,2$.
More generally for example $(ab,cd)$ denotes the square which is the edge
$(ab)$ crossed with the edge $(cd)$. We are provided with maps on the end
triangles $f$ on $(0, 012)$ and $g$ on $(1,012)$ as well as $\eta $
on the top square
$(01, 02)$. We fix the map on the square $(01,01)$ (which is $\Upsilon (F)
\times \Upsilon (B)$ pullback of $1_B$, and call this again $1_B$. We are also
provided with a map $\zeta '$ defined on the whole diagram with respect to $F'$
and we would like to extend this all to $\zeta$ defined on the whole diagram.
Note that we can write $\Upsilon (F) \times \Upsilon ^2(B,E)$
as the coproduct of three tetrahedra which we denote
(0,0)\;\; (1,0) \;\; (1,1) \;\; (1,2) \;\; i.e. \;\; \Upsilon ^3(F,B,E),
(0,0)\;\; (0,1) \;\; (0,2) \;\; (1,2) \;\; i.e. \;\; \Upsilon ^3(B,E, F),
(0,0)\;\; (0,1) \;\; (1,1) \;\; (1,2) \;\; i.e. \;\; \Upsilon ^3(B,F,E).
The first step is to use the fibrant property of $nCAT'$ to extend
our given
morphisms $g$, the restriction of $1_B$ to the triangle $(0,0)$,
$(1,0)$, $(1,1)$, and the restriction of $\eta $ to the triangle $(0,0)$,
$(1,0)$, $(1,2)$, to a map on the tetrahedron
(0,0)\;\; (1,0) \;\; (1,1) \;\; (1,2).
We can do this in a way which extends the map $\zeta '$.
Next we again use the fibrant property of $nCAT'$ to extend across the
(0,0)\;\; (0,1) \;\; (0,2) \;\; (1,2).
Note that we are provided with the map $f$ on the triangle
$(0,012)$, and the restriction of the $\eta$ on the triangle
$(0,0), (0,2), (1,2)$.
We can find our extension again in a way extending the given map $\zeta '$.
Finally we come to the tetrahedron
(0,0)\;\; (0,1) \;\; (1,1) \;\; (1,2),
which is of the form $\Upsilon ^3(B, F,E)$.
Here we are given maps on all of the faces except the last one,
i.e. on the shell of this tetrahedron, and we would like to extend
it. The given maps are the pullback of $1_B$ on the first face, and the maps
coming from the two previous paragraphs on the other two faces. Furthermore we
already have a map $\zeta '$ over the tetrahedron $\Upsilon ^3(B, F',E)$. The
given map on the shell restricts on the first edge to $1_B$, so this is an
extension problem of the type which we have already treated in Corollary
\ref{extension7} above. (N.B. the notations $E$ and $F$ are interchanged between
\ref{extension7} and the present situation.) Thus Corollary \ref{extension7}
provides the extension we are looking for, and we have finished making our
extension across the three tetrahedra. This completes the proof of ``fully
faithfulness'' so the morphism in the lemma is an equivalence in the case $k=2$.
Here is the proof for $k=3$. First of all, the morphism
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^3(B, E_2,E_3),
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^{2}(B, E_2),
nCAT') \times_{\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon (B\times E_2),
\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon ^2(B\times E_2, E_3),
is an equivalence, by the fibrant property for $nCAT'$.
By the case $k=2$ (\ref{main1}--\ref{main3}) applied to the face $012$,
the morphism
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(Shell\Upsilon ^3(B, E_2,E_3),
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^{2}(B, E_2),
nCAT') \times_{\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon (B\times E_2),
\underline{Hom}(\Upsilon ^2(B\times E_2, E_3),
is an equivalence. This implies that the morphism
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(\Upsilon ^3(B, E_2,E_3),
\underline{Hom}^{1_B}(Shell\Upsilon ^3(B, E_2,E_3),
is an equivalence.
This completes the case $k=3$.
This completes the proof of the lemma (as far as we are going).
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
One might think that we have a simple argument for the case $k=3$,
and the only difficult part of the argument for $k=2$ was the part where we
used $k=3$. However one cannot simplify the proof: the simple argument for
$k=3$ is based upon the use of internal $\underline{Hom}$ and
to get $k=2$ for internal $\underline{Hom}$ we need a statement like the case
of $k=3$---the statement which in the above proof is provided by Corollary
\ref{extension7}. This is why we were obliged to do all of the stuff in the
previous subsection.
We will only use the subsequent corollaries in the cases $k=2$ and $k=3$, so the
proof we have given of \ref{main} is sufficient. Again the reader is invited
to treat the case of any $k$.
Suppose $A$ is an $n+1$-precat and suppose $ E_i$
are $n$-precats for $i=2,\ldots , k$. Suppose we are given
a morphism
A\times Shell\Upsilon ^k(B,E_2,\ldots , E_k)\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $1_B$ on $A\times \Upsilon B$.
Then there is an extension to a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^k(B,E_2,\ldots , E_k)\rightarrow nCAT'.
{\em Proof:}
The restriction morphism on the $\underline{Hom}$ is fibrant and
an equivalence by the previous lemma, therefore it is surjective on objects.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
What we really need to know is a relative version of this for cofibrations
$E'_i\subset E_i$.
Suppose $A$ is an $n$-category and suppose $E'_i\subset E_i$
are cofibrations of $n$-precats for $i=2,\ldots , k$. Suppose we are given
a morphism
A\times Shell\Upsilon ^k(B,E_2,\ldots , E_k)\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $1_B$ on $A\times \Upsilon B$,
together with a filling-in
A\times \Upsilon ^k(B,E'_2,\ldots , E'_k)\rightarrow nCAT' ,
then there is an extension of all of this to a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^k(B,E_2,\ldots , E_k)\rightarrow nCAT'.
{\em Proof:}
Let $H_E$ denote the $\underline{Hom}$ for the full $\Upsilon$ and let
$H^{Sh}_E$ denote the $\underline{Hom}$ for $Shell\Upsilon$. The morphism
H_E\rightarrow H^{Sh}_E \times _{H^{Sh}_{E'}}H_{E'}
is an equivalence (as is seen by applying the lemma for both $E$ and $E'$)
and it
is fibrant (since it comes from $\underline{Hom}$ applied to a cofibration).
Therefore it is surjective on objects, which exactly means that we have the
above extension property.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
\subnumero{Proof of Theorem \ref{inverse}}
Recall that $\lambda$ was defined in \ref{lambda}.
We first apply the above statements to find our morphism
:\lambda _A\rightarrow \varphi$. The universal property of $\lambda$
(\ref{lambda}) applied to the identity map
$\lambda \rightarrow \lambda$ gives a
\eta : A\times \Upsilon (\lambda )
\rightarrow nCAT'
sending $A\times \{ 0\} $ to $\ast _A$ and sending
$A\times \{ 1\}$ to $\varphi$. By Corollary \ref{main6} (for $k=2$) there is a
\epsilon ^{(2)} :A\times \Upsilon ^2(\lambda , \ast )
\rightarrow nCAT'
such that
r_{02}(\epsilon ^{(2)}) = \eta
r_{01}(\epsilon ^{(2)})=1_{\lambda} .
Note that $r_{12}(\epsilon ^{(2)})$ is a morphism from $A\times \Upsilon \ast
= A\times I$ into $nCAT'$ restricting to $\lambda _A$ and $\varphi$, which by
definition means a morphism $\lambda \rightarrow \varphi$. Call this morphism
{\em Claim:} that for any fibrant $n$-category $B$ and any morphism
f:A\times \Upsilon E \rightarrow nCAT'
r_0(f)= B_A,\;\;\; r_1(f)=\varphi
there is a morphism
f':\Upsilon ^2(E,\ast ) \rightarrow nCAT'
r_{02}(f')= f,\;\;\; r_{12}(f')=\epsilon .
This almost gives the required property to show that $\lambda
\stackrel{\epsilon}{\rightarrow }\varphi$ is an inverse limit. Technically
speaking we also will have to show the above claim in the relative situation of
$E'\subset E$. This we will do below (\ref{proofF}--\ref{proofEnd}) after first
going through the argument in the absolute case (\ref{proofA}--\ref{proofE}).
The basic idea is to use what we know up until now to construct a morphism
F: A\times \Upsilon ^3(B, E,\ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
r_{01}(F)= 1_B,\;\;\; r_{13}(F)= f, \;\;\; r_{23}(F) = \epsilon .
Setting $f'= r_{123}(F)$ we will obtain the morphism asked for in the
previous paragraph. In order to follow the construction the reader is urged to
draw a tetrahedron with vertices labeled $0,1,2,3$, putting respectively
$B$, $E$, $\ast$, $B\times E$, $E$, $B\times E$ along the edges $01$, $12$,
$23$, $02$, $13$, $03$; then putting in $\ast _A$, $B_A$, $\lambda _A$ and
$\varphi$ at the vertices $0,1,2,3$ respectively. And finally putting in
$1_B$ along edge $01$, $f$ along edge $13$ and $\epsilon$ along edge $23$.
Our strategy is to fill in all of the faces except $123$, then call upon
Corollary \ref{main6} to fill in the tetrahedron thus getting face $123$.
The first step is the face $013$. This we fill in using simply the fact that
$nCAT'$ is a fibrant $n+1$-category. The edges $01$ and $13$ are specified so
we can fill in to a morphism $A\times \Upsilon ^2(B,E)\rightarrow nCAT'$
(restricting to $1_B$ and $f$ on the edges $01$ and $13$). Now the restriction
of this morphism to edge $03$ provides a morphism $g:A\times \Upsilon (B\times
E)\rightarrow nCAT'$ restricting to $\ast _A$ and $\varphi$.
The next step is to notice that by the universal property
\ref{lambda} of $\lambda$ there is
a morphism $B\times E\rightarrow \lambda$ such that $g$ is deduced from $\eta$
by pullback via $\Upsilon (E\times B)\rightarrow \Upsilon (\lambda )$.
This same morphism yields
\Upsilon ^2(E\times B, \ast )\rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(\lambda , \ast ),
and we can use this to pull back the above morphism $\epsilon ^{(2)}$.
This gives a morphism
h: A \times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B, \ast ) \rightarrow nCAT'
where (adopting exceptionally for obvious reasons here the notations
$0$, $2$ and $3$ for the vertices of this $\Upsilon ^2$)
r_{03}(h)= g, \;\;\; r_{23}(h)=\epsilon .
This treats the face $023$.
Finally, for the face $012$ we have a morphism
r_{02}(h):A\times \Upsilon (E\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $\ast _A$ and $\lambda _A$. By Corollary \ref{main6}
applied with
$k=2$ (for the map
A\times Shell\Upsilon ^2(B, E)\rightarrow nCAT'
given by $1_B$ and $h$) we get a morphism
m: \Upsilon ^2(B,E)\rightarrow nCAT'
with $r_{01}(m)= 1_B$ and $r_{02}(m)= r_{02}(h)$.
Putting all of these together
we obtain a morphism
F' : A\times Shell \Upsilon ^3(B,E, \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $1_B$ on edge $01$ and restricting to $f$ on edge $13$ and
$\epsilon$ on edge $23$. Corollary \ref{main6} applied with $k=3$ gives an
extension over the tetrahedron to a morphism
F : A\times \Upsilon ^3(B,E, \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
again restricting to $1_B$ on edge $01$ and restricting to $f$ on edge $13$ and
$\epsilon$ on edge $23$. The restriction to the last face $r_{123}$ yields
the filling-in desired.
We now treat the case where $E'\subset E$ is a cofibration and where we already
have a filling-in of the face $123$ for $E'$. We would like to obtain a
filling-in of this face for $E$. Basically the only difficulty is that
we don't yet know that the filling-in of face $123$ for $E'$ comes from
a filling-in of the whole tetrahedron compatible with the above process.
In particular this causes a problem at the step where we fill in face
Before getting started we use the fibrant property of $nCAT'$ to obtain a
A\times \Upsilon ^3(B,E', \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to our given morphism on the face $123$, and restricting to $1_B$
on the edge $01$. Actually we would like to insure that the restriction to
the face $012$ comes from a morphism
\Upsilon ^2(B,E')\rightarrow nCAT'
by pulling back along the projection $A\rightarrow \ast$. In order to do this
notice that the restriction of the given map to the edge $12$ comes
from $\Upsilon (E')\rightarrow nCAT'$. Thus we can first extend this map
combined with $1_B$ to a morphism $\Upsilon ^2(B,E')\rightarrow nCAT'$.
Now the morphism
(A\times \Upsilon ^2(B,E'))\cup ^{A\times \Upsilon E'}
A\times \Upsilon ^2(E', \ast )\rightarrow \Upsilon ^3(B,E', \ast )
is a trivial cofibration so we can extend from here to obtain
$A\times \Upsilon ^3(B,E', \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'$ with restriction to the
face $012$ coming from $\Upsilon ^2(B,E')\rightarrow nCAT'$. This is our point
of departure for the rest of the argument.
The first step following the previous outline is to fill in the face $013$. We
note that the morphism $\Upsilon B \cup ^{\{ 1\} } \Upsilon E \rightarrow
^2(B,E)$ is a trivial cofibration. Thus also the morphism
(\Upsilon B \cup ^{\{ 1\} } \Upsilon E)\cup ^{\Upsilon B \cup ^{\{ 1\} }
\Upsilon E'}
\Upsilon ^2(B,E') \rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(B,E)
is a trivial cofibration, so given the edges $01$ and $13$ (for $E$) with
filling-in over the face $013$ with respect to $E'$, we can fill in $013$
with respect to $E$.
\subsubnumero{The face $023$}
Now we treat the face $023$.
g: A\times \Upsilon (E\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'
be the restriction of the map obtained in \ref{proofH} to the edge $03$. Let
$g'$ denote its restriction to $A\times \Upsilon (E'\times B)$.
The map given in \ref{proofG} restricts on $(023)$ to a morphism
h': A \times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B, \ast ) \rightarrow nCAT'
where (using as above the notations
$0$, $2$ and $3$ for the vertices of this $\Upsilon ^2$)
r_{03}(h')= g', \;\;\; r_{23}(h')=\epsilon .
Let $a'=r_{02}(h')$. It is a morphism
a'_A:A\times \Upsilon (E'\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'
with $r_0(a'_A)= \ast _A$ and $r_2(a'_A)= \lambda _A$. By hypothesis on our
map over the full tetrahedron for $E'$ (cf \ref{proofF}), $a'_A$ comes from a
map $$
(E'\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'
again with values $\ast$ and $\lambda$ on the
endpoints. This map corresponds to
E'\times B\rightarrow nCAT'_{1/}(\ast ,
\lambda ).
The morphism $nCAT\rightarrow nCAT'$ is an equivalence so our
morphism is equivalent to a different morphism $b':E'\times B\rightarrow
nCAT_{1/}(\ast , \lambda )$. These two resulting morphisms $\Upsilon (E'\times
B)\rightarrow nCAT'$ are equivalent
so by \ref{homotopic1}, \ref{homotopic2} there is a
\overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E'\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'
sending the
endpoints $0,1\in \overline{I}$ to $a'$ and $b'$.
Using this different morphism $b'$ (which is now the same thing as a map
$E'\times B\rightarrow \lambda )$ we pull back our standard
\eta \in \underline{Hom}(A\times \Upsilon ^2(\lambda , \ast ), nCAT')
to get a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B, \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting on the edges to $b'$ and $\epsilon$ respectively.
Now we have a map from
\left( A\times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B, \ast ) \right) \cup
\left( A\times \overline{I}\times [\Upsilon (E'\times B)\cup \Upsilon
(\ast )]\right) \cup
\left( A \times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B, \ast )\right)
to $nCAT'$,
where the first term is glued to the second term along $1\in \overline{I}$
and the last term is glued to the second term along $0\in \overline{I}$
(we have omitted in the notation the $n+1$-precats along which the glueing takes
place, the reader may fill them in as an exercise!).
The morphism from the above domain to
A\times \overline{I} \times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B, \ast )
is a trivial cofibration, so since $nCAT'$ is fibrant there exists an extension
of the above to a morphism
A\times \overline{I} \times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B, \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'.
This morphism is a standard one coming from $b': E'\times B \rightarrow \lambda$
on the end $1\in \overline{I}$, and it is our given $h'$ on the
end $0\in \overline{I}$.
We now go to the edge $03$ of the triangle $023$. We are also given an
of $g'$ to $g: A\times \Upsilon (E\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'$ along
the edge $03$ of the triangle and $0$ of the interval $\overline{I}$.
Thus, using the face $(03)\times \overline{I}$,
we have a morphism
(A\times \Upsilon (E\times B))\cup ^{A\times \Upsilon (E'\times B)}
(A\times \overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E'\times B))
\rightarrow nCAT'.
Fill this in along the trivial cofibration
(A\times \Upsilon (E\times B))\cup ^{A\times \Upsilon (E'\times B)}
(A\times \overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E'\times B))
A\times \overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E\times B),
to give on the whole a
A\times \overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E\times B) \cup ^{
A\times \overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E'\times B)}
(A\times \overline{I}\times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B , \ast )
\rightarrow nCAT',
where the morphism $\Upsilon (E'\times B)\rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(E'\times
B,\ast )$ in question is the one coming from the edge $03$.
Next we extend down along the triangle $023$ times the end $1\in \overline{I}$.
To do this, notice that our extension from the previous paragraph gives
an extension of the morphism $b': \Upsilon (E'\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'$
to a morphism $b: \Upsilon (E\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'$. By the universal
property of $\lambda$ this corresponds to an extension $E\times B\rightarrow
\lambda$. Now the morphism that we already have on the end $1\in
\overline{I}$ comes by pulling back the standard $\eta : A\times \Upsilon
^2(\lambda , \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'$ via the map $E'\times B\rightarrow
\lambda$ so our extension allows us to pull back $\eta$ to get a map
$b: A\times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B, \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'$ extending the
previous $b'$.
Now we have our map
A\times \overline{I} \times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B , \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
which is provided with an extension from $E'$ to $E$, over the faces
$(03)\times \overline{I}$ and $023 \times 1$ of the product of the triangle
with the interval.
Another small step is to notice that along the face $(02)\times \overline{I}$
the morphism is pulled back along $A\rightarrow \ast$ from a morphism
$\overline{I} \times \Upsilon (E'\times B )\rightarrow nCAT'$. On the other
hand at the edge $(02)\times \{ 1\}$ the extension from $E'$ to $E$ again
comes from a morphism $\Upsilon (E\times B)\rightarrow nCAT'$. We get a
\overline{I} \times \Upsilon (E'\times B) \times ^{\{ 1\} \times \Upsilon
(E'\times B)} \Upsilon (E\times B) \rightarrow nCAT',
which can be extended along the trivial cofibration
\overline{I} \times \Upsilon (E'\times B) \times ^{\{ 1\} \times \Upsilon
(E'\times B)} \Upsilon (E\times B) \hookrightarrow
\overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E\times B)
to give a map
\overline{I}\times \Upsilon (E\times B) \rightarrow nCAT'.
Similarly we note that the map on the face $(23) \times \overline{I}$
is pulled back from our map $\epsilon : \Upsilon (\ast )\rightarrow nCAT'$.
All together on the triangular icosahedron $(023) \times \overline{I}$
we have a morphism defined for $E'$ plus, along the faces
(03)\times \overline{I}, \;\; (02)\times \overline{I}, \;\; (23)\times
\overline{I}, \;\; (023)\times \{ 1\}
extensions from $E'$ to $E$ (all compatible on intersections of the faces and
having the required properties along $02$ and $23$).
The inclusion of this
$n+1$-precat (which we will call ${\bf G}$ for ``gory'' instead of writing it
out) into
A\times \overline{I} \times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B , \ast )
is a trivial cofibration. Indeed ${\bf G}$ comes by attaching to the
A \times \{
1\} \times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B , \ast ),
something of the form
A\times \partial \Upsilon ^2(E\times B, \ast )
\cup ^{A\times \partial \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B, \ast )}
A\times \Upsilon ^2(E'\times B,
\ast )
where $\partial \Upsilon ^2(E\times B, \ast )$ denotes
the coproduct of the three ``edges'' $\Upsilon (E\times B)$ (two times)
and $\Upsilon (\ast )$.
inclusion of the end $A \times \{ 1\} \times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B , \ast )$
into ${\bf G}$ is an equivalence, as is the inclusion of this end into
the full product
$$ A\times \overline{I} \times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B , \ast ),
which proves that the map in question (from ${\bf G}$ to
the above full product) is a weak
equivalence (and it is obviously a cofibration).
Now we again make use of the fibrant property to extend our map
from ${\bf G}$ to a morphism
A\times \overline{I} \times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B , \ast )\rightarrow
When restricted to $A\times \{ 0\} \times \Upsilon ^2(E\times B ,
\ast )$ this gives the extension $h$ desired in order to complete our treatment
of the face $023$.
For the face $012$ the argument is the same as in the previous case but we
apply Corollary \ref{main7} rather than \ref{main6} in view of our relative
situation $E'\subset E$.
{\em End of the proof of \ref{inverse}}
We have constructed a morphism
F' : A\times Shell \Upsilon ^3(B,E, \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $1_B$ on edge $01$ and restricting to $f$ on edge $13$ and
$\epsilon$ on edge $23$. Furthermore, by construction it restricts to our
already-given morphism over $E'$.
Corollary \ref{main7} applied with $k=3$ gives an extension over
the tetrahedron to a morphism
F : A\times \Upsilon ^3(B,E, \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
again restricting to $1_B$ on edge $01$ and restricting to $f$ on edge $13$ and
$\epsilon$ on edge $23$, and restricting to the already-given morphism over
$E'$. The restriction to the last face $r_{123}(F)$ yields the filling-in
desired. This completes the proof that
\stackrel{\epsilon}{\rightarrow }\varphi$ is an inverse limit,
the proof of Theorem \ref{inverse}.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
If $F:A\times B\rightarrow nCAT'$ is a functor from the product of two
$n+1$-categories, then taking the inverse limits first in one direction and
then in the other, is independent of which direction is chosen first.
{\em Proof:}
This is a consequence of Theorem \ref{commute} but can also be seen directly
from the construction \ref{lambda} of the limit.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
\numero{Direct limits}
The $n+1$-category $nCAT'$ admits direct limits.
One should probably be able to construct these direct limits
in much the same way as in the topological case, roughly speaking by
replacing a family by an equivalent one in which the morphisms are cofibrations
(some type of telescope construction) and then taking the direct
limit of $n$-precats in the usual sense. This seems a bit complicated to put
into practice so we will avoid doing so by a trick.
{\em The argument for a $1$-category:}
Consider the following argument which shows that if $C$ is a category in which
all inverse limits exist and in which projectors are effective, then $C$ admits
direct limits. For a functor $\psi :A\rightarrow C$ let $D$ be the category
objects are pairs $(c,u)$ where $c$ is an object of $C$ and $u: \psi \rightarrow
c$ is a morphism. There is a forgetful functor $f:D\rightarrow C$. Let $\delta
\in C$ be the inverse limit of $f$. Then for any $a\in A$ there is a unique
morphism $\psi (a)\rightarrow f$. By the inverse limit property this yields
a morphism $\psi (a)\rightarrow \delta$ and uniqueness implies that it is
functorial in $a$. Thus we get a morphism $v: \psi \rightarrow \delta$ and
$(\delta , v)$ is in $D$. As an object of $D$, $\delta$ has a morphism
p:=v(\delta ): \delta \rightarrow \delta.
This is itself a morphism in $D$, so we get $p\circ p = p$ from naturality
of $v$. Thus $p$ is a projector. Let $t$ be the direct factor of $\delta$
given by $p$. Composition $\psi \rightarrow \delta \rightarrow t$ gives
a map $\psi \rightarrow t$ and
we get a factorization $\psi \rightarrow t \rightarrow \delta$. Now
$t$ is seen to be an initial object of $D$, hence $\psi \rightarrow t$ is
a direct limit.
The only problem with this argument is a set-theoretic one.
Namely, when one speaks of
``limits'' it is presupposed that the indexing category $A$ is small, i.e. is a
set of some cardinality rather than a class. However our category $C$ is likely
to be a class. Thus, in the above argument, $D$ is not small and we are not
allowed to take the inverse limit over $D$.
Let's see how to fix this up in the case $C=Set$ is the category of sets.
Suppose we have a functor $\psi :
A\rightarrow Set$ from a small category $A$. Let $\alpha$ be a cardinal number
bigger than $|A|$ and bigger than the cardinal of any set in the image of
$\psi$. Let $D_{\alpha}$ be the category of pairs $(c,u)$ as above where $c$ is
contained in a fixed set of cardinality $\alpha$. Note that $D_{\alpha}$ has
cardinality $\leq 2^{\alpha}$. Let $(\delta , v)$ be as above. The only hitch
is that (since we know an expression of $\delta$ as a subset of certain types of
functions on $D_{\alpha}$ with values in the parametrizing sets which themselves
have cardinality $\leq \alpha$) the cardinality of $\delta$ seems {\em a priori}
only to be bounded by $2^{2^{\alpha}}$. Let $\delta ' \subset \delta $ be the
smallest subset through which the map $v: \psi \rightarrow \delta$ factors.
Note that the cardinality of $\delta '$ cannot be bigger than the sum of the
cardinals of the $\psi (a)$ over $a\in A$, in particular $\delta '$ has
cardinal $\leq \alpha$. But now the universal property of $\delta$ implies
that $\delta = \delta '$, for it is easy to see that $\delta '\rightarrow f$ is
again an inverse limit. Thus by actually counting we see that the
cardinality of $\delta$ is really $\leq \alpha$ and up to isomorphism we may
assume that $(\delta , v)\in D_{\alpha}$. This argument actually shows that
the cardinality of $\delta$ is bounded independantly of the choice of $\alpha$.
Thus $\delta$ satisfies the universal property of a direct limit for morphisms
to a set of any cardinality, so $\delta$ is the direct limit of $A$.
More generally, in the situation of \ref{arg1cat} if we can define the
$D_{\alpha}$ and if we know for some reason that every object $B\in D$ admits a
map $B'\rightarrow D$ from an object $D'\in D_{\alpha}$ then we can fix up the
We would like to do the same thing for limits in $nCAT'$, namely show that
direct limits exist just using a general argument working from the existence of
inverse limits. In order to do this we first need to discuss cardinality
questions for $n$-categories.
Suppose $A$ is an $n$-category. We define the {\em cardinal of $A$}, denoted
$\# A$
in the following way. Choose for every $y\in \pi _0(A)=\tau _{\leq 0}(A)$
(the set of equivalence classes of objects) a
lifting to an object $\tilde{y}\in A_0$. Then
\# A := \sum _{y,z\in \pi _0(A)}\# A_{1/}(\tilde{y},\tilde{z}).
The sum of cardinals is of course the cardinal of the disjoint union of
representing sets. This definition is recursive, as what goes into the
formula is the cardinal of the $n-1$-category
$A_{1/}(\tilde{y},\tilde{z})$. At the start we define the cardinal of a
$0$-category (i.e. a set) in the usual way.
The above definition of $\# A$ doesn't depend on choice of representatives. If
$A\rightarrow B$ is an equivalence of $n$-categories then $\# A = \# B$.
{\em Proof:}
Left to the reader.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
An easier and more obvious notion is the {\em precardinality of $A$}. If $A$ is
any $n$-precat we define (with the notations of \cite{nCAT})
\# ^{\rm pre}A:= \sum _{M\in \Theta ^n} \# (A_M).
For infinite cardinalities the precardinal of $A$ is also the maximum of the
cardinalities of the sets $A_M$. In any case note that the precardinality
is infinite unless $A$ is empty.
Let $A\mapsto Cat(A)$ denote the operation of replacing an
$n$-precat by the associated $n$-category. Then the precardinal of $Cat(A)$ is
bounded by the maximum of $\omega$ and
the precardinal of $A$. Similarly by the argument of (\cite{nCAT} \S 6, proof
of CM5(1)), for any $n$-precat $A$ there is a replacement by a fibrant
$n$-category $A\hookrightarrow A'$ with
\# ^{\rm pre}A ' \leq max (\omega , \# ^{\rm pre}A).
Actually since $ \# ^{\rm pre}A\geq \omega$ we can write more simply that
$\# ^{\rm pre}A ' = \# ^{\rm pre}A$.
Note trivially that
\# A \leq \# ^{\rm pre}A .
The following lemma gives a converse up to equivalence.
Suppose $A$ is an $n$-category with $\# A\leq \alpha$ for an infinite cardinal
$\alpha$. Then $A$ is equivalent to an $n$-category $A'$ of precardinality
$\leq \alpha$.
{\em Proof:}
Left to the reader.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
\subnumero{A criterion for direct limits in $nCAT'$}
Before getting to the application of the theory of cardinality
we give a criterion which simplifies the problem of finding direct limits
in $nCAT'$.
For this section we need another type of universal morphism. Suppose
$E$ and $B$ are $n$-precats, with $B$ fibrant. Then $\underline{Hom}(B,E)$
is fibrant and we have a canonical morphism
\underline{Hom}(B,E)\times E \rightarrow B.
This may be interpreted as an object
\nu \in Diag ^{\underline{Hom}(B,E), B}(E; nCAT)
which yields by composition with $nCAT \rightarrow nCAT'$
the element which we denote by the same symbol
\nu \in Diag ^{\underline{Hom}(B,E), B}(E; nCAT')
The element $\nu$ has the following universal property: for any $n$-precat
$F$ the morphism
Diag ^{U , \nu }(\underline{F}, E; nCAT')
Diag ^{U , B }(\underline{F\times E}; nCAT')
is a fibrant equivalence of fibrant $n$-categories.
To prove this note that the fibrant property comes from the fact that $nCAT'$
is fibrant.
Note that both sides are fibrant by \ref{diag2}. The fact that it is an
equivalence may be checked using diagrams in $nCAT$ rather than diagrams in
$nCAT'$, according to \ref{diag3}. Using \ref{diag1.6} for diagrams in $nCAT$,
both sides are equal to
\underline{Hom}(U\times F\times E, B)
where $U$ is the image of the first object $0\in \Upsilon ^2(F,E)$.
This shows that the morphism is an equivalence.
As a corollary of the above, given a morphism
f:\Upsilon(F\times E) \rightarrow nCAT'
with image of the last vertex equal to $B$, there is an extension
to a morphism
g:\Upsilon ^2(F , E)\rightarrow nCAT'
such that $r_{02}(g)=f$ and $r_{12}(f) = \nu$.
Similarly if $E'\subset E$ and we are already given the extension $g'$
for $E'$ then we can assume that $g$ is compatible with $g'$.
We also have a version of this universal property for shell-extension
in higher degree. This concerns the {\em right shell} $Shelr \Upsilon ^k$
(cf \ref{shl}). Suppose we are given a morphism
f: Shelr \Upsilon ^k(F_1,\ldots , F_{k-1}, E)\rightarrow nCAT'
such that $f$ restricts on the last edge to $\nu$. Then there is a
filling-in to a morphism
g: \Upsilon ^k(F_1,\ldots , F_{k-1}, E)\rightarrow nCAT'.
If $g'$ is already given over $F'_1,\ldots , F'_{k-1}, E'$
then we can assume that $g$ is compatible with $g'$.
This is the analogue of \ref{extension7} and the like.
The above property also works in a family.
Given a morphism
f:A\times \Upsilon(F\times E) \rightarrow nCAT'
sending the last vertex to the constant object $B_A$, there is an extension
to a morphism
g:A\times \Upsilon ^2(F , E)\rightarrow nCAT'
such that $r_{02}(g)=f$ and $r_{12}(f) = \nu _A$ is the morphism pulled
back from
$\nu$. Again if an extension $g'$ is already given on $E'\subset E$ then $g$ may
be chosen compatibly with $g'$.
Similarly there is a shell-extension property as in \ref{criterion3.5}
in a family.
For the proof
one has to go through a procedure analogous to the passage from diagrams
to internal $\underline{Hom}$ in \ref{main1}--\ref{main7}. This discussion of
the universal morphism $\nu$ is parallel to the discussion of the discussion of
the universal $1_B$, but with ``arrows reversed''.
We now come to our simplified criterion for limits in $nCAT'$.
{\em Caution:} Note that the following lemma only applies as such to limits
taken in $nCAT'$ and not in general to limits in an arbitrary $n+1$-category
${\cal C}$. The proof uses in an essential way the fact that the morphism
objects for the ``category'' $nCAT'$ are $n$-categories which are also
basically the same thing as the objects of $nCAT'$. Of course it is possible
that the same techniques of proof might work in a limited other range of
circumstances which are closely related to these.
Suppose $A$ is an $n+1$-precat and $\psi : A \rightarrow
nCAT'$ is a morphism. Suppose that $\epsilon : \psi \rightarrow \delta$ is a
morphism to an object $\delta \in nCAT'$ having the following weak limit-like
property: for any other morphism $f:\psi \rightarrow \mu$ there exists a
morphism $g:\delta \rightarrow \mu$ such that the composition $g\epsilon $
(well defined up to homotopy) is homotopic to $f$; and furthermore that such a
factorization is unique up to a (not necessarily unique) homotopy of the
factorization. Then $\psi
\stackrel{\epsilon}{\rightarrow} \delta $ is a direct limit.
{\em Proof:}
First we explain more precisely what the existence and uniqueness of the
factorization mean. Given an element $f\in Hom (\psi , \mu )$ there exists an
element $g'\in Hom ^{\epsilon }
(\psi , \delta , \mu )$ projecting via $r_{02}$ to a
morphism equivalent to $f$. This equivalence may be measured in the $n$-category
$Hom (\psi , \mu )$. Note that since $nCAT'$ is fibrant the projection
Hom ^{\epsilon }
(\psi , \delta , \mu ) \rightarrow Hom (\psi , \mu )
is fibrant, so if an object equivalent to $f$ is in the image then $f$ is in
the image. Thus we can restate the criterion as saying simply that there exists
an element $g'$ projecting via $r_{02}$ to $f$.
Suppose given two such factorizations $g'_1$ and $g'_2$.
By ``homotopy of the factorization'' we mean a homotopy between $r_{12}(g'_1)$
and $r_{12}(g'_2)$ such that the resulting homotopy between $f$ and itself
(this homotopy being well defined up to $2$-homotopy) is $2$-homotopic to the
identity $1_f$. Again using the fibrant condition of $nCAT'$ we obtain that
this condition implies the simpler statement that there exists
a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , \ast ) \times \overline{I}\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $g'_1$ and $g'_2$ on the two endpoints $0,1\in \overline{I}$;
restricting to the pullback $\epsilon$ on the edge $(01)$ of the $\Upsilon ^2$,
this edge being $A\times \Upsilon (\ast )\times \overline{I}$; and restricting
to the pullback of $f$ on the edge $(02)$ which is $A\times \Upsilon
(\ast ) \times \overline{I}$.
{\em Simple factorization}
We start by showing the simple version of the factorization property
necessary to show that $\epsilon$ is an inverse limit; we will treat the
relative case for $E'\subset E$ below.So for now, suppose that we are given a
u:A \times \Upsilon (E) \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $\psi$ on $A\times \{ 0\} $ and restricting to a constant object
$B\in nCAT'$ (i.e. to the pullback $B_A$) on $A\times \{ 1\}$. We would like
to extend this to a morphism
v: A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E) \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to our given morphism on the edge $(02)$, and restricting to
$\epsilon$ on the edge $(01)$. Our given morphism corresponds by
\ref{criterion4} to a morphism $w:A\times \Upsilon (\ast )\rightarrow nCAT'$
restricting to $\psi$ on $A\times \{ 0\}$ and restricting to the constant object
$\underline{Hom}(E,B)$ (pulled back to $A$) on $A\times \{ 1\}$. More precisely
there is a morphism
w': A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\rightarrow nCAT '
restricting to $u$ over the edge $(02)$, and restricting to the universal
morphism $\nu$ (cf \ref{criterion1}) over the edge $(12)$. The restriction to
the edge $(01)$ is the morphism $w$.
Now $w$ is an element of $Hom (\psi , B)$, so by hypothesis there is a diagram
g: A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , \ast )\rightarrow nCAT'
sending the edge $(01)$ to $\epsilon$ and sending the edge $(02)$ to
$w$. Putting this together with the diagram $w'$ and using the fibrant property
of $nCAT'$ (i.e. composing these together) we obtain existence of a diagram
A\times \Upsilon ^3(\ast , \ast , E)\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $g$ on the face $(012)$ and restricting to $w'$ on the face
$(023)$. The face $(013)$ yields a diagram
A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $\epsilon$ on the first edge and restricting to our original
morphism $u$ on the edge $(03)$: this is the morphism $v$ we are looking for.
{\em Uniqueness of these factorizations}
The homotopy uniqueness property for factorization of morphisms implies a
similar property for the factorizations of $E$-morphisms obtained in the
previous paragraph.
Suppose that we are given a morphism
u:A \times \Upsilon (E) \rightarrow nCAT'
as above, and suppose that we are given two extensions
v_1, v_2: A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E) \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to our given morphism on the edge $(02)$, and restricting to
$\epsilon$ on the edge $(01)$. We can complete the $v_i$ to diagrams
z_i: A\times \Upsilon ^3(\ast , \ast , E)\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $v_i$ on the faces $(013)$ and restricting to the universal
morphism $\nu$ of \ref{criterion1} on the edge $(23)$. To do this, use the
universal property of $\nu$ (cf \ref{criterion4}) to fill in the faces $(023)$
and $(123)$; then we have a map defined on the shell and by the universal
property of $\nu$ which gives shell extension (\ref{criterion3.5},
\ref{criterion4}) we can extend to the whole tetrahedron.
Note furthermore that we can assume that the restrictions to the faces $(023)$
are the same for $z_1$ and $z_2$ (because we have chosen these faces using only
the map $u$ and not refering to the $v_i$).
Call these $r_{023}(z)$. In particular the restrictions to
$(02)$ give the same map $w:\psi \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(E,B)$.
Now the restrictions of the above diagrams $z_i$ to the faces $(012)$ give two
different factorizations of this map $w$
so by hypothesis there is a homotopy between these factorizations:
it is a morphism
A \times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , \ast ) \times \overline{I}
\rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $r_{012}(z_i)$ on the endpoints $i=0,1$ of $\overline{I}$,
restricting to the pullback of $\epsilon$ along $(01)\times \overline{I}$
and restricting to the pullback of our morphism $w$ along $(02)\times
\overline{I}$. We can attach this homotopy to the constant homotopy
which is the pullback of $r_{023}(z)$ from
$A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)$ to $A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\times
\overline{I}$. We obtain a homotopy defined on the union of the faces $(012)$
and $(023)$ and going between $z_0$ and $z_1$. Using the fact that the
inclusion of this union of faces into the tetrahedron is a trivial cofibration
(see the list \ref{trivinclusions} above) we get that the inclusion (written
in an obvious shorthand notation where $(0123)$ stands for $A \times \Upsilon
^3(\ast , \ast , E)$ and $(012 + 023)$ for the union of the two faces)
(0123) \times \{ 0\} \cup ^{(012 + 023)\times \{ 0\} }
(012 + 023)\times \overline{I}
\cup ^{(012 + 023)\times \{ 1\} }
(0123) \times \{ 1\}
\hookrightarrow (0123)\times \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration. We have a map from the left side into $nCAT'$
so it extends to a map
A \times \Upsilon ^3(\ast , \ast
, E) \times \overline{I} \rightarrow nCAT'.
The restriction of this map to the face $(013)$ is a homotopy
A \times \Upsilon ^2(\ast
, E) \times \overline{I} \rightarrow nCAT'
between our factorizations $v_1$ and $v_2$.
\subsubnumero{The relative case}
To actually prove the lemma, we need to obtain a factorization property as
above in the relative situation $E'\subset E$ where we already have the
factorization over $E'$ and we would like to extend to $E$. This is where we
use the homotopy uniqueness of factorization which was in the hypothesis of the
lemma (we use it in the form given in the previous paragraph \ref{uniquen}).
Suppose we are given
v': A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E') \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $\epsilon$ on the first edge,
and suppose we are given
u:A \times \Upsilon (E) \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $\psi$ on $A\times \{ 0\} $ and restricting to a constant object
$B\in nCAT'$ (i.e. to the pullback $B_A$) on $A\times \{ 1\}$.
Suppose that the restriction of $u$ to $A\times \Upsilon (E')$ is equal to
the restriction of $v'$ to the edge $(02)$. By \ref{existen}
there exists an extension
v_0: A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E) \rightarrow nCAT'
which restricts to $\epsilon$ on the first edge and to $u$ on the edge $(02)$.
Let $v'_0$ denote the restriction of $v_0$ to
$A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E')$. By the uniqueness statement \ref{uniquen}
there exists a homotopy
A\rightarrow \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E') \times \overline{I} \rightarrow nCAT'
between $v'_0$ and $v'$, constant along edges $(01)$ and $(02)$.
Let $D$ be the coproduct of $\Upsilon ^2(\ast , E')$ and $\Upsilon (E)$
with the latter attached along the edge $(02)$ (i.e. the coproduct is taken
over the copy of $\Upsilon (E')\subset \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E')$ corresponding to
the edge $(02)$). Our homotopy glues with the constant map $u$
to give a morphism
A \times D \times \overline{I} \rightarrow nCAT',
and this glues with $u$ to obtain
A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\times \{ 0\} \cup ^{A \times D \times
\{ 0\} } A\times D \times I \rightarrow nCAT'.
The inclusion
A \times D \times
\{ 0\} \hookrightarrow A\times D \times I
is a trivial cofibration so the inclusion
A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\times \{ 0\} \cup ^{A \times D \times
\{ 0\} } A\times D \times I
A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\times \overline{I}
is a trivial cofibration and by the fibrant property of $nCAT'$ there exists an
extension of the above morphism to a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\times \overline{I}
\rightarrow nCAT'.
The value of this over $1\in \overline{I}$ is the extension
v: A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E) \rightarrow nCAT'
we are looking
for: it restricts to $\epsilon$ on the edge $(01)$, it restricts to $u$ on the
edge $(02)$, and it restricts to $v'$ over
$A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , E')$. This completes the proof of Lemma
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
One also obtains a criterion similar to \ref{easydirect} for inverse limits in
$nCAT'$. The proof is the same as above but using the universal diagram
B \stackrel{E}{\rightarrow} B\times E
in the place of $\underline{Hom}(E,B)\stackrel{E}{\rightarrow} B$.
We did not choose to use this in the proof of \ref{inverse} because
it didn't seem to make any substantial savings (and in fact probably would
have complicated the notation in many places).
We now improve the above criterion with a view toward applying this in the
argument \ref{fixup} given above for the case of sets. Fix a functor $\psi :
A\rightarrow nCAT'$ of $n+1$-categories. Suppose $\alpha$ is an infinite
cardinal number such that $$
\# A \leq \alpha
\# \psi (a) \leq \alpha
for all $a\in A$.
Suppose $B\in nCAT'$ and suppose $u: \psi \rightarrow B$ is a morphism.
Then we claim that there is $B'\in nCAT'$ with $\#^{\rm pre} B' \leq
\alpha$, and
with a factorization $\psi \rightarrow B' \rightarrow B$.
To prove this notice that $u$ is a morphism
u:A\times I \rightarrow nCAT',
and the image of $u$ is contained in an $\alpha$-bounded set of additions of
trivial cofibrations to $nCAT$ (recall that $nCAT'$ was constructed by
adding pushouts along trivial cofibrations to $nCAT$ \ref{perspective1}).
We can take $B'\subset B$ to be a sub-precat containing all of the objects
necessary for the morphisms involved in the trivial cofibrations which are
added in the previous paragraph, as well as the morphisms involved in $u$
given that we fix $\psi$, all of the objects necessary for the structural
morphisms of a precat, and finally add on what is necessary to get $B'$ fibrant.
This has cardinality $\# ^{\rm pre}B' \leq \alpha$.
\subnumero{A construction}
{\em Hypothesis---}
With the above notations, suppose we have an object $U\in nCAT'$ together with a
morphism $a: \psi \rightarrow U$ provided with the following data:
(A)---for every morphism $\psi \rightarrow V$ where $\# ^{\rm pre}
V\leq \alpha$,
a factorization which we call the {\em official factorization}
\psi \stackrel{a}{\rightarrow} U \rightarrow V
(in other words a diagram
A\times \Upsilon ^2(\ast , \ast ) \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $a$ on the edge $(01)$ and restricting to our given morphism
on the edge $(02)$);
(B)---for every diagram
\psi \rightarrow V\rightarrow V',
completion of this and the official factorization diagrams
\psi \rightarrow U\rightarrow V,\;\; \psi \rightarrow U\rightarrow V'
to a diagram (the {\em official commutativity diagram})
\psi \rightarrow U \rightarrow V \rightarrow V'
(which again means a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^3(\ast , \ast ,\ast )\rightarrow
restricting to our given diagrams on the faces $(023)$, $(012)$, and
Keep the above hypothesis \ref{hypothesis}.
[b,i]:\psi \stackrel{b}{\rightarrow} U' \stackrel{i}{\rightarrow} U
be a
factorization of the morphism $a$ as above (\ref{factorization}) with $\# U'
\leq \alpha$.
This means a diagram whose third edge $(02)$ is equal to $a$.
Unfortunately at
this point we have no control over the choice of $U'$, so the ``real'' $U'$
which we would like to choose to satisfy the criterion of \ref{easydirect} may
be a direct factor of this $U'$. To explain this notice that by hypothesis
\ref{hypothesis} (A) there is a morphism
q:U\rightarrow U'
giving a factorization
[a,q]:\psi \rightarrow U \rightarrow U'.
Let $b$ be the edge $(02)$ of this diagram, so we can write
$b\sim qa$.
Using the fibrant property of $nCAT'$ we can glue the diagrams $[b,i]$ and
$[a,q]$ together to give a diagram
[b,i,q]: \psi \rightarrow U' \rightarrow U \rightarrow U',
in other words a morphism
A\times \Upsilon ^3(\ast , \ast , \ast ) \rightarrow nCAT'
restricting to $[b,i]$ on the face $(012)$ and restricting to
$[a,q]$ on the face $(023)$ (and satisfying the usual condition that the
restriction to the face $(123)$ be constant in the $A$ direction).
Denote by $p$
the restriction to the edge $(13)$, and denote by $[b,p]$ the restriction to
the face $(013)$. Thus
[b,p]: \psi \rightarrow U' \rightarrow U'
is a diagram whose restrictions to the edges $(01)$ and $(02)$ are both equal
to the morphism $b$.
Restriction to the face $(123)$ is a diagram $[i,q]$ with third edge equal to
$p$, in other words we can write $p \sim q\circ i $.
The official commutativity diagram for $[b,p]$ is a diagram of the form
[a,q,p]: \psi \rightarrow U \rightarrow U' \rightarrow U'.
The restriction of this diagram to the face $(023)$ is the diagram $[b,p]$.
The restrictions to $(012)$ and $(013)$ are both equal (by hypothesis (B))
to the official factorization diagram $[a,q]$. In particular, the face $(123)$
gives a diagram
[q,p]: U\rightarrow U' \rightarrow U'
whose third edge (which we should here denote $(13)$) is again the morphism $p$.
Homotopically we get an equation
p \circ q \sim q.
In view of the fact that $p\sim q \circ i$ we get
p\circ p \sim p.
This equation says that, up to homotopy, $p$ is a projector. It is the
projector onto the answer that we are looking for.
{\em Construction---}
Continuing with hypothesis \ref{hypothesis} and the
notations of \ref{construction1}, we will construct the object corresponding to
the ``image'' of the homotopy projector $p$. To do this we will take the
``mapping telescope'' of the sequence
U' \stackrel{p}{\rightarrow } U' \stackrel{p}{\rightarrow }
U' \stackrel{p}{\rightarrow}\ldots .
In the present setting of $n$-categories we do this as follows
(which is basically just the mapping telescope in the closed model category
structure of \cite{nCAT}). Recall that $\overline{I}$ is the $1$-category with
two objects $0,1$ and two morphisms inverse to each other between the
objects. We
consider it as an $n$-category. Glue together the $n$-precats $U' \times
\overline{I}$, one for each natural number, by attaching $U'\times \{ 1\}$ in
the $i-1$-st copy to $U' \times \{ 0\}$ in the $i$-th copy via the map $p:
U'\times \{ 1\} \rightarrow U' \times \{ 0\}$. Denote by $T'$ the resulting
$n$-precat and by $T'\hookrightarrow T$ a fibrant replacement. Inclusion of $U'
\times \{ 0\}$ in the first copy gives a morphism $$
j: U' \rightarrow T.
On the other hand, using the projection $p$
in each variable and the homotopy $p\circ p\sim p$ gives a morphism
r : T\rightarrow U'
(which comes by extension from a map $r':T'\rightarrow U'$)
and we have $rj=p$.
{\em Claim:}
The morphism $jr : T \rightarrow T$ is homotopic to the identity,
via a homotopy compatible with the homotopy $p\circ p \sim p$.
This is by a classical construction that works in any closed model category
with ``interval object'' such as $\overline{I}$. As a sketch of proof, let
$T^{m}$ denote the subobject of $T'$ obtained by taking only the first
$m$ copies of $U'\times \overline{I}$. Then $T^m$ retracts to the last
copy of $U'$, so the restriction of $r'$ to $T^m$ is
homotopic (via this retraction) to $p$. On the other hand, the inclusion $T^m
\hookrightarrow T^{m+1}$ is also homotopic to $p$ (via the
retractions to the end copies of $U'$).
Thus we may choose a homotopy (in Quillen's sense cf \ref{homotopic1})
between the
restriction of $r'$ to $T^m$, and
the inclusion $T^m \hookrightarrow T^{m+1}$. We can make this into a homotopy
r', 1_{T^m} : T^m \stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} T,
and since $T$ is fibrant we can do this with a homotopy using the interval
$\overline{I}$. Again because $T$ is fibrant we can assume that these
homotopies are compatible for all $m$, so they glue together to give a homotopy
between the two maps
r', 1_{T'} : T'\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} T.
Then extend from $T'$ to $T$.
We wrap things up by pointing out how $T$ fits in with the situation of
Consider the sequence of morphisms
\psi \rightarrow U' \rightarrow T \rightarrow U' \rightarrow T.
The composition of the first two gives a morphism $jb:\psi \rightarrow T$.
The composition of the first three morphisms is equal to
$rjb\sim pb$ which has a homotopy to the usual
morphism $b:\psi \rightarrow U'$. Thus the morphism $b$ factors through $T$.
Finally from our claim \ref{construction3} the composition of the last two
arrows is homotopic to the identity on $T$.
Our original morphism $\psi \rightarrow U$ factors through $U'$ hence it
factors through $T$: the composition
\psi \rightarrow T \rightarrow U' \rightarrow U
is equal to the original morphism $a: \psi \rightarrow U$.
We have the morphism
jq: U\rightarrow T
providing a factorization
\psi \rightarrow U \rightarrow T.
The composition $T\rightarrow U \rightarrow T$ is homotopic to the identity
on $T$ by claim \ref{construction3}.
Under hypothesis \ref{hypothesis} and with the above notations,
the morphism $\psi \rightarrow T$ has the unique homotopy factorization property
of \ref{easydirect} with respect to any morphism $\psi \rightarrow B$ (without
bound on the cardinality of $B$).
{\em Proof:}
This is really only a
statement about $1$-categories. We can consider the $1$-category $M$ which is
the truncation of the $n+1$-category of objects under $\psi$ (cf \ref{lazy}
below). Our objects $U,U',T$ and so on togther with maps from $\psi$ may be
considered as objects in the category $M$. The result of \ref{construction1}
says that $p: U'\rightarrow U'$ is a projector in the category $M$, and in
\ref{construction2}, \ref{construction3} and \ref{construction4} we show
that the
object $T$ corresponding to this projector exists. The criterion of
\ref{easydirect} asks simply that $T$ be an initial object in $M$.
What we know from hypothesis \ref{hypothesis} is that $T$ is provided with a
collection of morphisms $T\rightarrow B'$ to every $\alpha$-bounded object of
$M$, in such a way that these form a natural transformation from the constant
functor $T$ to the identity functor $M_{\alpha}\rightarrow M$ (where
$M_{\alpha}$ is the full subcategory of objects having cardinality bounded by
The fact that $T$ is the object corresponding to the projector $p$ (and
that $p$ was the projector defined by the natural transformation for $U'$) means
that the value of this natural transformation on $T$ itself is the identity.
Suppose $\psi \rightarrow B$ is an object of $M$. Then there is a factorization
$\psi \rightarrow B'\rightarrow B$ with $\# ^{\rm pre}B' \leq \alpha$.
This just says that every object of $M$ has a morphism from an object in
$M_{\alpha}$. It is worth mentioning that if $B\in M$ and if $B'\rightarrow B$
and $B'' \rightarrow B$ are two morphisms from objects in $M_{\alpha}$ then
they both factor through a common morphism $B'''\rightarrow B$ from an object
in $M_{\alpha}$.
Using the above formal properties, we show that $T$ is an initial object of
$M$ to prove the lemma.
Suppose $B$ is an object of $M$. There exists a morphism $B'\rightarrow B$
from an object of $M_{\alpha}$ so applying our natural transformation, there
exists a morphism $T\rightarrow B'$ and hence a morphism $T\rightarrow B$.
Suppose that $T\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} B$ is a pair of morphisms. These factor through
a common object of $M_{\alpha}$
T\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} B' \rightarrow B,
and applying our natural transformation we obtain that the compositions
of the two morphisms
T\rightarrow T\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} B'
are equal to the given morphism $T\rightarrow B'$; however, since the
natural transformation $T\rightarrow T$ is the identity, this implies that our
two morphisms $T\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} B'$ were equal and hence that the two original
morphisms $T\stackrel{\displaystyle \rightarrow}{\rightarrow} B$ were equal.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
In the situation of Lemma \ref{construction5} the map $\psi \rightarrow T$
is a direct limit.
{\em Proof:}
By \ref{construction5} it satisfies the condition of \ref{easydirect}
so by the latter, it is a direct limit.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
\subnumero{Proof of Theorem \ref{direct}}
{\em Objects under $\psi$:}
In order to replicate the proof that was given above for the category of sets,
we need to know what the category of ``objects under $\psi$'' is.
Suppose $C$ is
an $n+1$-category and $A$ another $n+1$-category and suppose $\psi :
C$ is a morphism.
We define the $n+1$-category $\psi /C$ of {\em
objects under $\psi$}
to be the category of morphisms
(A\times I)\cup ^{A\times \{ 1\} }\{
1\}\rightarrow C
restricting to $\psi$ on $A\times \{ 0\}$. In other words,
it is the fiber of the morphism
\underline{Hom}((A\times I)\cup ^{A\times \{ 1\} }\{
1\},C)\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A,C)
over $\psi$.
Let $(\psi /C)_{\alpha}$ denote the category of objects under $\psi$
which are (set-theoretically speaking) contained in a given fixed set of
cardinality $\alpha$. It has cardinality $\leq 2^{\alpha}$. It is a full
subcategory of $\psi/C$.
We can restate the criterion of \ref{easydirect} in terms of the above
definition. Let $\tau _{\leq 1}(\psi /C)$ denote the $1$-truncation of the
category of objects under $\psi$ defined in \ref{lazy}. It is a $1$-category.
The criterion says that if $u: \psi \rightarrow U$ is an initial object in
this category then it is (the image under the truncation operation of) a
direct limit of $\psi$.
Definition \ref{lazy} and the present remark were used in the proof of
\ref{construction5} already, where we denoted $\psi /C$ by $M$.
{\em Proof of Theorem \ref{direct}:}
Suppose $\psi : A\rightarrow nCAT'$. Fix a cardinal $\alpha$ bounding $(A,\psi
)$ as above. Let $M_{\alpha}:= (\psi /C)_{\alpha}$
denote the $n+1$-category of objects
under $\psi$,
of cardinality bounded by $\alpha$. Let $U$ be the inverse
limit of the forgetful functor $f:M_{\alpha}\rightarrow nCAT'$,
given by Theorem \ref{inverse}.
By Corollary \ref{constant}, the pullback of $U$ to a constant family $U_A$ over
$A$ is again an inverse limit of the functor
f_A: A\times M_{\alpha}\rightarrow nCAT'
($f$ pulled back along the second
projection to $M_{\alpha}$).
We have a morphism of families over $A\times M_{\alpha}$, from $\psi$ to $f_A$,
which thus factorizes into
\psi \rightarrow U_A \rightarrow f_A.
The morphism $\psi \rightarrow U_A$
is automatically provided with the data
required for Hypothesis \ref{hypothesis}.
Apply the above construction \ref{construction1}--\ref{construction4} to obtain
$\psi \rightarrow T_A$, and Lemma \ref{construction5} and Corollary
\ref{construction6} show that $\psi \rightarrow T_A$ is a direct limit of
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
We will discuss several different possible applications for the notions of
inverse and direct limit in $n$-categories in general, and of the existence of
limits in $nCAT'$ in particular. Many of these applications are only
proposed as conjectural. Only in the first section do we give full proofs.
The conjectures are for the most part supposed to be possible to do with the
present techniques, except possibly \ref{mts}.
\subnumero{Coproducts and fiber products}
Taking $A$ to be the category with three objects
$a$, $b$ and $c$ and morphisms $a\rightarrow b$ and $c\rightarrow b$,
a functor $A\rightarrow nCAT$ is just a triple of $n$-categories
$X,Y,Z$ with maps $u:X\rightarrow Y$ and $v:Z\rightarrow Y$. The inverse limit
of the projection into $nCAT'$ is the {\em homotopy fiber product}
denoted $X\times ^{\rm ho} _YZ$.
Suppose $A$ is as above and $\varphi : A\rightarrow nCAT$ is a morphism
corresponding to a pair of maps $u:X\rightarrow Y$ and $v:Z\rightarrow Y$ of
$n$-categories such that $u$ is fibrant. Then the usual fiber product $X\times
_YZ$ is a limit of $\varphi$ so we can write
X\times ^{\rm ho} _YZ = X\times _YZ.
{\em Proof:}
One way to prove this is to use our explicit construction of the inverse limit
(\ref{lambda}). The second way is to show that $U:=X\times _YZ$
satisfies the required universal property as follows. First of all note
that the commutative square
U&\rightarrow & X \\
\downarrow && \downarrow \\
Z &\rightarrow & Y
corresponds to a map $I\times I\rightarrow nCAT$ which we can project into
$I\times I\rightarrow nCAT'$. Then combine this with the projection
A \times I \rightarrow I \times I
which sends $A\times \{ 0\}$ to $(0,0)$ and sends $A\times \{ 1\}$
to the copy of $A\subset I\times I$ corresponding to the sides
$(1,01)$ and $(01,1)$ of the square. We get a map
$A\times I \rightarrow nCAT'$ having the required constancy property to
give an element $\epsilon \in Hom (U, \varphi )$. This is the map which
we claim is an inverse limit.
In passing note that since $X,Y,Z$ are elements of $nCAT$ they are by
definition fibrant, and since by hypothesis the map $X\rightarrow Y$ is
fibrant, the map $U\rightarrow Z$ is fibrant too, and so $U$ is fibrant.
We now fix a fibrant $n$-category $V$ and study the functor which to an
$n$-precat $F$ associates the set of morphisms
g:A\times \Upsilon (F)\rightarrow nCAT'
with $r_0(g)=V_A$ and $r_1(g)= \varphi $. This is of course just the
functor represented by $Hom (V, \varphi )$. Recalling that
$\underline{Hom}(V,U)$ is the morphism set in $nCAT$, we obtain by composition
with $\epsilon $ a morphism
C_{\epsilon}: \underline{Hom}(V,U)\rightarrow Hom (V,\varphi ).
In this case, since $\epsilon$ comes from $nCAT$ in which the composition at
the first stage is strict, the morphism $C_{\epsilon}$ is
strictly well defined rather than being a weak morphism as usual in the
notion of limit. We would like to show that $C_{\epsilon}$ is an equivalence
(which would prove the lemma).
A morphism $g:A\times \Upsilon (F)\rightarrow nCAT'$ decomposes as a pair of
morphisms $(g_1,g_2)$ with
g_i : I \times \Upsilon (F) \rightarrow nCAT';
in turn these decompose as pairs $g_i^+$ and $g_i^-$
g_i ^+ : \Upsilon (\ast , F)\rightarrow nCAT',
g_i^- : \Upsilon (F,\ast )\rightarrow nCAT' .
(Decompose the square $I \times \Upsilon (F)$ into two triangles,
drawing the edge $I$ vertically with vertex $0$ on top.)
The conditions on everything to correspond to a morphism $g$ are that
r_{12}(g_i^+) = r_{01}(g_i^-)
r_{02}(g_1^-)= r_{02}(g_2^-).
The endpoint conditions on $g$ correspond to the conditions
r_{12}(g_1^-)= u,\;\;\;\;
r_{12}(g_2^-) = v,
Putting these all together we see that our functor of $F$ is
of the form a fiber product of four diagram $n$-categories
\ref{diag1}. More precisely, put
M_u :=Diag ^{1_V, X}(\ast ,\underline{\ast}; nCAT')
\times _{Diag ^{V, X}(\underline{\ast} ; nCAT')}
Diag ^{V, u}(\underline{\ast}, \ast ; nCAT')
where the morphisms in the fiber product are $r_{12}$ then $r_{01}$;
and define $M_v$ similarly.
Hom (V, \varphi )= M_u \times _{Diag ^{V,Y}(\underline{\ast} ; nCAT')}
where here the morphisms in the fiber product are the restrictions
$r_{02}$ on the second factors of the $M$.
Refer now to the calculation of \ref{diag1.6} in view of
the comparison result \ref{diag3} (applied to $nCAT\rightarrow nCAT'$).
By this calculation the restriction morphism
Diag ^{1_V, X}(\underline{\ast}, \ast ; nCAT') \rightarrow
Diag ^{V,Z}(\underline{\ast} ; nCAT')
is a fibrant equivalence. Therefore the second projections are equivalences
M_u \rightarrow Diag ^{V,u}(\ast , \underline{\ast}; nCAT')
and similarly for $v$.
Using these second projections in each of the factors $M$ we get an equivalence
Hom (V, \varphi )\rightarrow
Diag ^{V,u}( \underline{\ast},\ast ; nCAT')
\times _{Diag ^{V,Y}(\underline{\ast} ; nCAT')}
Diag ^{V,u}(\underline{\ast},\ast ; nCAT')
where the morphisms in the fiber product are $r_{02}$. There is a morphism
from the same fiber product taken with respect to $nCAT$, into here.
In the case of the fiber product taken with respect to $nCAT$ the calculation
of \ref{diag1.6} gives directly that it is equal to
\underline{Hom}(V,X)\times _{\underline{Hom}(V,Y)}\underline{Hom}(V,Z)
which is just $\underline{Hom}(V,U)$. The morphism
\underline{Hom}(V,X) =
Diag ^{V,u}( \underline{\ast},\ast ; nCAT)
Diag ^{V,u}( \underline{\ast},\ast ; nCAT')
is an equivalence by \ref{diag3}, and similarly for the other factors
in the fiber product.
Now we are in the general situation that we
have equivalences of fibrant $n$-precats
$P\rightarrow P'$, $Q\rightarrow Q'$ and $R\rightarrow R'$ compatible with
P\rightarrow Q\leftarrow R, \;\;\; P'\rightarrow Q'\leftarrow R'.
If we know that the morphisms $P\rightarrow Q$ and $P'\rightarrow Q'$
are fibrant then we can conclude that these induce an equivalence
P\times _QR\rightarrow P'\times _{Q'} R'.
Prove this in several steps using \ref{pushoutA} and \cite{nCAT} Theorem 6.7:
P'\times _{Q'}R' \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} P' \times _{Q'}R = (P'\times
_{Q'}Q)\times _Q R
P'\times _{Q'}Q \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} P'
P \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} P' \times _{Q'}Q
giving finally
P \times _Q R \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} (P'\times _{Q'}Q)\times _Q R;
then apply (\ref{explaincmc}, CM2).
Applying this general fact to the previous situation gives that the morphism
\underline{Hom}(V,X)\times _{\underline{Hom}(V,Y)}\underline{Hom}(V,Z)
Diag ^{V,u}( \underline{\ast},\ast ; nCAT')
\times _{Diag ^{V,Y}(\underline{\ast} ; nCAT')}
Diag ^{V,u}(\underline{\ast},\ast ; nCAT')
is an equivalence. By (\ref{explaincmc}, CM2) this implies that
C_{\epsilon} : \underline{Hom}(U,V)\rightarrow Hom (V,\varphi )
is an equivalence.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Lemma \ref{calcinverse} basically says that for calculating homotopy fiber
products we can forget about the whole limit machinery and go back to our usual
way of assuming that one of the morphisms is fibrant.
Taking $A$ to be the opposite of the category in the
previous paragraph, a functor $A\rightarrow nCAT$ is a triple $U,V,W$ with
morphisms $f:V\rightarrow U$ and $g:V\rightarrow W$. The direct limit is
the {\em
homotopy pushout} of $U$ and $W$ over $V$, denoted
$U\cup ^V_{\rm ho}W$.
Suppose that $f$ is cofibrant. Let $P$ denote a fibrant replacement
U\cup ^VW \hookrightarrow P.
Then there is a natural morphism $u: \varphi \rightarrow P$ which is a
direct limit.
Thus we can say that the morphism
U\cup ^VW \rightarrow U\cup ^V_{\rm ho}W
is a weak equivalence, or equivalently that the morphism of $n$-categories
Cat(U\cup ^VW )\rightarrow U\cup ^V_{\rm ho}W
is an equivalence.
The proof is similar to the proof of \ref{calcinverse} and is left as an
This lemma provides justification {\em a posteriori}
\footnote{And therefore running a certain risk of being circular\ldots }
having said in \cite{nCAT} that $Cat(U\cup ^VW )$ is the ``categorical pushout
of $U$ and $W$ over $V$''. It also shows that this pushout, which occurs in the
generalized Seifert-Van Kampen theorem of \cite{nCAT}, is the same as the
homotopy pushout.
\subnumero{Representable functors and internal $Hom$}
Suppose $A$ is an $n+1$-category. Recall that $A^o$ is the first opposed
category obtained by switching the directions of the $1$-arrows but not the
rest (this comes from the inversion automorphism on the first simplicial factor
of $\Delta ^{n+1}$).
The ``arrow family'' is a family
Arr(A): A^o\times A \rightarrow nCAT',
associating to $X\in A^o$ and $Y\in A$ the $n$-category $A_{1/}(X,Y)$.
We will not discuss here the existence and uniqueness of this family
(there is not actually a natural way to define this family in Tamsamani's point
of view on $n$-categories, so it must be done by constructing the family by
hand making choices of various morphisms when necessary).
The arrow family gives two functors
\alpha : A \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A^o, nCAT')
\beta : A^o \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A, nCAT').
That $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are fully faithful (as is the case for $n=0$).
We say that an object of $\underline{Hom}(A^o, nCAT')$ (resp.
$\underline{Hom}(A, nCAT')$ is {\em
representable} if it comes from an object of $A$ (resp. $A^o$).
Note that such objects are themselves functors $A\rightarrow nCAT'$ or
$A^o\rightarrow nCAT'$, and we call them {\em representable functors}.
Suppose that an $n+1$-category $A$ admits arbitrary direct and inverse limits.
Then a functor $h: A^o\rightarrow nCAT'$ is representable by an object of $A$
if and only it transforms direct limits into inverse limits.
A functor $g: A \rightarrow nCAT'$ is representable by an object of $A^o$ if
and only if it transforms inverse limits into inverse limits.
If this conjecture is true we would obtain the following corollary:
that if an $n+1$-category $A$ admits arbitrary direct and inverse limits,
then $A$ has an internal $\underline{Hom}$.
To see this, fix objects $x,y\in A$. Denote by $\times $ the functor $A\times
A\rightarrow A$ which associates to $(u,v)$ the direct product of $u$ and $v$
(considered as an inverse limit). This functor comes from
Theorem \ref{variation} as described in (\ref{usevar}).
Now the functor $u\mapsto Arr (A)(x\times u, y)$ from $A^o$ to $nCAT$
transforms direct limits to inverse limits
(this uses one direction of Conjecture \ref{representable}, and I suppose
proof that the functor $u\mapsto x\times u$ is known to preserve direct
Therefore by (the other direction of) Conjecture \ref{representable},
the functor $u\mapsto Arr (A)(x\times u, y)$ is representable by
an object $\underline{Hom}_A(x,y)$.
We are obviously going toward some sort of theory of {\em $n$-topoi}:
an {\em $n$-topos} would be an $n$-category admitting arbitrary direct and
inverse limits (indexed by small $n$-categories). There may be some other
conditions that one would have to impose...
Suppose ${\cal X}$ is a site. Consider the underlying category as an $n+1$-category.
An {\em $n$-stack over ${\cal X}$} is a morphism $F: {\cal X} \rightarrow nCAT'$ such that
for every object $X\in {\cal X}$ and every sieve ${\cal B} \subset {\cal X} /X$ the morphism
\Gamma ({\cal X} /X, F|_{{\cal X} /X})\rightarrow \Gamma ({\cal B} , F|_{{\cal B}})
is an equivalence of $n$-categories, where $\Gamma ({\cal B} , F|_{{\cal B}})$ denotes
the inverse limit of $F|_{{\cal B}}$ and the same for
$\Gamma ({\cal X} /X, F|_{{\cal X} /X})$. We define $nSTACK /{\cal X} $ to be the
full subcategory of the (already fibrant) $n+1$-category $\underline{Hom}({\cal X} ,
nCAT')$ whose objects are the morphisms $F$ satisfying the above criterion.
The $n+1$-category $nSTACK /{\cal X}$ admits inverse limits---since the only thing
involved in its definition is an inverse limit and inverse limits commute
with each other. In particular we may speak of {\em homotopy fiber products}
of $n$-stacks.
Homotopy projectors are effective for $n$-stacks, in other words given an
$n$-stack $U'$ with endomorphism $p$ such that $p\circ p \sim p$,
the ``telescope construction'' $T$ of \S 5 is again an $n$-stack.
Assuming this conjecture, the same argument as in \S 5 would work to show that
$nSTACK /{\cal X}$ admits direct limits.
A {\em $n$-prestack over ${\cal X}$} is just a morphism
$F: {\cal X} \rightarrow nCAT'$ without any other condition (this makes sense for
any category ${\cal X}$ and in fact for any $n+1$-category, it is just our notion of
family of $n$-categories indexed by ${\cal X}$). We can adopt the notation
nPRESTACK /{\cal X} := \underline{Hom}({\cal X} , nCAT').
Suppose $F$ is an $n$-prestack. We define the {\em associated stack}
denoted $st(F)$ to be the universal $n$-stack to which $F$ maps. Assuming
Conjecture \ref{projeffstacks}, the associated stack $st(F)$ exists again by
copying the argument of \S 5 above.
The inverse limit of a family of stacks is the same as the
inverse limit of the underlying family of prestacks. However this is not true
for direct limits.
By \ref{internal} which is based on Conjecture \ref{representable},
the $n+1$-category $nSTACK /{\cal X}$ admits internal $\underline{Hom}$.
Using this (or alternatively using a direct construction which associates to
any $X\in{\cal X}$ the $n+1$-category $nSTACK/({\cal X} /X )$) we should be able to
construct the $n+1$-stack $n\underline{STACK}/{\cal X}$.
Now that we have a notion of $n$-stack not necessarily of groupoids, one can
ask how to generalize the definition of {\em geometricity} given in
\cite{geometricN}, to the case where the values may not be groupoids.
If $A$ is an $n$-category and $X$, $Y$ are
sets with maps $a:X\rightarrow A$ and $b:Y\rightarrow A$ then
the pullback
(a^o, b)^{\ast} (Arr (A)) =:X \times Y\rightarrow (n-1)CAT'
may be considered as an $(n-1)$-category (taking the union over all of the
points of $X\times Y$)
which we denote by $Hom _A(a,b)$. However, it is no longer the same thing
as the
fiber product $X\times _AY$. Both of these still satisfy the
recurrence-enabling fact that they are $n-1$-categories. Thus we can still
employ the same type of definition as in \cite{geometricN}. However, as many
common examples quickly show, the smoothness condition should only be imposed on
the fiber product, not the arrows. Thus we say that $A$ is {\em geometric}
(resp. {\em locally geometric}) if: \newline
(GS1) for any two morphisms from schemes $a:X\rightarrow A$ and $b:Y\rightarrow
A$, the arrow $n-1$-stack $Hom _A(a,b)\rightarrow X\times Y$ and the
product $X\times _AY$ are both
geometric (resp. locally geometric); and
(GS2) there exists a smooth morphism from a
finite type scheme (resp. locally finite type scheme) $X\rightarrow A$
surjective on the truncations to $0$-stacks;
where the morphism $X\rightarrow A$ is said to be {\em smooth} if for any
morphism from a scheme of finite type $Y\rightarrow A$, the locally geometric
$n-1$-stack $X\times _AY$ is actually geometric and is smooth, this latter
condition meaning that the smooth surjection to it from GS2 comes from a smooth
scheme of finite type.
Here is an example to show what we are thinking of
(this type of example---even
if relatively unknown on ``alg-geom''---apparently comes up very often on
``q-alg''). The stack of vector bundles
on a given variety, for example, is locally geometric. It has an additional
operation, tensor product, which allows it to be considered as a monoidal (or
braided or symmetric) monoidal $1$-stack, thus allowing us to consider it as a
$2$, $3$ or $4$-stack. In these cases there are only one object (locally
speaking) and in the $3$ and $4$ cases, only one morphism (in the $4$ case
only one $2$-morphism). The original stack comes back as an arrow stack
(possibly after iterating). In this example, if we want a tensor product we
are forced to consider things not of finite type, so the arrow stacks should
often be allowed to be only locally geometric (also one readily sees that the
arrow stacks will not necessarily be smooth). On the other hand the finite type
and smoothness conditions in GS2 correspond in this example to the smoothness
and finite type conditions for the Picard scheme.
Suppose ${\cal P}$ is a property of $n$-stacks of groupoids. Then
we say that an $n$-stack $A$ is {\em locally ${\cal P}$} (and we call this property
$loc {\cal P}$) if $F=\tau _{\leq 0}A $ is an filtered inductive limit of open
subsheaves $F_i\subset F$ (the openness condition means that for any scheme
$X\rightarrow F$, $X\times _FF_i$ is an open subset of $X$) such that $A\times
_{F}F_i$ has property ${\cal P}$.
In particular we obtain notions of {\em locally presentable} and {\em locally
very presentable} $n$-stacks of groupoids.
We claim that for ${\cal P} = $ ``geometric'' the above definition gives the same
definition as the previous definition of locally geometric. Suppose
that $A$ is locally ${\cal P}$. Let $A_i := A\times _FF_i$. This is an open
substack of $A_i$. Let $X_i\rightarrow A_i$ be the smooth surjections from
schemes of finite type. Then $X_i\rightarrow A$ is smooth (for example by the
formal criterion for smoothness). Thus the morphism from the disjoint union of
the $X_i$ to $A$ is a smooth surjection proving that $A$ is locally geometric
according to the old definition.
Suppose now that $A$ is locally geometric for the old definition, and let $X_i
\rightarrow A$ be the smooth morphisms from schemes of finite type which
together cover $A$. Let $F=\tau {\leq 0} A$ and let $F_i \subset F$ be the
images of $X_i$. Let $A_i = A\times _FF_i$.
It is clear that $X_i$ maps to
$A_i$ by a map which is, on the one hand, smooth by the formal criterion, and
on the other hand surjective on the level of $\pi _0$ by definition.
Thus the $A_i$ are geometric, i.e. have property ${\cal P}$. It is clear that the
union of the $A_i$ is $A$. Finally, the $F_i$ are open subsheaves of $F$,
using smoothness of $X_i \rightarrow A$ plus Artin approximation.
If ${\cal P}$ is a property of $n$-stacks of groupoids
(say, independent of $n$...) then we can extend ${\cal P}$ to a property of
$n$-stacks in a minimal way such that the following conditions hold:
(A)\,\,\, If $A$ has property ${\cal P}$ then so does the interior groupoid $A^{\rm
(B)\,\,\, If $A$ has property ${\cal P}$ and $a: X\rightarrow A$ and $b:
Y\rightarrow A$ are morphisms from schemes of finite type then
$Hom _A(a,b)$ has property ${\cal P}$.
That such a minimal extension exists is obvious by induction.
Taking the property ${\cal P}$ in the above definition \ref{extendingproperties}
to be
``locally presentable'' or ``locally very presentable'' or ``locally geometric''
we obtain reasonable properties for $n$-stacks not necessarily of groupoids.
The use of the locality properties is natural here since the composition
operation will often be something like tensor product, which does not preserve
any substack of finite type.
\subnumero{The notion of stack, in general}
We give here a very general discussion of the notion of ``stack''.
This was called ``homotopy-sheaf'' in \cite{kobe} (cf also \cite{flexible}
which predates \cite{kobe} but which was made available much later),
however that
was not the first time that such objects were encountered---the condition of
being a homotopy sheaf is the essential part of the condition of being a fibrant
(or ``flasque'') simplicial presheaf \cite{Brown} \cite{Jardine} \cite{Joyal}.
Suppose ${\cal C}$ is some type of category-like object (such as an $n$-category
or $\infty$-category or other such thing). Suppose that we have a notion of
{\em inverse limit} of a family of objects of ${\cal C}$ indexed by a category ${\cal B}$.
If we call the family $F: {\cal B} ^o\rightarrow {\cal C}$ (contravariant on ${\cal B}$,
for our
purposes) then we denote this limit---if it exists---by $\Gamma ({\cal B} , F)\in
{\cal C}$. This should be sufficiently functorial in that if we have a functor ${\cal B}
\rightarrow {\cal B} '$ and $F$ is the pullback of a family $F'$ on ${\cal B} '$
(denoted $F=F'|_{{\cal B}}$) then we
should obtain a morphism of functoriality (i.e. an arrow in ${\cal C}$)
\Gamma ({\cal B} ', F') \rightarrow \Gamma ({\cal B} , F),
possibly only well-defined up to some type of homotopy in ${\cal C}$.
Similarly if ${\cal B}$ has a final object $b$ (initial for our functoriality
which is
contravariant) then the morphism (obtained from above for the inclusion
$\{ b\} \rightarrow {\cal B}$)
\Gamma ({\cal B} , F) \rightarrow F(b)
should be an ``equivalence'' in ${\cal C}$ (one has to know what that means).
With all this in hand (and note that we do not assume the existence of
arbitrary limits, only existence of limits indexed by categories with final
objects) we can define the notion of {\em stack over a site ${\cal X}$ with
coefficients in ${\cal C}$}. This is to be a family $F$ of objects of ${\cal C}$ indexed
by ${\cal X}$ (i.e. a morphism ${\cal X} ^o\rightarrow {\cal C}$) which satisfies the
following property: for every object $X\in {\cal X}$ and every sieve ${\cal B} \subset
{\cal X} /X$ the morphism
\Gamma ({\cal X} /X, F|_{{\cal X} /X}) \rightarrow \Gamma ({\cal B} , F|_{{\cal B}})
is an equivalence in ${\cal C}$, meaning that the limit on the right exists.
that since ${\cal X} /X$ has a final object $X$, the morphism
\Gamma ({\cal X} /X, F|_{{\cal X} /X}) \rightarrow F(X)
is assumed to exist and to be an equivalence.)
Taking the inverse limit of a family of stacks will again be a family of stacks
because inverse limits should (when that notion is defined) commute with each
other. If ${\cal C}$ admits arbitrary (set-theoretically reasonable) inverse limits
then taking the inverse limit of a family of stacks gives again a stack. Using
this we can define the {\em stack associated to a prestack}. A prestack is
just any family $F: {\cal X} ^o \rightarrow {\cal C}$ not necessarily satisfying the
stack condition. The {\em associated stack} is defined to be the inverse limit
of all stacks $G$ to which $F$ maps. Of course this needs to be investigated
some more in any specific case, in order to get useful information.
When ${\cal C}$ is the $2$-category of categories we obtain the classical notion of
stack \cite{LMB} \cite{ArtinInventiones}.
When ${\cal C}$ is the $\infty$-category of simplicial sets we obtain the notion of
``homotopy sheaf'' which is equivalent in Jardine's terminology to a simplicial
presheaf which is flasque with respect to each object of the underlying site.
In particular, fibrant simplicial presheaves satisfy this condition, and the
condition is just that of being object-by-object weak equivalent to a fibrant
simplicial presheaf. The process of going from a prestack to the associated
stack is basically the process of going from a simplicial presheaf to an
equivalent fibrant simplicial presheaf.
The case where ${\cal C}$ is the $n+1$-category $nCAT'$ of
$n$-categories yields the notion of {\em $n$-stack} described above.
{\em Universal morphisms with certain properties}
We often encounter the following situation. Suppose $X\in nCAT'$ and suppose
and suppose ${\cal P}$ is a property of morphisms $X \rightarrow B$ in $nCAT'$. Then
we can look for a universal morphism $\nu: X \rightarrow U$ with property
${\cal P}$.
The ``universal'' property can be written out in terms of our construction
$\Upsilon$: it means that for any cofibration of $n$-precats $E'\hookrightarrow
E$ and any morphism (from an edge labeled $(02)$)
f:\Upsilon (E)\rightarrow nCAT'
with $f(0)= X$, $f(2)=B$
sending $\Upsilon (E_0)$ to a collection of morphisms having property ${\cal P}$,
together with an extension along $E'$ to a morphism
g':\Upsilon ^2(\ast , E')\rightarrow nCAT'
with $r_{01}(g')= \nu$ and $g'(2)= B$, there exists
g:\Upsilon ^2(\ast , E)\rightarrow nCAT'
extending $g'$ and
with $r_{01}(g)=\nu $ and $r_{02}(g)= f$.
Suppose $\psi : A\rightarrow nCAT'$ is a functor and ${\cal P}$ a property of
morphisms $\psi \rightarrow B$ to objects $B\in nCAT'$. Then we can make a
similar definition of ``universal morphism'' $\nu : \psi \rightarrow U$
having property ${\cal P}$.
In this case, it also makes sense to ask for a morphism
$\nu : \psi \rightarrow U$ to an object of $nCAT'$, ``universal for morphisms
with property ${\cal P}$'' (the definition is the same as above but we don't require
$\nu$ to have property ${\cal P}$). Note that this definition in the case of one
object $X$ is vacuous: the answer would just be the identity morphism
$1_X:X\rightarrow X$.
To construct $\nu$ we can try to follow the argument of \S 5,
taking the full subcategory $M({\cal P} )\subset \psi /nCAT'$ of objects under $\psi$
having property ${\cal P}$. As before we consider the subcategory
$M({\cal P} )_{\alpha}$ of objects of $\alpha$-bounded cardinality, and let
$U$ be the inverse limit of the forgetful functor
$M({\cal P} )_{\alpha}\rightarrow nCAT'$.
We now need to know four things:
\ref{universal2}(i) that the morphism $\psi \rightarrow U$ again has property
${\cal P}$ (preservation of ${\cal P}$ by inverse limits);
\ref{universal2}(ii) that there is a factorization $\psi \rightarrow U'
\rightarrow U$ with $\psi \rightarrow U'$ again having property ${\cal P}$ and
$\# ^{\rm pre}U'\leq \alpha$ (for $\alpha$ chosen appropriately);
\ref{universal2}(iii) that the ``telescope'' construction of
(\ref{construction2}) preserves property ${\cal P}$;
\ref{universal2}(iv) that if $f:\psi \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(E,B)$
is a morphism which, when restricted to every object of $E_0$ gives a morphism
$\psi \rightarrow B$ with property ${\cal P}$, then $f$ has property ${\cal P}$
(this is so that a criterion analogue to \ref{easydirect} applies).
If we know these four things then the argument of \S 5 works to
construct a universal $\nu : \psi \rightarrow T$ with property ${\cal P}$.
{\em Localization:}
If $X$ is an $n$-category then we denote $Fl^i(X)$ the set of $i$-morphisms,
which is the same as $X_{1,\ldots , 1}$. Suppose we are given a collection of
subsets $S = \{ S^i \subset Fl ^i(X)\}$. Then we can define $S^{-1}X$ to be the
universal $n$-category with map $X\rightarrow S^{-1}X$ sending the elements of
$S^i$ to $i$-morphisms in $S^{-1}X$ which are invertible up to equivalence
(i.e. morphisms which are invertible in $\tau _{\leq i}(S^{-1}X)$).
To construct $S^{-1}X$, let ${\cal P}$ be the property of a map $X\rightarrow B$ that
the arrows in $S_i$ become invertible in $B$. One has to verify the properties
\ref{universal2}(i)--\ref{universal2}(iv), and then apply Conjecture
\ref{universal3}. To verify the properties (i)--(iv) use
Theorem \ref{resttoIff}.
This is the $n$-categorical analogue of \cite{GabrielZisman}.
{\em Caution:} If $A$ is an $m$-category considered as an $n$-category then
$S^{-1}A$ may not be an $m$-category. In particular, note that by taking the
group completion (see below) of $1$-categories one gets all homotopy types of
$n$-groupoids. (This fact, which seems to be due to Quillen, was discussed at
length in \cite{Grothendieck}...).
{\em Group completion:}
The theory of $n$-categories which are not groupoids actually has a long history
in homotopy theory, in the form of the study of topological monoids. In Adams'
book \cite{Adams} the chapter after the one on loop-space machinery, concerns
the notion of ``group completion'', namely how to go from a topological monoid
to a homotopy-theoretic group ($H$-space). This is a special example of going
from an $n$-category to an $n$-groupoid by ``formally inverting all arrows''.
Taking $S$ to be all of the arrows in a fibrant $n$-category $X$, the
localization $S^{-1}X$ is the {\em group completion of $X$} denoted $X^{\rm
gc}$. It is the universal $n$-groupoid to which $X$ maps. This may also be
constructed by a topological approach (which has the merit of not depending on
Conjecture \ref{universal3}), as
X^{\rm gc} = \Pi _n (| X | ),
using Tamsamani's realization $|X|$ and Poincar\'e $n$-groupoid
$\Pi _n$ constructions \cite{Tamsamani}.
As an example, \ref{resttoIff} allows us to describe the group completion of
$I$ which is contractible, as one might expect.
The morphism $I\rightarrow \overline{I}$ is the group completion in the context
of $n$-categories.
{\em Proof:}
This follows immediately from Theorem \ref{resttoIff}.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
Group completion commutes with coproduct. More precisely,
suppose $B\leftarrow A \rightarrow C$ are morphisms of $n$-precats. Then the
(B\cup ^A C)^{\rm gp} \rightarrow B^{\rm gp} \cup ^{A^{\rm gp}} C^{\rm gp}
is an equivalence.
{\em Proof:}
This can be seen directly from the topological definition
$X^{\rm gc} = \Pi _n (| X | )$ using the results of \cite{nCAT} \S 9.
\hfill $/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\hspace*{-.1cm}$/$\vspace{.1in}
{\em Interior groupoid}
We can do a similar type of definition as \ref{universal1} for universal maps
from $B$ to $X$ having certain properties. Applying this again to the property
that all $i$-morphisms become invertible, we get the following definition.
If $X$ is a fibrant $n$-category then its {\em interior groupoid}
$X^{\rm int}$ is the universal map $X^{\rm int}\rightarrow X$ for this
property. It is an $n$-groupoid, and may be seen as the ``largest $n$-groupoid
inside $X$''.
Without refering to conjectures, we can construct $X^{\rm int}\subset X$
explicitly as follows. Assume that $X$ is an $n$-category. First we define
$X^{k\rm -int}\subset X$ with the same objects as $X$, by setting
X^{1\rm -int} _{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p):=
X_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)^{\rm int}
(note that we use inductively the definition of $Y^{\rm int}\subset Y$
for $n-1$-categories as well as the fact that this construction takes
equivalences to equivalences).
Now let
X^{\rm int}_{1/}(x,y)\subset X^{1\rm -int}_{1/}(x,y)
be the full sub-$(n-1)$-category of objects corresponding to morphisms which
are invertible up to equivalence. Let
$X^{\rm int}_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)$ be the full sub-$(n-1)$-category
of $X^{1\rm -int}_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)$ consisting of objects which
project to elements of $X^{\rm int}_{1/}(x_{i-1}, x_i)$ on the principal edges.
Another way of saying this is to note that there is a morphism
X^{1\rm -int}\rightarrow \tau _{\leq 1}(X)
(cf the notation of \ref{anotherapproach}). Then
define the ``interior $1$-groupoid'' of the $1$-category $\tau _{\leq 1}(X)$
to be the subcategory consisting only of invertible morphisms, and set
$X^{\rm int}$ to be the fiber product of
$X^{1\rm -int}\rightarrow \tau _{\leq 1}(X)$ and
interior $1$-groupoid of $\tau _{\leq 1}(X)$, over
$\tau _{\leq 1}(X)$.
\subsubnumero{$k$-groupic completion and interior}
More generally we say that an $n$-category $B$ is {\em $k$-groupic}
for $0\leq k \leq n$ if the $n-k$-categories $B_{m_1,\ldots , m_k/}$
are groupoids. In other words this says that the $n-k$-category whose objects
are the $k$-morphisms of $B$ should be an $n-k$-groupoid. Note that being
$O$-groupic means that $B$ is an $n$-groupoid, and the condition of being
$n$-groupic is void of content.
We can define the {\em $k$-groupic completion} $X^{k{\rm -gp}}$ as the universal
$k$-groupic $n$-category to which $X$ maps. We can define the {\em
$k$-groupic interior} $X^{k{\rm -int}}\subset X$ to be the universal $k$-groupic
$n$-category mapping to $X$. For $k=0$ these reduce to the group
completion and interior groupoid. For the $k$-groupic interior, we have the
following formula whenever $k\geq 1$:
X^{k{\rm -int}}_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)=
X_{p/}(x_0,\ldots , x_p)^{(k-1){\rm -int}},
which gives an inductive construction.
\subnumero{Direct images and realizations}
Suppose $F:A\rightarrow B$ is a morphism of $n+1$-categories and suppose
: A \rightarrow nCAT'$ is a family of $n$-categories over $A$. Then
we can look for a universal family $\psi : B\rightarrow nCAT'$ together with
morphism $\varphi \rightarrow F^{\ast}(\psi )$. If it exists, we call
$\psi$ the
{\em direct image} and denote it by $F_{\ast}(\varphi )$.
The direct image $F_{\ast}(\varphi )$ always exists, and is essentially unique.
Again, the argument of \S 5 should work to give the construction
of $F_{\ast}(\varphi )$, with several things to verify analogous to
{\em Caution:} the notations ``direct image'' $F_{\ast}$ and ``inverse image''
are switched from the usual notations for functoriality for ``morphisms of
{\em Realization:}
Suppose $A$ is an $n+1$-category and suppose
\varphi : A \rightarrow nCAT'
is a family of $n$-categories, and
\psi : A^o \rightarrow nCAT'
is a contravariant family of $n$-categories. Then we define the {\em
realization} of this pair, denoted $\langle \varphi , \psi \rangle$, as follows.
The arrow family for $A$ corresponds to a morphism
\alpha : A \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A^o, nCAT').
The direct image $\alpha _{\ast}(\varphi )$ is therefore a morphism
\alpha _{\ast}(\varphi )\underline{Hom}(A^o, nCAT') \rightarrow nCAT'.
\langle \varphi , \psi \rangle := \alpha _{\ast}(\varphi )(\psi ).
An example of this is when $A={\cal X}$ is a site, and when $\varphi$ and $\psi$ are
families of $n$-groupoids. Then
$\langle \varphi , \psi \rangle $ is an $n$-groupoid, and we conjecture that
it corresponds to the topological space given as realization of the two
functors as defined in \cite{realization}.
In the main example of
\cite{realization} one took ${\cal X}$ to be the site of schemes over $Spec ({\bf C} )$
and one took $\varphi$ to be the functor associating to each scheme the
$n$-truncation of the homotopy type of the underlying topological space. Then
for any presheaf $\psi$ of $n$-truncated topological spaces one obtained the
``topological realization'' of $\psi$.
One can do the operation of \ref{realization1} in the other order, using
the arrow family considered as a morphism
\beta : A^o \rightarrow \underline{Hom}(A, nCAT')
and looking at $\beta _{\ast}(\psi ) (\varphi )$.
{\em Conjecture---}that these two ways of defining
$\langle \varphi , \psi \rangle$ give the same answer.
The above construction is a special case of the more general phenomenon which
we call ``triple combination''. Suppose $A$ and $B$ are $(n+1)$-categories
and suppose that we have functors
F: A\rightarrow nCAT',
G: B\rightarrow nCAT',
H: A\times B\rightarrow nCAT'.
Then we can consider $H$ as a functor
H:A\rightarrow \underline{Hom}(B, nCAT')
and define
H(F,G):= H_{\ast}(F)(G).
As above, one conjectures that $H(F,G)= H^{\sigma}(G,F)$ (applying the symmetry
$\sigma : A\times B\cong B \times A$). The previous construction
is just
\langle \varphi , \psi \rangle = Arr (A)(\varphi , \psi ).
The same definition of triple combination works for functors $F,G,H$ in any
fibrant $n$-category $C$ which admits limits as does $nCAT'$.
\subnumero{Relative Malcev completion}
An example which gets more to the point of my motivation for doing all of this
type of thing is the following generalization of relative Malcev completion
\cite{Hain} to higher homotopy.
Fix a ${\bf Q}$-algebraic group $G$. Fix an
$n$-groupoid $X$ with base-object $x$ (which is the same thing as an
$n$-truncated pointed homotopy type). Fix a representation $\rho :\pi
_1(X,x)\rightarrow G$. Let ${\cal C}$ be the $n+1$-category of quadruples $(R,r, p,
f)$ where $R$ is a connected $n$-groupoid, $r$ is an object, $p:
R\rightarrow BG$
is a morphism sending $r$ to the base-object $o$, and
$f: X\rightarrow R$ is a morphism sending $x$ to $r$ such that the induced
morphism $\pi _1(X,x) \rightarrow G$ is equal to $\rho$. Let ${\cal C} ^{\rm uni}$
denote the subset of objects satisfying the following properties: that $\pi
_1(R)$ is a ${\bf Q}$-algebraic group and $p: \pi _1(R)\rightarrow G$ is a
surjection with unipotent kernel; and that $\pi _1(R)$ acts algebraically on the
higher homotopy groups $\pi _i(R)$ which are themselves assumed to be finite
dimensional ${\bf Q}$-vector spaces.
Inverse limits
exist in ${\cal C}$. To see this, note that ${\cal C}$ is an $n+1$-category
of morphisms $V\rightarrow nCAT'$ where $V$ is the category with objects
$v_R$, $v_r$, $v_{BG}$, $v_X$ and morphisms $v_r\rightarrow v_R$,
$v_R\rightarrow v_{BG}$, $v_X\rightarrow v_R$, $v_r\rightarrow v_X$. The
$n+1$-category ${\cal C}$ is the subcategory of morphisms $V\rightarrow nCAT'$ which
send $v_r$ to $\ast$, send $v_{BG}$ to $BG$ and send $v_X$ to $X$, and which
send the maps $v_r\rightarrow v_X$ to the basepoint $\ast \rightarrow X$,
similarly for the map $v_r\rightarrow v_{BG}$, and which send $v_X\rightarrow
v_{BG}$ to the map induced by $\rho$. Our Theorem \ref{inverse} as well as
\ref{variation} and Lemma \ref{fiprod}
imply that ${\cal C}$ admits inverse limits. Of course ${\cal C} ^{\rm uni}$ is not
closed under inverse limits. However we can still take the inverse limit in
${\cal C}$ of all the objects in ${\cal C} ^{\rm uni}$. We call this the {\em relative
Malcev completion of the homotopy type of $X$ at $\rho$}, and denote it by
$Malc(X, \rho)$ (technically this is the notation for the underlying
$n$-groupoid which is the inverse limit of the $R$'s).
We have, for example, that $\pi _1(Malc(X, \rho ), \ast )$ is equal to the
relative Malcev completion of the fundamental group $\pi _1(X)$ at $\rho$.
For this statement we fall back into the realm of $1$-categories, where
our Malcev completion coincides with the usual notion \cite{Hain}.
We can do the same thing with stacks. For a field $k$ (of
characteristic zero, say) an algebraic group $G$ over $k$ and a
representation $\rho : \pi _1(X,x)\rightarrow G$, let ${\cal C} (X, \rho )/k$ be the
$n+1$-category of quadruples $(R,r, p,f)$ where $R$ is a connected $n$-stack
of groupoids on
$Sch/k$, $r$ is a basepoint, $p: R\rightarrow BG$, and $f:
\underline{X}\rightarrow R$ are as above. Here $\underline{X}$ is the constant
stack with values $X$. Let ${\cal C} ^{\rm uni}(X,\rho )/k$ be the subcategory of
objects such that $\pi _1(R)$ is an algebraic group surjecting onto $G$ and
where the $\pi _i(R)$ are linear finite dimensional representations of $\pi
_1(R)$. Again inverse limits will exist in ${\cal C} (X,\rho )/k$ and we can take
the inverse limit here of the objects of ${\cal C} ^{\rm uni}(X, \rho )/k$.
Call this $Malc(X, \rho )/k$.
Note that $Malc(X,\rho )/{\bf Q} )$ is an $n$-stack on $Sch /{\bf Q} $ whose
$n$-groupoid of global sections is $Malc(X,\rho )$.
Suppose $X$ is a variety and let $X_B$ be the $n$-groupoid truncation of the
homotopy type of $X^{\rm top}$. Fix a representation $\rho$. Then we obtain the
``Betti'' Malcev completion $Malc(X_B, \rho )/{\bf C} $. On the other hand
suppose $P$ is the principal $G$-bundle with integrable connection
(with regular singularities at infinity) corresponding
to $\rho$, then we can define in a similar way $Malc (X_{DR}, P)/{\bf C} $.
The GAGA results imply that these two are naturally equivalent:
Malc(X_B, \rho )/{\bf C} \cong Malc(X_{DR}, P) /{\bf C} .
SImilarly we can define, for a principal Higgs bundle $Q$ with vanishing Chern
classes, $Malc (X_{Dol}, Q)/{\bf C}$, and (in the case $X$ smooth projective)
if $Q$ corresponds to $\rho$ then
Malc(X_B, \rho )/{\bf C} \cong Malc(X_{Dol}, Q) /{\bf C} .
Finally, suppose $\rho$ is an ${\bf R}$-variation of Hodge structure and $Q$ the
corresponding system of Hodge bundles. Then ${\bf C} ^{\ast }$ acts on
$Malc(X_{Dol}, Q) /{\bf C} $ giving rise to a ``weight filtration'' and ``Hodge
filtration''. We conjecture that these (together with the ${\bf R}$-rational
structure $Malc(X_B,\rho )/{\bf R} $) define a ``mixed Hodge structure''
on $Malc(X_B, \rho)/{\bf R}$. (One has to give this definition, specially in view
of the infinite size of $Malc(X_B, \rho)/{\bf R}$).
More generally we have the following conjecture.
Suppose $\rho$ is a reductive representation of the fundamental group of a
projective variety $X$ (we assume it is reductive when restricted to the
fundamental group of the normalization). Then the relative Malcev
completion of the higher homotopy type $Malc(X_B, \rho)/{\bf C}$ defined above
carries a natural mixed twistor structure (cf \cite{twistor}).
There should also be a statement for quasiprojective varieties, but in this
case one probably needs some additional hypotheses on the behavior of $\rho$ at
1997-08-18T09:52:59 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708014 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708014 | [
] | alg-geom/9708014 | Leticia B. Paz | L. Brambila-Paz and H. Lange | A stratification of the moduli space of vector bundles on curves | Latex, Permanent e-mail L. Brambila-Paz: [email protected]
Classification: 14D, 14F | null | null | null | null | Let $E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r\geq 2$ on a smooth projective curve $C$
of genus $g \geq 2$ over an algebraically closed field $K$ of arbitrary
characteristic. For any integer with $1\le k\le r-1$ we define
$${\se}_k(E):=k\deg E-r\max\deg F.$$ where the maximum is taken over all
subbundles $F$ of rank $k$ of $E$. The ${s}_k$ gives a stratification of the
moduli space ${\cal M}(r,d)$ of stable vector bundles of rank $r$ and degree on
$d$ on $C$ into locally closed subsets ${\calM}(r,d,k,s)$ according to the
value of $s$ and $k$. There is a component ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ of ${\cal
M}(r,d,k,s)$ distinguish by the fact that a general $E\in {\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$
admits a stable subbundle $F$ such that $E/F$ is also stable. We prove: {\it
For $g\ge \frac{r+1}{2}$ and $0<s\leq k(r-k)(g-1) +(r+1)$, $s\equiv kd \mod r,$
${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ is non-empty,and its component ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ is
of dimension} $$\dim {\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)=\left\{\begin{array}{lcl}
(r^2+k^2-rk)(g-1)+s-1& &s<k(r-k)(g-1) &{\rm if}& r^2(g-1)+1& & s\ge
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 18 Aug 1997 07:52:26 GMT"
] | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{The invariants ${ {}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}}(E)$}
Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve of genus $g\ge 2$ over an
algebraically closed field $K$ of arbitrary characteristic. and let $E$
denote a vector bundle of rank $r\ge 2$ over $C$. For any integer $k$ with
$1\le k\le r-1$ let ${}{Sb_k}(E)$ denote the {\it set of subbundles of
rank $k$ of $E$}. If we denote by $\xi$ the generic point of the curve
$C$, then it is easy to see that there is a canonical bijection between
${}{Sb_k}(E)$ and the set of $k$-dimensional subvector spaces of the
$K(\xi)$-vector space $E(\xi)$. For any subbundle $F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$
define the integer ${\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E,F)$ by $${\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E,F):= k\deg E-r\deg \;F.$$
The vector bundle $E$ does not admit subbundles of arbitrarily high
degree. Hence $${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E):=\mathop{\min}_{F\in
{}{Sb_k}(E)}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E,F)$$ is a well defined integer depending only on
$E$ and $k$.
\begin{rem} \label{1.1} \begin{em}
The slope of a vector bundle $F$ on $C$ is defined as $\mu(F)={\deg\;
F\over {\rm rk} F}$. If $F$ is a subbundle of rank $k$ of $E$ then
$${\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E,F)=k(r-k)\left(\mu(E/F)-\mu(F)\right).$$
\end{em} \end{rem}
In particular $${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)=k(r-k)\cdot \mathop{\min}_{F\in
{}{Sb_k}(E)}\left(\mu(E/F)-\mu(F)\right)$$ So instead of the invariant
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)$ one could also work with the invariant \par
\noindent{$\min_{F\in {}{Sb_k(E)}}\left(\mu(E/F)-\mu(F)\right).$}
However, for some proofs it is more convenient to work with integers. Note
that there is also a geometric interpretation of the invariant
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)$ in terms of intersection numbers on the associated
projective bundle $\mbox{\cj P}(E)$ (see \cite{l3}).
\begin{rem} \label{1.2} \begin{em} The following properties of the
invariant ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)$ are easy to see (see \cite{l1})\begin{itemize}
\item[(a)] ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E\otimes L)={}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)$ for all $L\in Pic(C)$.
\item[(b)] ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)={}{\mbox{\euf s}_{r-k}}(E^*)$.
\item[(c)] $E$ is stable (respectively semistable) if and only if
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)>0$
(respectively ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)\ge 0$) for all $1\le k\le r-1$.
\item[(d)] Let $T$ be an algebraic scheme over $K$ and ${\cal E}$ a vector
bundle of rank $r$ on $C\times T$. For any point $t\in T,$ let $\bar{t}$
denote a geometric point over $t$. The function ${}{s_k}:T\to\mbox{\cj Z} $ defined
as $t\mapsto{}{\mbox{\euf s}}_k({\cal E} |_{C\times\{\bar{t}\}})$ is well defined
and lower semicontinuous.
\end{em} \end{rem}
Whereas the function ${}{s_k}$ may take arbitrarily negative values (for
suitable direct sums of line bundles). However, it is shown in \cite{ms}
and \cite{l1} that ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)\le k(r-k)g$. Hirschowitz gives in
\cite{h1} the better bound, $${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)\le k(r-k)(g-1)+(r-1).$$
We want to study the behaviour of the invariant ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)$ under an
elementary transformation of the vector bundle $E$. Recall that an {\it
elementary transformation} $E'$ of $E$ is defined by an exact sequence
$$0\to E'\to E\mathop{\to}^{\ell}K(x)\to 0\eqno(1)$$ where $K(x)$ denotes
the skyscraper sheaf with support $x\in C$ and fibre $K$. Since $\ell$
factorizes uniquenly via a $k$-linear form $E(x)\stackrel{\ell}\rightarrow
K(x)$, also denoted by $\ell$, the set of elementary transformations of
$E$ is parametrized by pairs $(x,\ell)$ where $x$ is a closed point of
$C$ and $\ell$ is a linear form on the vector space $E(x)$.
So the set of elementary transformations of $E$, which we denote by
$elm(E)$, forms a vector bundle of rank $r$ over the curve $C$. Note that
for any $E'\in\; elm(E)$ $${\rm rk} (E')={\rm rk}(E)\quad{\rm
and}\quad\deg E'=\deg E-1.$$
\begin{lemma} \label{1.3}
For any $E'\in elm(E)$ the map $\varphi:{}{Sb_k}(E)\to {}{Sb_k}(E') $
defined by $F\mapsto F\cap E'$ is a bijection.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} For the proof only note that the inverse map is given as
follows: Suppose $F'\in {}{Sb_k}(E')$. Consider $F'$ as a subsheaf of $E$
and let $F$ denote the subbundle of $E$ generated by $F'$. The map
$F'\mapsto F$ is inverse to $\varphi$.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
Now consider a subbundle $F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$ and denote $F'=\varphi(F)\in
{}{Sb_k}(E')$. In order to compute the number ${\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E',F')$ we have to
distinguish two cases. We say that the subbundle $F$ is of {\it type I}
with respect to $E'$ if $F\subseteq E'$ and $F$ is of {\it type II} with
respect to $E'$ otherwise. Let $(x,\ell)\in elm(E)$ denote the pair
defining the elementary transformation $E'$ of $E$. We obviously have
\begin{lemma} \label{1.4}
The subbundle $F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$ is of type I with respect to $E'$ if and
only if the linear form $\ell :E(x)\to K(x)$ vanishes on the subvector
space $F(x)$ of $E(x)$.
\begin{lemma} \label{1.5}
If $E'$ is an elementary transformation of $E$, $F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$ and
$F'=\varphi(F)$ then, \begin{itemize}
\item[(i)] ${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E',F') ={\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)-k$ if $F$ is of type I with
respect to $E'$
\item[(ii)] ${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E',F')={\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)+(r-k)$ if $F$ is of type II
with respect to $E'$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} If $F$ is of type I, we have the following diagram
$$\begin{array}{ccccccccc} & & & & 0 & & 0 &
& \\ & & & &\downarrow & &\downarrow & & \\ 0 & \to
& F'&\to & E' &\to & E'/F' &\to & 0 \\ & & \|&
&\downarrow & &\downarrow & & \\ 0 & \to & F &\to & E
&\to & E/F &\to & 0 \\ & & & &\downarrow & &\downarrow &
& \\ & & & &K(x) & = &K(x) & & \\ & & &
&\downarrow & &\downarrow & & \\ & & & & 0 &
& 0 & & \\
Hence ${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E',F')=k(\deg E-1)-r\deg F={\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)-k$. If $F$ is type
II we have the following diagram $$\begin{array}{ccccccccc} & & 0
& & 0 & & & & \\ & & \downarrow &
&\downarrow & & & & \\ 0 & \to & F' &\to &
E' &\to & E'/F' &\to & 0 \\ & &\downarrow &
&\downarrow & &\| && \\ 0 & \to & F &\to & E
&\to & E/F &\to & 0 \\ & & \downarrow & &\downarrow &
& & & \\ & & K(x) & = & K(x) & &
& & \\ & &\downarrow & &\downarrow & & &
& \\ & & 0 & & 0 & & & &
Hence ${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E',F')=k(\deg E-1)-r(\deg F-1)= {\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)+(r-k).$\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
A {\it maximal subbundle} $F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$ is by definition a subbundle
of rank $k$ of maximal degree of $E$. Note that $F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$ is a
maximal subbundle if and only if $${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)={\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F).$$ An
elementary transformation $E'$ of $E$ will be called {\it of $k$-type I}
if $E$ admits a maximal subbundle of rank $k$ which is of type I with
respect to $E'$. Otherwise $E'$ will be called {\it of $k$-type II}.
\begin{propn} \label{1.6} If $E'$ is an elementary transformation of $E$, then
$${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E')=\left\{\begin{array}{lcl} {}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)-k& &E'\quad\mbox{is
of $k$-type I} \\ &{\rm if} & \\ {}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)+(r-k)& &E'\quad \mbox{is of
$k$-type II. }\end{array}\right. $$
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Let $F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$ and
$F'=\varphi(F)\in {}{Sb_k}(E')$. Suppose first $E'$ is of $k$-type I. If
$F$ is maximal and of type I with respect to $E'$, then
${\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E',F')={}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)-k$. If $F$ is maximal and of type II, then
${\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E',F')={}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)+(r-k)$. If $F$ is not maximal, then $\deg \;
F\le{1\over r}(k\deg E-{}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E))-1$ and so $${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)\ge k\deg E-
r\deg F\ge{}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)+r\eqno(2)$$ Hence
${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E',F')\ge{\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)-k\ge{}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)+(r-k)$. This implies the
assertion if $E'$ is of $k$-type I.
Suppose now $E'$ is of $k$-type II. Any maximal subbundle $F \subset E$ is
by assumption of type II with respect to $E'$. Hence according to Lemma
1.5 ${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E',F')={}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)+(r-k)$. If $F$ is not maximal, then (2)
and Lemma 1.5 imply
$${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E',F')\ge{\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)-k\ge{}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)+(r-k).$$\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
\begin{rem} \label{1.7} \begin{em}
One inmediately deduces from the proof of Proposition 1.6:\begin{itemize}
\item[(i)] If $E'$ is
of $k$-type I, then the maximal subbundles of rank $k$ of $E'$ are exactly
the maximal subbundles of rank $k$ of $E$ which are of type I with respect
to $E'$.
\item[(ii)] If $E'$ is of $k$-type II, then the maximal subbundles
of rank $k$ of $E'$ are exactly the subbundles $F'=\varphi(F)$, where
$F\in {}{Sb_k}(E)$ is either maximal or of degree one less than the degree
of a maximal subbundle and of type I with respect to $E'$.
Dualizing the exact sequence (1) we obtain an exact sequence $$0\to E^*\to
E'^*\to K(x)\to 0$$ Hence $E^*$ is an elementary transformation of $E'^*$,
called the {\it dual elementary transformation}.
\begin{cor} \label{1.8}
For an elementary transformation $E'$ of $E$ the following conditions are
\item[(i)] $E'$ is of $k$-type I.
\item[(ii)] The dual elementary transformation $E^*$ of $E'^*$ is of
$(r-k)$-type II.
\noindent{\bf Proof:} According to Proposition 1.6 and Remark 1.7, (i)
holds if
and only if
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E')={}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)-k$. But
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_{r-k}}(E^*)={}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)$ (see Remark 1.2, (b)).
Hence (i) holds if and only if
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_{r-k}}(E'^*)={}{\mbox{\euf s}_{r-k}}(E^*)-k$ i.e. if and only if
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_{r-k}}(E^*) ={}{\mbox{\euf s}_{r-k}}(E'^*)+ r-(r-k)$. Applying
Proposition 1.6 again
gives the assertion.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
\section{Maximal subbundles}
Let $E$ denote a vector bundle of rank $r$ and degree $d$ on the curve
$C$. In this section we study the set ${}{M_k}(E)$ of maximal subbundles
of rank $k$ of $E$. Let $d_k$ denote the common degree of the maximal
subbundles of rank $k$ of $E$. The following lemma shows that ${}{M_k}(E)$
admits a natural structure of a projective scheme over $K$. Denote by
$Q:={\rm Quot}^{r-k, d-d_k}_E$ the Quot scheme of coherent quotients of
rank $r-k$ and degree $d-d_k$ of $E$.
\begin{lemma} \label{2.1}
There is a canonical identification of ${}{M_k}(E)$ with the set of
closed points of $Q$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} If $F\in {}{M_k}(E)$, then $E\to E/F$ gives a closed
point of $Q$.
On the other hand if $\dps E\mathop{\to}^p G\to 0$ corresponds to a closed
point of $Q$, then $F=\mbox{\rm ker} \; p\in {}{M_k}(E).$\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
Let ${\cal G}$ denote the universal quotient sheaf on $C\times Q$. The
maximality condition implies that ${\cal G}$ is locally free. Hence if
$\dps Grass_{r-k}(E)\mathop{\to}^p C$ denotes the Grassmanian scheme of
$(r-k)$-dimensional quotient vector spaces of the fibres $E(x)$ and
$p^*E\to{\cal U}\to 0$ the universal quotient on $Grass_{r-k}(E)$, then
any $F\in {}{M_k}(E)$ corresponds on the one hand to a closed point $t$ of
$Q$ and on the other hand to a section $\sigma_t: C\to Grass_{r-k}(E)$.
This leads to a morphism $$\phi :\left\{\begin{array}{l} C\times Q\to
Grass_{r-k}(E)\\ (x,t)\mapsto \sigma_t(x)\end{array}\right. $$ with the
property that ${\cal G}=\phi^*{\cal U}$.
\begin{lemma} \label{2.2} The morphism $\phi :C\times Q\to Grass_{r-k}(E)$
is finite.
For a proof we refers to \cite{ms} or \cite{l3}, Lemma 3.9.
The geometric interpretation of Lemma 2.2 is
\begin{cor} \label{2.3}
Let $x\in C$ and $V\subset E(x)$ and $k$-dimensional subvector space.
There are most finitely many maximal subbundles $F$ of rank $k$ of $E$
such that $F(x)=V$.
\begin{cor} \label{2.4} dim ${}{M_k}(E)\le k(r-k).$
\noindent{\bf Proof:} From Lemma 2.1 there is a canonical
identification of ${}{M_k}(E)$ with the set of closed points of $Q$.
Since $\phi$ is finite, we have that dim $Q\le {\rm dim}\
Grass_{r-k}(E)-$dim$ C=k(r-k)+1-1.$\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
Assume now that dim ${}{M_k}(E)=n$, where $n\le k(r-k)$ according to
Corollary 2.4, and let $E'$ be an elementary transformation of $E$. We
want to estimate dim ${}{M_k}(E')$. Suppose that $E'$ corresponds to the
pair $(x,\ell)$ with exact sequence (1) of Section 1. For any
$(r-1)$-dimensional subvector space $V$ of the vector space $E(x)$
consider the Schubert cycle $$\sigma_k(V):=\{F\in Grass_{r-k}(E(x))|
F\subset V\}.$$
\begin{propn} \label{2.5}If $E'$ is of $k$-type I, then
dim ${}{M_k}(E')\ge {\rm dim} {}{M_k}(E)-k$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Denote $V=\mbox{\rm ker}(\ell :E(x)\to K)$. According to
Remark 1.7, there is a canonical identification $${}{M_k}(E')=\{F\in
{}{M_k}(E)|F(x)\subseteq V\}.$$ Defining $${}{M_k}(E)(x):=\{F(x)|F\in
{}{M_k}(E)\},$$ we have from Corollary 2.3
\dim {}{M_k}(E')&=&\dim {}{M_k}(E')(x)\\
&=&\dim ({}{M_k}(E)(x)\cap\sigma_k(V))\\ &\ge&\dim
{}{M_k}(E)(x)+\dim\sigma_k(V)-\dim Grass_{r-k}(E(x))\\ &=&
n+k(r-1-k)-k(r-k)=n-k. \hspace{5cm} \Box \end{eqnarray*} This completes
the proof of the proposition.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
\begin{propn} \label{2.6}
If $E'\in elm(E)$ is of $k$-type II, then {\rm dim} ${}{M_k}(E')\le ${\rm
dim} ${}{M_k}(E)+r-k$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} According to Corollary 1.8, the dual elementary
transformation $E^*$ of $E'^*$ is of $(r-k)$-type I. Hence by Proposition
2.5 $$\dim {}{M_{r-k}}(E^*)\ge\dim {}{M_{r-k}}(E'^*)-(r-k).$$ But
dualizing induces a canonical isomorphism $\dps
{}{M_k}(E)\mathop{\to}^{\sim} {}{M_{r-k}}(E^*)$ and similarly for $E'$.
This completes the assertion.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
\section{Stable extensions}
Suppose now that the genus $g$ of the curve $C$ is $\ge \frac{r+1}{2}$.
Let $r,d,k$ and $s$ be integers with $r\ge 2$, $1\le k\le r-1$, $0<s\leq
k(r-k)(g-1)+(r+1)$ and $s\equiv kd\; \mbox{\rm mod}\; r$. The aim of this section is
the proof of the following theorem.
\begin{thm} \label{3.1}
There exists an extension $0\to F\to E\to G\to 0$ of vector bundles on the
curve $C$ with the following properties \begin{itemize}
\item[(i)] rk $E=r$, deg $E=d$.
\item[(ii)] $F$ is a maximal subbundle of rank $k$ of $E$ with
${\mbox{\euf s}}_k(E,F)=s$.
\item[(iii)] $E,F$ and $G$ are stable.
Let $d_1$ be the unique integer with $s=kd -rd_1$ and $d_2=d-d_1$.
According to
\cite{nr} Proposition 2.4 there are finite \'etale coverings
$$\pi_1:{\widetilde{M_1}}\to {\cal M}(k,d_1) \ \ {\rm and} \ \
\pi_2:\widetilde{M_2}\to {\cal M}(r-k, d_2)$$
such that there are vector bundles ${\cal F}_i$ on
$C\times\widetilde{M}_i$ whose classifying map is just $id \times \pi_i$
for $i=1,2$. Let $p_{ij}$ denote the canonical projections of
$C\times\widetilde{M}_1\times \widetilde{M}_2$ for $i,j=0,1,2$. According
to \cite{l2}, Lemma 4.1 the sheaf $R^1p_{12*}(p^*_{02}{\cal F}^*_2\otimes
p_{01}^*{\cal F}_1)$ is locally free of rank $k(r-k)(g-1)+s$ on
$\widetilde{M}_1\times\widetilde{M}_2$. Let $$\pi
:\mbox{\cj P}:=\mbox{\cj P}(R^1p_{12*}(p^*_{02}{\cal F}_2^*\otimes p_{01}^*{\cal
F}_1)^*)\to\widetilde{M}_1\times\widetilde{M}_2$$ denote the corresponding
projective bundle. According to \cite{l2}, Corollary 4.5 there is an exact
sequence $$0\to\pi^*p^*_{01}{\cal F}_1\otimes {\cal O}_{\mbox{\cj P}}(1)\to{\cal
E}\to\pi^*p^*_{02} {\cal F}_2\to 0\eqno(3)$$ on $C\times\mbox{\cj P} $, universal in
a sense which is outlined in that paper. In particular this means that
for every closed point $q\in \mbox{\cj P}$ the restriction of the exact sequence (3)
to $C\times\{q\}$ is just the extension of ${\cal
F}_2|_{C\times\{p_2(q)\}}$ by ${\cal F}_1|_{C\times\{p_1(q)\}}$ modulo
$K^*$, which is represented by the point $q$. Here $p_i: \mbox{\cj P}\to
\widetilde{M}_i$ denotes the canonical map.
With $r,k,d$ and $s$ as above consider the set
$$U(r,d,k,s):=\{q\in\mbox{\cj P}:{\cal E} |_{C\times\{q\}}\;\;\mbox{is stable
with}\;\;{}{\mbox{\euf s}}_k({\cal E}|_{C\times\{q\}})=s\}$$
From the lower semicontinuity of the function ${}{\mbox{\euf s}}_k$ and stability
being an open conditon we deduce that the set $U(r,d,k,s)$ is an open
subset of $\mbox{\cj P}$. Hence, Theorem 3.1 is equivalent to the following theorem.
\begin{thm} \label{3.2}
For any $r,k,d$ and $s$ as above the set $U(r,d,k,s)$ is nonempty.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} It suffices to show that the set
$$U(r,d,k,s,i) :=\{q\in \mbox{\cj P} :s_i({\cal E} _{|_{C\times \{q\}}}) >0 \ \
\mbox{ and} \ \ s_k({\cal E} _{|_{C\times \{q\}}})=s \}$$ is nonempty for
any $i=1,...,r-1, i\not= k$, since $$U(r,d,k,s) =
\bigcap_{\stackrel{i=1}{i\not=k}}^{r-1} U(r,d,k,s,i) $$ and the function
$s_i$ is lower semicontinuous. According to Remark 1.2 (b) dualization
gives a canonical bijection $$U(r,d,k,s,i) \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
U(r,-d,r-k,s,r-i).$$ Hence it suffices to show that $$ U(r,d,k,s,i) \not=
\emptyset,$$ for all $r,d,k,s $ as above and all $1\leq i\leq k-1.$ Choose
a positive integer $N_k$ such that $$k(r-k)(g-1) \leq s +N_kk\leq
k(r-k)(g-1) +r-1 \eqno(4)$$ and denote $\widetilde{d} :=d+N_k.$
We call a vector bundle $E$ out of the moduli space ${\cal
M}(r,\widetilde{d} )$ {\it general}, if for all $0<j< r$ the number
${}{\mbox{\euf s}_j}(E)$ takes a maximal value, say ${\mbox{\euf s}_{j,\max}}$. By the
semicontinuity of the function ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_j}$ the set of general vector
bundles is open and dense in $M(r,\widetilde{d})$. According to a theorem
of Hirschowitz (see \cite{h1}, Th\'eor\`eme p. 153):
$${\mbox{\euf s}}_{j,\max}=j(r-j)(g-1)+\epsilon_j$$ where $\epsilon_j$ is the unique
integer with $0\le\epsilon_j\le r-1$ such that
$j(r-j)(g-1)+\epsilon_j\equiv j{\widetilde{d}}\;\mbox{\rm mod}\; r$. Moreover, it is
shown in \cite{l1} (p. 458), that $U(r,\widetilde{d},k,s_{k,\max})$ is
non-empty and its image is open and dense in $M(r,\widetilde{d})$ for all
$r,\widetilde{d}$ and $k$.
Let $0\rightarrow F_0 \rightarrow E_0 \rightarrow G_0 \rightarrow 0 $ be an exact sequence corresponding
to a general point in $U(r,\widetilde{d},k,s_{k,\max}).$ Then $E_0, F_0$
and $G_0$ respectively are general vector bundles in ${\cal
M}(r,\widetilde{d}), {\cal M}(k,d_k)$ and ${\cal M}(r-k,\widetilde{d}
-d_k)$ respectively, with $d_k =\frac{1}{r}(k\widetilde{d} -s_{k,max})$
and $s_k(E_0,F_0) = s_{k,max}.$ Choose inductively for any $\nu
=1,...,N_k$ an elementary transformation $E_{\nu}$ of $k$-type $I$ of
$E_{\nu -1}.$
In order to complete the proof of Theorem 3.2 it sufficies to show that
$$E_{N_k} \in U(r,d,k,s,i)$$ But $$s_k(E_{N_k}) =s_k(E_0) -N_kk =
s_{k,max} -N_kk=s$$ and $$
s_i(E_{N_k})& \geq &s_i(E_0) -N_ki \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \mbox{ (by Proposition
1.6)}\\ &\geq&i(r-i)(g-1)-\frac{i}{k}(k(r-k)(g-1)-s+r-1)\\ &&\ \ \ \ \ \
\ \mbox{ (since $E_0$ is general and using (4).)}\\ &\geq
&i(k-i)(g-1)-\frac{i}{k}(r-2)\ \ \ \ \mbox{(since $s\geq 1$)}\\ &>&0 \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \mbox{(since $g\geq \frac{r+1}{2} $ by assumption)}
\begin{rem} \label{3.3} \begin{em}
\item[(a)] The assumption on the genus $g$ in
Theorems 3.1 and 3.2 is imposed by the last line in the proof of Theorem
3.2. The bound $g\geq \frac{r+1}{2}$ works for any $r$, for all $k, 1\leq
k\leq r-1$ simultaneously. If one fixes also $k$, the bound is slightly
better. In fact, if $k=1$ or $r-1,$ the proof shows that Theorems 3.1 and
3.2 are valid for any $g\geq 2.$ (For the proof note that in both cases
using duality one only has to check that $i(r-1-i)(g-1) - \frac{i}{r-1}
(r-2) >0$ for all $1 \leq i \leq r -2$. But this is valid for all $g \geq
2$.) For $2\leq k\leq r-2$ denote $k=\frac{r\pm n}{2}$ with $0\leq n\leq
r-4.$ Then the Theorems are valid for any $g\geq 3+2\frac{n-1}{r-n}.$
\item[(b)] There is a modification of the proof, for which the bound for
$g$ is also
slightly better. The duality can also be used to reduce the proof to the
case $k\geq \frac{r}{2}.$ Then one has also to show that $s_i(E_{N_k}) >0$
for $k<i<r.$ For this one has to choose the sequence of bundles
$E_0,E_1,...,E_{N_k}$ more carefully: Whenever possible one should use an
elementary transformation of $k$-type $I$ which is of $i$-type $II.$
\end{em} \end{rem}
\section{Stratification of ${\cal M}(r,d)$ according to the invariant
${{\mbox{\euf s}}_k}$}
The function ${}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}: {\cal M}(r,d)\to\mbox{\cj Z}$ defined by $E\mapsto
{}{\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)$ is lower semicontinuous and this induces a stratification of
the moduli space ${\cal M}(r,d)$ into locally closed subvarieties $${\cal
M}(r,d,k,s):= \{ E\in {\cal M}(r,d) : s_k(E)=s \}$$ according to the value
$s$ of $s_k$. It is not clear (to us) whether ${\cal M}(r,d,k,s)$ is
irreducible or consists of several components. Consider the natural map
$$ \phi :U(r,d,k,s) \rightarrow {\cal M}(r,d,k,s) \subset {\cal M}(r,d).$$ As an
image of an irreducible variety $Im\phi $ is irreducible. Let ${\cal
M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ denote the Zariski closure of $Im\phi $ in ${\cal
\begin{lemma}\label{4.1} ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ is an irreducible component
of ${\cal M}(r,d,k,s),$ if is nonempty.
\noindent{\bf Proof:} According to \cite{nr}, Proposition 2.4 there is a
finite \'etale
covering $\pi : \widetilde{M} \rightarrow {\cal M}(r,d,k,s) \subset {\cal M}(r,d)$
and a vector bundle ${\cal E} $ on $C\times \widetilde{M}$ such that $id
\times \pi $ is just the classifing map. Let $Q_{\cal E}$ denote the Quot
scheme of ${\cal E}$ and $$0\rightarrow {\cal F} \rightarrow p^*{\cal E} \rightarrow {\cal G} \rightarrow
0 \eqno(5)$$ the universal exact sequence on $C\times \widetilde{M}
\times Q_{\cal E}$. Here $p:C\times \widetilde{M} \times Q_{\cal E} \rightarrow
C\times \widetilde{M}$ denotes the projection map. Certainly there are
finitely many components of $Q_{\cal E}$, the union of which we denote by
$Q_{\cal E}^{r-k,d-d_k}, $ such that for all closed points $(e,x) \in
\widetilde{M} \times Q_{\cal E}^{r-k,d-d_k}$ the restriction ${\cal
F}_{|_{C\times \{(e,x)\}}}$ is a maximal subbundle of rank $k$ and degree
$d_k =\frac{1}{r}(s-kd) $ of $E={\cal E}_{|_{C\times \{(e,x)\} }}$ and
moreover every maximal subbundle occurs as a restriction of the exact
sequence $(5)$ to $C\times \{(e,x)\} $ for some $(e,x) \in \widetilde{M}
\times Q_{\cal E}^{r-k,d-d_k}.$ As in section 2, the maximality condition
implies that ${\cal F}$ and ${\cal G}$ are vector bundles. Since
stableness is an open condition, it follows that the set of points $(e,x)
\in \widetilde{M} \times Q_{\cal E}^{r-k,d-d_k}$ such that ${\cal
F}_{|_{C\times \{(e,x)\}}}$ and ${\cal G}_{|_{C\times \{(e,x)\}}}$ are
stable consists of whole components of $\widetilde{M} \times Q_{\cal
E}^{r-k,d-d_k}.$ Hence the closure of the set of points $E\in {\cal
M}(r,d,k,s)$ which admits a stable maximal subbundle $F$ of rank $k$ such
that $E/F$ is also stable, consists also of whole components of ${\cal
M}(r,d,k,s)$. But since the set of such points $E$ of ${\cal M}(r,d,k,s)$
is just the irreducible set $Im\Phi$, this implies the assertion. \hspace{\fill}$\Box$
It would be interesting to give an example for which ${\cal
M}^0(r,d,k,s)\not={\cal M}(r,d,k,s).$ For an example where $Im\phi \not=
{\cal M}(r,d,k,s)$ see Remark 4.5 below. The following theorem gives us
the dimension of ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s).$
\begin{thm} \label{4.2}
Let $r,d,k$, and $s$ be integers with $r\ge 2 $, $1\le k\le r-1$, $1\geq
s\geq k(r-k)(g-1 +(r-2)$ and $s\equiv kd\;\mbox{\rm mod}\; r.$ Suppose the genus of
$C$ is $g\ge \frac{r+1}{2}$. Then ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ is a non-empty
algebraic variety with $$\dim {\cal M}^0(r,d,k,
s)=\left\{\begin{array}{lcl} (r^2+k^2-rk)(g-1)+s+1 & & s<k(r-k)(g-1)\\
&{\rm if}& \\ r^2(g-1)+1 & & s\ge k(r-k)(g-1)\end{array}\right. $$
\noindent{\bf Proof:} If $s\ge k(r-k)(g-1)$, then $s =k(r-k)(g-1)+\epsilon_k$
where $\epsilon_k$ is the unique integer with $0\le\epsilon_k\leq r-1$ and
$s\equiv kd\;\mbox{\rm mod}\; r$. Then $Im\phi$ is open and dense in ${\cal
M}(r,d)$, which gives the assertion in this case (see [6]).
So we may assume that $s <k(r-k)(g-1)$. Consider the open set $U(r,d,k,s)$
in the variety $\mbox{\cj P} =\mbox{\cj P}(R^1_{p_{12_*}}(p^*_{02}{\cal F}^*_2\otimes
p^*_{01}{\cal F}_1)^*)$ of Section 3. According to Theorem 3.2
$U(r,d,k,s)$ is non-empty, open and dense in $\mbox{\cj P}$. According to the
definitions of $U(r,d,k,s)$ and ${\mbox{\euf s}_k}$ the natural map
$$\phi:U(r,d,k,s)\longrightarrow {\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)\subseteq {\cal
M}(r,d)$$ is dominant. We have to compute the dimension of ${\cal
Let $q\in U(r,d,k,s)$ be a general closed point. If $0\to F\to E\to G\to
0$ denotes the corresponding exact sequence, then $\phi(q)=E$ and
\cite{l1}, Lemma 4.2 says that $$\dim\phi^{-1}(E)\le h^0(F^*\otimes G).$$
On the other hand, $F$ and $G$ are general vector bundles in their
corresponding moduli spaces. Hence according to \cite{h2} Th\'eor\`em 4.6,
the vector bundle $F^*\otimes G$ is non-special, implying $$h^0(F^*\otimes
G)=0$$ since $\deg \ (F^*\otimes G)=s < k(r-k)(g-1)={\rm rk}(F^*\otimes
G)(g-1)$. Hence the generic fibre of $\phi$ is finite and thus
\dim {\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)&=&\dim U(r,d,k,s)\\
&=&\dim \mbox{\cj P}(R^1p_{12*}(p^*_{02}{\cal F}^*_2\otimes p^*_{01}{\cal F}_1)^*)\\
&=&\dim {\cal M}(k,d_1)+\dim {\cal M}(r-k,d-d_1)+k(r-k)(g-1)+s-1
with $d_1=\deg F={1\over r}(kd -s)$. Note that
$\mbox{\cj P}(R^1p_{12*}(p^*_{02}{\cal F}^*_2\otimes p^*_{01}{\cal F}_1)^*)$ is a
projective bundle of rank $k(r-k)(g-1)+s-1$ over a finite covering of
${\cal M}(k,d_1)\times {\cal M}(r-k, d-d_1)$ (see \cite{l1}, p. 455).
\dim {\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)&=&k^2(g-1)+1+(r-k)^2(g-1)+1+k(r-k)(g-1)+s-1\\
&=&(r^2+k^2-rk)(g-1)+s +1. \hspace{5,2cm} \Box
The fibres $\phi^{-1}(E)$ of the map $\phi:U(r,d,k,s)\to {\cal
M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ of the proof of Theorem 4.2 are exactly the sets of stable
maximal subbundles of $E$, whose quotient is also stabile. However,
maximal subbundles are not necessarily stable. Noting that a maximal
subbundle of a maximal subbundle of $E$ is also a subbundle of $E$ (and
similarly for quotient bundles) one easily shows
\begin{propn} \label{4.3}
Suppose $E\in {\cal M}(r,d)$ with ${\mbox{\euf s}_k}(E)=s$ for some $1\le k\le
r-1$. Let $F$ be a maximal subbundle of rank $k$ of $E$. Then
\item[(i)] ${\mbox{\euf s}_{\nu }}(F)\ge{1\over r}(k-\nu s)$ for all $1\le \nu \le k-1$
\item[(ii)] ${\mbox{\euf s}_{\nu }}(E/F)\ge{1\over r}((r-k)-(r-k-\nu )s)$ for all
$1\le \nu \le r-k-1$.
So in particular for highs ${\mbox{\euf s}_{\nu}}(F)$ or ${\mbox{\euf s}_{\nu }}(E/F)$ might
be very negative. According to Lemma 2.1 there is a canonical
identification of the set ${}{M_k}(E)$ of maximal subbundles of $E$ with
the Quot-scheme $Q = Quot _E ^{r-k,{1\over r}((r-k)d+s)}$. Hence there is
a universal subbundle ${\cal F}$ of $p^*E$ on the scheme $C\times
{}{M_k}(E)$, where $p:C\times {}{M_k}(E)\to C$ denotes the projection map.
Denote $${\widetilde{M_k}}(E):=\{ F\in {}{M_k}(E)|F\;\;{\rm and}\;\;
E/F\;{\rm stable}\}.$$ and by $\widehat{{M_k}}(E)$ the Zariski closure of
${\widetilde{M_k}}(E)$ in ${}{M_k}(E)$. Applying the openness of
stability to the universal subbundle ${\cal F}$ and the universal quotient
bundle $p^*E/{\cal F}$ of $p^*E$ one deduces that $\widehat{M_k}(E)$
consists of whole irreducibility components of ${M_k}(E)$, namely exactly
of those components of ${{}{M_k}}(E)$ which contain a stable subbundle $F$
of $E$ such that $E/F$ is also stable. Moreover $\widetilde{M_k}(E)$ is
open in $\widehat{M_k}(E)$.
By definition we may canonically identify $${\widetilde{M_k}}(E)\to
\phi^{-1}(E).$$ This implies that
$$\dim{\widehat{M_k}}(E)=\dim\phi^{-1}(E).\eqno(6)$$ and we may use the
map $\phi$ to compute the dimension of $\widehat{{M_k}}(E).$ Let $r,d,k$
and $s$ be integers as above and $g(C)\geq \frac{r+1}{2}$. According to
Theorem 4.2 the variety ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ is non empty.
\begin{thm} \label{4.4}
For a general vector bundle $E$ in ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ we have $\dim
{\widehat{M_k}}(E)=\max(s -k(r-k)(g-1),0).$
In particular, if $E$ is general in ${\cal M}(r,d)$ there is a unique
integer $\epsilon_k$ with $0\le\epsilon_k\le r-1$ and
$k(r-k)(g-1)+\epsilon_k\equiv kd\;\mbox{\rm mod}\; r$ and we have $$\dim
{\widehat{M_k}}(E)=\epsilon_k$$ If $s$ is not maximal value, i.e. $\mbox{\euf s}
<k(r-k)(g-1)$, then a general vector bundle in ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$
admits only finitely many stable maximal subbundles such that $E/F$ is
also stable.
\noindent{\bf Proof of Theorem 4.4:} The natural map
$\phi :U(r,d,k,s)\to {\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ is a dominant morphism of
algebraic varieties by the definition of $U(r,d,k,s)$ and ${\cal
M}^0(r,d,k,s)$. Let $q\in U(r,d,k,s)$ be a general point and $0\to F\to
E\to G\to 0$ be the corresponding exact sequence. According to \cite{l1}
Lemma 4.2 and Hirschowitz' Theorem (see \cite{h2} Th\'eor\`eme 4.6) we
\dim\phi^{-1}(E)&\le& h^0(F^*\otimes G)\\
So equation (6) implies the assertion for $s\le k(r-k)(g-1)$. For
$s>k(r-k)(g-1)$ it suffices to show that the local dimension of
$\phi^{-1}(E)$ at $q$ is equal to $ s-k(r-k)(g-1)$. But Mori showed in
\cite{mo} that $$h^0(F^*\otimes G)-h^1(F^*\otimes G)\le \dim_qQ_{\cal E}$$
Again by \cite{h1} Th\'eor\`eme 4.6 the vector bundle $F^*\otimes G$ is
non-special implying $h^1(F^*\otimes G)=0$ and thus
$$\dim\widehat{M_k}(E)=\dim\phi^{-1}(E)=h^0(F^*\otimes G)=s-k(r-k)(g-1).
\eqno\Box $$
Take $r=3$, $d=1$, $k=2$, $s=2$ and $g\geq 2.$ In \cite{bgn} it was proved
that there are extensions $0\rightarrow {\cal O}^2 \rightarrow E\rightarrow L\rightarrow 0 $ of a line
bundle $L$ of degree $1$ by the trivial bundle ${\cal O}^2$ such that $E$
is stable. Actually, such bundle $E$ is in ${\cal M}(3,1,2,2)$, since
$\mu (E) <1$ and hence $s_2(E) =2.$ However, for such bundles there is no
stable subbundles of degree $0$ and hence $E\notin Im\phi .$ Such bundles
$E$ are in the Brill-Noether locus ${\cal W}^k_{r,d}.$ An interesting
problem is to study the relation between the Brill-Noether loci ${\cal
W}^k_{r,d}$ and the ${\cal M}^0(r,d,k,s)$ varieties.
1998-08-05T18:28:10 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708011 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708011 | [
] | alg-geom/9708011 | Balazs Szendroi | Balazs Szendroi | Some finiteness results for Calabi-Yau threefolds | 15 pages LaTex, uses amstex, amscd. New title, paper completely
rewritten, results same as in previous versions | null | null | null | null | We investigate the moduli theory of Calabi--Yau threefolds, and using
Griffiths' work on the period map, we derive some finiteness results. In
particular, we confirm a prediction of Morrison's Cone Conjecture.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 12 Aug 1997 15:15:06 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 29 Oct 1997 11:38:37 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 5 Aug 1998 16:28:09 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
If $X$ is a smooth complex projective $n$-fold,
Hodge--Lefschetz theory provides
a filtration on the primitive cohomology $H^n_0(X,{\mathbb C})$ by complex
subspaces, satisfying certain compatibility conditions with a bilinear
form $Q$ on cohomology. This gives a map called the
{\it period map}, from a suitably defined moduli
space containing $X$ to a complex analytic space $\bd / \Gamma$, the study
of which was initiated by Griffiths. He showed in particular
that if $X$ has trivial
canonical bundle, then this map is locally injective on the Kuranishi
family of $X$; further, if the global moduli theory is well-behaved, then
the map can be extended to a proper map and so finiteness results can be
This paper considers {\it Calabi--Yau\ threefold s}. A complex
projective manifold $X$ is Calabi--Yau, if it has trivial canonical
bundle and satisfies $H^i(X,{\bigo}_X)=0$ for $0<i<\dim (X)$.
In Section 1 we recall a theorem about their Hilbert schemes,
in Section 2 we investigate the moduli theory.
Then we specialize to threefolds,
recall some of Griffiths' results in Section 3, which
will enable us to deduce the crucial
finiteness statement Theorem~\ref{maintheorem}: the period point
determines the threefolds up to finitely many choices
among those with bounded polarization. This will imply
Corollaries 4.3-4.5, which constitute the main results of this paper.
In particular, we confirm the following consequence of
Morrison's Cone Conjecture:
\noindent {\bf Corollary} {\it Let $X$ be a smooth Calabi--Yau\ threefold,
fix a positive integer $\kappa$. Up to the action of ${\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\, (X)$,
there are finitely many ample divisor classes $L$ on $X$ with
$L^3\leq \kappa$. In particular,
if the automorphism group is finite, there are finitely many such classes.}
\noindent {\bf Conventions} \,\,
All schemes and varieties are assumed to be defined over ${\mathbb C}$,
points of schemes are ${\mathbb C}$-valued points. By a polarized variety
$(X, L)$ we mean a projective variety with a
choice of an ample invertible sheaf, $(X,L)\cong (X', L')$ if there is an
isomorphism $\phi:X\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} X'$ with $\phi^*(L')\sim L$. The
highest self-intersection of $L$ is denoted by $L^n$. A
family of polarized varieties is a
flat proper morphism or holomorphic map $\bx \rightarrow S$, with an
invertible sheaf ${\mathcal L}$ on $\bx$ whose restriction to every fibre is ample.
\section{The Hilbert scheme of Calabi--Yau\ manifolds}
First we recall the Unobstructedness Theorem for manifolds with trivial
canonical bundle (${\mathcal T}_X$ is the holomorphic tangent bundle of $X$):
\begin{theorem} {\rm (Bogomolov, Tian~\cite{tian}, Todorov~\cite{todorov}
in the complex case, Ran~\cite{ran}, Kawamata~\cite{kawa_unobs} in
the algebraic case)} Let $X$ be a smooth projective
$n$-fold with trivial canonical bundle, then it
has a versal deformation space $\bx \rightarrow S$ over a complex germ
or spectrum of a complete Noetherian local ${\mathbb C}$-algebra $S$ with $0\in S$,
$\bx_0\cong X$, and $S$ smooth. If $H^0(X, {\mathcal T}_X)=0$, this deformation
is universal. The tangent space of $S$ at $0$
is canonically isomorphic to $\kod{X}$.
\noindent Using standard arguments, eg. \cite{huy} Appendix A, one obtains
\begin{propos} Let $n\geq 3$, $X$ as above and assume further that
$H^2(X,{\mathcal O}_X)=0$.
The family $\bx \rightarrow S$ is also a versal family for
invertible sheaves on $X$,
that is given any sheaf $L$ on $X$, there is a sheaf
${\mathcal L}$ on $\bx$ restricting to $L$ on the central fibre, with the
obvious versal property.
Let now $(X,L)$ be a polarized\ Calabi--Yau\ $n$-fold\ with Hilbert polynomial $p$.
Matsusaka's Big Theorem~\cite{matsusaka}
gives us an integer $m$ with the following
property: for any polarized algebraic manifold $(X_1,L_1)$ with Hilbert
polynomial $p$, the sheaf $L_1^{\otimes m}$ is very ample and has no higher
cohomology. Put $N=h^0(L_1^{\otimes m})-1=p(m)-1$, then we have embeddings
$\phi_{\lin{L_1^{\otimes m}}}: X_1\rightarrow {\mathbb P}^N$
and in particular embeddings
$\phi_{\lin{L^{\otimes m}}}: X\rightarrow {\mathbb P}^N$,
depending on the choice of a basis
of $H^0(X,L^{\otimes m})$. So for a fixed choice of basis, we get a point
$x\in \it Hilb_{\bp^N}^{p}$, where $\it Hilb_{\bp^N}^{p}$ is the fine projective
moduli scheme representing the Hilbert functor of ${\mathbb P}^N$ with polynomial $p$.
\begin{theorem} {\rm (cf. \cite{jorgtodorov})} Assume that $n\geq 3$. If
$(X,L)$ is a polarized\ Calabi--Yau\ $n$-fold, then the scheme $\it Hilb_{\bp^N}^{p}$ is smooth at $x$.
\vspace{.05in Using the Euler sequence of ${\mathbb P}^N$ restricted to $X$ and
Kodaira vanishing, one obtains
$H^1(X,{\mathcal T}_{{\mathbb P}^N}\restr{X})=0$. The normal bundle sequence now gives
that $H^1(X, {\mathcal N}_{X/{\mathbb P}^N})\rightarrow H^2(X,{\mathcal T}_X)$ is injective,
whereas $H^0(X, {\mathcal N}_{X/{\mathbb P}^N})\rightarrow\kod{X}$ is
Hence by Unobstructedness the deformations of $X\subset{\mathbb P}^N$ are also
unobstructed, and
all deformations of $X$ can be realized in ${\mathbb P}^N$. The Theorem follows.
The following Lemma is also standard:
\begin{lemma} Let $\bx\rightarrow S$ be
a flat family of projective varieties with smooth fibres
over the base $S$. If for
$0\in S$ the fibre $\bx_0$ is Calabi--Yau, then all fibres are Calabi--Yau s.
Let $\bx_{Hilb}\rightarrow\it Hilb_{\bp^N}^{p}$ be the a universal family over the Hilbert
scheme with the universal relatively ample invertible sheaf
${\mathcal L}_{Hilb}$ over $\bx_{Hilb}$,
$H^{\prime}$ the open subset of $\it Hilb_{\bp^N}^{p}$ over
which this family has smooth fibres.
The quasi-projective scheme $H^{\prime}$
has several irreducible components,
fix one component $H$ which contains a point corresponding to a smooth
polarized\ Calabi--Yau\ fibre $(X,L)$. By the Lemma,
all fibres of the pullback family $\bx_H\rightarrow H$
are polarized\ Calabi--Yau\ manifolds, so
$H$ is a smooth quasi-projective variety.
Let now $G=SL(N+1,{\mathbb C})$. As usual, there is an action of $G$ on $\it Hilb_{\bp^N}^{p}$.
From the definition of $H$ and connectedness of $G$, it follows that
there is an induced action $\sigma: G \times H \rightarrow H$.
By the universal property, the action extends to an action of $G$
on $\bx_H$. The action $\sigma$ is proper, this follows
from `separatedness of the moduli problem': since
fibres are never ruled by Lemma~\ref{allcy},
an isomorphism of polarized families
over the generic point of the spectrum of a DVR specialises to an
isomorphism over the special fibre (Matsusaka and Mumford~\cite{matsumum}).
Any $h\in H$ has reduced finite automorphism group.
\section{The moduli space}
\begin{propos} The quotient $H/G$ is a separated algebraic space of
finite type over ${\mathbb C}$.
\vspace{.05in This follows from \cite{popp} II, Theorem 1.4. For an algebraic proof,
The aim of this section is to prove
\begin{theorem} There exists a quasiprojective scheme $Z$ with the following
\item There exists a family $\bx_Z \rightarrow Z$ of smooth Calabi--Yau\ varieties
over $Z$, polarized by an invertible sheaf ${\mathcal L}_Z$ on $\bx_Z$.
\item The classifying map of the family $\bx_Z \rightarrow Z$ is a finite
surjective map of algebraic spaces $Z\rightarrow H/G$.
\item For $t\in Z$, let $\bx_t$ be the fibre of the family. Then the spectrum
of the completion of the local ring ${\mathcal O}_{Z,t}$ together with
the induced family is the (algebraic) versal family of
$\bx_t$. In particular, by Unobstructedness, $Z$ is smooth.
This theorem can be proved in two different ways.
The proof we give below consists of two steps: first one builds
an \'etale cover $H^{et}\rightarrow H$ directly, with a free $G$-action,
using a rigidification construction; then $Z$
exists as an algebraic space, and $i\,$ of the Theorem together with
results of Viehweg~\cite{viehweg} implies that $Z$ is quasiprojective.
An alternative way was pointed out
to the author by Alessio Corti: $H/G$ is the coarse moduli space representing
the stack ${\mathcal Z}$ whose category of sections
over a ${\mathbb C}$-scheme $S$ is the
set of polarized families of Calabi--Yau\ $n$-fold s over $S$ as objects, with isomorphisms
over $S$ as morphisms. ${\mathcal Z}$ is in fact a Deligne-Mumford
stack, and one can show the existence of $Z$
as a finite union of affine schemes satisfying {\it i-iii}
using Artin's method as follows:
consider algebraizations of formal versal families of individual
and use openness of versality~\cite{artin} to show that a finite union of
them covers $H/G$ and $iii$ is satisfied.
The author decided to give the proof below because he feels that
it is natural in the context and it is more concrete.
\begin{propos} Condition iii follows from
\noindent $iii^{\prime}\,$. $\,Z\cong H^{et}/G$ where $H^{et}\rightarrow H$
is a finite \'etale cover and $G$ acts freely on $H^{et}$.
\vspace{.05in Let $\by\rightarrow S$ be the versal deformation space
of $\bx_t$ over the spectrum of a complete local ${\mathbb C}$-algebra,
with $\by_0\cong \bx_t$. The variety $\bx_t$ comes equipped
with a distinguished ample sheaf
${\mathcal L}_t$ over it. By Proposition~\ref{univ_pol}, there is a
relatively ample sheaf ${\mathcal L}$ over $\by$ extending ${\mathcal L}_t$, and we can
think of $S$ as the base space of versal deformations of $(\bx_t, {\mathcal L}_t)$.
Let $U={\mathop{\rm Spec}\nolimits}\,(\hat {\mathcal O}_{Z,t})$ with closed point still denoted by $t$,
then the pullback
family $\bx_U\rightarrow U$ is a flat polarized deformation of $\bx_t$.
So by the definition of the versal family, there is a morphism
$\epsilon: U\rightarrow S$ mapping $t$ to $0$ such that the family over
$U$ is a pullback by $\epsilon$.
On the other hand, we may assume that ${\mathcal L}$ can be trivialized by
$N+1$ sections over $S$.
From the universal property of the Hilbert scheme,
this determines a morphism
$S\rightarrow {\mathop{\rm Spec}\nolimits}\, (\widehat {\mathcal O}_{H,h})$, so a morphism
$S\rightarrow {\mathop{\rm Spec}\nolimits}\, (\widehat {\mathcal O}_{H^{et},h'})$, where $h^\prime$ is chosen
so that the composition with the morphism coming from
$H^{et} \rightarrow Z$ gives a map $\tau:S\rightarrow U$, mapping $0$ to $t$.
The composite $\tau \circ \epsilon : U\rightarrow U$ fixes $t$ and
pulls back the family over $U$ to itself, so as the action of $G$
on $H^{et}$ is free, it is the identity.
Similarly, $\epsilon\circ\tau:S \rightarrow S$ fixes
$0$ and pulls back the polarized family over $S$ to itself, so by universality
it has finite order (it can be nontrivial, giving an automorphism
of the polarized central fibre).
So $\epsilon$ and $\tau$ are isomorphisms, and $iii$ follows.
\noindent {\sc Proof of Theorem~\ref{moduli_theorem}}\hspace{.05in}
First we construct $H^{et}$, using a method which is best known in the
case of curves, and was applied in the higher dimensional case
by Popp~\cite{popp} I, followed by a direct construction.
Let us consider a smooth polarized family $\by \rightarrow S$ of complex
projective $n$-folds such that the automorphisms of fibres are finite,
let $(X, L)$ be a fixed fibre. Denote
$H_{\mathbb Z}(\by_s)=H^n(\by_s, {\mathbb Z})/\mathop{\rm torsion}\nolimits$, a free ${\mathbb Z}$-module with a
pairing $Q_s$; consider the map
\theta_s : {\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\,(\by_s, {\mathcal L}_s) \rightarrow {\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\,(H_{\mathbb Z}(\by_s), Q_s),
with image $\Theta_s$. For any $s\in S$,
$H_{\mathbb Z}(\by_s)\cong H_{\mathbb Z}(X)$, as the family is locally topologically trivial.
Let ${\rm I}\, (s)$ be the
set of minimal orthonormal or symplectic generating systems of
$H_{\mathbb Z}(\by_s)$, then $\Lambda={\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\,(H_{\mathbb Z}(\by_s), Q_s)$, a
group of matrices over ${\mathbb Z}$, acts transitively on ${\rm I}\,(s)$.
Consider the disjoint union $\tilde{S} = \cup_{s\in S}\,{\rm I}\,(s)$,
then there is a map $\gamma: \tilde{S} \rightarrow S$ which allows one to
put a topology on $\tilde{S}$ in a standard way, such that $\gamma$ is
a topological covering with covering group $\Lambda$.
Now recall the following result:
\begin{lemma} {\rm (Serre~\cite{serre})} Let $l\geq 3$ be an integer,
$\alpha \in GL_m ({\mathbb Z})$ an invertible matrix of finite order satisfying
$\alpha \equiv I_m \mbox{ (mod $l$)}$. Then $\alpha = I_m$ the identity.
By assumption, $\Theta_s$ is a finite subgroup of $\Lambda$ for any $s$,
so all its elements have finite order. For any integer $l\geq 3$, let
$\levell{\Lambda}$ be the {\it l-th congruence subgroup} of $\Lambda$.
Applying the above Lemma, the intersection of $\levell{\Lambda}$
and any $\Theta_s$ will be trivial. Let $\levell{\bar{\Lambda}}$ be
the quotient of $\Lambda$ by $\levell{\Lambda}$, let $\levell{S}$ be
the finite unramified covering of $S$ corresponding to this finite group.
$\levell{S}$ is called the {\it level-l cover} of $S$.
It is naturally a complex analytic space,
so by the generalized Riemann existence theorem it has the structure
of a complex scheme such that $\levell{S}\rightarrow S$ is an
\'etale morphism.
Consider the finite unramified cover
$\levell{H}\rightarrow H$, together with the family
$\bx_{\levell{H}} \rightarrow \levell{H}$ of polarized\ Calabi--Yau s
pulled back from the Hilbert family $\bx_H \rightarrow H$.
\begin{lemma} There is a proper action of the group $G=SL(N+1,{\mathbb C})$
on $\levell{H}$,
\[ \rho: G \times \levell{H} \rightarrow \levell{H}\]
and the map $\levell{H}\rightarrow H$ is a $G$-morphism.
$G$ also acts on $\bx_{\levell{H}}$.
\vspace{.05in \cite{popp} I, 2.19.
\noindent The stabilizers under the action $\rho$ are the kernels of the
maps~(\ref{image}), which are of very special type:
\begin{lemma} Let $(X,L)$ be a polarized\ Calabi--Yau,
$\alpha\in \ker\,(\theta)\subset{\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\,(X,L)$,
i.e. assume that $\alpha$ acts trivially on the n-th cohomology.
Let $\bx\rightarrow S$ be a small polarized deformation of $(X,L)$,
then $\alpha$ extends to give an automorphism of the family
$\bx$ over $S$ leaving $S$ fixed and also fixing the polarization.
\vspace{.05in Once $\alpha$ extends to $\bx$ fixing $S$,
it fixes the polarization also,
since it fixes $L$ and the Picard group of a Calabi--Yau\ is discrete.
We may also assume that $\bx\rightarrow S$ is an fact the Kuranishi family.
Then by universality, $\alpha$ gives an automorphism
$\tilde \alpha$ of $\bx$ over $S$.
Assume that $\tilde \alpha$ acts nontrivially on $S$. Then
it must also act nontrivially on the tangent space to $S$ at $X$,
i.e. $\kod{X}$.
This is however a direct summand of $H^n(X,{\mathbb C})$, so $\tilde\alpha$ acts
nontrivially on that and hence also on $H_{\mathbb Z}(X)$.
This is a contradiction.
\begin{lemma} There exists a cover
$\rhostr{H} \rightarrow \levell{H}$ with a finite covering group $K$,
which becomes a finite unramified map when we give $\rhostr{H}$
the induced scheme structure. There is an induced action of $G$ on
$\rhostr{H}$, which is proper and free. The action extends to an action
on the pullback family $\bx_{\rhostr{H}}\rightarrow \rhostr{H}$.
\vspace{.05in For any $h\in \levell{H}$, denote by $K_h$ the set of automorphisms of
$(\bx_h, {\mathcal L}_h)$ that extend to the Kuranishi family fixing the base.
For any $h$, this is isomorphic to the group $K$ of generic isomorphisms
of the family. Let $\rhostr{H} = \cup_{h\in \levell{H}} K_h$, then as before,
$\rhostr{H}$ can be given an induced scheme structure such that we get
an unramified covering. It is easy to check that there is a proper action of
$G$ on $\rhostr{H}$, and Lemma~\ref{action} will imply
that the action is free.
$\rhostr{H} \rightarrow H$ is the cover
$H^{et}\rightarrow H$ in $iii^{\prime}$ of the Proposition.
\begin{lemma} The quotient $Z$ of $\rhostr{H}$ by $G$ exists as a
quasi-projective scheme, and there is a polarized family
$\bx_Z\rightarrow Z$ with smooth fibres over it.
\vspace{.05in As before, the quotient $Z$ exists as an
algebraic space of finite type, and \cite{popp} III, 1.4 shows that there is a
polarized family $\bx_Z\rightarrow Z$ with smooth fibres. The total
space $\bx_Z$ is at the moment also an algebraic space only, but it is
quasi-projective if $Z$ is. Also, from the construction and the Proposition
above we obtain that $Z$ is smooth.
Using smoothness of $\rhostr{H}$ and the assumptions about the action
of $G$ on it, by Seshadri's Theorem \cite{seshadri}, 6.1
we have a diagram
\[ \begin{CD}
V @>p>> \rhostr{H} @>>> H \\
@VqVV @VVV \\
T @>>> Z.
Here $T$, $V$ are normal schemes, $G$ acts on $V$ with
geometric quotient $T$,
and a finite group $F$ also acts on $V$ with quotient $\rhostr{H}$
such that the actions of $G$ and $F$ on $V$ commute. In particular,
the map $T \rightarrow Z$ is finite.
Let us pull back the family $\bx_Z\rightarrow Z$ to $T$, denote
${\mathcal L}={\mathcal L}_{T}$, $\omega=\omega_{\bx_T / T}$. We will use the deep results
due to Viehweg~\cite{viehweg} to show that the scheme $T$ is
quasi-projective, we refer for terminology and results to \cite{viehweg}.
Let $m$ be an integer such that for $t\in T$, ${\mathcal L}_t^{\otimes m}$ is very
ample on $\bx_t$ and has no higher cohomology. Choosing an integer
$l>({\mathcal L}_t^{\otimes m})^n+1$, all the conditions of the Weak Positivity
Criterion [ibid] 6.24 are satisfied (the dualizing sheaf is trivial on
fibres), in particular $\tau_* ({\mathcal L}^{\otimes m})$ is locally free of rank
$r$ on $T$, and we obtain a weakly positive sheaf
(\bigotimes^{rm} \tau_*({\mathcal L}^{\otimes rm}\otimes \omega^{\otimes lrm}) ) \otimes (\det\,(\tau_* {\mathcal L}^{\otimes m}))^{-rm}
over $T$. Using [ibid] 2.16d the sheaf
{\mathcal A}=\tau_*({\mathcal L}^{\otimes rm}\otimes \omega^{\otimes lrm}) \otimes (\det\,(\tau_* {\mathcal L}^{\otimes m}))^{-1}
is also weakly positive over $T$.
Then for integers $\mu>1$, denote
\[ {\mathcal Q} = \tau_*({\mathcal L}^{\otimes rm\mu}\otimes \omega^{\otimes lrm\mu}) \otimes (\det\,(\tau_* {\mathcal L}^{\otimes m}))^{-\mu}
and look at the multiplication map
S^{\mu} ({\mathcal A}) \rightarrow {\mathcal Q}.
For $\mu$ large enough, exactly as in the argument on [ibid] p.304,
the kernel of
this map has maximal variation (it is here that we use the fact that every
polarized fibre occurs only finitely many times by construction).
The Ampleness Criterion [ibid] 4.33 therefore applies, so for suitable
(large) integers $a,b$ the sheaf
{\mathcal B} = \det({\mathcal A})^{\otimes a} \otimes \det({\mathcal Q})^{\otimes b}
is ample on $T$. Hence $T$ is quasi-projective.
To finish the proof, we use
\begin{lemma} Assume that
$\delta: Y^\prime\rightarrow Y$ is a finite surjective
map from a scheme $Y^\prime$ to a normal algebraic space $Y$, let $L$ be an
invertible sheaf on $Y$. If $\delta^*(L)$ is ample on $Y^\prime$,
$L$ is ample on $Y$.
\vspace{.05in This follows from \cite{ega3}, 2.6.2, noting that the proof given
there carries over to the case when $Y$ an algebraic space.
If we construct the sheaves ${\mathcal A}_Z, {\mathcal Q}_Z, {\mathcal B}_Z$
using the relative dualizing sheaf
and polarization of the family over $Z$ exactly as for $T$, they pull back to
the sheaves ${\mathcal A}, {\mathcal Q}, {\mathcal B}$ on $T$ via the finite
surjective map $T\rightarrow Z$. By the Lemma,
${\mathcal B}_Z$ is ample on $Z$, so the proof of
Lemma~\ref{quasiprojective}, and therefore also the proof of
Theorem~\ref{moduli_theorem}, are complete.
\section{The period map}
From now on, let us assume that $n=3$. If $X$ is a Calabi--Yau\ threefold,
Serre duality gives $H^5(X,{\mathbb C})=0$, so the whole third cohomology is
primitive for topological reasons. Fix a non-negative integer $b$,
let $V_{\mathbb Z}$ be the unique $(2 b+2)$--dimensional lattice with
a unimodular alternating form $Q$
(the fact that this lattice is unique is proved in \cite{adkins} 6.2.36).
Let $V = V_{\mathbb Z}\otimes {\mathbb C}$. The period map for Calabi--Yau\ threefold s $X$
with $H^3 (X,{\mathbb C})\cong V$ takes values in the domain
{\mathcal D} = \left\{ \mbox{flags } V=F^0\supset F^1 \supset F^2 \supset F^3 \mbox{ with } \dim F^p=f_p, \mbox{ satisfying (R)} \right\},
where $f_0=2b+2, f_1=2b+1, f_2=b+1, f_3=1$ and (R) are the
Riemann bilinear relations $Q\,(F^p, F^{4-p})= 0$,
$(-1)^{p+1}\,i Q(\xi, \bar \xi) > 0$ for nonzero
$\xi \in F^p \cap {\bar F}^{3-p}$. The arithmetic monodromy group
$\Gamma={\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\,(V_{\mathbb Z}, Q)$ acts on ${\mathcal D}$,
it is well known \cite{griffiths1} that the action is proper and
discontinuous, and $\bd / \Gamma$ is a separated complex analytic space.
Let us define the set
{\mathcal C}_b = \{ X \mid X \mbox{ \rm a Calabi--Yau\ threefold\ with } b_3(X)=2 b+2\} / \cong.
We have isomorphisms $V\cong H^3(X, {\mathbb C})$ for any $X\in{\mathcal C}_b$
well-defined up to elements of $\Gamma$, so there is a map (the `period map')
\phi:{\mathcal C}_b \rightarrow \bd / \Gamma \\
mapping $X$ to the filtration on the primitive cohomology.
This is only a map between sets. However, assume that
$\pi: \bx\rightarrow S$ is a smooth complex analytic
family of Calabi--Yau\ threefold s with $b_3 (\bx_s)=2 b+2$ over a smooth contractible
complex base. Fixing a point $0\in S$, the fibre
$X$ over $0$ and a marking of the cohomology
$V_{\mathbb Z} \cong H^3(X, {\mathbb Z})$, we can define the map
\psi: S \rightarrow {\mathcal D} \\
using the Leray cohomology sheaf
${\mathcal E} = R^3 {\pi}_* {\mathbb C}$ on $S$, equipped with the
Gauss-Manin connection, and the bilinear form
$Q: {\mathcal E} \times {\mathcal E} \rightarrow {\mathcal O}_S$
defined by integrating over the fibres the wedge product of two $3$-forms.
Griffiths~\cite{griffiths1} proved that the map $\psi$ is holomorphic, and if
$\pi: \bx\rightarrow S$ is the Kuranishi family of $X$, the derivative of
$\psi$ is injective, so it is locally an embedding
(`Infinitesimal Torelli' holds for $X$).
To discuss global properties of $\psi$, assume that the base $S$ is
quasi-projective, not necessarily contractible, and $\bx \rightarrow S$
is a smooth polarized algebraic family. There is a smooth compactification
\bx @>i>> {\bar \bx} \\
@V{\pi}VV @VV{\bar{\pi}}V \\
S @>>j>{\bar S},
where $i,j$ are inclusions, $\bar{\pi}:{\bar \bx} \rightarrow \bar{S}$ is a
proper map between smooth projective varieties with connected fibres
and the boundary divisor $D={\bar S} \setminus S$ has simple
normal crossings. Using the Gauss-Manin connection again, we can define a map
\psi: S \rightarrow \bd / \Gamma.
This map is in fact well-defined if one quotients ${\mathcal D}$ by
the image $\Gamma_0$ of the fundamental group $\pi_1(S)$
under the monodromy representation, but we want a map whose range
does not depend on $S$.
Let $X$ be a fixed fibre; for any irreducible component $\Delta_i$ of the
boundary divisor $D$, there is a quasi-unipotent transformation
\[ T_i : H^3(X, {\mathbb Z}) \rightarrow H^3(X, {\mathbb Z}),\]
the Picard-Lefschetz transformation.
If $D=\cup_i \Delta_i$ is the decomposition into irreducible components,
we may assume that for $i=1\ldots k$, $T_i\in \Gamma$ is of finite order,
and for $i\geq k+1$ it is of infinite order.
\begin{theorem} {\rm (Griffiths~\cite{griffiths3})}
The map $\psi$ has a holomorphic extension (not necessarily locally liftable)
\[ \tilde{\psi}: \bar S \setminus \bigcup_{i>k} \Delta_i \rightarrow
\bd / \Gamma \]
such that the map $\tilde{\psi}$ is proper onto its image.
\vspace{.05in In the language of~\cite{griffiths3}, the map $\psi$ is holomophic,
locally liftable and horizontal. Hence the statements follow from
[ibid] 9.10, 9.11, noting that [ibid] 9.11 remains valid if
$\Gamma$ is not the monodromy group $\Gamma_0$, the image of
$\pi_1(S)$ under the monodromy representation, but
the full arithmetic monodromy group we use.
\section{Finiteness results}
Now we can put everything together. Fix the lattice $V_{\mathbb Z}$ together with the
bilinear form $Q$, $V= V_{\mathbb Z} \otimes {\mathbb C}$ as before.
Let $\bd / \Gamma$ be the appropriate period domain.
\begin{lemma} For any positive integer $\kappa$, there is a finite set of
polynomials $p_1, \ldots, p_k$ with the following property: if $(X,L)$ is
a pair consisting of a Calabi--Yau\ threefold\ $X$ and an ample $L$ on $X$ with
$L^3\leq \kappa$, there exists $1\leq i \leq k$ such that
the Hilbert polynomial of $(X,L)$ equals $p_i$.
\vspace{.05in By assumption, the leading coefficient of the Hilbert polynomial can
only assume finitely many values, and the next coefficent is $0$ as $c_1=0$.
The conclusion now follows from~\cite{kollarmatsu}.
\noindent Let
{\mathcal C}_{b,\kappa} = \{ (X,L) \mid X \in {\mathcal C}_b,\mbox{ {\it L} an ample invertible sheaf on {\it X} with } L^3\leq \kappa \}/\cong,
where the equivalence relation is now given by polarized isomorphisms,
and let $\phi_\kappa$ be the restriction of the period map $\phi$ to
${\mathcal C}_{b,\kappa}$. (The reason for including the ample sheaf here will
become clear in \ref{cone}.)
\begin{theorem} Fix a positive integer $\kappa$ such that the set
${\mathcal C}_{b,\kappa}$
is nonempty. The image $\Phi_\kappa=\phi_\kappa\,({\mathcal C}_{b,\kappa})$
is a locally closed analytic subspace of the complex analytic space
$\bd / \Gamma$. For any point $x\in \Phi_\kappa$, there are finitely many
$(X,L)\in {\mathcal C}_{b,\kappa}$ satisfying $\phi_\kappa(X,L) = x$.
\vspace{.05in The previous Lemma gives us polynomials $p_1, \ldots, p_k$
as possible Hilbert polynomials.
Choose an $m$ such that $L^{\otimes m}$ is very ample and has no
higher cohomology for any $(X,L)$ with Hilbert polynomial in the above set,
and consider the corresponding Hilbert schemes
${\rm Hilb}^{p_i}_{{\mathbb P}^{N_i}}$. Look at the open
subsets over which the fibres of the universal families are smooth, and
pick those irreducible components which contain
Calabi--Yau\ threefold\ fibres with $b_3=2 b+2$. (The Hilbert scheme may contain
components where the fibres are Calabi--Yau\ threefold s with different $b_3$, but these
components are irrelevant for our discussion.) We obtain a finite
set of smooth quasi-projective varieties $H_1, \ldots, H_d$ with polarized
families $\bx_{H_j} \rightarrow H_j$. A group $SL(N_j+1, {\mathbb C})$ acts on
$H_j$ for every $j$, and as proved in Section~\ref{moduli},
choosing an integer $l\geq 3$ and taking finite covers
\[\rhostr{H_j} \rightarrow \levell{H_j} \rightarrow H_j\]
we obtain a finite number of quotient families
$\pi_j: \bx_{Z_j}\rightarrow Z_j$ over smooth quasi-projective
bases. By construction, every $(X,L)\in {\mathcal C}_{b,\kappa}$ appears at
least once as fibre.
We may assume that each $Z_j$ is embedded in a smooth projective variety
as the complement of a normal crossing divisor $D_j$. Corresponding to
the families over $Z_j$, there are period maps
\[\psi_j : Z_j \rightarrow \bd / \Gamma.\]
As discussed in the previous Section, every $\psi_j$ has a proper extension
\[ \tilde{\psi}_j: \tilde{Z_j} \rightarrow \bd / \Gamma,\]
where $\tilde{Z_j} = \bar{Z_j} \setminus E_j$, $E_j$ is a union of
some components of $D_j$.
(Notice that all monodromies of $R^3 \pi_{j*} {\mathbb C}$ of finite order
are trivial, this follows from Serre's lemma and the construction. So in fact,
these extensions remain locally liftable.)
By the Proper Mapping Theorem, $\tilde{\psi}_j (\tilde{Z_j})$ is a closed
analytic subspace of $\bd / \Gamma$. $\psi_j(Z_j)$ is relatively open
in this set, so it is locally closed in $\bd / \Gamma$. Then
\[ \Phi_\kappa = \bigcup_{j=1}^d \psi_j(Z_j)\]
so it is also locally closed.
Further, since the action of $\Gamma$ is discontinuous on ${\mathcal D}$,
the maps $\psi_j$ do not have positive dimensional fibres by Infinitesimal
Torelli, and they have proper extensions $\tilde{\psi_j}$ as above.
For $x\in \Phi_\kappa$ the sets
$\psi_j^{-1}(x) = \tilde{\psi_j}^{-1}(x) \cap Z_j$ are therefore discrete
(perhaps empty), and they have only finitely
many components from the properness of $\tilde{\psi_j}$.
So these sets are finite, which implies the finiteness of
$\phi_\kappa^{-1} (x)$.
We now recall a definition. A projective surface $E$ is called
an {\it elliptic quasi-ruled surface}
if there is a map $E\rightarrow C$ exhibiting $E$ either as a smooth
${\mathbb P}^1$-bundle over the smooth elliptic curve $C$,
or a conic bundle over such a $C$ all of whose fibres are line pairs.
\begin{corollary} Let $X$ be a smooth Calabi--Yau\ threefold such that no deformation
of $X$ contains an elliptic quasi-ruled surface.
(This holds e.g. if $b_2(X)=1$.) Then the
period point determines the manifolds among complex deformations
of $X$ up to finitely many possibilities.
\vspace{.05in Let $Y$ be a (large) deformation of $X$, then by the main
result of Wilson~\cite{wilson}, any ample class $L$ on $X$
deforms to a class $M$ on $Y$ which is ample.
So any $Y$ possesses an ample class with self-intersection $\kappa=L^3$ and
the result follows.
The recent result of Voisin~\cite{voisin} for quintic threefolds in ${\mathbb P}^4$
is of course much stronger than this, namely in that case the period point
determines the generic threefold up to automorphisms (`Weak Global Torelli'
holds). No similar result is known for other classes of Calabi--Yau\ threefold s.
Using results of~\cite{wilson_elliptic}, one can formulate various conditions
on $X$ which ensure the existence of ample classes with bounded
self-intersection in the presence of elliptic quasi-ruled surfaces as
well. This is left to the reader.
We can also deduce a corollary for birationally equivalent threefolds:
\begin{corollary} For any positive integer $\kappa$, the number of
minimal models (up to isomorphism) of a smooth Calabi--Yau\ threefold
$X$, which possess an ample sheaf $L$ with $L^3\leq \kappa$, is finite.
\vspace{.05in By Kawamata~\cite{crepant}, different minimal (i.e. ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial
terminal) models of $X$ are related by birational maps called {\it flops}.
According to Koll\'ar~\cite{flops}, these different
models are all smooth and have isomorphic third cohomology,
the isomorphisms respecting Hodge structure and polarization (which comes
from Poincar\'e duality). Hence the statement follows from
We remark here that the unconditional
finiteness of the number of minimal models up to isomorphism has
recently been proved by Kawamata~\cite{kawamata_cy}
for {\it relative Calabi--Yau\ models}, i.e. fibre spaces
$X\rightarrow S$ with relatively (numerically) trivial canonical sheaf $K_X$,
$\dim X =3$, $\dim S\geq 1$. The
absolute case of Calabi--Yau\ threefolds is however unknown.
Finally we would like to point out a connection
to Morrison's Cone Conjecture~\cite{morrison}, which arose from string
theoretic considerations leading to the phenomenon called Mirror Symmetry:
\begin{corollary} Let $X$ be a smooth Calabi--Yau\ 3-fold, fix a positive integer
$\kappa$. Up to the action of ${\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\, (X)$, there are finitely
many ample divisor classes $L$ on $X$ with $L^3\leq \kappa$. In particular,
if the automorphism group is finite, there are finitely many such classes.
\vspace{.05in By construction, every pair $(X, L)$ with $L^3 \leq \kappa$ appears
as a fibre of some $\bx_{Z_j}\rightarrow Z_j$. On the other hand,
the period point does not depend on the choice of the ample
sheaf, hence under the period map, pairs $(X, L^{\otimes m})$
map to the same point of
$\bd / \Gamma$. By Theorem~\ref{maintheorem}, there are finitely many such pairs
up to the action of ${\mathop{\rm Aut}\nolimits}\,(X)$. Considering $m$-torsion as well, we get
finitely many pairs $(X, L)$ up to the action of the automorphism group.
\noindent The statement certainly follows from the Cone Conjecture,
but seems to have been unknown otherwise.
The author wishes to thank P.M.H. Wilson for suggesting the problem, his
numerous comments and help throughout, N.I. Shepherd-Barron and A. Corti
for helpful suggestions, and the referee for pointing out the short proof
of Theorem~\ref{smoothhilbert} given above.
This work was supported by an Eastern European Research Bursary from
Trinity College, Cambridge and an ORS Award from the British Government.
1997-08-26T19:03:35 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708022 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708022 | [
] | alg-geom/9708022 | Uwe Nagel | J. C. Migliore, U. Nagel, C. Peterson | Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves and their multiple sections | 27 pages, AMS-LaTeX | null | null | null | null | This paper begins by introducing and characterizing Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves on
$Z = \Proj R$ where $R$ is a graded Gorenstein K-algebra. They are reflexive
sheaves arising as the sheafification of kernels of sufficiently general maps
between free R-modules. Then we study multiple sections of a Buchsbaum-Rim
sheaf $\cBf$, i.e, we consider morphisms $\psi: \cP \to \cBf$ of sheaves on $Z$
dropping rank in the expected codimension, where $H^0_*(Z,\cP)$ is a free
R-module. The main purpose of this paper is to study properties of schemes
associated to the degeneracy locus $S$ of $\psi$. It turns out that $S$ is
often not equidimensional. Let $X$ denote the top-dimensional part of $S$. In
this paper we measure the ``difference'' between $X$ and $S$, compute their
cohomology modules and describe ring-theoretic properties of their coordinate
rings. Moreover, we produce graded free resolutions of $X$ (and $S$) which are
in general minimal. Among the applications we show how one can embed a
subscheme into an arithmetically Gorenstein subscheme of the same dimension and
prove that zero-loci of sections of the dual of a null correlation bundle are
arithmetically Buchsbaum.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 26 Aug 1997 17:03:21 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"J. C.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
A fundamental method for constructing algebraic varieties is to
consider the degeneracy locus of a morphism between a pair of coherent
sheaves. By varying
the morphism one obtains families of varieties. By placing various
restrictions on the
coherent sheaves one can force the degeneracy locus to have special
properties. These extra
restrictions may also provide for more tools with which to study the
degeneracy locus. If many
restrictions are placed on the sheaves then a great deal of precise
information can be
extracted but at the expense of generality. If one puts no restrictions on
either of the
sheaves then, of course, very little information can be extracted
concerning the degeneracy
locus. In this paper we take the middle road between these two extremes. We
consider a class
of sheaves, which while quite general, behave well enough that a substantial
amount of
information can be obtained with respect to their degeneracy loci. The only
restriction placed
on the sheaves is that they arise as the sheafification of the kernels of
general maps between free $R$-modules, where $R$ is a Gorenstein
$K$-algebra. We will refer to
the sheaves constructed in this manner as Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves.
The purpose of
this paper is to introduce the class of Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves, to elicit their
main properties,
and to make a systematic and detailed study of the degeneracy loci obtained
by taking
multiple sections of these sheaves. Although Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves are
necessarily reflexive (they are the sheafification of a second syzygy
module) they will
not, in general, be locally free. A number of tools are used to manipulate
and control these
objects. Certainly techniques developed by Eagon-Northcott, Buchsbaum-Rim,
Kirby and Kempf play an important role. These are combined with the methods
of local cohomology
and several homological techniques to produce the main results.
The paper opens with a brief section providing preliminary background
information of use in
later sections of the paper. Sections three, four and five form the
technical heart and the
final section closes out the paper with three applications.
Section three introduces
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves and Buchsbaum-Rim modules. To begin with we should
make clear the
definition of a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf. In the following $R$ will always
denote a graded Gorenstein $K$-algebra of dimension $n+1$ where $K$ is an
infinite field. Furthermore, the scheme $Z$ will be the projective spectrum
of $R$.
\begin{definition} Let ${\mathcal F}$ and ${\mathcal G}$ be locally free sheaves of ranks $f$
and $g$
respectively on $Z$. Let $\varphi: {\mathcal F} \to {\mathcal G}$ be a generically surjective
morphism. Suppose that the degeneracy locus of
$\varphi$ has codimension $f-g+1$ and that the modules $F =
H^0_*(Z,{\mathcal F})$ and $G = H^0_*(Z,{\mathcal G})$ are free
$R$-modules. We call the kernel of $\varphi$ a {\it Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf}
and denote it by ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$.
By abuse of notation we denote the homomorphism $F \to G$ induced by $\varphi$
again by $\varphi$. Moreover, we put $B_{\varphi} = H^0_*(Z,{\mathcal B}_{\varphi})$ and $M_{\varphi} = \coker
\varphi$, so that we have an exact sequence
0 \to B_{\varphi} \to F \stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} G \to M_{\varphi} \to 0.
We call $B_{\varphi}$ a {\it Buchsbaum-Rim module}.
Thus the cotangent bundle of projective space is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf.
The cohomology of its exterior powers is given by the Bott formula. Letting
$r(R)$ denote the index
of regularity of a graded ring we have the following lemma which
generalizes the Bott formula
to arbitrary Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves.
\begin{lemma} Let
$B_{\varphi}$ be a Buchsbaum-Rim module of rank $r$. Then it holds:
\item[(a)] For $i = 0,\ldots r$ there are isomorphisms
\wedge^{r-i} {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^* \otimes \wedge^f {\mathcal F} \otimes \wedge^g {\mathcal G}^* \cong (\wedge^i
{\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^*)^*.
\item[(b)] For $i < r$ we have
H^j_*(Z, \wedge^i {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^*) \cong \left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
0 & \mbox{if} ~ 1 \leq j \leq n \; \mbox{and} \; j \neq n-i \\
S_{i}(M_{\varphi})^{\vee}(1 - r(R)) & \mbox{if} ~ j = n-i.
\end{array} \right.
The value of this lemma will become clear when we construct the generalized
Koszul complexes
associated to taking multiple sections of Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves. The lemma
also suggests a relationship to Eilenberg-MacLane sheaves. Recall that an
$R$-module $E$ is
called an {\it
Eilenberg-MacLane module} of depth~$t$, $0 \leq t \leq n+1$ if
$H_{\mathfrak m}^j(E) = 0 \quad \mbox{for all} \; j \neq t \; \mbox{where} \; 0 \leq j
\leq n.$
Similarly, a sheaf ${\mathcal E}$ on $Z$ is said to be an {\it Eilenberg-MacLane
sheaf} if $H^0_*({\mathcal E})$ is an Eilenberg-MacLane module. A cohomological
characterization of
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves can then be stated as follows.
\begin{proposition} A sheaf ${\mathcal E}$ on $Z$
is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf if and only if $E = H^0_*({\mathcal E})$ is a reflexive
Eilenberg-MacLane module with finite projective dimension and rank $r
\leq n$ such that $H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r+1}(E)^{\vee}$ is a perfect $R$-module of
dimension $n-r$ if $r \geq 2$.
In section four we make a detailed study of the cohomology of the
degeneracy locus of
multiple sections of Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves. Consider a morphism $\psi: {\mathcal P}
\to {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ of
sheaves of rank $t$ and $r$ respectively on $Z = Proj (R)$,
where ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf and $H^0_*(Z, {\mathcal P})$ is a free
$R$-module. If $t = 1$ then $\psi$ is just a section of some twist of
${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$. For arbitrary $t<r$ we say that $\psi$ corresponds to taking
multiple sections of
${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$. We always suppose that the degeneracy locus $S$ of $\psi$
has (the expected) codimension $r - t + 1 \geq 2$ in $Z$ (if $t=1$ then $S$
is just the zero-locus of a regular section of a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf).
An Eagon-Northcott complex involving ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ will play an essential
role. Our approach will be algebraic and uses local cohomology. Taking
global sections we obtain an $R$-homomorphism
\psi : P \to B_{\varphi}
where $P$ is a free $R$-module of rank $t, 1 \leq t < r$. Then there is an
Eagon-Northcott complex
E_{\bullet} \colon \quad 0 \to E_r \stackrel{\delta_r}{\longrightarrow} E_{r-1}
\stackrel{\delta_{r-1}}{\longrightarrow} \cdots \to E_t
\stackrel{\delta_t}{\longrightarrow} I(\psi) \otimes \wedge^t P^* \to 0
E_i = \wedge^i B_{\varphi}^* \otimes S_{i - t}(P)
and $I(\psi)$ is the ideal defined by the image of $\delta_t = \wedge^t
\psi^*$. The saturation of $I(\psi)$ is the homogeneous ideal of the
degeneracy locus $S$.
With the help of this Eagon-Northcott complex and the first lemma we get
the following formula
for the cohomology modules of $S$.
\begin{proposition} Let $I = I(\psi)$. Then it holds for $j\neq \dim R/I
= n+t-r$
H^j_m (R/I) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
S_i(M_{\varphi})^\vee \otimes
S_{i-t} (P) \otimes \wedge^t P (1-r(R)) & \mbox{if } j=n+t-2i \quad
\mbox{where }
\max \{t, \frac{r+1}{2}\} \leq i \leq \left \lfloor \frac{r+t}{2} \right
\rfloor \\
0 & \mbox{otherwise}.
\end{array} \right.
This proposition allows us to decide if $S$ is equidimensional. It will
often turn out that this is not the case. Thus we are
also interested in the top-dimensional component $X$ of $S$, i.e. the union
of the
highest-dimensional components of $S$. Let $J = J(\psi)$ denote the
homogeneous ideal of $X$.
We need a measure of
the failure of $I$ to be equidimensional and we need a close relation
between the cohomology
of the schemes $X$ and $S$. This is provided in the following result.
\begin{proposition} Letting $I$ and $J$ denote the ideals associated to
$\psi$ we have:
\item[(a)] $I$ is unmixed if and only if $r+t$ is odd.
\item[(b)] If $r+t$ is even then $I$ has a primary component of codimension
$r+1$. Let $Q$ be the intersection of all such components. Then we have $I =
J \cap Q$ and
H^j_m(R/J) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
H^j_m (R/I) & \mbox{if } j\neq n-r \\
0 & \mbox{if } j=n-r
J/I \cong S_{\frac{r-t}{2}} (M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{\frac{r-t}{2}}(P) \otimes
\wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G \otimes
\wedge^t P.
Combining these propositions in the proper manner we are in a position to
prove the main
theorem of section four.
With the notation above we have:
\item[(a)] If $r = n$ then $S$ is equidimensional and locally
\item[(b)] $S$ is equidimensional if and only if $r+t$
is odd or $r = n$.
Moreover, if $r < n$ then $X$ is locally Cohen-Macaulay if and only if $X$ is
arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay.
\item[(c)] If $r+t$ is odd then $X = S$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay if
and only if $t=1$. In this case $S$ has Cohen-Macaulay type $\leq 1 +
\item[(d)] Let $r+t$ be even. Then
\item[(i)] $X$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay if and only if $1 \leq t
\leq 2$. If $t =1$ then $X$ is arithmetically Gorenstein. If $t = 2$ then $X$
has Cohen-Macaulay type $\leq r - 1 + \binom{\frac{r}{2}+g-1}{g-1} \cdot
(\frac{r}{2} - 1)$.
\item[(ii)] If in addition $r < n$ then the components
of $S$ have either codimension $r-t+1$ or codimension $r+1$.
Contained in the theorem is the following surprising conclusion. Let ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$
be an odd rank
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf and let $X$ denote the top dimensional component of the
zero-locus of
any regular section of ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$. Then $X$ is arithmetically Gorenstein. This
generalizes the main theorem of \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein}, where the case
$r=3$ was considered.
Section five treats the problem of finding free resolutions of the
degeneracy loci. In order
to do this it is important to understand the homology modules of the
Eagon-Northcott complex $E_{\bullet}$
associated to $\psi$. We show that the homology can be summarized as follows.
\begin{proposition} The homology modules of the
Eagon-Northcott $E_{\bullet}$ complex are:
H_i (E_{\bullet}) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
S_j(M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{r-t-j}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G &
\mbox{if} ~ i=r-1-2j
\mbox{ where } j \in \ZZ, \; t \leq i \leq r-3 \\
0 & \mbox{otherwise}.
This result allows us to conclude that $X$ and $S$ have free resolutions
of finite length. However, it does not, in
general, provide
enough information to compute a minimal free resolution. To do this we need
several ingredients. First we need to understand the cohomology of the dual
of the Eagon-Northcott complex. This needs to be mixed with knowledge of
how the canonical
modules of $S$ and $X$ relate. The cohomology of the dual of the
Eagon-Northcott complex
is summarized in the following lemma, where $K_{R/I}$ denotes the canonical
module of $R/I(\psi)$.
\begin{lemma} The dual of the Eagon-Northcott
complex $E_{\bullet}$ provides a complex
0 \to \wedge^t P \to E_t^* \stackrel{\delta^*_{t+1}}{\longrightarrow}
\ldots \to
E_{r-1}^* \stackrel{\delta^*_{r}}{\longrightarrow} E_r^*
\stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} K_{R/I} \otimes \wedge^t P (1 - r(R))
\to 0
which we denote (by slight abuse of notation) by $E_{\bullet}^*$. Its
(co)homology modules are given by
H^i(E_{\bullet}^*) \cong \left \{
S_j(M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{j-t}(P)^* & \mbox{if} ~ 2t + 1 \leq i = 2 j + 1 \leq r+1 \\
0 & \mbox{otherwise}
In particular, $E_{\bullet}^*$ is exact if $t \geq \frac{r+1}{2}$.
To utilize these results on the Eagon-Northcott complex one still needs to
know when certain
terms in a free resolution can be split off. To do this we prove the
following result which, although rather
technical in appearance, provides a substantial generalization to an
often-used result of
Rao. It can be applied in situations far removed from those addressed in
this paper and can
even be utilized when the ring $R$ is not a Gorenstein ring but is only a
Cohen-Macaulay ring.
\begin{proposition} Let $N$ be a finitely
generated graded torsion $R$-module which has projective
dimension~$s$. Then it holds for all integers $j \geq 0$ that
$\operatorname{Tor}^R_{s-j}(N,K)^{\vee}$ is a direct summand of
\oplus_{i=0}^j \operatorname{Tor}^R_{j-i}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-i}(N,R),K).
Moreover, we have $\operatorname{Tor}^R_{s}(N,K)^{\vee} \cong \operatorname{Tor}^R_{0}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s}(N,R),K)$ and
that $\operatorname{Tor}^R_{1}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s}(N,R),K)$ is a direct summand of
Together these results allow us to write down a free resolution of the
degeneracy locus which is in general minimal.
Thus the main theorem of section five is the
following, which gives the
free resolution for the degeneracy locus of a morphism $\psi: {\mathcal P} \to
{\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$, where
${\mathcal P}$ has rank $t$ and ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ has rank $r$.
\begin{theorem} Consider the following
modules where we use the conventions that $i$ and $j$ are non-negative
integers and that a sum is trivial if it has no summand:
A_k = \bigoplus_{\begin{array}{c}
{\scriptstyle i+2j = k + t -1}\\ [-4pt]
{\scriptstyle t \leq i+j \leq \frac{r+t-1}{2}}
\wedge^i F^* \otimes S_j(G)^* \otimes S_{i+j-t}(P),
C_k = \bigoplus_{\begin{array}{c}
{\scriptstyle i+2j = r+1-t-k}\\ [-4pt]
{\scriptstyle i+j \leq \frac{r-t}{2}}
\wedge^i F \otimes S_j(G) \otimes S_{r-t-i-j}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^*
\otimes \wedge^g G.
Observe that it holds:
$A_r = 0$ if and only if $r+t$ is even,
$C_1 = 0$ if and only if $r+t$ is odd,
$C_k = 0$ if $k \geq r+2-t$ and
$C_{r+1-t} = S_{r-t}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G$. \\
Then the homogeneous ideal $I_X = J(\psi)$ of the top-dimensional part $X$
of the degeneracy locus $S$ has a graded free resolution of the form
0 \to A_r \oplus C_r \to \ldots \to A_1 \oplus C_1 \to I_X \otimes \wedge^t
P^* \to 0.
Note that previously minimal free resolutions were
known only for a few classes besides the determinantal ideals.
A number of examples of particular interest round out the section and
illustrate the theorem.
The final section gives several additional applications that may be of
independent interest.
We show how Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves can be used to situate arbitrary
equidimensional schemes of
arbitrary codimension into arithmetically Gorenstein schemes. This will be
of relevance when one considers the
problem of linkage by arithmetically Gorenstein ideals as opposed to
complete intersection
linkage theory. We also show how to utilize Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves to
produce interesting new
examples of $k$-Buchsbaum sheaves as well as of arithmetically Buchsbaum
schemes. Finally we construct new vector bundles of rank $n-1$ on $\PP^n$
if $n$ is odd. We call them generalized null correlation bundles and show
that our results apply to multiple sections of their duals.
\section{Preliminaries} \label{preliminaries}
Let $R$ be a ring. If $R = \oplus_{i \in \mathbb{N}} R_i$ is graded then the
irrelevant maximal ideal $ \oplus_{i > 0} R_i$ of $R$ is denoted by
${\mathfrak m}_R$ or simply ${\mathfrak m}$. It is always assumed that
$R_0$ is an infinite field $K$ and that the $K$-algebra $R$ is generated by
the elements
of $R_1$. Hence $(R,{\mathfrak m})$ is $^*$local in the sense of \cite{Bruns-Herzog}.
If $M$ is a module over the graded ring $R$ it is always assumed to be
$\mathbb{Z}$-graded. The set of its homogeneous elements of degree $i$ is
denoted by $M_i$ or $[M]_i$. All homomorphisms between graded $R$-modules
will be morphisms in the category of graded $R$-modules, i.e., will be
graded of degree zero. If $M$ is assumed to be a graded $R$-module it is
always understood that $R$ is a graded $K$-algebra as above. We refer to the
context just described as the graded situation.
Although we are mainly interested in graded objects we note that our
results hold also true (with the usual modifications) in a local
situation. Then $(R,{\mathfrak m})$ will
denote a local ring with maximal ideal ${\mathfrak m}$.
If $M$ is an $R$-module, $\dim M$ denotes the Krull dimension of $M$. The
symbols $\rank_R$ or simply $\rank$ are reserved to denote the rank of $M$
in case it has one. For a $K$-module, $\rankk$ just denotes
the vector space dimension over the field $K$.
There are two types of duals of an $R$-module $M$ we are going to use. The
$R$-dual of $M$ is $M^* = \Hom_R(M,R)$. If $M$ is graded then $M^*$ is
graded, too. If $R$ is a graded $K$-algebra then $M$ is also a $K$-module
and the $K$-dual $M^{\vee}$ of $M$ is defined to be the graded module
$\Hom_K(M,K)$ where $K$ is considered as a graded module concentrated in
degree zero. Note that $R^{\vee}$ is the injective hull of $K^{\vee} \cong
K \cong R/{\mathfrak m}$ in the category of graded $R$-modules. If $\rankk
[M]_i < \infty$ for all integers $i$ then there is a canonical isomorphism
$M \cong M^{\vee \vee}$.
Now let $Z$ be a projective scheme over $K$. This means $Z = Proj (R)$
where $R$ is a graded $K$-algebra. For any sheaf ${\mathcal F}$ on $Z$, we define
$H^i_*(Z,{{\mathcal F}})=\bigoplus_{t\in \ZZ}H^i(Z,{{\mathcal F}}(t))$. In
this paper we will use ``vector bundle'' and ``locally free sheaf''
Let $X$ be a non-empty projective subscheme of $Z$ with homogeneous
coordinate ring $A = R/I_X$. Then $I_X$ is a saturated ideal of $R$.
Recall that a homogeneous ideal $I$ in $R$ is {\em saturated} if $I =
\bigcup_{d \in {\ZZ}^+} [I:{{\mathfrak m}}^d ]$, where ${{\mathfrak m}} = (x_0 ,x_1
,\dots,x_n)$. Equivalently, $I$ is saturated if and only if $I = H^0_*
(Z, {{\mathcal J}})$, where ${\mathcal J}$ is the sheafification of $I$.
\noindent {\it Generalized Koszul complexes}
For more details with respect to the following discussion we refer to
\cite{BV} and \cite{Eisenbud-Buch}. The differences between these
presentations and ours stem from the fact that we want to have all homomorphisms
graded (of degree zero).
Let $R$ be a graded $K$-algebra and let $\varphi: F \to G$ be a homomorphism
of finitely generated graded $R$-modules. Then there are (generalized) Koszul
complexes ${\mathcal C}_i(\varphi)$:
0 \to \wedge^i F \otimes S_0(G) \to \wedge^{i-1} F \otimes S_1(G) \to
\ldots \to \wedge^0 F \otimes S_i(G) \to 0.
Let ${\mathcal C}_i(\varphi)^*$ be the $R$-dual of ${\mathcal C}_i(\varphi)$. Suppose now that $F$ is a
free $R$-module of rank $f$. Then there are graded isomorphisms
\wedge^f F \otimes (\wedge^j F)^* \cong \wedge^{f-j} F.
Thus we can rewrite ${\mathcal C}_i(\varphi)^* \otimes \wedge^f F$ as follows:
0 \to \wedge^f F \otimes S_i(G)^* \to \wedge^{f-1} F \otimes
S_{i-1}(G)^* \to \ldots \to \wedge^{f-i} F \otimes S_0(G)^* \to 0.
Note that $S_j(G)^*$ is the $j$th graded component of the divided power
algebra of $G^*$, but we won't need this fact.
Let's assume that also $G$ is a free $R$-module of rank, say, $g$ where $g
< f$. Then
$\varphi^*$ induces graded homomorphisms
\nu_i: \wedge^{g+i} F \otimes \wedge^g G^* \to \wedge^i F.
Put $r = f-g$. It turns out that for $i = 0,\ldots,r$ the complexes
${\mathcal C}_{r-i}(\varphi)^* \otimes \wedge^f F \otimes \wedge^g G^*$ and
${\mathcal C}_i(\varphi)$ can be spliced via $\nu_i$ to a complex ${\mathcal D}_i(\varphi)$:
0 \to \wedge^f F \otimes S_{r-i}(G)^* \otimes \wedge^g G^* \to \wedge^{f-1}
F \otimes
S_{r-i-1}(G)^* \otimes \wedge^g G^* \to \ldots
\to \wedge^{g+i} F
\otimes S_0(G)^* \otimes \wedge^g G^* \stackrel{\nu_i}{\longrightarrow}
\wedge^i F \otimes S_0(G) \to \wedge^{i-1} F \otimes S_1(G) \to
\ldots \to \wedge^0 F \otimes S_i(G) \to 0.
The complex ${\mathcal D}_0(\varphi)$ is called the Eagon-Northcott complex and
${\mathcal D}_1(\varphi)$ is called the Buchsbaum-Rim complex.
If we fix bases of $F$ and $G$ the map $\varphi$ can be described by a
matrix whose maximal minors generate an ideal which equals the image of
$\nu_0$. We denote this ideal by $I(\varphi)$. Its grade is at most
$f-g+1$. If $\varphi$ is general enough the complexes above have good
\begin{proposition} \label{EN-complexes_are_exact} Suppose $grade\, I(\varphi)
= f-g+1$. Then it holds:
\item[(a)] ${\mathcal D}_i(\varphi)$ is acyclic where $i = 0,\ldots,f-g = r$.
\item[(b)] If $\varphi$ is a minimal homomorphism, i.e.\ $\im \varphi \subset {\mathfrak m}
\cdot G$, then ${\mathcal D}_0(\varphi)$ is a minimal free graded resolution of
and ${\mathcal D}_i(\varphi)$ is a minimal free graded resolution of $S_i(\coker \varphi)$,
$1 \leq i \leq r$.
The minimality of the resolutions in (b) follows by analyzing the maps
described above.
\noindent {\it Gorenstein rings and schemes}
A graded $K$-algebra $R$ is said to be Gorenstein if it has finite
injective dimension (cf.\ \cite{Bruns-Herzog}, Definition 3.1.18). Over a
Gorenstein ring duality theory is particularly
simple. We denote the index of regularity of a graded ring by $r(R)$. If
$R$ is just the polynomial ring $K[x_0, \dots , x_n]$ then $r(R) = -n$. We
will use the following duality result (cf., for example, \cite{SV2},
Theorem 0.4.14).
\begin{lemma} \label{duality} Let $M$ be a graded $R$-module where $R$ is
a Gorenstein ring of dimension $n$. Then we have for all $i \in
\mathbb{Z}$ natural isomorphisms of graded $R$-modules
H^i_{{\mathfrak m}} (M)^{\vee} \cong \Ext^{n-i}_R(M,R)(r(R)-1).
Let $M$ be a graded $R$-module where $n = \dim R$ and $d = \dim M$. Then
K_M = \Ext^{n-d}_R(M,R) (r(R)-1)
is said to be the {\itshape canonical module} of $M$. Usually the canonical
module is defined as the module representing the functor $H_{\mathfrak m}^d(M \otimes_R
\__{})^{\vee}$ if such a module exists. If $R$ is Gorenstein it does and is
just the module defined above (cf.\ \cite{S}).
We say that $M$ has cohomology of finite length if the cohomology modules
$H_{\mathfrak m}^i(M)$ have finite length for all $i < \dim M$. It is well-known that
$M$ has cohomology of finite length if and only if $M$ is equidimensional
and locally Cohen-Macaulay.
Let now $Z = Proj (R)$ be a projective scheme over $K$. Then $Z$ is
said to be {\itshape arithmetically Gorenstein} and {\itshape
arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay}
respectively if the homogeneous coordinate ring $R$ of $Z$ is Gorenstein and
Cohen-Macaulay respectively.
For a closed subscheme $X$ of $Z$, with homogeneous coordinate ring $A =
R/I_X$ we will refer to the canonical module of $A$ also as the canonical
module of $X$. Moreover, we say that $X$ has finite projective dimension if
has finite projective dimension as an $R$-module.
Assume that $Z$ is arithmetically Gorenstein. One of the things we shall
be interested in is to describe when certain subschemes $X$ of $Z$
are arithmetically Gorenstein, too. To do this, it
is enough to show that $X$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay, with
Cohen-Macaulay type $1$ provided
$X$ has finite projective dimension. In this case $X$ is
defined by a Gorenstein ideal $I = I_X \subset R$.
Recall that the {\em Cohen-Macaulay type} of an arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay
projective scheme $X$ with finite projective dimension can be defined to be
the rank of the last free module
occurring in a minimal free resolution of the saturated ideal of $X$. It
is equal to the number of minimal generators of the canonical module of
\section{Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves}
From now on we will always assume that $Z$ is a projective arithmetically
Gorenstein scheme over the field $K$. We denote its dimension by $n$ and
its homogeneous coordinate ring by $R$.
Let ${\mathcal F}$ and ${\mathcal G}$ be locally free sheaves of ranks $f$ and $g$
respectively on $Z$. Let $\varphi: {\mathcal F} \to {\mathcal G}$ be a generically surjective
morphism. Since the
construction of the generalized Koszul complexes as described in the
previous section globalizes, we can
associate to $\varphi$ several complexes. The most familiar are the
Eagon-Northcott complex
0 \to \wedge^f {\mathcal F} \otimes S_{f-g}({\mathcal G})^* \otimes \wedge^g {\mathcal G}^* \to
\wedge^{f-1} {\mathcal F} \otimes
S_{f-g-1}({\mathcal G})^* \otimes \wedge^g {\mathcal G}^* \to \ldots
\to \wedge^{g} {\mathcal F}
\otimes S_0({\mathcal G})^* \otimes \wedge^g {\mathcal G}^* \stackrel{\wedge^g
\varphi}{\longrightarrow} {\mathcal O}_Z \to 0
and the Buchsbaum-Rim complex
0 \to \wedge^f {\mathcal F} \otimes S_{f-g-1}({\mathcal G})^* \otimes \wedge^g {\mathcal G}^* \to
\wedge^{f-1} {\mathcal F} \otimes
S_{f-g-2}({\mathcal G})^* \otimes \wedge^g {\mathcal G}^* \to \ldots
\to \wedge^{g+1} {\mathcal F}
\otimes S_0({\mathcal G})^* \otimes \wedge^g {\mathcal G}^* \to {\mathcal F}
\stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} {\mathcal G} \to 0.
Moreover, Proposition~\ref{EN-complexes_are_exact} implies that these
complexes are acyclic if the degeneracy locus of $\varphi$ has the expected
codimension $f-g+1$ in $Z$. This lead us to the following definition.
\begin{definition} With the notation above suppose that the degeneracy locus of
$\varphi$ has codimension $f-g+1$. Then we call the cokernel of the map
between $\wedge^{g+1+i} {\mathcal F} \otimes S_i({\mathcal G})^* \otimes \wedge^g
{\mathcal G}^*$ and $\wedge^{g+i} {\mathcal F} \otimes S_{i-1}({\mathcal G})^* \otimes
\wedge^g {\mathcal G}^*$ an {\it $i^{th}$ local Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf} ($1 \leq i
\leq f-g$) and denote it by ${\mathcal B}^{\varphi}_i$.
Note that the $i^{th}$ local Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf associated to $\varphi$ is just
the $(i+1)^{st}$ syzygy sheaf of $\coker \varphi$.
The following result is a generalization of Proposition 2.10 of
\cite{KMNP}. Thanks to our set-up the proof given there works here, too.
\begin{proposition} Let ${\mathcal B}$ be a first local Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf
associated to a morphism $\varphi$. Let $X$ denote the degeneracy locus of
$\varphi$. Let $S$ be the zero-locus of a section $s \in H^0(Z,{\mathcal B})$ and let
$T$ be the zero-locus of a section $t \in H^0(Z,{\mathcal B}^*)$. Then it holds $X
\subset S$ and $X \subset T$.
Now we put stronger assumptions on the sheaves ${\mathcal F}$ and ${\mathcal G}$.
\begin{definition} \label{BR-sheaf} Suppose in addition that the modules $F =
H^0_*(Z,{\mathcal F})$ and $G = H^0_*(Z,{\mathcal G})$ are free
$R$-modules. Then the sheaf ${\mathcal B}^{\varphi}_i$ is called an {\it $i^{th}$
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf}. For simplicity a first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf is
just called a {\it Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf} and denoted by ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$.
By abuse of notation we denote the homomorphism $F \to G$ induced by $\varphi$
again by $\varphi$. Moreover, we put $B_{\varphi} = H^0_*(Z,{\mathcal B}_{\varphi})$ and $M_{\varphi} = \coker
\varphi$, so that we have an exact sequence
0 \to B_{\varphi} \to F \stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} G \to M_{\varphi} \to 0.
We call $B_{\varphi}$ a {\it Buchsbaum-Rim module}.
\begin{remark} In this paper we will consider some degeneracy loci
associated to Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves. These investigations were motivated
by the work of the first and the third author in \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein}.
Note that in \cite{KMNP}
zero-loci of regular sections of the {\it dual} of a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf
over projective space have been characterized as determinantal subschemes
which are generically complete intersections.
If $g=1$ then the sheaf ${\mathcal B}^{\varphi}_{f-1}$ is the dual of a Buchsbaum-Rim
sheaf. Thus it seems to be rewarding to study higher Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves,
\begin{remark} \label{properties_of_BR-sheaf} (i) With the notation above
the Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ has rank $r = f - g$. Our assumptions
imply that $r \leq n = \dim Z$. Moreover, ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is locally free if and
only if $n
= r$.
(ii) As a second syzygy sheaf over an arithmetically Gorenstein scheme a
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is reflexive, i.e., the natural map ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}
\otimes {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^* \to {\mathcal O}_Z$ induces an isomorphism ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi} \cong {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^{**}$.
Similarly, a Buchsbaum-Rim module is a reflexive $R$-module.
The following result will become important later on.
\begin{lemma} \label{prop-of-exteriour-powers} With the above notation let
$B_{\varphi}$ be a Buchsbaum-Rim module of rank $r$. Then it holds:
\item[(a)] For $i = 1,\ldots r$ the
module $\wedge^i B_{\varphi}^*$ is a $(r-i+1)$-syzygy of the perfect
module $S_{r-i}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G$ and
is resolved by ${\mathcal C}_i(\varphi)^*$.
\item[(b)] For $i = 0,\ldots r$ there are isomorphisms
\wedge^{r-i} {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^* \otimes \wedge^f F \otimes \wedge^g G^* \cong (\wedge^i
{\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^*)^*.
\item[(c)] For $i < r$ we have
H_{\mathfrak m}^j(\wedge^i B_{\varphi}^*) \cong \left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
0 & \mbox{if} ~ j \leq n \; \mbox{and} \; j \neq n+1-i \\
S_{i}(M_{\varphi})^{\vee}(1 - r(R)) & \mbox{if} ~ j = n+1-i.
\end{array} \right.
\begin{proof} The assumption $\codim I(\varphi) = r+1$ ensures that
$\wedge^i B_{\varphi}^*$ is resolved by ${\mathcal C}_i(\varphi)^*$ (cf.\ \cite{BV},
Remark 2.19). Hence the first claim follows by
The latter result also implies the second claim. The isomorphism is induced
by the map $\nu_i$ (cf.\ \cite{BV}, Remark 2.19).
In order to prove the third claim we observe that by Lemma~\ref{duality}
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-j}(\wedge^i B_{\varphi}^*) \cong \Ext^j(\wedge^i
But we know already that $\Ext^j(\wedge^i B_{\varphi}^*,R)$ can be computed as the
$(i-j)^{th}$ homology module of the complex ${\mathcal C}_{i}(\varphi)$ which is part
of the acyclic complex ${\mathcal D}_{i}(\varphi)$. Now our assertion follows.
\begin{remark} \label{Bott-formula} (i) The previous result implies for the
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ that it is just the sheafification
$\widetilde{B_{\varphi}}$ of the Buchsbaum-Rim module $B_{\varphi}$ and
H_*^j(\wedge^i {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^*) \cong \left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
0 & \mbox{if} ~ 1 \leq j < n \; \mbox{and} \; j \neq n-i \\
S_{i}(M_{\varphi})^{\vee}(1 - r(R)) & \mbox{if} ~ j = n-i.
\end{array} \right.
(ii) Let us consider the example where $R = K[x_0,\ldots,x_n]$ is the
polynomial ring, $F = R(-1)^{n+1}, G = R$ and $\varphi: F \to G$ a general
map. Then $M_{\varphi} \cong K$ and $B_{\varphi} = \ker \varphi$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim module and
the corresponding
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf is just the cotangent bundle on $\PP^n$. Via Serre
duality we see that in this case Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers}(c) is
just the dual version of the Bott formula for the cohomology of $\cOP^j =
\wedge^j {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$.
According to our explicit description of the complexes ${\mathcal D}_{i}(\varphi)$,
Proposition~\ref{EN-complexes_are_exact} implies.
\begin{lemma} \label{can-module-of-symm-powers} For $i = 1,\ldots r-1$ there
are isomorphisms
\Ext^{r+1}(S_i(M_{\varphi}),R) \cong S_{r-i}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes \wedge^f F^*
\otimes \wedge^g G.
Finally, we want to derive a cohomological characterization of
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves. It turns out that they are particular
Eilenberg-MacLane sheaves. Recall that an $R$-module $E$ is called an {\it
Eilenberg-MacLane module} of depth $t$, $0 \leq t \leq n+1$ if
H_{\mathfrak m}^j(E) = 0 \quad \mbox{for all} \; j \neq t \; \mbox{where} \; 0 \leq j
\leq n.
Similarly, a sheaf ${\mathcal E}$ on $Z$ is said to be an {\it Eilenberg-MacLane
sheaf} if $H^0_*({\mathcal E})$ is an Eilenberg-MacLane module.
We will need the following result which is shown in \cite{habil} as
Theorem I.3.9.
\begin{lemma} \label{Eilenberg-MacLane} Let $E$ be a
reflexive module of depth $t \leq n$. Then $E$ is an Eilenberg-MacLane
module with finite projective dimension if and only if $E^*$ is an
$(n+2-t)$-syzygy of a module $M$ of dimension $\leq t-2$. In this case it
M \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^t(E)^{\vee}(1-r(R)).
Now we are ready for our cohomological description of Buchsbaum-Rim
\begin{proposition} \label{BR-sheaf-characterization} A sheaf ${\mathcal E}$ on $Z$
is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf if and only if $E = H^0_*({\mathcal E})$ is a reflexive
Eilenberg-MacLane module with finite projective dimension and rank $r
\leq n$ such that $H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r+2}(E)^{\vee}$ is a perfect $R$-module of
dimension $n-r$ if $r \geq 2$.
\begin{proof} First let us assume that ${\mathcal E}$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf. Then
we have by definition for $E = H^0_*({\mathcal E})$ that it has a rank, say $r$,
and sits in an exact sequence
0 \to E \to F \stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} G \to M_{\varphi} \to 0
where $F$ and $G$ are free modules and $I(\varphi)$ has the expected
codimension $r+1$. Due to Remark~\ref{properties_of_BR-sheaf} $E$ is
reflexive. Furthermore, $E$ has finite projective dimension since $M_{\varphi}$
does by Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers}. If $r=1$ it follows that $E$
is just $R(m)$ for some integer $m$.
Let $r \geq 2$. Then the exact sequence above and the Cohen-Macaulayness of
$M_{\varphi}$ imply that $E$ is an Eilenberg-Maclane module of depth $n-r+2$ and
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r+2}(E)^{\vee} \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r}(M_{\varphi})^{\vee} \cong
\Ext^{r+1}(M_{\varphi},R)(r(R)-1) \cong S_{r-1}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes
\wedge^g G(r(R) - 1)
where the latter isomorphisms are due to Lemma~\ref{duality} and
Lemma~\ref{can-module-of-symm-powers}. Since $S_{r-1}(M_{\varphi})$ is a perfect module
of dimension $n-r$ by Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} we have shown
that the
conditions in the statement are necessary.
Now we want to show sufficiency. Since a reflexive module of rank $1$ with
finite projective dimension must be free we are done if $r=1$. Now let $r
\geq 2$. By assumption $M = H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r+2}(E)^{\vee}$
is a perfect module of dimension $n-r$. Since $E^*$ is an $r$-syzygy of $M$
due to Lemma~\ref{Eilenberg-MacLane} we obtain that $E^*$ is a reflexive
Eilenberg-MacLane module of depth $n$ with finite projective dimension and
H_{\mathfrak m}^n(E^*) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r}(M).
Therefore Lemma~\ref{Eilenberg-MacLane} applies also to $E^*$ and says that
$E^{**} \cong E$ is a $2$-syzygy of $H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r}(M)^{\vee}(1-r(R))$. This
means that there is an exact sequence
0 \to E \to F \stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} G \to K_M(1-r(R)) \to 0
where $F$ and $G$ are free modules with $\rank F = \rank G + r$. Since
$\operatorname{Rad} I(\varphi) = \operatorname{Rad} \Ann_R K_M$ and $K_M$ has dimension $n-r$ it follows
that $I(\varphi)$ has the maximal codimension $r+1$. Thus $E$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim
module completing the proof.
Since any module over a regular ring has finite projective dimension the
last result takes a simpler form for sheaves on $\PP^n$.
\begin{corollary} \label{Bu-Rim-sheafs-on-proj-space} A sheaf ${\mathcal E}$ on
$\PP^n$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf if and only if ${\mathcal E}$ is an reflexive
Eilenberg-MacLane sheaf of rank $r \leq n$ such that $H^i_*(\PP^n,{\mathcal E}) =
0$ if $i \neq 0, n-r+1, n+1$ and $H^{n-r+1}_*({\mathcal E})^{\vee}$ is a
Cohen-Macaulay module of dimension $n-r$.
From this result we see again that the cotangent bundle on projective space
is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf.
\section{The cohomology of the degeneracy loci}
Consider a morphism $\psi: {\mathcal P} \to {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ of sheaves of rank $t$ and
$r$ respectively on the arithmetically Gorenstein scheme $Z = Proj (R)$
where ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf and $H^0_*(Z, {\mathcal P})$ is a free
$R$-module. If $t = 1$ then $\psi$ is just a section of some twist of
${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$. Thus we refer to $\psi$ as multiple sections of ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$.
Throughout this paper we suppose that the ground field $K$ is infinite and
that the degeneracy locus $S$ of $\psi$
has (the expected) codimension $r - t + 1 \geq 2$ in $Z$. If $t=1$ then $S$
is just the zero-locus of a regular section of a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf.
It will turn out that $S$ is often not equidimensional. Thus we are also
interested in the top-dimensional part $X$ of $S$, i.e. the union of the
highest-dimensional components of $S$. The aim of this section is to
compute the cohomology modules of $S$ and $X$ respectively. An
Eagon-Northcott complex involving ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ will play an essential
role. Observe that in contrast to the situation in the previous section
where ${\mathcal F}$ and ${\mathcal G}$ were locally free the
sheaf ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is in general not locally free.
Our approach will be algebraic. Taking global sections we obtain an
\psi : P \to B_{\varphi}
where $P$ is a free $R$-module of rank $t, 1 \leq t < r$. The first aim is
to derive the complex mentioned above. We follow the approach described in
Section~\ref{preliminaries}. The $R$-dual of the Koszul complex
$\mathcal{C}_{r-t}(\psi^*)$ is
0 \to (\wedge^0 B_{\varphi}^* \otimes S_{r-t}(P^*))^* \to (B_{\varphi}^* \otimes
S_{r-t-1}(P^*))^* \to \ldots \to
(\wedge^{r-t-1} B_{\varphi}^* \otimes P^*)^* \to (\wedge^{r-t} B_{\varphi}^* \otimes
Using the isomorphisms in Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} and
$S_j(P^*)^* \cong S_j(P)$ we can
rewrite $\mathcal{C}_{r-t}(\psi^*)^* \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G$
as follows:
0 \to \wedge^r B_{\varphi}^* \otimes S_{r-t}(P) \to \wedge^{r-1} B_{\varphi}^* \otimes
S_{r-t-1}(P) \to \ldots \to
\wedge^{t+1} B_{\varphi}^* \otimes P \to \wedge^{t} B_{\varphi}^* \otimes S_0(P).
The image of the map $\wedge^{t} \psi^* : \wedge^t B_{\varphi}^* \to
\wedge^t P^*$ is (up to degree shift) an ideal of $R$ which we
denote by $I(\psi)$ or just $I$, i.e.\ $\im \wedge^{t} \psi^* = I \otimes
\wedge^t P^*$. Note that the saturation of $I$ is the
homogeneous ideal $I_S$ defining the degeneracy locus $S$. Thus, using
$\wedge^{t} \psi^*$ we can continue the complex above on the right-hand
side and obtain the desired Eagon-Northcott complex
\lefteqn{E_{\bullet} : \quad 0 \to \wedge^r B_{\varphi}^* \otimes S_{r-t}(P) \to
\wedge^{r-1} B_{\varphi}^* \otimes
S_{r-t-1}(P) \to \ldots} \\
& & \to \wedge^{t+1} B_{\varphi}^* \otimes P \to \wedge^{t} B_{\varphi}^* \to I \otimes
\wedge^t P^* \to 0. \nonumber
The next result shows that the first cohomology modules of $R/I(\psi)$
\begin{lemma} \label{depth-estimate} The depth of $R/I$ is at least
\begin{proof} Let $r=2$. Then $B_{\varphi}$ has depth $n$ and $t=1$. Thus we have
an exact sequence
0 \to R(a) \stackrel{\psi}{\longrightarrow} B_{\varphi} \to I(b) \to 0
where $a, b$ are integers. It provides the claim.
Now let $r \geq 3$. We choose a
sufficiently general linear form $l \in R$. For short we denote the
functor $\_\_\otimes_R \overline{R}$ by $^-$ where $\overline{R} = R/l R$.
Let $\alpha$ be the map
$\Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{\psi},\overline{R}) :
\Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{B_{\varphi}},\overline{R}) \to
\Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{P},\overline{R})$ and define the
homogeneous ideal $J \subset \overline{R}$ by $J \otimes \wedge^t
\overline{P}^* = \im \wedge_{\overline{R}}^t \alpha$. Our first claim
is that $\overline{I} = J$ provided $n > r$.
Multiplication by $l$ provides the commutative diagram
0 \to & P(-1) & \to & P & \to & \overline{P} & \to 0 \\
& \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \psi} & & \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \psi} & &
\downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \overline{\psi}} &\\
0 \to & B_{\varphi}(-1) & \to & B_{\varphi} & \to & \overline{B_{\varphi}} & \to 0 \\
Dualizing gives the commutative diagram
0 \to & B_{\varphi}^* & \to & B_{\varphi}^*(1) & \to & \operatorname{Ext}_R^1(\overline{B_{\varphi}},R) & \to
\operatorname{Ext}_R^1(B_{\varphi},R) = 0 \\
& \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \psi^*} & & \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \psi^*} & &
\downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \beta} &\\
0 \to & P^* & \to & P^*(1) & \to & \operatorname{Ext}_R^1(\overline{P},R) & \to \operatorname{Ext}_R^1(P,R)
= 0 \\
where the vanishings on the right-hand side are due to duality and the fact
that $B_{\varphi}$ is an Eilenberg-MacLane module of depth $n-r+2 \neq n$.
Using $\operatorname{Ext}_R^1(\overline{B_{\varphi}},R)(-1) \cong
\Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{B_{\varphi}},\overline{R})$ and
$\operatorname{Ext}_R^1(\overline{P},R)(-1) \cong
\Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{P},\overline{R})$ (cf., for example,
\cite{Bruns-Herzog}, Lemma 3.1.16) we see
that $\beta$ can be identified with $\alpha$ as well as $\psi^* \otimes
\overline{R}$. It follows
J \otimes \wedge^t {\overline{P}}^* = \im \wedge_{\overline{R}}^t \alpha = \im
\otimes \overline{R}) \cong \im (\wedge_R^t \psi^*
\otimes \overline{R}) \cong (\im \wedge_R^t \psi^*)
\otimes \overline{R} = I \otimes \wedge^t P^* \otimes \overline{R}
and thus $J = \overline{I}$ as we wanted to show.
The second commutative diagram also provides $B_{\varphi}^* \otimes \overline{R}
\cong \Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{B_{\varphi}},\overline{R})$. It follows
\wedge^t_{\overline{R}} \Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{B_{\varphi}},\overline{R})
\cong \wedge^t_{\overline{R}} (B_{\varphi}^* \otimes \overline{R}) \cong
(\wedge^t_R B_{\varphi}^*) \otimes \overline{R}.
Thus we have an exact commutative diagram
& 0 & & 0 & & 0 &\\
& \downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow &\\
0 \to & C(-1) & \to & \wedge^t B_{\varphi}^*(-1) & \to & I(-1) \otimes \wedge^t
P^* & \to 0 \\
& \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle l} & & \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle l} & &
\downarrow\!{\scriptstyle l} &\\
0 \to & C & \to & \wedge^t B_{\varphi}^* & \to & I \otimes \wedge^t P^* & \to 0 \\
& & & \downarrow & & &\\
0 \to & L & \to & \wedge^t_{\overline{R}}
\Hom_{\overline{R}}(\overline{B_{\varphi}},\overline{R}) & \to & J \otimes \wedge^t
{\overline{P}}^* & \to 0 \\
& & & \downarrow & & &\\
& & & 0 & & &
where $C = \ker \wedge_R^t \psi^*$ and $L = \ker
\wedge_{\overline{R}}^t \alpha$. Since $\wedge^t B_{\varphi}^*$ has depth $n+1-t
\geq n+2-r$ due to Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} the first row
shows that our assertion is equivalent to
$\depth C \geq n+2-r$. In order to show this we induct on $n-r$. If $n =
r$ the claim follows by the exact cohomology sequence induced by the
top-line of the
previous diagram and $\depth \wedge^t B_{\varphi}^* \geq 2$. Let $n > r$. Then
our first claim and the Snake
lemma applied to the diagram above imply $\overline{C} \cong L$. The
induction hypothesis applies to $L$ and we obtain
0 < n+1-r \leq \depth L < \depth C
completing the proof.
For computing the other cohomology modules of $R/I(\psi)$ we use the
Eagon-Northcott complex above. In order to ease notation let us write
$E_{\bullet}$ as
E_{\bullet} \colon \quad 0 \to E_r \stackrel{\delta_r}{\longrightarrow} E_{r-1}
\stackrel{\delta_{r-1}}{\longrightarrow} \cdots \to E_t
\stackrel{\delta_t}{\longrightarrow} I(\psi) (p) \to 0
E_i = \wedge^i B_{\varphi}^* \otimes S_{i - t}(P) \quad \mbox{and} \quad R(p)
\cong \wedge^t P^*.
The number of minimal generators of an $R$-module $N$ is denoted by
\begin{proposition} \label{cohomology-of locus} Put $I = I(\psi)$. Then we
\item[(a)] For $j\neq \dim R/I = n+t-r$ it holds
H^j_m (R/I) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
S_i(M_{\varphi})^\vee \otimes
S_{i-t} (P) \otimes \wedge^t P (1-r(R)) & \mbox{if } j=n+t-2i \quad
\mbox{where }
\max \{t, \frac{r+1}{2}\} \leq i \leq \left \lfloor \frac{r+t}{2} \right
\rfloor \\
0 & \mbox{otherwise}.
\end{array} \right.
\item[(b)] The canonical module satisfies
\mu(K_{R/I}) \leq \binom{r-1}{t-1} + \left\{
\binom{\frac{r}{2}+g-1}{g-1} \cdot \binom{\frac{r}{2} - 1}{t-1} & \mbox{if
$r$ is even and } 1\leq t \leq \frac{r}{2} \\
0 & \mbox{otherwise}.
\begin{proof} We consider the Eagon-Northcott complex $E_{\bullet}$ above.
According to the Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} $B_{\varphi}^*$ is an $r$-syzygy.
Therefore $B_{\varphi}^*$ is locally free in codimension $r$. It follows that the
Eagon-Northcott complex $E_{\bullet}$ is exact in codimension $r$.
Therefore its
homology modules $H_i(E_{\bullet})$ have dimension $\leq n-r$. Thus the exact
0 \to \im \delta_{i+1} \to \ker \delta_i \to H_i(E_{\bullet}) \to 0
H_{\mathfrak m}^j(\ker \delta_i) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^j(\im \delta_{i+1}) \quad \mbox{if} ~ j \geq
n-r+2. \leqno(1)
Moreover, there are exact sequences
0 \to \ker \delta_i \to E_i \to \im \delta_i \to 0
inducing exact sequences
H_{\mathfrak m}^j(E_i) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^j(\im \delta_i) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{j+1}(\ker \delta_i)
\to H_{\mathfrak m}^{j+1}(E_i) \leqno(2)
where the injectivity or surjectivity of the map in the middle can be
checked by means of Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers}. This map is an
isomorphism if $j \neq n-i, n+1-i, n, n+1$.
Let us consider the map $\delta_r$. Due to our assumption the map $\psi^*:
B_{\varphi}^* \to P^*$ is generically surjective. Thus the same applies to the
Koszul map $B_{\varphi}^* \otimes S_{r-t-1}(P^*) \to S_{r-t}(P^*)$ which is induced
by $\psi$. It follows that
the $R$-dual of this map is injective. But the latter is (up to a degree
shift) just $\delta_r$. Hence we have seen that $\im \delta_r \cong E_r$.
According to Lemma~\ref{depth-estimate} it suffices to consider $H_{\mathfrak m}^j(R/I)$
where $n-r \leq j \leq n+t-r = \dim R/I$. For this we distinguish several
cases. \\
{\it Case 1}: Let us assume that $n-t < j \leq n+t-r$. This can occur if
and only if $t \geq \frac{r+1}{2}$.
Using (2) and (1) in alternating order we get
\lefteqn{H_{\mathfrak m}^j(R/I)(p) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{j+1}(\im \delta_t) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{j+2}(\ker
\delta_t) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{j+2}(\im \delta_{t+1}) \cong \ldots} \\
& & \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{r+j-t}(\im \delta_{r-1}) \hookrightarrow H_{\mathfrak m}^{r+j+1-t}(\ker
\delta_{r-1}) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{r+j+1-t}(\im \delta_{r}) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{r+j+1-t}(E_r)
where the injection holds true because we have by our assumptions $n+3-r
\leq n+2-t \leq j+1 \leq r+j-t \leq n$.
It follows by Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} and Lemma~\ref{duality}
H_{\mathfrak m}^j(R/I) = 0 \quad \mbox{if} ~ n-t < j < n+t-r
and in case $j = \dim R/I$ for the canonical module
\mu(K_{R/I}) \leq \mu(H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1}(E_r)^\vee) = \mu(E_r) = \mu(S_{r-t}(P)) =
{\it Case 2}: Let us assume that $n-r \leq j= n+t-1-2i \leq \min \{n+t-r,
n-t \}$, i.e.\ $\max \{t, \frac{r-1}{2} \} \leq i \leq \frac{r+t-1}{2}$.
Using (2) and (1) again we obtain
\lefteqn{H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-1-2i}(R/I)(p) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-2i}(\im \delta_t) \cong
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t+1-2i}(\ker \delta_t) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t+1-2i}(\im \delta_{t+1})
\cong \ldots} \\
& \cong & H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-i}(\im \delta_i) \hookrightarrow H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\ker
\delta_i) \cong \ldots \\
& \cong & H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-1-2i}(\im \delta_{r-1}) \hookrightarrow
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-2i}(\ker \delta_{r-1}) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-2i}(\im \delta_{r}) \cong
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-2i}(E_r).
Since $E_r$ is free we get
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-1-2i}(R/I) = 0 \quad \mbox{if} ~ i \geq \frac{r}{2}
and in case $i = \frac{r-1}{2}$ we obtain the same bound for the number of
minimal generators of the canonical module as in Case 1. \\
{\it Case 3}: Let us assume that $n-r \leq j= n+t-2i \leq \min \{n+t-r,
n-t \}$, i.e.\ $\max \{t, \frac{r}{2} \} \leq i \leq \frac{r+t}{2}$.
If follows similarly as before
\lefteqn{H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-2i}(R/I)(p) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t+1-2i}(\im \delta_t)} \\
& \cong &
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t+2-2i}(\ker \delta_t) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t+2-2i}(\im \delta_{t+1})
\cong \ldots \\
& \cong & H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\im \delta_i).
Now we look at the exact sequence
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\ker \delta_i) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(E_i) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\im
\delta_i) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+2-i}(\ker \delta_i). \leqno(3)
We use again (1) and (2) in order to obtain information on the modules on
the left-hand and on the right-hand side. This provides
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\ker \delta_i) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\im \delta_{i+1}) \cong \ldots
\cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-2i}(\im \delta_r) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-2i}(E_r) = 0
because $n+r-2i \leq n$ and
\lefteqn{H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+2-i}(\ker \delta_i) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+2-i}(\im \delta_{i+1})
\cong \ldots } \\
& & \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-2i}(\im \delta_{r-1}) \hookrightarrow H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r-2i}(\ker
\delta_r) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r+1-2i}(\im \delta_r) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+r+1-2i}(E_r)
where the last module vanishes if and only if $i \neq \frac{r}{2}$.
Therefore (3) yields if $i \neq \frac{r}{2}$
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-2i}(R/I)(p) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(E_i) \cong
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\wedge^iB_{\varphi}^*) \otimes S_{{\frac{r}{2}}-t}(P) \cong
\otimes S_{{\frac{r}{2}}-t}(P) (1 - r(R)).
In case $i = \frac{r}{2}$ taking $K$-duals of (3) furnishes the exact
E_r^* \to \Ext^{r-t+1}(R/I,R)(-p) \to S_{\frac{r}{2}}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes
It follows for the canonical module
\mu(K_{R/I}) & \leq & \mu(S_{\frac{r}{2}} (M_{\varphi})) \otimes S_{\frac{r}{2}-t}
(P) + \mu(E_r) \\
& = & \binom{\frac{r}{2}+g-1}{g-1} \cdot \binom{\frac{r}{2}-1}{t-1} +
Our assertions are now a consequence of the results in the three cases
\begin{corollary} \label{depth-formula} For the depth of the coordinate
ring we have
\depth R/I(\psi) = \left \{ \begin{array}{ll}
n-r & \mbox{if} ~ r+t \; \mbox{is even} \\
n-r+1 & \mbox{if} ~ r+t \; \mbox{is odd}.
\end{array} \right.
Put $e = \depth R/I(\psi)$. Then the only non-vanishing cohomology modules
of $R/I(\psi)$ besides $H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-r}(R/I(\psi))$ are $H_{\mathfrak m}^{e+2k}(R/I(\psi))$
where $k$ is an integer with $0 \leq k \leq \frac{1}{2} [\min \{
n-t,n+t-r-1 \} - e]$.
It has already been observed in \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein} that $I(\psi)$ is
not always an unmixed ideal. This gives rise to consider the ideal
$J(\psi)$ which is defined as the intersection of the primary components of
$I(\psi)$ having maximal dimension. We denote by $X$ the subscheme of $Z$
defined by $J(\psi)$ and call it the top-dimensional part of the degeneracy
locus $S$.
Our next aim is to clarify the relationship between $S$ and $X$. For this
we need a cohomological criterion for unmixedness stated as Lemma
III.2.3 in \cite{habil}.
\begin{lemma} \label{unmixedness-criterion} Let $I \subset R$ be a
homogeneous ideal. Then $I$ is unmixed if and only if
\dim \Supp(H_{\mathfrak m}^i(R/I)) < i \quad \mbox{for all} \; i < \dim R/I
where we put $\dim \Supp(M) = - \infty$ if $M = 0$.
Now we can show.
\begin{proposition} \label{coho_of_top-dimensional} Let $I = I(\psi)$ and
$J = J(\psi)$. Then it holds:
\item[(a)] $I$ is unmixed if and only if $r+t$ is odd.
\item[(b)] If $r+t$ is even then $I$ has a primary component of codimension
$r+1$. Let $Q$ be the intersection of all those components. Then we have $I =
J \cap Q$ and
H^j_m(R/J) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
H^j_m (R/I) & \mbox{if } j\neq n-r \\
0 & \mbox{if } j=n-r
J/I \cong S_{\frac{r-t}{2}} (M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{\frac{r-t}{2}}(P) \otimes
\wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G \otimes
\wedge^t P.
\begin{proof} For $i = 0,\ldots,r$ the module $S_i(M_{\varphi})$ is a perfect
module of dimension $n-r$. Hence claim (a) follows by
Proposition~\ref{cohomology-of locus} and Lemma~\ref{unmixedness-criterion}.
In order to show (b) we note first that the maximal codimension of a
component of I is $r+1$ because $\depth R/I = n-r$. Let $Q$ be the
intersection of all these components and let $J$ be the intersection of the
remaining ones. Then $I=J\cap Q$ and the components of $J$
have codimension $\leq r$. We have to show that $J$ is
As a first step we will prove that $\depth R/J > n-r$. We induct on $n-r\geq
0$. If $r=n$ the claim is clear since $J$ is saturated by construction.
Let $r=n-1$. It follows that $\dim R/I = 1 + t \geq2$ and that $R/Q$ and
$S_{\frac{r+t}{2}}(M_{\varphi})$ have positive dimension.
Now we look at the exact sequence
0 \to R/I \to R/J \oplus R/Q \to R/ (J + Q) \to 0.
We can find an $l \in [R]_1$ which is a parameter on $R/I, R/J, R/Q,
S_{\frac{r+t}{2}}(M_{\varphi})$ and also on $R/(J+Q)$ if it has positive
dimension. Using $H_{\mathfrak m}^2(R/I) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^2(R/J)$ we obtain a commutative
diagram with exact rows
H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/I)(-1) & \to & H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/J)(-1) & \oplus & H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/Q)(-1) & \to &
H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/(J+Q))(-1) & \to 0 \\
\downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \beta_1} & & \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \beta_2} &
& \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \beta_3} & & \downarrow\!{\scriptstyle \beta_4}
& \\
H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/I) & \to & H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/J) & \oplus & H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/Q) & \to & H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/J+Q) & \to
where the vertical maps are multiplication by $l$. Due to our choice of
$l$ it holds $H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/(Q + l R)) = H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/(J+Q+l R)) = 0$. Thus $\beta_3$ and
$\beta_4$ are surjective. Since $l$ is a parameter of the Cohen-Macaulay
module $S_{\frac{r+t}{2}}(M)$ the multiplication map
\stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow} S_{\frac{r+t}{2}}(M)$ is injective, thus the
dual map $S_{\frac{r+t}{2}}(M)^{\vee}
\stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow} S_{\frac{r+t}{2}}(M)^{\vee}(1)$ is an
epimorphism. Therefore $\beta_1$ is surjective due to
Proposition~\ref{cohomology-of locus}. The same is true for $\beta_2$ by the
commutative diagram above. Since $R/J$ is unmixed
Lemma~\ref{unmixedness-criterion} implies that $H_{\mathfrak m}^1(R/J)$ is finitely
generated, hence it must be zero by Nakayama's lemma.
Finally, let $r \leq n-2$. We consider the commutative diagram
0 \to & R/I(-1) & \to & R/J(-1) & \oplus & R/Q(-1) & \to & R/(J+Q)(-1) & \to
0 \\
& \downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow\ & & \downarrow & \\
0 \to & R/I & \to & R/J & \oplus & R/Q & \to & R/(J+Q) & \to
where the vertical maps are multiplication by $l$. By Lemma~\ref{depth-formula}
$\depth R/I \geq 2$ and by assumption on $r$ $R/J$ and
$R/Q$ have positive depth. Hence the cohomology sequence induced by the
bottom line provides $H_{\mathfrak m}^0(R/(J+Q)) = 0$. It follows that we may choose $l$ as
non-zero divisor on $R/I, R/J, R/Q$ and $R/(J+Q)$, i.e., the vertical maps in
the diagram above are all injective. Thus the Snake lemma implies the exact
0 \to \overline{R}/\overline{I} \to \overline{R}/\overline{J} \oplus
\overline{R}/\overline{Q} \to \overline{R}/\overline{J} + \overline{Q} \to
where we denote by $^-$ again the functor $\_\_ \otimes_{R} R/l R$. By
Bertini's theorem $\overline{Q}$ is unmixed of codimension $r+1$ in
$\overline{R}$ (possibly) up to a component associated to the irrelevant
ideal of $\overline{R}$. Moreover, we have seen in the proof of
Lemma~\ref{depth-estimate} that the induction hypothesis applies to
$\overline{I}$. But the last exact sequence implies $\overline{I} =
\overline{J} \cap \overline{Q}$. It follows that $\overline{J}$ is the
intersection of the top-dimensional components of $\overline{I}$. Hence we
get by induction $\depth \overline{R}/\overline{J} \geq n-r$. But $l$ was a
non-zero divisor on $R/J$ thus we obtain
\depth R/J > \depth \overline{R/J} = \depth \overline{R}/\overline{J}
completing our induction.
Next we consider the exact sequence
0 \to J/I \to R/I \to R/J \to 0. \leqno(*)
Note that $J/I\cong (J+Q)/Q$ has dimension $\leq n-r$. Moreover we have just
shown $\depth R/J > n-r$. Therefore the induced cohomology sequence yields:
H_{\mathfrak m}^i(R/J) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^i(R/I) \quad \mbox{if} ~ i > n-r,
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r}(J/I) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r} (R/I) \cong S_{\frac{r+t}{2}}
(M_{\varphi})^\vee\otimes S_{\frac{r-t}{2}} (P) \otimes \wedge^t P (1-r(R))
and $J/I$ is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension $n-r$. The first
isomorphisms, Proposition~\ref{cohomology-of locus} and
Lemma~\ref{unmixedness-criterion} imply now that $J$ must be unmixed.
Now we use that for a Cohen-Macaulay module $M$ it holds $K_{K_M} \cong
M$. Thus we get by duality and Lemma~\ref{can-module-of-symm-powers}
J/I & \cong & H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r}( H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r}(J/I)^{\vee})^{\vee} \\
& \cong & H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r}(S_{\frac{r+t}{2}} (M_{\varphi}))^\vee \otimes
S_{\frac{r-t}{2}} (P) \otimes \wedge^t P (1 - r(R)) \\
& \cong & \Ext^{r+1}(S_{\frac{r+t}{2}} (M_{\varphi}),R) \otimes
S_{\frac{r-t}{2}} (P) \otimes \wedge^t P \\
& \cong & S_{\frac{r-t}{2}} (M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{\frac{r-t}{2}} (P) \otimes
\wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G.
\otimes \wedge^t P.
This finishes the proof.
The arguments in the previous proof also provide that $R/Q$ is
Cohen-Macaulay of dimension $n-r$ and
n-r-1 \leq \depth R/(J+Q) \leq \dim R/(J+Q) \leq n-r.
Our results with respect to ring-theoretic properties can be summarized as
follows. Recall that $X$ denotes the top-dimensional part of the degeneracy
locus $S$ of $\psi$.
\begin{theorem} \label{summary_for_degeneracy_loci}
With the notation above we have:
\item[(a)] If $r = n$ then $S$ is equidimensional and locally
\item[(b)] $S$ is equidimensional if and only if $r+t$
is odd or $r = n$.
Moreover, if $r < n$ then $X$ is locally Cohen-Macaulay if and only if $X$ is
arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay.
\item[(c)] If $r+t$ is odd then $X = S$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay if
and only if $t=1$. In this case $S$ has Cohen-Macaulay type $\leq 1 +
\item[(d)] Let $r+t$ be even. Then
\item[(i)] $X$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay if and only if $1 \leq t
\leq 2$. If $t =1$ then $X$ is arithmetically Gorenstein. If $t = 2$ then $X$
has Cohen-Macaulay type $\leq r - 1 + \binom{\frac{r}{2}+g-1}{g-1} \cdot
(\frac{r}{2} - 1)$.
\item[(ii)] If in addition $r < n$ then the components
of $S$ have either codimension $r-t+1$ or codimension $r+1$.
\begin{proof} (a) If $r = n$ then $\dim M_{\varphi} = 0$. Hence it follows by
Proposition~\ref{cohomology-of locus} that the modules $H^i_*(Z,{\mathcal J}_S)$
have finite length if $i \leq \dim S$ which is equivalent to $S$ being
equidimensional and locally Cohen-Macaulay.
(b) If $r+t$ is odd then $S$ is equidimensional due to
Proposition~\ref{coho_of_top-dimensional}. If $r+t$ is even then
Proposition~\ref{coho_of_top-dimensional} shows that $S$ is
equidimensional if and only if $r=n$.
Moreover, $r<n$ implies that $M_{\varphi}$ does not have finite length. Therefore
Proposition~\ref{coho_of_top-dimensional} furnishes that $R/J(\psi)$ has
cohomology of finite length if and only if $R/J(\psi)$ is
Cohen-Macaulay. Claim (b) follows.
(c) If $r+t$ is odd then we have by Proposition~\ref{coho_of_top-dimensional}
that $S$ is equidimensional and by Corollary~\ref{depth-formula} that $\depth
R/I(\psi) = n-r+1$. The claim follows because of $\dim R/I(\psi) = n-r+t$.
(d) If $r+t$ is even we get $r \leq t-2$. Hence the claim is a
consequence of Propositions~\ref{cohomology-of locus} and
\begin{remark} (i) If we specialize the previous result to $Z = \PP^n, r=3,
t=1$ then we get the main result of \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein}. \\
(ii) In case $t=1$ and $r$ is even the result has been first proved by the
first and third author who communicated it to Kustin. Subsequently, Kustin
\cite{Kustin} strengthened it by removing almost all the assumptions on the
ring $R$ and computing a free resolution (cf.\ also Remark
\ref{discussion_of_minimality} and Corollary \ref{one-sect-even-case}). \\
(iii) Note that in the above theorem the term equidimensional is used in the
scheme-theoretic sense. Thus $S$ being equidimensional does not automatically
imply that $I(\psi)$ is saturated. However,
due to Corollary 4.3 $I(\psi)$ is not saturated if and
only if $r = n$ and $r+t$ is even. We use this fact in
The next result generalizes \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein}, Corollary 1.2.
\begin{corollary} Let ${\mathcal E}$ be a vector bundle on $\PP^n$ of rank $n$ where
$n$ is odd such that $H^i_*(\PP^n,{\mathcal E}) = 0$ if $2 \leq i \leq n-1$.
Let $s$ be a section of ${\mathcal E}$ vanishing on a scheme $X$ of codimension
$n$. Then $X$ is arithmetically Gorenstein.
\begin{proof} According to Corollary~\ref{Bu-Rim-sheafs-on-proj-space},
${\mathcal E}$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf. Therefore
Theorem~\ref{summary_for_degeneracy_loci} shows the claim.
\section{The resolutions of the loci}
In this section we show how free resolutions can be obtained
for the schemes described in this paper. In most cases we expect these
resolutions to be minimal. The main tools are the Eagon-Northcott complex
$E_{\bullet}$ in $(4.1)$,
its dual and a general result for comparing the resolution of the scheme
with its cohomology modules.
We begin by considering the Eagon-Northcott complex again. The interested
reader will have observed that this complex is {\it not} exact in
general. Fortunately, we are able to compute its homology.
\begin{proposition} \label{homology_of_EN} The homology modules of the
Eagon-Northcott $E_{\bullet}$ complex are:
H_i (E_{\bullet}) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
S_j(M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{r-t-j}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G &
\mbox{if} ~ i=r-1-2j
\mbox{ where } j \in \ZZ, \; t \leq i \leq r-3 \\
0 & \mbox{otherwise}.
\begin{proof} According to Lemma~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} and
Lemma~\ref{depth-estimate} all non-trivial modules occurring in
$E_{\bullet}$ have depth $\geq n-r+1$. Thus using $n-r$ general
linear forms in $R$ and arguments as in Proposition~\ref{depth-estimate}
we see that it suffices to consider the case where $R$ has dimension
$r+1$, i.e., we may and will assume that $n=r$.
Then we already know that the
homology modules of $E_{\bullet}$ have finite length. As for the
cohomology of $R/I$ one computes (cf.\ Proposition~\ref{cohomology-of
H^1_m(\im \delta_i) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
S_{r-j} (M_{\varphi})^\vee \otimes S_{r-j-t}(P)(1- r(R)) & \mbox{if} ~ t \leq i = r-2j <
r \\
0 & \mbox{if} ~ r+i \mbox{ is odd}
\end{array} \right.
Since $r = n$ the module $M_{\varphi}$ has finite length. It follows
S_{r-j}(M_{\varphi})^{\vee}(1-r(R)) & \cong & H_{\mathfrak m}^0(S_{r-j}(M_{\varphi}))^{\vee}(1-r(R)) \\
& \cong & \operatorname{Ext}_R^{r+1}(S_{r-j}(M_{\varphi}),R) \quad \mbox{by \ref{duality}} \\
& \cong & S_j(M_{\varphi}) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G \quad \mbox{by
Thus we have
H^1_m(\im \delta_i) \cong \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
S_{j} (M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{r-j-t}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g
G & \mbox{if} ~ t \leq i = r-2j < r \\
0 & \mbox{if} ~ r+i \mbox{ is odd}
\end{array} \right. \leqno(+)
The modules $\im \delta_i$ and $\ker \delta_i$ are submodules
of the reflexive modules $E_{i+1}$ and $E_i$, respectively.
Hence both have positive depth.
Since $\depth E_i = n+1-i \geq 2$ if $i<r=n$ the exact
0 \to \ker \delta_i \to E_i \to \im \delta_i \to 0
shows $\depth \ker \delta_i \geq 2$ for all $i=t, \ldots, r$.
Using the finite length of $H_i(E_{\bullet})$ the exact sequence
0 \to \im \delta_{i+1} \to \ker \delta_i \to H_i (E_{\bullet} ) \to 0
provides $H^1_m (\im \delta_{i+1}) \cong H^0_m (H_i(E_{\bullet}))
\cong H_i(E_{\bullet})$. Hence $(+)$ proves our assertion because
$\delta_t$ is surjective by the definition of the ideal $I$.
\begin{remark} \label{remark_resolution_in_general} Now we can compute a
free resolution of $I = I(\psi)$ as follows: Proposition~\ref{homology_of_EN}
provides exact sequences
0 \to \ker \delta_{r+1-2j} \to E_{r+1-2j} \to E_{r-2j} \to
\im \delta_{r-2j} \to 0, \quad t \leq r-2j<r, \leqno(1)
and if $r+t$ is odd additionally
0 \to \ker \delta_t \to E_t \to I(p) \to 0,
0 \to \im \delta_{r-2j} \to \ker \delta_{r-2j-1} \to S_j(M_{\varphi}) \otimes
S_{r-t-j}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G \to 0, \quad
t<r-2j<r. \leqno(2)
According to Proposition~\ref{EN-complexes_are_exact} and
Proposition~\ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} we know the minimal
resolution of
$E_i$ and $S_j(M_{\varphi})$, respectively. Thus, in order to get a resolution of
$I$ we
compute successively resolutions of $\im \delta_{r-2}, \ker
\delta_{r-3}, \\
\im \delta_{r-4}, \ldots, \im \delta_t = I(p)$
using the exact sequences (1) and (2). If (1) is used we just
apply the mapping cone procedure twice. If we use (2) we apply the
Horseshoe lemma.
Following the procedure just described we certainly do not obtain a
minimal free
resolution of $I$. Thus we need some results which allow us to split off
redundant terms. The idea is to compare the resolution of $I$ with those of
its cohomology modules. In particular, this requires information on the
canonical module $K_S = \operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t}(R/I(\psi),R) (r(R) - 1)$ of our
degeneracy locus $S$ which we derive first.
\begin{lemma} \label{can_module_depth_estimate} The depth of the canonical
module of
$X$ is at least $\min \{n-r+t, n-r+2\}$. In particular, it is
Cohen-Macaulay if $1 \leq t \leq 2$.
\begin{proof} Let $A = R/I(\psi)$. We induct on $n - r$. Since
the canonical module always satisfies $\depth K_A \geq \min \{\dim A,
2\}$ the claim is clear if $n = r$.
Let $n > r$ and let $l \in R$ be a general linear form. We want to show
K_A/ l K_A \cong K_{A/l A}.
Due to Corollary \ref{depth-formula} there is an exact sequence induced by
0 \to A(-1) \stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow} A \to A/l A \to 0.
It provides the long exact sequence
0 \to \operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t}(A,R) \stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow} \operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t}(A,R)(1) \to
\operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t+1}(A/l A,R) \to \operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t+1}(A,R) \stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow}
\operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t+1}(A,R)(1) \to \ldots.
Using $\operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t-1}(A/l A,R)(r(R) - 1) \cong K_{A/l A}$ we can rewrite the
last sequence as
0 \to K_A(-1) \stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow} K_A \to K_{A/l A} \to
\operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t+1}(A,R)(r(R)-2) \stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow}
\operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t+1}(A,R)(r(R)-1) \to \ldots.
We claim that the multiplication map on the right-hand side is
injective. Indeed, if $r+1$ is odd or $2t \geq r+1$ then we have by duality
and Proposition
\ref{cohomology-of locus} that $\operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t+1}(A,R) = 0$. Otherwise the
multiplication map is (up to degree shift) essentially given by
S_{\frac{r+1}{2}}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{\frac{r+1}{2}-t} (P)^* (-1)
\stackrel{l}{\longrightarrow} S_{\frac{r+1}{2}}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes
S_{\frac{r+1}{2}-t} (P)^*.
But the module $S_{\frac{r+1}{2}}(M_{\varphi})$ is Cohen-Macaulay of dimension $n-r
> 0$ according to Lemma \ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers}. Thus we can choose
$l$ as a regular element with respect to $S_{\frac{r+1}{2}}(M_{\varphi})$ and the
claim follows.
Hence the exact sequence above implies
K_A/ l K_A \cong K_{A/l A} \quad \mbox{and} \quad \depth K_A > \depth
K_{A/l A}.
Applying the induction hypothesis to $K_{A/l A}$ completes the proof.
\begin{remark} \label{X_and_S_have_same_can_module} The canonical modules
of $S$ and its top-dimensional part $X$ are isomorphic. This follows from
the corresponding (slightly stronger) result for $R/I(\psi)$ and
$R/J(\psi)$. Indeed, according to Proposition
\ref{coho_of_top-dimensional} there is an exact sequence
0 \to S_{\frac{r-t}{2}}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{\frac{r-t}{2}}(P) \otimes \wedge^f
F^* \otimes \wedge^g G \otimes \wedge^t P \to R/I(\psi) \to R/J(\psi) \to
Since $\dim S_{\frac{r-t}{2}}(M_{\varphi}) = n-r < n-r+t = \dim R/I(\psi) = \dim
R/J(\psi)$ the claim follows by the long exact cohomology sequence.
\begin{lemma} \label{dual_of_EN_complex} The dual of the Eagon-Northcott
complex $E_{\bullet}$ provides a complex
0 \to \wedge^t P \to E_t^* \stackrel{\delta^*_{t+1}}{\longrightarrow} \ldots \to
E_{r-1}^* \stackrel{\delta^*_{r}}{\longrightarrow} E_r^*
\stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} K_{R/I} \otimes \wedge^t P (1 - r(R))
\to 0
which we denote (by slight abuse of notation) by $E_{\bullet}^*$. Its
(co)homology modules are given by
H^i(E_{\bullet}^*) \cong \left \{
S_j(M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{j-t}(P)^* & \mbox{if} ~ 2t + 1 \leq i = 2 j + 1 \leq r+1 \\
0 & \mbox{otherwise}
In particular, $E_{\bullet}^*$ is exact if $t \geq \frac{r+1}{2}$.
\begin{proof} If $r = 2$ (and thus $t=1$) the claim follows immediately by
dualizing because $E_{\bullet}$ is exact in this case.
Now let $r \geq 3$. We begin by verifying that $E_{\bullet}^*$ is indeed a
complex. This is only an issue in the beginning of this sequence.
Consider the exact sequence
0 \to E_r \stackrel{\delta_r}{\longrightarrow} E_{r-1} \to \im \delta_{r-1}
\to 0.
Dualizing provides the exact sequence
E_{r-1}^* \stackrel{\delta^*_{r}}{\longrightarrow} E_r^*
\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow} \operatorname{Ext}_R^1(\im \delta_{r-1}, R) \to
\operatorname{Ext}_R^1(E_{r-1},R). \leqno(+)
The module on the right-hand side vanishes since $H_{\mathfrak m}^n(\wedge^{r-1}B_{\varphi}^*)
= 0$ if $r \neq 2$. Hence the map $\gamma$ is surjective. In order to
compare its image with $K_{R/I}$ we look at the proof of Proposition
\ref{cohomology-of locus} and use its notation.
If $t \geq \frac{r+1}{2}$ we have (cf.\ Case 1)
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-r}(R/I)(p) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^n(\im \delta_{r-1}).
Thus $(+)$ provides the exact sequence
E_{r-1}^* \stackrel{\delta^*_{r}}{\longrightarrow} E_r^*
\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow} K_{R/I}(1 - r(R) -p) \to 0.
Putting $\gamma = \alpha$ we get the desired complex and
H^{r+1}(E_{\bullet}^*) = H^{r}(E_{\bullet}^*) = 0.
Now let $t \leq \frac{r+1}{2}$ and let $r$ be odd. Then we have (cf.\ Case
2) an embedding
\beta: H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-r}(R/I)(p) \hookrightarrow H_{\mathfrak m}^n(\im \delta_{r-1}).
We define $\gamma$ as the composition of $\alpha$ and $\beta^{\vee}$ (with
the appropriate shift). Thus $\gamma$ is surjective, i.e.
H^{r+1}(E_{\bullet}^*) = 0.
Finally, let $t \leq \frac{r+1}{2}$ and let $r$ be even. Then we have (cf.\
Case 3) an exact sequence
0 \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-\frac{r}{2}}(E_{\frac{r}{2}}) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-\frac{r}{2}}(\im
\delta_{\frac{r}{2}}) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+2-\frac{r}{2}}(\ker
\delta_{\frac{r}{2}}) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+2-\frac{r}{2}}(E_{\frac{r}{2}}) = 0
and isomorphisms
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-\frac{r}{2}}(\im \delta_{\frac{r}{2}}) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^{n-r+t}(R/I)(p),
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+2-\frac{r}{2}}(\ker \delta_{\frac{r}{2}}) \cong H_{\mathfrak m}^n(\im
Thus we can conclude with the help of $(+)$ that there is an exact sequence
E_{r-1}^* \stackrel{\delta^*_{r}}{\longrightarrow} E_r^*
\stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} K_{R/I} (1 - p - r(R)) \to
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-\frac{r}{2}}(E_{\frac{r}{2}})^{\vee}(1-r(R))
\to 0.
Using Lemma \ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} it follows
H^{r+1}(E_{\bullet}^*) \cong
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-\frac{r}{2}}(E_{\frac{r}{2}})^{\vee}(1-r(R)) \cong
S_{\frac{r}{2}}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes S_{\frac{r}{2}-t}(P)^*.
Hence we have shown in all cases that $E_{\bullet}^*$ is a complex and we
have computed $H^{r+1}(E_{\bullet}^*)$.
In order to compute the other cohomology modules we proceed as in the
proofs of Proposition \ref{cohomology-of locus} and Proposition
\ref{homology_of_EN}. Indeed, we just have to use Lemma
\ref{can_module_depth_estimate} as replacement of Lemma
\ref{depth-estimate} and $E_{\bullet}^*$ instead of $E_{\bullet}$. The
details are tedious but straightforward. We omit them.
The next result is also interesting in its own right. It relates the minimal free resolution of a module
to those of (the duals) of its cohomology modules. Observe that the result
as it is stated remains valid even if $R$ is not a Gorenstein but just a
Cohen-Macaulay ring, though we won't use this fact here.
\begin{proposition} \label{resolution_via_cohomology} Let $N$ be a finitely
generated graded torsion $R$-module which has projective dimension
$s$. Then it holds for all integers $j \geq 0$ that
$\operatorname{Tor}^R_{s-j}(N,K)^{\vee}$ is a direct summand of
\oplus_{i=0}^j \operatorname{Tor}^R_{j-i}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-i}(N,R),K).
Moreover, we have $\operatorname{Tor}^R_{s}(N,K)^{\vee} \cong \operatorname{Tor}^R_{0}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s}(N,R),K)$ and
that $\operatorname{Tor}^R_{1}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s}(N,R),K)$ is a direct summand of
\begin{proof} For the purpose of this proof we write $M \ds N$ in order to
express that the submodule $M$ is a
direct summand of the module $N$.
Consider a minimal free resolution of $N$:
0 \to F_s \to \ldots \to F_1 \to F_0 \to N \to 0.
Dualizing with respect to $R$ provides the complex:
0 \to F_0^* \stackrel{\alpha_0}{\longrightarrow} F_1^* \to \ldots \to
F_{s-1}^* \stackrel{\alpha_{s-1}}{\longrightarrow} F_s^* \to \operatorname{Ext}_R^s(N.R) \to
Since the maps $\alpha_j$ are duals of minimal maps we can write
\ker \alpha_j \cong G_j \oplus M_j
where $M_j$ does not have a free $R$-module as direct summand and
$G_j$ is a free $R$-module being a direct summand of $F_j^*$ (but possibly
Moreover, there are exact sequences
0 \to \im \alpha_{j-1} \to \ker \alpha_j \to \operatorname{Ext}_R^j(N,R) \to 0.
Since $\alpha_{j-1}$ is a minimal homomorphism it holds $\im \alpha_{j-1} \subset {\mathfrak m}
\cdot F_j^*$. This shows: \\
(1) The minimal generators of $G_j$ give rise to minimal generators of
Now we consider the diagram
0 \to & \im \alpha_{j-1} & \to & \ker \alpha_j & \to & \operatorname{Ext}_R^j(N,R) & \to 0\\
& \downarrow & & \downarrow & & & \\
& F^*_j & = & F^*_j & & &
where the vertical maps are the natural embeddings. Thus it is commutative
and we obtain an exact sequence
0 \to \operatorname{Ext}_R^j(N,R) \to F_j^*/\im \alpha_{j-1} \to F_j^*/ \ker \alpha_j \to
The Horseshoe lemma yields a free resolution of the middle module as direct
sum of the resolutions of the outer modules. After splitting off redundant
terms we get a minimal free resolution, i.e, using $\operatorname{Tor}^R_i(\im
\alpha_{j-1},K) \cong \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+1}(F_j^*/\im \alpha_{j-1},K)$
we obtain
\operatorname{Tor}^R_i(\im \alpha_{j-1},K) \ds \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+1}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^j(N,R),K) \oplus \operatorname{Tor}^R_i(\ker
\alpha_j,K) \quad (i \geq 0). \leqno(2)
Now we are ready to show by induction on $j \geq 1$:
\operatorname{Tor}^R_i(\im \alpha_{s-j}, K) \ds \oplus_{k=0}^{j-1}
\operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+j-k}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-k}(N,R), K) \quad (i \geq 0) \leqno(*)
\operatorname{Tor}^R_{s-j+1}(N, K)^{\vee} \ds \oplus_{k=0}^{j-1}
\operatorname{Tor}^R_{j-1-k}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-k}(N,R), K). \leqno(**)
Let $j = 1$. Since $\alpha_{s-1}$ is a minimal homomorphism the exact
0 \to \im \alpha_{s-1} \to F_s^* \to \operatorname{Ext}_R^s(N,R) \to 0
\operatorname{Tor}^R_{s}(N,K)^{\vee} \cong \operatorname{Tor}^R_{0}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s}(N,R),K),
thus in particular $(**)$, and
\operatorname{Tor}^R_{i}(\im \alpha_{s-1}, K) \cong \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+1}( \operatorname{Ext}_R^s(N,R), K) \quad (i \geq
which shows $(*)$.
Let $j \geq 2$. Consider the exact sequence
0 \to \ker \alpha_{s-j+1} \to F_{s-j+1}^* \to \im \alpha_{s-j+1} \to 0.
We obtain by the definition of $G_{s-j+1}$
F_{s-j+1}^* \otimes K & \cong & (G_{s-j+1} \otimes K) \oplus \operatorname{Tor}^R_0(\im
\alpha_{s-j+1}, K) \\[3pt]
& \ds & \operatorname{Tor}^R_0(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-j+1}(N,R), K) \oplus \bigoplus_{k=0}^{j-2}
\operatorname{Tor}^R_{j-1-k}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-k}(N,R), K) \quad \mbox{(by (1) and induction)} \\[3pt]
& = & \bigoplus_{k=0}^{j-1} \operatorname{Tor}^R_{j-1-k}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-k}(N,R), K)
which shows $(**)$.
Furthermore, (3) provides
\operatorname{Tor}^R_i(\ker \alpha_{s-j+1}, K) & \ds & \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+1}(\im \alpha_{s-j+1}, K) \\[3pt]
& \ds & \bigoplus_{k=0}^{j-2} \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+j-k}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-k}(N,R), K) \quad \mbox{(by
Thus we conclude with the help of (2):
\operatorname{Tor}^R_i(\im \alpha_{s-j}, K) & \ds & \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+1}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-j+1}(N,R), K) \oplus
\bigoplus_{k=0}^{j-2} \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+j-k}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-k}(N,R), K) \\[3pt]
& = & \bigoplus_{k=0}^{j-1} \operatorname{Tor}^R_{i+j-k}(\operatorname{Ext}_R^{s-k}(N,R), K).
This proves $(*)$, i.e., the induction step is complete.
It only remains to verify the very last assertion. Looking at (3) with
$j=2$ we get
\operatorname{Tor}^R_0(\im \alpha_{s-1}, K) \ds F_{s-1}^* \otimes K.
But at the beginning of the induction we have seen that $\operatorname{Tor}^R_0(\im
\alpha_{s-1}, K) \cong \operatorname{Tor}^R_1(\operatorname{Ext}_R^s(N,R), K)$. Our claim follows
\begin{remark} \label{comparison_with_Rao} In order to explain how the last
result can be used we compare it with a well-known statement of Rao. For
this let $R = K[x_0,\ldots,x_3]$ and let $I_C \subset R$ be the
homogeneous ideal of a curve $C \subset \PP^3$. Put $A = R/I_C$ and
consider the following minimal free resolutions:
0 \rightarrow F_3 \rightarrow F_2 \rightarrow F_1 \rightarrow R
\rightarrow A \rightarrow 0 \\ \\
0 \rightarrow G_4 \rightarrow G_3 \rightarrow G_2 \rightarrow G_1
\rightarrow G_0 \rightarrow \operatorname{Ext}_R^3(A,R) \rightarrow 0 \\ \\
0 \rightarrow D_2 \rightarrow D_{1} \rightarrow D_{0} \rightarrow
\operatorname{Ext}_R^2(A,R) \rightarrow 0.
Then the additions to our general observation in the lemma above yield
G_0 \cong F_3^* \quad \mbox{and} \quad G_1 \ds F_2^*.
This is precisely the content of Rao's Theorem 2.5 in \cite{R1}. Our Lemma
\ref{resolution_via_cohomology} gives in addition
G_1 \ds F_2^* \ds G_1 \oplus D_0
F_1^* \ds G_2 \oplus D_1
because $\operatorname{Ext}_R^1(A,R) = 0$.
Now we have all the tools for establishing the main result of this section.
\begin{theorem} \label{resolution_of_top-dim_part} Consider the following
modules where we use the conventions that $i$ and $j$ are non-negative
integers and that a sum is trivial if it has no summand:
A_k = \bigoplus_{\begin{array}{c}
{\scriptstyle i+2j = k + t -1}\\ [-4pt]
{\scriptstyle t \leq i+j \leq \frac{r+t-1}{2}}
\wedge^i F^* \otimes S_j(G)^* \otimes S_{i+j-t}(P),
C_k = \bigoplus_{\begin{array}{c}
{\scriptstyle i+2j = r+1-t-k}\\ [-4pt]
{\scriptstyle i+j \leq \frac{r-t}{2}}
\wedge^i F \otimes S_j(G) \otimes S_{r-t-i-j}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^*
\otimes \wedge^g G.
Observe that it holds:
$A_r = 0$ if and only if $r+t$ is even,
$C_1 = 0$ if and only if $r+t$ is odd,
$C_k = 0$ if $k \geq r+2-t$ and
$C_{r+1-t} = S_{r-t}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G$. \\
Then the homogeneous ideal $I_X = J(\psi)$ of the top-dimensional part $X$
of the degeneracy locus $S$ has a graded free resolution of the form
0 \to A_r \oplus C_r \to \ldots \to A_1 \oplus C_1 \to I_X \otimes \wedge^t
P^* \to 0.
\begin{proof} Following the procedure described in Remark
\ref{remark_resolution_in_general} we get a resolution of
$I(\psi)$. According to Proposition \ref{coho_of_top-dimensional} it
$I(\psi) = J(\psi)$ if and only if $r+t$ is odd. If $r+t$ is even we have
by the same result an exact sequence
0 \to I(\psi) \to J(\psi) \to S_{\frac{r-t}{2}}(M_{\varphi}) \otimes
S_{\frac{r-t}{2}}(P) \otimes \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G \otimes
\wedge^t P^*.
Thus, using the Horseshoe lemma we get a finite free resolution of
$J(\psi)$ in any case. It is not minimal. In order to split off redundant
terms we proceed as follows:
Since the resolution is finite the Auslander-Buchsbaum formula and
Proposition \ref{coho_of_top-dimensional} yield the projective dimension
of $J(\psi)$. Thus, in a first step we can split off all the terms in the
resolution of $J(\psi)$ occurring past its projective dimension.
Next, we use Lemma \ref{dual_of_EN_complex} (cf.\ Remark
\ref{X_and_S_have_same_can_module}) in order to obtain a free resolution of
$\operatorname{Ext}_R^{r-t+1}(R/J(\psi),R)$. For $j \neq r-t+1$ we know a free
resolution of $\operatorname{Ext}_R^{j}(R/J(\psi),R)$ by Proposition
\ref{coho_of_top-dimensional} and Proposition
\ref{EN-complexes_are_exact}. Hence, in a second step we can split off
further terms in the resolution of $J(\psi)$ by applying Proposition
\ref{resolution_via_cohomology}. This provides the resolution as
claimed. The details are very tedious but straightforward. We omit them.
Since the above proof is somewhat sketchy, we illustrate it by deriving the
resolution for $t = 2$ and $r = 6,7$ (cf.\ also the next corollaries).
\begin{example} \label{t=2_r=6,7} Using our standard notation we define
integers $c, p$ by
R(c) \cong \wedge^f F \otimes \wedge^g G^* \quad \mbox{and} \quad R(p) =
\wedge^t P^*.
(i) Let $t=2$ and $r=7$. Then we know that $I = I(\psi)$ is unmixed and
that $X$ is not arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay. Using the Eagon-Northcott
complex $E_{\bullet}$ we see that a free resolution of $I$ begins as
\begin{array}{c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\
}c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c}
&&&&& \downarrow \\
\wedge^2 F^* \otimes S_2(G)^* \otimes S_2(P) & \oplus &
S_3(G)^* \otimes P & & & \oplus & & &
\wedge^3 F^* \otimes S_2(P) \\
&&&&& \downarrow \\
\wedge^3 F^* \otimes G^* \otimes S_2(P) & \oplus &
F^* \otimes S_2(G)^* \otimes P & & & \oplus &
S_3(P)(-c) & \oplus &
\wedge^4 F^* \otimes S_2(P) \\
&&&&& \downarrow \\
\wedge^4 F^* \otimes S_2(P) & \oplus &
\wedge^2 F^* \otimes G^* \otimes P & \oplus &
S_2(G)^* & \oplus & & &
F(-c) \otimes S_2(P) \\
&&&&& \downarrow \\
&& \wedge^3 F^* \otimes P & \oplus &
F^* \otimes G^* & \oplus & & &
G(-c) \otimes S_2(P) \\
&&&&& \downarrow \\
&&&& \wedge^2 F^*\\
&&&&& \downarrow \\
&&&&& I(p) \\
&&&&& \downarrow \\
&&&&& 0.
With the help of $E_{\bullet}^*$ we get the following beginning for the
resolution of $\operatorname{Ext}_R^4(R/I,R)(-p)$:
\begin{array}{c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\
}c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c}
&&& \downarrow \\
\wedge^2 F^*(c) \otimes P^* & \oplus &
G^*(c) \otimes S_2(P)^* & \oplus &
F \otimes G \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&& F^*(c) \otimes S_2(P)^* & \oplus &
S_2(G) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& S_3(P)^*(c) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& \operatorname{Ext}_R^4(R/I,R)(-p) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& 0.
Now we apply Proposition \ref{resolution_via_cohomology} and conclude that
in the top row of the resolution of $I(p)$ only the term $S_3 (G)^*
\otimes P$ remains in the minimal resolution because $S_3 (G)^*
\otimes P$ surjects minimally onto $\operatorname{Ext}_R^5(R/I,R)(-p)$. Continuing in this
fashion we obtain the following resolution:
\begin{array}{c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\
}c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c@{\ }c}
&&& 0 \\
&&& \downarrow \\
S_3(G)^* \otimes P & & & \oplus & & & \\
&&& \downarrow \\
F^* \otimes S_2(G)^* \otimes P & & & \oplus &
S_3(P)(-c) & & \\
&&& \downarrow \\
\wedge^2 F^* \otimes G^* \otimes P & \oplus &
S_2(G)^* & \oplus & & &
F(-c) \otimes S_2(P) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&& \wedge^3 F^* \otimes P & \oplus &
F^* \otimes G^* & \oplus &
G(-c) \otimes S_2(P) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&& \wedge^2 F^*\\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& I(p) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& 0.
(ii) Let $t = 2$ and $r=6$. Then $J = J(\psi \neq I(\psi)$ defines an
arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay scheme. Thus we get as in the previous case
but slightly easier a resolution
&&& 0 \\
&&& \downarrow \\
S_3 (G)^* \otimes P & \oplus && S_4(P)(-c_1 ) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
F^* \otimes S_2 (G)^* \otimes P &&& \oplus & F(-c_1 ) \otimes S_3 (P) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
\bigwedge^2 F^* \otimes G^* \otimes P & \oplus & S_2 (G)^* & \oplus &
G(-c_1 ) \otimes S_3 (P) & \oplus & \bigwedge^2 F (-c_1 ) \otimes S_2 (P) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
\bigwedge^3 F^* \otimes P & \oplus & F^* \otimes G^* & \oplus & &&F
\otimes G(-c_1 ) \otimes S_2 (P) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&& \bigwedge^2 F^* & \oplus &&& S_2 (G) (-c_1 ) \otimes S_2 (P) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& J(p) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& 0
\begin{remark} \label{discussion_of_minimality} We want to discuss the
minimality of the resolution
described in Theorem \ref{resolution_of_top-dim_part}: \\
(i) By looking at the twists of the free summands occurring in the
resolution above it is clear that for suitable choices of $F, G, P$ and
sufficiently general maps $\varphi, \psi$ no
further cancellation is possible, i.e., the resolution is minimal. \\
(ii) Let $r$ be even and let $t=1$.
This case was also studied by Kustin \cite{Kustin}; his main result gives
(up to the degree shifts) the
same resolution as our Theorem \ref{resolution_of_top-dim_part} (cf.\ also
Corollary \ref{one-sect-even-case}). His
techniques are
completely different from ours, and while they are more complicated, they
in fact
give the maps in the resolution while our techniques use the Horseshoe
Lemma and
hence do not easily give the maps.
Kustin has proved that his resolution is minimal in the homogeneous case if
the section does not correspond to a minimal generator of the Buchsbaum-Rim
module. The latter assumption cannot be removed. Indeed, the resolution
predicts that the
homogeneous ideal of $X = S$ has $r+1$ generators, i.e., that $X$ is an
almost complete intersection because $\codim X = r$. Now consider the
cotangent bundle of $\PP^2$. It has a global section whose zero locus is a
point in $\PP^2$ being a complete intersection. \\
(iii) We suspect that the phenomenon just described is the only instance
that prevents our resolution from being minimal. That means, we hope that
in case the
resolution of $X$ described above gives the correct number of minimal
generators of $I_X$ then the {\it whole} resolution is minimal.
In the theorem above our focus has been on $X$ rather than on the degeneracy
locus $S$ itself. The interested reader will observe that the same methods
provide a resolution for $S$.
According to Theorem \ref{summary_for_degeneracy_loci} we know when $X$ is
arithmetically Gorenstein. In this case its minimal free resolution is
self-dual. In order to make this duality transparent we rewrite the
resolution above as follows.
\begin{corollary} Let ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ be a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of odd rank $r$ and
first Chern class $c_1$.
Let $X$ be the top-dimensional part of a regular section of
${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$.
Make the following definitions:
\noindent If $i$ is odd, let $\displaystyle \ell = \min \left \{
{\frac{i-1}{2}} ,
{\frac{r-i-2}{2}} \right \}$, and define
A_i = \bigoplus_{j=0}^\ell \bigwedge^{2j+1} F^* \otimes S_{\frac{i-1-2j}{2}}
\noindent If $i$ is even, let $\displaystyle \ell = \min \left \{
{\frac{i}{2}} ,
{\frac{r-i-1}{2}} \right \}$, and define
A_i = \bigoplus_{j=0}^\ell \bigwedge^{2j} F^* \otimes S_{\frac{i-2j}{2}}
Then $X$ is arithmetically Gorenstein and has a free resolution of the form
0 \rightarrow R(-c_1 ) \rightarrow A_{r-1} \oplus A_1^* (-c_1 ) \rightarrow
A_{r-2} \oplus A_2^* (-c_1 ) \rightarrow \dots \rightarrow
A_1 \oplus A_{r-1}^* (-c_1 ) \rightarrow I_X \rightarrow 0.
\begin{proof} It follows by Lemma \ref{prop-of-exteriour-powers} that
$c_1 = c_1({\mathcal B}_{\varphi}) = - c_1({\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^*)$ is the integer satisfying
R(-c_1) \cong \wedge^f F^* \otimes \wedge^g G.
Thus Theorem \ref{resolution_of_top-dim_part} provides the claim.
\begin{example} (i) If the rank of ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is 3, this was treated in \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein},
where the following resolution was obtained:
& 0 \\
& \downarrow \\
& R(-c_1 ) \\
& \downarrow \\
G^* & \oplus & F(-c_1 ) \\
& \downarrow \\
F^* & \oplus & G(-c_1 ) \\
& \downarrow \\
& I_X \\
& \downarrow \\
& 0
(ii) If the rank of ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is five, then the corollary gives the following
&&& 0 \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& R(-c_1 ) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
S_2 (G)^* && & \oplus & F(-c_1 ) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
F^* \otimes G^* && & \oplus & G(-c_1 ) & \oplus & \bigwedge^2 F(-c_1 ) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
\bigwedge^2 F^* & \oplus & G^* & \oplus &&& F \otimes G(-c_1 ) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&& F^* & \oplus & && S_2 (G)(-c_1 ) \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& I_X \\
&&& \downarrow \\
&&& 0
This resolution has been conjectured in \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein}.
If we consider a regular section of an even rank Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf we
cannot expect to get an arithmetically Gorenstein subscheme as zero
locus. Still the resolution has some symmetry and looks very much like the
corresponding one for the Gorenstein case.
\begin{corollary} \label{one-sect-even-case} Let ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ be a Buchsbaum-Rim
sheaf of even rank $r$ and
first Chern class $c_1$.
Let $S$ be the zero locus of a regular section of
${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$.
Make the following definitions:
If $i$ is odd, let $\displaystyle \ell = \min \left \{ {\frac{i-1}{2}} ,
{\frac{r-i-1}{2}} \right \}$, and $\displaystyle \ell' = \min \left \{
\frac{i-1}{2} , \frac{r-i-3}{2} \right \}$. Define
A_i = \displaystyle \bigoplus_{j=0}^\ell \bigwedge^{2j+1} F^* \otimes
S_{\frac{i-1-2j}{2}} (G)^* \\ \\
B_i = \displaystyle \bigoplus_{j=0}^{\ell'} \bigwedge^{2j+1} F^* \otimes
S_{\frac{i-1-2j}{2}} (G)^*
\noindent If $i$ is even, let $\displaystyle \ell = \min \left \{
{\frac{i}{2}} ,
{\frac{r-i}{2}} \right \}$, and $\displaystyle \ell' = \min \left \{
, \frac{r-i-2}{2} \right \}$. Define
A_i = \displaystyle \bigoplus_{j=0}^\ell \bigwedge^{2j} F^* \otimes
S_{\frac{i-2j}{2}} (G)^* \\ \\
B_i = \displaystyle \bigoplus_{j=0}^{\ell'} \bigwedge^{2j} F^* \otimes
S_{\frac{i-2j}{2}} (G)^*
Then $S$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay and has a free resolution of the form
0 \rightarrow R(-c_1 ) \oplus A_{r} \rightarrow B_1^* (-c_1 ) \oplus
A_{r-1} \rightarrow B_2^* (-c_1 ) \oplus A_{r-2}
\rightarrow \dots \rightarrow B_{r-2}^* (-c_1 ) \oplus A_2 \rightarrow A_1 \rightarrow I_S \rightarrow 0.
\section{Some applications}
In the previous section we have seen how much the properties of our
degeneracy loci depend on the properties of the Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf. Now we
will show how this information can be used to construct schemes with
prescribed properties. Moreover, we will explain how sections of the dual
of a generalized null correlation bundle can be studied with the help of our
\noindent {\it Construction of arithmetically Gorenstein subschemes
containing a given scheme}
Let $X \subset \PP^n$ be an equidimensional projective subscheme of
codimension $\geq 3$. It
is rather easy to find
a complete intersection $Y$ such that $Y$ contains $X$ and both have the
same dimension. The analogous problem where one requires $Y$ to be
arithmetically Gorenstein but not a complete intersection is much more
difficult. This is relevant if one wants to study linkage with respect to
arithmetically Gorenstein subschemes rather than complete intersections.
We want to explain a solution to this problem.
Suppose $X$ has codimension $r$. Let us assume that $r$ is odd. Then we
choose a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf $B_{\varphi}$ of rank $r$ on $\PP^n = \operatorname{Proj} R$ given
by an exact sequence
0 \to {\mathcal B}_{\varphi} \to {\mathcal F} \to {\mathcal G} \to M_{\varphi} \to 0.
For example, we can take the sheafification of the first syzygy module of an
ideal which is generated by $R$-regular sequence of length $r+1$.
Next we choose a regular section $s \in H^0({\mathcal B}_{\varphi}(j))$ which also belongs to
$H^0_*({\mathcal J}_X \otimes {\mathcal F})$. This is possible if $j$ is sufficiently large.
Let $S$ be the zero-locus of $s$. Then the top-dimensional part $Y$ of $S$
is arithmetically Gorenstein due
to Theorem \ref{summary_for_degeneracy_loci}. Furthermore, $s \in H^0_*({\mathcal J}_X
\otimes {\mathcal F})$ ensures that $s$ vanishes on $X$. It follows that $X
\subset Y$ because both are equidimensional schemes of the same dimension.
For example, it was shown in \cite{Mig-P_gorenstein} that if ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is the
cotangent bundle on $\PP^3$,
twisted by 3, and X is a set of four distinct points, then a section of ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$
can be found vanishing on X and giving a Gorenstein scheme, Y, of degree 5,
whereas the smallest complete intersection containing X has degree 8.
Now assume that $\codim X = r$ is even. Then we take a hypersurface
containing $X$ which is defined by, say $f \in R' = K[x_0,\ldots,x_n]$. Put
$R = R'/f R'$ and choose a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ of rank $r-1$ on $Z = \operatorname{Proj}
R$. $X$ has codimension $r-1$ as a subscheme of $Z$. Thus we can find
as in the previous case an arithmetically Gorenstein subscheme $Y \subset
Z$ containing $X$. We can consider $Y$ also as a subscheme of $\PP^n$. As
such it is still arithmetically Gorenstein, i.e., it has all the
properties we wanted.
\noindent {\it Construction of $k$-Buchsbaum schemes}
A projective subscheme $X \subset \PP^n$ is said to be $k$-Buchsbaum for
some non-negative integer $k$ if
(x_0,\ldots,x_n)^k \cdot H^i_*({\mathcal J}_X) = 0 \quad \mbox{for all} \; i \leq \dim
Note that any equidimensional locally Cohen-Macaulay subscheme is
$k$-Buchsbaum for some $k$. In fact, one should view the notion of a
$k$-Buchsbaum scheme as a refinement of the notion of an equidimensional
locally Cohen-Macaulay subscheme. The idea is to develop for such schemes
a theory generalizing the one for arithmetically
Buchsbaum schemes (cf., for example, \cite{Mig-MM}, \cite{NS}).
However, so far there are not many examples available where one knows that they
are $k$-Buchsbaum but not $(k-1)$-Buchsbaum. We are going to construct new
examples now.
Let $R = K[x_0,\ldots,x_n]$ and let $\varphi: R^{n+k}(-1) \to R^k$ be a
homomorphism such that $I(\varphi) = (x_0,\ldots,x_n)^k$. This is true if
$\varphi$ is chosen general enough. A particular choice of such a map is
described in \cite{BV}, p.\ 15. Let us denote the corresponding
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf by ${\mathcal B}_k$. Observe that ${\mathcal B}_1$ is just the cotangent
bundle of $\PP^n$.
\begin{proposition} \label{k-Buchsbaum_schemes} Let $S$ be the
degeneracy locus of a morphism $\psi: {\mathcal P}
\to {\mathcal B}_k$. If $X$ has codimension $n-t+1$ then it holds: If $t = 1$
or $t=2$ and $n$ is even then $S$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay;
otherwise $S$ is $k$-Buchsbaum but not $(k-1)$-Buchsbaum.
\begin{proof} The first assertion follows by Theorem
According to \cite{Buchs-Eisenbud_annihilator} it holds
\Ann_R S_j(M_{\varphi}) = (x_0,\ldots,x_n)^k \quad \mbox{for all} \; j \geq 1.
Hence the second claim is a consequence of Proposition
In case $k = 1$ even more is true. To this end recall that any
arithmetically Buchsbaum subscheme is $1$-Buchsbaum. But the converse is
not true in general.
Let $N$ be a finitely generated $R$-module. Then the embedding $0 :_N {\mathfrak m}
\hookrightarrow H_{\mathfrak m}^0(N)$ induces natural homomorphisms of derived functors
\varphi^i_N: \operatorname{Ext}_R^i(K,N) \to H_{\mathfrak m}^i(N).
Due to \cite{SV2}, Theorem I.2.10 $N$ is a Buchsbaum module if and only if the maps
$\varphi^i_N$ are surjective for all $i \neq \dim N$. A subscheme $X \subset
\PP^n$ is called arithmetically Buchsbaum if its homogeneous coordinate
ring $R/I_X$ is Buchsbaum. Now we can show the announced strengthening of
the previous result in case $k=1$.
\begin{proposition} \label{aBM-schmes} Let $S$ be the
degeneracy locus of a morphism $\psi: {\mathcal P}
\to \cOP$. If $S$ has codimension $n-t+1$ then it is arithmetically
\begin{proof} We will use again the Eagon-Northcott $E_{\bullet}$ complex
associated to $\psi$. Let $B = H^0_*(\cOP)$ and put $A = R/I_S$.
We want to show that $\varphi^j_A$ is surjective if $j \neq t = \dim A$. This
is clear if $H_{\mathfrak m}^j(A)$ vanishes.
Let $j = n+t- 2i < t$ be an integer such that $H_{\mathfrak m}^j(A) \neq 0$.
Using the exact sequences in the proof of Proposition \ref{cohomology-of
locus} we get diagrams
\operatorname{Ext}_R^{n+t-2i}(K,A)(p) & \to & \operatorname{Ext}_R^{n+1-i}(K,\im \delta_i) \\[3pt]
\downarrow {\scriptstyle \varphi^{n+t-2i}_A} & & \downarrow {\scriptstyle
\varphi^{n+1-i}_{\im \delta_i}}\\[3pt]
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+t-2i}(A)(p) & \to & H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\im \delta_i)
\operatorname{Ext}_R^{n+1-i}(K,E_i) & \to & \operatorname{Ext}_R^{n+1-i}(K,\im \delta_i) \\[3pt]
\downarrow {\scriptstyle \varphi^{n+1-i}_{E_i}} & & \downarrow {\scriptstyle
\varphi^{n+1-i}_{\im \delta_i}}\\[3pt]
H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(E_i) & \to & H_{\mathfrak m}^{n+1-i}(\im \delta_i).
They are commutative because the vertical maps are canonical. Moreover, we
have seen in the proof of Proposition \ref{cohomology-of
locus} that the lower horizontal maps are isomorphisms.
Now it is well-known that the modules $\wedge^q B^*$ are Buchsbaum modules
if $1 \leq q \leq n$. Thus the modules $E_q$ are Buchsbaum, too.
Hence the diagrams show that the surjectivity of
implies this property first for $\varphi^{n+1-i}_{\im \delta_i}$ and then
for $\varphi^{n+t-2i}_A$. It follows that $A$ is Buchsbaum.
In the special case that ${\mathcal P}$ has rank $t = n-1$ the last result is also
contained in \cite{Chang-Diff-Geom}. If $t < n-1$ our result is a little
surprising. In fact, the main result of \cite{Chang-Diff-Geom} has been
generalized in \cite{habil}, Corollary
II.3.3. It says that arithmetically Buchsbaum subschemes of arbitrary
codimension can be
characterized by means of a particular locally free resolution. As a
consequence, every arithmetically Buchsbaum subscheme of $\PP^n$ is the
zero-locus of a global section of a vector bundle which is the direct sum
of exterior powers of the cotangent bundle.
\noindent {\it Some vector bundles of low rank and their sections}
Let $R$ be again a graded Gorenstein $K$-algebra of dimension $n+1$. We
assume that $n \geq 3$ is an odd integer.
The aim of this subsection is to show that a vector
bundle arising from a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf by quotienting out non-vanishing
sections can be studied by means of our results. Then we construct vector
bundles of rank $n-1$ on $Z = \operatorname{Proj} R$ and apply this
principle to sections of them.
Let ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ be a Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf on $Z$ having global non-vanishing
sections such there is an exact sequence
0 \to {\mathcal Q} \stackrel{\gamma}{\longrightarrow} {\mathcal B}_{\varphi} \to {\mathcal E} \to 0
where $H^0_*(Z,{\mathcal Q})$ is a free $R$-module of rank $u$ and ${\mathcal E}$ a vector
bundle on $Z$ of rank $r-u$.
Now, we want to consider a morphism $\psi: {\mathcal P} \to {\mathcal E}$ dropping rank in the
expected codimension $r-u-t+1$. This morphism can be lifted to a morphism
$\beta: {\mathcal P} \to {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ which provides a morphism $\alpha = (\beta,\gamma): {\mathcal P}
\oplus {\mathcal Q} \to {\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$. Since the degeneracy locus of $\gamma$ is empty,
${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}^*$ is locally the
direct sum of ${\mathcal E}^*$ and ${\mathcal Q}^*$. It follows that the images of
$\wedge^t \psi^*$ and $\wedge^{t+u} \alpha^*$ are locally
isomorphic. Hence the degeneracy locus $S$ of $\psi$ and the degeneracy
locus of $\alpha$ agree. Thus $\alpha$ drops rank in the expected
codimension too and we can apply our previous results.
Next, we construct a class of vector bundles which
contains the duals of null correlation bundles. To this end let $I =
(f_0,\ldots,f_n) \subset R$ be a complete intersection. Let $d_i = \deg
f_i$. The first syzygy
module of $I$ defines a Buchsbaum-Rim module $B_{\varphi}$ which fits into the exact
0 \to B_{\varphi} \to \oplus_{i=0}^n R(-d_i) \stackrel{\varphi}{\longrightarrow} R \to
R/I \to 0.
The Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi} = \widetilde{B_{\varphi}}$ can often be used to
construct a vector bundle of rank $n-1$ on $Z$.
\begin{proposition} \label{new_bundles} Suppose there is an integer $c$
such that the degrees satisfy
c = d_0 + d_1 = d_2 + d_3 = \ldots = d_{n-1} + d_n.
Then ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}(c)$ admits a non-vanishing global section $s$ which gives rise to an
exact sequence
0 \to {\mathcal O}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(-c) \stackrel{s}{\longrightarrow} {\mathcal B}_{\varphi} \to {\mathcal N} \to 0
where ${\mathcal N}$ is a vector bundle of rank $n-1$ on $Z$.
\begin{proof} The Koszul relation of the generators $f_i$ and $f_{i+1}$ of
$I$ gives rise to a global section of ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}(-d_i - d_{i+1})$. Taking the
sum over these sections with even $i$ yields a section $s$ which does not
vanish on $Z$ since $I$ is an ${\mathfrak m}$-primary ideal.
In case $Z = \PP^n$ and $d_0 = \ldots = d_n = 1$ the bundle ${\mathcal B}_{\varphi}$ is
the cotangent bundle of $\PP^n$ and ${\mathcal N}^*$ is
called {\it
null correlation bundle} in \cite{OSS} where on p.\ 79 it is
constructed in a slightly different way. If $n=3$ then ${\mathcal N}$ is self-dual.
Thus we call the dual of a vector bundle constructed as in the proposition
above {\it generalized null correlation bundle}. Due to the principle
described above our previous results apply to multiple sections of the
dual of a generalized null correlation bundle. We obtain, for example.
\begin{corollary} The degeneracy locus of a multiple section of the dual of
a null correlation bundle is arithmetically
Buchsbaum but not arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay.
This result is well-known if $n=3$. In fact, in this case the null
correlation bundle can be constructed (via the Serre correspondence) as an
0 \to {\mathcal O}_{\mathbb{P}^n}(-2) \to {\mathcal N} \to {\mathcal J}_X \to 0
where ${\mathcal J}_X$ denotes the ideal sheaf of two skew lines in $\PP^3$ (cf.\
\cite{Barth-1977}, p. 145 or \cite{Ellia-Fiorentini}).
2005-11-19T08:38:21 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708006 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708006 | [
] | alg-geom/9708006 | Joseph Lipman | Leovigildo Alonso, Ana Jeremias, Joseph Lipman | Duality and flat base change on formal schemes | 89 pages. Change from published version: in section 2.5, about
dualizing complexes on formal schemes, a weakening of one flawed Lemma is
proved, and shown adequate for the several applications made of the original.
For another correction, see math.AG/0106239 | Contemporary Math. 244 (1999), 3-90 | null | null | null | We give several related versions of global Grothendieck Duality for unbounded
complexes on noetherian formal schemes. The proofs, based on a non-trivial
adaptation of Deligne's method for the special case of ordinary schemes, are
reasonably self-contained, modulo the Special Adjoint Functor Theorem. An
alternative approach, inspired by Neeman and based on recent results about
"Brown Representability," is indicated as well. A section on applications and
examples illustrates how these theorems synthesize a number of different
duality-related results (local duality, formal duality, residue theorems,
dualizing complexes...).
A flat-base-change theorem for pseudo-proper maps leads in particular to
sheafified versions of duality for bounded-below complexes with quasi-coherent
homology. Thanks to Greenlees-May duality, the results take a specially nice
form for proper maps and bounded-below complexes with coherent homology.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 4 Aug 1997 17:48:14 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:40:15 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 19 Nov 2005 07:38:21 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Preliminaries and main theorems.}
First we need some notation and terminology. Let $X$ be a ringed
space,\index{ringed space} i.e., a topological space together with a sheaf of
commutative rings ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$.%
\index{ ${\mathbf R}$@${\mathcal O}_{\<\<\<X}$ (structure sheaf of ringed space $X$)}
Let ${\mathcal A}(X)$\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)} be the
\hbox{category} of
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules, and $\A_{\qc}\<(X)$\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)!$\A_{\qc}$}
(resp.\ $\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$,\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)!$\A_{\mathrm c}$} resp.~
$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}(X)$)\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)!$\A_{\mathrm c}$@$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}$} the full subcategory of~
${\mathcal A}(X)$ whose objects are the quasi-coherent (resp.\;coherent,
resp.\;\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$}'s\index{lim@\smash{$\subdirlm{}\mkern-4mu$}} of
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules.%
``\smash{$\subdirlm{}\!\!$}" always denotes
a direct limit over a small ordered index set
in which any two elements have an upper bound. More general
direct limits will be referred to as \emph{colimits}.%
Let~ ${\mathbf K}(X)$\index{ ${\mathbf K}$ (homotopy category)} be the homotopy category of
${\mathcal A}(X)$-complexes, and let~${\mathbf D}(X)$\index{ ${\mathbf D}$ (derived category)} be the
corresponding derived category, obtained from~${\mathbf K}(X)$ by adjoining\- an inverse
for every quasi-isomorphism (=\:homotopy class of maps of complexes
inducing homology isomorphisms).\index{quasi-isomorphism}
For any full subcategory\-
${\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ of~${\mathcal A}(X)$, denote by
${\mathbf D}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ the full subcategory of~$\>{\mathbf D}(X)$
whose objects are those complexes whose homology sheaves all lie in~
${\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$, and by
${\mathbf D}^+_{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}(X)$
\index{ ${\mathbf D}$ (derived
category)!${\mathbf D}^\pm_{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}\>$}
(resp.~${\mathbf D}^-_{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}(X)$) the full
subcategory of~${\mathbf D}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ whose objects are those
complexes~${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ such that the homology
$H^m({\mathcal F}\>)$ vanishes for all $m\ll0$ (resp.~$m\gg0$).
The full subcategory ${\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ of ${\mathcal A}(X)$
is \emph{plump}\index{plump} if it contains 0 and for every exact sequence
${\mathcal M}_1\to{\mathcal M}_2\to{\mathcal M}\to{\mathcal M}_3\to {\mathcal M}_4$ in~${\mathcal A}(X)$ with ${\mathcal M}_1$, ${\mathcal M}_2$,
${\mathcal M}_3$ and~ ${\mathcal M}_4$ in~${\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$, ${\mathcal M}$ is
in~${\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ too. If
${\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ is plump then it is abelian, and has a
derived category ${\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X))$.
For~example, $\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$ is plump
\cite[p.\,113,~(5.3.5)]{GD}. If ${\mathscr X}$ is a locally noetherian formal\index{formal
scheme} scheme
{Basic properties of formal schemes can be found in \cite[Chap.\,1, \S10]{GD}.%
then $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\subset\A_{\qc}({\mathscr X})$ (\Cref{C:vec-c is qc})---with equality
when ${\mathscr X}$ is an ordinary scheme, i.e., when ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ has discrete topology
\cite[p.\,319, (6.9.9)]{GD}---and both of these are plump subcategories
of~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$, see \Pref{(3.2.2)}.
Let ${\mathbf K}_1$, ${\mathbf K}_2$ be triangulated categories\index{triangulated category} with
respective translation functors $T_1\>,\,T_2$ \cite[p.~20]{H1}. A (covariant)
\emph{$\Delta$-functor}\index{Delta fun@$\Delta$-functors (on
triangulated categories)} is a pair $(F, \Theta)$
consisting of an additive functor $F\colon {\mathbf K}_1\to{\mathbf K}_2$ together with an
isomorphism of~functors $ \Theta:FT_1\iso T_2F $ such that for every triangle $
C\stackrel{w}{\longrightarrow} T_1A $ in ${\mathbf K}_1\mspace{.6mu}$, the
FA\xrightarrow{\ Fu\ } FB\xrightarrow{\ Fv\ } FC
\xrightarrow{\Theta\<\smcirc\< Fw\>} T_2FA
is a triangle in ${\mathbf K}_2\mspace{.6mu}$. Explicit reference to
$\Theta$ is often suppressed---but one should keep it in mind.
(For example, if
${\mathcal A}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)\subset{\mathcal A}(X)$ is plump, then each
of ${\mathbf D}_{\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}}(X)$ and~
${\mathbf D}^\pm_{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}(X)$ carries a
unique triangulation for which the translation is the restriction of
that on~${\mathbf D}(X)$ and such that inclusion into ${\mathbf D}(X)$ together with
$\Theta\!:=$identity is a $\Delta$-functor; in other words, they are
all \emph{triangulated subcategories}\index{triangulated category!triangulated
subcategory} of~${\mathbf D}(X)$. See e.g.,
\Pref{P:Rhom} for the usefulness of this remark.)
Compositions\index{Delta fun@$\Delta$-functors (on
triangulated categories)!composition of} of
$\Delta$-functors, and morphisms between\index{Delta fun@$\Delta$-functors (on
triangulated categories)!morphism between}
$\Delta$-functors, are defined in the natural way.%
See also \cite[\S0,\,\S1]{De} for the multivariate case,
where signs come into play---and $\Delta$-functors are called
``exact functors."%
A $\Delta$-functor $(G,\Psi)\colon{\mathbf K}_2\to{\mathbf K}_1$ is a \emph{right
$\Delta$-adjoint}\index{Delta adj@$\Delta$-adjoint} of~$(F,\Theta)$ if $G$~is a
right adjoint of~$F$ and the resulting functorial map $FG\to \mathbf 1$ (or
$\mathbf 1\to GF$) is a morphism of $\Delta$-functors.
We use ${\mathbf R}$\index{ ${\mathbf R}$ (right-derived functor)}\index{derived functor} to denote
right-derived functors, constructed e.g., via K-injective\index{K-injective
resolution} resolutions (which exist for all ${\mathcal A}(X)$-complexes \cite[p.\,138,
{A complex $F$ in an abelian category~${\mathcal A}$ is K-injective if for each exact
${\mathcal A}$-complex~$G$ the abelian-group complex ${\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathcal A}(G,F)$ is again
exact. In particular, any bounded-below complex of injectives is K-injective.
If every ${\mathcal A}$-complex~$E$ admits a K-injective resolution
$E\to I(E)$ (i.e., a quasi-isomorphism into a K-injective complex~$I(E)$), then
every additive functor~$\Gamma\colon{\mathcal A}\to{\mathcal A}'$ (${\mathcal A}'$~abelian) has a
right-derived functor~${\mathbf R}\Gamma\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}')$ which satisfies
${\mathbf R}\Gamma(E)=\Gamma(I(E))$. For~example,
${\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathcal A}(E_1,E_2)={\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathcal A}(E_1,I(E_2))$.%
For a map $f\colon X\to Y$\index{ringed
space!ringed-space map}
of ringed spaces (i.e., a continuous map $f\colon X\to Y$ together with a
ring-homomorphism ${\mathcal O}_Y\to f_{\!*}{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$),
${\mathbf L} f^*$%
\index{ $\mathbf L$@${\mathbf L}$ (left-derived functor)}
denotes the left-derived functor of
$f^*\<$, constructed via K-flat resolutions
\cite[p.\,147, 6.7]{Sp}. Each derived functor in this paper comes equipped,
implicitly, with a $\Theta$ making it into a $\Delta$-functor (modulo
obvious modifications for contravariance),
cf.~\cite[Example~(2.2.4)]{Derived categories}.%
{We do not know, for instance, whether ${\mathbf L} f^*$---which is
defined only up to isomorphism---can always be chosen so as
to commute with translation, i.e., so that $\Theta={}$Identity will
Conscientious readers may verify that such morphisms
between derived functors as occur in this paper are in fact
morphisms of $\Delta$-functors.
Our \textbf{first main result,}
global Grothendieck Duality\index{Grothendieck Duality!global}
for a map \mbox{$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$} of quasi-compact formal schemes with ${\mathscr X}$
noetherian, is that, ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ being the derived category of~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$
and ${\boldsymbol j} \colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ being\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$}
the natural functor, \emph{the
$\Delta$-functor\/~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\<\<\smcirc\<{\boldsymbol j}$ has a right\/
$\Delta$-adjoint.} \vspace{1pt}
A more elaborate---but readily shown equivalent---statement is:
Let\/ $f\colon\<{\mathscr X} \to {\mathscr Y}$ be a map of quasi-compact formal schemes, with ${\mathscr X}$
noetherian, and let\/~${\boldsymbol j}\colon\<{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))
\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ be the natural functor. Then there exists a\/
\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$f^\times\<\<$}
$f^{\times}\<\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})
\to{\mathbf D}\left({\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}\right)$\vadjust{\kern.3pt} together with a
morphism of\/ $\Delta$-functors
$\tau:{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>\>{\boldsymbol j}\> f^{\times}\to{\bf 1}$\index{ {}$\tau$ (trace map)}
such that for all\/
${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ and\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y}),$\ the composed map $($in the derived
category of abelian groups\/$)$
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\!}({\mathcal G},\>f^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})\!}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal G},{\mathbf R} f_{\!*} f^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\xrightarrow{\;\>\mathrm{via}\ \tau\ }
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})\!}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal G},{\mathcal F}\>)
is an isomorphism.
Here we think of the $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-complexes ${\mathcal G}$ and $f^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}$
as objects in
both ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ and~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$. But as far as we know, the natural
map ${\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))}\to{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}$ need not always be an
isomorphism. It \emph{is} when ${\mathscr X}$ is \emph{properly algebraic,}\index{properly
algebraic} i.e., the $J$-adic completion of a proper $B$-scheme with $B$ a
noetherian ring and $J$ a $B$-ideal: then ${\boldsymbol j}$ induces an
equivalence of categories ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$, see
\Cref{corollary}. So for properly algebraic ${\mathscr X}$, we can replace
${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ in~Theorem~1 by~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$,
and let~${\mathcal G}$ be any ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-complex with $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-homology.
We prove \Tref{Th1} (=\:\Tref{prop-duality}) in \S\ref{sec-th-duality},
adapting the argument of Deligne\index{Deligne, Pierre} in \cite[Appendix]{H1} (see
\cite[\S1.1.12]{De}) to the category~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$, which presents itself as an
appropriate generalization to formal schemes of the category of quasi-coherent
sheaves on an ordinary noetherian scheme. For this adaptation what is needed,
mainly, is the plumpness of
$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ in
${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$, a non-obvious fact mentioned above.
In addition, we need some facts on
``boundedness" of certain derived functors in order to extend the argument to
unbounded complexes. (See section~\ref{SS:bounded}, which makes use of
techniques from~\cite{Sp}.)%
\footnote{A $\Delta$-functor $\phi$ is \emph{bounded above} if there is an
integer $b$ such that for any $n$ and any complex~${\mathcal E}$ such that $H^i{\mathcal E}=0$ for all
$i\le n$ it holds that $H^j\<(\phi{\mathcal E})=0$ for all $j<n+b$.
\emph{Bounded below} and \emph{bounded} (above and below)
are defined analogously. Boundedness (way-outness)\index{boundedness
(way-outness) of $\Delta$-functors} is what makes the very useful ``way-out
\cite[p.\,68, 7.1]{H1} applicable.}
In Deligne's approach\index{Deligne, Pierre} the
``Special Adjoint Functor Theorem"\index{Special Adjoint Functor Theorem} is
used to get right adjoints for certain functors on $\A_{\qc}(X)$, and then these right
adjoints are applied to injective resolutions of complexes\dots There is now a
neater approach to duality on a quasi-compact separated ordinary scheme~$X\<$,
due to Neeman\index{Neeman, Amnon}
\cite{N1}, in which ``Brown Representability"\index{Brown Representability}
shows directly that a $\Delta$-functor~$F$ on~${\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(X))$
has a right adjoint if and only if
$F$ commutes with coproducts. Both approaches need a small
set of category-generators: coherent sheaves for $\A_{\qc}(X)$ in Deligne's,
and perfect complexes for ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(X))$ in Neeman's. Lack of knowledge about
perfect\- complexes over formal schemes discouraged us from pursuing Neeman's
strategy. Recently however (after this paper was essentially written), Franke
showed in~\cite{BR} that Brown Representability\index{Brown Representability}
holds for the derived category of an arbitrary Grothen\-dieck category~${\mathcal A}$
\footnote{So does the closely-related
existence of K-injective resolutions for all ${\mathcal A}$-complexes. (See also
\cite[\S5]{AJS}.)} %
Consequently \Tref{Th1} also follows from the fact that
$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is a Grothendieck category (straightforward to see once we know
it---by plumpness in~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$---to be abelian) together with the fact that
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\<\smcirc{\boldsymbol j}$ commutes with coproducts (\Pref{P:coprod}).
Two other, probably more useful, generalizations---from ordinary
schemes to formal schemes---of global Grothendieck Duality are stated
below in \Tref{Th2} and treated in detail in
\S\ref{S:t-duality}. To describe them, and related results, we need
some preliminaries about \emph{torsion functors}.
Once again let $(X, {\mathcal O}_{\<\<X})$ be a ringed space. For any
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-ideal~${\mathcal J}\<$, set
\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{{\mathcal M}} := \dirlm{n>0\,\,\>}
{{\mathcal H}}om_{{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}\!}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/{\mathcal J}^{n},\, {\mathcal M})\qquad\bigl({\mathcal M}\in{\mathcal A}(X)\bigr),
and regard~$\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$ as a subfunctor of the identity functor on
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules. If ${\mathcal N}\subset {\mathcal M}$ then
$\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{{\mathcal N}}=\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{{\mathcal M}}\cap{\mathcal N}\>$; and it follows formally that
the functor $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$ is idempotent
($\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal M}=\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal M}$)
and left exact \cite[p.\,138,
Set ${\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)\!:=\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}({\mathcal A}(X))$,\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module
category)!$\A_{\mathrm c}$@${\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}$} the full subcategory of~${\mathcal A}(X)$ whose objects are the
\emph{${\mathcal J}\!$-torsion sheaves,}\index{torsion sheaf} i.e., the
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules~${\mathcal M}$ such that
$\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{{\mathcal M}}={\mathcal M}$. Since
$\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$ is an idempotent subfunctor of the identity functor,
therefore it is right-adjoint to the inclusion
$i=i_{\mathcal J}\colon{\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)\hookrightarrow{\mathcal A}(X)$. Moreover, ${\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)$ is
closed under ${\mathcal A}(X)$-colimits: if $F$ is any functor into ${\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)$
such that $iF\/$ has a colimit ${\mathcal M}\in{\mathcal A}(X)$, then, since $i$ and
$\iG{\<{\mathcal J}}$ are adjoint, the corresponding functorial map from $iF$
to the constant functor with value~${\mathcal M}$ factors via a functorial map
from $iF$ to the constant functor with value $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{{\mathcal M}}$, and
from the definition of colimits it follows that the monomorphism
$\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{{\mathcal M}}\hookrightarrow{\mathcal M}$ has a right inverse,\vspace{.6pt}
so that it is an isomorphism, and thus ${\mathcal M}\in{\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)$. In
particular, if the domain of a functor~$G$ into ${\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)$ is a small
category, then $iG$ does have a colimit, which is also a colimit of
$G$; and so ${\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)$ has small colimits, i.e., it is
Submodules and quotient modules of~${\mathcal J}\!$-torsion sheaves are
${\mathcal J}\!$-torsion sheaves.
If ${\mathcal J}$ is \emph{finitely-generated} (locally) and if ${\mathcal N}\subset{\mathcal M}$ are
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules such that ${\mathcal N}$ and~${\mathcal M}/{\mathcal N}$ are ${\mathcal J}\!$-torsion sheaves
then ${\mathcal M}$ is a ${\mathcal J}\!$-torsion sheaf too; and hence
${\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(\<X)$~is plump in~${\mathcal A}(\<X)$.%
\footnote{Thus the subcategory ${\mathcal A}_{{\mathcal J}}(X)$ is a \emph{hereditary torsion
class} in
${\mathcal A}(X)$, in the sense of Dickson, see \cite[pp.\;139--141]{Stenstrom}. }
In this case, the stalk
of~$\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal M}$ at $x\in X$ is%
\index{ $\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$ (torsion functor)}
(\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal M})_x=\dirlm{n>0\,\,\>}
\mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathcal O}_{\!X\!,\>x}}\<({\mathcal O}_{\!X\!,\>x}/{\mathcal J}_x^{n},\, {\mathcal M}_x).
Let $X$ be a locally noetherian scheme and $Z\subset X$ a closed
subset, the support of~${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/{\mathcal J}$ for some quasi-coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-ideal ${\mathcal J}\<$. The functor $\iGp{Z}\!:=\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$
\index{ $\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$
(torsion functor)!$\varGamma'_{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$}
does not depend on the quasi-coherent ideal~${\mathcal J}$ determining $Z$. It is a
subfunctor of the left-exact functor
$\iG{Z}^{\phantom{.}}$ which associates to each ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-module~${\mathcal M}$ its
subsheaf of sections supported in~$Z$. If ${\mathcal M}$ is quasi-coherent, then
\mbox{$\iGp{Z}({\mathcal M}) =\iG{Z}({\mathcal M})$}.
More generally, for any complex ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\<(X)$, the ${\mathbf D}(X)$-map
${\mathbf R}\iGp{Z}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}{\mathcal E}$ induced by the inclusion
$\iGp{Z}\hookrightarrow \iG Z$ is an isomorphism \cite[p.\,25, Corollary
(3.2.4)]{AJL}; so for such~${\mathcal E}$ we usually identify ${\mathbf R}\iGp{Z}{\mathcal E}$ and
${\mathbf R}\iG{Z}{\mathcal E}$.
Set ${\mathcal A}_Z(X)\!:= {\mathcal A}_{\mathcal J}(X)$,\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)!${\mathcal A}_Z$} the plump
subcategory of~${\mathcal A}(X)$ whose objects are the \mbox{\emph{$Z$-torsion sheaves,}}
that is, the ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules~${\mathcal M}$ such that \hbox{$\iGp{Z}{{\mathcal M}}={\mathcal M}\>$;} and
\hbox{$\A_{{\qc}Z}(X)\!:=\A_{\qc}(X)\cap{\mathcal A}_Z(X)$,}\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)!$\A_{{\qc}Z}$}
the plump subcategory of~${\mathcal A}(X)$ whose objects are the quasi-coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules supported in~$Z$.
For a locally noetherian formal scheme ${\mathscr X}$ with ideal of
definition~${\mathscr J}$, set $\iGp{{\mathscr X}}\!:=\iG{{\mathscr J}}\mspace{-.5mu}$,%
\index{ $\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$
(torsion functor)!$\varGamma'_{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$} a
left-exact functor depending only on the sheaf of topological rings
${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}\>$, not on the choice of~${\mathscr J}$---for ${\mathcal M}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$,
$\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal M}\subset{\mathcal M}$ is the submodule whose sections are those
of~${\mathcal M}$ annihilated locally by an open ideal. Say that ${\mathcal M}$ is a
\emph{torsion~sheaf}\index{torsion sheaf} if \mbox{$\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal M}={\mathcal M}$}.
Let $\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})\!:={\mathcal A}_{\mathscr J}({\mathscr X})$\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)!$\A_{\mathrm t}\<\>$} be the plump
subcategory of~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ whose objects\- are all the torsion sheaves; and set
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})\!:=\A_{\qc}\<({\mathscr X})\cap\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$,\index{ ${\mathcal A}$ (module category)!$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$}
the full (in fact plump, see
\Cref{qct=plump}) subcategory of~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ whose objects are the quasi-coherent
torsion sheaves. It holds that $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})\subset\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$, see \Cref{Gamma'+qc}.
If ${\mathscr X}$ is an ordinary locally noetherian scheme (i.e., ${\mathscr J}=0$), then
$\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})={\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ and~$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})=\A_{\qc}\<({\mathscr X})=\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$.
For any map $f\colon{\mathscr X} \to {\mathscr Y}$ of locally noetherian formal schemes
there are ideals of definition ${\mathscr I}\subset {\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr Y}}$ and
${\mathscr J}\subset{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}\>}$ such that ${\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}\subset {\mathscr J}$ \cite[p.\,416,
(10.6.10)]{GD}; and correspondingly there is a map of ordinary schemes
($=\:$formal schemes having~(0) as ideal of definition)
$({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J})\to({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I})$ \cite[p.\,410, (10.5.6)]{GD}. We~say
that $f$~is \emph{separated}%
\index{formal-scheme map!separated}
\index{formal-scheme map!affine}
\index{formal-scheme map!pseudo\kern.6pt-proper}
\index{formal-scheme map!pseudo\kern.6pt-finite}
resp.~\emph{of pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type}\kern-1pt
\index{formal-scheme map!of pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type}
if for some---and hence
any---such~${\mathscr I},{\mathscr J}$ the corresponding scheme-map is separated (resp.~affine,
resp.~proper, resp.~finite, resp.~of finite type),
see \cite[\S\S10.15--10.16, p.\,444\:\emph{ff.}]{GD},
keeping in mind \cite[p.\,416, (10.6.10)(ii)]{GD}.%
{In \cite[Definition 1.14]{Ye}, pseudo-finite-type maps
are called ``maps of formally finite type."
The proof of Prop.\,1.4 in \cite{Ye} (with $A'=A$) yields
the following characterization of pseudo-finite-type maps of affine formal
schemes (cf.~\cite[p.\,439, Prop.\,(10.13.1)]{GD}):
The map\/ $f\colon {\mathrm {Spf}}(B) \to {\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ corresponding to a continuous
homomorphism~$h\colon A\to B$ of noetherian adic rings is of
pseudo-finite type $\Leftrightarrow$
for any ideal of definition\/ $I$ of\/ $A,$ there
exists\vadjust{\kern.8pt} an\/
$A$-algebra of finite type\/~$A'\<,$ an\/ $A'\<$-ideal\/~ $I' \supset IA',$
and an\/ $A$-algebra homomorphism\/
\mbox{$A'\to B$} inducing an adic surjective map\/
$\widehat {A'}\twoheadrightarrow B$
where\/ $\widehat{A'}$ is the\/ $I'$-adic
completion of\/~$A'$.}
Any affine map is separated. Any pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map is separated and of
pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type. The map~$f$ is pseudo\kern.6pt-finite
$\Leftrightarrow$ it is pseudo\kern.6pt-proper and affine
$\Leftrightarrow$ it is pseudo\kern.6pt-proper and has finite fibers
\cite[p.\,136, (4.4.2)]{EGA}.
We say that $f$ is \emph{adic}%
\index{formal-scheme map!adic}
if for some---and hence any---ideal of definition
${\mathscr I}\subset{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}\>$, ${\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}$~is an ideal of definition of~${\mathscr X}$
\cite[p.\,436, (10.12.1)]{GD}. We say that $f$ is \emph{proper}%
\index{formal-scheme map!proper}
\index{formal-scheme map!finite}
resp.~\emph{of finite type}\kern-1pt)%
\index{formal-scheme map!of finite type}
if $f$ is pseudo\kern.6pt-proper (resp.~pseudo\kern.6pt-finite, resp.~of
pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type) and adic, see \cite[p.\,119, (3.4.1)]{EGA}, \cite[p.\,148,
(4.8.11)]{EGA} and \cite[p.\,440, (10.13.3)]{GD}.
\begin{sparag} Here is our \textbf{second main result},
Torsion Duality\index{Grothendieck Duality!Torsion (global)} for
formal schemes. (See \Tref{T:qct-duality} and
\Cref{C:f*gam-duality} for more elaborate statements.) In
the assertion, $\wDqc({\mathscr X})\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{}^{-1}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}))$%
\index{ ${\mathbf D}$ (derived category)!z@${ \widetilde
{\vbox to5pt{\vss\hbox{$\mathbf D$}}}_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}} }$}
is the least $\Delta$-subcategory of~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ containing both
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})$\vspace{.6pt} and ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{}^{-1}(0)$ (\Dref{D:Dtilde},
Remarks~\ref{R:Dtilde}, (1) and~(2)).\vspace{-1.3pt} For example, when
${\mathscr X}$ is an ordinary scheme then $\wDqc({\mathscr X})=\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})$.
Let $f\colon {\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a map of noetherian formal schemes. Assume either
that\/ $f$ is separated or that\/ ${\mathscr X}$ has finite Krull dimension, or else
restrict~to bounded-below complexes.
\textup{(a)} The restriction of\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ takes\/ $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y}),$ and it has a right\/ $\Delta$-adjoint\/
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}).\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<$}
\textup{(b)} The restriction of\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ takes\/
$\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ to\/
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\subset\wDqc({\mathscr Y}),$ and it has a~right\/ $\Delta$-adjoint\/
\ush f\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\to\wDqc({\mathscr X}).\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$\ush f$}
\penalty -1000
(1) The ``homology localization" functor
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}^{}_{\mathscr X}(-)\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,-)\index{ $\mathbf {La}$@${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$
(homology localization)}
is right-adjoint to ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$, and ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}^{-1}(0)={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{}^{-1}(0)$
(Remarks~\ref{R:Gamma-Lambda}). The $\Delta$-functors
$\ush f$ and~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ are connected thus (Corollaries~\ref{C:f*gam-duality}
\ush f={\boldsymbol\Lambda}^{}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<, \qquad
f_{\mathrm t}^\times={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\ush f.
(2) In the footnote
on page \pageref{C:completion-proper} it is indicated that
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{}^{-1}(0)$ admits a ``Bousfield colocalization"\index{Bousfield
colocalization} in
${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$, with associated ``cohomology colocalization" functor ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>$; and
in \Rref{R:Gamma-Lambda}(3), \Tref{Th2} is interpreted as
duality\- with coefficients in the corresponding quotient
$\wDqc({\mathscr X})/{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{}^{-1}(0)\cong
\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})/\bigl(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})\cap{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{}^{-1}(0)\bigr)$.
(3) The proof of \Tref{Th2} is similar to that of
\Tref{Th1}, at least when the formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$ is separated
(i.e., the unique formal-scheme map ${\mathscr X}\to{\mathrm {Spec}}(\mathbb Z)$ is
separated) or finite-dimensional, in which case there is an
\emph{equivalence of categories} ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))\to \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$
(\Pref{1!}). (As mentioned before, we know the
corresponding result with ``$\mspace{2mu}\vec{\mathrm c}\:$" in place
of ``qct" only for \emph{properly algebraic} formal schemes.) In
addition, replacing separatedness of~${\mathscr X}$ by separatedness of~$f$
takes a technical pasting argument.
(4) For an ordinary scheme~$X$ (having $(0)$ as ideal of definition),
$\iGp X$ is just the identity functor of ${\mathcal A}(X)$, and
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}(X)=\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$. In this case, Theorems~\ref{Th1}~and~\ref{Th2}
both reduce to the usual global (non-sheafified) version of
Grothendieck Duality. In \S\ref{S:apps} we will describe how
\Tref{Th2} generalizes and ties together various strands in the
literature on local, formal, and global duality. In particular, the
behavior of \Tref{Th2} vis-\`a-vis variable $f$ gives
compatibility of local and global duality, at least on an
abstract level---i.e., without the involvement of differentials,
residues,~etc. (See \Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}.)
\begin{parag}\label{culminate} As in the classic paper \cite{f!} of Verdier,%
\index{Verdier, Jean-Louis} the \textbf{culminating results} devolve from
flat-base-change isomorphisms, established here for the functors $f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ and $\ush
f$ of
\mbox{\Tref{Th2},} with $f$
\emph{pseudo\kern.6pt-proper}---in which case we denote
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ by $f^!\<$.\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$\mathstrut f^!\<$}
\begin{thespecial}\label{Th3}\index{base-change isomorphism}
Let\/ ${\mathscr X},$ ${\mathscr Y}$ and\/ ${\mathscr U}$ be noetherian formal schemes, let\/
$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map, and let\/ $u\colon
{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be flat, so that in the natural diagram
{\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}=:\>@.{\mathscr V}@>v>>{\mathscr X} \\
@. @VgVV @VVfV \\
@.{\mathscr U}@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}
the formal scheme\/ ${\mathscr V}$ is noetherian, $g$ is pseudo\kern.6pt-proper,
and $v$ is flat \textup(\Pref{P:basechange}\kern.5pt\textup).
Then for all\/
${\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\!:=\wDqc({\mathscr Y})\cap{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y})$ the base-change map\/~$\beta_{\mathcal F}$
of~\Dref{D:basechange} is an isomorphism
\beta_{\mathcal F}\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<f^!{\mathcal F} \iso
g^!\>\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\<{\mathcal F}\
g^!\<u^*\<{\mathcal F}.
In particular, if\/ $u$ is \emph{adic} then we have a functorial
isomorphism\/ $v^*\<\<f^!{\mathcal F} \iso g^! u^*\<{\mathcal F}\<.$
This theorem is proved in \S7 (\Tref{T:basechange}). The functor
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}$ has a right adjoint~${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}$, see \eqref{adj}. \Tref{Th3}
leads quickly to the corresponding result for~$\ush f$ (see
\Tref{T:sharp-basechange} and \Cref{C:coh-basechange}):
\penalty -1000
\begin{thespecial}\label{Th4}\index{base-change isomorphism}
Under the preceding conditions, let
\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}}\colon v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\to\ush g
u^*\<{\mathcal F}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
be the map adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R} g_*g^!u^*\<{\mathcal F}\to u^*\<{\mathcal F}.
Then the map ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}(\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}})$ is an \emph{isomorphism}
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}(\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}})\colon{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\> v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\iso
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\>\ush g u^*\<{\mathcal F}
\ush g u^*\<{\mathcal F}.
Moreover, if\/ $u$ is an open immersion, or if\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y}),$
then\/ $\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}}$ itself is an isomorphism.
The special case of Theorems~\ref{Th3} and~\ref{Th4} when $u$ is an open
immersion is equivalent to what may be properly referred to as Grothendieck
Duality (unqualified by the prefix ``global"),
namely the following \emph{sheafified} version of \Tref{Th2} (see
\begin{thespecial}\label{Th5}\index{Grothendieck Duality!Torsion
(sheafified)} Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ and\/ ${\mathscr Y}$ be noetherian formal schemes
and let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be
a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map. Then the following natural compositions are
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\vspace{-4pt}
\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X}),\;{\mathcal F}\>\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr);
\quad{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>f^!{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} f^!{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\vspace{3pt}
\rightline{$\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),\;{\mathcal F}\>\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).$}
Finally, if $f$ is \emph{proper} and ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})$, then
$\ush f\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$ \emph{is right-adjoint to
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})$, and
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ in
\Tref{Th5} can be deleted,} see \Tref{T:properdual}.
In this---and several other results about complexes with coherent
homology---an essential ingredient is \Pref{formal-GM}, deduced
here from Greenlees-May duality for ordinary affine schemes, see \cite{AJL}:
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme, and let\/ ${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$.
Then for all\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$ the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}\to {\mathcal E}$ induces an
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}, \>{\mathcal F}\>) \iso {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>).
This proposition also follows from
Greenlees-May Duality for formal schemes, \Tref{GM}, which asserts that for any
separated noetherian formal scheme\/ ${\mathscr X}$ and any coherent\/
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-ideal\/~${\mathcal I}$,
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iG{\mathcal I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X},-)\colon\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})
\emph{is a left-derived functor
of the completion functor $\Lambda_{\mathcal I}\colon\K_{\vc}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf K}({\mathscr X})\colon$}
\Lambda_{\mathcal I}({\mathcal E})\!:= \inlm{n}\!\bigr(({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathcal I}^n)\otimes\>{\mathcal E}\bigl)
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\K_{\vc}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
The proof occupies most of the Appendix (\S9).
In closing this introductory section, we wish to express our appreciation for
illuminating interchanges with Amnon Neeman\index{Neeman, Amnon} and Amnon
Yekutieli\index{Yekutieli, Amnon}.
\section{Applications and examples.}
Again, \Tref{Th2} generalizes global Grothendieck
Duality on ordinary schemes. This section illustrates further how
\Tref{Th2} provides a common home for a number of different
duality-related results (local duality, formal duality, residue theorems,
dualizing complexes\dots\!\!).
For a quick example, see \Rref{R:d-vein}.
\Sref{bf (a)} reviews several forms of local duality.
In section~\ref{sheafify} we sheafify these
results, and connect them to \Tref{Th2}.
In particular, \Pref{(2.2)} is an abstract version
of the Local Duality theorem of~\cite[p.\,73, Theorem 3.4]{Integration}; and
\Tref{T:pf-duality} (Pseudo-finite Duality)\index{Duality!Pseudo-finite}
globalizes it to formal schemes.\looseness=-1
\Sref{residue thm} relates Theorems~\ref{Th1}
and~\ref{Th2} to the central ``Residue Theorems"\index{Residue theorems}
in~\cite{Asterisque} and~\cite{HS}
(but does not subsume those results).
\Sref{bf (d)} indicates how both the Formal Duality\index{Duality!Formal}
theorem of \cite[p.\,48, Proposition~(5.2)]{De-Rham-cohomology} and the
Local-Global Duality\index{Duality!Local-Global} theorem in
\cite[p.\,188]{Desingularization} can be deduced from \Tref{Th2}.
\Sref{bf (e)}, building on work of Yekutieli \cite[\S5]{Ye},\index{Yekutieli, Amnon}
treats \emph{dualizing complexes} on formal schemes, and their associated
dualizing functors. For a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map~$f\<$, the functor~$\ush f$
\Tref{Th2} lifts dualizing complexes to dualizing complexes (\Pref{P:twisted
inverse}). For any map $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ of noetherian formal schemes,
there is natural isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal F}\<,\ush f{\mathcal G})\iso\ush f{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal G})
\qquad \bigl({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^-({\mathscr Y}),\;{\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr),
(\Pref{P:Hom!}). For pseudo\kern.6pt-proper
$f\<$, if ${\mathscr Y}$ has a dualizing complex~${\mathcal R}$, so that $\ush f{\mathcal R}$ is
a dualizing complex on~${\mathscr X}$, and if ${\mathcal D}^{\mathscr Y}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(-,{\mathcal R})$ and
${\mathcal D}^{\mathscr X}$ are the corresponding dualizing functors, one deduces a natural
isomorphism (well-known for ordinary schemes)
\ush f\<{\mathcal E}\cong{\mathcal D}^{\mathscr X}{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal D}^{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr),
see \Pref{P:Dual!}.
There are corresponding results for~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<$ as well.
\label{bf (a)}
(Local Duality.)\index{Duality!Local|(} All rings are commutative, unless otherwise
Let $\varphi\colon R\to S$ be a ring homomorphism with
$S$ noetherian, let $J$ be an $S$-ideal, and let $\GG {J}$ be
the functor taking any $S$-module to its submodule of elements which are
annihilated by some power of~$J$. Let $E$ and $E'$ be complexes
in~${\mathbf D}(S)$, the derived category of $S$-modules, and let $F\in{\mathbf D}(R)$.
With \smash{$\Otimes$}\vadjust{\kern.7pt} denoting derived tensor product
in~${\mathbf D}(S)$ (defined via K-flat resolutions \cite[p.\,147, Proposition 6.5]{Sp}), there
is a natural isomorphism
\smash{$E \Otimes {\mathbf R} \GG {\<J} E' \iso
{\mathbf R} \GG {J} (E \Otimes E')$},\vadjust{\kern.7pt}
see~e.g., \cite[p.\,20, Corollary(3.1.2)]{AJL}. Also, viewing
${\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(E'\<, F)$ as a functor from
${\mathbf D}(S)^{\rm{op}}\<\times{\mathbf D}(R)$ to~${\mathbf D}(S)$, one has a canonical
${\mathbf D}(S)$-isomorphism
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R( E \Otimes E'\<, F )\iso
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_S\bigl(E, {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(E'\<, F)\bigr),\
see \cite [p.\,147; 6.6]{Sp}. Thus, with
$\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\colon{\mathbf D}(R)\to {\mathbf D}(S)$ the functor given by
\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}(-)\!:={\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J} S,-)
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_S\bigl({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}S,{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(S,-)\bigr),
there is a composed isomorphism
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_S(E,\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F)
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(E\Otimes {\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J} S, F )
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R ({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J} E, F).
Application of homology $H^0$ yields the (rather trivial)
{\it local duality isomorphism}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(S)}\<\<(E,\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F)\iso
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}E, F).
``Non-trivial" versions of~\eqref{(2.1)} include more information
about $\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}$.
For example, Greenlees-May duality\index{Greenlees-May Duality} \cite[p.\,4,
$(0.3)_{\text{aff}}$]{AJL} gives a canonical isomorphism
\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F \cong{\mathbf L}\Lambda_J{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(S,F),
where $\Lambda_J$ is the {\it $J\<$-adic completion functor,} and ${\bf L}$ denotes
``\kern.5pt left-derived.'' In particular, if $R$ is noetherian,
$S$ is a finite $R$-module, and
$F\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(R)$ (i.e., each homology module of~$F$ is finitely generated),
then as in~\cite[p.\,6, Proposition (0.4.1)]{AJL},
\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F={\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(S,F)\otimes_S{\hat S}
\qquad ({\hat S}=J \mbox{-adic completion of}\, S).
More particularly, for $S=R$ and $\varphi=\text{id}$ (the identity map)
we get
\ush{\text{id}_{\<\<J}}F= F\otimes_R {\hat R}
\qquad \bigl(F\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(R)\bigr).
Hence, {\it classical local duality} \cite[p.~278 (modulo Matlis dualization)]{H1} is
just~(\ref{(2.1)}) when $R$ is local, $\varphi=\text{id}$,
$J$ is the maximal ideal of~$R$, and $F$ is a normalized dualizing complex---so
that, as in ~\Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma}, and by~\cite[p.\,276,
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}E, F)=
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}E, {\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}F)=
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}E, I)
where $I$ is an $R$-injective hull of the residue field~$R/\<J$.
(See also \Lref{L:dualizing}.)\looseness=-1
For another example, let $S=R[[{\bf t}]]$
where $\mathbf t\!:= (t_1,\dots,t_d)$
is a sequence of variables, and set $J\!:= \mathbf tS$. The
standard calculation (via Koszul complexes) gives an isomorphism
${\mathbf R}\Gamma_ {\!\! J}S\cong\nu[-d\>]$
where $\nu$ is the free $R$-submodule of the
localization~$S_{t_1\dots t_d}$ generated by
those monomials~$t_1^{n_1}\!\dots t_d^{n_d}$ with all exponents~$n_i<0$, the
$S$-module structure being induced by that of
$S_{t_1\<\dots\> t_d}/S\supset \nu\>$. The \emph{relative canonical module}
$\omega_{R[[\mathbf t]]/R}\!:={\mathrm {Hom}}_R(\nu,R)$ is a \emph{free, rank one,
$S$-module.} There result, for finitely-generated \mbox{$R$-modules}~$F$,
functorial isomorphisms
\ush {\varphi_{\mathbf tR[[\mathbf t]]}}F\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_R(\nu[-d\>],F)\cong
\omega_{R[[\mathbf t]]/R}^{\phantom{.}}[d\>]\otimes_R F\cong
R[[\mathbf t]]\otimes_RF[d\>];
and when $R$ is noetherian, the usual way-out argument
\cite[p.\,69, (ii)]{H1} yields the same for any $F\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+\<(\<R)$.
Next, we give a commutative-algebra analogue of \Tref{Th2} in
\S\ref{S:prelim}, in the form of a ``torsion" variant of the duality
isomorphism~\eqref{(2.1)}. \Pref{P:affine} will clarify the relation
between the algebraic and formal-scheme contexts.
With $\varphi\colon R\to S$ and $J$ an $S$-ideal as before, let
${\mathcal A}_J(S)$ be the category of \mbox{$J$-torsion} $S$-modules, i.e.,
\mbox{$S$-modules}~$M$ such that
M=\GG{\<J}M:=\{\,m\in M\mid J^nm=0\textup{ for some }n>0\,\}.
The derived category of ${\mathcal A}_J(S)$ is equivalent to the full
subcategory~${\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)$ of~${\mathbf D}(S)$ with objects those
$S$-complexes~$E$ whose homology lies in~${\mathcal A}_J(S)$, (or equivalently, such that
the natural map \smash{${\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}E\to E$} is an isomorphism),
and the functor~${\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}$ is right-adjoint to~the inclusion
${\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}(S)$ (cf.~\Pref{Gamma'(qc)} and its
\noindent Hence the functor~$\varphi_{\!J}^\times\colon{\mathbf D}(R)\to {\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)$
defined by
\varphi_{\!J}^\times(-)\!:={\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(S, -)
\cong \smash{{\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}S\Otimes {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(S, -)}
is right-adjoint to the natural composition
${\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}(S)\to{\mathbf D}(R)$: in fact, for
$E\in{\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)$ and $F\in{\mathbf D}(R)$ there are natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_S(E,\varphi_{\!J}^\times\<F)\iso
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_S(E,{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(S, F))\iso
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(E,F).
Here is another interpretation of $\varphi_{\!J}^\times\<F$. For
$S$-modules~$A$ and $R$-modules~$B$~set
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}(A, B)\!:=\GG{\<J}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R(A,B),
the $S$-module of $R$-homomorphisms $\alpha$ vanishing on $J^n\<A$
for some $n$ (depending on~$\alpha$), i.e., \emph{continuous} when $A$ is
$J$-adically topologized and $B$ is discrete. If $E$~is a K-flat
$S$-complex and $F$ is a K-injective $R$-complex, then
${\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(E,F)$ is a K-injective $S$-complex; and it follows for all
$E\in{\mathbf D}(S)$ and $F\in{\mathbf D}(R)$ that
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}^\bullet(E,F)\cong{\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(E,F).
\varphi_{\!J}^\times\<F={\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}^\bullet(S,F).
\penalty -1000
A \emph{torsion version of local duality} is the isomorphism,
derived from~\eqref{2.2.1}:
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)}\<\<\bigl(E,\>{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}^\bullet(S,F)\bigr)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<(E,F)
\quad\ \bigl(E\in{\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S),\;F\in{\mathbf D}(R)\bigr).
Apropos of \Rref{R:Th2}(1), the functors $\varphi_{\!J}^\times$ and $\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}$
are related by
{\mathbf L}\Lambda_J{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(S,F)\;
&&\cong{\mathbf L}\Lambda_J\varphi_{\!J}^\times\<F, \\
{\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}\>{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_R(S,F)\,
&& \cong{\mathbf R}\GG{\>J}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F.
The first relation is the case $E={\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}\<S$ of \eqref{2.2.1}, followed by
Greenlees-May duality.
The second results, e.g., from the sequence of natural isomorphisms, holding for
\mbox{$G\in{\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)$},
\mbox{$E\in{\mathbf D}(S)$}, and $F\in{\mathbf D}(R)$:
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(S)}\<\<\bigl(G,\> {\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(E,F)\bigr)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(S)}\<\<\bigl(G,\> {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(E,F)\bigr)\\
\smash{{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}S\Otimes_{\!\!S}\,G
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(S)}\<\<\bigl(G,\> {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet({\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}E,F)\bigr)\\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(S)}\<\<\bigl(G, {\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet({\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}E,F)\bigr),
which entail that the natural map is an isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet(E,F)\iso
{\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet({\mathbf R}\GG{\mspace{-.5mu}J}E,F).
Local Duality theorems are often formulated, as in (c) of the following,
in terms of modules and local cohomology
(${\mathrm H}_{\<\<J}^\bullet\!:={\mathrm H}^\bullet{\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}$) rather than
derived categories.
Let\/ $\varphi:R\to S$ be a homomorphism of noetherian
rings, let\/
$J$~ be an\/ $S$-ideal, and suppose that there exists a
sequence\/ ${\bf u}=(u_1,\dots,u_d)$ in\/ $J$ such that\/ $S/{\bf u}S$ is\/
$R$-finite. Then for any\/ $R$-finite module\/ $F$\textup{:}
\textup{(a)} ${\mathrm H}^n\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F=0$ for all\/ $n<-d,$ \
so that there is a natural\/ ${\mathbf D}(S)$-map
h\colon ({\mathrm H}^{-d}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F)[d\>]\to \ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F.
\textup{(b)} If\/ $\tau_F^{\phantom{.}}\colon {\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F\to F$
corresponds in\/ {\rm (\ref{(2.1)})} to the identity map of\/~$\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F,\,$%
{$\,\tau_F^{\phantom{.}}$ may be thought of as $\text{``evaluation at 1"}\<\colon
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}^\bullet(S,F)\to F$.%
and\/ $\int=\int_{\varphi\<,J}^d(F)$ is the composed map
{\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}({\mathrm H}^{-d}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F)[d\>]
\xrightarrow{\!{\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}\<(h)\>}
{\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F
\xrightarrow{\,\tau_F^{\phantom{.}}\>} F,
then\/ $\bigl({\mathrm H}^{-d}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F, \int \bigr)$ represents the
functor\/ ${\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}E[d\>],F)$
of\/ $S$-modules~$E$.
If\/ $J\subset \,\root\of{{\bf u}S}\>$ then there is a bifunctorial isomorphism
\textup(with $E$, $F$ as before\textup{):}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_S(E,{\mathrm H}^{-d}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F) \iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_R({\mathrm H}_{\<\<J}^dE,F).
If $\mspace{6.5mu}\hat{}\mspace{-6.5mu}\varphi$
is the obvious map from $R$ to the
${\mathbf u}$-adic completion $\hat S$ of~$S$, then in~${\mathbf D}(S)$,
\mbox{$\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}} F =\mspace{6.5mu} \hat{}\mspace{-6.5mu}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}} F$}
since ${\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}S={\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}\hat S$.
In proving (a), therefore, we may assume\vadjust{\kern.5pt}
that $S$ is ${\bf u}$-adically complete,
so that $\varphi$ factors as
\smash{$R\stackrel{\psi\>}{\to}R[[{\bf t}]]\stackrel{\chi\>\>}{\to} S$}
with ${\bf t}=(t_1,\dots,t_d)$ a sequence of indeterminates and
$S$ finite over~$R[[{\bf t}]]$. ($\psi$ is the natural map, and $\chi(t_i)=u_i\>$.)
In view of the easily-verified relation
$\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}} = \ush{\chi_{\<\<J}}\smcirc\ush{\psi_{{\bf t}R[[{\bf t}]]}}$,
(\ref{2.1.2}) and~(\ref{2.1.3}) yield (a).
Then (b) results from the natural isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_S(E, {\mathrm H}^{-d}\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F)
\underset{\text{via } h }{\iso}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(S) }(E[d\>], \ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\<F)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\Gamma_{\!\! J}^{\phantom{.}}E[d\>], F).
Finally, (c) follows from (b) because
${\mathrm H}^i_{\<\<J}E={\mathrm H}^i_{\<\mathbf uS}E=0$ for all $i>d$
(as one sees from the usual calculation of ${\mathrm H}^i_{\<\mathbf uS}E$ via
Koszul complexes), so that the natural map is an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(R)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\Gamma_{\!\! J}^{\phantom{.}}E[d\>], F)
\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_R({\mathrm H}_{\<\<J}^dE,F).
Under the hypotheses of \Pref{(2.2)}(c), the
functor~${\mathrm {Hom}}_R({\mathrm H}^d_{\<\<J}E,R)$ of $S$-modules~$E$ is representable.
Under suitable extra conditions (for example,
$\hat S$~a generic local complete intersection over~$R[[{\bf t}]]$,
H\"ubl and Kunz represent this functor by a \emph{canonical} pair
described explicitly via differential forms, residues, and certain trace maps
\cite[p.~73, Theorem~3.4]{Integration}.
For example, with \mbox{$S=R[[{\bf t}]]$,}
$J=\mathbf tS$, and $\nu$~as in~(\ref{2.1.3}), the $S$-homomorphism
from the module~\smash{$\widehat\Omega_{S/R}^d$} of universally finite
\hbox{$d$-forms} to the relative canonical module
$\>\omega_{R[[\mathbf t]]/R}^{\phantom{.}}\<=\<{\mathrm {Hom}}_R(\nu,R)$ sending the
$dt_1\dots dt_d$ to the $R$-homomorphism $\nu\to R$ which takes the monomial~
$t_1^{-1}\! \dots t_d^{-1}$ to~$1$ and all other monomials
$t_1^{n_1}\!\dots t_d^{n_d}$ to $0$, is clearly an isomorphism; and the
resulting isomorphism~$\smash{\widehat\Omega_{S/R}^d}[d\>]\iso\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}} R$
\emph{does not depend on the $d$-element
sequence\/~$\mathbf t$ generating} $J$---it corresponds under~(\ref{(2.1)}) to
the {\it residue map }
{\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}\widehat\Omega_{S/R}^d[d\>]=
{\mathrm H}^d_{\!J}\>\widehat\Omega_{S/R}^d\to R
(see, e.g., \cite[\S2.7]{Hochschild}). Thus ${\mathrm {Hom}}_R({\mathrm H}_{\<\<J}^dE,R)$
\emph{is represented by\/ \smash{$\widehat\Omega_{S/R}^d$} together with the
residue map.} The general case reduces to this one via traces of
differential forms.\index{Duality!Local|)}
\label{sheafify}\index{Duality!Local, sheafified|(}
(Formal sheafification of Local Duality). For
$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ as in \Tref{Th2} in
\S\ref{S:prelim}, there is a right $\Delta$-adjoint~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<$
for the functor\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})$. Furthermore, with
$\>{\boldsymbol j}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$} the canonical
functor, we have
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol j}\>{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\!
\!\underset{\mathstrut(\text{\ref{C:vec-c is qc})}}\subset\!
\!{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})\!
\!{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\!
\!\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\!
\!\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y}).\vspace{-1pt}
It results from \eqref{adj} and \Pref{A(vec-c)-A} that
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\boldsymbol j}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})$ has the right
$\Delta$-adjoint~${\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\ush f\!:={\mathbf R}
Q_{\mathscr X}^{}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,f_{\mathrm t}^\times$).
If, moreover, ${\mathscr X}$ is \emph{properly algebraic} (\Dref{D:propalg})---in particular,
if ${\mathscr X}$ is affine---then ${\boldsymbol j}$ is an equivalence of categories (\Cref{corollary}),
and so the functor ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})$ has a right
For \emph{affine $f\<$}, these results are closely related to
the Local Duality isomor\-phisms \eqref{2.2.1} and ~\eqref{(2.1)}. Recall that an
\emph{adic ring}\index{adic ring} is a pair $(R,I)$ with $R$ a ring and $I$ an
$R$-ideal such that with respect to the $I\<$-adic topology $R$ is Hausdorff and
complete. The topology on~$R$ having been specified,
the corresponding affine formal scheme is denoted ${\mathrm {Spf}}(\<R)$.
Let\/ $\varphi\colon(\<R,I\>)\to(S,J\>)$ be a continuous homomorphism of
noetherian adic rings, and let\/
${\mathscr X}\!:={\mathrm {Spf}}(S)\;\smash{\stackrel{f}{\to}}\;{\mathrm {Spf}}(\<R)=:\!{\mathscr Y}$ be the corresponding
\textup(affine\/\textup) formal-scheme map. Let\/ $\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathscr X}\to
X\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(S),$
$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathscr Y}\to Y\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(R)$ be the
completion maps, and let $^\sim={}^{\sim_S}$ denote
the standard exact functor from
$S$-modules to quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules. Then:
\textup{(a)} The restriction of\/
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}$ takes\/ $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ to\/ $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y}),$\
and this restricted functor has a right adjoint
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ given by
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
\!:=\kappa_{\mathscr X}^* \bigl(\varphi_{\!J}^\times\<{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)^\sim
\<= \kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\bigl({\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}^\bullet\bigl(S,
\>{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)\bigr)^\sim
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
\textup{(b)} The restriction of\/
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ takes\/ $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ to\/ $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y}),$\
and this restricted functor has a right adjoint
$\ush{f_{\<\vec{\mathrm c}}}\colon\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ given by
\ush{f_{\<\vec{\mathrm c}}}{\mathcal F}
\!:=\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\bigl(\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)^\sim
\<= \kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\bigl({\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet\bigl({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}S,
\>{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)\bigr)^\sim
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
\textup{(c)} There are natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)&\iso \varphi_{\!J}^\times{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},\>{\mathcal F}\>)
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr),\\
{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},\ush{f_{\<\vec{\mathrm c}}}{\mathcal F}\>)&\iso \ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}\>{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},\>{\mathcal F}\>)
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
The functor~${}^\sim$ induces an equivalence of categories ${\mathbf D}(S)\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$,
with quasi-inverse ${\mathbf R}\GG X\!:={\mathbf R}\Gamma(X,-)$
(\cite[p.\,225, Thm.\,5.1]{BN}, \cite[p.\,12, Proposition~(1.3)]{AJL});
and \Pref{c-erator} below implies that
$\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ is~an
equivalence, with quasi-inverse
$({\mathbf R}\GG X\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}-)^\sim=({\mathbf R}\GG{\mathscr X}-)^\sim\<$.\kern2pt
\footnote{In checking this note that $\kappa_{{\mathscr X}\<*}^{\phantom{.}}$
has an exact left adjoint, hence preserves K-injectivity.%
It follows that \emph{the functor taking\/ \mbox{$G\in{\mathbf D}(S)$} to\/
$\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\widetilde G$ is an
equivalence, with quasi-inverse \smash{${\mathbf R}\GG{\mathscr X}\colon\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}(S)$}}, and
similarly for~${\mathscr Y}$~and~$R$. Moreover, there is an induced equivalence between
${\mathbf D}_{\!J\<}(S)$ and $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ (see \Pref{Gammas'+kappas}).
In particular, (c) follows from (a) and~(b).\looseness =-1
Corresponding to~\eqref{2.2.1} and ~\eqref{(2.1)} there are then
functorial isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<(\<{\mathcal E}\<,f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)\!\<\iso\!\<
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<\<(\<\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*({\mathbf R}\GG{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E})^{\sim_R}\<\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
\qquad\bigl(\<{\mathcal E}\<\in\<\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),\;{\mathcal F}\<\in\<\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)\<,\\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<(\<{\mathcal E}\<,\ush{f_{\<\vec{\mathrm c}}}{\mathcal F}\>)\!\<\iso\!\<
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<\<(\<\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*({\mathbf R}\GG{\<J}{\mathbf R}\GG{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E})^{\sim_R}\<\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
\qquad\bigl(\<{\mathcal E}\<\in\<\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X}),\medspace \>{\mathcal F}\<\in\<\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)\<;
and it remains to demonstrate functorial isomorphisms
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*({\mathbf R}\GG{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E})^{\sim_R}
&\iso {\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal E}
&&\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\bigr), \\
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}{\mathbf R}\GG{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E})^{\sim_R}
&\iso {\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}
&&\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\bigr),
the first a special case of the second.
To prove the second,
let $E\!:={\mathbf R}\GG{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}$, let $Z\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(S/J\>)\subset X$,
and let $f_0\colon X\to Y$ be
the scheme-map corresponding to~$\varphi$. The desired isomorphism
comes from the sequence of natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\widetilde E \\
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z\widetilde E
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{0*}{\mathbf R}\iG Z\widetilde E
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{0*}({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}E)^\sim
&&\qquad(\textup{\cite[p.\,9, (0.4.5)]{AJL}})\\
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*({\mathbf R}\GG {\mspace{-.5mu}J}E)^{\sim_R}.
(The last isomorphism---well-known for bounded-below~$E$---can be checked
via~the equivalences ${\mathbf R}\GG X$ and ${\mathbf R}\GG Y\>$, which satisfy
${\mathbf R}\GG Y{\mathbf R} f_{0*}\cong{\mathbf R}\GG X$ (see \cite[pp.\:142--143,
5.15(b) and~5.17]{Sp}).
\deff_{\<\<\X*}'{f_{\<\<{\mathscr X}*}'}
\Tref{T:pf-duality} below globalizes \Pref{(2.2)}.\index{Duality!Pseudo-finite|(}
But first some preparatory remarks are needed. Recall from~\ref{maptypes}
that a map $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ of noetherian formal schemes is
map!pseudo\kern.6pt-finite} if it is pseudo\kern.5pt-proper and has finite
fibers, or equivalently, if $f$~is pseudo\kern.5pt-proper and
\emph{affine}. Such an~$f$ corresponds locally to a
homomorphism \mbox{$\varphi\colon(R,I\>)\to (S,J\>)$} of noetherian
adic rings such that $\varphi(I)\subset J$ and
$S/\<J$ is a finite \hbox{$R$-module.} This
$\varphi$ can be extended to a homomorphism from a power series ring
$R[[\mathbf t]]\!:= R[[t_1, t_2,\dots,t_e]]$ such that the images of the
variables~$t_i$ together with~$\varphi(I\>)$ generate~$J\<$,
and thereby $S$~becomes a finite $R[[\mathbf t]]$-module. Pseudo-finiteness is
preserved under arbitrary (noetherian) base change.
We say that a pseudo\kern.6pt-finite map $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ of noetherian formal
schemes has relative dimension $\le d$ if each $y\in{\mathscr Y}$ has an
affine neighborhood~${\mathscr U}$ such that the map~ $\varphi_{\mathscr U}\colon R\to S$
of adic rings corresponding to $f^{-1}{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr U}$ has
a continuous extension $R[[t_1,\dots,t_d]]\to S$ making $S$ into a
finite $R[[t_1,\dots,t_d]]$-module, or equivalently, there is a
topologically nilpotent sequence $\mathbf u=(u_1,\dots,u_d)$ in~$S$
(i.e., $\lim_{n\to\infty}u_i^n=0\ (1\le i\le d)$) such that $S/\mathbf uS$ is
finitely generated as an $R$-module. The \emph{relative dimension}~$\dim f$
is defined to be the least among the integers~$d$ such that $f$ has
relative dimension $\le d$.
For any pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$
of noetherian formal schemes, we have the functor~$\ush f\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$
of \Cref{C:f*gam-duality}, commuting with open base change on~${\mathscr Y}$
(\Tref{Th4}). The next Lemma is a special case of \Pref{P:coherence}.
For a pseudo\kern.6pt-finite map \/ $f\<\colon\!{\mathscr X}\to\<{\mathscr Y}$ of noetherian formal
schemes and for any\/
${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y}),$\ it holds that
$\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$.
Since $\ush f$ commutes with open base change, the question is local, so we
may assume that $f$ corresponds to \mbox{$\varphi\colon(R,I\>)\to (S,J\>)$} as
above. Moreover, the isomorphism $\ush{(gf)}\cong\ush f \<\ush g$ in
\Cref{C:f*gam-duality} allows us to assume that \emph{either}
\mbox{$S=R[[t_1,\dots,t_d]]$} and $\varphi$ is the natural map \emph{or}
$S$ is a finite
$R$-module and $J=IS$. In either case $f$ is obtained by completing a proper map
$f_0\colon X \to {\mathrm {Spec}}(R)$ along a closed subscheme $Z\subset
f_0^{-1}{\mathrm {Spec}}(R/I\>)$. (In the first case, take $X$ to be the projective
space~$\mathbb P_{\!\!R}^{\mspace{.5mu}d}\supset{\mathrm {Spec}}(R[t_1,\dots,t_d])$, and
$Z\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(R[t_1,\dots,t_d]/(I,t_1,\dots,t_d))$.) The conclusion is
given then by \Cref{C:completion-proper}.
\begin{sth}[\textup{Pseudo-finite Duality}]\label{T:pf-duality}%
Let\/ $f\colon {\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a
pseudo\kern.5pt-finite map of noetherian formal schemes,
and let\/ ${\mathcal F}$ be a coherent\/ ${\mathcal O} _{\mathscr Y}$-module. Then:
\textup{(a)} $H^n\ush f\<{\mathcal F}=0$ for all\/ $n<-\dim f$.
\textup{(b)} If\/ $\dim f\le d$ and\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is covered by affine open
subsets with\/ \hbox{$d$-generated} defining ideals, then with\/
$f_{\<\<\X*}'\!:= f_{\!*}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ and, for\/ $i\in\mathbb Z$ and\/ ${\mathscr J}$ a defining ideal
of~${\mathscr X},$
R^i\<\<f_{\<\<\X*}'\!:= H^i{\mathbf R}f_{\<\<\X*}'= H^i{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}
=\smash{\dirlm{n} H^i{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n,-)},\footnotemark
{The equalities hold because ${\mathscr X}$ being noetherian,
any \smash{$\subdirlm{}\!\!$}\vspace{.8pt} of flasque sheaves (for example,
\smash{$\subdirlm{}\<\cH{om}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n,{\mathcal E})$}\vspace{.8pt} with ${\mathcal E}$ an injective
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module) is
$f_{\!*}$-acyclic, and \smash{$\subdirlm{}\!\!$} commutes
with~$f_{\!*}$. (For an additive functor $\phi\colon{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$,
an ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-complex ${\mathcal F}$ is \mbox{\emph{$\phi$-acyclic}}\index{acyclic} if the
natural map
$\phi{\mathcal F}\to{\mathbf R}\phi{\mathcal F}$ is a ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$-isomorphism. Using a standard spectral
sequence, or otherwise (cf.~\cite[(2.7.2)]{Derived categories}), one sees that any
bounded-below complex of $\phi$-acyclic ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules is $\phi$-acyclic. }%
there is, for quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O} _{\mathscr X}$-modules\/~${\mathcal E}\<,$ a functorial
\postdisplaypenalty 10000
f_{\!*}\cH{om}_{{\mathscr X}}({\mathcal E}\<, \>H^{-d}\ush f \<{\mathcal F}\>)\iso
\cH{om}_{{\mathscr Y}}(R^d\<\<f_{\<\<\X*}'{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>).
$H^{-d}\ush f\<{\mathcal F}$ is coherent \textup(\Lref{L:coh}\kern1pt\textup{),} and
by \textup{(a),} vanishes unless $d=\dim f$.\textup)
Since $\ush f$ commutes with open base change we may assume that ${\mathscr Y}$ is affine
and that $f$ corresponds to a map $\varphi\colon(R,I\>)\to(S,J\>)$ as in
\Pref{(2.2)}. Then there is an isomorphism of functors
{\boldsymbol j}{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\ush f\cong \kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\bigl(\ush{\varphi_{\<\!J}}{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},-)\bigr)^\sim\<,
both of these functors being right-adjoint to
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})$ (\Pref{P:affine}(b) and
remarks about right adjoints preceding it). Since
\mbox{$\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$} (\Lref{L:coh}), therefore, by
\Cref{corollary}, the natural map is an isomorphism ${\boldsymbol j}{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\ush
f\<{\mathcal F}\iso\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\<$; and so, since
$\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*$ is exact, \Pref{(2.2)} gives~(a).
Next, consider the presheaf map associating to each open
${\mathscr U}\subset{\mathscr Y}$ the natural composition (with ${\mathscr V}\!:= f^{-1}{\mathscr U}$):\vspace{1.5pt}
\smash{{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr V}({\mathcal E}\<, \>H^{-d}\ush f \<{\mathcal F}\>)
\underset{\textup{by (a)}}{\iso}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr V})}\<\<({\mathcal E}[d\>], \>\ush f \<{\mathcal F}\>)}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr U})}\<\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}[d\>], {\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathscr U}}(R^d\<\<f_{\<\<\X*}'{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>).
\penalty -1000
\noindent To prove (b) by showing that the resulting sheaf map
f_{\!*}\cH{om}_{{\mathscr X}}({\mathcal E}\<, \>H^{-d}\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>)\to
\cH{om}_{{\mathscr Y}}(R^d\<\<f_{\<\<\X*}'{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
is an isomorphism, it suffices to show that $R^i\<\<f_{\<\<\X*}'{\mathcal E}=0$ for all~$i>d$,
a local problem for which we can (and do) assume that $f$ corresponds to
$\varphi\colon R\to S$ as above.
Now ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}), so
\Pref{Gammas'+kappas} for~\mbox{$X\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(S)$} and
$Z\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(S/J)$ gives
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\cong\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}_0$ with
${\mathcal E}_0\!:=\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}^+(X)$.\vadjust{\kern.5pt} Since ${\mathscr X}$
has, locally, a
$d$-generated defining ideal, we can represent~${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}$ locally by a
\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$}\vadjust{\kern1pt} of Koszul complexes on $d$ elements
\cite[p.\,18, Lemma 3.1.1]{AJL}, whence $H^i{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}=0$ for all~$i>d\>$,
and so, $\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}$ being exact,
$H^i{\mathcal E}_0=0$. Since the map
$f_0\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(\varphi)$ is affine, it follows that $H^i{\mathbf R} f_{0*}{\mathcal E}_0=0$,
$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}$ being flat, \Cref{C:kappa-f*t} yields\looseness=-1
\postdisplaypenalty 10000
R^i\<\<f_{\<\<\X*}'{\mathcal E}
H^i{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}_0
H^i\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{0*}{\mathcal E}_0
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*H^i{\mathbf R} f_{0*}{\mathcal E}_0=0\qquad(i>d),
as desired. (Alternatively, use Lemmas~\ref{affine-maps} and~\ref{Gamma'+qc}.)
\end{parag}\index{Duality!Local, sheafified|)}
\begin{parag}\label{residue thm}\index{Residue theorems|(}
Our results provide a framework for ``Residue Theorems" such
as those appearing in \cite[pp.~87--88]{Asterisque} and \cite[pp.~750-752]{HS}
(central theorems in those papers): roughly speaking, Theorems~\ref{Th1}
and~\ref{Th2} in section~\ref{S:prelim} include both local and
global duality, and \Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors} expresses the
compatibility between these dualities. But the dualizing objects we deal with are
determined \vadjust{\penalty-1000}only up to isomorphism.
The Residue Theorems run deeper
in that they include a \emph{canonical realization} of dualizing data, via
differential forms. (See the above remarks on the H\"ubl-Kunz treatment of local
duality.) This extra dimension belongs properly to a theory of the ``Fundamental
Class" of a morphism, a canonical map from relative differential forms to the
relative dualizing complex, which will be pursued in a separate paper.
Let us be more explicit, starting with some remarks about ``Grothendieck Duality
with supports" for a map
$f\colon X\to Y$ of noetherian separated schemes with respective closed
$W\subset Y$ and $Z\subset f^{-1}W$.
Via the natural equivalence of categories ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(X))\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$ (see
\S\ref{SS:Dvc-and-Dqc}), we regard the
functor~$f^\times\colon{\mathbf D}(Y)\to{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}(X))={\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(X))$ of \Tref{Th1}
as being right-adjoint to ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)\to{\mathbf D}(Y)$.%
{For ordinary schemes, this functor $f^\times$ is well-known, and usually
denoted $f^!$ when $f$ is proper. When $f$ is an open immersion, the functors
$f^\times$ and $f^! (=f^*)$ need not agree.%
The functor ${\mathbf R}\iGp Z$ can be regarded as being right-adjoint to the
inclusion ${\mathbf D}_{\!Z}(X)\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}(X)$ (cf.~\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(c));
and its restriction to~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$ agrees naturally with that of~${\mathbf R}\iG Z\>$, both
restrictions being \hbox{right-adjoint} to the inclusion
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)\hookrightarrow\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$. Similar statements hold for $W\subset Y\<$.
Since ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X))\subset {\mathbf D}_W\<(Y)$
(cf.~ proof of \Pref{Rf-*(qct)}),
we find that the functors ${\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times$ and~${\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp W$
are both right-adjoint to ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)\to {\mathbf D}(Y)$, so are
isomorphic. We
define the \emph{local integral} (a generalized residue map,
\rho({\mathcal G})\colon{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times{\mathcal G}\to {\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G}
\qquad \bigl({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}(Y)\bigr)
to be the natural composition
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times{\mathcal G}
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G}
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} f^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G}
{\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G}.
Noting that for ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}_W\<(Y)$ there is
a canonical isomorphism ${\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal F}\iso{\mathcal F}$ (proof similar to that of
\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a)), we have then:
\begin{sprop}[Duality with supports]\label{P:dual/supports}%
\index{Grothendieck Duality!with supports}
For\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(\<X),$ ${\mathcal F}\<\in\<{\mathbf D}_W\<(Y),$ the natural
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)}\<\<({\mathcal E}\<, {\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)\:
&\smash{\xrightarrow[\phantom{\rho({\mathcal F}\>)}]{}}
\:{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}_W\<(Y)}\<\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\<, {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\smash{\xrightarrow[\rho({\mathcal F}\>)]{}}
\:{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}_W\<(Y)}\<\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\<, \>{\mathcal F}\>)\vspace{-3pt}
is an isomorphism.
This follows from adjointness of ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ and $f^\times\<$, via the natural
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times{\mathcal G} @>>>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} f^\times{\mathcal G}\\
@V\rho({\mathcal G}) VV @VVV \\
{\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G} @>>>{\mathcal G}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}(Y)\bigr)\<,
whose commutativity is a cheap version of the Residue Theorem
Again, however, to be worthy of the name a Residue Theorem should involve
\emph{canonical realizations} of dualizing objects.
For instance, when $V$ is a proper \hbox{$d$-dimensional} variety
over a field $k$ and
$v\in V$ is a closed point, taking $X=V\<$, $Z=\{v\}$, $W=Y={\mathrm {Spec}}(k)$, ${\mathcal G}=k$, and
setting $\omega_V\!:=H^{-d}f^\times k$, we get an
${\mathcal O}_{V\!,\>v}$-module~$\omega_{V\!,\>v}$ (commonly called
``canonical", though defined only up to isomorphism) together with the
$k$-linear map induced by $\rho(k)$:
H_{\<v}^d(\omega_{V\!,\>v})\to k,
a map whose truly-canonical realization via differentials and residues is indicated
in \cite[p.\,86,~(9.5)]{Asterisque}.
\newcommand{{\R\hat f_{\!*}}}{{{\mathbf R}\hat f_{\!*}}}
With preceding notation, consider the completion diagram
X_{/Z}=:\,@.{\mathscr X} @>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}>> X \\
@. @V \hat f VV @VV f V \\
Y_{\</W}=:\,@.{\mathscr Y} @>>\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}$}\vss}> Y
Duality with supports can be regarded\vspace{.6pt}
more intrinsically---via $\hat f\<$
rather than~$f$---as a special case of the\index{Grothendieck
Duality!Torsion (global)} Torsion-Duality
\Tref{T:qct-duality} ($\>\cong\:$\Tref{Th2} of \S1) for~$\hat f$:
First of all, the local integral $\rho$
is completely determined by
$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*(\rho)$: for ${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$, the natural map
${\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G}\to \kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G}$ is an isomorphism
(\Pref{Gammas'+kappas}); and the same holds for
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times{\mathcal G}\to
\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times{\mathcal G}$
since as above,
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times{\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X))\subset{\mathbf D}_W\<(Y)
---and so $\rho=\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*(\rho)$.
Furthermore, $\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*(\rho)$ is determined by the ``trace" map
$\tau_{\<\mathrm t}^{}\colon {\R\hat f_{\!*}}\hatf_{\mathrm t}^\times\to\mathbf 1$,
\index{ {}$\tau$ (trace map)!$\tau_{\<\mathrm t}$} as per the following
natural commutative diagram, whose rows are isomorphisms:
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times{\mathcal G}@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\ref{C:kappa-f*t} >
{\R\hat f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times \kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal G}
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\ref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}>
{\R\hat f_{\!*}}\hatf_{\mathrm t}^\times\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal G}
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\hbox to
{\R\hat f_{\!*}}\hatf_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal G}\\
@V\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*(\rho) VV @. @. @VV\tau_{\<\mathrm t}^{\phantom{.}} V\\
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R}\iGp W{\mathcal G}
@. \hbox to 0pt{\kern75.5 pt
\overset{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}}
{\hbox to 215.5 pt{\leftarrowfill}}
@. @.
{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal G}
(To see that the natural map
${\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal G}$
is an isomorphism, replace~
${\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times$ by the isomorphic functor~${\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp W$ and apply
Finally, we have isomorphisms (for ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)$, ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}_W\<(Y)$),
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}\<\<({\mathcal E}\<, {\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<(\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\<,
\>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z f^\times\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<(\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\<,\> \smash{\hatf_{\mathrm t}^\times\<} \kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad
&&(\ref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}) \\
&\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<\<({\mathbf R}\smash{\hat f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\<,\>
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad &&(\ref{T:qct-duality}) \\
&\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<\<(\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\<,\>
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad &&(\ref{C:kappa-f*t}) \\
&\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(Y)}\<\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad &&(\ref{Gammas'+kappas}),
whose composition can be checked, via the preceding diagram, to be the
same as the isomorphism of \Pref{P:dual/supports}.
\def\Hp#1#2{{\mathrm H}_{#1}^{\<\prime\>#2}}
\Pref{P:astrix10.2} expresses some homological consequences of
the foregoing dualities, and furnishes a general context for
\cite[pp.~87--88, Theorem (10.2)]{Asterisque}.\looseness=-1
For any noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$, ${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$, and $n\in\mathbb Z$, set
\Hp{\mathscr X} n({\mathcal E})\!:={\mathrm H}^n{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}).
For instance, if
${\mathscr X}=X_{/Z}\xrightarrow{\,\kappa\,} X$ is the completion of a noetherian
scheme~$X$ along a closed~$Z\subset X$, then for
${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}(X)$, \Pref{Gammas'+kappas} yields natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)
&= {\mathbf R}\Gamma(X,\kappa_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>) \\
&\cong {\mathbf R}\Gamma(X,\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F}\>)
\cong {\mathbf R}\Gamma(X,{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F}\>),
and so if ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$, then with ${\mathrm H}_Z^\bullet$ the usual cohomology
with supports in~$Z$,
\Hp{\mathscr X} n(\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)\cong{\mathrm H}_Z^n({\mathcal F}\>).
Let ${\mathscr J}\subset{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ be an ideal of definition. Writing
$\Gamma_{\!{\mathscr X}}^{}$ for the functor $\Gamma({\mathscr X},-)$, we have a functorial
\gamma({\mathcal E})\colon{\mathbf R}(\Gamma_{\!{\mathscr X}}^{}\<\smcirc\iGp{\mathscr X}){\mathcal E}\to
{\mathbf R}\Gamma_{\!{\mathscr X}}^{}\<\smcirc{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal E}\qquad \bigl({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\bigr),
which is an
\emph{isomorphism} when ${\mathcal E}$ is bounded-below, since for any
injective ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module ${\mathcal I}$, \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\<_i$} of the
flasque modules $\cH{om}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^i,{\mathcal I}\>)$ is $\Gamma_{\!{\mathscr X}}^{}$-acyclic.
Whenever $\gamma({\mathcal E})$ is an isomorphism, the induced homology maps are
\dirlm{i}\text{Ext}^n({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^i\<,\>{\mathcal E}) \iso\Hp{\mathscr X} n({\mathcal E}).
If ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})$, then ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}).
For any map $g\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ satisfying the hypotheses of
\Tref{T:qct-duality}, for
${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$, and with $R\!:={\mathrm H}^0({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y})$, there~are natural maps
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\<{\mathcal G})
&\iso\< {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal G})
&&\qquad(\ref{C:identities}(\textup b)) \\
&\iso\< {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<\<({\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal G})\\
&\,\longrightarrow\mspace{1.2mu} {\mathrm {Hom}}_R(\Hp{\mathscr X} n{\mathcal E}, \Hp{\mathscr Y} n{\mathcal G}) &&
where the last map arises via the functor ${\mathrm H}^n{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y},-)\
(n\in\mathbb Z)$.
In particular, if $g=\hat f$ in the completion situation of
\S\ref{completion}, and if ${\mathcal E}\!:=\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}_0\>$,
${\mathcal G}=\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal G}_0\ ({\mathcal E}_0\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X),\;{\mathcal G}_0\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y))$, then
preceding considerations show that this composed map operates via
Duality with Supports for $f$ (\Pref{P:dual/supports}),
i.e., it can be identified with the natural composition
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}\<\<({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal E}_0, {\mathbf R}\iG Zf^\times{\mathcal G}_0)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(Y)}\<\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal E}_0, {\mathbf R}\iG W{\mathcal G}_0) \\
&\,\longrightarrow\mspace{1.2mu} {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathrm H}^0(Y,{\mathcal O}_Y)\<}
({\mathrm H}_Z^n{\mathcal E}_0, {\mathrm H}^n_W{\mathcal G}_0).
\penalty -1500
Next, let $R$ be a complete noetherian local ring topologized as usual by its
maximal ideal~$I$, let
$(S,J)$ be a noetherian adic ring, let $\varphi\colon (R,I)\to (S,J)$ be a continuous
homomorphism, and let
{\mathscr Y}\!:={\mathrm {Spf}}(S)\xrightarrow{\,f\,}{\mathrm {Spf}}(R)=:{\mathscr V}
be the corresponding formal-scheme map. As before, $g\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ is
a map as in \Tref{T:qct-duality}, and we set $h\!:= fg$. Since the
underlying space of~${\mathscr V}$ is a single point, at which the stalk
of~${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}$ is just~$R$, therefore the categories of
${\mathcal O}_{\<{\mathscr V}}$-modules and of $R$-modules are identical, and
accordingly, for any ${\mathcal E}\in {\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ we can identify ${\mathbf R} h_*{\mathcal E}$ with
${\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},{\mathcal E})\in{\mathbf D}(R)$.
Let $K$ be an injective $R$-module, and ${\mathcal K}$ the corresponding injective
${\mathcal O}_{\<{\mathscr V}}$-module. There exist integers $r$, $s$ such that
$H^i(\ush f {\mathcal K})=0$ for all $i<-r$ (resp.~$H^i(\ush h {\mathcal K})=0$ for all $i<-s$)
(\Cref{C:f*gam-duality}). Set $\omega_{\mathscr Y}\!:= H^{-r}(\ush f {\mathcal K})$
(resp.~$\omega_{\mathscr X}\!:= H^{-s}(\ush h {\mathcal K})$).
In the preceding situation\/ $\omega_{\mathscr X}$
represents---via \eqref{map}---the functor\/
${\mathrm {Hom}}_S(\Hp{\mathscr X} {\<\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptstyle s$}}{\mathcal E}\<,\Hp{\mathscr Y}
{\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptscriptstyle 0$}}(\ush f{\mathcal K}))
$ of quasi-coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules~${\mathcal E}\<$. If\/~$\omega_{\mathscr Y}$ is the only non-zero
homology of\/~$\ush f{\mathcal K},$\ this functor is isomorphic to\/
${\mathrm {Hom}}_S(\Hp{\mathscr X} {\<\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptstyle s$}}{\mathcal E}\<,\Hp{\mathscr Y}
{\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptstyle r$}}\omega_{\mathscr Y})$. \looseness=2
There are natural maps
\Hp{\mathscr Y} {\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptstyle r$}}(\omega_{\mathscr Y})=\Hp{\mathscr Y} {\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptscriptstyle 0$}}(\omega_{\mathscr Y}[r])\xrightarrow{\ h\ } \Hp{\mathscr Y} {\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptscriptstyle 0$}}(\ush
f{\mathcal K})\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}(S,K)
where the last isomorphism results from \Pref{P:affine}(a), in
view of the identity \mbox{${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\ush f=f_{\mathrm t}^\times$} (\Cref{C:identities}(a))
and the natural isomorphisms
\postdisplaypenalty 10000
{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y}, \kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\widetilde G)\iso
{\mathbf R}\Gamma(Y, \kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\widetilde G)
{\mathbf R}\Gamma(Y, \widetilde G)\iso G
\qquad\bigl(G\in{\mathbf D}_{\<J}^+(S)\bigr),
for $G\!:={\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{R,J}(S,{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr V},{\mathcal K}))$. (In fact
${\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr Y}, \kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\widetilde G)\cong G$
for any \mbox{$G\in{\mathbf D}(S)$,} see
\Cref{(3.2.3)} and the beginning of
In case $\omega_{\mathscr Y}$ is the only non-vanishing homology of $\ush f{\mathcal K}$, then $h$
is an isomorphism too.
The assertions follow from the (easily checked) commutativity, for any
quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module~${\mathcal E}\<$, of the diagram
\hbox to0pt{\hss ${\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal E}\<,\omega_{\mathscr X})=\!\!\<=\:$}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<({\mathcal E}[s],\>\ush g\<\ush f{\mathcal K})
@>\<\!\!\!\textup{~\ref{C:identities}(a)}\mkern.5mu >>
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<\<({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}[s],\>{g_{\mathrm t}^\times}\!\ush f{\mathcal K})\\
@V\simeq VV @VV\eqref{map}V \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr V})}\<\<({\mathbf R} h_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}[s],{\mathcal K})
@.{\mathrm {Hom}}_S\bigl(\Hp{\mathscr X} {\raisebox{.1ex}
{$\scriptscriptstyle 0$}}({\mathcal E}[s]),\Hp{\mathscr Y} {\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptscriptstyle
0$}}(\ush f{\mathcal K})\bigr)\\
@| @VV\simeq V \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_R(\Hp{\mathscr X} {\<\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptstyle s$}}{\mathcal E}\<,K)
@>\;\ \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}\ \;>>
{\mathrm {Hom}}_S\bigl(\Hp{\mathscr X} {\<\raisebox{.1ex}{$\scriptstyle s$}}{\mathcal E}\<,{\mathrm {Hom}}_{R,J}(S,K)\bigr)
Now let us fit \cite[pp.~87--88, Theorem (10.2)]{Asterisque} into the preceding
The cited Theorem has both local and global components. The first
deals with maps $\varphi\colon R\to S$ of local domains essentially of
finite type over a perfect field~$k$, with residue fields finite
over~$k$. To each such ring~$T$ one associates the canonical module
$\omega_T$ of ``regular" $k$-differentials of degree~$\dim T$. Under
mild restrictions on~$\varphi$, the assertion is that the functor
\postdisplaypenalty 10000
{\mathrm {Hom}}_R\bigl(\textup H_{m\<\<_{\hat S}}^{\dim\mkern-1.5mu S}G,\>
\>\textup H_{m\<_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\<R$}}}^
{\dim\mkern-1.5mu R}\> \omega_{\<R}\bigr)
\qquad(m\!:=\text{maximal ideal})
of $\hat S$-modules~$G$ is represented by the completion $\widehat{\omega_S}$
together with a canonical~map, the {\it relative residue}
\rho_\varphi\colon \textup H_{m\<\<_{\hat S}}^{\dim\mkern-1.5mu
S}\widehat{\omega_S\>} =\textup H_{m\<_{S}}^{\dim\mkern-1.5mu S\>}\omega_S\to
\textup H_{m\<_{R}}^{\dim\mkern-1.5mu R\>}\>\omega_{\<R}.
This may be viewed as a consequence of {\it concrete\/} local duality over~$k$
The global aspect concerns a proper map of irreducible $k$-varieties
$g\colon V\to W$ of respective dimensions $s$ and $r$
with all fibers over codimension~1 points of~$W$ having
dimension $s-r$, a closed point
$w\in W\<$, the fiber $E\!:= g^{-1}(w)$, and the completion $\widehat
V\!:= V_{/E}$. The assertion is that the functor
\postdisplaypenalty 10000
{\mathrm {Hom}}_R\bigl(\textup H_{\widehat V}^{\prime s}\>{\mathcal G},\mkern1.5mu
\textup H_{m\<\<_R}^{r}\omega_{\<R}\bigr)\qquad
(R\!:= {\mathcal O}_{W\mkern-1.5mu,\>w})
of coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\widehat V}$-modules~${\mathcal G}$ is represented by the
completion~$\widehat{\omega_V}$ along~$E$ of the canonical
sheaf $\omega_V$ of regular differentials, together with a canonical map
\textup H_{\widehat V}^{\prime s}\>\widehat{\omega_V}=
\textup H_{\<E}^{s}\>\omega_V\to
\textup H_{m_{\<\<R}}^{r}\omega_{\<R}\>.
Moreover, the local and global
representations are {\it compatible\/} in the sense that if
$v\in E$ is any closed point and $\varphi_v\colon R\to S\!:= {\mathcal O}_{V\!,v}$ is
the canonical map, then the residue $\rho_v\!:=\rho_{\varphi_v}$
factors as the natural map
$\textup H_{m_{\<S}}^s\omega_S\to
\textup H_{\<E}^{s}\>\omega_V$
followed by~$\theta$. This compatibility determines $\theta$ uniquely
if the $\rho_v\ (v\in E)$ are given \cite[p.\,95, (10.6)]{Asterisque};
and of course conversely.
Basically, all this---\emph{without
the explicit description of the $\omega\<$'s and the maps\/~$\rho_v$ via
differentials and residues}---is contained in \Pref{P:astrix10.2},
as follows.
In the completion situation of \S\ref{completion}, take $X$ and $Y$ to be
finite-type separated schemes over an artinian local ring~$R$,
of respective pure dimensions $s$ and $r$, let
$W=\{w\}$ with $w$ a closed point of~$Y\<$, write $g$ in place of~$f$,
and assume that
$Z\subset g^{-1}W$ is proper over~$R$ (which is so, e.g., if $g$ is proper and $Z$ is
closed). Let~$K$ be an injective hull of the residue field of~$R$, and let ${\mathcal K}$ be
the corresponding injective sheaf on ${\mathrm {Spec}}(R)={\mathrm {Spf}}(R)$. With
$f\colon Y\to
{\mathrm {Spec}}(R)$ the canonical map, and $h=fg$, define the \emph{dualizing sheaves}
\omega_X\!:=H^{-s}h^!{\mathcal K}, \qquad
\omega_Y\!:=H^{-r}f^!{\mathcal K},
where $h^!$ is the Grothendieck duality functor (compatible with open
immersions, and equal to $h^\times$ when $h$ is proper), and similarly
for~$f^!\<$. It is well-known (for example via a local factorization
of $h$ as $\text{smooth}\smcirc\text{finite}$) that $h^!{\mathcal K}$ has
coherent homology, vanishing in all degrees $<-s\>$; and similarly
$f^!{\mathcal K}$ has coherent homology, vanishing in all degrees $<-r$.
\hat f\colon{\mathscr Y}\!:={\mathrm {Spf}}(\widehat{{\mathcal O}_{W\<,\>w}})\to{\mathrm {Spf}}(R)=:{\mathscr V}
be the completion of $f$. We may assume, after compactifying $f$ and
$g$---which\vadjust{\kern.7pt} does not affect $\hat f$ or~$\hat g$
(see~\cite{Lu}), that $f$ and $g$ are proper maps.\vadjust{\kern.4pt}
Then \Cref{C:completion-proper} shows that $\ush {\hat
h}{\mathcal K}=\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*h^!{\mathcal K}$, and so $\kappa_{\mathscr X}$ being flat, we see that
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>\omega_X=\omega_{\mathscr X}
where $\omega_{\mathscr X}$ is as in \Pref{P:astrix10.2}; and similarly
$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\omega_Y=\omega_{\mathscr Y}\>$.
Once again, some form of the theory of the Fundamental Class will enable us to
represent $\omega_X$ by means of regular differential forms; and then both the
local and global components of the cited Theorem~(10.2) become special cases of
\Pref{P:astrix10.2} (modulo some technicalities
\cite[p.\,89, Lemma (10.3)]{Asterisque} which allow a weakening of the condition
that $\omega_{\mathscr Y}$ be the only non-vanishing homology of~$\ush{\hat f}{\mathcal K}$).
As for the local-global compatibility, consider quite generally a pair of maps
{\mathscr X}_1\xrightarrow{q\,}{\mathscr X}\xrightarrow{p\,}{\mathscr Y}
of noetherian formal schemes. In the above situation, for instance, we could
take~$p$ to be $\hat g$, ${\mathscr X}_1$ to be the completion of~$X$ at a closed point
$v\in Z$, and $q$ to be the natural map.
\Tref{Th2} gives us the adjunction\vadjust{\kern1pt}
\lower.3ex\hbox{$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$}\ \,
\vbox to0pt{
\hbox{$\xrightarrow{\<{\mathbf R} p_*\>}$}
\hbox{$\xleftarrow[\smash{\;{p_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}}\;}]{}$}
\ \,\lower.3ex\hbox{$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})$}.
\noindent The natural isomorphism ${\mathbf R}(pq)_*\iso{\mathbf R} p_*{\mathbf R} q_*$ gives rise then to
an adjoint isomorphism
$q_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}p_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\iso
(pq)_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}$; and
for ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})$ the natural map ${\mathbf R}(pq)_*(pq)_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal E}$
factors as
{\mathbf R}(pq)_*(pq)_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal E}\iso
{\mathbf R} p_*{\mathbf R} q_*q_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}p_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal E}\to
{\mathbf R} p_*p_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal E}.
This factorization contains the compatibility between
the above maps $\theta$ and $\rho_v\>$, as one sees by interpreting them as
homological derivatives of maps of the type
${\mathbf R} p_*p_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal E}$ (with ${\mathcal E}\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\ush{\hat f}{\mathcal K})$.
Details are left to the reader.
In the preceding situation, suppose further that $Y={\mathrm {Spec}}(R)$ (with $R$~artinian)
and $f=\text{identity}$, so that $h=g\colon X\to Y$ is a finite-type separated map,
$X$ being of pure dimension $s$, and $\kappa_{\mathscr X}\colon{\mathscr X}\to X$ is the completion
of~$X$ along a closed subset~$Z$ proper over~$Y\<$. Again, $K$ is an injective
${\mathcal K}$ is the corresponding ${\mathcal O}_Y$-module, and $\omega_X\!:= H^{-s}g^!{\mathcal K}$ is
a ``dualizing sheaf\kern1.5pt" on~$X$. Now~\Pref{P:astrix10.2} is just
the instance
$i=s$ of the canonical isomorphisms, for~${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X}),\;i\in\mathbb Z$ (and with
$\Hp{\mathscr X}\bullet\!:= {\mathrm H}{}^\bullet{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X})$, see
\S\ref{consequences}, and $\hat g\!:= g\smcirc\kappa_{\mathscr X}$):
\!\!{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<({\mathcal E}[i],\ush {\hat g}{\mathcal K})
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R}\hat g_{\<*}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}[i],{\mathcal K})\<\iso\<
{\mathrm {Hom}}_R(\Hp{\mathscr X} i\>{\mathcal E}\<,K)
=: \!(\Hp{\mathscr X} i\>{\mathcal E})\mspace{.5mu}\check{}\>\>.
If $X$ is Cohen-Macaulay then all the homology of $g^!{\mathcal K}$ other than $\omega_X$
vanishes, so all the homology of $\ush{\hat g}{\mathcal K}\cong \kappa_{\mathscr X}^*g^!{\mathcal K}$
other than $\omega_{\mathscr X}=\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\omega_X$ vanishes (see \eqref{omega}),
and the preceding composed isomorphism becomes
\text{Ext}_{\mathscr X}^{s-i}({\mathcal E}\<,\omega_{\mathscr X})\iso (\Hp{\mathscr X} i\>{\mathcal E})\mspace{.5mu}\check{}\>\>.
In particular, when $Z=X$ (so that ${\mathscr X}=X$) this is the usual duality isomorphism
\text{Ext}_X^{s-i}({\mathcal E}\<,\omega_X)\iso {\mathrm H}^i(X,{\mathcal E})\mspace{.5mu}\check{}\>\>.
If $X$ is Gorenstein and ${\mathcal F}$ is a locally free ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module
of finite rank, then $\omega_X$~is invertible; and taking
${\mathcal E}\!:=\cH{om}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal F},\omega_{\mathscr X})=\check {\mathcal F}\otimes\omega_{\mathscr X}$ we get the
{\mathrm H}^{s-i}({\mathscr X}, {\mathcal F}\>) \iso \bigl(\Hp{\mathscr X} i(\check{\mathcal F}\otimes\omega_{\mathscr X})\bigr)
which generalizes the Formal Duality theorem\index{Duality!Formal|(}
\cite[p.\,48, Proposition~(5.2)]{De-Rham-cohomology}.
\end{parag}\index{Residue theorems|)}
\penalty -1200
\label{bf (d)}
Both \cite[p.\,48; Proposition~(5.2)]{De-Rham-cohomology} (Formal Duality)
and the Theorem in \cite[p.\,188]{Desingularization}
(Local-Global Duality)\index{Duality!Local-Global} are
contained in \Pref{(2.8)}, see \cite[\S5.3]{AJL}.
Let $R$ be a noetherian ring, discretely topologized, and set
Y\!:= {\mathrm {Spec}}(R)={\mathrm {Spf}} (R)=:\<{\mathscr Y}.
Let $g\colon X\to Y$ be a finite-type separated map, let $Z\subset X$ be
\emph{proper} over~$Y\<$, let $\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}=X_{/Z}\to X$ be the
completion of~$X$ along~$Z$, and set $\hat g\!:= g\smcirc\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to {\mathscr Y}$.
Assume that $R$ has a \emph{residual complex} ${\mathcal R}$ \cite[p.\,304]{H1}.
Then the corresponding quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_Y$-complex
\smash{${{\mathcal R}}_Y\!:= {\widetilde {{\mathcal R}}}$} is a \emph{dualizing
complex,} and ${{\mathcal R}}_X\!:= g^!{{\mathcal R}}_Y$ is a dualizing complex on~$X$
\cite[p.~396, Corollary~3]{f!}. For any ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X)$ set
{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_ X({\mathcal F},{{\mathcal R}}_X)\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X),
so that ${\mathcal F}\cong{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}{}'={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_ X({\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\<, {{\mathcal R}}_X)$.
In the preceding situation, with\/
$\Gamma_{\<\! Z}(-)\!:=\Gamma(X,\iG Z(-))$
there is a functorial isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)\cong
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet({\mathbf R}\Gamma_{\<\! Z}\>{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\< ,\>{{\mathcal R}})
\qquad \bigl({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X)\bigr).
\begin{proof} Replacing $g$ by a compactification (\cite{Lu}) doesn't
affect~${\mathscr X}$ or ${\mathbf R}\Gamma_{\<\!Z}$, so assume that $g$ is proper. Then
\Cref{C:completion-proper} gives an isomorphism
\mbox{$\kappa^*{\mathcal R}_X\cong\ush{\hat g}{\mathcal R}_Y$.}
Now just compose the chain of functorial isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X}, \kappa^*\<{\mathcal F} \>)
{\mathbf R}\Gamma\bigl({\mathscr X},\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_ X({\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\<, {{\mathcal R}}_X)\bigr) &
&\textup{(see above)}\\
{\mathbf R}\Gamma\bigl({\mathscr X}, {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{ {\mathscr X}}(\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\<,
\>\kappa^*{\mathcal R}_X)\bigr)&
&\cong {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}^\bullet(\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\<, \>\ush{\hat g}{{\mathcal R}}_Y))&
&\textup{(see above)}\\
&\cong {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr Y}^\bullet({\mathbf R}\hat g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\<, {{\mathcal R}}_Y) &
&\cong {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_Y^\bullet({\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG {Z_{\mathstrut}}{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\<, {\mathcal R}_Y)&
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_Y^\bullet(\smash{\widetilde{{\mathbf R}\Gamma_{\<\! Z}{\mathcal F}}{}^{\>\prime}\<},
\>{\mathcal R}_{Y_{\mathstrut}})&
&\textup{\cite[footnote, \S5.3]{AJL}}\\
&\cong {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}_R^\bullet({\mathbf R}\Gamma_{\<\! Z}{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\< ,{{\mathcal R}})&
&\textup{\cite[p.\,9, (0.4.4)]{AJL}}.
Let\/ $X$ be a locally noetherian scheme, and let\/ $\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to X$ be its
completion along some closed subset\/~$Z$. Then for\/~${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$ of finite
injective dimension and for\/~${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X),$ the
natural map is an isomorphism
\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_ X({\mathcal F},{\mathcal G})\iso
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{{\mathscr X}}(\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F},\kappa^*{\mathcal G}).
By \cite[p.\,134, Proposition~7.20]{H1} we may assume that
${\mathcal G}$ is a bounded complex of quasi-coherent injective ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules,
vanishing, say, in all degrees $>n$.
When ${\mathcal F}$ is bounded-above the (well-known) assertion is
proved by localizing to the affine case and applying \cite[p.\,68,
Proposition~7.1]{H1} to reduce to the trivial case
${\mathcal F}={\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}^m\ (0<m\in\mathbb Z)$. To do the same for unbounded~${\mathcal F}$ we must
first show, for fixed~${\mathcal G}$, that the contravariant
functor~${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{{\mathscr X}}(\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\<,\kappa^*{\mathcal G})$ is bounded-above.
In fact we will show that if $H^i{\mathcal F}=0$ for all $i<i_0$ then
for all $j>n-i_0\>$,
H^j{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{{\mathscr X}}(\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\<,\kappa^*{\mathcal G})=
H^j\<\kappa_*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{{\mathscr X}}(\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\<,\kappa^*{\mathcal G})=
H^j{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{X}({\mathcal F}\<,\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})=0.
The homology in question is the sheaf associated to the presheaf which assigns
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(U)}\<\bigl({\mathcal F}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}}[-j],
(\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}}\bigr)=
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(U)}\<\bigl({\mathcal F}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}}[-j],
{\mathbf R} Q_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\<\<U$}}
(\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}}\bigr)
to each affine open subset
$U={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ in~$X\<$. (Here we abuse notation by omitting~${\boldsymbol j}_{\<\<U}^{}$
in front of ${\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<U}^{}$, see
beginning of~\S\ref{SS:Dvc-and-Dqc}).
Let ${\mathscr U}\!:=\kappa^{-1}U$,
$\hat A\!:=\Gamma({\mathscr U},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X})$, so that $\kappa|_{\mathscr U}$ factors naturally as
{\mathscr U}={\mathrm {Spf}}(\hat A)\xrightarrow{\kappa_1\,}U_1\!:=
{\mathrm {Spec}}(\hat A)\xrightarrow{k\,}{\mathrm {Spec}}(A)=U.
The functors ${\mathbf R} Q_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\<\< U$}}k_*$
$k_*{\mathbf R} Q_{ U_1}^{}$, both
right-adjoint to the natural composition
\smash{$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(U)\xrightarrow{\vbox
to0pt{\vskip-.8ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle k^*$}\vss}}
\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(U_1)\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}(U_1)$,} are isomorphic; so
there are natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R} Q_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\<\<U$}}
(\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}}
{\mathbf R} Q_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\<\<U$}} k_{*}\kappa_{1*}^{}\kappa_1^*k^*
({\mathcal G}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}})
k_{*}{\mathbf R} Q_{U_1}^{}
\kappa_{1*}^{}\kappa_1^*k^*({\mathcal G}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}})
k_{*}k^*({\mathcal G}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}})
and the presheaf becomes
U\mapsto {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(U)}\<\bigl({\mathcal F}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}}[-j], k_{*}k^*({\mathcal G}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}})\bigr).
The equivalence of categories $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(U)\cong {\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(U))={\mathbf D}(A)$ indicated at the
beginning of~\S\ref{SS:Dvc-and-Dqc} yields an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(U)}\<\bigl({\mathcal F}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}}[-j], k_{*}k^*({\mathcal G}|_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle U$}})\bigr)\iso
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(A)}\<\bigl(F[-j], G\otimes_A\hat A\bigr)
where $F$ is a complex of $A$-modules\vadjust{\penalty-1000} with ${\mathrm H}^iF =0$
$i<i_0\>$, and both $G$ and $G\otimes_A\hat A$ are complexes of injective
$A$-modules vanishing in all degrees $>n$\vspace{-1pt} (the latter since $\hat A$
is $A$-flat). Hence the presheaf vanishes, and the conclusion follows.
\begin{parag}\label{bf (e)} (Dualizing complexes.)\index{dualizing complexes|(}
Let ${\mathscr X}$ be a noetherian formal scheme, and write ${\mathbf D}$ for ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$, etc. The
derived functor\index{ $\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$
(torsion functor)!a@$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ (cohomology colocalization)}
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon{\mathbf D}\to{\mathbf D}$ (see \Sref{Gamma'1}) has a right adjoint%
\index{ $\mathbf {La}$@${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ (homology localization)}
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}, -)$. This adjunction is given by
\eqref{adj}, a natural isomorphism of which we'll need the sheafified form,
proved similarly:
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal M},{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal R})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\<{\mathcal M},{\mathcal R}).
There are natural maps
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\to\mathbf1\to{\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ inducing isomorphisms
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\BL$, $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\BG\iso\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\iso\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}$
(\Rref{R:Gamma-Lambda}\,(1)). \Pref{formal-GM}, a form of Greenlees-May
duality, shows that ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c})\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$. (Recall that the objects of the
$\Delta$-subcategory $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\subset{\mathbf D}$ are the complexes whose homology sheaves
are all coherent.)
Let $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$ be the essential image of $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}}$, i.e., the full subcategory
of~${\mathbf D}$ such that ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*\Leftrightarrow{\mathcal E}\cong\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}$ with
${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$. \Pref{Gamma'(qc)} shows that $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}$. It follows from
the preceding paragraph that
{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*&\iff \boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\iso{\mathcal E}&&\text{ and }\,{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\>{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\>,\\
{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}&\iff {\mathcal F}\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal F}\,&&\text{ and }\,\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*.
(In particular, $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$ is a $\Delta$-subcategory of~${\mathbf D}$.) Moreover $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$ and
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ are quasi-inverse equivalences between the categories $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$ and $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$.
A complex ${\mathcal R}$ is a
\emph{c-dualizing complex on} ${\mathscr X}\>$ if
\item[(i)] ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X}).$
\item[(ii)] The natural map is an isomorphism
$\,{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\iso{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal R},{\mathcal R})$.
\item[(iii)] There is an integer $b$ such that for every coherent torsion sheaf~${\mathcal M}$
and for every~$i>b$, $\>\E{xt}^i({\mathcal M},{\mathcal R})\!:=
H^i\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal M},{\mathcal R})=0$.
A complex ${\mathcal R}$ is a
\emph{t-dualizing complex on} ${\mathscr X}\>$ if
\item[(i)] ${\mathcal R}\in{\mathbf D}_{\mathrm t}^+({\mathscr X}).$
\item[(ii)] The natural map is an isomorphism
\,{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\iso{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal R},{\mathcal R}).
\item[(iii)] There is an integer $b$ such that for every coherent torsion sheaf~${\mathcal M}$
and for every $i>b$, $\>\E{xt}^i({\mathcal M},{\mathcal R})\!:=
H^i\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal M},{\mathcal R})=0$.
\item[(iv)] For some ideal of definition~${\mathscr J}$ of~${\mathscr X}$,
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}, {\mathcal R})\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X}).$
\item[{}](Equivalently---by simple arguments---${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal M}, {\mathcal R})\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$
for every coherent torsion sheaf ${\mathcal M}$.)
\emph{Remarks.} (1) On an ordinary scheme, (iii) signifies \emph{finite
injective dimension}
\cite[p.\,83, Definition, and p.\,134, (iii)${}_{\textup c}$]{H1}, so both
c-dualizing and t-dualizing mean the same as what is called ``dualizing" in
\cite[p.\,258, Definition]{H1}. (For the extension to arbitrary noetherian formal
schemes, see (4) below.)
(2) By (i) and (iv), \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a), and \Cref{qct=plump}, any t-dualizing
complex ${\mathcal R}$ is in $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$; and then (iii) implies that
\emph{${\mathcal R}$~is isomorphic in ${\mathbf D}$ to a bounded complex of
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives.}
To see this, begin by imitating the proof of~\cite[p.\,80,
(iii)$\Rightarrow$(i)]{H1}, using \cite[Theorem~4.8]{Ye} and \Lref{L:Hom=RHom}
below, to reduce to showing that \emph{if\/ ${\mathcal N}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ is such that\/
$\E{xt}^1({\mathcal M},{\mathcal N}\>)=0\>$ for every coherent torsion sheaf\/ ${\mathcal M}$ then\/ ${\mathcal N}$ is\/
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injective.}
For the last assertion, suppose first that ${\mathscr X}$ is affine.
\Lref{Gamma'+qc} implies that \mbox{$\cH{om}({\mathcal M},{\mathcal N}\>)\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$;} and
then $\textup{Ext}^1({\mathcal M},{\mathcal N}\>)=0$, by the natural exact sequence
0\underset{\textup{(3.1.8)}}=\textup H^1\bigl({\mathscr X}, \cH{om}({\mathcal M},{\mathcal N}\>)\bigr)
\to\textup{Ext}^1({\mathcal M},{\mathcal N}\>)\to \textup H^0\bigl({\mathscr X}, \E{xt}^1({\mathcal M},{\mathcal N}\>)\bigr).
Since coherent torsion sheaves
generate $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ (\Cref{qct=plump}, \Lref{Gamma'+qc}), a
standard argument using Zorn's Lemma shows that ${\mathcal N}$~is indeed
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injective.
In the general case, let ${\mathscr U}\subset{\mathscr X}$ be any affine open subset. For any
coherent torsion ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}$-module~${\mathcal M}_0$, \Pref{f-*(qct)} and
\Lref{Gamma'+qc} imply there is a coherent torsion ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module~${\mathcal M}$
restricting on~${\mathscr U}$ to~${\mathcal M}_0$, whence $\>\E{xt}^1_{\mathscr U}({\mathcal M}_0, {\mathcal N}\>|_{{\mathscr U}})=0$. By the
affine case, then,
${\mathcal N}\>|_{{\mathscr U}}$ is $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr U})$-injective, hence $\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr U})$-injective
\cite[Proposition~4.2]{Ye}. Finally, as in \cite[p.\,131, Lemma
7.16]{H1}, using
\cite[Lemma 4.1]{Ye},%
\footnote{where one may assume that $X$ and ${\mathscr X}$ have the same
underlying space}
one concludes that ${\mathcal N}$ is $\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$-injective, hence $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$-injective.
(3) With (2) in mind, one finds that what is called here ``t-dualizing
complex" is what Yekutieli\index{Yekutieli, Amnon} calls in \cite[\S5]{Ye}
``dualizing complex."
(4) \emph{A c-dualizing complex~${\mathcal R}$ has finite injective
dimension}: there is an integer~$n_0$ such that for any $i>n_0$ and
any ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module~${\mathcal E}$, ${\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}}({\mathcal E}\<, {\mathcal R}[i])=0$. To see this, note
first that
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}}({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal R}[i])\cong {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}}({\mathcal E}\<,{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}[i])\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<,\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}[i]).
\Lref{L:interchange}(b) below and (2) above show that $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}$ is isomorphic to
a bounded complex of $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives. The complex
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}$---obtained by applying the functor $\iGp{\mathscr X}$ to an injective resolution
of~${\mathcal E}$---consists of torsion ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules, and so as in \cite[Corollary
4.3]{Ye} (see also the proof of \Lref{L:Hom=RHom} below, with \Pref{iso-qct} in
place of \Pref{(3.2.1)}), the natural map
\textup H^i\bigl({\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<,\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})\bigr)\to
\textup H^i\bigl({\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<,\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})\bigr) ={\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<, \boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}[i])
is an \emph{isomorphism.} Since $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}$ vanishes in degrees $<0$, the asserted
result holds for any $n_0$ such that
$H^i(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})=0$ for $i>n_0\>$.
(5) For a complex ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+\cap\mspace{1.5mu}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^-\<$,
conditions (ii) and (iii) in
\Dref{D:dualizing} hold iff they hold stalkwise for $x\in {\mathscr X}$, with an
integer $b$ \emph{independent of\/~$x$.} (The idea is that such an ${\mathcal R}$ is locally
resolvable by a bounded-above complex~${\mathcal F}$ of finite-rank locally free
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules, as is ${\mathcal M}$ in~(iii), and
$\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal R})\cong{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal R})$\dots.) Proceeding as in the
proofs of~\cite{H1}, Proposition~8.2, p.\,288, and Corollary~7.2, p.\,283, one
concludes that
${\mathcal R}$ is c-dualizing iff $\>{\mathscr X}$ has finite Krull dimension and ${\mathcal R}_x$~is a
dualizing complex for the category of
${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}\<,\>x}$-modules for every $x\in{\mathscr X}$. (It is enough that the latter hold for
all \emph{closed} points~$x\in{\mathscr X}$.)
(1) If $\,{\mathcal R}$ is c-(or t-)dualizing then so is ${\mathcal R}\otimes{\mathcal L}[n]$ for any invertible
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module and $n\in\mathbb Z$. The converse also holds, see
(2) (Cf.~\cite[Example 5.12]{Ye}.) If $X$ is an ordinary scheme and
$\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to X$ is its completion along some closed subscheme~$Z$, then
for any dualizing ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-complex~${\mathcal R}$,
$\kappa^*{\mathcal R}$ is c-dualizing on ~${\mathscr X}$, and
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\kappa^*{\mathcal R}\cong\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal R}$ (see \Pref{Gammas'+kappas}(c)) is
a t-dualizing complex lying in $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*({\mathscr X})$.
For $\kappa^*{\mathcal R}$, conditions (i) and (ii) in the definition of c-dualizing
follow easily from the same for ${\mathcal R}$ (because of
\Lref{L:kappa*Ext}). So does~(iii), after we reduce to the case $X$ affine,
where \Pref{(3.2.1)} allows us to write ${\mathcal M}=\kappa^*{\mathcal M}_0$ with ${\mathcal M}_0\in{\mathcal A}(X)$.
(Recall from remark (1) above that ${\mathcal R}$ has finite injective dimension.)
The last assertion is given by \Lref{L:interchange}(b).
(3) If ${\mathscr X}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ where $A$ is a complete local
noetherian ring topologized by its maximal ideal~$m$---so that ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ is just
the category of $A$-modules---then a \mbox{c-dualizing} ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-complex is an
$A$-dualizing complex in the usual sense; and by~(2) (via~\cite[p.\,276, 6.1]{H1}),
or directly from \Dref{D:dualizing},
the injective hull of $A/m$ is a t-dualizing complex lying in $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*({\mathscr X})$.
(4) It is clear from \Dref{D:dualizing} and remark~(4)
above that ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ is c-dualizing iff
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ has finite injective dimension over itself.
By remark (5), ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ is
c-dualizing iff ${\mathscr X}$ is finite dimensional and
${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}\<,\>x}$ is \emph{Gorenstein} for all $x\in{\mathscr X}$ \cite[p.\,295,
(5) For instance, if the finite-dimensional noetherian formal scheme $\>{\mathscr Y}$ is
\emph{regular} (i.e., the local rings
${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr Y}\<,\>y}\ (y\in{\mathscr Y})$ are all regular), and
${\mathcal I}$ is a coherent \mbox{${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$-ideal}, defining a closed formal
subscheme~$i\colon{\mathscr X}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Y}$ \cite[p.\,441,(10.14.2)]{GD}, then by~
remark~(3), ${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(i_*{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}, \>{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}^{})$ is c-dualizing
on~${\mathscr X}$. So \Lref{L:interchange} gives that\looseness=-1
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}^{}/{\mathcal I}, \>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}^{})
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(i_*{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}, \>{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}^{})\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*({\mathscr X})
is t-dualizing on~${\mathscr X}$.
(This is also shown in \cite[Proposition 5.11, Theorem 5.14]{Ye}.)
\textup{(a)} If\/ ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$ is t-dualizing then\/ ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal R}$ is c-dualizing.
\textup{(b)} If\/ ${\mathcal R}$ is c-dualizing then\/
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}$ is t-dualizing, and lies in\/~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$.
\begin{proof} (a) If $\;{\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$ then of course ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\>$. Also,
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}({\mathbf D}^+)\subset{\mathbf D}^+$ because ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}$ is given
locally by a finite complex
${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet\>$, see proof of \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a).
For condition (ii), note that if ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$ then $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}\cong{\mathcal R}$
(\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}), then use
the natural isomorphisms (see \eqref{adj0}:
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal R}\>,{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal R})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal R}\>,{\mathcal R})\cong
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}\>,{\mathcal R})\cong
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal R}\>,{\mathcal R}). \\
For (iii) note that $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal M}\cong{\mathcal M}$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}), then use \eqref{adj0}.
(b) \Pref{Gamma'(qc)} makes clear that if ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+$
then $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+\cap\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$.
For (ii) use the
isomorphisms (the second holding because ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$):
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R},\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R},{\mathcal R})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal R},{\mathcal R}).
For (iii) use the isomorphism
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal M},\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal M},{\mathcal R}).$\vspace{2pt} For (iv), note that when
${\mathcal M}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}\,$ (${\mathscr J}$ any ideal of definition) this isomorphism gives
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J},\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})\cong{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J},{\mathcal R})
\underset{\textup{\ref{P:Rhom}}}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\>,
The essential \emph{uniqueness} of t-(resp.~c-)dualizing complexes is expressed
\textup{(a) (Yekutieli)}\index{Yekutieli, Amnon} If\/ ${\mathcal R}$ is t-dualizing then
a complex\/ ${\mathcal R}'$ is t-dualizing iff there is an invertible
sheaf\/~${\mathcal L}$ and an integer\/~$n$ such that\/
${\mathcal R}'\cong{\mathcal R}\otimes{\mathcal L}[n]$.
\textup{(b)} If\/ ${\mathcal R}$ is c-dualizing then a complex\/
${\mathcal R}'$ is c-dualizing iff
there is an invertible sheaf\/~${\mathcal L}$ and an integer\/~$n$ such that\/
${\mathcal R}'\cong{\mathcal R}\otimes{\mathcal L}[n]$.
Part (a) is proved in \cite[Theorem 5.6]{Ye}.
Now for a fixed invertible sheaf ${\mathcal L}$ there is a natural isomorphism
of functors
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}({\mathcal F}\otimes{\mathcal L})\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal F}\otimes{\mathcal L}\qquad({\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}),
as one deduces, e.g., from a readily-established natural isomorphism
between the respective right adjoints
\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\otimes{\mathcal L}^{-1}\osi\boldsymbol{\varGamma}({\mathcal E}\otimes{\mathcal L}^{-1})\qquad({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}).
Part (b) results, because
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}'$ and~$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}$ are t-dualizing (\Lref{L:interchange}), so that by (a)
(and taking ${\mathcal F}\!:=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}[n]$ in \eqref{iso}) we have isomorphisms
\hskip61pt{\mathcal R}'\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}') &\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}\otimes{\mathcal L}[n])\qquad
&&\quad(\text{${\mathcal L}$ invertible, $n\in\mathbb Z$})\\
&\cong({\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})\otimes{\mathcal L}[n]
\cong {\mathcal R}\otimes{\mathcal L}[n]. \mkern-3mu
If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is locally embeddable
in a regular finite-dimensional formal scheme then any t-dualizing
complex on\/~${\mathscr X}$ lies in\/~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$.
\begin{proof} Whether a t-dualizing complex~${\mathcal R}$ satisfies
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$ is a local question, so we may assume that ${\mathscr X}$ is a closed
subscheme of a finite-dimensional regular formal scheme, and then
\Eref{regular}(5) shows that \emph{some}---hence by
\Pref{P:uniqueness}, \emph{any}---t-dualizing complex lies in~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$.
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal
scheme, let ${\mathcal I}$
be a bounded complex of $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$-injectives, say\/ ${\mathcal I}\>^i=0$ for
all\/~$i>n,$ and
let\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\mathbf D^+({\mathscr X}),$ say
\mbox{$H^\ell({\mathcal F})=0$} for all\/~$\ell<\!-m.$
Suppose there exists an open cover\/ $({\mathscr X}_\alpha)$ of\/ ${\mathscr X}$
by completions of ordinary noetherian schemes\/~$X_\alpha$ along closed subsets,
with completion maps\/ $\kappa_\alpha\colon{\mathscr X}_\alpha\to X_\alpha\>,$ such that
for each\/ $\alpha$
the restriction of\/ ${\mathcal F}$ to ${\mathscr X}_\alpha$ is\/
$\mathbf D$-isomorphic to\/~$\kappa_{\<\alpha}^*F^{}_{\<\alpha}$ for
some $F_\alpha\in\mathbf D(X_\alpha).$ Then
\E{xt}^i({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal I}\>)\!:= H^i{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal I}\>)=0\quad\textup{for all\/~$i>m+n$.}
Moreover, if\/ ${\mathscr X}$ has finite Krull dimension\/~$d$ then
\textup{Ext}^i({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal I}\>)\!:= H^i{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal I}\>)=0\quad\textup{for all\/~$i>m+n+d$.}
\emph{Remarks.} In the published version of this paper (Contemporary Math.~244)
\Lref{L:Hom=RHom} stated:
\emph{Let\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}$ and let\/ ${\mathcal I}$ be a bounded-below complex of\/
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives. Then the canonical map is a\/ ${\mathbf D}$-isomorphism}
\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal I}\>)\iso{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal I}\>).
Suresh Nayak pointed out that the proof given applies
only to $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}$-complexes,
not, as asserted, to arbitrary ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}$. (Cf.~\cite[Corollary 4.3]{Ye}.)
\Lref{L:Hom=RHom} is used four times in \S 2.5, so these four places need to be revisited. (There are no other references to Lemma~2.5.6 in the paper.)
First, in Remark (2) on p.\,24, the reference to Lemma~2.5.6 is not
necessary: the cited theorem 4.8 in \cite{Ye} (see also \Pref{1!}
below) shows that the t-dualizing complex~
${\mathcal R}$ is $\mathbf D$-isomorphic to a bounded-below
complex~$\mathcal X'{}^\bullet$ of $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives; and then one can proceed
as indicated to show that
for some~$n$ the (bounded) truncation~$\sigma_{\le n} \mathcal X'{}^\bullet$ is
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injective and $\mathbf D$-isomorphic
to~$\mathcal X'{}^\bullet$. (To follow the details, it helps to keep in mind
5.1.3 and~ 5.1.4 below.)
by Remark (2), any t-dualizing complex is $\mathbf D$-isomorphic to a bounded
complex of $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives, in view of Propositions 3.3.1 and~
5.1.2 one finds that the remaining three references to Lemma 2.5.6
can be replaced by references to the present \Lref{L:Hom=RHom}.
For the reference in the proof of 2.5.7(b) this is clear. The same is true for
Remark ~(4) on p.\,25, but $i>n_0$ at the end should be~$i>n_0 + d$, where, by Remark~(5), the Krull dimension~$d$ of $\>{\mathscr X}$ is finite. Finally, for the reference in the proof of 2.5.12, one can note, via 5.1.4 and~5.1.2, that $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}\subset\D_{\<\vc}\>$.\vspace{1pt}
{\sc Proof of \ref{L:Hom=RHom}}.
By the proof of \cite[Proposition 4.2]{Ye}, $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives are just
direct sums of sheaves of the form ${\mathcal J}(x)\ (x\in{\mathscr X})$, where for any open
${\mathscr U}\subset{\mathscr X}$, $\Gamma({\mathscr U},{\mathcal J}(x))$~is a fixed injective hull of the residue field of ${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}\<,x}$ if $x\in{\mathscr U}$, and vanishes otherwise. Hence the restriction of an $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$-injective to an open ${\mathscr V}\subset{\mathscr X}$ is $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr V})$-injective; and so the first assertion is local. Thus to prove it one may assume that ${\mathscr X}$ itself is a completion, with completion map
$\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to X\<$, and that in ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$, ${\mathcal F}\cong\kappa^*\<F$ for some $F\in{\mathbf D}(X)$.
As $\kappa^*\<$, being exact, commutes with the truncation functor~
$\sigma_{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge} -m}\>$, there are \mbox{$\mathbf D$-isomorphisms}
(the first as in \cite[p.\,70]{H1}): \looseness=-1
{\mathcal F}\cong\sigma_{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge} -m}\>{\mathcal F}
\cong\sigma_{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge} -m}\kappa^*\<F
\cong \kappa^*\sigma_{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge} -m}\>F\>;
one can replace~$F$ by~$\sigma_{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge} -m}\>F$ and
assume further that $F^\ell=0$ for all\/~$\>\ell<-m\>$.\vspace{1pt}
From the above description of $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives, one sees that
$\kappa_*{\mathcal I}$ is a bounded complex of
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-injectives, vanishing in degree $>n\>$.
Since $\kappa_*$ is exact, therefore for all $i>m+n$,
\kappa_*H^i{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal F},\>{\mathcal I}\>)&\cong
H^i\kappa_*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*\< F,\>{\mathcal I}\>)\\
&\cong H^i{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X(F,\>\kappa_*\>{\mathcal I}\>)
\quad\qquad\qquad\textup{\cite[p.\,147, 6.7(2)]{Sp}}\\
H^i\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X(F,\>\kappa_*\>{\mathcal I}\>)=0\>,
and hence $H^i{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal F},\>{\mathcal I}\>)=0$. \vspace{1pt}
If ${\mathscr X}$ has Krull dimension~ $d$, and $\Gamma\!:=\Gamma({\mathscr X},-)$ is the global-section functor, then by a well-known theorem of Grothendieck
the restriction of the derived \mbox{functor~${\mathbf R}\Gamma$} to the category of abelian sheaves
has cohomological dimension $\le d\>$; and so since
${\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\cong {\mathbf R}\Gamma\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}$
\cite[Exercise 2.5.10(b)]{Derived categories}, the second assertion\vspace{.6pt}
follows from \cite[Remark 1.11.2(iv)]{Derived categories}.
\Pref{P:dualizing} below brings out the basic property of the
\emph{dualizing functors} associated with dualizing complexes.
(For illustration, one might keep in mind the special case of \Eref{regular}(3).)
Let\/ ${\mathcal R}$ be a c-dualizing\/ complex on\/~${\mathscr X},$ let\/ ${\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}$ be
the t-dualizing complex ${\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}\!:=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R},$ and for any\/
${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}$ set
{\mathcal D}{\mathcal E}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal R}),\qquad
\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal E}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}).
\textup{(a)} There are functorial isomorphisms
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal D}\cong{\mathcal D}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\cong{\mathcal D}\cong{\mathcal D}\>\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\cong\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\<.
\textup{(b)} For all\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\>,$ ${\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$ and there is a natural
$ \cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal F}\cong\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}$.
(a) For any ${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}$, \Pref{formal-GM} gives the isomorphism
{\mathcal D}{\mathcal E}={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal R})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal R})
={\mathcal D}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}.
In particular, ${\mathcal D}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\>{\mathcal E}\cong{\mathcal D}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\>{\mathcal E}\cong{\mathcal D}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}$.
Thus ${\mathcal D}\cong{\mathcal D}\>\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\cong{\mathcal D}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}$.
Furthermore, using that the natural map
$\smash{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\Otimes{\mathcal E}}\to\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}$ is an \emph{isomorphism}
(localize, and see \cite[p.\,20, Corollary (3.1.2)]{AJL}) we get natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}\bigl(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\>,\>\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E},{\mathcal R})\bigr)\iso\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal R})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E},\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})\\
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}\bigl(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\>,\>\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E},\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R})\bigr),
giving ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal D}\cong{\mathcal D}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\cong\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\cD_{\<\mathrm t}$.
(b) Given remark (2) following \Dref{D:dualizing}, \Lref{L:Hom=RHom} implies
that the functor
$\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(-, {\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}})$ is bounded on~$\D_{\<\vc}\>$.
The same holds for~${\mathcal D}=\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$ (see (a)),
because $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}(\D_{\<\vc})\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}\subset\D_{\<\vc}$ (\Lref{Gamma'+qc}), and
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$ is bounded. ($\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$~is given locally by tensoring with a bounded
flat complex ${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet\>$, see proof of \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a)).
Arguing as in \Pref{P:Rhom}, we see that
\mbox{$\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal F}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}})\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}$}, so that
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal F}\iso\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal F}$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a)); and similarly,
${\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\>$. Furthermore, the argument in \Rref{R:Dtilde}(4) gives an
isomorphism $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal F}\>\cong\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}\<.$
With notation as in \Lref{L:dualizing} we have, for\/ ${\mathcal E},{\mathcal F}\in {\mathbf D}$$:$
\noindent\textup{(a)} ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*\!\iff\!\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$ and the natural map is an
isomorphism $\,{\mathcal E}\!\iso\<\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cDt\>{\mathcal E}$.
\noindent\textup{(b)} ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\!\iff\!{\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$ and the natural map is an
isomorphism $\,{\mathcal F}\!\iso\<{\mathcal D}\cD{\mathcal F}$.
\noindent\textup{(c)} $\,{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\!\iff\!\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\>{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$ and the natural map is
an isomorphism $\,{\mathcal F}\!\iso\<\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cDt\>{\mathcal F}$.
\emph{Remark.} The isomorphism ${\mathcal F}\iso\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cDt\>{\mathcal F}\>$ is a formal version of
``Affine Duality, " see \cite[\S5.2]{AJL}.\index{Duality!Affine}
\begin{proof} For ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\>$, \Lref{L:dualizing}(b) gives ${\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$, so
\mbox{$\cD_{\<\mathrm t}{\mathcal F}\cong\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$.} Moreover, from the isomorphism
$\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\cong{\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}$ of
\Lref{L:dualizing}(a) it follows that $\cD_{\<\mathrm t}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*)\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$. The
$\Longleftarrow$ implications in (a), (b) and (c) result, as do the first parts of the
$\implies$ implications.
Establishing the isomorphisms
${\mathcal D}\cD{\mathcal F}\osi{\mathcal F}\iso\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cDt\>{\mathcal F}$ is a local problem, so we may assume
${\mathscr X}$ affine. Since the functors ${\mathcal D}$ and $\cD_{\<\mathrm t}$ are bounded on~
$\D_{\<\vc}$ (see proof of \Lref{L:dualizing}(b)), and both take $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$ into $\D_{\<\vc}\>$,
therefore the functors
${\mathcal D}\cD$ and $\cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cDt$ are bounded on~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}\>$, and so \cite[p.\,68, 7.1]{H1}
(dualized) reduces the problem to the tautological case
${\mathcal F}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ (cf.~\cite[p.\,258, Proposition~2.1]{H1}.)
For assertion (a) one may assume that ${\mathcal E}=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\ ({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c})$, so that there is a
composed isomorphism (which one checks to be the natural map):
{\mathcal E}=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F} \cong \boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal D}\cD{\mathcal F}
\cD_{\<\mathrm t}{\mathcal D}{\mathcal F}
\underset{\textup{\ref{L:dualizing}(a)}}\cong \cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cDt\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F} = \cD_{\<\mathrm t}\cDt\>{\mathcal E}.
\begin{scor}\label{P:ducomp} With the preceding notation,
\textup{(a)} The functor\/ ${\mathcal D}$ induces an
involutive anti-equivalence of\/~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$
with itself.
\textup{(b)} The functor\/ $\cD_{\<\mathrm t}$ induces quasi-inverse anti-equivalences
between\/ $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$ and\/~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*$.
Let\/ ${\mathscr J}$ be an ideal of definition of\/~${\mathscr X}$. Then a complex\/ ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}$
$(\<$resp.~${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}})$ is c-dualizing
$($resp.~t-dualizing$)$ iff for
every\/ $n>0$ the complex\/
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n,\>{\mathcal R})$ is dualizing on the scheme\/
$X_n\!:=({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n)$.
Remark (1) after \Dref{D:dualizing} makes it straightforward to see that if
${\mathcal R}$ is either c- or t-dualizing on~${\mathscr X}$ then ${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n,\>{\mathcal R})$ is
dualizing on $X_n$.
For the converse, to begin with, \Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma} gives
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal R})={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal R}),
and it follows from \Lref{L:interchange} that it suffices to consider the
t-dualizing case. So suppose that ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}$ and that for
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n,\>{\mathcal R})$ is dualizing on $X_n$. Taking
\smash{$\tilde{\mathcal R}={\mathcal R}$} in the proof of \cite[Theorem 5.6]{Ye},\vspace{.5pt}
one gets ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\iso{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal R}, {\mathcal R})$.
It remains to check condition (iii) in \Dref{D:dualizing}.
We may assume ${\mathcal R}$ to be K-injective, so that
${\mathcal R}_n\!:=\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal R})$ is K-injective on~$X_n$ for
all~$n$. Then, since $\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal R}\cong{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal R}\cong{\mathcal R}$
H^i\>{\mathcal R}\cong
H^i\<\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal R}\cong
H^i\>\>\smash{\dirlm{n}}\!{\mathcal R}_n\cong
\smash{\dirlm{n}}\!H^i\>{\mathcal R}_n\qquad(i\in\mathbb Z).
For each $n$, ${\mathcal R}_n$ is quasi-isomorphic to a \emph{residual complex,} which is
an injective ${\mathcal O}_{\!X_n}\<$-complex vanishing in degrees outside a certain finite
interval $I\!:=[a,b]$ (\cite[pp.\:304--306]{H1}). If $m\le n$, the same holds---with
the same $I$---for the complex
\mbox{${\mathcal R}_m\cong\cH{om}_{X_n}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^m\<, {\mathcal R}_n)$.} It follows that
$H^i\>{\mathcal R}=0$ for
$i\notin I$. In particular, ${\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+\>$.
So now we we may assume that
${\mathcal R}$ is a bounded-below complex of $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injectives \cite[Theorem 4.8]{Ye}.
Then for any coherent torsion sheaf~${\mathcal M}$, the homology of
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal M},\>{\mathcal R})
\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal M},\>{\mathcal R})\cong\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal M},\>\dirlm{n}\!{\mathcal R}_n)
\cong\dirlm{n}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal M},\>{\mathcal R}_n)\vspace{-5pt}\\
vanishes in all degrees $>b$, as required by (iii).
\begin{sprop}\label{P:twisted inverse}
Let $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map of noetherian
formal schemes. \vspace{1pt}
\textup{(a)} If\/ ${\mathcal R}$ is a t\kern.6pt-dualizing complex on\/ ${\mathscr Y},$ then\/
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal R}$ is t\kern.6pt-dualizing on\/~${\mathscr X}$.
\textup{(b)} If\/ ${\mathcal R}$ is a c-dualizing complex on\/ ${\mathscr Y},$
then\/ $\ush f{\mathcal R}$ is c-dualizing on\/~${\mathscr X}$.
(a) Let ${\mathscr J}$ be a defining ideal of~${\mathscr X}$, and let ${\mathscr I}$ be\vspace{2pt}
a defining ideal of ${\mathscr Y}$ such that
${\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\subset{\mathscr J}$. Let
$X_{\mathscr J}\!:=({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J})\overset{{\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-5pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle \,j$}\vss}}}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr X}$ and
$Y_{\mathscr I}\!:= ({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I})\overset{{\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-3.5pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle i$}\vss}}}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Y}$ be the resulting
closed immersions. \Eref{ft-example}(4) shows that
$i_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal R} \cong {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal R}),$
which is a dualizing complex on~$Y_{\mathscr I}$. Pseudo\kern.6pt-properness of~$f$
means the map
$f_{{\mathscr I}{\mathscr J}}\colon X_{\mathscr J}\to Y_{\mathscr I}$ induced by
$f$ is proper, so as in \cite[p.\,396, Corollary 3]{f!}
(hypotheses about finite Krull dimension being unnecessary here for
the existence of $f_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mkern-1.5mu\times}\!\<$, etc.),
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J},\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal R})\cong
j_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal R}\cong
(f_{{\mathscr I}{\mathscr J}})_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}i_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal R}
is a dualizing complex on $X_{\mathscr J}$. The assertion is given then by \Lref{L:building}.
(b) By \Pref{P:coherence},
$\ush f{\mathcal R}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$. By \Cref{C:identities}, \Lref{L:interchange}(b), and the
just-proved assertion (a),
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\ush f{\mathcal R}\congf_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal R}\congf_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal R},
is t-dualizing on~${\mathscr X}$. So by
\Lref{L:interchange}(a), $\ush f{\mathcal R}\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\ush
f{\mathcal R}$ is c-dualizing.
The following proposition generalizes \cite[p.\,291, 8.5]{H1} (see also \cite[middle
of p.\,384]{H1} and \cite[p.\,396, Corollary 3]{f!}).
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map of noetherian formal
schemes. Suppose that\/ ${\mathscr Y}$ has a c-dualizing
complex\/~${\mathcal R_{\mathrm c}},$ or equivalently
\textup(by \Lref {L:interchange}\,\textup{),} a
t\kern.6pt-dualizing complex\/~${\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*({\mathscr Y}),$ so that $\ush f{\mathcal R_{\mathrm c}}$ is
$($resp.~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}$ is t\kern.6pt-dualizing\/$)$ on\/~${\mathscr X}$ $($\Pref{P:twisted
inverse}$\mkern1.5mu)$. Define dualizing\index{dualizing functors}
\cD_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mathscr Y}(-)&\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}(-,{\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}), &
\qquad \cD_{\<\<\mathrm c}^{\mathscr Y}(-)&\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}(-,{\mathcal R_{\mathrm c}}), \\
\cD_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mathscr X}(-)&\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}(-,f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}), &
\qquad \cD_{\<\<\mathrm c}^{\mathscr X}(-)&\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}(-,\ush f{\mathcal R_{\mathrm c}}).\mathstrut
Then there are natural isomorphisms
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal E} &\cong\cD_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mathscr X}{\mathbf L}
f^*\cD_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E},\qquad&&\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*({\mathscr Y})\cap{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr),\\
\ush f\<{\mathcal E} &\cong\cD_{\<\<\mathrm c}^{\mathscr X}{\mathbf L} f^*\cD_{\<\<\mathrm c}^{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E}\qquad&&\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+\<({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
When ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^*({\mathscr Y})\>\cap\>\>{\mathbf D}^+\<({\mathscr Y})$ (resp.\ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y}))$ set
${\mathcal F}\!:=\cD_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E}$ (resp.\ ${\mathcal F}\!:=\cD_{\<\<\mathrm c}^{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E}$). In either case, ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr Y})$
(\Pref{P:dualizing}), and also ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}^-({\mathscr Y})$---in the first case by remark (2)
following \Dref{D:dualizing} and \Lref{L:Hom=RHom}, in the second case by
remark (1) following \Dref{D:dualizing}.
So, by \Pref{P:dualizing}, we need to find natural isomorphisms
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\cD_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal F}&\cong\cD_{\<\mathrm t}^{\mathscr X}{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}, \\
\ush f\cD_{\<\<\mathrm c}^{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal F} &\cong \cD_{\<\<\mathrm c}^{\mathscr X}{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<.
Such isomorphisms are given by the next result---a generalization
of~\cite[p.\,194, 8.8(7)]{H1}---for ${\mathcal G}\!:={\mathcal R_{\>\mathrm t}}$ (resp.~${\mathcal R_{\mathrm c}}$).%
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a map of noetherian formal schemes. Then for\/
${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^-({\mathscr Y})$ and\/ ${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y})$ there are natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<, f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal G})\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal G}),\\
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<, \ush f{\mathcal G})\iso\ush f{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal G}).
The second isomorphism follows from the first, since $\ush f=\BLf_{\mathrm t}^\times$ and since
there are natural isomorphisms
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<, \>f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal G})
&={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\bigl({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,
\> {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<,\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal G})\bigl)\\
&\cong\smash{{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\bigl({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\Otimes
{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<,\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal G})\bigl)}\\
&\cong{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\bigl({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<,
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{},\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathcal G})\bigl)\\
&={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}\<, \>\ush f{\mathcal G}).
For fixed ${\mathcal F}$ the source and target of the first isomorphism in \Pref{P:Hom!}
are functors from ${\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y})$ to $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ (see \Pref{P:Rhom}),
right adjoint, respectively,\vspace{.7pt} to the functors
\smash{${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}({\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F})$} and
\smash{${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathcal F}$}
$({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}))$. The functorial ``projection" map
\smash{{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathcal F}\to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}({\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}),}
is, by definition, adjoint to the natural composition
\smash{{\mathbf L} f^*({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathcal F}\>)\to{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}
\to{\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F};}
and it will suffice to show that this projection map is an
For this,
the standard strategy is to localize to where ${\mathscr Y}$ is affine,
then use boundedness of some functors, and compatibilities with direct
sums, to reduce to the trivial case ${\mathcal F}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$. Details appear,
e.g., in \cite[pp.\,123--125,~Proposition 3.9.4]{Derived categories}, modulo the
following substitutions: use $\D_{\<\vc}$ in place of $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}$, and for boundedness and
direct sums use \Lref{Gamma'+qc} and Propositions
\ref{Rf_*bounded}(b) and~\ref{P:coprod} below.
\end{proof}\index{dualizing complexes|)}
\section{Direct limits of coherent sheaves on formal schemes.}
In this section we establish,
for a locally noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$, properties\-
of $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ needed in \S\ref{sec-th-duality} to
adapt Deligne's\index{Deligne, Pierre} proof of global Grothendieck Duality\- to the
formal context. The basic result, \Pref{(3.2.2)}, is that
$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is~\emph{plump} (see opening remarks in \S\ref{S:prelim}), hence
abelian, and so\ (being closed under~\smash{$\dirlm{}\!$})\vadjust{\kern.7pt}
cocomplete, i.e., it has arbitrary small colimits. This enables us to speak
about~${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$, and to apply standard adjoint functor theorems to
colimit\kern.5pt-preserving functors on~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. (See e.g.,
\Pref{A(vec-c)-A}, Grothendieck Duality for the identity map of~${\mathscr X}$).
The preliminary paragraph~\ref{SS:vc-and-qc} sets up an equivalence of
categories which allows us to reduce local questions about the
(globally defined) category $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ to corresponding questions
about quasi-coherent sheaves on ordinary noetherian
schemes. Paragraph~\ref{SS:Dvc-and-Dqc} extends this equivalence to
derived categories. As one immediate application,
\Cref{corollary} asserts that the natural functor
${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ is an equivalence of categories when ${\mathscr X}$ is
\emph{properly algebraic,}\index{properly algebraic} i.e., the $J$-adic
completion of a proper
$B$-scheme with $B$ a noetherian ring and $J$ a $B$-ideal. This will
yield a stronger version of Grothendieck Duality on such formal
schemes---for $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ rather than ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$, see
\Cref{cor-prop-duality}. We do not know whether such global
results hold over arbitrary noetherian formal schemes.
Paragraph~\ref{SS:bounded} establishes boundedness
for some derived functors, a
condition which allows us to apply them freely to unbounded complexes,
as illustrated, e.g., in Paragraph~\ref{3.5}.
For $X$ a noetherian ordinary scheme, $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}(X)=\A_{\qc}\<(X)$
\cite[p.\,319,~6.9.9]{GD}. The inclusion
$j_{\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\<\< X$}}\colon\A_{\qc}\<(X) \to {\mathcal A}(X)$ has
a right adjoint $Q_{\<\<X}\colon{\mathcal A}(X) \to \A_{\qc}\<(X)$, the ``quasi-coherator,''
\index{ ${\mathbf R}$@ {}$Q_{\mathscr X}$ (quasi-coherator)\vadjust{\penalty
10000}} necessarily left exact \cite[p.\,187, Lemme 3.2]{I}. (See
\Pref{A(vec-c)-A} and~\Cref{C:Qt} for generalizations to
formal schemes.)
Let\/ $A$ be a noetherian adic ring with ideal of definition\/~$I,$\
let\/ $f_0\colon X\to{\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ be a proper map,
set $Z:=f_0^{-1}{\mathrm {Spec}}(A/I),$\ and let
\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}= X_{/Z}\to X
be the
formal completion of\/~$X$ along\/~$Z$. Let\/ $Q\!:=Q_{\<\<X}$ be
as above. Then\/ $\kappa^*$ induces equivalences of categories from\/
$\A_{\qc}\<(X)$ t\/o $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ and from\/ $\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$ to\/ $\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X}),$\ both
with quasi-inverse\/~$Q\kappa_*$.
For any quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-module~${\mathcal G}$ the canonical maps are
{\rm H}^i(X\<,{\mathcal G})\iso {\rm H}^i(X\<,\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}) = {\rm H}^i({\mathscr X},
\kappa^*{\mathcal G})\qquad(i\ge0).
(The equality holds because $\kappa_*$ transforms any flasque
resolution of~$\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$ into one of~$\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$.)
For, if $({\mathcal G}_\lambda)$
is the family of coherent submodules of~${\mathcal G}$, ordered by
inclusion, then $X$ and ${\mathscr X}$ being noetherian, one checks that
(\ref{}) is the composition of the sequence of natural
{\rm H}^i(X\<,{\mathcal G})&\iso {\rm H}^i(X,
\>\dirlm{\lambda}{\mathcal G}_\lambda)&
&\hskip-60pt\mbox{\cite[p.~319,~(6.9.9)]{GD}}\\ &\iso \dirlm{\lambda}
{\rm H}^i(X\<,{\mathcal G}_\lambda) &&\\
&\iso \dirlm{\lambda} {\rm H}^i({\mathscr X},\kappa^*{\mathcal G}_\lambda)&
&\iso {\rm
H}^i({\mathscr X},\>\dirlm{\lambda}\kappa^*{\mathcal G}_\lambda)\\
H}^i({\mathscr X},\kappa^*\dirlm{\lambda} {\mathcal G}_\lambda)
\iso {\rm H}^i({\mathscr X},\kappa^*{\mathcal G}).
Next, for any ${\mathcal G}$ and ${\mathcal H}$ in $\A_{\qc}\<(X)$ the natural map is an
{\mathrm {Hom}}_X({\mathcal G},{\mathcal H})\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal G},\>\kappa^*{\mathcal H})
For, with ${\mathcal G}_\lambda$ as above, (\ref{}) factors as the
sequence of natural isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{X}({\mathcal G},{\mathcal H})&\iso
\inlm{\lambda}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{X}({\mathcal G}_\lambda\>,{\mathcal H}) \\
&\iso \inlm{\lambda} {\rm H}^0\<\bigl({X\<,
\cH{om}_{X}({\mathcal G}_\lambda\>,{\mathcal H})}\bigr) \\
&\iso \inlm{\lambda} {\rm H}^0\<\bigl({{\mathscr X},\kappa^*
\cH{om}_{X}({\mathcal G}_\lambda\>,{\mathcal H}})\bigr)
\qquad\bigl({\mbox{see }(\ref{})}\bigr)\\
&\iso \inlm{\lambda} {\rm H}^0\< \bigl({{\mathscr X},
\cH{om}_{{\mathscr X}}(\kappa^*{\mathcal G}_\lambda\>,\kappa^*{\mathcal H})}\bigr) \\
&\iso \inlm{\lambda}{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal G}_\lambda\>,\kappa^*{\mathcal H})\\
&\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\dirlm{\lambda}
\kappa^*{\mathcal G}_\lambda\>,\kappa^*{\mathcal H})
\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal G},\>\kappa^*{\mathcal H}).
Finally, we show the equivalence of the following conditions, for
${\mathcal F}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$:
{(\arabic{t})} {\usecounter{t} \setlength{\rightmargin}{\leftmargin}}
\item \label{1} The functorial map
$\alpha({\mathcal F}\>)\colon\kappa^*Q\kappa_*{\mathcal F}\to{\mathcal F}$ (adjoint to the canonical map
$Q\kappa_*{\mathcal F}\to \kappa_*{\mathcal F}\>)$ is an isomorphism.
\item \label{2} There exists an
isomorphism $\kappa^*{\mathcal G}\iso{\mathcal F}$ with ${\mathcal G}\in\A_{\qc}\<(X)$.
\item \label{3} ${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$.
Clearly $(\ref{1}) \Rightarrow (\ref{2})$; and $(\ref{2}) \Rightarrow
(\ref{3})$ because
\smash{$\dirlm{}_{\!\!{}_\lambda}\,\kappa^*{\mathcal G}_\lambda\iso \kappa^*{\mathcal G}$}
(${\mathcal G}_\lambda$ as before).
Since $\kappa^*$ commutes with $\smash{\dirlm{}}$\vspace{1pt}
and induces an equivalence of
categories from
$\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$ to $\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$ \cite[p.~150,~(5.1.6)]{EGA}, we see that
$(\ref{3}) \Rightarrow (\ref{2})$.\vspace{1pt}
For ${\mathcal G}\in\A_{\qc}(X)$, let $\beta({\mathcal G})\colon{\mathcal G}\to Q\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$ be
the canonical map (the unique one whose composition with
$Q\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}\to \kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$ is the canonical map
${\mathcal G}\to\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$). Then for any ${\mathcal H}\in\A_{\qc}\<(X)$
we have the natural commutative diagram
{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal H},{\mathcal G}) @>\text{via }\beta>> {\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal H},Q\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})\\
@V\simeq VV @VV\simeq V \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}(\kappa^*{\mathcal H},\kappa^*{\mathcal G}) @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>>{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal H},\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})
where the left vertical arrow is an isomorphism by
(\ref{}), the right one is an isomorphism because $Q$ is right-adjoint to
$\A_{\qc}\<(X)\hookrightarrow{\mathcal A}(X)$, and the bottom arrow is an isomorphism
because $\kappa_*$ is right-adjoint to $\kappa^*$; so ``via $\beta\>$''
is an isomorphism for all~${\mathcal H}$, whence \emph{$\beta({\mathcal G})$ is an
isomorphism.} The implication $(\ref{2}) \Rightarrow (\ref{1})$ follows now from
the easily checked fact that
$\alpha(\kappa^*{\mathcal G}){\<\smcirc\<}\kappa^*\<\beta({\mathcal G})$ is the identity map of
$\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$.
We see also that $Q\kappa_*(\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X}))\subset\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$, since by
\cite[p.~150,~(5.1.6)]{EGA} every \mbox{${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$} is isomorphic to
$\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$ for some ${\mathcal G}\in\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$, and $\beta({\mathcal G})$ is an
Thus we have the functors $\kappa^*\colon\A_{\qc}\<(X)\to\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ and
$Q\kappa_*\colon\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\to\A_{\qc}\<(X)$, both of which preserve
coherence, and the functorial isomorphisms
\alpha({\mathcal F}\>)\colon\kappa^*Q\kappa_*{\mathcal F} \iso {\mathcal F}
\ \ \bigl({{\mathcal F}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}\bigr); \qquad
\beta({\mathcal G})\colon{\mathcal G}\iso Q\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}
\ \ \bigl({{\mathcal G}\in\A_{\qc}\<(X)}\bigr)\<\<.
\Pref{(3.2.1)} results.
Since $\kappa^*$ is right-exact, we deduce:
For any affine noetherian formal scheme\/~${\mathscr X},$\
${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ iff\/ ${\mathcal F}$~is a cokernel of a map of free\/
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules\/ $($i.e., direct sums of copies of\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X})$.
\begin{scor}\label{C:vec-c is qc}
For a locally noetherian formal scheme\/ ${\mathscr X},$\
$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\subset\A_{\qc}\<({\mathscr X}),$\ i.e., any\/ \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} of
coherent\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules is quasi-coherent.
Being local, the assertion follows from \Cref{coker}.
\begin{scor}[cf.~{\cite[3.4, 3.5]{Ye}}]
For a locally noetherian formal scheme\/~${\mathscr X}$ let\/ ${\mathcal F}$ and\/ ${\mathcal G}$ be
quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules. Then\/$:$
\textup{(a)} The kernel, cokernel, and image of any\/
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-homomorphism\/ ${\mathcal F}\to{\mathcal G}$ are quasi-coherent.
\textup{(b)} ${\mathcal F}$ is coherent iff\/ ${\mathcal F}$ is locally finitely generated.
\textup{(c)} If\/ ${\mathcal F}$ is coherent and\/ ${\mathcal G}$ is a sub- or
quotient module of\/~${\mathcal F}$ then\/ ${\mathcal G}$ is coherent.
\textup{(d)} If\/ ${\mathcal F}$ is coherent then\/
$\cH{om}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal G})$ is quasi-coherent; and if also\/ ${\mathcal G}$ is coherent then\/
$\cH{om}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal G})$ is coherent.
\textup(For a generalization, see \Pref{P:Rhom}.\textup)
The questions being local, we may assume
${\mathscr X}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ ($A$~noetherian adic), and, by \Cref{coker}, that
${\mathcal F}$ and ${\mathcal G}$ are in $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. Then, $\kappa^*$~being exact,
\Pref{(3.2.1)} with $X\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ and $f_0\!:=\text{identity}$
reduces the problem to noting that the corresponding statements about coherent
and quasi-coherent sheaves on~$X$ are true.
(These statements are in \cite[p.\,217, Cor.\:(2.2.2) and~p.\,228, \S(2.7.1)]{GD}.
Observe also that if $F$ and $G$ are ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules with $F$ coherent
$\cH{om}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*\<F,\kappa^* G)\cong \kappa^*\cH{om}_X(F,G)$.)
For a locally noetherian formal scheme\/ ${\mathscr X},$ any\/
\mbox{${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$} is the\/ \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\<$} of its coherent\/
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-submodules.
Note that by \Cref{C:images}(a) and~(b) the sum of any two coherent
submodules of~${\mathcal F}$ is again coherent. By definition,
${\mathcal F}=\smash{\dirlm{}_{\!\!{}_\mu}\>\>{\mathcal F}_\mu}$ with ${\mathcal F}_\mu$ coherent, and
\Cref{C:images}(a) and~(b) it follows that the canonical image of
${\mathcal F}_\mu$ is a coherent submodule of~${\mathcal F}\<$, whence the conclusion.
For any affine noetherian formal scheme\/~${\mathscr X},$\ any\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ and
any\/ $i>0,$
{\rm H}^i({\mathscr X},{\mathcal F}\>)=0.
Taking $f_0$ in \Pref{(3.2.1)} to be the identity map,
we have \mbox{${\mathcal F}\cong\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$} with ${\mathcal G}$
quasi-coherent; and so by \eqref{},
$\mathrm H^i({\mathscr X},{\mathcal F}\>)\cong \mathrm H^i({\mathrm {Spec}}(A),{\mathcal G})=0$.
\Pref{(3.2.1)} will now be used to show, for locally noetherian formal
schemes~${\mathscr X}$, that $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\subset{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ is plump, and that this inclusion has a
right adjoint, extending to derived categories.
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a noetherian formal scheme, let\/
${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X}),$\ and let\/
$({\mathcal G}_\alpha\>,\gamma_{\alpha\beta}\colon{\mathcal G}_\beta\to
{\mathcal G}_\alpha)_{\alpha,\>\beta\in \Omega}$
be a directed system in\/~$\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$. Then
for every\/~$q\ge0$ the natural map is an isomorphism
\dirlm{\alpha}\mathrm {Ext}^q({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha)\iso \mathrm
{Ext}^q({\mathcal F}\<,\>\dirlm{\alpha}{\mathcal G}_\alpha).
For an ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module ${\mathcal M}$, let $\mathrm E({\mathcal M})$ denote the usual
spectral sequence\looseness=-1
\mathrm E\mspace{.5mu}_2^{pq}({\mathcal M})\!:=\mathrm
H^p\bigl({\mathscr X},\>\E{xt}^{\>q}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal M})\bigr)
\mathrm {Ext}^{p+q}({\mathcal F}\<,{\mathcal M}).
It suffices that the natural map of spectral sequences be an
\smash{\dirlm{} \mathrm E({\mathcal G}_\alpha)\iso
\mathrm E(\>\dirlm{} {\mathcal G}_\alpha)\qquad(\dirlm{}\!\<:=\dirlm{\alpha}\!),}
and for that we need only check out the $\mathrm E\mspace{.5mu}_2^{pq}$ terms,
i.e., show that the natural maps
\postdisplaypenalty 10000
\smash{\dirlm{}\mathrm H^p\bigl({\mathscr X},\>\E{xt}^{\>q}({\mathcal F}\<, {\mathcal G}_\alpha)\bigr)\to
\mathrm H^p\bigl({\mathscr X},\>\dirlm{}\E{xt}^{\>q}({\mathcal F}\<, {\mathcal G}_\alpha)\bigr)\to
\mathrm H^p\bigl({\mathscr X},\>\E{xt}^{\>q}({\mathcal F}\<, \dirlm{}{\mathcal G}_\alpha)\bigr)}
are isomorphisms.
The first one is, because ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian. So we
need only show that the natural map is an isomorphism
\dirlm{}\E{xt}^{\>q}({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha)\iso \E{xt}^{\>q}({\mathcal F}\<,\>\dirlm{}{\mathcal G}_\alpha).
For this localized question we may assume that ${\mathscr X}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ with $A$ a
noetherian adic ring. By \Pref{(3.2.1)} (with $f_0$ the
identity map of $X\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$) there is a coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-module~$F$ and a directed system
G_\beta\to G_\alpha)_{\alpha,\>\beta\in\Omega}$
of coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules such that
${\mathcal F}=\kappa^*F\<$,
${\mathcal G}_\alpha=\kappa^*G_\alpha\>$, and
Then the well-known natural isomorphisms (see
\cite[(Chapter 0), p.\,61, Prop.\,(12.3.5)]{EGA}---or the proof of
\Cref{(3.2.3)} below)
\dirlm{}\E{xt}_{\mathscr X}^q({\mathcal F}\<,\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha)
\kappa^*\dirlm{}\E{xt}_{\<\<X}^{\>q}(F\<,G_\alpha) \\
\iso\kappa^*\E{xt}_{\<\<X}^{\>q}(F\<,\>\dirlm{}G_\alpha)\iso \E{xt}_{\mathscr X}^q(\kappa^*F\<,
\>\kappa^*\dirlm{} \<G_\alpha)\iso \E{xt}_{\<\<X}^{\>q}({\mathcal F}\<, \>\dirlm{} {\mathcal G}_\alpha)
give the desired conclusion.
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme. If\/
{\mathcal F}_1\to{\mathcal F}_2\to{\mathcal F}\to{\mathcal F}_3\to{\mathcal F}_4
is~an exact sequence of\/
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules and if\/ ${\mathcal F}_1\>,$ ${\mathcal F}_2\>,$ ${\mathcal F}_3$ and\/ ${\mathcal F}_4$ are all
in\/ $\A_{\qc}\<({\mathscr X})$ $($resp.~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ then\/ ${\mathcal F} \in \A_{\qc}\<({\mathscr X})$
$($resp.~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$. Thus\/ $\A_{\qc}\<({\mathscr X})$ and $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ are
plump---hence abelian---subcategories of\/~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X}),$\ and both
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\<({\mathscr X})$ and its subcategory\/~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ are triangulated
subcategories of\/ ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$. Furthermore, $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is closed under
arbitrary small\/ ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-colimits.
Part of the $\A_{\qc}$ case is covered by \Cref{C:images}(a), and all of it
by \cite[Proposition 3.5]{Ye}. At any rate, since every quasi-coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module is locally in~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}\subset\A_{\qc}$ (see
Corollaries~\ref{coker} and~\ref{C:vec-c is qc}), it suffices to treat
the $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}$ case.
Let us first show that the kernel~$\mathcal K$ of an $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}$ map
\mspace{160mu}\psi\colon\smash{\dirlm{}_{\<\<\!\beta}}\>\>\H_\beta=\H\to{\mathcal G}
=\smash{\dirlm{}_{\!\!\alpha}}\>\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha\qquad
({\mathcal G}_\alpha\>,\H_\beta\in\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X}))
is itself in $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. It will
suffice\vadjust{\kern1.5pt} to do so for the kernel~$\mathcal K_\beta$
of the composition
{natural}\,}\H\xrightarrow{\psi\>}{\mathcal G},}
since $\mathcal K=\smash{\dirlm{}_{\<\<\!\beta}\>\>\mathcal K_\beta\>}$.
the case\vadjust{\kern.75pt} $q=0$ of \Cref{L:Ext+lim}, there is
an $\alpha$ such that $\psi_\beta$ factors as\vadjust{\kern-3pt}
\H_\beta\xrightarrow{\psi_{\beta\alpha}\>}{\mathcal G}_\alpha \xrightarrow{\text
{natural}\,}{\mathcal G}\>;
and then with $\mathcal K_{\beta\alpha'}\ (\alpha'>\alpha)$ the
(coherent) kernel of the composed map
\H_\beta\xrightarrow{\psi_{\beta\alpha}\>}{\mathcal G}_\alpha \xrightarrow{\text
{natural}\,}{\mathcal G}_{\alpha'}
we have $\mathcal K_\beta =\dirlm{}_{\<\<\!\alpha'}\>\>\mathcal
K_{\beta\alpha'}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$.
Similarly, we find that $\text{coker}(\psi)\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. Being
closed under small direct sums, then, $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is closed
under arbitrary small ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-colimits
\cite[Corollary\,2, p.\,109]{currante}.
Consideration of the exact sequence
0\longrightarrow\text{coker}({\mathcal F}_1\to{\mathcal F}_2)\longrightarrow{\mathcal F}\longrightarrow
\ker({\mathcal F}_3\to{\mathcal F}_4)\longrightarrow 0
now reduces the original question to where ${\mathcal F}_1={\mathcal F}_4=0$. Since ${\mathcal F}_3$
is the $\smash{\dirlm{}}$ of its coherent submodules
(\Cref{C:limsub}) and ${\mathcal F}$ is the $\smash{\dirlm{}}$ of the
inverse images of those submodules, we need only show that each such
inverse image is in $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. Thus we may assume
${\mathcal F}_3$ coherent (and ${\mathcal F}_2=\smash{\dirlm{}_{\!\!\alpha}}\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha$
with ${\mathcal G}_\alpha$ coherent).\vspace{1pt}
The exact sequence $0\to{\mathcal F}_2 \to {\mathcal F}\to {\mathcal F}_3 \to 0$ represents an
\eta\in\mathrm{Ext}^1({\mathcal F}_3,\>{\mathcal F}_2)=
\mathrm{Ext}^1({\mathcal F}_3,\>\smash{\dirlm{}_{\!\!\alpha}}\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha);
and by
\Cref{L:Ext+lim}, there is an~$\alpha$ such that $\eta$~is
the natural image of an element
$\eta_\alpha\in\mathrm{Ext}^1({\mathcal F}_3,\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha)$, represented by an
exact sequence~$0\to{\mathcal G}_\alpha \to {\mathcal F}_\alpha\to {\mathcal F}_3 \to
0$. Then
${\mathcal F}_\alpha$~is coherent, and by \cite[p.\,66, Lemma 1.4]{sM75}, we
have an isomorphism
\postdisplaypenalty 10000
{\mathcal F}\iso {\mathcal F}_2\oplus_{{\mathcal G}_\alpha} \<{\mathcal F}_\alpha\>.
Thus ${\mathcal F}$ is the cokernel of a map in~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$, and so as
above, ${\mathcal F}\in \A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$.
\label{A(vec-c)-A}\index{ ${\mathbf R}$@ {}$Q_{\mathscr X}$ (quasi-coherator)\vadjust{\penalty
10000}} On a locally noetherian formal scheme\/~${\mathscr X},$\ the
inclusion functor\/
$j_{\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle{\mathscr X}$}}\colon \A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}) \to {\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ has a right
adjoint\/ $Q_{{\mathscr X}}\colon{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X}) \to \A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X});$ and\/ ${\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{} $ is right-adjoint to
the natural functor ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to {\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$.
In particular, if\/ $\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to X$
is as in \Pref{(3.2.1)} then\/
$Q_{{\mathscr X}}\cong\kappa^*Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*$ and\/
${\mathbf R} Q_{{\mathscr X}}\cong\kappa^*{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*\>$.
Since $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ has a small family of (coherent) generators, and
is closed under arbitrary small
${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-colimits, the existence of~$Q_{\mathscr X}^{}$ follows from the Special
Adjoint Functor Theorem\index{Special Adjoint Functor Theorem}
(\cite[p.\,90]{pF1964} or \cite[p.\,126, Corollary]{currante}).%
\footnote{It follows that $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is closed under \emph{all}
${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-colimits (not necessarily small): if
$F$ is any functor into $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}(X)$ and
${\mathcal F}\in{\mathcal A}(X)$ is a colimit of
$j_{\<\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\mathscr X}$}}\smcirc F\<$, then $Q_{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal F}$
is a colimit of $F\<$, and the natural map is an isomorphism ${\mathcal F}\iso
j_{\<\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\mathscr X}$}}Q_{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal F}$. (Proof:
exercise, given in dual form in \cite[p.\,80]{pF1964}.) \looseness=-1}
In an abelian category~${\mathcal A}$,
a complex~$J$ is, by definition, K-injective
if for each exact ${\mathcal A}$-complex $G$,
the complex ${\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal A}}(G, J)$ is exact too. Since $j_{\mathscr X}^{}$
is exact, it follows that its right adjoint $Q_{\mathscr X}^{}$
transforms K-injective
${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-complexes into \mbox{K-injective} $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-complexes,
whence the derived functor ${\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}$ is right-adjoint to the natural
functor ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}\<({\mathscr X})) \to {\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ (see \cite[p.\,129,
The next assertion is a corollary of~\Pref{(3.2.1)}: any
${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is isomorphic to $\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$ for some ${\mathcal G}\in\A_{\qc}\<(X)$,
and then for any ${\mathcal N}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ there are natural isomorphisms\looseness=1
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(j_{\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle{\mathscr X}$}}{\mathcal M},\>{\mathcal N}\>)&\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(j_{\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle{\mathscr X}$}}\kappa^*{\mathcal G},\>{\mathcal N}\>)\\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_X(j_{\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\<\<X$}}{\mathcal G},\> \kappa_*\>{\mathcal N}\>)\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\A_{\qc}\<(X)}({\mathcal G},\>Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*\>{\mathcal N}\>)\\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}(\kappa^*{\mathcal G},\>\kappa^*Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*\>{\mathcal N}\>)\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}({\mathcal M},\>\kappa^*Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*\>{\mathcal N}\>).
Moreover, since $\kappa_*$ has an exact left adjoint (viz.~$\kappa^*$), therefore,
as above, $\kappa_*$~transforms K-injective ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-complexes into K-injective
${\mathcal A}(X)$-complexes, and it follows at once that
${\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\cong\kappa^*{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*$.
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme. A property~$\mathbf P$
of sheaves of modules is \emph{local} if it is defined on~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr U})$
for arbitrary open subsets\/ ${\mathscr U}$ of\/~${\mathscr X}$, and is such that\/ for any
${\mathcal E}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr U})$ and any open covering\/
$({\mathscr U}_\alpha)$ of\/~${\mathscr U},$\ $\mathbf P({\mathcal E})$~holds
iff\/ $\mathbf P({\mathcal E}|_{{\mathscr U}_\alpha}\<)$ holds for all~$\alpha$.
For example, coherence and quasi-coherence are both local properties---to which
by \Pref{(3.2.2)}, the following Proposition applies.
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme, and let\/~$\mathbf P$ be a
local property of\/ sheaves of modules.
Suppose further that for all open\/~${\mathscr U}\subset{\mathscr X}$ the full subcategory\/
${\mathcal A}_{\mathbf P}\<({\mathscr U})$ of\/~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr U})$ whose objects are all the ${\mathcal E}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr U})$ for
which\/ $\mathbf P({\mathcal E})$ holds is a
\emph{plump} subcategory of~$\>{\mathcal A}({\mathscr U})$. Then for all\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^-\<({\mathscr X})$ and\/
${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}_{\mathbf P}^+\<({\mathscr X}),$\
it holds that ~${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F},{\mathcal G})\in{\mathbf D}_{\mathbf P}^+\<({\mathscr X})$.
Plumpness implies that ${\mathbf D}_{\mathbf P}\<({\mathscr X})$ is a triangulated
subcategory of~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$, as is $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$, so \cite[p.\,68, Prop.\,7.1]{H1} gives
a ``way-out'' reduction to where ${\mathcal F}$ and~${\mathcal G}$ are
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules. The question being local on ${\mathscr X}$, we may assume
${\mathscr X}$ affine and replace
${\mathcal F}$ by a quasi-isomorphic bounded-above complex ${\mathcal F}\>^\bullet$ of finite-rank
free ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules, see \cite[p.\,427, (10.10.2)]{GD}. Then
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F}\>^\bullet\<,\>{\mathcal G})=\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal F}\>^\bullet\<,\>{\mathcal G})$, and the conclusion
follows easily.
\Pref{A(vec-c)-A} applies
in particular to any noetherian scheme~$X\<$.
When $X$ is separated, $j_{\lower.2ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\<\<X$}}$ induces an
\emph{equivalence of categories} ${\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}\colon{\mathbf D} (\A_{\qc}\<(X)) \cong \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\<(X)$,%
\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$}
with quasi-inverse ${\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\<(X)}$.
(See \cite[p.\,133, Corollary 7.19]{H1} for
bounded-below complexes, and \cite[p.\,230, Corollary~5.5]{BN} or
\cite[p.\,12, Proposition~(1.3)]{AJL} for the general case.) We do not know if
such an equivalence, with ``$\vec{\mathrm c}\,$" in place of~``qc," always holds for
separated noetherian formal schemes. The next result will at least take care of the
``properly algebraic" case, see \Cref{corollary}.
In \Pref{(3.2.1)}\textup{,} the functor\/
$\kappa^*\colon{\mathbf D}(X)\to {\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ induces equivalences from\/
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\<(X)$ to\/ $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ and from\/
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X)$ to\/ $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X}),$\ both with quasi-inverse\/~${\mathbf R} Q\kappa_*$
$($where\/~${\mathbf R} Q$ stands
for\/~${\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}\mspace{-1.5mu}\smcirc\<{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{})$.
Since $\kappa^*$ is exact, \Pref{(3.2.1)} implies that
$\kappa^*(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\<(X))\subset\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ and $\kappa^*(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X))\subset
\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$. So it will be enough to show that:
(1) If ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ then the functorial ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$-map $\kappa^*{\mathbf R}
Q\kappa_*{\mathcal F}\to {\mathcal F}$ adjoint to the natural map ${\mathbf R} Q\kappa_*{\mathcal F}\to
\kappa_*{\mathcal F}$ is an isomorphism.
(2) If ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\<(X)$ then the natural map
${\mathcal G}\iso {\mathbf R} Q\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$ is an
(3) If ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$ then ${\mathbf R} Q\kappa_*{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X)$.
Since $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ is triangulated (\Pref{(3.2.2)}), we can use
way-out reasoning \cite[p.~68, Proposition~7.1 and p.~73,
Proposition~7.3]{H1} to reduce to where ${\mathcal F}$ or ${\mathcal G}$ is a single
sheaf. (For bounded-below complexes we just need the obvious facts
that $\kappa^*$ and the restriction of ${\mathbf R} Q\kappa_*$ to~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$
are both bounded-below ($=$~way-out right) functors. For unbounded
complexes, we need those functors to be bounded-above as well, which
is clear for the exact functor $\kappa^*\<$, and will be shown for ${\mathbf R}
Q\kappa_*|_{\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})}$ in \Pref{(} below.)
Any ${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is isomorphic to $\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$ for some ${\mathcal G}\in\A_{\qc}\<(X)$; and
one checks that the natural composed map
$\kappa^*{\mathcal G}\to \kappa^*{\mathbf R} Q\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G}\to\kappa^*{\mathcal G}$
is the identity, whence $(2)\Rightarrow(1)$.
Moreover, if ${\mathcal F}\in\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X}\>)$ then ${\mathcal G}\cong
Q\kappa_*{\mathcal F}\in\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$, whence $(2)\Rightarrow(3)$.
Now a map $\varphi:{\mathcal G}_1\to{\mathcal G}_2$ in $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^+(X)$ is an isomorphism iff
\hskip-2.25em$(*)\colon\!$ the induced map
${\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal E}[-n], \>{\mathcal G}_1)\to{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal E}[-n], \>{\mathcal G}_2)$
is an\newline isomorphism for every ${\mathcal E}\in\A_{\mathrm c}(X)$ and every $n\in\mathbb Z$.
(For, if ${\mathcal V}$ is the vertex of a triangle with base~$\varphi$, then $(*)$ says that
for all~\mbox{${\mathcal E}$, $n$,} ${\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal E}[-n], {\mathscr V})=0$; but if $\varphi$ is not an
isomorphism, i.e., ${\mathscr V}$ has non-vanishing homology, say
$H^n({\mathcal V}) \neq 0$ and $H^i({\mathcal V})= 0$ for all $i<n$, then the inclusion~into~
$H^n({\mathcal V})$ of any coherent non-zero submodule~
${\mathcal E}$ gives a non-zero map ${\mathcal E}[-n]\to{\mathscr V}$.) So for~(2) it's enough to check
that the natural composition\looseness=-2
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal E}[-n], \>{\mathcal G})
&\longrightarrow {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal E}[-n], {\mathbf R} Q\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})\\
&\!\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal E}[-n],\kappa_*\kappa^*{\mathcal G})
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}(\kappa^*{\mathcal E}[-n], \kappa^*{\mathcal G})
is the \emph{isomorphism}
${\rm Ext}_X^n({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal G})\<\iso \< {\rm Ext}_{{\mathscr X}}^n(\kappa^*{\mathcal E}\<,\kappa^*{\mathcal G})$
in the following consequence of ~\eqref{}:
With $\kappa \colon{\mathscr X} \to X$ as in \Pref{(3.2.1)} and\/
\mbox{${\mathcal L}\in \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X),$} the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R} \Gamma(X,{\mathcal L}) \to
{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},\kappa^* {\mathcal L})$ is an isomorphism. In particular, for\/ ${\mathcal E}
\in \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^- (X)$ and\/ ${\mathcal G} \in \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^+(X)$ the natural map\/ ${\rm
Ext}_X^n({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal G}) \to {\rm Ext}_{{\mathscr X}}^n(\kappa^*{\mathcal E}\<,\kappa^*{\mathcal G})$ is an
{\it Proof.} After ``way-out'' reduction to the case where
${\mathcal L} \in \A_{\qc}\<(X)$
(the ${\mathbf R}\Gamma$'s are bounded,
by \Cref{Rf_*bounded}(a) below), the
first assertion is given by~\eqref{}.
To get the second assertion, take ${\mathcal L} \!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\<\<X}({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal G})$
(which is in $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^{\raise.2ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle+$}}(X)$,
\cite[p.~92,~Proposition~3.3]{H1}), so that $\kappa^*{\mathcal L} \cong
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{{\mathscr X}}(\kappa^*{\mathcal E}\<,\kappa^*{\mathcal G})$ (as one sees easily after way-out
reduction to where ${\mathcal E}$ and ${\mathcal G}$ are ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-modules, and further
reduction to where $X$ is affine, so that ${\mathcal E}$ has a resolution by finite-rank
free modules\dots\!).
\label{D:propalg}\index{properly algebraic}
A formal scheme
${\mathscr X}$ is said to be \emph{properly algebraic} if there exist
a noetherian ring~$B$, a
$B$-ideal~$J\<$, a proper $B$-scheme $X\<$, and an isomorphism
from~${\mathscr X}$ to the $J$-adic completion of~$X\<$.
On a properly algebraic formal scheme\/~${\mathscr X}$ the natural functor\/
${\boldsymbol j}_{\!{\mathscr X}}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$}
is an equivalence of categories
with quasi-inverse\/~${\mathbf R} Q_{{\mathscr X}}^{}\>;$\ and therefore\/
${\boldsymbol j}_{\!{\mathscr X}}\mspace{-1.5mu}\smcirc\<{\mathbf R} Q_{{\mathscr X}}^{}$
is right-adjoint to the inclusion\/ $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$.
If ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic, then with $A\!:=J$-adic
completion of~$B$ and $I\!:=JA$, it holds that ${\mathscr X}$ is the
$I\<$-adic completion of~$X\otimes_{B}A$, and so
we may assume the hypotheses and conclusions of \Pref{(3.2.1)}.
We have also, as above, the equivalence of categories
${\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(X))\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$; and so the assertion follows from
Propositions~\ref{c-erator} and~\ref{A(vec-c)-A}.
For a map\/ $g\colon{\mathscr Z}\to{\mathscr X}$ of locally noetherian formal schemes,
{\mathbf L} g^*\<(\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X}))\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr Z}).
If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic, then
{\mathbf L} g^*\<(\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X}))\subset\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Z}).
The first assertion, being local on~${\mathscr X}$, follows from the second. Assuming ${\mathscr X}$
properly algebraic we may, as in the proof of \Cref{corollary}, place
ourselves in the situation of \Pref{(3.2.1)}, so that any ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$
is, by \Cref{corollary} and \Pref{(3.2.1)}, isomorphic to
$\kappa^*{\mathcal E}$ for some ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$. By \cite[p.\,10, Proposition~(1.1)]{AJL}),
${\mathcal E}$ is isomorphic to a
\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\<$}\vspace{1pt} of bounded-above quasi-coherent flat
complexes (see the very end of the proof of~\emph{ibid.}); and therefore
${\mathcal G}\cong\kappa^*{\mathcal E}$ is isomorphic to a K-flat complex of $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-objects.
Since ${\mathbf L} g^*$~agrees with~$g^*$ on K-flat complexes, and
$g^*(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\subset\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr Z})$, we are done.
(1) Let ${\mathscr X}$ be a properly algebraic formal scheme (necessarily
noetherian) with ideal of definition~${\mathscr I}$, and set
$I\!:={\rm H}^0({\mathscr X},{\mathscr I})\subset A\!:= {\rm H}^0({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X})$.
Then {\it $A$ is a noetherian $I\<$-adic ring, and ${\mathscr X}$ is
${\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$-isomorphic to the $I\<$-adic completion of a proper
$A$-scheme}. Hence ${\mathscr X}$ is proper over~${\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$, via the canonical map
given by \cite[p.~407,~(10.4.6)]{GD}.
\penalty -1000
Indeed, with $B$, $J$ and $X$ as in
\cite[p.\,125, Theorem~(4.1.7)]{EGA} implies that the topological ring
A=\inlm{\,n>0} {\rm H}^0({\mathscr X}, {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr I}^n{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}) = \inlm{\,n>0} {\rm H}^0(X,
{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/I^n{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X})
is the $J$-adic completion of the noetherian $B$-algebra $A_0:=
H^0(X,{\mathcal O}_{X})$, and that the $J$-adic and $I\<$-adic topologies on~$A$ are
the same; and then ${\mathscr X}$ is the $I\<$-adic completion of~$X\otimes_{A_0}A$.
(2) It follows that a quasi-compact formal scheme ${\mathscr X}$
is properly algebraic iff so~is each of its
connected components.
(3) While (1) provides a less relaxed characterization of
properly algebraic formal schemes than \Dref{D:propalg},
\Cref{(3.5.2)} below provides a more relaxed one.
Let\/ $X$ be a locally noetherian scheme, ${\mathcal I}_1\subset{\mathcal I}_2$
quasi-coherent\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-ideals, $Z_i$ the support of\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/{\mathcal I}_i\>,$\
and\/ ${\mathscr X}_i$ the completion\/ $X_{\!/Z_i}\ (i=1,2)$. Suppose that\/
${\mathcal I}_1{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}_2}$ is an
ideal of definition of\/ ${\mathscr X}_2$. Then\/ ${\mathscr X}_2$ is a union of connected
components of\/ ${\mathscr X}_1$ $($with the induced formal-subscheme structure$)$.
We need only show that $Z_2$ is open in~$Z_1$.
Locally we have a noetherian ring $A$ and $A$-ideals
$I\subset J$ equal to their
own radicals such that with ${\hat A}$ the $J$-adic completion,
$J^n{\hat A}\subset I{\hat A}$ for some $n>0$; and we want the
natural map $A/I\twoheadrightarrow A/J$ to be {\it flat}.
(For then with $L\!:= J/I$,
$L/L^2={\rm Tor}_1^{A/I}(A/J,A/J)=0$, whence
\mbox{$(1-\ell)L = (0)$} for some $\ell\in L$, whence $\ell=\ell^2$ and
$L=\ell( A/I)$, so that \mbox{$A/I\cong L\times (A/J)$} and
${\mathrm {Spec}}(A/J) \hookrightarrow{\mathrm {Spec}}(A/I)$ is open.)
If $A$ is a ring, and $L$ a finitely generated $A$-ideal such that the natural
surjection $A \to A/L$ is flat, then
$L/L^2={\rm Tor}_1^A(A/L,A/L)=0$, whence
$(1-\ell)L = (0)$ for some $\ell\in L$, whence $\ell=\ell^2$ and
$L=\ell A$, so that $A\cong L\times A/L$ and
${\mathrm {Spec}}(A/L) \hookrightarrow{\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ is open.%
So it suffices that the localization
$(A/I\>)_{1+J}\to (A/J\>)_{1+J} = A/J$ by the
multiplicatively closed set~$1+J\>$ be an isomorphism, i.e., that
its kernel $J (A/I\>)_{1+J}$ be nilpotent (hence (0), since $A/I$ is reduced.) But
this is so because the natural map $A_{1+J}\to {\hat A}$ is faithfully
flat, and therefore $J^n\< A_{1+J}\subset IA_{1+J}$.
Let\/ $A$ be a noetherian ring, let\/ $I$ be an\/ $A$-ideal, and let\/ ${\hat A}$ be
$I\<$-adic completion of\/ $A$. Let\/ $f_0\colon X \to{\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ be a separated
finite-type scheme-map, let\/
$Z$ be a closed subscheme of\/ $f_0^{-1}({\mathrm {Spec}}(A/I)),$\ let\/ ${\mathscr X}=X_{\</Z}$ be the
completion of\/ $X$ along\/~$Z,$\ and let\/ $f\colon {\mathscr X} \to{\mathrm {Spf}}({\hat A})$ be the
formal-scheme map induced by\/ $f_0\>$\textup{:}
{\mathscr X}\!:=X_{\</Z} @>>> X \\
@VfVV @VVf_0 V \\
{\mathrm {Spf}}(\hat A) @>>> {\mathrm {Spec}}(A)
If\/ $f$ is proper \textup(see\/ \textup{\S\ref{maptypes})}
then\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic.
Consider a compactification of $f_0$ (see \cite[Theorem~3.2]{Lu}):
\hookrightarrow \\[-2.5 mm]
\mbox{\tiny open}
{\>\>\overline {\<\<X}}
\mbox{\scriptsize $\bar f_{\scriptscriptstyle\<0}^{}$}\\[-2 mm]
\longrightarrow \\[-2.5 mm]
\mbox{\tiny proper}
\end{array}} {\mathrm {Spec}}(A).
Since $f$ is proper, therefore $Z$ is proper over ${\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$, hence closed in
$\>\>{\overline {\<\<X}}\<$. Thus we may replace\- $f_0$~by~${\bar
f_0}\>$, i.e., we may assume $f_0$ proper. Since $f\<$, being proper, is adic,
\Lref{(3.5.1)}, with \hbox{$Z_2\!:= Z$} and
$Z_1\!:= f_0^{-1}({\mathrm {Spec}}(A/I))$, shows that ${\mathscr X}$ is a union of connected
components\- of the properly algebraic formal scheme~$X_{\<\</Z_1}$.
Conclude by \Rref{(}(2).
\label{SS:bounded} To deal with unbounded complexes we need the
following boundedness results on certain derived functors. (See, e.g.,
Propositions~\ref{P:proper f*} and~\ref{P:kappa-f*} below.)
\begin{sparag}\label{note1} Refer to \S\ref{maptypes} for the definitions of
separated, resp.~affine, maps.
A formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$ is \emph{separated}\index{formal scheme!separated} if the
natural map \hbox{$f_{\mathscr X}\colon {\mathscr X}\to\text{Spec}({\mathbb Z})$} is separated, i.e.,
for some---hence any---ideal of definition~${\mathscr J}$, the scheme
$({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J})$ is separated. For example, any locally noetherian
affine formal scheme is separated.
A locally noetherian formal scheme ${\mathscr X}$ is affine if and only if the
map~$f_{\mathscr X}$ is affine, i.e., for some---hence any---ideal of
definition~${\mathscr J}$, the scheme $({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J})$ is affine. Hence the
intersection ${\mathscr V}\cap{\mathscr V}'$ of any two affine open subsets of a separated
locally noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr Y}$ is again affine. In other
words, the inclusion ${\mathscr V}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Y}$ is an affine map.
More generally, if $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to {\mathscr Y}$ is a map of locally noetherian
formal schemes, if ${\mathscr Y}$~is separated, and if ${\mathscr V}$ and ${\mathscr V}'$ are affine
open subsets of~${\mathscr Y}$ and~${\mathscr X}$ respectively, then $f^{-1}{\mathscr V}\>\cap{\mathscr V}'$ is
affine \cite[p.\,282, (5.8.10)]{GD}.
\begin{slem} \label{affine-maps}
If\/ $g\colon {\mathscr X} \to {\mathscr Y}$ is an affine map\/ of locally noetherian
formal schemes, then every\/ ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is $g_*\<$-acyclic, i.e.,
$R^ig_*{\mathcal M}=0$ for all\/ $i>0$. More generally, if\/ ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$
and\/ $e\in\mathbb Z$ are such that\/ $H^i({\mathcal G})=0$ for all\/ $i\ge e$,
then\/ $H^i({\mathbf R} g_*{\mathcal G})=0$ for all\/ $i\ge e$.
$R^ig_*{\mathcal M}$ is the sheaf associated to the presheaf ${\mathscr U} \mapsto
{\rm H}^i({g^{-1}({\mathscr U}),{\mathcal M}})$, (${\mathscr U}$~open in~${\mathscr Y}$)
\cite[Chap.\,0, (12.2.1)]{EGA}. If $\>{\mathscr U} $ is affine then so is
$g^{-1}({\mathscr U})\subset {\mathscr X}$, and \Cref{limit(vec-c)=qc} gives ${\rm
H}^i({g^{-1}({\mathscr U}),{\mathcal M}})=0$ for all $i>0$.
Now consider in ${\mathbf K}({\mathscr X})$ a quasi-isomorphism ${\mathcal G}\to I$ where $I$ is a
``special" inverse limit of injective resolutions~$I_{-e}$ of the
truncations ${\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}e}$ (see \eqref{trunc}), so that
$H^i({\mathbf R} g_*{\mathcal G})$ is the sheaf associated to the presheaf $\>{\mathscr U}\mapsto \mathrm
H^i(\Gamma(g^{-1}{\mathscr U},I))$, see
\cite[p.\,134, 3.13]{Sp}. If $C_{\<-e}$ is the kernel of the split surjection
$I_{-e}\to I_{\>1-e}$ then
$C_{\<-e}[e]$ is an injective resolution of $H^e({\mathcal G})\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$, and
so for any affine open ${\mathscr U}\subset{\mathscr Y}$ and~$i>e$,
\mbox{$\mathrm H^i(\Gamma(g^{-1}{\mathscr U},C_{\<-e}))=0$.} Applying \cite[p.\,126,
Lemma]{Sp}, one finds then that for $i\ge e$ the natural map $\mathrm
H^i(\Gamma(g^{-1}{\mathscr U},I))\to \mathrm H^i(\Gamma(g^{-1}{\mathscr U},I_{-e}))$ is an
isomorphism. Consequently if $H^i({\mathcal G})=0$ for all~$i\ge e$ (whence
$I_{-e}\cong {\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}e}=0$ in~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$) then
$\mathrm H^i(\Gamma(g^{-1}{\mathscr U},I))=0$.
\label{Rf_*bounded} Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a noetherian formal scheme.
\textup{(a)} The functor\/ ${\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},-)$
is bounded-above on\/~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$. In other words,
there is an integer\/ $e\ge 0$ such that if\/ ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ and\/
$H^i({\mathcal G}\>)=0$ for all $i\ge i_0$ then\/ $\mathrm H^i({\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr X},-))=0$
for all\/ $i\ge i_0+e$.
\textup{(b)} For any formal-scheme map\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$
with\/ ${\mathscr Y}$ quasi-compact,
the functor\/~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ is bounded-above on\/~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X}),$\ i.e.,
there is an integer\/ $e\ge 0$ such that if\/~${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ and\/
$H^i({\mathcal G}\>)=0$ for all $i\ge i_0$ then\/ $H^i({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\>)=0$ for all\/
$i\ge i_0+e$.
\begin{proof} Let us prove (b). (The proof of (a) is the same, \emph{mutatis
mutandis.}) Suppose first that ${\mathscr X}$ is separated, see~\S\ref{note1}. Since ${\mathscr Y}$
has a finite affine open cover and ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ commutes with open base change, we
may assume that ${\mathscr Y}$ itself is affine. Let $n({\mathscr X})$ be the least positive
integer~$n$ such that there exists a finite affine open cover
${\mathscr X}=\cup_{i=1}^n {\mathscr X}_i\>$, and let us show by induction on~$n({\mathscr X})$ that
$e\!:=n({\mathscr X})-1$ \emph{will do.}
The case $n({\mathscr X})=1$ is covered by \Lref{affine-maps}. So assume
that $n\!:=n({\mathscr X})\ge 2$, let ${\mathscr X}=\cup_{i=1}^n {\mathscr X}_i$ be an affine
open cover, and let $u_{1}\colon\<{\mathscr X}_1\hookrightarrow {\mathscr X}$,\,\
$u_2\colon\!\cup_{i=2}^n {\mathscr X}_i \hookrightarrow {\mathscr X}$, \,\
$u_3\colon\!\cup_{i=2}^n ({\mathscr X}_1 \cap {\mathscr X}_i) \hookrightarrow {\mathscr X}$ be the
respective inclusion maps. Note that ${\mathscr X}_1 \cap\> {\mathscr X}_i$ is affine
because ${\mathscr X}$ is separated. So by the inductive\vadjust{\penalty-500}
hypothesis, the assertion holds for the~maps
$f_i\!:=f\smcirc u_i\ (i=1,2,3)$.
Now apply the $\Delta$-functor~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ to the ``Mayer\kern.5pt-Vietoris" triangle%
\index{Mayer-Vietoris triangle}
{\mathcal G} \longrightarrow {\mathbf R} u_{1*}^{}u_1^*{\mathcal G} \oplus {\mathbf R}
u_{2*}^{}u_{2}^*{\mathcal G}\longrightarrow {\mathbf R} u_{3*}^{}u_{3}^*{\mathcal G}
(derived from the standard exact sequence
0\to{\mathcal E}\to u_{1*}^{}u_1^*{\mathcal E}
\oplus u_{2*}^{}u_2^*{\mathcal E}\to u_{3*}^{}u_3^*{\mathcal E}\to 0
where \hbox{${\mathcal G}\to{\mathcal E}$} is a K-injective resolution) to get the ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$-triangle
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G} \longrightarrow {\mathbf R} f_{1*}^{}u_1^*{{\mathcal G}} \oplus {\mathbf R}
f_{2*}^{}u_{2}^*{\mathcal G}\longrightarrow {\mathbf R} f_{3*}^{}u_{3}^*{\mathcal G}
whose associated long exact homology sequence yields the assertion
The general case can now be disposed of with a similar Mayer\kern.5pt-Vietoris
induction on the least number of \emph{separated} open subsets needed
to cover~${\mathscr X}$.
Let\/ $X$ be a separated noetherian scheme, let\/ $Z\subset X$ be a closed
subscheme, and let\/ $\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathscr X}=X_{/Z} \to X$
be the completion map.
Then the~functor\/~${\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X} \kappa_*$ is bounded-above on\/ $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$.
\looseness =1
Set $\kappa\!:=\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{}$. Let $n(X)$ be the least number of affine
open subschemes needed to cover~$X\<$. When $X$ is affine, $Q_{\<\<X}$
is the sheafification of the global section functor, and since
$\kappa_*$ is exact and, being right adjoint to the \emph{exact}
functor~$\kappa^*\<$, preserves K-injectivity, we find that for any
${\mathcal F}\in {\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$, ${\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*{\mathcal F}$ is the sheafification of the
complex ${\mathbf R} \Gamma(X, \kappa_*{\mathcal F}\>)={\mathbf R} \Gamma({\mathscr X}\<, {\mathcal F}\>)$. Thus
\Pref{Rf_*bounded}(a) yields the desired result for
Proceed by induction when $n(X)>1$, using a ``Mayer\kern.5pt-Vietoris''
argument as in the proof of \Pref{Rf_*bounded}. The enabling points
are that if
$v\colon V\hookrightarrow X$ is an open immersion with $n(V)<n(X)$, giving
rise to the natural commutative diagram
V_{\<\</Z\cap V}=:\:@.{\mathscr V} @>\kappa_{\mathscr V}^{\phantom{.}}>> V \\
@.@V\hat v VV @VVvV \\
@.{\mathscr X}@>>\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}$}\vss}> X
then there are natural isomorphisms, for ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ and
$v_*^{\rm qc}\colon\A_{\qc}\<(V)\to \A_{\qc}\<(X)$ the restriction of $v_*\>$:
{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X} \kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathbf R} {\hat v}_*{\hat v}^*{\mathcal F} \cong {\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X} {\mathbf R}
v_*\kappa_{{\mathscr V}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\hat v}^*{\mathcal F}
\cong {\mathbf R} v_*^{\rm qc} {\mathbf R} Q_V \kappa_{{\mathscr V}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\hat v}^*{\mathcal F},
and the functor ${\mathbf R} Q_V\kappa_{{\mathscr V}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\hat v}^*$ is bounded-above, by the
inductive hypothesis on $n(V)<n(X)$, as is ${\mathbf R} v_*^{\rm qc}$, by the proof of
\cite[p.\,12, Proposition (1.3)]{AJL}.
Here are some examples of how boundedness is used.
\begin{sprop}\label{P:proper f*}
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a proper map of noetherian formal schemes. Then
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr Y})\quad\textup{and}\quad
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\subset\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y}).
For a coherent\vspace{.4pt} ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module ${\mathcal M}$,
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal M}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr Y})$ \cite[p.\,119, (3.4.2)]{EGA}. Since ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian,
the homology functors $H^i{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}$ commute with\vspace{.9pt}
\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} on ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules,
whence\vspace{.6pt} ${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal N}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})$ for all ${\mathcal N}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. ${\mathbf R}
f_{\!*}$ being bounded on~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ (\Pref{Rf_*bounded}(b)),
way-out reasoning \cite[p.\,74, (iii)]{H1} completes the proof.\looseness=-1
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a map of quasi-compact formal schemes, with\/
${\mathscr X}$ noetherian. Then the functor\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}|_{\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})}$ commutes with small
direct sums, i.e., for any small family\/ $({\mathcal E}_\alpha)$ in\/~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$
the natural map
\oplus_{\<\alpha}( {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}_\alpha) \to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}(\oplus_{\<\alpha}\>{\mathcal E}_\alpha)
is a\/ ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$-isomorphism.
It suffices to look at the induced homology maps in each degree, i.e., setting
$R^{\>i}\<\<f_{\!*}\!:= H^i{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\ (i\in\mathbb Z)$, we need to show that \emph{the
natural map}
\oplus_{\<\alpha}( R^{\>i}\<\<f_{\!*}{\mathcal E}_\alpha)\iso
R^{\>i}\<\<f_{\!*}(\oplus_{\<\alpha}\>{\mathcal E}_\alpha).
\emph{is an isomorphism.}
For any ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ and any integer $e\ge0$, the
vertex~${\mathcal G}$ of a triangle based on the natural map~$t_{i-e}$ from ${\mathcal F}\>$ to the
truncation ${\mathcal F}^{\>{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}i-e}$ (see~\eqref{trunc}) satisfies
$H^j({\mathcal G})=0$ for all $j\ge i-e-1$; so if $e$ is the integer
in~\Pref{Rf_*bounded}(b), then
$R^{\>i-1}\<\<f_{\!*}{\mathcal G}=R^{\>i}\<f_{\!*}{\mathcal G}=0$, and the map induced by
$t_{i-e}$ is an \emph{isomorphism}\looseness=-1
R^{\>i}\<\<f_{\!*}{\mathcal F}\iso
R^{\>i}\<\<f_{\!*}{\mathcal F}^{\>{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}i-e}\<.
We can therefore replace each ${\mathcal E}_\alpha$ by
${\mathcal E}_\alpha^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}i-e}$, i.e., we may assume that the
${\mathcal E}_\alpha$ are uniformly bounded below.
We may assume further that each complex~${\mathcal E}_\alpha$ is injective, hence
$f_{\!*}$-acyclic (i.e., the canonical map is an \emph{isomorphism}
$f_{\!*}{\mathcal E}_\alpha\iso {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}_\alpha$). Since ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian,
$R^{\>i}\<\<f_{\!*}$ commutes with direct
sums; and so each component of
$\oplus_{\<\alpha}\>{\mathcal E}_\alpha$ is an $f_{\!*}$-acyclic ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module. This
implies that the bounded-below complex $\oplus_{\<\alpha}\>{\mathcal E}_\alpha$ is itself
$f_{\!*}$-acyclic. Thus in the natural commutative diagram
f_{\!*}{\mathcal E}_\alpha)@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>>f_{\!*}(\oplus_{\<\alpha}\>{\mathcal E}_\alpha)\\
@V\simeq VV @VV\simeq V\\
\oplus_{\<\alpha}( {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}_\alpha)@>>>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}(\oplus_{\<\alpha}\>{\mathcal E}_\alpha)
the top and both sides are isomorphisms, whence so is the bottom.
The following Proposition generalizes \cite[p.\,92, Theorem (4.1.5)]{EGA}.
Let\/ $f_0\colon\! X\to Y$ be a proper map of locally noetherian schemes,
let\/ $W\subset Y$ be a closed subset, let\/ $Z\!:=f_0^{-1}W,$\ let\/
$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathscr Y}=Y_{/W}\to Y$ and\/~
$\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathscr X}=X_{/Z}\to X$ be the respective \(flat\) completion maps,
and let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be the map induced by~$f_0\>$. Then for
${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$ the map\/ $\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}$ adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}\longrightarrow{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\iso
\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}
is an \emph{isomorphism}
\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}\colon \kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}\iso {\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\<.
We may assume $Y$ affine, say
$Y={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$, and then $W={\mathrm {Spec}}(A/I)$ for some $A$-ideal~$I\<$. Let $\hat A$ be
the $I\<$-adic completion of~$A$, so that there is a natural cartesian diagram
X\otimes_A\hat A=:\>@. X_1 @>k_{\<X}^{}>> X \\
@.@V f_1 VV @VV f_0 V \\
{\mathrm {Spec}}(\hat A)=:\>@. Y_1 @>>\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle k_Y^{}$}\vss}> Y
Here $k_Y^{}$ is flat, and the natural map is an isomorphism
$k_Y^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}\iso {\mathbf R} {f_{\<1*}^{}}k_{\<X}^*{\mathcal E}\colon$
since ${\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}$ (resp.~${\mathbf R} {f_{\<1*}^{}})$ is bounded-above on~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$
(resp.~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_1)$), see \Pref{Rf_*bounded}(b), way-out reasoning
reduces this assertion to the well-known case where ${\mathcal E}$ is a single
${\mathcal O}_X$-module. Simple considerations show then that we can replace
$f_0$ by $f_1$ and ${\mathcal E}$ by $k_{\<X}^*{\mathcal E}$; in other words, we can
assume \mbox{$A=\hat A$}.
From \Pref{P:proper f*} it follows that
${\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y)$ and ${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\in \D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})$.
Recalling the equivalences in~\Pref{c-erator}, we see that any
${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})$ is isomorphic to~$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}_0$ for some
${\mathcal F}_0\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y)$ (so that ${\mathbf L} f_{\<0}^*{\mathcal F}_0\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$),
and that there is a sequence of natural
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal F}\<, \>\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E})
{\mathrm {Hom}}_Y({\mathcal F}_0\>, \>{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_X({\mathbf L} f_{\<0}^*{\mathcal F}_0\>, \>{\mathcal E}) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf L} f_{\<0}^*{\mathcal F}_0\>, \>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}_0\>, \>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E})
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal F}\<, \>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}).
The conclusion follows.
\section{Global Grothendieck Duality.}
\index{Grothendieck Duality!global}
Let\/ $f\colon\<{\mathscr X} \to {\mathscr Y}$ be a map of quasi-compact formal schemes, with
${\mathscr X}$~noetherian, and
let\/~${\boldsymbol j}\colon\<{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$}
\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ be the natural functor. Then the\/
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}} \<\smcirc\>{\boldsymbol j}\>$ has a right\/ $\Delta$-adjoint.
In fact there is a bounded-below\/ \hbox{$\Delta$-functor\/}
$f^{\times}\<\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})
\to{\mathbf D}\left({\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}\right)\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$f^\times\<\<$}$\vadjust{\kern.3pt}
and a map of\/ $\Delta$-functors
$\tau\colon{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} \>{\boldsymbol j} f^{\times}\to {\bf 1}$\index{ {}$\tau$ (trace map)}
such that for all\/
${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ and\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y}),$\ the composed map
$($in\/ the derived category of abelian groups\/$)$
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\<}({\mathcal G},\>f^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})\<}({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\boldsymbol j}\>{\mathcal G},
\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} \>{\boldsymbol j} f^{\times}\<{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\xrightarrow{\;\>\mathrm{via}\ \tau\ }
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})\<}({\mathbf R f_{\!*}} \>{\boldsymbol j}\>{\mathcal G},\>{\mathcal F}\>)
is an isomorphism.
With \Cref{corollary} this gives:
If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic, the restriction of\/~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$
to\/~$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ has a right\/ $\Delta$-adjoint \textup(also to be denoted
$f^\times$ when no confusion results\/\textup).
\noindent\emph{Remarks.} 1.~Recall that over any abelian category~${\mathcal A}$ in which
each complex~${\mathcal F}$ has a K-injective resolution~$\rho({\mathcal F}\>)$, we can
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathcal A}({\mathcal G},{\mathcal F}\>)\!:={\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathcal A}\bigl({\mathcal G},\rho({\mathcal F}\>)\bigr) \qquad
\bigl({\mathcal G},{\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A})\bigr);\index{ ${\mathbf R}$ (right-derived functor)!${\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}$}
and there are natural isomorphisms
\mathrm H^i{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathcal A}({\mathcal G},{\mathcal F}\>)\cong \mathrm{Hom}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A})}\bigl({\mathcal G},{\mathcal F}[i]\bigr)
\qquad(i\in\mathbb Z).
2.~Application of homology to the second assertion in the Theorem
reveals that it~is equivalent to the first one.
3.~We do not know in general (when ${\mathscr X}$ is not properly algebraic)
that the functor~${\boldsymbol j}$ is fully faithful---${\boldsymbol j}$\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$}
has a right adjoint
$(\text{identity})^{\<\times}\cong{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}$ (see
\Pref{A(vec-c)-A}), but it may be that for some
${\mathcal E}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ the natural map
$\>{\mathcal E}\to{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\>{\boldsymbol j}\>{\mathcal E}$ is not an isomorphism.
4. For a \emph{proper} map $f_0\colon X\to Y$ of \emph{ordinary} schemes it is
customary to write~$f_0^!$\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$\mathstrut f^!\<$} instead
of~$f_0^\times\<$. (Our extension of this notation to maps of formal
schemes---introduced immediately after
\Dref{D:basechange}---is not what would be expected here.)
5.~\Tref{prop-duality} includes the case when ${\mathscr X}$ and~${\mathscr Y}$ are ordinary
noetherian schemes.
(In fact the proof below applies with minor changes to arbitrary maps of
quasi-compact, quasi-separated schemes,
cf.~\cite[Chapter~4]{Derived categories}.)
The next Corollary relates the formal situation to the
ordinary one.
Let\/ $A$ be a noetherian adic ring with ideal of definition\/~$I,$\
set\/ $Y\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ and $W\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(A/I)\subset Y\<$.
Let\/ $f_0\colon X\to Y$ be a proper map and set~
$Z\!:=f_0^{-1}W,$ so that there is a commutative diagram
{\mathscr X}\!:[email protected]_{/Z} @>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}>> X \\
@.@V f VV @VV f_0 V \\
{\mathscr Y}\!:=\:@.{\mathrm {Spf}}(A)@>>\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}$}\vss}> Y
with\/ $\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}$ and\/ $\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}$ the respective
\textup(flat\textup) completion maps, and
$f$ the \textup(proper\textup) map induced by\/~$f_0\>$.
Then the map
adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{0*} f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\longrightarrow\mathbf 1
is an isomorphism of
functors---from\/ ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ to\/ $\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X}),$\ see
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\iso f^\times\<.
For any ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ set ${\mathcal E}_0\!:={\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}{\mathbf R}
Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$ (see \Sref{SS:Dvc-and-Dqc}). Using
\Pref{c-erator} we have then for any ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ the
natural isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}({\mathcal E},\>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal E}_0\>,\>f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(Y)}({\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}_0\>,\>\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}(\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}_0\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}_0\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>).
Thus $\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}$ is right-adjoint
to~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}|_{\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})}\>$, whence the conclusion.
\begin{proof}[Proof of \Tref{prop-duality}.]
1. Following Deligne\index{Deligne, Pierre} \cite[p.\,417, top]{H1}, we begin by
considering for
${\mathcal M}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ the functorial flasque \emph{Godement resolution}
0\to{\mathcal M}\to G^0({\mathcal M})\to G^1({\mathcal M})\to\cdots\,.
Here, with $G^{-2}({\mathcal M})\!:=0$, $G^{-1}({\mathcal M})\!:={\mathcal M}$, and for
$i\ge 0$,
$K^i({\mathcal M})$ the cokernel of
$G^{i-2}({\mathcal M})\to G^{i-1}({\mathcal M})$, the sheaf
$G^i({\mathcal M})$ is specified inductively by
G^i({\mathcal M})\bigl({\mathscr U}\bigr)\!:=\prod_{x\in{\mathscr U}}\,K^i({\mathcal M})_x
\qquad({\mathscr U}\text{ open in }{\mathscr X}).
One shows by induction on~$i$ that all the functors $G^i$
and $K^i$ (from ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ to itself) are \emph{exact.}
Moreover, for $i\ge 0$, $G^i({\mathcal M})$, being flasque, is
$f_{\!*}$-\emph{acyclic,} i.e.,
R^j\<\<f_{\!*}G^i({\mathcal M})=0\quad\text{for all }j>0.
The category $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ has small colimits
(\Pref{(3.2.2)}), and is generated~by its coherent
members, of which there exists a small set containing
representatives of every isomorphism class. The Special
Adjoint Functor Theorem\index{Special Adjoint Functor Theorem}
\mbox{(\cite[p.\,90]{pF1964}} or~\cite[p.\,126, Corollary]{currante}) guarantees
then that a right-exact functor $F$ from~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}$ into~an abelian category~${\mathcal A}'$
has a right adjoint iff $F$ is
\emph{continuous}\index{continuous functor} in the sense that it commutes with
filtered direct limits, i.e., for any small directed system
\mbox{$({\mathcal M}_\alpha\>,\,\varphi_{\alpha\beta}\colon {\mathcal M}_\beta\to
{\mathcal M}_\alpha)$} in~$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}\>$, with
$\dirlm{\alpha}{\mathcal M}_\alpha=({\mathcal M},\,\varphi_\alpha\colon {\mathcal M}_\alpha\to {\mathcal M})$
it holds that
\bigl(F({\mathcal M}), F(\varphi_\alpha)\bigr)=\dirlm{\alpha}\bigl(F({\mathcal M}_\alpha),
Accordingly, for constructing right adjoints we need to replace the
restrictions of~$G^i$ and~$K^i$ to $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ by continuous functors.
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme and let\/
$G$ be a functor from $\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$ to a category\/~${\mathcal A}'$ in which direct
limits exist for all small directed systems.
Let\/ $j\colon\A_{\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ be the inclusion functor. Then:
\textup{(a)} There exists a continuous functor\/~$G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}\>\colon\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathcal A}'$
and an isomorphism of functors\/
$\varepsilon\colon G\iso G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}\smcirc\< j$ such that
for any map of functors\/ $\psi\colon G\to F\<\smcirc\< j$ with\/ $F$~
continuous, there is a unique map of functors\/ $\psi_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}\>\colon G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}\to F$
such that\/ $\psi$ factors as
G \xrightarrow{\,\varepsilon\,}
G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}\smcirc\< j \xrightarrow{\textup{via }\psi_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}\,} F\<\smcirc\< j\>.
\textup{(b)} Assume that ${\mathcal A}'$ is abelian, and has exact filtered
direct limits $($i.e., satisfies Grothendieck's axiom\/
\textup{AB5)}. Then if\/ $G$ is exact, so is $G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}\>$.
(a) For ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$, let $({\mathcal M}_\alpha)$ be the directed system of coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-submodules of\/~${\mathcal M},$\ and set
G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}({\mathcal M})\!:=\smash{\dirlm{\alpha}}G({\mathcal M}_\alpha).
For any $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-map $\nu\colon{\mathcal M}\to{\mathcal N}$ and any~$\alpha$,
there exists a coherent
submodule~${\mathcal N}_\beta\subset{\mathcal N}$ such that $\nu|_{{\mathcal M}_\alpha}$ factors as
${\mathcal M}_\alpha\to{\mathcal N}_\beta\hookrightarrow{\mathcal N}$
(\Cref{C:limsub} and \Lref{L:Ext+lim}, with
$q=0$); and the resulting composition
\nu_\alpha'\colon G({\mathcal M}_\alpha)\to G({\mathcal N}_\beta)\to G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}({\mathcal N}\>)
does not depend on the choice of~${\mathcal N}_\beta\>$. We define the map
G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}(\nu)\colon G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}({\mathcal M})=\smash{\dirlm{\alpha}G({\mathcal M}_\alpha)}\to G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}({\mathcal N}\>)
to be the unique one whose composition with $G({\mathcal M}_\alpha)\to
G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}({\mathcal M})$ is $\nu_\alpha'$ for all~$\alpha$. Verification of
the rest of assertion (a) is straightforward.
(b) Let $0\to{\mathcal M}\to{\mathcal N}\xrightarrow{\,\pi\,}\mathcal{Q}\to 0$ be an exact
sequence in $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. Let $({\mathcal N}_\beta)$ be the filtered system of
coherent submodules of~${\mathcal N}\<$, so that ${\mathcal N}=\smash{\dirlm{}\<{\mathcal N}_\beta}$
(\Cref{C:limsub}). Then
$({\mathcal M}\cap{\mathcal N}_\beta)$ is a filtered system of coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules whose
$\smash{\dirlm{}}$ is~${\mathcal M}$, and
$(\pi{\mathcal N}_\beta)$ is a filtered system of coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules whose
$\smash{\dirlm{}}\vspace{.7pt}$ is~$\mathcal Q$ (see \Cref{C:images}). The
exactness of~$G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}$ is then made apparent by application
of~\smash{$\dirlm{}_{\<\<\!\beta}$} to the system of exact sequences
0\to G({\mathcal M}\cap{\mathcal N}_\beta)\to G({\mathcal N}_\beta)\to G(\pi{\mathcal N}_\beta)\to 0.
Now for ${\mathcal M} \in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$,
the $\smash{\dirlm{}}$\vspace{1pt} of the system of Godement resolutions of
all the coherent submodules~${\mathcal M}_\alpha\subset{\mathcal M}$ is a functorial resolution
0\to{\mathcal M}\to G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^0({\mathcal M})\to G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^1({\mathcal M})\to\cdots;
and the cokernel of $G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^{i-2}({\mathcal M})\to G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^{i-1}({\mathcal M})$ is\vspace{1pt}
$K_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^i({\mathcal M})\!:=\smash{\dirlm{}\!}K^i({\mathcal M}_\alpha)$.
By~(b) above (applied to the exact functors $G^i$ and $K^i$),\vspace{.8pt} the
continuous functors $G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^i$ and $K_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^i$ are exact; and
$G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^i({\mathcal M})=\smash{\dirlm{}}\>G^i({\mathcal M}_\alpha)$\vspace{1.5pt} is
$f_{\!*}$-acyclic since
$G^i({\mathcal M}_\alpha)$ is, and---${\mathscr X}$ being noetherian---the functors
$R^j\<f_{\!*}$\vspace{1pt} commute with~$\smash{\dirlm{}\!}$.\vspace{1.2pt}
\Pref{Rf_*bounded}(b) implies\- then that there is an
integer~$e\ge 0$ such that for all ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$,
$K_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^e({\mathcal M}\>)$ is $f_{\!*}$-acyclic. \vspace{1pt}
So if we define the exact
functors~${\mathcal D}^i\colon \A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ by
{\mathcal D}^i({\mathcal M}\>)\!=
G_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^i({\mathcal M}\>)\qquad &(0\le i< e) \\
K_{\vec{\mathrm{c}}}^e({\mathcal M}\>) \qquad&(i=e) \\
then for ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$, each ${\mathcal D}^i({\mathcal M})$ is $f_{\!*}$-acyclic
and the natural sequence
0\longrightarrow{\mathcal M}\xrightarrow{\delta({\mathcal M})\>}{\mathcal D}^0({\mathcal M}\>)
\xrightarrow{\delta^0({\mathcal M})\>}{\mathcal D}^1({\mathcal M}\>)
\xrightarrow{\delta^1({\mathcal M})\>}{\mathcal D}^2({\mathcal M}\>)
\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow{\mathcal D}^e({\mathcal M}\>)
\longrightarrow 0
is exact. In short, the sequence
${\mathcal D}^0\to{\mathcal D}^1\to{\mathcal D}^2\to\cdots\to{\mathcal D}^e\to 0$
is an \emph{exact, continuous,
$f_{\!*}\<$-acyclic, finite resolution of the inclusion functor
$\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$.}
2. We have then a $\Delta$-functor
$({{\mathcal D}}^{\bullet}\<,\text{Id})\colon{\mathbf K}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}) )\to {\mathbf K}({\mathscr X})$ which assigns
an \mbox{$f_{\!*}$-acyclic} resolution to each $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-complex~${\mathcal G}
=({\mathcal G}^{\>p})_{p\in\lower.1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\mathbb Z$}}\,$:
({\mathcal D}^\bullet\<{\mathcal G}\>)^m\!:=\bigoplus_{p+q=m}{\mathcal D}^q({\mathcal G}^{\>p})\qquad
(m\in\mathbb Z,\ 0\le q\le e),
the differential $({\mathcal D}^\bullet {\mathcal G}\>)^m\to({\mathcal D}^\bullet {\mathcal G}\>)^{m+1}$
being defined on ${\mathcal D}^q({\mathcal G}^{\>p})$ $(p+q=m)$ to be $d'+(-1)^pd''$ where
$d'\colon{\mathcal D}^q({\mathcal G}^{\>p})\to{\mathcal D}^q({\mathcal G}^{\>p+1})$ comes from the
differential in ${\mathcal G}$ and
$d''=\delta^q({\mathcal G}^{\>p})\colon{\mathcal D}^q({\mathcal G}^{\>p})\to{\mathcal D}^{q+1}({\mathcal G}^{\>p})$.
It is elementary to check that the natural map
$\delta({\mathcal G}\>)\colon{\mathcal G}\to {{\mathcal D}}^{\bullet}{\mathcal G}$ is a
\emph{quasi-isomorphism}. The canonical maps are
\emph{${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$-isomorphisms}
f_{\!*}{{\mathcal D}}^{\bullet}({\mathcal G}) \iso {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{{\mathcal D}}^{\bullet}({\mathcal G}) \;\underset{{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\delta({\mathcal G})}{\osi}\;{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G},
i.e., the natural map $\alpha^i\colon
H^i\bigl(f_{\!*}{\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G})\bigr)\to H^i\bigl({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G})\bigr)$ is an isomorphism for all~$i\in\mathbb Z\>\>$:
this holds for bounded-below ${\mathcal G}$ because ${{\mathcal D}}^{\bullet}({\mathcal G})$ is a
complex of $f_{\!*}$-acyclic objects; and for arbitrary~${\mathcal G}$ since for
any $n\in\mathbb Z$, with ${\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n}$ denoting the
\cdots \to 0\to 0 \to
\textup{coker}({\mathcal G}^{n-1}\to{\mathcal G}^n)\to{\mathcal G}^{n+1}\to{\mathcal G}^{n+2}\to\cdots
there is a natural commutative diagram
H^i\bigl(f_{\!*}{\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G})\bigr)@>\alpha^i>>H^i\bigl({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G})\bigr) \\ @V\beta_n^i VV @VV\gamma_n^i V \\
H^i\bigl(f_{\!*}{\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n})\bigr)@>>\alpha_n^i>
H^i\bigl({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n})\bigr)
in which, when $n\ll i$, $\beta_n^i$ is an isomorphism (since ${\mathcal G}$ and
${\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n}$ are identical in all degrees
$>n$), $\gamma_n^i$~is an isomorphism (by \Pref{Rf_*bounded}(b)
applied to the mapping cone of the natural composition
${\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G})\iso{\mathcal G}\longrightarrow{\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n}
\iso{\mathcal D}^\bullet({\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n})$),
and $\alpha_n^i$ is an isomorphism (since
${\mathcal G}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n}$ is bounded below).
Thus we have realized ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\smcirc\>\>{\boldsymbol j}$ at the homotopy
level, via the functor ${\mathcal C}^\bullet\!:=f_{\!*}{\mathcal D}^\bullet\>$; and our task is
now to find a right adjoint at this level.
3. Each functor ${{\mathcal C}}^p=f_{\!*}{{\mathcal D}}^p\colon\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$ is
exact,\vspace{.3pt} since $R^1\<\<f_{\!*}({\mathcal D}^p({\mathcal M}\>))=0$ for all
${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$. ${{\mathcal C}}^p$ is continuous, since ${\mathcal D}^p$ is\vspace{.6pt}
and, ${\mathscr X}$ being noetherian,
$f_{\!*}$ commutes with $\smash{\dirlm{}}\!$. As before, the Special
Adjoint Functor Theorem\index{Special Adjoint Functor Theorem}\vspace{1.2 pt}
yields that \emph{${\mathcal C}^p$~has a right adjoint
${\mathcal C}_p\colon{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y}) \to\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$.}\vadjust{\kern.4 pt}
For each ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$-complex
${\mathcal F}=({\mathcal F}^p)_{p\in\lower.1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\mathbb Z$}}\>$ let
${\mathcal C}_\bullet \>{\mathcal F}$ be the $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-complex with
({\mathcal C}_\bullet \>{\mathcal F}\>)^m\!:=\prod_{p-q\,=\,m}{\mathcal C}_q{\mathcal F}^p\qquad (m\in\mathbb Z,
0\le q\le e),
and with differential $({\mathcal C}_\bullet \>{\mathcal F}\>)^m\to({\mathcal C}_\bullet \>{\mathcal F}\>)^{m+1}$
the unique map making the following diagram commute for all $r, s$
with $r\mspace{-1.5mu}-\mspace{-1.5mu}s\>=\>m\mspace{-1.5mu}+\!1\>$:
\underset{p-q\,=\,m}{\prod} {\mathcal C}_q{\mathcal F}\>^p
\underset{p-q\,=\,m+1}{\prod} {\mathcal C}_q{\mathcal F}\>^p\\
{\mathcal C}_s{\mathcal F}\>^{r-1}\oplus{\mathcal C}_{s+1}{\mathcal F}\>^r
{\mathcal C}_s{\mathcal F}\>^r
(i) the vertical arrows come from projections,
(ii) $d_\prime\colon{\mathcal C}_s{\mathcal F}\>^{r-1}\to{\mathcal C}_s{\mathcal F}\>^r$ corresponds to the
differential in ${\mathcal F}$, and
(iii) with $\delta_s\colon{\mathcal C}_{s+1}\to {\mathcal C}_s$
corresponding by adjunction to $f_{\!*}(\delta^s)\colon {\mathcal C}^s\to{\mathcal C}^{s+1}$,
d_{\prime\prime}\!:=(-1)^s\delta_s({\mathcal F}\>^r)\colon{\mathcal C}_{s+1}{\mathcal F}\>^r\to{\mathcal C}_s{\mathcal F}\>^r.
This construction leads naturally to a $\Delta$-functor
$({{\mathcal C}}_{\bullet}\>,\text{Id})\colon{\mathbf K}({\mathscr Y})\to {\mathbf K}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$.
The adjunction isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}({\mathcal M}\<,{{\mathcal C}}_p\>{\mathcal N}\>) \iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})}({\mathcal C}^p\<{\mathcal M}\<,\>{\mathcal N}\>)
\qquad \bigl({\mathcal M}\in \A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}),\ {\mathcal N}\in {\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
applied componentwise produces an isomorphism of complexes of
abelian groups
{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}({\mathcal G},\>{\mathcal C}_{\bullet}{\mathcal F}\>) \iso
{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})}({{\mathcal C}}^{\bullet}{\mathcal G},\>{\mathcal F}\>)
for all $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-complexes ${\mathcal G}$ and ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$-complexes~${\mathcal F}\<$.
4. The isomorphism \eqref{Deligne} suggests that we use $\>{\mathcal C}_\bullet$
to construct $f^\times\<$, as follows. Recall~that a complex
${\mathscr J}\in{\mathbf K}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ is K-injective iff for each exact complex
\hbox{${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf K}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$}, the complex ${\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})}({\mathcal G},{\mathscr J})$ is exact
too. By~\eqref{f*D},
${\mathcal C}^\bullet{\mathcal G}$ is exact if ${\mathcal G}$ is; so it follows from~\eqref{Deligne}
that \emph{if ${\mathcal F}$ is K-injective in~${\mathbf K}({\mathscr Y})\mspace{-.6mu}$ then
${\mathcal C}_\bullet{\mathcal F}$~is
\hbox{K-injective} in~${\mathbf K}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$.} Thus if
${\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}(-)\subset{\mathbf K}(-)$%
\index{ ${\mathbf K}$ (homotopy category)!a@${\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}$}
is the full subcategory of all
\mbox{K-injective} complexes, then we have a $\Delta$-functor
\hbox{$({\mathcal C}_\bullet\>,\text{Id})\colon
{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}({\mathscr Y})\to{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$.}
Associating a K-injective resolution to each complex in~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$ leads to
a $\Delta$-functor
\hbox{$(\rho, \Theta)\colon {\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\to{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}({\mathscr Y})$}.%
{In fact $(\rho, \Theta)$ is an equivalence of
$\Delta$-categories, see \cite[\S1.7]{Derived categories}.
But note that $\Theta$ need not be the identity morphism, i.e., one may
not be able to find a complete family of K-injective resolutions
commuting with translation. For example, we do not know that
every periodic complex has a periodic K-injective resolution
This $\rho$ is bounded below: an ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$-complex~${\mathcal E}$ such that $H^i({\mathcal E})=0$
for all $i<n$ is quasi-isomorphic to its truncation
${\mathcal E}^{{\scriptscriptstyle\ge}n}\<$ (see~\eqref{trunc}),
which is quasi-isomorphic to an
injective complex~${\mathcal F}$ which vanishes in all degrees below~$n$.
(Such an~${\mathcal F}$ is K-injective.)
Finally, one can define~$f^\times$ to be the composition of the functors
{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\xrightarrow{\,\rho\,}
{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}({\mathscr Y})\xrightarrow{{\mathcal C}_\bullet\>}
{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))
\xrightarrow{\text{natural}\,} {\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})),
and check, via \eqref{f*D} and \eqref{Deligne} that
\Tref{prop-duality} is satisfied. (This involves some
tedium with respect to $\Delta$-details.)
\section{Torsion sheaves.}
Refer to \S\ref{Gamma'} for notation and first sorites regarding
torsion sheaves.
Paragraphs~\ref{tors-sheaves} and~\ref{tors-D} develop
properties of quasi-coherent torsion sheaves and their derived categories on
locally noetherian formal schemes---see e.g.,
Propositions~\ref{Gamma'(qc)}, \ref{Gammas'+kappas}, \ref{Rf-*(qct)},
and \Cref{C:f* and Gamma}. (There is some overlap
here with \S4 in \cite{Ye}.) Such properties will be needed throughout the rest of
the paper. For instance,
Paragraph~\ref{tors-eqvce} establishes for a noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$,
either separated or finite-dimensional, an
\emph{equivalence of categories} ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})){{\mkern8mu\longrightarrow
\mkern-25.5mu{}^\approx\mkern17mu}}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$, thereby enabling the use of~
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$---rather than ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))$---in~\Tref{T:qct-duality}
($\:\cong\:$\Tref{Th2} of \Sref{S:prelim}). Also, \Lref{Gam as holim},
identifying the derived functor ${\mathbf R}\iG{\mathcal J}(-)$ (for any ${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-ideal~${\mathcal J}$,
where $X$ is a ringed space) with the homotopy colimit\- of the functors
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/\<{\mathcal J}^n\<,-)$, plays a key role in the proof of the Base Change
\Tref{T:basechange} ($\:\cong\:$\Tref{Th3}).
This paragraph deals with categories of quasi-coherent torsion sheaves on locally
noetherian formal schemes.
Let $f\colon {\mathscr X}\to {\mathscr Y}$ be a map of noetherian formal schemes, and let\/
${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$. Then\/ $f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal M} \in \A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr Y})$. Moreover, if\/ $f$ is
pseudo\kern.6pt-proper\/ \(see~\textup{\S\ref{maptypes}}\) and\/ ${\mathcal M}$ is
coherent then $f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal M}$ is coherent.
Let ${\mathscr J}\subset{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ and ${\mathscr I}\subset{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$ be ideals of definition
such that ${\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\subset{\mathscr J}$, and let\vspace{-1pt}
X_{n}\!:=({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n)
\xrightarrow{f_{\<n}^{}\>}({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}^n)=:Y_{n}\qquad(n>0)
be the scheme-maps induced by $f\<$, so that if $j_n$ and $i_n$ are the canonical
closed immersions then $fj_n=i_nf_{\<n}^{}$.
Let ${\mathcal M}_{n}\!:=\cH{om}({\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal M})$, so that
{\mathcal M}=\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal M}= \dirlm{n}\<{\mathcal M}_n=\dirlm{n}j_{n*}j_n^*\>{\mathcal M}_n\>.
Since ${\mathscr J}^{n}$ is a coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-ideal \cite[p.\,427]{GD}, therefore
${\mathcal M}_n$ is quasi-coherent (\Cref{C:images}(d)), and it is
straightforward to check that
$i_{n*}f_{\<n*}^{}j_n^*\>{\mathcal M}_n\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr Y})$. Thus, ${\mathscr X}$~being noetherian, and by
\Cref{qct=plump} below,
f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal M} = f_{\!*}\>\> \dirlm{n}\<{\mathcal M}_n\cong
\dirlm{n} f_{\!*}j_{n*}j_n^*\>{\mathcal M}_n =
\dirlm{n} i_{n*}f_{\<n*}^{}j_n^*\>{\mathcal M}_n \in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr Y}).
When $f$ is pseudo\kern.6pt-proper every
$f_{\<n}^{}$ is proper; and if ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ is coherent then so is $f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal M}$,
because for some $n$,
$f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal M}=f_{\!*}j_{n*}j_{n}^{*}\>{\mathcal M}_n=i_{n*}f_{\<n*}^{}j_n^*\>{\mathcal M}_n$.
Let\/ $Z$ be a closed subset of a locally noetherian scheme\/~$X\<,$ and let\/
$\kappa\colon{\mathscr X} \to X$ be the completion of\/ $X$ along $Z$. Then the functors\/
$\kappa^*$ and~$\kappa_*$ restrict to inverse isomorphisms between the
categories\/ ${\mathcal A}_Z(X)$ and\/ $\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X}),$\ and between the categories\/ $\A_{{\qc}Z}(X)$
and\/ $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X});\>$\ and if\/ ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ is coherent, then so is\/
$\kappa_*\>{\mathcal M}$.
Let ${\mathcal J}$ be a quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_X$-ideal such that the support of~${\mathcal O}_X/{\mathcal J}$
Applying $\dirlm{n}\!\!$ to the natural isomorphisms\vadjust{\kern-2pt}
\postdisplaypenalty 1000
\quad\kappa^*\cH{om}_X({\mathcal O}_X/{\mathcal J}^n\<\<,\>\>{\mathcal N}\>)\iso
\cH{om}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathcal J}^n{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\>,\>\kappa^*{\mathcal N}\>)
\qquad ({\mathcal N}\in{\mathcal A}(X),\ n>0)
we get a functorial isomorphism $\kappa^*\<\iGp{Z}\iso\iGp{{\mathscr X}}\kappa^*\<$,
and hence $\kappa^*({\mathcal A}_Z(X))\subset{\mathcal A}_t({\mathscr X})$.
Applying $\dirlm{n}\!\!$ to the natural isomorphisms\vadjust{\kern-1pt}
\cH{om}_X({\mathcal O}_X/{\mathcal J}^n\<\<,\>\kappa_*{\mathcal M})\iso
\kappa_*\cH{om}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathcal J}^n{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\>,\>{\mathcal M})\qquad({\mathcal M}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X}),\ n>0)
we get a functorial isomorphism
$\iGp{Z}\kappa_*\iso\kappa_*\iGp{{\mathscr X}}\>$, and hence
$\kappa_*({\mathcal A}_t({\mathscr X}))\subset{\mathcal A}_Z(X)$.
As $\kappa$ is a
pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map of locally noetherian formal schemes
((0) being an ideal of definition of~$X$),
we see as in the proof of \Pref{f-*(qct)} that
for~\mbox{${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$,} $\kappa_*\>{\mathcal M}$ is a \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$}
of quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_X$-modules, so is itself quasi-coherent, and
$\kappa_*\>{\mathcal M}$ is coherent whenever ${\mathcal M}$ is.%
\footnote{The noetherian assumption in \Lref{f-*(qct)} is needed
only for commutativity of $f_{\!*}$ with $\smash{\subdirlm{}}\!$, a
condition clearly satisfied by $f=\kappa$ in the present situation.\par}
Finally, examining stalks (see \S\ref{Gamma'}) we find that
the natural transformations ${\rm 1} \to \kappa_* \kappa^*$ and
$\kappa^* \kappa_* \to 1$ induce isomorphisms
\iGp{Z}{\mathcal N} \iso
\kappa_*\kappa^*\iGp{Z}{\mathcal N} \qquad & \bigl({\mathcal N} \in {\mathcal A}(X)\bigr)\<, \\
\kappa^* \kappa_*\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal M}\iso
\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal M} \qquad & \bigl({\mathcal M} \in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})\bigr)\<.
If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is a locally noetherian formal scheme then\/~$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ is
plump in\/~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ and closed under small\/ ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-colimits.%
{Actually, $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ is closed under \emph{all} ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-colimits---see
footnote under \Pref{A(vec-c)-A}.%
The assertions are local, and so, since $\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ is plump (\S\ref{Gamma'1}),
\Pref{iso-qct} (where
$\kappa^*$ commutes with~\smash{$\dirlm{}\!$}) enables reduction to
well-known facts about
$\A_{{\qc}Z}(X)\subset{\mathcal A}(X)$ with $X$ an affine noetherian (ordinary) scheme.
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme.
If\/ ${\mathcal M}$ is a quasi-coherent\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module then\/
$\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal M}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ is the\/ \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} of its coherent
submodules. In particular, $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})\subset\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$.
Let ${\mathscr J}$ be an ideal of definition of ${\mathscr X}\>$. For any positive integer~$n$,
let $X_{n}$ be the scheme~$({\mathscr X},
{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}/{\mathscr J}^n)$, let $j_n\colon X_{n}\to{\mathscr X}$ be the canonical closed
immersion, and let
${\mathcal M}_n\!:=\cH{om}({\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal M})\subset\iGp {\mathscr X}({\mathcal M})$, so that
${\mathcal M}_n\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ (\Cref{C:images}(d)). Then the quasi-coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\!X_{n}}\<$-module $j_n^*{\mathcal M}_n$ is the
$\smash{\dirlm{}}\!\!$\vspace{1pt} of its
coherent submodules \cite[p.\,319, (6.9.9)]{GD}, hence so is
$\>{\mathcal M}_n=j_{n*}j_n^*{\mathcal M}_n$\vspace{.6pt}
(since $j_n^*$ and $j_{n*}$ preserve both $\smash{\dirlm{}}\!\!$ and
\cite[p.\,115, (5.3.13) and~(5.3.15)]{GD}), and therefore so is
\mbox{$\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal M}=\smash{\dirlm{n}\!{\mathcal M}_n\>}$.} That
$\smash{\dirlm{n}\<\<{\mathcal M}_n\>}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$\vspace{1.5pt} results
from \Cref{qct=plump}.
For a locally noetherian formal scheme\/~${\mathscr X},$ the inclusion functor\/
$j^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\colon\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow {\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ has a right
adjoint\/~$Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$.\index{ ${\mathbf R}$@ {}$Q_{\mathscr X}$
(quasi-coherator)\vadjust{\penalty 10000}!$Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$|(} If\/ moreover\/ ${\mathscr X}$
is noetherian then\/ $Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$ commutes with\/
To show that $j^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$ has a right adjoint one can, in
view of \Cref{qct=plump} and \Lref{Gamma'+qc}, simply
apply the Special Adjoint Functor theorem.
More specifically, since
$\iGp{{\mathscr X}}$ is right-adjoint to the inclusion
$\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$, and $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\subset\A_{\qc}({\mathscr X})$
(\Cref{C:vec-c is qc}), it follows from \Lref{Gamma'+qc}
that the restriction of~$\iGp{{\mathscr X}}$ to $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ is right-adjoint to
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$; and by
\Pref{A(vec-c)-A}, $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ has a
right adjoint~$Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\>$; so $Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\!:=\iGp{{\mathscr X}}\smcirc Q_{\mathscr X}^{}$
is right-adjoint to~$j^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\>$. (Similarly,
$Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\smcirc \iGp {\mathscr X}$ is right-adjoint to~$j^{\mathrm
t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\>$.)
Commutativity with \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$}\vspace{1pt} means that for any small
directed system~$({\mathcal G}_\alpha)$ in~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ and any ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$,
the natural map
\phi\colon{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal M},\>\dirlm\alpha\<Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha)\to
{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal M},Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\>\dirlm\alpha\<{\mathcal G}_\alpha)
is an \emph{isomorphism}. This follows from \Lref{Gamma'+qc}, which allows us
to assume that ${\mathcal M}$ is coherent, in which case $\phi$ is isomorphic to
the natural composed isomorphism
\dirlm\alpha{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal M},\>Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha)\iso
\dirlm\alpha{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal M},\>{\mathcal G}_\alpha)\iso
{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal M},\>\dirlm\alpha\<{\mathcal G}_\alpha).
\emph{Remark.} For an ordinary noetherian scheme~$X$ we have
$Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<X}=Q_{\<\<X}^{}$\index{ ${\mathbf R}$@ {}$Q_{\mathscr X}$
(quasi-coherator)\vadjust{\penalty 10000}!$Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$|)} (see
\S\ref{SS:vc-and-qc}). More generally, if $\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to X$ is as in
\Pref{iso-qct}, then
$Q^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}=\kappa^*\<\iG {Z\>} Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_*$. Hence
\Pref{f-*(qct)} (applied to open immersions ${\mathscr X}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Y}$
with ${\mathscr X}$ affine) lets us construct the functor $Q^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr Y}}$ for
any noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr Y}$ by mimicking the construction for
ordinary schemes (cf.~ \cite[p.\, 187, Lemme 3.2]{I}.)
The preceding results carry over to derived categories.
From \Cref{qct=plump} it follows that on a locally noetherian formal
scheme~${\mathscr X}$, $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ is a triangulated subcategory of ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$, closed under
direct sums.
\hskip-1pt For a locally noetherian formal scheme\/ ${\mathscr X},$ set\/ $\A_{\mathrm t}\<\!:=\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X}),$\
the category of torsion\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-modules, and let\/
${\boldsymbol i}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm t}\<)\to {\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ be the natural \mbox{functor.}
\textup{(a)} An\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-complex\/~${\mathcal E}$ is in\/~$\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ iff the natural
map\/ ${\boldsymbol i}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal E}$ is a\/ ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$-isomorphism.
\textup{(b)} If\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})$ then\/ ${\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(\A_{\mathrm t}\<)$.
\textup{(c)} The functor ${\boldsymbol i}$ and its right adjoint ${\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}$ induce
quasi-inverse equivalences between\/ ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm t}\<)$ and\/~$\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ and between
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(\A_{\mathrm t}\<)$ and\/~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.%
\footnote{We may therefore sometimes abuse notation and write
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ instead of $\>{\boldsymbol i}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$; but the meaning should be clear
from the context.}
(a) For ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm t}\<)$ (e.g., ${\mathcal F}\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}$), any complex isomorphic to
${\boldsymbol i}{\mathcal F}$ is clearly in~$\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$.
Suppose conversely that ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$. The assertion that
${\boldsymbol i}{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}\cong{\mathcal E}$ is local, so we may assume that
${\mathscr X}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ where $A=\Gamma({\mathscr X},\>{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X})$ is a noetherian adic ring, so that
any defining ideal~${\mathscr J}$ of~${\mathscr X}$ is generated by a finite sequence in~$A$. Then
${\boldsymbol i}{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}\cong
{\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet\otimes\,{\mathcal E}$, where ${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet$%
\index{ ${\mathbf K}$ (homotopy category)@${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet$ (limit of Koszul
complexes)} is a bounded flat complex---a
\smash{$\>\dirlm{}\!\!$}\vadjust{\kern1pt} of Koszul complexes on powers of the
generators of~${\mathscr J}$---see \cite[p.\,18, Lemma 3.1.1]{AJL}.
So ${\boldsymbol i}{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}$ is a bounded functor, and the usual way-out argument reduces
the question to where
${\mathcal E}$ is a single torsion sheaf. But then it is immediate from the construction of
${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet$ that ${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet\<\otimes{\mathcal E}={\mathcal E}$.
(b) Again, we can assume that ${\mathscr X}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ and ${\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}$ is bounded,
and since $\A_{\qc}({\mathscr X})$ is plump in~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ (\Pref{(3.2.2)}) we can reduce to where
${\mathcal E}$ is a single quasi-coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module, though it is better to assume
only that
${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^+({\mathscr X})$, for then we may also assume ${\mathcal E}$ injective, so that
{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}\cong\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}=\dirlm{n>0\,\,\>}\cH{om}({\mathcal O}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal E}).
From \Cref{C:images}(d) it follows that
$\cH{om}({\mathcal O}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal E})\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$---for this assertion another way-out
argument reduces us again to where ${\mathcal E}$ is a single quasi-coherent
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module---and since homology commutes with \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} and
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$ is closed under \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} (\Cref{qct=plump}),
therefore ${\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}$ has quasi-coherent homology.
Assertion (c) results now from the following simple lemma.
Let\/ ${\mathcal A}$ be an abelian category, let\/
$j\colon{\mathcal A}_\flat\to{\mathcal A}$ be the inclusion of a plump subcategory such that $j$ has a right
adjoint\/~$\varGamma\<\<,$\ and let\/
${\boldsymbol j}\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}_\flat)\to{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A})$\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$} be the
derived-category extension of\/ $j$. Suppose that every\/ ${\mathcal A}$-complex has a
K-injective resolution, so that the derived functor\/
${\mathbf R}\varGamma\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}_\flat)$ exists. Then ${\mathbf R} \varGamma$ is
right-adjoint to~${\boldsymbol j}$. Furthermore, the following conditions are equivalent.
\item[(1)] ${\boldsymbol j}$ induces an equivalence of categories from\/ ${\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}_\flat)$
to\/ ${\mathbf D}_\flat({\mathcal A}),$ with quasi-inverse\/~
${\mathbf R}_\flat\varGamma\!:={\mathbf R}\varGamma|_{{\mathbf D}_\flat({\mathcal A})}$.\vadjust{\kern1pt}
\item[(2)] For every\/ ${\mathcal E}\in {\mathbf D}_\flat({\mathcal A})$ the natural map\/ ${\boldsymbol j}{\mathbf R}
\varGamma{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal E}$ is an isomorphism.\vadjust{\kern1pt}
\item[$(3)$] The functor\/~${\mathbf R}_\flat\varGamma$ is
bounded, and for\/ ${\mathcal E}_0\in
{\mathcal A}_\flat$ the natural map\/ ${\boldsymbol j}{\mathbf R} \varGamma{\mathcal E}_0\to{\mathcal E}_0$ is a\/
${\mathbf D}({\mathcal A})$-isomorphism.
When these conditions hold, every \/ ${\mathcal A}_\flat$-complex
has a K-injective resolution.
Since $\varGamma$ has an exact left adjoint, it takes K-injective
${\mathcal A}$-complexes to K-injective ${\mathcal A}_\flat$-complexes, whence there is a
bifunctorial isomorphism in the derived category of abelian groups
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathcal A}({\boldsymbol j}{\mathcal G},\>{\mathcal E})\iso{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal A}_\flat}({\mathcal G},\>{\mathbf R}\varGamma{\mathcal E})
\qquad\bigr({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}_\flat),\ {\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A})\bigl).
(To see this, one can assume ${\mathcal E}$ to be K-injective, and then drop the
${\mathbf R}$'s\dots\!\!) \:Apply homology $\mathrm H^0$ to this isomorphism to get
adjointness of ${\boldsymbol j}$ and~${\mathbf R}\varGamma\<$.
The implications $(1)\!\Rightarrow\!(3)\!\Rightarrow\!(2)$ are straightforward.
For $(2)\!\Rightarrow\!(1)$, one
needs that for ${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}_\flat)$ the natural map
${\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R}\varGamma{\boldsymbol j}{\mathcal G}$ is an isomorphism, or equivalently (look at
homology), that the corresponding map
${\boldsymbol j}{\mathcal G}\to{\boldsymbol j}{\mathbf R}\varGamma{\boldsymbol j}{\mathcal G}$ is an isomorphism. But the composition of
this last map with the isomorphism ${\boldsymbol j}{\mathbf R}\varGamma{\boldsymbol j}{\mathcal G}\iso{\boldsymbol j}{\mathcal G}$
(given by~(2)) is the identity, whence the conclusion.
Finally, if ${\mathcal G}$ is an ${\mathcal A}_\flat$-complex and $j{\mathcal G}\to {\mathcal J}$ is a K-injective
${\mathcal A}$-resolution, then as before $\varGamma\<{\mathcal J}$ is a K-injective
${\mathcal A}_\flat$-complex; and (1) implies that the natural composition\looseness=-1
{\mathcal G}\to\varGamma\< j{\mathcal G}\to\varGamma\< {\mathcal J}\ (\:\cong {\mathbf R}\varGamma{\boldsymbol j} {\mathcal G})
is a ${\mathbf D}({\mathcal A}_\flat)$-isomorphism, hence an ${\mathcal A}_\flat$-K-injective resolution.
For any complexes\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ and\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$
the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\to{\mathcal F}$ induces an isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}, {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\>)\iso{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}, {\mathcal F}\>).
Consideration of homology presheaves shows it sufficient that for each affine
open ${\mathscr U}\subset{\mathscr X}$, the natural map
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr U})}\bigl({\mathcal E}|_{\mathscr U}\>,\>({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\>)|_{\mathscr U}\bigr)
\to{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr U})}\bigl({\mathcal E}|_{\mathscr U}\>,\>{\mathcal F}|_{\mathscr U}\bigr)
be an isomorphism. But since ${\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}$ commutes with restriction to~${\mathscr U}$,
that is a direct consequence of \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(c) (with ${\mathscr X}$
replaced by~${\mathscr U}$).
Parts (b) and (c) of the following Proposition will be generalized in
parts (d) and~(b), respectively, of \Pref{P:f* and Gamma}.
Let\/ $Z$ be a closed subset of a locally noetherian scheme\/~$X\<,$ and let\/
$\kappa\colon{\mathscr X} \to X$ be the completion of\/ $X$ along $Z$. Then$\>:$
\textup{(a)} The exact functors\/
$\kappa^*$ and~$\kappa_*$ restrict to inverse isomorphisms between the
categories\/ ${\mathbf D}_{\<Z}(X)$ and\/ $\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X}),$\ and between the categories\/
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)$ and\/ $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X});\>$\ and if\/ ${\mathcal M}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ has coherent
homology, then so does\/ $\kappa_*\>{\mathcal M}$.
\textup{(b)} There is a unique derived-category isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\iGp Z\kappa_*{\mathcal E}\iso \kappa_*{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\qquad\:\bigl({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\bigr)
whose composition with the natural map
$\kappa_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\to\kappa_*{\mathcal E}$ is just the natural map
\mbox{${\mathbf R}\iGp Z\kappa_*{\mathcal E}\to\kappa_*{\mathcal E}$.}
\textup{(c)} There is a unique derived-category isomorphism
\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F} \iso{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}(X)\bigr)
whose composition with the natural map ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\to\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}$
is just the natural map \mbox{$\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F}\to\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}$.}
The assertions in (a) follow at once from \Pref{iso-qct}.
(b) Since $\kappa_*$ has an exact left adjoint (namely~$\kappa^*$),
therefore $\kappa_*$ transforms \mbox{K-injective} ${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$-complexes into
K-injective ${\mathcal A}(X)$-complexes, and consequently the isomorphism in~(b) results
from the isomorphism $\iGp Z\kappa_*\iso \kappa_*\iGp{\mathscr X}$ in the proof
of \Pref{iso-qct}. That the composition in~(b) is as
asserted comes down then to the elementary fact that the natural
\cH{om}_X({\mathcal O}_X/{\mathcal J}^n\<\<,\>\kappa_*{\mathcal M})\iso
\kappa_*\cH{om}_{\>{\mathscr X}}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathcal J}^n{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\>,\>{\mathcal M})\longrightarrow \kappa_*{\mathcal M}
(see proof of \Pref{iso-qct}) is just the obvious map.
Since $\kappa_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}_{\<Z}(X)$ (by~(a) and
\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a)), the uniqueness
assertion (for the inverse isomorphism)
results from adjointness of~${\mathbf R}\iGp Z$ and the inclusion
${\mathbf D}_{\<Z}(X)\hookrightarrow {\mathbf D}(X)$. (The proof is similar to that of
(c) Using (b), we have the natural composed map
\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F} \to \kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z\kappa_*\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\iso
\kappa^*\kappa_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\to{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}.
Showing this to be an isomorphism is a local problem, so
assume $X={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ with $A$ a noetherian adic ring. Let
$K_\infty^\bullet$ be the usual
\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$}\vspace{.8pt} of Koszul
complexes on powers of a finite system of
generators\vadjust{\kern.4pt} of an ideal of definition of~$A$
(\cite[\S3.1]{AJL}); and let \smash{$\widetilde K_\infty^\bullet$} be the
corresponding quasi-coherent complex on ${\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$, so that the complex
${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet$%
\index{ ${\mathbf K}$ (homotopy category)@${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet$ (limit of Koszul
complexes)} in the proof of \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a) is
just~\smash{$\kappa^*\widetilde K_\infty^\bullet$.} Then one checks via~
\cite[p.\,18, Lemma~(3.1.1)]{AJL} that the map in question is
isomorphic to the natural isomorphism of complexes
\kappa^*(\widetilde K_\infty^\bullet\otimes_{{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}}\<{\mathcal F}\>)\iso
\kappa^*\widetilde K_\infty^\bullet\otimes_{{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}}\<\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}.
That the composition in (c) is as asserted results from the following
natural commutative diagram, whose bottom row composes to the identity:
\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F}
@>>> \kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z\kappa_*\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>>\kappa^*\kappa_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}
@>>>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F} \\
@VVV @VV\hskip3.5em\textup{(b)}V @VVV @VVV \\
\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}
@>>>\kappa^*\kappa_*\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}
@= \kappa^*\kappa_*\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}
@>>>\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}
Uniqueness is shown as in (b).
The natural maps are isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}({\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>)
&\cong{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}({\mathcal E},\kappa_*\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal E},\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)
\quad&&\bigl({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}_{\<Z}(X),\, {\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}(X)\bigr), \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}({\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>)
&\cong{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}({\mathcal E},\kappa_*\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal E},\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)
\quad&&\bigl({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}(X),\, {\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}_{\<Z}(X)\bigr), \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal G},\>\H\>)
&\cong{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*\kappa_*{\mathcal G},\>\H\>)\cong
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}(\kappa_*{\mathcal G},\kappa_*\H\>)
\quad&&\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X}),\, \H\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
For the first line, use
\Pref{Gamma'(qc)} and its analogue for ${\mathbf D}_{\<Z}(X)$,
\Lref{L:j-gamma-eqvce}, and \Pref{Gammas'+kappas} to get the
equivalent sequence of natural isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}({\mathcal E},{\mathcal F}\>)&\cong {\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}({\mathcal E},{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\cong {\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal E},\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp Z{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\cong {\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal E},{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\cong{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa^*{\mathcal E}, \kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\cong{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\<X\<}({\mathcal E},\kappa_*\kappa^*\<{\mathcal F}\>).
The rest is immediate from \Pref{Gammas'+kappas}(a).
The next series of results concerns the behavior of $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}$ with respect to maps
of formal schemes.
Let $f\colon {\mathscr X} \to {\mathscr Y}$ be a map of noetherian formal
schemes. Then\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}$ is bounded, and
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*} \bigl(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\bigr) \subset \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y}).
Moreover, if\/ $f$ is
pseudo\kern.6pt-proper and\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ has coherent homology, then\/
so does ${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y})$.
Since $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\subset\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ (\Lref{Gamma'+qc}), the boundedness
assertion is given by \Pref{Rf_*bounded}(b). (Clearly, ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ is
bounded-below.) It suffices then for the next assertion (by the usual way-out
arguments \cite[p.\,73, Proposition 7.3]{H1}) to show for any ${\mathcal M}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ that
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal M}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})$.
Let ${\mathcal E}$ be an injective resolution of~${\mathcal M}$, let ${\mathscr J}$ be an ideal of
definition of~${\mathscr X}$, and let ${\mathcal E}_n$ be the flasque complex ${\mathcal E}_n\!:=
\cH{om}({\mathcal O}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal E})$. Then by \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a),
\mbox{${\mathcal M}\cong{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}{\mathcal M}\cong \smash{\dirlm{}\!\<_n\>\>{\mathcal E}_n}\>$.}
Since ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian,
\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$}'s of flasque sheaves are \mbox{$f_{\!*}$-acyclic} and
\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} commutes with~$f_{\!*}\>$;
so with notation as in the proof of \Pref{f-*(qct)},
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} {\mathcal M}\cong{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}{\mathcal M}
f_{\!*}\>\dirlm{n}\<{\mathcal E}_n
\dirlm{n}\<f_{\!*}j_{n*}j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n
\dirlm{n} i_{n*}f_{\<n*}^{}j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n\>.
Since ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^+({\mathscr X})$, therefore
j_{n*}j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n=\cH{om}({\mathcal O}/{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal E})\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X}),
as we see by way-out reduction to where ${\mathcal E}$ is a single quasi-coherent
sheaf and then by \Cref{C:images}(d); and hence
$j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_{n})$ (see \cite[p.\,115, (5.3.15)]{GD}).
Now $j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n$~is a flasque bounded-below ${\mathcal O}_{\!X_{\<n}}$-complex, so
by way-out reduction to (for example) \cite[p.\,643, corollary~11]{Ke},
f_{\<n*}^{}j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n\cong
{\mathbf R} f_{\<n*}^{}j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y_{n});
and finally, in view of \Cref{qct=plump},
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal M}\cong i_{n*}\>\dirlm{n}\< f_{\<n*}^{}j_n^*{\mathcal E}_n
\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y}).
For the last assertion, we reduce as before to showing for each coherent
torsion ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$-module~${\mathcal M}$ and each $p\ge0$ that
${R}^p\!f_{\!*}{\mathcal M}\!:= H^p{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal M}$ is a
coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$-module. With notation remaining as in \Pref{f-*(qct)},
the maps $i_n$ and $j_n$
are exact, and for some $n$, \mbox{${\mathcal M}=j_{n*}j_n^*{\mathcal M}_n$.} So
R^p\!f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal M}=R^p\!f_{\!*}\>j_{n*}j_n^*{\mathcal M}_n=
i_{n*}R^p\!f_{n*}\>j_n^*{\mathcal M}_n,
which is coherent since $j_n^*{\mathcal M}_n$ is a coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\!X_n}$-module
and $f_n\colon X_n\to Y_n$ is a proper scheme-map.
Let\/ $f_0\colon X\to Y$ be a map of locally noetherian schemes, let\/
$W\subset Y$ and\/ $Z\subset f_0^{-1}W$ be closed subsets, with associated
\(\kern.5pt flat\) completion
maps\/ $\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{{\phantom{.}}}\colon{\mathscr Y}=Y_{\</W}\to Y\<, \,$
$\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{{\phantom{.}}}\colon{\mathscr X}=X_{\</Z}\to X\<,$ and let\/
$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be the map induced by~$f_0\>$. For\/
${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}(X)$ let
\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}\colon\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}\to {\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}
be the map adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R} f_{\!0*}{\mathcal E}\longrightarrow{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\iso
\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom*}{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}.
Then\/ $\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}$ is an isomorphism for all\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)$ .
$\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}$ is the composition of the natural maps
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\!0*}{\mathcal E}\to
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}\iso
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom*}{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}
\to {\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}.
By \Pref{Gammas'+kappas}, the first map and (in view of
\Pref{Rf-*(qct)}) the third~map are both isomorphisms.
\begin{sprop}\label{P:f* and Gamma}
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a map of locally noetherian formal schemes.
Let\/ ${\mathscr I}$ be a coherent\/ ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$-ideal, and let ${\mathbf D}_{\mathscr I}({\mathscr Y})$ be the
triangulated subcategory of\/~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ whose objects are the
complexes\/~${\mathcal F}$ with\/ ${\mathscr I}$-torsion homology\/ \textup(i.e.,
$\iG{\mathscr I}\<\<H^i{\mathcal F}=H^i{\mathcal F}$ for all\/ $i\in\mathbb Z$---see
\S\S\textup{\ref{S:prelim}} and\/~\textup{\ref{Gamma'1}).} Then$\>:$
\textup{(a)} ${\mathbf L} f^*\<({\mathbf D}_{\mathscr I}({\mathscr Y}))\subset{\mathbf D}_{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathscr X})$.
\textup{(b)} There is a unique
functorial isomorphism
\hskip100pt \xi({\mathcal E})\colon{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}{\mathcal E}\iso {\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathbf L}
f^*{\mathcal E}
\qquad \ \bigl({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
whose composition with the natural map\/
${\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}\to{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}$ is
the natural map\/ ${\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}\<$.
\textup{(c)} The natural map is an isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\> {\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E}\iso {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\> {\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}
\qquad \ \bigl({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
\textup{(d)} If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian, there is a unique
functorial isomorphism
\hskip100pt{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}\<{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G} \iso {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G}\qquad
\ \bigl({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr X})\bigr)
whose composition with the natural map\/
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G}$ is
the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}\<{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G}$.
(a) Let ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}_{\mathscr I}({\mathscr Y})$. To show that ${\mathbf L}
f^*\<{\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}_{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathscr X})$ we may assume that ${\mathcal F}$~is K-injective.
Let $x\in{\mathscr X}$, set $y\!:= f(x)$, and let $P_{\<x}^\bullet$ be a flat
resolution of the ${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr Y}\<,y}$-module~${\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}\<,x}\>$. Then, as in
the proof of \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a), there is a canonical
${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$-isomorphism
\dirlm{n} \cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}^n\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)=\iG{\mathscr I}\<{\mathcal F}={\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}\<{\mathcal F}\iso{\mathcal F},
and it follows that for any~$i$ the stalk at~$x$ of the homology~$H^i{\mathbf L}
f^*\<{\mathcal F}$ is
\textup H^i\bigl(P_{\<x}^\bullet\otimes_{{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr Y}\<,y}}
{\mathcal F}^{\phantom{.}}_{\!y} \bigr)
=\dirlm{n}\textup H^i\bigl(P_{\<x}^\bullet\otimes_{{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr Y}\<,y}}
{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr Y}\<,y}}({\mathcal O}^{\phantom{.}}_{{\mathscr Y}\<,y}/{\mathscr I}^n_{\!y}\>,
\>{\mathcal F}^{\phantom{.}}_{\!y})\bigr).
Hence each element of the stalk is annihilated by a power
of~${\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}\<,x}\>$, and (a) results.
(b) The existence and uniqueness of a functorial map $\xi({\mathcal E})$ satisfying
everything except the isomorphism property result from (a) and the fact that
${\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\<\<}$ is right-adjoint to the inclusion
${\mathbf D}_{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}\<\<({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$.
To show that $\xi({\mathcal E})$ is an isomorphism we may assume that ${\mathscr Y}$ is affine and
that ${\mathcal E}$ is K-flat, and then proceed as in the proof of (the special case)
\Pref{Gammas'+kappas}(c), via the bounded flat complex $K_\infty^\bullet\>$.
(c) Let ${\mathscr I}$, ${\mathscr J}$ be defining ideals of~${\mathscr Y}$ and~${\mathscr X}$ respectively, so that
${\mathcal K}\!:={\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\subset{\mathscr J}$. The natural map
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathcal K}:={\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr J}{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathcal K}\to{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr J}=:{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}
is an \emph{isomorphism,} as one checks locally via
~\cite[p.\,20, Corollary~(3.1.3)]{AJL}. So for any ${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$,
(b) gives
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal E}
\cong {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathcal K}{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal E}
\cong {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf L} f^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathcal E}.
(d) ${\mathcal G}$ may be assumed bounded-below and injective, so that
{\mathcal G}_n\!:=\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr I}^n{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\>,\>{\mathcal G})
is flasque.
Then, since ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian,
$\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G}=\smash{\dirlm{}\!\mkern-1.5mu _n\>\>{\mathcal G}_n}\>$
is flasque too, and
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G}\cong
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G}\cong f_{\!*}\mkern1.5mu{\dirlm{n}{\mathcal G}_n}
\cong {\dirlm{n}\<f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal G}_n}\in{\mathbf D}_{\mathscr I}({\mathscr Y}).
By \Lref{L:j-gamma-eqvce}, ${\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}$ (resp.~${\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\<\<}$) is
right-adjoint to the inclusion
\mbox{${\mathbf D}_{\mathscr I}({\mathscr Y})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$}
(resp.~${\mathbf D}_{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$),
whence, in particular, the uniqueness in~(d).
Moreover, in view of~(a), for any
${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}_{\mathscr I}({\mathscr Y})$ the natural maps are isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal E},\>{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}\<{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G})
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G})
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal G}) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G})
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G}).
It follows formally that the image under this composed isomorphism of the
identity map of~${\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}\<{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G}$
is an isomorphism as asserted. (In fact this
isomorphism is adjoint to the composition
${\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr I}\<\<{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}
\xrightarrow[\xi({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G})]{}
{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}
{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal G}.\>)$
\begin{sdef}\label{D:Dtilde}\index{ ${\mathbf D}$ (derived category)!z@${ \widetilde
{\vbox to5pt{\vss\hbox{$\mathbf D$}}}_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}} }$}
For a locally noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$,
\wDqc({\mathscr X})\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{}^{-1}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X}))
is the $\Delta$-subcategory of ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ whose objects are those complexes~${\mathcal F}$
such that ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})$---or equivalently, ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.
(1) By \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(b), $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})\subset\wDqc({\mathscr X})$. Hence
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\bigl(\>\wDqc({\mathscr X})\bigr)\subset\wDqc({\mathscr X}).
(2) Since ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ is idempotent (see \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}), the vertex of any
triangle based on the canonical map ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal E}\ ({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X}))$ is
annihilated by ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$. It follows that $\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ is the smallest
$\Delta$-subcategory of~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ containing $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ and all complexes~${\mathcal F}$
such that ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}=0$.\vspace{1.5pt}
(3) The functor ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to {\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ has a
right adjoint\index{ $\mathbf {La}$@${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ (homology localization)}
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}(-)\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,-).
Indeed, there are natural functorial isomorphisms for ${\mathcal E},{\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$,
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\<}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
&\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\<}({\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\\
&\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\<}\bigl({\mathcal E},\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr).
(Whether the natural map \smash{${\mathcal E}\Otimes{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}$}
is an isomorphism\vspace{1.3pt} is a local question, dealt with e.g., in
\cite[p.\,20, Corollary~(3.1.2)]{AJL}. \vspace{.8pt} The second isomorphism
is given, e.g., by \cite[p.\,147, Proposition 6.6\,(1)]{Sp}.)\vspace{.5pt}
There is a natural isomorphism ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}^{}$ (see (d) in
\Rref{R:Gamma-Lambda} below), and consequently
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}^{}\bigl(\>\wDqc({\mathscr X})\bigr)\subset\wDqc({\mathscr X}).
(4) \emph{If\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^-({\mathscr X})$ and\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ then\/
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$, and hence\/
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$.} Indeed, the natural map
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\>)\to{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
is an \emph{isomorphism,} since for any
${\mathcal G}$ in $\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$, $\>\smash{{\mathcal G}\Otimes{\mathcal E}}\in\D_{\mathrm t}\<(X)$ (an assertion which can
be checked locally, using
\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a) and the complex~${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet$ in its
proof), so that there is a sequence of natural isomorphisms (see
{\mathrm {Hom}}\bigl({\mathcal G}, {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)
{\mathrm {Hom}}\bigl({\mathcal G}, {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}\bigl(\smash{\smash{{\mathcal G}\Otimes{\mathcal E}}}\<, {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\bigr) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}\bigl(\smash{{\mathcal G}\Otimes{\mathcal E}}\<, {\mathcal F}\bigr) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}\bigl({\mathcal G}, {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)\\
{\mathrm {Hom}}\bigl({\mathcal G}, {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr).
Since $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ is plump in~${\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ (\Cref{qct=plump}),
\Pref{P:Rhom} shows that
\mbox{${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\>)\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$,} whence
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$.
From (3) and the natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\cong
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\Otimes{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\cong
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}^{}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
we see then that
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\in\wDqc({\mathscr X}).
(5) For ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ it holds that
{\mathcal F}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})\iff{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J},\>{\mathcal F}\>)\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})
\text{ for all defining
ideals~${\mathscr J}$ of~${\mathscr X}$.}
The implication $\implies$ is given, in view of \Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma},
by \Pref{P:Rhom};
and the converse is given by \Lref{Gam as holim},
since \Cref{qct=plump} implies that $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ is a $\Delta$-subcategory of
${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ closed under direct sums.
(6)\vspace{.7pt} Let $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a map of locally noetherian formal
schemes. For any ${\mathcal F}\in\wDqc({\mathscr Y})$,
\Lref{Gamma'+qc} and \Pref{P:Lf*-vc} give
{\mathbf L} f^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathcal F}\in {\mathbf L} f^*(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y}))\subset{\mathbf L}
f^*(\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y}))\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})\subset\wDqc({\mathscr X}),
and so
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf L} f^*\<{\mathcal F}
\underset{\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(c)}}\cong
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}).$
{\mathbf L} f^*\bigl(\>\wDqc({\mathscr Y})\bigr)\subset\wDqc({\mathscr X}).
\begin{scor}\label{C:f* and Gamma}
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be an adic map of locally noetherian formal schemes.
\textup{(a)} ${\mathbf L} f^*\<(\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y}))\subset\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$.
\textup{(b)} ${\mathbf L} f^*\<(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y}))\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.
\textup{(c)} There is a unique
functorial isomorphism
{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E}\iso {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}
\qquad \ \bigl({\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
whose composition with the natural map\/
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}\to{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}$ is
the natural map\/ ${\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathbf L} f^*{\mathcal E}$. There results a conjugate
isomorphism of right-adjoint functors
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\iso {\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
whose composition with the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}$
is the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\to{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}$.
\textup{(d)} If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian then there is a unique
functorial isomorphism
\hskip100pt{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G} \iso {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\qquad
\ \bigl({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr X})\textup{ or }\>{\mathcal G}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})\bigr)
whose composition with the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G}$ is
the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathcal G}$.
\textup{(e)} If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian then\/
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\<\bigl(\>\wDqc({\mathscr X})\bigr)\subset\wDqc({\mathscr Y}).$
To get (a) and (c) take ${\mathscr I}$ in \Pref{P:f* and
Gamma} to be an ideal of definition of~${\mathscr Y}$.
(The second assertion in (c) is left to the reader.) As
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\<=\>\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr Y})\cap\>\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y})$ (\Cref{C:vec-c is qc} and
\Lref{Gamma'+qc}), (b) follows from (a) and \Pref{P:Lf*-vc}.
The same choice of~$\>{\mathscr I}$ gives (d) for ${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr X})$---and the
argument also works for \smash{${\mathcal G}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$} once one notes that
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\<\bigl(\>\wDqc({\mathscr X})\bigr)
\subset{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\<\bigl(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\bigr)
\underset{\mathstrut\text{\ref{Rf-*(qct)}}}\subset \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})\subset\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y}).
The isomorphism in (d) gives (e) via \Pref{Rf-*(qct)}.
\begin{scor} \label{C:kappa-f*t'}
In \Cref{C:kappa-f*t}\textup{,} if\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is noetherian and\/
$Z= f_0^{-1}W$ then for all\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$ the map\/
$\theta_{\<{\mathcal F}}'\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}(\theta_{\<{\mathcal F}}\<)$ is an isomorphism
\theta_{\<{\mathcal F}}'\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}\iso
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\mathcal F}.
Arguing as in \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}, we find that
${\mathbf R}\iG Z\>{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)$, so that we have the isomorphism
$\theta_{{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal F}}$ of \Cref{C:kappa-f*t}.\vspace{1pt}
Imitating the proof of~ \Cref{C:f* and Gamma}, we get an
\alpha_{\<{\mathcal F}}^{}\colon{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iG Z\>{\mathcal F}\iso{\mathbf R}\iG W{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}
whose composition with the natural map
${\mathbf R}\iG W{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}\to{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}$ is the natural map
${\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iG Z\>{\mathcal F}\to{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}$.
Consider then the diagram
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iG Z\>{\mathcal F} @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>
\smash{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*(\<\alpha_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}^{}\<)}>
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R}\iG W{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\smash{\textup{\ref{Gammas'+kappas}(c)}}>
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}@>\textup{nat'l}>>
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathcal F}\\
@V\theta_{{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal F}} V \simeq V @. @V(1)\hskip8.8em V\theta_{\!{\mathcal F}}'V
@VV\theta_{\!{\mathcal F}}^{} V\\
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z\>{\mathcal F} @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\textup{\ref{Gammas'+kappas}(c)}>
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\mathcal F} @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\textup{\ref{C:f* and Gamma}(d)}>
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\mathcal F} @>>\textup{nat'l}>
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\mathcal F}\\
It suffices to show that subdiagram (1) commutes; and
since ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}$ is right-adjoint to the inclusion $\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$
it follows that it's enough to show that the outer border of the diagram commutes.
But it is straightforward to check that the top and bottom rows compose to the
maps induced by the natural map ${\mathbf R}\iG Z\to\bf 1$, whence the conclusion.
From the following key \Pref{1!}---generalizing the noetherian
case of
\cite[p.\,12, Proposition~(1.3)]{AJL}---there will result, for complexes
with quasi-coherent torsion homology, a stronger version of the
Duality \Tref{prop-duality}, see \Sref{S:t-duality}.
Recall what it means for a noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$ to
be \emph{separated} (\S\ref{note1}).
Recall also from \Cref{C:Qt} that the inclusion functor\/
$j^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\colon\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow {\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ has a right
adjoint\/~$Q^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$.
\label{1!}Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a noetherian formal scheme.
\textup{(a)} The extension
of\/~$j^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$ induces an \emph{equivalence of
categories}\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$!${\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}$}
{\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<{\mathscr X}}\colon{\mathbf D}^+(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})){{\mkern8mu\longrightarrow
\mkern-25.5mu{}^\approx\mkern17mu}}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X}),
with bounded quasi-inverse\/ $\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})}$.\vspace{1pt}
\textup{(b)} If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is separated, or of finite Krull dimension, then
the extension of\/~$j^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$ induces an \emph{equivalence of
{\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<{\mathscr X}}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})){{\mkern8mu\longrightarrow
\mkern-25.5mu{}^\approx\mkern17mu}}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),
with bounded quasi-inverse\/ $\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}$.
(a) The asserted equivalence is
given by \cite[Theorem 4.8]{Ye}. The idea is that $\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$ contains enough
$\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$-injectives \cite[Proposition 4.2]{Ye}, so by
\cite[p.\,47, Proposition 4.8]{H1}, ${\mathbf D}^+(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))$ is equivalent to
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^+(\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X}))$, which is equivalent to~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(c)).
Since $\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}$\vspace{.4pt} is right-adjoint to
${\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<{\mathscr X}}$ (\Lref{L:j-gamma-eqvce}),
its restriction to $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$ is quasi-inverse to
${\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<{\mathscr X}}|_{{\mathbf D}^+(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))}$.
From the resulting isomorphism
\iota^{}_{\mathcal E}\colon{\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<{\mathscr X}}\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}\iso{\mathcal E}\qquad
({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X}))
we see that if $H^i{\mathcal E}=0$ then $H^i\> \RQ^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}=0$, so that
$\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})}$ is bounded.
(b) By \Lref{L:j-gamma-eqvce}, and having the isomorphism~$\iota^{}_{\mathcal E}$,
we need only show that
$\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{\mathscr X}$~is bounded on~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.
Suppose that ${\mathscr X}$ is the completion of a
separated ordinary noetherian scheme~$X$ along some closed subscheme, and let
$\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to X$ be the completion map, so that
$Q^{\mathrm t}_{{\mathscr X}}=\kappa^*\<\iG Z Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_*^{}$ (see remark
following \Cref{C:Qt}). The exact functor~$\kappa_*^{}$ preserves K-injectivity,
since it has an exact left adjoint, namely~$\kappa^*\<$. Similarly
$Q_{\<\<X}$~transforms K-injective
${\mathcal A}(X)$-complexes into K-injective
$\A_{\qc}(X)$-complexes. Hence
$\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{\mathscr X}\cong \kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z^{\!\!\textup{qc}}\>{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_*^{}$,
where $\iG Z^{\!\!\textup{qc}}\colon\A_{\qc}(X)\to\A_{{\qc}Z}(X)$ is the restriction
of~$\iG Z\>$.
Now by the proof of
\cite[p.\,12, Proposition~(1.3)]{AJL}, ${\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}$ is bounded on
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)\supset\kappa_*{}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ (\Pref{Gammas'+kappas}). Also, by
\cite[p.\,24, Lemma (3.2.3)]{AJL}, ${\mathbf R}\iG Z$ is
bounded; and hence by \cite[p.\,26, Proposition (3.2.6)]{AJL}, so is
$\iG Z^{\!\!\textup{qc}}\<$. Thus $\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{\mathscr X}$ is bounded on~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.
In the general separated case, one proceeds by induction on the least number\- of
affine open subsets covering ${\mathscr X}$, as in
the proof of \cite[p.\,12, Proposition~(1.3)]{AJL} (which is \Pref{1!} for
${\mathscr X}$ an ordinary scheme), \emph{mutatis mutandis}---namely, substitute ``${\mathscr X}\>$"
for ``$\<X\<$,\!" ``qct" for ``qc," ``$Q^{\mathrm t}$" for ``$Q$,\!" and recall for
a map~\mbox{$v\colon{\mathscr V}\to{\mathscr X}$} of noetherian formal schemes that
\mbox{$v_*(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr V}))\subset\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$} (\Pref{f-*(qct)}), and
furthermore that if $v$ is affine then $v_*|_{\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr V})}$ is \emph{exact}
(Lemmas~\ref{Gamma'+qc} and~\ref{affine-maps}).
A similar procedure works when the Krull dimension $\dim{\mathscr X}$ is
finite, but now the induction is
on $n({\mathscr X})\!:={}$least $n$ such that ${\mathscr X}$ has an open covering
${\mathscr X}=\cup_{i=1}^n{\mathscr U}_i$ where for each~$i$ there is a
separated ordinary noetherian scheme $U_i$ such that ${\mathscr U}_i$~is isomorphic
to the completion of $U_i$ along
one of its closed subschemes. (This property of ${\mathscr U}_i$ is inherited by any of its
open subsets).
The case $n({\mathscr X})=1$ has just been done. Consider, for any open
immersion $v\colon{\mathscr V}\hookrightarrow {\mathscr X}$, the functor
$v_*^{\mathrm{qct}}\!:= v_*|_{\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr V})}$.
To complete the induction as in the proof of
\cite[p.\,12, Proposition~(1.3)]{AJL},
one needs to show that \emph{the derived functor
${\mathbf R} v_*^{\mathrm{qct}}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr V}))\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$
is bounded above.}
For $\>{\mathcal N}\in\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr V})$, let $\>{\mathcal N}\to{\mathcal J}^\bullet\>$ be an
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<$-injective---hence flasque---resolution
\cite[Proposition 4.2]{Ye}. Now
$H^i{\mathbf R}v_*^{\mathrm{qct}}({\mathcal N})$ is the sheafification of the presheaf sending~
${\mathscr W}\subset{\mathscr X}$ to
$\textup{H}^i\Gamma({\mathscr W}\cap{\mathscr V},\> {\mathcal J}^\bullet)=\textup H^i({\mathscr W}\cap{\mathscr V},\>{\mathcal N})$,
which vanishes when $i>\dim{\mathscr X}$, whence the conclusion (\cite[Proposition
(2.7.5)]{Derived categories}).
Let $(X, {\mathcal O}_{\<\<X})$ be a ringed space, and let ${\mathcal J}$ be an
${\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}$-ideal. The next Lemma,
expressing ${\mathbf R}\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$ as a ``homotopy colimit,"
\index{ $\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$ (torsion
functor)!${\mathbf R}\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$ as homotopy
colimit|(} lifts back to ${\mathbf D}(X)$ the well-known relation
H^i{\mathbf R}\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal G}=
\dirlm{n}\text{\emph{${\mathcal E}\<$xt}}^i_{{\mathcal O}_X}({\mathcal O}_X/\<{\mathcal J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal G})
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in {\mathbf D}(X)\bigr).
Define ${\boldsymbol h}_n\colon{\mathbf D}(X)\to{\mathbf D}(X)$~by
{\boldsymbol h}_n({\mathcal G})\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/\<{\mathcal J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal G})\qquad\bigl(n\ge1,\
{\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}(X)\bigr).
There are natural functorial maps $s_n\colon {\boldsymbol h}_n\to {\boldsymbol h}_{n+1}$ and
$\varepsilon_n\colon {\boldsymbol h}_n\to{\mathbf R} \iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$, satisfying
The family
(1,-s_m)\colon {\boldsymbol h}_m\to {\boldsymbol h}_m\oplus {\boldsymbol h}_{m+1} \subset \oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n
\qquad(m\ge 1)
defines a natural map $s\colon {\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n}\to\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n$.
There results, for each ${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}(X)$, a map of triangles
\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G} @>s>> \oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G} @>>> \textup{??} @>+>> \\
@VVV @VV \<\sum\!\varepsilon_n V @VV\overline\varepsilon V \\
0 @>>> {\mathbf R} \iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal G} @= {\mathbf R} \iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal G} @>+>>
\label{Gam as holim}
The map\/ $\overline{\varepsilon}$ is a\/ ${\mathbf D}(X)$-isomorphism, and so
we have a triangle
\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G} @>s>> \oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G}
@>\sum\!\varepsilon_n>> {\mathbf R}\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal G} @>+>>
In the exact homology sequence
\cdots\to H^i\bigl(\!\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G}\bigr)
\overset{\sigma^i}{\longrightarrow} H^i\bigl(\!\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G}\bigr)
\longrightarrow H^i\bigl(\textup{??}\bigr)
\longrightarrow H^{i+1}\bigl(\!\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G}\bigr)
the map $\sigma^i$ is injective, as can be verified stalkwise at each
$x\in X$. Assuming, as one may, that ${\mathcal G}$ is K-injective, one deduces
H^i(\textup{??}) = \dirlm{n}\! H^i({\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G})=H^i\>\>\dirlm{n}\! ({\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal G})
= H^i\>\>\dirlm{n}\!\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/\<{\mathcal J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal G})=H^i({\mathbf R}\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}{\mathcal G}),
whence the assertion.
\index{ $\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$ (torsion
functor)!${\mathbf R}\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$ as homotopy
\section{Duality for torsion sheaves.}
Paragraph~\ref{T:qct-duality} contains the proof of \Tref{Th2}
(section~\ref{S:prelim}), that is, of two
essentially equivalent forms of Torsion Duality%
\index{Grothendieck Duality!Torsion (global)} on formal
schemes---\Tref{T:qct-duality} and~
\Cref{C:f*gam-duality}. The rest of the paragraph deals with numerous relations
among the functors which have been introduced, and with compatibilities among
dualizing functors occurring before and after completion of maps of ordinary
More can be said for complexes with coherent homology, thanks to Greenlees-May
duality.\index{Greenlees-May Duality} This is done in
Paragraph~\ref{SS:Gam-Lam} discusses additional relations involving
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ and its right adjoint
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,-)$ on a locally noetherian formal
scheme~${\mathscr X}$.
\textup{(a)} Let\/ $f\colon\<{\mathscr X} \to {\mathscr Y}$ be a map of noetherian formal schemes.
Assume that\/ $f$ is separated, or\/ ${\mathscr X}$ has finite Krull
dimension, or else restrict~to bounded-below complexes.
Then the\/ \hbox{$\Delta$-functor\/}
\mbox{$\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\<\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\<\xrightarrow{\!\ref{Rf-*(qct)}\>}\<\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})
\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$} has a right\/ $\Delta$-adjoint.
In~fact there is a\/ bounded-below $\Delta$-functor
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$\vadjust{\kern.3pt}%
\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<$} and a map of\/ $\Delta$-functors
$\tau_{\<\mathrm t}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathbf R} f_{\!*} f_{\mathrm t}^\times\to {\bf 1}$%
\index{ {}$\tau$ (trace map)!$\tau_{\<\mathrm t}$}
such that for all\/ ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ and\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y}),$\ the composed map
$($in\/ the derived category of abelian groups\/$)$
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal G},\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal G}, \>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>) \\
\tau_{\<\mathrm t}^{\phantom{.}}\;\mkern1.5mu}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal G},{\mathcal F}\>)
is an isomorphism.
\textup{(b)} If\/ $g\colon {\mathscr Y}\to{\mathscr Z}$ is another such map then there is a natural
(gf)_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}
\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times\< g_{\mathrm t}^\times\<.
\noindent\emph{Proof.} Assertion (b) follows from (a),
which easily implies that $(gf)_{\mathrm t}^\times$ and
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\< g_{\mathrm t}^\times$ are both right-adjoint to the restriction
of~${\mathbf R}(gf)_*={\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ to~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.
As for (a), assuming first that ${\mathscr X}$ is separated or finite-dimensional, or that
only bounded-below complexes are considered, we can replace~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ by the
\emph{equivalent} category
${\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))$ (\Pref{1!}). The inclusion\mbox{
$k\colon\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$} has the right adjoint $\iGp
{\mathscr X}$. (\mbox{$\iGp{\mathscr X}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\subset\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$,} by
\Lref{Gamma'+qc} and~\Cref{C:vec-c is qc}.)
So for all
$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$-complexes~${\mathcal G}'$ and $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$-complexes~${\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}$ there~is a natural
isomorphism of abelian-group complexes
{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<}({\mathcal G}'\<,\>\iGp{\mathscr X} {\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}}(k{\mathcal G}'\<,\>{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}\>).
Note that if ${\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}$ is K-injective over $\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X})$ then $\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}^{\>\prime}$ is K-injective
over~$\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})$, because $\iGp{\mathscr X}$ has an exact left adjoint. Combining this
isomorphism with the isomorphism (\ref{Deligne}) in the proof of
\Tref{prop-duality}, we can conclude just as in part~4 at the end of
that proof, with the functor~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ defined to be the composition
{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\xrightarrow{\,\rho\,}
{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}({\mathscr Y})\xrightarrow{{\mathcal C}_\bullet\>}
{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\xrightarrow{\iGp{\mathscr X}\>}
{\mathbf K}_{\text{\textbf I}}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))
\xrightarrow{\text{natural}\,} {\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})).
(We have in mind here simply that the natural
functor ${\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))\to{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ has a right adjoint. That is easily seen
to be true once one knows the existence of K-injective resolutions
in~${\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$; but we don't know how to prove the latter other than
by quoting the generalization to arbitrary Grothendieck categories
\cite[Theorem~2]{BR}, \cite[Theorem 5.4]{AJS}. The preceding argument avoids this
issue. One could also apply Brown Representability\index{Brown Representability}
directly, as in the proof of
\Tref{Th1} described in the Introduction.)
Now suppose only that the map $f$ is separated. If ${\mathscr Y}$ is separated
then so is~${\mathscr X}$, and the preceding argument holds. For arbitrary
noetherian~${\mathscr Y}$ the existence of a bounded-below right adjoint for ${\mathbf R}
f_{\!*}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ results then from the
following Mayer\kern.5pt-Vietoris pasting argument, by induction on the least
number of separated open subsets needed to cover~${\mathscr Y}$.
Finally, to dispose of the assertion about the ${\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}\>$'s apply homology to
reduce it to $f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ being a right adjoint.
To reduce clutter, we will abuse notation---but only in the rest of the proof
of \Tref{T:qct-duality}---by writing ``$f^\times\>$" in place of~``$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<$."
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}={\mathscr Y}_1\cup{\mathscr Y}_2$ $({\mathscr Y}_i$ open in\/~${\mathscr Y})$ be a map
of formal schemes, with\/ ${\mathscr X}$ noetherian. Consider the commutative~diagrams
{\mathscr X}_{12}\!:=@.\;{\mathscr X}_1\cap {\mathscr X}_2 @>q_i>> {\mathscr X}_i @>x_i>> {\mathscr X} \\
@.@Vf_{12}VV @Vf_iVV @VV f\hbox to 0pt{\quad \qquad$(i=1,2)$\hss}V \\
{\mathscr Y}_{12}\!:=@.{\mathscr Y}_1\cap {\mathscr Y}_2 @>>p_i> {\mathscr Y}_i @>>y_i> {\mathscr Y}
where\/ ${\mathscr X}_i\!:=f^{-1}{\mathscr Y}_i$\ and all the horizontal arrows represent inclusions.
Suppose that for\/ $i=1,2,12,$ the functor\/
${\mathbf R} f_{i*}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}_i)\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y}_i)$ has a right adjoint\/~$f_i^\times\<$.
Then ${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ has a right adjoint $f^\times;$\ and
with the inclusions\/ $y_{12}\!:=y_i\smcirc p_i\>,$\ $x_{12}\!:=x_i\smcirc
q_i\>,$\ there is for each\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ a natural\/ ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X}\>)$-triangle
f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\to {\mathbf R}\>x_{1*}^{}f_1^\times y_1^*{\mathcal F} \oplus
{\mathbf R}\>x_{2*}^{}f_2^\times y_2^*{\mathcal F}\xrightarrow{\lambda_{\mathcal F}}
{\mathbf R}\>x_{12*}^{}f_{12}^\times y_{12}^*{\mathcal F} \to (f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)[1]\,.
If we expect $f^\times$ to exist, and the natural maps
$x_i^*f^\times \to f_i^\times y_i^*$ to be isomorphisms, then there should
be such a triangle---the Mayer\kern.5pt-Vietoris triangle
\index{Mayer-Vietoris triangle} of~$f^\times\<{\mathcal F}$.
This suggests we first define $\lambda_{\mathcal F}\>$, then let $f^\times\<{\mathcal F}$ be
the vertex of a triangle based on $\lambda_{\mathcal F}\>$, and verify~\dots
There are natural maps
\tau_1\colon{\mathbf R} f_{1*}^{}f_1^\times\to \mathbf1,\qquad
\tau_2\colon{\mathbf R} f_{2*}^{}f_2^\times\to \mathbf1,\qquad
\tau_{12}\colon{\mathbf R} f_{12*}^{}f_{12}^\times\to \mathbf1.
For $i=1,2$, define the ``base-change" map
$\beta_i\colon q_i^*\<f_i^\times\to f_{12}^\times\> p_i^*$ to be
adjoint under \Tref{T:qct-duality} to the map of functors
{\mathbf R} f_{12*}^{}q_i^*f_i^{\times}\underset{\>\text{natural}\>}{\xrightarrow{\ \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}\ }}
p_i^*{\mathbf R} f_{i*}f_i^{\times} \xrightarrow{\;\tau_i\;} p_i^*.
This $\beta_i$ corresponds to a functorial map
$\beta_i'\colon f_i^\times\to {\mathbf R} q_{i*}f_{12}^\times\> p_i^*$,
from which we obtain a functorial map
{\mathbf R}\>x_{i*}f_i^\times y_i^*
\longrightarrow{\mathbf R}\>x_{i*} {\mathbf R} q_{i*}f_{12}^\times\> p_i^*y_i^*
\iso{\mathbf R}\>x_{12*}^{}f_{12}^\times\> y_{12}^*\>\>,
and hence a natural map, for any ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$:
\check D^0({\mathcal F}\>)\!:=
{\mathbf R}\>x_{1*}^{}f_1^\times y_1^*{\mathcal F} \oplus
{\mathbf R}\>x_{2*}^{}f_2^\times y_2^*{\mathcal F} \xrightarrow{\lambda_{\mathcal F}\>}
{\mathbf R}\>x_{12*}^{}f_{12}^\times\> y_{12}^*{\mathcal F}=: \check D^1({\mathcal F}\>)\>.
Embed this map in a triangle $\check D({\mathcal F}\>)$, and denote the
third vertex by $f^\times({\mathcal F}\>)$:
\check D({\mathcal F}\>)\colon\ f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\to\check D^0({\mathcal F}\>)\xrightarrow{\lambda_{\mathcal F}\>}
\check D^1({\mathcal F}\>)\to (f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)[1]\>.
Since $\check D^0({\mathcal F} )$ and $\check D^1({\mathcal F} )$ are in $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ (see
\Pref{Rf-*(qct)}), therefore so is $f^{\times} {\mathcal F}$
This is the triangle in \Lref{L:pasting}.
Of course we must still show that this~$f^\times$ is functorial, and right-adjoint
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}$. (Then by uniqueness of adjoints such a triangle will
exist no matter which right adjoint~$f^\times$ is used.)
Let us next construct a map
\tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^{}\colon {\mathbf R}
f_{\!*}f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\to{\mathcal F}\ ({\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})).
\check C^0({\mathcal F}\>)\!:={\mathbf R} y_{1*}^{} y_1^*{\mathcal F}\oplus {\mathbf R} y_{2*}^{} y_2^*{\mathcal F} ,\qquad
\check C^1({\mathcal F}\>)\!:= {\mathbf R} y_{12*}^{} y_{12}^*{\mathcal F}.
We have then the Mayer\kern.5pt-Vietoris ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$-triangle
\check C({\mathcal F}\>)\colon\ {\mathcal F} \to \check C^0({\mathcal F}\>) \xrightarrow{\mu_{\mathcal F}\>}
\check C^1({\mathcal F}\>)
\to {\mathcal F}\>[1],
arising from the usual exact sequence (\v Cech resolution)
0\to {\mathcal F} \to y_{1*}^{}y_1^*{\mathcal F}\oplus y_{2*}^{}y_2^*{\mathcal F} \to y_{12*}^{}y_{12}^*{\mathcal F} \to 0,
where ${\mathcal F}$ may be taken to be K-injective.
Checking commutativity of the following natural diagram is a purely
category-theoretic exercise (cf.~\cite[Lemma (]{Derived categories} :
\quad{\mathbf R} f_{\!*} \check D^0({\mathcal F}\>)\quad
\rlap{$\overset{{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\lambda_{\mathcal F}}{\hbox
to 94pt{\rightarrowfill}}$}
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*} \check D^1({\mathcal F}\>)\\
@| @. @| \\
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}({\mathbf R}\>x_{1*}^{}f_1^\times y_1^*{\mathcal F} \oplus
{\mathbf R}\>x_{2*}^{}f_2^\times y_2^*{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\>x_{12*}^{}f_{12}^\times\> y_{12}^*{\mathcal F}\\
@V\simeq VV @. @VV\simeq V \\
{\mathbf R} y_{1*}^{}{\mathbf R} f_{1*}^{}f_1^\times y_1^*{\mathcal F} \oplus
{\mathbf R} y_{2*}^{}{\mathbf R} f_{2*}^{}f_2^\times y_2^*{\mathcal F}
@.\hbox to36pt{}@.
{\mathbf R} y_{12*}^{}{\mathbf R} f_{12*}^{}f_{12}^\times\> y_{12}^*{\mathcal F}\\
@V \tau_{\<1}^{}\oplus\tau_2^{} VV @.@VV \tau_{\<12}^{} V \\
{\mathbf R} y_{1*}^{} y_1^*{\mathcal F} \oplus
{\mathbf R} y_{2*}^{} y_2^*{\mathcal F} @.@.
{\mathbf R} y_{12*}^{} y_{12}^*{\mathcal F} \\
@| @. @| \\
\quad\ \ \,\check C^0({\mathcal F}\>)\quad\ \ \,
\rlap{$\underset{\mu_{\mathcal F}}{\hbox
to 94pt{\rightarrowfill}}$}
\check C^1({\mathcal F}\>)
This commutative diagram extends to a map $\check\tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^{}$ of triangles:
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}f^\times\<{\mathcal F}@>>>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\check D^0({\mathcal F}\>)
@>>>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*} \check D^1({\mathcal F}\>) @>>>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}f^\times\<{\mathcal F}[1] \\
@V\tau_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}^{} VV @VVV @VVV @VV\tau_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}^{}[1] V \\
{\mathcal F}@>>> \check C^0({\mathcal F}\>) @>>> \check C^1({\mathcal F}\>) @>>>{\mathcal F}\>[1]
The map $\tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^{}$ is not necessarily unique. But the next
Lemma will show, for fixed~${\mathcal F}\<$, that \emph{the pair
$(f^{\times}\<{\mathcal F}, \>\tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^{})$ represents the functor}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})} ({\mathbf R} f_{\!*} {\mathcal E}, {\mathcal F}\>)\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
It follows formally that one can make $f^{\times}$
into a functor and $\tau\colon {\mathbf R} f_{\!*}f^{\times}\to \mathbf 1$ into a morphism
of functors in such a way that the pair $(f^\times\<, \tau)$ is a right adjoint for
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}) \to {\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ (cf.~\cite[p. 83, Corollary~2]{currante});
and that there is a unique isomorphism of functors $\Theta\colon f^\times
T_2\iso T_1f^\times$ (where
$T_1$ and~$T_2$ are the respective translations on $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ and~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$)
such that
$(f^\times\<,\Theta)$ is a $\Delta$-functor $\Delta$-adjoint to~${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}$
(cf.~\cite[Proposition (3.3.8)]{Derived categories}). That will complete the proof of
For\/ ${\mathcal E}\in \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),$ and with\/ $f^\times\<{\mathcal F},$ $\tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^{}$ as above, the
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}\<({\mathcal E},\,f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}f^\times\< {\mathcal F}\>) \\
@>\,\,\textup{via\;}\tau_{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\<\<{\mathcal F}$}}\,\> >>
\hbox spread 1.15cm{$\<{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>) $\hss}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}\<({\mathcal E},\,f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>) \xrightarrow{\!\textup{natural}\,}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}f^\times\< {\mathcal F}\>)
\xrightarrow{\textup{via}\;\tau_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}^{}}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>)
is an isomorphism.
In the following diagram, to save space we
write $H_{\mathscr X}$ for ${\mathrm {Hom}}_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}$,
$H_{\mathscr Y}$ for ${\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}$, and $f_{\!*}$ for ${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>$:
\def\H#1,{H_{\mathscr X}\bigl({\mathcal E},\>#1\bigr)}
\def\h#1,{H_{\mathscr Y}\bigl(f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},\>#1\bigr)}
\H (\check D^0{\mathcal F}\>)[-1],
@>>> \h f_{\!*}\bigl((\check D^0{\mathcal F}\>)[-1]\bigr),
@>>> \h (\check C^0{\mathcal F}\>)[-1], \\
\H (\check D^1{\mathcal F}\>)[-1],
@>>> \h f_{\!*}\bigl((\check D^1{\mathcal F}\>)[-1]\bigr),
@>>> \h (\check C^1{\mathcal F}\>)[-1], \\
\H f^\times {\mathcal F}, @>>> \h f_{\!*}f^\times {\mathcal F}, @>>> \h {\mathcal F},\\
\H \check D^0{\mathcal F},
@>>> \h f_{\!*}\check D^0{\mathcal F},
@>>> \h \check C^0{\mathcal F}, \\
\H \check D^1{\mathcal F},
@>>> \h f_{\!*}\check D^1{\mathcal F},
@>>> \h \check C^1{\mathcal F},
The first column maps to the second via functoriality of
$f_{\!*}\>$, and the second to the third via the above triangle map
$\check \tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^{}\>$; so the diagram commutes. The
columns are exact \cite[p.\,23, Prop.\,1.1\,b)]{H1}, and thus
if each of the first two and last two rows is shown to compose to an
isomorphism, then the same holds for the middle row, proving
Let's look at the fourth row. With notation as in \Lref{L:pasting} (and again,
with all the appropriate ${\mathbf R}$'s omitted),
we want the left column in the following natural diagram to compose to an
\H {\mathscr X},{\mathcal E},x_{i*}f_i^\times y_i^*{\mathcal F},
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>>
\H {\mathscr X}_i,x_i^*{\mathcal E},f_i^\times y_i^*{\mathcal F}, \\
@VVV @VVV \\
\H {\mathscr Y}, f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},f_{\!*}x_{i*}f_i^\times y_i^*{\mathcal F}, @.
\H {\mathscr Y}_i,f_{i*}x_i^*{\mathcal E}, f_{i*}f_i^\times y_i^*{\mathcal F}, \\
@V\simeq VV @VV \simeq V \\
\H {\mathscr Y}, f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},y_{i*}f_{i*}f_i^\times y_i^*{\mathcal F}, @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>>
\H {\mathscr Y}_i,y_i^*f_{\!*}{\mathcal E}, f_{i*}f_i^\times y_i^*{\mathcal F}, \\
@V\text{via } \tau_i VV @VV\text{via } \tau_i V \\
\H {\mathscr Y}, f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},y_{i*}y_i^*{\mathcal F}, @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>>
\H {\mathscr Y}_i,y_i^*f_{\!*}{\mathcal E}, y_i^*{\mathcal F},
Here the horizontal arrows represent adjunction isomorphisms. Checking that
the diagram commutes is a straightforward category-theoretic exercise. By
hypothesis, the right column composes to an isomorphism. Hence so does
the left one.
The argument for the fifth row is similar. Using the (easily checked) fact that
the morphism $f_{\!*}\check D^0\to \check C^0$ is
$\Delta$-functorial, we find that the first row is, up to
isomorphism, the same as the fourth row with ${\mathcal F}[-1]$ in place of ${\mathcal F}$, so it too
composes to an isomorphism. Similarly, isomorphism for the second row follows
from that for the fifth.
(1) Let $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a
map of quasi-compact formal schemes with ${\mathscr X}$
\emph{properly algebraic,} and let $f^\times$ be the right
adjoint given by \Cref{cor-prop-duality}.
Using \Pref{Gamma'(qc)} we find then
that $f_{\mathrm t}^\times:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\smcirc \<f^\times$ is a right
adjoint for the restriction of $\>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}$ to~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.\vadjust{\kern1.5pt}
(2) For a noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$, \Tref{T:qct-duality} gives
a right adjoint~\mbox{$\mathbf1^{\<!}\!:=\mathbf1^{\!\times}_{\mathrm t}$} to the
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$. If ${\mathcal G}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ (i.e.,
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$, see \Dref{D:Dtilde}),
then the natural $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$-map
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\to \mathbf1^{\<!}{\mathcal G}$
(corresponding to the natural
${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$-map ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\to {\mathcal G}$) is an
\emph{isomorphism,} see \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}.\vadjust{\kern1.5pt}
(3) If ${\mathscr X}$ is \emph{separated} or if ${\mathscr X}$ is \emph{finite-dimensional,} then we
have the equivalence
${\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<{\mathscr X}}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X})){{\mkern8mu\longrightarrow
\mkern-25.5mu{}^\approx\mkern17mu}}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ of \Pref{1!}, and
we can take
$\mathbf1^{\<!}\!:={\boldsymbol j}^{\mathrm t}_{\<\<{\mathscr X}}
\smcirc\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{\<{\mathscr X}}$, see \Cref{C:Qt} and
(4) Let $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a closed immersion of noetherian formal schemes
(see \cite[p.\,442]{GD}). The functor~$f_{\!*}\colon{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$ is exact,
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}=f_{\!*}$. Let ${\mathscr I}$ be the kernel of the surjective map\vadjust{\kern.5pt}
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}\twoheadrightarrow f_{\!*}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$\vspace{1pt} and let
$\overline{{\mathscr Y}\<}\>$ be the ringed space~$({\mathscr Y}, {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I})$, so
$f$~factors naturally as
${\mathscr X}\stackrel
{\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-4.5pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\bar{\! f}\>$}\vss}}
\to\overline{{\mathscr Y}\<}\>\stackrel
{\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-3pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle i\,$}\vss}}\to{\mathscr Y}$,\vadjust{\kern1.2pt} the
map~$\,\>\bar{\<\!f}\>$ being flat. The\vspace{2.5pt} inverse isomorphisms
{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})\,
\xrightarrow{\ \ \ }\\
\xleftarrow{\ \ \,}\\
^{^{\,\bar {\!f}^{\mkern-.5mu*}}}\\
\<{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})
extend to inverse isomorphisms
{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\,
\xrightarrow{\ \ \ }\\
\xleftarrow{\ \ \,}\\
^{^{\,\bar {\!f}^{\mkern-.5mu*}}}\\
\<{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})
The functor ${\mathcal H}_{\mathscr I}\colon {\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})\to{\mathcal A}(\>\overline{\<{\mathscr Y}\<\<}\>\>)$
defined by\vspace{.6pt}
{\mathcal H}_{\mathscr I}(F\>)\!:=\cH{om}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>F\>)
has an exact left adjoint, namely
$i_*\colon{\mathcal A}(\>\overline{\<{\mathscr Y}\<\<}\>\>)\to{\mathcal A}({\mathscr Y})$, so ${\mathcal H}_{\mathscr I}$ preserves
K-injectivity and
${\mathbf R}{\mathcal H}_{\mathscr I}$ is right-adjoint to
$i_*\colon{\mathbf D}(\>\overline{\<{\mathscr Y}\<\<}\>\>)\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ (see proof
of~\Lref{L:j-gamma-eqvce}). Hence the functor
$f^\natural\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\to{\mathbf D}(\>\overline{\<{\mathscr Y}\<\<}\>\>)$ defined by
f^\natural({\mathcal F}\>)\!:=\bar{f}^*{\mathbf R}{\mathcal H}_{\mathscr I}({\mathcal F}\>)= \bar{f}^*
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
\end{equation}\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!{}$f^\natural\<$}
is right-adjoint to $f_{\!*}=i_*\bar f_{\!*}$, and
$f_{\!*}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ has the right adjoint%
\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$\mathstrut f^!\<$}
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\!:= f^!\!:= \mathbf1^{\<!}\smcirc f^\natural.
We recall that ${\mathcal G}\in{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ is quasi-coherent iff
$\bar f_{\!*}{\mathcal G}\in\A_{\qc}(\>\overline{\<{\mathscr Y}\<\<}\>)$ iff $f_{\!*}{\mathcal G}\in\A_{\qc}({\mathscr Y})$, see
\cite[p.\,115, (5.3.15), (5.3.13)]{GD}. Also, by looking at stalks (see
\S\ref{Gamma'1}) we find that \mbox{$f_{\!*}{\mathcal G}\in\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y})\Rightarrow
{\mathcal G}\in\A_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$.} Hence \Rref{R:Dtilde}(4) together with the isomorphism
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\cong{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ of \Cref{C:f* and Gamma}(d) yields
that $f^\natural\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\subset\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr X})$;
and given \Cref{qct=plump}, \Pref{P:Rhom} yields
$f^\natural\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr Y})\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$. Thus if
\mbox{${\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})$} then by~(2) above,
$f^!\<{\mathcal F}\cong {\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X} f^\natural{\mathcal F}\>$; and if ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr Y})$
then\vspace{1.5pt} $f^!\<{\mathcal F}\cong f^\natural{\mathcal F}$.
(5) Let $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be any map satisfying the hypotheses of~
\Tref{T:qct-duality}. Let ${\mathscr J}\subset{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ and ${\mathscr I}\subset{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$ be ideals of
definition such that ${\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}\subset{\mathscr J}$, and let
X_n\!:=({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n)
\xrightarrow{f_n^{}\>}({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}^n)=:Y_n\qquad(n>0)
be the scheme-maps induced by $f\<$, so that each $f_n$ also satisfies the
hypotheses of~\kern.5pt\Tref{T:qct-duality}. As the target of the
functor $(f_n)_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}$ is $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}(X_n)=\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_n)$,
we write $f_n^\times$ for $(f_n)_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}$
(see~(1) above).
If $\>j_n\colon X_n\hookrightarrow{\mathscr X}$ and
$i_n\colon Y_n\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Y}$ are the canonical closed immersions then
$fj_n=i_nf_n$, and so $\>j_n^!f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<=f_n^\times i_n^!$.
The functor
$j_n^\natural\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}(X_{n})$ being as
in~\eqref{f^natl}, we have, using~(4),
{\boldsymbol h}_n{\mathcal G}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}/\<{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal G})
=j_{n*}j_n^\natural{\mathcal G}\cong j_{n*}j_n^!{\mathcal G}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
Hence for ${\mathcal G}\setf_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\ ({\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y}))$, \Lref{Gam as holim} gives a%
\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<$!as homotopy colimit} ``homotopy colimit"
j_{n*}f_n^\times i_n^!\>{\mathcal F}
\oplus_{n\ge1}\,j_{n*}f_n^\times i_n^!\>{\mathcal F}
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
Once again, $\wDqc({\mathscr X})\!:=({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X})^{-1}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ (\Dref{D:Dtilde}).
\textup{(a)} Let\/ $f\colon\<{\mathscr X} \to {\mathscr Y}$ be a map of noetherian formal schemes.
Suppose that\/ $f$ is separated or that\/ ${\mathscr X}$ has finite Krull
dimension, or else restrict~to bounded-below complexes.
Let\/ ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ be the bounded-below\/ $\Delta$-functor%
\index{ $\mathbf {La}$@${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ (homology localization)}
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}(-)\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,-),
and let\/ $\ush f\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\to\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ be the\/ $\Delta$-functor
$\ush f\!:={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times$\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$\ush f$}
\textup(see Example~\textup{\ref{R:Dtilde}(3)).}
The functor\/ $\ush f$ is bounded-below,
and is right-adjoint to
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon\wDqc({\mathscr X})\xrightarrow{\ref{Rf-*(qct)}\,}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr Y})
\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y}).
\textup(In particular with\/
${\boldsymbol j}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$\index{ $\iG{\<{\mathcal J}\>}$@${\boldsymbol j}$} the natural
functor, the~functor\/
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\boldsymbol j}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})
has the bounded-below right adjoint\/~${\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{} \ush f\<\<$---see
In fact there is a map of\/ $\Delta$-functors%
\index{ {}$\tau$ (trace map)!$\ush\tau$}
\ush\tau\colon{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} \ush f\to {\bf 1}
such that for all\/ ${\mathcal G}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ and\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y}),$\ the~composed map
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathcal G},\>\ush f{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} {\mathcal G}, \>{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} \ush f{\mathcal F}\>) \\
\ush \tau}{\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} {\mathcal G},{\mathcal F}\>)
is an \emph{isomorphism.}
\textup{(b)} If\/ $g\colon {\mathscr Y}\to{\mathscr Z}$ is another such map then there is a natural
\ush{(gf)}\iso\ush f\< \ush g.
(a) The functor
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}$
is bounded below because
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ is locally
isomorphic to the bounded complex~${\mathcal K}_\infty^\bullet$ in the proof of
\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a), hence homologically bounded-above. Since
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}$ is right-adjoint to ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ (see
\eqref{adj}), (a) follows directly from \Tref{T:qct-duality}.
(b) Propositions~\ref{Rf-*(qct)} and~\ref{Gamma'(qc)}(a) show that
for any ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ we have \mbox{${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\cong {\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}$,}
and hence the functors
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}$ and~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ are both right-adjoint to~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}$, so they
are isomorphic. Then \Tref{T:qct-duality}(b) yields
functorial isomorphisms
\ush{(gf)}={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}(gf)_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\iso
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<g_{\mathrm t}^\times\iso
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y} g_{\mathrm t}^\times=
\ush f\<\ush g.
Here are some ``identities" involving the dualizing functors $f^\times$
(\Tref{prop-duality}), $f_{\mathrm t}^\times$~(\Tref{T:qct-duality}), and
$\ush f\!:={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ (\Cref{C:f*gam-duality}).
Note that ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}$ is
right-adjoint to~${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$, see~\eqref{adj}.
Simple arguments show that the natural maps are isomorphisms
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\>$, ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\>$, see~(b) and~(d)
in \Rref{R:Gamma-Lambda}(1).
With the notation of \Cref{C:f*gam-duality}\kern.5pt\textup{,}
\textup{(a)} There are natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}\ush f&\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times\<,\qquad & \ush f&\iso {\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<,\\
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times&\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times\<,\qquad & \ush f&\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\ush f\<.
\textup{(b)} The natural
functorial maps\/ ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\to\mathbf 1\to{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}$ induce isomorphisms
f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}, \\
\ush f{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y} \iso\ush f \iso \ush f\<\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}.
\textup{(c)} There are natural pairs of maps
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\xrightarrow{\alpha_1\>} {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\boldsymbol j} f^\times
\xrightarrow{\alpha_2\>}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<, \\
\ush f\xrightarrow{\beta_1\>} {\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\>{\boldsymbol j} f^\times
\xrightarrow{\beta_2\>}\ush f\<,
each of which composes to an identity map. If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic
then all of these maps are isomorphisms.
\textup{(d)} If\/ $f$ is\/ \emph{adic} then the isomorphism\/\vspace{.5pt}
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\boldsymbol j}\osi{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\>{\boldsymbol j}$ in\/~\textup{\ref{C:f* and
Gamma}(d)} indu\-ces an isomorphism of the right adjoints
$(\<$see \Tref{prop-duality}\textup{,} \Pref{A(vec-c)-A}$)$
f^\times\<\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}\iso{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\ush f\<.
(a) The second isomorphism (first row) is the
identity map. \Pref{Gamma'(qc)} yields the third. The first is the
{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}\ush f={\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times\<.
The fourth is the composition
\hskip21pt\ush f={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\ush f\<.
(b) The first isomorphism results from
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}$ being right adjoint to the
inclusion $\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ (see \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(c)).
For the second, check that $f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ and~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}$ are
both right-adjoint to ${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}\>\dots$
(Or, consider the composition
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}\isof_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}$.)
Then apply ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}$ to the first row to get the second row.
(c) With $\boldsymbol k\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\mathrm {qct}}\<({\mathscr X}))\to{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))$ the natural functor,
let $$\alpha\colon\boldsymbol k\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\to f^\times$$ be adjoint to
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\boldsymbol j}\boldsymbol k\RQ^{\mathrm t}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times
\stackrel{\ref{1!}}{=}{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}f_{\mathrm t}^\times
\xrightarrow{\tau_{\textup t}^{\phantom{.}}} \mathbf 1.$
By \Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma}, ${\boldsymbol j}(\alpha)\colonf_{\mathrm t}^\times\to{\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times$
factors naturally as
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\xrightarrow{\alpha_{\<1}^{}\>}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times\to{\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times.
Let $\alpha_2$ be the map adjoint to the natural composition
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times\to{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times\to\mathbf 1$.
One checks that
$\tau_{\textup t}\smcirc{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}(\alpha_2\alpha_1)=\tau_{\textup t}$
($\tau_{\textup t}$ as in \Tref{T:qct-duality}),
whence $\alpha_2\alpha_1=\text{identity}$.
The pair $\beta_1\>,\>\beta_2$ is obtained from $\alpha_1\>,\>\alpha_2$
by application of the functor~${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}$---see \Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma}.
(Symmetrically, the pair $\alpha_1\>,\>\alpha_2$ is obtained from
$\beta_1\>,\>\beta_2$ by application of the functor~${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$.)
When ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic, the functor~${\boldsymbol j}$ is fully faithful
(\Cref{corollary}); and it follows that ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times$
and~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ are both right-adjoint to ${\mathbf R} f_{\!*}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}$.
(d) Straightforward.
The next three corollaries deal with compatibilities between formal (local) and
ordinary (global) Grothendieck duality.
Let\/ $f_0\colon X\to Y$ be a map of noetherian ordinary schemes. Suppose either
that\/ $f_0$ is separated or that\/ $X$ is finite-dimensional, or else restrict to
bounded-below complexes. Let\/
$W\subset Y$ and\/~ $Z\subset f_0^{-1}W$ be closed subsets,
$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathscr Y}=Y_{/W}\to Y$ and\/
$\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}\colon{\mathscr X}=X_{/Z}\to X$ the respective completion
maps, and\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ the map induced by~$f_0.$
{\mathscr X}@.:=X_{\</Z} @>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}>> X \\
@V f VV @. @VV f_0^{} V \\
{\mathscr Y}@.:=Y_{/W}@>>\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}$}\vss}> Y
With $f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\!:=(f_0^{})_{\textup t}^{\<\<\times}$ right-adjoint to
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)\to{\mathbf D}(Y),$
let $\tau_{\<\mathrm t}'$ be the composition
{\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\longrightarrow\mathbf 1.
Then for all ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ and ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y}),$ the composed map
\alpha({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal F}\>)\colon{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<({\mathcal E}\<,
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
{\mathcal F}\>) &\longrightarrow {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\<,
\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>) \\
&\,\<\underset{\textup{via }\tau_{\<\mathrm t}'}{\longrightarrow}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
\noindent is an isomorphism. Hence the map adjoint
to~$\tau_{\<\mathrm t}'$
is an isomorphism of functors
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\iso f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<.
For any ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$,
set ${\mathcal E}_0\!:=\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)$ (\Pref{Gammas'+kappas}).
\Pref{Gammas'+kappas} and
\cite[p.\,7, Lemma (0.4.2)]{AJL} give natural isomorphisms\vspace{-3pt}
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<({\mathcal E},\>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal G})
\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}\<({\mathcal E}_0\>,\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal G})
\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}\<({\mathcal E}_0\>,\>{\mathcal G})\\
\bigr({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)\bigl).
(In other words, $\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal G}=(\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}})_{\mathrm
t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal G}$.) One checks then that the map
$\alpha({\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal F}\>)$ factors as the sequence of natural isomorphisms
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}\<({\mathcal E},\>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}
\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}\<({\mathcal E}_0\>,\>f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(Y)}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}_0\>,\>\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<(\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}_0\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathcal E}_0\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\!*}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>).
With hypotheses as in \Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}\kern.5pt\textup{:}
\textup{(a)} There are natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
&= (\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}})_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\<f_{\<0}^{\<\times}
\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\iso f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<, \\
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
&=\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\textup{\texttt\#}}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}
\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
\iso \ush f;
and if $f_0$ is proper, $Y={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ \($A$ adic\)$,$
then with $f^{\<\times}\!$ as in
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\iso f^\times\<.\vspace{4pt}
\textup{(b)} The functor
f_{\<0,Z}^\times\!:={\mathbf R}\iG Z f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\colon{\mathbf D}(Y)\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)
is right-adjoint to the functor\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)}\>;$\ and
there is an isomorphism\vspace{-1.5pt}
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0,Z}^\times\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\iso f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<.
\textup{(c)} If\/ $X$ is separated then, with notation as in
\Sref{SS:Dvc-and-Dqc}\textup{,} the functor
{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}\>,\>f_{\<0}^{\<\times}-)
\colon{\mathbf D}(Y)\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)
is right-adjoint to\/~${\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)}\>;$\ \vspace{.6pt}and
${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic, so that we have the equivalence\/~
${\boldsymbol j}_{\!{\mathscr X}}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$
\(\kern-1pt \Cref{corollary}\kern.7pt\), there\vspace{.6pt} is an
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\ush{f_{\<0,Z}}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\iso {\boldsymbol j}_{\!{\mathscr X}}{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\ush f\<.
(a) The first isomorphism combines \Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors} (in
proving which we noted that $\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal G}
=(\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}})_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal G}$ for ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$) and
The second follows from
$\ush f={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<$. The third is
(b) The first assertion is easily checked; and the isomorphism is given by
(c) When $X$ is separated, ${\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}$ is an equivalence \cite[p.\,12,
Proposition (1.3)]{AJL}, and then the first assertion is easily checked.
\Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors} and \Pref{Gammas'+kappas} we
get an isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\iG{Z}f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\iso
\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^\pdf_{\mathrm t}^\times\<.
As in \Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma}, the natural map is an isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}\>,{\mathcal G})
\iso {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}\>, {\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal G})\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)\bigr).
When ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic,
${\boldsymbol j}_{\!{\mathscr X}}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\cong \kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R}
Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{}$
(\Pref{A(vec-c)-A}). So then we have a sequence of
natural isomorphisms
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\ush{f_{\<0,Z}}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}
& \ \>\raise.2ex\hbox{\EQAL{17}}\;\>
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X},
\>f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}} -) \\
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X},
\>{\mathbf R}\iG Z f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}- ) \\
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_X({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X},
\>\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^\pdf_{\mathrm t}^\times -) \\
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_{{\mathscr X}*}^{\phantom{.}}
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}(\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X},\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times -) \\
&\iso {\boldsymbol j}_{\!{\mathscr X}}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}({\mathbf R}\iGp {\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}\>,\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times-)\\
& \ \>\raise.2ex\hbox{\EQAL{17}}\;\>{\boldsymbol j}_{\!{\mathscr X}}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\ush f.
The following instance of ``flat base change" will be needed in the proof of
the general base-change \Tref{Th3}.
In \Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}\textup{,} assume further that $Z=f_{\<0}^{-1}W\<$.
Then the natural map is an isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\iG Zf_{\<0}^{\<\times}\<{\mathcal F}\iso{\mathbf R}\iG
Zf_{\<0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}(Y)\bigr),
and so there is a composed isomorphism
\zeta\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\<{\mathcal F}
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\<{\mathcal F}
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Z f_{\<0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}
f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}.
First, ${\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X))\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}{}_W(Y)$. For, by
\cite[Proposition~(3.9.2)]{Derived categories},
${\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X))\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y)$; and then the assertion follows from the
natural isomorphism of functors (from
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$ to $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y)$)
${\mathbf R}\iG W{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}\cong{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iG {f^{-1}W}\>,$ because ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)$
(resp.~$\H\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}{}_W(Y)$) iff ${\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal G}\cong{\mathcal G}$ (resp.~${\mathbf R}\iG W\H\cong\H$),
cf.~\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a) and its proof. (The said functorial
isomorphism arises from the corresponding one without the ${\mathbf R}$'s, since
${\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}$ preserves K-flabbiness, see \cite[5.12, 5.15(b), 6.4, 6.7]{Sp}.
Now \Cref{C:Gammas'+kappas} gives that the natural map
is an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(Y)}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E}, {\mathcal F}\>)\iso
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(Y)}\<({\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathcal E},\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathcal F}\>)
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu{\mathrm {qc}}Z}(X)\bigr),
and the conclusion follows from the adjunction in
The next Proposition is a special case of Greenlees-May Duality for formal
schemes\index{Greenlees-May Duality} (see \cite[Proposition 0.3.1]{AJL$'$}). It is
the key to many statements in this paper concerning complexes with coherent
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme, ${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$.
Then for all\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})$ the natural map\/ ${\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E}\to {\mathcal E}$ induces an
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal E}, \>{\mathcal F}\>) \iso {\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal F}\>).
\begin{proof} The canonical isomorphism (cf.~\eqref{adj})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
\iso{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}\bigl({\mathcal E},\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)
reduces the question to where ${\mathcal E}={\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}\>$.
It suffices then---as in the proof of
\Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma}---that for affine~${\mathscr X}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$, the natural map
be an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}({\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}\>, \>{\mathcal F}\>)
\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})}({\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}}{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}}\>, \>{\mathcal F}\>)
\qquad \bigl({\mathcal F} \in \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
Let $I$ be an ideal of definition of the adic ring $A$, set
$Z\!:={\mathrm {Supp}}(A/I)$, and let $\kappa\colon{\mathscr X}\to X\!:={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ be the
completion map. The categorical equivalences in
\Pref{c-erator} and the isomorphism $\kappa^*{\mathbf R}\iGp
Z{\mathcal O}_X\!\iso\!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}$ in \Pref{Gammas'+kappas} make the
problem whether for all $F\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}(X)$ (e.g.,
$F={\mathbf R} Q\>\kappa_*^{}{\mathcal F}\!:={\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_*^{}{\mathcal F}\>$)
map is an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}, \>F)
\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}, \>F).
Now, the canonical functor
${\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(X))\to {\mathbf D}(X)$ induces an equivalence of
\mbox{${\mathbf D}(\A_{\qc}(X)){{\mkern6mu\longrightarrow
\mkern-25.5mu{}^\approx\mkern15mu}}\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$} (see beginning of
\S\ref{SS:Dvc-and-Dqc}), and so we may assume that $F$~is a K-flat
quasi-coherent complex.
\Lref{L:j-gamma-eqvce} shows that
${\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}$ is right-adjoint to the inclusion
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}(X)$. The natural
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_X, F)\to{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_X, F)\vspace{-5pt}
factors then as\vspace{3pt}
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_X, F)=F
{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}^{}\kappa_*^{}\kappa^*F \\
&\underset{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\scriptstyle\lambda$}\vskip1pt}}\iso
\,\inlm{n}F/(I{\mathcal O}_X)^nF
\underset{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\scriptstyle\Phi$}\vskip1pt}}{\iso}
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iG Z{\mathcal O}_X, F),
where the map $\lambda$, obtained by applying $\kappa_*^{}$ to the natural map
from $\kappa^*F$ to the completion~$F_{/Z}$,
is a ${\mathbf D}(X)$-isomorphism by \cite[p.\,6, Proposition~(0.4.1)]{AJL};
and $\Phi$~is the isomorphism $\Phi(F,{\mathcal O}_X)$ of
\cite[\S2]{AJL}. (The fact that $\Phi$ is an isomorphism is essentially the main
result in \cite{AJL}.)
Also, by adjointness, the natural map is an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X}, \>{\boldsymbol j}_{\!X}^{}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<\<X}\kappa_*^{}\kappa^*F)
{\mathrm {Hom}}_{{\mathbf D}(X)}({\mathcal O}_{\<\<X},\>\kappa_*^{}\kappa^*F).
Conclude now by applying the functor
$\textup H^0{\mathbf R}\Gamma(X,-)$ to~\eqref{nat}.
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be as in \Cref{C:f*gam-duality}\textup{,}
and assume further that\/ $f$~is adic.
Then for all\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}({\mathscr Y})$ the map
corresponding to the natural composition\/
${\mathbf R} f_{\!*} {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times\<{\mathcal F}
\to {\mathbf R} f_{\!*} {\boldsymbol j} \< f^\times\<{\mathcal F}
\to {\mathcal F}
\(see \Tref{prop-duality}\/\)
is an isomorphism
f^\times\<{\mathcal F}\iso{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}\ush f\<{\mathcal F}.
By ~\Pref{formal-GM},
${\mathcal F}\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathcal F}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}\>,\>{\mathcal F}\>)$; so this Corollary
is a special case of \Cref{C:identities}(d).
In \Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}\textup{,} suppose\/ $Y={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$ \($A$ adic\/\)
and\vadjust{\kern.5pt} that the the map\/~$f_0$ is
\emph{proper.} Then with the customary\vadjust{\kern.5pt}
notation\/~$f_{\<0}^!\>$ for\/
$f_{\<0}^{\<\times}$ we have, for any\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+\<({\mathscr Y}),$
a natural isomorphism
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\iso
\ush f{\mathcal F} \in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+\<({\mathscr X}).
The natural map $f_{\<0}^!\mkern1.5mu{\boldsymbol j}_{\<Y}\<{\mathbf R} Q_{\<Y}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}\to
f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}$
is an isomorphism of functors from ${\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ to~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X)$, both
being right-adjoint to~$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}$.
\Pref{c-erator} gives
${\boldsymbol j}_{\<Y}{\mathbf R} Q_{\<Y}\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+\<(Y)$; so by
\cite[p.\,396, Lemma~1]{f!},
$f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+\<(X)$.%
For ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^{\scriptscriptstyle+}(Y)$ one has
$f_0^!{\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^{\scriptscriptstyle+}(X)$: The question being local on $X$ one
reduces to where\vadjust{\kern.6pt} \emph{either} $X$ is a projective space
${\mathbf P}^n_Y$ and $f_0$ is projection, so that~
{$f_0^!{\mathcal G}=f_0^*{\mathcal G}\otimes\Omega^n_{X/Y}[n]\in
\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^{\scriptscriptstyle+}(X)$}, \emph{or} $f_0$ is a closed immersion and
$f_{0*}f_0^!{\mathcal G}={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_Y(f_{0*}{\mathcal O}_X,{\mathcal F}\>)\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^{\scriptscriptstyle+}(Y)$
\cite[p.\,92, Proposition~3.3]{H1} whence, again,
$f_0^!{\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^{\scriptscriptstyle+}(X)$ \cite[p.~115, (5.3.13)]{GD}.%
\vadjust{\kern 3pt}%
Hence \Pref{formal-GM} and
Corollary ~\ref{C:kappa+duality}(a) yield isomorphisms\looseness=-1
\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}
\iso{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{}\>,\>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}\>)
=:\<\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\<0}^!\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}*}^{\phantom{.}}{\mathcal F}
\iso\ush f{\mathcal F}\<.
\begin{parag} \label{SS:Gam-Lam}
More relations, involving the functors ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ and~
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}^{},-)$\index{ $\mathbf {La}$@${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$
(homology localization)} on a locally noetherian formal scheme~${\mathscr X}$, will now be
Let ${\mathscr X}$ be a locally noetherian formal scheme.
(1) The functor\index{ $\iG{\raise.3ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle{\ldots}$}}$
(torsion functor)!a@$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ (cohomology colocalization)}
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ admits a natural map
\mbox{$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\xrightarrow{\gamma\>}\mathbf 1$}, which induces a functorial
{\mathrm {Hom}}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}, \boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\>)\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E},{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E},{\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})),
see \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(c). Moreover $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$ has a right adjoint, viz.~
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}\!:={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}$ (see~\eqref{adj}).
The rest of (1)
consists of (well-known) formal consequences of these properties.
Since $\gamma$ is functorial, it holds that
$\gamma({\mathcal F}\>)\smcirc\gamma(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\>)
=\gamma({\mathcal F}\>)\smcirc\boldsymbol{\varGamma}(\gamma({\mathcal F}\>))\colon\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\BG{\mathcal F}\to{\mathcal F}\<$, so
injectivity of the map in (A) (with ${\mathcal E}=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\>$) yields
\gamma(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\>)=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}(\gamma({\mathcal F}\>))\colon\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\BG{\mathcal F}\to\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F};
and one finds after
setting ${\mathcal F}=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal G}$ in (A) that this functorial map is an \emph{isomorphism}
\gamma(\boldsymbol{\varGamma})=\boldsymbol{\varGamma}(\gamma)\colon\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\BG\iso \boldsymbol{\varGamma}.
Conversely, given (a) one can deduce that the
map in (A) is an isomorphism, whose inverse takes
$\alpha\colon\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal F}\>$ to the composition
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\iso\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\BG{\mathcal E}\xrightarrow{\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\alpha\,}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\>$.%
{The \emph{idempotence} of~$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\<$, expressed by
(a) or (A),\vadjust{\kern1.3pt} can be interpreted as follows.
Set ${\mathbf D}\!:={\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$,
$\mathbf S\!:=\{\,{\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}\mid
\boldsymbol{\varGamma}({\mathcal E})=0\,\}\<$,\vspace{.6pt} so that
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$ factors uniquely as \smash{${\mathbf D}
\overset{\vbox to0pt{\vss
\hbox{$\scriptstyle q\>$}
{\mathbf D}/\mathbf S
\overset{\vbox to0pt{\vss
}\to{\mathbf D}$}
where $q$ is the ``Verdier quotient" functor. Then
\emph{$\,\overline{\!\boldsymbol{\varGamma}}$ is left-adjoint to~$q$}, so that $\mathbf
S\subset{\mathbf D}$ admits a ``Bousfield colocalization."\index{Bousfield
colocalization} It follows from (c) and (d) below that
$\mathbf S=\{\,{\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}\mid {\boldsymbol\Lambda}({\mathcal E})=0\,\}$, and (b) below means that
\emph{the functor $\bar{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\colon{\mathbf D}/\mathbf S\to{\mathbf D}$
defined by ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}=\bar{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\smcirc q$
is right-adjoint to~$q\>$}; thus $\mathbf S\subset{\mathbf D}$ also admits a ``Bousfield
And ${\mathbf D}/\mathbf S$ is equivalent, via $\,\overline{\!\boldsymbol{\varGamma}}$ and $\bar{\boldsymbol\Lambda}$
respectively, to the categories $\D_{\mathrm t}\<\subset{\mathbf D}$
and~${\mathbf D}\>\>\hat{}\>\subset{\mathbf D}$ introduced below---categories denoted by
$\mathbf S^\perp$ and ${}^\perp\mathbf S$ in~\mbox{\cite[Chapter
The composed functorial map
induces an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}({\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal E},{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal F}\>)\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal E}, {\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal F}\>) \qquad\bigl({\mathcal E},{\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})),
or equivalently (as above), $\lambda$ induces an isomorphism
Moreover, the isomorphism (A) transforms via adjointness to an isomorphism
{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal E}, {\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal F}\>)\iso {\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal E},{\boldsymbol\Lambda}{\mathcal F}\>)\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E},{\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})),
whose meaning is that $\gamma$ induces an isomorphism
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\iso {\boldsymbol\Lambda}.
Similarly, (B) means that $\lambda$ induces the conjugate isomorphism
\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\osi \boldsymbol{\varGamma}.
Similarly, that ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}(\lambda({\mathcal F}\>))$---or $\gamma(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}({\mathcal E}))$---is an
isomorphism (respectively that
$\lambda({\boldsymbol\Lambda}({\mathcal F}\>))$---or~$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}(\gamma({\mathcal E}))$---is an isomorphism) is equivalent
to the first (respectively the second) of the following maps (induced by
$\lambda$ and $\gamma$ respectively) being an isomorphism:
{\mathrm {Hom}}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<,{\mathcal F}\>)
\iso{\mathrm {Hom}}(\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}\<,{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\>{\mathcal F}\>)
\osi{\mathrm {Hom}}({\mathcal E}\<,{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\>{\mathcal F}\>).
That (c) is an isomorphism also means that the functor~${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ factors, via
$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\<$, through the essential image~$\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ of~$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\<$ (i.e., the full
subcategory~$\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ whose objects are isomorphic to $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\mathcal E}$
for some~${\mathcal E}$); and similarly (d) being an isomorphism means that $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$ factors,
via~${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$, through the essential image ${\mathbf D}\>\>\hat{}\>({\mathscr X})$ of~${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$; and the
\mbox{$\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\cong\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$} and ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ deduced from~(a)--(d)
signify that ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ and $\boldsymbol{\varGamma}$ induce quasi-inverse equivalences between the
$\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr X})$ and~${\mathbf D}\>\>\hat{}\>({\mathscr X})$.
(2) If ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic, the natural functor
${\boldsymbol j}\colon{\mathbf D}(\A_{\vec {\mathrm c}}({\mathscr X}))\to\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})$ is an
\emph{equivalence,} and the inclusion
$\D_{\<\vc}({\mathscr X})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ has a
right adjoint~$\mathbf Q:={\boldsymbol j}{\mathbf R} Q_{\mathscr X}^{}$ (\Cref{corollary}.) Then (easily
checked, given \Cref{C:vec-c is qc} and \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}) all
of~(1) holds with ${\mathbf D}$,~$\D_{\mathrm t}\<\>$, and~${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ replaced by $\D_{\<\vc}\>$, $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}\>$,
and~${\boldsymbol\Lambda{\!^\vc}}\!:=\mathbf Q{\boldsymbol\Lambda}$, respectively.
(3) As in (1), ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}$ induces an
equivalence from $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ to $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\mspace{-11mu}\hat{}\mspace{10mu}({\mathscr X})$,
the essential image of ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})}$---or, since ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\varGamma}\<$, of
${\boldsymbol\Lambda}|_{\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})}$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}). So for\vadjust{\kern.7pt}
any $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ as in \Cref{C:identities}, the functor
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon
\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\mspace{-11mu}\hat{}\mspace{10mu}({\mathscr X}) \to
\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\mspace{-11mu}\hat{}\mspace{10mu}({\mathscr Y})
has the right adjoint ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}f_{\mathrm t}^\times=\ush f\<$. There result two
``parallel" adjoint pseudofunctors
\cite[(3.6.7)(d)]{Derived categories} (where ``3.6.6" should be ``3.6.2"):
({\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\>,\>f_{\mathrm t}^\times)\text{ (on $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}$)\quad and\quad }
({\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}},\>\ush f\>)
\text{ (on $\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\mspace{-11mu}\hat{}\mspace{10mu}\>$)}.
Both of these correspond to the same adjoint pseudofunctor on the
quotient~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}/(\mathbf S\cap\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}})$, see footnote
under (1).
If $f$ is \emph{adic} then ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\cong{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$ (\Cref{C:f* and
Gamma}(c)), and so \Pref{Rf-*(qct)} gives that
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\mspace{-11mu}\hat{}\mspace{10mu}\>({\mathscr X}))\subset
\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}\mspace{-11mu}\hat{}\mspace{10mu}\>({\mathscr Y})$. Moreover, there are functorial
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\cong
{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\>{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\cong
{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\>{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}\>.
Thus for adic $f\<$, ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}$ can be replaced above
by~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$.\vspace{1pt}
When $f$ is \emph{proper} more can be said, see \Tref{T:properdual}.
\section{Flat base change.}
A \emph{fiber square}\index{fiber square} of adic
formal schemes is a commutative diagram
{\mathscr V}@>v>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV @VVfV \\
{\mathscr U}@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}
such that the natural map is an \emph{isomorphism}
${\mathscr V}\iso{\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}$. If ${\mathscr I}$, ${\mathscr J}$, $\mathscr K$ are
ideals of definition of ${\mathscr Y}$, ${\mathscr X}$, ${\mathscr U}$
respectively, then ${\mathcal L}\!:={\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}+\mathscr K{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}$ is an ideal of definition
of~$\>{\mathscr V}$, and the scheme $V\!:=({\mathscr V},
{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}/{\mathcal L})$ is the fiber product of the
$({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I})$-schemes $({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J})$ and $({\mathscr U},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}/\mathscr K)$, see
\cite[p.\,417, Proposition~(10.7.3)]{GD}. By
\cite[p.\,414, Corollaire~(10.6.4)]{GD}, if $V$ is locally
noetherian and the ${\mathcal O}_V$-module~${\mathcal L}/{\mathcal L}^2$ is of finite type
then ${\mathscr V}$ is locally noetherian. That happens whenever
${\mathscr X}$, ${\mathscr Y}$ and ${\mathscr U}$ are locally noetherian and either $u$ or $f$ is of
pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type.\looseness=-1
Our goal is to prove \Tref{T:basechange} (=\:\Tref{Th3} of the
That is, given a fiber square as above, with ${\mathscr X}$, ${\mathscr Y}$, ${\mathscr U}$ and
${\mathscr V}$ noetherian, $f$ \emph{pseudo\kern.6pt-proper,}
and $u$ \emph{flat,} we want to establish a functorial isomorphism
\beta_{\mathcal F}\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F} \iso
g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*{\mathcal F}\ (\cong g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\<u^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)
\qquad \bigl({\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
Some consequences of this theorem will be given in \Sref{Consequences}.
In order to define $\beta_{\mathcal F}$ (\Dref{D:basechange})
we first need to set up a canonical isomorphism
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} {\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<$. This is done
in \Pref{uf=gv}. (When $u$~is \emph{adic} as well as flat, ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}$
can be omitted.)
Our proof of \Tref{T:basechange} has the weakness that it \emph{assumes} the case
when $f$ is a proper map of noetherian ordinary schemes. As far as
we know, the published proofs of this latter result make use of
finite-dimensionality hypotheses on the schemes involved (see \cite[p.\, 392,
Thm.\,2]{f!}, \cite[p.\,383, Cor.\,3.4]{H1}), or projectivity hypotheses on~$f$
\cite[p.\,191, 5]{H1}). There is however an outline of a proof for the general
case, even without noetherian hypotheses, in
\cite{Non noetherian}---see Corollary 4.3 there
Details may eventually appear in \cite{Derived categories}.
It is quite possible
that the argument can be adapted to give a direct proof for formal
schemes too.}
To begin with, here are several properties of formal-scheme maps
(see \S\ref{maptypes})
which propagate across fiber squares.
\textup{(a)} Let\/ $f\colon {\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ and\/ $u:{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be maps of
locally noetherian formal schemes, such that the fiber product\/
${\mathscr X}\times_{{\mathscr Y}} {\mathscr U}$ is locally noetherian \textup(a condition which
holds, e.g., if either \/ $f$ or\/ $u$ is of pseudo-finite type, see
\cite[p.\,414, Corollaire (10.6.4)]{GD}\textup). If\/
$f$ is\/ \emph{separated} \textup(resp.~\emph{affine,}
resp.~\emph{pseudo\kern.6pt-proper,} resp.~\emph{pseudo\kern.6pt-finite,}
resp.~\emph{of pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type,}
resp.~\emph{adic}\textup) then so is the projection\/ ${\mathscr X}\times_{{\mathscr Y}}{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr U}$.
\textup{(b)} With\/ $f\colon {\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ and $u:{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ as in\/ \textup{(a),}
assume either that\/ $u$ is adic or that\/ $f$ is of
pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type.
If\/ $u$ is flat then so is the projection\/
${\mathscr X}\times_{{\mathscr Y}}{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr X}$.\vadjust{\kern1pt}
\textup{(c)} Let\/ $f\colon {\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$, $u:{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be maps of
locally noetherian formal schemes, with\/ $u$ flat and locally
over\/~${\mathscr Y}$ the completion of a finite-type map of ordinary
schemes. Then\/ ${\mathscr X}\times_{{\mathscr Y}}{\mathscr U}$ is locally noetherian, and
the projection\/ ${\mathscr X}\times_{{\mathscr Y}}{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr X}$ is flat.
(a) The adicity assertion is obvious, and the rest follows from
corresponding assertions for the ordinary schemes obtained by
factoring out defining ideals.\vadjust{\kern1pt}
(b) It's enough to treat the case when ${\mathscr Y}$, ${\mathscr X}$, and ${\mathscr U}$
are the formal spectra, respectively, of noetherian adic rings
$(A,I)$, $(B,J)$ and $(C,K)$ such that $B$ and~$C$ are $A$-algebras
with \mbox{$J\supset IB$} and $K\supset IC$, and such that
$B\, \widehat{\otimes}_{\<A} \>\>C$ is
noetherian (since ${\mathscr X}\times_{{\mathscr Y}} {\mathscr U}$ is
locally noetherian, see \cite[p.\,414, Corollaire (10.6.5)]{GD}).
By the following \Lref{(4.1.2)}, the problem is to show that if
$C$ is $A$-flat and \emph{either} $K=IC$ ($u$ adic), \emph{or} $B/\<J$ is a
finitely-generated $A$-algebra ($f$ of pseudo-finite type),
then $B\, {\widehat \otimes}_{\<A}\>\>C$ is $B$-flat.
The local criterion of
flatness \cite[p.\,98, \S5.2, Thm.\,1 and p.\,101, \S5.4, Prop.\,2]{Bou}
reduces the problem further to showing that for all $n>0$,
(B\, {\widehat\otimes}_{\<A}
\>\>C)/J^n(B\, {\widehat\otimes}_{\<A} \>\>C)$ is $(B/\<J^n)$-flat, i.e., that
$(B/\<J^n)\, {\widehat\otimes}_{\<A} \>\>C$
is $(B/\<J^n)$-flat.
But, $C$ being $A$-flat, if $K=IC$ then
$(B/\<J^n)\, {\widehat\otimes}_{\<A} \>\>C
=(B/\<J^n)\otimes_{A/I^n} (C/I^nC)
is clearly $B/\<J^n$-flat; while if $B/J$ is a finitely-generated
$A$-algebra, then
$(B/\<J^n)\>\otimes_A \>C$ is noetherian and $(B/\<J^n)$-flat,
whence so is its $K$-adic completion $(B/\<J^n)\, {\widehat\otimes}_{\<A} \>\>C$.
(c) Proceeding as in the proof of (b), we may assume~$C$ to be the
$K'$-adic completion of a finite\kern.5pt-type $A$-algebra~$C'$ ($K'$
a $C'$-ideal). If $C$ is $A$-flat then by \cite[\S 5.4, Proposition
4]{Bou}, the localization $C'{}'\!:= C'[(1+K')^{-1}]$ is $A$-flat, so
the noetherian $B$-algebra $ B\otimes_{\<A} C'{}' $ is $B$-flat, as is
its (noetherian) completion $B\,\widehat {\otimes}_{\<A}\, C$.
Let $\varphi:A \to C$ be a continuous homomorphism of noetherian adic
rings. Then $C$ is $A$-flat iff the corresponding map
${\mathrm {Spf}}(\varphi)\colon {\mathrm {Spf}}(\<C)\to{\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ is~flat, i.e., iff for each
open prime~$q\subset C,$ $C_{\{q\}}$ is
$A_{\{\varphi^{-1}q\}}\<$-\kern.5pt flat.
\begin{proof} Recall that if $K$ is an ideal of definition of~$C$ and
$q\supset K$ is an open prime ideal in~$C$, then with $C\setminus q$
ordered by divisibility,
C_{\{q\}}\!:={\mathcal O}_{{\mathrm {Spf}}(C)\<,\>q}=
\dirlm{{\displaystyle\mathstrut}\hbox to 0pt
{\hss$\scriptstyle f\in \>C\setminus q\;$\hss}}C_{\{f\}}\vspace{3pt}
where $C_{\{f\}}$ is the $K$-adic completion of the localization~$C_{\<f}\>$.
Now for each
$f\notin q$ and $n>0$ the canonical map\vspace{1pt} $C_{\<f}/\<K^n\<C_{\<f}
\to C_{\{f\}}/\<K^n\<C_{\{f\}}$~is bijective,\vadjust{\kern.7pt}
so the \smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} of these maps is an
isomorphism\vadjust{\kern.8pt} $C_q/\<K^n\<C_q\iso C_{\{q\}}/\<K^n\<C_{\{q\}}$,
whence so is
the $K$-adic completion \smash{$\widehat{C_q}
\iso \widehat{C_{\{q\}}}$} of the canonical map $C_q\to C_{\{q\}}$.
We can therefore apply \cite[\S5.4, Proposition 4]{Bou} twice to get
that $C_q$ is $A_{\varphi^{-1}q}$-flat iff $C_{\{q\}}$ is
$A_{\{\varphi^{-1}q\}}$-flat. So if $C$ is $A$-flat then
${\mathrm {Spf}}(\varphi)$ is flat; and the converse holds because $C$ is
$A$-flat iff $C_m$ is $A_{\varphi^{-1}m}$-flat for every maximal
ideal~$m$ in~$C$, and every such $m$ is open since $C$ is complete.
\textup{(a)} Consider a fiber square of noetherian formal schemes
{\mathscr V}@>v>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV @VVfV \\
{\mathscr U}@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}
with $u$ and $v$ flat. Let
\psi_{\<{\mathcal G}}^{}\colon {\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\mathcal G}\to {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> {\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal G}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr X})\bigr)
be the unique map
whose composition with the natural map
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> {\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal G}$
is the natural map
${\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R} g_* v^*\<{\mathcal G}$. \textup(The existence
of\/~$\psi_{\<{\mathcal G}}^{}$ is given by Propositions~\ref{Gamma'(qc)} and
~\ref{Rf-*(qct)}.\textup) Then for all\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),$
$\psi_{\mathcal E}$ is an \emph{isomorphism}.
In particular, if\/ $u$ \textup(hence $v)$ is \emph{adic} then\/
$\psi_{{\mathcal E}}$ can be identified with the identity map of\/ $ {\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E}$.
\textup{(b)} Let\/ ${\mathscr X},$\ ${\mathscr Y},$\ ${\mathscr U}$ be noetherian formal schemes, let\/
$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ and\/
$u\colon{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be maps, with\/ $u$ flat, and assume further that one of the
following holds:\vadjust{\kern1pt}
\item[\hspace{2.87em}(i)] $u$ is adic, and\/ ${\mathscr V}\!:={\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}$ is
\item[\hspace{2.6em}(ii)] $f$ is of pseudo\kern.6pt-finite type,
\item[\hspace{2.3em}(iii)] $u$ is locally the completion of
a finite-type map of ordinary schemes;\vadjust{\kern1.5pt}
so that by \Pref{P:basechange} we have a fiber square as
in\/ \textup{(a)}. Let
\theta_{\mathcal G}\colon u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\to {\mathbf R} g_*v^*{\mathcal G}\qquad\bigl ({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\bigr)
be adjoint\vadjust{\kern.5pt} to the canonical map\/
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}} {\mathcal G}\to{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} {\mathbf R} v_* v^*{\mathcal G}={\mathbf R} u_*{\mathbf R} g_*v^*{\mathcal G}$.\vadjust{\kern1pt}
Then for all\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),$\ the map
$\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'\!:={\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}(\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}})$\index{ {}$\theta'\<$} is an
\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> {\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E}.
In particular, if\/ $u$ \textup(hence $v)$ is \emph{adic} then\/
$\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}$ itself is an isomorphism.
\textup{(c)} Under the hypotheses of\/ \textup{(a)}\vspace{.6pt} resp.~\textup{(b),}
$f$ \textup(hence $g)$ is adic then\/ $\psi_{\mathcal E}$ resp.~$\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'$ is an
isomorphism for all\/ ${\mathcal E}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ \textup(see
(a) Let ${\mathscr J}$ be an ideal of definition of~${\mathscr X}$, and ${\mathcal K}$ of~${\mathscr U}$, so that
${\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}+{\mathcal K}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}$ is an ideal of definition of~${\mathscr V}$. The obvious equality
$\iG{{\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}+{\mathcal K}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}=\iG{{\mathcal K}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}\iG{{\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}$,
applied to K-injective ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}$-complexes, leads to a natural
functorial map
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} \underset{\ref{Gamma'1}}{\overset{\textup{def}}=}
{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}+{\mathcal K}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}
\longrightarrow{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr J} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}
which is an \emph{isomorphism,} as one checks locally via
~\cite[p.\,20, Corollary~(3.1.3)]{AJL}. Also, there are natural
{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\underset{\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(b)}}{\iso}
v^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal E}=v^*\>{\mathbf R}\iG{\mathscr J}{\mathcal E}
\underset{\textup{\ref{Gamma'(qc)}(a)}}{\iso} v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
Thus the natural map ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\to{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}$ induces an
\emph{isomorphism}---the composition
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\mkern.6mu v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\iso{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}{\mathbf R}\iG {{\mathscr J} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\iso{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}} v^*\<{\mathcal E}.
Since $(*)\<\colon$\!
$\<{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}} v^*\<{\mathcal E}\cong{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\mkern.6mu v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\<\in\<\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr U})$ (Propositions~\ref{Gamma'(qc)} and ~\ref{Rf-*(qct)})
therefore we can imitate the proof of \Pref{P:f* and Gamma}(d)---\emph{without}
the boundedness imposed there on~${\mathcal G}$, since that would be needed only to
get $(*)$---to see that
the map ${\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}} v^*\<{\mathcal E}\to{\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E}$
induced by ${\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}\to \mathbf1$
factors uniquely as
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}} v^*\<{\mathcal E}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> {\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E}\longrightarrow{\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E},
with the first map an isomorphism.
It follows that $\psi_{\mathcal E}$ is the composed isomorphism
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\mkern.6mu v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\iso{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}{\mathbf R}\iG {{\mathscr J} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}}v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\iso{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathcal K} {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}} v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> {\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E}.
The last statement in (a) (for adic~$u$) results then from
\Cref{C:f* and Gamma}(b) and
Propositions~\ref{Rf-*(qct)} and \ref{Gamma'(qc)}(a).
(b) Once $\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'$ is shown to be an isomorphism,
the last statement in (b) (for adic~$u$)
follows from \Cref{C:f* and Gamma}(b),
and Propositions~\ref{Rf-*(qct)} and \ref{Gamma'(qc)}(a).
To show that $\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'$ is an isomorphism, it suffices to show
that the composition
\psi_{\mathcal E}^{-1}\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}
\to {\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\mathcal E}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
is an isomorphism. We use \Lref{Gam as holim} to
reduce the problem, as follows.
First, the functors $u^*\<$, $v^*\<$, ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}$ and ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}$ are bounded,
and commute with direct\- sums: for $u^*\<$ and $v^*\<$ that is clear, and
for ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}$ and ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}$ it holds because they can be realized
locally by tensoring with a bounded flat complex (see proof of
\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}). Furthermore, \Lref{Gamma'+qc},
\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}, and~\Pref{P:Lf*-vc} show that
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\>\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr V})$; and the functor ${\mathbf R} g_*$
(resp.~${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}$) is bounded on, and commutes with direct sums in,
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr V})$ (resp.~$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$), see Propositions~\ref{Gamma'+qc},
~\ref{Rf_*bounded} and~\ref{P:coprod}. Hence, standard
way-out reasoning allows us to assume that ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$.
Next, let ${\mathscr J}$ be
an ideal of definition of~${\mathscr X}$, $X_{n}\ (n>0)$ the scheme
$({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/\<{\mathscr J}^n)$, and $j_n\colon X_{n}\hookrightarrow {\mathscr X}$ the
associated closed immersion. The functor
$j_{n*}\colon{\mathcal A}(X_{n})\to{\mathcal A}({\mathscr X})$ is exact, so it extends to a functor
${\mathbf D}(X_{n})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$. The functor
$j_n^\natural\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}(X_{n})$ being defined as
in~\eqref{f^natl}, we have
{\boldsymbol h}_n({\mathcal G})\!:={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/\<{\mathscr J}^n\<,\>{\mathcal G})
=j_{n*}j_n^\natural{\mathcal G}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\bigr).
If ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$ then ${\mathcal E}={\mathbf R}\iG{\<{\mathscr J}}\<{\mathcal E}$
(\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a)), and, as noted just
after~\eqref{f^natl}, $j_n^\natural{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_{n})$.
Hence, from the triangle in
\Lref{Gam as holim} (with ${\mathcal G}$~replaced by an ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$)
we derive a diagram of triangles
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}(\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E})
@>>> {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}(\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E})
@>>> {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}({\mathbf R}\iG{\<{\mathscr J}}\<{\mathcal E}) @>+>> \\
@V\simeq VV @V\simeq VV @VV\simeq V \\
\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} {\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E}
@>>> \oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} {\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E}
@>>> {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E} @>+>> \\
@V\oplus V\psi_{{\boldsymbol h}_{\<n}{\mathcal E}}^{-1}\>\theta_{\< {\boldsymbol h}_{\<n}{\mathcal E}}'V
@V\oplus V\psi_{{\boldsymbol h}_{\<n}{\mathcal E}}^{-1}\>\theta_{\<{\boldsymbol h}_{\<n}{\mathcal E}}'V
@VV\psi_{\mathcal E}^{-1}\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'V \\
\oplus_{n\ge1}{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E}
@>>> \oplus_{n\ge1}{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E}
@>>> {\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\mathcal E} @>+>> \\
@V\simeq VV @V\simeq VV @VV\simeq V \\
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*(\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E})
@>>> {\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*(\oplus_{n\ge1}\>{\boldsymbol h}_n\>{\mathcal E})
@>>> {\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*({\mathbf R}\iG{\<{\mathscr J}}\<{\mathcal E}) @>+>>
From this diagram we see that if each
$\psi_{{\boldsymbol h}_n{\mathcal E}}^{-1}\>\theta_{\<{\boldsymbol h}_n{\mathcal E}}'$
is an isomorphism, then so is~$\psi_{\mathcal E}^{-1}\>\theta_{\mathcal E}'$.
So we need only prove (b) when ${\mathcal E}=j_{n*}\>{\mathcal F}$ with
${\mathcal F}\!:= j_n^\natural{\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_{n})$.\vspace{1pt}
Let us show that in fact \emph{for any $n>0$ and any ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_{n})\<,$
$\theta_{\!j_{\<n\<*}{\mathcal F}}'$ is an isomorphism.}
The assertion~(b) is local both on~${\mathscr Y}$ and on ${\mathscr U}$. Indeed, for (b)
to hold
it suffices, for every diagram of fiber squares
{\mathscr V}@<j'<<{\mathscr V}'@>v'>>{\mathscr X}' @>j>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV@Vg'VV @VVf'V @VVfV\\
{\mathscr U}@<<i'<{\mathscr U}'@>>u'>{\mathscr Y}'@>>i>{\mathscr Y}
where ${\mathscr Y}'$ ranges over a base of open subsets of~${\mathscr Y}$,
${\mathscr U}'$ ranges over a base of open subsets of~$u^{-1}{\mathscr Y}'\<$,
$u'$ is induced by~$u$, and $i$, $i'$ are the inclusions, that
$i'{}^{\<*}\<\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'$ \mbox{$(=\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'|_{{\mathscr U}'})$} be an isomorphism.
Now when $u$ is an open immersion,
$\theta_{\mathcal G}$ is an isomorphism for all ${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X}\>)$. (One may
assume ${\mathcal G}$ to be K-injective and note that $v^*\<$, having the exact left
adjoint ``extension by zero," preserves K-injectivity, so that $\theta_{\mathcal G}$
becomes the usual isomorphism $u^*\<\<f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal G}\iso g_*v^*{\mathcal G}$). Thus
there are functorial isomorphisms
$i'{}^*\>{\mathbf R} g_*\iso{\mathbf R} g_*'\>j'{}^*$ and $i^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\iso{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}'\>j^*$;
and similarly there is an isomorphism
$i'{}^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}'} i'{}^*\<$.
So it suffices that the composition
i'{}^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} {\mathcal E}\xrightarrow{i'{}^{\<\<*}\<\<\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'\>}
i'{}^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\>{\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E}\iso
{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}'} i'{}^*\>{\mathbf R} g_*v^*\<{\mathcal E}\iso
{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}'} {\mathbf R} g_*'\>j'{}^*v^*\<{\mathcal E}
be an isomorphism; and with a bit of patience one identifies this
composition with
{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}'}u'{}^*i^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} {\mathcal E}\iso
{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}'} u'{}^*\>{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}'\>j^*\<{\mathcal E}
\xrightarrow{\theta_{\<j^{\<\<*}\!{\mathcal E}}'\>\>}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}'}{\mathbf R} g_*'v'{}^*\<j^*\<{\mathcal E},
thereby reducing to showing that $\theta_{\<j^{\<\<*}\<\<{\mathcal E}}'$ is an
isomorphism. Thus one may
assume that both ${\mathscr Y}$ and ${\mathscr U}$ are affine, say ${\mathscr Y}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$ and
${\mathscr U}={\mathrm {Spf}}(C)$ with $C$ a flat $A$-algebra (\Lref{(4.1.2)}).
Suppose next that ${\mathscr X}$ and ${\mathscr Y}$ are ordinary schemes, so that
${\mathscr Y}={\mathrm {Spec}}(A)$. In cases~(i) and (ii) of (b), set $C'{}'\!:= C$,
and in case (iii) let $C'{}'$ be as in the proof of part~(c) of
\Pref{P:basechange}. In any case, $C'{}'$ is $A$-flat, $C$
is the $K$-adic completion of~$\>C'{}'$ for some $C'{}'$-ideal~$K\<$,
$\>{\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y} {\mathrm {Spf}}(C)$ is the $K$-adic completion of~${\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y}
{\mathrm {Spec}}(C'{}')$,
and we have a natural commutative diagram
{\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y} {\mathrm {Spf}}(C)@>v_2>>{\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y} {\mathrm {Spec}}(C'{}')@>v_1>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV @Vg_1VV @VVfV \\
{\mathrm {Spf}}(C) @>>u_2> {\mathrm {Spec}}(C'{}') @>>u_1> {\mathscr Y}
With $\iGp{}$ denoting $\iGp{{\mathrm {Spf}}(C)}$,
$\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'=:\theta'({\mathcal E},f,u)$ factors naturally as the composition
{\mathbf R}\iGp{}u_2^*u_1^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}
\xrightarrow{{\mathbf R}\iGp{}u_2^*(\theta({\mathcal E}\<\<,\>f\<,\>u_1))}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{}u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*{\mathcal E}
\xrightarrow{\theta'(v_1^*\<{\mathcal E}\<\<,\>\>g_1\<,\>\>u_2)}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{}v_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_*v_2^*v_1^*{\mathcal E}.
Here $\theta({\mathcal E},f,u_1)$ is an isomorphism because all the schemes
involved are ordinary schemes. (One argues as in \cite[p.\,111,
Prop.\,5.12]{H1}, using \cite[p.\,35, (6.7)]{AHK}; for a fussier
treatment see
\cite[Prop.\,(3.9.5)]{Derived categories}.)
Also, $\theta'(v_1^*{\mathcal E},g_1,u_2)$ is an isomorphism, in case (i) of (b)
since then $u_2$ and $v_2$ are identity maps, and in cases (ii) and
(iii) by \Cref{C:kappa-f*t'} since then
${\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathrm {Spec}}(C'{}')$ is noetherian. Thus:
\Pref{uf=gv} holds when\/ ${\mathscr X}$ and\/ ${\mathscr Y}$ are both ordinary
We will also need the following special case of \Pref{uf=gv}:
Let\/ ${\mathscr I}$ be an ideal of definition of\/ ${\mathscr Y},$\ $Y_n$ the scheme
$({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}^n),$\ and
$i_n\colon Y_n\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Y}$ the canonical closed immersion. Let
$u_n\colon Y_n\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}\to Y_n$ and
$p_n\colon Y_n\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr U}$ be the projections \textup(so that\/ $u_n$
is flat and\/ $p_n$ is a closed immersion, see\/ \textup{\cite[p.\,442,
(10.14.5)(ii)]{GD})}. Then the natural map is an isomorphism
u^*i_{n*}{\mathcal G}\iso p_{n*}u_n^*{\mathcal G}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y_n)\bigr).
Since the functors $u^*\<$, $i_{n*\>}$, $ p_{n*\>}$, and $u_n^*$ are
all exact,\vspace{.5pt} we may assume that ${\mathcal G}$ is a quasi-coherent
${\mathcal O}_{Y_n}$-module; and since those functors commute with\vspace{1pt}
\smash{$\dirlm{}\!\!$} we may further assume ${\mathcal G}$ coherent, and then
refer to \cite[p.\,443, (10.14.6)]{GD}.
Finally, for general noetherian formal schemes ${\mathscr X}$ and ${\mathscr Y}$,
and ${\mathscr I}$ and $Y_n$ as above, let
${\mathscr J}\supset{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ be an ideal of definition of\/ ${\mathscr X}$, let $X_n$ be the scheme
$({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/\<{\mathscr J}^n),$\ and let $f_n\colon X_n\to Y_n$ be the map induced
by $f$. Then for any ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_n)$, it holds that ${\mathbf R} f_{n*}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(Y_n)$.
(See \Pref{Rf-*(qct)}---though the simpler case
${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^+(X_n)$ would do for proving \Pref{uf=gv}.)
Associated to the natural diagram\looseness=-1
\expandafter\ifx\csname graph\endcsname\relax
\expandafter\ifx\csname graphtemp\endcsname\relax
\vbox to0pt{\hbox{%
\special{pn 8}%
\special{pn 2}%
\special{ia 275 1889 140 140 0 6.28319}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 1.889in
\rlap{\kern 0.275in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss ${\mathscr U}$\hss}}%
\special{ia 1740 1889 140 140 0 6.28319}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 1.889in
\rlap{\kern 1.74in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss ${\mathscr Y}$\hss}}%
\special{ia 975 1389 140 140 0 6.28319}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 1.389in
\rlap{\kern 0.975in\lower\graphtemp \hbox to 0pt%
{\hss $Y_n\!\<\times_{\<{\mathscr Y}}\!{\mathscr U}$\hss}}%
\special{ia 2440 1389 140 140 0 6.28319}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 1.389in
\rlap{\kern 2.44in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss $Y_n$\hss}}%
\special{pa 0 780}%
\special{pa 0 500}%
\special{pa 550 500}%
\special{pa 550 780}%
\special{pa 0 780}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 0.64in
\rlap{\kern 0.275in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss
${\mathscr V}$\hss}}%
\special{ia 1740 640 140 140 0 6.28319}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 0.64in
\rlap{\kern 1.74in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss ${\mathscr X}$\hss}}%
\special{pa 700 260}%
\special{pa 700 0}%
\special{pa 1250 0}%
\special{pa 1250 280}%
\special{pa 700 280}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 0.14in
\rlap{\kern 0.975in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt
{\hss$X_n\!\<\times_{\<{\mathscr Y}}\! {\mathscr U}\ $\hss}}%
\special{ia 2440 140 140 140 0 6.28319}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 0.14in
\rlap{\kern 2.44in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss $X_n$\hss}}%
\graphtemp=0.3\baselineskip \advance\graphtemp by .6ex
\advance\graphtemp by 1.889in
\rlap{\kern 1.007in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss $\scriptscriptstyle u$\hss}}%
\special{pa 415 1889}%
\special{pa 1600 1889}%
\special{pa 1600 1889}%
\special{pa 1575 1914}%
\special{pa 1575 1864}%
\special{pa 1600 1889}%
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\rlap{\kern 1.405in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss $\scriptscriptstyle\ \quad
\special{pa 1250 1389}%
\special{pa 1695 1389}%
\special{pa 1785 1389}%
\special{pa 2300 1389}%
\special{pa 2300 1389}%
\special{pa 2275 1414}%
\special{pa 2275 1364}%
\special{pa 2300 1389}%
\graphtemp=-0.5\baselineskip \advance\graphtemp by .6ex
\advance\graphtemp by 1.639in
\rlap{\kern 0.6in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt
{\hss {$\scriptscriptstyle p_{n}\ $}\hss}}%
\special{pa 389 1808}%
\special{pa 837 1514}%
\special{pa 389 1808}%
\special{pa 396 1773}%
\special{pa 389 1808}%
\special{pa 424 1815}%
\graphtemp=0.5\baselineskip \advance\graphtemp by .6ex
\advance\graphtemp by 1.639in
\rlap{\kern 2.09in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss
\raise1ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\,\ \quad i_{\<n}$}\hss}}%
\special{pa 1854 1808}%
\special{pa 2326 1471}%
\special{pa 1854 1808}%
\special{pa 1861 1773}%
\special{pa 1854 1808}%
\special{pa 1889 1815}%
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\advance\graphtemp by 0.64in
\rlap{\kern 1.075in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss $\scriptscriptstyle\qquad v$\hss}}%
\special{pa 415 640}%
\special{pa 1600 640}%
\special{pa 1600 640}%
\special{pa 1575 665}%
\special{pa 1575 615}%
\special{pa 1600 640}%
\graphtemp=-0.5\baselineskip \advance\graphtemp by .6ex
\advance\graphtemp by 0.401in
\rlap{\kern 0.564in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss {$\scriptscriptstyle\quad\! q_{n}\quad
\special{pa 389 560}%
\special{pa 861 254}%
\special{pa 389 560}%
\special{pa 396 525}%
\special{pa 389 560}%
\special{pa 424 567}%
\graphtemp=-0.5\baselineskip \advance\graphtemp by .6ex
\advance\graphtemp by 0.14in
\rlap{\kern 1.775in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss $\scriptscriptstyle v_{\<n}$\hss}}%
\special{pa 1250 140}%
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\special{pa 2300 140}%
\special{pa 2275 165}%
\special{pa 2275 115}%
\special{pa 2300 140}%
\graphtemp=0.5\baselineskip \advance\graphtemp by .6ex
\advance\graphtemp by 0.39in
\rlap{\kern 2.09in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss
\raise1ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\,\ \quad j_{\<n}$}\hss}}%
\special{pa 1854 558}%
\special{pa 2326 221}%
\special{pa 1854 558}%
\special{pa 1861 523}%
\special{pa 1854 558}%
\special{pa 1889 565}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 1.264in
\rlap{\kern 1.74in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\raise1.5ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle \ f$}\hss}}%
\special{pa 1740 780}%
\special{pa 1740 1749}%
\special{pa 1740 1749}%
\special{pa 1715 1724}%
\special{pa 1765 1724}%
\special{pa 1740 1749}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 0.665in
\rlap{\kern 2.44in\lower\graphtemp%
\hbox to 0pt{$\scriptscriptstyle \ f_{\<n}$\hss}}%
\special{pa 2440 260}%
\special{pa 2440 1249}%
\special{pa 2440 1249}%
\special{pa 2415 1224}%
\special{pa 2465 1224}%
\special{pa 2440 1249}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 1.264in
\rlap{\kern 0.275in\lower\graphtem
\hbox to 0pt{\hss $\scriptscriptstyle g\ $}}%
\special{pa 275 780}%
\special{pa 275 1749}%
\special{pa 275 1749}%
\special{pa 250 1724}%
\special{pa 300 1724}%
\special{pa 275 1749}%
\special{pa 975 280}%
\special{pa 975 590}%
\graphtemp=.6ex \advance\graphtemp by 0.97in
\rlap{\kern 0.975in\lower\graphtemp\hbox to 0pt{\hss
\raise2.5ex\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle g_{\<n}^{\phantom{.}}\; $}}}%
\special{pa 975 690}%
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\special{pa 975 1249}%
\special{pa 950 1224}%
\special{pa 1000 1224}%
\special{pa 975 1249}%
\kern 2.58in
\kern 2.088in
\centerline{\quad\ \box\graph}
there is a composed isomorphism
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} j_{n*}\>{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*i_{n*}{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<n*}\>{\mathcal F}
&&\bigl ({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}(X_n)\bigr) \\
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} \>\>p_{n*}u_n^*\>{\mathbf R} f_{\<\<n*}\>{\mathcal F}
&&(\textup{\Lref{L:closed})} \\
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\>\> p_{n*}{\mathbf R} g_{n*}v_n^*{\mathcal F}
&& (\textup{\Lref{L:ordinary})}\\
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\>{\mathbf R} g_{*}q_{n*}v_n^*{\mathcal F} \\
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\>{\mathbf R} g_{*}v^*\<j_{n*}\>{\mathcal F}
which---the conscientious reader will verify---is just
$\theta_{\!j_{\<n\<*}{\mathcal F}}'\>$.
Thus $\theta_{\!j_{\<n\<*}{\mathcal F}}'\>$ is indeed an isomorphism.
(c) By definition ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}(\>\wDqc({\mathscr X}))\subset \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$, and so by (a) and~(b)
it's enough to see, as follows, that the natural map ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\to{\mathcal E}$ induces
isomorphisms of the source and target of both $\psi_{\mathcal E}$ and $\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'\>$.
\Pref{P:f* and Gamma}(c) gives the isomorphism
${\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E} \iso {\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\mathcal E}$,
as well as the second of the following isomorphisms, the first and
third of which follow from \Cref{C:f* and Gamma}(d):
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> {\mathbf R} g_*v^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal E}\cong
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal E}\cong
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*{\mathcal E}\cong
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> {\mathbf R} g_*v^*{\mathcal E}.
Likewise, there are natural isomorphisms
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}\cong
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}\cong
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E}.\vspace{-3.7ex}
Notation and assumptions stay as in \Pref{uf=gv}(a).
Assume that $f$ and~$g$ satisfy the hypotheses of \Tref{T:qct-duality},
so that the functor \mbox{${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$}
has a right adjoint~$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<$, and similarly for~$g$.
Recall from \Cref{C:identities}(b) that there is a natural isomorphism
$g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times} {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\isog_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}$.
\hskip-1pt With conditions as in \Pref{uf=gv}(b), the
$$\index{base-change map}
\beta_{\mathcal F}\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}
\tog_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\<{\mathcal F}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
is defined to be the map adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>\>v^*\<\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\>{\mathbf R} g_* v^*\<\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*\<{\mathcal F}
where $\psi\!:=\psi_{\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\!{\mathcal F}}$ and $\theta'\!:= \theta'_{\!f_{\mathrm t}^\times\!{\mathcal F}}\>\>$.
In particular, if $u$ (hence $v$) is \emph{adic} then $$
\beta_{\mathcal F}\colon v^*\<\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}\to g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times} u^*\<{\mathcal F}
is the map adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R} g_* v^*\<\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}
u^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}\to u^*\<{\mathcal F}
where $\theta\!:= \theta_{\!f_{\mathrm t}^\times\!{\mathcal F}}\>\>$.
\emph{Notation.} For a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper (hence separated) map~$f$ (see
\S\ref{maptypes}), we write~$f^!$\index{ $\iG$@$f^{{}^{\>\ldots}}$ (right adjoint of
${\mathbf R} f_{\<\<*}\cdots$)!$\mathstrut f^!\<$} instead of
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<$.
\begin{thm}\label{T:basechange}\index{base-change isomorphism}
Let\/ ${\mathscr X},$ ${\mathscr Y}$ and\/ ${\mathscr U}$ be noetherian formal schemes, let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$
be a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map, and let\/ $u\colon {\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be flat, so that in any fiber
{\mathscr V}@>v>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV @VVfV \\
{\mathscr U}@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}
the formal scheme\/ ${\mathscr V}$ is noetherian, $g$ is pseudo\kern.6pt-proper, and $v$ is
flat \textup(\Pref{P:basechange}\kern.5pt\textup). Then for all\/
${\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\!:=\wDqc({\mathscr Y})\cap{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y})$ the base-change map\/ $\beta_{\mathcal F}$ is
\beta_{\mathcal F}\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*f^!{\mathcal F} \iso
g^!\>\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*{\mathcal F}\ (\cong g^!\<u^*\<{\mathcal F}\>).
\emph{Remark.} In \cite[p.\,233, Example 6.5]{N1} Neeman\index{Neeman, Amnon}
gives an example where $f$ is a finite\- map of ordinary
schemes, $u$ is an open immersion, ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^-({\mathscr Y})$, and
$\beta_{\mathcal F}$ is \emph{not} an isomorphism.
Recall diagram \eqref{cube}, in which,
${\mathscr I}$ and ${\mathscr J}\supset{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ being
defining ideals of ${\mathscr Y}$ and ${\mathscr X}$ respectively,
$Y_n$ is the scheme $({\mathscr Y},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}^n)$ and $X_n$ is the
scheme $({\mathscr X},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}/{\mathscr J}^n)$. Let
${\mathcal K}\supset{\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}$ be a defining ideal of~${\mathscr U}$, let
${\mathcal L}\!:={\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}+{\mathcal K}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}\>$, a defining ideal of~${\mathscr V}$, let
$V_n\ (n>0)$ be the scheme $({\mathscr V},{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}/{\mathcal L}^n)$, and let
l_n\colon V_n\hookrightarrow{\mathscr V}
be the canonical closed immersion. Then by \Eref{ft-example}(4),
l_{n*}l_n^!{\mathcal G}=l_{n*}l_n^\natural{\mathcal G}={\mathbf R}\cH{om}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}/{\mathcal L}^n\<,{\mathcal G}\>)=:\,{\boldsymbol h}_n({\mathcal G}\>)
\qquad \bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr V})\bigr).
So in view of the natural isomorphism
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}g^! u^*{\mathcal F}\<\iso\<g^! u^*{\mathcal F}$
(\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a)), \Lref{Gam as holim} shows
it sufficient to prove that the maps
{\boldsymbol h}_n(\beta_{\mathcal F}\>)\colon l_{n*}l_n^!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\<f^!{\mathcal F}\to
l_{n*}l_n^!g^!u^*{\mathcal F}
are all isomorphisms.
Moreover, the closed immersion $l_n$ factors uniquely as
V_n\xrightarrow{r_n\>\>} X_n\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}\xrightarrow{q_n\>\>}{\mathscr V},
$$so we can replace $l_n^!$ by~$r_n^!q_n^!$ (\Tref{T:qct-duality}(b)).
Thus \emph{it will suffice to prove that the maps
q_n^!(\beta_{\mathcal F}\>)\colon q_n^!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\<f^!{\mathcal F}\to
q_n^!g^!u^*{\mathcal F}
are all isomorphisms.}
In the cube \eqref{cube}, the front, top,
rear, and bottom faces are fiber squares, denoted, respectively,
by $\square$, $\square_{\textup t}\>$, $\square_{\textup r}\>$ and
$\square_{\textup b}\>$; and we have the ``composed" fiber square
$\square_{\textup c}\>$:
X_n\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U} @>v_n>> X_n \\
@Vp_ng_nV \!=\,gq_n V @Vi_nf_nV \!=\,fj_n V \\
{\mathscr U} @>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}> {\mathscr Y}
The proper map $f_n$
and the closed immersions~$i_n$ and~$j_n$ are all of pseudo-finite type. Also, it
follows from \Pref{P:basechange}(b) that in addition to~$u$, the maps
$u$, $u_n$, $v$ and~$v_n$ are all flat. So corresponding to the fibre
squares~$\square_\bullet$ we have base-change maps~$\beta_\bullet\>$.
Consider the following diagram of functorial maps where, to save space, we set
$\blacktriangle\!:= X_n\!\times_{\mathscr Y}\<{\mathscr U}$ and
$\blacktriangledown\!:= Y_n\!\times_{\mathscr Y}\<{\mathscr U}$.
q_n^!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\<f^!\< @<\;\beta_{\textup t}\; <<
\<{\mathbf R}\iGp\blacktriangle v_n^*j_n^!f^! @<\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{n}}$}\vskip-8.5pt}<<
{\mathbf R}\iGp\blacktriangle v_n^*(fj_n)^! @=
{\mathbf R}\iGp\blacktriangle v_n^*(i_nf_n)^!\< @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{n}}$}\vskip-8.5pt}>>
\<{\mathbf R}\iGp\blacktriangle v_n^*f_n^!i_n^! \\
@V q_n^!(\beta) VV @. @V\beta_{\textup c} VV @. @VV\beta_{\textup r} V \\
q_n^!g^!u^* @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{n}}$}\vskip-8.5pt}>>
(gq_n)^!u^* @=
(p_ng_n)^!u^* @<\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{n}}$}\vskip-8.5pt}<<
g_n^!p_n^!u^* @<<\hbox to0pt{\hss$\scriptstyle g_n^!(\beta_{\textup b})$\hss}<
g_n^!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\blacktriangledown} u_n^*i_n^!
As above, we want to see that $q_n^!(\beta)$ is an isomorphism (in the category of
functors from $\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})$ to ${\mathbf D}(X_n\!\<\times_{\mathscr Y}\<\<{\mathscr U})$). For that the
following assertions clearly suffice:\vspace{2pt}
(a) The preceding diagram commutes.
(b) The base-change maps $\beta_{\textup t}$ and $\beta_{\textup b}$ are
(c) The base-change map $\beta_{\textup r}$ is an isomorphism.
Assertion (a) results from part (b) of the transitivity lemma~\ref{L:trans}
Since $i_n$ and $j_n$ are closed immersions,
assertion~(b) results from \Lref{L:immbc}, which is just
\Tref{T:basechange} for the case when $f$ is a closed immersion.
Since $f$~is pseudo\kern.6pt-proper therefore $f_n$ is proper, and assertion~(c)
is essentially the case of \Tref{T:basechange}---established in
\Lref{L:ordbc}---when ${\mathscr X}$ and ${\mathscr Y}$ are ordinary schemes.
Thus these three Lemmas will complete the proof of
We will need some ``transitivity" properties\index{transitivity} of the maps
$\theta_{\!{\mathcal E}}'$ and
$\beta_{\mathcal F}$ relative to horizontal and vertical composition of fiber squares
of noetherian formal schemes,
i.e., diagrams of the form
{\mathscr V}@>v_2>> {\mathscr V}_1 @>v_1>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV @Vg_1VV @VVfV \\
{\mathscr U} @>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u_2$}\vss}> {\mathscr U}_1 @>>\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u_1$}\vss}> {\mathscr Y}
{\mathscr V} @>v>> {\mathscr X} \\
@Vg_2 VV @VVf_2V \\
{\mathscr W} @>w>>{\mathscr Z} \\
@Vg_1 VV @VVf_1V \\
{\mathscr U} @>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1.3ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}
where all squares are fiber squares, and the maps $u$, $u_i\>$, $v$, $v_i\>$,
and~$w$ are all flat.
As we will be dealing with several fiber squares simultaneously we will
indicate the square with which, for instance, the map $\theta_{\mathcal G}$ in
\Pref{uf=gv} is associated, by writing
$\theta_{\<\<f\<,u}({\mathcal G})$ instead.
The transitivity properties\index{transitivity} begin with:
Coming out of the fiber square diagrams\/~\eqref{E:transh} and\/
~\eqref{E:transv}\textup, the following natural diagrams commute for all
${\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\colon$
(u_1u_2)^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}
@.\!\!\overset{\theta_{\<\<f\<,\>u_{\mkern-1.5mu 1}^{}\!\<u_{\mkern-1.5mu
2}^{}}({\mathcal G})}{\Rarrow{158pt}}@.
{\mathbf R} g_*(v_1v_2)^*{\mathcal G}\\
@V\simeq VV @. @VV\simeq V \\
u_2^*u_1^*\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}
@>>u_2^*(\theta_{\<\<f\<,\>u_{\<1}^{}}({\mathcal G}))>
u_{2}^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*{\mathcal G}
@>>\theta_{\<g_{\<1}^{}\<,\>u_{\<2}^{}}(v_1^*{\mathcal G})>
{\mathbf R} g_*v_2^*v_1^*{\mathcal G}
u^*\>{\mathbf R} (f_1f_2)_*{\mathcal G}
@.\quad\,\overset{\theta_{\<\<f_1\<f_2,\>u}({\mathcal G})}{\Rarrow{189pt}}\ @.
{\mathbf R} (g_1g_2)_{\<*}\>v^*{\mathcal G}\\
@V\simeq VV @. @VV\simeq V \\
u^*\>{\mathbf R} f_{1\<*}\>{\mathbf R} f_{\<2*}^{}{\mathcal G}
@>>\theta_{\<\<f_{1}\<,\>u}({\mathbf R} f_{\<2*}^{}{\mathcal G})>
{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}\>w^*\>{\mathbf R} f_{\<2*}^{}{\mathcal G}
@>>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}(\theta_{\<\<f_2,\>w}({\mathcal G}))>
{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}\>{\mathbf R} g_{2*}^{}v^*{\mathcal G}
This is a formal exercise, based on adjointness of $u^*$ and ${\mathbf R}
u_*\>$, etc. Details are left to the reader.
\textup{(a)} In the fiber square diagram\/~\eqref{E:transh}\vspace{.6pt} \(with\/
$v_1\>,$ $u_2$~and $v_2$ flat\), let\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ be such that the maps\/
$\theta_{\<\<1}'\!:=\theta'_{\<\<f\<,\>u_1^{}}(f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>),$
\theta'_{\<g_1,u_2^{}}((g_1^{}\<)_{\textup t}^{\!\times}\<u_1^*{\mathcal F}\>)$}
and\/ $\theta_{\<2}'{}\!'\!:=
\theta'_{\<g_1,u_2^{}}({\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<v_1^*f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)$
of \Pref{uf=gv} are isomorphisms.
Then the map\/ $\theta'\!:=\theta'_{\<\<f\<,\>u_1^{}\<u_2^{}}(f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)$
is an isomorphism, so the base-change maps\/
$\beta_1\!:=\beta_{\<\<f\<,\>u_1^{}}({\mathcal F}\>),$
$\beta_2\!:=\beta_{g_1^{},\>u_2^{}}(u_1^*{\mathcal F}\>)$ and\/
$\beta\!:=\beta_{\<\<f\<,\>u_1^{}\<u_2^{}}({\mathcal F}\>)$ can all be defined as in
\Dref{D:basechange};\vspace{1pt} and the following natural diagram, all of whose
uparrows are isomorphisms, commutes$\>:$
{\mathbf R} \iGp{\mathscr V}(v_1v_2)^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
@.\hskip-15pt\overset{\beta}{\Rarrow{180pt}} @.
g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\<{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}(u_1u_2)^*{\mathcal F}\\
@A\simeq AA @. @AA\simeq A \\
{\mathbf R} \iGp{\mathscr V} v_2^*v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} \>v_2^*(g_1^{}\<)_{\textup t}^{\!\times} u_1^*{\mathcal F}
g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\<{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*u_1^*{\mathcal F}\\
@A\simeq A\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(c)} A
@A\simeq A\textup{\ref{C:identities}(b)}A
@A\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(c)}A\simeq A \\
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} \>v_2^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<v_1^*f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
@>> {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} \>v_2^*(\beta_1)>
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} \>v_2^*(g_1^{}\<)_{\textup t}^{\!\times} {\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}_1}u_1^*{\mathcal F}
g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}\<{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}_1}u_1^*{\mathcal F}
\textup{(b)} In the fiber square diagram\/~\eqref{E:transv}---where\/ $u,$
$v$ and~$w$ are assumed flat---set\/ \mbox{$f\!:= f_{\<1}f_2$} and\/ $g\!:=
g_1g_2$. Let\/ ${\mathcal F}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ be such that the maps\/
((f_{\<1}^{}\<)_{\textup t}^{\!\times}{\mathcal F}\>),$
\theta'_{\<\<f_2,w}(f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}\>)$}
$\theta'\!:=\theta'_{\<\<f\<,\>u}(f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<\<{\mathcal F}\>)$
of \Pref{uf=gv} are isomorphisms,
so that the base-change maps\/
$\beta_1\!:=\beta_{\<\<f_{\<1},\>u}({\mathcal F}\>),$
$\beta_2\!:=\beta_{\<\<f_2,w}((f_{\<1}^{}\<)_{\textup t}^{\!\times}{\mathcal F}\>)$ and\/
$\beta\!:=\beta_{\<\<f,\>u}({\mathcal F}\>)$ are all defined. Then
the following diagram, whose two uparrows are
isomorphisms, commutes\/\textup{:}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\< f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
g_{\mathrm t}^{\<\times}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*{\mathcal F}
@A\simeq AA @. @AA\simeq A
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^* (f_2^{})\<_{\textup t}^{\!\times}\<(f_{\<1}^{}\<)\<_{\textup
t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal F}
(g_2^{})\<_{\textup t}^{\<\times}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr W} \>w^*\<(f_{\<1}^{}\<)\<_{\textup
t}^{\<\times}{\mathcal F}
@>> (g_2^{})\<_{\textup t}^{\<\times}\<(\beta_1) >
(g_2^{})\<_{\textup t}^{\<\times}\<(g_1^{})\<_{\textup t}^{\<\times} {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}
u^*\<{\mathcal F}
(a) The map
\gamma\!:= {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*(\theta_{\<f,u_{\<1}^{}}\!(f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>))\colon
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*u_1^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\longrightarrow
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
is isomorphic, by \Pref{P:f* and Gamma}(c), to
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*(\theta_{\<\<1}')\colon
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}_1}\<u_1^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\longrightarrow
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u_2^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}_1}\<{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\<,
and so is an isomorphism (since $\theta_{\<\<1}'$ is).
The map
\theta_{\<g_1^{}\<\<,u_2^{}}'(v_1^*f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\>)\colon
{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F} \to
{\mathbf R} \iGp{\mathscr U} \>{\mathbf R} g_* v_2^*v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
is also an isomorphism, as it is isomorphic to
{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F} \to
{\mathbf R} \iGp{\mathscr U} \>{\mathbf R} g_* v_2^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}\<,
because the natural map
${\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F} \to
{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}$ is
the composed isomorphism
\smash{{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U}\< u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
\xrightarrow[\!\!{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*
\psi_{\! f_{\<\<\mathrm t}^{\!\times}\!{\mathcal F}}\!\!]{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}}
{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}_1}\<{\mathbf R}
g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}}{}_{\displaystyle\mathstrut}
\xrightarrow[\!\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(c)}\!]{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}}
{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}{}
\noindent(see \Pref{uf=gv}(a)); and because
${\mathbf R} \iGp{\mathscr U} \>{\mathbf R} g_*v_2^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F} \to
{\mathbf R} \iGp{\mathscr U} \>{\mathbf R} g_* v_2^*v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}$ is one of the maps in the
commutative diagram (B) below, all of whose other maps are isomorphisms.
Thus in the next diagram,
whose commutativity results easily from that of the first diagram in
\Lref{L:transtheta}, all the maps other than
$\theta'$ are isomorphisms, whence so is $\theta'$.
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} \>{\mathbf R} g_* (v_1v_2)^{\<*}\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*u_1^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
@V\simeq V\hbox{\hskip67.5pt{\footnotesize(A)}}V
@V\simeq V\gamma V
{\mathbf R} \iGp{\mathscr U} \>{\mathbf R} g_* v_2^*v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
@<\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}<\theta_{\<\<g_1^{}\<\<,u_2^{}}'\<\<(\<v_1^*f_{\mathrm t}^\times\!{\mathcal F} \>)<
{\mathbf R} \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>{\mathbf R} g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<{\mathcal F}
Now it suffices to show that the diagram which is
\emph{adjoint} to the diagram in~(a) without its southeast (bottom right)
corner, commutes. That adjoint diagram is the outer border of the following one,
where, to reduce clutter, we omit all occurrences of the symbols~${\mathbf R}$ and ${\mathcal F}$,
$f^{\<\times}$ for
$f_{\mathrm t}^\times\<$, etc., and leave some obvious maps unlabeled:
g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}\> (v_1v_2)^{\<*}\<\<f^{\<\times}
\iGp{\mathscr U} \>g_* (v_1v_2)^*\<\<f^{\<\times}
\iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*u_1^*f_{\<\<*} f^{\<\times}
{ \iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*u_1^* }
@A A\hbox{\hskip54.5pt{\footnotesize(A)}}A
@A \hbox to 0pt{$\scriptstyle\hskip7pt
A \hskip76pt\raise4.5ex
A \\
g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v_2^*v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}\hbox to0pt{\hskip17pt {\footnotesize(B)}\hss}
\iGp{\mathscr U} \>g_* v_2^*v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}
\iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>g_{1\<*}^{\phantom{.}}v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}
@A\simeq A\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(c)}A @AAA @AAA
g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v_2^*\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<\<v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}
\iGp{\mathscr U} \>g_* v_2^*\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<\<v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}
@>>\mkern31mu\theta_{\<2}'\!{\mkern-1.5mu}_{\phantom A}'\!\!^{-1}
\mkern31mu >
\iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>g_{1\<*}^{\phantom{.}}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<\<v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}
@V\beta_1VV @V\beta_1VV @VV\beta_1V
g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v_2^*g_1^{\<\times}\< u_1^*
@>> \psi >
\iGp{\mathscr U} \>g_* v_2^*g_1^{\<\times}\< u_1^*
@>>\mkern32mu \theta'_{\<2}{}^{-1} \mkern32mu >
\iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*\>g_{1\<*}^{\phantom{.}}\>g_1^{\<\times}\< u_1^*
\iGp {\mathscr U} u_2^*u_1^*
It suffices then that each one of the subrectangles
For the three unlabeled subrectangles commutativity is clear.
As before, commutativity of subrectangle~(A) follows from that of the
first diagram in \Lref{L:transtheta}.
Commutativity of~(B) is easily checked after composition with
the natural map
$\iGp{\mathscr U} \>g_* (v_1v_2)^*\<\<f^{\<\times}\to g_* (v_1v_2)^*\<\<f^{\<\times}\<\<$. (See the
characterization of~$\psi$ in~\Pref{uf=gv}(a).)
Commutativity of~(C) results from that of the following diagram:
@< \theta_{\<\<f\<,\>u_1^{}} <<
@>>> u_1^*
@A A \hbox{\hskip33pt{\footnotesize(D)}} A
g_{1\<*}^{}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_1}\<\<v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}
@> > \psi >
\iGp{{\mathscr U}_1} \>g_{1\<*}^{}v_1^*\<f^{\<\times}
@>> \theta_{\<1}'{}^{-1} >
\iGp{{\mathscr U}_1}\<\<u_1^*f_{\<\<*} f^{\<\times}
@>>> \iGp{{\mathscr U}_1}\<\<u_1^*
@V \beta_1 VV @. @. @V \hbox{\footnotesize (E)\hskip109pt} VV
g_{1\<*}g_1^{\<\times} u_1^*
\hbox to 0pt{\hskip113.5pt\Rarrow{205pt}\hss}
@. @. @. u_1^*
Here subrectangle~(D) commutes by the characterization of~$\psi$
in~\Pref{uf=gv}(a); and (E) commutes by the very definition
of the base-change map~$\beta_1$.
(b) As in (a), we consider the \emph{adjoint} diagram,
essentially the outer border of the following diagram (\ref{L:trans}.1).
(Note: The map
$\psi\colon\< g_{1\<*}^{}\iGp{\mathscr W} \>w^*\<\<f_{\<2*}^{}f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\!
\to\iGp{\mathscr U}\> g_{1\<*}^{} w^*\<\<f_{\<2*}^{}f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times} $\vspace{1pt} in the
middle of diagram \ref{L:trans}.1 is defined because
$f_{\<2*}^{}f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times} \!:=
{\mathbf R} f_{2*}^{}(f_2^{})\<_{\textup t}^{\<\times}
\<(f_1^{})\<_{\textup t}^{\<\times}
\<{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr Z})$, by \mbox{\Pref{Rf-*(qct)}.})
For diagram \ref{L:trans}.1, commutativity of subrectangle (B) (resp.~(D)) is given
by the definition of~$\beta_2$ (resp.~$\beta_1$.) Commutativity of~(C)
follows from that of the second diagram in \Lref{L:transtheta}.
Commutativity of~(A) is left as an exercise. (It is helpful to
compose with the natural map
$\iGp{\mathscr U}\>g_{1\<*}^{}g_{2*}^{}v^*\<
\<f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
\to g_{1\<*}^{}g_{2*}^{}v^*\<\<f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times} $ and to use the characterization of
$\psi$ in~\Pref{uf=gv}(a).) The rest is straightforward.
g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<\<f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
@>\mkern30mu\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}\mkern30mu>>
g_{1\<*}^{}g_{2*}^{}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\<f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
@. \kern-17pt \overset{\text{via }\beta_2}{\Rarrow{77pt}} @.
{\hz{\hss\hskip-10pt$g_{1\<*}^{}g_{2*}^{}g_2^{\<\times}\! \iGp{\mathscr W}\>
w^*\!f_{\<\<1}^{\<\<\times} \!$\hss}}
@V\simeq VV @VV\psi V
g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<\<f^{\<\times}
g_{1\<*}^{}\iGp{\mathscr W} g_{2*}^{}v^*\<\<f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
\hbox to0pt{\hskip46pt{\footnotesize(B)}\hss}
@V\psi V \hbox{\hskip54pt{\footnotesize{(A)}}} V
@V \simeq V g_{1\<*}^{}(\theta_{\<2}'{}^{-1}) V
\iGp{\mathscr U} g_*v^*\<\<f^{\<\times}
g_{1\<*}^{}\iGp{\mathscr W} \>w^*\<f_{\<2*^{}}f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
@.\Rarrow{93.5pt} @.
g_{1\<*}^{}\iGp{\mathscr W} \>w^*\<\<f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
@V\simeq VV @VV\psi V @. @|
{\iGp{\mathscr U}\>g_{1\<*}^{}g_{2*}^{}v^*\<\<f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times} }
@< \!\!\!\text{via }\theta_{\<\<f_2,w}(f^{\<\times})\!\!\! <<
\iGp{\mathscr U}\> g_{1\<*}^{} w^*\<\<f_{\<2*}^{}f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
\iGp{\mathscr U}\> g_{1\<*}^{} w^*\<\<f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
{g_{1\<*}^{}\iGp{\mathscr W} \>w^*\<\<f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times} }
@. @VV\hbox to0pt{$\scriptstyle \theta'_{f_1\<,u}(f_{\<2*}^{}\<f^{\<\times}\<)^{-1}$\hss}
\theta_{\<\<1}'{}^{\<-1} V
\iGp{\mathscr U}\> u^*\<\<f_{\<1*}^{}f_{\<2*}^{}f_{\<\<2}^{\<\times}\! f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
\iGp{\mathscr U}\> u^*\<\<f_{\<1*}^{}f_{\<\<1}^{\<\times}
@. @VV \simeq V @VVV
\iGp{\mathscr U}\>g_*v^*\<\<f^{\<\times}
@>> \mkern27mu\theta'{}^{-1}\mkern27mu>
\iGp{\mathscr U}\> u^*\<\<f_{\!*}f^{\<\times}
\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*
g_{1\<*}^{}g_1^{\<\times}\<\< \iGp{\mathscr U} u^*
This subsection, proving \Lref{L:immbc}, is independent of the preceding one.
\Tref{T:basechange} holds when\/ $f$ is a closed immersion.
The natural isomorphisms
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<f^!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal F}\iso{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<f^!{\mathcal F}$ and
g^!u^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal F}
g^!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U}\> u^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal F}
\underset{\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(c)}}\iso
g^!{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr U} u^*{\mathcal F}
g^! u^*{\mathcal F}
(see \Cref{C:identities}(b))
let us replace~${\mathcal F}$ by ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathcal F}\<$, i.e., we may assume
${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr Y})$.
Recall from \Eref{ft-example}(4) that
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}=f_{\!*}\colon{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$
has a right adjoint~$f^\natural$ such that
$f^\natural(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr Y}))\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}^+({\mathscr X})$; and that there is a natural
j^{\>{\mathscr X}}_{\mathcal G}\colon {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} f^\natural{\mathcal G}\iso\mathbf1^{\<!}\<f^\natural{\mathcal G}\cong f^!{\mathcal G}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
The canonical map $f_{\!*} f^!\to\mathbf 1$ is the natural composition
f_{\!*} f^!\underset{(j^{\mathscr X})^{-1}}\iso f_{\!*}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} f^\natural\to
f_{\!*} f^\natural \to \mathbf 1.
Similar remarks hold for $g$---also a closed immersion
\cite[p.\,442, (10.14.5)(ii)]{GD}.
As in the proof of \Lref{L:closed}, the map
\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}\colon u^*\<\<f_{\!*}\>{\mathcal E}\iso g_*v^*{\mathcal E}
of \Pref{uf=gv} is an isomorphism for all ${\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$.
(Recall \Lref{C:vec-c is qc}.) This being so, the base-change map~
$\beta_{\mathcal F}$ is easily seen to factor naturally as
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\<f^!{\mathcal F}
\to g^!g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\< f^!\<{\mathcal F}
\to g^! g_* v^*\<\<f^!\<{\mathcal F}
\underset{\theta^{-1}}\iso g^! u^*\<f_{\!*}f^!\<{\mathcal F}
\to g^! u^*\<{\mathcal F}.
Also, we can define the functorial map
$\beta_{\<{\mathcal C}}^\natural$
to be the natural composition
v^*\!f^\natural{\mathcal C}\to
g^\natural g_*v^*\!f^\natural{\mathcal C}\underset{\theta^{-1}}\iso
g^\natural u^*\<f_{\!*}f^\natural{\mathcal C}\to
g^\natural u^*\<{\mathcal C}
\qquad\bigl({\mathcal C}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm {qc}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).
The maps $\beta_{\<{\mathcal F}}^\natural$ and~$\beta_{\mathcal F}$ are related
by commutativity of the following diagram, in which ${\mathscr J}$ is an ideal of
definition of ${\mathscr Y}$ (so that ${\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}$ is an ideal of definition of~${\mathscr X}$):
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} f^\natural
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>{\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(b)}}>
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>{\mathbf R}\iG{{\mathscr J}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr V}} v^*\<\< f^\natural
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>>
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\<f^\natural
@>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}(\beta^\natural)>>
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} \>g^\natural\> u^* \\
@V{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*(j^{\>{\mathscr X}}) V\simeq V @. @. @V\simeq V j^{\mathscr V} V
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\< f^!
@. \mkern-189mu\underset{\beta}{\Rarrow{226pt}} @.
(For the unlabeled isomorphism, see the beginning of the proof of
\Pref{uf=gv}.) Since ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}$ is right-adjoint to the inclusion
$\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr V})\hookrightarrow{\mathbf D}({\mathscr V})$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}), we can verify
this commutativity after composing with
$g^!u^*\iso {\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} \>g^\natural u^*\to g^\natural u^*\<\<$,
at which point the verification is straightforward.
Thus to prove \Lref{L:immbc} we need only show that $\beta_{\mathcal F}^\natural$ is an
isomorphism,\vspace{-.6pt} i.e.\ (since $g$ is a closed immersion), that
$g_*(\beta_{\mathcal F}^\natural)$ is an isomorphism.\vspace{1.6pt}
For that purpose, consider the unique functorial map
\sigma=\sigma({\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal G})\colon u^*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal G})\to
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr U}(u^*{\mathcal E},u^*\<{\mathcal G})
\quad\ \: \bigl({\mathcal E}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^-({\mathscr Y}),\ {\mathcal G}\in{\mathbf D}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
which for bounded-below injective complexes~${\mathcal G}$ is the natural composition
u^*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal G})\cong u^*\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal E},\>{\mathcal G})\to
\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr U}(u^*{\mathcal E},u^*{\mathcal G})\to{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr U}(u^*{\mathcal E},u^*{\mathcal G}).
This map is an \emph{isomorphism}. Indeed, it commutes with localization, so we
need only check for affine~${\mathscr Y}$, and then, since every coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$-module
is a homomorphic image of a finite-rank free one (\cite[p.\,427, (10.10.2)]{GD}), a
standard way-out argument reduces the problem to the trivial case ${\mathcal E}={\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}$.
Take ${\mathcal E}\!:= f_{\!*}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr X}={}$(say)\:${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}$. The source and target
of~$\sigma({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal F}\>)$ are
u^*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal F}\>)=
u^*\<\<f_{\!*}f^\natural{\mathcal F} \cong g_*v^*\!f^\natural\<{\mathcal F}, \\
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}(u^*({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}),\>u^*{\mathcal F}\>)= g_*g^\natural u^*\<\<{\mathcal F} .
Let ${\mathcal K}$ be a K-injective ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}$-complex quasi-isomorphic to $u^*\<{\mathcal F}\<$.
Since the complexes $u^*\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr Y}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal F}\>)$ and
$\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr U}(u^*{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal K}\>)\cong{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr U}(u^*{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},u^*{\mathcal F}\>)$
are both annihilated\- by~${\mathscr I}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}$, we see that the isomorphism
$\sigma({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal F}\>)$ is isomorphic to a map of the form $g_*(\varsigma)$
\varsigma\colon v^*\<\<f^\natural{\mathcal F}\to g^\natural u^*\<\<{\mathcal F}
is a map in~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr V})$. It suffices then to show that
$\varsigma=\beta_{\mathcal F}^\natural\>$, i.e.~(by definition of~$\beta_{\mathcal F}^\natural$),
that the natural composition
u^*\<\<f_{\!*}f^\natural{\mathcal F}\iso
g_*v^*\!f^\natural{\mathcal F}\xrightarrow{g_*(\varsigma)} g_*g^\natural u^*\<\<{\mathcal F}
\xrightarrow{\tau_{\<\<u^{\mkern-1.5mu*}\!{\mathcal F}}^\natural} u^*\<{\mathcal F}
is induced by the natural map\index{ {}$\tau$ (trace map)!$\tau^\natural$}
\tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^\natural\colon
f_{\!*}f^\natural{\mathcal F}={\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal F}\>)\to
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y},\>{\mathcal F}\>)={\mathcal F}.
From \Eref{ft-example}(4) one sees, for injective~${\mathcal F}\<$,\vspace{-1pt}
$\tau_{\<{\mathcal F}}^\natural$ takes any homomorphism $\varphi\colon {\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I}\to{\mathcal F}$ over an
open subset of~${\mathscr Y}$ to $\varphi(1)$; and similarly for
$\tau_{\<\<u^{\mkern-1.5mu*}\!{\mathcal F}}^\natural\>$. The conclusion follows
from the above definition of $\sigma({\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Y}/{\mathscr I},\>{\mathcal F}\>)=g_*(\varsigma)$.
In this subsection we prove \Tref{T:basechange}
in case $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ is a proper map of
ordinary noetherian schemes,
by reduction to the case where ${\mathscr X}$, ${\mathscr Y}$, ${\mathscr U}$ and ${\mathscr V}$ are
\emph{all} ordinary schemes---a case which we take for granted (see
the introductory remarks for section~\ref{sec-basechange}).
Of course when $u$ is \emph{adic} then ${\mathscr U}$ is
already an ordinary scheme, and no reduction is needed at all.
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a proper map of
ordinary noetherian schemes. For
\Tref{T:basechange} to hold with this\/~$f$ it suffices that it hold
whenever\/ ${\mathscr U}$ and\/ ${\mathscr V}$ are ordinary schemes as well.
Without yet assuming that ${\mathscr X}$ and ${\mathscr Y}$ are ordinary schemes, we can reduce
\Tref{T:basechange} to the special case where the formal scheme~${\mathscr U}$ is
\emph{affine} and $u({\mathscr U})$ is contained in an affine open subset of~${\mathscr Y}$. Indeed,
for the base-change map
$\beta_{\mathcal F}=\beta_{\<\<f,\>u}({\mathcal F}\>)$ of \Tref{T:basechange} to be an
isomorphism, it clearly suffices that for any composition of fiber squares
{\mathscr V}_0@>v_0^{}>>{\mathscr V}@>v>>{\mathscr X} \\
@Vg_0^{}VV @VgVV @VVfV \\
{\mathscr U}_0@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u_0^{}$}\vss}>{\mathscr U}
@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}
with $u_0$ the inclusion of an affine open ${\mathscr U}_0\subset{\mathscr U}$ such that $u({\mathscr U}_0)$ is
contained in an affine open subset of~${\mathscr Y}$, the map
v_0^*(\beta_{\mathcal F}\>)\colon v_0^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V} v^*\<\<f^!\<{\mathcal F}\to v_0^*g^!u^*\<{\mathcal F}
be an isomorphism. \Rref{R:Dtilde}(6) yields that ${\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\Rightarrow
u^*{\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr U})$.\vspace{.5pt} So if we assume the above-specified special
case, then $\beta_{\<\<f\<,\>uu_0^{}\<}({\mathcal F}\>)$\vspace{.5pt}
and~$\beta_{\<g,\>u_0^{}\<}(u^*\<{\mathcal F}\>)$ are both isomorphisms.
From \Pref{Gamma'(qc)}(a) we have a natural
v_0^*(\beta_{\mathcal F}\>)\cong {\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr V}_0}\<
v_0^*(\beta_{\<\<f,\>u}({\mathcal F}\>)),
so \Lref{L:trans}(a) shows that
$v_0^*(\beta_{\mathcal F}\>)$ is in fact an isomorphism.
With reference to the remarks just preceding \Sref{S:trans}, (a) and (b) having
already been proved, only (c) remains, i.e., we need only prove \Tref{T:basechange}
for the rear face of diagram~\eqref{cube}.
In other words, with the notation of diagram~\eqref{cube},
we may assume in proving \Tref{T:basechange} that $f=f_n$ (a proper map of
ordinary schemes), and that $u=u_n$.
Moreover $Y_n$ is a closed subscheme of ${\mathscr Y}$, and so if ${\mathscr U}$ is
affine and $u({\mathscr U})$ is contained in an affine open subset of~${\mathscr Y}$, then
$Y_n\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}$ is
affine and $u_n(Y_n\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U})$ is contained in an affine open subset of~$Y_n$.
It follows that $Y_n\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}$ is the completion of an ordinary
affine $Y_n$-scheme. (That can be seen via the one-one correspondence from
maps between affine formal schemes to continuous homomorphisms between their
associated rings \cite[p.\,407, (10.4.6)]{GD}).
\Tref{T:basechange} is thus reduced to the case depicted in the following diagram,
$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to {\mathscr Y}$ is now a proper map of ordinary noetherian schemes, $U$ is
an ordinary affine ${\mathscr Y}$-scheme, $\kappa\colon{\mathscr U}\to U$ is a completion map, and
$u\colon{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ factors as shown.
{\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y}{\mathscr U}@>>>{\mathscr X}\times_{\mathscr Y} U@>>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VVV@V\text{\footnotesize(2)}\mkern45mu VfV
{\mathscr U}@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1.1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle \kappa$}\vss}>U@>>>{\mathscr Y}
We will show that \Tref{T:basechange} holds for subdiagram (1)
by identifying the base-change map
associated to $\kappa$
with the \emph{isomorphism}~$\zeta$ in~\Cref{C:compln+basechange}.
As subdiagram (2) is a fiber square of ordinary schemes, \Lref{L:ordbc}
will then result from the preceding reduction and the transitivity
It is convenient to re-represent subdiagram~(1) in the
notation of~\Cref{C:compln+basechange}.
Consider then a diagram
{\mathscr X}@.:=X_{\</Z} @>\kappa_{\mathscr X}^{\phantom{.}}>> X \\
@V f VV @. @VV f_0^{} V \\
{\mathscr Y}@.:=Y_{/W}@>>\vbox to
0pt{\vskip-1.1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{\phantom{.}}$}\vss}> Y
as in \Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}, with $Z=f_0^{-1}W\<$.
That $\zeta$ \emph{is} the base-change map means
that $\zeta$ is adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\underset{\psi}\iso
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\underset{\theta'{}^{-1}}\iso
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\longrightarrow
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\longrightarrow \kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*.
But by definition, $\zeta$ is adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\underset{\textup{~\ref{Gammas'+kappas}(c)}}\iso
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\longrightarrow
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\\
\underset{\tau_{\textup t}'(\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*)}\longrightarrow\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*
with $\tau_{\textup t}'$ as in~\Cref{C:kappa-f^times-tors}---so that
$\tau_{\textup t}'(\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*)$ factors naturally as
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*{\mathbf R}\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}{\mathbf R}\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\\
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R} f_{\<0*}^{}f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\\
\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\\
&\xrightarrow{\,\>\,\pi\,\,\>} \kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\<.
It will suffice then to verify that the following natural diagram commutes
(where, again, we omit all occurrences of ${\mathbf R}$):
\defg_*\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f{f_{\!*}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}}
\defg_*g^!u^*{\iGp{\mathscr Y}\< f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}}
\def\iGp\Y\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{}{\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}}
\def\kappa_\Y^* \iG W\< f_{\<0*}^{}{\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*}
\defg_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}}
\defg_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*}
\defg_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V} g^!u^*{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*}
\def\kappa_\Y^*\kappa_{\Y^*}^{}\kappa_\Y^*{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*}
\def\kappa_\Y^*{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*}
\deff_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*\iG Z\fot\<\kappa_{\Y^*}^{}\kappa_\Y^*{f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<\kappa_{{\mathscr Y}^*}^{}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*}
\deff_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*\iG Z{f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}}
\def\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{}\iG Z{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}\iG Zf_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}}
\deff_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*{f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}}
g_*\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f @>\psi>> g_*g^!u^* @>\theta'{}^{-1}>> \iGp\Y\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{} @>>>\kappa_\Y^* \iG W\< f_{\<0*}^{} \\
\text{\footnotesize(A)} @. @VVV @VVV \\
f_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*\iG Z
@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\textup{~\ref{C:kappa-f*t}}>
\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{}\iG Z @>>>
g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f @>>>
\mkern-20mu\hz{$\mkern-8mu\kappa_\Y^*$\hss} \\
@VVV @VVV @VVV @A\pi AA\\
f_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*\iG Z\fot\<\kappa_{\Y^*}^{}\kappa_\Y^* @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}>\textup{~\ref{C:kappa-f*t}}> g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f @>>>g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V} g^!u^* @>>>\kappa_\Y^*\kappa_{\Y^*}^{}\kappa_\Y^*\\
Given that $\pi\iota=1$, the verification of commutativity is
except for subrectangle (A).
Now there is a functorial isomorphism
$\alpha\colon {\mathbf R} f_{0*}{\mathbf R}\iG Z\iso {\mathbf R}\iG W {\mathbf R} f_{0*}$
which arises
in the obvious way, via ``K-flabby'' resolutions, from the equality
$f_{0*}\iG Z=\iG W f_{0*}$
(see the last paragraph in the Remark following (3.2.5)
in~\cite[p.\,25]{AJL}), and whose composition with the natural map
${\mathbf R}\iG W {\mathbf R} f_{0*}\to{\mathbf R} f_{0*}$ is the natural map
${\mathbf R} f_{0*}{\mathbf R}\iG Z\to{\mathbf R} f_{0*}$. And, again, we have the isomorphism
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\iso\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R}\iG W$ of
\Pref{Gammas'+kappas}(c), whose composition with the natural map
$\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*{\mathbf R}\iG W\to\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*$ is the natural map
${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*\to\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^*$. Hence commutativity of (A) follows
from that of the outer border---consisting
entirely of isomorphisms---of the following diagram:
\defg_*\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f{f_{\!*}\iGp{\mathscr X}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*}
\defg_*g^!u^*{\iGp{\mathscr Y} \<f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*}
\def\iGp\Y\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{}{\iGp{\mathscr Y}\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}}
\def\kappa_\Y^* \iG W\< f_{\<0*}^{}{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* \iG W\< f_{\<0*}^{}}
\defg_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}}
\deff_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*\iG Z{f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\iG Z}
\def\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{}\iG Z{\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^* f_{\<0*}^{}\iG Z}
\deff_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*{f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*}
\def\rotatebox{-30}{\hbox to 41pt{\rightarrowfill}}{\rotatebox{-30}{\hbox to 41pt{\rightarrowfill}}}
\def\rotatebox{30}{\hbox to 41pt{\rightarrowfill}}{\rotatebox{30}{\hbox to 41pt{\rightarrowfill}}}
\def\rotatebox{30}{\hbox to 41pt{\leftarrowfill}}{\rotatebox{30}{\hbox to 41pt{\leftarrowfill}}}
\def\rotatebox{-30}{\hbox to 41pt{\leftarrowfill}}{\rotatebox{-30}{\hbox to 41pt{\leftarrowfill}}}
{\<\<\simeq}}g_*\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f
@>\psi>\vbox to0pt{\vskip2pt\hz{\hss\rotatebox{-30}{\hbox to 41pt{\rightarrowfill}}\hss}\vskip9pt
\hz{\hss\rotatebox{30}{\hbox to 41pt{\rightarrowfill}}\hss}\vss}> g_*g^!u^*
@.\overset{\theta'}{\Larrow{100pt}} @.
\iGp\Y\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{}
@. @VVV \\
@. f_{\!*}\kappa_\X^* @<<\theta< g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f\\
@. @. @AAA\\
f_{\!*}\kappa_\X^*\iG Z @. \overset{\vbox to 0pt{\vss
\hbox to 0pt{\hss$\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}$\hss}\vskip-6.5pt
\hbox to
{\Rarrow{100pt}} @.
\kappa_\Y^* f_{\<0*}^{}\iG Z @>
\vbox to0pt{\vss\hz{\hss\rotatebox{30}{\hbox to 41pt{\leftarrowfill}}\hss}\vskip-6pt
\hz{\hss\rotatebox{-30}{\hbox to 41pt{\leftarrowfill}}\hss}\vskip 2pt\hbox to 0pt{\hss$\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}$\hss}}
>\alpha> \kappa_\Y^* \iG W\< f_{\<0*}^{}\text{\large\strut}
Since ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}$ is right-adjoint to the inclusion
$\D_{\mathrm t}\<({\mathscr Y})\hookrightarrow {\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ (\Pref{Gamma'(qc)}), we can check
commutativity \emph{after} composing the outer border with the natural
map ${\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y} f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\to f_{\!*}\kappa_{\mathscr X}^*\>$, so that it
suffices to check commutativity of all the subdiagrams of the
preceding one. This is easy to do, as, with ${\mathcal E}\!:=f_{\mkern-1.5mu0}^{\<\times}\<{\mathcal F}$, the maps denoted by~
$\theta_{\<{\mathcal E}}\; (=\theta_{\!f_{\<\halfsize{\footnotesize0}}^{},
\mkern1.5mu\kappa_{\mathscr Y}^{}\!\<}({\mathcal E})$)
in \Cref{C:kappa-f*t} and in \Pref{uf=gv} are the same.\vspace{1pt}
This completes the proof of \Lref{L:ordbc}, and of \Tref{T:basechange}.
\section{Consequences of the flat base change isomorphism.}
\label{Consequences}\index{base-change isomorphism}
We begin with a flat-base-change theorem for the functor
$\ush f={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X} f^!$ associated to a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map~$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to Y$
of noetherian formal schemes.
(As before,\vspace{.3pt} $f^!\setf_{\mathrm t}^\times$, and $\ush f$ is
right-adjoint to the functor
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\colon\wDqc({\mathscr X})\to{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$,\vspace{.5pt} where
$\wDqc({\mathscr X})$ is the (full) $\Delta$-subcategory of~${\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ such
{\mathcal F}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X})\Leftrightarrow{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),
see \Cref{C:f*gam-duality}.)
We deduce a sheafified version \Tref{T:sheafify} of \Tref{Th2} of the
Introduction (=\:\Tref{T:qct-duality} + \Cref{C:f*gam-duality}). This
is readily seen equivalent to the case of flat base change where
$u\colon{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ is an open immersion; in other words, it expresses
the local nature, over~${\mathscr Y}$, of $f^!$ and $\ush f\<$.
\Sref{S:coherent} establishes the local nature of $f^!$ and $\ush f$ over~${\mathscr X}$.
From this we obtain that
$\ush f\bigl(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr)\subset \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$ (\Pref{P:coherence}).
This leads further to an improved base-change theorem for bounded-below
complexes with coherent homology, and to \Tref{T:properdual}, a duality
theorem for such complexes under proper maps.
We consider as in \Tref{T:basechange} a fiber square of noetherian
formal schemes
{\mathscr V}@>v>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV @VVfV \\
{\mathscr U}@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}
with $f$ and $g$ pseudo\kern.6pt-proper, $u$ and $v$ flat.
For any ${\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})$ we have the composed isomorphism
\vartheta\colon{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}
\underset{\textup{\ref{P:f* and Gamma}(c)}}\iso
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\>{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\ush f\<{\mathcal F}
{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<f^!{\mathcal F}
g^!u^*\<{\mathcal F}.
In particular, $v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\in\wDqc({\mathscr V})$.
Under the preceding conditions, let
\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}}\colon v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\to\ush g
u^*\<{\mathcal F}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr)
be the map adjoint to the natural composition
{\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}
\underset{{\mathbf R} g_*\vartheta}\iso{\mathbf R} g_*g^!u^*\<{\mathcal F}\to u^*{\mathcal F}.
Then the map ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}(\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}})$ is an \emph{isomorphism}
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}(\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}})\colon{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\> v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\iso
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\>\ush g u^*\<{\mathcal F}
\ush g u^*\<{\mathcal F}.
if\/ $u$ is an open immersion then\/ $\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}}$ itself is an isomorphism.
The map $\ush{\beta}$ factors naturally as
v^*\<\<\ush f \to {\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\>v^*\<\<\ush f
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f
\underset{{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\vartheta}\iso
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}} g^!u^*=\ush g u^*\<.
To see this, one needs to check that \eqref{factors} is adjoint to
\eqref{adjointto}. The natural map $\mathbf 1\to{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr V}$ factors naturally as
$\mathbf1\to{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr V}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\to{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr V}$ (easy
check), and hence the adjointness in question amounts to the readily-verified
commutativity of the outer border of the following diagram (with all occurrences
of ${\mathbf R}$ left out):
\defg_*\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f{g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f}
\defg_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f{g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\>v^*\<\<\ush f}
\defg_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f{g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\iGp{\mathscr V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f}
\defg_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V} g^!u^*{g_*\iGp{\mathscr V}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}} g^!u^*}
g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f@<<<g_*\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f@>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt} >\text{via\;}\vartheta>g_*g^!u^* \\
@V\simeq VV @AAA @AAA \\
g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\>v^*\<\<\ush f @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt} >> g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V}\iGp\V\>v^*\<\<\ush f @>\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt} >\text{via\;}\vartheta> g_*\iGp\V\BL_{\<\V} g^!u^*
That ${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}(\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}})$ is an isomorphism results then from the
idempotence of~${\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}$ \mbox{(\Rref{R:Gamma-Lambda}(b)).}
When $u$---hence $v$---is an open immersion, we have isomorphisms (the first of
which is obvious):
{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\>v^*\<\<\ush f\iso v^*\<{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr X}}\ush f
v^*\<\<\ush f,
and the last assertion follows.
Next comes the sheafification of \Tref{Th2}. Let $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a map of
locally noetherian formal schemes. For ${\mathcal G}$ and ${\mathcal E}\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr X})$ we have natural
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\<({\mathcal G}\<,{\mathcal E})
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\<({\mathbf L} f^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,{\mathcal E})\,
\xrightarrow[\mkern-15mu\textup{\cite[\kern-1pt p.\kern1pt147,
\kern-1pt 6.7]{Sp}}\mkern-15mu]{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}}
\,{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal E})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\<({\mathcal G}\<,{\mathcal E})
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\<({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,{\mathcal E})
\xrightarrow[\textup{\ref{C:Hom-Rgamma}}]{\vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox{$\widetilde{\phantom{nn}}$}\vskip-7pt}}
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\mathscr X}\<({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}{\mathcal E}).
\begin{thm}\label{T:sheafify}\index{Grothendieck Duality!Torsion
Let\/ ${\mathscr X}$ and\/ ${\mathscr Y}$ be noetherian formal schemes and let\/
$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map. Then the following
natural compositions are
\ \ush\delta\<\<\colon\<{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>) \\
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\vspace{-4pt}
\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\wDqc({\mathscr X}),\;{\mathcal F}\>\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr);
\ \delta^!\<\<\colon{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>f^!{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}} f^!{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\vspace{3pt}
\rightline{$\bigl({\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X}),\;{\mathcal F}\>\in\wDqc^{\lower.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle+$}}({\mathscr Y})\bigr).$}
The map $\ush\delta$ is an isomorphism iff the same is true of
${\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr U},\ush\delta)$ for all open ${\mathscr U}\subset{\mathscr Y}$. (For if ${\mathcal E}$---which
may be assumed K-injective---is the vertex of a triangle based
on~$\ush\delta\<$, then $\ush\delta$ is an isomorphism
$\Leftrightarrow{\mathcal E}\cong 0\Leftrightarrow H^i({\mathcal E})=0$ for all
$i\in\mathbb Z\Leftrightarrow$ the sheaf associated to the presheaf
${\mathscr U}\mapsto \textup H^i\Gamma({\mathscr U},{\mathcal E})=\textup H^i{\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr U},{\mathcal E})$ vanishes for
all~$i$.) Set ${\mathscr V}\!:= f^{-1}{\mathscr U}$, and let $u\colon{\mathscr U}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Y}$ and
$v\colon{\mathscr V}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr X}$ be the respective inclusions.
We have then the fiber square
{\mathscr V}@>v>>{\mathscr X} \\
@VgVV @VVfV \\
{\mathscr U}@>>\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-1ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle u$}\vss}>{\mathscr Y}\hbox to 0pt{,\hss}
and need only verify that ${\mathbf R}\Gamma({\mathscr U},\ush\delta)$ is the
composition of the following sequence of isomorphisms:
{\mathbf R}\Gamma\bigl({\mathscr U},\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)
&\<\iso\< {\mathbf R}\Gamma\bigl({\mathscr V},\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)
&\<\iso\< {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr V}}(v^*\<{\mathcal G}\<,v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>)
&\<\iso\< {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr V}}(v^*\<{\mathcal G}\<,\>\ush g u^*{\mathcal F}\>)
&\<\iso\< {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr U}}\<({\mathbf R} g_*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr V}\> v^*\<{\mathcal G}\<,\>u^*{\mathcal F}\>)
\ &&\ \ \!\textup{\bigl(\kern-1pt\ref{C:f*gam-duality},\!
&\<\iso\< {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr U}}\<({\mathbf R}
g_*v^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>u^*{\mathcal F}\>)
\ &&\quad\ \ \textup{(elementary)}\\
&\<\iso\< {\mathbf R}{\mathrm {Hom}}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr U}}\<(u^*{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>u^*{\mathcal F}\>)
\ &&\quad\ \ \textup{(elementary)}\\
{\mathbf R}\Gamma\bigl({\mathscr U},\>{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr Y}}\<({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)\bigr)
\hbox to0pt{\qquad\;\textup{(as above).}\hss}
This somewhat tedious verification is left to the reader (who may e.g., refer
to the proof of $(4.3)^{\textup o}\Rightarrow (4.2)$ near the end of \cite{Non
That $\delta^!$ is an isomorphism can be shown similarly---or
be deduced via the natural map $f^!\cong{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} \ush f\to \ush f$
(\Cref{C:identities}), which for ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr X})$ induces an isomorphism
${\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>f^!{\mathcal F})\iso
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr X}}\<({\mathcal G}\<,\>\ush f{\mathcal F})$ (\Cref{C:Hom-Rgamma}).
For pseudo\kern.6pt-proper~$f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$, the functors $f^!\!:= f_{\mathrm t}^\times$ and
$\ush f$ are \emph{local on~${\mathscr X}$}, in the following sense.
Let there be given a commutative diagram
{\mathscr U}@>i_1>>{\mathscr X}_1 \\
@V i_2 VV @VV f_1 V \\
{\mathscr X}_2 @>> f_2 > {\mathscr Y}
of noetherian formal schemes, with\/ $f_1$ and\/~$f_2$ pseudo\kern.6pt-proper and
$i_1$ and\/~$i_2$ open immersions. Then there are functorial isomorphisms
i_1^*f_1^! \iso i_2^*f_2^!\>,\qquad\quad
i_1^*\ush{f_1} \iso i_2^*\ush{f_2}.
The second isomorphism results from the first, since for any
${\mathcal F}\>\in{\mathbf D}({\mathscr Y})$ and for $j=1,2$,
i_j^*\ush{f_j}{\mathcal F}\>\overset{\text{\ref{C:f*gam-duality}}}=
i_j^*{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{{\mathscr X}_j}\<\<({\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}_j}\<{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}_j}, f_j^!{\mathcal F}\>)
&\cong{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr U}}\<(i_j^*{\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr X}_j}\<{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr X}_j}, i_j^*f_j^!{\mathcal F}\>)\\
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}_{\>{\mathscr U}}\<({\mathbf R}\iGp{{\mathscr U}}{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}, i_j^*f_j^!{\mathcal F}\>).
For the first isomorphism, Verdier's\index{Verdier, Jean-Louis} proof of
\cite[p.\,395, Corollary 1]{f!}---a special case of
\Pref{P:local}---applies verbatim, modulo the following
extensions (a), (b) and~(c) of some elementary properties of schemes
to formal schemes.\looseness=-1
(a) Since pseudo\kern.6pt-proper maps are separated, the graph of~$i_j$ is a
\emph{closed immersion}
$\gamma\colon {\mathscr U}\hookrightarrow {\mathscr X}_j\<\<\times_{\<{\mathscr Y}}\<{\mathscr U}$
(see \cite[p.\,445, (10.15.4)]{GD}, where the ``finite-type''
hypothesis is used only to ensure that ${\mathscr X}_j\<\times_{\<{\mathscr Y}}{\mathscr U}$ is locally
noetherian, a condition which holds here by the first paragraph in
\Sref{sec-basechange}. And if $\>{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr Y}$ is an open immersion, then so
is~$\gamma$ (since then both $\pi_j\colon{\mathscr X}_j\!\times_{\<{\mathscr Y}}\<\<{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr X}_j$ and
$i_j=\pi_j\gamma$ are open immersions).
(b) If $s\colon{\mathscr U}\to{\mathscr V}$ is an open and closed immersion, then the
exact functors~$s_*$ and~$s^*$ are adjoint, and by
\Eref{ft-example}(4) there is a functorial isomorphism
s^!{\mathcal F}\cong s^\natural{\mathcal F}\cong s^*{\mathcal F}\qquad\bigl({\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm{qct}}({\mathscr V})\bigr).
(c) (Formal extension of \cite[p.\,325, (6.10.6)]{GD}.) Let
${\mathscr U}\overset{\gamma}\hookrightarrow
{\mathscr W}
\overset{w}\hookrightarrow{\mathscr Z}$ be maps of locally noetherian formal
schemes such that $\gamma$~is a closed immersion and $w$ is an open
immersion. (We are interested specifically in the case
${\mathscr W}\!:={\mathscr X}_2\<\times_{\<{\mathscr Y}}\<{\mathscr U}$ and ${\mathscr Z}\!:={\mathscr X}_2\<\times_{\<{\mathscr Y}}\<{\mathscr X}_1$,
see (a).) Set $u\!:= w\gamma$. Then \emph{the closure\/~$\overline{\mathscr U}$
of\/~$u({\mathscr U})$ is a formal subscheme of\/~${\mathscr Z}$, and the map\/
${\mathscr U}\to\overline{\mathscr U}$ induced by\/~$u$ is an open immersion.}\vspace{1pt}
Indeed, $\overline{\mathscr U}$ is the support of ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Z}/{\mathscr I}$ where
${\mathscr I}$ is the kernel of the natural map ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Z}\to u_*{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}\>$; and it
follows from \cite[p.\,441, (10.14.1)]{GD} that we need only show that
${\mathscr I}$ is \emph{coherent}.
The question being local, we may assume that ${\mathscr Z}$ is affine, say
${\mathscr Z}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$. Cover ${\mathscr U}$ by a finite number of affine open
subschemes~${\mathscr U}_i\ (1\le i\le n)$, with inclusions
$u_i\colon{\mathscr U}_i\hookrightarrow{\mathscr U}$. Then there is a natural injection
u_*{\mathcal O}_{\mathscr U}\hookrightarrow
u_*\<\bigl(\!\oplus_{i=1}^nu_{i*}{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr U}_i}\bigr)\cong
\oplus_{i=1}^n(uu_i)_*{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr U}_i}\>,
so that ${\mathscr I}$ is the intersection of the kernels of the natural maps
${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Z}\to(uu_i)_*{\mathcal O}_{{\mathscr U}_i}$, giving us a reduction to the case where
${\mathscr U}$ itself is affine, say ${\mathscr U}={\mathrm {Spf}}(B)$. Now if $I$ is the kernel of
the ring-homomorphism $\rho\colon A\to B$ corresponding to~$u$, then for any
$f\in A$ the kernel of the induced map
$\rho_{\{f\}}\colon A_{\{f\}} \to B_{\{f\}} $ is
and one deduces that ${\mathscr I}$ is the coherent ${\mathcal O}_{\mathscr Z}$-module denoted by
$I^\Delta$ in \cite[p.\,427, (10.10.2)]{GD}.
If\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ is a pseudo\kern.6pt-proper map of noetherian formal schemes then
\ush f\bigl(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr)\subset \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X}).
Since $\ush f$ commutes with open base change (\Tref{T:sharp-basechange})
we may assume ${\mathscr Y}$ to be affine, say ${\mathscr Y}={\mathrm {Spf}}(A)$. Since $f$
is of pseudo-finite type, every point of
${\mathscr X}$ has an open neighborhood~${\mathscr U}$ such that $f|_{\mathscr U}$ factors as
{\mathscr U}\overset{i}\hookrightarrow{\mathrm {Spf}}(B)\xrightarrow{\,p}{\mathrm {Spf}}(A)={\mathscr Y}
where $B$ is the completion of a polynomial ring
$P\!:= A[T_0, T_1,\dots,T_n]$ with respect\- to an ideal~$I$ whose intersection
$A$ is open, $i$~is a closed immersion, and $p$~corresponds to the obvious
continuous ring homomorphism $A\to B$ (see footnote in \Sref{maptypes}). This
${\mathrm {Spf}}(B)$ is an open subscheme of the completion~$\mathscr P$ of the projective
space ~$\mathbf P_{\!\!\!A}^n$ along the closure of its subscheme
${\mathrm {Spec}}(P/I)$. Thus by \Pref{P:local} and
item~(c) in its proof, we can replace ${\mathscr X}$ by a closed formal subscheme of~
$\mathscr P$ having ${\mathscr U}$ as an open subscheme. In other words, we may assume
that $f$ factors as
{\mathscr X}\overset{i_1^{}\>}\hookrightarrow\mathscr P\xrightarrow{p_1^{}\>}{\mathrm {Spf}}(A)={\mathscr Y}
with $i_1$ a closed immersion and $p_1$ the natural map. Then $\ush
f=\ush{i_1}\ush{p_1}$, and we need only consider the two cases (a) $f=p_1$
and (b) $f=i_1$.
Case (a) is given by \Cref{C:completion-proper}. In case (b) we see
as in example~\ref{ft-example}(4) that for ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})$ we have
$f^\natural{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$ and
\ush f\<{\mathcal F}={\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X} f^\natural\<{\mathcal F}\underset
}\ref{C:Hom-Rgamma}}{\overset{\ref{R:Gamma-Lambda}\text{(c)}}{=\!=\!=}}{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\mathscr X}
f^\natural\<{\mathcal F}\overset{\ref{formal-GM}}{=\!=}f^\natural\<{\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X}).
\begin{scor}\label{C:coh-basechange}\index{base-change isomorphism}
For all\/ ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})$ the base-change map\/ $\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}}$ of
\Tref{T:sharp-basechange} is an \emph{isomorphism}
\ush{\beta_{\<\<{\mathcal F}}}\colon v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}
\ush g u^*\<{\mathcal F}.
\Pref{formal-GM} gives an isomorphism
$v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\iso{\boldsymbol\Lambda}_{\<{\mathscr V}}\> v^*\<\<\ush f\<{\mathcal F}$ .
We have now the following duality theorem for proper
maps and bounded-below complexes with coherent homology.
\begin{thm}\label{T:properdual}\index{Grothendieck Duality!coherent}
Let\/ $f\colon{\mathscr X}\to{\mathscr Y}$ be a proper map of noetherian formal schemes, so that\/
${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X}))\subset\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})$ and\/
$\ush f\bigl(\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})\bigr)\subset \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$
$($see Propositions~\textup{\ref{P:proper f*}} and~\textup{\ref{P:coherence}).}
Then for\/ ${\mathcal G}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$ and ${\mathcal F}\in\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})$ there are functorial
{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathcal G}\<,\ush f\<{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr X}\>{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>) \\
&\underset{\textup{\ref{C:f* and Gamma}(d)}}\iso
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R}\iGp{\mathscr Y}\>{\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>)
{\mathbf R}\cH{om}^{\bullet}({\mathbf R f_{\!*}}{\mathcal G}\<,\>{\mathcal F}\>).
In particular,
$\ush f\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})\to \D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})$ is right-adjoint
to\/ ${\mathbf R f_{\!*}}\colon\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr X})\to\D_{\mkern-1.5mu\mathrm c}^+({\mathscr Y})$.\vspace{1.5pt}
If\/ ${\mathscr X}$ is properly algebraic we can replace\/
$\ush f$ by the functor\/ $f^{\<\times}$
of \Cref{cor-prop-duality}.
{\sc Proof}
Left to reader. (For the last assertion see
Corol\-laries~\ref{C:coh-dual} and~\ref{corollary}.)
1998-01-30T16:29:59 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708016 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708016 | [
] | alg-geom/9708016 | Nhadhule | Klaus Hulek | Nef Divisors on Moduli Spaces of Abelian Varieties | LaTeX2e, 23 pages. The proof of the main result has been shortened.
In particular, the former technical propositions 4.3 and 4.4 were replaced by
a simpler argument | null | null | null | null | We determine the cone of nef divisors on the Voronoi compactification A_g^*
of the moduli space A_g of principally polarized abelian varieties of dimension
g for genus g=2,3. As a corollary we obtain that the spaces A_g^*(n) with
level-n structure are a minimal, resp. canonical, model for g=2, n>=4, resp.
n>=5 and g=3, n>=3, resp. n>=4. We give two proofs: The easy and quick one
reduces the problem to \bar M_g where we can use a result of Faber. This
approach cannot be generalized to higher genus g. The main point of the paper
is, therefore, to give a second proof using theta functions and a result of
Weissauer. This technique can be at least partially generalized to higher
genus. We formulate a conjecture for the nef cone of A_g^* for all g.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 19 Aug 1997 12:24:04 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:29:58 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let ${\cal A}_g$ be the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties
of dimension $g$. Over the complex numbers ${\cal A}_g={\mathbb{H}}_g/\Gamma_g$ where
${\mathbb{H}}_g$ is the Siegel space of genus $g$ and $\Gamma_g=\on{Sp}(2g,{\mathbb{Z}})$. We
denote the torodial compactification given by the second Voronoi decomposition
by ${\cal A}_g^*$ and call it the \emph{Voronoi compactification}.
It was shown by
Alexeev and Nakamura \cite{A} that ${\cal A}_g^*$ coarsely represents the stack
of principally polarized stable quasiabelian varieties. The variety ${\cal A}_g^*$
is projective \cite{A} and it is known that
the Picard group of ${\cal A}_g^*, g\ge 2$ is generated
torsion) by two elements
$L$ and
$D$, where $L$ denotes the (${\mathbb{Q}}$-)line bundle given by modular forms of
weight $1$ and
$D$ is the boundary (see \cite{Mu2}, \cite{Fa} and \cite{Mu1} for $g=2, 3$ and
In this paper we want to discuss the
Let $g=2$ or $3$. A divisor $aL-bD$ on ${\cal A}_g^*$ is nef if and only if
$b\geq0$ and $a-12b\geq0$.
The varieties ${\cal A}_g$ have finite quotient singularities. Adding a level-$n$
structure one obtains spaces ${\cal A}_g(n)={\mathbb{H}}_g/\Gamma_g(n)$ where
$\Gamma_g(n)$ is the principal congruence subgroup of level $n$. For $n\geq3$
these spaces are smooth. However, the Voronoi compactification ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$
acquires singularities on the boundary for $g\geq5$ due to bad behaviour of the
second Voronoi decomposition. There is a natural quotient map
${\cal A}_g^*(n)\to{\cal A}_g^*$. Note that this map is branched of order $n$ along
the boundary. Hence Theorem~(\ref{theo0.1}) is equivalent to
Let $g=2$ or $3$. A divisor $aL-bD$ on ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$ is nef if and only if
$b\geq0$ and $a-12\frac{b}{n}\geq0$.
This theorem easily gives the following two corollaries.
If $g=2$ then $K$ is nef but not ample for ${\cal A}_2^*(4)$ and $K$ is ample for
${\cal A}_2^*(n)$, $n\geq5$; in particular ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ is a minimal model for
$n\geq4$ and a canonical model for $n\geq5$.
This was first proved by Borisov \cite{Bo}.
If $g=3$ then $K$ is nef but not ample for ${\cal A}_3^*(3)$ and $K$ is ample for
${\cal A}_3^*(n)$, $n\geq4$; in particular ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$ is a minimal model for
$n\geq3$ and a canonical model for $n\geq4$.
In this paper we shall give two proofs of Theorem~(\ref{theo0.1}). The first
and quick one reduces the problem via the Torelli map to the analogous
question for ${\overline{M}}_2$, resp.~${\overline{M}}_3$. Since the
Torelli map is not surjective for $g\ge 4$ this proof cannot possibly be
generalized to higher genus. This is the main reason why we want to give a
proof which uses theta functions. This proof makes essential use of a result
of Weissauer
\cite{We}. The method has the advantage that it extends in principle to other
polarizations as well as to higher
We will also give some partial results supporting the
For any $g\geq2$ the nef cone on ${\cal A}_g^*$ is given by the divisors $aL-bD$
where $b\geq0$ and $a-12b\geq0$.
It is a pleasure for me to thank RIMS and Kyoto University for their
hospitality during the autumn of 1996. I am grateful to V.~Alexeev and
R.~Salvati Manni for useful discussions. It was Salvati Manni who drew my
attention to Weissauer's paper.
I would also like to thank
R.~Weissauer for additional information on
\cite{We}. The author is partially supported by TMR
grant ERBCHRXCT 940557.
\section{Curves meeting the interior}
We start by recalling some results about the Kodaira dimension of
${\cal A}_g^*(n)$. It was proved by Freitag, Tai and Mumford that ${\cal A}_g^*$ is
of general type for $g\geq7$. The following more general result is probably
well known to some specialists.
${\cal A}_g^*(n)$ is of general type for the following values of $g$ and $n\geq
$g$ & $2$ & $3$ & $4$ & $5$ & $6$ & $\geq7$ \\\hline
$n_0$ & $4$ & $3$ & $2$ & $2$ & $2$ & $1$
One can use Mumford's method from \cite{Mu1}. First recall that away from the
singularities and the closure of the branch locus of the
map ${\mathbb{H}}_g\to{\cal A}_g(n)$ the canonical
bundle equals
K\equiv (g+1)L-D.
This equality holds in particular also on an open part of the boundary.
If $g\leq4$ and
$n\geq3$ the spaces ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$ are smooth and hence (\ref{formula1.1})
everywhere. If $g\geq5$ then Tai \cite{T} showed that there is a suitable
toroidal compactification ${\tilde{{\cal A}}}_g(n)$ such that all singularities
are canonical quotient singularities. By Mumford's results from \cite{Mu1} one
can use the theta-null locus to eliminate $D$ from formula (\ref{formula1.1})
and obtains
K\equiv \left((g+1)-\frac{2^{g-2}(2^g+1)}{n2^{2g-5}}\right)L+
We then have general type if all singularities are canonical and if the factor
in front of $L$ is positive. This gives immediately all values in the above
table with the exception of $(g,n)=(4,2)$ and $(7,1)$. In the latter case
the factor in front of $L$ is negative. The proof that ${\cal A}_7$
is nevertheless of general type is the
main result of \cite{Mu1}. The difficulty in the first case is
that one can possibly have non-canonical singularities.
One can, however, use the following argument which I
have learnt from Salvati Manni: An immediate calculation shows that for every
element $\sigma\in\Gamma_g(2)$ the square $\sigma^2\in\Gamma_g(4)$. Hence if
$\sigma$ has a fixed point then $\sigma^2=1$ since $\Gamma_g(4)$ acts freely.
But for elements of order $2$ one can again use Tai's extension theorem (see
\cite[Remark after Lemma~4.5]{T} and \cite[Remark after Lemma~5.2]{T}).
The Kodaira dimension of ${\cal A}_6$ is still unknown. All other
varieties ${\cal A}_g(n)$ which do not appear in the above list are either
rational or unirational: Unirationality of
${\cal A}_g$ for $g=5$ was proved by Donagi \cite{D} and by Mori and Mukai
\cite{MM}. For $g=4$ the same result was shown by Clemens \cite{C}.
Unirationality is
easy for
$g\leq3$. Igusa
\cite{I2} showed that ${\cal A}_2$ is rational. Recently Katsylo \cite{Ka} proved
rationality of ${\cal M}_3$ and hence also of ${\cal A}_3$.
The space
${\cal A}_3(2)$ is rational by work of van Geemen \cite{vG} and
Dolgachev and Ortlang \cite {DO}. ${\cal A}_2(3)$ is the Burkhardt quartic
and hence
rational. This was first
proved by Todd
(1936) and Baker (1942). See also the thesis of Finkelnberg
The variety ${\cal A}_2(2)$ has the Segre cubic as a projective
model \cite{vdG1} and is hence also rational.
\cite{Ya} first showed general type for ${\cal A}_2(n)$, $n\geq4$.
We denote the Satake compactification of ${\cal A}_g$ by $\overline{{\cal A}}_g$.
There is a natural map $\pi:{\cal A}_g^*\to\overline{{\cal A}}_g$ which is an
isomorphism on ${\cal A}_g$. The line bundle $L$ is the pullback of an ample line
bundle on $\overline{{\cal A}}_g$ which, by abuse of notation, we again denote by
$L$. In fact the Satake compactification is defined as the closure of
the image
of ${\cal A}_g$ under the embedding given by a suitable power of $L$ on ${\cal A}_g$.
In particular we notice that $L.C\geq0$ for every curve $C$ on ${\cal A}_g^*$ and
that $L.C>0$ if $C$ is not contracted to a point under the map $\pi$.
Let $F$ be a modular form with respect to the full modular group
$\on{Sp}(2g,{\mathbb{Z}})$. Then the \emph{order} $o(F)$ of $F$ is defined as the
quotient of the vanishing order of $F$ divided by the weight of $F$.
For every point $\tau\in{\mathbb{H}}_g$ and every $\varepsilon>0$ there exists a modular form
$F$ of order $o(F)\geq\frac{1}{12+\varepsilon}$ which does not vanish at $\tau$.
See \cite{We}.
Let $C\subset{\cal A}_g^*$ be a curve which is not contained in the boundary.
Then $(aL-bD).C\geq0$ if $b\geq0$ and $a-12b\geq0$.
First note that $L.C>0$ since $\pi(C)$ is a curve in the Satake
compactification. It is enough to prove that $(aL-bD).C>0$ if $a-12b>0$ and
$a,b\geq0$. This is clear for $b=0$ and hence we can assume that $b\neq0$. We
can now choose some $\varepsilon>0$ with $a/b>12+\varepsilon$. By Weissauer's theorem there
exists a modular form $F$ of say weight $k$ and vanishing order $m$ with
$F(\tau)\neq0$ for some point $[\tau]\in C$ and $m/k\geq1/(12+\varepsilon)$. In terms
of divisors this gives us that
kL=mD+D_F, \quad C\not\subset D_F
where $D_F$ is the zero-divisor of $F$. Hence
\left(\frac km L-D\right)=\frac1mD_F.C\geq0.
Since $a/b>12+\varepsilon\geq k/m$ and $L.C>0$ we can now conclude that
\left(\frac abL-D\right).C>\left(\frac kmL-D\right).C\geq0.
Weissauer's result is optimal, since the modular forms of order $>1/12$
have a common base locus. To see this consider curves $C$ in
${\cal A}_g^*$ of the form $X(1)\times\{A\}$ where $X(1)$ is the modular curve of
level $1$ parametrizing elliptic curves and $A$ is a fixed abelian variety of
dimension $g-1$. The degree of $L$ on $X(1)$ is $1/12$ (recall that $L$ is a
${\mathbb{Q}}$-bundle) whereas it has one cusp, i.e.~the degree of $D$ on this curve is
$1$. Hence every modular form of order $>1/12$ will vanish on $C$. This also
shows that the condition $a-12b\geq0$ is necessary for a
divisor to be nef.
\section{Geometry of the boundary (I)}
We first have to collect some properties of the structure of the boundary of
${\cal A}_g^*(n)$. Recall that the Satake compactification is set-theoretically
the union of ${\cal A}_g(n)$ and of moduli spaces ${\cal A}_k(n)$, $k<g$ of lower
dimension, i.e.
\overline{{\cal A}}_g(n)={\cal A}_g(n)\amalg\left(\underset{i_1}{\amalg}
{\cal A}_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)\right)\amalg \left(\underset{i_2}{\amalg}
{\cal A}_{g-2}^{i_2}(n)\right)\ldots\amalg \left(\underset{i_g}{\amalg}
{\cal A}_0^{i_g}(n)\right).
Via the map $\pi:{\cal A}_g^*(n)\to\overline{{\cal A}}_g(n)$ this also defines a
stratification of ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$:
{\cal A}^*_g(n)={\cal A}_g(n)\amalg\left(\underset{i_1}{\amalg}
D_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)\right)\amalg \left(\underset{i_2}{\amalg}
D_{g-2}^{i_2}(n)\right)\ldots\amalg \left(\underset{i_g}{\amalg}
The irreducible components of the boundary $D$ are the closures
$\overline{D}_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$ of the codimension $1$
strata $D_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$. Whenever we
talk about a \emph{boundary component} we mean one of
the divisors $\overline{D}_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$. Then the boundary $D$ is given by
The fibration $\pi:D_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)\to{\cal A}_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)={\cal A}_{g-1}(n)$ is
the universal family of abelian varieties of dimension $g-1$ with a level-$n$
structure if $n\geq3$ resp.~the universal family of Kummer surfaces for $n=1$
or $2$ (see \cite{Mu1}). We shall also explain this in more detail later on.
To be more precise we associate to a point $\tau\in{\mathbb{H}}_g$ the lattice
$L_{\tau,1}=(\tau,\mathbf{1}){\mathbb{Z}}^{2g}$, resp.~the principally polarized
abelian variety $A_{\tau,1}={\mathbb{C}}^g/L_{\tau,1}$. Given an integer $n\geq1$ we
set $L_{n\tau,n}=(n\tau,n\mathbf{1}_g){\mathbb{Z}}^{2g}$, resp.~$A_{n\tau,n}=
{\mathbb{C}}^g/L_{n\tau,n}$. By $K_{n\tau,n}$ we denote the Kummer variety $A_{n,\tau
Let $n\geq3$. Then for any point $[\tau]\in{\cal A}_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$ the fibre of
$\pi$ equals $\pi^{-1}([\tau])=A_{n,\tau n}$.
Compare \cite{Mu1}. We shall also give an independent proof below.
This result remains true for $n=1$ or $2$, at least for points $\tau$ whose
stabilizer subgroup in $\Gamma_g(n)$ is $\{\pm1\}$, if we replace $A_{n,\tau
n}$ by its associate Kummer variety $K_{n,\tau n}$.
Let $n\geq3$. Then for $[\tau]\in{\cal A}_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$ the restriction of
to the fibre $\pi^{-1}([\tau])$ is negative. More precisely
D_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)|_{\pi^{-1}([\tau])}\equiv -\frac2nH
where $H$ is the polarization on $A_{n\tau,n}$ given by the pull-back of the
principal polarization on $A_{\tau,1}$ via the covering $A_{n,\tau n}\to
Compare \cite[Proposition~1.8]{Mu1}, resp.~see the discussion below.
Again the statement remains true for $n=1$ or $2$ if we replace the abelian
variety by its Kummer variety.
\begin{Proof*}{First proof of Theorem (\ref{theo0.1})}
We have already seen (see Remark~\ref{rem1.5}) that for
every nef divisor $aL-bD$ the inequality
$a-12b\geq0$ holds. If $C$ is a curve in a fibre of the map
${\cal A}_g^*(n)\to\overline{{\cal A}}_g(n)$, then $L.C=0$. Lemma~(\ref{lemma2.2})
immediately implies that $b\geq0$ for any nef divisor. It remains to show that
the conditions of Theorem~(\ref{theo0.1}) are sufficient to imply nefness.
For any genus the Torelli map $t:{\cal M}_g\to{\cal A}_g$ extends to a morphism
$\overline{t}:\overline{{\cal M}}_g\to {\cal A}_g^*$ (see \cite{Nam}).
Here $\overline{{\cal M}}_g$ denotes the compactification of ${\cal M}_g$ by stable
curves. For $g=2$ and $3$ the map $\overline{t}$ is surjective.
It follows that for every curve $C$ in ${\cal A}_g^*$ there is a curve $C'$
in $\overline{{\cal M}}_g$ which is finite over $C$.
Hence a divisor on ${\cal A}_g^*$, $g=2,3$ is nef if and only if this
holds for its pull-back to $\overline{{\cal M}}_g$.
In the notation of Faber's paper
\cite{Fa} $\overline{t}^*L=\lambda$ where $\lambda$ is the Hodge bundle and
$\overline{t}^*D=\delta_0$ where
$\delta_0$ is the boundary ($g=2$), resp. the closure of the locus of
genus $2$ curves with one node ($g=3$) (cf also \cite{vdG2}). The
result follows since $a\lambda-b\delta_0$ is nef on $\overline{{\cal M}}_g$,
$g=2,3$ for $a-12b\geq0$ and $b\geq0$ (see \cite{Fa}).
As we have already pointed out the Torelli map is not surjective for
$g\geq4$ and hence this proof cannot possibly be generalized to
higher genus.
The main purpose of this paper is, therefore, to give a proof of
Theorem~(\ref{theo0.1}) which does not use the reduction to the curve case.
will also allow us to prove some results for general $g$. At the same time we
obtain an independent proof of nefness of $a\lambda-b\delta_0$ for
$a-12b\geq0$ and $b\geq0$ on $\overline{{\cal M}}_g$ for $g=2$ and $3$.
We now want to investigate the open parts $D_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$ of the boundary
components $\overline{D}_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$ and their fibration over
${\cal A}_{g-1}(n)$ more closely. At the same time this gives us another
argument for
Lemmas~(\ref{lemma2.1}) and (\ref{lemma2.2}). At this stage we have to make
first use of the toroidal construction. Recall that the boundary components
$D_{g-1}^{i_1}(n)$ are in $1:1$ correspondence with the maximal dimensional
cusps, and these in turn are in $1:1$ correspondence with the lines
$l\subset{\mathbb{Q}}^g$ modulo $\Gamma_g(n)$. Since all cusps are equivalent under the
action of $\Gamma_g/\Gamma_g(n)$ we can restrict our attention to one of these
cusps, namely the one given by $l_0=(0,\ldots,0,1)$. This corresponds to
$\tau_{gg}\to i\infty$. To simplify notation we shall denote the corresponding
boundary stratum simply by ${D}_{g-1}^{1}(n)=D_{g-1}(n)$.
The stabilizer $P(l_0)$ of $l_0$ in
$\Gamma_g$ is generated by elements of the following form
g_1&=\begin{pmatrix} A&0&B&0 \\ 0&1&0&0 \\ C&0&D&0 \\ 0&0&0&1 \end{pmatrix},\
\begin{pmatrix} A&B \\ C&D \end{pmatrix} \in \Gamma_{g-1},\\
g_2&=\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{1}_{g-1}&0&0&0 \\ 0&\pm1&0&0 \\
0&0&\mathbf{1}_{g-1}&0 \\ 0&0&0&\pm1 \end{pmatrix},\\
g_3&=\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{1}_{g-1}&0&0&\sideset{^t}{}{\on{\mathit{N}}} \\
M&1&N&0 \\ 0&0&\mathbf{1}_{g-1}&-\sideset{^t}{}{\on{\mathit{M}}} \\ 0&0&0&1
\end{pmatrix},\ M,N \in{\mathbb{Z}}^{g-1},\\
g_4&=\begin{pmatrix} \mathbf{1}_{g-1}&0&0&0 \\ 0&1&0&S \\
0&0&\mathbf{1}_{g-1}&0 \\ 0&0&0&1 \end{pmatrix},\ S\in{\mathbb{Z}}.
\noindent We write $\tau=(\tau_{ij})_{1\leq i,j\leq g}$ in the form
\tau_{11} & \cdots & \tau_{1,g-1} & \tau_{1g}\\
\vdots & & \vdots & \vdots\\
\tau_{1,g-1} & \cdots & \tau_{g-1,g-1} & \tau_{g-1,g}\\\hline
\tau_{1,g} & \cdots & \tau_{g-1,g} & \tau_{gg}
\tau_1 & \sideset{^t}{}{\on{\tau_2}}\\\hline
\tau_2 & \tau_3
\noindent Then the action of $P(l_0)$ on ${\mathbb{H}}_g$ is given by
g_1(\tau)&=\begin{pmatrix} (A\tau_1+B)(C\tau_1+D)^{-1} & * \\
\tau_2(C\tau_1+D)^{-1} & \tau_3-\tau_2(C\tau_1+D)^{-1}C
\sideset{^t}{}{\on{\tau_2}} \end{pmatrix},\\
g_2(\tau)&=\begin{pmatrix} \tau_1 & * \\ \pm\tau_2 & \tau_3 \end{pmatrix},\\
g_3(\tau)&=\begin{pmatrix} \tau_1 & * \\ \tau_2+M\tau_1+N & \tau_3'
\intertext{where $\tau_3'=\tau_3+M\tau_1\sideset{^t}{}{\on{\mathit{M}}} +
M\sideset{^t}{}{\on{\tau_2}}+ \sideset{^t}{}{\on{(}} M
g_4(\tau)&=\begin{pmatrix} \tau_1 & \tau_2
\\ \tau_2 &
The parabolic subgroup $P(l_0)$ is an extension
1\longrightarrow P'(l_0)\longrightarrow P(l_0)\longrightarrow P''(l_0)
\longrightarrow 1
where $P'(l_0)$ is the rank $1$ lattice generated by $g_4$. To obtain the same
result for $\Gamma_g(n)$ we just have to intersect $P(l_0)$ with
$\Gamma_g(n)$. Note that $g_2$ is in $\Gamma_g(n)$ only for $n=1$ or $2$. The
first step in the construction of the toroidal compactification
of ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$
is to divide ${\mathbb{H}}_g$ by $P'(l_0)\cap\Gamma(n)$ which gives a map
{\mathbb{H}}_g &\longrightarrow& {\mathbb{H}}_{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^*\\
\begin{pmatrix} \tau_1 & \sideset{^t}{}{\on{\tau_2}} \\ \tau_2 & \tau_3
\end{pmatrix} &\longmapsto& (\tau_1,\tau_2,e^{2\pi i\tau_3/n}).
\noindent Partial compactification in the direction of $l_0$ then consists of
adding the set ${\mathbb{H}}_{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^{g-1}\times\{0\}$. It now follows
from the above formulae for the action of $P(l_0)$ on ${\mathbb{H}}_g$ that
the action of
the quotient group $P''(l_0)$ on ${\mathbb{H}}_{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^*$
$D_{g-1}(n)=({\mathbb{H}}_{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^{g-1})/P''(l_0)$ and the map to
${\cal A}_{g-1}(n)$ is induced by the projection from ${\mathbb{H}}_{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^{g-1}$
to ${\mathbb{H}}_{g-1}$. This also shows that $D_{g-1}(n)\to{\cal A}_{g-1}(n)$ is the
universal family for $n\geq3$ and that the general fibre is a Kummer variety
for $n=1$ and $2$.
Whenever $n_1|n_2$ we have a Galois covering
\pi(n_1,n_2):{\cal A}_g^*(n_2)\longrightarrow{\cal A}_g^*(n_1)
whose Galois group is $\Gamma_g(n_1)/\Gamma_g(n_2)$. This induces coverings
$\overline{D}_{g-1}(n_2)\to\overline{D}_{g-1}(n_1)$, resp.~$D_{g-1}(n_2)\to
D_{g-1}(n_1)$. In order to avoid technical difficulties we assume for
the moment that ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$ is smooth (this is the case if $g\leq4$
and $n\geq3$). In what follows we will always be able to assume that we are
in this situation.
Then we denote the normal bundle of $\overline{D}_{g-1}(n)$ in
${\cal A}_g^*(n)$ by $N_{\overline{D}_{g-1}(n)}$, resp.~its restriction to
$D_{g-1}(n)$ by $N_{D_{g-1}(n)}$. Since the covering map $\pi(n_1,n_2)$ is
branched of order $n_2/n_1$ along the boundary, it follows that
We now define the bundle
This is a line bundle on the boundary component $\overline{D}_{g-1}(n)$. We
denote the restriction of $\overline{M}(n)$ to $D_{g-1}(n)$ by $M(n)$. We find
immediately that
The advantage of working with the bundle $\overline{M}(n)$ is that we can
explicitly describe sections of this bundle.
For this purpose it is useful to review some basic facts about theta functions.
For every element $m=(m',m'')$ of ${\mathbb{R}}^{2g}$ one can define the theta-function
\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)=\sum_{q\in{\mathbb{Z}}^g} e^{2\pi i[{(q+m')\tau}
The transformation behaviour of $\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)$ with respect to
$z\mapsto z+u\tau+u'$ is described by the formulae ($\Theta1$)--($\Theta5$) of
\cite[pp.~49,~50]{I}. The behaviour of $\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)$
with respect to
the action of $\Gamma_g(1)$ on ${\mathbb{H}}_g\times{\mathbb{C}}^g$ is given by the theta
transformation formula \cite[Theorem~II.5.6]{I} resp.~the corollary following
this theorem \cite[p.~85]{I}.
Let $n\equiv0\on{mod}4p^2$. If $m',m'',\overline{m}',\overline{m}''\in
\frac{1}{2p} {\mathbb{Z}}^{g-1}$, then the functions $\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)
\Theta_{\overline{m}'\overline{m}''}(\tau,z)$ define sections of the line
bundle $M(n)$ on $D_{g-1}(n)$.
It follows from ($\Theta3$) and ($\Theta1$) that for $k,k'\in n{\mathbb{Z}}^{g-1}$ the
following holds:
\Theta_{m',m''}(\tau,z+k\tau+k')= e^{2\pi i[-\frac12k{\tau}
{^tk}-{k}{^t(z+k')}]} \Theta_{m',m''}(\tau,z).
Similarly, of course, for $\Theta_{\overline{m}',\overline{m}''}(\tau,z)$.
Moreover the theta transformation formula together with formula ($\Theta2$)
\Theta_{m',m''}(\tau^\#,z^\#) =
e^{2\pi i[\frac12z(C\tau+D)^{-1}{C}{^tz}]}
\det(C\tau+D)^{1/2} u \Theta_{m',m''}(\tau,z)
for every element $\gamma=\begin{pmatrix} A&B\\ C&D \end{pmatrix}\in
\Gamma_{g-1}(n)$ and
\tau^\#=\gamma(\tau),\quad z^\#=z(C\tau+D)^{-1}.
Here $u^2$ is a character of
$\Gamma_{g-1}(1,2)$ with $u^2|_{\Gamma_{g-1}(4)}\equiv1$.
On the other hand the boundary component $D_{g-1}(n)$ is defined by $t_3=0$
with $t_3=e^{2\pi i\tau_3/n}$. We have already described the action of
$P''(l_0)$ on ${\mathbb{H}}_{g-1}\times{\mathbb{C}}^{g-1}$. The result then follows by comparing
the transformation behaviour of $(t_3/t_3^2)^n$
with respect to $g_1$ and $g_3$
with the above formulae together with the fact that the line bundle $L$ is
defined by the automorphy factor $\det(C\tau+D)$.
This also gives an independent proof of Lemma~(\ref{lemma2.2}).
\section{Geometry of the boundary (II)}
So far we have described the stratum $D_{g-1}(n)$ of the boundary component
$\overline{D}_{g-1}(n)$ and we have seen that there is a natural map
$D_{g-1}(n)\to{\cal A}_{g-1}(n)$ which identifies $D_{g-1}(n)$ with the universal
family over ${\cal A}_{g-1}(n)$ if $n\geq3$. We now want to describe the closure
$\overline{D}_{g-1}(n)$ in some detail. In order to do this we have to
restrict ourselves to $g=2$ and $3$. First assume $g=2$. Then the projection
$D_1(n)\to{\cal A}_1(n)=X^0(n)$ extends to a projection
$\overline{D}_1(n)\to X(n)$
onto the modular curve of level $n$ and in this way $\overline{D}_1(n)$ is
identified with Shioda's modular surface $S(n)\to X(n)$. The fibres are either
elliptic curves or $n$-gons of rational curves (if $n\ge 3$).
Similarly the fibration
$D_2(n)\to{\cal A}_2(n)$ extends to a fibration $\overline{D}_2(n)\to{\cal A}_2^*$
whose fibres over the boundary of ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ are degenerate abelian
surfaces. This was first observed by Nakamura \cite{Na} and was described in
detail by Tsushima \cite{Ts} whose paper is essential for what follows.
We shall now explain the toroidal construction which allows us to describe the
fibration $\overline{D}_2(n)\to{\cal A}_2^*(n)$ explicitly. Here we shall
concentrate on a description of this map in the most difficult situation,
namely in the neighbourhood of a cusp of maximal corank.
The toroidal compactification ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$ is given by
the second Voronoi decomposition $\Sigma_g$. This is a rational polyhedral
decomposition of the convex hull in $\on{Sym}_g^{\geq0}({\mathbb{R}})$ of the set
$\on{Sym}_g^{\geq0}({\mathbb{Z}})$ of integer semi-positive $(g\times g)$-matrices. For
$g=2$ and $3$ it can be described as follows. First note that $\on{Gl}(g,{\mathbb{Z}})$
acts on $\on{Sym}_g^{\geq0}({\mathbb{R}})$ by $\gamma\mapsto
\sideset{^t}{}{\on{\mathit{M}}}\gamma M$. For $g=2$ we define the standard cone
\gamma_1=\begin{pmatrix} 1&0 \\ 0&0 \end{pmatrix},\quad
\gamma_2=\begin{pmatrix} 0&0 \\ 0&1 \end{pmatrix},\quad
\gamma_3=\begin{pmatrix} 1&-1 \\ -1&1 \end{pmatrix}.
\Sigma_2=\{M(\sigma_2);\ M\in\on{Gl}(2,{\mathbb{Z}})\}.
Similarly for $g=3$ we consider the standard cone
\alpha_1=\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0 \\ 0&0&0 \\ 0&0&0 \end{pmatrix},\quad
\alpha_2=\begin{pmatrix} 0&0&0 \\ 0&1&0 \\ 0&0&0 \end{pmatrix},\quad
\alpha_3=\begin{pmatrix} 0&0&0 \\ 0&0&0 \\ 0&0&1 \end{pmatrix},\\
\beta_1=\begin{pmatrix} 0&0&0 \\ 0&1&-1 \\ 0&-1&1 \end{pmatrix},\quad
\beta_2=\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&-1 \\ 0&0&0 \\ -1&0&1 \end{pmatrix},\quad
\beta_3=\begin{pmatrix} 1&-1&0 \\ -1&1&0 \\ 0&0&0 \end{pmatrix}.
\Sigma_3=\{M(\sigma_3);\ M\in\on{Gl}(3,{\mathbb{Z}})\}.
We consider the lattices
N_3 = {\mathbb{Z}}\gamma_1+{\mathbb{Z}}\gamma_2+{\mathbb{Z}}\gamma_3\\
N_6 = {\mathbb{Z}}\alpha_1+{\mathbb{Z}}\alpha_2+{\mathbb{Z}}\alpha_3+{\mathbb{Z}}\beta_1+{\mathbb{Z}}\beta_2+{\mathbb{Z}}\beta_3.
The fans $\Sigma_2$ resp.~$\Sigma_3$ define torus embeddings
$T^3\subset X(\Sigma_2)$ and $T^6\subset X(\Sigma_3)$. We denote the
divisors of $X(\Sigma_3)$ which correspond to the $1$-dimensional simplices
of $\Sigma_3$ by
${\cal D}^i$. Let ${\cal D}={\cal D}^1$ be the divisor corresponding to
${\mathbb{R}}_{\geq0}\alpha_3$. An open part of ${\cal D}$ (in the ${\mathbb{C}}$-topology) is
mapped to the boundary component $\overline{D}_2(n)$. In order to understand
the structure of ${\cal D}$ we also consider the rank $5$ lattice
The natural projection $\rho:N_{6,{\mathbb{R}}}\to N_{5,{\mathbb{R}}}$ maps the cones of the fan
$\Sigma_3$ to the cones of a fan $\Sigma_3'\subset N_{5,{\mathbb{R}}}$. This fan
defines a torus embedding $T^5=({\cal D}\setminus
\bigcup\limits_{i\neq1}{\cal D}^i)\subset X(\Sigma_3')={\cal D}$.
The projection
N_{6,{\mathbb{R}}}\cong\on{Sym}_3({\mathbb{R}}) &\longrightarrow&
&\begin{pmatrix} a&b&d \\ b&c&e \\ d&e&f \end{pmatrix} &\longmapsto&
\begin{pmatrix} a&b \\ b&c \end{pmatrix}
maps $\Sigma_3$ to $\Sigma_2$ and factors through $N_{5,{\mathbb{R}}}$. In this
way we obtain an induced map
{\cal D}=X(\Sigma_3') &\longrightarrow& X(\Sigma_2)\\
\cup & & \cup\\
T^5 &\longrightarrow& T^3.
In order to describe this map we first consider the standard simplices
$\sigma_3\subset N_{6,{\mathbb{R}}}$ and
$\sigma_2\subset N_{3,{\mathbb{R}}}$, resp.~$\sigma_3'=\rho(\sigma_3)\subset N_{5,{\mathbb{R}}}$.
On the torus $T^6$ (and similarly on $T^5$ and $T^3$) we introduce coordinates
t_{ij}=e^{2\pi i\tau_{ij}/n}\qquad (1\leq i,j\leq 3).
These coordinates correspond to the dual basis
of the basis $U_{ij}^*$ of $\on{Sym}(3,{\mathbb{Z}})$
where the entries of $U_{ij}^*$ are $1$ in positions $(i,j)$ and $(j,i)$ and
$0$ otherwise. One easily checks that $T_{\sigma_3}\cong{\mathbb{C}}^6\subset
X(\Sigma_3)$ and as coordinates on $T_{\sigma_3}$ one can take the coordinates
which correspond to the dual basis of the generators
$\alpha_1,\ldots,\beta_3$. Let us denote these coordinates by
$T_1,\ldots,T_6$. A straightforward calculation shows that the inclusion
$T^6\subset T_{\sigma_3}$ is given by
\begin {array}{l@{\qquad}l@{\qquad}l}
T_1 = t_{11}t_{13}t_{12}, & T_2 = t_{22}t_{23}t_{12}, & T_3 =
T_4 = t_{23}^{-1}, & T_5 = t_{13}^{-1}, & T_6 = t_{12}^{-1}.
\end {array}
Then ${\cal D}\cap T_{\sigma_3}=\{T_3=0\}$. For genus $2$ the corresponding
embedding $T^3\subset T_{\sigma_2}$ is given by
T_1=t_{11}t_{12},\qquad T_2=t_{22}t_{12},\qquad T_3=t_{12}^{-1}.
Finally we consider $T_{\sigma_3'}\cong{\mathbb{C}}^5\subset X(\Sigma_3')$. The
projection ${\cal D}=X(\Sigma_3')\to X(\Sigma_2)$ map $T_{\sigma_3'}$ to
$T_{\sigma_2}$. We can use $T_1,T_2,T_4,T_5,T_6$ as coordinates on
$T_{\sigma_3'}$. Since $\lambda(\alpha_1)=\lambda(\beta_2)=\gamma_1$,
$\lambda(\alpha_2)=\lambda(\beta_1)=\gamma_2$ and $\lambda(\alpha_3)=\gamma_3$
we find that
T_{\sigma_3'}\cong{\mathbb{C}}^5 &\longrightarrow& T_{\sigma_2}\cong{\mathbb{C}}^3\\
(T_1,T_2,T_4,T_5,T_6) &\longmapsto& (T_1T_5,T_2T_4,T_6).
Given any (maximal dimensional) cone $\sigma'=\rho(\sigma)$ in $\Sigma_3'$ we
can describe the map $T_{\sigma'}\to T_{\lambda(\sigma)}$ in terms of
coordinates by the method described above. In this way we obtain a complete
description of the map ${\cal D}\to X(\Sigma_2)$.
Let us now return to the toroidal compactification ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$ of
${\cal A}_3(n)$. Let $u_0\subset{\mathbb{Q}}^6$ be a maximal isotropic subspace. Then we
obtain the compactification of ${\cal A}_3(n)$ in the direction of the cusp
corresponding to $u_0$ as follows: The parabolic subgroup
$P(u_0)\subset\Gamma_3(n)$ is an extension
1\longrightarrow P'(u_0)\longrightarrow P(u_0)\longrightarrow
P''(u_0)\longrightarrow 1
where $P'(u_0)$ is a lattice of rank $6$. We have an inclusion
${\mathbb{H}}_g/P'(u_0)\subset T^6\subset X(\Sigma_3)$ and we denote the interior of
the closure of ${\mathbb{H}}_g/P'(u_0)$ in $X(\Sigma_3)$ by $X(u_0)$. Then $P''(u_0)$
acts on $X(u_0)$ and we obtain a neighbourhood of the cusp corresponding to
$u_0$ by $X(u_0)/P''(u_0)$. We have already described the partial
compactification in the direction of a line (in our case $l_0$). Similarly we
can define a partial compactification in the direction of an isotropic plane
$h_0$. The space ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$ is then obtained by glueing all these partial
The result of Nakamura and Tsushima can then be stated as follows: The
restriction of the map $\pi:{\cal A}_3^*(n)\to\overline{{\cal A}}_3(n)$ to the
boundary component $\overline{D}_2(n)$ admits a factorisation
\overline{D}_2(n) \rto^{\pi'} \drto_{\pi} & {\cal A}_2^*(n) \dto^{\pi''}\\
& \overline{{\cal A}}_2(n)
where $\pi'':{\cal A}_2^*(n)\to\overline{{\cal A}}_2(n)$ is the natural map of the
Voronoi compactification ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ of ${\cal A}_2(n)$ to the Satake
compactification $\overline{{\cal A}}_2(n)$. The map
$\pi':\overline{D}_2(n)\to{\cal A}_2^*(n)$ is a flat family of
surfaces extending the
universal family over ${\cal A}_2(n)$. In order to describe the fibres over the
boundary points of ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ recall that every boundary component of
${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ is isomorphic to the Shioda modular surface $S(n)$. We explain
the \emph{type} of a point $P$ in ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ as follows:
P\text{ has type I} &\Longleftrightarrow& P\in{\cal A}_2(n)\\
P\text{ has type II} &\Longleftrightarrow& P\text{ lies on a smooth fibre
&& \text{a boundary component }S(n)\\
P\text{ has type IIIa} &\Longleftrightarrow& P\text{ is a smooth point on a
&& \text{fibre of }S(n)\\
P\text{ has type IIIb} &\Longleftrightarrow& P\text{ is a singular point of an
&& \text{in }S(n).
Points of type IIIb are also often called \emph{deepest points}.
\begin{proposition}[Nakamura, Tsushima]\label{prop2.4}
Assume $n\geq3$. Let $P$ be a point in ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ and denote the fibre of
the map $\pi':\overline{D}_2(n)\to{\cal A}_2^*(n)$ over $P$ by $A_P$. Then the
following holds:
\noindent $\on{(i)}$ If $P=[\tau]\in{\cal A}_2(n)$ is of type $\on{I}$ then $A_P$
is a smooth abelian surface, more precisely $A_P\cong A_{n,\tau n}$.
\noindent $\on{(ii)}$ if $P$ is of type $\on{II}$, then $A_P$ is a cycle of
$n$ elliptic ruled surfaces.
\noindent $\on{(iii)}$ If $P$ is of type $\on{IIIa}$, then $A_P$ consists on
$n^2$ copies of ${\mathbb{P}}^1\times{\mathbb{P}}^1$.
\noindent $\on{(iv)}$ If $P$ is of type $\on{IIIb}$, then $A_P$ consists of
$3n^2$ components. These are $2n^2$ copies of the projective plane ${\mathbb{P}}^2$ and
$n^2$ copies of ${\tilde{{\mathbb{P}}}}^2$, i.e.~${\mathbb{P}}^2$ blown up in $3$ points in
general position.
The proof consists of a careful analysis of the map
$\overline{D}_2(n)\to{\cal A}_2^*(n)$ using the description of the map ${\cal D}\to
X(\Sigma_2)$. For details see \cite[section 4]{Ts}.
(i) The degenerations of type IIIa and IIIb are usually depicted by the
where each square stands for a ${\mathbb{P}}^1\times{\mathbb{P}}^1$, resp.
where the triangles stand for projective planes ${\mathbb{P}}^2$ and the hexagons for
blown-up planes ${\tilde{{\mathbb{P}}}}^2$.
\noindent (ii) The singular fibres are degenerate abelian surfaces
(cf.~\cite{Na}, \cite{HKW}).
\noindent (iii) This description must be modified for $n=1$ or $2$. Then the
general fibre is a Kummer surface $K_{n,\tau n}$ and the fibres of type (IIIb)
consist of $8$ ($n=2$), resp.~$2$ copies of ${\mathbb{P}}^2$.
The following is a crucial technical step:
Let $n\equiv 0\on{mod} 8p^2$. If $m',m'',\overline{m}',\overline{m}''\in
\frac{1}{2p}{\mathbb{Z}}^2$ then the sections
$\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)\Theta_{\overline{m}'\overline{m}''}(\tau,z)$ of
the line
bundle $M(n)$ on $D_2(n)$ extend to sections of the line bundle
$\overline{M}(n)$ on $\overline{D}_2(n)$.
We have to prove that the sections in question extend to the part of
$D_2(n)$ which lies over the boundary of ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$.
This is a local statement. Moreover it is enough to prove extension in
codimension $1$. Due to symmetry considerations we can restrict ourselves to
one boundary component in ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$. We shall use the above description
of the toroidal compactifications ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ and ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$ and of the
map $\overline{D}_2(n)\to{\cal A}_2^*(n)$. We consider the boundary component of
${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ given by $\{T_2=0\}\subset T_{\sigma_2}\subset X(\Sigma_2)$.
Recall the theta functions
\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)=\sum_{q\in{\mathbb{Z}}^2} e^{2\pi i[\frac12(q+m'){\tau}
In our situation
\tau=\begin{pmatrix} \tau_{11}&\tau_{12} \\ \tau_{12} & \tau_{22}
\end{pmatrix},\quad z=(z_1,z_2)=(\tau_{13},\tau_{23}).
In level $n$ we have the coordinates
t_{ij}=e^{2\pi i\tau_{ij}/n}
and $\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)$ becomes
\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)=\sum_{q=(q_1,q_2)\in{\mathbb{Z}}^2} t_{11}^{\frac12(q_1+m_1')^2n}
t_{12}^{(q_1+m_1')(q_2+m_2')n} t_{22}^{\frac12(q_2+m_2')^2n}\\
t_{13}^{(q_1+m_1')n} t_{23}^{(q_2+m_2')n} e^{2\pi {i (q+m')} {^tm}''}.
We use the coordinates $T_1,T_2,T_4,T_5,T_6$ on $T_{\sigma_3'}$. It follows
from (\ref{formula2.1}) that
t_{11} &= T_1T_5T_6, & \quad t_{22} &= T_2T_4T_6, \notag \\
t_{23} &= T_4^{-1}, & \quad t_{13} &= T_5^{-1},\label{formula2.3}\\
t_{12} &= T_6^{-1}.\notag
This leads to the following expression for the theta-functions
\Theta_{m'm''}(\tau,z)=\sum_{q\in{\mathbb{Z}}^2} T_1^{\frac12(q_1+m_1')^2n}
T_2^{\frac12(q_2+m_2')^2n} T_4^{\frac12(q_2+m_2')(q_2+m_2'-2)n}\\
T_5^{\frac12(q_1+m_1')(q_1+m_1'-2)n} T_6^{\frac12((q_1+m_1')-(q_2+m_2'))^2n}
e^{2\pi {i(q+m')} {^tm}''}.
By (\ref{formula2.2}) the locus over $T_2=0\subset T_{\sigma_2}$ in
$T_{\sigma_3'}$ is given by $T_2T_4=0$. The equation for the boundary
component $\overline{D}_2(n)$ is given by $t_{33}=0$. Since by
(\ref{formula2.1}) we have $t_{33}=T_3T_4T_5$ we can assume that the normal
bundle and hence $\overline{M}(n)$ (more precisely its pullback to
$X(\Sigma_3')$) is trivial outside $T_4T_5=0$. Since the exponent of $T_2$ is a
non-negative integer (here we use $n\equiv 0\on{mod} 8p^2$)
this shows that the sections extend over $T_2=0$,
$T_4\neq0$. To deal with the other components of $T_{\Sigma_3'}$ which lie
over $\{T_2=0\}$ in $T_{\sigma_2}$ we use the matrices
\nu_{nm}=\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&m \\ 0&1&n \\ 0&0&1 \end{pmatrix}
\qquad (n,m\in{\mathbb{Z}})
(cf.~\cite{Ts}) which act on $\on{Sym}_3^{\geq0}({\mathbb{Z}})$ by
Via $\lambda$ this action lies over the trivial action on
$\on{Sym}_2^{\geq0}({\mathbb{Z}})$. This action also factors through $\rho$. Let
$(\sigma_3')_{nm}=\rho(\sideset{^t}{_{nm}}{\on{\nu}}\sigma_3\nu_{nm})$. We
can then either argue with the symmetries induced by this operation or repeat
directly the above calculation for $T_{(\sigma_3')_{nm}}$. Acting with
$\nu_{0m}$, $m\in{\mathbb{Z}}$, we can thus treat all components in $X(\Sigma_3')$
lying over $\{T_2=0\}$ in $X(\Sigma_2)$.
\section{Curves in the boundary }
We can now treat curves contained in a boundary component. The
following technical lemma will be crucial.
Its proof uses the
ideas of \cite[Abschnitt~4]{We} in an essential way
and it can be generalized in a suitable form to arbitrary $g$.
We consider the boundary
component $\overline{D}_2(n)$ which belongs to the line
$l_0=(0,\ldots,0,1)\subset{\mathbb{Q}}^6$. Recall that the open part $D_2(n)$ of
$\overline{D}_2(n)$ is of the form $D_2(n)={\mathbb{C}}^2\times{\mathbb{H}}_2/(P''(l_0)\cap
\Gamma(n))$ and that the group $P''(l_0)/(P''(l_0)\cap\Gamma(n)$) acts on
$\overline{D}_2(n)$. Recall also the fibration $\pi':\overline{D}_2(n)\to
{\cal A}_2^*(n)$. We shall denote the boundary of ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$ by $B$.
Let $(z,\tau)\in{\mathbb{C}}^2\times{\mathbb{H}}_2$. For every $\varepsilon>0$ there exist integers
$n,k$ and a section $s\in H^0(\overline{M}(n)^k)$ such that
\noindent $\on{(i)}$ $s([z,\tau])\neq0$ where $[z,\tau]\in D_2(n)={\mathbb{C}}^2\times
\noindent $\on{(ii)}$ $s$ vanishes on $\pi^*B$ of order $\lambda$ with
Let $p \ge 3$ be a prime number (which will be chosen later).
For $l=2p$
we consider the set of characteristics ${\cal M}$ in $(\frac1l{\mathbb{Z}}/{\mathbb{Z}})^6$ of the
form $m=(m_p,m_2)$ in $(\frac1p{\mathbb{Z}}/{\mathbb{Z}})^6\oplus (\frac12{\mathbb{Z}}/{\mathbb{Z}})^6$ with
$m_p\not\in{{\mathbb{Z}}}^6$. The group $\Gamma_3(1)$ acts on ${\cal M}$ with $2$
orbits. Assume $\varepsilon>0$ is given and that $\widetilde{\cal M}$ is
a subset of ${\cal M}$ with
\#\widetilde{\cal M}<\varepsilon\#{\cal M}.
Then set
\Theta_{{\cal M},\widetilde{\cal M}}(\tau,z)=
\prod_{m\in{\cal M}\setminus\widetilde{\cal M}}
Let $n=8p^2$. By Proposition~(\ref{prop2.5})
the functions $\Theta_m^l(\tau,z)$ define sections in
Let $M_1,\ldots,M_N\in
\Gamma_2(1)$ be a set of generators of $\Gamma_2(1)/\Gamma_2(n)\cong
\on{Sp}(4,{\mathbb{Z}}/n{\mathbb{Z}})$. Then $M_1,\ldots,M_N$, considered as elements in
$P(l_0)$, act on
the line bundle
$\overline{M}(n)$. We set
F_r(\tau,z)=\sum_{i=1}^NM_i^*\Theta_{{\cal M},\widetilde{\cal M}}^r.
This is a $\Gamma_2/\Gamma_2(n)$-invariant section of $\overline{M}(n)^{pr}$.
Now consider the abelian surface $A=A_{\tau,1}={\mathbb{C}}^2/({\mathbb{Z}}^2\tau+{\mathbb{Z}}^2)$. Then
$A_{n\tau,n}={\mathbb{C}}^2/((n{\mathbb{Z}})^2\tau+(n{\mathbb{Z}})^2)$ is the fibre of $\pi$ over the
point $[\tau]\in{\cal A}_2(n)$. Let
\widetilde{\cal M}=\{m\in{\cal M};\ \Theta_m(\tau,z)=0\}.
The argument of Weissauer shows that
\#\widetilde{\cal M}<\varepsilon\#{\cal M}
for $p$ sufficiently large. For some $r$ the section $F_r(\tau,z)$
does not vanish at $[z,\tau]\in D_2(n)$.
Let $B'$ be a boundary boundary component of ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$.
The inverse image $D'$ of $B'$ under $\pi'$
consists of several components.
Using the matrices $\nu_{nm}$ which were introduced in the proof of
Proposition~(\ref{prop2.5}) one can, however,
show that the vanishing order of the
sections $\Theta_m^l(\tau,z)$ on the components of $D'$
only depends on $B'$.
Hence one can argue as in \cite{We}
and finds that the vanishing order along $\pi^*B$ goes to
$\frac{prn}{12}$ as $p$ goes
to infinity. Setting $k=pr$ this gives (ii).
We can now start giving the proof of Theorem~(\ref{theo0.1}). Let
H=aL-bD\qquad b>0,\ 12a-\frac bn>0
be a divisor on ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$. In view of Proposition~(\ref{prop1.4}) it
remains to consider curves $C$ which are contained in the boundary.
To simplify
notation we write the decomposition of the boundary $D$ as
where $N=N(n,g)$ can be computed explicitly. Then
Now let $g=2$ or $3$ where we have the fibration
\pi':\overline{D}_{g-1}^1(n)\longrightarrow{\cal A}_{g-1}^*(n).
We shall denote the boundary of ${\cal A}_{g-1}^*(n)$ by $B$. Also note that
the restriction of $L$ to the boundary equals ${\pi'}^* L_{{\cal A}_{g-1}^*(n)}$
where we use the notation $L$ for both the line bundle on ${\cal A}_g^*(n)$ and
${\cal A}_{g-1}^*(n)$. Thus we find that
In view of the definition of the line bundle $\overline{M}(n)$ this gives
bn\right)L-bB\right)+\frac bn\overline{M}(n).
\begin{Proof*}{Proof of Theorem~(\ref{theo0.1}) for $g=2$}
In this case the boundary components $\overline{D}_{1}^i(n)$ are
isomorphic to
Shioda's modular surface $S(n)$ and the projection $\pi'$ is just projection
to the modular curve $X(n)$. The degree of $L$ on $X(1)$ is $\frac{1}{12}$ and
we have one cusp. Hence
\deg_{X(n)}(aL-bB)=\mu(n)\left(\frac{a}{12}-\frac bn\right)
where $\mu(n)$ is the degree of the Galois covering $X(n)\to X(1)$,
i.e.~$\mu(n)=|\on{PSL}(2,{\mathbb{Z}}/n{\mathbb{Z}})|$. This is non-negative if and only if
$a-12\frac bn\geq0$. The normal bundle of
$\overline{D}_{1}^i(n)$ can also be
computed explicitly. This can be done as follows:
Using the degree $10$ cusp form which vanishes on the reducible locus
one finds the equality
$10L=2H_1+D$ on ${\cal A}_2^*$
where $H_1$ is the Humbert surface parametrizing
polarized abelian surfaces which are products.
Hence we conclude for the canonical bundle on ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$
that $K=(3-\frac{10}{n})L+\frac{2}{n}H_1$. The restriction of the divisor
$H_1$ to a boundary component $\overline{D}_{1}^i(n) \cong S(n)$ is the sum of
$n^2$ sections $L_{ij}$ of $S(n)$. The canonical bundle of the surfaces $S(n)$
is equal to the pull-back via ${\pi'}$
of $3L$ minus the divisor of the cusps on the modular
curve $X(n)$ (see also \cite{BH}). Hence adjunction together with an easy
calculation gives
=2{\pi'}^* L_{X(n)}+2\sum {L_{ij}}
$L_{ij}|_{L_{ij}}=-L_{X(n)}$ one sees immediately that this line bundle is nef
and positive on the fibres of $\pi':S(n)\to X(n)$. The result now follows
directly from (\ref{formula2.4a}).
We shall now turn to the case $g=3$. As we have remarked before
it remains to consider curves which are contained in the
boundary of ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$. Among those curves we shall first deal with curves
whose image under the map $\pi'$ meets the interior of ${\cal A}_2(n)$.
Let $H=aL-bD$ be a divisor on ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$ with $a-12\frac bn>0$, $b>0$. For
every curve $C$ in a boundary component $\overline{D}_2(n)$ with
$\pi'(C)\cap{\cal A}_2(n)\neq\emptyset$ the intersection number $H.C>0$.
We shall use (\ref{formula2.5}) and Proposition~(\ref{prop2.6}). If we replace
$n$ by some multiple and consider the pull-back of $H$ the coefficient $b/n$
is not changed. The inverse image of $C$ may have several components.
All of these are, however, equivalent under some finite sympectic group and it
is sufficient to prove that the degree of $H$ is positive on one (and hence
on every) component lying over $C$. After this reduction we can again
assume that $C$ is irreducible and by Proposition~(\ref{prop2.6})
we can find for every $\varepsilon>0$ a divisor ${\cal C}$ not containing $C$ with
\overline{M}(n)={\cal C} +\frac{\lambda}{k} \pi^*B,\qquad \frac{\lambda}{k}\geq
By (\ref{formula2.5})
H|_{\overline{D}_2(n)}=\pi^*\left(\left(a-\frac bn\right)L-b\left(1-
\frac{\lambda}{nk}\right)B\right)+\frac bn {\cal C}.
The assertion follows from the corresponding result for $g=2$ provided
\left(a-\frac bn\right)-12\frac bn\left(1-\frac{\lambda}{nk}\right)\ge
\left(a-12\frac bn\right)-\frac bn \left(1-\frac{12}{12+\varepsilon}\right)>0.
Since $a-12b/n>0$ this is certainly the case for $\varepsilon$ sufficiently small.
We are now left with curves in the boundary of ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$ whose
image under $\pi'$ is contained in the boundary of ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$.
These are exactly the curves which are contained in more than $1$
boundary component of ${\cal A}_3^*(n)$.
Before we conclude the proof, we have to analyze the situation once more.
First of all we can assume by symmetry arguments that $C$ is contained in
Let $B'$ be a component
of the boundary $B$ of ${\cal A}_2^*(n)$
which contains $\pi'(C)$. Let
$D'=({\pi'})^{-1}(B')$. Then $D'$ consists of $n$ irreducible components and
we have the following commutative diagram $(n\ge
\overline{D}_2^1(n) \rto^{\pi'}
&{\cal A}_2^*(n)
\morphism{\dottedwith{}}\notip\notip[d]|{\displaystyle\cup} \\
D' \rto^{\pi'} \drto_{\pi} & B'\cong S(n) \dto^{\pi''} \\
& X(n).
\noindent Altogether there are three possibilities:\\
$\pi'(C)=pt$, i.e. $C'$ is contained in a fibre of $\pi'$.\\
$\pi(C)=pt, \pi'(C) \neq pt$. Then $\pi'(C)$ is either a smooth fibre of $S(n)$
or a component of a singular $n$--gon.\\
The final step in the proof of Theorem (\ref{theo0.1}) is the following:
Let $C\subset \overline{D}_2(n)$ be a curve whose image $\pi'(C)$ is
contained in the
boundary of ${\cal A}_2^{*}(n)$. If $H=aL-bD$ is a divisor with $b>0,
a-12\frac bn>0$ then $H.C>0$.
By induction on $g$ and formula (\ref{formula2.4a}) it is enough to prove that
there is some
$\overline{D}_{2}^{j}(n)$ with $C.\overline{D}_{2}^{j}(n)\le 0$. Consider the
inverse image $D'$ of $B'$ under $\pi'$.
Then $D'$ consists of $n$ irreducible components each of
which is of the form
$\overline{D}_2^i(n)\cap\overline{D}_2^1(n)$ for some $i\neq 1$. We already
that $-B'|_{B'}$ is nef. Hence
\left(\sum\limits_{i\in I}
\overline{D}_2^i(n)\cap\overline{D}_2^1(n)\right).C\le 0
where $I$ is a suitable set of indices consisting of
$n$ elements. In particular
$\overline{D}_{2}^{j}(n).C\le 0$ for some index $j$.
If $\pi'(C)=pt$, then one can
give an alternative proof of $\overline{D}_2(n).C>0$ by computing the
normal bundle of $\overline{D}_2(n)$
restricted to the singular fibres of $\pi'$.
The conormal bundle is ample as in the
smooth case (cf. Lemma (\ref{lemma2.2})). \\
If $\pi'(C)\neq pt$ one can also
use the theta functions $\Theta_{m'm''}$ with
$m', m''\in\frac 12 {\mathbb{Z}}^2$ to construct sections of $\overline{M}(n)$ which,
after subtracting suitable components
of the form $\overline{D}_{2}^{i}(n)\cap\overline{D}_2^1(n)$,
do not vanish identically on $C$. In this way one can compute similarly to
the proof of Proposition (\ref{prop2.8}) that
$H.C> 0$.
\noindent{\em Proof of Theorem } (0.1)(g=3). This follows now immediately from
Proposition (\ref{prop1.4}), Proposition (\ref{prop2.8}) and
Proposition (\ref{prop2.10}). \hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\em Proof of the corollaries}. These follow immediately from
Theorem (\ref{theo0.1}) since the moduli spaces are smooth and since
(g+1)-\frac{12}n \ge 0\Leftrightarrow\left\{
n \ge 4 &\mbox{ if }& g=2\\
n \ge 3 &\mbox{ if }& g=3.
\noindent Hence $K$ is nef if $g=2, n\ge 4$ and $g=3, n\ge 3$, resp.
positive if $g=2, n\ge 5$ and $g=3, n\ge 4$. It follows from general results of
classification theory that $K$ is ample in the latter case.\hfill$\Box$
1997-08-26T18:18:51 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708021 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708021 | [
] | alg-geom/9708021 | Uwe Nagel | M. Kreuzer, J. C. Migliore, U. Nagel, C. Peterson | Determinantal schemes and Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves | 20 pages, LaTeX | null | null | null | null | Let $\phi$ be a generically surjective morphism between direct sums of line
bundles on $\proj{n}$ and assume that the degeneracy locus, $X$, of $\phi$ has
the expected codimension. We call $B_{\phi} = \ker \phi$ a (first)
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf and we call $X$ a standard determinantal scheme. Viewing
$\phi$ as a matrix (after choosing bases), we say that $X$ is good if one can
delete a generalized row from $\phi$ and have the maximal minors of the
resulting submatrix define a scheme of the expected codimension. In this paper
we give several characterizations of good determinantal schemes. In particular,
it is shown that being a good determinantal scheme of codimension $r+1$ is
equivalent to being the zero-locus of a regular section of the dual of a first
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of rank $r+1$. It is also equivalent to being standard
determinantal and locally a complete intersection outside a subscheme $Y
\subset X$ of codimension $r+2$. Furthermore, for any good determinantal
subscheme $X$ of codimension $r+1$ there is a good determinantal subscheme $S$
codimension $r$ such that $X$ sits in $S$ in a nice way. This leads to several
generalizations of a theorem of Kreuzer. For example, we show that for a
zeroscheme $X$ in $\proj{3}$, being good determinantal is equivalent to the
existence of an arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay curve $S$, which is a local
complete intersection, such that $X$ is a subcanonical Cartier divisor on $S$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 26 Aug 1997 16:18:20 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"J. C.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
A natural and efficient method for producing numerous examples of interesting
schemes is to consider the vanishing locus of the minors of a homogeneous
polynomial matrix. If the matrix satisfies certain genericity conditions then
the resulting schemes have a number of well described properties. These objects
have been studied in both a classical context and a modern context and go
by the
name of determinantal schemes. Some of the classical schemes that can be
constructed in this manner are the Segre varieties, the rational normal
and the Veronese varieties. In fact, it can be shown (cf.\ \cite{harris}) that
any projective variety is isomorphic to a determinantal variety arising from a
matrix with linear entries! Due to their important role in algebraic
geometry and
commutative algebra, determinantal schemes and their associated rings have
both merited and received considerable attention in the literature.
Groundbreaking work has been carried out by a number of different authors; we
direct the reader to the two excellent sources \cite{bruns-vetter} and \cite
{eisenbud} for background, history, and a list of important
A homogeneous polynomial matrix can be viewed as defining a map between
free modules defined over the underlying polynomial ring. Associated to
such a map are a number of complexes. The most important of these
are the Eagon-Northcott and Buchsbaum-Rim complexes. Under appropriate
genericity conditions, these complexes are exact and it is in this
special situation where we will focus our attention. Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves
are a
family of sheaves associated to the sheafified Buchsbaum-Rim complex. In
particular, a first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf is the kernel of a generically
surjective map between two direct sums of line bundles, whose cokernel is
supported in the correct codimension. This family of sheaves is described and
studied in the two papers \cite{mig-pet}, \cite{MNP}.
A certain aspect of these sheaves was found to bear an interesting relationship
to earlier work of the first author. In \cite{kreuzer}, Kreuzer obtained the
following characterization of 0-dimensional complete intersections in
\noindent {\bf Theorem} (\cite{kreuzer} Theorem 1.3) \ \ {\em A 0-dimensional
subscheme $Y \subset \proj{3}$ is a complete intersection if and only if $Y$ is
arithmetically Gorenstein and there exists an arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay,
l.c.i.\ curve $C$ such that $Y$ is the associated subscheme of an effective
Cartier divisor on $C$ and ${\cal O}_C (Y) \cong \omega_C (-a_Y )$ is globally
Complete intersections form a very important subset of the more general class
of standard determinantal schemes (i.e the determinantal subschemes of
$\proj{n}$ arising from the maximal minors of a homogeneous matrix of the
``right size"). One immediately observes that to every standard determinantal
scheme is associated a number of Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves and to every
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf is associated a standard determinantal ideal. We say a
standard determinantal scheme is ``good" if one can delete a generalized row
from its corresponding matrix and have the maximal minors of the resulting
submatrix define a scheme of the expected codimension. In particular, complete
intersections are good, as are most standard determinantal schemes.
The paper is
organized as follows. In Section 2 we provide the necessary background
information. The next section is the heart of the paper. Here we give several
characterizations of standard and good determinantal subschemes. Some of these
results are summarized in the following:
\noindent {\bf Theorem}{\em \ \
Let $X$ be a subscheme of $\proj{n}$ with $codim \ X
\geq 2$. The following are equivalent.
\begin{list} {(\alph{tempA})}{\usecounter{tempA}}
\item $X$ is a good determinantal scheme of codimension $r+1$.
\item $X$ is the zero-locus of a regular section of the dual of a first
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of rank $r+1$.
\item $X$ is standard determinantal and locally a complete intersection outside
a subscheme $Y \subset X$ of codimension $r+2$ in $\proj{n}$.
\noindent Several of our results in Section~\ref{char-good} involve the
cokernel of the map of free modules mentioned above. We do not quote
these results here since we need some notation from Section~\ref{prelim-sect}.
These results are important in Section~\ref{corollaries}, though, where we
our main generalizations of Kreuzer's theorem. We mention two of these.
\noindent {\bf Corollary}{\em \ \
Let $X \subset \proj{n}$ be a subscheme of codimension $r+1 \geq 3$. Then
$X$ is a complete intersection if and only if $X$ is arithmetically
Gorenstein and there is a good determinantal subscheme $S \subset \proj{n}$
of codimension $r$ and a canonically defined sheaf ${\cal M}_S$ on $S$ (in
codimension two, ${\cal M}_S \cong \omega_S$ up to twist)
that $X \subset S$ is the zero-locus of a regular section $t \in H^0_* (S,
{\cal M}_S )$. Furthermore, $S$ and
${\cal M}_S$ can be chosen so that ${\cal M}_S$ is globally generated.
\noindent {\bf Corollary}{\em \ \
Suppose $X \subset \proj{3}$ is zero-dimensional. Then the following are
\begin{list} {(\alph{tempB})}{\usecounter{tempB}}
\item $X$ is good determinantal;
\item $X$ is standard determinantal and a local complete intersection;
\item There is an arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay curve $S$, which is a local
intersection, such that $X$ is a subcanonical Cartier divisor on $S$.
Furthermore, $X$ is defined by
a $t \times (t+r)$ matrix if and only if the Cohen-Macaulay type of $X$ is
${{r+t-1} \choose r}$ and that of
$S$ is ${{r+t-1}
\choose {r-1}}$. }
\noindent The last sentence of this corollary gives the connection to
theorem: recall that the only standard determinantal subschemes with
Cohen-Macaulay type 1 (i.e.\ arithmetically Gorenstein) are complete
In a similar way we characterize good determinantal subschemes
of $\proj{n}$ of any codimension, with special, stronger, results in the
case of
zeroschemes and the case of codimension two subschemes. We close with a
of examples.
Let $R=k[x_0,x_1,\dots,x_n]$ be a polynomial ring with the standard grading,
$k$ is an infinite field and $n\geq 2$.
For any sheaf $\cal F$ on $\proj{n}$, we define
$H^i_*(\proj{n},{\cal F})=\bigoplus_{t\in {\Bbb Z} }H^i(\proj{n},{\cal F}(t))$.
For any scheme $V \subset \proj{n}$, $I_V$ denotes the saturated homogeneous
ideal of $V$ and ${\cal I}_V$ denotes the ideal sheaf of
$V$ (hence $I_V= H^0_* (\proj{n},{\cal I}_V)$).
If $A$ is a homogeneous matrix, we denote by $I(A)$ the ideal of maximal minors
of $A$. A codimension $r+1$ scheme, $X$, in $\proj{n}=Proj(R)$ will be
called a
{\em standard determinantal scheme} if $I_X = I(A)$ for some homogeneous $t
\times (t+r)$ matrix, $A$. $X$ will be called a {\em good determinantal scheme}
if additionally, $A$ contains a $(t-1) \times (t+r)$ submatrix (allowing a
of basis if necessary-- see Example~\ref{good-ex}) whose ideal of maximal
defines a scheme of codimension $r+2$. In a similar way we define standard and
good determinantal ideals.
The ideal defined by the maximal minors of the matrix
\left [
x_1 & x_2 & x_3 & 0 \\
0 & x_1 & x_2 & x_3
\right ]
is an example of a standard determinantal ideal which is not good. Note that
this ideal is the square of the ideal of a point in $\proj{3}$, and is not a
local complete intersection (see Proposition~\ref{good-det}).
Note that standard determinantal schemes form an important subclass of
the more general notion of determinantal schemes, where smaller minors are
allowed (among other generalizations). See for
instance \cite{bruns-vetter}, \cite{eisenbud}, \cite{harris}.
In the next section we will make a deeper study of good determinantal
schemes. For now, though, we observe the following. Let $X$ be a standard
determinantal scheme coming from a $t \times (t+r)$ matrix $A$. Then $X$ is
good if and only if there is a $(t-1) \times (t-1)$ minor of $A$ which does not
vanish on any component of $X$ (possibly after making a change of basis). In
particular, we formally include the possibility that $t=1$, and we include the
complete intersections among the good determinantal schemes.
\begin{fact} \label{EN-and-BR}
Let ${\cal F}$ and ${\cal G}$ be locally free sheaves of ranks $f$ and $g$
respectively on a smooth variety $Y$. Let $\phi :{\cal F}\rightarrow {\cal G}$
be a generically surjective homomorphism. We can associate to $\phi$ an
Eagon-Northcott complex
0 \rightarrow
\wedge^f{\cal F} \otimes (S^{f-g}
{\cal G})^{\vee} \otimes \wedge^g {\cal G}^{\vee}
\wedge^{f-1} {\cal F} \otimes (S^{f-g-1} {\cal G})^{\vee} \otimes \wedge^g
{\cal G}^{\vee}
\rightarrow\dots \\
\hskip1.5cm \rightarrow
\wedge^{g+1} {\cal F} \otimes {\cal G}^{\vee} \otimes \wedge^g
{\cal G}^{\vee}
\wedge^g {\cal F} \otimes \wedge^g {\cal G}^{\vee}
\buildrel \wedge^g \phi \over \rightarrow {\cal O}_Y \rightarrow 0\\
and a Buchsbaum-Rim complex
0 \rightarrow \wedge^f {\cal F} \otimes S^{f-g-1} {\cal G}^\vee \otimes
\wedge^g {\cal G}^\vee \rightarrow \wedge^{f-1} {\cal F} \otimes S^{f-g-2}
{\cal G}^\vee \otimes \wedge^g {\cal G}^\vee \rightarrow \dots \\
\hskip 1cm \rightarrow \wedge^{g+2} {\cal F} \otimes {\cal G}^\vee \otimes
\wedge^g {\cal G}^\vee \rightarrow \wedge^{g+1} {\cal F} \otimes \wedge^g
{\cal G}^\vee \rightarrow {\cal F} \buildrel \phi \over \rightarrow {\cal G}
\rightarrow 0\\
(see \cite{GLP}, \cite{eisenbud}, \cite{BR}, \cite{EN}, \cite{buchs64}). If
the support of the cokernel of $\phi$ has the expected codimension $f-g+1$
then these complexes are acyclic.
The consequences of this fact will play a
crucial role throughout the paper and they lead us to the following definition.
Let ${\cal F}$ and ${\cal G}$ be two locally
free sheaves which split as the sum of line bundles and let $\phi :{\cal
F}\rightarrow {\cal G}$ be a generically surjective homomorphism whose
cokernel is supported on a scheme with the ``expected'' codimension $f-g+1$. As
mentioned in the fact above, the Buchsbaum-Rim complex will be exact and
provides a free resolution of the cokernel of the map $\phi$. The kernel of the
map $\phi$ will be called a {\it first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf}.
We use the symbol ${\cal B}_{\phi}$ to represent such a sheaf.
More generally, the $i^{th}$ Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf associated to $\phi$ is the
$(i+1)^{st}$ syzygy sheaf in the Buchsbaum-Rim complex. However, in
this paper we will use only the first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves.
\begin{remark} \label{free-is-BR}
In Fact~\ref{EN-and-BR} and Definition~\ref{def-BR}, we will allow the rank of
$\cal G$ to be zero, and use the convention that even in this case, $\wedge^0
{\cal G}^\vee = {\cal O}_Y$. Moreover, the Buchsbaum-Rim complex
becomes $0 \rightarrow {\cal F} \rightarrow {\cal F} \buildrel \phi \over
\rightarrow 0$, and it follows that the sheafification of any free module is a
first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf.
In Fact~\ref{EN-and-BR} and Definition~\ref{def-BR}, we can also start with
free modules $F$ and $G$, and we get Eagon-Northcott and Buchsbaum-Rim
of free modules. The corresponding kernel of the map $\phi$ will then be
called a {\em first Buchsbaum-Rim module}. Note that in this context $\phi$
can be represented by a homogeneous matrix $\Phi$, and the image of $\wedge^g
\phi$ is precisely $I(\Phi )$.
Note also that since first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves (resp.\ modules) are
second syzygy sheaves (resp.\ modules), they are reflexive.
\begin{fact} (\cite{eisenbud} exer.\ 20.6 or \cite{BE77})\label{annihilator}
Let $\Phi$ be a matrix whose ideal $I(\Phi )$ of maximal minors vanishes in the
expected codimension, and so $coker \ \Phi$ has a corresponding Buchsbaum-Rim
resolution. Then the annihilator of $coker \ \Phi$ is precisely $I(\Phi )$.
In this paper, we will often be interested in going in the opposite direction,
starting with a standard determinantal ideal $J$ and considering the possible
associated matrices and cokernels. With this in mind, we make the following
\begin{defn}\label{Mv} \begin{rm}
Let $X$ be a standard determinantal scheme of codimension $r+1$ with
corresponding ideal $I_X$. Then we set
{\cal M}_X := \left \{
M &
\hbox{\rm $M$ is a f.g.\ graded $R$-module with $Ann_R M = I_X$ and a minimal}
\hbox{\rm presentation of the form $\displaystyle R^{r+\mu} \rightarrow R^\mu
\rightarrow M \rightarrow 0$}
\right \}
\noindent ${\cal M}_X$ is the set of possible cokernels of homogeneous matrices
whose ideals of maximal minors are precisely $I_X$. In some situations, ${\cal
M}_X$ consists of just one element (up to isomorphism and twisting). For
example, it can be shown that this happens if $r=1$ (i.e.\ codimension 2, using
Hilbert-Burch theory-- see Corollary~\ref{codim2}). ${\cal M}_X$ also consists
of just one element if
$X$ is a complete intersection. We do not know the precise conditions which
guarantee that all the elements of ${\cal M}_X$ are
isomorphic up to twisting. In any case, we can at least show that the
elements of ${\cal M}_X$ look very much alike:
The elements of ${\cal M}_X$ all have the same graded Betti numbers, up to
twisting, and in particular come from matrices of the same size.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
Let $M_1, M_2 \in {\cal M}_X$ and assume that $M_i$ has $t_i$ minimal
generators, $i = 1,2$. We may also assume that $M_i$ is the cokernel of
a $t_i \times (t_i +r)$ matrix
$\Phi_i$. By \cite{eisenbud} p.\ 494, $Rad(I(\Phi )) = Rad (Ann_R M_i) = Rad
(I_X )$. Hence $I(\Phi)$ is a homogeneous matrix defining a subscheme of
$\proj{n}$ of codimension $r+1$, the expected codimension, and we may apply the
Eagon-Northcott complex to get a minimal free resolution for $I(\Phi ) = I_X$.
Hence $I_X$ has ${{r+t_1} \choose r} = {{r+t_2} \choose r}$ minimal generators,
and $t_1 = t_2$.
Now let $M \in {\cal M}_X$ and assume that it has $t$ minimal generators.
There is a minimal free resolution
\cdots \rightarrow F \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow G \rightarrow M
\rightarrow 0
where $rk \ F = t+r$ and $rk \ G = t$. As above, $I(\Phi)$ defines a
subscheme of codimension $r+1$, and so the Buchsbaum-Rim complex resolves
$M$ and we are done. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
Let ${\cal F}$ and ${\cal G}$ be locally free sheaves of ranks $f$ and
$g$ respectively on $\proj{n}$. Let $\phi :{\cal
F}\rightarrow {\cal G}$ be a generically surjective homomorphism. Assume the
cokernel of $\phi$ is supported on a scheme of codimension $f-g+1$. Let
$I_{\phi}$ denote the homogeneous ideal of the scheme determined by the
$\wedge^g\phi$. Let $I_s$ denote the homogeneous ideal of the
zero-locus of a section, $s\in H^0(\proj{n},{\cal B}_{\phi})$ (where
${\cal B}_{\phi}$ denotes the local first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of $\phi$).
Let $I_t$ denote the homogeneous ideal of the
zero-locus of a section, $t\in H^0(\proj{n},{\cal B}_{\phi}^*)$ (where
${\cal B}_{\phi}^*$ denotes the dual of ${\cal B}_{\phi}$).
Then for any such section, $I_s\subset I_{\phi}$ and $I_t\subset I_{\phi}$
\noindent {\em Proof:}
Locally, we can represent the map $\phi$ by an $f\times g$ matrix, $A$. In the
same local coordinates, the map from $\wedge^{g+1}{\cal F}\otimes \wedge^g{\cal
G}^{\vee}$ to ${\cal F}$ (in the Buchsbaum-Rim complex associated to $\phi$)
can be expressed by a matrix, $M$. The entries of $M$ can be written in terms
of $A$ as follows. Let $I_A$ denote the ideal of maximal minors of the matrix
$A$. $I_A$ locally describes the scheme defined by $I_{\phi}$. Each column in
the matrix, $M$, arises from choosing $t+1$ columns of the matrix $A$ and
considering all $t\times t$ minors of this submatrix of $A$. Thus, each entry
in the matrix $M$ is an element of $I_A$. Locally, sections of the first
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of $\phi$ are determined by an element of the column
space of $M$ (considered as a module). An immediate consequence of this fact is
that the vanishing locus of any section of the first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of
$\phi$ or the dual of the first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of $\phi$ will contain the
scheme defined by
$I_{\phi}$. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
For clarity, and because of its importance, we restrict ourselves to
determinantal subschemes of projective space in the body of this paper.
However, the reader will observe that many of our arguments hold true for
subschemes of a smooth projective variety and some even for determinantal
of an arbitrary commutative ring.
\section{Characterizations of Good Determinantal Schemes}\label{char-good}
In \cite{mig-pet} and \cite{MNP}, regular sections of first Buchsbaum-Rim
sheaves were considered, and it was shown that they possess many interesting
properties. For example, a regular section of a first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of
odd rank has a zero-locus whose top dimensional part is arithmetically
In this paper we are primarily concerned with regular sections of the {\em
dual} of a first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf. Our first result gives a property
which is
analogous to the ones mentioned above for the first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaves.
Let $X$ be a subscheme of $\proj{n}$ with $codim \ X
\geq 2$. The following are equivalent.
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp})}{\usecounter{temp}}
\item $X$ is a good determinantal scheme of codimension $r+1$.
\item $X$ is the zero-locus of a regular section of the dual of a first
Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf of rank $r+1$.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
We first prove (a) $\Rightarrow$ (b). By assumption there is a homomorphism
$\Phi$ such that $I_X = I(\Phi )$, and we have an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow B \rightarrow F \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow G \rightarrow
coker \ \Phi \rightarrow 0
where $rk \ G = t$, $rk \ F = t+r$ and $B$ is a first Buchsbaum-Rim module.
If $t=1$ then $I(\Phi )$ is a complete intersection of height $r+1$, which can
be viewed as a section of (the dual of) a free module of rank $r+1$. By
Remark~\ref{free-is-BR}, a free module is a first Buchsbaum-Rim module.
Hence we
can assume from now on that $t \geq 2$.
Since $X$ is a good determinantal scheme, there is a projection $\pi : G
\rightarrow G'$, where $G'$ has rank $t-1$, $G'$ is obtained from $G$ by
one free summand $R(a)$, and such that $ht ( I(\pi \circ \Phi )) = r+2$.
We get
a commutative diagram
&&&&&& 0 \\
&&&&&& \downarrow \\
&&&& 0 & \rightarrow & R(a) & \rightarrow & R(a) & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&&&& \downarrow && \downarrow \\
0 & \rightarrow & B & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow & G &
\rightarrow & coker \ \Phi & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&&&& || && \phantom \pi \downarrow \pi \\
0 & \rightarrow & B' & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel {\Phi '} \over \rightarrow &
G' & \rightarrow & coker \ \Phi ' & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&&&& \downarrow && \downarrow \\
&&&& 0 && 0 \\
Let $\alpha$ be the induced injection from $B$ to $B'$. Twist everything in
(\ref{usual-diag}) by $-a$ and relabel, so that the Snake Lemma gives that
$I =
coker \ \alpha$ is an ideal and we have an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow R/I \rightarrow coker \ \Phi \rightarrow coker \ \Phi '
\rightarrow 0
It follows that $I_X = I(\Phi ) = Ann ( coker \ \Phi) \subset I$ (see
Fact~\ref{annihilator}), where $I_X$ is the saturated ideal of $X$.
On the other hand, it follows from the same exact sequence that
Ann ( coker \ \Phi' ) \cdot I \subset Ann(coker \ \Phi ) = I(\Phi ) = I_X.
But since $X$ is good determinantal, it follows that $I(\Phi' ) = Ann ( coker \
\Phi' )$ and
$ht ( I(\Phi' )) > ht (I(\Phi ))$. Hence $I \subset I(\Phi )$ and so we
conclude $I = I(\Phi ) = I_X$. But then we have a short exact sequence
0 \rightarrow B \rightarrow B' \rightarrow I_X \rightarrow 0
and so by sheafifying, it follows that $X$ is the zero-locus of a regular
section of the dual of the first Buchsbaum-Rim sheaf ${\cal B}'$ as claimed.
(Note that $B'$ is reflexive-- see Remark~\ref{free-is-BR}.)
We now prove (b) $\Rightarrow$ (a). Assume that $X$ is the zero-locus of a
regular section of a sheaf $({\cal B}')^*$, where ${\cal B'}$ is the
sheafification of a first Buchsbaum-Rim module $B'$ of rank $r+1$. We are thus
given exact sequences (after possibly replacing $B'$ by a suitable twist)
0 \rightarrow B' \rightarrow F \buildrel {\Phi'} \over \longrightarrow G
\rightarrow coker \ \Phi' \rightarrow 0
0 \rightarrow R \rightarrow (B')^* \rightarrow Q \rightarrow 0
such that $rk \ F = t+r$, $rk \ G = t-1$, $Ann ( coker \ \Phi' ) =
I(\Phi ')$ (which has height $r+2$) and
0 \rightarrow Q^* \rightarrow B' \rightarrow I \rightarrow 0
is exact (again, $B'$ is reflexive), where $I$ is an ideal whose saturation is
$I_X$. One can check that dualizing (\ref{BRseq}) provides
0 \rightarrow G^* \rightarrow F^* \rightarrow (B')^* \rightarrow 0.
The mapping cone procedure applied to (\ref{sect}) then gives
0 \rightarrow R \oplus G^* \rightarrow F^* \rightarrow Q
\rightarrow 0.
Dualizing this, we obtain the following commutative diagram:
&&&&&& 0 \\
&&&&&& \downarrow \\
&&0 && 0 && R \\
&& \downarrow && \downarrow && \downarrow \\
0 & \rightarrow & Q^* & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow
& R \oplus G & \rightarrow & coker \ \Phi & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&& \downarrow && || && \downarrow && \downarrow \\
0 & \rightarrow & B' & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel {\Phi '} \over \rightarrow
& G & \rightarrow & coker \ \Phi ' & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&& \downarrow && \downarrow && \downarrow \\
&& I && 0 && 0 \\
&& \downarrow \\
&& 0
The Snake Lemma then gives
0 \rightarrow R/I \rightarrow coker \ \Phi \rightarrow coker \ \Phi'
\rightarrow 0.
It follows that
I \cdot Ann (coker \ \Phi' ) = I \cdot I(\Phi' ) \subset Ann(coker \ \Phi ).
Thus $ht (Ann ( coker \ \Phi )) \geq r+1$. Note that the maximal possible
height of $Ann ( coker \ \Phi )$ is $r+1$, hence we get $ht (Ann ( coker \ \Phi
)) = r+1$ and $Q^*$ is a first Buchsbaum-Rim module. From the Buchsbaum-Rim
complex one can then check that
$H^1_* (\proj{n} , {\cal Q}^* ) = 0$, and hence $I = I_X$ is saturated.
Then as
in the first part we get
$I_X = I(\Phi )$, as desired.
\hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
We now give a result which characterizes the good determinantal schemes among
the standard determinantal schemes. We use the set ${\cal M}_X$ introduced in
Suppose that $X$ is a standard determinantal scheme of codimension $r+1$. Then
the following are equivalent.
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp2})}{\usecounter{temp2}}
\item $X$ is good determinantal;
\item There is an $M_X \in {\cal M}_X$ and an embedding $R/I_X \hookrightarrow
M_X$ whose image is a minimal generator of $M_X$ as an $R$-module, and whose
cokernel is supported on a subscheme of codimension $\geq r+2$.
\item There is an element $M_X \in {\cal M}_X$ which is an ideal in $R/I_X$ of
positive height.
Furthermore, if any of the above conditions hold then $X$ is a local complete
intersection outside a subscheme $Y \subset \proj{n}$ of codimension $r+2$.
\begin{remark} The first two parts of the above proposition do not even require
that the field be infinite.
\noindent {\em Proof of \ref{good-det}}
We begin with (a) $\Rightarrow$ (b). Assume that $X$ is a good determinantal
scheme arising from a homogeneous matrix $\Phi$. As in the proof of
Theorem~\ref{good-iff-sect} (see the diagram (\ref{usual-diag})), we have
possibly twisting) a commutative diagram
&&&&&& && 0 \\
&&&&&& && \downarrow \\
&& 0 && & & R & \rightarrow & R/I_X & \\
&& \downarrow && && \downarrow && \downarrow \\
0 & \rightarrow & B & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow & G &
\rightarrow & M_X & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&& \downarrow && || && \phantom \pi \downarrow \pi && \downarrow \\
0 & \rightarrow & B' & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel {\Phi '} \over \rightarrow &
G' & \rightarrow & M_Y & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&&\downarrow && && \downarrow && \downarrow \\
&& I_X &&&& 0 && 0 \\
&& \downarrow \\
&& 0
where $rk \ F = t+r$, $rk \ G = t$, $rk \ G' = t-1$, $\Phi'$ is obtained by
deleting a suitable row of
$Y$ is the codimension $r+2$ scheme defined by the maximal minors of $\Phi'$,
$B$ and $B'$ are the kernels of $\Phi$ and $\Phi'$, respectively, and $M_X$ and
$M_Y$ are the respective cokernels. Then all parts of (b) follow immediately.
This diagram also proves the last part of the Proposition, since by
Theorem~\ref{good-iff-sect} $X$ is the zero-locus of a section of ${\cal
B}'$, the sheafification of $B'$, which is locally free of rank $r+1$ outside
We now prove (b) $\Rightarrow$ (a). The assumptions in (b) imply a commutative
&& 0 && 0 \\
&& \downarrow && \downarrow \\
&& R & \rightarrow & R/I_X & \rightarrow & 0\\
&& \downarrow && \phantom s \downarrow s \\
F & \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow & G & \rightarrow & M_X & \rightarrow
& 0\\
&& \phantom \alpha \downarrow \alpha && \downarrow \\
&& G' & \buildrel \beta \over \rightarrow & coker \ s & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&& \downarrow && \downarrow \\
&& 0 && 0
with $rk \ F = t+r$, $rk\ G = t$, $rk \ G' = t-1$. Define $\Phi' = \alpha
\Phi$. One can then show that
F \buildrel {\Phi '} \over \rightarrow G' \buildrel \beta \over \rightarrow
coker \ s \rightarrow 0
is exact. (Either use a mapping cone argument, splitting off $R$, or else use
a somewhat tedious diagram chase.) The assumption on the support of the
cokernel of $s$ implies $height (I(\Phi')) = r+2$, so $X$ is good, proving (a).
Now we prove (a) $\Rightarrow $ (c). The assumption that $X$ is good
implies, in particular, that the ideal of $(t-1) \times (t-1)$ minors of $\Phi$
has height $\geq r+2$. Hence after possibly making a change of basis, we can
apply Remark~\ref{one-minor} and \cite{eisenbud} Theorem~A2.14 (p.\ 600) to
obtain $M_X = coker \ \Phi \cong J/I_X$, where $J \subset R$ is an ideal of
height $\geq r+2$, proving (c).
Finally we prove (c) $\Rightarrow$ (b). Since $M_X$ is an ideal of positive
height in $R/I_X$, we can find $f \in R$ with $\bar f = f \ mod \ I_X \in M_X$
such that the map $R/I_X \buildrel s \over \rightarrow M_X , \ 1 \mapsto
\bar f$
is injective. We can even choose $f$ so that $\bar f$ is a minimal generator
of $M_X$, considered as an $R$-module. Then $coker \ s \cong M_X / (\bar f
\cdot R/I_X )$ shows that $I_X + (f) \subset Ann_R (coker \ s)$, so $coker \ s$
is supported on a subscheme of height $\geq r+2$. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
Next, we want to give an intrinsic characterization of good determinantal
Suppose that $codim \ X = r+1$. Then the following are equivalent:
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp5})}{\usecounter{temp5}}
\item $X$ is good determinantal;
\item $X$ is standard determinantal and locally a complete intersection outside
a subscheme $Y \subset X$ of codimension $r+2$ in $\proj{n}$.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
In view of Proposition~\ref{good-det}, we only have to prove (b) $\Rightarrow$
(a). We again start with the exact sequence
0 \rightarrow B \rightarrow F \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow G \rightarrow
M_X \rightarrow 0
where $F$ and $G$ are free of rank $t+r$ and $t$ respectively.
Now let $P$ be a point of $X$ outside $Y$, with ideal $\wp \subset R$. By
assumption, $X$ is a complete intersection at $P$. We first claim that
$(M_X)_\wp \cong (R/I_X )_\wp$. To see this, we first note that
$\Phi$ at $\wp$, we can split off, say, $s$ direct summands until the
resulting map is minimal. Then the ideal of maximal minors of this matrix has
precisely ${{r+t-s}
\choose {t-s}}$ minimal generators (Eagon-Northcott complex). On the other hand
it is a complete intersection, hence $t-s = 1$ and the cokernel $(M_X )_\wp$ of
$\Phi_\wp$ is as claimed.
Using the above isomorphism, we note that $(M_X )_\wp$ has exactly one minimal
generator as an $R_\wp$-module. Then by \cite{bruns-vetter},
Proposition~16.3, it follows that the ideal of submaximal minors of $\Phi$ is
not contained in $\wp$. Since $P$ was chosen to be any point outside of
$Y$ and $codim \ Y = r+2$, it follows that no component of $X$ lies in the
of submaximal minors. That is, the ideal of submaximal minors has height
greater than that of $I_X$. Hence by \cite{eisenbud} p.\ 600, Theorem A2.14,
we can conclude that $M_X$ is an ideal in $R/I_X$ of positive height.
Therefore $X$ is good determinantal, by Proposition~\ref{good-det}, (c). \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
Recall that a subscheme of $\proj{n}$ is said to be a {\em generic complete
if it is locally a complete intersection at all its components. In
particular, every integral subscheme is a generic complete
intersection. This notion occurs naturally in the Serre correspondence
which relates reflexive sheaves and generic complete intersections of
codimension two (cf., for example, \cite{H2}).
Since the locus of points at which a subscheme fails to be locally a
complete intersection is closed, for a subscheme $X$ of codimension $r+1$ the
conditions being a generic complete intersection and being locally a
complete intersection outside a subscheme $Y \subset X$ of codimension $r+2$
in $\proj{n}$ are equivalent. Thus we can reformulate the last result as
A subscheme is good determinantal if and only if it is standard
determinantal and a generic complete intersection. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
\end{quote} \end{rm}
Let $A$ be a ring and let ${\goth a} \subset A$ be an ideal containing an
$A$-regular element $f$. Let ${\goth b} := fA :_A {\goth a} = Ann_A ({\goth a}
/fA)$. Then
$Hom_A ({\goth a}, A) \cong {\goth b}$.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
If $grade \ {\goth a} \geq 2$ then it is well-known that $Hom_A ({\goth a}, A)
\cong A$ (up to shift in the graded case). The interesting
case is $grade \ {\goth a} = 1$. However, we prove it in the general case.
Our main application is to the graded case, where we assume that $\goth
a$ and $f$ are homogeneous; then we obtain an isomorphism of graded modules
$Hom_A ({\goth a},A) \cong {\goth b}(deg \ f)$.
Consider the exact sequence
0 & \rightarrow & A & \rightarrow & {\goth a} & \rightarrow & {\goth a} /fA &
\rightarrow & 0 \\
&&1 & \mapsto & f
Since $f$ is $A$-regular, dualizing provides
0 & \rightarrow & Hom_A ({\goth a} /fA ,A) & \rightarrow & Hom_A ({\goth a} ,A)
& \buildrel \beta \over \rightarrow & Hom_A (A,A) \\
&& || &&&& \phantom{\wr} || \wr \\
&& 0 &&&& A
We first prove that, up to the isomorphism $Hom_A (A,A) \cong A$, we get $Hom_A
({\goth a},A)
\subset {\goth b}$. Let $\phi \in Hom_A ({\goth a},A)$ and let
$\psi = \beta (\phi)$. Let $b
:= \psi (1) = \phi(f)$. Then for any $a \in A$ we have
\psi (a) = \phi(f\cdot a) = a \cdot b.
For any $a \in {\goth a}$ we have
f \cdot \phi(a) = \phi (f\cdot a) = \psi (a) = a \cdot b.
Hence $b \cdot {\goth a} \subset f \cdot A$, i.e.\ $b \in fA :_A {\goth a} =
{\goth b}$. It follows that $Hom_A ({\goth a},A) \cong im \ \beta \subset
{\goth b}$.
For the reverse inclusion we can define for any $b \in {\goth b}$ a
homomorphism $\phi \in Hom_A ({\goth a},A)$ as the composition of
{\goth a} & \rightarrow & fA & \hbox{ and } & fA & \buildrel \sim \over
\rightarrow & A \\
a & \mapsto & ab
Then $\phi (f) = b$. We conclude that ${\goth b} = im \ \beta \cong Hom_A
({\goth a},A)$. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
\begin{thm} \label{std-and-good}
Suppose that $r+1 \geq 3$. Then
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp3})}{\usecounter{temp3}}
\item $X$ is standard determinantal of codimension $r+1$ if and only if there
is a good determinantal subscheme $S \subset \proj{n}$ of codimension $r$ such
that $X \subset S$ is the zero-locus of a regular section $t \in H^0_* (S,
\widetilde M_S ) = M_S$ for some $M_S \in {\cal M}_S$.
\item $X$ is good determinantal of codimension $r+1$ if and only if there is a
good determinantal subscheme $S \subset \proj{n}$ of codimension $r$, such
$X \subset S$ is the zero-locus of a regular section $t \in H^0_* (S,
\widetilde M_S ) = M_S$ for some $M_S \in {\cal M}_S$, and the cokernel of this
section is isomorphic to an ideal sheaf in ${\cal O}_X$ of positive height.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
We first assume that $X$ is standard determinantal and we let
$\Phi$ be a $t \times (t+r)$ homogeneous matrix with $I(\Phi ) = I_X$. Adding
a general row to $\Phi$ gives a homogeneous $(t+1) \times (t+r)$ matrix
$\Psi$ whose ideal of maximal minors defines a good determinantal scheme $S
\supset X$ of codimension $r$. We have the commutative diagram
0 & \rightarrow & ker \ \Psi & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel \Psi \over
\rightarrow & G & \rightarrow & M_S & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&&&& || && \downarrow \\
0 & \rightarrow & ker \ \Phi & \rightarrow & F & \buildrel \Phi \over
\rightarrow & G' & \rightarrow & M_X & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&&&&&&\downarrow \\
&&&&&& 0
where $rk \ F = t+r$, $rk \ G' = t$ and $rk \ G = t+1$. As in
Theorem~\ref{good-iff-sect}, after possibly twisting we get the exact sequence
0 \rightarrow R/I_S (- \hbox{deg } t) \buildrel t \over \rightarrow M_S
\rightarrow M_X
\rightarrow 0.
Since $S$ is good by construction, Proposition~\ref{good-det} shows that
Lemma~\ref{alg-lemma} applies, setting $A := R/I_S$ and ${\goth a} = M_S$.
This gives
Hom_A (M_S ,A)(-\hbox{deg } t) \cong Ann_A (M_X ) \cong I_X /I_S .
Now, dualizing (\ref{sect-coker}) we get
0 & \rightarrow & Hom_A (M_X ,A) & \rightarrow & Hom_A (M_S ,A) &
\buildrel {t^*} \over \rightarrow A (\hbox{deg } t) \\
&& || \\
&& 0
It follows that $X$ is the zero-locus of $t$, proving the direction
$\Rightarrow$ for case (a). In case (b), we are done by applying
We now consider the direction $\Leftarrow$. Again let $A = R/I_S$, where $I_S
= I(\Psi)$ for some homogeneous $(t+1) \times (t+r)$ matrix $\Psi$, and apply
the mapping cone construction to the diagram
&&&& 0 \\
&&&& \downarrow \\
&& R & \rightarrow & A & \rightarrow & 0 \\
&& \downarrow && \phantom{t} \downarrow t \\
F & \buildrel \Psi \over \rightarrow & G & \rightarrow & M_S \\
&&&& \downarrow \\
&&&& coker \ t \\
&&&& \downarrow \\
&&&& 0
where $rk \ G = t+1$. This gives the exact sequence
\cdots \rightarrow F \oplus R \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow G \rightarrow
coker \ t \rightarrow 0
Since $S$ is good, Proposition~\ref{good-det} gives us that $coker \ t
\cong M_S
/f\cdot A$ for some $A$-regular element $f \in A$ (see the proof of (c)
$\Rightarrow$ (b)). It follows that $Ann_R (coker \ t)$ has grade $\geq 1 +
grade \ I_S = r+1$, thus $grade \ I(\Phi) = r+1$. Let $Y$ be the subscheme
defined by $I(\Phi)$. Then we get as above that $Y$ is the zero-locus of $t$,
and so $X = Y$, and we are done in case (a). For case (b), again an
application of Proposition~\ref{good-det} completes the argument since $coker \
t \in {\cal M}_X$. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
Note that Theorem~\ref{std-and-good} does not mention global generation, while
Kreuzer's theorem mentioned in the introduction does.
Conjecture~\ref{glob-gen-conj} and Remark~\ref{on-conj} address this.
Given $X$ a standard determinantal scheme as in Theorem~\ref{std-and-good}, one
can choose $S$ and $M_S \in {\cal M}_S$ such that $X \subset S$ is the
zero-locus of a regular section $t \in H^0 (S, \widetilde M_S )$ and such that
$\widetilde M_S$ is globally generated.
Consider a free presentation of $M_X$ as in the proof of
0 \rightarrow B \rightarrow F \buildrel \Phi \over \rightarrow G
\rightarrow M_X
\rightarrow 0.
Suppose that $\widetilde G$ is globally generated and furthermore that
$\widetilde B^*$ has a regular section $s$. Then we can write
0 \rightarrow {\cal O} \buildrel s \over \rightarrow \widetilde B^*
\rightarrow {\cal Q} \rightarrow 0.
A mapping cone gives a
free resolution
0 \rightarrow {\cal O} \oplus \widetilde G^* \rightarrow
\widetilde F^* \rightarrow {\cal Q} \rightarrow 0.
Dualizing this sequence
0 \rightarrow {\cal Q}^* \rightarrow \widetilde F \buildrel \Psi \over
\rightarrow {\cal O} \oplus \widetilde G \rightarrow {\cal E}xt^1({\cal Q},
{\cal O})
\rightarrow 0.
Since $s$ is a regular section, ${\cal E}xt^1({\cal Q}, {\cal
O})$ is supported on a scheme of codimension one less than the codimension of
$X$. We conclude that $\Psi$ is a Buchsbaum-Rim matrix, and hence $\widetilde
M_S ={\cal E}xt^1({\cal Q}, {\cal O})$ for the scheme $S$ defined by the
minors of
$\Psi$. As in the proof of Theorem~\ref{std-and-good}, we obtain the exact
0 \rightarrow R/I_S \rightarrow M_S \rightarrow M_X
\rightarrow 0.
Since ${\cal O} \oplus \widetilde G$ is globally generated, we
see that $\widetilde M_S$ is globally generated as an ${\cal O}$-module (and
hence as an ${\cal O}_S$-module).
We have just shown that Conjecture~\ref{glob-gen-conj} is true whenever we can
simultaneously guarantee that $\widetilde M_X$ is globally generated and
$\widetilde B^*$ has a regular section. Note in particular that $\widetilde
will have a regular section if $\widetilde F^*$ is globally generated. The
latter holds true, for example, if $X$ is a complete intersection and we choose
$M_X = R/I_X$.
Analyzing the proof of Theorem~\ref{std-and-good} and noting that $X$ and $S$
are defined by the maximal minors of a $t \times (t+r)$ matrix and a $(t+1)
\times (t+r)$ matrix, respectively, one observes that there is the following
relation between the Cohen-Macaulay types of $X$ and
$S$, respectively:
\begin{quote} \begin{em}
$X$ has Cohen-Macaulay type ${r + t - 1
\choose r}$ $\Leftrightarrow$ $S$ has Cohen-Macaulay type ${r + t -1
\choose r - 1}$.
This follows from the corresponding Eagon-Northcott resolutions.
\section{Applications and Examples} \label{corollaries}
In this section we draw some consequences of the results we have shown. We
begin with a characterization of complete intersections. It is well-known
that every complete intersection is arithmetically Gorenstein but the
converse fails in general unless the subscheme has codimension two. For
subschemes of higher codimension we have:
\begin{cor} \label{complete_intersection}
Let $X \subset \proj{n}$ be a subscheme of codimension $r+1 \geq 3$. Then
$X$ is a complete intersection if and only if $X$ is arithmetically
Gorenstein and there is a good determinantal subscheme $S \subset \proj{n}$
of codimension $r$ such
that $X \subset S$ is the zero-locus of a regular section $t \in H^0_* (S,
\widetilde M_S ) = M_S$ for some $M_S \in {\cal M}_S$. Furthermore, $S$ and
$M_S$ can be chosen so that $\widetilde M_S$ is globally generated.
\noindent {\em Proof:} The result follows immediately from
Theorem~\ref{std-and-good}, Remark~\ref{on-conj}, and Remark~\ref{CM-type}.
\hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
Next, we consider subschemes of low codimension. As remarked after
Definition~\ref{Mv}, in the case of codimension two we know
that ${\cal M}_X$ consists of precisely one element (up to isomorphism).
Suppose $X \subset \proj{n}$ ($n \geq 2$) has codimension two. Then
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp4})}{\usecounter{temp4}}
\item $X$ is standard determinantal if and only if $X$ is arithmetically
\item The following are equivalent:
\begin{list} {(\roman{temp8})}{\usecounter{temp8}}
\item $X$ is good determinantal;
\item $X$ is arithmetically
Cohen-Macaulay and there are an integer $e \in {\Bbb Z}$ and a section $s \in
H^0 (X, \omega_X (e))$ generating $\omega_X (e)$ outside a subscheme of
codimension 3 as an ${\cal O}_X$-module and such that $s$ is a minimal
generator of $H^0_* (\omega_X )$;
\item $X$ is arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay and a generic complete
intersection .
\noindent {\em Proof:}
Part (a) is just the Hilbert-Burch theorem. For (b), the fact that the
codimension of $X$ is 2 implies that $\widetilde M_X \cong \omega_X (e)$ for
some $e \in {\Bbb Z}$. Then (b) is just a corollary of \linebreak
Proposition~\ref{good-det} and Theorem~\ref{good-iff-glci}. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
Suppose that $X \subset \proj{n}$ has codimension 3. Then $X$ is good
determinantal if and only if there is a good determinantal subscheme $S \subset
\proj{n}$ of codimension 2 such that $X \subset S$ is the zero-locus of a
regular section $t \in H^0 (S, \omega_S (e))$ (for suitable $e \in {\Bbb Z}$)
whose cokernel is supported on a subscheme of codimension $\geq 4$ and
isomorphic to an ideal sheaf of ${\cal O}_X$.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
This is immediate from Theorem~\ref{std-and-good}. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
In general, if $X$ is a good determinantal subscheme of codimension $r+1$ in
$\proj{n}$ then there is a flag of {\em good} determinantal subschemes $X_i$ of
codimension $i$:
X = X_{r+1} \subset X_r \subset \cdots \subset X_2 \subset X_1 \subset
In the next corollary we will show that we can choose the various $X_i$ in
such a way that they have even better properties than guaranteed by the results
of the previous section. \ \ \ \ \ \ \hbox{$\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$}
If $X \subset \proj{n}$ has codimension $ r + 1 \geq 2$ then the following are
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp9})}{\usecounter{temp9}}
\item $X$ is good determinantal;
\item There is a good determinantal subscheme $S$ of codimension $r$ which
is a local complete
intersection outside a subscheme of codimension $r + 2$, and a section
$t \in H^0_* (S, \widetilde M_S )$ inducing an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow {\cal O}_S(e) \buildrel t \over \rightarrow \widetilde M_S
\rightarrow \widetilde M_X \rightarrow 0
for suitable $M_S \in {\cal M}_S$ and $M_X \in {\cal M}_X$.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
We first prove (a) $\Rightarrow $ (b). The existence of a good determinantal
subscheme $S$ and a section $t$ as in the statement follows from
Theorem~\ref{std-and-good} and the exact sequence (\ref{sect-coker}) in
particular. The only thing remaining to prove is that $S$ can be chosen to
be a
local complete intersection outside a subscheme of codimension $r + 2$ (rather
than codimension $r+1$, as guaranteed by
Assume that the matrix $\Phi$, whose maximal minors define $X$, is a
$t \times (t+r)$ matrix. The scheme
$S$ is constructed in Theorem~\ref{std-and-good} by adding a ``general row'' to
$\Phi$, producing a $(t+1) \times (t+r)$ matrix, $\Psi$. One of the points of
the proof of Theorem~\ref{good-iff-glci} is that the locus $Y$ where $S$
fails to
be a local complete intersection is a subscheme of the scheme defined by the
ideal of submaximal minors of $\Psi$. In particular, $Y$ is a subscheme of
$X$. The fact that $S$ can be chosen to be a local complete intersection
outside a subscheme of codimension $r+2$ will then follow once we show that,
given a general point $P$ in any component of $X$, there is at least one
submaximal minor of $\Psi$ that does not vanish at $P$.
Since $X$ is good, after a change of basis if necessary we may assume that
is a $(t-1) \times (t+r)$ submatrix $\Phi'$ whose ideal of maximal minors
defines a scheme of codimension $r+2$ which is disjoint from $P$. Hence there
is a maximal minor $A$ of
$\Phi'$ which does not vanish at $P$. (We make our change of basis, if
necessary, before adding a row to construct
$\Psi$. Note that we formally include the possibility that $t=1$, i.e.\ that
$X$ is a complete intersection-- see Remark~\ref{one-minor},
Remark~\ref{free-is-BR} and Theorem~\ref{good-iff-sect}.) Concatenate another
column of $\Phi'$ to
$A$ (by abuse we denote by $A$ both the submatrix and its determinant),
forming a
$(t-1) \times t$ submatrix of $\Phi'$. Now concatenate the corresponding
elements of the ``general row'' to this matrix, forming a $t \times t$ matrix,
$B$, whose determinant is a submaximal minor of $\Psi$. Expanding along this
latter row and using the fact that its elements were chosen generally and that
$A$ does not vanish at $P$, we get that the determinant of $B$ does not vanish
at $P$, as desired. This completes the proof that (a) $\Rightarrow$ (b).
The converse follows exactly as in the proof of
Theorem~\ref{std-and-good} (b). Note that the condition of being a local
complete intersection away from a subscheme of codimension $r+2$ is irrelevant
in this direction.
\hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
(i) Using the notation of the previous proof we have seen that given a good
determinantal subscheme $X$ we can find subschemes $Y, S$ such that $Y
\subset X \subset S$ have decreasing codimensions, $X$ is the zero-locus
of a section of $H^0_* (S, \widetilde M_S )$ and $X, S$ are local complete
intersections outside $Y$. In this situation we want to call $X$ a
{\em Cartier divisor on $S$ outside $Y$}. If $Y$ is empty then $X$ is a Cartier
divisor on $S$ in the usual sense.
(ii) Let $X$ be a good determinantal subscheme of codimension $r+1$ in
$\proj{n}$ and let $X_{r+2} \subset X$ be a subscheme of codimension $r+2$
such that $X$ is a local complete intersection outside $X_{r+2}$. Then
Corollary \ref{exists-glci-scheme} implies that there is a flag of {\em
good} determinantal subschemes $X_i$ of
codimension $i$:
X = X_{r+1} \subset X_r \subset \cdots \subset X_2 \subset X_1 \subset
X_0 = \proj{n}
such that $X_{i+1}$ is a Cartier divisor on $X_i$ outside $X_{i+2}$ for all
$i = 0,\dots,r$. \ \ \ \ \ \ \hbox{$\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$}
If $X \subset \proj{n}$ is zero-dimensional then the following are equivalent:
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp6})}{\usecounter{temp6}}
\item $X$ is good determinantal;
\item There is a good determinantal curve $S$ which is a local complete
intersection such that $X$ is a Cartier divisor on $S$ associated to a section
$t \in H^0_* (S, \widetilde M_S )$ inducing an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow {\cal O}_S (e) \buildrel t \over \rightarrow \widetilde M_S
\rightarrow {\cal O}_X (f) \rightarrow 0.
\noindent {\em Proof:}
Note that under the hypotheses that $X$
is zero-dimensional and good, we get in the commutative diagram
(\ref{usual-diag}) that $coker \
\Phi'$ has finite length, and hence its sheafification is zero. Hence by the
exact sequence (\ref{short-exact}), we get that the sheafification of $coker \
\Phi$ is just
${\cal O}_X$. Then the result follows from Corollary~\ref{exists-glci-scheme}.
\hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
\begin{cor} \label{points_in_three_space}
Suppose $X \subset \proj{3}$ is zero-dimensional. Then the following are
\begin{list} {(\alph{temp7})}{\usecounter{temp7}}
\item $X$ is good determinantal;
\item There is an arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay curve $S$, which is a local
intersection, such that $X$ is a subcanonical Cartier divisor on $S$.
Furthermore, $X$ is defined by a $t \times
(t+r)$ matrix if and only if the Cohen-Macaulay type of $X$ is ${{r+t-1}
r}$ and that of $S$ is ${{r+t-1}
\choose {r-1}}$.
\noindent {\em Proof:} Since $S$ has codimension two the exact sequence in
the previous result specializes to the sequence
0 \rightarrow {\cal O}_S (e) \buildrel t \over \rightarrow \omega_S
\rightarrow {\cal O}_X (f) \rightarrow 0
by Corollary~\ref{codim2}.
Since $S$ is a local complete intersection it implies that $X$ is
subcanonical. The statement about the Cohen-Macaulay types is just
\hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
In view of Remark~\ref{on-conj} and Remark~\ref{CM-type}, Corollaries
\ref{exists-lci-curve} and \ref{points_in_three_space} are generalizations of
Theorem~1.3 of \cite{kreuzer}. \hskip 1cm $\rlap{$\sqcap$}\sqcup$
In view of Theorem~\ref{good-iff-glci}, we give examples of curves in
$\proj{3}$ (both of degree 3) to show that a good determinantal scheme need not
be either reduced or a local complete intersection. For the first,
consider the
curve defined by the matrix
\left [
x_0 & x_1 & x_2 \\
0 & x_0 & x_3
\right ]
For the second, consider the curve defined by the matrix
\left [
-x_3 & x_2 & 0 \\
0 & -x_2 & x_1
\right ]
This is the defining matrix for the ``coordinate axes,'' which fail to be a
complete intersection precisely at the ``origin.'' (Recall that in the
of a good determinantal scheme we allowed for the removal of a {\em
The point of Corollary~\ref{exists-lci-curve} is that given a zero-scheme $X$,
there is so much ``room'' to choose the curve $S$ containing it, that $S$
can be
assumed to be a local complete intersection even at $X$, where one would
normally expect it to have problems. One naturally can ask if there is so much
room that $S$ can even be taken to be smooth. The answer is no: for example,
the zeroscheme in $\proj{3}$ defined by the complete intersection $(X_1^2
,X_2^2 ,X_3^2 )$ lies on no smooth curve. One can ask, though, if there is any
matrix condition analogous to the main result of \cite{chiantini-orecchia}
which guarantees that a ``general'' choice of $S$ will be smooth.
Any regular section of any twist of the tangent bundle of $\proj{n}$ defines a
good determinantal zero-scheme in $\proj{n}$, by Theorem~\ref{good-iff-sect}.
In fact, it can be shown that if $\cal E$ is any rank $n$ vector bundle on
$\proj{n}$ with $H^i_* (\proj{n} ,{\cal E}) = 0$ for $1 \leq i \leq n-2$, then
any regular section of $\cal E$ defines a good determinantal zero-scheme in
1997-08-29T22:11:12 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708026 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708026 | [
] | alg-geom/9708026 | Frank Sottile | Frank Sottile (University of Toronto) | Pieri-type formulas for maximal isotropic Grassmannians via triple
intersections | LaTeX 2e, 24 pages (9 pages is an appendix detailing the proof in the
symplectic case). Expanded version of MSRI preprint 1997-062 | Colloquium Mathematicum, Vol. 82 (1999), 49--63. | null | null | null | We give an elementary proof of the Pieri-type formula in the cohomology of a
Grassmannian of maximal isotropic subspaces of an odd orthogonal or symplectic
vector space. This proof proceeds by explicitly computing a triple intersection
of Schubert varieties. The decisive step is an explicit description of the
intersection of two Schubert varieties, from which the multiplicities (which
are powers of 2) in the Pieri-type formula are deduced.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 29 Aug 1997 20:10:43 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"University of Toronto"
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
The goal of this paper is to give an elementary geometric proof of
Pieri-type formulas in the cohomology of
Grassmannians of maximal isotropic subspaces of odd orthogonal or symplectic
vector spaces.
For this, we explicitly compute a triple intersection of
Schubert varieties, where one is a special Schubert variety.
Previously, Sert\"oz~\cite{Sertoz} had studied such triple intersections in
orthogonal Grassmannians, but was unable to determine
the intersection multiplicities and obtain a formula.
These multiplicities are either 0 or powers of 2.
Our proof explains them as the intersection multiplicity of
a linear subspace (defining the special Schubert variety)
with a collection of quadrics and linear subspaces (determined by
the other two Schubert varieties).
This is similar to triple intersection proofs of the classical Pieri
formula ({\em cf.}~\cite{Hodge_intersection}\cite[p. 203]{Griffiths_Harris}%
\cite[\S 9.4]{Fulton_tableaux}) where the multiplicities (0 or 1) count the
number of points in the intersection of linear subspaces.
A proof of the Pieri-type formula for classical flag
varieties~\cite{Sottile_pieri_schubert} was based upon those ideas.
Similarly, the ideas here provide a basis for a proof of
Pieri-type formulas in the cohomology of symplectic flag
These Pieri-type formulas are due to Hiller and Boe~\cite{Hiller_Boe},
whose proof used the Chevalley formula~\cite{Chevalley91}.
Another proof, using the Leibnitz formula for symplectic and orthogonal
divided differences, was given by Pragacz and
These formulas also arise in the theory of projective representations of
symmetric groups~\cite{Schur,Hoffman_Humphreys} as product formulas for
Schur $P$- and $Q$-functions, and were first proven in this context by
The connection of Schur $P$- and $Q$-functions to geometry was noticed
by Pragacz~\cite{Pragacz_88} (see also~\cite{Jozefiak}
In Section 1, we give the basic definitions and state the Pieri-type
formulas in both the orthogonal and symplectic cases, and conclude with an
outline of the proof in the orthogonal case.
Since there is little difference between the proofs in each case, we only
do the orthogonal case in full.
In Section 2, we describe the intersection of two
Schubert varieties, which we use in Section 3 to complete the proof.
\section{The Grassmannian of maximal isotropic subspaces}
Let $V$ be a ($2n+1$)-dimensional complex vector space equipped with a
non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form $\beta$
and $W$ a $2n$-dimensional complex vector space equipped with a
non-degenerate alternating bilinear form, also denoted
A subspace $H$ of $V$ or of $W$ is {\em isotropic} if the restriction of
$\beta$ to $H$ is identically zero.
Isotropic subspaces have dimension at most $n$.
The {\em Grassmannian of maximal isotropic subspaces} $B_n$ or $B(V)$
(respectively $C_n$ or $C(W)$) is the collection of all isotropic
$n$-dimensional subspaces of $V$ (respectively of $W$).
The group
$\mbox{\em So}_{2n+1}{\mathbb C} = {\rm Aut}(V,\beta)$ acts
transitively on $B_n$ with the stabilizer $P_0$ of a point a maximal
parabolic subgroup associated to the short root, hence
$B_n = \mbox{\em So}_{2n+1}{\mathbb C}/P_0$.
Similarly, $C_n= \mbox{\em Sp}_{2n}{\mathbb C}/P_0$, where $P_0$ is a maximal
parabolic associated to the long root.
Both $B_n$ and $C_n$ are smooth complex manifolds of dimension
While they are not isomorphic if $n>1$, they have identical
Schubert decompositions and Bruhat orders.
Another interesting connection is discussed in Remark~\ref{rem:similarities}.
We describe the Schubert decomposition.
For an integer $j$, let $\overline{\jmath}$ denote $-j$.
Choose bases $\{e_{\overline{n}},\ldots,e_n\}$ of $V$ and
$\{f_{\overline{n}},\ldots,f_n\}$ of $W$ for which
\beta(e_i,e_j)\ =\ \left\{
\begin{array}{ll} 1&\mbox{ \ if } i=\overline{\jmath}\\
0&\mbox{ \ otherwise}\end{array}\right.
\beta(f_i,f_j)\ =\ \left\{
\begin{array}{ll} j/|j|&\mbox{ \ if } i=\overline{\jmath}\\
0 &\mbox{ \ otherwise}\end{array}\right.
For example, $\beta(e_1,e_0)=\beta(f_{\overline{2}},f_1)=0$ and
\beta(f_{\overline{1}},f_1)=-\beta(f_1,f_{\overline{1}})= 1$.
Schubert varieties are determined by sequences
\lambda:\ n\geq \lambda_1>\lambda_2>\cdots>\lambda_n\geq \overline{n}
whose set of absolute values
$\{|\lambda_1|,\ldots,|\lambda_n|\}$ equals
Let ${\mathbb{SY}}_n$ denote this set of sequences.
The Schubert variety $X_\lambda$ of $B_n$ is
\{H\in B_n\mid\dim
H\cap\Span{e_{\lambda_j},\ldots,e_n}\geq j
\mbox{\ for } 1\leq j\leq n\}
and the Schubert variety $Y_\lambda$ of $C_n$
\{H\in C_n\mid\dim
H\cap\Span{f_{\lambda_j},\ldots,f_n}\geq j
\mbox{\ for } 1\leq j\leq n\}.
Both $X_\lambda$ and $Y_\lambda$ have codimension
$|\lambda|:=\lambda_1+\cdots+\lambda_k$, where
Given $\lambda,\mu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$, we see that
X_\mu\supset X_\lambda\ \Longleftrightarrow\
Y_\mu\supset Y_\lambda\ \Longleftrightarrow\
\mu_j\leq \lambda_j \mbox{ for } 1\leq j\leq n.
Define the {\em Bruhat order} by $\mu\leq \lambda$ if
$\mu_j\leq \lambda_j$ for $1\leq j\leq n$.
Note that $\mu\leq \lambda$ if and only if $\mu_j\leq \lambda_j$ for those
$j$ with $0<\mu_j$.
Suppose $n=4$.
Then $X_{3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}}$ consists of
those $H\in B_4$ such that
\dim H\cap\Span{e_3,e_4}\geq 1,\
\dim H\cap\Span{e_2,e_3,e_4}\geq 2,\ \mbox{and}\
\dim H\cap\Span{e_{\overline{1}},\ldots,e_4}\geq 3.
Define $P_\lambda:=[X_\lambda]$, the cohomology class Poincar{\'e} dual to
the fundamental cycle of $X_\lambda$ in the homology of $B_n$.\
Likewise set $Q_\lambda:=[Y_\lambda]$.
Since Schubert varieties are closures of cells from a decomposition
into (real) even-dimensional cells, these {\em Schubert classes}
$\{P_\lambda\}$, $\{Q_\lambda\}$ form bases for integral cohomology:
H^*B_n\ =\ \bigoplus_{\lambda} P_\lambda \cdot {\mathbb Z}
\qquad \mbox{and}\qquad
H^*C_n\ =\ \bigoplus_{\lambda} Q_\lambda \cdot {\mathbb Z}.
Each $\lambda\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ determines and is determined by its
diagram, also denoted $\lambda$.
The diagram of $\lambda$ is a left-justified array of $|\lambda|$ boxes
with $\lambda_j$ boxes in the $j$th row, for $\lambda_j>0$.
3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4} \ \longleftrightarrow\
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){20}}\put(0, 0){\line(1,0){20}}
\put(10, 0){\line(0,1){20}}\put(0,10){\line(1,0){30}}
\put(20, 0){\line(0,1){20}}\put(0,20){\line(1,0){30}}
\qquad\mbox{ and }\qquad
4\,2\,1\,\overline{3} \ \longleftrightarrow\
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){30}}\put(0,30){\line(1,0){40}}
\put(10, 0){\line(0,1){30}}\put(0,20){\line(1,0){40}}
\put(30,20){\line(0,1){10}}\put(0, 0){\line(1,0){10}}
\put(40,20){\line(0,1){10}}\end{picture}\, .
The Bruhat order corresponds to inclusion of diagrams.
Given $\mu\leq \lambda$, let $\lambda/\mu$ be their set-theoretic
For instance,
4\,2\,1\,\overline{3}/3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}\ \longleftrightarrow\
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){10}}\put( 0,10){\line(1,0){10}}
\put(10, 0){\line(0,1){10}}\put( 0, 0){\line(1,0){10}}
\put( 0,20){\dashbox{2}(10,10)[t]{}}\put( 0,10){\dashbox{2}(10,10)[t]{}}
\qquad\mbox{ and }\qquad
1\,\overline{2}\,\overline{3}\,\overline{4}\ \longleftrightarrow\
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){10}}\put( 0, 0){\line(1,0){20}}
\put(10, 0){\line(0,1){20}}\put( 0,10){\line(1,0){30}}
\put(20, 0){\line(0,1){20}}\put(10,20){\line(1,0){20}}
\put(30,10){\line(0,1){10}}\put( 0,10){\dashbox{2}(10,10)[t]{}}
\end{picture}\, .
Two boxes are connected if they share a vertex or an edge; this defines
{\em components} of $\lambda/\mu$.
We say $\lambda/\mu$ is a {\em skew row} if
$\lambda_1\geq\mu_1\geq\lambda_2\geq\cdots\geq\mu_n$ equivalently,
if $\lambda/\mu$ has at most one box in each column.
Thus $4\,2\,1\,\overline{3}/3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}$
is a skew row, but
is not.
The {\em special Schubert class} $p_m\in H^*B_n$ ($q_m\in H^*C_n$) is the
class whose diagram consists of a single row of length $m$.
Hence, $p_2 = P_{2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{3}\,\overline{4}}$.
A {\em special Schubert variety} $X_K$ ($Y_K$) is the collection of all
maximal isotropic subspaces which meet a fixed isotropic subspace $K$
If $\dim K=n+1-m$, then $[X_K]=p_m$ and $[Y_K]=q_m$.
\begin{thm}[Pieri-type Formula]\label{thm:pieri}
For any $\mu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ and $1\leq m\leq n$,
\item ${\displaystyle
P_\mu\cdot p_m\ =\ \sum_{\lambda/\mu\ \mbox{\scriptsize skew row}}
2^{\delta(\lambda/\mu)-1}\, P_\lambda}$ \qquad and
\item ${\displaystyle
Q_\mu\cdot q_m\ =\
\sum_{\lambda/\mu\ \mbox{\scriptsize skew row}}^{\rule{0pt}{5pt}}
2^{\varepsilon(\lambda/\mu)}\, Q_\lambda}$,
where $\delta(\lambda/\mu)$ counts the components of
the diagram $\lambda/\mu$ and
$\varepsilon(\lambda/\mu)$ counts the components of $\lambda/\mu$
which do not contain a box in the first column.
For example,
P_{3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}}\cdot p_2 &=&
2\cdot P_{4\,2\,1\,\overline{3}}\ \,+
\ \ \, P_{4\,3\,\overline{2}\,\overline{1}}\qquad\mbox{ and}\\
Q_{3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}}\cdot q_2 &=&
2\cdot Q_{4\,2\,1\,\overline{3}}\ +\ 2\cdot
For $\lambda,\mu,\nu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$, there exist integral
$g^\lambda_{\mu,\nu}$ and $h^\lambda_{\mu,\nu}$ defined by the identities
P_\mu\cdot P_\nu\ =\ \sum_\lambda g^\lambda_{\mu,\nu}\,P_\lambda
\qquad \mbox{and}\qquad
Q_\mu\cdot Q_\nu\ =\ \sum_\lambda h^\lambda_{\mu,\nu}\,Q_\lambda.
These constants were first given a combinatorial formula by
Define $\lambda^c$ by
Let $[\mbox{pt}]$ be the class dual to a
The Schubert basis is self-dual with respect to the intersection pairing:
If $|\lambda|=|\mu|$, then
P_\mu\cdot P_{\lambda^c}
\ =\
Q_\mu\cdot Q_{\lambda^c}
\ =\ \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
[\mbox{pt}]&\ \ \mbox{if}\ \lambda=\mu\\
0 &\ \ \mbox{otherwise}\end{array}\right..
Define the Schubert variety $X'_{\lambda^c}$ to be
\{H\in B_n\mid
\dim H\cap\Span{e_{\overline{n}},\ldots,e_{\lambda_j}}\geq n+1-j
\ \mbox{for}\ 1\leq j \leq n\}.
This is a translate of $X_{\lambda^c}$ by an element of
$\mbox{\em So}_{2n+1}{\mathbb C}$.
In a similar fashion, define $Y'_{\lambda^c}$, a translate of
$Y_{\lambda^c}$ by an element of $\mbox{\em Sp}_{2n}{\mathbb C}$.
For any $\lambda,\mu$, $X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ is generically
This is because if $X_\mu$ and $X'_{\lambda^c}$ are {\em any} Schubert
varieties in general position, then there is a basis for $V$
such that these varieties and the quadratic form $\beta$ are as given.
The analogous facts hold for the varieties $Y'_{\lambda^c}$.
We see that to establish the Pieri-type formula, it suffices to compute the
degree of the 0-dimensional schemes
X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_K \quad\mbox{and}\quad
Y_\mu\bigcap Y'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap Y_K
where $K$ is a general isotropic ($n+1-m$)-plane and
We only do the (more difficult) orthogonal case of Theorem~\ref{thm:pieri}
in full, and indicate the differences for the symplectic case.
We first determine when
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ is non-empty.
Let $\mu,\lambda\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$.
Then, by the definition of Schubert varieties,
$H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ implies
$\dim H\bigcap \Span{e_{\mu_j},\ldots,e_{\lambda_j}}\geq 1$,
for every $1\leq j\leq n$.
Hence $\mu\leq\lambda$ is necessary for $X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$
to be nonempty.
In fact,
X_\mu \bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\ =\ \left\{
\Span{e_{\lambda_1},\ldots,e_{\lambda_n}}&\mbox{ if } \lambda=\mu\\
\emptyset &\mbox{ otherwise},
which establishes~(\ref{eq:poincare}).
Suppose $\mu\leq \lambda$ in ${\mathbb{SY}}_n$.
For each component $d$ of $\lambda/\mu$, let col$(d)$ index the
columns of $d$ together with the column just to the left of $d$,
which is $0$ if $d$ meets the first column, in that it has a box
in the first column.
For each component $d$ of $\lambda/\mu$, define a quadratic form $\beta_d$:
\beta_d\ :=\
\sum_{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $\overline{n}\leq j\leq n$}}%
{\overline{\jmath}\ {\rm or}\ j\in \mbox{\scriptsize col}(d)}}
x_j x_{\overline{\jmath}},
where $x_{\overline{n}},\ldots,x_n$ are coordinates for $V$ dual to the
basis $e_{\overline{n}},\ldots,e_n$.
For each {\em fixed point} of $\lambda/\mu$
($j$ such that $\lambda_j=\mu_j$), define the linear form
If there is no component meeting the first
column, then we say that $0$ is a fixed point of $\lambda/\mu$ and
define $\alpha_0:=x_0$.
Let $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ be the common zero locus of these forms $\alpha_j$ and
Suppose $\mu\leq\lambda$ and $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
Then $H\subset Z_{\lambda/\mu}$.
Let ${\mathcal Q}$ be the isotropic points in $V$, the
zero locus of $\beta$.
For each $0\leq i\leq n$,
there is a unique form among the $\alpha_j$, $\beta_d$ in which one (or
both) of the coordinates $x_{i},x_{\overline{\imath}}$ appears.
Thus $\beta$ is in the ideal generated by these forms $\alpha_j$,
$\beta_d$ and we see that
they are dependent on ${\mathcal Q}$.
However, if $\delta=\delta(\lambda/\mu)$ counts the components of
$\lambda/\mu$ and $\varphi$ the number of fixed points, then the collection
of $\varphi$ forms $\alpha_j$ and $\delta-1$ of
the forms $\beta_d$ {\em are} independent on ${\mathcal Q}$.
Moreover, Lemma~\ref{lem:columns} shows that
n +1 \ =\ \varphi+\delta+\#\mbox{\rm columns of $\lambda/\mu$}.
Thus, if $m=|\lambda|-|\mu|$, then
$\varphi+\delta-1\leq n-m$, with equality only when $\lambda/\mu$ is a
skew row.
Since ${\mathcal Q}$ has dimension $2n$,
it follows that a general isotropic ($n+1-m$)-plane $K$
meets $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ only if
$\lambda/\mu$ is a skew row.
We deduce
Let $\mu,\lambda\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ and suppose $K$ is a general isotropic
$(n+1-m)$-plane with $|\mu|+m = |\lambda|$.
X_\mu \bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_K
is non-empty only if $\mu\leq \lambda$ and $\lambda/\mu$ is a skew row.
\noindent{\bf Proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:pieri}. }
Suppose $\lambda,\mu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ with
Let $K$ be a general isotropic $(n+1-m)$-plane in $V$.
We compute the degree of
X_\mu \bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_K.
By Theorem~\ref{thm:geom}, this is non-empty only if
$\mu\subset\lambda$ and $\lambda/\mu$ is a skew row.
Suppose that is the case.
Then the forms $\alpha_j$ and $\beta_d$ (which define $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$)
determine $2^{\delta(\lambda/\mu)-1}$ isotropic lines in $K$.
Theorem~\ref{thm:unique} asserts that a general isotropic line in
$Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ is contained in a unique
$H\in X_\mu \bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$, which shows that
(\ref{eq:zero-scheme}) has degree $2^{\delta(\lambda/\mu)-1}$.
This completes the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:pieri}.
Let $n=4$ and $m=2$, so that $n+1-m=3$.
We show that if $K\subset {\mathcal Q}$ is a general 3-plane, then
\#\, X_{3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}}\bigcap
X'_{(4\,2\,1\,\overline{3})^c} \bigcap X_K\ =\ 2.
Note that 2 is the coefficient of $P_{4\,2\,1\,\overline{3}}$ in the product
$P_{3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}}\cdot p_2$ of Example~\ref{ex:prod}.
First, the local coordinates for
described in Lemma~\ref{lem:loc_coords} show that, for any
$x,z\in{\mathbb{C}}$, the row span $H$ of the matrix
with rows $g_i$ and columns $e_j$
{} &e_{\overline{4}}&e_{\overline{3}}
is in $X_{3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}}\bigcap
Suppose $K$ is the row span of the matrix with rows $v_i$
{} &e_{\overline{4}}&e_{\overline{3}}
v_1&0&1&0&1&0& 0&1&0&1\\
Then $K$ is an isotropic 3-plane, and the forms
\beta_0&=& 2x_{\overline{1}}x_1 + x_0^2\\
\beta_d&=&x_{\overline{4}}x_4 + x_{\overline{3}}x_3\\
\alpha_2&=& x_{\overline{2}}
define the 2 isotropic lines $\Span{v_1}$ and $\Span{v_2}$ in $K$.
Lastly, for $i=1,2$, there is a unique
$H_i\in X_{3\,2\,\overline{1}\,\overline{4}}\bigcap
with $v_i\in H_i$.
In these coordinates,
H_1\ :\ x=z=0\quad\mbox{and}\quad
H_2\ :\ x=z=1.
In the symplectic case, isotropic $K$ are not
contained in a quadric ${\mathcal Q}$, the form $\alpha_0=x_0$ does not
arise, only components which do not meet the first column give
quadratic forms $\beta_d$,
and the analysis of Lemma~\ref{lem:components}~(2) in
Section~\ref{sec:triple} is (slightly) different.
\section{The intersection of two Schubert varieties}
We study the intersection $X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ of two Schubert
Our main result, Theorem~\ref{thm:main}, expresses
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ as a product whose factors correspond to
components of $\lambda/\mu$, and each factor is itself an intersection of
two Schubert varieties.
These factors are described in Lemmas~\ref{lemma:0comp} and~\ref{lem:offdiag},
and in Corollary~\ref{cor:classical}.
These are crucial to the proof of the Pieri-type formula that we complete in
Section 3.
Also needed is Lemma~\ref{lem:subspace}, which identifies a particular
subspace of $H\cap \Span{e_1,\ldots,e_n}$ for
$H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
For Lemma~\ref{lem:subspace}, we work in the
(classical) Grassmannian $G_k(V^+)$ of $k$-planes in
For basic definitions and results see any of
Schubert subvarieties $\Omega_\sigma,\Omega'_{\sigma^c}$ of
$G_k(V^+)$ are indexed by partitions
that is, integer sequences $\sigma=(\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_k)$
with $n - k\geq \sigma_1\geq\cdots\geq\sigma_k\geq0$.
For $\sigma\in{\mathbb{Y}}_k$ define $\sigma^c\in{\mathbb{Y}}_k$ by
For $\sigma,\tau\in{\mathbb{Y}}_k$, define
\Omega_\tau&:=& \{H\in G_k(V^+)\mid
\dim H\cap\Span{e_{k+1-j+\tau_j},\ldots,e_n}\geq j,\ 1\leq j\leq k\}\\
\Omega'_{\sigma^c}&:=& \{H\in G_k(V^+)\mid
\dim H\cap\Span{e_1,\ldots,e_{j+\sigma_{k+1-j}}}\geq j,\ 1\leq j\leq k\}.
Let $\lambda,\mu\in\mathbb{SY}_n$ with $\mu\leq \lambda$, and
suppose $\mu_k>0>\mu_{k+1}$.
Define partitions $\sigma$ and $\tau$ in ${\mathbb{Y}}_k$
(which depend upon $\lambda$ and $\mu$) by
\tau&:=& \mu_1-k\geq \cdots\geq \mu_k-1\geq 0\\
\sigma&:=& \lambda_1-k\geq \cdots\geq \lambda_k-1\geq0
Let $\mu\leq \lambda\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$, and define
$\sigma,\tau\in{\mathbb{Y}}_k$, and $k$ as above.
If $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$, then
$H\cap V^+$ contains a $k$-plane
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
Suppose first that $H\in X_\mu$ with
$\dim H\cap \Span{e_{\mu_j},\ldots,e_n}=j$ for $j=k$ and $k+1$.
Since $\mu_k>0>\mu_{k+1}$, we see that
$L:= H\cap V^+$ has dimension $k$.
If $H\in X'_{\lambda^c}$ in addition, it
is an exercise in the definitions to verify that
The lemma follows as such $H$ are dense in $X_\mu$.
The first step towards Theorem~\ref{thm:main}
is the following combinatorial lemma.
Let $\varphi$ count the fixed points and $\delta$
the components of $\lambda/\mu$.
n +1\ =\ \varphi+\delta+\#\mbox{\rm columns of $\lambda/\mu$},
and $\mu_j>\lambda_{j+1}$ precisely when $|\mu_j|$ is an empty column of
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
Suppose $k$ is a column not meeting $\lambda/\mu$.
Thus, there is no $i$ for which $\mu_i<k\leq\lambda_i$.
Let $j$ be the index such that $|\mu_j|=k$.
If $\mu_j=k$, then we must also have $\lambda_{j+1}<k$,
as $\mu_{j+1}<k$.
Either $\mu_j=\lambda_j$ is a fixed point of
$\lambda/\mu$ or else $\mu_j<\lambda_j$, so that $k$ is the column
immediately to the left of a component $d$ which does not meet the first
If $\mu_j=-k$, then $\lambda_j=-k$, for otherwise $k=\lambda_i$ for some
$i$, and for this $i$ we must necessarily have $\mu_i<k$,
contradicting $k$ being an empty column.
This proves the lemma, as $0$ is either a fixed point of $\lambda/\mu$ or
else $\lambda/\mu$ has a component meeting the first column, but not
Let $d_0$ be the component of $\lambda/\mu$ meeting the first column (if
Define mutually orthogonal subspaces
$V_\varphi,V_0$, and $V_d$, for each component $d$ of $\lambda/\mu$ not
meeting the first column ($0\not\in\mbox{col}(d)$) as follows:
V_\varphi\: &:=& \Span{e_{\mu_j},e_{\overline{\mu_j}}\mid \mu_j=\lambda_j},\\
V_0\:\, &:=& \Span{e_0,e_k,e_{\overline{k}}\mid k\in\mbox{col}(d_0)},\\
V^-_d &:=& \Span{e_k\mid k\in\mbox{col}(d)},\\
V^+_d &:=& \Span{e_{\overline{k}}\mid k\in\mbox{col}(d)},
and set $V_d:= V^-_d\oplus V^+_d$.
V\ =\ V_\varphi\oplus V_0\oplus
\bigoplus_{0\not\in\mbox{\scriptsize col}(d)} V_d.
For each fixed point $\mu_j=\lambda_j$ of $\lambda/\mu$,
define the linear form
For each component $d$ of $\lambda/\mu$, let the quadratic form $\beta_d$ be
the restriction of the form $\beta$ to $V_d$.
Composing with the projection of $V$ to $V_d$ gives a quadratic form (also
written $\beta_d$) on $V$.
If there is no component meeting the first column,
define $\alpha_0:=x_0$ and call $0$ a fixed point of $\lambda/\mu$.
If $0\not\in\mbox{col}(d)$, then the form $\beta_d$ identifies
$V^+_d$ and $V^-_d$ as dual vector spaces.
Let $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
\item $H\bigcap V_\varphi = \Span{e_{\mu_j}\mid\mu_j=\lambda_j}$.
\item $\dim H\bigcap V_0 = \#\mbox{col}(d_0)$.
\item For all components $d$ of $\lambda/\mu$ which do not meet the first
\dim H\bigcap V^+_d&=& \#\mbox{rows of }d,\\
\dim H\bigcap V^-_d&=& \#\mbox{col}(d) - \#\mbox{rows of }d,
and $\left(H\bigcap V^-_d\right)^\perp = H\bigcap V^+_d$.
\noindent{\bf Proof of Lemma~\ref{lemma:intersection}. }
Let $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
Suppose $\mu_j>\lambda_{j+1}$
so that $|\mu_j|$ is an empty column of $\lambda/\mu$.
Then the definitions of Schubert varieties imply
H\ =\ H\cap\Span{e_{\overline{n}},\ldots,e_{\lambda_{j+1}}}\oplus
Suppose $d$ is a component not meeting the first column.
If the rows of $d$ are $j,\ldots,k$, then
H\cap V^+_d&=& H\cap\Span{e_{\mu_k},\ldots,e_{\lambda_j}}\\
&=& H \cap\Span{e_{\overline{n}},\ldots,e_{\lambda_j}}
and so has dimension at least $k-j+1$.
Similarly, if $l,\ldots,m$ are the indices $i$ with
$\overline{\lambda_{j}}\leq \mu_i,\lambda_i\leq \overline{\mu_k}$,
$H\bigcap V^-_d$ has dimension at least $l-m+1$.
$\dim V_d/2 = \#\mbox{col}(d)=k+m-l-j+2$, as
are the columns of $d$.
Since $H$ is isotropic, $\dim H^+_d + \dim H^-_d \leq \#\mbox{col}(d)$,
which proves the first part of (3).
Moreover, $H\bigcap V^+_d=\left(H\bigcap V^-_d\right)^\perp$:
Since $H$ is isotropic, we have $\subset$, and equality follows by
counting dimensions.
Similar arguments prove the other statements.
For $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$, define
$H_\varphi:= H\bigcap V_\varphi$,
$H_0:= H\bigcap V_0$,
$H^+_d := H\bigcap V^+_d$, and
$H^-_d := H\bigcap V^-_d$.
Then $H_\varphi\subset V_\varphi$ is the zero locus of the linear
forms $\alpha_j$, $H_0$ is isotropic in $V_0$, and, for each component $d$
of $\lambda/\mu$ not meeting the first column,
$H_d:= H^+_d\oplus H^-_d$ is isotropic in $V_d$, which proves
Moreover, $H$ is the orthogonal direct sum of $H_\varphi$, $H_0$, and the
The map
\{H_0\mid H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}\ \times
\prod_{0\not\in\mbox{\scriptsize col}(d)}
\{H_d\mid H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}
\longrightarrow\ X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}
defined by
(H_0,\ldots,H_d,\ldots) \longmapsto
is an isomorphism.
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
By the previous discussion, it is an injection.
For surjectivity, note that both sides have the same dimension.
Indeed, $\dim X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}=|\lambda|-|\mu|$,
the number of boxes in $\lambda/\mu$.
Lemmas~\ref{lemma:0comp} and \ref{lem:offdiag}
show that the factors of the domain each have dimension equal to the
number of boxes in the corresponding components.
Suppose there is a component, $d_0$, meeting the first column.
Let $l$ be the largest column in $d_0$, and
define $\lambda(0),\mu(0)\in{\mathbb{SY}}_l$ as follows:
Let $j$ be the first row of $d_0$ so that $l=\lambda_j$.
Then, since $d_0$ is a component, for each $j\leq i<j+l-1$, we have
$\lambda_{i+1}\geq \mu_i$ and $l=\overline{\mu_{j+l-1}}$.
\mu(0)&:=& \mu_j>\cdots >\mu_{j+l-1}\\
\lambda(0)&:=& \lambda_j>\cdots >\lambda_{j+l-1}
Define $\lambda(0)^c$ by
$\lambda(0)^c_p:= \overline{\lambda(0)_{l+1-p}}
= \overline{\lambda_{j+l-p}}$.
The following lemma is a straightforward consequence of these definitions.
With the above definitions,
\{H_0\mid H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}\ =\
X_{\mu(0)}\bigcap X'_{\lambda(0)^c}
as subvarieties of $B_k\simeq B(V_0)$, and $\lambda(0)/\mu(0)$ has a unique
component meeting the first column and no fixed points.
We similarly identify
$\{H_d\mid H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}$
as an intersection $X_{\mu(d)}\cap X'_{\lambda(d)^c}$ of Schubert varieties
in $B_{\#\mbox{\scriptsize col}(d)}\simeq B(\Span{e_0,V_d})$.
Let $j,\ldots,k$ be the rows of $d$ and $l,\ldots,m$ be the indices $i$
with $\overline{\lambda_j}\leq \mu_i,\lambda_i\leq \overline{\mu_k}$,
as in the
proof of Lemma~\ref{lemma:intersection}.
Let $p=\#\mbox{col}(d)$ and define
$\lambda(d),\mu(d)\in {\mathbb{SY}}_p$ as follows.
Set $a = \mu_k$, and define
\mu(d)&:=& \mu_j-a+1>\cdots>
\lambda(d)&:=& \lambda_j-a+1>\cdots>\lambda_k-a+1>
As with Lemma~\ref{lemma:0comp}, the following lemma is straightforward.
With these definitions,
\{H_d\mid H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}\ \simeq\
X_{\mu(d)}\bigcap X'_{\lambda(d)^c}
as subvarieties of $B_p\simeq B(\Span{e_0,V_d})$
and $\lambda(d)/\mu(d)$ has a unique component not meeting the first column
with only 0 as a fixed point.
Suppose now that $\mu,\lambda\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ where $\lambda/\mu$ has a
unique component $d$ not meeting the first column and no fixed points.
Suppose $\lambda$ has $k$ rows.
A consequence of Lemma~\ref{lemma:intersection} is that the map
$H^+_d \mapsto \Span{H^+_d,\left(H^+_d\right)^\perp}$ gives an isomorphism
\{ H^+_d\mid H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}\
X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}.
The following corollary of Lemma~\ref{lem:subspace} identifies the domain.
With $\mu,\lambda$ as above and $\sigma,\tau$, and $k$ as defined in the
preceding Lemma~\ref{lem:subspace}, we have:
\{H^+_d\mid H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}\ =\
as subvarieties of $G_k(V^+)$.
The symplectic analogs of Lemma~\ref{lem:offdiag} and
Corollary~\ref{cor:classical}, which are identical save for the necessary
replacement of $Y$ for $X$ and $C_p$ for $B_p$, show an unexpected
connection between the geometry of the
symplectic and orthogonal Grassmannians.
Namely, suppose $\lambda/\mu$ has no component meeting the
first column.
Then the projection map
$V \twoheadrightarrow W$ defined by
e_i\ \longmapsto\ \left\{\begin{array}{ll}0&\ \mbox{if}\ i=0\\
f_i&\ \mbox{otherwise}
and its left inverse $W\hookrightarrow V$ defined by
$f_j\mapsto e_j$ induce isomorphisms
X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\ \stackrel{\sim}{\longleftrightarrow}\
Y_\mu\bigcap Y'_{\lambda^c}.
\section{Pieri-type intersections of Schubert varieties}\label{sec:triple}
Fix $\lambda/\mu$ to be a skew row with $|\lambda|-|\mu|=m$.
Let $Z_{\lambda/\mu}\subset{\mathcal Q}$ be the zero locus of the
forms $\alpha_j$ and $\beta_d$ of \S 2.
If $\lambda/\mu$ has $\delta$ components, then
as a subvariety of ${\mathcal Q}$, $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ is
the generically transverse intersection of the zero loci of the forms
$\alpha_j$ and any $\delta-1$ of the forms $\beta_d$.
It follows that a general $(n+1-m)$-plane $K\subset{\mathcal Q}$ meets
$Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ in $2^{\delta-1}$ lines.
Thus if $\Span{v}\subset Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ is a general line, then
\# X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_K \ =\
2^\delta\cdot \# X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_{\Span{v}}.
Theorem~\ref{thm:pieri} is a consequence of this observation and
the following:
Let $\lambda/\mu$ be a skew row, $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ be as above,
and $\Span{v}$ a general
line in $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$.
Then $X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_{\Span{v}}$ is a singleton.
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
Let ${\mathcal Q}_0$ be the cone of isotropic points in $V_0$ and
${\mathcal Q}_d$ the cone of isotropic points in $V_d$ for
$d\neq d_0$.
Z_{\lambda/\mu}\ =\ H_\varphi \oplus {\mathcal Q}_0\oplus
\bigoplus_{0\not\in\mbox{\scriptsize col}(d)} {\mathcal Q}_d,
we see that a general non-zero vector $v$ in $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ has the form
v\ =\ \sum_{\mu_j=\lambda_j} a_je_{\mu_j}\ +\ v_0\ +
\sum_{0\not\in\mbox{\scriptsize col}(d)} v_d,
where $a_j\in {\mathbb C}^\times$ and $v_0\in {\mathcal Q}_0$,
$v_d\in {\mathcal Q}_d$ are general vectors.
Thus, if $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_{\Span{v}}$, we see that
$v_0\in H_0$ and $v_d\in H_d$.
By Theorem~\ref{thm:main}, $H$ is determined by $H_0$ and the $H_d$,
thus it suffices to prove that $H_0$ and the $H_d$ are uniquely determined.
The identifications of Lemmas~\ref{lemma:0comp} and~\ref{lem:offdiag} show
that this is just the case of the theorem when $\lambda/\mu$ has a single
component, which is Lemma~\ref{lem:components} below.
Suppose $\lambda,\mu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ where $\lambda/\mu$ is a skew row
with a unique component and no non-zero fixed points.
If $\lambda/\mu$ does not meet the first column and $v\in {\mathcal Q}_d$ is
a general vector, then $X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_{\Span{v}}$
is a singleton.
If $\lambda/\mu$ meets the first column and $v\in {\mathcal Q}$ is
general, then $X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_{\Span{v}}$
is a singleton.
\noindent{\bf Proof of (1). }
Let $v\in{\mathcal Q}_d$ be a general vector.
Since ${\mathcal Q}_d\subset V^+\oplus V^-$,
$v=v^+\oplus v^-$ with $v^+ \in V^+$ and $v^-\in V^-$.
Suppose $\mu_k>0>\mu_{k+1}$.
Consider the set
\{H^+\in G_k(V^+)\mid v\in H^+\oplus\left(H^+\right)^\perp\}
\ =\ \{H^+\mid v^+\in H^+\subset (v^-)^\perp\}.
This is a Schubert variety
$\Omega''_{h(n-k,k)}$ of $G_kV^+$, where $h(n-k,k)$ is the partition of hook
shape with a single row of length $n-k$ and a single
column of length $k$.
Under the isomorphisms of (\ref{isomorphism}) and Lemma~\ref{lem:offdiag},
and with the identification
of Corollary~\ref{cor:classical}, we see that
X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_{\Span{v}}\ \simeq\
where $\sigma,\tau$ are as defined in the paragraph preceding
For $\rho\in{\mathbb{Y}}_k$, let $S_\rho:=[\Omega_\rho]$ be the cohomology
class Poincar\'e dual to the fundamental cycle of $\Omega_\rho$ in
The multiplicity we wish to compute is
\deg (S_\tau\cdot S_{\sigma^c}\cdot S_{h(n-k,k)}).
By a double application of the classical Pieri's formula
(as $S_{h(n-k,k)}=S_{n-k}\cdot S_{1^{k-1}}$), we see that
(\ref{Schur:calc}) is either 1 or 0, depending upon whether or not
$\sigma/\tau$ has exactly one box in each diagonal.
But this is the case, as the transformation
$\mu,\lambda \longmapsto \tau,\sigma$
takes columns to diagonals.
Our proof of Lemma~\ref{lem:components} (2) uses a system of
local coordinates for
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
Let $\lambda/\mu$ be as in Lemma~\ref{lem:components} (2), and suppose
For $y_2,\ldots,y_n,x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}\in{\mathbb C}$,
define vectors $g_j\in V$ as follows:
g_j\ := \ \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
e_{\lambda_j} + \sum_{i=\mu_j}^{\lambda_j-1}x_i\,e_i}&\ j\leq k\\
-2x_0^2e_1 + 2x_0e_0+ e_{\overline{1}}
+ \sum_{i=\mu_{k+1}}^{\overline{2}}y_i\,e_i}&\ j= k+1\\
e_{\lambda_j} + \sum_{i=\mu_j}^{\lambda_j-1}y_i\,e_i}&\ j>k+1\\
Let $\lambda,\mu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ where $\lambda/\mu$ is a skew row
meeting the first column with no fixed points, and define
$\tau,\sigma\in{\mathbb{Y}}_k$, and $k$ as for Lemma~\ref{lem:subspace}.
\item For any $x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}\in{\mathbb C}$, we have
$\Span{g_1,\ldots,g_k}\ \in\ \Omega_\tau\bigcap\Omega'_{\sigma^c}$.
For and $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}\in{\mathbb C}$ with
$x_{\overline{\mu_{k+1}}},\ldots,x_{\overline{\mu_{n-1}}}\neq 0$,
the condition that $H:= \Span{g_1,\ldots,g_n}$ is isotropic
determines a unique
$H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
Moreover, these coordinates parameterize dense subsets of the
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
The first statement is immediate from the definitions.
For the second, note that each $g_j\in{\mathcal Q}$.
The conditions that $\Span{g_1,\ldots,g_n}$ is isotropic are
\beta(g_i,g_j)\ =\ 0\quad \mbox{for}\quad i\leq k< j.
Only $n-1$ of these are not identically zero.
Indeed, for $i\leq k<j$,
\beta(g_i,g_j)\ \not\equiv\ 0\ \ \Longleftrightarrow\ \
\mbox{either}\ & \overline{\lambda_j}<\mu_i<\overline{\mu_j},\\
\mbox{or}& \mu_i<\overline{\mu_j}<\lambda_i. \end{array}\right.
Moreover, if we order the variables $y_2<\cdots<y_n<x_0<\cdots<x_{n-1}$,
then, in the lexicographic term order, the leading term of $\beta(g_i,g_j)$
for $i\leq k<j$ is
y_{\lambda_i}&\ \mbox{if}\ \overline{\lambda_j}<\mu_i<\overline{\mu_j},\\
&\ \mbox{if}\ \mu_i<\overline{\mu_j}<\lambda_i,\quad \mbox{or}\\
y_n=y_{\overline{\mu_n}}&\ \mbox{if}\ i=1,\ j=n.\end{array}
Since $\{2,\ldots,n\}=\{\lambda_2,\ldots,\lambda_{k-1},
each $y_l$ appears as the leading term of a unique
$\beta(g_i,g_j)$ with $i<k\leq j$,
thus these $n-1$ non-trivial equations $\beta(g_i,g_j)=0$ determine
$y_2,\ldots,y_n$ uniquely.
These coordinates parameterize an $n$-dimensional subset of
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
Since $\dim(X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c})=n$ and
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ is irreducible~\cite{Deodhar},
this subset is dense, which completes the proof.
Let $\lambda=6\,5\,3\,1\,\overline{2}\,\overline{4}$
and $\mu = 5\,3\,1\,\overline{2}\,\overline{4}\,\overline{6}$
so $k=3$.
We display the components of the vectors $g_i$ in a matrix
{} &e_{\overline{6}}&e_{\overline{5}}&e_{\overline{4}}&e_{\overline{3}}
Then there are 5 non-zero equations $\beta(g_i,g_j)=0$ with
$i\leq 3<j$:
0\ =\ \beta(g_3,g_4) &=& y_2 x_2 + x_1\\
0\ =\ \beta(g_3,g_5) &=& y_3+x_2\\
0\ =\ \beta(g_2,g_5) &=& y_4x_4 + y_3x_3\\
0\ =\ \beta(g_2,g_6) &=& y_5+x_4\\
0\ =\ \beta(g_1,g_6) &=& y_6+x_5y_5
Solving, we obtain:
y_5=-x_4,\ \mbox{and}\
\noindent{\bf Proof of Lemma~\ref{lem:components} (2). }
Suppose $\lambda,\mu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ where $\lambda/\mu$ is a skew row
with a single component meeting the first column and no fixed points.
Let $v\in{\mathcal Q}$ be a general vector and consider the condition that
$v\in H$ for $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
Let $\sigma,\tau\in{\mathbb Y}_k$ be defined as in the paragraph preceding
We first show that there is a unique
$L\in\Omega_\tau\bigcap\Omega_{\sigma^c}$ with
$L\subset H$, and then argue that $H$ is unique.
The conditions on $\mu$ and $\lambda$ imply that
$\mu_n=\overline{n}$ and $\mu_j=\lambda_{j+1}$ for $j<n$.
We further suppose that $\lambda_{k+1}=1$, so that the last row of
$\lambda/\mu$ has length 1.
This is no restriction, as the isomorphism of $V$ defined by
$e_j\mapsto e_{\overline{\jmath}}$ sends
$X_{\mu}\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ to
$X_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X'_{(\mu^c)^c}$
and one of $\lambda/\mu$ or $\mu^c/\lambda^c$ has last row of length
Let $v\in {\mathcal Q}$ be general.
If necessary, scale $v$ so that its $e_{\overline{1}}$-component is
Let $2z$ be its $e_0$-component, then necessarily its
$e_1$-component is $-2z^2$.
Let $v^-\in V^-$ be the
projection of $v$ to $V^-$.
Similarly define $v^+\in V^+$.
$v':= v^+ + 2z^2e_1$, so that
$\beta(v^-,v')=0$ and
v\ =\ v^- + 2z(e_0 - z e_1) + v'.
Let $H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$, and suppose that $v\in H$.
In the notation of Lemma~\ref{lem:subspace}, let
$L\in \Omega_\tau\bigcap\Omega_{\sigma^c}$ be a $k$-plane in
$H\bigcap V^+$.
If $H$ is general, in that
\dim H\bigcap\Span{e_{\overline{n}},\ldots,e_{\lambda_{k+2}}}\ =\
\dim H\bigcap\Span{e_{\overline{n}},\ldots,e_0}\ =\
then $\Span{L,e_1}$ is the projection of $H$ to $V^+$.
As $v\in H$, we have $v^+\in \Span{L,e_1}$.
Since $L\subset v^\perp\bigcap V^+=(v^-)^\perp$,
we see that $v'\in L$, and hence
v'\ \in\ L\ \subset\ (v^-)^\perp.
As in the proof of part (1), there is a
(necessarily unique) such $L\in\Omega_\tau\bigcap\Omega_{\sigma^c}$
if and only if $\sigma/\tau$ has a unique box in each diagonal.
But this is the case, as the transformation
$\mu,\lambda \longrightarrow \tau,\sigma$
takes columns (greater than 1) to diagonals.
To complete the proof, we use the local coordinates for
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ and $\Omega_\tau\bigcap\Omega_{\sigma^c}$
of Lemma~\ref{lem:loc_coords}.
Since $v$ is general, we may assume that the $k$-plane
determined by $v'\in L\subset(v^-)^\perp$ has non-vanishing
so that there is an
$H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ in this system of coordinates
with $L=H\cap V^+$.
Such an $H$ is determined up to a choice of coordinate $x_0$.
The requirement that $v\in H$ forces the projection
$\Span{e_{\overline{1}}+ 2x_0e_0}$ of $H$ to
$\Span{e_{\overline{1}},e_0}$ to contain
$e_{\overline{1}}+ 2ze_0$, the projection of $v$ to
Hence $x_0=z$, and it follows that there is at most one
$H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$ with $v\in H$.
Let $g_1,\ldots,g_n$ be the vectors~(\ref{loc_coords}) determined by the
coordinates $x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ for $L$ with $x_0=z$.
We claim $v\in H:=\Span{g_1,\ldots,g_n}$.
Indeed, since $v'\in L$ and
$v^-\in L^\perp=\Span{g_{k+1}-2z(e_0-ze_1),g_{k+2},\ldots,g_n}$,
there exists $\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n\in{\mathbb C}$ with
v^-+v'\ =\
\alpha_1 g_1+\cdots + \alpha_{k+1}(g_{k+1}-2z(e_0-ze_1))
We must have $\alpha_{k+1}=1$, since the $e_{\overline{1}}$-component of
both $v$ and $g_{k+1}$ is 1.
It follows that
v \ =\ \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i g_i\quad \in \ H.\qquad\QED
\noindent{\bf Remarks. }
Our desire to give elementary proofs led us to restrict ourselves to the
complex numbers.
With the appropriate modifications, these arguments give the same
results for Chow rings of these varieties over any field of
characteristic $\neq 2$.
For example, the appropriate intersection-theoretic constructions and
the properness of a general translate provide a substitute
for our use of transversality.
Then one could argue for the multiplicity of
$2^{\delta-1}$ as follows:
If $\lambda,\mu\in{\mathbb{SY}}_n$ and $K$ is a linear subspace in
${\mathcal{Q}}$, then the scheme-theoretic intersection
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\bigcap X_K$ is $pr_* \pi^*(K)$, where
\put(0,0){$K\ \hookrightarrow\ {\mathcal{Q}}$}
\put(60,40){$\Xi\ =\ \{(p,H)\mid p\in H\in X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}\}$}
Then intersection theory on the quadric ${\mathcal{Q}}$ (a homogeneous
space) and
Kleiman's Theorem that the intersection with a general translate is
gives a factor of $2^{\delta-1}$ from the intersection multiplicity
of $K$ and the subvariety $Z_{\lambda/\mu}$ of ${\mathcal Q}$
consisting of the image of $\pi$.
The arguments of Section 3 show that $\pi$ has degree 1 onto its image.
Conversely, similar to the proof of Lemma~\ref{lem:loc_coords}, we could
give local coordinates for any intersection
$X_\mu\bigcap X'_{\lambda^c}$.
Such a description would enable us to establish transversality directly, and
to dispense with the intersection theory of the classical
This would work over any field whose characteristic is not 2,
but would complicate the arguments we gave.
\item We have not investigated to what extent these methods would work
in characteristic 2.
1998-11-25T06:12:16 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708004 | [
] | alg-geom/9708004 | Mark De Cataldo | Mark Andrea A. de Cataldo | Effective nonvanishing, effective global generation | LaTex (article) 13 pages; revised: one section added; to appear in
Ann. Inst. Fourier | null | null | null | null | We prove a multiple-points higher-jets nonvanishing theorem by the use of
local Seshadri constants. Applications are given to effectivity problems such
as constructing rational and birational maps into Grassmannians, and the global
generation of vector bundles.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 2 Aug 1997 01:50:03 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 25 Nov 1998 05:12:29 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"de Cataldo",
"Mark Andrea A.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Koll\'ar's nonvanishing
theorem \ci{koebpf}, 3.2 is an instrument to make
Kawamata-Shokurov base-point-freeness assertion into an effective one.
His result can be applied to a variety of other situations;
see \ci{koebpf}, \S4, \ci{koshafinv}, \S8 and \ci{koshaf}, \S14.
The basic set-up is as follows. Let $g: X \to S$ be a surjective
morphism of proper varieties, where $X$ in nonsingular and complete, $M$
be a nef and $g$-big line bundle on $X$, $L$ be a nef and big line
bundle on $S$
and $N=K_X + M + mg^*L$ be a line bundle varying with the positive
integer $m$.
Koll\'ar proves, under the necessary assumption that
the first direct image sheaf $g_*N\not= 0$, that $h^0(X, N)=h^0(S,g_*N)>0$
and the sections
of $g_*N$ generate this sheaf at a general point of $S$ for {\em every}
$\, m> (1/2)(\dim{S}^2 + \dim{S})$ (this is what makes the result into an
``effective" tool).
The proof starts with the choice of a very general point $x$ on $S$ and
with producing sections of $g_*N$ which generate at $x$ and therefore
at a general point.
The purpose of this note is to observe that we can obtain
more precise statements by considering the local Seshadri constants
of $L$ on $S$ and we can also simplify considerably the proof. See
the discussion at the beginning of
\S\ref{nonvan} and Remark \ref{why}.
Our main result is the Effective Nonvanishing Theorem \ref{effnonvan},
a ``multiple-points higher-jets"
version of \ci{koebpf}, Theorem 3.2.
The proof hinges on Demailly's observation
that given a nef line bundle $\cal L$ on $X$, a big enough local
Seshadri constant
for $\cal L$ at a point $x$ can be used together with
Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem to produce sections of the adjoint
line bundle
$K_X + {\cal L}$ with nice
generating properties at $x$
(cf. \ci{dem94}, Proposition 7.10). An effective way to
force a big enough local Seshadri constant is Theorem \ref{ekltm}, which
is due
As applications we offer some generalizations (to the case of nef vector
of the
results concerning line bundles in \ci{ekl}
and \ci{koshafinv}: effective construction of rational
and birational maps, and nonvanishing on varieties with big enough
fundamental group. These results in the case of one
point follow easily from results of Koll\'ar by considering the
tautological line bundle of the projectivization of the vector bundles
in question.
We present them as an exemplification of the unifying character
of Theroem \ref{effnonvan} and also because they are new in the case of
multiple-points and higher-jets.
We also show how the global generation results for line bundles of
Anghern-Siu, Demailly, Tsuji and Siu (see \ci{dem94} and
\ci{deshm} for a bibliography)
generalize to vector bundles
of the form
$K_X^{\otimes a} \otimes E\otimes \det{E} \otimes L^{\otimes m}$, where
$a$ and $m$ are appropriate positive integers, $E$ is a nef vector bundle
and $L$ is and ample line bundle.
We give explicit upper bounds on $m$ which depend only on the dimension
of the variety,
and not also on the Chern classes of the variety and the bundles in question.
However, we do not expect these bounds to be otpimal since
they do not match with the line bundle case ({\em i.e.} assuming that
the vector bundle
$E$ is
the trivial line bundle).
In our paper \ci{deshm} we prove upper bounds as above for vector bundles
$E$ subject to
curvature conditions which seem to be the natural differential-geometric
analogue of nefness and indeed imply nefness. These bounds match exactly
the results in the line bundle case. The methods employed there are
In the final section we prove, using the language and techniques of algebraic Nadel ideals, a global generating statement for nef vector bundles
which indeed matches the result of Anghern and Siu in the line bundle
The paper is organized as follows.
\S1 is preliminary and consists of easy and mostly known
facts about local Seshadri constants, and of more elaborate ones, such as
Theorem \ref{ekltm}, which makes
Theorem \ref{effnonvan} into an effective statement.
\S2 is devoted to the main result, Theorem \ref{effnonvan}.
\S3 is devoted to the applications discussed above.
\S4 is devoted to the proof of Corollary 4.6, a major improvment
of the results of Theorem 3.7.1 and 3.7.3.
\S4 has been written while the author enjoyed the hospitality
of the Max-Planck-Institut f\'ur Mathematik of Bonn.
\section{Notation and preliminaries}
We mostly employ the notation of
A {\em variety} is an integral separated scheme of finite type over
an uncountable algebraically closed field of characteristic zero $k$.
We say that {\em a property holds at a very general point
on $X$} if it holds for every point in the intersection, $\frak U$,
of some at most countable family of Zariski-open dense subsets of $X$.
Any such set $\frak U$ meets any Zariski-open dense subset of $X$.
The term ``point" refers to a closed one.
Vector bundles and associated locally free sheaves are identified.
Cartier divisors are at times identified with the associated invertible
the additive and multiplicative
notation are both used, at times simultaneously.
The symbol $B(a,b)$ denotes the usual binomial coefficient.
Let $X$ be a
variety, $n$ be its dimension and $Div(X)$ be the group
of Cartier divisors on $X$.
A {\em $\rat$-Cartier divisor} is an element of $Div(X)\otimes {\rat}$.
The linear and numerical equivalence of $\rat$-divisors
are denoted by ``$\approx$"
and ``$\equiv$," respectively. A {\em $\rat$-divisor} is an element
in $Z_{n-1}(X) \otimes {\rat}$, where $Z_{n-1}(X)$ is the free group
of Weil divisors on $X$.
The symbols $\lfloor a\rfloor$ and $\langle a \rangle$
denote the biggest integer less than or equal to $a$,
and $a- \lfloor a\rfloor$, respectively.
These symbols are used in conjunction with $\rat$-divisors when these
are written as a $\rat$-combination of {\em distinct} prime divisors.
Given any proper morphism of varieties $\pi: X \to S$, we have the
notions of ($\pi$-)ample, ($\pi$-)nef, ($\pi$-)big and
($\pi$-)nef and ($\pi$-)big for (numerical equivalence
classes of) $\rat$-Cartier divisors on $X$.
Let ${\cal A} \in (Div(X) \otimes {\rat})/\equiv$ be a numerical class
and $D$ be a $\rat$-Cartier divisor on $X$.
By abuse of notation,
${\cal A} \equiv D$ means that $A \equiv D$
for one, and thus all, the elements in ${\cal A}$.
This remark plays a role when we use the canonical divisor class
together with $\rat$-Cartier divisors.
In what above, the field $\real$ can replace $\rat$ with minor changes.
The following two vanishing-injectivity theorems are needed for
Theorem \ref{effnonvan}.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{k-m-m}, 1.2.3)}
Let $X$ be a nonsingular variety and $\pi: X \to S$ be a proper
onto a variety $S$. Assume that $N$ is a Cartier divisor on $X$
and that $M$ and
$\Delta$ are $\rat$-Cartier divisors on $X$ with the following properties:
$(1)$ $M$ is $\pi$-nef and $\pi$-big,
$(2)$ the support of $\Delta$ is a divisor with normal crossings,
and $\lfloor \Delta \rfloor = 0$,
$(3)$ $N\equiv M+ \Delta$.
Then $R^i\pi_*\odix{X} (K_X + N) =0$ for $i>0$.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{koshaf}, 10.13 and 9.17, and \ci{e-v}, 5.12.b)}
Let $\pi:X \to S$ and $\Delta$ be as above with $X$ projective,
$D$ be an effective Cartier divisor on $X$ such that it does not dominate
$S$ via $\pi$, and $L$ be a nef and big
$\rat $-Cartier divisor on $S$.
Let $N$ be a Cartier divisor such that
$N\equiv \Delta + \pi^*L$.
Then the following natural homomorphisms are injective for every $i\geq 0$:
H^i (X, K_X + N) \longrightarrow H^i(X, K_X + N + D).
{\bf Local Seshadri constants.}
Good references for what follows are \ci{dem94}, \S7 and \ci{ekl}.
Let $X$ be a complete variety, $L$ be a {\em nef} $\,$
$\rat$-Cartier divisor on $X$, and $x$ be a point
on $X$. The following nonnegative real number
is called the {\em Shesadri constant of $L$ at $x$}:
\e(L,x)= \inf \{ \frac{L\cdot C}{mult_x C} \},
where the infimum is taken
over all integral curves passing through $x$ and $mult_x C$ is the
of $C$ at $x$.
Let $x$ be a point in $X_{reg}$, $b_x: X' \to X$ be the blowing-up
of $X$ at $x$ and $E$ be the corresponding exceptional divisor
on $X'$.
The $\rat$-Cartier divisor $b_x^* L$ on $X'$ is nef as well.
In particular,
there is a well-defined nonnegative real number:
\e'(L,x) : = \sup \{\e' \in \rat | \, b_x^*L - \e' E \,\,\, is \,\, nef \,\}.
It is clear that the
$\real$-Cartier divisor
$ b_x^*L - \e'(L,x) E$ is nef,
and that the
$\rat$-Cartier divisor
$ b_x^*L - \e' E$ is nef for every rational number $\e'$ with the property
$0\leq \e' \leq \e' (L,x)$.
We have that $\e(L,x)=\e'(L,x)$ for every $x\in X_{reg}$.
This follows from
the formula:
$(b_x^*L - \e E)\cdot \tilde{C}= L\cdot C - \e \, mult_x C$, where
$\e$ is any real number, $\tilde{C}$ is any
integral curve
in $X'$ not contained in $E$ and $C:=b_x(\tilde{C})$.
We collect the simple properties of $\e(L,x)$ which, together with Theorem
\ref{ekltm}, are
essential in the sequel of the paper.
\label{basic} Let $L$ be a nef $\,\rat$-Cartier divisor on
a complete variety $X$ and $x$ be a point in $X_{reg}$. Then
{\rm (\ref{basic}.1)} $L^n \geq \e(L,x)^n$;
{\rm (\ref{basic}.2)} for every $t\in \rat^+$, $\e(tL,x)=t\,\e(L,x)$;
{\rm (\ref{basic}.3)} Let $f: X' \to X$ be a proper and birational
morphism and $x$ be a point on $X$ over which $f$ is
an isomorphism; then $\e(L,x)=\e(f^*L, f^{-1}\{x\})$;
{\rm (\ref{basic}.4)}
if $L$ is Cartier, ample and generated by its global sections on $X$, then
$\e(L,x) \geq 1$;
{\rm (\ref{basic}.5)}
if $L$ is Cartier and the global sections of $L$ generate jets of order
at $x$,
{\em i.e.} the natural evaluation map
$H^0(X,L) \to \odixl{X}{L}/{\frak m}_x^{s+1} \odixl{X}{L}$ is surjective,
$\e(L,x) \geq s$.
{\em Proof.} The first property follows from the fact that
since $b_x^*L - \e(L,x)E$ is nef, then its top self-intersection is
The second one is an obvious consequence of the bilinearity of the
The third property follows from the fact that there is a natural bijection,
given by taking strict transforms,
between the sets of integral curves on $X$ through $x$ and on $X'$ through
If $C$ and $C'$ correspond to each other in this bijection, then
$L \cdot C= b_x^*L \cdot C'$ and $mult_xC=mult_{x'}C'$
so that the two local Seshadri constants are the same.
If $L$ is ample, Cartier and generated by its global sections on $X$,
the rational map $\varphi$ defined by
$|L|$ is a finite morphism. Let $C$ be any integral curve on $X$ passing
through $x$. Since $C$ is not contracted by $\varphi$, there is an
divisor $D$ in $|L|$ passing through $x$ but not containing $C$.
It follows that $L\cdot C=D\cdot C \geq mult_x C$. This implies
the third property.
Finally, if $s=0$, then there is nothing left to prove. Assume that
$s\geq 1$.
Then the global sections of $L\otimes {\frak m}_x^{s}$
generate $L\otimes {\frak m}_x^{s}$ at $x$. Given
any integral curve $\tilde{C}$ on $X'$ not contained in $E$, we find
a divisor $D \in |L\otimes {\frak m}_x^s|$ not containing the curve
$b_x (\tilde{C})$. It follows that the effective divisor $b_x^* (D) \in
|b_x^*L -sE|$ does not contain $\tilde{C}$. In particular,
$(b_x^*L -sE)\cdot \tilde{C} \geq 0$. This is enough to establish the
last property.
If $X$ is complete
and $L$ is a nef $\rat$-Cartier divisor on $X$, then Shesadri's
criterion of ampleness asserts that $L$ is ample iff
$\e(L): = \inf \{ \e(L,x) | \, x \in X \} >0$.
An example of R. Miranda's
(cf. \ci{dem94}, 7.14) shows that given any positive real number
$\e$, there exists a nonsingular rational surface $X$, a point $x \in X$
and an ample
line bundle $L$ on $X$, such that $\e(L,x) \leq \e$.
In particular,
we {\em cannot} expect to have a statement of the
form: {\em let $X$ be a nonsingular projective variety of dimension $n$
and $L$ be
an ample line bundle on $X$, then $\e(L) \geq C_n$, for some positive
depending only on $n$}.
What is known is the following result of Ein, K\"uchle and Lazarsfeld.
The authors prove it for projective varieties, but
by Chow's Lemma and Lemma \ref{basic}.3 the statement is true for every
complete variety.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{ekl}, Theorem 1)}
Let $L$ be a nef and big Cartier divisor on a complete variety $X$
dimension $n$. Then at a very general point $x$ on $X$ we have:
\e (L,x) \geq \frac{1}{n}.
The example that follows shows that
Theorem \ref{ekltm} cannot hold as stated for an ample and effective
integral $\rat$-Cartier $\rat$-divisor
on a normal projective variety.
As is pointed out in \ci{ekl},
if $m$ is the smallest positive integer such that $mL$ is Cartier, then
Theorem \ref{ekltm} holds if we replace ``$\e(L,x) \geq \frac{1}{n}$" by
``$\e(L,x) \geq \frac{1}{nm}$."
Let $S_m\subset \pn{m+1}$ be the surface which is a cone of vertex $v$
over the rational normal curve of degree $m$
in $\pn{m}$ and $\frak l$ be any line belonging to the ruling of $S_m$.
The Weil divisor
$\frak l$ is an integral $\rat$-Cartier $\rat$-divisor; to be precise
it is
$m$-Cartier. The Cartier divisor $m{\frak l}$ is very ample
so that, for every $x \in S_m \setminus \{v \}$, we have that
$\e({\frak l},x) \geq \frac{1}{m}$. On the other hand,
fix $x \in S_m \setminus \{v \}$ and let $ C$ be the line
on $S_m$ passing through $x$. We have ${\frak l} \cdot C=\frac{1}{m}$, so
$\e( {\frak l},x ) \leq \frac{1}{m}$. It follows that
$\e({\frak l},x) = \frac{1}{m}$, for every $x \in S_m \setminus \{v \}$.
\section{An effective nonvanishing theorem}
In this section we prove a nonvanishing theorem very similar to
\ci{koebpf}, Theorem 3.2.
While the statement is clearly inspired by
\ci{koebpf}, Theorem 3.2, its simpler proof is inspired by
\ci{dps}, Lemma 3.21.
The basic nonvanishing
and global generation at a generic point follow easily
from \ci{koebpf}, Theorem 3.2 (and in fact are slightly
weaker than this latter result).
The ``multiple-points higher-jets" statements do not follow directly
from the results in the literature.
Let us point out that
Koll\'ar's result implies a version
of Theorem \ref{effnonvan} with $x$ general, p=1 and s=0.
However, one can use
this result in place of Koll\'ar's in proving the effective
base-point-freeness result 1.1 of \ci{koebpf}.
The advantages of Theorem \ref{effnonvan} are at least two.
The former
is the simplicity of its proof
which consists of basic yoga and one blowing-up procedure. However,
we should stress
that more often than not this becomes an effective result if used
in conjunction with
the non-trivial result
Theorem \ref{ekltm}.
The latter is that it is a ``multiple-point higher-jets" effective result
at least in principle, can be applied to prescribed points
and can give more than mere nonvanishing. For example, one can use
this result to obtain increased lower bounds
of log-plurigenera (cf. \ci{koebpf}, \S4). We shall see some other
in the following sections.
Let $g:Y \to S$ be a proper morphism of varieties with $Y$ nonsingular and
$\Delta$ a divisor on $Y$ such that $Supp(\Delta)$ has simple normal
By virtue of generic smoothness,
there exists a largest Zariski-open dense subset $U$ of $S$ such that
(i) $g_{|g^{-1}(U)}: g^{-1}(U) \to U$ is smooth,
(ii) for every point $x \in S$, any irreducible component $F$ of the fiber
$F_x$ of $g$ is not contained
in $Supp(\Delta)$
and (iii) $Supp(\Delta)$ has simple normal crossings on $F$.
{\rm ({\bf Effective Nonvanishing})}
Let the following data be given.
{\rm (\ref{effnonvan}.1)}
$(Y,\Delta)$: a log-pair, where $Y$ is nonsingular and complete,
$\lfloor\Delta \rfloor = 0$ and
$Supp(\Delta)$ has simple normal crossings.
{\rm (\ref{effnonvan}.2)}
$N$: a Cartier divisor on
{\rm (\ref{effnonvan}.3)}
- $g: Y \to S$: a proper and
surjective morphism
onto a complete variety $S$ of positive dimension,
- $U=U(g,\Delta)$:
the Zariski-open dense set of $S$ defined in {\rm Remark \ref{logsmooth}},
$V$: the Zariski-open dense
subset of $S$ over which the formation of
$g_*$ for $N$ commutes with base extensions.
{\rm (\ref{effnonvan}.4)}
$p$: a positive integer,
- $\{s_1, \ldots, s_p\}$: a $p$-tuple
of non-negative integers,
- $\{x_1, \ldots, x_p\}$: $p$ distinct points in $U\cap V$.
{\rm (\ref{effnonvan}.5)}
$M$: a $\rat$-Cartier divisor on $Y$ such that either
it is nef and $g$-big, or $X$ is projective and $M\equiv 0$.
{\rm (\ref{effnonvan}.6)}
$L_1, \ldots, L_p$: $p$ $\rat$-Cartier divisors on $S$ such that
all $L_j$ are nef and big
and either
(a) $\e(L_j, x_j) > \dim S + s_j$, $\forall j=1, \ldots, p$,
(b) $\e(L_j, x_j) \geq \dim S + s_j$, $\forall j=1, \ldots, p$ and
$L_{j_0}^{\dim{S}} > \e(L_{j_0})^{\dim{S}}$ for at least one index
$j_0$, $1 \leq j_0 \leq p$.
Assume that
N \equiv K_Y + \Delta + M + g^*\sum_{j=1}^p L_j.
Then the following natural map is surjective
H^0(X,N) \simeq H^0(S, g_*N) \surj
\bigoplus_{j=1}^p \, \, \frac{g_*N}{{\frak m}_{x_j}^{s_j+1} \cdot g_*N}.
In particular, if $g_*N$, which is torsion-free,
is not the zero sheaf, then $H^0(X,N)\not= \{0\}$.
The reason for calling this theorem ``Effective Nonvanishing" is the
last assertion of the theorem and the fact that, for example,
if all the $L_j$
were Cartier, then we could make sure,
by virtue of
Theorem \ref{ekltm}, that condition
(\ref{effnonvan}.6) is fulfilled at very general points
by taking sufficiently high multiples of the $L_j$.
Note also that the conclusion of the theorem holds trivially also for
$\dim{S}=0$, but that
in this case (2.1.6) is not meaningful.
{\em Proof.}
The proof is divided into two cases. The former deals with $M$
nef and $g$-big. The latter with $X$ projective and $M\equiv 0$.
Each case is divided into two sub-cases corresponding to the
two numerical assumptions (a) and (b) in (\ref{effnonvan}.6).
CASE I: {\em $M$ is nef and $g$-big}.
First we show that in this case $U=U\cap V$.
By virtue of \ref{van}, we know that
$R^ig_* N=0$ for $i >0$. By the smoothness of $g$ over $U$,
$N$ is flat over $U$. By well-known results of Grothendieck
(see \ci{gro}, III.7.7.10)
$g_*N$ is locally free on $U$ and the formation
of $g_*$ commutes with base extension over $U$.
In particular,
if $Y_{x_j}^{\s}:= Y\times_S Spec \, (\odix{S,x_j}/{\frak m}_{x_j}^{\s})$
is the ``$\s$-thickened fiber" of $g$ at $x_j$ and
$N_{x_j}^{\s}$ is the pull-back
of $N$ to $Y_{x_j}^{\s}$ via the natural projection, then the following
natural maps are isomorphisms:
\frac{g_*N}{{\frak m}_{x_j}^{s_j+1} \cdot g_*N}=
g_*N \otimes ( \odix{S,x_j}/{\frak m}_{x_j}^{s_j+1} ) \longrightarrow
To prove CASE I it is enough to show that
the natural map
H^0(Y,N) \longrightarrow
\bigoplus_{j=1}^p \, \, H^0(Y_{x_j}^{s_j+1}, N_{x_j}^{s_j+1}),
which factors through $g_*N \otimes \odix{S,x_j}/{\frak m}_{x_j}^{s_j+1}$,
is surjective.
Consider the following cartesian diagram:
\hspace{1cm} Y' &
\stackrel{B}\longrightarrow &
Y \\
\hspace{1cm} \downarrow {g'} & \ & \downarrow g \\
\hspace{1cm} S' & \stackrel{b}\longrightarrow &
where $b$ is the blowing-up of $S$ at all the simple points $x_j$. Let
$F:=\coprod F_j$ be the scheme-theoretic-fiber of $g$ corresponding to
the union of the points $x_j$, $j=1,\ldots, p$.
Since $g$ is smooth
over $U$ and all the $x_j$ are in $U$, we see that $B$ coincides with the
of $Y$ along $F$. In particular, $Y'$ is a nonsingular variety.
Let $E=\sum E_j$ be the exceptional divisor of $b$ and $D=\sum D_j$
the one of $B$; we have that
$D_j={g'}^*E_j$, for every $j=1, \ldots, p$.
The map (\ref{1}) is surjective iff
the natural map
$H^1(Y',B^*N-\sum (s_j+1)D_j) \to
H^1(Y',B^*N)$ is injective.
It is this injectivity that we are
going to establish using
Theorem \ref{van}.
Note that $K_{Y'} \approx B^*K_Y + (\dim S -1)\sum{D_j}$ and
since no irreducible component of any $F_j$ is contained
in any $\Delta_i$ and if any such component meets any
$\Delta_i$ it does so transversally, we have that
a) $\Delta':=B^*\Delta=B^{-1}_*\Delta$, {\em i.e.}
the pull-back is the strict transform,
b) $\lfloor \Delta' \rfloor=0$ and c) the support
of $\Delta'$ has simple normal crossings. The following numerical equality
is easily checked:
B^*N - \sum{(s_j+1)D_j} \equiv K_{Y'} + \Delta' + B^*M + B^*g^*\sum{L_j} -
\sum{(\dim{S} + s_j)D_j}.
SUB-CASE I.A: {\em Assume that $\e(L_j,x_j)> \dim{S} + s_j$, for
every index $j$, $1 \leq j \leq p$.}
Since for every index $j$ we have that $\e(L_j,x_j)> \dim{S} + s_j$,
there exists
a positive rational number $0<t<1$ such that
$\e((1-t)L_j,x_j)> \dim{S} + s_j$ for every $j$,
$1\leq j \leq p$. Using the fact that $B^*g^*={g'}^*b^*$
we can re-write
the r.h.s. of equation (\ref{2}) as
K_{Y'} + \Delta' + B^*(M + tg^*\sum{L_j}) + {g'}^*\sum
{\left[ b^*(1-t)L_j -
(\dim{S}+ s_j)E_j \right]}.
The last summand is nef by the very definition of $\e((1-t)L_j,x_j)$.
Since $M$ is nef and $g$-big and $t>0$, the $\rat$-divisor $M +
is nef and big. In particular, $B^*(M + tg^*\sum{L_j})$ is nef and big.
It follows that the l.h.s. of (\ref{2}) is a Cartier divisor satisfying
the assumptions of Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem so that
$H^1(Y', B^*N-\sum (s_j+1)D_j)=\{0\}$ and (\ref{1}) is surjective.
SUB-CASE I.B: {\em Assume that $\e(L_j, x_j) \geq \dim S + s_j$, $\forall
j, \,
1\leq j \leq p$ and that
$L_{j_0}^{\dim{S}} > \e(L_{j_0})^{\dim{S}}$ for at least one index
$j_0$, $1 \leq j_0 \leq p$.}
Using the fact that $B^*g^*={g'}^*b^*$ and isolating the index $j_0$ we
the r.h.s. of (\ref{2}) as
K_{Y'} + \Delta' + B^*M + \sum_{j\not= j_0}{{g'}}^*
b^*{L_j}- (\dim{S}+ s_j)E_j\right] +
\left[ b^*{L_{j_0}}- (\dim{S}+ s_{j_0})E_{j_0} \right].
Since $M$ is nef and $g$-big and $\sum_{j\not= j_0}{{g'}}^*
(b^*{L_j}- (\dim{S}+ s_j)E_j)$ is nef we see that
$B^*M + \sum_{j\not= j_0}{{g'}}^*
(b^*{L_j}- (\dim{S}+ s_j)E_j)$
is nef and ${g'}$-big.
Since $L_{j_0}^{\dim{S}} > \e(L_{j_0},x_{j_0})^{\dim{S}}$, we see, as in
the proof of
Lemma \ref{basic}.1, that
(b^*{L_{j_0}}- (\dim{S}+ s_{j_0})E_{j_0})$
is nef and big. It follows that
$ B^*M + \sum_{j\not= j_0}{{g'}}^*
(b^*{L_j}- (\dim{S}+ s_j)E_j) +
(b^*{L_{j_0}}- (\dim{S}+ s_{j_0})E_{j_0})$
is nef and big and we conclude as in SUB-CASE I.A.
CASE II: {\em $X$ is projective, $M\equiv0$ and the points $x_j$ are in
$U\cap V$.}
We by-pass the first paragraph in the proof of CASE I. We proceed {\em
as in that case until we hit again (\ref{2}).
We delete $M$.
We can again divide the analysis into two separate sub-cases. We do so and
obtain that in the two distinct sub-cases
the l.h.s. of (\ref{2})
is numerically equivalent to the r.h.s. of (\ref{3})
and (\ref{4}), respectively
and, in both cases, we are in the position to apply Theorem \ref{inj} to
the morphism ${g'}:Y' \to S'$ and infer the desired
injectivity statement.
The local Seshadri constant
can be linked, via Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem to the production
of sections for the adjoint to nef and big line bundles.
This observation is due to Demailly; see \ci{dem94}, Proposition 7.10
and \ci{ekl}, Proposition 1.3.
In this section we apply Theorem \ref{effnonvan} to nef vector bundles.
Actually, a factor $\det{E}$ appears and is necessary in our proof. We
ignore if it
is necessary for the truth of the various statements that follow.
First we fix some notation.
Let $E$ be a rank $r$ vector bundle on a nonsingular
complete variety $X$. We denote by ${\Bbb P}_X(E)$ the projectivized bundle
of hyperplanes,
by $\pi: {\Bbb P}_X(E) \to X$ the natural morphism and by $\xi$ or $\xi_E$
the tautological line bundle $\odixl{{\Bbb P}_X(E)}{1}$. We say that
$E$ is nef if $\xi$ is nef.
Let $p$ be any
positive integer.
We say that {\em the global sections of $E$ generate
jets of order
$s_1,\ldots, s_p \in {\Bbb N}$ at $p$ distinct points
$\{ x_1, \ldots ,x_p \} $ of $X$}
if the following natural map is surjective:
H^0(X,E) \longrightarrow \bigoplus_{\i=1}^p E_{x_{i}}
\otimes \odix{X}/{\frak m}^{s_{i}+1}_{x_{i}}.
We say that
the global sections of $E$ separate
distinct points $\{x_1, \ldots, x_p \}$
of $X$
if the above holds with
all $s_{i}=0$. The case $p=1$ is equivalent to $E$ being generated by
its global sections ({\em generated}, for short) at the point in question.
{\bf Rational maps to Grassmannians.}
Let $V:= H^0(X,E)$
and $h^0:=$ $h^0(X,E):=$ $\dim_k H^0(X,E)$.
Consider the Grassmannian $G:= G(r,h^0)$ of $r$-dimensional quotients
of $V$, the universal quotient bundle $\QQ$ of $G$
and the determinant of $\QQ$, $\q$.
As soon as $E$ is generated at some point of $X$,
we get a rational map
$\varphi:X --> G$ assigning to each point $y \in X$ where $E$ is
the quotient $E_y \otimes k(y)$.
If $E$ is generated
at every point of $X$, then $f:=\varphi$ is a morphism
and $E \simeq f^* \QQ$.
It is clear that:
- $V$ separates arbitrary pairs of points of $X$ iff
$f$ is bijective birational onto its image;
- If $V$ separates every pair of points of $X$ and generates
jets of order $1$
at every point of $X$, then $f$ is a closed embedding (the converse
maybe false
if $r>1$).
In the three propositions that follow we generalize to the case of
higher rank
results in \ci{ekl}.
The analogues to these facts involving arbitrary $p$ and $\{s_1, \ldots,
are clear, and left to the reader.
We give the reference to the analogous
results for line bundles, but we prove only the first of the three
propositions to illustrate the method.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{ekl}, 1.3 and 4.4)}
Let $X$ be a nonsingular complete variety of dimension $n$. Let
$E$ be a rank $r$ nef vector bundle on $X$, $L$ be
a nef and big $\rat$-Cartier divisor on $X$, $\Delta'$ be a
$\rat$-Cartier divisor
on $X$
such that $\lfloor \Delta' \rfloor =0$ and $Supp(\Delta')$
has simple normal crossings,
and $N'$ be a Cartier divisor on $X$ such that $N'\equiv L + \Delta'$.
Let $s$ be a nonnegative integer and $x$ be a point of $X\setminus
Assume that
$\e(L,x) > n+s$, or $\e(L,x)\geq n+s$ and $L^n > \e(L,x)^n$.
Then $H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes N')$ generates
$s$-jets at $x$
and the rational map $\varphi$ as above is defined.
h^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes N') \geq
r B(n+s,s).
In particular, if
$\cal L$ is a nef and big
Cartier divisor on $X$, then
H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes {\cal L}^{\otimes m}) \geq
r B(n+s,s), \quad \forall \, m \geq n^2 +ns.
{\em Proof.}
$Y:={\Bbb P}_X(E)$, $S:=X$, $g:=\pi$, $\Delta:=g^*\Delta'$,
$M:=(r+1)\xi$, $N:=K_Y + (r+1)\xi + g^*N'$, $p=1$, $s_1=s$.
Note that $M$ is nef and $g$-big and that
$g_*N=K_X \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes N'$.
Apply Theorem \ref{effnonvan}.
The only issue is whether $x\in U$; this is why the point $x$ is assumed
to be
outside of $Supp(\Delta)$.
The lower bound on $h^0$ stems from the surjection given by Theorem
\ref{effnonvan} and the fact that
$$\dim_k \odix{X,x}/{\frak m}_x^{s+1}=B(n+s,n).$$
The statement about $\cal L$ is a special case after Theorem \ref{ekltm}:
there exists $x\in X$ such that $\e({\cal L},x)\geq 1/n$. If $m\geq n^2
+ns$, then
$\e(m{\cal L}, x) \geq n+s$ and equality holds
iff $\e({\cal L},x)=1/n$ and $m=n^2+ns$;
in this case the inequality ${\cal L}^n \geq 1 > \e({\cal L},x)^n$
is automatic.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{ekl}, 4.5)}
Let $X$, $n$, $E$, $L$, $\Delta'$ and $N'$ be as above.
Assume that either $n\geq 2$ and $\e(L,x)\geq 2n$ for every
$x$ very general, or that $n=1$ and $\deg{N'}\geq 3$.
the rational map $\varphi$ associated with
$H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes N' )$ is defined
and is birational onto its image.
In particular, if ${\cal L}$ is a nef and big Cartier divisor on $X$, then
the rational map $\varphi$ associated with
$H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes {\cal L}^{\otimes m} )$
is defined and birational onto its image for every $m \geq 2n^2$.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{ekl}, 4.6)}
Let $X$ be a complete variety of dimension $n$
with only terminal singularities and of global index $i$ such that
$K_X$ is nef and big, ({\em i.e.} $X$ is normal, $\rat$-Gorenstein and a
variety of general type, and $i$ is the smallest positive integer such that
the Weil divisor class $iK_X$ is a Cartier divisor class), and
$E$ be a nef vector bundle
on $X$.
the rational map associated with
$H^0(X, {\cal O}_X(miK_X) \otimes E \otimes \det{E} )$ is
defined and is birational onto its image for
every $m\geq 2n^2 +1$.
The following follows
from results in \ci{koshafinv}, \S8. As is already
pointed out in \ci{ekl}, a generically large algebraic fundamental group
on the base variety $S$ can be used to produce section by increasing the
local Seshadri constants on finite \'etale covers of $S$.
The reader can consult
\ci{koshafinv} for the relevant definitions.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{koshafinv}, 8.4)}
Let $X$ be a normal and complete variety,
$N'$ be an integral big $\rat$-Cartier $\rat$-divisor on $X$,
and $E$ be a nef
vector bundle
on $X$.
Assume that $X$ has generically large algebraic fundamental group.
Then $h^0(X, \odixl{X}{K_X +N'} \otimes E \otimes \det{E} ) > 0$.
{\em Sketch of proof.} By the proof of \ci{koshafinv}, Corollary 8.4
and by the first part of the proof of \ci{koshafinv}, Theorem 8.3 we are
reduced to the case in which $X$ is nonsingular and $N'\equiv L +
\Delta$, where
$L$ and $\Delta'$ are $\rat$-Cartier divisors,
$L$ is nef and big, $\lfloor \Delta' \rfloor =0$ and $Supp(\Delta')$
simple normal crossings.
Pick a point $x\in X$ such that $\e(L,x) >0$. By \ci{koshafinv}, Lemma 8.2
there is a finite \'etale map of varieties $m:X'' \to X$ and a point
$x''\in X''$
such that $\e(m^*L,x'') \geq n$.
Denote $\deg{m}$ by $d$, $m^*L$ by $L''$, $m^*\Delta'$ by $\Delta''$,
$m^*N'$ by $N''$
and $m^*E$ by $E''$.
Apply Proposition \ref{sect-s} to $X''$, $L''$, $\Delta''$, $N''$, $E''$
and $s=0$.
We get $h^0(K_{X''}\otimes E'' \otimes \det{E''} \otimes N'')>0$.
Kawamata-Vieheweg Vanishing Theorem applied to the nef and big $\rat$-divisor
$(r+1)\xi_{E''} + {\pi''}^*L''$ gives, via Leray spectral sequence,
$h^i(X'', K_{X''}\otimes E'' \otimes \det{E''} \otimes N'')=0$, for every
The analogous statement holds on $X$.
The above vanishing and the multiplicative behavior of Euler-Poincar\'e
characteristics of coherent sheaves under finite \'etale maps of nonsingular
proper varieties gives:
h^0(X, K_{X}\otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes N')=
\chi (X,-)=
\frac{1}{d}\chi (X'',-'')=\frac{1}{d}
h^0(X'',K_{X''}\otimes E'' \otimes \det{E''} \otimes N'') >0.
Let us point out a consequence of $\ci{koshafinv}, 8.3$ as a corollary
to the result above.
Recall that the integers
=h^i(X,S^l (\Omega_X^1) \otimes K_X^{\otimes m})$
are birational invariants of a nonsingular and complete variety $X$
for every $m,l\geq 0$ and that they are independent
of the more standard invariants like the plurigenera
or the cohomology groups of the sheaves
$\Omega^p_X$; for some facts about these invariants and some references
see \ci{rack}. The assumptions
of the ``sample" corollary that follows are fulfilled, for example, by
projective varieties whose universal covering space is the unit ball
in $\comp^n$.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{koshafinv}, 8.5)}
Let $X$ be a nonsingular complete variety with $K_X$ nef and big,
nef and generically large algebraic fundamental group.
Then $I_{1m}^0\geq 0$ for every $l \geq 0$ and $m\geq 3$.
We now observe that the global generation results of
Anghern-Siu, Demailly, Tsuji and Siu can be used to
deduce analogous statements for vector bundles of the form
$K_X^{\otimes a} \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes L^{\otimes m}$, where
$E$ and $L$ are a nef vector bundle and an ample line bundle on $X$,
respectively. The idea is simple:
once the sections of a
line bundle of the form ${\cal L}:=K_X+mL$
generate the $s$ jets at every point,
the local Seshadri constant is at least $s$ at every point by virtue
of Lemma
\ref{basic}.5. We then use Proposition \ref{sect-s}.
However, this idea is applied here in a rather primitive
way; we expect these results to be far from otpimal.
We shall give statements concerning
$p=1,2$ and low values for the jets. In the same way one can prove statements
concerning more points and higher jets.
We omit the details.
For ease of reference we collect the line bundle results in the literature
in the following result. First some additional notation.
Let $n$ and $p$ be positive integers and $\{ s_1, \ldots , s_p \}$
be a $p$-tuple of nonnegative integers. Let us
define the following integers:
m_1 (n,p) : = \frac{1}{2}(n^2 +2pn -n +2 ),
m_2(n,p;s_1, \ldots , s_p)= 2n \sum_{i=1}^p B(3n + 2s_i -3, n) + 2pn +1.
Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective variety of dimension
$n$, and $L$ be an ample
Cartier divisor on $X$.
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.1) (Cf. \ci{siu94b})} if $m\geq m_2(n,p; s_1, \ldots,
the global sections of $2K_X + mL$
generate simultaneous jets of order
$s_1,\ldots, s_p \in {\Bbb N}$ at arbitrary $p$ distinct points of $X$;
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.2) (Cf. \ci{an-siu})} If $m\geq m_1(n,p)$, then
the global sections of $K_X + mL$ separate arbitrary
$p$ distinct points of $X$;
Let $X$, $n$ and $L$ be as above. Let $E$ be a nef vector bundle on $X$.
Then the vector bundles $K_X^{\otimes a} \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes
L^{\otimes m}$:
{\rm (\ref{effresvb}.1)}
are generated by their global sections and the associated morphism
to a Grassmannian $f:X \to G$ is finite, for $a=2$ and for every
$m\geq (1/2)(m_2(n,1;2n)+1)$;
{\rm (\ref{effresvb}.2)}
have global sections which separate arbitrary pairs of points,
$1$-jets at an arbitrary point, and $f$ is a closed embedding, for
$a=2$ and for every $m\geq (1/2) ( m_2(n,1;4n) + 1)$;
{\rm (\ref{effresvb}.3)}
are generated by their global sections and
$f$ is finite, for $a=n+1$ and for every
$m\geq nm_1(n,1)$;
{\rm (\ref{effresvb}.4)}
have global sections which separate arbitrary pairs of points,
$1$-jets at an arbitrary point, and $f$ is a closed embedding, for
$a=2n+1$ and for every $m\geq 2nm_1(n,1)$.
{\em Proof.}
Let us observe that all the vector bundles in question are ample.
One sees this easily by observing that $K_X + (n+1)L$
is always nef (Fujita) and that ``nef $\otimes$ ample $=$ ample."
As soon as
$f$ is defined, these bundles are pull-backs under $f$ so that they
can be ample only if $f$ is finite.
Let $L':= K_X + (1/2) (m_2(n,1;2n) + 1)L$. By virtue of
Theorem \ref{effres}.1, the global sections of
$2L'$ generate $2n$ jets at every point $x\in X$. By virtue of
Lemma \ref{basic}.5,
$\e(L',x)\geq n$ for every $x\in X$. We can apply Proposition \ref{sect-s}
which assumptions are readily verified. This proves
The proof of (\ref{effresvb}.2) is similar.
We observe that we need $\e(L',x) \geq 2n$
to separate points and $\e(L',x)\geq n+1$ to separate $1$-jets. We then use
Proposition \ref{genbirat} in the former case and Proposition \ref{sect-s}
with $s=1$
in the latter.
(\ref{effresvb}.3) and (\ref{effresvb}.4) are proved similarly using
Theorem \ref{effres}.2 and Lemma \ref{basic}.4.
\section{Better bounds for global generation}
In this section we greatly improve upon
Theorem \ref{effresvb}.1 and \ref{effresvb}.3.
The method is similar to the one of the previous section. However, it does not
use Seshadri constants. It needs a similar, local positivity result which allows
one to apply the same techniques used before, and based on
Theorem \ref{effnonvan}, to produce sections. Once the local positivity at one point
has been established, the technique employed
in \ref{effnonvan} emerges in all its simplicity.
Let us recall, for the readers's convenience few basic facts
about the algebraic counterparts to Nadel Ideals.
The reference is \ci{ein}.
Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective variety and $D$ be an effective $\rat$-divisor.
Let $f: X'\to X$ be an embedded resolution for $(X,D)$. The integral divisor
$K_{X'/X} - f^* \lfloor D \rfloor$ can be written as $P-N$, where $P$ and $N$ are integral divisors without common components and $P$ is $f$-exceptional.
The {\em multiplier ideal} ${\cal I} (D)$
associated with $(X,D)$ is, by definition,
{\cal I} (D) := f_* \odixl{X'}{P-N} = f_* \odixl{X'}{-N}
\subseteq \odix{X}.
One checks that this ideal sheaf is independent of the resolution chosen and that $\odixl{X'}{P-N}$ has trivial higher direct images.
As a consequence, we get the following vanishing result.
{\rm (Cf. \ci{ein}, 1.4)} Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective variety, $L$ be a line bundle on $X$ and $D$ be an effective $\rat$-divisor on $X$.
Assume that $L-D$ is nef and big.
Then $H^j(X, K_X \otimes L \otimes {\cal I} (D)) = \{0 \}$, for
every $j>0$.
The following lemma is an easy consequence of the definitions and is a
functorial property of these ideals.
Let $\pi : P \to X$ be a smooth morphism of nonsingular projective varieties
and $D$ be an effective $\rat$-divisor on $X$.
Then $\pi^* {\cal I} (D) = {\cal I} (\pi^* D)$.
{\em Proof.} Consider the following cartesian diagram
X'& \stackrel{f}\longrightarrow & X
where $f:X' \to X$ is an embedded resolution of singularities of the log-pair
$(X,D)$. Since $\pi$ is smooth, $f': P' \to P$ is a resolution of $(P, \pi^*D)$.
We have ${\cal I}(\pi^* D) = f'_* (K_{P'/P} - \lfloor {f'}^* (\pi^* D)\rfloor )=$
$ {f'}_* ({\pi '}^* K_{X'/X} -
\lfloor {\pi '}^* f^*D\rfloor )=$ ${f'}_* ( {\pi '}^* K_{X'/X} - {\pi '}^* \lfloor f^*D\rfloor )=$
${f'}_* ( {\pi '}^* ( K_{X'/X} - \lfloor f^*D\rfloor )) =
$\pi^* ( f_* (K_{X'/X} - \lfloor f^*D\rfloor )) = $ $\pi^* {\cal I} (D)$,
where: the second equality holds because the formation of the sheaf of relative differentials $\Omega^1_{*/*}$ commutes with base change and the relative cononical sheaf is, in the simple case under scrutiny, the determinant of $\Omega^1_{*/*}$; the third equality holds because $\pi '$ is smooth; the fifth stems from the fact that cohomology commutes with the flat base extension
The following result is a
$\rat$-divisors reformulation of the result of Anghern-Siu.
The result is due to Koll\'ar \ci{koslp}. The formulation
given below in terms of algebraic multiplier ideals is due to
Ein \ci{ein}.
Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective variety of dimension $n$ and
$L$ be an ample line bundle on $X$ such that
L^d \cdot Z > B(n+1,2)^d
for every $d$-dimensional integral cycle $Z$ on $X$.
Then, for every point $x\in X$ there exists an effective $\rat$-divisor
$D$ such that $D\equiv \lambda L$ for some positive rational number
$0< \lambda <1$ and $x$ is in the support of an isolated
component of $V( {\cal I} (D) )$.
A similar statement holds if we consider several distinct points.
Let $\pi : P \to X$ be a smooth morphism with connected fibers
of nonsingular projective varieties,
$n$ be the dimension of $X$, $M$ be a nef and $\pi$-big line bundle
on $P$, $\cal L$ be an ample line bundle on $X$ such that
{\cal L}^d \cdot Z > B(n+1,2)^d
for every $d$-dimensional integral cycle $Z$ on $X$.
Then, the vector bundle $\pi_* (K_P + M)\otimes {\cal L}$ is generated by its global sections.
In particular, if $L$ is any ample line bundle on $X$, then we can choose,
${\cal L}:= B(n+1,2) \, L$.
{\em Proof.}
Let $x \in X$ be an arbitrary point.
Let $D$ be a $\rat$-divisor as
in Theorem \ref{ein}.
Since ${\cal L} - D$ is ample and $M$ is nef and $\pi$-big, the $\rat$-divisor
$M+ \pi^* ({\cal L} -D)$ is nef and big on $P$.
The smoothness of $\pi$ implies, by virtue of Lemma \ref{funct}, that
$\pi^* {\cal I} (D) = {\cal I} (\pi^* D)$. It follows that
$H^1(P, (K_P + M + \pi^* {\cal L}) \otimes \pi^* {\cal I} (D))=$
$ H^1(P, (K_P + M + \pi^*{\cal L}) \otimes {\cal I} (\pi^* D) ) =\{0\}$,
the second equality stemming from
Ein's version of Nadel Vanishing Theorem Proposition \ref{evr}.
Since $V({\cal I} (D))$ has isolated support at $x$, we conclude that, if we denote by $F_x$ the fiber of $\pi$ over $x$:
H^0(P, K_P + M + \pi^* {\cal L} ) \surj
H^0 (F_x, (K_P + M + \pi^* {\cal L})\otimes \odix{F_x} ).
The result follows by the natural identification between the map given above and
the map
H^0 (X, \pi_*(K_P + M) \otimes {\cal L}) \to \pi_* (K_P+M) \otimes {\cal L}
\otimes \odix{X}/{\frak m}_x,
which holds because $R^1\pi_* (K_P+M)=0$ is
the zero sheaf by relative vanishing.
Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective variety of dimension $n$, $E$ be a nef vector bundle on $X$, and $\cal L$ be an ample line bundle
on $X$.
Assume that
{\cal L}^d \cdot Z > B(n+1,2)^d
for every $d$-dimensional integral cycle $Z$ on $X$.
Then $K_X \otimes E \otimes \det{E} \otimes {\cal L}$ is generated by its global sections at every point of $X$.
In particular, if $L$ is any ample line bundle on $X$, then we can choose
${\cal L} = B(n+1, 2) \, L$.
{\em Proof.}
Set $P:= {\Bbb P }(E)$, $\pi:=$ the natural projection onto $X$,
$M: = (r+1)\xi_E$, where $r$ is the rank of $E$, and apply
{\rm A similar statement hold for the simultaneous generation at several points;
see Remark \ref{sevpts}. The same is true for Theorem \ref{asvb}.
The paper \ci{deshm} contains similar results without the factor
$\det{E}$. However, the assumption $E$ nef is there replaced by a stronger curvature condition on $E$, and the methods are purely analytic
We do not know if similar statements hold without the factor $\det {E}$.
1997-08-29T11:25:45 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708025 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708025 | [
] | alg-geom/9708025 | Georg Hein | Georg Hein | Duality Construction of Moduli Spaces | 12 pages LaTeX using pb-diagram.sty | null | null | null | null | We show for the moduli space of rank-2 coherent sheaves on an algebraic
surface that there exists a 'dual' moduli space. This dual space allows a
construction of the first one without using the GIT construction. Furthermore,
we obtain a Barth-morphism, generalizing the concept of jumping lines. This
morphism is by construction a finite morphism.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 29 Aug 1997 09:25:28 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
In \S 1 of Faltings' article \cite{Fal} a ``GIT-free'' construction
is given for the moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves using
generalized theta functions.
Incidentally, this construction is implicitly described
in Le Potier's article \cite{LP2}.
The aim of this paper is to generalize the
{\em duality construction}
to projective surfaces.
For a rank two vector bundle $E$ on the projective plane $I \!\! P^2$,
the divisor $D_E$ of its jumping lines is a certain generalization
of the Chow divisor of a projective scheme.
We give a generalization of this divisor for coherent sheaves on
Using this duality we construct the moduli space of coherent sheaves
on a surface that does not use Mumford's geometric invariant theory.
Furthermore, we obtain a finite morphism from this moduli space to
a linear system, which generalizes the divisors of jumping lines.
Applying this construction to curves, we get exactly Faltings'
The moduli space we construct here can also be obtained by using GIT.
This construction is carried out in \S8.2 of the
book \cite{HL} of Huybrechts and Lehn.
Le Potier obtained this moduli space in \cite{LP1} for surfaces
with ``many lines'' (see \S \ref{SBAR} for an exact definition).
However, it is the modest hope of the author that the construction
presented here provides new insight into the geometry of moduli spaces.
First we outline this concept, which generalizes the famous
{\em strange duality} to moduli of coherent sheaves on surfaces.
To do so we define duality between schemes in part \ref{SDUAL},
giving three examples of ``natural dualities''.
In section \ref{SDCON} the duality construction is given.
In order to avoid a too technic presentation of the construction itself,
we defer the proofs to the following section.
The last section is dedicated to the Barth morphism.
In order to simplify the discussion we restrict ourselves to
moduli spaces of sheaves of rank two with trivial determinant.
The interested reader will be able to extend this
to arbitrary rank and determinant.
The author is thankful to his thesis advisor,
H.~Kurke, for many fruitful discussions.
\section{Duality of schemes}\label{SDUAL}
Let $(X,{\cal O}_X(D_X))$ and
$(Y, {\cal O}_Y(D_Y))$ be two schemes with line bundles.
A duality between these two pairs is given by a nontrivial
section $s \in H^0({\cal O}_X(D_X)) \otimes H^0({\cal O}_Y(D_Y))$.
We will identify $s$ with its vanishing divisor
$D=V(s) \subset X \times Y$.
\put(4801,-1561){\line( 0,-1){2400}}
\put(4801,-3961){\line(-1, 0){2400}}
\put(2401,-3961){\line( 0, 1){2400}}
\put(2401,-1561){\line( 1, 0){2400}}
\put(4801,-1561){\line(-1, 0){2400}}
\put(2401,-3961){\line( 1, 1){2400}}
\put(6601,-1561){\line( 0,-1){2400}}
\put(2401,-5761){\line( 1, 0){2400}}
\put(5251,-2761){\vector( 1, 0){900}}
\put(3526,-4336){\vector( 0,-1){1125}}
\put(3851,-3686){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{$X \times Y$}}
We obtain a rational morphism
s_X: & X & - - - \rightarrow & |D_Y| \\
& x & \mapsto & q(D \cap p^{-1}(x)) \, . \\
The base locus of this morphism $s_X$ consists of all points $x$ of
$X$ such that the vertical component $x \times Y$ is contained in $D$.
This motivates the following
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Definition: }
The duality $D$ between $(X,D_X)$ and $(Y,D_Y)$ is called\\
{\em generated,} if $s_X$ is a morphism;\\
{\em generated ample,} if $s_X$ is a finite morphism;\\
{\em very ample,} if $s_X$ is an embedding.\\
The first example demonstrates that the above definitions
are something with which we are familiar.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf The duality of a linear system}
Let $X$ be a given scheme with an effective divisor $D_X$,
and let $Y \subset |D_X|$ be a linear system.
We take $D$ to be the incident divisor, i.e.
$D= \{ (x, H) \, | x \in H \}$.
Then the notions for $D$ given in the above definition
correspond to those for the linear system.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Strange duality}
Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve of genus $g$
over the complex numbers.
We fix two positive integers $m$ and $n$
and a theta characteristic $A$,
i.e. $A \in {\rm Pic}^{g-1}(C)$ and $A^{\otimes 2} \cong \omega_C$.
We consider the following moduli schemes.
X & = & {\rm U}_C(n,n(g-1)) \\
& = & \left\{ E \, \left| \,
E \mbox{ semistable } C \mbox{-vector bundles with } \\
{\rm rk}(E)=n \mbox{ and } \deg(E)=n(g-1) \\
\right. \right\} \\
D_X & = & \{ E \in X \, | h^0(E)=h^1(E)>0 \} \\
Y & = & {\rm SU}_C(m) \\
& = & \left\{ F \, \left| \,
F \mbox{ semistable } C \mbox{-bundles with } \\
{\rm rk}(E)=m \mbox{ and } \det(E) \cong {\cal O}_C \\
\right. \right\} \\
D_Y & = & \{ F \in Y \, | h^0(F \otimes A)=h^1(F \otimes A)>0 \} \\
D & = & \{ (E,F) \, | \, h^0(E\otimes F) = h^1(E \otimes F) >0 \} \\
The line bundle ${\cal O}_{X \times Y}(D)$ is isomorphic to
$p^*{\cal O}_X(D_X)^{\otimes m} \otimes q^*{\cal O}_Y(D_Y)^{\otimes n}$.
By the duality we obtain a linear map from
$H^0(X,{\cal O}_X(D_X)^{\otimes m})^\lor
\rarpa{s} H^0(Y,q^*{\cal O}_Y(D_Y)^{\otimes n})$.
According to the Verlinde formula, both spaces have the same dimension.
The natural conjecture that $s$ is an isomorphism
is called the {\em Strange Duality Conjecture}.
For more details on this topic, see Beauville's survey article
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Duality between moduli spaces on polarized surfaces}
The next example is our main example,
the notions of which will be used for the remainder of the article.
We describe the moduli spaces here only set theoretically.
Their construction uses the duality,
thus giving a rough idea of the construction
which is the object of the following section.
The concept of semistability used here is the Mumford (slope)
Let $(S,{\cal O}_S(1) = {\cal O}_S(H))$ be a projective polarized surface.
Fix a class $c_2 \in H^4(S,Z \!\!\! Z)$.
We will consider a duality between the following two coarse moduli
X & = & M_S(2,0,c_2) \\
& = & \left\{ E \left| \,
E \mbox{ semistable torsion free sheaf on } S, \mbox{ with} \\
{\rm rk}(E)=2 \quad \det(E) \cong {\cal O}_S \quad c_2(E)=c_2 \\
\right. \right\} \\
Y & = & M_{|H|}(2,\omega_{|H|}) \\
& = & \left\{ F \left| \,
F \mbox{ semistable torsion sheaf on } S, \mbox{ with} \\
Z={\rm supp}(F) \in |H| \quad {\rm rk}_Z(F)=2 \quad \det_Z(F) \cong \omega_Z \\
\right. \right\} \\
The duality will be given by the $X \times Y$ divisor
$$D= \{ (E,F) | H^*(E \otimes F) \not= 0 \}\, .$$
\section{The duality construction}\label{SDCON}
Using the notation introduced in the last example,
we give a construction of the coarse moduli scheme
$X$ using the duality morphism $s$.
$X$ will be obtained together with a polarization
and the {\em Barth morphism}, which will be finite by construction.
The steps for this construction are listed below,
and proofs for all pertinent theorems are provided in the next section.
\item [Boundedness of $X$]
There exists a projective scheme $Q$ and a torsion free sheaf
${\cal E}$ on $Q \times S$
flat over $Q$ which (over)parameterizes the moduli problem.
More precisely denote by $p$, $q$ the two projections
$$Q \larpa{p} Q \times S \rarpa{q} S \, .$$
For any sheaf $E$ of $X$ let $Q_E$ be the subscheme
$$Q_E = \{ q\in Q \, | \, {\cal E}_q \cong E \}$$
of $Q$. All $Q_E$ are required to be connected and nonempty.
Since this is the same starting point like in the GIT construction,
it is obvious that $Q$ can be taken to be a suitable
Quot scheme (see \cite{Gro}).
\item [Elements of $Y$ give sections in a $Q$-line bundle ${\cal L}$]
(see \S \ref{P1})
We will show that there exists a $Q$-line bundle ${\cal L}$
and a global section $s_F \in H^0(Q, {\cal L})$, for any $F \in Y$.
The vanishing locus of $s_F$ is given by
$$V(s_F) = \{ q \in Q \, | \, H^*(S, {\cal E}_q \otimes F) \not= 0 \} \,
\item [Base points correspond to unstable objects] (see \S \ref{P2})
The base locus $B({\cal L})$ with respect to the sections given by $Y$
is the scheme theoretic intersection of all $V(s_F)$ for all $F \in Y$.
Since $Q$ is noetherian we can write
$$B({\cal L}) = \bigcap_{i=0}^N V(s_{F_i}) \, .$$
It will be shown that $B({\cal L})$ consists exactly of those points $q \in
for which the sheaf ${\cal E}_q$ is not semistable.
\item [Properness of $X$]
(see \S \ref{P3})
We have to show that semistable limits of semistable families exist.
\item [The line bundle ${\cal L}$ is $X$-positive]
(see \S \ref{P4})
It will be shown that the degree of ${\cal L}$ on a curve $C$
semistable objects is zero only if
the curve parameterizes Jordan-H\"older equivalent sheaves.
\item [The duality construction]
The rational morphism $s=(s_{F_0}: \ldots:s_{F_N})$ from $Q$ to
$I \!\! P^N$
leads to a morphism
$\bar Q \rarpa{\varphi} I \!\! P^N$ after a blow up of $Q$.
We consider the following diagram
\node{\bar Q} \arrow{s,r}{\pi} \arrow{se,t}{\varphi}
\node{X} \arrow{s,r}{\varphi_1} \\
\node{Q} \arrow{e,t,..}{s}
\node{I \!\! P^N}
\end{diagram} \quad.$$
Here $\varphi = \varphi_1 \circ \varphi_0$
is the Stein factorization of $\varphi$.
Hence the Barth morphism $\varphi_1$ is finite.
By the above, any point of $X$ corresponds to exactly one
equivalence class of semistable bundles.
\section{Details and proofs}
\subsection{The $Q$-line bundle ${\cal L}$ and its invariant
${\cal L}$ is defined to be the determinant bundle
${\cal L} = det(p_!({\cal E} \otimes q^*F)^{-1}$.
The definition does not depend on the choice of $F \in Y$,
because these elements coincide in the Grothendieck group $K_0(S)$.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Framed elements of $Y$ give sections in $\Gamma({\cal L})$}\\
Let $F$ be a semistable element in $Y$ with support $Z \in |H|$.
Then there exists a short exact sequence
$$0 \rightarrow F \rightarrow {\cal O}_Z(M)^{\oplus 3}
\rarpa{\alpha} \omega_Z^\lor(3M) \rightarrow 0 \, .$$
We remark that $M>>0$ can be chosen for all $F \in Y$.
Define $s_F$ to be the section
$\det(Rp_*({\cal E} \otimes q^* \alpha))$.
It is clear from the construction
that the vanishing divisor $V(s_F)$
is supported on those $q\in Q$, for which
$H^*({\cal E}_q \otimes q^*F)$ is not zero.
{\bf Remark: } By abuse of notation we simply write $s_F$
and do not explicitly refer to the framing.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Global sections in ${\cal L}^{\otimes k}$}
Let $\tilde F$ be a rank two vector bundle on a curve
$\tilde Z$ from the linear system $|kH|$.
We require the determinant of $\tilde G$
to be isomorphic to $\omega_{\tilde Z}$.
Using adjunction to express $\omega_{\tilde F}$
and $\omega_F$,
the following computation in the Grothendieck group
$K_0(S)$ shows
that $[\tilde F] =k[F]$ for any $F \in Y$:
[\tilde F] & = & ([{\cal O}_S]-[{\cal O}_S(-kH)])([{\cal O}_S]
+ [K_S(kH)]) \\
& = & ([{\cal O}_S] -[{\cal O}_S(-H)])
\left(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{k-1}[{\cal O}_S(-iH)])
([{\cal O}_S] + [K_S(kH)] \right) \\
& = & ([{\cal O}_S] -[{\cal O}_S(-H)]) k([{\cal O}_S] +
[K_S(H)]) \, = \, k[F] \, \, .\\
Hence $\tilde F$ (together with a framing)
defines a global section in ${\cal L}^{\otimes k}$.
Assume that $H$ is big enough,
which means that ${\cal O}_S(H)$ is globally generated,
and the following two conditions hold:
(i) $H^2>4c_2$, and
(ii) The positive generator $a$ of the
$Z \!\!\! Z$ ideal $\{ D.H \, | \, D \in {\rm NS}(S) \}$
satisfies $a>c_2$.
Under these assumptions we have the following
For a torsion free rank two $S$-sheaf $E$ with
$\det(E) \cong {\cal O}_S$ and $c_2(E)=c_2$ the following
four conditions are equivalent:
\item There exists an $F \in Y$ such that $H^*(S,E\otimes F)=0$;
\item For all rank one subsheaves $M \subset E$,
the inequality $c_1(M).H \leq 0$ holds;
\item The restriction of $E$ to a general divisor $Z \in |H|$ is
i.e. all $Z$-line bundles contained in $E_Z$
have nonpositive degree;
\item For $Z \in |H|$ general, there exists a $Z$-line bundle
$A$ such that $H^*(Z, L \otimes E|_Z)=0$.
If one of these conditions is satisfied we call $E$ a semistable
{\bf Proof: } {\bf (1) $\Rightarrow$ (2) } Suppose there exists an
$M \subset E$ such that $c_1(M).H>0$.
Then $M$ restricted to $Z = {\rm supp}(F)$ is of positive degree.
Therefore the Euler characteristic of $M \otimes F$ is positive.
Since the sheaf is one-dimensional there are global sections.
Hence there are global sections in
$H^0(E \otimes F)$,
which contradicts the assumption of (1).
{\bf (2) $\Rightarrow$ (3) }
This is a restriction theorem that follows from
Bogomolov's inequality (see \cite{Bog}).
For a complete proof of this implication
see \cite{HL} theorem 7.3.5.
{\bf (3) $\Rightarrow$ (4)} This result goes back to
Raynaud (\cite{Ray}).
For a shorter proof see \cite{He1}.
{\bf (4) $\Rightarrow$ (1) }
Denote the genus of $Z$ by $g$.
It follows by Riemann-Roch that $A \in {\rm Pic}^{g-1}(Z)$.
The condition $H^*(E|_Z \otimes A) =0$ is satisfied on a
nonempty open subset of the Jacobian ${\rm Pic}^{g-1}(Z)$.
Hence the condition
$H^*(E|_Z \otimes \omega_Z \otimes A^{-1})=0$
is again open and not empty.
Consequently we can choose $F$ to be a direct sum
$A \oplus (\omega_Z\otimes A^{-1})$. { \hfill $\Box$}
Although the properness of the moduli functor $X$ is well known,
a new proof is given here which is shorter
than Langton's original proof in \cite{Lan}.
The main idea to get ``more and more'' semistable extensions
of a generic semistable family
by elementary transformations comes from Langton's proof.
However, using the invariant functions,
we can control the maximal number of elementary transformations
Therefore the proof fits into the concept
of the duality construction.
Let $R$ be a discrete valuation ring with ${\rm Spec}(R)=\{ 0, \eta \}$.
Let ${\cal E}_\eta$ be a semistable torsion free sheaf on $\eta \times S$.
Then there exists an extension ${\cal E}_R$ of
${\cal E}_\eta$
which is semistable in the special fiber as well.
{\bf Proof: }
We consider the following morphisms:
$$ {\rm Spec}(R) \stackrel{p}{\leftarrow}
{\rm Spec}(R) \times S \stackrel{q}{\rightarrow} S \quad .$$
Since the Quot scheme is projective,
there exist torsion free extensions of ${\cal E}_\eta$.
For an extension ${\cal E}$,
we define its badness\footnote{We use the word badness
because $b$ measures
how far ${\cal E}$ is from being a semistable extension.
So badness zero implies semistability.}
$b({\cal E},F)$ with respect to an $F \in Y$ as
$$b({\cal E},F)= \left\{
\infty & \mbox{ if }
{\rm supp} R^1p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*F)={\rm Spec}(R) \, , \\
{\rm length}(R^1p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*F)) & \mbox{ otherwise.} \\
The absolute badness $b({\cal E})$ of ${\cal E}$
is defined to be the minimum of all these numbers:
$$ b({\cal E}) = \min_{F \in Y} \{ b({\cal E},F) \} \, .$$
Since ${\cal E}_\eta$ is semistable the badness
$b({\cal E})$ has to be finite.
We suppose that ${\cal E}$ is an extension with
minimal possible badness.
If the badness is zero, the special fiber
${\cal E}_0$ is semistable by \ref{SEMISTABLE}.
Hence we may assume that $b({\cal E})>0$.
Since ${\cal E}_0$ is not semistable,
there is a surjection
${\cal E}_0 \rightarrow L \otimes {\cal J}_Z$ with $L.H< 0$,
${\cal J}_Z$ being the
ideal sheaf of a codimension two subscheme of $S$.
We choose an element $F \in Y$
subject to the following three open conditions:
{\vspace{0.5em} }
(i) $H^0(L \otimes F) =0$,
(ii) $b({\cal E},F) = b({\cal E})$,
(iii) ${\rm supp}(F) \cap Z = \emptyset $.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
Define the elementary transformation ${\cal E}'$ of
${\cal E}$ by the exact sequence
$$0 \rightarrow {\cal E}' \rightarrow {\cal E} \rightarrow L \otimes {\cal J}_Z \rightarrow 0 \, .$$
Applying the functor $p_*(- \otimes q^*F)$ to that sequence,
we obtain
$$p_*(L \otimes q^*F) & \rightarrow R^1p_*({\cal E}' \otimes q^*F) \rightarrow
R^1p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*F) \rightarrow
& R^1p_*(L \otimes q^*F) & \rightarrow 0\, .\\
|| && \parallel \!\!\!\!\!\! - \\
0 && 0 \\
This contradicts the minimality assumption
on the badness of ${\cal E}$ by
the very definition of this number. { \hfill $\Box$}
\subsection{$X$-positivity of the line bundle ${\cal L}$}\label{P4}
We have to consider the equivalence classes
of semistable sheaves parameterized
by our moduli space $X$ using the following equivalence relation.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Definition (trivially connected equivalence)}
Two semistable $X$-sheaves $E$ and $E'$ on $S$
are called trivially connected if
there exists a connected projective curve $B$
and a family ${\cal E}$ on $B \times S$ such that\\
- the determinant line bundle ${\cal L}_B$ on $B$ is trivial and\\
- there are points $b$ and $b'$ in $B$ with
$E \cong {\cal E}_b$ and $E' \cong {\cal E}_{b'}$.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
There is a second equivalence relation
that reflects the geometry of the sheaves.
We start with some preparations.
If $\tau$ is a coherent sheaf of dimension zero,
then we define its trivialisation ${\rm triv}(\tau)$ by
$$ {\rm triv}(\tau) :=
\bigoplus_{P \in X} k(P)^{\oplus {\rm length}_P(\tau)} \, .$$
For a torsion free sheaf $G$,
let $G^{\lor \lor}$ be its double dual and $\tau(G)$
be the cokernel of the injection
$G \hookrightarrow G^{\lor \lor}$.
Define by $${\rm triv}(G) = G^{\lor \lor} \oplus {\rm triv}(\tau(G))$$
the trivialisation\footnote{This definition is good enough
for our purposes.
However it should be replaced by
${\rm triv}(G) = G^{\lor \lor} \ominus {\rm triv}(\tau(G))$.} of $G$.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
Define the graded object of a stable sheaf
$E$ to be $E$ itself: ${\rm gr}_H(E) =E$.
If $E$ is a semistable but not stable sheaf,
then there exists a short exact sequence
$0 \rightarrow A' \rightarrow E \rightarrow A'' \rightarrow 0$
with $A'$ a saturated subsheaf of $E$ and $c_1(A').H=0$.
In this case we define the graduated object
${\rm gr}_H(E)$ of $E$ to be the direct sum $A' \oplus A''$.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Definition (Jordan-H\"older equivalence)}
Two $X$-sheaves $E$ and $E'$ on $S$ are called
Jordan-H\"older equivalent if and only
if ${\rm triv}({\rm gr}_H(E)) \cong {\rm triv}({\rm gr}_H(E'))$.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
This definition implies, in particular,
that the equivalence class of a stable vector
bundle consists of one element up to isomorphism.
In the course of the next result,
it will be shown that Jordan-H\"older equivalence
coincides with trivially connected equivalence.
Let $B$ be a smooth projective connected curve and
${\cal E}_B$ be a family of sheaves on $B \times S$.
Assume that the sheaf parameterized by the
generic point of $B$ is semistable.
Then the $B$-line bundle ${\cal L}_B$ is trivial or ample.
If ${\cal L}_B$ is trivial,
then all $S$-sheaves parameterized by $B$ are Jordan-H\"older
First we note that there are nontrivial sections in ${\cal L}_B$,
because there are semistable objects parameterized by points of $B$.
Therefore this line bundle is either trivial or ample.
Consequently the proof reduces to showing that
${\cal O}_B \cong {\cal L}_B$ (by definition,
the trivially connected equivalence) induces the Jordan-H\"older
To prove the above theorem some preparations will be needed.
We retain the above notations.
(\cite{Fal} theorem I.4)
Let $C$ be smooth projective curve and ${\cal E}$
a vector bundle on $B \times C$ with
$deg_C({\cal E}_b) = 0$ for all $b\in B$.
Denote the projections of $B \times C$
to the components by $p$ and $q$.
Suppose there exists a $C$-line bundle $M$ such that
$R^*p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*M) =0$ holds.
Then the $C$-objects parameterized by $B$ are all $S$-equivalent.
{\bf Proof: } We proceed in steps.
\step{1} There exists a $B$-bundle $G$ such that
${\cal E}_P \cong G$ for all points $P \in C$.
Let $P$ and $Q$ be two arbitrary points of $C$.
The set of all line bundles $M$ in ${\rm Pic}^{g_C-1}(C)$
with $R^*p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*M) =0$ is open.
Hence there is a line bundle $\tilde M \in {\rm Pic}^g(C)$
such that $\tilde M(-P)$ and $\tilde M(-Q)$ are in this open set.
From the exact sequence
$0 \rightarrow \tilde M(-P) \rightarrow \tilde M \rightarrow k(P) \rightarrow 0$ we obtain
$$p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*M) \cong
p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*k(P)) \cong
p_*({\cal E}|_{ B \times \{ P \} })
\cong {\cal E}|_{ B\times \{ P \} }\, .$$
Analogously, $p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*M)
\cong {\cal E}|_{ B\times \{ Q \} }$
which proves the assertion of the first step.
\step{2} Set ${\cal G} = p^*G$.
There are three distinct cases to be considered.
\case{1} $G$ is stable
Since $G$ is simple it follows that
$N = q_*({\cal G}^\lor \otimes {\cal E})$ is a $C$-line bundle.
But ${\cal G} \otimes q^*N$ is isomorphic to ${\cal E}$,
therefore all objects parameterized by $B$
are isomorphic to $N \oplus N$.
\case{2} $G$ is semistable but not stable
After a twist with a line bundle we may assume $G$
to be of degree zero.
By theorem \ref{SEMISTABLE} there exists a
$B$-line bundle $A$ such that
$G \otimes B$ has no cohomology.
This implies $R^*q_*({\cal E} \otimes p^*A) =0$,
and, as in the first step,
all $C$-objects parameterized by $B$ are isomorphic.
\case{3} $G$ is not semistable
Let $0 \subset A \subset G$
be the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of $G$,
i.e. $A$ is the subline bundle of $G$ of maximal degree.
We denote the quotient $G/A$ by $A'$.
By the uniqueness of $A$,
$N = q_*(p^*A^\lor \otimes {\cal E})$ is a line bundle on $C$.
We find that $p^*A \otimes q^*N$ is a subbundle of
${\cal E}$ with cokernel isomorphic to
$p^*A' \otimes q^*N'$ for a $C$-line bundle $N'$.
Using the short exact sequence
$$ 0 \rightarrow p^*A \otimes q^*(N \otimes M) \rightarrow
{\cal E} \otimes q^*M \rightarrow p^*A' \otimes q^*(N' \otimes M) \rightarrow 0$$
to compute the degree of $R^*p_*({\cal E} \otimes q^*M)$, we have
$$0 = \deg(A)\deg(N)+\deg(A')\deg(N') \, .$$
Since ${\cal E}$ is a family of degree zero sheaves on $C$,
it follows that $\deg(N') = - \deg(N)$.
Hence we obtain the equality
$$0 = (\deg(A) - \deg(A'))\deg(N) \, .$$
By assumption the first factor is strictly positive,
thus $\deg(N) =\deg(N')=0$.
But this means that all objects parameterized by $B$ are
extensions of two line bundles of the same degree. { \hfill $\Box$}
The set of all line bundles $L$ on $S$ such that $L.H=0$ and for
which there exists a nontrivial homomorphism in
${\rm Hom}(E,L)$ for some $E \in X$ is bounded.
Subsequently, these line bundles can be parameterized by
an noetherian scheme.
{\bf Proof: }
It is enough to show that the set of Hilbert polynomials of
these line bundles $L$ is finite.
For any such line bundle $L$, there is an exact sequence
$$0 \rightarrow L^{-1} \otimes {\cal J}_{Z_1} \rightarrow E \rightarrow
L \otimes {\cal J}_{Z_2} \rightarrow 0 \, .$$
Since $E$ is semistable, ${\cal J}_{Z_2}$ is the ideal sheaf of
some zero dimensional scheme.
Using the above sequence, the second Chern class can be computed,
and indeed,
$c_2=-L^2+{\rm length}(Z_1) +{\rm length}(Z_2)$.
Hence we conclude by the Hodge index theorem that
$L^2$ is in the interval $[-c_2,0]$
and that $(H.(K_S \pm L))^2 \leq H^2 (K_S \pm L)^2$,
which gives lower and upper bounds for $K_S.L$.
The Hilbert polynomial of $L$ with respect to $H$ is determined
completely by
the numbers $L^2$, $L.K_S$ and $L.H$. { \hfill $\Box$}
There exists a positive number $k$ such that, for all
$X$ sheaves $E$ and $E'$ on $S$ and
all line bundles on $S$ with $H.L=0$ and ${\rm Hom}(E,L) \not=0$,
the groups ${\rm Ext}^1(E, L(-kH))$ and ${\rm Ext}^1(E,E'(-kH)^{\lor \lor})$ vanish.
{\bf Proof: }
By Serre duality ${\rm Ext}^1(E,L(-kH)) \cong H^1(E(K_S+kH) \otimes
For any pair $(E,L)$ there exists a number
$k$ such that the cohomology group vanishes.
By lemma \ref{BOUNDLINE} the set of all these pairs is bounded.
Hence there exists a global $k$.
The same argument shows the vanishing of
${\rm Ext}^1(E,E'(-kH)^{\lor \lor})$ for a given $k$. { \hfill $\Box$}
There exists an integer $k$ such that for all semistable
$X$ sheaves $E$ on $S$ the following holds:
Let $Z$ be a smooth curve in the linear system $|kH|$
such that $E|_Z$ is a vector bundle on $Z$.
If $E|_Z \rarpa{\bar \alpha} \bar M$ is a surjection
onto a $Z$-line bundle $\bar M$ of degree zero,
then $\bar \alpha$ is the restriction of a morphism
$E \rarpa{\alpha} M$ to $Z$, where $M$ is a
$S$-line bundle with $M.H=0$.
{\bf Proof: }
This lemma follows from Bogomolov's inequality,
as in the proof of (2) $\Rightarrow$ (3) of \ref{SEMISTABLE}.
For details see \cite{Bog2} theorem 2.3 or \cite{HL} theorem 7.3.5.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
{\bf Proof of the positivity theorem \ref{POSITIVE}}\\
Since ${\cal L}_B$ is assumed to be the trivial line bundle,
we may pass to a power ${\cal L}_B^{\otimes k}$.
Choose $k$ such that lemmas \ref{BIGK} and \ref{BIGGERK} apply.
Now let $F$ be a torsion sheaf supported on a smooth divisor
$Z \in |kH|$ such that the global section
of ${\cal L}_B^{\otimes k}$ defined by $F$ is nontrivial.
By construction it is clear that ${\cal E}$ restricted to $Z$
is a vector bundle.
Now by theorem \ref{POSCURVE} this yields the
$S$-equivalence of the restriction ${\cal E}|_Z$,
and from the proof given here,
it follows that we are in one of the following two cases.
\case{1} All $Z$-vector bundles parameterized by
$B$ are stable and isomorphic.
Let $P$ and $Q$ be two geometric points of the curve $B$.
We consider the following long exact sequence
$$0 \rightarrow {\rm Hom}({\cal E}_P, {\cal E}_Q(-kH)^{\lor \lor})
\rightarrow {\rm Hom}({\cal E}_P, {\cal E}_Q^{\lor \lor}) \rarpa{\alpha} $$
$$\rarpa{\alpha} {\rm Hom}({\cal E}_P, {\cal E}_Q^{\lor \lor}|_Z)
\rightarrow {\rm Ext}^1({\cal E}_P, {\cal E}_Q(-kH)^{\lor \lor}) \rightarrow \, .$$
Since $E_P$ and $E_Q$ are semistable the group
${\rm Hom}({\cal E}_P, {\cal E}_Q(-kH)^{\lor \lor})$ vanishes.
Hence by lemma \ref{BIGK} the morphism
$\alpha$ is an isomorphism.
The support of the cokernels of the nontrivial morphisms
${\cal E}_P$ to ${\cal E}_Q^{\lor \lor}$ can not change because
they never meet the ample divisor $Z$.
This shows the Jordan-H\"older equivalence of
${\cal E}_Q$ and ${\cal E}_P$.
\case{2} All $Z$ vector bundles parameterized by $B$ have a
surjection to a $Z$-line bundle $\bar M$ of degree zero.
First we remark that $\bar M$ is the restriction of an
$S$-line bundle $M$ to $Z$ by lemma \ref{BIGGERK}.
As in the first case, all sheaves parameterized by
$B$ are Jordan-H\"older equivalent. { \hfill $\Box$}
\section{The Barth morphism}\label{SBAR}
Our construction gives us the moduli space $X$ together with a
finite morphism $X \rarpa{\varphi_1} I \!\! P^N$,
which we call the Barth morphism.
In this section we show that this morphism for
``surfaces with many lines'' assigns a sheaf $E$
its divisor of jumping curves.
We say that a polarized surface $(S,{\cal O}_S(H))$ has many lines
if the linear system $|H|$ is
globally generated and the generic curve of this linear system is
By adjunction we have $H.(H+K_S) = -2$.
Hence any given rank two sheaf $E$ can be normalised such that
$H.c_1(E) \in \{-3, -2 , -1, 0 \}$ by twisting
${\cal O}_S(H+K_S)^{\otimes k}$.
In the even case the assumptions made in \ref{SEMISTABLE}
are not needed because of the following theorem.
{\bf (Grauert-M\"ulich theorem) }
If $(S,H)$ is a surface with many lines and $E$ a torsion
free rank two sheaf on $S$ with $c_1(E).H$ even,
then $E$ is semistable if and only if the restriction of $E$
to the general curve $l$ in the
linear system $|H|$ is isomorphic to the direct sum of two
isomorphic $l$-line bundles.
{\bf Proof: } See \cite{OSS} II theorem, 2.1.4. or \cite{He2} Lemma 3.6.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
This theorem provides us with a very explicit description of
the dual moduli space $Y$ as we will see in a moment.
We have to distinguish the following two cases:
{\bf Case 1: $H.c_1(E) =-2$}
By the Grauert-M\"ulich theorem, $H^*(E \otimes {\cal O}_l)=0$
for $E$ semistable and $l$ general in $|H|$.
Hence we may take $|H|$ to be the dual moduli space.
Recalling our construction we work here with a square root of
the line bundle ${\cal L}$.
{\bf Case 2: $H.c_1(E) =0$ }
In this case we again identify $Y$ with the
complete linear system $|H|$.
Note that for any $\l \in |H|$ the dimension of the
${\rm Ext}^1_{{\cal O}_l}({\cal O}_l, {\cal O}_l(K_l+H))$ is one.
Hence there is a unique nontrivial extension $\xi_l$.
By assigning to $l$ this torsion sheaf $\xi_l$,
$|H|$ is identified with the dual moduli space $Y$.
{\vspace{0.5em} }
Any semistable sheaf $D_E$ defines now a divisor
$D_E$ in the dual moduli space $Y$ consisting of all curves
$l \in |H|$ where $ \otimes {\cal O}_l$ is not of the expected type.
Therefore this divisor $D_E$ is called the
{\em divisor of jumping curves}.
By straightforward calculations we find the
The degree $d_E$ of the divisor $D_E$ of jumping curves equals
d_E=c_2(E)-2+\frac{(K_S-c_1(E)).c_1(E)}{2} & \mbox{ if } H.c_1(E)=-2\,
d_E=2c_2(E)-2-c_1(E)^2 & \mbox{ if } H.c_1(E)=0\, .\\
If now we choose $N+1 = { (H^2 +1 ) + d_E \choose d_E }$
curves $\{ l_i \}_{i+0}^N$ in $|H|$ such that
no divisor of degree $d_E$ contains all the $l_i$,
then the duality construction gives us a finite
morphism $X \rarpa{\varphi_1} I \!\! P^N$.
The name Barth morphism is used because in \cite{Bar}
Barth studied rank-2 vector bundles on the
projective plane via their divisors of jumping lines.
This morphism assigns every semistable rank two sheaf
$E$ its jumping divisor $D_E$.
As a corollary of this construction we have the
The Barth morphism $X \rarpa{\varphi_1} I \!\! P^N$ is finite.
1998-11-25T06:04:39 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708003 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708003 | [
] | alg-geom/9708003 | Mark De Cataldo | Mark Andrea A. de Cataldo | Singular hermitian metrics on vector bundles | LaTex (article) 25 pages; revised: minor changes; to appear in
Crelle's J; dedicated to Michael Schneider | null | null | null | null | We introduce a notion of singular hermitian metrics (s.h.m.) for holomorphic
vector bundles and define positivity in view of $L^2$-estimates. Associated
with a suitably positive s.h.m. there is a (coherent) sheaf 0-th kernel of a
certain $d''$-complex. We prove a vanishing theorem for the cohomology of this
sheaf. All this generalizes to the case of higher rank known results of Nadel
for the case of line bundles. We introduce a new semi-positivity notion,
$t$-nefness, for vector bundles, establish some of its basic properties and
prove that on curves it coincides with ordinary nefness. We particularize the
results on s.h.m. to the case of vector bundles of the form $E=F \otimes L$,
where $F$ is a $t$-nef vector bundle and $L$ is a positive (in the sense of
currents) line bundle. As applications we generalize to the higher rank case 1)
Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem, 2) the effective results concerning the
global generation of jets for the adjoint to powers of ample line bundles, and
3) Matsusaka Big Theorem made effective.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 2 Aug 1997 01:32:14 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 25 Nov 1998 05:05:36 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"de Cataldo",
"Mark Andrea A.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
In this study I introduce a notion of singular hermitian metrics
({\em s.h.m.}) on holomorphic vector bundles over complex manifolds.
The original motivation was to explore the possibility of employing,
in the setting of vector bundles,
the new transcendental techniques developed by Demailly and Siu
in order to study
global generation problems for (adjoint) line bundles.
The notes
\ci{dem94} are an excellent introduction to these techniques and to the
in the literature.
One can consult the lucid notes \ci{eln}
for an algebraic counterpart to these techniques.
Let me discuss the case of line bundles.
Let $X$ be a non-singular projective manifold of dimension $n$, $ L$
and $E$ be
an ample and a nef line bundle on $X$, respectively,
$a$ be a non-negative integer and $m$ be a positive one.
Under which conditions on $a$ and $m$ will the line bundle
{\frak P}: =K_X^{\otimes a }\otimes { L}^{\otimes m} \otimes {E}
be generated by its global sections (free)?}
More generally, we can ask for conditions
on $a$ and $m$ under which
the simultaneous generation of the higher jets of $\frak P$
at a prescribed number of points on $X$
is ensured.
It is clear that $m\gg 0$ answers the question. However,
how big $m$ should be could depend, {\em a priori}, on $X$.
For example,
Matsusaka Big Theorem asserts that $L^{\otimes m}$ is very ample
for every $ m \geq M:=M(n, L^n, K_X\cdot L^{n-1})$. An effective value
for $M$ has been recently determined in \ci{siumat} and \ci{dem96}; see
\ci{fdb} for the case of surfaces.
The presence of the canonical line bundle, i.e. $a>0$, changes dramatically
the shape of the lower bound on $m$.
Fujita's Conjecture speculates that $K_X\otimes {L}^{\otimes m}$ should
be free
as soon as $ m\geq n+1$.
This conjecture
is true for $n\leq 4$ by the work of Reider, Ein-Lazarsfeld and Kawamata.
In the papers \ci{an-siu} and \ci{tsu} it is proved that
$m\geq \frac{1}{2}(n^2 + n +2)$ gives freeness.
Effective results depending only on $n$ are proved for $a\geq 1$ by
several authors.
The seminal paper is \ci{dem93b}
where it is proved, by (differential-geometric-){\em analytic methods},
$K_X^{\otimes 2}\otimes L^{\otimes m}$ is very ample for all $ m \geq 12n^n$.
Then followed the paper \ci{ko}, where a similar result
is proved using {\em algebraic-geometric methods}. Since then, several
have appeared on the subject.
The reader may consult the following references to compare the various
results and techniques:
\ci{dem94} (an account of the analytic approach with a rather complete
bibliography), \ci{eln} (an account of the algebraic approach
and of how many of the analytic instruments may be re-tooled
and made algebraic), \ci{an-siu} and \ci{tsu}
(freeness; written in the analytic language, but apt to be completely
translated into the algebraic language after observations by Koll\'ar
see also \ci{siu-tak}), \ci{dem96}, \ci{siu-va} and \ci{siu94b}
(very ampleness;
analytic), \ci{siumat} and \ci{dem96} (an effective version of Matsusaka
Big Theorem; analytic).
An extra nef factor $E$ plays a minor role and
all of the results quoted above hold
in its presence.
This simple
fact was the starting point
of my investigation.
Can we obtain effective results on $a$ and $m$ for
the global generation of the vector bundles $\frak P$ by assuming that
$E$ is a suitably semi-positive vector bundle of rank $r$?
More generally, can we obtain similar results about
the simultaneous generation of the higher jets of $\frak P$
at a prescribed number of points on $X$\,?
I expected that the statements in the aforementioned literature concerning
the line bundles $\frak P$ with the
nef line bundle $E$
should carry over,
{\em unchanged}, to the case in which $E$ is a nef vector bundle.
On a projective manifold a
nef line bundle can be endowed with hermitian metrics whose curvature forms
can be made to have arbitrarily
small negative parts
(cf. Definition
\ref{defneflb}). In the analytic context this fact can be used to make
presence of a nef line bundle $E$ harmless. The same is true in
the algebraic context
because of the
the numerical properties of
A natural algebraic approach to the case of higher rank
is to consider an analogous question for the tautological line bundle $\xi$
of the projectivized bundle $\pi: {\Bbb P}({E}) \to X$.
The results I obtain
with the algebraic approach are for
${\frak P}\otimes \det E$;
compare Remark \ref{algnef} with the sample
effective global generation result presented below;
see \ci{deeff}.
On the analytic side, the problem is that the nefness
of a vector bundle $E$
does not seem to be linked to a curvature
condition on $E$ itself.
As far as Question \ref{qk}
is concerned, nefness does not seem to give enough room to work
with higher
rank vector bundles.
Instead I introduce, for every vector bundle $E$ and
every positive integer $t$, the notion of
{\em $t$-nefness} which is a new semi-positivity concept for
vector bundles.
In some sense it is in between the algebraic
notion of nefness and the differential-geometric notion
of $t$-semipositivity. It is a natural higher rank
curvature analogue of the aforementioned
characterization of nef line bundles.
The property of $t$-nefness is checked by considering tensors
in $T_X\otimes {E}$ of rank at most $t$; such tensors have ranks
never bigger
than $N:=\min (\dim X, {\rm rank} \,{E})$. Incidentally,
$(t+1)$-nefness implies $t$-nefness for all positive integers $t$,
implies nefness and I do not know whether nefness implies $1$-nefness.
Though, as I show in Theorem \ref{umemura}, on curves $1$-nefness is
equivalent to nefness, the notion of $t$-nefness
is rather difficult to check in an algebraic
However, see Example \ref{listnef} for a list of nef bundles
which I know to be $N$-nef or from which it is easy
to obtain $N$-nef bundles (e.g. nef bundles on curves, nef line bundles,
flat bundles,
nef bundles
on toric or abelian varieties, the
tangent bundles of low-dimensional
K\"ahler manifolds with nef tangent bundles, pull-backs, etc.).
Assuming that $E$ is
$N$-nef, I
prove for the vector bundles $\frak P$
the same statements as the ones in the literature for the line bundle
see Theorem \ref{effres}.
Moreover, if $\,{E}$ is $1$-nef, then
the same results hold replacing $E$ by $E \otimes \det E$.
The scheme of the proofs
is the same
as in the rank one case (see Proposition \ref{cucu},
\S\ref{vecbl}, and of course \ci{dem94}, \S5 and \S8).
However, at each and every step we need higher rank analogues of the
analytic package developed for the line bundle case by
Demailly and Nadel:
regularization, $L^2$-estimates, coherence of relevant sheaves and vanishing
For the purpose of proving these effective results for the vector bundles
$\frak P$,
one would have to make precise the notion
of singular hermitian metrics with positivity
and prove their relevant properties
in a special case: the one of a hermitian vector bundle twisted by a
line bundle
endowed with a singular metric. Then one would have to
prove the relevant vanishing theorems. All this can be done by building on
\ci{dem82}, \S5 and \S9.
I felt
that it should be worthwhile to develop
a general theory of {\em singular hermitian metrics} on vector bundles
with special
regards towards positivity.
Inspired by the case of line bundles, in this paper I develop such a theory
and obtain as
an application the effective results mentioned above.
To get a flavor of the results let me state
(\ref{effres}.$1'$), which constitutes an answer to Question \ref{qk}
(see Remark \ref{geoint} for a geometric interpretation of
these kind of results):
{\bf Effective global generation.}
Let $E$ be $N$-nef. Then $K_X \otimes L^{\otimes m}
\otimes {E}$ is globally generated by
its global sections
for all $m\geq \frac{1}{2}(n^2 + n +2)$. Moreover, if $E$ is $1$-nef,
then the previous statement is true if we replace $E$
by ${E} \otimes \det E$.
The paper is organized as follows.
\S{\bf 1} fixes the notation. \S{\bf 2} is devoted to s.h.m. which are
defined in
\S2.1. The case of line bundles is discussed in \S\ref{exlbshm}. In
\S2.3 we introduce
the sheaf $\E (h)$ which generalizes Nadel multiplier ideal sheaf.
In \S2.4 we define positivity for s.h.m. and study some of its properties.
\S{\bf 3} revolves about
the notion of
$t$-nefness. The definition and the basic properties are to be found in
\S3.1 and \S3.2, respectively. \S3.3 is devoted to the proof
of Theorem \ref{umemura} which ensures that on curves the
of nefness
can be characterized
by the differential-geometric notion of $1$-nefness.
\S3.4 consists of a footnote to \ci{d-p-s}, Theorem 1.12: ampleness
for a vector bundle $E$ can be characterized by a curvature condition
on a system of metrics on {\em all} symmetric powers $S^pE$ of $E$,
though positivity
may occur only for $p\gg 0$.
\S{\bf 4} is devoted to vanishing theorems. The basic one is Theorem
a generalization of Nadel Vanishing Theorem;
Proposition \ref{coherent} asserts
that $\E(h)$ is coherent in the presence of
suitable positivity.
\S4.2 links $t$-nefness and positivity via vanishing; see
Theorem \ref{myvan}. Theorem \ref{kv} is a generalization of
Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem.
\S{\bf 5} contains the effective results concerning the vector bundles
$\frak P$. \S5.1 contains,
for the reader's convenience,
a summary of the results of Anghern-Siu and Siu concerning
special s.h.m. on line bundles which,
transplanted to $N$-nef
vector bundles,
will provide the global generation of jets. We also offer the simple Lemma
\ref{freetojet}, which constructs metrics with similar properties
starting from free
line bundles. \S\ref{vecbl} contains our effective results
concerning the vector bundles $\frak P$; see Theorem
{\bf Acknowledgments}. I heartily thank
J.-P. Demailly for
reading a preliminary and rough version of
this paper and for suggesting some improvements.
I am indebted to J. Koll\'ar
for posing a question similar to Question \ref{qk}.
I thank L. Ein and R. Lazarsfeld for convincing me to
think about an algebraic proof of the results of Theorem \ref{effres};
this has lead me to the statements of Remark \ref{algnef}; see \ci{deeff}.
It is a pleasure to thank the participants of
the lively algebraic geometry seminar at Washington University in St. Louis
for their encouragment and useful criticisms:
V. Masek, T. Nguyen, P. Rao
and D. Wright.
I would like to thank N.M. Kumar for
many pleasant and useful conversations.
\section{Notation and preliminaries}
Our basic reference for the language
of complex differential geometry is \ci{g-h}. Sufficient and
more self-contained references are \ci{dem82}, \S 2 and \ci{dem94}, \S 3.
All manifolds are second countable, connected and complex;
the dimension is
the complex one.
All vector bundles are holomorphic.
The term {\em hermitian metric}
always refers to a hermitian metric of class ${\cal C}^2$.
A {\em hermitian bundle} $(E,h)$ is the assignment of a vector bundle
$E$ together
with a hermitian metric $h$ on it.
Duality for vector bundles is denoted by the symbol $`` \, ^ * \, "$
and ${\rm End} (E)$
is the vector bundle of endomorphisms of $E$. We often do not distinguish
between vector bundles and associated sheaves of holomorphic sections;
at times,
we employ simultaneously the additive and multiplicative notation for
line bundles.
- $d=d' + d''$ denotes the natural decomposition
of the exterior derivative $d$ into its $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$ parts; $d''$
denotes also the usual operator associated with a vector bundle $E$.
If $(E,h)$ is a rank $r$ hermitian
vector bundle on a manifold $X$ of dimension $n$, then we denote by:
- $D_h(E)$ the associated {\em hermitian connection} which is also called
the {\em Chern connection};
- $\T{h}{E}=iD^2_h(E)$
the associated {\em curvature tensor};
in particular, if $L$ is a line bundle with a metric $h$, represented
on some open set $U$ by $e^{-2\varphi}$, then we have
$ \T{h}{L}_{|U}= 2i \D{\varphi}$;
- $\tilde{\Theta}_h (E)$ the associated hermitian form on $T_X \otimes E$.
If $\theta$ is a hermitian form on a complex vector space $V$, we denote
$\theta (v,v)$ by $\theta (v)$; if in addition, $\theta$ is positive
we denote $\theta(v)$ by $|v|^2_{\theta}$.
- ${\rm Herm}_h (V)$ is the set of endomorphisms $\alpha$
of a hermitian vector space $(V,h)$ such that $h(\alpha(v),w)=h(v,\alpha
v,\, w \in V$.
Given $\Theta$, a real $(1,1)$-form with values in ${\rm Herm}_h (E)$,
we denote
the associated hermitian form on $T_X \otimes E$ by $\Theta_h$, or by
$\Theta$, if no confusion is likely to arise.
The hermitian form
$\TT{h}{E}$ will be denoted from now on by
$\T{h}{E}$. If $\omega$ is a real $(1,1)$-form, e.g. the one associated
with a hermitian metric on $X$, then $\omega \otimes {\rm Id}_E$ has values
in ${\rm Herm}_h(E)$ and we denote the associated hermitian form by
$\omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$ so that
$\omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}(t\otimes e)=$
$\omega (t,it) |e|^2_h$, $\forall x \in X$, $\forall
t \in T_{X,x}$ and $\forall e \in E_x$.
{\bf The rank of a tensor.}
Let $V$ and $W$ be complex vector spaces of finite
dimensions $r$ and $s$,
$v=\{v_{i}\}_{i=1}^r$ and
be bases for $V$ and $W$, respectively;
tensor products are taken over $\comp$.
Every tensor $\tau \in V \otimes W$ defines two linear maps
$\alpha_{\tau}: W^* \to V$ and
$\beta_{\tau}: V^* \to W$; moreover, we can write
$\tau=\sum_{i\alpha} \tau_{i\alpha}v_i\otimes w_{\alpha}$ and
associate with $\tau$ the
$r\times s$ matrix $||\tau_{i\alpha}||$.
The integer
$\rho (\tau):= {\rm rank} (\alpha_{\tau})=$ ${\rm rank}
${\rm rank} ||\tau_{i\alpha}||$ is called the {\em
rank} of the tensor $\tau$.
Tensors of rank zero or one are called
{\em decomposable}; they have the form
$\tau=v\otimes w$, for some $v \in V$ and $w\in W$. For any non-zero
tensor $\tau\in V \otimes W$
we have
that $1 \leq \rho (\tau) \leq \min (r, s)$. In particular, if either
$r=1$, $s =1$, or both, then every tensor $\tau\in V \otimes W$ is
{\bf Inequalities associated with the rank.}
Given two hermitian forms $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ on
$V\otimes W$, we can
compare them on tensors of various rank. Let $t$ be any positive integer.
We write $\theta_1 \geq_t \theta_2$
the hermitian form $\theta_1 - \theta_2$ is semi-positive
definite on all tensors in $V \otimes W$
of rank $\rho \leq t$.
If $\theta \geq_t 0$,
then $\theta \geq_{t'} 0$ for every $ t' \leq t$.
If $\theta_1 \geq_{\min (r,s) } \theta_2$, then
$\theta_1 \geq _t \theta_2$ for every $t$.
The symbol $>_t$ can be defined analogously and it enjoys
similar properties.
These considerations and this language are easily transferred
to vector bundles.
\section{Singular hermitian metrics on vector bundles}
In this section we define singular hermitian metrics on vector bundles,
discuss the case of line bundles, introduce the sheaf $\E (h)$
and define
\subsection{The definition of singular hermitian metrics}
Let $X$ be a manifold of dimension $n$, $E$ be a rank $r$
vector bundle over $X$ and $\bar{E}$ the conjugate of $E$.
Let $h$ be a section of the smooth
vector bundle $E^*\otimes \bar{E}^*$ with measurable coefficients,
such that $h$ is an almost everywhere (a.e.)
positive definite hermitian form on $E$; we call such an
$h$ a
{\em measurable metric} on $E$.
A measurable metric $h$ on $E$ induces naturally measurable metrics
on $E^*$, on any tensor representation of $E$, e.g.
$T^{\alpha} E$, $S^{\beta} E$, $\wedge^{\gamma} E$ etc., on any quotient
of $E$, etc.
In practice these metrics $h$
occur as {\em degenerate metrics} of some sorts,
e.g. $h$ is a hermitian metric outside a proper analytic subset $\Sigma$ of $X$,
so that the curvature tensor is well-defined outside $\Sigma$.
We are interested in those $h$
for which
the curvature tensor has a global meaning. We propose the following
simple-minded definition.
Let $X$, $E$ and $h$ be as above and $\Sigma \subseteq X$ be a closed set
of measure zero.
Assume that there exists a sequence of hermitian metrics $h_s$
such that:
\lim_{s \to \infty} h_s = h \qquad in \,\, the \, \,
{\cal C}^{2}-topology
\,\, on\,\, X \setminus \Sigma.
We call the collection of data $(X,E,\Sigma, h,h_s)$ a singular hermitian
(s.h.m.) on $E$.
We call $\T{h}{E_{|X\setminus \Sigma}}$ the curvature tensor of
$(X,E,\Sigma,h,h_s)$ and we
denote it by $\T{h}{E}$. $\T{h}{E}$ has continuous coefficients
and values in
${\rm Herm}_h(E)$ away from $\Sigma$; we denote the a.e.-defined associated
form on $T_X \otimes E$ by the same symbol $\T{h}{E}$.
If no confusion is likely to arise,
we indicate a s.h.m by $(E,h)$ or simply by $h$.
The guiding principle which subtends this definition can be formulated as
{\em Assume that we would like to
prove a property
$P$ for $h$ which is true
for all metrics $h'$ of class ${\cal C}^2$
in the presence of a certain curvature condition
$C$ on $h'$;
if $h$ has the required property
$C$ and we can find hermitian metrics $h_s$ which regularize
$h$ ``maintaining" $C$, then $P$ holds for all $h_s$ and we can try to
using limiting arguments,
that $P$ holds for $h$.}
This principle has been successfully exploited in
\S5; see \S\ref{exlbshm}
for a brief discussion.
We will take this principle as the definition of positivity; see
Definition \ref{ipo}
Proposition \ref{l2}, where $P$ is the solution to the $d''$-problem
with $L^2$-estimates and $C$ is ``positivity."
Because of the convergence in the ${\cal C}^2$-topology,
the notion of s.h.m. is well behaved under the operations of
taking quotients, dualizing, forming direct
sums, taking tensor products,
forming tensor representations, etc.
\subsection{Discussion of the line bundle case: curvature current,
Nadel Ideal, Nadel Vanishing Theorem, and the production of sections}
We now remark that the singular metrics on line bundles to be found in
the literature
are s.h.m. We also discuss some of the relevant features
of these metrics in the presence of positivity.
Basic references for what follows are
\ci{dem94}, \S5, \ci{dem82}, \S9 and \S5. A technical remark:
for the mere purpose of being consistent with Definition \ref{defshm}, in
what follows
we assume that plurisubharmonic (psh) functions
are ${\cal C}^2$ outside a closed set of measure zero. In all the
one uses {\em algebraic singular metrics} as in \ci{dem96}, so that this
condition is automatically satisfied. However, all the theory described below
and its applications
work without this restriction; see also \ci{dem92}, \S3.
Note that in what follows we can replace the hermitian line bundle
$(L,h_0)$ by a hermitian vector bundle
$(E,h_0)$ by operating minor changes.
A {\em singular metric} on a line bundle $L$
over a manifold $X$ is, by definition, a metric of the form
$h=h_0 e^{-2\varphi}$, where $h_0$ is a hermitian metric
on $L$ and $\varphi$ is a locally
integrable function on $X$.
We shall always assume that
$X$ is K\"ahler and that
$\varphi$ is {\em almost psh}, i.e. it can be written, locally on $X$,
as the sum $\varphi=\alpha + \psi$, where
$\alpha$ is a local function of class ${\cal C}^2$ and $\psi$ is a local
psh function.
By taking $d'd''$ in the sense of distributions,
we can define the
associated {\em curvature
T:= \T{h_0}{L} + 2i d'd'' \varphi_{ac} + 2i d'd'' \varphi_{sing},
where $2id'd'' \varphi_{\rm ac}$ and $2i d'd'' \varphi_{sing}$
are the absolutely continuous and singular part of $2i d'd'' \varphi$,
$2id'd'' \varphi_{\rm ac}$ has locally integrable
coefficients and
$2id'd''\varphi_{\rm sing}$ is supported on some closed
set $\Sigma$ of measure zero.
regularizing-approximating result of Demailly's
exhibits these singular metrics on line bundles
as s.h.m. by constructing the necessary
regularizing hermitian metrics $\{h_s \}_{s=1}^{\infty}$.
We have $\T{h}{L}=\T{h_0}{L} + id'd''\varphi_{ac}$.
Similar considerations hold for metrics dual to metrics as above.
\ci{dem94}, Example 3.11 and \ci{dem96}, page 246)
Let $D=\sum m_iD_i$ be a divisor with coefficients
$m_i \in\zed$. The associated line
bundle carries a singular metric with curvature current
$T=2\pi \sum m_i[D_i] $ where the $[D_i]$ are the currents of
integration over the subvarieties
$D_i$. These currents are positive
if and only if all
$m_i\geq 0$. More generally, given a finite number
of non-trivial holomorphic sections
of a multiple of a line bundle $L$, we can construct a s.h.m. on $L$.
This metric will be singular only at the common zeroes of the sections
in question.
The {\em Nadel ideal} $\id (h)$ (see
\S \ref{mi}) {\em is coherent}.
This is an essential feature in view of the use of
this ideal
in conjunction with Riemann-Roch Theorem.
Let $\omega$ be a K\"ahler metric on a weakly pseudoconvex
manifold $X$. Assume that
$\T{h}{L} \geq \e\omega$ as a $(1,1)$-current,
for some positive and continuous function $\e$ on $X$.
Then we have {\em Nadel
Vanishing Theorem}:
H^q(X,K_X\otimes L
\otimes \id (h))=0, \quad \forall q >0;$ see \ci{na}.
This can be seen as a consequence of the solution to the
$d''$-problem for $(L,h)$ with $L^2$-estimates; see \ci{dem94}, \S5.
As an easy consequence of Nadel Vanishing Theorem we have the following
result which lays the basis for the effective results for the global
of adjoint line bundles etc. See \ci{dem94}, Corollary 5.12.
Let $(X,\omega)$ be as above and
$\cal L$ be a line bundle over $X$ equipped with a s.h.m. $h$ such
$\T{h}{L} \geq \e \omega$ for some continuous and positive function $\e$
on $X$.
Assume that $p$ is a positive integer and that
$s_1, \ldots, s_p$ are non-negative ones. Let
$x_1, \ldots, x_p$ be distinct isolated points of the complex space
$V(\id (h))$ such that $\id (h) \subseteq {\frak m}_{x_i}^{s_i +1}$.
Then there is a surjective map
H^0 (X, K_X + {\cal L} ) \surj
\bigoplus_{i=1}^p {\cal O}(K_X +
{\cal L} )\otimes
{\cal O}_{X,x_i}/ {\frak m}_{x_i}^{s_i +1}.
Once the analytic package (definition of s.h.m.,
solution of $d''$ with $L^2$-estimates, coherence
of Nadel ideal and Nadel Vanishing Theorem) has been developed,
in order to solve the global generation problem one needs s.h.m. as in
Proposition \ref{cucu}. This requires hard work
and it has been done by Anghern-Siu, Demailly, Siu
and Tsuji. The coherence and the
vanishing theorem are utilized together with a clever use of Noetherian
We are about to provide a similar analytic package for the case of vector
\subsection{The subsheaf $\E (h)$ associated with a measurable metric
If $h$ is a measurable metric on $E$ and $e$ is a measurable section
of $E$, then the function $|e|_h$ is measurable.
Let $h$ be a measurable metric on $E$.
Let $\id (h)$ be the analytic sheaf of germs of
holomorphic functions
on $X$ defined as follows:
\id(h)_x:= \{ f_x \in \odix{X,x} \!: \, \, |f_x e_x|^2_{h}\, \mbox{is
integrable in some
of \,} \, x, \, \forall \, e_x \in E_x\}.
Analogously, we define an analytic sheaf $\E (h)$ by setting:
\E(h)_x := \{ e_x \in E_x \, : \, \, |e_x|^2_{h}\,
\mbox{ is integrable in some
of } \, x\,\}.
It is easy to show, using the triangle inequality, that
$\id (h)\otimes E \subseteq \E(h)$.
We call
$\id(h)$ the {\em
multiplier ideal} of $(E,h)$.
Note that
if $E$ is a line bundle together with a measurable metric $h$, then
$\E(h)=\id (h) \otimes E$.
There are other subsheaves of $E$, associated with a measurable metric $h$.
Given any measurable metric $h$ on a vector bundle $E$,
the tautological line bundle
$\xi := \odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$ inherits a
natural measurable metric ${\frak h}$, the quotient
metric of the surjection $\pi^* E \to \xi$; here $\pi: {\Bbb P}(E) \to X$
is the structural
morphism of the projectivized bundle and we are using Grothendieck's
We thus get two sheaves $\id ({\frak h})$ and $\xi \otimes \id (\frak h)$.
If we apply $\pi_*$, then we get two other subsheaves of $E$.
In summary, associated with $(E,h)$ there
are four subsheaves of $E$:
$\id (h)\otimes E \subseteq \E(h)$, $ \quad \pi_* \id ({\frak h}) \otimes E
\quad $ and
$\quad \pi_* \,\, \xi \otimes \id ({\frak h})$.}
The inclusion above may be strict. In fact, consider
the vector bundle $\Delta \times \comp^2$, where $(\Delta,z)$ is
the unit disk
in $\comp^1$; define a s.h.m. by setting $h={\rm diag} (e^{-2\log{|z|}},
e^{-4\log{|z|}})$. Then one checks that $\id (h) =z^2 \cdot
and that $\E (h)=
z\cdot \odix{\Delta} \oplus z^2\cdot \odix{\Delta}$.
The same example shows that $\E (h)$ is not in general equal to neither
$\pi_* \,\, \xi \otimes \id ({\frak h})$, nor $\pi_* \id ({\frak h})
\otimes E$.
In fact,
a direct computation shows that: $\id ({\frak h})=\pi^*(z)$.
We have
$ \id(h) \otimes E$ $\subset$
$\E(h)$ $\subset$
$\pi_* \, \id ({\frak h}) \otimes \xi=$
$\pi_* \, \id ({\frak h}) \otimes E$.
What is, among the four sheaves above, the ``right" object to look at?
To answer this question we consider:
the complex $({\frak L}^{\bullet}, d'')$}.
Let $h$ be a measurable metric on a vector bundle $E$ and $\omega $
be a hermitian metric
on $X$. By following the standard conventions
in \ci{we}, we obtain a metric with measurable coefficients
for the fibers of ${T_X^{p,q}}^* \otimes E$; we denote this metric again
by $h$.
We define a complex
$({\frak L}^{\bullet}, d'')$ of sheaves on $X$ as follows.
This complex is independent
of the choice of $\omega$.
Let ${\frak L}^q$ be the sheaf of germs of $(n,q)$-forms $u$ with values
in $E$
and square-integrable coefficients
such that $|u|_h^2$ is locally integrable,
$d''u$ is defined in the sense of distributions with square-integrable
coefficients and $|d''u|_h^2$ is locally integrable.
The kernel of $d''$ in degree zero is $K_X \otimes \E(h)$ (cf. \ci{g-h},
page 380).
A solution to the $d''$-problem with $L^2$-estimates for
$(E,h)$ would imply the vanishing of the higher cohomology of
$K_X \otimes \E(h)$. See Theorem \ref{vanish}.
If we are aiming at vanishing theorems as in the line bundle case, the
sheaf $\E(h)$ seems to be the right object to look at.
As is well-known,
the curvature tensor $\T{h}{L}$ of a hermitian line bundle $(L,h)$ is
and can be identified with
real $(1,1)$-form on $X$.
This latter is a positive $(1,1)$-form if and only if the hermitian form
$\T{h}{L}$ is positive on $T_X \otimes L$.
It is therefore natural to define positivity
for singular metrics on line bundles using the notion of {\em positive
according to
Lelong; see \ci{le}, \S 2.
In the higher rank
case the curvature tensor is not, in general, decomposable.
We introduce a notion of positivity which incorporates what is needed
to obtain $L^2$-estimates-type results.
Let $\omega $ be a hermitian metric
on $X$, $\theta $ be a hermitian form on $T_X$ with continuous coefficients
$(X,E,\Sigma, h,h_s)$ be a s.h.m.; in particular, the curvature tensor
and the curvature form $\T{h}{E}$ are
defined a.e. (i.e. outside of $\Sigma$) and have measurable coefficients.
{\rm ($\geq_t^{\mu}$; compare with \ci{dem82}, \S 5.)}
Let things be as above and $t$ be a positive integer.
We write:
\T{h}{E} \geq_t^{\mu} \theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}
the following requirements are met.
There exist a sequence
of hermitian forms $\theta_s$ on $T_X\otimes E$ with continuous
a sequence of continuous functions $\lambda_s$ on $X$
and a continuous function $\lambda$ on $X$ subject to the following
{\rm (\ref{ipo}.1)} $\forall x \in X$:
$|e_x|_{h_s}\leq |e_x|_{h_{s+1}}$, $\forall s \in \nat$ and $\forall
e_x \in E_x$;
{\rm (\ref{ipo}.2)}
$\theta_s\geq_t \theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_{h_s}}$;
{\rm (\ref{ipo}.3)} $\T{h_s}{E}\geq_t \theta_s - \lambda_s
\omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_{h_s}}$;
{\rm (\ref{ipo}.4)} $\theta_s \to \T{h}{E}$ a.e. on $X$;
{\rm (\ref{ipo}.5)} $\lambda_s \to 0$ a.e. on $X$;
{\rm (\ref{ipo}.6)}
$0\leq \lambda_s \leq \lambda$, $\forall s$.
Conditions {\rm (\ref{ipo}.1)} and
{\rm (\ref{ipo}.6)} are needed to apply Lebesgue's
on monotonic and dominated convergence.
In order to obtain $L^2$-estimates-type results, we also need
the remaining four conditions to make precise the
sought-for control of the curvature
by the regularizing and approximating metrics $h_s$.
As an application of the $L^2$-estimates, we will see
if $\T{h}{E} \geq_N^{\mu} \theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$,
for some continuous $\theta$, then
the sheaf $\E(h)$ is coherent; see Proposition \ref{coherent}.
If $(E,h)$ is a hermitian bundle with $\T{h}{E} \geq_t \theta \otimes
{\rm Id}_{E_h}$, then it is easy to exhibit $h$ as a s.h.m. such that
$\T{h}{E} \geq_t^{\mu} \theta \otimes
{\rm Id}_{E_h}$; just set
$h_s:=h$ $\forall s$, etc.
Let $(E,h)$ be a vector bundle together with a {\em continuous }
s.h.m metric.
Under certain positivity conditions on the current
$id'd'' h^*$which is defined
on the total space of $E^*$ (see \ci{cm}, \S7.1) we
can exhibit $h$ as a s.h.m. with positivity in the sense
of Definition \ref{ipo}. This is achieved in two steps.
In the first one
$h^*$ is regularized by
using Riemannian convolution coupled with the parallel transport
associated with an arbitrary hermitian metric on $E^*$
(see \ci{cm}, Lemme 7.2). In the second one the resulting metrics
are modified
so that they have the prescribed properties; this
technical modification follows ideas
in \ci{dem82}, \S8. Details will appear elsewhere.
Let $h=h_0e^{-2 \varphi}$ be a singular metric on a line bundle
with $T \geq \theta$ as currents
where $\theta $ is a continuous and real $(1,1)$-form. \ci{dem82},
Th\'eor\`eme 9.1,
exhibits these data as a s.h.m. $h$ with
\theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{L_{h}}$.
Conversely, if we have a s.h.m. $h$ with $\T{h}{L}\geq_1^{\mu} \theta
\otimes {\rm Id}_{L_h}$, then we have
$\T{h_s}{L}\geq \theta_s - \lambda_s\omega$ and
$T\geq T_{ac} \geq \theta$.
The existence of a s.h.m. $h$ on
a line bundle $L$ for which $\T{h}{L} \geq_1^{\mu} 0$ does not imply that
$L$ is nef.
See {\rm \ci{d-p-s}}, {\rm Remark 1.6}.
What is true is that if $L$ is nef, then $L$ will admit a metric
$h=h_0e^{-2\varphi}$ with $h_0$ a hermitian metric on $L$ and $\varphi$
almost psh such that
$\T{h}{L} \geq_1^{\mu} 0$.
This can be seen by using
\ci{d-p-s}, Proposition 1.4, \ci{dem92}, Proposition 3.7
{\rm \ci{dem82}}, Th\'eor\`eme $9.1$.
Similar remarks hold for big line bundles on projective manifolds
(cf. \ci{dem94},
Proposition 6.6).
The following lemma is elementary.
Let $(E,\Sigma_E, h,h_s)$ and
$(F,\Sigma_F, g,g_s)$ be s.h.m. on two vector bundles
$E$ and $F$ over $X$, $\s_1$
and $\s_2$
be two real
$(1,1)$-forms with continuous coefficients
such that $\T{h}{E} \geq_{t_1}^{\mu} \s_1 \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$
$\T{g}{F} \geq_{t_2}^{\mu} \s_2 \otimes {\rm Id}_{F_g}$.
Then $H:=h\otimes g$ on $E\otimes F$ can be seen as
a s.h.m. by setting $H_s:=h_s \otimes g_s$ and
\T{H}{E\otimes F} \geq_{\min (t_1, t_2)}^{\mu}
(\s_1 + \s_2) \otimes {\rm Id}_{{(E\otimes F)}_H} \, .
Note that if the rank of $F$ is one, then
$\min (t_1,t_2)= t_1$.
We now prove that positivity is inherited by quotient metrics.
Let $(X,E,\Sigma, h,h_s)$ be a s.h.m such that $\T{h}{E} \geq_t^{\mu} \theta
{\rm Id}_{E_h}$, $\phi:E\to Q$ be a surjection of vector bundles
with kernel $K$. Then $Q$ admits a s.h.m. $(Q, \Sigma' \subseteq \Sigma, q_s, q)$
such that
$\T{q}{Q}\geq_1^{\mu} \theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{Q_q}$.
{\em Proof.}
Consider the dual exact sequence
0 \to Q^* \to E^* \to K^* \to 0.
Each hermitian metric $h_s^*$ defines
by restriction a hermitian metric $q_s^*$ on $Q^*$; analogously we
get $q^*:=h^*_{|Q^*}$. Clearly $(Q^*,\Sigma', q,q_s)$ is a s.h.m for an
$\Sigma'\subseteq \Sigma$.
For every $s$ we have that
$\T{q_s^*}{Q^*}=\T{h_s^*}{E^*}_{|{Q^*}} + i\beta_s^* \wedge \beta_s$,
where $\beta_s$ is a $(1,0)$-form with values in ${\rm Hom} (Q^*,
${\cal C}^1$ coefficients and
$\beta^*$ is its adjoint. Moreover $i\beta_s^* \wedge \beta_s \leq_1 0$;
see \ci{dem82}, Lemme 6.6. The statement follows easily by dualizing
which has the effect of transposing and changing the signs.
More generally, a s.h.m. on $E$ ``with positivity" will induce s.h.m.
``with positivity"
on $T^{\alpha}E $, $S^{\beta}E$ and $\wedge^{\gamma} E$. We leave the
formulations and elementary proofs to the
\section{t-nef vector bundles}
\subsection{The definition of $t$-nefness}
Let $X$ be a compact manifold of dimension $n$, $\omega$ be a hermitian
on $X$,
$E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$ on $X$, $N:=\min (n,r)$
and $L$ be a line bundle
on $X$. Every tensor in $T_X \otimes E$ has rank $\rho \leq N$.
There are notions of semi-positivity associated with every positive
integer $t$.
The standard one
is the following.
(t-semi-positive vector bundle)}
We say that a vector bundle $E$ is $t$-semi-positive, if
$E$ admits a hermitian metric $h$ such that $\T{h}{E} \geq_t 0$.
Note that $E$ is $1$-semi-positive if and only if
it is Griffiths-semi-positive, and that
$E$ is $N$-semi-positive if and only if it is Nakano-semi-positive. A
similar remark
holds for strict inequalities.
In algebraic geometry the most natural semi-positivity concept is {\em
A differential-geometric characterization of this concept can be given as
(Nef line bundle and nef vector bundle)}
We say that $L$ is nef if for every
$ \e >0$ there exists a hermitian metric $h_{\e}$ on $L$ such that
$\T{h_{\e}}{L}\geq -\e \omega$ as $(1,1)$-forms or, equivalently,
if $\T{h_{\e}}{L}\geq_1 -\e \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{L_{h_{\e}}}$ as
hermitian forms
on $T_X\otimes L$.
We say that $E$ is nef if the tautological line bundle
$\xi:=\odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$ is nef.
Note that the compactness of $X$implies that the definitions given above
are independent of
the choice
of $\omega$. The same holds true for all the other definitions given below
which involve a choice of $\omega$.
If $X$ is projective, then Definition \ref{defneflb} is equivalent
to the usual one: {\em $L$ is nef if $L\cdot C \geq 0$,
for every integral curve $C$ in $X$}; see \ci{dem94}, Proposition 6.2.
a nef line bundle is not necessarily $1$-semi-positive ($\geq_1 0$).
See {\rm \ci{d-p-s}, Example 1.7}, where an example is given of a
nef rank two vector bundle $E$ on an elliptic curve
such that
the nef tautological line bundle $\xi$ on ${\Bbb P} (E)$ is not $\geq_1 0$.
Moreover, $E$ is not $\geq_1 0$ (otherwise $\xi$ would be
$\geq_1 0$); this shows that even on curves nefness and
do not coincide.
Recall Theorem 1.12, \ci{d-p-s}, which
states that nefness of a vector bundle $E$ can be characterized by the
a system of hermitian metrics on all bundles
$S^{\alpha}E$ such that they are suitably semi-positive for
$\alpha \gg 0$.
I do not know if nefness can be characterized in terms of hermitian metrics
on the vector bundle itself.
The two facts above and the need to express semi-positivity in terms of
motivated my introducing the notion of $t$-nefness.
(t-nef vector bundle)}
We say that a vector bundle $E$ is $t$-nef if for every $ \e>0$
there exists a hermitian metric $h_{\e}$ on $E$ such that
$\T{h_{\e}}{E} \geq_t
-\e\omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_{h_\e}}$.
Every flat vector bundle is $N$-nef.
If $E$ is $t$-semi-positive, then $E$ is $t$-nef. As pointed out above,
the converse is
not true in general; see {\rm \ci{d-p-s}, Example 1.7}.
If $E$ is $t$-semi-positive {\rm (}$t$-nef, respectively{\rm )}, then
$E$ is
$t'$-semi-positive {\rm (}$t'$-nef, respectively{\rm )}, for every $ t'$
such that
$1\leq t' \leq t$.
By definition, a line bundle is nef if and only if it is $1$-nef.
A $1$-nef vector bundle is nef as we will see in {\rm Proposition
The converse is true on curves as we will see in {\rm Theorem
We do not know whether the converse is true or false when $\dim X \geq 2$.
This problem is
the analogue of Griffiths' question: does ampleness imply
We have checked that if $E$ is nef and
is the tangent bundle of a compact complex surface or of a compact
K\"ahler threefold, then $E$ is $1$-nef. This is done by
using the classification results contained in {\rm \ci{d-p-s}} and
{\rm Proposition \ref{list}}. According to conjectures in
{\rm \ci{d-p-s}}, the same should be true
for compact K\"ahler manifolds of arbitrary dimension.
({\bf From nefness to $1$-nefness})
On special manifolds, such as toric and abelian varieties, we have that if
$E$ is nef, then $E \otimes \det E$ is $1$-nef;
see {\rm \ci{cm}}, {\rm \S7.2.1}. By the following paragraph,
if $E$ is a rank $r$ nef vector bundle on such a variety, then
$E \otimes (\det \, E)^{\otimes r+2}$ is $N$-nef.
({\bf From $1$-nefness to $N$-nefness}) On any compact manifold,
if $E$ is $1$-nef, then $E\otimes \det E$ is $N$-nef. See
{\rm \ci{dem-sk}}.
({\bf Some $N$-nef vector bundles})
The results mentioned above and the ones of sections \S\ref{bbpp} and
\S\ref{nefoncurves} give us the following list of examples.
1) A nef vector bundle over a curve is $N$-nef. A nef line bundle
is $t$-nef for every $t$.
2) A flat vector bundle is $N$-nef.
If $X$ is a special manifold such as a toric or an
abelian variety and $E$ is nef of rank $r$,
then ${E} \otimes \det {E}$ is $1$-nef and
${E} \otimes (\det {E})^{\otimes r+2}$ is $N$-nef.
If $X$ is a K\"ahler manifold of dimension $n\leq 3$ with nef
tangent bundle $T_X$, then $T_X$ is $1$-nef and $K_X^{\otimes -1}\otimes T_X$
is $N$-nef.
Every Nakano-semipositive vector bundle
is $N$-nef (the converse is not true).
If $E$ is a
Griffiths-semipositive vector bundle, then $E\otimes \det E$ is $N$-nef.
The extension of two $t$-nef vector bundles is $t$-nef. Positive tensor
representations of a $t$-nef vector bundle are $t$-nef.
If $E_1$ and $E_2$ are $t$-nef, then
$E_1\otimes E_2$ is $t$-nef. If $E$ is $t$-nef and $L$ is a nef line bundle,
then $E \otimes L$ is $t$-nef.
7) If $E$ is $1$-nef, then $E \otimes \det E$ is $N$-nef.
8) If $f: X \to Y$ is a morphism and $E$ is a $t$-nef vector bundle on
$Y$, then $f^* E$ is $t$-nef. If $t=1$ and, either $f$ is finite and
or $X$ is projective and $f$ has equidimensional fibers, then
the converse is true.
At this point the following question is only natural.
Is every nef vector bundle $1$-nef?
\subsection{Basic properties of $t$-nefness}
Let us list and prove some basic properties of $t$-nef vector bundles.
We start with functorial ones.
Let $f:X \to Y$ be a holomorphic map, where $X$ and $Y$ are compact
and $E$ is a vector bundle on $Y$.
{\rm (1)}
If $E$ if $t$-nef, then $f^*E$ is $t$-nef.
{\rm (2)} Assume that $f$ is surjective
that the rank of $E$ is one.
Then $f^*E$ is $1$-nef
{\rm (}=\,nef {\rm )} if and only if $E$ is $1$-nef
{\rm (}=\,nef {\rm )}.
{\rm (3)}
Assume that
$f$ is finite and surjective, that $Y$ (and thus $X$)
is K\"ahler and let
$E$ be of any rank.
Then $f^*E$ is $1$-nef if and only if $E$ is $1$-nef.
{\em Proof.}
Let $\omega$ and $\omega'$ be two hermitian metrics on $X$ and $Y$,
respectively. Let $A$ be a positive constant such that
$A \omega \geq f^* \omega'$. Fix $\e >0$ and let $\e':=\frac{\e}{A}$.
Let $h'$ be a hermitian metric on $E$ such that
$\T{h'}{E} \geq_t -\e' \omega' \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_{h'}}$. Endow $f^*E$ with
the pull-back metric $h:=f^*h'$. The claim follows from
the formula
$\T{h}{f^*E}= f^* \T{h'}{E}$.
{\rm (2).} See \ci{d-p-s}, Proposition 1.8.ii for the case of equidimensional
fibers and \ci{pm} for the general statement.
(3) It follows easily from
\ci{cm}, \S7.1: assign to $E$ the appropriate trace metrics and
As pointed out in {\rm Example \ref{regappr}}, the regularizing metrics
in (3)
can be chosen
to satisfy favorable conditions towards $L^2$-estimates.
Can we drop the assumption of finiteness from
(3). A. J. Sommese
has pointed that the answer is
positive when
$X$ is projective and the fibers are equidimensional: slice $X$ with
ample general divisors to reduce to the case in which the morphism is
Is (3) true if we replace $1$-nef by
$t$-nef, with $t>1$?
Let $X$,
$E$ and $r$ be as above. Then:
{\rm (1)}
Let $E \to Q$ be a surjection of vector bundles. If
$E$ is $1$-nef, then $Q$ is $1$-nef.
{\rm (2)}
If $E$ is $1$-nef, then $E$ is nef.
{\rm (3)} If $S^m E $ is $1$-nef, then $E$ is nef.
{\rm (4)}
Let $0 \to K \to E \to Q\to 0$ be an exact sequence of vector bundles.
If $K$ and $Q$ are $t$-nef, then $E$ is $t$-nef.
{\rm (5)}
Let $E=E_1 \oplus E_2$. The vector bundle $E$ is $t$-nef if and only if
$E_1$ and $E_2$ are $t$-nef.
{\rm (6)} Let $F$ be another vector bundle.
Assume that $E$ and $F$ are $t$-nef and $t'$-nef respectively;
then $E \otimes F$ is $\min (t, t' )$-nef.
{\rm (7)}
Assume that $E$ is
Then $S^m E$ and $\wedge^l E $ are $t$-nef
for all $ m\geq 0$ and
for $ 0\leq l \leq r$.
Moreover, $\Gamma^a E$ is $t$-nef, where
$\Gamma^a E$ is the irreducible tensor representation
of $Gl(E)$ of highest weight $a=(a_1, \ldots, a_r) \in {\zed}^r$,
with $a_1\geq \ldots a_r \geq 0$.
{\rm (8)}
Let $0 \to E \to E' \to \tau \to 0$ be an exact sequence with
$E'$ a vector bundle on $X$ and $\tau$ a sheaf,
quotient of a $1$-nef vector bundle $E''$.
If $E$
is $1$-nef, then so is $E'$.
{\rm (9)}
Let $0 \to K \to E \to Q\to 0$ be an exact sequence of vector bundles.
$E$ and $\det Q^*$ are $1$-nef, then $K$ is $1$-nef.
{\rm (10)}
Assume that $\det E$ is hermitian flat; the vector bundle
$E$ is $t$-nef if and only
if $E^*$ is $t$-nef.
{\rm (11)} Let $E$ be $1$-nef and $s\in \Gamma (E^*)$. Then $s$
has no zeroes.
{\em Proof.} Fix, once and for all, $\omega$ a hermitian metric on $X$.
(1). Let $\e >0$ and $h_{\e}$ be a hermitian metric on $E$
with $\T{h_{\e}}{E} \geq_1 -\e \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_{h_{\e}}}$. Endow
$Q$ with the quotient metric $h'_{\e}$; $Q$ can be seen as a
sub-bundle of $E$ via the ${\cal C}^{\infty}$
orthogonal splitting of $E\to Q$ determined by $h_{\e}$, so that
It is well-known
(e.g. \ci{dem82}, Lemme 6.6) that
$\T{h'_{\e}}{Q} \geq_1 {{\T{h_{\e}}{E}}_{|Q}}_{h'_{\e}}$
and it is clear that
{\rm Id}_{
{E_{ h_{\e} } }}}_{|Q}
={\rm Id}_{Q_{h'_{\e}}}$. The claim follows.
(2). Let $\pi : {\Bbb P}(E) \to X$ be the canonical projection. By virtue
of \ref{fctr}.1 we have that
$\pi^* E$ is $1$-nef; (1)
and the canonical surjection
$\pi^*E \to \odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$ imply that this latter line bundle
is $1$-nef.
(3) $\pi^* S^m E$ is $1$-nef by \ref{fctr}.1, so that
$\odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{m}$, being a quotient
of $\pi^* S^m E$, is $1$-nef, by (1). It follows
that $\odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$ is $1$-nef and thus nef.
(4). Fix a ${\cal C}^{\infty}$ vector bundle isomorphism $\Phi:
E \to K \oplus Q$. Let
and $\e >0$.
By assumption, there are metrics
$h_{K,\e}$ and $h_{Q,\e}$ such that
$\T{h_{K,\e}}{K} \geq_t -\frac{\e}{3} \omega \otimes {\rm
Id}_{K_{h_{K,\e}}}$ and
$\T{h_{Q,\e}}{Q} \geq_t -\frac{\e}{3} \omega \otimes {\rm
Fix an arbitrary positive real number $\rho >0$ and consider the
automorphism $\phi_{\rho}: Q \to Q$ defined by multiplication by the factor
Let $\Phi_{\rho}:=({\rm Id}_K\oplus \phi_{\rho})\circ \Phi: E \to K
\oplus Q$;
denote the first component of $\Phi_{\rho}$ by $\Phi_{K,\rho}$ and
the second one by $\Phi_{Q,\rho}$
Define a hermitian metric on $E$ by setting $h_{\e, \rho}:=$
$\Phi_{K,\rho}^*h_{K, \e} \oplus \Phi_{Q,\rho}^*h_{Q, \e}$. Its
Chern connection has the form:
\[ D_{h_{\e, \rho}} =
D_{h_{K,\e}} & - \beta^*_{\rho} \\
\beta_{\rho} & D_{h_{Q,\e}}
\right ), \]
$\beta_{\rho}=\rho \beta_1$
is a
with values
${\rm Hom}(K,Q)$. By calculating $D^2$ we see that
\T{h_{\e, \rho}}{E} \geq_t -\frac{2}{3}\e \omega \otimes
{\rm Id}_{E_{h_{\e, \rho}}} + O(\rho)\omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_{h_{\e,
The claim follows by recalling that $X$ is compact
and by taking $\rho$ sufficiently small.
(5). The ``if" part follows from (4).
The converse follows by observing
that if $E$ has a metric $h$, then each $E_i$ inherits a metric $h_i$
for which $D_{h_i}={D_{h}}_{|E_i}$. The same holds for the curvature
(6). The proof is immediate once one recalls the formula
for the curvature of the tensor product of two
hermitian metrics: $\T{h_1 \otimes h_2}{E_1\otimes E_2}=$
$\T{h_1}{E_1}\otimes {\rm Id}_{E_2}+$ ${\rm Id}_{E_1} \otimes
The tensor powers $T^n(E)$ are $t$-nef by virtue of
(6). $S^n(E)$ and $\wedge^n(E)$
are both direct summands of $T^n(E)$ so that they are $t$-nef by
Recall that
$\Gamma^a E$ is a direct summand of the vector bundle
$\otimes_{i=1}^r S^{a_i}(\wedge^i E)$ which is
$t$-nef by what above, (5) and (6).
{\rm (8).}
The ``pull-back" construction
gives the following
commutative diagram of coherent sheaves:
\hspace{1cm} 0 &
\to &
E &
\to &
E' &
\to &
\tau &
\to &
0 \\
\hspace{1cm} \, & \ & \uparrow {\rm Id}_E& \ & \uparrow q & \
& \uparrow & \ & \, \\
\hspace{1cm} 0 & \to & E & \to &
E''' & \to & E''
&\to & 0,
where $q$ is surjective. Since $E$ and $E''$ are locally free and
$1$-nef, so is $E'''$ by $(4)$. Since $q$ is surjective,
it follows that $E'$ is $1$-nef by $(1)$.
The proofs of (9) and (10) are the same as in
the nef case; the proof of (11) is in fact easier.
The reader can consult
It is easy to show, using
$(6)$, that if $E$ is $t$-nef and $L$ is a positive line bundle, then
$E\otimes L$ admits a hermitian
metric $h$ with curvature $\Theta_h (E\otimes L) >_t 0$.
In particular, if $E$ is $N$-nef, then $E \otimes L$ is Nakano-positive.
A similar remark holds for the symbol $\geq_t^{\mu}$; see
{\rm Lemma \ref{fundamental}}.
As far as $(1)$ above is concerned, it is not true that if
$E$ is $t$-nef, then $Q$ is $t$-nef. In fact, consider the
canonical surjection $\odix{\pn{2}}^3 \to T_{\pn{2}}(-1)$:
$\odix{\pn{2}}^3$ is
$2$-nef, but if $T_{\pn{2}}(-1)$ were $2$-nef, then $T_{\pn{2}}=$
\otimes \odixl{\pn{2}}{1}$ would be $>_2 0$, i.e.
Nakano-positive and this is
a contradiction. This example also shows that $1$-nefness
is strictly weaker than $2$-nefness.
We do not know whether $(8)$ is false when we replace $1$ by $t$.
\subsection{Nefness and $t$-nefness on curves}
It is an outstanding problem in Hermitian differential geometry
to determine whether an ample vector bundle is Griffiths-positive.
\ci{ume}, Umemura proves that on curves
ampleness and Griffiths-positivity
coincide. As is was pointed out to me by N.M.
Kumar, the part of the argument that needs a result
analogue to Proposition
is omitted in \ci{ume}.
We now prove that on curves nefness
and $1$-nefness coincide:
the algebraic notion of nefness can be characterized
in differential-geometric terms. Recall that Example 1.7, \ci{d-p-s},
implies that even over a curve, a nef vector bundle is not necessarily
Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective curve
and $E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$ on $X$.
The following are equivalent.
{\rm ($i$)} $E$ is $1$-nef;
{\rm ($ii$)} $E$ is nef;
{\rm ($iii$)} every quotient bundle of $E$, and in particular
$E$, has non-negative degree.
{\em Proof.}
($i$)$ \Rightarrow$($ii$). This is Proposition \ref{list}.2.
($ii$)$ \Rightarrow$($iii$). In fact they are equivalent by \ci{c-p},
Proposition 1.2.7.
($iii$)$ \Rightarrow$($i$). We divide the proof in three cases, according
to whether $g=0$, $g=1$ or $g\geq 2$. Let $d$ be the degree of $E$.
By assumption $d\geq 0$.
If the genus $g(X)=0$, then $E$ splits into a direct
sum of
line bundles and the statement follows easily.
Let $g(X)=1$. It is enough to consider
the case when $E$ is indecomposable.
Let us first assume that $d\geq r$. By
\ci{at}, Lemma 11, $E$ admits a maximal splitting
$(L_1,\ldots , L_r)$ with $L_i$ ample line bundles on $X$. It follows that
$E$ could then be constructed inductively from (ample =) positive line
by means of extensions. A repeated use of Proposition
\ref{list}.4 would allow us to conclude.
We may thus assume, without loss of generality,
that $0\leq d <r$.
If $r=1$, then $E$ is either ample
or hermitian flat; in both cases we are done. We now proceed by induction on
the rank of $E$. Assume that we have proved our contention
for every vector bundle of rank strictly less than $r$. By \ci{at}, Lemma
15 and Theorem 5, $E$ sits in the middle of an exact sequence:
0 \to A \to E \to B \to 0,
where $B$, being a quotient of $E$,
enjoys property ({\em iii}) and
$A$ is either a trivial vector bundle (if $d>0$) or a
hermitian flat line bundle
(if $d=0$). In any case $A$ is clearly
$1$-nef and $B$ is $1$-nef by the induction hypothesis.
We can apply
\ref{list}.4 and conclude that $E$ is $1$-nef.
This proves the case $g(X)=1$.
We now assume that $g(X)\geq 2$. The proof will be by induction
on $r$.
If $r=1$, then we are done since $\deg{E}\geq 0$ implies that either $E$
is ample
or it is hermitian flat. Assume that we have proved our assertion
for every vector bundle of rank strictly less than $r$.
There are two cases.
In the first one we
suppose that $E$ contains a non-trivial vector sub-bundle
$K$ which is $1$-nef. Consider
the exact sequence of coherent shaves:
0 \to K \to E \to Q:=E/K \to 0.
There are two sub-cases. In the first one we assume that
$Q$ is locally free.
By assumption every quotient vector bundle of $Q$, being in turn
a quotient bundle of $E$, has positive degree. The induction hypothesis
forces $Q$ to be $1$-nef. Proposition \ref{list}.4 allows us to conclude
$E$ is $1$-nef as well.
In the second sub-case $Q\simeq F \oplus \tau$, with $F$ locally free
and $\tau$
has zero-dimensional support; in particular there is a surjection
$\odix{X}^m \to \tau$.
If $K'$ is the kernel of the surjection $E\to F$, then
we have the exact sequence
0 \to K \to K' \to \tau \to 0,
so that, by \ref{list}.$8$, $K'$ is $1$-nef and we are reduced to the
first sub-case.
In the second case we are allowed to assume that $E$ does not contain
non-trivial vector bundle $K$ which is $1$-nef.
$E$ is stable.
To prove this we start a new proof by induction.
Let $K$ be a vector bundle contained in $E$, neither trivial nor
equal to $E$. Since (iii) implies that $\deg{(E)}\geq 0$, to prove that
$E$ is stable it is enough to show that $\deg {K} <0$.
Seeking a contradiction, let us assume that $\deg {K} \geq 0$.
Let $s$ be the rank of $K$. If $s=1$, since $K$ is not $1$-nef by the
working assumption of this second case, we see that $\deg{K}<0$ (otherwise
$K$ would be either ample or hermitian flat) and we have reached
a contradiction if $s=1$. Assume that, for every
$K''\subseteq E $ with rank strictly less than $s$, $\deg{K''} <0$.
Each sub-bundle
of $K$ has, by this second inductive hypothesis, negative degree.
Since we are assuming that $\deg {K} \geq 0$, it follows that every
of $K$, including $K$ itself has non-negative degree, so that, by the
induction hypothesis,
$K$ is $1$-nef and we have reached a contradiction for every $s$:
the degree of $K$ must
be negative,
$E$ is stable and the claim is proved.
Since $\det E$
has non-negative degree by assumption,
$\det E$ is $1$-nef. Since $E$ is stable, for any hermitian metric $h$ on
$\det E$ of curvature $\T{h}{\det E}$,
a standard calculation
(see \ci{ume}, Lemma 2.3) yields a hermitian metric $H$ on $E$
of curvature $\frac{1}{r}\T{h}{\det E} \otimes {\rm Id}_E$. This proves that
$E$ is $1$-nef also in the second case.
\subsection{A differential-geometric characterization of ampleness for
vector bundles}
We now prove a characterization of ampleness by means of curvature
properties which is a simple consequence of \ci{d-p-s}, Theorem 1.12.
Let $X$ be a compact manifold equipped with a hermitian metric $\omega$
and $E$ be a vector bundle on $X$.
Then $E$ is ample if and only if there exists a sequence
of hermitian metrics
$h_m$ on $S^m E$ such that
{\rm (i)} the sequence of metrics on
$\odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$
induced by the surjective
$$\pi^* S^m E \to \odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{m}$$
converges uniformly
to a hermitian metric $h$ of positive
curvature on $ \odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$ and
{\rm (ii)}
there exist $\eta >0$ and $m_0 \in \nat$
such that
$\forall m \geq m_0$:
\T{h_m}{S^m(E)} \geq_1 m\eta \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{{S^m E}_{h_m}}.
If $E$ is ample, then
the fact that some metrics $h_m$
with property (ii) exist for all $ m \gg 0$ is a
well known consequence of
{\rm \ci{griff}}, theorems F and A. The point made by the statement above
is that the metrics
$h_m$ are constructed on {\em all} symmetric powers $S^m(E)$,
and that they are all built starting from
a suitable metric on $\odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$; see {\rm \ci{dem92},
Theorem 4.1}.
{\em Proof.} The proof of the implication ``$\Leftarrow$" follows
easily from (i): $ \odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$ is positive by the existence of
$h$ so that
$E$ is ample.
For the reverse implication ``$\Rightarrow$" we argue as follows.
Fix a hermitian metric $\omega'$ on ${\Bbb P}(E)$. The ampleness of
$E$ implies the ampleness of
$\odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}$, which then admits a hermitian metric $h$
of positive curvature; the compactness of $X$
ensures us that there exist $\alpha >0$ and $A>0$ such that
\T{h}{\odixl{{\Bbb P}(E)}{1}} \geq \alpha
\omega' \geq \alpha A \pi^* \omega.
Define $\eta:=\frac{2}{3} \alpha A$. We are now in the position of using
\ci{dem92}, Theorem 4.1 with $v:=\frac{3}{2}\eta \omega$ and
\section{Vanishing theorems}
In this section
we link the positivity of $h$ to the vanishing of the cohomology
of $K_X \otimes \E (h)$.
\subsection{The basic $L^2$-estimate and vanishing theorem, and the coherence
of $\E (h)$}
Following Demailly, \ci{dem82}, \S 5, we say that a s.h.m.
$(X,E,\Sigma,h,h_s)$ is
{\em $t$-approximable} if $\T{h}{E} \geq_t^{\mu} 0$ (cf. Definition
We denote the space of $(p,q)$-forms with values in $E$ and coefficients
which are locally square-integrable
by $L_{p,q}^2(X,E,{\rm loc})$. As usual, $n=\dim{X}$, $r$
is the rank of $E$ and $N:={\rm min} (n,r)$.
{\rm (See \ci{dem82}, Th\'eor\`eme 5.1)}
Let $(X,\omega)$ be
K\"ahler, where either
$\omega$ is complete or $X$ is weakly pseudoconvex.
Assume that $(E,h)$ is a s.h.m. with the property that
\e \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$, where $\e$ is a non-negative and
continuous function on $X$ and $q>0$ is a positive integer.
Let $g\in L^2_{n,q}(X,E,{\rm loc})$ be such that
d''g=0, \qquad \qquad
\int_X{ |g|^2_h \, dV_{\omega}} < + \infty
\qquad and \qquad
\int_X{ \frac{1}{\e} |g|^2_h \, dV_{\omega}} < + \infty .
Then there exists $f \in L^2_{n,q-1}(X,E,{\rm loc})$ such that
$$d''f=g \qquad and \qquad
\int_X |f|^2_h dV \leq
\frac{1}{q} \int_X \frac{1}{\e} |g|^2_h \, dV_{\omega}.
{\em Sketch of proof.} Th\'eor\`eme 5.1 states something
slightly different but it is immediate to recover the statement
of the proposition. We merely point out, for the reader's convenience,
the minor changes to be implemented to obtain the above statement. The
is from \ci{dem82}.
The assumption $\T{h}{E}\geq_{n-q+1}^{\mu}
\e \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$ has two consequences. The former is that
$h$ is $n-q+1$-approximable. The latter is that, by virtue of
Lemme 3.2 (3.4):
|g|^2_{\T{h}{E}} \leq \frac{1}{q\e} |g|^2_h \quad a.e.
We can apply the aforementioned theorem and conclude.
The following generalizes Nadel Vanishing Theorem.
It is an easy consequence of the proposition above.
Let $(X, \omega)$ be K\"ahler with $X$ weakly pseudoconvex.
Assume that $(E,h)$ is a s.h.m. such that
$\T{h}{E} \geq_{N}^{\mu} \epsilon \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$
for some positive and continuous function
$H^q(X,K_X\otimes \E (h))=0$, $\forall
{\em Proof.}
The complex $({\frak L}^{\bullet}, d'')$ of \S\ref{mi} is exact by
\ref{l2} applied to small
This complex is therefore an acyclic resolution of
$K_X \otimes \E(h)$ whose cohomology is isomorphic to the cohomology
of the complex of global sections of $({\frak L}^{\bullet}, d'')$.
This latter cohomology is trivial for every positive value of $q$
by Proposition
\ref{l2} (modify the metric as in \ci{dem94}, Proposition 5.11).
We now prove that
if $h$ is suitably positive, then $\E (h)$ is coherent.
The line bundle case is due to Nadel.
Let $X$ be a complex manifold,
$(X,E,\Sigma,h,h_s)$ be a s.h.m.,
and $\theta$ be a continuous real $(1,1)$-form
on $X$ such that $\T{h}{E} \geq_N^{\mu} \theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$.
Then $\E (h)$ is coherent.
{\em Proof.} We make the necessary changes from the line bundle
case (cf. \ci{dem94}, Proposition 5.7).
Note that the condition
$\T{h}{E} \geq_N^{\mu} \theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{E_h}$
implies that $h\geq h_1$ a.e.
The statement being local, we may assume that
$X$ is a ball centered
about the origin in $\comp^n$
with holomorphic coordinates $(z)$,
that $E$ is trivial
and that $\theta$ has bounded coefficients.
Let $\omega$ be the $(1,1)$-form associated with
the euclidean metric on $X$.
Let $\frak S$ be the vector space of holomorphic sections
$f$ of $E$ such that $\int_X{|f|^2_h \, d\lambda} < \infty$, where
$d\lambda$ is the Lebesgue measure on $\comp^n$. Consider
the natural evaluation map $ev:{\frak S} \otimes_{\comp} \odix{X} \to E$.
The sheaf ${\frak E}:= Im(ev)$ is coherent by Noether
Lemma (cf. \ci{gr-re}, page 111) and it is contained in $\E (h)$.
We want to prove that $\E (h)_x = {\frak E}_x$ for all $x \in X$.
In view of Nakayama's Lemma,
\ci{at-mac}, Corollary 2.7, it is enough to show that
$ {\frak E}_x + {{\frak m}^{\gamma}_x} \cdot \E (h)_x = \E (h)_x$ for
some $\gamma
\geq 1$.
STEP I. Assume that we could prove that:
$(\bullet) \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad $
$ {\frak E}_x + \E (h)_x \cap {\frak m}^l_x \cdot E_x =\E (h)_x$ for
every positive
integer $l$.
By the Artin-Rees Lemma, \ci{at-mac}, Corollary 10.10, there would
be a positive
integer $k=k(x)$ such that
\E(h)_x = {\frak E}_x + \E(h)_x\cap {\frak m}_x^l \cdot E_x \subseteq
{\frak E}_x + {\frak m}_x^{l-k}\cdot \E(h)_x
\subseteq {\frak E}_x + {\frak m}_x \cdot \E(h)_x
\subseteq \E(h)_x
for all $l\geq k$. All symbols ``$\subseteq$" could be replaced by
equalities and we could conclude that
${\frak E}_x = \E (h)_x$ by Nakayama's Lemma as above.
STEP II. We now prove $(\bullet)$.
Let $f$ be a germ in $\E (h)_x$ and $\s$ be a smooth cut-off function
such that is identically $1$ around $x$ and that
has compact
support small enough so that $\s f$ is smooth on $X$.
For every positive integer $l$
define a strictly psh function $\varphi_{l}:= (n+l)\ln |z-x| +C|z|^2$
where $C$ is a positive constant chosen so that
$2id'd'' (C|z|^2) + \theta \geq \e \omega$, for some positive constant
Define a metric on $E$ by setting
$h e^{-2\varphi_{l}}$.
Since both $\ln |z-x|$ and $|z|^2$ are psh, we can apply
the results of \ci{dem82}, \S9 to $\varphi$ and deduce, with the aid of Lemma
\ref{fund}, that $H_{l}$ is a s.h.m. on $E$ with
+ 2id'd''\varphi_{l} \otimes {\rm Id}_E$
and such that $\T{H_{l}}{E} \geq_N^{\mu} \e \omega \otimes
{\rm Id}_{ E_{H_{l}} }$.
Consider the smooth $(0,1)$- form $g:=d''(\s f)$ which has compact support
and is
identically zero around $x$. The function $|z-x|^{-2n -2l}$
is continuous outside $x$. It follows that:
\int_X{|g|_{H_{l}}^2\, d \lambda}=
|g|_h^2 \,
|z-x|^{-2n- 2l}\, e^{-2C|z|^2} \,
d \lambda < \infty.
We solve, for every index $l$, the equation $d''u=g$ with $L^2$-estimates
relative to $H_{l}$ using
Proposition \ref{l2}. We obtain a set of solutions $u_{l}$ such that
\int_X{|u_{l}|^2_{H_{l}}} \, d\lambda=
\int_X{|u_{l}|^2_{h} \, |z-x|^{-2n-2l} \, e^{-2C |z|^2} \, d\lambda
< \infty}.
Since the factor $e^{-2C |z|^2}$ does not affect integrability
we get that
\int_X{|u_{l}|^2_{h} \, |z-x|^{-2n-2l} \, d\lambda
< \infty}.
$d'' (\s f - u_{l}) =0$ and $h \leq H_{l}$, we see that
$ \s f- u_{l}=: F_{l} \in {\frak E}$ (cf. \ci{g-h} page 380).
The germ $u_{l,x}=f - F_{l,x}$ is holomorphic.
Since $h\geq h_1$ and $h_1$ is continuous, there is a positive constant
$B$ such that:
\int_X{ B \, |u_{l}|^2 \, |z-x|^{-2n-2l} } \, d\lambda
\int_X{|u_{l}|^2_h \, |z-x|^{-2n-2l} } \, d\lambda
< \infty.
Let $u_{l}^{\{j \}}$ be the $j$-th coordinate function of $u_{l}$,
$j=1, \ldots ,r$.
By a use of Parseval's formula (cf. \ci{dem94}, 5.6.b) we see
that $u_{l}^{\{j \}} \in {\frak m}^l_x$ for every index $j$.
It follows that $(\bullet)$
holds and we are done.
\subsection{$t$-nefness and vanishing}
We now show how to use Theorem \ref{vanish} to infer
the vanishing of cohomology in the case
of a $N$-nef vector bundle twisted by
a line bundle which can be endowed with a positive s.h.m.
The following is an elementary consequence
of Lemma \ref{fund}:
Let $E$ be a $t$-nef vector bundle on a compact manifold $X$,
$\omega$ be a hermitian metric on $X$,
$\theta$ be a real $(1,1)$-form with continuous coefficients and
$(F,g,g_s)$ be a vector bundle endowed with a s.h.m. such that
$\T{g}{F} \geq_t^{\mu} \theta \otimes {\rm Id}_{F_g}$.
Then for every constant $\eta >0$ there is a s.h.m. $H_{\eta}$ on
$E\otimes F$
for which:
\T{H_{\eta}}{E\otimes F} \geq_t^{\mu} (\theta - \eta \omega) \otimes
{\rm Id}_{(E \otimes F)_{H_{\eta}}}.
Moreover, if $F$ is a line bundle and
$\T{g}{F} \geq \theta$ as $(1,1)$-forms, then the same conclusion holds.
$(F,h_F)$ be a hermitian vector bundle on a manifold
$X$ and $(L,h_L)$
be a line bundle on $X$ endowed with a singular metric
$h_L$ as in {\rm \S\ref{exlbshm}}.
Consider the vector bundle $E:=F\otimes L$ endowed with the
measurable metric
$h:=h_F\otimes h_L$.
Then $ \E (h) =\id (h_L) \otimes E$ and
$\E (h)$ is coherent.
{\em Proof.} The statement $\E (h) = \id (h_L)\otimes E$ is local on $X$
so that
we may assume that $X$ is a ball in $\comp^n$,
that $F$ and $L$ are trivial, that $h_L=e^{-2\varphi}$
with $\varphi$ almost psh and that $h_F$ has bounded coefficients.
Let us first prove that $ \id (h_L)_x \otimes E_x \subseteq \E(h)_x$.
Let $e_x\in E_x$ and $f_x \in \id (h_L)_x$.
Since $h_F$ is continuous,
we have that $|f_x e_x|^2_h= |f_x|^2 |e_x|^2_{h_F} e^{-2\varphi}$
is locally integrable.
Let us prove the reverse inclusion $ \E (h)_x
\subseteq \id (h_L)_x\otimes E_x $ for every $x$ in $ X$.
There exists a constant $\tilde\epsilon >0$
such that $h_F \geq \tilde\epsilon \Delta$, where
$\Delta$ is the standard euclidean metric on the fibers
of $E$. Fix $x \in X$.
Assume that $\E (h)_x \ni e_x=<f_1,\ldots, f_r>$.
Then $|e_x|^2_h=|e_x|^2_{h_F} e^{-2\phi} \geq
\epsilon \sum |f_i|^2 e^{-2\varphi}$. As the
left hand side of the inequality is integrable around $x$, so
is each summand on the right. This proves the reverse inclusion.
To conclude recall that $\id (h_L)$ is coherent (or apply Proposition
The following result
is the key to
the proofs of
the effective statements to be found in \S\ref{effective}.
See Ex. \ref{listnef} for examples of $N$-nef vector bundles.
Let $(X,\omega)$ be as in
{\rm Theorem \ref{vanish}}, and
$(F,h_F)$, $(L,h_L)$ and $(E,h)$ be as in {\rm Lemma
If $\T{h}{E}\geq_N^{\mu}
\e \omega \otimes
{\rm Id}_E$ for some positive and continuous function $\e$, then
H^q(X, K_X \otimes F \otimes L \otimes \id (h_L) )=
H^q(X, K_X \otimes \E (h) ) =0, \qquad \forall \, q>0.
Moreover, if $X$ is compact,
$F$ is $N$-nef
and $(L,h)$ is such that
$\T{h}L\geq \e \omega$, for some positive constant $\e$,
then the same conclusion holds.
{\em Proof.} By
Lemma \ref{ELco}, we have that $\E(h) =\id (h_L) \otimes E$.
We conclude in view of Theorem \ref{vanish}.
The case of $X$ compact is a special case after Lemma \ref{fundamental}.
The following is not needed in the sequel. We include it since it
is a generalization
of Kawamata-Vieheweg Vanishing Theorem (K-V) and it can be proved
along the lines of \ci{dem94}, 6.12 by
using Theorem \ref{myvan} instead of
Nadel Vanishing Theorem. The ``$1$-nef" case
follows easily from
K-V Theorem and the Leray spectral sequence
by looking at the projectivization of
$E$. The statement in the ``$N$-nef" case seems new for $0<q< {\rm rank}
\, E$
and the vanishing in the complementary range
follows from K-V and Le-Potier spectral sequence.
\ci{dem94} for the particular language employed in the statement below.
Let $(X,E,F)$ be the datum of: $X$ a projective manifold, $E$ a
vector bundle on $X$, $F$ a line bundle on $X$ such that some
positive multiple
$mF$ can be written as $mF=L+D$, where $L$ is a nef line bundle and $D$
is an effective divisor.
H^q(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes F \otimes \id(\frac{1}{m}D))=0 \qquad
for\, \, q
> \dim X - \nu (L),
where $\nu(L)$ is the numerical dimension of $L$ and $\id(\frac{1}{m}D)$
is the multiplier ideal of the singular local weights
associated with the $m-$roots of the absolute values of local
equations for $D$.
As a special case, we have that if $F$ is a nef line bundle, then
H^q(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes F )=0 \qquad for \, \, q
> \dim X - \nu (F);
in particular, if $F$ is nef and big, then
H^q(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes F )=0 \qquad for \, \, q
> 0.
\section{Effective results}
\subsection{Special s.h.m. on line bundles after Anghern-Siu, Demailly, Siu
and Tsuji}
The following proposition is at the heart
of the effective base-point-freeness, point-separation and
jet-separation results
in \ci{an-siu}, \ci{tsu},
\ci{siu-va}, \ci{siu94b} and \ci{dem96};
it provides us with the necessary
s.h.m. which we transplant to the vector bundle case
and use in connection with Theorem \ref{myvan}.
First we need to fix some notation.
Let $F$ be a rank $r$ vector bundle on a complex manifold $X$ and $p$ be any
positive integer.
We say that {\em the global sections of $F$ generate simultaneous
jets of order
$s_1,\ldots, s_p \in {\Bbb N}$ at arbitrary $p$ distinct
points of $X$}
if the natural maps
H^0(X,F) \to \bigoplus_{\i=1}^p {\cal O}(F)_{x_{i}}
\otimes \odix{X}/{\frak m}^{s_{i}+1}_{x_{i}}
are surjective for every choice of $p$ distinct points $x_1, \ldots , x_p$
in $X$.
We say that
the global sections of $F$ separate arbitrary $p$
distinct points
of $X$
if the above holds with
all $s_{i}=0$.
Assume that $X$ is compact. Let $V:= H^0(X,F)$
and $h^0:=h^0(X,F):= \dim_{\comp} H^0(X,F)$.
Consider $G:= G(r,h^0)$ the Grassmannian of $r$-dimensional quotients
of $V$, $\QQ$ the universal quotient bundle of $G$
and $\q$ the determinant of $\QQ$.
As soon as $F$ is generated by its global sections
(which corresponds to the above conditions being met
for $p=1$ and $s_1=0$), we get a morphism
$f:X \to G$ assigning to each $x \in X$ the quotient $F_x \otimes k(x)$
and such that $F \simeq f^* \QQ$. The Pl\"ucker embedding defined by
$\q$ gives a closed embedding into the appropriate projective space
$\iota: G \to {\Bbb P}$. We obtain a closed embedding
$\hat f := \iota \circ f: X \to {\Bbb P}$.
It is clear that:
- $V$ separates arbitrary $2$ points of $X$ iff $f$ is
bijective birational onto its image;
- If $V$ separates arbitrary pairs of points of $X$ and generates
jets of order $1$
at an arbitrary point of $X$, then $f$ is a closed embedding.
Given $n$, $p$ and $\{ s_1, \ldots , s_p \}$ as above let us
define the following integers:
m_1 (n,p) : = \frac{1}{2}(n^2 +2pn -n +2 ),
m_2(n,p;s_1, \ldots , s_p)= 2n \sum_{i=1}^p B(3n + 2s_i -3, n) + 2pn +1,
where $B(a,b)$ denotes the usual binomial coefficient,
m_3(n,p;s_1, \ldots , s_p) = (pn + \sum_{i=1}^p s_i) \, m_1(n,1)
m_4 (n)= (n+1) \, m_1(n,1).
Let $X$ be a projective manifold of dimension $n$ and $L$ be
an ample
line bundle on $X$. Fix a K\"ahler form $\omega$ on $X$.
{\rm (\ref{heart}.1) (Cf. \ci{an-siu} and \ci{tsu}.)}
Let $p$ be a positive integer. Assume that
\geq m_1(n,p)$.
for any set of $p$ distinct points $\{x_1, \ldots x_p\}$ of $X$,
there exists a nonempty
subset $J_0\subset \{1,\ldots , p\}$ with the following property:
there exist $\e>0$, a s.h.m. $h$ for
$mL$ with
$\T{h}{mL} \geq^{\mu}_1 \epsilon \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{L_h}$
and with the property that
the multiplier ideal $\id (h)$ of $h$ is such that the closed subscheme
given by $\id (h)$ has the points $x_{i}$ as isolated points $\forall
i \in J_0$ and contains all the points $\{ x_{i}\}$.
{\rm (\ref{heart}.2) (Cf. \ci{siu94b}; see also \ci{dem96}.)}
Fix a positive integer $p$ and
a sequence of non-negative integers $\{s_1, \ldots , s_p\}$.
Assume that
m\geq m_2(n,p; s_1, \ldots , s_p).
Then for any set of $p$ distinct points
$\{x_1, \ldots
x_p\}$ of $X$
there exist $\e>0$, a s.h.m. $h$ for
$K_X+mL$ with
$\T{h}{K_X + mL} \geq^{\mu}_1 \epsilon \omega \otimes {\rm Id}_{L_h}$
and with the property that
the multiplier ideal
$\id (h)$ satisfies $\id(h)_{x_{i
}} \subseteq {\frak m}_{x_i}^{s_i+1}$, for every
$1\leq i \leq p$, and
is such that the closed subscheme
given by $\id (h)$ has all the points $x_{i}$ as isolated points.
The easy lemma that follows is probably well-known and
makes precise a well-understood principle: {\em
it is easy to go from global generation to the generation of higher jets}.
Though the presence of the nef line bundle $M$ is redundant
in the statement, we use it because
of the application of this lemma
to the case of higher rank.
{\rm (From freeness to the generation of jets)}
Let $X$, $n$, $p$ and $\{ s_1, \ldots , s_p \}$ be as above,
$F$, $A$ and $M$ be line bundles on $X$ such that
$F$ is ample and generated by its global sections, $A$ is ample
and $M$ is nef.
Then the global sections of $K_X + (pn + \sum_{i=1}^p s_i)F +A + M$
generate simultaneous jets
of order $s_1, \ldots, s_p$ at arbitrary distinct points
$x_1, \ldots , x_p$ of $X$.
Moreover, $ K_X + (n + 1)F +A + M$ is very ample.
{\em Proof.} Fix $\omega$ a hermitian metric on $X$ and $g$ a
hermitian metric on $A$ with positive curvature
$\T{h}{A} \geq \frac{3}{2}\e \omega$ for some $\e>0$.
Since $F$ is ample and the linear system $|F|$
is free of base-points, for every
index $i$ there are $n$ sections $\{\s_{ij}\}_{j=1}^n$ of $F$
such that their common zero locus is zero-dimensional at $x_i$.
Define a s.h.m. $h$ on $(pn+\sum_i{s_i}) F $ by first defining
metrics $h_i$ on $(n+ s_i)F$:
h^{-1}_i:= \left[ \sum_{j=1}^n{|\s_{ij}^2|} \right]^{n+s_i}
and then by multiplying them together
h: = \prod_{i=1}^p h_i.
Since $M$ is nef, one can choose a
hermitian metric $l$ on it such that
$\T{l}{M} \geq - \frac{1}{2} \e \omega$.
Define a metric $H$ on $(pn + \sum_{i=1}^p s_i)F +A + M$ by setting
H:=h\otimes g \otimes l.
We have that $\T{h_i}{(n+s_i)F}\geq 0$, $\forall i$ so that
$\T{h}{(np + \sum s_i)F} \geq 0$. It follows that $\Theta_H \geq \e
Since $g$ and $l$ are continuous, $\id(H)=\id (h)$.
By virtue of \ci{dem94}, Lemma 5.6.b, we have that
$\id (H)_{x_i}=\id (h)_{x_i} \subseteq {\frak m}_{x_i}^{s_i +1}$,
$\forall i$
and that the scheme associated with $\id (H)$ is zero-dimensional
at all the points $x_i$.
We conclude by Proposition \ref{cucu}.
The second part of the statement is \ci{an-siu}, Lemma 11.1
(the proof of which contains minor
inaccuracies but it is correct).
\subsection{Effective results on vector bundles}
We now see how to ``transplant" the metrics of Proposition
\ref{heart} to vector bundles
and how to use the results of \S\ref{vt}
to prove effective results for the vector
bundles of the form $\frak P$ as in the Introduction.
Let us remark
that the lower bounds on $m$ given in the various statements of the
that follows are only indicative. Any improvement of these bounds
in the line bundle case that can be obtained using
strictly positive singular metrics would give an analogous improvement
in the vector bundle case; see
\ci{siu94b}, Proposition 5.1 for example.
Let $n$, $p$, $\{s_1, \ldots , s_p \}$ and the various $m_i$ be as
in section \S\ref{demsiu}. Assume that $E$ is a rank $r$ vector bundle
on $X$
and let $N:=\min \{n, r \}$.
See Ex. \ref{listnef} for examples of $N$-nef vector bundles.
Let $X$ be a projective manifold of dimension
$n$, $E$ be $N$-nef, $A$ and $L$ be ample
line bundles on $X$.
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.1)} If $m\geq m_1(n,p)$, then
the global sections of $K_X\otimes E \otimes (mL)$ separate arbitrary
$p$ distinct points of $X$;
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.$1'$)} if $m\geq \frac{1}{2}(n^2 +n +2)$, then
$K_X\otimes E \otimes (mL)$
is generated by its global sections;
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.2)} if $m\geq m_2(n,p; s_1, \ldots, s_p)$, then
the global sections of $2K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL)$
generate simultaneous jets of order
$s_1,\ldots, s_p \in {\Bbb N}$ at arbitrary $p$ distinct points of $X$;
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.$2'$)} if
$m\geq m_2(n,1;1)$, then
the global sections of $2K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL)$
separate arbitrary pair of points of $X$ and
generate jets of order
$1$ at an arbitrary point of $X$.
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.3)} if $m\geq m_3(n,p; s_1, \ldots , s_p)$, then
the global sections of
(pn+\sum s_i +1)K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL) \otimes A
generate simultaneous jets of order
$s_1,\ldots, s_p \in {\Bbb N}$ at arbitrary $p$ distinct points of $X$;
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.4)} if
$m\geq m_4(n)$, then
the global sections of $(n+2)K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL) \otimes A$
separate arbitrary pair of points of $X$ and
generate jets of order
$1$ at an arbitrary point of $X$;
{ \rm (\ref{effres}.5)}
the global sections of
$E\otimes (mL)$ separate arbitrary pair of points of $X$ and
generate jets of order
$1$ at an arbitrary point of $X$ as soon as
m\geq C_n (L^n)^{3^{(n-2)}} ( n+2 + \frac{L^{n-1} \cdot
\frac{n}{2} + \frac{3}{4})+ \frac{1}{4}},
where $C_n=(2n)^{\frac{3^{(n-1)} - 1}{2}}(n^3-n^2 -n -1)^{
\frac{n}{2} + \frac{3}{4})+ \frac{1}{4}}$.
Let us give a geometric interpretation to, say, (\ref{effres}.$2'$).
We employ the notation of \S\ref{demsiu}. Let $(X,E,L,m)$ be as in
Let $E':= E \otimes (K_X + mL)$ and $L'=(r+1)(2K_X+ mL) + \det E$; note that
$h^0:=h^0(X,E')=\chi (X,E')$ and that $L'$ is very ample.
Then there is a closed embedding
\phi := f \times g : X \longrightarrow G(r,h^0) \times \pn{n}
such that $E \simeq f^*(\QQ \otimes \q) \otimes g^*\odixl{\pn{n}}{-1}$,
$\deg \hat{f}(X)= (\det E')^n$ and $g$ is finite surjective with $\deg g
Let $\{X_i,E_i,L_i\}_{i\in I}$ be a set
of triplets as above. If we can bound from
above $h^0_i$, $\deg \hat{f_i}(X_i)$ and ${L'_i}^n$, then we can find
$\phi_i : X_i \to G \times \pn{n}$
$G=G(r,\max_I (h^0_i))$ such that the relevant invariants are bounded
from above.
This applies, for example, to the set of flat
vector bundles of fixed rank over a (family of)
projective manifold(s), to the set of
all nef vector bundles of fixed rank over curves of fixed genus,
to the set of projective surfaces with nef
tangent bundles, etc. By virtue of Remark \ref{algnef}, a similar
remark holds, more generally, for nef vector bundles.
{\em Proof of Theorem \ref{effres}.} Note that
$(')$ and $(')$ are special cases of $($ and
$($, respectively. We shall prove $($ and $($
in detail to illustrate the method.
The remaining three assertions are left to the reader
and can be proved using
the same method with the aid of Lemma \ref{freetojet}
for the second and third to last,
and with the guideline of \ci{dem96}, 4.7 for the last one.
Proof of (\ref{effres}.1). We follow closely
\ci{an-siu}. The proof is by induction on $p$. Let $p=1$.
Let $x\in X$ be arbitrary. By (\ref{heart}.1) we have
a strictly
positive s.h.m. $h$ on $mL$ such that
$x$ is an isolated point of
the scheme associated with
$\id (h)$.
By virtue of Theorem \ref{myvan},
$H^1(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL) \otimes \id (h))=0$ and
the following
surjections imply the case $p=1$:
H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL)) \surj H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes
\odix{X}/\id (h))
\surj H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL) \otimes
\odix{X}/ {\frak m}_x).
Let us assume that (\ref{effres}.1) is true for all integers
$\rho \leq p-1$ and prove the case $\rho=p$.
Let $h$ be as in (\ref{heart}.1) and $\id (h)$ be its
multiplier ideal. By virtue of
Theorem \ref{myvan},
we have that $H^1(K_X\otimes E \otimes (mL) \otimes \id (h))=0$.
Let $\cal J$ be the ideal sheaf on $X$ which agrees with
$\id (h)$ on $X\setminus J_0$ and which agrees with $\odix{X}$ on $J_0$.
Relabel the points so that $J_0=\{ 1, \ldots , l\}$.
By tensoring the exact sequence
0 \to \id (h) \to {\cal J} \to {\cal J}/\id(h) \to 0
with $K_X \otimes E \otimes mL$
we get the surjection:
H^0(X, K_X\otimes E \otimes (mL) \otimes {\cal J}) \surj
\bigoplus_{i=1}^{l} {\cal O}( K_X\otimes E \otimes (mL))_{x_i}
\odix{X,x_{i}}/{\frak m}_{x_{i}}
which implies that we can choose sections
${a_{1,j}} \in H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes
(mL))$ vanishing at $x_2, \ldots , x_p$, but generating the stalk
$ (K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL))_{x_1}$. We now apply the induction
to the set of $p-1$ points $\{x_2, \ldots , x_p\}$. \
By repeating the above procedure, and keeping in mind
that at each stage we may have
to relabel the points,
we obtain sections
$\{a_{i,j_{i}}\}\in H^0(X, K_X \otimes E \otimes
(mL))$, $\forall \, 1\leq i \leq p$ vanishing at $\{x_{i +1},
\ldots , x_p\}$
but generating the stalk
$ (K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL))_{x_{i}}$.
Given any point $x_{i}$, with $1\leq i \leq r$, and any vector $w \in
(K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL) )_{x_{i}}\otimes \odix{X, x_{i}}/
it is now easy to find
a linear combination of the sections $a_{i,j_i}$ which is $w$ at $x_{i}$
and zero at all the other $p-1$ points. This proves (\ref{effres}.1).
Proof of
We fix the integers $p,$
$s_1, \ldots, s_p$ and $p$ arbitrary distinct points
on $X$. We take a singular metric
$h$ on $K_X +mL$ with $m\geq m_1$ for which the associated multiplier
ideal $\id (h)$ has the properties
ensured by (\ref{heart}.2). Theorem \ref{myvan} gives us the vanishing
of $H^1(K_X \otimes K_X \otimes E \otimes (mL) \otimes
\id(h))$ which, in turn,
gives the
wanted surjection in view of the obvious surjections
\odix{X,x_{i}}/\id (h)_{x_{i}} \to
\odix{X,x_{i}}/{\frak m}_{x_{i}}^{s_{i} +1},
\forall \, \, 1 \leq i \leq p.
Both statements in {\rm Proposition \ref{heart}}
have counterparts entailing
not powers $mL$ of an ample line bundle $L$, but directly
an ample line bundle $\frak{L}$ which has ``intersection theory"
large enough. See {\rm \ci{an-siu}}, {\rm Theorem 0.3},
{\rm \ci{dem96} Theorem
2.4.b} and {\rm \ci{siu94b}}.
As a consequence one has statements similar to the ones
of {\rm Theorem \ref{effres}} with $mL$ substituted by an ample
line bundle $\frak{L}$ with intersection theory large enough; we omit the details.
Let $X$, $n$, $E$, $L$ be as in this section except
that $E$ is only assumed
to be nef. Using algebraic techniques
we can see that
$K_X \otimes E \otimes \det \, E \otimes L^{m}$
is globally generated for $m\geq \frac{1}{2}(n^2 +n+2) $.
Statements involving higher jets can be proved as well.
Details will appear in \ci{deeff}.
Let $X$, $E$ and $L$ be as above. Is the vector bundle
$K_X \otimes E \otimes L^{\otimes m}$
generated by global sections for every $m\geq \frac{1}{2}(n^2 +n+2)$?
1997-09-04T21:02:01 | 9708 | alg-geom/9708001 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9708001 | [
] | alg-geom/9708001 | Rahul Pandharipande | T. Graber and R. Pandharipande | Localization of virtual classes | 29 pages, LaTeX2e, General revision including error corrections | null | null | null | null | We prove a localization formula for virtual fundamental classes in the
context of torus equivariant perfect obstruction theories. As an application,
the higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of projective space are expressed as
graph sums of tautological integrals over moduli spaces of stable pointed
curves (generalizing Kontsevich's genus 0 formulas). Also, excess integrals
over spaces of higher genus multiple covers are computed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 1 Aug 1997 21:03:40 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 4 Sep 1997 19:01:26 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{\bf{Introduction}}
We prove a localization formula for the
virtual fundamental class in the general context of
$\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant perfect obstruction theories.
Let $X$ be an algebraic scheme with a $\mathbb{C}^*$-action
and a $\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant perfect obstruction theory.
The virtual fundamental class $[X]^{\it{vir}}$ in the expected
equivariant Chow group $A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(X)$ may be constructed
by the methods of Li-Tian [LT] and Behrend-Fantechi [B], [BF].
Each connected component $X_i$
of the fixed point scheme carries an associated
$\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed perfect obstruction theory. A
virtual fundamental class in $A_*(X_i)$ is thus determined.
The virtual normal bundle to $X_i$ is
obtained from the moving part of the virtual tangent space
determined by the obstruction theory.
The localization formula is then:
\label{exloc} [X]^{\it{vir}} =
\iota_* \sum \frac{[X_i]^{\it{vir}}}{e(N^{\it{vir}}_i)}
in $A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(X) \otimes \mathbb{Q}[t,\frac{1}{t}]$ where
$t$ is the generator of the equivariant ring of $\mathbb{C}^*$.
This localization formula is the main result of the paper.
The proof
requires an additional hypothesis on $X$:
the existence of a $\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant embedding in a
nonsingular variety $Y$.
In case $X$ is nonsingular with the trivial perfect
obstruction theory, equation (\ref{exloc})
reduces immediately to the standard localization formula
[Bo], [AB]. Originally, this localization was
proven in equivariant cohomology. Algebraic localization in
equivariant Chow theory has recently been established in
[EG2]. The point of view of our paper is entirely algebraic.
The definitions and constructions related to the virtual
localization formula (\ref{exloc}) are
discussed in Section \ref{locfor}. The simplest example
of a $\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant perfect obstruction theory
is given by the following situation.
Let $Y$ be a nonsingular algebraic variety with a
$\mathbb{C}^*$-action. Let $V$ be a $\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant
bundle on $Y$. Let $v\in H^0(Y, V)^{\mathbb{C}^*}$ be a $\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed
section. Let $X$ be the scheme-theoretic zero locus of $v$.
$X$ is naturally endowed with an equivariant
perfect obstruction theory which yields the refined
Euler class (top Chern class) of $V$ as the virtual fundamental class.
The localization formula in this basic setting
is proven in Section \ref{localcase}. The method is
to deduce (\ref{exloc}) for $X$ from the
known localization formula for the nonsingular
variety $Y$.
The proof of (\ref{exloc}) for general
$\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant perfect obstruction theories on an
algebraic scheme $X$
proceeds in a similar manner. Again,
formula (\ref{exloc}) is deduced from the
ambient localization formula for $Y$.
The argument here is more
subtle: explicit
manipulation of cones and a rational equivalence
due to Vistoli [V] are necessary.
This proof is given in Section \ref{gencase}.
There are
two immediate applications of the virtual
localization formula. First, a local complete
intersection scheme is endowed with a
canonical perfect obstruction theory obtained
from the cotangent complex. A localization
formula is thus obtained for these singular
schemes (at least when equivariant
embeddings in nonsingular varieties exist).
Second, the proper Deligne-Mumford moduli stack
$\overline{M}_{g,n}(V, \beta)$ of stable maps to
a nonsingular projective variety $V$ is equipped
with a canonical perfect obstruction theory.
If $V$ has a $\mathbb{C}^*$-action, then a natural
$\mathbb{C}^*$-action on $\overline{M}_{g,n}(V, \beta)$
is defined by translation of the map.
An equivariant perfect obstruction theory
on $\overline{M}_{g,n}(V, \beta)$ can be obtained.
$\overline{M}_{g,n}(V, \beta)$ admits an equivariant embedding
in a nonsingular Deligne-Mumford
As a result, the virtual localization formula
holds for $\overline{M}_{g,n}(V, \beta)$.
In the last two sections of the paper, consequences of the
localization formula in Gromov-Witten theory are explored.
In Section \ref{projj}, an explicit graph summation formula
for the Gromov-Witten invariants (for all genera) of
$\mathbf P^r$ is presented via localization on the
moduli space of maps $\overline{M}_{g,n}(\mathbf P^r,d)$.
The invariants are expressed as a sum over graphs
corresponding to the fixed point loci. For each graph,
the summand is a product over vertex terms.
The vertex terms
are integrals over associated spaces
$\overline{M}_{g',n'}$ of the Chern classes of the
cotangent line bundles and the Hodge bundle.
All these integrals may be calculated from Witten's conjectures
(Kontsevich's theorem) by a method due to Faber [Fa].
Similar graph sum formulas exist for Gromov-Witten
invariants (and their descendents) of all the
compact algebraic homogeneous spaces $\mathbf{G}/\mathbf{P}$ via the
action of the maximal torus $\mathbf{T}\subset \mathbf{G}$.
The positive
Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbf P^2$ coincide with
enumerative geometry: they count the number $N^{g}_d$
of genus $g$, degree $d$, nodal plane curves passing
through $3d+g-1$ points in $\mathbf P^2$.
Localization presents a solution of this enumerative
geometry problem via integrals of tautological
classes over the moduli space of pointed curves.
The numbers $N^{g}_d$ have been computed via
more classical degeneration methods in [R1], [CH].
The character of the solutions in [R1], [CH] is markedly different:
it is
by recursion over wider classes of enumerative
In Section \ref{ellip}, localization is applied to a question
suggested to us by S. Katz:
the calculation of excess integrals on the moduli spaces
$\overline{M}_{g,0}(\mathbf P^1,d)$ that arise in the study of
Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Under suitable conditions,
the integral
\int _{[ \overline{M}_{g,0}(\mathbf P^1,d)]^{\it{vir}}}
c_{\rm{top}} (R^1 \pi_* \mu^* N)
is the contribution to the
genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariant of a Calabi-Yau 3-fold
of multiple
covers of a fixed rational curve (with normal bundle
$N={\mathcal{O}}(-1)\oplus {\mathcal{O}}(-1)$). In [M], the integral (\ref{exxx})
is explicitly evaluated to be $1/d^3$
in the genus $g=0$ case via localization
on the nonsingular stack $\overline{M}_{0,0}(\mathbf P^1,d)$.
A trick of setting one of the $\mathbb{C}^*$-weights on $\mathbf P^1$
to be 0 is used. We evaluate the excess integral
in the genus $g=1$ case
in Section \ref{ellip} via virtual localization on
$\overline{M}_{1,0}(\mathbf P^1,d)$.
Manin's trick [M]
and formulas for cotangent line integrals on $\overline{M}_{1,n}$
are used to handle the graph sum.
The answer obtained, $1/12d$, agrees with the physics result of
The higher genus integrals may be explicitly
evaluated in any given case by virtual localization and the
algorithm implemented by Faber [Fa]
to calculate the vertex integrals. The conjecture obtained
from these calculations is: for $g\geq 2$,
\int _{[ \overline{M}_{g,0}(\mathbf P^1,d)]^{\it{vir}}} c_{\rm{top}}
(R^1 \pi_* \mu^* N)
= \frac{|B_{2g}| \cdot d^{2g-3}}{2g\cdot (2g-2)!} =
|\chi(M_g)| \frac{d^{2g-3}}{(2g-3)!}
where $B_{2g}$ is the $2g^{th}$ Bernoulli number and
$\chi(M_g)= B_{2g}/2g(2g-2)$ is the orbifold
Euler characteristic of $M_g$.
This conjecture was made jointly with C. Faber.
We have not yet been able to evaluate the
graph sums uniformly to establish (\ref{conjj}).
The localization formula and graph sum formulas were
first introduced in the context of stable maps by Kontsevich
in [K] following related work of Ellingsrud and Str\o mme [ES].
Kontsevich studied the convex genus 0 case
where the moduli spaces are nonsingular Deligne-Mumford stacks.
Many ideas about the virtual fundamental class
and localization described here are implicit in [K].
In particular, the higher genus formulas of Section
\ref{projj} are identical to the genus 0 formulas of [K]
except for the new Hodge bundle terms. However, the higher
genus map spaces are in general nonreduced, reducible, and
singular, so the virtual localization formula (\ref{exloc})
is essential.
Givental has stated
a localization axiom for genus 0 Gromov-Witten
invariants of toric varieties in [G] which follows from
(\ref{exloc}). Localization formulas are used in [G]
to prove predictions of mirror symmetry in the
case of Calabi-Yau complete intersections in
toric varieties.
The authors thank P. Aluffi,
K. Behrend, D. Edidin,
W. Fulton, E. Getzler, L. G\"ottsche, S. Katz, A. Kresch, J. Li,
B. Seibert, M. Thaddeus, and A. Vistoli for many valuable conversations.
A special thanks is due to C. Faber for his
computations of the vertex integrals in (\ref{conjj}) and to
B. Fantechi for her
tireless explanations of obstruction theories and
virtual classes.
The first author was supported by an NSF graduate fellowship.
The second author was partially supported by an NSF
post-doctoral fellowship.
The authors also thank the
Mittag-Leffler Institute for support.
\section{\bf{The virtual localization formula}}
Let $X$ be an algebraic scheme over $\mathbb{C}$.
A perfect obstruction theory consists of the following data:
\item[(i)] A two term complex of vector bundles
$E^\bullet = [E^{-1} \rightarrow E^0]$ on X.
\item[(ii)] A morphism $\phi$ in the derived category (of
quasi-coherent sheaf complexes bounded from above)
from $E^\bullet$
to the cotangent complex $L^\bullet X$ of $X$ satisfying two properties.
\item[(a)] $\phi$ induces an isomorphism in cohomology in degree 0.
\item[(b)] $\phi$ induces a surjection in cohomology in degree -1.
The constructions
of [LT], [BF] give rise to a virtual fundamental class, $[X]^{\it{vir}}$
in $A_d(X)$ where $d= \mbox{rk}(E^0)-\mbox{rk}(E^{-1})$
is the expected dimension. Let $E_\bullet=[ E_0 \rightarrow E_1]$
denote the dual complex of $E^\bullet$.
If $X$ admits a global closed embedding in a nonsingular
scheme (or Deligne-Mumford stack) $Y$, one can give a relatively
straightforward construction of the
virtual class as follows.
In this situation, the two term cut-off of the
cotangent complex can be taken to be:
$$L^\bullet X = [I/I^2 \rightarrow \Omega_Y]$$
where $I$ is the ideal sheaf of $X$ in $Y$.
Since only this cut-off will be used, the cotangent
complex will be identified with its cut-off throughout this
We assume for simplicity that
\phi: E^\bullet \rightarrow [I/I^2 \rightarrow \Omega_Y]
is an actual map of complexes.
This hypothesis is not required for the constructions
of [LT], [BF].
However, if $X$ has enough locally frees,
such a representative $(E^\bullet, \phi)$
may always be chosen in the derived category.
The mapping cone associated to the morphism $\phi$ of complexes
yields an exact sequence
of sheaves:
E^{-1} \rightarrow E^0 \oplus I/I^2 \stackrel{\gamma}{\rightarrow} \Omega_Y \rightarrow 0.
In fact, $\phi$
satisfies (a) and (b) if and only if
(\ref{mppp}) is exact.
We consider the associated exact sequence of abelian cones
0 \rightarrow TY \rightarrow C(I/I^2) \times_X E_0 \rightarrow C(Q)\rightarrow 0
where $C(Q)$ is the cone associated to the kernel $Q$ of $\gamma$.
As $Q$ is a quotient of $E^{-1}$,
$C(Q)$ embeds in $E_1$. The normal cone of $X$ in $Y$, $C_{X/Y}$,
is naturally a closed subscheme of $C(I/I^2)$.
If we
define $D=C_{X/Y} \times_X E_0$, then $D$ is a $TY$-cone (see [BF]), and the
quotient of $D$ by $TY$ is a subcone of $C(Q)$ which we will denote
by $D^{\it{vir}}$. The virtual fundamental class of $X$ associated
to this obstruction theory is then the refined
intersection of $D^{\it{vir}}$ with
the zero section of the vector bundle $E_1$.
Suppose $X\subset Y$ is equipped with an equivariant $\mathbf{G}$-action together
with a lifting to the complex $E^\bullet$ such that
$\phi$ is a morphism in the derived category of $\mathbf{G}$-equivariant
sheaves (with respect to the natural $\mathbf{G}$-action on
$L^\bullet X$).
The above construction then
yields an equivariant virtual fundamental class in the
equivariant Chow group $A^\mathbf{G}_d(X)$ since the cones used are invariant.
In fact, to define the equivariant virtual class,
global equivariant embeddings
are not necessary.
We now assume the group $\mathbf{G}$ is
the torus
$\mathbb{C}^*$. We expect to be able to reduce integrals over $[X]^{\it{vir}}$
to integrals over the fixed point set.
Let $X^f$ be the maximal $\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed closed subscheme
of $X$. $X^f$ is the natural scheme theoretic fixed point
If $X={\rm Spec}(A)$, then the ideal of $X^f$ is generated by
the $\mathbb{C}^*$-eigenfunctions
with nontrivial characters.
For nonsingular $Y$, $Y^f$ is the nonsingular
set theoretic fixed point locus [I].
For $X\subset Y$, the relation
$X^f= X\cap Y^f$ holds. We let $Y_f= \bigcup Y_i$
be the decomposition into irreducible components.
Let $X_i= X\cap Y_i$. $X_i$ is possibly reducible.
Let $S$ be a coherent sheaf on a fixed component $X_i$ with a
$\mathbb{C}^*$-action. $S$ decomposes as direct sum,
$$S = \bigoplus_{k\in \mathbb{Z}} S^{k},$$
of $\mathbb{C}^*$-eigensheaves of ${\mathcal{O}}_{X_i}$-modules.
If $S$ is locally free, each summand is also locally
free. We denote the fixed subsheaf $S^{0}$ by $S^f$ and the
moving subsheaf
$\oplus_{k\neq 0} S^k$ by $S^{m}$.
is a natural isomorphism $\Omega_Y |_{Y_i}^f=
\Omega_{Y_i}$ [I]. It is easy to then deduce:
$$\Omega_X |_{X_i}^f = \Omega_{X_i}$$
from the equality $X_i = X \cap Y_i$ or the universal
property of K\"ahler differentials.
Let $E^{\bullet}_i$ denote the restriction of $E^\bullet$
to $X_i$. Let $E^{\bullet,f}_i$ denote the
fixed part of the complex $E^{\bullet}_i$. $E^{\bullet,f}_i$
is a two term complex of bundles.
There exists a canonical map,
$$\psi_i: E^{\bullet,f}_i \rightarrow L^\bullet X_i,$$
determined by the following
Let $\phi_i: E^\bullet_i \rightarrow L^\bullet X |_{X_i}$ be
the pull-back of $\phi$, and let
$\phi_i^f: E_i^{\bullet,f} \rightarrow L^\bullet X|_{X_i}^f$ be
the associated fixed map.
Similarly let $\delta_i: L^\bullet X|_{X_i} \rightarrow
L^\bullet X_i$
be the canonical morphism, and let $\delta_i^f$ be
the associated fixed map. Then,
$\psi_i= \delta_i^f \circ \phi_i^f$.
The map
$\psi_i: E^{\bullet,f}_i \rightarrow L^\bullet X_i$ is a
canonical perfect obstruction theory on $X_i$.
\noindent {\em Proof.}
To show $\psi_i$ satisfies properties (a) and
(b), it suffices to show both maps $\phi_i^f$ and
$\delta_i^f$ satisfy these properties.
A map of complexes $\nu: A^\bullet \rightarrow B^\bullet$
satisfies (a) and (b) if and only if the sequence
$$ A^{-1} \oplus B^{-2} \rightarrow A^0 \oplus B^{-1} \rightarrow B^0 \rightarrow 0$$
is exact. Since tensor product is
right exact, the joint validity of (a) and (b) is preserved
under pull-back. As $\phi$ is a perfect
obstruction theory, $\phi_i$ satisfies (a) and (b).
The fixed map $\phi_i^f$
also satisfies properties (a) and (b) since taking invariants
is exact.
The cotangent
complex of $X_i$ can be represented by the embedding $X_i \subset Y_i$:
$$L^\bullet X_i =[ I_{X_i/Y_i}/ I^2_{X_i/Y_i} \rightarrow \Omega_{Y_i}
The zeroth cohomology of $L^\bullet X|_{X_i}^f$ is
$\Omega_{X}|_{X_i}^f = \Omega_{X_i}.$
Thus, $\delta_i^f$ satisfies property (a).
Property (b) for $\delta^f_i$ will now be established.
The map $\delta^f_i$ is represented by the natural diagram:
I_{X/Y}/I^2_{X/Y} | _{X_i}^f
@>>> \Omega_{Y} |_{X_i}^f \\
@V{d^{-1}}VV @V{d^0}VV \\
I_{X_i/Y_i}/I^2_{X_i/Y_i} @>>> \Omega_{Y_i}|_{X_i}
Since $X_i= X\cap Y_i$, the
map $$I_{X/Y}/I^2_{X/Y}|_{X_i} \rightarrow I_{X_i/Y_i}/I^2_{X_i/Y_i}$$
is surjective.
Hence, $d^{-1}$ is surjective. As
$d^0$ is an isomorphism,
is surjective on cohomology in degree $-1$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
\noindent The virtual structure on $X_i$ is defined to be the
one induced by the perfect obstruction theory
$\psi_i: E_i^{\bullet,f} \rightarrow L^\bullet X_i$.
We define the virtual normal bundle, $N^{\it{vir}}_i$ to $X_i$ to be
the moving part of
Note that $E_{\bullet,i}$ is a complex, and not a single bundle.
Also note that in the non-virtual case, when the complex has just
one term, this coincides with the usual normal bundle.
Define the Euler class (top
Chern class) of a two term complex $[B_0 \rightarrow B_1]$ to be
the ratio of the Euler classes of the two bundles:
$e(B_0)/e(B_1)$. We arrive at
the following natural formulation of the virtual Bott residue formula
for the Euler class of a bundle $A$ of rank equal to the virtual dimension
of $X$:
\int_{[X]^{\it{vir}}} e(A) = \sum \int_{[X_i]^{\it{vir}}} \frac{e(A_i)}{e(N^{\it{vir}}_i)}
where the Euler classes on the right hand side are
equivariant classes. Since $N^{\it{vir}}_i$ is
a complex of bundles with nonzero $\mathbb{C}^*$-weights, the
Euler class $e(N^{\it{vir}}_i)$ is invertible in the localized
$$A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_*(X)_{{t}}= A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_*(X) \otimes_{\mathbb{Q}[t]}\mathbb{Q}[t,
Chow groups will always be taken with $\mathbb{Q}$-coefficients.
As in the case of the standard Bott residue formula, equation (\ref{boott})
be a consequence of a localization formula in equivariant Chow groups.
On a nonsingular variety $Y$, the fundamental
result which immediately implies the residue formula is:
$$[Y]= \iota_* \sum \frac{[Y_i]} {e(N_i)}$$
in $A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_* (Y) _t.$
The obvious generalization to the virtual setting which would just
as readily imply the virtual residue formula is:
[X]^{\it{vir}} = \iota_* \sum \frac{[X_i]^{\it{vir}}} {e(N^{\it{vir}}_i)}.
It is worth remarking that in the case of most interest to us,
the moduli space of maps to projective space, the right side
of (\ref{vbott}) is directly accessible. In this case,
three special properties hold. First, the fixed loci
$X_i$ for a general $\mathbb{C}^*$-action
have been identified by Kontsevich in [K]: they
are indexed by graphs and are essentially products of
Deligne-Mumford moduli spaces of pointed curves.
$[X_i]^{\it{vir}}=[X_i]$. Finally, $e(N^{\it{vir}}_i)$ is
expressible in terms of tautological classes on $X_i$
via the deformation theory of curves and maps.
Thus (\ref{vbott})
provides a concrete way to calculate virtual integrals on moduli
spaces where it seems quite difficult to directly evaluate the
virtual fundamental class.
\section{\bf{Proof in the basic case}}
As a first motivational step, we prove the virtual
localization formula (\ref{exloc}) in the
following situation.
Let $Y$ be
a nonsingular variety equipped with a $\mathbb{C}^*$-action,
a $\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant bundle $V$, and an invariant
section $v$ of $V$. The zero scheme $X$ of $v$ carries
a natural equivariant perfect obstruction theory.
The two term complex of bundles on $X$,
$$E^\bullet =[V^\vee \rightarrow \Omega_Y],$$
is obtained from the the section $v$.
The required morphism to the cotangent complex
$L^\bullet X =[ I/I^2 \rightarrow \Omega_Y]$ is obtained from the
natural map
$V^\vee \rightarrow I/I^2$ on $X$.
The definitions show
the virtual fundamental class in this case is just the refined Euler
class of $V$. That is, if we consider the graph of the section,
and take its refined intersection product with the zero section, we
get a Chow homology class supported on the zero locus $X$.
The definitions of the virtual fundamental class for
general spaces are specifically designed to recover this refined
Euler class from the local data of the two term complex, and
to generalize this class in cases where such a geometric realization of
the deformation complex does not necessarily exist.
In this basic situation, we can express all of the virtual objects in
the localization formula in terms of familiar data on $Y$.
As in Section \ref{locfor},
we denote the components of the
fixed locus of $Y$ by $Y_i$.
$V$ splits into eigenbundles on $Y_i$.
Since $v$ is a $\mathbb{C}^*$-invariant section, it is necessarily a section of
the weight 0 bundle $V_i^f$.
$Y_i$ is a smooth manifold with a vector bundle and a section
which vanishes exactly on $X_i=X\cap Y_i$.
The associated $\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed
obstruction theory defined in Section \ref{locfor},
$$[(V_i^{f}) ^\vee \rightarrow \Omega_{Y_i}],$$ is exactly
the perfect obstruction theory obtained from the pair $V_i^f$ and
$v\in H^0(Y_i, V_i^f)$. Note the maps to the cotangent
complex must be checked to agree.
It follows that
the virtual fundamental class of $X_i$ is the same as the
refined Euler class of $V_i^f$ on $Y_i$.
The virtual normal bundle is
by definition the moving part of the complex $[TY \rightarrow V]$.
The moving part of $TY$ is just the normal bundle to $Y_i$. Hence
$N^{\it{vir}}_i$ is
the complex
$[N_{Y_i/Y} \rightarrow V_i^m]$. By the definition of Euler class of a
complex, we obtain: $$e(N^{\it{vir}}_i)=\frac{e(N_{Y_i/Y})} { e(V_i^m)}.$$
After substituting this expression for $e(N^{\it{vir}}_i)$
into the virtual localization formula (\ref{exloc}),
we see the equality we want to prove in $A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(X)_t$ is:
e_{\rm{ref}}(V) = \iota_* \sum \frac{e_{\rm{ref}}(V_i^f) \cap e(V_i^m)} { e(N_{Y_i/Y})}
where $e_{\rm{ref}}(V)$ is the refined Euler class of $V$ as
a Chow homology class on $X$.
We know by the
localization formula on $Y$:
$$[Y] = \iota_* \sum \frac{[Y_i]}{e(N_{Y_i/Y})}. $$
Intersecting both sides with $e_{\rm{ref}}(V)$ yields:
$$e_{\rm{ref}}(V) = \iota_* \sum \frac{e_{\rm{ref}}(V)\cap [Y_i]}{ e(N_{Y_i/Y})}.$$
Since taking refined Euler class commutes with pullback, the numerators
on the right hand side are just the refined Euler classes of $V_i$.
On each component,
we have the splitting
$V_i=V_i^f \oplus V_i^m$. Since the section lives
entirely in $V_i^f$, it follows that $e_{\rm{ref}}(V_i)=
e_{\rm{ref}}(V_i^f) \cap e(V_i^m)$.
Formula (\ref{goall}) is thus obtained. The proof of (\ref{exloc}) in the
basic case is complete.
\section{\bf{Proof in the general case}}
In this section, we prove the virtual localization formula for an
arbitrary scheme $X$ which admits an equivariant embedding
in a nonsingular scheme $Y$.
Recall from the construction of the virtual class in Section \ref{locfor},
the two cones
$D$ and $D^{\it{vir}}$ satisfy:
0 \rightarrow TY \rightarrow D \rightarrow D^{\it{vir}} \rightarrow 0
D= C_{X/Y} \times E_0.
$D^{\it{vir}}$ is a embedded as a closed
subcone of $E_1$. The
virtual class is defined by $[X]^{\it{vir}} = s_{E_1}^* [D^{\it{vir}}]$.
Alternatively, there is a fiber square:
TY @>>> D \\
@VVV @VVV \\
X @>{0_{E_1}}>> E_1
where the bottom map is the zero section.
Then, $[X]^{\it{vir}}= s_{TY}^* 0^{!}_{E_1} [D].$
Let $X_i= X\cap Y_i$ be defined as in Section \ref{localcase}.
$X_i$ is a union of connected components.
$\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed analogues of (\ref{seq1}) and (\ref{seq2})
hold for the embeddings
$X_i \subset Y_i$:
$$0 \rightarrow TY_i \rightarrow D_i \rightarrow D^{\it{vir}}_i \rightarrow 0,$$
$$D_i= C_{X_i/Y_i} \times E_0^f.$$
$D^{\it{vir}}_i$ is a embedded as a closed
subcone of $E^f_1$, and $[X_i]^{\it{vir}}= s_{E_1^f}^*(D^{\it{vir}}_i)$.
Since $X_i$ is possibly disconnected,
it should be noted that the ranks of the bundles $E^f_{0,i}$ and
$E^f_{1,i}$ may vary on the connected components.
The Euler classes of these bundles on $X_i$ are
taken with respect to their ranks on each component.
For notational convenience, the restriction subscript $i$
will be dropped. Similarly, the pull-backs of
$TY$ and $TY_i$ to $X_i$ will be denoted by $TY$ and $TY_i$.
The virtual localization formula for $X$ will be deduced from
localization for $Y$. We start with the equality
$$[Y] = \iota_* \sum \frac{[Y_i]}{e(TY^m)}$$
in $A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_*(Y)_t$.
The refined intersection product with $[X]^{\it{vir}}$ yields:
$$[X]^{\it{vir}} = \iota_* \sum \frac{[X]^{\it{vir}} \cdot [Y_i]}{e(TY^m)}$$
in $A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_*(X)_t$.
Comparing this equation with our desired virtual localization
formula, we see that it suffices to establish:
\frac{[X]^{\it{vir}} \cdot [Y_i]} { e(TY^m)} =
\frac{ [X_i]^{\it{vir}} \cap e(E_1^m)} { e(E_0^m)}
in $A^{\mathbb{C}^*}(X_i) _t$.
The refined
intersection of a basic linear
equivalence due to Vistoli [V] with the zero section of a bundle
will yield equation (\ref{point}). The method follows similar
arguments in [BF].
We first review Vistoli's rational equivalence.
Consider the following Cartesian diagram:
\iota^* C_{X/Y} @>>> C_{X/Y} \\
@VVV @ VVV\\
X_i @>>> X \\
@VVV @VVV \\
Y_i @>{\iota}>> Y
The cone
$C_{X_i/Y_i}$ naturally embeds in
$\iota^* C_{X/Y}$.
Vistoli [V] has constructed a
rational equivalence in $N_{Y_i/Y} \times \iota^* C_{X/Y}$ which
\iota^![C_{X/Y}]= [C_{X_i/Y_i}]
in $A_*(\iota^* C_{X/Y})$ (see [BF]). Applying
Vistoli's equivalence to the $\mathbb{C}^*$-homotopy
quotients yields equation (\ref{dwdw}) in
$A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_*(\iota^* C_{X/Y})$.
We will consider the pull-back of this relation to
$\iota^*D= \iota^*C_{X/Y} \times E_0$:
\iota^![D] =
[D_i \times E_0^m]
in $A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(\iota^* D)$.
Consider the pull-back of
the exact sequence of abelian cones (\ref{fff}) to $X_i$:
$$0 \rightarrow TY \rightarrow \iota^*C(I/I^2) \times E_0 \rightarrow \iota^* C(Q) \rightarrow 0.$$
There is an inclusion $\iota^* C(Q) \subset E_1$.
The natural inclusion $\iota^* D \subset \iota^* C(I/I^2) \times
E_0$ is $TY$-invariant.
Hence, the quotient cones
$$\iota^*D/ TY_i \rightarrow \iota^*D/ TY \subset \iota^* C(Q)$$
We obtain a three level
Cartesian diagram:
TY @>>> \iota^*D \\
@VVV @VVV \\
TY/TY_i @>>> \iota^*D/TY_i \\
@VVV @VVV \\
X_i @>{0_{E_1}}>> E_1
Note that $TY/TY_i= TY^m$.
We now start the derivation of equation (\ref{point}).
The first steps are:
[X]^{\it{vir}} \cdot [Y_i] & = & \iota^! s_{TY}^* 0^!_{E_1} [D] \\
& = & s_{TY}^* 0^!_{E_1} \iota^! [D] \\
& = & s_{TY}^* 0^!_{E_1} [D_i \times E_0^m]
in $A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(X_i)$.
The first equality is by the definition of $[X]^{\it{vir}}$. The second is
obtained from the
commutativity of the intersection product. The third follows from
equation (\ref{vist}).
The $TY_i$-action on $\iota^* D$ leaves the cycle
$D_i \times E_0^m$ invariant (since $TY_i$ acts
naturally on $D_i$ and trivially on $E_0^m$).
By definition, $$D_i/TY_i= D^{\it{vir}}_i.$$ The class
$[D_i\times E_0^m]\in A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(\iota^* D)$ is thus
the pull-back of
$[D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m] \in A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(\iota^*D/TY_i)$.
$$s_{TY}^* 0^!_{E_1} [D_i \times E_0^m] =
s_{TY^m}^* 0^!_{E_1} [D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m].$$
The scheme-theoretic intersection $0^{-1}_{E_1} (D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m)$
certainly lies in $TY^m$.
The map $$D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m \rightarrow E_1$$ is the product of
the inclusion $D^{\it{vir}}_i \subset E_1^f$ and
the natural map from the obstruction theory $E_0^m \rightarrow E_1^m$.
We thus observe $0^{-1}_{E_1}(D^{\it{vir}}_i \times
E_0^m)$ also lies in $E_0^m$. We conclude the existence
of the following diagram:
0^{-1}_{E_1}(D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m) @>>> E_0^m \\
@VVV @VVV \\
TY^m @>>> X_i \\
To proceed, we need a relation among Gysin maps.
Let $B_0$ and $B_1$ be $\mathbb{C}^*$-equivariant
bundles on $X_i$.
Let $Z$ be a scheme equipped with two equivariant inclusions
$j_0$, $j_1$
over $X_i$:
Z @>>> B_1 \\
@VVV @VVV \\
B_0 @>>> X_i \\
\end{equation} Let $\zeta \in A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_*(Z)$.
$$ s^*_{B_0} j_{0*}(\zeta) \cap e(B_1)
= s^*_{B_1} j_{1*}(\zeta) \cap e(B_0) \ \ \in A^{\mathbb{C}^*}_* (X_i).$$
\noindent {\em Proof.}
Consider the family of inclusions $j_t:Z \hookrightarrow B_0 \times B_1$
defined for $t \in \mathbb{C}$ by:
$$j_t= (1-t)\cdot j_0 + t\cdot j_1.$$
The existence of this family implies:
$$s_{B_0 \times B_1}^*j_{0*} (\zeta)= s_{B_0 \times B_1}^*j_{1*}(\zeta).$$
This yields the Lemma by the excess intersection formula.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Applying Lemma \ref{tww} to diagram (\ref{ccccc})
and the class $\zeta= 0^!_{E_1}[D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m]$
[X]^{\it{vir}} \cdot [Y_i] =
s_{E_0^m}^* \Big( 0^!_{E_1} [D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m] \Big) \cdot
The class $0^!_{E_1} [D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m]$ is now considered
to lie in $A_*^{\mathbb{C}^*}(E_0^m)$. As this class does not
depend on the bundle map
E_0^m \rightarrow E_1^m,
we are free to assume (\ref{aaaa}) is trivial.
Then, the equality
s_{E_0^m}^* \Big( 0^!_{E_1} [D^{\it{vir}}_i \times E_0^m] \Big) =
[X_i]^{\it{vir}} \cap e(E_1^m)
follows easily from the definition of $[X_i]^{\it{vir}}$ and the
excess intersection formula. Equation (\ref{point})
is a consequence of (\ref{kkkk}) and (\ref{kdf}). The proof of
the virtual localization formula is complete.
\section{\bf{The formula for $\mathbf P^r$}}
We can use the virtual localization formula (\ref{exloc}) to derive
an expression for the higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of projective
space analogous to the one given for genus 0 invariants in [K].
The additional arguments needed to justify formula (\ref{exloc}) in the
category of Deligne-Mumford stacks for the moduli space
of maps are given in the Appendices.
We first establish our conventions about the torus
action on projective space.
Let $V=\mathbb{C}^{r+1}$. Let $p_i\in \mathbf P(V)$ be the points
determined by the basis vectors.
Let $\mathbb{C}^*$ act on $V$ with generic weights $-\lambda_0, \ldots
,-\lambda_r$. Then, the induced action on the tangent space to $\mathbf P(V)$
at $p_i$ has weights $\lambda_i - \lambda_j$ for $j \neq i$.
Let $\mathbf{T}$ be the full diagonal torus acting on $\mathbf P^r$.
Following [K], we can identify the components of the fixed point
locus of the $\mathbf{T}$-action on $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$ with certain types of
marked graphs. Let $f:C \rightarrow \mathbf P^r$ be a $\mathbf{T}$-fixed stable map.
The image of $C$ is a $\mathbf{T}$-invariant curve in $\mathbf P(V)$, and the images
of all marked points, nodes, contracted components, and ramification
points are $\mathbf{T}$-fixed points.
The $\mathbf{T}$-fixed points on $\mathbf P^r$ are
$p_0 , \ldots, p_r$, and the only
invariant curves are the lines joining the points
$p_i$. It follows that
each non-contracted component of $C$ must map onto one of these lines,
and be ramified only over the two fixed points. This forces such
a component to be rational, and the map restricted to this
component is completely determined by its degree.
We are led to identify the components of the fixed locus with
marked graphs. To an invariant stable map $f$, we associate a marked
graph $\Gamma$
as follows.
$\Gamma$ has one edge for each non-contracted component. The edge $e$ is
marked with the
degree $d_e$ of the map from that component to its image line.
$\Gamma$ has one vertex for each connected component of $f^{-1}(\{p_0,
\ldots, p_r\})$.
Define the labeling map $$i: \text{Vertices} \rightarrow \{0, \ldots, r\}$$
by $f(v)= p_{i(v)}$.
The vertices have an additional labeling $g(v)$ by the
arithmetic genus of the associated component.
(Note the component may be a single point,
in which case its genus is 0.) Finally, $\Gamma$ has $n$ numbered
legs coming from the $n$ marked points. These legs are attached to the
appropriate vertex. An edge is incident to a vertex if the two
associated subschemes of $C$ are incident.
The set of all invariant
stable maps whose associated graph is $\Gamma$ is naturally identified
with a finite quotient of a product of moduli spaces of
pointed curves.
Define: $${\barr M}_\Gamma = \prod_{{\rm vertices}} {\barr M}_{g(v),{\rm val} (v)}.$$
${\barr M}_{0,1}$ and
${\barr M}_{0,2}$ are interpreted as points in this product.
Over the Deligne-Mumford stack ${\barr M}_\Gamma$, there is
a canonical family $$\pi: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow {\barr M}_\Gamma$$
of $\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed stable maps
to $\mathbf P^r$ yielding a morphism
$$\gamma: {\barr M}_\Gamma \rightarrow \Mgn (\proj^r,d).$$
There is a natural automorphism group $\mathbf{A}$ acting
$\pi$-equivariantly on $\mathcal{C}$ and ${\barr M}_\Gamma$.
$\mathbf{A}$ is filtered by an exact sequence of groups:
$$ 1 \rightarrow \prod_{\rm edges} {\mathbb{Z}}/{d_e} \rightarrow
\mathbf{A} \rightarrow {\rm Aut}(\Gamma) \rightarrow 1$$
where ${\rm Aut} (\Gamma)$ is the
automorphism group of $\Gamma$ (as a marked graph).
${\rm Aut}(\Gamma)$ naturally acts on $\prod_{\rm edges} \mathbb{Z}/ d_e$
and $\mathbf{A}$ is the semidirect product. The induced
$$\gamma/ \mathbf{A} : {\barr M}_\Gamma / \mathbf{A} \rightarrow \Mgn (\proj^r,d)$$
is a closed immersion of Deligne-Mumford stacks.
It should be noted that the subgroup $\prod_{\rm edges} \mathbb{Z}/ d_e$
acts trivially on ${\barr M}_\Gamma$ and that ${\barr M}_\Gamma / \mathbf{A}$
is nonsingular.
A component of the $\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed stack of $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$
is supported on ${\barr M}_\Gamma/ \mathbf{A}$.
The fixed stack will be shown to be nonsingular by analysis
of the $\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed perfect obstruction theory which yields
the Zariski tangent space.
This nonsingularity
is surprising since the moduli stack $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$ is
A generic $\mathbb{C}^*\subset \mathbf{T}$ will have the same fixed point
loci in $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$.
Via this fixed point identification, the virtual
localization formula will relate the Gromov-Witten
invariants of $\mathbf P^r$ to
over moduli spaces of pointed curves.
Following [K], we define a flag $F$ of the graph $\Gamma$ to be an
incident edge-vertex pair $(e,v)$. Define $i(F)=i(v)$. The edge
$e$ is incident to one other vertex $v'$. Define $j(F)=i(v')$.
Define: $$\omega_F=\frac{\lambda_{i(F)}-\lambda_{j(F)} }{d_e}.$$
is the
weight of the induced action of $\mathbb{C}^*$ on the tangent space to the rational
component $C_e$
of $C$ corresponding to $F$ at its preimage over
$p_{i(F)}$. This fact follows from the corresponding calculation on the weight
of the action on the tangent space to the image line, with a factor of
$\frac{1}{d_e}$ coming from the $d_e$-fold ramification of the map at the
fixed point.
We describe the obstruction theory of $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$ restricted
to ${\barr M}_\Gamma/ \mathbf{A}$.
Define sheaves $\mathcal{T}^1$ and $\mathcal{T}^2$ on
${\barr M}_\Gamma/ \mathbf{A}$
the cohomology
of the restriction of the canonical (dual) perfect
obstruction theory $E_\bullet$ on $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$:
0 \rightarrow \mathcal{T}^1 \rightarrow E_{0,\Gamma} \rightarrow E_{1, \Gamma}
\rightarrow \mathcal{T}^2 \rightarrow 0.
There is a tangent-obstruction
exact sequence of sheaves on the substack ${\barr M}_\Gamma/\mathbf{A}$:
0 \rightarrow {\rm Ext}^0(\Omega_C(D), {\mathcal{O}}_C)
\rightarrow H^0(C,f^*TX) \rightarrow \mathcal{T}^1 \rightarrow
$$ \rightarrow {\rm Ext}^1(\Omega_C(D), {\mathcal{O}}_C) \rightarrow H^1(C,f^*TX)
\rightarrow \mathcal{T}^2 \rightarrow 0.$$
The marked point divisor on $C$ is denoted by $D$.
The 4 terms other than the sheaves $\mathcal{T}^i$ are vector
bundles and are labeled by their fibers. This sequence can be
viewed as
filtering the
deformations of the maps by those
which preserve the domain curves. It arises via the
pull-back to ${\barr M}_\Gamma/\mathbf{A}$ of a distinguished triangle of complexes
on $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$ (see Appendix B).
These results may be found in [LT], [R2], [B].
In the remainder of this section, the fixed and moving
parts of the 4 bundles in the tangent-obstruction complex
are explicitly identified following [K].
It is simpler to carry out the bundle analysis on the
prequotient $\overline{M}_\Gamma$ to avoid monodromy
in the nodes. In fact, the final integrals over the
fixed locus will be evaluated on ${\barr M}_\Gamma$
and corrected by the order of $\mathbf{A}$.
It will be seen that there are exactly 3
fixed pieces in the 4 bundles.
They occur in the $1^{\rm st}$, $2^{\rm nd}$, and
$4^{\rm th}$ terms of the complex. The fixed piece in the $1^{\rm st}$ term
maps isomorphically to the fixed piece of the $2^{\rm nd}$.
$\mathcal{T}^{1,f}$ is thus isomorphic to
the fixed piece in the $4^{\rm th}$ term. The latter is
canonically the tangent bundle to ${\barr M}_\Gamma$.
Also, $\mathcal{T}^{2,f}=0$. We can conclude that the
fixed stack is nonsingular and equal to ${\barr M}_\Gamma/\mathbf{A}$.
The two exact sequences
(\ref{eggg}) and (\ref{tanob}) imply:
$$e(N^{\it{vir}})= \frac{e(B_2^{m}) e(B_4^{m})}{e(B_1^m)e(B_5^m)}$$
where, for example, $B_2^m$ denotes the moving part
of the $2^{\rm nd}$ term in (\ref{tanob}).
We first calculate the contribution coming from the
bundle $${\rm Aut}(C)={\rm Ext}(\Omega_C(D), {\mathcal{O}}_C)$$ parameterizing infinitesimal
automorphisms of the pointed domain.
For each non-contracted component of $C$,
there is a weight zero piece coming
from the infinitesimal automorphism of that component
fixing the two special points. This term will cancel with a similar term
in $H^0(f^*T\mathbf P^r)$.
Also, since there is no moving part, $e(B_1^{m})=1$.
If it is the case that the special points are not
marked or nodes, that is the associated vertex of the graph has genus 0 and
one, there would be an extra automorphism with nontrivial weight. We
will leave this case and the case of a genus 0 valence 2
vertex to the reader.
No extra trivial weight pieces arise in these two
As in [K], the (integrated) final formulas for the genus 0 vertex
will still be correct.
Next, we consider the bundle ${\rm Def}(C)={\rm Ext}^1(\Omega_C(D), {\mathcal{O}}_C)$
deformations of the pointed domain.
A deformation of the contracted components (as marked curves) is
a weight zero deformation of the map which yields the
tangent space of ${\barr M}_\Gamma/ \mathbf{A}$
as a summand
in the weight zero piece
of ${\rm Def}(C)$.
The other deformations of $C$ come from smoothing nodes of $C$ which join
contracted components to non-contracted components. This space splits
into a product of spaces corresponding to deformations which smooth
each node individually. The one dimensional space associated to each
node is identified as a bundle with the tensor product of the tangent
spaces of the two components at the node. We see
that the tangent space to the non-contracted curve forms a trivial bundle
with weight $\omega_F$ while the tangent space to the contracted curve
varies but has trivial weight. Let $e_F$ denote the line
bundle on ${\barr M}_\Gamma$ whose fiber over a point is the cotangent space
to the component associated to $F$ at the corresponding node. Therefore,
$$e(B_4^{m})= \prod_{\rm flags}(\omega_F - e_F).$$
To compute the contribution coming from $H^\bullet(f^*T\mathbf P^r)$, we
consider the normalization sequence resolving all of the nodes
of $C$ which are forced by the graph type $\Gamma$.
$$0 \rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}_C \rightarrow \bigoplus_{\rm vertices} {\mathcal{O}}_{C_v} \oplus
\bigoplus_{\rm edges} {\mathcal{O}}_{C_e}
\rightarrow \bigoplus_{\rm flags} {\mathcal{O}}_{x_F} \rightarrow 0$$
Twisting by $f^*(T\mathbf P^r)$ and taking cohomology yields:
$$0 \rightarrow H^0(f^*T\mathbf P^r) \rightarrow
\bigoplus_{\rm vertices} H^0(C_v, f^*T\mathbf P^r)
\oplus \bigoplus_{\rm edges}H^0(C_e, f^*T\mathbf P^r) \rightarrow$$
$$\rightarrow \bigoplus_{\rm flags}
T_{p_{i(F)}}\mathbf P^r \rightarrow H^1(f^*T\mathbf P^r) \rightarrow
\bigoplus_{\rm vertices} H^1(C_v, f^*T\mathbf P^r)
\rightarrow 0$$
where we have used the fact that there will be no higher cohomology on
the non-contracted components since they are rational.
Also note that $H^0(C_v, f^*(T\mathbf P^r) = T_{p_{i(v)}}\mathbf P^r$
since $C_v$ is connected and $f$ is constant on it.
Thus, we obtain:
H^0 - H^1 = \begin{array}{cccc} + & {\displaystyle \bigoplus_{\rm vertices}
\mathbf P^r}& +&{\displaystyle \bigoplus_{\rm edges} H^0(C_e, f^*T\mathbf P^r)} \\
- & {\displaystyle \bigoplus_{\rm flags} T_{p_{i(F)}}\mathbf P^r}& -&
{\displaystyle \bigoplus_{\rm vertices} H^1(C_v, f^*T\mathbf P^r)}
As non-contracted components are rigid, we see that $H^0(C_e,f^*T\mathbf P^r)$
is trivial as a bundle, but we need to determine its weights. We do this
via the Euler sequence.
On $\mathbf P^r$ we have:
$$0 \rightarrow {\mathcal{O}} \rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}(1) \otimes V \rightarrow T\mathbf P^r \rightarrow 0. $$
Pulling back to $C_e$ and taking cohomology gives us:
$$ 0 \rightarrow \mathbb{C} \rightarrow H^0({\mathcal{O}}(d_e))\otimes V \rightarrow H^0(f^*T\mathbf P^r) \rightarrow 0 $$
Here the weight on $\mathbb{C}$ is trivial, and the weights on $H^0({\mathcal{O}}(d_e))$
are given by $\frac{a}{d_e}\lambda_i + \frac{b}{d_e}\lambda_j$ for $a+b=d_e$.
The weights on $V$ are $-\lambda_0, \ldots ,-\lambda_r$. So the
weights of the middle term are just the pairwise sums of these,
$\frac{a}{d_e}\lambda_i + \frac{b}{d_e}\lambda_j -\lambda_k$. There are
exactly 2 zero weight terms here coming from $a=0, k=j$ and $b=0, k=i$.
These cancel the zero weight term from the $\mathbb{C}$ on the left, and the zero
weight term occurring in ${\rm Aut}(C)$. Breaking up the remaining terms into
two groups corresponding to $k=i,j$ and $k \neq i,j$, we obtain
the contribution
of $H^0(C_e,f^*T\mathbf P^r)$ to the Euler class ratio $e(B_2^{m})/e(B_5^{m})$:
$$(-1)^{d_e} \frac{{d_e!}^2 }{ d_e^{2d_e}}
(\lambda_i - \lambda_j)^{2d_e}
\cdot \prod_{\stackrel{a+b=d_e}{ k\neq i,j}} (\frac{a} {d_e}\lambda_i +
\frac{b}{d_e}\lambda_j -\lambda_k).$$
Finally, we evaluate the contribution of $H^1(C_v, f^* T\mathbf P^r)$. This is
simply $H^1(C_v, {\mathcal{O}}_{C_v})\otimes T_{p_{i(v)}}\mathbf P^r$.
As a bundle, $H^1(C_v, {\mathcal{O}}_{C_v})$ is the dual of the Hodge bundle
$E=\pi_* \omega$ on the moduli space ${\barr M}_{g(v), {\rm val}(v)}$.
The bundle $H^1(C_v, {\mathcal{O}}_{C_v})\otimes T_{p_{i(v)}}\mathbf P^r$
splits into $r$ copies of $E^\vee$ twisted respectively
by the $r$ weights $\lambda_i -
\lambda_j$ for $j \neq i$. Taking the equivariant top Chern class
of this bundle yields:
$$\prod_{j \neq i} c_{(\lambda_i - \lambda_j)^{-1}}(E^\vee)\cdot
(\lambda_i - \lambda_j)^{g(v)}$$
where for a bundle $Q$ of rank $q$:
$$c_t(Q)= 1+ t c_1(Q) + \ldots t^q c_{q}(Q).$$
We arrive at the following form
of the inverse Euler class of the virtual normal bundle
to the fixed point locus corresponding to the graph $\Gamma$.
& &\prod_{\rm flags} \frac{1}{\omega_F - e_F}
\prod_{j \neq i(F)} (\lambda_{i(F)} -\lambda_j) \\
\frac{1}{e(N^{\it{vir}})}& =&\prod_{\rm vertices} \prod_{j \neq i(v)}
c_{(\lambda_{i(v)} - \lambda_j)^{-1}}(E^\vee) \cdot (\lambda_{i(v)}
-\lambda_j)^{g(v)-1} \\
& &\prod_{\rm edges} \frac{(-1)^{d_e} d_e^{2d_e}} { (d_e!)^2
(\lambda_i -\lambda_j)^{2d_e}}
\prod_{\stackrel{a+b=d_e} {k\neq i,j}}
\frac{1}{ \frac{a}{d_e}\lambda_i + \frac{b}{d_e}\lambda_j
In addition, the virtual
fundamental class of the fixed locus must be identified.
We have already seen $\mathcal{T}^{1,f}$ is
the tangent bundle of ${\barr M}_\Gamma$.
and $\mathcal{T}^{2,f}=0$. It then follows from
(\ref{eggg}) that
the $\mathbb{C}^*$-fixed (dual) perfect obstruction
theory is equivalent on the fixed stack
to the trivial perfect obstruction theory. The
virtual fundamental class of the fixed stack is simply
the ordinary fundamental class.
The above expression for $\frac{1}{e(N^{\it{vir}})}$
can be used in the virtual
localization formula to deduce formulas expressing
Gromov-Witten invariants of projective space in terms
of integrals on moduli spaces of pointed curves. The numerator
terms, coming from the cohomology classes of $\mathbf P^r$
are identical in this
higher genus case to the terms appearing in [K]. In particular,
they contribute only additional weights, and no cohomological
Let $[n]=\{1,\ldots,n\}$ be the marking set of an $n$-pointed
graph $\Gamma$.
Let $i:[n] \rightarrow \{0, \ldots, r\}$ be defined
by $f(m)= p_{i(m)}$. The final expression
for the Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbf P^r$ is:
$$ I_{g, d}^{\mathbf P^r}(H^{l_1}, \ldots, H^{l_n})=
\int_{{\barr M}_\Gamma} \frac{\prod_{[n]} \lambda_{i(m)}^{l_m}}
The sum is over all graphs $\Gamma$ indexing fixed
loci of $\Mgn (\proj^r,d)$.
To evaluate the integral, one expands the terms of the form
$\frac{1}{\omega - e}$ as formal power series, and then integrates
all terms of the appropriate degree.
Each integral that is encountered will naturally split as a product
of integrals over the different moduli spaces of pointed curves.
We remark that the integrals over genus 0 spaces are identical
to the ones which are dealt with in [K]. In particular, while the
formula given above is incorrect for graphs with vertices of genus
0 and valence 1 or 2, the formulas obtained in [K] after integrating
over ${\barr M}_{0,n}$ hold for these degenerate cases as well.
In higher genera, we know of no closed formulas for the integrals
which occur in these calculations. However, C. Faber has constructed
an algorithm in [Fa] which determines all such integrals. Thus, this
formula, together with Faber's algorithm,
gives a method in principle to determine arbitrary Gromov-Witten
invariants of projective space.
\section{\bf{Multiple cover calculations}}
Let $C\subset X$ be
a nonsingular rational curve with balanced normal
bundle $N\stackrel{\sim}{=}{\mathcal{O}}(-1) \oplus {\mathcal{O}}(-1)$
in a nonsingular Calabi-Yau 3-fold $X$.
Let $[C]\in H_2(X, \mathbb{Z})$ be the
homology class of $C$.
The space of stable elliptic maps to $X$
representing the curve class $d[C]$ contains
a component $Y_d$
consisting of maps which factor through
a $d$-fold cover of $C$. $Y_d$ is naturally
isomorphic to
$\overline{M}_{1,0}(C,d)$, the space
of unpointed, genus 1 stable maps.
The contribution
of $Y_d$ to the elliptic Gromov-Witten invariant
$I_{1,d[C]}^X$ has been computed in physics [BCOV].
The answer obtained is $\frac{1}{12d}$ (accounting
for the differing treatment of the elliptic involution).
Mathematically, the excess contribution of $Y_d$
is expressed as an integral over $\overline{M}_{1,0}(C,d)$.
The integral is computed here for all $d$ via localization. Localization
reduces the contribution to a graph sum which can
be explicitly evaluated by Manin's trick [M] and
a formula for intersections of cotangent
lines on $\overline{M}_{1,n}$.
Let $\pi: U \rightarrow \overline{M}_{1,0}(C,d)$ be the
universal family over the moduli space. Let
$\mu: U \rightarrow C$
be the universal evaluation map.
The expected dimension
of $\overline{M}_{1,0}(C,d)$ is $2d$.
By the cohomology and base change theorems,
$R^1 \pi_* \mu^* N$ is a vector bundle of rank
$2d$ on $\overline{M}_{1,0}(\mathbf P^1,d)$.
The contribution of $Y_d$ to the elliptic Gromov-Witten
invariant of curve class $d[C]$ is:
\int _{[ \overline{M}_{1,0}(C,d)]^{\it vir}} c_{2d} (R^1 \pi_* \mu^* N).
Natural lifts of $\mathbb{C}^*$-actions on $C$ to
$N$, and $R^1 \pi_* \mu^* N$ exist. The localization formula
can therefore be applied to compute (\ref{exx}).
The answer obtained agrees with the physics calculation.
$$\int _{[ \overline{M}_{1,0}(C,d)]^{\it vir}} c_{2d} (R^1 \pi_* \mu^* N) =
\frac{1}{12 d}.$$
Let $V\stackrel{\sim}{=} \mathbb{C}^2$. Let $C= \mathbf P(V)$.
Let $\mathbb{C}^*$ act by weights
$0$ and $-1$ on $V$. Let $x_0$ and $x_{-1}$ be the respective
fixed points in $C$.
The $\mathbb{C}^*$-action lifts naturally to the tautological
line ${\mathcal{O}}(-1)$ and thus to $N$.
Consider the graph sum obtained by the localization
formula for the integral (\ref{exx}).
The 0 weight leads
to a drastic collapse of the sum. This was
observed by Manin in [M] for an analogous excess
integral over a space of genus 0 maps.
In fact, the only graphs which contribute
are comb graphs where the
backbone is an elliptic curve contracted over
$x_{-1}$ and the teeth are rational curves
multiple covering $\mathbf P(V)$.
The degree $d$ is distributed over the
teeth by $\sum_{1}^{k} m_i =d$.
The denominator terms in the localization formula are determined
by the results of Section \ref{projj}. The numerator is given by the bundle
$R^1\pi_* \mu^*N$ which is decomposed on each fixed
point locus via the natural normalization sequence.
The formula
\sum_{m\vdash d} \frac{(-1)^{d-L(m)}}{{\rm Aut}(m) \ \Pi_{1}^{L(m)} m_i}
\int_{\overline{M}_{1,L(m)}} \frac{1+\lambda}{\Pi_{1}^{L(m)}
is obtained for the degree $d$ contribution.
The sum is over all positive partitions:
$$m=(m_1, \ldots, m_k), \ \ m_i>0, \ \ \sum_{1}^{k} m_i =d.$$
$L(m)$ denotes
the length of $m$. ${\rm Aut}(m)$ is
the order of the stabilizer of the symmetric group
$S_k$-action on the string $(m_1, \ldots, m_k)$.
The class $\lambda$ in the numerator is the first
Chern class of the Hodge bundle on $\overline{M}_{1,n}$.
As before, $e_i$ is the $i^{th}$ cotangent line bundle
on $\overline{M}_{1,n}$.
The integral (\ref{mast}) is calculated in two parts to
prove Proposition \ref{mule}.
\sum_{m\vdash d} \frac{(-1)^{d-L(m)}}{{\rm Aut}(m) \ \Pi_{1}^{L(m)} m_i}
\int_{\overline{M}_{1,L(m)}} \frac{\lambda}{\Pi_{1}^{L(m)}
(1-m_ie_i)}= \frac{d}{24}$$
\sum_{m\vdash d} \frac{(-1)^{d-L(m)}}{{\rm Aut}(m) \ \Pi_{1}^{L(m)} m_i}
\int_{\overline{M}_{1,L(m)}} \frac{1}{\Pi_{1}^{L(m)}
(1-m_ie_i)}= \frac{d}{24}$$
We start with Lemma \ref{AAA}.
The first step is to use the boundary expression for $\lambda$ to
reduce to an integral over genus 0 pointed moduli
spaces. On $\overline{M}_{1,1}$, the equation:
\lambda = \frac{\Delta_0}{12}
holds where $\Delta_0$ is the irreducible boundary divisor.
Since $\lambda$ on $\overline{M}_{1,n}$ is a pull-back from
a one pointed space,
(\ref{lamb}) is valid on $\overline{M}_{1,n}$.
Using the standard identification of $\Delta_0$ with the
$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$-quotient of $\overline{M}_{0,n+2}$, the
$$\int_{\overline{M}_{1, L(m)}} \frac{\lambda}{\Pi_{1}^{L(m)}
(1-m_ie_i)} = \frac{1}{24} \int_{\overline{M}_{0, L(m)+2}}
is obtained.
Next, using the well-known formula for
intersection numbers on the genus 0 spaces, we see:
$$\int_{\overline{M}_{0, L(m)+2}}
(1-m_ie_i)} = (\sum_{1}^{L(m)} m_i)^{L(m)-1}= d^{L(m)-1}.$$
After substituting these equalities, the sum of
Lemma \ref{AAA} is transformed to:
\frac{(-1)^d}{24d} \sum_{m\vdash d} \frac{(-1)^{-L(m)}}{{\rm Aut}(m)\
The summation term
in (\ref{manin}) was encountered by Manin in [M]. It evaluates
explicitly to $(-1)^d$ via a generating function
argument (see [M] p.416). The value of (\ref{manin}) is thus
Lemma \ref{AAA} is established.
We now prove Lemma \ref{BBB}. A generating function
approach is taken. For $d\geq 1$, let
\sum_{m\vdash d} \frac{(-1)^{d-L(m)}}{{\rm Aut}(m) \ \Pi_{1}^{L(m)} m_i}
\int_{\overline{M}_{1,L(m)}} \frac{1}{\Pi_{1}^{L(m)}
Define $\gamma(t)$ by:
$$\gamma(t)= \sum _{\alpha \geq 1} (-1)^{\alpha} g_\alpha t^\alpha.$$
An important observation is that $\gamma(t)$ can be
rewritten in the
following form:
\gamma(t)= <
\exp \ (-\sum_{\alpha\geq 1} \sum_{i\geq 0}\alpha^{i-1} t^\alpha
\sigma_i) >_1.
Here, Witten's notation,
<\sigma_{0}^{r_0} \sigma_{1}^{r_1} \cdots \sigma_{k}^{r_k}>_1,
is used to denote the integral:
\underbrace {e_{r_0+1} \ldots e_{r_0+r_1}}_{r_1} \cdot
\underbrace {e^2_{r_0+r_1+1} \ldots
e^2_{r_0+r_1+r_2}}_{r_2} \ldots
{e^k_{r-r_k+1} \ldots
e^k_{r}} _{r_k}$$
where $r=\sum_1^k r_i$.
Equality (\ref{oboe}) is a simply a rewriting of terms.
The genus 1 integrals (\ref{jenny}) are determined
from genus 0 integrals
by a beautiful formula in the formal variables $\{z_i\} _{i \geq 0}$:
< \exp \sum_{i\geq 0} z_i \sigma_i >_1 =
\frac{1}{24} \log < \sigma_0^3 \exp
\sum_{i\geq 0} z_i \sigma_i >_0 .
Formula (\ref{dike}) can be found, for example, in [D].
Let $z_i=-\sum_{\alpha\geq 1} \alpha^{i-1}t^\alpha$.
Using (\ref{oboe}) and (\ref{dike}), $\gamma(t)$ may
be expressed as:
\gamma(t)=\frac{1}{24} \log < \sigma_0^3 \exp
(-\sum_{\alpha\geq 1} \sum_{i\geq 0}\alpha^{i-1} t^\alpha
\sigma_i) >_0
Equation (\ref{gam}) will be used to determine $\gamma(t)$.
define another generating function $\psi(t)$ by:
$$\psi(t)= 1 + \sum_{\beta} s_\beta t^\beta$$
where the coefficients $s_\beta$ are:
s_\beta= \sum_{m\vdash \beta} \frac{ (-1)^{-L(m)}}{{\rm Aut}(m) \
\Pi_{1}^{L(m)} m_i} \int _{\overline{M}_{0, L(m)+3}} \frac{1}
{\Pi_{1}^{L(m)} (1-m_ie_i)}.
As before, the equality:
$$\psi(t)= < \sigma_0^3
\exp(-\sum_{\alpha\geq 1} \sum_{i\geq 0}\alpha^{i-1} t^\alpha
\sigma_i) >_0$$
is a rewriting of terms.
However, the expression (\ref{quail}) may be explicitly
evaluated by the genus 0 intersection formulas and
Manin's summation argument to yield:
$$ s_\beta= (-1)^\beta.$$
Hence, $\psi(t)$ is simply $1/(1+t)$, and
$$\gamma(t)= -\frac{\log(1+t)}{24}= \frac{1}{24}(-t + \frac{t^2}{2}-
\frac{t^3}{3} + \ldots).$$
Thus, $g_d= \frac{1}{24d}$. Lemma \ref{BBB} is proven.
Proposition \ref{mule} follows from (\ref{mast}) and the
two Lemmas.
Localization may be applied to the analogous excess
integrals for arbitrary genus $g$. The resulting
formula is:
\int _{[ \overline{M}_{g,0}(\mathbf P^1,d)]^{\it vir}}
c_{\rm {top}} (R^1 \pi_* \mu^* N) =
\sum_{m\vdash d} \frac{(-1)^{d-L(m)}}{{\rm Aut}(m) \ \Pi_{1}^{L(m)} m_i}
\int_{\overline{M}_{g,L(m)}} \frac{1+c_1(E)+\ldots + c_g(E)}{\Pi_{1}^{L(m)}
\noindent where $E$ is the Hodge bundle.
For $g\geq 2$, we have conjectured
with C. Faber the above integral sum is equal to:
\frac{|B_{2g}| \cdot d^{2g-3}}{2g\cdot (2g-2)!}
= \frac{|\chi(M_g)|\cdot d^{2g-3}}{(2g-3)!}.
This equality has been verified in case $g+d \leq 7$.
1998-04-03T02:11:23 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702015 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702015 | [
] | alg-geom/9702015 | Rick Miranda | C. Ciliberto (U. of Rome II), R. Miranda (Colorado State U.) | Degenerations of Planar Linear Systems | material is streamlined and some is moved to a forthcoming paper | null | null | null | null | Fixing $n$ general points $p_i$ in the plane, what is the dimension of the
space of plane curves of degree $d$ having multiplicity $m_i$ at $p_i$ for each
$i$? In this article we propose an approach to attack this problem, and
demonstrate it by successfully computing this dimension for all $n$ and for
$m_i$ constant, at most 3. This application, while previously known (see
\cite{hirschowitz1}), demonstrates the utility of our approach, which is based
on an analysis of the corresponding linear system on a degeneration of the
plane itself, leading to a simple recursion for these dimensions. We also
obtain results in the ``quasi-homogeneous'' case when all the multiplicities
are equal except one; this is the natural family to consider in the recursion.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 Feb 1997 20:37:02 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 3 Apr 1998 00:11:22 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"U. of Rome II"
"Colorado State U."
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
Fix the projective plane ${\mathbb{P}}^2$
and $n+1$ general points $p_0, p_1, \ldots, p_n$ in it.
Let $H$ denote the line class of the plane.
Consider the linear system consisting of
plane curves of degree $d$ (that is, divisors in $|dH|$)
with multiplicity $m_0$ at $p_0$
and multiplicity $m_i$ at $p_i$ for $i \geq 1$.
If all $m_i$ for $i \geq 1$ are equal, to $m$ say,
we denote this system by $\L = \L(d,m_0,n,m)$
and call the system \emph{quasi-homogeneous}.
Define its {\em virtual dimension}
\v= \v(d,m_0,n,m) = d(d+3)/2 - m_0(m_0+1)/2 - nm(m+1)/2);
the linear system of all plane curves of degree $d$
has dimension $d(d+3)/2$
and a point of multiplicity $k$ imposes $k(k+1)/2$ conditions.
Of course the actual dimension of the linear system
cannot be less than $-1$
(projectively, dimension $-1$ means an empty system);
hence we define the {\em expected dimension} to be
e = e(d,m_0,n,m) = \max\{-1, \v(d,m_0,n,m)\}.
As the points $p_i$ vary on ${\mathbb{P}}^2$,
the dimension of this linear system is upper semi-continuous;
therefore on a Zariski open set in the parameter space of
$(n+1)$-tuples of points, the dimension achieves its minimum value,
which we (abusing notation slightly) call the {\em dimension} of $\L$,
and denote by $\l = \l(d,m_0,n,m)$.
We always have that
\l(d,m_0,n,m) \geq e(d,m_0,n,m);
equality implies
(when the numbers are at least $-1$)
that the conditions imposed by the multiple points are independent.
We will say that the generic system $\L$ is {\em non-special}
if equality holds, i.e.,
that either the system is empty
or that the conditions imposed by the multiple points are independent.
If $\l > e$ then we say the system is {\em special}.
In this article we discuss the speciality
of such linear systems of plane curves,
and classify the special linear systems
with low multiplicity $m$.
There is a long history for this problem;
we will not make an attempt here to review it.
The ``homogeneous'' cases with $m_0=0$,
and $m \leq 2$, are discussed in \cite{arbarello-cornalba},
and in \cite{hirschowitz1}; this last reference
also has results on the homogeneous $m=3$ case.
In \cite{alexander}, \cite{alex-hirsch1},
\cite{alex-hirsch2}, \cite{evain}, \cite{gergimhar}, \cite{gergimpit},
\cite{harbourne1}, \cite{harbourne2}, \cite{harbourne3},
\cite{hirschowitz3}, \cite{mignon}, and \cite{segre}
one may also find related conjectures
and results on the general case.
The reader may consult
\cite{gimigliano} for a survey.
In Section 1 we lay out some basic notation and elementary observations.
In Section 2 we describe in detail our approach,
which is based on a degeneration of the plane
and of the corresponding linear system.
This leads to a recursion for the sought-after dimension,
which relies on a transversality theorem
for the pair of linear systems
to which the recursion is reduced;
this is described in Section 3.
The failure of systems to be non-special is always due
(in our examples) to the presence of multiple $(-1)$-curves
in the base locus;
we formalize this in Section 4
(calling such systems ``$(-1)$-special'')
and give a classification of quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-curves
in Section 5.
In Section 6 we present a computation of the dimension
of the linear system $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ with large $m_0$,
which is particularly useful in our inductive approach;
this uses Cremona transformations in an essential way.
Using this, we present a list of the $(-1)$-special systems
in Section 7, for $m \leq 3$.
We then prove in Section 8
that all quasi-homogeneous special systems with $m \leq 3$
are $(-1)$-special.
In the paper \cite{cm2} we turn our attention to the homogeneous case.
We classify all $(-1)$-special homogeneous systems,
and prove every special homogeneous system with $m \leq 12$
is $(-1)$-special. The main technique which is used for this
is the one described in the present paper.
The authors would like to thank L. Caporaso, A. Geramita,
B. Harbourne, J. Harris, and A. Tjurin
for some useful discussions.
\section{Basic Facts}
We keep the notation of the Introduction.
If there is no danger of confusion,
we will omit in what follows the indication of the data $(d,m_0,n,m)$.
Also, if $n=0$, we omit $n$ and $m$ from the notation
and speak of the linear system $\L(d,m_0)$.
We note that the speciality of $\L$
is equivalent to a statement about linear systems on
the blowup ${\mathbb{F}}_1$ of ${\mathbb{P}}^2$ at the point $p_0$.
If $H$ denotes the class of the pullback of a line
and $E$ denotes the class of the exceptional divisor,
then the linear system on ${\mathbb{P}}^2$
transforms to the linear subsystem of $|dH-m_0E|$
consisting of those curves having multiplicity $m$
at each of the $n$ transformed points $p_i, i \geq 1$
(none of which lie on $E$).
If we further blow up the points $p_i$ to $E_i$,
we obtain the rational surface ${\mathbb{P}}^\prime$;
the linear system of proper transforms
is the complete linear system $|dH - m_0E-\sum_i m_iE_i|$
and we denote by $\L^\prime = \L^\prime(d,m_0,n,m)$
the corresponding line bundle.
Then the original system $\L$ is non-special if and only if
h^1(\L^\prime) = \max\{0, -1-\v \}.
In particular if the system is non-empty
(which means that $H^0(\L^\prime)$ is non-zero),
it is non-special if and only if the $H^1$ is zero.
More precisely if the virtual dimension $\v \geq -1$
then non-speciality means that the $H^1$ is zero,
or, equivalently, that the conditions imposed by
the multiple base points are linearly independent.
There is one situation in which a completely general statement
can be made, namely the case of simple base points.
Suppose that $\mathcal{M}$ is a linear system on a variety $X$,
and $p_1,\ldots,p_n$ are general points of $X$.
Let $\mathcal{M}(-\sum_i p_i)$ be the linear subsystem
consisting of those divisors in $\mathcal{M}$
which pass through the $n$ given points.
$\dim \mathcal{M}(-\sum_{i=1}^n p_i) = \max\{-1, \dim\mathcal{M} - n\}$.
The proof is obtained by induction on $n$;
one simply chooses the next point not to be a base
point of the previous linear system, if this is non-empty.
We can speak of the
\emph{self-intersection} ${\L}^2$ and the
\emph{genus} $g_{\L}$
of the curves of the system ${\L}(d,m_0,n,m)$,
which will be the self-intersection and the arithmetic genus
of $\L^\prime$ on the blowup ${\mathbb{P}}^\prime$.
We have:
\;\;\;\mathrm{ and }\;\;\;
Notice the basic identity:
We can also speak of the \emph{intersection number}
${\L}(d,m_0,n,m)\cdot{\L}(d',m_0',n',m')$, $n'\leq n$,
which is of course given by:
{\L}(d,m_0,n,m)\cdot{\L}(d',m'_0,n',m) := dd' - m_0m_0' - n'mm'
We collect here certain initial observations.
\item[a.] $\L(d,0,1,m)$ is non-special for all $d$, $m$.
\item[b.] If $e(d,m_0,n,m)\geq -1$ and $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is non-special
then $\L(d',m_0',n',m')$ is non-special
whenever $d' \geq d$, $m_0' \leq m_0$, $n' \leq n$, and $m' \leq m$.
\item[c.] If $e(d,m_0,n,m) = -1$ and $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is non-special
(i.e., the system $\L$ is empty)
then $\L(d',m_0',n',m')$ is non-special (and therefore empty)
whenever $d' \leq d$, $m_0' \geq m_0$, $n' \geq n$, and $m' \geq m$.
\item[d.] If $d \geq 2$ then $\L(d,0,2,d)$ and $\L(2d,0,5,d)$
are special.
Statement (a) is elementary.
For statement (b), we note that if $d'=d$,
then the inequalities on $m_0'$, $n'$, and $m'$
imply that the conditions imposed on the curves of degree $d$
for the system $\L(d,m_0',n',m')$
are a subset of the conditions
for the system $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$;
since those are independent by the assumptions
that $\L$ is non-special and non-empty,
so are the conditions in the subset.
and therefore $\L(d,m_0',n',m')$ is non-special.
Therefore to prove (b) we may assume that
$m_0'=m_0$, $n'=n$, and $m'=m$, and using induction that $d'=d+1$.
If we now pass to the blow-up ${{\mathbb{P}}}'$ of ${{\mathbb{P}}}^2$,
we have the following exact sequence:
0 \to {\L}^\prime(d,m_0,n,m) \to {\L}^\prime(d+1,m_0,n,m)
\to \O_H(d+1) \to 0.
Since $H^1(H,\O_H(d+1))=0$,
and by assumption
we have the assertion.
Statement (c) is similarly proved, using the same argument
to reduce to $m_0'=m_0$, $n'=n$, and $m'=m$;
then the same exact sequence, at the $H^0$ level,
proves the result.
For (d) we note that $\v(d,0,2,d) = \v(2d,0,5,d) = d(1-d)/2 < 0$
but through $2$ general points there is always the line counted
with multiplicity $d$,
and through $5$ general points the conic counted with multiplicity $d$.
Also, the case of large $m_0$ is easy to understand.
Denote by $T_i$ the line joining $p_0$ to $p_i$.
\item[a.] $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is non-special if $m_0 > d$
($\l = e = -1$ and the system is empty).
\item[b.] $\l(d,d,n,m) = \max\{-1,d-nm\}$ and
$\L(d,d,n,m)$ is special
if and only if $n\geq 1$, $m \geq 2$, and $d \geq nm$.
\item[c.] If $m+m_0 \geq d+1$ then
\l(d,m_0,n,m) = \l(d-n(m+m_0-d),m_0-n(m+m_0-d),n,d-m_0).
\item[d.] If $m \geq 2$ then $\l(d,d-1,n,m) = \max\{-1,2d-2nm+n\}$.
Statement (a) is obvious.
To see (c), note that $m+m_0 \geq d+1$ implies that
each line $T_i$ must be a component
of any divisor in the linear system;
therefore factoring out these $n$ lines implies that
$\l(d,m_0,n,m) = \l(d-n,m_0-n,n,m-1)$.
This is iterated $m+m_0-d$ times,
leading to
$\l(d,m_0,n,m) = \l(d-n(m+m_0-d),m_0-n(m+m_0-d),n,m-(m+m_0-d))$
as claimed.
Now (b) follows from (c), since if $m \geq 1$ then (c) gives
$\l(d,d,n,m) = \l(d-nm,d-nm,n,0)$.
The final statement is also proved by applying (c)
and using the Multiplicity One Lemma \ref{multone}.
Later we will find it useful to apply Cremona transformations
to the plane to relate different linear systems
and to compute their dimensions.
Let $p_0,p_1,\ldots,p_n$ be general points in the plane,
and $C$ be a curve of degree $d$
having multiplicity $m_\ell$ at $p_\ell$ for each $\ell \geq 0$.
Fix three of the points $p_i$, $p_j$, and $p_k$;
note that $2d \geq m_i+m_j+m_k$ since otherwise the linear system
of such curves would have negative intersection number
with every conic through these three points,
and therefore would be empty.
Then the effect of performing a quadratic Cremona transformation
based at these three points $p_i$, $p_j$, and $p_k$
is to transform $C$ to a curve of degree $2d-m_i-m_j-m_k$,
and having multiplicities at least
$d-m_j-m_k$ at $q_i$,
$d-m_i-m_k$ at $q_j$,
$d-m_i-m_j$ at $q_k$,
and $m_\ell$ at $p_\ell$ for $\ell \neq i,j,k$
(where $q_i$, $q_j$, and $q_k$
are the images of the three lines joining the
three points).
If we consider the entire linear system of such curves,
then it is clear that the dimension of the linear system
does not change upon performing the Cremona transformation.
Moreover, if the linear system contains irreducible curves
before applying the Cremona transformation,
it will contain irreducible curves after
applying the Cremona transformation,
except possibly the inclusion of one or more of the three
lines joining the three points as base locus.
In addition, the virtual dimension does not change
upon applying the Cremona transformation, if all of the numbers
involved are nonnegative.
Therefore Cremona transformation are a useful tool for analysing
the speciality of systems in certain situations.
\section{The Degeneration of the Plane}
In this section we describe the degeneration of the plane
which we use in the analysis.
It is related to that used by Ran \cite{ran}
in several enumerative applications.
Let $\Delta$ be a complex disc around the origin.
We consider the product $V = {\mathbb{P}}^2 \times \Delta$,
with the two projections $p_1:V \to \Delta$ and $p_2:V \to {\mathbb{P}}^2$.
We let $V_t = {\mathbb{P}}^2\times \{t\}$.
Consider a line $L$ in the plane $V_0$ and blow it up
to obtain a new three-fold $X$ with maps
$f:X\to V$,
$\pi_1 = p_1 \circ f: X \to \Delta$,
and $\pi_2 = p_2 \circ f: X \to {\mathbb{P}}^2$.
The map $\pi_1:X \to \Delta$
is a flat family of surfaces over $\Delta$.
We denote by $X_t$ the fibre of $\pi_1$ over $t \in \Delta$.
If $t \neq 0$, then $X_t = V_t$ is a plane ${\mathbb{P}}^2$.
By contrast $X_0$ is the union
of the proper transform ${\mathbb{P}}$ of $V_0$
and of the exceptional divisor ${\mathbb{F}}$ of the blow-up.
It is clear that ${\mathbb{P}}$ is a plane ${\mathbb{P}}^2$
and ${\mathbb{F}}$ is a Hirzebruch surface ${\mathbb{F}}_1$,
abstractly isomorphic to the plane blown up at one point.
They are joined transversally along a curve $R$
which is a line $L$ in ${\mathbb{P}}$
and is the exceptional divisor $E$ on ${\mathbb{F}}$.
Notice that the Picard group of $X_0$
is the fibered product of $\mathrm{Pic}({\mathbb{P}})$ and $\mathrm{Pic}({\mathbb{F}})$
over $\mathrm{Pic}(R)$.
In other words, giving a line bundle $\mathcal{X}$ on $X_0$
is equivalent to giving a line bundle $\mathcal{X}_{{\mathbb{P}}}$ on ${{\mathbb{P}}}$
and a line bundle $\mathcal{X}_{{\mathbb{F}}}$ on ${\mathbb{F}}$
whose restrictions to $R$ agree.
The Picard group $\mathrm{Pic}({\mathbb{P}})$ is generated by $\O(1)$,
while the Picard group of $\mathrm{Pic}({\mathbb{F}})$ is generated by
the class $H$ of a line and the class $E$ of the exceptional divisor.
Since $H\cdot R = 0$ and $E\cdot R = -1$,
we have $\O_{\mathbb{F}}(H)|_R \cong \O_R$ and $\O_{\mathbb{F}}(E)|_R \cong \O_R(-1)$.
Hence in order that the restrictions to $R$ agree,
one must have
$\mathcal{X}_{{\mathbb{P}}}\cong{\O}_{{\mathbb{P}}}(d)$ and
$\mathcal{X}_{{\mathbb{F}}}\cong{\O}_{{\mathbb{F}}}(cH-dE)$ for some $c$ and $d$.
We will denote this line bundle on $X_0$ by $\mathcal{X}(c,c-d)$.
The normal bundle of ${\mathbb{P}}$ in the $3$-fold $X$ is $-L$;
the normal bundle of ${\mathbb{F}}$ in $X$ is $-E$.
Hence for example the bundle $\O_X({\mathbb{P}})$
restricts to ${\mathbb{P}}$ as ${\O}_{{\mathbb{P}}}(-1)$
and restricts to ${\mathbb{F}}$ as ${\O}_{{\mathbb{F}}}(E)$.
Let ${\O}_X(d)$ be the line bundle $\pi_2^*({\O}_{{\mathbb{P}}^2}(d))$.
If $t \not=0$, then the restriction of $\O_X(d)$ to $X_t\cong {\mathbb{P}}^2$
is isomorphic to ${\O}_{{\mathbb{P}}^2}(d)$
whereas the restriction of ${\O}_X(d)$ to $X_0$ is
the bundle $\mathcal{X}(d,0)$,
(whose restriction to ${\mathbb{P}}$ is the bundle ${\O}_{{\mathbb{P}}}(d)$
and whose restriction to ${\mathbb{F}}$ is the bundle ${\O}_{{\mathbb{F}}}(dH-dE)$).
Let us denote by ${\O}_X(d,k)$ the line bundle
${\O}_X(d)\otimes {\O}_X(k{\mathbb{P}})$.
The restriction of ${\O}_X(d,k)$ to $X_t$, $t\not=0$, is still the same,
i.e. it is isomorphic to ${\O}_{{\mathbb{P}}^2}(d)$,
but the restriction to $X_0$ is now different:
it is isomorphic to $\mathcal{X}(d,k)$
(whose restriction to ${\mathbb{P}}$ is the bundle ${\O}_{{\mathbb{P}}}(d-k)$
and whose restriction to ${\mathbb{F}}$ is the bundle ${\O}_{{\mathbb{F}}}(dH-(d-k)E)$).
We therefore see that all of the bundles $\mathcal{X}(d,k)$ on $X_0$
are flat limits of the bundles $\O_{{\mathbb{P}}^2}(d)$
on the general fiber $X_t$ of this degeneration.
Fix a positive integer $n$
and another non-negative integer $b\leq n$.
Let us consider $n-b+1$ general points $p_0, p_1, \ldots, p_{n-b}$ in ${\mathbb{P}}$
and $b$ general points $p_{n-b+1},...,p_n$ in ${\mathbb{F}}$.
We can consider these points as limits
of $n$ general points $p_{0,t}, p_{1,t}, \ldots, p_{n,t}$ in $X_t$.
Consider then the linear system ${\L}_t(d,m_0,n,m)$
which is the system ${\L}(d,m_0,n,m)$ in $X_t \cong {{\mathbb{P}}}^2$
based at the points $p_{0,t}, p_{1,t},...,p_{n,t}$.
We now also consider the linear system
${\mathcal{L}_0}:={\mathcal{L}_0}(d,k,m_0,n,b,m)$ on $X_0$
which is formed by the divisors in $|\mathcal{X}(d,k)|$
having a point of multiplicity $m_0$ at $p_0$
and points of multiplicity $m$ at $p_1,...,p_n$.
According to the above considerations,
any one of the systems ${\mathcal{L}_0}(d,k,m_0,n,b,m)$
can be considered as a flat limit on $X_0$
of the system ${\L}_t(d,m_0,n,m)={\L}(d,m_0,n,m)$.
We will say that ${\mathcal{L}_0}$ is obtained from $\L$
by a \emph{$(k,b)$-degeneration}.
We note that the system $\mathcal{L}_0$ restricts to ${\mathbb{P}}$
as a system $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ of the form $\L(d-k,m_0,n-b,m)$
and $\mathcal{L}_0$ restricts to ${\mathbb{F}}$
as a system $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ of the form $\L(d,d-k,b,m)$.
Indeed, at the level of vector spaces,
the system $\mathcal{L}_0$ is the fibered product
of $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ and $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ over the restricted system on $R$,
which is $\O_R(d-k)$.
if $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is the projectivization of the vector space $W_{\mathbb{P}}$,
and $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ is the projectivization of the vector space $W_{\mathbb{F}}$,
then by restriction to the double curve $R$ we have maps
$W_{\mathbb{P}} \to H^0(R,\O(d-k))$ and $W_{\mathbb{F}} \to H^0(R,\O(d-k))$,
and the fibered product $W = W_{\mathbb{P}} \times_{H^0(R,\O(d-k))}W_{\mathbb{F}}$
gives the linear system $\mathcal{L}_0 = {\mathbb{P}}(W)$ as its projectivization.
Since the linear system $\mathcal{L}_0$ is a linear system on a reducible scheme,
its elements come in three types.
The first type of element of $\mathcal{L}_0$
consists of a divisor $C_{\mathbb{P}}$ on ${\mathbb{P}}$ in the system $|(d-k)H|$
and a divisor $C_{\mathbb{F}}$ on ${\mathbb{F}}$ in the system $|dH-(d-k)E|$
(both of which satisfying the multiple point conditions)
which restrict to the same divisor on the double curve $R$.
We will then say that $C_{\mathbb{P}}$ and $C_{\mathbb{F}}$ \emph{match}
to give a divisor in $\mathcal{L}_0$.
The second type is a divisor corresponding to a section of the bundle
which is identically zero on ${\mathbb{P}}$, and gives a general divisor in
the system $\L(d,d-k,b,m)$ on ${\mathbb{F}}$
which contains the double curve $E$ as a component;
that is, an element of the system $E + \L(d,d-k+1,b,m)$.
The third type is the opposite,
corresponding to a section of the bundle
which is identically zero on ${\mathbb{F}}$,
and gives a general divisor in
the system $\L(d-k,m_0,n-b,m)$ on ${\mathbb{P}}$
which contains the double curve $L$ as a component;
that is, an element of the system $L + \L(d-k-1,m_0,n-b,m)$.
We denote by $\ell_0$ the dimension of the linear system $\mathcal{L}_0$ on $X_0$.
By semicontinuity, this dimension $\ell_0$
is at least that of the linear system on the general fiber,
\ell_0 = \dim(\mathcal{L}_0) \geq \l(d,m_0,n,m).
Therefore we have the following:
If $\ell_0 = e(d,m_0,n,m)$
then the system $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is non-special.
The basis of our method is to compute $\ell_0$ by a recursion.
The easy case is to compute this dimension
when all divisors in the linear system are of the second or third type,
that is, come from sections
which are identically zero on one of the components ${\mathbb{P}}$ or ${\mathbb{F}}$.
In this case one simply obtains the dimension of the linear system
on the other component, which gives us the following.
Fix $d$, $k$, $m_0$, $n$, $b$, and $m$.
\item[a.] If $\l(d-k,m_0,n-b,m) < 0$ then
$\ell_0 = \l(d,d-k+1,b,m)$.
\item[b.] If $\l(d,d-k,b,m) < 0$ then
$\ell_0 = \l(d-k-1,m_0,n-b,m)$.
We will define $\hat{\ell}_0$ to be the dimension
of the linear system $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_0$
of divisors in $\mathcal{L}_0$ which have the double curve $R$ as a component.
We need to extend Lemma \ref{dimLo1}
to handle the cases when there are divisors in $\mathcal{L}_0$
which are not identically zero on either component.
Fix $d$, $k$, $m_0$, $n$, $b$, and $m$.
We will refer to the system $\L = \L(d,m_0,n,m)$
as the \emph{general system}.
The system on ${\mathbb{P}}$
restricts to a system $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}$ on the double curve $R=L$,
and the kernel is, at the level of linear systems,
the system $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P} = \L(d-k-1,m_0,a,m)$.
Similarly, the system on ${\mathbb{F}}$
restricts to a system $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$ on the double curve $R=E$,
and the kernel is, at the level of linear systems,
the system $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F} = \L(d,d-k+1,b,m)$.
We denote by
\v = \v(d,m_0,n,m) &
\text{ the virtual dimension of the general system,} \\
v_\mathbb{P} = \v(d-k,m_0,n-b,m) &
\text{ the virtual dimension of the system on } {\mathbb{P}}, \\
v_\mathbb{F} = \v(d,d-k,b,m) &
\text{ the virtual dimension of the system on } {\mathbb{F}}, \\
\hat{v}_\mathbb{P} = \v(d-k-1,m_0,n-b,m) &
\text{ the virtual dimension of the kernel system on } {\mathbb{P}}, \\
\hat{v}_\mathbb{F} = \v(d,d-k+1,b,m) &
\text{ the virtual dimension of the kernel system on } {\mathbb{F}}, \\
\l = \l(d,m_0,n,m) &
\text{ the dimension of the general system}, \\
\ell_\mathbb{P} = \l(d-k,m_0,n-b,m) &
\text{ the dimension of the system on } {\mathbb{P}}, \\
\ell_\mathbb{F} = \l(d,d-k,b,m) &
\text{ the dimension of the system on } {\mathbb{F}}, \\
\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} = \l(d-k-1,m_0,n-b,m) &
\text{ the dimension of the kernel system on } {\mathbb{P}}, \\
\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} = \l(d,d-k+1,b,m) &
\text{ the dimension of the kernel system on } {\mathbb{F}}, \\
r_\mathbb{P} = \ell_\mathbb{P}-\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P}-1 &
\text{ the dimension of the restricted system $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}$}\\
&\text{ on $R=L$ from ${\mathbb{P}}$, and} \\
r_\mathbb{F} = \ell_\mathbb{F}-\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F}-1 &
\text{ the dimension of the restricted system $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$}\\
&\text{ on $R=E$ from ${\mathbb{F}}$}. \\
One has the following lemma,
whose immediate proof can be left to the reader:
The following identities hold:
\item[a.] ${v_\mathbb{P}}+{v_\mathbb{F}}=\v + d-k$.
\item[b.] ${\hat{v}_\mathbb{P}}+{v_\mathbb{F}}={\v}-1$.
\item[c.] ${v_\mathbb{P}}+{\hat{v}_\mathbb{F}}={\v}-1$.
\item[d.] ${\hat{\ell}_0}={\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P}}+{\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F}}+1$.
The restricted systems $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}$ and $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$ on the double curve
may intersect in various dimensions a priori.
The dimension $\ell_0$ of the linear system $\mathcal{L}_0$ on $X_0$
depends on the dimension of this intersection,
since $\mathcal{L}_0$ is obtained as a fibered product.
Returning to the notation above,
we have that $\mathcal{L}_0 = {\mathbb{P}}(W)$ where $W$ is the fibered product
$W_{\mathbb{P}} \times_{H^0(R,\O(d-k))} W_{\mathbb{F}}$.
Hence at the level of vector spaces
W = \{(\alpha,\beta) \in W_{\mathbb{P}} \times W_{\mathbb{F}} \;|\;
\alpha|_R = \beta|_R\}.
Let $W_R$ be the vector space corresponding to the intersection
of the restricted systems $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$, so that $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F} = {\mathbb{P}}(W_R)$.
Then an element of $W$ is determined by first choosing an element
$\gamma \in W_R$,
then choosing pre-images $\alpha \in W_{\mathbb{P}}$ and $\beta \in W_{\mathbb{F}}$
of $\gamma$.
Using vector space dimensions, the choice of $\gamma$
depends on $1+\dim(\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F})$ parameters,
and then once $\gamma$ is chosen the choice of $\alpha$
depends on the vector space dimension of the kernel system,
which is $1+\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P}$, and similarly the choice of $\beta$
depends on $1+\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F}$ parameters.
Therefore $\dim(W) = 1+\dim(\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}) + 1+\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} + 1+\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F}$.
Projectivizing gives the dimension of the linear system $\mathcal{L}_0$,
and we have proved the following:
With the above notation,
\ell_0 = \dim(\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}) + \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} + \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} + 2.
This is the extension of Lemma \ref{dimLo1} which we were seeking.
\section{The Transversality of the Restricted Systems}
It is clear from the previous Lemma
that the computation of $\ell_0$
depends on the knowledge of the dimension
of the intersection $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$
of the restricted linear systems.
The easiest case to handle would be if these two systems
were transverse (as linear subspaces of the projective space
of divisors of degree $d-k$ on the double curve $R$);
then a formula for the dimension of the intersection is immediate.
It turns out that this is always the case,
which is a consequence of the following Proposition,
first proved to our knowledge by Hirschowitz in
\cite{hirschowitz2}, using the Borel fixed point theorem.
Our proof is a variation on the theme using
the finiteness of inflection points of linear systems.
Let $G = PGL(2,\mathbb{C})$ be the automorphism group of $\mathbb{P}^1$.
Let $X$ be the linear system of divisors of degree $d$ on $\mathbb{P}^1$.
Note that $G$ acts naturally on $X$,
and on linear subspaces of $X$ of any dimension.
Then for any two nontrivial linear subspaces $V$ and $W$ of $X$,
there is an element $g \in G$ such that $V$ meets $gW$ properly.
It suffices to prove the assertion when $V$ and $W$ have complementary
dimensions $k$ and $d-k-1$ respectively.
We argue in this case by contradiction:
suppose that for every $g \in G$, the intersection $V\cap gW$ is nonempty.
Fix a general coordinate system $[x:y]$ on $\mathbb{P}^1$,
and consider the element $g_t \in G$ given by
$g_t[x:y] = [tx:t^{-1}y]$.
Suppose that in this coordinate system
we have a basis $\{v_0,\dots,v_k\}$ for $V$
and a basis $\{w_{k+1},\ldots,w_d\}$ for $W$.
Write each $v_i$ as a polynomial in $x$ and $y$ as
$v_i=\sum_j a_{ij}x^jy^{d-j}$
and similarly write each $w_i$ as $w_i=\sum_j b_{ij}x^jy^{d-j}$.
Note that with this notation we have that the subspace $g_tW$
has as its basis the polynomials
$g_tw_i = \sum_j t^{2j-d}b_{ij}x^jy^{d-j}$.
Let $A$ be the $(k+1) \times (d+1)$ matrix of the $a_{ij}$ coefficients,
and let $B_t$ be the $(d-k)\times (d+1)$ matrix
of the $t^{2j-d}b_{ij}$ coefficients.
Notice that $B:=B_1$ is the matrix of coefficients
for the original subspace $W$.
Let $C_t$ be the square matrix whose with $A$ as its first $k+1$ rows
and $B_t$ as its last $d-k$ rows.
Since the subspaces $V$ and $g_tW$ intersect nontrivially,
they cannot span the whole space $X$;
hence the matrix of coefficients $C_t$
must have trivial determinant.
Note that this determinant is a Laurent polynomial in $t$,
and hence each coefficient of $t$ in this polynomial must vanish.
By expressing this determinant in the Laplace expansion
using the minors of the first $k+1$ rows
against the minors of the last $d-k$ rows,
we see that the top coefficient of the determinant
is the product of the minor of $A$ using the first $k+1$ columns
with the minor of $B$ using the last $d-k$ columns.
Since this coefficient is zero, we have that
either the first minor of $A$ is zero
or the last minor of $B$ is zero.
If the first minor of $A$ is zero,
then there exists in $V$ a polynomial
whose first $k+1$ coefficients are zero,
and hence vanishes at $[0:1]$ to order at least $k+1$.
Hence $[0:1]$ would be an inflection point for the system $V$.
Similarly, if the last minor of $B$ is zero,
we conclude in the same way
that the point $[1:0]$ is an inflection point
for the system $W$.
Since the coordinate system was chosen to be general,
we see that there are infinitely many inflection points
for at least one of the two systems.
This is a contradiction, finishing the proof.
Note that the given any automorphism $g$ of a line in the plane,
there is a lift of $g$ to an automorphism of the plane fixing the line.
By using this and the previous Proposition,
one immediately deduces the following.
The restricted systems $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}$ and $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$ on the double line
intersect properly.
The previous Corollary, combined with Lemma \ref{dimLo2},
gives the formula for $\ell_0$:
\item[(a)] If $r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} \leq d-k-1$, then
\ell_0 = \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} + \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} + 1.
\item[(b)] If $r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} \geq d-k-1$, then
\ell_0 = \ell_\mathbb{P}+ \ell_\mathbb{F} - d + k.
If $r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} \leq d-k-1$, then the transversality
of $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}$ and $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$ implies that $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$ is empty, of dimension $-1$.
This gives (a), using Lemma \ref{dimLo2}.
If $r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} \geq d-k-1$, then $\dim(\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}\cap\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}) = r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F}-d+k$
(again using the transversality)
and by Lemma \ref{dimLo2}, we have
\ell_0 &= r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F}-d+k + \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} + \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} + 2\\
&= \ell_\mathbb{P} +\ell_\mathbb{F} - d + k
using the definition of $r_\mathbb{P}=\ell_\mathbb{P}-\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P}-1$ and $r_\mathbb{F}=\ell_\mathbb{F}-\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F}-1$.
Our method for proving that the system $\L$ is non-special
is to find appropriate integers $k$, $a$, and $b$ with $n = a+b$
such that $\ell_0 = e(d,m_0,a+b,m)$,
and to invoke Lemma \ref{lo=Ethenreg}.
The computation of $\ell_0$ is done
by recursively using Proposition \ref{dimLo3}.
The dimension computed in part (b) of the Proposition
is, miraculously,
the virtual dimension of the system on the general fiber,
if each of the systems involved in (b) has the virtual dimension,
using Lemma \ref{identities}(a).
Therefore (b) is useful for proving that $\L$
has the correct minimal dimension and is therefore non-special.
Statement (a) is more useful for proving that $\L$ is empty.
The following makes these two strategies explicit.
Fix $d$, $m_0$, $n$, and $m$.
\item[a.] Suppose that positive integers $k$ and $b$ exist,
with $0 < k < d$ and $0 < b < n$, such that
\item $\L(d-k-1,m_0,n-b,m)$ is empty,
\item $\L(d,d-k+1,b,m)$ is empty, and
\item $\dim \L(d-k,m_0,n-b,m) + \dim \L(d,d-k,b,m) \leq d-k-1$.
(This is automatic if $\v(d,m_0,n,m) \leq -1$
and both these systems are non-special
with virtual dimension at least $-1$.)
Then $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is empty (and therefore non-special).
\item[b.] Suppose that positive integers $k$ and $b$ exist,
with $0 < k < d$ and $0 < b < n$, such that
\item $\v(d-k,m_0,n-b,m) \geq -1$ and $\L(d-k,m_0,n-b,m)$ is non-special,
\item $\v(d,d-k,b,m) \geq -1$ and $\L(d,d-k,b,m)$ is non-special, and
\item $\dim \L(d-k-1,m_0,n-b,m) + \dim \L(d,d-k+1,b,m)
\leq \v(d,m_0,n,m)-1$.
(This is automatic if both these systems are non-special
with virtual dimension at least $-1$.)
Then $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is non-special,
with virtual dimension $\v(d,m_0,n,m)$ at least $-1$.
In case (a), the first two hypotheses say that
$\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} = \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} = -1$,
so that $r_\mathbb{P} = \ell_\mathbb{P}$ and $r_\mathbb{F} = \ell_\mathbb{F}$.
Hence by the third hypothesis
r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} = \ell_\mathbb{P} + \ell_\mathbb{F} \leq d-k-1
so that using Proposition \ref{dimLo3}(a)
we have $\ell_0 = \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} + \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} + 1 = -1$,
proving that $\L$ is empty by semicontinuity.
The parenthetical statement in the third hypothesis
follows from Lemma \ref{identities}(a).
For (b), the first two hypotheses say that $\ell_\mathbb{P}=v_\mathbb{P}$ and $\ell_\mathbb{F}=v_\mathbb{F}$;
r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} &= \ell_\mathbb{P} - \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} + \ell_\mathbb{F} - \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} - 2 \\
&= v_\mathbb{P} - \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} + v_\mathbb{F} - \hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} - 2 \\
&\geq v_\mathbb{P}+v_\mathbb{F} - 1 - \v \;\;\;\text{ using the third hypothesis}\\
&= d-k-1
using Lemma \ref{identities}(a).
Hence Proposition \ref{dimLo3}(b) implies that
$\ell_0 = \ell_\mathbb{P}+\ell_\mathbb{F}-d+k = v_\mathbb{P} + v_\mathbb{F} - d + k = \v(d,m_0,n,m)$
again using Lemma \ref{identities}(a).
The parenthetical statement in the third hypothesis
follows from Lemma \ref{identities}(a), (b), and (c).
\section{$(-1)$-Special Systems and the Main Conjecture}
A linear system $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$
with $\L^2 = -1$ and $g_\L = 0$
will be called a \emph{quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-class}.
By (\ref{RR}), we see that $\v = 0$,
so that every quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-class is effective.
Suppose that $A$ is an irreducible rational curve
and is a member of a linear system $\L=\L(d,m_0,n,m)$,
and suppose that on the blowup ${\mathbb{P}}^\prime$ of the plane
the proper transform of $A$ is smooth, of self-intersection $-1$.
We say then that $A$ is a \emph{$(-1)$-curve}.
In this case $\L$ is a quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-class.
Indeed, if this happens, then $\L = \{A\}$:
if $D \in \L$, then $D\cdot A < 0$ on ${\mathbb{P}}^\prime$,
so that $D$ must contain $A$ as a component,
and then be equal to $A$ since they have the same divisor class.
Therefore such a linear system $\L$ is non-special, of dimension $0$.
A quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-class
containing a $(-1)$-curve
will be called an \emph{irreducible $(-1)$-class}.
Let $A$ be a $(-1)$-curve and suppose that
$2A$ is a member of a linear system $\L$.
Then $\L^2 = -4$ and $g_\L = -2$
so by (\ref{RR}) $\v = -1$ and the system is expected to be empty;
however it clearly contains the divisor $2A$
(and is equal in fact to $\{2A\}$).
Therefore such a linear system is special.
More generally we have the following.
Let $\L$ be a nonempty linear system,
Suppose that $A_1,\ldots,A_r$ are $(-1)$-curves which meet $\L$ negatively;
write $\L \cdot A_j = - N_j$ with $N_j \geq 1$ for each $j$.
\item[(a)] $\L$ contains $\sum_j N_jA_j$ as a fixed divisor.
\item[(b)] If $i \neq j$ then $A_i\cdot A_j = 0$.
\item[(c)] If $\mathcal{M} = \L - \sum_j N_j A_j$ is the residual system, then
\v(\mathcal{M}) - \v(\L) = \sum_j N_j(N_j-1)/2.
\item[(d)] If $N_j \geq 2$ for some $j$ then $\L$ is special.
We work on the blowup ${\mathbb{P}}^\prime$,
and we note that since $\L\cdot A_j = -N_j$,
$N_jA_j$ is certainly a fixed divisor;
hence we have $\L = \sum_j N_jA_j + \mathcal{M}$
for some linear system $\mathcal{M}$, with $\dim(\L) = \dim(\mathcal{M})$,
which proves (a).
If a linear system $\L$ meets two $(-1)$-curves $A$ and $B$
then both $A$ and $B$ must be part of the fixed divisor
of $\L$.
If $A$ and $B$ meet then since
$\v(A+B)=A\cdot B$, we would have that $A+B$ moves,
and could not be part of the fixed divisor of $\L$.
This proves (b).
Note also that $\mathcal{M}^2 = \L^2 + \sum_j N_j^2$,
and $\mathcal{M}\cdot K = \L \cdot K + \sum_j N_j$.
\v(\mathcal{M}) - v(\L) &= (\mathcal{M}^2-\mathcal{M}\cdot K)/2 - (\L^2-\L\cdot K)/2 \\
&= (\L^2+\sum_j N_j^2-\L\cdot K-\sum_j N_j)/2 - (\L^2- \L \cdot K)/2 \\
&= \sum_j N_j(N_j-1)/2 > 0
which proves (c).
If any $N_j \geq 2$ then we see that $v(\mathcal{M}) > \v(L)$ and hence
\dim(\L) = \dim(\mathcal{M}) \geq \v(\mathcal{M}) > \v(\L)
proving the speciality of $\L$.
The above Lemma suggests the following.
A linear system $\L$ is \emph{$(-1)$-special}
if there are $(-1)$-curves $A_1,\ldots,A_r$
such that $\L\cdot A_j = -N_j$ with $N_j \geq 1$ for every $j$
and $N_j \geq 2$ for some $j$,
with the residual system $\mathcal{M} = \L - \sum_j N_j A_j$
having non-negative virtual dimension $\v(\mathcal{M}) \geq 0$,
and having non-negative intersection with every $(-1)$-curve.
We remark that if $\L$ is a linear system
satisfying all of the hypotheses of the above definition
except the last one,
then in fact it is $(-1)$-special;
the residual system can meet only finitely many
additional $(-1)$-curves negatively,
and after adding these to the fixed part
we get a residual system satisfying the final condition.
By the Lemma, every $(-1)$-special system is special;
the condition that $\v(\mathcal{M}) \geq 0$ implies that $\mathcal{M}$
is non-empty, and hence that $\L$ is non-empty.
The following conjecture is a restatement of a conjecture
of Hirschowitz (see \cite{hirschowitz3}),
also made by Harbourne
(see \cite{harbourne1} and \cite{harbourne2}).
Every special system is $(-1)$-special.
\section{Quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes}
It is clear from the previous section
that a classification of $(-1)$-classes is important
in understanding speciality of linear systems.
Fortunately it is not hard
to classify all quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes,
as we now do.
Suppose that $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is a quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-class.
d^2-m_0^2-nm^2 = -1
(since $\L^2 = -1$)
(which is equivalent to the genus condition,
and is specifically the condition that $\L\cdot K = -1$
on the blowup surface).
Solving (\ref{QH2}) for $m_0$ gives $m_0=3d-nm-1$
and plugging this into (\ref{QH1}) yields
8d^2 - 6dnm + n^2m^2 - 6d + 2nm + nm^2 = 0
which can be rewritten as
(4d-nm)(2d-nm) + (m-1)(4d-nm) - (2m+1)(2d-nm) = 0.
This suggests the change of variables
u = 4d - nm, \;\;\; v = 2d - nm
so that (\ref{QH4}) now becomes
uv + (m-1)u - (2m+1)v = 0.
Reversing this change of coordinates gives
d = \frac{u-v}{2},\;\;\;
nm = u-2v,\;\;\;
m_0 = \frac{u+v}{2} - 1.
Hence we seek integral solutions $(u,v)$ to the equation (\ref{QH5})
with $u\equiv v \mod{2}$ (so that $d$ and $m_0$ are integers)
and $m|(u-2v)$ (so that $n$ is an integer),
and all quantities $u-v$, $u-2v$, and $u+v$ positive.
If $m=1$, the curve (\ref{QH5}) is $uv-3v=0$,
so either $u=3$ or $v=0$.
If $u=3$ then the positivity conditions are that
$3-v>0$, $3-2v>0$, and $3+v>0$, so $-3 < v < 3/2$ and must be odd;
only $v = \pm 1$ are possibilities.
The solution $(3,-1)$ gives $(d,m_0,n,m)=(2,0,5,1)$,
and the solution $(3,1)$ gives $(d,m_0,n,m)=(1,1,1,1)$.
If $v=0$ we only must have $u>0$ and even, say $u=2e$.
This gives $(d,m_0,n,m)=(e,e-1,2e,1)$, for any $e \geq 1$.
These are all the solutions with $m=1$.
{}From now on we assume that $m \geq 2$.
In this case the hyperbola (\ref{QH5}) in the $(u,v)$ plane
has the horizontal asymptote $v = 1-m$,
the vertical asymptote $u = 2m+1$,
and passes through the origin with slope $(m-1)/(2m+1) < 1/2$.
This slope condition implies that in the third quadrant
the hyperbola lies entirely above the line $v = u/2$.
Now $nm = u-2v > 0$ so $v < u/2$.
Moreover $m_0 \leq d-1$ hence $(u+v)/2 -1 \leq (u-v)/2 -1$,
implying that $v \leq 0$.
These two inequalities imply that the only integral points of interest
lie on the branch of the hyperbola in the fourth quadrant,
with $v < 1-m$ and $u > 2m+1$. Hence we may assume that
u \geq 2m+2
v \leq -m.
Finally make the change of coordinates
x = u-2m-1, \;\;\; y = 1-m-v, \;\;\; u=x+2m+1,\;\;\; v = 1-m-y
which transforms the hyperbola (\ref{QH5}) into
xy = (m-1)(2m+1).
The branch of (\ref{QH9}) corresponding to the branch of (\ref{QH5})
in the fourth quadrant is the one in the first quadrant,
with $x\geq 1$ and $y\geq 1$.
Clearly the integral points on (\ref{QH9})
come simply from the possible factorizations of $(m-1)(2m+1)$.
This gives the following classification.
The quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes are the classes $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$
with $(d,m_0,n,m)$ on the following list:
\item[(a)] $(2,0,5,1)$ and $(1,1,1,1)$.
\item[(b)] $(e,e-1,2e,1)$ with $e \geq 1$.
\item[(c)] For any $m \geq 2$, and any $x\geq 1$, $y\geq 1$ with
\item[(i)] $xy = (m-1)(2m+1)$,
\item[(ii)] $x+m \geq y$,
\item[(iii)] $x-y \equiv m \mod{2}$, and
\item[(iv)] $m | x+2y-1$,
the four-tuple
(\frac{x+y+3m}{2}, \frac{x-y+m}{2}, \frac{x+2y-1}{m}+4, m).
In part (c), condition (ii) is the non-negativity of $m_0$,
while conditions (iii) and (iv) are needed to insure
that $d$, $m_0$, and $n$ are integral.
It is easy to classify all homogeneous $(-1)$-classes
from the above Proposition.
The classes
$\L(2,0,5,1)=\L(2,1,4,1)$ and $\L(1,0,2,1)=\L(1,1,1,1)$
are the only homogeneous $(-1)$-classes.
Clearly these are the only ones with $m=1$.
For $m \geq 2$, we must have the factors $x$ and $y$
satisfying $y=x+m$, and so $x(x+m)=(m-1)(2m+1)$.
If $x \leq m-1$ then the other factor $x+m$ must be at least $2m+1$,
a contradiction.
If $x \geq m+1$ then $x(x+m) \geq (m+1)(2m+1)$, which is too big.
Hence only $x=m$ is a possibility, which in fact does not work.
For any $m\geq 2$, set $x = (m-1)(2m+1)$ and $y = 1$.
Conditions (i), (ii), and (iii) clearly hold,
and $x+2y-1 = (2m^2 -m - 1) +2-1 = m(2m-1)$
so that also (iv) holds.
This gives
d=m^2+m, \;\;\; m_0 = m^2-1,\;\;\; n=2m+3.
Fix an integer $z\neq 0$, let $m=4z^2+3z$,
$x = 8z^2+2z-1$ and $y = 4z^2+5z+1$.
This gives the solution
d=12z^2+8z, \;\;\; m_0 = 4z^2-1,\;\;\; n=8,\;\;\; m=4z^2+3z.
It is an exercise to check that the previous two examples
produce all of the quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes with $n=8$.
The following is a complete list
of all quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes
with $m \leq 7$:
$d$ & $m_0$ & $n$ & $m$ & ($x$ & $y$) \\ \hline
1 & 1 & 1 & 1 & - & - \\
2 & 0 & 5 & 1 & - & - \\
$e\geq 1$ & $e-1$ & $2e$ & $1$ & - & - \\
6 & 3 & 7 & 2 & (5 & 1)\\
12 & 8 & 9 & 3 & (14 & 1)\\
20 & 15 & 11 & 4 & (27 & 1) \\
30 & 24 & 13 & 5 & (44 & 1) \\
42 & 35 & 15 & 6 & (65 & 1) \\
20 & 3 & 8 & 7 & (9 & 10) \\
27 & 17 & 9 & 7 & (30 & 3)
We note that Cremona transformations may be used
to give a numerical criterion for deciding
when a quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-class is an irreducible class:
if it can be transformed,
by a series of quadratic Cremona transformations,
to the class of a line through two points $\L(1,0,2,1)$.
\item[(a)] All quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes
having $m =1$ are irreducible.
\item[(b)] All quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes with $m \geq 2$
of the form $\L(d=m^2+m, m_0=m^2-1, n=2m+3, m)$
(obtained by the factorization $x = (m-1)(2m+1)$, $y=1$,
as in Example \ref{QH-1extremal}) are irreducible.
\item[(c)] All quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes
having $m \leq 6$ are irreducible.
\item[(d)] The $(-1)$-class $\L(27,17,9,7)$ is not irreducible.
It is obvious that $\L(1,1,1,1)$ and $\L(2,0,5,1)$,
corresponding to a line through two points and a conic through $5$,
are irreducible.
To see that $\L(e,e-1,2e,1)$ is irreducible,
note that it is irreducible for $e=1$:
again this is a line through $2$ points.
For $e \geq 2$,
applying a Cremona transformation to $\L(e,e-1,2e,1)$
at the points $p_0$, $p_1$, $p_2$
transforms the system to $\L(e-1,e-2,2e-2,1)$,
and so by induction all these systems are irreducible.
This proves (a).
To prove (b), apply the quadratic Cremona transformation
to $\L(m^2+m, m^2-1, 2m+3, m)$ exactly $m+1$ times,
at $p_0, p_{2i-1}, p_{2i}$, for $i=1,\ldots m+1$.
It is easy to see that this transforms the system to
$\L(m+1,m,2m+2,1)$, which is irreducible by (a).
Part (c) now is a consequence of (a) and (b),
given the list of Example \ref{QH-1list}.
To prove (d), note that $\L(12,8,9,3)$ is irreducible,
and $\L(27,17,9,7)\cdot \L(12,8,9,3)
= 12\cdot 27 - 8\cdot 17 - 9\cdot 3 \cdot 7 = -1$,
so that if $A$ is the $(-1)$-curve in $\L(12,8,9,3)$,
then $A$ is a fixed curve of $\L(27,17,9,7)$.
The residual system is $\L(15,9,9,4)$,
which has virtual dimension $0$ and is therefore non-empty.
Recall that we are interested in $(-1)$-curves
because they are useful in constructing special linear systems.
Suppose a quasi-homogeneous system $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$
meets negatively a $(-1)$-curve $A$
of degree $\delta$, having multiplicities
$\mu_0,\mu_1,\ldots,\mu_n$ at the points $p_0,\ldots,p_n$.
Since the points are general, a monodromy argument
implies that for any permutation $\sigma \in \Sigma_n$,
$\L$ also meets negatively
the $(-1)$-curve $A_\sigma$ of degree $\delta$,
having multiplicity $\mu_0$ at $p_0$,
and having multiplicities $\mu_{\sigma(i)}$ at $p_i$
for each $i \geq 1$.
There may of course be repetitions among the $A_\sigma$'s.
If this happens, no two of the $(-1)$-curves $A_\sigma$ can meet,
by Lemma \ref{minusonespecial}.
Hence, if $m+0\neq0$,
the Picard group of the blowup surface ${\mathbb{P}}^\prime$
has rank $n+2$,
and there can be at most $n+1$ of these disjoint $(-1)$-curves.
In the homogeneous case where $m_0=0$,
we do not blow up $p_0$,
and the rank of the Picard group is only $n+1$;
therefore in this case there can be at most $n$ of these disjoint
The sum of all of these $A_\sigma$'s must also be quasi-homogeneous,
and if there are $k$ of them,
is therefore of the form $\L(k\delta,k\mu_0,n,\mu^\prime)$
for some $\mu^\prime$.
An elementary counting argument shows that if the $\mu_i$'s
(for $i\geq 1$) occur in subsets of size $k_1\leq k_2\leq\dots\leq k_s$,
constant in each subset,
then the number of distinct $A_\sigma$'s is
\frac{n!}{k_1!k_2!\cdots k_s!}.
The only way this can be less than or equal to $n+1$
is if $s=1$ (and $A$ is then quasi-homogeneous)
or if $s=2$ and $k_1=1$, $k_2=n-1$.
The classification in case $s=1$ we have discussed above.
In the case $s=2$, there are exactly $n$ $A_\sigma$'s,
and the sum of the $A_\sigma$'s
is quasi-homogeneous, and is of the form
if $\mu_i = \mu_2$ for $i \geq 2$.
The condition that $A$ and $A_\sigma$ do not meet
is that
\delta^2 - \mu_0^2 - 2\mu_1\mu_2 - (n-2)\mu_2^2 = 0
while that fact that $A$ is a $(-1)$-curve implies that
\delta^2 - \mu_0^2 - \mu_1^2 - (n-1)\mu_2^2 = -1.
Subtracting these two equations gives
{(\mu_1-\mu_2)}^2 = 1
so that $\mu_1 = \mu_2 \pm 1$.
We call such a system a \emph{quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-configuration}.
We say that the configuration is \emph{compound}
if it consists of more than one $(-1)$-curve.
It is not hard to completely classify these classes for low $m$:
The following is a complete list
of all of the quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-configurations $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$
with $m \leq 10$:
$d$ & $m_0$ & $n$ & $m$ &
($\delta$ & $\mu_0$ & $\mu_1$ & $\mu_2=\cdots = \mu_n$) \\ \hline
$e \geq 2$ & $e$ & $e$ & 1 & (1 & 1 & 1 & 0) \\
3 & 0 & 3 & 2 & (1 & 0 & 0 & 1) \\
10 & 5 & 5 & 4 & (2 & 1 & 0 & 1) \\
12 & 0 & 6 & 5 & (2 & 0 & 0 & 1) \\
21 & 14 & 7 & 6 & (3 & 2 & 0 & 1) \\
18 & 6 & 6 & 7 & (3 & 1 & 2 & 1) \\
21 & 0 & 7 & 8 & (3 & 0 & 2 & 1) \\
36 & 27 & 9 & 8 & (4 & 3 & 0 & 1) \\
55 & 44 & 11 & 10 & (5 & 4 & 0 & 1) \\
Using the classification of quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-classes,
one can easily give a complete classification of
homogeneous $(-1)$-configurations, i.e., those with $\mu_0=0$.
The following is a complete list of homogeneous $(-1)$-configurations:
\L(1,0,2,1) & \mathrm{\;\;\;not\;\;compound} \\
\L(2,0,5,1) & \mathrm{\;\;\;not\;\;compound} \\
\L(3,0,3,2) & \mathrm{\;\;\;compound\;\;with\;\;\;} \delta=1, n=3, \mu_1=0,
\L(12,0,6,5) & \mathrm{\;\;\;compound\;\;with\;\;\;} \delta=2, n=6, \mu_1=0,
\L(21,0,7,8) & \mathrm{\;\;\;compound\;\;with\;\;\;} \delta=3, n=7, \mu_1=2,
\L(48,0,8,17) & \mathrm{\;\;\;compound\;\;with\;\;\;} \delta=6, n=8, \mu_1=3,
The non-compound $(-1)$-curves $\L(1,0,2,1)$ and $\L(2,0,5,1)$
we have seen before.
If $A$ is a $(-1)$-curve producing a homogeneous $(-1)$-configuration,
then, with the notation above, $A$ has degree $\delta$,
one point of multiplicity $\mu_1$, and $n-1$ points of multiplicity
$\mu_2 = \mu_1 \pm 1$.
Therefore, shifting the indices of the points,
we see that $A$ is quasi-homogeneous, in the class
Hence we may appeal to Proposition \ref{QH-1general}.
If $\mu_2 = 1$, then either $\mu_1=0$
(giving the two possibilities
$\delta = 1, n-1=2$, and the compound configuration $\L(3,0,3,2)$, or
$\delta=2$, $n-1=5$, and the compound configuration $\L(12,0,6,5)$)
or $\mu_1=2$
(giving $\delta=3$, $n-1=6$, and the compound configuration $\L(21,0,7,8)$).
If $\mu_2 \geq 2$, then the class $A$ comes from a factorization
$xy = (\mu_2-1)(2\mu_2+1)$,
and then $\mu_1 = (x-y+\mu_2)/2$.
This is $\mu_2\pm 1$ if and only if $x-y = \mu_2 \pm 2$.
Now $x = 2\mu_2+1$, $y = \mu_2-1$ is a factorization with $x-y = \mu_2+2$,
but now we look at the requirement
that $\mu_2$ divides $x+2y-1 = 4\mu_2-2$.
This forces $\mu_2 = 2$, giving $x=5$, $y=1$, and $\delta = 6, n-1=7$,
leading to the compound configuration $\L(48,0,8,17)$.
This is the only solution with $x-y=\mu_2+2$.
Hence what is left is to discuss the possible cases
with $x-y = \mu_2-2$.
To obtain such a factorization $x$, $y$,
we must have $x < 2\mu_2+1$ and $y > \mu_2-1$.
Neither $x = 2\mu_2$ nor $y = \mu_2$ are possible factors,
so in fact we must have $x \leq 2\mu_2-1$ and $y \geq \mu_2+1$.
However the difference $x-y$ being $\mu_2-2$
then forces $x = 2\mu_2-1$ and $y = \mu_2+1$,
whose product never equals $(\mu_2-1)(2\mu_2+1)$.
Thus there are no more homogeneous $(-1)$-configurations.
\section{The Dimension for Large $m_0$}
In our application we will usually
make a $(k,b)$-degeneration with $k$ near $m$.
This leads to linear systems on ${\mathbb{F}}$
which have the form $\L(d,m_0,b,m)$
with $m_0$ near $d-m$.
These linear systems may usually be effectively analyzed
by applying Cremona transformations,
since one of the multiplicities is so large with respect to the degree.
Let us first consider quasi-homogeneous systems of the form $\L(d,d-m,n,m)$.
Fix $d \geq m\geq 0$.
Consider the general linear system $\L=\L(d,d-m,n,m)$,
whose dimension is $\l$.
\item[(a)] If $m=0$ then $\L$ is non-special
and $\l=\v(d,d)=d$.
\item[(b)] If $m=1$ then $\L$ is non-special
and $\l = e(d,d-1,n,1)=\max\{-1,2d-n\}$.
\item[(c)] If $n=0$ then $\L$ is non-special
and $\l = \v(d,d-m) = d+dm-m^2/2+m/2$.
\item[(d)] If $n=1$ then $\L$ is non-special
and $\l = \v(d,d-m,1,m) = d+m(d-m)$.
\item[(e)] If $n = 2$ and $m \leq d \leq 2m$ then
$\l = (d-m)(d-m+3)/2$.
In this case $\L$ is special if $d \leq 2m-2$
and $\L$ is non-special if $d=2m-1$ or $d=2m$.
\item[(f)] If $n = 2$ and $d \geq 2m+1$ then $\L$ is non-special and
$\l = dm+d-3m^2/2-m/2$.
\item[(g)] If $n \geq 2$ and $d \geq 2m$ then $\l=\l(d-m,d-2m,n-2,m)$.
\item[(h)] If $2 \leq m \leq d \leq 2m-1$ and $n \geq 3$
then $\L$ is empty (and therefore non-special),
so that $\l = -1$.
Statements (a) and (b), where we have either no base points
or simple base points, are trivial.
Statements (c), (d), (e), and (f),
where we have $3$ or fewer multiple points,
are handled easily by putting the $3$ points
at the coordinate points of the plane
and counting homogeneous monomials.
Statement (g) is obtained by making a quadratic Cremona transformation
at the point $p_0$ of multiplicity $d-m$ and two of the $n$ points
of multiplicity $m$; we note that the resulting linear system
is of the same form, namely that it is quasi-homogeneous with $m_0=d-m$.
Finally we turn to statement (h).
If $n \geq 3$, $d < 2m$ and $\L$ is nonempty
then the line $L_{ij}$ through any two of the $n$ points $p_i$ and $p_j$
must split off the linear system,
since $\L\cdot\L(1,0,2,1) = d-2m$.
If in fact $n \geq 4$, then the two lines $L_{12}$ and $L_{34}$ become
$(-1)$-curves on the blowup of the plane, which meet at one point;
hence the sum $L_{12}+L_{34}$ moves in a pencil,
and so cannot be part of the fixed part of the system $\L$.
This contradiction shows that $\L$ must be empty.
To finish we may therefore assume that $n=3$.
Again the three lines through the three points split off the system,
(in fact each splits off $2m-d$ times)
leaving the residual system $\L(4d-6m,d-m,3,2d-3m)$.
Therefore $\L$ is clearly empty if $2d<3m$.
If $2d \geq 3m$, then the $3$ lines
through $p_0$ and the $3$ points $p_i$
split off the residual system,
since the intersection number
= (4d-6m)-(d-m)-(2d-3m) = d-2m<0$.
Indeed, we see that these three lines each must split off $2m-d$ times,
leaving as the further residual system $\L(7d-12m,4d-7m,3,3d-5m)$
if all of these numbers are non-negative.
If $7d < 12m$ we see then that
the residual system, and hence $\L$, is empty, and we are done.
Note that if $7d \geq 12m$ then $3d \geq 5m$ (since $5/3<12/7$).
If $4d\leq 7m$ then the residual system is $\L(7d-12m,0,3,3d-5m)$;
again the $3$ lines through the $3$ points split off this system,
each $2m-d$ times, leaving the system $\L(10d-18m,0,3,5d-9m)$;
but if $4d\leq 7m$ then (since $7/4<9/5$) we have that $5d<9m$,
so that this further residual system is empty, and we are done.
If on the other hand $4d > 7m$ then the residual system is actually
$\L(7d-12m,4d-7m,3,3d-5m)$, and all these numbers are strictly positive.
Define the ratio $r = d/m$.
We have shown that if $r\leq 7/4$ then $\L(d,d-m,3,m)$ is empty,
while if $r > 7/4$ then $\l(d,d-m,3,m)=\l(7d-12m,4d-7m,3,3d-5m)$.
This residual system is of the same form ($m_0=d-m$) and has as its ratio
$s = (7d-12m)/(3d-5m) = (7r-12)/(3r-5)$.
Therefore if $s < 7/4$,
which happens for $r<13/7$, the system is again empty.
We claim that by iterating this procedure enough times we will be done,
i.e., for any $r < 2$ there is an iterate $s^{(n)}(r)$
which is less than $7/4$.
The function $s(r)$ maps the interval $r\in(7/4,2)$
onto the interval $s \in (1,2)$,
and moreover $s(r) < r$ for each such $r$.
Hence the iterates $s^{(n)}(r)$ form a decreasing sequence,
and if they never go below $7/4$,
they must converge to a fixed point of the function $s(r)$.
This is impossible, since the only fixed point is at $r=2$.
The above Lemma allows the construction of an algorithm
to compute $\l(d,d-m,n,m)$.
If $n \geq 2$ and $d \geq 2m$ one uses (g) to reduce the numbers,
and hence one may assume that either $d < 2m$ or $n<2$.
Each of these cases is covered by the Lemma.
One can turn this algorithm into a formula,
and a criterion for speciality,
without too much difficulty.
Let $\L=\L(d,d-m,n,m)$ with $2 \leq m \leq d$.
Write $d = qm+\mu$ with $0\leq \mu\leq m-1$,
and $n = 2h+\epsilon$, with $\epsilon \in\{0,1\}$.
Then the system $\L$ is special if and only if
$q = h$, $\epsilon = 0$, and $\mu \leq m-2$.
More precisely:
\item[(a)] If $q \geq h+1$ then $\L$ is nonempty and non-special.
In this case
\item[(b)] If $q=h$ and $\epsilon = 1$
the system $\L$ is empty and non-special.
\item[(c)] If $q=h$, $\epsilon = 0$, and $\mu = m-1$,
the system $\L$ is nonempty and non-special;
in this case
\item[(d)] If $q=h$, $\epsilon = 0$, and $\mu \leq m-2$,
the system $\L$ is special;
in this case
\dim \L = \mu(\mu+3)/2.
\item[(e)] If $q\leq h-1$
the system $\L$ is empty and non-special.
If $q \geq h+1$, we may apply quadratic Cremona transformations
$h$ times, arriving at the system $\L(d-hm,d-(h+1)m,\epsilon,m)$,
which is nonempty and non-special.
If $q \leq h$, we may apply quadratic Cremona transformations
$q-1$ times, arriving at the system $\L(\mu+m,\mu,2(h-q)+\epsilon+2,m)$.
If either $q < h$, or $\epsilon = 1$,
then we apply Lemma \ref{m0=d-m_algorithm}(h)
and conclude that $\L$ is empty, and therefore non-special.
We are left with the case $q=h$ and $\epsilon = 0$,
for which we have the system $\L(\mu+m,\mu,2,m)$;
we then apply Lemma \ref{m0=d-m_algorithm}(e)
to conclude the proof.
This analysis of the $m_0=d-m$ case
applies immediately when $m_0 > d-m$ also.
Consider the system $\L(d,d-m+k,n,m)$ with $k \geq 1$.
We note that the $n$ lines through $p_0$ and $p_i$
split off, each $k$ times,
leaving as the residual system the system
(which is of the type discussed above).
The speciality of $\L$ is then deduced from this residual system:
Let $\L = \L(d,d-m+k,n,m)$ with $k \geq 1$,
and let
\L' = \L(d-kn,d-kn-m+k,n,m-k).
Then $\dim \L = \dim \L'$ and
$\L$ is non-special unless either
$k \geq 2$ and $\L'$ is nonempty and non-special,
\item[(b)] $\L'$ is special.
Finally we turn to the case when $m_0 = d-m-1$.
Let $\L=\L(d,d-m-1,n,m)$ with $2 \leq m \leq d-1$.
Write $d = q(m-1)+\mu$ with $0\leq \mu \leq m-2$,
and $n = 2h+\epsilon$, with $\epsilon \in\{0,1\}$.
Then the system $\L$ is non-special of dimension
\item[(a)] $q=h+1$, $\mu=\epsilon=0$, and $(m-1)(m+2) \geq 4h$,
in which case
\dim \L = (m-1)(m+2)/2 - 2h,
\item[(b)] $q = h$, $\epsilon = 0$, and $4q \leq \mu(\mu+3)$,
in which case $\dim \L = \mu(\mu+3)/2 - 2q$.
First we note that performing a quadratic Cremona transformation
to the system $\L(d,d-m-1,n,m)$
gives the subsystem of $\L(d-m+1,d-2m,n-2,m)$
(which is of the same type, namely ``$m_0=d-m-1$'')
with two general simple base points.
Therefore by induction if we perform $k$ such transformations,
we obtain the subsystem of $\L(d-k(m-1),d-(k+1)(m-1)-2,n-2k,m)$
with $2k$ general simple base points,
if $d-(k+1)(m-1)-2 \geq 0$ and $n \geq 2k$.
If $q \geq h+2$, or if $q = h+1$ and $\mu \geq 2$,
then we may perform $h$ quadratic Cremona transformations
and arrive at the subsystem of $\L(d-h(m-1),d-(h+1)m-2,\epsilon,m)$
with $2h$ general simple base points.
This system is non-special.
We now analyze the case with $q=h+1$ and $\mu \leq 1$.
If $m=2$ the system is easily seen to be empty,
and therefore non-special;
hence we assume that $m \geq 3$.
We perform $h-1$ transformations,
leading to the subsystem of
with $2h-2$ general base points.
We note that each line joining $2$ of the $2+\epsilon$ points
of multiplicity $m$ in this system splits off,
with multiplicity $2-\mu$;
hence if $\mu = 0$ and the system is not empty,
it is certainly special.
If $\mu = 0$ and $\epsilon = 1$,
when $m=3$ the original system is $\L(4,0,3,3)$,
which is empty; if $m \geq 4$
the residual system is $\L(2m-8,m-3,3,m-4)$.
Performing a Cremona transformation on this gives the obviously
empty system $\L(m-4,m-3)$.
If $\mu = 1$ and $\epsilon = 0$
the residual system is $\L(2m-2,m-2,2,m-1)$
which transforms to the non-special system $\L(m,0,2,1)$;
hence $\L$ is non-special in this case.
If $\mu=\epsilon = 1$,
then the residual system is $\L(2m-4,m-2,3,m-2)$
which transforms to $\L(m-2,0,1,m-2)$
which is again non-special.
If $\mu = \epsilon = 0$,
then the residual system is $\L(2m-4,m-3,2,m-2)$
which transforms to $\L(m-1,0,2,1)$ and is therefore non-special.
The original system is therefore nonempty if and only if
$(m-1)(m+2) \geq 4h$, and this is the only special case.
If $q \leq h$, we perform $q-1$ transformations,
arriving at the system $\L(\mu+m-1,\mu-2,2(h-q)+\epsilon+2,m)$,
with in addition $2q-2$ simple base points.
(If $\mu = 0$ the system is empty, and therefore non-special;
if $\mu = 1$, the system is also empty unless $q=h=1$ and $\epsilon=0$,
but this implies $d=m$ which is impossible.)
If $\mu \geq 2$, and $h > q$, then we argue as in the proof of
Lemma \ref{m0=d-m_algorithm}(h) and conclude that the system is empty.
We are left to analyze the case $\mu \geq 2$ and $h=q$.
If $\epsilon=1$, then the three lines
through the three points split off, each with multiplicity $m-\mu+1$;
therefore if $2m \geq 4\mu-3$, the system is empty
(the residual has negative degree).
Otherwise the residual system is $\L(4\mu-2m-4,\mu-2,3,2\mu-m-2)$
and which transforms to $\L(2\mu-m-2,\mu-2)$.
Since $\mu \leq m-2$, this system is empty.
Finally we take up the case where $\mu \geq 2$, $h=q$ and $\epsilon=0$,
in which case the line through the two remaining points
splits off $m+1-\mu$ times, leaving the residual system
$\L(2\mu-2,\mu-2,2,\mu-1)$ (with $2q-2$ simple base points).
We perform one more transformation,
giving the system of plane curves of degree $\mu$ with $2q$ simple base
points, leading to the last exception.
\section{$(-1)$-Special Systems with $m \leq 3$}
Suppose $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ is a $(-1)$-special system
with $m \leq 3$.
Then $\L$ must be of the form $\L = \mathcal{M} + NC$
for some $N = 2$ or $3$,
where $C\in\L(\delta,\mu_0,n,1)$
is either a quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-curve
or a (compound) quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-configuration,
and $\v(\mathcal{M}) \geq 0$ and $\mathcal{M} \cdot C = 0$.
This implies that $C$ is either:
$\L(2,0,5,1)$ & \\
$\L(e,e-1,2e,1)$ & with $e \geq 1$, or \\
$\L(e,e,e,1)$ & with $e \geq 1$.
The last one on the list is compound when $e \geq 2$;
all others are irreducible $(-1)$-curves.
These observations are sufficient to classify such systems.
The quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-special systems with $m \leq 3$
are the systems $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ on the following list:
$\L(4,0,5,2)$ & & $\v=-1$ & $\l = 0$ \\
$\L(2e,2e-2,2e,2)$, & $e \geq 1$ & $v = -1$ & $\l = 0$\\
$\L(d,d,e,2)$, & $d \geq 2e\geq 2$ & $\v = d-3e$ & $\l = d-2e$ \\
$\L(4,0,2,3)$ & & $\v=2$ & $\l = 3$ \\
$\L(6,0,5,3)$ & & $\v=-3$ & $\l=0$ \\
$\L(6,2,4,3)$ & & $\v=0$ & $\l=1$ \\
$\L(3e,3e-3,2e,3)$, & $e\geq 1$ & $\v = -3$ & $\l=0$ \\
$\L(3e+1,3e-2,2e,3)$, & $e\geq 1$ & $\v=1$ & $\l=2$ \\
$\L(4e,4e-2,2e,3)$, & $e\geq 1$ & $\v = -1$ & $\l=0$ \\
$\L(d,d-1,e,3)$, & $2d\geq 5e \geq 5$ & $\v=2d-6e$ & $\l = 2d-5e$ \\
$\L(d,d,e,3)$, & $d \geq 3e \geq 3$ & $\v = d-6e$ & $\l = d-3e$ .
We'll only present the analysis for $m = 3$;
the $m=2$ case is similar and easier, and we leave it to the reader.
Using the notation above, with $\L = \mathcal{M} + N C$,
in this case $N$ may be either $2$ or $3$.
We first discuss when $N=2$.
Suppose that $\L(2,0,5,1)$ splits twice off $\L(d,m_0,5,3)$.
Then $\mathcal{M}=\L(d-4,m_0,5,1)$, and $\mathcal{M}\cdot\L(2,0,5,1) = 2d-13$,
which can never be zero; hence this case cannot occur.
Suppose that $A=\L(e,e-1,2e,1)$ splits twice off $\L(d,m_0,2e,3)$.
Then $\mathcal{M}=\L(d-2e,m_0-2e+2,2e,1)$,
0 = \mathcal{M}\cdot A &= (d-2e)e-(m_0-2e+2)(e-1)-2e \\
&= de-m_0(e-1)-6e+2
&= e(d-m_0-6)+m_0+2
so that certainly $m_0\geq d-5$.
Clearly for $\v(\mathcal{M}) \geq 0$ we must have $m_0\leq d-2$, but in this case
0 &= de -m_0(e-1) -6e +2 \\
&\geq de -(d-2)(e-1) -6e +2 \\
&= d-4e
so that $d \leq 4e$.
We take up in turn the various possibilities for $m_0$.
If $m_0=d-5$, then $e=m_0+2$ for $\mathcal{M}\cdot A = 0$,
which gives that $m_0 = e-2$, a contradiction
since $m_0 \geq 2e-2$ and $e \geq 1$.
If $m_0=d-4$, then $\v(\mathcal{M}) = 3d-8e-1\geq 0$,
but then $0=\mathcal{M}\cdot A = m_0+2-2e=d-2-2e$, so that $d=2e+2$
and hence $3(2e+2)-8e-1\geq 0$, forcing $e\leq 2$.
When $e=1$ we have $\L(4,0,2,3)$, which has $\v = 2$ but $\l = 3$.
When $e=2$ we have $\L(6,2,4,3)$, which has $\v=0$ but $\l=1$.
If $m_0=d-3$, then $\v(\mathcal{M}) = 2d-6e$, so $d \geq 3e$;
then $0=\mathcal{M}\cdot A = m_0+2-3e = d-3e-1$, so that $d=3e+1$.
This gives the system $\L(3e+1,3e-2,2e,3)$,
which has $\v=1$ but after splitting off $A$ twice
leaves the system $\mathcal{M}=\L(e+1,e,2e,1)$,
which has $\l=2$.
If $m_0=d-2$, then $\v(\mathcal{M}) = d-4e$, so $d\geq 4e$,
and now $0 = \mathcal{M}\cdot A = m_0+2-4e$, so that $m_0=4e-2$,
forcing $d=4e$. This gives the special system
$\L(4e,4e-2,2e,3)$, which has $\v = -1$
but consists of the fixed curve $2A$
and the residual system $\mathcal{M} = \L(2e,2e,2e,1)$
which is non-empty (it is a quasi-homogeneous $(-1)$-configuration,
consisting of the $2e$ lines through $p_0$ and $p_i$).
Finally suppose that the compound class $\L(e,e,e,1)$
splits twice off $\L(d,m_0,e,3)$.
Here $A = \L(1,1,1,1)$, and $\mathcal{M}=\L(d-2e,m_0-2e,e,1)$,
so that $0 = \mathcal{M}\cdot A = d-m_0-1$, forcing $m_0=d-1$.
Then $\v(\mathcal{M}) = 2d-5e$, leading to the special systems
$\L(d,d-1,e,3)$ with $2d\geq 5e$.
This completes the analysis for $m=3$ and $N=2$.
We now turn to the $m=N=3$ case.
Suppose first that $A=\L(2,0,5,1)$ splits three times off $\L(d,m_0,5,3)$.
Then $\mathcal{M}=\L(d-6,m_0)$, which has $\v\geq 0$ if $m_0\leq d-6$
and $\mathcal{M}\cdot A = 2d-12$, forcing $d = 6$, and $m_0=0$,
leading to the system $\L(6,0,5,3)$.
Suppose that $A=\L(e,e-1,2e,1)$ splits three times off $\L(d,m_0,2e,3)$.
Then $\mathcal{M} = \L(d-3e,m_0-3e+3)$ so that $d\geq m_0+3$ for $\v(\mathcal{M})\geq 0$,
and $0=A\cdot\mathcal{M} = de-m_0(e-1)-6e+3 = e(d-m_0-6)+m_0+3$,
so that certainly $m_0\geq d-5$.
If $m_0=d-5$, then $e=m_0+3=d-2$;
but $e+2 = d\geq 3e$ forces $e=1$ and $m_0= -2$, a contradiction.
If $m_0=d-4$, then $m_0=2e-3$, and so $d=2e+1$.
Again since $d \geq 3e$ forces $e=1$ but then $m_0 = -1$,
a contradiction.
If $m_0 = d-3$, then $m_0 = 3e-3$, and so $d = 3e$,
so that $\mathcal{M}=0$ and we have the system $\L(3e,3e-3,2e,3)$.
Finally suppose that the compound class $\L(e,e,e,1)$
splits three times off $\L(d,m_0,e,3)$.
Here $A = \L(1,1,1,1)$, and $\mathcal{M}=\L(d-3e,m_0-3e)$,
so that $0 = \mathcal{M}\cdot A = d-m_0$, forcing $m_0=d$.
Then $\v(\mathcal{M}) = d-3e$, leading to the special systems
$\L(d,d,e,3)$ with $d\geq 3e$.
This completes the $m=N=3$ analysis.
Since we have discussed in some detail the speciality
of systems $\L(d,m_0,n,m)$ with $m_0 \geq d-m-1$
in Section \ref{sec10},
we take the opportunity to make the following observation:
Let $\L = \L(d,m_0,n,m)$ with $m_0 \geq d-m-1$
and $m \in \{2,3\}$. Then $\L$ is special
if and only if $\L$ is $(-1)$-special.
Let us first discuss the $m=2$ case.
Suppose that $m_0 = d-3$.
Then Proposition \ref{m0=d-m-1} gives no special systems.
Suppose next that $m_0 = d-2$.
The Proposition \ref{m0=d-m} gives that the only such special system
is $\L(2e,2e-2,2e,2)$, which is $(-1)$-special.
If $m_0 = d-1$,
Corollary \ref{m0=d-m+k} gives no special systems.
Finally if $m_0 = d$, Corollary \ref{m0=d-m+k}
gives the assertion.
Now we turn to the $m=3$ case,
and first suppose that $m_0 = d-4$.
Then Proposition \ref{m0=d-m-1}(a) leads only to the systems
$\L(4,0,2,3)$ and $\L(6,2,4,3)$
which are $(-1)$-special.
Proposition \ref{m0=d-m-1}(b) gives no special systems with $m=3$.
Next suppose that $m_0=d-3$.
Then Proposition \ref{m0=d-m} gives that the only such special systems
are $\L(3e,3e-3,2e,3)$ and $\L(3e+1,3e-2,2e,3)$ for $e \geq 1$.
If $m_0 = d-2$,
Corollary \ref{m0=d-m+k} gives only the special systems
$\L(4e,4e-2,2e,3)$, for $e\geq 1$.
The other cases of $m_0 \geq d-1$ are trivial.
\section{The Classification of Special Systems with $m \leq 3$}
A system ${\L}(d,m_0,n,m)$ with $m \leq 3$ is special
if and only if it is a $(-1)$-special system,
i.e., it is one of the systems listed in Lemma \ref{obirreg23}.
We will outline the proof in the case $m=3$;
the $m=2$ case is analogous in every way.
We will assume that $m_0 \neq 1,3$.
We may also assume $\L$ is not empty,
otherwise it is certainly non-special.
We will prove the theorem by induction on $n$;
the assertion is true for $n\leq 2$.
So we may assume $n\geq 3$.
The theorem is easily seen to be true for $d\leq 5$.
So we will assume $d\geq 6$.
Furthermore the cases $d<m_0$ are trivial
and the cases $d\leq m_0+4$ are taken care of by the results
of Section \ref{sec10}.
Hence we may assume that $d \geq m_0+5$, or that $m_0 \leq d-5$.
The general approach is to assume $\L$ is not $(-1)$-special
and prove that it is non-special.
We proceed by induction and we
assume the theorem holds for lower values of $n$.
We start with the case ${\v}\leq -1$.
We perform a $(2,b)$-degeneration and we require
that both kernel linear systems $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$, $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F}$ are empty.
The requirement that
$\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F}={\L}(d,d-1,b,3)$ is empty translates into the inequality $5b>2d$.
As for requirement
that $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}={\L}(d-3,m_0,n-b,3)$ is empty,
we can use induction and impose that its virtual dimension
${\hat{v}_\mathbb{P}}$ is negative, unless
$\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ is a $(-1)$-special system. This might
only happen (when $m_0 \leq d-5$) if:
(i) $m_0=d-5$, $d-3=4e$, $n-b=2e$;
(ii) $m_0=d-6$, $d-3=3e,3e+1$, $n-b=2e$;
(iii) $d=9, m_0=0, n-b=5$;
(iv) $d=9, m_0=2, n-b=4$;
(v) $d=7, m_0=0, n-b=2$.
Since ${\v}(d,m_0,n,3)\leq -1$,
the condition ${\v}(d-3,m_0,n-b,3)<0$ is implied by
${\v}(d-3,m_0,n-b,3)\leq {\v}(d,m_0,n,3)$,
which reads $2b\leq d$.
In conclusion we need to choose a $b$ such that
$\frac{2d}{5} < b \leq \frac{d}{2}$.
For later purposes we will need $b < \frac{d}{2}$
if $d$ is divisible by $4$.
Since $\frac{d}{2} - \frac{2d}{5} = \frac{d}{10}$
we see that we can choose a suitable $b$ as soon as $d\geq 11$,
but in fact one sees that for $d$ between $6$ and $10$
and unequal to $8$,
the maximum $b$ such that $2b \leq d$ works.
On the other hand one proves directly the theorem for $d=8$,
so we can dispense with this case.
With this choice,
only the $(-1)$-special systems
with negative virtual dimension could occur, i.e.
(ii) with $d=3e+3$,
We also remark that, with this choice of $b$, one has $b<n$.
Suppose we are in case (i).
Then $d=4e+3$ and if $d \geq 19$,
then we may choose $b$ in at
least two ways, and avoid the $(-1)$-special systems.
We are left with the cases $d=7,11,15$.
Then $b=3,5,7$ respectively, and,
if $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ is a $(-1)$-special system,
then $n=5,9,13$ respectively.
But in each one of these cases the virtual dimension of $\L$ is $2$,
contrary to the hypothesis.
Suppose we are in case (ii), with $d=3e+3$.
Again we can choose $b$ in at
least two ways, and avoid the $(-1)$-special systems,
as soon as $d\geq 18$.
The remaining cases $d=6,9,12,15$,
in which the values of $b$ are $b=3,4,5,7$ respectively
and therefore $n=5,8,11,15$,
also have non-negative virtual dimension for $d \geq 9$;
the case $d=6$ is a $(-1)$-special system.
In case (iii),
$b=4$ and therefore $n=9$,
in which case $\L$ has virtual dimension $0$, a contradiction.
We have therefore arranged to choose a $b$
in such a way that both kernel linear systems $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F}$ and $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$
are empty, unless $\L$ is $(-1)$-special.
Now we claim that, with the choices we made,
${\mathcal{L}_0}$ is empty, which implies that also $\L$ is empty,
hence non-special.
The assertion is clear if either one of the two systems
$\mathcal{L}_\bP$, $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ is empty.
So we may assume that both systems $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ and $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ are not empty.
The system $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ is ${\L}(d,d-2,b,3)$ and ${v_\mathbb{F}}=3d-1-6b$.
The $b$ lines through $p_0$ split off this system,
and the residual system is $\L(d-b,d-b-2,b,2)$,
which by Theorem \ref{thmreg2} and Lemma \ref{obirreg23}
could only be special if $d=4e$ and $b=2e$.
Because of our choice of $b$,
this does not occur; hence $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ is non-special
and therefore its dimension is ${\ell_\mathbb{F}}={v_\mathbb{F}}=3d-1-6b > -1$.
Let us examine the possibility that $\mathcal{L}_\bP=\L(d-2,m_0,n-b,3)$
is a $(-1)$-special system.
For $d \geq 9$, or $d=6$ or $7$, this can only be the case if:
(i) $m_0=d-5$, $d=3e+2,3e+3$, $n=b+2e$;
(ii) $d=6, m_0=0, n=b+2$.
In case (ii) $\L$ is the $(-1)$-special system $\L(6,0,5,3)$.
In cases (i) with $d=3e+2$, then ${r_\mathbb{P}} = \ell_\mathbb{P} =0$;
since $b>0$, the linear series $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F}$ contains $b$ general fixed points,
and hence $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F} \cap \mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}$ is empty.
Therefore by Lemma \ref{dimLo2}
${\mathcal{L}_0} = -1$.
Similarly in case (i), if $d=3e+3$,
then ${\ell_\mathbb{P}}=2$ but $b>2$, which again forces $\mathcal{R}_\mathbb{F} \cap \mathcal{R}_\mathbb{P}$ to be empty.
Hence we may now assume that also $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is non-special.
Now we conclude that $\L$ is empty by Corollary \ref{cordimLk}(a).
Now we consider the case ${\v}\geq 0$.
Again we may assume $m_0 \leq d-5$.
We observe that we may assume $n>\frac{5}{6}d-1$,
otherwise ${\v}(d,d-4,n,3)\geq 1$
and therefore ${\L}(d,d-4,n,3)$ is non-special,
hence also ${\L}(d,m_0,n,3)$ is non-special.
We propose to perform a $(3,h)$-degeneration,
where we write $d = 2h-\epsilon$ with $\epsilon \in \{0,1\}$,
With this choice $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F}=\L(d,d-2,h,3)$ is empty
if $d$ is not divisible by $4$,
and has dimension $0$ if $4$ divides $d$,
since $\l(d,d-2,h,3)=\l(d-h,d-h-2,h,2)$
and $\v(d-h,d-h-2,h,2) = 3d-6h-1 = -3\epsilon-1 < 0$,
and is non-special unless it is $(-1)$-special,
which can only happen if $h=2e$ and $d=2h$.
Now $\mathcal{L}_\bF = \L(d,d-3,h,3)$ which is never $(-1)$-special;
hence $\ell_\mathbb{F} = \v(d,d-3,h,3) = 4d-3-6h = d-3(\epsilon+1)$.
Therefore $r_\mathbb{F} = d-3(\epsilon+1) - \eta$
where $\eta = 1$ if $4|d$ and is zero otherwise.
Now note that
$v_\mathbb{P}-\v = \v(d-3,m_0,n-h,3)-\v(d,m_0,n,3) = 6h-3d = 3\epsilon \geq 0$,
so that $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is nonempty.
Suppose first that $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is non-special,
and $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ is empty.
Then we have $r_\mathbb{P} = v_\mathbb{P} = \v+3\epsilon$,
and so $r_\mathbb{F}+r_\mathbb{P} = d-3 - \eta + \v \geq d-4$.
Hence we apply Proposition \ref{dimLo3}(b)
and finish.
Suppose next that $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is non-special,
and $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ is nonempty and non-special.
Then $r_\mathbb{P}=v_\mathbb{P}-\hat{v}_\mathbb{P}-1 = d-3$ so that Proposition \ref{dimLo3}(b)
applies and we finish.
Next we suppose that $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is non-special
but $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ is nonempty and special.
In all the possibilities for special $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ with $d \geq 9$,
except one,
we have $\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} \leq 2$;
hence $r_\mathbb{P} \geq d-6$, which forces $r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} \geq d-4$ easily,
and we again finish using Proposition \ref{dimLo3}(b).
The one exception to this is when $m_0 = d-5$
and $2d-8 \geq 5(n-h)$.
However in this case $\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{P} = 2(d-4)-5(n-h)$,
and since $\v \geq 0$, we see easily that $r_\mathbb{P} +r_\mathbb{F} \geq d-4$ again.
Finally we must discuss the case that
${\mathcal{L}_\bP}$ is $(-1)$-special.
Since we have already shown that $v_\mathbb{P} \geq 0$,
this can only be the case (given that $d\geq 9$) when:
(i) $d=9$, $m_0=2$, $h=5$, $n = 9$;
(ii) $d=3e+4$, $m_0=3e-2$, $n=h+2e$.
In the first case we see that $\v = \v(9,2,9,3) = -3$,
a contradiction.
As to the second case, we suggest instead a $(3,h+1)$-degeneration.
In this case $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F}$,
which had dimension at most $0$ before,
is now empty.
Moreover $\mathcal{L}_\bF = \L(d,d-3,h+1,3)=\L(3e+4,3e+1,(3e+6+\epsilon)/2,3)$
is again never $(-1)$-special.
Hence $r_\mathbb{F} = \ell_\mathbb{F} = v_\mathbb{F} = 3e-5-3\epsilon$.
Now $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P} = \L(3e,3e-2,2e-1,3)$ which is never $(-1)$-special;
since $\hat{v}_\mathbb{P} = 5-3e < 0$, we see that $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ is empty.
The system $\mathcal{L}_\bP = \L(3e+1,3e-2,2e-1,3)$ is also never $(-1)$-special;
moreover $v_\mathbb{P} = 7$, so that $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is not empty and also $r_\mathbb{P} = 7$.
Therefore $r_\mathbb{F}+r_\mathbb{P} = 3e+2-3\epsilon = d-2-3\epsilon$;
hence if $\epsilon = 0$, we conclude the proof using
Proposition \ref{dimLo3}(b).
However if $\epsilon = 1$, then $e$ is odd, and $h = (3e+5)/2$,
so that $n = (7e+5)/2$;
computing the virtual dimension of the system $\L$
we find $\v = -2$, a contradiction.
This completes the proof in the $m=3$ case.
As noted above, we leave the details of the $m=2$ case to the reader.
The outline of the proof is to make a $(1,b)$ degeneration,
and again use induction on $n$.
We may assume that $d \geq m_0+4$.
When ${\v}\leq -1$,
we need to prove that if $\L$ is not $(-1)$-special,
then it is empty.
We perform a $(1,b)$-degeneration,
where $b$ is the minimum integer with $2b>d$;
the relevant linear systems are
$\mathcal{L}_\bP = \L(d-1,m_0,n-b,2)$,
$\mathcal{L}_\bF = \L(d,d-1,b,2)$,
$\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P} = \L(d-2,m_0,n-b,2)$, and
$\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F} = \L(d,d,b,2)$.
The reader can check that with this choice of $b$,
both $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{F}$ and $\hat{\mathcal{L}}_\mathbb{P}$ are empty.
Hence if we can show that $\ell_\mathbb{P}+\ell_\mathbb{F} \leq d-2$,
then we can apply Corollary \ref{cordimLk}(a)
and conclude that $\L$ will be empty.
This is automatic if either $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ or $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ is empty,
so one may assume that both systems are not empty.
If so, one checks as in the $m=3$ case
that we do have $\ell_\mathbb{P}+\ell_\mathbb{F} \leq d-2$ as needed.
In case ${\v}\geq 0$,
still assuming that $d \geq 4$ and $m_0 \leq d-3$.
We notice we can also assume $n\geq d$;
otherwise, as we proved already,
${\L}(d,d-2,n,2)$ is non-special and not empty,
and therefore also ${\L}(d,m_0,n,2)$ is non-special
for all $m_0\leq d-3$ by Lemma (0.1)\ref{basic1}(c).
Again we perfom a $(1,b)$-degeneration,
and we take $b$ to be the maximum such that $2b \leq d+1$.
Then $\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F} = \l(d,d,b,2) = d-2b$,
and $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ has dimension $\ell_\mathbb{F} = 2d-3b$.
Therefore the system $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ is non-special,
and $r_\mathbb{F} = \ell_\mathbb{F}-\hat{\ell}_\mathbb{F}-1 = (2d-3b)-(d-2b)-1 = d-b-1$.
One checks that $\mathcal{L}_\bP$ is non-special and non-empty.
Since we already know that $\mathcal{L}_\bF$ is non-special and non-empty,
we will be done if we show that $r_\mathbb{P}+r_\mathbb{F} \geq d-2$,
by applying Proposition \ref{dimLo3}(b),
and noting that in this case
Since we have seen above that $r_\mathbb{F}=d-b-1$,
we need only to show that $r_\mathbb{P} \geq b-1$ to finish the proof.
This we leave to the reader.
1997-02-20T16:46:35 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702013 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702013 | [
] | alg-geom/9702013 | Gian Mario Besana | Alberto Alzati, Marina Bertolini, Gian Mario Besana | Numerical Criteria for vey Ampleness of Divisors on Projective Bundles
over an elliptic curve | AMS-Latex, 18 pages, Canadian Journal of Math, Dec 1996 | null | null | null | null | In Butler, J.Differential Geom. 39 (1):1--34,1994, the author gives a
sufficient condition for a line bundle associated with a divisor D to be
normally generated on $X=P(E)$ where E is a vector bundle over a smooth curve
C. A line bundle which is ample and normally generated is automatically very
ample. Therefore the condition found in Butler's work, together with Miyaoka's
well known ampleness criterion, give a sufficient condition for the very
ampleness of D on X. This work is devoted to the study of numerical criteria
for very ampleness of divisors D which do not satisfy the above criterion, in
the case of C elliptic. Numerical conditions for the very ampleness of D are
proved,improving existing results. In some cases a complete numerical
characterization is found.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Feb 1997 15:48:41 GMT"
] | 2019-08-17T00:00:00 | [
"Gian Mario",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Ampleness of divisors on algebraic varieties is a numerical property. On
other hand it is in general very difficult to give numerical necessary and
conditions for the very ampleness of divisors. In \cite{bu} the author
gives a
sufficient condition for a line bundle associated with a divisor $D$ to
be normally generated on $X
=\Bbb{P}(E)$ where $E$ is a vector bundle over a smooth curve $C.$
A line bundle which is ample and normally generated is automatically very
Therefore the condition found in \cite{bu}, together with Miyaoka's well
ampleness criterion, give a sufficient condition for the very ampleness
of $D$ on $X.$
This work is devoted to the study of numerical criteria for very
ampleness of
divisors $D$ which do not satisfy the above criterion, in the case of $C$
With this assumption Biancofiore and Livorni \cite{bi-li3} (see also
\cite[Prop.8.5.8]{BESO} for a generalization)
gave a necessary and
sufficient condition when $E$ is indecomposable,
rk$E$ = 2 and deg$E$ = 1. Gushel \cite{gu} also gave a
complete characterization of the very ampleness of $D$ assuming that $E$
indecomposable and
$|D|$ embeds $X$ as a scroll. This work deals with the general situation
and addresses
the cases still open.
The main technique used here is a very classical one. A suitable divisor
$A$ on $X$ is
chosen such that there exists a smooth $S \in |A|$ containing every pair
of points,
possibly infinitely near. Appropriate vanishing conditions are established
to assure
that the natural restriction map $H^0(X, \cal{O}_X(D)) \to H^0(S,
\cal{O}_X(D)_{|S})$ is surjective. In this
way we get that a divisor $D$ of $X$ is very ample if and only if
$D_{|S}$ is very ample.
In this context $S$ is chosen as $S = \Bbb{P}(E')$ where $E'$ is a
quotient of
$E,$ thus with rank smaller than rank $E.$ Therefore an inductive process
on the
rank can be set up. This process is not always easy to
carry on. For example if $E$ is
assumed to be
indecomposable there is no guarantee that $E'$ will still be
indecomposable. Since
ampleness is inherited by quotients, we will require at some stage that
$E$ be ample.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains notation, known and
preliminary results used in the sequel. In section 3 the case of rank $E
= 2$ is fully
treated. We recover Biancofiore and Livorni's results and deal with the
case of
$E$ decomposable. Section 4 deals with the case of rank $E = 3$ while
section 5
contains the study of case rank $E \ge 4.$
In particular in the case of rank $E = 3$ we get the following result (see
section \ref{notation} for notation):
Let $E$ be a rank $3$ vector bundle on an elliptic curve $C$ and let
$D\equiv aT+bf$
be a line bundle on $ X =\Bbb{P}(E).$
\item[(a)] If $E$ is indecomposable then
\item[(a1)] if $d=0$ (mod $3$) , $D$ is very ample if and only
if $b+a\mu^-(E)
\geq 3$
\item[(a2)]if $d=1$ (mod $3$) , $D$ is very ample if $b+a\mu^-(E)
> 1$
\item[(a3)]if $d=2$ (mod $3$) , $D$ is very ample if
$b+a\mu^-(E) >\frac{4}{3}$
\item[(b)] if $E$ is decomposable, then $D$ is very ample if and only if
$b+a\mu^-(E) \geq 3$
except when $E=E_1\oplus E_2$, with rk$E_1=1$, rk$E_2=2$, deg$E_2$ odd and
deg$E_1> \frac {degE_2}2.$ In the latter case the condition is only
Notice that the above theorem shows the existence, among others, of a
smooth threefold of
degree 20 embedded in $\Bbb{P}^9$ as a fibration of Veronese surfaces
over an
elliptic curve, choosing $a = 2, b= -1$ and $ d= 4.$
The authors would like to thank Enrique Arrondo and Antonio
Lanteri for their friendly advice.
The third author would like to thank the Department of Mathematics of
State University for the kind hospitality and warm support during the
final stages of
this work.
\section{General Results and Preliminaries}
The notation used in this work is mostly standard from Algebraic
Geometry. Good references are \cite{H} and \cite{gh}.
The ground field is always the field $\Bbb{ C}$ of complex
numbers. Unless otherwise stated all varieties are supposed to be
$\Bbb{P}^{n}$ denotes the n-dimensional complex projective space and
the multiplicative group of non zero complex numbers.
Given a projective n-dimensional variety $X$, ${\cal O}_X$
denotes its structure sheaf and $Pic(X)$ denotes the group of line
bundles over $X.$ Line bundles, vector bundles and Cartier
divisors are denoted by capital letters as $L, M, \dots.$ Locally free
sheaves of rank
one, line bundles and Cartier divisors are used interchangeably as
customary. Let $L, M \in Pic(X)$, let $E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$
on $X$, let
$\cal{F}$ be a coherent sheaf on $X$ and let $Y\subset X$ be a subvariety
of $X.$
Then the following notation is used:
\item[ ] $L C$ the intersection number of $L$ with a curve $C,$
\item[ ] $L^{n}$ the degree of $L,$
\item[ ] $|L|$ the complete linear system of effective divisors
associated with $L$,
\item[ ]$L_{|Y}$ the restriction of $L$ to $Y,$
\item[ ] $L \sim M$ the linear equivalence of divisors
\item[ ] $L \equiv M$ the numerical equivalence of divisors
\item[ ] Num$(X)$ the group of line bundles on $X$ modulo the numerical
\item[ ] $ E^*$ the dual of $E.$
\item[ ] $\Bbb{P}(E)$ the projectivized bundle of $E$
\item[ ] $H^i(X, \cal{F})$ the $i^{th}$ cohomology vector space with
coefficient in ${\cal
\item[ ] $h^i(X,\cal{F})$ the dimension of $H^i(X, \cal{F}).$
If $C$ denotes a smooth projective curve of genus $ g$, and $E$ a vector
over $C$ of deg $E= c_1(E)= $d and rk $E=r$, we need the following
\item[ ] $E$ is $\it normalized$ if $h^0(E)\ne 0$ and $h^0(E \otimes L)=0$
for any invertible sheaf $L$ over $C$ with deg$L<0$.
\item[ ] $E$ has slope $\mu(E) = \frac{d}{r}$.
\item[ ] $E$ is $\it semistable$ if and only if for every proper subbundle
$\mu(S) \leq \mu(E)$. It is $\it stable$ if and only if the equality is
\item[ ] The Harder-Narasimhan filtration of $E$ is the
unique filtration:
$$0=E_0\subset E_1\subset ....\subset E_s=E$$
such that
$\frac{E_i}{E_{i-1}}$ is semistable for all $i$, and $\mu_i(E)=\mu
(\frac{E_i}{E_{i-1}})$ is
a strictly decreasing function of $\it i$.
We recall now some definitions from \cite{bu} which we will use in the
let $0=E_0 \subset E_1 \subset ....\subset E_s=E$ be the Harder-Narasiman
of a vector bundle $E$ over $C$. Then
\item[]$\mu^-(E)=\mu_s(E)=\mu (\frac{E_s}{E_{s-1}})$
\item[]$\mu^+(E)=\mu_1(E)=\mu (E_1)$
\item[]or alternatively
\item[]$\mu^+(E)= $max $\{\mu(S) |0 \to S \to E \}$
\item[]$\mu^-(E)= $min $\{\mu(Q) |E \to Q \to 0 \}$.
We have also $\mu^+(E) \geq \mu(E) \geq \mu^-(E)$ with equality if and
only if $E$ is
In particular if $C$ is an elliptic curve, an indecomposable vector bundle
$E$ on $C$ is
semistable and hence $\mu(E) = \mu^-(E)$.
Moreover if $F,G$ are
indecomposable and hence semistable vector bundles on an elliptic curve
$C$ and $F
\to G$ is a non zero map, it follows that $\mu(F)\leq\mu(G)$.
\subsection{General Results}
Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve of genus $g$, $E$ a vector
bundle of rank $r$, with $r \ge 2$, over $C$ and $\pi : X =\Bbb{P}(E)
\to C $ the projective bundle
associated to $E$ with the natural projection $\pi$.
With standard notations denote
with $\cal {T} = \cal {O}_{\Bbb{P}(E)} (1) $ the tautological sheaf and
with $\cal {F}_P=
\pi^*\cal {O}_{C}(P) $ the line bundle associated with the fiber over
$P\in C.$ Let
$T$ and
$f$ denote the numerical classes respectively of $\cal T$ and $\cal
Let $D\sim a\cal{T} + \pi^*B$, with $ a\in \Bbb{Z}$, $B\in Pic(C)$
and deg$B = b$, then $ D \equiv aT+bf .$ Moreover $\pi_*D = S^{a}(E)
\cal {O}_{C}(B) $ and hence $\mu^-(\pi_*D)=a\mu^-(E) +b$ (see \cite{bu}).
Regarding the ampleness, the global generation, and
the normal generation of $D$, the following criteria are known:
\begin{Thm}[Miyaoka \cite{Miyao3}]
Let $E$ be a vector bundle over a smooth
projective curve $C$ of genus $g$, and $X =\Bbb{P}(E)$ . If $D\equiv
aT+bf$ is a line
bundle over $X$, then $D$ is ample if and only if $a>0$ and $b+a \mu^-(E)
\end {Thm}
\begin{Prop}[Gushel \cite{gu2}, proposition 3.3]
Let $D \sim a\cal{T}+\pi^*B$ where $a > 0$ and $B \in$ Pic($C$), be a
divisor on a
projective bundle $\pi : X =\Bbb{P}(E) \to C $ . Then:
\item[i)]if $a=1$, the bundle $\pi_* (D)$ is
generated by global sections if and only if the divisor $D$ is
\item[ii)]if $a \geq 2$, and the vector bundle $\pi_*(D)$
generated by global sections, then also the divisor $D$ is.
\end {itemize}
\end {Prop}
\begin {Lem}[Gushel \cite{gu}, Proposition 3.2]
Let $E$ be an indecomposable vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$.
$E$ is
globally generated if and only if deg$E > $rank$E$.
(see e.g. \cite{bu}, lemma 1.12)
Let $E$ be a vector bundle over $C$ of genus $g$.
\item[i)]if $\mu^-(E) > 2g-2$ then $h^1(C,E)=0$
\item[ii)]if $\mu^-(E) > 2g-1$ then $E$ is generated by global sections.
For the following theorem we need a definition:
\begin{Def}[Butler, \cite{bu}]
Let $E$ be a vector bundle over a variety $Y$, and let $\pi: X =\Bbb{P}(E)
\to Y$ be
the natural projection. A coherent sheaf $\cal F$ over $X$ is said to be
$t \pi-regular$ if, for all $i>0$, $$ \cal {R}^{i}\pi_{*}(\cal {F}(t-i))
=0. $$
Let $E$ be a vector bundle over a smooth
projective curve $C$ of genus $g$, and $X =\Bbb{P}(E)$ . If $D$ is a
$(-1){\pi}-$ regular line bundle over X, with $\mu^-(\pi_*D) >2g $, then $
D$ is
normally generated.
Let $D$ be a divisor of $X =\Bbb{P}(E)$, with $E$ vector bundle on a
projective curve of genus $g.$ As $h^{i}(\cal {F}_p,D_
{|\cal{F}_p}(-1-i))=0$ for $i\ge1$
, the $(-1)\pi $- regularity of $D$ is satisfied, hence the condition
$a\mu^-(E) +b
>2g$ implies that $D$ is normally generated.
If a line bundle $D$ on a projective variety $X$ is ample and
normally generated it is very ample. Hence from Theorem \ref{miyaoteo} and
\ref{butlerteo} we get that $D$ is very ample on $ X =\Bbb{P}(E) $ if
b+a\mu^-(E) > 2g.
\end{equation} Hence, if
$g=1$, the very ampleness of $D \equiv aT+bf$ is an
open problem only in the range
0<b+a\mu^-(E) \le2.
The following result is standard from the theory of vector bundles
(see \cite{H}):
\begin {Lem}
Let $E$ be an indecomposable vector bundle of rank $r$ on an elliptic
If $E$ is normalized then $0 \leq deg E \leq r-1$.
\end {Lem}
Let $E=\bigoplus_{i=1}^{n} E_i$ be a decomposable vector bundle over an
curve $C$, with $E_i$ indecomposable vector bundles. Then $\mu^-(E)=$ min$
For the proof we need the following three claims.
Let $E=\bigoplus_{i} E_i$ be as above,
then $\mu(E) \ge$ min$\,\mu(E_i)$.
\begin{pf} Let us denote by $r=rk(E)$ $r_i=rk(E_i)$ $d=deg(E)$,
Let us
consider the vectors $\underline{v}_i$ in $\Bbb{R}^2$ whose coordinates
$(r_i,d_i)$ and the vector $\underline{v} = \sum_{i} \underline{v}_i$. Let
be the angle between the $r-$axis and $\underline {v}_i$. Let $\alpha$ be
the angle
between the $r-$axis and $\underline {v}$. It is $\mu(E) = \frac{d}{r}=$
tg$(\alpha) \geq $ min$_i$ tg$(\alpha_i) = $ min$_i$ $(\frac{d_i}{r_i}) =
$ min$_i$ $
\begin{claim} Let $E=\bigoplus_{i} E_i$ be as above, and
$\mu(E_i)=\frac{d_i}{r_i}=h \in \Bbb {Q},$ for all $i$. Then $\,
\mu^-(E) = h$.
Notice that under this hypothesis $\mu(E)=h$. Moreover, by definition,
it is
=$ min $\{\mu(Q)\, | E \to Q \to 0 \}$. If $Q$ is decomposable in the
direct sum of
indecomposable vector bundles $ Q_k$, the existence of a surjective map
$ E \to Q \to0 $ implies the existence of surjective maps $ E \to Q_k \to
0 $ for all $k$
and consequently from Claim \ref{claim1},
$\mu^-(E) =$ min $\{\mu(Q)\, | E \to Q \to 0,$ and $ Q$ indecomposable
Now let $Q_o$ be an
indecomposable vector bundle which realizes the minimum, i.e.
$\mu(Q_o)= \mu^-(E).$ From $\oplus_i E_i \to Q_o \to 0 $ it follows
that there exists
at least an index
${i_0}$ such that the map $E_{i_0} \to Q$ is not zero and
Therefore it is $h\leq\mu^-(E)$. As $h\geq\mu^-(E)$, the Claim is proved.
\begin{claim} Let $E=\bigoplus_{i}E_i$ be as in Claim (2). Then E is
It is enough to prove that for any $ S$ vector bundle on $C$ such that
there exists
a map $0 \to S \to E$ then $\mu(S) \leq \mu(E) =h$. If we consider the
dual map
$E^* \to S^* \to 0$ we have $\mu(S^*) \geq \mu^-(E^*)
E{_i}{^*})$ and, as $\mu(E^*{_i}) =- \frac{d_i}{r_i} = -h$, from Claim
\ref{claim2} applied
$E^*$ we have $\mu^-(E^*)= -h$. Hence $\mu(S^*)=-\mu(S) \geq -h$ and
$\mu(S) \leq h$.
The Lemma can now be proved.
Let $E=\bigoplus_{i} E_i$ be as in the hypothesis of Lemma, and denote by
$\mu_i =\mu(E_i)$. We can choose an ordering such that $E=E_1 \oplus E_2
\oplus E_3 .....$ and $\mu_1\geq \mu_2 \geq \mu_3 ...$.
Let $E=\bigoplus_{k=1}^{s} A_k$ be a new decomposition of $E$ such that
each $A_k$
is an indecomposable vector bundle or a sum of indecomposable vector
$E_i$ with the same $\mu_i$. In this way we get a strictly decreasing
$\mu(A_1)>\mu(A_2)>...>\mu(A_s)$, and by claim (3) each $A_k$ is
Moreover the sequence $ 0\subset F_1 \subset F_2 \subset ... \subset F_s
with $F_i = A_1 \oplus A_2 \oplus ...\oplus A_i$ with $ 1\leq i \leq s$,
is the
Harder-Narasimhan filtration of $E$ because the sequence of the slopes
{F_i}{F_{i-1}}) = \mu(A_i)$ is strictly decreasing and each $\frac
{F_i}{F_{i-1}}=A_i$ is
semistable for all $i=1...s$.
Hence we get $ \mu^-(E) = \mu(\frac {E_s}{E_{s-1}}) = \mu(A_s) =$ min $
\end {pf}
Let $D\sim a\cal{T} + \pi^*B$ be a line bundle
in $X =\Bbb{P}(E)$ over a curve $C$ of genus $g=1$,
with $B\in Pic(C)$ , $a \geq 1$ and deg$B = b $ .
\item[i)]If $a=1$ $D$ is globally generated if and only if $b+ \mu^-(E)
> 1$
\item[ii)]If $a\geq2$ $D$ is globally generated if $b+a\mu^-(E) > 1$
To prove ii) it is sufficient to apply Proposition \ref{guongg} and
\ref{buongg}. To prove i) notice that if $E$ is indecomposable it is
enough to apply
Proposition \ref{guongg} and Lemma \ref{ggforindec} , observing that an
indecomposable vector bundle $E$ over an elliptic curve is semistable and
Let now $E$ be decomposable and hence $E \otimes B$
decomposable over $C$. In particular let $ E \otimes B=
A_q $ be a decomposition of $ E \otimes B$ in indecomposable vector
$A_q$ over $C$. By Lemma \ref{ggforindec}
every $A_q$, for $q=1...s$ is
globally generated if and only if deg $A_q >$rk $A_q$, i.e. if and only if
for all $q$. From Lemma \ref{ggforindec}, Lemma\ref{mimenodec} and
\ref{guongg} we get the following chain of equivalences which conclude
the proof:
$\mu^- (E)+b > 1\Leftrightarrow \mu^-( E \otimes B)=$ min$_q \mu(A_q) >1
\Leftrightarrow \mu(A_q) >1$ for all $q$ $\Leftrightarrow A_q$ is
for all $q$ $ \Leftrightarrow \pi_*D$ is globally generated on $C
\Leftrightarrow D $
is globally generated on $X$
The above Lemma is partially contained in \cite[Prop.
3.3]{gu}. Unfortunately the proof presented there is based on
\cite[Prop.1.1 (iv)]{gu},
which is not correct, as the following counterexample shows.
Let $E$ be an indecomposable vector bundle over an elliptic curve with
deg $E
= 1$ and rank $E = 2.$ Then $2 \cal{T} = \cal{O}_{\Bbb{P}(E)}(2)$ is
generated by global sections, according to \cite[Prop. 8.5.8]{BESO}. On
other hand let $\pi_*(2\cal{T}) = S^2 E = \bigoplus_q A_q,$ where $A_q$ is
indecomposable for all $q.$ Then $S^2E$ is
generated by global sections if and only if $A_q$ is such, for all $q.$
>From Lemma \ref{ggforindec} it follows that $S^2E$ is globally generated
if and
only if $\mu(A_q) > 1$ for all $q,$ i.e. if and only if $\mu^-(S^2E) > 1,$
i.e. if and only if $ 2 \mu^-(E) = 2 \mu(E) > 1$ which is false.
If we consider an indecomposable vector bundle of degree $d=0$, we have
following proposition. It is contained in
\cite[Theorem 3.9]{gu2}, but we prefer to give here a simpler proof.
Let $E$ be an indecomposable rank r vector bundle over an elliptic curve
$C$ with
deg$E=0$ (mod $r$), and let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on $ X
=\Bbb{P}(E) $.
Then $D$ is very ample on $X$ if and only if $b+a\mu^-(E) = b+a\mu(E) \ge
\end {Prop}
It is enough to consider the case in which $E$ is normalized , as
if $E$ is not normalized we can consider its normalization
$\bar {E}=E \otimes L$ with deg$L=l$. If $D \equiv aT+bf$ in
Num$\Bbb{P}(E)$ then
in Num$\Bbb{P}(\bar{E})$ we get
D \equiv a{\bar{T}}+(b-al)\bar{f}\thinspace,\ \ \ \ \bar{d}=
\ \ \ \mu(\bar{E}) = \mu(E) + al.
Let $E$ be normalized, hence $d=0$ and $E =
F_r$ in the notation of \cite {At} (recall that $F_1 = \cal{O}_C$).
According to (\ref{range})
the only
cases to be
considered are
$b=1$ and
$b=2$ and hence
$D\equiv aT+f$ or
$D\equiv aT+2f$. We want to show that in both these cases $D$ is not very
Assume the contrary and proceed by induction on $r$. Let $r=2.$ As $D
T =
1$ or
$2$, the smooth elliptic curve $\Gamma$, which is the only element of
$|\cal T|$, is embedded by $\phi_{|D|}$ as a line or a conic which is a
Assume now the proposition true for $F_{r-1}$ and recall that there is
short exact sequence (see \cite{At} pag 432)
0 \to \cal{O}_C \to F_r
\to F_{r-1}
\to 0.\end{equation}
Let $T'= T_{|Y}$ and $f' = f_{|Y}$ the generators of Num$(Y)$ where
$ Y =\Bbb{P}(F_{r-1}) \subset X =\Bbb{P}(E) $. If $D$ is very ample,
$D_{|Y}$ is very
ample too; but $D_{|Y} \equiv aT'+bf'$ and it is not very ample by
hypothesis. Hence $D$ is very ample if and only if $b \geq 3$.
\end {pf}
The following Lemma, which gives a sufficient condition for the very
of a divisor $D$ on $X =\Bbb{P}(E),$ will be needed later on.
\begin {Lem}
Let $E$ be a rank $r$ vector bundle over a curve $C$ and let $D\equiv
aT+bf$ be a line bundle on
$ X =\Bbb{P}(E) $,with $a \geq 1$. If $ \pi_*D$ is a very ample vector
bundle on the
curve $C$, then $D$ is very ample on $\Bbb{P}(E)$. Moreover if $a=1$, $D$
is very ample on $X$
if and only if $\pi_*D$ is very ample on $C.$
\end {Lem}
\begin {pf} We give only a sketch of the proof. A divisor $D\equiv
aT+bf$ on $X$ defines a map
$\varphi_{|D|}$ in a suitable projective space such that $X'=
\varphi_{|D|}(X)$ is a bundle on $C$
whose fibers are the
Veronese embedding of the fibers of $X =\Bbb{P}(E)$. Moreover each fiber
of $X'$ is embedded in
a fiber of the projective bundle $\Bbb{P}(S^{a}(E) \otimes \cal
{O}_{C}(B))$.It follows that the
very ampleness
of $S^{a}(E) \otimes \cal {O}_{C}(B)$ and hence of its tautological
bundle implies that the map
$\varphi_{|D|}$ gives an embedding and hence that $D$ is very ample.
The case $a=1$ follows immediatly from the above considerations.
\end {pf}
\subsection{The case $a=1$}
We want to investigate the very ampleness of $D \equiv aT+bf$ in
dependence of $a$
and $b$. As we have remarked at the end of section 2.2, the problem is
open only
when $0 < b+a\mu^-(E) \leq 2$. Let us begin with the case $a=1$.
In this case we have the following theorem:
\begin{Thm}[Gushel,\cite{gu} theorem 4.3]
Let $D \sim \cal{T}+ \pi^*B$ be a divisor on
$\Bbb{P}(E) $, where $E$ is an indecomposable and normalized vector bundle
of rank $r$
over an elliptic curve $C$. If $b= $deg$B$, the divisor $D$ is very ample
if and only if:
\item[i)] $b \geq 3$ if deg$E=0$
\item[ii)] $b \geq 2$ if $0< $deg$E < r$.
Now it is easy to prove the following (see (\ref{contonorm})):
In the above assumptions and notations, if $E$ is indecomposable
but not normalized, it follows that $D$ is very ample if and only if the
conditions hold :
\item[i)] $b + \mu(E) \geq 3$ if $d=0$ (mod $r$) .
\item[ii)] $b + \mu(E) \geq 2$ otherwise.
\begin{rem} The previous results consider the case in which $E$ is
indecomposable. If $E$ is decomposable, by Lemma 2.12, we can argue as
follows: firstly
in this case, as $a=1$,
$D$ is very ample if and only if $\pi_*(D)$ is very ample. Secondly we
$D \sim \cal
T + \pi^{*}B$, $\pi_*(D) \simeq E \otimes \cal {O}_{C}(B) = \bigoplus E_j
\cal {O}_{C}(B)$, with $E_j$ indecomposable vector bundles . Moreover $E
\otimes \cal
{O}_{C}(B) $ is very ample if and only if every $E_j \otimes \cal
{O}_{C}(B) $ is very
ample. Let deg$E_j = d_j$ and rk$E_j = r_j$, and assume that $d_j= 0$
$r_j$), possibly only for $j = 1...t.$ Then $D$ is very ample if and only
$ b+ \frac{d_j}{r_j} \geq 3$ for $j=1...t$, and $ b+ \frac{d_j}{r_j} \geq
2$ for the
$j$'s, by Proposition \ref{vaindeca=1}.
Having dealt above with the case $a=1$, from now on the blanket assumption
2$ will be in effect.
\section{Rank 2}
Let $E$ be a rank $2$ vector bundle on an elliptic curve $C$ and let
$D\equiv aT+bf$
be a line bundle on $ X =\Bbb{P}(E)$. Assume that $E$ is indecomposable.
If $E$
is normalized then deg$E = 0,1$ by Lemma \ref{degofnormed}. If deg$E=0,$
Proposition \ref{vadeg0modr} it follows that $D$ is very ample if and
only if $b \geq
3$. If deg$E=1$, necessary and
sufficient conditions for the very ampleness of $D$ are given by the
Theorem, reformulated under our assumption that $a\ge 2.$
\begin{Thm}[Biancofiore - Livorni, \cite{bi-li3},Theo 6.3]
Let $D \sim a\cal{T}+ \pi^*B$ be a divisor on $\Bbb{P}(E) $, where $E$ is
indecomposable normalized
vector bundle of rank $2$ and degree $1$ over an elliptic curve $C$. If
$b= $deg$B$,
the divisor $D$ is very ample if and only if $b + \frac{a}{2} > 1$.
The following Proposition can now be easily proved (see
In the above hypothesis, if $E$ is indecomposable but not
normalized, $D$ is very ample if and only
if the following conditions hold :
\item[ii)] $b + a\mu^{-}(E) \geq 3$ if $d=0$ (mod $2$) .
\item[i)] $b + a\mu^{-}(E) > 1$ if $d=1$ (mod $2$).
The case $E$ decomposable is treated by the following Theorem.
Let $D \sim a\cal{T}+ \pi^*B$ be a divisor on $\Bbb{P}(E) $, where $E$ is
a decomposable
vector bundle of rank $2$ over an elliptic curve $C$, $b =$ deg $B$. The
divisor $D$ is very ample if and only if $b + a\mu^{-}(E) \geq 3.$
To prove the sufficient condition let $E$ be decomposable as
$H\bigoplus G$ where $H$ and $G$ are line bundles on $C$ with deg$H=h
deg $G=g$. By Lemma \ref{mimenodec} it is $\mu^{-}(E) = g$. By Lemma
\ref{lemmadiEnrique}, a sufficient condition for the very ampleness of $D$
on $X$ is
$\pi_*(D) $ is very ample as a vector bundle on $C$. In our hypothesis
$$\pi_*(D) = S^a(E) \otimes \cal {O}_C(B) =
\bigoplus_{q=0}^{a}H^{\otimes q} \otimes G^{\otimes a-q} \otimes B.$$
Now $\pi_{*}(D) $ is very ample if each element of its decomposition has
$\geq 3$, i.e. if $qh + (a-q)g +b \geq 3$, for all $q=0,...a$. As the
minimum of $qh +
(a-q)g +b$ is realized for $q=0$, $\pi_{*}(D) $ is very ample if and only
if $ag +b = b+a \mu^{-}(E)
\geq 3$. This condition is also necessary for the very ampleness of $D$.
the projective bundle $\Bbb{P}(G) $, by the exact sequence
$$0 \to H \to E \to G \to 0$$ \cite{gu}, Proposition 1.1, gives an
curve $\Gamma$ on
$X,$ $\Gamma \in | \cal{T}+ \pi^{*}(H^{*})| .$ Notice that
$h^0(X, \cal{T}+ \pi^{*}(H^{*}))>0.$ If $D$ is very ample it must be $D
\Gamma =
(aT+bf)(T-hf)= ag+b= b+a
\mu^{-}(E) \geq 3$.
\section{Rank 3}
In this section and in the next one, we will prove the very ampleness of a
divisor on a
smooth variety following a classical method, based on the following
Let $X$ be a smooth variety, $D$ a divisor in $Pic(X)$ and let $A$ be
another element
$Pic(X)$, such that $h^1(X, \cal{O}_X(D-A))=0$. If, for each pair of
points $R,Q \in X$
(possibly infinitely near) it is possible to find a smooth element $S \in
|A|$ containing
$R$ and $Q$, then $D$ is very ample on $X$ if and only if $D_{|S}$ is very
ample on $S$.
If $D$ is very ample then obviously $D_{|S}$ is very ample. On the other
hand, pick
any two points $R,Q \in X$ (distinct or infinitely near) and choose $S \in
|A|$ such
that $R,Q \in S$. As $D_{|S}$ is very ample there exist sections of
$D_{|S}$ separating
$R$ and $Q$. Now look at the following exact sequence
$$0 \to \cal{O}_X(D-A) \to \cal{O}_X(D) \to \cal{O}_S(D_{|S}) \to 0.$$
From the
assumptions above
we get that the map $H^0(X,\cal{O}_X(D)) \to H^0(S,\cal{O}_S(D_{|S}))$
is surjective and hence $D$ is very ample on $X$ if and only if $D_{|S}$
very ample on $S$.
Let $E$ be an ample vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$ such that
Let $ X =\Bbb{P}(E) $, let
$P$ be a fixed point of
$D\sim a\cal{T} +\pi^*B$ and
$A = \cal{T}+\cal{F_P}$ be line bundles on $X$, with $b =$ deg $B$ ,
$b-1+(a-1)\mu^-(E) >0$ and
$h^0(X,\cal{O}_X(A)) \geq $ deg $E +3$. Then the hypothesis of Lemma
\ref{reductiontoS} are satisfied for $A$.
If $ (a-1)\mu^-(E)+b-1>0$ then by Lemma \ref{buongg} it is $h^1(X,
\cal{O}_X(D-A))=0.$ Moreover being $h^0(X, \cal{O}_X(A)) \geq $ deg $E
for each pair of points $R, Q \in X$ there exists a linear subsystem $\cal
L \subset |A|$,
with dim$\cal L \ge$ deg $E$ , all the elements of which contain $R$ and
Moreover in
$\cal L$ there is at least one smooth element $S.$ In fact, assume that
all the
elements of $\cal L$ are singular. Note that any singular element of
$\cal L$ must
be reducible as $\Gamma \cup \cal{F}_P$, with $\Gamma \in |\cal{T}|$,
smooth, because we have that any divisor numerically equivalent to $T-f$
is not effective as
deg $E< $ rk $E$. As $h^0(X, \cal{O}_X(\cal{F}_p)) =1,$ for all $P \in
C$, by Bertini's theorem all the elements of $\cal L$ are singular only
if $\cal{F_P}$ is
fixed and $\Gamma$ varies in a subsystem of $|\cal{T}|$ of dimension deg
$E$. This is
impossible as $h^0(X,\cal{O}_X(\cal{T}))= $ deg $E$.
Let $E$ be an ample vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$ such that
Let $ X =\Bbb{P}(E) $, and let $D \sim a\cal{T}+\pi^*B$ be a
line bundle on $X$, with $b= $ deg $B$ , $b+(a-1)\mu^-(E) >0$ and
$h^0(X,\cal{O}_X(\cal{T})) \geq 3.$ Then the hypothesis of Lemma
are satisfied, with $A = \cal T$.
If $ (a-1)\mu^-(E)+b>0$ then Lemma \ref{buongg} gives $h^1(X,
\cal{O}_X(D-A))=0.$ Moreover as each element of $|\cal{T}|$ is smooth,
because we have that any
divisor numerically equivalent to $T-f$ is not effective as
deg$E<$rk$E$, the condition
$h^0(X,\cal{O}_X(\cal{T})) \geq 3$ shows that it is possible to find a
smooth element $S
\in |\cal{T}|$ containing each fixed pair of points $R,Q \in X$.
The following Lemma will be very useful to obtain the vanishing condition
by Lemma \ref{reductiontoS} in many borderline cases. The notation used
here is
the classical notation used by Atiyah in \cite{At}.
Let $E$ be an indecomposable vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$ with
rank $E =
r$ and deg $E = d.$ Let
$X=\Bbb{P}(E)$ and let $\pi : X \to C$ be the natural projection.
Let $D =a\cal{T}+ \pi^*(B)$ for a line bundle $B$ with
deg $B = b$ and let $A=\cal{T}
+\pi^*(\cal{O}_C(P))$ where $P$ is a point in $C.$
If $\frac{(a-1) d}{r} + b -1=0,$ it is possible to choose $P\in C$ such
that $h^1(X, D - A) = 0.$
It is enough to show that $h^1(C, S^{a-1} E \otimes B \otimes
\cal{O}_C(-P)) = 0.$
Since deg $S^{a-1} E \otimes B \otimes \cal{O}_C(-P) = 0$ by Riemann Roch
it is
enough to show that $h^0(S^{a-1} E \otimes B \otimes \cal{O}_C(-P)) = 0.$
Because $S^{a-1}(E)$ is a direct summand of $E^{\otimes (a-1)}$ it is
enough to show
that $h^0( E^{\otimes (a-1)} \otimes B~\otimes \cal{O}_C(-P)) = 0.$
Let $h =$ gcd $(d, r).$ Then by \cite{At} Lemma 24 and 26 it is
E = E' \otimes F_h
where $d'=$ deg $E' = \frac{d}{h}$ and $r' = $ rank $E' = \frac{r}{h}$ so
that gcd$(d',r')
= 1,$ $F_h$ is as in \cite{At} Theorem 5 and $E'$ is indecomposable .
Being $r'$ and $d'$ relatively prime, the condition $\frac{(a-1) d'}{r'}
+ b
-1=0$ shows that $r'$ divides $(a-1).$ Therefore following \cite{H2}
Proposition 1.4
it follows that
E^{' \otimes (a-1)} = \bigoplus_i(F_{r_i} \otimes L_i)
Therefore putting (\ref{EconFh}) and (\ref{EprimoconFri}) together we get
$$ E^{\otimes(a-1)} =( E' \otimes F_h)^{\otimes (a-1)} =
\bigoplus_i(F_{r_i} \otimes
L_i) \otimes F_h^{\otimes (a-1)}.$$
Theorem 8 in \cite{At} shows that tensor powers of $F_l$ 's are direct
sums of $F_k$'s
so we conclude that
$$ E^{(a-1)} = \bigoplus_j (F_{r_j} \otimes L_j).$$
It is then enough to show that for all $j$ it is $h^0(F_{r_j} \otimes L_j
\otimes B
\otimes \cal{O}_C(-P)) = 0.$
Let $\cal{L}_{j,P} = L_j \otimes B\otimes \cal{O}_C(-P) .$
Recall that the $F_{r_j}$ are obtained as successive extensions of each
other by
i.e. for every $r$ we have the sequence (\ref{succdegliFr}) (see proof of
Prop .2.11).
This shows that it is $h^0(F_{r_j} \otimes \cal{L}_{j,P}) = 0$ unless
$\cal{L}_{j,P} =
It is then enough to choose a point $P$ such that $L_j \otimes B \otimes
\neq \cal{O}_C$ for all $j.$ Since $B$ is a fixed line bundle and $j$
runs over a finite
set, a $P$ that works for all $j$ can certainly be found.
The following Theorem collects our results for the case rk $E = 3.$
Let $E$ be a rank $3$ vector bundle on an elliptic curve $C$ and let
$D\equiv aT+bf$
be a line bundle on $ X =\Bbb{P}(E).$
\item[(a)] If $E$ is indecomposable then
\item[(a1)] if $d=0$ (mod $3$) , $D$ is very ample if and only
if $b+a\mu^-(E)
\geq 3$
\item[(a2)]if $d=1$ (mod $3$) , $D$ is very ample if $b+a\mu^-(E)
> 1$
\item[(a3)]if $d=2$ (mod $3$) , $D$ is very ample if
$b+a\mu^-(E) >\frac{4}{3}$
\item[(b)] if $E$ is decomposable, then $D$ is very ample if and only if
$b+a\mu^-(E) \geq 3$
except when $E=E_1\oplus E_2$, with rk$E_1=1$, rk$E_2=2$, deg$E_2$ odd and
deg$E_1> \frac {degE_2}2.$ In the latter case the condition is only
Firstly we consider the case $E$ indecomposable and normalized. By Lemma
\ref{degofnormed} and Proposition \ref{vadeg0modr} only the cases
$d=1$ and
$d=2$ need to be considered.
Let $A$
be as in Lemma \ref{T+F} and notice that $h^0(A) =$ deg $E + 3.$ By
we can assume $b+\frac{a}{3}= 1+\frac {\varepsilon}{3},$ where
$\varepsilon = 1,2,3.$ If
$\varepsilon =2,3$ then $ (a-1)\mu^-(E)+b-1 = b+
\frac {a}{3} -
\frac {4}{3} >0.$
If $\varepsilon = 1$
Lemma \ref{AA} still allows the use of Lemma \ref{reductiontoS}. Therefore
\ref{reductiontoS} and \ref{T+F} can be applied. Let
$S$ be a smooth element in $|\cal{T}+\cal{F_P}|.$ It is enough to check
when $D_{|S}$ is
very ample. By \cite{gu}, prop 1.1,
$S=\Bbb{P}(E')$ where $E'$ is a rank $2$ vector bundle on the curve $C$,
deg$E'=2$, defined by the sequence
\begin{equation} 0 \to \cal {O_C}(-P) \to E \to E' \to 0.
As Num($S$) is generated by $T'$ and $f'$, with $T'=T_{|S}$ and
$f'=f_{|S}$, $D_{|S}
\equiv aT'+bf'$ and moreover by section $3$, $D_{|S}$ is very ample in our
if and only if $b+ a\mu^-(E') \geq 3$. If $E'$ is indecomposable
$\mu^-(E')=\mu(E')=1$. If $E'$ is decomposable, i.e. $E'= H \oplus G $,
both $\mu(H)
\geq \mu(E) = \frac{1}{3}$ and $\mu(G) \geq \mu(E) = \frac{1}{3}$
because from (\ref{secondasucc})
there exist non zero surjective morphisms $E \to H$ and $E \to G.$
Hence deg$H$= deg$G$ =$1$, $\mu(H)=\mu(G)= 1$ and $\mu^-(E')=1.$ In every
the condition $b+ a\mu^-(E') \geq 3$ is satisfied in the range under
Let $A$ and $S$ be as in Lemma \ref{reductiontoS} and
\ref{T+F}. In this case it is
$h^0(X,A) = 5 \geq $ deg $E + 3$. By Remark \ref{criteriodelbutler} we can
$b+a\frac{2}{3}=1+\frac{\varepsilon}{3}$ with $\varepsilon=1,2,3$. If
$\varepsilon=3$ the hypothesis of Lemma \ref{T+F} are satisfied. If
$\varepsilon=2$ Lemma \ref{AA} still allows the use of Lemma
\ref{reductiontoS}. Therefore it suffices to investigate the very
ampleness of
Let $S=\Bbb{P}(E')$ with $E'$ a rank $2$ vector bundle on $C$, with
deg$E'=3$ defined again by (\ref{secondasucc}). If $E'$ is indecomposable,
\equiv aT'+bf'$ is very ample if and only if $b+a\mu^-(E') > 1$, i.e.
$b+\frac{3}{2} a >1$
i.e. for all $D$ in the range under consideration.
If $E'$ is decomposable then $E'= H \oplus G $, with deg$H$ and deg$G$
\mu(E)=\frac{2}{3}.$ Hence we can assume deg$H=1$ and deg$G=2.$ By Lemma
\ref{mimenodec}, $ \mu^-(E)=1$ and the very ampleness condition is $b+a
\geq 3$
which is satisfied by every $D$ in the range under consideration.
Notice that in the case $b+\frac{2}{3} a = \frac{4}{3}$, i.e.
a very ampleness result for all $D$ in our range cannot be expected. For
$D\sim 2\cal{T}$ is not very ample as $D_{|Y}$ is not very ample for each
$Y\in |\cal{T}|$ by section $3$.
If $E$ is indecomposable but not normalized, the result is obtained by
similar computations (see (\ref{contonorm})).
To prove (b), let now $E$ be decomposable.
Firstly we prove the sufficient condition. By
Proposition \ref{guongg} it suffices to prove that $\pi_{*}(D)$ is very
Let us consider $\pi_{*}(D) = S^{a}(E) \otimes \cal {O}_C(B) =
\bigoplus_{q}A_q$ where
$A_q$ is an indecomposable vector bundle on $C$ for all $q.$
$ S^{a}(E) \otimes \cal {O}_C(B)$ is very ample if and only if $A_q$ is
very ample
for all $ q$ i.e. if $\mu(A_q)\geq 3 $ for all $q.$
This condition is satisfied if min$_q \mu(A_q) = \mu^-( S^{a}(E) \otimes
\geq 3$ which is what we wanted to show.
To prove the necessary condition, two cases will be considered:
i) $E$ is sum of three line bundles, $E = W \oplus G \oplus H$
respectively of degrees
$w\leq g \leq h$. By lemma \ref{mimenodec} $\mu^-(E) = w$, and $d=
$deg$E=w+g+h.$ From \cite{gu}, Prop 1.1 it follows that
$\Bbb{P}(G \oplus H)$ is a subvariety of $X$ corresponding to a line
numerically equivalent to $T-wf$ while $\Bbb{P}(W)$ is an elliptic
curve $\Gamma$ on $X$, isomorphic to $C$, which is numerically equivalent
$T^2+xT f$ , for some $x \in \Bbb{Z}$. As the cycles
corresponding to
$\Bbb{P}(W)$ and $\Bbb{P}(G \oplus H)$ do not intersect, from $(T^2+xTf)
(T-wf)=0$ we get $x=-(g+h)$. If $D$ is a very ample line bundle on $X$,
$D_{|\Gamma}$ is very ample, hence $D \Gamma = b+a\mu^-(E) \geq 3.$
ii) $E=H \oplus G$ where rk$H=1$, rk$G=2$, $h=$ deg$H$,
$g= $ deg$G$.
As in i), we get that $Z= \Bbb{P}(H)$ is numerically equivalent to
and the very ampleness of $D_{|Z}$ implies $b+ah \geq 3$. If $h \leq
\frac{g}{2}$ this
concludes the proof.
Otherwise let us denote by $Y$ the smooth surface $\Bbb{P}(G)$. As usual
is generated by $T'=T_{|Y}$ and $f'=f_{|Y}$. The very ampleness of $D$
implies the one
$D_{|Y}$ and by section 3, $D_{|Y}$ is very ample if and only if
\item[]$b+a \frac {g}{2} \geq 3$ if $g$ is even and
\item[]$b+a \frac {g}{2} > 1$ if $g$ is odd.
If $g$ is even, a necessary condition for the very ampleness of $D$ is
$b+a\frac{g}{2} \geq 3$ i.e. $b+a\mu^-(E) \geq 3$ which is the desired
If $g$ is odd, necessary conditions for the very ampleness of $D$ are
both $b+ah
\geq 3$ and $b+a\frac {g}{2} > 1.$ Hence only the sufficient condition
$b+a\mu^-(E) \geq 3$ is obtained in this case.
\section {rank $r$}
To deal with the case of $E$ vector bundle on an elliptic curve $C$, of
rank $r>3$ we
need to recall first the following
Let $E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$ on an elliptic curve $C.$ $E$ is
ample if and
only if every indecomposable direct summand $E_i$ of $E$ has deg$E_i >0.$
Our method based on Lemma \ref{reductiontoS}, \ref {T+F} and \ref{T}
forces us to investigate first the case deg$E =3$, then deg$E=1, 2$ and
finally deg$E\geq 4$.
\subsection{ deg$E=3$}
Let $E$ be a vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$, with deg$E=3$ and
and let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on $X=\Bbb{P}(E)$. Then the
conditions hold:
\item[i)] If $E$ is indecomposable, and $b+\frac{3}{4} a >\frac{3}{4}$,
$D$ is very ample
if and only if
$b+a \geq 3$
\item[ii)] If $E$ is decomposable and ample, and $b+ \frac{a}{3}
>\frac{1}{3}$ $D$ is
very ample if
\frac{a}{2} >2$.
i) If deg$E=h^0(\cal{T})=3$ then we can apply Lemma 4.3 and 4.1 with $A=
\cal T$,
$b+(a-1)\mu^-(E) = b+\frac{3}{4} a- \frac{3}{4} >0$ by
hypothesis. Hence $D$ is very ample if and only if $D_{|S} $ is very
ample, where $S$
is a suitable element of $|\cal{T}|$. There exists a vector bundle $E'$
rk$E'=3$, deg$E'=3$ , given by
0\to \cal{O}_C \to E \to E' \to 0 ,
such that $S=\Bbb{P}(E')$ and Num(S)
is generated by
$T'$ and
$f'$, where
$T'= T_{|S}$ and $f'= f_{|S}$ so that $D_{|S}\equiv aT'+bf'$.
By section 4, $D_{|S}$ is very ample if and only if $b+a \geq 3$. Indeed
if $E'$ is
indecomposable the necessary and sufficient condition for the very
ampleness is $b+a
\geq 3$.
If $E'=\bigoplus_i E'_i$ then $\mu(E'_i) \geq
\frac{3}{4}$ for all $i.$ Hence the only possibilities for a
decomposition of $E'$ are:
\item[1)] $E'=F \oplus G \oplus H$, with $F,G,H$ line bundles all of
degree $1.$
\item[2)] $E'= H \oplus G$, with rank $G=2$, rank $H=1$, deg $G=2$, deg
Again by section 4 in both the above cases, the necessary and sufficient
for the very ampleness of $D_{|S}$ is $b+a \geq 3$.
ii) Let us suppose that $E$ is decomposable and ample. Then the possible
decompositions for $E$ give $\mu^-(E) =
Note that the condition $b+ \frac{a}{3} > \frac{1}{3}$ allows us to apply
lemma 4.3 with
\cal T$ in any case. If $S$ is the usual element of $|\cal{T}|$,we get
that $D$ is very ample on $X$ if and only if $D_{|S}$ is. If
$S=\Bbb{P}(E')$ , $E'$ could
be decomposable. In this case $\mu^-(E') \ge
\frac{1}{2}.$ Therefore the condition $b+ \frac{a}{2} > 2$ guarantees the
ampleness of $D_{|S}$ by section \ref{rango3sec}.
Because $a\geq 2,$ Theorem \ref{r4d3teo} immediately gives the
Let $E$ be an ample vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$,
with deg$E=3$ and rank$E=4$, and let $D \equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on
$X=\Bbb{P}(E)$ with $b+ \frac{a}{3} > \frac{1}{3}$. If $b+ \frac{a}{2}
>2$ then $D$ is
very ample.
Let $E$ be an ample vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$, with deg
$E=3$ and
$r=$ rank$E\geq 4$, and let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on
$X=\Bbb{P}(E)$ with
$b+a\mu^-(E) >\frac{3}{5}$. Then $D$
is very ample if
$b+\frac{a}{2} >2$ and $b+\frac{a}{3} > \frac{1}{3}$.
Proceed by induction on $r=$ rank $E$. If $r=4$ the inductive
hypothesis is verified by Corollary \ref{corond3r4}. Let $r \geq 5.$ It
$h^0(X, \cal T)=h^0(C, E)=3.$ Notice that $\mu^-(E) \le \mu(E)
Therefore $b + (a-1) \mu^-(E) > 0$ and Lemma \ref{T} can be
applied, with $A = \cal{T}.$ Let
$S=\Bbb{P}(E')$ be as in (\ref{succdelT}) with deg $(E')=3$ and
rk $(E')=r-1\geq 4$. Num$(S)$ is generated by $ T'=T_{|S}$ and $
f'=f_{|S},$ so that $
\equiv aT'+bf'$. Notice that
$E'$ is ample being a quotient of $E.$
Notice that $\mu^-(E) \leq \mu^-(E')$. Indeed there exists a
map from at least one direct summand $E_k$ of $E$ and the summand $E'_j$
of $E'$
which realizes $\mu^-(E')$ and so we get $\mu^-(E) \leq \mu(E_k) \leq
\mu(E_j) =
As $b+a\mu^-(E') \geq b+a\mu^-(E) >\frac{3}{5}$, by induction
$D_{|S} $ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{2} >2$,
\subsection{deg $E =2$}
Let $E$ be an indecomposable vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$,
deg$E=2$, rk $E= r \ge4.$ Let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on
Then the following conditions hold:
\item[i)] If $r=4$ , $D$ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{2} >2$
\item[ii)] If $r \ge 5 $, $D$ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{2} >2$ ,
>\frac{1}{3}$ and $b+a\frac{2}{r} > 1+ \frac{1}{r}$.
Let $A$ be as in Lemma \ref{T+F} and notice that $h^0(A) = 2 + r > $ deg
$E + 3.$ By
Remark \ref{criteriodelbutler} and the assumptions in i) and ii) we can
b + a\frac{2}{r} = 1+\frac{\varepsilon}{r},
\end{equation} where
$\varepsilon = 1,2....r.$ If
$b+a\frac{2}{r} >1+\frac{2}{r}$ the assumptions of Lemma
\ref{reductiontoS} and
\ref{T+F} are satisfied. If
$b+a\frac{2}{r} = 1+\frac{2}{r}$ the line bundle $D-A$ has degree $0$ and
Lemma \ref{AA} shows that Lemma \ref{reductiontoS} can be used if
\geq 1+\frac{2}{r}.
Therefore condition (\ref{1+2sur}) can be rewritten using
(\ref{rangeconepsilon}) as
b+a\frac{2}{r} > 1+\frac{1}{r}.
Let $S=\Bbb{P}(E')$, where $E'$ is as in (\ref{secondasucc}), where
deg $ E'=3$ , rk $ E'=r-1\geq 3$, Num$(S)$ is generated by $ T'=T_{|S}$
and $
f'=f_{|S},$ and $D_{|S} \equiv aT'+bf'$. Notice that $E'$ is
indecomposable or
decomposable and ample because
$ \mu^-(E') \geq \mu^-(E)=\frac{2}{r} > 0$.
To prove i) assume $r=4.$ In this case rk $E'=3$ and deg $E'=3$. If $E'$
indecomposable, as $b+a \mu^-(E') >b+a\mu^-(E)=b+\frac{a}{2}> 1,$ by
$D_{|S}$ is very ample if
\geq 3$ . By the same theorem if $E'$ is decomposable and ample then
$D_{|S}$ is
ample if $b+a \mu^-(E') > 2.$
The possible values for $\mu^-(E')$ are $1$ or $\frac{1}{2}.$ Therefore
by Theorem \ref{Thmrango3} it follows that $D_{|S}$ is very
ample if
b+\frac{a}{2} >2.
\end{equation} Putting (\ref{1+1sur}) and (\ref{b+asu2}) together it
follows that
in the case $r=4$
$D$ is very ample if
$b+\frac{a}{2} > \frac {5}{4}$ and $b+\frac{a}{2} >2$ i.e. $b+\frac{a}{2}
To prove ii) assume $r-1\geq 4.$ Since
$b+a\mu^-(E') \geq b+a\mu^-(E) =
b+a\frac{2}{r} >1+\frac{1}{r}>\frac{3}{5}$ from Theorem \ref{deg3anyr} it
follows that
$D_{|S}$ is very ample if
$b+\frac{a}{2} >2$ and $b+\frac{a}{3} >\frac{1}{3}.$ Therefore if $r\geq
5$, $D$ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{2} >2$ , $b+\frac{a}{3}
>\frac{1}{3}$ and
$b+a\frac{2}{r} > 1+ \frac{1}{r}$.
Let $E$ be a decomposable and ample vector bundle of rank $ r\ge 4$ over
an elliptic
$C$, with deg $E=2.$
Let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on
$X=\Bbb{P}(E).$ Then the following conditions hold:
\item[i)] If $r =4$ , $D$ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{2} >2$ and
$b+a\mu^-(E) >
\item[ii)] If $r \geq 5$, $D$ is very ample if $b+a\mu^-(E) >
1+\frac{2}{r} $,
$b+\frac{a}{3}>\frac{1}{3}$ and $b+ \frac{a}{2} > 2$.
Let $A$ be as in Lemma \ref{T+F} and notice that $h^0(A) = r+2
\geq$ deg $E + 3.$ Also notice that $\mu^-(E) \leq \mu(E) =
\frac{2}{r}$. In our hypothesis we have $b+(a-1)\mu^-(E)-1\geq
b+a\mu^-(E) -\frac{2}{r}-1 > 0$.
Therefore Lemma \ref{reductiontoS} and \ref{T+F} can be applied.
Let $S=\Bbb{P}(E')$, where $E'$ is as in (\ref{secondasucc})
where deg $E'=3$ and $rk(E')=r-1 \geq 3$. If $r \geq 5$ we can apply
\ref{deg3anyr} to
$D_{|S}. $ Indeed $b+a\mu^-(E') \geq b+a\mu^-(E) > 1+ \frac{2}{r} >
Hence $D_{|S}$ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{3}>\frac{1}{3}$ and $b+
\frac{a}{2} > 2.$
If $r =4$ we can apply Theorem \ref{Thmrango3}. If $E'$
is indecomposable then
$D_{|S}$ is very ample if
$b+a \geq 3.$ If $E'$ is decomposable, noticing that $E'$ is ample, the
condition is $
b+a\mu^-(E') > 2.$ In this case $\mu^-(E')$ can be $1$ or $\frac {1}{2}$
and hence the
worst sufficient condition becomes
$b+ \frac{a}{2} > 2$.
Theorem \ref{d2anyrindecteo} and \ref{d2anyrdecteo} give the following
Let $E$ be an ample vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$, with deg
and let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on
$X=\Bbb{P}(E).$ Then the following conditions hold:
\item[i)] If rank $E \ge 5$ , then $D$ is very ample
if $b+a\mu^-(E) >1+\frac{2}{r}$, $b+ \frac{a}{2} > 2$ and $b+
\frac{a}{3} > \frac{1}{3}.$
\item[ii)] If rank $E=4$, $D$ is very ample if
$b+a\mu^-(E) > \frac{3}{2}$ and $b+ \frac{a}{2} > 2$.
\subsection{deg $E =1$}
Note that if deg$E=1$, $E$ is ample if and only if it is indecomposable.
Let $E$ be an indecomposable vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$,
with deg
$E=1$, rk $E = r \geq 4$, and let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on
$X=\Bbb{P}(E)$ with $b+ \frac{a}{r} >1$. Then the following conditions
\item[i)] If $r= 4,$ $D$ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{2} > 2$
\item[ii)] If $r = 5,$ $D$ is very ample if $b+\frac{a}{3}>\frac{3}{2}$
$b+\frac{a}{2} > 2$.
\item[iii)] If $r \geq 6$, $D$ is very
ample if $b+\frac{a}{r-2} > 1+ \frac{2}{r - 1}$ and $b+\frac{a}{2} >2$.
In our hypothesis it is $(a-1)\frac{1}{r} +b-1 > 0.$ Lemma \ref{AA}
allows us to
apply Lemma \ref{reductiontoS} and \ref{T+F} when $(a-1)\frac{1}{r} +b-1
0,$ noticing that if $A =
\cal{T}+\cal{F_P}$ it is
\geq 5$. If $S=\Bbb{P}(E')$, where $E'$ is as in (\ref{secondasucc}),
notice that $E'$ is ample because $E$ is. It is
rk $E'=r-1\geq 3$ and
deg $E'=2.$ Let us now distinguish the three cases according to the values
of $r.$
Theorem \ref{deg3anyr} and Corollary \ref{corond2} will be used.
\item[i)] If rank$E=4$, rank$E'=3$, and $D_{|S}$ is very ample if
$b+\frac{2}{3}a >\frac{4}{3} $ when $E'$ is
indecomposable while if $E'$ is decomposable and ample the condition
$b+a\mu^-(E') >2$ In the worst case $ \mu^-(E')= \frac{1}{2}$ so we have
$b+\frac{a}{2} >2$.
\item[ii)] If rank $E=5$ , rank $E'=4$, and $D_{|S}$ is very ample if
$b+a\mu^-(E') >
\frac{3}{2}$, and
$b+\frac{a}{2} >2$.
As $E'$ is indecomposable or decomposable and ample,
in the worst case $ \mu^-(E')= \frac{1}{3}$ and so it is enough to ask
$b+\frac{a}{3} > \frac{3}{2}$ and $b + \frac{a}{2} > 2.$
\item[iii)] If rank $E \geq 6$ then rank $E' \geq 5$, hence by Corollary
$D_{|S}$ is very ample if $b+a\mu^-(E') > 1+\frac{2}{r-1} $,
$b+ \frac{a}{2} > 2$.
If $E'$ is indecomposable then $\mu^-(E') = \frac{2}{r-1}$ while if
$E'$ is decomposable and ample, then $\mu^-(E') = min (\frac{1}{s},
with $ s= 1..r-2$. So the condition $b+a\mu^-(E') > 1+\frac{2}{r-1} $ can
substituted by $b+\frac {a}{r-2} >1+\frac{2}{r-1} $ which implies the
condition $b+\frac{a}{3}>\frac{1}{3}.$
\subsection{deg $E \geq 4$}
Let $E$ be an ample vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$, with
deg$E=d \geq 4$,
rk $E = r \geq 4$ and $d < r.$ Let
$D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on $X=\Bbb{P}(E).$ If $b+
\frac{a}{d-1} > 2$ and $b + (a-1) \mu^-(E) > 0$ then
$D$ is very ample.
The proof proceeds by induction on $r.$
If $r=4$ the smallest possible value of $\mu^-(E)$ is $\frac{1}{3}$.
Since $d\ge 4$ it is
$\frac{1}{d-1} \le \frac{1}{3}.$ Therefore $b + a\mu^-(E) \ge b +
\frac{a}{3} \ge b +
\frac{a}{d-1} > 2.$ Lemma \ref{lemmadiEnrique} and Theorem
conclude the proof of the initial inductive step. Let us suppose the
true for $r-1$ and prove it for
$r$. Let $A$ be as in Lemma \ref{T} and notice that $h^0(A) = d \geq 4.$
\ref{T} and
\ref{reductiontoS} can be applied. By considering $S=\Bbb{P}(E')$ where
$E'$ is as in
(\ref{succdelT}), we get that
$E'$ is ample with deg $E'=d \ge 4$, rk $E'= r' =r-1 \ge 4.$ Because
$\mu^-(E') \ge \mu^-(E)$
it is
$b+ (a-1) \mu^-(E') \ge b + (a-1)\mu^-(E) >0$ and again $b + \frac{a}{d-1}
> 2.$
Hence we can conclude by induction hypothesis.
Note that in the above theorem, if $E$ is indecomposable, by normalizing
$E$ we can always assume
$d < r.$
In a very particular case we can say a little more:
Let $E$ be an indecomposable vector bundle over an elliptic curve $C$,
with deg $E=d \geq 4$, rk $E = d+1$,
and let $D\equiv aT+bf$ be a line bundle on $X=\Bbb{P}(E).$
If $b+(a-1)\frac{d}{d+1} >0$
and $b+ a > 2$ then $D$ is very ample.
It is $h^0(X, \cal{T}) = d \ge 4.$ Our hypothesis $b+(a-1)\frac{d}{d+1}
shows that Lemma
\ref{reductiontoS} and
\ref{T} can be applied.
By considering $S=\Bbb{P}(E')$ , where $E'$ is as in (\ref{succdelT}) it
is deg $E'$ = rk
$E'$= $d$. A sufficient condition for the very ampleness of $D_{|S}$ is
$b+ a \mu^-(E') > 2$ by Lemma \ref{lemmadiEnrique} and Theorem
We claim that in this case
$\mu^-(E')=1$. If $E'$ is indecomposable it is
$\mu^-(E') = \mu(E') =1$. If $E'$
is decomposable we can suppose that $E'= \oplus G_j$, with $r_j = $ rk
\geq 1$ , $d_j=$ deg $G_j \geq 1$ (as $\mu(G_j) \geq \mu(E)=\frac
{d}{d+1}$) and
$\sum d_j =\sum r_j =d$. Hence we have $\frac{d_j}{r_j} \geq \frac
{d}{d+1},$ for all
$j,$ which implies $r_j-d_j \leq \frac{d_j}{d} < 1,$ for all $ j.$ Hence
$r_j - d_j \leq 0 ,$
for all $j$ i.e. $d_j=r_j+s_j$ with $s_j \geq 0,$ for all $j.$ But $d=
\sum d_j = \sum
(d_j+s_j )= d+
\sum s_j$ and $\sum s_j =0$ i.e. $s_j=0,$ for all $ j$. Hence $\mu^-(E')
1997-02-14T20:33:23 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702010 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702010 | [
] | alg-geom/9702010 | Michael Finkelberg | Michael Finkelberg and Alexander Kuznetsov (Independent University of
Moscow) | Global Intersection Cohomology of Quasimaps' Spaces | 21 pages, AmsLatex 1.1 | null | null | null | null | Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve of genus 0. Let $\CB$ be the variety of
complete flags in an $n$-dimensional vector space $V$. Given an $(n-1)$-tuple
$\alpha\in\BN[I]$ of positive integers one can consider the space $\CQ_\alpha$
of algebraic maps of degree $\alpha$ from $C$ to $\CB$. This space admits some
remarkable compactifications $\CQ^D_\alpha$ (Quasimaps), $\CQ^L_\alpha$
(Quasiflags), $\CQ^K_\alpha$ (Stable Maps) of $\CQ_\alpha$ constructed by
Drinfeld, Laumon and Kontsevich respectively. It has been proved that the
natural map $\pi: \CQ^L_\alpha\to \CQ^D_\alpha$ is a small resolution of
singularities. The aim of the present note is to study the cohomology
$H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ of Laumon's spaces or, equivalently, the
Intersection Cohomology $H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,IC)$ of Drinfeld's Quasimaps'
spaces. We calculate the generating function $P_G(t)$ (``Poincar\'e
polynomial'') of the direct sum
$\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^D_\alpha,IC)$ and construct a natural
action of the Lie algebra ${\frak{sl}}_n$ on this direct sum by some
middle-dimensional correspondences between Quasiflags' spaces. We conjecture
that this module is isomorphic to distributions on nilpotent cone supported at
nilpotent subalgebra.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 14 Feb 1997 18:22:28 GMT"
] | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | [
"Independent University of\n Moscow"
"Independent University of\n Moscow"
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve of genus 0. Let $\CB$ be the variety
of complete flags in an $n$-dimensional vector space $V$.
Given an $(n-1)$-tuple $\alpha\in\BN[I]$
of positive integers one can consider the space $\CQ_\alpha$ of algebraic
maps of degree $\alpha$ from $C$ to $\CB$. This space is noncompact. Some
remarkable compactifications $\CQ^D_\alpha$ (Quasimaps),
$\CQ^L_\alpha$ (Quasiflags), $\CQ^K_\alpha$ (Stable Maps) of
$\CQ_\alpha$ were constructed by Drinfeld, Laumon and Kontsevich respectively.
In ~\cite{k} it was proved that the natural map $\pi:\ \CQ^L_\alpha\to
\CQ^D_\alpha$ is a small resolution of singularities. The aim of the present
note is to study the cohomology $H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ of Laumon's
spaces or, equivalently, the Intersection Cohomology
$H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,IC)$ of Drinfeld's Quasimaps' spaces.
It appears that $\CQ^L_\alpha$ admits a cell decomposition, whence its
cohomology has a pure Tate Hodge structure.
It was essentially computed by G.Laumon (see ~\cite{la}, Theorem 3.3.2).
For the reader's convenience we reproduce the computation in section 2.
We calculate the generating
function $P_G(t)$ (``Poincar\'e polynomial'') of the direct sum
$\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^D_\alpha,IC)$ as a formal cocharacter
of $G=SL_n$ with coefficients in the Laurent polynomials in $t$
(a formal variable of degree 2). It is given by the following formula:
$$P_G(t)=\frac{e^{2\rho}t^{-\frac{1}{2}\dim\CB}\sum_{w\in W}t^{\ell(w)}}
{\prod_{\theta\in R^+}(1-te^\theta)(1-t^{-1}e^\theta)}$$
where $W=S_n$ is the Weyl group of $G$ with its standard length function,
$R^+$ is the set of positive coroots of $G$, and
$2\rho$ stands for $\sum_{\theta\in R^+}\theta$.
For any $\alpha,\gamma\in\BN[I]$ there is a closed subvariety of middle
dimension $\fE^\alpha_\gamma\subset\CQ^L_\alpha\times\CQ^L_{\alpha+\gamma}$.
It is formed by pairs of quasiflags such that the second one is a subflag
of the first one. The top-dimensional irreducible components of
$\fE^\alpha_\gamma$ are naturally numbered by the Kostant partitions
$\bc\in\fK(\gamma)$ of $\gamma$, independently of $\alpha$. For
$\bc\in\fK(\gamma)$ the corresponding irreducible component $\fE^\alpha_\bc$,
viewed as a correspondence between $\CQ^L_\alpha$ and $\CQ^L_{\alpha+\gamma}$,
defines two operators:
$$e_\bc:\ H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha)\rightleftharpoons
H^\bullet(\CQ^L_{\alpha+\gamma})\ :f_\bc$$
adjoint to each other with respect to Poincar\'e duality.
Let $\fn$ denote the Lie subalgebra of upper-triangular matrices in the Lie
algebra ${\frak{sl}}_n$. Let $U(\fn)$ denote the Kostant integral form
(with divided powers) of the universal enveloping algebra of $\fn$. It turns
out that the linear span of operators $e_\bc$ is closed under composition;
the algebra they form is naturally isomorphic to $U(\fn)$, and the isomorphism
takes $e_\bc$ to the corresponding element of Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt-Kostant
basis of $U(\fn)$.
Moreover, all the operators $e_\bc,f_\bc$ together generate an action of
the universal enveloping algebra of ${\frak{sl}}_n$ on
$\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$. The character of
this module is given by
$\dfrac{|W|e^{2\rho}}{\prod_{\theta\in R^+}(1-e^\theta)^2}$.
We conjecture that the ${\frak{sl}}_n$-module
$\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ is isomorphic to
$H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$. Here $\CN$ stands for the nilpotent cone of
${\frak{sl}}_n$, and $H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$ is the cohomology of the structure
sheaf with supports in $\fn$ of degree $\nu=\dim\fn=\frac{n(n-1)}{2}$.
To verify this conjecture it would be enough to check that
$\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ is free as a
$U(\fn)$-module (see section 6).
The above conjecture is motivated by B.Feigin's conjecture about the
semiinfinite cohomology $H_\fu^{\frac{\infty}{2}+\bullet}$
of small quantum group $\fu$ of type $A_{n-1}$ (see ~\cite{ar} and section 6).
Let us add a few more words about motivation.
We believe that the Drinfeld's spaces $\CQ^D_\alpha$ are the basic building
blocks of the would-be {\em Semiinfinite Flag Space} (cf. ~\cite{fm}).
On the other hand, it was conjectured by G.Lusztig and B.Feigin that an
appropriate category of perverse sheaves on Semiinfinite Flags is equivalent
to a regular block of the category $\CC$ of graded $\fu$-modules. In this
equivalence, the algebraic counterpart of the
global Intersection Cohomology $H^\bullet(\CQ^D_\alpha,IC)$ is exactly
$_{(\alpha+2\rho)}H_\fu^{\frac{\infty}{2}+\bullet}$ ---
the (co)weight $(\alpha+2\rho)$
space of the ${\frak{sl}}_n$-module of semiinfinite
cohomology $H_\fu^{\frac{\infty}{2}+\bullet}$.
In fact, another geometric realization of the category $\CC$ was constructed
in ~\cite{fs}. One of the main theorems of {\em loc. cit.}
canonically identifies $_{(\alpha+2\rho)}H^{\frac{\infty}{2}+\bullet}_\fu$
with the Intersection Cohomology of a certain one-dimensional local system
on a certain configuration space of $C$.
Combining all the established equalities of characters (see section 6)
we see that the above Intersection Cohomology has the
same graded dimension as $H^\bullet(\CQ^D_\alpha,IC)$.
We believe that it would be extremely interesting and important to find
a direct explanation of this coincidence. In fact, this (conjectural)
coincidence was the main impetus for the present work. The desired
explanation might be not that easy since
$H^\bullet(\CQ^D_\alpha,IC)$ has a Tate Hodge structure while the
Intersection Cohomology of the above local system has quite a nontrivial
Hodge structure (e.g. of elliptic curves or K3-surfaces) already in the
simplest examples.
The idea to realize the algebra $U(\fn)$ in correspondences (or in the
$K$-groups of constructible sheaves on certain spaces) is not new:
see e.g. the remarkable works ~\cite{lu}, ~\cite{blm}, ~\cite{gi}, ~\cite{naa}.
What seems to be new compared to {\em loc. cit.} is the reason behind the
relations in $U(\fn)$ (or $U({\frak{sl}}_n)$). Say, the divided powers of
simple generators appear in {\em loc. cit.}, roughly, due to the fact that
the flag manifold of $SL_d$ has Euler characteristic $d!$; while in the
present work the divided powers appear, roughly, due to the fact that
the Cartesian power $C^d$ is a $d!$-fold cover of the symmetric power
Thus, the present construction may be viewed as a sort of globalization of
{\em loc. cit.} in the particular case of Dynkin diagram of type $A_{n-1}$
(one might say that ~\cite{blm} and ~\cite{gi} lived in the formal
neighbourhood of a point $0\in C$, while we work over the whole $C$).
Note that the constructions of ~\cite{lu} and ~\cite{naa}
can be (and are) generalized to arbitrary Dynkin graphs and quantized. It would
be extremely interesting to generalize the results of the present note to an
arbitrary Dynking graph (or even quantize them).
On the other hand, the idea to realize Lie algebras' representations via
``global'' correspondences is not new either: see e.g. the remarkable
works ~\cite{gr}, ~\cite{na}. These works
realize some irreducible representations of infinite
dimensional Lie algebras (Heisenberg and Clifford) in the cohomology of
Hilbert schemes of {\em surfaces}. Thus the present work may be viewed
as a baby version of {\em loc. cit.} Note though that in all the previous cases
the representations of Lie algebras realized geometrically turned out to be
irreducible, while we expect our modules to be {\em nonsemisimple}. In fact,
we conjecture that they are {\em tilting} (see ~\cite{ap} and section 6).
Also, in the global context, the appearence of Serre relations seems to be new.
It is clear from the above explanations how much we were influenced by all
the above cited works. It is a pleasure to thank B.Feigin, S.Arkhipov,
and V.Ostrik for the numerous illuminating discussions and suggestions.
Above all we are obliged to I.Mirkovic who spent half a year teaching one
of us (M.F.) the beautiful geometry of affine and semiinfinite flag spaces,
of which the present results are but a superficial manifestation.
The present note is a sequel to ~\cite{k}. We will freely refer the reader
to {\em loc. cit.}
\section{Cohomology of $\CQ^L_\alpha$}
We choose a basis $\{v_1,\ldots,v_n\}$ in $V$. This choice
defines a Cartan subgroup $H\subset G$ of matrices diagonal with respect to
this basis, and a Borel subgroup $B\subset G$ of matrices upper triangular
with respect to this basis. We have $\CB=G/B$.
Let $I=\{1,\ldots,n-1\}$ be the set of simple coroots of $G=SL_n$.
Let $R^+$ denote the set of positive coroots,
and let $2\rho=\sum_{\theta\in R^+}\theta$.
For $\alpha=\sum a_ii\in\BN[I]$ we set $|\alpha|:=\sum a_i$.
Recall the notations of ~\cite{k} concerning Kostant's partition function.
For $\gamma\in\BN[I]$ a {\em Kostant partition} of $\gamma$ is a decomposition
of $\gamma$ into a sum of positive coroots with multiplicities.
The set of Kostant partitions of $\gamma$ is denoted by
$\fK(\gamma)$. For $\kappa\in\fK(\gamma)$ let $|\kappa|=\gamma$,
$||\kappa||=|\gamma|$ and let $K(\kappa)$ be the number of summands in $\kappa$.
There is a natural bijection between the set of pairs $1\leq q\leq p\leq n-1$
and $R^+$, namely, $(p,q)$ corresponds to $i_q+i_{q+1}+\ldots+i_p$. Thus a
Kostant partition $\kappa$ is given by a collection of nonnegative integers
$(\kappa_{p,q}), 1\leq q\leq p\leq n-1$.
Following {\em loc. cit.} (9) we define a collection $\mu(\kappa)$ as follows:
$\mu_{p,q}=\sum_{r\leq q\leq p\leq s}\kappa_{s,r}$.
For the definition of Laumon's Quasiflags' space $\CQ^L_\alpha$ the reader
may consult ~\cite{la} 4.2, or ~\cite{k} 1.4. It is the space of complete
flags of locally free subsheaves
$$0\subset E_1\subset\dots\subset E_{n-1}\subset V\otimes\CO_C$$
such that rank$(E_k)=k$, and $\deg(E_k)=-a_k$.
It is known to be a smooth
projective variety of dimension $2|\alpha|+\dim\CB$.
For the definition of Drinfeld's Quasimaps' space $\CQ^D_\alpha$ the
reader may consult ~\cite{k} 1.2. It is the space of collections of
invertible subsheaves $\CL_\lambda\subset V_\lambda\otimes\CO_C$ for
each dominant weight $\lambda\in X^+$ satisfying Pl\"ucker relations,
and such that $\deg\CL_\lambda=-\langle\lambda,\alpha\rangle$.
It is known to be a (singular, in general) projective variety of
dimension $2|\alpha|+\dim\CB$.
Given a quasiflag $E_\bullet\in\CQ^L_\alpha$ and a point $x\in C$ the
{\em type $\kappa(E_\bullet),\mu(E_\bullet)$ (of defect) of $E$ at $x$}
was defined in {\em loc. cit.} (6)--(11).
{\bf Definition.} For $\gamma\leq\alpha,\ \kappa\in\fK(\gamma)$ we denote
by $\CZ^\kappa_\alpha\subset\CQ^L_\alpha$ the locally closed subspace formed
by the quasiflags with defect of type $\kappa$ at $\infty\in C$. In particular,
$\CZ^0_\alpha$ is an open subset of $\CQ^L_\alpha$.
{\em Normalization} at $\infty\in C$ (see {\em loc. cit.} 1.5.1) defines
a map $$\varpi^\kappa_\alpha:\ \CZ^\kappa_\alpha\lra\CZ^0_{\alpha-|\ka|}$$
Evaluation at $\infty\in C$ defines a map
$$\Upsilon_\alpha:\ \CZ^0_\alpha\lra\CB$$
Evidently, $\Upsilon_\alpha$ is a locally trivial fibration. We will denote
the fiber of $\Upsilon_\alpha$ over the point $B\in\CB=G/B$ by $\CY_\alpha$.
The point $B\in\CB$ is represented by a flag $0\subset V_1\subset\ldots
\subset V_{n-1}\subset V$. Let $E^0_\bullet$ denote the corresponding
trivial flag of subbundles: $E^0_i=V_i\otimes\CO_C$.
For the point $0\in C$ the {\em simple fiber} $F(E^0_\bullet,\alpha0)\subset
\CQ^L_\alpha$ was introduced in {\em loc. cit.} 2.1.2. Its cohomology was
computed in {\em loc. cit.} 2.4.4: its Poincar\'e polynomial equals
$\CK_\alpha(t)=t^{|\alpha|}\sum_{\kappa\in\fK(\alpha)}t^{-K(\kappa)}$ ---
the Lusztig-Kostant polynomial ($t$ has degree 2).
{\bf Lemma.} The closed embedding $F(E^0_\bullet,\alpha0)\hookrightarrow
\CY_\alpha$ induces an isomorphism of cohomology:
$$H^\bullet(\CY_\alpha,\BQ)\iso H^\bullet(F(E^0_\bullet,\alpha0),\BQ)$$
{\em Proof.} We restrict the natural map $\pi:\ \CQ^L_\alpha\lra\CQ^D_\alpha$
to the locally closed subvariety $\CY_\alpha\subset\CQ^L_\alpha$.
The image $\pi(\CY_\alpha)\subset\CQ^D_\alpha$ is denoted by $\CZ_\alpha$.
It consists of quasimaps regular at $\infty\in C$ and taking there the
value $B\in\CB$. We will preserve the same name for the restriction of
$\pi$ to $\CY_\alpha\lra\CZ_\alpha$. It follows from the main Theorem of
{\em loc. cit.} that $\pi$ is a small resolution of singularities.
Hence $H^\bullet(\CY_\alpha,\BQ)=H^\bullet(\CZ_\alpha,IC)$.
Now $\BC^*$ acts on $C$ by dilations preserving $0,\infty$, and thus it
acts on both $\CY_\alpha$ and $\CZ_\alpha$, and the map $\pi$ is equivariant
with respect to this action. The space $\CZ_\alpha$ has the only point $Z$
fixed by $\BC^*$: it is the point where all the defect is concentrated at
$0\in C$. The {\em simple fiber} $F(E^0_\bullet,\alpha0)$ is nothing
else than the fiber $\pi^{-1}(Z)$. So the stalk $IC_{(Z)}$
of $IC$-sheaf at the point
$Z$ equals $H^\bullet(F(E^0_\bullet,\alpha0),\BQ)$. On the other hand,
since the $\BC^*$-action contracts $\CZ_\alpha$ to $Z$, we have
$H^\bullet(\CZ_\alpha,IC)=IC_{(Z)}$. The proposition is proved.
Alternatively, instead of using Intersection Cohomology, we could argue
that according to ~\cite{sl}, 4.3, $F(E^0_\bullet,\alpha0)=\pi^{-1}(Z)$
is a deformation retract of $\CY_\alpha$. $\Box$
\subsubsection{Remark} The space $\CZ_\alpha$ plays a central role and is
extensively studied in ~\cite{fm}.
The odd-dimensional cohomology of $\CY_\alpha$
{\em Proof.} Follows immediately from ~\cite{k}, 2.4.4. $\Box$
We consider the locally trivial fibration $\Upsilon_\alpha:\ \CZ^0_\alpha
\lra\CB$ with the fiber $\CY_\alpha$. Since the odd-dimensional cohomology
of both the fiber and the base vanishes, the Leray spectral sequence of
this fibration degenerates, and we arrive at the following Lemma:
{\bf Lemma.} The odd-dimensional cohomology of $\CZ^0_\alpha$ vanishes.
The Poincar\'e polynomial $P(H^\bullet(\CZ^0_\alpha),t)$ equals
$\CK_\alpha(t)\sum_{w\in W}t^{\ell(w)}$. $\Box$
The Poincar\'e polynomial of the cohomology with compact support
$P(H_c^\bullet(\CZ^0_\alpha),t)$ equals $t^{\dim\CB+2|\alpha|}
\CK_\alpha(t^{-1})\sum_{w\in W}t^{-\ell(w)}$.
{\em Proof.} The space $\CZ^0_\alpha$ is smooth of dimension
$\dim\CB+2|\alpha|$. Now apply the Poincar\'e duality and the Lemma ~\ref{fib}.
The odd-dimensional cohomology with compact support of $\CZ^0_\alpha$ vanishes.
The Poincar\'e polynomial of the cohomology with compact support
$P(H_c^\bullet(\CZ^\kappa_\alpha),t)$ equals
\CK_{\alpha-|\kappa|}(t^{-1})\sum_{w\in W}t^{-\ell(w)}.
{\em Proof.} The normalization map $\varpi^\kappa_\alpha:\
\CZ^\kappa_\alpha\lra\CZ^0_{\alpha-|\kappa|}$ is a locally trivial fibration
with a fiber isomorphic to a pseudoaffine space $\fS_{\mu(\kappa)}$
(see ~\cite{k}~(16)) of dimension $||\kappa||-K(\kappa)$
(see {\em loc. cit.}~(21)). Now apply the Lemma ~\ref{fig}. $\Box$
We consider the stratification
and the corresponding Cousin spectral sequence converging to the compactly
supported cohomology of $\CQ^L_\alpha$ (equal to $H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$
by Poincar\'e duality). Since the odd-dimensional compactly supported cohomology
of every stratum vanishes, the Cousin spectral sequence degenerates, and we
are able to compute the Poincar\'e polynomial of the space
$\CQ^L_\alpha$. To write it down in a neat form we will need some minor
First of all, we shift the cohomological degree so that the cohomology becomes
symmetric around zero degree: we consider
$H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ[\dim\CQ^L_\alpha])$. Recall that $\dim\CQ^L_\alpha=
Second, we will consider the generating function for
To record the information on $\alpha$ we will consider this generating
function as a formal cocharacter of $H$ with coefficients in the Laurent
polynomials in $t$. Formal cocharacters will be written multiplicatively,
so that the cocharacter corresponding to $\alpha$ will be denoted by $e^\alpha$.
Finally, for the reasons which will become clear later (see Proposition
~\ref{h}), we will make the following rescaling. We will attach to
$H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ[\dim\CQ^L_\alpha])$ the cocharacter
With all this in mind, the Poincar\'e polynomial $P_G(t)$ of
is calculated as follows:
{\bf Theorem.} $$P_G(t)=\frac{e^{2\rho}t^{-\frac{1}{2}\dim\CB}
\sum_{w\in W}t^{\ell(w)}}
{\prod_{\theta\in R^+}(1-te^\theta)(1-t^{-1}e^\theta)}$$
The main Theorem of ~\cite{k} asserts that the natural map
$\pi:\ \CQ^L_\alpha\lra\CQ^D_\alpha$ is a small resolution
of singularities. Hence the Intersection Cohomology complex on
$\CQ^D_\alpha$ is the direct image of the constant sheaf on $\CQ^L_\alpha:\
IC=\pi_*\underline{\BQ}[\dim\CQ^L_\alpha]$. This implies that the global
Intersection Cohomology $H^\bullet(\CQ^D_\alpha,IC)$ coincides with
the cohomology $H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ[\dim\CQ^L_\alpha])$.
Thus we obtain the following theorem.
{\bf Theorem.}
The generating
function for the global Intersection Cohomology of Drinfeld's Quasimaps'
spaces $\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^D_\alpha,IC)$ is given by
$$P_G(t)=\frac{e^{2\rho}t^{-\frac{1}{2}\dim\CB}\sum_{w\in W}t^{\ell(w)}}
{\prod_{\theta\in R^+}(1-te^\theta)(1-t^{-1}e^\theta)}$$
{\bf Theorem.} There is a cell decomposition
into cells numbered by the following data:
$w\in W$; partition $\kappa^0$ (resp.
$\kappa^\infty$) of $\gamma^0\in\BN[I]$ (resp. $\gamma^\infty\in\BN[I]$)
such that $\gamma^0+\gamma^\infty=\alpha$.
\subsubsection{} The proof of the Theorem will occupy the rest of the section.
\subsection{} We will consider a torus action on $\CQ^L_\alpha$ with finitely
many fixed points, and the Bialynicki-Birula decomposition defined by this
action will give the desired cell decomposition.
The Cartan group $H$ acts on $V$ and hence on $\CQ^L_\alpha$.
The group $\BC^*$ of dilations of $C={\Bbb P}^1$ preserving $0$ and $\infty$
also acts on $\CQ^L_\alpha$ commuting with the action of $H$.
Hence we obtain the action of a torus $\BT:=H\times\BC^*$ on $\CQ^L_\alpha$.
\subsubsection{} We fix a coordinate $z$ on $C={\Bbb P}^1$ such that
$z(0)=0,\ z(\infty)=\infty$.
Let us describe the fixed point set $(\CQ^L_\alpha)^\BT$.
Given a triple $(w,\kappa^0,\kappa^\infty)$ as in the Theorem ~\ref{main},
we define the point $\delta(w,\kappa^0,\kappa^\infty)\in(\CQ^L_\alpha)^\BT$
as follows.
It is a quasiflag $(E_1,\ldots,E_{n-1})$ such that its
normalization $(\tilde{E}_1,\ldots,\tilde{E}_{n-1})$ (see ~\cite{k},
Definition ~1.5.1) is a constant flag with $\tilde{E}_1$ spanned by $v_{w(1)}$;
$\tilde{E}_2$ spanned by $v_{w(1)}$ and $v_{w(2)};\ \ldots;\ \tilde{E}_{n-1}$
spanned by $v_{w(1)},v_{w(2)},\ldots,v_{w(n-1)}$.
Its defect is a collection of torsion sheaves (see {\em loc. cit.}) on $C$
supported at $0$ and $\infty$.
In a neighbourhood of $0\in C$ the quasiflag $(E_1,\ldots,E_{n-1})$ is
defined as follows:
E_1 & =\langle & z^{d^0_{1,1}} & v_{w(1)}&\rangle \\
E_2 & =\langle & z^{d^0_{2,1}} & v_{w(1)}&,& z^{d^0_{2,2}} & v_{w(2)}
\ \vdots && \vdots &&& \vdots \\
E_{n-1} & =\langle & z^{d^0_{n-1,1}} & v_{w(1)} &,& z^{d^0_{n-1,2}} & v_{w(2)}
& , & \dots & , & z^{d^0_{n-1,n-1}} & v_{w(n-1)}&\rangle \\
where the collection
$(d^0_{p,q})_{1\leq q\leq p\leq n-1}$ (resp.
$(d^\infty_{p,q})_{1\leq q\leq p\leq n-1}$) is defined via $\kappa^0$
(resp. $\kappa^\infty$) as follows:
Finally, in a neighbourhood of $\infty\in C$ the quasiflag
$(E_1,\ldots,E_{n-1})$ is defined exactly as around $0$, with the replacement
of $d^0$ by $d^\infty$ and $z$ by $z^{-1}$.
\subsection{Proposition} The fixed point set $(\CQ^L_\alpha)^\BT$
coincides with
the collection of points $\delta(w,\kappa^0,\kappa^\infty)$ numbered by the
triples as in the Theorem ~\ref{main}.
{\em Proof.} Easy. $\Box$
It is well known that for a generic choice of one-parametric subgroup
$\fG\subset \BT$ we have $(\CQ^L_\alpha)^\fG=(\CQ^L_\alpha)^\BT$. Hence we can
apply the main Theorem 4.4 of ~\cite{bb} to obtain the desired decomposition
$$\CQ^L_\alpha=\bigsqcup\Delta(w,\kappa^0,\kappa^\infty)$$ into locally
closed subchemes. Each one of them is an affine space containing exactly
one fixed point: namely, $\Delta(w,\kappa^0,\kappa^\infty)\ni
\delta(w,\kappa^0,\kappa^\infty)$. This completes the proof of the Theorem
~\ref{main}. $\Box$
It would be desirable to make a wise canonical choice of $\fG$ producing
some canonical cell decomposition (or, moreover, a stratification) of
$\CQ^L_\alpha$. For instance, we expect that for such a wise choice
the dimension of $\Delta(w,\kappa^0,\kappa^\infty)$ would be given by
K(\kappa^0)-K(\kappa^\infty)$. This would give a more natural proof of
the Theorem ~\ref{character}.
Furthermore, such decomposition would produce a canonical basis in
(Poincar\'e duals of fundamental classes of cells)
which in turn might prove useful in checking the freeness of
$U(\fn)$-action on $\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$
defined in the next section (see the Conjecture ~\ref{conjecture} and
the Remark ~\ref{freeness}).
Unfortunately, we were not able to make such a wise choice of $\fG$.
\section{Simple correspondences}
For any $i\in I$ and $\alpha\in\BN[I]$ we introduce the following closed
subvariety $\fE_i^\alpha\subset\CQ^L_\alpha\times\CQ^L_{\alpha+i}$.
{\bf Definition.} $\fE_i^\alpha:=
such that for $j\not=i$ we have $E_j=E'_j$, while $E_i\supset E'_i$, and
$E_i/E'_i$ is a torsion sheaf of length one$\}$.
There are natural maps
\br:\fE_i^\al\to C.
The first and second maps are induced by the projections of
$\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i}$ onto the first and second factor and the third
is defined as
The following Lemma describes the fibers of the map
\bp\times \br:\fE_i^\al\to\QL\al.
Let $E_\bullet\in\QL\al$, $x\in C$.
The fiber $(\bp\times \br)^{-1}(E_\bullet)$ is
naturally isomorphic to the projective space $\PP(\Hom(E_i/E_{i-1},\CO_x))$.
The map $(\bp\times \br)$ is an isomorphism over the space of
pairs $(E_\bullet,x)$ such that $E_\bullet\in\CQ_\al$ is
a flag of subbundles.
{\em Proof.}
The fiber $(\bp\times \br)^{-1}(E_\bullet,x)$
is evidently isomorphic to the space of all subsheaves
$E'_i\subset E_i$ such that $E_i/E'_i=\CO_x$ and embedding
$E_{i-1}\hookrightarrow E_i$ factors through $E'_i$.
In other words it is the space of all diagrams
E_{i-1} @>>> E'_i @>>> E'_i/E_{i-1} \\
@| @VVV @VVV \\
E_{i-1} @>>> E_i @>>> E_i/E_{i-1} \\
@. @VVV @VVV \\
@. \CO_x @= \CO_x
with exact rows and columns. But such a diagram can be uniquely
reconstructed from the map $E_i/E_{i-1}\to\CO_x$.
The first part of the Lemma follows.
If $E_\bullet\in\CQ_\al$ then the quotient $E_i/E_{i-1}$
is locally free, hence $\Hom(E_i/E_{i-1},\CO_x)=\CCC$ for all
$x$. This means that $\bp\times \br$ is an isomorphism over
the space $\CQ_\al\times C\subset\QL\al\times C$. $\Box$
\subsubsection{} Let $\fE_{\lbr i\}\}}^\al$ be the closure of the
space $(\bp\times \br)^{-1}(\CQ_\al\times C)$.
Recall (see ~\cite{k}, 1.4.1) that $\dim\CQ^L_\alpha=\dim\CB+2|\alpha|$.
The map $(\bp\times \br)_{|\fE_{\lbr i\}\}}^\al}:
\fE_{\lbr i\}\}}^\al\to\QL\al\times C$
is birational, hence $\fE_{\lbr i\}\}}^\al$ is a
$(\dim\CB+2|\al|+1)$-dimensional irreducible variety.
The space $\fE_{\lbr i\rbr }^\al$ is a unique $(\dim\CB+2|\al|+1)$-dimensional
irreducible component of $\fE_i^\al$.
{\em Proof.}
It is a particular case of the Proposition ~\ref{dims}.
Alternatively, a direct proof goes as follows.
Consider the following stratification of $\QL\al\times C$
\QL\al\times C=\bigsqcup\begin{Sb}\gamma\le\alpha\\\ka\in\fK(\gamma)\end{Sb}
where $Z^\al_\ka\subset\QL\al\times C$ is the subspace of pairs
$(E_\bullet,x)$ such that $\ka\in\fK(\ga)$ is the type of the defect of
$E_\bullet\in\QL\al$ at the point $x\in C$ (see the section 2 of ~\cite{k}).
Considering the map
\Pi:Z^\al_\ka\to\QL{\al-|\ka|}\times C,\qquad (E_\bullet,x)\mapsto
(\ti E_\bullet,x),
where $\ti E_\bullet$ is the normalization at $x$ of $E_\bullet$
and applying the Lemma~2.4.3
of {\em loc.\ cit.} we see that
\dim Z^\al_\ka=\dim\CB+2|\al|-||\ka||-K(\ka)+1.
On the other hand, it is easy to see that over the stratum $Z^\al_\ka$
we have
where $T_x$ is the part of the torsion $T$ in the quotient sheaf
$E_i/E_{i-1}$ with support at $x$. Using obvious inequality
we see that the dimension of the fiber of $\fE_i^\al$ over the
point $(E_\bullet,x)\in Z^\al_\ka$ is not greater than
$\sum_{p=1}^{i-1}\ka_{i-1,p}$. But
and equality is possible only for $\gamma=0$ (it follows easily from
{\em loc.\ cit.}~(9)). This means that for any $0<\gamma\le\alpha$
and $\ka\in\fK(\gamma)$
\dim \bp^{-1}(Z^\al_\ka)<\dim\CB+2|\al|+1
and the Lemma follows. $\Box$
According to Lemma ~\ref{irred}, we may consider the Poincar\'e dual
of the fundamental class
$[\fE_{\lbr i\rbr }^\alpha]\in H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha\times
\CQ^L_{\alpha+i},\BQ)$. Viewed as a correspondence, it defines two operators:
$$e_i:\ H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)\rightleftharpoons
H^\bullet(\CQ^L_{\alpha+i},\BQ)\ :f_i$$
adjoint to each other with respect to Poincar\'e duality.
The operator $e_i$ increases the cohomological degree by 2,
and the operator $f_i$ decreases it by 2.
We may also consider the operators
\hat e_i:\ H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)\rightleftharpoons
H^\bullet(\CQ^L_{\alpha+i},\BQ)\ :\hat f_i
defined by the fundamental class
$[\fE_i^\al]\in H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha\times\CQ^L_{\alpha+i},\BQ)$.
Consider the decompositions of the operators $\hat e_i$ and $\hat f_i$ into
the sum of operators shifting the cohomological degree by $k$.
\hat e_i=\sum\hat e_i^k,\qquad
\hat f_i=\sum\hat f_i^k
The Lemma~\ref{irred} implies that
e_i=\hat e_i^2,\qquad
f_i=\hat f_i^{-2},
\hat e_i^k=0\quad\text{for }k>2\qquad\text{and}\qquad
\hat f_i^k=0\quad\text{for }k<-2.
We fix an orientation $\Omega=(1\lra2\lra\ldots\lra n-1)$
of the Dynkin graph with the set of vertices $I$.
Note that any flag of subsheaves (subbundles) in the trivial bundle
$V\otimes\CO_C$ can be considered as a representation of the quiver
$\Omega$ in the category of subsheaves (subbundles) of $V\otimes\CO_C$.
Therefore, given a pair of flags $E'_\bullet\subset E_\bullet$
we have the quotient representation $T_\bullet=E_\bullet/E'_\bullet$.
This is a representation of the quiver $\Omega$ in the category
of torsion sheaves on $C$. Let us denote the category of
such representations by $\RT$. Define the {\em dimension} and {\em local
dimension at $x\in C$} of
$T=(T_1,\dots,T_{n-1})\in\Ob(\RT)$ as the coroots
\dim T=\sum_{i\in I}\length(T_i)i\in\NNN[I],\qquad
\dim_x T=\sum_{i\in I}\length_x(T_i)i\in\NNN[I].
Let $T\in\Ob(\RT)$ and $\dim T=\gamma$.
Given a filtration $0=F_0\subset F_1\dots\subset F_m=T$ of $T$ by
subrepresentations we say that it is a filtration of the type
$(\gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_m)$ if $\dim F_k/F_{k-1}=\gamma_k$.
Let us denote by $\CO_x[i]$ a simple $i$-dimensional object
in the category $\RT$, consisting of the sheaf $\CO_x$
which lives over the $i$-th vertex of $\Omega$.
Given $i,j\in I$ such that $|i-j|>1$ we have
a) $e_ie_j=e_je_i$;
b) $f_if_j=f_jf_i$.
{\em Proof.}
Instead of $e_ie_j$ and $e_je_i$ we will consider the
components of $\hat e_i\hat e_j$ and $\hat e_j\hat e_i$
shifting the cohomological degree by 4 (it suffices by the
Remark~\ref{rem1}). To this end, consider
the spaces
\fE^\al_{i,j}=\bp_{12}^{-1}(\fE^\al_i)\cap \bp_{23}^{-1}(\fE^{\al+i}_j)\subset
\fE^\al_{j,i}=\bp_{12}^{-1}(\fE^\al_j)\cap \bp_{23}^{-1}(\fE^{\al+j}_i)\subset
where $\bp_{ab}$ denotes the projection of the product
$\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i}\times\QL{\al+i+j}$ (resp.\
$\QL\al\times\QL{\al+j}\times\QL{\al+i+j}$) onto the product of the
$a$-th and $b$-th factors.
The definition of $\fE^\al_i$ implies that
$\fE^\al_{i,j}=\{(E_\bullet,E'_\bullet,E'''_\bullet)$ such that
$E_\bullet\supset E'_\bullet\supset E'''_\bullet$,
$E_\bullet/E'_\bullet=\CO_x[i]$ and $E'_\bullet/E'''_\bullet=\CO_y[j]$
for some $x,y\in C\,\}$.
This means that $E_\bullet/E'''_\bullet$ is an extension
of $\CO_y[j]$ by $\CO_x[i]$. But it is easy to see
that $|i-j|>1$ implies $\Ext_\RT(\CO_y[j],\CO_x[i])=0$,
hence $E_\bullet/E'''_\bullet=\CO_x[i]\oplus\CO_y[j]$.
Let $E''$ be the kernel of the composition
Then we have $E_\bullet\supset E''_\bullet\supset E'''_\bullet$,
$E_\bullet/E''_\bullet=\CO_y[j]$ and $E''_\bullet/E'''_\bullet=\CO_x[i]$.
This means that $(E,E',E''')\to(E,E'',E''')$ is a map from
$\fE^\al_{i,j}$ to $\fE^\al_{j,i}$. This map is certainly an isomorphism.
Now the composition of correspondences $[\fE^\al_i]\circ[\fE^\al_j]$
is the correspondence given by the cycle
{\bp_{13}}_*(\bp_{12}^*[\fE^\al_i]\cap \bp_{23}^*[\fE^{\al+i}_j])=
{\bp_{13}}_*(\bp_{12}^*[\fE^\al_j]\cap \bp_{23}^*[\fE^{\al+j}_i]),
\hat e_i\hat e_j=\hat e_j\hat e_i\qquad\hat f_i\hat f_j=\hat f_j\hat f_i
and Proposition follows. $\Box$
Given $i,j\in I$ such that $|i-j|=1$ we have
a) $e_i^2e_j-2e_ie_je_i+e_je_i^2=0$;
b) $f_i^2f_j-2f_if_jf_i+f_jf_i^2=0$.
{\em Proof.}
Let $j=i-1$.
Consider the space $\fE^\al_{2i+j}\subset\QL\al\times\QL{\al+2i+j}$
of all pairs
$(E,E')$ such that $E'\subset E$ and $\dim(E/E')=2i+j$. Let
$T=(0,\dots,0,T_j,T_i,0,\dots,0)=E/E'$ be the quotient representation.
Let $\bp:\fE^\al_{2i+j}\to\QL\al$ denote the map induced by the projection of
$\QL\al\times\QL{\al+2i+j}$ onto the first factor, and let
$\br:\fE^\al_{2i+j}\to C^{2i+j}$
denote the map sending a pair $(E,E')$ to
$\sum\limits_{x\in C}\dim_x(T)x=j\,\supp T_j+i\,\supp T_i$.
Recall the diagonal stratification
$$C^{2i+j}=C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }\sqcup C^{2i+j}_{\lbr 2i,j\rbr }\sqcup
C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr }\sqcup C^{2i+j}_{\lbr 2i+j\rbr }$$
introduced e.g. in ~\cite{k}, 1.3.
Consider the map $\bp\times \br:\fE^\al_{2i+j}\to\QL\al\times C^{2i+j}$.
This map is an isomorphism over the open set
$\CQ_\al\times C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }\subset\QL\al\times C^{2i+j}$.
This can be proved by the same arguments as the Lemma~\ref{fibersofpr}
(the fiber over the point $(E,jx\!+\!iy\!+\!iz)$ is isomorphic to
which is a single point in our case).
On the other hand, over the subset
$\CQ_\al\times C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr }\subset\QL\al\times C^{2i+j}$ the
of the map $\bp\times \br$ are one-dimensional (the fiber over a point
$(E,(i\!+\!j)x\!+\!iy)$ is naturally isomorphic to
$\PP(\Hom(E_i/E_{i-2},\CO_x))\times\PP(\Hom(E_i/E_{i-1},\CO_y))$ which is
$\PP^1$ in our case).
Note that for the generic element $(E,E')$ of the fiber the map
$T_{i-1}\to T_i$ in the quotient representation is non-zero.
Let $\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }$ denote the closure of
$(\bp\times \br)^{-1}(\CQ_\al\times C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr })$,
and let $\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr }$ denote
the closure of $(\bp\times \br)^{-1}(\CQ_\al\times C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr })$.
The spaces $\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }$
and $\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr }$ are irreducible
$(\dim\CB+2|\al|+3)$-dimensional components of $\fE^\al_{2i+j}$.
All other irreducible components of $\fE^\al_{2i+j}$ have smaller dimension.
{\em Proof.}
It is just a particular case of the Proposition ~\ref{dims}. $\Box$
Now we can finish the proof of the proposition.
To this end consider the spaces
\fE^\al_{i,i,j} & = & \bp_{12}^{-1}(\fE^\al_i) & \cap &
& \cap & \bp_{34}^{-1}(\fE^{\al+2i}_j) & \subset &
\QL\al & \times & \QL{\al+i} & \times & \QL{\al+2i} & \times & \QL{\al+2i+j}\\
\fE^\al_{i,j,i} & = & \bp_{12}^{-1}(\fE^\al_i) & \cap &
& \cap & \bp_{34}^{-1}(\fE^{\al+i+j}_i) & \subset &
\QL\al & \times & \QL{\al+i} & \times & \QL{\al+i+j} & \times & \QL{\al+2i+j}\\
\fE^\al_{j,i,i} & = & \bp_{12}^{-1}(\fE^\al_j) & \cap &
& \cap & \bp_{34}^{-1}(\fE^{\al+i+j}_i) & \subset &
\QL\al & \times & \QL{\al+j} & \times & \QL{\al+i+j} & \times & \QL{\al+2i+j}
It is easy to see that the space $\fE^\al_{i,i,j}$
(resp.\ $\fE^\al_{i,j,i}$,
$\fE^\al_{j,i,i}$) is isomorphic to the space of triples $(E,E',F)$, where
$E\in\QL\al$, $E'\in\QL{\al+2i+j}$ such that $E'\subset E$ and
$\dim(E/E')=2i+j$, and $F$ is a filtration (by subrepresentations) in the
quotient representation $0\subset F_1\subset F_2\subset F_3=E/E'$ of the type
$(i,i,j)$ (resp.\ $(i,j,i)$, $(j,i,i)$).
Consider the projection
$\bp_{14}:\fE^\al_{i,i,j}\to\QL\al\times\QL{\al+2i+j}$ (and two others).
It is clear that the images of $\fE^\al_{i,i,j}$ (resp.\ $\fE^\al_{i,j,i}$,
$\fE^\al_{j,i,i}$) lie in $\fE^\al_{2i+j}$ and the fibers of these projections
over the point $(E,E')$ can be identified with the set of all filtrations
$F$ in the quotient representation $T=E/E'$ of the corresponding type.
a) If $\ jx\!+\!iy\!+\!iz\in C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }$ and $T$ is
a $(2i+j)$-dimensional representation
of the quiver $\Omega$ with $\supp T_{i-1}=x$, $\supp T_i=\{y,z\}$ then
$T$ admits two filtrations of type $(i,i,j)$,
two filtrations of the type $(i,j,i)$ and two filtrations of the type $(j,i,i)$.
b) If $\ (i\!+\!j)x\!+\!iy\in C^{2i+j}_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr }$ and $T$ is
representation of the quiver $\Omega$ with $\supp T_{i-1}=x$,
$\supp T_i=\{x,y\}$ and non-zero map $T_{i-1}\to T_i$ then $T$ admits
two filtrations of the type $(i,i,j)$, one filtration of the type $(i,j,i)$
and no filtrations of the type $(j,i,i)$.
{\em Proof.} Trivial. $\Box$
Now we are ready to compute the compositions of the correspondences.
(\bp_{12}^*[\fE^\al_i]\cap \bp_{23}^*[\fE^{\al+i}_i]\cap
=(\bp_{14})_*[\fE^\al_{i,i,j}]=2[\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }]+
2[\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr }]+
\text{terms of smaller dimension.}
2[\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }]+
[\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i+j\rbr }]+\text{terms of smaller dimension,}
2[\fE^\al_{\lbr i,i,j\rbr }]+\text{terms of smaller dimension.}
The Proposition in the case $j=i-1$ follows (recall Remark~\ref{rem1}).
The case $j=i+1$ can be treated similarly. $\Box$
a) For $i\not=j$ we have $e_if_j=f_je_i$;
b) On $H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ we have $e_if_i-f_ie_i=\langle
i',\alpha+2\rho\rangle$ (multiplication by a constant).
Here $i'\in X$ stands for the simple root dual to $i$, and
$\langle\;,\,\rangle:\ X\times Y\lra\BZ$ stands for the nondegenerate pairing
between cocharacters and weights. Finally, $2\rho\in\BN[I]$ is the sum of all
positive coroots.
{\em Proof.}
Consider the following spaces:
\fEF^\al_{i,j} & = & \bp_{12}^{-1}(\fE^\al_i) & \cap &
\bp_{23}^{-1}\left((\fE^{\al+i-j}_j)^T\right) & \subset &
\QL\al & \times & \QL{\al+i} & \times & \QL{\al+i-j} \\
\fFE^\al_{i,j} & = & \bp_{12}^{-1}\left((\fE^{\al-j}_j)^T\right) & \cap &
\bp_{23}^{-1}(\fE^{\al-j}_i) & \subset &
\QL\al & \times & \QL{\al-j} & \times & \QL{\al+i-j}
Here $(\fE^\al_i)^T$ denotes the subvariety in $\QL{\al+i}\times\QL\al$
transposed to $\fE^\al_i\subset\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i}$.
It is easy to see that $\fEF^\al_{i,j}$ is the space of triples
$(E,E',E''')\in\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i}\times\QL{\al+i-j}$ such that
$E\supset E'\subset E'''$ and $\fFE^\al_{i,j}$ is the space of triples
$(E,E'',E''')\in\QL\al\times\QL{\al-j}\times\QL{\al+i-j}$ such that
$E\subset E''\supset E'''$.
Consider the projections $\bp_{13}:\fEF^\al_{i,j}\to\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i-j}$
and $\bp_{13}:\fFE^\al_{i,j}\to\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i-j}$.
Over the set $U=\{(E,E''')\ |\ E\ne E'''\}\subset\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i-j}$
(in the case $i\ne j$ we have $U=\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i-j}$)
the spaces $\fEF^\al_{i,j}$ and $\fFE^\al_{i,j}$ are isomorphic.
The isomorphisms
are given by formulas
(E,E'',E''')\mapsto(E,E\cap E''',E''').
Let $\wti \fEF^\al_{i,j}$ (resp.\ $\wti \fFE^\al_{i,j}$) denote the closure
of $\bp_{13}^{-1}(U)$ in $\fEF^\al_{i,j}$ (resp. in $\fFE^\al_{i,j}$).
In the case $i\ne j$ we have
$\wti \fEF^\al_{i,j}=\fEF^\al_{i,j}$
(resp.\ $\wti \fFE^\al_{i,j}=\fFE^\al_{i,j}$).
We have $(\bp_{13})_*[\wti \fEF^\al_{i,j}]=(\bp_{13})_*[\wti \fFE^\al_{i,j}]$.
the case $i\ne j$ follows.
In the case $i=j$ it remains to compare the contribution of
components of $\fEF^\al_{i,i}$ and $\fFE^\al_{i,i}$ over the diagonal
$\QL\al @>\Delta>> \QL\al\times\QL\al$.
Let $\fEF^\al_i$ (resp.\ $\fFE^\al_i$) be the preimage
of the diagonal $\QL\al\subset\QL\al\times\QL\al$, and let
(resp.\ $\barq:\fFE^\al_i\to\QL\al$) be the corresponding projection.
It is easy to see that $\fEF^\al_i$ is isomorphic
to $\fE^\al_i$ and $\fFE^\al_i$ is isomorphic to $\fE^{\al-i}_i$ (and the maps
$\bp$, $\barq$ are the same as in \ref{def}).
Hence the dimension of $\fFE^\al_i$ is equal to $\dim\CB+2|\al|-1$
which is less than the expected dimension of
$[(\fE^{\al-i}_i)^T]\circ[\fE^{\al-i}_i]$ equal to $\dim\CB+2|\al|$.
Thus the contribution of $\fFE^\al_i$ in
$[(\fE^{\al-i}_i)^T]\circ[\fE^{\al-i}_i]$ lives in the dimension
smaller than $\dim\CB+2|\al|$.
On the other hand the dimension of $\fEF^\al_i$ is equal to $\dim\CB+|\al|+1$
which is greater than the expected dimension. According to the Intersection
Theory (see ~\cite{fu}) in this case we have
where $\CL$ is a certain line bundle on $\fEF^\al_i$ defined in ~\ref{L} below.
We know that only one component of $\fE^\al_i$ (namely $\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}$)
dominates $\QL\al$. This means that
(\bp_{13})_*(c_1(\CL_{|\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}}))=
\Delta_*\bp_*c_1(\CL_{|\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}})+\text{terms of smaller dimension}.
Since over the generic point of $\QL\al$ the fiber of $\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}$
is one-dimensional we have
b^i_\al[\Delta]+\text{terms of smaller dimension,}
where $b^i_\al$ is the degree of the restriction of $\CL$ to the generic
fiber of $\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}$ over $\QL\al$.
Thus to prove the Proposition it suffices to compute the integers $b^i_\al$.
The calculation of $b^i_\al$ will be given in the next section. $\Box$
\subsubsection{Definition of $\CL$ and $b^i_\al$}
Since we are ultimately interested in the degree of $\CL$ restricted to the
generic fiber which belongs to the smooth locus of $\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}$,
below we will restrict ourselves to this smooth locus.
We have the following diagram
\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr} @>\id\times \bp>> \fE^\al_i\times\QL\al \\
@V \bp\times\id VV @V\id\times\id VV \\
\QL\al\times(\fE^\al_i)^T @>\id\times\id^T>> \QL\al\times\QL{\al+i}
where $\id$ denotes either identity map or natural embedding and $T$ denotes
the transposition.
According to the Intersection Theory, $\CL$ is the cokernel
of the natural map of normal bundles
\CN_{\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}/(\QL\al\times(\fE^\al_i)^T)}\lra
(\id\times \bp)^*\CN_{(\fE^\al_i\times\QL\al)/(\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i}
The first term is evidently isomorphic to $\bp^*\CT_{\QL\al}$ and the second
term is isomorphic to $\CN_{\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}/(\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i})}$.
Consider the following commutative diagram
@. \CT_{\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}} @= \CT_{\fE^\al_{\lbr
@. @VVV @VVV \\
\bp^*\CT_{\QL\al} @>>>(\CT_{\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i}})_{|\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}}
@>>> \barq^*\CT_{\QL{\al+i}} \\
@| @VVV \\
\bp^*\CT_{\QL\al} @>>> \CN_{\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}/(\QL\al\times\QL{\al+i})}
with exact middle row and exact middle column. This diagram implies
that we have the following exact sequence:
\CT_{\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr}} \lra \barq^*\CT_{\QL{\al+i}} \lra \CL \lra 0.
Let $D^\al_i=\barq(\fE^\al_{\lbr i\rbr})$. This is a divisor in $\QL{\al+i}$.
Let $\vphi\in\CQ_\al$, hence $\bp^{-1}(\vphi)\cong C$.
Since the restriction of $\barq$ to the open subset $\bp^{-1}(\CQ_\al)$
is an embedding we have
\CL_{|\bp^{-1}(\vphi)}\cong \barq^*\CN_{D^\al_i/\QL{\al+i}}
Thus we have proved the following.
$b^i_\al=\deg \barq^*\CN_{D^\al_i/\QL{\al+i}}$
where $\vphi\in\CQ_\al$, and
$\barq:C=\bp^{-1}(\vphi)\to\QL{\al+i}$ is the map, induced
by the projection $\barq:\fE^\al_i\to\QL{\al+i}$.
The calculation of these integers will be given in the next section
(see the Proposition~\ref{degN}) with the help of Kontsevich's
compactification $\CQ^K_\al$ of the space $\CQ_\al$.
Let us define an operator $h_i:\ H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)\lra
H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ as a scalar multiplication by
$\langle i',\alpha+2\rho\rangle$. Combining the Propositions ~\ref{triv},
~\ref{Serre}, ~\ref{h} together with the Theorem ~\ref{character} we arrive
at the following Theorem:
{\bf Theorem.} The operators $e_i,f_i,h_i(i\in I)$ extend to the action of
Lie algebra $\frak{sl}_n$ on
The character of this $\frak{sl}_n$-module is equal to
$\dfrac{|W|e^{2\rho}}{\prod_{\theta\in R^+}(1-e^\theta)^2}$. $\Box$
\subsubsection{Remark} We would like to emphasize that the Lie algebra
$\frak{sl}_n$ acting by correspondences in the cohomology of Laumon's spaces
should be viewed as the {\em Langlands dual} of the original group
$G=SL_n$. In effect, the character of the $\frak{sl}_n$-module is naturally
a formal cocharacter of $G$ (cf. ~\ref{character}).
\section{Kontsevich's compactification}
Recall the notion of a {\em stable map} (see \cite{kt} for details).
A stable map is a datum $(\CC;x_1,\dots,x_m;f)$ consisting of a
connected compact reduced curve $\CC$ with $m\ge 0$ pairwise distinct marked
non-singular points and at most ordinary double singular points, and a
map $f:\CC @>>> \CX$ having no non-trivial first order infinitesimal
automorphisms, identical on $\CX$ and $x_1,\dots,x_m$ (stability).
$\QK\al=\overline\CM_{0,0}(C\times\CB,1\oplus\al)$ is the moduli space
of stable maps to $C\times\CB$ of curves of arithmetic genus 0 with
no marked points such that
$f_*([\CC])=1\oplus\al\in H_2(C,\ZZZ)\oplus H_2(\CB,\ZZZ)=\ZZZ\oplus\ZZZ[I]$.
Given a stable map $(\CC;f)\in\QK\al$ we denote by
$f':\CC\to C$ and $f'':\CC\to\CB$ the induced maps; we denote by $\CC_0$ the
irreducible component of $\CC$ such that $f'_*[\CC_0]=[C]$; we denote
by $\CC_1,\dots,\CC_m$ the connected components of $\CC\setminus\CC_0$;
we denote by $f_r$ (resp.\ $f'_r$, $f''_r$) the restriction of $f$
(resp.\ $f'$, $f''$) to $\CC_r$. Finally, let $\beta$ be the degree of $f''_0$
and $\gamma_r$ be the degree of $f_r''$ ($r=1,\dots,m$).
The space of maps $\CQ_\al$ is naturally embedded into $\QK\al$
(to every map $\vphi:C\to\CB$ we associate its graph
$\Gamma_\vphi\subset C\times\CB$) and can be identified with
the space of all stable maps $(\CC,f)$ such that $\CC$ is irreducible.
Hence we can consider $\QK\al$ as a compactification of $\CQ_\al$.
\subsection{The birational correspondence between $\QK\al$ and $\QL\al$}
Let $0\subset\CF_1\subset\dots\subset\CF_{n-1}\subset V\otimes\CO_\CB$
be the universal flag of vector bundles over the flag variety $\CB$.
A stable map $(\CC,f)\in\QK\al$ gives rise to the following flag of
vector bundles over $C$:
0\subset f'_*{f''}^*\CF_1\subset\dots\subset f'_*{f''}^*\CF_{n-1}\subset
V\otimes f'_*{f''}^*\CO_\CB=V\otimes\CO_C.
Note that the above inclusions are no longer inclusions of vector subbundles,
but only of coherent sheaves.
Let us denote this flag by $\Phi(\CC,f)$.
Let $U^K_\al\subset\QK\al$ denote the open subspace consisting
of all stable maps $(\CC,f)$ such that $|\ga_1+\dots+\ga_m|<2$.
Given $(\CC,f)\in U^K_\al$ we have $\Phi(\CC,f)\in\QL\al$;
hence $\Phi$ is a map $\Phi:U^K_\al\to\QL\al$.
{\em Proof.} Easy. $\Box$
In general, the degree of the quasiflag $\Phi(\CC,f)$ is smaller
than $\alpha$, hence the map $\Phi$ is not defined on the whole $\QK\al$.
Given a quasiflag $E_\bullet\in\QL\al$ define its graph $\Gamma_E$ in
$C\times\CB$ as follows:
\Gamma_E=\{ (x,F_\bullet)\ |\ \text{the composition }
E_i \lra V\otimes\CO_C \lra V/F_i\otimes\CO_C\\
\text{ vanishes at the point }x\text{ for all $i=1,\dots,n-1.$}\}
Let $U^L_\al\subset\QL\al$ denote the open subspace consisting of
all quasiflags $E_\bullet$ such that $|\deff E|<2$, where $\deff E$
stands for the defect of $E_\bullet$.
The graph of $E_\bullet\in U^L_\al$ is a stable curve.
Its natural embedding in $C\times\CB$ is a stable map of degree
$1\oplus\alpha$; hence the correspondence $E_\bullet\mapsto\Gamma_E$
defines a map $\Gamma: U^L_\al\to\QK\al$.
{\em Proof.} Evident. $\Box$
The maps $\Phi$ and $\Gamma$ define the mutually inverse isomorphisms
$\Phi:U^K_\al\rightleftarrows U^L_\al:\Gamma$,
which are identical on the subspace $U^K_\al\supset\CQ_\al\subset U^L_\al$.
{\em Proof.} Clear. $\Box$
Let $\tilde D^\al_i$ be closed subspace in $U^K_{\al+i}$ consisting of all
stable maps $(\CC,f)$ with $\beta=\al$, $\ga_1=i$.
The maps $\Phi$ and $\Gamma$ induce the isomorphisms
$\Phi:D^\al_i\cap U^L_{\al+i}\rightleftarrows\tilde D^\al_i:\Gamma$.
Hence $\barq^*\CN_{D^\al_i/\QL{\al+i}}\cong
\tilde \barq^*\CN_{\tilde D^\al_i/\QK{\al+i}}$ where $\vphi\in\CQ_\al,\
\barq:C=\bp^{-1}(\vphi)\to\QL{\al+i}$ is the map induced by the projection
$\barq:\fE^\al_i\to\QL{\al+i}$, and $\tilde \barq$ is the composition
{\em Proof.} Easy. $\Box$
Let $\CP_i\subset G$ be the minimal parabolic subgroup of type $i$ containing
the Borel subgroup $B$. Let $\CB_i=G/\CP_i$ be the
corresponding homogenuous space, and let $\sigma_i$ stand for the natural
projection $\sigma_i:\CB=G/B\to\CB_i$. The map $\sigma_i:\CB\to\CB_i$
is a $\PP^1$-fibration, and its relative tangent bundle $\CT_{\CB/\CB_i}$
is canonically isomorphic to the line bundle $\CL_{i'}$ corresponding
to the simple root $i'$, considered as a character of $B$.
Let $\vphi\in\CQ_\al$ be a map from $C$ to $\CB$ of degree $\al$.
The map $\tilde \barq:C\to\QK{\al+i}$ can be described as follows:
x\in C\mapsto \Gamma_\vphi\cup\{x\}\times\sigma_i^{-1}(\sigma_i(\vphi(x)))
\subset C\times\CB.
Here the RHS is a stable curve and $\tilde \barq(x)$ is this curve
with its natural embedding into $C\times\CB$.
{\em Proof.} Apply the definitions of $\fE^\al_i$ and of the map $\Gamma$.
Given $\vphi\in\CQ_\al$ we have
\deg \barq^*\CN_{D^\al_i/\QL{\al+i}}=\langle i',\al+2\rho\rangle.
{\em Proof.}
Recall that the fiber of the normal bundle to the divisor $\tilde D^\al_i$
in the space of stable maps $\QK{\al+i}$ at the point
$(\CC=\CC_0\cup\CC_1,f)$ is canonically isomorphic to
$(\CT_{\CC_0})_P\otimes(\CT_{\CC_1})_P$ where $P$ is the point
of intersection $P=\CC_0\cap\CC_1$.
The canonical isomorphisms
$(\CT_{\CC_1})_P\cong{f''_1}^*(\CT_{\CB/\CB_i})_{f''(P)}$ imply
that $\tilde \barq^*\CN_{\tilde D^\al_i/\QK{\al+i}}=
Hence its degree equals
\deg(\CT_C)+\deg\vphi^*\CL_{i'}=2+\langle i',\al\rangle=
\langle i',2\rho\rangle+\langle i',\al\rangle=\langle i',\al+2\rho\rangle.
Now the Proposition follows from the Lemma~\ref{D}. $\Box$
\section{More on correspondences}
In this section we will follow the notations of ~\cite{lu} in the particular
case of Dynkin graph of type $A_{n-1}$.
\subsection{} We fix an orientation $\Omega=(1\lra2\lra\ldots\lra n-1)$
on the Dynkin graph with the set of vertices $I$. We fix a sequence
$\mbox{\bf{i}}\in\CX$ adapted to $\Omega$; let $\theta^1,\ldots,\theta^\nu$
be the corresponding total order on $R^+$ (see {\em loc. cit.}, \S4);
here $\nu=\frac{n(n-1)}{2}$.
G.Lusztig has introduced in {\em loc. cit.} a bijection $\bc\mapsto\Vc$
between $\BN^\nu$ and the set of isomorphism classes of representations of
the quiver $\Omega$.
For $\bc\in\BN^\nu$ we will denote by $d(\bc)\in\BN[I]$ the dimension of $\Vc$.
In the notations of ~\ref{not} we have $\bc\in\fK(\gamma)\Leftrightarrow
For $\gamma\in\BN[I]$ we introduce the closed subvariety
$\fE^\al_\gamma\subset\QL\al\times\QL{\al+\gamma}$ as follows.
{\bf Definition.} $\fE^\al_\gamma=\{(E_\bullet,E'_\bullet)$ such that
$E'_\bullet\subset E_\bullet\}$.
There are natural maps
\bp:\fE^\al_\gamma\to\QL\al,\qquad \barq:\fE^\al_\gamma\to\QL{\al+\gamma}
\quad\text{and}\quad \br:\fE^\al_\gamma\to C^\gamma,
where $C^\gamma$ is the configuration space (see e.g. \cite{k}, 1.3).
The first and second maps are induced by the projections of
$\QL\al\times\QL{\al+\gamma}$ onto the first and second factors
and the third one is defined as
\br((E_\bullet,E'_\bullet))=\sum_{x\in C}\dim_x(E'_\bullet/E_\bullet)\cdot x.
We will be interested in irreducible components of $\fE^\al_\gamma$ of the
middle dimension $\dim\CB+2|\al|+|\gamma|$.
Recall that for $\gamma\in\BN[I]$ we denote by $\Gamma(\gamma)$ the set
of all partitions of $\gamma$, i.e. multisubsets (subsets with multiplicities)
$\Gamma=\lbr \gamma_1,\ldots,\gamma_m\rbr $ of $\BN[I]$ with
$\sum_{r=1}^m\gamma_r=\gamma,\ \gamma_r>0$ (see e.g. ~\cite{k}, 1.3).
The diagonal stratification $C^\gamma=\sqcup_{\Gamma\in\Gamma(\gamma)}
C^\gamma_\Gamma$ was introduced e.g. in {\em loc. cit.} Recall that for
$\Gamma=\lbr \gamma_1,\ldots,\gamma_m\rbr $ we have $\dim C^\gamma_\Gamma=m$.
Given a partition $\Gamma=\lbr \gamma_1,\dots,\gamma_m\rbr \in\Gamma(\gamma)$
consider the following closed subspace of $\fE^\al_\gamma$:
\fE^\al_\Gamma=\overline{(\bp\times \br)^{-1}(\CQ_\al\times C^\gamma_\Gamma)}.
If $\gamma_r\in R^+$ for any $r=1,\ldots,m$ (i.e. $\Gamma\in\fK(\gamma)$
is a Kostant partition of $\gamma$),
then $\fE^\al_\Gamma$ is irreducible of dimension
{\em Proof.}
Since $\CQ_\al\times C^\gamma_\Gamma$ is irreducible of dimension
$\dim\CB+2|\al|+m$ ($m$ is the number of elements in
the partition), we need to check that the fibers of the projection
$\pr:(\bp\times \br)^{-1}(\CQ_\al\times C^\gamma_\Gamma)\to
\CQ_\al\times C^\gamma_\Gamma$ are irreducible of dimension
Let $\ga_r=i_{q_r}+i_{q_r+1}+\dots+i_{p_r}$. Then the fiber
over a point $(E_\bullet,\sum\ga_rx_r)\in\CQ_\al\times C^\ga_\Gamma$
is naturally isomorphic to
Since $E_{p_r}/E_{q_r-1}$ is locally free of rank $p_r-q_r+1=|\gamma_r|$
the Lemma follows. $\Box$
Denote by $\EGo\subset(\pr)^{-1}(\CQ_\al\times C^\ga_\Gamma)$ the open
subspace of $E^\al_\Gamma$ with the fiber over the point
$(E_\bullet,\sum\ga_rx_r)\in\CQ_\al\times C^\ga_\Gamma$ equal to
Then for a point $(E_\bullet,E_\bullet')\in\EGo$ we have the following
decomposition of the quotient $E_\bullet/E_\bullet'$ (in the category $\RT$)
where $\bM_{\gamma_r}$ is the indecomposable representation of
$\Omega$ (in the category of representations in vector spaces),
corresponding to coroot $\gamma_r\in R^+$.
Dimension of any irreducible component of $\fE^\al_\ga$
is not greater than $\dim\CB+2|\al|+|\ga|$. Any component of this dimension
coincides with $\fE^\alpha_\Gamma$ for some $\Gamma\in\fK(\gamma)$
{\em Proof.}
Consider the stratification of $\QL\al\times C^\ga$ via
the defect of $E_\bullet$ at the support of $\sum\ga_rx_r\in C^\ga$,
\QL\al\times C^\ga=\bigsqcup
Here $\CZ^\Gamma_{\ka'_1,\dots,\ka'_m}\subset\QL\al\times C^\ga$ is
the subspace of all pairs $(E_\bullet,\sum\ga_rx_r)$ such that
$\lbr \ga_1,\dots,\ga_m\rbr =\Gamma$ and the defect of $E_\bullet$
at the point $x_r$ is of type $\ka'_r$ ($r=1,\dots,m$).
We evidently have
\dim\CB+2|\al|-\sum||\ka'_r||-\sum K(\ka'_r)+m=
Given $(E_\bullet,\sum\ga_rx_r)\in\CZ^\Gamma_{\ka'_1,\dots,\ka'_m}$
we define $\CF(E_\bullet,\sum\ga_rx_r)$ as
{\em Proof.} Absolutely similar to the proof of Proposition 2.1.2 in \cite{k}.
Fix $x\in C$ and $\CE_\bullet\in\QL\al$ such that the defect of
$\CE_\bullet$ at the point $x$ is of type $\ka'\in\fK(\ga')$.
Here we will study the variety $\CF(\CE_\bullet,\ga x)$.
To this end we may (and will) replace $C$ by the formal neighbourhood of $x$.
Let $\CE_q^p$ be the normalization of $\CE_q$ in $\CE_p$ and let $\ti\CE_q$ be
the normalization of $\CE_q$ in $V\otimes\CO_C$.
Then we evidently have
Given $E_\bullet\in\CF(\CE_\bullet,\ga x)$ we define
\length\left(\frac{\CE_q^p\cap E_{p+1}}{\CE_q^p\cap E_p}\right)
\quad(1\le q\le p\le n-1),
\length\left(\frac{\ti\CE_q\cap E_{p+1}}{\ti\CE_q\cap E_p}\right)
\quad(1\le q\le p\le n-1),
\tka_{pq}(E_\bullet)=\tnu_{pq}-\tnu_{p.q-1}\quad(1\le q\le p\le n-1)
(cf. ~\cite{k} (10), (8)).
Note that $\tka$ is nothing else then the type of the defect
of $E_\bullet$, hence $\tka\in\fK(\ga'+\ga)$.
For all $1\le q\le p\le n-1$ we have $\hnu_{pq}\le\tnu_{pq}$.
{\em Proof.}
Since $\CE_q^p\cap E_p=\left(\CE_q^p\cap E_{p+1}\right)\bigcap
\left(\ti\CE_q\cap E_p\right)$ the Lemma follows from
{\em loc.\ cit.}, 2.2.1. $\Box$
Let $\fS_\hnu\subset\CF(\CE_\bullet,\ga x)$ be the subspace
of all $E_\bullet$ such that $\hnu(E_\bullet)=\hnu$.
$\fS_\hnu$ is a pseudoaffine space of dimension
$\sum\limits_{1\le q<p\le n-1}\hnu_{pq}$.
{\em Proof.} Same as the proof of {\em loc.\ cit.}, Theorem 2.3.3. $\Box$
\sum_{1\le q<p\le n-1}\hnu_{pq}\le\sum_{1\le q<p\le n-1}\tnu_{pq}=
and recalling \ref{hnu}, \ref{pseu} we get the following
\dim\CF(\CE_\bullet,\ga x)\le\max_{\tka\in\fK(\ga'+\ga)}(||\tka||-K(\tka))=
Comparing it with the formula for dimension of
$\CZ^\Gamma_{\ka'_1,\dots,\ka'_m}$ we get
Since $\ga_r\ne0$ we have $K(\tka_r)\ge1$, therefore the last
term is allways non-positive and the first part of the Proposition
follows. Furthermore, the last term is equal to zero only
if for all $r$ we have $K(\ka'_r)=0$ (hence $\ga'_r=0$) and
$\ga_r\in R^+$ for any $r$. But this is exactly
the case of Lemma~\ref{EG}. $\Box$
Recall that the set $\fK(\gamma)\subset\Gamma(\gamma)$ of Kostant partitions
consists of all partitions $\lbr \ga_1,\dots,\ga_m\rbr $ of $\ga$ such that
$\gamma_r\in R^+$ for any $r=1,\ldots,m$.
We have an obvious bijection between $\fK(\gamma)$
and the set
of all $\bc\in\BN^\nu$ with $c_1\theta_1+\dots+c_\nu\theta_\nu=\ga$.
For $\bc\in\BN^\nu$ we introduce the closed subvariety $\fE_\bc^\alpha\subset
\CQ^L_\alpha\times\CQ^L_{\alpha+d(\bc)}$ as follows.
{\bf Definition.} $\fE_\bc^\alpha:=\fE^\al_\Gamma$ (see ~\ref{EG}),
where $\Gamma$ is the
partition corresponding to $\bc$.
Consider the Poincar\'e dual of the fundamental class in the middle cohomology
$[\fE_\bc^\alpha]\in H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha\times\CQ^L_{\alpha+d(\bc)},\BQ)$.
Viewed as a correspondence, it defines two operators:
$$e_\bc:\ H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)\rightleftharpoons
H^\bullet(\CQ^L_{\alpha+d(\bc)},\BQ)\ :f_\bc$$
adjoint to each other with respect to Poincar\'e duality.
(cf. ~\cite{lu} 5.4.c) For $\bc=(c_1,\ldots,c_\nu)$ we have
a) $e_\bc=e_{\theta_1}^{(c_1)}\cdots e_{\theta_\nu}^{(c_\nu)}$;
b) $f_\bc=f_{\theta_1}^{(c_1)}\cdots f_{\theta_\nu}^{(c_\nu)}$
where $f^{(c)}$ stands for the divided power $\dfrac{f^c}{c!}$.
{\em Proof.}
Let $c_1\theta_1+\dots+c_\nu\theta_\nu=\ga$.
where $N=c_1+\dots+c_\nu+1$ and $\bp_{ab}$ stands for the projection
onto the product of $a$-th and $b$-th factors. Obviously
\eac=\{(E_\bullet\supset E_\bullet'\supset\dots\supset
hence $\bp_{1N}(\eac)\subset \fE^\al_\ga$.
This implies that
\sum_\Gamma a_\Gamma[\fE^\al_\Gamma]+\text{terms of smaller dimension},
where $\Gamma=\lbr \ga_1,\dots,\ga_m\rbr \in\fK(\ga)$ is a Kostant
partition of $\ga$ and $a_\Gamma$ is the
number of points in the generic fiber of $\eac$
over $\fE^\al_\Gamma$.
The space $\eac$ is naturally isomorphic to the space of triples
$(E_\bullet,E_\bullet^{(N)},F)$, where $E_\bullet\in\QL\al$,
$E_\bullet^{(N)}\in\QL{\al+\ga}$ such
that $E_\bullet^{(N)}\subset E_\bullet$ and $F$ is a filtration in the
quotient representation $0=F_N\subset\dots\subset F_1=
of the type $(\underbrace{\theta_1,\dots,\theta_1}_{c_1},\dots,
(``of type $\bc$'' for short). Hence $a_\Gamma$ is the number
of filtrations of the type $\bc$ in the quotient $E_\bullet/E_\bullet'$ for
generic $(E_\bullet,E_\bullet')\in \fE^\al_\Gamma$.
Let $(E_\bullet,E_\bullet')\in\EGo$
(see Remark~\ref{generic}).
Then $E_\bullet/E_\bullet'=\oplus\bM_{\ga_r}\otimes\CO_{x_r}$.
Assume that $F$ is a filtration of type $\bc$ on $E_\bullet/E_\bullet'$
and let $\ti F_k=F_{c_1+\dots+c_k+1}$. Then
$0=\ti F_\nu\subset\dots\subset\ti F_1\subset\ti F_0=E_\bullet/E_\bullet'$
(resp. $0=H^0(\ti F_\nu)\subset\dots\subset H^0(\ti F_1)\subset H^0(\ti F_0)=
H^0(E_\bullet/E_\bullet')=\bM:=\oplus\bM_{\ga_r}$) is a filtration of type
$(c_1\theta_1,\dots,c_\nu\theta_\nu)$ in the category $\RT$ (resp. in the
category of representations of $\Omega$ in vector spaces). But existence of
the latter filtration means that the isomorphism class of $\bM$ is
$\bc$ (see \cite{lu}), hence integer $a_\Gamma$ is not zero only for $\Gamma$,
corresponding to $\bc$. Therefore, in order to prove
the Proposition it remains to check that for $\Gamma$
corresponding to $\bc$ we have $a_\Gamma=c_1!\cdot\dots\cdot c_\nu!$.
By the Proposition 4.9 of {\em loc.\ cit.} the filtration $H^0(\ti F)$ in $\bM$
is unique, hence the filtration $\ti F$ on $E_\bullet/E_\bullet'$ is unique,
hence we need to compute the number of refinements of the filtration
$\ti F$ to a filtration $F$ of type $\bc$. But $\ti F_{k-1}/\ti F_k=
\bigoplus\limits_{t=1}^{c_k}\bM_{\theta_k}\otimes\CO_{x_{r^k_t}}$, where
$\{r^k_1,\dots,r^k_{c_k}\}=\{r\in\{1,\dots,m\}\ |\ \ga_r=\theta_k\}$.
Hence the set of these refinements is isomorphic to the set of all orderings
of subsets $\{r^k_1,\dots,r^k_{c_k}\}$ and the Proposition follows. $\Box$
The formal character appearing in the Theorem ~\ref{sl} is not new in the
representation theory of $\frak{sl}_n$. Let us recall its previous appearences.
First of all, let $\fn\subset\frak{sl}_n$ be the nilpotent subalgebra generated
by the simple generators $e_1,\ldots,e_{n-1}$. Let $\CN\subset\frak{sl}_n$
be the nilpotent cone. The Lie algebra $\frak{sl}_n$ acts on the cohomology
$H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$ of $\CN$ with supports in $\fn$.
The character of this module is exactly
$\dfrac{|W|e^{2\rho}}{\prod_{\theta\in R^+}(1-e^\theta)^2}$
(see e.g. ~\cite{ar}, Appendix A).
Let $\zeta\in\BC$ be a root of unity of degree $p>2n$ and let $\fu$ be a
small quantum group defined by G.Lusztig for the root datum $(X,Y,\ldots)$
of type $G$ and $\zeta$ (see e.g. ~\cite{luu}).
S.Arkhipov has introduced in ~\cite{ar} the graded vector space of semiinfinite
$H^{\frac{\infty}{2}+\bullet}_\fu$ along with the action of $\frak{sl}_n$ on it.
The (graded) character of this module is given by
$$P_G(t):=\frac{e^{2\rho}t^{-\frac{1}{2}\dim\CB}\sum_{w\in W}t^{\ell(w)}}
{\prod_{\theta\in R^+}(1-te^\theta)(1-t^{-1}e^\theta)}$$
(~\cite{ar}, Theorem 4.5).
B.Feigin has conjectured (1993, unpublished) that the $\frak{sl}_n$-modules
$H^{\frac{\infty}{2}+\bullet}_\fu$ and $H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$ are isomorphic.
S.Arkhipov has checked this conjecture at the level of characters in ~\cite{ar}.
We propose the following conjecture.
{\bf Conjecture.} $\frak{sl}_n$-module
$\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ is isomorphic to
Note that
$\oplus_{\alpha\in\BN[I]}H^\bullet(\CQ^L_\alpha,\BQ)$ is evidently selfdual
(by Poincar\'e duality) while $H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$ can be easily seen to
be $\fn$-free, i.e. to posess a Verma filtration.
Thus the Conjecture admits a funny corollary that both of modules in question
are {\em tilting} (see ~\cite{ap}, chapter 1).
The conjecture would follow in turn from
this funny corollary since a tilting module is defined up to isomorphism by
its character.
\subsubsection{Remark} (V.Ostrik) Here is a sketch of a nondegenerate
$\frak{sl}_n$-invariant contragredient
self-pairing on $H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$. We will prove that
$H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$ is self-dual with respect to the standard contragredient
duality in the BGG category $\CO$. We prefer to use another duality, without
Chevalley involution on $\frak{sl}_n$, exchanging highest and lowest weight
modules. To this end it suffices to construct a nondegenerate
$\frak{sl}_n$-invariant pairing between $H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)$ and
$H^\nu_{\fn_-}(\CN,\CO)$ where $\fn_-$ denotes the nilpotent subalgebra
of $\frak{sl}_n$ generated by the simple generators $f_1,\ldots,f_{n-1}$.
The desired pairing is the composition of the cup-product
$\cup:\ H^\nu_\fn(\CN,\CO)\times H^\nu_{\fn_-}(\CN,\CO)\lra
H^{2\nu}_0(\CN,\CO)$ and the trace (residue) morphism
$Res_0:\ H^{2\nu}_0(\CN,\CO)\lra H^0(0,\CO)=\BC$.
Note that the dualizing complex of $\CN$ is isomorphic to its structure
sheaf $\CO$, whence the trace morphism above.
1997-02-28T16:42:10 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702016 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702016 | [
] | alg-geom/9702016 | Miles Reid | Miles Reid (Nagoya and Warwick) | McKay correspondence | V2 cured 2 misguided crossreferences and some errors of punctuation.
This v3 gives references sent in by listeners to this network, and centres
the graphics, a triumph of mind over computer manual! | null | null | Proc of Kinosaki conference (Nov 1996), and Warwick preprint 1997 | null | This is a rough write-up of my lecture at Kinosaki and two lectures at RIMS
workshops in Dec 1996, on work in progress that has not yet reached any really
worthwhile conclusion, but contains lots of fun calculations. History of Vafa's
formula, how the McKay correspondence for finite subgroups of SL(n,C) relates
to mirror symmetry. The main aim is to give numerical examples of how the 2
McKay correspondences
(1) representations of G <--> cohomology of resolution
(2) conjugacy classes of G <--> homology must work, and to restate my 1992
Conjecture as a tautology, like cohomology or K-theory of projective space.
Another aim is to give an introduction to Nakamura's results on the Hilbert
scheme of G-clusters, following his preprints and his many helpful
explanations. This is partly based on joint work with Y. Ito, and has benefited
from encouragement and invaluable suggestions of S. Mukai.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:11:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 26 Feb 1997 09:02:58 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:12:21 GMT"
] | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | [
"Nagoya and Warwick"
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro}
\begin{conjecture}[since 1992]\label{conj:1992}
$G\subset\SL(n,\C)$ is a finite subgroup. Assume that the quotient $X=\C^n/G$
has a crepant resolution $f\colon Y\to X$ (this just means that $K_Y=0$, so
that $Y$ is a ``noncompact Calabi--Yau manifold''). Then there exist
``natural'' bijections
\{\text{\em irreducible representations of $G$}\}
&\to \text{\em basis of $H^*(Y,\Z)$} \\
\{\text{\em conjugacy classes of $G$}\} &\to \text{\em basis of $H_*(Y,\Z)$}
As a slogan ``$\text{representation theory of $G$}=\text{homology theory of
Moreover, these bijections satisfy ``certain compatibilities''
\text{\em character table of $G$}\\
\text{\em McKay quiver}
\text{\em duality}\\
\text{\em cup product}
As you can see, the statement is still too vague because I don't say what
``natural'' means, and what ``compatibilities'' to expect. At present it
seems most useful to think of this statement as pointer towards the truth,
rather than the truth itself (compare Main Conjecture~\ref{conj:K}).
The conjecture is known for $n=2$ (Kleinian quotient singularities, Du Val
singularities). McKay's original treatment was mainly combinatorics
\cite{McK}. The other important proof is that of Gonzales-Sprinberg and
Verdier \cite{GSp-V}, who introduced the GSp--V or tautological sheaves,
also my main hope for the correspondence (1).
For $n=3$ a weak version of the correspondence (2) is proved in \cite{IR}.
We hope that a modification of this idea will work in general for (2); for
details, see \S\ref{sec:IR}.
\paragraph{Contents} This is a rough write-up of my lecture at Kinosaki and
two lectures at RIMS workshops in Dec 1996, on work in progress that has not
yet reached any really worthwhile conclusion, but contains lots of fun
calculations. History of Vafa's formula, how McKay correspondence relates to
mirror symmetry. The main aim is to give numerical examples of how the McKay
correspondences (1) and (2) must work, and to restate
Conjecture~\ref{conj:1992} as a {\em tautology}, like the cohomology or
K-theory of projective space $\proj^n$ (see Main Conjecture~\ref{conj:K}).
Introduction to Nakamura's results on the Hilbert scheme of $G$-clusters.
\paragraph{Credits} Very recent results of I. Nakamura on $G$-Hilb, who sent
me a first draft of \cite{N3} and many helpful explanations. Joint work with
Y.~Ito. Moral support and invaluable suggestions of S. Mukai. Support
Sep--Nov 1996 by the British Council--Japanese Ministry of Education exchange
scheme, and from Dec 1996 by Nagoya Univ., Graduate School of Polymathematics.
\subsection{History} Around 1986 Vafa and others defined the {\em stringy
Euler number} for a finite group $G$ acting on a manifold $M$:
e_{\text{string}}(M,G)&=\text{crazy formula (you'd better forget it!)}\\
&=\sum_{H\subset G} e(X_H) \times \card\{\text{conjugacy classes in $H$}\}.
Here $X=M/G$, and $X$ is stratified by stabiliser subgroups: for a subgroup
$H\subset G$, set
M_H &=\{Q\in M | \Stab_G Q=H\},\\
X_H &=\pi(M_H)\\
&=\{P\in X | \text{for $Q\in\pi\1(P)$, $\Stab_G Q$ is conjugate to $H$}\}.
The sum in ($*$) runs over all subgroups $H$, and $e(X_H)$ is the ordinary
Euler number. The mathematical formulation ($*$) is due to Hirzebruch--H\"ofer
\cite{HH} and Roan \cite{Roan}. If $M=\C^n$ and $G\subset\GL(n,\C)$ only fixes
the origin, then the closure of each $X_H$ is contractible, so that only the
origin $\{0\}=X_G$ contributes to the sum in ($*$), and
e_{\text{string}}(\C^n,G)=\card\{\text{conjugacy classes in $G$}\}.
At the same time, Vafa and others conjectured the following:
\begin{conjecture}[``physicists' Euler number conjecture'']\label{conj:vaf}
In appropriate circumstances,
e_{\text{\em string}}(M,G)=\text{\em Euler number of minimal resolution of
The context is string theory of $M=\text{CY 3-fold}$, and the $G$ action on
$M$ is Gorenstein, meaning that it fixes a global basis
$s\in\om_M=\Oh(K_M)\iso\Oh_M$ (dualising sheaf $\om_M=\Om^3_M$). In
particular, for any point $Q\in M$, the stabiliser subgroup is in $\SL(T_QM)$.
At that time, the physicists possibly didn't know that there was a generation
of algebraic geometers working on minimal models of 3-folds, and possibly
naively assumed that in their cases, there exists a unique minimal resolution
$Y\to X=M/G$, so that $e_{\text{string}}(M,G)=e(Y)$. A number of smart-alec
\hbox{3-folders} raised various instinctive objections, that a minimal model
may not exist, is usually not unique etc.
However, it turns out that the physicists were actually nearer the mark. One
of the points of these lectures is that, in flat contradiction to the official
3-fold ideology of the last 15 years, in many cases of interest, there {\em
is} a distinguished crepant resolution, namely Nakamura's $G$-Hilbert scheme.
My guess of the McKay correspondences follow on naturally from Vafa's
conjecture, by the following logic. If $M=\C^n$, then one sees easily that
for any reasonable resolution of singularities $Y\to X=\C^n/G$, the
cohomology is spanned by algebraic cycles, so that
e(Y)=\sum H^{p,p}=\card\{\text{algebraic cycles of $Y$}\}.
It seems unlikely that we could prove the numerical concidence
e(Y)=\card\{\text{conjugacy classes of $G$}\}
without setting up some kind of bijection between the two sets.
\cite{IR} does so for $G\subset\SL(3,\C)$.
\subsection{Relation with mirror symmetry, applications}
\item the search for mirror pairs;
\item Vafa's conjecture;
\item conjectural McKay correspondence;
\item speculative theory of equivariant mirror symmetry ($G$-mirror
Historically, (a) led to (b), (b) led to (c), and logically (c) implies (b).
I have long speculated that (c) is connected to (d), and maybe even that
it would eventually be proved in terms of (d). The point is that up to now,
the known proofs of the McKay correspondence (even in 2 dimensions) rely on
the explicit classification of the groups, plus quite detailed calculations,
and it would be very interesting to get more direct relations.
I suggest below in \S\ref{sec:taut} that the McKay correspondence can be
derived in tautological terms. If this works, it will have applications to
(d). Some trivial aspects of this are already contained in Candelas and
others' example of the mirror of the quintic 3-fold \cite{C}, where you could
take intermediate quotients in the $(\Z/5)^3$ Galois tower. My suggestion is
that $G$-mirror symmetry should relate pairs of CYs with group actions, and
include the character theory of finite groups as the zero dimensional case. I
guess you're supposed to add an analog of ``complexified K\"ahler
parameters'' to the conjugacy classes, and ``complex moduli'' to the
irreducible representations. Another application (more speculative, this one)
might be to wake up a few algebraists.
\subsection{Conjecture~\ref{conj:1992}, (1) or (2), which is better?} I
initially proposed Conjecture~\ref{conj:1992} in 1992 in terms of irreducible
representations, an analog of the formulations of McKay and of \cite{GSp-V}. I
was persuaded by social pressure around the Trento conference and by my
coauthor Yukari Ito to switch to (2); its advantage is that the two sides are
naturally graded, and we could prove a theorem \cite{IR}. Batyrev and
Kontsevich and others have argued more recently that (2) is the more
fundamental statement. However, the version of correspondence (2) in
cohomology stated in \cite{IR} gives a $\Q$-basis only: the crepant divisors
do not base $H^2(Y,\Z)$ in general: fractional combinations of them turn up
as $c_1(\sL)$ for line bundles on $Y$ that are eigensheaves of the group
action, that is, GSp-V sheaves for 1-dimensional representations of $G$.
These lectures return to (1), passing via K-theory; in this context, the
natural structure on the right hand side of (1) is not the {\em grading} of
$H^*$, but the {\em filtration} of $K_0Y$. In fact, my thoughts on (2) in
general are, to be honest, in a bit of a mess at present (see \S\ref{sec:IR}
and \S\ref{sec:Kexs} below).
\section{First examples}
These preliminary examples illustrate the following points:
\item To construct a resolution of a quotient singularity $\C^n/G$, and a
very ample linear system on it, rather than {\em invariant rational
functions}, it is more efficient to use {\em ratios of covariants}, that is,
ratios of functions in the same character space. This leads directly to the
Hilbert scheme as a natural candidate for a resolution.
\item Functions in a given character space $\rho$ define a tautological sheaf
$\sF_\rho$ on the resolution $Y\to X$, and in simple examples, you easily cook
up combinations of Chern classes of the $\sF_\rho$ to base the cohomology of
I fix the following notation: $G\subset\GL(n,\C)$ is a finite subgroup,
$X=\C^n/G$ the quotient, and $Y\to X$ a crepant resolution (if it exists).
For a given cyclic (or Abelian) group, I choose eigencoordinates
$x_1,\dots,x_n$ or $x,y,z,\dots$ on $\C^n$. I write
$\frac1{r}(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ for the cyclic group $\Z/r$ action given by
$x_i\mapsto \ep^{a_i}x_i$, where $\ep=\exp(2\pi i/r)=\text{fixed primitive
$r$th root of 1}$. Other notation, for example the lattice
$L=\Z^n+\Z\cdot\frac1{r}(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ of weights, and the junior simplex
$\De_{\text{junior}}\subset L_\R$ are as in \cite{IR}.
\begin{example}\label{ex:A_n} The
\caption{$E_0$ and $E_r$ are the image of the $x$ and $y$ axes}
quotient singularity $\frac1{r}(1,-1)$. The notation means the cyclic
group $G=\Z/r$ acting on $\C^2$ by $(x,y)\mapsto(\ep x,\ep^{r-1}y)$. Everyone
knows the invariant monomials $u=x^r,v=xy,w=y^r$, the quotient map
\C^2\to X=\C^2/G=\text{Du Val singularity $A_{r-1}$}:(uw=v^r)\subset\C^3,
and the successive blowups that give the resolution $Y\to X$ and its chain of
$-2$-curves $E_1,\dots,E_{r-1}$ (Figure~\ref{fig:A_n}).
However, the new point to note is that each $E_i$ is naturally parametrised by
the ratio $x^i:y^{r-i}$. More precisely, an affine piece $Y_i\subset Y$ of the
resolution is given by $\C^2$ with parameters $\la,\mu$, and the equations
x^i=\la y^{r-i},\quad y^{r-i+1}=\mu x^{i-1}\quad\text{and}\quad xy=\la\mu
define the $G$-invariant rational map $\C^2\mathrel{{\relbar\kern-.2pt\rightarrow}} Y_i$ (quotient map and
resolution at one go).
The ratio $x^i:y^{r-i}$ defines a linear system $|L(i)|$ on $Y$, with
intersection numbers
L(i)\cdot E_j=\de_{ij}\quad\text{(Kronecker $\de$).}
Thus, writing $\sL(i)$ for the corresponding sheaf or line bundle gives a
natural one-to-one correspondence from nontrivial characters of $G$ to
line bundles on $Y$ whose first Chern classes $c_1(\sL(i))\in H^2(Y,\Z)$
give the dual basis to the natural basis $[E_i]$ of $H_2(Y,\Z)$.
One way of generalising Example~\ref{ex:A_n} to dimension 3. Let
be the maximal diagonal Abelian group of exponent $r$. Then the first
quadrant of $L_\R$ has an obvious triangulation
\caption{Triangulation of $\protect\De_{\protect\text{junior}}$ in
by regular simplicial cones that are basic for $L$ and have vertexes in the
junior simplex $\De_{\text{junior}}$. By toric geometry and the standard
discrepancy calculation \cite{YPG}, this triangulation defines a crepant
resolution $Y\to X=\C^3/G$.
From now on, restrict for simplicity to the case $r=5$ (featured on the
mirror of the quintic \cite{C}), whose triangulation is illustrated in
Figure~\ref{fig:max1}. $X=\C^3/G$ has lines of Du Val singularities
$A_4=\frac15(1,-1)$ along the 3 coordinate axes, the fixed locuses of the 3
generating subgroups $\frac15(1,-1,0)$ etc., of $G$.
\caption{The resolution corresponding to the triangulation of
As illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:max2}, the resolution $Y$ has 3 chains of 4
ruled surfaces over the coordinate axes of $X$, and 6 del Pezzo surfaces of
degree 6 (``regular hexagons'') over the origin. Every exceptional curve
stratum in the resolution is a $(-1,-1)$ curve.
Functions on the quotient $X=\C^3/G$ are given by $G$-invariant polynomials,
$k[X]=\C[x,y,z]^G$. To get more functions on $Y$ (and a projective embedding
of $Y$), consider the following ratios of monomials in the same eigenspace of
the $G$ action:
x^i:(yz)^{5-i} \quad\text{for $i=1,\dots,4$, and permutations of $x,y,z$.}
Each ratio (\ref{eq:ratio}) defines a free linear system on $Y$, and all
together, they define a relative embedding of $Y$ into a product of many
copies of $\proj^1$.
\caption{Two affine pieces near the hexagon at (3,1,1)}
For example, as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:max3}, the toric stratum at
$(2,2,1)$ is a del Pezzo surface of degree 6 embedded by the 3 ratios
$x^3:y^2z^2$, $y^3:x^2z^2$ and $z^4:xy$ (having product the trivial ratio
$1:1$). Figure~\ref{fig:max3} shows two affine pieces of $Y$, of which the
right-hand one is $\C^3$ with coordinates $\la,\mu,\nu$ related to $x,y,z$ by
a set of equations generalising (\ref{eq:Ac}):
x^3&=&\la y^2z^2\\
y^4&=&\mu xz\\
z^4&=&\nu xy
y^3z^3&=&\mu \nu x^2\\
x^2z^2&=&\la \nu y^3\\
x^2y^2&=&\la \mu z^3
\quad\text{and}\quad xyz=\la\mu\nu.
Denote the linear system $|x^i:(yz)^{5-i}|$ by $|L(x^i)|$, and similarly for
permutations of $x,y,z$. The sum of all the $|L(x^i)|$ is very ample on $Y$,
but their first Chern classes do not span $H^2(Y,\Z)$. To see this, recall
the del Pezzo surface $S_6$ of degree 6, the 3 point blowup of $\proj^2$
familiar from Cremona and Max Noether's elementary quadratic transformation.
It has 3 maps to $\proj^1$ and 2 maps to $\proj^2$; write
$e_1,e_2,e_3$ for the divisor classes of the maps to $\proj^1$, and $f_1,f_2$
for the maps to $\proj^2$. Then clearly,
e_1,e_2,e_3,f_1,f_2\quad \text{span} \quad H^2(S_6,\Z),\\
\text{with the single relation}\quad e_1+e_2+e_3=f_1+f_2.
For $S_6$ one of the hexagons of Figure~\ref{fig:max2}, the 3 maps to
$\proj^1$ are provided by certain of the linear systems $|L(x^i)|$. The two
maps to $\proj^2$ are provided by other character spaces: for example, for
the $(2,2,1)$ hexagon of Figure~\ref{fig:max3}, $f_1$ and $f_2$ are given by
the linear systems $|L(x^3y)|$ and $|L(xy^3)|$ corresponding respectively to
the ratios
\left({1\over x^2z^4}:{1\over x^3y}:{1\over y^3z^2}
For each surface $S_6$, the generators $e_1,e_2,e_3,f_1,f_2$
correspond to certain characters of $G$. For example, if I choose the 3
$\frac15(1,-1,0)$, $\frac15(0,1,-1)$ and $\frac15(-1,0,1)$ of $G$, the
characters of $x,y,z$ are
x & y & z
\\ \hline
1 & -1 & 0\\
0 & 1 & -1\\
-1 & 0 & 1
\quad\text{and my $(2,2,1)$ hexagon has} \quad
e_1 & e_2 & e_3 & f_1 & f_2\\
x^3 & y^3 & z^4 & x^3y & xy^3\\ \hline
3 & 2 & 0 & 2 & 3\\
0 & 3 & 1 & 1 & 3\\
2 & 0 & 4 & 2 & 4
Moreover, you see easily that the relations (\ref{eq:reln}) actually hold
in $H^2(Y,\Z)$, not just in $H^2(S_6,\Z)$.
Represent each character of $G$ by a monomial $x^m$ (such as $x^i$ or
$x^3y$); this corresponds to a free linear system $|L(x^m)|$ on $Y$, in much
the same way as the $L(x^i:(yz)^{r-i})$ or $L(x^2z^4:x^3y:y^3z^2)$ just
Now the McKay correspondence (1) of Conjecture~\ref{conj:1992} is the
following recipe:
\text{monomial $x^m$} \mapsto \text{line bundle $\sL(x^m)$} \mapsto
c_1(\sL(x^m))\in H^2(Y,\Z).
These elements generate $H^2(Y,\Z)$, with one relation of the form
(\ref{eq:reln}) for every regular hexagon $S_6$ of the picture. Moreover,
each relation (\ref{eq:reln}) gives an element
c_2(L(e_1)\oplus L(e_2)\oplus L(e_3))
-c_2(L(f_1)\oplus L(f_2))\in H^4(Y,\Z),
which is the dual element to $[S_6]\in H_4(Y,\Z)$. Indeed,
c_2(L(e_1)\oplus L(e_2)\oplus L(e_3))\cdot S_6&=e_1e_2+e_1e_3+e_2e_3=3,\\
\text{and}\quad c_2(L(f_1)\oplus L(f_2))\cdot S_6&=f_1f_2=2.
I draw the McKay correspondence resulting from this cookery in
Figure~\ref{fig:max4}: each edge $E\iso\proj^1$ is labelled by the linear
system $L(x^m)$ with $L(x^m)\cdot E=1$, and each hexagon $S_6$ by 2 characters
corresponding to the two extra generators $f_1,f_2$ of $H^2(S_6,\Z)$ with the
relation which gives the dual element of $H^4(Y,\Z)$.
\caption{McKay correspondence for Example~\ref{ex:max}}
One of the morals of this example is that we get a basis of cohomology in
terms of Chern classes of virtual sums of tautological bundles; this suggests
using the tautological bundles to base the K-theory of $Y$, and passing from
K-theory to cohomology by Chern classes or Chern characters. In fact, the
combinations used in (\ref{eq:reln2}) were fixed up to have zero first Chern
class, exactly what you must do if you want the second Chern character to
come out an integral class.
\section{Ito--Reid, and the direct correspondence (2)}\label{sec:IR}
A group $G\subset\SL(n,\C)$ has a natural filtration by {\em age}. Namely, any
element $g\in G$ can be put in diagonal form by choosing $x_1,\dots,x_n$ to
be eigencoordinates of $g$. We write $g=\frac1{r}(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ to mean that
g: (x_1,x_2,\dots,x_n) \mapsto (\ep^{a_1}x_1,\ep^{a_2}x_2,\dots,\ep^{a_n}x_n),
where $\ep=\exp(2\pi i/r)=\text{fixed primitive $r$th root of 1}$, and
$a_i\in[0,1,\dots,n-1]$. Toric geometry tells us to consider the lattice
L=\Z^n+\Z \frac1{r}(a_1,\dots,a_n)
(more generally for $A\subset G$ an Abelian group, we would add in lots of
vectors $\frac1{r}(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ for each $g\in A$). This consists of weightings
on the $x_i$, so that the invariant monomials have integral weights. Then for
any element $b=\frac1{r}(b_1,\dots,b_n)\in L$ with all $b_i\ge0$ (that is, $b$ in
the positive quadrant), define
\age(b)=\frac1{r}\sum b_i.
In particular, for $g=\frac1{r}(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ in the unit cube,
\age(g)=\frac1{r} \sum a_i;
this is obviously an integer (because $g\in\SL(n,\C))$ in the range $[0,n-1)$,
and this defines the age filtration.
Now any primitive vector $b=\frac1{r}(b_1,\dots,b_n)\in L$ and in the positive
quadrant defines a {\em monomial valuation} $v_b$ on the function field
$k(X)$ of $X$. Furthermore, the standard discrepancy calculation (see
\cite{YPG}) says that
\disc(v_b)=\age(b) - 1.
\paragraph{Reminder:} The {\em discrepancy} $\disc v_b$ means that if I make a
blowup $W_b\to X$ so that $v_b$ is the valuation at a prime divisor
$F_b\subset W_b$, then $K_{W_b}=K_X+\disc(v_b) F_b$. Note also that {\em
junior} means $\age=1$, and {\em crepant} means $\text{discrepancy}=0$.
Any other questions?
The valuation $b$ defines a locus $E_b=\centre(v_b)\subset Y$. Consider only
weightings $b$ such that $v_b$ is the valuation of $E_b\subset Y$; this means
that if I blow up $Y$ along $E_b$, and $F_b$ is the exceptional divisor, then
$v_b$ is the valuation associated with the prime divisor $F_b\subset\widetilde
Y$. Since $Y$ is crepant, the adjunction formula for a blowup gives
\disc(v_b)=\codim E_b - 1,\quad\text{that is,}\quad\codim E_b=\age(b).
In \cite{IR}, we uses this idea to give a bijection
\{\text{junior conjugacy classes of $G$}\} \to \{\text{crepant valuations of
which gave us a basis of $H^2(Y,\Q)$, and we dealt with $H^4(Y,\Q)$ by
Poincar\'e duality. Thus \cite{IR} only used the valuation theoretic
b \mapsto v_b \mapsto E_b
for $b$ in the junior simplex $\De_{\text{junior}}$. However, the same idea
obviously extends to give a correspondence from certain ``good'' elements $b$
to a set of locuses in $Y$ which generate $H_*(Y,\Z)$. Thus the idea for the
direct correspondence (2) is
G\ni g & \mapsto \text{collection of suitable $b$}\\
& \mapsto \text{collection of locuses $E_b\subset Y$}.
The first step is by a mysterious cookery, which I only indicate by the
labelling in the two examples of \S\ref{sec:Kexs} below (it should be possible
to extract a good conjectural statement from this data).
\section{Tautological sheaves and the main conjecture}\label{sec:taut} These
lectures are mainly concerned with providing experimental data for a suitably
rephrased Conjecture~\ref{conj:1992}, (1). In this section, I speculate on a
framework to explain what is going on, that might eventually lead to a proof.
The following is the main idea of \cite{GSp-V}. Given $G\subset\SL(n,\C)$, we
choose once and for all a complete set of irreducible representations
$\rho\colon G\to\GL(V_\rho)$. I use $\pi_*$ to view sheaves on $\C^n$ such as
the structure sheaf $\Oh_{\C^n}$ as sheaves on the quotient $\pi\colon\C^n\to
X$. Since $X$ is affine, these are really simply modules over
$k[X]=k[\C^n]^G$, so I usually omit $\pi_*$. Note that $k(\C^n)$ is a Galois
extension of $k(X)$, so that, by the cyclic element theorem of Galois theory,
it is the regular representation of $G$, that is, $k(\C^n)=k(X)[G]$; thus
$\pi_*\Oh_{\C^n}$ is generically isomorphic to the regular representation
$\Oh_X[G]$. For each
$\rho$, set
Then $\sF'_\rho\tensor V_\rho\subset\Oh_{\C^n}$ is the character subsheaf
corresponding to $V_\rho$; by the usual decomposition of the regular
representation, $\sF'_\rho$ is a sheaf of $\Oh_X$-modules of rank $\deg\rho$.
And there is a canonical decomposition
\Oh_{\C^n}=\sum_\rho \sF'_\rho\tensor V_\rho\quad\text{as $\Oh_X[G]$
Now let $f\colon Y\to X$ be a given resolution. Each $\sF'_\rho$ has a {\em
birational transform} $\sF_\rho$ on $Y$. This means that $\sF_\rho$ is the
torsion free sheaf of $\Oh_Y$ modules generated by $\sF'_\rho$, or if you
prefer, $\sF_\rho=f^*\sF'_\rho/(\text{torsion})$.
The sheaves $\sF_\rho$ are the {\em GSp-V sheaves}, or the {\em tautological
sheaves} of $Y$. Note that by definition, the $\sF_\rho$ are generated by
their $H^0$.
\begin{conjecture}[Main conjecture]\label{conj:K} Under appropriate
circumstances, the\linebreak tautological sheaves $\sF_\rho$ form a $\Z$-basis
of the Grothendieck group $K_0(\Coh Y)$, and a certain cookery with their
Chern classes leads to a $\Z$-basis of $H^*(Y,\Z)$. A slightly stronger
conjecture is that the $\sF_\rho$ form a $\Z$-basis of the derived category
$D^b(\Coh Y)$.
\begin{remark} ``Appropriate circumstances'' in the conjecture include all
cases when $G\subset\SL(n,\C)$ and $Y=\GHilb$ is a crepant resolution. In
this case, these tautological sheaves $\sF_\rho$ have lots of good properties
(see \S\ref{sec:hilb}). But flops should not make too much difference to the
statement -- one expects a flopped variety $Y'$ to have more or less the same
homology and cohomology as $Y$, at least additively.
\begin{example}\label{ex:Ver} $\frac1n(1,\dots,1)$ (with $n$ factors). The
quotient $X$ is the cone on the $n$th Veronese embedding of $\proj^{n-1}$, and
the resolution $Y$ is the anticanonical bundle of $\proj^{n-1}$, containing
the exceptional divisor $\proj^{n-1}$ with normal bundle
$\Oh(-n)=\om_{\proj^n}$. The tautological sheaves are
\Oh, \Oh(1),\dots,\Oh(n-1).
That is, these are sheaves on $Y$ restricting down to the first $n$ multiples
of $\Oh(1)$ on $\proj^{n-1}$. It is well known that these sheaves form a
$\Z$-basis of the Grothendieck group $K_0(\proj^{n-1})$. It is a standard
(not quite trivial) bit of cookery with Chern classes and Chern characters to
go from this to a $\Z$-basis of $H^*(\proj^{n-1},\Z)$.
Recall the original (1977) {\em Beilinson diagonal trick}: the diagonal
$\De_{\proj^{n-1}}\subset\proj^{n-1}\times\proj^{n-1}$ is defined by the
s_\De=\sum x_i'{\partial\ \over\partial x_i}\in
p_1^*\Oh_{\proj^{n-1}}(1)\otimes p_2^*T_{\proj^{n-1}}(-1).
Therefore, it follows (tautologically) that the derived category
$D^b(\Coh\proj^{n-1})$ (hence also the K theory $K_0$) has two ``dual'' bases
\Oh, \Om^1(1),\dots,\Om^{n-1}(n-1) \quad\text{vs.}\quad \Oh,
\subsection*{Lame attempt to prove Conjecture~\ref{conj:K}}
\paragraph{Step~I} The resolution $Y\to X$ is the quotient $A/H$ of an open
set $A\subset\C^N$ by a connected algebraic group $H$. In other words, by
adding extra variables in a suitable way, we can arrange to make the finite
quotient $X=\C^n/G$ equal to the quotient $\C^N/H$ of a bigger space by the
action of a connected group $H$ (the quotient singularities arise from jumps
in the stabiliser group of the $H$-action); moreover, we can arrange to
obtain the resolution $Y\to X$ by first deleting a set of ``unstable'' points
of $\C^N$ and then taking the new quotient $A/H$. For example, the Veronese
cone singularity of Example~\ref{ex:Ver} is $\C^{n+1}$ divided by
\C^*\ni\la\colon(x_1,\dots,x_n;z)\mapsto(\la x_1,\dots,\la x_n;\la^{-n}z).
(Obvious if you think about the ring of invariants). The finite group $\Z/n$
is the stabiliser group of a point of the $z$-axis. The blowup is the
quotient $A/\C^*$, where $A=\C^{n+1}\setminus\text{$z$-axis}$. (Because at
every point of $A$, at least one of the $x_i\ne0$, so the invariant ratios
$x_j/x_i$ are defined locally as functions on the quotient.)
\paragraph{Step~II} Most optimistic form: the Beilinson diagonal trick may
apply to a quotient of the form obtained in Step~I. That is, the diagonal
$\De_Y\subset Y\times Y$ has ideal sheaf $\sI_{\De_Y}$ resolved by an exact
sequence in which all the other sheaves are of the form
$\sF_i\boxtimes\sG_i=p_1^*\sF_i\tensor p_2^*\sG_i$, where the $\sF_i$ and
$\sG_i$ are combinations of the tautological bundles.
It's easy enough to get an expression for the tangent sheaf of $Y$, in terms
of an Euler sequence arising by pushdown and taking invariants from the exact
sequence of vector bundles over $A$
\Lie(H)\to T_A\to f^*(T_Y)\to 0,
where $\im\Lie(H)$ is the foliation by $H$-orbits. Maybe one can define a
filtration of this sequence corresponding to characters, and write the
equations of $\De_Y$ in terms of successive sections of twists of the graded
pieces. For example, the resolution $Y$ in Example~\ref{ex:Ver} is an affine
bundle over $\proj^{n-1}$, and the diagonal in $Y$ is defined by first taking
the pullback of the diagonal of $\proj^{n-1}$ (defined by the section
$\sum x_i'\partial/\partial x_i\in \Oh_{\proj^{n-1}}(1)\otimes
T_{\proj^{n-1}}(-1)$, the classic case of the Beilinson trick), then taking
the relative diagonal of the line bundle $\Oh(-n)$ over $\proj^{n-1}$.
\paragraph{Step~III} The sheaves $\sF_i$ or $\sG_i$ appearing in a Beilinson
resolution form two sets of generators of the derived category $D^b(\Coh Y)$.
Indeed, for a sheaf on $Y$, taking $p_1^*$, tensoring with the diagonal
$\Oh_{\De_Y}$, then taking $p_{2*}$ is the identity operation. However, a
Beilinson resolution means that $\Oh_{\De_Y}$ is equal in the appropriate
derived category to a complex of sheaves of the form $\sF_i\boxtimes\sG_i$.
(This is a tautology, like saying that if $V$ is a vector space, and $f_i\in
V$, $g_i\in V^*$ elements such that $\id_V=\sum f_ig_i$, then $f_i$ and $g_i$
span $V$ and $V^*$.)
It should be possible to go from this to a basis of $D^b(\Coh Y)$ by an
argument involving Serre duality and the assumption $K_Y=0$. In this context,
it is relevant to note that the Beilinson trick leads to line bundles in the
range $K<\sF_i\le\Oh$ as one of the dual bases (for $\proj^{n-1}$, I believe
also in all the other known cases).
\section{Generalities on $\protect\GHilb$}\label{sec:hilb}
The next sections follow Nakamura's ideas and results, to the effect that the
Hilbert scheme of $G$-orbits often provides a preferred resolution of
quotient singularities (see \cite{N1}--\cite{N3}, \cite{IN1}--\cite{IN3},
compare also \cite{N}, Theorem~4.1 and \cite{GK}); the results here are
mostly due to Nakamura. I write $M=\C^n$, and let $G\subset\GL(n,\C)$ be a
finite subgroup.
$\GHilb $ is the fine moduli space of $G$-clusters $Z\subset M$.
Here a $G$-{\em cluster} means a subscheme $Z$ with defining ideal
$\sI_Z\subset\Oh_M$ and structure sheaf $\Oh_Z=\Oh_M/\sI_Z$, having the
\item $Z$ is a {\em cluster} (that is, a 0-dimensional subscheme). (Request
to 90\% of the audience: please suggest a reasonable translation of cluster
into Chinese characters (how about {\em tendan}, cf.\ {\em seidan} =
constellation, as in the Pleiades cluster?)
\item $Z$ is $G$-invariant.
\item $\deg Z=N=|G|$.
\item $\Oh_Z\iso k[G]$ (the regular representation of $G$). For example, $Z$
could be a general orbit of $G$ consisting of $N$ distinct points.
\item A quotient set $M/G$ is traditionally called an {\em orbit space}, and
that's exactly what $\GHilb M$ is -- the space of clusters of $M$ which are
scheme theoretic orbits of $G$.
\item There is a canonical morphism $\GHilb M\to M/G$, part of the general
nonsense of Hilbert and Chow schemes: $\GHilb $ parametrises $Z$ by
considering the ideal $\sI_Z\subset\Oh_M$ as a point of the Grassmannian,
whereas the corresponding point of $M/G$ is constructed from the set of
hyperplanes (in some embedding $M\into\proj^{\text{large}}$) that intersect
\item If $\pi\colon M\to M/G$ is the quotient morphism, and $P\in M/G$ a
ramification point, the scheme theoretic fibre $\pi^*P$ is always much too
fat; over such a point, a point of $\GHilb M$ adds the data of a subscheme $Z$
of the right length.
\item I hope we don't need to know anything at all about $\Hilb^N M$ (all
clusters of degree $N=|G|$), which is pathological if $N,n\ge3$. Morally,
$\GHilb$ is a moduli space of points of $X=M/G$, and the right way to think
about it should be as a {\em birational change of GIT quotient} of $M/G$.
\item $Hilb^G M$ is irreducible.
\item For $G\subset\SL(3,\C)$, $Y=\GHilb \C^3\to X=\C^3/G$ is a crepant
resolution of singularities. (This is mostly proved, see \cite{N3} and below.)
\item For $G\subset\SL(n,\C)$, if a crepant resolution of\/ $\C^n/G$
exists, then $\GHilb\C^n$ is a crepant resolution.
\item If $N$ is normal in $G$ and $T=G/N$ then $\Hilb^T\Hilb^N=\GHilb $.
\begin{remark} For $n\ge4$, a crepant resolution $Y\to X$ usually does not
exist, but the cases when it does seem to be rather important. As Mukai
remarks, a famous theorem of Chevalley, Shephard and Todd says that for
$G\subset\GL(n,\C)$, the quotient $\C^n/G$ is nonsingular if and only if $G$
is generated by quasi\-reflections. Since we want to view $\GHilb \C^n$ as a
different way of constructing the quotient, the question of characterising
$G$ for which $\GHilb\C^n$ is nonsingular (or crepant over $\C^n/G$) is a
natural generalisation. We know that the answer is yes for groups
$G\subset\SL(2,\C)$, probably also $\SL(3,\C)$, so by analogy with
Shephard--Todd, I conjecture that it is also yes for groups generated by
subgroups in $G\subset\SL(2,\C)$ or $\SL(3,\C)$. For cyclic coprime groups
$\frac1{r}(a,b,c,d)$, based on not much evidence, I guess there is a crepant
resolution iff there are $\frac13(r-1)$ junior elements, that is, exactly one
third of the internal points of $\Box$ lie on the junior simplex (see
\cite{IR}); this is very rare -- by volume, you expect approx 4 middle-aged
elements for each junior one (as in most math departments). An easy example
to play with is $\frac1{r}(1,1,1,-3)$, which obviously has a crepant
\iff\enspace &\text{the simplex $\Span{([\frac r3],[\frac r3],[\frac r3],
r-3[\frac r3]), (1000),(0100),(0010)}$ is basic}\\
\iff\enspace &r\equiv1\mod3.
For more examples, see also \cite{DHZ}.
\begin{proposition}[Properties of $\protect\GHilb $]\label{prop:GHilb}
Assume Conjecture~\ref{conj:N}, (1). (In most cases of present interest, one
proves that $\GHilb$ is a nonsingular variety by direct calculation;
alternatively, if Conjecture~\ref{conj:N}, (1) fails, replace
$Hilb^G M$ by the irreducible component birational to $M/G$.)
\item The tautological sheaves $\sF_\rho$ on $Y$ are generated by their
\item They are vector bundles.
\item Their first Chern classes or determinant line bundles
\sL_\rho=\det \sF_\rho=c_1(\sF_\rho)
define free linear systems $|L_\rho|$ according to (1), and are therefore nef.
\item Any strictly positive combination $\sum a_\rho L_\rho$ of the $L_\rho$
is ample on Y.
\item These properties characterise $\GHilb$ among varieties birational to
$X$ (or the irreducible component).
\begin{remark} If $G\subset\SL(n,\C)$ and $M=\C^n$, and $Y=\GHilb M$ is
nonsingular, the McKay correspondence says in particular that the $L_\rho$
span $\Pic Y=H^2(Y,Z)$ (this much is proved). In the 3-fold case, when $Y$ is
a crepant resolution, (3--4) resolve the contradiction with the expectation
of 3-folders, because they show how $\GHilb $ is distinguished among all
crepant resolutions of $X$. For if we flip $Y$ in some curve $C\subset Y$,
then by (4) we know that $LC>0$ for some $L=L_\rho$, and it follows that the
flipped curve $C'\subset Y'$ has $L'_\rho C'<0$. Thus (1--3) do not
hold on $Y'$.
\paragraph{Proof} Write $Y=\GHilb M$. By definition of the Hilbert scheme,
there exists a universal cluster $\sZ\subset Y\times M$, whose first
projection $p\colon\sZ\to Y$ is finite, with every fibre a $G$-cluster $Z$.
Now from the defining properties of clusters $p_*\Oh_Z$ is locally isomorphic
to $\Oh_Y[G]$, the regular representation of $G$ over $\Oh_Y$. In particular,
it is locally free, and therefore so are its irreducible factors
$\sF_\rho\otimes V_\rho$. Since $Z\subset M=\C^n$, the polynomial ring
$k[M]$ maps surjectively to every $\Oh_Z$, so that $p_*\Oh_Z$ is generated by
its $H^0$. This proves (1--3).
For any $G$-cluster $Z\in\GHilb M$, the defining exact
splits as a direct sum of exact sequences (I omit $\pi_*$, remember):
0\to\sI_{Z,\rho}\to\sF'_\rho\tensor V_\rho\to F_{Z,\rho}\tensor V_\rho\to0
Therefore $Z$ is uniquely determined by the set of surjective maps
$\sF_\rho\to F_{Z,\rho}$. This proves (4).
I now explain (5). The linear systems $|L_\rho|$ are birational in nature,
coming from linear systems of Weil divisors $|L_\rho|_X$ on the quotient
$X=M/G$, and their birational transforms on any partial resolution $Y'\to X$.
Now (5) says there is a unique model $Y$ on which these linear systems are
all free and their sum is very ample: namely, for a single linear system, the
blowup, and for several, the birational component of the fibre product of the
blowups. This also gives a plausibility argument for Conjecture~\ref{conj:N},
(iii): if we believe in the existence of one crepant resolution $Y'$, and we
admit the doctrine of flops from Mori theory, we should be able to flop our
way from $Y'$ to another model $Y$ on which the $|L_\rho|_Y$ are all free
linear systems. (This is not a proof: a priori, if the $L_\rho$ are dependent
in $\Pic Y$, a flop that makes one nef might mess up the nefdom of another.
However, it seems that the dependences are quite restricted; compare the
discussion at the end of Example~\ref{ex:II}.) \QED
I go through these properties again in the Abelian case, which is fun in its
own right, and useful for the examples in \S\ref{sec:Kexs}. Then an
irreducible representation $\rho$ is an element of the dual group
\widehat G=\bigl\{\text{homomorphisms $a\colon G\to r$th roots of 1 in
where $r$ is the exponent of $G$. I write $\Oh_X(a)$ for the eigensheaf, and
$\sL_Y(a)$ for the tautological line bundle on $Y$ (previously $\sF'_\rho$
and $\sF_\rho$ respectively).
For any $Z$, the sequence (\ref{eq:defg}) splits as
0\to\bigoplus m_a \to\bigoplus \Oh_X(a) \to\bigoplus k_a \to 0
\quad\text{(sum over $a\in\widehat G$)},
where $k_a$ is the 1-dimensional representation corresponding to $a$
(because of the assumption $\Oh_Z=k[G]$). Thus a $G$-cluster is exactly
the same thing as a set of maximal subsheaves
m_a\subset\Oh_X(a),\quad\text{one for every $a\in\widehat G$,}
subject to the condition that $\sum m_a$ is an ideal in $\Oh_{C^n}$, that is,
that $m_a\Oh_X(b)\subset\Oh_X(a+b)$ for every $a,b\in\widehat G$.
Now it is an easy exercise to see that the Hilbert scheme parametrising
maximal subsheaves of $\Oh_X(a)$ is the blowup of $X$ in $\Oh_X(a)$, which I
write $\Bl_a X\to X$, and in particular, it is birational. It follows that
$\GHilb $ is contained in the product of these blowups:
\GHilb \subset\prod \Bl_a X
(where the product is the fibre product over $X$ of all the $\Bl_a X$ for
$a\in\widehat G$), and is the locus defined in this product by the ideal
m_a\Oh_X(b) \subset \Oh_X(a+b) \quad\text{for every $a,b\in\widehat G$}
(this obviously defines an ideal of $\Bl_a\times_X\Bl_b$).
By contruction of a blowup, each $\Bl_a$ has a tautological sheaf $\Oh_a(1)$,
which is relatively ample on $\Bl_a$. The tautological sheaves on $\GHilb $
are simply the restrictions of the $\Oh_a(1)$ to the subvariety ($*$). This
proves (1--4) again. \QED
\begin{remark} The fibre product in ($*$) is usually reducible, with big
components over the origin (the product of the exceptional locuses of the
$\Bl_a$). However, it is fairly plausible that the relations ($**$) define an
irreducible subvariety. This is the reason for Conjecture~\ref{conj:N}, (1).
\section{Examples of Hilbert schemes}\label{sec:Kexs}
More experimental data, to support the following conclusions:
\item $Y=\GHilb$ can be calculated directly from the definition; for 3-fold
Gorenstein quotients, it gives a crepant resolution, distinguished from other
models as embedded in projective space by ratios of functions in the same
character spaces.
\item Conjecture~\ref{conj:1992} can be verified in detail in numerically
complicated cases. It amounts to a funny labelling by $a\in\widehat G$ of
curves and surfaces on the resolution.
\item The relations in $\Pic Y$ between the tautological line bundles, whose
$c_2$ give higher dimensional cohomology classes, come from equalities
between products of monomial ideals.
\begin{example}\label{ex:hirz} Examples~\ref{ex:A_n}--\ref{ex:max} are
$G$-Hilbert schemes. In fact the equations (\ref{eq:Ac}) and (\ref{eq:maxr})
were written out to define $G$-clusters.
Next, it is a pleasant surprise to note that the famous Jung--Hirzebruch
continued fraction resolution of the surface cyclic quotient singularity
$\frac1{r}(1,q)$ is the $G$-Hilbert scheme $(\Z/r)\text{-}\Hilb\C^2$. To save
notation, and to leave the reader a delightful exercise, I only do the example
$\frac15(1,2)$, where $5/2=[3,2]=3-1/2$; the invariant monomials and
weightings are as in Figure~\ref{fig:hirz}. As usual, $X=\C^2/G$ and $Y\to X$
is the minimal resolution, with two exceptional curves $E_1$ and $E_2$ with
$E_1^2=-2$, $E_2^2=-3$.
& x^3y \\[6pt]
&& xy^2 \\
&&&\kern1cm y^5 \\[10pt]
&& (1,2) \\[-3pt]
&&& \kern4pt(3,1) \\[-3pt]
&&&& \kern4pt(5,0) \\[10pt]
\caption{Newton polygons (a) of invariant monomials and (b) of weights}
In toric geometry, $E_1$ corresponds to $(3,1)$ (as a vertex of the Newton
polygon (b) in the lattice of weights, or a ray of the fan defining the
resolution $Y$); the parameter along $E_1\iso\proj^1$ is $x:y^3$. Similarly,
$E_2$ corresponds to $(1,2)$ and has parameter $x^2:y$. Exactly as in
Figure~\ref{fig:A_n} and (\ref{eq:Ac}), a neighbourhood $Y_1$ of the point
$E_1\cap E_2$ is $\C^2$ with parameters $\la,\mu$, and the rational map
$\C^2\mathrel{{\relbar\kern-.2pt\rightarrow}} Y_1$ is determined by equations analogous to (\ref{eq:Ac}):
x^2=\la y,\quad y^3=\mu x,\quad\text{and}\quad xy^2=\la\mu.
These equations define a $G$-cluster $Z$: for a basis of
$\Oh_Z=k[x,y]/((\ref{eq:52clus}))$ is given by $1,y,y^2,x,xy$. Every
$G$-cluster is given by these equations, or by one of the following other two
types: $x^5=\la',y=\mu'x^2$ or $x=\la''y^3,y^5=\mu''$; the 3 cases correspond
to the 3 affine pieces with coordinates $\la,\mu$, etc. covering $Y$. The
generic $G$-cluster is $G\cdot(a,b)$ with $a,b\ne0$; all the equations
x^5=a^5,\enspace x^3y=a^3b,\enspace xy^2=ab^2,\enspace
y^5=b^5,\enspace bx^2=a^2y,\enspace ay^3=b^3x
vanish on $G\cdot(a,b)$, and since $a,b\ne0$, generators of its ideal can be
chosen in lots of different ways from among these, including the 3 stated
The ratio $x:y^3$ along $E_1$ and $x^2:y$ along $E_2$ define free linear
systems $|L(1)|$, $|L(2)|$ on $Y$ corresponding to the two characters $1,2$ of
$G=\Z/5$, with
&L(1)\cdot E_1=1\\
&L(1)\cdot E_2=0
&L(2)\cdot E_1=0\\
&L(2)\cdot E_2=1
These two give a dual basis of $H^2(Y,\Z)$, a truncated McKay correspondence.
\paragraph{Exercise--Problem} The case of general $\frac1{r}(1,q)$ can be
done likewise; see for example \cite{R}, p.~220 for the notation, and compare
also \cite{IN2}. Problem: I believe that the minimum resolution of the other
surface quotient singularities is also a $G$-Hilbert scheme. The best way of
proving this may not be to compute $\GHilb$ exhaustively. In the $\SL(2,\C)$
case, Ito and Nakamura get the result $K_Y=0$ automatically, because the
moduli space $\GHilb$ carries a symplectic form.
\subsection*{The toric treatment of $\GHilb$} From now on, I deal mainly
with isolated Gorenstein cyclic quotient 3-fold singularities
$\frac1{r}(a,b,c)$, where $a,b,c$ are coprime to $r$ and $a+b+c=r$. If $G$ is
Abelian diagonal, then $X$ is obviously toric; however, it turns out that so
is the $G$-Hilbert scheme. There are two proofs; the better proof is that due
to Nakamura, described in \S\ref{sec:nak}. I now give a garbled sketch of the
first proof: I claim that the $G$-Hilbert scheme $\GHilb\C^n=Y(\Si)$ is the
toric variety given by the fan $\Si$, the ``simultaneous dual Newton polygon''
of the eigensheaves $\Oh_X(a)$, defined thus:
for every character $a\in\widehat G$, write $\Oh_X(a)$ for the eigenspace of
$a$, $L(a)$ for the set of monomial minimal generators of $\Oh_X(a)$, and
construct the Newton polyhedron $\operatorname{Newton}(L(a))$ in the space of
monomials. Then $\Si$ is the fan in the space of weights consisting of the
cones $\Span{A_1,\dots,A_k}$ where the $A_i$ are weights having a common
minimum in every $L(a)$. This means that the 1-skeleton $\Si^1$ consists of
weights $A$ which either support a wall (= $(n-1)$-dimensional face) of
$\operatorname{Newton}(L(a))$ for some $a$, or which support positive
dimensional faces of a number of $L(a_j)$ whose product is $n-1$ dimensional
(in other words, ratios between monomials in the various $L(a_j)$ which are
minima for $A$ generate a function field of dimension $n-1$). Then
$\Span{A_1,\dots,A_k}$ is a cone of $\Si$ if and only if $\{A_i\}$ is a
complete set of weights in $\Si^1$ having a common minimum in every $L(a)$;
and $\Span{A_1,\dots,A_k}$ has dimension $d$ if and only if the ratio between
these minima span an $(n-d)$ dimensional space.
This definition is algorithmic, but quite awkward to use in calculations: you
have to list the minimal generators in each character space, and figure out
where each weight $A_i$ takes its least values; when $n=3$, you soon note that
the key point is the ratios like $x^3y:z^5$ between two monomials on an edge
of the Newton boundary.
\caption{$\protect\GHilb$ for $\protect\frac1{r}(1,2,-3)$. $B_i$ is joined to
\paragraph{Sketch proof} Because $\Oh_Z=k[G]$ for $Z\in\GHilb$, for every
character $a$ of $G$, the generators of $L(a)$ map surjectively to the
1-dimensional character space $k_a$, so there is a well defined ratio between
the generators of $\sI_Z(a)$. This means that for fixed $Z$ and every $L(a)$,
we mark one monomial $s_a=x^{m(Z,a)}\in L(a)$ as the minimum of all the
valuations $A_1,\dots,A_k$ spanning a cone, and, using it as a generator, we
get the invariant ratios $x^{m'}/s_a$ as regular functions on $\GHilb$ near
\begin{example}\label{ex:II} Consider $\frac1{r}(1,2,-3)$ where $r=6k+1$. The
quotient $X=\C^3/(\Z/r)$ is toric, and the $G$-Hilbert scheme is given by the
triangulation of the first quadrant of Figure~\ref{fig:II}.
\caption{$\protect\GHilb$ for $\protect\frac1{13}(1,2,10)$: why join
This can be proved by carrying out the above proof explicitly. I omit the
laborious details, concentrating on one point: how does the Hilbert scheme
construction choose one triangulation in preference to another? For
simplicity, consider only $r=13$, so the triangulation simplifies to
Figure~\ref{fig:13a}. How do I know to join $(8,3,2)$---$(2,4,7)$ by a cone
$\si$, rather than $(7,1,5)$---$(3,6,4)$? By calculating $2\times2$ minors of
$\left(\begin{smallmatrix}8&3&2\\2&4&7\end{smallmatrix}\right)$, we see that
the parameter on the corresponding line $E_\si\in Y$ should be the ratio
$xz^2:y^4$, where $xz^2,y^4\in L(8)$. The Newton polygon of $L(8)$ is
\caption{The McKay correspondence for $\frac1{13}(1,2,10)$}
&& xz^2&&y^2z^3\\
&&&& z^6
(The figure is not planar: $xz^2$ and $y^4$ are ``lower''.) Here $(2,4,7)$
and $(8,3,2)$ have minima on the two planes as indicated, with common minima
on $xz^2$ and $y^4$, so that the linear system $|xz^2:y^4|$ can be free on
$L_\si$. But $(7,1,5)$ and $(3,6,4)$ don't have a common minimimum here:
$(7,1,5)$ prefers $y^4$ only, and $(3,6,4)$ prefers $xz^2$ only. If I join
$(7,1,5)$---$(3,6,4)$, the linear system $|xz^2:y^4|$ would have that line as
base locus.
The resolution is as in Figure~\ref{fig:13b}. The McKay correspondence marks
each exceptional stratum: a line $L$ parametrised by a ratio $x^{m_1}:x^{m_2}$
is marked by the common character space of $x^{m_1},x^{m_2}$. In other words,
a linear system such as $xz^2:y^4$ corresponds to a tautological line bundle
$\sL(xz^2:y^4)=\sL(8)$ with $c_1(\sL(8))\cdot L=1$.
The surfaces are marked by relations between the $c_1(\sL(i))$. In this case,
because there are no hexagons, these all arise from surjective maps
$\Oh_X(i)\otimes\Oh_X(j)\onto\Oh_X(i+j)$. For example, generators of the
character spaces $1,2,3$ are given by monomials (written out as Newton
x & & y^7\\
& y^2z\\
\end{array}, \quad
x^2 & & y\\
\end{array} \quad\text{and}\quad
x^3 & xy & y^8\\
x^2z^4 & y^3z\\
\end{array} \quad
\caption{The McKay correspondence for $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$}
Clearly, $L(1)\otimes L(2)\onto L(3)$. (Thus this guy $\sL(3)$ is not active
in the resolution; in fact he's completely useless, so deserves to be
senior.) This means that on the resolution
and $c_2(\sL(3)-\sL(1)-\sL(2))$ is the dual class to the top left surface in
\begin{example}\label{ex:III} The $G$-Hilbert scheme for $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$
is given by the triangulation in Figure~\ref{fig:37}, which also indicates
the labelling by characters of the McKay correspondence. I confine myself to
a few comments: on the right-hand side,
(1,5,31)\text{--}(9,8,20) \quad
&\text{are joined by the ratio}\quad x^4z:y^7 \\
(8,3,26)\text{--}(23,4,10) \quad
&\text{are joined by the ratio}\quad x^2z:y^{14}
for reasons similar to those explained in Example~\ref{ex:II}. The
resolution has 3 regular hexagons (del Pezzo surfaces $S_6$), coming from the
regular triangular pattern on the left-hand side of Figure~\ref{fig:37}.
Tilings by regular hexagons appear quite often among the exceptional surfaces
of the Hilbert scheme resolution $Y$, as we saw in Figure~\ref{fig:max2}. The
reason for this is taken up again at the end of \S\ref{sec:nak}, see
Figure~\ref{fig:37b}. The cohomology classes dual to these 3 surfaces are
given as in (\ref{eq:reln2}) by taking $c_2$ of the relation
$e_1+e_2+e_3-f_1-f_2$, where the $f_1,f_2$ are the characters written in each
little hexagonal box of Figure~\ref{fig:37}, and $e_1,e_2,e_3$ are the
characters marking the 3 lines through the box. The relation
$e_1+e_2+e_3=f_1+f_2$ can also be expressed as equality between two products
of monomial ideals.
\section{Nakamura's proof that $\protect\GHilb$ is a crepant
\begin{theorem}[Nakamura, very recent]\label{th:N}
For $G$ a finite diagonal subgroup of $\SL(3,\C)$, $Y=\GHilb\to X=\C^3/G$ is
a crepant resolution.
\paragraph{Proof} I start from the {\em McKay quiver} of $G$ with the 3 given
characters $a,b,c$, corresponding to the eigencoordinates $x,y,z$, satisfying
$a+b+c=0$; to get the full symmetry, draw this as a doubly periodic
tesselation of the plane by regular hexagons, labelled by characters in
$\widehat G$:
& & & & & & & & & & & & & &\\[-18pt]
&&& \kern-1cm \cdots \kern-1cm \\
&&&& \kern-1cm 2b \kern-1cm \\
&&&&& \kern-1cm b \kern-1cm && \kern-1cm a+b \kern-1cm
&& \kern-1cm 2a+b \kern-1cm \\
\kern-1cm \cdots \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm 2b+2c \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm b+c \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm 0 \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm a \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm 2a \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm 3a \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm \cdots \kern-1cm \\
&&&&& \kern-1cm c \kern-1cm && \kern-1cm a+c \kern-1cm \\
&&&& \kern-1cm \cdots \kern-1cm
corresponding to the monomials
& & & & & & & & & & & &\\[-18pt]
& \kern-1cm \cdots \kern-1cm \\
&& \kern-1cm y^2 \kern-1cm \\
&&& \kern-1cm y \kern-1cm && \kern-1cm xy \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm x^2y \kern-1cm \\
\kern-1cm y^2z^2 \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm yz \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm 1 \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm x \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm x^2 \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm x^3 \kern-1cm &&
\kern-1cm \cdots \kern-1cm \\
&&& \kern-1cm z \kern-1cm && \kern-1cm xz \kern-1cm \\
&& \kern-1cm \cdots \kern-1cm
For $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$, we get Figure~\ref{fig:honey37}; it is a quiver,
with arrows in the 3 principal directions ``add 1, 5 or 31''. Or you can view
it as the lattice of monomials modulo $xyz$, labelled with their characters
in the $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$ action; then the arrows are multiplication by
\caption{The McKay quiver for $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$.}
The whole of this business is contained one way or another in the hexagonal
figure (\ref{fig:honey}), together with its period lattice $\Pi$, and the many
different possible ways of choosing nice fundamental domains for the
periodicities; that is, we are doing Escher periodic jigsaw patterns on a
fixed honeycomb background. First of all, note that the periodicity of
(\ref{fig:honey}) is exactly the lattice of invariant Laurent monomials
modulo $xyz$. Call this $\Pi$.
The proof of Nakamura's theorem follows from the following proposition:
\begin{proposition}\label{prop:N} For every $G$-cluster $Z$, the defining
equations (that is, the generators of $\sI_Z$) can be written as 7 equations
in one of the two following forms: either
x^{a+d+1}&=&\la y^bz^f\\
y^{b+e+1}&=&\mu z^cx^d\\
z^{c+f+1}&=&\nu x^ay^e
y^{b+1} z^{f+1}&=&\mu \nu x^{a+d}\\
z^{c+1} x^{d+1}&=&\la \nu y^{b+e}\\
x^{a+1} y^{e+1}&=&\la \mu z^{c+f}
\quad\text{and}\quad xyz=\la\mu\nu,\tag{$\uparrow$}
for some $a,b,c,d,e,f\ge0$; or
x^{a+d}&=&\be\ga y^{b-1}z^{f-1}\\
y^{b+e}&=&\al\ga z^{c-1}x^{d-1}\\
z^{c+f}&=&\al\be x^{a-1}y^{e-1}
y^b z^f&=&\al x^{a+d-1}\\
z^c x^d&=&\be y^{b+e-1}\\
x^a y^e&=&\ga z^{c+f-1}
\quad\text{and}\quad xyz=\al\be\ga,\tag{$\downarrow$}
for some $a,b,c,d,e,f\ge1$.
\paragraph{Proof of Theorem~\ref{th:N}, assuming the proposition} Nakamura's
theorem follows easily, because $\GHilb$ is a union of copies of $\C^3$ with
coordinates $\la,\mu,\nu$ (or $\al,\be,\ga$), therefore nonsingular. Every
affine chart is birational to $X$, because it contains points with none of
$\la,\mu,\nu=0$ (or none of $\al,\be,\ga=0$). Moreover, an easy linear algebra
calculation shows that the equations ($\uparrow$) or ($\downarrow$) correspond to basic
triangles of the junior simplex, so that each affine chart of $\GHilb $ is
crepant over $X$. In more detail:
\paragraph{Case ($\uparrow$)} Write out the 3 x 3 matrix of exponents of the first
three equations of ($\uparrow$):
(note that each of the 3 columns add to 1, more less equivalent to the junior
condition). The 2 x 2 minors of this give the 3 vertexes
\begin{align*} P&=(bc+bf+ef+b+c+e+f+1,\quad ac+cd+df+d,\quad ab+ae+de+a),\\
Q&=(bc+bf+ef+b,\quad ac+cd+df+a+d+c+f+1,\quad ab+ae+de+e),\\
R&=(bc+bf+ef+f,\quad ac+cd+df+b,\quad ab+ae+de+a+b+d+e+1).
The triangle PQR ``points upwards'', in the sense that
&\text{$P$ is closest to $(1,0,0)$,}\\
&\text{$Q$ is closest to $(0,1,0)$,}\\
&\text{$R$ is closest to $(0,0,1)$.}
The 3 given ratios $x^{a+d+1}:y^bz^f$, etc.\ correspond to the 3 sides of
triangle $PQR$. In any case, all the vertexes belong to the junior simplex,
so that this piece of $\GHilb $ is crepant over $X$.
\paragraph{Case ($\downarrow$)} Write out the exponents of the second set of three
-(a+d)+1 & b & f\\
d & -(b+e)+1 & c\\
a & e & -(c+f)+1
again, each of the 3 columns add to 1, and the $2\times2$ minors of this give
the 3 vertexes
P&=(bc+bf+ef-b-c-e-f+1, ac+cd+df-d, ab+ae+de-a ),\\
Q&=( bc+bf+ef-b, ac+cd+df-a-d-c-f+1, ab+ae+de-e ),\\
R&=( bc+bf+ef-f, ac+cd+df-b, ab+ae+de-a-b-d-e+1),
all of which again belong to the junior simplex, so this affine chart is
also crepant over $X$. This time the triangle $PQR$ ``points downwards'', in
the sense that
&\text{$P$ is furthest from $(1,0,0)$,}\\
&\text{$Q$ is furthest from $(0,1,0)$,}\\
&\text{$R$ is furthest from $(0,0,1)$.}
The 3 given ratios $x^{a+d-1}:y^bz^f$, etc.\ again correspond to the 3 sides.
Q.E.D. for the theorem, assuming the proposition.
\paragraph{Proof of Proposition~\ref{prop:N}} Most of this is very geometric:
any reasonable choice of monomials in $x,y,z$ whose classes in $\Oh_Z$ form a
basis is given by a polygonal region $M$ of the honeycomb figure
(\ref{fig:honey}) satisfying 2 conditions:
\item in each of the 3 triants (triangular sector) it is concave, that is, a
downwards staircase: because it is a Newton polygon for an ideal;
\item it is a fundamental domain of the periodicity lattice $\Pi$: because we
assume that $\Oh_Z=k[G]$, therefore every character appears exactly once.
The condition (ii) means that $M$ and its translates by $\Pi$ tesselate the
plane, so they form a kind of jigsaw pattern like the Escher periodic
patterns. However, in each of the 3 principal directions corresponding to the
$a$, $b$, and $c$-axes, there is only one acute angle, namely the summit at
the end of the $a$-axis (etc.). Therefore $M$ can only have one valley
(concave angle) in the $b,c$ triant. As a result, there is only one geometric
shape for the polygon $M$, the {\em tripod} or {\em mitsuya} (3 valleys, or 3
arrows) of Figure~I.
I introduce some terminology: the {\em tripod} $M$ has 3 {\em summits} at the
end of the axis of monomials $x^i$, and 3 {\em triants} or sectors of
$120^\circ$ containing monomials $x^iy^j$. Each triant has one {\em valley}
and two {\em shoulders} (incidentally, the 6 shoulders give the {\em socle} of
\begin{remark}\label{rem:deg} There are degenerate cases when some of the
valleys or summits are trivial (for example, $a=0$ in $\uparrow$). The most
degenerate case is a straight lines, when $\Oh_Z$ is based by powers of $x$
(say), and the equations boil down to $y=x^i,z=x^j$ (the $x$-{\em corner} of
the resolution). I omit discussion of these cases, since the equations of the
cluster $Z$ are always a lot simpler.
I o o o
o I o o o
o o I o o o
o o I o o o o o o
o o I o o o o o o
o o o I I I I I I I (Figure I)
o o o I o o o o o o
o o I o o
o I o o
I o o
Thus there is only one ``geometric'' solution to the Escher jigsaw puzzle,
... I I I I I I I I I I
u u u I u u u u u u u u u u u
u u I u u
I o o o u I u u
o I o o o I u u I v v v
o o I o o o v I v v v
o o I o o o o o o v v I v v v
o o I o o o o o o v v I v v v v v v ... (Figure II)
o o o I I I I I I I v v I v
o o o I o o o o o o v v ...
o o I o o v v
o I o o
I o o
In particular, the external sides (going out to the 3 summits) are equal
plus-or-minus 1 to the opposite internal sides (going in to the 3 valleys).
\caption{Two different cocked hats}
However, the geometric statement of Figure~II is only exact for closed
polygons, whereas our tripods are Newton polygons spanned by integer points,
and are separated by a thin ``demilitarised zone'' between the integer points.
When you consider the tripods together with the integer lattices, there are
two completely different ways in which the three shoulders of neighbouring
tripods can fit together (corresponding to the two cyclic orders, or the two
cocked hats of Figure~\ref{fig:dmz}), namely either ($\uparrow$)
y y y y z
y y y z
x x x z z
x x x z z
where the last $\tt y$ is just after the
last $\tt x$, and the shoulder of the
$\tt z$ is level with the top row of $\tt x$
or ($\downarrow$)
y y y z z
y y z z
x x x z z
x x x z z
where the last $\tt y$ is just before the last $\tt x$ and the top row of
$\tt x$ is just below the shoulder of the $\tt z$.
The two different forms ($\uparrow$) and ($\downarrow$) come from this patching.
\begin{remark}[Algorithm for $\GHilb$] Nakamura \cite{N3} gives an algorithm
to compute $\GHilb $ in this case as a toric variety. This can be viewed as a
way of classifying all the possible tripods in terms of elementary operations,
which correspond to the 0-strata and the 1-strata of the toric variety
$\GHilb $. You pass from an $\uparrow$ tripod to a $\downarrow$ one by
shaving off a layer of integer points one thick around one valley (assumed to
have thickness $\ge1$), and glueing it back around the opposite summit. And
vice versa to go from $\downarrow$ to $\uparrow$. You can start from
anywhere you like, for example from the $x$-corner (see Remark~\ref{rem:deg}).
Nakamura's algorithm applied to the statement in Proposition~\ref{prop:N}
expressed in terms of the fan triangulating the junior simplex, gives that if
$\uparrow$ and $a,b,c,d,\allowbreak e,f\ge k\ge2$ (say) then you can cross any
wall of the ``upwards'' triangle of the fan to get a new $\downarrow$
coordinate patch with $a',b',c',d',e',f'\ge k-1$, which corresponds to a
``downwards'' triangle, and vice-versa. It follows that the first triangle is
surrounded by a patch of width $k-1$ which is triangulated by the regular
triangular lattice, so that the resolution has a corresponding patch of
regular hexagons (that is, del Pezzo surfaces of degree 6).
Figure~\ref{fig:honey} shows the McKay quiver of $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$ and
Figure~\ref{fig:37b} its fundamental domain giving the equations of
x^4=\la y^2z,\quad y^4=\mu xz^3,\quad z^5=\nu x^2y,\quad \text{etc.}
on the coordinate chart of the resolution of $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$,
corresponding to the starred triangle of Figure~\ref{fig:37}.
\caption{A fundamental domain of the McKay quiver for $\frac1{37}(1,5,31)$}
1997-02-03T09:31:26 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702003 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702003 | [
] | alg-geom/9702003 | Tohsuke Urabe | Tohsuke Urabe (Department of Mathematics Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, Japan) | Dual varieties and the duality of the second fundamental form | LaTeX2e+AmsLaTeX. 3 pages. This manuscript was submitted to
Proceedings of Symposium Real Analytic and Algebraic Singularities(IS(J held
at Nagoya University in September - October, 1996. Adobe PDF version is
available also at http://urabe-lab.math.metro-u.ac.jp/ | null | null | null | null | First, we consider a compact real-analytic irreducible subvariety $M$ in a
sphere and its dual variety $M^\vee$. We explain that two matrices of the
second fundamental forms for both varieties $M$ and $M^\vee$ can be regarded as
the inverse matrices of each other. Also generalization in hyperbolic space is
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 Feb 1997 08:32:45 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Department of Mathematics Tokyo Metropolitan\n University, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, Japan"
] | alg-geom | \section{Spherical case}
In this article I would like to explain main ideas
in my recent results
on duality of the second fundamental form.
Theory of dual varieties in the complex algebraic geometry is
very interesting.
(Griffiths and Harris~\cite{griffiths-harris;geo},
Piene~\cite{piene;polar}, Urabe~\cite{urabe;polar},
Let $\mathbf P$ be a complex projective space of dimension $N$,
and $X\subset \mathbf P$ be a complex algebraic subvariety.
The set of all hyperplanes in $\mathbf P$ forms another projective space
$\mathbf P^\vee$ of dimension $N$, which is called the \emph{dual projective
space} of $\mathbf P$.
The dual projective space $(\mathbf P^\vee)^\vee$ of $\mathbf P^\vee$ is
identified with $\mathbf P$.
The closure in $\mathbf P^\vee$ of the set of tangent hyperplanes to $X$
is called the \emph{dual variety} of $X$, and is denoted by $X^\vee$.
We say that a hyperplane $H$ in $\mathbf P$ is tangent to $X$,
if we have a smooth point $p\in X$ such that $H$ contains
the embedded tangent space of $X$ at $p$.
It is known that the dual variety $X^\vee$ is again a complex
algebraic variety, and the dual variety $(X^\vee)^\vee$ of
$X^\vee$ coincides with $X$.
We would like to develop similar theory in the real-analytic
First, we fix the notations.
Let $N$ be a positive integer, and $L$ be a vector
space of dimension $N+1$ over the real field $\mathbf R$.
A fixed positive-definite inner product on $L$ is denoted by
$(\ \ ,\ \ \ )$.
By $S=\{a\in L|(a,a)=1\}$ we denote the unit sphere in $L$.
The sphere $S$ has dimension $N$.
We consider a compact real-analytic irreducible subvariety $M$
in $S$.
We assume moreover that $M$ has only ordinary singularities as
We have to explain the phrase of ``ordinary singularity'' here.
Let $X\subset L$ be a real-analytic subset.
For every point $p\in X$ we can consider the germ $(X,p)$ of $X$
around $p$.
The germ $(X,p)$ is decomposed into into irreducible components.
By $\dim (X,p)$ we denote the dimension of the germ $(X,p)$.
The germ $(X,p)$ is said to be \emph{smooth}, if $(X,p)$ is
real-analytically isomorphic to $(\mathbf R^n,0)$ where
$n=\dim (X,p)$ and $0$ is a point of $\mathbf R^n$.
A point $p$ of $X$ is said to be smooth, if the germ $(X,p)$
is smooth.
We say that $X$ has an \emph{ordinary singularity} at $p\in X$,
if every irreducible component of $(X,p)$ is smooth.
Let $M_{smooth}\subset M$ be the set of smooth points $p\in M$
with $\dim (M,p)=\dim M$.
Under our assumption $M_{smooth}$ is dense in $M$.
For every point $p\in M_{smooth}$ the tangent space $T_p(M)$
of $M$ at $p$ is defined.
Note in particular that $T_p(M)$ is not an affine subspace but
a vector subspace in $L$ passing through the origin.
The tangent space $T_p(M)$ has dimension equal to $\dim M$.
A point $q\in S$ is a normal vector of $M$ in $S$ at a point $p\in M$,
if $q$ is orthogonal to $p$ and $T_p(M)$.
We say that a point $q\in S$ is a normal vector of $M$ in $S$,
if $q$ is a normal vector of $M$ in $S$ at some point $p\in M$.
By $M^\vee$ we denote the closure in $S$ of the set
of normal vectors $a$ of $M$ in $S$ with $(a,a)=1$,
and we call $M^\vee\subset S$ the \emph{dual variety} of
$M\subset S$.
The dual variety $M^\vee$ has a lot of interesting properties.
However, $M^\vee$ is not a real-analytic subset in general.
Under our assumption the dual variety $M^\vee$ contains
a dense smooth real-analytic subset whose connected components
have the same dimension.
Let $X\subset S$ be a subset containing a dense smooth real-analytic
subset whose connected components
have the same dimension.
Obviously we can define the dual variety $X^\vee$ of $X$
by the essentially same definition as above.
Under our assumption $(M^\vee)^\vee=M\cup\tau(M)$,
where $\tau:S\rightarrow S$ denotes the antipodal map $\tau(q)
Note that $M\cup\tau(M)$ is a
compact real-analytic subset only with ordinary singularities
as singularities.
For any compact real-analytic subset in $L$ only with ordinary
singularities as singularities,
the irreducible decomposition is possible.
Therefore, $M$ is an irreducible component of $M\cup\tau(M)$, and
we can recover $M$ from $M\cup\tau(M)$.
There exists an open dense smooth real-analytic subset $V$ of
$M^\vee$ such that for every point $q\in V$ there exists a point
$p\in M$ such that
\item $q$ is a normal vector of $M$ in $S$ at $p$, and
\item $p$ is a normal vector of $M^\vee$ in $S$ at $q$.
Moreover, there exists an open dense smooth real-analytic subset $U$ of
$M$ such that for every point $p\in U$ there exists a point
$q\in V$ satisfying the same conditions 1 and 2 above.
Choose arbitrarily a pair $(q,p)$ of a smooth point $q\in M^\vee$ and
a smooth point $p\in M$ satisfying conditions 1 and 2, and fix it.
The second fundamental form of $M$ at $p$ in the normal direction $q$
$$\widetilde{II}:\: T_p(M)\times T_p(M)\longrightarrow \mathbf R$$
and the second fundamental form of $M^\vee$ at $q$ in the normal
direction $p$
$$\widetilde{II}^\vee:\: T_q(M^\vee)\times T_q(M^\vee)
\longrightarrow \mathbf R$$
are defined.
We set
\mathrm{rad}\,\widetilde{II}&=&\{X\in T_p(M)|\mbox{For every }Y\in T_p(M),\:
\mathrm{rad}\,\widetilde{II}^\vee&=&\{X\in T_q(M^\vee)|\mbox{For every }
Y\in T_q(M^\vee),\:
\begin{thm}[Duality of the second fundamental form]
\ \newline\vspace*{-10pt}
\item $T_p(M)=\mathrm{rad}\,\widetilde{II}+(T_p(M)\cap T_q(M^\vee))$
(orthogonal direct sum)
\item $T_q(M^\vee)=\mathrm{rad}\,\widetilde{II}^\vee+(T_p(M)\cap T_q(M^\vee))$
(orthogonal direct sum)
\item $L=\mathbf R p+\mathrm{rad}\,\widetilde{II}+(T_p(M)\cap T_q(M^\vee))
+\mathrm{rad}\,\widetilde{II}^\vee+\mathbf R q$
(orthogonal direct sum)
\item Let $X_1, X_2,\ldots, X_r$ be an orthogonal normal basis of
$T_p(M)\cap T_q(M^\vee)$.
The matrix $(\widetilde{II}(X_i, X_j))$ is the inverse matrix of
$(\widetilde{II}^\vee(X_i, X_j))$.
Proposition~\ref{dense} is the most difficult part to show
in our theory.
Once we obtain Proposition~\ref{dense}, it is not difficult
to deduce Theorem~\ref{duality} applying analogous arguments
in complex projective algebraic geometry.
Theorem~\ref{duality} and Theorem~\ref{second} can be shown
through computation on Maurer-Cartan forms.
Theorem~\ref{second} seems to have a lot of applications
in theory of subvarieties in a sphere.
You can download my preprint~\cite{urabe;dual} containing verification
http://urabe-lab.math.metro-u.ac.jp/ & (Japanese)\\
http://urabe-lab.math.metro-u.ac.jp/DefaultE.html & (English).
\section{Hyperbolic case}
We can consider similar situations in hyperbolic case.
Let $L$ be a vector
space of dimension $N+1$ over the real field $\mathbf R$ as in
Now, we consider a non-degenerate inner product $(\ \ ,\ \ \ )$
on $L$ with signarutre $(N, 1)$.
By $S$ we denote one of the two connected components of the set
$\{a\in L|(a, a)=-1\}$ in $L$.
The hyperbolic space $S$ has dimension $N$.
Also in this case we consider a compact real-analytic irreducible
subvariety $M$ in $S$ only with ordinary singularities as
Let $S^\vee=\{a\in L|(a, a)=1\}$.
Note that also $S^\vee$ is a smooth real-analytic connected variety
with dimension $N$.
However, $S\cap S^\vee=\emptyset$,
and the metric on $S^\vee$ is not definite.
We can define the dual variety $M^\vee$ of $M$
as a subset of $S^\vee$
by the essentially same definition as above.
The dual variety $(M^\vee)^\vee$ of $M^\vee$ can be defined
as a subset of $S$.
Proposition~\ref{dense} and Theorem~\ref{second} hold also in this
case without any modification.
Theorem~\ref{duality} is replaced by the following brief theorem:
In hyperbolic case under our assumption $(M^\vee)^\vee=M$.
Give genelarization of theory of dual varieties in
1997-02-27T21:41:37 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702019 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702019 | [
] | alg-geom/9702019 | Alan Durfee | Alan H. Durfee | Five Definitions of Critical Point at Infinity | 20 pages, Latex, 4 figures | null | null | null | null | This survey paper discusses five equivalent ways of defining a ``critical
point at infinity'' for a complex polynomial of two variables.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 Feb 1997 20:41:22 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Alan H.",
] | alg-geom | \section{#1}}
{\bf \noindent Theorem \themycounter. \ } \begin{em} }%
{\end{em} \medskip }
{\bf \noindent Proposition \themycounter. \ } \begin{em} }%
{\end{em} \medskip }
{\bf \noindent Lemma \themycounter. \ } \begin{em} }%
{\end{em} \medskip }
{\bf \noindent Corollary \themycounter. \ } \begin{em} }%
{\end{em} \medskip }
{\bf \noindent Remark \themycounter. \ }}%
{\medskip }
{\bf \noindent Definition \themycounter. \ }}%
{\medskip }
{\bf \noindent Example \themycounter. \ }}%
{\medskip }
{\bf \noindent Problem \themycounter. \ }}%
{\medskip }
{\bf Proof. \ }}%
{$\square$ \medskip }
This survey paper discusses five equivalent ways of defining a ``critical point at
infinity'' for a complex polynomial of two variables.
A proper smooth map without critical points from one manifold to
another is a locally trivial fibration by a well-known theorem of
Ehresmann. On the other hand, a nonproper map without
critical points may not be a fibration. This phenomenon occurs for
complex polynomials. A simple example is provided by $f: \bf C^2
\to \bf C$ defined by the polynomial
$f(x,y) = y(xy-1)$. This map has no critical
points, but the fiber over the origin is different from the other
fibers. (In fact, the fiber over the origin is two rational curves,
one punctured at two points and the other at one point, whereas the
general fiber is a cubic curve, punctured at two points.) One would like to
identify these ``critical values'' where the topology changes and their
corresponding ``critical points at infinity''.
We first review the history of this subject.
Let $f: \bf C^{n} \to \bf C$ be a complex polynomial.
There is a finite set $\Sigma \in \bf C$ such that
$$ f: \bf C^n - f^{-1}(\Sigma) \to \bf C - \Sigma $$
is a fibration.
This is a form of Sard's theorem for polynomials; the set $\Sigma$ is finite
because it is algebraic.
For a proof, see \cite[Proposition 1]{Broughton-83}
(based on work of Verdier), \cite[Appendix A1]{Pham-83},
\cite[Theorem 1]{Ha-Le-84} or \cite{Ha-89-2}.
We let
$$\Sigma = \Sigma_{fin} \cup \Sigma_{\infty}$$
where $\Sigma_{fin}$ is the set of critical values coming from critical points
in $\bf C^n$, and $\Sigma_\infty$ is the set of critical values
``coming from infinity''.
Of course these two sets may have nonempty intersection.
Broughton in \cite{Broughton-83,Broughton-88} calls the polynomial
$f$ {\em tame} if there is a $\delta > 0$ such that the set $\{ x: |
grad \, f(x) | \leq \delta \}$ is compact. He proved that if $f$ is
tame, then $\Sigma_\infty$ is empty.
Thus if the gradient of a polynomial goes to zero along some path
going to infinity, then something bad may happen.
Topics surrounding the
gradient of the polynomial are treated in Section 4 of this paper.
The speed at which the gradient of $f$ goes to zero is measured by the
Lojasiewicz number at infinity; see \cite{Ha-90, Ha-P91, Ha-94,
Cassou-Ha-P92, Cassou-Ha-95}.
There followed many efforts in the case $n = 2$ to identify
the set $\Sigma_\infty$ more precisely.
Suzuki \cite[Corollary 1]{Suzuki-74} provides an
estimate on the number of points in $\Sigma$.
In \cite{Ha-Le-84} it is shown that $c \in \Sigma$ if and
only if $\chi (f^{-1} (c) ) \neq \chi (f^{-1} (t) )$, where $f^{-1} (t)$ is a
generic fiber of $f$ and $\chi$ denotes Euler characteristic.
Further work on identifying $\Sigma_\infty$ ca be found in
\cite{Ha-Nguyen-89, Ha-89-2, Nemethi-Zaharia-90, Nemethi-Zaharia-92,
The homology and homotopy of the fibers of the polynomial $f$ were
also computed, leading to various numerical invariants which will be
discussed in the Section 2 of this paper. Suzuki \cite[Proposition 2]{Suzuki-74} shows that
$$rank \, H_1(f^{-1}(t)) = \mu + \lambda$$
where $f^{-1}(t)$ is a generic fiber, $\mu$ is the sum of the Milnor numbers at the critical points of
$f$ in $\bf C^2$, and $\lambda$ is the sum of all the ``jumps'' in
the Milnor numbers at infinity. (In the terminology of Section 2,
$\lambda = \sum \nu_{p,c}$, where the sum is over $c \in \bf C$ and
$ p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$, and $\nu_{p,c}$ is the jump in the Milnor
number at the point $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and value $c \in \bf C$.)
More on the topology of the fiber can be found in \cite{Bartolo-Cassou-Dimca-P96}.
The polynomial $f$ extends to a function on projective space
${\Bbb P}^2$ which is
well defined except at a finite number of points. The points of
indeterminacy can be easily resolved, and the structure of the
resolution contains information about these points
\cite{Le-Weber-95, Le-Weber-P96}.
These topics are discussed in Section 3.
Other topics investigated (but not discussed in this paper) include
Newton diagrams \cite[Proposition 3.4]{Broughton-88},
\cite{Nemethi-Zaharia-90, Cassou-P96}, knots \cite{Neumann-89, Ha-91},
and the Jacobian conjecture \cite{Le-Weber-95}.
Papers in higher dimensions (that is, $n > 2$) include \cite{Parusinski-P95, Siersma-Tibar-95, Tibar-P96}.
Broughton \cite[Proposition 3.2]{Broughton-88} shows that the tame
polynomials form a dense constructible set in the set of polynomials
of a given degree; Cassou-Nogues \cite[Example V]{Cassou-P96} gives an example to
show that this set is not open in dimension $n=3$.
Although the scene in higher dimensions is not yet settled, the
situation in dimension two is now clear. The purpose of this paper is
to collect together five definitions of ``critical point at infinity''
in this low-dimensional case
and prove that they are equivalent.
These definitions have appeared in the literature in some form
or other, usually in a global affine context;
the purpose of this paper is to give these definitions and prove
their equivalence in a purely
local setting near a point on the line at infinity.
Many examples are also given.
It should be noted that this material can be tricky, despite
its apparent simplicity, and one should take care to make precise
statements and proofs as well as to check examples.
If $f(x,y)$ is a polynomial, $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ is a point
through which the level curves of $f$ pass, and $c \in
\bf C$, we say that the pair $(p,c)$ is a {\em regular point at infinity}
for $f(x,y)$ if it satisfies any one of the following equivalent
conditions. (Otherwise it is a {\em critical point at infinity}.)
\item Condition M (\ref{condition-m}): There is no jump in the Milnor
number (2.1): $\nu_{p,c} = 0$.
\item Condition E (\ref{condition-e}): The family of
germs $f(x,y) = tz^d$ at $p$ is equisingular at $t = c$.
\item Condition F (\ref{condition-f}): The map $f$ is a smooth fiber bundle
near $p$ and the value $c$.
\item Condition R (\ref{condition-r}): There is a
resolution $\tilde{f}: M \to {\Bbb P}^1$ with $\pi: M \to
{\Bbb P}^2$ and a neighborhood $U$ of $p \in {\Bbb P}^2$
such that $\{ \tilde{f} = c \} \cap \pi^{-1}(U)$ is smooth and
intersects the exceptional set $ \pi^{-1}(p)$ transversally.
\item Condition G (\ref{condition-g}): There does not exist
a sequence of points $ \{ p_k \} \in \bf C^2 $
with $ p_k \to p$, $grad \, f(p_k) \to 0$ and $f(p_k) \to c$ as $k \to
\infty $.
Most of these equivalences are well known; we give either
proofs or references
for proofs in the pages that follow.
There are several new results in this paper.
we define (\ref{nu-infinity}) an invariant $\nu_{p,
\infty}$ which measures the number of vanishing cycles at a point
$p$ on the line at infinity for the critical
value infinity, and show that this invariant has
many of the same properties that $\nu_{p,c}$ does for $c \in \bf C$.
Secondly, we define $g_{p,c}$ to be the
number of isotopy classes of paths $\alpha : \bf R \to \bf C^2$
such that $\alpha (t) \to p$, $grad \, f(\alpha (t) ) \to 0$ and
$f(\alpha(t)) \to c$ as $t \to + \infty$.
We use this to give a new proof that Condition M implies Condition G.
In fact, we will show (Proposition \ref{nu-geq-g}) that
$\nu_{p,c} \geq g_{p,c}$.
The work described in this paper started in 1989 when the author supervised a
group of undergraduates in the Mount Holyoke Summer Research Institute
in Mathematics who were working on corresponding problems for real
polynomials. These results are described in \cite{REU}, with further
results in \cite{Durfee-P95}.
The work for this paper was carried out
at the Tata Institute, Bombay, Martin-Luther University,
Halle (with support from IREX, the International Research and
Exchanges Board), the University of Nijmegen, Warwick University, the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Bordeaux.
The author would like to thank all of them for their hospitality.
Earlier versions of this paper included results on deformations of
critical points at infinity; these will appear elsewhere.
\section{Numerical Invariants}
We will use coordinates $(x,y)$ for the complex plane $\bf C^2$, and coordinates
$[x,y,z]$ for the projective plane ${\Bbb P} ^2$.
We let
$${\Bbb L}_\infty = \{ [x,y,z] \in {\Bbb P}^2: z=0 \}$$
be the line at infinity.
We let $d$ be the degree of the polynomial $f(x,y)$.
We let $f_d$ denote the homogeneous term of degree $d$ in $f$.
If $p = [a,b,0] \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$, we let $d_p$ be the
multiplicity of the factor $(bx-ay)$ in $f_d$.
Suppose that the level sets of $f$ intersect ${\Bbb L}_\infty$ at $p$.
$$F_t(x,y,z) = z^df(x/z, y/z) - tz^d$$
be the homogenization of the polynomial $f(x,y)-t$,
where $t \in \bf C$,
and let $g_{p,t}$ be the local equation of $F_t$ at $p$.
If $p = [1,0,0]$, then $g_{p.t}$ is given in local coordinates
$$(u,v) = (y/x, 1/x)$$
$$g_{p,t}(u,v) = F_t(1,u,v)= v^df(1/v,u/v) - tv^d$$
Note that the multiplicity of $g_{p,t}$ at $(0,0)$ is at most $d_p$.
The {\em Milnor number} $\mu_{p,t}$ of $f(x,y)$ at
$(p,t) \in {\Bbb L}_\infty \times \bf C$ is the Milnor number of the
germ $g_{p,t}$ at $(0,0)$ in the usual sense.
The {\em generic Milnor number} $\mu_{p,gen}$ is the Milnor number $\mu_{p,t}$ for generic $t$.
The number of {\em vanishing cycles} at $(p,t)$ is
$$\nu_{p,t} = \mu_{p,t} - \mu_{p,gen}$$
\begin{example} Let $f(x,y) = y(xy-1)$ and $p = [1,0,0]$.
Then $g_{p,t}(u,v) = u^2-uv^2-tv^3$.
We have $\mu_{p,gen}=2$, $\nu_{p,0}=1$, and all other $\nu_{p,t} = 0$.
In fact,
for $t \neq 0$, the singularity is of type $A_2$, and for $t=0$, the
singularity is of type $A_3$. This well-known example is the simplest ``critical point
at infinity".
More generally, if $f(x,y) = y(x^ay-1)$ then for $t \neq 0$, $\mu_{p,t} = a+1$ and there is a singularity of type $A_{a+1}$. For $t=0$, $\mu_{p,0} = 2a+1$ and there is a singularity of type $A_{2a+1}$.
\begin{example} Let $f(x,y)=x(y^2-1)$ and $p = [1,0,0]$.
Then $g_{p,t}(u,v) = u^2-v^2-tv^3$.
For all $t$, $\mu_{p,t}=1$; the family is equisingular, and there is
no ``critical point at infinity''. This is another basic example.
\label{two-max-ex} Here is a more complicated example
(see \cite{REU,Durfee-P95}):
Let $f(x,y) = (xy^2-y-1)^2 + (y^2-1)^2$.
At $p = [1,0,0]$ we have $\mu_{gen} = 15$, $\nu_{p,1}=2$, $\nu_{p,2} =
1$ and $\nu_{p,c}=0$ for all other $c$.
Next we relate $\nu_{p,t}$ to homological vanishing
Fix $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \bf C \cup \{\infty \}$.
Let $U \subset \bf C^2$ be an open set such that
the closure in projective space of the set
$$ \{ (x,y) \in \bf C^2 : (x,y) \in U
\mbox{\ and \ }
f(x,y)= t \} $$
is $p$ for $t$ near $c$.
Choose $C > 0$ large.
We define the {\em Milnor fiber} of $f$ at $(p,c)$ to be
$$\tilde{F}_{p,c} = \overline{ \{ (x,y) \in \bf C^2 : (x,y) \in U
\mbox{\ and \ }
|(x,y)| \geq C
\mbox{\ and \ }
f(x,y)= t \} } $$
where the overbar indicates closure in projective space, and, if $c
\in \bf C$, then $t$ is
near, but not equal to, $c$, and if $c = \infty$, then $t$ is large.
For $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \bf C$,
$$\nu_{p,c} = rank \, H_1 (\tilde{F}_{p,c})$$
Without loss of generality, we may assume that $p = [1,0,0]$.
The number $\nu_{p,c}$ is the difference of the
Milnor number $\mu_{p,c}$ and the generic Milnor number $\mu_{p,gen}$.
The number $\mu_{p,gen}$
is the
Milnor number of $g_{p,t}$ for $t$ near, but not equal to, $c$.
By the usual argument, this difference is
$rank \, H_1 (\{g_{p,c}= 0 \} \cap B_0)$
where $B_0$ is the small ball for the Milnor number of $g_{p,t}$.
We may replace $\{g_{p,c}= 0 \} \cap B_0$ by
$$F'_{p,c} = \{ (u,v) \in \bf C^2 :
|v| \leq \epsilon'
\mbox{\ and \ } g_{p,t}(u,v) = 0 \} $$
We may replace $\tilde{F}_{p,c}$ by
$$\tilde{F}'_{p,c} = \overline{ \{ (x,y) \in \bf C^2 : (x,y) \in U
\mbox{\ and \ }
|x| \geq C
\mbox{\ and \ }
f(x,y)= t \} } $$
The change of coordinates
$x = 1/v$ and $y = u/v$
takes $\tilde{F}_{p,c}$ to $F'_{p,c}$.
To define ``vanishing cycles'' for the critical value $c = \infty$,
we take the above proposition
to be a definition:
For $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ we let
$$\nu_{p,\infty} = rank \, H_1 (\tilde{F}_{p,\infty})$$
Here is a topological interpretation of the number of vanishing
cycles at infinity:
Suppose the level curves of the polynomial $f$ of degree $d$
intersect ${\Bbb L}_\infty$ at $k$ points (counted
without multiplicities).
Then $\nu_{p,\infty} = 0$ for all $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ if and
only if $\overline{ \{ f(x,y) = t \} }$ for $t$ large is homeomorphic
to a $d$-fold
cover of ${\Bbb L}_\infty$ branched at $k$ points.
For example, $y(xy-1) = t$ (where $\nu_{p,\infty} = 0$ for all $p$) is a three-fold cover of ${\Bbb P}^1$
branched at two points,
but $y^2-x = t$ (where $\nu_{[1,0,0],\infty} = 1$) is not a two-fold cover of ${\Bbb P}^1$ branched
at one point.
Next we describe three ways of computing the number of vanishing
cycles $\nu_{p,c}$.
The first is to compute (perhaps with a computer algebra progam) $\mu_{p,c}$ and $\mu_{p,gen}$ and
The second is by counting nondegerate critical points, as described in
the proposition below.
This is similar to
computing the usual Milnor number by counting the number
of nondegerate critical points in a Morsification
(see \cite[vol II, p. 31]{AGV}), and the proof is similar.
Let $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \bf C \cup \{ \infty \}$.
The number $\nu_{p,c}$ is equal to the
number of critical points (assumed nondegenerate)
$q \neq (0,0)$ of the function
$g_{p,t}$ such that $q \to (0,0)$ as $t \to c$.
Let $f(x,y) = y(xy-1)$ and $p = [1,0,0]$. Then $g_{p,t}(u,v) =
u^2-uv^2-tv^3$. For $t \neq 0$ the function $g_{p,t}$ has a
(degenerate) critical point at $(0,0)$ with critical value 0, and a
nondegenerate critical point at $((9/2) t^2, -3t)$ with critical value
$(27/4)t^4$. As $t \to 0$ the second critical point approaches
$(0,0)$. Thus $\nu_{p,0} = 1$.
Let $f(x,y) = x-y^2$ and $p = [1,0,0]$.
Then $g_{p,t}(u,v) = v - u^2 - tu^2$.
The function
$g_{p,t}$ has a single nondegenerate critical point at
$(0,1/(2t))$ with critical value $1/(4t)$. As $t \to \infty$ this
critical point approaches $(0,0)$, so $\nu_{p,\infty} = 1$.
The next proposition describes the result of computing
$\nu_{p,\infty}$ by similar methods.
For $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$,
$$\nu_{p,\infty} = (d_p-1)(d-1) - \mu_{p,gen}$$
Without loss of generality $p = [1,0,0]$.
The intersection multiplicity of the
curves $(g_{p,t})_u$ and $(g_{p,t})_v$ at $(0,0)$ for $t = \infty$,
where $(u,v)$ are local coordinates at $(0,0)$,
can be computed using the algorithm in \cite{Fulton}, and is
found to be $(d_p-1)(d-1)$.
(To compute the intersection multiplicity at $t = \infty$, we let
$s = 1/t$ and compute it at $s = 0$.)
For large $t \neq \infty$, the intersections split into those at
$(0,0)$, the number of which is $\mu_{p,gen}$, and those not at
$(0,0)$, the number of which is
$\nu_{p, \infty}$.
The polynomial $f(x,y) = y^a + x^{a-2}y+x$ has $\nu_{p,\infty} = a^2-2a$ at
the point $p = [1,0,0]$, and all other $\nu_{p,c} = 0$.
Finally, $\nu_{p,t}$ can computed a third way by using polar curves,
as described below. (See \cite[1.6, 1.8]{Ha-Nguyen-89}.)
This method also shows that some vanishing cycles are easy to ``see'' from
a contour plot, since they are where the level
curves of the polynomial have a vertical tangent.
Suppose $p = [1,0,0]$, $c \in \bf C \cup \{\infty\}$ and the level sets of $f$ pass through $p$.
Then $\nu_{p,c}$
is the number of points of intersection
$q \in \bf C^2$ (assumed transverse) of the curves $f =
t$ and $f_y = 0$ in $\bf C^2$ such that $q \to p$ as $t \to c$.
The set $F'_{p,c}$ from the proof of Proposition \ref{betti}
is a connected branched cover of the disk $|v| \leq \epsilon'$ in the
Two sheets come together at each branch point, and all the sheets come
together over $p$.
The result follows from Hurwitz's
If $f(x,y) = x(y^2-1)$, the curves $f=t$ and $f_y =0$
intersect at $(-t,0)$. As $t \to \infty$, the intersection point
$(-t,0) \to [1,0,0]$ and $f(t,0) \to \infty$. Thus
$\nu_{[1,0,0],\infty} = 1$. All other $\nu_{[1,0,0],c} = 0$.
Next we give three definitions of ``critical
point at infinity''.
The polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition M at the point
$p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \complex \cup \{\infinity\}$
if $\nu_{p,c} = 0$.
The polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition E at the point
$(p,c) \in {\Bbb L}_\infty \times \bf C$ if the family of
germs $g_{p,t}$ at (0,0) is equisingular at $t = c$.
A proof that Condition M for $c \in \bf C$ is equivalent to Condition E
may be found at the end of
There are various equivalent ways of specifying equisingularity; see
for instance the papers by Zariski in volume IV of \cite{Zariski-works}.
One that will be useful for us is the following:
The family of germs $g_{p,t}$ is equisingular if the germs
$g_{p,t}= 0$ at (0,0) form a fiber bundle near $t = c$.
The polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition F at a point $(p,c) \in
{\Bbb L}_\infty \times \bf C$ if the map $f$ is a smooth fiber bundle
near $p$ and the value $c$.
(More precisely, a polynomial satisfies Condition F if
there is a $U \subset \bf C^2$ with $p$ in the closure of $U$ in
projective space and $C > 0$ and $\beta > 0$ such
that, letting
$$B = \{ t \in \bf C : |t - c | \leq \beta \}$$
$$N = \{ (x,y) \in \bf C^2 : (x,y) \in U
\mbox{\ and \ }
|(x,y)| \geq C
\mbox{\ and \ }
f(x,y) \in B \} $$
$$f: N \to B $$
is a smooth fiber bundle.)
A polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition E at a point $(p,c) \in
{\Bbb L}_\infty \times \bf C$
if and only if it satisfies Condition F at that point.
The proof is straight-forward, and just involves replacing the
``spherical'' Milnor fiber by one in a ``box'':
Without loss of generality, we may assume that $p = [1,0,0]$.
We may replace Condition E by the following:
There is an $\epsilon' > 0$ and a $\delta' > 0$ such that, letting
$$D' = \{ t \in \bf C : |t - c | < \delta' \} $$
$$M' = \{ (u,v,t) \in \bf C^2 \times \bf C :
|v| \leq \epsilon'
\mbox{\ and \ } t \in D'
\mbox{\ and \ } g_{p,t}(u,v) = 0 \} $$
then the restriction of the projection to the third coordinate
$$\pi: M' \to D' $$
is a fiber bundle.
We may do this since the germs $g_{p,t}(u,v) = 0$ never have $v = 0$
as a component.
We may also replace Condition F by the following:
There is a $U' \subset \bf C^2$
with $p$ in the closure of $U'$ in projective space
and $C' > 0$ and $\beta' > 0$ such
that, letting
$$B' = \{ t \in \bf C : |t - c | \leq \beta' \}$$
$$N' = \{ (x,y) \in \bf C^2 : (x,y) \in U'
\mbox{\ and \ }
|x| \geq C'
\mbox{\ and \ }
f(x,y) \in B' \} $$
$$f: N' \to B' $$
is a smooth fiber bundle.
The change of coordinates
$x = 1/v$ and $y = u/v$
takes $f(x,y) = t$ to $g_{p,t}(u,v)= 0$ and
$N'$ to $M'$.
The polynomial $$f: \bf C^2 \to \bf C $$ extends to a map
$$\hat{f} : {\Bbb P}^2 \to {\Bbb P} $$ which is undefined at a
finite number of points on the line at infinity ${\Bbb L}_\infty$.
By blowing up these points one gets a manifold $M$ and a map $$ \pi : M \to {\Bbb P}^2 $$ such
that the map $$ \tilde{f} : M \to {\Bbb P} $$ which is the lift of
$\hat{f}$ is everywhere defined. We call the map $ \tilde{f}$ a
{\em resolution of $f$}.
Some interesting results on the structure of resolutions are announced
in \cite[Theorems 2, 3, 4]{Le-Weber-95}.
For example, a resolution (the minimal resolution) of
$y(xy-1)$ is given in Figure \ref{std-crpt-res-g}.
\caption{Resolution of $y(xy-1)$}
The symbol $c^{m}$ next to a divisor means that at each smooth
point of the divisor there are local coordinates $(z,w)$ in a
neighborhood of the point such that the divisor is $z=0$ and
$\tilde{f}(z,w) =(z-c)^m$.
The proper transform of level curves of $f$ have arrowheads on them;
the exceptional sets do not.
Resolution are easy compute.
For example, starting with $f(x,y) = y(xy-1)$ which we wish to resolve
near $[1,0,0]$, the function in local coordinates at $[1,0,0]$ is
$u(u-v^2)/v^3$, and we blow up in the standard fashion until it is
everywhere defined.
More examples are shown in Figures \ref{std-nocrpt-res} and
\caption{Resolution of $x(y^2-1)$ at $[1,0,0]$}
\caption{Resolution of $(xy^2-y-1)^2 + (y^2-1)^2$ at $[1,0,0]$}
Next we give a condition for ``regular point at infinity'' in terms of
a resolution. (See also \cite[Theorem 5]{Le-Weber-95}.)
The polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition R at a point $(p,c) \in
{\Bbb L}_\infty \times \bf C$ if there is a
resolution $\tilde{f}: M \to {\Bbb P}^1$ with $\pi: M \to
{\Bbb P}^2$ and a neighborhood $U$ of $p \in {\Bbb P}^2$
such that $\{ \tilde{f} = c \} \cap \pi^{-1}(U)$ is smooth and
intersects the exceptional set $ \pi^{-1}(p)$ transversally.
Let $f(x,y) =y-(xy-1)^2$ near $[1,0,0]$ (See \cite{Krasinski}). In
this example the level curve of the function $\tilde{f} = 0$ is
smooth, but it does not intersect the exceptional divisor
transversally; see Figure \ref{kras-res}.
Hence $(p,c) = ([1,0,0],0)$ does not satisfy Condition R.
(Here $\nu_{[1,0,0],0} = 1$.)
\caption{Resolution of $y-(xy-1)^2$ at $[1,0,0]$}
A point $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and a value $c \in \bf C$ for a
polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition E if and only if it satisfies
Condition R.
Suppose $(p,c)$ satisfies Condition E.
Let $U$ be a neighborhood of $p$ in ${\Bbb P} ^2$ containing
no critical points of $f$ in $\bf C ^2$ or points on ${\Bbb L}_\infty$ though
which the level curves of $f$ pass.
Find a resolution $\tilde{f}$ of $f$.
By further blowing up (if necessary), we may assume that
is a divisor with normal crossings transversally intersecting the
exceptional set where $\tilde{f}$ is not constant.
Equisingularity in
the form of Zariski's (b)-equivalence \cite[p. 513]{Zariski-65}
implies that the functions $g_{p,t}$ for $t$ near $c$ have the same
resolution as the function $g_{p,c}$.
This can only happen if $\{\tilde{f}^{-1}(t) \cap \pi^{-1}(U) \}$ is
smooth and transversally intersects the exceptional set $\pi ^{-1}(p)$.
Thus $p$ and $c$ satisfy Condition R.
Conversely, if $p$ and $c$ satisfy Condition R, then the resolutions
of $ \{ g_{p,t} = 0 \}$ for $t$ near $c$
are (b)-equivalent and hence equisingular.
\section{The Gradient}
If $f$ is a complex polynomial, we define $grad \, f$ as in
\cite{Milnor} to be the complex conjugate of the vector of partial
Of course $p \in \bf C^2$ is a regular point for a function $f$
with regular value $c \in \bf C$ if $f(p) = c$ and $grad \, f(p) \neq 0$. An
equivalent definition would be to say that there is no sequence of
points $ \{ p_k \} $ with $ p_k \to p$, $grad \, f(p_k) \to 0$ and $f(p_k) \to c$ as $k \to
\infty $. We can now imitate this definition for $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$
as follows:
The polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition G at a point $p \in
{\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \complex \cup \{\infinity\}$ if
there does not exist a sequence of points $ \{ p_k \} \in \bf C^2 $
with $ p_k \to p$, $grad \, f(p_k) \to 0$ and $f(p_k) \to c$ as $k \to
\infty $.
If $(p,c)$ does not satisfy Condition G, then a
version of Milnor's curve selection lemma (see for instance
\cite[Lemma 3.1]{Ha-P91} or \cite[Lemma 2]{Nemethi-Zaharia-92})
implies that the sequence of points can be
replaced by a curve:
If $(p,c)$ does not satisfy Condition G, then there is a smooth real algebraic curve $\alpha :
\bf R^+ \to \bf C^2$ such that $\alpha(t) \to p$, \ $grad \,
f(\alpha(t)) \to 0$ and $f(\alpha(t)) \to c$ as $t \to + \infty$.
By ``real algebraic curve'' we mean that the image of $\alpha$ in
$\bf C^2$ is contained in an irreducible component of the zero locus
of a real polynomial.
Let $f(x,y) = y(xy-1)$.
Let $\alpha(t) = (t, 1/(2t))$. As $t \to + \infty$, $\alpha(t) \to
[1,0,0]$, the gradient of $f$ goes to $0$ and the value of the
function approaches $0$.
(c.f. Example \ref{two-max-ex}.)
Let $f(x,y) = (xy^2-y-1)^2 + (y^2-1)^2$.
Let $\alpha(t) = (t+t^2, \pm 1/t)$. As $t \to + \infty$, $\alpha(t)
\to [1,0,0]$, the gradient of $f$ goes to $0$ and the function
approaches the value $1$. If $\beta(t) = (t/2,
1/t)$, then as $t \to + \infty$, $\beta(t) \to [1,0,0]$, the
gradient of $f$ goes to $0$ and the function approaches the value
$2$. (These paths were found by Ian Robertson in the Mount Holyoke
REU program in the summer of 1992.)
If $f(x,y) = x^2y + xy^2 + x^5y^3 + x^3y^5$
and $q \to [1,0,0]$ along the curve $y^2x^3 = -1/3$,
then $grad \, f(q) \to 0$ and $f(q) \to \infty$.
Here $v_{p,\infty} = 1$.
This polynomial is ``quasi-tame'' but not ``tame''
It would be interesting to find more examples like this.
The following proposition is well-known.
It was first proved in the global case by Broughton
\cite{Broughton-88}; see also \cite{Nemethi-Zaharia-90}, proof of
Theorem 1, and \cite{Siersma-Tibar-95}, proof of Proposition 5.5.
The idea of the proof is to use integral curves of the vector field
$grad \, f / |grad \, f |^2$ to identify the fibers.
If a polynomial $f(x,y)$ satisfies Condition G at $(p,c) \in {\Bbb L}_\infty \times \bf C$, then it satisfies Condition
F at this point.
Next we will show that Condition M implies Condition G;
this has been shown in \cite{Ha-90, Ha-P91, Siersma-Tibar-95,
Here we will prove a stronger result by
different methods.
For $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \complex \cup \{\infinity\}$, let $g_{p,c}$ be the
number of isotopy classes of smooth real algebraic curves $\alpha : \bf R \to \bf C^2$
such that $\alpha (t) \to p$, $grad \, f(\alpha (t) ) \to 0$ and
$f(\alpha(t)) \to c$ as $t \to + \infty$.
If $f(x,y) = y^5+x^2y^3-y$ and $p = [1,0,0]$, then
$\nu_{p,0} = 2$. There are two isotopy classes of curves approaching
$p$ along which $grad \, f$ goes to zero, namely the ones containing
the two branches of the curve $f_y = 0$ at $p$. Hence $g_{p,0} =2$.
(This example is from \cite{REU}.)
Clearly $(p,c) \in {\Bbb L}_\infty \times (\complex \cup \{\infinity\})$ satisfies Condition G
if and only if $g_{p,c} = 0$.
Now let $\pi : M \to {\Bbb P}^2$ be a resolution of $f$, $f_x$, and
$f_y$ (so that $\tilde{f}$, $\widetilde{(f_x)}$ and
$\widetilde{(f_y)}$ are defined on $M$), and let
$$G_{p,c} = \{ q \in M : \pi(q) = p,\ \tilde{f}(q) = c,\ \widetilde{(f_x)}(q)
= 0 \mbox{ \ and \ } \widetilde{(f_y)}(q) = 0 \} $$
For $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \complex \cup \{\infinity\}$, let
$\tilde{g}_{p,c}$ be the number of connected components of $G_{p,c}$.
The number $\tilde{g}_{p,c}$ is independent of the resolution by the
usual argument.
In the minimal resolution of $f(x,y) = y(xy-1)$ at $p = [1,0,0]$ (Figure
\ref{std-crpt-res-g}), the functions $f_x$ and $f_y$ are defined.
The zero locus of the lift of $f_x$ contains the exceptional set where
the lift of $f$ is zero, and
the zero locus of the lift of $f_y$ intersects this set transversally.
Thus $G_{p,0}$ consists of a single point, and $\tilde{g}_{p,0} = 1$.
If $f(x,y) = y^5+x^2y^3-y$ and $p = [1,0,0]$, one finds similarly that
$G_{p,0}$ consists of two points.
The two definitions are equivalent by the following
\begin{proposition} For $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \complex \cup \{\infinity\}$,
$g_{p,c} = \tilde{g}_{p,c}$.
Let $\pi: M \to {\Bbb P}^2$ be a resolution of $f$, $f_x$ and $f_y$.
We will show that there is a one-one correspondence between isotopy
classes of curves satisfying (\ref{def-gpc1}) and connected
components of $G_{p,c}$.
Suppose that $\alpha : \bf R^+ \to \bf C^2$ is a smooth real
algebraic curve satisfying the conditions of (\ref{def-gpc1}).
Since $\alpha$ is real algebraic, it lifts to to a map
$\tilde{\alpha}: \bf R^+ \cup \{ \infty \} \to M$
with $\tilde{\alpha}(\infty) \in \pi^{-1}({\Bbb L}_\infty)$.
Let $q = \tilde{\alpha}(\infty)$.
Then $\tilde{f}(q) = c$ and $\widetilde{(f_x)}(q) = 0$ and
$\widetilde{(f_y)}(q) = 0$.
Thus $q \in G_{p,c}$.
If $\alpha_0$ is isotopic to $\alpha_1$ through curves $\alpha_t$
satisfying (\ref{def-gpc1}), then the curves $\alpha_t$ lift to $M$
and are isotopic. In particular, $\tilde{\alpha_0}(\infty)$ and
$\tilde{\alpha_1}(\infty)$ are in the same connected component of
For each $q \in G_{p,c}$ there is an algebraic curve $\tilde{\alpha}:
\bf R^+ \cup \{ \infty \} \to M$ with $\tilde{\alpha}(\infty) =
q$ and $\tilde{\alpha}(R^+) \subset \pi^{-1}(\bf C^2)$. Let
$\alpha = \pi \circ \tilde{\alpha}: \bf R^+ \to \bf C^2$.
Then $\alpha$ satisfies the conditions of (\ref{def-gpc1}).
If $q_0, q_1 \in G_{p,c}$, then there
are two such curves $\tilde{\alpha}_0, \tilde{\alpha}_1$. If $q_0$
and $q_1$ are in the same connected component of $G_{p,c}$, then
$\tilde{\alpha}_0$ is isotopic to $\tilde{\alpha}_1$ through a family
of such curves $\tilde{\alpha}_t$. Hence $\alpha_0$ is isotopic to
$\alpha_1$ through curves satisfying (\ref{def-gpc1}).
If $q_0$ and $q_1$ are in different connected components,
then $\alpha_0$ is not isotopic to $\alpha_1$ through curves
satisfying (\ref{def-gpc1}).
Thus $g_{p,c} = \tilde{g}_{p,c}$.
For $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \complex \cup \{\infinity\}$,
$$\nu_{p,c} \geq g_{p,c}$$
We will show that $\nu_{p,c} \geq \tilde{g}_{p,c}$ and will
use Proposition \ref{polar-curves} to compute $\nu_{p,c}$.
We may assume without loss of generality that $p = [1,0,0]$.
Pick a connected component $G'$ of $G_{p,c}$.
Let $t$ be near $c$.
We will show that $f = t$ intersects $f_y = 0$ in
$\bf C^2$ near $G'$.
There is a $q \in G'$ and a component $C$ of $f_y = 0 $ in $\bf C
^2$ such that
$q$ is in the closure of $C$ in $M$:
We have that $\tilde{f_y} = 0$ on $G'$.
Blow down $G'$ to a point $q'$, and let $E'$ be the image of
Then the lift of $f_y$ is not constant on $E'$ near $q'$, so there is
a component of $f_y= 0$ passing through $q'$.
Lift this component back to $M$.
Next, $f$ is not constant on $C$: If it were, then the gradient
vector of $f$ would be horizontal, so $C$ would be of the form $x =
const$, and $p$ would not be in the closure of $C$.
Thus $f = t$ intersects $C$ near $q$ for small $\epsilon
\neq 0$, and the intersection points are in $\bf C^2$.
The inequality of the proposition can be strict, as it is for the polynomial
$y(x^2y-1)$ at $p = [1,0,0]$ and $c = 0$, where $\nu_{p,c} = 2$ and $g_{p,c} = 1$.
If $p \in {\Bbb L}_\infty$ and $c \in \complex \cup \{\infinity\}$ satisfy Condition M, then
they satisfy Condition G.
The converse to this corollary is not true for $c = \infty$:
For example, the polynomial $x(y^2-1)$ has a gradient whose
magnitude is bounded below for large $x$
and hence satisfies Condition G at $p = [1,0,0]$, yet
$\nu_{p,\infty} = 1$.
1997-02-27T07:20:18 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702018 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702018 | [
] | alg-geom/9702018 | Furuya Masako | Masako Furuya | On $\delta_m$ constant locus of versal deformations of nondegenerate
hypersurface simple K3 singularities | AMS-LaTeX v1.2, 35 pages with 5 figures | null | null | null | null | Hypersurface simple K3 singularities defined by nondegenerate
quasi-homogeneous polynomials are classified into ninety five classes in term
of the weight of the polynomial by T. Yonemura. We consider versal deformations
of them. It has been conjectured that the stratum $\mu$ =const of the versal
deformation of any nondegenerate hypersurface simple K3 singularity is
equivalent to the $\delta_m$ constant locus. It holds true for the case
deformations are also nondegenerate by K. Watanabe. On the other hand, it
follows from Reid that the $\delta_m$ constant locus includes the $\mu$
constant locus generally. We show the conjecture holds true in general for
No.10-14, 46-51 and 83 in the table of Yonemura.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 Feb 1997 06:18:48 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
Simple $K3$ singularities are regarded as natural generalizations in
three-dimensional case of simple elliptic singularities. The notion of a
simple $K3$ singularity was defined by S. Ishii and K. Watanabe [IW] as a
three-dimensional Gorenstein purely elliptic singularity of (0,2)-type,
whereas a simple elliptic singularity is a two-dimensional purely elliptic
singularity of (0,1)-type. It is also pointed out in [IW] that a simple $K3$
singularity is characterized as a quasi-Gorenstein singularity such that the
exceptional set of any minimal resolution is a normal $K3$ surface.
Let $ f \in {\bold C}[x,y,z,w] $ be a polynomial which is nondegenerate with
respect to its Newton boundary $\Gamma(f)$ in the sense of [V1], and whose zero
locus $ X=\{f=0\} $ in ${\bold C}^4$ has an isolated singularity at the origin
$ 0 \in {\bold C}^4 $. Then the condition for $(X,0)$ to be a simple $K3$
singularity is given by a property of the Newton boundary $\Gamma(f)$ of $f$
(cf. Theorem 1.6).
Hypersurface simple $K3$ singularities defined by nondegenerate
quasi-homogeneous polynomials are classified into ninety five classes in term
of the weight of the polynomial by Yonemura [Yo]. We consider versal
deformations of them. It has been conjectured that the stratum $\mu$ =const of
the versal deformation of any nondegenerate hypersurface simple $K3$
singularity is equivalent to the $\delta_m$ constant locus by Ishii.
It holds true for the case deformations are also nondegenerate by 1.7 (1) [W].
On the other hand, it follows from 2.2 ([R1], [R2]) that the $\delta_m$
constant locus includes the $\mu$ constant locus generally. We show the
conjecture holds true in general for No.10-14, 46-51 and 83 in the table of
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Shihoko Ishii for
telling me about the conjecture and giving valuable advice. I also express my
gratitude to \\
Professors Masataka Tomari and Kei-ichi Watanabe for their useful comments \\
concerning Theorem 2.4, and to Professor Takao Fujita for his helpful remark
on \\ Section 1 and 2. I also thank Mr. Hironobu Ishihara who pointed out
grammatical mistakes throughout this paper.
In this section, we recall some definitions and facts from [I1], [IW], [W]
and [Yo].
First we define the plurigenera $ \delta_m, \; m \in \bold N $, for normal
isolated singularities and define purely elliptic singularities. Let $(X,x)$
be a normal isolated singularity in an $n$-dimensional analytic space $X$, and
$ \pi \; : \; (\tilde{X},E) \longrightarrow (X,x) $ a good resolution. In the
following, we assume that $X$ is a sufficiently small Stein neighbourhood of
\begin{defn}[Watanabe {\rm [W]-Def. 1.2}]
Let $(X,x)$ be a normal isolated singularity. For any positive integer $m$,
$$ \delta_m(X,x):=\dim_{\bold C}\Gamma(X-\{x\},{\cal O}(mK))/L^{2/m}(X-\{x\})
, $$
where $K$ is the canonical line bundle on $ X-\{x\} $, and $ L^{2/m}(X-\{x\}) $
is the set of all $L^{2/m}$-integrable (at $x$) holomorphic $m$-ple $n$-forms
on $ X-\{x\} $.
Then $ \delta_m $ is finite and does not depend on the choice of a Stein
neighbourhood $X$.
\begin{defn}[Watanabe {\rm [W]-Def. 3.1}]
A singularity $(X,x)$ is said to be purely elliptic if $ \delta_m(X,x)=1 $ for
every $ m \in \bold N $.
In the following, we assume that $(X,x)$ is quasi-Gorenstein, i.e., there
exists a non-vanishing holomorphic 3-form on $ X-\{x\} $. Let $ E=\bigcup E_i $
be the decomposition of the exceptional set $E$ into irreducible components,
and write
$ K_{\tilde{X}} = \pi^{\ast}K_X+\sum_{i \in I}m_i E_i-\sum_{j \in J}m_j E_j $
with $ m_i \geq 0, \; m_j > 0 $. Ishii [I1] defined the essential part of the
exceptional set $E$ as $ E_J = \sum_{j \in J}m_j E_j $, and showed that if
$(X,x)$ is purely elliptic, then $ m_j=1 $ for all $ j \in J $.
\begin{defn}[Ishii {\rm [I1]-Def. 4.1}]
A quasi-Gorenstein purely elliptic singularity $(X,x)$ is of $(0,i)$-type if
$ H^{n-1}(E_J, {\cal O}_{E_J}) $ consists of the $(0,i)$-Hodge component
$ H_{n-1}^{0,i}(E_J) $, where
$$ {\bold C} \cong H^{n-1}(E_J, {\cal O}_{E_J}) = Gr_F^0 H^{n-1}(E_J)
= \bigoplus_{i=0}^{n-1} H_{n-1}^{0,i}(E_J). $$
\begin{defn-prop}[Ishii-Watanabe {\rm [IW]-Def. 4}]
A three-dimensional \\ singularity $(X,x)$ is a simple $K3$ singularity
if the following two equivalent conditions are satisfied\rom:
\rom{(1)} \ \ $(X,x)$ is Gorenstein purely elliptic of (0,2)-type.
\rom{(2)} \ \ The exceptional divisor $E$ is a normal $K3$ surface for any
minimal resolution $ \pi : (\tilde{X},E) \longrightarrow (X,x) $.
A minimal resolution $ \pi : (\tilde{X},E) \longrightarrow (X,x) $ is a proper
morphism with $ \tilde{X}-E \cong X-\{x\} $, where $\tilde{X}$ has only
terminal $ \bold Q $-factorial singularities and $K_{\tilde{X}}$ is numerically
effective with respect to $\pi$.
Next we consider the case where $(X,x)$ is a hypersurface singularity
defined by a nondegenerate polynomial $f= \sum a_{\nu} z^{\nu} \in
{\bold C}[z_0,z_1,\dotsb,z_n]$, and $x=0 \in {\bold C}^{n+1}$.
The Newton boundary $\Gamma(f)$ of $f$ is the union of the compact faces of
$\Gamma_+(f)$, where $\Gamma_+(f)$ is the convex hull of $ \bigcup_{a_{\nu} \ne
0}(\nu+{\bold R}_{\geq 0}^{n+1}) $ in ${\bold R}^{n+1}$. For any face $\Delta$
of $\Gamma_+(f)$, set $ f_{\Delta}:=\sum_{\nu \in \Delta}a_{\nu}z^{\nu} $.
We say $f$ to be nondegenerate, if
$$ \displaystyle \frac{\partial f_{\Delta}}{\partial z_0} =
\frac{\partial f_{\Delta}}{\partial z_1} = \dotsb =
\frac{\partial f_{\Delta}}{\partial z_n} = 0 $$
has no solution in $ ({\bold C}-\{0\})^{n+1} $ for any face $\Delta$.
When $f$ is nondegenerate, the condition for $(X,x)$ to be a purely
elliptic singularity is given as follows:
\begin{thm}[Watanabe {\rm [W]-Prop. 2.9, Cor. 3.14}]
Let $f$ be a nondegenerate \\ polynomial and suppose $X=\{f=0\}$ has an
isolated singularity at $x=0 \in {\bold C}^{n+1}$.
\rom{(1)} $(X,x)$ is purely elliptic if and only if $(1,1,\dotsb,1) \in
\rom{(2)} Let n=3 and let $\Delta_0$ be the face of $\Gamma (f)$ containing
$(1,1,1,1)$ in the relative interior of $\Delta_0$. Then $(X,x)$ is a simple
$K3$ singularity if and only if $\dim_{\bold R} \Delta_0=3$.
Thus if $f$ is nondegenerate and defines a simple $K3$ singularity, then
$f_{\Delta_0}:=\sum_{\nu \in \Delta_0} a_{\nu} z^{\nu}$ is a quasi-homogeneous
polynomial of a uniquely determined weight $\alpha$ called the weight of $f$
and denoted $\alpha(f)$. Namely, $\alpha =(\alpha_1,\dotsb,\alpha_4) \in {\bold
Q_{>0}}^4$ and $\deg_{\alpha}(\nu):=\sum_{i=1}^4 \alpha_i \nu_i =1$ for any
$\nu \in \Delta_0$. In particular, $\sum_{i=1}^4 \alpha_i=1$, since $(1,1,1,1)$
is always contained in $\Delta_0$.
\begin{thm}[Yonemura {\rm [Yo]-Prop. 2.1}]
The cardinality of \\
$ \{ \alpha (f) \; ; f \text{ is nondegenerate and
defines a simple } K3 \text{ singularity}, \;
\alpha_1 \geq \alpha_2 \geq \alpha_3 \geq \alpha_4 \} $ \\
is 95.
In Table 2.2 of [Yo] can be found the complete list of weights
$\alpha=\alpha(f)$ and examples of $f=\sum \alpha_{\nu} z^{\nu}$ such that
$f$ is quasi-homogeneous and that $\{f=0\} \subset {\bold C}^4$ has a simple
$K3$ singularity at the origin $0 \in {\bold C}^4$.
We describe a weight $\alpha=\alpha(f)$ as $\alpha=(p_1/p,p_2/p,p_3/p,
p_4/p)$, where $p, \; p_i$ are \\ positive integers with
$ {\bold {gcd}}(p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4)=1.$ \\
Next we consider the versal deformation of simple $K3$ singularity
$(X=\{f=0\}, \; 0)$ such that $f$ is a nondegenerate quasi-homogeneous
A deformation of an isolated singularity $(X,x)$ is a flat family of
$$ {\frak X} =\{(X_t,x_t) \; ; \; t \in U \subset {\bold C}^N \}
\overset{flat}{\longrightarrow} U $$
such that $(X_0,x_0) \cong (X,x)$ as germs of holomorphic functions. \\
Where $U$ is a sufficiently small open neighbourhood of 0 in $ {\bold C}^N $.
A deformation $\frak X$ of an isolated singularity $(X,x)$ is versal if for
any deformation ${\frak X'} \longrightarrow U'$ of $(X,x)$, the following is
{\frak X}{\times}_U U' \overset{isom}{\cong} {\frak X}' @>>> U' \\
@VV{\exists \; holomorphic}V \\
{\hspace{2.1cm} \frak X} @>>> U \\
\begin{thm}[{\rm [KS], [Tj]}]
The versal deformation $\frak X$ of an isolated singularity \\
$(\{f=0\}, \; 0)$ is described by
$$ {\frak X} =\{(\{f+\sum \lambda_i g_i=0\}, \; 0) \; ;
\; (\lambda_i) \in U \subset {\bold C}^N \}, $$
where the $g_i$ determine a $\bold C$-basis of the vector space
${\bold C}\{z_0,\dotsb,z_n\}/(f, f_{z_0}, \dotsb, f_{z_n})$.
The purpose of this paper is to show that the following conjecture holds
true for No.10-14, 46-51 and 83 in Table 2.2 of [Yo].
Let $(X=\{f=0\}, \; 0)$ be a hypersurface simple $K3$ singularity
defined by a nondegenerate quasi-homogeneous polynomial $f$, and let
$\frak X$ be the versal deformation of $(X,0)$. Then, \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ \{ \lambda \in U \subset {\bold C}^N \; ; \;
\mu(X,0)=\mu(X_{\lambda} ,0), \;
(X_{\lambda} ,0) \in {\frak X} \} $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ = \{ \lambda \in U \subset {\bold C}^N \; ; \;
1=\delta_m (X,0)=\delta_m (X_{\lambda} ,0) \;
\text{for all } m \geq 1, \;
(X_{\lambda} ,0) \in {\frak X} \}. \qquad \square $
Since $(X,0)$ and $(X_{\lambda} ,0)$ are hypersurface isolated
singularities, they are normal Gorenstein, and so
$$ P_g=0 \; \Longleftrightarrow \; \delta_m=0 \text{\; for all \ } m \geq 1.$$
On the other hand, $(X_{\lambda} ,0)$ is a deformation of a purely elliptic
singularity $(X,0)$, so it is either rational or purely elliptic.
Therefore, this problem is equivalent to:
$$ \mu(X,0)=\mu(X_{\lambda} ,0) \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad
1=P_g(X,0)=P_g(X_{\lambda} ,0). $$
Furthermore, since $\mu$ and $P_g$ are upper semi-continuous in respect of
deformation \\([M], [Te], [E]-Thm. 1, [Ya]-Thm. 2.6), it is equivalent to:
$$ \mu (X,0) > \mu (X_{\lambda} ,0) \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad
1 = P_g (X,0) > P_g (X_{\lambda} ,0) = 0. $$
\section{Reduction of the problem}
Considering some facts, we can reduce the problem posed in section 1 to one
about the weight of the defining polynomial of a hypersurface singularity.
\begin{thm}[Varchenko {\rm [V2]-Thm. 2}]
Let $f \in {\bold C}[z_0,\dotsb,z_n]$ be quasi-homogeneous of weight
$ \alpha $ with $ \alpha_0+\dotsb+\alpha_n=1 $, and $\{f=0\}$ has an isolated
singularity at $0 \in {\bold C}^{n+1}$. Let
$$ \mu := \mu (f,0)<+\infty, \qquad
f_{\lambda} := f+\sum_{i=1}^{\mu} \lambda_i g_i, $$
where $g_i \in {\bold C}\{z_0,\dotsb,z_n\}/(f_{z_0},\dotsb,f_{z_n})$ are
generators of the Jacobi ring, which are monomials. \rom(Since $f$ is
quasi-homogeneous, $g_i$ can be taken as monomials.\rom) Then, \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ \{ \lambda =(\lambda_1,\dotsb,\lambda_{\mu} ) \in U \subset
{\bold C}^{\mu} \; ; \; \mu (f,0)=\mu (f_{\lambda},0)\} $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ = \{ \lambda =(\lambda_1,\dotsb,\lambda_{\mu} ) \in U \subset
{\bold C}^{\mu} \; ; \; \lambda_i=0 \text{\ for all i
satisfying that } \deg_{\alpha} (g_i)<1 \}, $ \\
where $ \deg_{\alpha}(z_0^{i_0} \cdot \dotsb \cdot z_n^{i_n})
:=\alpha_0 i_0+ \dotsb +\alpha_n i_n. \qquad \square $
From 1.7 (1) and 2.1, it follows that
$$ \mu(f,0)= \mu(f_{\lambda},0) \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad
P_g(f,0)=P_g(f_{\lambda},0) $$
holds true if $f_{\lambda}$ is also nondegenerate. Though $f_{\lambda}$ is not
always nondegenerate, the \\ following theorem is useful as well.
\begin{thm}[Reid {\rm [R1]-Thm. 4.1, [R2]-Thm. 4.6}]
Let $(X=\{f=0\}, \; 0) \subset ({\bold C}^{n+1},0)$ be a hypersurface
singularity and let $\alpha=(\alpha_0,\dotsb,\alpha_n)=(p_0/p,\dotsb,p_n/p)
\in {{\bold Q}_{>0}}^{n+1}$ such that $(p_0,\dotsb,p_n) \in {\bold N}^{n+1}$
is a primitive vector. Then, \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ (X,0): \; \text{canonical} \quad \Longrightarrow \quad
\deg_{\alpha}(z_0\cdot\dotsb\cdot z_n)>\deg_{\alpha}(f), $ \\
where $ \deg_{\alpha}(f):=\min\{\deg_{\alpha}(z^{\nu}) \; ;
\; z^{\nu} \in f \}. \qquad \square $
A hypersurface singularity is canonical if and only if it is rational,
and so it follows that
$$ \mu(f,0)=\mu(f_{\lambda},0) \Longrightarrow P_g(f,0)=P_g(f_{\lambda},0) $$
holds always true from 2.2. Hence we should show the converse proposition.
Let $(X,x)$ be a n-dimensional normal Gorenstein singularity and
$$ (\Tilde{\Tilde X},\tilde{E}) \overset{\pi'}{\longrightarrow} (\tilde{X},E)
\overset{\pi}{\longrightarrow} (X,x) , $$
where $\tilde{X}$ has at most rational singularities and
$\pi'':=\pi \circ \pi'$ is a resolution.
Let $ E=\bigcup_{i \in I}E_i $ be the decomposition of the exceptional set $E$
into irreducible components, and
write $ K_{\tilde{X}}=\pi^{\ast} K_X+\sum_{i \in I} m_i E_i $.
Then, it follows that
$ \pi'_{\ast}({\cal O}(K_{\Tilde{\Tilde X}}))={\cal O}(K_{\tilde{X}}) $ since
$\tilde{X}$ has at most rational singularities ([KKMS]-p. 50), and so
P_g(X,x) & :=\dim_{\bold C}
(R^{n-1}{\pi''}_{\ast} {\cal O}_{\Tilde{\Tilde X}})_x \\
& =\dim_{\bold C}\Gamma(X-\{x\},{\cal O} (K_X))/L^2(X-\{x\}) \\
& =\dim_{\bold C}\Gamma(\Tilde{\Tilde X}-\tilde{E},
{\cal O} (K_{\Tilde{\Tilde X}}))/
\Gamma(\Tilde{\Tilde X},
{\cal O} (K_{\Tilde{\Tilde X}})) \\
& =\dim_{\bold C}
\Gamma(\Tilde{\Tilde X}, {\cal O} ({\pi''}^{\ast} K_X))/
\Gamma(\Tilde{\Tilde X}, {\cal O} (K_{\Tilde{\Tilde X}})) \\
& =\dim_{\bold C}\Gamma(\tilde{X}, {\cal O} (\pi^{\ast} K_X))/
\Gamma(\tilde{X}, \pi'_{\ast}({\cal O}(K_{\Tilde{\Tilde X}}))) \\
& =\dim_{\bold C}\Gamma(\tilde{X}, {\cal O} (\pi^{\ast} K_X))/
\Gamma(\tilde{X}, {\cal O} (K_{\tilde{X}})).
$$ \exists \; i \in I \; ; \; m_i<0 \; \Longleftrightarrow \;
\Gamma(\tilde{X},{\cal O} (\pi^{\ast}K_X)) \supsetneq
\Gamma(\tilde{X},{\cal O} (K_{\tilde{X}})) \;
\Longleftrightarrow \; P_g(X,x) > 0, $$
$$ \forall \; i \in I , \; m_i \geq 0 \; \Longleftrightarrow \; P_g(X,x)=0. $$
\begin{thm}[Tomari-Watanabe {\rm [TW]-Thm. 5.6}]
Let $(X=\{f=0\}, \; x)$ be a \\ n-dimensional hypersurface isolated
singularity and \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f=f_0+f_1+f_2+\dotsb, $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ f_i : $ quasi-homogeneous polynomial of weight
\; $ \alpha=(\alpha_0,\dotsb,\alpha_n) \; ; $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ 1=\deg_{\alpha}(f_0)<\deg_{\alpha}(f_1)<\deg_{\alpha}(f_2)
<\dotsb, $ \\
and \\
\put(0,0){\makebox(45,7){$ E={\pi}^{-1}(x) $}}
\put(45,0){\makebox(25,7){$ \longrightarrow $}}
\put(70,0){\makebox(12,7){$ x $.}}
\put(0,7){\makebox(45,9){$ \bigcup $}}
\put(70,7){\makebox(12,9){$ \cup $}}
{$ \tilde{X}=\overline{{\Pi}^{-1}(X)-{\Pi}^{-1}(x)} $}}
{$ @>{\pi=\Pi {\vert}_{\tilde{X}}}>> $}}
\put(70,16){\makebox(12,7){$ X $}}
\put(0,23){\makebox(45,9){$ \bigcup $}}
\put(70,23){\makebox(12,9){$ \bigcup $}}
\put(0,32){\makebox(45,7){$ V $}}
{$ @>{\Pi \; : \; \alpha-blow-up}>> $}}
\put(70,32){\makebox(12,7){$ {\bold C}^{n+1} $}}
\end{figure} \\
Assume that $f_0$ is irreducible and both $X-\{x\}$ and $\{f_0=0\}-\{x\}$ have
at most rational singularities around $x$. Then $\tilde{X}$ has at most
rational singularities. \qquad $\square$
Thus we expect a partial resolution $\pi$ in 2.3 is given by a weighted
\begin{rem}[Ishii {\rm [I2]-Prop. 1.3, 1.6}]
Under the notation in 2.4, $ \Pi^{\ast} X \subset V $ and $ K_{{\bold C}^4} $
are principal divisors, hence,
\Pi^{\ast} X & = \tilde{X} + p F, \\
K_V & = \Pi^{\ast} K_{{\bold C}^4} + (p_1+p_2+p_3+p_4-1)F, \\
K_X & = (K_{{\bold C}^4}+X)|_X, \\
\text{thus,} \qquad
K_{\tilde{X}} & = (K_V+\tilde{X})|_{\tilde{X}} \\
& = (\Pi^{\ast}(K_{{\bold C}^4}+X) + (p_1+p_2+p_3+p_4-1-p) F)|_
{\tilde{X}} \\
& = \pi^{\ast}K_X+(p_1+p_2+p_3+p_4-1-p)\sum_i k_i E_i,
where \ $ \alpha = (\alpha_1, \; \alpha_2, \; \alpha_3, \; \alpha_4)
= (p_1/p, \; p_2/p, \; p_3/p, \; p_4/p) $ with
$ {\bold {gcd}}(p_1, \; p_2, \; p_3, \; p_4)=1 $,\\
\hspace*{1.3cm} $ F={\Pi}^{-1}(0), \quad
F|_{\tilde{X}}=E=\sum_i k_i E_i, \quad k_i>0. $ \\
Thus, \ \ $ p<p_1+\dotsb+p_4 $ if and only if
$ R^2 \pi_{\ast} {\cal O}_{\tilde{X}}=0 $.
Let $f$ be a nondegenerate quasi-homogeneous polynomial which \\ defines a
simple $K3$ singularity at $0$, and $(X_{\lambda}=\{f_{\lambda}=0\}, \; 0)$
a versal deformation of \\ $(X=\{f=0\}, \; 0)$ such that $ \mu(X_{\lambda},0)
< \mu(X,0) $. Then find a weight $\alpha'=(\alpha'_1,\dotsb,\alpha'_4)
=(p'_1/p',\dotsb,p'_4/p')$ of $f_{\lambda}$ with
$ 1<\alpha'_1+\dotsb+\alpha'_4 $ such that: \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda}=f_0+f_1+f_2+\dotsb, $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ f_i $ : quasi-homogeneous polynomial of weight $ \alpha', $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ 1=\deg_{\alpha'}(f_0)<\deg_{\alpha'}(f_1)<\deg_{\alpha'}(f_2)<
\dotsb, $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ f_0 $ is irreducible, \\
\hspace*{1cm} and $ \{f_0=0\}-\{0\} $ has at most rational singularities around
$ 0 $.
If there exists such weight $\alpha'$ then $P_g(X_{\lambda},0)=0$ by 2.4
and 2.5.
We show there exists such weight $\alpha'$ as in 2.6 for
$ f=x^2+y^3+\dotsb, $ of No.10-14, 46-51 and 83 in Table 2.2 of [Yo] to obtain
our main result as follows:
Let $(X=\{f=0\}, \; 0)$ be a hypersurface simple $K3$ singularity
defined by a nondegenerate quasi-homogeneous polynomial $ f=x^2+y^3+\dotsb, $
which is one of No.10-14, 46-51 and 83 in Table 2.2 of [Yo]\rom: \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 10$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^{12} + w^{12} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 11$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^{10} + w^{15} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 12$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^9 + w^{18} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 13$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^8 + w^{24} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 14$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^7 + w^{42} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 46$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^{11} + z w^{12} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 47$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + y z^7 + z^9 w^2+w^{14}$,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 48$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^9 w + w^{16} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 49$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^8 w + w^{21} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 50$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + y z^5 + z^7 w^2+w^{30}$,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 51$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^7 w + w^{36} $,\\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $($No. 83$)$ \ \ $ f = x^2 + y^3 + y w^9+z^{10} w+z^2w^{11}$,\\
and let $\frak X$ be the versal deformation of $(X,0)$. Then, \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ \{ \lambda \in U \subset {\bold C}^N \; ; \;
\mu(X,0)=\mu(X_{\lambda} ,0), \;
(X_{\lambda} ,0) \in {\frak X} \} $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ = \{ \lambda \in U \subset {\bold C}^N \; ; \;
1=\delta_m (X,0)=\delta_m (X_{\lambda} ,0) \;
\text{for all } m \geq 1, \;
(X_{\lambda} ,0) \in {\frak X} \}. $
\section{Proof of Theorem 2.7}
We prepare the following Lemma prior to the proof of Theorem 2.7.
Let $f$ be a nondegenerate quasi-homogeneous polynomial listed by \\ Yonemura
[Yo] which defines a simple $K3$ singularity, and $f_{\lambda}$ a versal
deformation of $f$ such that $ \mu(f_{\lambda},0) < \mu(f,0) $.
Under this original local coordinate system, if
$ \alpha'=(\alpha'_1,\dotsb,\alpha'_4) \in {{\bold Q}_{>0}}^4 $ satisfies
$ \deg_{\alpha'}(f_{\lambda})=1 $ then $ 1<\alpha'_1+\dotsb+\alpha'_4. $
For any i=1,2,3,4, one of the following is satisfied:
(a) \ $ p_i | p $,
(b) \ $ p_i | (p-p_j) $ for some $ j \neq i $,\\
(a) \ $ z_i^I \in f \qquad (\exists I \geq 2) $,
(b) \ $ z_i^I z_j \in f \qquad (\exists I \geq 2) $ for some $ j \neq i $.\\
By assumptions, $ p \alpha_1+q \alpha_2+r \alpha_3+s \alpha_4<1 $
for some $ {z_1}^p {z_2}^q {z_3}^r {z_4}^s \in f_{\lambda} $,\\
\hspace*{2.2cm} and $ p \alpha'_1+q \alpha'_2+r \alpha'_3+s \alpha_4 \geq 1 $
for all $ {z_1}^p {z_2}^q {z_3}^r {z_4}^s \in f_{\lambda} $,\\
so there exists $ i \in \{1,2,3,4\} $ such that $ \alpha_i<\alpha'_i \qquad
\dotsb \circledast.$ \\
So the defining polynomials $f$ can be classified as below.\\
Case $\bold 1.$ \ \ $ z_i^I \in f \quad (\exists I \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1cm} Then $ I \alpha_i=1 \leq I \alpha'_i $,
so we have $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i. $ \\
\hspace*{0.2cm} ($\bold 1$-I) \ \ $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.2cm} Since $ J \alpha_j=1 \leq J \alpha'_j $,
we have $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j. $ \\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 1$-I-i) \ \ $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_k^K \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} From $ K \alpha_k=1 \leq K \alpha'_k $,
we have $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k. $ \\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-I-i-a) (No.1-14) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_k^K, \; z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} From $ L \alpha_l=1 \leq L \alpha'_l $,
we have $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $,
so $ \alpha_1+\dotsb+\alpha_4
<\alpha'_1+\dotsb+\alpha'_4 $ by $\circledast$. \\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-I-i-b) (No.15-51) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_k^K, \; z_k z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} From $ \alpha_k+L \alpha_l=1 \leq \alpha'_k+L \alpha'_l $,
we have $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_k+\alpha'_l. $\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $ then $ \alpha_1+\dotsb+\alpha_4
<\alpha'_1+\dotsb+\alpha'_4 $ by $\circledast$. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_l>\alpha'_l $ then \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
< \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l . $ \\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 1$-I-ii) \ \ $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_k^K z_l \in f
\quad (\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k)
\leq \alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-I-ii-a) (No.78) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_k z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ and $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $
then $ \alpha_1+\dotsb+\alpha_4 <
\alpha'_1+\dotsb+\alpha'_4 $ by $\circledast$. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ and $ \alpha_l > \alpha'_l $
then \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
< \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l . $ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_k > \alpha'_k $ and $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $
then \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
< \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l . $ \\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-I-ii-b) (No.52, 54-74, 76, 77, 79-83) \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_j z_l^L \in f $ \quad
$(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_j+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_j+\alpha'_l $. \ \
The rest is similar to $\bold 1$-I-ii-a .\\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 1$-I-iii) \ \ $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_j z_k^K \in f
\quad (\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} Similarly, $ \alpha_j+\alpha_k+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k)
\leq \alpha'_j+\alpha'_k $.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-I-iii-a) (No.66, 67, 72, 75, 81, 82) \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_j z_k^K, \; z_j z_l^L \in f $ \quad
$(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Since there exists $ z_k^r z_l^s \in f $, we have
$ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Moreover
$ \alpha_j+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_j+\alpha'_l $ by $ z_j z_l^L \in f $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} So we have
$ \alpha_1+\dotsb+\alpha_4 <
\alpha'_1+\dotsb+\alpha'_4 $ similarly as in
$\bold 1$-I-ii-a.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-I-iii-b) (No.53, 57, 58, 62-64, 66, 67, 69-72) \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J, \; z_j z_k^K, \; z_i z_l^L \in f $ \quad
$(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $
then the rest is similar to $\bold 1$-I-ii-a. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_k > \alpha'_k $ and $ \alpha_l > \alpha'_l $ then\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
< \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k)
+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) $ \\
\hspace*{4.8cm} $ \leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l .$ \\
\hspace*{0.2cm} ($\bold 1$-II) \ \ $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.2cm} $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $,
\ and $ \alpha_j+\alpha_k+(J-1)(\alpha_j-\alpha'_j) \leq
\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k $.\\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 1$-II-i) \ \ $ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l \in f
\quad (\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $,
\ and $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \leq
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-II-i-a) (No.88, 90-93) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_k z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Since there exists $ z_j^q z_l^s \in f $, we have
$ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Moreover $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $ by $ z_k z_l^L \in f $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $, $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $
and $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, then the assertion holds true.
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $, $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $
and $ \alpha_l > \alpha'_l $, then \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
< \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l . $ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} The assertion holds true similarly for both
the case of $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $,
$ \alpha_k > \alpha'_k $, \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $,
and the case of $ \alpha_j > \alpha'_j $,
$ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $, $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $. \\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-II-i-b) (No.86-88, 92) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_j z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $,
\ and $ \alpha_j+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\hspace*{1.6cm} The rest is similar to $\bold 1$-II-i-a. \\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-II-i-c) (No.84-89) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_i z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_l.$ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} When $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $, the rest is similar to
$\bold 1$-I-iii-b. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_k > \alpha'_k $ then
$ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ and $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $,
so \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
< \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l . $ \\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 1$-II-ii) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_j z_k^K \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} $ \alpha_j+\alpha_k+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \leq
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-II-ii-a) (No.89) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_j z_k^K, \; z_i z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\hspace*{1.6cm} For the case $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $,
the assertion holds true. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_l > \alpha'_l $ then \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
< \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
$ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ < \begin{cases}
& \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
+(J-1)(\alpha_j-\alpha'_j)+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \quad
( \text{if} \; \alpha_j>\alpha'_j ) \\
& \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k)+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \quad
( \text{if} \; \alpha_k>\alpha'_k )
\end{cases} $ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 1$-II-iii) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_i z_k^K \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_k+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \leq
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-II-iii-a) (No.89) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_i z_k^K, \; z_k z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Moreover
$ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $
since there exists $ z_j^q z_l^s \in f $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} So $ \alpha_1+\dotsb+\alpha_4 < \alpha'_1+\dotsb+\alpha'_4 $
similarly as $\bold 1$-II-i-a.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 1$-II-iii-b) (No.85, 87, 89) \ \
$ z_i^I, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_i z_k^K, \; z_i z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Since there exists $ z_k^r z_l^s \in f $, we have
$ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Moreover $ \alpha_i+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_l $ by $ z_i z_l^L \in f $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} When $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $, the rest is similar to
$\bold 1$-I-iii-b. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_k > \alpha'_k $ then
$ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ and $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $,
so \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
< \alpha _i+\alpha _j+\alpha _k+\alpha _l
+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \leq
\alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l . $ \\
Case $\bold 2.$ \ \ $ z_i^I z_j \in f \quad (\exists I \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ or $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $, \
and $ \alpha_i+\alpha_j+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i)
\leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_j $.\\
\hspace*{0.2cm} ($\bold 2$-I) \ \ $ z_i^I z_j, \; z_j^J z_k \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.2cm} $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $, \
and $ \alpha_j+\alpha_k+(J-1)(\alpha_j-\alpha'_j)
\leq \alpha'_j+\alpha'_k $.\\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 2$-I-i) \ \
$ z_i^I z_j, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k)
\leq \alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 2$-I-i-a) (No.94, 95) \ \
$ z_i^I z_j, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_k z_l^L \in f
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Since there exists $ z_j^q z_l^s \in f $, we have
$ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ then
the rest is similar to $\bold 1$-II-i-a. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_i > \alpha'_i $ then $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $
and so \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
< \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i)
$ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ < \begin{cases}
& \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i)+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \quad
( \text{if} \; \alpha_k>\alpha'_k ) \\
& \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i)+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \quad
( \text{if} \; \alpha_l>\alpha'_l )
\end{cases} $ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l.$ \\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 2$-I-i-b) (No.94, 95) \ \
$ z_i^I z_j, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_j z_l^L \in f
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_j+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_j+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Since there exists $ z_i^p z_l^s \in f $, we have
$ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ then
the rest is similar to $\bold 1$-II-i-a. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_i > \alpha'_i $ then
$ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ and $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and so \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l
< \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i)
+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) $ \\
\hspace*{4.8cm} $ \leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $ \qquad
for the case of $ \alpha_k > \alpha'_k $.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 2$-I-i-c) (No.94, 95) \ \
$ z_i^I z_j, \; z_j^J z_k, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_i z_l^L \in f
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_i+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ and $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $
then the assertion holds true. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ and $ \alpha_j > \alpha'_j $
then $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $, so the rest is similar to
$\bold 1$-I-iii-b. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_i > \alpha'_i $ and $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $
then $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, so the rest is similar to
$\bold 1$-I-iii-b. \\
\hspace*{0.2cm} ($\bold 2$-II) \ \ $ z_i^I z_j, \; z_i z_j^J \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.2cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_j+(J-1)(\alpha_j-\alpha'_j)
\leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_j $.\\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 2$-II-i) \ \
$ z_i^I z_j, \; z_i z_j^J, \; z_k^K z_l \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k)
\leq \alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 2$-II-i-a) \ \
$ z_i^I z_j, \; z_i z_j^J, \; z_k^K z_l, \; z_k z_l^L \in f
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2)$.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_k+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_k+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i+\alpha_j+\alpha_k+\alpha_l $ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ < \begin{cases}
& \alpha_i+\dotsb+\alpha_l+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i) \qquad
( \text{if} \; \alpha_i>\alpha'_i ) \\
& \dotsb\dotsb\dotsb\dotsb \hspace{4.5cm} \dotsb\dotsb \\
& \alpha_i+\dotsb+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \qquad
( \text{if} \; \alpha_l>\alpha'_l )
\end{cases} $ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ < \begin{cases}
& \alpha_i+\dotsb+\alpha_l
+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i)+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \quad
( \alpha_i>\alpha'_i, \; \alpha_k>\alpha'_k ) \\
& \alpha_i+\dotsb+\alpha_l
+(I-1)(\alpha_i-\alpha'_i)+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \quad
( \alpha_i>\alpha'_i, \; \alpha_l>\alpha'_l ) \\
& \alpha_i+\dotsb+\alpha_l
+(J-1)(\alpha_j-\alpha'_j)+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k) \quad
( \alpha_j>\alpha'_j, \; \alpha_k>\alpha'_k ) \\
& \alpha_i+\dotsb+\alpha_l
+(J-1)(\alpha_j-\alpha'_j)+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l) \quad
( \alpha_j>\alpha'_j, \; \alpha_l>\alpha'_l )
\end{cases} $ \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_j+\alpha'_k+\alpha'_l.$ \\
\hspace*{0.4cm} ($\bold 2$-II-ii) \ \ $ z_i^I z_j, \; z_i z_j^J, \; z_j z_k^K
\in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.4cm} $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $, \
and $ \alpha_j+\alpha_k+(K-1)(\alpha_k-\alpha'_k)
\leq \alpha'_j+\alpha'_k $.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 2$-II-ii-a) \ \ $ z_i^I z_j, \; z_i z_j^J, \;
z_j z_k^K, \; z_j z_l^L \in f \quad
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_j+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_j+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{0.6cm} ($\bold 2$-II-ii-b) (No.94, 95) \ \
$ z_i^I z_j, \; z_i z_j^J, \; z_j z_k^K, \; z_i z_l^L \in f
(\exists I, \; \exists J, \; \exists K, \; \exists L \geq 2) $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $, \
and $ \alpha_i+\alpha_l+(L-1)(\alpha_l-\alpha'_l)
\leq \alpha'_i+\alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Since there exists $ z_i^p z_k^r \in f $, we have
$ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $ or $ \alpha_k \leq \alpha'_k $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} Since there exists $ z_j^q z_l^s \in f $, we have
$ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $ or $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $.\\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_l \leq \alpha'_l $ then the rest is similar to
$\bold 1$-II-i-a. \\
\hspace*{1.6cm} If $ \alpha_l > \alpha'_l $ then $ \alpha_i \leq \alpha'_i $
and $ \alpha_j \leq \alpha'_j $, so the rest is similar to
$\bold 2$-I-i-b. \\
Let $ f=\alpha(x,y,z)x^2+\beta(y,z)y^3+\phi(z)y^2+\varphi(z)y+\psi(z) \in
{\bold C}[x,y,z] $ define an isolated singularity at the origin $ 0 \in
{\bold C}^3 $, which satisfies one of the following\rom:
$(1)$ \ $ \beta(y,z)=\beta_0+\text{higher terms}, \;
0 \ne \beta_0 \in {\bold C}, \; \text{ord}\phi=1 $, and \\
\hspace*{1.1cm} $ \beta_0 y^3+\phi_0(z)y^2+\varphi_0(z)y+\psi_0(z) $
has no triple factor,
$(1')$ \ $ \beta \equiv 0 $ or $ \text{ord}\beta \geq 1 $, \ and
$ \text{ord}\phi=1 $,
$(2)$ \ $ \beta(y,z)=\beta_0+\text{higher terms}, \;
0 \ne \beta_0 \in {\bold C}, \; \;
\text{ord}\varphi \leq 3 $ or $ \text{ord}\psi \leq 5 $, \ and \\
\hspace*{1.1cm} $ \beta_0 y^3+\phi_0(z)y^2+\varphi_0(z)y+\psi_0(z) $
has no triple factor, \\
where $ \text{ord}\alpha=0 $, and
$ \phi_0, \; \varphi_0, \; \psi_0 $ are the initial parts of
$ \phi, \; \varphi, \; \psi $, respectively.
Then $(f,0)$ is rational.
\hspace*{0.2cm} We may assume that $ \alpha(x,y,z)=1, \; \beta_0=1 $. \\
(1) \ If $ \text{ord}\varphi \leq 1 $ or $ \text{ord}\psi \leq 2 $ then the
assertion holds true. So we may assume $ \text{ord}\varphi \geq 2 $ and
$ \text{ord}\psi \geq 3 $. Let $f_0$ be the initial part of $f$ with respect
to the weight $ \alpha = (1/2, \; p, \; q) $, where $\alpha$ satisfies the
$$ \frac13 \leq p = \frac{1-q}{2} < \frac12 < p+q \left( = \frac{1+q}{2}
\right), $$
$$ \deg_{\alpha}(\varphi(z)y), \; \deg_{\alpha}\psi(z) \geq 1, \quad
\text{and} \quad
\deg_{\alpha}(\varphi(z)y) \; \text{or} \; \deg_{\alpha}\psi(z)=1. $$
(There exists such weight $\alpha$ because
$$ \frac{1-q}{2} \geq \frac13, \; \frac{1-q}{2}+Nq \geq 1 \quad
\text{for } N \geq 2, \; \frac13 \geq q \geq \frac{1}{2N-1}.) $$
If $ f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[y,z] $ has no double factor, then $(f_0, 0)$ is an
isolated singularity, so $(f_0, 0)$ is rational. So $ \{f_0=0\} \subset
{\bold C}^3 $ has only rational singularities around the origin $ 0 \in
{\bold C}^3 $. Therefore $(f,0)$ is also rational from 2.4 and 2.5, because
$ \displaystyle \frac12+p+q>1 $.\\
If $ f_0-x^2 $ has a double factor, namely, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f=x^2+(y+\gamma_1 z)^2 (y+\gamma_2 z)+\text{higher terms}, \;
\gamma_1 \ne \gamma_2 $, \\
then taking the coordinate changes $ Y:=y+\gamma_1 z $ and
$ z':=(\gamma_2-\gamma_1)z $, thus \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f=x^2+\beta'(Y,z')Y^3+\phi'(z')Y^2+\varphi'(z')Y+\psi'(z')$,\\
for some $ \beta' \in {\bold C}[Y,z'], \;
\phi', \; \varphi', \; \psi' \in {\bold C}[z'] $ with
$ \beta'=1+\text{higher terms}, \;
\phi'=z'+\text{higher terms}, \;
2=\text{ord}\varphi<\text{ord}\varphi', \;
3=\text{ord}\psi<\text{ord}\psi' $.
Let $ \varphi'_0, \; \psi'_0 $ be the initial parts of $ \varphi', \;
\psi' $, respectively. We replace the weight $ \alpha = (1/2, \; p, \; q) $
with $ \alpha' = (1/2, \; p', \; q') $, which satisfies:
$$ \frac13 = p < p' = \frac{1-q'}{2} < \frac12
< p'+q' \left( = \frac{1+q'}{2} \right), $$
$$ \deg_{\alpha'}(\varphi'(z')Y), \; \deg_{\alpha'}\psi'(z') \geq 1,
\quad \text{and} \quad
\deg_{\alpha'}(\varphi'(z')Y) \; \text{or} \;
\deg_{\alpha'}\psi'(z')=1. $$
(There exists such weight $\alpha'$ because
$$ \frac{1-q'}{2} > \frac13, \; \frac{1-q'}{2}+Nq' \geq 1 \quad
\text{for } N > 2, \; \frac13 > q' \geq \frac{1}{2N-1}.) $$
If \ $ Y^2 z'+Y\varphi'_0(z')+\psi'_0(z')=(Y+g(z'))^2 z' $ \;
for some $ g \in {\bold C}[z'] \; \; (\text{ord}(g) > 1) $,\\
then taking the coordinate change $ Y':=Y+g(z') $, thus \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f=x^2+\beta''(Y',z'){Y'}^3+\phi''(z'){Y'}^2
+\varphi''(z')Y'+\psi''(z') $, \\
for some $ \beta'' \in {\bold C}[Y',z'], \;
\phi'', \; \varphi'', \; \psi'' \in {\bold C}[z'] $ with
$ \beta''=1+\text{higher terms}, \;
\phi''=z'+\text{higher terms}, \;
\text{ord} \varphi' < \text{ord} \varphi'', \;
\text{ord} \psi' < \text{ord} \psi'' $.
Let $ \varphi''_0, \; \psi''_0 $ be the initial parts of
$ \varphi'', \; \psi'' $, respectively. If
$$ {Y'}^2 z'+Y'\varphi''_0(z')+\psi''_0(z')=(Y'+g'(z'))^2 z' $$
for some $ g' \in {\bold C}[z'] \; (1 < \text{ord}(g) < \text{ord}(g')) $,
then taking the coordinate change \\ $ Y'':=Y'+g'(z') $, $\dotsb\dotsb$.
If this procedure continues infinitely, then \\
\hspace*{2.5cm} $ \displaystyle
<\frac12<p^{(n)}+q^{(n)} $,\\
\hspace*{2.5cm} $ \displaystyle \frac13=q>q'>\dotsb>q^{(n)}>\dotsb>0 $,
$$ \dim_{\bold C}{\bold C}\{z'\} \left/
\left(\varphi^{(n)}, \frac{\partial \psi^{(n)}}
{\partial z'} \right) \right. \leq \mu(f,0)
\overset{n \to +\infty}{\longrightarrow} +\infty, $$
a contradiction. Therefore $(f,0)$ is rational by 2.4 and 2.5. \\
(1$'$) \ We may assume $ \phi=z+\text{higher terms}, \;
\text{ord}\varphi \geq 2 $ and $ \text{ord}\psi \geq 3 $.
Let $f_0$ be the initial part of $f$ with respect to the weight
$ \alpha = (1/2, \; p, \; q) $, where $\alpha$ satisfies:
$$ \frac13 \leq p = \frac{1-q}{2} < \frac12 < p+q \left( = \frac{1+q}{2}
\right), $$
$$ \deg_{\alpha}(\varphi(z)y), \; \deg_{\alpha}\psi(z) \geq 1, \quad
\text{and} \quad
\deg_{\alpha}(\varphi(z)y) \; \text{or} \; \deg_{\alpha}\psi(z)=1. $$
If $ f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[y,z] $ has no double factor, then $(f_0, 0)$ is
rational similarly as in (1). \\
If $ f_0-x^2 $ has a double factor, namely, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ y^2 z+y\varphi_0(z)+\psi_0(z)=(y+g(z))^2 z $ \;
for some $ g \in {\bold C}[z] \; \; (\text{ord}(g) \geq 1) $,\\
(where $ \varphi_0, \; \psi_0 $ are the initial parts of $ \varphi, \;
\psi $, respectively,)
then taking the coordinate change $ Y:=y+g(z) $, thus \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f=
x^2+\phi(z)Y^2+\varphi'(z)Y+\psi'(z), \qquad & (\beta \equiv 0) \\
x^2+\beta'(Y,z)Y^3+\phi'(z)Y^2+\varphi'(z)Y+\psi'(z), \qquad
& (\text{ord}\beta \geq 1)
\end{cases} $ \\
for some $ \beta' \in {\bold C}[Y,z], \;
\phi', \; \varphi', \; \psi' \in {\bold C}[z] $ with
$ 1 \leq \text{ord}\beta', \; \phi'=z+\text{higher terms}, \;
2 \leq \text{ord} \varphi < \text{ord} \varphi', \;
3 \leq \text{ord} \psi < \text{ord} \psi' $.
We replace the weight $ \alpha = (1/2, \; p, \; q) $
with $ \alpha' = (1/2, \; p', \; q') $, which satisfies the conitions
$$ \frac13 \leq p < p' = \frac{1-q'}{2} < \frac12
< p'+q' \left( = \frac{1+q'}{2} \right), $$
$$ \deg_{\alpha'}(\varphi'(z)Y), \; \deg_{\alpha'}\psi'(z) \geq 1, \quad
\text{and} \quad
\deg_{\alpha'}(\varphi'(z)Y) \; \text{or} \;
\deg_{\alpha'}\psi'(z)=1. $$
If this procedure continues infinitely, then
$ \mu(f,0) \overset{n \to +\infty}{\longrightarrow} +\infty, $
a contradiction. \\
(2) \ Let $f_0$ be the initial part of $f$ with respect to the weight
$ \alpha = (1/2, \; 1/3, \; q) $.\\
If $ f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[y,z] $ has no double factor, then $(f_0, 0)$ is an
isolated singularity, and so $(f_0, 0)$ is rational for the case of
$ \text{ord}\varphi \leq 3 $ or $ \text{ord}\psi \leq 5 $. Therefore $(f,0)$ is
also rational from 2.4 and 2.5, because
$ \displaystyle \frac12+\frac13+q>1 $ for $ \displaystyle q>\frac16 $.\\
So consider the case of
$ f=x^2+(y+\gamma_1 z)^2 (y+\gamma_2 z)+\text{higher terms}, \;
\gamma_1 \ne \gamma_2 $. \\
Then the situation is similar to (1).
\hspace*{0.3cm} (See Theorem 2.7.) \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f = x^2 + y^3 + z^9 + w^{18} $, \ \ \ (No.12) \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + y^3 +
(- \frac{27}{4}c_{3 0}^2 (z+\gamma_1 w)^4 (z-2\gamma_1 w)^2
+ \varphi(z,w))y $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ + (z+\gamma_1 w)^6 (z-2\gamma_1 w)^3 + \psi(z,w) $,\\
where $ - \frac{27}{4}c_{3 0}^3 = 1, \; \text{ord}\varphi \geq 7, \;
\text{ord}\psi \geq 10, \; \psi(z,w) \ni w^{18} $ \ (Case 10-b). \\
Taking the coordinate change
$ Y:= y + \frac32 c_{3 0} (z+\gamma_1 w)^2 (z-2\gamma_1 w) $, we have \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + Y^3
- \frac92 c_{3 0} (z+\gamma_1 w)^2 (z-2\gamma_1 w)Y^2
+ \varphi(z,w)Y $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ - \frac32 c_{3 0} (z+\gamma_1 w)^2 (z-2\gamma_1 w) \varphi(z,w)
+ \psi(z,w) $,\\
and then $ z':= z+\gamma_1 w $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + Y^3
- \frac92 c_{3 0} ({z'}^3 - 3\gamma_1 {z'}^2 w)Y^2
+ \varphi'(z',w)Y + \psi'(z',w) $ \\
for some $ \varphi', \; \psi' \in {\bold C}[z',w], \;
\text{ord}\varphi' \geq 7, \; \text{ord}\psi' \geq 10 $.\\
Let $ \alpha':=(1/2, 1/3, 1/8, 1/12), \; \alpha'':=(1/2, 17/50, 3/25, 2/25),
\; c'_{2 1}:=-3\gamma_1 c_{3 0} $, and \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \varphi'=-3(3c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w+c'_{0 4}w^4)c'_{0 4}w^4+\Phi',
\qquad \quad \; \Phi'_0=c'_{1 7}z'w^7 $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \psi'=(-\frac92c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w-2c'_{0 4}w^4)(c'_{0 4}w^4)^2
+\Psi', \qquad
\Psi'_0=c'_{5 5}{z'}^5 w^5+c'_{1 \; 11}z' w^{11} $,\\
where $ \Phi'_0, \; \Psi'_0 $ are the initial parts of $ \Phi', \; \Psi' $
with respect to the weight $ \alpha' $. Then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + Y^3
- \frac92 (c_{3 0}{z'}^3+c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w)Y^2 +
(-3(3c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w+c'_{0 4}w^4)c'_{0 4}w^4+\Phi')(z',w)Y $\\
\hspace*{2cm} $ +((-\frac92c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w-2c'_{0 4}w^4)(c'_{0 4}w^4)^2+\Psi')
(z',w) $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ = x^2+(Y+c'_{0 4}w^4)^2
(Y-\frac92c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w-2c'_{0 4}w^4) $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ -\frac92c_{3 0}{z'}^3 Y^2+\Phi'(z',w)Y+\Psi'(z',w) $
\qquad \qquad (Case II-A-II$'$-ii-i). \\
Taking the coordinate change $ Y':=Y+c'_{0 4}w^4 $, we have \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + {Y'}^3 - (\frac92c_{3 0}{z'}^3
+\frac92c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w+3c'_{0 4}w^4){Y'}^2 $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ + (9c_{3 0}c'_{0 4}{z'}^3 w^4+\Phi'(z',w))Y'
- \frac92c_{3 0}{c'}_{0 4}^2 {z'}^3 w^8
- c'_{0 4}w^4\Phi'(z',w) + \Psi'(z',w) $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 = x^2 - (\frac92c'_{2 1}{z'}^2 w+3c'_{0 4}w^4){Y'}^2
- \frac92c_{3 0}{c'}_{0 4}^2 {z'}^3 w^8
- c'_{0 4}w^4\Phi'_0(z',w) + \Psi'_0(z',w) $.\\
Then $(f_0, 0)$ is an isolated singularity or Case II-A-I,
and $ 1/2+17/50+3/25+2/25>1 $, so $ \{f_0=0\}-\{0\} \subset {\bold C}^4 $ has
at most rational singularities around the origin $ 0 \in {\bold C}^4 $.
We will take the following arguments to show Theorem 2.7.
Taking suitable local coordinate changes finitely, if necessary, we have a
three-dimensional face $\Delta$ of $\Gamma(f_{\lambda})$ such that $(1,1,1,1)$
lies strictly above the hyperplane including $\Delta$, that
$ \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) := \operatorname{Sing}(\{f_0=0\}) = \bigcup_j C_j $
with $ \dim_{\bold C} C_j \leq 1 $, and that $ (f_0, P):=(\{f_0=0\}, P) $ is
rational for any $ P \in C_j \subset \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) $ with
$ P \ne 0 $ and $ 0 \in C_j $,
where $ f_0 := f_{\lambda \; \Delta} = \sum_{\nu \in \Delta} a_{\nu} z^{\nu}
\subset f_{\lambda} $. Therefore $ \{f_0=0\}-\{0\} $ has at most rational
singularities around $0$, and so $(f_{\lambda},0)$ is rational.
More precisely, any three-dimensional face
$ \Delta = \{ (X,Y,Z,W) \in {{\bold R}_{\geq 0}}^4 \; ; \;
\frac12 X + \beta Y + \gamma Z + \delta W = 1, \;
0 \leq X \leq 2, \; j \leq Y \leq j', \; k \leq Z \leq k', \; l \leq W \leq l'
\} $ of $\Gamma(f_{\lambda})$ satisfies $ 1 < \frac12 + \beta + \gamma +
\delta $ under the original local coordinates from Lemma 3.1.
Choose a three-dimensional face $\Delta$ of $\Gamma(f_{\lambda})$ suitably and
let $ f_0 := f_{\lambda \; \Delta} = \sum_{\nu \in \Delta} a_{\nu} z^{\nu}
\subset f_{\lambda} := \sum_{\nu} a_{\nu} z^{\nu} $.\\
Case (0). \ $ (f_0,0) $ is an isolated singularity.
Then $ (f_0,0) $ is rational and so $ \{ f_0=0 \} \subset {\bold C}^4 $ has
only rational singularities around the origin $ 0 \in {\bold C}^4 $. \\
Case (I). \ $ \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) = \bigcup_j C_j, \qquad
\dim_{\bold C} C_j \leq 1 $ for all j.
Since $f_0$ is quasi-homogeneous, we have $ \operatorname{Sing}(C_j)=\{0\} $.
If an arbitrary point $ P \in C_j-\{0\} $ is rational on $\{ f_0=0 \}$ for each
irreducible curve $C_j$ with $ 0 \in C_j $, then $ \{ f_0=0 \}-\{ 0 \} $ has at
most rational singularities around 0.
Rationality of $P$ is shown by using the following fact: \\
\hspace*{1cm} if there exists an hyperplane cut $ (H,P) \subset
( \{ f_0=0 \}, \; P ) $ which is rational \\
\hspace*{1cm} and Gorenstein, then $ ( \{ f_0=0 \}, \; P ) $ is also rational
and Gorenstein.
When we can not tell whether $P$ is rational or not, take suitable local
coordinate change and repeat the same procedure as above. The condition
$ 1 < \frac12 + \beta^{(n)} + \gamma^{(n)} + \delta^{(n)} $ is still satisfied
for a certain $\Delta^{(n)}$ after each coordinate change. This procedure must
finish in finite times from the assumption $ \mu(f_{\lambda},0)<\mu(f,0) $.\\
Case (II). \ $ \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) = \bigcup_j C_j, \qquad
\dim_{\bold C} C_j = 2 $ for some j.
After suitable local coordinate change, choose another three-dimensional
face $\Delta$ of $\Gamma(f_{\lambda})$ properly, and
let $ f_0 := f_{\lambda \; \Delta} = \sum_{\nu \in \Delta} a_{\nu} z^{\nu} $.
(II-I$^{(\prime)}$). \ $ \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) = \bigcup_j C_j, \qquad
\dim_{\bold C} C_j \leq 1 $ for all j. \\
\hspace*{0.5cm} Then the proof is completed similarly as in (I).
(II-II$^{(\prime)}$). \ $ \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) = \bigcup_j C_j, \qquad
\dim_{\bold C} C_j = 2 $ for some j. \\
\hspace*{0.5cm} After suitable local coordinates change, the condition
$ 1 < \frac12 + \beta' + \gamma' + \delta' $ is still satisfied
for a certain face $ \Delta'= \{ (X,Y,Z,W) \; ; \;
\frac12 X + \beta' Y + \gamma' Z + \delta' W = 1 \} $ of $\Gamma(f_{\lambda})$.
Choose such three-dimensional face $ \Delta'$ properly;
if Case (I$^{(\prime)}$) then the assertion is \\ concluded.
If Case (II$^{(\prime)}$) again, take suitable coordinate change once more.
This \\ procedure must finish in finite times from the assumption
$ \mu(f_{\lambda},0)<\mu(f,0) $.
{\it Proof of Theorem 2.7}.
If there exists $ y^j z^k w^l \in f_{\lambda} $ such that $ j+k+l \leq 2 $
then $(f_{\lambda},0)$ is at most rational. So we may assume $ j+k+l \geq 3 $
for all $ y^j z^k w^l \in f_{\lambda} $.
Let $ \Lambda :=\{(k,l) \; ; z^k w^l \in f_{\lambda}\} \bigcup\{\frac32(k,l)
\; ; y z^k w^l \in f_{\lambda}\} $ and let $\Gamma$ be the union of the
compact faces of the convex hull of $ \bigcup_{\nu \in \Lambda} (\nu +
{{\bold R}_{\geq 0}}^2) $ in $ {\bold R}^2 $. For any one-dimensional face
$ \Delta = \{ (Z,W) \; ; \; \gamma Z + \delta W = 1 \; , k_1 \leq Z \leq k_0,
\; l_0 \leq W \leq l_1 \} $ of $\Gamma$, we get $ \gamma+\delta>1/6 $ from
Lemma 3.1. Choose such $\Delta$ satisfies $ k_1<6 $ and $ l_0<6 $. (See
{\sc Figure} 1.) Then, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2+y^3+ \sum_{\gamma k+\delta l \geq 2/3} b_{kl}
y z^k w^l + \sum_{\gamma k+\delta l \geq 1} c_{kl} z^k w^l $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 = x^2+ y^3+ \sum_{\gamma k+\delta l = 2/3} b_{kl} y z^k w^l
+ \sum_{\gamma k+\delta l = 1} c_{kl} z^k w^l $ \\
with respect to the weight $ \alpha:=(1/2, 1/3, \gamma, \delta) $.\\
\put(50,-10){$ \displaystyle \frac{1}{\gamma} $}
\put(-5,50){$ \displaystyle \frac{1}{\delta} $}
\caption{ }
\end{figure} \\
Case I. \ $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C} [y,z,w] $ \ has no double factor. \\
Since $ h $ and $ \displaystyle \frac{\partial h}{\partial y} $ have no common
factor, $ \dim_{\bold C} \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) \leq 1 $. Let $ C_j \subset
\operatorname{Sing}(f_0) $ be an irreducible curve with $ 0 \in C_j $.
If $ C_j \ni P = (0,a,b,c) \ne (0,0,0,0) $ then $ b \ne 0 $ or $ c \ne 0 $.\\
Let $ P \ne 0 $ be an arbitrary point on $C_j$. \\
(I-A). \ $ C_j \ni P = (0,a(t),b(t),t) \; ; \; t \ne 0 $.\\
Since $f_0$ is quasi-homogeneous, we have $ a(t)=a't^{1/3\delta}, \;
b(t)=b't^{\gamma/\delta} $ for some $ a', \; b' \in {\bold C} $.\\
Let $ \eta:=y-a, \; \zeta:=z-b $, \ and $ f_0(w=t):=f_0(x, \eta+a, \zeta+b, t)
Then $ f_0(w=t)-x^2 = {\eta}^3+3a{\eta}^2+\dotsb \in {\bold C} [\eta,\zeta] $
has no double factor. \\
(In fact, \ if $ f_0(w=t)-x^2=(\eta+\varphi(\zeta))^2 (\eta+\psi(\zeta)) $ then
f_0(w=t) - x^2 & = {\eta}^3 + 3a{\eta}^2 - 3 \varphi(\varphi-2a)\eta
- {\varphi}^2 (2\varphi-3a) \\
& = y^3 - 3(\varphi(z-b(t))-a(t))^2 y
- 2(\varphi(z-b(t))-a(t))^3 ,\\
f_0 - x^2 & = (y+\varphi(z-b(w))-a(w))^2 (y-2\varphi(z-b(w))+2a(w)) \\
& = y^3 - 3(\varphi(z-b(w))-a(w))^2 y - 2(\varphi(z-b(w))-a(w))^3 .
It follows that $ \varphi(z-b(w))-a(w) \in {\bold C} [z,w] $ from
$ \varphi(z-b(w))-a(w) \in {\bold C} [z,w^{\gamma/\delta}] $,\\
$(\varphi(z-b(w))-a(w))^2, \; (\varphi(z-b(w))-a(w))^3 \in {\bold C} [z,w]$.)\\
Therefore $ (f_0(w=t), \; (0,0,0)) $ is an isolated singularity under the local
coordinate system $ (x,\eta,\zeta) $.\\
If $ a \ne 0 $ then $(f_0(x,y,z,t), \; (0,a,b))$ is rational, so
$(f_0, \; (0,a,b,t))$ is rational.\\
If $ a=0 $ then $ \eta=y $, $ f_0(w=t)=x^2+y^3+\sum b_{k l} y (\zeta+b)^k t^l
+\sum c_{k l} (\zeta+b)^k t^l $.\\
If $ b=0 $ then $ \zeta=z $, $ f_0(w=t)=x^2+y^3+\sum b_{k l} y z^k t^l
+\sum c_{k l} z^k t^l $. By Lemma 3.2, $ (f_0(x,y,z,t), \; (0,0,0)) $ is
rational, so $ (f_0, \; (0,0,0,t)) $ is rational. \\
So we consider the case $ b \ne 0 $.\\
If there exists $ i \leq 5 $ such that $ {\zeta}^i \in f_0(w=t) $ or
$ j \leq 3 $ such that $ y {\zeta}^j \in f_0(w=t), $ then
$(f_0(w=t),(0,0,0))$ is rational under the local coordinate system
So we assume the coefficient of $ {\zeta}^i $ is $0$ for all $ i \leq 5 $ and
the coefficient of $ y {\zeta}^j $ is $0$ for all $ j \leq 3 $.
Furthermore we may assume $ \gamma \geq \delta $. ( Indeed, if
$ \gamma < \delta $ we consider $ f_0(x,y,s,w) $ instead of $ f_0(x,y,z,t) $.)
Thus $ b=b(t) $ is written as $ b(t)=b't^m, \;
m := q/p = \gamma/\delta \geq 1, \; p, q \in {\bold N}, \; (p,q)=1 $.
Since the coefficient of $ {\zeta}^i $ is
$ \displaystyle \frac{1}{i!}\frac{{\partial}^i f_0}{(\partial z)^i} (0,0,b,t) $
and the coefficient of $ y {\zeta}^j $ is $ \displaystyle
\frac{1}{j!}\frac{{\partial}^{j+1} f_0}{\partial y (\partial z)^j} (0,0,b,t) $,
it follows that: \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} the coefficient of \ $ {\zeta}^i $ in $ f_0 (w=t) $ is $0$ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \Longleftrightarrow f_0 (0,0,z,t)=(z-b)^{i+1} \varphi(z,t) $,
for some $ \varphi(z,t) \in {\bold C} [z,t^m] $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \Longleftrightarrow f_0 (0,0,z,w)=(z-b'w^m)^{i+1} \varphi(z,w)
$, for some $ \varphi(z,w) \in {\bold C} [z,w^m] $,\\
and \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} the coefficient of \ $ y {\zeta}^j $ in $ f_0 (w=t) $ is $0$ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \displaystyle \Longleftrightarrow
\frac{\partial f_0}{\partial y}(0,0,z,t)=(z-b)^{j+1} \psi(z,t)
$, for some $ \psi(z,t) \in {\bold C} [z,t^m] $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \displaystyle \Longleftrightarrow
\frac{\partial f_0}{\partial y}(0,0,z,w)
=(z-b'w^m)^{j+1} \psi(z,w) $,
for some $ \psi(z,w) \in {\bold C} [z,w^m] $.\\
The number $ m = \gamma/\delta $ is a integer by the assumptions. \\
( In fact, if $ p \ne 1 $ then $ f_0(0,0,z,w) $ and
$ \displaystyle \frac{\partial f_0}{\partial y}(0,0,z,w) $ are written as \\
$ f_0(0,0,z,w)=(z-b'w^m)^6 \varphi(z,w)=(z^p-b''w^q)^6 \varphi'(z,w) , \,
b'' \in {\bold C}, \; \varphi'(z,w) \in {\bold C} [z,w] $,\\
$ \displaystyle \frac{\partial f_0}{\partial y}(0,0,z,w)=(z-b'w^m)^4 \psi(z,w)
=(z^p-b'''w^q)^4 \psi'(z,w) , $ \\
\hspace*{10cm} $ b''' \in {\bold C}, \; \psi'(z,w) \in {\bold C} [z,w] $,\\
respectively. Since $ 2 \leq p \leq q $, we have $ \displaystyle
\frac{1}{6p}+\frac{1}{6q} \leq \frac16 \quad \text{and \ }
\frac{1}{4p}+\frac{1}{4q} \leq \frac14 $. This is a contradiction to the
condition $ \gamma + \delta > 1/6 $.)
Let $ z':=z-b'w^m $, \ $ \Lambda':=\{(k,l) \; ; {z'}^k w^l \in f_{\lambda}\}
\bigcup\{\frac32(k,l) \; ; y {z'}^k w^l \in f_{\lambda}\} $, and let $\Gamma'$
be the union of the compact faces of the convex hull of $ \bigcup_{\nu \in
\Lambda'} (\nu + {{\bold R}_{\geq 0}}^2) $ in $ {\bold R}^2 $. Then:
For any one-dimensional face $ \Delta' =\{ \gamma' Z + \delta' W = 1 , \;
k'_1 \leq Z \leq k'_0, \; l'_0 \leq W \leq l'_1 \} $ of $\Gamma'$,
the condition $ \gamma'+\delta'>1/6 $ is satisfied.
A proof of this claim is found at the end of this paper. \\
There exists $ k_1 < i \leq k_0 $ such that
$ i = \max \{ i' \in {\bold N} \; ; \; (z-b'w^m)^{i'} | f_0(0,0,z,w) \} $
or $ \frac23 k_1 < j \leq \frac23 k_0 $ such that
$ \displaystyle j = \max \left\{ j' \in {\bold N} \; ; \; (z-b'w^m)^{j'}
\left| \frac{\partial f_0}{\partial y}(0,0,z,w) \right. \right\} $.
Choose $ \Delta' $ such that $ k'_0 \leq \min \{i, \; \frac32 j \} $,
$ k'_1 < 6 $ and $ l'_0 < 6 $. Then $ k'_0 \leq k_0 $, \ $ l_0 \leq l'_0 $,
and $ \displaystyle 1 \leq \frac{\gamma}{\delta} < \frac{\gamma'}{\delta'} $.
Let $ f_0 $ be the initial part of $ f \in {\bold C} [x,y,z',w] $ with
respect to the weight $(1/2, 1/3, \gamma', \delta')$.
If $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C} [y,z',w] $ has a double factor, then
Case (II-A). Now we assume $ h $ \ has no double factor.
If $ k'_0 < 6 $ then our assertion is concluded.
So we assume $ k'_0 \geq 6 $. Repeating same argument as above, \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ z'':=z'-b''w^{m'}, \dotsb ,
z^{(n)}:=z^{(n-1)}-b^{(n)}w^{m^{(n-1)}}, \dotsb , $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ k_0 \geq k'_0 \geq k''_0 \geq \dotsb \geq k_0^{(n)} \geq
\dotsb , $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ \displaystyle 1 \leq \frac{\gamma}{\delta} <
\frac{\gamma'}{\delta'} < \frac{\gamma''}{\delta''} < \dotsb
< \frac{{\gamma}^{(n)}}{{\delta}^{(n)}} < \dotsb , $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ \frac16 < {\gamma}^{(n)} + {\delta}^{(n)} $ \ for all
$ n \in {\bold N} $.\\
(See {\sc Figure} 2.) If there exists $ n \in {\bold N} $ such that
$ k_0^{(n)} < 6 $, then this proof is completed.
So consider the case $ k_0^{(n)} \geq 6 $ for all $ n \in {\bold N} $. Then
$ \displaystyle \frac{{\gamma}^{(n)}}{{\delta}^{(n)}} \in {\bold N} $ for all
$ n \in {\bold N} $. If $ k_0^{(n)} > 6 $ for all $ n \in {\bold N} $ then
$ \displaystyle \frac{{\gamma}^{(n)}}{{\delta}^{(n)}}
< - \frac{l_0^{(n)}-6}{k_0^{(n)}-6} $,
and so this procedure must finish in finite times (See {\sc Figure} 3).
Thus assume there exists $ n \in {\bold N} $ such that $ 6=k_0^{(n)}=
k_0^{(n+1)}=k_0^{(n+2)}=\dotsb . $ If this procedure continues infinitely then
$ \mu(f_{\lambda}, 0) \gg 1 $ , a contradiction. This completes Case (I-A). \\
\caption{ }
\caption{ }
\end{figure} \\
(I-B). \ $ C_j \ni P = (0,a(s),s,c(s)) \; ; \; s \ne 0 $.\\
Let $ \eta:=y-a, \; \omega:=w-c $, \; and $ f_0(z=s):=f_0(x, \eta+a, s,
\omega+c) $.
Then $ f_0(z=s)-x^2 \in {\bold C} [\eta,\omega] $ has no double factor.
If $ a \ne 0 $ or $ a=c=0 $ then $(f_0(x,y,s,w), \; (0,a,c))$ is rational,
so $(f_0, \; (0,a,s,c))$ is rational similarly as in Case (I-A). Thus we
assume $ a=0, \; c \ne 0 $. If $ \gamma \geq \delta $ then our argument can be
reduced to the case $ a=0, \; b \ne 0 $ and $ \gamma \geq \delta $ of
Case (I-A). So it is sufficient to consider the case $ \gamma < \delta $.
Furthermore we may assume that the coefficient of $ {\omega}^i $ in
$ f_0(z=s) $ is $0$ for all $ i \leq 5 $ and the coefficient of
$ y {\omega}^j $ in $ f_0(z=s) $ is $0$ for all $ j \leq 3 $. Thus $ c=c(s) $
is written as $ c(s)=c's^m, \; c' \in {\bold C}, \; m = \delta/\gamma > 1, \;
m \in {\bold N} $. Therefore $ l_1 < 6 $ for No.11-14, 46-51 and
$ l_1 \leq 6 $ for No.10, 83.
(Because $ z^{12} \in f $ for No.10, $ z^{10} \in f $ for No.11,
$ z^9 \in f $ for No.12, $ z^8 \in f $ for No.13,
$ z^7 \in f $ for No.14, $ z^{11} \in f $ for No.46,
$ y z^7 \in f $ for No.47, $ z^9 w \in f $ for No.48,
$ z^8 w \in f $ for No.49, $ z^7 w^2 \in f $ for No.50,
$ z^7 w \in f $ for No.51, $ z^{10} w \in f $ for No.83.)
Thus it is sufficient to consider the case $ (k_1,l_1)=(0,6) $ of No.10 and
83. Let $ w':=w-c'z^m, \; \Lambda':=\{(k,l) \; ; z^k {w'}^l \in f_{\lambda}\}
\bigcup \{\frac32(k,l) \; ; y z^k {w'}^l \in f_{\lambda}\} $, and let
$\Gamma'$ be the union of the compact faces of the convex hull of
$ \bigcup_{\nu \in \Lambda'} (\nu + {{\bold R}_{\geq 0}}^2) $ in ${\bold R}^2$.
Then for any one-dimensional face $ \Delta' =\{ \gamma' Z + \delta' W = 1 , \;
k'_1 \leq Z \leq k'_0, \; l'_0 \leq W \leq l'_1 \} $ of $\Gamma'$,
$ \gamma'+\delta'>1/6 $ and $ \displaystyle 1 < \frac{\delta}{\gamma} <
\frac{\delta'}{\gamma'} $ are satisfied. Repeating same argument as in Case
(I-A), \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ w'':=w'-c''z^{m'}, \dotsb ,
w^{(n)}:=w^{(n-1)}-c^{(n)}z^{m^{(n-1)}}, \dotsb , $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ l_1 \geq l'_1 \geq l''_1 \geq \dotsb \geq l_1^{(n)} \geq
\dotsb , $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ \displaystyle 1 < \frac{\delta}{\gamma} <
\frac{\delta'}{\gamma'} < \frac{\delta''}{\gamma''} < \dotsb
< \frac{{\delta}^{(n)}}{{\gamma}^{(n)}} < \dotsb , $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ \frac16 < {\gamma}^{(n)} + {\delta}^{(n)} $ \ for all
$ n \in {\bold N} $.\\
If there exists $ n \in {\bold N} $ such that $ l_1^{(n)} < 6 $ then the
assertion holds true. If $ l_1^{(n)} = 6 $ for all \\ $ n \in {\bold N} $
then this procedure continues infinitely, therefore
$ \mu(f_{\lambda}, 0) \gg 1 $, a contradiction. This completes Case (I).\\
For convenience, we write $ z, \gamma, \delta, $ instead of
$ z^{(n)}, {\gamma}^{(n)}, {\delta}^{(n)}, $ etc.\\
Case II. \ $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C} [y,z,w] $ \ has a double factor. \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 = x^2+y^3-\frac{27}{4}g(z,w)^2 y-\frac{27}{4}g(z,w)^3
= x^2+(y+\frac32 g(z,w))^2 (y-3g(z,w)) $.\\
Let $ Y:= y+\frac32 g(z,w) $, then $f_0$ and $f_{\lambda}$ are written as:\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 = x^2+Y^3-\frac92 g(z,w) Y^2 $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92 g(z,w) Y^2 + \varphi(z,w) Y
+ \psi(z,w) $, \\
for some $ \varphi(z,w), \; \psi(z,w) \in {\bold C} [z,w] $ with
$ \varphi \not\equiv 0 $ or $ \psi \not\equiv 0 $, \
$ \varphi \equiv 0 $ or $ \deg_{\alpha}\varphi>2/3 $, \
$ \psi \equiv 0 $ or $ \deg_{\alpha}\psi>1 $.\\
(II-A). \ When $ \gamma \geq \delta $, $g(z,w)$ can be classified into ten
cases as below: \\
\hspace*{1cm} (1) \ \ $ g = c_{1 0} z + c_{0 L} w^L $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (2) \ \ $ g = c_{1 1} z w + c_{0 (L+1)} w^{L+1} $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (3) \ \ $ g = c_{2 0} z^2 + c_{0 L} w^L , \qquad
3 \leq L $, \quad L is odd, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (4-a) \ $ g = c_{2 0} (z + \gamma_1 w^L)(z + \gamma_2 w^L) ,
\qquad \gamma_1 \ne \gamma_2 $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} (4-b) \ $ g = c_{2 0} (z + \gamma_1 w^L)^2 $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (5) \ \ $ g = c_{2 1} z^2 w + c_{0 (L+1)} w^{L+1} ,
\qquad 3 \leq L $, \quad L is odd, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (6-a) \ $ g = c_{2 1} (z + \gamma_1 w^L)(z + \gamma_2 w^L) w,
\qquad \gamma_1 \ne \gamma_2 $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} (6-b) \ $ g = c_{2 1} (z + \gamma_1 w^L)^2 w $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (7) \ \ $ g = c_{3 0} z^3 + c_{0 4} w^4 $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (8) \ \ $ g = c_{3 0} z^3 + c_{1 3} z w^3 $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (9) \ \ $ g = c_{3 0} z^3 + c_{0 5} w^5 $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (10-a) \ $ g = c_{3 0} (z + \gamma_1 w)(z + \gamma_2 w)
(z + \gamma_3 w) ,
\qquad \gamma_i \ne \gamma_j $ for $ i \ne j $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} (10-b) \ $ g = c_{3 0} (z + \gamma_1 w)^2 (z + \gamma_2 w) ,
\qquad \gamma_1 \ne \gamma_2 $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} (10-c) \ $ g = c_{3 0} (z + \gamma_1 w)^3 $. \\
After the local coordinate change $ z':=z+\gamma_1 w^L \; ( L=1 $ for (10))
around $0$, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (4-a) \ $ g = c_{2 0} {z'}^2 + c'_{1 L} z' w^L $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (4-b) \ $ g = c_{2 0} {z'}^2 $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (6-a) \ $ g = c_{2 1} {z'}^2 w + c'_{1 (L+1)} z' w^{L+1} $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} (6-b) \ $ g = c_{2 1} {z'}^2 w $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (10-a) \ $ g = c_{3 0} {z'}^3 + c'_{2 1} {z'}^2 w
+ c'_{1 2} z' w^2 $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (10-b) \ $ g = c_{3 0} {z'}^3 + c'_{2 1} {z'}^2 w $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (10-c) \ $ g = c_{3 0} {z'}^3 $. \\
(See {\sc Figure} 4.)\\
\caption{ }
Let $ \Lambda':=\{(k,l) \; ; {z'}^k w^l \in f_{\lambda}\}
\bigcup\{\frac32(k,l) \; ; Y {z'}^k w^l \in f_{\lambda}\}
\bigcup\{3(k,l) \; ; Y^2 {z'}^k w^l \in f_{\lambda}\} $, and let $\Gamma'$ be
the union of the compact faces of the convex hull of $ \bigcup_{\nu \in
\Lambda'} (\nu + {{\bold R}_{\geq 0}}^2) $ in $ {\bold R}^2 $.
Then for any one-dimensional face $ \Delta' =\{ \gamma' Z + \delta' W = 1 \; ,
\; k'_1 \leq Z \leq k'_0, \; l'_0 \leq W \leq l'_1 \} $ of $\Gamma'$, the
condition $ \gamma'+\delta'>1/6 $ is satisfied. (In fact, No.11, 13, 14 and
49-51 can not become Case (10). About Case (10-c) which comes from No.10, 12,
46-48 or 83, the condition $ \gamma'+\delta'>1/6 $ is satisfied as in
Claim 3.5.) \\
First we consider Case (1), (2), (3), (4-a), (5), (6-a), (7), (8), (9) and
(10-a). \\
We replace the weight $ \alpha=(1/2,1/3,\gamma,\delta) $ with
$ \alpha'=(1/2,\beta',\gamma',\delta') $ which satisfies the \\ conditions \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \frac13 = \beta < \beta' < \frac12
< \beta' + \gamma' + \delta', \quad
\gamma'/\delta' = \gamma/\delta, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha'}(g(z,w)Y^2) = 1, $ \;
$ \deg_{\alpha'}(\varphi(z,w)Y), \;
\deg_{\alpha'}\psi(z,w) \geq 1 $, \; and \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha'}(\varphi(z,w)Y) $ or
$ \deg_{\alpha'}\psi(z,w) = 1 $,\\
and let $ f_0 $ be the initial part of $ f_{\lambda} $.
(There exists such weight $\alpha'$ because \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \beta' + \gamma' + \delta'
= \beta' + (\gamma+\delta)(1-2\beta')/(1-2\beta) > \frac12 $
and \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha'}(g(z,w)Y^2)
= 2\beta'+\deg_{\alpha}g(z,w)(1-2\beta')/(1-2\beta) = 1 $ \\
for all $ \beta, \gamma, \delta, \beta', \gamma', \delta' $ satisfying \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \beta, \; \beta' < \frac12 < \beta+\gamma+\delta $ and
$ \gamma'/\gamma=\delta'/\delta=(1-2\beta')/(1-2\beta) $.) \\
Then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 = x^2 - \frac92 g(z,w) Y^2
+ \varphi_0 (z,w) Y + \psi_0 (z,w) $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92 g(z,w) Y^2
+ \varphi (z,w) Y + \psi (z,w) $,\\
where $ \varphi_0 \; (\text{resp. } \psi_0) $ is either 0 or the initial part
of $ \varphi \; (\text{resp. }\psi) $. \\
(II-A-I). \ $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C} [Y,z,w] $ \ has no double factor. \\
Let $ C_j \subset \operatorname{Sing}(f_0) $ be an irreducible curve with $ 0
\in C_j $, and $ P = (0,a,b,c) \ne 0 $ an arbitrary point on $C_j$. \\
(II-A-I-i). \ $ C_j \ni P = (0,a(t),b(t),t) \; ; \; t \ne 0 $.\\
Then, $ a(t)=a't^{\beta'/\delta'}, \; b(t)=b't^{\gamma'/\delta'} $ for some
$ a', \; b' \in {\bold C} $.\\
Let $ \eta:=Y-a, \; \zeta:=z-b $, \ and $ f_0(w=t):=f_0(x, \eta+a, \zeta+b, t)
$, then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0(w=t) = x^2 - \frac92 g(\zeta+b,t) (\eta+a)^2
+ \varphi_0 (\zeta+b,t) (\eta+a)
+ \psi_0 (\zeta+b,t) $ \\
\hspace*{2.8cm} $ = x^2 - \frac92 g(\zeta+b,t) \eta^2
+ (-9a g(\zeta+b,t) + \varphi_0 (\zeta+b,t)) \eta $ \\
\hspace*{3.2cm} $ - \frac92 a^2 g(\zeta+b,t) + a \varphi_0 (\zeta+b,t)
+ \psi_0 (\zeta+b,t) $.\\
Then both $ g(\zeta+b,t) \in {\bold C} [\zeta] $ and
$ f_0(w=t)-x^2 \in {\bold C} [\eta,\zeta] $ have no double factor.\\
Therefore $ (f_0(w=t), \; (0,0,0)) $ is an isolated singularity under the
coordinates $ (x, \eta, \zeta) $. \\
If $ g(b,t) \ne 0 $ then $ {\eta}^2 \in f_0(w=t) $.
Otherwise, $ \zeta \in g(\zeta+b,t) $, so $ {\eta}^2 \zeta \in f_0(w=t) $. \\
Hence $ (f_0(w=t), \; (0,0,0)) $ is rational under the coordinates
$ (x, \eta, \zeta) $ by Lemma 3.2. \\
(II-A-I-ii). \ $ C_j \ni P = (0,a(s),s,0) \; ; \; s \ne 0 $.\\
Let $ \eta:=Y-a $, then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0(z=s) = x^2 - \frac92 g(s,w) (\eta+a)^2
+ \varphi_0 (s,w) (\eta+a) + \psi_0 (s,w) $ \\
\hspace*{2.8cm} $ = x^2 - \frac92 g(s,w) {\eta}^2
+ ( -9 a g(s,w) + \varphi_0 (s,w)) \eta $ \\
\hspace*{3.3cm} $ - \frac92 a^2 g(s,w) + a \varphi_0 (s,w) + \psi_0 (s,w). $ \\
$ (f_0(z=s), \; (0,0,0)) $ is an isolated singularity under the coordinates
$ (x, \eta, w) $ because $ h:=f_0(z=s)-x^2 \in {\bold C}[\eta,w] $ has no
double factor. We have
$ {\eta}^2 \in f_0(z=s) $ for (1), (3), (4-a), (7), (8), (9), (10-a), and
$ {\eta}^2 w \in f_0(z=s) $ for (2), (5), (6-a),
since $ s \ne 0 $. Therefore $ (f_0(z=s), \; (0,0,0)) $ is rational. \\
(II-A-I-iii). \ $ C_j \ni P = (0,a,0,0) \; ; \; a \ne 0 $.\\
Since $ f_0(Y=a) = x^2 - \frac92g(z,w) a^2 + \varphi_0(z,w) a + \psi_0(z,w) $,
it follows that \\
$ (f_0(Y=a), \; (0,0,0)) $ is rational under the coordinates $ (x,z,w) $
by Lemma 3.2.\\
(II-A-II). \ $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[Y,z,w] $ has a double factor. \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92 g(z,w) Y^2
+ \varphi (z,w) Y + \psi (z,w) $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 = x^2 - \frac92 g(z,w) Y^2
+ \varphi_0 (z,w) Y + \psi_0 (z,w) $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ = x^2 - \frac92 g(z,w) (Y+\phi(z,w))^2 $.\\
After the coordinate change $ Y':=Y+\phi(z,w) $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + {Y'}^3 + (-\frac92 g - 3\phi)(z,w){Y'}^2
+ \varphi'(z,w) Y'+ \psi'(z,w) $ \\
for some $ \varphi', \; \psi' \in {\bold C}[z,w] $ with
$ \deg_{\alpha'} \varphi < \deg_{\alpha'} \varphi', \;
\deg_{\alpha'} \psi < \deg_{\alpha'} \psi' $.
We replace the weight $ \alpha'=(1/2,\beta',\gamma',\delta') $ with $ \alpha''
=(1/2,\beta'',\gamma'',\delta'') $ which satisfies the conditions \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \frac13 < \beta'' < \frac12 < \beta''+\gamma''+\delta'', \quad
\gamma''/\delta'' = \gamma'/\delta', $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha''}(g(z,w){Y'}^2) = 1, \quad
\deg_{\alpha''}(\varphi'(z,w) Y'), \;
\deg_{\alpha''}\psi'(z,w) \geq 1 $, \; and \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha''}(\varphi'(z,w) Y') \; \text{or} \;
\deg_{\alpha''}\psi'(z,w) = 1 $,\\
and let $ f_0 $ be the initial part of $ f_{\lambda} $. Then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 = x^2 - \frac92 g(z,w) {Y'}^2
+ \varphi'_0 (z,w) Y' + \psi'_0 (z,w) $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \beta' < \beta'', \quad
\gamma' > \gamma'', \quad
\delta' > \delta'', $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha'}g(z,w) < \deg_{\alpha'}\phi(z,w), $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha'}\varphi_0(z,w) < \deg_{\alpha'}\varphi'_0(z,w) $
or $ \varphi'_0(z,w) \equiv 0, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha'} \psi_0(z,w) < \deg_{\alpha'} \psi'_0(z,w) $ or
$ \psi'_0(z,w) \equiv 0. $ \\
If $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[Y',z,w] $ has no double factor, then Case
(II-A-I). \\
If $h$ has a double factor, namely, \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ f_0 = x^2 - \frac92 g(z,w) (Y'+\phi'(z,w))^2 $,\\
then after the coordinate change $ Y'':=Y'+\phi'(z,w) $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + {Y''}^3
+ (-\frac92 g - 3(\phi+\phi'))(z,w){Y''}^2
+ \varphi''(z,w) Y''+ \psi''(z,w) $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ =: x^2 + {Y''}^3 + (-\frac92 g - 3\phi)(z,w){Y''}^2
+ \varphi''(z,w) Y''+ \psi''(z,w) $ \\
for some $ \varphi'', \; \psi'' \in {\bold C}[z,w] $ with
$ \deg_{\alpha''} \varphi' < \deg_{\alpha''} \varphi'', \;
\deg_{\alpha''} \psi' < \deg_{\alpha''} \psi'' $.\\
If this procedure continues infinitely, then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda} = x^2 + {Y^{(n)}}^3
+ (-\frac92 g - 3\phi)(z,w){Y^{(n)}}^2
+ \varphi^{(n)}(z,w)Y^{(n)}+\psi^{(n)}(z,w) $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \frac13 = \beta < \beta' < \beta'' < \dotsb < \beta^{(n)}
< \dotsb < \frac12, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \gamma > \gamma' > \gamma'' > \dotsb > \gamma^{(n)}
> \dotsb, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \delta > \delta' > \delta'' > \dotsb > \delta^{(n)}
> \dotsb, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \gamma/\delta = \gamma'/\delta' = \gamma''/\delta'' = \dotsb =
\gamma^{(n)}/\delta^{(n)} = \dotsb, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \frac12 < \beta^{(n)} + \gamma^{(n)} + \delta^{(n)} \quad
\text{for all } n \in {\bold Z}_{\geq 0}, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha} g(z,w) < \deg_{\alpha} \phi(z,w), $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha} \varphi_0(z,w) < \deg_{\alpha} \varphi'_0(z,w)
< \deg_{\alpha} \varphi''_0(z,w) < \dotsb
< \deg_{\alpha} \varphi_0^{(n)}(z,w) < \dotsb, $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha} \psi_0(z,w) < \deg_{\alpha} \psi'_0(z,w)
< \deg_{\alpha} \psi''_0(z,w) < \dotsb
< \deg_{\alpha} \psi_0^{(n)}(z,w) < \dotsb, $ \\
so $ \displaystyle
\mu(f_{\lambda},0) \geq
\dim_{\bold C} {\bold C} \{ w \} \left/
\left( \varphi^{(n)}(0,w), \;
\frac{\partial \psi^{(n)}}{\partial z}(0,w), \;
\frac{\partial \psi^{(n)}}{\partial w}(0,w) \right) \right. \gg 1 $,\\
a contradiction. \\
Next we consider Case (4-b), (6-b), (10-b), (10-c).
Choose a $\Delta'$ such that: \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ (k'_0, l'_0) $ = (6, 0) for (4-b), \
(6, 3) for (6-b) and (10-b), \\
\hspace*{2.8cm} $ k'_1<6 $ and $ l'_0<6 $ for (10-c), \\
Then $ \displaystyle 1 \leq \frac{\gamma}{\delta} < \frac{\gamma'}{\delta'} $.
Let $f_0$ be the initial part of $ f_{\lambda} \in {\bold C} [x,Y,z',w] $
with respect to the weight $ \alpha':=(1/2, 1/3, \gamma', \delta') $, and
$ m':=\gamma'/\delta' $.\\
For the case ${z'}^3 Y^2$ is not contained in $f_0$ of (10-c), the situation is
similar to (I-A), but $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[Y,z^{(n)},w] $ can not have a
double factor for $ n \in {\bold N} $. So we consider other cases, i.e.,
\hspace*{1cm} f_0 &= x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92c_{kl}^{(\prime)}{z'}^k w^l Y^2
+ \varphi'_0(z',w)Y + \psi'_0(z',w) \\
x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92c_{20}{z'}^2 Y^2 + \varphi'_0(z',w)Y + \psi'_0(z',w),
\qquad & \text{(4-b)} \\
x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92c_{21}{z'}^2 w Y^2 + \varphi'_0(z',w)Y + \psi'_0(z',w),
\qquad & \text{(6-b)} \\
x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92c'_{21}{z'}^2 w Y^2 + \varphi'_0(z',w)Y + \psi'_0(z',w),
\qquad & \text{(10-b)} \\
x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92c_{30}{z'}^3 Y^2 + \varphi'_0(z',w)Y + \psi'_0(z',w),
\qquad & \text{(10-c)}
where $ \deg\varphi'_0(z',t)<2k, \; \deg\psi'_0(z',t)<3k \quad
(0 \ne t \in {\bold C}). $ \\
(II-A-I$'$). \ $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C} [Y,z',w] $ \ has no double factor. \\
(II-A-I$'$-i). \ $ \text{Sing}(f_0) \supset C_j \ni P=(0,a(t),b(t),t) \; ; \;
t \ne 0 $.\\
Let $ \eta:=Y-a, \; \zeta:=z'-b $ and $ f_0(w=t):=f_0(x, \eta+a, \zeta+b, t) $,
then $ f_0(w=t)-x^2 $ has no double factor. \\
(Indeed, assume $ f_0(w=t)-x^2=(\eta+A(\zeta))^2(\eta+B(\zeta)) $ for some
$ A, \; B \in {\bold C}[\zeta] $, then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0(w=t)-x^2=(Y-a(t)+A(z'-b(t)))^2(Y-a(t)+B(z'-b(t))) $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0-x^2=(Y-a(w)+A(z'-b(w)))^2(Y-a(w)+B(z'-b(w))) $ \\
\hspace*{2.4cm} $ =(Y+G(z',w))^2(Y+H(z',w)) $ \\
\hspace*{2.4cm} $ (G:=-a(w)+A(z'-b(w)), \; H:=-a(w)+B(z'-b(w))
\in {\bold C}[z',w^{m'}].) $ \\
\hspace*{2.4cm} $ =Y^3+(2G+H)Y^2+G(G+2H)Y+G^2H $ \\
\hspace*{2.4cm} $ =Y^3-\frac92g'Y^2-G(9g'+3G)Y-G^2(\frac92g'+2G) $,\\
where $ g'(z',w):=c_{k l}^{(\prime)}{z'}^k w^l $.
It follows that $ \deg G(z',t) < k $ from $ \deg \varphi'_0(z',t) < 2k, \;
\deg \psi'_0(z',t) < 3k $, and that $ G \in {\bold C}[z',w] $ from $ g', \;
G(9g'+3G), \; G^2(\frac92g'+2G) \in {\bold C}[z',w], \;
G \in {\bold C}[z',w^{m'}] $.)\\
If $ a=b=0 $ then \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ f_0(w=t) = x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92c_{k l}^{(\prime)}{z'}^k t^l Y^2
+ \varphi'_0(z',t)Y + \psi'_0(z',t), $ \\
with $ \text{ord}\varphi'_0(z',t) < 4 \leq 2k $ or
$ \text{ord}\psi'_0(z',t) < 6 \leq 3k $.\\
If $ a=0, \; b \ne 0 $, then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0(w=t) = x^2 + Y^3 - \frac92c_{k l}^{(\prime)}
+\dotsb+kb^{k-1}\zeta+b^k)t^l Y^2 $ \\
\hspace*{3.3cm} $ + \varphi'_0(\zeta+b,t)Y + \psi'_0(\zeta+b,t) \ni Y^2. $ \\
If $ a \ne 0, \; b=0 $, then \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0(w=t) = x^2 + {\eta}^3 + 3a{\eta}^2
+ (3a^2 + \varphi'_0(z',t))\eta
- \frac92c_{k l}^{(\prime)}{z'}^k t^l (\eta + a)^2 + \dotsb
\ni {\eta}^2. $ \\
If $ a \ne 0, \; b \ne 0 $, then $ {\eta}^2 \in f_0(w=t) $.
(Indeed, the coefficient of ${\eta}^2$ in $f_0(w=t)$ is $ \displaystyle
\frac12 \frac{\partial^2 f_0}{(\partial Y)^2}(0,a,b,t) $, so it follows that:\\
\hspace*{2.5cm} the coefficient of ${\eta}^2$ in $f_0(w=t)$ is 0 \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ \Longleftrightarrow f_0(0,Y,b(t),t)=(Y-a(t))^3 $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ \Longleftrightarrow f_0(0,Y,b(w),w)=(Y-a(w))^3 $ \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ \Longleftrightarrow
f_0(0,Y,z',w)=(Y-\frac32c_{k l}^{(\prime)}{z'}^k w^l)^3 $.)\\
Hence $(f_0(w=t), 0)$ is rational. \\
(II-A-I$'$-ii). \ $ \text{Sing}(f_0) \supset C_j \ni P=(0,a(s),s,0) \; ; \;
s \ne 0 $.\\
Then $ a=0 $ because
$ \displaystyle 0=f_0(0,a,s,0)=\frac{\partial f_0}{\partial Y}(0,a,s,0)
=\varphi'_0(s,0)=\psi'_0(s,0) $.\\
Furthermore, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0(z'=s) - x^2 :=f_0(x, Y, s, w) - x^2
= Y^3 - \frac92c_{k l}^{(\prime)}s^k w^l Y^2
+ \varphi'_0(s,w)Y + \psi'_0(s,w) $ \\
has no double factor. So it follows that $(f_0(z'=s),0)$ is rational from \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ Y^2 \in f_0(z'=s) $ for (4-b) and (10-c), \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ Y^2 w \in f_0(z'=s) $ and $ w^i, \; Y w^j $ are not contained
in $f_0(z'=s)$ for $ i \leq 3, \; j \leq 2 $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} for (6-b) and (10-b).\\
(II-A-II$'$). \ $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C} [Y,z',w] $ \ has a double factor. \\
$f_0$ and $f_{\lambda}$ are written as: \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0=x^2+(Y+G(z',w))^2 (Y+(-\frac92g'-2G)(z',w)) $ \\
\hspace*{1.5cm} $ =:x^2+{Y'}^3-(\frac92g'+3G)(z',w){Y'}^2, \qquad
(Y':=Y+G(z',w).) $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_{\lambda}=:
x^2+{Y'}^3-\frac92g''(z',w){Y'}^2+\varphi''(z',w)Y'+\psi''(z',w), \qquad \;
\text{(4-b, 6-b, 10-c)} \\
x^2+{Y'}^3-\frac92(c_{3 0}{z'}^3+g''(z',w)){Y'}^2+\varphi''(z',w)Y'
+\psi''(z',w), \qquad \text{(10-b)}
\end{cases} $ \\
for some $ g'':=g'+\frac23G, \; \varphi'', \; \psi'' \in {\bold C}[z',w] $ with
$ \deg G(z',t) < k \quad (0 \ne t \in {\bold C}), \\
\deg_{\alpha'}\varphi''>2/3=2(k\gamma'+l\delta'), \;
\deg_{\alpha'}\psi''>1 $.\\
Then $g''$ is one of the following:\\
$ \hspace*{1cm} \left. \begin{gathered}
\text{(3) \ } g'' = c_{2 0} {z'}^2 + c'_{0 L'} w^{L'}, \qquad
3 \leq L', \quad L' \; \text{is odd}, \hspace{1.2cm} \\
\text{(4-a) \ } g''= c_{2 0}(z'+ \gamma'_1 w^{L'})(z'+ \gamma'_2 w^{L'}),
\quad 2 \leq L', \; \gamma'_1 \ne \gamma'_2, \\
\text{(4-b) \ } g'' = c_{2 0} (z' + \gamma'_1 w^{L'})^2, \qquad 2 \leq L',
\end{gathered} \right\} \quad \text{(become from 4-b)} \\
\hspace*{1cm} \left. \begin{gathered}
\text{(5) \ } g'' = c_{2 1}^{(\prime)}{z'}^2 w + c'_{0 (L'+1)}w^{L'+1},
\qquad 3 \leq L', \quad L' \; \text{is odd}, \; \\
\text{(6-a) \ } g'' = c_{2 1}^{(\prime)} (z' + \gamma'_1 w^{L'})
(z' + \gamma'_2 w^{L'}) w,
\quad 2 \leq L', \; \gamma'_1 \ne \gamma'_2, \\
\text{(6-b) \ } g'' = c_{2 1}^{(\prime)} (z' + \gamma'_1 w^{L'})^2 w,
\qquad 2 \leq L', \hspace{3.2cm}
\end{gathered} \right\} \quad
\text{(become from} \\
\text{6-b or 10-b)}
\end{gathered} \\
\hspace*{1cm} \left. \begin{gathered}
\text{(7) \ } g'' = c_{3 0} {z'}^3 + c'_{0 4} w^4, \quad \\
\text{(8) \ } g'' = c_{3 0} {z'}^3 + c'_{1 3} z' w^3, \\
\text{(9) \ } g'' = c_{3 0} {z'}^3 + c'_{0 5} w^5, \quad
\end{gathered} \right\} \quad \text{(become from 10-c).} $ \\
For 3, 4-a, 5, 6-a, 7, 8 and 9, we replace the weight
$ \alpha'=(1/2, 1/3, \gamma', \delta') $ with
$ \alpha''=(1/2, \beta'', \gamma'', \delta'') $
which satisfies the conditions \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \frac13 < \beta'' < \frac12 < \beta''+\gamma''+\delta'', \quad
\gamma''/\delta'' = \gamma'/\delta', $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha''}(g''(z',w){Y'}^2) = 1, \quad
\deg_{\alpha''}(\varphi''(z',w) Y'), \;
\deg_{\alpha''}\psi''(z',w) \geq 1 $, \; and \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \deg_{\alpha''}(\varphi''(z',w) Y') \; \text{or} \;
\deg_{\alpha''}\psi''(z',w) = 1 $,\\
and let $ f_0 $ be the initial part of $ f_{\lambda} $.\\
If $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[Y',z',w] $ has no double factor then Case
(II-A-I). Otherwise, Case (II-A-II), and this procedure must finish in finite
times from the assumption. \\
For 4-b, 6-b, after the coordinate change $z'':=z'+\gamma'_1 w^{L'}$,
we define $\Lambda''$, $\Gamma''$ under the coordinates $(x, Y', z'', w)$
similarly as before and choose a $\Delta''$ corresponding to a weight
$ \alpha''=(1/2, 1/3, \gamma'', \delta'') $ which satisfies $ (k''_0, l''_0)
=(6, 0) $ for (4-b), \ (6, 3) for (6-b). Then $ \displaystyle \frac16 <
\gamma''+\delta''$ and $ \displaystyle 1 \leq \frac{\gamma}{\delta} <
\frac{\gamma'}{\delta'} < \frac{\gamma''}{\delta''} $. Let $f_0$ be the initial
part of $f_{\lambda}$. Then, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ f_0 =
x^2+{Y'}^3-\frac92 c_{2 0}{z''}^2{Y'}^2+\varphi'''_0(z'',w)Y'
+\psi'''_0(z'',w), \qquad & \text{(4-b)} \\
x^2+{Y'}^3-\frac92 c_{2 1}^{(\prime)}{z''}^2 w{Y'}^2+\varphi'''_0(z'',w)Y'
+\psi'''_0(z'',w), \qquad & \text{(6-b)}
\end{cases} $ \\
where $ \deg\varphi'''_0(z'',t) < 4, \; \deg\psi'''_0(z'',t) < 6 \quad
(0 \ne t \in {\bold C}) $. \\
If $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[Y',z'',w] $ has no double factor
then Case (II-A-I$'$). Otherwise, Case (II-A-II$'$), and this procedure must
finish in finite times from the assumption. \\
(II-B). \ When $ \gamma < \delta $, $ g(z,w) $ can be classified as below: \\
\hspace*{1cm} (1$'$) \ \ $ g = c_{0 1} w + c_{K 0} z^K, \qquad
2 \leq K $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} (2$'$) \ \ $ g = c_{1 1} z w + c_{(K+1) 0} z^{K+1}, \qquad
2 \leq K $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (3$'$) \ \ $ g = c_{0 2} w^2 + c_{K 0} z^K, \qquad
3 \leq K $, \ K is odd, \\
\hspace*{1cm} (4-a$'$) \ $ g = c_{0 2} (w + \gamma_1 z^K)(w + \gamma_2 z^K),
\quad 2 \leq K, \ \gamma_1 \ne \gamma_2 $, \
( for No.10, 83 only ), \\
\hspace*{1cm} (4-b$'$) \ $ g = c_{0 2} (w + \gamma_1 z^K)^2, \qquad
2 \leq K $, \qquad ( for No.10, 83 only ), \\
\hspace*{1cm} (5$'$) \ \ $ g = c_{1 2} z w^2 + c_{(K+1) 0} z^{K+1}, \quad
3 \leq K $, \ K is odd, \qquad
( for No.10 only ),\\
\hspace*{1cm} (7$'$) \ \ $ g = c_{0 3} w^3 + c_{4 0} z^4 $, \qquad
( for No.10 only ). \\
For Cases (1$'$), (2$'$), (3$'$), (4-a$'$), (5$'$) and (7$'$), the situation
is similar to (II-A).
For Case (4-b$'$) of No.10 and 83, we define $ \Lambda', \Gamma', \Delta', f_0
$ and $h$ similarly as in (II-A), and repeat the same argument as in (II-A).
Namely, if $ h:=f_0-x^2 \in {\bold C}[Y,z,w'] $ has no double factor then
(II-B-I$'$), and if $h$ has a double factor then (II-B-II$'$).
Then the condition $ \beta^{(n)}+\gamma^{(n)}+\delta^{(n)}>\frac12 $ must be
always satisfied for No.10, because \\ $ \mu(f_{\lambda},0)<\mu(f,0)=242 $.
For the case of $(k_1,l_1)=(k'_1,l'_1)=(0,6)$ of No.83, if it becomes
(II-B-II$'$), then $ z^k \in f_{\lambda} $ for some $ k \geq 15 $.
And so, if $ \beta^{(n)}+ \gamma^{(n)}+\delta^{(n)} \leq 1/2 $ for some
$ n \in {\bold N} $ then $ \mu(f_{\lambda},0) \geq (3-1)(10-1)(15-1)=252 $,
which is a contradiction to the condition $ \mu(f_{\lambda},0)<\mu(f,0)=245 $.
And this argument must finish finitely since $ \mu(f_{\lambda},0)<\mu(f,0) $.\\
For arrangement, let us illustrate the above argument as follows:\\
{\small $
a \ne 0 \quad \; \; : \text{O.K.} \dotsb \; (*) \\
a=b=0 : \text{O.K.} \dotsb \; (**) \\
a=0, \; b \ne 0
\zeta^i \; (\exists \; i \leq 5) \; \text{or} \;
y\zeta^j \; (\exists \; j \leq 3) \in f_0(w=t) :
\text{O.K.} \dotsb \; (\text{***}) \\
\text{otherwise} : z':=z-b'w^m \; \longrightarrow
\text{I-A} \\
a \ne 0 \quad \; \; : \text{O.K.} \dotsb \; (*') \\
a=c=0 : \text{O.K.} \dotsb \; (**') \\
a=0, \; c \ne 0
\omega^i \; (\exists \; i \leq 5) \; \text{or} \;
y\omega^j \; (\exists \; j \leq 3) \in f_0(z=s) :
\text{O.K.} \dotsb \; (\text{***}') \\
\text{otherwise} : w':=w-c'z^m \; \longrightarrow
\text{I-B} \\
\end{cases} \\
\text{1, 2, 3, 4-a, 5, } \\
\text{6-a, 7, 8, 9, 10-a }
\text{II-A-I : O.K.} \dotsb \; (*'') \\
\text{II-A-II} : Y':=Y+\phi \; \to
\text{II-A-I : O.K.} \dotsb \; (*'') \\
\text{II-A-II} : Y'':=Y'+\phi' \; \to \; \dotsb
\end{cases} \\
\text{4-b} \\
\text{6-b} \\
\end{gathered} : z':=z+\gamma_1 w^L \; \to
\text{II-A-I$'$ : O.K.} \dotsb \; (**'') \\
\text{II-A-II$'$} : Y':=Y+G \to
\text{3, 4-a, } \\
\text{5, 6-a}
\text{II-A-I : O.K.} \dotsb \; (*'') \\
\text{II-A-II} : Y'':=Y'+\phi' \to
\end{cases} \\
\text{4-b} \\
\end{gathered} : z'':=z'+\gamma'_1 w^{L'} \\
\hspace*{0.7cm} \to
\text{II-A-I$'$ : O.K.} \dotsb (**'') \\
\text{II-A-II$'$} : Y'':=Y'+G' \to
\text{10-c} : z':=z+\gamma_1 w \to
{z'}^3 Y^2 \in f_0
\text{II-A-I$'$ : O.K.} \dotsb \; (**'') \\
\text{II-A-II$'$} : Y':=Y+G \to
\text{II-A-I : O.K.} \dotsb \; (*'') \\
\text{II-A-II} : Y'':=Y'+\phi' \to
\text{otherwise} : \text{I-A}
\text{1$'$, 2$'$, 3$'$, } \\
\text{4-a$'$, 5$'$, 7$'$ }
\text{II-B-I : O.K.} \dotsb \; (*''') \\
\text{II-B-II} : Y':=Y+\phi \; \to
\text{II-B-I : O.K.} \dotsb \; (*''') \\
\text{II-B-II} : Y'':=Y'+\phi' \; \to \; \dotsb
\end{cases} \\
\text{4-b$'$} : w':=w+\gamma_1 z^K \; \to
\text{II-B-I$'$ : O.K.} \dotsb \; (**''') \\
\text{II-B-II$'$} : Y':=Y+G \to
\text{3$'$, 4-a$'$}
\text{II-B-I : O.K.} \dotsb \; (*''') \\
\text{II-B-II} : Y'':=Y'+\phi' \to
\end{cases} \\
\text{4-b}' : w'':=w'+\gamma'_1 z^{K'} \\
\hspace*{0.5cm} \to
\text{II-B-I$'$ : O.K.} \dotsb (**''') \\
\text{II-B-II$'$} : Y'':=Y'+G' \to
\end{cases} $} \\
The procedures of combinations of ``a coordinate change $\longrightarrow$"
must finish in finite times. Namely, taking suitable coordinate changes in
finite times if necessary, the situation can be reduced to the case that
$(\{f_0=0\} \cap H, P)$ is rational i.e. the case \\ $(*\dotsb*^{(m)})$ of (I)
or (II), after all. Thus, there exist a local coordinate system and a weight
such that $(f_0, P)$ is rational. Furthermore, the condition
$ \frac12 + \beta^{(n)} + \gamma^{(n)} + \delta^{(n)} > 1 $ is satisfied under
each coordinate system appearing in the above procedures. \\
Thus it is enough to show Claim 3.5 for the proof of Theorem 2.7. \\
{\it Proof of Claim 3.5}.\\
Step 1.
Since $(f_{\lambda},0)$ is an isolated singularity, it follows that: \\
\hspace*{2cm} $ z^k $ or $ y z^k $ or $ z^k w \in f_{\lambda}, $ \; and
\; $ w^l $ or $ y w^l $ or $ z w^l \in f_{\lambda}. $ \\
Taking suitable coordinate change \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ y' := y + b_1 z^{K_1} + c_1 w^{L_1}, \quad
z' := z + c_2 w^{L_2}, \quad
w' := w + b_2 z^{K_2} $ \\
for some sufficiently large $ K_i, \; L_j \in {\bold N} $ and some
$ b_i, \; c_j \in {\bold C} $, we have $ {z'}^{k'}, \; {w'}^{l'} \in
f_{\lambda} $ and $ \Gamma(f_{\lambda}) $ is the same as before except adding
compact faces touching some coordinate planes.\\
Step 2 ([A]-Thm. XXII, [AGV]-12.7, Kouchnirenko [K]-Thm. I).
Let $ y^J, z^K, w^L \in F(y,z,w) \in {\bold C}[y,z,w] $ and $ V=\bigcup_{i=0}
^3 V_i $ be a decomposition of the three-dimensional region of the positive
orthant below the Newton boundary $ \Gamma(F) \subset {{\bold R}_{\geq 0}}^3
= \{ (Y,Z,W) \in {{\bold R}_{\geq 0}}^3 \} $ which satisfies: \\
\hspace*{1cm} $V_0$ is the three-dimensional simplicial cone which has vertex
$ (0,0,0), \; (j,0,0), $ \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ (0,k,0), \; (0,0,l) $ with $ j, k, l \in {\bold Q}_{>0} \; ;
\; j \leq J, \; k \leq K, \; l \leq L $,\\
\hspace*{1cm} $V_1$ has a vertex $ (J,0,0) $, \
$V_2$ has a vertex $ (0,K,0) $, \
$V_3$ has a vertex $ (0,0,L) $, \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ \dim_{\bold R}(V_i \cap V_j) \leq 2 $ for $ i \ne j $, \; and
$ S_{1 2} = S_{2 3} = S_{3 1} = \emptyset $ for \\
\hspace*{1cm} $ S_{i 1} := V_i \cap (YZ \text{-plane}), \;
S_{i 2} := V_i \cap (ZW \text{-plane}), \;
S_{i 3} := V_i \cap (WY \text{-plane}) $.\\
(See {\sc Figure} 5.)
\caption{ }
\end{figure} \\
Suppose that $(F,0)$ is an isolated singularity, then
\mu(F,0) & \geq 3! \left( \sum_{i=0}^3 V_i \right)
- 2! \left( \sum_{i=0}^3 \sum_{j=1}^3 S_{i j} \right)
+ 1!(J+K+L) - 1 \\
& = jkl-(jk+kl+lj)+j+k+l-1 \\
& \quad + \sum_{i=1}^3 \left( 6V_i-2\sum_{j=1}^3 S_{i j} \right)
+ (J-j) + (K-k) + (L-l) \\
& \geq (j-1)(k-1)(l-1).
Step 3.
If $ 0 < \delta' < \delta \leq \gamma < \gamma' < 1 $ and
$ \gamma + \delta = \gamma' + \delta' $
$$ \left( \frac{1}{\gamma}-1 \right) \left( \frac{1}{\delta}-1 \right) <
\left( \frac{1}{\gamma'}-1 \right) \left( \frac{1}{\delta'}-1 \right). $$
In fact, let $ \gamma + \delta = \gamma' + \delta' =: 1/c, \;
c \in {\bold R} $, \ then
& \quad \frac{1}{\gamma' \delta'}-\frac{1}{\gamma'}-\frac{1}{\delta'}-
\left( \frac{1}{\gamma \delta}-\frac{1}{\gamma}-\frac{1}{\delta} \right) \\
& = (c-1)(\gamma'-\gamma)(c(\gamma+\gamma')-1)/
\gamma\gamma'(1-c\gamma)(1-c\gamma') > 0.
Step 4.
From Step 1 - Step 3, if $ \gamma'+\delta'= 1/c \leq 1/6 $ then
& \geq (3-1) \left( \frac{1}{\gamma'}-1 \right)
\left( \frac{1}{\delta'}-1 \right) \\
& \geq (3-1) \left( \frac{6}{c\gamma'}-1 \right)
\left( \frac{6}{c\delta'}-1 \right) \\
& > (3-1) \left( \frac{1}{\alpha_3}-1 \right)
\left( \frac{1}{\alpha_4}-1 \right) = \mu(f,0),
a contradiction. This completes the proof of Claim 3.5 and Theorem 2.7.
\ \ \ Q.E.D.\\
1997-02-20T17:14:20 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702004 | [
] | alg-geom/9702004 | Alice Silverberg | A. Silverberg and Yu. G. Zarhin | Semistable reduction of abelian varieties over extensions of small
degree | LaTeX2e | null | null | null | null | We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for abelian varieties to
acquire semistable reduction over fields of low degree. Our criteria are
expressed in terms of torsion points of small order defined over unramified
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 Feb 1997 20:20:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 20 Feb 1997 16:14:15 GMT"
] | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | [
"Yu. G.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
In this paper we obtain criteria for
abelian varieties to acquire semistable reduction over fields
of certain given (small) degrees. Our criteria are expressed
in terms of unramified torsion points.
Suppose that $X$ is an abelian variety defined over a field
$F$, and $n$ is a positive integer not divisible by the characteristic
of $F$. Let $X^\ast$ denote the dual abelian variety of $X$, let
$X_n$ denote the kernel of multiplication by $n$ in $X(F^s)$,
where $F^s$ denotes a separable closure of $F$,
$X_n^\ast$ denote the kernel of multiplication by $n$ in $X^\ast(F^s)$,
and let $\boldsymbol \mu _n$ denote the $\mathrm{Gal} (F^s/F)$-module
of $n$-th roots of unity in $F^s$.
The Weil pairing
$e_n : X_n \times X_n^\ast \to {\boldsymbol \mu}_n$
is a $\mathrm{Gal}(F^s/F)$-equivariant nondegenerate pairing.
If $S$ is a subgroup of $X_n$, let
$$S^{\perp_n} =
\{ y \in X_n^\ast : e_n(x,y) = 1 \text{ for every } x \in S \}
\subseteq X_n^\ast.$$
For example, if $n = m^2$ and $S = X_m$, then $S^{\perp_n} = X_m^\ast$.
If $X$ is an elliptic curve and $S$ is a cyclic subgroup of
order $n$, then $S^{\perp_n} = S$.
Suppose that $v$ is a discrete valuation on $F$ whose residue
characteristic does not divide $n$.
Previously we showed that if $n \ge 5$
then $X$ has semistable reduction at $v$ if and only if
there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_n$ such that all the points on
$S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$ are defined over an extension of $F$
unramified over $v$ (see Theorem 4.5 of \cite{dpp};
see also Theorem 6.2 of \cite{semistab}).
In the current paper we show that if
there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_n$,
for $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$ (respectively),
such that all the points on
$S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$ are defined over an extension of $F$
unramified over $v$, then $X$ acquires semistable reduction
over every degree $4$, $3$, or $2$ (respectively)
extension of $F$ totally ramified above $v$.
We also give necessary and sufficient conditions for
semistable reduction over quartic, cubic, and quadratic extensions.
Namely, if $L$ is a totally ramified extension of $F$
of degree $4$, $3$, or $2$, respectively,
then $X$ has semistable reduction over $L$
if and only if there exist a finite unramified
extension $K$ of $F$, an abelian variety $Y$ over $K$ which
is $K$-isogenous to $X$, and a subgroup $S$ of $Y_n$,
for $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$, respectively,
such that all the points of $S$ and of $S^{\perp_n}$ are
defined over an unramified extension of $K$.
If $X$ is an elliptic curve one may take $Y = X$. This
is not true already for abelian surfaces. However, one may take
$Y = X$ in the special case where $X$ has purely additive and
potentially good reduction, with no restriction on the dimension.
The study of torsion subgroups of
abelian varieties with purely additive reduction was
initiated in \cite{LenstraOort}
and pursued in \cite{Lorenzini} (see \cite{Frey} and
\cite{Flexor-Oesterle} for the case of elliptic curves).
See \cite{Kraus} for a study of the smallest extension over
which an elliptic curve with additive and potentially good
reduction acquires good reduction.
We state and prove Theorem \ref{oneway} in
the generality $n \ge 2$ (rather than just $2 \le n \le 4$)
since doing so requires no extra work
and affords us the opportunity to give
a slightly different exposition from
that in \cite{dpp} for $n \ge 5$, which highlights the
method. See \S\ref{ssredsect} for
our major results, see \S\ref{appsect} for applications and
refinements, and see \S\ref{exssect} for examples which
demonstrate that our results are sharp.
\section{Notation and definitions}
$$R(n) = 1 \text{ if } n \ge 5, \quad R(4) = 2,
\quad R(3) = 3, \quad R(2) = 4.$$
If $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, and
$\ell$ is a prime not equal to the characteristic of $F$,
$$\rho_{\ell,X} : \mathrm{Gal}(F^s/F) \to \mathrm{Aut}(T_\ell(X))$$
denote the $\ell$-adic representation on the Tate module $T_\ell(X)$
of $X$. We will write $\rho_\ell$ when there is no ambiguity.
Let $V_\ell(X) = T_\ell(X)\otimes_{{\mathbf Z}_\ell}{\mathbf Q}_\ell$.
If $L$ is a Galois extension of $F$
and $w$ is an extension of $v$ to $L$,
let ${\mathcal I}(w/v)$ denote the inertia subgroup at $w$ of $\mathrm{Gal}(L/F)$.
Throughout this paper we will let ${\mathcal I}$ denote
${\mathcal I}({\bar v}/v)$, where ${\bar v}$ is a fixed extension of $v$ to $F^s$,
and we will let ${\mathcal J}$ denote the first ramification group
(i.e., the wild inertia group). We also write ${\mathcal I}_{w}$ for
${\mathcal I}({\bar v}/w)$.
Suppose $L/F$ is an extension of fields, $w$ is a discrete valuation
on $L$, and $v$ is the restriction of $w$ to $F$.
Let $e(w/v) = [w(L^\times):v(F^\times)]$. We say that
$w/v$ is {\em unramified} if $e(w/v) = 1$
and the residue field extension is separable.
We say that
$w/v$ is {\em totally ramified} if $w$ is the unique extension
of $v$ to $L$ and the residue field extension is purely inseparable.
We say that
$w/v$ is {\em tamely ramified} if the residue field extension
is separable and $e(w/v)$ is not divisible by the residue characteristic.
Suppose $n$ is an integer, $n \ge 2$, ${\mathcal O}$ is an integral
domain of characteristic zero such that no rational prime which
divides $n$
is a unit in ${\mathcal O}$, $\alpha \in {\mathcal O}$, $\alpha$ has finite
multiplicative order,
and $(\alpha-1)^2 \in n{\mathcal O}$.
Then $\alpha^{R(n)} = 1$.
See Corollary 3.3 of \cite{serrelem}.
\begin{lem}[Lemma 5.2 of \cite{semistab}]
Suppose that $d$ and $n$ are positive integers, and for each prime $\ell$
which divides
$n$ we have a matrix $A_\ell \in M_{2d}({\mathbf Z}_\ell)$ such that the
characteristic polynomials of the $A_\ell$ have integral coefficients
independent of $\ell$, and such that $(A_\ell-1)^2 \in nM_{2d}({\mathbf Z}_\ell)$.
Then for every eigenvalue $\alpha$ of $A_\ell$, $(\alpha-1)/\sqrt{n}$
satisfies a monic polynomial with integer coefficients.
\begin{thm}[Galois Criterion for Semistable Reduction]
Suppose $X$ is an abel\-ian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$, and $\ell$ is a prime not equal to the residue
characteristic of $v$.
Then the following are equivalent:
\item[(i)] $X$ has semistable reduction at $v$,
\item[(ii)] ${\mathcal I}$ acts unipotently on $T_\ell(X)$; i.e.,
all the eigenvalues of $\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)$ are $1$,
for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$,
\item[(iii)] for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$,
$(\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)-1)^2 = 0$.
See Proposition 3.5 and Corollaire 3.8 of \cite{SGA}
and Theorem 6 on p.~184 of \cite{BLR}.
Suppose $\ell$ is a prime number and $\zeta$ is a primitive
$\ell^s$-th root of unity. Then
is a unit in ${\mathbf Z}[\zeta]$.
See for example the last two lines on p.~9 of \cite{Wash}.
Suppose $w$ is a discrete valuation on a field $L$, $L$ is a finite
extension of a field $F$, $v$ is the restriction of $w$ to $F$,
and $w/v$ is totally and tamely ramified.
Then the maximal unramified extension $L_{nr}$ of $L$ is the compositum
of $L$ with the maximal unramified extension $F_{nr}$ of $F$.
Further, $L_{nr}/F_{nr}$ is a cyclic extension whose degree is
$[L:F]$ (see \S8 of \cite{Frohlich}, especially Corollary 3 on p.~31).
Since passing to the maximal unramified extensions does not change
the inertia groups,
it follows that ${\mathcal I}_{w}$ is a normal subgroup of ${\mathcal I}$, and
${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal I}_{w}$ is cyclic of order $[L:F]$.
Suppose $v$ is a discrete valuation on a field $F$ with residue
characteristic $p \ge 0$, $R$ is a positive integer, $\ell$ is a prime,
$p$ does not divide $R\ell$,
and $L$ is a degree $R$ extension of $F$
which is totally ramified above $v$.
Suppose that $X$ is an abelian variety over $F$,
and for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$,
all the eigenvalues of $\rho_\ell(\sigma)$ are $R$-th roots of unity.
Then $X$ has
semistable reduction at the extension of $v$ to $L$.
This was proved in Lemma 5.5 of \cite{semistab} in the case where
$L$ is Galois over $F$. However, the same proof also works in general.
This follows from the fact that in the proof we replaced $F$ by its
maximal unramified extension. For fields which have no non-trivial
unramified extensions, every totally and tamely ramified extension is
cyclic (and therefore Galois), and for each degree prime to the residue
there is a unique totally ramified extension of that degree.
See \S8 of \cite{Frohlich}, especially Corollary 3 on p.~31.
The following result yields a converse of Theorem 5.1 of \cite{serrelem}.
Suppose ${\mathcal O}$ is an integral domain of characteristic zero, and
$\ell$ is a prime number. Suppose $k$, $r$, and $m$ are positive integers
such that $k \ge m\varphi(\ell^r)$. Suppose $\alpha \in {\mathcal O}$ and
$\alpha^{\ell^r} = 1$. Then
$(\alpha-1)^{k} \in \ell^m{\mathbf Z}[\alpha]$.
Let $s$ be the smallest positive integer such that $\alpha^{\ell^s} = 1$.
$$(\alpha-1)^{k} \in (\alpha-1)^{m\varphi(\ell^s)}{\mathbf Z}[\alpha]
\subseteq \ell^m{\mathbf Z}[\alpha],$$
by Lemma \ref{primrtsof1}.
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$, $n$ and $m$ are integers, and $n$ is not
divisible by the residue characteristic of $v$.
Suppose $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$.
If there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_n$
such that $(\sigma^m-1)S = 0$ and $(\sigma^m-1)S^{\perp_n} = 0$,
$(\sigma^m-1)^2 X_n = 0$.
The map $x \mapsto (y \mapsto e_n(x,y))$ induces a
$\mathrm{Gal}(F^s/F)$-equivariant isomorphism from $X_n/S$ onto
$\mathrm{Hom}(S^{\perp_n},\boldsymbol \mu_n)$. Since
$\sigma = 1$ on $\boldsymbol \mu_n$, and
$\sigma^m = 1$ on $S^{\perp_n}$, it follows that $\sigma^m = 1$ on $X_n/S$.
$(\sigma^m-1)^2X_n \subseteq (\sigma^m-1)S = 0$.
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$, $n$ is an integer not
divisible by the residue characteristic of $v$,
and $S = X_n^{\mathcal I}$.
Then ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S^{\perp_n}$
if and only if
$(\sigma-1)^2 X_n = 0$ for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$.
Applying Lemma \ref{ssprelem} with $m = 1$, we obtain the
forward implication.
Conversely, suppose that
$(\sigma-1)^2 X_n = 0$ for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$. Writing
$\sigma^n = ((\sigma-1)+1)^n$, it is easy to see that
$\sigma^n = 1$ on $X_n$ for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$.
Since $n$ is not divisible by the residue characteristic of $v$,
$X_n$ and $X_n^\ast$ are tamely ramified at $v$.
Then the action of ${\mathcal I}$ on $X_n$ and on $X_n^\ast$ factors through
the tame inertia group ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$.
Let $\tau$ denote
a lift to ${\mathcal I}$ of a topological generator of the pro-cyclic group
${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$. Since
$$e_n((\tau-1)X_n,(X_n^\ast)^{\mathcal I}) = 1,$$
we have
$$\#((X_n^\ast)^{\mathcal I})\#((\tau-1)X_n) \le \#X_n^\ast.$$
The map from $X_n$ to $(\tau-1)X_n$ defined by
$y \mapsto (\tau-1)y$ defines a short exact sequence
$$0 \to S \to X_n \to (\tau-1)X_n \to 0.$$
$$\#S\#((\tau-1)X_n) = \#X_n = \#S\#S^{\perp_n}.$$
$$\#((X_n^\ast)^{\mathcal I})\#((\tau-1)X_n^\ast) = \#X_n^\ast.$$
$$\#S^{\perp_n} = \#((\tau-1)X_n) \le \#((\tau-1)X_n^\ast).$$
Since $(\tau-1)X_n^\ast \subseteq S^{\perp_n}$,
we conclude that
$$S^{\perp_n} = (\tau-1)X_n^\ast.$$ From the natural
$\mathrm{Gal}(F^s/F)$-equivariant isomorphism
$X_n^\ast \cong \mathrm{Hom}(X_n,\boldsymbol \mu_n)$ it follows
that $(\tau-1)^2X_n^\ast = 0$.
Therefore, ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S^{\perp_n}$.
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$, and $n$ is an integer not
divisible by the residue characteristic of $v$.
If $X$ has semistable reduction at $v$, then
\item[(i)] $(\sigma-1)^2X_n = 0$ for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$,
\item[(ii)] ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $(X_n^{\mathcal I})^{\perp_n}$,
\item[(iii)] $(\sigma^n-1)X_n = 0$ for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$;
in particular, $X_n$ is tamely ramified at $v$.
By Theorem \ref{galcrit}, we have (i). By Lemma \ref{sslem}, we have (ii).
In the proof of Lemma \ref{sslem}, we showed that (i) implies (iii).
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$ of residue characteristic $p \ge 0$, and
$\ell$ is a prime number not equal to $p$.
If $X_\ell$ is tamely ramified at $v$, then $T_\ell(X)$ is
tamely ramified at $v$.
If $p = 0$ then the wild inertia group ${\mathcal J}$ is
trivial and we are done.
Suppose $p > 0$ and $\sigma \in {\mathcal J}$.
Since $p \ne \ell$, $\rho_{\ell}({\mathcal J})$ is a finite $p$-group.
Therefore, $\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)$ has order a power of $p$.
Since $X_\ell$ is tamely ramified,
$\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)-1 \in \ell\mathrm{End}(T_\ell(X))$.
It follows that $\rho_{\ell}(\sigma) = 1$ if $\ell \ge 3$,
and $\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)^2 = 1$ if $\ell = 2$.
Since $p$ and $\ell$ are relatively prime,
$\rho_{\ell}(\sigma) = 1$.
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $n = 2$, $3$, or
$4$, $\ell$ is the prime divisor of $n$,
$v$ is a discrete valuation on $F$ whose residue characteristic is not
$\ell$, $t$ is a non-negative integer,
$L$ is an extension of $F$ of degree $R(n)^{t+1}$
which is totally ramified above $v$,
and $X$ has semistable reduction
over $L$ above $v$. Let $\tau$ denote a lift to ${\mathcal I}$ of a topological
generator of the pro-cyclic group ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$.
Let $\gamma = \rho_{\ell}(\tau)^{R(n)^t}$,
let $\lambda = (\gamma - 1)^2/n$, and let
$$T = T_\ell(X) + {\lambda}T_\ell(X) + {\lambda^2}T_\ell(X) + \cdots +
\item[(a)] $T$ is the smallest $\lambda$-stable ${\mathbf Z}_\ell$-lattice
in $V_\ell(X)$ which contains $T_{\ell}(X)$,
\item[(b)] $(\gamma^{R(n)} - 1)^{2} = 0$,
\item[(c)] $n^{R(n)-1}T \subseteq T_{\ell}(X) \subseteq T$,
\item[(d)] $(\gamma - 1)^{2R(n)} \subseteq nT_{\ell}(X)$,
\item[(e)] if $n = 2$ or $3$, then
$nT \subseteq T_{\ell}(X)$ if and only if
$(\gamma - 1)^{4}T_{\ell}(X) \subseteq nT_{\ell}(X)$,
\item[(f)] if $n = 2$, then $4T \subseteq T_{2}(X)$ if and only if
$(\gamma - 1)^{6}T_{2}(X) \subseteq 2T_{2}(X)$,
\item[(g)] if $n = 4$, then $2T \subseteq T_{2}(X)$ if and only if
$(\gamma - 1)^{2}T_{2}(X) \subseteq 2T_{2}(X)$.
Let $w$ denote the restriction of ${\bar v}$ to $L$.
By Remark \ref{cyclicrem}, ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal I}_{w}$ is cyclic of
order $R(n)^{t+1}$.
By Theorem \ref{galcrit}, we have (b).
It follows that
$(\lambda + \gamma)^2(\lambda + \gamma - 1)^2 = 0$ if $n = 2$,
$\lambda(\lambda + \gamma)^2 = 0$ if $n = 3$,
$\lambda(\lambda + \gamma) = 0$ if $n = 4$.
Therefore, $\lambda$ satisfies a polynomial over
${\mathbf Z}[\gamma]$ of degree $R(n)$, and we have (a) and (c).
From the definition of $T$ we easily deduce (e), (f), and (g).
Further, (d) follows from (b).
We will apply the following result only in Corollary \ref{4326cor}e.
Suppose $L/F$ is a finite separable field extension,
$w$ is a discrete valuation on $L$,
and $v$ is the restriction of $w$ to $F$.
Suppose $X$ is a $d$-dimensional abelian variety over $F$
which has semistable reduction at $w$ but not at $v$.
Then $[{\mathcal I}_{v}:{\mathcal I}_{w}]$ has a prime divisor $q$ such that
$q \le 2d + 1$.
Let $\ell$ be a prime not equal to the residue characteristic $p$,
and let
$${{\mathcal I}_{v,X}} =
\{\sigma \in {\mathcal I}_{v} :
\sigma \text{ acts unipotently on } V_{\ell}(X) \}.$$
We have
${\mathcal I}_{w} \subseteq {{\mathcal I}_{v,X}} \subsetneqq {\mathcal I}_{v}$ by Theorem \ref{galcrit},
since $X$ has semistable reduction at $w$ but not at $v$.
Let $F_{v}$ be the completion of $F$ at $v$ and let
$F_{v}^{nr}$ be the maximal unramified extension
of $F_{v}$.
Then ${{\mathcal I}_{v,X}}$ is an open normal subgroup of ${\mathcal I}_{v}$,
is independent of $\ell$,
and cuts out the smallest Galois extension $F'$ of $F_{v}^{nr}$
over which $X$ has semistable reduction (see pp.~354--355
of \cite{SGA}). We have $\mathrm{Gal}(F'/F_{v}^{nr}) \cong {\mathcal I}_{v}/{{\mathcal I}_{v,X}}$.
By a theorem of Raynaud (see Proposition 4.7 of \cite{SGA}),
$X$ has semistable reduction over $F_{v}^{nr}(X_{n})$,
for every integer $n$ not divisible by $p$ and greater than $2$.
The intersection $M$ of these fields therefore contains $F'$.
As on the top of p.~498 of \cite{SerreTate},
every prime divisor of $[M:F_{v}^{nr}]$ is at most $2d+1$
(see Theorem 4.1 and Formula 3.1 of \cite{JPAA} for
an explicit integer that $[M:F_{v}^{nr}]$ divides).
Thus, if $q$ is a prime divisor of $[{\mathcal I}_{v}:{{\mathcal I}_{v,X}}]$
then $q \le 2d+1$.
Since ${\mathcal I}_{w} \subseteq {{\mathcal I}_{v,X}} \subsetneqq {\mathcal I}_{v}$,
we obtain the desired result.
With hypotheses and notation as in Theorem \ref{divby23prop},
let $k_{w}$ and $k_{v}$ denote the residue fields.
Then $[{\mathcal I}_{v}:{\mathcal I}_{w}] = e(w/v)[k_{w}:k_{v}]_{i}$, where
the subscript $i$ denotes the inseparable degree (see
Proposition 21 on p.~32 of \cite{Corps} for the case where
$L/F$ is Galois. In the non-Galois case, take a Galois extension
$L'$ of $F$ which contains $L$, and apply the result to
$L'/L$ and $L'/F$, to obtain the result for $L/F$).
Taking completions, then $[L_{w}:F_{v}] = e(w/v)[k_{w}:k_{v}]
= [{\mathcal I}_{v}:{\mathcal I}_{w}][k_{w}:k_{v}]_{s}$, where
the subscript $s$ denotes the separable degree.
Therefore, the prime $q$ from Theorem \ref{divby23prop}
divides $[L_{w}:F_{v}]$.
\section{Semistable reduction}
The results in this section extend the results of \cite{dpp}
to the cases $n = 2, 3, 4$. Theorem \ref{oneway} is also
a generalization of Corollary 7.1 of \cite{semistab}.
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$, and $n$ is an integer greater than $1$ which is not
divisible by the residue characteristic of $v$.
By Lemma \ref{sslem}, the following two statements are equivalent:
there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_n$
such that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$,
\item[(b)] $(\sigma - 1)^2X_n = 0$ for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$.
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$, and $n$ is an integer greater than $1$ which is not
divisible by the residue characteristic of $v$.
Suppose there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_n$
such that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$.
Then $X$ has semistable reduction over every degree $R(n)$
extension of $F$ totally ramified above $v$.
Suppose $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$.
By Lemma \ref{sslem}, $(\sigma-1)^2 X_n = 0$.
Let ${\mathcal I}' \subseteq {\mathcal I}$ be the inertia group for the prime
below ${\bar v}$ in a
finite Galois extension of $F$ over which $X$ has
semistable reduction.
Then $\sigma^r \in {\mathcal I}'$ for some $r$.
Let $\ell$ be a prime divisor of $n$.
Theorem \ref{galcrit} implies that
$(\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)^r-1)^2 = 0$.
Let $\alpha$ be an eigenvalue of $\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)$.
Then $(\alpha^r-1)^2 = 0$.
Therefore, $\alpha^r = 1$.
By our hypothesis,
$$(\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)-1)^2 \in n\mathrm{M}_{2d}({\mathbf Z}_\ell),$$
where $d = \mathrm{dim}(X)$.
By Th\'eor\`eme 4.3 of \cite{SGA},
the characteristic polynomial of $\rho_{\ell}(\sigma)$
has integer coefficients which are independent of $\ell$.
By Lemma \ref{localglobal},
$(\alpha-1)^2 \in n{\bar {\mathbf Z}}$, where ${\bar {\mathbf Z}}$ denotes
the ring of algebraic integers.
By Theorem \ref{quasithm} we have $\alpha^{R(n)} = 1$.
The result now follows from Lemma \ref{rootsofone}.
\begin{cor}[Theorem 4.5 of \cite{dpp}]
Suppose $X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, $v$ is a discrete
valuation on $F$, $n$ is an integer not
divisible by the residue characteristic of $v$, and $n \ge 5$.
Then $X$ has semistable reduction at $v$ if and only if
there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_n$
such that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$.
If $X$ has semistable reduction at $v$, then by Theorem \ref{galcrit},
$(\sigma - 1)^2X_n = 0$ for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$. Apply
Lemma \ref{sslem}.
For the converse, apply Theorem \ref{oneway} with $n \ge 5$.
It follows immediately from Theorem \ref{galcrit} and Lemma \ref{sslem}
that if $X$ has semistable reduction above $v$ over a degree
$m$ extension of $F$ totally ramified above $v$,
then there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_n$
such that ${\mathcal I}$ acts via a cyclic quotient of order $m$
on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$. (If $L$ is the extension of $F$,
let $w$ be the restriction of ${\bar v}$
to $L$ and let $S = X_n^{{\mathcal I}_w}$.)
Theorem \ref{bothways} below gives a different result in the
direction converse to Theorem \ref{oneway}, and, further, gives
conditions for semistable reduction which are both necessary
and sufficient, thereby giving a generalization of
Corollary \ref{fromdpp} to the cases $n = 2, 3, 4$.
Note that in the case $n \ge 5$, the equivalence of (i)
and (ii) in Theorem \ref{bothways} is just a restatement
of Corollary \ref{fromdpp} (since $R(n) = 1$ if $n \ge 5$).
We remark that in that case, one can take
(in the notation of Theorem \ref{bothways}) $Y = X$ and
$\varphi$ the identity map.
Suppose $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$, respectively. Suppose
$X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, and
$v$ is a discrete valuation on $F$ whose residue characteristic
does not divide $n$.
Suppose $t$ is a non-negative integer and
$L$ is an extension of $F$ of degree $R(n)^{t+1}$ which
is totally ramified above $v$.
Then the following are equivalent:
\item[(i)] $X$ has semistable reduction over $L$ above $v$,
\item[(ii)] there exist an abelian variety $Y$ over a finite
extension $K$ of $F$ unramified above $v$, a separable $K$-isogeny
$\varphi : X \to Y$, and a subgroup
$S$ of $Y_n$ such that
${\mathcal I}$ acts via a cyclic quotient of order $R(n)^t$ on $S$ and
on $S^{\perp_n}$.
One can take $\varphi$ so that
its kernel is killed by $8$, $9$, or $4$, respectively.
If $X$ has potentially good reduction at $v$, then
one can take $\varphi$ so that its kernel is killed by $2$,
$3$, or $2$, respectively.
Let $\ell$ denote the prime divisor of $n$.
Suppose $K$ is a finite extension of $F$ unramified above $v$,
$Y$ is an abelian variety over $K$, $X$ and $Y$ are $K$-isogenous, and
$S$ is a subgroup of $Y_n$ such that
${\mathcal I}$ acts via a cyclic quotient of order $R(n)^t$ on $S$ and
on $S^{\perp_n}$. Suppose $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$.
By Lemma \ref{ssprelem}, $(\sigma^{R(n)^t}-1)^2Y_n = 0$, i.e.,
$$(\rho_{\ell,Y}(\sigma^{R(n)^t})-1)^2 \in nM_{2d}({\mathbf Z}_\ell).$$
Let $\alpha$ be an eigenvalue of $\rho_{\ell,Y}(\sigma)$.
Since $Y$ has potentially semistable reduction, $\alpha$ is a root
of unity.
By Theorem \ref{quasithm}, $(\alpha^{R(n)^t})^{R(n)} = 1$.
Therefore, all eigenvalues of $\rho_{\ell,Y}(\sigma)$ are
roots of unity. By Lemma \ref{rootsofone}, $Y$ has semistable reduction
over $LK$ above $v$. Since $X$ and $Y$ are $K$-isogenous and
$K/F$ is unramified above $v$,
$X$ has semistable reduction over $L$ above $v$.
Conversely, suppose $X$ has semistable reduction over $L$ above $v$.
By Lemma \ref{sslem2}iii,
for every $\sigma \in {\mathcal I}$ we have
$(\sigma^{nR(n)^{t+1}}-1)X_n = 0$.
Since $nR(n)^{t+1}$ is
not divisible by the residue characteristic,
$X_n$ is tamely ramified at $v$. Then the
action of ${\mathcal I}$ on $X_n$ factors through ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$.
Let $\tau$ denote a lift to ${\mathcal I}$ of a topological generator of the
pro-cyclic group ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$.
Let $T$ denote the ${\mathbf Z}_\ell$-lattice obtained from Lemma \ref{lemT}.
By Lemma \ref{tame}, $T$ is stable under ${\mathcal I}$.
Note that $n^{R(n)-1} = 8$, $9$, or $4$ when
$n = 2$, $3$, or $4$, respectively.
Let $C = T/T_\ell(X)$, and
view $C$ as a subgroup of
$X_8$, $X_9$, or $X_4$, respectively.
Let $Y = X/C$.
Then the projection map $X \to Y$ is a separable isogeny defined
over a finite separable extension $K$ of $F$
which is unramified over $v$,
$$T_\ell(Y) = T, \qquad \text{ and } \qquad
(\rho_{\ell,Y}(\tau)^{R(n)^t}-1)^2Y_n = 0.$$
Let $K'$ (respectively, $L'$) be the maximal unramified extension
of $K$ (respectively, $L$) in $F^{s}$,
let $M$ be the degree ${R(n)^t}$ extension of $K'$ in $K'L'$ cut out by
$\tau^{R(n)^t}$, let $w$ be the restriction of ${\bar v}$ to $M$,
and let $S = Y_n^{{\mathcal I}_w}$.
Then $\tau^{R(n)^t}$ is a lift to
${\mathcal I}_w$ of a topological generator of the pro-cyclic group
${\mathcal I}_w/{\mathcal J}_w$, where ${\mathcal J}_w$ is the first ramification group of ${\mathcal I}_w$.
By Lemma \ref{sslem}, $\tau^{R(n)^t}$ acts as the identity on
$S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$. Therefore, ${\mathcal I}$ acts on $S$ and on
$S^{\perp_n}$ via the cyclic group ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal I}_w \cong \mathrm{Gal}(M/K')$.
As in Lemma \ref{lemT}, let $\gamma = \rho_{\ell,X}(\tau)^{R(n)^t}$
and let $\lambda = (\gamma - 1)^2/n$.
If $X$ has potentially good reduction at $v$, then
$\gamma^{R(n)} = 1$.
Let $\mu = \lambda + \gamma$.
Then $\mu^2 = \mu$ and $T = T_\ell(X) + \mu T_\ell(X)$.
Since $\mu = (\gamma^2 + 1)/2$ if $n = 2$,
$\mu = (\gamma^2+\gamma+1)/3$ if $n = 3$, and
$\mu = (\gamma + 1)/2$ if $n = 4$,
it follows that
$C$ is a subgroup of $X_2$, $X_3$, or $X_2$, respectively.
Since the most interesting case of
Theorem \ref{bothways} is the case $t = 0$, we explicitly
state that case.
Suppose $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$, respectively. Suppose
$X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$, and
$v$ is a discrete valuation on $F$ whose residue characteristic
does not divide $n$.
$L$ is an extension of $F$ of degree $4$, $3$, or
$2$, respectively, which
is totally ramified above $v$.
Then the following are equivalent:
\item[(i)] $X$ has semistable reduction over $L$ above $v$,
\item[(ii)] there exist an abelian variety $Y$ over a finite
extension $K$ of $F$ unramified above $v$, a separable
$K$-isogeny $\varphi : X \to Y$,
and a subgroup
$S$ of $Y_n$ such that
${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and
on $S^{\perp_n}$.
Further, $\varphi$ can be taken so that
its kernel is killed by $8$, $9$, or $4$, respectively.
If $X$ has potentially good reduction at $v$, then $\varphi$
can be taken so that its kernel is killed by $2$, $3$, or
$2$, respectively.
\section{Applications and refinements}
In the next result we show that the numbers in Theorem \ref{bothways}
and Corollary \ref{bothcor} can be improved for abelian varieties
of dimension $1$, $2$ (if $n = 2$ or $3$), and $3$ (if $n = 2$).
In \S\ref{exssect} we show that the numbers in Theorem \ref{ellcor}
are sharp. See also \cite{Katz}, which deals with other
problems concerned with finding a ``good'' abelian variety in an isogeny
class, with an answer depending on the dimension.
In Theorem \ref{bothways} and Corollary \ref{bothcor},
with $d = \mathrm{dim}(X)$,
$\varphi$ can be taken so that its kernel is killed
by $4$ if $d = 3$ and $n = 2$,
by $3$ if $d =2$ and $n = 3$, and
by $2$ if $d = n = 2$. If $d = 1$, then we can take
$Y = X$ and $\varphi$ the identity map.
We use the notation from Lemma \ref{lemT} and from the proof of
Theorem \ref{bothways}.
Suppose $n = 2$ or $3$.
By Lemma \ref{lemT}d, $\gamma$ acts unipotently on the
${\mathbf F}_{\ell}$-vector space
$X_{\ell} \cong \frac{1}{\ell}T_{\ell}(X)/T_{\ell}(X)$.
$(\gamma - 1)^{2d}X_{\ell} = 0$.
By Lemma \ref{lemT}e, if $d = 2$ then
$C$ is killed by $n$. By Lemma \ref{lemT}f, if $n = 2$ and $d = 3$,
then $C$ is killed by $4$.
If $d = 1$, then $\lambda$ is an endomorphism of $T_{\ell}(X)$,
so $T = T_{\ell}(X)$ and $Y = X$.
Suppose $d = 1$ and $n = 4$. Since $\tau \in {\mathcal I}$, we have
$\gamma \in \mathrm{SL}_{2}({\mathbf Z}_{2})$. Therefore, the eigenvalues of
$\gamma$ are either both $1$ or both $-1$. Therefore either
$(\gamma - 1)^{2} = 0$ or $(\gamma + 1)^{2} = 0$. In both cases,
$(\gamma - 1)^{2}X_{4} = 0$. Therefore,
$\lambda$ is an endomorphism of $T_{2}(X)$ and
$Y = X$.
We can therefore take $Y = X$ in Theorem \ref{bothways} and
Corollary \ref{bothcor} when $X$ is an elliptic curve.
This is not the case in general for abelian varieties
of higher dimension, as shown by the examples in the next section.
However, in Corollary \ref{paddcor} below we will show
that a result of this sort does hold for abelian varieties
with purely additive potentially good reduction.
Next, we will give criteria for an elliptic curve to
acquire semistable reduction over extensions of degree
$2$, $3$, $4$, and either $6$ or $12$.
$X$ is an elliptic curve over a field $F$, and
$v$ is a discrete valuation on $F$ of residue characteristic
$p \ge 0$.
\item[(a)] If $p \ne 2$,
then $X$ has semistable reduction above $v$ over a
totally ramified quartic extension of $F$
if and only if
$X$ has an ${\mathcal I}$-invariant point of order $2$.
\item[(b)] If $p \ne 3$,
then $X$ has semistable reduction above $v$ over a totally ramified
cubic extension of $F$
if and only if $X$ has an ${\mathcal I}$-invariant point of order $3$.
If $p \ne 2$,
then $X$ has semistable reduction above $v$ over a quadratic
extension of $F$ if and only if
either $X$ has an ${\mathcal I}$-invariant point of order $4$,
or all the points of order $2$ on $X$ are ${\mathcal I}$-invariant.
If $p \ne 2$ and $X$ has bad but potentially good reduction
at $v$,
then $X$ has good reduction above $v$ over a quadratic
extension of $F$ if and only if
$X$ has no ${\mathcal I}$-invariant point of order $4$
and all its points of order $2$ are ${\mathcal I}$-invariant.
\item[(e)] Suppose $p$ is not $2$ or $3$. Then the following
are equivalent:
\item[(i)] $X$ has no ${\mathcal I}$-invariant points of order $2$ or $3$,
\item[(ii)] there does not exist a finite separable extension $L$
of $F$ of degree less than $6$
such that $X$ has semistable reduction at the restriction of
${\bar v}$ to $L$.
\item[(f)] Suppose $p$ is not $2$ or $3$. Then the following
are equivalent:
\item[(i)] $X$ has no ${\mathcal I}$-invariant points of order $4$ or $3$
and not all the points of order $2$ are ${\mathcal I}$-invariant,
\item[(ii)] there does not exist a finite separable extension $L$
of $F$ of degree less than $4$
such that $X$ has semistable reduction at the restriction
of ${\bar v}$ to $L$.
Theorem \ref{ellcor} implies that, for $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$,
if $L$ is an extension of $F$ of degree $R(n)$ which
is totally ramified above $v$, then
$X$ has semistable reduction over $L$ above $v$ if and only if
there exists a subgroup ${\mathfrak S}$ of $X_n$ such
that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on ${\mathfrak S}$ and on ${\mathfrak S}^{\perp_n}$.
Parts (a), (b), and (c) are a reformulation of this.
For (d), note that by Theorem 7.4 of \cite{semistab}, if $X$
has an ${\mathcal I}$-invariant point of order $4$ then $X$ has good
reduction at $v$.
In case (e),
if $X$ has an ${\mathcal I}$-invariant point of order $2$ (respectively, $3$),
then $X$ has semistable reduction above $v$ over a totally ramified
extension of degree $4$ (respectively, $3$), by
part (a) (respectively, (b)).
Conversely, suppose $L/F$ is a finite separable extension
of degree less than $6$, and suppose
$X$ has semistable reduction at the restriction $w$ of ${\bar
v}$ to $L$.
If $X$ has semistable reduction at $v$, then we are done by
Corollary \ref{fromdpp} with $n = 6$.
Otherwise, taking completions we have
$[L_{w}:F_{v}] = 2$, $3$, or $4$
by Remark \ref{divby23}.
There exists an intermediate
unramified extension $M/F_{v}$ such that $L_{w}/M$ is totally
By parts (a), (b), and (c) applied to $M$ in place of $F$, then
$X$ has an ${\mathcal I}$-invariant point of order $2$ or $3$.
Case (f) proceeds the same way as case (e).
Note that if the elliptic curve $X$ has additive reduction at $v$,
but has multiplicative reduction over an extension $L$ of $F$ which
is totally and tamely ramified above $v$, then $X$ has
multiplicative reduction over a quadratic extension of $F$, but
not over any non-trivial
totally and tamely ramified extension of $F$ of odd degree
(since $(x+1)^2$ is the only possibility for the characteristic
polynomial of $\rho_\ell(\tau)$, where $\tau$ is as before).
Therefore in case (b) of Corollary \ref{4326cor},
either $X$ already has semistable reduction at $v$,
or else $X$ has good
(i.e., does not have multiplicative)
reduction above $v$ over a cubic extension of $F$.
In case (e), $X$ has good reduction
over an extension of degree $6$ or $12$ (see Proposition 1
of \cite{Kraus}).
$X$ is an abelian variety over a field $F$,
$v$ is a discrete valuation on $F$ of residue characteristic
$p \ge 0$, and $X$ has purely additive and
potentially good reduction at $v$.
If $p \ne 2$, then $X$ has good reduction above $v$ over a quadratic
extension of $F$ if and only if
there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_4$ such
that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_4}$.
\item[(b)] If $p \ne 3$,
then $X$ has good reduction above $v$ over a totally ramified cubic
extension of $F$ if and only if
there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_3$ such
that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_3}$.
\item[(c)] Suppose $p \ne 2$, and
$L/F$ is a degree $4$ extension,
totally ramified above $v$,
which has a quadratic subextension over which $X$ has purely
additive reduction.
Then $X$ has good reduction above $v$ over $L$ if and only if
there exists a subgroup $S$ of $X_2$ such
that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_2}$.
The backwards implications follow immediately from
Corollary \ref{bothcor}.
Let $n = 4$, $3$, and $2$ and $\ell = 2$, $3$, and $2$,
in cases (a), (b), and (c), respectively.
Let $\tau$ be a lift to ${\mathcal I}$ of a topological
generator of the pro-cyclic group ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$, and let
$\gamma = \rho_{\ell}(\tau)$.
If $X$ acquires good reduction over a totally ramified degree $R(n)$
extension, then $\gamma^{R(n)} = 1$, by Remark \ref{cyclicrem}.
Since $X$ has purely additive reduction
at $v$, $1$ is not an eigenvalue of $\gamma$ (see \cite{LenstraOort}).
In case (c), $-1$ is not an eigenvalue of $\gamma$, since $X$
has purely additive reduction over a ramified quadratic extension.
It follows that in cases (a), (b), and (c), respectively,
we have
$$\gamma+1 = 0, \qquad \gamma^2+\gamma+1=0, \qquad
{\text{ and }}\qquad \gamma^2+1=0$$
in $\mathrm{End}(V_\ell(X))$.
We deduce that $(\gamma-1)^2T_{\ell}(X) \subseteq nT_{\ell}(X)$, i.e.,
$(\tau-1)^2X_n = 0$.
The result now follows from Lemma \ref{sslem}.
We will show that the numbers in Corollary \ref{bothcor}
and Theorem \ref{ellcor} are sharp.
First, we will show that Corollary \ref{bothcor} is sharp in the case of
potentially good reduction. This will show that we cannot take
$Y = X$ in general.
In the next 3 examples, we have $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$, respectively.
Let $\ell$ denote the prime divisor of $n$.
Suppose that $F$ is a field with a discrete valuation $v$ of
residue characteristic not equal to $\ell$. Suppose $E$
and $E'$ are elliptic curves over $F$, $E$ has good reduction
at $v$, and $E'$ has additive reduction at $v$ but
acquires good reduction over an extension $L$ of $F$ of degree
Let $Y = E \times E'$.
As shown in the proof of Theorem \ref{bothways},
the action of ${\mathcal I}$ on $Y_n$ factors through
${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$. Let $\tau$ be a lift to ${\mathcal I}$ of a topological
generator of the pro-cyclic group ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$, and
let $g = \rho_{\ell,Y}(\tau)$. Note that $g^{R(n)} = 1$.
Let $G$ denote the cyclic group generated by $g$.
In each example we will construct
a certain ${\mathbf Z}_{\ell}[G]$-module $T$ such that
$T \subset T_\ell(Y) \subset \frac{1}{\ell}T$.
Let $C' = \frac{1}{\ell}T/T_\ell(Y)$,
view $C'$ as a subgroup of $Y_\ell$,
and let $X = Y/C'$. Then $T_\ell(X) \cong T$.
Viewing $T_{\ell}(Y)/T$ as a subgroup
$C$ of $X_{\ell}$, we have $Y = X/C$.
In our 3 examples, $C$ is stable under ${\mathcal I}$,
$(\tau - 1)^2X_n \ne 0$, and $(\tau - 1)^2Y_n = 0$.
By Remark \ref{lemrem}, there is a subgroup $S \subseteq Y_n$
such that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on $S$ and on $S^{\perp_n}$,
but there does not exist a subgroup ${\mathfrak S} \subseteq X_n$
such that ${\mathcal I}$ acts as the identity on ${\mathfrak S}$ and on ${\mathfrak S}^{\perp_n}$.
We see that $X$ and $Y$ satisfy (ii) of Corollary \ref{bothcor}.
Let $n = 2$. Suppose that $E'$ does not acquire good reduction
over a quadratic subextension of $L/F$.
As ${\mathbf Z}_{2}[G]$-modules, we have
$$T_2(Y) \cong
({\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x-1))^2 \oplus {\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x^2+1),$$
where $g$ acts via multiplication by $x$.
$$T = {\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x-1) \oplus {\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x-1)(x^2+1),$$ and
view $T$ as a submodule of $T_2(Y)$ via the natural injection.
For example, one could take $F = {\mathbf Q}$, $v = 3$,
and $E$ and $E'$, respectively, the elliptic curves 11A3 and
36A1 from the tables in \cite{Cremona}.
Let $n = 3$.
As ${\mathbf Z}_{3}[G]$-modules, we have
$$T_3(Y) \cong
({\mathbf Z}_3[x]/(x-1))^2 \oplus {\mathbf Z}_3[x]/(x^2+x+1),$$
where $g$ acts via multiplication by $x$.
$$T = {\mathbf Z}_3[x]/(x-1) \oplus {\mathbf Z}_3[x]/(x^3-1),$$
view $T$ as a submodule of $T_3(Y)$ via the natural injection.
For example, one could take $F = {\mathbf Q}$, $v = 2$,
and $E$ and $E'$, respectively, the elliptic curves 11A3 and
20A2 from the tables in \cite{Cremona}.
Let $n = 4$.
As ${\mathbf Z}_{2}[G]$-modules, we have
$$T_2(Y) \cong ({\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x-1))^2 \oplus ({\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x+1))^2 \cong
({\mathbf Z}_2[G])^2,$$
where $g$ acts via multiplication by $x$.
$$T = {\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x-1) \oplus {\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x^2-1) \oplus {\mathbf Z}_2[x]/(x+1),$$
view $T$ as a submodule of $T_2(Y)$ via the natural injection.
One could take $F = {\mathbf Q}$, $v = 3$,
and $E$ and $E'$, respectively, the elliptic curves 11A3 and
99D1 from the tables in \cite{Cremona}.
Next, we will show that the numbers $8$, $9$ and $4$ (respectively) in
Corollary \ref{bothcor} are sharp.
Let $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$. For ease of notation, let $R = R(n)$.
Let $\ell$ be the prime divisor of $n$.
Let $F$ be a field with a discrete valuation $v$ of residue
characteristic not equal to $\ell$, and suppose $E$ is an
elliptic curve over $F$ with multiplicative reduction at $v$.
Suppose that $M$ is a degree $R$ Galois extension of $F$ which is
totally ramified above $v$. Let $\chi$ be the composition
$$\mathrm{Gal}(F^{s}/F) \to \mathrm{Gal}(M/F) \cong {\mathbf Z}/R{\mathbf Z} \hookrightarrow
where the image of the last map is generated by a cyclic permutation
of the factors of $E^{R}$, and $E^{R}$ is the $R$-fold product
of $E$ with itself.
Let $A$ denote the twist of $E^{R}$ by $\chi$.
Let $\tau$ denote a lift to ${\mathcal I}$ of a generator of ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$.
As ${\mathbf Q}_{\ell}[\tau]$-modules,
$V_{\ell}(A) \cong {\mathbf Q}_{\ell}[\tau]/(\tau^{R}-1)^{2}$.
Let ${\tilde T}$ be the
inverse image of ${\mathbf Z}_{\ell}[\tau]/(\tau^{R}-1)^{2}$ in $V_{\ell}(A)$.
Then for some integer $k$, we have
$T_{\ell}(A) \subseteq \ell^{k}{\tilde T}$. View
$\ell^{k}{\tilde T}/T_{\ell}(A)$ as a finite subgroup of $A$
and let $X$ be the quotient of $A$ by this subgroup.
Then $X$ is defined over an extension $K$ of $F$ unramified above $v$,
and $X$ acquires semistable reduction over $KM$ above $v$.
We have
${\tilde T} = T_{\ell}(X)$, and the minimal polynomial of
$\tau$ on $X_{\ell}$ is $(x^{R}-1)^{2} \equiv (x-1)^{2R} \pmod{\ell}$.
$$(\tau - 1)^{6}X_{2} \ne 0 \text{ if } n = 2, \,\,
(\tau - 1)^{4}X_{3} \ne 0 \text{ if } n = 3, \text{ and }
(\tau - 1)^{2}X_{2} \ne 0 \text{ if } n = 4.$$ From
Lemma \ref{lemT} (with $t = 0$,
$F = K$, and $L = KM$) we obtain a lattice $T$ such that
$$8T \subseteq T_{2}(X) \subseteq T \,\, \text{ if } \,\, n = 2, \qquad
9T \subseteq T_{3}(X) \subseteq T \,\, \text{ if }\,\, n = 3,$$
$$\text{ and }
\quad 4T \subseteq T_{2}(X) \subseteq T \,\, \text{ if } \,\, n = 4.$$
Let $C = T/T_{\ell}(X)$, view $C$ as a subgroup of $X_{\ell}$,
and let $Y = X/C$. As we saw in the proof of Theorem \ref{bothways},
$(\tau - 1)^{2}Y_{n} = 0$, and
$C$ is killed by $8$, $9$, or $4$ if $n = 2$, $3$, or $4$ respectively.
By Lemma \ref{lemT}efg, the group $C$ is not killed by
$4$, $3$, or $2$, respectively.
Suppose $K'$ is a finite
extension of $K$ unramified above $v$,
$Y'$ is an abelian variety over $K'$, $\varphi : X \to Y'$
is a separable $K'$-isogeny,
and $(\tau - 1)^{2}Y'_{n} = 0$. Suppose that the kernel of
$\varphi$ is killed by some positive integer $s$. Then we can
$sT_{\ell}(Y') \subseteq T_{\ell}(X) \subseteq T_{\ell}(Y')$.
Let $\lambda = (\tau^{2} - 1)/n$.
Since $T_{\ell}(Y')$ is a $\lambda$-stable ${\mathbf Z}_{\ell}$-lattice
in $V_{\ell}(X)$ which contains $T_{\ell}(X)$, we have
$T \subseteq T_{\ell}(Y')$ by Lemma \ref{lemT}a.
Therefore, $sT \subseteq T_{\ell}(X)$.
Then $C$ is killed by $s$, and therefore $s$
cannot be $4$, $3$, or $2$, respectively. This shows
that the numbers $8$, $9$, and $4$ are sharp in Corollary \ref{bothcor}.
Note that $\mathrm{dim}(X) = 4$, $3$, or $2$, respectively. By
Theorem \ref{ellcor}, these are the smallest dimensions for which
such examples exist.
Let $F$ be a field with a discrete valuation $v$ of residue
characteristic not equal to $2$, and suppose $E$ is an
elliptic curve over $F$ with multiplicative reduction at $v$.
Suppose that $M$ is a degree $4$ Galois extension of $F$ which is
totally ramified above $v$. Let $\chi$ be the composition
$$\mathrm{Gal}(F^{s}/F) \to \mathrm{Gal}(M/F) \cong {\mathbf Z}/4{\mathbf Z} \hookrightarrow
where the image of the last map is generated by a cyclic permutation
of the factors of $E^{4}$.
$$B =
\{(e_{1},e_{2},e_{3},e_{4}) \in E^{4} :
e_{1} + e_{2} + e_{3} + e_{4} = 0\} \cong E^{3},$$
and let $A$ be the twist of $B$ by $\chi$.
Let $\tau$ denote a lift to ${\mathcal I}$ of a generator of ${\mathcal I}/{\mathcal J}$,
and let $f(x) = (x^{3}+x^{2}+x+1)^{2}$.
As ${\mathbf Q}_{2}[\tau]$-modules,
$V_{2}(A) \cong {\mathbf Q}_{2}[\tau]/f(\tau)$.
Let ${\tilde T}$ be the
inverse image of ${\mathbf Z}_{2}[\tau]/f(\tau)$ in $V_{2}(A)$.
As in the previous example, we obtain an abelian variety $X$
such that ${\tilde T} = T_{2}(X)$, and
such that the minimal polynomial of
$\tau$ on $X_{2}$ is $f(x) \equiv (x-1)^{6}$ (mod $2$).
$(\tau - 1)^{4}X_{2} \ne 0$.
As above, we see that $X$ is isogenous
over an unramified extension to an abelian variety $Y$
such that $(\tau-1)^{2}Y_{2} = 0$ and such that
the kernel of the isogeny is killed by $4$.
Using Lemma \ref{lemT}e, we see that there does not
exist such a $Y$ where the kernel is killed by $2$.
This shows that the result in Theorem \ref{ellcor} for
$d=3$ and $n=2$ is sharp. The sharpness of the other numbers
in Theorem \ref{ellcor} follows from Examples \ref{exfor3}
and \ref{exfor2}.
1997-02-06T20:31:38 | 9702 | alg-geom/9702008 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9702008 | [
] | alg-geom/9702008 | Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel | Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel, Thomas H. Parker | The Gromov Invariants of Ruan-Tian and Taubes | AMS-LaTeX, 11 pages | null | null | null | null | Taubes has recently defined Gromov invariants for symplectic four-manifolds
and related them to the Seiberg-Witten invariants. Independently, Ruan and Tian
defined symplectic invariants based on ideas of Witten. In this note, we show
that Taubes' Gromov invariants are equal to certain combinations of Ruan-Tian
invariants. This link allows us to generalize Taubes' invariants. For each
closed symplectic four-manifold, we define a sequence of symplectic invariants
$Gr_{\delta}$, $\delta=0,1,2,...$. The first of these, $Gr_0$, generates
Taubes' invariants, which count embedded J-holomorphic curves. The new
invariants $Gr_{\delta}$ count immersed curves with $\delta$ double points. In
particular, these results give an independent proof that Taubes' invariants are
well-defined. They also show that some of the Ruan-Tian symplectic invariants
agree with the Seiberg-Witten invariants.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Feb 1997 19:31:31 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Thomas H.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Gromov Invariants}
Fix a closed symplectic four-manifold $(X,\omega)$. Following the ideas of
Gromov and Donaldson, one can define
symplectic invariants by introducing an almost complex structure $J$ and
counting (with orientation) the number
of $J$-holomorphic curves on $X$ satisfying certain constraints.
Unfortunately, technical difficulties make it
necessary to modify the straightforward count in order to obtain an
invariant. In this section we review the
general construction and describe how the technicalities have led to two
types of Gromov invariants.
Given $(X,\omega)$, one can always choose an almost complex
structure $J$ tamed by $\omega$, i.e. with $\omega(Z,JZ)>0$ for all tangent vectors
$Z$. A map $f:\Sigma \to
X$ from a topological surface $\Sigma$ is called $J$-holomorphic if there is
a complex structure $j$ on $\Sigma$ such
where $\overline{\partial}_Jf =\frac12(df \circ j - J \circ df)$. The
image of such a map is a $J$-holomorphic
curve. Conversely, each immersed $J$-holomorphic curve is uniquely
specified by the equivalence class of a
$J$-holomorphic pair $(f,j)$ under the action of the group of
diffeomorphisms of $\Sigma$. These equivalence
classes $[(f,j)]$ form moduli spaces
{\cal M}_{{A,g}}
labeled by the genus $g$ of $\Sigma$ and the class $A\in H_2(X)$ of the image
(and implicitly depending on $J$).
The formal tangent space to ${\cal M}_{{A,g}}$ at $[(f,j)]$ can be identified
with the kernel of the operator
D_{f,j}:\Gamma(f^*N)\to \Omega^{0,1}(f^*N)
obtained by linearizing (\ref{1.holomorphicmapeq}) and restricting to the
normal bundle $N$ along the image of
$f$. The Riemann-Roch Theorem shows that
\mbox{dim}\ {\cal M}_{{A,g}} =2[g-1-\kappa\cdot A]
where $\kappa$ is the canonical class of $(X,J)$. We can elaborate on this
construction by marking $d$
points $x_i$ on $\Sigma$. The equivalence classes $[(f,j,x_1,\dots ,x_d)]$ of
marked $J$-holomorphic curves then
form a moduli space ${\cal M}_{{A,g,d}}$ of dimension $2[g-1-\kappa\cdot
A+d]$, and the evaluations $x_i\mapsto
f(x_i)$ define a map
ev:{\cal M}_{{A,g,d}} \to X^d=X\times\dots\times X
The marked points enable us to restrict attention to curves satisfying
constraints. For our purposes it is almost always
enough to consider point constraints. Thus we pick
d=d_{A,g}=g-1-\kappa\cdot A
generic points $p_i$ in $X$ and consider the constrained moduli space
{\cal M}'_{{A,g}}=ev^{-1}(p_1,\dots, p_d)
of all $J$-holomorphic curves that pass through the (ordered) points $p_i$.
For generic $J$ and $\{p_i\}$, this
constrained moduli space is zero-dimensional and its formal tangent space
at $C=[(f,j,x_1,\dots ,x_d)]$ is the
kernel of the restriction
$D_C$ of (\ref{1.kernelD}) to the subspace of $\Gamma(f^*N)$ that vanishes
at each marked point. Each curve $C\in
{\cal M}'_{{A,g}}$ therefore has a sign given by
$(-1)^{\em SF}$ where SF denotes the spectral flow from $D_C$ to any
complex operator $\overline{\partial}_C$
which is a compact perturbation of $D_C$. Counting the points in ${\cal
M}'_{{A,g}}$ with sign gives a ``Gromov
Gr_{A,g}(p^d)=\sum_{C\in{\cal M}'_{{A,g}}}{\mbox{sgn}\ C} =
\sum_{C\in{\cal M}'_{{A,g}}}\
One then tries to mimic Donaldson's cobordism arguments to show that
$Gr_{A,g}$ is independent of
$J$ and $\{p_i\}$, and hence defines a symplectic invariant. This involves
analysis, and along the way one encounters a major technical difficulty
--- ${\cal M}_{A,g}$ may not be a manifold at
the multiply-covered maps. There currently exist two distinct ways of
overcoming this difficulty.
\item Taubes restricts $g$ to be the genus expected for embedded curves and
counts embedded, not necessarily connected, $J$-holomorphic curves, dealing
with the complications associated
with multiply-covered curves. In the end he obtains `Gromov-Taubes'
invariants that we will denote by $GT_0(A)$.
\item Ruan-Tian [RT] observed that the
difficulties with multiply-covered maps can be overcome by replacing
(\ref{1.holomorphicmapeq}) by the
inhomogeneous equation
where $\nu$ is an appropriate perturbation term. We will denote the
resulting symplectic invariants by
The next two sections give some details about these two sets of invariants and
describe generating functions involving them.
\section{The Taubes Series}
The details of Taubes' construction are interesting and surprisingly
subtle. Given $A\in
H_2(X,{ \Bbb Z})$, Taubes fixes the genus
to be
g_A=1+\frac12(A\cdot A +\kappa\cdot A).
The moduli space of such curves has $\mbox{dim}\, {\cal M}_A =A\cdot
A-\kappa\cdot A$, so we constrain by $d_A=\frac12
(A\cdot A-\kappa\cdot A)$ points. The adjunction formula implies that each
constrained curve is embedded unless
$A$ lies in the set
T=\{\; A\in H_2(X,{ \Bbb Z})\;|\; A^2=0 \ \ \mbox{and}\ \ \kappa\cdot A=0\;\},
in which case the curve is a multiple cover of an embedded torus and
$d_A=0$. Similarly, each constrained curve
{\cal E}=\{\; A\in H_2(X,{ \Bbb Z})\;|\; A^2=-1\;\},
is an embedded ``exceptional'' sphere.
More generally, for each class $A$ and $d\geq 0$ we get a count
of {\it connected} curves through $d$ generic points
defined by (\ref{1.SF}) with $g=d+1+\kappa\cdot A$. Note that by the
adjunction formula
d_A-d=g_A-g=\delta \geq 0,
so $0\le d\le d_A$ with $d_A=0$ for $A\in {\cal E}\cup T$. Geometrically,
$\delta$ is the
number of double points on a generic immersed $A$-curve.
Taubes observed that for $A\in T$, $Gr(A,0)$ depends on $J$, as follows.
For an embedded torus $C$, let
$L_i,\ i=1,2,3$ be the three non-trivial real line bundles over $C$.
Twisting the linearization $D_C$ by $L_i$
gives operators
D_i:\Gamma(f^*N\otimes L_i)\to \Omega^{0,1}(f^*N\otimes L_i).
The space of almost complex structures is divided into chambers by the
codimension one
``walls'' consisting of those $J$ for which there is a $J$-holomorphic
curve with either $D_C$ or one of the
$D_i$ not invertible. The value of $Gr(A,0)$ changes as $J$ crosses a wall.
Within a chamber, there are four types of $J$-holomorphic tori, labeled by
the number $k=0,1,2,3$ of the $D_i$
whose sign (determined by the spectral flow) is negative. Thus for
generic $J$, the moduli space of
$A$-curves is the disjoint union of four zero-dimensional moduli spaces
${\cal M}_{A,k}$. Counting with sign
gives four ``Taubes numbers''
\tau(A,k)= \sum_{C\in{\cal M}_{A,k}}\ \mbox{sgn}\ C.
Taubes derived wall-crossing formulas and showed that a certain
combination of the $\tau(A,k)$ is independent of
The right combination is best described by assembling the counts
(\ref{2.AnotinS}) and (\ref{2.AinS}) into a
single quantity associated with $X$. For that purpose, we introduce formal
symbols $t_A$ for $A\in H_2(X;{ \Bbb Z})$
with relations
$t_{A+B}=t_At_B$ and specify three ``generating functions'' $e(t),f(t)$ and
$g(t)$. From $f$ we construct
functions $f_k$ corresponding to the four types of curves by setting
\begin{eqnarray}\label{T gen fc}
f_1(t)={f(t)\over f(t^2)},\qquad
f_2(t)={f(t)f(t^4)\over f^2(t^2)},\qquad
f_3(t)={f(t)f(t^4)\over f^3(t^2)}.
in accordance to the wall crossing formulas in [T2]. We will also use
another variable $s$ to keep track of
the number of double points.
\begin{defn} The {\em Taubes Series} of $(X,\omega)$ with generating functions
$e, f$
and $g$ is the formal power series in the variables $t_A$ and $s$ defined by
GT_X(t,s)=\prod_{E\in {\cal E}}e(t_E)^{Gr(A,0)} \cdot
\prod_{A\notin T\cup {\cal E}}\prod_{d=0}^{d_A}
g\l(t_A{s^{d}\over d! }\r)^{Gr(A,d)}
\cdot \prod_{A\in T}\ma\prod_{ k=0}^3 f_k(t_A)^{\tau(A,k)}
with the $f_k$ given by (\ref{T gen fc}).
We then get a sequence of maps $GT_{\delta}: H_2(X;{ \Bbb Z})\to { \Bbb Z}$ by expanding
(\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}) as a power series in
GT(t,s)\ =\ \sum_{A} \sum_{\delta=d_A-d}GT_{\delta}(A)\ t_A\, \frac{s^d}{d!}
where we have labeled the coefficients by $\delta=d_A-d$ rather than $d$.
\begin{prop} With the choice
e(t)=1+t,\qquad f(t)=\frac{1}{1-t},\quad \mbox{and}\qquad g(t)=e^t,
the degree zero component $GT_{0}$ in (\ref{egfgeneratingfnc2}) is the
Gromov invariant defined by Taubes in
\noindent {\bf Proof. } The coefficient $GT_{\delta}(A)$ of $t_A s^d/d!$ in
(\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}) is a sum of coefficients, one for
each product of monomials $(t_{A_i}s^{d_i})^{n_i}$ with $d=\sum n_id_i$
and $A=\sum n_iA_i$, where the $A_i$ are
distinct homology classes, $n_i\geq 0$, and $n_i=1$ for all $A_i\in {\cal
E}$ (because the generating function
is $e(t)=1+t$). Given such a decomposition, we can expand $\delta=d_A-d
=d_A-\sum n_id_i$ by writing
$\delta_i=d_{A_i}-d_i\ge 0$ as in (\ref{2.defDelta}) and using the
definition of $d_A$. This gives
\delta & = & \frac12\left[(\ma\sum n_i A_i)^2-\ma\sum n_i A_i^2\right]
+\sum n_i \delta_i \\
& = & \ma\sum \frac12 n_i(n_i-1)\ A_i^2 +\sum_{i<j} n_i n_j A_i A_j
+\sum n_i\delta_i
Each of the terms in this sum are nonnegative since (a) $A_i^2\ge 0$ for
$A_i\notin {\cal E}$ and
$n_i=1$ for $A_i\in {\cal E}$, and (b) $A_i\cdot A_j\ge 0$ for $i\ne j$
because the $A_i$ are distinct.
Consequently, the only monomials that contribute to the $\delta=0$ term
are those corresponding to
decompositions of $A$ and $d$ with
\ \hskip1in (a) $n_i=1$ unless $A_i^2=0$,
\ \hskip1in (b) $A_i\cdot A_j=0$ for all $i\ne j$,
\ \hskip1in (c) $d_i=d_{A_i}$.
\noindent Let ${\cal S}={\cal S}(A)$ be the set of such decompositions. For
each $y=\{(n_i,A_i)\}$ in ${\cal S}$, let $y'$ be the set of those
$(n_i,A_i)\in y$ with $A_i\notin T$, let $y''$ be the set of those
$(n_i,A_i)\in y$ with $A_i$ primitive and $A_i\in T$,
and let $t_{y'}$ and $t_{y''}$ be the corresponding monomials.
Putting the functions (\ref{2.taubesgeneratingfncs}) into
(\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}), one sees that the
coefficient of $t_A s^{d_A}/d_A!$ has the form
Gr_0(A)\ =\ \sum_{y\in{\cal S}} R(y') Q(y'').
Here $R(y')$ is the coefficient of $t_{y'}s^d/d!$ in
\prod_{A_i\notin T}
(after noting that $t_{y'}$ is at most linear in $t_{A_i}$ for each $A_i\in
{\cal E}$ and $\mbox{exp}\,t=1+t+O(t^2)$), so
R(y')\ =\ d!\,\prod_{(n_i,A_i)\in y'} \frac{Gr(A_i,d_{i})^{n_i}}
Similarly, $Q(y'')$ is the coefficient of $t_{y''}$ in
\prod_{A_i\in T}\ \prod_{ k=0}^3 f_k(t_{A_i})^{\tau(A_i,k)}=
\prod_{A_i\in T \atop primitive}\ \prod_{q=1}^{\infty}\;
\ma\prod_{ k=0}^3 f_k(t_{A_i}^q)^{\tau(qA_i,k)}.
Q(y'')\ =\ \prod_{(n_i,A_i)\in y''}\ Q(n_i,A_i)
where $Q(n,A)$ is the coefficient of $t_{A}^n$ in
\ma\prod_{q=1}^{\infty}\ma\prod_{ k=0}^3 f_k(t_{qA})^{\tau(qA,k)}.
For each embedded, holomorphic torus $C$, let $f_C$ denote the function
$f_k$ (resp. $1/f_k$) when $C$ is of type $k$ and has positive (resp.
negative) sign.
Expanding $f_{C}(t)=\sum_{m} r(C,m) t^m$, we have
Q(n,A)\ =\ \sum_{{\cal D}}\prod r(C_j,m_j),
where ${\cal D}$ is the set of all pairs $(m_j,C_j)$ of
$J$-holomorphic curves $C_j$ and
multiplicities $m_j$ with $[C_j]=q_jA$ and $\sum m_j q_j=n$.
Together, (\ref{2.T1}) -- (\ref{2.T4}) exactly agree with the invariant
defined by Taubes ([T2] section 5d). \qed
\begin{rem} Taubes chooses the functions (\ref{2.taubesgeneratingfncs}) to
make his invariants agree with the
Seiberg-Witten invariants.
The numbers $Gr_{\delta}(A)$ defined by (\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}) and
(\ref{egfgeneratingfnc2}) count the
$J$-holomorphic $A$-curves (of any genus and any number of components) with
$\delta$ double points, and thus generalize Taubes'
count of embedded curves. Below, we will verify that the
$Gr_{\delta}(A)$ are symplectic
invariants by relating the Taubes Series to Ruan-Tian invariants.
\section{The RT Series}
Ruan and Tian [RT] define symplectic invariants
$RT_{A,g,d}(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_d)$ by taking the moduli space
${\cal M}_{A,g,d}$ of {\em connected, perturbed} holomorphic $A$-curves with
genus $g$ and $d$ marked points, restricting
to the subset
${\cal M}'_{A,g,d}$ where the marked points lie on fixed constraint surfaces
representing the $\alpha_i\in H_*(X)$, and counting with orientation
(assuming ${\cal M}'_{A,g,d}$ is
zero-dimensional). In particular,
when the $\alpha_i$ are all points and $g=d+1+\kappa\cdot A$ we get invariants
RT(A,d)\ =\ RT_{A,d+1+\kappa\cdot A,d}(p^d).
This section describes how to assemble these invariants into a series
analogous to
First we must deal with a technical problem. In [RT], the invariants
$RT_{A,g,d}$ are defined only for the
``stable range'' $2g+d\geq 3$. This leaves $RT(A,d)$ undefined for two
types of curves: tori with no marked
points, which occur when $d=\kappa\cdot A=0$, and spheres
with fewer than three marked points, which occur when $d=0,1,2$ and
$d+1=-\kappa\cdot A$. But we can extend
definition (\ref{3.1}) to these cases by imposing additional
``constraints'' which are automatically satisfied. For this, choose a
class $\beta\in H_{2}(X)$ with
$A\cdot \beta \neq 0$ and set
RT(A,0) \ =\ \frac{1}{A\cdot \beta}\, RT_{A,1,1}(\beta) \qquad \mbox{if}\
\kappa\cdot A =0
RT(A,d) \ =\ \frac{1}{(A\cdot
\beta)^{3-d}}\,RT_{A,0,3}(p^d\beta^{3-d})\qquad \mbox{if }\ d=\kappa\cdot
Thus defined, these invariants count
perturbed holomorphic curves. For example, when $\kappa\cdot A =0$ each
genus one curve $C$
(without marked points) representing
$A$ is a map $f:T^2\to X$, well-defined up the automorphisms of $T^2$ with
the induced
complex structure. Fix a point $p\in T^2$ and represent $\beta$ by a cycle
in general position. Then $C\cap
\beta$ consists of $A\cdot \beta$ distinct points. Hence $C$ is the image
of exactly $A\cdot \beta$ maps $f:T^2\to X$ with $f(p)\in\beta$ and these
are counted by $RT_{A,1,1}(\beta)$.
Now fix a generating function $F_A$ for each class $A$ and assign a
factor $F_A(t_A)$ to each curve that
contributes $+1$ to the count $RT(A,d)$, and a factor $1/F_A(t_A)$ to each
curve that
contributes $-1$. Taking the product gives a series in the variables $t_A$
\ma\prod_{A\in H_2(X)}F_A(t_A)^{RT(A,d)}
which is an invariant of the deformation class of the symplectic structure
of $(X,\omega)$. As with the Taubes Series,
different choices of the $F_A$ give different series, but all encode the
same data. We will choose three
generating functions and form a series resembling (\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}).
\begin{defn} The {\em Ruan-Tian Series} of $(X,\omega)$ defined by $e(t)$,
$F(t)$ and $g(t)$ is
RT_X(t,s)\ =\ \prod_{E\in {\cal E}}e(t_E)^{RT(A,0)} \cdot
\prod_{A\notin T\cup {\cal E}} g\l(t_A{s^{d}\over d! }\r)^{RT(A,d)}\ \cdot\
\ma\prod_{A\in T}F(t_A)^{RT(A,0)}
Expanding in power series as in (\ref{egfgeneratingfnc2}) gives invariants
$RT_{\delta}:H_2(X;{ \Bbb Z})\to{ \Bbb Z}$.
To make this more concrete, we could take $e(t)$, $F(t)$ and $g(t)$ to be
the specific functions given in
(\ref{2.taubesgeneratingfncs}). That choice, however, overcounts tori with
self-intersection zero. It
turns out that the formulas are simpler if $F$ satisfies
\prod_{k=1}^\infty F(t^k)=e^t.
Thus it is appropriate to make the more awkward-looking choice
e(t)=1+t,\qquad F(t)=\exp\l(\ma\sum_{m= 1}^\infty \mu(m)t^m \r) ,\qquad
\mbox{and}\qquad g(t)=e^t,
where $\mu$ is the M\"{o}bius function. (The M\"{o}bius function is
defined by $\mu(1)=1$, $\mu(m)=(-1)^k$ if
$m$ is a product of $k$ distinct primes, and $\mu=0$ otherwise.) One can
then verify (\ref{prodF=t}) by writing
$\ell=mk$ and using the basic fact that
\ma\sum_{m|\ell}\mu(m)\ =\ \left\{
1\qquad & \mbox{if }\ell=1,\\
0 & \mbox{otherwise.}
We will see next how the generating functions (\ref{MoebiusF}) lead back
to the Taubes Series and the
Seiberg-Witten invariants.
\section{Equivalence of the Invariants}
In this section we will prove that the Taubes and Ruan-Tian Series are equal
for any closed symplectic four-manifold. The proof is straightforward for
classes $A\notin T$, but for the
toroidal classes $A\in T$ it requires some combinatorics.
For classes $A\notin T$, the moduli space of
$J$-holomorphic curves of genus $g_A$ passing through $d$ points
contains no multiply covered curves for generic $J$ (cf. [R], [T2]).
Consequently, the
moduli space of such curves is smooth and the linearized operator has no
cokernel. The Implicit Function Theorem then implies that each of these
curves (but none of their multiple
covers) can be uniquely perturbed to a solution of the equation $\overline \partial_{j}
f=\nu$ for small $\nu$. Thus
Gr(A,d)=RT(A,d)\qquad \mbox{ for } \quad A\notin T,
so the first two factors in the products (\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}) and
(\ref{3.defgr}) are equal.
The computations for $A\in T$ are more complicated because multiple covers
{\em do} contribute. In this case,
the moduli space
${\cal M}_A$ of $J$-holomorphic, connected, embedded $A$-curves is finite for
generic $J$, and each curve $C\in {\cal M}_A$ is a torus. The last part
of the Gromov series
(\ref{3.defgr}) has the form
Gr^T\ =\ \prod_{A\in T} \ \prod_{C\in {\cal M}_A} \phi_C(t_A)
for some function $\phi_C$ that we must determine.
To do that, we fix one torus $C\in{\cal M}_A$ defined by an embedding
$(T^2,x_0,j_0)\rightarrow X$ and regard the
domain $(T^2,x_0,j_0)$ as the quotient of the complex plane by the lattice
\Lambda_0={ \Bbb Z}\oplus \tau{ \Bbb Z}.
Curves $C'$ which are $m$-fold covers of $C$ are given by pairs
$(\psi,j)$ where $\psi:(T^2,x_0,j)\rightarrow (T^2,x_0,j_0)$ is an $m$-fold cover map;
these are classified (up to
diffeomorphisms of the domain) by index $m$ sublattices $\Lambda \subset
\Lambda_0$. Let ${\cal L}_m$ be the set
of all such lattices.
For generic $J$ the linearized operator has zero cokernel (it is invertible
with index zero). Hence
each $m$-fold cover can be uniquely
perturbed to a solution of $\overline \partial_{j} f=\nu$, which contributes to
$RT_{mA,1,1}$. The total contribution of the multiple covers of $C$ to
$RT_{mA,1,1}$ is
\ma\sum_{\Lambda\in{\cal L}_m} \mbox{sgn }\Lambda
where $\mbox{sgn }\Lambda$ is the sign of the multiple cover $C'$
described by $\Lambda$. Thus, after stabilizing as in
\phi_C(t_A)\ =\ \prod_{m=1}^{\infty}F(t_A^m)^{\frac{1}{m}
\ma\sum_{\Lambda\in{\cal L}_m} \mbox{sgn }\Lambda}
To proceed, we must
determine $\mbox{sgn }\Lambda$ using the orientation prescribed by
Ruan-Tian. As in Section 1, this is given by the the spectral
flow of the linearization $D_C$ (the exposition in
[RT] is obscure, but this is clearly the orientation
that the authors intended to specify). This sign is independent of $\nu$
for small $\nu$, so we can assume that $\nu=0$ in the subsequent
The sign of a curve $C'={ \Bbb C}/\Lambda$ is
\mbox{\em sgn} \, \Lambda\ =\ \mbox{\em sgn} \,D_0\,\ma\prod \mbox{\em sgn}\,D_i
where the product is over all $i=1,2,3$ such that $\Lambda_0$ is a sublattice
of $\Lambda_i$ with $\Lambda_i$ defined by (\ref{lambdai}).
\noindent {\bf Proof. } Looking at the explicit formula for $D_{C'}$ [T2],
one sees that $D_{C'}$ is the pullback of $D_{C}$ (it depends only on the
1-jet of $J$ along $C$). Fix a complex
$\ov\partial$ on $C$, choose a path from
$\ov\partial$ to $D_{C}$, and let $D_t$ be the lifted path of operators on
$C'$; each $D_t$ is invariant
under deck transformations. As in [T2], we can assume that $\mbox{ker}\,
D_t=\{0\}$ except at
finitely many values of $t=t_k$, where $\mbox{ker}\, D_t$ is one-dimensional.
The translations of ${ \Bbb C}$ by 1 and $\tau$ respectively
induce deck transformations $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ of $C'\to C$; these
generate the abelian group
$G=\Lambda_0/\Lambda$ of all deck transformations. At each $t=t_k$,
$\mbox{ker}\, D_t$ is a one-dimensional representation $\rho_i$ of $G$, so is
one of four possibilities:
where $\xi$ is a generator of the kernel. Call these kernels of type
0,\,1,\,2 and 3 respectively. Then
SF=\sum_{i=0}^3 SF_i
where $\mbox{SF}_i$ is the number of $t_k$ of type $i$ (counted with
orientation), and
\mbox{sgn } \Lambda\ =\ (-1)^{\mbox{SF}}\ =\ \prod (-1)^{\mbox{SF}_i}.
Note that each $\xi$ of type 0 descends to a section of $\mbox{ker
}\,D_t$ on ${ \Bbb C}/\Lambda_0$. In fact, this
is a one-to-one correspondence, so $SF_0$ is the spectral flow of the path
$D_t$ on the base curve $C$ and
$(-1)^{\mbox{SF}}$ is the sign of $D_0$. The remaining representations
determine three index two sublattices
\Lambda_i=\mbox{ker}\, \rho_i
of $\Lambda$. Thinking of $\xi$ as a $\Lambda$-invariant section on ${ \Bbb C}$,
one sees that (a) a type $i$ kernel
cannot appear unless $\Lambda\subset\Lambda_i$, and (b) if
$\Lambda\subset\Lambda_i$ then $\xi$ descends to an
element of $\mbox{ker}\, D_t$ over the double cover ${ \Bbb C}/\Lambda_i$. Thus
$\mbox{SF}_i$ vanishes if
$\Lambda$ is not a subset of $\Lambda_i$, and when
$\Lambda\subset\Lambda_i$ $\mbox{SF}_i$ coincides with the
spectral flow of Taubes' operator $D_i$. Then (\ref{sgnLambda2}) is the
same as (\ref{sgnLambda}).
\addtocounter{theorem}{1 A set of representatives of the lattices in ${\cal L}_m$ is
\Lambda=a{ \Bbb Z}+(b\tau+p){ \Bbb Z} \qquad\mbox{where}\ \ m=ab,\ \ p=0,\dots,a-1.
The group of deck transformations is $G\cong { \Bbb Z}_{a}\times{ \Bbb Z}_{b}$, and the
three the lattices (\ref{lambdai}) are
\Lambda_1={ \Bbb Z}+2\tau{ \Bbb Z}, \qquad \Lambda_2=2{ \Bbb Z}+\tau{ \Bbb Z}, \qquad
\Lambda_3=2{ \Bbb Z}+(1+\tau){ \Bbb Z}.
Now fix $m$ and separate the set of lattices ${\cal L}$ into:
{\cal L}^0\ &=&\{ \Lambda\in{\cal L}\;|\; \Lambda
\mbox{ is contained in none of the lattices }\Lambda_1,\Lambda_2,\Lambda_3\;\}\\
{\cal L}^i\ &=&\{ \Lambda\in{\cal L}\;|\; \Lambda
\mbox{ is contained in $\Lambda_k$ only for $k=i$}\;\}\\
{\cal L}^{123}&=&\{ \Lambda\in{\cal L}\;|\; \Lambda
\mbox{ is contained in }\Lambda_1,\Lambda_2\ \mbox{and}\ \Lambda_3\;\}.
Note that if $\Lambda$ is contained in two of the $\Lambda_i$ then it is
contained in the third. Thus the
above sets constitute a partition
{\cal L}= {\cal L}^0 \cup {\cal L}^1 \cup {\cal L}^2 \cup {\cal L}^3 \cup
{\cal L}^{123}.
Furthermore, there are automorphisms of $\Lambda_0$ that interchange the
lattices $\Lambda_i, i=1,2,3$, so the
sets ${\cal L}^1$, ${\cal L}^2$, and ${\cal L}^3$ have the same
cardinality. Hence from (\ref{sgnLambda}) we have
\sum_{\Lambda\in{\cal L}_m} \mbox{sgn }\Lambda\ =\ \mbox{sgn}\; D_0\left\{
A+B\;\sum_{i=1}^3 \mbox{sgn}\;
\mbox{sgn}\; D_i \right\}
where $A=|{\cal L}^0|$ is the number of elements of ${\cal L}^0$,
$B=|{\cal L}^1|$, and $C=|{\cal L}^{123}|$.
Set $\sigma(m)=\ma\sum_{a|m}a$ if $m$ is a
positive integer, and $\sigma=0$ otherwise. Then
A+3B+C=\sigma(m), \qquad B+C=\sigma(m/2), \qquad C=\sigma(m/4).
\noindent {\bf Proof. } Using the representatives (\ref{lattices}) of ${\cal L}$, we have
A+3B+C=|{\cal L}|=\sum_{m=ab}\;\sum_{p=0}^{a-1}
Next, $B+C$ is the number of lattices $\Lambda\in{\cal L}$ which contain
$\Lambda_1$. These are the lattices
(\ref{lattices}) with $b=2\beta$ even, so
\sum_{a|{m\over 2}} a=\sigma\l({m\over 2}\r).
Finally, ${\cal L}^{123}$ is the set of all lattices $\Lambda$ such that
$a, b$ and $p$ are all even. Writing
$a=2\alpha$, $b=2\beta$, and $p=2q$, we obtain
C=\left|{\cal L}^{123}\right|= \sum_{m=4\alpha \beta}\;
\sum_{0\leq 2q\leq 2\alpha-1} 1=\sum_{\alpha|{m\over 4}} \alpha
=\sigma\l({m\over 4}\r).\qquad \Box
\label{rel RT-Ta}
The generating function $\phi_C$ of an embedded torus $C$ is
\phi_C(t)=\l[f(t)f(t^2)^{s_1/ 2}f(t^4)^{s_2/4}\r]^{\mbox{{\em sgn} C}}
s_1=\ma\sum_{i=1}^3 \mbox{\em sgn}\,D_i-3, \qquad
s_2=\ma\prod_{i=1}^3 \mbox{\em sgn}\,D_i-\ma\sum_{i=1}^3 \mbox{\em sgn}\,D_i+2,
f(t)=\prod_{m\ge 1} F(t^m)^{\sigma(m)/m}.
\noindent {\bf Proof. } From equations (\ref{phiC}) and (\ref{RTm3}) and Lemma
\ref{abclemma}, we obtain
\log \phi_C(t_A)=
\mbox{sgn}\; D_0 \ma \sum_{m= 1}^\infty
\frac1m\left[\sigma(m)+s_1\cdot\sigma\l({m\over 2}\r)+
s_2\cdot\sigma\l({m\over 4}\r)\right]\ \log F(t_A^m)
After substituting in (\ref{deff(t)}), this gives (\ref{proprelRT-Ta}).
When $C$ has Taubes' type 0 all three $D_i$ have positive sign, so
$s_1=s_2=0$ in (\ref{s_i's}). Similarly,
$(s_1,s_2)$ is $(-2,0)$ for type 1, $(-4,4)$ for type 2, and $(-6,4)$ for
type 3. Thus
(\ref{proprelRT-Ta}) gives
\prod_{A\in T} \ \ma \prod_{C\in{\cal M}_A} \phi_C(t_A)\ =\ \prod_{A\in T} \
\ma\prod_{ k=0}^3 f_k(t_A)^{\tau(A,k)}
where $f_0=f$ and
f_1(t) ={f(t)\over f(t^2)},\qquad
f_2(t)={f(t)f(t^4)\over f^2(t^2)},\qquad
f_3(t)={f(t)f(t^4)\over f^3(t^2)}
--- exactly as in (\ref{T gen fc})! Since the first factors in
(\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}) and (\ref{3.defgr}) are equal by (\ref{4.1}),
we have the following equivalence.
For any closed symplectic four-manifold $(X,\omega)$, the Taubes and Ruan-Tian
Series (\ref{egfgeneratingfnc}) and
(\ref{3.defgr}) coincide when $f$ and $F$ are related by (\ref{deff(t)}):
GT_X(t,s)\ =\ RT_X(t,s).
Hence Taubes' Gromov invariants $GT_{\delta}(A)$ depend
only of the deformation class of
$\omega$ and are computable from the Ruan-Tian invariants.
If we use the particular form of $F$ satisfying (\ref{prodF=t})
and make the change of variable
$m=ab$, we obtain
\log f(t)&=&\sum_{m= 1}^\infty \;\sum_{a|m}{a\over m}\log F(t^m)
= \; \sum_{b= 1}^\infty {1\over b}\;\sum_{a=1}^\infty \log F(t^{ab})=
\ma \sum_{b= 1}^\infty {1\over b}\; t^b=\;\log {1\over 1-t}.
Thus the Ruan-Tian Series with the generating functions defined in
exactly reproduces the Taubes Series with his choice of generating
functions (\ref{2.taubesgeneratingfncs}).
1993-12-14T14:07:14 | 9312 | alg-geom/9312007 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9312007 | [
] | alg-geom/9312007 | null | Gerd Dethloff, Georg Schumacher, Pit-Mann Wong | Hyperbolicity of the complement of plane algebraic curves | LaTeX | Amer. J. Math. 117, 573-599 (1995) | null | null | null | The paper is a contribution of the conjecture of Kobayashi that the
complement of a generic plain curve of degree at least five is hyperbolic. The
main result is that the complement of a generic configuration of three quadrics
is hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded as well as the complement of two
quadrics and a line.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 14 Dec 1993 13:04:27 GMT"
] | 2014-12-01T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Hyperbolic manifolds have been studied in complex analysis as the
generalizations of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces to higher dimensions.
Moreover, the theory of hyperbolic manifolds is closely related to other
areas (cf.\ eg. \cite{LA1}).
However, only very few quasi-projective (non closed) hyperbolic manifolds
are known. But one still believes that e.g.\ the complements of `most'
hypersurfaces in $\Bbb P_n$ are hyperbolic, if only their degree is at
least 2n+1, more precisely:
Let ${\cal C}(d_1,\ldots ,d_k)$ be the space of $k$ tupels of
hypersurfaces $\,\Gamma = (\Gamma_1 , \ldots , \Gamma_k )\,$ in $\Bbb P_n$, where
${\rm deg}(\Gamma_i)=d_i$. Then for all $(d_1,\ldots ,d_k)$ with $\,
\sum_{i=1}^k d_i =:d \geq 2n+1\,$ the set $\,{\cal H}(d_1,\ldots ,d_k)=
\{ \Gamma \in {\cal C}(d_1,\ldots ,d_k) : \Bbb P_n \setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^k
\Gamma_i\, $ {\rm is complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded}$\}\,$
contains the complement of a proper algebraic subset of ${\cal
C}(d_1,\ldots ,d_k)$.
For complements of hypersurfaces in $\Bbb P_n$ this was posed by Kobayashi
as `Problem 3' in his book \cite{KO}, and later by Zaidenberg in his
paper \cite{ZA}.
In this paper, we shall deal with the complements of plane curves i.e.
the case n=2.
Other than in the case of 5 lines $({\cal C}(1,1,1,1,1))$, the
conjecture was previously proved by M.~Green in \cite{GRE2} in the case
of a curve $\Gamma$ consisting of one quadric and three lines (${\cal
C}(2,1,1,1)$). Furthermore, it was shown for ${\cal
C}(d_1,\ldots,d_k)$, whenever $k\geq5$, by Babets in \cite{BA}. A
closely related result by Green in \cite{GRE1} is that for any four
non-redundant hypersurfaces $\Gamma_j$, $j=1,\ldots 4$ in $\Bbb P_2$ any
entire curve $f:\Bbb C \to \Bbb P_2 \setminus \bigcup_{j=1}^4 \Gamma_j$ is
algebraically degenerate. (The degeneracy locus of the Kobayashi
pseudometric was studied by Adachi and Suzuki in \cite{A--S1},
In fact, for generic configurations, any such algebraically degenerate
map is constant, hence the conjecture is true for any family ${\cal
C}(d_1,\ldots,\linebreak d_k)$ with $k \geq 4$ (cf.\ cf.\ Theorem \ref{4c}).
This includes the case of a curve $\Gamma$ consisting of 2 quadrics and 2
lines. We also give another proof of Green's result, which yields a
slightly stronger result related to the statement of a second main
theorem of value distribution theory in this situation.
It seems that the conjecture is the more difficult the smaller k is.
Already the case k=3 seems to be very hard: In 1989 H.~Grauert worked
on the case of a curve $\Gamma$ consisting of 3 quadrics, i.e. ${\cal
C}(2,2,2)$, in \cite{GR}, using sophisticated differential geometric
methods including Jet-metrics. We believe that the methods developed
there might be suited for proving major parts of the conjecture. For the
time being, however, certain technical problems still exist with these
methods including the case ${\cal C}(2,2,2)$.
The main result of this paper (Theorem \ref{mt}) is a proof of the
conjecture for 3 quadrics. Our
methods are completely different from those used in \cite{GR} --- instead of
differential geometry we use value distribution theory:
For any pair of quadrics which intersect transversally,
there are 6 lines through the intersection points, out of which 4
are in general position. We first show that we can assign a set of 12
lines in general position to any generic system $C$ of 3 quadrics.
Let $f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2 \setminus C$ be an entire holomorphic curve.
Our method now essentially consists of showing that the defect of $f$
with respect to the above 12 lines had to be at least equal to 4
unless $f$ is algebraically degenerate. (For technical reasons our
exposition is based on the Second Main Theorem rather than the
defect relation). The last step is to show that this fact is
actually sufficient for generic complements of 3 quadrics to be
complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded.
For ${\cal C}(2,2,1)$, i.e. two quadrics and a line, our result
states the existence of an open set, which contains a quasi-projective
set of codimension one, of configurations, where the conjecture is true
(Theorem $\ref{thm221}$).
The somewhat lengthy proof is based on a generalized Borel lemma.
With the same methods we prove that also the
complement of three generic Fermat quadrics is hyperbolic.
The paper is organized as follows: In section~2 we collect, for the
convenience of the reader, some basics from value distribution theory,
and, in section~3, some consequences from Brody's techniques for later
reference. In section~4 we prove some `algebraic' hyperbolicity of
generic complements of certain curves. Next, in section~5 we prove Theorem
\ref{4c}. In section~6
we study linear systems of lines associated to systems of 3 quadrics.
Section~7 contains the proof of Theorem~\ref{mt}. In
section~8 we treat complements of two quadrics and a line and
complements of three Fermat quadrics.
The first named author would like to thank S.~Frankel (Nantes),
H.~Grauert (G"ottingen), S.~Kosarew (Grenoble) and M.~Zaidenberg
(Grenoble) for valuable discussions, the Department of Mathematics at
Notre Dame for its hospitality, and the DFG, especially the `Schwer\-punkt
Kom\-ple\-xe Man\-nig\-fal\-tig\-kei\-ten' in Bochum for support. The second
named author would like to thank H.~Grauert, W.Stoll (Notre Dame) and
M.Zaidenberg for valuable discussions, and the Department of Mathematics
at Notre Dame and the SFB~170 in G\"{o}ttingen for its hospitality and
the Schwerpunkt `Komplexe Mannigfaltig\-kei\-ten' for support. The third
named author would like to thank the SFB 170 and the NSF for partial
\section{Some tools from Value Distribution Theory}
In this section we fix some notations and quote some facts from Value
Distribution Theory. We give references but do not trace these facts
back to the original papers.
We define the characteristic function and the counting function, and
give some formulas for these.
Let $\,||z||^2= \sum_{j=0}^n |z_j|^2$, where $(z_0,\ldots ,z_n) \in
\Bbb C^{n+1}$, let $\Delta_t = \{\xi \in \Bbb C : |\xi| < t \}$, and let $d^c =
(i/4 \pi) (\overline{\partial} - \partial)$. Let $r_0$ be a fixed positive
number and let $\,r \geq r_0$. Let $\,f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$ be entire, i.e.
$f$ can be written as $\, f=[f_0:\ldots :f_n]\,$ with holomorphic
functions $\, f_j : \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C\, , j=0,\ldots ,n\,$ without common
zeroes. Then the {\it characteristic function} $T(f,r)$ is defined as
$$ T(f,r) = \int_{r_0}^r \frac{dt}{t} \int_{\Delta_t} dd^c \log ||f||^2$$
Let furthermore $\, D=\{ P=0\}\,$ be a divisor in $\Bbb P_n$, given by a
homogeneous polynomial $P$. Assume $\, f(\Bbb C) \not\subset \hbox{ {\rm
support}}(D)$. Let $\,n_f(D,t)\,$ denote the number of zeroes of $\, P
\circ f\,$ inside $\, \Delta_t\,$ (counted with multiplicities). Then we
define the {\it counting function} as
N_f(D,r) = \int_{r_0}^r n_f(D,t) \frac{dt}{t}
Stokes Theorem and transformation to polar coordinates imply (cf.\ \cite{WO}):
\begin{equation} \label{1}
T(f,r) =
\frac{1}{4 \pi} \int_0^{2 \pi} \log ||f||^2 (re^{i \vartheta})d \vartheta + O(1).
The characteristic function as defined by Nevanlinna for a holomorphic
function $\,f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C$ is
T_0(f,r) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_0^{2 \pi}
\log ^+ |f(re^{i \vartheta})| d \vartheta .
For the associated map $\, [f:1]: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_1$ one has
\begin{equation} \label{2}
T_0(f,r) = T([1:f],r) + O(1)
(cf.\ \cite{HA}).
By abuse of notation we will, from now on, for a function $\, f: \Bbb C \rightarrow
\Bbb C$, write $T(f,r)$ instead of $T_0(f,r)$. Furthermore we
sometimes use $N(f,r)$ instead of $N_f([z_0=0],r)$.
The concept of finite order is essential for later applications.
Let $s(r)$ be a positive, monotonically increasing function
defined for $\,r \geq r_0$. If
$$ \overline{\lim_{r \rightarrow \infty} } \frac{\log s(r)}{\log r} = \lambda$$
then $s(r)$ is said to be of order $\lambda$. For entire $\,f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$
or $\, f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C\,$ we say that $f$ is of order $\lambda$, if
$T(f,r)$ is.
Let $f=[f_0:\ldots:f_n]:\Bbb C \to \Bbb P_n$ be a
holomorphic map of finite order $\lambda$. Then $\log T(f,r)= O(\log r)$.
We need the following:
\begin{lem} \label{e}
Assume that $\,f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$ is an entire map and misses the
$\,\{ z_j = 0\}\,$ for $j=0,\ldots,n$ (i.e. the coordinate hyperplanes
of $\Bbb P_n$).
Assume that $f$ has order at most $\lambda$. Then $f$ can be written as
$\,f = [1:f_1:\ldots :f_n]\,$ with $\, f_j(\xi) = e^{P_j(\xi)}$, where
the $P_j(\xi)$
are polynomials in $\xi$ of degree $d_j\leq \lambda$.
{\it Proof:} We write $\, f=[1:f_1:\ldots :f_n]\,$ with holomorphic
$\,f_j: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C \setminus \{0\}$. Now we get with equations (\ref{1})
and (\ref{2}) for $j=1,\ldots ,n$:
T(f_j,r) = T([1:f_j],r) + O(1) \leq T(f,r) + O(1),
hence the $f_j$ are nonvanishing holomorphic functions of order
at most $\lambda$. This means that
\lim\/{\rm sup}_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{T(f_j,r)}{r^{\lambda + \epsilon}} =0
for any $\, \epsilon > 0$. From this equation our assertion follows with the
Weierstra\char\ss theorem as it is stated in \cite{HA}. \qed
The previous Lemma is helpful because we can use it to `calculate'
$T(f,r)$ by the Ahlfors-Lemma (cf.\ \cite{ST})
\begin{lem} \label{A}
Let $\, P_0,\ldots ,P_n\,$ be polynomials of degree at most $\,\lambda
\in \Bbb N\,$.
Let $\, \alpha_j \in \Bbb C$ be the coefficients of $\,x^{\lambda}\,$
in $P_j$ (possibly equal to zero). Let $\, L(\alpha_0,\ldots
be the length of the polygon defined by the convex hull of the
$\, \alpha_0,\ldots ,\alpha_n$. If
$$f=[e^{P_0}:\ldots :e^{P_n}]:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n$$
$$ \lim_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{T(f,r)}{r^{\lambda}} = \frac{L(\alpha_0,\ldots ,\alpha_n)}{2
We state the First and the Second Main Theorem of Value Distribution
Theory which relate the characteristic function and the counting
function (cf.\ \cite{SH}):
Let $\,f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$ be entire, and let $D$ be a divisor in $\Bbb P_n$
of degree $d$, such that $\,f(\Bbb C) \not\subset \hbox{ {\rm support}}(D)$.
{\bf First Main Theorem} $$ N_f(D,r) \leq d \cdot T(f,r) + O(1)$$
Another way of stating this theorem is the following:
The quantity
\delta_f(D)=\liminf_{r\to \infty}\left(1- {N_f(D,r)\over d \cdot
is called {\it defect} of $D$ with respect to $f$. Then
\delta_f(D)\geq 0.
Assume now that $\, f(\Bbb C)\,$ is not contained in any hyperplane in
$\Bbb P_n$, and let $\, H_1,\ldots ,H_q\,$ be distinct hyperplanes in
general position. Then
{\bf Second Main Theorem}
(q-n-1)T(f,r) \leq \sum_{j=0}^q N_f(H_j,r) + S(r)
where $\: S(r) \leq O(\log (rT(f,r)))\,$ for all $\,r \geq r_0\,$ except
for a set of finite Lebesque measure. If $f$ is of finite order, then
$\, S(r) \leq O(\log r)\,$ for all $\,r \geq r_0$.
We examine how the characteristic function behaves under morphisms of the
projective space:
\begin{lem} \label{m}
$$ R=[R_0:\ldots :R_N]: \Bbb P_n \rightarrow \Bbb P_N$$
be a morphism with components
of degree $p$, and let $\, f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$ be entire. Then
$$ T(R \circ f,r) = p \cdot T(f,r) + O(1)$$
{\it Proof:} Define
$$\mu([z_0:\ldots :z_n]) = \frac{|R_0|^2+\ldots + |R_N|^2}{(|z_0|^2+\ldots
Since $R$ is a morphism the $\,R_j, j=0,\ldots ,N\,$ have no common zeroes,
hence there exist constants $\,A,B >0\,$ with
$\:0 < A \leq \mu \leq B\:$ on $\Bbb P_n$. From that and equation (\ref{1})
we get:
$$T(R \circ f,r) - p \cdot T(f,r) = \frac{1}{4 \pi} \int_0^{2 \pi} (\log ||R
f||^2(re^{i\vartheta}) - p \cdot \log ||f||^2(re^{i\vartheta}))d \vartheta +O(1) $$ $$=
\frac{1}{4 \pi} \int_0^{2 \pi} \log (\mu \circ f)(re^{i\vartheta}) d\vartheta +O(1)$$
In the last term the integral is bounded by $\, \frac{1}{2}\log A\,$ and
$\,\frac{1}{2} \log B\,$
independently of $r$. \qed
\section{Some consequences of Brody's techniques}
In this section we list briefly some consequences of Brody's techniques
for later application. The first is a corollary of a well known theorem
of M. Green. It shows how to use entire curves $\,f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2\,$ of
finite order to prove hyperbolicity of quasiprojective varieties. The
second follows from of a theorem of M.Zaidenberg.
a) The main theorem of \cite{GRE2} implies:
\begin{cor} \label{c}
Let $D$ be a union of curves $\, D_1,\ldots ,D_m\,$ in $\Bbb P_2$ such that
for all $\, i=1,\ldots ,m\,$ the number of intersection points
of $\,D_i\,$ with $\:\bigcup_{j=1,\ldots ,m;j \neq i} D_j\:$ is at
least three.
Then $\,\Bbb P_2 \setminus D\,$ is complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically
embedded, if there does not exist a non-constant entire curve
$\, f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2\,$ of order at most two which misses $D$.
b) The following proposition shows that the property of a union of curves
hyperbolic complement is essentially a (classically) open condition.
\begin{prop} \label{z}
Let $\,H_1,\ldots ,H_m\,$ be hypersurfaces in $\, \Bbb P_2 \times (\Delta_t)^n\,$
for some $\,t>0$, $n \in \Bbb N$. Let $\: \pi : \Bbb P_2 \times (\Delta_t)^n
\rightarrow (\Delta_t)^n\:$ be the projection. Assume that
1) for all $\, z \in (\Delta_t)^n\,$ and all $i=1,\ldots ,m$ the fibers
$\: \pi^{-1}(z) \cap H_i\:$ are curves in $\Bbb P_2$
2) for all $i=1,\ldots ,m$ the number of intersection points of $\:
\pi^{-1}(0) \cap H_i\:$ and \\ $\: \bigcup_{j=1,\ldots ,m;j \neq
i}(\pi^{-1}(0) \cap H_j))\:$ is at least three.
3) $\: \Bbb P_2 \setminus \bigcup_{j=1,\ldots ,m} (\pi^{-1}(0) \cap H_j)\:$ is
hyperbolically embedded in $\Bbb P_2$.
Then $\: \Bbb P_2 \setminus \bigcup_{j=1,\ldots ,m}( \pi^{-1}(z) \cap H_j)\:$ is
complete hyperbolic and
hyperbolically embedded for all $\, z \in (\Delta_s)^n\,$ for some $\,s \leq
t \,$.
{\it Proof:} In the terminology of \cite{ZA}, the $\: \pi^{-1}(0)
\cap H_i\:$ form an absorbing $H$-stratification (cf.\ \cite{ZA}, p. 354 f.),
for which we can apply Theorem~2.1 of \cite{ZA}. Complete hyperbolicity
follows from \cite{LA2}, p.36. \qed
\section{Nonexistence of algebraic entire curves in generic
In this section we prove that the complement of 3 generic quadrics,
or of any 4 generic curves other than 4 lines, does not contain
non-constant entire curves contained in an algebraic curve.
Because of Corollary \ref{c} this can
be regarded as a statement of `algebraic' hyperbolicity.
Let us first make precise what we mean by generic. The space of curves
$ \Gamma_i $ of degree $ d_i $ in $\Bbb P_2$, which we define as the
projectivized space of homogeneous polynomials of degree $d_i$, is a
projective space of dimension $\: n_i = \frac{1}{2}(d_i+2)(d_i+1) -1 $.
Hence $ {\cal C}(d_1,\ldots ,d_k) = \prod_{i=1}^k \Bbb P_{n_i} $ is
projective algebraic. In order to simplify notations we denote this
space by $S$ in all what follows, and its elements by $ s \in S$, and by
$ \Gamma_i(s) $ the curve given by the i-th component of $ s \in S$.
\begin{prop} \label{a}
Let $ S={\cal C}(2,2,2) $ or $ S= {\cal C}(d_1,\ldots ,d_k) $ with $ k
\geq 4 $ and $ d= \sum_{i=1}^k d_i \geq 5 $. Then there exists a proper
algebraic variety $ V \subset S $ st. for $ s \in S \setminus V $ the following
holds:\\ For any irreducible plane algebraic curve $A\subset \Bbb P_2$ the
punctured Riemann surface $A\setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^k \Gamma_i(s)$ is
hyperbolic, in particular any holomorphic map $f:\Bbb C \to
\Bbb P_2\setminus\bigcup_{i=1}^k \Gamma_i(s)$ with $f(\Bbb C)\subset A$ (which
may also be reducible) is constant.
{\it Proof:} In order to define $ V \subset S $ we list 5 conditions:
(1) All $ \Gamma_i (s) $ are smooth (and of multiplicity one).
(2) The $ \Gamma_i (s),\: i=1,\ldots ,k $ intersect transversally,
in particular no 3 of these intersect in one point.
(3) In the case of $ {\cal C}(2,2,2) $: For any common tangent
line of two of the quadrics $\Gamma_j(s)$ which is tangential to these in
points $P$ and
$Q$ resp. the third quadric does not intersects the tangent in both points $P$
(4) In the case of $ {\cal C}(d_1,d_2,1,1),\:d_1,d_2 \geq 2 $: There
does not exist a common tangent $L$ to $ \Gamma_1(s) $ and $ \Gamma_2(s) $
such that $L\cap\Gamma_1(s)=\{P\}$ and $L\cap\Gamma_2(s)=\{Q\}$ such that
the lines $ \Gamma_3(s) $ and $\Gamma_4(s) $ contain $P$ and $Q$ resp..
(5) In the case of $ {\cal C}(d_1,1,1,1) $: There does not exist a
tangent line $L$ at $ \Gamma_1 (s) $ with $L\cap \Gamma_1 (s)= \{P\}$
such that $P$ is contained in one of the lines $ \Gamma_i (s),\:i=2,3,4 $
and $L$ contains the intersection points of the other two lines.
Define $ V \subset S $ to be the set of those points $s \in S$ such that the
$\Gamma_i(s)$ violates one of the above conditions. This set is clearly
algebraic and not dense in $S$.
For intersections of at least five curves (2) implies that any
irreducible algebraic curve $A$ intersects $\bigcup_{i=1}^k \Gamma_i(s)$ in at
least three
different points, which proves the claim.
Assume that there exists an irreducible algebraic curve $A \subset \Bbb P_2 $ and $s\in
such that $A\setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^k \Gamma_i(s)$ is not hyperbolic.
By condition (2) we know that $ A \cap \bigcup_{i=1}^k \Gamma_i(s) $ consists of
at least
2 points $P$ and $Q$. Moreover, $A$ cannot have a singularity at $P$
or $Q$ with different tangents, because $A$ had to be reducible in such
a point, and $A\setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^k \Gamma_i(s)$ could be identified with an
irreducible curve with
at least three punctures. (This follows from blowing up such a point or
considering the normalization).
So $ A \cap \bigcup_{i=1}^k \Gamma_i(s) $ consists of exactly 2 points $P$ and $Q$
with simple tangents. We denote the multiplicities of $A$ in $P$ and $Q$ by $
m_P $ and
$ m_Q $. Let $d_0= \deg(A)$. Then the inequality (cf.\ \cite{FU}, p.117)
m_P(m_P-1)+m_Q(m_Q-1) \leq (d_0-1)(d_0-2)
\begin{equation} \label{*}
m_P , m_Q < d_0 \hbox{ {\rm or} }d_0=m_P=m_Q=1.
Let us now first treat the case $ k=4 $: Each $ \Gamma_i(s) $ contains
exactly one of the points $P$ and $Q$. Let $\Gamma_j(s)$ and $\Gamma_k(s)$ resp.
intersect $A$ in $P$ and $Q$ resp. not tangential, i.e. with
tangents different from those of $A$ in these points. Let $d_j$ and $d_k$ be
the degrees of these
components. We compute intersection multiplicities according to \cite{FU},
$$ m_P = I(P, A \cap \Gamma_j (s)) = d_j d_0\quad {\rm and} \quad m_Q=
I(Q, A \cap \Gamma_k (s)) = d_k d_0.$$
$$ d_0=d_j=m_P=1\:\: {\rm and} \:\: d_0=d_k=m_Q=1.$$
In particular $A, \Gamma_j$ and $\Gamma_k$ are lines. These situations are
excluded by (4) and (5).
Now let us treat the case of 3 quadrics. After a suitable
enumeration of its components we may assume that $P \in \Gamma_1 (s)
\cap \Gamma_2 (s) $ and $ Q \in \Gamma_3 (s)$. If $Q \not\in \Gamma_2 (s)
\cup \Gamma_1 (s) $ we are done, since then we may assume that $A$ is
not tangential to $ \Gamma_2 (s)$, and again
m_P = I(P,A \cap \Gamma_2 (s)) = 2d_0.
contradicts equation (\ref{*}).
So we may assume that $\, Q \in \Gamma_2(s) \cap \Gamma_3(s)$. Now $A$ has to
be tangential to $\, \Gamma_1(s)$ in $P$ and to $\, \Gamma_3(s)$ in $Q$,
otherwise we again get $\, m_P=2d_0\,$ or $\,m_Q =2d_0\,$ what
contradicts equation (\ref{*}). But then $\, \Gamma_2(s)$ is not tangential
to $A$ in $P$ or $Q$, so we have
$$m_P + m_Q = I(P,A \cap \Gamma_2(s)) + I(Q, A \cap \Gamma_2(s)) = 2d_0$$
Again by equation (\ref{*}) this is only possible if
$\, m_P=m_Q=d_0=1$, but then we are in a situation which we excluded
in condition (3), which is a contradiction. \qed
\section{Hyperbolicity of generic complements of at
least four curves}
In this section we prove a result in the direction towards a generalized
second main theorem. As a corollary we get a new proof of the fact that
for any generic collection of four hypersurfaces $\Gamma_j$,
$j=1,\ldots 4$ in $\Bbb P_2$ any entire curve $f:\Bbb C \to \Bbb P_2 \setminus
\bigcup_{j=1}^4 \Gamma_j$ has to be algebraically degenerate. This fact,
combined with our result in the previous section implies the
hyperbolicity of the complement of such a configuration.
\begin{theo} \label{4c}
Let $ S= {\cal C} (d_1,\ldots ,d_k) $ with $ k \geq 4$, $d=
\sum_{i=1}^k d_i \geq 5$. Then there exists an algebraic variety $ V
\subset S $ such that for $ s \in S \setminus V $ the following holds: Assume that
$ f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2 \setminus \bigcup_{j=1}^3 \Gamma_j (s) $ is a
non-constant holomorphic map. Then $ \delta_f (\Gamma_l
(s))=0 $ for $l=4,\ldots ,k$. In particular, $f$ cannot miss any
$\Gamma_l(s)$, $l=4,\ldots ,k$.
{\it Proof:} Let $ V \subset S $ be defined like in the proof of Proposition
\ref{a}, i.e. $ s \in S \setminus V $, iff the conditions (1) to (5) given
there are satisfied. Let $ \Gamma_i(s) = \{P_i(s) = 0 \} $ for
$i=1,\ldots ,k$. For suitable powers $a_j$
we have because of condition (2) a morphism
\begin{equation} \label{a1}
\Phi : \Bbb P_2 \rightarrow \Bbb P_2; [z_0:z_1:z_2] \rightarrow
Since there exists no non-constant morphism on projective spaces, whose
image is of lower dimension, for all $ s \in S \setminus V $ the image $ \Phi
(\Bbb P_2) $ is not contained in an algebraic curve. From now on, we keep
some $s \in S\setminus V $ fixed and drop the parameter $s$ for the rest of
the proof. Furthermore let $ \Phi (\Gamma_4) =\{ Q=0 \} $, where
$$Q(w_0,w_1,w_2) = \sum_{i_0 +i_1+ i_2 =e} a_{i_0i_1i_2}
so $\deg Q=e$. Finally, let
$\: \Phi^{-1}(\Phi (\Gamma_4)) = \Gamma_4 \cdot R \:$ be the decomposition
of the inverse image curve of the curve $ \Phi(\Gamma_4) $ in $\Gamma_4$
and the other components (which possibly may contain $\Gamma_4$ as well).
Now the proof consists of 3 steps:\\
a) We have $ a_{e00} \not= 0,\: a_{0e0} \not= 0,\:a_{00e} \not= 0 $, i.e.
the polynomial $Q$ contains the $e$-th powers of the coordinates:\\
We prove that indirectly, so without loss of generality we may assume
that $ a_{e00}=0$. Then we have $ Q([1:0:0])=0$, i.e. $ [1:0:0] \in
\Phi (\Gamma_4)$. So there exists a point $ z \in \Gamma_4 $ with $
P_1(z) \not= 0,\:P_2(z)=0,\:P_3(z)=0 $. But that means that the 3 curves
$\Gamma_2$, $\Gamma_3$ and $\Gamma_4$ have a common point which contradicts our
condition (2).\\
b) We show by using the Second Main Theorem that $ \delta_{\Phi \circ f}(
\Phi (\Gamma_4))=0$:\\
Let $ J=\{ (\underline{i} = (i_0,i_1,i_2) : a_{i_0i_1i_2} \not= 0 \}$
and $ \kappa : J \rightarrow \{0,1,\ldots ,p \} $ be an enu\-me\-ra\-tion of
$J$. Let $ Q_j = w_0^{i_0}w_1^{i_1}w_2^{i_2} $ if $ \kappa
((i_0,i_1,i_2)) =j$. Then by part a) the map
\Psi : \Bbb P_2 \rightarrow \Bbb P_p; [w_0:w_1:w_2] \rightarrow [Q_0:\ldots :Q_p]
is a morphism with components of degree $ e=\deg(Q)$. The $p+2$ lines
$ L_i= \{ \xi_i=0
\},\:i=0,\ldots ,p $ and $ L= \{\sum_{\underline{i} \in J} a_{\underline{i}}
\xi^{\kappa (\underline{i})} =0 \} $ are in general position.
Furthermore the map $\: \Psi \circ \Phi \circ f : \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_p $ is
linearly non degenerate: By Proposition \ref{a}, $ f(\Bbb C) $ is not
contained in an algebraic curve, so especially not in an algebraic curve
of the form $ \sum_{\underline{i} \in J} b_{\underline{i}}(P_1^{a_1})^{i_0}
(P_2^{a_2})^{i_1}(P_3^{a_3})^{i_2} $, resulting from such a line in $ \Bbb P_p$,
unless the
latter is identically zero. But this is impossible, since the map
$\Phi$ is surjective. So we have by the Second Main Theorem:
$$T(\Psi \circ \Phi \circ f,r) \leq N_{\Psi \circ \Phi \circ f}(L,r) +
\sum_{i=0}^p N_{\Psi \circ \Phi \circ f}(L_i,r) + S(r) $$
and by the First Main Theorem
$$N_{\Psi \circ \Phi \circ f}(L,r) \leq T(\Psi \circ \Phi \circ f,r) +
Observe that all $N_{\Psi \circ \Phi \circ f}(L_i,r)$ vanish.
Together with Lemma \ref{m} this yields, since $\deg Q=e$
\begin{equation} \label{a2}
\delta_{\Phi \circ f} (\Phi (\Gamma_4)) = \liminf_{r \rightarrow \infty} (1- \frac{N_{\Phi
\circ f}(\Phi(\Gamma_4),r)}{\deg(Q)T(\Phi \circ f,r)}) =
\liminf_{r \rightarrow \infty} (1- \frac{N_{\Psi \circ \phi \circ f} (L,r)}{
T(\Psi \circ \Phi \circ f,r)}) =0
c) We finally show that $ \delta_f(\Gamma_4)=0$:\\ By equation (\ref{a2}) and
Lemma \ref{m} we have: $$1 = \limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{N_{\Phi \circ
f}( \Phi (\Gamma_4),r)}{ \deg(Q)T(\Phi \circ f,r)} = \limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty}
\frac{N_f(\Phi^{-1} \Phi (\Gamma_4),r)}{\deg(Q \circ \Phi) T(f,r)}$$ $$=
\limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{N_f(\Gamma_4,r) + N_f(R,r)}{\deg(Q \circ \Phi)
T(f,r)} = \limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{N_f(\Gamma_4,r) +
N_f(R,r)}{(\deg(\Gamma_4) + \deg(R)) T(f,r)}$$ or short:
\begin{equation} \label{a3}
\limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{N_f(\Gamma_4,r)}{T(f,r)} + \limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty}
\frac{N_f(R,r)}{T(f,r)} = \deg(\Gamma_4) + \deg(R)
By the First Main Theorem we have:
$$ \limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{N_f(R,r)}{\deg(R)T(f,r)} \leq 1 ,\:\:
\limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{N_f (\Gamma_4,r)}{\deg(\Gamma_4)T(f,r)} \leq 1$$
and hence with equation (\ref{a3}):
$$\limsup_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{N_f(\Gamma_4,r)}{T(f,r)} = \deg (\Gamma_4)
,\:{\rm i.e.}\: \delta_f(\Gamma_4)=0 .$$
\section{Line systems through intersection points of three quadrics}
In this section, we study certain configurations of 18 lines associated to
three smooth quadrics. These lines are needed in order to apply Value
Distribution Theory to prove our main theorem in the next section.
Let $V' \subset S={\cal C}(2,2,2)$ be the algebraic variety defined by
the conditions (1), (2), and (3) given in the Proof of Proposition
\ref{a}, namely $s\in S \setminus V'$, iff
\item[(1)] All $\Gamma_i(s)$ are smooth quadrics.
\item[(2)] The $\Gamma_i(s),\:i=1,2,3$ intersect transversally (in
particular not all 3 intersect in one point)
\item[(3)] For any common tangent line of two of the quadrics $\Gamma_j(s)$
which is tangential to these in points $P$ and $Q$ resp. the third quadric
does not intersects the tangent in $P$ and $Q$.
In order to prove our main theorem we will need one further condition of
`genericity' related to those 18 lines already mentioned above. For
this condition it is quite not so obvious any more that it yields a
quasiprojective set. We shall give an argument for this in Proposition
Let us first state the extra condition: Because of (2) any two of the
three quadrics $\Gamma_1$, $\Gamma_2$, $\Gamma_3$ intersect in 4 distinct points
$A_1, A_2, A_3, A_4$ which give rise to six lines \begin{equation}
\label{!} \overline{A_1A_2},\,\overline{A_3A_4} \hbox{ \rm and
}\overline{A_1A_3},\,\overline{A_2A_4} \hbox{ \rm and } \overline{ A_1A_4},\,\overline{A_2A_3}.
\end{equation} So all three pairs of quadrics give rise to three sets
$L_{12}(s)$, $L_{13}(s)$ and $L_{23}(s)$ of six lines each, i.e. a
collection $L(s)$ of 18 lines. We will show in the proof of Proposition
\ref{ls} that as a consequence of (1) and (2) they are pairwise distinct.
Now our condition (4) reads:
The 18 lines $L(s)$ intersect as follows: At
any point of $\Gamma_i(s)\cap \Gamma_j(s)$, $i \not= j$
there intersect exactly 3 of the 18 lines, and in every other point of
$\Bbb P_2$ there intersect at most 2 of the 18 lines.
Now we have:
\begin{prop} \label{ls}
Define $V \subset S$ to be the set of all $s \in S$ such that one of the
conditions (1) to (4) is not satisfied. Then $V \subset S$ is a
proper algebraic subset.
{\it Proof:}\/
In order to prove the Proposition we use an argument which involves an
elementary case of a Chow scheme.
We denote by $\Bbb P_2^\vee$ the space of all lines in $\Bbb P_2$. Look at
the following rational map
\psi: (\Bbb P_2)^4 \to (\Bbb P_2^\vee)^6
(A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4) \mapsto (A_j \wedge A_k)_{j<k}
where the wedge product of two points is considered as an element of the
dual projective space. This map descends to a rational map of symmetric
\Psi: S^4(\Bbb P_2) \to S^6(\Bbb P_2^\vee).
Over the complement of a proper algebraic subset it assigns to a set of
four distinct points the configuration of six lines through these
Now we assign to any $s \in S\setminus V'$ the tripel of sets
which amounts to a morphism
\rho:S\setminus V' \to (S^4(\Bbb P_2))^3.
Observe that $\Xi:=(\Psi)^3\circ \rho : S\setminus V' \to
(S^6(\Bbb P_2^\vee))^3$ is a morphism. Now we can rephrase condition (4):
Let $U\simeq \Bbb C^3$ and $W\simeq (U)^6$. Then we consider $W^3 = \{
(a_{jk})|a_{jk} \in U ; j=1,\ldots,6; k=1,2,3 \}$ and look at the linear
subspace $B\subset W^3$ defined by the condition that at least three
components $a_{j_1 k_1}$, $a_{j_2 k_2}$ and $a_{j_3 k_3}$ are {\it
linearly dependent} where {\it not all $k_j$ are the same}. (We needn't
care about the system of the
six lines given by the four intersection points of
two fixed quadrics, since they automatically have the desired intersection
properties, because no three of the four intersection points of the
two quadrics can be collinear.) Obviously $B$
descends to an algebraic set $\tilde B \in (S^6(\Bbb P_2^\vee))^3$. Now
(4) means for $s\in S\setminus V'$ that $\Xi(s) \not \in \tilde B$. The
construction immediately implies that $\,V \setminus V' \subset S \setminus V'\,$ is
algebraic, and since $\, V' \subset S$ is algebraic, we have that $\, V=
\overline{V \setminus V'}
\cup V'\,$ is algebraic in $S$, where the closure here means the Zariski
We have to show that $V \neq S$. The existence of an $s \in S\setminus
V$ is proved by a deformation argument: We start with any $s \in S \setminus
V'$ (then the $\Gamma_i(s)$ are smooth and we have 12 different
intersection points of two of the 3 quadrics each). It is easy to see
that then we really have 18 different lines, otherwise 4 of the 12
intersection points of the 3 quadrics had to be contained in a line
(because no three quadrics pass through a line). It follows from the
construction, that this line would intersect one of the quadrics
in 4 points, which is impossible.
Let $k=k(s)$ be the largest number of lines among the 18 lines
(determined by the parameter $s$) which run
through some point. Let $\nu_k=\nu_k(s)$ be the number of points in
$\Bbb P_2$ which are contained in $k(s)$ of the lines.
We will proceed now as follows: We observe that $k$
lines running through a point is a closed condition with respect to the
classical topology of $S$. That means that in a neighborhood $U$ of a
point $s_0 \in S$ we have $k(s)\leq k(s_0)$, and at least
$\nu_k(s)\leq\nu_k(s_0)$, if $k(s)= k(s_0)$. We will show that
for some $s\in U$ actually $k(s)<k(s_0)$ or at least
$\nu_k(s)<\nu_k(s_0)$, if $k(s)= k(s_0)$, as long as $k(s_0)>3$
or $k(s_0)=3$ but $\nu_k(s_0)> 12 $.
Iterating this procedure we are done if we can show: Consider the 18
lines in $L(s_0)$. If $k \geq 4$ take any of these intersection points
where $k$ lines intersect (call it $T$), if $k=3$ take such an
intersection point $T$ which is not intersection point of two of the
quadrics. Then we can find $s \in S$ arbitrarily near to $s_0$ st. over
$s$ the point $T$ `breaks up' into intersection points of strictly less
then $k(s_0)$ lines. But then $k(s)<k(s_0)$, or at least $k(s)=k(s_0)$
and $\nu_k(s)<\nu_k(s_0)$.
Let us now prove that: Take 3 of the lines running through $T$ over
$s_0$ and denote them by $L_1,L_2,L_3$. Each of them is defined by
construction by two of the intersection points of two of the 3 quadrics.
Let $L_1$ be defined by such points $T_1,T_2$, let $L_2$ be defined by
$T_3,T_4$ and let $L_3$ be defined by $T_5,T_6$. We may assume that no
3 of the 6 points $T_1,\ldots ,T_6$ are equal to $T$ (this could only
occur if $T$ is an intersection point of 2 of our 3 quadrics, but then
$k \geq 4$ and we just have taken the 3 lines defined by $T$ and one
other intersection point each, so we can choose a different line). So
without loss of generality we may assume that $T_1 \not= T \not= T_2$,
and we have the following 3 possibilities for
$L_1,L_2,L_3,T,T_1,\ldots ,T_6$:
\setcoordinatesystem units <0.2em,0.2em>
\setplotarea x from -30 to 30, y from -50 to 50
\put {\line(1,-2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,-2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(1,0){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(1,2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,0){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 10 -20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 10 20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 -20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 10 0
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 0
\put {$L_1$} [Bl] at -18 40
\put {$L_2$} [Bl] at 22 40
\put {$L_3$} [Bl] at 22 -2
\put{$T_1$} [Bl] at -10 22
\put{$T_2$} [Bl] at 12 -18
\put{$T_3$} [Bl] at 12 22
\put{$T_4$} [Bl] at -8 -22
\put{$T_5$} [Bl] at 12 2
\put{$T_6$} [Bl] at -8 2
\put{$T$} [Bl] at 3 2
\setcoordinatesystem units <0.2em,0.2em>
\setplotarea x from -30 to 30, y from -50 to 50
\put {\line(1,-2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,-2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(1,0){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(1,2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,0){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 10 -20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 10 20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 -20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 0
\put {$L_1$} [Bl] at -18 40
\put {$L_2$} [Bl] at 22 40
\put {$L_3$} [Bl] at 22 -2
\put{$T_1$} [Bl] at -10 22
\put{$T_2$} [Bl] at 12 -18
\put{$T_3$} [Bl] at 12 22
\put{$T_4$} [Bl] at -8 -22
\put{$T_6$} [Bl] at -8 2
\put{$T=T_5$} [Bl] at 3 2
\setcoordinatesystem units <0.2em,0.2em>
\setplotarea x from -30 to 30, y from -50 to 50
\put {\line(1,-2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,-2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(1,0){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(1,2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,2){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\line(-1,0){20}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 0 0
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at 10 -20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 -20
\put {\circle*{1.1}} [Bl] at -10 0
\put {$L_1$} [Bl] at -18 40
\put {$L_2$} [Bl] at 22 40
\put {$L_3$} [Bl] at 22 -2
\put{$T_1$} [Bl] at -10 22
\put{$T_2$} [Bl] at 12 -18
\put{$T_4$} [Bl] at -8 -22
\put{$T_6$} [Bl] at -8 2
\put{$T=T_3=T_5$} [Bl] at 3 2
The point $T_1$ lies on 2 of the $\Gamma_i$, assume on $\Gamma_1 \cap \Gamma_2$.
Then at most 3 of the 4 or 5 different points in $\{T_2,\ldots,T_6\}$
can also be in $\Gamma_1 \cap \Gamma_2$. So there exists one of them, call it
$T_0$, which does lie on $\Gamma_1 \cap \Gamma_3$ or $\Gamma_2 \cap \Gamma_3$,
assume on $ \Gamma_2 \cap \Gamma_3$. So at most 4 of the points $T_2,\ldots
,T_6$ are contained in $\Gamma_1$. So we can `move' $\Gamma_1$ while keeping
these 4 points fixed and keeping $\Gamma_2$ and $\Gamma_3$ fixed. But that
means that there is a non-constant variation of $s$ where we keep all of
the points $T_2,\ldots,T_6$ fixed. Hence the lines
$L_2$ and $L_3$ and their intersection point $T$ are kept fixed. We
claim that for some small such variation the line $L_1$ does
not pass any longer through $T$. If it would, it had to be fixed, since
$T_2$ is kept fixed. By definition we have $T_1 \in L_1 \cap \Gamma_1 \cap
\Gamma_2$ and $ L_1 \cap \Gamma_2$ is a discrete set. Hence $T_1$ remains
fixed. But that would mean that any quadric $\Gamma_1$ through the at most
4 of the fixed points
$T_2,\ldots,T_6$ contained in $\Gamma_1$ must contain a
fifth fixed point $T_1$. This is certainly a contradiction, since the space
of plane quadrics is of dimension five. \qed
{}From any of the configurations of 18 lines in Proposition \ref{ls}
we can pick 12 in general position:
\begin{cor} \label{12l} There exists an algebraic variety $V
\subset S$ st. for all $ s \in S \setminus V$ we have subsets of 12 of the 18 lines
of Proposition \ref{ls} which are in general position.
{\it Proof:} For each pair $\Gamma_i(s),\Gamma_j(s),\: i \not=j$ we have
constructed 3 pairs of lines (defined by equation (\ref{!})). Choose,
for fixed $s \in S$, for each pair of quadrics two of these pairs of
lines. \qed
At last we prove the simple fact that the pairs of lines as
defined in equation (\ref{!}) are contained in the linear system
spanned by the two quadrics.
\begin{prop} \label{sy}
Let $\Gamma_1,\Gamma_2$ be two smooth quadrics intersecting in 4 different
points $ A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4$, and let the lines $L_1$ resp. $L_2$ be given
by $A_1,A_2$ and $A_3,A_4$ resp. Then $L_1L_2$ is a degenerate
quadric contained in the linear system spanned by $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$,
$\: L_1L_2 = a \Gamma_1 + b \Gamma_2$. \end{prop}
{\it Proof:} Look at the set ${\cal L}$ of all quadrics (possibly
singular) which run through the 4 points $A_1,A_2,A_3,A_4$. Then ${\cal
L}$ is a one dimensional linear system containing $L_1L_2$. Since it is
one dimensional, it is spanned by any 2 of its elements, e.g.\ by $\Gamma_1$
and $\Gamma_2$. \qed
\section{Hyperbolicity of generic complements of three quadrics}
We will prove: \begin{theo} \label{mt} Let $V \subset S$ be the variety
defined in Proposition \ref{ls}. Let $s \in S \setminus V$. Then the
quasiprojective variety $\: \Bbb P_2 \setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^3 \Gamma_i(s)\:$ is
complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded.
{\it The variety $S\setminus V$ is certainly not contained in an open
subset of the space of all divisors of degree $6$ whose complement in
$\Bbb P_2$ is hyperbolic (cf.\ also \cite{ZA}): Take any quadratic polynomials
$P_1,P_2, P_3$ corresponding to some $s\in S\setminus V$.
Then with respect to suitable coordinates we have $P_1=z_0^2-z_1z_2$. Set
$Q=(z_1^6 + P_1\cdot F)$, where $F$ is an arbitrary polynomial of degree
$4$, $P=P_1\cdot P_2 \cdot P_3$, and $R_t= P + t\cdot Q$, $t\in \Bbb C$.
Then the zero set of $R_0$ is just $\bigcup_{i=1}^3 \Gamma_i(s)$. However, for
the intersection of $V(R_t)$ with the rational curve $V(P_1)$ consists
only of the point $[0:0:1]\in \Bbb P_2$.}
\end{rem} \qed
{\it Proof of the Theorem:} By Corollary \ref{c} it is sufficient to
show that there doesn't exist a non-constant entire curve $\:f: \Bbb C \rightarrow
\Bbb P_2 \setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^3 \Gamma_i(s)$ of order at most 2.
Assume there exists such a non-constant entire curve $f$. From
Proposition \ref{a} we know that $f$ is not algebraically degenerate.
For simplicity of notation we drop the $s$ in the rest of the proof.
Furthermore we enumerate the 12 lines which we constructed in
Proposition \ref{ls} and Corollary \ref{12l} as follows:
$L_1L_2$ and $L_3L_4$ are in the linear system of $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$
$L_5L_6$ and $L_7L_8$ are in the linear system of $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_3$
$L_9L_{10}$ and $L_{11}L_{12}$ are in the linear system of $\Gamma_2$ and
Let $\Gamma_i = \{P_i = 0\}$ with a homogeneous polynomial $P_i$
of degree 2.
The map $\: \Phi = [P_1:P_2:P_3]: \Bbb P_2 \rightarrow \Bbb P_2$ is a morphism
(because $\Gamma_1 \cap \Gamma_2 \cap \Gamma_3 = \emptyset$). Furthermore the map
$\: \Phi \circ f : \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2$ again is an entire curve and the
map $\Phi \circ f$ is again of finite order at most 2, because
by Lemma \ref{m} we have
\begin{equation} \label{*1}
T( \Phi \circ f,r) = 2 \cdot T(f,r) +O(1)
Since $f$ misses the divisor $\Gamma_1\Gamma_2\Gamma_3$ the map $\Phi \circ
f$ misses the divisors $\{ z_i = 0 \}, \:i=1,2,3$ and hence
by Lemma \ref{e} we can write
\begin{equation} \label{*2}
\Phi \circ f = [g_0:g_1:g_2]
g_i = e^{\alpha_i \xi^2 + \beta_i \xi + \gamma_i};\: \alpha_i,\:\beta_i,\:\gamma_i
\in \Bbb C
where $ \:g_i = (P_i \circ f) \cdot h$; $h: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C^*$
are entire functions.
We may assume that not all three $\alpha_j$ are equal: Assume $\alpha_1 =
\alpha_2 = \alpha_3$, then we can divide out the function $e^{\alpha_1 \xi^2}$
and then compose the resulting functions with $\xi\mapsto \xi^2$, i.e.
we may consider the function $ \Phi \circ f (\xi^2)$. This map is again
of order at most 2 and we have $\: g_i = e^{\beta_i \xi^2 + \gamma_i}$. If
now $\beta_1 = \beta_2 = \beta_3$, the map $ \Phi \circ f$ would be constant,
which is impossible, since $f$ is algebraically non degenerate.
So we exclude the case $\alpha_1=\alpha_2 = \alpha_3$ without loss of
The Ahlfors Lemma \ref{A} allows the computation of some limits of
characteristic functions: For $1 \leq i < j \leq 3$:
\begin{equation} \label{*3}
\lim_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{T([P_i \circ f: P_j \circ f],r)}{r^2}
= \lim_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{T([g_i:g_j],r)}{r^2}
= \frac{2|\alpha_i - \alpha_j|}{2 \pi}
\begin{equation} \label{*4}
\lim_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{T([P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f: P_3 \circ f],r)}{
r^2} = \lim_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{T([g_1:g_2:g_3])}{r^2}
= \frac{|\alpha_1 - \alpha_2| + |\alpha_1 - \alpha_3| + |\alpha_2 - \alpha_3|}{2 \pi}
hold. Now we want to relate the counting functions of the 12 lines to
the characteristic functions used in equations (\ref{*3}) and
(\ref{*4}): We know that $L_1L_2$ is in the linear system of $\Gamma_1$
and $\Gamma_2$, i.e. $\: L_1L_2 = a \Gamma_1 + b \Gamma_2\:$ with $a,b \not= 0$
since $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$ are smooth quadrics. We consider the map
$$[P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f] : \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_1.$$
Its image is not contained in a hyperplane in $\Bbb P_1$, i.e.
a point, since $f$ is algebraically non degenerate. Furthermore the 3
divisors $$\: [z_0 = 0], [z_1 = 0], [az_0 + bz_1 = 0]$$ are in
general position in $\Bbb P_1$, i.e. distinct. The Second Main Theorem
$$T([P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f],r) \leq
N_{[P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f]} ([z_0 = 0],r)$$ $$ +
N_{[P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f]} ([z_1 = 0],r)
+ N_{[P_1 \circ f: P_2\circ f]} (az_0 + bz_1 =0],r) + O(\log r) =$$
N_f ([P_1 = 0],r) + N_f([P_2=0],r) + N_f([aP_1 + bP_2 =0],r) + O(\log r)=$$
$$0+0+N_f([L_1L_2=0],r) +O(\log r) = N_f([L_1=0],r) + N_f([L_2=0],r) +
O(\log r)$$
where $N_f([P_i=0],r)=0$ because $f$ misses $ \Gamma_i = [P_i=0]$,
and where we identify the line $L_i$ with its defining equation, so that
$[L_i = 0]$ makes sense. On the other hand we have by the First Main
$$N_{[P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f]}([az_0 + bz_1 =0],r) \leq
T([P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f],r) + O(1)$$
and hence
$$T([P_1 \circ f: P_2 \circ f],r) = N_f([L_1=0],r) + N_f([L_2=0],r) + O(\log r)
$$ The corresponding equations hold for all other lines as well, i.e. we
$$T([P_1 \circ f:P_2 \circ f],r) = N_f([L_1=0],r) + N_f([L_2=0],r)+ O(\log r)$$
$$ = N_f([L_3=0],r) + N_f([L_4=0],r)+ O(\log r)
\begin{equation} \label{*5}
T([P_1 \circ f:P_3 \circ f],r) = N_f([L_5=0],r) + N_f([L_6=0],r)+ O(\log r)
$$ = N_f([L_7=0],r) + N_f([L_8=0],r)+ O(\log
$$T([P_2 \circ f: P_3 \circ f],r)= N_f([L_9=0],r) + N_f([L_{10}=0],r) +O(\log
$$ =N_f([L_{11}=0],r) + N_f([L_{12}=0],r) +O(\log
Since $ f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2$ is not linearly degenerate and the 12 lines
$L_1,\ldots ,L_{12}$ are in general position, we can again apply the
Second Main Theorem and get
\begin{equation} \label{*6}
9 \cdot T(f,r) \leq \sum_{i=1}^{12} N_f([L_i=0],r) + O(\log r).
The equations (\ref{*1}), (\ref{*5}) and (\ref{*6}) imply
$$ \frac{9}{2} \cdot T(\Phi \circ f,r) = 9 \cdot T(f,r) +O(1) \leq
N_f([L_i=0],r) + O(\log r)$$
$$= 2 \cdot (T([P_1 \circ f:P_2 \circ f],r) + T([P_1 \circ f:P_3 \circ f],r)
+ T([P_2 \circ f: P_3 \circ f],r) + O(\log r)$$
Hence together we have
\begin{equation} \label{*7}
9 \cdot T(\Phi \circ f,r) \leq 4 \cdot ( \sum_{1 \leq i < j \leq 3} T([P_i
\circ f:
P_j \circ f],r)) + O(\log r).
We now divide equation (\ref{*7}) by $r^2$ and take
$\lim_{r \rightarrow \infty}$. Using the equations (\ref{*3}) and
(\ref{*4}) we obtain:
$$ 9 \cdot \frac{|\alpha_1 - \alpha_2| + |\alpha_1 - \alpha_3| + |\alpha_2 - \alpha_3|}{2 \pi}
\leq 4 \cdot 2 \cdot \frac{|\alpha_1 - \alpha_2| + |\alpha_1 - \alpha_3|+|\alpha_2 - \alpha_3|}{2
This can only hold if $\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 =\alpha_3 $, which is a contradiction.
\def\bbbr{{\rm I\!R}}
\def\bbbn{{\rm I\!N}}
\def{\rm I\!M}{{\rm I\!M}}
\def{\rm I\!H}{{\rm I\!H}}
\def{\rm I\!K}{{\rm I\!K}}
\def{\rm I\!P}{{\rm I\!P}}
\def\Bbb C{{\mathchoice {\setbox0=\hbox{$\displaystyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
{\setbox0=\hbox{$\textstyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}
{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\rm C$}\hbox{\hbox
to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.9\ht0\hss}\box0}}}}
\def{\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}{{\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}}
{\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}}
{\hbox{$\sf\scriptstyle Z\kern-0.3em Z$}}
{\hbox{$\sf\scriptscriptstyle Z\kern-0.2em Z$}}}}
\def\bbbq{{\mathchoice {\setbox0=\hbox{$\displaystyle\rm Q$}\hbox{\raise
0.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.8\ht0\hss}\box0}}
{\setbox0=\hbox{$\textstyle\rm Q$}\hbox{\raise
0.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.8\ht0\hss}\box0}}
{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptstyle\rm Q$}\hbox{\raise
0.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.7\ht0\hss}\box0}}
{\setbox0=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\rm Q$}\hbox{\raise
.15\ht0\hbox to0pt{\kern0.4\wd0\vrule height0.7\ht0\hss}\box0}}}}
\def\hbox{ \vrule height 7pt width 4pt depth 0pt} {\hbox{ \vrule height 7pt width 4pt depth 0pt} }
\section{Complements of two quadrics and a line}
In this section we need the following theorem of M.~Green \cite{GRE3}
(in degree $d=2$) which generalizes in a sense the classical Borel
a) Let $g_0$, $g_1$, $g_2$ be entire holomorphic functions of finite
order, $g_1$ and $g_2$ both nowhere vanishing. Assume that
$$ g_0^2+ g_1^2+g_2^2 = 1. \eqno{(A)}$$
Then the set
of holomorphic functions has to be linearly dependent.\\
b) Let $g_0$ and $g_1$ be entire holomorphic functions of finite order,
$g_1$ nowhere vanishing. Assume that
$$ g_0^2+ g_1^2 = 1. $$
Then $g_0$ and $g_1$ must be constant.
We consider the complement of three quadrics. We allow one of these to
be also a double line. (The case, where one of the three quadrics
degenerates to two distinct lines, i.e. two quadrics and two lines,
has already been treated above).
Since in this section we work also with double lines we will distinguish
between $\Gamma$ and $P$, where $\Gamma=V(P)$ (for simplicity reasons we
didn't always do this in the previous sections).
Before we state the main result of this section, we observe that
also some singular configurations of two quadrics in the projective
plane can be treated by means of the generalized Borel lemma.
Let $\Gamma_j=\{Q_j=0\}\subset {\rm I\!P}_2$, $j=1,2$ be two smooth distinct
quadrics, whose intersection consists of exactly one point. Then any
holomorphic map $f:\Bbb C \to {\rm I\!P}_2\setminus (\Gamma_1\cup \Gamma_2)$
of finite order has values in a quadric (which may degenerate to a
double line) from the linear system spanned by $Q_1, Q_2$.
{\it Proof.}\/ Let the common tangent line to $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$
through the intersection point
be defined by the linear equation $L=0$. One verifies immediately that
$a,b \not = 0$. Let $q_j$ be entire non-vanishing
holomorphic functions, $j=1,2$ such that $q_j^2 = Q_j \circ f$, and
$q_0=L\circ f$. Then Theorem~8.1 b) implies that $Q_1 \circ f = c \cdot
Q_2 \circ f$.
Another case is the following.
Let $\Gamma_j=\{Q_j=0\}\subset {\rm I\!P}_2$, $j=1,2$ be two smooth distinct
quadrics, which intersect exactly at two points tangentially. Then any
holomorphic map $f:\Bbb C \to {\rm I\!P}_2\setminus (\Gamma_1\cup \Gamma_2)$
of finite order has values in a quadric contained in the linear system
spanned by $Q_1, Q_2$.
{\it Proof.}\/ The linear system spanned by $Q_1$ and $Q_2$
contains $L^2$,
where $L$ is the line through the two points of intersection. Using
this the statement follows as above. \qed
Let $0\not=Q_j \in \Bbb C[z_0,z_1,z_2]$, $j=1,2,3$ be quadratic
polynomials, where either all $Q_j$ are irreducible or all but one
which may be a square of a linear function.
Let $\Gamma_j\subset {\rm I\!P}_2$ be the zero-sets. Assume
\item[(1)] no more than two of these intersect at one point,
\item[(2)] no tangent to a smooth quadric $\Gamma_j$ at a point of
intersection with some other $\Gamma_k$
contains a further intersection point of the curves $\Gamma_l$,
\item[(3)] there exists a linear combination of the $Q_j$ which is a
\sum_{j=1}^3 a_j Q_j = P^2,\quad P\in \Bbb C[z_0,z_1,z_2],
where at least two coefficients $a_j$ are different from zero.
Then any holomorphic map
f:\Bbb C \to {\rm I\!P}_2\setminus \bigcup_{j=1}^3 \Gamma_j
has values in a quadric (which may be degenerate to a double line).
We call a holomorphic map $\Bbb C \to {\rm I\!P}_2$ {\it linearly or
quadratically degenerate}\/, if its values are contained in a line or a
(possibly degenerate) quadric resp..
Let $\Gamma_j=V(Q_j)\subset {\rm I\!P}_2$, $j=2,3$ be smooth quadrics and
$\Gamma_1=L_1=V(Q_1)\subset {\rm I\!P}_2$ a line, where $Q_1$ is the square
of a linear polynomial, and let the assumptions of \ref{borhyp} be satisfied.
The quasiprojective variety ${\rm I\!P}_2\setminus
\bigcup_{j=1}^3 \Gamma_j$ is Brody-hyperbolic,
unless there exists a smooth quadric or a line $\Gamma$ such that
after choosing the notation accordingly ($p$, $q$ distinct points):
$\Gamma \cap \Gamma_2=\{p,q\}$, $\Gamma \cap\Gamma _3= \{p\}$, $\Gamma
\cap L_1=\{q\}$
$\Gamma \cap \Gamma_2=\{p\}$, $\Gamma \cap\Gamma _3= \{p\}$, $\Gamma
\cap L_1=\{q\}$
$\Gamma \cap \Gamma_2=\{p\}$, $\Gamma \cap\Gamma _3= \{q\}$, $\Gamma
\cap L_1=\{p\}$
$\Gamma \cap \Gamma_2=\{p\}$, $\Gamma \cap\Gamma _3= \{q\}$, $\Gamma
\cap L_1=\{p,q\}$
The quasiprojective variety ${\rm I\!P}_2\setminus \bigcup_{j=1}^3 \Gamma_j$
is complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded, unless
at least two of the $\Gamma_j$ are tangent to each other at some point,
there exists a smooth quadric, which has only one point of intersection
with each of $\Gamma_2$ and $\Gamma_3$ with both of these points contained in
There exists a tangent to one of $\Gamma_2$ and $\Gamma_3$ at a point of
intersection with $\Gamma_1$ which is tangent to the other smooth quadric.
\end{cor} \qed
We introduce the following polynomials which will take care of a
necessary elimination process in the proof of \ref{borhyp}.
Let the homogeneous polynomial $R_j(y_0,\ldots,y_j)\in
\Bbb C[y_0,\ldots,y_j]$ of degree $2^{j-1}$ be defined by the equation
\prod_{(\epsilon_1,\ldots,\epsilon_j)\in \{1,-1\}^j}(x_0+ \epsilon_1 x_1
+ \ldots + \epsilon_j x_j).$$
For later applications we need some properties of the $R_j$:
a) $\; R_2 (x,y,z)= x^2 +y^2 +z^2 -2xy -2xz -2yz$\\
b) Let $a,b,c \in \Bbb C$. Then
has the following properties:
The coefficient of $x^4$ equals $(a-1)^4$.
The coefficient of $x^2y^2$ equals
$2(3a^2(b-1)^2-2a(b-1)(3b+1)+3b^2+2b+3)$. In particular,
if the coefficient of $y^4$ vanishes, the coefficient of
$x^2y^2$ equals $16$.
Assume that all coefficients of forth powers in $S$ vanish. Then
S(x,y,z)= 16(x^2y^2+x^2z^2+y^2z^2)-32(x^2yz+xy^2z+xyz^2).
We omit the computational proof. \qed
{\it Proof of Theorem \ref{borhyp}.}
Since the map $f$ has no values in the given quadrics $\Gamma_j$, there
exist entire holomorphic functions $q_j$, $j=1,2,3$ such that $q_j^2=
Q_j\circ f$. If we put then $q_0=P\circ f$ and $g_j=q_j/q_3$ for
$j=0,1,2 $. We apply the generalized Borel lemma (Theorem 8.1): If one
of the $a_j$ vanishes, we get immediately quadratic degeneracy from
part b) of this theorem.
So from now on we assume that all $a_j$ are non-zero. Thereom~8.1~a)
implies that the set of functions $\{1,g_0,g_1,g_2\}$ is linearly
dependent, i.e. $\{q_0,\ldots,q_3\}$ has this property.
\sum_{j=0}^3 \alpha_j q_j =0, \quad {\hbox{not all }} \alpha_j=0,
and let $R=R_3$ be
the polynomial of \ref{defR}. It has been chosen in a way such that
$R(\alpha_0^2q_0^2,\ldots,\alpha_3^2q_3^2)=0$. The assumption
(\ref{Sum}) means
that $q_0^2=a_1q_1^2+a_2q_2^2+a_3q_3^2$. Now the curve defined by the
\tilde R(z_0,z_1,z_2)=
contains the image of $f$ and is of degree at most eight. We have
to show that $\tilde R$ is not identically zero. Otherwise, since
$(Q_1,Q_2,Q_3)$ defines a morphism, i.e. an epimorphism
$Q:{\rm I\!P}_2\to {\rm I\!P}_2$,
the polynomial $R(\alpha_0^2(a_1 y_1^2 + a_2 y_2^2 + a_3 y_3^2), \alpha_1^2
\alpha_2^2 y_2^2,\alpha_3^2 y_3^2) \in \Bbb C[y_1,y_2,y_3]$ would be the
zero polynomial. The definition of $R$ would imply that
$\alpha_0^2(a_1 y_1^2 + a_2 y_2^2 + a_3 y_3^2) =
(\sum_1^3 \delta_j \alpha_j y_j)^2$ for certain $\delta_j=\pm1$.
Thus at least two of $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \alpha_3$ must vanish.
However, by assumption, the $a_j$ are different from
zero. From this fact it follows immediately that all $\alpha_j=0$,
which is a contradiction. We have shown that $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained
in an algebraic curve of degree at most eight which is defined by a
polynomial of degree four in $Q_1,Q_2,Q_3$. \qed
Before we proceed with the proof of Theorem~\ref{borhyp}, we give an
of the classical Borel Lemma. Let ${\rm I\!P}_2=\{z_0,z_1,z_2\}$, and
$H_j=\{z_j=0\}$ be the coordinate hyperplanes.
Let $f:\Bbb C \to {\rm I\!P}_2\setminus (H_0\cup H_1\cup H_2)$ be a
holomorphic map. Assume that $f$ is algebraically degenerate, i.e. its
values are contained in an algebraic curve $C$. Then $f(\Bbb C)\subset C'$,
where $C'$ is the zero-set of a polynomial of the form $z_0^k-\beta
z_1^lz_2^m$, $\beta\not =0$, $k,l+m \leq deg(C)$
(after a suitable reordering of indices).
{\it Proof.}\/ Let $C$ be the zero-set of some
polynomial $P(z_0,z_1,z_2)$. Denote by $f_j$ the components of $f$.
The classical lemma of Borel, applied to the monomials in the expansion
of $P$,
implies that there exist at least two such monomials, which are
proportional after
composing with $f$. Thus $f_0^r f_1^s f_2^t = \beta f_0^u f_1^v f_2^w$
for some $\beta\neq 0$.
(The statement of the Lemma has an obvious generalization to ${\rm I\!P}_n$.)
An immediate consequence of Theorem \ref{borhyp}, as far as we have proved is
and of Remark \ref{Rem1} is, since all $Q_j\circ f$
have no zeroes,
Given the assumptions of {\rm\ref{borhyp}}, the image $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained
a curve of the form
$$Q_u^k-\alpha Q_v^l Q_w^m = 0, \quad \alpha\not = 0,$$
where $\{u,v,w\} =\{1,2,3\}$, and $k, l+m \leq 4$.
\end{lem} \qed
We note the following fact:
Let $f:\Bbb C \to {\rm I\!P}_2$ be as above.
Let $f(\Bbb C)$ be contained in the zero-set
V(Q_1^{k_1}Q_2^{k_2}Q_3^{k_3}- \alpha Q_1^{l_1}Q_2^{l_2}Q_3^{l_3}),
with $\sum k_j = \sum l_j = 4$,
and $k_j=l_j$ for at least one $j$,
let $f(\Bbb C)$ be contained in both zero-sets
V(Q_1^{k_1}Q_2^{k_2}Q_3^{k_3}- \alpha Q_1^{l_1}Q_2^{l_2}Q_3^{l_3})
V(Q_1^{m_1}Q_2^{m_2}Q_3^{m_3}- \beta Q_1^{n_1}Q_2^{n_2}Q_3^{n_3})
with $\sum k_\nu =\sum l_\nu=\sum m_\nu=\sum n_\nu=4$ such that the
is not a rational multiple of the vector
Then $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained in a quadric curve, which is a member of
the linear system generated by two of the quadrics $Q_j$.
We call the monomials
$Q_1^{k_1}Q_2^{k_2}Q_3^{k_3}$ and $Q_1^{l_1}Q_2^{l_2}Q_3^{l_3}$
satisfying (\ref{equiv}) {\it equivalent with respect to $f$}.
{\it Proof.}\/ We can eliminate one of the $Q_j$, say $Q_1$, and obtain
that $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained in $V(Q_2^r - \gamma Q_3^r)$ for some
integer $r$, and $\gamma \in \Bbb C$, because the $Q_j\circ f$
have no zeroes. Taking roots we find that $f(\Bbb C)\subset V(\sigma Q_2
- \tau Q_3)$, $\sigma,\tau\in \Bbb C$ not both equal to zero. \qed
We return to the proof of Theorem~\ref{borhyp}, and consider under which
conditions the above lemma can be applied. Let the situation of
Theorem~\ref{borhyp} be given. Denote by
the polynomial of (\ref{RGl}).
We know that $T$ is not the zero-polynomial. We already reduced
the proof of Theorem~\ref{borhyp} to the case, where all $a_j$ in (\ref{Sum})
different from zero.
{\it First part:}\/ Let all $\alpha_j \neq 0$. Thus we can (after
normalizing these constants to $1$) apply Lemma~\ref{lem2}.
{\it First case:}\/ We claim that the conditions of Lemma \ref{lem2} (2)
are satisfied, if at least two of the coefficients of $Q_j^4$ in $T$,
say those of $Q_1^4$ and $Q_2^4$, are different from zero.
If $Q_1^4$ and $Q_2^4$ are equivalent, $Q_1\circ f$ is a constant
multiple of $Q_2\circ f$, and $f$ is quadratically degenerate.
Otherwise there exist exponents $(r_1,r_2,r_3)$, $(s_1,s_2,s_3)$
of $Q_j$ that match $(4,0,0)$ and $(0,4,0)$ resp. in the sense
of (\ref{Gl1}) and (\ref{Gl2}) resp. because of the classical Borel
Assume that the assumptions of Lemma~\ref{lem2}~(2) are not fulfilled,
so there exists a rational number $c$ such that
(4,0,0)-(r_1,r_2,r_3)= c((0,4,0)-(s_1,s_2,s_3)).
Since $(r_1,r_2,r_3)\not=(4,0,0)$ we have $r_1<4$, thus $s_1>0$ and
$c<0$. Now $0 \geq -r_3=c(-s_3)\geq 0$ implies $r_3=s_3=0$,
so we can apply Lemma \ref{lem2} (1).
{\it Second case:}\/ The next case to consider is, where exactly one
forth power occurs, say $Q_1^4$. According to Lemma~\ref{lemR}~2), the
coefficient of $Q_1^2Q_2^2$ in $T$ must be different from zero.
Assume first that $Q_1^4$ is equivalent
to $Q_1^2Q_2^2$ with respect to $f$. Then
Lemma~\ref{lem2}~(1) is applicable. If these monomials are not
equivalent, we have some (non trivial) relations
$Q_1^4\sim Q_1^{r_1}Q_2^{r_2}Q_3^{r_3}$ and $Q_1^2Q_2^2\sim
Q_1^{s_1}Q_2^{s_2}Q_3^{s_3}$. If the assumptions of Lemma~\ref{lem2}~(2)
would not hold, we had
(4,0,0)-(r_1,r_2,r_3)= c((2,2,0)-(s_1,s_2,s_3))
for some $0\neq c \in \bbbq$ and $0\leq r_j,s_j \leq 4$, $\sum r_j=\sum
s_j=4$. For $r_3=0$ Lemma~\ref{lem2}~(1) could be applied. Only
$0<r_3\leq 4$ is left; in particular $-r_3=c(-s_3)$ implies $c>0$, $s_3
> 0$. Now $r_1\neq 4$. Thus $4-r_1=c(2-s_1)$ gives $s_1=0$ or $s_1=1$.
Furthermore $-r_2= c(2-s_2)$ holds. Again $r_2=0$ makes \ref{lem2}~(1)
applicable so that we are left with $s_2=3$ or $s_2=4$. Thus
$(s_1,s_2,s_3)=(0,3,1)$. Hence $f$ has values in the quartic curve
$Q_1^2-\gamma Q_2 Q_3=0$ for some $\gamma\in \Bbb C $.
Let $C$ be the curve $V(Q_1^2- \gamma Q_2 Q_3)$. We note first that
C\cap (\Gamma_1\cup\Gamma_2\cup\Gamma_3)=
\Gamma_1 \cap (\Gamma_2\cup\Gamma_3)
The case, where two smooth quadrics $\Gamma_j$ intersect in exactly one
point, yields immediately quadratic degeneracy by
Proposition~\ref{propQ}, and we are done. If one of the $\Gamma_j$ is a
line, it cannot be tangent to both of the further given smooth quadrics
--- this is also excluded by assumption (2). Thus $C\cap
(\Gamma_1\cup\Gamma_2\cup\Gamma_3)$ consists of at least three points.
As $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained in
$C\setminus(\Gamma_1\cup\Gamma_2\cup\Gamma_3)$, the curve $C$ cannot be
irreducible unless $f$ is constant. We are left with the case where $C$
decomposes into a line $l$ and a cubic. We have
C\cap(\Gamma_1\cap(\Gamma_2\cup\Gamma_3))$, which implies $l\cap
\Gamma_1=(l\cap \Gamma_2)\cup(l\cap \Gamma_3)$.
This equality means that $l\neq \Gamma_1$ and that $l \cap \Gamma_1$
consists of two distinct points $p'$ and $p''$, (since no more than two
of the $\Gamma_j$ pass through a point). Let $l\cap\Gamma_2=\{p'\}$ and
$l\cap\Gamma_3=\{p''\}$. This means that $l$ is at least tangent to one
of the smooth quadrics and passes through one further intersection point
of the $\Gamma_j$. This was excluded by assumption (2).
{\it Third case:}\/ Assume finally that all coefficients of $Q_j^4$ in
$T$ vanish. According to Lemma~\ref{lemR}~3) the non-zero monomials in
$T$ are
$Q_j^2Q_k^2$, $j\neq k$ and $Q_j^2Q_kQ_l$, where $(j,k,l)$ run through
all cyclic permutations of $(1,2,3)$. We pick $Q_1^2Q_2^2$ and check to
which of the monomials it can be equivalent with respect to $f$.
Lemma~\ref{lem2}~(1) is directly applicable to all possible cases but
$Q_1^2Q_2^2 \sim Q_1Q_2Q_3^2$ which implies $Q_1Q_2 \sim Q_3^2$. This
case was already treated.
The claim is now shown under the assumption that all $\alpha_j$ are
different from zero.
If two or more of the $\alpha_j$ vanish, the claim is already clear from
(\ref{Sum1}): We then get the equation $\:\alpha_j q_j
= -\alpha_k q_k\,$, which, after squaring both sides,
yields us quadratic degeneracy immediately, or if $q_0$ is involved,
by using that at least two of the $a_i$ are not zero.
The remaining case is, where exactly one $\alpha_j=0$.
Here we
use $R_2$ from \ref{defR} and arrive at a polynomial $U(y_1,y_2,y_3)$ of
degree two, such that $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained in the zero-set of
$U(Q_1,Q_2,Q_3)$. Again Borel's lemma is applied to its monomials. A
non-empty subset of $\{Q_1^2,Q_2^2,Q_3^2,Q_1Q_2,Q_1Q_3,Q_2Q_3\}$ has to
be divided into sets of $f$-equivalent polynomials. In the view of
\ref{lem2}~(1) the only
case to remain is $Q_j^2\sim Q_kQ_l$ where $(j,k,l)$ is a cyclic
permutation of $(1,2,3)$. This case was treated above.
In the sequel we treat the case of the complement of two plane quadrics
and a line and the case of three Fermat quadrics. We show that
There exist
a quasiprojective set $V\subset {\cal C}(2,2,1)$ of codimension one and
an open, non-empty subset $U\subset {\cal C}(2,2,1)$ containing $V$
such that for all $s\in U$ the space ${\rm I\!P}_2\setminus \Gamma(s)$
is complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded.
{\it Proof.} The set $V$ will be constructed in a such a way that
the configurations $\Gamma(s)$ for $s\in V$ satisfy the conditions of
Proposition~3.2 so that $(b)$ will follow from the first statement.
Let ${\rm I\!P}_2=\{[z_0:z_1:z_2]\}$ and
l &=& c_0 z_0 + c_1 z_1 + c_2 z_2 \label{B0}\\
Q_0&=&l^2 \label{B1}\\
Q_j&=&\sum_{k=0}^2 a_{jk}z_k^2 + b_{j0} z_0z_1 + b_{j1} z_0z_2+ b_{j2}
for $j=1,2$.
We include $Q_0$ in this notation and compute $a_{0k}, b_{0k}$
in terms of $c_l$.
We shall discuss, when (\ref{Sum}) holds for these.
Let $A=(a_{jk})$ and $B=(b_{jk})$.
Let $\hat{A}$ be the adjoint matrix of $A$, i.e. $\hat{A} \cdot A =
\hbox{det}(A) E$.
For $\kappa^2,\lambda^2,\mu^2 \in \Bbb C$
we consider the following linear combination
\left( \hbox{det}(A)
\right) +
\hat{A} B
\right) =
Looking at the left hand side one verifies that this expression
is a square of a linear polynomial, if
and only if the following equation holds:
(\kappa^2,\lambda^2,\mu^2)\cdot \hat{A} B = 2\hbox{det}(A) (\kappa
We set $a=(a_{jk})_{j>0} \in \Bbb C^6$, $b=(b_{jk})_{j>0} \in \Bbb C^6$,
and $c=(c_l)\in \Bbb C^3$. So $A$, $B$ and $\hat{A}$ are now given
in terms of $a,b,c$. We define $M\subset \Bbb P_2 \times \Bbb C^3
\times \Bbb C^6 \times \Bbb C^6$ to be the set of all points
$([\kappa:\lambda:\mu],c,a,b)$ for which (\ref{B4}) holds.
For all $m\in M$ the inequality ${\rm dim}_m M \geq 14$ holds, since
(\ref{B4}) consists of three equations in $\kappa, \lambda, \mu, A,\hat{A},B$
and hence in $\kappa, \lambda, \mu, a, b, c$. Consider
the canonical projection ${\rm pr}: {\rm I\!P}_2 \times \Bbb C^3 \times
\Bbb C^6 \times \Bbb C^6 \to \Bbb C^3 \times \Bbb C^6 \times \Bbb C^6$. Let
$c_0=(1,0,0)$, $a_0=
0 & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1 \\
and $b\in \Bbb C^6$ arbitrary. Then we calculate that
({\rm I\!P}_2\times \{(c_0,b,a_0)\})\cap M
is zero-dimensional.
In Example \ref{expl} we shall give an explicit example of a point $m_0=
([\kappa_0:\lambda_0:\mu_0],c_0,b_0,a_0)$ which is contained in such a
zero dimensional set, where
$\kappa_0,\lambda_0, \mu_0 \neq 0$. Denote by $M_0\subset M$ an irreducible
component of $M$ containing $m_0$. Now ${\rm pr}(M_0)\subset \Bbb C^3 \times
\Bbb C^6 \times \Bbb C^6$ is algebraic and at least of dimension 14, because
the fiber is zero dimensional. (One
can check easily that ${\rm pr}(M_0) \neq \Bbb C^3 \times\Bbb C^6
\times\Bbb C^6$).
(\kappa^2,\lambda^2,\mu^2)\cdot \hat{A}=(\phi,\psi,\chi),
and $N=V(\phi \cdot \psi \cdot \chi \cdot {\rm det}(A))\subset M$.
Observe $M_0\setminus N
\neq \emptyset$, since $m_0 \not\in N$ (what can be checked easily).
Let $V'\subset
\Bbb C^3\times\Bbb C^6\times\Bbb C^6$ be the quasi projective hypersurface
$V'={\rm pr}(M_0)\setminus {\rm pr}(N) \subset {\rm pr}(M_0\setminus N)$,
which is not empty: The fiber of ${\rm pr}|M_0$ at $m_0$ is of
dimension zero, hence ${\rm dim (pr} (N)) \leq {\rm dim} N < {\rm dim} M_0
= {\rm dim (pr}(M_0))$.
By means of the assignment $\Bbb C^3\times\Bbb C^6\times\Bbb C^6 \ni
(c,b,a)\mapsto (l,Q_1,Q_2) \in \Bbb C^3\times\Bbb C^6\times\Bbb C^6 $
we associate to any point of ${\rm pr}(M_0)$ a triple consisting of one linear
and two quadratical polynomials. Now ${\rm pr}(M_0)$ as well as ${\rm pr}(N)$
are invariant under the canonical action of $(\Bbb C^*)^3$, given by
multiplication of $l$, $Q_1$, $Q_2$ by elements of $\Bbb C^*$.
This follows
from the original definition of $M$ and $N$ (the existence of a linear
combination of the $Q_0, Q_1, Q_2$ to a square and the number of
coefficients which are zero is independent of the $\Bbb C^*$ action on
$l$, $Q_1$, $Q_2$) and the fact that under this action
$(\Bbb C^*)^3\times M_0$ has values in some irreducible component of
$M$, which has to be $M_0$.
Now ${\rm pr}(M) \setminus {\rm pr}(N)$
defines a quasi projective subvariety $V' \subset {\cal C}(1,2,2)$ of
codimension one. Our aim is to construct a quasi projective variety $V
\subset {\cal C}(1,2,2)$ of codimension one, which is contained in
$V'$ satisfying the further conditions of Corollary~\ref{corhyp}(2), and
hence proving the Theorem. We already chose $M$ and $N$ in a way that
$V'$ satisfies condition (3) of \ref{borhyp}. All of the configurations
which had to be excluded because of the further conditions in \ref{borhyp} and
\ref{corhyp} define a proper
algebraic subset $W\subset {\cal C}(1,2,2)$. All we need is to see that
$V:= V'\setminus W$ is not empty. But we have ${\rm pr}(m_0) \in
V' \setminus W$ for our point $m_0$ coming from the example below.
The following set of quadratic polynomials defines an element of $V$. In
particular the complement of its zero-sets in ${\rm I\!P}_2$ is complete
hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded.
Q_0&=& z_0^2\\
Q_1&=&z_1^2+ z_0z_1 + z_0z_2 + (1/25) z_1z_2 \\
Q_2&=&z_2^2 + 50 z_0z_1 - 10 z_0z_2 + 9z_1z_2
One checks immediately that $225 Q_0 + 100 Q_1 + 4 Q_2$ is a square.
Set $\Gamma_j=V(Q_j)$. Furthermore:
1) No more than two $\Gamma_j$ intersect in one point.
2) None of the $\Gamma_j$ are tangent to any other $\Gamma_k$.
3) No tangent to one of $\Gamma_2$ and $\Gamma_3$ at a point of
intersection with any $\Gamma_j$ contains a further point of
intersection of the $\Gamma_j$.
4) No tangent to one of $\Gamma_2$ and $\Gamma_3$ at a point of
intersection with $\Gamma_1$ is tangent to the other smooth quadric.
5) There exists no smooth quadric $\Gamma$ with $\, \Gamma_2 \cap \Gamma
= \{p'\}$, $\Gamma_3 \cap \Gamma = \{p''\}$ and $\{p',p''\} \subset \Gamma_1$.\\
How to check 1) to 4) is obvious. If $T'$ resp. $T''$ are the linear
polynomials which give the tangents
at $\Gamma_2$ in $p'$ resp. at $\Gamma_3$ in $p''$ we have
$\:Q = a Q_1 + b(T')^2\,$, $\: Q = c Q_3 + d (T'')^2\,$, where
$\Gamma = V(Q)$, $\Gamma_i = V(Q_i)$.
Now solve for $a,b,c,d$, and show that only the trivial solution
exists. \qed
For intersections of three smooth quadrics Theorem~\ref{borhyp} is not quite
superseeded by the more general statement of Theorem~7.1. as the
application to intersections to Fermat quadrics shows. We first note a
further corollary to Theorem~\ref{borhyp}.
Let $\Gamma_j=V(Q_j)\subset {\rm I\!P}_2$, $j=1,2,3$ be smooth quadrics,
and let the assumptions of \ref{borhyp} be satisfied.
The quasiprojective variety ${\rm I\!P}_2\setminus
\bigcup_{j=1}^3 \Gamma_j$ is Brody-hyperbolic,
unless there exists a smooth quadric or a line $\Gamma$ such that
after choosing the notation accordingly ($p$, $q$ distinct points):
$\Gamma \cap \Gamma_1=\{p,q\}$, $\Gamma \cap\Gamma _2= \{p\}$, $\Gamma
\cap \Gamma_3=\{q\}$
$\Gamma \cap \Gamma_1=\{p\}$, $\Gamma \cap\Gamma _2= \{p\}$, $\Gamma
\cap \Gamma_3=\{q\}$
\item[(2)] The above conditions (a) and (b) can be replaced by the
following (somewhat stronger) condition:
all of the $\Gamma_j$ intersect transversally.
In this case ${\rm I\!P}_2\setminus \bigcup_{j=1}^3 \Gamma_j$ is complete
hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded.
\end{cor} \qed
We apply the Corollary to the following
Q_j=a_j x^2 + b_j y^2 + c_j z^2 ; \quad j=1,2,3
be linearly independent polynomials, whose zero-sets $\Gamma_j$ are
smooth. Assume
\item[(1)] no more than two of the $\Gamma_j$ intersect at one point,
\item[(2)] no tangent to a quadric $\Gamma_j$ at a point of
intersection with some other $\Gamma_k$
contains a further intersection point of the curves $\Gamma_l$,
none of the $\Gamma_j$ are tangent to each other at any point.
Then ${\rm I\!P}_2\setminus \bigcup_{j=1}^3 \Gamma_j$ is complete hyperbolic
and hyperbolically embedded.
1996-02-27T06:25:20 | 9312 | alg-geom/9312011 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9312011 | [
] | alg-geom/9312011 | Charles Walter | Charles H. Walter | Components of the Stack of Torsion-Free Sheaves of Rank 2 on Ruled
Surfaces | 16 pages, LATeX 2.09 | Math. Ann. 301 (1995), 699-715 | null | null | null | Let S be a ruled surface without sections of negative self-intersection. We
classify the irreducible components of the moduli stack of torsion-free sheaves
of rank 2 sheaves on S. We also classify the irreducible components of the
Brill-Noether loci in Hilb^N(P1xP1) given by W_N^0(D)={[X] | h^1(I_X(D)) >= 1 }
for D an effective divisor class. Our methods are also applicable to P2 giving
new proofs of theorems of Stromme (slightly extended) and Coppo.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 20 Dec 1993 15:03:46 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Charles H.",
] | alg-geom | \section{\@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{-3.25ex plus
-1ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\large\bf}}
{subsection}{2}{\z@}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{-0.5em}{\normalsize\sl}}
{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{-0.5em}{\normalsize\sl}}
{paragraph}{3}{\z@}{2ex plus 0.6ex minus .2ex}{-0.5em}{\normalsize\sl}}
{subparagraph}{3}{\parindent}{2ex plus 0.6ex minus
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\textfont\tw@}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\textfont\tw@}\textdef@@ T#1}}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\textfont\tw@}\textdef@@ T#1}}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\scriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ S\rm#1}}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}}
\if S#1\edef#2{\the\scriptfont\next@\relax}%
\else\if s#1\edef#2{\the\scriptscriptfont\next@\relax}%
\noindent Let $S$ be a ruled surface without sections of negative
self-intersection. We classify the irreducible components of the moduli
stack of torsion-free sheaves of rank $2$ sheaves on $S$. We also classify
the irreducible components of the Brill-Noether loci in ${\rm Hilb}^N({\bf P}%
^1\times {\bf P}^1)$ given by $W_N^0(D)=\{[X]\mid h^1({\cal I}_X(D))\geq 1\}$
for $D$ an effective divisor class. Our methods are also applicable to ${\bf %
P}^2$ giving new proofs of theorems of Str\o mme (slightly extended) and
Coppo. \bigskip\
Let $\pi {:}~S={\bf P}({\cal A})\rightarrow C$ be a ruled surface with
tautological line bundle ${\cal O}(1):={\cal O}_{{\bf P}({\cal A})}(1)$. The
current classification of isomorphism classes of rank $2$ vector bundles $%
{\cal E}$ on $S$ (\cite{BS} \cite{B} \cite{HS} \cite{Ho}) proceeds by
stratifying the moduli functor (or stack) and then classifying the sheaves
in each stratum independently. The numerical data used to distinguish the
strata are usually (i) the splitting type ${\cal O}_{{\bf P}^1}(a)\oplus
{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^1}(b)$ of the generic fiber of $\pi $ (with $a\geq b$),
and (ii) the degree of the locally free sheaf $\pi _{*}({\cal E}(-a))$ on $C$%
. On each stratum, ${\cal U}:=\pi ^{*}(\pi _{*}({\cal E}(-a)))(a)$ is
naturally a subsheaf of ${\cal E}$, and the possible quotient sheaves ${\cal %
E}/{\cal U}$ and extension classes ${\rm Ext}^1({\cal E}/{\cal U},{\cal U})$
have been classified.
To the author's knowledge, rank $2$ torsion-free sheaves on $S$ have not
been given a similar classification, but one could clearly adapt the ideas
used for vector bundles.
What this approach has usually not described is the relationship between the
strata particularly for the strata parametrizing only unstable sheaves. In
this paper we give a first result along these lines by describing which
strata are generic, i.e.\ which are open in the (reduced) moduli stack. Thus
we are really classifying the irreducible components of the moduli stack of
rank $2$ torsion-free sheaves on $S$. We use a method developed by Str\o mme
\cite{St} for rank $2$ vector bundles on ${\bf P}^2$ modified by deformation
theory techniques which originate in \cite{DLP}.
We will divide our irreducible components into two types. The first type we
call prioritary because the general member of a component of this type is a
prioritary sheaf in the sense that we used in \cite{W}. That is, if for each
$p\in C$ we write $f_p:=\pi ^{-1}(p)$ for the corresponding fiber, then a
coherent sheaf ${\cal E}$ on $S$ is {\em prioritary} if it is torsion-free
and satisfies ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},{\cal E}(-f_p))$ for all $p$. We showed
in \cite{W} Lemma 7, that if one polarizes $S$ by an ample divisor $H$ such
that $H\cdot (K_S+f_p)<0$, then $H$-semistable sheaves are prioritary. Thus
the prioritary components should be viewed as playing a role one might
otherwise assign to semistable components. But the condition of priority is
simpler to use than semistability because it does not depend on the choice
of a polarization, and moreover the existence problem has a simpler solution
(particularly in higher rank).
The second type of components are nonprioritary ones.
Our main result is the following. We use the convention that if $D\in {\rm NS%
}(S)$, then ${\cal O}_S(D)$ is the line bundle corresponding to the generic
point of the corresponding component ${\rm Pic}^D(S)$ of the Picard scheme.
This is well-defined on all surfaces for which numerical and algebraic
equivalence coincide, including all of ours.
\label{ruled}Let $S$ be a ruled surface without curves of negative
self-intersection, and let $f$ be the numerical class of a fiber of $S$. Let
$c_1\in {\rm NS}(S)$ and $c_2\in {\bf Z}$. The irreducible components of the
stack ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ of torsion-free sheaves on $S$ of rank $2$ and
Chern classes $c_1$ and $c_2$ are the following:
(i)\quad A unique prioritary component if $c_1f$ is even and $c_2\geq \frac
14c_1^2$, or if $c_1f$ is odd and $c_2\in {\bf Z}$. This component is
generically smooth of dimension $-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})$, and the general
sheaf in the component is locally free.
(ii)\quad For every pair $(D,n)\in {\rm NS}(S)\times {\bf Z}$ such that $%
Df\leq -1+\frac 12c_1f$ and $0\leq n\leq c_2+D(D-c_1)\leq \chi ({\cal O}%
_S(-c_1))+D(2D-2c_1-K_S)$ a unique nonprioritary component whose general
member is a general extension%
0\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D)\rightarrow {\cal E}\rightarrow {\cal I}%
_{Z_2}(D)\rightarrow 0
where $Z_1$ (resp.\ $Z_2)$ is a general set of $n$ (resp.\ $n^{\prime
}:=c_2+D(D-c_1)-n$) points on $S$. These components have dimensions $-\chi (%
{\cal E},{\cal E})+\chi ({\cal O}_S(-c_1))+D(D-c_1-K_S)-c_2$ but have
generic embedding codimension $n^{\prime }+h^1({\cal O}_S(2D-c_1)$. The
general sheaf in the component is locally free except at $Z_1$.
For ${\bf P}^2$ the components of ${\rm TF}_{{\bf P}^2}(2,c_1,c_2)$
containing locally free sheaves were classified by Str\o mme using a similar
method (\cite{St} Theorem 3.9). We wish to add to his classification the
components of ${\rm TF}_{{\bf P}^2}(2,c_1,c_2)$ whose general member is not
locally free. We recall from \cite{HL} that a prioritary sheaf ${\cal E}$ on
${\bf P}^2$ is one that is torsion-free and satisfies ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},%
{\cal E}(-1))=0$.
\label{P2}Let $S$ be ${\bf P}^2$ and let $f\in {\rm NS}(S)$ be the class of
a line. Let $(c_1,c_2)\in {\bf Z}^2$. Then the irreducible components of $%
{\rm TF}_{{\bf P}^2}(2,c_1,c_2)$ have the same classification as in Theorem
\ref{ruled} except that the prioritary component exists if and only if $%
c_2\geq \frac 14c_1^2-\frac 14$.
The uniqueness of the prioritary components was proven for ruled surfaces
(resp.\ for ${\bf P}^2$) in \cite{W} (resp.\ \cite{HL}) although of course
there were many earlier results by many authors concerning semistable
components on ${\bf P}^2$ and on various ruled surfaces.
The classification of the irreducible components of the stacks of
torsion-free sheaves has an interesting application to Brill-Noether
problems. Let $S$ be a smooth projective algebraic surface, $E$ an effective
divisor class on $S$, and $N$ a positive integer such that $N\leq h^0({\cal O%
}_S(E))$. For simplicity we will assume that $H^1({\cal O}_S)=H^1({\cal O}%
_S(E))=0$. We consider the Brill-Noether loci in ${\rm Hilb}^NS$ defined as%
W_N^i(E)=\{[X]\in {\rm Hilb}^NS\mid h^1({\cal I}_X(E))\geq i+1\}.
Thus $W_N^i(E)$ parametrizes those $0$-schemes of length $N$ which impose at
least $i+1$ redundant conditions on divisors in $|E|$. What we wish to
consider is:
\paragraph{The Brill-Noether Problem.}
Classify the irreducible components of the $W_N^i(E)$ and compute their
It is known from general principles that each component has codimension at
most $(\chi +i+1)(i+1)$ in ${\rm Hilb}^NS$ where $\chi =h^0({\cal O}%
_S(E))-N\geq 0$, but there can be many components of various smaller
The Brill-Noether problem is related to the problem of classifying
irreducible components of the stack of torsion-free sheaves on $S$ as
follows. By an elementary argument (cf.\ \cite{C} p.\ 732) the general $X$
in any component of $W_N^i(E)$ has $h^1({\cal I}_X(E))=i+1$. One then uses
Serre duality $H^1({\cal I}_X(E))^{*}\cong {\rm Ext}^1({\cal I}_X(E-K_S),%
{\cal O}_S)$ to get an extension%
0\rightarrow {\cal O}_S^{\oplus i+1}\rightarrow {\cal E\rightarrow I}%
_X(E-K_S)\rightarrow 0.
So we get a Serre correspondence between $X\in W_N^i(E)-W_N^{i-1}(E)$ and
pairs $({\cal E},V)$ where ${\cal E}$ is torsion-free of rank $i+2$ with $%
c_1({\cal E})=E-K_S$, $c_2({\cal E})=N$, $H^1({\cal E}(K_S))=H^2({\cal E}%
(K_S))=0$, and for which there exists an $(i+1)$-dimensional subspace $%
V\subset H^0({\cal E})$ such that the natural map $V\otimes {\cal O}%
_S\rightarrow {\cal E}$ is injective with torsion-free quotient. Note that
these properties are all open conditions on ${\cal E}$ within the stack of
torsion-free sheaves on $S$. So Theorems \ref{ruled} and \ref{P2} yields a
classification of the irreducible components of the $W_N^0(E)$ for ${\bf P}%
^1\times {\bf P}^1$ and ${\bf P}^2$. This classification has been previously
obtained by Coppo for ${\bf P}^2$ by a different method (\cite{C}
Th\'eor\`eme 3.2.1) but seems new for ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$.
\label{BN}Let $S$ be ${\bf P}^2$ (resp.\ ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$), let $%
E $ be an effective divisor of degree $e$ (resp.\ of bidegree $(e_1,e_2)$),
and let $N$ be an integer such that $0<N\leq \chi ({\cal O}_S(E))$. Then the
irreducible components of the Brill-Noether locus $W_N^0(E)$ are the
(i)\quad For every pair $(D,n)\in {\rm NS}(S)\times {\bf Z}$ such that $D$
is an effective and irreducible divisor class of degree $d$ on ${\bf P}^2$
(resp.~of bidegree $(d_1,d_2)$ on ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$) such that $%
d\leq \frac 12(e+1)$\ (resp.\ $d_2\leq \frac 12e_2$), $D(E-D)\leq \chi (%
{\cal O}_S(E))-N$, $n\geq 0$, and $0\leq N-D(E-D-K_S)-n\leq \chi ({\cal O}%
_S(D+K_S))$, there exists a unique irreducible component of codimension $%
D(E-D)+1$ in ${\rm Hilb}^N(S)$ whose general member is the union of $n$
general points of $S$ and $N-n$ points on a curve in $\left| D\right| $.
(ii)\quad If $S$ is ${\bf P}^2$ (resp.\ if $S$ is ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$
and $e_2$ is even, resp.\ if $S$ is ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$ and $e_2$ is
odd), then there exists one additional component of codimension $\chi ({\cal %
O}_S(E))$$-N+1$ in ${\rm Hilb}^N(S)$ if $N\geq \frac 14(e+2)(e+4)$ (resp.~$%
N\geq \frac 12(e_1+2)(e_2+2)$, resp.\ $N\geq \frac 12(e_1+2)(e_2+1)+1$). If $%
S={\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$ and $(e_1,e_2,N)=(e_1,1,e_1+2)$ there is also
one additional component of codimension $\chi ({\cal O}_S(E))$$-N+1$.
In part (i) the $N-n$ points on the curve $C\in |D|$ have the property that
their union is a divisor on $C$ belonging to a linear system of the form $%
\left| \Gamma +E{\mid }_C-K_C\right| $ with $\Gamma $ an effective divisor
satisfying $h^0({\cal O}_C(\Gamma ))=1$. The necessary condition $0\leq \deg
(\Gamma )\leq g(C)$ is exactly the condition $0\leq N-D(E-D-K_S)-n\leq \chi (%
{\cal O}_S(D+K_S))$.
The main tool which we use to obtain our results is interesting in its own
right. We use the notation $\chi ({\cal F},{\cal G})=\sum (-1)^i\dim {\rm Ext%
}^i({\cal F},{\cal G})$.
\label{unobst}Let $S$ be a projective surface, and ${\cal E}$ a coherent
sheaf on $S$ with a filtration $0=F_0({\cal E})\subset F_1({\cal E})\subset
\cdots \subset F_r({\cal E})={\cal E}$. Suppose that the graded pieces ${\rm %
gr}_i({\cal E}):=F_i({\cal E})/F_{i-1}({\cal E})$ satisfy ${\rm Ext}^2({\rm %
gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_j({\cal E}))$ for $i\geq j$. Then
(i)\quad the deformations of ${\cal E}$ as a filtered sheaf are unobstructed,
(ii)\quad if ${\cal E}$ is a generic filtered sheaf, then the ${\rm gr}_i(%
{\cal E})$ are generic, and
(iii)\quad if ${\cal E}$ is generic as an unfiltered sheaf, then also $\chi (%
{\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_{i+1}({\cal E}))\geq 0$ for $i=1,\ldots ,r-1$.
The outline of the paper is as follows. In the first section we review some
necessary facts about algebraic stacks and their dimensions. In the second
section we prove our technical tool Proposition \ref{unobst} and describe
some situations where it applies. It the third section we classify the
prioritary components of the ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ and the $W_N^0(E)$. In
the fourth section we classify the nonprioritary components. In the short
final section we complete the proofs of the main theorems.
This paper was written in the context of the group on vector bundles on
surfaces of Europroj. The author would like to thank A.\ Hirschowitz and
M.-A.\ Coppo for some useful conversations.
\section{Algebraic Stacks}
In this paper we use stacks because in that context there exist natural
universal families of coherent (or torsion-free) sheaves. The paper should
be manageable even to the reader unfamiliar with algebraic stacks if he
accepts them as some sort of generalization of schemes where there are
decent moduli for unstable sheaves. For the reader who wishes to learn about
algebraic stacks we suggest \cite{LMB}. Alternative universal families of
coherent sheaves which stay within the category of schemes would be certain
standard open subschemes of Quot schemes. This is the approach taken in \cite
{St}. But the language of algebraic stacks is the natural one for problems
which involve moduli of unstable sheaves.
Stacks differ from schemes is in the way their {\em dimensions} are
calculated. For the general definition of the dimension of an algebraic
stack at one of its points the reader should consult \cite{LMB} \S 5. But
the dimension of the algebraic stack ${\rm Coh}_S$ of coherent sheaves on $S$
(or of any open substack of ${\rm Coh}_S$ such as a ${\rm TF}_S(r,c_1,c_2)$)
at a point corresponding to a sheaf ${\cal E}$ is the dimension of the
Kuranishi formal moduli for deformations of ${\cal E}$ (i.e.\ the fiber of
the obstruction map $({\rm Ext}^1({\cal E},{\cal E}),0)^{\wedge }\rightarrow
({\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},{\cal E}),0)^{\wedge }$) minus the dimension of the
automorphism group of ${\cal E}$. Thus if we write $e_i=\dim {\rm Ext}^i(%
{\cal E},{\cal E})$, then $-e_0+e_1-e_2\leq \dim {}_{[{\cal E}]}{\rm Coh}%
_S\leq -e_0+e_1$. If $S$ is a surface, this means
\label{dimcoh}-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})\leq \dim {}_{[{\cal E}]}{\rm Coh}%
_S\leq -\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})+e_2.
If ${\cal E}$ is a stable sheaf, then $\dim {}_{[{\cal E}]}{\rm Coh}_S$ is
one less than the dimension of the moduli scheme at $\left[ {\cal E}\right] $
because ${\cal E}$ has a one-dimensional family of automorphisms, the
Generally speaking, the dimension of an algebraic stack are well-behaved. It
is constant on an irreducible component away from its intersection with
other components; the dimension of a locally closed substack is smaller than
the dimension of the stack; etc. But stacks can have negative dimensions.
\section{When is a Filtered Sheaf Generic?}
In this section we prove our main technical tool Proposition \ref{unobst}
and then give two corollaries applying the proposition to birationally ruled
\paragraph{Proof of Proposition \ref{unobst}.}
We begin by recalling some of the deformation theory of \cite{DLP}. We
consider the abelian category of sheaves with filtrations of a fixed length $%
0=F_0({\cal E})\subset F_1({\cal E})\subset \cdots \subset F_r({\cal E})=%
{\cal E.}
On this category we can define functors%
{\rm Hom}_{-}({\cal E},{\cal F}) & = & \{\phi \in
{\rm Hom}({\cal E},{\cal F})\mid \phi (F_i({\cal E}))\subseteq F_i({\cal F})
\RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{ for all }i\}, \\ {\rm Hom}_{neg}({\cal E},{\cal F}) & = & \{\phi \in
{\rm Hom}({\cal E},{\cal F})\mid \phi (F_i({\cal E}))\subseteq F_{i-1}({\cal %
F})\RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{ for all }i\}.
These have right-derived functors denoted ${\rm Ext}_{-}^p$ and ${\rm Ext}%
_{neg}^p$ which may be computed by the spectral sequences (\cite{DLP}
Proposition 1.3)%
E_1^{pq} \ = & \left\{
\prod_i{\rm Ext}^{p+q}({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_{i-p}({\cal E})) &
\RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }p\geq 0 \\ 0 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }p\le -1
\right\} & \Rightarrow \ {\rm Ext}_{-}^{p+q}
({\cal E},{\cal E}), \label{specf} \\
E_1^{pq} \ = & \left\{
\prod_i{\rm Ext}^{p+q}({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_{i-p}({\cal E})) &
\RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }p\geq 1 \\ 0 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }p\leq 0
\right\} & \Rightarrow \ {\rm Ext}_{neg}^{p+q}({\cal E},{\cal E}).
There is also a long exact sequence
\label{extneg}\cdots \rightarrow {\rm Ext}_{neg}^p({\cal E},{\cal E}%
)\rightarrow {\rm Ext}_{-}^p({\cal E},{\cal E})\rightarrow \prod_i{\rm Ext}%
^p({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_i({\cal E}))\rightarrow {\rm Ext}%
_{neg}^{p+1}({\cal E},{\cal E})\rightarrow \cdots .
(i) The tangent space for the deformations of ${\cal E}$ as a filtered sheaf
is ${\rm Ext}_{-}^1({\cal E},{\cal E})$ and the obstruction space is ${\rm %
Ext}_{-}^2({\cal E},{\cal E})$. The latter vanishes because of the spectral
sequence (\ref{specf}).
(ii) From (\ref{specminus}) and (\ref{extneg}) we see that the map ${\rm Ext}%
_{-}^1({\cal E},{\cal E})\rightarrow \prod_i{\rm Ext}^1({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),%
{\rm gr}_i({\cal E}))$ is surjective. Thus any first-order infinitesimal
deformation of the ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$ can be induced from a first-order
infinitesimal deformation of ${\cal E}$ as a filtered sheaf. But because of
(i) any first-order infinitesimal deformation of the filtered sheaf ${\cal E}
$ is induced by a noninfinitesimal deformation of ${\cal E}$. So if ${\cal E}
$ is generic, then the ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$ must also be generic in their
respective stacks.
(iii) We consider ${\cal E}$ with two filtrations: the original filtration
and its subfiltration obtained by suppressing the term $F_i({\cal E})$. We
write ${\rm Ext}_{-}^p$ (resp.\ ${\rm Ext}_{-,sub}^p$) for the ${\rm Ext}%
_{-}^p$ associated to these two filtrations. We have a long exact sequence
\cdots \rightarrow {\rm Ext}_{-}^p({\cal E},{\cal E})\rightarrow {\rm Ext}%
_{-,sub}^p({\cal E},{\cal E})\rightarrow {\rm Ext}^p({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),%
{\rm gr}_{i+1}({\cal E}))\rightarrow {\rm Ext}_{-}^{p+1}({\cal E},{\cal E}%
)\rightarrow \cdots .
Also ${\rm Ext}_{-}^2({\cal E},{\cal E})=0$ by (i). So the formal moduli for
the deformations of ${\cal E}$ as a filtered sheaf for the full filtration
is of dimension $\dim {\rm Ext}_{-}^1({\cal E},{\cal E})$. The formal moduli
for the deformations of ${\cal E}$ as a filtered sheaf for the subfiltration
is by general principles of dimension at least%
\dim {\rm Ext}_{-,sub}^1({\cal E},{\cal E})-\dim {\rm Ext}_{-,sub}^2({\cal E}%
,{\cal E})\geq \dim {\rm Ext}_{-}^1({\cal E},{\cal E})-\chi ({\rm gr}_i(%
{\cal E}),{\rm gr}_{i+1}({\cal E})).
So if $\chi $$({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_{i+1}({\cal E}))<0$, then the
natural morphism from the formal moduli for the deformations of ${\cal E}$
with the full filtration to the formal moduli for the deformations of ${\cal %
E}$ with the subfiltration could not be surjective. So there would be finite
deformations of ${\cal E}$ which preserve the subfiltration but not the full
filtration. This would contradict the genericity of ${\cal E}$ as an
unfiltered sheaf.\TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
There are several situations in which there are filtrations to which
Proposition \ref{unobst} applies. For the first situation, let $S$ be a
smooth projective surface and $H$ an ample divisor on $S$. Recall that the $%
H $-slope of a torsion-free sheaf ${\cal F}$ on $S$ is $\mu _H({\cal F}%
):=(Hc_1({\cal F}))/{\rm rk}({\cal F})$. We write $\mu _{H,\max }({\cal F})$
is the maximum $H$-slope of a nonzero subsheaf of ${\cal F}$, and $\mu
_{H,\min }({\cal F})$ is the minimum slope of a nonzero torsion-free
quotient sheaf of ${\cal F}$.
\label{mu}Let $S$ be a smooth projective surface and $H$ an ample divisor on
$S$ such that $HK_S<0$. Let ${\cal F}$ and ${\cal G}$ be torsion-free
sheaves on $S$ such that $\mu _{H,\max }({\cal F})+HK_S<\mu _{H,\min }({\cal %
G})$. Then ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal F},{\cal G})=0$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}By Serre duality we have ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal F},%
{\cal G})\cong {\rm Hom}({\cal G},{\cal F}(K_S))^{*}$. If there were a
nonzero $\phi \in {\rm Hom}({\cal G},{\cal F}(K_S))$, then we would have
\mu _{H,\max }({\cal F})+HK_S=\mu _{H,\max }({\cal F}(K_S))\geq \mu ({\rm im}%
(\phi ))\geq \mu _{H,\min }({\cal G}),
a contradiction.\TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
It follows that if $(S,{\cal O}_S(H))$ is a polarized surface such that $%
HK_S<0$, then Proposition \ref{unobst} applies to the Harder-Narasimhan
filtration of a torsion-free sheaf ${\cal E}$ on $S$. It also applies to the
weak Harder-Narasimhan filtration for torsion-free sheaves on ${\bf P}^2$
described in \cite{W2}.
The other situation in which Proposition \ref{unobst} applies is the
relative Harder-Narasimhan filtration of a torsion-free sheaf ${\cal E}$ on
a ruled surface $\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$. To describe this let $f_\eta $ be
the generic fiber of $\pi $. Write ${\cal E}{\mid }_{f_\eta }\cong
\bigoplus_{i=1}^s{\cal O}_{f_\eta }(e_i)^{n_i}$ with $e_1>e_2>\cdots >e_s$
and the $n_i>0$. There exists a unique filtration $0=F_0({\cal E})\subset
F_1({\cal E})\subset \cdots \subset F_s({\cal E})={\cal E}$ such that the
graded pieces ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$ are torsion-free and satisfy ${\rm gr}%
_i({\cal E}){\mid }_{f_\eta }\cong {\cal O}_{f_\eta }(e_i)^{n_i}$. The $F_i(%
{\cal E})$ may be obtained as the inverse image in ${\cal E}$ of the torsion
subsheaf of ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_i$ where ${\cal E}_i$ is the image of the
natural map $\pi ^{*}($$\pi _{*}({\cal E}(-e_i)))(e_i)\rightarrow {\cal E}$.
Proposition \ref{unobst} applies to this relative Harder-Narasimhan
filtration because of
\label{fiber}Let $\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$ be a ruled surface, and let ${\cal %
E}$ and ${\cal G}$ be torsion-free sheaves on $S$. Suppose that the
restrictions of ${\cal E}$ and ${\cal G}$ to a general fiber $F$ of $\pi $
are of the forms ${\cal E}{\mid }_F\cong \bigoplus_i{\cal O}_F(e_i)$ and $%
{\cal G}{\mid }_F\cong \bigoplus_j{\cal O}_F(g_j)$ with $\max \{e_i\}-2<\min
\{g_j\}.$ Then ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},{\cal G})=0$. In particular, if $\max
\{e_i\}-\min \{e_j\}<2$, then ${\cal E}$ is prioritary.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}Again Serre duality gives ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},%
{\cal G})\cong {\rm Hom}({\cal G},{\cal E}(K_S))^{*}$. If there were a
nonzero $\phi \in {\rm Hom}({\cal G},{\cal E}(K_S))$, then there would be a
nonzero $\phi {\mid }_F\in \bigoplus_{i,j}H^0({\cal O}_F(e_i-2-g_j))$. This
is impossible since $f_i-2-g_j<0$ for all $i$ and $j$.
If $\max \{e_i\}-\min \{e_i\}<2$, then we may set ${\cal G}={\cal E}(-f_p)$
for any fiber $f_p=\pi ^{-1}(p)$ to get ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},{\cal E}%
(-f_p))=0$ for all $p\in C$. Thus ${\cal E}$ is prioritary.\TeXButton{qed}
{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\section{Prioritary Components}
In this section we prove the necessary lemmas for classifying the principal
components of the ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ and $W_N^0(E)$. We use \cite{W}
and \cite{HL} as our basic sources for existence and uniqueness results
because these use our preferred language of prioritary sheaves. But
existence and uniqueness results for only marginally different classes of
sheaves on ${\bf P}^2$ and of rank $2$ sheaves on ruled surfaces had already
been proven in \cite{Ba} \cite{BS} \cite{B} \cite{DLP} \cite{E} \cite{ES}
\cite{HS} \cite{Ho} \cite{Hu1} \cite{Hu2} (and perhaps elsewhere).
\label{discquad}Let $\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$ be a ruled surface, and let $%
f\in {\rm NS}(S)$ be the numerical class of a fiber of $\pi $. Then ${\rm TF}%
_S(r,c_1,c_2)$ has a unique prioritary component if $r$ divides $c_1f$ and $%
2rc_2\geq (r-1)c_1^2$, or if $r$ does not divide $c_1f$. Otherwise it has no
prioritary components. The prioritary component is smooth of dimension $%
-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}The uniqueness and smoothness of the prioritary
component was proven in \cite{W} Proposition 2. Since by definition a
prioritary sheaf ${\cal E}$ satisfies ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},{\cal E}%
(-f_p))=0 $ for all $p\in C$, it also satisfies ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},{\cal E%
})=0$. So the prioritary component has dimension $-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})$
according to (\ref{dimcoh}).
For existence of a prioritary sheaf ${\cal E}$, note that $2rc_2-(r-1)c_1^2$
is invariant under twist as is the residue of $c_1f$ modulo $r$. Then by
replacing ${\cal E}$ by a twist ${\cal E}(n)$ if necessary, we may assume
that $d:=-c_1f$ satisfies $0\leq d<r$. In the proof of \cite{W} Proposition
2 it was shown that a general prioritary sheaf with such a $c_1$ fits into
an exact sequence
\label{Beil}0\rightarrow \pi ^{*}({\cal K})\rightarrow {\cal E}\rightarrow
\pi ^{*}({\cal L})\otimes \Omega _{S/C}(1)\rightarrow 0
where ${\cal K}$ is a vector bundle on $C$ of rank $r-d$ and ${\cal L}$ a
coherent sheaf on $C$ of rank $d$. Let $k=\deg ({\cal K})$ and $l=\deg (%
{\cal L})$. Write $h=c_1({\cal O}(1))$ so that $\{h,f\}$ is a basis of ${\rm %
NS}(S)$. Then ${\cal E}$ has rank $r$ and Chern classes $c_1=(k+l)f-dh$ and $%
c_2=\frac 12d(d-1)h^2-(k+l)d+l$. So to finish the proof of the lemma we need
to show that if $0<d<r$, then there exist prioritary sheaves of the form (%
\ref{Beil}) for all $k$ and $l$, while if $d=0$, then there exist prioritary
sheaves of that form if and only if $(k,l)$ satisfies $l\geq 0$.
If $0<d<r$, then for any $k$ and $l$ and any locally free sheaves ${\cal K}$
(resp.\ ${\cal L})$ on $C$ of rank $r-d$ and degree $k$ (resp.\ rank $d$ and
degree $l$), the sheaf ${\cal F}:=\pi ^{*}({\cal K})\oplus \left[ \pi ^{*}(%
{\cal L})\otimes \Omega _{S/C}(1)\right] $ has splitting type ${\cal O}_{%
{\bf P}^1}^{r-d}\oplus {\cal O}_{{\bf P}^1}(-1)^d$ on all fibers and hence
is prioritary by Lemma \ref{fiber}.
If $d=0$, then ${\cal L}$ has rank $0$. So its degree $l$ must be
nonnegative. Conversely if $k$ is any integer and $l\geq 0$, then an ${\cal E%
}$ as in (\ref{Beil}) can be constructed for any locally free sheaf ${\cal K}
$ of rank $r$ and degree\thinspace $k$ on $C$ as an elementary transform of $%
\pi ^{*}({\cal K})$ along $l$ fibers of $\pi $. Such an ${\cal E}$ is
prioritary by Lemma \ref{fiber} because its restriction to the general fiber
of $\pi $ is trivial. Thus for $d=0$ there exists prioritary sheaf ${\cal E}$
of the form (\ref{Beil}) for and only for those $(k,l)$ satisfying $l\geq 0$%
. This completes the proof of the lemma. \TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\label{discp2}{\rm (Hirschowitz-Laszlo)} The stack ${\rm TF}_{{\bf P}%
^2}(r,c_1,c_2)$ has a unique prioritary component if $2rc_2-(r-1)c_1^2\geq
-d(r-d)$ where $c_1\equiv -d\pmod{r}$ and $0\leq d<r$. Otherwise it has no
prioritary components. The prioritary component is smooth of dimension $%
-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}Let $c_1=mr-d$. Let $\mu =c_1/r$ be the slope and $%
\Delta =(2rc_2-(r-1)c_1^2)/2r^2$ the discriminant of ${\cal E}$. Then in
\cite{HL} Chap.~I, Propositions 1.3 and 1.5 and Th\'eor\`eme 3.1, it is
shown that ${\rm TF}_{{\bf P}^2}(r,c_1,c_2)$ has a priority component if and
only if the Hilbert polynomial $P(n)=r\left( \frac 12(\mu +n+2)(\mu
+n+1)-\Delta \right) $ is nonpositive for some integer $n$, and that in that
case the prioritary component is unique and smooth. The dimension of such a
component is again $-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})$ by (\ref{dimcoh}) because the
prioritary condition implies ${\rm Ext}^2({\cal E},{\cal E})=0$.
We show that the Hilbert polynomial criterion of \cite{HL} is equivalent to
the criterion asserted by the lemma. But $P(n)-P(n-1)=\mu +n+1=m-\frac
dr+n+1 $ is nonnegative if and only if $n\geq -m$. So $\min _{n\in {\bf Z}%
}P(n)=P(-m-1)=r\left( \frac 12(1-\frac dr)(-\frac dr)-\Delta \right) $, and
this is nonpositive if and only if $2r^2\Delta \geq -d(r-d)$.\thinspace
\TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
We recall the Riemann-Roch formula for a coherent sheaf ${\cal E}$ of rank $%
r $ and Chern classes $c_1$ and $c_2$ on a surfaces $S$:
\label{RR}\chi ({\cal E})=r\chi ({\cal O}_S)+\frac 12c_1\left(
c_1-K_S\right) -c_2.
\label{diminution}Let $\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$ be a ruled surface or let $S$
be ${\bf P}^2$. Suppose ${\cal E}$ is a prioritary sheaf on $S$ of rank $%
r\geq 2$ such that $H^1({\cal E})=H^2({\cal E})=0$. Let $H$ be a very ample
divisor on $S$.
(i)\quad If ${\cal F}$ is a general prioritary sheaf of rank $r$ and Chern
classes $c_1=c_1({\cal E})$ and $c_2\geq c_2({\cal E})$ such that $\chi (%
{\cal F})\geq 0$, then $H^1({\cal F})=H^2({\cal F})=0$.
(ii)\quad If in addition $H^1({\cal E}(H))=H^2({\cal E}(H))=0$ and $\chi (%
{\cal E}(H))\geq \chi ({\cal E})$, then for all $n\geq 2$ the sheaf ${\cal F}%
(nH)$ is generated by global sections and its general section has degeneracy
locus of codimension $2$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}(i) By semicontinuity it is enough to exhibit one
such ${\cal F}$. We go by induction on $c_2$. If $c_2=c_2({\cal E})$, we may
take ${\cal F}={\cal E}$. If $c_2>c_2({\cal E})$, let ${\cal G}$ be a
prioritary sheaf of rank $r$ and Chern classes $c_1$ and $c_2-1$ with $H^1(%
{\cal G})=H^2({\cal G})=0$. By (\ref{RR}) we have $\chi ({\cal G})=\chi (%
{\cal F})+1>0$. So ${\cal G}$ must have a nonzero global section $s$. If $%
x\in S$ is a general point of $S$ and ${\cal G}\otimes k(x)\TeXButton{-->>}
{\twoheadrightarrow}k(x)$ a general one-dimensional quotient of the fiber of
${\cal G}$ at $x$, then the image of $s$ in $k(x)$ is nonzero. So if ${\cal F%
}$ is the kernel%
0\rightarrow {\cal F}\rightarrow {\cal G}\rightarrow k(x)\rightarrow 0,
then $h^0({\cal F})=h^0({\cal G})-1$ and $H^1({\cal F})=H^2({\cal F})=0$.
(ii) Under the added hypotheses the general ${\cal F}$ also satisfies $H^1(%
{\cal F}(H))=H^2({\cal F}(H))=0$. But $H^1({\cal F}(H))=H^2({\cal F})=0$
implies that ${\cal F}(nH)$ is generated by global sections for all $n\geq 2$
by the Castelnuovo-Mumford lemma. The general section of ${\cal F}(nH)$ will
drop rank in codimension $2$ by Bertini's theorem.
\label{goodp2}Let ${\cal F}$ be a generic prioritary sheaf of rank $2$ and
Chern classes $c_1\geq -4$ and $c_2$ on ${\bf P}^2$. The two conditions (a) $%
H^1({\cal F})=H^2({\cal F})=0$ and (b) ${\cal F}(3)$ has a section with
degeneracy locus of codimension $2$ hold if and only if $\chi ({\cal F})\geq
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}If (a) and (b) hold, then clearly $\chi ({\cal F}%
)=h^0({\cal F})\geq 0$. Conversely, suppose ${\cal F}$ is generic prioritary
of rank $2$ with $c_1\geq -4$ and $\chi ({\cal F})\geq 0$. If $c_1=2a$ is
even, then let ${\cal E}={\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(a)^2$. Then $c_1=c_1({\cal E})$
and $c_2\geq \frac 14c_1^2=a^2=c_2({\cal E})$ by Proposition \ref{discp2}.
Moreover, $H^1({\cal E})=H^2({\cal E})=H^1({\cal E}(1))=H^2({\cal E}(1))=0$
and $\chi ({\cal E}(1))=\chi ({\cal E})+2a+4\geq \chi ({\cal E})$. Hence
conditions (a) and (b) follow from Lemma \ref{diminution}.
If $c_1=2a+1$ is odd, we may apply Lemma \ref{diminution} with ${\cal E}=%
{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(a)\oplus {\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(a+1)$.\TeXButton{qed}
{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\label{goodquad}Let ${\cal F}$ be a generic prioritary sheaf of rank $2$ and
Chern classes $c_1=(a_1,a_2)$ and $c_2$ on ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$.
Suppose the $a_i\geq -2$.
(i)\quad If $a_2$ is even, then the two conditions (a) $H^1({\cal F})=H^2(%
{\cal F})=0$ and (b) ${\cal F}(2,2)$ has a section with degeneracy locus of
codimension $2$ hold if and only if $\chi ({\cal F})\geq 0$.
(ii)\quad If $a_2$ is odd, then (a) and (b) hold if and only if one has both
$\chi ({\cal F})\geq 0$ and either $c_2\geq \frac 12a_1(a_2-1)-1$ or $%
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}(i) We apply Lemma \ref{diminution} with ${\cal E}$
either ${\cal O}(\frac{a_1}2,\frac{a_2}2)^2$ or ${\cal O}(\frac{a_1-1}2,
\frac{a_2}2)\oplus {\cal O}(\frac{a_1+1}2,\frac{a_2}2)$.
(ii) Before beginning, recall that if $a_2=2b-1$ is odd, then by (\ref{Beil}%
) the general prioritary sheaf of the given rank and Chern classes is of the
0\rightarrow {\cal O}(a_1-p,b)\rightarrow {\cal F\rightarrow O}%
(p,b-1)\rightarrow 0
with $p$ determined by $c_2=(a_1-p)(b-1)+pb=\frac 12a_1(a_2-1)+p$.
Now suppose that (a) and (b) hold. Then clearly $\chi ({\cal F})=h^0({\cal F}%
)\geq 0$. If $p\geq -1$, then $c_2\geq \frac 12a_1(a_2-1)-1$ as desired. If
on the other hand $p\leq -2$, then the sequence splits. So if (a) and (b)
hold, then $H^1({\cal O}(p,b-1))=0$ while ${\cal O}(p+2,b+1)$ is generated
by global sections. These are possible simultaneously only if $p=-2$ and $%
b=0 $.
Conversely, if $\chi ({\cal F})\geq 0$ and $c_2\geq \frac 12a_1(a_2-1)-1$,
then (a) and (b) hold by Lemma \ref{diminution} using ${\cal E}={\cal O}%
(a_1+1,b)\oplus {\cal O}(-1,b-1)$. If $(a_1,a_2,c_2)=(a_1,-1,-a_1-2)$, then
one may pick ${\cal F}={\cal O}(a_1+2,0)\oplus {\cal O}(-2,-1)$.
\TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\section{Nonprioritary Components}
In this section we study nonprioritary components of ${\rm TF}_S(r,c_1,c_2)$
and of $W_N^0(E)$. According to Proposition \ref{unobst} on a ruled surface $%
\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$ or on ${\bf P}^2$ with $f$ denoting the numerical
class either of a fiber of $\pi $ or of a line in ${\bf P}^2$, the general
member of any nonprioritary component of ${\rm TF}_S(r,c_1,c_2)$ a {\em %
nonprioritary generic extension of twisted ideal sheaves,} i.e.\ an
\label{HN}0\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_1}(L_1)\rightarrow {\cal E}\rightarrow
{\cal I}_{Z_2}(L_2)\rightarrow 0
such that the ${\cal O}_S(L_i)$ are generic line bundles having $L_1f>L_2f+1$
and the $Z_i$ are generic sets of $n_i$ points in $S$. In addition, the
proposition says that
\label{chi}\chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1}(L_1),{\cal I}_{Z_2}(L_2))=\chi ({\cal O}%
(L_2-L_1))-n_1-n_2\geq 0.
Moreover, the extension is uniquely determined by ${\cal E}$ since it
defines the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of ${\cal E}$ with respect to a
suitable polarization of the surface.
The next two lemmas show that if $S$ is ${\bf P}^2$ or a semistable ruled
surface, then a generic extension of twisted ideal sheaves satisfying (\ref
{chi}) is the generic sheaf of an irreducible component of the stack of
torsion-free rank $2$ sheaves on $S$.
\label{divisor}Suppose either that $\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$ is a
birationally ruled surface or $S$ is ${\bf P}^2$. If a nonprioritary generic
extension of twisted ideal sheaves ${\cal E}$ as in (\ref{HN}) specializes
to another nonprioritary generic extension of twisted ideal sheaves $%
0\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_1^{\prime }}(L_1^{\prime })\rightarrow {\cal E}%
^{\prime }\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_2^{\prime }}(L_2^{\prime })\rightarrow 0$,
(i)\quad $\chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1^{\prime }}(L_1^{\prime }),{\cal I}%
_{Z_2^{\prime }}(L_2^{\prime }))<\chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1}(L_1),{\cal I}%
_{Z_2}(L_2))$ and
(ii)\quad there exists an effective divisor $\Gamma $ on $S$ such that $%
-\Gamma \cdot \Gamma >(L_1-L_2+K_S)\cdot \Gamma $.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}(i) Let ${\rm FiltCoh}_S$ be the stack
parametrizing filtered coherent sheaves ${\cal F}_1\subset {\cal F}.$
Because the tangent space for automorphisms of ${\cal F}_1\subset {\cal F}$
(resp.\ the tangent space for deformations of ${\cal F}_1\subset {\cal F}$,
resp.\ the obstruction space for deformations of ${\cal F}_1\subset {\cal F}$%
) is ${\rm Ext}_{-}^i({\cal F},{\cal F})$ for $i=0$ (resp.$\ i=1$, resp.\ $%
i=2)$, one has%
-\chi _{-}({\cal F},{\cal F})\leq \dim {}_{[{\cal F}_1\subset {\cal F}]}{\rm %
FiltCoh}_S\leq -\chi _{-}({\cal F},{\cal F})+\dim {\rm Ext}_{-}^2({\cal F},%
{\cal F})
where $\chi _{-}({\cal F},{\cal F})=\sum (-1)^i\dim {\rm Ext}_{-}^i({\cal F},%
{\cal F})$. The forgetful functor ${\rm FiltCoh}_S\rightarrow {\rm Coh}_S$
defined by $[{\cal F}_1\subset {\cal F}]\mapsto [{\cal F}]$ induces maps on
infinitesimal automorphism, tangent, and obstruction spaces ${\rm Ext}_{-}^i(%
{\cal F},{\cal F})\rightarrow {\rm Ext}^i({\cal F},{\cal F})$. So if ${\rm %
Hom}_{+}({\cal F},{\cal F}):={\rm Hom}({\cal F}_1,{\cal F}/{\cal F}_1)=0$,
then the morphism ${\rm FiltCoh}_S\rightarrow {\rm Coh}_S$ is unramified at $%
[{\cal F}_1\subset {\cal F}]$, and ${\rm FiltCoh}_S$ can be viewed as more
or less a locally closed substack of ${\rm Coh}_S$ in a neighborhood of $[%
{\cal F}]$. In our case the subsheaf ${\cal F}_1={\cal I}_{Z_1}(L_1)$ is
unique, so ${\rm FiltCoh}_S$ is a locally closed substack of ${\rm Coh}_S$
in a neighborhood of $[{\cal F}]$.
Thus the dimension of the locally closed substack of torsion-free sheaves
numerically equivalent to ${\cal E}$ which admit a filtration with the
subsheaf numerically equivalent to ${\cal I}_{Z_1}(L_1)$ (resp.\ to ${\cal I}%
_{Z_1^{\prime }}(L_1^{\prime })$) and with ${\rm Ext}_{-}^2({\cal E},{\cal E}%
)=0$ is%
-\chi _{-}({\cal E},{\cal E)=}-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})+\chi ({\cal I}%
_{Z_1}(L_1),{\cal I}_{Z_2}(L_2))
(resp.\ $-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})+\chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1^{\prime
}}(L_1^{\prime }),{\cal I}_{Z_2^{\prime }}(L_2^{\prime }))$). If the former
substack contains the latter in its closure, its dimension must be larger.
(ii) As ${\cal E}$ specializes to ${\cal E}^{\prime }$, its subsheaf ${\cal I%
}_{Z_1}(L_1)$ specializes to a subsheaf of ${\cal E}^{\prime }$. Because
this subsheaf destabilizes ${\cal E}^{\prime }$, it must be contained in $%
{\cal I}_{Z_1^{\prime }}(L_1^{\prime })$. Hence ${\cal O}_S(L_1)$
specializes to a line bundle of the form ${\cal O}_S(L_1^{\prime }-\Gamma )$
with $\Gamma $ an effective divisor, and\ ${\cal O}_S(L_2)$ specializes to $%
{\cal O}_S(L_2^{\prime }+\Gamma )$.
Since $L_2^{\prime }-L_1^{\prime }\equiv L_2-L_1-2\Gamma $, the Riemann-Roch
formula leads to%
\chi ({\cal O}(L_2^{\prime }-L_1^{\prime }))=\chi ({\cal O}(L_2-L_1))+\left(
2(L_1-L_2+\Gamma )+K_S\right) \cdot \Gamma \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{.}
We also have
n_1+n_2+\left( L_1\cdot L_2\right) =c_2({\cal E})=c_2({\cal E}^{\prime
})=n_1^{\prime }+n_2^{\prime }+\left( L_1^{\prime }\cdot L_2^{\prime
}\right) ,
from which we see that%
n_1^{\prime }+n_2^{\prime }=n_1+n_2+(L_1-L_2+\Gamma )\cdot \Gamma .
\chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1^{\prime }}(L_1^{\prime }),{\cal I}_{Z_2^{\prime
}}(L_2^{\prime }))=\chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1}(L_1),{\cal I}_{Z_2}(L_2))+(L_1-L_2+%
\Gamma +K_S)\cdot \Gamma .
Because of (i) this now implies the lemma.\TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\label{tilt}Suppose either that $\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$ is a ruled surface
without curves of negative self-intersection or that $S$ is ${\bf P}^2$. If
a nonprioritary generic extension of twisted ideal sheaves ${\cal E}$ as in (%
\ref{HN}) specializes to another generic extension of twisted ideal sheaves $%
{\cal E^{\prime }}$, then $\chi ({\cal O}(L_2-L_1))\leq 0$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}Because ${\cal E}$ is not prioritary, the
restriction of ${\cal O}(L_2-L_1)$ to a general fiber of $\pi $ or a general
line of ${\bf P}^2$ is of negative degree. So $H^0({\cal O}(L_2-L_1))=0$.
Since $S$ contains no curves of negative self-intersection, Lemma \ref
{divisor}(ii) says that there is an effective divisor $\Gamma $ on $S$ such
that $(L_1-L_2+K_S)\cdot \Gamma <0$. Since $S$ contains no curves of
negative self-intersection, ${\cal O}(L_1-L_2+K_S)$ cannot be effective.
Thus $H^0({\cal O}(L_1-L_2+K_S))=0$ and by Serre duality $H^2({\cal O}%
(L_2-L_1))=0$. It follows that $\chi ({\cal O}(L_2-L_1))=-h^1({\cal O}%
(L_2-L_1))\leq 0$ as asserted. \TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\label{nonprior}Suppose either that $\pi {:}~S\rightarrow C$ be a ruled
surface without curves of negative self-intersection and $f\in {\rm NS}(S)$
is the class of a fiber of $\pi $, or that $S$ is ${\bf P}^2$ and $f$ is the
class of a line. Let $c_1\in {\rm NS}(S)$ and $c_2\in {\bf Z}$. Let $%
(D,n_1,n_2)\in {\rm NS}(S)\times {\bf Z}^2$. Then ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$
has a unique component whose general member ${\cal E}$ is a nonprioritary
generic extension of twisted ideal sheaves
\label{again}0\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D)\rightarrow {\cal E}%
\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_2}(D)\rightarrow 0
with $\deg (Z_i)=n_i$ if and only if $Df\leq -1+\frac 12c_1f$, and the $n_i$
are nonnegative and satisfy $n_1+n_2=c_2-D(D-c_1)\leq \chi ({\cal O}%
_S(2D-c_1))$. Such a component of ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ has dimension $%
-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})+\chi ({\cal O}_S(2D-c_1))-n_1-n_2$ and generic
embedding codimension $n_2+h^1({\cal O}_S(2D-c_1))$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}If ${\cal E}$ is a generic nonprioritary sheaf,
then its restriction to a general fiber $F$ of $\pi $ (resp.\ to a generic
line of ${\bf P}^2$) must be of the form ${\cal E}{\mid }_F\cong {\cal O}%
_F(a)\oplus {\cal O}_F(b)$ with $a\geq b+2$ by Lemma \ref{fiber} (resp. by
\cite{HL} Chap. I, Proposition 1.2). Hence the relative Harder-Narasimhan
filtration of ${\cal E}$ which was described before Lemma \ref{fiber}
(resp.~the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of ${\cal E}$ on ${\bf P}^2$) must
be of the form $0\subset {\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D)\subset {\cal E}$ with ${\cal E%
}/{\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D)\cong {\cal I}_{Z_2}(D)$ for some divisor $D$ on $S$
and some $0$-dimensional subschemes $Z_i\subset S$ such that $(c_1-D)f\geq
Df+2$, or $Df\leq -1+\frac 12c_1f$. Clearly one has $n_i:=\deg (Z_i)\geq 0$
and $c_2=D(c_1-D)+n_1+n_2$. Lemma \ref{fiber} shows that Proposition \ref
{unobst} is applicable to the filtered sheaf $0\subset {\cal I}%
_{Z_1}(c_1-D)\subset {\cal E}$. So $\chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D),{\cal I}%
_{Z_2}(D))=\chi ({\cal O}_S(2D-c_1))-n_1-n_2\geq 0$. Thus to any
nonprioritary irreducible component of ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ there is an
associated triple $(D,n_1,n_2)$ satisfying the asserted numerical conditions.
Conversely suppose $(D,n_1,n_2)$ satisfy all the numerical conditions. Let $%
Z_i$ be a general set of $n_i$ points on $S$ and let ${\cal E}$ be a generic
extension as in (\ref{again}). Then ${\cal E}$ cannot be a specialization of
another nonprioritary generic extension $0\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_1^{\prime
}}(c_1-D^{\prime })\rightarrow {\cal E^{\prime }}\rightarrow {\cal I}%
_{Z_2^{\prime }}(D^{\prime })\rightarrow 0$ because in that case Lemma \ref
{divisor}(i) would imply%
\chi ({\cal O}_S(2D^{\prime }-c_1))-n_1^{\prime }-n_2^{\prime }>\chi ({\cal O%
}_S(2D-c_1))-n_1-n_2\geq 0
contradicting Lemma \ref{tilt}. Nor can ${\cal E}$ be a specialization of a
generic prioritary sheaf because it is the sheaf corresponding to a generic
point of a locally closed substack of ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ whose
dimension was calculated in the proof of Lemma \ref{divisor}(i) as $-\chi (%
{\cal E},{\cal E})+\chi ({\cal O}_S(2D-c_1))-n_1-n_2$. This is at least $%
-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})$, the dimension of the prioritary component. So $%
{\cal E}$ is the generic sheaf of an irreducible component of ${\rm TF}%
_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ of dimension $-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})+\chi ({\cal O}%
The embedding codimension is the dimension of the cokernel of the map $%
\alpha $ between the tangent spaces of the stack of filtered sheaves and the
stack of unfiltered sheaves which is given by%
{\rm Ext}_{-}^1({\cal E},{\cal E})\stackrel{\alpha }{\rightarrow }{\rm Ext}%
^1({\cal E},{\cal E})\rightarrow {\rm Ext}^1({\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D),{\cal I}%
_{Z_2}(D))\rightarrow 0.
But since ${\rm Hom}({\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D),{\cal I}_{Z_2}(D))=0$, the
dimension of ${\rm cok}(\alpha )$ is the difference between the two numbers
& \dim {\rm Ext}^2({\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D),{\cal I}_{Z_2}(D))=h^0({\cal I}%
_{Z_1}(c_1-2D+K_S))=\left[ h^2({\cal O}(2D-c_1))-n_1\right] _{+}, & \\
& \chi ({\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D),{\cal I}_{Z_2}(D))=\left[ h^2({\cal O}%
(2D-c_1))-n_1\right] -\left[ h^1({\cal O}(2D-c_1))+n_2\right] . &
Because the $\chi $ is nonnegative, we see that $h^2({\cal O}%
(2D-c_1))-n_1\geq 0$, and that therefore the difference between the two
numbers is $n_2+h^1({\cal O}(2D-c_1))$. \TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
The components of ${\rm TF}_{{\bf P}^2}(2,c_1,c_2)$ containing locally free
sheaves were already classified by Str\o mme in \cite{St} Theorem 3.9, but
he made one minor error with the embedding codimensions. The prioritary
components of ${\rm TF}_{{\bf P}^2}(2,c_1,\frac 14c_1^2+1)$ are generically
smooth like all prioritary components. But they appear in Str\o mme's
classification in \cite{St} Theorem 3.9 as the component with $%
(d,c_1,c_2)=(0,0,1)$ which was said to be nonreduced with generic embedding
codimension $1$. The computation of the $h^i({\cal E}nd({\cal E}))$ in \cite
{St} Proposition 1.4 is wrong in that single case.
We now consider what the classification of generic rank $2$ sheaves entails
for Brill-Noether loci. For the sake of simplicity, we will restrict
ourselves to those surfaces covered by Lemma \ref{tilt} which also have
vanishing irregularity, thus ${\bf P}^2$ and ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$, so
that we do not need to analyze nongeneric line bundles which might have more
cohomology than the corresponding generic line bundles.
\label{final}Let $S$ be ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}^1$ (resp.\ ${\bf P}^2$) and
let $f\in {\rm NS}(S)$ be the class of a fiber of ${\rm pr}_1$ (resp.\ a
line). Let ${\cal F}$ be a nonprioritary generic extension of twisted ideal
\label{third}0\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D)\rightarrow {\cal F}%
\rightarrow {\cal I}_{Z_2}(D)\rightarrow 0
with $c_1-K_S$ effective, $Df\leq -1+\frac 12c_1f$, and $\chi ({\cal O}%
_S(2D-c_1))\geq 0$. Let $n_i:=\deg (Z_i)$. Then the two conditions (a) $H^1(%
{\cal F})=H^2({\cal F})=0$ and (b) ${\cal F}(-K_S)$ has a section with
degeneracy locus of codimension $2$ hold if and only if the three conditions
hold: (i) $\chi ({\cal F})\geq 0$, (ii) $D-K_S$ is an effective and
irreducible divisor class, and (iii) $n_2\leq h^0({\cal O}_S(D))$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}We will prove the lemma for ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P}%
^1$ only. The proof for ${\bf P}^2$ is similar and actually simpler.
Let $(a_1,a_2)$ be the bidegree of $c_1-D$ and $(b_1,b_2)$ the bidegree of $%
D $. We claim that the hypotheses of the lemma imply that $a_1\geq 0$ and $%
a_2\geq 0$. To see this first note that the effectiveness of $c_1-K_S$ is
equivalent to $a_1+b_1\geq -2$ and $a_2+b_2\geq -2$. The condition $Df\leq
-1+\frac 12c_1f$ is equivalent to $b_2\leq -1+\frac 12(a_2+b_2)$, or $%
a_2-b_2\geq 2$. Adding gives $a_2\geq 0$ as claimed. Also we have%
0\leq \chi ({\cal O}_S(2D-c_1))=(b_1-a_1+1)(b_2-a_2+1).
Since $b_2-a_2+1<0$, this gives $b_1-a_1+1\leq 0$. Thus $a_1>b_1$. Adding
this to $a_1+b_1\geq -2$ now gives $a_1\geq 0$ as claimed.
The fact that $c_1-D$ has bidegree $(a_1,a_2)$ with $a_1\geq 0$ and $a_2\geq
0$ implies that $H^i({\cal O}_S(c_1-D))=0$ for $i=1,2$ and that ${\cal O}%
_S(c_1-D+K_S)\TeXButton{ncong}{\ncong}{\cal O}_S$.
Now suppose that (a) and (b) hold. Then $\chi ({\cal F})=h^0({\cal F})\geq 0$%
, whence (i). To prove conditions (ii) and (iii), note first that $H^1({\cal %
F})$ and $H^2({\cal F})$ vanish because of (a) while $H^2({\cal I}%
_{Z_2}(c_1-D))\cong H^2({\cal O}_S(c_1-D))$ vanishes because of the previous
paragraph. So $H^1({\cal I}_{Z_2}(D))=H^2({\cal I}_{Z_2}(D))=0$ by (\ref
{third}). This implies that $H^1({\cal O}_S(D))=H^2({\cal O}_S(D))=0$ and $%
n_2\leq h^0({\cal O}_S(D))$. Thus we have (iii) plus $H^1({\cal O}%
_S(b_1,b_2))=H^2({\cal O}_S(b_1,b_2))=0$. These vanishings imply either that
both $b_i\geq -1$ and hence that the divisor $D-K_S$ of bidegree $%
(b_1+2,b_2+2)$ is very ample, or that $(b_1,b_2)$ is $(-1,d)$ or $(d,-1)$
with $d\leq -2$. But if $(b_1,b_2)$ had of one of these last two forms, and
if also $d\leq -3$, then ${\cal O}_S(D-K_S)={\cal O}_S(b_1+2,b_2+2)$ would
not have any global sections. Hence all sections of ${\cal F}(-K_S)$ would
lie in ${\cal I}_{Z_1}(c_1-D-K_S)$. But we have shown that the line bundle $%
{\cal O}_S(c_1-D-K_S)$ is always nontrivial. So all global sections of $%
{\cal F}(-K_S)$ would degenerate along a nontrivial curve, contradicting
(b). Hence the only possible cases where (a) and (b) hold with $D-K_S$ not
very ample are the cases where $D-K_S$ is of bidegree $(0,1)$ or $(1,0)$,
whence (ii). Thus (a) and (b) imply (i), (ii) and (iii).
Conversely, suppose (i), (ii) and (iii) hold for ${\cal F}$. We begin by
proving (a) in the special case where $n_1=0$. Condition (ii) implies that
either both $b_i\geq -1$ or one $b_i=-1$. Therefore $H^1({\cal O}_S(D))=H^2(%
{\cal O}_S(D))=H^2({\cal I}_{Z_2}(D))=0$. Because $Z_2$ consists of $n_2\leq
h^0({\cal O}_S(D))$ generic points of $S$ by condition (iii), we have $H^1(%
{\cal I}_{Z_2}(D))=0$ also. And we have already shown that $H^i({\cal O}%
_S(c_1-D))=0$ for $i=1,2$. It now follows by (\ref{third}) that $H^1({\cal F}%
)=H^2({\cal F})=0$. Thus (a) holds in the special case where $n_1=0$.
If $n_1>0$, then we may prove (a) by induction on $n_1$ using the same
method as in the proof of Lemma \ref{diminution}(i).
For (b) let $H$ be a divisor of bidegree $(1,1)$. Then%
\chi ({\cal F}(H))=\chi ({\cal F})+(c_1+2H)H+2>\chi ({\cal F})\geq 0
since $c_1+2H=c_1-K_S$ is effective. So (i) holds for ${\cal F}(H)$. Since
(ii) holds for ${\cal F}$, the divisor $D-K_S$ is base-point-free, so $%
D+H-K_S$ is very ample. Hence (ii) holds for ${\cal F}(H)$. And
h^0({\cal O}_S(D+H))=h^0({\cal O}_S(D))+(D+H)H+1\geq h^0({\cal O}_S(D))\geq
since according to (ii) $D+H$ is either effective or of bidegree $(0,-1)$ or
$(-1,0)$. So (iii) also holds for ${\cal F}(H)$. By what we have already
verified, the fact that (i), (ii) and (iii) all hold for ${\cal F}$ and $%
{\cal F}(H)$ implies that (a) also holds for ${\cal F}$ and ${\cal F}(H)$.
Hence $H^1({\cal F}(H))=H^2({\cal F})=0$. So ${\cal F}(2H)={\cal F}(-K_S)$
is generated by global sections by the Castelnuovo-Mumford lemma. Condition
(b) now follows from Bertini's theorem. \TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\section{Proofs of the Theorems}
\paragraph{Proof of Theorems \ref{ruled} and \ref{P2}.}
Theorem \ref{ruled} follows from the classification of the prioritary
components of ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ in Lemma \ref{discquad} and the
classification of the nonprioritary components of ${\rm TF}_S(2,c_1,c_2)$ in
Lemma \ref{nonprior}. Note that the expression $\chi ({\cal O}%
_S(-c_1))+D(2D-2c_1-K_S)$ appearing the Theorem \ref{ruled} is equal to the
expression $\chi ({\cal O}_S(2D-c_1))$ appearing in Lemma \ref{nonprior} by
a simple application of the Riemann-Roch formula for a line bundle on $S$.
Theorem \ref{P2} follows from Lemmas \ref{discp2} and \ref{nonprior} in the
same manner.
\paragraph{Proof of Theorem \ref{BN}.}
According to the argument given before the statement of Theorem \ref{BN}
there is a correspondence between irreducible components of $W_N^0(E)$
correspond to the irreducible components of ${\rm TF}_S(2,E-K_S,N)$ whose
general member ${\cal E}$ satisfies $H^1({\cal E}(K_S))=H^2({\cal E}(K_S))=0$
and has a section with zero locus of codimension $2$. These irreducible
components of ${\rm TF}_S(2,E-K_S,N)$ may either be nonprioritary or
prioritary. According to Theorems \ref{ruled} and \ref{P2} the nonprioritary
components of ${\rm TF}_S(2,E-K_S,N)$ correspond to pairs $(D,n)\in {\rm NS}%
(S)\times {\bf Z}$ such that $Df\leq -1+\frac 12(E-K_S)f$ and $0\leq n\leq
N+D(D-E+K_S)$ and $N\leq \chi ({\cal O}_S(-E+K_S))+D(D-E)=\chi ({\cal O}%
_S(E))-D(E-D)$. According to Lemma \ref{final} the general member of such an
irreducible component has $H^1({\cal E}(K_S))=H^2({\cal E}(K_S))=0$ and a
section with zero locus of codimension $2$ if and only if (i) $\chi ({\cal E}%
(K_S))\geq 0$, (ii) $D$ is an effective and irreducible divisor class, and
(iii) $n_2=N+D(D-E+K_S)-n\leq \chi ({\cal O}_S(D+K_S))$. Since $\chi ({\cal E%
}(K_S))=\chi ({\cal I}_X(E))+1=\chi ({\cal O}_S(E))-N+1>0$, we see that the
irreducible components of $W_N^0(E)$ with nonprioritary ${\cal E}$ are
precisely the components described in part (i) of Theorem \ref{BN}.
Moreover, the geometry of $X$ can be recovered from ${\cal E}$, $D$ and $n$
via the diagram%
& & & 0 & & 0 & \\
& & & \downarrow & & \downarrow & \\
& & & {\cal O}_S & = & {\cal O}_S & \\
& & & \downarrow & & \downarrow & \\
0\rightarrow & {\cal I}_{Z_1}(E-K_S-D) & \rightarrow & {\cal E} &
\rightarrow & {\cal I}_{Z_2}(D) & \rightarrow 0 \\
& \parallel & & \downarrow & & \downarrow & \\
0\rightarrow & {\cal I}_{Z_1}(E-K_S-D) & \rightarrow & {\cal I}_X(E-K_S) &
\rightarrow & {\cal K} & \rightarrow 0 \\
& & & \downarrow & & \downarrow & \\
& & & 0 & & 0 &
The bottom row must be a twist of the residual exact sequence for ${\cal I}%
_X(E-K_S)$ with respect to a curve $C\in |D|$. So ${\cal K}={\cal I}_{X\cap
C/C}(E-K_S)$. Thus $X=Z_1\cup (X\cap C)$ with $Z_1$ a generic set of $n$
points of $S$ and $X\cap C$ a set of $N-n$ points on $C$. Thus the
irreducible components of $W_N^0(E)$ such that ${\cal E}$ is nonprioritary
are exactly those described in part (i) of Theorem \ref{BN}.
In addition ${\rm TF}_S(2,E-K_S,N)$ may have a unique prioritary component.
For ${\bf P}^2$ this component exists if and only if $N\geq \frac
14(e+4)(e+2)$ by Theorem \ref{P2}. Its general member ${\cal E}$ always
satisfies $H^1({\cal E}(K_S))=H^2({\cal E}(K_S))=0$ and has a section with
zero locus of codimension $2$ according to Lemma \ref{goodp2} because $\chi (%
{\cal E}(K_S))=\chi ({\cal O}_S(E))-N+1>0$. If $S$ is ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf P%
}^1$ and $e_2$ is even, the prioritary component exists if and only if $%
N\geq \frac 12(e_1+2)(e_2+2)$ according to Theorem \ref{ruled}, and its
general member always satisfies $H^1({\cal E}(K_S))=H^2({\cal E}(K_S))=0$
and has a section with zero locus of codimension $2$ according to Lemma \ref
{goodquad} because $\chi ({\cal E}(K_S))>0$. If $S$ is ${\bf P}^1\times {\bf %
P}^1$ and $e_2$ is odd, then the prioritary component exists for all $N$
according to Theorem \ref{ruled}. But according to Lemma \ref{goodquad} its
general member ${\cal E}$ satisfies $H^1({\cal E}(K_S))=H^2({\cal E}(K_S))=0$
and has a section with zero locus of codimension $2$ only if either $N\geq
\frac 12(e_1+2)(e_2+1)+1$ or $(e_1,e_2,N)=(e_1,1,e_1+2)$. This gives all the
components described in part (ii) of Theorem \ref{BN}.
The dimension of a component of $W_N^0(E)$ is the dimension of the
corresponding component of ${\rm TF}_S(2,E-K_S,N)$ plus $h^0({\cal E})-1$
(for the choice of a section of ${\cal E}$ modulo $k^{\times }$) plus $1$
(to cancel the negative contribution of $\dim {\rm Aut}({\cal I}_X(E))$ in
the stack computations). Hence the prioritary components have dimension $%
-\chi ({\cal E},{\cal E})+\chi ({\cal E})$ which a straightforward
Riemann-Roch computation shows is $2N-(\chi ({\cal O}_S(E)-N+1)$. Since $%
\dim {\rm Hilb}^N(S)=2N$, this is the asserted codimension $(\chi ({\cal O}%
_S(E)-N+1)$. The nonprioritary components of ${\rm TF}_S(2,E-K_S,N)$ have
dimensions greater by $\chi ({\cal O}_S(E))+D(D-E)-N$. So the nonprioritary
components of $W_N^0(E)$ have codimensions $D(E-D)+1$. \TeXButton{qed}
{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
1994-11-07T06:20:07 | 9312 | alg-geom/9312004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9312004 | [
] | alg-geom/9312004 | Alexander Polischuk | A. Polishchuk | On Koszul property of the homogeneous coordinate ring of a curve | 17 pages, Latex | null | null | null | null | The following corollary has been added: for general tetragonal curve $C$ of
genus $g\ge 9$ the homogeneous coordinate ring of $C$ defined by the line
bundle $K(-T)$, where $K$ is the canonical class, $T$ is the tetragonal series,
is Koszul. Also some misprints are corrected.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 8 Dec 1993 23:25:56 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 4 Nov 1994 18:27:46 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
This paper is devoted to Koszul property of the homogeneous
coordinate algebra of a smooth complex algebraic curve in the
projective space (the notion of a Koszul algebra
is some homological refinement of the notion of a quadratic algebra,
for precise definition see next section). It
grew out from the attempt to understand methods of M. Finkelberg and
A. Vishik in their paper \cite{FV} proving this property for the
canonical algebra of a curve in the case it is quadratic. The basic
ingredient of their proof is the following lemma on special divisors.
\begin{lem}{\rm (\cite{GL})} Let $C$ be a non-hyperelliptic
non-trigonal curve which is not a plane quintic. Then
there exists a divisor $D$ of degree $g-1$ on $C$
such that $|D|$ and $|K(-D)|$ are base-point free linear systems of
dimension 1 where $K$ is the canonical class.
In the cited paper of M. Green and R. Lazarsfeld it is used for
the vector bundle proof of Petri's theorem which asserts that if $C$
satisfies the conditions of this lemma then the canonical algebra of $C$
is quadratic.
In this note we will show that Koszul property can be
derived from this lemma by purely homological technique combined with
a simple statement concerning Koszul property of the homogeneous
coordinate algebra of a finite set of points in the projective space
--- in particular we obtain a new proof of Petri's theorem. It turns
out that the same technique works for the proof of Koszul property of
the homogeneous coordinate ring of a curve of genus $g$ embedded by
complete linear system of degree $\ge 2g+2$ (this result is due to D.
Butler \cite{B}) and also for embeddings defined by the
complement to some very special linear systems (the simplest case being
that of tetragonal systems) in the canonical class.
In particular, we prove Koszul property for a general tetragonal
curve of genus $g\ge 9$ embedded by $K(-T)$ where $T$ is the tetragonal
series. It is worthy to mention here
that if $C$ is a non-hyperelliptic curve and $L$ is a linear bundle
of degree $2g+1$ such that $H^0(L\otimes K^{-1})=0$ then the coordinate algebra of
$C$ in the
embedding defined by $L$ is quadratic (see e.g.
\cite{L}). It is still
unknown (at least to me) whether it is Koszul or not. It seems that
the following general question is also open: whether the homogeneous
coordinate algebra of a projectively normal smooth connected
complex curve is Koszul provided it is quadratic?
To illustrate our technique we present here the proof of Petri's theorem
based on the lemma mentioned above.
\begin{thm} Assume that there exists a divisor $D$ on $C$ of degree
$g-1$ such that $|D|$ and $|K(-D)|$ are base-point-free linear series
of dimension 1. Then the canonical algebra $R$ is quadratic.
\noindent {\it Proof} . Choose the divisor $P_1+\ldots+P_{g-1}$ in the linear system $|D|$
such that these $g-1$ points are distinct (then they are
in general linear position in the
$(g-3)$-dimensional space they span). Let $V=H^0(K(-D))\subset
H^0(K)=R_1$ be the corresponding 2-dimensional subspace. Denote the
symmetric algebra $Sym(R_1)$ by $S$ and let $J\subset S$ be the
homogeneous ideal of $C$ so that $R=S/J$ by Noether's theorem
(obviously $C$ is non-hyperelliptic ). Consider the following exact
sequence $$0\rightarrow VS\cap J\rightarrow J\rightarrow J/(VS\cap J)\rightarrow 0$$ where $VS$ is the
ideal in $S$ generated by $V$. It is easy to see that it is enough to
check the following two statements:
$J/(VS\cap J)$ is generated
over $S$ by elements of degree 2;
$VS\cap J$ is generated over $S$
by elements of degree 2 modulo $VJ$.
We will use the following lemma.
\begin{lem} Let $|D|$ be a base-point-free linear system of dimension 1.
Then the natural homomorphism $H^0(D)\otimes H^0(K^n)\rightarrow H^0(K^n(D))$
is surjective for $n\ge 0$.
The proof is left to reader.
Now for the proof of 1) we claim that $VS+J$ is exactly the
homogeneous ideal of the set of points $P_1,\ldots, P_{g-1}$ so the
statement follows from the quadratic property of an algebra of $g-1$
points in general position in $\P^{g-3}$ (see sect. 3 for more general
result in this direction). Indeed let $A$ be the coordinate algebra of
these points. Then $A$ is the factoralgebra of $R$ by the ideal
$I=\oplus_{n\ge1}H^0(K^n(-D))$. Now it follows from the above lemma
that $I$ is generated by $I_1=V$ over $R$ so $A=R/(VR)=S/(VS+J)$ and
our assertion follows.
It remains to check 2). For this consider the multiplication map
\\ $\mu_S:V\otimes S(-1)\rightarrow S$. It is enough to verify that
$\mu_S^{-1}(J)/(V\otimes J(-1))$ is generated over $S$ by elements of degree 2. We
rewrite this as follows: let $\mu_R:V\otimes R(-1)\rightarrow R$ be another multiplication
map then ker$\mu_R$ is generated by elements of degree 2 over $R$. But this
kernel is equal to $\oplus_{n\ge2}H^0(K^{n-2}(D))$ (by base-point-pencil trick
applied to $K(-D)$) so we are done by the lemma above. \ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
{\it Acknowledgments.} I am grateful to A. Bondal, L. Positselsky and
A. Vishik for stimulating discussions. Also I thank J. Kollar and
University of Utah for their hospitality while carrying out this
\section{Some homological algebra}
In this section we prove a general criterion for Koszul property of a
graded algebra given its Koszul factoralgebra and some information
about this factoralgabra as a module over original algebra.
Recall that graded (associative but not necessary commutative) algebra
$A=A_0\oplus A_1\oplus\ldots$ over
the field $k$ is called Koszul if $A_0=k$ and ${\rm Ext}^n(k,k(-m))=0$
for $n\neq m$. Here functor Ext is taken in the category of graded
(left) $A$-modules, $k$ is trivial $A$-module concentrated in degree
0, for graded $A$-module $M=\oplus M_i$ we define the shifted module
as $M(l)=\oplus M_{i+l}$. Note that the above condition on Ext's
for $n=1$ means that $A$ is generated by elements of degree 1,
for $n=1$ and $n=2$ - that $A$ is quadratic (i.e. in addition it has
defining relations of degree 2). For equivalent definitions via
exactness of Koszul complex and distributivity of some lattices see
The following theorem is the generalization of lemma 7.5
in \cite{BP} where
it was proved in the particular case when $A=k$.
\begin{thm} Let $R$ be graded algebra over $k$ with $R_0=k$ and $A$ --
its Koszul (graded) factoralgebra. Assume that there exists a complex
$K^{\cdot}$ of free right $R$-modules of the form
$$\ldots\rightarrow V_2\otimes R(-2)\rightarrow V_1\otimes R(-1)\rightarrow R$$
(so $K^i=V^i\otimes R(-i)$ where $V^i$ are finite-dimensional
$k$-linear spaces, $V^0=k$) such that $H_0(K^.)=A$, $H_p(K^.)_j=0$ for
$p\ge 1$, $j>p+1$. Then $R$ is Koszul and $A$ has a linear free
resolution as $R$-module that is a resolution of the form
$$\ldots\rightarrow U_2\otimes R(-2)\rightarrow U_1\otimes R(-1)\rightarrow R\rightarrow A\rightarrow 0$$
\noindent {\it Proof} . Note that the conditions on the homology $H_p(K^{\cdot})$
for $p\ge 1$ in formulation of the theorem mean that $H_p(K^{\cdot})$ as
$R$-module is an extension of some multiples of trivial modules
$k(-p)$ and $k(-p-1)$. Indeed this follows directly from the fact that
$H_p(K^{\cdot})_j=0$ for $j<p$ which is evident. Now we prove by induction
on $n\ge 0$ that $Ext_R^n(k,k(-m))=0$ if $m\neq n$. Case $n=0$ is
trivial. Assume that $n>0$, ${\rm Ext}_R^i(k,k(-m))=0$ for $i<n$, $m\neq
i$ and let us prove the assertion for $n$. Considering the spectral
$$E_2^{p,q}={\rm Ext}_A^q(Tor_p^R(A,k),k(-m))\Rightarrow{\rm Ext}_R^{p+q}(k,k(-m))$$ it is
easy to see that it is enough to prove that ${\rm Tor}_j^R(A,k)_i=0$
if $i\neq j$, $j\le n$ (here we use Koszul property of $A$). The
latter is equivalent to ${\rm Ext}_R^j(A,k(-i))=0$ for $i\neq j$, $j\le n$
(here ${\rm Ext}$ is taken in the category of right $R$-modules). Consider
the spectral sequence associated with complex $K^{\cdot}$ and
cohomological functor ${\rm Hom}_{D^-(R)}(.,k(-m))$ where $D^-(R)$ is
the derived category of complexes bounded from the right:
$$E_2^{p,q}={\rm Ext}_R^q(H_p(K^{\cdot}),k(-m))\Rightarrow
{\rm Hom}^{p+q}_{D^-(R)}(K^{\cdot},k(-m))$$
The limit on the right can be computed easily with help of another
spectral sequence with $E_1$ obtained by applying the same
functor to the terms of the complex $K^{\cdot}$. Due to the form of
this complex it degenerates at $E_1$ which gives an equality ${\rm
Hom}^n(K^{\cdot},k(-m))=0$ if $n\neq m$. On the other side for
$p\ge1$ the group $H_p(K^{\cdot})$ is an extension of the direct sums
of several copies of $k(-p)$ and $k(-p-1)$ and we obtain by assumption
that $E_2^{p,q}={\rm Ext}_R^q(H_p(K^{\cdot}),k(-m))=0$ if $p\ge1$, $q<n$,
$m\neq p+q$, $m\neq p+q+1$. This implies that the terms $E_2^{0,q}$
must survive and contribute to $E_{\infty}$ if $q\le n$, $q\le m-1$.
Indeed all the differentials $d_r: E_r^{r-1,q-r}\rightarrow E_r^{0,q}$ are
zero for $r\ge2$, $q\le {\rm min}(n,m-1)$ because $E_r^{r-1,q-r}$ is
zero for these values of $r$ and $q$. Therefore our computation of the
limit implies an equality $E_2^{0,q}={\rm Ext}_R^q(A,k(-m))=0$ for $q\le{\rm
min}(n,m-1)$. On the other side obviously ${\rm Ext}_R^q(A,k(-m))=0$ for
$q>m$ so we are done. \ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
\section{Application to the coordinate ring of a curve}
Now we are going to apply the theorem of the previous section to the
homogeneous coordinate algebra of a curve. So let $C$ be a curve, $L$
be a very ample linear bundle on $C$. We are interested in the algebra
$R=R_L=\\ =\oplus_{n\ge0}H^0(L^n)$. Our approach is as follows: we
consider the factoralgebra $A$ of $R$ associated with some effective
divisor $D$ on $C$ namely $A=A_D=R/J_D$ where
$J_D=\oplus_{n\ge1}H^0(L^n(-D))$ is an ideal in $R$. To apply the
above theorem to this situation we have to construct a complex of free
$R$-modules which is an "almost resolution" of $A$ and has the
required form, and to check Koszul property of the algebra $A$. The
latter is simple provided that points of the divisor $D$ are
"sufficiently linear independent" in the embedding defined by $L$. To
construct the desired complex we assume that $\O(D)$ and $L(-D)$ are
base-point-free so that we have the following exact triples: $$0\rightarrow
\O(-D)\rightarrow V\otimes \O\rightarrow \O(D)\ra0$$ $$0\rightarrow L^{-1}(D)\rightarrow U\otimes\O\rightarrow
L(-D)\ra0$$ where $V$ and $U$ are some vector space of dimension 2.
Now the complex $K$ has the following form:
$$\ldots \rightarrow U\otimes R(-3)\stackrel{d_3}{\rightarrow} V\otimes R(-2)\stackrel{d_2}{\rightarrow} U\otimes
R(-1)\stackrel{d_1}{\rightarrow} R$$
where $d_1$ is induced by the composition of maps
$$U\rightarrow H^0(L(-D))\rightarrow H^0(L)=R_1,$$
the $n$-th component of $d_{2k}$ is the composition
$$V\otimes H^0(L^{n-2k})\rightarrow H^0(L^{n-2k}(D))\rightarrow U\otimes H^0(L^{n-2k+1}),$$
and that of $d_{2k+1}$ is the composition
$$U\otimes H^0(L^{n-2k-1})\rightarrow H^0(L^{n-2k}(-D))\rightarrow V\otimes H^0(L^{n-2k})$$
Using the exact triples
above one can compute easily the homology of $K$. Indeed
$${\rm ker}(d_{2k+1})_n={\rm ker}(U\otimes H^0(L^{n-2k-1})\rightarrow
H^0(L^{n-2k}(-D)))\simeq H^0(L^{n-2k-2}(D))$$
$$H_{2k+1}(K)_n\simeq{\rm coker}(V\otimes H^0(L^{n-2k-2})\rightarrow
H^0(L^{n-2k-2}(D)))$$ $$\simeq{\rm ker}(H^1(L^{n-2k-2}(-D))\rightarrow V\otimes
It follows that if $H^1(L^2(-D))=0$ then
$H_{2k+1}(K)_n=0$ for $n\ge 2k+4$. Futhermore if the map
$\alpha:H^1(L(-D))\rightarrow V\otimes H^1(L)$ is injective then
$H_{2k+1}(K)_{2k+3}=0$ as well. In analogous way we obtain that if
$H^1(L(D))=0$ and $\beta:H^1(D)\rightarrow U\otimes H^1(L)$ is injective then
$H_{2k}(K)_{\ge 2k+2}=0$. Note that the condition $H^1(L(D))=0$
implies surjectivity of $\alpha$ so in this case injectivity is
equivalent to the equality of dimensions: $h^1(L(-D))=2h^1(L)$.
Analogously if $H^1(L^2(-D))=0$ then injectivity of $\beta$ is
equivalent to equality $h^1(D)=2h^1(L)$. It easy to see that if all
these conditions hold and in addition $h^0(L(-D))=2$ that is $U\simeq
H^0(L(-D))$, then image of $d_1$ is equal to the ideal $J_D$; thus all
the homological conditions of Theorem 1 are satisfied except for
Koszul property of an algebra $A$. At this step we use the following
result of G. Kempf.
\begin{thm}{\rm (\cite{K})}
Homogeneous coordinate algebra of the finite set of
$d$ distinct points in general linear position in $\P^{d-p}$
is Koszul provided that $p\le d/2$.
\begin{rem} In the case $p\le 3$ this is particularly easy: the points lie
on a rational normal curve (see \cite{GH}) so the statement can
be deduced easily from the main theorem of \cite{Ba2} (see also \cite{ERT}).
Note also that if $p=1$ (resp. $p=2$) then the set of points in
question is a hyperplane section of a rational (resp. an elliptic)
normal curve so the Koszul property in these two cases
follows from the same property of the coordinate algebra of a rational
(resp. an elliptic) normal curve. So we can avoid the reference to
the results above if we are interested in the case $h^1(L)\le 1$ only.
Now we are ready to prove our main theorem.
\begin{thm} Let $L$ be a very ample linear bundle on $C$ of degree
\\ ${\rm deg}L\ge g+3$ such that corresponding embedding of $C$ into
$\P(H^0(L)^*)$ is projectively normal. Assume that
there exists a divisor $D=P_1+\ldots+P_d$ of the degree
$d={\rm deg}L-g-1+2h^1(L)$
such that the linear series $|D|$ and $|L(-D)|$ are base-point free of
the dimensions ${\rm deg}L-2g+4h^1(L)-1$ and 1 correspondingly. Assume
also that $h^1(L(D))=h^1(L^2(-D))=0$ and that
any $h^1(L)$ points of $D$ impose
independent conditions on $K\otimes L^{-1}(D)$.
Then algebra $R_L$ is Koszul.
\noindent {\it Proof} . By Riemann-Roch we obtain that $h^1(D)=h^1(L(-D))=2h^1(L)$ so
it follows from the discussion
above that we only have to check Koszul property of the set of points
${P_1,\ldots,P_d}$ embedded by $L$. The
dimension of the linear subspace spanned by these points is equal to
$h^0(L)-3=d-h^1(L)-1$. The condition $p=h^1(L)+1\le d/2$ is satisfied by
so by Theorem 5 it is sufficient to
verify that any
$d-h^1(L)$ of $P_1, \ldots, P_d$ impose independent conditions on
$|L|$. But this is equivalent to the property we have assumed that any
$h^1(L)$ of them impose independent conditions on $K\otimes L^{-1}(D)$.
\ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
\begin{rem} The condition of the theorem concerning independence of
any $h^1(L)$ points is satisfied automatically if $h^1(L)\le 1$.
If $h^1(L)=2$ and ${\rm deg}L=2g-6$ so that the dimension of $|D|$
is 1 then the sufficient condition is that $K\otimes L^{-1}(2D)$ is
very ample.
\begin{cor} If $C$ is a non-hyperelliptic, non-trigonal curve which
is not a plane quintic then the canonical algebra $R_K$ is Koszul.
\noindent {\it Proof} . It follows from the Green-Lazarsfeld's lemma and the theorem above. \ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
\begin{cor} For any curve of genus $g$ and any linear bundle $L$ of
degree $\ge 2g+2$ algebra $R_L$ is Koszul.
\noindent {\it Proof} . In this case $h^1(L)=0$ and we can choose $D$ as above
in the linear system $L(-P_1-\ldots -P_{g+1})$ for general $g+1$
points $P_1,\ldots ,P_{g+1}$. Note also that Koszul property in this
case follows trivially from Kempf's Theorem applied to a general
hyperplane section of $C$. \ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
\begin{cor} Under the assumptions of the theorem the following natural map
is surjective:
$$H^0(L)\otimes H^0(D)\rightarrow H^0(L(D))$$
Also if we define a vector bundle $M_D$ from the exact triple
$$0\rightarrow M_D\rightarrow H^0(D)\otimes \O\rightarrow \O(D)\rightarrow 0$$
then $M_D\otimes L$ is generated by global sections.
\noindent {\it Proof} . Both statements follow from the second part of Theorem 4. \ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
It remains to analyze the case $h^1(L)\ge 2$ of our theorem.
Put $L=K(-A)$, dim$|A|=r$.
Then the condition $h^0(D)\ge 2$ implies the following
inequality: deg$A\le 4r$. On the other hand
considering the natural map
$$|A|\times |D|\rightarrow |K\otimes L^{-1}(D)|$$
we obtain another inequality:
$$r+h^0(D)-1\leq h^1(L(-D))-1$$
which is equivalent to deg$A\ge 3r$.
Also considering the map
$$|D|\times|L(-D)|\rightarrow |L|$$
we obtain the restriction $r\le g/3-1$.
In the case $r=1$ we obtain from the above inequalities that $|A|$ is
either trigonal or tetragonal system. Furthermore it is easy to see that
the former case is impossible so $A=T$ is a tetragonal system.
One can check that $T$ should be base-point-free otherwise $C$
fails to be cut out (even set-theoretical) by quadrics in the
embedding defined by $|L|$. Also the fact that $L$ is very ample implies
that $C$ is not hyperelliptic.
To satisfy
the conditions of the theorem we should have a decomposition of $L$
into the sum of two divisors of degree $g-3$ each defining the
base-point free linear system of dimension 1. In the next section we
will give some examples when this situation occurs.
\begin{rem} So far I don't know much about the case $h^0(L)>2$.
I hope that there should be examples when the above technique
applies to this case too. \end{rem}
\section{Tetragonal curves}
In this section we study the case of the embedding of a tetragonal
curve $C$ by the complete linear system $|K(-T)|$ where $T$ is a
tetragonal series. As a tetragonal series is not unique in general it
is natural to consider the moduli space ${\cal M}_g^t$ of pairs $(C,
T)$ where $T$ is such a series on a non-hyperelliptic curve $C$ of
genus $g$. By the well-known construction (see \cite{S}) $T$ gives an
embedding of $C$ into 3-dimensional rational normal scroll $X$.
Furthermore it is easy to see that $C$ is a complete intersection of
two divisors on $X$. Thus there is a stratification of ${\cal M}_g^t$
by the type of scroll $X$ and the type of complete
intersection, and all the strata are irreducible
Note that the Hilbert series of $R_{K(-T)}$ is constant over ${\cal M}_g^t$
so by the well-known result the set of pairs $(C,T)$ for which $R_{K(-T)}$ is
Koszul is an intersection of countably many open subsets in ${\cal M}_g^t$.
The problem to be solved is to find all the
strata ${\cal N}$ such that for general pair $(C,T)\in {\cal N}$
the algebra $R_{K(-T)}$ is Koszul (we say that such a stratum is Koszul).
"general" means "in the complement of countably many proper
subvarieties" so a stratum satisfies this property if it contains at
least one such pair. Note that if a stratum ${\cal N}_1$ is Koszul and
it is contained in the closure of a stratum ${\cal N}_2$ then ${\cal N}_2$
is also Koszul. The analogous problem for quadratic algebras is easy and
we will see that the most degenerate (with respect
to complete intersection type) quadratic strata are Koszul,
so it is natural to expect that this is true in general.
Also we construct examples of pairs $(C,T)$, for which
algebra $R_{K(-T)}$ is Koszul, on some other strata
cosidering ramified double coverings of
hyperelliptic curves and applying the method of the previous section.
As an evident consequence we
obtain that for general tetragonal curve of genus $g\ge 9$
algebra $R_{K(-T)}$ is Koszul
(note that for general tetragonal curve $T$ is unique).
We begin with recalling the construction of a 3-dimensional rational
normal scroll containing tetragonal curve $C$. Let $T$ be a
base-point free tetragonal system on $C$. It defines a 4-sheeted
covering $\pi:C\rightarrow\P^1$. Applying the relative duality to the
canonical non-vanishing section $\O\rightarrow \pi_*\O$ we obtain the
surjective homomorphism $\pi_*K_C\rightarrow\O(-2)$. Let $V$ be its kernel so
that we have the following exact triple on $\P^1$:
$$0\rightarrow V\rightarrow \pi_*K_C\rightarrow \O(-2)\rightarrow 0$$
It follows that the homomorphism $V\rightarrow
\pi_*K_C$ induces an isomorphism of global sections and therefore
the corresponding homomorphism $\pi^*V\rightarrow K_C$ is surjective. Thus we
obtain a morphism $\phi:C\rightarrow X$ where $X=\P(V^{\vee})$ such that
$\phi^*\O_X(1)\simeq K_C$. Note that it follows from the exact triple
above that $h^0(V(-i))=h^0(K_C(-iT))$. In particular $h^0(V)=g$,
$h^0(V(-1))=g-3$ so that $V\ge0$ in the sense that all linear direct
summands in $V$ has form $\O(l)$ with $l\ge0$. Therefore $\O_X(1)$ is
base-point free and defines a morphism from $X$ to $\P^{g-1}$ inducing
the canonical morphism by composition with $\phi$. It follows that
$\phi$ is an embedding (we have assumed that $C$ is
non-hyperelliptic). Furthermore $h^0(V(-2))=g-6$ if and only if
$h^0(2T)=3$ and assuming that we obtain that $V(-1)\ge0$ and hence
$\O_X(1)$ is very ample.
$p:X\rightarrow \P^1$ be the projection. The push forward by $p$ of the
natural homomorphism $\O(2)\rightarrow \O(2)|_C$ gives rise to a homomorphism
$f:S^2V\rightarrow\\ \rightarrow \pi_*K_C^2$ where $S^2V\simeq p_*\O(2)$ is the second
symmetric power of $V$. We claim that $f$ is surjective. Indeed it
suffices to check this pointwise so we have to verify that for each
$q\in \P^1$ the four points of $\pi^{-1}(q)$ impose independent
conditions on quadrics in the corresponding projective plane
$p^{-1}(q)$. But this is evidently true because these points span that
plane by the geometric form of the Riemann-Roch Theorem. Let us denote
the kernel of $f$ by $E$. This is a rank-2 vector bundle on $\P^1$ of
degree $g-5$ and it fits in the following exact sequence
$$0\rightarrow E\rightarrow S^2V\rightarrow \pi_*K^2\ra0$$
Now we claim that the corresponding homomorphism $p^*E\rightarrow
\O_X(2)$ vanishes exactly along $C\in X$. Indeed as any divisor in
$|T|$ contains four points no three of which lie on a line they are
cut out by two quadrics in the corresponding plane. More than that,
comparing arithmetical genera we
conclude that $C$ as a subscheme of $X$ coincides with the zero-locus
of the corresponding regular section of $p^*E^{\vee}(2)$. Now $E\simeq
\O(a)\oplus\O(b)$ where $a+b=g-5$ so $C$ is in fact a complete
intersection of two divisors $S_1\in|\O_X(2)(-aH)|$ and
$S_2\in|\O_X(2)(-bH)|$ where $H=p^*\O(1)$.
Assume now that $K_C(-T)$ is projectively normal. Then the
homomorphism $S^2H^0(K_C(-T))\rightarrow H^0(K_C^2)$ is surjective. As
$V(-1)\ge0$ it follows that the natural homomorphism $S^2H^0(V(-1))\rightarrow
H^0(S^2V(-2))$ is surjective too. Hence the homomorphism $S^2V(-2)\rightarrow
\pi_*(K_C^2)(-2)$ induces a surjection on global sections and
consequently $H^1(E(-2))=0$ that is $a,b\ge1$. Conversely it easy to
see that if $C$ is a complete intersection as above with $a,b\ge1$
then $K_C(-T)=(\O_X(1)(-H))|_C$ is projectively normal. We fix these
results in the following proposition.
\begin{prop} Let $C$ be a non-hyperelliptic curve of genus $g$ with a
base-point free tetragonal system $T$ on it. Then we can present
$C$ as a complete intersections of two divisors from the linear
systems $|\O_X(2)(-aH))|$ and $|\O_X(2)(-bH)|$ on a 3-dimensional
rational normal scroll $X=\P(V^{\vee})$, where $V\ge 0$ is rk-3 vector
bundle of degree $g-3$ on $\P^1$, in such a way that $T=H|_C$ (here
$H$ is the pull-back of $\O(1)$ from $\P^1$, $a+b=g-5$). Furthermore
$h^0(2T)=3$ if and only if $V(-1)\ge0$ and if this condition is
satisfied then $K_C(-T)$ is projectively normal if and only if $a\ge1,
\begin{rem} Note that if $K_C(-T)$ is very ample then $a,b\ge0$.
In any case $a,b\ge -1$.
Our next remark is that under notations of the previous proposition
$R_{K_C(-T)}$ is quadratic if and only if $a,b\ge 2$ (this is very easy
to verify using exact sequences of the restriction to a divisor). So
it makes reasonable the following conjecture.
\begin{conj} Under assumptions and notations above
if $a,b\ge 2$ then the algebra $R_{K_C(-T)}$ is Koszul .
\begin{rem} It is easy to see that this is true at least when $a=2$ or $b=2$.
Indeed first we can prove that the coordinate algebra of any divisor
$S\in |\O(2)(-aH)|$ under the embedding defined by $\O(1)(-H)$ is Koszul
provided that $a\ge 2$. The reason is that its hyperplane section is
a curve of genus $g-5-a$ embedded by the complete linear system of degree
$2g-10-a$ so we can apply the corollary 2 above. Then our curve $C$ is an
intersection of $S$ with a quadric so its coordinate algebra is Koszul
by the result of \cite{BF}. This proves the conjecture for
$g=9,10$. To prove the Koszul property for general pair $(C,T)$ of some
stratum with $a,b\ge 2$
it would be sufficient
to prove that this stratum can be degenerated into one with $a=2$ or $b=2$.
Our method of proving Koszul property suggests the following conjecture
which implies the previous one.
\begin{conj} Under the same assumptions there exists a decomposition
of $K_C(-T)$ into the sum of two base-point free pencils of
degree $g-3$.
Now we consider the specific case when our tetragonal curve $C$ is a
double covering of a hyperelliptic curve. We are going to construct
some examples when the required decomposition of $K_C(-T)$ into the
sum of two pencils exists. For this we will use the well-known
connection between linear bundles over the double covering and rk-2
bundles with a Higgs field (which is a twisted endomorphism of a
bundle) over the base of the covering (see for example \cite{Hi}).
So let $C_h$ be the hyperelliptic curve of genus $g_h$,
$\pi_h:C_h\rightarrow\P^1$ be the corresponding double covering,
${\Gamma}=\pi_h^*\O(1)$ be the hyperelliptic system. Then
$K_h=\O((g_h-1){\Gamma})$ is the canonical class of $C_h$.
Now we consider a Higgs bundle $(F,\phi)$ where $F=\O(D_1)\oplus
\O(D_2)$, $D_i$ being the divisors of degree $g_h-2$ and $\phi:F\rightarrow
F(M)$ is a homomorphism defined by the sections $s_1\in
H^0(M(D_2-D_1))$ and $s_2\in H^0(M(D_1-D_2))$ (other enties of
$\phi$ being zero) -- here M is some linear bundle which has
sufficiently large degree to be estimate later. These data define the
line bundle $\O(D)$ over the double covering $\pi:C\rightarrow C_h$ such that
$\pi_*\O(D)\simeq F$. Simple computation shows that deg$D=g-3$ where
$g=2g_h-1+{\rm deg}M$ is the genus of $C$. Now we look under what
conditions $|D|$ is a base-point-free linear system of dimension 1.
First we should have that $F$ is globally generated outside the
ramification divisor $s=s_1s_2\in H^0(M^2)$. Hence
$h^0(D_1)=h^0(D_2)=1$ and the unique divisor of $|D_i|$ is contained in
the zero divizor of $s$. Furthermore at the point $x$ of ramification
global sections of $F$ should generate the unique $\phi$-invariant
1-dimensional factorspace of the stalk $F_x$. It is easy to see that
these conditions are satisfied if we put $s_i=u_it_i$ where $u_i\in
H^0(D_i)$ are non-zero sections, $(i=1,2)$, $t_1\in H^0(M(D_2-2D_1))$,
$t_2\in H^0(M(D_1-2D_2))$ provided that zero divisors of $u_1, u_2,
t_1, t_2$ are all disjoint. Note that the change of $D$ by $K_C(-T-D)$
where $T=\pi^*{\Gamma}$ leads to the change of $D_i$ by $(g_h-2){\Gamma}-D_i$
with essentially the same Higgs field. In particular if we choose
$D_2=(g_h-2){\Gamma}-D_1$ then we will have $\O(2D)\simeq K_C(-T)$. Now it is
clear that if $M$ is a general linear bundle of degree at least
$2g_h-1$ then we can find $(F,\phi)$ as above such that corresponding
divisor $D$ on $C$ satisfies the conditions of Theorem 2. Indeed
then deg$M(D_2-2D_1)\ge g_h+1$ and we can use the fact that general
bundle of degree $\ge g_h+1$ is base-point free. Also as we have
mentioned above under suitable choices we'll have $\O(2D+T)\simeq K_C$
which implies the last condition of Theorem 2 (see remark after it).
Now in order to verify projective normality of $K_C(-T)$ we have to
compute the discrete invariants described above (namely the bundles
$V$ and $E$ on $\P^1$) of the pair $(C,T)$ obtained in this way. First
we have the canonically splitting exact triple
$$0\rightarrow K_h\otimes M\rightarrow \pi_*K_C\rightarrow K_h\rightarrow 0$$
Now $V$ is the kernel of composition
$$(\pi_h)_*(\pi_*K_C)\rightarrow(\pi_h)_*K_h\rightarrow \O(-2)$$
It follows that $V$ fits into the splitting exact sequence
$$0\rightarrow (\pi_h)_*M(g_h-1)\rightarrow V\rightarrow \O(g_h-1)\rightarrow 0$$
Now it is easy to check that $(\pi_h)_*\pi_*(K_C^2)\simeq((\pi_h)_*(M^2)\oplus
(\pi_h)_*M)(2g_h-2)$ and the natural map
$$ S^2((\pi_h)_*M\oplus \O)\simeq S^2V(-2g_h+2)\rightarrow
(\pi_h)_*\pi_*(K_C^2)(-2g_h+2)\simeq$$ $$ \simeq
is induced by the natural maps $\psi:S^2((\pi_h)_*M)\rightarrow (\pi_h)_*(M^2)$,
$\O\rightarrow (\pi_h)_*(M^2)$ and the identity map of $(\pi_h)_*M$. It follows that
there is an exact sequence
$$0\rightarrow {\rm ker}\psi \rightarrow E(-2g_h+2)\rightarrow \O\rightarrow 0$$
provided that $\psi$ is surjective. Assume that deg$M\ge 2g_h+1$ then $\psi$ is
evidently surjective and ker$\psi\simeq\O({\rm deg}M-2g_h-2)$ hence we obtain
that $E(-2g_h+2)\simeq \O\oplus \O({\rm deg}M-2g_h-2)$. At last note that as
$M$ is general the splitting type of $(\pi_h)_* M$ is either $(i,i)$
or $(i,i+1)$ depending on the parity of deg$M$.
Summarizing the discussion above we obtain the
following statement.
\begin{thm} Let $\cal N$ be the stratum of the moduli space ${\cal
M}_g^t$ $(g\ge 9)$ with one of the following splitting types of $V$
and $E$: \begin{enumerate} \item $(g_h-1,g_h-1+i,g_h-1+i)$ and
$(2g_h-2,g_h-3+2i)$ where $g=3g_h+2i$, $i\ge g_h/2$, $g_h\ge2$;
\item $(g_h-1,g_h-2+i,g_h-1+i)$ and $(2g_h-2,g_h-4+2i)$ where
$g=3g_h+2i-1$, $i\ge(g_h+1)/2$, $g_h\ge2$. \end{enumerate}
Then for general $(C,T)\in{\cal N}$ algebra $R_{K(-T)}$ is Koszul.
\begin{rem} The condition $g\ge9$ excludes the case $g_h=2, i=1$ in
1). \end{rem}
For general tetragonal curve of genus $g\ge 9$ algebra $R_{K(-T)}$ is Koszul.
\noindent {\it Proof} . It is sufficient to note that the pairs $(C,T)$ constructed above
(for which this algebra is Koszul) lie in the open subset $U$
of ${\cal M}_g^t$ for which $a,b\ge 1$ (notation as above), and it is known
(see \cite{S}) that for such curves $C$ the series $T$ is unique. Hence
$U$ embeds as an open subset in the locus of tetragonal curves inside
${\cal M}_g$ which is irreducible, so $U$ itself is irreducible.
\ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
\section{On regularity of modules over a commutative Koszul algebra}
In this section we give a geometric bound for the regularity of a
module over a commutative Koszul algebra.
The result is not new but our proof seems to be very simple so we
present it here.
Let $X$ be a projective scheme, $L=\O_X(1)$ be a very ample line bundle
on $X$ such that the corresponding algebra $R=R_L$ is Koszul. For a sheaf
$F$ on $X$ we denote tensor product of $F$ with the $n$-th power of $L$
by $F(n)$. With these assumptions we have the following.
\begin{thm} For any coherent sheaf $F$ on $X$ if $H^i(F(-i))=0$ for any $i>0$
then the corresponding $R$-module $M=\oplus_{i\ge 0}H^0(F(i))$ has a
linear free resolution that is a resolution of the form
$$\ldots \rightarrow V_2 \otimes R(-2) \rightarrow V_1 \otimes R(-1) \rightarrow V_0 \otimes R \rightarrow M \rightarrow 0$$
where $V_i$ are some vector spaces.
\noindent {\it Proof} . Koszul property of $R$ means that there is a resolution of the trivial
module (of degree zero) which has form
$$\ldots \rightarrow Q_2 \otimes R(-2) \rightarrow Q_1 \otimes R(-1) \rightarrow Q_0\otimes R \rightarrow k \rightarrow
0$$ where $Q_0=k$.
It induces the following exact sequence of sheaves on $X$ $$\ldots
\rightarrow Q_2 \otimes \O(-2) \rightarrow Q_1 \otimes \O(-1) \rightarrow \O \rightarrow 0$$ Now we can tensor
it by $F(n)$ and consider the corresponding spectral sequence
computing hypercohomology
$$E_1^{p,q}=Q_{-p}\otimes H^q(F(i+p))\Rightarrow 0$$
with differentials $d_r$ of bidegree $(r,-r+1)$.
Now $F$ is $0$-regular in the sense of Castelnuovo-Mumford (see
\cite{M}) so we have $E_1^{p,q}=0$ if $p+q\ge -i,\ q\ge 1$.
It follows that the complex $E_1^{\cdot,0}$ is exact in terms $p>-i$.
But this complex computes syzigies of $M$, namely its cohomology in
$p$-th term is Tor$^R_p(k,M)_(i+2p)$. So we have proved that
Tor$_p(k,M)_j=0$ for $j>p$ which is equivalent to the existence of
linear free resolution in question. \ \vrule width2mm height3mm \vspace{3mm}
\begin{rem} The statement of this theorem is
essentially equivalent to the statement of the main theorem of
\cite{AE} for the case of Koszul algebras $R$ which has form $R_L$.
Indeed that theorem asserts that the regularity of a module $M$
over $R$ is bounded by its regularity as a module over a symmetric
algebra $S$ which surjects onto $R$. We have proved that for a modules which
come from coherent sheaves the regularity is bounded by its geometric
counterpart --- the regularity in the sense of Castelnuovo-Mumford.
Note that the regularity of an arbitrary module (not
necessary coming from coherent sheaf) can be bounded easily using the
bound for that special type of modules.
Now the point is that for the case of symmetric algebra these two
regularities are equal so we arrive to the formulation of \cite{AE}.
1993-12-20T15:58:43 | 9312 | alg-geom/9312010 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9312010 | [
] | alg-geom/9312010 | Charles Walter | Charles H. Walter | On the Harder-Narasimhan Filtration for Coherent Sheaves on P2: I | 14 pages, LATeX 2.09 | null | null | null | null | Let E be a torsion-free sheaf on P2. We give an effective method which uses
the Hilbert function of E to construct a weak version of the Harder-Narasimhan
filtration of a torsion-free sheaf on P2 subject only to the condition that E
be sufficiently general among sheaves with that Hilbert function. This
algorithm uses on a generalization of Davis' decomposition lemma to higher
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 20 Dec 1993 15:00:43 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Charles H.",
] | alg-geom | \section{\@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{-3.25ex plus
-1ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}{\large\bf}}
{subsection}{2}{\z@}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{-0.5em}{\normalsize\sl}}
{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{-0.5em}{\normalsize\sl}}
{paragraph}{3}{\z@}{2ex plus 0.6ex minus .2ex}{-0.5em}{\normalsize\sl}}
{subparagraph}{3}{\parindent}{2ex plus 0.6ex minus
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\textfont\tw@}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\textfont\tw@}\textdef@@ T#1}}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\textfont\tw@}\textdef@@ T#1}}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\scriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ S\rm#1}}
\def\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}{\the\scriptscriptfont\tw@}\textdef@@ s\rm#1}}}
\if S#1\edef#2{\the\scriptfont\next@\relax}%
\else\if s#1\edef#2{\the\scriptscriptfont\next@\relax}%
\def\mathop{\textstyle \sum }{\mathop{\textstyle \sum }}
\def\binom#1#2{{#1 \choose #2}}
\noindent Let ${\cal E}$ be a torsion-free sheaf on ${\bf P}^2$. We give an
effective method which uses the Hilbert function of ${\cal E}$ to construct
a weak version of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of a torsion-free sheaf
on ${\bf P}^2$ subject only to the condition that ${\cal E}$ be sufficiently
general among sheaves with that Hilbert function. This algorithm uses on a
generalization of Davis' decomposition lemma to higher rank. \bigskip\
\TeXButton{subsection1}{\refstepcounter{subsection}}Consider the following
problem. Let ${\cal E}$ be an explicit torsion-free sheaf on ${\bf P}^2$
given by a presentation
\label{pres}0\rightarrow \bigoplus_{n\in {\bf Z}}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}%
^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\stackrel{\phi }{\rightarrow }\bigoplus_{n\in {\bf Z}}{\cal O}%
_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\cal E}\rightarrow 0.
How does one go about effectively computing the Harder-Narasimhan filtration
of ${\cal E}$, i.e.\ the unique filtration%
0=F_0({\cal E})\subset F_1({\cal E})\subset \cdots \subset F_s({\cal E})=%
{\cal E}
such that the graded pieces ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E}):=F_i({\cal E})/F_{i-1}(%
{\cal E})$ are semistable in the sense of Gieseker-Maruyama and their
reduced Hilbert polynomials $P_i(n)=\chi ({\rm gr}_i({\cal E})(n))/{\rm rk}(%
{\rm gr}_i({\cal E}))$ satisfy $P_1(n)>P_2(n)>\cdots >P_s(n)$ for $n\gg 0?$
In this paper and its planned sequel we consider the problem under the
simplifying assumption that the matrix $\phi $ of homogeneous polynomials is
general, i.e.\ that ${\cal E}$ is general among torsion-free sheaves with
the same Hilbert function as ${\cal E}$. Our solution to the problem then
divides into two parts. In this first part we construct a filtration of $%
{\cal E}$ of the type
\label{genfilt}0\subset {\cal E}_{\leq \tau _1}\subset \cdots \subset {\cal E%
}_{\leq \tau _s}\subset {\cal E}
where ${\cal E}_{\leq n}$ denotes the subsheaf of ${\cal E}$ which is the
image of the natural evaluation map $H^0({\cal E}(n))\otimes {\cal O}_{{\bf P%
}^2}(-n)\rightarrow {\cal E}$. We give an algorithm for picking the $\tau _i$
so that the filtration approximates the true Harder-Narasimhan filtration
but groups together all pieces of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration with
slopes between two consecutive integers. The associated graded sheaves ${\rm %
gr}_i({\cal E}):={\cal E}_{\leq \tau _i}/{\cal E}_{\leq \tau _{i-1}}$ are
not always semistable, but they do share a number of properties with
semistable sheaves which suffice for a number of applications. For instance
they are of {\em rigid splitting type}, i.e.\ their restrictions to a
general line $L$ of ${\bf P}^2$ are of the form ${\cal O}_L(n_i)^{\alpha
_i}\oplus {\cal O}_L(n_i+1)^{\beta _i}$ for some $n_i$, $\alpha _i$ and $%
\beta _i$. They also satisfy ${\rm Hom}({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_i(%
{\cal E})(-1))=0$.
We call our filtration the Weak Harder-Narasimhan (or WHN) filtration of $%
{\cal E}$. It is fine enough to give graded pieces of rigid splitting type
but is otherwise deliberately as coarse as possible in order to keep the
algorithm for picking the $\tau _i$ as simple as possible (and also because
further refinement can actually be counterproductive in such applications as
the classification of irreducible components of the moduli stack of
torsion-free sheaves on ${\bf P}^2$). Thus in some cases the WHN filtration
may not even be the finest filtration of ${\cal E}$ by subsheaves of the
form ${\cal E}_{\leq n}$ which is compatible with the Harder-Narasimhan
filtration, although such a refinement could certainly be computed by the
methods of this paper by adding an extra step to the end of the algorithm of
paragraph (\ref{effective}). The true Harder-Narasimhan filtration is not
always given by subsheaves of the form ${\cal E}_{\leq n}$ and can therefore
be much harder to compute. For example the sheaf ${\cal E=O}_{{\bf P}%
^2}\oplus \Omega _{{\bf P}^2}(2)$ has Harder-Narasimhan filtration $0\subset
\Omega _{{\bf P}^2}(2)\subset {\cal E}$ but is unfilterable by subsheaves of
the form ${\cal E}_{\leq n}$ since ${\cal E}_{\leq n}=0$ for $n\leq -1$ and $%
{\cal E}_{\leq n}={\cal E}$ for $n\geq 0$.
In the planned part II we will show how to refine the WHN filtration of a
sufficiently general sheaf to the true Harder-Narasimhan filtration using
exceptional objects and mutations.
The precise formulation of the WHN filtration requires a certain number of
numerical definitions. We consider a general sheaf ${\cal E}$ with a
presentation of the form (\ref{pres}) for given functions $a(n)$ and $b(n)$
of finite support. We define $r(n)$ and $h(n)$ as the first and second
integrals of $a(n)-b(n)$, i.e.%
r(n) & := & \sum_{m\leq n}\left\{ a(m)-b(m)\right\} ,
\label{r(n)} \\ h(n) & := & \sum_{m\leq n}r(m)=\sum_{m\leq n}(n-m+1)\left\{
a(m)-b(m)\right\} .\label{h(n)}
\end{eqnarray}The function $h$, $r$, and $a-b$ are respectively the first,
second, and third differences of the Hilbert function of ${\cal E}$ defined
by $n\mapsto h^0({\cal E}(n))$. We will assume that the $a(n)$ and $b(n)$
are such that $r(n)\geq 0$ for all $n$. The general $\phi {:}~{\cal %
\bigoplus O}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow \bigoplus {\cal O}(-n)^{a(n)}$ is
injective if and only if this is the case (see \cite{Ch} or Theorem \ref
{Chang} below). Depth considerations show that the cokernel ${\cal E}$ of
such an injective $\phi $ will have no subsheaves supported at isolated
points, but ${\cal E}$ is permitted to have torsion supported along a curve.
We now define further auxiliary functions by%
\tilde h(n) & := & \max \, \{h(m)+(n-m)r(m) \mid m\geq n \}, \label{htilde(n)}
t(n) & := & \max \,\{m\geq n\mid \tilde
h(n)=h(m)-(m-n)r(m)\}\in {\bf Z}\cup \{+\infty \}.\label{t(n)}
\end{eqnarray}We will show in Lemma \ref{combin} that if $a(n)$ and $b(n)$
are such that $r(n)\geq 0$ for all $n$, then the function $t$ is
nondecreasing and takes only finitely many values $\tau _0<\tau _1<\cdots
<\tau _s<\tau _{s+1}=+\infty $. These $\tau _i$ may be effectively computed
by an algorithm we will give in paragraph (\ref{effective}). We set also $%
\tau _{-1}=-\infty $. Then we define the {\em WHN filtration} of ${\cal E}$
as the filtration
\label{wfilt}0={\cal E}_{\leq \tau _{-1}}\subset {\cal E}_{\leq \tau
_0}\subset \cdots \subset {\cal E}_{\leq \tau _s}\subset {\cal E}_{\leq \tau
_{s+1}}={\cal E}
with graded pieces ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E}):={\cal E}_{\leq \tau _i}/{\cal E}%
_{\leq \tau _{i-1}}$ for $0\leq i\leq s+1$. Our main result is:
\label{main}Let $a$, $b{:}~{\bf Z}\rightarrow {\bf Z}_{\geq 0}$ be functions
of finite support such that the function $r(n)$ of (\ref{r(n)}) is
nonnegative. Let ${\cal E}$ be the cokernel of an injection $\phi %
{:}~\bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow \bigoplus_n%
{\cal O}_{ {\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}$. If $\phi $ is sufficiently general, then
the WHN filtration of ${\cal E}$ defined in (\ref{wfilt}) has the following
(i)\quad For all $0\leq i\leq s+1$ the sheaf ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$ has
0\rightarrow \bigoplus_{\tau _{i-1}<n\leq \tau _i}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}%
^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow \bigoplus_{\tau _{i-1}<n\leq \tau _i}{\cal O}_{%
{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\rm gr}_i({\cal E})\rightarrow 0.
(ii)\quad The subsheaf ${\cal E}_{\leq \tau _0}={\rm gr}_0({\cal E})$ is the
torsion subsheaf of ${\cal E}$.
(iii)\quad For $1\leq i\leq s+1$ the sheaf ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$ is
torsion-free and of rigid splitting type, i.e.\ if $L$ is a general line of $%
{\bf P}^2$, then ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E}){\mid }_L\cong {\cal O}_L(-\nu
_i)^{\beta _i}\oplus {\cal O}_L(-\nu _i-1)^{\rho _i-\beta _i}$ for some
integers $\nu _i$, $\beta _i$ and $\rho _i$. Moreover $\nu _1<\nu _2<\cdots
<\nu _{s+1}$ and ${\cal E}{\mid }_L\cong \bigoplus_{i=0}^{s+1}{\rm gr}_i(%
{\cal E}){\mid }_L$.
(iv)\quad For $i\leq j$ we have ${\rm Hom}({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_j(%
{\cal E})(-1))=0$.
(v)\quad The Harder-Narasimhan filtration of ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq \tau
_0}$ for Gieseker-Maruyama stability is a refinement of the filtration (\ref
{wfilt}) of ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq \tau _0}$. Indeed ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$
collects all pieces of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration with slopes $\mu $
satisfying $-\nu _i-1<\mu <-\nu _i$ as well as some of those of slopes $-\nu
_i-1$ and $-\nu _i$.
The outline of the paper is as follows. In the first section we prove a
number of numerical lemmas leading to a method of filtering the Hilbert
function of ${\cal E}$. The key definition is that the Hilbert function of $%
{\cal E}$ (or its differences $h(n)$, $r(n)$ or $a(n)-b(n)$ as defined
above) is {\em filterable} at $m$ if the function $r(n)$ of (\ref{r(n)})
satisfies $r(n)\geq r(m)$ for all $n\geq m$. The $a(n)$ and $b(n)$ then
split into
a_m^{{\rm sub}}(n):=\left\{
a(n) & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }n\leq m, \\ 0 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }n\geq m,
and analogous functions $a_m^{{\rm quot}}(n)$, $b_m^{{\rm sub}}(n)$ and $%
b_m^{{\rm quot}}(n)$. The $r_m^{{\rm sub}}$, $r_m^{{\rm quot}}$, $h_m^{{\rm %
sub}}$ and $h_m^{{\rm quot}}$ are defined by integrating. If a Hilbert
function is filterable at several integers $m_i$, it may be split into
several graded pieces this way. The lemmas of the section show that the
Hilbert function of ${\cal E}$ is filterable at the $\tau _i$ and that its
graded pieces satisfy conditions analogous to the conditions of parts
(ii)-(v) of Theorem \ref{main}.
In the second section we show that such filtrations of Hilbert functions
correspond to filtrations of ${\cal E}$ by subsheaves of the form ${\cal E}%
_{\leq m}$ if ${\cal E}$ is sufficiently general among coherent sheaves with
the same Hilbert function. The key lemma is the following which may be
regarded as a generalization of Davis' decomposition lemma \cite{D} to
higher rank.
\item [\hskip \labelsep{\bf Lemma \ref{gener}.}]{\sl
Suppose that ${\cal E}$ is a coherent sheaf on ${\bf P}^2$ without
zero-dimensional associated points such that the Hilbert function of ${\cal E}$
is filterable at an integer $m$. Write ${\cal E}$ as the cokernel of an
injection $\phi {:}\ \bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow
\bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}$. If the matrix $\phi $ is
sufficiently general, then ${\cal E}_{\leq m}$ and ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq
m}$ have resolutions}\begin{eqnarray*}
& 0\rightarrow \bigoplus_{n\leq m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow
\bigoplus_{n\leq m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\cal E}_{\leq
m}\rightarrow 0 , & \\
& 0\rightarrow \bigoplus_{n>m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow
\bigoplus_{n>m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\cal
E}_{>m}\rightarrow 0 . &
The rest of the section is devoted to showing that Theorem \ref{main}
follows from this lemma and from the numerical lemmas proved in the first
This paper was written in the context of the group on vector bundles on
surfaces of Europroj. The author would like to thank A.\ Hirschowitz for
some useful conversations.
\section{Filtering Hilbert Functions}
This section contains the purely combinatorial part of the proof of the
Theorem \ref{main}. It consists of a number of numerical lemmas on Hilbert
functions of coherent sheaves on ${\bf P}^2$. We begin by fixing some
terminology. We use the notation $(x)_{+}=\max (x,0)$.
Our fundamental invariant is the difference $a(n)-b(n)$ between the
functions of (\ref{pres}). We assume that $a(n)-b(n)$ is an integer for all $%
n$ and vanishes for all but finitely many $n$ and that the associated
function $r(n)=\sum_{m\leq n}\left\{ a(n)-b(n)\right\} \geq 0$ for all $n$.
We call the associated function $h(n)=\sum_{m\leq n}r(n)$ of (\ref{h(n)})
the {\em FDH function} (or first difference of a Hilbert function). It is
the FDH functions which will play the major role in our computations. An
intrinsic definition is:
An FDH function is a function $h{:}~{\bf Z}\rightarrow {\bf Z}_{\geq 0}$
such that $r(n)=\Delta h(n)\geq 0$ for all $n$, $h(n)=0$ for $n\ll 0$, and $%
h(n)$ is linear of the form $\rho n+\sigma $ for $n\gg 0$. We call $\rho $
the {\em rank} of $h$, $\sigma -\rho $ its {\em degree}, and $\sum_{n\in
{\bf Z}}\left\{ (\rho n+\sigma )_{+}-h(n)\right\} $ its {\em deficiency}.
An FDH function is {\em torsion} if its rank is $0$. An FDH function $h$ is
{\em torsion-free} if $r(m)\geq 1$ implies that $r(n)\geq 1$ for all $n\geq m
$. An FDH function $h$ is {\em locally free} if $h$ is torsion-free and
additionally $r(m)\geq 2$ implies that $r(n)\ge 2$ for all $n\geq m$. (This
terminology will be justified by Theorem \ref{Chang}.)
These functions have the following basic properties:
\label{combin}Suppose $h$ is an FDH function of rank $\rho $ and degree $%
\sigma -\rho $. Let $r=\Delta h$, and let $\tilde h$ and $t$ be as in (\ref
{htilde(n)}) and (\ref{t(n)}). Then
(i)\quad For all $n$ one has $0\leq h(n)\leq \tilde h(n)$ and $t(n)>n$.
(ii)\quad If $m>t(n)$, then $r(m)>r(t(n))$.
(iii)\quad The function $t$ is nondecreasing and takes only finitely many
distinct values. If we write these as $\tau _0<\tau _1<\cdots <\tau _s<\tau
_{s+1}=\infty $, then $0=r(\tau _0)<r(\tau _1)<\cdots <r(\tau _s)<\rho $.
(iv)\quad Let $\nu _i=\min \{n\mid t(n)=\tau _i\}$. If $\nu _i\leq n<\nu
_{i+1}$, then $t(n)=\tau _i$ and $\tilde h(n)=nr(\tau _i)+\left( h(\tau
_i)-\tau _ir(\tau _i)\right) $. Moreover $n<\nu _i$ if and only if
\label{nu(i)}nr(\tau _{i-1})+\left( h(\tau _{i-1})-\tau _{i-1}r(\tau
_{i-1})\right) >nr(\tau _i)+\left( h(\tau _i)-\tau _ir(\tau _i)\right)
(v)\quad If $\nu _i\leq n\leq m\leq \tau _i$, then $h(\tau _i)+(n-\tau
_i)r(\tau _i)\geq h(m)+(n-m)r(m)$.
(vi)\quad If $n<\nu _1$, then $t(n)=\tau _0=\max \{n\mid r(n)=0\}$ and $%
\tilde h(n)=h(\tau _0)$. In particular, if $h$ is torsion-free then $\tilde
h(n)=0$ and $t(n)=\max \{m\mid h(m)=0\}$ for $n<\nu _1$.
(vii)\quad For $n\geq \nu _{s+1}$ one has $\tilde h(n)=\rho n+\sigma $ and $%
t(n)=\tau _{s+1}=+\infty $.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}(i) From the definitions we see that $%
h(n)=h(n+1)-r(n+1)\leq \tilde h(n)$ and that this implies that $t(n)\geq n+1$%
(ii) We go by induction on $m$. Thus we assume that $r(i)>r(t(n))$ for $%
t(n)<i<m$, and we will show that $r(m)>r(t(n))$ as well. But the definitions
of $\tilde h(n)$ and $t(n)$ yield immediately%
h(t(n))+(n-t(n))r(t(n))=\tilde h(n)>h(m)-(m-n)r(m).
(m-n)r(m) & > & (t(n)-n)r(t(n))+h(m)-h(t(n)) \\
& = & (t(n)-n)r(t(n))+\mathop{\textstyle \sum }_{i=t(n)+1}^mr(i) \\
& \geq & (t(n)-n)r(t(n))+(m-t(n)-1)r(t(n))+r(m)
\end{eqnarray*}whence (ii).
(iii) Since $t(n-1)\geq n$ by (i), we see from the definitions that
\tilde h(n)\geq h(t(n-1))+(n-t(n-1))r(t(n-1))=\tilde h(n-1)+r(t(n-1)).
Thus $r(t(n-1))\leq \Delta \tilde h(n)$. Similarly%
\tilde h(n-1)\geq h(t(n))+(n-1-t(n))r(t(n))=\tilde h(n)-r(t(n))
and $\Delta \tilde h(n)\leq r(t(n))$. Hence $r\circ t$ is nondecreasing.
Because of (ii) this implies that $t$ is nondecreasing. The function $t$ can
only take finitely many values since by (ii) $r$ takes a different value at
each value of $t$, and the values of $r$ are bounded since $r(n)$ is
constant for $n\ll 0$ and for $n\gg 0$. If $\tau _i=$$t(n)<+\infty $, then
for $m\gg \tau _i$ (ii) yields $\rho =r(m)>r(\tau _i)$. Finally for $n\ll 0$
one has $0\leq \tilde h(n)=h(\tau _0)+(n-\tau _0)r(\tau _0)$ which implies
that $r(\tau _0)\leq 0$. But since $h$ is an FDH function, $r(\tau _0)\geq 0$%
. So $r(\tau _0)=0$. This finishes (iii).
(iv) If $\nu _i\leq n<\nu _{i+1}$, then $t(n)=\tau _i$. According to the
definitions, this implies
\tilde h(n)=h(\tau _i)-(\tau _i-n)r(\tau _i)=nr(\tau _i)+\left( h(\tau
_i)-\tau _ir(\tau _i)\right) .
As for the inequality (\ref{nu(i)}), because both its sides are linear and
the slope on the left side is less than that on the right side, it is enough
to show that the inequality holds for $n=\nu _i-1$ but fails for $n=\nu _i$.
But because of the definition of $t$, this follows immediately from $t(\nu
_i-1)=\tau _{i-1}<$$\tau _i=t(\nu _i)$.
(v) The proof is divided into several cases. First if $n<\nu _{i+1}$, then
by (iv) the inequality becomes $\tilde h(n)\geq h(m)-(m-n)r(m)$ which
follows from the definition of $\tilde h(n)$. If $n\ge \nu _{i+1}$ but $%
r(m)\leq r(\tau _i)$, then the inequality follows from the case $n=\nu _i$ by%
h(\tau _i)+(n-\tau _i)r(\tau _i) & = & \tilde h(\nu _i)+(n-\nu _i)r(\tau _i) \\
& \geq & h(m)+(\nu _i-m)r(m)+(n-\nu _i)r(\tau _i) \\
& \geq & h(m)+(n-m)r(m).
\end{eqnarray*}Finally if $n\ge \nu _{i+1}$ but $r(m)>r(\tau _i)$, then let $%
m^{\prime }:=\min \{M>m\mid r(M)\leq r(\tau _i)\}\leq \tau _i$. Then using
the previous case applied with $m^{\prime }-1$ substituted for $n$ and $%
m^{\prime }$ substituted for $m$ we see that%
h(m)+(n-m)r(m) & = & \left[ h(m^{\prime })-r(m^{\prime })\right] -
\sum_{i=m+1}^{m^{\prime }-1}r(i)-(m-n)r(m) \\
& \leq & \left[ h(\tau _i)+(m^{\prime }-1-\tau _i)r(\tau _i)\right] -
(m^{\prime }-1-n)r(\tau _i) \\
& = & h(\tau _i)+(n-\tau _i)r(\tau _i) .
(vi) If $n<\nu _1$, then $t(n)=\tau _0$ by (iv), $\tau _0=$$\max \{n\mid
r(n)=0\}$ by (iii) and (ii), and $\tilde h(n)=h(\tau _0)$ by (iv).
(vii) For $n\geq \nu _{s+1}$ we have $t(n)=+\infty $. This means that there
exists a sequence of integers $m_i\rightarrow +\infty $ such that%
\tilde h(n)=h(m_i)-(m_i-n)r(m_i)=(\rho m_i+\sigma )-(m_i-n)\rho =\rho
n+\sigma .
\subsection{Filtering FDH Functions.\label{filter}}
Let $h$ be an FDH function. We will say that $h$ is {\em filterable at }$m$
if the associated function $r$ satisfies $r(n)\geq r(m)$ for all $n\geq m$.
A {\em filtration} of $h$ is a sequence of integers $m_0<m_1<\cdots <m_s$ at
which $h$ is filterable. Given such a filtration we decompose $h$ into a sum
of $s+2$ function $h_0,\ldots ,h_{s+1}$ defined as follows. We set $%
m_{-1}=-\infty $ and $m_{s+1}=+\infty $. Then the second difference $\Delta
^2h(n)=a(n)-b(n)$ may be decomposed by%
a(n)-b(n) & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }m_{i-1}<n\leq m_i, \\ 0 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{otherwise,}
with $r_i(n)=\sum_{m\leq n}\left\{ a_i(m)-b_i(m)\right\} $ and $%
h_i(n)=\sum_{m\leq n}r_i(n)$ defined as in (\ref{r(n)}) and (\ref{h(n)}). If
we write $H_i(n):=h(m_i)+(n-m_i)r(m_i)$, then the $r_i(n)$ and $h_i(n)$
& r_i(n) = \left\{
0 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }n\leq m_{i-1} \\ r(n)-r(m_{i-1}) & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }m_{i-1}<n\leq
m_i, \\ r(m_i)-r(m_{i-1}) & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }n>m_i.
\right. \label{ri(n)} & \\
& h_i(n) = \left\{
0 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }n\leq m_{i-1} \\ h(n)-H_{i-1}(n) &
\RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }m_{i-1}<n\leq m_i, \\ H_i(n)-H_{i-1}(n) & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{if }n>m_i.
\right. \label{h_i(n)} &
\end{eqnarray*}The filterability of $h$ at the $m_i$ implies that $%
r_i(n)\geq 0$ for all $n$ and $i$. So the $h_i(n)$ are all FDH functions.
We call the functions $h_i(n)$ the {\em graded pieces} of the filtration. We
will say that a filtration is {\em trivial} if all but one of its graded
pieces vanish.
Now let us consider the associated function $t$ of (\ref{t(n)}). By Lemma
\ref{combin}(iii) the sequence $\tau _0<\tau _1<\cdots <\tau _s$ of all
distinct finite values of $t$ form a filtration of $h$ which we call the
{\em WHN filtration} (or weak Harder-Narasimhan filtration). Some of the
properties of this filtration are
\label{WHN}Let $h$ be an FDH function, let $\tau _0<\tau _1<\cdots <\tau _s$
be the WHN filtration of $h$, and let $h_0,h_1,\ldots ,h_{s+1}$ be the
graded pieces of the filtration. For each $i$ let $\nu _i=\min \{n\mid
t(n)=\tau _i\}$. Then
(i)\quad The FDH function $h_0$ is torsion. It vanishes if $h$ is
(ii)\quad The FDH functions $h_1,h_2,\ldots ,h_{s+1}$ are torsion-free.
(iii)\quad For $i=1,\ldots ,s$ the function $t_i$ associated to $h_i$ by (%
\ref{t(n)}) satisfies $t_i(n)=\tau _{i-1}$ for $n<\nu _i$, and $t(n)=+\infty
$ for $n\geq \nu _i$. Thus the $h_i$ are FDH functions with trivial WHN
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}(i) This is a direct translation of Lemma \ref
(ii) This follows directly from Lemma \ref{combin}(ii) and the formula for $%
(iii) We first suppose $n<\nu _i$. We will compute $\widetilde{h_i}(n)$ and $%
t_i(n)$ according to the definitions (\ref{htilde(n)}) and (\ref{t(n)}).
This means first computing $h_i(m)+(n-m)r_i(m)$ for all $m\geq n$.
If $m\leq \tau _{i-1}$, then $h_i(m)=r_i(m)=0$ and so $h_i(m)+(n-m)r_i(m)=0$.
If $\tau _{i-1}<m\leq \tau _i$, then%
h_i(m)+(n-m)r_i(m)=\left\{ h(m)+(n-m)r(m)\right\} -\left\{ h(\tau
_{i-1})+(n-\tau _{i-1})r(\tau _{i-1})\right\} .
But since $m>\tau _{i-1}$, the definitions of $\tilde h(n)$ and $t(n)$ imply
that the right side of this equation is negative for all $n$ such that $%
t(n)=\tau _{i-1}$, including $n=\nu _i-1$. The right hand side is also
linear in $n$ with slope $r(m)-r(\tau _{i-1})$ which is positive by Lemma
\ref{combin}(ii), so it must be negative for all $n<\nu _i$. Thus $%
h_i(m)+(n-m)r_i(m)<0$ if $\tau _{i-1}<m\leq \tau _i$.
If $m\geq \tau _i$, then $h_i(m)+(n-m)r_i(m)=h_i(\tau _i)+(n-\tau
_i)r_i(\tau _i)<0$ because $h_i$ is linear in this range.
So by the definitions we have $\widetilde{h_i}(n)=0$ and $\nu _i(n)=\tau
_{i-1}$ for $n<\nu _i$.
Now we suppose that $\nu _i\leq n\leq \tau _i$. Then after subtracting $%
h(\tau _{i-1})+(n-\tau _{i-1})r(\tau _{i-1})$ from both sides of the
inequality of Lemma \ref{combin}(v), we see that for all $n\leq m\leq \tau
_i $ we have
\label{tau(i)}h_i(\tau _i)+(n-\tau _i)r_i(\tau _i)\geq h_i(m)+(n-m)r_i(m).
And for all $m\geq \tau _i$ we have equality in (\ref{tau(i)}) because $h_i$
is linear in this range. So by the definitions, $\tilde
h_i(n)=h_i(m)+(n-m)r_i(m)$ for all $m\geq \tau _i$, and $t_i(n)=+\infty $.
Finally if $n\geq \tau _i$, then for all $m\geq n$ we have equality in (\ref
{tau(i)}), so again we have $t_i(n)=+\infty $. \TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\subsection{Torsion-free FDH functions $h$ with trivial WHN-filtrations.}
We wish to decompose an $h$ of this type in a certain way. For $n\gg 0$ the
function $h(n)$ is linear, so we may write it in the form $\rho (n-\nu
)+\beta $ with $\rho $, $\nu $, and $\beta $ integers such that $0\leq \beta
<\rho $. But then if $n<\nu _1$ we have by Lemma \ref{combin}(vi) that $%
h(n)=\tilde h(n)=0$ and $t(n)=\max \{n\mid h(n)=0\}$. If $n\geq \nu _1$ then
by Lemma \ref{combin}(vii) we have $t(n)=+\infty $ and $0\leq h(n)\leq $$%
\tilde h(n)=\rho (n-\nu )+\beta $. Moreover, $\nu _1=\nu $ by Lemma \ref
We now define%
\gamma^i(n) & = & \left\{
(n-\nu +1)_{+} & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{for }i=1,\ldots ,\beta , \\
(n-\nu )_{+} & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{for }i=\beta +1,\ldots ,\rho ,
\right. \\
h^i(n) & = & \min \left\{ \gamma^i(n),\left[ h(n)-\sum_{k=1}^{i-1}\gamma
^k(n)\right] _{+}\right\}. \label{hi(n)}
\end{eqnarray}These functions have the following properties:
\label{hi}Suppose $h$ is a torsion-free FDH function such that the
associated function $t$ of (\ref{t(n)}) takes only two distinct values. For $%
i=1,\ldots ,\rho $ let $h^i{:}~{\bf Z}\rightarrow {\bf Z}_{\geq 0}$ be the
function defined in (\ref{hi(n)}). Then
(i)\quad The $h^i$ satisfy $\sum_{i=1}^\rho h^i=h$,
(ii)\quad The $h^i$ are torsion-free FDH functions of rank $1$. The degree
of $h^i$ is $-\nu $ for $i=1,\ldots ,\beta $, and $-\nu -1$ for $i=\beta
+1,\ldots ,\rho $.
(iii)\quad The deficiency of $h^i$ is positive for $i=1,\ldots ,\beta $.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}(i) First note that if $n<\nu $, then $\gamma
^i(n)=h^i(n)=0$ for all $i$. But $h(n)=0$ as well. So this case is fine. If $%
n\geq \nu $, then we have $0\leq h(n)\leq \tilde h(n)=\sum_{i=1}^\rho \gamma
^i(n)$. So there exists a $k$ such that $\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}\gamma ^i(n)\leq
h(n)\leq \sum_{i=1}^k\gamma ^i(n)$. Then
\gamma ^i(n) & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{for }i=1,\ldots ,k-1 \\ h(n)-\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}\gamma
^i(n) & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{for }i=k \\ 0 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{for }i=k+1,\ldots ,\rho
and the sum is $h(n)$. This completes the proof of (i).
For (ii) we first show that the $h^i$ are torsion-free FDH functions, i.e.\
that $\Delta h^i(n)>0$ for all $n$ such that $h^i(n)>0$. To verify this, we
may clearly assume that $n\geq \nu $ since otherwise $h^i(n)=0$. Now note
that if one has a function of the form $h^i=\min (f,g)$, then in order to
show that $h^i(n)>0$ implies $\Delta h^i(n)>0$ it is enough to show that $%
f(n)>0$ implies $\Delta f(n)>0$ and that $g(n)>0$ implies $\Delta g(n)>0$.
So now consider the case $i=1,\ldots ,\beta $. The function $f(n):=\gamma
^i(n)$ satisfies $\Delta \gamma ^i(n)=1>0$. And if $g(n):=\left[
h(n)-\sum_{k=1}^{i-1}\gamma ^k(n)\right] _{+}>0$, then $h(n)>(i-1)(n-\nu +1)$%
. But from the definition of $\tilde h(n)$ we have%
0=\tilde h(\nu -1)\geq h(n)-(n-\nu +1)\Delta h(n).
So $(n-\nu +1)\Delta h(n)\geq h(n)$. Thus $\Delta h(n)>i-1$, and $\Delta
g(n)>0$. This proves that $h^i$ is a torsion-free FDH function for $%
i=1,\ldots ,\beta $.
The proof that $h^i$ is a torsion-free FDH function for $i=\beta +1,\ldots
,\rho $ is similar except that one uses $\tilde h(\nu )=\beta $ to obtain $%
(n-\nu +1)\Delta h(n)\geq h(n)-\beta $.
For the rank and degree of $h^i$ note that for $n\gg 0$ the formula (\ref
{hi(n)}) becomes%
h^i(n)=\min \left\{ \gamma ^i(n),\sum_{k=i}^\rho \gamma ^k(n)\right\}
=\gamma ^i(n)=\left\{
n-\nu +1 & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{for }i=1,\ldots ,\beta , \\ n-\nu & \RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{for }i=\beta
+1,\ldots ,\rho .
For (iii) note that for $i=1,\ldots ,\beta $ the deficiency of $h^i$ is $%
\sum_{n\geq \nu }(n-\nu +1-h^i(n))$. All the terms in this sum are
nonnegative, so it is enough to show that $h^i(\nu )=0$. But recall that $%
t(\nu -1)=\max \{n\mid h(n)=0\}$. And by Lemma \ref{combin}(i) $t(\nu
-1)\geq \nu $. Thus $h(\nu )=0$, from which $h^i(\nu )=0$ for all $i$ by
(i). Part (iii) now follows. \TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
As a final numerical result we wish to compare the decompositions of Lemmas
\ref{WHN} and \ref{hi}. To do this we introduce an order on torsion-free FDH
functions. Namely if $h$ and $h^{\prime }$ are torsion-free FDH functions of
ranks $\rho $ and $\rho ^{\prime }$, degrees $d$ and $d^{\prime }$, and
deficiencies $\delta $ and $\delta ^{\prime }$, then $h\succeq h^{\prime }$
(resp.\ $h\succ h^{\prime }$) if $d/\rho >d^{\prime }/\rho ^{\prime }$ or if
$d/\rho =d^{\prime }/\rho ^{\prime }$ and $\delta /\rho \leq \delta ^{\prime
}/\rho ^{\prime }$ (resp.\ $\delta /\rho <\delta ^{\prime }/\rho ^{\prime }$%
\label{compar}Let $h$ be an FDH function, let $h_0,h_1,\ldots ,h_{s+1}$ be
the graded pieces of the WHN filtration of $h$ of Lemma \ref{WHN}. For $%
i=1,\ldots ,s+1$, let $\rho _i$ denote the rank of $h_i$, and let $%
h_i=\sum_{j=1}^{\rho _i}h_i^j$ be the decomposition of $h_i$ of Lemma \ref
{hi}. Then
(i)\quad $h_i^1\succeq h_i^2\succeq \cdots \succeq h_i^{\rho _i}$ for $%
i=1,\ldots ,s+1$, and
(ii)\quad $h_i^{\rho _i}$ $\succ h_{i+1}^1$ for $i=1,\ldots ,s$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}First we introduce some notation. As in Lemma \ref
{hi} if $n\gg 0$, then we may write $h_i(n)=\rho _i(n-\nu _i)+\beta _i$ with
$0\leq \beta _i<\rho _i$. For each $i$ and $j=1,\ldots ,\rho _i$ we define%
\eta _i^j & := & \min \{n\mid h_i^j(n)>0\} & = & \min \{n\mid
h_i(n)>\sum_{k=1}^{j-1}\gamma _i^k(n)\}, \\
\zeta _i^j & := & \min \{n\mid h_i^j(n)=\gamma _i^j(n)>0\} & = & \min
\{n\mid h_i(n)\geq \sum_{k=1}^j\gamma _i^k(n)>0\}.
where $\gamma _i^k$ is as in Lemma \ref{hi}. Then if $1\leq j\leq \beta _i$
(resp.\ if $\beta _i+1\leq j\leq \rho _i$), the FDH function $h_i$ has rank $%
1$, degree $d_i^j=-\nu _i$ (resp.\ $d_i^j=-\nu _i-1$), and deficiency $%
\delta _i^j$ satisfying $\binom{\eta _i^j+d_i^j+1}2\leq \delta _i^j\leq
\binom{\zeta _i^j+d_i^j+1}2$.
(i) For all $i$ and $j=1,\ldots ,\rho _i-1$ we have $\zeta _i^j\leq \eta
_i^{j+1}$. Hence $h_i^1\succeq h_i^2\succeq \cdots \succeq h_i^{\beta _i}$
for all $i$ because all these functions have the same rank, the same degree $%
\alpha _i$, and nondecreasing deficiencies. Similarly $h_i^{\beta
_i+1}\succeq h_i^{\beta _i+2}\succeq \cdots \succeq h_i^{\beta _i}$. And $%
h_i^{\beta _i}\succ h_i^{\beta _i+1}$ by reason of degree.
(ii) Note that by Lemmas \ref{combin} (v) and \ref{WHN}, the FDH function $%
h_i^{\rho _i}$ has degree $-\nu _i-1$ and has
\zeta _i^{\rho _i}=\min \{n>\nu _i\mid h(n)=h(\tau _i)+(n-\tau _i)r(\tau
_i)\}\leq \tau _i-1,
while $h_{i+1}^1$ has degree $-\nu _{i+1}$ or $-\nu _{i+1}-1$ and has%
\eta _{i+1}^1=\min \{n>\nu _i\mid h(n)>h(\tau _i)+(n-\tau _i)r(\tau
_i)\}=\tau _i+1.
Since $\nu _i<\nu _{i+1}$, the degree of $h_i^{\rho _i}$ is at least that of
$h_{i+1}^1$, and in case of equality the former function has a smaller
deficiency than the latter.\TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\subsection{Effective computation of the $\tau _i$ and $\nu _i$.\label
The $\tau _i$ and $\nu _i$ defined in Lemma \ref{combin} and referred to in
the statement of Theorem \ref{main} may be effectively computed from $h(n)$
or $r(n)=\Delta h(n)$. Note that $\Delta r(n)$ is $0$ for all but finitely
many $n$. For $t=+\infty $ we write $r(t)=\rho $ and $h(t)-tr(t)=\sigma $.
According to Lemma \ref{combin}(ii),
\{\tau _i\}_{i=0}^{s+1}\subset T:=\left\{ n\mid r(m)>r(n)\RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{ for all }%
m>n\right\} \cup \{+\infty \}.
The set $T$ may be computed by passing through the finite set%
T^{\prime }:=\left\{ n\mid \Delta r(n+1)>0\right\} \cup \{+\infty \}
in descending order and purging those $n\in T^{\prime }$ such that $r(n)\geq
r(m)$ where $m$ is the smallest unpurged element of $T^{\prime }$ larger
than $n$. The minimal element of $T$ is $\tau _0$ since it is the unique $%
t\in T$ such that $r(t)=0$. The other $\tau _i$ and $\nu _i$ may be computed
recursively as follows.
Suppose we have computed $\tau _0,\ldots ,\tau _{i-1}$ and $\nu _1$,$\ldots
,\nu _{i-1}$. We now need to find for which $x>\nu _{i-1}$ there is a $t\in
T $ with $t>\tau _{i-1}$ such that%
h(t)+(x-t)r(t)\geq h(\tau _{i-1})+(x-\tau _{i-1})r(\tau _{i-1}).
For $t=+\infty $, the left side should be read as $\rho x+\sigma $ according
to our above conventions. Each of the inequalities is equivalent to%
x\geq x_t:=\frac{\left( h(t)-tr(t)\right) -\left( h(\tau _{i-1})-\tau
_{i-1}r(\tau _{i-1})\right) }{r(t)-r(\tau _{i-1})}
So $\nu _i=\min \left\{ \left\lceil x_t\right\rceil \mid t\in T\RIfM@\expandafter\text@\else\expandafter\text@@\fi{ and }%
t>\tau _{i-1}\right\} $ where the notation $\left\lceil x_t\right\rceil $
means the smallest integer greater than or equal to $x_t$. We then look at
those $t$ such that $\left\lceil x_t\right\rceil =\nu _i$, and pick out
those among them for which $h(t)+(\nu _i-t)r(t)$ is maximal. The largest of
these $t$ is $\tau _i$.
We continue until some $\tau _i=+\infty $.
The other invariants in the statement of Theorem \ref{main} and the proof of
Lemma \ref{compar} may be computed as%
\rho _i & = & r(\tau _i)-r(\tau _{i-1}), \\
\beta _i & = & \left( h(\tau _i)+(\nu _i-\tau _i)r(\tau _i)\right) -\left(
h(\tau _{i-1})+(\nu _i-\tau _{i-1})r(\tau _{i-1})\right) .
\section{A Special Filtration on ${\bf P}^2$\label{sec2}}
In this section we proceed to give sheaf-theoretic significance to the
numerical computations of the previous section. We do this by introducing
the WHN filtration on the general torsion-free sheaf ${\cal E}$ with a given
Hilbert function. The Hilbert function of the graded pieces ${\rm gr}_i(%
{\cal E})$ of the filtration are those given by Lemma \ref{WHN}. Lemma \ref
{hi} is then used to show that the graded pieces satisfy ${\rm Hom}({\rm gr}%
_i({\cal E}),{\rm gr}_j({\cal E})(-1))=0$ for all $i\leq j$. Lemma \ref
{compar} is used to show that the WHN filtration is compatible with the
Harder-Narasimhan filtration for Gieseker-Maruyama stability.
\subsection{Hilbert Functions.}
Recall that any coherent sheaf ${\cal E}$ on ${\bf P}^2$ without
zero-dimensional torsion has a free resolution of the form
\label{phi}0\rightarrow \bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\stackrel{%
\phi }{\rightarrow }\bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow
{\cal E}\rightarrow 0.
The $a(n)$ and $b(n)$ are related to the Hilbert function $n\mapsto h^0(%
{\cal E}(n))$ of ${\cal E}$ via
\label{Hilbert}\sum_nh^0({\cal E}(n))\,t^n=(1-t)^{-3}\sum_n\{a(n)-b(n)\}t^n
or $a(n)-b(n)=\Delta ^3h^0({\cal E}(n))$. So the $a(n)$ and $b(n)$ determine
the Hilbert function of ${\cal E}$ which conversely determines the
differences $a(n)-b(n)$. If ${\cal E}$ is sufficiently general, then for all
$n$ either $a(n)=0$ or $b(n)=0$ according to the sign of $a(n)-b(n)$, so the
Hilbert function then actually determines the $a(n)$ and $b(n)$.
The next theorem is the filtered Bertini theorem as applied to the special
case of ${\bf P}^2$:
{\rm \label{Chang}(Chang \cite{Ch})} A general map $\phi {:}\ \bigoplus_n%
{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow \bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}%
^2}(-n)^{a(n)}$ is injective if and only if the function $h$ whose
Poincar\'e series is%
is an FDH function. Moreover, the cokernel ${\cal E}$ of a general $\phi $ is
$\bullet $ torsion-free with at worst singular points of multiplicity $1$ if
$h$ is torsion-free,
$\bullet $ locally free if $h$ is locally free,
$\bullet $ a line bundle on a curve with normal crossings if $h$ is torsion,
$\bullet $ a line bundle on a smooth curve if $h$ is torsion and
Here the {\em multiplicity} of a singular point $P$ of a torsion-free sheaf $%
{\cal E}$ on a smooth surface is the length of ${\cal E}_P^{\vee \vee }/%
{\cal E}_P$.
Theorem \ref{Chang} and formula (\ref{Hilbert}) allow us to define the {\em %
FDH function of a coherent sheaf }${\cal E}$ without zero-dimensional
torsion as $h:=\Delta h^0({\cal E}(n))$. The rank of the FDH function $h$ is
then ${\rm rk}({\cal E})$, and the degree of $h$ is $c_1({\cal E)}$. If this
rank is $\rho $, and the degree is written as $\rho \alpha +\beta $ with $%
\alpha $ and $\beta $ integers such that $0\leq \beta <\rho $, then the
deficiency of $h$ is $c_2({\cal E})-c_2({\cal F})$ where ${\cal F}={\cal O}_{%
{\bf P}^2}(\alpha +1)^\beta \oplus {\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(\alpha )^{\rho
-\beta }$.
We may speak of a generic sheaf with FDH function $h$ because of the
following fact, which is well known and which we therefore state without
The coherent sheaves without zero-dimensional torsion on ${\bf P}^2$ with a
fixed Hilbert function or FDH function form an irreducible and smooth
locally closed substack of the stack of coherent sheaves on ${\bf P}^2$.
Our next lemma relates the filterability of the FDH function $h$ to sheaf
theory. It is essentially a generalization of Davis' decomposition lemma
\cite{D} to higher rank.
\label{gener}Suppose $h$ is an FDH function which is filterable at an
integer $m$. Suppose ${\cal E}$ is a general coherent sheaf without
zero-dimensional torsion with FDH function $h$. Let ${\cal E}_{\leq m}$ be
the subsheaf of ${\cal E}$ generated by $H^0({\cal E}(m))$. Then ${\cal E}%
_{\leq m}$ has FDH function $h_m^{{\rm sub}}$, and ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq
m}$ has FDH function $h_m^{{\rm quot}}$. Moreover, if ${\cal E}$ is generic,
then so are ${\cal E}_{\leq m}$ and ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq m}$. If ${\cal E%
}$ is the cokernel of an injection $\phi {:}\ \bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}%
^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow \bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}$, then $%
{\cal E}_{\leq m}$ and ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq m}$ have resolutions%
& 0\rightarrow \bigoplus_{n\leq m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow
\bigoplus_{n\leq m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\cal E}_{\leq
m}\rightarrow 0 & \\
& 0\rightarrow \bigoplus_{n>m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow
\bigoplus_{n>m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\cal E}%
_{>m}\rightarrow 0 &
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}Consider the morphism of exact sequences%
0\rightarrow & \bigoplus_{n\leq m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)} &
\rightarrow & \bigoplus {\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)} & \rightarrow &
\bigoplus_{n>m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)} & \rightarrow 0 \\
& \downarrow \phi ^{\prime \prime } & & \downarrow \phi & & \downarrow
\phi ^{\prime } & \\
0\rightarrow & \bigoplus_{n\leq m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)} &
\rightarrow & \bigoplus {\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)} & \rightarrow &
\bigoplus_{n>m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)} & \rightarrow 0.
The Poincar\'e series associated to $\phi ^{\prime }$ and $\phi ^{\prime
\prime }$ are, respectively,%
(1-t)^{-2}\sum_{n>m}\{a(n)-b(n)\}t^n & = & \sum_nh_m^{\rm quot}(n)t^n, \\
(1-t)^{-2}\sum_{n\leq m}\{a(n)-b(n)\}t^n & = & \sum_nh_m^{\rm sub}(n)t^n.
\end{eqnarray*}Since $h$ is filterable at $m$, $h_m^{{\rm quot}}$ and $h_m^{%
{\rm sub}}$ are both FDH functions by (\ref{filter}). If $\phi $ is general,
then $\phi ^{\prime }$ is general and so injective by the filtered Bertini
Theorem \ref{Chang}. In any case the snake lemma yields an exact sequence%
0\rightarrow \ker (\phi ^{\prime })\rightarrow {\rm cok(\phi ^{\prime \prime
})}\stackrel{\psi }{\rightarrow }{\cal E}\rightarrow {\rm cok(\phi ^{\prime
})}\rightarrow 0
such that ${\rm im}(\psi )={\cal E}_{\leq m}$. So if $\phi $ is general,
then ${\rm cok(\phi ^{\prime \prime })}={\cal E}_{\leq m}$ and ${\rm %
cok(\phi ^{\prime })}={\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq m}$, and they have FDH
functions $h_m^{{\rm sub}}$ and $h_m^{{\rm quot}}$, respectively. Finally,
if ${\cal E}$ is generic, then $\phi $ is generic, which implies the
genericity of $\phi ^{\prime }$ and $\phi ^{\prime \prime }$ and thus of $%
{\cal E}_{\leq m}$ and ${\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq m}$. \TeXButton{qed}
{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\subsection{Davis' Decomposition Lemma.}
If ${\cal E}$ is torsion-free and $r(m)=1=\min _{n\geq m}r(n)$, then the
lemma holds without any condition that ${\cal E}$ be general. This is
because the vanishing of $\ker (\phi ^{\prime })$ may be shown without
invoking the filtered Bertini theorem. For the condition $r(m)=1$ implies
that ${\rm cok(\phi ^{\prime \prime })}$ is of rank $1$. Since it has
nonzero image in ${\cal E}$ which is torsion-free, it follows that $\ker
(\phi ^{\prime })$ is of rank $0$. But since $\ker (\phi ^{\prime })\subset
\bigoplus_{n>m}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}$, it is also torsion-free. So
it vanishes. In the case of an ${\cal E}$ of rank one, this is more or less
Davis' Decomposition Lemma \cite{D}.
\subsection{The WHN Filtration of a General Sheaf.\label{WHNfilt}}
Because of the last lemma, if $h$ is an FDH function with a filtration $%
m_0<m_1<\cdots <m_s$, then the general sheaf ${\cal E}$ with FDH function $h$
will have a filtration
\label{filt.sheaf}0\subset {\cal E}_{\leq m_0}\subset {\cal E}_{\leq
m_1}\subset \cdots \subset {\cal E}_{\leq m_s}\subset {\cal E.}
If we write ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})={\cal E}_{\leq m_i}/{\cal E}_{\leq
m_{i-1}} $ for $i=1,\ldots ,s$, and ${\rm gr}_0({\cal E})={\cal E}_{\leq
m_0} $ and ${\rm gr}_{s+1}({\cal E})={\cal E}/{\cal E}_{\leq m_s}$, then the
FDH function of ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$ is the function $h_i$ of (\ref{filter}%
). If ${\cal E}$ has resolution%
0\rightarrow \bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow
\bigoplus_n{\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\cal E}\rightarrow 0,
then each ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E})$ has resolution%
0\rightarrow \bigoplus_{m_{i-1}<n\leq m_i}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}%
^2}(-n)^{b(n)}\rightarrow \bigoplus_{m_{i-1}<n\leq m_i}{\cal O}_{{\bf P}%
^2}(-n)^{a(n)}\rightarrow {\rm gr}_i({\cal E})\rightarrow 0.
If we apply this with the WHN filtration of $h$ of Lemma \ref{WHN}, then we
call the resulting filtration of ${\cal E}$ the {\em WHN filtration }of the
sheaf ${\cal E}$. This filtration only exists for a general sheaf with FDH
function $h$ because the construction of the filtration of the sheaf
depended ultimately on the filtered Bertini theorem.\bigskip\
We now recall some terminology. If ${\cal E}$ is a coherent sheaf of rank $%
\rho >0$ on ${\bf P}^2$, then its reduced Hilbert polynomial is $P_{{\cal E}%
}(n):=\chi ({\cal E}(n))/\rho $. Such polynomials may be ordered by $P_{%
{\cal E}}\succ P_{{\cal F}}$ (resp.$\ P_{{\cal E}}\succeq P_{{\cal F}}$) if $%
P_{{\cal E}}(n)>P_{{\cal F}}(n)$ (resp.\ $P_{{\cal E}}(n)\geq P_{{\cal F}%
}(n) $) for $n\gg 0$. This order is compatible with the order on FDH
functions of Lemma \ref{compar} in the sense that if ${\cal E}$ has FDH
function $h_{{\cal E}}$ and ${\cal F}$ has FDH function $h_{{\cal F}}$, then
$P_{{\cal E}}\succ P_{{\cal F}}$ if and only if $h_{{\cal E}}\succ h_{{\cal F%
}}$, and $P_{{\cal E}}\succeq P_{{\cal F}}$ if and only if $h_{{\cal E}%
}\succeq h_{{\cal F}}$.
\label{ideals}Let $h$ be an FDH function, let the $h_i$, $\rho _i$, $\nu _i$%
, $\beta _i$, and $h_i^j$ be as in Lemma \ref{compar}. Then there exists a
coherent sheaf ${\cal F}$ with FDH function $h$ of the form ${\cal F}%
=\bigoplus_{i=0}^{s+1}{\cal F}_i$ such that
(i)$\quad {\cal F}$ admits the WHN filtration with graded pieces ${\rm gr}_i(%
{\cal F})\cong {\cal F}_i$.
(ii)\quad ${\cal F}_0$ is the torsion subsheaf of ${\cal F}$.
(iii)\quad For $i=1,\ldots ,s+1$ we have ${\cal F}_i=\bigoplus_{j=1}^{\beta
_i}{\cal I}_{Z_i^j}(-\nu _i)\oplus \bigoplus_{j=\beta _i+1}^{\rho _i}{\cal I}%
_{Z_i^j}(-\nu _i-1)$ where the $Z_i^j$ are disjoint sets of distinct points.
Moreover, $Z_i^j\neq \emptyset $ for $1\leq j\leq \beta _i$.
\TeXButton{Proof}{\paragraph{Proof. }}Let ${\cal F}_0$ be a general sheaf with FDH
function $h_0$, and let ${\cal F}_i^j$ be a general sheaf with FDH function $%
h_i^j$. For $i=1,\ldots ,s+1$, let ${\cal F}_i=\bigoplus_{j=1}^{\rho _i}%
{\cal F}_i^j$ and ${\cal F}=\bigoplus_{i=0}^{s+1}{\cal F}_i$. Then ${\cal F}$
has FDH function $h_0+\sum_{i=1}^{s+1}\sum_{j=1}^{\rho _i}h_i^j=h$. We now
verify the three asserted conditions in reverse order.
(iii) By Lemma \ref{hi} (ii), the $h_i^j$ are torsion-free sheaves of rank $%
1 $. So by Theorem \ref{Chang} ${\cal F}_i^j$ is a twist of an ideal sheaf
of a set $Z_i^j$ of distinct points. The twist is given by the degree of $%
h_i^j$, which is $-\nu _i$ if $1\leq j\leq \beta _i$ (resp.\ $-\nu _i-1$ if $%
\beta _i+1\leq j\leq \rho _i$). Replacing the $Z_i^j$ by projectively
equivalent sets of points if necessary, we may assume that the $Z_i^j$ are
disjoint. Finally, the cardinality of $Z_i^j$ is the deficiency of $h_i^j$,
which is positive if $1\leq j\leq \beta _i$ by Lemma \ref{hi} (iii).
(ii) The sheaf ${\cal F}_0$ is torsion because the function $h_0$ is torsion
by Lemma \ref{WHN} (i). The other factors ${\cal F}_i$ in the direct sum $%
{\cal F}$ are torsion-free by part (iii) which we just proved. So ${\cal F}%
_0 $ is exactly the torsion subsheaf of ${\cal F}$.
(i) We need to show that for $i=0,\ldots ,s$, the subsheaf ${\cal F}_{\leq
\tau _i}\subset {\cal F}$ is $\bigoplus_{k=0}^i{\cal F}_k$. So we show that $%
{\cal F}_{i,\leq \tau _i}={\cal F}_i$ and ${\cal F}_{i+1,\leq \tau _i}=0$.
First suppose that $g$ is an FDH function of rank $\rho $ and degree $d$,
and if $\tau $ is an integer such that $g(n)=\rho (n+1)+d$ for all $n\geq
\tau -1$, then $g$ is filterable at $\tau $, and $g_\tau ^{{\rm sub}}=g$ and
$g_\tau ^{{\rm quot}}=0$. So if ${\cal G}$ is a general sheaf with FDH
function $g$, then ${\cal G}_{\leq \tau }={\cal G}$. If we apply this with $%
g=h_0$ and $\tau =\tau _0$, we see that ${\cal F}_{0,\leq \tau _0}={\cal F}%
_0 $. We may also apply it with $g=h_i^j$ and $\tau =\tau _i$ because $\tau
_i\geq \zeta _i^j+1$ where $\zeta _i^j$ is as in the proof of Lemma \ref
{compar}. Thus for $i=1,\ldots ,s$, we have ${\cal F}_{i,\leq \tau
_i}=\bigoplus_{j=1}^{\rho _i}{\cal F}_{i,\leq \tau _i}^j=\bigoplus {\cal F}%
_i^j={\cal F}_i$.
To show that ${\cal F}_{i+1,\leq \tau _i}=0$ we need to show that all $%
h_{i+1}^j(\tau _i)=0$. But if $\eta _{i+1}^j$ is as in the proof of Lemma
\ref{compar}, then $h_{i+1}^j(n)$ for all $n<\eta _{i+1}^j$. But as we
showed there $\eta _{i+1}^j\geq \eta _{i+1}^1\geq \tau _i+1$. This completes
the proof of the lemma.\TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
\paragraph{Proof of Theorem \ref{main}.}
Part (i) was shown in (\ref{WHNfilt}). Parts (ii), (iv), and (v) then
describe open properties, so it is enough to verify them for the sheaf $%
{\cal F}$ of Lemma \ref{ideals}. Part (ii) then follows from Lemma \ref
{ideals}(ii). To derive (iv) from \ref{ideals}(iii), note that the fact that
the $Z_i^k$ are all disjoint implies that ${\cal H}om({\cal I}_{Z_i^k},{\cal %
I}_{Z_j^l})\cong {\cal I}_{Z_j^l}$. So ${\rm Hom}({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}),{\rm %
gr}_j({\cal E})(-1))$ is a sum of terms of the forms $H^0({\cal I}%
_{Z_j^l}(\nu _i-\nu _j))$, $H^0({\cal I}_{Z_j^l}(\nu _i-\nu _j-1))$ and $H^0(%
{\cal I}_{Z_j^l}(\nu _i+1-\nu _j))$. In the first two forms the cohomology
vanishes because the twists $\nu _i-\nu _j$ or $\nu _i-\nu _j-1$ are
negative. For the third form the twist $\nu _i+1-\nu _j$ is nonpositive, but
even if it is zero $H^0({\cal I}_{Z_j^l})$ vanishes because this form only
occurs with $1\leq l\leq \beta _j$ and in that case $Z_j^l\neq \emptyset $.
Before beginning on (v) note that since the ${\rm gr}_i({\cal F}%
)=\bigoplus_{j=1}^{\rho _i}{\cal F}_i^j$ is a direct sum of semistable
sheaves, the graded pieces of the Harder-Narasimhan of ${\rm gr}_i({\cal F})$
are direct sums of ${\cal F}_i^j$'s with proportional Hilbert polynomials.
Hence any non-torsion quotient sheaf ${\cal G}$ of ${\rm gr}_i({\cal F})$
has $P_{{\cal G}}\succeq \min _j\{P_{{\cal F}_i^j}\}$, which is $P_{{\cal F}%
_i^{\beta _i}}$ by Lemma \ref{compar}(i), and any nonzero subsheaf ${\cal H}$
has $P_{{\cal H}}\preceq $ $\max _j\{P_{{\cal F}_i^j}\}=P_{{\cal F}_i^1}$.
Now to show that the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of ${\cal F}$ is a
refinement of the WHN filtration, we need to show that for $1\leq i\leq s$,
if ${\cal G}$ is a nonzero torsion-free quotient of ${\rm gr}_i({\cal F})$
and ${\cal H}$ a nonzero subsheaf of ${\rm gr}_{i+1}({\cal F})$, then $P_{%
{\cal G}}\succ P_{{\cal H}}$. But by the previous paragraph and Lemma \ref
{compar}(ii) we have $P_{{\cal G}}\succeq P_{{\cal F}_i^{\beta _i}}\succ P_{%
{\cal F}_{i+1}^1}\succeq P_{{\cal H}}$.
To show the second assertion of (v) we now need to show that every nonzero
subsheaf of ${\rm gr}_i({\cal F})$ has slope at most $-\nu _i$ and every
non-torsion quotient sheaf has slope at least $-\nu _i-1$. But this is now
In part (iii) the isomorphisms ${\rm gr}_i({\cal F}){\mid }_L\cong {\cal O}%
_L(-\nu _i)^{\beta _i}\oplus {\cal O}_L(-\nu _i-1)^{\rho _i-\beta _i}$
follow from Lemma \ref{ideals}(iii). Because these latter sheaves are rigid
(i.e.\ generic in the stack of coherent sheaves on $L$), a general ${\cal E}$
must have ${\rm gr}_i({\cal E}){\mid }_L$ isomorphic to ${\cal O}_L(-\nu
_i)^{\beta _i}\oplus {\cal O}_L(-\nu _i-1)^{\rho _i-\beta _i}$. We now claim
that any filtered sheaf ${\cal H}$ such that ${\rm Ext}^1({\rm gr}_i({\cal H}%
),{\rm gr}_j({\cal H}))=0$ for all $i>j$ has ${\cal H}\cong \bigoplus_i{\rm %
gr}_i({\cal H})$. This claim can easily be verified by induction on the
length of the filtration. To apply this to ${\cal E}{\mid }_L$, we need to
verify that if $i>j$, then ${\rm Ext}^1({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}){\mid }_L,{\rm gr%
}_j({\cal E}){\mid }_L)=0$. But ${\rm Ext}^1({\rm gr}_i({\cal E}){\mid }_L,%
{\rm gr}_j({\cal E}){\mid }_L)$ is a direct sum of terms of the form $H^1(%
{\cal O}_L(\nu _i-\nu _j+\epsilon ))$ with $\epsilon \in \{-1,0,1\}$. Since
the $\nu _i$ form a strictly increasing sequence of integers, the twists $%
\nu _i-\nu _j+\epsilon $ are all nonnegative$.$ So the $H^1$ vanish.
Therefore ${\cal E}{\mid }_L\cong \bigoplus_i{\rm gr}_i({\cal E}){\mid }_L$,
completing the proof of (iii). \TeXButton{qed}{\hfill $\Box$ \medskip}
1993-12-14T14:10:39 | 9312 | alg-geom/9312008 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9312008 | [
] | alg-geom/9312008 | null | Gerd Dethloff, Georg Schumacher, Pit-Mann Wong | On the Hyperbolicity of the Complements of Curves in Algebraic Surfaces:
The Three Component Case | 26 pages, LaTeX | Duke Math. J. 78, 193-212 (1995) | null | null | null | The paper is a contribution to the conjecture of Kobayashi that the
complement of a generic curve in the projective plane is hyperbolic, provided
the degree is at least five. Previously the authors treated the cases of two
quadrics and a line and three quadrics. The main results are Let C be the union
of three curves in P_2 whose degrees are at least two, one of which is at least
three. Then for generic such configurations the complement of C is hyperbolic
and hyperbolically embedded. The same statement holds for complements of curves
in generic hypersurfaces X of degree at least five and curves which are
intersections of X with hypersurfaces of degree at least five. Furthermore
results are shown for curves on surfaces with picard number one.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 14 Dec 1993 13:06:20 GMT"
] | 2014-12-01T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction} In complex analysis hyperbolic manifolds have
been studied extensively, with close relationships to other areas
(cf.\ eg. \cite{LA1}). Hyperbolic manifolds are generalizations of
hyperbolic Riemann surfaces to higher dimensions. Despite the fact
that the general theory of hyperbolic manifolds is well-developed,
only very few classes of hyperbolic manifolds are known. But one could
hope that `most' of the pseudoconvex quasi-projective varieties are in
fact hyperbolic. In particular it is believed that e.g. the
complements of most hypersurfaces in $\Bbb P_n$ are hyperbolic, if only
their degree is at least 2n+1. More precisely according to Kobayashi
\cite{KO}, and later Zaidenberg \cite{ZA} one has the following:
{\bf Conjecture:} {\it Let ${\cal C}(d_1, \ldots , d_k)$ be the space
of $k$ tupels of hypersurfaces $\, C = (C_1 , \ldots , C_k )\, $
in $\Bbb P_n$, where ${\rm deg}(C_i)=d_i$. Then for all $(d_1, \ldots ,
d_k)$ with $\, \sum_{i=1}^k d_i =:d \geq 2n+1\, $ the set $\, {\cal
H}(d_1, \ldots , d_k)= \{ C \in {\cal C}(d_1, \ldots , d_k) : \Bbb P_n
\setminus \bigcup_{i=1}^k C_i\, $ {\rm is complete hyperbolic and
hyperbolically embedded}$\}\, $ contains the complement of a proper
algebraic subset of ${\cal C}(d_1, \ldots , d_k)$.}
In this paper we shall restrict ourselves to the two dimensional case.
However we consider also more general quasi-projective complex
surfaces than the complements of curves in the projective plane.
Concerning the above conjecture, the following was known: It seems
that the conjecture is the more difficult the smaller $k$ is. Other
than in the case of 5 lines $({\cal C}(1, 1, 1, 1, 1))$, the
conjecture was previously proved by M.~Green in \cite{GRE2} in the
case of a curve $C$ consisting of one quadric and three lines
(${\cal C}(2, 1, 1, 1)$). Furthermore, it was shown for ${\cal C}(d_1,
\ldots, d_k)$, whenever $k\geq5$, by Babets in \cite{BA}. A result
which went much further was given by Eremenko and Sodin in \cite{E-S},
where they proved a Second Main Theorem of value distribution theory
in the situation $k \geq 5$. Green proved in \cite{GRE1} that for any
hypersurface $C$ consisting of at least four components in
$\Bbb P_2$ any entire curve $f:\Bbb C \to \Bbb P_2 \setminus C$ is
algebraically degenerate. Knowing this, it follows immediately that
for generic configurations, any such algebraically degenerate map is
constant, hence the conjecture is true for any family ${\cal C}(d_1,
\ldots, d_k)$ with $k \geq 4$ (cf. \cite{DSW}). (The degeneracy locus
of the Kobayashi pseudometric was studied by Adachi and Suzuki in
\cite{A--S1}, \cite{A--S2}).
In our paper \cite{DSW} we gave a proof of the conjecture for 3
quadrics (${\cal C}(2, 2, 2)$), based on methods from value
distribution theory. The three quadric case had been previously
studied by Grauert in \cite{GR} who used differential geometry.
However, certain technical problems still exist with this approach.
For ${\cal C}(2, 2, 1)$, i.e. two quadrics and a line, we proved with
similar methods the existence of an open set in the space of all such
configuarions, which contains a quasi-projective set of codimension
one, where the conjecture is true.
The paper contains two main results. The first is Theorem~\ref{MT}. It
states that the conjecture is true for almost all three component
cases, namely for ${\cal C}(d_1, d_2, d_3)$ with $d_1, d_2, d_3 \geq
2$ and at least one $d_i \geq 3$. Together with our result for three
quadrics (which, by the way, occur on the borderline of the method
used in this paper) this means that the conjecture is true for three
components whenever none of them is a line. We finally remark that we
get a weaker conclusion also for ${\cal C}(d_1, d_2, d_3)$ where, up
to enumeration, $d_1=1$, $d_2 \geq 3$, $d_3 \geq 4$: Namely we show that
any holomorphic map $f:\Bbb C \to X$ is algebraically degenerated,
i.e.\ $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained in a proper algebraic subset of $X$.
The other main result is Theorem~\ref{MT1}. We consider a smooth
surface $\bar X$ in $\Bbb P_3$ of degree at least five for which every
curve on $\bar X$ is the complete intersection with another
hypersurface. Surfaces of this kind are much more general than $\Bbb P_2$
-- by the Noether-Lefschetz theorem (cf. \cite{N-L}) the 'generic'
surface in $\Bbb P_3$ of any given degree at least four has this property
(`generic' here indicates the complement of a countable union of
proper varieties). Let $C$ be a curve on $\bar X$ consisting of three
smooth components intersecting transversally. From our assumptions we
know that $C$ is a complete intersection of $\bar X$ and a
hypersurface $B$. We assume that the degree of $B$ is at least five.
Now Theorem~\ref{MT1} states the hyperbolicity of any such $X=\bar X
\setminus C$. Moreover $X$ is complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically
Our method of proof is the following: We heavily use a theorem due to
S.~Lu (cf. \cite{Lu}). It states that for a certain class of
differentials $\sigma$, which may have logarithmic poles along the
curve $C$, and any holomorphic map $f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2 \setminus C$ the
pull-back $f^*(\sigma)$ vanishes identically. This can be interpreted
as algebraic degeneracy of the tangential map corresponding to $f: \Bbb C
\rightarrow X$. Our aim is to show algebraic degeneracy of the map $f$ itself.
The paper is organized as follows: In section~2 we collect, for the
convenience of the reader, some basics from value distribution theory.
(Readers who are familar with these may skip this section). In
section~3 we fix the notation and quote some theorems which are needed
in the following proof, especially Lu's theorem. Furthermore we
examine more closely the spaces of sections which are used in Lu's
theorem and get sections with special zero sets. The essential step of
our paper is the proof of Theorem~\ref{deg} in section~4. It states
the algebraic degeneracy of holomorphic maps $f:\Bbb C \to X$, if
${\rm Pic}(\bar X)=\Bbb Z$, and under assumptions on the determinant
bundle and the Chern numbers of the logarithmic cotangent bundle on
$\bar X$ with respect to $C$. The proof uses value distribution theory
and the existence of the special sections which were constructed in
section~3. In section~5 we compute the Chern numbers and the
determinant bundle in the situation where $\bar X$ is a complete
intersection (Theorem~\ref{main}). We apply this to $\bar X = \Bbb
P_2$, and to hypersurfaces in $\Bbb P_3$ using the Noether Lefschetz
theorem (Theorem~\ref{main2}). Finally in section~6 we apply
Theorem~\ref{main2} and get Theorem~\ref{MT}, using an argument like
in our paper \cite{DSW} to prove the nonexistence of algebraic entire
curves in generic complements. Furthermore we apply
Theorem~\ref{main2} using results of Xu \cite{Xu} and Clemens
\cite{Cl} to get Theorem~\ref{MT1}.
The first named author would like to thank S.~Kosarew (Grenoble) for
valuable discussions. The second named author would like to thank the
SFB 170 at G"ottingen, and the third named author would like to thank
the SFB 170 and the NSF for partial support.
\section{Some tools from Value Distribution Theory}
In this section we fix some notations and quote some facts from Value
Distribution Theory. We give references but do not trace these facts
back to the original papers.
We define the characteristic function and the counting function, and
give some formulas for these.
Let $\,||z||^2= \sum_{j=0}^n |z_j|^2$, where $(z_0,\ldots ,z_n) \in
\Bbb C^{n+1}$, let $\Delta_t = \{\xi \in \Bbb C : |\xi| < t \}$, and let $d^c =
(i/4 \pi) (\overline{\partial} - \partial)$. Let $r_0$ be a fixed positive
number and let $\,r \geq r_0$. Let $\,f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$ be entire, i.e.
$f$ can be written as $\, f=[f_0:\ldots :f_n]\,$ with holomorphic
functions $\, f_j : \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C\, , j=0,\ldots ,n\,$ without common
zeroes. Then the {\it characteristic function} $T(f,r)$ is defined as
$$ T(f,r) = \int_{r_0}^r \frac{dt}{t} \int_{\Delta_t} dd^c \log ||f||^2$$
Let furthermore $\, D=V(P)$ be a divisor in $\Bbb P_n$, given by a
homogeneous polynomial $P$. Assume $\, f(\Bbb C) \not\subset \hbox{ {\rm
support}}(D)$. Let $\,n_f(D,t)\,$ denote the number of zeroes of $\, P
\circ f\,$ inside $\, \Delta_t\,$ (counted with multiplicities). Then we
define the {\it counting function} as
N_f(D,r) = \int_{r_0}^r n_f(D,t) \frac{dt}{t}
Stokes Theorem and transformation to polar coordinates imply (cf. \cite{WO}):
\begin{equation} \label{1}
T(f,r) =
\frac{1}{4 \pi} \int_0^{2 \pi} \log ||f||^2 (re^{i \vartheta})d \vartheta + O(1).
The characteristic function as defined by Nevanlinna for a holomorphic
function $\,f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C$ is
T_0(f,r) = \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_0^{2 \pi}
\log ^+ |f(re^{i \vartheta})| d \vartheta .
For the associated map $\, [f:1]: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_1$ one has
\begin{equation} \label{2}
T_0(f,r) = T([1:f],r) + O(1)
(cf. \cite{HA}).
By abuse of notation we will, from now on, for a function $\, f: \Bbb C \rightarrow
\Bbb C$, write $T(f,r)$ instead of $T_0(f,r)$. Furthermore we
sometimes use $N(f,r)$ instead of $N_f({z_0=0},r)$.
We state some elementary properties of the characteristic function:
Let $f,g,f_j: \Bbb C \to \Bbb C$ be entire holomorphic functions for
$j=0,\ldots,n$. Then
T(f\cdot g, r) \leq T(f,r) + T(g,r) + O(1)
T([f_0:\ldots:f_n],r) \leq \sum_{j=0}^n T(f_j,r)
+ O(1)
T(f+g,r) \leq T(f,r)+ T(g,r) + O(1)
{\it Proof:}\/ Propterty a) is obvious for $T_0$ and generalizes to $T$
because of (\ref{2}).
Property b) is a consequence of
\log \sum_{j=0}^n|f_j|^2 \leq \sum_{j=0}^n \log (1+|f_j|^2).
Property c) is a consequence of
\log^+|f+g| \leq \log (1+|f|+|g|) \leq \log(1+|f|) +\log(1+|g|)
\leq \log^+|f| + \log^+|g| +2
Later on we will use the concept of finite order.
Let $s(r)$ be a positive, monotonically increasing function
defined for $\,r \geq r_0$. If
$$ \overline{\lim_{r \rightarrow \infty} } \frac{\log s(r)}{\log r} = \lambda$$
then $s(r)$ is said to be of order $\lambda$. For entire $\,f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$
or $\, f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C\,$ we say that $f$ is of order $\lambda$, if
$T(f,r)$ is.
Let $f=[f_0:\ldots:f_n]:\Bbb C \to \Bbb P_n$ be a
holomorphic map of finite order $\lambda$. Then $\log T(f,r)= O(\log r)$.
For holomorphic maps to $\Bbb P^1$ whose characteristic function only
grows like $\log r$ we have the following characterization (cf.
Let $f=[f_0:f_1]: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P^1$ be entire.
Then $T(f,r) =O(\log r)$ if and only if the meromorphic function
$f_0/f_1$ is equal to a quotient of two polynomials.
We need the following:
\begin{lem} \label{e}
Assume that $\,f: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$ is an entire map and misses the
$\,\{ z_j = 0\}\,$ for $j=0,\ldots,n$ (i.e. the coordinate hyperplanes
of $\Bbb P_n$).
Assume that $f$ has order at most $\lambda$. Then $f$ can be written as
$\,f = [1:f_1:\ldots :f_n]\,$ with $\, f_j(\xi) = e^{P_j(\xi)}$, where
the $P_j(\xi)$
are polynomials in $\xi$ of degree $d_j\leq \lambda$.
{\it Proof:} We write $\, f=[1:f_1:\ldots :f_n]\,$ with holomorphic
$\,f_j: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb C \setminus \{0\}$. Now we get with equations (\ref{1})
and (\ref{2}) for $j=1,\ldots ,n$:
T(f_j,r) = T([1:f_j],r) + O(1) \leq T(f,r) + O(1),
hence the $f_j$ are nonvanishing holomorphic functions of order
at most $\lambda$. This means that
{\rm lim sup}_{r \rightarrow \infty} \frac{T(f_j,r)}{r^{\lambda + \epsilon}} =0
for any $\, \epsilon > 0$. From this equation our assertion follows with the
Weierstra\char\ss theorem as it is stated in \cite{HA}. \qed
We state the First and the Second Main Theorem of Value Distribution
Theory which relate the characteristic function and the counting
function (cf. \cite{SH}):
Let $\,f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_n\,$ be entire, and let $D$ be a divisor in $\Bbb P_n$
of degree $d$, such that $\,f(\Bbb C) \not\subset \hbox{ {\rm support}}(D)$.
{\bf First Main Theorem} $$ N_f(D,r) \leq d \cdot T(f,r) + O(1)$$
Assume now that $\, f(\Bbb C)\,$ is not contained in any hyperplane in
$\Bbb P_n$, and let $\, H_1,\ldots ,H_q\,$ be distinct hyperplanes in
general position. Then
{\bf Second Main Theorem}
(q-n-1)T(f,r) \leq \sum_{j=0}^q N_f(H_j,r) + S(r)
where $\: S(r) \leq O(\log (rT(f,r)))\,$ for all $\,r \geq r_0\,$ except
for a set of finite Lebesque measure.
If $f$ is of finite order, then
$\, S(r) \leq O(\log r)\,$ for all $\,r \geq r_0$.
\section{Setup and Basic Methods}
We denote by $\bar X$ a non-singular projective surface and by $C$ a
curve in $\bar X$ whose irreducible components are smooth and intersect
each other only in normal crossings. Let
$X=\bar X \setminus C$.
We denote by $E$ the dual of the bundle $\Omega^1_{\bar X}(\log C)$ of
holomorphic one forms of $\bar X$ with logarithmic poles along $C$.
Then we define the projectivized logarithmic tangent bundle $p:\Bbb P
(E)\to \bar X$ over $\bar X$ to be the projectivized bundle whose
fibers correspond to the one dimensional subspaces of the fibers of
$E$. Furthermore let ${\cal O}_{\Bbb P (E)}(-1)$ be the sheaf associated
to the tautological line bundle on $\Bbb P (E)$, for which we have the
canonical isomorphism between the total space of ${\cal O}_{\Bbb P
(E)}(-1) \setminus \{{\rm zero section}\}$ and the total space of $E \setminus \{
{\rm zero section}\}$.
Let $D$ be a divisor on $\bar X$.
According to a Theorem of Kobayashi-Ochiai (cf. \cite{K-O}), the
cohomology, in particular the holomorphic sections, of a symmetric
power of $E^*$ tensorized with the bundle $[-D]$, corresponds to the
cohomology of the m-th power of the dual of the
tautological line bundle on $\Bbb P(E)$,
tensorized with the pull-back of $[-D]$:
H^0(\bar X, S^m(E^*)\otimes [-D])
\simeq H^0(\Bbb P(E),{\cal O}_{\Bbb P(E)}(m)\otimes p^*[-D]),
and in particular
H^0(\bar X, S^m(E^*)) \simeq H^0(\Bbb P(E),{\cal O}_{\Bbb P(E)}(m)).
Let $f:\Bbb C \to X$ be a holomorphic map. Denote by
$$(f, f'): T(\Bbb C) \rightarrow T(X)$$
induced map from $T(\Bbb C)$ to the holomorphic
tangent bundle $T(X)$, which gives rise to a meromorphic map
$$F: \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P (T(X))$$
from $\Bbb C$
to $\Bbb P(T(X))$. Since the domain is of dimension one, points of
indeterminacy can be eliminated, more precisely the map $F$ extends
holomorphically into the points $\xi \in \Bbb C$ where $f' (\xi)=0$.
We denote the extended holomorphic map on $\Bbb C$ again by $F$.
Since the restriction of
$E$ to $X$ is isomorphic to the holomorphic tangent bundle of $X$,
any map
$$f: \Bbb C \rightarrow X$$
a unique holomorphic lift $F:\Bbb C \to \Bbb P(E)$.
The following theorem, which is a special case of Theorem~2 of Lu in
\cite{Lu} (it actually follows already from Proposition~4.1 there)
imposes restrictions to such lifts
Assume that the divisor $D$ is ample and that
there exist a non-trivial holomorphic section
0\neq \sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P(E),{\cal O}_{\Bbb P(E)}(m)\otimes p^*[-D]).
Then for any non-constant holomorphic map $f:\Bbb C \to X$ the holomorphic
lift $F:\Bbb C \to \Bbb P(E)$ has values in
the zero-set of $\sigma$.
In order to apply Lu's theorem in a given situation it is
important to guarantee the existence of suitable sections.
Let $(\bar X, C)$ be given as above. The logarithmic Chern classes
$\bar c_j(X)$
are by definition the Chern classes of the logarithmic tangent bundle $E$:
\bar c_j(X)= c_j(E) = c_j(X,(\Omega^1_{\bar X}(\log C))^*).
Now the existence of suitable sections is guaranteed by
the following theorem of Bogomolov (cf. \cite{Bo}
and also Lu \cite{Lu} ( Proof of Proposition~3.1 and localization to
the divisor $D$).
\begin{theo}[Bogomolov]\label{Bogo} Let $D$ be a divisor on $\bar X$,
$D$ effective (i.e.\ \\ $D \geq 0$). Assume that
\bar c_1^2(X) - \bar c_2(X) > 0,
and that
{\rm det}(E^*)
is effective.
Then there exist positive
constants $A, B$ and $m_0, n_0 \in \Bbb N$, such that
A\cdot m^3 \leq h^o(\bar X, S^{mn_0}(E^*)\otimes [-D]) \leq B\cdot m^3
for all $m\geq m_0$.
We have the following nonexistence statement, which is a consequence of
the logarithmic version of the Bogomolov's lemma due to Sakai
(cf. \cite{Sak}). It will also become important for the following proofs.
Assume that the divisor $D$ is ample. Then the following group vanishes:
H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}_{\Bbb P(E)}(1)\otimes p^*[-D])=\{0\}.
In particular, there is no logarithmic $1$-form on $\bar X$ which
vanishes on $D$.
{\it Proof:}\/ The existence of a non-trivial section $s \in H^0(
\bar X, \Omega^1_{\bar X}(\log C)\otimes [-D])$ implies that the
invertible sheaf ${\cal L}:=[D]$ can be realized as a subsheaf
of $\Omega^1_{\bar X}(\log C)$. According to a result of Sakai
\cite{Sak}, (7.5), this implies that the $\cal L$-dimension of $
\bar X$ equals one, which is clearly impossible since $[D]$ is
ample. \qed
Next we deal with divisors in $\Bbb P (E)$ which project down to all of $\bar X$:
Consider the projection $p:\Bbb P(E) \to \bar X$. We call a divisor
$Z\subset \Bbb P(E)$ horizontal, if $p(Z)=\bar X$.
Those horizontal divisors which occur as parts of the zero sets
$V(\sigma)$ of sections $0\neq \sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal
O}_{\Bbb P(E)}(m)\otimes p^*[-D])$ will play an important role in the
sequel. We study this relationship somewhat closer.
0\neq \sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P (E), {\cal O}(m)\otimes p^*[-D])
there exist divisors $E_j$ $ j=1, \ldots, l$ on $\bar X$, and numbers
$a_j, n_j\in \Bbb N$ such that $[\sum a_j\cdot E_j - D] \geq
0$ and sections $s_j\in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}(n_j)\otimes p^*[-E_j])$,
$\tau \in H^0(\Bbb P(E), p^*[\sum a_j\cdot E_j - D])$ such that $\sigma =
\tau \otimes_{1\leq j \leq l} s_j^{a_j}$ with the following property:
The zero-sets of $s_j$ are precisely the irreducible horizontal
components of $V(\sigma)$. \end{lem}
{\it Proof:}\/ Let $0\neq \sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}(m)\otimes
p^*[-D])$ be a non-trivial section and $V(\sigma)$ its zero divisor.
We denote by $S_j$; $j=1, \ldots l$ the irreducible horizontal
components of $V(\sigma)$. Since ${\rm Pic }(\Bbb P(E))={\rm Pic }(X)
\oplus \Bbb Z$, we get $[S_j]= {\cal O}_{\Bbb P(E)}(n_j)\otimes p^*[-E_j]$
for certain divisors $E_j\subset \bar X$ with $n_j \geq 1$. This fact
follows by restricting the bundles $[S_j]$ to a generic fiber of $p$.
Let $a_j$ be the multiplicities of $\sigma$ with respect to $S_j$,
then in particular $a_1n_1+\ldots a_ln_l =m$. (This fact follows again
by restricting bundles and sections to a generic fiber of $p$.)
Canonical sections of $[S_j]$ give rise to non-trivial sections
$s_j\in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}(n_j)\otimes p^*[-E_j])$ which vanish
exactly on $S_j$. Thus $\tau:= \sigma/( s_1^{a_1}\cdot\ldots\cdot
s_l^{a_l})$ is a (holomorphic) section of $H^0(\Bbb P(E), p^*[\sum
a_j\cdot E_j - D])$. In particular $[\sum a_j\cdot E_j - D] \geq 0$.
In order to control the horizontal divisors of a section of
$H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}(m)\otimes p^*[-D])$, the number $m$ will be
chosen minimal in the following sense.
For any $k\in \Bbb N$ we set
\mu_k:=\inf\{m;h^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}(m)\otimes p^*[-kD])\neq 0 \}.
\mu := \inf_{k \in \Bbb N} \{\mu_k\}.
Assume that ${\rm Pic}(\bar X)= \Bbb Z$ and that $[D]$ is the ample generator
of ${\rm Pic}( \bar X)$.\\
Then we have
2 \leq \mu < \infty
and if $k_0 ={\rm min}\{k \in \Bbb N :\mu_k = \mu\}$, there exists a
non-trival section
0\neq \sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P (E), {\cal O}(\mu)\otimes p^*[-k_0D])
such that exactly one horizontal
component of $V(\sigma)$ exists and has multiplicity one.
{\it Proof:}\/ Since some multiple of $D$ is a very ample and hence
linear equivalent to an effective divisor, we have $\mu < \infty$ from
Theorem~\ref{Bogo}. From Lemma~\ref{lem2} we then get $\mu \geq 2$.\\
Now take any section $0\neq \sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P (E), {\cal
O}(\mu)\otimes p^*[-k_0D])$. We use Lemma~\ref{horcomp}. Since $[D]$
is a generator of ${\rm Pic }(\bar X)$, there exist $b_j \in \Bbb Z$ such
that $[E_j]=b_j\cdot [D]$. Since $[\sum a_j\cdot E_j - k_0 D] \geq 0$
we have $\sum a_jb_j \geq k_0$. Since all $a_j\geq 0$, there must be
at least one $b_j>0$, say $b_1> 0$. Now $s_1\in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal
O}(n_1)\otimes p^*[-b_1\cdot D])$ is a non-trivial section. By
definition of $\mu$ we have $n_1\geq \mu$ which means $n_1=\mu$, since
$\sum a_jn_j = \mu$. So in terms of the notion of Lemma~\ref{horcomp}
$\sigma=\tau \cdot s_1$, i.e.\ $S$ contains only one horizontal
component. This component has multiplicity one. \qed
\section{Algebraic Degeneracy Of Entire Curves}
Let $\bar X $ be a non-singular (connected) projective surface.
\begin{defi} Let $f:\Bbb C \to \bar X$ be a holomorphic map. We call
$f$ {\em algebraically degenerate}, if there exists an algebraic curve
$A \subset \bar X$ such that $f(\Bbb C)$ is contained in $A$.
Our main result on algebraic degeneration is:
Let $C \subset \bar X$ be a curve consisting of three
smooth components with normal crossings.
Assume that:\\
i) ${\rm Pic}(\bar X) = \Bbb Z$\\
ii) The logarithmic Chern numbers of $X = \bar X \setminus C$
satisfy the inequality $$\bar c_1^2(X) - \bar c_2(X) > 0$$
iii) The line bundle ${\rm det}(E^*)$ is effective, where
$E^* = \Omega_X^1(\log C)$ is the logarithmic cotangent bundle.\\
Then any holomorphic map $f:\Bbb C \to \bar X\setminus C$ of order at most two is
algebraically degenerate.
Remark: The theorem also holds without the assumption on the order of
the map $f$, but since we are mostly interested in the hyperbolicity
of the complement, we include this assumption, because it slightly
simplifies the proof.\\
The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of this Theorem.
Let again $[D]$ be an ample generator of ${\rm Pic}(\bar X)$. Let $k
\in \Bbb N$ be a natural number such that $[kD]$ is very ample. Then by
Theorem~\ref{Bogo} there exists a symmetric differential $\omega \in
H^0(\bar X, S^m(E^*) \otimes [-kD])$ which is not identically zero.
By Theorem~\ref{Lutheo} we know that $f^*\omega \equiv 0$.\\
The proof now will work as follows: The three components of the curve
$C$ give rise to a morphism $\Phi:\bar X \to \Bbb P_2$ which maps $C$ to
the union of the three coordinate axis. In the first step of the proof
we show that we can `push down' the symmetric differential $\omega$
by this morphism to some symmetric rational differential $\Omega$ on
$\Bbb P_2$ and that we still have $(\Phi \circ f)^*(\Omega) \equiv 0$.
Since $\Phi \circ f$ maps the complex plane to the complement of the
three coordinate hyperplanes in $\Bbb P_2$, we will be able to interpret
this, in the second step of the proof, as an equation for nonvanishing
functions with coefficients which may have zeroes, but which grow of
smaller order, only. In such a situation we then can apply Value
Distribution Theory.
{\bf First step:} We first remark that the intersection number of any
two curves $D_1$ and $D_2$ is positive (including self intersection
numbers). Let $[D]$ be the ample generator of ${\rm Pic}(\bar X) =
\Bbb Z$. Now $[D_j] = a_j [D]$; $a_j \in \Bbb Z$, and $0< D_j \cdot D = a_j
D^2$ (cf.\ the easy implication of the Nakai criterion). Hence all
$a_j$ are positive, and
D_1 \cdot D_2 = a_1 a_2 D^2 >0.
We can find $a_j \in \Bbb N$; $ j=1, 2, 3$ such that
$[a_1C_1]=[a_2C_2]=[a_3C_3]$, since the divisors $C_j$ $ j=1, 2, 3$
are effective. Let $\sigma_j \in H^0(\bar X, L)$ be holomorphic
sections which vanish exactly on $C_j$. Then
\Phi = [\sigma_1:\sigma_2:\sigma_3]: \bar X \rightarrow \Bbb P_2
defines a rational map, which is a morphism, since the three components
do not pass through any point of $\bar X$.
\begin{lem} \label{dom}
The morphism $\Phi$ is a branched covering.
{\it Proof:}\/ Since $C_2\cdot C_3 >0$, the fiber $\Phi^{-1}(1:0:0) =
C_2 \cap C_3$ is non-empty. By assumption $C_2 \cap C_3$ consists of
at most finitely many points. Hence $\Phi$ is surjective and has
discrete generic fibers. Finally $\Phi$ has no positive dimensional
fibers at all: Applying Stein factorization we would get a
bimeromorphic map. Since there are no curves of negative
self-intersection, no exceptional curves exist on $\bar X$(cf.
\cite{BPV}). Hence there exist no positive dimensional fibers of
$\Phi$. \qed
Hence the morphism $\Phi$ is a finite branched covering of
$\bar X$ over $\Bbb P_2$ with, let us say $N$ sheets. Let $R$ be
the ramification divisor of $\Phi$, $B=\Phi(R)$ the branching locus
and $R'=\Phi^{-1}(B)$. Then
$$\Phi : \bar X \setminus R' \rightarrow \Bbb P_2 \setminus B$$
is an unbranched covering with $N$ sheets.
We now want to construct a meromorphic symmetric $mN$-form $\Omega$
defined on $\Bbb P_2 \setminus B$ from the meromorphic symmetric $m$-form
$\omega$ on $\bar X$: For any point $w^0 \in \Bbb P_2 \setminus B$, there
exists a neighborhood $U=U(w^0)$ of $w^0$ and $N$ holomorphic maps
$a_i(w)$, $a_i: U\to \bar X \setminus R'$; $ i=1, \ldots, N$ such that $\Phi
\circ a_i= {\rm id}_U$. By pulling back the symmetric $m$-form
$\omega$ by means of these maps we get $N$ meromorphic symmetric
$m$-forms $ (a_i)^*(\omega)(w)$ on $U$. Taking now the symmetric
product of these $m$-forms, we get the symmetric $(Nm)$-form $\Omega$
on $U$:
$$\Omega (w) = \prod_{i=1}^N a_i^*\omega(w). $$
Let $M=Nm$.
Defining $g=\Phi \circ f$, we then have:
\begin{lem} \label{meromext}
The form
$\Omega$ extends to a rational symmetric $M$-form on $\Bbb P_2$, which we
again denote by $\Omega$. We have $\Omega \not\equiv 0$, but
$g^*\Omega =0$.
The first statement of this lemma is probably well known, and the
second statement is considered to be obvious. But since we did not
find a reference, we will include a proof of this Lemma at the end of
this section.
We proceed with the proof of Theorem~\ref{deg}.
Denote the homogeneous coordinates of $\Bbb P_2$ by $w_0,w_1,w_2$. On
$\Bbb P_2 \setminus V(w_0)$ we have inhomogeneous coordinates
$\xi_1=w_1/w_0, \xi_2 = w_2/w_0$. Hence on $\Bbb P_2 \setminus
V(w_0)$ the symmetric $M$-form $\Omega$ can be written as
\Omega = \sum_{i=1}^M R_i(\xi_1,\xi_2) (d\xi_1)^i (d\xi_2)^{M-i}
where multiplication means the symmetric tensor product here, and the
coefficients $R_i(\xi_1, \xi_2)$ are rational functions in $\xi_1$ and
Now $g:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2$ has values in the complement $\Bbb P_2 \setminus
V(w_0w_1w_2)$ of the three coordinate axis, hence the functions $g_j
=\xi_j \circ g$ are holomorphic and without zeroes. Since $g^*\omega
\equiv 0$ on $\Bbb C$, equation (\ref{om}) implies
\sum_{i=1}^M R_i(g_1(\eta),g_2(\eta)) (g_1'(\eta))^i(g_2'(\eta))^{M-i}
\equiv 0
for all $\eta \in \Bbb C$. This equation still holds if we clear the
denominators of the $R_i(\xi_1, \xi_2)$ simultaneously, so without
loss of generality we may assume from now on that in equation
(\ref{omg}) the $R_i(g_1(\eta), g_2(\eta))$ are polynomials in
$g_1(\eta)$ and $g_2(\eta)$, i.e. we have
\begin{equation} \label{terms}
R_i(g_1(\eta),g_2(\eta))= \sum_{j,k} a_{ijk} (g_1(\eta))^j (g_2(\eta))^k
Under our assumptions we are able to say more about the functions
$g_i$; $i=1, 2$. Since the holomorphic map $f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \bar X \setminus C$ was
of finite order at most two, this is also true for $g=\Phi \circ f$ by
Lemma~\ref{calc}, since the components of $g$ are polynomials in the
components of $f$.
Hence by Lemma~\ref{e}, we have
\begin{equation} \label{gi}
g_i (\eta) = \exp (p_i(\eta))
where the $p_i(\eta)$; $ i=1,2$ are polynomials in $\eta$ of degree at most
Furthermore we may assume that both polynomials are non-constant, otherwise
$g$ would be linearly degenerate and so $f$ would be algebraically
degenerate, and we were done.
Replacing equation (\ref{gi}) and equation (\ref{terms})
in equation (\ref{omg}) we get
\sum_{i=1}^M \sum_{j,k} a_{ijk} \exp\{(i+j)p_1(\eta))+(M-i+k)p_2(\eta)\}
\equiv 0.
If we still allow linear combinations of the above summands with
constant coefficients $c_{ijk}$ in
equation (\ref{new}) we can pass to a subset $S$ of indices which occur in this
equation and get a relation
\sum_{(i, j, k) \in S} c_{ijk} a_{ijk}
(p_1'(\eta))^i(p_2'(\eta))^{M-i} \equiv 0
but now with the additional property that $S$ is minimal with
equation (\ref{news}).
Let $S$ have $L$ elements.
Since we may assume that the polynomials $p_i(\eta)$ are nonconstant,
we know that the $p_i' (\eta)$ are not identically zero and hence that
$L \geq 2$.
For the rest of this proof
we will distinguish between two cases:\\
{\bf Case 1:}\/ There exist two summands in equation (\ref{news}) the quotient
of which is not a rational function in the variable $\eta$.\\
{\bf Case 2:}\/
The quotient of any two summands in equation (\ref{news}) is a rational
function in the variable $\eta$.\\
We shall show that the first case is impossible whereas in the second
case algebraic degeneracy is shown.
{\bf Case 1:} We could immediately finish up the proof under the
assumptions of case 1 by using a Second Main Theorem for moving
targets to equation~(\ref{news}), as to be found e.g. in the paper of
Ru and Stoll \cite{R-S}. Another approach is to treat
equation~(\ref{news}) directly with a generalized Borel's theorem (we
can regard this equation as a sum of nonvanishing holomorphic
functions with coefficients which may vanish, but which grow of a
smaller order than the nonvanishing functions, only). We present here
a more elementary argument based on the Second Main Theorem which
might also be considered somewhat simpler.
First, it is easy to see that $L \geq 3$, since for $L=2$ we would get,
by dividing in equation~(\ref{news}) through one of the exponential
terms, that the exponential of a nonconstant polynomial is equal to a
quotient of two other polynomials, which is absurd.
Let $\psi_1,\ldots, \psi_L$ be some enumeration of the summands which
occur in equation (\ref{news}). Then, after factoring out possible
common zeroes of the entire holomorphic functions $\psi_1, \ldots,
\psi_L$ we get an entire holomorphic curve
\Psi : \Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P^{L-1};
\eta \rightarrow [\psi_1(\eta):\ldots:\psi_L(\eta].
If we denote the homogenous coordinates of this $\Bbb P^{L-1}$ by
$[z_1:\ldots:z_L]$, the image of $\Psi$ is contained in the hyperplane
$H=\{z_1+\ldots+z_L=0\}$ and does not hit any of the coordinate
hyperplanes $H_i=\{z_i=0\}$. So we can regard $\Psi$ also as an entire
holomorphic mapping with values in the hyperplane $H$ (which is
isomorphic to $\Bbb P^{L-2}$) which does not intersect the $L$ different
hyperplanes $H \cap H_i$ in $H$. It is now an important fact that
these hyperplanes are in general position in $H$, and that the entire
curve $\Psi$ is not mapping $\Bbb C$ entirely into any hyperplane in $H$
(the latter follows from the minimality condition in equation
(\ref{news})), because under these conditions we can apply the Second
Main Theorem (cf. section~2), which yields:
\label{smt} (L-(L-2)-1) T(\Psi, r) \leq \sum_{i=1}^L N_{\Psi}(H \cap
H_i, r) + O(\log r)
because the entire curve $\Psi$ is
of finite order at most two by Lemma~\ref{calc}. Now we have
N_{\Psi}(H \cap H_i, r) = N(\{\psi_i=0\}, r) \leq M (N(\{p_1' =0\},
r)+N(\{p_2' =0\}, r)).
The First Main Theorem (cf. section~2) and
Lemma~\ref{logr} imply that the right hand side grows at most of order
$O(\log r)$ only, so equation (\ref{smt}) yields that
\begin{equation} \label{log}
T(\Psi, r) =O(\log r).
We know by the
assumption of case 1 that there exist indices $i, j$ such that
$\psi_i(\eta)/\psi_j(\eta)$ is not a rational function in $\eta$. Then
$[\psi_i(\eta):\psi_j(\eta)]:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P^1$ is an entire curve for
which by Lemma~\ref{logr} the characteristic function
$T([\psi_i:\psi_j])$ grows faster than $\log r$, so (by the formula
for the characteristic function given in equation~(\ref{1})) this is
also true for $T(\Psi, r)$ contradicting equation~(\ref{log}). So we
have shown that under the assumptions of case 1 we get a
{\bf Case 2:} We want to show first that there exist nonvanishing
complex numbers $\gamma$ and $\lambda$ such that
\begin{equation} \label{deriv}
\lambda p_1'(\eta) = \gamma p_2'(\eta).
We only need to show that $p_1'(\eta)$ and $p_2'(\eta)$ are linearly
dependent, because if one of them is the zero polynomial, we have
algebraic degeneracy of $g$ and hence of $f$. So assume that
$p_1'(\eta)$ and $p_2'(\eta)$ are linearly independent. Then no linear
combination of $p_1(\eta)$ and $p_2(\eta)$ is a constant polynomial.
So under the assumptions of case 2 get that for all $(i, j, k) \in S$
the terms $i+j$ in the summands
$$ c_{ijk} a_{ijk} \exp((i+j)p_1(\eta))+(M-i+k)p_2(\eta))
are equal, and also the terms $k+(M-i)$ are the same as well. But then
for a given $i_0$ there can be at most one $(i_0, j, k) \in S$. So by
factoring out the exponential function in equation (\ref{news}) we get
a nontrivial homogenous equation of degree $M$ in $p_1'(\eta)$ and
$p_2'(\eta)$, which then can be factored in linear factors. Since then
one of the linear factors has to vanish identically we get the linear
dependency of $p_1'(\eta)$ and $p_2' (\eta)$ again, so the assumption
of linear independency was wrong.
We now want to construct a special symmetric form with at most
logarithmic poles as singularities along the curve $C$ which is
annihilated by $f$.
Let us simply state equation~(\ref{deriv})
in terms of the original entire curve $f$. We have
\begin{equation} \label{ww}
p_i'(\eta) = \frac{dg_i(\eta)}{g_i(\eta)} =
(\Phi \circ f)^* \frac{d\xi_i}{\xi_i}=
f^* \omega_i
where $\omega_i$; $i=1,2$ is a differential one form on $\bar X$
with at most logarithmic
poles along $C$. Define $\omega_0 = \lambda \omega_1 - \gamma \omega_2$.
Then $\omega_0 \in H^0(\bar X, E^*)$, and since
$$\omega_0 =\Phi^* (\lambda \frac{d\xi_1}{\xi_1} - \gamma
\frac{d\xi_2}{\xi_2}) $$
and the map $\Phi$ is a local isomorphism outside the branching, we have
$$\omega_0 \not= 0$$
Furthermore by equations (\ref{ww}) and (\ref{deriv}) we have
$$ f^*\omega_0 \equiv 0$$
Now the proof of the fact that $f$ is algebraically degenerate is almost
Let $\sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}(\mu) \otimes p^*[-k_0D])$ be the section
constructed in Lem\-ma~\ref{onecomp} and $\tilde\sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}
(1))$ the section which corresponds to $\omega_0$.
We recall that both sections are nontrivial, that $\mu \geq 2$, and that
contains only one horizontal component, which we will denote by $S_{\sigma}$,
with multiplicity one. We also recall that by Theorem~\ref{Lutheo}, the lift of
$f$ to $\Bbb P(E)$, which we denoted by $F$,
maps entirely into $V(\sigma)$. We may
assume that it maps into $S_{\sigma}$, otherwise by projecting down to
$\bar X$ we get that $f$ is algebraically degenerate and we are done.
If $\tilde\sigma$ does not vanish identically on $S_{\sigma}$, $F$ maps
into the zero set of $\tilde\sigma$ in $S_{\sigma}$, which has codimension
at least two. So projecting down to $\bar X$ again yields algebraic
degeneracy of $f$.
Hence we now may assume that $\tilde\sigma$ vanishes identically
on $S_{\sigma}$. Since $\tilde\sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P(E), {\cal O}(1))$ the
degree of $V(\tilde\sigma)$ with respect to a generic fiber of the map
$p:\Bbb P(E) \rightarrow \bar X$ is one (cf. the argument in the proof of
Lemma~\ref{horcomp}). However since $S_{\sigma}$ is the only
horizontal component of the zero set of $\sigma \in H^0(\Bbb P(E),
{\cal O}(\mu) \otimes p^*[-k_0D])$ with $\mu \geq 2$ and has multiplicity one,
and since $\tilde\sigma$ vanishes on $S_{\sigma}$, the degree of
$V(\tilde\sigma)$ with respect to such a generic fiber must be at least
two, which is a contradiction.
So this case cannot occur and the proof of
Theorem~\ref{deg} is complete. \qed
{\it Proof of Lemma~\ref{meromext}:}\/ The assertion $g^*\Omega \equiv
0$ is clear from $f^*\omega \equiv 0$ and the construction of
In order to prove the assertion $\Omega \not\equiv 0$,
we choose a point $\xi^0 \in \Bbb P_2 \setminus (B \cup \{w_0=0\})$.
In a small neighborhood $U(\xi^0)$ we have the $N$ biholomorphic
functions $a_i(\xi), i=1,...,N$ which invert the map $\Phi$ on $U(\xi^0)$.
Then we have
\begin{equation} \label{express}
((a_i)^*(\omega))(\xi) = \sum_{j=0}^m b_{ij}(\xi)
After possibly moving the point $\xi^0$ in $U(\xi^0)$ we may assume
that the meromorphic functions $b_{ij}(\xi)$ either vanish
identically on $U(\xi^0)$ or have no zero
or singularity in $\xi^0$. Let now for each $i=1,...,N$ the index
$j(i)$ be the maximal $j \in \{0,...,m\}$ such that $b_{ij}(\xi^0) \not=
0$. Let $k=\sum_{i=1}^N j(i)$. Then the $(d\xi_1)^k(d\xi_2)^{M-k}$-monomial
of $\Omega$ in the point $\xi_0$ is equal to $\prod_{i=1}^N b_{ij(i)}(\xi^0)$,
which is not equal to zero by construction.
Last we have to show that $\Omega$ extends to a rational symmetric
$M$-form on $\Bbb P_2$.
We only have to show how $\Omega$ can be extended over smooth points of the
branching locus, because by Levi's extension theorem (cf. \cite{G--R}) we
then can extend it over the singular locus which is of codimension
two. Then, by Chow's Theorem it is rational.
So assume $P \in B$ is a smooth point of $B$. Then (cf. \cite{G-R})
there exists a neighborhood of $P$ over which $\Phi$ is an analytically
branched covering of a very special form:
For every point $Q$ over $P$ one can introduce local coordinates
$\xi_1,\xi_2$ around $P$ and $z_1,z_2$ around $Q$ such that
$\xi_1(P)=\xi_2(P)=z_1(Q)=z_2(Q)=0$, and neighborhoods
$U=\{ |\xi_1|<1, |\xi_2|<1\}$, $V= \{|z_1|<1, |z_2|<1 \}$ such that,
for some $b \in \{1,...,N\}$, we have
\begin{equation} \label{abc}
\Phi :V \rightarrow U; (z_1,z_2) \rightarrow (z_1^b,z_2)
In order to prove our assertion in a neighborhood of $P \in B$, it is
to prove it for the analytically branched covering in equation (\ref{abc}).
For $k=0,...,b-1$ let
$$g_k: V \rightarrow V; (z_1,z_2) \rightarrow (\exp(\frac{2\pi i k}{b}) z_1,z_2).$$
Then $G= \{g_0,...,g_{b-1} \}$ is just the group of deck transformations,
i.e.\ automorphisms which respect $\Phi$.
For the meromorphic symmetric $m$-form $\omega$ on $V$, let $\tilde\Omega$
be the symmetric product of the $b$ meromorphic symmetric $m$-forms
$(g_i)^*(\omega)$ on $V$. We are done, if we show that by projecting
down with $\Phi$ this form gives rise to a meromorphic symmetric
$M$-form on $U$, because in $U \setminus B$ this is just the form $\Omega$.
The symmetric $M$-form $\tilde\Omega$ can be uniquely written in the form
\begin{equation} \label{uni}
\tilde\Omega (z_1,z_2) =
\sum_{i=0}^M r_{ij}(z_1, z_2)(\frac{dz_1}{z_1})^i
with meromorphic functions $r_{ij}$ in the variables $(z_1,z_2)$.
Now $\tilde\Omega(z_1, z_2)$ is invariant under the action of $G$,
$(\frac{dz_1}{z_1})^i$ and $(dz_2)^{M-i}$ are also $G$-invariant.
Moreover $b \frac{dz_1}{z_1}=\frac{d\xi_1}{\xi_1}$ and $dz_2=d\xi_2$.
Hence the $r_{ij}$ are $G$-invariant functions, i.e.\ these are
pull-backs of meromorphic functions on $U$. \qed
\section{Application to the Projective Plane and Complete Intersections}
We shall apply Theorem~\ref{deg}. Throughout this section, we make the
following assumptions:
Let the smooth complex surface $\bar X$ be a complete intersection
$$\bar X = V_2^{(a_1, \ldots , a_r)} \subset \Bbb P_{r+2}\, , \: r \geq 0 $$
of hypersurfaces of degrees $a_j$, $j=1, \ldots , r$ in $\Bbb P_{r+2}$.
Set $A=\prod_{i=1}^r a_i$ and $a=\sum_{i=1}^r a_i$. Let smooth curves
$C_j$, $j=1, 2, 3$ be given in $\bar X$ which intersect in normal
crossings. We assume that these curves are transversal intersections
of $\bar X$ with hypersurfaces of degrees $b_j$. We set
The Euler numbers of $\bar X$ and $C_j$ are:
$$e(\bar X)=A(2+(a-r-1)^2)$$
The {\it Proof}\/ is a direct consequence of the Riemann-Roch Theorem.
According to \cite{HI}, Theorem~22.1.1, the $\chi_y$-characteristic
of a complete intersection can be computed from a generating function.
Its value at $y=-1$ yields the Euler number. \qed
In order to determine, when the assumptions of Theorem~\ref{deg} are
satisfied, we first compute $\bar c_1^2(X) - \bar c_2(X)$.
In the above situation
\bar c_1^2(X) - \bar c_2(X) = A((a-r-3)(b-4) -6 + \sum_{i<j}b_i\cdot b_j),
$${\rm det}(E^*)= (a+b-3-r)\tilde{H},$$
where $\tilde{H}$ is a hyperplane section.
{\it Proof:}\/ According to a result of Sakai
\cite{Sak} we have ${\rm det}(E^*)=[\Gamma]$, where $\Gamma= K_{\bar
X} + C$.
Then the second claim follows from the Adjunction Formula.
Furthermore (cf. \cite{Sak}),
c_1^2(E^*)-c_2(E^*)= \Gamma^2 - e(\bar X \setminus C) = \Gamma^2
- e(\bar X) + e(C),
where $\Gamma^2$ denotes the self intersection. It equals
\Gamma^2= A(a+b-r-3)^2.
For the Euler number of $\bar X$ we use Proposition~\ref{riro}. The
Euler number of $C$ is evaluated in terms of the Euler numbers
$e(C_j)$ of the
components and the respective intersection numbers
C_i\cdot C_j= A b_i b_j
to be
e(C) = \sum_{j=1}^3 e(C_j) - \sum_{i<j} C_i\cdot C_j.
{}From these equalities we get immediately the above formula for
Now Theorem \ref{deg} yields
Let $X=\bar X \setminus C$ as above. Then any entire holomorphic curve
$f:\Bbb C \to X$ of order at most two is algebraically degenerate, if
${\rm Pic}(\bar X)= \Bbb Z$
$(a-r-3)(b-4)+ \sum_{i<j}b_ib_j > 6$
$a+b \geq r+3$
The {\it Proof}\/ follows from Theorem~\ref{deg}, and
Proposition~\ref{num}. \qed
Let $X=\bar X \setminus C$ as above. Then any entire holomorphic curve
of order at most two
$f:\Bbb C \to X$ is algebraically degenerate in any of the following cases:
${\rm Pic}(\bar X)= \Bbb Z$,
and $a \geq r+3$, $b \geq 5$.
$\bar X \subset \Bbb P_3$ is a `generic' hypersurface of degree at least four,
and $b \geq 5$.
Let $\bar X =\Bbb P_2$ (i.e.\ $a_1= \ldots a_r =1$, $r \geq 0$).
Let $b_1, b_2, b_3 \geq 2$ and at least one $b_j \geq 3$,
or up to enumeration
$b_1=1, b_2\geq 3, b_3 \geq 4$.
Remark: `Generic' indicates the complement of a countable union of
proper varieties in space of all hypersurfaces.
{\it Proof:}\/ Case a) is obvious. Case b) is an application of the
Noether-Lefschetz theorem \cite{N-L} and case a).
For case c) we set e.g.\ $r=a_1=1$. Then
\bar c_1^2(X) - \bar c_2(X) = -3(b-4) -6 + \sum_{i<j}b_i\cdot b_j
is equal to
or to
$$ (b_1-1)(b_2-1)+(b_1-1)(b_3-2)+(b_2-3)(b_3-4)+(2b_2+b_3)-9$$
From these facts the assertion of case c) follows immediately.\qed
\section{Algebraic Degeneracy of Entire Curves Versus Hyperbolicity}
\begin{theo} \label{MT}
Let $C$ be the union of
three smooth curves $C_j$ $ j=1,2,3$ in $\Bbb P_2$ of degree $d_j$
d_1,d_2,d_3\geq 2 \hbox{ and at least one } d_j\geq 3.
Then for generic such configurations
$ \Bbb P^2 \setminus C$ is complete hyperbolic and hyperbolically
embedded in $\Bbb P_2$.
More precisely this is the case, if the curves intersect only in normal
crossings, and if
one curve is a quadric
there must not exist a line which intersects
the two other curves only in one point each and which intersects the
quadric just in these two points.\\
{\it Proof:}\/
In order to prove that
$\Bbb P_2 \setminus C$ is hyperbolic and hyperbolically embedded in $\Bbb P_2$,
we only will have to prove,
by an easy Corollary of a Theorem of M.Green (cf. \cite{GRE2}),
that there does not exist a non-constant entire curve
$\, f:\Bbb C \rightarrow \Bbb P_2 \setminus C$ of order at most two.
We know from Theorem~\ref{main2} that the entire curve $f:\Bbb C
\to \Bbb P_2\setminus C$ of order at most two
is contained in an algebraic curve $A\subset
\Bbb P_2$ of degree $d_0$ say.
Now the proof is almost the same as in \cite{DSW}.
Assume that there exists an irreducible algebraic curve $A \subset \Bbb P_2 $
such that $A\setminus C$ is not hyperbolic.
We know that $ A \cap C$ consists of at least
2 points $P$ and $Q$. Moreover, $A$ cannot have a singularity at $P$
or $Q$ with different tangents, because $A$ had to be reducible in such
a point, and $A\setminus C$ could be identified with an
irreducible curve with
at least three punctures. (This follows from blowing up such a point or
considering the normalization).
So $ A \cap C$ consists of exactly 2 points $P$ and $Q$
with simple tangents. We denote the multiplicities of $A$ in $P$ and $Q$ by $
m_P $ and
$ m_Q $. Then the inequality (cf. \cite{FU})
m_P(m_P-1)+m_Q(m_Q-1) \leq (d_0-1)(d_0-2)
\begin{equation} \label{*}
m_P , m_Q < d_0 \hbox{ {\rm or} }d_0=m_P=m_Q=1.
After a suitable
enumeration of its components we may assume that $P \in C_1
\cap C_2 $ and $ Q \in C_3$. If $Q \not\in C_2
\cup C_1 $ we are done, since then we may assume that $A$ is
not tangential to $ C_2$, and then, computing intersection multiplicities
according to \cite{HA}, we have
m_P = I(P,A \cap C_2) = d_2d_0
which contradicts equation (\ref{*}).
So we may assume that $\, Q \in C_2 \cap C_3$. Now $A$ has to
be tangential to $C_1$ in $P$ and to $\, C_3$ in $Q$,
otherwise we again get $\, m_P=d_1d_0\,$ or $\,m_Q =d_3d_0\,$ what
contradicts equation (\ref{*}). But then $\,C_2$ is not tangential
to $A$ in $P$ or $Q$, so we have
$$m_P + m_Q = I(P,A \cap C_2) + I(Q, A \cap C_2) = d_2d_0$$
Again by equation (\ref{*}) this is only possible if $d_2=2$ and
$\, m_P=m_Q=d_0=1$, but then we are in a situation which we excluded
in Theorem~\ref{MT}, which is a contradiction. \qed
We make the same assumptions as in section~5.
\begin{theo} \label{MT1}
Let $\bar X \subset \Bbb P_3$ be a `generic' smooth hypersurface of degree $d
\geq 5$ and $b \geq 5$. Then $X=\bar X \setminus C$ is hyperbolic and
hyperbolically embedded in $\bar X$.
{\it Proof:}\/ According to Xu \cite{Xu} and Clemens \cite{Cl} $\bar
X$ does not contain any rational or elliptic curves. Hence
Theorem~\ref{main2} yields the claim. \qed
1993-12-14T12:40:04 | 9312 | alg-geom/9312006 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9312006 | [
] | alg-geom/9312006 | Fabrizio Broglia | F. Acquistapace, F.Broglia, M.Pilar Velez | An algorithmic criterion for basicness in dimension 2 | 23 pages, amslatex (+bezier.sty) report: 1.89.(766) october 1993 | null | null | null | null | We give a constructive procedure to check basicness of open (or closed)
semialgebraic sets in a compact, non singular, real algebraic surface $X$. It
is rather clear that if a semialgebraic set $S$ can be separated from each
connected component of $X\setminus(S\cup\frz S)$ (when $\frz S$ stands for the
Zariski closure of $(\ol S\setminus{\rm Int}(S))\cap{\rm Reg}(X)$), then $S$ is
basic. This leads to associate to $S$ a finite family of sign distributions on
$X\setminus\frz S$; we prove the equivalence between basicness and two
properties of these distributions, which can be tested by an algorithm. There
is a close relation between these two properties and the behaviour of fans in
the algebraic functions field of $X$ associated to a real prime divisor, which
gives an easy proof, for a general surface $X$, of the well known 4-elements
fan's criterion for basicness (Brocker, Andradas-Ruiz). Furthermore, if the
criterion fails, using the description of fans in dimension 2, we find an
algorithmic method to exhibit the failure. Finally, exploiting this thecnics of
sign distribution we give one improvement of the 4-elements fan's criterion of
Brocker to check if a semialgebraic set is principal.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 14 Dec 1993 10:58:46 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"M. Pilar",
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction.}
In this paper we give a constructive procedure to
check basicness of open (or closed) semialgebraic sets in a compact,
non singular, real algebraic surface $X$. It is rather clear that if a
semialgebraic set $S$ can be separated
from each connected component of $X\setminus(S\cup\partial _{\rm z} S)$ (when $\partial _{\rm z} S$
stands for the Zariski closure of $(\overline S\setminus{\rm Int}(S))\cap{\rm
Reg}(X)$), then $S$ is basic.
This leads to associate to $S$ a finite family of sign distributions on
$X\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S$;
we prove the equivalence between basicness and two properties of these
distributions, which can be tested by an algorithm described in
By this method we find for surfaces a general result of [AR2] about the
of Lojasiewicz's example" of non basic semialgebraic sets
(2.9). There is a close relation between these two properties and the
behaviour of fans in the algebraic functions field of $X$ associated to a real
prime divisor (Lemmas 3.5 and 3.6). We use this fact to get an easy proof
(Theorem 3.8), for
a general surface $X$, of the well known 4-elements fan's criterion for
basicness (see [Br] and [AR1]). Furthermore, if the criterion fails,
using the description of fans in dimension 2 [Vz],
we find an algorithmic method to exhibit the failure. Finally, exploiting this
of sign distribution we give one improvement of the 4-elements fan's criterion
in [Br]
to check if a semialgebraic set is principal.
In fact, one goal of this paper is to give purely geometric proofs, in the case
of surfaces, of the theory of fans currently used in Semialgebraic Geometry
In particular, we only need the definitions of that theory. It is
at least remarkable that while the notion of fan is highly geometric in nature
known proofs of the main results are pure quadratic forms theory.
\section{Geometric review of basicness}
Let $X\subset {\Bbb R}^n$ be an algebraic surface. Denote by ${\cal R}(X)$ the ring of
functions on $X$.
Let $S\subset X$ be a {\em semialgebraic set}, that is
$$S=\bigcup_{i=1}^p\{x\in X:f_{i1}(x)>0,\dots,f_{ir_i}(x)>0,g_i(x)=0\}$$
with $f_{i1},\dots,f_{ir_i},g\in {\cal R}(X)$, for $i=1,\dots,p$.\\
We will simply write: $S=\bigcup\{f_{i1}>0,\dots,f_{ir_i}>0,g_i=0\}$.
\begin{defn} A semialgebraic set $S$ is {\em basic open} (resp. {\em basic
if there exist $f_1,\dots,f_r\in {\cal R}(X)$ such that
$$S=\{x\in X:f_1(x)>0,\dots,f_r(x)>0\}$$
$$({\it resp.}\; S=\{x\in X:f_1(x)\geq 0,\dots,f_r(x)\geq 0\})$$
\begin{defn} A semialgebraic set $S\subset X$ is {\em generically basic} if
exist a Zariski closed set $C\subset X$, with ${\rm dim}(C)\leq 1$, such that
$S\setminus C$ is basic open.
Denote by $\partial _{\rm z} S$ the Zariski closure of the set $\partial(S)=(\overline
S\setminus{\rm Int}(S))\cap{\rm Reg}(X)$.
It is known that in dimension 2 {\em basic} and {\em generically basic} have
almost the same meaning (see [Br]). We give here a direct proof of this fact.
Let $S$ be an open semialgebraic set in $X$, if $S$ is generically
basic then $S\cap \partial _{\rm z} S$ is a finite set.
Suppose there exist $f_1,\dots,f_s\in {\cal R}(X)$ and an algebraic set $C\subset X$
such that ${\rm dim}(C)\leq 1$ and
$$S\setminus C=\{f_1>0,\dots,f_s>0\}.$$
Suppose also that there is an irreducible component $H$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ such that
${\rm dim}(H\cap S)=1$. Let ${\frak p}$ be the ideal of $H$ in ${\cal R}(X)$ and pick any
$x_0\in {\rm Reg}(H)$.
Then ${\cal R}(X)_{x_0}$ (the localization of ${\cal R}(X)$ at the maximal ideal ${\frak m}$ of
$x_0$, so ${\frak p}\subset{\frak m}$) is a factorial ring and ${\rm
ht}({\frak p}{\cal R}(X)_{x_0})=1$, hence
${\frak p}{\cal R}(X)_{x_0}=h{\cal R}(X)_{x_0}$ for some $h\in {\frak p}$. Take
$g_1,\dots,g_r\in{\cal R}(X)$
such that ${\frak p}{\cal R}(X)=(g_1,\dots,g_r)$, then there exist $\lambda_i,s_i\in{\cal R}(X)$
with $s_i(x_0)\not= 0$ (in particular, $s_i\not\in{\frak p}$) such that
for $i=1,\dots,r$.\\
\indent Consider $U=X\setminus\{s_1\cdots s_r=0\}$ which is Zariski open in
Then we have ${\frak p}{\cal R}(X)_x=(h){\cal R}(X)_x$ for all $x\in U_1=U\cap{\rm Reg}(H)$.\\
\indent Take now $x_0\in U_1$, we have $f_j=\rho_jh^{\alpha_j}$ with
$\alpha_j\geq 0$
and $\rho_j\in {\cal R}(X)_{x_0}$ such that $h$ does not divide $\rho_j$ (in
particular, $\rho_j\not\in {\frak p}{\cal R}(X)_{x_0}$).
Then $\rho_j=p_j/q_j$, $j=1,\dots,s$, where $p_j,q_j\in{\cal R}(X)$ and
Let $U_2$ be the Zariski open set $U_1\setminus\{q_1\cdots q_s=0\}\subset H$,
then for all $x\in U_2$,
$q_jf_j=p_jh^{\alpha_j}$, $p_j,q_j$
do not change sign in a neighbourhood of $x$, for $j=1,\dots,s$ and $h$
changes sign in a neighbourhood of $x$, since locally $h$ is a parameter of $H$
in $x$. Hence for any $j=1,...,s$, $f_j$ changes sign in a neighbourhood of $x$
if $\alpha_j$ is odd and does not change sign if $\alpha_j$ is even.\\
\indent Using the fact that ${\rm dim}(S\cap H)=1$, ${\rm dim}(C)\leq 1$ and
$s_i,p_j,q_j\not\in{\frak p}$, there exist a
Zariski dense open set ${\mit\Omega}$ in $U_2$ such that $f_j$ does not change
sign through ${\mit\Omega}$, for all $j=1,\dots,s$, then $\alpha_j$ is even for all
But also there is a Zariki dense open set ${\mit\Omega}'$ in $U_2$
such that ${\mit\Omega}'\subset \overline S\setminus S$, then there is $l\in
such that $f_l$ changes sign through ${\mit\Omega}'$, and $\alpha_l$ is odd, which is
Let $S$ be a semialgebraic set in $X$.\\
\indent (1) Let $S$ be open. Then $S$ is generically basic if and only if there
$p_1,\dots,p_l\in \partial _{\rm z} S$ such that $S\setminus\{p_1,\dots,p_l\}$ is basic
\indent (2) $S$ is basic open if and only if $S$ is generically
basic and $S\cap\partial _{\rm z} S=\emptyset$.\\
\indent (3) Let $S$ be closed. Then $S$ is generically basic if and only if $S$
is basic closed.
\begin{pf} First we prove {\it (1)}. The ``if part'' is trivial.
Suppose $S$ to be open and generically basic, that is there are
$f_1,...,f_r\in{\cal R}(X)$
and an algebraic set $C\subset X$ with ${\rm dim}(C)\leq 1$ such that
$$S\setminus C=\{f_1>0,\dots,f_r>0\}.$$
\noindent We suppose first that $C$ is a curve and
we can also suppose that $\{f_1\cdots f_r=0\}\subset C$.\\
\indent $C\cap S$ is an open semialgebraic set in $C$, then using [Rz, 2.2],
there exist $g_1\in {\cal R}(C)$ such that
$$C\cap S=\{x\in C:g_1(x)>0\}$$
$$\overline{C\cap S}=\{x\in C:g_1(x)\geq 0\}$$
\noindent choose $g_1$ to be the restriction of a regular function $g\in
{\cal R}(X)$.\\
\indent For each $i=1,\dots,r$ consider the open sets
$B_i=\{x\in X:f_i(x)<0\}$
\noindent and the closed sets
$T_i=(\overline S\cap\{g\leq 0\})\cup(\overline{B_i}\cap\{g\geq 0\}).$\\
\indent Applying [BCR, 7.7.10] to $T_i$, $f_i$ and $g$ for $i=1,...,r$,
we can find $p_i,q_i\in {\cal R}(X)$, with $p_i>0$, $q_i\geq 0$, such that\\
\indent {\em (i)} $F_i=p_if_i+q_ig$ has the same signs as $f_i$ on $T_i$;\\
\indent {\em (ii)} The zero set $Z(q_i)$ of $q_i$ verifies,
$Z(q_i)={\rm Adh}_{\rm z}(Z(f_i)\cap T_i)$.\\
We remark the following:\\
\indent {\em a)} $F_i(S\setminus C)>0$ for $i=1,\dots,r$, since $F_i$ has the
signs as $f_i$ on $T_i\cap S$ and outside is the sum of a strictly positive
function and a nonnegative one.\\
\indent {\em b)} $F_i(B_i)<0$ for $i=1,\dots,r$, by the same reasons.\\
\indent {\em c)} $Z(q_i)\subset \partial _{\rm z} S$. In fact, denote
$$Z_1^i=Z(f_i)\cap \overline S\cap\{g\leq 0\}$$
$$Z_2^i=Z(f_i)\cap \overline{B_i}\cap\{g\geq 0\}$$
\noindent then we have
$Z(q_i)={\rm Adh}_{\rm z}(Z_1^i)\cup{\rm Adh}_{\rm z}(Z_2^i)\subset Z(f_i)\subset C.$
Since $g$ is positive on $C\cap S$ and $Z_1^i\subset C\cap \{g\leq 0\}$,
we have $Z_1^i\cap S=\emptyset$, hence $Z_1^i\subset \partial(S)$. Indeed,
$B_i\cap S=\emptyset$ and $S$ is open we have
$\overline{B_i}\cap S=\emptyset$. Moreover $C\cap \overline{B_i}\subset\{g\leq 0\}$,
hence $Z_2^i\subset\{g=0\}\cap C\subset \overline S$, then
\indent From these remarks, denoting $Z=\bigcup_{i=1}^rZ(q_i)$, we have
$$S\setminus Z=\{F_1>0,\dots,F_r>0\}.$$
\noindent In fact, if $x\in S\setminus C$ then $F_i(x)>0$ for $i=1,...,r$,
if $x\in (C\cap S)\setminus Z$ then $f_i(x)\geq 0$, $q_i(x)\geq 0$
and $g(x)>0$, hence $F_i(x)>0$ for $i=1,...,r$ and $x\in S\setminus Z$.
Otherwise, suppose $x\not\in S\setminus Z$, then $x\in (X\setminus S)\cup(S\cap
if $x\in X\setminus S$ there is $l\in \{1,\dots,r\}$ such that $f_l(x)\leq 0$,
and we can have $x\not\in C$ or $x\in C$,
in the first case $f_i(x)\not= 0$ for all $i$, so $x\in B_l$ and $F_l(x)<0$, in
the second case $g(x)\leq 0$, $q_l(x)\geq 0$, so
$F_l(x)\leq 0$; if $x\in S\cap Z$ there is $l\in \{1,\dots,r\}$ such that
$q_l(x)=0$, then
$f_l(x)=0$ and $F_l(x)=0$. In any way, there is $l$ such that $F_l(X)\leq 0$ if
$x\not\in S\setminus Z$.\\
\indent By 1.3 and remark {\em c)} above we have
that there exist $p_1,\dots,p_l\in\partial _{\rm z} S$
such that $\bigcup_{i=1}^rZ(q_i)\cap S=\{p_1,\dots,p_l\}$, hence
\indent If $C=\{a_1,\dots,a_m\}$ is a finite set we have to check that we can
throw out from $C$ all the $a_i$ which do not lie in $\partial _{\rm z} S$. This can be done
as before by taking the function 1 at the place of $g$ and putting
\indent From {\it (1)} we have immediately {\it (2)}, because if $S$ is
basic and $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$, $S$ is basic open, since following the
proof above we have $Z(q_i)\cap S=\emptyset$ for $i=1,...,r$. On the countrary,
if $S$ is basic open then it is generically basic and $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$
(because $\partial _{\rm z} S\subset\{f_1\cdots f_r=0\}$ if $S=\{f_1>0,\dots,f_r>0\}$).\\
\indent Finally we prove {\it (3)}. The ``if part" is trivial. Then suppose
to be closed and generically basic, i. e.
$$S\setminus C=\{f_1>0,\dots,f_r>0\}$$
\noindent with $f_1,\dots,f_r\in {\cal R}(X)$ and ${\rm dim}(C)<2$. We can suppose
$\{f_1\cdots f_r=0\}\subset C$.\\
\indent $C\cap S$ is a closed semialgebraic in $C$, by [Rz, 2.2], there is
$g_1\in {\cal R}(C)$ such that
$$C\cap S=\{x\in C:g_1(x)\geq 0\}.$$
\noindent Take $g\in {\cal R}(X)$ as above, $f\in {\cal R}(X)$ a positive equation of $C$
and $T=S\cap \{g\leq 0\}$. Applying again [BCR, 7.7.10] to $T$, $f$ and $g$,
we find $p,q\in{\cal R}(X)$ with $p>0$, $q\geq 0$ such that\\
\indent {\em (i)} $h=pf+qg$ has the same sign as $f$ on $T$;\\
\indent {\em (ii)} $Z(q)={\rm Adh}_{\rm z}(Z(f)\cap T)$.\\
Notice that $h(S)\geq 0$ and $Z(f)\cap T=C\cap S\cap\{g\leq
0\}\subset\{g=0\}\cap C$,
because $C\cap S\subset\{g\geq 0\}$; but $\{g=0\}\cap C$ is a finite set
contained in $S$, then $Z(q)$ is a finite set contained in $S$.\\
\indent We will prove that
$$S=\{f_1\geq 0,\dots,f_r\geq 0,h\geq 0\}.$$
\noindent In fact, if $x\in S\setminus C$ then $f_i(x)>0$ for all $i$ and
$h(x)>0$, if $x\in S\cap C$ then $f_i(x)\geq 0$ for all $i$ (because
${\rm dim}(C)<2$) and $h(x)\geq 0$,
hence $S\subset\{f_1\geq 0,\dots,f_r\geq 0,h\geq 0\}$. Otherwise suppose
$x\not\in S\supset S\setminus C$,
then there is $l\in \{1,...,r\}$ such that $f_l(x)\leq 0$,
if $x\not\in C$, $f_i(x)\not= 0$ for all $i=1,...,r$, then $f_l(x)<0$;
if $x\in C\setminus (C\cap S)$, $f_l(x)\leq 0$, $q(x)\not= 0$ and $g(x)<0$,
then $h(x)<0$.
{\em (1)} {\rm Let $S$ be a closed semialgebraic set, then $S$ is basic closed
if and only if $S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S$ is basic open.\\
\indent In fact, if $S$ is basic closed then it is generically basic, hence
$S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S$
is generically basic and as $(S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S)\cap\partial _{\rm z}(S\setminus\partial _{\rm z}
$S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S$ is basic; on the contrary, if $S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S$ is basic
open then
$S$ is basic closed, since $S$ is closed.}
\indent {\em (2)} {\rm Let $S$ be a semialgebraic set, and let $S^\ast$ denote
the set
${\rm Int}(\overline S)$. Then, $S$ is basic open if and only if $S^\ast$ is
basic and $S\cap\partial _{\rm z} S=\emptyset$.\\
\indent In fact, $S$ and $S^\ast$ are generically equal.}
\section{Basicness and sign distributions}
We recall some definitions and results from [ABF]. Let
$X$ be a compact, non singular, real algebraic surface and $Y\subset X$ an
algebraic curve.\\
\indent Consider a {\em partial sign distribution} $\sigma$ on $X\setminus Y$,
which gives the sign $1$ to some connected components of $X\setminus Y$ (whose
union is denoted by $\sigma^{-1}(1)$) and the sign $-1$ to some others (whose union
is denoted
by $\sigma^{-1}(-1)$). So $\sigma^{-1}(1)$ and $\sigma^{-1}(-1)$ are disjoint open
sets in $X$.
{\em (1)} A sign distribution $\sigma$ is {\em completable} if $\sigma^{-1}(1)$
and $\sigma^{-1}(-1)$ can be separated by a regular function, i.e. there is
$f\in{\cal R}(X)$
such that $f(\sigma^{-1}(1))>0$, $f(\sigma^{-1}(-1))<0$ and $f^{-1}(0)\supset Y$.
we say that {\em $f$ induces $\sigma$}.
{\em (2)} A sign distribution $\sigma$ is {\em locally completable} at a
point $p\in Y$ if there is $f\in{\cal R}(X)$ such that $f$ induces $\sigma$ on a
neighbourhood of $p$.
{\em (3)} An irreducible component $Z$ of $Y$ is a {\em type changing
with respect to $\sigma$ if there exist two nonempty open sets ${\mit\Omega}_1,{\mit\Omega}_2\subset
Z\cap{\rm Reg}(Y)$ such that\\
\hspace{.2in} (a) ${\mit\Omega}_1\subset\overline{\sigma^{-1}(1)}\cap\overline{\sigma^{-1}(-1)}$,\\
\hspace{.2in} ($b_+$) ${\mit\Omega}_2\subset {\rm Int}(\overline{\sigma^{-1}(1)})$ \hspace{.2in}
or \hspace{.2in}
($b_-$) ${\mit\Omega}_2\subset {\rm Int}(\overline{\sigma^{-1}(-1)})$.\\
If ($b_+$) (resp. ($b_-$)) holds we say that $Z$ is {\em positive type
(resp. {\em negative type changing}) with respect to $\sigma$.
{\em (4)} An irreducible component $Z$ of $Y$ is a {\em change component} if
there exist a nonempty open set ${\mit\Omega}\subset Z\cap{\rm Reg}(Y)$ verifying (a).
Completable sign distributions are characterized by the following theorem.
{\rm (See [ABF, 1.4 and 1.7])} Denote by $Y^c$ the union of the change
components of $Y$ with respect to $\sigma$. Then $\sigma$ is completable if and
only if\\
\indent {\em (1)} $Y$ does not have type changing component with respect to
\indent {\em (2)} $\sigma$ is locally completable at any point $p\in{\rm Sing}(Y)$;\\
\indent {\em (3)} There exist an algebraic curve $Z\subset X$ such that
$Z\cap(\sigma^{-1}(1)\cup\sigma^{-1}(-1))=\emptyset$ and $[Z]=[Y^c]$ in ${\rm
H}_1(X,{\Bbb Z}_2)$.\\
\indent Moreover condition {\em (2)} becomes condition {\em (1)} after the
of the canonical desingularization of $Y$, namely each point where $\sigma$ is not
locally completable corresponds to at least one type changing component of the
exceptional divisor with respect to the lifted sign distribution.
{(\rm See [ABF, ``the procedure"])} Condition {\em (2)} of theorem 2.2 can be
without performing the blowings-up, by an algorithm that only uses the Puiseux
expansions of the branches of $Y$ at its singular points.
In fact, there are two algorithms:
\noindent \fbox{A1} (see [ABF, 2.4.19]) Given a branch $C$ of an algebraic
curve through a point
$p_0$ and an integer $\rho>0$, it is possible to find explicitely, in terms
of the Puiseux expansion of $C$, the irreducible Puiseux parametrizations of
all analytic arcs $\gamma$ through $p_0$ with the following properties:\\
\indent a) Denoting respectively by $\gamma_{\rho}$ and by $C_{\rho}$ the
strict transform
of $\gamma$ and $C$ after $\rho$ blowings-up in the standard resolution
of $C$ and by $D_{\rho}$ the exceptional divisor arising at the last
then $\gamma_{\rho-1}$ is parametrized by
\[ \left\{ \begin{array}{l}
y=at+\cdots\end{array}\right. \]
\noindent and $C_{\rho-1}\cap\gamma_{\rho-1}=0\in D_{\rho-1}$.\\
\indent b) $\gamma_{\rho-1}$ and $C_{\rho-1}$ have distinct tangents at 0.
\noindent \fbox{A2} (see [ABF, solution to problem 2]) Given an analytic arc
$\gamma$ and a region of ${\Bbb R}^2$ bounded by two analytic arcs
with $\gamma,\gamma_1,\gamma_2$ through $0\in {\Bbb R}^2$, it is possible to decide,
looking at the Puiseux parametrizations, whether $\gamma$ crosses the region
or not.
Using \fbox{A1} and \fbox{A2} one can decide whether $D_{\rho}$ is positive
or negative type changing with respect to the lifted sign distribution
without performing the blowings up, because for the family of arcs given by
\fbox{A1}, whose strict transform are transversal to $D_{\rho}$, we can
decide by \fbox{A2} whether or not $\sigma$ changes sign along some elements of the
and whether or not $\sigma$ has constant positive or constant negative sign along
some other ones.\\
Now let $S$ be an open semialgebraic set.
{\rm Let $A_1,\dots,A_t$ be the connected component of $X\setminus(S\cup\partial _{\rm z}
For each $i=1,\dots,t$ we denote by $\sigma_i^S$ (or simply $\sigma_i$ when there
is not risk of confusion) the following sign distribution on $X\setminus\partial _{\rm z}
(\sigma_i^S)^{-1}(1)&=&S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S\\
\end{eqnarray*} }
Let $S$ be a semialgebraic set and $S^\ast={\rm Int}(\overline S)$. Then,
${\rm dim}(S^\ast\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast)=1$ if and only if there exists $i\in\{1,\dots,t\}$
such that $\partial _{\rm z} S$ has a positive type changing component with respect to
Suppose ${\rm dim}(S^\ast\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast)=1$, then there is an irreducible component
$H$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast$ such that ${\rm dim}(H\cap S^\ast)=1$. So we can find an
open 1-dimensional set ${\mit\Omega}\subset H\cap S^\ast$, hence
$${\mit\Omega}\subset{\rm Int}(\overline S)={\rm Int}(\overline{S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S})={\rm
\noindent for each $i=1,\dots,t$. And we can find another open 1-dimensional
set ${\mit\Omega}'\subset\partial(S^\ast)\cap H$ such that
$${\mit\Omega}'\subset\overline{S^\ast}=\overline S=\overline{S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S}=\overline{\sigma_i^{-1}(1)}$$
\noindent for each $i=1,\dots,t$ and
$${\mit\Omega}'\subset X\setminus S^\ast=\bigcup_{i=1}^t\overline{A_i}\; .$$
\noindent Then ${\mit\Omega}'\subset\bigcup_{i=1}^t(\overline{A_i}\setminus A_i)$, since
$A_i\cap S=\emptyset$
and $S$ is open. Hence, there exist a 1-dimensional open set
${\mit\Omega}''\subset{\mit\Omega}'$ and $i_0\in\{1,...,t\}$ such that
${\mit\Omega}''\subset\overline{A_{i_0}}\setminus A_{i_0}$,
because ${\rm dim}({\mit\Omega}')=1$ and we have a finite number of $A_i$.
Hence ${\mit\Omega}''\subset\overline{\sigma_{i_0}^{-1}(1)}\cap\overline{\sigma_{i_0}^{-1}(-1)}$.
But since $H$ is a 1-dimensional component of $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast$ and $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast
\subset\partial _{\rm z} S$, $H$ is an irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ of dimension 1;
then if we take ${\mit\Omega}_1={\mit\Omega}''\cap{\rm Reg}(\partial _{\rm z} S)$ and
${\mit\Omega}_2={\mit\Omega}\cap{\rm Reg}(\partial _{\rm z} S)$, $H$ is a positive type changing
component with respect to $\sigma_{i_o}$.\\
\indent On the contrary suppose that $H$ is an irreducible component of
$\partial _{\rm z} S$ which is a positive type changing component with respect to some
$\sigma_l$ ($l=1,...,t$). So there exist open sets ${\mit\Omega}_1,{\mit\Omega}_2\subset H$ of
${\rm Reg}(\partial _{\rm z} S)$ such that
and ${\mit\Omega}_2\subset{\rm Int}(\overline{\sigma_l^{-1}(1)})$. Then ${\mit\Omega}_2\subset S^\ast$
and ${\rm dim}(S^\ast\cap H)=1$. But ${\mit\Omega}_1\subset\overline{S\setminus\partial _{\rm z} S}=\overline {S^\ast}$
and ${\mit\Omega}_1\subset\overline{A_i}$, then ${\mit\Omega}_1\subset\overline{S^\ast}\setminus S^\ast$
because $X\setminus S^\ast=\bigcup\overline{A_i}$. So $H$ is an irreducible
component of $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast$, hence ${\rm dim}(S^\ast\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast)=1$.
Let $S$ be a semialgebraic set in the sphere ${\Bbb S}^2$ such that
$\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ (resp. a closed semialgebraic set in ${\Bbb S}^2$).
Then $S$ is basic open (resp. closed) if and only if for each $i=1,\dots,t$,
$\sigma_i^S$ is
It suffices to prove the result for a semialgebraic $S$ such that $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap
because if $S$ is closed, applying 1.5 we have done.\\
\indent Suppose $S$ to be basic open, then $S^\ast$ is generically basic and
${\rm dim}(S^\ast
\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast)<1$. By lemma 2.5 no irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is
positive type changing with respect to $\sigma_i^S$ for each $i=1,...,t$. But also
they cannot be negative type changing, because any curve in ${\Bbb S}^2$
${\Bbb S}^2$ into connected components in such a way that none of them lies on
both sides of a branch of the curve (because the curves in ${\Bbb S}^2$ have
orientable neighbourdhoods).\\
\indent If for some $i\in\{1,...,t\}$, $\sigma_i^S$ were not locally completable
at some point $p\in\partial _{\rm z} S$, we could find (Theorem 2.2) a non singular
surface $V$ together with a contraction $\pi:V\to{\Bbb S}^2$ of an algebraic
curve $E\subset V$ to the point $p$, with $\pi^{-1}(\partial _{\rm z} S)$ normal crossing
in $V$, such that an irreducible component $D$ of $E$ would be type changing
with respect to $\sigma_i'=\sigma_i^S\cdot \pi$. But $p\not\in S\cup A_i$, so $\sigma_i'$
is defined on $V\setminus\pi^{-1}(\partial _{\rm z} S)$ by
\noindent and as $\pi:V\setminus(\pi^{-1}(\partial _{\rm z} S))\to {\Bbb S}^2\setminus\partial _{\rm z}
is a biregular isomorphism, $\sigma_i'=\sigma_i^T$. So $T$ and $T^\ast$ are generically
basic, being biregularly
isomorphic to $S$, hence ${\rm dim}(\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cap
T^\ast)<1$; so $D$ cannot be positive type changing by lemma 2.5. We have to
exclude that $D$ is negative type changing. Suppose it is so; then
we can find two open sets ${\mit\Omega},{\mit\Omega}'\subset D$ such that $\pi^{-1}(A_i)$ lies on
both sides of ${\mit\Omega}$ and
${\mit\Omega}'$ divides $T$ from $\pi^{-1}(A_i)$. Then there exists an irreducible
component $Z$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ such that its strict transform $Z'$ crosses $D$
between ${\mit\Omega}$ and ${\mit\Omega}'$.
Then $Z'$ must cross $\pi^{-1}(A_i)$, because this open set is connected. This
is impossible since $A_i$
does not lie on both sides of $Z$. Then no irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is
type changing with
respect to $\sigma_i^S$ and $\sigma_i^S$ is locally completable at any $p\in\partial _{\rm z} S$
for all $i$; so $\sigma_i^S$ is completable, since ${\rm H}_1({\Bbb S}^2,{\Bbb Z}_2)=0$
\indent Suppose now that $\sigma_i^S$ is completable for each $i=1,...,t$ and
let $f_i\in{\cal R}({\Bbb S}^2)$ be a regular function inducing $\sigma_i^S$. Clearly
But if $x\not\in S$ then $x\in A_l$ for some $l=1,...,t$ or $x\in\partial _{\rm z} S$.
If $x\in A_l$, then $f_l<0$; if $x\in\partial _{\rm z} S$, then $f_i(x)=0$ for all
since $f_i$ vanishes on $\partial _{\rm z} S$ by the very definition of completability.
So $S=\{f_1>0,\dots,f_t>0\}$ and it is basic.
Before proving an analogous result for a general surface we need a lemma.
Let $S\subset X$ be an open semialgebraic set such that $S=S^\ast$,
$\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ and $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is normal crossing. Let $H$ be an
irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$. Then there exist a non singular algebraic
set $H'\subset X$ such that\\
\indent (a) $[H]=[H']$ in ${\rm H}_1(X,{\Bbb Z}_2)$,\\
\indent (b) $H$ and $H'$ are transversals,\\
\indent (c) $H'\cap S=\emptyset$.
$H$ is a smooth compact algebraic curve, composed by several ovals and locally
disconnects its neighbourhood; moreover $S$ is locally only on one side of $H$,
because $S=S^\ast$ and $H\cap S^\ast=\emptyset$, at least outside a
of the singular points lying in $H$, namely the points where $H$ crosses an
other component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$. At each of these points we have only two possible
situations (see figures 2.7).
From this it is clear how to construct a smooth differentiable curve $C_H$
with $[C_H]=[H]$ in ${\rm H}_1(X,{\Bbb Z}_2)$ such that $C_H$ is transversal to each
irreducible component of
$\partial _{\rm z} S$ and $C_H\cap S=\emptyset$, using a suitable tubular neighbourhood of
\begin{center} \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm} \begin{picture}(100,40)
\put(78,4){\makebox(0,0){$ _H$}}
\put(18,4){\makebox(0,0){$ _H$}}
\put(26,35){\makebox(0,0){$ _{C_H}$}}
\put(89,35){\makebox(0,0){$ _{C_H}$}}
\put(20,-4){\makebox(0,0){{\small Figure 2.7.a}}}
\put(80,-4){\makebox(0,0){{\small Figure 2.7.b}}}
\vskip .2cm
\indent Now we want to approximate $C_H$ by a nonsingular algebraic curve $H'$
with the same properties.
To do this we use the fact that $[H]$ gives a strongly algebraic line
bundle $\pi:E\rightarrow X$ on $X$ (see [BCR, 12.2.5]). For this line bundle,
$H$ is the zero set of an algebraic section $h$ and $C_H$ is the zero set
of a ${\cal C}^\infty$ section $c$. Let $Q_1,\dots,Q_k$ be the points in the
$H\cap C_H$. We can take a finite open covering $V_1,\dots,V_l$ of $X$ with
the following properties:\\
\indent 1) $Q_i\in V_i$ for $i=1,...,k$ and $V_1,\dots,V_k$ are pairwise
\indent 2) For each $j=1,...,l$ there exist an algebraic section $s_j$ of $E$
such that $s_j(x)\not=0$ for each $x\in V_j$ ($s_j$ generates $E_x$ for each
$x\in V_j$).\\
\indent Take a ${\cal C}^\infty$ partition of the unity
associated to the covering, with the property that for $i=1,...,k$,
is a closed neighbourhood of $Q_i$ in $V_i$, $\varphi_i(Q_j)=0$ for $j\not= i$.
For $j=1,...,l$ we can write
$c\,\vline_{V_j}=\alpha_j s_j,$
\noindent with $\alpha_j\in {\cal C}^\infty(V_j)$ and $\alpha_j(Q_j)=0$ if
$j=1,...,k$, because $s_j$ generates the fiber. Then we have
\noindent and the smooth functions $\beta_j=\varphi_j\alpha_j\in{\cal
vanishes at $Q_i$ for $i=1,...,k$.\\
\indent By a classical relative approximation theorem (see [BCR, 12.5.5]) we
can approximate $\beta_j$ on $X$ by a regular function $f_j$ on $X$ vanishing
at $\{Q_1,\dots,Q_k\}$. Then the algebraic section
\noindent has an algebraic zero set $H'$ passing through $Q_1,\dots,Q_k$.
Moreover $H'\cap S=\emptyset$, because $H'$ is very close to $C_H$, and
$[H']=[H]$ in ${\rm H}_1(X,{\Bbb Z}_2)$.
Finally we have.
Let $X$ be a compact, non-singular, real algebraic surface and $S\subset X$
be a semialgebraic set with $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ (resp. $S\subset X$
be a closed semialgebraic set).\\
\indent Then $S$ is basic if and only if for each $i=1,\dots,t$ the sign
distribution $\sigma_i^S$ verifies the following two properties:\\
\indent (a) No irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is positive type changing
with respect to $\sigma_i^S$.\\
\indent (b) No irreducible component of the exceptional divisor of a
standard resolution \linebreak $\pi:V\to X$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is positive type
with respect to $\sigma_i'=\sigma_i^S\cdot\pi$.
It suffices to prove for $S$ with $S\cap\partial _{\rm z} S=\emptyset$, because this implies
that $S$ is open and by remark 1.5.1 we have done for $S$ closed.\\
\indent The ``only if part" is the same as for ${\Bbb S}^2$, without the
proving there are not negative type changing component. For the
``if part" we can reason as follows.\\
\indent Let $\pi:V\to X$ be the standard resolution of $\partial _{\rm z} S$. Denote by $Y$
the curve $\pi^{-1}(\partial _{\rm z} S)$ (see [EC] or [BK]), $Y$ is normal crossing in $V$.
Each irreducible component of $Y$ is a non-singular curve consisting possibly
of several ovals. Each of this ovals can have an orientable neighbourhood (in
which case it is homologically trivial) or a non orientable neighbourhood
isomorphic to the M\" obius band.\\
\indent Denote as it is usual $\sigma_i'$ the sign distribution $\sigma_i^S\cdot \pi$
and consider the sets $T=\pi^{-1}(S)$ and $T^\ast={\rm Int}(\overline T)$. Conditions
{\em (a)} and {\em (b)} for $\sigma_i^S$ imply that $Y$ has not positive type
changing components with respect to $\sigma_i'$. So by 2.5, $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cap
T^\ast$ is a finite
set, and as $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\subset Y$ has not isolated points and $T^\ast$ is
open, we have $T^\ast\cap \partial _{\rm z} T^\ast=\emptyset$.\\
\indent Consider now the sign distributions $\sigma_j^{T^\ast}$ on $V\setminus
\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast$ defined as before for $j=1,\dots,l$, where $l$ is the number
of connected component of $V\setminus(T^\ast\cup\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast)$; clearly they do
not have positive type changing components. Apply 2.7 to each irreducible
component $H$ of $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast$ being
a change component for some $\sigma_j^{T^\ast}$. Then, we find a non-singular
algebraic set $H'$ such that $H'\cap T^\ast=\emptyset$ and $[H]=[H']$ in
${\rm H}_1(V,{\Bbb Z}_2)$. The union of all $H'$ gives an algebraic set $Z\subset
\indent Remark that if $H$ is a negative type changing component with respect
some $\sigma_j^{T^\ast}$ then this phenomenon occurs along an oval of $H$ whose
neighbourhood is a M\" obius band, because in the other case the two sides of
oval whould be in different connected components of $V\setminus\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast$.
Take the sign distributions $\tau_K$ on $V\setminus(\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cup Z)$,
defined by
\noindent where $B_1,\dots,B_m$ are the connected components of $V\setminus
(T^\ast\cup\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cup Z)$.\\
\indent We claim that $\tau_k$ is completable for each $k=1,...,m$. In fact,
we prove that conditions (1), (2) and (3) of 2.2 are verified.\\
\indent (1) No irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cup Z$ is neither
positive nor negative type changing with respect $\tau_k$: this is true because
now the sign $-1$ can occur at most on one side of each irreducible component
$H$ of $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cup Z$ (a M\" obius band is divided by two transversal
generators of its not vanishing homological class into two connected
components), then
there are not negative type changing components with respect $\tau_k$.\\
\indent (2) $\tau_k$ is completable at each point $p\in \partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cup Z$.
In fact, if $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cup Z$ is normal crossing in $p$, since there are not
type changing components, $\tau_k$ is locally completable at $p$. But, in
general $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cup Z$ is not normal crossing. If $p_0$ is not normal
crossing we have, by construction 2.7, two irreducible components $H,H_1$ of
$\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast$ and one irreducible component $H'$ of $Z$, with $[H']=[H]$,
meeting pairwise transversally at $p_0$.
\put(40,20){\makebox(0,0){$ _{H_1}$}}
\put(20,40){\makebox(0,0){$ _H$}}
\put(38,2){\makebox(0,0){$ _{H'}$}}
\put(20,-3){\makebox(0,0){\small Figure 2.8}}
\vskip .2cm
\noindent Then by construction we have two signs $+1$ between $H$ and $H_1$
near $p_0$
(if not $H'$ would not cross $H$) and at most two signs $-1$ between $H$ and
$H'$ or between $H'$ and $H_1$ (see figure 2.8). So $\tau_k$ is locally
at $p_0$.\\
\indent (3) If $H$ is a change component for $\tau_k$, then $H\subset
\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast$ and if $[H]\not= 0$ then for some irreducible
component $Z_H$ of $Z$, $[H\cup Z_H]=0$ and $Z_H\cap T^\ast=\emptyset$,
$Z_H\cap B_k=\emptyset$, by construction.\\
\indent So $\tau_k$ is completable for $k=1,...,m$. Let $P_k$ be a regular
inducing $\tau_k$. Then
\noindent but if $x\not\in T^\ast$, $x\in (\bigcup_{k=1}^mB_k)\cup\partial _{\rm z}
T^\ast\cup Z$,
hence at least one among $P_k$ verifies $P_k(x)\leq 0$. So
\noindent then it is basic, hence $S$ is generically basic, but $S\cap\partial _{\rm z}
so, by 1.4, $S$ is basic.
From 2.8 we find for surfaces a geometric proof of a general basicness
in [AR2]. We call {\em birational model} of a semialgebraic set $S$ any
set obtained from $S$ by a birational morphism on $X$.
Let $X$ be a surface and $S\subset X$ a semialgebraic set. Then, $S$ is
basic open if and only if $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ and for each birational
model $T$ of $S$ we have $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cap T^\ast$ is a finite set.
By 1.4 we are done the {\em only if part}. Suppose now that $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap
and for each birational model $T$ of $S$ we have that $\partial _{\rm z} T^\ast\cap T^\ast$
is a finite set.
Then, $S$ is open and we will prove that it is basic open.\\
\indent Take a compactification of $X$ (for instance its closure in a
space) and then take a non-singular birational model $X_1$ of $X$, obtained by
a finite sequence of blowings-up along smooth centers. The strict
transform $S_1$ of $S$ is a birational model of $S$.\\
\indent Consider now the standard resolution $\pi:X_2\to X_1$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S_1$
and take $S_2$ the strict transform of $S_1$ by $\pi$. Then $\partial _{\rm z} S_2$ is
crossing and $\partial _{\rm z} S_2^\ast\cap S_2^\ast$ is a finite set, because $S_2$ is a
birational model of $S$. But, $\partial _{\rm z} S_2^\ast\subset \partial _{\rm z} S_2$ has not isolated
points (it is normal crossing) and $S_2^\ast$ is open, then $\partial _{\rm z} S_2^\ast\cap
So by 2.5 and 2.8, $S_2^\ast$ is basic open. Hence $S$ is generically basic
and, as $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$, $S$ is basic open.
\section{Geometric review of fans}
For all notions of real algebra, real spectra, specialization, real
valuation rings, etc., we refer to [BCR]. Only for tilde operation we use a
slightly different definition: for a semialgebraic set $S$ in an algebraic
set $X$, $\tilde S$ is the constructible set of ${\rm Spec}_r ({\cal R}(X))$ (instead of
${\cal P}(X)$) defined by the same formula which defines $S$. The properties
of this tilde operation are the the same as the usual ones (see [BCR, chap.7]).
Let $K$ be a real field, a subset $F=\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4\}$ of ${\rm Spec}_r K$
is a {\em 4-element fan} (or simply a {\em fan}) if each $\alpha_i$ is the product
of the other three,
that is for each $f\in K$ we have
\noindent for all $\{i,j,k,l\}=\{1,2,3,4\}$, where $\alpha(f)$ denotes the sign
($1$ or $-1$)
of $f$ in the ordering $\alpha\in {\rm Spec}_r(K)$.\\
\indent Given a fan $F$ we can find a valuation ring $V$ of $K$ such that\\
\indent a) Each $\alpha_i\in F$ is compatible with $V$; that is, the maximal
ideal ${\frak m}_V$ of $V$ is $\alpha_i$-convex.\\
\indent b) $F$ induces at most two orderings in the residue field $k_V$ of
In this situation we say that $F$ trivializes along $V$ (see [BCR, chap.10] and
Let $X$ be a real algebraic set, and ${\cal K}(X)$ be the function field of $X$,
that is a finitely generated real extension of ${\Bbb R}$. Denote $K={\cal K}(X)$.
A fan $F$ of $K$ is {\em associated to a real prime divisor $V$} if\\
\indent {\em (a)} $V$ is a discrete valuation ring such that $F$ trivializes
along $V$.\\
\indent {\em (b)} The residue field $k_V$ of $V$ is a finitely generated real
extension of ${\Bbb R}$ such that ${\rm dg.tr.}[K:{\Bbb R}]={\rm dg.tr.}[k_V:{\Bbb R}]+1$.
{\rm Let $F$ be a not trivial fan (i.e. the $\alpha_i$'s are distincts) associated
to a real prime divisor $V$, then it induces two distinct orderings
in $k_V$ ([BCR, 10.1.10]). If $F=\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4\}$ we suppose that
$\alpha_1,\alpha_3$ (resp. $\alpha_2,\alpha_4$) induce $\tau_1$ (resp. $\tau_2$) and we
write this
V& &\alpha_1& &\alpha_3& &\alpha_2& &\alpha_4\\
\downarrow& & &\searrow\swarrow& & & &\searrow\swarrow& \\
k_V& & &\tau_1& & & &\tau_2&
Conversely, let $\tau_1,\tau_2\in{\rm Spec}_r(k_V)$ be distinct, and let $t\in V$ be a
uniformizer for $V$. Each $f\in V$ can be written as $f=t^nu$, where $n$
is the valuation of $f$ and $u$ is a unit in $V$. Denote by $\overline u$ the class
$u$ in $k_V$ and consider the orderings in $K$ defined as follows:
\alpha_1(f)=\tau_1(\overline u)&;&\alpha_3(f)=(-1)^n\tau_1(\overline u)\\
\alpha_2(f)=\tau_2(\overline u)&;&\alpha_4(f)=(-1)^n\tau_2(\overline u)\\
\noindent They form a fan $F$ of $K$ associated to the real prime divisor
\indent We may consider $\tau_1,\tau_2\in{\rm Spec}_r(k_V)$ as elements of ${\rm Spec}_r(V)$
with ${\frak m}_V$
as support. Then we have that $\alpha_1,\alpha_3$ (resp. $\alpha_2,\alpha_4$) specialize to
$\tau_1$ (resp. $\tau_2$) in ${\rm Spec}_r(V)$.\\
\indent When $\alpha$ specializes to $\tau$, we write $\alpha\to \tau$.}
From now we consider the field of rational functions ${\cal K}(X)$ of a compact
non-singular real
algebraic surface $X$, which is a finitely generated real extension of ${\Bbb R}$
transcendence degree over ${\Bbb R}$ equal to 2.
{\rm Let $F$ be a fan in ${\cal K}(X)$ associated to a real prime divisor V of
${\cal K}(X)$.
Then, ${\cal R}(X)\subset V$ (because $X$ is compact); consider the real prime
ideal ${\frak p}={\cal R}(X)\cap{\frak m}_V$. We have that $V$ dominates ${\cal R}(X)_{\frak p}$ and there
are two possibilities:\\
\indent 1) If the height of ${\frak p}$ is 1, it is the ideal of an irreducible
algebraic curve $H\subset X$. Since $X$ is non-singular, ${\cal R}(X)_{\frak p}$ is
a discrete valuation ring, which is dominated by $V$. Hence $V={\cal R}(X)_{\frak p}$
and $k_V$ is the function field ${\cal K}(H)$ of $H$; so $\tau_1,\tau_2\in{\rm Spec}_r(H)$.\\
\indent 2) If ${\frak p}$ is a maximal ideal, it is the ideal of a point $p\in X$,
because $X$ is compact.}
Let $F$ be a fan of ${\cal K}(X)$ associated to a real prime divisor $V$ and let
${\frak p}={\cal R}(X)\cap{\frak m}_V$. The {\em center of $F$} is the zero set $Z({\frak p})$ of
${\frak p}$.\\
\indent We say that {\em $F$ is centered at a curve (resp. a point)} if ${\frak p}$
has height 1
(resp. is maximal).
Let $S\subset X$ be an open semialgebraic set. Then the following facts are
equivalent:\\ \indent {\em (i)} For each fan $F$ of
${\cal K}(X)$ centered at a curve, $\#(F\cap\tilde S)\not= 3$\\
\indent {\em (ii)} $\partial _{\rm z} S$ has not positive type changing components with
to the sign distributions $\sigma_i^S$ for $i=1,...,t$, defined in 2.4.
Suppose to have a fan $F$ centered at a curve $H\subset X$, such that
$\#(F\cap\tilde S)=3$.
Then by remarks 3.2 and 3.3 we have:\\
\indent a) $F$ is associated to a real prime divisor $V={\cal R}(X)_{\frak p}$, where
${\frak p}$ is the ideal of $H$.\\
\indent b) If $F=\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4\}$, then
$\alpha_1,\alpha_3\to\tau_1\; ,\;\alpha_2,\alpha_4\to\tau_2$
in ${\rm Spec}_r(V)$, with $\tau_1\not=\tau_2$ and $\tau_1,\tau_2\in{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(H))$.\\
\indent Suppose $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3\in \tilde S$ and $\alpha_4\not\in\tilde S$.
that an element of ${\rm Spec}_r({\cal R}(X)_{\frak p})$ is a prime cone of ${\rm Spec}_r({\cal R}(X))$ which
support is contained in ${\frak p}$. So we can consider $\alpha_i,\tau_j\in{\rm Spec}_r({\cal R}(X))$
($i=1,2,3,4$, $j=1,2$) with $\tau_1,\tau_2\in\tilde H$ and
$\alpha_1,\alpha_3\to\tau_1\; ,\;\alpha_2,\alpha_4\to\tau_2$
in ${\rm Spec}_r({\cal R}(X))$.\\
\indent We have $\tau_1\in\overline{\tilde S}=\tilde{\overline S}$, because $\alpha_1,\alpha_3\in
\tilde S$.
But by [BCR, 10.2.8] there are precisely two prime cone different from $\tau_1$
in ${\rm Spec}_r({\cal R}(X))$
specializing to $\tau_1$, so they are $\alpha_1,\alpha_3$. And as
$\alpha_1,\alpha_3,\tau_1\in\tilde{\overline S}$,
we get that $\tau_1$ is an interior point of $\tilde{\overline S}$, so
This means $\tau_1\in\tilde H\cap\tilde{S^\ast}$, so ${\rm dim}(H\cap S^\ast)= 1$.\\
\indent Now $\tau_2\in\tilde{\overline S}$, because $\alpha_2\in\tilde S$ and
Again [BCR, 10.2.8] the prime cones specializing to $\tau_2$ and different
from it are precisely $\alpha_2,\alpha_4$. Since $\alpha_4\not\in\tilde S$ and
$\tilde S\cap{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(X))=\tilde{\overline S}\cap{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(X))$, we have that
$\alpha_4\not\in\tilde{\overline S}$, so $\tau_2$ is not interior to $\tilde{\overline S}$,
is $\tau_2\not\in\tilde{S^\ast}$. But $\overline S=\overline{S^\ast}$, then
$$\tau_2\in\widetilde{\overline{S^\ast}\setminus S^\ast}\subset\widetilde{\partial _{\rm z}
S^\ast} \,.$$
\noindent This implies that ${\rm dim}(H\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast)=1$, then $H$ is an
component of $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast$. So ${\rm dim}(S^\ast\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast)=1$ and by 2.5
$\partial _{\rm z} S$ has a positive type changing component with respect $\sigma_i^S$ for some
\indent Conversely, let $H$ be a irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ which is
positive type changing with respect $\sigma_i^S$ for some $i$. Then we can find
open sets ${\mit\Omega}_1,{\mit\Omega}_2\in H\cap{\rm Reg}(\partial _{\rm z} S)$ such that\\
\indent a) ${\mit\Omega}_1\subset\overline{\sigma_i^{-1}(1)}\cap\overline{\sigma_i^{-1}(-1)}=\overline S\cap\overline
\indent b) ${\mit\Omega}_2\subset{\rm Int}(\overline{\sigma_i^{-1}(1)})=S^\ast$\\
Let ${\frak p}$ be the ideal of $H$ in ${\cal R}(X)$ and $V$ be the discrete valuation
ring ${\cal R}(X)_{\frak p}$. Consider two orderings $\tau_1,\tau_2\in{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(H))$, with
$\tau_1\in \tilde{\mit\Omega}_1$, $\tau_2\in\tilde{\mit\Omega}_2$, and let $F$ be the fan defined
by $\tau_1,\tau_2$ as in 3.2. So
$\alpha_1,\alpha_3\to\tau_1\; ,\;\alpha_2,\alpha_4\to\tau_2$
in ${\rm Spec}_r({\cal R}(X))$, as before.\\
\indent We have $\alpha_2,\alpha_4\in\tilde S^\ast$, because $\tau_2\in\tilde S^\ast$
and $S^\ast$ is open. But $\alpha_2,\alpha_4\in{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(X))$ and
$\tilde S\cap{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(X))=\tilde S^\ast\cap{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(X))$, then
$\alpha_2,\alpha_4\in\tilde S$.\\
\indent On the other hand, $\tau_1\in \tilde{\overline S}\cap\tilde{\overline A_i}$. So
exist $\alpha\in\tilde S$ and $\beta\in\tilde A_i$ with $\alpha,\beta\to\tau_1$.
Again by [BCR, 10.2.8] we must have $\alpha=\alpha_1$ and $\beta=\alpha_3$. So
$\#(F\cap\tilde S)=3$.
Let $S$ be a open semialgebraic set in $X$ such that $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast\cap S^\ast$
a finite set. Fix $p\in\partial S$. Then the following facts are equivalent:\\
\indent {\em (i)} For each fan $F$ centered at $p$,
$\#(F\cap\tilde S)\not= 3$.\\
\indent {\em (ii)} For each contraction
$\pi:X'\to X$ of a curve $E$ to the point $p$, no irreducible component of $E$
is positive type changing with
respect to $\sigma_i'=\sigma_i^S\cdot \pi$, for $i=1,...,t$.
Suppose that there exist a contraction $\pi:X'\to X$ of a curve $E$ to the
point $p$
and $i=1,...,t$ such that an irreducible component $H$ of
$E$ is positive type changing with respect to $\sigma_i'$. But if $T=\pi^{-1}(S)$,
then $(\sigma_i')^{-1}(1)=T$, $(\sigma_i')^{-1}(-1)=\pi^{-1}(A_i)$; moreover, as
$p\not\in S$, the set $\{\pi^{-1}(A_i):i=1,...,t\}$ is precisely the set
of connected component of $X'\setminus(T\cup\partial _{\rm z} T)$, then $\sigma_i'=\sigma_i^T$.
Now by 3.5 there exists a fan $F=\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4\}$ of ${\cal K}(X')$ with
center the curve $H$ such that $\#(F\cap\tilde T)=3$. \\
\indent The contraction $\pi$ induces a field isomorphism
$$\pi_*:{\cal K}(X)\to{\cal K}(X')$$
\noindent and an injective ring homomorphism
$\pi_*\,\vline_{{\cal R}(X)}:{\cal R}(X)\to{\cal R}(X').$
Let $G$ be the fan of ${\cal K}(X')$ inverse image of $F$ by $\pi_*$, namely
$$G=\{\pi_*^{-1}(\alpha_1),\pi_*^{-1}(\alpha_2),\pi_*^{-1}(\alpha_3),\pi_*^{-1}(\alpha_4)\}\subset{\rm Spec}_r({\cal K}(X))$$
Then $\#(G\cap\tilde S)=3$ and we have to prove that $p$ is the center
of $G$. Let $V$ be the real prime divisor associated to $F$, then
is the real prime divisor associated of $G$, so
$${\frak m}_W\cap{\cal R}(X)=\pi_*^{-1}({\cal J}(H))$$
\noindent where ${\cal J}(H)$ denotes the ideal of $H$ in ${\cal R}(X')$. Hence,
$${\frak m}_W\cap{\cal R}(X)={\cal J}(\pi(H))={\frak m}_p$$
\noindent with ${\frak m}$ the maximal ideal of $p$.\\
\indent On the contrary, we suppose that no irreducible component of $E$ is
positive type changing with respect to $\sigma_i'=\sigma_i\cdot\pi$, for each
contraction $\pi$ of a curve to $p$. Take a neighbourhood $U$ of $p$,
homeomorphic to a disk in ${\Bbb R}^2$ ($X$ is non-singular), such that $U$ does not
meet any irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ unless it contains $p$. Consider the
sign distributions $\delta_j$ in $X\setminus (\partial _{\rm z} S\cup \partial U)$ for
$j=1,...,l$, defined by
\delta_j^{-1}(1)&=&U\cap S\\
\noindent where $B_1,\dots,B_l$ are the connected components of
$U\setminus(S\cup\partial _{\rm z} S)$.
As $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast\cap S^\ast$ is a finite set, by 2.5 $\partial _{\rm z} S$ has not positive
type changing components with respect to $\sigma_i^S$ for all $i=1,...,t$.
We claim that $\partial _{\rm z}(U\cap S)$ has no type changing components at all. In fact,
as $B_j\subset A_i$ for some $i$, there are not positive ones; $\partial U$
cannot be type changing because the signs may lie only on one side of it and
no other component can be negative type changing, for the same reasons as in
the proof of 2.6.\\
\indent Now if $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is normal crossing at $p$, by 2.2 $\delta_j$ is locally
completable at $p$ for $i=1,...,l$. If not, consider the standard singularity
resolution $\pi:X'\to X$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ at $p$ and the sign distributions
\sigma_i'=\sigma_i^S\cdot\pi,\;{\it for}\;i=1,...,t\\
\delta_j'=\delta_j\cdot\pi,\;{\it for}\;i=1,...,l
\end{array} \]
\noindent As no irreducible component of $\pi^{-1}(p)$ is positive type
with respect to $\sigma_i'$ for all $i$, the same is true with respect to
$\delta_j'$ ($j=1,...,l$). More over each such component has a M\"obius
in $\pi^{-1}(U)$ where the sign minus can occur locally only on one side of the
curve, so it cannot be negative type changing.
Then, by 2.2 $\delta_j$ is locally completable at $p$ for each $j=1,..,l$.\\
\indent Hence, for each $j=1,...,l$, take $f_j\in{\cal R}(X)$ and an open set $U_j\ni
p$, $U_j\subset U$, such that $f_j$ induces
$\delta_j$ on $U_j$. Consider $A=\bigcap_{j=1}^lU_j$, then
$$S\cap A=\{f_1>0,\dots,f_l>0\}\cap A.$$
\noindent In fact, by definition of locally completable we have
$$S\cap A\subset \{f_1>0,\dots,f_l>0\};$$
\noindent but if $x\in A\setminus S$, then $x\in(\bigcup B_j)\cup\partial _{\rm z} S$, so
is a $j_0$ such that $f_{j_0}(x)\leq 0$.\\
\indent Let $F=\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4\}$ a fan centered at $p$. Clearly
$F\subset\tilde A$, because each $\alpha_i$ specializes in ${\rm Spec}_r({\cal R}(X))$ to the
prime cone having ${\frak m}_p$ as support, i.e the unique prime cone giving to
$f\in{\cal R}(X)$ the sign of $f(p)$ ([BCR, 10.2.3]). Suppose that
$\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3\in\tilde S$
and $\alpha_4\not\in\tilde S$; then $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3\in\tilde A\cap\tilde S$
and $\alpha_4\not\in\tilde A\cap\tilde S$. So for all $j=1,...,l$, $\alpha_i(f_j)>0$
for $i=1,2,3$ and there is $j_0$ such that $\alpha_4(f_{j_0})<0$. But this is
imposible because $F$ is a fan and
\end {pf}
{\rm Let $S$ be an open semialgebraic set such that $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast\cap S^\ast$ is
finite set. Let $p\in\partial _{\rm z} S$ such that $p\not\in\partial S$ or $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is
normal crossing at $p$. Then for each fan centered at $p$,
$\#(F\cap\tilde S)\not= 3$.}
\begin{thm} {\rm (See [Br] and [AR1])}
Let $X$ be a real irreducible algebraic surface. Let $S$ be a semialgebraic set
such that $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ (resp. a closed semialgebraic set).
Then, $S$ is basic open (resp. basic closed) if and only if for each fan $F$ of
${\cal K}(X)$ which is associated to a real prime divisor, $\#(F\cap\tilde S)\not=3$.
Suppose $S$ to be basic open, then
$$S=\{f_1>0,\dots,f_r>0\},\;{\rm with}\; f_1,\dots,f_r\in{\cal R}(X).$$
\noindent Let $F=\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4\}$ be a fan in ${\cal K}(X)$ and suppose
that $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3\in S$ and $\alpha_4\not\in S$. Then for all $i=1,...,r$,
$f_i(\alpha_j)>0$ ($j=1,2,3$) and there exists $i_0\in\{1,...,r\}$ such that
$\alpha_4(f_{i_0})>0$; which is impossible because $F$ is a fan.\\
\indent Conversely, suppose $S$ to be not basic open. If $X$ is compact and non
singular, by 2.8, 3.5 and 3.6 we have done. If not, take a birational model
$X_1$ of $X$ obtained compactifying and desingularizing $X$. Let $S_1$ be
the strict transform of $S$ in $X_1$. Then $S_1$ is not basic open and
$\partial _{\rm z}(S_1)\cap S_1=\emptyset$,
because $S$ verifies these properties. So, by
2.8, 3.5 and 3.6, we can find a fan $F$ of ${\cal K}(X_1)$ associated to a real prime
such that $\#(F\cap\tilde S_1)=3$.
Since ${\cal K}(X)$ and ${\cal K}(X_1)$ are isomorphic, $F$ gives a fan $G$ of ${\cal K}(X)$ such
that $G$ is associated to a real prime divisor and $\#(G\cap\tilde S)=3$.
\section{The algorithms}
By 2.3 (see also [ABF]) there is an algorithmic method for checking properties
{\em (a)} and
{\em (b)} of 2.8; so we can decide algorithmically if a semialgebraic $S$ with
$\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ is open basic. This method works as follows:\\
\indent 1) It calculates ${\rm dim}(S^\ast\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast)$ by tecniques of
cilindrical algebraic descomposition (C.A.D.), for instance (see [BCR]). If it
is equal to 1, we
know that $S$ is not basic. If not, we continue with 2).\\
\indent 2) It decides if some irreducible component of the exceptional divisor
of the standard resolution of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is positive type changing using
\framebox{A1} and \framebox{A2}
in the points of $\partial S$ which are not normal crossing (remark that
decides if the non-local completability at a point is due to a positive or a
negative type changing component after some blowing-up).
Moreover, from [Vz] we have a complete description for fans in ${\Bbb R}(x,y)$
associated to
a real prime divisor.\\
\indent Consider the field ${\Bbb R}((u,v))$ of formal series in two variables over
${\Bbb R}$, with the ordering which
extends $0^+$ in ${\Bbb R}((u))$ by $v>0$. Any ordering in ${\Bbb R}(x,y)$ is defined
by an ordered ${\Bbb R}$-homomorphism $\psi:{\Bbb R}(x,y)\to{\Bbb R}((u,v))$ (see [AGR]). So a
non-trivial fan $F$
is given by 4 homomorphisms $\psi_1,\psi_2,\psi_3,\psi_4$. More precisely:
{\rm (See [Vz])} Let $F$ be a fan in ${\Bbb R}(x,y)$. Then $F$ is described as
\indent {\em 1)} If $F$ has as center an irreducible curve $H\subset{\Bbb S}^2$
and if $P(x,y)\in{\Bbb R}[x,y]$
is a polynomial generating the ideal ${\cal J}(H)\subset{\Bbb R}[x,y]$ of the image
of $H$ by a suitable stereographic projection, then
$$\psi_i:{\Bbb R}(x,y)\to {\Bbb R}((t,z)),\; for\; i=1,2,3,4$$
\noindent are defined (possibly interchanging $x$ and $y$) as follows:
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_1(x)=a_1+\delta t^N\\ \psi_1(y)=a_2+\sum_{i\geq 1}c_it^{n_i}+z
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_2(x)=b_1+\delta't^M\\ \psi_2(y)=b_2+\sum_{i\geq 1}d_it^{m_i}+z
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_3(x)=a_1+\delta t^N\\ \psi_3(y)=a_2+\sum_{i\geq 1}c_it^{n_i}-z
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_4(x)=b_1+\delta't^M\\ \psi_4(y)=b_2+\sum_{i\geq 1}d_it^{m_i}-z
\noindent where $(a_1+\delta t^N,\, a_2+\sum_{i\geq 1}c_it^{n_i})$ and
$(b_1+\delta't^M,\, b_2+\sum_{i\geq 1}d_it^{m_i})$ are irreducible Puiseux
of two half-branches of $H$, centered respectively at $(a_1,a_2)$, $(b_1,b_2)$.
{\em 2)} If $F$ is centered at a point $p\in{\Bbb S}^2$, we may suppose
in a suitable stereographic projection, then
$$\psi_i:{\Bbb R}(x,y)\to {\Bbb R}((z,t)),\; for\; i=1,2,3,4$$
\noindent are given by one of the following expressions:\\
\indent {\em a)}
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_1(x)=t\\ \psi_1(y)=tw \phantom{-}
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_2(x)=tw'\phantom{-}\\ \psi_2(y)=t
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_3(x)=-t\\ \psi_3(y)=-tw
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_4(x)=-tw'\\ \psi_4(y)=-t
\noindent with $w\in\{z+a,-z+a:a\in{\Bbb R}\}$, $w'\in\{z,-z\}$.\\
\indent {\em b)} Up to interchanging $x$ and $y$,
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_1(x)=\delta t^N\\
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_2(x)=\delta t^N\\
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_3(x)=(-1)^N\delta t^N\\
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_4(x)=(-1)^N\delta t^N\\
\noindent with $\delta\in\{1,-1\}$; $c_i\in{\Bbb R}$ for $i=1,...,s$; $N\leq
n_1<n_2<\dots <n_s$,
${\rm g.c.d.}(N,n_1,...,n_s)=d$ and ${\rm g.c.d}(d,m)=1$; and
$w,w'\in\{z+a,-z+a,1/z,-1/z:a\in {\Bbb R}\}$, with $w\not= w'$ if $d$ is odd and
$w\not= w',w\not= -w'$ if $d$ is even. If $N=1$, $c_1=\dots=c_s=0$, then
\indent {\em c)} Up to interchanging $x$ and $y$,
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_1(x)=\delta t^N\\ \psi_1(y)=\sum_{i=1}^sc_it^{n_i}+t^mw
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_2(x)=(-1)^{N/d}\delta t^N\\
\[\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\psi_3(x)=\delta t^N\\ \psi_3(y)=\sum_{i=1}^sc_it^{n_i}-t^mw
\end{array}\right. \qquad \left\{\begin{array}{l}
\psi_4(x)=(-1)^{N/d}\delta t^N\\
\noindent with $\delta,c_i,N,n_i,w,w'$ as in {\em b)}, but $d$ always even and
without supplementary conditions on $w,w'$.
{\rm To each fan $F$ in ${\Bbb R}(x,y)$ centered at $(0,0)$ we can associate two
families of arcs through $(0,0)$ which are parametrized by $z\in (0,\epsilon)$.
In fact, for each fixed $z\in(0,\epsilon)$, $\psi_1$ and $\psi_3$ (resp.
and $\psi_4$) define the two half-branches of the same curve germ $\gamma_1^z$
(resp. $\gamma_2^z$). This curves, $\gamma_1^z$ and $\gamma_2^z$, verify one
with respect to the other conditions a) and b) of 2.3 (see [ABF, 2.19]).}
We want to know the relations between these two families of arcs associated to
$F$ and the families of arcs of \framebox{A1} and \framebox{A2} (2.3).
Let $C$ be a curve germ through $(0,0)\in{\Bbb R}^2$; and consider the standard
$\pi=\pi_N\cdots\pi_1$ of $C$ at $(0,0)$. For each $i=1,\dots,N$, denote by
$C_i$ the curve $(\pi_i\cdots\pi_1)^{-1}(C)$, by $D_i$
the exceptional divisor arising during the $i^{th}$ blowing-up, and by
$E_i$ the exceptional curve after $i$ blowings-up (i.e.
$E_1=(\pi_i\cdots\pi_1)^{-1}(0,0)$). $D_i$ is an irreducible component of
Let $F$ be a fan of ${\Bbb R}(x,y)$ with center $(0,0)\in{\Bbb R}^2$, for $i=1,...,N$
denote by $F_i$ the fan obtained from $F$ after $i$ blowings-up by lifting the
orderings of $F$. We say that $F$ has the {\em property $\star(\rho)$} with
respect to $C$ if it verifies:\\
\indent {\em a)} $F_{\rho-1}$ is centered at the point $0=C_{\rho-1}\cap
\indent{\em b)} $F_{\rho-1}$ is described in the sense of 4.1 as in {\em 2-a)}
or {\em 2-b)}
with $N=1$, $c_1=\dots=c_s=0$.\\
\indent {\em c)} $C_{\rho-1}$ is not tangent to any curve of the two families
associates to $F_{\rho-1}$.
{\rm A fan $F$ verifies $\star(\rho)$ with respect to a curve $C$ if and only
if for each
$z\in(0,\epsilon)$ the curves $\gamma_1^z$ and $\gamma_2^z$ verify a) and b) of
2.3 with respect to $C$ (see
also [ABF, 2.9]).}
Finally we have:
Let $S$ be an open semialgebraic set in $X$, such that $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap
S=\emptyset$. Suppose that $\partial _{\rm z} S^\ast\cap S^\ast$
is a finite set and $S$ is not basic. Then, there exists an algorithmic
method for finding a fan $F$ of ${\cal K}(X)$ with
$\#(F\cap\tilde S)=3$.
By 2.5 $\partial _{\rm z} S$ has not type changing components with respect to $\sigma_i^S$; then
by 2.8 there is at least one irreducible component $D_\rho$ of the exceptional
of a standard resolution $\pi$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ at a point $O=(0,0)$ which is
positive type changing
with respect to some $\sigma_i'=\sigma_i^S\cdot\pi$. By 2.3 we can find algorithmically
two arcs $\gamma_1,\gamma_2$ with the properties a) and b) of 2.3 with respect
to an irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ through $p=\pi(D)$, for $\rho>0$, such
that $\gamma_1$
joins two regions in $(\sigma_i^S)^{-1}(1)$, while $\gamma_2$ joins a region in
$(\sigma_i^S)^{-1}(1)$ to a region in $(\sigma_i^S)^{-1}(-1)$. Moreover, each
($i=1,2$) is defined by open conditions.\\
\indent Then $(\gamma_1)_\rho$ and $(\gamma_2)_\rho$ are smooth arcs wich meet
$D_\rho$ transversally in different points $p,q\in D_\rho$ and $\rho$ is the
first level in the resolution process at wich $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ are
By [ABF, 2.19], $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ are parametrized by
\[ \gamma_1:\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
x=\delta t^N\\ y=\sum_{i=1}^sc_it^{n_i}+f(t)
\end{array}\right. \qquad \gamma_2:\left\{\begin{array}{l}
x=\delta' t^N\\ y=\sum_{i=1}^sd_it^{n_i}+g(t)
\noindent where $\delta,\delta'\in\{1,-1\}$, $c_i,d_i\in{\Bbb R}$ are determined by
[ABF, 2.19] as follows: $\delta'=\delta$ and $d_i=c_i$ or
$\delta'=(-1)^{N/d}\delta$ and $d_i=(-1)^{n_i/d}c_i$, for $i=1,...,s$, with
$d={\rm g.c.d.}(N,n_1,\dots,n_s)$;
and $f(t)=at^m+...$, $g(t)=bt^m+...$ with $a\not= b$.\\
\indent We can construct four fans with the property $\star(\rho)$ with respect
$\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ as follows:\\
\indent At the level $\rho$ of the resolution process we have four fans
at $D_\rho$ in half-branches at $p$ and $q$ (Fig. 4.5), obtained by taking
respectively a half-branch
of $D_\rho$ at $p$ and an other at $q$.
\put(50,-1){\makebox(0,0){Figure 4.5}}
\indent Going back by the birational morphism $\pi_\rho\cdots\pi_1$ we obtain
four fans
centered at $O=(0,0)$ such that all they have the property $\star(\rho)$ with
respect to $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$. More precisely applying again
[ABF, 2.19] we can describe them in terms of 4.1: for every pair
we have one of this fans $F_{\eta,\eta'}$ and his associated arcs are
\[ \gamma_1^z:\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
x=\delta t^N\\ y=\sum_{i=1}^sc_it^{n_i}+(\eta z+a)t^m
\end{array}\right. \qquad \gamma_2^z:\left\{\begin{array}{l}
x=\delta' t^N\\ y=\sum_{i=1}^sd_it^{n_i}+(\eta'z+b)t^m
\indent By the construction of $\gamma_1,\gamma_2$ it is easy to check that
$\#(F_{\eta,\eta'}\cap\tilde S)=3$.
{\rm In the hypotesis of 3.13 there are in fact infinite fans $F$ of ${\cal K}(X)$
$\#(F\cap\tilde S)=3$, because there are infinite pairs of arcs joining
respectively two region with sign $1$ and a region with sign $1$ with a region
with sign $-1$.\\
\indent So we find only fans with $w,w'\in\{z+a,-z+a:a\in{\Bbb R}\}$, according to
description 4.1.2. In other case, $(\gamma_1^z)_{\rho}$ or
for some $\rho$, would be tangent to $D_{\rho}$, but applying \framebox{A1} and
\framebox{A2} as in [ABF] we take $\gamma_1$, $\gamma_2$ without this property.
This means that if it exists a fan $F$ with $w\;{\rm or}\; w'\in\{1/z,-1/z\}$
and $\#(F\cap\tilde S)=3$, there is another fan $F'$ with
and $\#(F'\cap\tilde S)=3$.}
\section{Principal sets}
Using the results of the previous sections, we obtain a simple
of principal open (resp. closed) sets. In order to conserve the unity of this
paper we give all results about principal sets in dimension 2, but in fact
they can be extended to arbitrary dimension following similar proofs (Remarks
Details can be found in [Vz].\\
\indent Let $X$ be a compact, non singular, real algebraic surface.
A semialgebraic set $S\subset X$ is {\em principal open} (resp. {\em principal
closed}) if there exists $f\in{\cal R}(X)$ such that
$$S=\{x\in X:f(x)>0\}$$
$$(resp.\; S=\{x\in X:f(x)\geq 0\})$$
A semialgebraic set $S\in X$ is {\em generically principal} if there exists a
Zariski closed set $C\in X$ with ${\rm dim} (C)\leq 1$ such that $S\setminus C$ is
principal open.
{\rm A semialgebraic set $S$ is principal closed if and only if $X\setminus S$
is principal open.\\
\indent Then it suffices to work with principal open sets.}
{\rm Let $S$ be an open semialgebraic set and $Y=\partial _{\rm z} S$. We denote by $S^c$
the open
semialgebraic set $X\setminus(S\cup Y)$ and by $A_1,\dots,A_t$ (resp.
$B_1,\dots,B_l$) the connected component of $S^c$ (resp. $S\setminus Y$).\\
\indent Let $\sigma_i$ be the sign distributions $\sigma_i^S$ for $i=1,\dots,t$ and
$\sigma_j^c$ be the sign distributions $\sigma_j^{S^c}$ for $j=1,\dots,l$ defined as
in 2.4. And denote by $\delta$ the total sign distribution defined by
\delta^{-1}(1)&=&S\setminus Y\\
\end{eqnarray*} }
{\rm A semialgebraic set $S$ such that $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ is principal
open if and only if the sign distribution $\delta$ is admissible (that is,
there exists $f\in{\cal R}(X)$ such that $f$ induces $\delta$ on $X\setminus\partial _{\rm z}
Let $S$ be a semialgebraic set such that $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$.
Then $S$ is principal open if and only if $S^*\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^*$ and
$(S^c)^*\cap\partial _{\rm z}(S^c)^*$ are finite sets.
Suppose that $S$ is principal then $S$ and $S^c$ are basic and by 2.8 no
irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is positive type changing with respect
to $\sigma_i$ and $\sigma_j^c$ for each $i=1,...,t$, $j=1,...,l$. Applying now 2.5
we have that $S^*\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^*$ and $(S^c)^*\cap\partial _{\rm z}(S^c)^*$ are finite sets.\\
\indent Conversely suppose that $S^*\cap\partial _{\rm z} S^*$ and $(S^c)^*\cap\partial _{\rm z}(S^c)^*$
are finite sets,
then by 2.5 again no irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is positive type
with respect to $\sigma_i$ and $\sigma_j^c$ for $i=1,...,t$, $j=1,...,l$.\\
\indent Remark that an irreducible component $H$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is positive (resp.
negative) type
changing with respect to $\delta$ if and only if $H$ is positive type changing
with respect to $\sigma_i$ for some $i$ (resp. $\sigma_j^c$ for some $j$).\\
\indent Hence no irreducible component of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ is type changing with
to $\delta$. Denote by $Z^c$ the union of all the change components of $\partial _{\rm z} S$
and by $Z$ the set of points where $Z^c$ has dimension 1. So $[Z]=[Z^c]$ and
$[Z]=0$ in ${\rm H}_1(M,{\Bbb Z}_2)$, because it bounds the open sets ${\rm
and ${\rm Int}(\overline{\sigma^{-1}(-1)})$. Then by [BCR, 12.4.6] the ideal ${\cal
of $Z^c$ is principal. Let $f$ be a generator of ${\cal J}(Z^c)$. Again by
[BCR, 12.4.6] for each irreducible component $H_k$ of $\partial _{\rm z} S$ not lying in
$Z^c$ we can choose a generator $h_k$ of ${\cal J}(H_k)^2$ (wich exists because
$2[H_k]=0$). Then the regular function $f\cdot\prod h_k$ induces $\delta$
or $-\delta$. So $\delta$ is admisible and $S$ principal.
Remark that this proof is almost the same as the proof of [AB, Proposition 2].
Let $S$ be a semialgebraic set in $X$.\\
\indent (1) $S$ is principal open if and only if $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ and
for each fan $F$ centered at a curve, $\#(F\cap\tilde S)\not= 1,3$.\\
\indent (2) $S$ is principal closed if and only if $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap(X\setminus
and for each fan $F$ centered at a curve, $\#(F\cap\tilde S)\not= 1,3$.
It is immediately using 5.6 and 3.5.
{\rm (1) Results 5.6 and 5.7 can be generalized to an arbitrary surface
compactifying and desingularizing as in 2.9.\\
\indent (2) All this section can be generalized to a compact, non singular,
algebraic set $X$, because the results of the previus sections used here
1.3 and 2.5) can be generalized to arbitrary dimension. Moreover, defining fan
centered at a hypersurface $H$ of $X$ as a fan $F$ associated to a real prime
divisor $V$ such that the prime ideal ${\frak p}={\frak m}_V\cap{\cal R}(X)$ has height $1$
and ${\cal Z}({\frak p})=H$, we find an improvement of 4-elements fans criterion
[Br, 5.3].\\
\indent (3) For a compact, non singular, real algebraic set we obtain:\\
{\em A semialgebraic set $S$ is principal open (resp. closed) if and only
if $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap S=\emptyset$ (resp. $\partial _{\rm z} S\cap(X\setminus S)=\emptyset$) and
$S$ is generically principal.}\\ }
1994-01-24T21:31:29 | 9312 | alg-geom/9312012 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9312012 | [
] | alg-geom/9312012 | Israel Vainsencher | Israel Vainsencher | Enumeration of $n$-fold tangent hyperplanes to a surface | 34 pages, Latex (Corrects Latex errors of previous version, minor
changes) | null | null | null | null | For each $1\leq n\leq6$ we present formulas for the number of $n-$nodal
curves in an $n-$dimensional linear system on a smooth, projective surface.
This yields in particular the numbers of rational curves in the system of
hyperplane sections of a generic $K3-$surface imbedded in \p{n} by a complete
system of curves of genus $n$ as well as the number {\bf17,601,000} of rational
({\em singular}) plane quintic curves in a generic quintic threefold.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 21 Dec 1993 21:29:13 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 24 Jan 1994 14:43:01 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction} \normalsize
The purpose of this article is to present formulas for the number of
$n-$nodal curves in an $n-$dimensional linear system on a smooth,
projective surface for $1\leq n\leq6$.
The method also yields formulas for the number of multi--tangent planes
to a hypersurface. In particular, it enables us to find the number
{\bf17,601,000} of rational ({\em singular}) plane {quintic} curves
in a generic {quintic} threefold. We give several examples and
discuss the difficulties involved for $n\geq7$.
Our motivation was in response to a question asked by A. Lopez and C.
Ciliberto regarding the number of rational curves in the system of
hyperplane sections in a generic $K3-$surface imbedded in \p{4}
(resp. \p{5}) as a $(2,3)$ (resp. $(2,2,2)$)--complete intersection.
In \cite{clm} (joint with Miranda) they study degenerations $K3\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}$
union of 2 scrolls. According to A. Lopez (priv. comm.), the
consideration of limit curves in the scrolls suggests a formula for
the number of rational curves in the $K3-$surface. However, the
numbers they have found are so far in disagreement with
those obtained by the formulas presented here for $n=4,5,6$ (cf. \ref{k3}).
A similar question communicated by S. Katz concerns the number of
{\em plane} rational curves of degree 5 contained in a generic
quintic $3-$fold in \p{4}.
The subject was raised by Clemens \cite{c} and has received
striking contributions from physicists (cf. Morrison \cite{mor},
Piene \cite{ragni}, Bershadski {\it et al.} \cite{vafa}). The total number of
rational curves of degree $\geq4$ has not been verified so far
{\it au go\^ut du jour des math\'ematiciens}. The cases of
degrees 1 and 2 were treated by Harris \cite{har} and Katz
\cite{katz}. As for degree 3, it required a thorough
investigation of the Chow ring of the variety of twisted cubics
(cf. Ellingsrud and Str{\o}mme \cite{twc},\cite{twc2} (see also
\cite{twc3} for a simpler approach). A pleasant byproduct was the
development of the computer package {\sc schubert}\ by Katz and Str{\o}mme
The work of Coray \cite{co} reduces certain enumerative questions
concerning rational curves in \p3 to the question of finding the
numbers $\Delta_{\mu,\nu}$ of irreducible rational curves of
bidegree $(\mu,\nu)$ passing through $2(\mu+\nu)-1$ general points
on a quadric surface.
He computes $\Delta_{2,3}$ and $\Delta_{2,4}$ (in addition to a
few trivial cases).
We also obtain here $\Delta_{3,3}$ (\ref{d33}),
$\Delta_{2,5}$ (\ref{d25}), and $\Delta_{3,4}$ (\ref{d34}).
Counting hyperplanes multi--tangent to a curve is well known as a
particular case of the classical formula of De Jonqui\`eres \cite{harris},
For surfaces, the cases $n\leq 3$ are classical and have been checked with
currently standard tools of intersection theory, cf. Kleiman
\cite{kleimansing},\cite{i}. The degrees of the ``Severi
varieties'' of nodal curves in the plane were computed
(in principle) by Ran in \cite{ranb},\cite{ranb1}.
Although we have at our disposal multiple point formulas (Kleiman
\cite{kleimanmultpts}, Ran \cite{ran}), they do not give the correct
answer for multi--tangencies already for $n=$2 or 3 due to the presence
of cusps. There are also
formulas taking into account stationary multiple-points (Colley
\cite{susan}). However, for $n\geq4$ the relevant map does {\em not}
satisfy a required curvilinearity hypothesis. This is due to the
existence of curves with a triple point in virtually any linear
system of dimension $\geq4$ on a surface.
Our approach is based on the iteration procedure presented in
\cite{i0},\cite{i} (also explored in a broader context in
We obtain, for each $n=1,\dots,6$ a formula for the degree of a
zero cycle supported on the set of sequences $(C,y_1,\dots,y_n)$
such that $C$ is a member of a (sufficiently general) linear
system of dimension $n$ and $y_1$ is a singular point of $C$,
$y_{2}$ is a singular point of the blowup of $C$ at $y_1$, and
so on (roughly speaking, cf. \S2 and (\ref{step}),(\ref{dejonq})
for the precise statement).
The main novelty here is, essentially, detecting the contribution to that
zero cycle due to singularities worse than nodes (cf.\ref{formulas}). We
also sharpen the scope of validity of the formulas, now requiring only that
the relevant loci be finite (\ref{step}).
Thanks are due to the MSRI for the stimulating environment and to P. Aluffi,
E. Arrondo, S. Katz, A. Lopez and M. Pedreira for many pleasant conversations
and to C. Schoen for the comments following Example 4.6. I'm also indebted to
S.L. Kleiman for reading a preliminary version and helping to clarify the
proof of the Lemma \ref{reduced}. We also thank {\sc schubert} \cite{schub},
for patiently allowing us to verify many examples.
\section{Notation and basic definitions}
We recall, for the reader's benefit, some definitions from \cite{i}.
Let $Y$ be a smooth variety. For each sequence of integers ${\underline{m}} =(m_1,
\dots,$ $ m_r)$ we say an effective divisor $D$ has a singularity of
({\em weak}) type ${\underline{m}} $ if the following holds:
\item there is a point $y_1$ of multiplicity$\geq m_1$ in $D$; next
\item blowup $Y$ at $y_1$, let $E_1$ denote the exceptional divisor and let
$D_1$ denote the {\em total} transform of $D$; then
require that the effective divisor $D_1-m_1E_1$ have a point $y_2$
of multiplicity $\geq m_2$, and so on.
The sequence $(y_1,y_2,\dots)$ thus constructed is called a {\em
singularity of type} ${\underline{m}}$~ of $D$. We further say the type is {\em strict} if
all inequalities are equalities and each $y_i$ lies off the exceptional
One may also consider $nested$ sequences $(\dots, m_i$ $(m_{i+1},$ $\dots),
\dots)$ and say a singularity is of such type if $y_i$ is of multiplicity$
\geq m_i$ and $y_{i+1}$ is infinitely near to $y_i,\ i.e.,$ lies on the
exceptional divisor besides being of multiplicity $\geq m_{i+1}$, etc. We
write $ m^{[k]}$ to indicate $k$ repetitions of $m$.
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}
Let $Y$ be a surface and $y_1$ a triple point on the curve $C$. Then of course
$C$ has a singularity of strict type $(3)$. However, if the 3 tangents are
distinct, $C$ also has a singularity of weak type $(2^{[4]})$ due to the
intersections of the strict transform of $C$ and the exceptional line $E_1$:
\put(-54,-4){\footnotesize o}\put(-47,-3){$y_1$}\put(-52,-2){\line( 0,-1){20}}
\put(-52,-2){\line( 0,1){20}}\put(-52,-2){\line( 1,1){20}} \put(-52,-2)
{\line( -1,-1){20}}
\put(-52,-2){\line( 1,1){20}}\put(-52,-2){\line( 1,-1){20}} \put(-52,-2)
{\line( -1,1){20}}
\put(0,0){\vector(-1,0){15}} \put(52,-2){\line( 1,0){25}}\put(52,-2)
\put(37,-2){\line(0,1){20}}\put(37,-2){\line(0,-1){20}} \put(52,-2)
{\line( 0,1){20}}
\put(34,-4){{\footnotesize o}}\put(26,-9){$y_2$}\put(49,-4){{\footnotesize o}}
\put(41,-9){$y_3$}\put(64,-4){{\footnotesize o}}\put(56,-9){$y_4$}
\vskip10pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}
On the other hand, if $y_1$ is of type $(3(2))$, it follows that
$C$ has a singularity of type $(2^{[6]})$!\ex\vskip2pt
\put(-104,-4){\footnotesize o}\put(-92,-3){$y_1$}
\put(-102,-2){\line( 0,-1){12}}
\put(-102,-2){\line( 0,1){12}}
\put(-3,-2){\line( 1,0){30}}\put(-3,-2){\line(-1,0){30}}
\put(-26,-4){{\footnotesize o}}\put(-34,-11){$y_3$}
\put(6,-2){\line( 1,1){12}}\put(6,-2){\line(-1,-1){12}}
\put(5,-4){{\footnotesize o}}\put(2,-12){$y_2$}
\put(113,-2){\line( 1,0){30}}\put(113,-2){\line(-1,0){30}}
\put(90,-4){{\footnotesize o}}\put(81,-10){$y_3$}
\put(103,-4){{\footnotesize o}}\put(101,14){{\footnotesize$E_1'$}}
\put(116,-4){{\footnotesize o}}\put(118,-10){$y_{2_1}$}
\put(133,-4){{\footnotesize o}} \put(135,-10){$y_{2_2}$}
Indeed, let $y_2$ be the double point infinitely near to the triple
point $y_1$, and let $C_1$ denote the total transform of $C$; then
$C_1-3E_1$ is effective and intersects $E_1$ twice at $y_2$ and once
at the (smooth) branch $y_3$. Thus, the divisor $C':=C_1-2E_1$ has
multiplicity $3$ at the point $y_2$. Blowing it up, let $C_2$ be the
total transform of $C'$; now $C_2-2E_2$ still contains the
exceptional line $E_2$ once and therefore has 4 double points: one
for the intersection of $E_2$ and the strict transform of $E_1$, two
for the branches over $y_2$ and finally one over $y_3$.
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}\label{nonred}
Let $Y$ be a surface and $y_1$
a fourfold point on the curve $C$. Then $C_1-2E_1$ is nonreduced, hence $C$
has a singularity $(y_1,\dots, y_r)$ of type $(2^{[r]})$ for any $r$.
This ilustrates a main difficulty in our approach to enumeration
of singularities. Formulas for a given type are usually not hard
to obtain, at least in principle (cf. (\ref{dejonq}) below), but
the exact contribution of each strict type actually occurring
seems less evident. For the case we're interested in, we have the
following description of the possible singularity types.
\vskip15pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Proposition. }}}\def\ep{\rm\end{exx}
Let $Y$ be a smooth surface; fix $n\!\in\!\{1,\dots,6\}$.
Let $D$ be an ample divisor on $Y$. Then there exists $r_0$ such
that for all $r\geq r_0$ and any sufficiently general linear
subsystem $S$ of $|rD|$ of dimension $n$, there are at most
finitely many members $C\!\in\! S$ with a singularity of type
$(2^{[n]})$. Moreover, we have the following list of possible
strict types actually occurring in type $(2^{[n]})$:\vskip-5pt
n\leq3\Rightarrow (2^{[n]})\ only;\\
n=4\Rightarrow (2^{[4]})\ or\ (3);\\
n=5\Rightarrow (2^{[5]})\ or\ (3,2)\ or\ (2,3);\\
n=6\Rightarrow (2^{[6]})\ or\ ( 3(2))\ or\ any\ of\
(3,2,2),(2,3,2),(2,2,3). \end{array}$$
\vskip10pt\n{\bf Proof.\hskip10pt} Set $\L=\O(D)$ and let ${\cal M}_y$\ be the ideal sheaf of a point $y\!\in\!
Y$. The members of $|D|$ with an $m-$fold point at $y$ come from
$H^0(Y,{\cal M}^m_y\otimes \L)$. Let ${Y}_n^{\hbox{o}}$ denote the
complement of the diagonals in $Y^{\times{n}}$. Given a sequence of
positive integers, $(m_1,\dots,m_n)$, replacing $\L$ by a sufficiently
high power, we may assume $H^1(Y,{\cal M}^{m_1}_{y_1}\dots {\cal M}^{m_n}_{y_n}
\otimes \L)=0$ for all $(y_1,\dots,y_n)\!\in\! {Y}_n^{\hbox{o}}$. It
follows that the set $$\{(C,y_1, \dots, y_n) \!\in\!|D|\times
{Y}_n^{\hbox{o}}\ |\ \hbox{mult}_{y_i}C\geq{m_i}\}$$ is a projective
bundle over ${Y}_n^{\hbox{o}}$ with fibre dimension
$=\hbox{dim} |D| - \Sigma m_i(m_i+1)/2$.
Its image in $|D|$ is of codimension $\Sigma m_i(m_i+1)/2-2$.
Therefore no sufficiently general subsystem of dimension$\leq3$ (resp.
$\leq7$) has a member with a triple (resp. $4-$fold)
point. It can be easily checked that a singularity
of type $(2(2))$ ($i.e.$, a double point with another infinitely
near) (resp. $(2(2),2)$ or $(2,2(2)))$ imposes 3 (resp. 4)
independent conditions.
Let $(y_1,\dots,y_6)$ be a singularity of weak type $(2^{[6]})$
occuring in a general $\infty^6$ linear system.
As explained just above, a $4-$fold point imposes 8
conditions, so each $y_i$ is at worst a triple point. Moreover,
it can be checked that 2 triple points (infinitely near or not)
impose at least 8 conditions, thus at most one of the $y_i$ is
triple. We claim that $y_i$ cannot be a triple point unless
$i\leq3$. Indeed, the imposition of 3 double points
$(y_1,y_2,y_3)$ costs at least 3 parameters, leaving less than
the 4 required for the acquisition of an additional triple point.
A similar argument rules out other sequences of double points
(with some possibly infinitely near) different from those listed.
\section{Basic setup} \label{setup}
Let $f:X\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} S$ be proper and smooth. Let $\L$ be an invertible $\O_X-$module
and let $D\subset X$ be the scheme of zeros of a section of $\L$. As in
\cite{i}, we construct a scheme $\Sigma({\underline{m}};D)$ whose fibre over
each $s\!\in\! S$ consists of the sequences of singularities of type ${\underline{m}}$~ of
the fibre $D_s$.
Set $X_0=S,\ X_1=X,\ f_{1}=f:X_1\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} X_0.$ For $r\geq1$ denote by
$$b_{r+1}:X_{r+1}\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} X_{r}\times_{f_{r}}X_r
\quad\hbox{ and }\quad
respectively the blowup of the diagonal and the projection.
Set $f_{r+1,i}=p_{r+1,i}\circ{} b_{r+1}$. We think of each $X_r$ as a
scheme over $X_{r-1}$ with structure map $f_r=f_{r,1}$.
Write $E_{1,r}$ for the exceptional divisor of $b_{r}$.
For $2\leq j<r$ set $E_{r-j+1,j}=f_{r,2}^*\cdots f_{j+1,2}^*E_{1,j}$. By
abuse, still denote by the same symbol pullbacks of $E_{r-j+1,j}$ via
compositions of the structure maps $f_3,f_4,\dots$. Notice the 2\up{nd}
index in $E_{r-j+1,j}$ indicates where the divisor first appears in the
sequence of blowups, whereas $r-j$ keeps track of the number of pullbacks
via the $f_{k,2}$.
For each sequence of nonnegative integers ${\underline{m}} =(m_1,\dots, m_r)$ we define
the divisor on $X_{r+1}$,
{\underline{m}} E=m_rE_{1,r+1}+\cdots +m_2E_{r-1,3}+m_1E_{r,2}.
Let $y_1\!\in\! X_1$ lie over $s\!\in\! X_0$. Notice that, by
construction, the fibre $X_{2{y_1}}$ of $f_2$ over $y_1$ is
equal to the blowup of the fibre $f_1^{-1}(s)$ at $y_1$. By the
same token, a point in $X_r$ lying over $s$ should be thought of
as a sequence $(y_1,\dots,y_r)$ of points in $f_1^{-1}(s)$ each
possibly infinitely near to a previous one. Also, the fibre of
${\underline{m}} E$ over a point $(y_1,\dots,y_r)\!\in\! X_r$ is equal to
$m_rE_{y_r}+\cdots +m_1E_{y_1}$, where $E_{y_i}\subset
X_{i+1y_i}$ denotes (for $i<r$, the total transform of) the
exceptional divisor of the blowup of $X_{iy_{i-1}}$ at ${y_i}$.
We set
\L({\underline{m}})=f_{r+1,2}^*\cdots f_{2,2}^*\L\otimes\O_{X_{r+1}}(-{\underline{m}} E).
Pulling back the section of $\L$ defining $D$, we get the diagram of maps of
\ba{l} \O_{X_{r+1}}\\
\hskip-2cm f_{r+1,2}^*\cdots f_{2,2}^*\L\hskip10pt\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$}\hskip10pt
f_{r+1,2}^*\cdots f_{2,2}^*\L\otimes\O_{{\underline{m}} E}.
\noindent By construction, $\sigma_{{\underline{m}}}^D$ vanishes on a fibre $f_{r+1}^{-1}(y_1,
\dots,y_r)$ iff $y_1,\dots,y_r$ is a singularity of type ${\underline{m}}$~ of $D_{s}$,
where $s= f_1(y_1)$.
We define the ${\underline{m}}-${\em contact sheaf} as the $\O_{X_r}-$module,
\eml{{\underline{m}}}{\L}=f_{r+1*}(\O_{{\underline{m}} E}\otimes f_{r+1,2}^*\cdots f_{2,2}^*\L).
\vskip15pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Lemma. }}}\def\el{\rm\end{exx}
Notation as above, we have:
\item \eml{{\underline{m}}}{\L} is a locally free \O$_{X_r}-$ module of rank $\Sigma
\ (^{dim f+m_i-1}_{\ \ \ \ dim f})$ and its formation commutes with base
\item there are exact sequences,
$$0\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$} \eml{m_r}{\L({\underline{m}}')}\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$} \eml{{\underline{m}}}{\L} \mbox{${\longrightarrow}$} f_{r}^*\eml{{\underline{m}}'}{\L}\lar0,$$
where ${\underline{m}}'$ denotes the truncated sequence $(m_1,\dots,m_{r-1});$
\item we have $\eml{1}\L=\L$ and for $\mu\geq2$ we have an exact sequence,
$$0\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$} \L\otimes{}Sym^{\mu-1}\Omega^1_{X/S}\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$} \eml{\mu}{\L} \mbox{${\longrightarrow}$}
\eml{\mu-1}{\L} \lar0.$$
\vskip10pt\n{\bf Proof.\hskip10pt}
The inclusion $f_{r+1,2}^*{\underline{m}}'E\subset {\underline{m}} E$ yields the exact sequence
0\hskip3pt\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$} &\hskip-15pt\O_{{\underline{m}} E}(-f_{r+1,2}^*{\underline{m}}'E)&\hskip-15pt\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$}
\hskip3pt\O_{{\underline{m}} E} \hskip3pt\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$}\hskip3pt \O_{f_{r+1,2}^*{\underline{m}}'E}\hskip3pt
Notice $f_{r+1,2}^*{\underline{m}}'E$ and $m_rE_{1,r+1}$ are $f_{r+1,1}-$flat.
Indeed, for a divisor such as $E_{2,r}:=f_{r+1,2}^*E_{1,r}$ which
intersects the blowup center $\Delta(X_r)$ properly (along
$\Delta(E_{1,r})$), the total and strict transforms are one and
the same. Thus, to show $f_{r+1,1}-$ flat\-ness of $E_{2,r}$ it
suffices to verify that each power of the ideal sheaf of $\Delta(E_{1,r})$ in
$p_{r+1,2}^*E_{1,r}$ is $p_{r+1,1}-$flat. This is a consequence
of the following.
\vskip15pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Lemma. }}}\def\el{\rm\end{exx}
Let $p:X\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} Y$ be a smooth map of smooth varieties. Let $Z\subset X$
be a smooth subvariety of $X$ such that the restriction of $p$ induces
an isomorphism $Z\stackrel{\sim}{\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}} p(Z)$ onto a hypersurface of $Y$.
Let ${\cal I}$ denote the ideal of $Z$ in $X$. Then each power ${\cal I} ^m$
is $p-$flat.
\el\vskip10pt\n{\bf Proof.\hskip10pt}
We assume for simplicity dim $p$=1 (hence codim($Z,X$) $=2$). There
is a local representation of $p$ by a ring homomorphism ${\cal A\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} B}$
fitting into a commutative diagram,
{\cal A} &\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$} & {\cal B}\\
{\cal C}:={\cal R}[u]&\mbox{${\longrightarrow}$}& {\cal D}:={\cal R}[u,v]
such that the vertical maps are \'etale, ${\cal R}$ is regular, $u,v$ denote
indeterminates and the image of $u$ (resp. $u,v$) generates the ideal
of $p(Z)$ (resp. $Z$) (cf. \cite{ak0}, p. 128--130). Under these
circumstances, let ${\cal M}$ be a ${\cal D}-$module flat/${\cal C}$. Then ${\cal B}\otimes_{{\cal D}}
{\cal M}$ is flat/${\cal A}$. Indeed, put ${\cal A}':={\cal A}\otimes_{{\cal C}}{\cal D}$; clearly
${\cal M}_{{\cal A}}:={\cal A}\otimes_{{\cal C}}{\cal M}$ is an ${\cal A}'-$module flat/${\cal A}$. Notice ${\cal A}\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} B$
factors as ${\cal A}\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} {\cal A}' \mbox{${\rightarrow}$} {\cal B}$ and ${\cal B}$ is \'etale, hence flat/${\cal A}'$ . Let
${{\cal J}}\subset {\cal A}$ be an ideal. We have $0\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} {\cal J}\otimes_{{\cal A}}{\cal M}_{{\cal A}}\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} {\cal M}_{{\cal A}}$
exact. Hence
0\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} & {\cal B}\otimes_{{\cal A}'}{\cal J}\otimes_{{\cal A}}{\cal M}_{{\cal A}}&\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} & {\cal B}\otimes_{{\cal A}'}{\cal M}_{A}\\
&|| & &|| \\
0\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} &{\cal J}\otimes_{{\cal A}}{\cal B}\otimes_{{\cal D}}{\cal M}&\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} & {\cal B}\otimes_{{\cal D}}{\cal M}
is exact by flatness of ${\cal B}$/${\cal A}'$. Apply this to the ideal
${\cal M}=(u,v)^m{\cal D}$, which is a flat, in fact free ${\cal C}-$module with basis
\hfill\mbox{$\Box$(for \ref{flat})}\vskip10pt
\noindent The same argument applies to all $E_{j,r-j+1}$. Since a sum of
flat divisors is flat, we've proved that ${\underline{m}} E$ is $f_{r+1,1}-$flat.
\noindent Tensoring (\ref{exs}) with $f_{r+1,2}^*\cdots
f_{2,2}^*\L$ and pushing forward by $f_{r+1}=p_{r+1,1}b_{r+1}$,
the assertions follow by a standard base change argument (cf. \cite{i}, p.
411).\vskip1pt\hfill\mbox{$\Box$(for \ref{sh})}
\vskip15pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Proposition. }}}\def\ep{\rm\end{exx}
Let $\Sigma({\underline{m}};D)\subset X_r$ be the scheme of zeros of the section
$\sigma_{{\underline{m}}}^D:\O_{X_r}\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} \eml{{\underline{m}}}{\L}$ defined in {\rm(\ref{s})}. Then:
\item $\Sigma({\underline{m}};D)$ is equal to the scheme of zeros of $
\sigma_{{\underline{m}}}^D$ along the fibres of $f_{r+1}$, thus parametrizing the
singularities of type ${\underline{m}}$~ of the fibres of $D$;
\item with notation as in Lemma \ref{sh}, setting $D'=$
$f_{r+1,2}^*(f_{r,2}^*\dots f_{2,2}^*D-{\underline{m}}'E)$ restricted
over $\Sigma({\underline{m}}';D)$, we have
\item each component of $\Sigma({\underline{m}};D)$ is of codimension$\leq \rho=
\Sigma\ (^{dim f+m_i-1}_{\ \ \ \ dim f});$
\item \label{mreg}
if $\Sigma({\underline{m}};D)$ is empty or of the right codimension $\rho$ then
its class in the Chow group of $X_r$ is given by the formula,
\en \begin{equation}}\def\ee{\end{equation} \label{dejonq}
\vskip10pt\n{\bf Proof.\hskip10pt} The 1\up{st} assertion follows from \cite{ak}, Prop.(2.3).
The 2\up{nd} one derives from the exact sequence in
Lemma \ref{sh}(2).
The remaining are well known facts (cf. Fulton\cite{f}).\hfill\mbox{$\Box$}
In practice, the formula (\ref{dejonq}) may be computed using
the exact sequences in \ref{sh}. However, it is only useful to the extent
the conditions of (\ref{step})\ref{mreg} are met; we then say $D$
is ${\underline{m}}-${\em regular}. We refer to \cite{i} for sufficient
conditions for ${\underline{m}}-$regularity.\end{sex}\rm
\vskip15pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Proposition. }}}\def\ep{\rm\end{exx}\label{iter}
Let $D\subset X\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} S$ be as in the beginning of \S\ref{setup}.
Set $S'=\Sigma(2,S)$. Fix $P\!\in\! D$. Assume that
\item $S$ is regular at the image of $P$;
\item the ``total space'' $D$ is smooth at $P$ and
\item the fibre of $D$ through $P$ has an ordinary double
point ({\em odp}) there.
Then we have that $S'$ is smooth at $P$.
Moreover, $D':=f_{2,2}^*D_{|S'}-2E_{1,2|S'}$ is regular along the
inverse image of $P$.
\ep\vskip10pt\n{\bf Proof.\hskip10pt}
We assume for simplicity dim$X/S=2$ and dim$S\geq1$. The question is
local analytic. Let $A$ be a regular local ring and ${\cal M}$ its
maximal ideal, let $ h\!\in\! B=A[|x_1,x_2|]$ and set ${\cal N}={\cal M} B +
(x_1,x_2)B$. Assume that $B/(h)$ is regular and $h=x_1x_2\ mod (x_1,
x_2)^3 +{{\cal M}}B$. Then $\bar{B}:=B/(h,h_{x_1},h_{x_2})$ is regular.
Indeed, we may write $h=t+m_1x_1+m_2x_2 $ $+x_1x_2+\cdots$, with
$t,m_1,$ $m_2\!\in\!{{\cal M}}$. Notice that, since $h\!\in\!{\cal N}-{\cal N} ^2$,
we have in fact $t\!\in\!{{\cal M}}-{{\cal M}}^2$. From $h_{x_i}=m_i + x_j + \cdots
(\{i,j\} = \{1,2\})$, it follows that $h, h_{x_1}, h_{x_2}$ are linearly
independent $mod\ {\cal N}^2$, as desired for the regularity of $\bar{B}$.
Let $t_1=t,\dots,t_n$ generate ${\cal M}$ minimally. We may replace $S$ by
the germ of curve defined by $t_2,\dots,t_n$. Thus $t$ is a
uniformizing parameter of $A$.
Since the map germ of $D\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} S$ has an ordinary quadratic singularity
at $P$, there are regular parameters $\bar{x}_1$,$\bar{x}_2$ of $D$
around $P$ such that $t\mapsto\bar{x}_1\bar{x}_2$.
So now we have reduced to the following. The completion of the local
ring of $S$ at the image of $P$ may be writen as $A[|t|]$ for some
power series ring $A$. The completion of the local ring of $X$ (resp.
$D$) at $P$ is of the form $B=A[|t,x_1,x_2|]$ (resp. $B/(t-x_1x_2))$. Hence
$S'$ is represented by the ideal $(t,x_1,x_2)\subset B$. The diagonal and
the fibre product $X\times_S{X}$ are represented by $(x_1-
x_1',x_2-x_2') \subset{A}[|t,x_1,x_2,x_1',x_2'|]$. The blowup
$X_2\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}{X}\times_S{X}$ is given by the inclusion
${A}[|t,x_1,x_2,x_1',x_2'|]\subset{A}[|t,x_1,x_2,x_1',u|]$ defined by
$x_2'=x_2+u(x_1'-x_1)$. Restriction over $S'$ therefore takes on the
form, $A\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}{A}[|x_1',x_2'|]\subset{A}[|x_1',u|]$, with $D'$ defined by
$u$. \hfill\mbox{$\Box$}
\vskip15pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Proposition. }}}\def\ep{\rm\end{exx}
Let $Y$ be a smooth, projective surface and let $D$ be an ample
divisor on $Y$. Fix $n\!\in\!\{1,\dots,6\}$. Then there exists an
integer $r_0$ such that, for all $r\geq r_0$, for all linear
subsystems $S$ of $|rD|$ of dimension $n$ in an open dense subset
of the appropriate grassmannian, the following holds:
\begin{itemize}}\def\ei{\end{itemize} \item[] $\Sigma((2^{[n]});S)$ is finite, reduced,
and for $(C,y_1,\dots,y_n)\!\in\! \Sigma((2^{[n]});S)$ we have that
$(y_1,\dots, y_n)$ is a singularity of one of the strict types
described in Prop.\ref{tipos}.
\vskip10pt\n{\bf Proof.\hskip10pt} As observed in the proof of Prop.\ref{tipos}, ampleness ensures
that for any fixed sequence ${\underline{m}}=(m_1,\dots, m_n)$ of positive
integers there exists $r_0$ such that, for all $r\geq r_0$, and for
any sequence $(y_1,\dots,y_n)$ of distinct points in $Y$, the sheaf
${\cal M}_{y_1}^{m_1}\cdots{\cal M}_{y_n}^{m_n} \otimes \O(rD)$ is generated by
global sections. It follows that distinct $y_i$'s impose independent
conditions to be a singularity of strict type ${\underline{m}}$ on the system $|rD|$
and in fact, $\Sigma({\underline{m}},rD)$ restricted to the complement of the
union of the exceptional divisors in $Y_n$ is a projective bundle. In
\cite{i} ((9.1),p. 417) it is shown the same is true over all of
$Y_n$ provided ${\underline{m}}$ satisfies the relaxed proximity inequalities
$m_{i}\geq- 1+m_{i+1}+\cdots+m_n$ for $i=1,\dots,n-1$.
As this is no longer the case for ${\underline{m}}=(2^{[n]}),\ n\geq3$, a direct
verification of smoothness is required.
At any rate, $\Sigma((2);S)$ and $\Sigma((2,2);S)$ are smooth for
all sufficiently ample complete system $S$ and remain smooth
upon replacing $S$ by a general subsystem by transversality of a
general translate \cite{kltransv}.
For $n\geq3$ we proceed by the following iteration argument.
Recall from Prop.\ref{step} that for any
$D\subset X\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} S$ as in \S\ref{setup}, we have
where $D'=(f_{3,2}^*(f_{2,2}^*D-2E_{1,2})-2E_{1,3})_{|\Sigma((2,2);D)}$.
If $S$ is a sufficiently ample complete system, one checks that $D'$
is regular. In fact, it is the total space of a family of
basepoint--free divisors in the fibres of $Y_3\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}{Y_2}$. Indeed, let
$Y'\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}{Y}$ be the blowup at $y_1\!\in\!{Y}$ and let $Y''\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}{Y'}$ be the
blowup at $y_2\!\in\!{Y'}$. Let $y_3\!\in\!{Y''}$. Let $\L$ be an ample line
bundle over $Y$. Then
$$H^1(Y'',\L^{\otimes{r}}\otimes{\O_{Y''}(-2E_{y_2})}\otimes {\O_{Y'}(
2E_{y_1})}\otimes{{\cal M}_{y_3}})=0$$ for $r>>0$ because the sequence
$(2,2,1)$ satisfies the relaxed proximity inequalities. Hence
Prop.\ref{iter} implies that $\Sigma((2^{[3]},D)$ is regular at any
$(C,y_1,$ $y_2,$ $y_3)$ such that $y_3$ is an {\em odp} of
$C-2E_{y_1}-2E_{y_2}$. Now, if $y_3$ were a triple point (allowed if
$n=6$), then we would certainly have $y_3$ not infinitely near ${y_2}$.
Let $\pi$ be the involution of $X_2 \times_{X} X_2$ (so that
$p_{3,2}\pi=p_{3,1}$). It lifts to an involution of $X_3$ that leaves
$\Sigma((2^{[3]},D)$ invariant. Since $\pi$ maps $(C,y_1,y_2,y_3)$ to
$(C,y_1,y_3,y_2)$, we get regularity at the latter as well. The same
argument yields regularity of $\Sigma((2^{[n]},D)$ for $n=4,5,6$ and
$S$ generic, $\infty^n$. For instance, to show $\Sigma((2^{[6]},D)$
is regular at $(C,y_1,\dots,y_6)$ such that $y_1$ is of strict type
$(3(2))$ and $y_2$ is the double point infinitely near (cf.\ref{tritwo}),
we argue by regularity of $\Sigma((2^{[2]},D)$ at $(y_1,y_2)$ and apply
iteration, observing that $(y_3,\dots,y_6)$ are all ordinary
quadratic singularities. If $y_2$ were the intersection of the
exceptional line and the smooth branch, then $y_3$ must be the double
point infinitely near to $y_1$. In this case apply first a
permutation and argue as before. \hfill\mbox{$\Box$}
Here are two situations we may apply the above constructions to.
\n1:\underline{Linear systems}. Let $Y$ be a smooth projective surface, let
${\cal M}$ be an invertible \O$_Y-$module and let $V\subset H^0(Y,{\cal M})$ be a subspace.
Set $S=\p{}(V^*), X=S\times Y$ and let $f:X\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} S$ be the projection. Then
$\L={\cal M}\otimes \O(1)$ has a section defining the universal divisor $D$ of the
linear system parametrized by $S$. We also write in this case,
\n2:\underline{Hypersurfaces}. Let $S=Gr(2,N)$ be the Grassmann variety of
planes in \p{N}, with tautological quotient sheaf
$\O^{N+1}\surj \mbox{${\cal Q}$}$, where rank$\mbox{${\cal Q}$}$=3. Let $X=\p{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$})\subset
S\times\p N$ be the universal plane in \p N. Set
$\L=\O\!_{\pp{}({\cal Q})}(d)$ and let $D\subset X$ be defined by a form
of degree $d$. Thus the fibre of $D$ over $s\!\in\! S$ is the
intersection of a fixed hypersurface with the plane $s$
Using Prop. \ref{reduced} we get the following formulas
for the number $tg_n$ of $n-$nodal curves in an $\infty^n$
family of curves, for $n\!\in\!\{1,\dots,6\}$.
\vskip15pt\begin{exx}{\bf{Proposition. }}}\def\ep{\rm\end{exx}
Fix $n\!\in\!\{1,\dots,6\}$.
Let $D\subset X\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} S$ be a family of curves in a smooth family
of surfaces of dimension $n$. Assume $\Sigma((2^{[n]};D)$ is
reduced and receives contributions only from the strict types
described in Prop.\ref{tipos}. Then we have:
\item[] $tg_n=(\#\Sigma((2^{[n]});S)/n!\hbox{\quad for }n\!\in\!\{1,2,3\};$
\item[] $tg_4=(\#\Sigma((2^{[4]});S)-6\#\Sigma((3);S))/4!;$
\item[] $tg_5:=(\#\Sigma((2^{[5]});S)-30\#\Sigma((3,2);S))/5!;$
\item[] $tg_6:=(\#\Sigma((2^{[6]});S)-30\#\Sigma((3(2));S)-
90 \#\Sigma((3,2,2);S))/6!.$
\vskip10pt\n{\bf Proof.\hskip10pt}
Let us explain for instance the coefficient 90 appearing in
the formula for $tg_6$.
Pick $(C,z_1,z_2,z_3)$ in $\Sigma((3,2,2);S)$. Here $C$ is a curve in the
system $S$ and $(z_1,z_2,z_3)$ is a singularity of strict type $(3,2,2)$.
Let $z_{11},z_{12},z_{13}$ be the branches over $z_1$.
It gives rise to the following list of singularities $(y_1,\dots,y_6)$
of weak type $2^{[6]}$ on $C$:
\item[] $y_1=z_1$ and $(y_2,\dots,y_6)=$ any permutation of
$\{z_2,z_3,z_{11},z_{12},z_{13}\}$\vskip1pt\hfill SUBTOTAL:~120.
\item[] $y_1=z_i ,~y_2=z_1$ and $(y_3,\dots,y_6)=$ any permutation of
$z_j,z_{11},z_{12},z_{13}$ with $\{i,j\}=\{2,3\}$\hfill SUBTOTAL:~48.
\item[] $y_1\!=\!z_i,y_2\!=\!z_j,y_3\!=\!z_1$ and $(y_4,y_5,y_6)=$ any
permutation of $z_{11},z_{12},z_{13}$ with $\{i,j\}=\{2,3\}$
\hfill SUBTOTAL:~12.
The factor 180/2 comes from the fact that $(C,z_1,z_2,z_3)$ and
$(C,z_1,z_3,z_2)$ yield the same contributions to $\Sigma((2^{[6]});S)$
\hfill\mbox{$\Box$} \vskip10pt
Using the formula (\ref{dejonq}) in Prop.\ref{step} the $rhs$ can
be computed in terms of Chern classes for each of the two
situtions envisaged above. We've made extensive use of {\sc maple\cite{maple}\
\& schubert\cite{schub}}). See the appendix for the
For the case of linear systems on a surface $Y$, setting for short,
c_2=degree(c_2\Omega^1_Y),\ &k_1=degree(c_1\Omega^1_Yc_1\L),\\
k_2=degree((c_1\Omega^1_Y)^2),\ &d=degree((c_1\L)^2).
we get from (\ref{sh}), (\ref{formulas}) and (\ref{dejonq}),
\noindent$tg_1:=3 d\!+\!2 k_1\!+\!c_2;
tg_2:=(tg_1 (\!-\!7\!+\!3 d\!+\!2 k_1\!+\!c_2)\!-\!6 k_2\!-\!25 k_1\!-
\!21 d)/2
\noindent$tg_3:=(2tg_2 (\!-\!14\!+\!3 d\!+\!2 k_1\!+\!c_2)\!+\!tg_1 (\!-
\!6 k_2\!-\!25 k_1\!-\!21 d\!+\!40)\!+\! (\!-\!6 k_2\!-\!25
k_1\!-\!21 d) c_2\!-\!63 d^2\!+\!(\!-\!18 k_2\!-\!117
k_1\!+\!672) d\!-\!50 k_1^2\!+\! (\!-\!12 k_2\!+\!950)
k_1\!+\!292 k_2)/6;$\vskip8pt
\noindent$tg_4= (81d^4\!+\!(216k_1 \!+\! 108c_2 \!-\! 2268)d^3\!+\!
(54c_2^2 \!+\! (216k_1 \!-\! 1890)c_2 \!-\! 324k_2 \!+\! 21852
\!-\! 5130k_1 \!+\! 216k_1^2)d^2 \!+\! (12c_2^3 \!+\! ( \!-\!
504 \!+\! 72k_1)c_2^2 \!+\! ( \!-\! 216k_2 \!+\! 8940 \!+\!
144k_1^2 \!-\! 2916k_1)c_2 \!-\! 3816k_1^2 \!+\! 39780k_1 \!+\!
96k_1^3 \!+\! 6024k_2 \!-\! 72360 \!-\! 432k_1k_2)d \!+\! c_2^4
\!+\! ( \!-\! 42 \!+\! 8k_1)c_2^3 \!+\! ( \!-\! 402k_1 \!-\!
36k_2 \!+\! 24k_1^2 \!+\! 699)c_2^2 \!+\! ( \!-\! 3888 \!-\!
144k_1k_2 \!+\! 1756k_2 \!+\! 9046k_1 \!-\! 1104k_1^2 \!+\!
32k_1^3)c_2 \!-\! 144k_1^2k_2 \!+\! 16k_1^4 \!+\! 108k_2^2 \!+\!
4412k_1k_2 \!-\! 936k_1^3 \!+\! 17171k_1^2 \!-\! 28842k_2 \!-\!
tg_5 = 81/40 d^5\!+\!(27/8 c_2\!+\!27/4 k_1\!-\!189/2)
d^4\!+\!(9/4 c_2^2\!+\!(\!-\!441/4\!+\!9 k_1)c_2\!+\! 9 k_1^2\!-
\!27/2 k_2\!-\!1107/4 k_1\!+\!3393/2) d^3\!+\!(3/4 c_2^3\!+\!(\!-
\!189/4\!+\!9/2 k_1) c_2^2\!+\! (9 k_1^2\!-\!981/4
k_1\!+\!2469/2\!-\!27/2 k_2) c_2\!-\!27 k_1 k_2\!+\!6 k_1^3\!-
\!603/2 k_1^2\!-\! 13875\!+\!471k_2\!+\!8463/2 k_1) d^2\!+\!(1/8
c_2^4\!+\!(\!-\!35/4\!+\! k_1) c_2^3\!+\!(3 k_1^2\!-\! 285/4
k_1\!+\!2207/8\!-\!9/2 k_2) c_2^2\!+\!(4 k_1^3\!-\!4789\!-\!18
k_1 k_2\!-\!180 k_1^2\!+\! 565/2 k_2\!+\!8589/4 k_1) c_2\!-\!145
k_1^3\!-\!22445/4 k_2\!+\!27403/8 k_1^2\!+\!2 k_1 ^4\!+\!27/2
k_2^2\!+\!1355/2 k_1 k_2\!-\!111959/4 k_1\!+\!217728/5\!-\!18
k_1^2 k_2) d\!+\! 1/120 c_2^5\!+\!(1/12 k_1\!-\!7/12)
c_2^4\!+\!(141/8\!+\!1/3 k_1^2\!-\!1/2 k_2\!-\!27/4 k_1)
c_2^3\!+\!(251/6 k_2\!-\!53/2 k_1^2\!-\!3 k_1 k_2\!+\!2/3
k_1^3\!-\!485/2\!+\!1547/6 k_1) c_2^2 \!+\!(\!-\!17881/12
k_2\!+\!3516/5\!+\!1229/6 k_1 k_2\!-\!68137/12 k_1\!-\!131/3
k_1^3\!+\!9/2 k_2^2\!+\!21551/24 k_1^2\!+\!2/3 k_1^4\!-\!6 k_1^2
k_2) c_2\!+\!727/3 k_1^2 k_2\!-\! 188k_2^2\!-\!8827/2 k_1
k_2\!+\!321882/5 k_1\!+\!9 k_2^2 k_1\!+\!22695 k_2\!+\! 10867/12
k_1^3\!-\! 26189/2 k_1^2\!-\!4 k_1^3 k_2\!+\!4/15 k_1^5\!-\!26
( 81/80 ) d^6\!+\!( 81/40 c_2\!-\!567/8\!+\!81/20 k_1 ) d^5\!+\!(
27/16 c_2^2\!+\!(27/4 k_1\!-\!1701/16) c_2\!-\!81/8
k_2\!+\!8109/4\!+\!27/4 k_1^2\!-\!4077/16 k_1 ) d^4\!+\! ( 3/4
c_2^3\!+\!(9/2 k_1\!-\!63) c_2^2\!+\!(8523/4\!-\!27/2 k_2\!+\!9
k_1^2\!-\!1233/4 k_1) c_2\!+\! 1131/2 k_2\!+\!6 k_1^3\!-
\!29601\!-\!27 k_1 k_2\!-\!729/2 k_1^2\!+\!25671/4 k_1 ) d^3\!+\!
( 3/16 c_2^4\!+\!(3/2 k_1\!-\!147/8) c_2^3\!+\!(12909/16\!-\!27/4
k_2\!+\!9/2 k_1^2\!-\!1107/8 k_1) c_2^2\!+\!(2073/4 k_2\!-
\!76959/4\!-\!27 k_1 k_2\!+\!41493/8 k_1\!+\!6 k_1^3\!-\!333
k_1^2) c_2\!+\! 3 k_1^4\!+\!81/4 k_2^2\!-\!27 k_1^2 k_2\!-
\!96699/8 k_2\!-\!519/2 k_1^3\!+\!1102009/5\!+\! 119961/16
k_1^2\!-\!639927/8 k_1\!+\!4821/4 k_1 k_2 ) d^2\!+\! ( 1/40
c_2^5\!+\!(1/4 k_1\!-\!21/8) c_2^4\!+\!(\!-\!3/2
k_2\!+\!3071/24\!-\!109/4 k_1\!+\!k_1^2) c_2^3 \!+\!(\!-\!201/2
k_1^2\!+\!157 k_2\!+\!2 k_1^3\!-\!29213/8\!-\!9 k_1
k_2\!+\!5421/4 k_1) c_2^2\!+\! (\!-\!26787/4 k_2\!+\!648997/10\!-
\!74149/2 k_1\!-\!159 k_1^3\!+\!1481/2 k_1 k_2\!+\!27/2
k_2^2\!+\! 32959/8 k_1^2\!+\!2 k_1^4\!-\!18 k_1^2 k_2)
c_2\!+\!853 k_1^2 k_2\!-\!18481 k_1 k_2\!-\! 1317/2 k_2^2\!+\!27
k_2^2 k_1\!+\!1401361/12 k_2\!+\!28988249/60 k_1\!+\!46109/12
k_1^3\!-\! 12 k_1^3 k_2\!+\!4/5 k_1^5\!-\!668388\!-\!554465/8
k_1^2\!-\!92 k_1^4 ) d\!+\!1/720 c_2^6\!+\!(\!-\!7/48\!+\! 1/60
k_1) c_2^5\!+\!(\!-\!1/8 k_2\!+\!1/12 k_1^2\!-\!95/48
k_1\!+\!331/48) c_2^4 \!+\!(\!-\!k_1 k_2\!-\!10 k_1^2\!+\!8147/72
k_1\!-\!8095/48\!+\!565/36 k_2\!+\!2/9 k_1^3) c_2^3\!+\! (\!-
\!145/6 k_1^3\!+\!15347/10\!+\!1355/12 k_1 k_2\!-\!3 k_1^2
k_2\!+\!1/3 k_1^4\!+\!9/4 k_2^2\!-\! 190339/48 k_1\!+\!26519/48
k_1^2\!-\!10891/12 k_2) c_2^2\!+\!(\!-\!4 k_1^3 k_2\!-\!85/3
k_1^4\!+\! 4291/4 k_1^3\!+\!9 k_2^2 k_1\!+\!10998\!-\!815/4
k_2^2\!-\!807341/48 k_1^2\!+\!790/3 k_1^2 k_2\!+\! 4/15 k_1^5\!-
\!62339/12 k_1 k_2\!+\!691883/24 k_2\!+\!$ $10672201/120 k_1)
c_2\!-\! 311237/16 k_1^3\!-\!9/2 k_2^3\!+\!4/45
k_1^6\!+\!7001519/72 k_1 k_2\!-\!2 k_1^4 k_2\!-\! 1855/4
k_2^2 k_1\!+\!9 k_1^2 k_2^2\!+\!1805/9 k_1^3 k_2\!-
\!1080646 k_1\!+\! 86753363/360 k_1^2\!+\!200477/36
k_2^2\!+\!26297/36 k_1^4\!-\!13 k_1^5\!-\! 55951/8 k_1^2 k_2\!-
\!2567321/6 k_2.$
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}{\bf $Y=\p{2}$.}
We make the substitutions,\ex
\centerline{$c_2=3,d=m^2,k_1=-3 m,k_2=9.$}
\bs{ $n=4.$}
The expression for $tg_4$ above reduces to\end{sex}\rm
\footnotesize $$tg_{4,\p{2}}(m)=\!-\!
8865\!+\!18057/4 m\!+\!37881/8 m^2\!-\!2529 m^3\!-\!642 m^4\!+\!1809/4 m^5
\!-\!27m^7\!+\!27/8 m^8.$$
\noindent\normalsize Setting $m=4$ we get
for the number of 4--nodal quartics through 10 general points.
Indeed, a plane quartic with 4 nodes splits as a
union of 2 conics, 126 of which pass through 10 points, or of a
singular cubic and a line through $10$ points.
We find,\end{sex}\rm
81/40 m^{10}\!-\!81/4 m^9\!-\!27/8 m^8\!+\!
2349/4 m^7\!-\!1044 m^6\!-\!127071/20 m^5\!+\!128859/8
m^4\!+\!59097/2 m^3-3528381/40 m^2-946929/20 m\!+\!153513$.
Setting $m=4$ and picking a system of quartics through 9
general points, we do get the right answer,
Indeed, a plane quartic with 5 nodes can only be a union of a
conic and line pair: hence \bin{9}{5}
for the choice of 5 points determining a conic, times the
number 3 of line pairs through the 4 remaining points...
\bs{ $n=6.$} We have,\par
$81/80 m^{12}$ - $243/20 m^{11}$ $-$ $81/20 m^{10}$ + $8667/16
m^9$ $-$ $9297/8 m^8 $ $-$ $47727/5 m^7$ + $2458629/ 80 m^6$ +
$3243249/40 m^5$ $-$ $6577679/20 m^4$ $-$ $ 25387481/80 m^3$ +
$6352577/4 m^2$ + $8290623/20 m $ $-$ $2699706.$
Again setting $m=4$, we find 105 for the number of 6--nodal
quartics through 8
general points: the configurations must consist of 4 lines.
Setting $m=5$, we can find the number of {\em irreducible} rational
plane quintic curves through 14 general points. This is
$= 109781-20475-2002=87304$.
The corrections are due to the reducible 6--nodal quintics:
either line+binodal quartic or conic+cubic.
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}{\bf$Y=\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}$.} For a system of curves of type $(m_1,m_2)$, we
\centerline{$c_2=4,k_2=8,k_1=-2(m_1+m_2),d=2 m_1m_2$.}\ex
We get,
$tg_{4,\mbox{\footnotesize$\pp1\!\!\times\!\pp1$}}(m_1,m_2) =
(32/3\!-\!64 m_2\!+\!144 m_2^2\!-\!144 m_2^3\!+\!54 m_2^4)
m_1^4\!+\!( 808/3\!-\!3112/3 m_2\!+\!1230 m_2^2\!-\!324 m_2^3\!-
\! 144 m_2^4) m_1^3\!+\! (11987/6\!-\!3494 m_2\!-\!2 m_2^2\!+\!
1230 m_2^3 \!+\! 144 m_2^4 ) m_1^2 \!+\!(17359/6\!+\!11333/3
m_2\!-\!3494 m_2^2\!-\!3112/3 m_2^3 \!-\!64 m_2^4) m_1 \!-
\!7460\!+\!17359/6 m_2\!+\!11987/6 m_2^2\!+\!808/3 m_2^3 \!+\!
32/3 m_2^4.
If $m_1=m_2=2$, it checks with the number $6$ of configurations
of $4$ lines in the system $(2,2)$ through 4 general points on a
quadric. Indeed, since $p_a=1$, the curve splits in one of the types:
$(1,1)+(1,1)$, $(2,0)+(0,2)$, $(2,1)+(0,1)$ or
$(1,2)+(1,0)$. The latter two cases consist of the union of a
twisted cubic and a bi-secant line, hence get for free two nodes
due to the intersections. In order to present $4$ nodes, the
twisted cubic must split further. One easily sees that the only
possibility is indeed a configuration $(2,0)+(0,2)$ of $4$ lines.
We may assume no $2$ of the
$4$ points are on a ruling. Label the points $1,2$ so that the
lines composing the curve $(2,2)$ through them are both of system
$(1,0)$; this forces the other $2$ lines to be of the opposite
system $(0,1)$. Thus, the choice of $1,2$ completely determines
the solution, hence \bin{4}{2}.
For $(m_1,m_2)=$ $(2,3)$, we find
$tg_{4,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(2,3) =133$. As $p_a=2$,
we obtain again reducible configurations.
Notice the system $|(2,3)|$ is $\infty^{11}$.
Let the $\infty^4$ subsystem be defined by imposing 7 points.
Possible splitting types?
(i)$(2,0)+(0,3)$ is $\infty^{5}$, too small.
(ii)$(2,1)+(0,2)$ is $\infty^{7}$; 4 nodes due to intersection,
$\bin{7}{2}=21$ choices for configuration consisting of twisted
cubic$\in\!|(2,1)|$ through $5$ points and line pairs$\in\!| (0,2)|$
through $2$ points.
(iii)$(1,1)+(1,2)$ is $\infty^{3+5}$; $3$ nodes due to
intersection, hence need additional node for either $(1,1)$ or
$(1,2)$ component. If the new node is on $(1,1)$, this curve must
be a line pair; make it pass through 2 of the points ($\bin{7}{2}$
choices for these) $\times$ 2 (=number of such line pairs for
each choice of 2 points), total 42. One takes the $(1,2)-$component
through the remaining 5 points, unique choice. SUBTOTAL:~ 42.
If the new node is on a $(1,2)-$curve, this must split as $(0,1)
+(1,1)$, so the actual solutions are of
the form $(1,1)+(0,1)+(1,1)$; if the $7\up{th}$ point is on the line,
the remaining 6 will be on $\bin{6}{3}/2$ conic pairs. SUBTOTAL:~ 70.
(iv)$(2,2)+(0,1)$ has 2 nodes due to intersection, hence need two
additional nodes for $(2,2)-$component; now
if a $(2,2)-$curve acquires 2 double points, it splits as
$(2,1)+(0,1)$ or $(1,2)+(1,0)$ or $(1,1)+(1,1)$; these have already
been accounted for! Thus it all happily adds up to the
right TOTAL:~ 133.
For $(m_1,m_2)=$ $(2,4)$, we find
$tg_{4,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(2,4) = $ 1261.
The system $|(2,4)|$ is $\infty^{14}$. We impose 10 points
to select an $\infty^{4}$ subsystem.
Possible splitting types?
(i) $(2,3)+(0,1)$ is $\infty^{12}$; $2$ nodes due to intersection.
Impose $2$ new nodes for $(2,3)-$component; there are
$tg_{2,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(2, 3)=105$ through each of the 10
choices of 9 points. Notice that
among these 1050 curves
there are 90 in $|(2,2)+(0,2)|$. These will
be accounted for separately below.
(ii) $(2,2)+(0,2)$ is $\infty^{10}$; 4 nodes due to
intersection; $\bin{10}{2}=45$ choices for 2 points determining
a line pair in the system $|(0,2)|$, the remaining 8 points
singling out a member in $|(2,2)|$.
(iii) $(2,1)+(0,3)$ is $\infty^{8}$: too small! Similarly for
(iv) $(1,4)+(1,0)$ is $\infty^{10}$; 4 nodes due to
intersection; 10 choices for the point determining the
component $(1,0)$.
(v) $(1,3)+(1,1)$ is $\infty^{10}$; 4 nodes due to
intersection; $\bin{10}{3}$ choices for 3 points determining
a conic while the 7 other points determine the
component $(1,3)$.
(vi) $(1,2)+(1,2)$ is $\infty^{10}$; 4 nodes due to
intersection; $\bin{10}{5}$ choices for 5 points determining a
twisted cubic $(1,2)$
It gives the expected TOTAL:~ 1261.
\begin{ssex}\em}\def\ess{\end{ssex}\rm{\bf Irreducible rational curves with $p_a=4$ on \mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}.}\label{d33}
We may compute the number {\bf3510} of
irreducible rational curves of type $|(3,3)|$ passing
through $11=15-4$ general points. We subtract from
$tg_{4,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(3,3) =4115$,
the contributions given by:
(i) \big(nodal $(3,2)$ through 10 points + $(0,1)$ through
the 11\up{th}\big):
(ii) \big(nodal $(2,3)$ through 10 points + $(1,0)$\big): 220;
(iii) \big($(2,2)$ through 8 points + $(1,1)$ through 3
others\big): \bin{11}{8}=165.
(Note that $(3,1)+(0,2)$ is $\infty^{9}-$ too small.)
Reasoning as above, we also find the number {\bf3684} of
irreducible rational curves in the system $(2,5)$ passing
through $13=17-4$ general points. This is
\big($tg_{4,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(2,5) =7038$\big) minus
\big($(tg_{2,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(2,4) =252)\times13$
due to binodal $(2,4)+(0,1)$\big)
minus \big(\bin{13}{11}=78 due to curves $(2,3)$
through 11 points + $(0,2)$ through 2 others\big).
\bs{$n=5.$} The first interesting check is provided by
the system $|(3,3)|$ on $\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}$. We
find $tg_{5,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(3,3) =3702$. Here we have
$p_a=4$, hence imposing 5 nodes will force again reducible curves.
Fix 10 points in general position to
define an $\infty^5$ subsystem of $|(3,3)|$.
Possible splitting types?
(i)$(3,1)+2(0,1)$ is $\infty^{7+1} $ and $(3,1)+(0,2)$ is
$\infty^{7+2}$, both too small. (ii)$(3,2)+(0,1)$:
$\infty^{12}$; there are 3 nodes due to intersection. Look at
members of$|(3,2)|$ through 9 points and with 2 additional nodes: we find
$tg_{2,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(3,2)=105$. Among these, 9 split further
as $(2,2)+(1,0)$ and will be accounted for separately in (iv).
Since there are 10 choices for the 9 points,
we have the SUBTOTAL:~ 960. (iii)$(2,3)+(1,0)$: just as in (ii),
SUBTOTAL:~960. (iv)$(2,2)+(1,0)+(0,1)$: there are
$\bin{10}{2}=45$ times 2 for choices of points and system of
line through them. SUBTOTAL:~90.
(v)$(2,2)+(1,1)$: we have 4 nodes due to intersection. When the
aditional node is on the $(2,2)$ component which passes through
7 points, we find
$tg_{1,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(2,2)=12$, times $\bin{10}{3}$ obtaining
the SUBTOTAL:~1440.
If the additional node be on $(1,1)$, the type becomes
$(2,2)+(1,0)+(0,1)$, already accounted for in (iv) above.
(vi)$(2,1)+(1,2)$:there are 5 nodes due to intersection; contributes
fortunately totaling 3702.
\begin{ssex}\em}\def\ess{\end{ssex}\rm{How about the irreducible rational curves with $p_a=5$ on \mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}?}
The possible bidegrees are $(2,6),(6,2)$. One expects finitely many of
these passing through 15 points. However we notice that {\em any}
subsystem $S\subset|(2,6)|$ of codimension 15 meets the
family of curves of type $(2,4)+2(0,1)$. Since
these present a nonreduced component, therefore
$\Sigma((2^{[5]});S)$ contains components of wrong dimension
(cf.\ref{nonred}), so that the formula is {\em not} applicable to the
present case. It would be nice to compute the equivalence of
these bad components.
\begin{ssex}\em}\def\ess{\end{ssex}\rm We look again at the system $|(3,3)|$ on $\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}$. We
find $tg_{6,\mbox{\footnotesize$\pp1\!\!\times\!\pp1$}}$ $(3,3)=$ 2224.
Fix 9 points in general position to
define an $\infty^6$ subsystem.
Possible splitting types?
(i)$(3,1)+2(0,1):\ \infty^{7+1}$, too small.
(ii)\big(nodal$(2,2)$\big) $+(1,0)+(0,1)$:
$ 12\times\bin{9}{7}\times2$. SUBTOTAL:~864.
(iii)$(3,1)+(0,2):\infty^{7+2}$; contributes $\bin{9}{7}.$ SUBTOTAL:~ 36.
(iv)$(1,3)+(2,0)$: SUBTOTAL:~ 36.
$(2,1)+(1,1)+(0,1):\infty^{5+3+1}$; contributes
$\bin{9}{5}\times\bin{4}{3}.$ SUBTOTAL:~ 504.
(1,2)+(1,1)+(1,0)$. SUBTOTAL:~ 504.
For several days, we had found only these 1944. The 280 then missing
were pointed out to me (after a lunch break at the MSRI) by
Enrique Arrondo: $\bin{9}{3}\times\bin{6}{3}/6=280$ curves
of the form $(1,1)+(1,1)+(1,1)$!!!
\begin{ssex}\em}\def\ess{\end{ssex}\rm{\bf Irreducible rational curves of
bidegree $(3,4)$}\label{d34} passing through $13=19-6$ general
points: {\bf90508}. We subtract from
$tg_{6,\mbox{\footnotesize\mbox{$\p1\!\times\!\p1$}}}(3,4) =122865 $, the contributions
given by: (i)\big(trinodal $(3,3)$ through 12 points\big) +
\big($(0,1)$ through the 13\up{th}\big): $1944\times13=25272$;
(ii)\big(nodal $(2,3)$ through 10
points\big) + \big($(1,1) $ through 3 others\big):
20$\times$\bin{13}{3}=5720; (iii) \big($(2,2)$ through 8 points\big) +
\big($(1,2)$ through 5 others\big): \bin{13}{8}= 1287; (iv)\big($(3,2)$
through 11 points\big) + \big($(0,2)$ through 2 others\big):
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}{\bf Del-Pezzo surface:}
$Y=\p{2}$ blown up at 5
points, imbedded in \p{4} as a $(2,2)$ intersection by the system
of plane cubics through the 5 points. There are \bf40 \rm
fourfold tangent hyperplanes. Indeed, label the points $\{1,\dots,5\}$;
draw the lines $\overline{12},\ \overline{15},\ \overline{34}$;
let $a=\overline{12} \cap \overline{34},\ b= \overline{15} \cap
\overline{34}.$ Note $1$ is double on $\overline{12} +
\overline{15} + \overline{34}$. After blowing up, the hyperplane
system $|3L-e_1-\cdots-e_5|$ will contain the curve $e_1 +
\overline{12}' + \overline{15}' + \overline{34}'$ (the $'$
denoting strict transform).
It presents the 2 double points $a',b'$ and two others on $e_1$.
The number of such configurations
can be counted as 5 choices for the point labeled 1,
times \bin{4}{2} choices for
$\overline{12}, \overline{15}$, totaling 30. In addition to these
configurations of lines, we may also take the conic $c$ and a
line through a pair of the points, say $\overline{12}$; then we
get the hyperplane section $c' + \overline{12}' +e_1 +e_2$. This
gives 10 more, totaling 40, as predicted by the formula.
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}{\bf Surfaces of degree $9$ in \p{4}.}
$$[d=9,k_1=2p_a-11,k_2=6\chi-5p_a+23, c_2=12\chi-k_2]$$ in $tg_4$
with the list of possible pairs (cf. \cite{aure})
$[p_a=\hbox{sectional genus};\chi=(c_2+k_2)/12]$ yields the
[6;1]& [7;1]& [7;2]& [8;2]& [8;3]& [9;4]&[10;5]& [12;9]\\
\bf15645 &\bf 57162 &\bf 107646 &\bf 248671 &\bf 388846 & \bf
1022595 &\bf 2222868 &\bf 10957224\rm.
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}{\bf$K3-$surfaces.}\label{k3} Let $Y$ be embedded by a complete
system $|C|$ of curves of genus
$n\!\in\!\{3,4,5,6\}$. We have $2n-2=C\cdot(C+K_Y)$.
$[d=2n-2,k_1=0,k_2=0, c_2=24]$ in $tg_n$
we find
n: &3&4&5&6\\
tg_n: &\bf3200&\bf 25650 &\bf 176256 &\bf 1073720\rm
For $n\!\in\!\{4,5,6\}$, the values given above for $tg_n$ are
smaller then those predicted by a formula Ciliberto and Lopez
(priv. communication) obtained by a degeneration argument.
A related development is the work of Manoil \cite{m}, where he addresses the
question of existence of rational points on $K3-$surfaces defined over
a number field. He proves the existence of curves of geometric genus
$\leq1$ for a certain class of surfaces by counting singular curves.
\begin{exx}{\bf{Example. }}\em}\def\ex{\rm\end{exx}{\bf Abelian surfaces }
$Y\subset \p{4}$. Here we find the number \bf150 \rm
of $4-$fold tangent hyperplanes. It might be more than just a
coincidence the fact that the contribution from $\#\Sigma(3;S)$
is also $=150$, suspiciously a factor of the number $15,000$ of
symmetries of the Horrocks-Mumford bundle, a generic section of
which is known to vanish precisely on $Y\dots$
The following comments were kindly communicated by Chad Schoen.
Let $Y$ be an Abelian surface with a polarization of type
$(1,5)$. Any Horrocks-Mumford Abelian surface is of this type.
The converse is almost true. I believe that any simple Abelian
surface with a $(1,5)$ polarization is a Horrocks-Mumford Abelian
surface. Let $N$ be an invertible sheaf giving the $(1,5)$
polarization. A curve in $|N|$ has self-intersection $10$. This
is the degree of the normal sheaf which is also the dualizing
sheaf. Thus the arithmetic genus is $6$. If the curve is
irreducible and has $4$ nodes it's normalization has genus 2. If
$Y$ is ``general'' its Picard number is $1$ and any hyperplane
section must be irreducible. Let $C$ be such a $4-$nodal curve
and $\tilde{C}$ its normalization. There is an isogeny
$Jac(\tilde{C}) \mbox{${\rightarrow}$} Y$ taking $\tilde{C}$ to $C$. Again if $Y$
has Picard number $1$, there is no choice but for this map to
have degree 5. Now the degree 5 unramified covers of $Y$ are
parametrized by the subgroups of order 5 in the fundamental
group of $Y$. Write $L$ for this lattice and $L'\subset L$ for
the index 5 subgroup. Assuming that $Y$ has Picard number $1$,
the 5 fold cover $f:J\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} Y$ will be the Jacobian of a genus 2
curve if and only if $J$ is principally polarized. This will
occur if and only if the pull back of the $(1,5)$ polarization on
$Y$ is 5 times a polarization on $J$. In terms of lattices and
the Riemann form associated to the polarization we have:
$$A:(1/5L)/L \times L/5L \mbox{${\rightarrow}$}(1/5\mbox{$Z$})/\mbox{$Z$}=\mbox{$Z$}/5.$$ This alternating
form on the 5 torsion of $Y$ has a two dimensional radical--call
it $K$. ($K$=vectors in $(1/5)L/L$ which are orthogonal to the
whole space). Now the pull back to $J$ is divisible by 5 if and
only if the restriction of $A$ to $(1/5)L'/L \times L'/5L \mbox{${\rightarrow}$}
(1/5)\mbox{$Z$}/\mbox{$Z$}$ is identically zero. This occurs exactly when $K$
lies in $(1/5)L'/L$. We can count all such $L'$. They are
hyperplanes in \p{3} containing a fixed \p{1} all over the field
$\mbox{$Z$}/5$. Thus the $L'$ 's are parametrized by \p{1}$(\mbox{$Z$}/5)$. There
are 6 possible $L'$ 's. Thus 6 possible $J$'s. Finally we note
that translation by elements of $K=\mbox{$Z$}/5\times \mbox{$Z$}/5$ give
automorphisms of $Y$ preserving the $(1,5)$ polarization. This
gives $6 \times25 =150 $ four-nodal hyperplane sections. There
are only 6 different isomorphism classes of genus 2 curve
which occur as normalizations.
{\bf Question:} Inversion in the Abelian variety should also
preserve the polarization (I {\it (C. Schoen)} think).
How does this permute the 4--nodal hyperplane sections?
The same method yields the formula,
+1082m^{13}- 18469m^{12}+66446m^{11}
- 192307m^{10}+1242535m^{9}
-4049006m^{8}+11129818m^{7}- 53664614m^{6}+166756120m^{5}
-415820104m^{4}+ 1293514896m^{3}- 2517392160m^{2}+1781049600m)/6!
for the number of planes in \p{4} that are 6-fold tangent to a
hypersurface of degree $m$.
For $m=4$, the formula above gives \bf5600\rm. This can be verified by
the following direct calculation via the Fano variety $F$ (cf.\cite{ak}) of
$\infty^1$ lines contained in a 4\up{ic} threefold {\bf T}. Presently
the counting refers to the set
F^{\times4}|\exists\hbox{ plane }\pi\ s.t.\ \ell_1+\cdots+\ell_4=
\pi\cap {\bf T}\}$$
of 4--tuples of coplanar
lines in that family.
Let $\mbox{${\cal S}$}_i\mbox{\raise-.03cm\hbox{\mbox{\tiny\bf$^\succ$} \O^{\oplus5}\surj\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_i$ (rank $\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_i= i+1$) denote the
tautological sequence over the Grassmann variety
$G_i:=Gr(i,4)$ of $i-$dimensional subspaces of \p{4}.
Go to the incidence variety
${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}:=\{(\ell,\pi)\!\in\! G_1\times{}G_2|\ell\subset\pi\}.$
It carries the diagram of locally free sheaves, (omitting
\mbox{${\cal S}$}_2 & \mbox{\raise-.03cm\hbox{\mbox{\tiny\bf$^\succ$} & \mbox{${\cal S}$}_1 & \surj &{\cal M}\\
|| & &\injdown& &\injdown\\
\mbox{${\cal S}$}_2 & \mbox{\raise-.03cm\hbox{\mbox{\tiny\bf$^\succ$} &\O^{\oplus5}&\surj &\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2\\
& & \mbox{\hskip.01cm\raise-.37cm\hbox{\mbox{\large$\check{}$}& &\mbox{\hskip.01cm\raise-.37cm\hbox{\mbox{\large$\check{}$}\\
& & \mbox{${\cal Q}$}_1 & = & \mbox{${\cal Q}$}_1
The universal plane \p{}$(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2)$ contains the total space $D$
of the family of intersections with the fixed 4\up{ic}
hypersurface. Our goal is to compute the intersection class
supported by
$${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_3:=\{(\ell_1,\ell_2,\ell_3,\pi)\!\in\!{}{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}\times_{G_2}{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}
\times_{G_2}{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L} | D_\pi\geq\ell_1+\ell_2+\ell_3\}.$$
${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_1=\{(\ell,\pi) | \ell\subset \pi\cap D_\pi\}.$
This is
expressible as zeros of a section of a suitable bundle. Indeed,
up on $\p{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2)_{|{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}}$, we have the Cartier divisors $D_{|{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}}$
and $\l_1:=\p{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_1)_{|{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}}$. One checks that ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_1$ is exactly the
locus in ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}$ where ``$\l_1 \subset D$'' holds along fibers.
Studying the natural diagram of $\O_{\pp{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2)_{|{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}}}-$modules,
\O\\ \downarrow\hskip.7cm\sear{s}\\
one sees that the slant arrow $s$ vanishes on the fiber over
$(\ell,\pi)\!\in\! {\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}$ iff $\ell\subset\pi\cap D_{\pi}$. Let
$p:{\p{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2)_{|{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}}}\mbox{${\rightarrow}$} {{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}}$ denote the structure map; it follows that
${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_1$ is the scheme of zeros of the section $p_*s$ of the direct
image $sym_4Q_1$ of $\O_{\l_1}(D)=\O_{\l_1}(4)$. We obtain
$[{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_1]=c_5sym_4Q_1$. Pulling back $D$ to ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_1$ (and abusing
notation), it splits as $D=D_1+\l_1$, thus defining $D_1$.
Moreover, since $\p{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_1)$ is the divisor of zeros of a section
of $\O_{Q_2}(1)\otimes{}{\cal M}^*$, we have
$\O(D_1)=\O_{Q_2}(4)\otimes\O_{Q_2}(-1)\otimes{}{\cal M}$. We may ask
when does $D_1$ split further.
Go to ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_1\times_{G_2} {\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}$. Set $\l_2={\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_1 \times_{G_2} \l_1$ and
define ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_2$ by imposing the fibers of $D_1$ to contain a
2\up{nd} line.
As before, ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_2$ is given by the vanishing of a section of the
pushforward of $\O_{\l_2}(D_1)$. Denoting by $_{(i)}$ the
pullback to ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}\times_{G_2}{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}\cdots$ via $i$\up{th} projection, we
find $[{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_2]=c_4({\cal M}_{(2)}\otimes{}sym_3\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_{1(2)}).$ Similarly,
pulling back $D_1$ over ${\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_2$ yields $D_1=D_2+\l_2$
and we get $[{\bf I}}\def\l{{\bf L}_3]=c_3({\cal M}_{(3)}\otimes{}sym_2Q_{1(3)})$. See in the
Appendix a script for the actual computation using
{\sc schubert}\cite{schub}. Observing that a 6--fold tangent plane $\pi$
to a 4\up{ic} hypersurface cuts 4 lines, the computation gives
134400/24=\bf5600 \rm as asserted.
Recall that a general 5\up{ic}threefold {\bf T}$\subset\!\p{4}$
contains 2,875 lines and 609,250 conics (cf. \cite{har}, \cite{katz}).
The plane through a conic counts as a 6--fold tangent since its
intersection wih {\bf T} splits as a $conic+cubic$,
thereby presenting 6 nodes.
Through each line, there are $\infty^2$ planes in \p{4}. The intersection
of any such plane with {\bf T} splits as $line+quartic$ thereby
counting as a 4--fold tangent.
The plane is a 6--fold tangent iff the residual plane quartic is
Fix a line $\ell\subset{\bf T}$.
Let us find, among these $\infty^2$ residual plane quartic
curves the number of those with 2 double points. This requires
the computation of $\Sigma((2,2);D)$ for the family
$D\!\subset{}X\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}{}S$ of residual plane quartic we now describe.
Notation as in the previous example, let
$\mbox{${\cal S}$}_2\mbox{\raise-.03cm\hbox{\mbox{\tiny\bf$^\succ$} \O^{\oplus5}\surj\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2$ (rank $\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2= 3$) denote the
tautological sequence over the Grassmann variety
$G_2$ of planes in \p {4}. Let $G_{2,\ell}$ be the
Schubert subvariety of all 2-planes through a fixed line $\ell$.
Let $X=\p{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2)_{|G_{2,\ell}}{\subset}
G_{2,\ell}\times\p 4$ be the restriction over $G_{2,\ell}$
of the universal plane in \p 4.
Restricting the sequence over $G_{2,\ell} $ yields an exact sequence,
(cf. top sequence in (\ref{taut}))
$\mbox{${\cal S}$}_2\mbox{\raise-.03cm\hbox{\mbox{\tiny\bf$^\succ$} \O^{\oplus3}=\mbox{${\cal S}$}_{1|\ell}\surj {\cal M}$, where ${\cal M}$ is a line
subbundle of $\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2$ with Chern class
$x:=$ $c_1{\cal M}=-c_1\mbox{${\cal S}$}=c_1\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2$.
Over $X$, we have the natural commutative diagram of maps of locally
free sheaves,
{\cal M}&&\\
\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2&\surj{}&\O\!_{{\cal Q}_2}(1)
where the bottom line is the tautological 1--quotient on the
projective bundle\break {\bf Proj}$(Sym(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2))$.
One checks that $\ell':=G_{2,\ell}\times\ell$ is the divisor in
$\p{}(\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2)_\ell$
of zeros of the slant arrow ${\cal M}\mbox{${\rightarrow}$}\O(1)$. Therefore, setting
$y=c_1\O(1)$ we have $\O(\ell')=\O(y-x)$.
Now let $ D_{\mbox{\footnotesize\bf T}}
\subset\p{}({\mbox{${\cal Q}$}_2})$ be the divisor defined by
intersection with {\bf T}, so that $\O(D_{\mbox{\footnotesize\bf T}}
=\O(5\cdot y)$.
Restriction over $G_{2,\ell}$ splits $D_{\mbox{\footnotesize\bf T}}
By construction, $D$ is the total space of the family of plane
quartic curves residual to $\ell$.
Finally, we have
$\L:=\O(D)=\O(5\cdot y-(y-x))=\O(4y+x)$.
Using {\sc schubert}\cite{schub} we may compute
(see the appendix) and find the number
$$\bf17\!,\!601\!,\!000\rm=tg_{6,5} - 609250 - 1185\times2875$$
of $irreducible$ plane rational quintic curves contained in a
generic 5\up{ic} threefold. The 1\up{st} correction is due to
$conic+cubic$ and the 2\up{nd} to $line+binodal$ $quartic$.
\section{Final comments}
An additional difficulty appears for the case of $7-$fold tangent
hyperplanes. Indeed, for a general $7-$dimensional linear
system, we'd expect $\Sigma(2^{[7]};S)$ to receive contributions
from $\Sigma(3(2),2;S),\ \Sigma(3,2^{[3]};S),\ \Sigma(3(2)';S)$,
so that a na\"{\i}ve count would predict
\noindent\normalsize where $\Sigma(3(2)';S)$ denotes a cycle supported
on the set of $(C,y_1,\dots,y_7)$ such that $C\!\in\! S$ has a
triple point $y_1$ with the infinitely near double point $y_2$
presenting a branch tangent to the exceptional line over $y_1$.
However, barring some computational error, in fact the rhs did
not yield an integer for any of the examples we've experimented
with. This seems to indicate that $\Sigma(2^{[7]};S)$ may not be
reduced at some of the points involving singularities worse than
nodes. In fact, the argument of Prop.\ref{reduced} does not
apply. This would imply that the coefficients $210$, $1260$ and
$30$, postulated by the na\"{\i}ve count of permutations, must be
For $n\geq8$, we face the intrusion of a component of wrong
dimension in $\Sigma(2^{[n]};S)$ due to 4--fold points. In
this case, the technique of residual intersections
might shed some light.
\section{Appendix: computations}
#PRINCIPAL PARTS of order n,
# f =cotg,d=linebundle
princ:= proc(n,f,d)local i:d&*sum('symm(i,f)',i=0..n):end:
whichmon:=proc(f,vars)local i,v,z:
if type(z,`*`)or type(z,`^`)or type(z,`name`) then
else ERROR(`invalid arg`)
submonpol:=proc(f,vars,rels)local z,i,j,term,mono,temp:
if type(z,`+`)then
for i to nops(z)do
for j to nops(rels) while mono<>lhs(rels[j])do od:
if j<=nops(rels)then
else temp:=temp+term:
elif type(z,`*`)or type(z,`^`)or type(z,`name`)then
for j to nops(rels)while mono<>lhs(rels[j])do od:
if j<=nops(rels)then
else temp:=temp+term
dimsimpl:= proc(x,vars,degs,dim)local i,j,temp,par,n:
if type(temp,`+`)then
for i to n do
if "<=dim then par:=par+"":fi:
if ">dim then temp:=0 fi:
simplification:=proc () local i, j, n, z, zz:
n:= args[1]: z:=args[2]:
if nargs=3 and type(args[3],set) then
zz:=args[3] else zz:={n}
for i from n by -1 to 2 do for j to n+1-i do
if 2 < degree(collect(z,e[j,i]),e[j,i]) then
zz:=zz union{i+j-1}:
if opt_=5 then
for i in zz do
if 2 < degree(collect(z,y.i),y.i) then
for i in zz do z:=dimsimpl(z,var0.(i),deg1,2):od:
fi :
push:= proc(n,f)
local z,z0,z2,zz,mons,i,j,i1,j1,temp,varn,var0,degn,dd:
option remember:
if opt_=5 and type(relpush_5,set)=false then relpush_5:={}:fi:
if opt_<>5 and type(relpush_,set)=false then relpush_:={}:fi:
if n=1 then
if opt_=5 then
convert(var.(n-1),set) minus convert(var.(n-2),set):
if opt_<>5 then
varn:=[seq(p.n.2 &^* var0[i],i=1..nops(var0))]:
if 2<degree(z,e[1,n]) then z:=rem(z,relexc.n.1,e[1,n]):
if z<>0 then
if z0<>0 then
for i from dd by -1 to 1 do
if z0 <> 0 then
if (opt_=5 and type(relpush_5.n.i,list)=false
or (opt_<>5 and type(relpush.n.i,list)=false)) then
if opt_=5 then
print(`BUILD RELPUSH_5`.n.i):
elif opt_<>5 then
print(`BUILD RELPUSH`.n.i):
mons :=monomials(i,var0,degn):
for j to nops(mons) do
if degree(collect(",e[1,n-1]),e[1,n-1])<>1 and
polynom),j1= 1..n-2)})=false then
z2:=z2 union {mons[j]}
mons:=[seq(p.n.2&^* z2[j]=push(n-1,z2[j]),j=
if opt_=5 then relpush_5.n.i:=mons:
else relpush.n.i:=mons:
elif opt_=5 and member([n,i],relpush_5)=false then
relpush_5:=relpush_5 union{[n,i]}:
elif opt_<>5 and member([n,i],relpush_)=false then
relpush_:=relpush_ union{[n,i]}
if opt_=5 then mons:=relpush_5.n.i:
else mons:=relpush.n.i:
for i to nops(varn) while z2 <> 0 do
if degree(z2,varn[i]) <> 0 then
if z2<>0 then z2:=simplification(n-1,z2) fi:
end: #of push
for opt_ in[5,0]do
if opt_=5 then
for n to 6 do
if n=1 then
if opt_=5 then
L:=o(4*y1+x1): #FOR BINODAL 4ICS
print(`done FB1`):
omega1:=subs([c1=c[1,1],c2=c[1,2]],"): #COTANGENT BUNDLE
if opt_=5 then chern(3,"):else chern("):
F1:=simplification(n,"):print(`done F1`):
if opt_=5 then
if opt_=5 then chern(6,"):else chern("):
E_31:=simplification(1,"):print(`done E_31`):
elif n>=2 then
if opt_<>5 then
if opt_=5 then rely.n:=subs(y1=y.n,rely1): fi:
var.(n-1))):print(`built S`.n):
DIM:=3: #OK since ranks<=3
chern(3,omega.n): #Will set=0 since rk.omega=2
print(`DONE OMEGA`.n):
for i from n-1 by -1 to 2 do
if degree(collect(relexc.n.1,e[n+1-i,i]),e[n+1-i,i])>2 then
M:=collect((p.n.2)&^*M&*o(-2*e[1,n]),t): #Adjust M
if opt_=5 then chern(3,"):else chern("): fi:
F.n:=simplification(n,"):print(`done F`.n):
if n=2 then #E_32
if opt_=5 then
L:=collect((p.n.2)&^*L&*o(-2*e[1,n]),t): #Adjust L
FB.n:=simplification(n,"):print(`done FB`.n):
else E_32:=chern("):
E_32:=simplification(n,E_32):print(`done E_32`):
print(`done E_3_2`):
if n=3 then #E_33
if opt_=5 then chern(3,"):else chern("): fi:
E_33:=simplification(n,"):print(`done E_33`):
fi: #E_33
if opt_=5 then
for i from 6 by -1 to 1 do F.i:=push(i,"*F.i):print(i)
tg.6:=integral(Gx,F1-30*e_3_2-90 *e_322)/6!:
lprint(`#4-coplanar lines in 4ic 3fld: `,subs(m=4,tg.6)):
lprint(`#6-nodal plane sections of 5ic 3fold: `,subs(m=5,tg.6)):
lprint(`#binodal plane 4ic residul to line in 5ic 3fld: `,
lprint(`#6-nodal IRREDUCIBLE plane sections of 5ic 3fold: `,
subs(m=5,tg.6) - 609250 - 1185*2875):
for i to 3 do relm.i.1:=chern(3,5-bundle(2,z.i)-o(m.i.1)):
for j to 2 do
od od:
for j to 6 do for i from 0 to 3 do
if j<=3 then E_3.j.i:=coeff(collect(E_3.j,t),t,i):fi:
if j=2 then E_3_2.(i):=coeff(collect(E_3.2,t),t,i)*e[1,2]:fi:
for i from 1 to 3 do F6.i:=push(6,F6.i):od:
for j5 from 1 to 3 do print(`j5=`.j5):
#dim 10-j5-1=9-j5<=8 ok
for j4 from 3-j5 to 3 do
# 6>=dim 9-j5-j4 >=0
for j3 from max(0,5-j5-j4) to 3 do
#4>=dim 9-j5-j4-j3 >=0
for j2 from max(0,7-j5-j4-j3) to min(3,9-j5-j4-j3) do
#2>=dim 9-j5-j4-j3-j2
j1 :=9-j5-j4-j3-j2 :
lprint(`j5=`.j5,` j4=`.j4,` j3=`.j3,` j2=`.j2,` j1=`.j1):
for i from 1 to 3 do F5.i:=push(5,F5.i):od:
for j4 from 1 to 3 do
#dim 8-j4-1=7-j4<=6 ok
for j3 from 3-j4 to 3 do
#4>=dim 7-j4-j3 >=0
for j2 from max(0,5-j4-j3 ) to min(3,7-j4-j3) do
#2>=dim 7-j4-j3-j2>=0
j1 :=7-j4-j3-j2 :
lprint(`j4=`.j4,` j3=`.j3,` j2=`.j2,` j1=`.j1):
for i from 1 to 3 do F4.i:=push(4,F4.i):od:
for j3 from 1 to 3 do
#4>=dim 5-j3 >=0
for j2 from max(0,3-j3) to min(3,5-j3) do
#2>=dim 5-j3-j2>=0
j1 :=5-j3-j2 :
lprint(`j3=`.j3,` j2=`.j2,` j1=`.j1):
for i from 1 to 3 do F3.i:=push(3,F3.i):E_33.i:=push(3,E_33.i):
for j2 from 1 to 3 do
#2>=dim 3-j2 >=0
j1 :=3-j2 :
lprint(` j2=`.j2,` j1=`.j1):
for j2 from 1 to 3 do
#2>=dim 3-j2 >=0
j1 :=3-j2:
lprint(`j2=`.j2,` j1=`.j1):
for i from 1 to 3 do F2.i:=push(2,F2.i):
for n to 3 do tg.n:=ftg.n /n! :od:
p2:=proc(m,tg)subs([chi=3,d=m^2,hk=-3*m,k2=9], tg):end:
for i from 3 to 6 do
lprint(`# `.i.`-nodal hyperplane sections of K3-sfce in P`.
i.`: `,K_3(i)):
for i from 4 to 6 do lprint(`# `.i.`-nodal plane quartics through `.
(14-i).` general points: `,p2(4,tg.i)):
#CUT HERE FOR MAPLE \end{verbatim}
1996-06-03T11:04:21 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606001 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606001 | [
] | alg-geom/9606001 | Peter Schenzel | Peter Schenzel | Descent from the form ring and Buchsbaum rings | To appear in Comm. Algebra Latex2e | null | null | null | null | There is a spectral sequence technique in order to estimate the local
cohomology of a ring by the local cohomology of a certain form ring. As
applications there are information on the descent of homological properties
(Cohen-Macaulay, Buchsbaum etc.) from the form ring to the ring itself. In the
case of Buchsbaum ring there is a discussion of the descent of the surjectivity
of a natural map into the local cohomology.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 Jun 1996 10:00:59 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction and Main Results}
One of the major problems in commutative algebra is to recover
information about a commutative ring $A$ from known properties
of the form ring $G := G_A(\mathfrak q) = \oplus_{n\geq 0}
{\mathfrak q}^n/{\mathfrak q}^{n+1}$ with respect to some
ideal $\mathfrak q$ of $A$. There are Krull's classical results
saying that $A$ is an integral domain resp. a normal
domain if $G$ is an integral domain resp. a normal domain.
It follows from the work \cite{AA}, \cite{CN}, \cite{HR} that
several other properties of a homological nature, like
regularity, Cohen-Macaulayness, Gorensteinness etc., descend
from $G$ to $A$. In this note we want to pursue this point of
view further. To this end let $Q$ denote the homogeneous ideal
of $G$ generated by all the inital forms of element of
$\mathfrak q$. For our purposes here we investigate the local
cohomology modules $H^{\bullet}_Q(G)$ and $H^{\bullet}_{\mathfrak q}(A)$
of $G$ with respect to $Q$ and of $A$ with respect to
$\mathfrak q$ resp. For their definition and basic properties
see \cite{aG67}. The first result concerns the descent of the
finiteness from $H^i_Q(G)$ to $H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A)$.
\begin{theorem} \label{1.1}
Let $\mathfrak q$ be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian
ring $A$. Assume $H^i_Q(G)$ is a finitely generated graded
$G$-module for all $i<t$. Then $H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A), \enspace i<t$,
is a finitely generated $A$-module.
Furthermore, let $H^i(Q;G)$ and $H^i({\mathfrak q};A)$ denote the
Koszul cohomology of $G$ with respect to $Q$ and of $A$ with respect
to $\mathfrak q$ resp. Note that changing the basis yields isomorphic
cohomology modules. Hence, it is not necessary to fix a basis in
our notation. It is well-known, see e.g. \cite{aG67}, that there
are canonical homomorphisms
f^i_G & : & H^i(Q;G) & \to & H^i_Q(G) \quad \text{and} \\\vspace*{.5pt}
f^i_A & : & H^i({\mathfrak q};A) & \to & H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A).
Our next result concerns the descent of the surjectivity from
$f^i_G$ to the surjectivity of $f^i_A$. Note that the surjectivity
of $f^i_A$ is the crucial point in the investigation of local
Buchsbaum rings, see \cite{jS80}. For a graded $G$-module $M$
let $[M]_k, \enspace k \in \mathbb Z$, denote its $k$-th
graded piece.
\begin{theorem} \label{1.2}
Assume there are integers $k$ and $t$ such that
[H^i_Q(G)]_{n-i} & = & 0 \enspace \text{for} \enspace n \not= k-1,
k \enspace \text{and} \enspace 0 \leq i < t \enspace \text{ and }
[H^t_Q(G)]_{n-t} & = & 0 \enspace \text{for} \enspace n> k.
Then $f^i_A$ is surjective for all $i<t$ if and only if $f^i_G$ is
surjective for all $i<t$.
If $(A,{\mathfrak m})$ is a local Noetherian ring, then the
Buchsbaum property does not descend from $G=G_A(\mathfrak m)$ to
$A$. Counterexamples are given by Steurich (University of Essen),
cf. \ref{4.3}. So our result yields as a corollary, cf. \ref{4.1},
that under certain additional assumptions on $G$ the basic ring
$A$ is a Buchsbaum ring if $G$ is a Buchsbaum ring.
The third result has supplementary character. It gives a
sufficient condition for $f^i_G, \enspace i<t$, to be a
surjective homomorphism. As shown in Example \ref{4.4} it is not
\begin{theorem} \label{1.3}
Let $t$ be an integer. Assume for each $0 \leq i<j<t$ and all
integers $p$ and $q$ such that
[H^i_Q(G)]_{p-i} \not= 0 \enspace\text{and} \enspace
[H^j_Q(G)]_{q-j} \not= 0
we have $p-q \not=1$. Then the canonical homomorphism
f^i_G : H^i(Q;G) \to H^i_Q(G)
is surjective for $i<t$, provided $QH^i_Q(G)=0$ for $i<t$.
The proof of \ref{1.1} and \ref{1.2} is based on a spectral
sequence technique of Serre \cite{jpS}, devised for passing
from the form ring to the underlying ring, see 2. Another spectral
sequence argument yields the proof of \ref{1.3}. The above
results apply to Buchsbaum rings, for this see 4. We refer to \cite[5.6]{cW}
for an introduction and the baic results concerning spectral sequences.
The author is grateful to R\"udiger Achilles for stimulating
discussions during the preliminary
draft of this note several years ago.
\section{Auxiliary Spectral Sequences}
A filtration of a ring $A$ is a decreasing sequence of ideals
$({\mathfrak a}_n)_{n \in\mathbb Z}$ of $A$ such that
${\mathfrak a}_m {\mathfrak a}_n \subseteq {\mathfrak a}_{m+n}$ a
nd ${\mathfrak a}_0=A$. A filtered $A$-module is an $A$-module
$M$ with a decreasing sequence $(M_n)_{n \in\mathbb Z}$
of $A$-submodules of $M$ such that ${\mathfrak a}_m M_n
\subseteq M_{m+n}$. Let $\mathfrak a$ be an ideal of $A$.
A filtration $(M_n)_{n \in\mathbb Z}$ of $M$ is called essentially
$\mathfrak a$-adic if ${\mathfrak a}M_n \subseteq M_{n+1}$ for
all $n$ and ${\mathfrak a}M_n = M_{n+1}$ for all suffciently
large $n.$, By virtue of \cite[(]{aG61} a filtration is
called exhaustive (resp. co-discrete) provided $\cap _{n\in \mathbb Z}
M_n = M$ (resp. there is an integer $m$ such that $M_m = M$).
\begin{proposition} \label{2.1}
Let $\mathfrak q$ be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring $A$.
Then there exists a spectral sequence
E^{pq}_1 = [H^{p+q}_Q(G)]_p \Longrightarrow_p
E^{p+q} = H^{p+q}_{\mathfrak q}(A)
whose $E^{pq}_{\infty}$-term is the $p$-th component of the
graded module associated to an essentially $\mathfrak q$-adic
filtration of $H^{p+q}_{\mathfrak q}(A)$.
Based on Serre's technique \cite{jpS} Achilles and Avramov,
see \cite{AA}, constructed a spectral sequence
E^{pq}_1 = [\Ext^{p+q}_G(G(M),G(N))]_p \Longrightarrow_p
E^{p+q} = \Ext^{p+q}_A(M,N),
where $M,N$ are finitely generated $A$-modules with $G(M), \enspace
G(N)$ their form modules with respect to $\mathfrak q$. Set
$N=A$ and $M=A/{\mathfrak q}^n$. Because $G(A/{\mathfrak q}^n) =
G/Q^n, \enspace n \geq 0$, the $E_1$-term becomes
E^{pq}_1 = [\Ext^{p+q}_G(G/Q^n,G)]_p.
By virtue of the canonical homomorphism induced by
A/{\mathfrak q}^{n+1} \to A/{\mathfrak q}^n
\enspace\text{and}\enspace G/Q^{n+1} \to G/Q^n
both sides from a direct system. According to \cite[(0.11.1)]{aG61}
we may form its direct limit, which yields the desired spectral sequence.
Note that the filtration induced by the direct limit of the spectral
sequences is in general not co-discrete. But it is always exhaustive.
The above proposition is the crucial point of our investigation.
It is based on Serre's technique \cite{jpS}, devised for passing
from the tangent cone of a variety to the variety itself. For
further investigations see \cite{AA}. The next proposition concerns
the Koszul cohomology. Its proof follows from \cite{jpS},
see also \cite{AA}.
\begin{proposition} \label{2.2}
Let ${\mathfrak q}, A,Q$, and $G$ as before. Then, there is a
convergent spectral sequence
E^{pq}_1 = [H^{p+q}(Q;G)]_p \Longrightarrow_p
E^{p+q} = H^{p+q}({\mathfrak q};A)
whose $E^{pq}_{\infty}$-term is the $p$-th component of the
graded module associated to an essentially $\mathfrak q$-adic
filtration of $H^{p+q}({\mathfrak q};A)$.
\noindent {\bf Proof of \ref{1.1}.}
Because $H^i_Q(G), \enspace i<t$, is a finitely generated
graded $G$-module it follows that $[H^i_Q(G)]_n =0$ for all
$|n| \gg 0$ and $0 \leq i < t$. That is, the filtration of
$H^i_{\mathfrak q} (A), \enspace i<t $, given in \ref{2.1},
is finite. Since all the $E^{pq}_{\infty}$-terms, $p+q<t$, are
annihilated by $\mathfrak q$ we see that
$H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A), \enspace i < t$, is annihilated by a
power of $\mathfrak q$. According to \cite[Lemma 3]{gF},
this completes the proof.
\hfill $\Box$ \vspace*{5pt}
A litte bit more is true, if we assume $H^i_Q(G), \enspace i<t$,
a $G$-module of finite length.
\begin{corollary} \label{2.4}
Suppose $H^i_Q(G), \enspace i<t$, is a $G$-module of finite length.
Then $H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A), \enspace i<t$, is an $A$-module of
finite length and
L_G(H^i_Q(G)) \geq L_A(H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A)) \text{ for } i<t.
The proof of \ref{2.4} is similarly to the proof of \ref{1.1}.
Hence we omit it. The particular case of \ref{2.4} for a local
ring $A$ and an $\mathfrak m$-primary ideal has been shown in
\cite[(4.2)]{pS84}, by a completely different technique.
As a further auxiliary result we shall use the following well-known
spectral sequence, see e.g. \cite[Section 2]{pS95}.
\begin{proposition} \label{2.5}
There is a convergent spectral sequence
E^{pq}_2 = H^p(Q;H^q_Q(G)) \Longrightarrow E^{p+q} = H^{p+q}(Q;G)
for computing the Koszul cohomology.
\section{Proof of (1.2) and (1.3)}
\noindent{\bf Proof of \ref{1.2}.}
Firstly, we consider the spectral sequence given in \ref{2.1}. We
claim that $E^{pq}_1 = E^{pq}_{\infty}$ for $p+q<t$. In order to
show this we consider the subsequent stages, i.e.
E^{p-r,q+r-1}_r \to E^{pq}_r \to E^{p+r,q-r+1}_r.
Assume $E^{pq}_r \not= 0$ for some $p+q=i<t$. Then $E^{pq}_1 \not= 0$,
i.e. $p=k-i-1$ or $p=k-i$ by virtue of the assumption.
Now $E^{p+r,q-r+1}_r$ is a subquotient of
$E^{p+r,q-r+1}_1 = [H^{i+1}_Q(G)]_{p+r} =0$ for $p=k-i-1$ or $p=k-i$.
Therefore, if $E^{pq}_r \not= 0$ we have $E^{p+r,q-r+1}_r =0$.
The same arguments yield $E^{p-r,q+r-1}_r =0$ if $E^{pq}_r \not= 0$.
That is, $E^{pq}_1 = E^{pq}_{\infty}$ for all $p+q = i<t$. Thus,
$H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A), \enspace i<t$, possesses a filtration of two
terms. Hence, there is a short exact sequence
0 \to [H^i_Q(G)]_{k-i} \to H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A) \to
[H^i_Q(G)]_{k-i-1} \to 0.
Secondly, we use the spectral sequence given in \ref{2.5} in order
to show that
[H^i(Q;G)]_{n-i} & = & 0 \enspace\text{for} \enspace n \not= k-1, k
\enspace\text{and} \enspace 0 \leq i<t \enspace\text{and} \\\vspace*{.2pt}
[H^t(Q;G)]_{n-t} & = & 0 \enspace\text{for} \enspace n>k.
To this end we note that $E^{pq}_2 = H^p(Q;H^q_Q(G))$ is by definition
a subquotient
of $H^q_Q(G)(p)^{\binom{m}{p}}$, where $m$ denotes the number of
generators of $Q$. Therefore, $E^{pq}_2$ vanishes for $p+q=i<t$
(resp. $p+q=t$) in all graded pieces $\not= k-i-1$, $k-i$ (resp. $>k-t$).
Hence, the spectral sequence proves the claim. Thirdly, we apply
this result in order to investigate the spectral sequence given in
\ref{2.2}. Similarly as in the first part of the proof it yields a
short exact sequence
0 \to [H^i(Q;G)]_{k-i} \to H^i({\mathfrak q};A) \to [H^i(Q;G)]_{k-i-1} \to 0
for $i<t$. Therefore, the canonical homomorphisms $f^i_G$ and $f^i_A$
induce a commutative diagram with exact rows
0 & \to & [H^i(Q;G)]_{k-i} & \to & H^i({\mathfrak q};A) & \to &
[H^i(Q;G)]_{k-i-1} & \to & 0 \\
& & \downarrow [f^i_G]_{k-i} & &\downarrow f^i_A & &
\downarrow [f^i_G]_{k-i-1} & & \\
0 & \to & [H^i_Q(G)]_{k-i} & \to & H^i_{\mathfrak q}(A) & \to &
[H^i_G(G)]_{k-i-1} & \to & 0
for $i<t$, where $[f^i_G]_n$ denotes the $n$-th graded piece of
$f^i_G.$ According to \ref{3.2} $[f^i_G]_{k-i}$ is always surjective.
Hence, the snake lemma yields that $f^i_A$, $i<t$, is surjective
if and only if $f^i_G$, $i<t$, is ssurjective.
\hfill $\Box$
\begin{proposition} \label{3.2}
Suppose there exists an integer $k$ such that
[H^i_Q(G)]_{k+1-i} =0 \text{ and all } i \in \mathbb Z.
Then the canonical homomorphism
[f^i_G]_{k-i} : [H^i(Q;G)]_{k-i} \to [H^i_Q(G)]_{k-i}
is surjective for all $i$.
\begin{proof} For this we have to investigate the spectral sequence
given in \ref{2.5}. We claim
$[E^{0i}_2]_{k-i} = [E^{0i}_{\infty}]_{k-i}$ for all $i$.
To this end we are looking at the subsequent stages. Incoming
$d$'s come from subquotients of $E^{-r,i+r-1}_2 = 0$. Outgoing
$d$'s land in subquotients of
[E^{r,i-r+1}_2]_{k-i} = [H^r(Q;H^{i-r+1}_Q (G))]_{k-i}
which is a subquotient of $[H^{i-r+1}_Q (G)(r)^{\binom{m}{r}}]_{k-i} = 0$,
by virtue of the assumption. Here $m$ denotes the number of generators
of $Q$. Hence the claim is proved. Next we note that
[E^{0i}_2]_{k-i} = [H^0(Q;H^i_Q(G))]_{k-i} \simeq [H^i_Q(G)]_{k-i}
because $[H^i_Q(G)]_{n-i} = 0$ for $n>k$ by the assumption.
But now the module $[H^i(Q;G)]_{k-i}$ possesses a filtration
whose associated $0$-th graded piece is $[E^{0i}_{\infty}]_{k-i},$ i.e.
there is a canonical surjective mapping
[H^i(Q;G)]_{k-i} \to [H^i_Q(G)]_{k-i}
for all $i$. By virtue of the functoriality of the spectral sequence it
is noting else but $[f^i_G]_{k-i}$.
\noindent {\bf Proof of \ref{1.3}.}
We use the spectral sequence
E^{pq}_2 = H^p(Q;H^q_Q(G)) \Longrightarrow E^{p+q}(Q;G)
given in \ref{2.5}. Because of $QH^i_Q(G) = 0, i<t$, it follows that
E^{pq}_2 = H^q_Q(G)(p)^{\binom{m}{p}} \text{ for } p+q<t.
Here $m$ denotes the number of generators of $Q$. In the subsequent
stages we have
E^{p-r,q+r-1}_r \to E^{pq}_r \to E^{p+r,q-r+1}_r.
Suppose that
[E^{pq}_r]_n \not= 0 \text{ for some } p+q<t,
then $[E^{pq}_2]_n \not= 0$. Because $E^{p+r,q-r+1}_r$ resp.
$E^{p-r,q+r-1}_r$ is derived from $H^{p+r}(Q;H^{q-r+1}_Q(G))$
resp. $H^{p-r}(Q;H^{q+r-1}_Q (G))$ it follows that
[E^{p+r,q-r+1}_r]_n = 0 \text{ resp.} [E^{p-r,q+r-1}_r]_n =0
by virtue of the assumption. That is, $E^{pq}_2 = E^{pq}_{\infty}$
for $p+q<t$. Because $H^i(Q;G)$ possesses a filtration whose
associated $i$-th graded piece is $E^{0i}_{\infty}$ there is a
canonical surjective homomorphism
H^i(Q;G) \to H^i_Q(G), \enspace i<t.
By virtue of the functoriality of the considered spectral
sequence it is nothing else but $f^i_G$, i.e. $f^i_G$, $i<t$,
is surjective, as required.
\hfill $\Box$
\section{Applications to Buchsbaum Rings}
In this section $(A,\mathfrak m)$ denotes a local Noetherian ring of
dimension $d$ with $\mathfrak m$ its maximal ideal. Then $A$ is
called a Buchsbaum ring if the difference
$C(A) := L(A/\mathfrak q) - e({\mathfrak q};A)$ is an invariant
of $A$ not depending on the choice of a parameter ideal
$\mathfrak q$ of $A.$
Here $L(A/\mathfrak q)$ and $e({\mathfrak q};A)$ denote resp.
the length of $A/\mathfrak q$ and the multiplicity of $A$ with
respect to $\mathfrak q,$ see \cite{SV} for further details.
In his crucial paper \cite{jS80} St\"uckrad showed that
$A$ is a Buchsbaum ring if and only if the canonical homomorphism
$f^i_A : H^i({\mathfrak m};A) \to H^i_{\mathfrak m} (A)$, $i<d$,
is surjective. Let $G=G_A(\mathfrak m)$ denote the associated
form ring and $M=G_+$ the irrelevant maximal ideal of $G$.
The graded ring $G$ is called a Buchsbaum ring if $G_M$ is
a local Buchsbaum ring. Hence, our main results \ref{1.2} and
\ref{1.3} apply to the situation of Buchsbaum rings.
\begin{corollary} \label{4.1}
Let $G=G_A(\mathfrak m)$ denote the associated graded form ring.
Assume there is an integer $k$ such that
[H^i_M(G)]_{n-i} = 0 & \text{for} & n \not= k-1, k
\enspace\text{and}\enspace 0 \leq i < d \enspace\text{ and } \\\vspace*{.1pt}
[H^d_M(G)]_{n-d} = 0 & \text{ for } & n>k.
Then $A$ is a Buchsbaum ring if and only if $G$ is a Buchsbaum ring.
In this case $L(H^i_M(G)) = L(H^i_{\mathfrak m}(A))$ for all $0 \leq i<d$.
Readily it follows from \ref{1.2} using the characterization of
Buchsbaum rings in terms of the surjectivity of $f^i_A$ and $f^i_G$.
The statement on the length of the local cohomology modules is clear
by virtue of the short exact sequence given in the proof of \ref{1.2}.
The `only if' part of \ref{4.1} is one of the main results of
Goto's paper \cite[Theorem (1.1)]{sG82}. His proof is completely different.
It does not use Serre's spectral sequence technique for passing
from the tangent cone to the ring.
\begin{corollary} \label{4.2}
Let $G$ be as in \ref{4.1}. Assume for each $0 \leq i<j<d$ and all
integers $p$ and $q$ with
[H^i_M(G)]_{p-i} \not= 0 \enspace\text{and} \enspace
[H^j_M(G)]_{q-j} \not= 0
we have that $p-q \not= 1$. Then $G$ is a Buchsbaum ring,
provided $MH^i_M(G) =0$ for $i<d$.
The proof follows by virtue of \ref{1.3} accordingly to the
fact that $G$ is a Buchsbaum ring if $f^i_G$, $i<d$, is
surjective. Note that \ref{4.2} was shown independently by
St\"uckrad \cite[Prop. 3.10]{SV} not using a spectral sequence
technique. Particular cases of it were obtained in \cite{pS82}, resp.
by Goto and others.
We conclude this section with two examples concerning the
assumptions in \ref{1.2} and \ref{1.3}. The following example
was given by Steurich, see also \cite[(4.10)]{sG82}.
\begin{example} \label{4.3}
The condition in \ref{1.2} is the best possible. Set
A=k[|x,y,z|]/(x^2,xy,xz-y^r,y^{r+1},xz^2), \, r \geq 3
\text{ an integer, }
where $k[|x,y,z|]$ denotes the formal power series ring over a
field $k$. Note that $\dim A=1$. Then
G := G_A(\mathfrak m) = k[x,y,z]/(x^2,xy,,xz,y^{r+1},y^r z)
is a Buchsbaum ring, i.e. $f^0_G$ is surjective. Furthermore,
H^0_M(G) & = & G/M(-1) \oplus G/M(-r), \\\vspace*{.2pt}
[H^1_M(G)]_n & = & 0
\text{ for } n>r-2 \text{ and }
[H^1_M(G)]_{r-2} \not= 0.
On the other hand, $A$ is not a Buchsbaum ring, i.e. $f^0_A$ is
not surjective.
While the finite length of $H^i_M(G), i \not= \dim G,$ is inherited
to $H^i_{\mathfrak m}(A), i \not= \dim A,$ for the form ring
$G = G_{\mathfrak m}(A)$ of a local ring $(A, \mathfrak m),$ see \ref{1.1},
this is not true in the Buchsbaum case. It does not hold even in
the quasi-Buchsbaum case, where quasi-Buchsbaum means that for $i \not=
\dim A$ the local cohomology is a vector space over $A/\mathfrak m.$ This
follows because the local ring $(A, \mathfrak m)$ in \ref{4.3} is not
quasi-Buchsbaum. So one might continue in order to improve the result
in \ref{1.1} by taking into acount the more subtle behaviour of $k$-Buchsbaum
The next example shows that the assumption in \ref{1.3} is not
necessary for $f_G$, $i<t$, surjective.
\begin{example} \label{4.4}
Let $R=k[x_1,\ldots,x_6]$ denote the polynomial ring over an
infinite field $k$. Using a technique of Griffith and Evans
in \cite{sG81} Goto constructed examples of homogeneous prime
ideals $P \subset R$ such that $R_1 := R/P$ is a 4-dimensional
graded domain with
H^i_M(R_1) & = & 0, \enspace i \not=1,4, \quad H^1_M(R_1) \simeq k(-2),
\enspace\text{ and } \\\vspace*{.2pt}
[H^4_M(R_1)]_n & = & 0 \enspace\text{ for all } n \geq 0.
Let $R_2 =k[y_1,y_2,y_3]/F$, $F$ a homogeneous form of degree 3,
be the coordinate ring of a plane cubic. Note that $R_2$ is a
two-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay ring with $[H^2_M(R_2)]_n = 0$
for all $n \geq 1$ and $[H^2_M(R_2)]_0 = k$. Let $S$ denote
the Segre product of $R_1$ and $R_2$ over $k$. Using the
K\"unneth formula, as done in \cite[Section 5]{pS82}, we obtain
H^i_M(S) & = & 0, \enspace i \not= 1,2,5, \quad H^1_M(S) \simeq k^{10}(-2),
\enspace\text{ and } \\
H^2_M(S) & \simeq & k(0).
Therefore, the assumptions of \ref{1.3} are not fulfilled because
in this case $(1+2) - (2+0) = 1$. We show that $f^i_S$, $i<5$,
is surjective. For $i \not= 0,3,4$ this is trivially true.
Using \ref{2.5} it follows readily for $i=1$. Therefore, it is
enough to show the surjectivity of $[f^2_S]_0$. The K\"unneth
relations induce a commutative diagram
[R_1]_0 \otimes [H^2(M;R_2)]_0 & \to & [H^2(M;S)]_0 \\
\downarrow [\text{id}]_0 \otimes [f^2_{R_2}]_0 & & \downarrow [f^2_S]_0
[R_1]_0 \otimes [H^2_M (R_2)]_0 &\simeq & [H^2_M(S)]_0.
Because $R_2$ is a Cohen-Macaulay ring with $[H^2_M(R_2)]_n = 0$
for all $n \geq 1$ it follows easily that
$[f^2_{R_2}]_0 : [H^2(M;R_2)]_0 \to [H^2_M(R_2)]_0$ is an isomorphism.
Hence, $[f^2_S]_0$ is surjective as required.
1996-06-20T17:00:23 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606014 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606014 | [
] | alg-geom/9606014 | null | Sheldon Katz, Zhenbo Qin, and Yongbin Ruan | Composition law and Nodal genus-2 curves in P^2 | 13 pages, AMS-TeX | null | null | OSU Math 1996-18 | null | Recently, there has been great interest in the application of composition
laws to problems in enumerative geometry. Using the moduli space of stable
maps, we compute the number of irreducible, reduced, nodal, degree-$d$
genus-$2$ plane curves whose normalization has a fixed complex structure and
which pass through $3d - 2$ general points in $\Bbb P^2$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Jun 1996 15:01:23 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{1. Introduction}
Enumerative algebraic geometry is an old field of algebraic geometry.
There are many fascinating problems going back more than a hundred years
to the Italian school. The most famous one is perhaps
the counting problem for the number of holomorphic curves in $\Pee^2$.
There are in fact two different counting problems.
Let $\tilde N_{g,d}$ be the number of irreducible, reduced, nodal, degree-$d$
genus-$g$ curves which pass through $3d + (g-1)$ general points in $\Pee^2$.
The integer $\tilde N_{g,d}$ is often referred to as the Severi number.
These numbers have recently been computed in \cite{C-H}.
A companion number is the number $N_{g,d}$ of irreducible, reduced, nodal,
degree-$d$ genus-$g$ curves whose normalization has a fixed complex structure
and which pass through $m(d)$ general points in $\Bbb P^2$.
Here $m(d)$ stands for $3d -1$ when $g = 0, 1$ and $3d - 2(g-1)$ when $g \ge 2$.
Clearly, $\tilde{N}_{0,d}=N_{0,d}$.
The goal of this paper is to compute $N_{2, d}$ for $d \ge 4$ (see (1.1)).
The lower degree cases for $N_{g,d}$ were known classically for many years.
Not much progress has been made until the introduction of
quantum cohomology theory. Based on ideas from physics,
a recursion formula for $N_{0,d}$ was proved by \cite{R-T, K-M}.
The influence of physical ideas opens up entirely new directions in
enumerative geometry. Roughly speaking, $N_{0,d}$ can be interpreted as
a correlation function in a certain topological quantum field theory
(topological sigma model \cite{Wit}). All
topological quantum field theories have a composition law, which in this
instance gives the beautiful recursion formula for $N_{0,d}$.
Furthermore, the composition law naively suggests a recursion formula
for $N_{g,d}$ in terms of $N_{0,d}$. Unfortunately, a simple calculation of
lower degree elliptic curves showed that the formula from physics
always gives a wrong answer for higher genus case $g>0$.
It was showed in \cite{R-T} that the correlation function $\Psi_{g,d}$
(Gromov-Witten invariants) of the topological sigma model counts
the number of perturbed pseudo-holomorphic maps. Moreover,
it satisfies the composition law physicists predicted and
hence can be computed by $N_{0,d}$.
However, $\Psi_{g,d} \neq N_{g, d}$ for $g>0$.
The original problem of computing $N_{g,d}$ remains to be solved.
One obvious approach is to compute the error term $\Psi_{g,d}-N_{g,d}$
and then to use the formula of $\Psi_{g,d}$ to compute $N_{g,d}$.
Such an approach involves some delicate obstruction analysis and
was carried out in \cite{Ion} for $N_{1,d}$. At the same time,
a direct argument for $N_{1,d}$ was given independently in \cite{Pa1}.
To explain our approach, we have to explain the composition law of
the topological sigma model. Recall that we fix a complex structure on
a genus-$g$ curve $\Sigma_g$ to define $N_{g, d}$ (and $\Psi_{g,d}$).
Roughly speaking, the composition law gives an explicit formula of
$\Psi_{g,d}$ in terms of $\Psi_{g',d'}$ with $g'<g, d'\leq d$
when we degenerate $\Sigma_g$ to a stable curve.
As we mentioned, such a composition law fails for $N_{g,d}$.
Our observation is that if we degenerate $\Sigma_g$ to a stable curve $C_0$
with only rational components each of which contains exactly three nodal
points, then an analogue of the composition law might still hold.
In fact, we shall prove that for $d \ge 4$,
$$N_{2, d} = {(d-1)(d-2)(d-3) \over 2d} N_d$$
$$+ \sum \limits_{d_1+d_2=d}
{d_1d_2(d_1d_2d-6d+18)-4d \over 12d}
{3d-2 \choose 3d_1 -1} d_1d_2 N_{d_1} N_{d_2} \eqno (1.1)$$
where for simplicity, we have used $N_d$ to stand for both $N_{0, d}$
and $\tilde N_{0, d}$.
Our arguments are parallel to those of Pandharipande \cite{Pa1}.
We expect that the same method works for any $g$.
The difficulty is a technical one which becomes harder as $g$ gets larger.
However, we believe that $N_{g, d}$ is closely related
to the number of irreducible, reduced, degree-$d$ plane rational curves
which pass through certain general points in $\Pee^2$ and
have certain types of singularities. Indeed, it is not difficult to see that
one term involved in $N_{g, d}$ with $g > 2$ is
$$(3d - 2(g-1))! \cdot \sum \limits_{d_1 + \ldots + d_{2(g-1)} = d} \,
\prod \limits_{i=1}^{2(g-1)} {d_i^3 \cdot N_{d_i} \over (3d_i -1)!}.
\eqno (1.2)$$
It is interesting to note that this term appears explicitly in $\Psi_{g,d}$.
It would be very interesting to figure out the other terms in $N_{g, d}$.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the formula (1.1) is proved.
In the proof, we need to know the number of constraints on stable maps
that are degenerations of maps on irreducible and smooth curves,
and the number of irreducible, reduced, degree-$d$ rational plane curves
that pass through $(3d-2)$ general points in $\Pee^2$ and
have exactly one triple point with all other singularities being nodes.
These two numbers are studied in section 3.
\section{2. Proof of (1.1)}
First of all, we recall some definitions and notations for $g \ge 2$.
Let $\overline{\frak M}_g$ be the Deligne-Mumford moduli space of
stable genus-$g$ curves, and let
$$\overline{\frak M}_{g}(d) \quad {\overset \text{def} \to =} \quad
\overline{\frak M}_{g, 3d-2(g-1)}(\Bbb P^2, d) \eqno (2.1)$$
be the moduli space of stable maps from $(3d - 2(g-1))$-pointed genus-$g$
curves to $\Bbb P^2$ such that the homology class of the images is
$d[\ell]$ where $[\ell]$ stands for the homology class of a line $\ell$
in $\Bbb P^2$. Then, there is a natural map
$\pi: \overline{\frak M}_{g}(d) \to \overline{\frak M}_g$
obtained by forgetting the stable maps and all the marked points,
and then contracting any unstable components.
For a stable genus-$g$ curve $C$, let $\overline{\frak M}_C(d)$ be
the moduli space of stable maps to $\Bbb P^2$ from curves $D$
stably equivalent to $C$ with $(3d - 2(g-1))$ marked points
such that the homology class of the images is $d[\ell]$. In the above,
we say that $D$ is {\it stably equivalent\/} to $C$ if contracting
the unstable components of $D$ yields $C$. By the universal properties of
moduli spaces, there is a canonical bijection
$$\overline{\frak M}_C(d) \to \pi^{-1}([C]) \eqno (2.2)$$
which is an isomorphism when $[C] \in \overline{\frak M}_g$ is general.
Let $W_g(d) \subset \overline{\frak M}_{g}(d)$ be the locus of stable maps
whose domains are irreducible,
and let $\overline{W}_g(d)$ be the closure of $W_g(d)$ in
$\overline{\frak M}_{g}(d)$. Then $W_g(d)$ is a reduced and irreducible
open subset of dimension $6d - (g -1)$.
For $i = 1, \ldots, 3d - 2(g-1)$, define the evaluation map
$e_i: \overline{W}_g(d) \to \Bbb P^2$ by
$[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2(g-1)})] \mapsto \mu(p_i)$, and
$\Cal L_i = e_i^*(\Cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1))$. Put
$Z = c_1(\Cal L_1)^2 \cap \ldots \cap c_1(\Cal L_{3d-2(g-1)})^2\cap
[\overline{W}_g(d)]$. In the sequel, we will usually think of
$Z$ as the cycle determined by the condition that $\mu(p_i)$ is a fixed
general point of $\Pee^2$.
Now for a general curve $[C] \in \overline{\frak M}_g$, the intersection
$$\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap [\overline{W}_g(d)-{W}_g(d)]$$
has codimension at least one in the irreducible and reduced subvariety
$\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap \overline{W}_g(d)$.
Since the linear series $e_i^*|\ell|$ are base-point-free,
$$\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap Z = [\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap \overline{W}_g(d)] \cap Z
= [\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap {W}_g(d)] \cap Z.$$
Moreover, by Bertini's Theorem, the intersection cycle
$[\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap {W}_g(d)] \cap Z$ consists of
finitely many reduced points in $\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap {W}_g(d)$.
The number of these points is precisely $N_{g, d}$.
Thus for a general curve $[C] \in \overline{\frak M}_g$,
$$N_{g, d} = [\pi^{-1}([C]) \cap {W}_g(d)] \cap Z
= \pi^{-1}([C]) \cap Z = \pi^{-1}([C]) \cdot Z.$$
It follows that for every stable curve $[C] \in \overline{\frak M}_g$, we have
$$N_{g, d} = \pi^{-1}([C]) \cdot Z. \eqno (2.3)$$
Next, we construct a special stable genus-$g$ curve $C_{0, g}$
in $\overline{\frak M}_g$ by induction on $g$. First of all,
$C_{0, 2}$ consists of two smooth rational curves intersecting
transversely at three points. To get $C_{0, 3}$,
we blow-up two nodal points in $C_{0, 2}$ by adding two smooth rational curves
which intersect transversely at one point. In general,
to obtain $C_{0, g}$ from $C_{0, g-1}$, we blow-up two nodal points in
$C_{0, g-1}$ by adding two smooth rational curves
which intersect transversely at one point.
Thus, $C_{0, g}$ consists of $2(g-1)$ smooth rational curves
which are denoted by $R_1, \ldots, R_{2(g-1)}$,
and has $3(g-1)$ nodal points. Moreover, if $g > 2$,
then for each smooth rational curve $R_i$ in $C_{0, g}$,
there exist three other smooth rational curves $R_{k_1}, R_{k_2}, R_{k_3}$
in $C_{0, g}$ such that $R_i$ and each $R_{k_j}$ ($j = 1, 2, 3$)
intersect transversely at one point.
For simplicity, we denote the curve $C_{0, g}$ by $C_0$.
Let $\omega_{C_0}$ be the dualizing sheaf of $C_0$.
Then the restriction of $\omega_{C_0}$ to each smooth rational curve $R_i$
in $C_0$ has degree $1$. Thus if $L$ is a line bundle on $C_0$ such that
$\text{deg}(L|_{R_i}) \ge 0$ for all $i$ with $1 \le i \le 2(g-1)$,
$\text{deg}(L|_{R_{i_1}}) > 1$ for at least one $i_1$,
and $\text{deg}(L|_{R_{i_2}}) = 0$ for at most one $i_2$, then
$$H^1(C_0, L) \cong H^0(C_0, L^{-1} \otimes \omega_{C_0}) = 0. \eqno (2.4)$$
Let $[C] \in \overline{\frak M}_g$ be generic,
and $|\text{Aut}(C)|$ be the order of the automorphism group of $C$.
Then $|\text{Aut}(C)| = 2$ when $g = 2$,
and $|\text{Aut}(C)| = 1$ when $g > 2$. By (2.3),
$$N_{g, d} = \pi^{-1}([C]) \cdot Z = \pi^{-1}([C_0]) \cdot Z
= {|\text{Aut}(C_0)| \over |\text{Aut}(C)|}
\cdot \big (\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cdot Z \big ).$$
Here $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d)$ is identified with $\pi^{-1}([C_0])$
but with the reduced scheme structure. So to prove (1.1),
it suffices to show that for $g = 2$ and $d \ge 4$,
$$\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cdot Z = {1 \over |\text{Aut}(C_0)|} \cdot
\bigg[ {(d-1)(d-2)(d-3) \over d} N_d$$
$$+ \sum \limits_{d_1+d_2=d}
{d_1d_2(d_1d_2d-6d+18)-4d \over 6d}
{3d-2 \choose 3d_1 -1} d_1d_2 N_{d_1} N_{d_2} \bigg]. \tag 2.5$$
Note that $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z \subset
\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_g(d)$.
Let $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2(g-1)})]$ be a point in
$\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_g(d)$.
Then $D$ consists of $(k+2(g-1))$ smooth rational curves with $k \ge 0$.
For simplicity, we also use $R_1, \ldots, R_{2(g-1)}$ to stand for
the $2(g-1)$ smooth rational curves in $D$ which are identified with
the $2(g-1)$ smooth rational curves $R_1, \ldots, R_{2(g-1)}$ in $C_0$
after $D$ is contracted to $C_0$.
Dropping $R_1, \ldots, R_{2(g-1)}$ from $D$ results in a disjoint union
$T_1 \coprod \ldots \coprod T_s$ of trees of smooth rational curves.
\lemma{2.6} Assume $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2(g-1)})]
\in \overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$.
Let $D_1, \ldots, D_m$ be all the irreducible components of $D$
such that $\mu|_{D_i}$ are not constant,
and let $b_i = \text{deg}(\mu|_{D_i})$ for $1 \le i \le m$.
Then $m \le 2(g - 1)$; moreover, when $m = 2(g - 1)$,
$\mu(D_1), \ldots, \mu(D_m)$ have at most nodal singularities,
intersect each other transversally at nonsingular points,
and have degrees $b_1, \ldots, b_m$ respectively.
{\it Proof.} Note that $\sum_{i=1}^m b_i = d$.
For $1 \le i \le m$, let $\tilde b_i$ be the degree of $\mu(D_i)$ in $\Pee^2$.
Then, $\tilde b_i \le b_i$. On the one hand,
since $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2(g-1)})] \in
\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$, $\mu(D)$ has to pass
$3d - 2(g-1)$ general points in $\Pee^2$. On the other hand,
the degree-$\tilde b_i$ irreducible rational curve $\mu(D_i)$
can pass through at most $(3 \tilde b_i - 1)$ general points in $\Pee^2$.
So $\mu(D)$ can pass through at most
$\sum_{i=1}^m (3 \tilde b_i - 1) \le (3d -m)$ general points in $\Pee^2$.
Thus $m \le 2(g - 1)$. Moreover, if $m = 2(g - 1)$,
then $\tilde b_i = b_i$ and $\mu(D_1), \ldots, \mu(D_m)$ have
at most nodal singularities and intersect each other transversally. \qed
{\it Proof of} (1.1): We shall now prove formula (1.1) by verifying (2.5).
So let $g = 2$ and $d \ge 4$. Put $d_i = \text{deg}(\mu|_{R_i})$ for
$i = 1, 2$. Then, there are three cases:
\item"{(i)}" both $d_1$ and $d_2$ are positive;
\item"{(ii)}" exactly one of $d_1$ and $d_2$ is positive (so the other is zero);
\item"{(iii)}" $d_1 = d_2 = 0$.
Our strategy is the following. Fix the nonnegative integer $k$.
In each of the above three cases,
we shall estimate the number $n(k)$ of moduli of various points
$[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$
in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$.
Since the linear systems $e_i^*|\ell|$ are base-point-free,
it follows that if $n(k) < 6d - 4$, then the case will not contribute
to the intersection number $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$.
We shall show that only cases (i) and (ii) with $k= 0$ may contribute.
Furthermore, all cases (i) and (ii) with $k = 0$ actually contribute,
i.e. any such map is actually in
$\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$.
So formula (2.5) will be the sum of the contributions of
cases (i) and (ii) with $k = 0$.
Notice that by Lemma 2.6, we may assume that $m \le 2$ and
that if $m = 2$, then $\mu(D_1)$ and $\mu(D_2)$ have
at most nodal singularities and intersect transversally.
First of all, we consider case (i), that is, both $d_1$ and $d_2$ are positive.
By Lemma~2.6, $\mu$ is constant on the trees $T_i$.
If $k=0$, then the number of moduli of these points
$[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$ in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d)$ is
$$n(0) \le (3d - 2) + (3d - 2) = 6d - 4$$
where the first $(3d-2)$ is the number of moduli of the stable map $\mu$,
and the second $(3d-2)$ is the number of moduli of the $(3d-2)$ marked points.
We claim that for arbitrary $k$, the number of moduli of these types of
maps satisfies $n(k)\le 6d-4-k$. To see this, consider the effect of
adding an additional rational component $D'$ to $D$ on which $\mu$ is constant.
If $D'$ meets the other components
in one point, it must contain two marked points for stability, and these
points do not have moduli. Since $D'$ can replace at most one point that
has no moduli (the point $D'\cap D$), we have $n(k+1)\le n(k)-1$ for such
types of maps. The other possibility is for $D'$ to meet the other components
in two points. Then $D'$ must contain at least one point without
moduli, but no marked points have been replaced, so we obtain
$n(k+1)\le n(k)-1$ in this case as well. This proves the claim.
Thus only the cases with $k=0$ can occur,
as claimed in the preceding paragraph.
Furthermore, all cases (i) with $k = 0$ actually contribute.
Indeed, suppose that we have a map $\mu: C_0 (= D) \to \Pee^2$
with $d_1>0$ and $d_2>0$. Consider a general flat family of
curves $\eta:\Cal E\to\Delta_t$ with $\eta^{-1}(0)=C_0$ and
$\eta^{-1}(t)$ smooth for $t\ne 0$. Consider the moduli functor of
relative line bundles on families of curves. The obstruction space for this
functor is 0, since it lies in an appropriate $\text{Ext}^2$ on a curve.
So the functor is smooth.
Since $C_0$ is stable, we can find a line bundle ${\Cal L}$
on $\Cal E$ which restricts to $\mu^*{\Cal O}_{\Pee^2}(1)$ on $C_0$
(possibly after a finite base change). Since $d>2$,
either $d_1 \ge 2$ or $d_2 \ge 2$.
By (2.4), $H^1(C_0, \mu^*{\Cal O}_{\Pee^2}(1)) = 0$.
It follows that $R^1\eta_*{\Cal L}=0$ and that $\eta_*{\Cal L}$ is
locally free of rank $(d-1)$. Thus there is no obstruction
to extending the three sections of $\mu^*{\Cal O}_{\Pee^2}(1)$ which
determine the map $\mu$ in the standard coordinates of $\Bbb P^2$.
This shows that $\mu$ is in $\overline{W}_2(d)$. So
$\mu \in \overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$.
Since $H^1(C_0, \mu^*T_{\Pee^2}) = 0$ for all such stable maps $\mu$
and the linear series $e_i^*|\ell|$ are base-point-free,
the contribution of case (i) to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$
consists of finitely many reduced points.
Notice that for a fixed pair of integers $d_1$ and $d_2$
with $d_1 > 0$ and $d_2 = d - d_1 > 0$, the number of unordered pairs
$\{C_1, C_2\}$ of irreducible, reduced, nodal, degree-$d_1$ and degree-$d_2$
rational plane curves $C_1$ and $C_2$ whose union $C_1 \cup C_2$
pass through $(3d - 2)$ general points in $\Pee^2$ is
${3d - 2 \choose 3d_1 -1} N_{d_1} N_{d_2}$. Thus the contribution of case (i)
to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cdot Z$ is
$${1 \over |\text{Aut}(C_0)|} \cdot \sum \limits_{d_1+d_2=d}
{d_1 d_2 \choose 3} {3d - 2 \choose 3d_1 -1} N_{d_1} N_{d_2}. \eqno (2.7)$$
For case (ii), we assume without loss of generality that
$d_1 > 0$ and $d_2 = 0$. We start with $m = 2$. Let $\Pee$ be
the unique smooth rational component of $D$ (aside from $R_1$)
with nonconstant $\mu|_{\Pee}$. Let $T$ be the tree containing $\Pee$.
Then $T \cap R_1$ either is empty or consists of precisely one point.
If $T \cap R_1$ is empty, or if $T \cap R_1$ is nonempty but
the unique point in $T \cap R_1$ is not identified with one of
the three singular points of $C_0$,
then $\mu(R_1)$ has at least a triple point.
If the unique point in $T \cap R_1$ is one of the singular points,
then the other two singular points of $C_0$,
when identified with points of $R_1$,
are mapped by $\mu$ to a double point of $\mu(R_1)$,
through which $\mu(\Pee)$ must pass. By Lemma 2.6,
the points $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$ can not be contained in
$\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$. So the case $m=2$ does not contribute.
Next, let $m = 1$. Then $\mu$ is constant on
the closure $\overline{D \backslash R_1}$ of ${D \backslash R_1}$ in $D$.
So there exist at least three points $q_1, q_2, q_3$ in $R_1$
such that the images $\mu(q_1), \mu(q_2), \mu(q_3)$ are the same,
i.e. every divisor in $(\mu|_{R_1})^*|\ell|$
which contains $p_1$ must contain both $p_2$ and $p_3$.
This imposes $4$ independent conditions in choosing the linear series
$(\mu|_{R_1})^*|\ell|$ from the complete linear system $|(\mu|_{R_1})^*\ell|$.
If $k=0$, the number of moduli of these points
$[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$
in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$ is at most
$$n(0) = [(3d -1) + (3-4)] + (3d-2) = 6d - 4.$$
Here, $[(3d -1) + (3-4)]$ is an upper bound for the number of moduli of
$\mu(R_1)$, where the integer $3$ in $(3-4)$ is the number of moduli of
the three points $q_1, q_2, q_3$ varying in $R_1$.
As in case (i) above, we see that for
general $k$, the number of moduli satisfies $n(k)\le 6d-4-k$.
It follows that only the case $k=0$ can occur.
Again by arguments similar to those in case (i),
we see that all cases (ii) with $k = 0$ actually contribute and
that the contribution to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$
consists of finitely many reduced points.
Furthermore, if $[\mu: (C_0, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$ is
such a reduced point in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$,
then $\mu(C_0) = \mu(R_1)$ is an irreducible and degree-$d$ rational
plane curve that passes through $(3d - 2)$ general points in $\Pee^2$ and
has at least one triple point. In fact, such a curve in $\Pee^2$
must have exactly one triple point with all other singularities being nodes.
Now there are only finitely many
irreducible, reduced, degree-$d$ rational plane curves
that pass through $(3d - 2)$ general points in $\Pee^2$ and
have exactly one triple point with all other singularities being nodes.
The number $\tilde N_d$ of such curves is given by Lemma 3.2
which will be proved in the next section.
Taking into account of the automorphism group of $C_0$ and
the symmetry between $R_1$ and $R_2$,
we see that the contribution of case (ii) to
$\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cdot Z$ is
$${1 \over |\text{Aut}(C_0)|} \cdot 2 \tilde N_d. \eqno (2.8)$$
Next we consider case (iii), that is, both $\mu|_{R_1}$ and $\mu|_{R_2}$
are constant. We start with $m = 1$. Let $\Pee$ be
the unique smooth rational component of $D$ with nonconstant $\mu|_{\Pee}$,
and let $T$ be the unique tree in $T_1, \ldots, T_s$
such that $\Pee \subset T$. Here and in other subcases of case (iii), we
will be able to assume without loss of generality that the tree $T$ is
actually a particularly simple chain. The recurring theme will be that if
$W$ is a subvariety of $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d)$
such that $T$ is a certain type of chain
and $\dim(W\cap\overline{W}_g(d))<6d-4$, then the same conclusion
will hold for subvarieties $W'$ associated to more complicated trees, since
in these situations $W'$ will always be a subvariety of the closure
$\overline{W}$ obtained from contracting suitable $\mu$-constant curves.
Returning to the subcase at hand, we may for the above reason assume that
$\Pee=T$ has one component.
If $T$ intersects $R_1$ or $R_2$ but not both,
then by Lemma 3.7 and Lemma 3.13,
there exist $4$ independent conditions in choosing the linear series
$(\mu|_T)^*|\ell|$ from $|(\mu|_T)^*\ell|$.
So the number of moduli of the points $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$
in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$ is at most
$$n(k) \le [(3d - k) + (2-4)] + (3d-2) = 6d - 4 - k \le 6d - 5$$
where the integer $2$ in $(2-4)$ is the number of the moduli of the point
$T \cap (R_1 \cup R_2)$ varying in both $T$ and $R_1 \cup R_2$.
Thus this case makes no contribution to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$.
If $T$ intersects both $R_1$ and $R_2$, then by Remark 3.12 (ii) and Lemma 3.7,
there still exist $4$ independent conditions in choosing
$(\mu|_T)^*|\ell|$ from $|(\mu|_T)^*\ell|$.
So the number of moduli of the points $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$
in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$ is at most
$$n(k) \le [(3d - k) + (2-4)] + (3d-2) = 6d - 4 - k \le 6d - 5$$
where the integer $2$ in $(2-4)$ is the number of the moduli of the two points
$T \cap R_1$ and $T \cap R_2$ varying in $T$. It follows that
this case makes no contribution to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$.
We are left with case (iii) and $m = 2$. Then $k \ge 2$.
Let $D_1, D_2$ be the two rational components in $D$ such that
$\mu|_{D_1}, \mu|_{D_2}$ are nonconstant. Then $D_i \ne R_j$ for $i, j = 1, 2$.
First, assume that $D_1$ and $D_2$ are contained in the same tree $T$
from $T_1, \ldots, T_s$.
If $T$ intersects $R_1$ or $R_2$ but not both,
then by Lemma 3.7, there exist $4$ independent conditions in choosing
the linear series $(\mu|_{D_1})^*|\ell|$ and $(\mu|_{D_2})^*|\ell|$
from the complete linear systems $|(\mu|_{D_1})^*\ell|$
and $|(\mu|_{D_2})^*\ell|$.
So the number of moduli of the points $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$
in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$ is at most
$$n(k) \le [(3d - k) + (2-4)] + (3d-2) = 6d - 4 - k \le 6d - 6$$
where the integer $2$ in $(2-4)$ is the number of the moduli of the point
$T \cap (R_1 \cup R_2)$ varying in both $T$ and $R_1 \cup R_2$,
and this case makes no contribution to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$.
Similarly, by Remark 3.12 (ii) and Lemma 3.7,
the case when $T$ intersects both $R_1$ and $R_2$ makes no contribution
to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$.
Next, assume that $D_1$ and $D_2$ are contained in two different trees,
say $T_1$ and $T_2$, from $T_1, \ldots, T_s$.
If $T_1$ intersects both $R_1$ and $R_2$ and
if $D_1$ intersects $\overline{D \backslash D_1}$ at least twice,
then $\mu(D_2)$ passes through a singular point of $\mu(D_1)$.
By Lemma 2.6, this case makes no contribution to
$\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$. So we may assume that
if $T_i$ intersects both $R_1$ and $R_2$,
then $D_i$ intersects $\overline{D \backslash D_i}$ once.
By Lemma 3.7 and Remark 3.12 (ii),
the number of moduli of the points $[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2})]$
in $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap \overline{W}_2(d)$ is at most
$$n(k) \le [(3d - k) + (4-4)] + (3d-2) = 6d - 2 - k \le 6d - 4.$$
If $n(k) = 6d - 4$, then $k = s = 2$ and $T_i = D_i$ ($i = 1, 2$)
intersects $R_1$ and $R_2$ but not both. Since the number of the moduli for
the two points $D_1 \cap (R_1 \cup R_2)$ and $D_2 \cap (R_1 \cup R_2)$
varying in $R_1 \cup R_2$ is $2$, the pairs $(\mu(D_1), \mu(D_2))$
of curves form a codimension-$2$ subset in
the $(3d-2)$-dimensional variety $S(0, d_1) \times S(0, d_2)$ where
$S(0, d_i)$ stands for the moduli space of irreducible, reduced, nodal,
degree-$d_i$ rational plane curves. It follows that this case makes
no contribution to $\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cap Z$.
Summing up (2.7) and (2.8) and using (3.3),
we obtain (2.5) and hence (1.1). \qed
Finally, some remarks about the number $N_{g, d}$ with $g > 2$ follow.
We expect that only the cases with $k = 0$ (that is, stable maps
$[\mu: (D, p_1, \ldots, p_{3d - 2(g-1)})]$ with $D = C_0 = C_{0, g}$)
contribute to $N_{g, d} = |\text{Aut}(C_0)| \cdot
\big (\overline{\frak M}_{C_0}(d) \cdot Z \big )$.
For instance, as in the proof of the above case (i),
the case when $k = 0$ and $\text{deg}(\mu|_{R_i}) > 0$ for
all $1 \le i \le 2(g-1)$ contributes to $N_{g, d}$, and its contribution is
$$(3d - 2(g-1))! \cdot \sum \limits_{d_1 + \ldots + d_{2(g-1)} = d} \,
\prod \limits_{i=1}^{2(g-1)} {d_i^3 \cdot N_{d_i} \over (3d_i -1)!}.
\eqno (2.9)$$
It is interesting to notice that for $g>2$, the term~(2.9) is precisely
a term that arises in the calculation of $\Psi_{g,d}$.
In general, let $S$ be any nonempty subset of $\{1, \ldots, 2(g-1) \}$.
We believe that the contribution of the cases with $k = 0$ and
$\text{deg}(\mu|_{R_i}) > 0$ if and only if $i \in S$ is closely related
to the number of irreducible, reduced, degree-$d$ plane rational curves
which pass through certain general points in $\Pee^2$ and
have certain types of singularities.
{\bf 3. Rational plane curves with triple points and
constraint on stable maps}
In this section, we prove the lemmas quoted in the previous section.
We shall compute the number $\tilde N_d$ of
irreducible, reduced, degree-$d$ rational plane curves
that pass through $(3d-2)$ general points in $\Pee^2$ and
have exactly one triple point with all other singularities being nodes.
Then we analyze the constraints on stable maps that are degenerations
of maps whose domains are irreducible and smooth curves.
\ssection{3.1. Rational plane curves with triple points}
Fix $d \ge 3$. Intersections of $\Bbb Q$-divisors in the moduli space
$\overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$ has been studied by Pandharipande.
We recall some results from \cite{Pa2, Pa3}.
The boundary $\Delta$ of $\overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$ is
the locus corresponding to stable maps whose domains are reducible,
and is of pure codimension-$1$.
For $1 \le i \le \left [ {d \over 2} \right ]$,
let $K^i$ be the irreducible component of $\Delta$ whose general elements
are the form $\mu: D_1 \cup D_2 \to \Pee^2$ such that
$\text{deg}(\mu|_{D_1}) = i$, and $D_1$ and $D_2$ are smooth rational curves
meeting transversely at one point.
Let $\Cal H$ be the locus of $\overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$
corresponding to maps whose images pass through a fixed point in $\Pee^2$.
Then $\Cal H$ is a Cartier divisor in $\overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$,
and $\text{Pic}(\overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)) \otimes \Bbb Q$
is generated by $\Cal H$ and $K^i$ with
$1 \le i \le \left [ {d \over 2} \right ]$; moreover,
$$\Cal H^{3d-1} = N_d, \quad K^i \cdot \Cal H^{3d-2} =
{3d-2 \choose 3i -1} i(d-i) N_i N_{d-i}, &\text{if $i \ne {d \over 2}$}\\
{1 \over 2} {3d-2 \choose 3{d \over 2} -1} \left ({d \over 2} \right )^2
N_{d \over 2}^2, &\text{if $i = {d \over 2}$}.
\endcases \tag 3.1$$
Let $Z \subset \overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$
be the subvariety consisting of degree-$d$ maps $\mu: \Pee^1 \to \Pee^2$
such that $\mu(\Pee^1)$ has exactly one triple point
with all other singularities being nodes, and let ${\overline Z}$ be
the closure of $Z$ in $\overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$.
Then $Z$ is reduced and of pure codimension-$1$,
and ${\overline Z}$ is a Weil divisor.
Similar arguments as in section (3.4) of \cite{Pa2} show that
the intersection ${\overline Z} \cap \Cal H^{3d-2}$ determined by $(3d-2)$
general points in $\Pee^2$ consists of finitely many reduced points in $Z$.
Thus $\tilde N_d = {\overline Z} \cdot \Cal H^{3d-2}$.
\lemma{3.2} For $d \ge 3$, $\tilde N_d$ can be expressed in terms of the $N_d$:
$${(d-1)(d-2)(d-3) \over 2d} N_d -
\sum_{d_1+d_2=d} {d_1 d_2 (d-6)+2d \over 4d}
{3d-2 \choose 3d_1 -1} d_1 d_2 N_{d_1} N_{d_2}. \eqno (3.3)$$
{\it Proof.}
Let ${\overline Z} = a \Cal H + \sum_{i = 1}^{\left [ {d \over 2} \right ]}
a_i K^i$ where $a, a_i \in \Bbb Q$.
By (3.1), it suffices to determine $a$ and $a_i$.
Fix a nonsingular curve $C$. As in section (4.5) of \cite{Pa2},
we compute the intersection number $C \cdot \lambda^*{\overline Z}$
for some morphism $\lambda: C \to \overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$
which is constructed as follows.
Let $\pi_2: S = \Pee^1 \times C \to C$ be the second projection,
and let $\Cal N$ be a line bundle on $S$ of degree type $(d, k)$
where $k$ is a very large integer. Let $z_0, z_1, z_2 \in H^0(S, \Cal N)$
determine a rational map $\phi: S \dashrightarrow \Pee^2$ such that
\item"{(i)}" every base point of $\phi$ is simple. Here a base point $s$
of $\phi$ is {\it simple of degree $i$ with $1 \le i \le d$} if
the blowing-up of $S$ at $s$ resolves $\phi$ locally at $s$ and
the resulting map is of degree $i$ on the exceptional divisor;
\item"{(ii)}" there exist only finitely many points $c_1, \ldots, c_n \in C$
such that for each $i$, $c_i$ is not the projection of base points of $\phi$
and $\overline \phi(\overline \pi^{-1}(c_i))$ contains
one and exactly one triple point. Here $\overline S$ is the blow-up of
$S$ at the base points, $\overline \pi: \overline S \to C$ is
the projection to $C$, and $\overline \phi: \overline S \to \Pee^2$ is
the resolution of $\phi$.
Now $\overline \phi: \overline S \to \Pee^2$ and
$\overline \pi: \overline S \to C$ induce a morphism
$\lambda: C \to \overline{\frak M}_{0, 0}(\Bbb P^2, d)$.
A point of the intersection $C \cdot \lambda^*K^i$ can arise in two cases,
that is, a simple base point of degree $i$ or $(d-i)$ can be blown-up.
Let $C \cdot \lambda^*K^i = x_i + y_i$ where $x_i$ and $y_i$ are
the number of instances of the first and second case respectively.
On the one hand,
$C \cdot \lambda^*\Cal H = 2dk - \sum_{i= 1}^{\left [ {d \over 2} \right ]}
[i^2x_i + (d-i)^2y_i]$ according to \cite{Pa2}. Thus,
$$C \cdot \lambda^*{\overline Z} =
2adk - \sum_{i= 1}^{\left [ {d \over 2} \right ]}
a[i^2x_i + (d-i)^2y_i] + \sum_{i = 1}^{\left [ {d \over 2} \right ]} a_i
(x_i + y_i). \eqno (3.4)$$
On the other hand, the triple-point formula of \cite{Kle} can be applied to
the map $(\overline{\phi},\overline{\pi}):\overline{S}\to \Pee^2\times C$ to yield
$$C \cdot \lambda^*{\overline Z} = (d-1)(d-2)(d-3)k
+ \sum_{i= 1}^{\left [ {d \over 2} \right ]} (-{1\over 2} i^2 d^2
+3i^2d -{1\over 2} id-1+3i-5i^2) x_i$$
$$+\sum_{i= 1}^{\left [ {d \over 2} \right ]} (-{1\over 2} (d-i)^2 d^2
+3(d-i)^2d -{1\over 2} (d-i)d-1+3(d-i)-5(d-i)^2) y_i. \eqno (3.5)$$
Parts of this computation were performed using
Schubert \cite{K-S}.
Comparing the coefficients of $k, x_i, y_i$ in (3.4) and (3.5) leads to
$$a = {(d-1)(d-2)(d-3) \over 2d} \qquad \text{and} \qquad
a_i = -{i(d-i)(d-6)+2d \over 2d}. \eqno (3.6)$$
Therefore the formula for $\tilde N_d$ follows from (3.1), (3.6) and
$$\tilde N_d = {\overline Z} \cdot \Cal H^{3d-2} = a \Cal H^{3d-1} +
\sum_{i = 1}^{\left [ {d \over 2} \right ]} a_i K^i \cdot \Cal H^{3d-2}.
\ssection{3.2. Constraint on stable maps}
Let $\eta: \Cal E \to \Delta_t$ be a flat family of stable genus-$g$ curves
in $\overline{\frak M}_g$ satisfying
\item"{(a)}" $\eta^{-1}(t)$ is irreducible and smooth for all $t \ne 0$.
\item"{(b)}" for every smooth point $p \in C_0 {\overset \text{def} \to =}
\eta^{-1}(0)$, there exists a basis $\Lambda_1, \ldots, \Lambda_g$
for $H^0(C_0, \omega_{C_0})$ such that locally near $p$, we have
$\Lambda_j = v^{j-1} f_j(v) \cdot
\text{d}v$ for some holomorphic functions $f_j(v)$ satisfying $f_j(0) \ne 0$
for $1 \le j \le g$ where $v$ is a local coordinate of $C_0$ centered at $p$.
Let $\hat \eta: \hat \Cal E \to \Delta_t$ be the family obtained by
blowing-up $\Cal E$ at points in $C_0$ (possibly infinitely near)
and by adding $(3d-2(g-1))$ markings. Let $D = \hat \eta^{-1}(0)$,
and $T_1, \ldots, T_s$ be all the connected components of
the closure $\overline{D \backslash C_0}$ of $D \backslash C_0$ in $D$.
Then each $T_i$ is a tree of smooth rational curves, and
$D = C_0 \cup (\coprod_{i=1}^s T_i)$.
Assume that $\mu: \hat \Cal E \to \Pee^2$ is a morphism such that
$\mu, \hat \eta$, and the $(3d-2(g-1))$ markings determine
a family of stable maps in $\overline{W}_g(d)$.
Furthermore, suppose that there exist smooth rational components
$D_1, \ldots, D_m$ contained in the trees $T_1, \ldots, T_s$
with $\text{deg}(\mu|_{D_i}) > 0$ for each $i$ and
$\sum_{i = 1}^m \text{deg}(\mu|_{D_i}) = d$.
\lemma{3.7} Let $g \ge 2$ and $d > 2(g-1)$.
Assume that $\hat \Cal E$ is obtained from $\Cal E$ by a chain of blowups
at smooth points of $C_0$ (possibly infinitely near).
If $m \le 2$, then there exist $2g$ independent conditions
in choosing the $m$ linear series $(\mu|_{D_i})^*|\ell|$, $1 \le i \le m$
from the $m$ complete linear systems $|(\mu|_{D_i})^*\ell|$, $1 \le i \le m$.
There are three separate cases: (i) $m = 1$; (ii) $m = 2$, and $D_1, D_2$
are contained in the same tree in $T_1, \ldots, T_s$;
(iii) $m = 2$, and $D_1, D_2$
are contained in the two different trees in $T_1, \ldots, T_s$.
The proofs of (ii) and (iii) are very similar to the proof of (i)
but need some extra preparation.
{\bf Case (i)}: We follow the approach in \cite{Pa1}.
For simplicity, we first assume that
$\hat \Cal E$ is the blow-up of $\Cal E$ at a smooth point $p \in C_0$.
Then $s=1= i$, and $\Pee = T_1 = \Pee^1$ is the exceptional divisor.
For each $j$ with $1 \le j \le d$, let $\Cal G_j = \Cal H_j \subset \Cal E$
be the open subset of $\Cal E$ on which the morphism $\eta$ is smooth. Put
$$X = \Cal G_1 \times_{\Delta_t} \ldots \times_{\Delta_t} \Cal G_d
\times \Cal H_1 \times_{\Delta_t} \ldots \times_{\Delta_t} \Cal H_d.$$
Then $X$ is a smooth open subset of the $2d$-fold fiber product of $\Cal E$
over $\Delta_t$. Let $Y \subset X$ be the subset of points
$y = (g_1, \ldots, g_d, h_1, \ldots, h_d)$ such that the two divisors
$\sum_{j} g_j$ and $\sum_{j} h_j$ are linearly equivalent on the curve
Let $\gamma: \Delta_t \to \Cal E$ be a local holomorphic section of $\eta$
such that $\gamma(0) = p$. Let $V$ be a nonvanishing local holomorphic field of
vertical tangent vectors to $\Cal E$ on an open subset containing $p$.
The section $\gamma$ and the vertical vector field $V$ together determine
local holomorphic coordinates $(t, v)$ on $\Cal E$ at $p$.
Let $\phi_V: \Cal E \times \Cee \to \Cal E$ be the holomorphic flow of $V$
defined locally near $(p, 0) \in \Cal E \times \Cee$. Then the coordinate map
$\psi: \Cee^2 \to \Cal E$ is defined by $\psi(t, v) = \phi_V(\gamma(t),v)$.
Since $p \in C_0$ is a smooth point in $C_0$, $p \in \Cal G_j$ and
$p \in \Cal H_j$ for $1 \le j \le d$. Put $x_p =
(p, \ldots, p, p, \ldots, p) \in X$. Then the local coordinates on $X$
near $x_p$ are given by $(t, v_1, \ldots, v_d, w_1, \ldots, w_d)$,
and the coordinate map $\psi_X$ is defined by putting
$\psi_X(t, v_1, \ldots, v_d, w_1, \ldots, w_d)$ to be
$$(\psi(t, v_1), \ldots, \psi(t, v_d), \psi(t, w_1), \ldots, \psi(t, w_d))
\in X.$$
By our assumption, there exists a basis $\Lambda_1, \ldots, \Lambda_g$
of $H^0(C_0, \omega_{C_0})$ such that near $p$, we have
$\Lambda_k(v) = v^{k-1} f_k(v) \cdot
\text{d}v$ and $f_k(0) \ne 0$ for $1 \le k \le g$.
Let $\Lambda_k(t, v)$ ($1 \le k \le g$) be a local holomorphic extension
of $\Lambda_k(v)$ at $0 \in \Delta_t$ such that for a fixed $t$,
$\Lambda_1(t, v), \ldots, \Lambda_g(t, v)$
form a basis of $H^0(\eta^{-1}(t), \omega_{\eta^{-1}(t)})$ using the
coordinate map $\psi$. This basis may be chosen so that
$$\Lambda_k(t, v) = v^{k-1} f_k(t, v) \cdot \text{d}v$$
with $f_k(0, 0) = f_k(0) \ne 0$. Now the local equations of $Y \subset X$
at the point $x_p$ are
$$\sum_{j=1}^d \left ( \int_0^{v_j} \Lambda_k(t, v) -
\int_0^{w_j} \Lambda_k(t, v) \right ) = 0, \qquad 1 \le k \le g.
\eqno (3.8)$$
Let $L_1$ and $L_2$ be general divisors in $\mu^*|\ell|$ such that
each intersects $\Pee$ at $d$ distinct points.
For $1 \le \alpha \le 2$, $L_\alpha$ determines local holomorphic sections
$s_{\alpha, 1} + \ldots + s_{\alpha, d}$ of $\hat \eta$ at $0 \in \Delta_t$.
These sections $s_{\alpha, j}$ with $1 \le \alpha \le 2$ and $1 \le j \le d$
determine a map $\lambda: \Delta_t \to Y$ locally at $0 \in \Delta_t$.
Let an affine coordinate on $\Pee^1$ be given by $\xi$ corresponding to
the normal direction
$${\text{d}\gamma \over \text{d}t}|_{t = 0} + \xi \cdot V(p).$$
Let $s_{1, j}(0) = \nu_j \in \Cee^1 \subset \Pee^1$ and
$s_{2, j}(0) = \omega_j \in \Cee^1 \subset \Pee^1$ be given in terms of
the affine coordinates $\xi$. Then the map $\lambda$ has the form
$$\lambda(t) = (t, \nu_1(t), \ldots, \nu_d(t),
\omega_1(t), \ldots, \omega_d(t)) \eqno (3.9)$$
$$\nu_j(t) = \nu_j t + O(t^2), \ \omega_j(t) = \omega_j t + O(t^2),\qquad
1 \le j \le d. \eqno (3.10)$$
Since $Y$ is defined by the equations (3.8), we obtain
$$\sum_{j=1}^d \left ( \int_0^{\nu_j(t)} v^{k-1} f_k(t, v) \cdot \text{d}v -
\int_0^{\omega_j(t)} v^{k-1} f_k(t, v) \cdot \text{d}v \right ) = 0,
\quad 1 \le k \le g. \eqno (3.11)$$
Differentiating (3.11) $k$-times with respect to $t$
and evaluating at $t = 0$ results in
$$\sum_{j=1}^d \left ( (k-1)! f_k(0,0) \cdot \nu_j^k -
(k-1)! f_k(0,0) \cdot \omega_j^k \right ) = 0, \qquad 1 \le k \le g.$$
Since $f_k(0, 0) = f_k(0) \ne 0$, we have
$\sum_{j=1}^d \nu_j^k = \sum_{j=1}^d \omega_j^k$ where $1 \le k \le g$.
Let $\beta_k$ be the $k$-th elementary symmetric function in $d$ variables.
Then, $\beta_k(\nu_1, \ldots, \nu_d) =
\beta_k(\omega_1, \ldots, \omega_d)$ for $1 \le k \le g$.
Put $\beta_k' = (-1)^k \cdot \beta_k(\nu_1, \ldots, \nu_d)$
for $1 \le k \le g$. Then the divisors in $(\mu|_{\Pee})^*|\ell|$
correspond to degree-$d$ polynomials of the form
$$K(\xi^d + \beta_1' \cdot \xi^{d-1} + \ldots +
\beta_g' \cdot \xi^{d-g} + \ldots)$$
where $K$ stands for constants. It follows that the linear series
$(\mu|_{\Pee})^*|\ell|$ has vanishing sequence $\{0, \ge (g+1), *\}$ at
the point $\xi = \infty$ which is the intersection $C_0 \cap \Bbb P$.
Since the complete linear system $|(\mu|_{\Pee})^*\ell|$ is base-point-free,
the existence of a vanishing sequence of the form $\{0, \ge (g+1), *\}$
for the linear series $(\mu|_{\Pee})^*|\ell|$
imposes $2g$ independent conditions in choosing
$(\mu|_{\Pee})^*|\ell|$ from $|(\mu|_{\Pee})^*\ell|$.
The general case arises when $n$ blowups are needed to obtain $\Pee$.
In this situation, using automorphisms of the rational components in $T_i$,
we may assume that the form of $\lambda$ is again given by~(3.9) with~(3.10)
replaced by
$$\nu_j(t) = \nu_j t^n + O(t^{n+1}), \,
\omega_j(t) = \omega_j t^n + O(t^{n+1}), \qquad 1 \le j \le d.$$
Then the calculation concludes as before. (Compare with \cite{Pa1}.)
{\bf Case (ii)}: For simplicity, we assume that $\hat \Cal E$ is
the $2$-fold blow-up of $\Cal E$ at a smooth point $p \in C_0$.
Then $s=1= i$, and $T_1 = D_1 \cup D_2$ is the union of
the two exceptional divisors.
Let $d_i = \text{deg}(\mu|_{D_i})$ for $i = 1, 2$.
Then, $d_1 > 0$, $d_2 > 0$, and $d_1 + d_2 = d$.
Let $L_1$ and $L_2$ be general divisors in $\mu^*|\ell|$ such that
each intersects $D_i$ at $d_i$ distinct points.
Let other notations be as in Case (i).
Then locally at $0 \in \Delta_t$, $L_1$ and $L_2$ induce a map
$\lambda: \Delta_t \to Y$ sending $t \in \Delta_t$ to
the following point in $Y$:
$$\lambda(t) = (t, \nu_{1,1}(t), \ldots, \nu_{1, d_1}(t),
\nu_{2,1}(t), \ldots, \nu_{2, d_2}(t),$$
$$\quad \omega_{1,1}(t), \ldots, \omega_{1, d_1}(t),
\omega_{2,1}(t), \ldots, \omega_{2, d_1}(t))$$
where for $1 \le i \le 2$ and $1 \le j \le d_i$,
we may assume that $\nu_{i, j}(t) = \nu_{i, j} t^i + O(t^{i+1})$ and
$\omega_{i, j}(t) = \omega_{i, j} t^i + O(t^{i+1})$
for some constants $\nu_{i, j}$ and $\omega_{i, j}$.
A similar argument as in Case (i) shows that
the linear series $(\mu|_{D_1})^*|\ell|$ has vanishing sequence
$\{0, \ge (g+1), *\}$ at the point $C_0 \cap D_1$.
So there exist $2g$ independent conditions
in choosing $(\mu|_{D_1})^*|\ell|$ from the complete linear system
{\bf Case (iii)}: Again for simplicity, we assume that $\hat \Cal E$ is
the $2$-fold blow-up of $\Cal E$ at two smooth points $p_1, p_2 \in C_0$.
Then $s=2$, and $\{ T_1, T_2 \} = \{D_1, D_2\}$ is the set of
the two exceptional divisors.
Let $d_i = \text{deg}(\mu|_{D_i})$ for $i = 1, 2$.
Then, $d_1 > 0$, $d_2 > 0$, and $d_1 + d_2 = d$.
Since $d > 2(g-1)$, we may assume that $d_1 \ge g$.
As in Case (i), we construct local coordinates $(t, v_i)$ and
coordinate map $\psi_i$ on $\Cal E$ at each point $p_i$.
Let $X$ and $Y$ be as in Case (i). Define a point $x_{p_1,p_2} \in X$ by
$$x_{p_1,p_2} = (\underbrace{p_1, \ldots, p_1}_{\text {$d_1$ times}},
\underbrace{p_2, \ldots, p_2}_{\text {$d_2$ times}},
\underbrace{p_1, \ldots, p_1}_{\text {$d_1$ times}},
\underbrace{p_2, \ldots, p_2}_{\text {$d_2$ times}}).$$
The local coordinates on $X$ near $x_{p_1,p_2}$ are given by
$(t, v_1, \ldots, v_d, w_1, \ldots, w_d)$,
and the coordinate map $\psi_X$ is defined by putting
$\psi_X(t, v_1, \ldots, v_d, w_1, \ldots, w_d)$ to be
$$(\psi_1(t, v_1), \ldots, \psi_1(t, v_{d_1}),
\psi_2(t, v_{d_1 +1}), \ldots, \psi_2(t, v_d),$$
$$\psi_1(t, w_1), \ldots, \psi_1(t, w_{d_1}),
\psi_2(t, w_{d_1 +1}), \ldots, \psi_2(t, w_d)).$$
Note that $x_{p_1,p_2} \in Y$ and the local equations of $Y \subset X$
at $x_{p_1,p_2}$ are given by (3.8) where
$\Lambda_1(t, v), \ldots, \Lambda_g(t, v)$ are chosen so that
$\Lambda_k(t, v_1) = v_1^{k-1} f_k(t, v_1) \cdot \text{d}v_1$
with $f_k(0, 0) \ne 0$. Let $L_1$ and $L_2$ be general divisors
in $\mu^*|\ell|$ such that each intersects $D_i$ at $d_i$ distinct points.
Then locally at $0 \in \Delta_t$, $L_1$ and $L_2$ induce
$\lambda: \Delta_t \to Y$ by
$$\lambda(t) = (t, \nu_{1,1}(t), \ldots, \nu_{1, d_1}(t),
\nu_{2,1}(t), \ldots, \nu_{2, d_2}(t),$$
$$\quad \omega_{1,1}(t), \ldots, \omega_{1, d_1}(t),
\omega_{2,1}(t), \ldots, \omega_{2, d_1}(t))$$
where for $1 \le i \le 2$ and $1 \le j \le d_i$,
we have $\nu_{i, j}(t) = \nu_{i, j} t + O(t^2)$ and
$\omega_{i, j}(t) = \omega_{i, j} t + O(t^2)$
for some constants $\nu_{i, j}$ and $\omega_{i, j}$.
Now a similar argument as in Case (i) shows that for $1 \le k \le g$,
$\sum_{j=1}^{d_1} \nu_{1,j}^k - \sum_{j=1}^{d_1} \omega_{1, j}^k$ is a homogeneous polynomial in $\nu_{2,1}, \ldots, \nu_{2,d_2}$
and in $\omega_{2,1}, \ldots, \omega_{2,d_2}$.
Therefore for a fixed linear series $(\mu|_{D_2})^*|\ell|$
in $|(\mu|_{D_2})^*\ell|$, these exist $2g$ independent conditions
in choosing $(\mu|_{D_1})^*|\ell|$ from $|(\mu|_{D_1})^*\ell|$,
i.e. there exist $2g$ independent conditions
in choosing the linear series $(\mu|_{D_1})^*|\ell|$ and
$(\mu|_{D_2})^*|\ell|$ from the complete linear systems
$|(\mu|_{D_1})^*\ell|$ and $|(\mu|_{D_2})^*\ell|$.
This completes the proof of Case (iii) and hence the proof of the lemma.
{\it Remark 3.12.} (i) It is reasonable to expect that Lemma 3.7 holds
for any $m$.
(ii) In Lemma 3.7, we have assumed that $\hat \Cal E$ is the blow-up
of $\Cal E$ at smooth points of $C_0$. However, a slight modification of
its proof shows that the conclusion is still true if $g = 2$ and
the blowing-up $\hat \Cal E \to \Cal E$ also takes place
at nodal points of $C_0$.
Finally, we show that the stable genus-$2$ curve $C_0$ constructed in
Section~2 satisfies hypothesis (b) leading up to the statement of Lemma~3.7.
\lemma{3.13} For every smooth point $p \in C_0$, there exists a basis
$\Lambda_1, \Lambda_2$ for $H^0(C_0, \omega_{C_0})$ such that
$\Lambda_j = v^{j-1} f_j(v) \cdot \text{d}v$ and some holomorphic
functions $f_j(v)$ such that $f_j(0) \ne 0$ for
$1 \le j \le 2$ where $v$ is a local coordinate of $C_0$ centered at $p$.
{\it Proof.}
Assume that $p \in R_1 = \Pee^1$. Choose an affine coordinate $z$ for $R_1$
such that the three nodal points in $C_0$ are identified with
$0, 1, \infty$ in $R_1$. Then a basis for $H^0(C_0, \omega_{C_0})$
can be identified with $\Lambda_1' = {1 \over z} \cdot \text{d}z,
\Lambda_2' = {1 \over z-1} \cdot \text{d}z.$
Let $z_0$ be the coordinate of $p \in R_1$, and let $v = z-z_0$.
Then the desired basis consists of
$$\Lambda_1 = {1 \over z} \cdot \text{d}z
= {1 \over v+z_0} \cdot \text{d}v, \quad
\Lambda_2 = {(z-z_0) \over z(z-1)} \cdot \text{d}z =
{v \over (v+z_0)(v+z_0-1)} \cdot \text{d}v. \qed$$
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\ref\key Kle \by S.~Kleiman \paper Multiple point formulas I: Iteration
\jour Acta Math. \vol 147 \pages 13-49 \yr 1981
\ref\key K-M \by M. Kontsevich, Y. Manin \paper Gromov-Witten classes,
quantum cohomology, and enumerative geometry \jour Commun. Math. Phys.
\vol 164 \pages 525-562 \yr 1994
\ref\key Pa1 \by R. Pandharipande \paper A note on elliptic plane curves
with fixed $j$-invariant \jour Preprint
\ref\key Pa2 \bysame \paper Intersection of $\Bbb Q$-divisors
on Kontsevich's moduli space $\overline{M}_{0, n}(\Pee^r, d)$ and
enumerative geometry \jour Preprint
\ref\key Pa3 \bysame \paper Notes on Kontsevich's compactification
of the space of maps \jour Preprint
\ref\key R-T \by Y. Ruan, G. Tian \paper A mathematical theory of quantum cohomology \jour J. Diffeo. Geom. \vol 42 \pages 259-367 \yr 1995
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1996-09-28T13:10:14 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606010 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606010 | [
] | alg-geom/9606010 | Vladimir Hinich | Vladimir Hinich | Descent of Deligne groupoids | Minor corrections made AMSLaTeX v 1.2 (Compatibility mode) | null | null | null | null | To any non-negatively graded dg Lie algebra $g$ over a field $k$ of
characteristic zero we assign a functor $\Sigma_g: art/k \to Kan$ from the
category of commutative local artinian $k$-algebras with the residue field $k$
to the category of Kan simplicial sets. There is a natural homotopy equivalence
between $\Sigma_g$ and the Deligne groupoid corresponding to $g$.
The main result of the paper claims that the functor $\Sigma$ commutes up to
homotopy with the "total space" functors which assign a dg Lie algebra to a
cosimplicial dg Lie algebra and a simplicial set to a cosimplicial simplicial
set. This proves a conjecture of Schechtman which implies that if a deformation
problem is described ``locally'' by a sheaf of dg Lie algebras $g$ on a
topological space $X$ then the global deformation problem is described by the
homotopy Lie algebra $R\Gamma(X,g)$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 Jun 1996 07:55:20 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 25 Sep 1996 17:22:16 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 28 Sep 1996 11:07:28 GMT"
] | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $\fg$ be a dg Lie algebra over a field $k$ of characteristic zero
concentrated in non-negative degrees. The algebra $\fg$ defines a functor
$$ \CC_{\fg}:\art/k\to\Grp$$
from the category of local artinian $k$-algebras with the residue field $k$
to the category of groupoids --- see~\ref{del-gr} or~\cite{gm1}, sect.~2.
A common belief is that any "reasonable" formal deformation problem
can be described by the functor $\CC_{\fg}$ where $\fg$ is an
appropriate "Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms". This would
imply, for instance, that if $H^0(\fg)=0$ (i.e. if the automorphism group
of the deformed object is discrete) then the completion of the local ring
of a moduli space at a given point is isomorphic to the completion of
the $0$-th cohomology group of $\fg$.
If we are dealing with the deformations of algebraic structures
(associative, commutative or Lie algebras or so), the
Lie algebra $\fg$ is just the standard complex calculating the cohomology
of the appropriate type.
In this paper we prove the following claim conjectured by V.~Schechtman in
~\cite{s,s1,hs}. It allows one to construct
a dg Lie algebra which governs various formal deformations in the non-affine
{\em Let $X$ be a topological space and let $\fg$ be a sheaf of
dg Lie $k$-algebras. Let $\CU=\{U_i\}$ be an locally finite open covering
of $X$, $\CG_i=\CC_{\Gamma(U_i,\fg)}$ and let $\CG$ be the groupoid of
"descent data" for the collection $\CG_i$ (see~\ref{tot:simpl},{\em2}).
Then $\CG$ is naturally
equivalent to the groupoid $\CC_L$ where $L$ is a dg Lie algebra
representing the Cech complex $\Cech(\CU,\fg)$.}
This result implies, in particular, \Cor{generalization}
which claims that Theorem 8.3 of~\cite{hdtc}
remains valid without the assumption of formal smoothness.
\subsection{Structure of the Sections}
In Section~\ref{sigma} we define the {\em contents} $\Sigma(\fg)$ of
a nilpotent dg Lie algebra $\fg$. It is a Kan simplicial set homotopically
equivalent to the Deligne groupoid $\CC(\fg)$.
In Section~\ref{tot} we recall the definition of the total space functor
in different categories. We also present~\Prop{criterion} giving a sufficient
condition for a map of bisimplicial dg algebras to be an acyclic
fibration in the sense of~\ref{bisim-alg}.
Now the claim~\ref{i1} can be interpreted as the
commutativity of $\Sigma$ with the functors $\Tot$. The main
\Thm{main} is proven in Section~\ref{thm}. In the last Section~\ref{app}
we deduce from~\Thm{main} an application to formal deformation theory.
The idea that the generalization of the result of~\cite{hdtc} to the
non-smooth case should follow from a descent property for Deligne
groupoids belongs to V.~Schechtman. I am very grateful to him for
helpful discussions on the subject. \Prop{kan} claiming that the content
$\Sigma(\fg)$ and the Deligne groupoid $\CC(\fg)$ are homotopy equivalent
is consonant to the Main Homotopy Theorem of Schlessinger--Stasheff, cf.~
I am greatly indebted to J.~Stasheff who read the first draft of the manuscript
and made some important remarks.
Throughout this paper $k$ is a fixed field of characteristic zero.
$\art/k$ denotes the category of commutative local artinian $k$-algebras
having the residue field $k$.
$\dgl(k)$ (resp., $\dgc(k)$) is the category of non-negatively graded dg Lie
(resp., commutative) algebras over $k$.
$\Delta$ is the category of ordered sets $[n]=\{0,\ldots,n\},\ n\geq 0$
and monotone maps; $\simpl$ is the category of simplicial sets;
$\Delta^n\in\simpl$ are the standard $n$-simplices.
$\Kan\subseteq\simpl$ is the full subcategory of Kan simplicial sets.
$\Ab$ is the category of abelian groups.
$C(\CA)$ (sometimes $C(R)$) is the category of complexes over an abelian
category $\CA$ (over the category of $R$-modules). $C^{\geq 0}$ denotes the
full subcategory of non-negatively graded complexes.
\section{Contents of a nilpotent Lie dg algebra}
For any $n\geq 0$ denote by $\Omega_n$ the $k$-algebra of polynomial
differential forms on the standard $n$-simplex $\Delta^n$ ---
One has
$$\Omega_n=k[t_0,\ldots,t_n,dt_0,\ldots,dt_n]/(\sum t_i-1,\sum dt_i).$$
The algebras $\Omega_n$ form a simplicial commutative dg algebra:
a map $u:[p]\to[q]$ induces the map $\Omega(u):\Omega_q\to\Omega_p$
defined by the formula $\Omega(u)(t_i)=\sum_{u(j)=i}t_j$.
If $\fg$ is a dg Lie $k$-algebra and $A$ is a commutative dg $k$-algebra
then the tensor product $A\otimes\fg$ is also a dg Lie $k$-algebra. Thus,
any dg Lie algebra $\fg$ gives rise to a simplicial dg Lie algebra
$$\fg_{\bullet}=\{\fg_n=\Omega_n\otimes\fg\}_{n\geq 0}.$$
For any dg Lie algebra $\fg$ denote by $\MC(\fg)$ the set of elements
$x\in\fg^1$ satisfying the Maurer-Cartan equation:
$$ dx+\frac{1}{2}[x,x]=0.$$
Let $\fg\in\dgl(k)$ be nilpotent. Its {\em contents}
is defined as
\subsubsection{} Recall (see~\cite{bg}) that the collection of commutative dg algebras
$\Omega_n$ defines a contravariant functor
$$ \Omega:\simpl\to\dgc(k)$$
so that $\Omega(\Delta^n)=\Omega_n$ and $\Omega$ carries direct limits
in $\simpl$ to inverse limits.
Let $S\in\simpl$. There is a natural map
which is bijective provided $S$ is finite (i.e., has a finite
number of non-degenerate simplices).
\begin{pf} This is because tensoring by $\fg$ commutes with finite
limits --- compare to~\cite{bg}, 5.2.
A map $f:\fg\to\fh$ of nilpotent algebras in $\dgl(k)$ will be called an
{\em acyclic fibration} if it is surjective and induces a quasi-isomorphism
of the corresponding lower central series.
Let $f:\fg\to\fh$ be an acyclic fibration of nilpotent dg Lie algebras in
$\dgl(k)$. Then the induced map $\MC(f):\MC(\fg)\to\MC(\fh)$ is
Induction by the nilpotence degree of $\fg$ --- similarly
to~\cite{gm1},~Th. 2.4.
\begin{lem}{A+L}Let $f:A\to B$ be a surjective map in $\dgc(k)$ and
$g:\fg\to\fh$ be a surjective map in $\dgl(k)$. Then the map
$$ A\otimes\fg\to (A\otimes\fh)\times_{(B\otimes\fh)}(B\otimes\fg)$$
is an acyclic fibration provided either
(a) $f$ is quasi-isomorphism or (b) $g$ is acyclic fibration.
Since for any commutative dg algebra $A$ (with 1)
the functor $A\otimes\_$ transforms the lower central series of $\fg$
into the lower central series of $A\otimes\fg$, it suffices to check
that the above map is a surjective quasi-isomorphism.
This is fairly standard.
Let $f$ be as above. Then $\Sigma(f):\Sigma(\fg)\to\Sigma(\fh)$ is an acyclic
fibration of simplicial sets.
Lemmas~\ref{repr} and~\ref{AFsur} reduce the question to the following.
Let $K\to L$ be an injective map of simplicial sets. Then one has to show
that the induced map of nilpotent Lie algebras
$$ \Omega(L)\otimes\fg\to\Omega(L)\otimes\fh\times_{\Omega(K)\otimes\fh}
is an acyclic fibration. This follows from~\ref{A+L}(b).
\subsection{Deligne groupoid}
Recall (cf.~\cite{gm1}) that for a nilpotent dg Lie algebra $\fg\in\dgl(k)$
defines the {\em Deligne groupoid} $\CC(\fg)$ as follows.
The Lie algebra $\fg^0$ acts on $\MC(\fg)$ by vector fields:
$$ \rho(y)(x)=dy+[x,y]\text{ for }y\in\fg^0, x\in\fg^1.$$
This defines the action of the nilpotent group $G=\exp(\fg^0)$ on the
set $\MC(\fg)$. Then the groupoid $\CC=\CC(\fg)$ is defined by the formulas
$$ \Ob\CC=\MC(\fg)$$
$$ \Hom_{\CC}(x,x')=\{g\in G|x'=g(x)\}.$$
Let $\fg\in\dgl(k)$ be nilpotent. The natural map
$\fg\to\fg_n=\Omega_n\otimes\fg$ induces an equivalence of groupoids
It suffices to check the claim when $n=1$. In this case an element
$z=x+dt\cdot y\in\fg_{1}=\fg[t,dt]$ with $x\in\fg^1[t],y\in\fg^0[t]$
satisfies MC iff $x(0)\in\MC(\fg)$ and $x$ satisfies the differential
$$ \dot{x}=dy+[x,y].$$
This means precisely that $x=g(x(0))$ where $g\in G_1=\exp(\fg_1)$ is given
by the differential equation
$$ \dot{g}=g(y)$$
with the initial condition $g(0)=1$.
\subsubsection{Explicit description of $\Sigma(\fg)$}
The notations are as in~\ref{del-gr}.
For any $n\geq 0$ let $G_n=\exp(\fg^0_n)$ be the group of polynomial maps
from the standard $n$-simplex $\Delta_n$ to the group $G$. The
collection $G_{\bullet}=\{G_n\}$ forms a simplicial group. Right
multiplication defines on $G_{\bullet}$ a right $G$-action.
There is a natural bijection
of simplicial sets. Here, as usual, $X\times^GY$ is the quotient
of the cartesian product $X\times Y$ by the relation
$$(xg,y)\sim (x,gy)\text{ for } x\in X,\ y\in Y,\ g\in G.$$
\begin{pf} This immediately follows from~\Lem{exp-1}.
Let $N\CC(\fg)\in\simpl$ be the nerve of $\CC(\fg)$.
Define the map $\tau:\Sigma(\fg)\to N\CC(\fg)$ by the formula
where $g\in G_n,x\in\MC(\fg), g_i=v_i(g)$ with $v_i$ being the
$i$-th vertex.
\Prop{explicit} implies the following
$\Sigma(\fg)$ is a Kan simplicial set. The map $\tau$ is an
acyclic fibration identifying $\CC(\fg)$ with the Poincar\'{e} groupoid
of $\Sigma(\fg)$.
More generally, if $f:\fg\to\fh$ is a surjective map of nilpotent
dg Lie algebras, then the induced map
$$ \Sigma(\fg)\to\CC(\fg)\times_{\CC(\fh)}\Sigma(\fh)$$
is an acyclic fibration.
\begin{pf} The question reduces to the following. Given a pair of
polynomial maps $\alpha:\partial\Delta^n\to\fg^0,\
\beta:\Delta^n\to\fh^0$ satisfying $f\alpha=\beta|_{\partial\Delta^n}$
find a map $\gamma:\Delta^n\to\fg^0$ such that
$\alpha=\gamma|_{\partial\Delta^n},\ \beta=f\gamma$. This is always
possible sincec the canonical map $\Omega_n\to\Omega(\partial\Delta^n)$
is surjective.
If one does not require $\fg$ to be non-negatively graded, its
contents is still a Kan simplicial set. In this case it can
probably be considered as a generalization of the notion of
Deligne groupoid.
\section{"Total space" functor and $\CM$-simplicial sets}
\subsubsection{The category $\CM$}
Here and below $\CM$ denotes the following category of morphisms of
The objects of $\CM$ are morphisms $[p]\to [q]$ in $\Delta$.
A morphism from $[p]\to [q]$ to $[p']\to [q']$ is given by a
commutative diagram
[p] & {\lra} & [q] \\
{{\scriptstyle\alpha}\uparrow} & & {{\scriptstyle\beta}\downarrow} \\
{[p']} & {\lra} & {[q']} \\
The morphism in $\CM$ corresponding to $\alpha=\id,\beta=\sigma^i$,
is denoted by $\sigma^i$; the one corresponding to
$\alpha=\id,\beta=\partial^i$, is denoted by $\partial^i$.
"Dually", the morphism corresponding to $\alpha=\partial^i,\beta=\id$,
is denoted by $d_i$ and the one with $\alpha=\sigma^i,\beta=\id$, is
denoted by $s_i$.
\subsubsection{Total space}
Let $\CC$ be a simplicial category having inverse limits and functorial
{\em function objects} $\uhom(S,X)\in\CC$ for $X\in\CC,\ S\in\simpl$
--- see~\cite{bk}, IX.4.5 and the examples below. The total space $\Tot(X)$
of a cosimplicial object $X\in\Delta\CC$ is defined by the formula
$$ \Tot(X)=\invlim_{\phi\in\CM}\uhom(\Delta^p,X^q)$$
where $\phi:[p]\to [q]$.
\subsection{Examples} We will use three instances
of the described construction.
\label{tot:simpl} Let $\CC=\simpl$. Then the above definition coincides
with the standard one given in~{\em loc. cit.}, XI.3.
Let $G\in\Delta\Grp$ be a (strict) cosimplicial groupoid.
We will consider $\Grp$ as a full subcategory of $\simpl$,
so a simplicial set $\Tot(G)$ is defined.
$T=\Tot(G)$ is a groupoid. The objects of $T$ are collections
$\{a\in\Ob G^0, \theta:\partial^1(a)\overset{\sim}{\ra}\partial^0(a)\}$
with $\theta$ satisfying the cocycle condition:
$$ \sigma^0(\theta)=\id(a);
\ \partial^1\theta=\partial^0\theta\circ\partial^2\theta.$$
A morphism in $T$ from $\{a,\theta\}$ to
$\{b,\theta'\}$ is a morphism $a\to b$ compatible with $\theta,\theta'$.
Thus, $\Tot(G)$ is ``the groupoid of descent data'' for $G$.
Let $\CC=C(k)$ be the category of complexes over $k$.
For $S\in\simpl$ and $X\in C(k)$ the complex $\uhom(S,X)$ is defined
to be $\Hom(C_{\bullet}(S),X)$ where $C_{\bullet}$ is the complex
of normailized chains of $S$ with coefficients in $k$. The above
definition of the functor $\Tot$ coincides with the standard one.
Let $\CC=\dgl(k)$. For $S\in\simpl$ and $\fg\in\dgl(k)$
define $\uhom(S,\fg)=\Omega(S)\otimes\fg$. Then the functor
$\Tot:\Delta\dgl(k)\to \dgl(k)$ coincides with the Thom-Sullivan
functor described in~\cite{hdtc}, 5.2.4.
The De Rham theorem (see, e.g., {\em loc. cit.}, 5.2.8) shows that the
functor $\Tot$ commutes up to homotopy with the forgetful functor
$ \#:\dgl(k)\to C(k).$
\subsection{$\CM$-simplicial sets}
In the sequel functors $X:\CM\to\simpl$ will be called
$\CM$-simplicial sets. We now wish to find a sufficient condition for
a map $f:X\to Y$ of $\CM$-simplicial sets to induce an acyclic
fibration $\invlim f$ of the inverse limits. This will be an important
technical tool to prove the main theorem~\ref{main}.
\subsubsection{Matching spaces}
Fix $n\in\Bbb N$. Let $\partial^i:[n-1]\to[n]$, $i=0,\ldots,n$, be the
standard face maps and let $\sigma^i:[n]\to[n-1]$, $i=0,\ldots,n-1$, be the
standard degeneracies.
The $n$-th matching space of a $\CM$-simplicial set $X$ is a
simplicial subset $\mu_n(X)$ of the product
consisting of the collections
$\left(x_i\in X(\partial^i),y^i\in X(\sigma^i)\right) $
satisfying the following three conditions:
($d$): $d_ix_j=d_{j-1}x_i\text{ for } i<j$.
($\sigma$): $\sigma^jy^i=\sigma^iy^{j+1}\text{ for } i\leq j$.
($d\sigma$): $\sigma^jx_i=d_iy^j\text{ for all } i,j$.
One has a canonical map $X(\id_n)\to\mu_n(X)$ which sends an
element $x\in X(\id_n)$ to the collection
A map $f:X\to Y$ of $\CM$-simplicial sets is called an {\em acyclic
fibration} if for any $n\in\Bbb N$ the commutative square
X(\id_n) & {\lra} & Y(\id_n) \\
{\downarrow} & & {\downarrow} \\
\mu_n(X) & {\lra} & \mu_n(Y) \\
defines an acyclic fibration
$$X(\id_n)\to Y(\id_n)\times_{\mu_n(Y)}\mu_n(X).$$
Let $f:X\to Y$ be an acyclic fibration of $\CM$-simplicial sets.
Then the induced map of the corresponding inverse limits, $\invlim f$,
is an acyclic fibration.
\begin{pf} Let $\CM_{\leq n}$ be the full subcategory of $\CM$
consisting of morphisms $\alpha:[p]\to[q]$ with $p\leq n,q\leq n$.
Put $X(n)=\invlim X|_{\CM_{\leq n}}$. Then it is easy to see that
$X(n)=X(\id_n)\times_{\mu_n(X)}X(n-1)$. This immediately proves the
\subsection{Bisimplicial algebras}
Now we will present a source of various
$\CM$-simplicial sets in this paper.
\subsubsection{} Fix a cosimplicial nilpotent dg Lie algebra $\fg$.
Any bisimplicial commutative dg algebra $A\in(\Delta^0)^2\dgc$
defines a $\CM$-simplicial set $\Sigma(A,\fg)$ as follows:
For $a:[p]\to[q], n\in{\Bbb N}$ one has
Define also a simplicial set $\sigma(A,\fg)$ to be the inverse limit
of $\Sigma(A,\fg)$ as a functor from $\CM$ to $\simpl$.
We provide now a sufficient condition for a map $f:A\to B$ of bisimplicial
commutative dg algebras to induce an acyclic fibration $\Sigma(f,\fg)$
for any cosimplicial dg Lie algebra. According to~\Lem{afM->ss} this
implies that $\sigma(f,\fg)$ is also an acyclic fibration.
\subsubsection{} Any bisimplicial abelian group $A$ gives rise to a functor
which is uniquely described by the following properties:
--- $A(\Delta^m,\Delta^n)=A_{mn}$
--- $A$ carries direct limits over each one of the arguments to inverse limit.
We will identify bisimplicial abelian groups with the functors they define.
\begin{defn}{bi-match} The matching space $M_{mn}(A)$ of a bisimplicial
abelian group $A$ is defined to be
$$ M_{mn}(A)=A(\partial\Delta^m,\Delta^n)\times
_{A(\partial\Delta^m,\partial\Delta^n)} A(\Delta^m,\partial\Delta^n)$$
where $\partial\Delta^n$ is the boundary of the $n$-simplex.
One has a canonical map $A_{mn}\to M_{mn}(A).$
\begin{defn}{bi-af} A map $f:A\to B$ in $(\Delta^0)^2C(\Bbb Z)$ is called an
{\em acyclic fibration} if for any $m,n$ the canonical map
$$ A_{mn}\to B_{mn}\times_{M_{mn}(B)} M_{mn}(A)$$
is a surjective quasi-isomorphism.
\begin{prop}{bi-af->af}Let $f:A\to B$ in $(\Delta^0)^2\dgc(k)$ be an acyclic
fibration. Let $\fg$ be a cosimplicial nilpotent dg Lie algebra. Then
the induced map $\Sigma(f,\fg)$ is an acyclic fibration of $\CM$-simplicial
This is a direct calculation using~\ref{AFsur},~\ref{A+L}(a). Here we use
that the natural map from $\fg^{n+1}$ to the $n$-th matching space $M^n(\fg)$
(see~\cite{bk}, X.5) is surjective.
Now we wish to formulate a sufficient condition for $f:A\to B$ to be an
acyclic fibration of bisimplicial dg algebras. The following trivial
lemma will be useful.
Let in a commutative square
A & \overset{f}{\lra} & B \\
{{\scriptstyle g}\downarrow} & & {{\scriptstyle h}\downarrow} \\
C & {\lra} & D \\
of abelian groups the map $g$ and the map $\Ker(g)\to\Ker(h)$ be
surjective. Then the induced map $A\to B\times_DC$ is also surjective.
We start with a simplicial
case. Recall that a simplicial abelian group $A\in\Delta^0\Ab$ defines a
functor $A:\simpl\to\Ab$ by the formula
$$ A(S)=\Hom(S,A).$$
\begin{lem}{simpl-af}Let $f:A\to B$ be a map in
$\Delta^0C^{\geq 0}(\Bbb Z)=C^{\geq 0}(\Delta^0\Ab)$.
Suppose that
(a) $f_n:A_n\to B_n$ is a quasi-isomorphism in $C(\Bbb Z)$
(b) for any $S\in\simpl$ the map $f(S):A(S)\to B(S)$ is surjective
(c) for any $d\in\Bbb Z$ the $d$-components $A^d$ and $B^d$ are contractible
simplicial abelian groups.
Then for any injective map $\alpha:S\to T$ the induced map
$$ A(T)\to A(S)\times_{B(S)}B(T)$$
is a surjective quasi-isomorphism.
For any $S\in\simpl$ the map $f(S):A(S)\to B(S)$ is quasi-isomorphism ---
this follows from~\cite{le}, remark at the end of III.2, applied to~\cite{ha},
This immediately implies that for any $\alpha:S\to T$ the induced map
$$ A(T)\to A(S)\times_{B(S)}B(T)$$
is a quasi-isomorphism. Let us prove that it is surjective if $\alpha$ is
Since $A^d$ are contractible (and Kan), the map $A(\alpha):A(T)\to A(S)$ is
surjective. Thus, by~\Lem{trivial}, it suffices to check that the map
$$ \Ker A(\alpha)\to\Ker B(\alpha)$$ is surjective.
Since the functors $A,B:\simpl\to C(\Bbb Z)$ carry colimits to limits,
the map $\Ker A(\alpha)\to\Ker B(\alpha)$ is a direct summand of the map
$f(T/S): A(T/S)\to B(T/S)$ which is surjective by (b).
Now we are able to prove the following criterion for a map of bisimplicial
complexes of abelian groups to be an acyclic fibration.
Let $f:A\to B$ be a map in $(\Delta^0)^2C^{\geq 0}(\Bbb Z)$ satisfying:
(a) for any $S,T\in\simpl$ the map $f(S,T)$ is surjective
(b) for any $S\in\simpl,\ p\in\Bbb N$ the map $f(S,\Delta^p):
A(S,\Delta^p)\to B(S,\Delta^p)$ is a quasi-isomorphism in $C(\Bbb Z)$.
(c) for any $S\in\simpl$ and any $d$ the simplicial abelian groups
$A^d(S,\_)$, $B^d(S,\_)$ are contractible.
(d) for any $p,d$ the simplicial abelian group $A^d(\_,\Delta^p)$ is
Then $f$ is an acyclic fibration.
\begin{pf}Apply~\Lem{simpl-af} to the map $f(S,\_):A(S,\_)\to B(S\_)$.
We immediately get that for any $S\in\simpl$ and any injective map
$\alpha:T\to T'$ the induced map
$$ A(S,T')\to A(S,T)\times_{B(S,T)}B(S,T')$$
is a surjective quasi-isomorphism. Put $T'=\Delta^p,\ T=\partial\Delta^p.$
The map $A_{np}\to B_{np}\times_{M_{np}(B)}M_{np}(A)$ is then automatically
quasi-isomorphism, an we have only to check it is surjective.
According to (d) the map
$ A(S',T')\to A(S,T')$
is surjective for $T'=\Delta^p$.
$$X(T)=\Ker(A(S',T)\to A(S,T)),\ Y(T)=\Ker(B(S',T)\to B(S,T)).$$
The groups $X(T)$ and $Y(T)$ are direct summands of $A(S'/S,T)$ and of
$B(S'/S,T)$ respectively. Hence the map $X\to Y$ satisfies the hypotheses
of~\Lem{simpl-af}. Therefore the map
$$X(T')\to X(T)\times_{Y(T)}Y(T')$$
is surjective by~\Lem{trivial}. Proposition is proven.
\section{The main theorem}
Now we came to the main result of the paper.
Let $\fg\in\Delta\dgl(k)$ be a cosimplicial nilpotent dg Lie
$k$-algebra. Suppose that $\fg$ is {\em finitely dimensional in the
cosimplicial sense}, i.e. that the normalization
$$N^n(\fg)=\{x\in\fg^n|\sigma^i(x)=0\text{ for all } i\}$$
vanishes for sufficiently big $n$.
There is a natural homotopy equivalence
$$\Sigma(\Tot(\fg))\lra \Tot(\Sigma({\fg}))$$
in $\Kan$.
Taking into account \ref{kan}, we easily get
Let $\fg\in\Delta\dgl(k)$ be a nilpotent cosimplicial dg Lie $k$-algebra.
Suppose that $\fg$ is finitely dimensional in the
cosimplicial sense.
Then there is a natural equivalence of groupoids
$$ \CC(\Tot(\fg))\ra\Tot(\CC(\fg)).$$
One has to check that the functor $\Tot$ carries the map
$\tau:\Sigma(\fg)\to\CC(\fg)$ to a homotopy equivalence. By~\cite{bk},~X.5,
it suffices to check $\tau$ is a fibration in sense of {\em loc. cit.}
This follows from (the second claim of)~\Prop{kan} since for any $n$
the natural map from $\fg^{n+1}$ to the $n$-th matching space
$M^n(\fg)$ (in notations of {\em loc. cit}) is surjective.
\subsection{Proof of the theorem}
The set of $n$-simplices of the left-hand side is
$$ \MC(\Omega_n\otimes\invlim \Omega_p\otimes\fg^q)$$
and for the right-hand side:
$$ \invlim\MC(\Omega(\Delta^n\times\Delta^p)\otimes\fg^q).$$
Here the inverse limits are taken over the category $\CM$ defined
in~\ref{catM} and~\Lem{repr} is used to get the second
Taking into account that the functor $\MC$ commutes with the inverse limits,
a canonical map $\Sigma\circ{\Tot(\fg)}\to\Tot\circ\Sigma({\fg})$ is
defined by the composition
$$\Omega_n\otimes\invlim \Omega_p\otimes\fg^q\to
\invlim \Omega_n\otimes\Omega_p\otimes\fg^q\to
the latter arrow being induced by the canonical projections of
$\Delta^n\times\Delta^p$ to $\Delta^n$ and to $\Delta^p$.
We wish to prove that the map described induces a homotopy equivalence.
Since $\fg$ is finitely dimensional, the first map in the composition is
bijective --- see~\cite{hdtc}, Thm. 6.11. In order to prove that the
second map is a homotopy equivalence, let us fix $n$ and $p$ and
present the map
as the composition
where $\beta$ is induced by the projection
and $\pi$ by the pair of maps $\id\times\partial^{p+1}:\Delta^n\times
We will check below that the maps $\beta$ and $\pi$ induce homotopy
equivalences for different reasons: $\beta$ induces a strong deformation
retract and $\pi$ induces an acyclic (Kan) fibration. This will prove
the theorem.
Define $\Delta^{+1}$ to be the cosimplicial simplicial set with
$(\Delta^{+1})^n=\Delta^{n+1}$ whose cofaces and codegeneracies are the
standard maps between the standard simplices (they all preserve the final
Put $A_{np}=\Omega_n\otimes\Omega_p$, $B_{np}=\Omega(\Delta^n\times
\Delta^p)$, $C_{np}=\Omega(\Delta^n\times\Delta^{p+1})\otimes\Omega_p$.
$A$ and $B$ are bisimplicial commutative dg algebras by an obvious reason.
Bisimplicial structure on $C$ in defined by the cosimplicial structure
on $\Delta^{+1}$.
Our aim is to prove that the maps $\beta:A\to C$ and $\pi:C\to B$
induce homotopy equivalences $\sigma(\beta,\fg)$ and $\sigma(\pi,\fg)$.
We will check immediately that $\sigma(\beta,\fg)$ is a strong
deformation retract. Afterwards, using the criterion~\ref{criterion}
we will get that $\sigma(\pi,\fg)$ is an acyclic fibration.
\subsubsection{Checking $\beta$}
For $S\in\simpl$ and nilpotent $\fg\in\dgl(k)$ denote by
$\Sigma^S(\fg)$ (or just $\Sigma^S$ when $\fg$ is one and the same)
the simplicial set whose set of $n$-simplicies is
$\MC(\Omega(\Delta^n\times S)\otimes\fg)$.
Any map $f:K\times S\to T$ in $\simpl$ induces a map
$$\Sigma^f:K\times \Sigma^T\to \Sigma^S$$
as follows. Let
$k\in K_n,\ x\in\Sigma^T_n=\MC(\Omega(\Delta^n\times T)\otimes\fg)$.
Denote by $F_k$ the composition
$$ \Delta^n\times S\overset{\diag\times 1}{\lra}
\Delta^n\times\Delta^n\times S\overset{1\times k\times 1}{\lra}
\Delta^n\times K\times S\overset{1\times f}{\lra}
\Delta^n\times T.$$
Then $\Sigma^f(k,x)$ is defined to be $(\Omega(F_k)\otimes\id_{\fg})(x)$.
Define the map $\Phi_p:\Delta^1\times
\Delta^{p+1}\to\Delta^{p+1}$ as the one given on the level of posets
by the formula
$$ \Phi_p(i,j)=\begin{cases}
j \text{ if } i=0\\
p+1\text{ if } i=1
The maps $\Phi_p$ induce the maps
$\Sigma^{\Phi_p}(\Omega_p\otimes\fg^q)$ which define for any
$a:[p]\to [q]$ in $\CM$ the simplicial set
$\Sigma(A,\fg)(a)=\MC(A_{\bullet p}\otimes\fg^q)$ as a strong
deformation retract of $\Sigma(C,\fg)(a)$.
The retractions $\Sigma^{\Phi_p}(\Omega_p\otimes\fg^q)$ are functorial in
$a\in\CM$, therefore the inverse image map $\sigma(\beta,\fg)$ is also strong
deformation retract.
\subsubsection{Checking $\pi$} Now we will prove that the map
$\pi:C\to B$ of bisimplicial dg algebras defined above induces an acyclic
fibration $\sigma(\pi,\fg)$.
Let us check the hypotheses of~\ref{criterion}.
First of all, let us check that $\pi(S,T)$ is surjective. For this
consider $D_{np}=\Omega(\Delta^n,\Delta^{p+1})$ and the map
$\rho_{np}:D_{np}\to B_{np}$ which is the composition of $\pi$
with the natural embedding $D_{np}\to C_{np}=D_{np}\otimes\Omega_p$.
Surely, it suffices to prove that $\rho(S,T)$ is surjective.
For this we note that $D(S,T)=\Omega(S\times\cone{T})$ where
$\cone{\ }:\simpl\to\simpl$ is the functor satisfying the condition
$\cone{\ }|_{\Delta}=\Delta^{+1}$ and preserving colimits
(see~\cite{gz},II.1.3). Then, since the map
$S\times T\to S\times\cone{T}$ is injective, the map
$$\Omega(S\times\cone{T})\to \Omega(S\times T)$$
is surjective.
Next, one has
$$B(S,\Delta^p)=\Omega (S\times\Delta^p)$$
so the condition~\ref{criterion} (b) is fulfilled.
The simplicial abelian groups $C^d(S,\_)$ are contractible by the K\"unneth
formula. The abelian groups $B^d(S,\_)=\Omega^d(S\times\_)$
are contractible since any injective map $T\to T'$ induces a
surjection $\Omega(S\times T')\to\Omega(S\times T)$. The same reason
proves the condition (d).
Therefore, the map $\pi:C\to B$ of bisimplicial commutative dg algebras
is an acyclic fibration by~\Prop{criterion} and then by~\Prop{bi-af->af}
the map $\sigma(\pi,\fg)$ is an acyclic fibration in $\simpl$.
The Theorem is proven.
\section{Application to Deformation theory}
In this Section we describe how to deduce from~\Cor{cor(main)}
the description of universal formal deformations for some typical
deformation problems.
Consider, for example, three deformation problems which have been
studied in~\cite{hdtc}.
Let $X$ be a smooth separated scheme $X$ over a field $k$
of characteristic $0$, $G$ an algebraic group over $k$ and $p: P\lra X$
a $G$-torsor over $X$. Consider the following deformation
{\bf Problem 1.} Flat deformations of $X$.
{\bf Problem 2.} Flat deformations of the pair $(X,P)$.
{\bf Problem 3.} Deformations of $P$ ($X$ being fixed).
To each problem one can assign a sheaf of $k$-Lie algebras $\fg_i$ on $X$
(these are the sheaves ${\cal A}_i,\ i=1,2,3$ from {\em loc. cit.},
Section 8).
According to Grothendieck, to each problem corresponds a (2-)functor
of infinitesimal deformations
from the category of local artinian $k$-algebras with the residue
field $k$ to the (2-)category of groupoids.
In each case, $\fg_i$ is "a sheaf of infinitesimal automorphisms"
corresponding to $F_i$ (in the sense of ~\cite{sga1}, Exp.III, 5,
especially Cor. 5.2 for Problem 1; for the other problems the meaning is
If $X$ is affine, the functor $F_i$ is equivalent to the Deligne groupoid
$\CC_L,\ L=\Gamma(X,\fg_i)$ defined as the functor
$$ \CC_L:\art/k\to\Grp$$
which is given by the formula
$$\CC_L(A)=\CC(\fm\otimes L)$$
where $\fm$ is the maximal ideal of $A$.
The deformation functor $F_i$ defines a stack $\CF_i$ in the Zariski topology
of $X$. The Deligne functor defines a fibered category $\CC_{\fg_i}$ which
assigns a groupoid $\CC_{\Gamma(U,\fg_i)}(A)$ to each Zariski open set $U$ and
to each $A\in\art/k$.
We have a canonical map of fibered categories $ \CC_{\fg_i}\to\CF_i$ so that
$\CF_i$ is equivalent to the stack associated to the fibered category
Using~\Cor{cor(main)} we immediately get
The deformation groupoid $F_i$ is naturally equivalent to the Deligne
groupoid associated with the dg Lie algebra $\Right\Gamma^{\Lie}(X,\fg_i)$.
In particular, the following generalization of~\cite{hdtc}, Thm.~8.3
takes place.
Suppose that $H^0(X,\fg_i)=0$; let $\fS=\Spf(R)$ be the base
of the universal formal deformation for Problem $i$.
Then we have a canonical isomorphism
where $R^*$ denotes the space of continuous $k$-linear maps $R\lra k$
($k$ considered in the discrete topology) and $H^{\Lie}_0$ denotes the
$0$-th Lie homology.
Recall that this result has been proven in~{\em loc. cit.} for $\fS$
formally smooth.
2009-11-28T03:16:12 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606006 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606006 | [
] | alg-geom/9606006 | Dmitri O. Orlov | Dmitri Orlov | Equivalences of derived categories and K3 surfaces | 28 pages, LaTeX file | J. Math. Sci. (New York) 84 (1997), no. 5, 1361--1381 | null | null | http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/ | We consider derived categories of coherent sheaves on smooth projective
varieties. We prove that any equivalence between them can be represented by an
object on the product. Using this, we give a necessary and sufficient condition
for equivalence of derived categories of two K3 surfaces.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 Jun 1996 12:29:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 11 Jun 1996 10:37:02 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 1 Nov 1996 12:54:27 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Wed, 17 Dec 1997 13:00:12 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Sat, 28 Nov 2009 02:16:12 GMT"
] | 2009-11-28T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
Let $\db{X}$ be the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on a smooth
projective variety $X.$ The category $\db{X}$ has the structure of a triangulated
category (see \cite{Ver}, \cite{GM}). We shall consider $\db{X}$
as a triangulated category.
In this paper we are concerned with the problem of description for varieties,
have equivalent derived categories of coherent sheaves.
In the paper \cite{Mu1}, Mukai showed that for an abelian variety $A$ and its dual
$\hat{A}$ the derived categories $\db{A}$
and $\db{\hat{A}}$ are equivalent . Equivalences of another type appeared in \cite{BO}.
are induced by certain birational transformations which are called flops.
Further, it was proved in the paper \cite{BOr} that if
$X$ is a smooth projective variety with either ample canonical or ample
sheaf, then any other algebraic variety $X'$ such that $\db{X'}\simeq\db{X}$
is biregularly isomorphic to $X.$
The aim of this paper is to give some description for equivalences between
derived categories of coherent sheaves. The main result is Theorem \ref{main} of
$\S 2.$
It says that any full and faithful exact functor $F: \db{M}\longrightarrow \db{X}$ having left (or right) adjoint functor can
be represented by
an object $E\in\db{M\times X},$ i.e. $F(\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture})\cong
R^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}\pi_*(E\stackrel{L}{\otimes}p^*(\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture})),$ where $\pi$ and $p$ are the
projections on $M$ and $X$ respectively.
In $\S 3,$ basing on the Mukai's results \cite{Mu}, we show that two K3
surfaces $S_1$ and $S_2$ over field $\Bbb{C}$ have equivalent derived categories
of coherent sheaves iff the lattices of transcendental cycles $T_{S_1}$ and
$T_{S_2}$ are Hodge isometric.
I would like to thank A.~Polishchuk for useful notices.
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex We collect here some facts relating to triangulated categories. Recall
that a triangulated category is an additive category with additional structures:
a) {\it an additive autoequivalence $T : {\mathcal D}\longrightarrow {\mathcal
D},$ which is called a translation functor} (we usually write $X[n]$
instead of $T^n(X)$ and $f[n]$ instead of $T^n(f)$),
b) {\it a class of distinguished triangles:}
And these structures must satisfy the usual set of axioms (see \cite{Ver}).
If $X,$ $ Y$ are objects of a triangulated category ${\mathcal D},$
then ${\H i,{\mathcal D}, X, Y}$ means ${\H{},{\mathcal D}, X,
An additive functor $F : {\mathcal D}\longrightarrow{\mathcal D}'$ between two
triangulated categories ${\mathcal D}$ and ${\mathcal D}'$ is called
{\sf exact} if
a) {\it it commutes with the translation functor, i.e there is fixed
an isomorphism of functors:}
t_F : F\circ T\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}T'\circ F,
b) {\it it takes every distinguished triangle to a distinguished triangle}
(using the isomorphism $t_F,$ we replace $F(X[1])$ by $F(X)[1]$).
The following lemma will be needed for the sequel.
\th{Lemma}\cite{BK} If a functor $G : {\mathcal D}'\longrightarrow{\mathcal D}$
is a left (or right) adjoint to an exact functor $F : {\mathcal
D}\longrightarrow{\mathcal D}'$ then functor $G$ is also exact . \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup \par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. } Since
$G$ is the left adjoint functor to $F,$ there exist canonical
morphisms of functors $id_{\mathcal D'}\to F\circ G,\; G\circ F\longrightarrow
id_{\mathcal D}.$ Let us consider the following sequence of natural
G\circ T'\longrightarrow G\circ T'\circ F\circ G\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}
G\circ F\circ T\circ G\longrightarrow T\circ G
We obtain the natural morphism $G\circ T'\longrightarrow T\circ G.$ This
morphism is an isomorphism. Indeed, for any two objects $A\in
{\mathcal D}$ and $B\in {\mathcal D}'$ we have isomorphisms :
{\h G(B[1]), A}\cong{\h B[1], {F(A)}}\cong{\h B, {F(A)[-1]}}\cong\\\\
{\h B, {F(A[-1])}}\cong{\h G(B), {A[-1]}}\cong{\h G(B)[1], A}\\
This implies that the natural morphism $G\circ T'\longrightarrow T\circ G$ is an isomorphism.
Let now $A\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow}B\longrightarrow C\longrightarrow A[1]$ be a
distinguished triangle in ${\mathcal D}'.$ We have to show that $G$
takes this triangle to a distinguished one.
Let us include the morphism $G(\alpha) : G(A)\to G(B)$ into a distinguished
G(A)\longrightarrow G(B)\longrightarrow Z\longrightarrow G(A)[1].
Applying functor $F$ to it, we obtain a distinguished triangle:
FG(A)\longrightarrow FG(B)\longrightarrow F(Z)\longrightarrow FG(A)[1]
(we use the commutation isomorphisms like $T'\circ F\stackrel{\sim}{\to}
F\circ T$ with no mention).
Using morphism $id\to F\circ G,$ we get a commutative diagram:
A&\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow}&B&\longrightarrow& C&\longrightarrow& A[1]\\
FG(A)&\stackrel{FG(\alpha)}{\longrightarrow}& FG(B)&\longrightarrow& F(Z)&\longrightarrow& FG(A)[1]
By axioms of triangulated categories there exists a morphism $\mu : C\to
F(Z)$ that completes this commutative diagram. Since $G$ is left adjoint to
$F,$ the morphism $\mu$ defines $\nu : G(C)\to Z.$ It is clear that
$\nu$ makes the following diagram commutative:
G(A)&\longrightarrow&G(B)&\longrightarrow& Z&\longrightarrow&G(A)[1]\\
To prove the lemma, it suffices to show that $\nu$ is an isomorphism.
For any object $Y\in{\mathcal D}$ let us consider the diagram for
\to{\h G(A)[1], Y}&\to&{\h Z, Y}&\to&{\h G(B), Y}\to\\
\big\downarrow\wr&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{\mr{H}_Y (\nu)}}&&
\to{\h G(A)[1], Y}&{\to}&{\h G(C), Y}&\to&{\h G(B), Y}
\to{\h A[1], {F(Y)}}&\to&{\h C, {F(Y)}}&\to&{\h B, {F(Y)}}
Since the lower sequence is exact, the middle sequence is exact also.
By the lemma about five homomorphisms, for any $Y$ the morphism $\mr{H}(\nu)$ is an
isomorphism . Thus
$\nu : G(C)\to Z$ is an isomorphism too. This concludes the proof. $\Box$
Let $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}} = \{ X^{c}\stackrel{d^{c}}{\to}X^{c+1}\stackrel{d^{c+1}}{\to}
\cdots\to X^0\}$
be a bounded complex over a triangulated category ${\mathcal D},$
i.e. all compositions $d^{i+1}\circ d^i$ are equal to $0$ ($c< 0$).
A left Postnikov system, attached to $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}},$ is, by definition, a diagram
\put(62,43){$ j_c$}
\put(100,32){$ i_{c+1}$}
\put(134,43){$ j_{c+1}$}
\put(178,32){$ i_{c+2}$}
\put(302,43){$ j_{-1}$}
\put(342,32){$ i_0$}
\put(55,85){$ d^{c}$}
\put(135,85){$ d^{c+1}$}
\put(50,60){$ \circlearrowleft$}
\put(90,26){$ \star$}
\put(130,60){$ \circlearrowleft$}
\put(170,26){$ \star$}
\put(330,26){$ \star$}
\put(90,7){$ [1]$}
\put(170,7){$ [1]$}
\put(330,7){$ [1]$}
\noindent in which all triangles marked with $\star$ are
distinguished and triangles marked with $\circlearrowleft$ are commutative
(i.e. $j_k\circ i_k = d^{k}$). An object $E\in\mbox{Ob}{\mathcal D}$
is called a left convolution of $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}},$ if there exists a left
Postnikov system, attached to $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$ such that $E=Y^0.$ The
class of all convolutions of $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$ will be denoted by
$\mbox{Tot} (X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}).$ Clearly the Postnikov systems and
convolutions are stable under exact functors between triangulated
The class $\mbox{Tot}(X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}})$ may contain many non-isomorphic elements
and may be empty. Further we shall give a sufficient condition for
$\mbox{Tot}(X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}})$ to be non-empty and for its objects to be isomorphic.
The following lemma is needed for the sequel(see \cite{BBD}).
Let $g$ be a morphism between two objects $Y$ and $Y',$ which are included into
two distinguished triangles:
If $v'gu=0,$ then there exist morphisms $f : X\to X'$ and $h : Z\to Z'$ such
that the triple $(f, g, h)$ is a morphism of triangles.
If, in addition, ${\h X[1], {Z'}}=0$ then this triple is uniquely determined
by $g.$
Now we prove two lemmas which are generalizations of the previous one for
Postnikov diagrams.
Let $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}} = \{ X^{c}\stackrel{d^{c}}{\to}X^{c+1}\stackrel{d^{c+1}}{\to}
\cdots\to X^0\}$
be a bounded complex over a triangulated category ${\mathcal D}.$
Suppose it satisfies the following condition:
{\H i, {}, X^a, {X^b}}=0\; \mbox{ for }\; i<0 \;\mbox{ and }\; a<b.
Then there exists a convolution for this complex and all convolutions are
isomorphic (noncanonically).
If, in addition,
{\H i, {}, X^a, {Y^0}}=0 \;\mbox{ for }\; i<0\; \mbox{ and for all }\; a
for some convolution
$Y^0$ (and, consequently, for any one), then all convolutions are canonically
Let $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_1$ and $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_2$ be bounded complexes that
satisfy (\ref{ex}),
and let $(f_c,...,f_0)$ be
a morphism of these complexes:
Suppose that
{\H i, {}, X^a_1, {X^b_2}}=0 \;\mbox{ for }\; i<0 \;\mbox{ and }\; a<b.
Then for any convolution $Y^0_1$ of $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_1$
and for any convolution $Y^0_2$ of $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_2$ there
exists a morphism $f : Y^0_1\to Y^0_2$ that commutes with the morphism $f_0.$
If, in addition,
\begin{equation} \label{unm}
{\H i, {}, X^a_1, {Y^0_2}}=0 \;\mbox{ for }\; i<0\; \mbox{ and for all }\; a
then this morphism
is unique.
\par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. }
We shall prove both lemmas together.
Let $Y^{c+1}$ be a cone of the morphism $d^c$:
X^c\stackrel{d^c}{\longrightarrow}X^{c+1}\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow} Y^{c+1}\longrightarrow X^c [1]
By assumption $d^{c+1}\circ d^c =0$ and ${\h X^c [1], {X^{c+2}}}=0,$ hence
there exists a unique morphism $\bar{d}^{c+1} : Y^{c+1}\to
X^{c+2}$ such that
\alpha = d^{c+1}.$
Let us consider a composition
$d^{c+2}\circ \bar{d}^{c+1} : Y^{c+1}\to X^{c+3}.$
We know that $d^{c+2}\circ \bar{d}^{c+1}\circ\alpha = d^{c+2}\circ d^{c+1}=0 ,$
and at the same time we have ${\h X^c [1], {X^{c+3}}}=0.$ This implies that
the composition $d^{c+2}\circ \bar{d}^{c+1}$ is equal to $0.$
Moreover, consider the distinguished triangle for $Y^{c+1}.$ It can easily be
checked that
${\H i, {}, Y^{c+1},{ X^b}}=0$ for $i<0$ and $b>c+1.$
Hence the complex
$Y^{c+1}\longrightarrow X^{c+2}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow X^0$ satisfies the condition (\ref{ex}).
By induction, we can suppose that it has a convolution. This implies that
the complex $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$ has a convolution too.
Thus, the class $\mbox{Tot}(X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}})$ is non-empty.
Now we shall show that under the conditions (\ref{exm}) any morphism of complexes
can be extended to a morphism of Postnikov systems.
Let us consider cones $Y^{c+1}_1$ and $Y^{c+1}_2$ of the morphisms $d^c_1$ and
$d^c_2.$ There exists a morphism $g_{c+1} : Y^{c+1}_1\to Y^{c+1}_2$ such that
one has
the morphism of distinguished triangles:
Y^{c+1}_1&\longrightarrow&X^c_1 [1]\\
&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_c [1]}}\\
Y^{c+1}_2&\longrightarrow&X^c_2 [1]\\
As above, there exist uniquely determined morphisms
$ \bar{d}^{c+1}_i : Y^{c+1}_i\to X^{c+2}_i$ for $i=1,2.$
Consider the following diagram:
Let us show that this square is commutative. Denote by $h$ the difference
$f_{c+2}\circ \bar{d}^{c+1}_1 - \bar{d}^{c+1}_2\circ g_{c+1}.$ We have
$h\circ \alpha = f_{c+2}\circ {d}^{c+1}_1 - {d}^{c+1}_2\circ f_{c+1} = 0$
and, by assumption, ${\h X^c_1 [1], {X^{c+2}_2}}=0.$ It follows that $h=0.$
Therefore, we obtain the morphism of new complexes:
It can easily be checked that these complexes satisfy the conditions (\ref{ex})
and (\ref{exm}) of the lemmas.
By the induction hypothesis, this morphism can be extended to a morphism of Postnikov
systems, attached to these complexes. Hence there exists a morphism of
Postnikov systems, attached to $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_1$ and $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_2.$
Moreover, we see that if all morphisms $f_i$ are isomorphisms, then a
morphism of Postnikov systems is an isomorphism too. Therefore, under the
condition (\ref{ex}) all objects from the class $\mbox{Tot}(X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}})$ are isomorphic.
Now let us consider a morphism of the rightmost distinguished triangles of
Postnikov systems:
Y^{-1}_1&\stackrel{j_{1, -1}}{\longrightarrow}&X^0_1&\stackrel{i_{1, 0}}{\longrightarrow}&
Y^0_1&\longrightarrow&Y^{-1}_1 [1]\\
&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{g_{-1} [1]}}\\
Y^{-1}_2&\stackrel{j_{2, -1}}{\longrightarrow}&X^0_2&\stackrel{i_{2, 0}}{\longrightarrow}&
Y^0_2&\longrightarrow&Y^{-1}_2 [1]\\
If the complexes $X^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_i$ satisfy the condition (\ref{unm}) (
i.e.${\H i, {}, X^a_1, {Y^0_2}}=0$ for $ i<0 $ and all $ a$),
then we get ${\h Y^{-1}_1 [1], {Y^0_2}}=0.$
It follows from Lemma \ref{tr} that $g_0$ is uniquely determined.
This concludes the proof of both lemmas. $\Box$
\section{Equivalences of derived categories}
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex Let $X$ and $M$ be smooth projective varieties over field $k.$
Denote by $\db{X}$ and $\db{M}$ the bounded derived categories of
coherent sheaves on $X$ and $M$ respectively. Recall that a derived
category has the structure of a triangulated category.
For every object $E\in \db{M\times X}$ we can define an exact functor
$\Phi_E$ from $\db{M}$ to $\db{X}.$ Denote by $p$ and $\pi$ the projections
of ${M\times X}$ onto $M$ and $X$ respectively:
M\times X&\stackrel{\pi}{\longrightarrow}&X\\
Then $\Phi_E$ is defined by the following formula:
\Phi_E(\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}):= \pi_*(E\otimes p^*(\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}))
(we always shall write shortly $f_* , f^*, \otimes$ and etc. instead of $R^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}f_*,
L^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}f^*, \stackrel{L}{\otimes},$ because we consider only derived functors).
The functor $\Phi_E$ has the left and the right adjoint functors $\Phi_E^*$ and
$\Phi_E^!$ respectively, defined by the following formulas:
\Phi_E^* (\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}) = p_*(E^{\vee}\otimes \pi^*(\omega_X [dimX]\otimes (\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}))),\\\\
\Phi_E^! (\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}) =\omega_M [dimM]\otimes p_*(E^{\vee}\otimes (\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture})),
where $\omega_X$ and $\omega_M$ are the canonical sheaves on $X$ and
$M,$ and $E^{\vee}:= {\pmb R}^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}{\mathcal H}om( E, {\mathcal
O}_{M\times X} ).$
Let $F$ be an exact functor from the derived category $\db{M}$ to the
derived category $\db{X}.$ Denote by $F^*$ and $F^!$ the left and the right
adjoint functors for $F$ respectively, when they exist. Note that if there
exists the left adjoint functor $F^*,$ then the right adjoint functor $F^!$
also exists and
F^! = S_M\circ F^*\circ S_X^{-1},
where $S_X$ and $S_M$ are Serre functors on $\db{X}$ and $\db{M}.$ They are
equal to $(\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture})\otimes\omega_X [dimX]$ and $(\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture})\otimes\omega_M [dimM]$ (see
What can we say about the category of all exact functors between $\db{M}$
and $\db{X}$? It seems to be true that any functor can be represented by an
object on the product $M\times X$ for smooth projective varieties $M$ and $X.$
But we are unable prove it. However, when $F$ is full and faithfull, it can be
represented. The main result of this chapter is the following theorem.
Let $F$ be an exact functor from $\db{M}$ to $\db{X},$ where $M$ and $X$ are
smooth projective varieties. Suppose $F$ is full and faithful and has
the right (and,consequently, the left) adjoint functor.
Then there exists an object $E\in\db{M\times X}$ such
that $F$ is isomorphic to the functor $\Phi_E$ defined by the rule
(\ref{dfun}), and this object is unique up to isomorphism.
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex Let $F$ be an exact functor from a derived category
$\db{\mathcal A}$ to a derived category $\db{\mathcal B}.$
We say that $F$ is {\sf bounded} if there exist
$z\in {\Bbb{Z}}, n\in \Bbb{N}$ such that for any $A\in{\mathcal A}$
the cohomology objects ${H}^i (F(A))$ are equal to $0$ for $i\not\in
[z, z+n].$
\th{Lemma} Let $M$ and $X$ be smooth projective varieties. If an
exact functor $F : \db{M}\longrightarrow\db{X}$ has a left adjoint functor
then it is bounded. \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup \par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. } Let $G : \db{X}\longrightarrow\db{M}$ be a left
adjoint functor to $F.$ Take a very ample invertible sheaf
${\mathcal L}$ on $X.$ It gives the embedding $i : X \hookrightarrow
{\Bbb{P}}^N.$ For any $i<0$ we have right resolution of the sheaf
${\mathcal O}(i)$ on ${\Bbb{P}}^N$ in terms of the sheaves
${\mathcal O}(j),$
where $j=0, 1,.., N$(see \cite{Be}). It is easily seen that this resolution
is of the form
{\mathcal O}(i)\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\Bigl\{ V_0\otimes{\mathcal
O}\longrightarrow V_1\otimes{\mathcal O}(1)\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow V_N\otimes{\mathcal
O}(N)\longrightarrow 0 \Bigl\}
where all $V_k$ are vector spaces. The restriction of this
resolution to $X$ gives us the resolution of the sheaf ${\mathcal
L}^{ i}$ in terms of the sheaves ${\mathcal L}^{ j},$ where $j=0,
1,..., N.$ Since the functor $G$ is exact that there exist $z'$ and
$n'$ such that ${H}^{k}(G({\mathcal L}^{ i}))$ are equal $0$ for
$k\not\in [z', z'+n'].$ This follows from the existence of the
spectral sequence
E^{p,q}_1 = V_p\otimes {H}^q(G({\mathcal L}^{p})) \Rightarrow
{H}^{p+q}(G({\mathcal L}^{i})).
As all nonzero terms of this spectral sequence are concentrated in
some rectangle, so it follows that for all $i$ cohomologies
${H}^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}(G({\mathcal L}^{i}))$ are concentrated in some
Now, notice that if ${\H j, {}, {\mathcal L}^{i}, {F(A)}}= 0$ for
all $i\ll0,$ then ${H}^j (F(A))$ is equal to $0.$ Further,
by assumption,
the functor $G$ is left adjoint to $F,$ hence
{\H j, {}, {\mathcal L}^{i}, {F(A)}}\cong
{\H j, {}, G({\mathcal L}^{i}), A}.\\
If now $A$ is a sheaf on $M,$ then ${\H j, {}, G({\mathcal L}^{i}),
A}=0$ for all $i<0$ and $j\not\in [-z'-n', -z'+ dimM],$ and thus
${H}^j (F(A))=0$ for the same $j.$ $\Box$
\th{Remark}\label{boun} We shall henceforth assume that for any
sheaf ${\mathcal F}$ on $M$ the cohomology objects ${H}^i
(F({\mathcal F}))$ are nonzero only if $i\in [-a, 0].$ \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex \label{cons} Now we begin constructing an object $E\in\db{M\times X}.$
Firstly, we shall consider a closed embedding $j : M\hookrightarrow{\Bbb{P}}^N$
and shall construct an object $E'\in \db{{\Bbb{P}}^N \times X}.$ Secondly,
we shall show that there exists an object $E\in\db{M\times X}$ such that
$E'=(j\times id)_* E.$ After that we shall prove that functors $F$ and $\Phi_E$ are isomorphic.
Let ${\mathcal L}$ be a very ample invertible sheaf on $M$ such that
${\mr H}^i ({\mathcal L}^{k})=0$ for any $k>0,$ when $i\not=0.$ By
$j$ denote the closed embedding $j : M\hookrightarrow{\Bbb{P}}^N$
with respect to ${\mathcal L}.$
Recall that there exists a resolution of the diagonal on the product
${\Bbb{P}}^N \times {\Bbb{P}}^N$ (see\cite{Be}). Let us consider the following
complex of sheaves on the product:
0\to {\mathcal O}(-N)\boxtimes\Omega^N (N)\stackrel{d_{-N}}{\to}{\mathcal
O}(-N+1)\boxtimes \Omega^{N-1} (N-1)\to\cdots\to{\mathcal
O}(-1)\boxtimes\Omega^{1} (1) \stackrel{d_{-1}}{\to}{\mathcal
O}\boxtimes{\mathcal O}
This complex is a resolution of the structure sheaf ${\mathcal
O}_{\Delta}$ of the diagonal $\Delta.$
Now by $F'$ denote the functor from $\db{{\Bbb{P}}^N}$ to $\db{X},$ which
is the composition $F\circ j^*.$ Consider the product
{\Bbb{P}}^N \times X&\stackrel{\pi^{'}}{\longrightarrow}&X\\
Denote by
d'_{-i}\in{\H {}, {{\Bbb{P}}^N \times X}, {\mathcal O}(-i)\boxtimes
F'(\Omega^i (i)), {{\mathcal O}(-i+1)\boxtimes F'(\Omega^{i-1} (i-1))}}
the image $d_{-i}$
under the following through map.
{\h {\mathcal O}(-i)\boxtimes \Omega^i (i),
{{\mathcal O}(-i+1)\boxtimes \Omega^{i-1} (i-1)}}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\\\\
{\h {\mathcal O}\boxtimes \Omega^i (i),
{{\mathcal O}(1)\boxtimes \Omega^{i-1} (i-1)}}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\\\\
{\h \Omega^i (i),
{{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(1))\otimes \Omega^{i-1} (i-1)}}\longrightarrow\\\\
{\h F'(\Omega^i (i)),
{{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(1))\otimes F'(\Omega^{i-1} (i-1))}}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\\\\
{\h {\mathcal O}\boxtimes F'(\Omega^i (i)),
{{\mathcal O}(1)\boxtimes F'(\Omega^{i-1} (i-1))}}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\\\\
{\h {\mathcal O}(-i)\boxtimes F'(\Omega^i (i)), {{\mathcal O}(-i+1)\boxtimes
F'(\Omega^{i-1} (i-1))}}
It can easily be checked that the composition $d_{-i+1}\circ d_{-i}$ is
equal to $0.$ We omit the check.
Consider the following complex $C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$
C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}} :=\{ {\mathcal O}(-N)\boxtimes F'(\Omega^N
(N))\stackrel{d'_{-N}}{\longrightarrow} \cdots\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}(-1)\boxtimes
F'(\Omega^{1} (1))\stackrel{d'_{-1}}{\longrightarrow} {\mathcal O}\boxtimes
F'({\mathcal O}) \}
over the derived category $\db{{\Bbb{P}}^N \times X}.$ For $l<0$ we have
{\H l, {}, {\mathcal O}(-i)\boxtimes F'(\Omega^i (i)),
{{\mathcal O}(-k)\boxtimes F'(\Omega^{k} (k))}}\cong\\\\
{\H l, {}, {\mathcal O}\boxtimes F'(\Omega^i (i)),
{{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(i-k))\otimes F'(\Omega^{k} (k))}}\cong\\\\
{\H l, {}, j^* (\Omega^i (i)), {{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(i-k))\otimes j^*
(\Omega^{k} (k))}}=0
Hence, by Lemma \ref{pd1}, there exists a convolution of the complex
$C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}},$ and all convolutions are isomorphic. By $E'$ denote
some convolution of $C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$ and by $\gamma_0$ denote the
morphism ${\mathcal O}\boxtimes F'({\mathcal
O})\stackrel{\gamma_0}{\longrightarrow}E'.$ (Further we shall see that all
convolutions of $C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$ are canonically isomorphic). Now let
$\Phi_{E'}$ be the functor from $\db{{\Bbb{P}}^N}$ to $\db{X},$
defined by (\ref{dfun}).
\th{Lemma}\label{tran} There exist canonically defined isomorphisms
$f_k : F'({\mathcal O}(k)) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\Phi_{E'}({\mathcal
O}(k))$ for all $k\in{\Bbb{Z}},$ and these isomorphisms are
functorial, i.e. for any $\alpha : {\mathcal O}(k)\to {\mathcal
O}(l)$ the following diagram commutes
F'({\mathcal O}(k))&\stackrel{F'(\alpha)}{\longrightarrow}&F'({\mathcal O}(l))\\
O}(k))&\stackrel{\Phi_{E'}(\alpha)}{\longrightarrow}&\Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(l))
\par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. }
At first, assume that $k\ge0.$
Consider the resolution (\ref{di}) of the diagonal
$\Delta\subset{\Bbb{P}}^N \times{\Bbb{P}}^N$ and, after tensoring it
with ${\mathcal O}(k)\boxtimes{\mathcal O},$ push forward onto the second
component. We get the following resolution of ${\mathcal O}(k)$ on
\{ {\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k-N))\otimes\Omega^N (N){\longrightarrow}\cdots\longrightarrow{\mr
H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k-1)) \otimes\Omega^{1}(1){\longrightarrow}{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal
O}(k))\otimes{\mathcal O} \}\stackrel{\delta_k}{\longrightarrow}{\mathcal O}(k)
Consequently $F'({\mathcal O}(k))$ is a convolution of the complex
{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k-N))\otimes F'(\Omega^N
(N)){\longrightarrow}\cdots\longrightarrow{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k-1)) \otimes
F'(\Omega^{1}(1)){\longrightarrow}{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k))\otimes F'({\mathcal
over $\db{X}.$
On the other hand, let us consider the complex $C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_k := q^*
{\mathcal O}(k)\otimes C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$ on ${\Bbb{P}}^N\times X$ with the
morphism $\gamma_k : {\mathcal O}(k)\boxtimes F'({\mathcal O})\longrightarrow
q^*{\mathcal O}(k)\otimes E',$ and push it forward onto the second
component. It follows from the construction of the complex
$C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}$ that $\pi'_* (C^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_k)=D^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_k.$ So we see that
$F'({\mathcal O}(k))$ and $\Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(k))$ both are
convolutions of the same complex $D^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_k.$
By assumption the functor $F$ is full and faithful, hence, if
${\mathcal G}$ and ${\mathcal H}$ are locally free sheaves on
${\Bbb{P}}^N$ then we have
{\H i, {}, F'({\mathcal G}), {F'({\mathcal H})}}= {\H i, {}, j^*
({\mathcal G}), {j^*({\mathcal H})}}=0
for $i<0.$ Therefore the complex $D^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_k$ satisfies the
conditions (\ref{ex}) and (\ref{une}) of Lemma \ref{pd1} Hence
there exists a uniquely defined isomorphism $f_k : F'({\mathcal
O}(k))\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} \Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(k)),$ completing
the following commutative diagram
{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k))\otimes F'({\mathcal
&F'({\mathcal O}(k))\\
{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k))\otimes F'({\mathcal O})&\stackrel{\pi'_*
(\gamma_k)}{\longrightarrow}&\Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(k))
Now we have to show that these morphisms are functorial. For any
$\alpha : {\mathcal O}(k)\to{\mathcal O}(l)$ we have the commutative
{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k))\otimes F'({\mathcal
&F'({\mathcal O}(k))\\
\llap{\ss{{\mr H}^0 (\alpha)\otimes id}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{F'(\alpha)}}\\
{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(l))\otimes F'({\mathcal
O})&\stackrel{F'(\delta_l)}{\longrightarrow}& F'({\mathcal O}(l))
{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(k))\otimes F'({\mathcal O})& \stackrel{\pi'_*
&\Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(k))\\
\llap{\ss{{\mr H}^0 (\alpha)\otimes id}}\big\downarrow&&
{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal O}(l))\otimes F'({\mathcal O})& \stackrel{\pi'_*
(\gamma_l)}{\longrightarrow}&\Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(l))
Therefore we have the equalities:
f_l\circ F'(\alpha)\circ F'(\delta_k)=f_l\circ F'(\delta_l)\circ
({\mr H}^0 (\alpha)\otimes id)=
\pi'_* (\gamma_l)\circ
({\mr H}^0 (\alpha)\otimes id)=
\Phi_{E'}(\alpha)\circ \pi'_* (\gamma_k)= \\
\Phi_{E'}(\alpha)\circ f_k \circ F'(\delta_k)
Since the complexes $D^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_k$ and $D^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_l$ satisfy the
conditions of Lemma \ref{pd2} there exists only one morphism $h:
F'({\mathcal O}(k)) \to \Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(l))$ such that
h\circ F'(\delta_k) = \pi'_* (\gamma_l)\circ
({\mr H}^0 (\alpha)\otimes id)
Hence $f_l\circ F'(\alpha)$ coincides with $\Phi_{E'}(\alpha)\circ f_k.$
Now, consider the case $k<0.$
Let us take the following right resolution for ${\mathcal O}(k)$ on
{\mathcal O}(k)\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\bigl\{ V^k_0 \otimes{\mathcal
O}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow V^k_N \otimes {\mathcal O}(N)\bigr\}
By Lemma \ref{pd2}, the morphism of the complexes over $\db{X}$
V^k_0 \otimes F'({\mathcal O})&\longrightarrow&\cdots&\longrightarrow& V^k_N \otimes F'({\mathcal O}(N))\\
\llap{\ss{id\otimes f_0}}\big\downarrow\wr&&&&\llap{\ss{id\otimes f_N}}\big\downarrow\wr\\
V^k_0 \otimes \Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O})&\longrightarrow&\cdots&\longrightarrow& V^k_N \otimes \Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(N))\\
gives us the uniquely determined morphism $f_k : F'({\mathcal
O}(k))\longrightarrow \Phi_{E'}({\mathcal O}(k)).$
It is not hard to prove that these morphisms are functorial. The proof
is left to a reader. $\Box$
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex Now we must prove that there exists an object $E\in\db{M\times X}$
such that $j_* E\cong E'.$
Let ${\mathcal L}$ be a very ample invertible sheaf on $M$ and let
$j: M\hookrightarrow {\Bbb{P}}^N$ be an embedding with respect to
${\mathcal L}.$ By $A$ denote the graded algebra
$\bigoplus\limits^{\infty}_{i=0} {\mr H}^0 (M, {\mathcal L}^{i}).$
Let $B_0=k,$ and $B_1=A_1.$ For $m\ge 2,$ we define $B_m$ as
\begin{equation} \label{dual}
B_m = Ker( B_{m-1}\otimes A_1 \longrightarrow B_{m-2}\otimes A_2 )
$A$ is said to be $n$-Koszul if the following sequence is exact
B_n \otimes_k A\longrightarrow B_{n-1}\otimes_k A\longrightarrow \cdots\longrightarrow B_1\otimes_k A\longrightarrow A\longrightarrow k\longrightarrow 0
Assume that $A$ is n-Koszul. Let $R_0 = {\mathcal O}_M.$ For $m\ge
1,$ denote by $R_m$ the kernel of the morphism $B_m\otimes{\mathcal O}_M
\longrightarrow B_{m-1}\otimes{\mathcal L}.$ Using (\ref{dual}), we obtain the
canonical morphism $R_m\longrightarrow A_1\otimes R_{m-1}.$ (actually, ${\h R_m,
{R_{m-1}}}\cong A_1^*$).
Since $A$ is $n$-Koszul, we have the exact sequences
0\longrightarrow R_m \longrightarrow B_m\otimes {\mathcal O}_M \longrightarrow B_{m-1}\otimes{\mathcal
L}\longrightarrow\cdots \longrightarrow B_1 \otimes {\mathcal L}^{{m-1}}\longrightarrow {\mathcal
L}^{m}\longrightarrow 0
for $m\le n.$
We have the canonical morphisms $f_m : j^* \Omega^m (m)\longrightarrow R_m,$ because
$\Lambda^i A_1 \subset B_i$ and there exist the exact sequences on ${\Bbb{P}}^N$
0\longrightarrow \Omega^m (m) \longrightarrow \Lambda^m A_1 \otimes {\mathcal O}\longrightarrow
\Lambda^{m-1} A_1 \otimes {\mathcal O}(1)\longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow {\mathcal
O}(m)\longrightarrow 0
It is known that for any $n$ there exists $l$ such that the Veronese
algebra $A^l = \bigoplus\limits^{\infty}_{i=0} {\mr H}^0 (M,
{\mathcal L}^{il})$ is $n$-Koszul.( Moreover, it was proved in
\cite{Bec} that $A^l$ is Koszul for $l\gg 0$).
Using the technique of \cite{IM} and substituting ${\mathcal L}$ with ${\mathcal L}^j,$ when $j$ is sufficiently large , we can choose for any $n$ a very ample ${\mathcal L}$ such that
1) algebra $A$
is $n$-Koszul,
2) the complex
{\mathcal L}^{ -n}\boxtimes R_n\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{ -1}\boxtimes
R_1\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_M \boxtimes R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_{\Delta}
on $M\times M$ is exact,
3) the following
sequences on $M.$
A_{k-n}\otimes R_n \longrightarrow A_{k-n+1}\otimes R_{n-1}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow A_{k-1}\otimes
R_1 \longrightarrow A_k \otimes R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{k}\longrightarrow 0
are exact for any $k\ge 0.$ Here, by definition, if $ k-i<0,$ then $A_{k-i}=0.$
(see Appendix for proof).
Let us denote by $T_k$ the kernel
of the morphism $A_{k-n}\otimes R_n \longrightarrow A_{k-n+1}\otimes R_{n-1}.$
Consider the following complex over $\db{M\times X}$
{\mathcal L}^{ -n}\boxtimes F(R_n)\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{ -1}\boxtimes
F(R_1)\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_M \boxtimes F(R_0)
Here the morphism ${\mathcal L}^{-k}\boxtimes F(R_k)\longrightarrow {\mathcal
L}^{-k+1}\boxtimes F(R_{k-1})$ is induced by the canonical morphism
$R_k\longrightarrow A_1 \otimes R_{k-1}$ with respect to the following sequence of
{\h {\mathcal L}^{-k}\boxtimes F(R_k), {{\mathcal L}^{-k+1}\boxtimes
F(R_{k-1})}}\cong {\h F(R_k), {{\mr H}^0 ({\mathcal L})\otimes
\cong{\h R_k, {A_1 \otimes R_{k-1}}}
By Lemma \ref{pd1}, there is a convolution of the complex (\ref{nob}) and
all convolutions are isomorphic. Let $G\in \db{M\times X}$ be a convolution
of this complex.
For any $k\ge 0,$ object $\pi_* (G\otimes p^* ({\mathcal L}^k))$ is a
convolution of the complex
A_{k-n}\otimes F(R_n)\longrightarrow A_{k-n+1}\otimes F(R_{n-1})\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow A_k \otimes F(R_0).
On the other side, we know that $T_k[n]\oplus{\mathcal L}^k$ is a
convolution of the complex
A_{k-n}\otimes R_n\longrightarrow A_{k-n+1}\otimes R_{n-1}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow A_k \otimes R_0,
because ${\E n+1 , {}, {\mathcal L}^k , {T_k}}=0$ for $n\gg 0.$
Therefore, by Lemma \ref{pd1}, we have $\pi_* (G\otimes p^* ({\mathcal
L}^k))\cong F(T_k[n]\oplus {\mathcal L}^k).$
It follows immediately from Remark \ref{boun} that the cohomology
sheaves ${H}^i (\pi_* (G\otimes p^* ({\mathcal L}^k)))= {H}^i
(F(T_k)[n])\oplus{H}^i (F( {\mathcal L}^k))$ concentrate on the
union $[-n-a, -n]\cup [-a, 0]$ for any $k>0$ ($a$ was defined in
\ref{boun}). Therefore the cohomology sheaves ${H}^i (G)$
also concentrate on $[-n-a, -n]\cup [-a, 0].$ We can assume that $n> dimM
+ dimX + a.$ This implies that $G\cong C\oplus E,$ where $E, C$ are
objects of $\db{M\times X}$ such that ${H}^i (E)=0$ for $i\not\in
[-a, 0]$ and ${H}^i (C)=0$ for $i\not\in [-n-a, -n].$ Moreover, we
have $\pi_* (E\otimes p^* ({\mathcal L}^k))\cong F({\mathcal L}^k).$
Now we show that $j_* (E)\cong E'.$
Let us consider the morphism of the complexes over $\db{{\Bbb{P}}^N \times X}.$
{\mathcal O}(-n)\boxtimes F' (\Omega^n (n))&\longrightarrow&\cdots&\longrightarrow&{\mathcal O}\boxtimes F' ({\mathcal O})\\
\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{can\boxtimes F(f_n)}}&&&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{can\boxtimes F(f_0)}}\\
j_* ({\mathcal L}^{-n}) \boxtimes F(R_n)&\longrightarrow&\cdots&\longrightarrow& j_* ({\mathcal
O}_M)\boxtimes F(R_0)
By Lemma \ref{pd2}, there exists a morphism of convolutions $\phi :
K\longrightarrow j_* (G).$ If $N>n,$ then $K$ is not isomorphic to $E',$ but there is
a distinguished triangle
S\longrightarrow K\longrightarrow E'\longrightarrow S[1]
and the cohomology sheaves ${H}^i (S)\ne 0$ only if $i\in [-n-a, -n].$
Now, since ${\h S, {j_* (E)}}=0$ and ${\h S[1], {j_* (E)}}=0,$ we have a uniquely
determined morphism $\psi : E' \longrightarrow j_* (E)$ such that the following diagram
K&\stackrel{\phi}{\longrightarrow}& j_* (G)\\
E'&\stackrel{\psi}{\longrightarrow}& j_* (E)
We know that $\pi'_*( E'\otimes q^*({\mathcal O}(k)))\cong F({\mathcal
\pi_*( E\otimes p^*({\mathcal L}^k)).$ Let $\psi_k$ be the morphism $
\pi'_*( E'\otimes q^*({\mathcal O}(k)))\longrightarrow \pi_*( E\otimes p^*({\mathcal
L}^k))$ induced by $\psi.$ The morphism $\psi_k$ can be included in
the following commutative diagram:
S^k A_1 \otimes F({\mathcal O})&\stackrel{can}{\longrightarrow}& F({\mathcal
&\pi'_*( E'\otimes q^*({\mathcal O}(k)))\\
A_k \otimes F({\mathcal O})&\stackrel{can}{\longrightarrow}& F({\mathcal
L}^k)&\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} &\pi_*( E\otimes p^*({\mathcal L}^k))
Thus we see that $\psi_k$ is an isomorphism for any $k\ge 0.$ Hence
$\psi$ is an isomorphism too. This proves the following:
\th{Lemma}\label{obj} There exists an object $E\in\db{M\times X}$ such that
$j_* (E)\cong E',$ where $E'$ is the object from $\db{{\Bbb{P}}^N \times X},$
constructed in \ref{cons}.
Now, we prove some statements relating to abelian categories.
they are needed for the sequel.
Let ${\mathcal A}$ be a $k$-linear abelian category (henceforth we
shall consider only $k$-linear abelian categories). Let $\{ P_i
\}_{i\in\Bbb Z}$ be a sequence of objects from ${\mathcal A}.$
\th{Definition} We say that this sequence is {\sf ample} if for
every object $X\in {\mathcal A}$ there exists $N$ such that for all
$i<N$ the following conditions hold:
a) the canonical morphism ${\h P_i, X}\otimes P_i \longrightarrow X$ is surjective,
b) ${\E j, {}, P_i, X}=0$ for any $j\not=0,$
c) ${\h X, {P_i}}=0.$ \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup It is clear that if ${\mathcal L}$ is an
ample invertible sheaf on a projective variety in usual sense, then
sequence $\{ {\mathcal L}^i \}_{i\in{\Bbb{Z}}}$ in the abelian
category of coherent sheaves is ample.
\th{Lemma}\label{zer1} Let $\{ P_i \}$ be an ample sequence in an
abelian category ${\mathcal A}.$ If $X$ is an object in
$\db{\mathcal A}$ such that ${\H {\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}, {}, P_i, X}=0$ for all
$i\ll 0,$ then $X$ is the zero object. \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup \par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. } If $i\ll 0$ then
$${\h P_i, {{H}^k (X)}}\cong{\H k, {}, P_i, X}=0$$
The morphism ${\h P_i, {{H}^k (X)}}\otimes P_i\longrightarrow {H}^k (X)$ must be
surjective for $i\ll 0,$ hence ${H}^k (X)=0$ for all $k.$ Thus
$X$ is the zero object. $\Box$
\th{Lemma}\label{zer2} Let $\{ P_i \}$ be an ample sequence in an
abelian category ${\mathcal A}$ of finite homological dimension. If
$X$ is an object in $\db{\mathcal A}$ such that ${\H {\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}, {}, X,
{P_i}}=0$ for all $i\ll 0.$ Then $X$ is the zero object. \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup \par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. }
Assume that the cohomology objects of $X$ are concentrated in a
segment $[a, 0].$ There exists the canonical morphism $X\longrightarrow {H}^0
(X).$ Consider a surjective morphism $P_{i_1}^{\oplus k_1}\longrightarrow {H}^0
(X).$ By $Y_1$ denote the kernel of this morphism. Since ${\H
{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}, {}, X, {P_{i_1}}}=0$ we have ${\H 1, {}, X, {Y_1}}\not=0.$
Further take a surjective morphism $P_{i_2}^{\oplus k_2}\longrightarrow Y_1.$
By $Y_2$ denote the kernel of this morphism. Again, since ${\H
{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}, {}, X, {P_{i_2}}}=0,$ we obtain ${\H 2, {}, X,
{Y_2}}\not=0.$ Iterating this procedure as needed, we get
contradiction with the assumption that ${\mathcal A}$ is of finite
homological dimension. $\Box$
\th{Lemma}\label{f&f} Let ${\mathcal B}$ be an abelian category,
${\mathcal A}$ an abelian category of finite homological dimension,
and $\{ P_i \}$ an ample sequence in ${\mathcal A}.$ Suppose $F$ is
an exact functor from $\db{\mathcal A}$ to $\db{\mathcal B}$ such
that it has right and left adjoint functors $F^!$ and $F^*$
respectively. If the maps
{\H k, {}, P_i, {P_j}}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}{\H k, {}, F(P_i), {F(P_j)}}
are isomorphisms for $i<j$ and all $k.$
Then $F$ is full and faithful.
\par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. }
Let us take the canonical morphism $f_i : P_i\longrightarrow F^! F(P_i)$ and consider
a distinguished triangle
P_i\stackrel{f_i}{\longrightarrow} F^! F(P_i)\longrightarrow C_i\longrightarrow P_i [1].
Since for $j\ll 0$ we have isomorphisms:
{\H k, {}, P_j, {P_i}}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}{\H k, {}, F(P_j), {F(P_i)}}
\cong{\H k, {}, P_j, {F^! F(P_i)}}.
We see that ${\H {\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}, {}, P_j, {C_i}}=0$ for $j\ll 0.$
It follows from Lemma \ref{zer1} that $C_i =0.$ Hence $f_i$ is
an isomorphism.
Now, take the canonical morphism $g_X : F^* F(X)\longrightarrow X$ and consider
a distinguished triangle
F^* F(X)\stackrel{g_X}{\longrightarrow} X\longrightarrow C_X\longrightarrow F^* F(X)[1]
We have the following sequence of isomorphisms
{\H k, {}, X, {P_i}}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}{\H k, {}, X, {F^! F(P_i)}}
\cong{\H k, {}, F^* F(X), {P_i}}
This implies that ${\H {\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}, {}, C_X, {P_i}}=0$ for all $i.$
By Lemma \ref{zer2}, we obtain $C_X=0.$ Hence $g_X$ is an isomorphism.
It follows that $F$ is full and faithful. $\Box$
Let ${\mathcal A}$ be an abelian category possessing an ample
sequence $\{ P_i\}.$ Denote by $\db{\mathcal A}$ the bounded
derived category of ${\mathcal A}.$ Let us consider the full
subcategory $j: {\mathcal C}\hookrightarrow\db{\mathcal A}$ such
that $\mbox{Ob} {\mathcal C}:=\{ P_i\; |\; i\in{\Bbb{Z}} \}.$ Now
we would like to show that if there exists an isomorphism of a
functor $F : \db{{\mathcal A}}\longrightarrow\db{{\mathcal A}}$ to identity
functor on the subcategory ${\mathcal C},$ then it can be extended
to the whole $\db{\mathcal A}.$
\th{Proposition}\label{ext} Let $F :\db{{\mathcal
A}}\longrightarrow\db{{\mathcal A}}$ be an autoequivalence. Suppose there
exists an isomorphism $f : j\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}F\mid_{\mathcal C}
$ ( where $j : {\mathcal C}\hookrightarrow \db{{\mathcal A}}$ is a
natural embedding).
Then it can be extended to an isomorphism
$id\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}F$ on the whole $\db{\mathcal A}.$ \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup \par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. }
First, we can extend the transformation $f$ to all direct sums of
objects ${\mathcal C}$ componentwise , because $F$ takes direct sums
to direct sums.
Note that $X\in\db{\mathcal A}$ is isomorphic to an object in
${\mathcal A}$ iff ${\H j, {}, P_i, X}=0$ for $j\not=0$ and $i\ll
0.$ It follows that $F(X)$ is isomorphic to an object in ${\mathcal
A},$ because
{\H j, {}, P_i, {F(X)}}\cong{\H j, {}, F(P_i), {F(X)}}\cong
{\H j, {}, P_i, X}=0
for $j\not=0$ and $i\ll 0.$
\refstepcounter{SNO}\par\vspace{1ex At first, let $X$ be an object from ${\mathcal A}.$ Take a
surjective morphism $v : P^{\oplus k}_i\longrightarrow X.$ We have the morphism
$f_i : P^{\oplus k}_i\longrightarrow F(P^{\oplus k}_i)$ and two distinguished
Y&\stackrel{u}{\longrightarrow}&P^{\oplus k}_i&\stackrel{v}{\longrightarrow}&X&\longrightarrow&Y [1]\\
&&\big\downarrow\rlap{$f_i$}&&&& \\
F(Y)&\stackrel{F(u)}{\longrightarrow}&F(P^{\oplus k}_i)&\stackrel{F(v)}{\longrightarrow}&F(X)&\longrightarrow&F(Y)[1]\\
Now we show that $F(v)\circ f_i\circ u=0.$
Consider any surjective morphism $ w : P^{\oplus l}_j\longrightarrow Y.$
It is sufficient to check that $F(v)\circ f_i\circ u\circ w=0.$
Let $f_j : P^{\oplus l}_j\longrightarrow F(P^{\oplus l}_j)$ be the canonical morphism.
Using the commutation relations for $f_i$ and $f_j,$ we obtain
F(v)\circ f_i\circ u\circ w = F(v)\circ F(u\circ w)\circ f_j=
F(v\circ u\circ w)\circ f_j =0
because $v\circ u=0.$
Since ${\h Y[1], {F(X)}}=0,$ by Lemma \ref{tr}, there exists a unique morphism
$f_X : X\longrightarrow F(X)$ that commutes with $f_i.$
\refstepcounter{SNO}\par\vspace{1ex Let us show that $f_X$ does not depend from morphism $v : P^{\oplus k}_i
\longrightarrow X.$
Consider two surjective morphisms $v_1 : P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1}\longrightarrow X$ and
$v_2 : P^{\oplus k_2}_{i_2}\longrightarrow X.$ We can take two surjective
morphisms $w_1 : P^{\oplus l}_{j}\longrightarrow P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1}$ and
$w_2 : P^{\oplus l}_{j}\longrightarrow P^{\oplus k_2}_{i_2}$ such that the
following diagram is commutative:
P^{\oplus l}_{j}&\stackrel{w_2}{\longrightarrow}& P^{\oplus k_2}_{i_2}\\
\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{w_1}}&& \big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{v_2}}\\
P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1}&\stackrel{v_1}{\longrightarrow}& X\\
Clearly, it is sufficient to check the coincidence of the morphisms,
constructed by $v_1$ and $v_1\circ w_1.$ Now, let us consider the following
commutative diagram:
P^{\oplus l}_{j}&\stackrel{w_1}{\longrightarrow}& P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1}&
F(P^{\oplus l}_{j})&\stackrel{F(w_1)}{\longrightarrow}&F(P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1})&
Here the morphism $f_X$ is constructed by $v_1.$ Both squares of this
diagram are
commutative. Since there exists only one morphism from $X$ to $F(X)$ that
commutes with $f_j,$ we see that the $f_X,$ constructed by $v_1,$ coincides
with the morphism, constructed by
$v_1\circ w_1.$
\refstepcounter{SNO}\par\vspace{1ex Now we must show that for any morphism $X\stackrel{\phi}{\longrightarrow}Y$
we have equality:
f_Y \circ \phi = F(\phi )\circ f_X
Take a surjective morphism $P^{\oplus l}_j\stackrel{v}{\longrightarrow} Y.$
Choose a surjective morphism $P^{\oplus k}_i\stackrel{u}{\longrightarrow}X$
such that the composition $\phi\circ u$ lifts to a morphism
$\psi : P^{\oplus k}_i{\longrightarrow} P^{\oplus l}_j .$ We can do it, because
for $i\ll 0$ the map ${\h P^{\oplus k}_i, {P^{\oplus l}_j}}\to
{\h P^{\oplus k}_i, Y}$ is surjective. We get the commutative square:
P^{\oplus k}_{i}&\stackrel{u}{\longrightarrow}&X\\
P^{\oplus l}_{j}&\stackrel{v}{\longrightarrow}&Y\\
By $h_1$ and $h_2$ denote $f_Y\circ\phi$ and $F(\phi)\circ f_X$ respectively.
We have the following sequence of equalities:
h_1\circ u=f_Y\circ\phi\circ u=f_Y\circ v\circ\psi=F(v)\circ f_j\circ\psi=
F(v)\circ F(\psi)\circ f_i
h_2\circ u=F(\phi)\circ f_X\circ u =F(\phi)\circ F(u)\circ f_i =
F(\phi\circ u)\circ f_i = F(v\circ \psi)\circ f_i = F(v)\circ F(\psi)\circ f_i
Consequently, the following square is commutative for $t=1,2.$
Z&\longrightarrow&P^{\oplus k}_{i}&\stackrel{u}{\longrightarrow}&X&\longrightarrow&Z[1]\\
&&\llap{\ss{F(\psi)\circ f_i}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{h_t}}&&\\
F(W)&\longrightarrow&F(P^{\oplus l}_{j})&\stackrel{F(v)}{\longrightarrow}&F(Y)&\longrightarrow&F(W)[1]\\
By Lemma \ref{tr}, as ${\h Z[1], {F(Y)}}=0,$ we obtain $h_1=h_2.$
Thus, $f_Y \circ \phi = F(\phi )\circ f_X.$
Now take a cone $C_X$ of the morphism $f_X.$ Using the following
{\h P_i, X}\cong{\h F(P_i), {F(X)}}\cong{\h P_i, {F(X)}},
we obtain ${\H j, {}, P_i, {C_X}}=0$ for all $j,$ when $i\ll 0.$
Hence, by Lemma \ref{zer1}, $C_X=0$ and $f_X$ is an isomorphism.
\refstepcounter{SNO}\par\vspace{1ex Let us define $f_{X[n]} : X[n]\longrightarrow F(X[n])\cong F(X)[n]$ for
any $X\in{\mathcal A}$ by
f_{X[n]}=f_X [n].
It is easily shown that these transformations commute with any
$u\in{\E k, {}, X, Y}.$
Indeed, since any element $u\in{\E k, {}, X, Y}$ can be represented as a composition $ u = u_0 u_1 \cdots u_k $
of some elements $u_i\in{\E 1, {}, Z_i, {Z_{i+1}}}$ and $Z_0=X, Z_k=Y,$
we have only to check it for $u\in{\E 1, {}, X, Y}$ .
Consider the following diagram:
\llap{\ss{f_Y}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_Z}}&&&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_Y [1]}}\\
By an axiom of triangulated categories there exists a morphism $h : X\to F(X)$
such that $(f_Y, f_Z, h)$ is a morphism of triangles.
On the other hand, since ${\h Y[1], {F(X)}}=0,$ by Lemma \ref{tr}, $h$ is a unique morphism
that commutes with $f_Z.$
But $f_X$ also commutes with $f_Z.$ Hence we have $h=f_X.$ This implies that
f_Y [1] \circ u = F(u) \circ f_X
\refstepcounter{SNO}\par\vspace{1ex The rest of the proof is by induction over the length of a
segment, in which the cohomology objects of $X$ are concentrated.
Let $X$ be an object from $ \db{\mathcal A}$ and suppose that its
cohomology objects ${H}^p (X)$ are concentrated in a segment $[a,
0].$ Take $v: P^{\oplus k}_i\longrightarrow X$ such that
a)& {\H j, {}, P_i, {{H}^p (X)}}=0& \mbox{ for all }\; p\; \mbox{ and for }
\; j\not=0,\nonumber\\
b)& u: P_i^{\oplus k}\longrightarrow {H}^0 (X)& \mbox{is the surjective morphism},\\
c)&{\h {H}^0 (X), {P_i}}=0.&\nonumber
Here $u$ is the composition
$v$ with the canonical morphism $X\longrightarrow {H}^0 (X).$
Consider a distinguished triangle:
Y[-1]\longrightarrow P^{\oplus k}_i\stackrel{v}{\longrightarrow}X\longrightarrow Y
By the induction hypothesis, there exists the isomorphism $f_Y$ and it commutes
with $f_i.$ So we have the commutative diagram:
Y[-1]&\longrightarrow&P^{\oplus k}_i&\stackrel{v}{\longrightarrow}&X&\longrightarrow&Y\\
\llap{\ss{f_Y [-1]}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_i}}&&&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_Y }}\\
F(Y)[-1]&\longrightarrow&F(P^{\oplus k}_i)&\stackrel{F(v)}{\longrightarrow}&F(X)&\longrightarrow&F(Y)\\
Moreover we have the following sequence of equalities
{\h X, {F(P^{\oplus k}_i)}}\cong{\h X, {P^{\oplus k}_i}}\cong
{\h {H}^0 (X), {P^{\oplus k}_i}}=0
Hence, by Lemma \ref{tr}, there exists a unique morphism $f_X : X\longrightarrow F(X)$ that commutes with $f_Y.$
\refstepcounter{SNO}\par\vspace{1ex We must first show that $f_X$ is correctly defined.
Suppose we have two morphisms $v_1 : P_{i_1}^{\oplus k_1}\longrightarrow X$
and $v_2 : P_{i_2}^{\oplus k_2}\longrightarrow X.$ As above, we can find $P_j$ and
surjective morphisms $w_1, w_2$ such that the following diagram is commutative
P^{\oplus l}_{j}&\stackrel{w_2}{\longrightarrow}& P^{\oplus k_2}_{i_2}\\
\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{w_1}}&& \big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{u_2}}\\
P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1}&\stackrel{u_1}{\longrightarrow}&{H}^0 (X)\\
We can find a morphism $\phi : Y_j\longrightarrow Y_{i_1}$ such that the triple
$(w_1, id, \phi)$ is a morphism of distinguished triangles.
P^{\oplus l}_j&\stackrel{v_1\circ w_1}{\longrightarrow}&X&\longrightarrow&Y_j&\longrightarrow&P^{\oplus l}_j [1]\\
\llap{\ss{w_1}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{id}}&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{\phi}}&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{w_1 [1]}}\\
P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1}&\stackrel{v_1}{\longrightarrow}&X&\longrightarrow&Y_{i_1}&\longrightarrow&
P^{\oplus k_1}_{i_1} [1]\\
By the induction hypothesis, the following square is commutative.
Hence, we see that the $f_X,$ constructed by $v_1\circ w_1,$ commutes with
$f_{Y_{i_1}}$ and, consequently, coincides with the $f_X,$ constructed by $v_1$;
because such morphism is unique by Lemma \ref{tr}. Therefore morphism $f_X$ does not
depend on a choice of morphism $v: P^{\oplus k}_i\longrightarrow X.$
\refstepcounter{SNO}\par\vspace{1ex Finally, let us prove that for any morphism $\phi : X\longrightarrow Y$ the following
diagram commutes
\llap{\ss{f_X}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_Y }}\\
Suppose the cohomology objects of $X$ are concentrated on a segment $[a, 0]$
and the cohomology objects of $Y$ are concentrated on $[b, c].$
\noindent{\it Case 1.} If $c<0,$ we take a morphism $v: P^{\oplus k}_i
\longrightarrow X$ that satisfies conditions (\ref{tt}) and ${\h P^{\oplus k}_i, Y}=0.$
We have a distinguished triangle:
P^{\oplus k}_i&\stackrel{v_1}{\longrightarrow}&X&\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow}&Z&\longrightarrow&
P^{\oplus k}_i [1]\\
Applying the functor ${\h -, Y}$ to this triangle we found that there exists a morphism $\psi : Z \longrightarrow Y$ such that $\phi = \psi \circ \alpha.$
We know that $f_X,$ defined above, satisfy
F(\alpha )\circ f_X = f_Z \circ \alpha
If we assume that the diagram
\llap{\ss{f_Z}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_Y }}\\
commutes, then diagram (\ref{comd}) commutes too.
This means that for verifying the commutativity of (\ref{comd}) we can
substitute $X$ by an object $Z.$
And the cohomology objects of $Z$ are concentrated on the segment $[a, -1].$
\noindent{\it Case 2.} If $c\ge0,$ we take a surjective morphism
$v: P^{\oplus k}_i\longrightarrow Y[c]$ that satisfies conditions (\ref{tt}) and
${\h {H}^c (X), {P^{\oplus k}_i}}=0.$
Consider a distinguished triangle
P^{\oplus k}_i [-c]&\stackrel{v[-c]}{\longrightarrow}&Y&\stackrel{\beta}{\longrightarrow}&W&\longrightarrow&
P^{\oplus k}_i [-c+1]\\
Note that the cohomology objects of $W$ are concentrated on $[b, c-1].$
By $\psi$ denote the composition $\beta\circ\phi.$ If we assume that the following
\llap{\ss{f_X}}\big\downarrow&&\big\downarrow\rlap{\ss{f_W }}\\
commutes, then, since $F(\beta)\circ f_Y = f_W \circ \beta,$
F(\beta)\circ(f_Y\circ\phi - F(\phi)\circ f_X)= f_W \circ \psi - F(\psi ) \circ f_X =0.
We chose $P_i$ such that ${\h X, {P^{\oplus k}_i [-c]}}=0.$ As $F( P_i^{\oplus k})$ is isomorphic to $P_i^{\oplus k},$ then ${\h X, {F(P^{\oplus k}_i [-c])}}=0.$
Applying the functor ${\h X, {F(-)}}$ to the above triangle we found that the composition with $F(\beta )$ gives an inclusion of ${\h X, {F(Y)}}$ into ${\h X, {F(W)}}.$ This follows that $f_Y\circ\phi = F(\phi)\circ f_X,$ i.e. our diagram (\ref{comd}) commutes.
Combining case 1 and case 2, we can reduce the checking of
commutativity of diagram (\ref{comd}) to the case when $X$ and $Y$
are objects from the abelian category ${\mathcal A}.$ But for those
it has already been done. Thus the proposition is proved. $\Box$
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex {\bf Proof of theorem}. 1) {\sc Existence}. Using Lemma
\ref{obj} and Lemma \ref{tran}, we can construct an object
$E\in\db{M\times X}$ such that there exists an isomorphism of the
functors $\bar{f} : F\bigl|_{\mathcal C}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}\Phi_E
\bigr|_{\mathcal C}$ on full subcategory ${\mathcal
C}\subset\db{M},$ where ${\mr O}{\mr b}{\mathcal C}= \{ {\mathcal
L}^{i} \mid i\in{\Bbb{Z}} \}$ and ${\mathcal L}$ is a very ample
invertible sheaf on $M$ such that for any $k>0$ ${\rm H}^i ( M,
{\mathcal L}^k )=0$ , when $i\ne 0.$
By Lemma \ref{f&f} the functor $\Phi_E$ is full and faithfull. Moreover, the functors $F^!\circ \Phi_E$ and
$\Phi_E^* \circ F$ are full and
faithful too, because we have the isomorphisms:
F^! (\bar{f}) : F^!\circ F\bigl|_{\mathcal C}\cong id_{\mathcal
C}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}F^! \circ \Phi_E\bigl|_{\mathcal C}
\Phi_E^* (\bar{f}) : \Phi_E^*\circ F\bigl|_{\mathcal
C}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} \Phi_E^*\circ \Phi_E\bigl|_{\mathcal C}\cong
id_{\mathcal C}
and conditions of Lemma \ref{f&f} is fulfilled.
Further, the functors $F^!\circ \Phi_E$ and
$\Phi_E^* \circ F$ are equivalences,
because they are adjoint each other.
Consider the isomorphism $F^! (\bar{f}) : F^!\circ F\bigl|_{\mathcal
C}\cong id_{\mathcal C}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}F^! \circ
\Phi_E\bigl|_{\mathcal C}$ on the subcategory ${\mathcal C}.$ By
Proposition \ref{ext} we can extend it onto the whole $\db{M},$ so
Since $F^!$ is the right adjoint to $F,$ we get the morphism of the
functors $f : F\longrightarrow \Phi_E$ such that $f|_{\mathcal C} =\bar{f}.$ It
can easily be checked that $f$ is an isomorphism. Indeed, let $C_Z$
be a cone of the morphism $f_Z : F(Z)\longrightarrow \Phi_E (Z).$ Since $F^!
(f_Z)$ is an isomorphism, we obtain $F^! (Z)=0.$ Therefore, this
implies that ${\h F(Y), {C_Z}}=0$ for any object $Y.$ Further, there
are isomorphisms $F({\mathcal L}^k)\cong \Phi_E ({\mathcal L}^k)$
for any $k.$ Hence, we have
{\H i, {},{\mathcal L}^k, {\Phi^!_E (C_Z)}}={\H i, {},\Phi_E
({\mathcal L}^k ), {C_Z)}}={\H i, {}, F({\mathcal L}^k ), {C_Z)}}=0
for all $k$ and $i.$
Thus, we
obtain $\Phi^!_E (C_Z)=0.$ This implies that ${\h \Phi_E (Z), {C_Z}}=0.$
Finally, we get $F(Z)=C_Z [-1]\oplus \Phi_E (Z).$ But we know that
${\h F(Z)[1], {C_Z}}=0.$ Thus, $C_Z=0$ and $f$ is an isomorphism.
2) {\sc Uniqueness}. Suppose there exist two objects $E$ and $E_1$ of
$D^{b}(M\times X)$
such that $\Phi_{E_1}\cong F\cong\Phi_{E_2}.$ Let us consider the complex
(\ref{nob}) over $D^{b}(M\times X)$(see the proof Lemma \ref{obj}).
{\mathcal L}^{ -n}\boxtimes F(R_n)\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{ -1}\boxtimes
F(R_1)\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_M \boxtimes F(R_0)
By Lemma \ref{pd1}, there exists a convolution of this complex and
all convolutions are isomorphic. Let $G\in \db{M\times X}$
be a convolution of the complex (\ref{nob}).
Now consider the following complexes
{\mathcal L}^{ -n}\boxtimes F(R_n)\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{ -1}\boxtimes
F(R_1)\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_M \boxtimes F(R_0)\longrightarrow E_k
Again by Lemma \ref{pd1}, there exists a unique up to isomorphism convolutions
of these complexes.
Hence we have the canonical morphisms $G\longrightarrow E_1$ and $G\longrightarrow E_2.$
Moreover, it has been proved above (see the proof of Lemma \ref{obj})
that $ C_1\oplus E_1\cong G\cong C_2
\oplus E_2$ for large $n,$ where $E_k, C_k$ are
objects of
$\db{M\times X}$ such that ${H}^i (E_k)=0$ for $i\not\in [-a, 0]$ and
${H}^i (C_k)=0$ for $i\not\in [-n-a, -n]$ ($a$ was defined in \ref{boun}).
Thus $E_1$ and $E_2$ are isomorphic.
This completes the proof of Theorem \ref{main} $\Box$
\th{Theorem}\label{eqo} Let $M$ and $X$ be smooth projective varieties.
Suppose $F : \db{M}\longrightarrow\db{X}$ is an equivalence. Then there exists a unique
up to isomorphism object
$E\in \db{M\times X}$ such that the functors $F$ and $\Phi_E$ are isomorphic.
It follows immediately from Theorem \ref{main}
\section{Derived categories of K3 surfaces}
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex In this chapter we are trying to answer the following question: When
are derived categories of coherent sheaves on two different K3 surfaces over
field $\Bbb{C}$
This question is interesting, because there exists a procedure for recovering
a variety from its derived category of coherent sheaves if the canonical (or anticanonical)
sheaf is ample. Besides, if $\db{X}\simeq\db{Y}$ and $X$ is a smooth projective
K3 surface, then $Y$ is also a smooth projective K3 surface. This is true,
because the dimension of a variety and Serre functor are invariants of a derived
The following theorem is proved in \cite{BOr}.
\th{Theorem}(see \cite{BOr})\label{rec}
Let $X$ be smooth irreducible projective variety with either ample
canonical or ample anticanonical sheaf. If $D=\db{X}$ is equivalent to $\db{X'}$
for some other smooth algebraic variety, then $X$ is isomorphic to $X'.$
However, there exist examples of varieties that have equivalent derived
categories, if the canonical sheaf is not ample.
Here we give an explicit description for K3 surfaces with equivalent derived
Let $S_1$ and $S_2$ be smooth projective K3 surfaces over field $\Bbb{C}.$
Then the derived
categories $\db{S_1}$ and $\db{S_2}$ are equivalent as triangulated categories
iff there exists a Hodge isometry $f_{\tau} : T_{S_1}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}T_{S_2}$
between the lattices of transcendental cycles of $S_1$ and $S_2.$
Recall that the lattice of transcendental cycles $T_S$ is the orthogonal
complement to Neron-Severi lattice $N_S$ in $H^2 ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} ).$
{\sf Hodge} isometry means that the one-dimensional subspace $H^{2,0} (S_1)\subset
T_{S_1}\otimes\Bbb{C}$ goes to $H^{2,0} (S_2)\subset T_{S_2}\otimes\Bbb{C}.$
Now we need some basic facts about K3 surfaces (see \cite{Mu}).
If $S$ is a K3 surface, then the Todd class $td_S$ of $S$ is equal to $1+2w,$
where $1\in H^0 ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$ is the unit element of the cohomology ring
$H^* ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$ and $w\in H^4 ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$ is the fundamental cocycle
of $S.$ The positive square root $\sqrt{td_S}= 1+w$ lies in $H^* ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$
Let $E$ be an object of $\db{S}$ then the Chern character
ch(E) = r(E) + c_1 (E) + \frac{1}{2} (c^2_1 - 2c_2)
belongs to integral cohomology $H^* ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} ).$
For an object $E,$ we put $v(E) = ch(E)\sqrt{td_S}\in H^* ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$
and call it the vector associated to $E$ (or Mukai vector).
We can define a symmetric integral bilinear form $(,)$ on $H^* ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$
by the rule
(u, u') = rs' + sr' - \alpha\alpha' \in H^4 ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )\cong{\Bbb{Z}}
for every pair $u=(r, \alpha, s), u'=(r', \alpha', s')\in H^0 ( S, {{\Bbb{Z}}} ) \oplus H^2 ( S, {{\Bbb{Z}}} )\oplus H^4 ( S, {{\Bbb{Z}}} ).$ By $\widetilde{H} ( S, {{\Bbb{Z}}} )$
denote $ H^* ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$ with this inner product $(,)$ and call it Mukai
For any objects $E$ and $F,$ inner product $(v(E), v(F))$ is equal to the
$H^4$ component of $ch(E)^{\vee} \cdot ch(F)\cdot td_S.$ Hence, by Riemann-Roch-
Grothendieck theorem, we have
(v(E), v(F)) = \chi (E, F):=\sum_i (-1)^i dim{\E i, {}, E, F}
Let us suppose that $\db{S_1}$ and $\db{S_2}$ are equivalent. By Theorem
\ref{main} there exists an object $E\in\db{S_1\times S_2}$ such that
the functor $\Phi_E$ gives this equivalence.
Now consider the algebraic cycle $Z:=p^*\sqrt{td_{S_1}}\cdot ch(E)\cdot
\pi^*\sqrt{td_{S_2}}$ on the product $S_1\times S_2,$ where $p$ and $\pi$ are
the projections
S_1\times S_2&\stackrel{\pi}{\longrightarrow}&S_2\\
It follows from the following lemma that
the cycle $Z$ belongs to integral cohomology $H^* (S_1\times S_2, {\Bbb{Z}}).$
For any object $E\in\db{S_1\times S_2}$ the Chern character $ch(E)$ is integral,
which means that it belongs to $H^* (S_1\times S_2, {\Bbb{Z}})$
The cycle $Z$ defines a homomorphism from integral cohomology of $S_1$ to
integral cohomology of $S_2$:
f:&H^* (S_1, {\Bbb{Z}})&\longrightarrow&H^* (S_2, {\Bbb{Z}})\\
&\alpha&\mapsto&\pi_* (Z\cdot p^* (\alpha))
The following proposition is similar to Theorem 4.9 from \cite{Mu}.
If $\Phi_E$ is full and faithful functor from $\db{S_1}$ to $\db{S_2}$
1) $f$ is an isometry between $\widetilde{H} (S_1, {\Bbb{Z}})$ and
$\widetilde{H} (S_2, {\Bbb{Z}}),$
2) the inverse of $f$ is equal to the homomorphism
f':&H^* (S_2, {\Bbb{Z}})&\longrightarrow&H^* (S_1, {\Bbb{Z}})\\
&\beta&\mapsto&p_* (Z^{\vee}\cdot \pi^* (\beta))
defined by $Z^{\vee}= p^* \sqrt{td_{S_1}}\cdot ch(E^{\vee})\cdot
\pi^* \sqrt{td_{S_2}},$ where $E^{\vee}:={\pmb R^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}}{\mathcal
H}om( E, {\mathcal O}_{S_1\times S_2}).$ \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup \par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. } The left and right
adjoint functors to $\Phi_E$ are:
\Phi_E^* =\Phi_E^! = p_* (E^{\vee}\otimes \pi^*(\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}))[2]
Since $\Phi_E$ is full and faithful, the composition $\Phi_E^*\circ \Phi_E$ is
isomorphic to $id_{\db{S_1}}.$
Functor $id_{\db{S_1}}$ is given by the structure sheaf ${\mathcal
O}_{\Delta}$ of the diagonal $\Delta\subset S_1\times S_1.$
Using the projection formula and Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem,
it can easily be shown that the composition $f'\circ f$ is given by
the cycle $p_1^* \sqrt{td_{S_1}}\cdot ch({\mathcal O}_{\Delta})\cdot
p_2^* \sqrt{td_{S_1}},$ where $p_1, p_2$ are the projections of
$S_1\times S_1$ to the summands. But this cycle is equal to
Therefore, $f'\circ f$ is the identity,
and, hence, $f$ is an isomorphism of the lattices, because these lattices
are free abelian groups of the same rank.
Let $\nu_S : S\longrightarrow Spec\Bbb{C}$ be the structure morphism of $S.$ Then our
inner product $(\alpha, \alpha')$ on $\widetilde{H} (S, {\Bbb{Z}})$ is equal to
$\nu_*(\alpha^{\vee} \cdot\alpha').$ Hence, by the projection formula, we have
(\alpha, f(\beta))&=&\nu_{S_2, *}(\alpha^{\vee}\cdot\pi_* (\pi^* \sqrt{td_{S_2}}
\cdot ch(E)\cdot p^* \sqrt{td_{S_1}}\cdot p^* (\beta)))=\\
&=&\nu_{S_2, *}\pi_* (\pi^*(\alpha^{\vee})\cdot p^* (\beta)\cdot ch(E)\cdot
\sqrt{td_{S_1\times S_2}})=\\
&=&\nu_{S_1\times S_2, *} (\pi^* (\alpha^{\vee})\cdot p^* (\beta)\cdot ch(E)
\cdot \sqrt{td_{S_1\times S_2}})
for every $\alpha\in H^* ( S_2, {\Bbb{Z}} ), \beta\in H^* ( S_1, {\Bbb{Z}} ).$
In a similar way, we have
(\beta, f'(\alpha)) =\nu_{S_1\times S_2, *} ( p^* (\beta^{\vee})\cdot
\pi^* (\alpha)\cdot ch(E)^{\vee} \cdot \sqrt{td_{S_1\times S_2}})
Therefore, $(\alpha, f(\beta))=(f'(\alpha), \beta).$ Since $f'\circ f$ is
the identity, we obtain
(f(\alpha), f(\alpha'))=(f'f(\alpha), \alpha')=(\alpha, \alpha')
Thus, $f$ is an isometry. $\Box$
Consider the isometry $f.$ Since the cycle $Z$ is algebraic, we obtain
two isometries $f_{alg} : -N_{S_1}\bot U\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} -N_{S_2}\bot U$
and $f_{\tau} : T_{S_1}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} T_{S_2},$ where $N_{S_1}, N_{S_2}$
are Neron-Severi lattices, and $T_{S_1}, T_{S_2}$ are the lattices of transcendental
cycles. It is clear $f_{\tau}$ is a Hodge isometry.
Thus we have proved that if the derived categories of two K3 surfaces are
equivalent, then there exists a Hodge isometry between the lattices of
transcendental cycles.
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex Let us begin to prove the converse. Suppose we have a Hodge isometry
f_{\tau} : T_{S_2}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}T_{S_1}
It implies from the following
proposition that we can extend this isometry to Mukai lattices.
Let $\phi_1 , \phi_2 : T\longrightarrow H$ be two primitive embedding of a lattice $T$
in an even unimodular lattice $H.$ Assume that the orthogonal complement
$N:=\phi_1 (T)^{\perp}$ in $H$ contains the hyperbolic lattice
as a sublattice.
Then $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$ are equivalent, that means there exists an
isometry $\gamma$ of $H$ such that $\phi_1 = \gamma\phi_2.$
We know that the orthogonal complement of $T_S$ in Mukai lattice
$\widetilde{H}( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )$ is isomorphic to $N_S \perp U.$ By Proposition
\ref{Ni}, there exists an isometry
f : \widetilde{H}( S_2 , {\Bbb{Z}} )\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}
\widetilde{H}( S_1 , {\Bbb{Z}} )
such that $f\bigl|_{T_{S_2}} = f_{\tau}.$
Put $v=f(0,0,1)=(r,l,s)$ and $u=f(1,0,0)=(p,k,q).$
We may assume that $r>1.$ One may do this, because there are two
types of isometries on Mukai lattice that are identity on the lattice of
transcendental cycles. First type is multiplication by Chern character $e^m$
of a line bundle:
\phi_m (r,l,s)=(r,l+rm,s+(m,l)+\frac{r}{2}m^2 )
Second type is the change $r$ and $s$(see \cite{Mu}).
So we can change $f$ in such a way that $r>1$ and $f\bigl|_{T_{S_2}}=f_{\tau}.$
First, note that vector $v\in U\perp -N_{S_1}$ is isotropic, i.e
$(v,v)=0.$ It was proved by Mukai in his brilliant paper \cite{Mu}
that there exists a polarization $A$ on $S_1$ such that the moduli
space ${\mathcal M}_A (v)$ of stable bundles with respect to $A,$
for which vector Mukai is equal to $v,$ is projective smooth K3
surface. Moreover, this moduli space is fine, because there exists
the vector $u\in U\perp -N_{S_1}$ such that $(v,u)=1.$ Therefore we
have a universal vector bundle ${\mathcal E}$ on the product $S_1
\times {\mathcal M}_A (v).$
The universal bundle ${\mathcal E}$ gives the functor
$\Phi_{\mathcal E} : \db{{\mathcal M}_A (v)}\longrightarrow\db{S_1}.$
Let us assume that $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$ is an equivalence of derived
categories. In this case, the cycle
$Z=\pi^*_{S_1}\sqrt{td_{S_1}}\cdot ch({\mathcal E})\cdot
p^*\sqrt{td_{\mathcal M}}$ induces the Hodge isometry
g : \widetilde{H} ( {\mathcal M}_A (v), {\Bbb{Z}} )
\longrightarrow\widetilde{H} ( S_1, {\Bbb{Z}} ),
such that $g(0,0,1)=v=(r,l,s).$
Hence, $f^{-1}\circ g$ is an isometry too, and it sends $(0,0,1)$ to $(0,0,1).$
Therefore $f^{-1}\cdot g$ gives the Hodge isometry between the second cohomologies,
because for a K3 surface $S$
H^2 ( S, {\Bbb{Z}} )=(0,0,1)^{\perp}\Big/{\Bbb{Z}}(0,0,1).
Consequently, by the strong Torelli theorem (see \cite{Lo}), the
surfaces $S_2$ and ${\mathcal M}_A (v)$ are isomorphic. Hence the
derived categories of $S_1$ and $S_2$ are equivalent.
\refstepcounter{THNO}\par\vspace{1.5ex Thus, to conclude the proof of Theorem \ref{K3}, it remains to
show that the functor $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$ is an equivalence.
First, we show that the functor $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$ is full and
faithful. This is a special case of the following more general
statement, proved in \cite{BO}.
Let $M$ and $X$ be smooth algebraic varieties and\hfill\\
$E\in{\db {M\times X}}.$ Then $\Phi_{E}$ is fully faithful functor,
iff the following orthogonality conditions are verified:
i) & {\H i, X, \Phi_E({\mathcal O}_{t_1}), {\Phi_{E}({\mathcal
O}_{t_2})}} = 0
& \qquad \mbox{for every }\: i\;\mbox{ and } t_1\ne t_2.\\
ii) & {\H 0, X, \Phi_E({\mathcal O}_t), {\Phi_E({\mathcal O}_t)}} = k,&\\
& {\H i, X, \Phi_E({\mathcal O}_t), {\Phi_E({\mathcal O}_t)}} = 0 ,
& \qquad \mbox{ for }i\notin [0, dim M].
Here $t,$ $t_{1},$ $t_{2}$ are points of $M,$ ${\mathcal O}_{t_{i}}$
are corresponding skyscraper sheaves. \par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup
In our case, $\Phi_{\mathcal E} ({\mathcal O}_t)=E_t,$ where $E_t$
is stable sheaf with respect to the polarization $A$ on $S_1$ for
which $v(E_t)=v.$ All these sheaves are simple and ${\E i, {}, E_t ,
{E_t}}=0$ for $i\not\in [0,2].$ This implies that condition 2) of
Theorem \ref{mai} is fulfilled.
All $E_t$ are stable sheaves, hence ${\h E_{t_1}, {E_{t_2}}}=0.$ Further,
by Serre duality ${\E 2, {}, E_{t_1}, {E_{t_2}}}=0.$ Finally, since the vector
$v$ is isotropic, we obtain ${\E 1, {}, E_{t_1}, {E_{t_2}}}=0.$
This yields that $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$ is full and faithful. As our
situation is not symmetric (a priori), it is not clear whether the
adjoint functor to $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$ is also full and faithful.
Some additional reasoning is needed.
\th{Theorem}\label{equi} In the above notations, the functor
$\Phi_{\mathcal E}: \db{{\mathcal M}_A (v)}\longrightarrow\db{S_1}$
is an equivalence.
\par\vspace{1.0ex}\endgroup \par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. } Assume the converse, i.e. $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$ is not an
equivalence, then,
since the functor $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$ is full and faithful, there
exists an object $C\in \db{S_1}$ such that $\Phi^*_{\mathcal E}
(C)=0.$ By Proposition \ref{mu}, the functor $\Phi_{\mathcal E}$
induces the isometry $f$ on the Mukai lattices, hence the Mukai
vector $v(C)$ is equal to $0.$
Object $C$ satisfies the conditions ${\H i, {}, C, {E_t}}=0$ for
every $i$ and all $t\in {\mathcal M}_A (v),$ where $E_t$ are stable
bundles on $S_1$ with the Mukai vector $v.$
Denote by $H^i (C)$ the cohomology sheaves of the object $C.$
There is a spectral sequence which converges to ${\H i, {}, C, {E_t}}$
E^{p,q}_2 = {\E p, {}, H^{-q} (C), {E_t}} \Longrightarrow {\H {p+q}, {}, C, {E_t}}
It is depicted in the following diagram
We can see that ${\E 1, {}, H^q (C), {E_t}}=0$ for every $q$ and all $t,$
and every morphism $d_2$ is an isomorphism.
To prove the theorem, we need the following lemma.
Let $G$ be a sheaf on K3 surface $S_1$ such that ${\E 1, {}, G,
{E_t}}=0$ for all $t.$ Then there exists an exact sequence
0\longrightarrow G_1 \longrightarrow G\longrightarrow G_2 \longrightarrow 0
that satisfies the following conditions:
1)\; {\E i, {}, G_1, {E_t}}=0 \quad \mbox{ for every }\; i\ne 2,\;\mbox{and}
& {\E 2, {}, G_1, {E_t}}\cong{\E 2, {}, G, {E_t}} \\
2)\; {\E i, {}, G_2, {E_t}}=0 \quad \mbox{ for every } \; i\ne 0,\;\mbox{and}
& {\H {}, {}, G_2, {E_t}}\cong{\H {}, {}, G, {E_t}}
and $p_A (G_2) < p_A (G) < p_A (G_1)$ (where $p_A(F)$ is a Gieseker slope, i.e., a polynomial such that $p_A(F)(n)=\chi(F(nA))/r(F).$)
\par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. }
Firstly, there is a short exact sequence
0\longrightarrow T\longrightarrow G\longrightarrow \widetilde{G}\longrightarrow 0,
where $T$ is a torsion sheaf, and $\widetilde{G}$ is torsion free.
Secondly, there is a Harder-Narasimhan filtration $0=I_0\subset ...\subset I_n
for $\widetilde{G}$
such that the successive quotients $I_i / I_{i-1}$ are $A$-semistable, and
$p_A (I_i / I_{i-1})>p_A( I_j / I_{j-1} )$ for $i<j.$
Now, combining $T$ and the members of the filtration for which $p_A (I_i
/ I_{i-1})>p_A (E_t)$ (resp. $=,$ $<$) to one, we obtain the 3-member
filtration on $G$
0=J_0 \subset J_1 \subset J_2 \subset J_3 =G.
Let $K_i$ be the quotients sheaves $J_i / J_{i-1}.$ We have
p_A (K_1) > p_A (K_2)=p_A (E_t) > p_A (K_3)
(we suppose, if needed, $p_A (T)= +\infty$).
Moreover, it follows from stability of $E_t$ that
{\h K_1, {E_t}}=0 \qquad \mbox{ and }\qquad {\E 2, {}, K_3, {E_t}}=0
Combining this with the assumption that ${\E 1, {}, G, {E_t}}=0,$ we get
${\E 1, {}, K_2, {E_t}}=0.$
To prove the lemma it remains to show that $K_2 =0.$
Note that $K_2$ is $A$-semistable. Hence there is a Jordan-H\"older filtration
for $K_2$ such that the successive quotients are $A$-stable. The number of
the quotients is finite. Therefore we can take $t_0$ such that
{\h K_2, {E_{t_0}}}=0 \qquad \mbox{ and }\qquad {\E 2, {}, K_2, {E_{t_0}}}=0
Consequently, $\chi ( v(K_2), v(E_t) )=0.$ Thus, as
${\E 1, {}, K_2, {E_t}}=0$ for all $t,$ we obtain
${\E i, {}, K_2, {E_t}}=0$ for every $i$ and all $t.$
Further, let us consider $\Phi^*_{\mathcal E} (K_2).$ We have
{\H \begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture} , {}, \Phi^*_{\mathcal E}(K_2), {{\mathcal O}_t}}\cong
{\H \begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture} , {}, K_2, {E_t}}=0,
This implies $\Phi^*_{\mathcal E} (K_2)=0.$ Hence $v(K_2)=0,$
because $f$ is an isometry. And, finally, $K_2=0.$ The lemma is
proved. $\Box$
Let us return to the theorem. The object $C$ possesses at least two
non-zero consequent cohomology
sheaves $H^p (C)$ and $H^{p+1} (C)$ . They satisfy the
condition of Lemma \ref{GN} Hence there exist decompositions with conditions 1),2):
0 \longrightarrow H^p_1 \longrightarrow H^p (C) \longrightarrow H^p_2 \longrightarrow 0 \quad\mbox{and}\quad
0 \longrightarrow H^{p+1}_1 \longrightarrow H^{p+1} (C) \longrightarrow H^{p+1}_2 \longrightarrow 0
Now consider the canonical morphism $H^{p+1} (C) \longrightarrow H^p (C)[2].$ It
induces the morphism $ s : H^{p+1}_1 \longrightarrow H^p_2 [2].$ By $Z$ denote a cone of
Since $d_2$ of the spectral sequence (\ref{seq}) is
an isomorphism, we obtain
{\H \begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}, {}, Z, {E_t}}=0 \qquad \mbox{ for all } t.
Consequently, we have $\Phi^*_{\mathcal E} (Z)=0.$ On the other
hand, we know that $p_A (H^{p+1}_1)>p_A (E_t)>p_A (H^p_2).$
Therefore $v(Z)\ne 0.$
This contradiction proves the theorem. $\Box$
There exists the another version of Theorem \ref{K3}
Let $S_1$ and $S_2$ be smooth projective K3 surfaces over field $\Bbb{C}.$
Then the derived
categories $\db{S_1}$ and $\db{S_2}$ are equivalent as triangulated categories
iff there exists a Hodge isometry $f: \widetilde{H} ( S_1, {\Bbb{Z}} )\stackrel{\sim}\longrightarrow
\widetilde{H} ( S_2, {\Bbb{Z}} )$
between the Mukai lattices of $S_1$ and $S_2.$
Here the `{\sf Hodge} isometry' means that the one-dimensional subspace $H^{2,0} (S_1)\subset
\widetilde{H} ( S_1, {\Bbb{Z}} )\otimes\Bbb{C}$ goes to $H^{2,0} (S_2)\subset
\widetilde{H} ( S_2, {\Bbb{Z}} )\otimes\Bbb{C}.$
The facts, collected in this appendix, are not new; they are known. However,
not having a good reference, we regard it necessary to give a proof for the statement, which is used in the main text. We exploit the technique from \cite{IM}.
Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety and $L$ be a very ample invertible sheaf on $X$ such that ${\rm H}^i ( X , L^k ) =0$ for any $k>0$ , when $i\ne 0.$
Denote by $A$ the coordinate algebra for $X$ with respect to $L,$ i.e. $A = \bigoplus\limits^{\infty}_{k=0} {\rm H}^0 ( X , L^k ).$
Now consider the variety $X^n.$ First, we introduce some notations. Define subvarieties $\Delta^{(n)}_{(i_1 , ..., i_k )(i_{k+1}, ..., i_m )} \subset X^n$ by the following rule:
\Delta^{(n)}_{(i_1 , ..., i_k )(i_{k+1}, ..., i_m )} :=\{ (x_1 , ..., x_n ) | x_{i_1}=\cdots = x_{i_k} ; x_{i_{k+1}}=\cdots = x_{m} \}
By $S^{(n)}_i$ denote $\Delta^{(n)}_{(n,..., i)}.$ It is clear that $S^{(n)}_i \cong X^i.$
Further, let $T^{(n)}_i := \bigcup\limits^{i-1}_{k=1}
\Delta^{(n)}_{(n,..., i)(k, k-1)}$ (note that $T^{(n)}_1$ and
$T^{(n)}_2$ are empty) and let $\Sigma^{(n)} :=
\bigcup\limits^{n}_{k=1} \Delta^{(n)}_{(k, k-1)}.$ We see that
$T^{(n)}_i \subset S^{(n)}_i.$ Denote by ${\mathcal I}^{(n)}_i$ the
kernel of the restriction map ${\mathcal O}_{S^{(n)}_i}\longrightarrow
{\mathcal O}_{T^{(n)}_i}\longrightarrow 0.$
Using induction by $n,$ it can easily be checked that the following complex on $X^n$
P^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_n : 0\longrightarrow J_{\Sigma^{(n)}} \longrightarrow {\mathcal I}^{(n)}_n \longrightarrow
{\mathcal I}^{(n)}_{n-1} \longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow {\mathcal I}^{(n)}_2 \longrightarrow
{\mathcal I}^{(n)}_1 \longrightarrow 0
is exact. (Note that ${\mathcal I}^{(n)}_1 = {\mathcal
O}_{\Delta^{(n)}_{n,...,1}}$ and ${\mathcal I}^{(n)}_2 = {\mathcal
O}_{\Delta^{(n)}_{n,...,2}}$). For example, for $n=2$ this complex
is a short exact sequence on $X\times X$:
P^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_2 : 0\longrightarrow J_{\Delta}\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_{X\times X}\longrightarrow
{\mathcal O}_{\Delta}\longrightarrow 0
Denote by $\pi^{(n)}_i$ the projection of $X^n$ onto $i^{th}$ component, and by $\pi^{(n)}_{ij}$ denote the projection of $X^n$ onto the product of $i^{th}$ and $j^{th}$ components.
Let $B_n := {\rm H}^0 ( X^n , J_{\Sigma^{(n)}}\otimes (L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes
L))$ and let $R_{n-1} := R^{0} \pi^{(n)}_{1 *} (J_{\Sigma^{(n)}}\otimes
({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L)).$ \ap{Proposition} Let $L$ be a
very ample invertible sheaf on $X$ as above. Suppose that for any
$m$ such that $1< m \le n+dim X+2$ the following conditions hold:
a)& {\rm H}^i ( X^m , J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes (L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L))=0&\; \mbox{for} \quad i\ne 0\\
b)& R^{i} \pi^{(m)}_{1 *} (J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L))=0&\; \mbox{for}\quad i\ne 0\\
c)& R^{i} \pi^{(m)}_{1m *} (J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes
L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L\boxtimes {\mathcal O}))=0&\; \mbox{for} \quad i\ne 0
Then we have:
1) algebra $A$ is n-Koszul, i.e the sequence
B_n \otimes_k A\longrightarrow B_{n-1}\otimes_k A\longrightarrow \cdots\longrightarrow B_1\otimes_k A\longrightarrow A\longrightarrow k\longrightarrow 0
is exact;
2) the following
complexes on $X$:
A_{k-n}\otimes R_n \longrightarrow A_{k-n+1}\otimes R_{n-1}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow A_{k-1}\otimes
R_1 \longrightarrow A_k \otimes R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{k}\longrightarrow 0
are exact for any $k\ge 0$
(if $ k-i<0,$ then $A_{k-i}=0$ by definition);
3) the complex
{ L}^{ -n}\boxtimes R_n\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow {L}^{ -1}\boxtimes R_1\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_M
\boxtimes R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_{\Delta}
gives n-resolution of the diagonal on $X\times X,$ i.e. it is exact.
\par\noindent{\bf\ Proof. }
1) First, note that
{\rm H}^i ( X^m , {\mathcal I}^{(m)}_k \otimes (L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L))={\rm
H}^i ( X^{k-1} , J_{\Sigma^{(k-1)}}\otimes (L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L))\otimes
By condition a), they are trivial for $i\ne 0.$
Consider the complexes $P^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_m \otimes (L\boxtimes\cdots \boxtimes L)$ for $m\le n+dim X +1.$ Applying the functor ${\rm H}^0$ to these complexes and using condition a), we get the exact sequences:
0\longrightarrow B_m \longrightarrow B_{m-1}\otimes_k A_1 \longrightarrow \cdots\longrightarrow B_1\otimes_k A_{m-1} \longrightarrow A_m \longrightarrow 0
for $m\le n+dimX+1.$
Now put $m=n+dimX+1.$ Denote by $W^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_m$ the complex
{\mathcal I}^{(m)}_m \longrightarrow {\mathcal I}^{(m)}_{m-1} \longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow
{\mathcal I}^{(m)}_2 \longrightarrow {\mathcal I}^{(m)}_1 \longrightarrow 0
Take the complex $W^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_m \otimes (L\boxtimes\cdots\boxtimes L\boxtimes L^i )$ and apply functor
${\rm H}^0$ to it. We obtain the following sequence:
B_{m-1}\otimes_k A_i \longrightarrow B_{m-2}\otimes_k A_{i+1} \longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow B_1\otimes_k A_{m-1} \longrightarrow A_m \longrightarrow 0
Its cohomologies are ${\rm H}^j ( X^m , J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes (L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L\boxtimes L^i)).$ It follows from condition b) that
{\rm H}^j ( X^m , J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes (L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L\boxtimes
L^i))={\rm H}^j ( X, R^0 \pi^{(m)}_{m*}(J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes (L\boxtimes
\cdots \boxtimes L\boxtimes {\mathcal O}))\otimes L^i ).
Hence they are trivial for $j> dimX.$
Consequently, we have the exact sequences:
B_n \otimes_k A_{m-n+i-1}\longrightarrow B_{n-1}\otimes_k A_{m-n+i} \longrightarrow \cdots\longrightarrow B_1\otimes_k A_{m+i-2}\longrightarrow A_{m+i-1}
for $i\ge 1.$ And for $i\le 1$ the exactness was proved above.
Thus, algebra $A$ is n-Koszul.
2) The proof is the same as for 1). We have isomorphisms
R^i \pi^{(m)}_{1*}({\mathcal I}^{(m)}_k \otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes
\cdots \boxtimes L))\cong R^i \pi^{(k-1)}_{1*}( J_{\Sigma^{(k-1)}}\otimes
({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L))\otimes A_{m-k+1}
Applying functor $R^0 \pi^{(m)}_{1*}$ to the complexes
$P^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_{m} \otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L))$ for $m\le
n+dimX+2,$ we obtain the exact complexes on $X$
0\longrightarrow R_{m-1} \longrightarrow A_{1}\otimes R_{m-2}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow A_{m-2}\otimes R_1
\longrightarrow A_{m-1} \otimes R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{m-1}\longrightarrow 0
for $m\le n+dimX+2.$
Put $m=n+dimX+2.$ Applying functor $R^0 \pi^{(m)}_{1*}$ to the
complex $W^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_m \otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L \boxtimes
L^i)),$ we get the complex
A_{i}\otimes R_{m-2}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow A_{m+i-3}\otimes R_1 \longrightarrow
A_{m+i-2} \otimes R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{m+i-2}\longrightarrow 0
The cohomologies of this complex are
R^{j} \pi^{(m)}_{1 *} (J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes
\cdots \boxtimes L \boxtimes L^i))\cong R^{j}p_{1*}(R^{0} \pi^{(m)}_{1m *}
(J_{\Sigma^{(m)}}\otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes L\boxtimes {\mathcal
O}))\otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L^i))
They are trivial for $j> dimX.$
Thus, the sequences
A_{k-n}\otimes R_n \longrightarrow A_{k-n+1}\otimes R_{n-1}\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow A_{k-1}\otimes
R_1 \longrightarrow A_k \otimes R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal L}^{k}\longrightarrow 0
are exact for all $k\ge 0.$
3) Consider the complex $W^{\begin{picture}(4,4)\put(2,3){\circle*{1.5}}\end{picture}}_{n+2}\otimes ({\mathcal O}\boxtimes L\boxtimes
\cdots \boxtimes L \boxtimes L^{-i}).$ Applying the functor $R^0
\pi^{(n+2)}_{1(n+2)*}$ to it, we obtain the following complex on
$X\times X$:
{L}^{-n}\boxtimes R_n\longrightarrow\cdots\longrightarrow {L}^{-1}\boxtimes R_1\longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_M \boxtimes
R_0 \longrightarrow {\mathcal O}_{\Delta}
By condition c), it is exact.
This finishes the proof.
Note that for any ample invertible sheaf $L$ we can find $j$ such that for the
sheaf $L^j$ the conditions a),b),c) are fulfilled.
1996-06-06T13:40:26 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606003 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606003 | [
] | alg-geom/9606003 | V. Batyrev | Victor V. Batyrev, Yuri Tschinkel | Height Zeta Functions of Toric Varieties | 27 pages, AMS-LaTeX | null | null | LMENS-96-9 | null | We investigate analytic properties of height zeta functions of toric
varieties. Using the height zeta functions, we prove an asymptotic formula for
the number of rational points of bounded height with respect to an arbitrary
line bundle whose first Chern class is contained in the interior of the cone of
effective divisors
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Jun 1996 11:36:04 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Victor V.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $X$ be a $d$-dimensional
algebraic variety defined over a number field $F$.
Denote by ${\cal L}=(L,\{\|\cdot\|_v\})$ a metrized line bundle on $X$ ,
i.e. a line bundle $L$ together with a family of $v$-adic metrics,
where $v$ runs over the set ${\operatorname{Val} }(F)$ of all valuations of $F$.
For any locally closed algebraic subset
$Y\subset X$ we denote by $Y(F)$ the set of $F$-rational points in $Y$.
A metrized line bundle ${\cal L}$ defines a height function
H_{\cal L} \, :\, X(F) \rightarrow {\bold R }_{>0}.
Assume that a subset $Y \subset X$ and a bundle $L$ are choosen
in such a way that
N(Y,{\cal L},B) := \# \{ x\in Y(F) \mid H_{\cal L}(x)\le B \} < \infty
for all $B \in {\bold R }_{>0}$ (e.g., this holds for any $Y\subset X$ if $L$ is
ample). Then the asymptotic behavior of
the counting function $N(Y,{\cal L},B)$ as $B \rightarrow \infty$
is determined by analytic properties of the
{\em height zeta function} $Z(Y,{\cal L},s)$
defined by the series
Z(Y,{\cal L},s) : =\sum_{x\in Y(F)} H_{\cal L}(x)^{-s}
which converges for ${ \operatorname{Re} }(s)\gg 0$.
More precisely, one has the following Tauberian statement:
\begin{theo} {\rm \cite{BaTschi1}}
Assume that the series $Z(Y,{\cal L},s)$ is absolutely
convergent for ${ \operatorname{Re} }(s) > a> 0$ and that there exists
some positive integer $b$ such that
Z(Y,{\cal L},s)=\frac{g(s)}{(s-a)^b} + h(s)
where $g(s)$ and $h(s)$ are functions holomorphic in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }(s)\ge a$ and $g(a)\neq 0$. Then
the following asymptotic formula holds:
N(Y,{\cal L},B)=\frac{g(a)}{a(b-1)!}
B^{a}(\log B)^{b-1}(1+o(1))\;{ for}
\;B\rightarrow \infty.
{\rm Denote by $NS(X)$ be the Neron-Severi group of $X$ and by
$NS(X)_{{\bold R }} =
NS(X)\otimes {\bold R }$. The {\em cone of effective
divisors of $X$} is the closed cone
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)\subset NS(X)_{{\bold R }}$ generated by the classes of
effective divisors. }
Let $[L] \in NS(X)$ be the first Chern class of $L$.
Denote by ${\cal K}_X = (K_X,\{\|\cdot\|_v\})$
the metrized canonical line
bundle on $X$.
{\rm Let $L$ be any line bundle on $X$. Define
a(L) : =\inf \{ a\in {\bold R } \,|\, a[L]+[K_X]\in \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)\}.
One of our main results in this paper is the following theorem:
\begin{theo} Let
$T$ be a $d$-dimensional
algebraic torus over a number field $F$,
$X$ a smooth projective toric variety containing $T$
as a Zariski open subset, and
${\cal L}$ a metrized line bundle on $X$ $($with the metrization
introduced in {\rm \cite{BaTschi1}}$)$. Assume that the class $[L]$ is
contained in the interior of the cone of effective divisors.
Then the height zeta function has the following representation:
Z(T,{\cal L},s)=\frac{g(s)}{(s-a(L))^{b(L)}} + h(s)
where $g(s)$ and $h(s)$ are functions holomorphic in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }(s)\ge a(L)$, $g(a(L))\neq 0$, and $b(L)$ is the codimension of
the minimal face of $ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)$ which contains the
class $a(L)[L]+[K_X]$.
We have the following asymptotic formula
N(T,{\cal L},B)=
\frac{g(a(L))}{a(L)(b(L)-1)!}B^{a(L)}(\log B)^{b(L)-1}(1+o(1))\;{ for}
\;B\rightarrow \infty.
The paper is organized as follows:
The technical heart of the paper is
contained in Section 2, where we investigate analytic
properties of some complex valued functions related
to convex cones.
In Section 3, we review basic facts from harmonic analysis on
the adele group of an algebraic torus.
In Section 4, we recall the terminology from the theory
of toric varieties as well as the definition
and main properties of heights on toric varieties.
In Section 5, we give the proof of \ref{t1}. We remark that the
most subtle part in the statement of \ref{t1} is the
nonvanishing of the asymptotic constant $g(a(L)) \neq 0$.
\section{Technical theorems}
Let $I$ and $J$ be two positive integers,
${{\bold R }}\lbrack {\bold s},{\bold t} \rbrack$
(resp. ${{\bold C }}\lbrack {\bold s}, {\bold t} \rbrack$)
the ring of polynomials in $I +J$
variables $s_1, \ldots, s_I, t_1, \ldots, t_J$
with coefficients in
${{\bold R }}$ (resp. in ${{\bold C }}$) and ${{\bold C }}\lbrack \lbrack {\bold s}, {\bold t}
\rbrack \rbrack$ the ring of formal power series in $s_1,
\ldots, s_I,t_1, \ldots, t_J$
with complex coefficients.
{\rm Two elements $f({\bold s},{\bold t}),\, g({\bold s},{\bold t})
\in {{\bold C }}\lbrack \lbrack {\bold s}, {\bold t}
\rbrack \rbrack$ will be called {\em coprime}, if
$g.c.d.(f({\bold s},{\bold t}),\, g({\bold s},{\bold t})) =1$.
{\rm Let $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$ be an element of
${{\bold C }}\lbrack \lbrack {\bold s}, {\bold t}
\rbrack \rbrack$. By the {\em order} of a monomial
$s_1^{ \alpha _1} \cdots s_I^{ \alpha _I}t_1^{ \beta _1} \cdots t_J^{ \beta _J}$
we mean the sum
of the exponents
$$ \alpha _1+ \cdots + \alpha _I + \beta _1 + \cdots + \beta _J.$$
By the {\em multiplicity $\mu(f({\bold s},{\bold t}))$
of $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$ at
${\bold 0} = (0, \ldots, 0)$} we always mean
the minimal order of non-zero monomials appearing in the
expansion of $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$ at ${\bold 0}$ . }
Let $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$ be a meromorphic at ${\bold 0}$ function.
Define the {\em multiplicity $\mu(f({\bold s},{\bold t}))$ }
of $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$ at
${\bold 0}$ as
\[ \mu(f({\bold s},{\bold t})) = \mu(g_1({\bold s},{\bold t})) -
\mu(g_2({\bold s},{\bold t})) \]
where $g_1({\bold s},{\bold t})$ and $g_2({\bold s},{\bold t})$ are two coprime
elements in ${{\bold C }}\lbrack \lbrack {\bold s},{\bold t} \rbrack \rbrack$
such that $f = g_1/g_2$.
{\rm It is easy to show that for any two
meromorphic at ${\bold 0}$ functions $f_1({\bold s},{\bold t})$ and
$f_2({\bold s},{\bold t})$,
one has
(i) $\mu(f_1 \cdot f_2) = \mu(f_1) + \mu(f_2)$ (in
particular, one can omit "coprime" in Definition \ref{mult2});
(ii) $\mu(f_1 + f_2) \geq \min \{ \mu(f_1), \mu(f_2) \}$;
(iii) $\mu(f_1 + f_2) = \mu(f_1)$ if $\mu(f_2) > \mu(f_1)$. }
Using the properties \ref{mult3}(i)-(ii), one immediately
obtains from Definition \ref{mult1} the following:
Let $f_1({\bold s},{\bold t}) \in {{\bold C }}\lbrack \lbrack {\bold s}, {\bold t}
\rbrack \rbrack$ and $f_2({\bold s}) \in
{{\bold C }}\lbrack \lbrack {\bold s}\rbrack \rbrack$
be two analytic at ${\bold 0}$ functions,
$l({\bold s}) \in {\bold R}[{\bold s}]$
a homogeneous linear function in the variables $s_1, \ldots,
$${\bold \gamma} = ({\bold \gamma}^I, {\bold \gamma}^J)
= ( \gamma_1, \ldots, \gamma_I, \gamma_1', \ldots, \gamma_J') \in {{\bold C }}^{I
an arbitrary complex
vector with $l({\bold \gamma}^I) \neq 0$,
and $g({\bold s},{\bold t}) := f_1({\bold s},{\bold t})/f_2({\bold s})$. Then
the multiplicity of the function
\tilde{g}({\bold s},{\bold t}): = \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial
g({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I, {\bold t} + z\cdot {\bold \gamma}^J )
|_{z = - l({\bold s})/l({\bold \gamma}^I)}
at ${\bold 0}$ is at least $\mu(g) - k$, if
f_2({\bold s} + z \cdot \gamma^I) |_{z = - l({\bold s})/l({\bold \gamma}^I)}
is not identically zero.
Let $\Gamma \subset {{\bold Z }}^{I+J}$ be a
sublattice, $\Gamma_{{\bold R }} \subset {{\bold R }}^{I + J}$ (resp.
$\Gamma_{{\bold C }} \subset {{\bold C }}^{I +J}$) the scalar extension of
$\Gamma$ to a ${{\bold R }}$-subspace
(resp. to a ${{\bold C }}$-subspace).
We always assume that $\Gamma_{{\bold R }}
\cap {{\bold R }}_{\geq 0}^{I +J} = 0$ and $ \Gamma _{{\bold R }} \cap {\bold R }^J = 0$.
We set $P_{{\bold R }}: =
{{\bold R }}^{I +J}/\Gamma_{{\bold R }}$ and
$P_{{\bold C }}: = {{\bold C }}^{I+J}/\Gamma_{{\bold C }}$. Let $\pi^I$ be the
natural projection ${\bold C }^{I+J} \rightarrow {\bold C }^I$. Denote by $\psi$
(resp. by $\psi^I$) the canonical surjective mapping
${\bold C }^{I+J} \rightarrow P_{{\bold C }}$ (resp. ${\bold C}^{I} \rightarrow {\bold C }^I/\pi^I( \Gamma _{{\bold C }})$).
{\rm A complex analytic function
f({\bold s}, {\bold t})=
f(s_1, \ldots, s_I, t_1, \ldots, t_J): U \rightarrow {\bold C}
on an open subset $U \subset {\bold C}^{I +J}$
is said to {\em descend to $P_{{\bold C }}$} if
$ f({\bold u} ) = f({\bold u}')$
for all ${\bold u}, {\bold u}' \in U$ with ${\bold u} - {\bold u}' \in
\Gamma _{{\bold C }}$. }
{\rm By definition, if $f({\bold s}, {\bold t})$
descends to $P_{{\bold C }}$, then there exists
an analytic function $g$ on $\psi(U) \subset P_{{\bold C }}$ such that
$f = g \circ \psi$. Using Cauchy-Riemann equations, one
immediatelly obtains that $f$ descends to $P_{{\bold C }}$ if and only
if for any vector ${\bold \alpha } \in \Gamma_{{\bold R }}$ and
any ${\bold u}= (u_1, \ldots, u_{I+J}) \in U$ such that
${\bold u} + i{\bold \alpha } \in U$, one has
\[ f({\bold u}+ i{\bold \alpha }) = f({\bold u}). \]}
{\rm An analytic function $f({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}) \in {{\bold R }}_{>0}^I$, ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold t})
\in {{\bold R }}_{> - \delta _0}^J$ $(${for some} $ \delta _0 >0)$ is called
{\em good with respect to $\Gamma$ and
the set of variables $\{s_1,...,s_I\}$}
if it satisfies the following conditions:
{(i)} $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$ descends to $P_{{\bold C }}$;
{(ii)} There exist pairwise coprime linear
homogeneous polynomials
l_1({\bold s}), \ldots,
l_p({\bold s}) \in {{\bold R }}\lbrack s_1, \ldots, s_I \rbrack$$
and positive integers
$k_1, \ldots, k_p$ such that for every $j \in \{1, \ldots, p \}$
linear form $l_j({\bold s})$ descends to $P_{{\bold C }}$, $l_j({\bold s})$
does not vanish for ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}) \in {{\bold R }}_{>0}^{I}$, and
q({\bold s},{\bold t}) = f({\bold s}, {\bold t})
\cdot \prod_{j =1}^p l_j^{k_j}({\bold s})
is analytic at ${\bold 0}$.
(iii) There exists a nonzero constant $C(f)$ and
a homogeneous polynomial $q_0({\bold s})$ of degree $\mu(q)$ in
variables $s_1, \ldots,
s_I$ such that
q({\bold s}, {\bold t}) = q_0({\bold s}) + q_1({\bold s}, {\bold t})
\frac{q_0({\bold s})}{\prod_{j =1}^p l_j^{k_j}({\bold s})} =
C(f) \cdot {\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}(\psi^I({\bold s})),
$q_1({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ is an analytic function at ${\bold 0}$ with
$\mu(q_1) > \mu(q_0)$, both
functions $q_0$, $q_1$ descend to $P_{{\bold C }}$, and
${\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}$ is the ${\cal X}$-function of the cone $ \Lambda (I) =
\psi^I({{\bold R }}^I_{\geq 0}) \subset \psi^I({{\bold R }}^I)$ (see Definition
{\rm Let $q({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ be an arbitrary
analytic at ${\bold 0}$ function. Collecting terms in the Taylor
expansion of $q$, we see that there exists a unique homogeneous
polynomial $q_0({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ and an analytic at
${\bold 0}$ function $q_1({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ such that
$$ q({\bold s}, {\bold t}) = q_0({\bold s}, {\bold t}) +
q_1 ({\bold s}, {\bold t}) $$
with $\mu(q) = \mu(q_0) < \mu(q_1)$. In particular,
the polynomial $q_0$ and the function $q_1$ in \ref{def.good}
are uniquely defined.}
{\rm If $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$ is
good with respect to $\Gamma$ and
the set of variables $\{s_1,...,s_I\}$ as above, then the
meromorphic function
\frac{q_0({\bold s})}{\prod_{j =1}^p l_j^{k_j}({\bold s})}
will be called the {\em principal part of
$f({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ at ${\bold 0}$}
and the constant $C(f)$ the {\em principal coefficient
of $f({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ at ${\bold 0}$}. }
Suppose that ${\rm dim }\, \psi^I ({{\bold R }}^I) \geq 2$.
Let ${\bold \gamma} = ({\bold \gamma}^I, {\bold \gamma}^J)
\in {{\bold Z }}^{I +J}$ be an element which is
not contained in $\Gamma$, $\tilde{\Gamma}: = \Gamma \oplus {\bold Z } <
{\bold \gamma} >$,
$\tilde{\Gamma}_{{\bold R }} := \Gamma_{{\bold R }} \oplus {\bold R } < {\bold \gamma} >$,
$\tilde{P}_{{\bold R }} :=
{{\bold R }}^{I +J} /\tilde{\Gamma}_{{\bold R }}$ and $\tilde{P}_{{\bold C }} :=
{{\bold C }}^{I+J} /\tilde{\Gamma}_{{\bold C }}$. We assume that
$\tilde{ \Gamma } \cap {\bold R }^J = {\bold 0}$ and $\tilde{\Gamma}_{{\bold R }} \cap
{{\bold R }}_{\geq 0}^{I+J} = 0$. We denote by
$\tilde{\psi}$ (resp. by $\tilde{\psi}^I$) the natural
projection ${{\bold C }}^{I+J} \rightarrow \tilde{P}_{{\bold C }}$ (resp.
${{\bold C }}^{I} \rightarrow {{\bold C }}^I/\pi^I(\tilde{ \Gamma }_{{\bold C }})$).
The following easy statement will be helpful in the sequel:
Let $f({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ be an analytic at ${\bold 0}$ function,
$l({\bold s}) \in {\bold R }[{\bold s}]$
a homogeneous linear function such that $l({\bold \gamma}^I) \neq
0$. Assume
that $f({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ and
$l({\bold s})$ descend to $P_{{\bold C }}$. Then
\tilde{f}({\bold s}, {\bold t}) : =
f \left({\bold s} - \frac{l({\bold s})}{l({\bold \gamma}^I)}
\cdot {\bold \gamma}^I, {\bold t} - \frac{l({\bold s})}{l({\bold \gamma}^I)}
\cdot {\bold \gamma}^J\right)
descends to $\tilde{P}_{{\bold C }}$.
Let $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$
be a good function with respect to $\Gamma$ and
the set of variables $\{s_1,...,s_I\}$ as above,
\Phi({\bold s}) = \prod_{j\;:\; l_j({\bold \gamma}^I)=0} l_j^{k_j}({\bold s})
the product of those linear
forms $l_j({\bold s})$ $(j \in \{ 1, \ldots, p\})$ which vanish on
${\bold \gamma}^I$.
Assume that
the following statements hold:
{\rm (i)} The integral
\tilde{f}({\bold s}, {\bold t}) : =
\frac{1}{2\pi i}
\int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = 0} f({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I, {\bold t} +
z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J) dz
, \;\; z \in {\bold C }
converges absolutely and uniformly
to a holomorphic function
on any compact in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}) \in {{\bold R }}_{>0}^{I}$,
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold t}) \in {{\bold R }}_{> - \delta _0}^{J}$;
{\rm (ii)}
There exists $ \delta > 0$ such that the integral
\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = \delta }
\Phi({\bold s}) \cdot f({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I,
{\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J) dz
converges absolutely and uniformly
in an open neighborhood of ${\bold 0}$. Moreover, the
multiplicity of the meromorphic function
\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s}, {\bold t}): = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = \delta }
f({\bold s} + z \cdot \gamma) dz
at ${\bold 0}$ is at least $1 - {\operatorname{dim} }\, \tilde{\psi}^I ({{\bold R }}^I)$;
{\rm (iii)} For any ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}) \in {{\bold R }}_{>0}^I$ and
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold t}) \in {{\bold R }}_{> - \delta _0}^{J}$, one has
\lim_{ \lambda \rightarrow + \infty}
\left( \sup_{0 \leq { \operatorname{Re} }(z) \leq \delta , \, |{ \operatorname{Im} }(z)| = \lambda }
|f({\bold s}+ z\cdot {\bold \gamma}^I, {\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J)|
\right) = 0.
Then $\tilde{f}({\bold s})$ is a good function with
respect to $\tilde{\Gamma}$ and
$\{s_1,...,s_I\}$, and $C({\tilde{f}}) = C(f)$.
{\em Proof.} By our assumption on $\tilde{ \Gamma }$, $ \gamma^I \neq {\bold 0}$.
We can assume that $l_j({\bold \gamma}^I) < 0$ for $j=1, \ldots, p_1$,
$l_j({\bold \gamma}^I) = 0$ for $j=p_1 +1, \ldots, p_2$, and
$l_j({\bold \gamma}^I) > 0$ for $j=p_2 +1, \ldots, p$. In particular, one has
\[ \Phi({\bold s}) = \prod_{j = p_1 + 1}^{p_2} l_j^{k_j}({\bold s}),
where $k_j$ $(j =p_1 +1 , \ldots, p_2)$ are some positive
Denote by $z_j$ the solution of
the following linear equation in $z$:
l_j({\bold s}) + z l_j({\bold \gamma}^I) = 0,\;\;j =1, \ldots, p_1.
Let $U$ be the intersection of ${{\bold R }}^{I+J}_{>0}$ with an open
neighborhood of ${\bold 0}$ such that
$ \Phi({\bold s}) \cdot
\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s}, {\bold t})$
is analytic for all $({\bold s}, {\bold t}) \in U$.
By the property (i), both functions
$\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ and $\tilde{f}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$
are analytic in $U$. Moreover, the
integral formulas for $\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s},{\bold t})$
and $\tilde{f}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$
show that the equalities
$\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold u}+ iy \cdot {\bold \gamma}) =\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold u})$
and $\tilde{f}({\bold u}+ iy \cdot {\bold \gamma}) =\tilde{f}({\bold u})$ hold
for any $y \in {\bold R }$ and ${\bold u},{\bold u}+ iy \cdot {\bold \gamma} \in U$. Therefore,
both functions
$\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ and $\tilde{f}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$
descend to $\tilde{P}_{\bold C}$ (see Remark \ref{desc}).
Using the properties (i)-(iii), we
can apply the residue theorem and obtain
\[ \tilde{f}({\bold s},{\bold t}) -
\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s},{\bold t}) =
\sum_{j=1}^{p_1} {\rm Res}_{z = z_j} f({\bold s} + z \cdot
{ \gamma}^I,{\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J)\]
for ${\bold s},{\bold t} \in U$.
We denote by $U({\bold \gamma})$ the open subset of $U$ which is
defined by the inequalities
\frac{l_j({\bold s})}{l_j({\bold \gamma}^I)}
\neq \frac{l_{m}({\bold s})}{l_{m}({\bold \gamma}^I)}\;\;
\mbox{\rm for all $j \neq m$, $\;\;j,m \in \{ 1, \ldots, p\}$.}
The open set $U({\bold \gamma})$ is non-empty, since we assume that
$g.c.d.(l_j, l_{m})=1$ for $j \neq m$.
Moreover, for $({\bold s},{\bold t}) \in U({\bold \gamma})$, we have \\
{\rm Res}_{z = z_j} f({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I,
{\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J) =
$$ =
\left( \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \right)^{k_j-1}
\frac{l_{j}({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)^{k_j}
q({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I,
{\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J)}{l_j^{k_j}
({\bold \gamma}^I) \cdot \prod_{m =1}^p
l_{m}^{k_m}({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I) }|_{z = z_j},
z_j = - \frac{l_j({\bold s})}{l_j({\bold \gamma}^I)}\, \;(j=1, \ldots, p_1) .
f({\bold s},{\bold t}) \cdot \prod_{j =1}^p l_j^{k_j}({\bold s})
= {q}({\bold s},{\bold t}) = {q}_0({\bold s}) + {q}_1({\bold s},{\bold t})
\frac{q_0({\bold s})}{\prod_{j =1}^p l_j^{k_j}({\bold s})} =
C(f) \cdot {\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}({\psi}^I({\bold s})),
where ${q}_0({\bold s})$ is a uniquely determined homogeneous polynomial
(see Remark \ref{unique}),
${q}_0({\bold s},{\bold t})$ is an analytic at ${\bold 0}$ function
with $\mu({q}) = \mu({q}_0) < \mu({q}_1)$ and
${\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}({\psi}^I({\bold s}))$ is the ${\cal X}$-function of the cone $ \Lambda (I) =
\psi^I({{\bold R }}^{I}_{\geq 0})$. We set
R_0({\bold s}) :
= \frac{q_0({\bold s})}{\prod_{j =1}^p {l}^{k_j}_j({\bold
s})}, \;\;
R_1({\bold s},{\bold t}) :
= \frac{q_1({\bold s},{\bold t})}{\prod_{j =1}^p {l}_j^{k_j}({\bold
Then $\mu(f)= \mu (R_0) < \mu (R_1)$. Moreover,
$\mu(R_0) = - {\operatorname{dim} }\, \psi^I({\bold R }^I)$ (see Prop. \ref{merom}).
\tilde{R}_0({\bold s}):=
\sum_{j=1}^{p_1} {\rm Res}_{z = z_j}
R_0({\bold s}+ z\cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)
\tilde{R}_1({\bold s},{\bold t}):=
\sum_{j=1}^{p_1} {\rm Res}_{z = z_j}
R_1({\bold s}+ z\cdot {\bold \gamma}^I,{\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J).
We claim that
\tilde{R}_0({\bold s}) = C(f) \cdot {\cal X}_{\tilde{ \Lambda }(I)}
(\tilde{\psi}^I({\bold s})),
${\cal X}_{\tilde{ \Lambda }(I)}(\tilde{\psi}^I({\bold s}))$
is the ${\cal X}$-function of the cone $\tilde{ \Lambda }(I) =
\tilde{\psi}^I({{\bold R }}^{I}_{\geq 0})$.
Indeed, repeating for
${\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}(\psi({\bold s}))$
the same arguments as for $f({\bold s},{\bold t})$, we obtain
\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = 0}
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}(\psi({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)) dz
- \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = \delta }
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}(\psi({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)) dz
= \sum_{j=1}^{k_1} {\rm Res}_{z = z_j}
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}(\psi({\bold s} + z_j \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)).
Moving the contour of integration
${ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = \delta $ $( \delta \rightarrow + \infty)$, by residue theorem,
we obtain
\int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = \delta }
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}(\psi({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)) dz =0.
On the other hand,
{\cal X}_{\tilde{ \Lambda }(I)}(\tilde{\psi}({\bold s})) =
\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = 0}
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda (I)}(\psi({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)) dz
(see Theorem \ref{char0}).
Consider the decomposition of $\tilde{f}$ into the sum:
\tilde{f}({\bold s},{\bold t}) =
\tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s},{\bold t}) + \tilde{R}_0({\bold
s}) + \tilde{R}_1({\bold s},{\bold t}).
By our assumption in (ii), $\mu(\tilde{f}_{ \delta }) \geq
1 -{\operatorname{dim} }\, \tilde{\psi}^I({\bold R }^I)$.
By Proposition \ref{mult4}, we
$\mu (\tilde{R}_1) \geq 1+ \mu(R_1) \geq 2 + \mu(R_0)= 1- {\rm
dim}\, \tilde{\psi}^I({\bold R }^I)$.
Using \ref{mult3}(iii),
we obtain that $\mu (\tilde{f}) = \mu (\tilde{R}_0) = - {\rm
dim}\, \tilde{\psi}^I({\bold R }^I)$ and
$ \mu (\tilde{f}_{\delta} + \tilde{R}_1) > \mu(\tilde{f})$.
By \ref{desc2}, the linear forms
\[ h_{m,j}({\bold s}):= l_{m}({\bold s} + z_j \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)
= l_{m}({\bold s}) -
\frac{l_j({\bold s})}{l_{j}({\bold \gamma}^I)} l_{m}({\bold \gamma}^I),
\; \; (j =1, \ldots, p_1,\; m \neq j) \]
and the analytic in the domain $U({\bold \gamma})$ functions
\[ {\rm Res}_{z = z_j} f({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I,{\bold t} +
z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J),\;\; j =1, \ldots, p_1 \]
{\rm Res}_{z = z_j} R_0({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^I),
\;\; j =1, \ldots, p_1 \]
descend to $\tilde{P}_{{\bold C }}$.
For any $j \in \{ 1, \ldots, p_1\}$, let us denote
Q_j ({\bold s}) = \prod_{m \neq j, m=1}^p h_{m,j}^{k_m}({\bold s}).
It is clear that
Q_j^{k_j}({\bold s}) \cdot {\rm Res}_{z = z_j} f({\bold s} + z \cdot
{\bold \gamma}^I, {\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J)\;$$
$$Q_j^{k_j}({\bold s}) \cdot {\rm Res}_{z = z_j} R_0({\bold s} + z
\cdot {\bold \gamma}^I)
are analytic at ${\bold 0}$ and $\Phi({\bold s})$ divides
each $Q_j ({\bold s})$. Hence, we obtain that \\
\tilde{f}({\bold s},{\bold t}) \prod_{j=1}^{p_1} Q_j^{k_j}({\bold s})
= $
$$ = \left( \tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s},{\bold t}) +
\sum_{j=1}^{p_1} {\rm Res}_{z = z_j} f({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold
\gamma}^I, {\bold t} + z \cdot {\bold \gamma}^J) \right)
\prod_{j=1}^{p_1} Q_j^{k_j}({\bold s})
\tilde{R}_0({\bold s}) \prod_{j=1}^{p_1} Q_j^{k_j}({\bold s})
= \left(
\sum_{j=1}^{p_1} {\rm Res}_{z = z_j} R_0({\bold s} + z \cdot {\bold
\gamma}^I) \right)
\prod_{j=1}^{p_1} Q_j^{k_j}({\bold s})
are analytic at ${\bold 0}$.
Let us define the set $\{ \tilde{l}_1({\bold s}),
\ldots, \tilde{l}_{\tilde{p}}({\bold s}) \}$ as
a subset of pairwise coprime elements
in the set of homogeneous linear forms
$\{ h_{m,j}({\bold s}) \}$ $(m
\in \{1, \ldots, p\}, \; j \in \{1, \ldots, p_1\})$ such that
there exist positive integers $n_1, \ldots, n_{\tilde{p}}$ and a
representation of the meromorphic functions $\tilde{f}({\bold s},{\bold t})$
and $\tilde{R}_0({\bold s})$
as quotients
\[ \tilde{f}({\bold s},{\bold t}) =
\frac{\tilde{q}({\bold s},{\bold t})}{\prod_{j =1}^{\tilde{p}}
\tilde{l}^{n_j}_j({\bold s})},\;\;
\tilde{R}_0({\bold s})
\frac{\tilde{q}_0({\bold s})}{\prod_{j =1}^{\tilde{p}}
\tilde{l}^{n_j}_j({\bold s})},\]
where $\tilde{q}({\bold s},{\bold t})$ is analytic at ${\bold 0}$,
$\tilde{q}_0({\bold s})$ is a homogeneous polynomial, and
none of the forms
$\tilde{l}_1({\bold s}), \ldots,
\tilde{l}_q({\bold s})$ vanishes for $({\bold s},{\bold t})
\in {{\bold R }}_{>0}^{I +J}$
(the last property can be achieved, because both functions
$\tilde{f}({\bold s},{\bold t})$ and
$\tilde{R}_0({\bold s},{\bold t})$ are analytic in $U$ and
the closure of $U$ is equal to ${{\bold R }}_{\geq 0}^{I +J}$).
\tilde{q}_1({\bold s},{\bold t}) = \left( \tilde{f}_{ \delta }({\bold s},{\bold t}) +
\tilde{R}_1({\bold s},{\bold t}) \right)
\cdot \prod_{j =1}^{\tilde{p}} \tilde{l}^{n_j}_j({\bold s}).
\tilde{q}({\bold s},{\bold t}) = \tilde{q}_0({\bold s}) +
\tilde{q}_1({\bold s},{\bold t})
where $\tilde{q}_0({\bold s},{\bold t})$ is a homogeneous polynomial
and $\tilde{q}_1({\bold s},{\bold t})$ is an analytic at ${\bold 0}$ function
such that $\mu(\tilde{q}) = \mu(\tilde{q}_0) < \mu(\tilde{q}_1)$.
\frac{\tilde{q}_0({\bold s})}{\prod_{j =1}^{\tilde{p}}
\tilde{l}_j^{n_j}({\bold s})} =
C(f) \cdot
{\cal X}_{\tilde{ \Lambda }(I)}(\tilde{\psi}^I({\bold s})),
i.e., $\tilde{f}$ is good.
\hfill $\Box $
{\rm For any finite dimensional Banach space $V$ over ${\bold R }$ we
denote by $\| \cdot\|$ a representative
in the class of equivalent norms on $V$. For
${\bold y}=(y_1,...,y_r)\in {\bold R }^r$ we will set
\|{\bold y}\|: =\sum_{j=1}^r |y_j|.
The following lemma is elementary:
\begin{lem} Let $V=V_1\oplus V_2$
be a direct sum of finite dimensional vector spaces over ${\bold R }$,
$r_2$ is the dimension of $V_2$, and $r_2>0$.
Let $f({\bold x})$ be a complex valued
function on $V$ satisfying the inequality
|f({\bold x})|\le \frac{c}{(1+\|{\bold x}\|)^{r_1+r_2+2 \varepsilon }},
for any ${\bold x}=({\bold x}_1,{\bold x}_2)\in V$ and some constants $c, \varepsilon >0$.
Let $W\subset V_2$ be a locally closed subgroup
such that $V_2/W$ is compact.
Choose any Haar measure ${\bold dw}$ on $W$.
Then there exists a constant $c'>0$ such
that we have the estimate
\int_W |f({\bold x}_1+{\bold w})|{\bold dw}
\le \frac{c'}{(1+\|{\bold x}_1\|)^{r_1+ \varepsilon }}
for any ${\bold x}_1 \in V_1$.
Let $f({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ be an analytic function
for ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s})\in {\bold R }^{I}_{>0}$,
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^{J}_{> - \delta _0}$ $($for some $ \delta _0>0)$,
$ \Gamma \subset {\bold Z }^{I+J}$ a sublattice of rank $t<I$ with
$ \Gamma _{{\bold R }} \cap {\bold R }^J=0$ and $ \Gamma _{{\bold R }} \cap {\bold R }^{I+J}_{\geq 0} = 0$.
Assume that there exist constants $ \varepsilon , \varepsilon _0>0$
such that the following holds:
{\rm (i)} The function
g({\bold s}, {\bold t})=s_1\cdots s_If({\bold s}, {\bold t})
is holomorphic in the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}) \in {\bold R }^{I}_{> - \varepsilon }$,
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^{J}_{> - \delta _0}$
and $C(f):=g({\bold 0})\neq 0$;
{\rm (ii)} For all $ \varepsilon _1$ $($with $0 < \varepsilon _1< \varepsilon $$)$
there exist a constant $C( \varepsilon _1)>0$
and an estimate
|f({\bold s}+i{\bold y}_I, {\bold t} + i{\bold y}_J) |
\leq \frac{C( \varepsilon _1)}{(1 + \|{\bold y }\|)^{t + \varepsilon _0}}, $$
$$\; {\bold y} =( {\bold y}_I, {\bold y}_J), \;\; \|{\bold y}\| =
\|{\bold y}_I \| + \| {\bold y}_J \|,
which holds for all ${\bold s}$ such that one of the two inequalities
$- \varepsilon < { \operatorname{Re} }(s_j) < \varepsilon _1$ or ${ \operatorname{Re} }(s_j) > \varepsilon _1$
is satisfied for every $j=1,...,I$.
Then the integral
\frac{1}{(2\pi )^t}
\int_{ \Gamma _{{\bold R }}}f({\bold s}+i{\bold y}_I, {\bold t} + i {\bold y}_J){\bold dy}
is a good function with respect to $ \Gamma $ and
the set of variables $\{s_1,...,s_I\}$, and $C(f)$ is its
principal coefficient.
{\em Proof.}
Without loss of generality we can assume that
$ \Gamma $ is not contained in any of $I$ coordinate hyperplanes
$s_j =0$ $(j =1,...,I)$, otherwise we
reduce the problem to a smaller value of $I$.
Therefore, we can choose a basis
${ \gamma}^1,...,{ \gamma}^t$ of $ \Gamma $ such that all first $I$ coordinates of
${ \gamma}^u= ({ \gamma}_I^u, { \gamma}_J^u) \in {\bold Z }^{I+J}$ are not
equal to $0$ for every $u=1,...,t$.
For any non-negative integer $u\le t$ we define
a subgroup $ \Gamma ^{(u)} \subset \Gamma $ of rank $u$ as follows:
\Gamma ^{(0)}= 0;\;\; \Gamma ^{(u)}:= \bigoplus_{j=1}^u {\bold Z }<{ \gamma}^u>,\;u=1,...,t.
We introduce some auxiliary functions
f^{(0)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})=f({\bold s}, {\bold t});
$$ $$
f^{(u)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})=
\frac{1}{(2\pi )^u}
\int_{ \Gamma ^{(u)}_{{\bold R }}}
f({\bold s}+i{\bold y}^{(u)}_I, {\bold t} +i {\bold y}^{(u)}_J)
{\bold dy}^{(u)},\;\;u=1,...,t,
where ${\bold dy}^{(u)}$ is the Lebesgue measure on $ \Gamma ^{(u)}_{{\bold R }}$
normalised by the lattice $ \Gamma ^{(u)}$. Denote by
$P_{{\bold C }}^{(u)}= {\bold C }^r/ \Gamma ^{(u)}_{{\bold C }}$.
By the estimate in (ii),
$f^{(u)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ is a holomorphic function in the domain
$({\rm Re}({\bold s}),{\rm Re}({\bold t}) )
\in {\bold R }^{I +J}_{>0}$ and descends to $P^{(u)}_{{\bold C }}$.
We prove by induction
that $f^{(u)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ is good with respect
to $ \Gamma ^{(u)}\subset {\bold Z }^{I+J}$ and $\{s_1,...,s_I\}$.
By (i), $f^{(0)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ is good.
By induction assumption, we know that
$f^{(u-1)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ is good with respect to
$ \Gamma ^{(u-1)}$ and $\{s_1,...,s_I\}$. Moreover, we have
f^{(u)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})=\frac{1}{(2\pi i )}\int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z)=0}
f^{(u-1)}({\bold s} + z \cdot { \gamma}^u_I, {\bold t} + z \cdot
{ \gamma}^u_J ) dz.
Choose $ \delta _u>0$ in such a way that for every
$j=1,...,I$ one of the following two inequalities is
- \varepsilon < \delta _u \gamma_j^u \ <- \varepsilon _1, \;\; \mbox{\rm or}\;\;
\delta _u \gamma_j^u> \varepsilon _1
for some $0< \varepsilon _1< \varepsilon $.
By (ii), the integral
f_{ \delta }^{(u)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})=
\frac{1}{(2\pi i )}
\int_{{ \operatorname{Re} }(z) = \delta _u} f^{(u-1)}({\bold s} + z \cdot { \gamma}^u_I,
{\bold t} + z \cdot { \gamma}^u_J) dz
\int_{ \Gamma _{{\bold R }}^{(u)}} f({\bold s} + \delta _u \gamma^{u}_I +
i{\bold y}^{(u)}_I,{\bold t} + \delta _u \gamma^{u}_J +
i{\bold y}^{(u)}_J ) {\bold dy}^{(u)}
converges absolutely and uniformly
in an open neighborhood of ${\bold 0}$, i.e. the
multiplicity of $f_{ \delta }^{(u)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ is at least
$0\ge 1+ {\rm rk}\, \Gamma ^{(u)} -I$. Hence it is holomorphic
at ${\bold 0}$ and satisfies assumption (ii) of \ref{desc3}.
By lemma \ref{trivial}, the property \ref{desc3} (iii) holds.
Applying theorem \ref{desc3}, we conclude that
$f^{(u)}({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ is a good function with
the principal coefficient $g({\bold 0})$.
\hfill $\Box$
\section{Fourier analysis on algebraic tori}
Let $X_F$ be an algebraic variety over a number field $F$
and $E/F$ a finite extension of number fields.
We shall denote by $X_E$ the $E$-variety obtained by
base change from $X_F$ and by $X(E)$ the set of
$E$-rational points of $X_F$. Sometimes we omit
the subscript in $X_E$ if the field is clear from
the context.
Let ${\bold G}_m= {\rm Spec}(F[x,x^{-1}])$ be the
multiplicative group scheme over $F$.
A $d$-dimensional algebraic torus $T$ is a group scheme over $F$
such that over some finite field extension $E/F$ we have
$T_E \cong ({\bold G}_{m})^d$. We call the minimal $E$ with this property
the splitting field of $T$. Denote by $G={\rm Gal }(E/F)$ the
Galois group of $E$ over $F$. For every
$G$-module $A$, $A^G$ stands for the submodule of elements
fixed by $G$.
For any field $E$ we denote by $\hat{T}_E$ the
$G$-module ${\rm Hom}(T_E,{\bold G}_{m})$
of $E$-rational characters of $T$. If $E$ is the
splitting field of $T$, we put $M: =\hat{T}_E$ and
$N: ={\rm Hom} (M,{\bold Z })$ the dual $G$-module. We denote by $t$ the
rank of the lattice $M^G$.
Let $T$ be an algebraic torus over a number field $F$. Denote by
${\operatorname{Val} }(F)$ the set of valuations of $F$ and
by ${\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)$ the set of archimedian valuations.
Let $F_v$ be the
completion of $F$ with respect to $v\in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)$,
${\cal V}$ an extension of $v$ to $E$,
G_v\; :\;= {\rm Gal}(E_{\cal V}/F_v)\subset {\rm Gal }(E/F)
the decomposition group at $v$,
$T(F_v)$ the group of $F_v$-rational points of $T$ and
$T({\cal O}_v)$ its maximal compact subgroup.
We have the canonical embeddings
\pi_v\; :\;T(F_v)/T({\cal O}_v)\hookrightarrow N^{G_v}
for all non-archimedian $v \in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)$ and
\pi_v\; :\;T(F_v)/T({\cal O}_v)\hookrightarrow N^{G_v}_{{\bold R }}
for all $v \in {\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)$.
Denote by $\overline{x}_v$ the image of
$x_v\in T(F_v)$ in $N^{G_v}$ (resp. $N_{{\bold R }}^{G_v}$)
under $\pi_v$.
{\rm We call a valuation $v \in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)$ {\em good}, if
the mapping $\pi_v$ is an isomorphism. We denote by $S$ a finite
subset in ${\operatorname{Val} }(F)$ containing ${\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)$ and
all valuations $v \in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)$ which are not good. }
Let us recall some basic arithmetic properties of algebraic
tori over the ring of adeles ${\bold A}_F$.
T^1({\bold A}_F)=\{ {\bold x}\in T({\bold A}_F) \, \mid \,
\prod_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)} |m(x_v)|_v =1, \, \;
{\rm for}\,\; {\rm all}\,\; m\in M^G\}.
Let ${\bold K}_T=\prod_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)} T({\cal O}_v) $
be the maximal compact subgroup
of $T({\bold A}_F)$.
The groups $T({\bold A}_F), T^1({\bold A}_F), T(F), {\bold K}_T$ have
the following properties:
{\rm (i)} $T({\bold A}_F)/T^1({\bold A}_F) \cong N_{{\bold R }}^G \cong {\bold R }^t$;
{\rm (ii)} $T^1({\bold A}_F)/T(F)$ is compact;
{\rm (iii)} $T^1({\bold A}_F)/T(F){\bold K}_T$ is isomorphic to
the product a finite group
${\bold cl}(T)$, and a connected compact abelian group;
{\rm (iv)} $w(T)={\bold K}_T\cap T(F)$ is a finite abelian
group of torsion elements
in $T(F)$.
Let $T({\cal O}) \subset T(F)$ be the subgroup
of ${\cal O}_F$-integral points. Then $T({\cal O})$ contains
$w(T)$, and ${\cal E}_T : = T({\cal O}_F)/w(T)$
has a canonical embedding, as a discrete subgroup, into
the archimedian logarithmic space
N_{{\bold R },\infty}=
\bigoplus_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)}N_{{\bold R }}^{G_v}=
\bigoplus_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)}T(F_v)/T({\cal O}_v).
Moreover, the image of ${\cal E}_T$
in $N_{{\bold R },\infty}$ is contained
in the ${{\bold R }}$-subspace $N_{{\bold R },\infty}^1$
defined as
N_{{\bold R },\infty}^1 : = \{ \overline{x} \in N_{{\bold R },\infty} |
\sum_{v \in {\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)} m({\overline{x}}_v) =
0\;\; \mbox{\rm for all $m \in M^G$} \},
and the quotient $N_{{\bold R },\infty}^1/ {\cal E}_T$ is compact.
{\rm Let $T$ be an algebraic torus over a number field $F$.
We define
{\cal H}_T:=(T({\bold A}_F)/T(F))^*
as the group of topological characters of $T({\bold A}_F)$
which are trivial on $T(F)$.
Define the group ${\cal D}_T$ as
{\cal D}_T:=(T^1({\bold A}_F)/T(F))^*.
Define the group ${\cal U}_T$ as:
{\cal U}_T := (T^1({\bold A}_F)/T(F){\bold K}_T)^*.
We call the characters $\chi \in {\cal D}_T$ {\em discrete} and
$\chi \in {\cal U}_T$ {\em unramified}.}
Using \ref{tori.adelic} (i), we see that a choice of a
splitting of the exact sequence
1 \rightarrow T^1({\bold A}_F) \rightarrow T({\bold A}_F) \rightarrow
T({\bold A}_F)/T^1({\bold A}_F) \rightarrow 1
defines isomorphisms
{\cal H}_T \cong M^G_{{\bold R }} \oplus {\cal D}_T,
N_{{\bold R },\infty} = N_{{\bold R }}^G \oplus N_{{\bold R },\infty}^1,
M_{{\bold R },\infty} = M_{{\bold R }}^G \oplus M_{{\bold R },\infty}^1,
M_{{\bold R },\infty} = \bigoplus_{v \in {\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)} M_{{\bold R }}^{G_v}.
$M_{{\bold R },\infty}^1$ is the minimal ${{\bold R }}$-subspace in
$M_{{\bold R },\infty}$ containing the image of ${\cal U}_T$
under the canonical mapping
{\cal U}_T \rightarrow M_{{\bold R },\infty}.
>From now on we fix such a non-canonical splitting.
This allows to consider ${\cal U}_T$ as a subgroup of ${\cal H}_T$.
By \ref{tori.adelic}, we have:
There is an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow {\bold cl}^*(T) \rightarrow {\cal U}_T \rightarrow {\cal M}_T \rightarrow 0,
where ${\cal M}_T$ is the image of the canonical
projection of ${\cal U}_T$ to
$M_{{\bold R },\infty}^1$ and
${\bold cl}^*(T)$ is a finite abelian group
dual to ${\bold cl}(T)$.
We see from \ref{ex.seq} that a character
$\chi \in M_{{\bold R }}^G \oplus {\cal U}_T$ is determined
by its archimedian component which is an element in
$M_{{\bold R },\infty}$ up to a finite choice.
Denote by $y(\chi ) \in M_{{\bold R }}^G \oplus {\cal M}_T$ the image
of $\chi \in M_{{\bold R }}^G \oplus {\cal U}_T$ in $M_{{\bold R },\infty}$.
For all valuations $v$ we choose Haar measures
$d\mu_v$ on $T(F_v)$ normalized by
\int_{T({\cal O}_v)} d\mu_v =1.
We define the canonical measure on the group $T({\bold A}_F)$
\omega = \prod_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)}d\mu_v.
For archimedian valuations the Haar measure
$d\mu_v$ is the pullback of the Lebesgue measure on
$ N_{{\bold R }}^{G_v}$ under the logarithmic map
T(F_v)/T({\cal O}_v)\rightarrow N_{{\bold R }}^{G_v}.
Let ${\bold dx}$ be the Lebesgue measure on
$T({\bold A}_F)/T^1({\bold A}_F)$.
There exists a unique Haar measure $\omega^1$ on $T^1({\bold A}_F)$
such that $\omega=\omega^1{\bold dx}$.
We define
b(T)=\int_{T^1({\bold A}_F)/T(F)}\omega^1.
For any $L^1$-function $f$ on $T({\bold A}_F)$
and any topological character $\chi $
we denote by $\hat{f}(\chi ) $ its
global Fourier transform with respect to $\omega$ and
by $\hat{f}_v(\chi_v ) $ the local Fourier transforms.
We will use the following version of the Poisson formula:
Let ${\cal G}$ be a locally compact abelian group with
Haar measure $dg, {\cal G}_0\subset {\cal G} $ a closed
subgroup with Haar measure $dg_0$.
The factor group ${\cal G}/{\cal G}_0$ has a unique Haar measure $dx$
normalized by the condition $dg=dx\cdot dg_0$.
Let $f\,:\, {\cal G} \rightarrow {\bold C } $ be an ${L}^1$-function on
${\cal G}$ and $\hat{f}$ its Fourier transform with respect
to $dg$. Suppose that $\hat{f}$ is also an ${L}^1$-function
on ${\cal G}_0^{\perp}$, where ${\cal G}_0^{\perp}$ is the group
of topological characters $\chi $
which are trivial on ${\cal G}_0$.
\int_{{\cal G}_0} f(x)dg_0=\int_{{\cal G}_0^{\perp}}\hat{f}(\chi) d\chi,
where $d\chi$ is the orthogonal Haar measure on ${\cal G}_0^{\perp}$
with respect to the Haar measure $dx$ on ${\cal G}/{\cal G}_0$.
We will apply this formula with ${\cal G}= T({\bold A}_F)$,
${\cal G}_0= T(F)$, $dg=\omega $ and $dg_0 $ is the
discrete measure on $T(F)$.
The Haar measure $d\chi$ induces the Lebesgue measure
on $M_{{\bold R }}^G$ normalized by the lattice $M^G\subset M_{{\bold R }}^G$ and
the discrete measure on ${\cal D}_T$.
Let $T$ be an algebraic torus over
$F$ and $\overline{T(F)}$ the closure of $T(F)$
in $T({\bold A}_F)$ in the {\em direct product topology}. Define
the obstruction group to weak approximation as
A(T)= T({\bold A}_F)/\overline{T(F)}.
\section{Geometry of toric varieties}
\begin{dfn} {\rm
A complete regular $d$-dimensional fan $G$-invariant $ \Sigma $ is
a finite set of convex rational polyhedral cones in $N_{{\bold R }}$ satisfying
the following conditions:
(i) every cone $ \sigma \in \Sigma $ contains $0\in N_{{\bold R }}$;
(ii) every face $ \sigma '$ of a cone $ \sigma \in \Sigma $ belongs to $ \Sigma $;
(iii) the intersection of any two cones in $ \Sigma $ is a face of both
(iv) $N_{{\bold R }}$ is the union of cones from $ \Sigma $;
(v) every cone $ \sigma \in \Sigma $ is generated by a part of a
${\bold Z }$-basis of $N$;
(vi) For any $g\in G$ and any $ \sigma \in \Sigma $, one has $g( \sigma )\in \Sigma $.
A complete regular $d$-dimensional fan $ \Sigma $ defines a
smooth toric variety
$X_{ \Sigma ,E}$ as follows:
X_{ \Sigma ,E}=\bigcup_{ \sigma \in \Sigma } U_{ \sigma }=\bigcup_{ \sigma \in \Sigma }
{\rm Spec }(E[M\cap\check{ \sigma }]),
where $\check{ \sigma }\subset M_{{\bold R }}$ is the dual to $ \sigma $ cone. We can see
that $T_E\subset U_{ \sigma }$ for all $ \sigma \in \Sigma $ and that $U_0=T$.
Let $ \Sigma $ be a complete regular $G$-invariant fan in $N_{{\bold R }}$. Assume
that the complete toric variety $X_{ \Sigma ,E}$ defined over the splitting
field $E$ by $ \Sigma $ is projective. Then there exists a unique complete
algebraic variety $X_{ \Sigma ,F}$ over $F$ such that its base extension
to $E$ is isomorphic to $X_{ \Sigma ,E}$.
Denote by $ \Sigma (j)$ the subset of $j$-dimensional cones in $ \Sigma $
and by $N_{ \sigma ,{\bold R }}\subset N_{{\bold R }}$ the minimal linear subspace containing $ \sigma $.
Let $\{e_1,...,e_n\}$ be the set of $1$-dimensional generators
of $ \Sigma $. Denote by $PL( \Sigma )$ the lattice of piecewise linear integral
functions on $N$. By definition, a function $ \varphi \in PL( \Sigma )$ iff
$ \varphi (N)\subset {\bold Z }$ and the restriction of $ \varphi $ to every cone $ \sigma \in \Sigma $
is a linear function; equivalently, there exist
elements $m_{ \sigma }\in M$ such that
the restriction of $ \varphi $ to $ \sigma $ is given by
$< \cdot ,m_{ \sigma }> $
where $< \cdot ,\cdot> $ is induced from the pairing
between $N$ and $M$.
The $G$-action on $M$ (and $N$) induces a $G$-action on the free
abelian group $PL( \Sigma )$.
\Sigma (1)= \Sigma _1(1)\cup ...\cup \Sigma _r(1)$$
be the decomposition of $ \Sigma (1)$ into a union of
A $G$-invariant piecewise linear
function $ \varphi \in PL( \Sigma )^G $ is determined by the vector
${\bold u}=(u_1,...,u_r)$, where
$u_i$ is the value of $ \varphi $ on the generator of
some $1$-dimensional cone in the $G$-orbit $ \Sigma _i(1), (i=1,...,r)$.
It will be convenient for us to
consider complex valued piecewise linear functions and to identify
$ \varphi = \varphi _{\bold u}\in PL( \Sigma )_{{\bold C }}^G$
with its complex coordinates ${\bold u}=(u_1,...,u_r)\in PL( \Sigma )_{{\bold C }}^G$.
The toric variety $X_{ \Sigma }$ has the following properties:
(i) There is a representation of $X_{ \Sigma ,E}$ as
a disjoint union of split algebraic tori $T_{ \sigma ,E}$ of dimension
$\operatorname{dim} T_{ \sigma ,E}= d-\operatorname{dim} \sigma $.
For each $j$-dimensional cone $ \sigma \in \Sigma (j)$ we denote by
$T_{ \sigma ,E}$ the kernel of a homomorphism $T_E\rightarrow {\bold G}_{m,E}^j$ defined
by a ${\bold Z }$-basis of the sublattice $N\cap N_{ \sigma ,{\bold R }}$.
(ii) The closures of $(d-1)$-dimensional tori
corresponding to the $1$-dimensional cones
${\bold R }_{\ge 0}e_1,...,{\bold R }_{\ge 0}e_n\in \Sigma (1)$
define divisors $\overline{T}_1,...,\overline{T}_n$. We can
identify the lattices $PL( \Sigma )=\oplus_{j=1}^n {\bold Z } [\overline{T}_j]$.
(iii) There is an exact sequence of $G$-modules
0\rightarrow M\rightarrow PL( \Sigma )\rightarrow {\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma ,E})\rightarrow 0,
moreover, we have ${\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma ,F})={\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma ,E})^G$;
(iv) The cone of effective divisors
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X_{ \Sigma ,F})\subset {\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma ,F})_{{\bold R }}$
is generated by the
classes of $G$-invariant divisors
D_j=\sum_{{\bold R }_{\ge 0}e_i\in \Sigma _j(1)} \overline{T}_i.
(v) The class of the anticanonical divisor $-[K_{ \Sigma }]$
is given by the class of the $G$-invariant divisor
-[K_{ \Sigma }]=[D_1+...+D_r].
\begin{rem} We note that for toric varieties
we have ${\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma ,F})=NS(X_{ \Sigma ,F})$.
Let $ \varphi \in PL( \Sigma )_{{\bold C }}^G$ be a
complex valued piecewise linear function.
Let $v\in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)$ be a non-archimedian valuation.
Denote by $q_v$ the order of the residue field of $F_v$.
For $x_v\in T(F_v)$ we define the complex local height function
H_{ \Sigma ,v}(x_v, \varphi ) = e^{ \varphi (\overline{x}_v)\log q_v}.
Let $v$ be an archimedian valuation. The complex local
height function is defined as
H_{ \Sigma ,v}(x_v, \varphi ) = e^{ \varphi (\overline{x}_v)}.
This provides a {\em piecewise smooth} metrization of line bundles
on the toric variety $X_{ \Sigma }$.
One can show that this metrization is,
in a sense, "canonical". Namely,
an algebraic torus admits a morphism to itself
(n-th power morphism), which extends to a compactification.
Using the construction of Tate one can obtain a
metrization on a line bundle by a limiting process. This metrization
coincides with ours.
Let $x\in T(F)\subset X_{ \Sigma }(F)$
be a rational point. The global height function is defined by
H_{ \Sigma }(x, \varphi )=\prod_v H_{ \Sigma ,v}(x_v, \varphi ).
By the product formula, the function $H_{ \Sigma }(x, \varphi )$
as a function on $T(F)$
descends to the complexified Picard group
${\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma })_{{\bold C }}$. Moreover, we have
the following
\begin{prop} {\rm \cite{BaTschi1}} Let
$X_{ \Sigma } $ be an smooth projective
toric variety. For all $x\in T(F)\subset X_{ \Sigma }(F)$
the function $H_{ \Sigma }(t, \varphi )$
coincides with a classical height corresponding to some
metrization of the line bundle $L$
represented by a piecewise linear function $ \varphi \in PL( \Sigma )^G$.
Let $X_{ \Sigma }$ be a toric variety and ${H}_{ \Sigma }$ the height pairing.
Clearly, it extends to a pairing
$T({\bold A}_F)\times PL( \Sigma )_{{\bold C }}^G\rightarrow {\bold C }$.
Moreover, it is invariant under the maximal
compact subgroup ${\bold K}_T=\prod_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }(F)} T({\cal O}_v)$.
Therefore, its Fourier transform
$\hat{H}_{ \Sigma }(\chi,-{\bold s})$
equals zero for characters
$\chi\in {\cal H}_T$
which are non-trivial on ${\bold K}_T$.
By \ref{toric.geom}, we have an exact sequence of ${\bold Z }$-modules
0\rightarrow M^G\rightarrow PL( \Sigma )^G\rightarrow {\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma ,F})\rightarrow H^1(G,M)\rightarrow 0.
It induces a surjective map of tori
a\,:\, \prod_{j=1}^r R_{F_j/F}({\bold G}_{m}) \rightarrow T$
and a surjective homomorphism
{\bold G}_m({\bold A}_{F_j})/{\bold G}_m(F_j)\rightarrow T({\bold A}_F)/T(F)
Every character
$\chi\in {\cal H}_T$ defines $r$ Hecke
characters $\chi_1,...,\chi_r$ of the groups
${\bold G}_m({\bold A}_{F,j})/{\bold G}_m(F_j)$
by $\chi \circ a$.
It is known \cite{draxl}, that ${\rm Coker}(a)$ is isomorphic
to the obstruction group to weak approximation $A(T)$ (see \ref{WA}).
Similarly, every local
character $\chi_v$ defines local characters
If $\chi$ is trivial on
${\bold K}_T$ then all
$\chi_j$ are trivial on the maximal compact subgroups in
in ${\bold G}_m({\bold A}_{F_j})$, in other words, all $\chi_j$ are unramified.
Their local components for all valuations are given by
\chi_{j,v}\,:\, {\bold G}_m(F_{j,v})/{\bold G}_m({\cal O}_{j,v})\rightarrow {\bold C }^*
for some real $y_{j,v}$.
In the remaining part of this section we recall some
estimates which will be used it the study of analytic
properties of the height zeta function (see {\rm \cite{BaTschi1}}).
Let us consider a Hecke character
$\chi\in ({\bold G}_m({\bold A}_F)/{\bold G}_m(F))^*$
and the corresponding Hecke $L$-function $L(\chi,u)$.
The following estimate can be proved using the Phragmen-Lindel\"of
principle \cite{rademacher}.
For all $ \varepsilon >0$ there exists a constant $c_1( \varepsilon )$ such that
for all unramified $\chi $ and all $u$ with
${ \operatorname{Re} }(u)>1+ \varepsilon $
|L(\chi,u)|<c_1( \varepsilon ).
For all $ \varepsilon >0$ there exists a $ \delta>0$ such that for
all unramified $\chi$
and all $u$ with ${ \operatorname{Re} }(u)$ contained in any compact
${\bold K}$ in the domain
$ 0<| { \operatorname{Re} }\,(u) - 1| <\delta$
there exists a
constant $c({\bold K}, \varepsilon )$ depending only on
${\bold K}$ and $ \varepsilon $
such that
\[ | L(\chi,u) | \leq c({\bold K}, \varepsilon )
(1 + |{ \operatorname{Im} }(u)|+ \|y(\chi)\|)^{ \varepsilon }.
Let $T$ be an algebraic torus and $\chi\in {\cal U}_T$ an
unramified character. Denote by $\chi_v$ its local components and
by $\chi_1,...,\chi_r$
the induced unramified Hecke characters of ${\bold G}_m({\bold A}_{F_j})$.
{\rm Define
\zeta_{fin}(\chi,-{\bold u}):=
{\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)}\hat{H}_{ \Sigma ,v}(\chi_v,-{\bold u})}{
where for every field $F_j$ we denoted
by $L_{F_j}(\chi_j,u) $ the standard Hecke $L$-function
of $F_j$.
For any $\chi\in {\cal D}_T$ we define
\zeta_{\infty}(\chi,{\bold u}):=\zeta_{fin}(\chi,-{\bold u})\cdot
\prod_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)}
\hat{H}_{ \Sigma ,v}(\chi,-{\bold u}).
\begin{prop} {\rm \cite{BaTschi1} }
For every $ \delta _0>0$ there exist constants $0<c_1<c_2$ such that
for any ${\bold u}$
with ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in
{\bold R }^r_{>1/2+ \delta _0}$ and any $\chi\in {\cal U}_T$
we have
c_1<|\zeta_{fin}(\chi,-{\bold u})|<c_2.
\begin{prop}{\rm \cite{BaTschi1}}
Let $\chi\in {\cal U}_T$ be an unramified
character and $y(\chi)$ its image in $M_{{\bold R },\infty}$.
For all $ \delta _0 >0$ there exists a constant $c( \delta _0 )$
such that for any ${\bold u}$ in
the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in {\bold R }^r_{>1/2+ \delta _0}$
we have the following estimate
|\prod_{v\in {\operatorname{Val} }_{\infty}(F)}
\hat{H}_{ \Sigma ,v}(\chi,-{\bold u})| \le
\frac{c( \delta _0)}{(1+\|y(\chi)\|+\|{ \operatorname{Im} }({\bold u})\|)^{\rho+t+1}},
where $\rho+t$ is the dimension of
the real vector space $M_{{\bold R },\infty}$.
\begin{coro} For any $ \delta _0>0$, there exists a constant $c( \delta _0)$
such that for any $\chi\in {\cal U}_T$ and any ${\bold u}$ in
the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in {\bold R }^r_{>1/2+ \delta _0}$
we have the following estimate:
|\zeta_{\infty}(\chi,{\bold u})|\le
\frac{c( \delta _0)}{(1+\|y(\chi)\|+\|{ \operatorname{Im} }({\bold u})\|)^{\rho+t+1}}.
\section{Analytic properties of height zeta functions}
\begin{dfn}{\rm Let $X_{ \Sigma }$ be a smooth projective
toric variety. Let $ \varphi = \varphi _{\bold u}\in PL( \Sigma )_{{\bold C }}^G$ be
a complexified piecewise linear function.
Let $Y\subset X_{ \Sigma }$ be a locally closed subset.
The height zeta function with respect to $Y$
is defined as
Z_{ \Sigma }(Y, {\bold u})=\sum_{x\in Y(F)} H_{ \Sigma }(x,-{\bold u}).
Let us formulate the first main result.
\begin{theo}{\rm \cite{BaTschi1}} The height zeta function
$Z_{ \Sigma }(T,{\bold u})$
as a function on $PL( \Sigma )_{{\bold C }}^G$
is holomorphic for ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in {\bold R }_{>1}^r$.
Moreover, it descends to ${\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma })_{{\bold C }}$
and is holomorphic for ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})$
contained in the open cone $ \Lambda _{\rm eff}^{\circ}(X_{ \Sigma })+[K_{ \Sigma }]$.
\begin{theo} (Poisson formula) {\rm \cite{BaTschi1,BaTschi2}}
For all ${\bold u}$ with ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s})\in {\bold R }^r_{>1}$
we have the following formula:
Z_{\Sigma}(T,{\bold u})=\frac{1}{(2\pi )^t b(T)}
\int_{{\cal H}_T} \hat{H}_{ \Sigma }(\chi,-{\bold u})
The integral converges
absolutely and uniformly
to a holomorphic function in ${\bold u}$
in any compact in the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in {\bold R }^r_{>1}$.
Let ${\cal L}$ be a line bundle on $X_{ \Sigma }$ metrized as above,
such that its class $[L]$
is contained in the interior of the cone of effective divisors
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X_{ \Sigma })\subset {\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma })$.
We have defined $a(L)$ as
a(L):=\inf \{a\in {\bold R } \mid a[L]+ [K_{ \Sigma }] \in \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X_{ \Sigma }) \}.
By our assumptions, we have $a(L)>0$, since
$-[K_{ \Sigma }]\in \Lambda ^{\circ}_{\rm eff}(X_{ \Sigma })$.
Denote by
$ \Lambda (L)$ the face of maximal codimension of the cone
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X_{ \Sigma }) $ which contains $a(L)[L]+ [K_{ \Sigma }] $.
Let $J(L)\subset [1,...,r]$ be the set of indices such that
$[D_j]\in \Lambda (L)$ for $j\in J(L)$ and $I(L)=[1,...,r]\backslash J(L)$.
We set $I=|I(L)|$ and $J=|J(L)| = r - I$. Without loss of
generality, we assume that $I(L) = \{ 1, \ldots, I \}$ and
$J(L) = \{ I+1, \ldots, r \}$.
Since $a(L)[L]+ [K_{ \Sigma }]$ is an interior point of $ \Lambda (L)$
it follows that there exists a representation
a(L)[L]+ [K_{ \Sigma }]=\sum_{j\in J(L)} \lambda _j [D_j],
where $ \lambda _j \in {\bold Q }_{>0}$.
[L]= \sum_{j\in J(L)} \frac{ \lambda _j +1}{a(L)}[D_j]
+\sum_{i\in I(L)}\frac{1}{a(L)}[D_i].
Fix these $ \lambda _j$ and
choose $ \varepsilon >0$ such that $2 \varepsilon < \min_{j\in J(L)} \lambda _j$.
We denote by $\varphi_L$ the piecewise linear function from
$PL( \Sigma )^G_{{\bold R }}$ such that $a(L) \varphi_L(e_i) =1 $ for $i =1, \ldots, I$
and $a(L) \varphi_L(e_j) = 1 + \lambda _j$ for $j \in J(L)$. Here $e_i$ are
generators of one-dimensional cones ${\bold R }_{\ge 0}e_i$ in the
$G$-orbits $ \Sigma _i(1)$.
We introduce the lattice
M_J=\{m\in M\,| \, <e,m>=0\, \;{\it for}\,\;
{\bold R }_{\ge 0}e\in \cup_{i = 1}^I \Sigma _i(1) \}.
Define $M_I \cong M/M_J$. The following diagram is commutative
0\rightarrow & M_J &\rightarrow & \bigoplus_{j\in J(L)}{\bold Z }[G_j] \\
& \downarrow & & \downarrow \\
0\rightarrow & M &\rightarrow & \bigoplus_{i=1}^r{\bold Z }[G_i] \\
& \downarrow & & \downarrow \\
0\rightarrow & M_I &\rightarrow & \bigoplus_{i\in I(L)}{\bold Z }[G_i].
The exact sequence of $G$-modules
0\rightarrow M_J\rightarrow M\rightarrow M_I\rightarrow 0
induces the exact sequence of algebraic tori
1\rightarrow T_I\rightarrow T\rightarrow T_J\rightarrow 1.
It will be convenient to
introduce new coordinates ${\bold s}=(s_i)_{i\in I(L)},
{\bold t}=(t_j)_{j\in J(L)}$ on $PL({ \Sigma })_{{\bold C }}^G$, where
$s_i = u_i -1$ $( i = 1, \ldots, I)$, $t_j = u_{I +j} - 1 + \varepsilon $ $(j
=1, \ldots, J)$. We shall write
$({\bold s},{\bold t})=(s_1,...,s_I, t_1,...,t_J)$.
\begin{theo} The height zeta function
$Z_{ \Sigma }(T,{\bold s},{\bold t})$
is good with respect to the lattice $M^G_I$ and variables
$\{s_1,...,s_I\}$ in the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}) \in
{\bold R }_{>0}^I$, ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold t}) \in
{\bold R }_{> - \delta _0}^J$ for some positive $ \delta _0 < \varepsilon $.
{\it Proof.}
Recall that $Z_{ \Sigma }(T,{\bold u}) $ has the following integral
representation in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in {\bold R }^r_{>1}$
Z_{\Sigma}(T,{\bold u})=\frac{1}{(2\pi )^t b(T)}
\int_{{\cal H}_T}\hat{H}_{ \Sigma }(\chi, -{\bold u})d\chi.
Using the explicit computation of the Fourier transform of
local height functions and the absolute convergence
of the integral in the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in {\bold R }^r_{>1}$,
we have
Z_{\Sigma}(T,{\bold u})=\frac{1}{(2\pi )^t b(T)}
\int_{M_{{\bold R }}^G}{\bold dy} \left(
\sum_{\chi\in{\cal U}_T}
\hat{H}_{ \Sigma }(\chi, -{\bold u}+i{\bold y}) \right),
because the local height functions are invariant under the maximal
compact subgroups $T({\cal O}_v) \subset T(F_v)$ and
$\hat{H}_{ \Sigma }(\chi, -{\bold u}) = 0$ for all $\chi$ which are not
trivial on the maximal compact subgroup ${\bold K}_T$.
By \ref{defin}, we have:
\hat{H}_{ \Sigma }(\chi,-{\bold u})
=\prod_{j=1}^{r} L(\chi_j,u_j)\times \zeta_{\infty}(\chi,{\bold u}),
where $\chi_1,...,\chi_r$ are unramified Hecke characters of
${\bold G}_m^1({\bold A}_{F_j})$ induced from a character
$\chi\in {\cal U}_T$, and
$\zeta_{\infty}(\chi,{\bold u})$
is a function in ${\bold u}$
which is holomorphic in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold u})\in {\bold R }^r_{>1/2+ \delta _0}$ (for all $ \delta _0>0$).
We have
{Z}_{ \Sigma }(T,{\bold s}, {\bold t})=\frac{1}{(2\pi )^t b(T)}
\int_{M_{I,{\bold R }}^G}
f_{ \Sigma }({\bold s}-i{\bold y}_I,{\bold t}-i{\bold y}_J){\bold dy}^I,
f_{ \Sigma }({\bold s},{\bold t}):=
\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}
\prod_{i\in I(L)}L(\chi_i,s_i+1)\times b_{ \Sigma }(\chi,{\bold s},{\bold t})
b_{ \Sigma }(\chi,{\bold s},{\bold t})=
=\int_{M_{J,{\bold R }}^G}\prod_{j\in J(L)}
L_{F_j}(\chi_j,t_j+1+ \varepsilon -iy_j) \times
\zeta_{\infty}(\chi,{\bold s}-i{\bold y}_I,{\bold t}-i{\bold y}_J)){\bold dy}^J,
${\bold dy}^I$ is the Lebesgue measure on $M_{I,{\bold R }}^G$ and
${\bold dy}^J $ the Lebesgue measure on $M_{J,{\bold R }}^G$.
Using the estimates \ref{trivial},
\ref{estimates-inf}, \ref{m.estim}, \ref{est-inf},
we see that the sums and integrals above
converge absolutely and uniformly to
an analytic function
in any compact in the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s})\in {\bold R }^I_{>0}$
and ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold t})\in {\bold R }^J_{> - \delta _0}$ for some $ \delta _0>0$
$( \delta _0< \varepsilon )$.
Now the fact that
the function $Z_{ \Sigma }(T,{\bold s},{\bold t})
is good with respect to
the lattice $M_I^G\subset {\bold Z }^I$ and the variables
$(s_1,...,s_I)$ follows from \ref{integral} and the following
\lim_{{\bold s} \rightarrow {\bold 0}} s_1\cdots s_I f_{ \Sigma }({\bold s},{\bold 0})
exists and is not equal to zero.
We divide the proof of Theorem \ref{nonzero} into a sequence
of lemmas:
Let ${\cal U}_T(I)$ be the subgroup of ${\cal U}_T$
consisting of characters $\chi \in {\cal U}_{T}$ such that
the corresponding Hecke characters
$\chi_i \; \,(i =1, \ldots, I) $
are trivial. Denote
\[ f_{ \Sigma }^I({\bold s},{\bold t})=\sum_{\chi\in{\cal U}_T(I)}
\prod_{i\in I(L)} L_{F_i}(\chi_i,s_i+1)
b_{ \Sigma }(\chi,{\bold s}, {\bold t}).\]
\[ \lim_{{\bold s} \rightarrow {\bold 0}} s_1\cdots s_I f_{ \Sigma }({\bold s},{\bold
0}) =
\lim_{{\bold s} \rightarrow {\bold 0}} s_1\cdots s_I f_{ \Sigma }^I({\bold s},{\bold 0}).
\begin{lem} (Poisson formula)
For ${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}, {\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^I_{>0} \times {\bold R }^J_{>
- \delta _0}$,
one has:
\[ f_{ \Sigma }^I({\bold s},{\bold t}) = \int_{{\cal A}} H_{ \Sigma }(x, (-{\bold
s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha }, \]
where the subgroup ${\cal A} \subset T({\bold A}_F)$ is
defined as
$${\cal A}:= T(F) \overline{T_I(F)}. $$
{\em Proof. }
By definition of $f_{ \Sigma }^I({\bold s},{\bold t})$, we conclude that
this function equals to the integral of the Fourier transform
of the adelic height function over the subgroup of
characters $\chi$ of $T({\bold A}_F)$ which are trivial on
$T(F)$ and such that the induced Hecke characters $\chi_i$ are trivial
for $i \in I(L)$. It follows from the diagram
\prod_{i\in I(L)} {\bold G}_m({\bold A}_{F_i})/ {\bold G}_m(F_i) & \rightarrow &
T_I({\bold A}_F)/T_I(F) & \rightarrow & A(T_I) &\rightarrow 0 \\
\downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow & \\
\prod_{i=1}^r {\bold G}_m({\bold A}_{F_i})/ {\bold G}_m(F_j) & \rightarrow &
T({\bold A}_F)/T(F) & \rightarrow & A(T) &\rightarrow 0 \\
\downarrow & & \downarrow & & \downarrow & \\
\prod_{j\in J(L)} {\bold G}_m({\bold A}_{F_j})/ {\bold G}_m(F_j) & \rightarrow &
T_J({\bold A}_F)/T_J(F) & \rightarrow & A(T_J) &\rightarrow 0.
that the common kernel of all such characters is
$T(F) \overline{T_I(F)}$ (here we used the isomorphism
$A(T_I) = T_I({\bold A}_F)/\overline{T_I(F)}$).
The proof of the absolute convergence of the integral over
${\cal A}$ in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}, {\bold t})
\in {\bold R }^I_{>0} \times {\bold R }^J_{> - \delta _0}$
is analogous to the proof of theorem 4.2 in \cite{BaTschi2}.
The function
\[ s_1\cdots s_If_{ \Sigma }^I({\bold s},{\bold t}) \]
extends to an analytic function in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}, {\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^r_{>- \delta _0}$.
{\em Proof. }
The proof is similar to the proof of theorem 4.2
in \cite{BaTschi2}.
The integral
\[ \int_{{\cal A}} H_{ \Sigma }(x, (-{\bold s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha } \]
can be estimated from above by an Euler product which is
absolutely convergent in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}, {\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^r_{>- \delta _0}$ times
a product of zeta functions
$\prod_{i =1}^I \zeta_{F_i}(s_i+1)$.
\hfill $\Box$
For $({\bold s},{\bold t})\in {\bold R }^r$ the function
$H_{ \Sigma }(x, (-{\bold s},- {\bold t}))$ has values in positive
real numbers.
Therefore, to prove the non-vanishing of the constant,
it suffices to show the following:
The value of
\[ s_1\cdots s_I \int_{\overline{T_I(F)}} H_{ \Sigma }(x, (-{\bold
s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha }_I \]
at $({\bold 0}, {\bold 0})$ is positive. Here $d{ \alpha }_I$ is the induced
Haar measure on $\overline{T_I(F)}$
{\em Proof.}
For some finite subset
$S \subset {\operatorname{Val} }(F)$, we can
split the group $\overline{T_I(F)}$ into the direct
\[ \overline{T_I(F)}_S \times T_I({\bold A}_{F,S}),\]
where $\overline{T_I(F)}_S$ is the image of
$\overline{T_I(F)}$ in the finite product
$\prod_{v \in S} T_I(F_v)$
$$T_I({\bold A}_{F,S})= T_I({\bold A}_F) \cap \prod_{v \not\in S} T_I(F_v).
\[ \int_{\overline{T_I(F)}}
H_{ \Sigma }(x, (-{\bold s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha }_I =
=\int_{\overline{T_I(F)}_S} H_{ \Sigma }(x, (-{\bold
s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha _S} \times \prod_{v \not\in S}
\int_{{T_I(F_v)}} H_{ \Sigma ,v}(x, (-{\bold
s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha _v}. \]
Here we denoted by $d{ \alpha _S}$ and $d{ \alpha _v}$ the Haar measures
induced from $d{ \alpha }_I$.
We claim that
\[ \prod_{i =1}^I \zeta^{-1}_{F_i}(s_i
+1) \prod_{v \not\in S}
\int_{{T_I(F_v)}} H_{ \Sigma ,v}(x, (-{\bold
s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha _v}. \]
is an absolutely convergent Euler product for
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}, {\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^r_{>- \delta _0}$.
This statement follows from the explicit calculation
of the local integrals (see \ref{localint}).
For all good valuations $v \not\in S$, the local integral
\[ \int_{{T_I(F_v)}} H_{ \Sigma ,v}(x, (-{\bold s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha _v} =
\prod_{i =1}^I \prod_{{\cal V}|v} \zeta_{F_i,{\cal V}}(s_i +1)
\left( 1 + o(q_v^{-1 - \varepsilon _0}) \right) \]
for some $ \varepsilon _0 > 0$ and all
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}, {\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^r_{>- \delta _0}$
{\em Proof.}
Denote by $N_{{\bold R }}(I)$ the minimal ${{\bold R }}$-subspace of $N_{{\bold R }}$ spanned by
all $e$ with ${\bold R }_{\ge 0}e$ contained in the set
of $1$-dimensional cones in $\cup_{i\in I(L)} \Sigma _i(1)$.
Let $ \Sigma (L)$ be the complete $G$-invariant fan
of cones in $N_{{\bold R }}(I)$ which consists of intersections of cones in
$ \Sigma \subset N_{{\bold R }}$ with the subspace $N_{{\bold R }}(I)$.
Since $ \Sigma (L)$ is not necessary
a regular fan, we construct a new $G$-invariant fan $\tilde{ \Sigma }(L)$
by subdivision of cones in $ \Sigma (L)$ into regular ones using
the method of Brylinski \cite{bryl}.
This reduces the computation of the local intergral to
the one made for local height functions on
smooth toric varieties in \cite{BaTschi1}, theorem 2.2.6.
Let $ \sigma _1,..., \sigma _{\tilde{n}}$ be the set of representatives
of $G_v$-orbits in the set of
$1$-dimensional cones in ${\tilde{ \Sigma }(L)}\subset N_{{\bold R }}(I)$.
We obtain
\int_{{T_I(F_v)}} H_{ \Sigma ,v}(x_v, (-{\bold s},- {\bold t})) d{ \alpha _v} =
= Q_{\tilde{ \Sigma }(L)}(q_v^{-l_{ \sigma _1}({\bold s}, {\bold t})},...,
q_v^{-l_{ \sigma _{\tilde{n}}}({\bold s}, {\bold t})} )\prod_{j=1}^{\tilde{n}}
\left( 1 - \frac{1}{q_v^{-l_{ \sigma _j}({\bold s}, {\bold t})}} \right),
$l_{ \sigma }({\bold s}, {\bold t})$ are linear forms which are $\geq 1 -
\varepsilon _0$ in the domain
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}, {\bold t}) \in {\bold R }^r_{>- \delta _0}$, and
$ Q_{\tilde{ \Sigma }(L)}({\bold z}) $
is a polynomial in the variables ${\bold z}=(z_1,...,z_{\tilde{n}})$
such that all monomials in $Q_{\tilde{ \Sigma }(L)}({\bold z}) -1$
have degree $\geq 2$.
Now we notice that $l_{ \sigma }({\bold 0}, {\bold 0}) =1$ iff $ \sigma $ is a
$1$-dimensional cone in $ \Sigma $ and therefore, the cone
${\bold R }_{\ge 0}e_i$ for some $i\in I(L)$ is contained in the
$G_v$-orbit of $ \sigma $ (see \ref{sigma}).
The set of lattice vectors $e \in N$ such that
$a(L)\varphi_L (e) =1$ coincides with the set
of lattice vectors $e_i\in N_{{\bold R }}(I)$ with ${\bold R }_{\geq 0}e_i \in \Sigma (1)$
and $a(L)\varphi_L (e_i) =1$.
{\em Proof. } Let $e$ be a lattice point in $N$. Since $ \Sigma $ is
complete, there exists a $d$-dimensional cone $\sigma \in \Sigma $ such that
$e \in \sigma$. We claim that the property $a(L)\varphi_L (e) =1$
implies that $e$ is a generator of a $1$-dimensional face of $\sigma$.
Indeed, we have $a(L)\varphi_L(x) \geq \varphi_{ \Sigma }(x)$ for
all $x \in N_{{\bold R }}$. On the other hand,
$\sigma$ is generated by a basis of
$N$ and $\varphi_{ \Sigma }$ has value $1$ on these generators. Hence,
$e$ must be one of the generators of $\sigma$.
It remains to show that the property $a(L)\varphi_L (e_i) =1$ for
some generator $e_i$ of a $1$-dimensional cone ${\bold R}_{\geq 0}e_i \in
\Sigma $ implies that $e_i \in N_{{\bold R }}(L)$. But this follows from the
definition of $N_{{\bold R }}(L)$ as the subspace in $N_{{\bold R }}$ generated by
all elements $e_i \in N$ such that ${\bold R}_{\geq 0}e_i \in
\Sigma $ and $a(L)\varphi_L (e_i) =1$. \hfill $\Box$
\begin{theo} There exists a $ \delta >0$ such that the zeta function
$Z_{ \Sigma }(T,{\cal L},s)$ obtained by restriction of the zeta function
$Z_{ \Sigma }(T,{\bold s})$ to the complex line
$s[L]\in {\rm Pic}(X_{ \Sigma })_{{\bold C }}$ has a representation of the form
Z_{ \Sigma }(T,{\cal L},s)= \frac{\Theta_{\cal L}( \Sigma )}{(s-a(L))^{b(L)}}
with some function $h(s)$ which is holomorphic
in the domain ${ \operatorname{Re} }(s)>a(L)- \delta $ and a nonzero constant
$\Theta_{\cal L}( \Sigma )$.
\section{Appendix: ${\cal X}$-functions of polyhedral cones}
Let $(A, A_{\bold R}, \Lambda ) $ be a triple consisting of
a free abelian group
$A$ of rank $k$, a $k$-dimensional real vector space
$A_{\bold R} = A \otimes {\bold R}$ containing $A$ as a sublattice of
maximal rank, and a convex $k$-dimensional
finitely generated polyhedral cone
$\Lambda \subset A_{{\bold R }}$ such that $\Lambda \cap - \Lambda = 0
\in A_{{\bold R }}$. Denote by $ \Lambda ^{\circ}$ the interior of $ \Lambda $ and
by ${ \Lambda }_{\bold C}^{\circ} = { \Lambda }^{\circ} + iA_{{\bold R }}$
the complex tube domain over ${ \Lambda }^{\circ}$.
Let $( A^*, A^*_{{\bold R }}, \Lambda ^*) $ be the triple
consisting of the dual abelian group
$A^* = {\rm Hom}(A, {\bold Z })$, the dual real vector space
$A^*_{{\bold R }} = {\rm Hom}(A_{{\bold R }}, {\bold R })$, and the dual cone
$ \Lambda ^* \subset A^*_{{\bold R }}$.
We normalize the Haar measure $ {\bold d}{\bold y}$ on $A_{{\bold R }}^*$
by the condition:
${\rm vol}(A^*_{{\bold R }}/A^*)=1$.
The {\em ${\cal X}$-function of}
${ \Lambda }$ is defined as
the integral
\[ {\cal X}_{ \Lambda }({\bold s}) =
\int_{{ \Lambda }^*} e^{- \langle {\bold s}, {\bold y}
\rangle} {\bold d}{\bold y}, \]
where ${\bold s} \in { \Lambda }_{\bold C}^{\circ}$. }
One has ${\cal X}_{ \Lambda }({\bold s})$ is a rational function
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda }({\bold s}) = \frac{P({\bold s})}{Q({\bold s})},
where $P$ is a homogeneous polynomial,
$Q$ is a product of all linear homogeneous forms defining
the codimension $1$ faces of
$ \Lambda $, and ${\rm deg}\, P -
{\rm deg}\, Q = -k$.
In particular, if $(A, A_{{\bold R }}, \Lambda )=({\bold Z }^k,{\bold R }^k,{\bold R }^k_{\ge 0})$,
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda }({\bold s}) = \frac{1}{s_1\cdots s_k}.
\begin{prop} {\rm \cite{BaTschi2} }
Let $(A, A_{{\bold R }}, \Lambda )$ and $(\tilde{A}, \tilde{A}_{{\bold R }},
\tilde{ \Lambda })$ be two triples as above, $k = {\rm rk}\, A$ and
$\tilde{k} = {\rm rk}\, \tilde{A}$, and $\psi\;:\; A \rightarrow \tilde{A}$
a homomorphism of free abelian groups with a finite cokernel
${\rm Coker} (\psi )$ (i.e., the corresponding
linear mapping of real vector spaces $\psi \;:\; A_{{\bold R }} \rightarrow
\tilde{A}_{{\bold R }}$ is surjective), and $\psi( \Lambda ) = \tilde{ \Lambda }$.
Let $ \Gamma = {\rm Ker}\, \psi \subset A$,
${\bold d}{\bold y}$ the Haar measure
on $ \Gamma _{{\bold R }} = \Gamma \otimes {{\bold R }}$ normalized by the condition
${\rm vol}( \Gamma _{{\bold R }}/ \Gamma )=1$.
Then for all ${\bold s}$ with
${ \operatorname{Re} }({\bold s}) \in \Lambda^{\circ}$
the following formula holds:
{\cal X}_{\tilde{ \Lambda }}(\psi({\bold s}))
= \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{k-\tilde{k}}|{\rm Coker}(\psi )|}
\int_{ \Gamma _{{\bold R }}} {\cal X}_{{ \Lambda }}
({\bold s} + i {\bold y}) {\bold dy},
where $|{\rm Coker} (\psi )|$
is the order of the finite abelian group ${\rm Coker} (\psi )$.
Assume that a $\tilde{k}$-dimensional rational finite polyhedral cone
$\tilde{\Lambda} \subset \tilde{A}_{{\bold R }}$
contains exactly $r$ one-dimensional
faces with primitive lattice generators
$a_1, \ldots, a_r \in \tilde{A}$.
We set $k := r$, $A := {{\bold Z }}^r$ and
denote by $\psi$
the natural homomorphism of lattices ${\bold Z}^r \rightarrow \tilde{A}$
which sends the standard basis of ${{\bold Z }}^r$ into
$a_1, \ldots, a_r \in \tilde{A}$,
so that $\tilde{ \Lambda }$ is the image
of the simplicial cone ${\bold R }^r_{\ge 0}\subset {\bold R }^r$
under the surjective map of vector
spaces $\psi\; : \; {\bold R}^r
\rightarrow A_{{\bold R }}$.
Denote by $ \Gamma $ the kernel of $\psi$.
By \ref{char0} we obtain the following:
Let ${\bold s}=(s_1,...,s_r)$ be the standard
coordinates in ${\bold C }^r$.
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(\psi({\bold s}))=
\frac{1}{(2\pi )^{r-k}|{\rm Coker}(\psi )|}
\int_{ \Gamma _{{\bold R }}}\frac{1}{\prod_{j=1,n}(s_j+iy_j)} {\bold d}{\bold y},
where ${\bold dy}$ is the Haar measure on the additive
group $ \Gamma _{{\bold R }}$ normalized
by the lattice $ \Gamma $,
$y_j$ are the coordinates of ${\bold y}$ in ${\bold R }^r$, and
$|{\rm Coker} (\psi )|$ is the index of the sublattice
in $\tilde{A}$ generated by
$a_1, \ldots, a_r$.
1997-04-23T16:41:51 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606019 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606019 | [
] | alg-geom/9606019 | Misha Verbitsky | Dmitry Kaledin, Misha Verbitsky | Non-Hermitian Yang-Mills connections | 48 pages, LaTeX 2e | Selecta Math. 4 (1998) 279-320 | null | null | null | We study Yang-Mills connections on holomorphic bundles over complex K\"ahler
manifolds of arbitrary dimension, in the spirit of Hitchin's and Simpson's
study of flat connections. The space of non-Hermitian Yang-Mills (NHYM)
connections has dimension twice the space of Hermitian Yang-Mills connections,
and is locally isomorphic to the complexification of the space of Hermitian
Yang-Mills connections (which is, by Uhlenbeck and Yau, the same as the space
of stable bundles). Further, we study the NHYM connections over hyperk\"ahler
manifolds. We construct direct and inverse twistor transform from NHYM bundles
on a hyperk\"ahler manifold to holomorphic bundles over its twistor space. We
study the stability and the modular properties of holomorphic bundles over
twistor spaces, and prove that work of Li and Yau, giving the notion of
stability for bundles over non-K\"ahler manifolds, can be applied to the
twistors. We identify locally the following two spaces: the space of stable
holomorphic bundles on a twistor space of a hyperk\"ahler manifold and the
space of rational curves in the twistor space of the ``Mukai dual''
hyperk\"ahler manifold.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 1 Jul 1996 00:01:13 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction.}
\subsection{An overview}
In this paper we study non-Hermitian Yang-Mills (NHYM) connections
on a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$ over a K\"ahler manifold.
By definition, a connection
$\nabla$ in ${\cal B}$ is Yang-Mills if its curvature $\Theta$
\begin{equation} \label{intro-Yang-Mills_Equation_}
\Theta \phantom{\Lambda()}&\in \Lambda^{1,1}(M, \operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}({\cal B})),
where $\Lambda$ is the standard Hodge operator,
and $\Lambda^{1,1}(M, \operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}({\cal B})$ is
the space of $(1,1)$-forms with coefficients in
$\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}({\cal B})$ (see Definition \ref{_NHYM_Definition_} for details).
This definition is standard \cite{UY}, \cite{Donaldson:surfa}.
However, usually $\nabla$ is assumed to be compatible
with some Hermitian metric in $\cal B$. This is why we use the term
``non-Hermitian Yang-Mills'' to denote Yang-Mills connections which are
not necessarily Hermitian.
An important analogy for our construction is the one with flat
connections on a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$.
Recall that when $c_1({\cal B})
= c_2({\cal B}) = 0$, Hermitian Yang-Mills
connections are flat (L\"ubcke's principle; see \cite{S}).
The moduli of flat, but not necessary unitary bundles is
a beautiful subject, well studied in literature (see, e. g. \cite{S2}).
This space has dimension twice the dimension of the moduli space of
unitary flat bundles and has a natural holomorphic symplectic form.
Also, generic part of the moduli of non-unitary flat bundles is
equipped with a holomorphic Lagrangian\footnote{Lagrangian with
respect to the holomorphic symplectic form.}
fibration over the space of unitary flat connections.
When $c_1({\cal B})
= c_2({\cal B}) = 0$, the flat connections are in
one-to-one correspondence with those holomorphic structures on ${\cal B}$
which make it a polystable\footnote{By {\em polystable} we will always
mean ``a direct sum of stable''. Throughout the paper, stability is
understood in the sense of Mumford-Takemoto.} holomorphic bundle
\cite{UY}, \cite{S}. For arbitrary bundle ${\cal B}$, a similar statement
holds if we replace ``flat unitary'' by ``Hermitian Yang-Mills''.
Thus, it is natural
to weaken the flatness assumption and consider instead all Hermitian
Yang-Mills connections. The non-Hermitian Yang-Mills connections that
we define correspond then to connections that are flat but not
necessarily unitary. The basic properties listed above for
non-unitary flat bundles hold here as well. We show that
the moduli space of NHYM connections
has dimension twice the dimension of the moduli of
Hermitian Yang-Mills connections and is naturally equipped with
a holomorphic symplectic form.
As in the case of flat bundles, generic part of
the moduli of NHYM connections has
a holomorphic Lagrangian fibration over the
space of Hermitian Yang-Mills connections.
Let us give a brief outline of the paper. Fix a compact K\"ahler
manifold $M$ with a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$. Let ${\cal M}^s$ be the set of
equivalence classes of NHYM connections on ${\cal B}$, and let ${\cal M}^s_0 \subset
{\cal M}^s$ be the subset of connections admitting a compatible Hermitian
metric. Both sets turn out to have natural structures of complex
analytic varieties. Recall that ${\cal M}^s_0$ is a moduli space of stable
holomorphic bundles (\cite{UY}; see also \ref{_Uhle-Yau_Theorem_}).
After giving the relevant
definitions, in Section 1 we study the structure of ${\cal M}^s$ in the
neighborhood of ${\cal M}^s_0$. We prove that $\dim{\cal M}^s = 2 \dim {\cal M}^s_0$ in a
neighborhood of ${\cal M}^s_0$. Moreover, we identify the ring of germs of
holomorphic functions on ${\cal M}^s$ near ${\cal M}^s_0$ with the ring of real-analytic
complex-valued functions on ${\cal M}^s_0$. Thus an open neighborhood $U
\supset {\cal M}^s$ is a complexification of ${\cal M}^s_0$ in the sense of Grauert. We
also construct a holomorphic $2$-form on ${\cal M}^s$ which is symplectic in a
neighborhood of ${\cal M}^s_0$. This picture is completely analogous to that
for the space of flat connections, studied by Hitchin, Simpson and
others (\cite{H},\cite{S2}).
For concrete examples and applications of our theory, we
consider the case of NHYM-connections over a hyperk\"ahler
manifold (Definition \ref{defn.hyperkahler}).
In this case, it is natural to modify the NHYM
condition. Every hyperk\"ahler manifold is equipped with a quaternion
action in its tangent space. Since the group of unitary quaternions
is isomorphic to $SU(2)$, a hyperk\"ahler manifold has the group
$SU(2)$ acting on its tangent bundle.
Consider the corresponding action of $SU(2)$ on the
space $\Lambda^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M)$ of differential forms
over a hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$.
Then all $SU(2)$-invariant $2$-forms satisfy
\eqref{intro-Yang-Mills_Equation_} (Lemma \ref{primitive}).
Thus, if the
curvature $\Theta$ of a bundle $({\cal B}, \nabla)$ is
$SU(2)$-invariant, ${\cal B}$ is NHYM. Converse is
{\it a priori} non-true when $\dim_{\Bbb R} M >4$: there are
$2$-forms satisfying \eqref{intro-Yang-Mills_Equation_}
which are not $SU(2)$-invariant. However, as the discussion
at the end of Section \ref{_autodu_Section_} shows, for bundles over
compact manifolds $SU(2)$-invariance of the curvature is
a good enough approximation of the NHYM property.
A connection in ${\cal B}$ is called {\bf autodual}
if its curvature is $SU(2)$-invariant
(Definition \ref{_autodual_Definition_}).
For $\dim_{\Bbb R} M=4$, the autoduality, in the sense of our
definition, is equivalent to the anti-autoduality in the
sense of 4-dimensional Yang-Mills theory.
Hermitian autodual bundles were studied at great length in
\cite{Vb}.\footnote{In \cite{Vb}, the term {\bf hyperholomorphic}
was used for ``Hermitian autodual''.}
Most of this paper is dedicated to the study of non-Hermitian
autodual bundles over compact hyperk\"ahler manifolds.
Consider the natural action of $SU(2)$ in the cohomology
of a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold (see the beginning of Section
\ref{_autodu_Section_}). Let ${\cal B}$ be a bundle with
the first two Chern classes $c_1({\cal B})$, $c_2({\cal B})$
$SU(2)$-invariant. In \cite{Vb} we proved that every Hermitian
Yang-Mills connection in ${\cal B}$ is autodual. It is natural to
conjecture that in such a bundle every NHYM connection is autodual.
In Theorem~\ref{_NHYM-are-autodu_Theorem_}, we prove a weaker form of this
statement: namely, in a neighbourhood of the space of Hermitian
Yang-Mills connections, every NHYM connection
is autodual, assuming the first two Chern classes
are $SU(2)$-invariant. This is done by constructing an explicit
parametrization of this neighbourhood (Proposition~\ref{series}).
Throughout the rest of this paper (starting from Section
\ref{_twistors_Section_}) we study algebro-geometrical
aspect of autodual connections. Two interdependent
algebro-geometric interpretations of autoduality arise.
Both of these itterpretations are related to the twistor
formalism, which harks back to the works of Penrose and
Salamon \cite{Sal}. Twistor contruction is explained in detail in
Section \ref{_twistors_Section_}; here we give a brief outline
of this formalism.
Every hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$ has a whole 2-dimensional sphere
of integrable complex structures, called {\bf induced
complex structures}; these complex structures correspond bijectively
to ${\Bbb R}$-algebra embeddings from complex numbers to quaternions
(see Definition \ref{_induced_co_str_Definition_}). We identify
this 2-dimensional sphere with ${\Bbb C} P^1$. Gluing all induced
complex structures together with the complex structure
in ${\Bbb C} P^1$, we obtain an almost complex structure on the
product $M \times {\Bbb C} P^1$ (Definition
\ref{twistor}). As proven by Salamon \cite{Sal},
this almost complex structure is integrable. The complex manifold
obtained in this way is called {\bf the twistor space
for $M$}, denoted by $\operatorname{Tw}(M)$. Consider the natural projections
\[ \sigma:\; \operatorname{Tw}(M)= M\times {\Bbb C} P^1 \longrightarrow M, \ \ \
\pi:\; \operatorname{Tw}(M)= M\times {\Bbb C} P^1 \longrightarrow {\Bbb C} P^1;\] the latter
map is holomorphic. The key statement to the twistor
transform is the following lemma.
Let $({\cal B}, \nabla)$ be a bundle with a
connection over a hyperk\"ahler
manifold $M$, and \[ (\sigma^*{\cal B}, \sigma^* \nabla)\]
be the pullback
of $({\cal B}, \nabla)$ to the twistor space. Then $(\sigma^*{\cal B},
\sigma ^* \nabla)$ is holomorphic if and only if $({\cal B}, \nabla)$
is autodual.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ This is a restatement of Lemma \ref{_autodua_(1,1)-on-twi_Lemma_}.
This gives a natural map from the space of autodual connections
on $M$ to the space of holomorphic bundles on $\operatorname{Tw}(M)$. We prove that this
map is injective, and describe its image explicitly.
For every points $x\in M$, the set $\sigma^{-1}(x)$ is a complex
analytic submanifold of the twistor space. The projection
$\pi\restrict{\sigma^{-1}(x)}:\; \sigma^{-1}(x) \longrightarrow {\Bbb C} P^1$
gives a canonical identification of $\sigma^{-1}(x)$ with
${\Bbb C} P^1$. The rational curve $\sigma^{-1}(x) \subset \operatorname{Tw}(M)$
is called {\bf a horisontal twistor line in $\operatorname{Tw}(M)$} (Definition
The following proposition provides an inverse
to the map given by Lemma
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold, $\operatorname{Tw}(M)$ its twistor space and
${\cal E}$ a holomorphic bundle over $\operatorname{Tw}(M)$. Then ${\cal E}$
comes as a pullback of an autodual bundle $({\cal B}, \nabla)$
if and only if restriction of ${\cal E}$ to all horisontal
twistor lines is trivial as a holomorphic vector bundle.
Moreover, this autodual bundle is unique, up to equivalence.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ This is a restatement of
Theorem \ref{_twisto_transfo_equiva_Theorem_}.
We obtained an identification of the set of equivalence classes of
autodual bundles with a subset of the
set of equivalence classes of bundles
over the twistor space. We would like to interpret this
identification geometrically, as an identification of
certain moduli spaces. The autodual bundles are NHYM.
The set of equivalence classes of stable NHYM bundles is equipped
with a natural complex structure and is finite-dimensional,
as we prove in Section \ref{_NHYM_Section_}. This
general construction is used to build
the moduli space of autodual bundles.
It remains to define the notion of stability
for holomorphic bundles over the twistor space and to construct the
corresponding moduli space. The usual (Mumford-Takemoto)
notion of stability does not work, because twistor spaces
are not K\"ahler.\footnote{Moreover, as can be easily shown,
the twistor space of a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold
admits no K\"ahler metric.}
We apply results of Li and Yau \cite{yl}, who define a notion
of stability for bundles over complex manifolds
equipped with a Hermitian metric satisfying
a certain condition (see \eqref{yl}). The twistor space $\operatorname{Tw}(M)$ is
isomorphic as a smooth manifold
to ${\Bbb C} P^1 \times M$ and as such is equipped with
the product metric. This metric is obviously Hermitian.
We check the condition of Li and Yau for twistor spaces
by computing the terms of \eqref{yl} explicitly. This
enables us to speak of stable and semistable bundles
over twistor spaces.
Let ${\cal E}$ be a holomorphic bundle over $\operatorname{Tw}(M)$ obtained
as a pullback of an autodual bundle on $M$. We prove that
${\cal E}$ is semistable. This gives a holomorphic interpretation
of the moduli of autodual bundles on $M$. This is the first of our
algebro-geometric interpretations. The second interpretation involves
significantly more geometry, but yields a more explicit moduli
Let $M$ be a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold, and ${\cal B}$ a
complex vector bundle with first two Chern classes invariant
under the natural $SU(2)$-action. Let $\widehat M$ be the moduli space
for the Hermitian Yang-Mills connections on ${\cal B}$.\footnote{Such
connections are always autodual, \cite{Vb}.}
Then $\widehat M$ is equipped with a natural hyperk\"ahler structure
(\cite{Vb}). The first result of this type was obtained by Mukai
in the context of his duality between K3-surfaces; we use the
term ``Mukai dual'' for $\widehat M$ in this more general situation.
Let $X\stackrel{\pi}{\longrightarrow} {\Bbb C} P^1$,
$\widehat X\stackrel{\hat \pi}{\longrightarrow} {\Bbb C} P^1$ be the twistor
spaces for $M$, $\widehat M$, equipped with the natural holomorphic
projections to ${\Bbb C} P^1$. For an induced complex structure $L$
on the hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$, we denote by $(M, L)$
the space $M$ considered as a complex K\"ahler manifold with $L$
as a complex structure. Identifying the set of induced
complex structures with ${\Bbb C} P^1$, we consider $L$ as a point
in ${\Bbb C} P^1$. Then, the complex manifold
$(M, L)$ is canonically isomorphic to
the pre-image $\pi^{-1}(L) \subset X$.
By $i_L$ we denote the natural embedding
$(M, L) = \pi^{-1}(L) \stackrel{i_L}{\hookrightarrow} X$.
Let $B$ be a stable holomorphic bundle over $(M, L)$, with the
complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$ as underlying complex vector space.
In \cite{Vb}, we produce a canonical identification
between the moduli space of such stable bundles and the
space $\widehat M$ of autodual connections in ${\cal B}$. Let
${\cal F}_{B} = {i_L}_* {B}$ be the coherent sheaf
direct image of ${B}$ under $i_L$. The moduli space of such
sheaves ${\cal F}_{B}$ is naturally identified with $\widehat X$
(Section \ref{_lines_Section_}; see also \cite{Vb}).
Consider a holomorphic section $s$ of the map
$\hat \pi:\; \widehat X \longrightarrow {\Bbb C} P^1$,
that is, a holomorphic embedding
$s:\; {\Bbb C} P^1 \longrightarrow \widehat X$ such that $s\circ \hat \pi = \operatorname{id}$.
The image of such embedding is called
{\bf a twistor line in $\widehat X$} (Section
Let ${\cal E}$ be a vector bundle over $X$ such that
the pullback ${i_L}^* {\cal E}$ is stable for all induced
complex structures $L\in {\Bbb C} P^1$. Such a bundle ${\cal E}$
is called {\bf fiberwise stable} (Definition \ref{fib.st}).
{}From Lemma \ref{gen.st}
it follows that fiberwise stable bundles are also stable, in the
sense of Li--Yau. We restrict our attention to those bundles
${\cal E}$ which are, as $C^\infty$-vector bundles, isomorphic
to $\sigma^*({\cal B})$, where ${\cal B}$ is our original
complex vector bundle on $M$.
Every fiberwise stable bundle ${\cal E}$ on $X$ gives a twistor
line $s_{\cal E}:\; {\Bbb C} P^1 \longrightarrow \widehat X$ in $\widehat X$, where
$s_{\cal E}$ associates a sheaf ${i_L}_* {i_L}^* {\cal E}$
to $L\in {\Bbb C} P^1$. Since points of $\widehat X$ are identified with
isomorphism classes of such sheaves, the sheaf
${i_L}_* {i_L}^* {\cal E}$ can be naturally considered as a point in
$\widehat X$.
Clearly, the
moduli $St_f(X)$ space of fiberwise stable bundles is open in the
moduli $St(X)$ of stable bundles on $X$.
This gives a complex structure on $St_f(X)$. The set $Sec(\widehat X)$
of twistor lines
in $\widehat X$ is equipped with a complex structure as a subset of the
Douady space of rational curves in $\widehat X$.\footnote{Douady spaces
are analogues of Chow schemes, defined in the complex-analytic
(as opposed to algebraic) setting.}
We constructed a holomorphic
map from $St_f(X)$ to $Sec(\widehat X)$. We prove that this
map is in fact an isomorphism of complex varieties
(Theorem \ref{iso}). The direct and inverse twistor transform
give a canonical identification between the
moduli of autodual bundles
on $M$ and an open subset of the
moduli of semi-stable bundles on $X$. Thus, we obtain an
identification of the moduli of autodual bundles on $M$
and the space of twistor lines in $\widehat X$.
We must caution the reader that in this introduction we mostly
ignore the fact that all our constructions use different
notions of stability; thus, all identifications are valid
only locally in the subset where all the flavours of stability
hold. The precise statements are given in Sections
Here are the contents of our article.
\item The Introduction is in two
parts: the first part explains the main ideas of this paper, and
the second gives an overview of its content, section by section.
These two parts of Introduction are independent.
The introduction is also formally independent from the main part and vice
versa. The reader who prefers rigorous discourse
might ignore the introduction and start reading
from Section \ref{_NHYM_Section_}.
\item Section \ref{_NHYM_Section_} contains the definition of
NHYM (non-\-Her\-mi\-tian Yang-\-Mills) connection. We give the definition
$(0,1)$-sta\-bi\-lity for NHYM connections and consider the
natural forgetful map
\begin{equation} \label{_(0,1_stable_to_holo-Equation_}
\pi:\; {\cal M}^s \longrightarrow {\cal M}^s_0
from the space of $(0,1)$-stable NHYM-connections
to the moduli space of stable holomorphic bundles. The fiber of this map
is described explicitly through a power series and the
Green operator (Proposition \ref{series}). This map is
also used to show that the moduli space of $(0,1)$-stable NHYM-connections
is correctly defined and finite-dimensional
(Corollary \ref{_NHYM_finite-dim_Corollary_}).
Uhlenbeck--Yau theorem (Theorem \ref{_Uhle-Yau_Theorem_};
see also \cite{UY}) provides
a compatible Hermitian Yang-Mils connection
for every stable holomorphic bundle.
This gives a section
${\cal M}^s_0 \stackrel i \hookrightarrow {\cal M}^s$
of the map \eqref{_(0,1_stable_to_holo-Equation_}.
We study the structure of ${\cal M}^s$ in the neighbourhood
of $i\left({\cal M}^s_0\right)$, and prove that this neighbourhood
is isomorphic to the complexification of ${\cal M}^s_0$ in the
sense of Grauert (Proposition \ref{_complexi_Graue_Theorem_}).
\item In Section \ref{_autodu_Section_}, we recall the definition of
a hyperk\"ahler manifold and consider NHYM bundles over
a complex manifold with a hyperk\"ahler metric. We define autodual
bundles over hyperk\"ahler manifolds
(Definition \ref{_autodual_Definition_})
and show that all autodual bundles are NHYM
(Proposition \ref{_autodual_is_NHYM_Proposition_}). We cite the result of
\cite{Vb}, which shows that all Hermitian Yang-Mills connections
on a bundle ${\cal B}$ are autodual, if the first two Chern classes
of ${\cal B}$ satisfy a certain natural assumption ($SU(2)$-invariance;
see Theorem \ref{HYM.inv}).
We also prove that, for a NHYM connection $\nabla$
sufficiently close to Hermitian, $\nabla$ is autodual
(Theorem \ref{_NHYM-are-autodu_Theorem_}).
\item Further on, we restrict our attention to autodual connection over
hy\-per\-k\"ah\-ler manifolds.
\item Section \ref{_twistors_Section_} gives a number of definition
and preliminary results from algebraic geometry of the twistor
spaces. We define the twistor space for an arbitrary hyperk\"ahler
manifold (Definition \ref{twistor}). The twistor space is a complex
manifold equipped with a holomorphic projection onto ${\Bbb C} P^1$. For most
hyperk\"ahler manifolds (including all compact ones), the
twistor space does not admit a K\"ahler metrics. This makes
it difficult to define stability for bundles over twistor
spaces. We overcome this difficulty by applying results
of Li and Yau (\cite{yl}). We consider the
differential form which is an imaginary part of the natural
Hermitian metric on the twistor space.
To apply \cite{yl}, we compute explicitly the
de Rham differential of this form
(Lemma \ref{_differe_of_Hermi_on_twistors_Lemma_}).
\item In Section \ref{_twisto-tra_Section_} we define the direct and
inverse twistor transform relating autodual bundles over a
hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$ and holomorphic bundles over the corresponding
twistor space $X$. There is a map from the set of isomorphism
classes of autodual bundles on $M$ to the set of isomorphism classes
of holomorphic bundles on $X$ (Lemma \ref{_autodua_(1,1)-on-twi_Lemma_}).
We show that this map is an embedding and describe its
image explicitly (Theorem \ref{_twisto_transfo_equiva_Theorem_}).
\item In Section \ref{_stabi_of_twi_tra_Section_}, we
consider holomorphic bundles on the twistor space
obtained as a result of a twistor transform. We
prove semistability of such bundles.
Thus, twistor transform is interpreted as a map between moduli
\item In Section \ref{_lines_Section_} we return to the
study the algebro-geometric
properties of the twistor space. For a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold
$M$ and a stable holomorphic bundle $B$ on $M$, we consider the
space $\widehat M$ of deformations of $B$. When the first two Chern classes
of $B$ are $SU(2)$-invariant, the space $\widehat M$ has a natural
hyperk\"ahler structure; this space is called then {\bf Mukai dual}
to $M$. Let $X$, $\widehat X$ be the twistor spaces for $M$ and $\widehat M$.
We interpret the space of stable bundles on $X$ in terms of rational
curves on $\widehat X$ (Theorem \ref{iso}).
\item In Section \ref{_conje_Section_}, we relate a number of conjectures and open
questions from the geometry of NHYM and autodual bundles.
\section{The general case.}
\subsection{Definition of NHYM connections}
Let $M$ be a K\"ahler manifold of dimension $n$
with the real valued K\"ahler form $\omega$.
Consider a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$
on $M$. Denote by ${\cal A}^n({\cal B})$ the bundle of smooth ${\cal B}$-valued $n$-forms
on ${\cal B}$. Let
{\cal A}^n({\cal B}) = \bigoplus_{i+j=n} {\cal A}^{i,j}({\cal B})
be the Hodge type decomposition. The bundle $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$ of endomorphisms of ${\cal B}$
is also a complex vector bundle. As usual, let
L:{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
be the operator given by multiplication $\omega$. Let
\Lambda:{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
be the adjoint operator with respect to the trace form on $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$.
A connection $\nabla:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^1({\cal B})$ is called
{\bf non-Hermitian Yang-Mills} (NHYM for short) if its curvature
$R \in {\cal A}^2(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ is of Hodge type $(1,1)$ and satisfies
\Lambda \circ R = c \operatorname{Id}
for a certain constant $c \in {\Bbb C}$.
This terminology is perhaps unfortunate, in that a NHYM connection can
(but need not) be Hermitian. We use the term for lack of better one.
To simplify exposition, we will always consider only NHYM connections
with the constant $c=0$.
Let $\nabla$ be a NHYM connection on ${\cal B}$. Since the $(0,2)$-component
of its curvature vanishes, the $(0,1)$-component
$\nabla^{0,1}:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal B})$ defines a holomorphic structure on
${\cal B}$. We will call this {\bf the holomorphic structure associated
to $\nabla$}.
Let $\overline{\E}^*$ be the dual to the complex-conjugate to the complex bundle
${\cal B}$. Every NHYM-connection $\nabla$ obviously induces a NHYM
connection $\nabla^*$ on the dual bundle ${\cal B}^*$. Let $\overline{\nabla}$ be the
connection on $\overline{\E}^*$ complex-conjugate to $\nabla^*$. The connection
$\overline{\nabla}$ is also obviously NHYM. We will call it {\bf the adjoint
connection to $\nabla$}. The holomorphic structure on $\overline{\E}^*$ associated to
$\overline{\nabla}$ will be called {\bf the adjoint holomorphic structure
associated to $\nabla$}. Note that the adjoint holomorphic structure
depends only on the $(1,0)$-part $\nabla^{1,0}$ of the connection
\subsection{Stability and moduli of NHYM connections.}
Fix a compact K\"ahler manifold $M$ and a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$ on $M$.
Consider the space ${\cal A}$ of all connections on ${\cal B}$ and let ${\cal A}_0$ be
the subspace of NHYM connnections. The space ${\cal A}$ is a complex-analytic
Banach manifold, and ${\cal A}_0 \subset {\cal A}$ is an analytic subspace of ${\cal A}$.
Let ${\cal G} = \operatorname{Maps}(M,\operatorname{Aut}{\cal B})$ be the complex Banach-Lie group of automorphisms
of ${\cal B}$. The group ${\cal G}$ acts on ${\cal A}$ preserving the subset ${\cal A}_0$.
In order to obtain a good moduli space for NHYM connections, we
need to impose some stability conditions.
\begin{defn} A NHYM connection $\nabla$ is called {\bf $(0,1)$-stable} if the
bundle ${\cal B}$ with the associated holomorphic structure is a stable
holomorphic bundle.
Further on, we sometimes use the term {\it stable} to denote
$(0,1)$-stable connections.
This definition is sufficient for our present purposes. However, it is
unnaturally restrictive. See
for a more natural definition.
Let ${\cal A}^s \subset {\cal A}_0$ be the open subset of $(0,1)$-stable NYHM connections and
{\cal M}^s = {\cal A}_s / {\cal G}
be the set of {\em equivalence classes} of $(0,1)$-stable NHYM connections on
${\cal B}$ endowed with the quotient topology.
Choose a connection $\nabla \in {\cal A}_0, \nabla:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^1({\cal B})$. Let
$\nabla = \nabla^{1,0} + \nabla^{0,1}$ be the type decomposition and extend
both components to differentials
D:{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) &\to {\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})\\
\overline{D}:{\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}} &\to {\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
The tangent space $T_\nabla({\cal A})$ equals $T_\nabla({\cal A}) =
{\cal A}^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$. The NHYM equations define a complex-analytic map
YM:{\cal A} \to {\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^{0,2} \oplus {\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}).
It is easy to see that the differential of $YM$ at the point $\nabla$ is
given by
YM_\nabla = D + \overline{D} + \Lambda \nabla: {\cal A}^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to
{\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^{0,2}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
On the other hand, the differential at $\nabla$ of the ${\cal G}$-action on
${\cal A}$ is given by
\nabla:{\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
The complex
0 \to {\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to
{\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^{0,2}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
is called {\bf the deformation complex} of the NHYM connection $\nabla$.
The deformation complex has a natural structure of a differential graded
Lie algebra.
The deformation complex is elliptic.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Indeed, the complex
0 \to {\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{0,1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{0,2}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
is the Dolbeault complex for the holomorphic bundle $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$ and is
therefore elliptic. Hence it is enough to prove that
0 \to {\cal A}^{1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
is elliptic. By Kodaira identity $\Lambda D = \sqrt{-1} D^*$ on
${\cal A}^{1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$, and this complex is the same as
0 \to D \oplus D^*:{\cal A}^{1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^0(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}),
where $D^*$ is defined by means of the trace form on $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$. This
complex is obviously elliptic.
Let $\widetilde{G} \subset {\cal G}$ be the stabilizer of $\nabla \in {\cal A}$. Then
\item $\widetilde{G}$ is a finite dimensional complex Lie group.
\item There exists a finite dimensional locally closed
complex-analytic Stein subspace $\widetilde{{\cal M}^s} \subset {\cal A}$ containing
$\nabla$ and invariant under $\widetilde{G}$ such that the natural projection
\widetilde{{\cal M}^s} / \widetilde{G} \to {\cal M}^s
is an open embedding.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ This is the standard application of the Luna's slice theorem,
see \cite{Kod}.
\begin{corr} \label{_NHYM_finite-dim_Corollary_}
The topological space ${\cal M}^s$ has a natural structure of a comp\-lex\--analytic
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Indeed, since $\widetilde{{\cal M}^s}$ is Stein, the quotient $\widetilde{{\cal M}^s} / \widetilde{G}$ is a Stein
complex-analytic space. Now by the standard argument (\cite{Kod}) the
induced complex analytic charts on ${\cal M}^s$ glue together to give a
complex-analytic structure on the whole of ${\cal M}^s$.
\subsection[Hermitian Yang-Mills bundles and the theorem of
Uhlenbeck--Yau]{Hermitian Yang-Mills bundles and the theorem of
\\ Uhlenbeck--Yau}
For every complex bundle ${\cal B}$ on $M$ denote by ${\cal M}^s_0({\cal B})$ the moduli
space of stable holomorphic structures on ${\cal B}$. Fix ${\cal B}$ and consider
the space ${\cal M}^s$ of $(0,1)$-stable NHYM connections on ${\cal B}$. Taking the
associated holomorphic structure defines a map $\pi:{\cal M}^s \to {\cal M}^s_0({\cal B})$.
The map $\pi$ is holomorphic.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Since every complex vector bundle admits an Hermitian metric, the complex
vector bundles ${\cal B}$ and $\overline{\E}^*$ are isomorphic. Therefore the moduli spaces
${\cal M}^s_0({\cal B})$ and ${\cal M}^s_0(\overline{\E}^*)$ are naturally identified. Denote the space
${\cal M}^s_0({\cal B}) = {\cal M}^s_0(\overline{\E}^*)$ simply by ${\cal M}^s_0$, and let $\overline{\cal M}^s_0$ be the
complex-conjugate space.
Consider the open subset ${{\cal M}^{gs}} \subset {\cal M}^s$ of $(0,1)$-stable NHYM connections
on ${\cal B}$ such that the adjoint connection on $\overline{\E}^*$ is also $(0,1)$-stable.
Taking the adjoint holomorphic structure defines a map $\overline{\pi}:{{\cal M}^{gs}} \to
\overline{\cal M}^s_0$. This map is also obviously holomorphic.
\begin{lemma} \label{_compa_Hermi_pi=barpi_Lemma_}
A NHYM connection $\nabla \in {{\cal M}^{gs}}$ satisfies $\pi(\nabla) = \overline{\pi}(\nabla)$
if and only if it admits a compatible Hermitian metric.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Indeed, $\pi(\nabla) = \overline{\pi}(\nabla)$ if and only if there exists
an isomorphism $h:{\cal B} \to \overline{\E}^*$ sending $\nabla$ to $\overline{\nabla}$. This isomorphism
defines an Hermitian metric on ${\cal B}$ compatible with the connection $\nabla$.
To proceed further we need to recall the following fundamental theorem.
\begin{theorem}[Uhlenbeck,Yau] \label{_Uhle-Yau_Theorem_}
Every stable holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ on a K\"ahler manifold $M$ admits
a unique Hermitian Yang-Mills connection $\nabla$. Vice versa, every
holomorphic bundle admitting such a connection is polystable.
We will call such a metric {\bf a Uhlenbeck-Yau metric} for the
holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$.
Let ${\cal M}^s_u \in {{\cal M}^{gs}}$ be subset of equivalence classes of Hermitian
connections. The product map $\pi \times \overline{\pi}:{{\cal M}^{gs}} \to {\cal M}^s_0 \times
\overline{\cal M}^s_0$ identifies ${\cal M}^s_u$ with the diagonal in ${\cal M}^s_0 \times \overline{\cal M}^s_0$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Note that the subset ${\cal M}^s_u \subset {{\cal M}^{gs}}$ is not complex-analytic, but
only real-analytic.
\subsection{Moduli of NHYM connections as a complexification of
the moduli of stable bundles}
Let $\nabla \in {\cal M}^s_u \subset {\cal M}^s$ be an Hermitian Yang-Mills
connection, and let ${\cal F}_\nabla = \pi^{-1}(\pi(\nabla)) \subset {\cal M}^s$ be
the fiber of $\pi$ over $\nabla$. In order to study the map $\pi
\times \overline{\pi}:{{\cal M}^{gs}} \to {\cal M}^s_0 \times \overline{\cal M}^s_0$ in a neighborhood of $\nabla$, we
first study the restriction of the map $\overline{\pi}$ to ${\cal F}_\nabla$. We begin
with the following.
Let $\overline{D}:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal B})$ be a representative in the
equivalence class $\pi(\nabla) \in {\cal M}^s_0$ of holomorphic structures on
${\cal B}$ and let $D:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^{1,0}({\cal B})$ be the operator adjoint to
$\overline{D}$ with respect to the Uhlenbeck-Yau metric. The fiber
${\cal F}_\nabla$ is isomorphic to the set of all $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$-valued
$(1,0)$-forms $\theta$ satisfying
D\theta + \theta \wedge \theta &= 0,\\
D^*\theta &= 0.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
To define the desired isomorphism, choose for any equivalence class
$\nabla_1 \in \pi^{-1}(\pi(\nabla))$ a representative $\nabla_1 =
\nabla^{1,0}_1 + \overline{D}:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^1({\cal B})$. Every two
representatives must differ by a gauge transformation $g:{\cal B} \to {\cal B}$.
The map $g$ must preserve the holomorphic structure
$\overline{D}$. However, this holomorphic structure is by assumption
stable. Therefore $g = c\operatorname{Id}$ for $c \in {\Bbb C}$, and the operator
$\nabla^{1,0}_1:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^{1,0}({\cal B})$ is defined uniquely by its class
in ${\cal F}_\nabla$. Take $\theta = \nabla^{1,0}_1 - D$; the
equations~\eqref{formula} follow directly from the definition of NHYM
In order to apply this Theorem, note that by the second of the
equations~\eqref{formula} every NHYM connection $\nabla_1 \in
{\cal F}_\nabla$ defines a $D^*$-closed $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$-valued $(1,0)$-form
$\theta$. Complex conjugation with respect to the Uhlenbeck-Yau metric
$h_\nabla$ identifies the space of $D^*$-closed $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$-valued
$(1,0)$-forms with the space of $\overline{D}^*$-closed $(0,1)$-forms,
and it also identifies the respective cohomology spaces. But the
cohomology spaces of the Dolbeault complex ${\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ with
respect to $\overline{D}$ and $\overline{D}^*$ are both equal to the
space of harmonic forms, hence naturally isomorphic. Collecting all
this together, we define a map $\rho:{\cal F}_\nabla \to
\overline{H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})}$ by the rule
\begin{equation} \label{_from_NHYM_to_classes_Equation_}
\nabla_1 \mapsto \langle \text{ class of } \theta \text{ in } H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
The map $\rho$ is a closed embedding in a neighborhood of $\nabla \in
{\cal M}^s_u \in {\cal F}_\nabla$.
This Proposition can be deduced directly from Theorem~\ref{zhopa}.
However, we prefer to prove a stronger statement. To formulate it,
consider the adjoint holomorphic structure $\overline{\pi}(\nabla)$ on the
complex bundle $\overline{\E}^* \cong {\cal B}$. Recall the following standard fact from
the deformation theory of holomorphic bundles.
Let $\bar\partial:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal B})$ be a stable holomorphic structure on
a complex Hermitian bundle ${\cal B}$. There exists a neighborhood $U
\subset {\cal M}^s_0$ of $\bar\partial$ such that every $\bar\partial_1 \in U$ can be
represented uniquely by an operator $\bar\partial + \theta:{\cal B} \to
{\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal B})$ satisfying
\bar\partial\theta = \theta \wedge \theta\\
\bar\partial^*\theta = 0
The {\bf Kuranishi map} $U \to H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ defined by
\bar\partial_1 \to \langle \text{ class of } \theta \text{ in }
H^1_{\bar\partial^*}({\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})) \cong H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \rangle
is a locally closed embedding.
The map $\overline{\pi}:{\cal F}_\nabla \to \overline{\cal M}^s_0$ is biholomophic in a neighborhood $V$
of $\nabla \in {\cal M}^s_u \subset {{\cal M}^{gs}}$, and the map $\rho:V \to H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$
is the composition of $\overline{\pi}:{\cal F}_\nabla \to \overline{\cal M}^s_0$ and the Kuranishi map.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Complex conjugation sends equations~\eqref{formula} precisely to
\eqref{kuranishi}, and thus establishes a bijection between
neighborhoods of $\nabla \in {\cal F}_\nabla$ and $\overline{\pi}(\nabla) \in \overline{\cal M}^s_0$.
This statement, in turn, implies the following.
\begin{prop} \label{_complexi_Graue_Theorem_}
The product map $\pi \times \overline{\pi}:{{\cal M}^{gs}} \to {\cal M}^s_0 \to \overline{\cal M}^s_0$ is biholomorphic on
an open neighborhood $U$ of the subset ${\cal M}^s_u \in {{\cal M}^{gs}}$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Consider both ${{\cal M}^{gs}}$ and ${\cal M}^s_0 \times \overline{\cal M}^s_0$ as spaces over ${\cal M}^s_0$.
The map $\pi \times \overline{\pi}$ is a map over ${\cal M}^s_0$, and it is locally
biholomorphic on every fiber of the natural projections ${{\cal M}^{gs}} \to {\cal M}^s_0$,
${\cal M}^s_0 \times \overline{\cal M}^s_0 \to {\cal M}^s_0$.
Thus $\dim{\cal M}^s = 2\dim{\cal M}^s_0$, and an open neighborhood $U$ of the
subspace ${\cal M}^s_u \subset {{\cal M}^{gs}}$ is the complexification of ${\cal M}^s_0$ is the
sense of Grauert.
\subsection{Holomorphic symplectic form on the moduli of
NHYM bundles}
In order to construct a holomorphic symplectic $2$-form on ${\cal M}^s$, we
need to restrict our attention to a smooth open subset of ${\cal M}^s$.
A NHYM connection $\nabla$ is called {\bf smooth} if both $\nabla \in {\cal M}^s$ and
$\pi(\nabla) \in {\cal M}^s_0$ are smooth points.
Let $\nabla \in {\cal M}^s$ be a smooth NHYM connection and denote by
${\cal C}_\nabla$ its deformation complex. By construction the holomorphic
tangent space $T_\nabla({\cal M}^s)$ is identified with a subspace of the
first cohomology space $H^1({\cal C}_\nabla)$. By definition $\pi(\nabla)$
is a smooth point, and the tangent space $T_{\pi(\nabla)}({\cal M}^s_0)$ is a
subspace of the first cohomology space $H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ of $M$ with
coefficients in ${\cal B}$ equipped with the induced holomorphic structure.
Consider the natural projection map ${\cal C}_\nabla \to
{\cal A}^{0,i}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ from ${\cal C}_\nabla$ to the Dolbeault complex of the
bundle $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$. Denote by
\operatorname{pr}:H^1({\cal C}_\nabla) \to H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
the induced map on the cohomology spaces and let
W = \operatorname{Ker}\operatorname{pr} \subset H^1({\cal C}_\nabla).
Let $d\pi:T_\nabla({\cal M}^s) \to T_{\pi(\nabla)}({\cal M}^s_0)$ be the differential
of the map $\pi:{\cal M}^s \to {\cal M}^s_0$ in the smooth point $\nabla \in
{\cal M}^s_0$. The diagram
0 @>>> T_\nabla({\cal F}_\nabla) @>>> T_\nabla({\cal M}^s) @>d{\pi}>>
T_{\pi(\nabla)} @>>> 0 \\
9 @>>> W @>>> H^1({\cal C}_\nabla) @>{\operatorname{pr}}>>
H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) @>>> 0
is commutative.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
We first construct a symplectic form on the space $H^1({\cal C}_\nabla)$.
To do this, we first identify the space $W \subset H^1({\cal C}_\nabla)$.
The space $W$ is naturally isomorphic to
$H^{n-1}(M, \operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B} \otimes {\cal K})$, where $K$
is the canonical line bundle on $M$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Indeed, the space $W$ is isomorphic to
the space of $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$-valued $(1,0)$-forms satisfying
D\theta = 0\\
\Lambda \overline{D} \theta = 0
Consider the map
\bullet \wedge \omega^{n-1}:{\cal A}^{1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{n,n-1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}).
By Kodaira identities a form $\theta \in {\cal A}^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ satisfies
\eqref{pipupa} if and only if $\theta \wedge \omega^{n-1}$ is
harmonic. Hence $\bullet \wedge \omega^{n-1}$ identifies $W$
with $H^{n-1}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B} \otimes {\cal K})$.
Consider now two $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$-valued $1$-forms $\theta_0,\theta^1 \in
{\cal A}^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ and let
\Omega(\theta_0,\theta_1) = \int_M
\operatorname{tr}(\theta_0 \wedge \theta_1 \wedge \omega^{n-1}),
where $\operatorname{tr}$ is the trace map, $n = \dim M$ and $\omega$ is the K\"ahler
form on $M$.
If $\theta_0 = \nabla g$ for some section $g \in {\cal A}^0(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$, then
\Omega(\theta_0,\theta_1) = 0
for any $\theta_1 \in {\cal A}^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ satisfying
$\Lambda \nabla(\theta_1) = 0$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Indeed,
\Omega(\theta_0,\theta_1) = \int_M \operatorname{tr}( \nabla(\omega^{n-1}g))
\wedge \theta_1) = \\
= \int_M \operatorname{tr}(\omega^{n-1} \wedge \nabla(g\theta_1)) -
\int_M \operatorname{tr}( g \omega^{n-1} \wedge \nabla(\theta_1)) =
\int_M \operatorname{tr}(g \Lambda \nabla(\theta_1)) \omega^n = 0
\item The form $\Omega$ defines a
complex $2$-form on the space $H^1({\cal C}_\nabla)$.
\item The subspace $W$ is isotropic, and the induced pairing
(W \cong H^{n-1}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}\otimes{\cal K}))\otimes H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\Bbb C}
is non-degenerate.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
The first statement is clear. It is easy to see that the pairing
induced by $\Omega$ is exactly the one defined by the Serre duality,
which proves the second statement.
Restricting to the subspace $T_\nabla({\cal M}^s)$, we get a
$2$-form $\Omega$ on ${\cal M}^s$. This form is obviously holomorphic.
Assume that either $\nabla \in {\cal M}^s$ is Hermitian, or $T_\nabla({\cal M}^s) =
H^1({\cal C}_\nabla)$. Then the form $\Omega$ on $T_\nabla({\cal M}^s)$ is
non-degenerate. The map ${\cal M}^s \to {\cal M}^s_0$ is a Lagrangian fibration in
the neghrborhood of $\nabla$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ It is easy to see that $T_\nabla({\cal F}_\nabla) \subset T_\nabla({\cal M}^s)$ is
isotropic. If the connection $\nabla$ is {\em unobstructed}, that is, the
embedding $T_\nabla({\cal M}^s) \hookrightarrow H^1({\cal C}_\nabla)$ is actually an
isomorphism, then the statement follows from Corollary~\ref{bububuj}.
Suppose now that the inclusion $T_\nabla({\cal M}^s) \subset H^1({\cal C}_\nabla)$
is proper. By assumption the connection $\nabla$ is Hermitian in this
case, therefore the complex conjugation map $\overline{\phantom{\E}}:{\cal A}^{0,1}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
\to {\cal A}^{1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ is defined. It is easy to see that this map
identifies $\operatorname{Ker}\operatorname{pr}$ with $\overline{H^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})}$. By
Corollary~\ref{compl} it also identifies $T_\nabla({\cal F}_\nabla)$ with
The form $\Omega(\bullet,\overline{\bullet})$ is a non-degenerate
Hermitian form on $\operatorname{Ker}\operatorname{pr}$. Therefore its restriction to
$T_\nabla(M_\nabla)$ is also non-degenerate.
The last statement now follows directly from Proposition~\ref{diagramma} and
\subsection{Local parametrization of the moduli of NHYM connections}
In the last part of this section we give a more explicit description
of the embedding ${\cal F}_\nabla \to H^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ for an Hermitian
Yang-Mills connection $\nabla$ in the spirit of \cite{Vb}. This
description is of independent interest, and we will also use it in the
next section in the study of NHYM connections on hyperk\"ahler
Fix an Uhlenbeck-Yau metric on ${\cal B}$ compatible with $\nabla$ and let
$\Delta = DD^* + D^*D$ be the associated Laplace operator on
${\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$. Let $G$ be the Green operator provided by the
Hodge theory. Recall that we have the Hodge decomposition
{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) = {\cal H}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_{\operatorname{ex}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
into the space of harmonic form ${\cal H}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}$ and its orthogonal complement
${\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_{\operatorname{ex}}$. This complement is further decomposed as
{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_{\operatorname{ex}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) = D{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}-1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus D^*{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
The composition $DD^*G$ is by definition the
projection onto $D{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}-1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \subset {\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$.
Take now a small neighborhood $U \subset {\cal F}_\nabla$ of the Hermitian
connection $\nabla \in {\cal F}_\nabla$ and a NHYM connection $\nabla_1 \in
U$. Let $\theta = \nabla_1 - \nabla$, $\theta \in {\cal A}^{1,0}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$
and let $K(\theta) \in \overline{H^{1,0}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})}$ be the associated
cohomology class. Shrinking $U$ if neccesary, we see that by
Proposition~\ref{kur} the connection $\nabla_1$ is uniquely determined
by the class $K(\theta)$.
Let $\theta_0 \in {\cal A}^{1,0}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ be the harmonic form
representing the class $K(\theta)$. Define by induction
\theta_n = D^*G \sum_{0 \leq k < n} \theta_k \wedge \theta_{n-1-k}.
Let $\nabla$ be an Hermitian Yang-Mills connection.
There exists a neighborhood $V \subset {\cal F}_\nabla$ of
$\nabla \in {\cal F}_\nabla$ such that
for every $\nabla_1 \in V \subset {\cal F}_\nabla$ the series
\sum_{0 \leq k} \theta_k
to the form $\theta = \nabla_1 - \nabla$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
The metric on $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$ defines a norm $\|\bullet\|$ on
${\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$. We can assume that
$\left\| \theta_0 \right\| < \varepsilon$
for any fixed $\varepsilon > 0$. Since the Hodge decomposition is orthogonal,
\left\|D \theta_n\right\| = \left\|DD^*G\left(\sum_{0 \leq k < n}
\theta_k \wedge \theta_{n-k}\right)\right\| \\
\leq \left\|\sum_{0 \leq k < n} \theta_k \wedge \theta_{n-k}\right\|
\leq \sum_{0 \leq k < n}
\left\|\theta_k\right\| {\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}} \left\|\theta_{n-k}\right\|.
Since $D:D^*({\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})) \to {\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ is injective
and elliptic, there exists a constant $C > 0$ such that
\|Df\| > C\|f\|
for all $f \in D^*({\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}))$.
Let $a_n = \frac{(2n)!}{(n!)^2}$ be the Catalan numbers. By induction
\left\|\theta_n\right\| < a_n \left| \frac{\varepsilon}{C} \right|.
Since $A(z) = \sum a_n z^n$ satisfies $A(z) = 1 + z(A(z))^2$, it equals
A(z) = \frac{1 - \sqrt{1-4z}}{2}
and converges for $z < \frac{1}{4}$. Therefore the series~\eqref{rjad}
converges for $4\varepsilon < C$.
To prove that it converges to $\theta$, let $\chi_0 = \theta$ and let
\chi_n = \theta - \sum_{0 \leq k < n} \theta_k
for $n \geq 1$. Since both $\nabla$ and $\nabla + \theta$ are NHYM,
we have $D\chi_1 = \chi_0 \wedge \chi_0$. Therefore $\chi_0
\wedge \chi_0 \in {\cal A}^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ and
D \chi_1 = D D^* G (\chi_0 \wedge \chi_0) = \chi_0 \wedge \chi_0.
By induction
D \chi_n = \chi_0 \wedge \chi_{n-1} +
\sum_{0 \leq k \leq n} \chi_k \wedge \theta_{n - 1 - k},
and $\chi_n \in D^*({\cal A}^{2,0}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}))$ for all $n > 0$.
Again by induction,
\left\|\chi_n\right\| < a_{n+1} \left(\frac{\varepsilon}{C}\right)^n.
Therefore $\chi_n \to 0$ if $4\varepsilon < C$, which proves the Proposition.
This Proposition can be strengthened somewhat. Namely, for any
harmonic $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}_{\cal B}$-valued $(1,0)$-form $\theta_0$ in a small
neighborhood of $0$ the series~\eqref{rjad} converges to a form
$\theta$. As follows from \cite{Vb}, the connection $\nabla + \theta$
is NHYM provided the following holds.
\item[*] All the forms $\theta_p \wedge \theta_q \in {\cal A}^{2,0}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$
lie in ${\cal A}^{2,0}_{\operatorname{ex}}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$.
This condition is also knows as vanishing of all of the so-called
Massey products $[\theta_0 \wedge \ldots \wedge \theta_0]$.
\section{Autodual and NHYM connections in the hy\-per\-k\"ah\-ler case.}
We now turn to the study of NHYM connections on hyperk\"ahler manifolds.
First we recall the definitions and some general facts.
A {\bf hyperk\"ahler manifold} is a Riemannian manifold $M$ equipped with
two integrable almost complex structures $I,J$ which are parallel with
respect to the Levi-Civita connection and satisfy
I \circ J = - J \circ I.
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold. The operators $I,J$ define an
action of the quaternion algebra ${\Bbb H}$ on the tangent bundle $TM$. This
action is also parallel. Every imaginary quaternion $a \in {\Bbb H}$
satisfying $a^2 = -1$ defines an almost complex structure on $M$.
This almost complex structure is parallel, hence integrable and
\begin{defn} \label{_induced_co_str_Definition_}
A complex structure on $M$ corresponding to an imaginary quaternion $a \in {\Bbb H}$
with $a^2 = -1$ is said to be {\bf induced by $a$}.
For every such $a \in {\Bbb H}$ we will denote by $\omega_a$ the K\"ahler
form in the complex structure induced by $a$. We will always assume
fixed a preferred complex K\"ahler structure $I$ on $M$.
Recall that every hyperk\"ahler manifold is equipped with a canonical
holomorphic symplectic $2$-form $\Omega$. If $J,K \in {\Bbb H}$ satisfy $J^2
= -1$, $IJ=K$ then this form equals
\Omega = \omega_J + \sqrt{-1}\omega_K.
The group $U({\Bbb H})$ of all unitary quaternions is isomorphic to
${SU(2)}$. Thus every hyperk\"ahler manifold comes equipped with an action
of ${SU(2)}$ on its tangent bundle, and, {\it a posteriori}, with an action of
its Lie algebra $\frak{su}(2)$. Extend these actions to the bundles
$\Lambda^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}$ of differential forms and let $\Lambda^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_{\operatorname{inv}}
\subset \Lambda^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}$ be the subbundle of ${SU(2)}$-invariant forms. The
${SU(2)}$-action does not commute with the de Rham differential. However,
it does commute with the Laplacian (see \cite{Vl}). Therefore it
preserves the subspace of harmonic forms. Identifying harmonic forms
with coholomogy classes, we get an action of ${SU(2)}$ on the cohomology
spaces $H^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M)$.
Let $\Lambda:\Lambda^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+2} \to \Lambda^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}$ be the Hodge operator
associated to the K\"ahler metric on $M$.
A differential form $\theta$ on $M$ is called {\bf primitive} if
$\Lambda\theta = 0$.
\item All ${SU(2)}$-invariant forms are primitive. All ${SU(2)}$-in\-va\-ri\-ant
$2$-forms are of Hodge type $(1,1)$ for every one of the induced complex
structures on $M$. Vice versa, if a form is of type $(1,1)$ for all the
induced complex structures, it is ${SU(2)}$-invariant.
\item The same statements hold for de Rham cohomology classes instead of
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ See \cite{Vb}, Lemma 2.1 \endproof
The converse is true for $\dim_{\Bbb C} M = 2$, but in higher dimensiona
there are primitive forms that are not ${SU(2)}$-invariant.
Consider a complex bundle ${\cal B}$ on $M$ and let $\nabla:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^1({\cal B})$
be a connection on ${\cal B}$.
The connection $\nabla$ is called {\bf autodual} if its curvature $R
\in {\cal A}^2(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ is ${SU(2)}$-inavariant.
The terminology comes from the $4$-dimensional topology: autodual
connections on hyperk\"ahler surfaces are anti-selfdual in the usual
topological sense.
We will call an autodual connection $\nabla$ {\bf $(0,1)$-stable} if its $(1,0)$-part
defines a stable holomorphic structure on the bundle ${\cal B}$. Denote by
${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}}$ the set of equivalence classes of $(0,1)$-stable autodual connections on
the bundle ${\cal B}$.
Like in Remark~\ref{too.strong}, this $(0,1)$-stability condition may be too
Let $\nabla$ be an autodual connection on ${\cal B}$. By Lemma~\ref{primitive}
for every $J \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ the $(0,1)$-component of the connection $\nabla$ with
respect to the complex structure induced by $J$ defines a holomorphic
structure on ${\cal B}$. We will call it {\bf the holomorphic structure induced
by $J$}.
\begin{prop} \label{_autodual_is_NHYM_Proposition_}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold and let ${\cal B}$ be a complex bundle
on $M$. Every autodual connection $\nabla$ on ${\cal B}$ is NHYM.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Immediately follows from Lemma~\ref{primitive}.
Therefore there exists a natural embedding ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}} \hookrightarrow {\cal M}^s$
from ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}}$ to the moduli space ${\cal M}^s$ of NHYM connections on ${\cal B}$. In the
rest of this section we give a partial description of the image of this
We will use the following.
Assume that the first two Chern classes
c_1({\cal B}),c_2({\cal B}) \in H^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M)
of the bundle ${\cal B}$ are ${SU(2)}$-invariant. Then every Hermitian Yang-Mills
connection $\nabla$ on ${\cal B}$ is autodual.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
See \cite{Vb}.
Therefore, if the Chern classes $c_1({\cal B}),c_2({\cal B})$ are
${SU(2)}$-invariant, then the closed subset ${\cal M}^s_u \in {\cal M}^s$ of
Hermitian Yang-Mills connections lies in ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}}$.
\begin{theorem} \label{_NHYM-are-autodu_Theorem_}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold and let ${\cal B}$ be a complex vector
bundle on $M$ such that the Chern classes $c_1({\cal B}),c_2({\cal B})$ are
${SU(2)}$-invariant. Then subset ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}} \subset {\cal M}^s$ of autodual
connections contains an open neighborhood of the subset ${\cal M}^s_u \subset {\cal M}^s$
of connections admitting a compatible Hermitian metric.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Let $\nabla$ be an Hermitian Yang-Mills connection. It is autodual by
Theorem~\ref{HYM.inv}, and it is enough to show that every $\nabla_1
\in {\cal F}_\nabla$ sufficiently close to $\nabla$ is also autodual.
Let $\theta = \nabla_1 - \nabla$ and let $\theta_n, n \geq 0$ be as in
\eqref{rjad}. By Propostion~\ref{series} we can assume that
\theta = \sum_k \theta_k.
It is enough to prove that $\overline{D}\theta$ is ${SU(2)}$-invariant. We
will prove that $\overline{D}\theta_k$ is ${SU(2)}$-invariant for all $k
\geq 0$. To do this, we use results of \cite{Vb}.
Consider the operator
L^\Omega:{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})\to{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+2,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
given by multiplication by the canonical holomorphic $2$-form
$\Omega$ on $M$. By \cite{Vl} the operator
[L_\Omega,\Lambda]:{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}-1}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
coincides with the action of a nilpotent element in the Lie algebra $\frak{su}(2)$.
Therefore it is a derivation with respect to the algebra structure on the
complex ${\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$. Moreover, a $(1,1)$-form $\alpha$ is
${SU(2)}$-invariant if and only if $[L_\Omega,\Lambda]\alpha = 0$.
Let $\partial^J:{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$
be the commutator
\partial^J = \left[\overline{D} , \left[L_\Omega,\Lambda\right]\right].
This map again is a derivation with respect to the algebra structure
on ${\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$, and it is enough to prove that
$\partial^J\theta_n=0$ for all $n \geq 0$. Moreover,
\partial^J = \left[\overline{D}, \left[L_\Omega,\Lambda\right]\right] =
\left[L_\Omega, \left[\overline{D}, \Lambda\right]\right] + \left[\Lambda,
The second term is zero since $\Omega$ is holomorphic, the first term is
$[L_\Omega,\sqrt{-1}D^*]$ by Kodaira identity. Hence $D^*$ and $\partial^J$
anticommute. Finally, the Laplacian $\Delta_J = \partial_J\partial_J^* + \partial_J^*\partial_J$ is
proportional by \cite{Vb} to the Laplacian $\Delta = DD^* +
D^*D$. Therefore the Laplacian $\Delta$ and the Green operator $G$ also
commute with $\partial^J$.
Now, the form $\theta_0$ is by definition $\Delta$-harmonic.
Therefore it is also $\Delta_J$-harmonic, and $\partial^J\theta_0 = 0$. To
prove that $\partial^J\theta_n = 0$, use induction on $n$. By definition
\partial^J\theta_n = \partial^JD^*G\left(\sum_{0 \leq k < n} \theta_k \wedge
\theta_{n-1-k}\right) = \\
= -D^*G\left(\sum_{0 \leq k <n} \partial^J\theta_k \wedge \theta_{n-1-k} +
\theta_k \wedge \partial^J\theta_{n-1-k} \right).
The right hand side is zero by the inductive assumption.
Thus all $\partial^J\theta_k$ are zero, and all the $\overline{D}\theta_k$ are
${SU(2)}$-invariant, which proves the Theorem.
\section{Stable bundles over twistor spaces.}
To further study autodual connections on a bundle ${\cal B}$ over a hyperk\"ahler
manifold $M$, we need to introduce the so-called ``twistor space'' $X$ for
$M$. This is a certain non-K\"ahler complex manifold associated to
$M$. Autodual connections give rise to holomorphic bundles on $X$ by means
of a construction known as ``twistor transform''. This construction turns
out to be essentially invertible, thus providing additional information on
the moduli space ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}}$.
We develop the twistor transform machinery in the next section. In this
section we give the necessary preliminaries: the definition and some
properties of the twistor space $X$, and a discussion of the notion of
stability for holomorphic bundles over $X$.
\subsection{Twistor spaces}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold. Consider the product manifold $X = M
\times S^2$. Embed the sphere $S^2 \subset {\Bbb H}$ into the quaternion algebra
${\Bbb H}$ as the subset of all quaternions $J$ with $J^2 = -1$. For every point
$x = m \times J \in X = M \times S^2$ the tangent space $T_xX$ is
canonically decomposed $T_xX = T_mM \oplus T_JS^2$. Identify $S^2 = {{\Bbb CP}^1}$
and let $I_J:T_JS^2 \to T_JS^2$ be the complex structure operator. Let
$I_m:T_mM \to T_mM$ be the complex structure on $M$ induced by $J \in S^2
\subset {\Bbb H}$.
The operator $I_x = I_m \oplus I_J:T_xX \to T_xX$ satisfies $I_x \circ I_x =
-1$. It depends smoothly on the point $x$, hence defines an almost complex
structure on $X$. This almost complex structure is known to be integrable
(see \cite{Sal}).
The complex manifold $\langle X, I_x \rangle$ is called {\bf the twistor
space} for the hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$.
By definition the twistor space comes equipped with projections $\sigma:X
\to M$, $\pi: X \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. The second projection is holomorphic. For any
point $m \in M$ the section $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ with image $m \times {{\Bbb CP}^1}
\subset X$ is also holomorphic. We will call this section $\widetilde{m}$ {\bf
the horizontal twistor line} corresponding to $m \in {\cal M}^s$.
Let $\iota:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ be the real structure on ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$given by the
antipodal involution. Then the product map
\iota = \operatorname{id} \times \iota:X \to X
defines a real structure on the complex manfiold $X$. The following
fundamental property of twistor spaces is proved, e.g., in \cite{HKLR}.
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold and let $X$ be its twistor space. Then
a holomorphic section ${{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ of the natural projection $\pi:X \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$
is a horizontal twistor line if and only if it commutes with natural real
structure $\iota:X \to X$.
Let $\operatorname{Sec}$ be the Douady moduli space of holomorphic sections ${{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$
of the projection $\pi:X \to M$. Then conjugation by $\iota$ defines a real
structure on the complex-analytic space $\operatorname{Sec}$. Theorem~\ref{inv}
identifies the susbet of real points of $\operatorname{Sec}$ with the hyperk\"ahler
manifold $M$. We will call arbitrary holomorphic sections
${{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ {\bf twistor lines} in $X$.
\subsection{Li--Yau theorem}
The twistor space, in general, does not admit a K\"ahler metric. In order
to obtain a good moduli space for holomorphic bundles on $X$ we use a
genralization of the notion of stability introduced by Li and Yau in
\cite{yl}. We reproduce here some of their results for the convenience of
the reader.
Let $X$ be an $n$-dimensional Riemannian complex manifold and let
$\sqrt{-1}\omega$ be the imaginary part of the metric on $X$. Thus $\omega$
is a real $(1,1)$-form.
Assume that the form $\omega$ satisfies the following condition.
\omega^{n-2} \wedge d\omega = 0.
For a closed real $2$-form $\eta$ let
\deg\eta = \int_X \omega^{n-1} \wedge \eta.
The condition \eqref{yl} ensures that $\deg\eta$ depends only on the
cohomology class of $\eta$. Thus it defines a degree functional
$\deg:H^2(X,{\Bbb R}) \to {\Bbb R}$. This functional allows one to repeat verbatim the
Mumford-Takemoto definitions of stable and semistable bundles in this
more general situation. Moreover, the Hermitian Yang-Mills equations also
carry over word-by-word.
Yau and Li proved the following.
Let $X$ be a complex Riemannian manifold satisfying \eqref{yl}. Then every
stable holomorpic bundle ${\cal B}$ on $X$ admits a unique Hermitian Yang-Mills
connection $\nabla$. Vice versa, every bundle ${\cal B}$ admitting an Hermitian
Yang-Mills connection is polystable.
Just like in the K\"ahler case, this Theorem allows one to construct a good
moduli space for holomorphic bundles on $X$. (See \cite{Kod}.)
\subsection{Li--Yau condition for twistor space}
The twistor space $X = M \times {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ is equipped with a natural Riemannian
metric, namely, the product of the metrics on $M$ and on ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$. To apply
the Li-Yau theory to $X$, we need to check the condition \eqref{yl}. First,
we identify the form $\omega$.
Let $\omega = \omega_M + \omega_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ be the decomposition associated with
the product decomposition $X = M \times {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. By the definition of the
complex structure on $X$, the form $\omega_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ is the pullback
$\pi^*\omega$ of the usual K\"ahler form on ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$, while $\omega_M$ is a
certain linear combination of pullbacks of K\"ahler forms on $M$ associated
to different induced complex structures.
Let $W \in {\Bbb H}$ be the $3$-dimensional subspace of imaginary
quaternions. For every $a \in W$ the metric $\langle {\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}\rangle$ on
the hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$ defines a real closed $2$-form $\omega_a$ on
$M$ by the rule
\omega_a({\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}},{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}) = \langle {\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}, a {\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}} \rangle.
This construction is linear in $a$, hence defines an embedding $W
\hookrightarrow {\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R})$. Let ${\cal W}$ be the trivial bundle on ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$ with
the fiber $W$. The embedding $W \hookrightarrow {\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R})$ extends to an
{\cal W} \hookrightarrow \pi_*\sigma^*{\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R}) \subset \pi_*{\cal A}^2(X).
Since $X = M \times {{\Bbb CP}^1}$, the de Rham differential $d = d_X:{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(X) \to
{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}(X)$ decomposes into the sum $d = d_M + d_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$. The
differential $d_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ defines a flat connection on the bundle
$\pi_*\sigma^*{\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R})$. The subbundle ${\cal W} \subset
\pi_*\sigma^*{\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R})$ is flat with respect to $d_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$.
The space $W$ is equipped with an euclidian metric, thus $W = W^*$. Since
we have an embedding ${{\Bbb CP}^1} = S^2 \hookrightarrow W$, the bundle ${\cal W} =
TW|_{{\Bbb CP}^1} = T^*W|_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ decomposes orthogonally
{\cal W} = {\Bbb R} \oplus {\cal O}(-2)
into the sum of the conormal and the cotangent bundles to ${{\Bbb CP}^1} \subset W$.
The conormal bundle is the trivial $1$-dimesional real bundle ${\Bbb R}$, and the
cotangent bundle is isomorphic to the complex vector bundle ${\cal O}(-2)$ on
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$. The connection $d_x|_{\cal W}$ induces the trivial connection on ${\Bbb R}$ and the
usual metric connection on ${\cal O}(2)$. The embedding ${\cal W} \to
\pi_*\sigma{\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R})$ decomposes then into a real $2$-form
\omega \in \sigma^*{\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R})
and a complex ${\cal O}(2)$-valued $2$-form
\Omega \in \sigma^*{\cal A}^2(M,{\Bbb R}) \otimes \pi^*{\cal O}(2).
The form $\Omega$ is holomorphic, while the form $\sqrt{-1}\omega_M$ is
precisely the imaginary part of the Hermitian metric on $X$.
Let now $\upsilon \in {\cal A}^{2,1}(X)$ be the $(2,1)$-form corresponding to the
holomorphic form
\Omega \in {\cal A}^{2,0}(X,\pi^*{\cal O}(2))
under the identification ${\cal O}(2) \cong {\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb CP}^1})$ provided by the
metric on ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$.
d \omega = \upsilon + \overline{\upsilon}.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Indeed, $d\omega_{{\Bbb CP}^1} = 0$ and $d_M\omega_M = 0$, therefore it is
enough to compute $d_{{\Bbb CP}^1}\omega_M$. The bundle ${\cal W} \in {\cal A}^2(X)$ is invariant
under $d_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$, and $d$ induces the trivial connection $\nabla$ on
${\cal W}$. Let
d = \begin{bmatrix} \nabla_{\Bbb R} &\theta_{10}\\\theta_{01} &
\nabla_{{\cal O}(2)} \end{bmatrix}
be the decomposition of $\nabla$ with respect to ${\cal W} = {\Bbb R} \oplus
{\cal O}(2)$. The connection $\nabla_{\Bbb R}$ is trivial, therefore
$\nabla_{\Bbb R}\omega = 0$. An easy computation shows that
\theta_{10} \in {\cal A}^{1}({{\Bbb CP}^1},{\cal O}(2))
induces the isomorphism ${\cal A}^1({{\Bbb CP}^1}) \cong {\cal O}(2)$. Thus
d\omega_M = d_{{\Bbb CP}^1}\omega_M = \theta_{10} \wedge \Omega = \upsilon +
Now we can prove that the twistor space $X$ satisfies the condition
The canonical $(1,1)$-form $\omega$ on the twistor space $X$ satisfies
\omega^{n-1} \wedge d\omega = 0
for $n = \dim M =\dim X - 1$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Let $x = m \times J \in X$ be a point in $X$. Choose a local coordinate $z$
on ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$ near the point $J \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. In a neighborhood of $x \in X$ we have
\upsilon = f(z)\Omega \wedge d\bar z
for some holomorphic function $f(z)$. Therefore
\omega^{n-1} \wedge d\omega = f(z)\omega^{n-1} \wedge \Omega \wedge
d\bar z + \overline{f(z)}\omega^{n-1} \wedge \overline{\Omega} \wedge dz.
But $\omega^{n-1} \wedge \Omega$ and $\omega \wedge \overline{\Omega}$ are
both forms on the $n$-dimensional manifold $M$, of Hodge types $(n+1,n-1)$
and $(n-1,n+1)$. Hence both are zero. To prove the Proposition, it remains
to see that $\omega^{n-1} - \omega_M^{n-1}$ is divisible by $\omega_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$,
and $\omega_{{\Bbb CP}^1} \wedge d z = \omega_{{\Bbb CP}^1} \wedge d \bar z = 0$.
\section{Twistor transform.}
\subsection{Twistor transform}
We now introduce the direct and inverse twistor transforms which relate
autodual bundles on the hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$ and holomorphic bundles
on its twistor space $X$.
Let ${\cal B}$ be a complex vector bundle on $M$ equipped with a connection
$\nabla$. The pullback $\sigma^*{\cal B}$ of ${\cal B}$ to $X$ is then equipped with a
connection $\sigma^*\nabla$.
\begin{lemma} \label{_autodua_(1,1)-on-twi_Lemma_}
The connection $\nabla$ is autodual if and only if the connection
$\sigma^*\nabla$ has curvature of Hodge type $(1,1)$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Indeed, the curvature $R_X$ of $\sigma^*\nabla$ is equal to the pullback
$\sigma^*R_M$ of the curvature $R_M$ of $\nabla$. Therefore it is of Hodge
type $(1,1)$ on $X$ if and only if for every $I \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ the form $R_M$ is
of type $(1,1)$ in the induced complex structure $I$. By
Lemma~\ref{primitive} this happens if and only if $R_M$ is
\hspace{-8pt} In particular, for every autodual bundle $\langle {\cal B}, \nabla
\rangle$ the $(0,1)$-com\-po\-nent ${\sigma^*\nabla}^{0,1}$ of the
connection $\sigma^*\nabla$ satisfies ${\sigma^*\nabla}^{0,1} \circ
{\sigma^*\nabla}^{0,1} = 0$ and defines a holomorphic structure on the
bundle $\sigma^*{\cal B}$.
The holomorphic bundle $\langle \sigma^*{\cal B}, {\sigma^*\nabla}^{0,1} \rangle$
is called {\bf the twistor transform} of the autodual bundle $\langle {\cal B},
\nabla \rangle$.
\subsection{${\Bbb C} P^1$-holomorphic bundles over twistor spaces}
The twistor transform is in fact invertible. To construct an inverse
transform, we begin with some results on differential forms on the twistor
space $X$.
The product decomposition $X = M \times {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ induces the decomposition
${\cal A}^1(X) = \sigma^*{\cal A}^1(M) \oplus \pi^*{\cal A}^1({{\Bbb CP}^1})$ of the bundle ${\cal A}^1(M)$ of
$1$-forms. By the definition of the complex structure on $X$, the
projection onto the subbundle of $(0,1)$-forms commutes with the projection
onto the bundle $\pi^*{\cal A}^1({{\Bbb CP}^1})$. Therefore a Dolbeault
\bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}:{\cal A}^0(X) \to \pi^*{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb CP}^1})
is well-defined.
A {\bf ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundle} on $X$ is a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$ on
$X$ equipped with an operator $\bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}:{\cal B} \to {\cal B} \otimes
\pi^*{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb CP}^1})$ satisfying
\bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}(fa) = \bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}(f)a + f\bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}(a)
for a function $f$ and a local section $a$ of ${\cal B}$.
For any point $m \in M$ the restriction $\widetilde{m}^*{\cal B}$ of a ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomrphic
bundle ${\cal B}$ to the horizontal twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ is
holomorphic in the usual sense.
A $\bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$-closed smooth section $a \in \Gamma(X,{\cal B})$ of a
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ will be called {\bf ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic}.
Tensor products and $\operatorname{{\cal H}\!{\it om}}$-bundles of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundles are again
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic. A differential operator $f:{\cal B}_0 \to {\cal B}_1$ will be
called {\bf ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic} if $\bar\partial f(a)=0$ for every local
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic section $a$ of the bundle ${\cal B}$.
For every complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$ on $M$ the bundle $\sigma^*{\cal B}$ on $X$
is canonically ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic. For a ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ let
$\sigma_*{\cal B}$ be the sheaf on $M$ of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic sections of ${\cal B}$.
The functors $\sigma_*$ and $\sigma^*$ are adjoint.
A ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ on $X$ is called {\bf ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant} if it is
isomorphic to $\sigma^*{\cal B}_1$ for a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$ on $M$.
Since $\sigma_*\sigma^*{\cal B}_1 \cong {\cal B}_1$ for every complex bundle ${\cal B}_1$ on
$M$ , a bundle ${\cal B}$ on $X$ is ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant if and only if the canonical
map ${\cal B} \to \sigma^*\sigma_*{\cal B}$ is an isomorphism. The functor $\sigma^*$
is therefore an equivalence between the category of complex vector bundles
on $M$ and the category of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundles on $X$.
A ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ on $X$ is ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant if and only if for
every horizontal twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ the restriction
$\widetilde{m}^*{\cal B}$ is trivial.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Clear. \endproof
Note that if $\dim\Gamma({{\Bbb CP}^1},\widetilde{m}^*{\cal B})$ is the same for every horizontal
twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$, then $\sigma_*{\cal B}$ is the sheaf of smooth
sections of a complex vector bundle on $M$.
\subsection{Differential forms and ${\Bbb C} P^1$-holomorphic bundles}
Let ${\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_M(X) = \sigma^*{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M) \subset {\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(X)$ be the
subcomplex of relative ${\Bbb C}$-valued forms on $X$ over ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$ and let
${\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}_M(X)$ be the quotient complex of forms of Hodge type
$(0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}})$. Denote by $d_M$ and $\bar\partial_M$ the corresponding differentials
and let $P:{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_M \to {\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}_M$ be the natural projection. By
definition all the bundles ${\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_M$ and ${\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}_M$ are
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic, and the differentials $d_M$ and $\bar\partial_M$ are
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic.
Let ${\cal B}$ be a holomorphic bundle on $X$. Then the complex structure
operator $\bar\partial:{\cal B} \to {\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}(X,{\cal B})$ can be decomposed
\bar\partial = \bar\partial_M + \bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}
into an operator $\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}:{\cal B} \to \otimes {\cal B} \otimes \pi^*{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb CP}^1})$ and
an operator $\bar\partial_M:{\cal B} \to {\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}_M$. The operator
$\bar\partial_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ is a ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic structure on the bundle ${\cal B}$, and the
operator $\bar\partial_M$ is ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic.
This constrution is in fact invertible. Namely, we have the following.
The correspondence ${\cal B} \mapsto \langle {\cal B}, \bar\partial_M\rangle$ is an
equivalence between the category of holomorphic bundles on $X$ and the
category of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-ho\-lo\-mor\-phic bundles ${\cal B}$ on $X$ equipped with a
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic operator $\bar\partial_M:{\cal B} \to {\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}_M$
satisfying $0 = \bar\partial_M^2:{\cal B} \to {\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^{0,2}_M$ and
\bar\partial_M(fa) = \bar\partial(f)a + f \bar\partial_M(a)
for a function $f$ and a local section $a$ of ${\cal B}$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Clear. \endproof
In particlular, every holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ on $X$ is canonically
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic. We will call a holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ on $X$ {\bf
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant} if the corresponding ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundle is
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant in the sense of Definition~\ref{const}.
\subsection{The complex
${\cal A}^{\bullet}_{{\mathrm top}}(M)$: definition.}
For any horizontal twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ the restriction
$\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^i_M$ is trivial, while $\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{0,i}_M$ is a sum of several
copies of the bundle ${\cal O}(i)$ on ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$ (see, e.g.,
\cite{HKLR}). Therefore $\sigma_*{\cal A}^*{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_M \cong {\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M,{\Bbb C})$, and the
map $P$ induces a projection
P:{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M,{\Bbb C}) \cong \sigma_*{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_M(X) \to \sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X).
Let ${\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X)$ be the sheaf of relative forms of type $(1,0)$. By
definition we have an exact sequence
0 \to {\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to {\cal A}^1_M(X) \to {\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X) \to 0
of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundles on $X$. Consider the associated long exact
sequence for $\sigma_*$. The restriction of ${\cal A}^{1,0}_M$ to any horizontal
twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ is a sum of several copies of ${\cal O}(-1)$.
Therefore this long sequence reduces to the map
\sigma_*{\cal A}^1_M(X) \overset{P}{\longrightarrow} \sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X),
which is therefore an isomorphism.
Recall that the bundle ${\cal A}^i(M)$ carries a representation of the group
${SU(2)}$ for every $i \geq 0$. This representation is completely reducible
\footnote{${SU(2)}$ acts along the fibers, which are finite-dimensional},
and contains isotypical components of highest weights $\leq i$. Let
${\cal A}^i_{\operatorname{top}} \subset {\cal A}^i$ be the component of highest weight exactly $i$.
The map $P:{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M,{\Bbb C}) \to \sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}_M(X)$ is compatible with the
${SU(2)}$-action on ${\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}(M,{\Bbb C})$. The restriction $P{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_{\operatorname{top}}(M,{\Bbb C})
\to \sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}_M$ is an isomorphism.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
We already know the claim for $\sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M$. Let $i > 1$. Note that
$\sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,i}_M$ is equipped with an ${SU(2)}$-action by the Borel-Weyl
theory. The corresponding representation is of highest weight $i$. The map
$P$ is obviously compatible with this action, which proves the first
statement. To prove the second, it is enough to prove that $P$ is
invertible on the subbundles of highest vectors. But both these subsundles
equal ${\cal A}^{0,i}(M)$.
\subsection{The complex ${{\cal A}}^{\bullet}_{{\mathrm top}}(M)$ and autodual bundles.}
The complex ${\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_{\operatorname{top}}(M) \cong \sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M$ plays the same
role for autodual bundles as the Dolbeault resp. de Rham complexes play for
holomorphic resp. flat ones. Precisely, let ${\cal B}$ be a complex vector
bundle on $M$ equipped with a connection $\nabla:{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^1({\cal B})$. Extend
the operator $\nabla$ to a differential operator $D:{\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}_{\operatorname{top}}({\cal B}) \to
{\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}_{\operatorname{top}}({\cal B})$ by means of the embedding ${\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}({\cal B})
\hookrightarrow {\cal A}^{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}({\cal B})$ and the natural ${SU(2)}$-invariant projection
${\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}({\cal B}) \to {\cal A}^{{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}_{\operatorname{top}}({\cal B})$.
The connection $\nabla$ is autodual if and only if its extension $D$
satisfies $D^2 = 0$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ The operator $D^2$ is the multiplication by the ${\cal A}^2_{\operatorname{top}}$-part of
the curvature $R$ of the bundle ${\cal B}$ with respect to the decomposition
{\cal A}^2(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) = {\cal A}^2_{\operatorname{top}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^2_{\operatorname{inv}}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}).
Thus it vanishes if and only if $R$ is ${SU(2)}$-invariant, which by definition
means that $\nabla$ is autodual.
Let ${\cal B}$ be a complex vector bundle equipped with an autodual connection
$\nabla$. Since ${\cal A}^1({\cal B}) \cong \sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X) \times {\cal B}$, the map
$\nabla:{\cal B} \to {\cal B} \otimes \sigma_*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X)$ defines a ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic
\bar\partial_M:\sigma^*{\cal B} \to \sigma^*{\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X)
of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-holomorphic bundles on $X$. By Lemmas~\ref{iso.complex} and
\ref{autodual.complex} the map $\bar\partial_M$ extends to a map ${\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}}_M(X)
\otimes \sigma^*{\cal B} \to {\cal A}^{0,{\:\raisebox{3.5pt}{\text{\circle*{1.5}}}}+1}_M(X) \otimes {\cal B}$ satisfying $\bar\partial_M^2
= 0$. By Lemma~\ref{rel.holo} this map defines a holomorphic structure on
the bundle $\sigma^*{\cal B}$.
The holomorphic bundle $\langle\sigma^*{\cal B},\bar\partial_M\rangle$ on $X$ is
isomorphic to the twistor transform of the autodual bundle ${\cal B}$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Let now ${\cal B}$ be an arbitrary ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant holomorphic bundle on $X$.
Then the sheaf
$\sigma_*{\cal B}$ is the sheaf of sections of a vector bundle. Since ${\cal B}$ is
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant, ${\cal B} \cong \sigma^*\sigma_*{\cal B}$.
The operator
\partial_M:{\cal B} \cong \sigma^*\sigma_*{\cal B} \to {\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X)
gives by adjuction an operator
\nabla:\sigma_*{\cal B} \to \sigma_*\left({\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X)\right) \cong
\sigma_*{\cal B} \otimes {\cal A}^1_{\operatorname{top}}(M).
By Lemmas~\ref{iso.complex} and \ref{autodual.complex} the operator
$\nabla$ is an autodual connection on $\sigma_*{\cal B}$.
The autodual bundle $\langle \sigma_*,\nabla \rangle$ on $M$ is called
{\bf the inverse twistor transform} of the ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant holomorphic bundle
${\cal B}$ on $X$.
\begin{theorem} \label{_twisto_transfo_equiva_Theorem_}
The direct and inverse twistor transforms are mutually inverse equivalences
between the category of autodual bundles on $M$ and the category of
${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant holomorphic bundles on $X$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
\section{Stability of the twistor transform.}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold and let $X$ be its twistor
space. Consider a semistable autodual bundle $\langle {\cal B},\nabla \rangle$ on
$M$ and let $\sigma^*{\cal B}$ be its twistor transform. The bundle $\sigma^*{\cal B}$
is a holomorphic bundle on $X$. In this section we prove under certain
conditions that $\sigma^*{\cal B}$ is semistable in the sense of
\ref{ss.twistor}. More precisely, we have the following.
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold. Denote its twistor space by $X$. Let
$\langle {\cal B}, \nabla \rangle$ be a semistable autodual bundle on $M$ and let
$\sigma^*{\cal B}$ be its twistor transform. Then for every coherent subsheaf ${\cal F}
\subset \sigma^*{\cal B}$ we have
\frac{\deg c_1({\cal F})}{\operatorname{rank}{\cal F}} \leq \frac{\deg c_1(\sigma^*{\cal B})}{\operatorname{rank}\sigma^*{\cal B}},
where $\operatorname{rank}{\cal F}$ is the rank of the generic fiber of ${\cal F}$ and $\deg$ is
understood in the sense of subsection~\ref{ss.twistor}.
\subsection{Semistability for ${\Bbb C} P^1$-constant bundles}
Before we give a proof of this Proposition, we prove the following.
Let ${\cal B}$ be a holomorphic bundle on the twistor space $X$. Assume that ${\cal B}$
is ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant (that is, for every horizontal twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1}
\to X$ the restriction $\widetilde{m}^*{\cal B}$ is trivial). Then $\deg {\cal B} = 0$, and the
bundle ${\cal B}$ is semistable.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Since $H^1({{\Bbb CP}^1},{\Bbb R}) = 0$,
H^2(X,{\Bbb R}) = H^2(M,{\Bbb R}) \oplus H^2({{\Bbb CP}^1},{\Bbb R}).
Since ${\cal B}$ is ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant, $c_1({\cal B}) \in H^2(M,{\Bbb R})$. For every $I \in
{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ let $X_I = \pi^{-1}(I) \subset X$ be the fiber over $I$. Since
c_1({\cal B})_{X_I} = c_1({\cal B}|_{X_I}) \in H^{1,1}_I(M)
is of Hodge type $(1,1)$ for every $I \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$, the class $c_1({\cal B}) \in
H^2(M,{\Bbb R})$ is ${SU(2)}$-invariant by Lemma~\ref{primitive}. Therefore $\deg
c_1({\cal B}) = \Lambda c_1({\cal B}) = 0$.
To prove semistability, let ${\cal F} \subset {\cal B}$ be a coherent subsheaf. It is
enough to prove that $\deg c_1({\cal F}) \leq 0$. Let $c_1({\cal F}) = c_M + c_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ be the
decomposition associated with \eqref{ff}. Again, by Lemma~\ref{primitive}
$c_M$ is ${SU(2)}$-invariant, and $\deg c_1({\cal F}) = \deg c_{{\Bbb CP}^1}$. For a generic
horizontal twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to X$ we have $c_{{\Bbb CP}^1} = c_1(\widetilde{m}^*{\cal F})
\in H^2({{\Bbb CP}^1},{\Bbb R})$. Since $\widetilde{m}^*{\cal B}$ is trivial, it is semistable, and
$\deg c_1(\widetilde{m}^*{\cal F}) \leq 0$. \endproof
Let ${\cal M}^{ss}_X$ be the moduli space of semistable holomorphic bundles
on $X$. Lemma~\ref{constant.ss} implies that the set ${\cal M}^s_{const}$ of
equivalence classes of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant holomorphic bundles on $X$ is a
subset of ${\cal M}^{ss}_X$. The subset ${\cal M}^s_{const} \subset {\cal M}^{ss}_X$ is open.
The Propostion now follows directly from Lemma~\ref{constant.ss}. Moreover,
the twistor transform provides an isomorphism ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}} \to {\cal M}^s_{const}
\subset {\cal M}^{ss}_X$ from the moduli space ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}}$ of autodual
bundles on $M$ to the open subset of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant bundles in the moduli
space ${\cal M}^{ss}_X$
\section[Stable bundles and projective lines in twistor spaces.]
{Stable bundles and projective lines \\ in twistor spaces.}
\subsection{Hyperk\"ahler structure on the Mukai dual space}
Let $M$ be a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold and let ${\cal B}$ be a complex
vector bundle on $M$ with ${SU(2)}$-invariant Chern classes $c_1({\cal B})$ and
$c_2({\cal B})$. Consider the moduli space ${\cal M}^s_0$ of stable holomorphic
structures on ${\cal B}$ and let ${\cal M}^{reg}_0 \subset {\cal M}^s_0$ be the dense
open subset of smooth points in ${\cal M}^s_0$.
Recall that the subset ${\cal
M}^{reg}_0$ is equipped with a natural K\"ahler metric, called {\em the
Weil-Peterson metric}.
It was proved in \cite{Vb} that the Weil-Peterson metric on ${\cal
M}^{reg}_0$ is actually hyperk\"ahler. Moreover, the complex manifold
$\left({\cal M}^{reg}_0\right)_J$ with the complex structure induced by a
quaternion $J \in {{\Bbb CP}^1} \subset {\Bbb H}$ was naturally identified with the subset
of smooth points in the moduli space of stable holomorphic structures on
${\cal B}$ with respect to the complex structure $J$ on $M$.
Let ${\cal X}_{reg}$ be the twistor space of the hyperk\"ahler manifold ${\cal
M}^{reg}_0$. Consider the topological space ${\cal X} = {\cal M}^s_0 \times {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. We
have a natural embedding ${\cal X}_{reg} \subset X$. In \cite{Vb} the complex
structure on ${\cal X}_{reg}$ and the real structure $\iota:{\cal X}_{reg} \to
{\cal X}_{reg}$ were naturally extended to the whole of ${\cal X}$. The
complex-analytic space ${\cal X}$ is in general singular. However, the
fundamental Theorem~\ref{inv} still holds for the natural projection
$\pi:{\cal X} \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. We will call holomorphic sections ${{\Bbb CP}^1} \to {\cal X}$ of the
projection $\pi:{\cal X} \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ {\bf twistor lines} in ${\cal X}$. The space ${\cal M}^s_0$
is then naturally isomorphic to the subset of real twistor lines in
${\cal X}$.
These data define {\bf singular hy\-per\-k\"ah\-ler structure}
on ${\cal M}^s_0$ (see \cite{Vb} for details). The space ${\cal M}^s_0$
with this hyperk\"ahler structure
is called {\bf Mukai dual} to $M$ (results of \cite{Vb}
generalise Mukai's work about duality of K3 surfaces).
We must caution the reader that this version of Mukai duality
is not involutive, as the term ``dual'' might erroneously imply.
\subsection{Fiberwise stable bundles}
Let $X$ be the twistor space of the hyperk\"ahler manifold $M$. Let
${\cal M}^s_{const} \subset {\cal M}^{ss}_X$ be the open subset of ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$-constant
holomorphic structures in the moduli space ${\cal M}^{ss}_X$ of semistable
holomorphic structures on the bundle $\sigma^*{\cal B}$. In the last section we
have identified ${\cal M}^s_{const}$ with the space ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{inv}}$ of $(0,1)$-stable autodual
connections on the bundle ${\cal B}$.
In this section we will need still another notion of stability for
holomorphic bundles over $X$.
Call a stable holomorphic structure $\bar\partial$ on $\sigma^*{\cal B}$ {\bf fiberwise
stable} if for any $L \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ the restriction of $\langle \sigma^*{\cal B},
\bar\partial \rangle$ to the fiber $X_L = \pi^{-1}(L) \subset X$ is stable.
Let ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}} \subset {\cal M}^{ss}_X$ be the subset of fiberwise stable
holomorphic structures. The intersection $\left({\cal M}^s_{const} \cap
{\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}}\right) \subset {\cal M}^{ss}_X$ is, then, isomorphic to the moduli
space of autodual connections on ${\cal B}$ inducing a stable holomorphic
structure on ${\cal B}$ for every $I \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$.
The goal of this section is to prove the following.
The space ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}}$ is naturally isomorphic to the space $\operatorname{Sec}$ of twistor
lines in the manifold ${\cal X}$.
\subsection{Stability of fiberwise-stable bundles}
We begin by noting that one of the conditions in Definition~\ref{fib.st} is
in fact redundant.
Let ${\cal B}$ be a holomorphic bundle on the twistor space $X$. If the
restriction $i^*{\cal B}$ is stable for a generic\footnote{In the sense of
\cite{Vsym}} point $I \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$, then the bundle ${\cal B}$ is stable.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Indeed, it was proved in \cite{Vsym} that for a generic point $I \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$
every rational $(1,1)$-cohomology class for the fiber $X_I$ is of degree
zero. Therefore a stable holomorphic bundle on $X_I$ has no proper
subsheaves. Hence for a proper subsheaf ${\cal F} \subset {\cal B}$ either ${\cal F}$ or
${\cal B}/{\cal F}$ is supported on non-generic fibers of $\pi:X \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. In
particular, either ${\cal F}$ or ${\cal B}/{\cal F}$ is a torsion sheaf. This implies that
the bundle ${\cal B}$ is stable.
\subsection{Modular interpretation of the
Mukai dual twistor space}
We now construct a map ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}} \to \operatorname{Sec}$. To do this, we give a
modular interpretation of the space ${\cal X}$.
For any point $I \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ let $i:X_I \hookrightarrow X$ be the natural
embedding of the fiber $X_I = \pi^{-1}(I) \subset X$. For a stable
holomorphic bundle ${\cal B}$ on the fiber $X_I$ call the coherent sheaf $i_*{\cal B}$
on $X$ {\bf a stable sheaf on $X$ supported in $I$}, or simply a {\bf
fiber-supported stable sheaf}.
More generally, for a complex analytic space $Z$ call a coherent sheaf
${\cal E}$ on $Z \times X$ {\bf a family of fiber-supported stable sheaves on
$X$} if there exists a holomorphic map $f_Z:Z \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ such that ${\cal B}$ and
a holomorphic bundle ${\cal E}_0$ on the subspace $Z \times_{{\Bbb CP}^1} X \subset Z
\times X$ such that
\item ${\cal E} \cong i_*{\cal E}_0$, where $i:Z \times_{{\Bbb CP}^1} X \to Z \times X$ is the
natural embedding.
\item For every point $z \in Z$ the restriction of ${\cal E}$ to $z \times
\pi^{-1}(f_Z(z)) \subset Z \times X$ is a stable holomorphic bundle.
The space ${\cal X}$ is obviously the moduli space for families of
fiber-supported stable sheaves on $X$. The holomorphic map $f_{\cal X}:{\cal X} \to
{{\Bbb CP}^1}$ is the natural projection.
Let now ${\cal B}$ be a fiberwise stable holomorphic bundle on $X$. For every $I
\in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ the coherent sheaf $i_*i^*{\cal B}$ on $X$ is a stable sheaf supported
in $I$. The correspondence $I \mapsto i_*i^*{\cal B}$ defines a holomorphic map
${{\Bbb CP}^1} \to {\cal X}$. This map is a section of the projection ${\cal X} \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$, hence
defines a point $\psi({\cal B}) \in \operatorname{Sec}$. The correspondence ${\cal B} \mapsto
\psi({\cal B})$ comes from a holomorphic map $\psi:{\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}} \to \operatorname{Sec}$ of the
corresponding moduli spaces.
\subsection{Coarse and fine moduli spaces: a digression}
In order to prove that the map $\psi:{\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}} \to \operatorname{Sec}$ is an isomorphism,
we need to make a digression about universal objects and coarse moduli
Let ${\frak V}{\frak a}{\frak r}$ be the category of complex-analytic varieties and let ${\cal F}:{\frak V}{\frak a}{\frak r}
\to \operatorname{Sets}$ be a functor. Recall that a complex-analytic space $Y$ is said to
be a fine moduli space for the functor ${\cal F}$ if ${\cal F} \cong \operatorname{{\cal H}\!{\it om}}(\bullet, Y)$.
This implies that there exists an element $C \in {\cal F}(Y)$ such that for every
complex-analytic space $U$ and an element $a \in {\cal F}(U)$ there exists a
unique map $f:U \to Y$ such that $a ={\cal F}(f)(C)$. Such an element $C$ is
called {\em the universal solution} to the moduli problem posed by ${\cal F}$.
It is well-known that geometric moduli problems only rarely admit fine
moduli spaces. The common way to deal with this is to introduce a weaker
notion of a {\em coarse moduli space}. For the purposes of this paper the
following notion suffices.
A complex-analytic space $Y$ is called a {\bf coarse moduli
space for the problem posed by ${\cal F}$} if for any complex-analytic space $Z$
and an element $a \in {\cal F}(Z)$ there exist a unique map $f:Z \to Y$, an
open covering $U_\alpha$ of the space $Y$ and a collection $C_\alpha \in
{\cal F}(U_\alpha)$ such that for every index $\alpha$
{\cal F}(f)(C_\alpha) = a|_{f^{-1}(U_\alpha)}.
Heuristically, a coarse moduli space $Y$ admits locally a universal solution
for the moduli problem ${\cal F}$, but these solutions need not come from a single
global solution in ${\cal F}(Y)$.
All the moduli spaces constructed as infinite-dimensional quotients by
means of the slice theorem are coarse moduli spaces in the sense of this
definition. This applies to all the moduli spaces considered in this paper,
and to the space ${\cal X}$ in particular. Therefore for every point $x \in {\cal X}$
there exists a neighborhood $U_x \subset X$ and a coherent sheaf ${\cal E}_x$ on
$U \times X$ which is a family of fiber-supported stable sheaves on $X$
universal for the moduli problem. Let $U$ be such a neighborhood. Then the
universality of the sheaf ${\cal E}$ implies that
\operatorname{Aut}{\cal E} = \Gamma(U,{\cal O}^*).
Let ${{\Bbb CP}^1} \to {\cal X}$ be a section of the projection $\pi:{\cal X} \to {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. There
exists a coherent sheaf\/ ${\cal E}$ on ${{\Bbb CP}^1} \times X$ such that for every $x
\in {{\Bbb CP}^1} \subset {\cal X}$ the restriction\/ ${\cal E}|_{U_x \times X}$ is isomorphic
to the universal sheaf\/ ${\cal E}_x$.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\ Indeed, cover ${{\Bbb CP}^1}$ by open subsets of the form $U_x$ and choose a
finite subcovering $U_\alpha$. In order to define a sheaf ${\cal E}$, it is
enough to choose a system of isomorphisms
g_{\alpha\beta}:{\cal E}_\alpha|_{(U_\alpha \cap U_\beta) \times X} \to
{\cal E}_\beta|_{(U_\alpha \cap U_\beta) \times X}
for every intersection $U_\alpha \cap U_\beta$ so that $g_{\alpha\beta}
\circ g_{\beta\gamma} = g_{\alpha\gamma}$ for every three indices
$\alpha,\beta,\gamma$. Since $\operatorname{Aut}{\cal E}_\alpha = {\cal O}^*_{U_\alpha}$, the
obstruction to finding such a system of isomorphisms lies in the second
\v{C}ech cohomology group $H^2({{\Bbb CP}^1},{\cal O}^*)$. Consider the long exact
H^2({{\Bbb CP}^1} ,{\cal O}) \longrightarrow H^2({{\Bbb CP}^1}, {\cal O}^*) \longrightarrow H^3({{\Bbb CP}^1},
{\Bbb Z})
associated to the exponential exact sequence
0 \longrightarrow {\Bbb Z} \longrightarrow {\cal O} \longrightarrow {\cal O}^*
\longrightarrow 0.
Since $H^2({{\Bbb CP}^1}, {\cal O}) = H^3({{\Bbb CP}^1}, {\Bbb Z}) = 0$, the group $H^2({{\Bbb CP}^1} ,{\cal O}^*)$
We can now finish the proof of Theorem~\ref{iso}. It remains to prove that
the map $\psi:{\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}} \to {\cal X}$ is an isomorphism. We will construct an
inverse map $\psi^{-1}:{\cal X} \to {\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}}$.
Let $x \in \operatorname{Sec}$ be a point and let $\widetilde{x}:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \to {\cal X}$ be the
corresponding section. Let ${\cal E}$ be the coherent sheaf on $\widetilde{x}({{\Bbb CP}^1})
\times X$ constructed in Lemma~\ref{coarse}. Let $\Delta = \pi \times
\operatorname{id}:X \hookrightarrow {{\Bbb CP}^1} \times X$ be the embedding of $X$ into ${{\Bbb CP}^1}
\times X$ as the preimage of the diagonal under the natural projection $\operatorname{id}
\times \pi:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \times {\cal X} \to {{\Bbb CP}^1} \times {{\Bbb CP}^1}$. The sheaf ${\cal E}$ is by
definition isomorphic to the direct image of a
holomorphic vector bundle ${\cal B}$ on $X$: ${\cal E} \cong \Delta_*{\cal B}$.
For every point $I \in {{\Bbb CP}^1}$ the coherent sheaf $i_*i^*{\cal B}$ on $X$ is
canonically isomorphic to the restriction of ${\cal E}$ to $I \times X \subset
{{\Bbb CP}^1} \times X$. Therefore the bundle ${\cal B}$ is stable by
Lemma~\ref{gen.st}. Let $\psi^{-1}(x) \in {\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}}$ be the corresponding
point in the moduli space ${\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}}$.
By construction $\psi(\psi^{-1}(x)) = x$. To prove that $\psi^{-1} \circ
\psi = \operatorname{id}$, consider a stable bundle ${\cal B} \in {\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}}$. Let ${\cal E}$ be the
coherent sheaf on ${{\Bbb CP}^1} \times X$ constructed in Lemma~\ref{coarse} and let
$p:{{\Bbb CP}^1} \times X \to X$ be the projection onto the second factor. By
{\cal E} \cong \Delta_*\Delta^*(p^*{\cal B}) \cong \Delta_*(\Delta \circ p)^*{\cal B} \cong
\Delta_*{\cal B}.
Therefore $\psi^{-1}(\psi({\cal B})) = {\cal B} \in {\cal M}^s_{\operatorname{fib}}$. This finishes the proof
of Theorem~\ref{iso}.
\section{Conjectures and open questions.}
\subsection{NHYM moduli spaces and hyperk\"ahler reduction}
Let $M$ be a K\"ahler manifold and let ${\cal M}^s$ be the moduli space of NHYM
connections on a complex bundle ${\cal B}$ over $M$. We have shown in
that the space ${\cal M}^s$ is equipped with a natural closed holomorphic $2$-form
$\Omega$ which is is symplectic at least in a neighborhood of the subset of
Hermitian connections. In fact one could hope for a much stronger
There exists a hyperk\"ahler metric on ${\cal M}^s$ such that $\Omega$ is the
associated holomorphic symplectic from.
Note that the construction of the form $\Omega$ is completely parallel to a
construction of a holomorphic symplectic form on the Hitchin-Simpson moduli
space ${\cal M}^s_{DR}$ of flat connections on ${\cal B}$ (\cite{S2}). The analog of
Conjecture~\ref{hyp.nhymspace} for ${\cal M}^s_{DR}$ is known.
To provide some evidence for Conjecture~\ref{hyp.nhymspace}, we give an
interpretation of the NHYM equation in the context of hyperk\"ahler
Let ${\cal A}$ be the space of all connections on the complex vector
bundle ${\cal B}$. The space ${\cal A}$ is an affine space over the complex vector
space ${\cal A}^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$ of $\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}$-valued $1$-forms on $M$. Choose an
Hermitian metric $h$ on the bundle ${\cal B}$. The decomposition
{\cal A}^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) = {\cal A}^{1,0}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B}) \oplus {\cal A}^{0,1}(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})
allows one to define a quaternionic structure on the space
${\cal A}^1(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$. Together with the natural trace metric, this structure
makes the space ${\cal A}$ an (infinite-dimesional) hyperk\"ahler manifold.
The complex gauge group ${\cal G} = \operatorname{Maps}(M,\operatorname{Aut}{\cal B})$ acts on the space ${\cal A}$. This
action is compatible with the hyperk\"ahler structure on ${\cal A}$. Therefore one
can apply to the space ${\cal A}$ the machinery of {\bf hyperk\"ahler reduction}
(see \cite{HKLR}). It turns out that
the complex moment map ${\cal A} \to {\Bbb C}$ is equal to the map
$YM:{\cal A} \to \Gamma(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}{\cal B})$, $\nabla \mapsto
\Lambda\nabla^2$. Vanishing of this map is precisely
the NHYM condition.
Let ${\cal A}_0 = YM^{-1}(0) \subset {\cal A}$ be the subset of connections with
$\Lambda\nabla^2 = 0$. By the general principles of hyperk\"ahler reduction
the quotient ${\cal A}_0 / {\cal G}$ should be hyperk\"ahler. The NHYM moduli space
${\cal M}^s$ is the closed subset ${\cal M}^s \subset {\cal A}_0 / {\cal G}$ of equivalence classes of
connections with curvature $R=\nabla^2$ which satisfy $\Lambda R = 0$ and
are, in addition, of Hodge type $(1,1)$. We expect that the embedding ${\cal M}^s
\hookrightarrow {\cal A}_0 / {\cal G}$ is compatible with the hyperk\"ahler structure
on ${\cal A}_0 /\ G$ and gives a hyperk\"ahler structure on ${\cal M}^s$ by restriction.
The hyperk\"ahler reduction construction of the NHYM moduli space also
allows to formulate an analog of the Uhlenbeck-Yau Theorem for
NHYM-bundles. We first give a new definition of stability for NHYM bundles,
more natural than the $(0,1)$-stability used in the body of the paper.
Let $\overline{M}$ be the complex-conjugate complex manifold to $M$. Since
$M$ and $\overline{M}$ are the same as smooth manifolds, the bundle ${\cal B}$
can be also considered as a complex vector bundle on $\overline{M}$. For every
connection $\nabla$ on ${\cal B}$ the $(1,0)$-part $\nabla^{1,0}$ defines a
holomorphic structure on the complex bundle ${\cal B}$ on $\overline{M}$.
Let $\langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$ be a bundle with a $(1,1)$-connection over a
complex manifold $X$. Let $U\subset X$ be a Zariski open subset in $X$, and
let ${\cal F}\subset {\cal B}\restrict{U}$ be a subbundle which is preserved by
$\nabla$. Then ${\cal F}$ is called {\bf a subsheaf of $\langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$} if
the following two conditions hold:
\item[(i)] Consider ${\cal B}$ as a holomorphic bundle over $M$,
with a holomorphic structure defined by the $(0,1)$-part
of the connection. Then there exist a coherent subsheaf
$\widetilde {\cal F}\subset {\cal B}$ on $M$ such that the restriction
$\widetilde {\cal F}\restrict{U}$ is a sub-bundle of ${\cal B}$ which
coinsides with ${\cal F}$.
Consider ${\cal B}$ as a holomorphic bundle over $\overline{M}$,
with a holomorphic structure defined by the $(1,0)$-part
of the connection. Then there exist a coherent subsheaf
$\widetilde {\cal F}\subset {\cal B}$ on $\overline{M}$ such that the restriction
$\widetilde {\cal F}\restrict{U}$ is a sub-bundle of ${\cal B}$ which
coinsides with ${\cal F}$.
For a subsheaf ${\cal F}\subset {\cal B}$, it is straightforward to define
the Chern classes and the degree. As usually, ${\cal F}$ is called
{\bf destabilizing} if
\[ \frac{\deg {\cal F}}{\operatorname{rank} {\cal F}}
\geq \frac{\deg {{\cal B}}}{\operatorname{rank} {{\cal B}}}
Let $\langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$ be a bundle with $(1,1)$-connection over a
compact K\"ahler manifold $M$. Then $\langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$ is called
$\nabla$-stable if there are no destabilizing subsheaves
${\cal F}\subset \langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$.
This definition generalizes the definition \cite{_Simpson:harmonic_}
of stability for flat bundles.
Clearly, for NHYM bundles, $(0,1)$-stability implies the stability in the
sense of Definition \ref{_stabili_for_hyper_redu-Definition_}
An analogy with the Kempf-Ness Theorem suggests that every stable
${\cal G}$-orbit in ${\cal A}_0$ has non-trivial intersection with the zero set of the
real moment map ${\cal A}_0 \to \Gamma(M,\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}_{\Bbb R}{\cal B})$ from ${\cal A}_0$ to the space of
anti-Hermitian endomorphisms of the bundle ${\cal B}$. This moment map can be
described more explicitly.
Let $\langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$ be a bundle with $(1,1)$-connection and a
Hermitian metric $h$, not necessary compatible.
Let $\nabla = \nabla' + \nabla''$ be the decomposition
of $\nabla$ onto $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$-parts. Consider the connection in
$\overline{{\cal B}}^*$ associated with $\nabla$. Since $h$ identifies ${\cal B}$ and
$\overline{{\cal B}}^*$, this gives another connection in ${\cal B}$, denoted by
$\nabla_h$. The average $\nabla_h= \frac{\nabla +\nabla_h}{2}$ is again a
connection, and is compatible with $h$. Let $\theta$ be the difference
$\theta:= \frac{\nabla -\nabla_h}{2}$, which is a tensor. Applying
$\nabla_h$ to $\theta$, we obtain a 2-form $\Xi$ with coefficients in
$\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}({\cal B})$. This form $\Xi$ is called {\bf the pseudocurvature} of the
triple $\langle {\cal B}, \nabla, h\rangle$.
It turns out that the real moment map on a NHYM connection $\nabla$
is given by
\nabla \mapsto \Lambda(\Xi),
where $\Xi$ is the pseudocurvature.
\begin{defn} \label{_harmonic_me_Definition_}
Let $\langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$ be a bundle with a NHYM $(1,1)$-connection,
and let $h$ be an Hermitian metric on ${\cal B}$, not necessarily compatible with
$\nabla$ Then $h$ is called {\bf harmonic} if $\Lambda \Xi =0$, where $\Xi$
is the pseudocurvature of $\langle {\cal B}, \nabla, h \rangle$.
Let $\langle{\cal B}, \nabla\rangle$ be a bundle with NHYM connection $\nabla$.
Then there exists a harmonic metric $h$ on ${\cal B}$ if and only if ${\cal B}$ is a
direct sum of $\nabla$-stable bundles. Also, if ${\cal B}$ itself is
$\nabla$-stable, then $h$ is unique, up to a constant factor.
An analogous statement is known for flat connections. See
\cite{_Simpson:harmonic_} for a discussion.
\subsection{K\"ahler base manifold: open questions.}
In this subsection, we relate questions pertaining to the
case of base manifold $M$ compact and K\"ahler, but not necessarily
\begin{question} \label{_NHYM_flat?_Question_}
Let $(B, \nabla)$ be a NHYM-connection in a bundle with zero
Chern classes. Is it true that $\nabla$ is necessarily flat?
In Hermitian case, the answer is affirmative
by L\"ubcke \cite{_Lubcke_}
and Simpson \cite{S}. In a neighbourhood of Hermitian Yang-Mills
connection, all NHYM connections on a bundle with zero
Chern classes are also flat,
at one can see, e. g., from Proposition \ref{series}.
The hyperk\"ahler analogue of this question is Question
Let $B$ be a stable holomorphic bundle over $M$ and let $St(B)$ be the
deformation space of stable holomorphic structures on $B$.
In Section \ref{_NHYM_Section_}, we defined a Kuranishi map
$\phi:\; U \hookrightarrow H^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B))$, where $U$ is a neighbourhood
of $[B]$ in $St(B)$. The map $\phi$ is, locally, a closed embedding,
and its image in a neighbourhood of zero in $H^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B))$ is an algebraic
subvariety, defined by the zeroes of so-called Massey products.
Let $C$ be the Zariski closure of the image
$\phi(U)$ in $H^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B))$. Let $\operatorname{NHYM}(B)$ be the space
of NHYM connections inducing the same holomorphic structure.
In \eqref{_from_NHYM_to_classes_Equation_}, we construct
the map $\operatorname{NHYM}(B) \stackrel{\rho}{\longrightarrow} \overline C$,
where $\overline C$ is a complex conjugate manifold to $C$,
and prove that in a neighbourhood of zero $\rho$ is isomorphism.
Two questions arise:
Is the map $\rho$ surjective?
\begin{question} \label{_rho_etale_Question_}
Is the map $\rho$ etale? Bijective?
These two questions might be reformulated in a purely algebraic
way. Let $B$ be a stable holomorphic bundle equipped with a Hermitian
Yang-Mills metric, and $X$ be the space of all $(1,0)$-forms
$\theta\in \Lambda^{1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}} (B))$ satisfying
\partial \theta &= \theta\wedge \theta \\
\partial^* \theta& =0,
where $\partial$ is the $(1,0)$-part of the connection, and
$\partial^*$ the adjoint operator. The middle cohomology space of the complex
\[ \Lambda^{2,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B)) \stackrel{\partial^*}{\longrightarrow}
\Lambda^{1,0}(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B)) \stackrel{\partial^*}{\longrightarrow}
\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B)
is naturally isomorphic to the complex conjugate space
to $H^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B))$. This gives a map
X \stackrel{\rho} {\longrightarrow} \overline{H^1(\operatorname{{\cal E}\!{\it nd}}(B))},
associating to $\theta$ its cohomology class. Then,
Proposition \ref{kur} implies that the image of $\rho$
lies in $\overline C$ and locally in a neighbourhood of zero,
$\rho: \; X \longrightarrow \overline C$ is an isomorphism.
Question \ref{_rho_surjec_Question_} asks
whether $\rho$ is surjective onto
$\overline C$, and Question \ref{_rho_etale_Question_}
asks whether $\overline \pi$ is etale,
or even invertible.
\subsection{Autodual and NHYM connections over a hyperk\"ahler base.}
The first and foremost question (partially answered in
Theorem \ref{_NHYM-are-autodu_Theorem_}; see also
Question \ref{_NHYM_flat?_Question_}):
\begin{question} \label{_NHYM-are-autodu_Question_}
Let $(B, \nabla)$ be a NHYM bundle over a hyperk\"ahler
base manifold. Is $(B, \nabla)$ necessarily autodual?
Let $M$ be a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold, and let $\cal S$ be
a connected component of the moduli of autodual connections
on a complex vector bundle ${\cal B}$.
Assume that $\cal S$ contains a point $B$
which is Hermitian autodual. Consider the ``Mukai dual''
space $\widehat M$, that is, the moduli space
of Hermitian autodual connections
on ${\cal B}$ (Subsection \ref{_Mukai_dual_Subsection_}).
Assume that the connected component of $\widehat M$
containing $B$ is smooth and compact. Clearly, then, all connections
from $\cal S$ are fiberwise stable, in the sense of Definition
\ref{fib.st}. Thus, Theorem \ref{iso} gives an isomorphism
between $\cal S$ and the space $Sec(\widehat M)$
of twistor lines in $\operatorname{Tw}(\widehat M)$.
In such situation, we are going to give a
conjectural description of the space $\cal S$, assuming
that the answer to
is affirmative.
\begin{defn}[Twisted cotangent bundle]
Let $M$ be a K\"ahler manifold, $\Omega^1M$ its
holomorphic cotangent bundle. The K\"ahler class
\omega \in H^1(\Omega^1 M)= Ext^1({\cal O} (M), \Omega^1 M)
gives by Yoneda an exact sequence
0 \longrightarrow \Omega ^1 M \longrightarrow E \stackrel e \longrightarrow {\cal O}(M) \longrightarrow 0,
where ${\cal O}(M)$ is the trivial one-dimensional bundle.
Let $\nu$ be a non-zero section of ${\cal O}(M)$, and $E_\nu$
be the set of all vectors
\left\{ v\in E\restrict m \;\;
\;\; e(v) = \nu\restrict m\right\}
where $m$ runs through all points of $M$. Consider $E_\nu$ as a
submanifold in the total space of $E$. Then $E_\nu$ is called
{\bf a twisted cotangent bundle of $M$}, denoted by $\Omega_\omega M$.
The space $\Omega_\omega M$ has a natural action of $\Omega^1 M$
considered as a group scheme over $M$, and as such is a torsor
over $\Omega ^1 M$
The affirmative answer to the stronger form
of \ref{_rho_etale_Question_} would give the proof
of the following conjecture.
\begin{conjecture} \label{_sec_to_twi_cota_Conjecture_}
Under assumptions of \ref{compa_smoo_Mukai_du_Subsubsection_},
there exists a natural isomorphism of complex manifolds
\[ Sec(\widehat M) \cong \Omega_\omega M, \]
where $\Omega_\omega M$ is the twisted cotangent bundle.
In the general situation, there is a natural
map from the space of twistor lines $Sec(M)$
of a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold to $\Omega_\omega M$.
However, in general there are no approaches to the proof
of surjectivity.
Let $M$ be a compact complex torus, $\dim_{\Bbb C} M = 2n$, and
$B$ a trivial line bundle. Clearly, $M$ is hyperk\"ahler.
Then $\widehat M$ is the dual torus, and $\cal S$ is the
space of local systems on $M$, which is isomorphic to
$({\Bbb C}^*)^{2n}$. The space $C$ of \ref{_rho_etale_Question_}
is isomorphic to $H^1({\cal O} M)$, and the answer to
\ref{_rho_etale_Question_} is obviously affirmative. Thus,
$Sec(M)$ and $\Omega_\omega M$ are also isomorphic to $({\Bbb C}^*)^{2n}$
and are Stein.
In the following subsection, we shall see
that this is indeed a general phenomenon --
the space of twistor lines is equipped
with a canonical plurisubharmonic function and is
likely to be Stein. However, we don't know a general argument
constructing plurisubharmonic functions on the twisted
cotangent bundle -- this is one more mystery.
\subsection{Plurisubharmonic functions on moduli spaces.}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold $\operatorname{Tw} \stackrel \pi \longrightarrow {\Bbb C} P^1$
its twistor space, and $Sec(M)$ the space of sections
$s:\; {\Bbb C} P^1 \longrightarrow \operatorname{Tw}$ of the map $\pi$, also called {\it twistor
lines} (Section \ref{_twistors_Section_}). It is easy to equip
$Sec(M)$ with a natural plurisubharmonic function.
Recall that $\operatorname{Tw}$ is isomorphic as a $C^\infty$-manifold to
$M \times {\Bbb C} P^1$. This decomposition gives a natural
(non-K\"ahler) Hermitian metric on $\operatorname{Tw}$.
\begin{prop} \label{_volume_twi_line_plurisubharmo_Proposition_}
Consider the function $v:\; Sec(M) \longrightarrow {\Bbb R} ^+$
which maps a line $s\in \operatorname{Tw}$ to its Hermitian volume, taken
with respect to the Hermitian metric on $\operatorname{Tw}$. Then $v$
is strictly plurisubharmonic.
\par\noindent{\bf Proof.}\
Let $\omega$ be the differential 2-form which is
the symplectic part of the Hermitian metric on $\operatorname{Tw}$.
Since the twistor lines are complex subvarieties in $\operatorname{Tw}$,
$v(s) = \int_s \omega$ for all twistor lines $s$. Then, for
all bivectors $x, \bar x$ in $T_s Sec(M)$, we have
\partial\bar\partial v(x, \bar x) = \int_s \partial\bar\partial \omega({\bf x},\bar{\bf x}),
where ${\bf x},\bar{\bf x}$ are the sections of $T \operatorname{Tw}\restrict{s}$
corresponding to $x, \bar x$.
Then, to prove that $v$ is plurisubharmonic it suffices
to show that $\partial\bar\partial \omega({\bf x},\bar{\bf x})$ is positive.
{}From Lemma \ref{_differe_of_Hermi_on_twistors_Lemma_}, it
is easy to see that
$\partial\bar\partial \omega = \omega\wedge \pi^* \operatorname{FS}({\Bbb C} P^1)$,
where $\operatorname{FS}({\Bbb C} P^1)$ is the Fubini-Study form on ${\Bbb C} P^1$.
Clearly, then, $\partial\bar\partial\omega({\bf x},\bar{\bf x})$ is
positive, and $v$ is plurisubharmonic. This proves Proposition
One of the most intriguing questions of hyperk\"ahler geometry
is to learn whether the function $v$ is exhausting.
In notation and assumptions of \ref{_sec_to_twi_cota_Conjecture_},
consider the space $Sec(\widehat M)$ which is isomorphic to
the space $\cal S$ of autodual connections. There is
the canonical Weil-Petersson metric on $\cal S$, coming
from results of Subsection \ref{_Hyperkae_redu_Subsection_}.
This metric is hyperk\"ahler. This metric is given by a potential,
which is equal to the integral of the square of the
absolute value of the curvature.
Is the Weil--Petersson metric related to the metric given by $v$?
\subsubsection*{Acknowledgements:} The autors are grateful to
S.-T. Yau, who stimulated the interest to the problem, D. Kazhdan
and T. Pantev for valuable discussions, S. Arkhipov, M. Finkelberg
and L. Positselsky for their attention, and to Soros Foundation
which is our source of livelihood.
1996-06-27T15:32:07 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606017 | fr | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606017 | [
] | alg-geom/9606017 | Emmanuel Ullmo | Emmanuel Ullmo | Positivite et discretion des points algebriques des courbes | null | null | null | null | null | We prove the discreteness of algebraic points (with respect to the Neron-Tate
height) on a curve of genus greater than one embedded in his jacobian. This
result was conjectured by Bogomolov. We also prove the positivity of the self
intersection of the admissible dualizing sheaf.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 Jun 1996 13:32:11 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Soient $K$ un corps de nombres et $\overline{K}$ sa cl\^oture alg\'ebrique. Soient $X_K$
une courbe propre, lisse, g\'eom\'etriquement connexe de genre $g\ge 2$ sur $K$ et
$J$ sa jacobienne. Soit $D_0$ un diviseur de
degr\'e 1 sur $X$ et $\phi_{D_0}$ le plongement de $X_K$ dans $J$
d\'efini par $D_0$. On note $h_{NT}(x)$ la hauteur de N\'eron-Tate d'un point
$x\in J(\overline{K})$. On montre dans ce texte l'\'enonc\'e suivant qui a \'et\'e conjectur\'e
par Bogomolov \cite{Bo}:
Il existe $\epsilon >0$ tel que $\{P\in X_K(\overline{K}) \vert h_{NT}(\phi_{D_O} (P))\le
\epsilon \}$ est fini.
Notons que Raynaud \cite{Ra} a prouv\'e que l'ensemble des
points $P\in X_K(\overline{K})$ tels que $\phi_{D_0}(P)$ est de torsion dans $J$ est
fini. Le th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1} g\'en\'eralise cet \'enonc\'e car la condition
$\phi_{D_0}(P)$ est \'equivalente \`a $h_{NT}(\phi_{D_0}(P))=0$. Le lecteur
s'assurera que la d\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1}
est ind\'ependante de celle de Raynaud.
Le th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1} a \'et\'e obtenu dans de nombreux cas par Szpiro \cite{Sz}
et Zhang \cite{Za1}. Soit $\Omega^1_X$ le faisceau des diff\'erentielles holomorphes
sur $X_K$. Quand $X_K$ a un mod\`ele propre et lisse sur
l'anneau des entiers $O_K$ de $K$,
Szpiro \cite{Sz} a montr\'e le th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1} quand la classe
$[\Omega^1_X-(2g-2)D_0]$ n'est pas de torsion dans $J$ ou la self intersection
$(\omega_{Ar},\omega_{Ar})_{Ar}$ du dualisant relatif au sens d'Arakelov
est non nulle. Il a aussi expliqu\'e comment un \'equivalent du
th\'eor\`eme de Nakai et Moishezon en th\'eorie d'Arakelov permet de prouver
que la non nullit\'e de $(\omega_{Ar},\omega_{Ar})_{Ar}$ est \'equivalente
\`a l'\'enonc\'e du th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1}. Zhang \cite{Za3} a montr\'e l'analogue
du th\'eor\`eme de Nakai et Moishezon (voir aussi les travaux de Kim \cite{Kim} pour
une autre approche). Notons enfin que toujours dans le cas o\`u $X_K$ admet un
mod\`ele propre et lisse sur $O_K$, Burnol \cite{Bu} et Zhang \cite{Za2} ont
donn\'e des conditions suffisantes pour que $(\omega_{Ar},\omega_{Ar})_{Ar}$ soit
strictement positif.
Pour g\'en\'eraliser les travaux de Szpiro
(concernant le cas o\`u le mod\`ele minimal non singulier $\cal X$ de $X_K$ sur
l'anneau des entiers $O_K$ de $K$ est lisse), Zhang \cite{Za1}
a introduit un accouplement
admissible $(\ ,\ )_a$ g\'en\'eralisant celui d'Arakelov $(\ ,\ )_{Ar}$ sur $\cal X$.
Il a d\'efini un faisceau dualisant relatif $\omega_a$ qui co\"\i ncide avec
le faisceau dualisant relatif $\omega_{Ar}$ dans le cas o\`u $\cal X$ est lisse et
qui v\'erifie
(\omega_a,\omega_a)_a \ge 0.
Il a montr\'e le th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1} quand $(\omega_a,\omega_a)_a>0$ et quand la
classe $[\Omega^1_X-(2g-2)D_0]$ n'est pas de torsion dans $J$. Il a enfin montr\'e,
que si $(\omega_a,\omega_a)_a = 0$ et
$D_0=\frac{\Omega^1_X}{2g-2}$ le th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1} est en d\'efaut. On obtient
ainsi dans ce texte la preuve du r\'esultat suivant :
Soit $\cal X\longrightarrow \mbox{Spec}(O_K)$ le mod\`ele minimal r\'egulier
d'une courbe lisse g\'eom\'etriquement connexe $X_K$ sur $K$ de genre
$g\ge 2$. Si ${\cal X}$ a r\'eduction semi--stable alors :
Notons que l'in\'egalit\'e $(\omega_{Ar},\omega_{Ar})_{Ar}>0$ a \'et\'e
d\'emontr\'ee par Zhang \cite{Za1} dans le cas o\`u ${\cal X}$ n'est pas
lisse sur $O_K$. Un \'enonc\'e un peu moins g\'en\'eral a \'et\'e obtenu
par Burnol \cite{Bu}. Zhang \cite{Za2} a aussi montr\'e l'in\'egalit\'e
$(\omega_a,\omega_a)_a>0$ (et donc le th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1}) quand
$\mbox{End}(J)\otimes {\mathbb R}$ n'est pas isomorphe \`a ${\mathbb R}$, ${\mathbb C}$ o\`u
${\mathbb H}$ (alg\`ebre des quaternions).
Pour prouver les th\'eor\`emes \ref{teo1} et \ref{teo4}, on suppose que
$(\omega_a,\omega_a)_a = 0$ et que $D_0=\frac{\Omega^1_X}{2g-2}$. On dispose
alors d'une suite infinie de points $x_n$ de $X_K(\overline{K})$ telle que $h_{NT}
(\phi_{D_0}(x_n))$ tend vers $0$ quand $n$ tend vers l'infini. En utilisant
des th\'eor\`emes d'\'equidistributions des petits points \` a une suite
$y_n$ de $X_K^g$, construite \`a partir de $x_n$, et \`a son image $z_n$ dans $J$
on obtient une contradiction.
\section{Pr\'eliminaire en th\'eorie d'Arakelov}
\subsection{Vari\'et\'es arithm\'etiques, hauteurs }
Soit $K$ un corps de nombres, $O_K$ son anneau d'entiers et $S=\mbox{Spec} (O_K)$.
On note $S_{\infty, K}$ l'ensemble des places \`a l'infini de $K$. Une vari\'et\'e
arithm\'etique sur $S$ est la donn\'ee d'un $S$--sch\`ema plat et projectif $X$
dont la fibre g\'en\'erique $X_K$ est lisse.
Pour toute extension
$K_1$ de $K$, on note $X_{K_1}=X_K\otimes_K K_1$.
Les points de $X({\mathbb C})$ vus comme
${\mathbb Z}$--sch\'ema s'\'ecrivent comme la r\'eunion disjointe $X({\mathbb C})=\displaystyle
\cup_{\sigma\in S_{\infty,K}} X_{\sigma}({\mathbb C})$, o\`u $X_{\sigma}({\mathbb C})=
X\otimes_{\sigma}{\mathbb C}$. Un fibr\'e inversible $\overline{L}=(L, \Vert\ \Vert_{\sigma})$
sur $X$ est la donn\'ee d'un fibr\'e inversible $L$ sur $X$ et pour tout
$\sigma\in S_{\infty,K}$ d'une m\'etrique $C^{\infty}$, invariante par la conjugaison
complexe, sur le fibr\'e inversible $L_{\sigma}=L\otimes_{\sigma}{\mathbb C}$ de
$X_{\sigma}({\mathbb C})$. On note alors $\overline{L}_{\sigma}$ le fibr\'e inversible hermitien
$(L_{\sigma},\Vert\ \Vert_{\sigma})$ de $X_{\sigma}({\mathbb C})$. On note $\overline{\mbox{Pic}}(X)$
la cat\'egorie des fibr\'es inversibles hermitiens sur $X$. On dit que
deux \'el\'ements ${\cal \overline{L}}$, ${\cal \overline{L}}'$ de
$\overline{\mbox{Pic}}(X)\otimes {\mathbb Q}$ coincident sur la fibre g\'en\'erique
s'il existe sur la fibre g\'en\'erique un isomorphisme de ${\cal L}_K$
sur ${\cal L}'_K$ qui est une isom\'etrie
en toute place \`a l'infini. Dans cette situation, on se permet d'\'ecrire
${\cal \overline{L}}_K={\cal \overline{L}}'_K$
En particulier, un fibr\'e inversible hermitien $\overline{L}$ sur $S$ est la donn\'ee
d'un $O_K$--module projectif de rang 1 et de m\'etriques hermitiennes
sur le ${\mathbb C}$--espace vectoriel de dimension 1, $L_{\sigma}$, pour toute
place \`a l'infini $\sigma$ de $K$. Le degr\'e d'un fibr\'e inversible hermitien
$\overline{L}$ sur $S$ est d\'efini par l'\'egalit\'e :
=\log \#(L/O_K .s)-\sum_{\sigma\in S_{\infty,K}} \log \Vert s\Vert_{\sigma}
pour une section arbitraire $s$ de $L$.
Soit $X$ une vari\'et\'e arithm\'etique sur $S$ de dimension (absolue) $d$ et
$\overline{L}$ un fibr\'e inversible hermitien sur $X$. Pour tout
$x\in X_K(\overline{K})$, on note $D_x$ la cl\^oture de Zariski de $x$ dans
$X$ et $K(x)$ son corps de rationalit\'e . La hauteur $h_{\overline{L}}(x)$
est alors d\'efinie par la formule
$\displaystyle h_{\overline{L}}(x)=\frac{\deg_{Ar}(\overline{L}\vert D_x)}{[K(x):K]}$.
Si on part d'une vari\'et\'e projective lisse $X_K$ sur $K$, que l'on fixe
une extension $K_1$ de $K$, un mod\`ele ${\cal X}_1$ de $X_{K_1}$ sur l'anneau
des entiers $O_{K_1}$ de $K_1$ et un fibr\'e inversible hermitien ${\cal \overline{L}}$
sur ${\cal X}_1$, on peut encore d\'efinir une hauteur sur $X_K(\overline{K})$. En effet
pour tout point $x\in X_K(\overline{K})$, $\mbox{Spec}(K(x)\otimes_K K_1)$ est une r\'eunion
de points $(x_1,\dots,x_r)$ de $X_L(\overline{L})$. On pose alors
h_{{\cal \overline{L}}} (x)=\frac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^r h_{{\cal \overline{L}}}(x_i)}{[K_1:K]}.
Soit $T$ une vari\'et\'e analytique complexe de dimension $d-1$ et $\overline{L}=(L,\Vert\ \Vert)$
un fibr\'e inversible hermitien sur $T$. Soit $K$ la forme de courbure
associ\'ee \`a $\overline{L}$ \cite{GH}. On notera dans la suite $c_1(\overline{L})$ la
$(1,1)$--forme ferm\'ee $\frac{i}{2\pi}K$. Par ailleurs on notera
$c_1(L)$ la premi\`ere classe de Chern d'un fibr\'e inversible $L$ sur
une vari\'et\'e alg\'ebrique $T$. A travers l'application degr\'e, on identifiera
$c_1(L)^{d-1}$ \`a un entier naturel.
Rappelons que Gillet et Soul\'e \cite{GS1} \cite{GS3} ont d\'efini pour une
vari\'et\'e arithm\'etique $X$ de dimension $d$ des groupes de Chow
arithm\'etiques $\widehat{CH} ^i(X)$ pour tout entier naturel $i$. Quand $X$ est irr\'eductible,
on a $\widehat{CH}^0(X)\simeq {\mathbb Z}$. On dispose d'une application degr\'e
\widehat{CH}^d(X) \longrightarrow {\mathbb R}.
Pour tout fibr\'e inversible hermitien $\overline{L}$ sur $X$, on dispose d'une
premi\`ere classe de Chern arithm\'etique $\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{L})\in \widehat{CH}^1(X)$. Gr\^ace
au produit d'intersection
\widehat{CH}^i(X)\times \widehat{CH}^j(X)\longrightarrow
\widehat{CH}^{i+j}(X)\otimes_{{\mathbb Z}} {\mathbb Q},
on sait d\'efinir $\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{L})^i\in \widehat{CH}^i(X)\otimes_{{\mathbb Z}}{\mathbb Q}$ pour tout
$i\in {\mathbb N}^*$. On d\'efinit $\mbox{\^c}_0(\overline{L})=1$ et on voit $\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{L})^d$ comme
un nombre r\'eel \`a travers l'application degr\'e.
Rappelons aussi que dans le cas des surfaces arithm\'etiques, on dispose d'une
th\'eorie due \`a Arakelov \cite{Ar}, Faltings \cite{Fa} et Zhang \cite{Za1} qui
pr\'ecise les choix de m\'etriques sur les fibr\'es
que l'on est amen\'e \`a \'etudier.
Soient donc $X$ une courbe lisse et g\'eom\'etriquement connexe
de genre $g$ non nul sur $K$
et ${\cal X}$ son mod\`ele r\'egulier minimal. Quitte \`a \'elargir $K$, on suppose
que ${\cal X}$ est semi--stable. Pour tout plongement
$\sigma$ de
$K$ dans
$\Bbb C$, on note $X_{\sigma}$ la surface de Riemann obtenue \`a partir de $X$ par le
changement de base d\'efini par $\sigma$. La surface $X_{\sigma}$ est munie d'une
$(1,1)$--forme canonique
\nu_{\sigma}=\frac{i}{2g}\sum_{i=1}^{g}\omega_i\wedge \overline{\omega}_i,
pour une base orthonorm\'ee $(\omega_1,\dots ,\omega_g)$ de $H^0(X_{\sigma},\Omega^1)$
o\`u $\Omega^1$ est le faisceau des diff\'erentielles holomorphes sur $X_{\sigma}$
pour le produit scalaire~:
\langle \alpha,\beta \rangle=\frac{i}{2}\int_{X_\sigma}\alpha\wedge \overline{\beta}.
Arakelov a d\'efini une th\'eorie des intersections $(\ ,\ )_{Ar}$ pour les \'el\'ements
de la cat\'egorie $\mbox{Pic}_{Ar}({\cal(X)})$ des
fibr\'es inversibles sur ${\cal X}$ munis en chaque place \`a l'infini $\sigma$ de $K$
d'une m\'etrique permise (\`a courbure proportionnelle \`a $\nu_{\sigma}$).
Le faisceau
$\omega_{{\cal X}/\OK}$, dualisant relatif de ${\cal X}$ sur $\mbox{Spec} (O_K)$
est canoniquement muni de
m\'etriques permises \cite{Ar}. On note $\omega_{Ar}=\overline{\omega_{{\cal X}/\OK}}$ l'\'el\'ement
de $\mbox{Pic}_{Ar}({\cal(X)})$ ainsi obtenu.
Zhang \cite{Za1} a \'etendu et g\'en\'eralis\'e l'intersection d'Arakelov.
Il a d\'efini une notion d'admissibilit\'e en toute place de $K$ qui co\"\i ncide
avec celle d'Arakelov aux places \`a l'infini. On note
$\mbox{Pic}_a({\cal X})$ la cat\'egorie des fibr\'es inversibles admissibles
au sens de Zhang \cite{Za1}. On dispose d'une th\'eorie des intersections
$(\ ,\ )_a$ sur $\mbox{Pic}_a({\cal X})$.
Zhang a aussi d\'efini des
m\'etriques admissibles en toute place de $K$ sur le fibr\'e $\omega_{{\cal X}/\OK}$.
On note dans ce texte $\omega_a$ l'\'el\'ement de $\mbox{Pic}_a({\cal X})$ ainsi
obtenu. On dispose ainsi d'une hauteur $h_{\omega_a}$ sur ${\cal X}$ qui est un
repr\'esentant de la classe des hauteurs de Weil associ\'es au fibr\'e $\Omega^1_X$
(voir \cite{Si} pour une introdution au hauteurs). On aura besoin du r\'esultat
suivant qui r\'esulte imm\'ediatement de \cite{Za1} (th\'eor\`eme 2-4).
Soit ${\cal X}\longrightarrow \mbox{Spec}(O_K)$ le mod\`ele minimal non singulier
d'une courbe lisse, g\'eom\'etriquement connexe, de genre $g\ge 2$ sur $K$. On suppose
que ${\cal X}$ a r\'eduction semi--stable.
Il existe une suite d'extension $K_n$ de $K$,
telle que si on note ${\cal X}_n$ le mod\`ele minimal non singulier
de $X_{K_n}$ sur l'anneau des entiers $O_{K_n}$ de $K_n$,
il existe une suite d'\'el\'ements
${\cal \overline{L}}_n$ de ${\rm Pic}_{Ar} ({\cal X}_n)\otimes_{{\mathbb Z}} {\mathbb Q}$ telle
que pour tout $n\in {\mathbb N}$, ${\cal \overline{L}}_n$ co\"\i ncide sur la fibre g\'en\'erique
avec $\omega_{Ar}$ comme fibr\'e inversible hermitien et telle que
\sup_{x\in X_K(\overline{K})} \vert h_{{\cal \overline{L}}_n}(x)-h_{\omega_a}(x)\vert
tende vers $O$ quand $n$ tend vers l'infini.
Dans la suite de ce texte, on fixe une surface arithm\'etique ${\cal X}\rightarrow
\mbox{Spec}(O_K)$ telle que $\omega_a^2=(\omega_a,\omega_a)_a=0$. On choisit un diviseur
$D_0$ sur $X_K$ tel que $D_0=\frac{\Omega^1_X}{2g-2}$.
Comme $D_0$
est fix\'e jusqu'\`a la fin de ce texte on se permet de noter $j=\phi_{D_0}$
le plongement de $X_K$ dans sa jacobienne d\'efini par $D_0$ et
en faisant une extension convenable, on suppose que $D_0$ est
rationnel sur $K$. On note encore $D_0$ le diviseur horizontal de $\cal X$
de fibre g\'en\'erique $D_0$. Le lemme suivant
r\'esulte imm\'ediatement de \cite{Za1} (preuve du th\'eor\`eme 5-6).
Pour tout point $P\in X(\overline{K})$ on a :
\subsection{Th\'eor\`emes d'\'equidistribution}
Une suite de points $(u_n)$ d'une vari\'et\'e alg\'ebrique, irr\'eductible,
$X$ est dite
g\'en\'erique, si $u_n$ converge, au sens de la topologie de Zariski,
vers le point g\'en\'erique de $X$ (autrement dit,
si pour toute sous-vari\'et\'e stricte $Y$ de $X$, il existe au plus un
nombre fini d'indices $i\in {\mathbb N}$ tels que $x_i$ soit un point de $Y$).
On a montr\'e dans \cite{SUZ} le th\'eor\`eme d'\'equidistribution des petits points
des vari\'et\'es ab\'eliennes
Soit $A$ une vari\'et\'e ab\'elienne sur un corps de nombres $K$. Soit $(x_n)$
une suite g\'en\'erique
de points de $A$ telle que $h_{NT}(x_n)$ converge vers $0$.
Soit $O(x_n)$ l'orbite de $x_n$ sous l'action
du groupe de Galois $G_K=\mbox{Gal}(\overline{K}/K)$.
Pour toute place \`a l'infini $\sigma$, la suite
\frac{1}{\#O(x_n)}\sum_{x\in \sigma(O(x_n))} \delta_x
converge faiblement vers
la mesure de Haar de masse totale $1$
$d\mu_{\sigma}$ de $A_{\sigma}({\mathbb C})\simeq A\otimes_{\sigma}{\mathbb C} $.
L'\'enonc\'e suivant qui g\'en\'eralise le th\'eor\`eme
d'\'equidistribution des petits points des vari\'et\'es arithm\'etiques
d\'emontr\'e dans \cite{SUZ} nous sera utile dans la suite de ce texte.
Soit $X\rightarrow {\rm Spec}(O_K)$
une vari\'et\'e arithm\'etique de dimension $d$. Soit $\overline{L}$
un fibr\'e inversible hermitien
sur $X$ tel que
$L_K$ soit ample et
$c_1(\overline{L}_{\sigma})$ soit positif pour toute place \`a l'infini
$\sigma$ de $K$. Soit $h$ une
hauteur de Weil sur $X_K$ associ\'ee \`a $L_K$
telle que $h(P)\ge 0$ pour tout $P\in X_K(\overline{K})$.
On suppose qu'il existe une suite $K_n$ d'extensions finies de $K$, une suite
${\cal X}_n$ de mod\`eles projectifs de $X_{K_n}$ sur l'anneau des entiers
$O_{K_n}$ de $K_n$ et une suite
d'\'el\'ements de $\overline{{\rm Pic}}({\cal X}_n)\otimes{\mathbb Q}$,
telle que pour tout $n\in{\mathbb N}$ et
pour toute place \`a
l'infini $\sigma$ de $K_n$ on ait:
\overline{L}_n\otimes_{O_{K_n}} K_n=\overline{L}_{K_n}.
\sup_{x\in X_K(\overline{K})} \vert h_{\overline{L}_n}(x)-h(x)\vert \longrightarrow 0\mbox{ quand }
n\rightarrow \infty.
Soit $(x_n)$ une suite g\'en\'erique de points
de $X_K(\overline{K})$ tel que $h(x_i)$ converge vers $0$.
Alors pour toute place \`a l'infini $\sigma_0$ de $K$ et toute fonction continue
$f$ sur $X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})$ la suite
\frac{1}{\# O(x_n)} \sum_{x_n^g\in O(x_n)} f(\sigma_0(x_n^g))
$$ converge
$\displaystyle \int_{X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})} f(x) d\mu(x)$ o\`u
d\mu =\frac{c_1 (\overline{L}_{\sigma_0})^{d-1}}{c_1(L_{\sigma_0})^{d-1} }
est vu comme une mesure sur
$X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})$ de volume 1.
{\it Preuve.} La preuve donn\'ee ici est
une simple adaptation de celles des th\'eor\`emes similaires de \cite{SUZ}.
Soit $f$ une fonction continue sur $X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})$ telle que
u_n=\frac{1}{\# O(x_n)} \sum_{x_n^g\in O(x_n)} f(\sigma_0(x_n^g))
ne converge
pas vers
$\displaystyle \int_{X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})} f(x) d\mu(x)$.
On peut supposer que :
\par a) $\displaystyle \int_{X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})} f(x) d\mu(x)=0$ (changer $f$
en $f-\displaystyle \int_{X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})} f(x) d\mu(x)$).
\par b) La suite
$\displaystyle\frac{1}{\# O(x_n)} \sum_{x_n^g\in O(x_n)} f(\sigma_0(x_n^g))$
converge vers une
constante $C<0$ (extraire une sous--suite convergente et
changer si n\'ec\'essaire $f$ en $-f$).
\par c) La fonction $f$ est $C^{\infty}$ sur $X_{\sigma_0}({\mathbb C})$.
Pour tout r\'eel positif $\lambda$,
on note $\overline{{\cal O}}_n(\lambda f)$ le fibr\'e inversible hermitien
${\cal O}_{{\cal X}_n}$ de ${\cal X}_n$
muni en toute place \`a l'infini
ne divisant pas $\sigma_0$ de la m\'etrique triviale et en toute place \`a l'infini
$\sigma$ divisant
$\sigma_0$ de la m\'etrique v\'erifiant $\Vert 1 \Vert_{\sigma}(x)=\exp(-\lambda f(x))$
(noter que cela a un sens car pour tout $\sigma$ divisant
$\sigma_0$ on a $X_{\sigma}\simeq X_{\sigma_0})$.
On note $\overline{L}_n(\lambda f)=\overline{L}_n \otimes \overline{{\cal O}}_n(\lambda f)$.
Pour $\lambda$ suffisament petit et pour toute place \`a l'infini $\sigma$ de $K_n$,
$c_1(\overline{L}_n(\lambda f)_{\sigma})$
est positive (et cela ind\'ependament de $n$.)
On remarque que l'on a pour tout $x\in X_K(\overline{K})$ :
h_{\overline{L}_n(\lambda f)}(x) =h_{\overline{L}_n}(x)+\frac{\lambda}{\#(O(x))}\sum_{x^g\in O(x)} f(x^g).
Par ailleurs,
\frac{\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{\cal L}_n\otimes {\cal O}_n(\lambda f))^d}{[K_n:K]}=
\frac{\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{\cal L}_n)^d}{[K_n:K]}+\mbox{\rm O}(\lambda^2)
pour une fonction $\mbox{\rm O}(\lambda^2)$ ind\'ependante de $n$
(utiliser a et le fait que $\overline{\cal L}_{n,\sigma}$ en tant que fibr\'e inversible
hermitien sur $X_{\sigma}\simeq X_{\sigma_0}$ est ind\'ependant de $n$).
D'autre part en utilisant
le th\'eor\`eme 5-2 de \cite{Za} et l'existence de la suite $u_n$, on voit que quand
$n$ tend vers l'infini,
$\displaystyle\frac{\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{\cal L}_n)^d}{[K_n:K]}$ converge vers $0$.
Soit $\varepsilon$ un nombre r\'eel positif. Par la convergence uniforme
de $h_{\overline{\cal L}_n}$ vers $h$ et la discussion pr\'ec\'edente, il existe
$N\in {\mathbb N}$ tel que pour tout $n\ge N$ on a:
\displaystyle\sup_{x\in X_K(\overline{K})}\vert h_{\overline{\cal L}_n}(x)-h(x)\vert
\leq \varepsilon.
\displaystyle\vert \frac{\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{\cal L}_n)^d}{[K_n:{\mathbb Q}]d.c_1(L)^{d-1} }
En utilisant le th\'eor\`eme 5-2 de \cite{Za}, on voit que
\lim_{\i\rightarrow\infty} (\ h_{\overline{\cal L}_N}(x_i) +
\frac{\lambda}{\# O(x_i)} \sum_{x_i^g\in O(x_i)} f(\sigma_0(x_i^g))\ )
\ge \frac{(\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{\cal L}_N)+\mbox{\^c}_1(\overline{{\cal O}}(\lambda f))^d}{[K_N:K]d.c_1(L_{K_N})^{d-1}}.
On en d\'eduit donc que :
\lambda C
\ge O(\lambda^2)-2\varepsilon
En faisant tendre $\varepsilon$, puis $\lambda$ vers $0$, on montre
que $C\ge 0$. Cette contradiction termine la preuve du th\'eor\`eme \ref{equi}
\section{Suites g\'en\'eriques de petits points de $X^g$}
On rappelle que l'on a fix\'e une surface arithm\'etique semi--stable
${\cal X}\rightarrow \mbox{Spec}(O_K)$, qui est le mod\`ele minimal \r'egulier
d'une courbe $X_K$ lisse g\'eom\'etriquement connexe de genre $g\ge 2$ sur $K$,
telle que $(\omega_a,\omega_a)_a=0$.
De plus $D_0=\frac{\Omega^1_X}{2g-2}$ est suppos\'e \^etre
rationnel sur $K$.
En utilisant le corrolaire 5-7 de \cite{Za1} et le lemme \ref{NT-ARAK}
on peut construire une suite g\'en\'erique $(t_k)$ de points de $X_K(\overline{K})$ telle que
h_{\omega_a}(t_k)=\displaystyle \frac{2g-2}{g}h_{NT}(j(t_k))
tend vers $0$ quand $k$ tend vers l'infini. On poursuit cette
id\'ee en travaillant sur $X_K^g(\overline{K})$. On note $s$ l'application de $X_K^g$ dans $J$
telle que :
Pour toute extension $L$ de $K$, on note $G_L$ le groupe de Galois de $\overline{K}$ sur
$L$. Si $K_2$ est une extension galoisienne de $K_1$, on note $\mbox{Gal}(K_2/K_1)$
le groupe de Galois de $K_2$ sur $K_1$.
Soient $Y$ une vari\'et\'e alg\'ebrique d\'efinie sur $K$ et
$x\in Y(\overline{K})$. Pour toute extension $L$ de $K$, telle que $L\subset K(x)$, on note
$O_L(x)=G_L.x$ l'orbite sous $G_L$ de $x$. On fait la convention $O_K(x)=O(x)$. Le but
de cette partie est de montrer la proposition suivante.
Il existe une suite g\'en\'erique $y_n=(x_{n,1},\dots ,x_{n,g})$
de points de $X_K^g(\overline{K})$
telle que :
\par 1) Pour tout $i\in [1,\dots,g]$, $h_{\omega_a}(x_{n,i})
\longrightarrow 0.$
\par 2) La suite $z_n=s(y_n)$ est une suite g\'en\'erique de $J$ et $h_{NT}(z_n)$
converge vers 0 quand $n$ tend vers l'infini..
\par 3) L'application $s$ induit une bijection de $O(y_n)$ sur $O(z_n)$
{\it Preuve.} Dans la suite, on fixe un plongement $\sigma_0=id$ de $\overline{K}$ dans ${\mathbb C}$ et
on identifie $X_K(\overline{K})$ \`a un sous--ensemble de
$X_{{\mathbb C}}=X_K\otimes_{\sigma}{\mathbb C}$. Pour toute
extension $L$ de $K$, on note $L^c$ la plus petite extension galoisienne de $K$
contenant $L$. On
choisit une distance $d$ sur $X_{{\mathbb C}}$ d\'efinissant la topologie complexe.
Comme cela a \'et\'e indiqu\'e au d\'ebut de cette section, on dispose
d'une suite g\'en\'erique $t_k$
de points de $X_K(\overline{K})$ telle que $h_{\omega_a}(t_k)$ tend vers 0. Par le th\'eor\`eme
d'\'equidistribution \ref{equi} et
le lemme \ref{aprox}
on sait que $\{ O(t_k) \ \vert k\in {\mathbb N}\} $ est dense
pour la topologie complexe de $X_{\mathbb C} $. Pour tout $n\in {\mathbb N}$, il existe donc un indice
$k\in {\mathbb N}$ tel que l'on ait \`a la fois :
h_{\omega_a}(t_k)\le \frac{1}{n}
\mbox{ pour tout $x\in X_{{\mathbb C}}({\mathbb C})$ il existe $\alpha\in O(t_k)$ tel que
$d(x,\alpha) \le \frac{1}{n}$}
On choisit un tel indice $k$ et on pose $x_{n,1}=t_k$.
On pose alors
\mbox{Gal}({K(x_{n,1})^c}/K)=\{\overline{\sigma}_1,\dots,\overline{\sigma}_r \}
et $X_i=X_K\otimes_{\overline{\sigma}_i}K(x_{n,1})^c$. On note encore $\omega_a$
le faisceau dualisant relatif (au sens de Zhang) sur le mod\`ele minimal
non singulier ${\cal X}_i$ de $X_{\overline{\sigma}_i}$ sur l'anneau des entiers $O_{K(x_{n,1})^c}$
de $K(x_{n,1})^c$.
On dispose par la th\'eorie de Galois
\'el\'ementaire d'un morphisme surjectif:
\pi_k \ :\ \mbox{Gal}({K(x_{n,1},t_k)^c}/K)\ \longrightarrow
Pour tout $i\in [1,\dots,r]$ et tout $k\in{\mathbb N}$,
on choisit $\sigma_{i,k}\in \mbox{Gal}({K(x_{n,1},t_k)^c}/K)$ tel que
On constate que les $\sigma_{i,k}(t_k)$ pour
$i\in [1,\dots,r]$ sont des suites g\'en\'eriques de points de
$X_i(\overline{K})$ telles que $h_{\omega_a}(\sigma_{i,k}(t_k))$ tend vers 0.
On en d\'eduit que pour tout $k$ assez grand, pour tout $i\in [1,\dots, r] $ et
pour tout $x\in X_{{\mathbb C}}$ on a :
h_{\omega_a}(\sigma_{i,k}(t_k)) \le \frac{1}{n}.
\mbox{ Il existe
$ \alpha_i\in O_{K(x_{n,1})^c}(\sigma_{i,k}(t_k))$ tel que }
d(x,\alpha_i)\le \frac{1}{n}
\mbox{dim }H^0(X_{{\mathbb C}},{\cal O}(x_{n,1}+t_k))=1
(Remarquer pour ce dernier point que la suite $t_k$ est g\'en\'erique et que
$\{ P\in X({\mathbb C}) \ \vert \ \mbox{dim}\ H^0(X_{{\mathbb C}},{\cal O}(x_{n,1}+P)) >1 \}$
est fini). On fixe un tel $k$ et on pose $x_{n,2}=t_k$ et $\sigma_{i,k}=\sigma_i$.
La suite $(x_{n,1},x_{n,2})$
a la propri\'et\'e suivante :
Pour tout $(x,y)\in X_{{\mathbb C}}\times X_{{\mathbb C}}$, il existe $(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)
\in O(x_{n,1},x_{n,2})$ tel que $\max(d(x,\alpha_1),d(y,\alpha_2))\le \frac{1}{n}.$
{\it Preuve}. D'apr\`es (\ref{x1-2}), il existe $\overline{\sigma}_i\in \mbox{Gal}({K(x_{n,1})^c}/K)$
que $d(x,\overline{\sigma}_i(x_{n,1}))\le \frac{1}{n}$. Par ailleurs d'apr\`es (\ref{x2-2}) il existe
$\gamma \in \mbox{Gal}({K(x_{n,1},x_{n,2})^c}/K(x_{n,1})^c)$ tel que
d(y,\gamma \sigma_i(x_{n,2}))\le \frac{1}{n}.
On constate que $(\alpha_1,\alpha_2)=
\gamma \sigma_i ((x_{n,1},x_{n,2}))$ convient.
En proc\'edant de m\^eme, on construit la suite $y_n=(x_{n,1},\dots,x_{n,g})$ de
$X_K^g$ telle que
\mbox{dim } H^0(X_{{\mathbb C}},{\cal O}(x_{n,1}+\dots+x_{n,g}))=1
(utiliser le fait que $t_k$ est g\'en\'erique et \cite{Mi} lemme 5-2),
$h_{\omega_a}(x_{n,i})$ converge
vers 0 pour tout $i$ et telle que pour tout $(x_1,\dots,x_g)\in X_{{\mathbb C}}^g$, il existe
(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_g)\in O(x_{n,1},\dots,x_{n,g})
$\displaystyle\max_i( d(x_i,\alpha_i))\le \frac{1}{n}$. Cette derniere propri\'et\'e
nous prouve que la suite $y_n$ est g\'en\'erique.
La deuxi\`eme partie de la proposition
se d\'eduit de la premi\`ere et du fait que la suite $y_n$
est g\'en\'erique en utilisant
le lemme \ref{NT-ARAK} et le fait que $s$ est surjective.
Comme $D_0$ est rationnel sur $K$, $s$ induit
une surjection de $O(y_n)$ sur $O(z_n)$. Soit
$(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_g)\in O(y_n)$ tel que
On sait que les fibres du morphisme $s$ correspondent aux syst\`emes lin\'eaires
sur $X$ (voir \cite{Mi} chap\^\i tre 5 dans le cas o\`u $D_0$ est un point
rationnel sur $K$ et se ramener \`a ce cas apr\`es translation). Comme
\mbox{dim } H^0(X_{{\mathbb C}},{\cal O}(x_{n,1}+\dots+x_{n,g}))=1,
on voit que $s$
est fini au dessus de $z_n$. Pour $n$ assez grand la construction de la suite
prouve que $x_{n,i}$ ne peut pas \^etre dans $O(x_{n,j})$ pour $i\neq j$. On a
donc $\alpha_i=x_{n,i}$ pour tout $i$ et $s$ est injective. Ceci termine la
preuve de la derni\`ere partie de la proposition.
\section{Preuve du th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1}}
Dans la suite, on notera $\pi_i$ la $i$--\`eme projection de ${\cal X}^g=
{\cal X}\times_{O_K}\dots\times_{O_K}{\cal X}$ sur ${\cal X}$. On notera aussi
$\pi_i$ la $i$--\`eme projection de $X_K^g$ sur $X_K$. On rappelle que $\nu$ d\'enote
la $1$-$1$--forme canonique sur $X_{{\mathbb C}}$.
Soit $y_n$ la suite pr\'ec\'edemment construite. La suite
\frac{1}{\#(O(y_n))}\sum_{(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_g)\in O(y_n)}
converge faiblement vers la mesure $\pi_1^*\nu\wedge\dots\wedge \pi_g^*\nu$ de
$X_{{\mathbb C}}^g$.
{\it Preuve}.
On note $\overline{L}=\pi_1^*\omega_{{\cal X}/\OK}\otimes\dots\otimes\pi_g^*\omega_{{\cal X}/\OK}$ le
fibr\'e inversible m\'etris\'e sur ${\cal X}^g$
obtenu en munissant $L_K=\pi_1^*\Omega^1_X\otimes\dots\otimes\pi_g^*\Omega^1_X$,
en toute place \`a l'infini, de la m\'etrique produit des
images inverses des m\'etriques canoniques sur $\Omega^1_X$.
On note $h$ le repr\'esentant de la classe des hauteurs Weil, sur $X_K^g(\overline{K})$
associ\'e \`a
$L_K$ v\'erifiant :
h(P_1,\dots,P_g)= \sum_{i=1}^g h_{\omega_a} (P_i)
Pour tout $(P_1,\dots,P_g)\in X_K^g(\overline{K})$. On a $h(P_1,\dots,P_g)\ge 0$.
On fixe dans la suite une suite d'extension $K_n$ de $K$ et une suite
${\cal \overline{L}}_n$ sur le mod\`ele minimal r\'egulier ${\cal X}_n$
de $X_{K_n}$ donn\'ees par le lemme \ref{aprox}. On pose alors
{\cal X}^n_g ={\cal X}_n\otimes_{O_{K_n}} \dots\otimes_{O_{K_n}} {\cal X}_n
\overline{L}_n=\pi_1^*{\cal \overline{L}}_n\otimes\dots\otimes\pi_g^*{\cal \overline{L}}_n
On constate alors que $\overline{L}_n$ co\"\i ncide g\'en\'eriquement
(en tant que fibr\'e inversible hermitien) avec $\overline{L}_{K_n}$ et que l'on a pour
tout $(x_1,\dots,x_g)\in X_K(\overline{K})^g$ :
h_{\overline{L}_n}(x_1,\dots,x_g)=\sum_{i=1}^g h_{{\cal \overline{L}}n}(x_i).
On en d\'eduit alors que
\sup_{x\in X_K^g(\overline{K})}
\vert h_{\overline{L}_n}(x)-h(x)\vert
tend vers $0$ quand $n$ tend vers l'infini.
Or $L_K$ est ample sur $X_K$,
en toute place \`a l'infini $\sigma$ de $K$, $c_1(\overline{L})_{\sigma}$
est une $1$-$1$--forme positive et
on a construit une suite g\'en\'erique $y_n$ telle que $h(y_n)$ tend
vers 0. Le th\'eor\`eme d'\'equidistribution \ref{equi} nous
permet alors de conclure que la suite
\frac{1}{\#(O(y_n))}\sum_{(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_g)\in O(y_n)}
converge faiblement vers la mesure
\pi_1^*\nu\wedge\dots\wedge \pi_g^*\nu.
Soit $z_n$ la suite de points de $J$ pr\'ec\'edemment construite. La suite
\frac{1}{\#(O(z_n))}\sum_{z\in O(z_n)} \delta_z
converge faiblement vers la mesure de Haar normalis\'ee $d\mu_{H}$ de $J$.
{\it Preuve}. C'est une cons\'equence imm\'ediate de la deuxi\`eme
partie de la proposition \ref{suite}, du th\'eor\`eme
d'\'equidistribution \ref{teo2} des
petits points des vari\'et\'es ab\'eliennes et du lemme \ref{NT-ARAK}.
Pour toute fonction $f$, continue sur $J$, \`a valeurs dans ${\mathbb R}$, on a:
\int_J f(z) d\mu_H =\int_{X_{{\mathbb C}}^g} f. s(x_1,\dots,x_g)
\pi_1^*\nu\wedge\dots\wedge \pi_g^*\nu.
{\it Preuve}. En utilisant le lemme \ref{Haar}, on voit que la suite
\frac{1}{\#(O(z_n))}\sum_{z\in O(z_n)} f(z)
converge vers $\displaystyle\int_J f(z) d\mu_H$. Or d'apr\`es la troisi\`eme
partie de la proposition \ref{suite} on a :
\frac{1}{\#(O(z_n))}\sum_{z\in O(z_n)} f(z)
=\frac{1}{\#(O(y_n))}\sum_{(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_g)\in O(y_n)}
f. s(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_g).
D'apr\`es le lemme \ref{sxg},
cette derni\`ere somme converge vers
\int_{X_{{\mathbb C}}^g} f. s(x_1,\dots,x_g)
\pi_1^*\nu\wedge\dots\wedge \pi_g^*\nu.
On \`a l'\'egalit\'e :
s^*d\mu_H=g!\ \pi_1^*\nu\wedge\dots\wedge \pi_g^*\nu.
{\it Preuve}. Cela r\'esulte du lemme \ref{eg-mes} et de la formule
de changement de variables quand on a remarqu\'e que $s$ est une application
g\'en\'eriquement finie de degr\'e $g!$.
{\it Preuve du th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1}}.
On va prouver le th\'eor\`eme \ref{teo1} en montrant que
cette derni\`ere \'egalit\'e ne peut \^etre r\'ealis\'ee. Pour cela explicitons
ces deux mesures. Soit $(\omega_1,\dots,\omega_g)$ une base orthonorm\'ee de
$H^0(X_{{\mathbb C}},\Omega^1_X)$ pour le produit scalaire d\'efini dans l'\'equation \ref{prodscal}.
On note $\omega^J_i$ l'unique forme diff\'erentielle de type $1$-$0$ sur $J$,
invariante par translation, telle que $j^*\omega^J_i=\omega_i$. On a vu que l'on a :
\nu=\frac{i}{2g}\sum_{i=1}^g \omega_i\wedge\overline{\omega_i}
On pose alors
\mu=\frac{i}{2g}\sum_{i=1}^g \omega^J_i\wedge\overline{\omega_i}^J.
On a alors $d\mu_H=\frac{g^g}{g!}\mu^g$ et $\nu=j^*\mu$ et pour tout
$i\in \{1,\dots,g \}$ on a :
s^*\omega_i^J=\sum_{j=1}^{g} \pi_j^*\omega_i
On trouve alors
s^*d\mu_H=\frac{g^g}{g!}(\sum_{i=1}^g \pi_i^*\omega_1)\wedge
(\sum_{i=1}^g \pi_i^*\overline{\omega_1})
\wedge\dots\wedge (\sum_{i=1}^g \pi_i^*\omega_g)\wedge
(\sum_{i=1}^g \pi_i^*\overline{\omega_g})
On voit donc que pour
tout point $P=(P_1,\dots,P_g)\in X^g$ telle que
H^0(X_{{\mathbb C}},\Omega^1_X(-P_1-\dots-P_g))>0
(par exemple $P=(P_0,\dots,P_0)$ avec $P_0$ point de Weierstrass de $X_{{\mathbb C}}$)
on a $s^*d\mu_H(P)=0$ . Par contre la forme de type $g$-$g$,
\pi_1^*\nu\wedge\dots\wedge \pi_g^*\nu
est partout strictement positive. Ceci prouve la contradiction du
lemme \ref{contradiction} et termine la preuve du th\'eor\`eme.
1996-11-15T12:20:43 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606009 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606009 | [
] | alg-geom/9606009 | Francisco Jose Plaza Martin | A. \'Alvarez V\'azquez, J. M. Mu\~noz Porras, F. J. Plaza Mart\'in | The algebraic formalism of soliton equations over arbitrary base fields | Minor changes in Section 5 and References | Variedades Abelianas y Funciones Theta, Ap. Mat. Serie
Investigaci\'on No. 13, Sociedad Matem\'atica Mexicana, M\'exico 1998 | null | null | null | The aim of this paper is to offer an algebraic construction of
infinite-dimensional Grassmannians and determinant bundles (and therefore valid
for arbitrary base fields). As an application we construct the $\tau$-function
and formal Baker-Akhiezer functions over arbitrary fields, by proving the
existence of a ``formal geometry'' of local curves analogous to the geometry of
global algebraic curves.
We begin by defining the functor of points, $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$, of the
Grassmannian of a $k$-vector space $V$ in such a way that its rational points
are precisely the points of the Grassmannian defined by Segal-Wilson, although
the points over an arbitrary $k$-scheme $S$ have been not previously
considered. This definition of the functor $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$ allows us to prove
that it is representable by a separated $k$-scheme $\gr(V,V^+)$. Using the
theory of determinants of Knudsen and Mumford, the determinant bundle is
constructed. This is one of the main results of the paper because it implies
that we can define ``infinite determinants'' in a completely algebraic way.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 10 Jun 1996 18:09:23 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 15 Nov 1996 10:19:15 GMT"
] | 2016-08-15T00:00:00 | [
"A. Álvarez",
"J. M. Muñoz",
"F. J. Plaza",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
The aim of this paper is to offer an algebraic construction of
infinite-dimensional Grassmannians and determinant bundles. As an
application we construct the $\tau$-function and formal
Baker-Akhiezer functions over arbitrary fields, by proving the
existence of a ``formal geometry'' of local curves analogous to the
geometry of global algebraic curves.
Recently G.~Anderson ([{\bf A}]) has constructed the
infinite-dimensional Grassmannians and
$\tau$-functions over $p$-adic fields; his constructions are
basically the same as in the Segal-Wilson paper ([{\bf SW}]) but he
replaces the use of the theory of determinants of Fredholm
operators over a Hilbert space by the theory of $p$-adic infinite
determinants (Serre [{\bf S}]).
Our point of view is completely different and the formalism used is
valid for arbitrary base fields; for example, for global number
fields or fields of positive characteristic. We begin by defining
the functor of points, $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$, of the Grassmannian of a
$k$-vector space $V$ (with a fixed $k$-vector subspace
$V^+\subseteq V$) in such a way that the points
$\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)(\spk)$ are precisely the points of the
Grassmannian defined by Segal-Wilson or Sato-Sato ([{\bf SW}],
[{\bf SS}]) although the points over an arbitrary
$k$-scheme $S$ have been not previously considered by other
authors. This definition of the functor $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$, which
is a sheaf in the category of $k$-schemes, allows us to prove that
it is representable by a separated $k$-scheme $\gr(V,V^+)$. The
universal property of the $k$-scheme $\gr(V,V^+)$ implies, as in
finite-dimensional Grassmannians, the existence of a universal
$\L_V$, of $\pi^*V$ ($\pi:\gr(V,V^+)\to\spk$ being the natural
projection). These constructions allow us to use the theory of
determinants of Knudsen and Mumford ([{\bf KM}]) to construct the
determinant bundle over $\gr(V,V^+)$. This is one of the main
results of the paper because it implies that we can define
``infinite determinants'' in a completely algebraic way. From this
definition of the determinant bundle, we show in
$\S 3$ that global sections of the dual determinant bundle can be
computed in a very natural form. The construction of
$\tau$-functions and Baker functions is based on the algebraic
version, given in $\S4$, of the group $\Gamma$ of continuous maps
$S^1\to{\Bbb C}^*$ defined by Segal-Wilson ([{\bf SW}]) which acts
as a group of automorphisms of the Grassmannians. We replace the
$\Gamma$ by the representant of the following functor over the
category of
$$S\rightsquigarrow H^0(S,\o_S)((z))^*=
H^0(S,\o_S)[[z]][z^{-1}]^*$$ This is one of the points where our
view differs essentially from other known expositions ([{\bf A}],
[{\bf AD}], [{\bf SW}], [{\bf SS}]). Usually, the elements of
$\Gamma$ are described as developments, of the type
$f=\sum_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\lambda_i\,z^i$ ($\lambda_k\in{\Bbb
C}$), but in the present formalism the elements of $\Gamma$ with
values in a
$k$-algebra $A$ are developments
$f=\sum_{i\geq -N}^{}\lambda_i\,z^i\in A((z))$ such that
$\lambda_{-1},\dots,\lambda_{-N}$ are nilpotent elements of $A$.
In future papers we shall apply the formalism offered here to
arithmetic problems (Drinfeld moduli schemes and reprocity laws)
and shall give an algebraic formalism of the theory of KP-equations
related to the characterization of Jacobians and Prym varieties. We
also hope that this formalism might clarify the algebro-geometric
aspects of conformal field theories over base fields different from
$\Bbb R$ or $\Bbb C$ in the spirit of the paper of E.~Witten ([{\bf
\section{Infinite Grassmannians\label{grass-section}}
Let $V$ be a vector space over a field $k$.
\begin{defn}{(Tate [{\bf T}])} Two vector spaces $A$ and $B$ of
$V$ are commensurable if ${A+B}/{A\cap B}$ is a vector space over
$k$ of finite dimension. We shall use the symbol
$A\sim B$ to denote commensurable vector subspaces.
Let us observe that commensurability is an equivalence relation
between vector subspaces. The addition and intersection of two
vector subspaces commensurable with a vector subspace $A$ is also
commensurable with $A$.
Let us fix a vector subspace $V^+\subseteq V$. The equivalence class
of vector subspaces commensurable with $V^+$ allows one to define
on $V$ a topology, which will be called
$V^+$-topology: a basis of neighbourhoods of $0$ in this topology
is the set of vector subspaces of $V$ commensurable with $V^+$.
$V$ is a Haussdorff topological space with respect to the
The completion of $V$ with respect to the
$V^+$-topology is defined by:
$$ \w V= \underset{A\sim V^+}{\varprojlim} ( V/A)$$
Analogously, given a vector subspace $B\subseteq V$ we define the
completions of $B$ and $ V/B$ with respect to $B\cap V^+$ and
${B+V^+}/{B}$, respectively.
The homomorphism of completion $V@>i>> \w V$ is injective and $V$
is said to be complete if $V@>i>> \w V$ is an isomorphism.
\item $(V, V^+=0)$; $V$ is complete.
\item $V=k((t)),$ $V^+=k[[t]]$; $V$ is complete.
\item Let $(X, \o_X)$ be a smooth, proper and irreducible curve
over the field $k$, and let $V$ be the ring of adeles of the curve
and $V^+=\underset p{\prod} \w {\o_p}$ ( $\o_p$ being the $\frak
m_p$-adic completion of the local ring of $X$ in the point $p$);
$V$ is complete with respect the
\begin{prop} The following conditions are equivalent:
\item $V$ is complete.
\item $V^+$ is complete.
\item Each vector subspace commensurable with $V^+$ is complete.
\begin{pf} This follows easily from the following commutative
diagram for every $A\sim V^+$:
$$ \CD 0 @>>> \widehat{A} @>>> \widehat{V} @>>> \widehat{ V/A}
@>>> 0 \\ @. @A{i_A}AA @A{i_V}AA @A{\simeq}AA @. \\ 0 @>>> A
@>>> V @>>> V/A @>>> 0
\begin{defn} Given a $k$-scheme $S$ and a vector subspace
$B\subseteq V$, we define:
\item $\w V_S=
\lim ( V / A\underset k{\otimes}{\cal O}_S).$
\item $\widehat B_S=\lim ( {B} /{ A\cap B}) \underset
k{\otimes}{\cal O}_S$.
\item$\widehat{( V/B)}_S=\lim (( {V}/{A+B})\underset k{\otimes}
{\cal O}_S)$.
$\w{ V_S}$ is a sheaf of $\o_S$-modules and given $B\sim V^+$, we
$$\w{(V/B)_S}={\w{ V_S}}/{\w{ B_S}}=(V/B)\underset k{\otimes} \o_S$$
\begin{pf} This is an easy exercise of linear algebra.
Let $V$ be a $k$-vector space and $V^+$ a vector subspace
determining a class of commensurable vector subspaces.
A discrete vector subspace of $V$ is a vector subspace,
$L\subseteq V$, such that $L\cap V^+$ and
${V}/{L+V^+}$ are $k$-vector spaces of finite dimension.
We aim to define a Grassmannian scheme $\gr(V,V^+)$, defining its
functor of points $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$ and proving that it is
representable in the category of $k$-schemes.
If $V$ is complete, the rational points of our Grassmannian will
be precisely the discrete vector spaces of $V$; that is,
$\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)(\spk)$ as a set coincides with the usual
infinite Grassmannian defined by Pressley and Segal [{\bf PS}] or
M. and Y. Sato [{\bf SS}].
Given a $k$-scheme $S$, a discrete submodule of $\w{V_S}$ is a
sheaf of quasi-coherent
$\o_S$-submodules $\L \subset \w{V_S}$ such that $\L_{S'}\subset
\w{V_{S'}}$ for every morphism $S'\to S$ and for each
$s\in S$, $\L\underset{\o_S}\otimes k(s)\subset
\w{V_S}\underset{\o_S}\otimes k(s)$ and there exists an open
$U_s$ of
$s$ and a commensurable $k$-vector subspace $B\sim V^+$ such that:
$\L_{U_s}\cap \w{B_{U_s}}$ is free of finite type and
${\w{V_{U_s}}}/{\L_{U_s}+ \w{B_{U_s}}}=0.$
\begin{prop} \label{prop-loc-free} With the notations of the above
definition, given another commensurable
$k$-vector space, $B'\sim V^+$, such that $B\subseteq B'$,
$\L_{U_s}\cap \w{{B'}_{U_s}}$ is locally free of finite type.
\begin{pf} This follows easily from the commutative diagram
\CD 0 @>>> \w {B_{U_s}} @>>> \w {{B'}_{U_s}} @>>> (( B'/{B})
\underset k{\otimes} {\cal O}_{U_s})= {\w {B'_{U_s}}}/{\w
{B_{U_s}}} @>>> 0
\\ @. @VVV @VVV @VVV @. \\ 0 @>>> {\w {V_{U_s}}}/{\L _{U_s}} @>>>
{\w {V_{U_s}}}/{\L _{U_s}} @>>> 0 @>>> 0
\endCD$$ using the snake Lemma.
\begin{defn} Given a $k$-vector space $V$ and
$V^+\subseteq V$, the Grassmannian functor, $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$, is
the contravariant functor over the category of
$k$-schemes defined by
\begin{gathered} \text{discrete sub-$\o_S$-modules of $\w{V_S}$} \\
\text{with respect the $V^+$-topology} \end{gathered}
\begin{rem} Note that if $V$ is a finite dimensional
$k$-vector space and
$V^+=(0)$, then $\fu{\gr}(V,(0))$ is the usual Grassmannian functor
defined by Grothendieck [{\bf EGA}].
\begin{defn} Given a commensurable vector subspace
$A\sim V^+$, the functor $\fu{F_A}$ over the category of $k$-schemes
is defined by:
$$\fu{F_A}(S)=\{\text{ sub-$\o_S$-modules $\L\subset \w {V_S}$
such that $\L\oplus \w {A_S}=\w {V_S}$ }\}$$ (That is: $ \L \cap
\w {A_S}=(0)$ and $ \L + \w {A_S}= \w {V_S}$).
\begin{lem}\label{Frepre} For every commensurable subspace $B\sim
V^+$, the contravariant functor $\fu{F_B}$ is representable by an
affine and integral $k$-scheme $F_B$.
\begin{pf} Let $L_0$ be a discrete $k$-subspace of $V$ such that
$L_0\oplus B = V$; we then have:
$$ F_B(S)=\fu {Hom}_{\o_S}((\L_0)_S,\w B_S) =\lim
\fu{Hom}_{\o_S}((\L_0)_S,{ B}/{B\cap A}\underset
If we denote by $F_{ B/{{B\cap A}}}(S)$ the set
$\fu{ Hom}_{\o_S}((\L_0)_S, B/{B\cap A}{\underset k{\otimes}{\cal
O}_S)})$, it is obvious that the functor
$F_{ B/{{B\cap A}}}(S)$ is representable by an affine and integral
$k$-scheme since $ B/{{B\cap A}}$ is a finite dimensional
$k$-vector space. But $\fu{F_B}$ is now a projective limit of
functors representable by affine schemes, so we conclude that
$\fu{F_B}$ is representable by an affine $k$-scheme.
\begin{lem}\label{anterior} Let $\L$ be an element in
$\fu{\gr}_{V^+}(V)(S)$ and $A$ and $B$ are two $k$-subspaces of
$V$ commensurable with $V^+$. It holds that:
\item{a)} if ${\w V_{S}} /{\L+ \w A_{S}} =0$, then
$\L\cap \w A_{S}$ is a finite type locally free of $\o_S$-module.
\item{b)} ${\w V_{S}} /{\L+ \w B_{S}}$ is an
$\o_S$-module locally of finite presentation.
\item{a)} By proposition {\ref{prop-loc-free}}, for each point
$s\in S$ there exists an open neighbourhood $U_s$ and a
commensurable $k$ subspace
$A'\sim V^+$ such that: $A\subseteq A'$,
$ { \w V_{U_s}}/{\L_{U_s}+
\w A'_{U_s}} =0$ and $\L_{U_s}\cap \w A'_{U_s}$ is free of finite
From the exact sequence:
$$0\to \L\cap \w A_{S} \to \L
\to ({\w V_S}/{\w A_{S}})= ( V/A)_S\to 0$$
one deduces that $\L\cap \w A_{S}$ is quasicoherent and
$$0\to (\L\cap \w A_{S})_{U_s} \to \L_{U_s} \to ({\w V_{U_s}}/{\w
A_{U_s}})=( V/A)_{U_s} \to 0$$ Let us consider the commutative
$$\CD 0 @>>> \L\oplus \w {A_S} @>>>
\L\oplus \w {{A'}_S } @>>> ( {A'}/ A)_S @>>> 0
\\ @. @VVV @VVV @VVV @. \\ 0 @>>> \w{V_S} @>>> \w {V_S} @>>> 0
@>>> 0
\endCD$$ By using the snake lemma we have an exact sequence:
$$0\to (\L_{S}\cap \w A_{S})
\to \L_{S} \cap \w A'_{S} \to ( A'/A)_{S} \to {\w{V}_{S}}
/{{\L_{S}}+ \w{ A }_{S}}\to {\w{ V}_{S}}/{{\L_{S}}+ \w{
A'}_{S}}\to 0$$ In our conditions for $A$ and $A'$ we have:
$$0\to (\L_{U_s}\cap\w A_{U_s})
\to \L_{U_s} \cap \w A'_{U_s} \to ( A'/A)_{U_s} \to 0$$ Then,
$(\L\cap \w A_{S})_{U_s}=
\L_{U_s}\cap\w A_{U_s}$ is the kernel of a surjective homomorphism
between two free $\o_{U_s} $-modules of finite type, and we
conclude the proof.
\item{b)} For a given $s\in S$, let us take $B\subseteq B'$ such
$B'\sim V^+$ is a commensurable subspace,
$\L_{U_s} \cap \w{B'}_{U_s}$ is free of finite type and
${\w{ V}_{U_s}} /{{\L_{U_s}}+ \w{ B'}_{U_s}}=0 $. We then have the
exact sequence:
$$ \L_{U_s} \cap \w{B'}_{U_s}\to
B'/B \underset k\otimes \o_{U_s} \to
{\w{ V}_{U_s}} /{{\L_{U_s}}+ \w{ B }_{U_s}} \to 0 $$ and so we
\begin{thm} The functor $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$ is representable by a
\begin{pf} The proof is modeled on the Grothendieck construction
of finite Grassmannians [{\bf EGA}]; that is:
It is sufficient to prove that $\{\fu{F_A}, A\sim V^+\}$ is a
covering of $\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$ by open subfunctors:
\item {1)}{\sl For every $A\sim V^+$, the morphism of functors
$\fu{F_A}\to \fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$ is representable by an open
\newline That is, given morphism of functors
$X^{\punt}\to \fu{\gr}(V,V^+)$ (where $X$ is a $k$-scheme), the
$$X^\punt \underset{\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)}\times \fu{F_A}
\hookrightarrow X^\punt $$ is represented by an open subscheme of
$X$. This is equivalent to proving that given $\L \in
\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)(X)$, the set :
$${\cal U}(A,\L)=\{x\in X\quad\text{ such that }\quad\L_x=
\L\underset{\o_X}\otimes k(x)\in F_A(\sp(k(x)))\}$$ is open in $X$.
\newline If $\L_x \in F_A(\sp(k(x))$, then:
$$ {\w V_{k(x)}}/{{\L_x} + \w A_{k(x)}} =0$$ but ${\w V_{X}}/{\L
+ \w {A_X}}$ is a $\o_X$-module of finite presentation and,
applying the lemma of Nakayama, there exists an open neighbourhood
$U_x$ of
$x$, such that
$${\w V_{U_x}}/{\L_{U_x}+\w A_{U_x}}=0$$
\newline By lemma {\ref{anterior}}, $\L_{U_x}\cap \w {A_{U_x}}$ is
$\o_{U_x}$-module coherent. However, bearing in mind that $\L_x
\cap \w {A_{k(x)} }=0$, there exists another open neighbourhood of
$x$, $U'_x\subseteq U_x$, such that $\L_{U'_x}\cap \w
{A_{U'_x}}=0$ and therefore
$\L_{U'_x}\in F_A({U'}_x)$.
\item{2)} {\sl For every $k$-scheme $X$ and every morphism of
the open subschemes $\{ {\cal U}(A,\L),\, A\sim
V^+\}$ defined above are a covering of $X$.}
\newline That is, given $\L \in \fu{\gr}(V,V^+)(X)$ and a point
$x\in X$, there exists an open neighbourhood, $U_x$, of $x$ and a
commensurable subspace $A\sim V^+$ such that:
$$\L_{{U }_x}\in F_A({U }_x)$$ Let $A$ be a commensurable
subspace such that:
$$ \L_x \cap \w {A_{k(x)}} =0$$ since $ {\w V_{k(x)}}/{\L_x+ \w{
A_{k(x)}}}$ is a
$k(x)$-vector space of finite dimension, we can choose a basis
$(\overline {e_1 \otimes 1},
\dots,\overline {e_k\otimes 1})$ of $ {\w {V_{k(x)}}}/{ \L _x+ \w{
A_{k(x)}}}$ where
$e_i\in V$. Defining
$$B=A+\langle e_1,\dots,e_k\rangle$$ obviously $B\sim V^+$. One can
easily prove that there exists an open subset ${U'}_x \subseteq U$
such that
$\L_{{U'}_x} \in F_B({U'}_x)$ and this completes the proof of the
\begin{lem}\label{anterior2} Let $A$, $B$ be two $k$-vector spaces
of $V$ commensurable with $V^+$. A necessary and sufficient
condition for the existence of $\L\in\fu{\gr}(V,V^+)(S)$ such that
$\L\oplus\w{A_S}=\L\oplus\w{B_S}=\w{V_S}$, is that there should
exist an isomorphism of $k$-vector spaces
$$\tau: B/{A\cap B}\iso A /{A\cap B}$$
\begin{pf} Let us consider the decomposition:
$$ \w {V_S}= \w {(A\cap B)_S}\oplus
\left( B /{A\cap B}\right)_S\oplus
\left( { A /{A\cap B}}\right)_S\oplus \left( V/ {A+B}\right)_S$$
If the isomorphism $\tau$ exists, we take:
$$\L=\left\{(a,b,\tau(b)), \quad a \in \left( V/ {A+B}\right)_S
,\quad b\in \left( B/ {B\cap A}\right)_S \right\}$$ Conversely,
assume that $\L\oplus\w{A_S}=\L\oplus\w {B_S}=\w{V_S}$. We then
$$\L \oplus \left( B /{B\cap A}\right)_S\oplus
\left(\w{B\cap A}\right)_S\simeq
\L \oplus \w {B _S}\simeq
\L\oplus \w{ A _S}\simeq
\L \oplus \left( A/ {A\cap B}\right)_S \oplus
\left(\w {B\cap A}\right)_S$$
from which we deduce that:
$$\left( B /{A\cap B}\right)_S\simeq
\left( A/{A\cap B}\right)_S$$
$\gr(V,V^+)$ is a separated scheme.
\begin{pf} Let $F_B=\sp(A_B) =({\cal U}_B) $ be the affine open
subschemes of the Grassmannian constructed in lemma {\ref{Frepre}}.
It suffices to prove that given two commensurable subspaces $B'$
and $B$ such that $F_B\cap F_{B'}\neq\emptyset$ then $F_B\cap
F_{B'}$ is affine.
By lemma {\ref{anterior2}}
$$ F_B\cap F_{B'} \neq \emptyset$$ implies the existence of
$\L_0\in{F_B}(\spk)\cap F_{B'}(\spk)$ and bearing in mind that
$$ \fu{F_B} \cap\fu{F_{B'}} =
\fu{F_B} \underset{\fu{F_{B+B'}}}\times\fu{F_{B'}} $$ we conclude
the proof.
\begin{defn} The discrete submodule corresponding to the identity
$$Id\in \fu{\gr} (V,V^+)\left(\gr(V,V^+)\right)$$ will be called
the universal module and will be denoted by $$\L_V
\subset \w V_{\gr(V,V^+) }$$
\begin{rem} In this section we have constructed infinite-dimensional
Grassmannian schemes in an abstract way. Since we select particular
vector spaces $(V,V^+)$ we obtain different classes of
Grassmannians. Two examples are relevant:
\item $V=k((t))$, $V^+=k[[t]]$. In this case, $\gr(k((t)),k[[t]])$
is the algebraic version of the Grassmannian constructed by
Pressley, Segal, and M. and Y. Sato ([{\bf PS}], [{\bf SS}]) and
this Grassmannian is particularly suitable for studying problems
related to the moduli of curves (over arbitrary fields) and
\item Let $(X,\o_X)$ be a smooth, proper and irreducible curve over
the field $k$ and let $V$ be the adeles ring over the curve and
$V^+=\underset p\prod
\w{\o_p}$ (Example 1.3.3). In this case $\gr(V,V^+)$ is an adelic
Grassmannian which will be useful for studying arithmetic problems
over the curve $X$ or problems related to the classification of
vector bundles over a curve (non abelian theta functions...).
\newline Instead of adelic Grassmanians, we could define
Grassmanians associated with a fixed divisor on $X$ in an analogous
\newline These adelic Grassmanians will be also of interest in the
study of conformal field theories over Riemann surfaces in the
sense of Witten ([{\bf W}]).
\begin{rem} From the universal properties satisfied by the
Grassmannian one easily deduces the well known fact that given a
geometric point $W\in \gr(V)(Spec(K))$ ($k\hookrightarrow K$ being
an extension of fields), the Zariski tangent space to $\gr(V)$ at
the point $W$ is the
$K$-vector space:
$$T_W \gr(V)=Hom(W, \w{V_K}/W)$$
\section{Determinant Bundles \label{det-bundles}}
In this section we construct the determinant bundle over the
Grassmannian following the idea of Knudsen and Mumford
([{\bf{KM}}]). This allow us to define determinants algebraically
and over arbitrary fields (for example for $k=\Bbb Q$ or $k={\Bbb
Let us set a pair of vector spaces, $V^+\subseteq V$. As in section
{\ref{grass-section}}, we will denote the Grassmannian
$\gr(V,V^+)$ simply by $\grv$.
\begin{defn} For each $A\sim V^+$ and each $L\in\grv(S)$ we define
a complex,
$\c_A(L)$, of $\o_S$-modules by:
$$\c_A(L) \equiv \dots\to 0\to L\oplus \hat A_S @>{\delta}>> \hat
V_S\to 0\to\dots$$
$\delta$ being the addition homomorphism.
$\c_A(L)$ is a perfect complex of $\o_S$-modules.
\begin{pf} We have to prove that the complex of $\c_A(L)$ is locally
quasi-isomorphic to a bounded complex of free finitely-generated
Let us note that the homomorphism of complexes given by the diagram:
\dots @>>> 0 @>>> L\oplus \hat A_S @>{\delta}>>\hat V_S @>>> 0
@>>> \dots
\\@. @. @V{p_1}VV @VVV @. @. \\
\dots@>>> 0 @>>> L @>{\phantom\delta}>> ( V/A)_S^{\hat{}} @>>> 0
\endCD$$ ($p_1$ being the natural projection) is a
quasi-isomorphism. The problem is local on $S$, and hence for each
$s\in S$ we can assume the existence of an open neighbourhood, $U$,
and a commensurable subspace $B\sim V^+$ such that $A\subseteq B$
$$ \hat V_U/{(L_U,\hat B_U)} = 0\qquad,\qquad L_U\cap \hat B_U
\text{ is free and finitely-generated}$$ We then have the exact
$$0 \to L_U\cap\hat A_U \to L_U\cap\hat B_U \to ( B/A)_U \to{\hat
V_U}/{(L_U+\hat A_U)} \to 0$$ from which we deduce that the
homomorphism of complexes given by the following diagram is a
\dots @>>> 0 @>>> L_U\cap\hat B_U @>>>( B/A)^{\hat{}}_U @>>> 0
\\ @. @. @VVV @VVV @. @.\\
\dots @>>> 0 @>>> L_U @>>> ( V/A)^{\hat{}}_U @>>> 0 @>>>\dots
\endCD$$ That is, $\c_A(L)\vert_U$ is quasi-isomorphic to the
$0 \to L_U\cap\hat B_U \to ( B/A)_U \to 0$, which is a complex of
free and finitely-generated modules.
\begin{defn} The index of a point $L\in\grv(S)$ is the locally
constant function
$i_L\colon S\to\Z$ defined by:
$$i_L(s)=\text{ Euler-Poincar\'e characteristic of }
\c_{V^+}(L)\otimes k(s)$$
$k(s)$ being the residual field of the point $s\in S$. (For the
definition of the Euler-Poincar\'e characteristic of a perfect
complex see {\rm [{\bf{KM}}]}).
\begin{rem} The following properties of the index are easy to
\item Let $f:T\to S$ be a morphism of schemes and $L\in\grv(S)$;
then: $i_{f^*L}=f^*(i_L)$.
\item The function $i$ is constantly zero over the open subset
\item If $B\sim V^+$, $V^+\subseteq B$ and ${\hat V_U}/{L_U+\hat
B_U}=0$ over an open subscheme $U\subseteq S$, then
$i_L(s)=\dim_{k(s)}(L_s\cap \hat B_s)-\dim_{k(s)}({B_s}/{V^+_s})$.
\item If $V$ is a finite-dimensional $k$-vector space and $V^+=V$
and $L\in\grv(S)$, then $i_L=\operatorname{rank}(L)$.
\item For any rational point $L\in\grv(\spk)$ one has:
$$i_L=\dim_k(L\cap V^+)-\dim_k({\hat V}/{L+\hat V^+})$$
\begin{thm} Let $\gr^n(V)$ be the subset over which the index takes
values equal to $n\in\Z$. $\gr^n(V)$ are open connected
subschemes of
$\grv$ and the decomposition of $\grv$ in connected components is:
\begin{pf} This is obvious from the properties of the index.
Given a point $L\in\grv(S)$ and $A\sim V^+$, we denote by
$\det\c_A(L)$ the determinant sheaf of the perfect complex
$\c_A(L)$ in the sense of [{\bf{KM}}].
\begin{thm} With the above notations the invertible sheaf over $S$,
$\det\c_A(L)$, does not depend on $A$ (up to isomorphisms).
\begin{pf} Let $A$ and $A'$ be two commen\-surable subspaces. It
suffices to prove that:
$$\det\c_A(L)\iso\det\c_{A'}(L)$$ in the case $A\subseteq A'$. In
this case we have a diagram:
\dots@>>> 0@>>> \L\oplus\hat A_S @>{\delta}>>\hat V_S @>>>0@>>>\dots
\\ @. @. @VVV @V{Id}VV @. @. \\
\dots@>>>0@>>>\L\oplus\hat A'_S @>{\delta}>>\hat V_S @>>>0@>>>\dots
\endCD$$ and by the additivity of the functor $\det(-)$ we obtain:
$$\det\c_A(L)\otimes\det( {A'}/A)_S\iso \det\c_{A'}(L)$$ However $
{A'}/A$ is free and we conclude the proof.
\begin{defn} The determinant bundle over $\grv$, $\det_V$, is the
invertible sheaf: $$\det\c_{V^+}(\L_V)$$
$\L_V$ being the universal submodule over $\grv$.
\begin{prop}{(Functoriality)} Let $L\in\grv(S)$ be a point given
by a morphism $f_L:S\to\grv$. There exists a functorial isomorphism:
$$f^*_L\det_V\iso\det\c_A(L)$$ We shall denote this sheaf by
\begin{pf} The functor $\det(-)$ is stable under base changes.
\begin{rem} Let $L\in\grv(\sp(K))$ be a rational point and let
$A\sim V^+$ such that $L\cap \hat A_K$ and ${\hat V_K}/{L+\hat
A_K}$ are
$K$-vector spaces of finite dimension. In this case we have an
\wedge^{max}(L\cap\hat A_K)\otimes\wedge^{max}( {\hat V_K}/{(L+\hat
A_K)})^\ast$$ That is, our determinant coincides, over the
geometric points, with the determinant bundles of Pressley, Segal,
Wilson and M. and Y. Sato ([{\bf PS}], [{\bf SW}], [{\bf SS}]).
We shall now state with precision the connection between the
determinant bundle $\det_V$ and the determinant bundle over the
finite Grassmannianns.
Let $L,L'\in\grv(\spk)$ such that $L\subseteq L'$. In these
${L'}/L$ is a $k$-vector space of finite dimension. The natural
projection $\pi:L'\to{L'}/L$ induces an injective morphism of
$$\fu\gr({L'}/L)\hookrightarrow\fu\gr(V)$$ defined by:
$$j(M)=\pi^{-1}(M)\qquad\text{for each }M\in\fu\gr({L'}/L)(S)$$ We
then have a morphism of schemes:
$$j:\gr({L'}/L)\hookrightarrow\grv$$ It is not difficult to prove
that $j$ is a closed immersion.
\begin{thm} With the above notations, there exists a natural
$\det_{{L'}/L}$ being the determinant bundle over the finite
Grassmannian $\gr({L'}/L)$.
Let $\L^f$ be the universal submodule over
$\gr({L'}/L)$. By definition $\det_{{L'}/L}=\det(\L^f\to{L'}/L)$,
which is isomorphic to $\det(\pi^{-1}\L^f\to L')$. By the
definition of $j$, one has $j^*\L_V\iso\pi^{-1}\L^f$ and hence:
$$j^*\det_V\simeq\det(\pi^{-1}\L^f\oplus\hat V^+\to\hat V)$$ and
from the exact sequence of complexes:
\pi^{-1}\L^f @>>> \pi^{-1}\L^f\oplus \hat V^+ @>>> \hat V^+
\\ @VVV @VVV @VVV \\ L' @>>> \hat V @>>> {\hat V}/{L'}
\endCD$$ we deduce that $j^*\det_V\simeq\det_{{L'}/L}$.
\begin{cor} Let $i$ be the index function over $\grv$. For each
rational point
$M\in\gr({L'}/L)$ one has:
\begin{pf} Obvious.
\subsection{Global sections of the determinant bundles and
Pl\"ucker morphisms \label{det-section}}
It is well known that the determinant bundle have no global
sections. We shall therefore explicitly construct global sections
of the dual of the determinant bundle over the connected component
$\gr^0(V)$ of index zero.
We use the following notations: $\wedge^\bullet E$ is the exterior
algebra of a $k$-vector space $E$; $\wedge^r E$ its component of
degree $r$, and $\wedge E$ is the component of higher degree when
$E$ is finite-dimensional.
Given a perfect complex $\c$ over $k$-scheme $X$, we shall write
$\det^*\c$ to denote the dual of the invertible sheaf $\det\c$.
To explain how global sections of the invertible sheaf $\det^*\c$
can be constructed, let us begin with a very simple example:
\noindent Let $f:E\to F$ be a homomorphism between
finite-dimensional $k$-vector spaces of equal dimension. This
homomorphism induces:
$$\wedge(f):\wedge E\to\wedge F$$ and $\wedge(f)\ne 0 \iff f$ is an
$\wedge(f)$ can be expressed as a homomorphism:
$$\wedge(f):k\to \wedge F\otimes (\wedge E)^*$$ Thus, if we
consider $E@>{f}>> F$ as a perfect complex, $\c$, over $\spk$, we
have defined a {\bf canonical section}
$\wedge(f)\in H^0(\spk,\det^*\c)$.
Let us now consider a perfect complex
$\c\equiv(E@>{f}>>F)$ of sheaves of $\o_X$-modules over a
$k$-scheme $X$, with Euler-Poincar\'e characteristic
${\cal X}(\c)=0$. Let $U$ be an open subscheme of $X$ over which
$\c$ is quasi-isomorphic to a complex of finitely-generated free
modules. By the above argument, we construct a canonical section
$det(f\vert_U)\in H^0(U,\det^*\c)$ and for other open subset,
$V$, there is a canonical isomorphism $det(f\vert_U)\vert_{U\cap
V}\simeq det(f\vert_V)\vert_{U\cap V}$ and we therefore have a
canonical section $\det(f)\in H^0(X,\det^*\c)$. If the complex
$\c$ is acyclic, one has an isomorphism:
\o_X &\iso\det^\ast\c\\ 1 &\mapsto det(f)
\endaligned$$ (for details see [{\bf KM}]).
Let $0\to H^\bullet\to\c_1\to\c_2\to 0$ be an exact sequence of
perfect complexes. There exists a functorial isomorphism
$$\det^\ast\c_1\iso \det^\ast
H^\bullet\otimes_{\o_X}\det^\ast\c_2$$ If $H^\bullet$ is acyclic,
we obtain an isomorphism
$$ H^0(X,\det^\ast\c_2)\iso
H^0(X,\det^\ast\c_1)$$ In the case $H^\bullet\equiv (E @>{Id}>>
$\c_1\equiv (V@>{f}>>V)$, $\c_2\equiv (F @>{f'}>>F)$, and ${\cal
X}(\c_i)=0$ ($i=1,2$), we obtain the following commutative diagram:
\o_X @>{\sim}>>\det^\ast H^\bullet\otimes\o_X \simeq\o_X
\\@VVV @VVV \\
\det^\ast\c_1 @>{\sim}>>
\det^\ast H^\bullet\otimes\det^\ast\c_2\simeq\det^\ast\c_2
\endCD$$ from which we deduce that $det(f)=det(f')$. Moreover, if
$F$ is locally free of finite rank, this means that computation of
$det(f)$ is reduced to computation of
$det(f')$, as mentioned above.
Let $V$ be a $k$-vector space and $V^+\subseteq V$ and $A\sim V^+$
a commensurable vector subspace. Let us consider the perfect
complex $\c_A\equiv(\L\oplus \hat A@>{\delta_A}>>\hat V)$ over
$\grv$ defined in {\ref{det-bundles}} ($\L$ being the universal
discrete submodule over $\grv$).
$F_A\subseteq\gr^0(V)$ if and only if
$$\dim_k( A/{A\cap V^+})-\dim_k({V^+}/{A\cap V^+})=0$$
\begin{pf} Obvious.
\begin{cor} The open subschemes $F_A$ with $\dim_k( A/{A\cap
V^+})-\dim_k({V^+}/{A\cap V^+})=0$ are a covering of
$\gr^0(V)$. Given $A,B\sim V^+$ under the assumption
$F_A,F_B\subseteq\gr^0(V)$ one has $\dim_k( A/{A\cap B})-\dim_k(
B/{A\cap B})=0$.
\begin{pf} Obvious.
Given $A\sim V^+$ with $F_A\subseteq \gr^0(V)$, let us note that
$\c_A\vert_{F_A}$ is an acyclic complex. One then has an
\det^\ast\c_A\vert_{F_A}\\ 1 &\mapsto s_A=det(\delta_A)\vert_{F_A}
\endaligned$$ We shall prove that the section
$s_A\in H^0(F_A,\det^*\c_A)$ can be extended in a canonical way
to a global section of $\det^*\c_A$ over the Grassmannian
Let $B\sim V^+$ be such that $F_B\subseteq\gr^0(V)$ and let us
consider the complex:
$$\c_{AB}\equiv(\L\oplus \hat A@>{\delta_{AB}}>>
\L\oplus \hat B)$$ where $\delta_{AB}=\delta_B^{-1}\circ\delta_A$.
Obviously $\delta_{AB}\vert_{(0,\hat A\cap\hat B)}= Id_{\hat
A\cap\hat B}$ and
$\delta_{AB}\vert_{(\L,0)}= Id_\L$, we then have an exact sequence
of complexes:
@. @. @. A/{A\cap B}
\\ @. @. @. @V{\simeq}VV \\ 0@>>>\L\oplus(\hat A\cap\hat B)
@>>>\L\oplus\hat A @>>>
{(\L\oplus\hat A)}/{\L\oplus(\hat A\cap\hat B)}@>>>0
\\ @. @V{Id}VV @V{\delta_{AB}}VV @V{\phi_{AB}}VV @. \\ 0
@>>>\L\oplus(\hat A\cap\hat B) @>>>\L\oplus\hat B @>>>
{(\L\oplus\hat B)}/{\L\oplus(\hat A\cap\hat B)}@>>> 0
\\ @. @. @. @V{\simeq}VV \\ @. @. @. B/{A\cap B} \\
\endCD$$ and from the discussion at the beginning of this section
we have that $det(\phi_{AB})=det(\delta_{AB})\in
H^0(F_B,\det^\ast\c_{AB})$ and $det(\delta_{AB})$ satisfies the
cocycle condition:
$$\aligned &det(\delta_{AA})=1 \\ &det(\delta_{AB})\cdot
det(\delta_{BC}) = det(\delta_{AC})
\qquad\text{over $F_B\cap F_C$ for any }C\sim V^+
Over $F_A\cap F_B$ we have canonical isomorphisms:
\o_{F_A\cap F_B}&\iso \det^\ast\c_A\vert_{F_A\cap F_B} \\ 1&\mapsto
s_A \endaligned$$
\o_{F_A\cap F_B}&\iso \det^\ast\c_B\vert_{F_A\cap F_B} \\ 1&\mapsto
s_B \endaligned$$
\o_{F_A\cap F_B}&\iso \det^\ast\c_{AB}\vert_{F_A\cap F_B} \\
1&\mapsto det(\delta_{AB}) \endaligned$$ which are compatible,
$$(s_B\cdot det(\delta_{AB}))\vert_{F_A\cap F_B}= s_A\vert_{F_A\cap
$s_B\cdot det(\delta_{AB})$ being the image of $s_B\otimes
det(\delta_{AB})$ by the homomorphism:
$$ H^0(F_B,\det^\ast\c_B)\otimes
H^0(F_B,\det^\ast\c_A)$$ defined by the isomorphism of sheaves:
$$\det\c_A\simeq \det\c_B\otimes \wedge( A/{A\cap B})\otimes
\wedge( B/{A\cap B})^\ast\simeq
\begin{defn} The global section
$\omega_A\in H^0(\gr^0(V),\det^*\c_A)$ defined by:
$$\{s_B\cdot det(\delta_{AB})\}_{B\sim V^+}$$
will be called the canonical section of $\det^\ast\c_A$.
This result allows us to compute many global sections of
$\detd_V=\det\c_{V^+}$ over $\gr^0(V)$:
\noindent Given $A\sim V^+$ such that $F_A\subseteq\gr^0(V)$ the
isomorphism $\det^*\c_A\iso\detd_V$ is not canonical, and in fact
we have a canonical isomorphism:
$$\det^*\c_A\iso\detd_V\otimes\bigwedge( A/{A\cap V^+})\otimes
\bigwedge({V^+}/{A\cap V^+})^*$$ Therefore to give an isomorphism
$\det^*\c_A\iso\detd_V$ depends on the choice of bases for the
vector spaces
$ A/{A\cap V^+}$ and ${V^+}/{A\cap V^+}$.
\subsection{Computations for finite-dimensional
Let $V$ be a d-dimensional $k$-vector space with a basis
$\{e_1,\dots,e_d\}$, let $\{e^\ast_1,\dots,e^\ast_d\}$ be its dual
basis, and $V^+=<e_{k+1},\dots,e_d>\subseteq V$. In
this case $\gr^0(V,V^+)$ is the Grassmannian of $V$
classifying $k$-dimensional vector subspaces of $V$. Given a
family of indexes $1\leq i_1<\dots< i_l\leq d$ ($1\le l\le d$), let
$A(i_1,\dots,i_l)$ be the vector subspace generated by
$\{e_{i_1},\dots,e_{i_l}\}$. One has that $F_A\subseteq\gr^0(V)$ is
equivalent to saying that $l=d-k$.
Let us set $A=A(i_1,\dots,i_{d-k})$. Now, the canonical section
$\omega_A\in H^0(\gr^0(V),\det^\ast\c_A)$ is the section whose
value at the point $L=<l_1,\dots,l_k>\in\gr^0(V)$ is given by:
\otimes l^\ast_1\wedge\dots\wedge l^\ast_k
\in\wedge V/A\otimes\wedge L^\ast=(\det^\ast\c_A)_L$$
$\{l^\ast_1,\dots,l^\ast_k\}$ being the dual basis of
$\{l_1,\dots,l_k\}$ and
$\pi_A\colon L\to V/A$ the natural projection. Note that
$\{e_{j_1},\dots,e_{j_k}\}$ is a basis of $V/A$ where
$\{j_1,\dots,j_k\}=\{1,\dots,d\}-\{i_1,\dots,i_{d-k}\}$, and
that its dual basis is $\{e^\ast_{j_1},\dots,e^\ast_{j_k}\}$ in $(
V/A)^\ast\subset V^\ast$. We have now:
$$\omega_A(L)= (e^\ast_{j_1}\wedge\dots\wedge e^\ast_{j_k})
(l_1\wedge \dots\wedge l_k)\cdot e_{j_1}\wedge\dots\wedge
e_{j_k}\otimes l^\ast_1\wedge \dots\wedge l^\ast_k$$
Observe that the $k$-vector space
$$\wedge( A/{A\cap V^+})^*\otimes\wedge( V^+/{A\cap V^+})$$
is generated by:
$$e_A=e^*_{m_1}\wedge\dots\wedge e^*_{m_r}\otimes
e_{n_1}\wedge\dots\wedge e_{n_r}$$
\endaligned$$ And tensorializing by $e_A$ gives an isomorphism:
$$ H^0(\gr^0(V),\det^\ast\c_A) @>{\otimes e_A}>>
Let $\Omega_A$ be the image of the canonical section
$\omega_A$. The explicit expression of $\Omega_A$ is:
(e^*_{j_1}\wedge\dots\wedge e^*_{j_k})(l_1\wedge \dots\wedge l_k)
e_1\wedge\dots\wedge e_{d-k}\otimes l^*_1\wedge \dots\wedge l^*_k
Let $\L\subseteq V_{\gr^0(V)}$ be the universal submodule. One has
a canonical epimorphism:
$$\wedge^k V^*_{\gr^0(V)}\to\wedge^k\L^*$$
and bearing in mind the canonical isomorphism
$\detd_V\simeq \wedge( V/{V^+})\otimes\wedge^k\L^*$ one obtains a
canonical homomorphism:
\wedge^k V^\ast= H^0(\gr^0(V),\wedge^k V^\ast)&\to
e^*_{j_1}\wedge\dots\wedge e^*_{j_k}&\longmapsto
It is well known that this homomorphism is in fact an isomorphism.
\subsection{Computations for infinite-dimensional Grassmannians.}
In {\ref{comp-fin-dim}} we discussed well known facts about the
determinants of finite-dimen\-sional Grassmannians but have stated
these results in an intrinsic language, which can easily be
generalized to the infinite-dimensional case.
Let $V$ be a $k$-vector space. We shall assume that there exists a
family of linearly independent vectors
$\{e_i,i\in\Z\}$ such that:
\item $<\{e_i\}, i\ge 0>$ is dense in $\hat V^+$ (with
respect to the $V^+$-topology),
\item $<\{e_i\}, i\in\Z>$ is dense in $\hat V$.
\begin{rem} The above conditions are satisfied for example by
$V=k((t))$ and $V^+=k[[t]]$.
\begin{defn} Let ${\cal S}$ be the set of sequences
$\{s_0,s_1,\dots\}$ of integer numbers satisfying the following
\item the sequence is strictly increasing,
\item there exists $s\in\Z$ such that
\item $\#(\{s_0,s_1,\dots\}-\{0,1,\dots\})=
The sequences of ${\cal S}$ are usually called Maya's diagrams or
Ferrer's diagrams of virtual cardinal zero (this is condition 3).
For each $S\in{\cal S}$, let $A_S$ be the vector subspace of $V$
generated by $\{e_{s_i}, i\ge 0\}$. By the condition 3 one has:
$$\dim_k({A_S}/{A_S\cap V^+})=
\dim_k({V^+}/{A_S\cap V^+})$$ and hence: $A_S\sim V^+$ and
$F_{A_S}\subseteq\gr^0(V)$. Further, $\{F_{A_S},S\in{\cal S}\}$ is
a covering of
Let $\{e^*_i\}$ be a dual basis of $\{e_i\}$; that is, elements of
$V^*$ given by $e^*_i(e_j)=\delta_{ij}$.
For each finite set of increasing integers,
$J=\{j_1,\dots,j_r\}$, let us define
$e_J=e_{j_1}\wedge\dots\wedge e_{j_r}$ and
$e^*_J=e^*_{j_1}\wedge\dots\wedge e^*_{j_r}$.
Given $S\in{\cal S}$, choose $J,K\subseteq\Z$ such that
$\{e_j\}_{j\in J}$ is a basis of ${A_S}/{A_S\cap V^+}$ and
$\{e^*_k\}_{k\in K}$ of ${V^+}/{A_S\cap V^+}$. We have seen that
tensorializing by $e_J\otimes e^*_K$ defines an isomorphism:
$$ H^0(\gr^0,\det^*\c_{A_S}) @>{\,\otimes(e_J\otimes e^*_K)\,}>>
\begin{defn}\label{global-section} For each $S\in{\cal S}$,
$\Omega_S$ is the global section of $\detd_V$ defined by:
$$\Omega_S=\omega_{A_S}\otimes e_J\otimes e^*_K$$ We shall denote
by $\Omega_+$ the canonical section of
Let $\Omega({\cal S})$ be the $k$-vector subspace of
$ H^0(\gr^0,\detd_V)$ generated by the global sections
$\{\Omega_S,S\in{\cal S}\}$.
We define the Pl\"ucker morphism:
$$\aligned{\cal P}_V: \gr^0(V) &\to \check\P\Omega(S) \\ L &\mapsto
\{\Omega_S(L)\}\endaligned$$ as the morphism of schemes defined by
the homomorphism of sheaves:
$$\Omega(S)_{\grv}\to\detd_V\to 0$$
(by the universal property of $\check\P$).
Given $L,L'\in\grv(\spk)$ such that $L\subseteq L'$,
let $j:\gr^0({L'}/L)\hookrightarrow\gr^0(V)$ be the natural closed
immersion. Since $j^*\det_V\simeq\det_{{L'}/L}$, one can easily see
that the composition:
$$ \gr^0({L'}/L)\overset j\hookrightarrow\gr^0(V)
\overset{\quad{\frak p}\quad}\to \check\P\Omega(S)$$ factors
through the Pl\"ucker immersion of the finite-dimensional
Grassmannian $\gr^0({L'}/L)$:
$${\frak p}_{{L'}/L}:\gr^0({L'}/L)\to
\proj S^\punt H^0(\gr^0({L'}/L),\det^*_{{L'}/L})$$
The Pl\"ucker morphism is a closed immersion.
Going on with the analogy with finite grassmannians, we will show
that this morphism is locally given as the graph of a suitable
morphism. Consider the morphism:
$$F_{A_S}\hookrightarrow\gr^0(V) @>{\cal P}>> \check\P\Omega(S)$$
From the universal property of $\check\P$, we deduce a epimorphism:
$$f_S:\Omega(S)\underset{k}\otimes B\to B$$
(where $\sp(B)=F_{A_S}$, and $\detd_V\vert_{F_{A_S}}$ is a line
bundle). Note that it has a section, since the image of $\Omega_S$ is
a everywhere non null function. That is, there exists a subspace
$W\subset \Omega(S)$, and an isomorphism of $k$-vector spaces:
$$<\Omega_S>\oplus W \iso \Omega(S)$$
such that $f_S$ is the projection onto the first factor. In other
words, ${\cal P}\vert_{F_{A_S}}$ is the graph of a morphism.
Note that considering the chain of finite-dimensional Grassmannians
$\gr^0({L_i}/{L_{-i}})$ ($L_i$ being the subspaces $<\{e_j\}_{j\leq
i}>$), which are closed subschemes of $\gr^0(V)$, one easily
deduces that $ H^0(\gr^0(V),\o_{\gr^0(V)})=k$ from the fact that
the homomorphism:
$$ H^0(\gr^0(V),\o_{\gr^0(V)})\to\limp
H^0(\gr^0({L_i}/{L_{-i}}),\o_{\gr^0({L_i}/{L_{-i}})})$$ is
\section{Automorphisms of the Grassmannian and the
``formal geometry'' of local curves}
Let $(V,V^+)$ be a pair of a $k$-vector space and a vector subspace
$V^+\subseteq V$ and let $\grv$ denote the corresponding
Grassmannian. We shall define the algebraic analogue of the
restricted linear group defined by Pressley, Segal and Wilson
([{\bf PS}], [{\bf SW}]). This group is too large to be
representable by a $k$-scheme and we therefore define it as a sheaf
of groups in the category of
For each $k$-scheme $S$, let us denote by
$\aut_{\o_S}(\hat V_S)$ the group of automorphisms of the
$\o_S$-module $\hat V_S$.
\item{a)} A sub-$\o_S$-module ${\cal B}\subseteq \hat V_S$ is said
to be locally commensurable with $V^+$ if for each $s\in S$ there
exists an open neighbourhood $U_s$ of $s$ and a commensurable
vector subspace $B\sim V^+$ such that ${\cal B}\vert_{U_s}=\hat
\item{b)} An automorphism $g\in\aut_{\o_S}(\hat V_S)$ is called
bicontinuous with respect to the $V^+$-topo\-logy if
$g(\hat V^+_S)$ and $g^{-1}(\hat V^+_S)$ are
$\o_S$-modules of $\hat V_S$ locally commensurable with
\item{c)} The linear group, $\glv$, of $(V,V^+)$ is the
contravariant functor over the category of $k$-schemes defined by:
$$S\rightsquigarrow \glv(S)=\{g\in\aut_{\o_S} (\hat V_S)\text{ such
that $g$ is bicontinuous }\}$$
\begin{thm} There exists a natural action of $\glv$ over the functor
of points of the Grassmannian $\grv$:
\glv\times & \fu\grv @>{\mu}>>\fu\grv \\ (g, &
L)\phantom{xx}\longmapsto g(L)
\begin{pf} Let $g\in\glv(S)$ and $L\in\fu\grv(S)$. We have:
$${\hat V_S}/{g(L)+\hat V^+_S}\simeq {\hat V_S}/{L+g^{-1}{\hat
V^+_S}}$$ and by definition of bicontinuous automorphisms, for each
$s\in S$ there exist an open neighbourhood $U_s$ and a
commensurable $A\sim V^+$ such that $g^{-1}\hat V^+\vert_{U_s}=\hat
A_{U_s}$. Then:
$${\hat V_{U_s}}/{g(L)_{U_s}+\hat V^+_{U_s}}\simeq {\hat
V_{U_s}}/{L_{U_s}+\hat A^+_{U_s}}$$ from which we deduce that
\begin{thm} There exists a canonical central extension of functors
of groups over the category of $k$-schemes:
$$0\to{\Bbb G}_m\to \glve \to \glv \to 0$$ and a natural action
$\bar\mu$ of $\glve$ over the vector bundle
${\Bbb V}(\det_V)$ defined by the determinant bundle, such that the
following diagram is commutative:
\glve\times{\Bbb V}(\detd_V) @>{\bar\mu}>>{\Bbb V}(\detd_V)
\\ @VVV @VVV \\
\glv\times\grv @>{\mu}>> \grv
\begin{pf} Let us define $\glve(S)$ as the set of commutative
$$\CD {\Bbb V}(\detd_V) @>{\bar g}>>{\Bbb V}(\detd_V)
\\@VVV @VVV \\
\grv @>g>>\grv \endCD$$ for each $g\in\glv(S)$, and the
$\glve\to\glv$ given by $\bar g\mapsto g$. The rest of the proof
follows immediately from the fact that
$ H^0(\gr^0(V),\o_{\gr^0(V)})=k$ (remark {\ref{section-ogr}}) and
$g^*\detd_V\simeq\detd_V$ for every
Let $G$ be a commutative subgroup of $\glv$ (a subfunctor of
commutative groups). The central extension of $\glv$ gives an
extension of $G$:
$$ 0\to {\Bbb G}_m\to\tilde G @>{\pi}>> G\to 0$$ and the commutator
of $\tilde G$:
\tilde G\times\tilde G &\to\tilde G\\ (\tilde a,\tilde b)& \mapsto
\tilde a\tilde b\tilde a^{-1}\tilde b^{-1}
\endaligned$$ induces a pairing:
$$\aligned G\times G & @>{[\, , \,]}>> {\Bbb G}_m \\ (g_1,g_2)
&\mapsto [g_1,g_2]=
\tilde g_1\tilde g_2\tilde g_1^{-1}\tilde g_2^{-1}
\qquad \left(\tilde g_i\in\pi^{-1}(g_i)\right)
\endaligned$$ When $V$ is a local field or a ring of adeles, this
pairing will be of great importance in the study of arithmetic
problems because it is connected with the formulation of reprocity
The same construction of the extensions $\tilde G$ applied to the
Lie algebra of $G$ gives an extension of Lie algebras (taking the
points of $G$ with values in $k[x]/x^2$):
$$ 0\to {\Bbb G}_a=Lie({\Bbb G}_m)\to Lie(\tilde G) @>{d\pi}>>
Lie(G)\to 0$$ and a pairing:
$$\aligned Lie(G)\times Lie(G) & @>{R}>> {\Bbb G}_a \\ (D_1,D_2)
&\mapsto R((D_1,D_2))=[\tilde D_1,\tilde D_2]=
\tilde D_1\tilde D_2 - \tilde D_2\tilde D_1
\endaligned$$ ($\tilde D_i$ being a preimage of $D_i$).
The pairing $R$ is an abstract generalization of the definition of
Tate [{\bf T}] of the residue pairing. There are several subgroups
of special relevance in the application of this theory to the study
of moduli problems and soliton equations. Firstly, we are concerned
with the algebraic analogue of the group $\Gamma$ ([{\bf SW}]
\S 2.3) of continuous maps $S^1\to{\Bbb C}^*$ acting as
multiplication operators over the Grassmannian. The main difference
between our definition of the group $\Gamma$ and the definitions
offered in the literature ([{\bf SW}], [{\bf PS}]) is that in the
algebro-geometric setting the elements
$\sum_{-\infty}^{+\infty}g_k\,z^k$ with infinite positive and
negative coefficients do not make sense as multiplication operators
over $k((z))$.
Let us now consider the case $V=k((t)), V^+=k[[t]]$. The main idea
for defining the algebraic analogue of the group
$\Gamma$ is to construct a ``scheme'' whose set of rational points
is precisely the multiplicative group
\begin{defn} The contravariant functor, $\kz$, over the category of
$k$-schemes with values in the category of commutative groups is
defined by:
$$S\rightsquigarrow \kz(S)= H^0(S,\o_S)((z))^*$$ Where for a
$k$-algebra $A$, $A((z))^*$ is the group of invertible elements of
the ring $A((z))=A[[z]][z^{-1}]$.
\begin{lem}\label{v-loc-const} For each $k$-scheme $S$ and
$f\in\kz(S)$, the function:
$$\aligned S&\to \Z \\ s &\mapsto v_s(f)= \text{order of
$f_s\in k(s)((z))$}
\endaligned$$ is locally constant.
\begin{pf} We can assume that $S=\sp(A)$, $A$ being a $k$-algebra.
$f=\sum_{i\ge n}^{}a_i\,z^i$ be an element of $A((z))^*$
($n\in\Z$). There then exists another element $g=\sum_{i\ge
-m}^{}b_i\,z^i$ ($m\in \Z$) such that $f\cdot g=1$. This
implies the following relations (from now on we assume $n=0$ to
simplify the calculations):
& 0=b_{-m}\, a_0 \\ & 0=b_{-m}\,a_1+b_{-m+1}\,a_0 \\ &
\dots \\ & 0=b_{-m}\,a_{m-1}+\dots+ b_{-1}\,a_0 \\ &
1=b_{-m}\,a_m+\dots+ b_0\,a_0
Let us distinguish two cases:
\item{a)} $b_{-m}$ is not nilpotent in $A$: from {\ref{relations}}
we obtain:
$$b_{-m}\,a_0=b_{-m}^2\,a_1=\dots b_{-m}^m\,a_{m-1}=0$$ That is,
$a_0,\dots,a_{m-1}$ are equal zero in the ring
$A_{(b_{-m})}$ and for each $s\in\sp(A)-(b_{-m})_0$ one has
$b_{-m}(s)\,a_m(s)=1$ and therefore $v_{s}(f)=m$. We conclude by
proving that in this case $(b_{-m})_0$ is also an open subset of
\indent From the equations {\ref{relations}} we deduce:
$$\gathered (b_{-m},a_{m-1},\dots,a_0)_0= (b_{-m})_0\cap
(a_{m-1})_0 \cap \dots\cap(a_0)_0=\emptyset\\
(b_{-m})_0\cup(a_i)_0=\sp(A)\quad,\quad i=0,\dots,n-1
\indent and hence:
\item{b)} Let us assume that $b_{-m},\dots,b_{-r-1}$ are nilpotent
elements of $A$ and that $b_{-r}$ is not nilpotent. The same
argument as in case a) proves that $v_s(f)$ is constant in the
closed subscheme $(b_{-r})_0$ and that its complementary in
$\sp(A)$ is $\cap_{i=0}^{r-1}(a_i)_0$, from which we conclude the
\begin{cor} For an affine irreducible $k$-scheme $S=\sp(A)$ one has
\item $v_s$ is a constant function over $S$,
$$\left\{f\in A((z))^* \,\vert\, v(f)=n\right\}=
\text{series }\,a_{n-r}\,z^r+\dots+a_n\,z^n+\dots\text{ such
that}\\ a_{n-r},\dots,a_{n-1}\text{ are nilpotent and }a_n\in A^*
\item If $A$ is also a reduced $k$-algebra:
$$A((z))^*=\coprod_{n\in \Z}\left\{\sum_{i\ge n} a_i\,z^i
\quad a_i\in A\text{ y }a_n\in A^*\right\}$$
\begin{pf} This is obvious from lemma {\ref{v-loc-const}}.
\begin{thm} The subfunctor $\kz_{red}$ of $\kz$ defined by:
$$S\rightsquigarrow \kz_{red}(S)=
\coprod_{n\in \Z}\left\{z^n+\sum_{i> n} a_i\,z^i \quad a_i\in
H^0(S,\o_S)\right\}$$ is representable by a group $k$-scheme whose
connected component of the origin will be denote by $\Gamma_+$.
\begin{pf} It suffices to observe that the functor:
$$S\rightsquigarrow \left\{z^n+\sum_{i> n} a_i\,z^i \quad a_i\in
H^0(S,\o_S)\right\}$$ is representable by the scheme:
$$\sp(\limil{l} k[x_1,\dots,x_l])=\limpl{l}\A^l_k$$ and the
group law is given by the multiplication of series.
\begin{thm} Let $\kz_{nil}$ be the subfunctor of $\kz$ defined by:
$$S\rightsquigarrow \kz_{nil}(S)=
\text{ finite series }\,a_n\,z^{-n}+\dots+a_1\,z^{-1}+1\text{ such
that } \\ a_i\in H^0(S,\o_S)\text{ are nilpotent and $n$ arbitrary}
\endgathered\right\}$$ There exists a formal $k$-scheme $\Gamma_-$
$\kz_{nil}$, that is:
$$\hom_{\text{for-sch}}(S,\Gamma_-)=\kz_{nil}(S)$$ for every
$k$-scheme $S$.
\begin{pf} Let us define the ring of ``infinite'' formal series in
infinite variables (which is different from the ring of formal
series in infinite variables) by:
$$k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}=\underset n\limp k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$$ the
morphisms of the projective system being:
$$\aligned k[[x_1,\dots,x_{n+1}]]&\to k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]] \\
x_i&\mapsto x_i\qquad\text{for }i=1,\dots,n-1 \\ x_{n+1}&\mapsto 0
\endaligned$$ Note that:
n\limp{k[x_1,\dots,x_n]}/{(x_1,\dots,x_n)^n}$$ It is therefore an
admissible linearly topological ring ([{\bf EGA}]~{\bf 0}.7.1) and
there therefore exists its formal spectrum
$\sf(k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\})$. Let us denote by $J_n$ the kernel of the
natural projection
$k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}\to {k[x_1,\dots,x_n]}/{(x_1,\dots,x_n)^n}$ and
$J=\limp (x_1,\dots,x_n)$.
Let us now prove that $\Gamma_-=\sf(k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\})$:
\noindent For every $k$-scheme $S$, considering over
$H^0(S,\o_S)$ the discrete topology, we have:
\text{ such that} \\
\text{there exists $n\in{\Bbb N}$ satisfying }J_n\subseteq
\endaligned$$ However the condition $J_n\subseteq f^{-1}((0))$ is
equivalent to saying that $f(x_1),\dots,f(x_n)$ are nilpotent and
$f(x_i)=0$ for
$i>n$, from which one concludes the proof.
\begin{rem} Note that $\Gamma_-$ is the inductive limit in the
category of formal schemes ([{\bf EGA}]~{\bf I}.10.6.3) of the
schemes which represent the subfunctors:
$$S\rightsquigarrow \Gamma^n_-(S)=\left\{\gathered
\,a_n\,z^{-n}+\dots+a_1\,z^{-1}+1\text{ such that}\\ a_i\in
H^0(S,\o_S)\text{ and the ${\text{n}}^{\text{th}}$ power} \\
\text{ of the ideal $(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ is zero}
\begin{rem}{\bf Group laws of $\Gamma_+$ and $\Gamma_-$} The group
law of $\Gamma_+=\sp(k[x_1,\dots])$ is given by:
$$\aligned k[x_1,\dots]&\to k[x_1,\dots]\otimes_k k[x_1,\dots] \\
x_i &\mapsto x_i\otimes 1+\sum_{j+k=i}x_j\otimes x_k+1\otimes x_i
\endaligned$$ The group law of $\Gamma_-=\sf k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}$ is
given by:
$$\aligned k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}&\to k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}\hat\otimes_k
k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\} \\ x_i &\mapsto x_i\otimes
1+\sum_{j+k=i}x_j\otimes x_k+1\otimes x_i
Let be $\kz_0$ be the connected component of the origin in the
functor of groups $\kz$.
\begin{thm} The natural morphism of functors of groups over the
category of
$$\fu{\Gamma_-}\times\fu{{\Bbb G}_m}\times\fu{\Gamma_+}\to\kz$$ is
injective and for $char(k)=0$ gives an isomorphism with
$\kz_0$. $\kz_0$ is therefore representable by the (formal)
$$\Gamma=\Gamma_-\times{\Bbb G}_m\times\Gamma_+$$
\begin{pf} The morphism from $\fu{{\Bbb G}_m}$ to $\kz$ is the one
induced by the natural inclusion $H^0(S,\o_S)^*\hookrightarrow
The injectivity of $\fu\Gamma\hookrightarrow\kz$ follows from the
fact that $\Gamma_-\cap\Gamma_+=\{1\}$. The rest of the proof is
trivial from the above results and from the properties of the
exponential map we shall see below.
\begin{rem} Our group scheme $\Gamma$ is the algebraic analogue of
the group $\Gamma$ of Segal-Wilson [{\bf SW}]. Note that the
indexes ``-'' and ``+'' do not coincide with the Segal-Wilson
notations. Replacing $k((z))$, by $k((z^{-1}))$ we obtain the same
notation as in the paper of Segal-Wilson.
Let us define the exponential maps for the groups $\Gamma_-$ and
$\Gamma_+$. Let $\A_n$ be the $n$ dimensional affine space
over $\spk$ with the additive group law, and $\hat\A_n$ the
formal group obtained as the completion of $\A_n$ at the
origin. We define $\hat\A_\infty$ as the formal group
$\limil{n}\hat\A_n$. Obviously $\hat\A_\infty$ is the
formal scheme:
$$\hat\A_\infty=\sf k\{\{y_1,\dots\}\}$$ with group law:
$$\aligned k\{\{y_1,\dots\}\}&\to k\{\{y_1,\dots\}\}\hat\otimes_k
k\{\{y_1,\dots\}\} \\ y_i& \longmapsto y_i\otimes 1+1\otimes y_i
\begin{defn} If the characteristic of $k$ is zero, the exponential
map for
$\Gamma_-$ is the following isomorphism of formal group schemes:
\hat\A_\infty &@>{\exp}>> \Gamma_- \\
\{a_i\}_{i>0} &\mapsto \exp(\sum_{i>0}a_i\,z^{-i})
\endaligned$$ This is the morphism induced by the ring homomorphism:
k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}& @>{\qquad\exp^*\qquad}>> k\{\{y_1,\dots\}\}\\
x_i &\mapsto \text{ coefficient of $z^{-i}$ in the series }
\begin{defn}\label{exp-gamma-minus} If the characteristic of $k$ is
$p>0$, the exponential map for
$\Gamma_-$ is the following isomorphism of formal schemes:
$$\aligned \hat\A_\infty &\to \Gamma_- \\
\{a_i\}_{i>0}&\mapsto \prod_{i>0}(1-a_i\,z^{-i})\endaligned$$ which
is the morphism induced by the ring homomorphism:
$$\aligned k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}&@>\exp^*>> k\{\{y_1,\dots\}\}\\ x_i
&\mapsto \text{ coefficient of $z^{-i}$ in the series }
Note that this latter exponential map is not a isomorphism of
groups. Considering over $\hat \A_\infty$ the law group
induced by the isomorphism, $\exp$, of formal schemes, we obtain
the Witt formal group law.
Analogously, we define the exponential maps for the group
\begin{defn} Let $\A^\infty$ be the group scheme over $k$
defined by
$\limpl{n} \A_n$ (where $\A_{n+1}=\sp
k[x_1,\dots,x_{n+1}]\to \A_n=\sp k[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ is the
morphism defined by forgetting the last coordinate) with its
additive group law. The exponential map when $char(k)=0$ is the
isomorphism of group schemes:
$$\aligned \A^\infty &\to \Gamma_+ \\
\{a_i\}_{i>0}&\mapsto \exp(\sum_{i>0}a_i\,z^i)\endaligned$$ If
$char(k)=p\ne 0$, the exponential map is the isomorphism of schemes:
$$\aligned \A^\infty &\to \Gamma_+ \\
\{a_i\}_{i>0}&\mapsto \prod_{i>0}(1-a_i\,z^i)\endaligned$$ which is
not a morphism of groups.
(See {\rm [{\bf B}]} for the connection of these definitions and the
Cartier-Dieudonn\'e theory).
It should be noted that the formal group scheme $\Gamma_-$ has
properties formally analogous to the Jacobians of the algebraic
curves: one can define formal Abel maps and prove formal analogues
of the Albanese property of the Jacobians of smooth curves (see
{\rm [{\bf KSU},{\bf C}]}).
Let $\hat C=\sf(k[[t]])$ be a formal curve. We define the Abel
morphism of degree $1$ as the morphism of formal schemes:
$$\phi_1: \hat C\to \Gamma_-$$ given by
$\phi_1(t)=(1-\frac{t}z)^{-1}=1+\sum_{i>0}^{}\frac{t^i}{z^i}$; that
is, the morphism induced by the ring homomorphism:
$$\aligned k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}&\to k[[t]]\\ x_i\,&\mapsto
Note that the Abel morphism is the algebro-geometric version of the
function $q_\xi(z)$ used by Segal and Wilson ([{\bf SW}] page~32)
to study the Baker function.
Let us explain further why we call $\phi_1$ the ``Abel morphism''
of degree 1. If $char(k)=0$, composing
$\phi_1$ with the inverse of the exponential map, we have:
$$\bar\phi_1:\hat C@>{\phi_1}>> \Gamma_-@>>{\exp^{-1}}>>
\hat\A_\infty$$ and since
$(1-\frac{t}z)^{-1}=\exp(\sum_{i>0}^{}\frac{t^i}{i\,z^i})$ (see
[{\bf SW}] page~33), $\bar\phi_1$ is the morphism defined by the
ring homomorphism:
$$\aligned k\{\{y_1,\dots\}\} &\to k[[t]]\\ y_i&\mapsto \frac{t^i}i
\endaligned$$ or in terms of the functor of points:
$$\aligned\hat C&@>{\bar\phi_1}>>\hat\A_\infty\\ t&\mapsto
\endaligned$$ Observe that given the basis $\omega_i=t^i\,dt$ of the
differentials $\Omega_{\hat C}=k[[t]]dt$, $\bar\phi_1$ can be
interpreted as the morphism defined by the ``abelian integrals''
over the formal curve:
\right)$$ which coincides precisely with the local equations of the
Abel morphism for smooth algebraic curves over the field of complex
numbers. In general, for each integer number $n>0$, we define the
Abel morphism of degree $n$ as the morphism of formal schemes:
$$\bar\phi_n:\hat C\times\overset n\dots\times\hat C=\hat
C^n\to\Gamma_-$$ given by
\prod_{i=1}^n\left(1-\frac{t_i}z\right)^{-1}$; that is, the
morphism induced by the ring homomorphism:
$$\aligned k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}&\to k[[t_1]]\hat\otimes\overset
n\dots\hat\otimes k[[t_n]]\\ x_i\,&\mapsto \text{ coefficient of
$z^{-i}$ in the series }
\prod_{i=1}^n(1-\frac{t_i}{z})^{-1}\endaligned$$ Note that
$\bar\phi_n$ factorizes through a morphism,
$\phi_n$ from the $n^{\text{th}}$-symmetric product of $\hat C$ to
$\Gamma_-$, which is the true Abel morphism; moreover $\phi_n$ is
an immersion.
\begin{thm} $(\Gamma_-,\phi_1)$ satisfies the Albanese property for
$\hat C$; that is, every morphism $\psi:\hat C\to X$ in a
commutative group scheme (which sends the unique rational point of
$\hat C$ to the $0\in X$) factors through the Abel morphism and a
homomorphism of groups $\Gamma_-\to X$.
\begin{pf} Let $\psi:\hat C\to X$ be a morphism from the formal
$\hat C$ to a group scheme $X$ such that $\psi(\text{rational
point})=0$. For each $n>0$, one constructs a morphism:
$$\hat C^n @>{\bar\psi_n}>> X$$ which is the composition of
$\psi\times\dots\times\psi: \hat C\times\overset n\dots\times\hat C
\to X\times\overset n\dots\times X$ and the addition morphism
$X\times\overset n\dots\times X\to X$. Observe that
$\bar \psi_n$ factors through a morphism:
$$S^n\hat C@>{\psi_n}>> X$$ and bearing in mind that
$\Gamma_-=\limil{n} S^n\hat C$ (as formal group schemes) we
conclude the proof of the existence of a homomorphism of groups
$\bar\psi:\Gamma_-\to X$ satisfying the desired condition.
\section{$\tau$-functions and Baker functions}
This section is devoted to algebraically defining the
$\tau$-functions and the Baker functions over an arbitrary base
field $k$.
Following on with the analogy between the groups $\Gamma$ and
$\Gamma_-$ and the Jacobian of the smooth algebraic curves, we
shall make the well known constructions for the jacobians of the
algebraic curves for the formal curve $\hat C$ and the group
$\Gamma$: Poincar\'e bundle over the dual jacobian and the
universal line bundle over the jacobian. In the formal case these
constructions are essentially equivalent to defining the
$\tau$-functions and the Baker functions.
Using the notations of section {\ref{aut-grass}}, let us consider
the Grassmannian $\grv$ of $V=k((z))$ and the group
$$\Gamma=\Gamma_-\times {\Bbb G}_m \times \Gamma_+$$ acting on
$\grv$ by homotheties.
As we have shown in {\ref{G-extension}}, there exists a central
extension of
$$0\to {\Bbb G}_m \to \widetilde \Gamma \to \Gamma \to 0$$
given by a pairing:
\beq\quad \Gamma\times \Gamma \to {\Bbb G}_m
The extension $\tilde\Gamma_+$ of $\Gamma_+$ is trivial.
We will construct a section $s$ (as groups) of
$\tilde\Gamma_+\to\Gamma_+$; that is, for an element
$g\in\Gamma_+$ we give $s(g)\in\tilde\Gamma_+$ such that
$s$ is a morphism of groups.
Denote by $\mu:\Gamma\times\grv\to\grv$ the action of
$\Gamma$ on $\grv$ and by $\mu_g$ the automorphism of
$\grv$ induced by the homothety $\cdot g:V\to V$ for
Fix $g\in\Gamma_+$. Observe that there exists a
quasi-isomorphism of complexes:
$$\CD \L @>>> V/V^+ \\ @V{\cdot g}VV> @VV{\cdot g}V \\
\mu_g^*(\L) @>>> V/V^+ \endCD$$
since $g\cdot V^+\simeq V^+$. We have thus an isomorphism
$\detd_V\simeq \mu_g^*\detd_V$ in a canonical way, and
hence a well-defined element $s(g)\in\tilde\Gamma_+$.
Since this construction is canonical and
$\mu_{g'}\circ\mu_g=\mu_{g'\cdot g}$ it follows easily that
$s(g')\cdot s(g)=s(g'\cdot g)$.
For a rational point $U\in\grv$, let $\mu_U$ be the
morphism $\Gamma\times\{U\}\to\grv$ induced by $\mu$.
Then, the line bundle $\mu_U^*\detd_V\vert\Gamma_-$ is
trivial, and the extension $\tilde\Gamma_-$ is thus
Assume $U\in F_{V^+}$ (the general case is anologous).
It is no difficult to obtain the following equality for
$$(\mu_U^*\Omega_+)(g)\,=\,\Omega_+(g\cdot U)\,=\,
\Omega_+(U)+\sum_S \chi_S(g)\cdot\Omega_S(U)$$
where the sum is taken over the set of Young diagrams and
$\chi_S$ is the Schur polynomial (in the coefficients of
$g$) corresponding to $S$. Since $\Omega_+(U)\neq0$ and
the coefficients of $g$ are nilpotents, it follows that
$\mu_U^*\Omega_+$ is a no-where vanishing section of
$\mu_U^*\detd_V$, and this bundle is therefore trivial.
Observe now that since $\tilde\Gamma_-$ can be thought as
the sheaf of automorphisms of $\mu_U^*\detd_V$ one has
that $\tilde\Gamma_-$ is a trivial extension.
The restrictions of the pairing {\ref{pairing}} to the subgroups
$\Gamma_-$ and $\Gamma_+$ are trivial.
We define the Poincar\'e bundle over $\Gamma\times \grv$ as the
invertible sheaf:
$${\frak P}=\mu^*\det_V^*$$
For each point $U\in \grv$, let us define the Poincar\'e bundle over
$\Gamma\times \Gamma$ associated with $U$ by:
$${\frak P}_U=(1\times \mu_U)^*{\frak P}=m^*({\mu_U}^*\det_V^*)$$
where $m:\Gamma\times\Gamma\to\Gamma$ is the group law.
The sheaf of $\tau$-functions of a point $U\in \grv$, $\widetilde
{\L_\tau}(U)$, is the invertible sheaf over $\Gamma\times \{U\}$
defined by:
$$\widetilde{\L_\tau}(U)={\frak P}\vert_{\Gamma\times\{U\}}$$
Let us note that the sheaf $\widetilde{\L_\tau}(U)$ is defined for
arbitrary points of the Grassmannian and not only for geometric
The restriction homomorphism induces the following homomorphism
between global sections:
\beq H^0\left(\Gamma\times \grv, \mu^*\det_V^*\right)\to
H^0\left(\Gamma\times \{U\},\widetilde {\L_\tau}(U) \right)
The $\tau$-function of the point $U$ over $\Gamma$ is
defined as the image $\widetilde {\tau }_U$ of the section
$\mu^*\Omega_+$ by the homomorphism {\ref{restriction}} ($\Omega_+$
being the global section defined in {\ref{global-section}}).
Obviously $\widetilde {\tau }_U$ is not a function over
\{U\}$ since the invertible sheaf $\widetilde {\L_\tau}(U)$ is not
The algebraic analogue of the $\tau$-function defined by M. and Y.
Sato, Segal and Wilson ([{\bf SS}], [{\bf SW}]) is obtained by
restricting the invertible sheaf $\widetilde {\L_\tau}(U)$ to the
formal subgroup $\Gamma_-\subset\Gamma$.
To see this, fix a rational point $U\in\grv$ and define:
which is a trivial invertible sheaf over $\Gamma_-$. To
obtain a trivialization of ${\L_\tau}(U)$ which will allow us to
identify global sections with functions over $\Gamma_-$ we must fix
a global section of ${\L_\tau}(U)$ without zeroes in $\Gamma_-$.
Recall that $\tilde\Gamma_-$ is a trivial extension of $\Gamma_-$
and it has therefore a section $s$. It follows that the group
$\Gamma_-$ acts on $\L_\tau(U)$ (through $s$) and on $\Gamma_-$ by
translations. One has easily that the morphism:
$${\mathbb V}(\L_\tau(U)^*)\to\Gamma_-$$
is equivariant with respect to these actions.
Note now that:
\left(\Gamma_-,{\mathbb V}(\L_\tau(U)^*)\right)\subseteq
\left(\Gamma_-,{\mathbb V}(\L_\tau(U)^*)\right)=
Let $\delta$ be an non-zero element in the fibre of
${\mathbb V}(\L_\tau(U)^*)$ over the point $1$ of $\Gamma_-$ (1
being the identity of $\Gamma_-$). Let $\sigma_0$ be the unique
morphism $\Gamma_-\to{\mathbb V}(\L_\tau(U)^*)$
$\Gamma_-$-equivariant such that $\sigma_0(1)=\delta$, and denote
again by $\sigma_0$ the corresponding section of $\L_\tau(U)$.
Observe that $\sigma_0$ is a constant section and since it has no
zeros it gives a trivialization of $\L_\tau(U)$. Through this
trivilization, the global section of ${\L_\tau}(U)$ defined by
$\tilde\tau_U$ is identified with the function
$\tau_U\in\o(\Gamma_-)= k\{\{x_1,\dots\}\}$ given by
Segal-Wilson [{\bf SW}]:
Finally, if $U\in F_{V^+}$ then one can choose $\delta=\Omega_+(U)$.
Observe that the $\tau$-function ${\tau}_U$ is not a series of
infinite variables but an element of the ring $k\{\{x_1,
The subgroup $\Gamma_+$ of $\Gamma$ acts freely over $\grv$.
Accordingly the orbits of the rational points of $\grv$ under the
action of $\Gamma_+$ are isomorphic, as schemes, to $\Gamma_+$.
Let $X$ be the orbit of $V^-=z^{-1}\cdot k[z^{-1}]\subset V$ under
$\Gamma_+$. The restrictions of $\det_V$ and $\detd_V$ to $X$ are
trivial invertible sheaves. Bearing in mind that the points of
$X$ are $k$-vector subspaces of $V$ whose intersection with $V^+$ is
zero, one has that the section $\Omega_+$ of $\det_V^* $ defines a
canonical trivialization of $\detd_V$ over $X$.
The restriction homomorphism $\detd_V
\to\detd_V\vert_X$ induces a homomorphism between global sections:
$$ B: H^0\left(\grv,\detd_V \right)\longrightarrow
H^0\left(X,\detd_V\vert_X \right)\simeq
which is an isomorphism between the $k$-vector subspace $\Omega(S)$
defined in {\ref{global-section}} and $\o(\Gamma_+)$. The
$ H^0(X,\detd_V\vert_X)\overset \sim\rightarrow \o(\Gamma_+)$ is
the isomorphism induced by the trivialization defined by
In the literature, the isomorphism $B:\Omega(S)\overset \sim
\o(\Gamma_+)$ is usually called the bosonization isomorphism.
All one has to prove is that $B(\Omega_S)=F_S(x)$,
$\Omega_S$ being the Pl\"ucker sections of $\detd_V$ defined in
{\ref{global-section}} and $F_S(x_1,x_2,\dots)$ being the Schur
functions. Proof of the identity $B(\Omega_S)=F_S(x)$ is
essentially the same as in the complex analytic case; see [{\bf
SW}] and [{\bf PS}].
In some of the literature, the $\tau$ function of a point
$U\in\grv$ is defined as the Pl\"ucker coordinates of the point
$U$. Let us therefore explain in which sense both definitions are
The canonical homomorphism:
$$H^0(\detd_V)\otimes\o_{\grv}\longrightarrow\detd_V\to 0$$
induces a homomorphism:
Given a point $\widetilde U\in\det_V$ in the fibre of
$U\in\grv$, the $\bar\tau$-function of $\widetilde U$ is defined as
the element $\bar \tau(U)\in H^0\left (\detd_V\right)^*\otimes k(U)$
($k(U)$ being the residual field of $U$). This is essentially the
definition of $\tau$-functions given in the papers of M. and Y.
Sato, Arbarello and De Concini, and Kawamoto and others ({\rm [{\bf
SS}], [{\bf AD}], [{\bf KNTY}]}).
There exists an isomorphism of $k$-vector spaces:
$$\o(\Gamma_+)^*\to \o(\Gamma_-)$$
Recall that $\o(\Gamma_+)=k[x_1,\dots]$ and that
$\o(\Gamma_-)=k\{\{x_1,x_2,\dots\}\}$. Now think that $x_i$ is the
$i$-symmetric function of other variables, say $t_1,t_2,\dots$. It
is known that the Schur polynomials $\{F_S\}$ (where $S$ is a
partition) of the $t$'s are polynomials in the $x$'s and are in
fact a basis of the $k$-vector space $k[x_1,\dots]$. The isomorphism
is the induced by the pairing:
$$\aligned \o(\Gamma_+)\times \o(\Gamma_-) &\longrightarrow k \\
(F_S,F_{S'}) & \longmapsto \delta_{S,S'}\endaligned$$
(see [{\bf Mc}]).
The composition of the homomorphism $B^*$ (the dual homomorphism of
$B$) and the isomorphism of the above lemma gives an homomorphism:
$$\tilde B^*:\o(\Gamma_+)^*=k\{\{x_1,x_2,\dots\}\}
\longrightarrow H^0\left (\detd_V\right)^*$$
The connection between $\tau_U$ and $\bar \tau (\widetilde U)$ is
the following:
$$\tilde B^*(\tau_U)=\lambda \cdot(\bar \tau (\widetilde U))$$
$\lambda$ being a non-zero constant. (Of course, if $U$ is
not rational but a point with values in a scheme $S$, $\lambda
\in H^0\left(S,\o_S\right)^*$).
The connection of the $\tau$-functions with autoduality (in the
sense of group schemes) properties of the group $\Gamma=
\Gamma_-\times {\Bbb G}_m\times \Gamma_+$ implicit in the above
discussion, is studied with detail in [{\bf C},{\bf P}].
L. Breen in [{\bf B2}] outlines also some of these properties from
another point of view.
Once we have algebraically defined the $\tau$-functions, we can
define the Baker functions using formula~5.14. of [{\bf SW}]; this
is the procedure used by several authors. However, we prefer to
continue with the analogy with the classical theory of curves and
jacobians and define the Baker functions as a formal analogue of
the universal invertible sheaf of the Jacobian.
Let us consider the composition of morphisms:
$$\tilde\beta:\hat C\times\Gamma\times\grv
\overset {\phi\times Id}\longrightarrow
\Gamma\times\Gamma\times\grv\overset{m\times Id}
$\phi:\hat C=\sf k[[z]] \to \Gamma$ being the Abel morphism (taking
values in $\Gamma_-\subset \Gamma$) and
$m:\Gamma\times \Gamma\to\Gamma$ the group law.
The sheaf of Baker-Akhiezer functions is the
invertible sheaf over $\hat C\times \Gamma\times \grv$ defined by:
$$\widetilde {\L_B}=(\phi\times Id)^*(m\times Id)^*{\frak P}$$
Let us define the sheaf of Baker functions at a point $U\in \grv$ as
the invertible sheaf:
$$\widetilde {\L_B}(U)=\widetilde {\L_B}\vert_{\hat C\times
\Gamma\times \{U\}}=\tilde {\beta_U}^*\widetilde {\L_\tau}(U)$$
(where $\tilde {\beta_U}^*$ is the following homomorphism between
global sections:
$$ H^0(\Gamma\times \{U\},\widetilde {\L_\tau}(U))
H^0(\hat C\times\Gamma\times \{U\},\widetilde {\L_B}(U))$$
By the definitions, $\widetilde {\L_B}(U)\vert_{\hat C\times
\{U\}}={\L_B}(U)$ is a trivial invertible sheaf over $\hat C \times
Observe that for each element $u\in\Gamma_-(S)\subseteq
\fu{k((z))^*}(S)=H^0(S,\o_S)((z))^*$ we can define a fractionary
ideal of the formal curve $\w {C_S}$ by:
$$I_u=u\cdot\o_S((z))$$ in such a way that we can interpret the
formal group $\Gamma_-$ as a kind of Picard scheme over the formal
curve. The universal element of $\Gamma_-$ is the invertible
element of $\kz(\Gamma_-)$ given by:
$$v=1+\underset {i \geq 1}\sum x_i\,z^{-i}\in k((z))\hat \otimes
k\{\{x_{ 1},x_{ 2},\dots\}\}$$
This universal element will be the formal analogue of the universal
invertible sheaf for the formal curve $\hat C$.
The Baker function of a point $U\in \grv$ is
$\psi_U=v^{-1}\cdot \beta^*_U(\tilde\tau_U)$, where
$$\beta_U^*: H^0\left( \Gamma\times \{U\},\widetilde
H^0\left(\hat C\times
\Gamma\times \{U\},\widetilde {\L_B}(U)\right)$$
is the homomorphism induced by $\widetilde{\beta_U}^*$.
Observe that the Baker function of $V^-=z^{-1}\,k[z^{-1}]$ is the
universal invertible element $v^{-1}$.
Note that, analogously to the case of $\tau$-function, we can choose
a trivialization of $\widetilde {\L_B}(U)$ over $\hat
C\times\Gamma_-\times \{U\}$ in such a way that the
function asociated to the section $v^{-1}\cdot \beta^*_U(\tau_U)$ is:
\beq\psi_U(z,g)=v^{-1}\cdot \frac{\tau_U\left(g\cdot
which is the classical expression for the Baker function.
When the characteristic of the base field $k$ is zero, we can
identify $\Gamma_-$ with the additive group scheme
$\hat{\A}_{\infty}$ through the exponential and expression
{\ref{baker-expr}} is the classical expression for the Baker
functions ([{\bf SW}]~5.16):
$$\psi_U(z , t)=\left( \frac{\tau_U(t+[z])}{\tau_U(t)
}\right)\cdot \exp(-\sum t_i\,z^{-i})$$ where
$[z]=(z,\frac{1}{2}z^2,\frac{1}{3} z^3,\dots)$ and
$t=(t_1,t_2,\dots)$ and $v=\exp(\sum t_i\,z^{-i})$ through the
exponential map.
For the general case, we obtain explicit expressions for $\psi_U$
as a function over
$\hat C\times \hat\A_{\infty}$ but considering in
$\hat\A_{\infty}$ the group law induced by the exponential
$$\psi_U(z,g)=v(z,g)^{-1}\cdot \frac{\tau_U\left(t*
\phi(z)\right)}{\tau_U(t) }$$ ($*$ being the group law of
The classical properties characterizing the Baker functions (for
example proposition~5.1 of [{\bf SW}]) can be immediately
generalized for the Baker functions over arbitrary fields.
Note that our definitions of
$\tau$-functions and Baker functions are valid over arbitrary base
fields and that can be generalized for $\Z$. One then has the notion
of $\tau$-function and Baker functions for families of elements of
$\grv$ and, if we consider the Grassmannian of $\Z((z))$ one then
has $\tau$-functions and Baker functions of the rational points of
$\gr\left(\Z((z))\right)$ and the geometric properties studied in
this paper have a translation into arithmetic properties of the
elements of
$\gr\left(\Z((z))\right)$. The results stated by Anderson in
[{\bf A}] are a particular case of a much more general setting
valid not only for
$p$-adic fields but also for arbitrary global field numbers. Our
future aims are to study the arithmetic properties related to these
1996-06-07T13:25:43 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606007 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606007 | [
] | alg-geom/9606007 | Joost van Hamel | Fr\'ed\'eric Mangolte and Joost van Hamel | Algebraic cycles and topology of real Enriques surfaces | 18 pages AMS-LaTeX v 1.2 | null | null | null | null | For a real Enriques surface Y we prove that every homology class in H_1(Y(R),
Z/2) can be represented by a real algebraic curve if and only if all connected
components of Y(R) are orientable. Furthermore, we give a characterization of
real Enriques surfaces which are Galois-Maximal and/or Z-Galois-Maximal and we
determine the Brauer group of any real Enriques surface.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 Jun 1996 11:20:04 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"van Hamel",
] | alg-geom | \subsubsection*{Acknowledgements}}{\par}
\title[Real Enriques surfaces]{Algebraic cycles and topology \\
of real Enriques surfaces}
\author{Fr\'ed\'eric Mangolte\and Joost van Hamel}
\keywords{Algebraic cycles, Real algebraic surfaces, Enriques
surfaces, Galois-Maximality}
\subjclass{14C25 14P25 14J28}
\address{Fr\'ed\'eric Mangolte, D\'epartement de Math\'ematiques,
Universit\'e Montpellier II, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France, Tel:
(33) 67 14 35 05, Fax: (33) 67 14 35 58}
\email{[email protected]}
\address{Joost van Hamel, Faculteit der Wiskunde en Informatica,
Vrije Universiteit,
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
Tel: (31) 20 444 76 94, Fax: (31) 20 444 76 53}
\email{[email protected]}
\thanks{The second author was supported in part by
EC grant~CHRX-CT94-O506.}
For a real Enriques surface $Y$ we prove that
every homology class in $H_1(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$
can be represented by a real algebraic curve
if and only if all connected components of
$Y(\BR)$ are orientable.
Furthermore, we give a characterization of
real Enriques surfaces which are
Galois-Maximal and/or ${\Bf Z}$-Galois-Maximal and
we determine the Brauer group of
any real Enriques surface.
\section{Introduction}\label{sec intro}
Let $Y$ be a complex algebraic surface.
Let us denote by $Y(\BC)$ the set of closed points of $Y$ endowed with
the Euclidean topology and let
$H_2^{\mathrm{alg}}(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})$ be the subgroup of the homology group $H_2(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})$
generated by the fundamental classes of algebraic curves on $Y$.
If $Y$ is an Enriques surface, we have
H_2^{\mathrm{alg}}(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})= H_2(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z}).
One of the goals of the present paper is to prove a similar property
for real Enriques surfaces with orientable real part.
See Theorem~\ref{theo main} below.
By an \emph{algebraic variety $Y$ over ${\Bf R}$} we mean a geometrically
integral scheme of finite type over the real numbers. The Galois
group $G = \{1, \sigma\}$ of ${\Bf C} / {\Bf R}$ acts on $Y(\BC)$, the set of
complex points of $Y$, via an antiholomorphic involution, and the real
part $Y(\BR)$ is precisely the set of fixed points under this action. An
algebraic variety $Y$ over ${\Bf R}$ will be called a \emph{real Enriques
surface}, a real K3-surface, etc., if the complexification $Y_{\Bf C} = Y
\otimes {\Bf C}$ is a complex Enriques surface, resp.\ a complex
K3-surface, etc.
Consider the following two classification problems:
-- classification of topological types of algebraic varieties $Y$ over
${\Bf R}$ (the manifolds $Y(\BC)$ up to equivariant diffeomorphism),
-- classification of topological types of the real parts $Y(\BR)$.
For real Enriques surfaces the two classifications have been
investigated recently by Nikulin in \cite{Ni}. The topological
classification of the real parts was completed by Degtyarev and
Kharlamov who give in \cite{DeKha1} a description of all 87
topological types. Let us mention here that the real part of a real
Enriques surface $Y$ need not be connected and that a connected
component $V$ of $Y(\BR)$ is either a nonorientable surface of genus
$\leq 11$ or it is homeomorphic to a sphere or to a torus.
The problem of classifying $Y(\BC)$ up to
equivariant diffeomorphism still lacks a satisfactory solution.
In the attempts to solve this problem,
equivariant (co)homology
plays an important role (see \cite{Ni}, \cite{N-S}, \cite{DeKha2}).
It establishes for any algebraic variety $Y$ over ${\Bf R}$ a link between
the action of $G$ on the (co)homology of $Y(\BC)$ and the topology of $Y(\BR)$.
For example, the famous inequalities
\label{eq GM1}
\dim H_*(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2}) & \leq
\sum_{r=0}^{2n} \dim H^1(G, H_r(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2}))
\label{eq GM2}
\dimH_\mathrm{even}(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2}) & \leq
\sum_{r=0}^{2n} \dim H^2(G, H_r(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})) \\
\label{eq GM3}
\dimH_\mathrm{odd}(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2}) & \leq
\sum_{r=0}^{2n} \dim H^1(G, H_r(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z}))
(cf.\ \cite{Kr1} or \cite{Si}) can be proven using equivariant homology.
We will say that $Y$ is
\emph{Galois-Maximal} or
a \emph{{\itshape{GM}}-variety} if
the first inequality turns into equality,
and $Y$
will be called \emph{${\Bf Z}$-Galois-Maximal}, or a \emph{{\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}-variety} if
inequalities \eqref{eq GM2} and \eqref{eq GM3} are equalities.
When the
homology of $Y(\BC)$ is torsion free,
the two notions coincide (see \cite[Prop.~3.6]{Kr1}).
A nonsingular projective
surface $Y$ over ${\Bf R}$ with $Y(\BR) \neq \emptyset$ is both
{\itshape{GM}}\ and {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}\ if it is simply connected (see \cite[\S 5.3]{Kr1}).
If $H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) \neq 0$, as in the case of an Enriques surface,
the situation can be much more complicated.
The necessary and sufficient conditions for a real Enriques surface $Y$
to be a {\itshape{GM}}-variety were found in
in the present paper we will give
necessary and sufficient conditions for
$Y$ to be {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}.
See Theorem \ref{theo galmax}.
As far as we know, this is the first paper on real Enriques surfaces
in which equivariant (co)homology with integral coefficients
is studied instead of coefficients in ${\BZ/2}$.
We expect that the extra information that can be obtained
this way (compare for example equations \eqref{eq GM1}--\eqref{eq GM3} )
will be useful in the topological classification of
real Enriques surfaces.
In Section~\ref{sec brauer} we
demonstrate the usefulness of integral coefficients by computing
the Brauer group $\operatorname{Br}(Y)$ of any
real Enriques surface $Y$.
This completes the partial results on the $2$-torsion of $\operatorname{Br}(Y)$ obtained
in \cite{N-S} and \cite{N1}.
See Theorem~\ref{theo brauer}.
\subsection{Main results}
Let $Y$ be an algebraic variety over ${\Bf R}$. Denote by
$H^{\mathrm{alg}}_{n}(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})$ the subgroup of the homology group
$H_{n}(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})$ generated by the fundamental classes of
$n$-dimensional Zariski-closed subsets of $Y(\BR)$, see \cite{BoHa} or \cite{BCR}.
We will say that these classes can be \emph{represented by algebraic
cycles.} The problem of determining these groups
is still open for most
classes of surfaces.
For a real rational surface $X$ we always have
$H_2^{\mathrm{alg}}(X(\BC),{\Bf Z})=H_2(X(\BC),{\Bf Z})$ and
$H_1^{\mathrm{alg}}(X(\BR),{\BZ/2})= H_1(X(\BR),{\BZ/2})$, see
\cite{Si}. For real K3-surfaces, the situation is not so rigid. In
most connected components of the moduli space of real K3-surfaces the
points corresponding to a surface $X$ with
$\dim H_1^\mathrm{alg}(X(\BR), {\BZ/2}) \geq k$
form a countable union of real analytic subspaces of
codimension $k$ for any $k \leq \dim H_1(X_0({\Bf R}), {\BZ/2})$, where $X_0$
is any K3-surface corresponding to a point from that component. In
some components this is only true for $k < \dim H_1(X_0({\Bf R}), {\BZ/2})$;
these components do not contain any point corresponding to a surface
$X$ with $H_1^\mathrm{alg}(X(\BR), {\BZ/2}) = H_1(X(\BR), {\BZ/2})$, see \cite{Man}. For
real Abelian surfaces the situation is similar, see \cite{Huisman:abelian}.
\begin{theo}\label{theo main}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface
with $Y(\BR)\ne\emptyset$. If all connected
components of the real part
$Y(\BR)$ are orientable, then
\[H_1^{\mathrm{alg}}(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})= H_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2}).\]
\dim H_1^{\mathrm{alg}}(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2}) = \dim H_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2}) - 1.
See Theorem~\ref{theo c alg} for more details.
In order to state further results we should mention that the set of
connected components of the real part of a real Enriques surface $Y$
has a natural decomposition into two parts $Y(\BR)=Y_1\bigsqcup
Y_2$. Following \cite{DeKha1} we will refer to these two parts as the
two \emph{halves} of the real Enriques surface. In \cite{N1} it is
shown that $Y$ is {\itshape{GM}}\ if both halves of $Y(\BR)$ are nonempty. It follows
\cite[Lem.~6.3.4]{DeKha2} that if precisely one of the halves of
$Y(\BR)$ is empty, then $Y$ is {\itshape{GM}}\ if and only if $Y(\BR)$ is
This result plays an important role in the proof of
many of the main results of that paper (see Section~7 of \emph{loc.\
In the present paper we will see
in the course of proving Theorem~\ref{theo main}
that a real Enriques surface with orientable real part
is not a {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}-variety. In Section~\ref{sec galmax} we also tackle the
nonorientable case and combining our results
with the results for coefficients in ${\BZ/2}$
that were already known we obtain the following theorem.
\begin{theo}\label{theo galmax}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface with nonempty real part.
\item Suppose the two halves $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ are nonempty. Then $Y$ is
{\itshape{GM}}. Moreover, $Y$ is {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}\ if and only if $Y(\BR)$ is nonorientable.
\item Suppose one of the halves $Y_1$ or $Y_2$ is empty. Then $Y$ is
{\itshape{GM}}\ if and only if $Y(\BR)$ is nonorientable.
Moreover, $Y$ is {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}\ if and only if $Y(\BR)$ has at least one component
of odd Euler characteristic.
There are examples of all cases described in the
above theorem (see \cite[Fig.~1]{DeKha1}).
In Section~\ref{sec brauer} we study the Brauer group $\operatorname{Br}(Y)$ of
a real Enriques surface $Y$ using the fact that
$\operatorname{Br}(Y)$ is isomorphic to the cohomological Brauer group
$\operatorname{Br}'(Y) = H^2_{\text{\textrm{\'et}}}(Y, {\mathbb{G}}_m)$,
since $Y$ is a nonsingular surface.
In \cite{N-S} Nikulin and Sujatha gave various equalities and
inequalities relating
the dimension of the 2-torsion of
$\operatorname{Br}(Y)$ to other topological invariants of
a real Enriques surface $Y$. It was
shown in \cite{N1} that
\dim_{\BZ/2} \operatorname{Tor}(2, \operatorname{Br}(Y)) \geq 2s -1
where $s$ is the number of connected components of $Y(\BR)$, and that
equality holds if $Y$ is {\itshape{GM}}.
Using the results in Section~\ref{sec galmax} on
equivariant homology with integral coefficients
we can compute the whole group $\operatorname{Br}(Y)$.
\begin{theo}\label{theo brauer}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface.
Let $s$ be the number of connected components of $Y(\BR)$.
If $Y(\BR) \neq \emptyset$ is nonorientable then
$$ \operatorname{Br}(Y) \simeq ({\BZ/2})^{2s-1}. $$
If $Y(\BR) \neq \emptyset$ is orientable then
$$ \operatorname{Br}(Y) \simeq
({\BZ/2})^{2s-2} \oplus {\Bf Z}/4 & \text{if both halves are nonempty},\\
({\BZ/2})^{2s} & \text{if one half is empty.}
If $Y(\BR) = \emptyset$ then
$$ Br(Y) \simeq {\BZ/2}. $$
Large parts of this paper were written during visits of the first author to
the \emph{Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam} and of the second author to
the \emph{Universit\'e Montpellier II}.
We want to thank J.~Bochnak and R.~Silhol
for the invitations, and the \emph{Thomas Stieltjes Instituut} and the
\emph{Universit\'e Montpellier II} for providing the necessary funds.
We are grateful to A.~Degtyarev and V.~Kharlamov
for giving us preliminary versions of their papers.
\section{Equivariant homology and cohomology }\label{sec equiv}
Since the group $G = \operatorname{Gal} ({\Bf C}/{\Bf R})$ acts in a
natural way on the complex points of an algebraic variety $Y$
defined over ${\Bf R}$,
the best homology and cohomology theories for studying the topology of
$Y(\BC)$ are
the ones that take this group action into account.
In \cite{N-S} \'etale cohomology $H^*_{\text{\textrm{\'et}}} (Y, {\BZ/2})$
is used, and in \cite{N1} the observation is made that this
is essentially
the same as equivariant cohomology $H^*(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2})$.
In \cite{DeKha2} Degtyarev and Kharlamov do not use
equivariant cohomology as such, but instead a `stabilized' form
of the
Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence
E_{p,q}^2(X; G, {\BZ/2}) = H^p(G, H^q(X, {\BZ/2}))
This construction, due to I.~Kalinin,
is based on the fact that if $G = {\BZ/2}$ then
$H^{p+2}(G, M) = H^p(G, M)$ for any group $M$ and any $p > 0$,
and if $M$ is a ${\BZ/2}$-module then even
$H^{p+1}(G, M) = H^p(G, M)$ for any $p > 0$,
so it is possible to squeeze the
Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence into 1, or at most 2 diagonals.
They also use the analogue of this Kalinin spectral sequence in homology.
In the present paper
we stick to the original equivariant cohomology supplemented
with a straightforward dual
construction which we call equivariant Borel-Moore homology.
First we will recall some properties of
equivariant cohomology for a space with
an action of $G = {\BZ/2}$. Then we will give the definition
of equivariant Borel-Moore homology and list the properties that we
are going to need.
In Section~\ref{sec fund} we give a short treatment of
the fundamental class of $G$-manifolds
and formulate Poincar\'e duality in the equivariant context.
Let $X$ be a topological space with an action of $G = {\BZ/2}$.
We denote the fixed point set of $X$ by $X^G$.
In \cite{Grothendieck} the groups $H^*(X; G, \mathcal{F} )$
are defined for a $G$-sheaf $\mathcal{F}$
on $X$, which is a sheaf with a $G$-action compatible
with the $G$-action on $X$.
Writing $G = \{1, \sigma \}$, this just means that we are given an
isomorphism of sheaves
$\varsigma:\mathcal{F} \to \sigma^* \mathcal{F}$
satisfying $\sigma^*(\varsigma) \circ \varsigma = \operatorname{id}$.
Now define
H^p(X; G, - ) = R^p \Gamma(X, -)^G
the $p$-th right derived functor of the $G$-invariant global sections functor.
We have natural mappings
e^p_{\mathcal{F}} \fcolon H^p(X; G, \mathcal{F}) \to H^p(X, \mathcal{F})^G
which are the edge morphisms of the
\emph{Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence}
E_{p,q}^2(X; G, \mathcal{F}) = H^p(G, H^q(X, \mathcal{F}))
\Rightarrow H^{p+q}(X; G, \mathcal{F})
For us, the most important $G$-sheaves will be the
constant sheaf ${\BZ/2}$ and the constant sheaves
constructed from the
$G$-modules ${\Bf Z}(k)$ for $k \in {\Bf Z}$.
Here we define ${\Bf Z}(k)$, to be the group of integers, equipped
with an action of $G$
defined by
$\sigma \cdot z = (-1)^k z$.
We will use the notation $A(k)$ to denote either ${\BZ/2}$ or ${\Bf Z}(k)$,
and we will sometimes use $A$ instead of $A(k)$ if $k$ is even.
There is a cup-product
H^p(X; G, A(k)) \otimes H^q(X; G, A(l)) \to H^{p+q}(X; G, A(k+l))
and a pull-back
$f^*$ for any continuous equivariant mapping $f \fcolon X \to Y$,
which both have the usual properties.
If $X$ is a point,
$H^p(\mathrm{pt}; G, M ) = H^p(G, M), $
which is cohomology of the group $G$ with coefficients in $M$.
Recall that
as a graded ring, $H^*(G,{\BZ/2})$
is isomorphic to the polynomial ring
${\BZ/2}[\eta]$, where $\eta$ is the nontrivial element in
By abuse of notation, we will also use the notation $\eta$ for
the nontrivial element in $H^1(G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \simeq {\BZ/2}$ and
$\eta^2$ for the
nontrivial element in $H^2(G, {\Bf Z}) \simeq {\BZ/2}$.
This notation
is justified by the fact that
$\eta \in H^1(G, {\Bf Z}(1))$ maps to $\eta \in H^1(G, {\BZ/2})$
under the reduction modulo 2 mapping and
$\eta^2 \in H^2(G, {\Bf Z})$ maps to $\eta^2 \in H^2(G, {\BZ/2})$.
The constant mapping $X \to \mathrm{pt}$ induces a mapping
$H^*(G, {\BZ/2}) \to H^*(X; G, {\BZ/2})$ and
we have a natural injection
$H^p(X^G, {\BZ/2}) \hookrightarrow H^p(X^G; G, {\BZ/2})$, so cup-product gives us
for any $G$-space $X$
a mapping
{H^*(X^G,{\BZ/2})}{\otimes}{H^*(G, {\BZ/2})}\to{H^*(X^G;G,{\BZ/2})}
which is well-known to be an isomorphism.
Taking the inverse of this isomorphism and
sending $\eta$ to the unit element in $H^*(X^G, {\BZ/2})$
we obtain a surjective homomorphism of rings
$H^*(X^G;G,{\BZ/2}) \to H^*(X^G, {\BZ/2})$
and we define for $A = {\Bf Z}$ or ${\BZ/2}$ and any $k \in {\Bf Z}$
the homomorphism of rings
$$ \beta \fcolon H^*(X; G, A(k)) \to H^*(X^G, {\BZ/2})$$
to be the composite mapping
$$ H^*(X; G, A(k)) \labelto{i^*}
H^*(X^G; G, A(k)) \labelto{\bmod 2} H^*(X^G; G, {\BZ/2}) \to H^*(X^G, {\BZ/2}), $$
where $i^*$ is induced by the inclusion $i \fcolon X^G \hookrightarrow X$.
Note that $\beta$ coincides with the mapping
$\beta'$ in \cite{Kr3}.
It is clear from the definition that
\beta(f^* \omega) = f^* \beta(\omega).
We use the notation
\beta^{n,p}\fcolon H^n(X; G, A(k)) \to H^p(X^G; {\BZ/2})
for the mapping induced by $\beta$.
In Section~\ref{sec galmax}, we will need one technical lemma
which can easily be proven using the
Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence.
\label{lem e2-not-surj}
Let $X$ be a $G$-space with $X^G \ne \emptyset$. Then if
$e^2_{A(k)}$ is not surjective on $H^2(X,A(k))^G$, there is a class
$\omega \in H^1(X; G, A(k-1))$ such
that $e^1_{A(k-1)}(\omega) \ne 0$, but $\beta(\omega) = 0$.
The homology theory we are going to use is
the natural dual to equivariant cohomology.
For an extensive treatment of its properties, see \cite{JvH}.
Here we will give a short account
without proofs.
In the rest of this section we assume $X$ to be a
locally compact space of finite cohomological dimension
with an action of $G = {\BZ/2}$, and $A(k)$ will be as above.
We define the \emph{equivariant Borel-Moore homology
of $X$ with coefficients
in $A(k)$} by
H_p(X; G, A(k)) = R^{-p} \operatorname{Hom}_G ( R \Gamma_c (X, {\Bf Z}), A(k))
\text{ for $p \in {\Bf Z}$}
where $\operatorname{Hom}_G$ stands for homomorphisms in the category of $G$-modules
and $\Gamma_c$ stands for global sections with compact support;
this is the natural equivariant generalization of
the usual Borel-Moore homology
in the context of sheaf theory (see, for example, \cite[Ch.IX]{Iversen}).
If $X$ is homeomorphic to an $n$-dimensional locally finite
simplicial complex
with a (simplicial) action of $G$,
the we can determine $H_p(X; G, A(k))$ from a double complex
analogous to the double complex~(1-12) in {N1}, which is used for
the calculation of equivariant cohomology.
the oriented chain complex
$ \mathcal{C}^\infty_n \to \mathcal{C}^\infty_{n-1} \to \dots \to \mathcal{C}^\infty_0 $
with closed supports
(i.e., the elements of $\mathcal{C}^\infty_p$ are $p$-chains that can
be infinite).
The chain complex with coefficients in $A(k)$ is
defined by
$$ \mathcal{C}^\infty_p(A(k)) = \mathcal{C}^\infty_p \tensor A(k), $$
and we give it the diagonal $G$-action.
Then $H_p(X; G, A(k))$ is naturally isomorphic to to the $(-p)$th
homology group of the total complex associated to the double complex
\dots & & \dots & & \dots \\
\mathcal{C}^\infty_{n-1}(A(k)) @>{1-\sigma}>>
\mathcal{C}^\infty_{n-1}(A(k)) @>{1+\sigma}>>
\mathcal{C}^\infty_{n-1}(A(k)) @>{1-\sigma}>>
\cdots \\
\mathcal{C}^\infty_{n}(A(k)) @>{1-\sigma}>>
\mathcal{C}^\infty_{n}(A(k)) @>{1+\sigma}>>
\mathcal{C}^\infty_{n}(A(k)) @>{1-\sigma}>>
\cdots \\
where the lower left hand corner has bidegree $(-n,0)$.
Note that by construction $H_p(\mathrm{pt}; G, A(k)) = H^{-p}(G, A(k))$,
so Poincar\'e duality holds trivially when $X$ is a point
(and the proof of Poincar\'e duality in higher dimensions, as stated
in Proposition~\ref{prop poincare}, is no more difficult than in the
nonequivariant case).
In particular,
$H_p(X; G, A(k))$ need not be zero for $p < 0$.
The groups $H_p(X; G, A(k))$ are covariantly functorial in $X$ with respect to
equivariant proper mappings and
the homomorphisms ${\Bf Z}(k) \to {\BZ/2}$ induce homomorphisms
$H_p(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k)) \to H_p(X; G, {\BZ/2})$ that fit into a long exact sequence
\label{les coeff}
\cdots \labelto{} H_p(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k)) \labelto{\times 2}
H_p(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k)) \labelto{}
\\ \labelto{}
H_p(X; G, {\BZ/2}) \labelto{}
H_{p-1}(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k)) \labelto{} \cdots
As in the case of cohomology,
there are natural homomorphisms
e^{A(k)}_p \fcolon H_p(X; G, A(k)) \to H_p(X, A(k))^G
which are the edge morphisms
of a Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence
E^2_{p,q}(X; G, A(k)) = H^{-p}(G, H_q (X, A(k)))
\Rightarrow H_{p+q}(X; G, A(k)).
If no confusion is likely, we use $e$ instead of $e^{A(k)}_p$;
we will often write
$e^{+}_p = e^{{\Bf Z}(2k)}_p$,
$e^{-}_p = e^{{\Bf Z}(2k+1)}_p$, and $e_p = e^{{\BZ/2}}_p$, and we
have similar conventions
for the edge morphisms $e^p_{A(k)}$ in cohomology.
There is a cap-product between homology and cohomology
\anpairing{H_p(X; G, A(k))}{\otimes}{H^q(X; G, A(l))}->%
{H_{p-q}(X; G, A(k-l))},%
{\gamma}{\otimes}{\omega}|->{\gamma \cap \omega},
and of course we have
\gamma \cap (\omega \cup \omega') &= (\gamma \cap \omega) \cap \omega',\\
e(\gamma \cap \omega) &=
e(\gamma) \cap e(\omega),\\
\intertext{and for any proper equivariant mapping $f\fcolon X \to Y$}
(f_* \gamma) \cap \omega &= f_* (\gamma \cap f^* \omega).
Recall that $\eta$ is the nontrivial element in $H^1(G, A(1))$.
Cap-product with $\eta$ considered as an element of $H^1(X; G, A(1))$
defines a map
\mapping{ s^{A(k)}_p}{H_p(X; G, A(k))}{H_{p-1}(X; G, A(k+1))}%
{\gamma}{\gamma \cap \eta}
It can be shown, that the $e^{A(k)}_p$ and $s^{A(k)}_p$
fit into a long exact sequence
\begin{multline}\label{se edge}
\cdots \xrightarrow{s^{A(k-1)}_{p+1}}
H_p(X;G,A(k)) \xrightarrow{e^{A(k)}_p}
H_p(X,A) \to
\\ \to H_p(X ;G,A(k-1))\xrightarrow{s^{A(k-1)}_{p}}
H_{p-1}(X ;G, A(k)) \to \cdots
For $s^{A(k)}_p$ we adopt the same notational conventions as for
The natural mapping
H_p(X^G, A) \to H_p(X^G; G, A)
and the cap-product give us a homomorphism
H_*(X^G,{\BZ/2}){\otimes}{H^*(G, {\BZ/2})}\to{H_*(X^G;G,{\BZ/2})},
which is an isomorphism.
Taking the inverse of this isomorphism and sending the nontrivial element
$\eta \in H^1(G,{\BZ/2})$ to the unit element in $H^*(X^G, {\BZ/2})$
we obtain a surjective homomorphism
$$H_*(X^G;G,{\BZ/2}) \to H_*(X^G,{\BZ/2}).$$
Furthermore, the
mapping $i_* \fcolon H_n(X^G; G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_n(X; G, {\BZ/2})$
induced by the inclusion $i \fcolon X^G \to X$
is an isomorphism for any $n < 0$, so we can define
a homomorphism
\rho \fcolon H_*(X;G,A(k)) \to H_*(X^G, {\BZ/2})
by taking the composite mapping
H_*(X;G,A(k)) \labelto{\bmod 2}
H_*(X; G, {\BZ/2}) \labelto{\cap \eta^{N}}
H_{< 0} (X;G,{\BZ/2})
\\ \to
H_*(X^G; G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_*(X^G, {\BZ/2}),
where $N$ is any integer greater than the (cohomological) dimension of $X$.
We use the notation $\rho_n$ for the restriction of $\rho$ to
$H_n(X;G,A(k))$, we write
$\rho_{n,p}$ for the composition of $\rho_n$ with
the projection $H_*(X^G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_p(X^G, {\BZ/2})$,
and similar definitions hold for $\rho_{n, \mathrm{even}}$ and $\rho_{n, \mathrm{odd}}$.
It is clear from the above that
\rho \circ s = \rho,
and that
the mapping
\rho_n \fcolon H_{n}(X;G,{\BZ/2}) \to H_*(X^G,{\BZ/2})
induced by $\rho$ is surjective if $n < 0$.
Note that, together with the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence
$E^r_{p,q}(X; G, {\BZ/2})$, this proves
equation (\ref{eq GM1}).
Equations \eqref{eq GM2} and \eqref{eq GM3}
can be derived
from the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence with coefficients in ${\Bf Z}$
and the following proposition.
\label{prop zhomdecompo}
Let $X$ be a locally compact space of finite cohomological dimension
with an action of $G={\BZ/2}$.
\rho_{n,\mathrm{even}} \fcolon
H_n(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k)) \to H_\mathrm{even}(X^G, {\BZ/2})
is an isomorphism if $n < 0$ and $n + k$ is even, and
\rho_{n,\mathrm{odd}} \fcolon
H_n(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k)) \to H_\mathrm{odd}(X^G, {\BZ/2})
is an isomorphism if $n < 0$ and $n + k$ is odd.
Observe that it is not claimed that
$\rho_n \left( H_n(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k)) \right) \subset H_*(X^G,{\BZ/2})$
is contained in $H_\mathrm{even}(X^G, {\BZ/2})$ (resp.\ $H_\mathrm{odd}(X^G, {\BZ/2})$).
In fact this is often not the case:
for any $\gamma \in H_n(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k))$ there is a
$p \equiv n + k \bmod 2$ such that
\label{eq bockstein}
\rho(\gamma) = \rho_{n,p} (\gamma) + \delta(\rho_{n,p} (\gamma))
+ \rho_{n,p - 2} (\gamma) + \delta(\rho_{n,p - 2} (\gamma)) + \dotsb,
where $\delta$
is the Bockstein homomorphism
$H_{p+1}(X^G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_{p}(X^G, {\BZ/2})$
associated to the short exact sequence
$$0 \to {\Bf Z}/2 \to {\Bf Z}/4 \to {\Bf Z}/2 \to 0$$
(compare \cite[Th.~0.1]{Kr3}).
We will also use the symbol $\delta$ for the connecting homomorphism
$H_{n+1}(X; G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_{n}(X; G, {\Bf Z}(k))$
of the long exact sequence \eqref{les coeff},
and we have
\rho_{n, \mathrm{even}}(\delta(\gamma)) &=
\rho_{n+1, \mathrm{even}}(\gamma) + \delta(\rho_{n+1, \mathrm{odd}}(\gamma)) &&
\text{if $n + k$ is even,}\\
\rho_{n, \mathrm{odd}}(\delta(\gamma)) &=
\rho_{n+1, \mathrm{odd}}(\gamma) + \delta(\rho_{n+1, \mathrm{even}}(\gamma)) &&
\text{if $n + k$ is odd.}
It is clear from the definition and the projection formula
\eqref{cap-and-f} that
\rho(\gamma) \cap \beta(\omega)&= \rho(\gamma \cap \omega), \\
\intertext{and for any proper mapping $f \fcolon X \to Y$ of $G$-spaces}
\rho(f_* \gamma)&= f_* \rho(\gamma).
There are canonical isomorphisms
$H_0(\mathrm{pt}; G, A) \simeq A$
and $H_0(\mathrm{pt}, A) = A$,
the homomorphisms induced
by the constant mapping $\varphi \fcolon X \to \mathrm{pt}$
give us for every compact $G$-space $X$ the \emph{degree maps}
\operatorname{deg_G} \fcolon H_0(X;G, A) &{}\to A\\
\deg \fcolon H_0(X, A) &{}\to A,
which satisfy the equality
e \circ \operatorname{deg_G} = \deg{} \circ e.
Extending the degree map on $H_0(X^G, {\BZ/2})$ by $0$ to the whole of
$H_*(X^G, {\BZ/2})$,
we have by equation~(\ref{f-and-rho})
\operatorname{deg_G}(\gamma) \equiv \deg( \rho(\gamma)) \bmod2,
for any $\gamma \in H_0(X; G, A)$.
Finally, define
H_*(X^G, A)^0 = \ker \left\{\deg \fcolon H_*(X^G, A) \to A \right\},
$H_\mathrm{even}(X^G, {\BZ/2})^0 = H_\mathrm{even}(X^G, {\BZ/2}) \cap H_*(X^G, {\BZ/2})^0$.
We will record three technical lemmas for use in Section~\ref{sec galmax}.
They can be proven by a careful inspection of either
the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence $E_{p,q}(X; G, A(k))$ or
the long exact sequence~(\ref{se edge}) with the appropriate coefficients.
\label{lem rho-zz}
Let $X$ be a compact connected $G$-space with $X^G \neq \emptyset$.
\rho_2 \fcolon H_2(X; G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_*(X^G, {\BZ/2})^0
is surjective if and only if the composite mapping
H_1 (X; G, {\BZ/2}) \xrightarrow{e_1}
H_1(X, {\BZ/2}) ^G \xrightarrow{\cup \eta^2}
H^2(G,H_1(X, {\BZ/2}))
is zero.
\label{lem even-rho-z}
Let $X$ be a compact connected $G$-space.
\rho_{2,\mathrm{even}} \fcolon H_2(X; G, {\Bf Z}) \to H_\mathrm{even}(X^G, {\BZ/2})^0
is surjective if and only if the composite mapping
H_1 (X; G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \xrightarrow{e_1^-}
H_1(X, {\Bf Z}(1)) ^G \xrightarrow{\cup \eta^2}
H^2(G,H_1(X, {\Bf Z}(1))
is zero.
\label{lem odd-rho}
Let $X$ be a locally compact connected $G$-space with $X^G \neq \emptyset$.
Then the mapping
\rho_{2,\mathrm{odd}} \fcolon H_2(X; G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \to H_\mathrm{odd}(X^G, {\BZ/2})
is surjective if and only if the composite mapping
H_1 (X; G, {\Bf Z}) \xrightarrow{e_1^+} H_1(X, {\Bf Z}) ^G \xrightarrow{\cap
\eta^2} H^2(G,H_1(X, {\Bf Z}))
is zero.
\section{The fundamental class of a $G$-manifold} \label{sec fund}
Let again $A$ be ${\BZ/2}$ or ${\Bf Z}$.
Let $X$ be an $A$-oriented topological manifold
of finite dimension $d$ with an action of $G=\{1,\sigma\}$.
We will define the fundamental class
of $X$ in equivariant homology with coefficients in
$A(k)$ for $k$ even or odd.
It is well-known, that $H_d(X, A) = A$, and the $A$-orientation
determines a generator $\mu_X$ of $H_d(X, A)$.
Observe that we do not need to require $X$ to be compact, since we use
Borel-Moore homology.
If $G$ acts via an $A$-orientation preserving involution,
then $\mu_X \in H_d(X, A)^G$, otherwise
$\mu_X \in H_d(X, A(1))^G$.
By the Hochschild-Serre
spectral sequence \eqref{spectral} we have for $k\in{\Bf Z}$
an isomorphism $H_d(X; G, A(k)) \simeq H_d(X, A(k))^G$,
given by the edge morphisms $e^{A(k)}_d$,
so we a the fundamental class
\mu_X \in H_d(X; G, A(k))
where $k$ must have the right parity.
\begin{prop}[Poincar\'e duality]
\label{prop poincare}
Let $X$ be a $G$-manifold with fundamental class
$\mu_X \in H_d(X; G, A(k))$. Then the mapping
\anmapping{H^i(X; G, A(l))}{H_{d-i}(X; G, A(k-l))}{\omega}{\mu_X\cap\omega}
is an isomorphism.
Assuming that the action of $G$ is
\emph{locally smooth} (i.e., each fixed point has a neighbourhood that
is equivariantly homeomorphic to ${\Bf R}^d$ with an orthogonal $G$-action), the
fixed point set of $X^G$ is again a topological manifold,
but it need not be $A$-orientable and it need not be equi-dimensional.
However, if $V$ is a connected component of $X^G$ and $V$ has
dimension $d_0$, then it has a fundamental
class $\mu_{V} \in H_{d_0}(V, {\BZ/2})$, and we have that
the restriction of $\rho_{d,d_0}(\mu_X) \in H_{d_0}(X^G, {\BZ/2})$
to $V$ equals $\mu_V$ (see \cite{JvH}).
If $X$ is a closed sub-$G$-manifold of a $G$-manifold $Y$, then the embedding
$j \fcolon X \to Y$
is proper, so
it induces a mapping in equivariant homology.
We define the class in $H_d(Y; G, A(k))$ \emph{represented by $X$}
to be $j_* \mu_X$.
Now let $X$ be an algebraic variety defined over ${\Bf R}$.
We want to define the class in $H_{2d}(X; G, {\Bf Z}(d))$
represented by a subvariety of dimension $d$.
As in \cite{Fulton}, we will distinguish two kinds of subvarieties,
the \emph{geometrically irreducible subvarieties}, which are varieties
over ${\Bf R}$ themselves,
and the \emph{geometrically reducible subvarieties}, which
are irreducible over ${\Bf R}$, but which split into two components
when tensored with ${\Bf C}$. Then the complex conjugation exchanges these
two components.
Any complex algebraic
variety $V$ of dimension $d$ has a fundamental class
$\mu_V \in H_{2d}(V({\Bf C}), {\Bf Z})$, and
the complex conjugation on ${\Bf C}^d$
preserves orientation if $d$ is even, and reverses orientation
if $d$ is odd. This implies that if $j \fcolon Z \hookrightarrow X$ is
the inclusion of a subvariety of dimension $d$ defined over ${\Bf R}$,
then $\mu_{Z_{\Bf C}}$ is a generator of $H_d(Z({\Bf C}), {\Bf Z}(d))^G$
if $Z_{\Bf C}$ is irreducible, and $H_d(Z({\Bf C}), {\Bf Z}(d))^G$
is generated by $\mu_{Z_1} + \mu_{Z_2}$ if $Z_{\Bf C}$ is
the union of two distinct complex varieties $Z_1$ and $Z_2$
of dimension $d$.
Hence we define the fundamental
class $\mu_Z \in H_{2d}(Z({\Bf C}); G, {\Bf Z}(d))$ of $Z$ to be the inverse image
of $\mu_{Z _{\Bf C}}$
(resp.\ of $\mu_{Z_1} + \mu_{Z_2}$) under $e^{{\Bf Z}(d)}_{2d}$.
The class $[Z] \in H_{2d}(X({\Bf C}); G, {\Bf Z}(d))$ represented
by $Z$ is of course defined to be $j_* \mu_Z$.
If we use the notation
$[Z({\Bf R})] \in H_d(X(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ for the homology class
represented by $Z({\Bf R})$, as defined in \cite{BoHa},
then indeed
\rho_{2d,d}([Z]) = [Z({\Bf R})].
If $Z, Z'$ are subvarieties of $X$ defined over ${\Bf R}$
which are rationally equivalent
over ${\Bf R}$ (see \cite{Fulton} for a definition), then $[Z] = [Z']$, so
we get for every $d \leq \dim X$
a well-defined cycle map
$${CH}_d(X) \to H_{2d}(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(d))$$
from the Chow group in dimension $d$ to equivariant homology.
The image will be denoted by $H_{2d}^\mathrm{alg}(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(d))$, and we see by
equation~(\ref{rho-and-cycle1}), that
\rho_{2d,d}\left(H_{2d}^\mathrm{alg}(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(d))\right) =
H_d^\mathrm{alg}(X(\BR), {\BZ/2}).
For $X$ nonsingular projective of dimension $n$,
this map coincides with the composition of the mapping
$${CH}_d(X) \to H^{2(n-d)}(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(n-d))$$
as defined in \cite{Kr2}
and the Poincar\'e duality isomorphism.
As a consequence we can use the following description of
the image of the cycle map in codimension 1, where we use the notation
$H^{2}_\mathrm{alg}(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$
for the image of ${CH}_{n-1}(X)$ in cohomology.
\label{prop lefschetz}
Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective algebraic variety over ${\Bf R}$.
Let $\mathcal{O}_h$ be the sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions on
Then $H^2_\mathrm{alg}(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$ is the kernel of the composite mapping
H^2(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \labelto{e^2_-} H^2(X(\BC), {\Bf Z}) \labelto{}
H^2(X(\BC), \mathcal{O}_h)
This follows immediately from Proposition~1.3.1 in \cite{Kr2},
which states that
$H^2_\mathrm{alg}(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$ is
the image of the connecting morphism
H^1(X(\BC); G, \mathcal{O}^*_h) \to H^2(X(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))
in the long exact sequence induced by the
exponential sequence of $G$-sheaves
$$ 0 \to {\Bf Z}(1) \to \mathcal{O}_h \to \mathcal{O}^*_h \to 0 $$
\section{Algebraic cycles}\label{sec enriques}
The following facts about real Enriques surfaces can be found in
\cite{Ni} or \cite{DeKha1}. Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface.
Let $X \to Y_{\Bf C}$ be the double covering
of $Y_{\Bf C}$ by a complex K3-surface $X$. Since $X(\BC)$ is simply connected,
$X(\BC)$ is the universal covering space of $Y(\BC)$ and
$H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) = {\BZ/2}$.
The complex conjugation $\sigma$ on $Y(\BC)$
can be lifted
to the covering $X(\BC)$ in two different ways. If $Y(\BR) \neq \emptyset$ this
is easy to see; if $Y(\BR) = \emptyset$ we need to use the fact that
a smooth manifold diffeomorphic to a K3-surface does not admit a free
${\Bf Z}/4$-action, see \cite[p.~439]{Hitchin}. Hence we can give $X$ the
structure of a variety over ${\Bf R}$ in two different ways, which we will
denote by $X_1$ and $X_2$.
The two halves $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ of $Y(\BR)$ mentioned in the introduction
of the components covered by $X_1({\Bf R})$ and
$X_2({\Bf R})$, respectively.
All connected components of $X_1({\Bf R})$ and
$X_2({\Bf R})$ are orientable, as is the case for the
real part of any real K3-surface.
If a connected component of a half $Y_i$ is
orientable, then it is covered by two components of $X_i({\Bf R})$, which
are interchanged by the covering transformation of $X$. A
nonorientable component of $Y_i$ is covered by just one
component of $X_i({\Bf R})$; this is the orientation covering.
Since for an Enriques surface $H^2(Y(\BC), \mathcal{O}_h) = 0$ (see \cite[V.23]{BPV}),
we see by Proposition~\ref{prop lefschetz} and Poincar\'e duality
that $H_2^\mathrm{alg}(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) = H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$, so
$H_1^\mathrm{alg}(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ is the image of the mapping
\alpha_2 =\rho_{2, 1} \fcolon H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \to H_1(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2}).
In order to determine the image of $\alpha_2$
we will define $\alpha_n$
for any $n \in {\Bf Z}$ by
\alpha_n = \rho_{n,1} \fcolon H_n(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(n-1)) \to H_1(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2}).
Observe, that $\alpha_n = \alpha_{n-1} \circ s^{+/-}_n$.
\begin{lem}\label{lem codim}
For a real Enriques surface $Y$, the codimension of $\operatorname{Im} \alpha_2$
in $H_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})$ does not exceed $1$.
We may assume that $Y(\BR) \ne \emptyset$.
Using the fact that $\alpha_{-1}$ is an isomorphism by
Proposition~\ref{prop zhomdecompo}, and
both $s^{-}_0$ and $s^{+}_{1}$ are surjective by the
long exact sequence~(\ref{se edge}),
we see that $\alpha_1$ is surjective.
$\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 \circ s^-_2$,
it suffices to remark that if the cokernel of
$s^-_2\fcolon H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \to H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z})$ is nonzero,
it is isomorphic to $H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) = {\BZ/2}$.
\begin{prop}\label{prop rho}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface.
A class $\gamma\inH_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})$ is contained in the image of
$\alpha_2$ if and only
\deg(\gamma \cap
w_1(Y(\BR))) = 0,
where $w_1(Y(\BR)) \in H^1(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ is the first Stiefel-Whitney class
of $Y(\BR)$.
Again we may assume that $Y(\BR) \ne \emptyset$.
Denote by $\Omega$ the subspace of $H_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})$ whose elements
$\gamma$ verify $\deg(\gamma\cap w_1(Y(\BR))) = 0$.
If $Y(\BR)$ is orientable, $w_1(Y(\BR))=0$ and
$\Omega=H_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})$. Furthermore, we have a surjective morphism
H_1(X_1({\Bf R}),{\BZ/2}) \oplus H_1(X_2({\Bf R}),{\BZ/2})\toH_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})
where the $X_1$ and $X_2$ are the two real K3-surfaces covering $Y$
(see the beginning of this section). This morphism fits
in a commutative diagram
H_2(X_1({\Bf C}); G, {\Bf Z}(1))\oplusH_2(X_2({\Bf C}); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) @>>>
H_2(Y(\BC); G,{\Bf Z}(1))\\
@V{\alpha_2^{X_1}\oplus\alpha_2^{X_2}}VV @VV{\alpha_2}V \\
H_1(X_1({\Bf R}),{\BZ/2}) \oplus H_1(X_2({\Bf R}),{\BZ/2})@>>>H_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})
Here the $\alpha_n^{X_i} \fcolon H_n(X_1({\Bf C}); G, {\Bf Z}(n-1)) \to
H_1(X_1({\Bf R}),{\BZ/2})$ are defined in the
same way as $\alpha_n$. As $H_1(X(\BC),{\Bf Z})=0$ for a real
K3-surface $X$, it follows from Lemma~\ref{lem odd-rho}, that
$\alpha_2^{X_1}$ and $\alpha_2^{X_2}$ are surjective, which implies
the surjectivity of $\alpha_2$. In other words, $\operatorname{Im} \alpha_2=\Omega$.
Now assume that $Y(\BR)$ is nonorientable.
Then $w_1(Y(\BR))\ne 0$, and by nondegeneracy
of the cap-product pairing $\operatorname{codim}\Omega = 1$.
First we will prove that $\operatorname{Im} \alpha_2 \subset \Omega$.
Let $K=-cw_1(Y(\BC))\inH^2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$, where $cw_1(Y(\BC))$ is the first
mixed characteristic class of the tangent bundle of $Y(\BC)$ as defined
in \cite[3.2]{Kr2}. Then $e(K) \in H^2(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})$ is the
first Chern class of the canonical line bundle of $Y$, so $2 e(K)=0$
(see \cite[V.32]{BPV}).
This means that
for any $\gamma\inH_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$ we have
$\operatorname{deg_G}(\gamma\cap K)=\deg(e(\gamma) \cap e(K)) = 0$,
$\deg(\rho(\gamma) \cap \beta(K)) = 0$ by equations \eqref{deg-and-rho1}
and \eqref{cap-and-rho}.
The projection $\rho_{2,2}(\gamma)$ of
$\rho(\gamma) \in H_*(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ to $H_2(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ is zero
by equation \eqref{eq bockstein}
the projection $\beta^{2,0}(K)$ of $\beta(K) \in H^*(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$
to $H^0(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ is zero by \cite[Th.~0.1]{Kr3}.
This implies
\deg(\rho(\gamma) \cap \beta(K)) = \deg (\rho_{2,1}(\gamma) \cap
\beta^{2,1}(K) ),
but $\beta^{2,1}(K) = w_1(Y(\BR))$ by
\cite[Th.~3.2.1]{Kr2}, and $\rho_{2,1}(\gamma)= \alpha_2(\gamma)$ by
definition, so $\deg(\alpha_2(\gamma) \cap w_1(Y(\BR)))=0$.
In other words, $\operatorname{Im} \alpha_2\subset\Omega$.
Lemma~\ref{lem codim} now gives us that $\operatorname{Im} \alpha_2 = \Omega$.
\label{cor alpha}
With the above notation,
$\alpha_2$ is surjective if and only if
$Y({\Bf R})$ is orientable.
Theorem~\ref{theo main} in the introduction is an immediate
consequence of
Proposition~\ref{prop rho}. We can even give an
explicit description of $H_1^\mathrm{alg}(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$.
\begin{theo}\label{theo c alg}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques
A class $\gamma\inH_1(Y(\BR),{\BZ/2})$
can be represented by an algebraic cycle
if and only if
$\deg(\gamma \capw_1(Y(\BR))) = 0$.
\section{Galois-Maximality}\label{sec galmax}
The aim of this section is to describe which Enriques surfaces
are {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}-varieties and/or {\itshape{GM}}-varieties in terms of the
orientability of the real part and the distribution of
the components over the halves. See
the introduction
for the definition of Galois-Maximality and
Section \ref{sec enriques} for the
definition of 'halves'.
The proof of Theorem \ref{theo galmax} will consist of a collection of
technical results and explicit constructions
of equivariant homology classes.
For completeness we also prove the
parts of Theorem \ref{theo galmax} concerning coefficients in ${\BZ/2}$,
although these results are not new (see the introduction).
\begin{lem}\label{caract gm}
Let $Y$ be an algebraic variety over ${\Bf R}$. Then
\item $Y$ is {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}\ if and only if $e^+_p$ is surjective
on $H_p(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})^G$ and $e^-_p$ is surjective onto
$H_p(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z}(1))^G$ for all $p$.
\item $Y$ is {\itshape{GM}}\ if and only $e_p$ is surjective onto
$H_p(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2})^G$ for all $p$.
This follows from the fact that $Y$ is {\itshape{GM}}\ (resp. {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}})
if and only if the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence
$E^r_{p,q}(Y(\BC); G, A)$ is trivial for $A = {\BZ/2}$ (resp. ${\Bf Z}$),
and this can be checked by looking at the edge morphisms,
since we have for every $k \geq 0$ and every $G$-module $M$
natural surjections
$H^k(G, M) \to H^{k+2}(G, M)$, and
$H^k(G, M) \to H^{k+1}(G, M(1))$, which are isomorphisms for
$k > 0$.
\begin{lem}\label{lem enr gm}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface with $Y(\BR)\ne\emptyset$. Then
for any $p\in\{0,2,3,4\}$, $e^{+/-}_p$ is surjective onto
$H_p(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z}(k))^G$,
for any $p\in\{0,3,4\}$, $e_p$ is surjective onto
This can be seen from the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequences
(cf. \cite[\S~5]{Kr1}).
\label{cor enr gm}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface with $Y(\BR)\ne\emptyset$. Then $Y$ is
{\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}\ if and only if $e_1^{+/-}$ is surjective onto
$H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}(k))^G$ for $k=0, 1$.
Moreover, $Y$ is {\itshape{GM}}\ if and only if $e_1$ and $e_2$
are surjective onto $H_1(Y(\BC), {\BZ/2})^G$, resp.\ $H_2(Y(\BC), {\BZ/2})^G$.
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface with $Y(\BR)\ne\emptyset$.
If $e_2$ is not surjective onto $H_2(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2})^G$, then
$e_1$ is not surjective onto $H_1(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2})^G$.
By Poincar\'e duality
we see that
if $e_2$ is not surjective onto $H_2(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2})^G$, then
$e^2$ is not surjective onto $H^2(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2})^G$.
Let us assume that $e^2$ is not surjective.
Then by Lemma~\ref{lem e2-not-surj} there exists an
$\omega \in H^1(Y(\BC); G, A(k-1))$ such
that $e^1_{A(k-1)}(\omega) \ne 0$, but $\beta(\omega) = 0$.
Now suppose $e_1$ is surjective onto $H_1(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2})^G$, then there exists
a $\gamma\in H_1(Y(\BC);G,{\BZ/2})$ such that
\deg(e_1(\gamma)\cap e^1(\omega))\ne 0.
This means that $\operatorname{deg_G}(\gamma \cap \omega) \ne 0$, but this contradicts
\operatorname{deg_G}(\gamma \cap \omega) = \deg(\rho(\gamma) \cap \beta(\omega))
= \deg(\rho(\gamma) \cap 0) = 0.
Hence $e_1$ is not surjective.
\begin{prop}\label{prop zgmzzgm}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface with $Y(\BR)\ne\emptyset$.
\item $Y$ is {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}\ if and only if $e^+_1$ and $e^-_1$ are nonzero.
\item $Y$ is {\itshape{GM}}\ if and only if $e_1$ is nonzero.
\item If $e_1$ is zero then $e^+_1$ and $e^-_1$ are zero.
In particular, if $Y$ is {\itshape{$\BZ$-GM}}, then $Y$ is also {\itshape{GM}}.
If $Y$ is an Enriques surface,
H_1(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})=H_1(Y(\BC),{\BZ/2})={\BZ/2},
so $e^{+/-}_1$ and $e_1$ are surjective if and only if they are
nonzero. By Lemma~\ref{e2e1},
$e_2$ is surjective if $e_1 \ne 0$, so
we obtain the
first two assertions from Corollary~\ref{cor enr gm}.
The last assertion follows from the commutative diagram
H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(k)) @>{e^{+/-}_1}>> H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}(k))\\
@VVV @VVV \\
H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2}) @>{e_1}>> H_1(Y(\BC), {\BZ/2})
\begin{lem}\label{lem e1+}
Let $Y$ be a real Enriques surface with $Y(\BR)\ne\emptyset$.
Then $e_1^+=0$ if and only if $Y(\BR)$ is orientable.
We know from Corollary~\ref{cor alpha}, that
$\alpha_2$ is surjective if and only if
$Y(\BR)$ is orientable.
Since $H_1(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})= {\BZ/2}$, the mapping
$H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) ^G \xrightarrow{\cup \eta^2}
H^2(G,H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}))$ is an isomorphism,
so Lemma~\ref{lem odd-rho} gives us that
$\alpha_2$ is surjective if and only if $e_1^+=0$.
\begin{lem}\label{lem e1-}
If the two halves $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ of a real Enriques surface
$Y$ are nonempty,
then $e^-_1\ne 0$.
Let $X$ be the K3-covering of $Y_{\Bf C}$,
let $\tau$ be the deck transformation of this covering
and denote by
$\sigma_1$ and $\sigma_2$ the two different
involutions of $X(\BC)$ lifting the involution
$\sigma$ of $Y(\BC)$. Let $X_i({\Bf R})$ be the set of fixed points under
$\sigma_i$ and let $p_i$ be a point in $X_i({\Bf R})$ for $i = 1,\;2$.
Let $l$ be an arc in $X(\BC)$ connecting $p_1$ and $p_2$ without containing
any other point of $X_1({\Bf R})$ or $X_2({\Bf R})$.
Then the union $L$ of the four arcs
$l$, $\sigma_1(l)$, $\sigma_2(l)$,
$\tau(l)$ is homeomorphic to a circle, and we have that $\tau(L)=L$.
This implies that the image $\lambda$
of $L$ in $Y(\BC)$
is again homeomorphic to a circle; we choose an orientation on $\lambda$.
Now $G$ acts on $\lambda$ via an orientation reversing involution,
so $\lambda$ represents a class $[\lambda]$ in $H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$.
Since $X(\BC) \to Y(\BC)$ is the universal covering,
and the inverse image of $\lambda$ is precisely $L$, hence homeomorphic
to a circle, the class of $\lambda$ is nonzero in $H_1(Y(\BC),{\Bf Z})$,
so $e^-_1([\lambda]) \ne 0$.
\begin{lem}\label{lem one or}
If exactly one of the halves $Y_1$, $Y_2$ of a real Enriques surface
$Y$ is empty, then $e_1 = 0$ if and only if $Y(\BR)$ is orientable.
If $e_1=0$, we have $e_1^+=0$ by Proposition~\ref{prop zgmzzgm}
and then $Y(\BR)$ is orientable by \ref{lem e1+}. Conversely, if $Y(\BR)$ is
orientable and $X_2({\Bf R}) = \emptyset$, then $X_1({\Bf R}) \to Y({\Bf R})$ is
the trivial double covering, so it induces a surjection
$H_*(X_1({\Bf R}), {\BZ/2})^0 \to H_*(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})^0$, where $H_*({-}, {\BZ/2})^0$
denotes the kernel of the degree map as defined in Section~\ref{sec
equiv}. Since $H_1(X(\BC), {\BZ/2}) = 0$, the mapping $\rho\fcolon
H_2(X_1({\Bf C}); G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_*(X_1({\Bf R}), {\BZ/2})^0$ is surjective by
Lemma~\ref{lem rho-zz}. Now the functoriality of $\rho$ with respect
to proper equivariant mappings (equation (\ref{f-and-rho})) implies
\rho_2 \fcolonH_2(Y({\Bf C}); G, {\BZ/2}) \to H_*(Y({\Bf R}), {\BZ/2})
is surjective, and Lemma~\ref{lem rho-zz} then gives that $e_1$ is
\begin{lem}\label{lem euler char}
If exactly one of the halves $Y_1$, $Y_2$ of a real Enriques surface
$Y$ is empty, then $e^-_1 \ne 0$ if and only if
$Y(\BR)$ has components of odd Euler characteristic.
Assume $Y_2 = \emptyset$.
By Lemma~\ref{lem even-rho-z}, it suffices to show that
\rho_{2,\mathrm{even}} \fcolon H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}) \to H_\mathrm{even}(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})^0
is surjective if and only if
$Y(\BR)$ has no components of odd Euler characteristic.
Although $Y(\BR)$ need not be orientable,
we can apply the K3-covering as in the previous lemma and
prove that the image of $\rho_{2,\mathrm{even}}$
contains a basis for the subgroup $H_0(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2}) \cap H_\mathrm{even}(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})^0$,
so $\rho_{2,\mathrm{even}}$ is surjective if and only if
\rho_{2,2} \fcolon H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}) \to H_2(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})
is surjective.
We will use that $H_2(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ is generated by
the fundamental classes of the connected components
of $Y(\BR)$.
Pick a component $V$ of $Y(\BR)$. If $V$ is orientable, it
gives a class in $H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z})$, which maps to the fundamental class
of $V$ in $H_2(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$.
Now assume $V$ is nonorientable.
Let $[V]$ be the fundamental class of $V$ in $H_2(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$,
let $[V]_G$ be the class represented by $V$ in $H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2})$, and
let $\gamma = \delta([V]_G)$ be the Bockstein image in $H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$.
Then $\rho_{1,2}(\gamma) = \rho_{2,2}([V]_G) = [V]$ by
equation~(\ref{rho-and-delta}), so $[V]$ is in the image of
$H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z})$ under $\rho_{2,2}$ if and only if $e^-_1(\gamma) = 0$.
From the construction of $\gamma$ we see that
$e^-_1(\gamma) = i_* \delta([V])$, where $i \fcolon V \to Y(\BC)$
is the inclusion and $\delta([V]) \in H_1(V, {\Bf Z})$ is the
Bockstein image of $[V]$. Therefore $e^-_1(\gamma)$ can be represented
by a circle $\lambda$ embedded in $V$.
Since $X(\BC) \to Y(\BC)$ is the universal covering,
$e^-_1(\gamma)$ is zero if and only if the inverse image $L$ of $\lambda$
in $X(\BC)$ has two connected components.
Let $W$ be the component of $X_1({\Bf R})$ covering $V$. Then $W$ is
the orientation covering of $V$ and $L \subset W$.
If $V$ has odd Euler characteristic,
then it is the connected sum of a real projective plane
and an orientable compact surface. We see by elementary geometry
that $L$ is connected.
If $V$ has even Euler characteristic, it is the connected sum of a
Klein bottle and an orientable compact surface,
and we see that $L$
has two connected components.
\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{theo galmax}]
By Proposition~\ref{prop zgmzzgm}, the first part of the theorem
follows from Lemma~\ref{lem e1+} and Lemma~\ref{lem e1-},
and the second part of the theorem follows from Lemma~\ref{lem one or}
and lemma~\ref{lem euler char}.
\section{The Brauer group}\label{sec brauer}
Let $Y$ be a nonsingular projective algebraic variety defined
over ${\Bf R}$.
Let $$\operatorname{Br}'(Y) = H^2_{\text{\textrm{\'et}}}(Y, {\mathbb{G}}_m)$$
be the cohomological Brauer group of $Y$, and let $\operatorname{Tor}(n, \operatorname{Br}'(Y))$
be the $n$-torsion of $\operatorname{Br}'(Y)$.
We have a canonical isomorphism
\label{eq torbr}
\operatorname{Tor}(n, \operatorname{Br}'(Y)) \simeq \\
\simeq \operatorname{Coker} \left \{H^2_\mathrm{alg}(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))
\labelto{\bmod n} H^2(Y(\BC); G, {{\Bf Z}/n}(1)) \right \},
as can be deduced from the Kummer sequence
$$ 1 \labelto{} {\boldsymbol{\mu}}_n \labelto{}
{\mathbb{G}}_m \labelto{\times n} {\mathbb{G}}_m \labelto{} 1, $$
and the well-known identifications
H^k_{\text{\textrm{\'et}}}(Y, {\boldsymbol{\mu}}_n) & \simeq H^k(Y(\BC); G, {{\Bf Z}/n}(1)) \\
H^1(Y, {\mathbb{G}}_m) & \simeq \operatorname{Pic}(Y).
It can be checked, that the mapping
$$\beta^{2,0} \fcolon H^2(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2}) \to H^0(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$$
induces a well-defined homomorphism
\operatorname{Tor}(2, \operatorname{Br}'(Y)) \to H^0(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2}).
If $\dim Y \leq 2$, in particular if $Y$ is
a real Enriques surface, we may identify $\operatorname{Br}'(Y)$
with the classical Brauer group $\operatorname{Br}(Y)$ (see \cite[II, Th.~2.1]{Brauer}).
Two of the main problems considered in \cite{N-S} and \cite{N1}
are the calculation
of $\dim_{\BZ/2} \operatorname{Tor}(2, \operatorname{Br}(Y))$ and the question whether the mapping
\eqref{CTP} is surjective for every real Enriques surface $Y$.
Both problems were solved for certain classes of real Enriques surfaces.
The second problem has been completely solved
in \cite{Kr3}, where it is shown that the mapping \eqref{CTP} is
surjective for any nonsingular projective
surface $Y$ defined over ${\Bf R}$ (see
Remark~3.3 in \emph{loc.\ cit.}).
The results in Section~\ref{sec galmax} will help us
to solve the first problem for every Enriques
surface $Y$ by determining the whole
group $\operatorname{Br}(Y)$.
\begin{lem}\label{lem torbr}
Let $Y$ be a nonsingular projective algebraic variety defined over
${\Bf R}$ such that
$$ H^2_\mathrm{alg}((Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) = H^2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)). $$
$$ \operatorname{Tor}(\operatorname{Br}'(Y)) \simeq \operatorname{Tor}(H^3(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))). $$
By the hypothesis and the isomorphism \eqref{eq torbr} there is
for every integer $n > 0$ a short exact sequence
$$ H^2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \tensor {{\Bf Z}/n} \to H^2(Y(\BC); G, {{\Bf Z}/n}(1))
\to \operatorname{Tor}(n, \operatorname{Br}'(Y)), $$
hence we deduce from the long exact sequence in equivariant cohomology
associated to the short exact sequence
$$ 0 \to {\Bf Z}(1) \labelto{\times n} {\Bf Z}(1) \to {{\Bf Z}/n}(1) \to 0 $$
that we have for every $n > 0$ a natural isomorphism
$$ \operatorname{Tor}(n, \operatorname{Br}'(Y)) \simeq \operatorname{Tor}(n, H^3(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))). $$
\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{theo brauer}]
By \cite[I.2 and II, Th.~2.1]{Brauer} we have
$\operatorname{Br}(Y) = \operatorname{Tor}(\operatorname{Br}(Y)) = \operatorname{Tor}(\operatorname{Br}'(Y))$.
On the other hand,
$\operatorname{Tor}(H^3(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))) = H^3(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) $
since $H^3(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) = {\BZ/2}$. Hence, by Lemma~\ref{lem torbr}
and Poincar\'e duality
$$\operatorname{Br}(Y) \simeq H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)). $$
Now consider the long exact sequence~\eqref{se edge} for $A(k) = {\Bf Z}$:
$$ \dots \labelto{e_1^+} H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) \to
H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))
\labelto{s_1^-} H_0(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}) \to \dotsb $$
It follows from Proposition~\ref{prop zhomdecompo} and the long
exact sequence~\eqref{se edge} for $A(k) = {\Bf Z}(1)$ that
$\rho \fcolon H_*(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}) \to H_*(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})$ induces an isomorphism
$$ \operatorname{Im} s_1^- \overset{\sim}{\to} H_\mathrm{even}(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})^0.$$
We obtain an exact sequence
\begin{equation}\label{se br}
\dots \labelto{e_1^+} {\BZ/2} \to
H_1(Y(\BC) ; G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \to H_\mathrm{even}(Y(\BR), {\BZ/2})^0\to 0.
If $Y(\BR) \neq \emptyset$
is nonorientable, then $e_1^+ \neq 0$ by Lemma~\ref{lem e1+},
so $H_1(Y(\BC) ; G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \simeq ({\BZ/2})^{2s-1}$,
which proves the first part of the theorem.
Now assume $Y(\BR) \neq \emptyset$ is orientable.
Then $e_1^+ = 0$ by Lemma~\ref{lem e1+},
so we get from~\eqref{se br} an exact sequence
0 \to {\BZ/2} \to H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \to ({\BZ/2})^{2s -1} \to 0,
$H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \simeq ({\BZ/2})^{2s}\
\text{or}\ ({\BZ/2})^{2s-2} \oplus ({\Bf Z}/4).$
In order to decide between these two possibilities,
consider the following commutative diagram with exact rows.
H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2}) @>{\delta^-}>>
H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) @>{\times 2}>>
H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) \\
@V{e_2}VV @V{e_1^-}VV @V{e_1^-}VV \\
H_2(Y(\BC), {\BZ/2}) @>{\delta}>>
H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) @>{\times 2}>>
H_1(Y(\BC), {\Bf Z}) \\
@A{e_2}AA @A{e_1^+}AA @A{e_1^+}AA \\
H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2}) @>{\delta^+}>>
H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}) @>{\times 2}>>
H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z})
We have that $H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1))$ is pure $2$-torsion
if and only if $\delta^-$ is surjective. We
claim that $\delta^-$ is surjective if and only if
$e_1^- = 0$.
Together with Lemmas~\ref{lem euler char} and \ref{lem e1-}
this would prove the second part of the theorem.
Let us prove the claim.
Since $e_1^+ = 0$, we have $\delta \circ e_2 =0$.
If $e_1^- \neq 0$, an easy diagram chase shows that
$\delta^-$ is not surjective.
On the other hand
the following diagram can be shown to be commutative.
\put(751,464){\vector( 0,-1){525}}
\put(1576,539){\vector( 3,-1){1350}}
\put(1576,-211){\vector( 1, 0){1350}}
\put(751,614){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\smash{$H_2(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z})$}}}
\put(751,-286){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\smash{$H_2(Y(\BC) ; G, {\BZ/2})$}}}
\put(3226,-286){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{$H_1(Y(\BC); G, Z(1))$}}}
\put(2176,-136){\makebox(0,0)[b]{\smash{$\scriptstyle \delta^-$}}}
\put(2176,464){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{$\scriptstyle s^+_2$}}}
\put(676,239){\makebox(0,0)[rb]{\smash{$\scriptstyle \bmod 2$}}}
In other words, $\operatorname{Im} s_2^+ \subset \operatorname{Im} \delta^-$.
Now $\ker e_1^- = \operatorname{Im} s_2^+$, so if $e_1^- = 0$, then $\delta^-$ is
Finally, we will consider the
short exact sequence~\eqref{se br}
for the
case $Y(\BR) = \emptyset$.
Then $G$ acts freely on $Y(\BC)$, so we have for all $k$ that
$H_k(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2}) = H_k(Y(\BC)/G, {\BZ/2})$.
By the remarks made in the introduction
of Section~\ref{sec enriques}, this means that
$H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\BZ/2}) = {\BZ/2} \times {\BZ/2}$,
and we can see from the long exact sequence~\eqref{se edge} for
$A(k) = {\BZ/2}$ that $e_1 = 0$.
This implies that
$e^+_1 = 0$ (see Proposition~\ref{prop zgmzzgm}.iii),
hence $H_1(Y(\BC); G, {\Bf Z}(1)) = {\BZ/2}$.
1996-06-10T14:01:56 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606008 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606008 | [
] | alg-geom/9606008 | Michal Kwiecinski | Michal Kwiecinski and Piotr Tworzewski | Finite sets in fibres of holomorphic maps | LaTeX v. 2.09, 16 pages | null | null | IMUJ preprint 1996/08, Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow | null | We consider the maximal number of arbitrary points in a special fibre that
can be simultaneously approached by points in one sequence of general fibres.
Several results about this topological invariant and their applications
describe the structure of holomorphic maps. In particular, we get a lower bound
on the number of points in the general fibre of a generically finite map.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 10 Jun 1996 12:03:01 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction.}
From the work of Thom \cite{Thom}, Fukuda \cite{Fukuda}
and Nakai \cite{Nakai}, it follows that one cannot stratify
arbitrary complex algebraic maps so as to have local topological
triviality, such as in the case of Whitney stratified spaces.
Indeed, an arbitrary complex map can have a locally infinite number
of local topological types at points of the source space.
research on the topology of complex maps
was mainly focused on maps satisfying
Thom's $a_f$ condition or similar conditions implying some kind of local
topological triviality and for example leading the way to
vanishing cycles (see e.g. \cite{BMM}, \cite{HMS} and references
therein for both classical and recent results on $a_f$ maps).
Therefore, the topology of equidimensional maps seems to have received
much greater attention than that of non-equidimensional ones.
In particular, it seems to have been unknown, that if the generic
fibre is discrete but there are special fibres of positive dimension,
then there is a lower bound on the number of points in the generic
fibre (Theorem \ref{npoints}), which has a simple form
if the fibres of positive dimension are isolated
(Theorem \ref{isonpoints}).
Not having topological constructibility in general,
we can still get some
insight into the topological structure of holomorphic maps.
Using Hironaka's flattening theorem \cite{Hironaka}
(and its local version by Hironaka, Lejeune-Jalabert and Teissier \cite{HLT}),
Sabbah proves that any map can be made into an $a_f$ map, after a base change
by a blowup, thus giving a precise meaning to Thom's ``hidden blowups".
A recent result of Parusi\'nski
states that
the set of points at which a holomorphic map is not open
is analytically constructible.
In this paper we shall deal with the following natural problem
concerning fibres of holomorphic maps
which, to our best knowledge, has not been treated even for
complex algebraic maps. Take $i$ points in a fibre of a holomorphic
map $f$ and ask whether one can approximate them simultaneously by
systems of $i$ points in arbitrarily general neighbouring fibres.
Then ask for what maximal $i$ this is always possible and call
that number $\app $. Our aim is to prove several theorems about
$\app $ and give some applications of it. As will become clear from
our results, $\app$ gives some idea of how general fibres
converge to special fibres.
In particular we shall prove, that for maps to a locally irreducible
space, $\app$ is infinite iff the map is open and
on the other hand, if $\app$ is finite,
then it is smaller than the dimension of the target space
(Theorem \ref{mainapp}).
We also have similar results for maps to general spaces
(Theorems \ref{opennessapp} and \ref{redapp}).
For maps
to a smooth space, we shall obtain an effective formula for $\app$
in terms of dimensions of the loci where fibres have constant dimension
(Theorem \ref{eff}).
As a consequence, we obtain a lower bound for the number
of points in a generic discrete
fibre of a holomorphic map, which also has
fibres of small positive dimension (Theorems \ref{npoints}
and \ref{isonpoints}).
\section{Statement of results.}
We start by defining $\app$ precisely. For the sake of clarity,
as above we break the definition up into two parts.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces.
Let $x_1,\dots,x_i$ belong to one fibre $f^{-1}(y)$. We say that the
sequence of points
$x_1,\dots,x_i$ can be approximated by
general fibres iff
for any boundary set (set with empty interior) $B\subset Y$, there
exists a sequence $\{ y_j\}$ in $Y-B$ such that $y_j\to y$ and sequences
$\{ x_{1j}\},\dots,\{ x_{ij}\}$ such that
for all $k$, $x_{kj}\in f^{-1}(y_j)$, for all $j$
and $x_{kj}\to x_k$, with $j\to\infty$.
For a holomorphic map of analytic spaces $f:X\to Y$ define
$\app$ as the supremum of all $i$, such that any sequence of $i$
points in (any) one fibre of $f$ can be approximated by
general fibres (and as zero if no such $i$ exists).
In this paper {\it analytic space} means reduced complex analytic
in the sense of Serre
(cf. \cite{Lojasiewicz}).
Analytic spaces shall always be considered with their
transcendental topology (and not the Zariski topology).
While no assumption will be made on the source space $X$,
our results will depend on the different assumptions that
we shall make on the target space $Y$.
In particular, throughout the paper
we assume that $Y$ is of finite dimension.
Notice that the value of
$\app$ will not change if in the definition
we demand only that any sequence of
pairwise different points in one fibre can be approximated.
The arbitrary choice of the boundary set translates the intuitive
notion of arbitrarily general fibre. It will follow easily from our
results that for proper maps ``boundary" can be replaced
by ``nowhere dense analytic", without changing
$\app$. For (not necessarily proper) algebraic
maps ``boundary" can be replaced by ``nowhere dense algebraic".
The following examples illustrate the meaning of the number $\apps$.
The value of $\apps$ is infinite for a locally trivial fibration
and is zero for a closed (nontrivial) embedding in a complex manifold.
For a blowup and more generally for any modification, $\apps$ is equal to 1.
The example below, shows that different values of $\apps$ are possible.
Fix an integer $d\geq 1$.
Consider ${\bf C}^{d}\times{\bf C}^{d}$ with variables
$(y_1,\dots,y_d,x_1,\dots,x_d)$ and let $X$ be the
hypersurface given by the equation
$y_1x_1+\cdots+y_dx_d=0$. Let $f:X\to {\bf C}^{d}$ be the restriction of
the first projection. Then it is easy to see that $\app=d-1$.
The map in the above example is in fact the canonical
projection of a spectrum
of a symmetric algebra
of a ${\bf C}[y_1,\dots,y_d]$ - module to the
spectrum of ${\bf C}[y_1,\dots,y_d]$. Using different terminology
\cite{Fischer}, one would say that it is the structural projection
of a linear space (``vector bundle with singularities") associated
to a coherent sheaf on ${\bf C}^{d}$. In this particular case,
an equivalent problem to that of bounding $\app$
has been studied in \cite{Michal} and has produced a criterion
for projectivity.
The main goal of this paper is to prove the following four theorems.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being
of dimension $d$ and locally irreducible.
Then the
following conditions are equivalent:
\item $\app=\infty$,
\item $\app\geq d$,
\item $f:X\to Y$ is an open map.
\vskip 3mm
The above theorem says in particular that if $\app<\infty$, then
then the number of points in a special fibre that can be
approximated by points in a general fibre is small: $\app\leq d-1$.
Notice that this bound does not depend on the source space and the
map, but only on the dimension of the target space.
This theorem can be generalized to the case of a non locally irreducible
target in two ways. The first one is yet again a characterization
of openness.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces.
Let $d=\dim Y$ and let $\pi:\hat Y\to Y$ be the normalization
of $Y$. Let $\hat f:\fibprod{\hat Y}YX\to \hat Y$ be the canonical map.
Then the
following conditions are equivalent:
\item $\apps(\hat f)=\infty$,
\item $\apps(\hat f)\geq d$,
\item $f:X\to Y$ is an open map.
\vskip 3mm
Remember that we are dealing with the transcendental topology,
where the openness of a map does not have to agree with openness
in the Zariski topology (consider the normalization of an irreducible
curve with an ordinary double point). In fact, in the algebraic case,
openness in the transcendental topology is equivalent to
universal openness in the Zariski topology (see \cite{Parusinski}).
Another generalization of theorem \ref{mainapp}
requires us to recall some notions.
Recall (cf.\cite{Lojasiewicz} p.295, \cite{Stoll} p.16)
that for any holomorphic map $f:Z\to Y$ of analytic spaces,
the {\it fibre dimension}
and the {\it Remmert Rank}
of $f$ at $z\in Z$ are defined by
$${\rm fbd}_z f=\dim_z f^{-1}(f(z)),\qquad {\rm\rho}_z f=\dim_z Z-{\rm fbd}_z f.$$
Recall also, that we have the inequality
As in \cite{Lojasiewicz}, given a map $f:Z\to Y$ and
a subset $V\subset Y$, we shall denote the
two-sided restriction $f\vert_{f^{-1}V}:f^{-1}V\to V$, by the
symbol $f^{V}$.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces.
Suppose that there is
an integer $D$ such that the sum of dimensions of irreducible components
of any germ of \ $Y$ is at most equal $D$. Then the
following conditions are equivalent:
\item $\app=\infty$,
\item $\app\geq D$,
\item for any $y\in Y$, there is a neighbourhood $V$ of $y$
in $Y$, an irreducible component $V_1$ of \ $V$ passing through $y$
and irreducible at $y$,
such that for any $x\in f^{-1}(y)$ we have
${\rm\rho}_xf^{V_1}=\dim_y V_1$.
As we shall see from further results,
the above theorem is a direct generalization
of the locally irreducible case.
Two things differ:
$f$ need not be an open map if $\app$ is infinite
and the value of $\app$ can be
greater than the dimension of $Y$ even if $\app$ is finite.
The examples below illustrate these two phenomena respectively.
Consider ${\bf C}^4$ with variables $(y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4)$
and let $Y\subset{\bf C}^4$ be the ``cross", given by the equations
$y_1y_3 = y_1y_4 = y_2y_3 = y_2y_4 =0$. Consider $Y\times{\bf C}^2$
with additional variables $(x_1,x_2)$ and let $X\subset Y\times{\bf C}^2$
be given by the equation $y_1x_1+y_2x_2=0$. Let $f:X\to Y$
be the restriction of the first projection. Then $f$ is not
open, but $\app=\infty$.
\vskip 5mm
Fix a positive integer $n$ and positive integers $d_1,\dots,d_n$.
Let $D=d_1+\dots+d_n$ and consider ${\bf C}^D$
with variables $(y_{jk})$, $j=1,\dots,n$ and $k=1,\dots,d_j$.
Let $Y$
be the reduced subspace of ${\bf C}^D$, defined by the
monomial equations
$$\ \{y_{j_1k_1}\cdots y_{j_nk_n}=0\ \vert\
j_s\neq s\ {\rm and }\ k_s=1,\dots,d_{j_s},\ {\rm for}\
s=1,\dots,n\}\ .$$
Then it is obvious, that the germ of $Y$
at $0$ has $n$ irreducible components,
with respective dimensions $d_1,\dots,d_n$.
Now fix $j$ and consider $Y\times{\bf C}^{d_j}$, with additional variables
$(x_1,\dots,x_{d_j})$ on ${\bf C}^{d_j}$. Let
$X_j$ be the subspace of
$Y\times{\bf C}^{d_j}$, defined by the equation
Let $f_j:X_j\to Y$ be the restriction
of the natural projection. Now, define the space $X$ as the disjoint sum
of the spaces $X_1,\dots,X_{n}$. Consider the map $f:X\to Y$, which
coincides with $f_j$ on each $X_j$.
One can easily calculate that $\app=D-1$.
Our final results will be an effective formula for $\app$, for maps
to a smooth space and its consequences.
Our invariant will be read off a partition of
the source space which is well behaved with respect to the Remmert
\label{goodpar} \ \ Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces.
A countable
partition $\{ X_p \} _{p\in P} $ of $X$ is called
{\bf a rank partition} $(for \ f)$
if for each $p\in P$:
$X_p$ is a nonempty irreducible locally analytic subset of $X$,
\item $f|_{X_p}:X_p\to Y$ has constant Remmert Rank.
\vskip 2mm
Standard arguments in stratification theory provide us with the
following proposition.
For any holomorphic map $f:X\to Y$, there exists
a rank partition of $X$.
Actually it is always possible to find a locally finite
rank partition which also has the property that the closure
of each set $X_p$ is analytic.
With a little more work one can prove that any holomorphic map has
a rank stratification, i.e. a partition as above, which satisfies the
boundary condition: for any $p,q$ if $\bar{X_p}\cap X_q\neq\emptyset$,
then $\bar{X_p}\supset X_q$.
However, a partition is more than enough for our results.
\vskip 1truemm
From a rank partition as above, we can read off some
numerical data:
$r_p$ -- the constant Remmert Rank of $f|_{X_p}$,
$k_p=\dim X_p$,
$h_p=\min\{\dim_xX:x\in X_p \}$.
\noindent These data alone allow us to evaluate our invariant. This is done
in the theorem below.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being smooth of pure dimension $d$.
Let $\{ X_p \}_{p\in P}$ be a rank partition of $X$.
\app=\inf \biggl \{ \biggl [\frac{d-r_p-1\phantom{w}}
{(k_p-r_p)-(h_p-d)}\biggr ]
\ : \ p\in P, \ k_p-r_p>h_p-d \ \biggr \} ,
where the square brackets indicate the integer part of a rational number.
The geometric meaning of the fraction in the above theorem is roughly the
following: the denominator is the difference between the dimension
of a special fibre and the dimension of the general fibre and the
numerator is the codimension in $Y$ of the locus where that change
in dimension occurs minus one.
Although, from our proof it will
easily follow that $\app$ is smaller or equal to the infimum in the
above theorem even if $Y$ is not smooth, equality no longer holds
in the general case. This is shown in the following example.
Let $Y$ be the space of 2 by 2 complex matrices with vanishing
determinant. Let $X$ be the subset of $Y\times{{\bf P}^1\complex}$, consisting
of all points $(A,(\lambda:\mu))$ satisfying the equation
$A\left({\lambda\atop\mu}\right)=0$. Let $f:X\to Y$ be the restriction of
the first projection. Then $\app=1$, but the infimum in
Theorem \ref{eff} is equal to $2$.
In fact, a formula for $\app$, in the case when $Y$ is singular, would have to
include more data than are used in the formula of theorem \ref{eff}:
Embed the space $Y$ of the preceding example as
the hypersurface of ${\bf C}^4$ satisfying $xy-zw=0$. Define
$X'\subset Y\times{{\bf P}^1\complex}$, by the equation $x\lambda^2+y\lambda\mu+(z-w)\mu^2=0$
and again, let $g:X'\to Y$ be the restriction of
the first projection.
The numerical data used in the formula in theorem \ref{eff}
corresponding to $f$ and $g$ are the same, but $\app=1$ and $\apps(g)=2$.
Theorem \ref{eff} gives us a relationship between the dimensions
of different fibres and the way they are attached to each other.
From it one can deduce other information concerning the
topology of holomorphic maps in more specific cases. For example,
when dealing with a map $f$ whose generic fibres are discrete sets, it
is obvious that
if $f$ also has fibres of positive dimension,
then $\app$ is not greater than the number of points in
a generic fibre. In this situation, Theorem \ref{eff} provides the following
lower bound for such a number (square brackets still denote the
integer part).
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being smooth
and both $X$ and $Y$ being
of pure dimension $d$.
Let $\{ X_p \}_{p\in P}$ be a rank partition of $X$.
Suppose that $f^{-1}(f(x))$ is a discrete set for $x$ belonging
to some open dense subset of $X$ and that $f$ has at least
one fibre of positive dimension.
Then there exists an open dense
subset $U$ of $X$, such that for all $x\in U$
\# f^{-1}(f(x))
\geq\inf \biggl \{ \biggl [\frac{d-r_p-1\phantom{.}}{k_p-r_p}\biggr ]
\ : \ p\in P, \ k_p>r_p \ \biggr \} \ .
\noindent For an isolated fibre of positive dimension this gives:
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being smooth
and both $X$ and $Y$ being
of pure dimension $d$.
Let $y_0$ be a point in $Y$, such that $\dim f^{-1}(y_0)=w_0>0$
and $\dim f^{-1}(y)=0$, for $y\neq y_0$.
Then there exists an open dense
set $U$ of $X$, such that for all $x\in U$
\# f^{-1}(f(x))
\geq \biggl [\frac{d-1}{w_0}\biggr ]\ .
The meaning of the above theorems is that if a map has discrete
generic fibre, but also special fibres of small positive dimension
along small sets, then there must be many points in the discrete
generic fibre. An example of this situation is
the universal homogeneous polynomial :
Consider ${\bf C}^d$ with coordinates $x_0,\dots,x_{d-1}$ and
${{\bf P}^1\complex}$ with homogeneous coordinates $(\lambda:\mu)$.
Let $X$ be the subspace of ${\bf C}^d\times{{\bf P}^1\complex}$
defined by the equation \newline
+x_{d-1}\mu^{d-1}$ and let $f:X\to {\bf C}^d$ be the restriction of the
first projection. Then the fibre of $f$ at $0$ is of dimension one;
all the other fibres are zero-dimensional and the generic fibre
has $d-1$ points (its smallest possible cardinality by theorem
Again, if $Y$ is singular, then theorems \ref{npoints} and
\ref{isonpoints} fail, as is seen from example \ref{matrix}.
Further counterexamples are provided by "small contractions"
(see \cite{CKM}), which are the basis of the study of threefolds.
The invariant $\app$ is much less well behaved in real geometry. For example,
in theorem \ref{mainapp} the only implications that are true are:
openness implies $\app=\infty$ implies $\app\geq d$. In particular one
can find real algebraic maps to ${\bf R}^2$ with arbitrary value of $\app$ :
Fix a positive integer $n$. Let $\kappa_n=\tan\left({1\over2}
\left({1\over{n+1}}+{1\over n}\right)\pi\right)$. Define the
the real algebraic subset $X_n\subset{\bf R}^5$ by the equation
and let $f_n:X_n\to{\bf R}^2$ be the restrction of the orthogonal
projection on the $(x_1,x_2)$ plane. It is easy to
calculate that $\apps(f_n)=n$.
\section{Fibred powers and quasiopenness.}
In the category of analytic spaces
fibred products exist are isomorphic
to the usual ones (see \cite{Kaups}, p.200) after reduction.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces and $i\geq 1$.
By the $i$-th {\bf fibred power} of $f$, we mean the pair
$(\Xfib i,\ffib i)$ consisiting
of the space
$\Xfib i=\Xfiblong i$ and the canonical map $\ffib i :\Xfib i\to Y$.
We shall use the same definition for fibred powers
of continuous maps of topological spaces.
The $i$-fold direct product of a space by itself will
be denoted $X^i$. By definition, $X^0$ will be a point.
Since a point in $\Xfib i$ is nothing else but a sequence
of $i$ points in a fibre of $f$, we can easily obtain the
For any $i\geq 1$,
$\app \geq i$ iff $\apps(\ffib i)\geq 1$.
Hence, it is natural to determine what maps $f$ have $\app\geq 1$.
We introduce the following notion.
A map of topological spaces $f:Z\to Y$ is called {\bf quasiopen}
if for any subset $A\subset Z$ with nonempty interior in $Z$, its image
$f(A)$ has nonempty interior in $Y$.
Any open map is quasiopen. The blowup ${\bf C}^2$ at the origin
is an example of a quasiopen map which is not open.
It is immediate
that a map is quasiopen if and only if the image of any nonempty
open set has nonempty interior. By elementary point-set topology
one proves the following for first countable topological spaces.
For a map of topological spaces $f:Z \to Y$
the following conditions are equivalent.
\item $f$ is quasiopen,
\item for any boundary set
$B\subset Y$ its inverse image
$f^{-1}(B)$ is a boundary set in $Z$,
\item $\app\geq 1$.
Thus, by the third equivalent condition,
what we shall be looking at, will be the quasiopenness of
fibred powers of holomorphic maps. The above two remarks easily
imply the following
$\app\ =\ \sup\left(\{0\}\cup\{i\geq 1:\ffib i {\rm\ is\ quasiopen}\}\right).$
We must see
more closely what quasiopenness means in the analytic case.
The following proposition shows us that.
We leave out its proof, which can be done
by standard techniques of analytic geometry.
For a holomorphic map of analytic spaces $f:Z\to Y$, the following
conditions are equivalent:
\item $f$ is quasiopen,
\item the restriction of $f$ to each irreducible component of $Z$
is quasiopen,
\item the image by $f$ of each irreducible component of $Z$ has nonempty
interior in $Y$.
\section{The Remmert Rank.}
In this section we have gathered some facts about the Remmert Rank
which we shall need in the sequel.
The usefullness of the Remmert Rank
comes from the following
well known theorem (see e.g. \cite{Lojasiewicz}, p. 296).
\noindent{\bf Remmert Rank Theorem }{\it Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic
map of analytic spaces, the space $X$ being of pure dimension.
Suppose that ${\rm\rho}_x f=k$ for all $x\in X$. Then every point of
$X$ has an arbitrarily small open neighbourhood, whose image
is a locally analytic subset of $Y$, of pure dimension $k$.}
We shall need mainly some results about the sets where the Remmert
Rank takes on a different value from its generic value. The first
of these are two remarks.
Let $f:W\to Y$ be a quasiopen holomorphic map to an analytic space of
pure dimension $d$. Let $W_1$ be an irreducible
locally analytic subset of $W$
such that ${\rm\rho}_z(f\vert_{W_1})<d$ for all $z\in W_1$. Then
$\dim W_1<\min\{\dim_zW\vert z\in W_1\}\ .$
\proof{Remark \ref{subqo}}
If the conclusion of the remark were false, then $W_1$ would contain
a nonempty open subset of $W$. By the Remmert Rank
Theorem this would contradict quasiopenness.
{$ $}
\noindent Remark \ref{subqo} immediately implies the next one.
Let $f:Z\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being irreducible of positive dimension. If $f$ is quasiopen,
then ${\rm fbd}_zf<\dim_zZ$ for any $z\in Z$.
In the following sections we shall also make use of a lemma
describing the "critical values" with respect to the Remmert Rank.
\label{sard} {\bf (Sard theorem for the Remmert Rank.)}
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being irreducible of dimension $d$.
Then the set $C(f)=f(\{x\in X\vert{\rm\rho}_xf<d\})$
is a first category set.
\proof{lemma \ref{sard}}
Take a rank partition $\{X_p\}_{p\in P}$ for $f$.
The lemma will follow from the
the Remmert Rank Theorem if we prove that
the set $C(f)$ is contained in
the union of images of those sets $X_p$
for which $r_p<d$.
(Notice that not all points $x\in X$ with
${\rm\rho}_xf<d$ have to belong to some $X_p$ with $r_p<d$. )
So, take $y\in C(f)$. There exists a point
$x$ in the fibre $f^{-1}(y)$ such that ${\rm\rho}_xf<d$.
Let $Z$ be
a component of $f^{-1}(y)$ passing through $x$, of maximal dimension
among such components. Then it is clear that
$\min\{\dim_zX:z\in Z\}-\dim Z<d$. Then the family $\{Z\cap X_p\}_{p\in P}$
is an analytic partition of $Z$ and
therefore for some $p$,
$X_p$ contains a nonempty open subset of $Z$.
Then $y\in f(X_p)$ and from the above inequality it follows
that $r_p<d$.
{$ $}
\section{Maps to a locally irreducible space.}
Theorem \ref{mainapp} is an immediate corollary of the theorem
below and Proposition \ref{eval}.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being
of dimension $d$ and locally irreducible.
Then the
following conditions are equivalent:
\item the maps $\ffib i :\Xfib i\to Y$ are quasiopen for all $i=1,2,\dots$,
\item the map $\ffib d :\Xfib d\to Y$ is quasiopen,
\item the map $\ffib i :\Xfib i\to Y$ is quasiopen for some $i\geq d$,
\item the map $f:X\to Y$ is open.
\vskip 3mm
The above theorem provides an effective way of checking whether
a given holomorphic map is open. Indeed, by condition 2 of theorem
\ref{main}, one
has to investigate the quasiopenness of the $d$-th fibred power of the map,
which by conidtion 3 of proposition \ref{qoanal} can be tested
just by looking at images of irreducible components. Thus,
combined with primary decomposition algorithms (\cite{Eisenbud}),
it provides algorithms for testing the openness of a map.
\vskip 5mm
\proof{Theorem \ref{main}}
The space $Y$ being locally irreducible, its irreducible components are
actually its connected components.
Their dimensions are bounded from above by $d$. Therefore it is clear
that in the proof of theorem \ref{main}
we can assume that $Y$ is actually irreducible.
Our proof will be structured
as follows. First, we observe that
condition 1 implies condition 2 and condition 2 implies condition 3
in a trivial way. It is also fairly easy to see that condition 4 implies
condition 1, when one notices that each map
$\ffib i :\Xfib i\to Y$
is actually open as the restriction of the open map
$(f,\dots,f):X\times\dots\times X\to Y\times\dots\times Y$
to the inverse image of the diagonal in $Y\times\dots\times Y$.
The hard part of the proof of Theorem \ref{main} lies in showing that
condition 3 implies condition 4, which we shall now do. We shall need
the following lemma.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces,
the space $Y$ being irreducible of dimension $d$.
Suppose that $i\geq d$ and $\ffib i :\Xfib i\to Y$ is quasiopen.
Then ${\rm\rho}_x f=d$ for every $x\in X$.
\vskip 4mm
Notice that in the above lemma we do not need $Y$ to be locally
\vskip 5mm
\proof{Lemma \ref{rank}} Fix $x_0\in X$ and suppose that $\rho_{x_0} f=d-k, \ 0\leq k
\leq d$. Let $m=\dim_{x_0}X$.
Without loss of generality we can assume that $\dim X=m$.
Let $C(f)$ be as in lemma \ref{sard}.
Observe that
$\dim f^{-1}(y)\leq m-d$ and hence $\dim (\ffib i)^{-1}(y)\leq i(m-d)$ for
$y\notin C(f)$.
Now, in $\Xfib i$ consider the subset
$A=(\ffib i)^{-1}(C(f))$.
Since, by lemma \ref{sard},
$C(f)$ is a boundary set, therefore
by remark \ref{basic},
$A$ is a boundary set in $\Xfib i$.
Therefore we have
$$\dim \Xfib i\ =\ \sup\{\dim_z\Xfib i : z\notin A\}\leq
\ i(m-d)+d.$$
We can restrict our attention to the case $d\geq 1$.
Set $z_0=(x_0,\dots ,x_0)\in\Xfib i$ and observe that
${\rm fbd}_{x_0} f=m-d+k$ and so ${\rm fbd}_{z_0}\ffib i=i(m-d+k)$.
Since, by remark \ref{qofibre},
${\rm fbd}_{z_0} \ffib i< \dim \Xfib i$, we get $k<\frac di$ and so $k=0$.
This completes the proof of the lemma. {$ $}
\vskip 5mm
Now we can conclude the proof of theorem \ref{main}.
Take $x_0\in X$. By lemma \ref{rank},
${\rm\rho}_{x_0}f=d$. Let $X_1$ be an irreducible component of maximal
dimension passing through $x_0$. Notice that
also ${\rm\rho}_x(f\vert_{X_1})=d$, for any $x$ in a small neighbourhood
$U$ of $x_0$ in $X_1$.
Since $Y$ is locally irreducible,
by the Remmert Rank Theorem
$f\vert_U$ is open. Therefore, for any neighbourhood $V$ of
$x_0$ in $X$, the image $f(V)$ contains $f(V\cap U)$ and hence
is a neighbouhood of $f(x_0)$. Since this holds for any
$x_0\in X$, the map $f$ is open.
{$ $}
\vskip 5mm
To conclude this section, remark that
since condition 4 of theorem \ref{main} implies openness of
all maps $\ffib i$, $i=1,2,\dots ,$ as an immediate corollary
we obtain that
for any $i\geq d$
the map $\ffib i$ is quasiopen iff
it is open.
\vskip 5mm
Notice that Theorem \ref{main} and Lemma \ref{rank} combined
provide an easy proof of Remmert's Open Mapping Theorem.
\section{Openness in the general case.}
\vskip 5mm
To prove Theorem \ref{opennessapp},
we first state and prove a purely topological proposition.
\vskip 5mm
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a map of topological spaces.
Let $\pi:\hat Y\to Y$ be a surjective, continuous map of topological
spaces with the property that for any point $y\in Y$
and for any open neighbourhood $U$ of $\pi^{-1}(y)$ in $\hat Y$,
$\pi (U)$ is a neighbourhood of $y$. Let
$\hat f:\fibprod {\hat Y}YX\to\hat Y$ be the canonical
(base change) map.
Then $f$ is open if and only if $\hat f$ is open.
\vskip 5mm
\proof{Proposition \ref{basechange}}
If $f$ is open, then $\hat f$ is open just by the continuity of
$\pi$: embedding
$\fibprod{\hat Y}YX$ in $\hat Y\times X$ one verifies easily that
for open sets $U\subset\hat Y$ and $V\subset X$,
one has
$\hat f((U\times V)\cap(\fibprod{\hat Y}YX))\ =\
U\cap\pi^{-1}(f(V))\ .$
Thus $\hat f$ is indeed open.
Now, suppose that $\hat f$ is open. For any point
$x\in X$, taking a neighbourhood $V$ of $x$ in $X$,
one observes that
$f(V)\ =\ \pi (\hat f((\hat Y\times V)\cap(\fibprod{\hat Y}YX)))\ ,$
and thus $f(V)$ is a neighbourhood of $y=f(x)$ by the
openness of $\hat f$ and the properties of $\pi$.
Hence $f$ is open.
This ends the proof of proposition \ref{basechange}. {$ $}
If $\pi:\hat Y\to Y$ is a closed,
surjective, continuous map, then the condition imposed
on $\pi$ in proposition \ref{basechange} is satisfied. In particular
this is the case when $Y$ is Hausdorff and first countable and
$\pi$ is proper, surjective and continuous.
\vskip 5mm
Proposition \ref{basechange} and remark \ref{whichpi} easily imply
the following (cf. also Lemma 1.5 in \cite{Parusinski}).
\vskip 5mm
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces.
Let $\pi:\hat Y\to Y$ be the normalization of $Y$ and let
$\hat f:\fibprod{\hat Y}YX\to \hat Y$ be the canonical map. Then
$f$ is open if and only if $\hat f$ is open.
\vskip 5mm
Since the normalization of an analytic space is locally
irreducible, we can apply theorem \ref{mainapp} to the map $\hat f$.
Then, together with proposition \ref{normopen} they imply
theorem \ref{opennessapp}. {$ $}
\vskip 7mm
\section{Quasiopen fibred powers in the general case.}
\vskip 6mm
This section is devoted to proving theorem
\ref{redapp}. As before, it will follow easily
from a theorem
about the quasiopenness of fibred powers and Proposition \ref{eval}.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces.
Suppose that there is
an integer $D$ such that the sum of dimensions of irreducible components
of any germ of \ $Y$ is at most equal $D$. Then the
following conditions are equivalent:
\item the maps $\ffib i :\Xfib i\to Y$ are quasiopen for all $i=1,2,\dots ,$
\item the map $\ffib D :\Xfib D\to Y$ is quasiopen,
\item the map $\ffib i :\Xfib i\to Y$ is quasiopen for some $i\geq D$,
\item for any $y\in Y$, there is a neighbourhood $V$ of $y$
in $Y$, an irreducible component $V_1$ of \ $V$ passing through $y$
and irreducible at $y$,
such that for any $x\in f^{-1}(y)$ we have
${\rm\rho}_xf^{V_1}=\dim_y V_1$.
To prove theorem \ref{reducible}, we shall need the
following lemma.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a holomorphic map of analytic spaces.
Fix $y\in Y$ and suppose that $Y$ is locally irreducible at $y$.
If $d=\dim_y Y$, then the following
conditions are equivalent:
\item for all $x\in f^{-1}(y)$ we have ${\rm\rho}_xf=d$,
\item for any $i=1,2,\dots$,
for any open set $U$ in $\Xfib i$,
with $y\in \ffib i(U)$, $\ffib i (U)$ has nonempty interior,
\item for any open set $U$ in $\Xfib d$,
with $y\in \ffib d(U)$, $\ffib d (U)$ has nonempty interior.
\proof{Lemma \ref{pointwise}} To prove that condition 1 implies condition 2,
first observe, that by the Remmert Rank Theorem
condition 1 implies that
for any $x\in f^{-1}(y)$, the image by $f$ of any neighbourhood
of $x$ is a neighbourhood of $y$. Now take $U$ as in condition 2.
The fact that $y\in\ffib i(U)$, implies that $U$ contains an element
$z=(x_1,\dots,x_i)$, with $f(x_1)=\dots=f(x_i)=y$. Thus there are
neighbourhoods $U_j$ of each $x_j$ in $X$, such that
$U\supset \Xfib i\cap (U_1\times\cdots\times U_i)$ (here $\Xfib i$
is embedded in $X^i$). Hence $\ffib i(U)$ contains
the intersection of all the $f(U_j)$, which as we have observed
is a neigbourhood of $y$. In particular it has nonempty interior,
thus showing that condition 2 is fulfilled.
It is trivial that 2 implies 3.
To prove that condition 3 implies condition 1,
let $Z$ be the sum of those components of $\Xfib d$
on which $\ffib d$ is quasiopen. Remark that condition 3
implies that the fibre $(\ffib d)^{-1}(y)$ is contained in $Z$.
Now we can copy the proof of lemma \ref{rank},
taking $i=d$
and replacing $\Xfib i$ by $Z$.
We have thus ended the proof of lemma \ref{pointwise}. {$ $}
\proof{Theorem \ref{reducible}} Again, 1 implies 2 implies 3 in a trivial way.
Now let us prove that 3 implies 4.
Suppose that condition 4 is
not fulfilled for a point $y$ in $Y$. Take a neighbourhood
$V$ of $y$ in $Y$ such that all the irreducible components
of $V$ contain $y$ and are locally irreducible at $y$.
Let $d_j=\dim_y V_j$.
By our assumption, for each $j$, one can choose
a point $x_j\in f^{-1}(y)$, such that
Embed canonically
$\fib {(f^{-1}V_j)}{d_j}\subset\Xfib {d_j}$.
By lemma \ref{pointwise},
for each $j$ there is an open subset $U_j$ of
$\Xfib {d_j}$, with $y\in \ffib {d_j} (U_j)$ and such that the set
$\fib {(f^{V_j})}{d_j}(U_j\cap \fib{(f^{-1}V_j)} {d_j} )$
has empty interior in $V_j$. In other words, the set
$\ffib {d_j}(U_j)\cap V_j$ has empty interior in $V$.
Now, fix $i\geq D$ and embedding
$\Xfib i\subset \Xfib {d_1}\times\cdots\times\Xfib {d_s}\times
let $U=\Xfib i\cap(U_1\times\dots\times U_s\times X^{i-(d_1+\cdots+d_s)})$.
Now we have $y\in\ffib {d_j}(U_j)$
for all $j$ and hence $U$ is a nonempty (open) set in $\Xfib i$.
Furthermore, for all $j$, the intersection $\ffib i(U)\cap V_j$
is contained in $\ffib {d_j} (U_j)\cap V_j$ and hence has empty interior.
Therefore, $\ffib i(U)$ has empty interior in $V$.
We have thus proved that $\ffib i$ is not quasiopen and so ended
the proof of this implication.
Now we shall prove that 4 implies 1. Fix $i$ and take a nonempty open
set $W$ in $\Xfib i$. Choose $z\in W$ and $y=f(z)$.
Take $V_1$ from condition 4 and apply lemma \ref{pointwise}
to $f^{V_1}$, to find that
$\ffib i(W)\cap V_1$ has nonempty interior. Hence $\ffib i(W)$
has nonempty interior.
We have shown quasiopenness, ending
the proof. {$ $}
\section{Maps to a smooth space.}
\vskip 5mm
This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem \ref{eff}.
First notice, that if the map $f$ itself is not quasiopen,
then there exists $p$, with $h_p=k_p$ and $r_p<d$. Therefore,
the formula in Theorem \ref{eff} produces $0$ as it should.
Hence, we can suppose that $f=\ffib 1$ is quasiopen in our proof.
For convenience, in addition to the numerical data defined after
the statement of Proposition \ref{exgoodpar}, we shall denote
$w_p=k_p-r_p={\rm fbd}_x(f|_{X_p})$ for all $x\in X_p$.
Given $(p_1,\dots,p_i)\in P^i$ we shall denote
$X_{p_1}\times_Y\cdots\times_YX_{p_i}$ by
$X^{(p_1,\dots,p_i)}$. We shall use the expression of $\app$ given
in Proposition $\ref{eval}$.
The proof will be carried out in 8 steps.
\proof{Theorem \ref{eff}}
$\dim{X^{(p_1,\dots,p_i)}}\leq r_{p_j}+(w_{p_1}+\dots+w_{p_i})$ for $j=1,\dots,i$.
Fix $j$. The fibres of the natural map ${X^{(p_1,\dots,p_i)}}\to Y$ are of dimension
$w_{p_1}+\dots+w_{p_i}$. The image of a small neighbourhood of any
point $(x_1,\dots,x_i)\in{X^{(p_1,\dots,p_i)}}$ is contained in the image of a small
neighbourhood of $x_j\in X_{p_j}$, which is of dimension $r_{p_j}$
by the Remmert Rank Theorem. The inequality follows.
$\dim (X_p)^{\{ i\} }=r_p+iw_p$ and $\dim_z (X_p)^{\{ i\} }=r_p+iw_p$
for each point $z$ on the diagonal in $(X_p)^{\{ i\} }$.
By the previous step we have $\dim (X_p)^{\{ i\} }\leq r_p+iw_p$.
The converse inequality follows from the second
part of the statement,
which is a simple consequence of the Remmert Rank Theorem.
Notice that $(X_p)^{\{ i\} }$ need not be of pure
$\dim \Xfib i =\sup\{ r_p+iw_p : p\in P\}$ .
Since $\Xfib i$
is the union of all ${X^{(p_1,\dots,p_i)}}$,
there exist $(p_1,\dots,p_i)$ such that $\dim \Xfib i =\dim {X^{(p_1,\dots,p_i)}}$.
Now take $j$, such that $w_{p_j}=\max\{w_{p_1},\dots,w_{p_i}\}$.
By step 1 we obtain $\dim \Xfib i\leq r_{p_j}+iw_{p_j}$ and
hence $\dim \Xfib i \leq\sup\{ r_p+iw_p : p\in P\}$. On the other hand
$\Xfib i$ contains all the
$(X_p)^{\{ i\} }$ and so by step 2 we also have the converse inequality.
If $\ffib i$ is quasiopen and $h_p-d<w_p$
then $r_p+iw_p<\dim \Xfib i$.
Let $W_1$ be any irreducible component of maximal
dimension of $(X_p)^{\{ i\} }$. By step 2, for any $z\in W_1$
we have in particular ${\rm\rho}_z(f\vert_{W_1})\leq r_p$ and by
the assumption on $p$, $r_p<d$. The inequality now follows from
Remark \ref{subqo} and Step 2.
If $\ffib i$ is quasiopen then $\dim \Xfib i=d+i(\dim X -d)$ .
This follows from the formula in Step 3 in which we can
eliminate certain indices $p$, by Step 4.
If $\ffib i$ is quasiopen and $w_p>h_p-d$, then
This implies one inequality in Theorem \ref{eff}.
Let $W$ be the union of irreducible
components of $X$ with dimension not greater than $h_p$ minus the other
Now we can apply step 4, with $X$ replaced by $W$ and $X_p$
replaced by $X_p\cap W$.
We obtain $r_p+iw_p<\dim W^{\{ i\} }$. The previous step
gives us a formula for $\dim W^{\{ i\} }$, which
implies the inequality.
Suppose that $\ffib {i+1}$ is not quasiopen.
Choose $(p_1,\dots,p_{i+1})$, such that $X^{(p_1,\dots,p_{i+1})}$
contains a nonempty open subset $U$ of $\Xfib {i+1}$, which is
irreducible (as a locally analytic set) and whose image by
$\ffib {i+1}$ has empty interior in $Y$. Then
$\dim U\geq h_{p_1}+\cdots+h_{p_{i+1}}-id\ .$
Embed $X$ in a smooth complex space $M$ (if this
can only be done locally, one can carry out a slightly more cumbersome
proof using the same idea).
For each $j=1,\dots,i+1$, let $Z_j$ be the union of irreducible
components of $X$ of dimension not greater than $h_{p_j}$.
Now $\Xfib {i+1}$ is isomorphic to the subspace of the smooth
space $M^{i+1}\times Y^{i+1}$,
defined as the intersection of the graph of the product
Z_1\times\cdots \times Z_{i+1}\to Y^{i+1}$ and the product space
$M^{i+1}\times \Delta$, where $\Delta$ is the diagonal subspace
of $Y^{i+1}$.
The bound then follows directly from the estimate of the codimension
of components of an intersection in a smooth space.
\begin{Step} If $\ffib {i+1}$ is not quasiopen, then for some
$p\in P$, with $w_p>h_p-d$
$$i\geq\left [
\right]\ ,$$
where square brackets denote the integer part of a rational number.
This proves the remaining inequality in Theorem \ref{eff}.
We have
$\dim U\leq\dim X^{(p_1,\dots ,p_{i+1})}$ and hence by
Step 1, $\dim U= r+(w_{p_1}+\dots +w_{p_{i+1}})\ $,
for some $r$ with $r\leq r_j$
for all $j=1,\dots,i+1$.
Further, because
the Remmert Rank of $f\vert_U$ is strictly smaller than $d$,
we have $r<d$.
Combining the above expression of $\dim U$ with the inequality
from Step 7 and taking
$j$ such that $w_{p_j}-h_{p_j}=\max\{w_{p_1}-h_{p_1},\dots,
w_{p_{i+1}}-h_{p_{i+1}}\} $ one obtains
$d-r\leq (i+1)(d+w_{p_j}-h_{p_j})$.
Take $p=p_j$. First, we see that $w_p>h_p-d$.
Then, since $r\leq r_p$, we have
$d-r_p-1< (i+1)(d+w_p-h_p)$ and so
{w_p-(h_p-d)}\ ,$$
from where the inequality follows automatically.
Theorem \ref{eff} follows immediately from steps 6 and 8.{$ $}
\vskip 3mm
1997-04-01T15:34:01 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606015 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606015 | [
] | alg-geom/9606015 | Ines Quandt | Ines Quandt | On a relative version of the Krichever correspondence | 59 pages LaTeX with inputs of AMSTeX; In addition to some corrections
the main change consists in the extension of the Krichever correspondence to
all locally noetherian base schemes | Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften 52 (1997), p.1-74 | null | null | null | For a given base scheme, a correspondence is established between a class of
sheaves on curves over this base scheme and certain points of infinite
Grassmannians. This equivalence extends to a characterization of commutative
algebras of ordinary differential operators with coefficients in the ring of
formal power series over a given $k$-algebra. Our construction generalizes the
approach of M.Mulase, which gives the above connection in the case that the
base scheme is one closed point.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 Jun 1996 07:29:24 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 1 Apr 1997 13:36:31 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Preface}
This PhD thesis is the result of my work in the Graduiertenkolleg
"Geometrie und Nichtlineare Analysis" at
Humboldt University Berlin and in the DFG project KU 770/1-3.
It is published in the {\em Bayreuther Mathematische Schriften} {\bf 52}
(1997), p.1-74.
At this point, I would like to express my thanks to all of the people who
supported my mathematical development.
My special thanks go to Doz.~Dr.~sc.~W.~Kleinert, my thesis advisor and my
professor since the very
beginning of my studies.
He also introduced me to the fascinating area of algebraic geometry, turned
my attention to the theory of
evolution equations, and kindly supported my work on this thesis.
The subject of the present work has been suggested to me by Prof.~M.~Mulase, whom
I would like to express my gratitude for his interest in my work and
the inspiration and the encouragement he gave me.
I gratefully thank Prof.~H.~Kurke for his keen interest in my work and lots
of valuable hints.
The discussions with him have been a wonderful help during the completion of
this paper.
My special thanks also go to G.~Hein , A.~Matuschke, Dr.~M.~Pflaum and
D.~Ro\ss berg for numerous inspiring
Berlin, October 1996 \hfill Ines Quandt
The aim of this paper is to construct a link ranging from a class of sheaves
on curves over some base scheme via infinite Grassmannians to
commutative algebras of differential operators and evolution equations.
The idea of studying relationships between algebraic curves, algebras
of differential operators and partial differential equations is not
new. This connection has been studied already at the beginning
of the
20th century by G.~Wallenberg, I.~Schur, J.~L.~Burchnall
T.~W.~Chaundy. G.~Wallenberg \cite{W} tried to find all commuting pairs of ordinary
differential operators.
During his classification of commuting operators $P$ and $Q$ of order 2 and 3,
respectively, he found a
certain relation to a plane cubic curve. However, Wallenberg did not
continue to explore this relation.
The motivation to study commutative algebras instead of commuting pairs of
differential operators was given by
I.~Schur \cite{Sc} in 1905, when he proved the following remarkable fact:
{\em Let $P$ be an ordinary differential operator of order greater than zero,
and let $B_{P}$ be the set of all
differential operators which commute with $P$. Then $B_{P}$ is a commutative algebra. }
The work of J.~L.~Burchnall
T.~W.~Chaundy (\cite{BC1}-\cite{BC3}) about the relations between commuting
differential operators and affine
algebraic curves is extensive.
For example, they proved that for commuting $P$ and $Q$ of positive order, the
ring $\poly{\Bbb{C}}{P,Q}$ has
dimension 1.
Furthermore, they analyzed at length certain examples of affine curves and the
related differential operators.
It is remarkable that a large part of the methods which have been systematically
developed more than 50 years
later, virtually already exist in these early papers by Burchnall and Chaundy,
although mainly in examples.
After a long period of stagnation, another break-through came with the
work of P.~Lax \cite{L} about isospectral deformations of differential operators
in the late 60's.
It has been realized, already in the early stage of the theory, that
a commutative algebra of differential operators carries a lot more
information than only its algebraic-geometric spectrum.
In the 70's, I.~M.~Krichever analyzed the behaviour of an operator at
infinity, i.e., he constructed the line bundle on a complete curve corresponding
to a given algebra by special extensions of the trivial bundle to the
point at infinity (see \cite{K}, \cite{K1}, \cite{K2}). His approach may be
considered as the source of the algebraic-geometric correspondences
established later on.
Almost simultaneously, and inspired by the work of Krichever \cite{K},
D.~Mumford \cite{Mum1} established a correspondence between pointed curves equipped
with a fixed line bundle and certain commutative algebras of
differential operators. This article and the
one of J.-L.~Verdier \cite{V} also contain the very first constructions
in the case of higher rank vector bundles.
Later on, infinite Grassmannians emerged in the study of evolution
equations and their relations to vector bundles on curves. Without
claiming to be complete, let us just mention the work of M.~Sato
\cite{S}, E.~Previato, G.~Segal and G.~Wilson (\cite{PW}, \cite{SW}) and
M.~Mulase \cite{M2}. Among one of the culmination points of this newly
established theory was the complete classification of elliptic
commutative algebras of ordinary differential operators, and one
of the affirmative solutions of the Schottky problem by M.~Mulase
in \cite{M1}.\vspace{0.5cm}
In the approach of M.~Mulase, some questions arise quite naturally:
Can one generalize the correspondence between vector bundles on curves
and elements of infinite Grassmannians to the case where the curve is
not defined over a field, but for example over a $k$-algebra? In this
case, does one also get a correspondence with commutative algebras of
differential operators with coefficients in more general rings? The present paper
gives an affirmative answer to both questions.
questions are interesting from two points of view. First, the
established correspondence enables us to construct certain classes
of commutative algebras of partial differential operators. On the other
hand, it gives us a powerful tool for the study of degenerations of
curves and vector bundles in terms of differential operators and
differential equations.
In the recently published paper \cite{AMP}
the authors also give
a generalization of infinite Grassmannians to the relative case, which
overlaps with ours in the case where the base scheme is defined over a
field, and they investigate this Grassmannian from the point of view
of representation theory.
The method presented in our paper serves the purpose of generalizing
the techniques developed in \cite{M1} to the relative case. Therefore,
this article can be considered as a general reference and often will not be
quoted in the sequel.
A preliminary version of this paper appeared as a preprint \cite{Q}.
In addition to some slight corrections, a great extension has been made:
In the preprint only integral noetherian base schemes were allowed, whereas
now we only need to assume the base
scheme to be locally noetherian.
The paper is organized as follows:
The first chapter is devoted to the generalization of the notion of
infinite Grassmannians. In the second and third, the link with sheaves
on relative curves is established. The fourth chapter aims
at illustrating this correspondence. In chapter 5 we give a complete
characterization of commutative elliptic algebras of differential operators
with coefficients in the ring of formal power series over a $k$-algebra,
$k$ being a field of characteristic zero. The
appendix is included in order to help those readers who are interested
in the details of the computations.
\section{Relative infinite Grassmannians}
To begin with, we want to generalize the notion of infinite Grassmannians. This
can be done for arbitrary base schemes.
To this end, let $S$ be any algebraic scheme.
We denote by $\Opower{S}{z}$ the sheaf defined by
$$\Opower{S}{z}(U) := \power{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z},$$
and $\Onegpower{S}{z}$ is defined as the sheaf
$$\Onegpower{S}{z}(U) := \negpower{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z},$$
where $\negpower{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z}$ stands for the ring of formal
Laurent series in $z$ with coefficients in ${\cal O}_{S}(U)$.
$\Onegpower{S}{z}$ has a natural filtration by subsheaves of the
form $\Opower{S}{z}\cdot z^{n}$.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
Neither $\Opower{S}{z}$ nor $\Onegpower{S}{z}$ are quasicoherent sheaves of
${\cal O}_{S}$-modules.
To see this, take an open affine subset $Spec(R)$ of $S$ and choose an element
$f\in R$ which is not a zero divisor.
Then there is a natural inclusion
$$\power{R}{z}_{f} \hookrightarrow \power{R_{f}}{z}$$
which, in general, is not an isomorphism. Therefore, $\Opower{S}{z}$ is not quasicoherent.
The same holds true for $\Onegpower{S}{z}$.
However, for each integer $n\in\Bbb{Z}$, the quotient sheaf
$$\Onegpower{S}{z}/\Opower{S}{z}\cdot z^{n} \cong
\bigoplus_{m<n} {\cal O}_{S}\cdot z^{m}$$
is quasicoherent.
Let $U$ be an open subset of $S$ and $v$ a local section of
$\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}$ over $U$, for some $r$. Then the
{\em order of $v$} is defined to be the minimum integer $n$
such that $v \in \power{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z}^{\oplus r}
\cdot z^{-n}$.
If $\cal V$ is a subsheaf of $\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}$,
then we define
$${\cal V}^{(n)} := {\cal V} \cap \Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}
\cdot z^{-n}.$$
{\bf Remark}
$\Onegpower{S}{z}$ acts on $\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}$
by the natural assignment \begin{equation}
\negpower{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z} \times
\negpower{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z}^{\oplus r} & \longrightarrow &
\negpower{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z}^{\oplus r} &{}\\
(f,g=(g_{1},\ldots,g_{r})) & \longmapsto & (f\cdot g_{1},\ldots,
f\cdot g_{r}) &.
For the multiplication defined this way we have the estimate:
$$ ord(f\cdot g) \leq ord(f) + ord(g).$$
If $S$ is an integral scheme, then both sides are equal.
For more properties of power series and Laurent series with coefficients in
arbitrary rings, the reader is referred to the appendix.
The {\em Grothendieck group} $K(S)$ is defined to be the quotient of the free
abelian group generated by all coherent
sheaves on $S$, by the subgroup generated by all expressions
$${\cal F} - {\cal F}' -{\cal F}''$$
whenever there is an exact sequence
$$0 \rightarrow {\cal F}' \rightarrow {\cal F} \rightarrow {\cal F}''\rightarrow 0$$
of coherent sheaves on $S$. If $\cal F$ is a coherent sheaf on $S$ then we denote by
$\gamma({\cal F})$ its image in $K(S)$.
For any natural number $r$, integer $\alpha$ and element $F\in K(S)$, we
define {\em the infinite Grassmannian of rank $r$, index $F$ and
level $\alpha$ over $S$} to be the set ${\frak G}^{r}_{F,\alpha}(S)$
consisting of all quasicoherent subsheaves of ${\cal O}_{S}$-modules
${\cal W} \subseteq \snegpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}$ such that
${\cal W} \cap \spower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}\cdot z^{-\alpha}$
and the quotient
$\snegpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}/({\cal W}+
\spower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}\cdot z^{-\alpha}) $
are coherent and furthermore:
$$F =
\gamma({\cal W} \cap \spower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}\cdot z^{-\alpha})
\gamma(\snegpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}/({\cal W}+
\spower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}\cdot z^{-\alpha})).$$
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
The introduction of the level has a merely technical meaning. It will be used only in
Chapter \ref{Fam. DO}. \vspace{0.5cm}
Now we introduce the concept of a Schur pair.
By a {\em Schur pair of rank $r$ and index $F$ over $S$} we mean a pair $({\cal A},{\cal W})$
consisting of elements ${\cal A} \in {\frak G}^{1}_{G}(S)$, for
some $G\in K(S)$, and ${\cal W} \in {\frak G}^{r}_{F}(S)$ such
\item ${\cal A}$ is a sheaf of ${\cal O}_{S}$ - subalgebras of
\item The natural action of \negpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z} on
\snegpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r} induces an action of ${\cal A}$
on ${\cal W}$, i.e.,
${\cal A}\cdot{\cal W}\subseteq{\cal W}$.
We denote by $\frak{S}^{r}_{F}(S)$ the set of Schur
pairs of rank $r$ and index $F$ over $S$.
{\bf Remark 1}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let us include here a remark on Grothendieck groups. First assume that $S$ is integral.
Then there is a
surjective group homomorphism
$$rk: K(S) \longrightarrow \Bbb{Z}$$
induced by the map
$$\gamma({\cal F}) \longmapsto rk({\cal F}),$$
where $rk({\cal F})$ denotes the rank of $\cal F$ at the generic point of $S$. If
$S$ equals $Spec(k)$,
for some field $k$, then the homomorphism $rk$ is an isomorphism.
If $S$ is reduced we still can define a ``multirank'' by taking the rank at every
irreducible component.
However, if $S$ is not reduced, the rank is no longer well-defined. That is why we use
the Grothendieck
group to define Grassmannians.
{\bf Remark 2}\label{Grass Mulase}\hspace{0.3cm}
How are the notions of infinite Grassmannians and Schur
pairs related to those introduced by M.~Mulase?
To answer this question, consider the embedding
\Onegpower{S}{z} &\hookrightarrow &\Onegpower{S}{y}\\
z & \mapsto & y^{r}.
This leads to the natural identification:
\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r} & = & \bigoplus_{i=0}^{r-1}
\Onegpower{S}{y^{r}}\cdot y^{i}\\
&=& \Onegpower{S}{y}.
In particular, let $S=Spec(k)$ for some field $k$. Then
${\frak G}^{r}_{F}(S)$ consists of all subspaces $W\subset
\negpower{k}{z}^{\oplus r}$ such that the composition of morphisms
$$W\hookrightarrow \negpower{k}{z}^{\oplus r} \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ }
\negpower{k}{z}^{\oplus r}/ \power{k}{z}^{\oplus r}$$
is a Fredholm operator of index $rk(F)$. In view of the previous
identifications, this redefines the notion of an infinite
Grassmannian as used by M.~Mulase (cf. \cite{M1}).
However, comparing the notions of Schur pairs, we see
that our definition is a restricted version of the one given by Mulase.
Later we will see that in the case where the ground field is of characteristic
zero, this restriction is not substantial. For more details see
Section \ref{Fam. DO}.
Let $\alpha: S\rightarrow S'$ be a morphism, and $({\cal A}',
{\cal W}')$
a Schur pair of rank $r$ over $S'$. We denote by $\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}'$
(resp. $\alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}'$) the image of ${\cal A}'$ (resp. ${\cal W}'$) under the map
$$\alpha^{(*)} : \Onegpower{S'}{z}^{\oplus r} \rightarrow
\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}$$
which is given by the pull-back of the coefficients.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
$(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}',\alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}')$ is a Schur pair
of rank $r$ over $S$.
Now we can define homomorphisms of Schur pairs.
Let $({\cal A},{\cal W})$ and $({\cal A}',{\cal W}')$ be Schur pairs
over $S$ (resp. $S$') of rank $r$ (resp. $r'$). Then a homomorphism
$(\alpha,\xi): ({\cal A}',{\cal W}')\rightarrow ({\cal A},{\cal W})$
consists of
\item A morphism $\alpha: S \rightarrow S'$ such that
$\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}' \subseteq {\cal A}$;
\item A homomorphism
$\xi \in {\cal H}om_{\Opower{S}{z}}(\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r'},
\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r})$
such that
for the induced homomorphism $\xi \in
{\cal H}om_{\Onegpower{S}{z}}(\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r'},
\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r})$ the inclusion $$\xi(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}') \subseteq
{\cal W}$$
In this way, we get the category ${\frak S}$ of Schur pairs.
We define a full subcategory ${\frak S}'$ of ${\frak S}$ as follows:
$({\cal A},{\cal W})
\in \frak{S}'^{r}_{F}(S)$ if and only if $({\cal A},{\cal W})
\in\frak{S}^{r}_{F}(S)$ and ${\cal A}
\cap \Opower{S}{z} = {\cal O}_{S}$.
The sense of this definition will become clear later on. For the time being,
take it simply as a notation.
\section{Families of curves and sheaves}
In this section, we fix the geometric objects that we want to investigate,
and we prove some basic
properties of them.
The definitions we are going to make might seem a little technical. That is
why much space is given to
illustrations and examples. Even more examples may be found in
Chapter \ref{APPL}.
Our first aim is to study sheaves over families of curves. As to that, we
need to fix three objects,
namely: the base scheme, the total space and a sheaf on the total space.
\subsection{Families of curves}
As base schemes $S$ we allow all locally noetherian schemes.
\label{total C}
By a {\em pointed relative curve over $S$} we understand a scheme $C$
together with a locally projective
morphism $\pi:C\rightarrow S$ and a section $P\subset C$ of $\pi$ such
that the following holds:
\item $P$ is a relatively ample Cartier divisor in $C$.
\item For the sheaf ${\cal I}:= {\cal I}_{P}$ defining $P$ in $C$,
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is a free
${\cal O}_{P}$-module of rank 1.
\item Let $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ denote the formal completion of
${\cal O}_{C}$ with respect to the
ideal $\cal I$. Then $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ is isomorphic to
$\Opower{P}{z}$ as a formal ${\cal O}_{P}$-algebra.
$\bigcap_{n\geq 0}\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(-nP)=(0)$.
Let us include here a couple of remarks and examples.
{\bf Remark}
\item Since $P$ is a section, $\pi|P : P \rightarrow S$ is an isomorphism.
The sheaves
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ and $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ have their support in $P$.
Condition 2 is equivalent to $\pi_{*}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2})\cong {\cal O}_{S}$,
while Condition 3
translates into: $\pi_{*}\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ is isomorphic to $\Opower{S}{z}$ as
a formal ${\cal O}_{S}$-algebra.
Condition 4 is equivalent to the fact that, for every integer
$n\in\Bbb{Z}$, the natural map
$$\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(nP) \rightarrow \pi_{*}\widehat{{\cal O}_{C}(nP)}$$
is injective.
{\bf Example 1}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let $S=Spec(k)$ for some field $k$. Then $C$ is a complete curve and $P$
corresponds to some smooth,
$k$-rational point of $C$. The $k$-rationality is a consequence of the
fact that $P$ is a section. Since
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C,P}\cong \power{k}{z}$, the ring ${\cal O}_{C,P}$
is regular.
The Condition 4 is satisfied if and only if the curve $C$ is reduced and
{\bf Example 2}\hspace{0.3cm}
The motivation for studying curves over base schemes which are different
from one point comes mainly
from the desire to investigate families of curves as considered in Example 1.
Let us take, as an example,
such a family over an integral $k$-scheme $S$. Since $S$ and the fibres of
$\pi$ are irreducible, $C$ is
automatically irreducible. Let us assume, in addition, that $C$ is reduced.
Then Condition 4 of the
previous definition is satisfied. Conditions 2 and 3 amount to saying that
our family is constant
locally around the section $P$.
Notice that the condition we impose on $P$ by assuming the triviality of
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is very restrictive in the case where our base scheme
$S$ is complete. This is expressed in the following proposition, which
can be found in \cite{A1}:
Let $f:X\rightarrow S$ be a family of nodal curves of genus $g > 0$ over
a reduced and irreducible complete curve, and let $\Gamma \subset X$ be
a section of $f$ not passing through any of the singular points of the
fibres. Suppose that the general fibre of $f$ is smooth. Then
$$(\Gamma\cdot\Gamma)\leq 0.$$
Moreover, if $(\Gamma\cdot\Gamma)=0$, then the family $f:X\rightarrow S$,
together with the section $\Gamma$, is an isotrivial family of 1-pointed
nodal curves.
It is not hard to generalize the whole set-up to the case where
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is locally free,
but not free. One simply has to use $\prod_{n\geq 0}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2})^{n}$
instead of $\Opower{P}{z}$.
However, since we are mainly interested in local considerations, this generalization
does not play such an
important role that it would justify the technical effort.
Now, the first condition needs to be examined. The following lemma shows that it is
almost automatically satisfied:
\item If $S$ is irreducible, then $P$ is a Cartier divisor if and only if the conormal
sheaf ${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is a line bundle on $P$.
\item If $P$ is a Cartier divisor on $C$, and if the morphism $\pi$ has irreducible fibres,
then $P$ is relatively ample.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
The assumption on $P$ translates as follows: ${\cal I}={\cal I}_{P}$ is locally
generated by one element
which is not a zero divisor.
{\bf Proof of the lemma}\hspace{0.3cm}
The first statement is easy. Let us prove the second one. The question is local on $S$. So we
are in the following situation:\\
$R$ is a noetherian ring, $\pi:C \rightarrow Spec(R)$ is a projective
morphism, and $P\subset C$ is a section of $\pi$ and an effective Cartier divisor.
For all $n\in \Bbb{N}$, we have the following
exact sequence:
$$ 0 \rightarrow {\cal O}_{C}((n-1)P) \rightarrow {\cal O}_{C}(nP)
\rightarrow {\cal O}_{P}(nP) \rightarrow 0.$$
Since $P$ is affine, this induces a long exact sequence of cohomology groups:
0 & \rightarrow & H^{0}({\cal O}_{C}((n-1)P)) & \rightarrow &
H^{0}({\cal O}_{C}(nP)) &
\rightarrow & H^{0}({\cal O}_{P}(nP)) & {} & {}\\
{} & \rightarrow & H^{1}({\cal O}_{C}((n-1)P)) & \rightarrow &
H^{1}({\cal O}_{C}(nP)) & \rightarrow & 0 .
Hence we have surjections $
H^{1}({\cal O}_{C}((n-1)P))) \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ } H^{1}({\cal O}_{C}(nP))$. Composing
these surjections, we obtain, for each $n\in \Bbb{N}$, an epimorphism
$$\alpha_{n}:H^{1}({\cal O}_{C}) \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ } H^{1}({\cal O}_{C}(nP)).$$
Let $M_{n}$ denote the kernel of the mapping $\alpha_{n}$, which is an $R$ -
submodule of $H^{1}({\cal O}_{C})$. From the very definition we get: $M_{n}
\subseteq M_{n+1}$. But \cite{H1}, Thm. III.5.2., tells us that
$H^{1}({\cal O}_{C})$ is a finitely generated $R$-module, hence noetherian.
Therefore, there is an integer $N$ such that $M_{N} = M_{N+1}=\ldots$. This
implies that, for all $n > N$, the following sequence is exact:
0 \rightarrow H^{0}({\cal O}_{C}((n-1)P))) \rightarrow H^{0}({\cal O}_{C}(nP))
\rightarrow H^{0}({\cal O}_{P}(nP)) \rightarrow 0.
But $P$ is affine. Therefore ${\cal O}_{P}(nP))$ is globally generated. This
implies, using Nakayama's lemma and (\ref{noether}), that the global sections
of ${\cal O}_{C}(nP)$ generate this sheaf in some neighborhood of $P$.
By definition, base-points of the sheaf ${\cal O}_{C}(nP)$ are contained
in $P$. Thus ${\cal O}_{C}(nP)$ itself has no base-points, i.e., it is globally
generated. The sections of ${\cal O}_{C}(nP)$ define an $R$ - morphism
$$\beta:C \rightarrow \Bbb{P}^{M}_{R}.$$
As $\beta$ is an $R$ - morphism, it is compatible with $\pi$, i.e.,
$\pi= pr\circ \beta$, where $pr$ denote the natural projection from
$\Bbb{P}^{M}_{R}$ onto $Spec(R)$. Since $P$ is a section, $\beta$ restricts
to a closed embedding on $P$. In addition, we know that
$\beta^{-1}(\beta(P)) = P$. Now we want to prove that $\beta$ has finite
fibres. Assume, on the contrary, that there is a point $q\in \beta(C)$ such
that $dim \beta^{-1}(q) \geq 1$. Let $X$ be an irreducible component of
$\beta^{-1}(q)$ of dimension greater than 0. It is clear that $X$ does
not intersect the divisor $P$. In particular, the intersection of $X$
with each fibre of $\pi$ is a closed subset of codimension at least 1.
But the fibres of $\pi$ are assumed to be irreducible of dimension 1.
Therefore $X$ cannot be contained in any fibre of $\pi$. But this is a
contradiction, since $\pi(\beta^{-1}(q)) = pr(q)$.
So $\beta$ is a quasi-finite morphism.
By \cite{H1}, Cor. II.4.8., $\beta$ is proper. From the Stein-factorization
theorem (cf. \cite{G1}, Cor. 4.3.3.) one knows that in this case $\beta$ is
also finite.
By construction, ${\cal O}_{C}(nP) =
\beta^{*}({\cal O}_{\Bbb{P}^{M}_{R}}(1))$. ${\cal O}_{\Bbb{P}^{M}_{R}}(1)$
induces a very ample line bundle on $\beta(C)$. Since $\beta$ is a finite
morphism, this implies that
${\cal O}_{C}(nP)$ is ample, too (cf. \cite{H2}, Prop.I.4.4.).
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
We have seen that a family of curves whose fibres satisfy the conditions of Definition
\ref{total C} almost matches the definition already.
However, the converse is definitely not true. Namely, if $C$ is as in Definition
\ref{total C},
then it may occur that some fibres of $\pi$ are not even integral
(see Section \ref{base change} for examples).
After this illustration we return to our general definition.
\label{affine covering}
Let $C$ be as in Definition \ref{total C}. Then:
\item $C$ is locally noetherian.
\item For each open affine subset $U$ of $S$, $\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P$ is affine.
\item $S$ can be covered by open affine sets,
$U_{i} = Spec(R_{i})$, such that for each $i$ there is an open affine
subset $V_{i} = Spec(B_{i})$ of $\pi^{-1}(U_{i})$ containing $P\cap \pi^{-1}(U_{i})$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
\item $\pi$ is locally projective, hence it is locally of finite type. Therefore,
together with $S$, $C$ is also locally noetherian.
\item This is a consequence of the relative ampleness of $P$.
\item $\pi$ is locally of finite type, i.e., we can choose an open covering of $S$ by
affine sets $U_{k}'= Spec (R_{k}')$ such that, for all $k$,
$\pi:\pi^{-1}(U'_{k}) \rightarrow U'_{k}$ is proper, and there are
finitely many open affine sets $V_{k,l}' = Spec(B_{k,l}')$ satisfying:
\item $\pi^{-1}(U_{k}') = \bigcup_{l} V_{k,l}'$,
\item $B_{k,l}'$ is a finitely generated $R_{k}'$ - algebra.
Let $U' := U_{k}'$ for some $k$. Choose a point $Q\in P\cap \pi^{-1}(U')$. $Q$ is
contained in one of the $V_{k,l}'$ which we denote by $V'$ for short. If
$V'$ contains $P\cap \pi^{-1}(U')$, then we are done. Now let us assume that $V'$ does not
contain $P\cap \pi^{-1}(U')$. $P\cap \pi^{-1}(U')$ is a closed subset of $\pi^{-1}(U')$. From
the closedness of $\pi$ we conclude that
$\pi((P\cap \pi^{-1}(U'))\setminus V')$ is closed in $U'$, and that $V'$ contains
$P\cap \pi^{-1}(U'\setminus \pi(P\setminus V'))$. The open set
$U'\setminus \pi(P\setminus V')$ can be covered by open affine sets of the kind
$U'(f) := Spec((R_{k})_{f})$, for certain elements $f\in R_{k}$, and we
see that over each of the $U'(f)$'s the affine set $V'(f) = V_{k,l}'(f) :=
Spec ((B_{k,l}')_{f})$ has exactly the required property.
Now let us illustrate Condition 3 of Definition \ref{total C}.
\begin{lemma} \label{powerseries}
Assume that ${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is trivial. Then $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ is
isomorphic to $\Opower{P}{z}$
if and only if each section of ${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}\cong {\cal O}_{P}$ lifts
to a section of $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$.
In particular, one may interpret $z$ as the lift of a generating section of
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
Consequently, $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ is isomorphic to $\Opower{P}{z}$ if and only
if, for any integer $n\in\Bbb{N}$,
$n\geq 2$, the map
$$H^{0}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n}) \rightarrow H^{0}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2})$$
is surjective.
{\bf Proof of the lemma}\hspace{0.3cm}
First assume that $\widehat{\cal O}_{C} \cong \Opower{P}{z}$. Then
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2} \cong {\cal O}_{P} \cdot z$
and of course
$$H^{0}(\Opower{P}{z}) = \power{H^{0}({\cal O}_{P})}{z} \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ }
H^{0}({\cal O}_{P})\cdot z.$$
Now let $z$ be a global section of $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ such that
$z(mod ({\cal I}^{2}))$ generates ${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$.
The sheaf $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ is defined to be the limit taken over the
projective system ${\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}^{n}$.
We restrict our consideration to an open affine set $U = Spec(R) \subseteq S$
such that there is an open subset $V = Spec(B)$ of $\pi^{-1}(U)$ which
contains $p(U)$ and which is so that $I :={\cal I}(V)$ is free. Then we
construct the required isomorphism of sheaves locally on $U$.
Choose an element $b\in I$ such that $I=bB$ and $[b] = [z] \in I/I^{2}$.
Now take $f \in B/I^{m}$ for some $m$. Identifying $R$ with $\pi^{*}(R)
\subset B$, there is a uniquely determined element $f_{1} \in R$ such that
$f-f_{1} \in I/I^{m}$. By assumption, $I/I^{2}$ equals $[b]\cdot R$, and thus there
is a $f_{2} \in R$ such that $f-f_{1}-f_{2}b(mod I^{m}) \in I^{2}/I^{m}$.
Since $I^{n}/I^{n+1}$ is generated by $b^{n}(mod I^{n+1})$, we can continue
this process and get well-defined maps $$B/I^{m} \longrightarrow R \oplus
R\cdot b \ldots \oplus R\cdot b^{m-1}.$$
These maps give rise to a homomorphism of formal $R$ - algebras:
$$ \widehat{B} \longrightarrow \power{R}{b},$$
where $\widehat{B}$ denotes the completion of $B$ with respect to the ideal
$I$. By \cite{Mat1}, Thm.8.12., this is an isomorphism.
The fixed global section $z$ of
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ restricts on $U$ to an element of
$\widehat{B}$. Since $[z], [b]\in I/I^{2}$ coincide, the
homomorphism constructed above maps $z$ to an element $b\cdot (1+\alpha)$
for some $\alpha\in
\power{R}{b}\cdot b$. Remark that all those elements $1+\alpha$ are
invertible in $\power{R}{b}$ (cf. the appendix). Therefore the formal power series rings
\power{R}{b} and \power{R}{z} are naturally isomorphic. So we finally
get a well-defined isomorphism of $R$ - algebras:
$$\rho : \widehat{B} \longrightarrow \power{R}{b}
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} \power{R}{z}.$$
Here, $\rho$ does not depend on the choice of the local lift $b$ of
$[z]$. Therefore, these locally defined isomorphisms glue together. It follows from
Lemma \ref{affine covering} that $S$ has a covering by sets $U$ as
considered above. Thus the construction gives a well-defined
isomorphism of sheaves
$$\rho : \widehat{\cal O}_{C}
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} \Opower{P}{z}.$$
\subsection{Families of sheaves}
\label{sheaf F}
As sheaves $\cal F$ on $C$ we admit all coherent sheaves such that
\item The formal completion $\widehat{\cal F}$ of $\cal F$ along $P$ is
a free $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$-module.
\item $\bigcap_{n\geq 0}\pi_{*}{\cal F}(-nP) =(0)$.
{\bf Remark 1}\hspace{0.3cm}
Again, the second condition is equivalent to:
$$\pi_{*}{\cal F}(nP) \hookrightarrow \pi_{*}\widehat{{\cal F}(nP)}, \quad
\textrm{for all } n\in \Bbb{Z}.$$
{\bf Examples}
\item If $C$ is an integral scheme, then the second condition is satisfied if
and only if $\cal F$ is torsion free.
\item If $C$ is a complete curve, then the first condition is also satisfied
for torsion free sheaves, since these
are free in smooth points.
\item For general $S$ and $C$ as in Definition \ref{total C} and for any vector
bundle $\cal F$ on $C$, Condition 2
of Definition \ref{sheaf F} is satisfied.
{\bf Remark 2}\hspace{0.3cm}
The isomorphism
$$\rho : \widehat{\cal O}_{C}\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}
makes $\widehat{\cal F}$ into an $\Opower{P}{z}$-module. If $\cal F$
satisfies Condition 1, then there is an isomorphism of
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$-modules
$$\Phi : \widehat{\cal F}\stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
\widehat{\cal O}_{C}^{\oplus s}$$
or, equivalently, an isomorphism of $\Opower{P}{z}$-modules
$$\rho\circ\Phi : \widehat{\cal F} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
\Opower{P}{z}^{\oplus s}.$$
A natural question is:
What do the properties of $\cal F$ imply in general? In order to get a flavor
of what is happening, we prove the following lemma.
\label{loc. free}
Let $\cal F$ be a coherent sheaf of rank $r$, as in Definition \ref{sheaf F}.
Then the following holds:
\item[( i)] The rank of $\widehat{\cal F}$ as an
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ - module equals to the rank of $\cal F$. In particular,
there is an open, dense subset of $C$ on
which $\cal F$ has constant rank.
\item[( ii)] ${\cal F}|P$ is free of rank $r$.
\item[(iii)] $\cal F$ is locally free in a neighborhood of $P$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
(i) is a consequence of (iii).
Let us turn to the proof of (ii). We assume that
$\widehat{\cal F}\cong \widehat{\cal O}_{C}^{\oplus s}$, for
some $s\in \Bbb{N}$. Thus
{\cal F}|P & = & {\cal F}\otimes_{{\cal O}_{C}} {\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}\\
{} & = & \widehat{\cal F}/{\cal I}\widehat{\cal F}\\
{} & = & (\widehat{\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}\widehat{\cal O}_{C})^{\oplus s}\\
{} & = & ({\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I})^{\oplus s}\\
{} & = & {\cal O}_{P}^{\oplus s},
i.e., ${\cal F}|P$ is free of rank $s$.
Now let $x$ be a point of $P$. By Nakayama's lemma we get a
$${\cal O}_{C,x}^{\oplus s} \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ } {\cal F}_{x}.$$
Denote by $K$ the kernel of this morphism. Taking the formal completion
along $P$ we get an exact sequence
$$0\rightarrow \widehat{K} \rightarrow \widehat{{\cal O}}_{C,x}^{\oplus s}
\rightarrow \widehat{{\cal F}}_{x}\rightarrow 0.$$
By \cite{Mat1}, Thm.2.4., $\widehat{K}$ vanishes. On the other hand, we know
that $\widehat{{\cal O}}_{C,x}$ is faithfully flat over ${\cal O}_{C,x}$
(cf. \cite{Mat1}, Thm.8.14.). This implies that $K=0$ and we conclude:
${\cal O}_{C,x}^{\oplus s} \cong {\cal F}_{x}$. This completes the proof
of the lemma.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
In Section \ref{Eogd} we will see that, under certain conditions, the properties
and (iii) of Lemma \ref{loc. free} are equivalent to Condition 1 in Definition
\ref{sheaf F}. This will give us an
explicit method to construct examples.
A first step in this direction is the following lemma.
Assume that $C$ is as in Definition \ref{total C}. Assume furthermore that
$\cal F$ is locally free of rank $r$ in
some neighborhood of the section $P$ and that the restriction of $\cal F$
to $P$ is free. Then $\widehat{\cal F}$ is a
free $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$-module if and only if, for all $n\in\Bbb{N}$,
the maps
$$H^{0}({\cal F}/{\cal I}^{n}\otimes {\cal F}) \rightarrow
H^{0}({\cal F}/{\cal I}\otimes {\cal F})$$
are surjective.
\subsection{Definition of geometric data}
To end this chapter, let us precisely define the geometric objects which we
want to relate to Schur pairs. Let $S$
be a locally noetherian scheme.
\label{def data}
By a {\em geometric datum of rank $r$ and index $F$ over $S$}, we mean
a tupel
$$(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$$ such that
\item $C$ is a scheme.
\item $\pi:C\rightarrow S$ is a locally projective morphism.
\item $P \subset C$ is a section of $\pi$ such that
\item $P$ is a relatively ample Cartier divisor in $C$.
\item For the sheaf ${\cal I}:= {\cal I}_{P}$ defining $P$ in $C$,
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is a trivial line bundle on $P$.
\item Let $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ denote the formal completion of
${\cal O}_{S}$ with respect to the ideal $\cal I$. Then
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ is isomorphic to $\Opower{P}{z}$ as a formal
${\cal O}_{P}$-algebra.
$\bigcap_{n\geq 0}\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(-nP)=(0)$.
\item $\rho : \widehat{\cal O}_{C}
\Opower{P}{z}$ is an isomorphism of formal ${\cal O}_{P}$-algebras.
\item $\cal F$ is a coherent sheaf of rank $r$ on $C$
such that
\item The formal completion $\widehat{\cal F}$ of $\cal F$ along $P$ is a
free $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$-module of rank $r$.
\item $\bigcap_{n\geq 0}\pi_{*}{\cal F}(-nP) =(0)$.
\item $F = \gamma(\pi_{*}{\cal F}) - \gamma(R^{1}\pi_{*}{\cal F})\in K(S)$.
\item $\Phi : \widehat{\cal F}
\widehat{\cal O}_{C}^{\oplus r}$ is an isomorphism of sheaves of
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ - modules.
Two geometric data
$$(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi) \textrm{ and }
(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$$ are identified if and only if
\item $S=S'$;
\item There is an isomorphism $\beta:C\rightarrow C'$ such that
\item The diagram
P \subset& C & \stackrel{\beta}{\rightarrow} & C'&\supset P'\\
\sim \searrow&\pi\downarrow&&\downarrow\pi'&\swarrow \sim\\
& S &=&S
is commutative;
\item $\rho = \widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho')$;
\item There is an isomorphism $\Psi: \beta^{*}{\cal F}'
\rightarrow {\cal F}$ such that $\widehat{\beta}^{*}(\Phi') = \Phi\circ \widehat{\Psi}$.
In the sequel, we denote by ${\frak D}^{r}_{F}(S)$ the set of equivalence classes of
geometric data of rank $r$ and index $F$ over $S$.
\label{homo data}
A {\em homomorphism of geometric data} is a collection
$$(\alpha,\beta,\Psi):(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)\rightarrow
(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$$
consisting of
\item A morphism $\alpha:S\rightarrow S'$;
\item A morphism $\beta:C\rightarrow C'$ such that
\item The following diagram is commutative:
P \subset &C & \stackrel{\beta}{\rightarrow} & C'&\supset P' \\
\sim\searrow&\pi \downarrow &&\downarrow \pi'&\swarrow\sim\\
&S & \stackrel{\alpha}{\rightarrow} & S'
\item $\beta^{*}(P') = P$ as Cartier divisors;
\item $\rho=\widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho')$;
\item A homomorphism of sheaves
$\Psi: \beta^{*}{\cal F}' \rightarrow {\cal F}$.
Two homomorphisms are identified iff they differ only by an identification
isomorphism as defined in the previous definition.
This establishes the category $\frak D$ of geometric data.
Definition \ref{homo data} requires some justification.
Let $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ and
$(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$ be geometric data and
$\alpha:S\rightarrow S'$ and $\beta:C\rightarrow C'$
morphisms such that Conditions 2(a) and 2(b) of Definition \ref{homo data} are satisfied. Then
\item $\widehat{\beta}^{*}\widehat{\cal O}_{C'} \cong \widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ and
\item $\widehat{\beta}^{*}{\widehat{{\cal F}}'} \cong \widehat{\beta^{*}{\cal
F}'}$, \end{itemize}
i.e., Condition 2(c) is well-formulated and for a homomorphism of sheaves
$\Psi : \beta^{*}{\cal F}' \rightarrow {\cal F}$, the composition
(\rho'\circ\Phi'))^{-1})$ belongs to
${\cal H}om_{\power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}}(\power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}^{\oplus r'},
\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r})$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
We consider the exact sequence of ${\cal O}_{C'}$-modules
\label{just 1}
0\rightarrow {\cal I}'^{n}\rightarrow {\cal O}_{C'} \rightarrow
{\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n} \rightarrow 0.
The support of the sheaf ${\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n}$ is contained in
$P$, and, as a sheaf on $P$,
${\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n}$ is known to be free. Therefore we can conclude,
using \cite{Mat1}, ch.18, Lemma 2, that
$${\cal T}or^{{\cal O}_{C'}}_{1}({\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n}, {\cal O}_{C})
\cong {\cal T}or^{{\cal O}_{P'}}_{1}({\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n}, {\cal O}_{P})
Consequently, the sequence
0\rightarrow \beta^{*}{\cal I}'^{n}\rightarrow \beta^{*}{\cal O}_{C'} \rightarrow
\beta^{*}({\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n}) \rightarrow 0
is exact, as well. Using this we start our calculation:
\widehat{\beta}^{*}\widehat{\cal O}_{C'} & = &
lim_{n\to\infty} \beta^{*}({\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n})\\
&\cong& lim_{n\to\infty} \beta^{*}{\cal O}_{C'}/\beta^{*}{\cal I}'^{n}\\
&\cong &lim_{n\to\infty}{\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}^{n}\\
& = & \widehat{\cal O}_{C}.
We proceed analogously for the sheaf ${\cal F}'$. The sequence (\ref{just 1})
stays exact after
tensoring with ${\cal F}'$, since we assumed ${\cal F}'$ to be locally free near
$P'$. With the
same conclusions as above we finally get an exact sequence
0\rightarrow \beta^{*}({\cal F}'\otimes{\cal I}'^{n})\rightarrow \beta^{*}({\cal F}')
\beta^{*}({\cal F}'\otimes({\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n})) \rightarrow 0
and, of course, ${\cal F}'\otimes({\cal O}_{C'}/{\cal I}'^{n}) \cong {\cal F}'/({\cal F}'\otimes
{\cal I}'^{n})$. Now we can calculate again
\widehat{\beta}^{*}\widehat{{\cal F}'}& = & lim_{n\to\infty}
\beta^{*}({\cal F}'/{\cal F}'\otimes {\cal I}'^{n})\\
& \cong & lim_{n\to\infty} \beta^{*}({\cal F}')/\beta^{*}({\cal F}'\otimes {\cal I}'^{n})\\
&\cong & lim_{n\to\infty} \beta^{*}({\cal F}')/(\beta^{*}({\cal F}')\otimes {\cal I}^{n})\\
& = & \widehat{\beta^{*}({\cal F}')}.
Let us include one more definition.
We define a full subcategory ${\frak D}'$ of $\frak D$ as follows:\\ The objects of this
category are the equivalence
classes of geometric data $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ such that
$$\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C} = {\cal O}_{S}.$$
This subcategory will play an important role in Chapter \ref{Fam. DO}.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
Assume that $S=Spec(k)$, for some field $k$. Then the geometric datum
$(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ reduces to $(C,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$.
Using the same method as in the remark on page \pageref{Grass Mulase}, we
see that this datum corresponds to a {\em quintet} defined by M.~Mulase
\cite{M1}, where
$$\rho : \widehat{\cal O}_{C} \hookrightarrow \power{k}{y}$$
decomposes into
$$\widehat{\cal O}_{C} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
\power{k}{y^{r}} \hookrightarrow \power{k}{y}.$$
Now let $S$ be any scheme, $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ a
geometric datum and $s\in S$ a closed point. Then we can restrict everything to the
fibre $C_{s}$ of $C$ over $s$ and get a collection
$$(C_{s},\pi|C_{s},\{s\},P|\{s\},\rho|C_{s},{\cal F}|C_{s},\Phi|C_{s}).$$
Assume that this is also a geometric datum. Then the restriction defines a morphism
of geometric data
$$(C_{s},\pi|C_{s},\{s\},P|\{s\},\rho|C_{s},{\cal F}|C_{s},\Phi|C_{s})
(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi).$$
\item Another example of morphisms of geometric data is the following: Let
$(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ be a
geometric datum and $\alpha:S'\rightarrow S$ a flat morphism. Then the fibre
product gives rise to another geometric datum.
This fact will be shown in Section \ref{base change}.
\section{The relative Krichever functor}
After having defined both sides we want to relate, let us start with the construction of
a bijective contravariant functor
between the category of Schur pairs and the category of geometric data.
Throughout the chapter let us assume that $S$ is a locally noetherian scheme.
\subsection{Constructing Schur pairs}
Assume we are given a geometric datum $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ of
rank $r$ and index $F$.
Let us start with
For each integer $n$, the maps $\rho$ and $\Phi$ induce isomorphisms:
\rho & : & \widehat{{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P)} &
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} &
\Opower{P}{z}\cdot z^{-n},\\
\Phi & : & \widehat{{\cal F}(n\cdot P)} &
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} &
\widehat{{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P)}^{\oplus r}.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
This is clear from the fact that
$${\cal I} \cong {\cal O}_{C}(-P).$$
\label{twist up}
For any open affine subset $U$ of $S$, the natural maps
\label{loc g}
H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U), {\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P)) & \rightarrow &
H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P, {\cal O}_{C})\\
H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U), {\cal F}(n\cdot P)) & \rightarrow &
H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P, {\cal F})\\
induce isomorphisms
lim_{n\to\infty}H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U), {\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P)) &
\stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} & H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P,
{\cal O}_{C})&{}\\
lim_{n\to\infty}H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U), {\cal F}(n\cdot P)) &
\stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} & H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P,
{\cal F})&.\\
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
The maps in (\ref{loc g}) are inclusions, because $P$ is locally given by
an element which is neither a zero
divisor in ${\cal O}_{C}$ nor in $\cal F$.
We know that $P$ is ample relative to $S$.
Therefore, for sufficiently large $n\in \Bbb{N}$,
${\cal O}_{\pi^{-1}(U)}(n\cdot P)$ has a nonconstant global section.
Now the assertion is a direct consequence of \cite{H1}, Lemma II.5.14.
For a given geometric datum $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ of
rank $r$ and index $F$,
we define
$$({\cal A},{\cal W}) := \chi_{r,F}(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$$
as follows:
{\cal A}(U) & := & \pi_{*}(\rho) (H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P,
{\cal O}_{C}))\\
{} & {}= &\pi_{*}(\rho) (lim_{n\to\infty} H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U),
{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P)))\\
{} & {}= & \pi_{*}(\rho)(lim_{n\to\infty} H^{0}(U,
\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P)))\\
{} & {}\subset & \negpower{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z},\\
{} & {} & {}\\
{\cal W}(U) & := & \pi_{*}(\rho\circ\Phi)(H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P,
{\cal F}))\\
{} & {}= &\pi_{*}(\rho\circ\Phi) (lim_{n\to\infty} H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U),
{\cal F}(n\cdot P)))\\
{} & {}= & \pi_{*}(\rho\circ\Phi)(lim_{n\to\infty} H^{0}(U,
\pi_{*}{\cal F}(n\cdot P)))\\
{} & {}\subset & \negpower{{\cal O}_{S}(U)}{z}^{\oplus r}.
{\bf Remark }\hspace{0.3cm}
Assume that $S=Spec(k)$ for some field $k$. Then a geometric datum
$(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},$ $\Phi)$ gives us a quintet
$(C,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ as defined in \cite{M1}, and $({\cal A},{\cal W})$
is the corresponding Schur pair defined there.
In analogy to the case of a curve over a field we now want to identify the
(relative) cohomology of ${\cal O}_{C}$ and $\cal F$ via the
sheaves $\cal A$ and $\cal W$.
At first, we will see that the pole order of a local section along $P$
is exactly the order of the corresponding formal power series:
For all integers $n\in\Bbb{Z}$:
{\cal A} & \cap & \power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}\cdot z^{-n} & = &
\pi_{*}(\rho)(\pi_{*}({\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P))),\\
{\cal W} & \cap & \power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-n} & = &
\pi_{*}(\rho\circ\Phi)(\pi_{*}({\cal F}(n\cdot P))).
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
This is obviously a local property. Therefore let $S=Spec(R)$ be affine, $R$ a
local ring, $P \subset V=Spec(B)\subset C$,
$B$ another local ring, $I:={\cal I}_{P}(V)=b\cdot B$, $b$ a non-zero divisor
in $B$, and $M:=H^{0}(V,{\cal F})$. The composition of the maps
$$H^{0}(C, {\cal F}(nP)) \rightarrow H^{0}(V,{\cal F}(nP))\rightarrow
H^{0}(\widehat{{\cal F}(nP)})$$
is assumed to be injective. Therefore the first map must be injective. The
second one is injective,
a priori, since $B$ is a local ring. So we only have to show that
$$M_{b} \cap \widehat{M} = M.$$
Of course, we are done if we can show:
$$M \cap b\widehat{M} = bM,$$
i.e., $$M\cap I\widehat{M} = IM.$$
But this clear: Take $m\in M$ and consider its image in $\widehat{M}$. It can be
identified with the
sequence $(m(mod I^{n}M))_{n\in\Bbb{N}}$. This sequence belongs to $I\widehat{M}$
if and only if,
for all $n$, there are elements $i_{n}\in IM$ such that $m-i_{n}\in I^{n}M$. This
implies $m\in IM$ immediately.
Of course, the statement concerning $\cal A$ is proved in the same way.
Now we want to prove:
There are isomorphisms of sheaves of ${\cal O}_{S}$ - modules
{}&\frac{\negpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}}{{\displaystyle {\cal A}} +
\power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}} & \cong &
R^{1}\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}\\
{} & {} & {}\\
\textrm{and }&\frac{\negpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}^{\oplus r}}{{\displaystyle {\cal W}}
+ \power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}^{\oplus r}} & \cong &
R^{1}\pi_{*}{\cal F}.
For the proof we need the following lemma.
\label{iso completion}
Assume that
$U=Spec(R)$ is an open affine subset of $S$, and $V=Spec(B) \subseteq
\pi^{-1}(U)$ is an open affine set containing $P\cap \pi^{-1}(U)$ such that, on
$V$, the divisor $P$ is
given by a single element $b\in B$ and the restriction of $\cal F$ to $V$ is free.
Then the natural maps
H^{0}(V,{\cal O}_{C}) &\rightarrow &H^{0}(V,\widehat{\cal O}_{C}),\\
H^{0}(V,{\cal F})& \rightarrow &H^{0}(V,\widehat{\cal F})
induce isomorphisms of $R$ - modules:
&\frac{H^{0}(V\setminus P,{\cal O}_{C})}{H^{0}(V,{\cal O}_{C})} &
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} &
\frac{H^{0}(V\setminus P,\widehat{\cal O}_{C})}{H^{0}
(V,\widehat{\cal O}_{C})}&\\
{\normalsize\textrm{and }}&\frac{H^{0}(V\setminus P,{\cal F})}{H^{0}(V,{\cal F})} &
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} &
\frac{H^{0}(V\setminus P,\widehat{\cal F})}{H^{0}
(V,\widehat{\cal F})}&.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let us start with the investigation of the structure sheaf.
The map
$$B\rightarrow \widehat{B}$$
must be injective, since all elements of $B$ are locally given by quotients of
elements of \linebreak
$\bigoplus_{n\geq 0} H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U), {\cal O}_{C}(nP))$.
Let us fix a natural number $n$.
We obtain a diagram of embeddings:
B & = & H^{0}(V,{\cal O}_{C}) & \rightarrow & H^{0}(V,\widehat{\cal O}_{C})
& = & \widehat{B} &{}\\
{} & {} & \downarrow & {} & \downarrow&{}\\
\frac{1}{b^{n}}B & = & H^{0}(V,{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P)) & \rightarrow &
H^{0}(V,\widehat{{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P))} & = & \frac{1}{b^{n}}
Now the proof of Proposition \ref{order} implies that
\widehat{B}\cap \frac{1}{b^{n}} B = B.
{}From this we obtain a natural inclusion:
$$\frac{\frac{1}{b^{n}} B}{B}\hookrightarrow
\frac{\frac{1}{b^{n}} \widehat{B}}{\widehat{B}}.
Taking the limit over $n$, we get
a monomorphism of $R$ - modules:
\frac{B_{b}}{B} =
\frac{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V\setminus P,{\cal O}_{C})}}{{\displaystyle
H^{0}(V,{\cal O}_{C})}}
lim_{n\to \infty}\frac{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V,\widehat{{\cal O}_{C}
(n\cdot P)})}}{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V,\widehat{\cal O}_{C})}}
= \frac{(\widehat{B})_{b}}{\widehat{B}}.
We claim that this is, in fact, an isomorphism. Of course, we have $\poly{R}{b}\subseteq B$.
So we obtain a diagram of
\poly{R}{b} & \rightarrow & B\\
\negpoly{R}{b} & \rightarrow & B_{b},
where $\negpoly{R}{b}\cap B = \poly{R}{b}$, since $b$ is a non-zero divisor in $B$.
Therefore we end up with a
chain of inclusions:
\frac{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V\setminus P,{\cal O}_{C})}}{{\displaystyle
H^{0}(V,{\cal O}_{C})}}\hookrightarrow
\frac{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V\setminus P,\widehat{\cal O}_{C})}}
{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V,\widehat{\cal O}_{C})}} =
But the first and the last term are canonically isomorphic
$R$ - modules. Therefore all the monomorphisms appearing
above are really isomorphisms.
Now we turn our attention to $\cal F$. The isomorphism ${\cal F}|V \cong
{\cal O}_{V}^{\oplus r}$ extends to
an isomorphism $\widehat{\cal F}\cong \widehat{\cal O}_{V}^{\oplus r}$, which
also respects the localization by
$b$. So we get the claim concerning $\cal F$ by applying the according statement
on ${\cal O}_{C}$.
Let us proceed to the
{\bf Proof of the Proposition \ref{cohomology}}\hspace{0.3cm}
As the isomorphism constructed in Lemma \ref{iso completion} is natural,
it is compatible with intersections of affine sets.
Now, once again, it is sufficient to consider an open affine set $U$ of $S$, as in
Lemma \ref{iso completion}.
Then $\pi^{-1}(U)$ is covered by the
affine sets $V$ and $\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P$. Since $\pi|\pi^{-1}(U)$ is
a separated morphism over an affine scheme, we can apply \cite{H1}, Thm.
III.4.5., and get, with the aid of Lemmas \ref{twist up}
and \ref{iso completion},
R^{1}\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(U) & = & H^{1}(\pi^{-1}(U), {\cal O}_{C})\\
{} & = & \frac{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V \setminus P, {\cal O}_{C})}}{{
\displaystyle H^{0}(V, {\cal O}_{C}) + H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P,
{\cal O}_{C})}}\\
{} & = & \frac{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V\setminus P,
\widehat{\cal O}_{C})}}{{\displaystyle H^{0}(V, \widehat{\cal O}_{C})
+ H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P, {\cal O}_{C})}}\\
{} & \cong & \frac{{\displaystyle \Onegpower{S}{z}(U)}}{{\displaystyle
\Opower{S}{z}(U) + {\cal A}(U)}}.
The proof of the statement concerning $\cal F$ can be given in the same way.
If $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ is a geometric datum of rank $r$ and
index $F$, then
$({\cal A},{\cal W}) = \chi_{r,F}(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$
is a Schur pair of rank $r$ and index $F$ over $S$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
By construction, $\cal A$ is a quasicoherent sheaf of ${\cal O}_{S}$ -
subalgebras of $\Onegpower{S}{z}$, $\cal W$ is a quasicoherent sheaf of
${\cal O}_{S}$ - modules, and ${\cal A}\cdot{\cal W}\subseteq{\cal W}$.
The fact that $\cal A$ and $\cal W$ are elements of the infinite
Grassmannians of rank 1 and $r$, respectively, follows from
Propositions \ref{order} and
\ref{cohomology}, and the fact that $R^{i}\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}$ and $R^{i}\pi_{*}{\cal F}$
are coherent sheaves for locally projective
morphisms $\pi$ and for all $i$ (cf. \cite{H1}, Thm.III.8.8).
\label{ident. Schur}
If $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ and
$(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$
are identified as geometric data, then we obtain identical
corresponding Schur
pairs $({\cal A}, {\cal W})$ and $({\cal A}', {\cal W}')$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
This follows from an easy calculation. We use the isomorphisms $\beta$
and $\Psi$ and get:
{\cal A} & := & \pi_{*}(\rho)(lim_{n\to\infty}
\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P))\\
& {}= & \pi_{*}(\widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho'))(lim_{n\to\infty}
\pi_{*}(\beta^{*}{\cal O}_{C'}(n\cdot P')))\\
& {}= & \pi'_{*}(\rho')(lim_{n\to\infty}
\pi'_{*}{\cal O}_{C'}(n\cdot P'))\\
& {}= & {\cal A}'.
{\cal W}' & := & \pi'_{*}(\rho'\circ \Phi')(lim_{n\to \infty}\pi'_{*}
{\cal F}'(n\cdot P'))\\
& {}= & \pi'_{*}(\rho'\circ \Phi')(lim_{n\to \infty} \pi_{*}\beta^{*}
{\cal F}'(n\cdot P'))\\
& {}= & \pi_{*}(\widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho'\circ \Phi'))(lim_{n\to \infty} \pi_{*}((\beta^{*}
{\cal F}')(n\cdot P)))\\
& {}= & \pi_{*}(\rho\circ \Phi\circ\widehat{\Psi})(lim_{n\to \infty} \pi_{*}((\beta^{*}
{\cal F}')(n\cdot P)))\\
& {}= & \pi_{*}(\rho\circ \Phi)(lim_{n\to \infty} \pi_{*}(
{\cal F}(n\cdot P)))\\
& {}=&{\cal W}.
Homomorphisms of geometric data induce homomorphisms of the
corresponding Schur pairs.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let $(\alpha,\beta,\Psi):(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)
(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$ be a homomorphism of
geometric data. Let $({\cal A}, {\cal W})$ and $({\cal A}',
{\cal W}')$ be the Schur pairs associated to the given geometric
data. We want to construct a homomorphism of Schur pairs
$$(\alpha,\xi):({\cal A}', {\cal W}')\rightarrow ({\cal A},
{\cal W}).$$
Of course, the morphism $\alpha:S\rightarrow S'$ is taken
directly from $(\alpha,\beta,\Psi)$, whereas $\xi$ is defined as
(\rho'\circ\Phi'))^{-1})$. Now we
apply the properties of the given morphism $\beta:C\rightarrow C'$
and derive:
\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}' & = & \alpha^{(*)}(\pi'_{*}(\rho')(lim_{n\to\infty}
\pi'_{*}{\cal O}_{C'}(n\cdot P')))\\
{} & \subseteq & \pi_{*}(\widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho'))(lim_{n\to\infty} \pi_{*}
\beta^{*}{\cal O}_{C'}(n\cdot P'))\\
{} & = & \pi_{*}(\rho)( lim_{n\to\infty} \pi_{*}
{\cal O}_{C}(n\cdot P))\\
{} & = & {\cal A}.
As for ${\cal W}$ and ${\cal W}'$, we obtain:
\xi(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}') & = & \xi(\alpha^{(*)}(\pi'_{*}(\rho'\circ\Phi')(lim_{n\to\infty}
\pi'_{*}{\cal F}'(n\cdot P'))))\\
&\subseteq& (\xi\circ\pi_{*}(\widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho'\circ\Phi')))(lim_{n\to\infty}
\pi_{*}\beta^{*}{\cal F}'(n\cdot P'))\\
&=& \pi_{*}(\rho\circ\Phi\circ\widehat{\Psi})(lim_{n\to\infty}
\pi_{*}\beta^{*}{\cal F}'(n\cdot P'))\\
&\subseteq&\pi_{*}(\rho\circ\Phi)(lim_{n\to\infty} \pi_{*}{\cal F}(n\cdot P'))\\
&=& {\cal W}.
So we really have constructed a homomorphism of Schur pairs.
$\chi$ is a contravariant functor from the category of geometric
data to the category of Schur pairs.
The functor $\chi$ is called the {\em Krichever functor}.
\subsection{Constructing geometric data}
Now assume that we are given a Schur pair $({\cal A},{\cal W})$ of
rank $r$ and index $F$ over the scheme $S$. We start with some
general observations.
\item For all $n\in\Bbb{Z}$, ${\cal A}^{(n)}$ and ${\cal W}^{(n)}$ are
coherent sheaves. In particular,
${\cal A}^{(0)}$ is a coherent sheaf of ${\cal O}_{S}$-algebras.
\item If $U = Spec(R)$ is an open affine subset of $S$, then there is an
integer $M\in\Bbb{Z}$
(possibly depending on $U$) such that
$${\cal A}^{(-M)}(U) = {\cal W}^{(-M)}(U) = (0).$$
\item All local sections of ${\cal A}^{(-1)}$ are nilpotent.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
\item Let $U=Spec(R)$ be an affine open subset of $S$. We have to show that
${\cal A}^{(n)}(U)$ and
${\cal W}^{(n)}(U)$ are finitely generated. ${\cal A}^{(0)}(U)$ and
${\cal W}^{(0)}(U)$ are finitely
generated by the definition of Schur pairs. Since $R$ is a noetherian
ring, this immediately proves
the statement for all $n\leq 0$. Now assume that $n>0$. Then
${\cal A}^{(n)}(U)/{\cal A}^{(0)}(U)$ is isomorphic to a submodule of
$\power{R}{z}\cdot z^{-n}/\power{R}{z}$, hence finitely generated. But
this already implies that
${\cal A}^{(n)}(U)$ itself is finitely generated. The same method of
proof may be used for $\cal W$.
\item Without loss of generality we prove the statement for $\cal A$.
${\cal A}^{(0)}$ is generated by
finitely many elements
$f_{1},\ldots,f_{m}$. Let us write
$$f_{i} = \sum_{j\geq 0} \lambda_{i,j} z^{j}.$$
The statement ${\cal A}^{(-M)}(U)\neq (0)$ is equivalent to:
There are elements $\mu_{1},\ldots, \mu_{m} \in R$ such that
$\sum_{i=1}^{m} \mu_{i}\lambda_{i,j} = 0$ for $j=0,\ldots, M-1$, but
$\sum_{i=1}^{m} \mu_{i} f_{i} \neq 0$.
We denote by ${\cal N}_{l}$ the submodule of $R^{m}$ generated by the vectors
$(\lambda_{\cdot ,0}), \ldots, (\lambda_{\cdot ,l})$. These modules form an
ascending chain of submodules of $R^{m}$:
$${\cal N}_{0}\subseteq {\cal N}_{1}\subseteq{\cal N}_{2}\subseteq \ldots
\subseteq R^{m}.$$
Since $R^m$ is a noetherian module, there is an integer $T$ such that
${\cal N}_{l}={\cal N}_{T}$, for all $l\geq T$.
We claim that ${\cal A}^{(-T-1)}(U)=(0)$. If this were false, we could
find elements \linebreak[4]
$\mu_{1},\ldots, \mu_{m} \in R$ such that
$\sum_{i=1}^{m} \mu_{i}\lambda_{i,j} = 0$, for $j=0,\ldots, T$. But by the
definition of ${\cal N}_{l}$
this already implies $\sum_{i=1}^{m} \mu_{i} f_{i} = 0$. So we are done.
The last part of the lemma is easy. Assume that for some $U$, ${\cal A}^{(-1)}(U)$
would contain an element
$f$ which is not nilpotent. Then, for all $n\in\Bbb{N}$,
$$0\neq f^{n} \in {\cal A}^{(-n)}(U),$$
and this is a contradiction.
\label{a and b}
Let $U = Spec(R)$ be an open affine subset of $S$. Then ${\cal A}(U)$
is a finitely generated $R$ - algebra of relative dimension 1.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
By assumption,
$\frac{\negpower{R}{z}}{\power{R}{z} + {\displaystyle {\cal A}(U)}}$ is a
finitely generated $R$ - module. So we can choose finitely many elements
$b_{1},\ldots,b_{m}\in \negpower{R}{z}$ such that $[b_{1}],\ldots,[b_{m}]$
are generators of this module. Denote by $N$ the maximum of the orders of
the $b_{j}$'s. We may assume that $N\geq 2$. Now it is straightforward that:
$$\negpower{R}{z} = \power{R}{z}\cdot z^{-N} + {\cal A}(U).$$
Therefore, for all $n>N$, there is a monic element of order $n$ in
${\cal A}(U)$. Let us choose
monic elements $a, b\in {\cal A}(U)$ of order
$2N+2$ and
$2N+1$, respectively. We claim that
\label{a and b,2}
\negpower{R}{z} = \power{R}{z}\cdot z^{-(2N+1)(2N+2)} + \poly{R}{a,b}.
In order to prove this, we choose an integer $n \geq (2N+1)(2N+2)$. Then we can
find $m \geq 0$ and $0 \leq l < 2N+2$ such that
n & = & (2N+1)(2N+2) + m\cdot (2N+2) + l &{}\\
{} & = & (2N+1)(2N+2) + m\cdot (2N+2) + l\cdot((2N+2) - (2N+1)) &{}\\
{} & = & (m + l)\cdot (2N+2) + (2N+2 - l)\cdot (2N+1) &{}\\
{} & = & ord( a^{m+l}\cdot b^{2N+2-l} ) &.
Since $a$ and $b$ are monic, this proves (\ref{a and b,2}) and, in particular,
the identity
{\cal A}(U) = {\cal A}(U)^{((2N+1)(2N+2))} + \poly{R}{a,b}.
${\cal A}(U)^{((2N+1)(2N+2))}$ is a finitely generated $R$ - module
(cf. Lemma \ref{A0}). This
implies that ${\cal A}(U)$ is a finitely generated $R$ - algebra of
relative dimension at most 2. From the choice of $a$ and $b$, it is also
clear that the relative dimension is greater than zero.
Now we only need to prove that $a$ and $b$ satisfy a polynomial relation
with coefficients in $R$. Obviously, $b$ does not lie in $\poly{R}{a}$.
Let $\{u_{1},\ldots,u_{q}\}$ be a set of generators of
$\poly{R}{a,b}^{((2N+1)(2N+2)-1)}$ as an $R$ - module, and put
$$v_{n} := a^{m+l}\cdot b^{2N+2-l}$$
for $n\geq (N+1)(N+2)$ and $n = (2N+1)(2N+2) + m\cdot (2N+2) + l$ (see above).
Then the set $\{u_{1},\ldots,u_{q}\}\cup \{v_{n}\}_{n\geq (2N+1)(2N+2)}$ generates the
$R$ - module $\poly{R}{a,b}$. For all $M$, $a^{M}$ can be written as a linear
combination of the $u_{j}$'s and $v_{j}$'s. Since none of the $v_{j}$'s is a
power of $a$, and since there are only finitely many $u_{j}$'s, the representing
linear combination for a sufficiently
high power of $a$ is exactly the required
polynomial relation between $a$ and $b$. This completes the proof.
Let $U=Spec(R)$ be an open affine subset of $S$ and let $N\in\Bbb{N}$ be
such that $\negpower{R}{z} =
\power{R}{z}\cdot z^{-N} + {\cal A}(U)$ (cf. Lemma \ref{a and b}). Then,
for all $n,m \geq 2N+1$:
$${\cal A}(U)^{(m)}\cdot{\cal A}(U)^{(n)}={\cal A}(U)^{(m+n)}.$$
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Of course, ${\cal A}(U)^{(m)}\cdot{\cal A}(U)^{(n)}\subseteq {\cal A}(U)^{(m+n)}$.
To see the other
inclusion it is sufficient to show that ${\cal A}(U)^{(m)}\cdot{\cal A}(U)^{(n)}$
contains monic elements of the orders
$m+1, \ldots, m+n$.
First take $1\leq i\leq n-N$. Then we can split $m+i = (m-N) + (N+i)$. Since $m-N$ is
greater than $N$,
by assumption, ${\cal A}(U)^{(m)}$ contains a monic element of order $m-N$. On
the other hand,
$N+1\leq N+i \leq n$. Therefore, ${\cal A}(U)^{(n)}$ contains a monic element
of order $N+i$.
As a second case consider now the terms $m+i$ for $n-N<i\leq n$. In this case,
$i$ is greater than
$N$, so ${\cal A}(U)^{(n)}$ contains a monic element of order $i$, and, of course,
${\cal A}(U)^{(m)}$
contains a monic element of order $m$. This completes the proof.
Now we aim at defining geometric objects from a given Schur pair. First, we define
a sheaf of graded ${\cal O}_{S}$ - algebras as follows:
$$grd({\cal A}) := {\cal O}_{S}\oplus\bigoplus_{n\geq 1} {\cal A}^{(n)},$$
i.e., $grd({\cal A})_{0} = {\cal O}_{S}$ and $grd({\cal A})_{n} =
{\cal A}^{(n)}$, for $n\geq 1$.
Now, we define a scheme $C$ by
$$C := Proj(grd({\cal A})).$$
This scheme comes equipped with a projection morphism $\pi$ to $S$, and
Lemma \ref{a and b} says that $C$ is a curve over $S$.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
\item The morphism $\pi$ factors over the scheme $Spec({\cal A}^{(0)})$.
By Lemma \ref{A0}, this scheme
is finite over $S$, and $Spec({\cal A}^{(0)})_{red}=S_{red}$.
It is well-known that, for any $m\in \Bbb{N}$, the scheme $C$ is naturally
isomorphic to
$$C^{(m)} := Proj({\cal O}_{S}\oplus\bigoplus_{n\geq 1} {\cal A}^{(mn)}).$$
On the other hand, Lemma \ref{m+n} implies that for any affine open subset $U\subseteq S$
there is a number $m$ such that
${\cal O}_{S}(U)\oplus\bigoplus_{n\geq 1} {\cal A}^{(mn)}(U)$ is generated by
${\cal A}^{(m)}(U)$
as an ${\cal O}_{S}(U)$ - algebra. Moreover, we know that, for
all $m$, ${\cal A}^{(m)}$ is coherent (see Lemma \ref{A0}).
Then we obtain from the general theory developed in \cite{H1}, II.7., that
$C$ is locally projective over $S$.
\item The localization of $grd({\cal A})$ by the section $1\in grd({\cal A})_{1}$
can be identified with
$\cal A$, thus $C$ contains the (relatively) affine subset $Spec({\cal A})$.
Analogously, we define
$$grd({\cal W}) := \bigoplus_{n\in \Bbb{Z}} {\cal W}^{(n)}.$$
This gives us a locally finitely generated $grd({\cal A})$ - module. The sheaf
$\cal F$ on $C$ is defined to be
$${\cal F} := (grd({\cal W}))^{\sim}.$$
We would like to see that the curve $C$ just constructed is exactly a curve of the
type we started with.
\label{Schur curve}
There is a section $P\subset C$ of $\pi$
such that $C\setminus P$ is precisely $Spec({\cal A})$.
$P$ is a relatively ample Cartier divisor, its conormal
sheaf is free of rank 1 on $P$, and $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ is isomorphic to
$\Opower{P}{z}$. Finally,
$\bigcap_{n\geq 0} \pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(-nP) = (0)$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Again, we restrict everything to an affine open subset $U= Spec(R)$ of $S$. Let
$a$ and $b$ be the elements we constructed in Lemma \ref{a and b}. We can
view $a$ as an element of $(grd({\cal A}))(U)_{2N+2}$. Let us localize
$grd({\cal A})$ by $a$:
B & := & (grd({\cal A}))(U)_{(a)} & = &
\left\{ \frac{g}{a^{n}}/ n\in \Bbb{N}, g \in (grd({\cal A}))(U)_{(2N+2)\cdot n}
&&{} & = & \left\{ \frac{g}{a^{n}}/ n\in \Bbb{N}, g \in
{\cal A}(U)^{((2N+2)\cdot n)} \right\}\\
&&{} & \subseteq & \power{R}{z}.
Especially, $y := \frac{b}{a}$ gives us a monic element of
$B$ of order -1. But of course, for this
element $y$ we obtain:
$$\power{R}{y} \cong \power{R}{z},$$
since all elements of order zero with invertible leading term are
invertible in \power{R}{z}. Thus, we have to consider the situation:
\label{ideal in local}
\poly{R}{y} \subseteq B \subseteq \power{R}{y} =
\power{R}{z} .
Let $I := B \cap \power{R}{z}\cdot z$. Obviously,
this is an ideal of $B$. Let $P$ be the closed subscheme of $Spec(B)$ defined
by $I$. One easily sees from
(\ref{ideal in local}) that
$B/I$ is naturally isomorphic to $R$. Therefore, $P$ is a section of the
projection morphism $\pi$. Observe
that the definition of $P$ does not depend on the choice of $a$
and $b$. For the ideal sheaf $\cal I$ of $P$, we get immediately:
$${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2} = [y] \cdot ({\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}) \cong {\cal O}_{P}\cdot z,$$
i.e., ${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is free of rank 1.
Now let us prove that $C\setminus P= Spec({\cal A})$. We do this again on the
affine open subset
$U=Spec(R)$ of $S$. In a first step, we restrict our consideration to the open
set $D_{+}(a)=Spec(B)$.
$P$ is contained in this set, and $D_{+}(a)$ and $Spec({\cal A}(U))$ cover
$\pi^{-1}(U)$. Assume, on the
contrary, that there is a graded prime ideal ${\frak p} \subset grd({\cal A}(U))$
such that
$1\in {\frak p}_{1}$ and $a\in {\frak p}_{2N+2}$. By the choice of $a$, this
already implies that
${\frak p}_{n} = grd({\cal A}(U))_{n}$ for all sufficiently large $n$
(cf. Lemma \ref{m+n}). This is a contradiction.
On $D_{+}(a)= Spec(B)$, $Spec({\cal A}(U))$ is given as $D(\frac{1}{a})$.
Now the second step is the following:
Let ${\frak p}$ be a prime ideal of $B$ containing $\frac{1}{a}$. We want
to show that $\frak p$ belongs to $P$.
This holds if and only if $\frak p$ contains the ideal
$$\left\{ \frac{g}{a^{n}}/ n\in\Bbb{N}, ord(g)<ord(a)n \right\}.$$
Assume that $ord(g)<ord(a)n$ and set $m:=n\cdot ord(a)-ord(g)$. Then:
$$\frac{g^{ord(a)}}{a^{n\cdot ord(a)}}=\frac{g^{ord(a)}}{a^{ord(g)+m}}
= \frac{g^{ord(a)}}{a^{ord(g)}}\cdot\frac{1}{a^{m}}\in {\frak p}.$$
But $\frak p$ was assumed to be prime, hence $\frac{g}{a^{n}}\in {\frak p}$.
So we see that $\frac{1}{a}\cdot B$ defines the same closed subset of
$D_{+}(a)$ as $I$.
As for the last step, we have to prove that $D(\frac{1}{a})$ does not
intersect $P$. Take a prime ideal
${\frak p}\in P$. It is sufficient to show that
$$B_{1/a}\cdot {\frak p} = B_{1/a}= {\cal A}_{a}.$$
But this is obvious.
Our next aim is to show that the completion of ${\cal O}_{C}$ along $P$ is
isomorphic to $\Opower{P}{z}$.
To do this, we use the inclusions (\ref{ideal in local}). By \cite{Mat1},
Thm. 8.1., we only need to prove
that the $(y)$-adic topology on $\power{R}{y}$ induces the $I$-adic
topology on $B$, and this one induces
the $(y)$-adic topology on $\poly{R}{y}$. Note that once we have shown
the first fact, the second one follows immediately.
We saw that $I$ and $\frac{1}{a}B$ define the same closed subset of $Spec(B)$.
Therefore, both ideals define
the same topology on $B$.
Since, obviously,
$$(\frac{1}{a}B)^{n} \subseteq \power{R}{y}\cdot y^{n(2N+2)}\cap B,$$
there only remains to show that for each $k\in \Bbb{N}$ there is an integer
$N(k)$ such that
$$\power{R}{y}\cdot y^{N(k)} \cap B \subseteq (\frac{1}{a}B)^{k}.$$
We claim that this is true for $N(k) = k\cdot (2N+2) = k\cdot (ord(a))$.
{}From the definition of $B$ we get:
$$\power{R}{y}\cdot y^{k\cdot (ord(a))} \cap B =
\{ \frac{g}{a^{\alpha}} / g\in {\cal A}(U), ord(g) \leq ord(a)(\alpha -k) \}.$$
Let us consider such an element $\frac{g}{a^{\alpha}}\in
\power{R}{y}\cdot y^{k\cdot (ord(a))} \cap B$.
The inequality $ord(g) \leq ord(a)(\alpha -k)$ implies
$ord(g\cdot a^{k}) \leq ord(a)\alpha $. Therefore,
$\frac{g\cdot a^{k}}{a^{\alpha}}$ is an element of $B$,
i.e., $\frac{g}{a^{\alpha}} \in (\frac{1}{a}B)^{k}$.
So we have shown that the $I$-adic completion of $B$ is isomorphic
to $\power{R}{y} = \power{R}{z}$. This
isomorphism obviously does not depend on the choice of $a$ and $b$.
Therefore, it extends to an isomorphism
$$\rho: \widehat{\cal O}_{C} \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}
{}Furthermore, it is now an easy consequence of \cite{Mat1}, Thm. 7.5.,
that the ideal $I$ is locally free of
rank 1. In fact, along $P$, this ideal is generated by the element $y$.
This implies that $P$ is a Cartier
The relative ampleness of $P$ is an easy consequence of the fact that for
each open affine subset $U$ of $S$,
$\pi^{-1}(U)\setminus P = Spec({\cal A}(U))$ is affine.
Finally, one easily sees that $\pi_{*}({\cal O}_{C}(nP))$ can be identified
with ${\cal A}^{(n)}$. So, the fact
that $\bigcap_{n\geq 0} \pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(-nP) = (0)$ is a consequence of
Lemma \ref{A0}.
Analogously, one can prove :
$\widehat{\cal F}$ is a free $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$-module, and
the inclusion of $\cal W$ in \linebreak[4] $\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}$
induces an
isomorphism of sheaves of $
\widehat{\cal O}_{C}$ - modules:
$$\Phi : \widehat{\cal F} \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}
\widehat{\cal O}_{C}^{\oplus r}.$$
The intersection $\bigcap_{n\geq 0} \pi_{*}{\cal F}(-nP)$ vanishes.
{}Furthermore, $F = \gamma(\pi_{*}{\cal F}) -
\gamma(R^{1}\pi_{*}{\cal F})$.
The proofs of the first statements are pure analogies to Theorem
\ref{Schur curve}. The very last assertion is a consequence of
Theorem \ref{cohomology}.
{}For a given Schur pair $({\cal A},{\cal W})$ of rank $r$ and index $F$,
we define
$$\eta_{r,F}({\cal A},{\cal W}) :=(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$$
with the objects described above. This defines a map
$$\eta_{r,F}:{\frak S}^{r}_{F}(S) \longrightarrow
{\frak D}^{r}_{F}(S).$$
Now we are ready to prove the converse of Theorem \ref{morph}.
Homomorphisms of Schur pairs induce homomorphisms of the corresponding
geometric data.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let $(\alpha,\xi):({\cal A}', {\cal W}')\rightarrow ({\cal A}, {\cal W})$
be a homomorphism of Schur pairs. We want to construct a homomorphism
$$(\alpha,\beta,\Psi):(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)\rightarrow
(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$$
of the associated geometric data. We proceed in two steps:
First we assume that $({\cal A}, {\cal W})=(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}',
\alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}')$. This gives us a morphism
$$\beta: C=Proj(grd(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}'))\rightarrow C'$$
which makes the following diagram commute
C & \stackrel{\beta}{\rightarrow} & C'\\
\pi \downarrow &&\downarrow \pi'\\
S & \stackrel{\alpha}{\rightarrow} & S'.
Note that, in general, $C$ is different from the fibre product $C'\times_{S'} S$
(cf. Section \ref{base change}).
Since $C\setminus P=Spec(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}')$ maps to
$Spec({\cal A}') = C'\setminus P'$, we get $\beta^{-1}(P') = P$. Then,
from the construction of $P$ in
Theorem \ref{Schur curve}, it is also clear that $\beta^{*}P'=P$.
Recall that
the local trivializations $\rho$ and $\rho'$ have been defined by the
$\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}' \subseteq \Onegpower{S}{z}$ and
${\cal A}' \subseteq \Onegpower{S'}{z}$. So it is obvious that
Finally, we consider the sheaves $\cal F$ and ${\cal F}'$.
As ${\cal F}= (grd(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}'))^{\sim}$ and
${\cal F}'= (grd({\cal W}'))^{\sim}$, there is a natural map
$\beta^{*}{\cal F}'\rightarrow {\cal F}$
which is an isomorphism near $P$.
Now let us return to the general case. As $({\cal A}', {\cal W}')$
is a Schur pair, the induced object $(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}', \alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}')$ is
also a Schur pair, i.e., the given homomorphism decomposes as follows:
$$({\cal A}', {\cal W}') \stackrel{(\alpha,id)}{\longrightarrow}
(\alpha^{(*)}{\cal A}', \alpha^{(*)}{\cal W}')
\stackrel{(id_{S},\xi)}{\longrightarrow} ({\cal A}, {\cal W}).$$
So it just remains to consider the case where $S=S'$, $\alpha=id_{S}$,
${\cal A}'\subseteq {\cal A}$ and $\xi({\cal W}')\subseteq {\cal W}$.
The inclusion ${\cal A}'\subseteq {\cal A}$ induces
$grd({\cal A}')\hookrightarrow grd({\cal A})$ and, therefore, a morphism
$$\beta: Proj(grd({\cal A})) = C \rightarrow C' = Proj(grd({\cal A}'))$$
which restricts to
$$\beta : Spec({\cal A}) \rightarrow Spec({\cal A}')$$
and which, in addition, is an isomorphism near $P$.
Therefore, $\beta$ fits into the diagram
P \subset & C & \stackrel{\beta}{\rightarrow} & C'&\supset P'\\
\sim\searrow&\pi \downarrow &&\downarrow \pi'&\swarrow\sim\\
&S&=& S
and $\beta^{*}(P') = P$. The statement $\rho=\widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho')$ is obvious.
Now let us define the homomorphism of sheaves. We know that
$\xi({\cal W}')
\subseteq {\cal W}$. Since $({\cal A},{\cal W})$ is a Schur pair,
this implies:
$$\xi({\cal A}\cdot{\cal W}') ={\cal A}\cdot\xi({\cal W}')
\subseteq {\cal W}.$$
$\xi$ is determined by the images of the basis elements
$e_{1},\ldots,e_{r'}$. By the definition of $\xi$,
either $ord(\xi(e_{j}))\leq 0$ or $\xi(e_{j})= 0$.
Therefore, $\xi(({\cal A}\cdot{\cal W}')^{(n)})\subseteq {\cal W}^{(n)}$,
for all $n\in \Bbb{Z}$, and
$\xi$ induces a homomorphism $\xi:grd({\cal A}\cdot {\cal W}')
\longrightarrow grd({\cal W})$, i.e., a homomorphism of sheaves
$$\Psi : grd({\cal A}\cdot {\cal W}')^{\sim} = \beta^{*}{\cal F}'
\longrightarrow {\cal F} = grd({\cal W})^{\sim}.$$
Obviously, for this homomorphism $\Psi$, $\xi$ is recovered by $\xi =
\widehat{\Psi}\circ \widehat{\beta}^{*}(\rho'\circ \Phi')^{-1})$.
$\eta$ is a contravariant functor from the category of Schur pairs
to the category of geometric data.
The Krichever functor $\chi$ and the functor $\eta$ are equivalences of the
categories $\frak D$ and
$\frak S$ and inverse to each other. Under this categorical equivalence, the
subcategory ${\frak D}'$
corresponds to ${\frak S}'$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
This is an easy consequence of Theorem II.5.14 \cite{H1}.
Once the correspondence between geometric data and Schur pairs is
established, we are, of course, interested in seeing how this relation
works practically. For example, assume that the given geometric
objects have additional properties. How do these properties display in the
corresponding Schur pair?
On the other hand, we had to impose some strong conditions on our
family of curves and the sheaf on it (cf. Definitions \ref{total C}
and \ref{sheaf F}). How substantial are these conditions? Are there still
interesting and significant examples?
\subsection{Translation of geometric properties}
\label{geom. properties}
Let $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ be a geometric datum of rank $r$ and
index $F$, and $({\cal A},{\cal W})$ the associated Schur pair.
A particular question is: What happens if $C$ or $\cal F$ is $S$-flat?
The sheaf $\cal F$ is flat over $S$ if and only if ${\cal W} \subset
\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}$ is locally free. $\pi$ is a flat morphism
if and only if ${\cal A} \subset \Onegpower{S}{z}$ is locally free.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Flatness is a local property. So we may assume that $S=Spec(R)$, $R$ a
noetherian ring.
We know that ${\cal O}_{C}(P)$ is ample on $C$ relative to $S$. Let
$N$ be so that ${\cal O}_{C}(N\cdot P)$ is very ample relative to $S$.
We know from the proof of \cite{H1}, Thm. III.9.9., that $\cal F$ is $S$
- flat if and only if, for sufficiently large $n$, $\pi_{*}({\cal F}
(nN\cdot P))$ is a locally free sheaf of ${\cal O}_{S}$ - modules of
finite rank. Remember that $\Phi$ and $\rho$ induce an isomorphism of $\pi_{*}
({\cal F}(nN\cdot P))$
with ${\cal W} \cap \power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-nN}$
(cf. Corollary \ref{order}). By assumption, ${\cal W} \cap
\spower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}$ is coherent, hence is of finite rank. As $S$
is assumed to be noetherian, this implies that, for all $m$, ${\cal W}
\cap \power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-m}$ is also of finite
rank. This implies that the $S$ - flatness of $\cal F$ is equivalent to the
local freeness of ${\cal W} \cap \power{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}^{\oplus r}
\cdot z^{-nN}$ for sufficiently large $n$.
But on the other side, we also know that $\snegpower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r}/
({\cal W}+\spower{{\cal O}_{S}}{z}{r})$ is coherent.
Set $W:=H^{0}({\cal W})$. Then
$\negpower{R}{z}^{\oplus r}/(W+\power{R}{z}^{\oplus r})$ is a finitely
$R$-module, hence, for sufficiently large $n$:
$$W+\power{R}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-nN} = \negpower{R}{z}^{\oplus r}.$$
Denote by $\{e_{1},\ldots,e_{r}\}$ the standard basis of the $\power{R}{z}$
- module $\power{R}{z}^{\oplus r}$. Then, for all $i=1,\ldots,r$ and $j > nN$,
there are elements
$$w_{i,j} = e_{i}\cdot z^{-j} + \textrm{ terms of lower order } \in W.$$
Let $\bar{W}$ be the free $R$-submodule of $W$ generated by these elements.
Then, of course,
$$W = \bar{W} \oplus (W\cap \power{R}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-nN}),$$
and we see that $W$ is locally free if and only if this holds true for
$W\cap \power{R}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-nN}$.
The proof of the second statement may be completed in the same way.
At this time, let us outline a result which follows immediately from Lemma \ref{A0}.
If $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ is a geometric datum then
$\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(-nP)$ and $\pi_{*}{\cal F}(-nP)$ vanish for sufficiently
large $n\in\Bbb{N}$.
Now we turn our attention to the stability of sheaves.
We call $\cal F$ {\em strongly semistable with respect to the section $P$}
there is an integer $N$ such that
$$\pi_{*}{\cal F}(N\cdot P) = R^{1}\pi_{*}{\cal F}(N\cdot P) = 0.$$
Later on we will see that this notion of semistability is the most convenient
one for the examination of commutative algebras of differential operators
corresponding to sheaves over relative curves.
Translating the last definition in terms of Schur pairs, we get immediately:
$\cal F$ is strongly semistable with respect to $P$ if and only if
$${\cal W} \oplus \Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-N} = \Onegpower{S}{z}^
{\oplus r},$$
for some $N\in \Bbb{Z}$.
If $\cal F$ is strongly semistable with respect to $P$ then, in particular,
$\cal F$ is flat over $S$.
A coherent sheaf $\cal F$ on $C$ is called {\em simple} if
$$ \pi_{*} {\cal E}nd_{{\cal O}_{C}}({\cal F}) = {\cal O}_{S}.$$
In the set-up of Schur pairs it is easier to handle isomorphisms than
homomorphisms. That is why we are
interested in the following statement. \begin{lemma}
Let $S$ be reduced and
assume that, for each point $s\in S$, the residue field $k(s)$ is infinite. Then
$\cal F$ is simple if and
only if $ \pi_{*} {\cal A}ut_{{\cal O}_{C}}({\cal F}) = {\cal O}_{S}^{*}$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
One implication is obvious. To prove the other one, we can assume, without
loss of generality, that
$S = Spec(R)$ is affine. We want to prove
$$End_{{\cal O}_{C}}({\cal F}) = R$$
under the assumption that $Aut_{{\cal O}_{C}}({\cal F}) = R^{*}$. Obviously,
$R$ is contained in
$End_{{\cal O}_{C}}({\cal F})$. Now assume that $End_{{\cal O}_{C}}({\cal F})$
contains an element
$\phi$ which does not belong to $R$.
For $r \in R$, we consider the endomorphism $r+\phi$ and restrict it to the
fibres of $\pi$:
$(r+\phi)_{s} := (r+\phi)|_{C_{s}}$. Since $S$ is reduced, $r+\phi$ is an
isomorphism if and only if,
for all $s\in S$, $(r+\phi)_{s}$ is an isomorphism. We define
$$S(r) := \{s\in S/ (r+\phi)_{s} \textrm{ is an isomorphism }\}.$$
Obviously, these are open, possibly empty, subsets of $S$. Now we show that,
for each $s\in S$, there
is an element $r\in R$ such that $s \in S(r)$:\\
Let us fix $s\in S$. We write
$${\cal G}_{r} := ker((r+\phi)_{s}) .$$
Then ${\cal G}_{r}$ is a subsheaf of ${\cal F}_{C_{s}}$. We show that the
sheaves ${\cal G}_{r}$ and ${\cal G}_{r'}$
intersect only in the zero section whenever $r-r'$ is not contained in the
prime ideal defining $s$ in $Spec(R)$.
This can be seen locally on $C_{s}$. Let $V$ be an open affine subset of
$C_{s}$, and $F := {\cal F}(V)$.
Assume there is an element $f\in F$ such that
$(r+\phi)_{s}(f) = (r'+\phi)_{s}(f)=0$. Then $(r-r')\cdot f = 0$, which
implies that $f=0$.
As $k(s)$ is assumed to be infinite, there are infinitely many elements
$r\in R$ so that their pairwise differences are
not contained in the ideal of $s$.
Hence we obtain an infinite chain
$${\cal G}_{1}\subseteq\ldots\subseteq {\cal G}_{1} \oplus
{\cal G}_{2}\oplus \ldots \subseteq {\cal F}.$$
Since $C_{s}$ is a noetherian scheme and ${\cal F}_{C_{s}}$ is coherent, this
chain must become stationary, i.e.,
there are infinitely many $r\in R$ such that
$(r+\phi)_{s}$ is an injective homorphism between two sheaves with the same
Hilbert polynomial, hence it must be
an isomorphism, and this means $s \in S(r)$ for all those $r$.
This proves that the sets $S(r)$ form a covering of $S$. Now, $(r+\phi)|S(r)$
is an isomorphism, hence corresponds
to an element of $H^{0}(S(r),{\cal O}_{S_{r}})^{*}$. Therefore,
$\phi|S(r) \in H^{0}(S(r),{\cal O}_{S_{r}})$, i.e.,
$\phi \in H^{0}(S,{\cal O}_{S})=R$. This is a contradiction.
Now let us return to Schur pairs. The sheaf of groups
$Isom_{\Opower{S}{z}}(\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r})$ acts on $\frak{G}^{r}_{F}(S)$ ,
for every $F\in K(S)$. Using Corollary
\ref{ident. Schur} we draw the following two conclusions:
Let $S$ be as in Lemma \ref{simple}. Then ${\cal W}$ corresponds to a simple
sheaf if and only if
$$Stab_{{\cal W}} Isom_{\Opower{S}{z}}(\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}) =
{\cal O}_{S}^{*}.$$
Again let $S$ be as above. Then a sheaf ${\cal F}$ belonging to a geometric
datum $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ is
simple if and only if for all equivalent geometric data
$(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi')$:
$$\Phi' = \lambda \Phi$$
for some $\lambda\in H^{0}(S,{\cal O}_{S})^{*}$.
Now let us see to what determinant line bundles correspond. Assume that
$S$ is noetherian, regular and
separated. ${\cal W}$ is a quasicoherent subsheaf of $\Onegpower{S}{z}^
{\oplus r}$. We know that
$\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}/({\cal W} + \Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r})$ is
coherent. Together with the fact that the base scheme $S$ is noetherian,
this implies that there is an integer $N$ satisfying
\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}={\cal W} + \Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-N}.
{\cal W}/{\cal W}^{(N)} & = &
({\cal W} + \Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-N})/
\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-N} \\
& = & \Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}/\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}\cdot z^{-N}
which is a trivial sheaf of ${\cal O}_{S}$ - modules. Subsequently,
$det({\cal W})=det({\cal W}^{(N)})$ is a well-defined line bundle on $S$.
Note that this definition does not depend on the choice of the integer $N$
occuring in the condition (\ref{determinant}). Furthermore, additivity holds
for exact sequences.
On the other hand, for the given sheaf $\cal F$ of ${\cal O}_{C}$-modules we
may consider the so-called {\em determinant of the cohomology} (after P.~Deligne)
$$\lambda({\cal F}) := det(\pi_{*}{\cal F})\otimes (det (R^{1}
\pi_{*}{\cal F}))^{-1}.$$
We can prove the following result.
$\lambda({\cal F})\cong det({\cal W})$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
This is an easy consequence of Proposition \ref{cohomology}. Using
the fact proven there, we get:
$$\lambda({\cal F}) \cong det ({\cal W}^{(0)}) \otimes det
(\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}/({\cal W} + \Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}))^{-1}.$$
Now we consider the exact sequences of quasicoherent sheaves on $S$:
$$0\rightarrow {\cal W}/{\cal W}^{(0)}\rightarrow
\Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}/\Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}
\rightarrow \Onegpower{S}{z}^{\oplus r}/({\cal W} + \Opower{S}{z}^{\oplus r})
\rightarrow 0$$
$$0\rightarrow {\cal W}^{(0)} \rightarrow {\cal W}
\rightarrow {\cal W}/{\cal W}^{(0)} \rightarrow 0.$$
The statement of the lemma follows then from the additivity of $det$.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
In the case that $\cal F$ is flat and $S$ is separable, $det({\cal W})$ is
again well-defined, even if $S$ is not regular. Consequently this determinant
generalizes the determinant of the cohomology.
\subsection{Examples of geometric data}
First we prove a criterion which will be highly useful for the
construction of examples.
Assume that the base scheme $S$ satisfies: $H^{1}(S,{\cal O}_{S}) = 0$,
and that, for the section $P$, ${\cal I}_{P}/{\cal I}_{P}^{2}$ is free
of rank 1.
\item $\widehat{\cal O}_{C} \cong \Opower{P}{z}$.
\item If $\cal F$ is a coherent sheaf of ${\cal O}_{C}$
- modules
such that
\item $\cal F$ is locally free in a neighborhood of $P$,
\item ${\cal F}|P \cong {\cal O}_{P}^{\oplus r}$
then $\widehat{\cal F} \cong \widehat{\cal O}_{C}^{\oplus r}$.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
For example, the cohomological condition is fulfilled for all affine schemes $S$.
{\bf Proof of the proposition}\hspace{0.3cm}
At first, observe that the condition that \linebreak[4] $H^{1}(S,{\cal O}_{S})$
vanishes is, of course, equivalent to $H^{1}(P,{\cal O}_{P}) = 0$.
By Lemma \ref{powerseries} and the remark following it the first claim is equivalent to:
$$H^{0}(C,{\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n}) \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ }
H^{0}(C,{\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2})
\quad \forall n \in \Bbb{N}, n\geq 2.$$
One easily sees that this is the case if and only if for all
$n\geq 2$:
$$H^{0}(C,{\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n+1}) \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ }
H^{0}(C,{\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n}).$$
We have the exact sequence of sheaves of ${\cal O}_{P}$-modules
0 \rightarrow {\cal I}^{n}/{\cal I}^{n+1} \rightarrow
{\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n} \rightarrow {\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n+1}\rightarrow 0
which induces a long exact sequence of cohomology groups
$$0 \rightarrow H^{0}({\cal I}^{n}/{\cal I}^{n+1}) \rightarrow
H^{0}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n}) \rightarrow H^{0}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n+1})
\rightarrow H^{1}({\cal I}^{n}/{\cal I}^{n+1}) \rightarrow \ldots$$
By assumption, ${\cal I}^{n}/{\cal I}^{n+1} = ({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2})^{n} \cong
{\cal O}_{P}$. So our assumption on $S$ implies
that $H^{1}({\cal I}^{n}/{\cal I}^{n+1}) = 0$ for all $n\in \Bbb{N}$ and we are done.
Now we come to the second part. By Lemma \ref{COMP.F} the claim is equivalent to the
following fact:
H^{0}({\cal F}/({\cal I}^{n}\otimes {\cal F})) \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ }
H^{0}({\cal F}/({\cal I}\otimes {\cal F})) \quad, \forall n\in \Bbb{N}.
We consider one more exact sequence of coherent sheaves of
${\cal O}_{C}$ - modules:
0 \rightarrow {\cal I}^{n} \rightarrow
{\cal O}_{C} \rightarrow {\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}^{n} \rightarrow 0.
Since $\cal F$ is locally free in some neighborhood of $P$, and
${\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}^{n} = 0$ outside $P$, the sequences
(\ref{equ.1}) and (\ref{equ.2}) stay exact when we tensor with $\cal F$.
So we get
0 \rightarrow ({\cal I}^{n-1}/{\cal I}^{n})\otimes {\cal F} \rightarrow
({\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}^{n})\otimes {\cal F} \rightarrow
({\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}^{n-1})\otimes {\cal F} \rightarrow 0
and (\ref{equ.2}) implies:
$({\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}^{n})\otimes {\cal F} \cong
{\cal F}/({\cal I}^{n}\otimes {\cal F})$. Now we write down the
long exact sequence of cohomology groups induced by (\ref{equ.3}):
0 & \rightarrow & H^{0}(({\cal I}^{n-1}/{\cal I}^{n})\otimes {\cal F}) &
\rightarrow &
H^{0}({\cal F}/({\cal I}^{n}\otimes {\cal F})) & \rightarrow \\
&\rightarrow & H^{0}({\cal F}/({\cal I}^{n-1}\otimes {\cal F})) & \rightarrow &
H^{1}(({\cal I}^{n-1}/{\cal I}^{n})\otimes {\cal F}).
Since the restriction of $\cal F$ to $P$ is free, and ${\cal I}^{n-1}/{\cal I}^{n}$
is isomorphic to
${\cal O}_{P}$, $({\cal I}^{n-1}/{\cal I}^{n})\otimes_{{\cal O}_{C}} {\cal F}$ is a
free ${\cal O}_{P}$-module.
Therefore we finally get:
$$H^{1}(({\cal I}^{n-1}/{\cal I}^{n})\otimes {\cal F})
\cong H^{1}(P,{\cal O}_{P})^{\oplus r} = 0,$$
which, together with the sequence (\ref{equ.4}), implies the
surjectivity in (\ref{equ.0}).
Now we come to explicit examples.
\subsubsection{Trivial families of curves}
The easiest case, but which is not without interest, is the one of a
trivial family of curves with some sheaf on it.
Let $K$ be a complete, integral curve over some field $k$ and $p\in K$
a smooth, $k$-rational point. Let $S$ be a locally noetherian
$k$-scheme and set $C:= K\times_{Spec(k)} S$. Denote by $\pi$ the projection from
$C$ to $S$, and by $P$ the section
$\{ (p,s)/s\in S\} $. Then $\widehat{\cal O}_{C} \cong \Opower{P}{z}$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let ${\cal J} = {\cal J}_{p}$ be the sheaf of ideals defining $p$
in $K$. Since $p$ is a smooth point, $\cal J$ is generated by one
element $z$ near $p$, and we get:
\item ${\cal J}/{\cal J}^{2} = [z]\cdot ({\cal O}_{K}/{\cal J})$;
\item $\widehat{\cal O}_{K} \cong \power{k}{z}$.
Since $C=K\times_{Spec(k)} S$ and $P=\{ p \} \times_{Spec(k)} S$,
we obtain:
\item ${\cal I}_{P} = {\cal J}\otimes_{k} {\cal O}_{S}$, hence
${\cal I}_{P}/{\cal I}_{P}^{2} =
[z]\cdot({\cal O}_{C}/{\cal I}_{P})=[z]\cdot{\cal O}_{P}$.
\item $\widehat{\cal O}_{C} = \widehat{\cal O}_{K}
\otimes_{k} {\cal O}_{S}$, i.e.,
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C} \cong \Opower{P}{z}$.
\subsubsection{Elliptic curves}
\label{Elliptic curves}
To describe a nontrivial family of integral curves which fits into our set-up,
we define a family of elliptic curves over $\Bbb{A}^{2}=\Bbb{A}^{2}_{\Bbb{C}}$ as follows:
C\textrm{ }& := & \{(A,B,z_{0}:z_{1}:z_{2}) \in \Bbb{A}^{2}\times
\Bbb{P}^{2} /
z_{0}z_{2}^{2}= z_{1}^{3} + A z_{0}^{2}z_{1} + B z_{0}^{3} \}\\
\downarrow \pi & {} &{}\\
\Bbb{A}^{2}\textrm{ }&{}&{}
A section of $\pi$ can be defined by
$P:=\{(A,B,0:0:1)/(A,B)\in\Bbb{A}^{2}\}$. One
easily sees that $\pi$ is a flat, projective morphism with reduced,
irreducible fibres of dimension 1 and that $C$ is reduced.
We want to study the conormal sheaf of $P$. Since
$P$ does not intersect the hyperplane
$\Bbb{A}^{2}\times(z_{2}=0)$, we can restrict our consideration to
its affine complement. Let us denote $y_{i} := z_{i}/z_{2}$ for
$i=0,1$. Then $C\cap(z_{2}\neq 0)\subset \Bbb{A}^{2}\times
\Bbb{A}^{2}$ is given by the equation
y_{0} = y_{1}^{3} + A y_{0}^{2}y_{1} + B y_{0}^{3}.
Let $R$ be the affine coordinate ring of $C\cap(z_{2}\neq 0)$.
The ideal $I$ of $P$ in $R$ is generated by $y_{0}$
and $y_{1}$. But $y_{0} \in I^{2}$, i.e. $I/I^{2} = y_{1}R/I$.
This implies that
${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}$ is a trivial line bundle.
Note that $\widehat{\cal O}_{C} \cong \Opower{P}{z}$ since $H^{1}(\Bbb{A}^{2}) =0$.
Now we want to find a suitable (formal) local parameter on $C$ along
$P$. From the above calculation we know that
$y_{1}=z_{1}/z_{2}$ is such a local parameter, i.e., the formal
completion $\widehat{R}$ of $R$ with respect to $I$ equals
$k\/[\/A,B\/]\/[[\/y_{1}\/]]$. We claim that for $\alpha :=
\sqrt{z_{0}/z_{1}}$, $\widehat{R} \cong
k\/[\/A,B\/]\/[[\/\alpha\/]]$. We use the equation (\ref{elliptic}) and
y_{0} & = & y_{1}^{3} + A y_{0}^{2}y_{1} + B y_{0}^{3}\\
y_{0}/y_{1} & = & y_{1}^{2} + A y_{0}^{2} + B y_{0}^{3}/y_{1}\\
-y_{1}^{2} - A y_{0}^{2} & = & (B y_{0}^{2} -1)y_{0}/y_{1}.
$(B y_{0}^{2} -1)$ is an invertible element of
$k\/[\/A,B\/]\/[[\/y_{1}\/]]$. Therefore
$$z_{0}/z_{1}= y_{0}/y_{1} =
(B y_{0}^{2} -1)^{-1}(-y_{1}^{2} - A y_{0}^{2}) \in
is an element of order $-2$ with leading coefficient 1. So,
the square root of $z_{0}/z_{1}$ is a well-defined monic element
$\alpha$ of $\widehat{R}$ of order $-1$. This implies that
$\widehat{R} \cong k\/[\/A,B\/]\/[[\/\alpha\/]]$.
Now we construct the corresponding subring $\cal A$ of
We see that $P$ is exactly the intersection of
$C$ with the hyperplane $(z_{0}=0)$. Therefore, the affine ring
of coordinates of $C\setminus P$ is
$$k\/[\/A,B,z_{1}/z_{0}, z_{2}/z_{0}\/]/((z_{2}/z_{0})^{2}-
(z_{1}/z_{0})^{3} -A (z_{1}/z_{0})^{2} - B).$$
We express the generating elements of this $k\/[\/A,B\/]$ - algebra
in terms of the above chosen formal parameter $\alpha$:
z_{1}/z_{0} & = & \alpha^{-2}\\
z_{2}/z_{0} & = & \alpha^{-2}\cdot y_{1}^{-1}.
$y_{1}^{-1}$ is an element of $k\/[\/A,B\/]\/[[\/\alpha\/]]$. We want
to find out its special form. Using the equation (\ref{elliptic}) we get
1/y_{1}^{2} & = & y_{1}/y_{0} + A (y_{0}/y_{1})+ B (y_{0}/y_{1})^{2}\\
{} & = & \alpha^{-2} + A \alpha^{2}+ B\alpha^{4}.
So, finally:
$${\cal A } = k\/[\/A,B,\alpha^{-2}, \alpha^{-2}\cdot\sqrt{\alpha^{-2}
+ A \alpha^{2}+ B\alpha^{4}}\/].$$
The term $\alpha^{-2}\in {\cal A}$ reflects the 2:1 covering
$$C\rightarrow \Bbb{A}^{2}\times \Bbb{P}^{1}.$$
\subsubsection{Families of line bundles over a curve}
Let $C$ be a complete integral complex curve and
$p\in C$ a point. We choose a formal local
trivialization $\rho$ of $C$ near $p$ and construct the corresponding
subring $A\subset \negpower{\Bbb{C}}{z}$.
We take the Picard variety $Pic^{n}(C)$ of $C$, for some $n$, as a base scheme. As
described in Proposition \ref{CxS},
$\rho$ extends to a local
trivialization of $C\times Pic^{n}(C)$ near $\{p\}\times Pic^{n}(C)$
and we get for the corresponding sheaf of ${\cal O}_{Pic^{n}(C)}$-
$${\cal A} = A\otimes_{\Bbb{C}}{\cal O}_{Pic^{n}(C)}\subseteq
Now we consider the Poincar\'{e} bundle ${\cal P}^{n}_{C}$ of degree
$n$ on $C$ (normalized with respect to the fixed point $p$).
${\cal P}^{n}_{C}$ is a line bundle on $C\times Pic^{n}(C)$
\item ${\cal P}^{n}_{C}|C\times \{L\} \cong L$ for every
$L\in Pic^{n}(C)$,
\item ${\cal P}^{n}_{C}|\{p\}\times Pic^{n}(C)$ is trivial,
\item ${\cal P}^{n}_{C}$ is flat over $Pic^{n}(C)$.
For more details see \cite{LB}.
Let $U\subset Pic^{n}(C)$ be an open affine subset. We apply Proposition \ref{lifting1}
and conclude that
${\cal P}^{n}_{C}|(C\times U)$ satisfies Condition 1 of Definition \ref{sheaf F}. So we can
construct (for some local trivialization) the corresponding sheaf
${\cal W}(U)\subseteq \Onegpower{U}{z}$ and we obtain a Schur pair $({\cal A}(U), {\cal W}(U))$.
(Keep in mind that
$\cal A$ is globally defined whereas $\cal W$ is not!)
${\cal W}(U)$ defines a map from $U$ to
${\frak G}^{1}_{\mu}(Spec(\Bbb{C}))$, $\mu = n+1-g(C)$, and as the
image we get $U$ as a subset of the Grassmannian.
M.~Mulase proved in \cite{M1} that every finite dimensional integral
manifold of the KP-flows on some quotient of the Grassmannian
${\frak G}^{1}_{\mu}(Spec(\Bbb{C}))$ has the linear structure of a Jacobian
of a curve. The quotient has been taken in order to eliminate different
local trivializations. In particular, the differences arising from the local construction
of $\cal W$ cancel out completely.
So, the above result implies that the integral manifold also carries
the algebraic-geometric structure of the Jacobian.
\subsubsection{Base change}
\label{base change}
Here, we want to investigate the behaviour of geometric data under base changes. In general,
the pull-back of a
geometric datum over $S$ under a base change $\alpha:S'\rightarrow S$ does not
give rise to another geometric datum.
However, let us start with a positive example.
Let $(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$ be a geometric datum of rank $r$ over $S$
and $\alpha:S'\rightarrow S$ a flat morphism.
The fibre product construction then defines a collection
$(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$. We claim that this collection
forms a geometric datum of rank $r$ over $S'$ and that
$(\alpha,\alpha',id)$ is a homomorphism of geometric data
$$(\alpha,\alpha',id): (C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')
(C,\pi,S,P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi),$$
where $\alpha'$ is defined as the fibre product morphism,
{}C' & \stackrel{\alpha'}{\rightarrow} & C\\
\pi'\downarrow && \downarrow \pi\\
{}S' & \stackrel{\alpha}{\rightarrow}& S.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let us check the properties listed in Definition \ref{def data}. Some
of them are easy to see. Of course, $C'$ is a scheme,
$\pi':C'\rightarrow S'$ is a locally projective morphism, $P'$ is a relatively
ample Cartier divisor and
${\cal I}'/{\cal I}'^{2} = \alpha'^{*}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2})$ is free of rank 1
on $P'$.
In Lemma \ref{powerseries} we saw that the condition $\widehat{\cal O}_{C}
\cong \Opower{P}{z}$ is equivalent to the
fact that the section
$1\in H^{0}(C, {\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2})= H^{0}(P,{\cal O}_{P})$ lifts to a
section of ${\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n}$ for all
$n\geq 2$. Working through the diagram
H^{0}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{n}) & \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ } & H^{0}({\cal I}/{\cal I}^{2}) &
= & H^{0}({\cal O}_{P}) & \ni & 1\\
\alpha^{*} \downarrow&& \alpha^{*}\downarrow\\
H^{0}({\cal I}'/{\cal I}'^{n}) & \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ } & H^{0}({\cal I}'/{\cal I}'^{2}) &
= & H^{0}({\cal O}_{P'}) & \ni & 1
we obtain: $\widehat{\cal O}_{C'} \cong \Opower{P'}{z}$.
Of course, $\rho$ and $\alpha$ induce an isomorphism
$$\rho': \widehat{\cal O}_{C'} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} \Opower{P'}{z}.$$
Now we turn our attention to the sheaf ${\cal F}'$. It is easy to see that
$${\cal F}'/{\cal I}'\otimes {\cal F}' \cong \alpha'^{*}({\cal F}/{\cal I}\otimes
{\cal F}) \cong {\cal O}_{P'}^{\oplus r}$$
and that ${\cal F}'$ is locally free near $P'$.
In order to prove that the completion of ${\cal F}'$ along $P'$ is free, we have
to show that the generating sections
$e_{1},\ldots, e_{r}$ of $H^{0}({\cal O}_{P'}^{\oplus r}) =
H^{0}({\cal F}'/{\cal I}'\otimes {\cal F}')$ lift to sections
of ${\cal F}'/{\cal I}'^{n}\otimes {\cal F}'$ for all $n\in\Bbb{N}$.
This is done as above.
Again, $\Phi$ and $\alpha$ induce an isomorphism of
$\widehat{\cal O}_{C'}$-modules
$$\Phi' : \widehat{{\cal F}'} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
\widehat{\cal O}_{C'}^{\oplus r}.$$
Finally, note that for sufficiently large $n\in\Bbb{N}$,
$$\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(-nP) =0 \textrm{ and } \pi_{*}{\cal F}(-nP) =0$$
(cf. Lemma \ref{downtwist}). Consequently, using \cite{H1}, Thm.II.9.3.,
$$\pi'_{*}{\cal O}_{C'}(-nP') = \alpha^{*}\pi_{*}{\cal O}_{C}(-nP)=0
\textrm{ and } \pi'_{*}{\cal F}'(-nP') =\alpha^{*}\pi_{*}{\cal F}(-nP)=0$$
for sufficiently large $n$. This completes the list of the properties which we
had to check and
$(C',\pi',S',P',\rho',{\cal F}',\Phi')$ is really a geometric datum.
The fact that $(\alpha,\alpha', id)$ is a morphism of geometric data is
straightforward. \mbox{\hspace*{\fill}$\Box$}
As we mentioned at the beginning, the pull-back of a geometric datum over
$S$ via a morphism $\alpha:S'\rightarrow S$
does not always define a new geometric datum. A typical situation for this
is the restriction to one point of the base scheme $S$.
Let us give an example in terms of Schur pairs. As a base scheme we choose
$S=\Bbb{A}^{1}_{k} = Spec (\poly{k}{t})$, and our Schur pair is given by $(A,A)$ for
$$A = \poly{k}{t} \oplus t\poly{k}{t}z^{-1} \oplus \poly{\poly{k}{t}}{z^{-1}}\cdot z^{-2}.$$
Now we consider the fibre of the corresponding projective curve $C$ over
the point $0\in S$. Its affine part outside
the section $P$ is given by the ring
$$A_{0} = k \oplus (t\poly{k}{t}/t^{2}\poly{k}{t})z^{-1} \oplus
\poly{k}{z^{-1}}\cdot z^{-2}.$$
This is a cuspidal curve with an embedded point. In particular, the fibre
is not reduced and therefore cannot be a
part of a geometric datum over $k$.
However, $(A,A)$ in fact induces a Schur pair over $S'=Spec(k)$, namely (A',A') with
$$A' = Im(A\subset \negpower{\poly{k}{t}}{z} \mbox{ $\rightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\rightarrow$ }
= k\oplus \poly{k}{z^{-1}} z^{-2}.$$
This ring corresponds to the cuspidal curve, i.e., to the integral
component of the fibre passing through the section $P$.
\section{Families of commutative algebras of differential operators}
\label{Fam. DO}
In \cite{M1} M.~Mulase used the equivalence of the category of Schur pairs
and the category of quintets for a complete classification of commutative
algebras of
ordinary differential operators with coefficients in $\power{k}{x}$. This
leads us to the natural question of
whether it is possible to extend these results to the relative case, at
least in some special situations. It is hard to do this in the set-up of
sheaves. Therefore we will restrict our observations to the case of an
affine base scheme
$S=Spec(R)$, where $R$ is a commutative noetherian $k$-algebra for some field
$k$ of characteristic zero.
Before beginning let us fix a convention: Whenever in this chapter we speak about
Schur pairs we mean elements
of ${\frak S}'$ and all geometric data occuring here belong to ${\frak D}'$.
Let us start analyzing our objects in this special case.
\subsection{Schur pairs over affine base schemes}
\label{affine base}
Let $A$ be an $R$-subalgebra of $\negpower{R}{y}$, and
$r\in\Bbb{N}$. $A$ is said to be an {\em algebra of pure rank $r$},
\item $r=gcd(ord(a)/a\in A)$ and
\item There are monic elements $a$ and $b$ of positive order in $A$
such that $gcd(ord(a),ord(b))=r$.
Let us see what these properties imply:
Let $A\subseteq \negpower{R}{y}$ be an $R$-subalgebra of pure rank $r$.
Then there is a monic element $z\in \power{R}{y}$ of order $-r$ such that
\item $A\subseteq \negpower{R}{z}$,
\item $\negpower{R}{z}/(A+\power{R}{z})$ is a finitely generated
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Choose monic elements $a$ and $b$ of $A$ of positive order such that
$gcd(ord(a),ord(b))=r$. Then there are natural numbers $i$ and $j$
such that
Define $z:= a^{-i}b^{j}$. Since the inverse of a monic element of
$\negpower{R}{y}$ is again a well-defined element of
$\negpower{R}{y}$, we have constructed a monic element \linebreak[4] $z\in
\power{R}{y}$ of order $-r$. Now let us prove that the localization
of $A$ by $a$ is contained in $\negpower{R}{z}$:
Of course, $z\in A_{a}$. We choose an element $v$ of $A_{a}$ and denote its
order by $\alpha$. $v$ has the
form $\frac{w}{a^{m}}$ for some elements $w\in A$ and $m\in\Bbb{N}$. $r$
divides the orders of $w$ and $a$,
therefore $r$ divides $\alpha$. Since $z$ is
monic of order $-r$, there is some $n\in\Bbb{Z}$ and $v_{0}\in R$,
such that $v-v_{0}\cdot z^{n} \in A_{a}$ is an element of order
less than $\alpha$. Now the assertion is proved inductively.
In particular, this shows that $A$ itself is contained in
For the second part see the proof of Lemma \ref{a and b}.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
The converse
of this lemma is true, as well:\\
Let $A\subset \negpower{R}{y}$ be an $R$-subalgebra satisfying
\item $A\subset \negpower{R}{z}$ for some monic element $z$ of order
\item $\negpower{R}{z}/(A+\power{R}{z})$ is a finitely generated
then $A$ is an $R$-algebra of pure rank $r$.
Now let us define
As an {\em embedded Schur pair of rank $r$, index $F$ and level
$\alpha$ over $Spec(R)$} we denote a pair $(A,W)$ consisting of
\item $A\subseteq \negpower{R}{y}$ an $R$-subalgebra of pure rank $r$ satisfying
$A\cap\power{R}{y}=R$ ;
\item $W\subseteq \negpower{R}{y}$ with $W\in
such that $A\cdot W \subseteq W$.
We write $\frak{E}_{\alpha}\frak{S}'^{r}_{F}(R)$ for the set of
embedded Schur pairs of rank $r$, index $F$ and level $\alpha$
over $Spec(R)$.
This is a natural generalization of the notion of Schur pairs
introduced by M.~Mulase \cite{M1}. Now we want to see how these
objects are related to the Schur pairs on $Spec(R)$ we have defined earlier.
For all $\alpha\in\Bbb{Z}$ there is a canonical one-to-one
correspondence between Schur pairs of rank $r$ and index $F$ and
embedded Schur pairs $(A,W)$ of rank $r$, index $F$ and level
$\alpha$ with the extra-condition that
$$A\subset \negpower{R}{y^{r}}.$$
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
The method of the proof has been outlined already in the remark on
page \pageref{Grass Mulase}.
Let us start with an embedded Schur pair $(A,W)$ of rank $r$, index $F$
and level $\alpha$ such that $A\subset \negpower{R}{y^{r}}$. Set $z:=y^{r}$.
Then, by Lemma \ref{pure}, $A\subset\negpower{R}{z}$ is an
element of ${\frak G}^{1}_{G}(Spec(R))$ for some $G\in K(Spec(R))$. Now we identify:
\power{R}{y}\cdot y^{-\alpha} & = & \bigoplus_{i=-\alpha}^{-\alpha+r-1}
\power{R}{y^{r}}\cdot y^{i}\\
&=& \power{R}{z}^{\oplus r}.
This identification extends to an isomorphism of $\negpower{R}{y}$ with
$\negpower{R}{z}^{\oplus r}$ and so we end up with $W\subset
\negpower{R}{z}^{\oplus r}$. Since $\power{R}{y}\cdot y^{-\alpha}$
translates into $\power{R}{z}^{\oplus r}$, $W$ gives an element of
${\frak G}^{r}_{F}(Spec(R))$.
That also clarifies the inverse construction. We formally set
$z:=y^{r}$ and translate the data back using Lemma \ref{pure}
and its converse.
\subsection{Formal pseudo-differential operators}
\label{pseudo DO}
We saw that embedded Schur pairs are closely related to Schur pairs, while
Schur pairs themselves correspond to geometric data via the Krichever functor.
Now a natural question is how to identify embedded Schur pairs which lead
to ``similar'' geometric data, where similar means that they differ only by a
very special change of the local trivializations. This is done with the
help of formal pseudo-differential operators. Furthermore, formal
pseudo-differential operators will
be the main tool for the classification of commutative algebras of
differential operators.\vspace{0.5cm}
Consider the ring $\power{R}{x}$ of formal power series in one variable
with coefficients in $R$, and write $\partial :=\frac{d}{dx}$.
$\partial$ acts on $\power{R}{x}$ by derivation:
$$\partial(\sum_{i\geq 0}a_{i} x^{i}) = \sum_{i\geq 1} ia_{i}x^{i-1},$$
while, for any $n\in\Bbb{N}$, $\partial^{n}$ acts by repeated derivation:
$$\partial^{n} (f) := \partial(\partial^{n-1} f)$$
for $f\in\power{R}{x}$. $\partial^{0}$ is defined to be the identity.
For given elements $f,g\in\power{R}{x}$ and $n\in\Bbb{N}$ we define:
(f\partial^{n})(g) &=&f\partial^{n}(g),\\
In this way, the ring of ordinary differential operators with coefficients
in $\power{R}{x}$,
$D := \poly{\power{R}{x}}{\partial}$, turns out to be a subring of the
endomorphism ring $End_{R}(\power{R}{x})$.
The multiplication of elements of $D$ is determined by the {\em Leibniz rule}:
For $f,g \in \power{R}{x}$ and $n\in \Bbb{N}$:
\partial^{n}(fg) = \sum_{i=0}^{\infty} {n \choose i} f^{(i)}
It is our aim to make the operator $\partial$ invertible. In fact, we want
to introduce $\partial^{-1}$ with
$\partial\partial^{-1} = \partial^{-1}\partial = 1$ and define a
multiplication on the set
$$E:=\{\sum_{n\in \Bbb{Z}} f_{n}\partial^{n}/ f_{n}\in \power{R}{x},
f_{n} = 0 \textrm{ for } n \gg 0\}\supset D,$$
which is compatible with the multiplication on $D$. One can define $\partial^{-1}$ as an endomorphism on
$\power{R}{x}$ by formal integration:
$$\partial^{-1}(\sum_{i\geq 0}a_{i} x^{i}) = \sum_{i\geq 0}
But obviously, the so-defined $\partial^{-1}$ is not inverse to $\partial$
as an endomorphism of $\power{R}{x}$.
That is why we consider the action of $\partial$ and $\partial^{-1}$ on the
quotient $R$-module $\power{R}{x}/\poly{R}{x}$.
One easily sees that one may interpret $\poly{\poly{R}{x}}{\partial,
\partial^{-1}}$ as a subring of
$End_{R}(\power{R}{x}/\poly{R}{x})$ and that for this embedding $\partial^{-1}$
is the inverse of $\partial$.
Observe that the Leibniz rule (\ref{Leib}) also holds true for negative $n$,
i.e., for formal integration, where,
for arbitrary $n\in\Bbb{Z}$ and $i\in\Bbb{N}$, the binomial coefficient
${n \choose i}$ is defined as follows:
$${n \choose i} :=
\frac{n\cdot(n-1)\cdot\ldots\cdot(n-i+1)}{i\cdot (i-1)\cdot\ldots\cdot 1}
\in \Bbb{N}.$$
For negative $n\in\Bbb{Z}$, the summation in (\ref{Leib}) is really an infinite
one, while, for nonnegative $n$, it is finite.
The formula (\ref{Leib}) defines a multiplication rule for elements of $E$ of the form
$$\sum_{n=-M}^{N} (\sum_{i=0}^{\alpha_{n}} f_{i,n} x^{i})\partial^{n}.$$
But now it is clear that the so-defined multiplication extends to a
multiplication on all of $E$, which restricts
to the usual one on $D$ and has the form:
\hspace{3cm}=\sum_{m=0}^{\infty}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} {M-m \choose i}
{M-m \choose i} a_{m}b_{l-m-i}^{(i)})\partial^{M+N-l}.
$E$ is called the {\em ring of formal pseudo-differential operators with
coefficients in $\power{R}{x}$}.
{\bf Remark 1}\hspace{0.3cm}
In our notation we follow M.~Mulase \cite{M1}. Other authors use the name
of {\em micro-differential operators} for the objects which we call
formal pseudo-differential operators.
{\bf Remark 2}
{}From the above construction it is clear that $E$ is an associative,
non-commutative ring, which has the additional
structure of a left $\power{R}{x}$-module.
$E$ has a filtration by left
$$E^{(m)}:=\left\{\sum_{n\in \Bbb{Z}} f_{n}\partial^{n}/ f_{n}\in \power{R}{x},
f_{n} = 0 \textrm{ for } n>m\right\}.$$
The {\em order} of an element $P\in E$ is defined to be the minimum
$m\in \Bbb{Z}$ such that $P\in E^{(m)}$. In particular, the order of an
element of $D$ coincides with its degree
when we consider it as a polynomial in the variable $\partial$.
For an operator $P=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} f_{n}\partial^{N-n}$ of order $N$,
$f_{0}$ is called its {\em leading coefficient}.
An operator $P\in E$ can be written in the {\em right normal form}
$P= \sum_{m=0}^{\infty}a_{m}\partial^{M-m}$ or in the {\em left normal form}
$P= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\partial^{N-n}b_{n}$.
It is an easy consequence of the Leibniz rule that the order of an
operator is the same in the left and the right normal form and the
leading coefficient does not change. So we see that $E$ is also a right
$\power{R}{x}$-module and that $E^{(m)}$
gives rise to a filtration of $E$ by right $\power{R}{x}$-submodules.
For more properties of
formal pseudo-differential operators see the appendix \ref{B}.
$E$ contains the right ideal $xE$ generated by $x$. Denote by $\sigma:
E\rightarrow E/xE$ the projection. So we have for formal pseudo-differential
operators in the right normal form:
\sigma(\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} f_{n} \partial^{N-n}) =
\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} f_{n}(0) \partial^{N-n}\in
\negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}} = E/xE.$$
Let us set
$$y := \partial^{-1}.$$
Obviously we get, for all $n\in\Bbb{Z}$:
$$\sigma(E^{(n)}) = \power{R}{y}\cdot y^{-n}.$$
\label{act PDO}
The projection map $\sigma$ defines an action of $E$ on $\negpower{R}{y}$
as follows:\\
Take $P\in E$ and $v\in\negpower{R}{y}$. Then there is an operator $Q\in E$
such that $v=\sigma(Q)$. Define
$$P(v) := \sigma(QP).$$
{\bf Remark}
\item This definition does not depend on the choice of $Q$. Note that for an
invertible operator $P\in E$, $P^{-1}:\negpower{R}{y} \rightarrow
\negpower{R}{y}$ is inverse to the map $P:\negpower{R}{y} \rightarrow
\negpower{R}{y}$. If $P$ is an operator of order 0 with invertible
leading coefficient, then $P$ is invertible and the
induced map is an automorphism preserving orders, i.e., for all $n\in\Bbb{Z}$,
$$ P : \power{R}{y}\cdot y^{n} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
\power{R}{y}\cdot y^{n}.$$
\item If $P$ is a formal pseudo-differential operator with constant coefficients,
$P\in \negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}}$,
then we can regard $P$ as an element of $\negpower{R}{y}$ and it is easy to see
that in this case the action of $P$
on $\negpower{R}{y}$ coincides with the usual multiplication in $\negpower{R}{y}$:
$$\sigma(QP) = \sigma(Q)\cdot P= P\cdot \sigma(Q).$$
\item At this point, our way differs slightly from the one taken by M.~Mulase
\cite{M1}. There, the quotient is taken by
$Ex$ and operators $P\in E$ act on $\negpower{R}{y}$ from the left. Our
approach will find its justification in
Section \ref{eigenvalue}.
Let $P\in E$ be an operator of order 0 with invertible leading
coefficient and
\rightarrow \negpower{R}{y}$ the induced automorphism defined above.
Then $P$ induces an automorphism
$$P:\frak{G}_{F,\alpha}^{1}(Spec(R)) \rightarrow
for all integers $\alpha\in \Bbb{Z}$ and all elements $F\in K(Spec(R))$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
cf. \cite{M1}, Prop. 4.2.
A formal pseudo-differential operator $T\in E$ is called {\em admissible} if
it is an operator of order 0 with invertible leading coefficient such that
$$T\partial T^{-1} \in \negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}}.$$
The group of admissible operators is denoted by $\Gamma_{a}$.
\item An operator $T$ is admissible if and only if it has the form
$$T = exp(c_{1}x)\cdot(\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} f_{i}\partial^{-i}),$$
where $c_{1}\in R$, $f_{i}\in\power{R}{x}$ is a polynomial of degree at
most $i$, and $f_{0}\in R$ is invertible.
\item Let $v\in\negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}}$ be a monic element of order
$-r$, $r\neq 0$. Then there is an admissible operator $T\in\Gamma_{a}$ such
$T\partial^{-r}T^{-1} = v$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
This is a direct consequence of Lemma \ref{XLX} and its corollaries.
Two embedded Schur pairs $(A_{1},W_{1})$ and $(A_{2},W_{2})$ of rank $r$,
index $F$ and level $\alpha$ are said to be {\em equivalent} if there
is an admissible operator T such that
$$T^{-1}A_{2} T = A_{1}, \quad TW_{2} = W_{1},$$
where $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$ are understood to be subalgebras of
$\negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}}$, i.e., $T$ acts by conjugation,
while $W_{1}$ and $W_{2}$ are understood to be subspaces of $\negpower{R}{y}$
and the action of $T$ on $W_{2}$ is defined by Definition \ref{act PDO}.
So we get $\frak{E}_{\alpha}\frak{S}'^{r}_{F}(Spec(R))/\Gamma_{a}$.
Now let $(A,W)$ be an arbitrary embedded Schur pair of rank $r$. By Lemma
\ref{pure}, $A\subset\negpower{R}{z}$ for some element $z\in\negpower{R}{y}$
of order $-r$. By Lemma \ref{admissible} there is an operator
$T\in\Gamma_{a}$ such that
$$ T^{-1}zT = y^{r}.$$
Consequently, $A\subset\negpower{R}{z}$ implies that
$$T^{-1}AT \subset T^{-1}\negpower{R}{z}T = \negpower{R}{T^{-1}zT}=
This proves
Every equivalence class of embedded Schur pairs contains a representative
which corresponds to a Schur pair. \mbox{\hspace*{\fill}$\Box$}
Let $\alpha\in\Bbb{Z}$ be an integer. Two Schur pairs of rank $r$ and index $F$
are said to be {\em $\alpha$-equivalent} if the associated embedded Schur
pairs of level $\alpha$ are equivalent.
We call two geometric data {\em $\alpha$-equivalent} if the corresponding
Schur pairs are $\alpha$-equivalent.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
Observe that the $\alpha$-equivalence depends on the congruence class of
$\alpha$ modulo $r$.
Now let us study the $(-1)$-equivalence in more detail.
Let $T\in\Gamma_{a}$ be such that for two algebras $A_{1}$ and $A_{2}$ of
pure rank $r$ which are both contained in
$$T A_{1} T^{-1} = A_{2}.$$
Then $T \power{R}{y^{r}} T^{-1} = \power{R}{y^{r}}$.
Conversely, for every algebra $A_{1}$ of pure rank $r$ with $A_{1}
\subseteq \negpower{R}{y^{r}}$ and every $T\in\Gamma_{a}$ satisfying
$T \power{R}{y^{r}} T^{-1} = \power{R}{y^{r}}$, $TA_{1}T^{-1}
\subseteq \negpower{R}{y^{r}}$ is also an algebra of pure rank $r$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
The last part is obvious. As for the first one, remember that
there are elements $a,b\in A_{1}$ such that
$$a^{-1}b = y^{r} + \sum_{i\geq 2} \alpha_{i}y^{ir}$$
(cf. Lemma \ref{pure}). Then $TA_{1}T^{-1} = A_{2} \subseteq
\negpower{R}{y^{r}}$ implies:
Ta^{-1}bT^{-1} & = & Ta^{-1}T^{-1}TbT^{-1}\\
&=& (TaT^{-1})^{-1} TbT^{-1}\\
& \in & \power{R}{y^{r}}
hence $T\power{R}{a^{-1}b} T^{-1} \subseteq \power{R}{y^{r}}$.
But $\power{R}{y^{r}}$ equals $\power{R}{a^{-1}b}$, and so we obtain $T
\power{R}{y^{r}} T^{-1} \subseteq \power{R}{y^{r}}$. The second
inclusion we get using the fact that
$A_{1}= T^{-1}A_{2}T$.
Now let us consider the action of $T\in\Gamma_{a}$ on the second
component of an embedded Schur pair $(A,W)$ of level $-1$
$$W\subset \negpower{R}{y} = \bigoplus_{i=1}^{r} \negpower{R}
{y^{r}}\cdot y^{i}.$$
For $c_{i}\in \negpower{R}{y^{r}}$ we have
$$T(\sum_{i=1}^{r} c_{i} y^{i}) =
\sum_{i=1}^{r} (T^{-1}c_{i} T)T(y^{i}).
In particular, by Corollary \ref{XLX2}, $T$ is determined by $A$ and $T^{-1}AT$
up to an operator with constant
coefficients. So we obtain:
If two geometric data $(C,\pi,Spec(R),P,\rho_{1},{\cal F},\Phi_{1})$ and
$(C,\pi,Spec(R),$ $P,\rho_{2},{\cal F},\Phi_{2})$ of rank $r$ and
index $F$ are $(-1)$-equivalent then
there is an automorphism of $R$-algebras
$$h: \power{R}{z} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} \power{R}{z}$$
satisfying $\rho_{2} = h\circ \rho_{1}$.
\item Two geometric data
$$(C,\pi,Spec(R),P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi_{1}) \textrm{ and }
(C,\pi,Spec(R),P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi_{2})$$
of rank $r$ and
index $F$ are $(-1)$-equivalent if and only if there are elements
$d_{1},\ldots,d_{r-1}\in \power{R}{z}$ and
$d_{0}\in \power{R}{z}^{*}$ such that for
M = \left(
d_{0} & d_{1}&\ldots &d_{r-2}&d_{r-1}\\
d_{r-1}y^{r}& d_{0} & \ldots & d_{r-3}& d_{r-2}\\
d_{1}y^{r}& d_{2}y^{r}&\ldots& d_{r-1}y^{r}& d_{0}
$$\rho\Phi_{2} = M\circ\rho \Phi_{1}.$$
Note that in the case $r=1$, two geometric data $(C,\pi,Spec(R),P,\rho_{1},
{\cal F},\Phi_{1})$ and $(C,\pi,Spec(R),P,\rho_{2},{\cal F},\Phi_{2})$
are always $(-1)$-equivalent.
\subsection{Classification of commutative algebras of differential operators}
After these preliminaries we now come to the main object: the
classification of commutative algebras of ordinary differential
operators with coefficients in $\power{R}{x}$, where $R$ is a
commutative noetherian $k$-algebra, for some field $k$ of
characteristic zero.
A commutative subalgebra $B$ of $D$ is said to be {\em elliptic of
pure rank $r$} if
\item $r=gcd(ord(P)/P\in B)$;
\item There are monic elements $P,Q\in B$ such that $gcd(ord(P),ord(Q))=r$.
The set of all such subalgebras of $D$ is denoted by ${\cal B}_{r}(R)$.
Let us start the observations with the following
If $B$ is an elliptic subalgebra of rank $r$ of $D$ then there is a
formal pseudo-differential operator $X$ of order 0 with coefficients in
$\power{R}{x}$ and invertible leading coefficient such that
$$A:=X^{-1} B X \subseteq \negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}} $$
and $A$ is an algebra of pure rank $r$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Choose a monic operator $P\in B$ of order $N$ greater than 0. Then by Lemma
\ref{XLX} there exists a formal pseudo-differential operator $X$ of order 0
with invertible leading coefficient such
$$X^{-1} P X = \partial^{N}.$$
Let $Q\in B$ be an arbitrary element of $B$. Since $P$ and $Q$ commute, we get
0&=& X^{-1}(PQ-QP)X\\
&=& (X^{-1}PX)(X^{-1}QX) - (X^{-1}QX)(X^{-1}PX)\\
&=& \partial^{N}(X^{-1}QX) - (X^{-1}QX)\partial^{N}.
{}From the proof of Corollary \ref{XLX2} one gets that then $X^{-1}QX$
must have constant coefficients, i.e., $X^{-1}QX\in
\negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}}$. Finally, observe that the rank and the
monicity of an operator are preserved under conjugation by
$X$. So, $A$ is in fact an algebra of pure rank $r$.
Let us look how far the name ``elliptic'' is justified for such an
algebra $B$.
Let $\frak{m}$ be a maximal ideal of $R$. Then $B/\frak{m}$ is a
commutative algebra of differential operators with coefficients in
$\power{K}{x}$ for some field $K$ containing $k$. A monic operator $P\in B$ of
positive order, which
exists by definition, gives us a monic operator $P\in B/\frak{m}$
of positive order. From Lemma \ref{XB}, applied to $B/\frak{m}$, we
know that every $Q\in B/\frak{m}$ must have constant leading coefficient.
In particular, since $K$ is a field, the leading coefficient of $Q$ is an
element of $K^{*}$. This implies that $Q$ is really an elliptic ordinary
differential operator, i.e., $B$ is a family of algebras of elliptic operators
parametrized by $R$.
However, this is not the only way to interpret $B$. Let us take a
commutative subalgebra
$R\subset \multpower{k}{t}{m}\/[\/\frac{d}{dt_{1}}, \ldots ,
\frac{d}{dt_{m}}\/]$. Then $Q\in B$ is a partial differential operator,
which does {\bf not} need to be elliptic.
Let us continue with our construction.
A formal pseudo-differential operator $P\in E$ is a differential operator if
and only if it preserves $\sigma(D)$ in $\negpower{R}{y}$, i.e.,
$$P\sigma(D) \subseteq \sigma(D).$$
In the proof one may follow \cite{M1}, Lemma 7.2.
Now let us have a look at another definition of infinite Grassmannians
The {\em Sato Grassmannian} is defined to be
$$SG^{+} := \{J\subset E \textrm{closed subspace }/
J\oplus E^{(-1)} = E, DJ\subseteq J\}$$
This is a relative version of the Grassmannian originally used by Sato.
There is the following connection to the Grassmannians we have considered
until now:
\item Let $\Gamma_{m}$ be the group of monic formal pseudo-differential
operators of order zero and let $SG^{+}$ be the Sato Grassmannian
defined as above. Then there is a natural bijection $\alpha:\Gamma_{m}
SG^{+}$ given by
$$\Gamma_{m} \ni X \stackrel{\alpha}{\mapsto} \alpha(X) = J = DX^{-1}
\in SG^{+}.$$
\item Set $\frak{G}^{+}(Spec(R)):=\{W\in \frak{G}^{1}_{0,-1}
(Spec(R))/W\oplus \power{R}{y}y =\negpower{R}{y}\}$. Then the
projection $\sigma : E\rightarrow \negpower{R}{y}$ induces a bijection
$$\sigma : SG^{+} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} \frak{G}^{+}(Spec(R)).$$
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Lemma \ref{inv pseudo} implies that $\Gamma_{m}$ is a group. Now we can apply
the proof of \cite{M1}, Thm. 7.4.,
and obtain our result.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
$\frak{G}^{+}(Spec(R))$ is the generalization of the
{\em big cell of the Grassmannian of rank 1, index
0 and level $-1$} (cf. \cite{M1}).
We call two algebras $B_{1},B_{2}\in {\cal B}_{r}(R)$ {\em equivalent}
if there is an invertible element $f\in\power{R}{x}$ such that
$$B_{1}= f B_{2} f^{-1}.$$
We denote by $\bar{{\cal B}}_{r}(R)$ the set of these equivalence classes.
For all $r\geq 1$, there is a canonical bijection
$$\mu_{r} : \bar{{\cal B}}_{r}(R) \rightarrow
where $\frak{E}_{-1}\frak{S}'^{r,+}_{0}
(Spec(R))$ denotes the subset of $\frak{E}_{-1}\frak{S}'^{r}_{0}
(Spec(R))$ consisting of embedded Schur pairs $(A,W)$ with $W\in
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Given $B\in {\cal B}_{r}(R)$. Using Lemma \ref{XB} and
Theorem \ref{Sato2}, we construct $A:=X^{-1}BX\subseteq \negpower{R}
{\partial^{-1}}$ and $W:= X\sigma(D)\in \frak{G}^{+}
(Spec(R))$. $A$ is an algebra of pure rank $r$.
Since $B$ is contained in $D$, we get $B\sigma(D)\subseteq \sigma(D)$
(cf. Lemma \ref{Sato1}). This implies
A\cdot W = X^{-1} B X (\sigma(DX))
= \sigma(DXX^{-1}BX)
= \sigma(DBX)
\subseteq X\sigma(D)
So we really constructed an embedded Schur pair of the required type.
If $X_{1}$ is another operator satisfying $X_{1}^{-1}BX_{1}\subseteq
\negpower{R}{\partial^{-1}}$ then $T:= X^{-1}X_{1}$ is an admissible
operator and we end up with an equivalent embedded Schur pair.
Now, what happens if we take $f B f^{-1}$ instead of $B$ for some
$f\in\power{R}{x}^{*}$? Then: $A'= (fX)^{-1} (f B f^{-1}) (fX) = A$
and $W' = (fX)(\sigma(D)) = f_{0}\cdot W = W$, where $f_{0}$
denotes the (invertible) constant coefficient of $f$.
As for the inverse way, let us take $(A,W)\in \frak{E}_{-1}\frak{S}'^{r,+}_{0}
(Spec(R))$. From Theorem \ref{Sato2} we get a unique operator $S\in
\Gamma_{m}$ such that
$W = S\sigma(D)$. Let us define $B:= SAS^{-1} \subseteq E$.
Using Lemma \ref{Sato1} we obtain that $B\subseteq D$. We only have to check that
$\sigma(DB)$ is contained in
$\sigma(D)$, or, equivalently, that
$S\sigma(DB)$ is a subset of $S\sigma(D)$:
S\sigma(DB) = \sigma(DBS) = \sigma(DSS^{-1}BS) = A\cdot W \subseteq W = S\sigma(D).$$
If we start with an equivalent embedded Schur pair $T(A,W)$, for some $T\in
\Gamma_{a}$, we get an operator $S_{1}\in \Gamma_{m}$ such that
$$S_{1} (\sigma(D)) = TW = TS (\sigma(D)).$$
Again Lemma \ref{Sato1} implies $S_{1}^{-1}TS\in D$. But this
operator is an invertible formal pseudo-differential operator of order 0. So
$S_{1}^{-1}TS$ is in fact an invertible element $f$ of $\power{R}{x}$
and we conclude that
$$B'= S_{1} TAT^{-1} S_{1}^{-1} =
f S A S^{-1} f^{-1} = fBf^{-1}.$$
So we in fact end up with an equivalent algebra.
We have established a one-to-one correspondence of elliptic commutative
algebras of differential operators with coefficients in $\power{R}{x}$
and certain equivalence classes of embedded Schur pairs. Using the
results of the sections \ref{affine base} and \ref{pseudo DO} we can now state:
There is a bijection between equivalence classes of commutative elliptic
subalgebras of $\poly{\power{R}{x}}{\frac{d}{dx}}$ of pure rank $r$
and $(-1)$-equivalence classes of geometric data
$$(C,\pi,Spec(R),P,\rho,{\cal F},\Phi)$$
of rank $r$ and index $0$ with
the extra-condition that
$$H^{0}({\cal F}) = H^{1}({\cal F}) = 0.$$
In particular, every sheaf corresponding to a commutative
algebra of differential operators is strongly semistable with respect to
$P$ (cf. Section \ref{geom. properties}).
\subsection{Eigenvalue problems}
As a motivation, let us approach the above constructed relation
from another side. We take an elliptic
commutative algebra $B$ of differential operators with coefficients in
$\power{R}{x}$. It is an interesting
problem to find out the common eigenfunctions of all operators belonging
to $B$. Let $f\in\power{R}{x}$ be such
a common eigenfunction, i.e., for each $P\in B$, there is some
$\lambda(P)\in R$ such that
$$P(f) = \lambda(P)\cdot f.$$
One easily sees that, for a given $f$, the map
\lambda & : & B & \rightarrow & R\\
&& P & \mapsto & \lambda(P)
is a homomorphism of $R$-algebras.
On the other hand, given a homomorphism $\lambda : B \rightarrow R$, what
are the eigenfunctions of $B$ with
respect to $\lambda$?
Let $(A,W)$ be an embedded Schur pair corresponding to $B$,
$W=\sigma(DS)$, $A=S^{-1}BS$, for a formal
pseudo-differential operator $S$ of order zero with invertible leading
coefficient. For
given function $f\in\power{R}{x}$, we define an $R$-linear map \begin{equation}
f : W \rightarrow R
$$f(\sigma(QS)) := \sigma(Q(f)), \textrm{ for } Q\in D.$$
This map is well-defined. For, if $\sigma(QS) = \sigma(Q'S)$, then $\sigma(Q) =
\sigma(Q')$, i.e., $Q-Q'\in xE$. Consequently,
$\sigma((Q-Q')(f)) = 0$.
Now we claim
$f\in\power{R}{x}$ is a common eigenfunction of the elements of $B$ with
the eigenvalue $\lambda$ if and only if $\lambda$
makes the map (\ref{eigenf}) $A$-linear, i.e., for $a\in A$, $a=S^{-1}PS$, $P\in B$:
$$f(a\cdot w) = \lambda(P)\cdot f(w).$$
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
First assume that $f$ is an eigenfunction as above. Then $P(f)=\lambda(P)\cdot f$
for all $P\in B$. Therefore, for
$w= \sigma(QS)\in W$ and $a=S^{-1}PS\in A$
f(a\cdot w) & = & f(\sigma(QSS^{-1}PS))\\
&=& f(\sigma(QPS))\\
&=& \sigma((QP)(f))\\
&=& \sigma(Q(\lambda(P)\cdot f))\\
&=& \lambda(P)\cdot \sigma(Q(f))\\
&=& \lambda(P)\cdot f(w).
On the other hand, assume that the $A$-linearity holds. Then, for all ordinary
differential operators $Q$,
$$\sigma(Q(P(f))) =
\sigma(Q(\lambda(P)\cdot f)).$$
We claim that this implies $P(f) = \lambda(P)\cdot f$. But this is clear,
since, for every
$g=\sum_{n\geq 0}g_{n}x^{n}\in\power{R}{x}$,
$\sigma(\partial^{n}(g)) = n!\cdot g_{n}$, i.e., $g$ is in fact determined
by $\sigma(Q(g))$, $Q\in D$.
To get a better idea of the formal correspondence
constructed in this chapter, let us give some easy examples.
Certainly, the results we are going to obtain are not new.
They only serve to illustrate the construction.
We start with the easiest case: Let $B\in {\cal B}_{1}(R)$ be
an algebra containing a monic element of order 1. We prove
All algebras $B\in {\cal B}_{1}(R)$ containing a monic element
of order 1 are equivalent.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Take $u = \sum_{i\geq 0} v_{i} x^{i} \in \power{R}{x}$. It suffices
to prove that there is an invertible formal power series $f =
\sum_{i\geq 0} f_{i} x^{i} \in \power{R}{x}$ such that
$$f^{-1} \partial f = \partial+u.$$
Let us construct $f$:
$$f^{-1} \partial f = f^{-1} f \partial + f^{-1} f' = \partial +
f^{-1} f';
therefore we only need to construct $f$ such that $u = f^{-1} f'$, i.e.,
$fu=f'$. We write this expression as a formal power series
$$\sum_{i\geq 0} (\sum_{j=0}^{i} f_{j} u_{i-j}) x^{i} =
\sum_{i\geq 0} (i+1) f_{i+1} x^{i},$$
so that we get as a necessary and sufficient condition:
$$f_{i+1} = \frac{1}{i+1} \sum_{j=0}^{i} f_{j} u_{i-j},$$
which is solvable for an arbitrarily given $u$.
What does this say in terms of curves and sheaves?
The curve associated to such a $B$ is obviously $\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}$ with
some section $P$. One possible line bundle with vanishing cohomologies
is ${\cal O}_{\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}}(-P)$. The different local parametrizations
of $\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}$ and local trivializations of
${\cal O}_{\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}}(-P)$ along $P$ factor out under the
equivalence relation. Now the above lemma reads as:
For any two sections of $\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}$ there is an isomorphism of
$\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}$ mapping one section into the other. Furthermore,
given a section $P$, ${\cal O}_{\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}}(-P)$ is the only
coherent sheaf on $\Bbb{P}^{1}_{R}$ of rank 1 with vanishing cohomology groups
which satisfies the conditions of Definition \ref{def data}.
The next interesting case is that of algebras $B\in {\cal B}_{1}(R)$
containing monic elements of order 2 and 3, but without any element of
order 1. These correspond to families of reduced and irreducible curves
with arithmetic genus 1.
First take $R=k$. Then we get a single curve. One may ask how the singularity
of the curve is displayed in the associated algebra of differential operators:
An algebra $B$ as above corresponds to a singular plane cubic with its point at
infinity as a section if and only if there is a
formal pseudo-differential operator $T$ of order 0
with invertible leading coefficient such that $TBT^{-1}$ is an algebra of
{\bf differential} operators with constant coefficients.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
Keep in mind that this does not say that $B$ is {\em equivalent} to an
algebra of differential operators with constant coefficients. The
above transformation changes the sheaf induced by $B$.
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let $B$ be given as above. Then for the corresponding Schur pair
$(A,W)$ we get:
$$A = k\/[\/y^{-2}+\alpha y^{-1}+\beta, y^{-3} + \gamma y^{-2} +
\delta y^{-1} + \epsilon\/] $$
with coefficients $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta, \epsilon \in k$.
Note that of course $\beta$ and $\epsilon$ may be changed arbitrarily,
and $\gamma$ may be set to 0.
Assume that $\alpha$ is different from 0. We show that such an $A$
(understood as an element of ${\cal B}_{1}(k)$ via the identification
$\partial^{-1}=y$) is in fact equivalent to an algebra of differential
operators containing $\partial^{2}$, i.e., we could have chosen $T$ such
that $TBT^{-1}$ already contains $\partial^{2}$.
Given $\alpha, \delta \in k$ we want to construct an invertible power
series $$f=\sum_{i\geq 0} f_{i} x^{i} \in \power{k}{x}$$ such that:
\item $f^{-1}\partial^{2}f = \partial^{2}+\alpha \partial+\beta$ for some
$\beta\in k$;
\item There are numbers $\epsilon, a, b, c \in k$ such that
$$f^{-1} (\partial^{3} + a \partial^{2} + b \partial + c ) f =
\partial^{3} + \delta \partial + \epsilon.$$
Let's start the calculation:
f^{-1}\partial^{2}f = f^{-1}(f \partial^{2} + 2f' \partial + f'') =
\partial^{2} + 2 f^{-1} f' \partial + f^{-1} f''.
We have already seen that the equation $f'=\frac{\alpha}{2}f$ is solvable.
For $f$ chosen as such we get:
f^{-1}\partial^{2}f = \partial^{2} + \alpha \partial +
\frac{\alpha^{2}}{4} \textrm{ and}\\
f^{-1} (\partial^{3} + a \partial^{2} + b \partial + c ) f=\\
f^{-1}(f \partial^{3} + 3 f'\partial^{2} + 3 f''\partial + f'''+
af\partial^{2} + 2af' \partial + af'' + bf\partial +
bf' + cf)\\
= \partial^{3} + (3 f^{-1}f' + a)\partial^{2} + (3 f^{-1}f'' +
2a f^{-1} f'+ b)\partial + \\
\hfill + (f^{-1}f''' + af^{-1}f'' +
bf^{-1}f' + c)\\
= \partial^{3} + (\frac{3\alpha}{2} + a)\partial^{2} +
(\frac{3\alpha^{2}}{4} +
a\alpha+ b)\partial + (\frac{\alpha^{3}}{8} + \frac{a\alpha^{2}}{4} +
b\frac{\alpha}{2} + c).
{}From this we see that all conditions can be satisfied.
We still have to show that the rings $A = k\/[\/y^{-2}, y^{-3} +
\delta y^{-1}\/]$ correspond to singular plane cubics and that all
such cubics occur.
A singular plane cubic has the equation
$$z_{0}z_{2}^{2} = z_{1}(z_{1} + \delta z_{0})^{2}$$
with $P=(0:0:1)$ being its point at infinity.
Note that it has a cusp if $\lambda = 0$ and a node in the
remaining cases.
Using the methods of \ref{Elliptic curves} we get
$$A = k\/[\/y^{-2}, y^{-3} + \delta y^{-1}\/]$$
as the
associated ring,
and the proof is complete.
Now let us have a look at the partial differential equations which are
produced by the algebras $B$ as considered above. $B$ is generated by
two elements
L&=&\partial^{2} + u \partial + v\\
P&=&\partial^{3} + \alpha \partial^{2} + \beta \partial + \gamma.
We have seen before that we can assume that $u=0$ if we are only interested
in the equivalence class of $B$. \vspace{0.5cm}
What does it mean for $B$ to be commutative? $[P,L]=0$ can be interpreted as
(I)& 2\alpha' & = & 0\\
(II)& \alpha'' + 2\beta' -3v'&=&0\\
(III)& \beta'' + 2\gamma' - 3 v'' - 2\alpha v'&=&0\\
(IV)& \gamma'' - v'''-\alpha v'' -\beta v' & = & 0.
The first equation says that $\alpha$ is a constant. So we can choose
another normal form
L&=&\partial^{2} + v\\
P&=&\partial^{3} + \beta \partial + \gamma,
$v$ and $\gamma$ without constant term. The class of the algebra $B$ uniquely
determines $P$ and $L$, and on the other side, these two elements,
and by (II) and (III) in fact $\beta$, uniquely determine the equivalence
class of $B$.
Substituting (I), (II) and (III) in (IV) we get
$$\frac{1}{6} \beta''' - \frac{2}{3} \beta\beta' = 0,$$
which is nothing but the stationary Korteveg - de Vries equation.
We saw that $B$ corresponds to a singular curve with its point at infinity
if it may be transformed into $\bar{B} = k\/[\/\partial^{2},\partial^{3} +
\beta \partial \/]$, $\beta$ being a constant. So we get:
A pointed integral curve $(C,p)$ of arithmetic genus 1 is isomorphic to a singular
plane cubic with its point at infinity if and only if there is a torsion
free sheaf on $C$ generating a constant solution of the KdV equation.
The singularity is a node if this constant if different from zero; it is a
cusp if the constant equals to zero.
After this study of special cases we are now interested in the general
structure of ${\cal B}_{1}(\Bbb{C})$.
{}From the correspondence established in the first part of the section
\ref{Fam. DO} it is clear that two algebras of differential operators
lead to the same pointed curve if and only if they differ only by
conjugation with a
formal pseudo-differential operator of order 0 with invertible
leading coefficient. So we obtain:
For any $B\in {\cal B}_{1}(\Bbb{C})$ such that $Spec(B)$ is smooth,
the set
$$\bar{{\cal B}}_{1}(\Bbb{C})(B):=\left\{
B'\in \bar{{\cal B}}_{1}(\Bbb{C})/
\exists\textrm{ pseudo-diff. op. } X
\textrm{ of order 0 with inv.}\\
\textrm{leading coeff. such that } X^{-1}B'X=B
has the structure of a reduced, irreducible, affine
complex variety of dimension $$g=card\{n\in \Bbb{N}/ \textrm{ there is no
differential operator of order $n$ in $B$} \}.$$
{\bf Proof}\hspace{0.3cm}
Let $(C,p)$ be the pointed curve given by $B$.
We consider $Pic^{g-1}(C)$. The
theta divisor in it is given by the condition $h^{0}\neq 0$.
This divisor is known to be ample, so its complement
$$U =
\{ {\cal L} \textrm{ line bundle of degree $g-1$ on } C/ h^{0}
({\cal L}) = h^{1}({\cal L}) = 0 \}$$
is affine. It is also reduced and irreducible. Now we take
the Poincar\'{e} bundle ${\cal P}^{g-1}_{C}$ on $Pic^{g-1}(C)
\times C$ (normalized with respect to $p$) and restrict it to
$U\times C$. We choose some local parametrization of $U\times
C$ near $U\times\{p\}$ and some local trivialization of ${\cal P}^{g-1}_{C}$ along
$U\times\{p\}$ (for more details see section \ref{Poincare}).
Different parametrizations and trivializations cancel out under
the equivalence relation. Now we construct the associated algebra
\boldmath$B$\unboldmath {} of ordinary differential operators
with coefficients in $\power{R}{x}$ for
$U=Spec(R)$. From the universality of the Poincar\'{e} bundle we get
that \boldmath$B$\unboldmath {} uniquely parametrizes the
equivalence classes of algebras
$B'\in {\cal B}_{1}(\Bbb{C})$ corresponding to the given pointed curve
$(C,p)$, hence all of $\bar{{\cal B}}_{1}(\Bbb{C})(B)$.
{\bf Remark}\hspace{0.3cm}
In the case that $g=1$ the so-defined
\boldmath$B$\unboldmath$\in{\cal B}_{1}(R)$
carries a nontrivial family of solutions of the KdV equation.
1996-06-06T09:45:23 | 9606 | alg-geom/9606002 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9606002 | [
] | alg-geom/9606002 | Rita Pardini | Rita Pardini | On the period map for abelian covers of algebraic varieties | LaTeX, 17 pages | null | null | null | null | We show that infinitesimal Torelli for $n$-forms holds for abelian covers of
algebraic varieties of dimension $n\ge 2$, under some explicit ampleness
assumptions on the building data of the cover. Moreover, we prove a variational
Torelli result for some families of abelian covers.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Jun 1996 08:38:16 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
This paper is devoted to the study of the period map for abelian covers
of smooth projective varieties of dimension $n\ge 2$. Our viewpoint is
very close to that of Green in \cite{suffampio}, namely we look for
results that hold for abelian covers of an arbitrary variety whenever
certain ampleness assumptions on the building data defining the cover
are satisfied. We focus on two questions: the infinitesimal and the
variational Torelli problems.
Infinitesimal Torelli for the periods of $k$-forms holds for a smooth
projective variety
$X$ if
the map ${\rm H}^1(X,T_X)\to
\oplus_p{\rm Hom}\left ({\rm H}^p(X,\Omega_X^{k-p}),{\rm H}^{p+1}(X,
\Omega_X^{k-p-1})\right)$, expressing the differential of the period map
for $k$-forms, is injective. This is expected to be true as soon as the
canonical bundle of
$X$ is ``sufficiently ample''. There are many results in this direction,
concerning special classes of varieties, as hypersurfaces (see, for
\cite{suffampio}), complete intersections (\cite{konnocompl}) and simple
cyclic covers (\cite{konnociclico},
\cite{lwp},\cite{peters}). Here we continue the work on abelian covers
\cite{torelli}, and prove (see
Let $G$ be an abelian group and let
$f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-cover, with $X$, $Y$
smooth projective varieties of dimension $n\ge2$. If properties
$(A)$ and
$(B)$ of
\ref{ipotesi} are satisfied, then infinitesimal Torelli for the periods
of $n$-forms holds for $X$.
Properties $(A)$ and $(B)$ amount to the vanishing of certain cohomology
groups and are certainly satisfied if the building data of the cover are
sufficiently ample. If $Y$ is a special variety (e.g.,
$Y={\bf P}^n$), then thm. \ref{introinf} yields an almost sharp
statement (see theorem
\ref{mainthm1p}). In general, a result of
Ein-Lazarsfeld (\cite{el}) and Griffiths vanishing theorem enable us (see
\ref{effective}) to give explicit conditions under which $(A)$ and $(B)$
are satisfied, and thus to deduce an effective
statement from thm. \ref{introinf} (see thm. \ref{mainthm1e}).
In order to extend to the case of
arbitrary varieties the infinitesimal Torelli theorem obtained in
\cite{torelli} for a special class of surfaces, we introduce a
generalized notion of prolongation bundle and give a Jacobi ring
construction analogous to those of \cite{suffampio} and
\cite{konnovar}. This is also a starting point for attacking the
variational Torelli problem, which asks whether, given a flat family
${\cal X}\to B$ of smooth polarized varieties, the map associating to a
$b\in B$ the infinitesimal variation of Hodge structure of the fibre
$X_b$ is generically injective, up to isomorphism of polarized
varieties. A positive answer to this problem has been given for
families of projective hypersurfaces (\cite{cggh},\cite{donagi}), for
hypersurfaces of high degree of arbitrary varieties (\cite{suffampio}),
for some complete intersections (\cite{konnovar}) and for simple cyclic
covers of high degree (\cite{ciclico}). The most effective tool in
handling these problems is the symmetrizer, introduced by Donagi, but
unfortunately, an analogous construction does not seem feasible in the
case of abelian covers. However, exploiting the variational Torelli
result of
\cite{suffampio}, we are able to obtain, under analogous assumptions, a
similar result for a large class of abelian covers.
More precisely, we prove (see thm. \ref{mainthm2}):
(Notation as in section \ref{covers}.)
\noindent Let $Y$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $n\ge 2$,
with very ample canonical class. Let $G$
be a finite abelian group and let
$f:X\to Y$ be a smooth $G$-cover with sufficiently ample building data
$L_{\chi}$, $D_i$, $\chi\in G^*$, $i=1,\ldots r$. Assume that for every
$i=1,\ldots r$ the identity is the only automorphism of
$Y$ that preserves the linear equivalence class of $D_i$; moreover,
assume that for $i=1,\ldots r$ there exist a
$\chi\in G^*$ (possibly depending on $i$) such that $\chi(g_i)\ne 1$ and
$L_{\chi}(-D_i)$ is ample. Let
${\cal X}\to
\tilde{W}$ be the family of the smooth
$G$-covers of
$Y$ obtained by letting the $D_i$'s vary in their linear equivalence
classes: then there is a dense open set $V\subset\tilde{W}$ such that
the fibre $X_s$ of ${\cal X}$ over $s\in V$ is determined by its IVHS
for $n$-forms plus the natural $G$-action on it.
The paper is organized as follows: section $1$ is a brief review of
abelian covers, sections $2$ and $3$ contain the technical details about
prolongation bundles and the Jacobi ring construction, section $4$
contains the statements and proofs of the results on infinitesimal
Torelli, and section
$5$ contains some technical lemmas that allow us to prove in section $6$
the variational Torelli theorem \ref{intro2}.
\noindent {\em Acknowledgements:} I wish to thank Mark Green for
communicating me the proof of lemma \ref{green}.
{\bf Notation and conventions:} All varieties are smooth projective
varieties of dimension $n\ge 2$ over the field ${\bf C}$ of complex numbers. We
do not distinguish between vector bundles and locally free sheaves; as a
rule, we use the additive notation for divisors and the multiplicative
notation for line bundles. For a divisor
$D$, $c_1(D)$ denotes the first Chern class of $D$ and $|D|$ the complete
linear system of $D$. If $L$ is a line bundle, we also denote by $|L|$ the
complete linear system of $L$, and we write $L^k$ for $L^{\!\otimes\!^k}$
and $L^{-1}$ for the dual line bundle. As usual,
$T_Y$ denotes the tangent sheaf of
$\Omega^k_Y$ denotes the sheaf of regular $k$-forms on $Y$,
$\omega_Y=\Omega^n_Y$ denotes the canonical bundle and ${\rm Pic}(Y)$ the
Picard group.
If ${\cal F}$ is a locally free sheaf, we denote by ${\cal F}^*$ the dual
sheaf, by $S^k{\cal F}$ the $k$-th symmetric power of ${\cal F}$ and by $\det {\cal
F}$ the determinant bundle. Consistently, the dual of a vector space $U$
is denoted by
$U^*$; the group of linear automorphisms of $U$ is denoted by $GL(U)$.
\noindent $[x]$ denotes the integral part of the natural number $x$.
\section{Abelian covers and projection formulas}\label{covers}
In this section we recall some facts about abelian covers that will be
needed later. For more details and proofs, see \cite{abeliani}.
Let $G$ be a finite abelian group of order $m$ and let $G^*={\rm Hom}(G,{\bf C}^*)$
be the group of characters of $G$. A {\em $G$-cover} of a smooth
$n$-dimensional variety
$Y$ is a Galois cover $f:X\to Y$ with Galois group $G$, with $X$ normal. Let
${\cal F}$ be a
$G$-linearized locally free
sheaf of ${\cal O}_X$-modules: under the action of
$G$, the sheaf
$f_*{\cal F}$ splits as the direct sum of the eigensheaves corresponding
to the characters of $G$. We denote by $(f_*{\cal F})^{(\chi)}$ the
eigensheaf corresponding to a character $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$ and by
$(f_*{\cal F})^{inv}$ the invariant subsheaf. In particular, when
${\cal F}={\cal O}_X$ , we have $(f_*{\cal O}_X)^{inv}={\cal O}_Y$ and
$(f_*{\cal O}_X)^{(\chi)}=L_{\chi}^{-1}$, with $L_{\chi}$ a line bundle. Let
$D_1,\ldots D_r$ be the irreducible components of the branch locus
$D$ of $f$. For each index $i$,
the subgroup of $G$ consisting of the elements that fix the inverse
image of $D_i$ pointwise is a cyclic group $H_i$, the so-called {\em
inertia subgroup} of $D_i$. The order $m_i$ of $H_i$ is equal to the
order of ramification of
$f$ over $D_i$ and the representation of $H_i$ obtained by taking
differentials and restricting to the normal space to
$D_i$ is a faithful character $\chi_i$.
The choice of a primitive $m$-th root $\zeta$ of $1$ defines a map from
$\{1,\ldots r\}$ to $G$: the image
$g_i$ of $i$ is the generator of $H_i$ that is mapped to
$\zeta^{m/m_i}$ by $\chi_i$. The line bundles
$L_{\chi}$, $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$, and the divisors $D_i$, each
``labelled'' with an element $g_i$ of
$G$ as explained above, are the {\em building data} of the cover, and
determine $f:X\to Y$ up to isomorphism commuting with the covering maps.
The building data satisfy the so-called {\em fundamental relations}. In
order to write these down, we have to set some notation. For $i=1,\ldots
r$ and $\chi\in G^*$, we denote by
$a^i_{\chi}$ the smallest positive integer such that
$\chi(g_i)=\zeta^{ma^i_{\chi}/m_i}$; for each pair of characters
$\chi$,$\phi$ we set $\epsilon_{\chi,\phi}^i=[(a^i_{\chi}+a^i_{\phi})/m_i]$ (notice
that $\epsilon_{\chi,\phi}^i=0$ or $1$) and
$D_{\chi,\phi}=\sum_{i=1}^r\epsilon_{\chi,\phi}^iD_i$. In particular, $D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}$ is
the sum of the components $D_i$ of $D$ such that $\chi(g_i)\ne 1$. Then,
the fundamental relations of the cover are the following:
\begin{equation} L_{\chi}+L_{\phi}\equiv L_{\chi\phi}+ D_{\chi,\phi}, \qquad
\forall \chi,\phi\in G^*
\end{equation} When $\phi=\chi^{-1}$, the fundamental
relations read:
\begin{equation}\label{fundrelbis} L_{\chi}+L_{\chi^{-1}}\equiv D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}.
The cover $f:X\to Y$ can be reconstructed from the building data as
follows: if one chooses sections $s_i$ of ${\cal O}_Y(D_i)$ vanishing on
$D_i$ for
$i=1,\ldots r$, then $X$ is defined inside the vector bundle
$V=\oplus_{\chi\ne 1}L_{\chi}$ by the equations:
\quad\forall \chi,\phi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}
$z_{\chi}$ denotes the tautological section of the pull-back of $L_{\chi}$
to $V$. Conversely, for every choice of the sections $s_i$, equations
(\ref{equazioni}) define a scheme $X$, flat over $Y$, which is
smooth iff the zero divisors of the
$s_i$'s are smooth, their union has only normal crossings singularities
and, whenever $s_{i_1},\ldots s_{i_t}$ all vanish at a point $y$ of $Y$,
the group
$H_{i_1}\times\cdots\times H_{i_t}$ injects into $G$. So, by letting
$s_i$ vary in $\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y(D_i))$, one obtains a flat family ${\cal X}$
of smooth
$G$-covers of
$X$, parametrized by an open set $W\subset\oplus_i\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y(D_i))$.
Throughout all the paper we will make the following
The $G$-cover $f:X\to Y$ is smooth of dimension $n\ge 2$; the building data
$D_i$ and the adjoint bundles $\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}$,
$\omega_Y(D_i)$ are ample for every $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$ and for
$i=1,\ldots r$.
Assumption \ref{ampleness} implies that the cover is {\em totally
ramified}, namely that
$g_1,\ldots g_r$ generate $G$. Actually, this is equivalent to the fact
that the divisor $D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}$ is nonempty if the character $\chi$ is
nontrivial, and also to the fact that none of the line bundles $L_{\chi}$,
$\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$, is a torsion point in ${\rm Pic}(Y)$.
Since $X$ is smooth, assumption
\ref{ampleness} implies in particular that for each subset $\{i_1,\ldots
i_t\}\subset\{1,\ldots r\}$, with
$t\leq n$, the cyclic subgroups generated by $g_{i_1},\ldots g_{i_t}$ give
a direct sum inside $G$.
\paragraph{} In principle, all the geometry of $X$ can be recovered from
the geometry of $Y$ and from the building data of
$f:X\to Y$. The following proposition is an instance of this philosophy.
\begin{prop}\label{projform} Let $f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-cover, with $X$, $Y$
smooth of dimension $n$. For
$\chi\in G^*$, denote by
$\Delta_{\chi}$ the sum of the components $D_i$ of $D$ such that
$a_{\chi}^i\neq m_i-1$. Then, for $1\le k\le n$ there are natural
$$(f_*\Omega_X^k)^{(\chi)}=\Omega^k_Y(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}^{-1}$$
$$(f_*T_X)^{(\chi)}=T_Y(-\log\Delta_{\chi})\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}^{-1}$$ and,in
$$(f_*\Omega^k_X)^{inv}=\Omega^k_Y, \quad (f_*T_X)^{inv}=T_Y(-\log D),
\quad (f_*\omega_X)^{(\chi)}=\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}.$$
{\bf Proof:\,} This is a slight generalization of Proposition $4.1$ of
\cite{abeliani}, and it can be proven along the same lines. The
$(f_*\omega_X)^{(\chi)}=\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}$ follows from the general
formula and relations (\ref{fundrelbis}).\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
We recall the following generalized form of Kodaira vanishing (see
\cite{EV}, page 56):
\begin{thm}\label{kodaira} Let $Y$ be a smooth projective $n$-dimensional
variety and let $L$ be an ample line bundle. Then:
$${\rm H}^i(Y,\Omega^k_Y\!\otimes\! L^{-1})=0, \quad i+k<n.$$ Moreover, if $A+B$
is a reduced effective normal crossing divisor, then:
$${\rm H}^i(Y,\Omega^k_Y(\log(A+B)\!\otimes\! L^{-1}(-B))=0, \quad i+k<n.$$
From prop.\ref{projform}, theorem \ref{kodaira} and assumption
\ref{ampleness} it follows that the non-invariant part of the
cohomology of $X$ is concentrated in dimension
$n$. Thus we will be concerned only with the period map for the
periods of $n$-forms.
\section{Logarithmic forms and sheaf resolutions}\label{logarithmic}
In this section we recall the definition and some properties of
logarithmic forms and introduce a generalized notion of prolongation
bundle. We would like to mention that Konno, when studying in
\cite{konnovar} the global Torelli problem for complete intersections,
has also introduced a generalization of the definition of prolongation
bundle, which is however different from the one used here.
$D$ be a normal crossing divisor with smooth components
$D_1,\ldots D_r$ on the smooth $n$-dimensional variety $Y$. As usual, we
denote by
$\Omega_Y^k(\log D)$ the sheaf of
$k$-forms with at most logarithmic poles along $D_1,\ldots D_r$ and by
$T_Y(-\log D)$ the subsheaf of $T_Y$ consisting of the vector fields
tangent to the components of $D$. Assume that $y\in Y$ lies
precisely on the components
$D_1,\ldots D_t$ of $D$, with $t\le n$. Let $x^1,\ldots x^t$ be local
equations for $D_1, \ldots D_t$ and choose $x_{t+1},\ldots x_n$ such that
$x_1,\ldots x_n$ are a set of parame\-tres at $y$. Then
$\frac{dx_1}{x_1},\ldots \frac{dx_t}{x_t}$, $dx_{t+1},\ldots dx_n$ are
a set of free gen\-er\-a\-tors for
$\Omega^1_Y(\log D)$ and
$x_1\frac{\partial}{\partial x_1},\ldots x_t\frac{ \partial}{\partial
x_t}$, $\frac{\partial }{\partial x_{t+1}},\ldots\frac
{\partial}{\partial x_n}$ are free generators for $T_Y(-\log D)$
in a neighbourhood of $y$. So the sheaves of logarithmic forms are
locally free and one has the following canonical identifications:
$\Omega_Y^k(\log D)=\wedge^k\Omega_Y^1(\log D)$ and
$T_Y(-\log D)=\Omega_Y^1(\log D)^*$, duality being given by contraction of
tensors. Moreover, we recall that, if ${\cal F}$ is a locally
free sheaf of rank $m$ on $Y$, then the alternation map $\wedge^i{\cal
F}\!\otimes\!\wedge ^{m-i}{\cal F}\to
\det{\cal F}$ is a nondegenerate pairing, which induces a canonical
$\left(\wedge^i{\cal F}\right)^*\to \wedge^{m-i}{\cal F}\!\otimes\!(\det {\cal
F})^{-1}$. So we have:
T_Y(-\log D)\cong \Omega^{n-1}_Y(\log D)\!\otimes\! (\omega_Y(D))^{-1} \\
\Omega_Y^k(\log D)^*\cong \Omega_Y^{n-k}(\log D)\!\otimes\! (\omega_Y(D))^{-1}
\paragraph{} The {\em (generalized) prolongation bundle} $P$ of
$(D_1,\ldots D_r)$ is defined as the ex\-ten\-sion $0\to\Omega^1_Y\to
P\to\oplus^r{\cal O}_Y\to 0$ as\-so\-cia\-ted to the class
$(c_1(D_1),\ldots c_1(D_r))$ of ${\rm H}^1(Y,\oplus^r\Omega^1_Y)$. Let
$\{U_{\alpha}\}$ be a finite affine covering of $Y$, let $x^i_{\alpha}$ be
local equations for $D_i$ on $U_{\alpha}$, $i=1\ldots r$, and let
Denote by
$e^1_{\alpha},\ldots e^r_{\alpha}$ the standard basis of
$\oplus^r{\cal O}_Y|_{U_{\alpha}}$.
The elements of
$P|_{U_{\alpha}}$ are represented by pairs
$(\sigma_{\alpha}, \sum_i z^i_{\alpha}e_i)$, where
$\sigma_{\alpha}$ is a
$1$-form and the
$z^i_{\alpha}$'s are regular functions, satisfying the following
transition relations on
$U_{\alpha}\cap U_{\beta}$:
$$\left(\sigma_{\alpha}, \sum_i
\sum_iz^i_{\beta}e^i_{\beta}\right).$$ There is a natural short exact
\begin{equation}\label{olog} 0\to\oplus_i{\cal O}_Y(-D_i)\to P\to\Omega^1_Y(\log
D)\to 0
\end{equation} with dual sequence:
\begin{equation}\label{tlog} 0\to T_Y(-\log D)\to P^*\to\oplus_i
{\cal O}_Y(D_i)\to 0.
\end{equation} In local coordinates the map $\oplus_i
{\cal O}_Y(-D_i)\to P$ is defined by: $x^i_{\alpha}\mapsto
(dx^i_{\alpha},x^i_{\alpha}e^i_{\alpha})$ and the map $P\to
\Omega^1(\log D)$ is defined by: $(\sigma_{\alpha}, \sum_i
We close this section by writing down a resolution of
the sheaves of logarithmic forms that will be used in section \ref{ivhs}.
Given an exact sequence
$0\to A\to B\to C\to 0$ of locally free sheaves, for any $k\ge 1$ one has
the following long exact sequence (see
\cite{cime}, page 39):
0\to S^kA\to B\!\otimes\!
\wedge^{k-1}B\!\otimes\! A\to\wedge^k B\to \wedge^kC\to 0.
Applying this
to (\ref{olog}) and setting $V=\oplus_i{\cal O}_Y (D_i)$ yields:
0\to S^kV^*\to S^{k-1}V^*\!\otimes\! P\to\ldots
\to V^*\!\otimes\!\wedge^{k-1}P\to\wedge^kP\to \Omega^k_Y(\log D)\to 0
\section{The algebraic part of the IVHS}\label{ivhs}
The aim of this section is to give, in the case of abelian covers, a
construction analogous to the Jacobian ring construction for
hypersurfaces of
Let ${\cal X}\to B$ be a flat family of smooth projective varieties of
dimension $n$ and let $X$ be the fibre of ${\cal X}$ over the point $0\in
B$; the differential of the period map for the periods of
$k$-forms for ${\cal X}$ at $0$ is the composition of the Kodaira-Spencer
map with the following universal map, induced by cup-product:
{\rm H}^1(X,T_X)\to \oplus_p{\rm Hom} ({\rm H}^p(X,\Omega_X^{k-p}),{\rm H}^{p+1}(X,
This map is called the {\em algebraic part of the infinitesimal
variation of Hodge structure} of
$X$ (IVHS for short).
Assume that $f:X\to Y$ is a smooth $G$-cover; then the
$G$-action on the tangent sheaf and on the sheaves of differential forms
is compatible with cup-product, so the map (\ref{inftor}) splits as the
direct sum of the maps
\rho^k_{\chi,\phi} :{\rm H}^1(X,T_X)^{(\chi)}\to
\oplus_p{\rm Hom}({\rm H}^p(X,\Omega^{k-p}_X)^{(\phi)},{\rm H}^{p+1}(X,
As we have remarked at the end of section
\ref{covers}, if $f:X\to Y$ satisfies the assumption \ref{ampleness}, then
the non invariant part of the Hodge structure is concentrated in the
middle dimension $n$, and so we will only describe the IVHS for $k=n$.
We use the
notation of section
\ref{covers} and moreover,
in order to keep formulas readable, we set:
$$T^{inv}=\HH{1}(Y,T_Y(-\log D));\quad
$$U^{k,\chi}=\HH{k}(Y,\Omega^{n-k}_Y(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}^{-1}),\qquad k=0,\ldots n,\quad \chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}.$$
Given a character $\chi\in G^*$, let $D_{i_1},\ldots D_{i_s}$ be the
components of $D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}$; let $P^{\chi}$ be the generalized prolongation
bundle of\, $(D_{i_1},\ldots D_{i_s})$ (see section \ref{logarithmic}) and
$V^{\chi}=\oplus_j{\cal O}_Y(D_{i_j})$.
Consider the map $(P^{\chi})^*\to V^{\chi}$ defined in sequence
(\ref{tlog}); tensoring this map with $S^{k-1}(V^{\chi})$ and composing
with the symmetrization map $S^{k-1}(V^{\chi})\!\otimes\! V^{\chi}\to
S^k(V^{\chi})$, one obtains a map:
\begin{equation}\label{simm} S^{k-1}(V^{\chi})\!\otimes\! (P^{\chi})^*\to
\end{equation} Given a line bundle $L$ on $Y$, we define $R^{k,\chi}_L$
to be the cokernel of the map:
$$\HH{0}(Y,S^{k-1}(V^{\chi})\!\otimes\! (P^{\chi})^*\!\otimes\!
L)\to\HH{0}(Y,S^k(V^{\chi})\!\otimes\! L),$$ obtained from (\ref{simm}) by
tensoring with $L$ and passing to global sections. We set
$R^{\chi}_L=\oplus_{k\ge 0}R^{k,\chi}_L$;
for $L={\cal O}_Y$, $R^{\chi}=R^{\chi}_{{\cal O}_Y}$ is a graded ring and, in
general $R^{\chi}_L$ is a module over $R^{\chi}$, that
we call the {\em Jacobi module} of $L$. Moreover, if
$L_1$ and
$L_2$ are line bundles on $Y$, then there is an obvious multiplicative
$$R^{k,\chi}_{L_1}\!\otimes\! R^{h,\chi}_{L_2}\to R^{k+h,\chi}_{L_1\!\otimes\!
In order to establish the relationship between the Jacobi
modules and the IVHS of the cover $X$, we need some definitions.
For a $G$-cover $f:X\to Y$ satisfying assumption \ref{ampleness}, let
$\Gamma_f$ be the semigroup of ${\rm Pic}(Y)$ generated by the building data.
We say that:
\noindent $X$ has property $(A)$ iff $\HH{k}(Y,\Omega_Y^j\!\otimes\!
L)=0$ and $\HH{k}(Y,\Omega_Y^j\!\otimes\!\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L)=0$ for
$k>0$, $j\ge 0$,
\noindent $X$ has property $(B)$ iff for $L_1$, $L_2$ in
$\Gamma_f\setminus\{0\}$ the mul\-ti\-pli\-ca\-tion map
$\HH{0}(Y,\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_1)\otimes\HH{0}(Y,\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_2)\to
\HH{0}(Y,\omega_Y^2\!\otimes\! L_1\!\otimes\! L_2)$ is surjective.
If $M$ is an ample line bundle such that
$\HH{k}(Y,\Omega_Y^j\!\otimes\! M)=0$ for $k>0$ and $j\ge 0$, then the
cohomology groups $\HH{k}(Y,\wedge^jP\!\otimes\! M^{-1})$ vanish for $j\ge 0$
{\bf Proof:\,} By Serre duality, it is equivalent to show that
$\HH{r}(Y,\wedge^jP^*\!\otimes\! M\!\otimes\! \omega_Y)=0$ for $r>0$. In turn,
this can be proven by induction on $j$, by looking at the
hypercohomology of the complex obtained by applying (\ref{complex}) to
the sequence $0\to \oplus_i{\cal O}_Y\to P^*\to T_Y\to 0$.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
We also introduce the following
Let $L$ and $M$ be line bundles on the smooth variety $Y$; if $L\otimes
M^{-1}$ is ample, then we write $L>M$ and, if $L\!\otimes\! M^{-1}$ is nef,
then we write $L\ge M$. We use the same notation for divisors.
Properties $(A)$ and $(B)$ are easily checked
for coverings of certain varieties $Y$; for instance, if\/ $Y={\bf P}^n$, then
by Bott vanishing theorem it is enough to require that $\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}>0$ and
$\omega_Y(D_i)>0$ for every $\chi\ne 1$ and for $i=1,\ldots r$.
next proposition yields an effective criterion for $(A)$ and $(B)$ in
case $Y$ is an arbitrary variety.
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-cover satisfying assumption \ref{ampleness} and let
$E$ be a very ample divisor on $Y$. Define
$c(n)=\left(\!\!\begin{array}{c} n-1\\
(n-1)/2\end{array}\!\!\right)$ if
$n$ is odd and
\left(\!\!\begin{array}{c} n-1 \\ n/2\end{array}\!\!\right)$ if
$n$ is even, and set $E_n=\left(\omega_Y(2nE)\right)^{c(n)}$.
i) if $D_i$, $L_{\chi}$, $\omega_Y(D_i)$, $\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}>E_n$ for $\chi\ne 1$ and for $i=1,\ldots r$, then $(A)$ is
ii) if $L_{\chi}$ and $D_i\ge (n+1)E$ for $\chi\ne 1$ and for $i=1,\ldots
r$, then
$(B)$ is satisfied.
{\bf Proof:\,}
The complete linear system $|E|$ embeds $Y$ in a projective space ${\bf P}$;
since $\Omega_{{\bf P}}^{j}(j+1)$ is generated by global sections, the sheaf
$W^j=\Omega_Y^j((j+1)E)$, being a quotient of the former bundle, is also
generated by global sections. By Griffiths vanishing theorem (\cite{SS},
theorem 5.52), if
$N$ is an ample line bundle, then the cohomology group
\det(W^j)\!\otimes\! N)$ vanishes for $k>0$. We recall from adjunction
theory that $\omega_Y((n+1)E)$ is base point free and therefore nef;
using this fact, it is easy to check that $E_n\ge\det(W^j)$ for $j\ge 0$.
Statement i) now follows immediately from Griffiths vanishing.
In order to prove ii), set $V_1=\HH{0}(Y,\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_1)$. The
assumptions imply that
$V_1$ is base-point free, so evaluation of sections gives the following
short exact sequence of locally free sheaves:
$0\to K_1\to{\cal O}_Y\!\otimes\! V_1\to \omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_1\to 0$. Twisting with
$\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_2$ and passing to cohomology, one sees that the
statement follows if
$\HH{1}(Y,K_1\!\otimes\!\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_2)=0$. In turn, this is precisely
$k=q=1$ of theorem $2.1$ of \cite{el}.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-cover satisfying property $(A)$ and let $L$ be a
line bundle on $Y$; if $L$ or $L\!\otimes\!\omega_Y^{-1}$ belong to
$\Gamma_f\setminus\{0\}$, then for every $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$ there
is a natural isomorphism:
$$\HH{k}(Y,\Omega_Y^{n-k}(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\! L^{-1})\cong
(R^{n-k,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L})^*$$
In particular, there are natural isomorphisms:
$$T^{inv}\cong(R^{n-1,1}_{\omega_Y^2(D)})^*;\qquad U^{k,\chi}\cong
(R^{n-k,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}})^*,\quad \chi\ne 1 $$
$$\HH{1}\left(Y,\Omega^{n-1}_Y(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\!(L_{\chi}\!\otimes\!
L_{\phi^{-1}}\!\otimes\!\omega_Y)^{-1}\right)\cong (R^{n-1,\chi}_{\omega_Y^2\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}}})^*,\quad\chi\ne 1.$$
{\bf Proof:\,}
For $k=n$, the statement is just Serre duality. For $k<n$, we compute
$\HH{k}\left(Y,\Omega_Y^{n-k}(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\! L^{-1}\right)$ by
ten\-sor\-ing the res\-o\-lu\-tion (\ref{reslog}) of the sheaf
$\Omega_Y^{n-k}(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})$ with
$L^{-1}$ and breaking up the resolution thus
obtained into short exact sequences. Remark \ref{annullamento} and theorem
\ref{kodaira} imply that the cohomology groups
$\HH{n-k+j}(Y,S^j(V_{\chi})^*\!\otimes\! L^{-1}\!\otimes\! \wedge^{n-k-j}P)$
vanish for $0\le j<n-k$; thus the group
$\HH{k}(Y,\Omega_Y^{n-k}(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\! L^{-1})$ and the kernel of
the map
L^{-1}\right)\to\HH{n}\left(Y,S^{n-k-1}(V^{\chi})^*\!\otimes\! P^{\chi}\!\otimes\!
L^{-1}\right)$ are naturally isomorphic. By Serre duality, the latter group
is dual to
$R^{n-k,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L}$.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
The next result is the analogue in our setting of Macaulay's duality
Assume that the cover $f:X\to Y$ satisfies property $(A)$.
$\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$, set\,
$\omega_{\chi}=\omega_Y^2(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})$\,; then:
i) there is a natural isomorphism $R^{n,\chi}_{\omega_{\chi}}\cong {\bf C}$
ii) let $L$ be a line bundle on $Y$ such that $L$ and $L^{-1}(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})$
\omega_Y^{-1}$ and $(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L)^{-1}(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})$) belong to $\Gamma_f\setminus\{0\}$; then
the multiplication map
$R^{k,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L}\otimes R^{n-k,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L^{-1}(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})}\to R^{n,\chi}_{\omega_{\chi}}$ is a perfect pairing,
corresponding to Serre duality via the isomorphism of lemma \ref{iso}. In
particular, one has natural isomorphisms:
$$U^{k,\chi}\cong R^{k,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}}.$$
{\bf Proof:\,} In order to prove i), consider the complex (\ref{reslog}) for
$k=n$: twisting it by $\omega_Y(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})^{-1}$ and arguing as in the
proof of lemma \ref{iso}, one shows the existence of a natural
isomorphism between
$R^{n,\chi}_{\omega_{\chi}}$ and $\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y)={\bf C}$.
In order to prove statement ii), one remarks that the
$\HH{k}(Y,\Omega_Y^{n-k}(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\! L^{-1})$ is Serre
dual to
$\HH{n-k}(Y,\Omega^k_Y(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\! L(-D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}))$ by
(\ref{dualita'}). By lemma
\ref{iso} the latter group equals
$( R^{k,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L^{-1}(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})})^*$. Both these
isomorphisms and the multiplication map are natural, and therefore
compatible with Serre duality. The last claim follows in view of
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
\section{Infinitesimal Torelli}\label{infinitesimal}
In this section we exploit the algebraic description of the IVHS of
a $G$-cover to prove an infinitesimal Torelli theorem. We
will use freely the notation introduced in section \ref{ivhs}.
We recall that {\em infinitesimal Torelli}
for the periods of
$k$-forms holds for a variety $X$ if the map (\ref{inftor}) is
injective. By the remarks at the beginning of section \ref{ivhs}, a
$f:X\to Y$ satisfies infinitesimal Torelli property if for each character
$\chi\in G^*$ the intersection, as
$\phi$ varies in $G^*$, of the kernels of the maps
$\rho^k_{\chi,\phi}$ of (\ref{inftorab}) is equal to zero.
The next theorem shows that this is actually the case for $k=n$,
under some ampleness assumptions on the building data of $f:X\to Y$.
Let $X$, $Y$ be smooth complete algebraic varieties of dimension
$n\geq 2$ and let $f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-cover with building data $L_{\chi}$,
$D_i$, $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$, $i=1,\ldots r$. If properties $(A)$
and $(B)$ are satisfied, then the following map is injective:
$${\rm H}^1(X,T_X)\to {\rm Hom} ({\rm H}^0(X,\omega_X),{\rm H}^1(X,\Omega_X^{n-1})),$$
and, as a consequence, infinitesimal Torelli for the periods of $n$-forms
holds for
Before giving the proof, we deduce two effective results from theorem
Let $f:X\to{\bf P}^n$, $n\ge 2$, be a $G$-cover with building data $L_{\chi}$,
$D_i$, $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$, $i=1,\ldots r$. Assume that
$L_{\chi}\!\otimes\!\omega_{{\bf P}^n}>0$ and
$D_i\!\otimes\!\omega_{{\bf P}^n}>0$ for $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$,
$i=1,\ldots r$; then infinitesimal Torelli for the periods of
$n$-forms holds for $X$.
{\bf Proof:\,}: by remark \ref{projective}, properties
$(A)$ and $(B)$ are satisfied in this case.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
Let $X$, $Y$ be smooth complete algebraic varieties of dimension
$n\geq 2$ and let $f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-cover with building data $L_{\chi}$,
$D_i$, $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$, $i=1,\ldots r$. Let $E$ be a very
ample divisor on
$Y$ and let $E_n$ be defined as in prop. \ref{effective}; if
$D_i, L_{\chi}, \omega_Y(D_i), \omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}>E_n$ and $L_{\chi}, D_i\ge(n+1)E$ for $\chi\in G^*\setminus\{1\}$,
$i=1,\ldots r$,\/then infinitesimal Torelli for the periods of $n$-forms
holds for
{\bf Proof:\,}
Follows from theorem \ref{mainthm1} together with proposition
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
\noindent{\bf Proof of theorem \ref{mainthm1}:}
Since all cohomology groups appearing in this proof are computed on $Y$,
we will omit $Y$ from the notation.
\noindent By proposition
\ref{projform} and by the discussion at the beginning of the section, we
have to show that for every
$\chi\in G^*$ the intersection of the kernels of the maps $$\rho_{\chi,\phi}:
{\rm H}^1(T_Y(-\log \Delta_{\chi})\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}^{-1})\to{\rm Hom}(U^{0,\phi},U^{1,\chi\phi}),$$ as $\phi$ varies in
$G^*$, is equal to zero. For $\chi,\phi\in G^*$, set
$R_{\chi,\phi}=D_{\chi\phi,(\chi\phi)^{-1}}-D_{\chi\phi,\phi^{-1}}$. Notice that $R_{\chi,\phi}$ is
effective. By (\ref{dualita'}) and (\ref{fundrel}) there is a natural
$$\Omega_Y^{n-1}(\log D_{\chi\phi,(\chi\phi)^{-1}})\!\otimes\!(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi\phi}\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}})^{-1} = T_Y(-\log D_{\chi\phi,(\chi\phi)^{-1}})\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}^{-1} (R_{\chi,\phi}).$$ So
the map
$\rho_{\chi,\phi}$ can be viewed as the composition of the map
$$i_{\chi,\phi}:{\rm H}^1(T_Y(-\log \Delta_{\chi})\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}^{-1}) \to
{\rm H}^1(T_Y(-\log D_{\chi\phi,(\chi\phi)^{-1}}) \!\otimes\! L_{\chi}^{-1} (R_{\chi,\phi})),$$
induced by inclusion of sheaves, and of the map
$$r_{\chi\phi,\phi}:{\rm H}^1(\Omega_Y^{n-1}(\log
D_{\chi\phi,(\chi\phi)^{-1}})\!\otimes\!(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi\phi}\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}})^{-1})
\to {\rm Hom}(U^{0,\phi},U^{1,\chi\phi})$$
induced by cup-product. Arguing
as in the proof of thm. $3.1$ of \cite{torelli}, one can show that, for
$\chi\in G^*$, the intersection of the kernels of $i_{\chi,\phi}$, as $\phi$
varies in $G^*\setminus\{1,\chi^{-1}\}$, is zero. (Notice that lemma $3.1$
\cite{torelli}, although stated for surfaces, actually holds for
varieties of any dimension, and that the ampleness assumptions on the
building data allow one to apply it, in view of thm. \ref{kodaira}.)
So the statement will follow if we prove that the map
$r_{\chi,\phi}:{\rm H}^1(\Omega^{n-1}_Y(\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}})\!\otimes\!(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}})^{-1}) \to$ ${\rm Hom}(U^{0,\phi},
U^{1,\chi})$ is injective
for every pair $\chi$, $\phi$ of nontrivial characters. By lemma
\ref{iso}, the map $r_{\chi,\phi}$ may be rewritten as:
$r_{\chi,\phi}:(R^{n-1,\chi}_{\omega_Y^2\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}}})^*\to
(R^{0,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}}})^*\otimes
(R^{n-1,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}})^*$. We prove that
$r_{\chi,\phi}$ is injective by showing that the dual map
$r_{\chi,\phi}^*:R^{0,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}}}\otimes
R^{n-1,\chi}_{\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}}\to R^{n-1,\chi}_{\omega_Y^2\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi}\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}}}$, induced by
multiplication, is surjective. In order to do this, it is
sufficient to observe that the multiplication map
$$\HH{0}(Y,\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\phi^{-1}})\!\otimes\!
L_{\phi^{-1}}\!\otimes\! L_{\chi})$$
is surjective by property $(B)$.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
In section 6 of \cite{moduli}, it is proven that for any abelian group
$G$ there exist families of smooth $G$-covers with ample
canonical class that are {\em generically complete}. In those cases, thm.
\ref{mainthm1} means that the period map is \'etale on a whole component
of the moduli space.
\section{Sufficiently ample line bundles}
We take up the following definition from \cite{suffampio}
A property is said to hold for a {\em sufficiently ample} line bundle $L$
on the smooth projective variety
$Y$ if there exists an ample line bundle $L_0$ such that the property
holds whenever the bundle $L\!\otimes\! L_0^{-1}$ is ample. We will denote
this by writing that the property holds for $L>>0$.
In this section, we collect
some facts about sufficiently ample line bundles that will be used
to prove our variational Torelli result. In particular, we prove a variant
of proposition
$5.1$ of
\cite{ciclico} to the effect that, given sufficiently ample line bundles
$L_1$ and $L_2$ on $Y$, it is possible to recover $Y$ from the kernel of
the multiplication map ${\rm H}^0(Y,L_1)\!\otimes\!
{\rm H}^0(Y,L_2)\to{\rm H}^0(Y,L_1\!\otimes\! L_2)$.
The next lemma is ``folklore''. The proof given here has been
communicated to the author by Mark Green.
\begin{lem}\label{green} Let ${\cal F}$ be a coherent sheaf on $Y$ and
let $L$ be a line bundle on $Y$. Then, if $L>>0$,
$${\rm H}^i(Y,{\cal F}\!\otimes\! L)=0, \quad i>0.$$
{\bf Proof:\,} We proceed by descending induction on $i$. If $i>n$, then the
statement is evident. Otherwise, fix an ample divisor $E$ and an integer
$m$ such that ${\cal F}(mE)$ is generated by global sections. This gives rise
to an exact sequence: $0\to{\cal F}_1\to \oplus {\cal O}_Y(-mE)\to {\cal F}\to 0$. Tensoring
$L$ and considering the corresponding long cohomology sequence, one sees
that it is enough that ${\rm H}^i(Y,L(-mE))={\rm H}^{i+1}(Y,{\cal F}_1\!\otimes\! L)=0$,
for $L>>0$. The vanishing of the former group follows
from Kodaira vanishing and the vanishing of the latter follows from the
inductive hypothesis.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
\begin{lem}\label{genproj} Let $|E|$ be a very ample lin\-ear
sys\-tem on the smooth
projective variety $Y$ of dimension $n$. Denote by ${\cal M}_y$ the ideal
sheaf of a point $y\in Y$: if $L$ is a sufficiently ample line bundle on
$Y$, then the multiplication map:
$${\rm H}^0(Y,L)\!\otimes\!{\rm H}^0(Y,{\cal M}_y(E))\to{\rm H}^0(Y,{\cal M}_y(L+E))$$ is
surjective for every $y\in Y$.
{\bf Proof:\,} For $y\in Y$, set $V_y={\rm H}^0(Y,{\cal M}_y(E))$ and consider the
natural exact sequence $0\to N_y\to V_y\!\otimes\!{\cal O}_Y\to{\cal M}_y(E)\to 0$;
tensoring with $L$ and considering the corresponding cohomology sequence,
one sees that if ${\rm H}^1(Y,N_y\!\otimes\! L)=0$ then the map ${\rm H}^0(Y,L)\!\otimes\!
V_y\to{\rm H}^0(Y,{\cal M}_y(L+E))$ is surjective. By lemma \ref{green},
there exists an ample line bundle $L_y$ such that ${\rm H}^1(Y,N_y\!\otimes\!
L)=0$ if $L> L_y$. In order to deduce from this the
existence of a line bundle $L_0$ such that ${\rm H}^1(Y,N_y\!\otimes\! L)=0$ for
every $y\in Y$
if $L> L_0$, we proceed as
follows. Consider the product
$Y\times Y$, with projections
$i=1,2$, denote by
${\cal I}_{\Delta}$ the ideal sheaf of the diagonal in $Y\times Y$ and set
${\cal V}=p_{2*}(p_1^*{\cal O}_Y(E)\!\otimes\! {\cal I}_{\Delta})$. ${\cal V}$ is a fibre
bundle on
$Y$ such that the fibre of ${\cal V}$ at $y$ can be naturally identified
with $V_y$. We define the sheaf ${\cal N}$ on $Y\times Y$ to be the kernel
of the map
$p_2^*{\cal V}\to p_1^*{\cal O}_Y(E)\!\otimes\! {\cal I}_{\Delta}$; the restriction of
${\cal N}$ to
$p_2^{-1}(y)$ is precisely $N_y$. For any fixed line bundle $L$ on $Y$,
$h^1(Y,N_y\!\otimes\! L)=h^1(p_2^{-1}(y),{\cal N}\!\otimes\! p_1^*L|_{p_2^{-1}
(y)})$ is an upper-semicontinuous function of $y$. Thus, we may find a
finite open covering $U_1,\ldots U_k$ of $Y$ and ample line bundles
$L_1,\ldots L_k$ such that
$h^1(Y,N_y\!\otimes\! L)=0$ for $y\in U_i$ if $L\!\otimes\! L_i^{-1}$ is ample. To
finish the proof it is enough to set $L_0=L_1\!\otimes\!\ldots\!\otimes\! L_k$.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
\begin{lem}\label{veryample} Let $Y$ be a smooth projective variety of
dimension $n\ge 2$, $Y\ne{\bf P}^n$. If $E$ is a very ample divisor on
$Y$, then:
i) if
$L>\omega_Y((n-1)E)$, then $L$ is base point free.
ii) if $L>\omega_Y(nE)$, then $L$ is very
{\bf Proof:\,} In order to prove the claim, it is enough to show that if $C$ is a
smooth curve on $Y$ which is the intersection of $n-1$ divisors of
$|E|$, then $L|_C$ is base point free (very ample) and $|L|$ restricts to
the complete linear $L|_C$. In view of the assumption, the former
statement follows from adjunction on
$Y$ and Riemann-Roch on $C$, and the latter follows from the vanishing of
${\rm H}^1(Y,{\cal I}_C\!\otimes\! L)$, where ${\cal I}_C$ is the ideal sheaf of $C$. In
turn, this vanishing can be shown by means of the Koszul complex
$$0\to\L((1-n)E)\to L\!\otimes\!\wedge^{n-2}\left(\oplus_1^{n-1}{\cal O}_Y
\oplus_1^{n-1}L(-E)\to {\cal I}_C\!\otimes\! L\to 0.$$
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
The following proposition is a variant for sufficiently ample line
bundles of prop.
$5.1$ of
\cite{ciclico}. Our statement is weaker, but we do not need to assume
that one the line bundles involved is much more ample than the other
Let $L_1$ and $L_2$ be very ample line bundles on a smooth
projective variety $Y$. Let $\phi_1:Y\to{\bf P}_1$ and $\phi_2:Y\to{\bf P}_2$ be
the corresponding embeddings into projective space, and let
$f:Y\to{\bf P}_1\times{\bf P}_2$ be the composition of the diagonal embedding of
$Y$ in $Y\times Y$ with the product map $\phi_1\times\phi_2$. If
$L_1,L_2>>0$, then $f(Y)$ is the zero set of the elements of
${\rm H}^0({\bf P}_1\times{\bf P}_2,{\cal O}_{{\bf P}_1\times{\bf P}_2}(1,1))$ vanishing on
{\bf Proof:\,} By \cite{ciclico}, prop. 5.1, we may find very ample line bundles
$i=1,2$ such that, if $\psi_i:Y\to {\bf Q}_i$ are the corresponding
embeddings in projective space and $g:Y\to{\bf Q}_1\times{\bf Q}_2$ is the
composition of the diagonal embedding of $Y$ in $Y\times Y$ with
$\psi_1\times\psi_2$, then $g(Y)$ is the scheme-theoretic intersection of
the elements of ${\rm H}^0({\bf Q}_1\times{\bf Q}_2,{\cal O}_{{\bf Q}_1\times{\bf Q}_2}(1,1))$
vanishing on it. By prop. \ref{veryample}, we may assume that $L_i\!\otimes\!
M_i^{-1}$ is very ample, $i=1,2$. To a divisor $D_i$ in $|L_i\!\otimes\!
M_i^{-1}|$ there corresponds a projection $p_{D_i}:{\bf P}_i\cdots\to {\bf Q}_i$
such that
$\psi_i=p_{D_i}\circ \phi_i$. The claim will follow if we show that for
$(x_1,x_2)\notin f(Y)$ one can find $D_i\in |L_i\!\otimes\! M_i^{-1}|$ such
that $p_{D_i}$ is defined at $x_i$, $i=1,2$, and
$(p_{D_1}(x_1), p_{D_2}(x_2))\notin g(Y)$. In fact, this implies that
there exists $s\in {\rm H}^0({\bf Q}_1\times {\bf Q}_2,{\cal
O}_{{\bf Q}_1\times{\bf Q}_2}(1,1))$ that vanishes on
$g(Y)$ and does not vanish at $(p_{D_1}(x_1), p_{D_2}(x_2))$, so that the
pull-back of
$s$ via $p_{D_1}\times p_{D_2}$ is a section of ${\rm H}^0({\bf P}_1\times
{\bf P}_2,{\cal O}_{{\bf P}_1\times{\bf P}_2}(1,1))$ that vanishes on $f(Y)$ and does
not vanish at $(x_1,x_2)$.
By lemma
\ref{genproj}, if $L_i>>0$, then the multiplication
${\rm H}^0(Y,L_i\!\otimes\! M_i^{-1})\!\otimes\!{\rm H}^0(Y,M_i\!\otimes\!{\cal
M}_y)\to{\rm H}^0(Y,L_i\!\otimes\!{\cal M}_y)$ is surjective $\forall
y\in Y$ and for $i=1,2$. Notice that, in particular, this implies that
the map
${\rm H}^0(Y,L_i\!\otimes\! M_i^{-1})\!\otimes\! {\rm H}^0(Y,M_i)\to\HH{0}(Y,M_i\!\otimes\!
L_i)$ is surjective for
$i=1,2$, so that, for a generic choice of
$D_i$, the projection $p_{D_i}$ is defined at $x_i$. If either $(x_1,x_2)\in
\phi_1(Y)\times\phi_2(Y)$ or there exists a
divisor $D_i$, for
$i=1$ or $i=2$, such that $p_{D_i}(x_i)\notin\psi_i(Y)$, then we are set. So
assume that, say, $x_1\notin \phi_1(Y)$ and that
$p_{D_i}(x_i)\in\psi_i(Y)$, for a generic choice of
$D_i$, for $i=1,2$. Fix a divisor $D_2$ such that
$p_{D_2}$ is defined at $x_2$ and write $p_{D_2}(x_2)=\psi_2(y_2)$, with
$y_2\in Y$. Now it is enough to show that there exists $D_1$ such that
$p_{D_1}$ is defined at $x_1$ and $p_{D_1}(x_1)\ne \psi_1(y_2)$. Since the
multiplication map
${\rm H}^0(Y,L_1\!\otimes\! M_1^{-1})\!\otimes\!{\rm H}^0(Y,M_1\!\otimes\!{\cal
M}_{y_2})\to{\rm H}^0(Y,L_1\!\otimes\!{\cal M}_{y_2})$ is surjective, there exist
$\sigma\in {\rm H}^0(Y,L_1\!\otimes\! M_1^{-1})$ and $\tau \in
{\rm H}^0(Y,M_1\!\otimes\!{\cal M}_{y_2})$ such that $\sigma\tau$ corresponds to
a hyperplane of ${\bf P}_1$ passing through $\phi_1(y_2)$ but not through
$x_1$. If
$D_1$ is the divisor of
$\sigma$, then the projection $p_{D_1}$ is defined at $x_1$ and
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
\section{A variational Torelli theorem}
In this section we prove a variational Torelli theorem for the family
${\cal X}\to W$ of abelian covers with fixed basis and fixed $L_{\chi}$'s.
Let ${\cal Z}\to B$ be a flat family of smooth projective
polarized varieties on which $G$ acts fibrewise, and let $Z$ be the fibre
of ${\cal Z}$ over the point $0\in B$. It is possible to show that the
monodromy action on the cohomology of
$X$ preserves the group action; therefore one may define a
$G$-period map}, by dividing the period domain $D$ by the subgroup of
linear transformations that, beside preserving the integral lattice and
the polarization, are compatible with the $G$-action. In particular, let
$f:X\to Y$ be a $G$-cover, with $X$ and $Y$ smooth projective varieties
of dimension
$n\ge 2$ and with building data $L_{\chi}$, $D_i$. In section \ref{covers},
we have introduced the family
${\cal X}\to W$ of
$G$-covers of $Y$, obtained by letting the sections
$s_i\in\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y(D_i))$ vary in equations (\ref{equazioni}).
There is an obvious $G$-action on ${\cal X}$, and
the choice of an ample divisor $E$ on $Y$ gives a $G$-invariant
polarization of ${\cal X}$. Since two
$(s_1,\ldots s_r)$ and $(s'_1,\ldots s'_r)$ of $W$ represent the same
$G$-cover iff there exist $\lambda_i\in{\bf C}^*$ such that
$s'_i=\lambda_is_i$, the $G$-period map can be regarded as being defined
on the image $\tilde{W}$ of $W$ in
We denote by $s$ the image in $\tilde{W}$ of the point $(s_1,\ldots
s_r)$, by $X_s$ the corresponding $G$-cover of $Y$, by $T_s$ the
tangent space to $\tilde{W}$ at $s$ and, consistently with the notation
of section \ref{ivhs}, by $U_s^{k,\chi}$ the subspace of
$\HH{k}(X_s,\Omega^{n-k}_{X_s})$ on which $G$ acts via the character
$\chi$. Remark that the space
$T_s$ can be naturally
identified with
$\oplus_i\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)$. Denote by $\Gamma$ the subgroup of
GL(\HH{0}(X_s,\omega_{X_s}))\times GL(\HH{1}(X_s,\Omega^{n-1}_{X_s}))$
that preserves the $G$-action on the cohomology of $X_s$.
Assume that the dimension $n$ of $Y$ is $\ge2$, that the canonical class
$\omega_Y$ of
$Y$ is very ample and that $L_{\chi}$,
$D_i>>0$, $\chi\ne 1$, $i=1,\ldots r$. Assume that for $i=1,\ldots r$
the identity is the only automorphism of $Y$ that preserves the linear
equivalence class of $D_i$; moreover assume that
$\forall i=1,\ldots r$ there exists $\chi\in G^*$ (possibly depending on $i$)
such that
$\chi(g_i)\ne 1$ and
$L_{\chi}>D_i$. Then a generic point
$s\in\tilde{W}$ is determined by the
$\Gamma$-class of the linear map:
$$T_s\to\oplus_{\chi}{\rm Hom}(U^{0,\chi}_s,U^{1,\chi}_s)),$$
which represents the first piece of the algebraic part of the IVHS for
\begin{rem} The assumption, made in thm. \ref{mainthm2} and corollary
\ref{mainthm2bis}, that for every $i=1,\ldots r$ there exists $\chi\in
G^*$ such that $\chi(g_i)\ne 1$ and $L_{\chi}>D_i$ is not satisfied by
simple cyclic covers, namely totally ramified covers branched on an
irreducible divisor. Still there are many cases in which our results
apply: for instance, construction $6.2$ of \cite{moduli} provides
examples with
$G={\bf Z}/_{m_1}\times\cdots\times{\bf Z}/_{m_{r-1}}$, $r-1\ge n$, branched on $r$
algebraically equivalent divisors $D_1,\dots D_r$. The ramification order
over $D_i$ is equal to
$m_i$ for
$i<r$, and it is equal to the least common multiple of the $m_i$'s for
$i=r$. (The assumption, made in \cite{moduli}, that $m_i|m_{i+1}$ is
actually unnecessary in order to make the construction.) Apart from the
case $r=m_1=m_2=2$, if the branch divisors are ample, then
for every $i$ there exists $\chi$ such that $L_{\chi}(-D_i)$ is ample.
Before giving the proof of
thm. \ref{mainthm2}, we state:
Under the same assumptions as in theorem \ref{mainthm2}
the $G$-period map for
$n$-forms has degree
$1$ on
{\bf Proof:\,}
Let ${\cal X}\to B$ be a family of
polarized varieties and let $X_b$ be the fibre of ${\cal X}$ over a
point $b\in B$ and assume that, if there is an isomorphism of the IVHS's
$X_b$ and
$X_{b'}$ preserving the polarization and the real structure, then the
varieties $X_b$ and $X_{b'}$ are isomorphic ( this property is usually
expressed by saying that ``variational Torelli holds''). In \cite{cdt} it
is proven that in this case the period map is generically injective on
$B$ up to isomorphism of varieties. Using exactly the same arguments, one
can show that if $G$ acts on the family ${\cal X}\to B$ fibrewise and
if the IVHS of a fibre $X_b$ determines $X_b$ up to isomorphisms
preserving the $G$-action, then the $G$-period map is generically
injective on $B$.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
\noindent{\bf Proof of theorem \ref{mainthm2}:}
Whenever confusion is not likely to arise, we omit to write the space
where cohomology groups are computed.
By theorem $0.3$ of \cite{suffampio}, if
$D_i>>0$ for
$i=1,\ldots r$, then the period map $P$ for $n-1$ forms has degree $1$ on
$|D_i|$. Denote by $U_i$ the open subset of
$|D_i|$ consisting of the points $z$ such
that $P^{-1}(P(z))=\{z\}$, and fix $s\in
\tilde{W}\cap\left(U_1\times\ldots\times U_r\right)$. From now on we will
drop the subscript $s$ and write $X$ for $X_s$, $T$ for $T_s$, and so on.
For each index $i\in\{1,\ldots r\}$ set $S_i=\{\chi\in
G^*|\chi(g_i)=1\}$; as a first step, we show that the subspace
$\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)$ of $T$ is the
intersection of the kernels of the maps $\rho_{\chi}:T\to
{\rm Hom}(U^{0,\chi},U^{1,\chi})$, as $\chi$ varies in $S_i\setminus\{1\}$.
$\omega_Y$ is ample, $\HH{0}(T_Y)=0$ by thm. \ref{kodaira}, and so $T$ equals
$R^{1,1}_{{\cal O}_Y}$. The map $\rho_{\chi}$ factors through the surjection
$R^{1,1}_{{\cal O}_Y}\to R^{1,\chi}_{{\cal O}_Y}$, whose kernel is
$\oplus_{\{i|\chi(g_i)= 1\}}\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)$. In turn, by
sequence \ref{tlog}, $R^{1,\chi}_{{\cal O}_Y}$ injects in $\HH{1}(Y,T_Y(-\log
D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}))$. We have shown in the proof of thm. \ref{mainthm1} that the
map $\HH{1}(T_Y(-\log D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}))\to {\rm Hom}(U^{0,\chi},U^{1,\chi})$ is
injective. So $\ker\rho_{\chi}=\oplus_{\{i|\chi(g_i)=
1\}}\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)$. As we have remarked in section
\ref{covers}, if $i\ne j$, then the subgroups of $G$ generated by $g_i$
$g_j$ intersect only in $\{0\}$, and so $i$ is the only index such
$\chi(g_i)=1$ for all $\chi\in S_i$. We conclude that
$\cap_{\chi\in S_i\setminus\{1\}}\ker\rho_{\chi}=\HH{0}(Y,{\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)$.
Now fix $i\in\{1,\ldots r\}$ and let $\chi\in G^*\setminus S_i$ be such
that $L_{\chi}>D_i$: the restriction to $\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)$ of the
map $T\!\otimes\! U^{0,\chi^{-1}}\to
U^{1,\chi^{-1}}$ is the multiplication map
$\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)\otimes\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi^{-1}})\to\HH{0}(Y,\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}(D_i))|_{D_i}$, followed by
the inclusion $\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi^{-1}}(D_i))|_{D_i}\to U^{1,\chi^{-1}}$.
{\em Claim:} the kernel of the latter map is
equal to zero.
If we assume that the claim holds, then we have
recovered the multiplication map
$\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))/(s_i)\otimes \HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi^{-1}})\to \HH{0}(Y,\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi^{-1}}(D_i))|_{D_i}$. The right
kernel of this map is $(s_i)\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}})(-D_i))$. So
we can reconstruct the map $\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))|_{D_i}\otimes
\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}})|_{D_i}\to \HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi^{-1}}(D_i))|_{D_i}$. Let
$\phi_{1}:Y\to{\bf P}_1$ be the embedding defined by the linear system
$|D_i|$, let
$\phi_{2}:Y\to{\bf P}_2$ be the embedding defined by the linear system
$|\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}|$ and let
$f:Y\to{\bf P}_1\times{\bf P}_2$ be the composition of the diagonal embedding
$Y\to Y\times Y$ with the product map $\phi_1\times\phi_2$: by prop.
\ref{11}, $f(Y)$ is the zero set of the elements of the
kernel of
$\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))\otimes\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}})\to
\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}(D_i))$.
This implies that $f(D_i)$ the zero set in
${\bf P}\left(\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))|_{D_i}\right)\times
{\bf P}\left(\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}})|_{D_i}\right)$ of the elements
of the kernel of
$\HH{0}({\cal O}_Y(D_i))|_{D_i}\otimes
\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}})|_{D_i}\to \HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi^{-1}}(D_i))|_{D_i}$. Thus it is
possible to recover $D_i$ as an abstract variety, for every $i=1,\ldots
r$. Since $s\in U_1\times\cdots\times U_r$, this is enough to determine
$D_i$'s as divisors on $Y$ and, in turn, the point $s$.
In order to complete the proof, we have to prove the claim. Let
$D_{i_1},\ldots D_{i_s}$ be the components of $D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}$. (Recall that
there exists $j_0$ such that $i=i_{j_0}$.)
Let $V=\oplus_j{\cal O}_Y(D_{i_j})$, let $V_i=\oplus_{j\ne
j_0}{\cal O}_Y(D_{i_j})$, let
$P$ be the generalized prolongation bundle associated to $(D_{i_1},
\ldots D_{i_s})$ and let $P_i$ be the generalized prolongation
bundle associated to
$(D_{i_1},\ldots\hat{D_i},\ldots D_{i_s})$. There is a natural short exact
sequence $0\to P_i\to P\to{\cal O}_Y\to 0$, with dual sequence
$0\to{\cal O}_Y\to P^*\to P_i^*\to 0$. From this and sequence
\ref{tlog}, tensoring with
$\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}$ and taking global sections, one deduces the
following commutative diagram with exact rows:
0 &\!\!\!\!\!\! \to\!\!\!\!\!\! & \HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi\!^{-1}}\!) &
\to\!\!\!\!\!\! &
\HH{0}\!(P^*\!\otimes\!\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi\!^{-1}}\!)
&\!\!\!\!\!\!\to\!\!\!\!\!\! &
\HH{0}\!(P_i^*\!\otimes\!\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi\!^{-1}}\!) &\!\!\!\!\!\!
\to\!\!\!\!\!\! & 0\\
\phantom{1} & \phantom{1} &\downarrow &\phantom{1} & \downarrow &
\phantom{1}& \downarrow &
\phantom{1}& \phantom{1}\\
0 & \!\!\!\!\!\! \to\!\!\!\!\!\! & \HH{0}\!(\omega_Y\!\otimes\!
L_{\chi\!^{-1}}\!(D_i)) &
\!\!\!\!\!\! \to\!\!\!\!\!\! &
\HH{0}\!(V\!\otimes\!\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi\!^{-1}}\!)
&\!\!\!\!\!\!\to\!\!\!\!\!\! &
\HH{0}\!(V_i\!\otimes\!\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi\!^{-1}}\!) & \!\!\!\!\!\!
\to\!\!\!\!\!\! & 0
In view of sequence \ref{tlog}, by applying snake's lemma to this diagram
one obtains the following exact sequence:
$\HH{0}(T_Y(-\log(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}-D_i))\!\otimes\! \omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}})\to
\HH{0}(\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}(D_i))|_{D_i}\to U^{1,\chi^{-1}}$. So it is
enough to show that
$\HH{0}(T_Y(-\log(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}-D_i)\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}})=0$. Using the
isomorphism (\ref{dualita'}) and the relations (\ref{fundrelbis}), one has
$T_Y(-\log(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}-D_i))\!\otimes\!\omega_Y\!\otimes\! L_{\chi^{-1}}\cong
\Omega^{n-1}_Y(\log(D_{\chi,\chi^{-1}}-D_i)\!\otimes\! L_{\chi}^{-1}(D_i)$.
In view of the assumptions, the required vanishing now follows from thm.
\ $\Box$\par\smallskip
1995-10-12T06:39:56 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507010 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507010 | [
] | alg-geom/9507010 | Leonid Positselski | Leonid Positselski and Alexander Vishik | Koszul duality and Galois cohomology | AMS-LaTeX v.1.1, 10 pages, no figures. Replaced for tex code
correction (%&amslplain added) by request of www-admin | Math. Research Letters 2 (1995), no.6, p.771-781 | 10.4310/MRL.1995.v2.n6.a8 | null | null | It it shown that the Bloch-Kato conjecture on the norm residue homomorphism
$K^M(F)/l \to H^*(G_F,Z/l)$ follows from its (partially known) low-degree part
under the assumption that the Milnor K-theory algebra $K^M(F)/l$ modulo $l$ is
Koszul. This conclusion is a case of a general result on the cohomology of
nilpotent (co-)algebras and Koszulity.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 Jul 1995 23:07:32 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 31 Aug 1995 02:00:06 GMT"
] | 2013-10-29T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{#1}\medskip}
\newcommand{{\Bbb F}}{{\Bbb F}}
\newcommand{{\Bbb Z}}{{\Bbb Z}}
\newcommand{{\Bbb T}}{{\Bbb T}}
\newcommand{{\Bbb N}}{{\Bbb N}}
\newcommand{{\Bbb Q}}{{\Bbb Q}}
\newcommand{{\Bbb R}}{{\Bbb R}}
\newcommand{{\cal X}}{{\cal X}}
\newcommand{{\cal W}}{{\cal W}}
Preprint alg-geom/9507010}
\title{Koszul Duality and Galois Cohomology}
\author{Leonid Positselski}
\address{Independent University of Moscow}
\email{posic@@ium.ips.ras.ru,\, posic@@math.harvard.edu}
\author{Alexander Vishik}
\address{Harvard University}
Let $F$ be a field, $\,\overline{\!F}$ be its (separable) algebraic closure, and
$G_F=\operatorname{Gal}(\,\overline{\!F}/F)$ be the absolute Galois group.
Let $l\ne\operatorname{char} F$ be a prime number; assume that $F$ contains a $l$-root
of unity $\zeta$.
In this case, the Kummer pairing
\kappa\:G_F\times F^*\DOTSB\longrightarrow {\Bbb F}_l,
\qquad \kappa(g,a)=s
\text{ \ if \ } g(b)=\zeta^sb
\text{ \ for \ } b=\sqrt[\uproot2\leftroot1 l] a\in\,\overline{\!F}
defines an isomorphism
$F^*/(F^*)^l\;\widetilde\longrightarrow\; H^1(G_F,{\Bbb F}_l)$.
The Milnor K-theory ring $K^{\operatorname{M}}(F)$ is a skew-commutative quadratic algebra
over ${\Bbb Z}$ generated by $K^{\operatorname{M}}_1(F)=F^*$ with the Steinberg relations
It is not difficult to show that the Kummer map can be extended
to an algebra homomorphism
K^{\operatorname{M}}(F)\DOTSB\otimes{\Bbb F}_l\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, H^*(G_F,{\Bbb F}_l),
which is known as the {\it Galois symbol}, or the
{\it norm residue homomorphism}.
The well-known {\it Bloch--Kato conjecture\/} claimes that it is an
It was proved by A.~Merkurjev and A.~Suslin~\cite{MS1,MS2} and
M.~Rost~\cite{Ros} that this is true in degree~$2$ and
for~$l=2$ in degree~$3$.
The aim of this note is to show that the whole conjecture follows
from its low-degree part provided the quadratic algebra $K^{\operatorname{M}}(F)\DOTSB\otimes{\Bbb F}_l$ is
{\it Koszul\/} (see section~2 for the definition).
We will assume that $F$ has no algebraic extensions of degree
relatively prime to $l$.
Let $H=H^*(G,{\Bbb F}_l)$ be the cohomology algebra of a pro-$l$-group $G$.
Assume that
\item $H^2$ is generated by $H^1$;
\item in the subalgebra generated by $H^1$ in $H$, there are no
nontrivial relations of degree~3;
\item the quadratic algebra defined by $H^1$ and $H^2$ is Koszul.
Then the whole algebra $H$ is quadratic.
Actually, it is not essential that we consider the group cohomology here;
the theorem is valid for any pro-nilpotent algebra.
We will use the language of coalgebras in this paper in order to avoid
dealing with projective limits and dualizations.
We are grateful to V.~Voevodsky for stating the problem and numerous
stimulating discussions and to J.~Bernstein who pointed out to us
the necessity of using coalgebras in the Koszul duality.
The first author is pleased to thank Harvard University for its
hospitality which made it possible for this work to appear.
\Section{Bar Construction}
\subsection{The cohomology of augmented coalgebras}
A {\it coalgebra\/} is a vector space $C$ over a field $\k$ equipped
with a comultiplication map $\Delta\:C\DOTSB\longrightarrow C\DOTSB\otimes C$ and a counit map
$\varepsilon\:C\DOTSB\longrightarrow\k$ satisfying the conventional associativity and counit
An {\it augmented coalgebra\/} is a coalgebra $C$ equipped with a
coalgebra homomorphism $\c\:\k\DOTSB\longrightarrow C$.
The cohomology algebra of an augmented coalgebra $C$ is defined as
the $\operatorname{Ext}$-algebra $H^*(C)=\operatorname{Ext}^*_C(\k,\k)$ in the category of left
$C$-comodules, where $\k$ is endowed with the comodule structure by means
of $\c$.
We will calculate this cohomology using the following explicit
comodule resolution
\k\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, C\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, C\DOTSB\otimes C^+\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, C\DOTSB\otimes C^+\DOTSB\otimes C^+\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\,\dotsb,
where $C^+=\operatorname{coker}(\c)$, the differential is
d(c_0\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_n)=\sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^{i-1} c_0\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes
\Delta(c_i)\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_n,
and the coaction of $C$ is through the left components of these tensors.
It is easy to check that the comodules $C\DOTSB\otimes W$ are injective, the
differential is well-defined, and the operator
h\: c_0\DOTSB\otimes c_1\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_n \longmapsto
\varepsilon(c_0)\sigma(c_1)\DOTSB\otimes c_2\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_n,
where $\sigma\:C^+\DOTSB\longrightarrow C$ is the splitting along $\varepsilon$,
provides a $\k$-linear contracting homotopy, thus this is a resolution.
Applying the functor $\operatorname{Hom}_C(\k,\cdot\,)$, we obtain
H^*(C)=H^*(\,\k\DOTSB\longrightarrow C^+\DOTSB\longrightarrow C^+\DOTSB\otimes C^+\DOTSB\longrightarrow\dotsb\,),
where the differential is given by the same formula and the
multiplication on $H^*(C)$ is induced by the evident multiplication
(c_1\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_i)\cdot(c_{i+1}\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_{i+j})=
c_1\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_i\DOTSB\otimes c_{i+1}\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes c_{i+j}
on this cobar-complex.
\subsection{The homology of augmented algebras}
An augmented algebra $A$ is an associative algebra over a field $\k$
endowed with an algebra homomophism $\a\:A\DOTSB\longrightarrow\k$.
The homology coalgebra of an augmented algebra $A$ is by the definition
$H_*(A)=\operatorname{Tor}_A(\k,\k)$, where the left and right module structures on
$\k$ are defined by means of~$\a$.
We will calculate it using the following explicit bar-resolution of the
left $A$-module~$\k$
\k\DOTSB\,\leftarrow\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\relbar\, A\DOTSB\,\leftarrow\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\relbar\, A\DOTSB\otimes A_+\DOTSB\,\leftarrow\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\relbar\, A\DOTSB\otimes A_+\DOTSB\otimes A_+\DOTSB\,\leftarrow\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\relbar\,\dotsb,
where $A_+=\ker(\a)$ and
\d(a_0\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes a_n)=\sum_{i=1}^n (-1)^i a_0\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes
a_{i-1}a_i\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes a_n.
It is easy to check that the operator
h\: a_0\DOTSB\otimes a_1\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes a_{n-1} \longmapsto
1\DOTSB\otimes (a_0-\a(a_0))\DOTSB\otimes a_1\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes a_{n-1}
provides a $\k$-linear contracting homotopy.
Applying the functor $\k\DOTSB\otimes_A\cdot\,$, we obtain
H_*(A)=H_*(\,\k\DOTSB\longleftarrow A_+\DOTSB\longleftarrow A_+\DOTSB\otimes A_+\DOTSB\longleftarrow\dotsb\,)
and the coalgebra structure on $H_*(A)$ is induced by the evident
coalgebra structure
\Delta(a_1\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes a_n)=\sum_{i=0}^n
(a_1\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes a_i)\DOTSB\otimes(a_{i+1}\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes a_n)
on this bar-complex.
\Section{Koszul Duality}
By a graded algebra (graded coalgebra) we mean a non-negatively graded
vector space $A=\bigoplus\nolimits_{n=0}^\infty A_n$ ($C=\bigoplus\nolimits_{n=0}^\infty C_n$)
over~a~field~$\k$ such that $A_0=\k$ ($C_0=\k$) equipped with an
associative algebra (coalgebra) structure that respects the grading, i.~e.,
$A_i\cdot A_j\subset A_{i+j}$ and $1\in A_0\,$
($\Delta(C_n)\subset\sum_{i+j=n}C_i\DOTSB\otimes C_j$ and $\varepsilon(C_{>0})=0$).
A graded algebra (coalgebra) structure induces an augmented algebra
(coalgebra) structure in an evident way.
The homology coalgebra (cohomology algebra) of a graded algebra
(coalgebra) is equipped with a natural second grading, as it can be seen
from the explicit resolutions above:
H_*(A)=\bigoplus\nolimits_{i\le j}H_{ij}(A)
\quad \text{and} \quad
H^*(C)=\bigoplus\nolimits_{i\le j}H^{ij}(C).
In fact, all the results below in this section can be formulated in a more
general setting of a graded algebra in a (semisimple abelian, not
necessarily symmetric) tensor category, where the duality connects the
algebras in the opposite categories; however, we prefer to deal with vector
spaces here.
\subsection{Quadratic algebras and coalgebras} \
\begin{rem}{Definition 1.}
A graded coalgebra $C$ is called {\it one-cogenerated\/} if the iterated
comultiplication maps $\Delta^{(n)}\:C_n\DOTSB\longrightarrow C_1^{\DOTSB\otimes n}$ are injective,
or equivalently, all the maps $\Delta\:C_{i+j}\DOTSB\longrightarrow C_i\DOTSB\otimes C_j$ are injective.
A graded coalgebra is called {\it quadratic\/} if it is isomorphic to the
subcoalgebra of the form
\langle V,R\rangle=\bigoplus\nolimits_{n=0}^\infty\,\bigcap\nolimits_{i=1}^{n-1} V^{i-1}\DOTSB\otimes R\DOTSB\otimes V^{n-i-1}
of the tensor coalgebra ${\Bbb N}(V)=\bigoplus\nolimits_n V^{\DOTSB\otimes n}$ for some vector space $V$
and a subspace $R\subset V^{\ot2}$.
With a graded coalgebra $C$, one can associate in a natural way a
quadratic coalgebra ${\operatorname{q}} C$ and a morphism of graded coalgebras
$r_C\:C\DOTSB\longrightarrow {\operatorname{q}} C$ that is an isomorphism on $C_1$ and an epimorphism
on $C_2$.
A graded algebra is called {\it quadratic\/} if it is isomorphic
to the quotient algebra $\{V,R\}={\Bbb T}(V)/(R)$ of a tensor algebra
${\Bbb T}(V)=\bigoplus\nolimits_n V^{\DOTSB\otimes n}$ by the ideal generated by a subspace
$R\subset V^{\ot2}$.
With a graded algebra $A$, one can associate
a quadratic algebra ${\operatorname{q}} A$ and a morphism of graded algebras
$r_A\:{\operatorname{q}} A\DOTSB\longrightarrow A$ that is an isomorphism on $A_1$ and a monomorphism
on $A_2$.
\begin{remsec}{Definition 2.}
The quadratic algebra $A=\{V,R\}$ and the quadratic coalgebra
$C=\langle V,R\rangle$ are called {\it dual\/} to each other; we denote this as
$C=A^!$ and $A=C^?$.
Evidently, this defines an equivalence between the categories of
quadratic algebras and quadratic coalgebras.
\begin{thmsec}{Proposition 1}
A graded coalgebra $C$ is one-cogenerated iff one has $H^{1,j}(C)=0$ for
A one-cogenerated coalgebra $C$ is quadratic iff $H^{2,j}(C)=0$ for $j>2$.
Moreover, the morphism $r_C\:C\DOTSB\longrightarrow{\operatorname{q}} C$ is an isomorphism on
$C_{\le n}$ iff $H^{2,j}(C)=0$ for $2<j\le n$.
The analogous statements are true for graded algebras.
It is evident from the explicit form of the cobar-complex that
$H^{1,>1}(C)=0$ for a one-cogenerated coalgebra $C$.
Conversely, let $j>1$ be the minimal number for which
$\Delta^{(j)}\:C_j\DOTSB\longrightarrow C_1^{\DOTSB\otimes j}$ is non-injective, then it is easy to see
that the map $\Delta\:C_j\DOTSB\longrightarrow \bigoplus\nolimits^{s+t=j}_{s,t\ge1} C_s\DOTSB\otimes C_t$ is
non-injective also, hence $H^{1,j}(C)\ne0$.
Now let $C$ be one-cogenerated, then the map $r_C$ is an embedding.
Let $z\in C_+\DOTSB\otimes C_+$ be a homogeneuos cocycle of degree $n$,
thus $z=\sum^{s+t=n}_{s,t\ge1} z_{st}$, where $z_{st}\in C_s\DOTSB\otimes C_t$.
The cocycle condition means that the images of $(\Delta\DOTSB\otimes\operatorname{id})(z_{u+v,w})$ and
$(\operatorname{id}\DOTSB\otimes\Delta)(z_{u,v+w})$ in $C_u\DOTSB\otimes C_v\DOTSB\otimes C_w$ coincide for any
$u,v,w\ge1$, $\,u+v+w=n$.
Since the maps $\Delta^{(k)}$ are injective, it is equivalent to say that
the elements $(\Delta^{(s)}\DOTSB\otimes\Delta^{(t)})(z_{st})\in C_1^{\DOTSB\otimes n}$ coincide for
all $s$ and $t$.
We have got an element in $C_1^{\DOTSB\otimes n}$; it is easy to see that it
represents an element of ${\operatorname{q}} C$ which belongs to the image of $r_C$ iff $z$
is a coboundary.
At last, if $r_C$ is an isomorphism in degree $<n$, then any element of
${\operatorname{q}} C$ corresponds to a cocycle $z$ in this way.
\begin{thm}{Proposition 2}
For any graded coalgebra $C$, the diagonal subalgebra
$\bigoplus\nolimits_i H^{i,i}(C)$ of the cohomology algebra $H^*(C)$ is
a quadratic algebra isomorphic to $({\operatorname{q}} C)^?$.
Analogously, for a graded algebra $A$, the diagonal quotient coalgebra
$\bigoplus\nolimits_i H_{i,i}(A)$ of the homology coalgebra $H_*(A)$ is
isomorphic to $({\operatorname{q}} A)^!$.
\pr{Proof} is immediate. \qed
\subsection{Koszul algebras and coalgebras}
This definition is due to S.~Priddy~\cite{Pr};
see also~\cite{Lof,Bac,BF,BGS}.
\begin{rem}{Definition 3.}
A graded algebra $A$ is called {\it Koszul\/} if $H_{ij}(A)=0$ unless
A graded coalgebra $C$ is called {\it Koszul\/} if $H^{ij}(C)=0$ unless
It follows from Proposition~1 that any Koszul algebra (coalgebra) is
Now we are going to establish the criterion of Koszulity in the explicit
linear algebra terms due to J.~Backelin~\cite{Bac}.
In particular, we will see that the dual algebra and coalgebra are Koszul
\begin{rem}{Definition 4.}
A collection of subspaces $X_1$, \dots, $X_{n-1}$ in a vector space
$W$ is called {\it distributive}, if there exists a (finite)
direct decomposition $W=\bigoplus\nolimits_{\o\in\O}W_\o$ such that each
subspace $X_k$ is the sum of a set of subspaces $W_\o$.
Equivalently, the distributivity identity $(X+Y)\cap Z=X\cap Z+Y\cap Z$
should be satisfied for any triple of subspaces $X$, $Y$, $Z$ that can be
obtained from the subspaces $X_k$ using the operations of sum and
Let $X_1$, \dots, $X_{n-1}\subset W$ be a collection of linear subspaces;
assume that any its proper subcollection
$X_1$, \dots, $\widehat{X}_k$, \dots, $X_{n-1}$ is distributive.
Then the following three conditions are equivalent:
\item[(a)] the following complex $B^*(W,X)$ is exact everywhere outside
its left term:
W\DOTSB\longrightarrow \bigoplus\nolimits_s W/X_s \DOTSB\longrightarrow \bigoplus\nolimits_{s<t}W/(X_s+X_t)
\DOTSB\longrightarrow \dots \DOTSB\longrightarrow W/\textstyle\sum_k X_k \rarrow0;
\item[(b)] the following complex $B_*(W,X)$ is exact everywhere outside
its left term:
W\DOTSB\longleftarrow \bigoplus\nolimits_s X_s \DOTSB\longleftarrow \bigoplus\nolimits_{s<t}X_s\cap X_t
\DOTSB\longleftarrow \dots \DOTSB\longleftarrow \textstyle\bigcap\nolimits_k X_k \larrow0;
\item[(c)] the collection $X_1$, \dots, $X_{n-1}$ is distributive. \qed
\begin{thmsec}{Proposition 3}
Let $V$ be a vector space and $R\subset V\DOTSB\otimes V$ be a subspace, then the
following three conditions are equivalent:
\item[(a)] the quadratic algebra $A=\{V,R\}$ is Koszul;
\item[(b)] the quadratic coalgebra $C=\langle V,R\rangle$ is Koszul;
\item[(c)] for any $n$, the collection of subspaces
$V^{\DOTSB\otimes k-1}\DOTSB\otimes R\DOTSB\otimes V^{n-k-1}\subset V^{\DOTSB\otimes n}$,
where $k=1$,~\dots,~$n-1$, is distributive.
Moreover, one has $H_{ij}(A)=0$ for $i<j\le n$ iff the collection of
subspaces in $V^{\DOTSB\otimes n}$ is distributive, and the same for coalgebras.
This follows immediately from Lemma by induction on $n$. \qed
\Section{Cohomology of Nilpotent Coalgebras}
\subsection{Nilpotent coalgebras}
Let $C$ be an augmented coalgebra with the augmentation map
$\c\:\k\DOTSB\longrightarrow C$.
The {\it augmentation filtration\/} on an augmented coalgebra $C$ is an
increasing filtration $N$ defined by the formula
N_nC=\{\, c\in C \mid \Delta^{(n+1)}(c)\in C^{\DOTSB\otimes n+1}_\c = \sum_{i=1}^{n+1}
C^{\DOTSB\otimes i-1}\DOTSB\otimes\c(\k)\DOTSB\otimes C^{\DOTSB\otimes n-i+1}\subset C^{\DOTSB\otimes n+1} \,\},
where $\Delta^{(m)}\:C\DOTSB\longrightarrow C^{\DOTSB\otimes m}$ denotes the iterated comultiplication
In particular, we have $N_0C=\c(\k)$.
\begin{thm}{Proposition 4}
The filtration $N$ respects the coalgebra structure on $C$, that is
\Delta(N_nC)\subset \sum_{i+j=n} N_iC\DOTSB\otimes N_jC.
Furthermore, the associated graded coalgebra
${\operatorname{gr}}_NC=\bigoplus\nolimits_{n=0}^\infty N_nC/N_{n-1}C$ is one-cogenerated.
Let $\phi\:C\DOTSB\longrightarrow\k$ be a linear function annihilating $N_{k-1}C$,
where $0\le k\le n$; then it can be factorized as
$\psi\:C^{\DOTSB\otimes k}\DOTSB\longrightarrow\k$
is a function annihilating
$C^{\DOTSB\otimes k}_\c$.
We have to show that
$(\phi\DOTSB\otimes\nobreak\operatorname{id})\Delta N_nC\subset N_{n-k}C$.
Put for convenience
$\Delta^{(0)}=\varepsilon$ and $\Delta^{(1)}=\operatorname{id}$;
then one has
$(\phi\DOTSB\otimes\nobreak\Delta^{(n-k+1)})\Delta N_nC=
(\psi\DOTSB\otimes\nobreak\operatorname{id}^{\DOTSB\otimes n-k+1})\Delta^{(n+1)}N_nC \subset C^{\DOTSB\otimes n-k+1}_\c$,
so we are done.
Since we have $\Delta^{(n)}(c)\notin C^{\DOTSB\otimes n}_\c$ for $c\notin N_{n-1}C$, the
second assertion is immediate.
\begin{rem}{Definition 5.}
An augmented coalgebra $C$ is called {\it nilpotent\/} if the augmentation
filtration $N$ is full, that is $C=\bigcup_nN_nC$.
Let $G$ be a pro-$l$-group and $C={\Bbb F}_l(G)$ be the coalgebra of locally
constant functions on $G$ with respect to the convolution; in other words,
$C=\varinjlim{\Bbb F}_l(G/U)$, where the limit is taken over all open
normal subgroups $U$ of $G$ and the coalgebra ${\Bbb F}_l(G/U)={\Bbb F}_l[G/U]^*$ is
the dual vector space to the group algebra of~$G/U$.
Let $\c:{\Bbb F}_l\DOTSB\longrightarrow{\Bbb F}_l(G)$ be the augmentation map that takes a constant
from ${\Bbb F}_l$ to the corresponding constant function on $G$.
Since the augmentation ideal of the group ring of a finite $l$-group
over ${\Bbb F}_l$ is nilpotent, it follows by passing to the inductive
limit that the augmented coalgebra ${\Bbb F}_l(G)$ is nilpotent also.
It is easy to see that the category of ${\Bbb F}_l(G)$-comodules is equivalent
to the category of discrete $G$-modules over ${\Bbb F}_l$ (and the same is true
over ${\Bbb Z}$) for any pro-finite group $G$.
\subsection{Main theorem}
Now we are ready to prove the theorem mentioned in Introduction.
Let $H=H^*(C)$ be the cohomology algebra of a nilpotent coalgebra $C$.
Assume that
\item $H^2$ is generated by $H^1$;
\item in the subalgebra generated by $H^1$ in $H$, there are no
nontrivial relations of degree~3;
\item the quadratic algebra ${\operatorname{q}} H$ defined by $H^1$ and $H^2$ is
Then the whole algebra $H$ is quadratic (and therefore, Koszul).
In addition, there is an isomorphism $H^*(C)\simeq H^*({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$.
The filtration $N$ on a coalgebra $C$ induces a filtration on the
corresponding cobar-complex:
N_nC^{+\DOTSB\otimes i}=\bigoplus\nolimits_{j_1+\dots+j_i=n}N_{j_1}C^+\DOTSB\otimes\dots\DOTSB\otimes N_{j_i}C^+,
where $N_jC^+=N_jC/\c(\k)$, so that the filtration on $C^{+\DOTSB\otimes i}$ starts
with $N_i$.
Clearly, the associated graded complex coincides with the cobar-complex of
${\operatorname{gr}}_NC$, thus we obtain a multiplicative spectral sequence
E_1^{ij}=H^{ij}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC) \implies H^i(C),
which converges since the filtration is an increasing one.
More exactly, the differentials have the form
$d_r\:E_r^{i,j}\DOTSB\longrightarrow E_r^{i+1,j-r}$
and there is an induced increasing multiplicative filtration $N$ on
$H^*(C)$ such that ${\operatorname{gr}}_N^jH^i(C)=E_\infty^{i,j}$.
In particular, we see that the subalgebra $\bigoplus\nolimits N_iH^i(C)$ in $H^*(C)$
is isomorphic to the quotient algebra of the diagonal cohomology
$\bigoplus\nolimits H^{i,i}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$ by the images of the differentials.
By Propositions~4, the graded coalgebra ${\operatorname{gr}}_NC$ is one-cogenerated,
hence (by Proposition~1) we have $E_1^{1,j}=H^{1,j}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)=0$ for $j>1$,
which implies $H^1(C)=N_1H^1(C)\simeq H^{1,1}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$ and
$N_2H^2(C)\simeq H^{2,2}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$.
Since (by Proposition~2) the diagonal cohomology algebra
$\bigoplus\nolimits{}H^{i,i}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$ is quadratic, we conclude that it is isomorphic
to~${\operatorname{q}} H^*(C)$.
By Proposition~2 again, $\bigoplus\nolimits H^{i,i}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$ is the dual quadratic
algebra to the coalgebra ${\operatorname{q}}{\operatorname{gr}}_NC$; since we suppose ${\operatorname{q}} H^*(C)$ is
Koszul, the dual coalgebra ${\operatorname{q}}{\operatorname{gr}}_NC$ is Koszul also (Proposition~3).
On the other hand, we have assumed that there are no cubic relations in
the subalgebra generated by $H^1(C)$, hence all the differentials
$d_r\:E_r^{2,3+r}\DOTSB\longrightarrow E_r^{3,3}$ targeting in $H^{3,3}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$ vanish.
Now let us prove by induction that $H^{2,j}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)=0$ for $j>2$.
Assume that this is true for $2<j\le n-1$; by Proposition~1, it follows
that the map $r_{{\operatorname{gr}}_NC}\:{\operatorname{gr}}_NC\DOTSB\longrightarrow{\operatorname{q}}{\operatorname{gr}}_NC$ is an isomorphism in
degree $\le n-1$.
Therefore, the induced map on the cobar-complex is an isomorphism in
these degrees also, hence in particular $H^{3,j}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)=H^{3,j}({\operatorname{q}}{\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$
for $j\le n-1$ (and even for $j\le n$).
Since the coalgebra ${\operatorname{q}}{\operatorname{gr}}_NC$ is Koszul, it follows that
$E_1^{3,j}=H^{3,j}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)=0$ for $3<j\le n-1$ and the term
$E_1^{2,n}=\allowbreak H^{2,n}({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$ cannot die in the spectral sequence.
But we have assumed that $H^2(C)$ is generated by $H^1(C)$, hence
$H^2(C)=N_2H^2(C)$ and $E_\infty^{2,n}=0$, so we are done.
We have seen that the coalgebra ${\operatorname{gr}}_NC$ is quadratic and ${\operatorname{q}}{\operatorname{gr}}_NC$ is
Koszul, that is ${\operatorname{gr}}_NC$ is Koszul.
It follows that $E_1^{i,j}=0$ for $i\ne j$, thus the spectral sequence
degenerates and $H^*(C)=H^*({\operatorname{gr}}_NC)$.
Therefore, $H^*(C)$ is Koszul also.
This result is a formal analogue of some kind of
Poincare--Birkhoff--Witt theorem for filtrations on quadratic
algebras~\cite{PP}; in other words, it can be considered as reflecting
the deformation properties of Koszul algebras.
In the conclusion, recall the consequences we get for the Bloch--Kato
Since the conditions (1) and (2) of our Theorem are known to be satisfied
for the coalgebra $C={\Bbb F}_2(G_F)$ of any absolute Galois pro-2-group $G_F$
and the quadratic part ${\operatorname{q}} H^*(C)$ of the corresponding cohomology algebra
is exactly the Milnor K-theory algebra $K^{\operatorname{M}}(F)\DOTSB\otimes{\Bbb F}_2$, it suffices to
establish the Koszul property of this quadratic algebra in order to prove
the conjecture for $l=2$.
The same would be true for the other $l$ if we know the norm
residue homomorphism for that $l$ to be injective in degree~$3$.
1995-07-26T06:20:13 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507014 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507014 | [
] | alg-geom/9507014 | Leonid Positselski | Leonid Positselski | All strictly exceptional collections in $D^b_{coh}(P^m)$ consist of
vector bundles | LaTeX 2e, 6 pages, no figures; replaced to correct formatting
(amslatex to latex2e transition) and several misprints, no other changes | null | null | null | http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/ | It is proved that any strictly exceptional collection generating the derived
category of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective variety X with \rk K_0(X) =
\dim X + 1 constists of locally free sheaves up to a common shift.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 Jul 1995 01:38:39 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 26 Oct 2013 18:12:41 GMT"
] | 2013-10-29T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $\k$ be a field and ${\cal D}$ be a $\k$-linear triangulated
category; we will denote, as usually, $\operatorname{Hom}^i(X,Y)=\operatorname{Hom}(X,Y[i])$
and $\operatorname{Hom^{\scriptscriptstyle\bullet}}(X,Y)=\bigoplus_i\operatorname{Hom}^i(X,Y)$.
An object $E\in{\cal O}b\>{\cal D}$ is called {\it exceptional\/} if one has
$\operatorname{Hom}^s(E,E)=0$ for $s\ne0$ and $\operatorname{Hom}^0(E,E)=\nobreak\k$.
A finite sequence ${\cal E}$ of exceptional objects $E_1,\dots,E_n$ is
called an {\it exceptional collection\/} if $\operatorname{Hom^{\scriptscriptstyle\bullet}}(E_i,E_j)=0$ for
A collection ${\cal E}$ is called {\it full\/} if it generates ${\cal D}$ in
the sence that any object of ${\cal D}$ can be obtained from $E_i$ by
the operations of shift and cone.
The Grothendieck group $K_0({\cal D})$ of a triangulated category
${\cal D}$ generated by an exceptional collection ${\cal E}$ is the free
${\Bbb Z}$-module generated by the classes of $E_1,\dots,E_n$, so
any full exceptional collection consists of $n=\operatorname{rk} K_0({\cal D})$
Moreover, it is explained in the paper~\cite{BK} that
(under some technical restriction which is usually satisfied)
a triangulated category ${\cal D}$ generated by an exceptional collection
${\cal E}$ is equivalent to the derived category of modules over the
differential graded algebra corresponding to ${\cal E}$.
Let $(E_1,\,E_2)$ be an exceptional pair; the {\it left\/} and
{\it right mutated objects\/} $L_{E_1}E_2$ and $R_{E_2}E_1$ are
defined as the third vertices of exceptional triangles
E_2[-1]\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, L_{E_1}E_2\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\,\operatorname{Hom^{\scriptscriptstyle\bullet}}(E_1,E_2)\otimes E_1\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, E_2 \\
E_1\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\,\operatorname{Hom^{\scriptscriptstyle\bullet}}(E_1,E_2)^*\otimes E_2\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, R_{E_2}E_1\DOTSB\,\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow\, E_1[1].
This definition was given in the papers~\cite{Gor,Bon}; it was shown
that the {\it mutated collections\/}
E_{i+1},\dots,E_n \\
remain exceptional (and full) and that the left and right
mutations are inverse to each other.
Mutations defined this way form an action of the Artin's braid
group $B_n$ with $n$ strings on the set of all isomorphism classes
of exceptional collections of $n$ objects.
There is a central element $\phi\in B_n$ that corresponds to the
rotation action of the circle on the space of $n$-point
configurations in ${\Bbb C}$.
Its action on exceptional collections can be described as
Let $E_{n+1}=R^{n-1}E_1$ be the object obtained by successive
left mutations of $E_1$ through $E_2$, \dots, $E_n$.
Then it follows that the collection $E_2,\dots,E_{n+1}$ is also
Proceeding in this way, we obtain the collection $E_3,\dots,E_{n+2}$,
and so on, constructing an infinite sequence of exceptional objects
$E_1$,~$E_2$,~$E_3$,~\dots with the property that any
$n$ sequential objects $E_i,\dots,E_{i+n-1}$ form an exceptional
Using left mutations, we can continue it to the negative
indices: $E_0=L^{n-1}E_n$, $\,E_{-1}=L^{n-1}E_{n-1}$, and so on.
This sequence is called a {\it helix}.
The action of $\phi$ on exceptional collections shifts it
$n$ times to the left:
The point is that this shift can be extended to an exact auto-equivalence
of the category ${\cal D}$.
Namely, the {\it Serre functor\/} for a triangulated category
${\cal D}$ is a covariant functor $F\:{\cal D}\DOTSB\longrightarrow{\cal D}$ for which there
is a natural isomorphism
It is shown in~\cite{Bon} that one has $E_{i-n}=F(E_i)[-n+1]$ for a full
helix ${\cal E}$ in ${\cal D}$.
Now let us turn to exceptional collections in the derived
category ${\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$ of coherent sheaves on a smooth projective
algebraic variety $X$.
In this case the Serre functor has the form
$F(U)=U\otimes\omega_X[\dim X]$, where $\omega_X$ is the canonical line bundle.
In the initial works of A.~Gorodentsev and A.~Rudakov~\cite{GR},
they considered exceptional collections consisting of pure sheaves,
not complexes.
Therefore, such mutations were not defined for any exceptional
collections, but only under the conditions that some maps are
injective or surjective.
For example, we see that the helix generated by a full exceptional
collection of sheaves will not consist of sheaves unless its period $n$
is equal to $\dim X+1$.
Conversely, it was shown by A.~Bondal~\cite{Bon} that all mutations
of a full exceptional collection of $\dim X+1$ sheaves in
${\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$ (that is, for a variety with $\operatorname{rk} K_0(X)=\dim X+1$)
consist of pure sheaves again.
Indeed, the statement that $R_{E_2}E_1$ is a sheave follows
immediately from the isomorphism
$R_{E_2}E_1=L_{E_3}\dotsm L_{E_{n}}E_{n+1}$,
where all the objects $E_1,\dots,E_{n+1}$ are pure sheaves.
It is also easy to see that in this case mutations preserve
the property of a full exceptional collection to consist of
locally free sheaves.
Note that for any projective variety one has
$\operatorname{rk} K_0(X)\ge\dim X+1$,
since the cycles of self-intersection of $\O(1)$ are linearly
independent over ${\Bbb Q}$; the equality holds for $\P^m$,
odd-dimensional quadrics, and some others.
The principal problem of the theory of mutations of exceptional
bundles on $\P^m$ is to prove that their action on full
exceptional collections of vector bundles is transitive.
More generally, it was conjectured in~\cite{BP} that the action
of the semidirect product group $B_n\righttimes\nobreak{\Bbb Z}^n$ generated
by mutations and shifts on full exceptional collections in any
triangulated category ${\cal D}$ is transitive.
The second half of this latter conjecture for smooth projective
varieties with $\operatorname{rk} K_0(X)=\dim X+1$ states that any full
exceptional collection in ${\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$ consists of shifts of
vector bundles.
In this paper we prove this last statement under the following
additional restriction.
An exceptional collection is said to be {\it strictly exceptional\/} if
one has $\operatorname{Hom}^s(E_i,E_j)=0$ for $s\ne0$.
Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety for which
$n=\operatorname{rk} K_0(X)=\dim X+\nbk1$.
Then for any strictly exceptional collection $E_1,\dots,E_n$
generating ${\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$ the objects $E_i$ are locally
free sheaves shifted on the same number $a\in{\Bbb Z}$ in ${\cal D}$.
Conversely, it was shown in~\cite{Bon} that any full exceptional
collection of $\dim X+1$ sheaves on a smooth projective variety is
strictly exceptional.
In particular, if a full exceptional collection on a variety with
$\operatorname{rk} K_0(X)=\dim X+1$ consists of pure sheaves, then these sheaves are
locally free.
On the other hand, it follows that the property of a full exceptional
collection in a triangulated category of this kind to be strictly
exceptional is preserved by mutations; moreover, all strictly exceptional
collections in these categories are {\it geometric\/} in the sence
At last, our methods provide an approach to the results
on recovery of algebraic varieties from the derived categories of coherent
sheaves, alternative to the one given by Bondal--Orlov~\cite{BO}.
Suppose the canonical sheave of a smooth projective variety $X$
is either ample or anti-ample.
Then the standard $t$-structure on the derived category ${\cal D}^b_{{\operatorname{coh}}}(X)$
can be recovered (uniquely up to a shift) from the triangulated category
I am grateful to A.~Bondal who introduced me into the subject of
triangulated categories and exceptional collections and to
A.~Polishchuk and A.~N.~Rudakov for very helpful discussions.
I am pleased to thank Harvard University for its hospitality during
preparation of this paper.
\section{Reduction to a Local Problem}
The next result is due to A.~Bondal and A.~Polishchuk~\cite{BP}.
Suppose a helix $\{E_i,\,i\in{\Bbb Z}\}$ in a triangulated category ${\cal D}$
is generated by a strictly exceptional collection $E_1,\dots,E_n$.
Then one has $\operatorname{Hom}^s(E_i,E_j)=0$ for $s>0$ and $i\le j\in{\Bbb Z}$,
as well as for $s<n-1$ and $i\ge j\in{\Bbb Z}$.
First note that the Serre duality isomorphisms
mean that two statements are equivalent to each other;
let us prove the first one.
The simplest way is to identify ${\cal D}$ with the
derived category of modules over the homomorphism algebra
$A=\bigoplus_{k,l=1}^nA_{kl}$, $\,A_{kl}=\operatorname{Hom}(E_k,E_l)$ of our strictly
exceptional collection, so that the objects $E_l$ correspond to the
projective $A$-modules $P_l=\bigoplus_kA_{kl}$ for $1\le l\le n$.
Since the Serre functor provides $n$-periodicity isomorphisms
$\operatorname{Hom}^s(E_i,E_j)=\operatorname{Hom}^s(E_{i+n},E_{j+n})$, we can assume that
$1\le i\le n$.
Let $j=k+Nn$ for some $1\le k\le n$; then we have
The Serre functor on ${\cal D}^b({\operatorname{mod}}{-}@! A)$ has the form
$F(M)=\operatorname{Hom}_\k(\operatorname{RHom}_A(M,A),\k)$ and
since the homological dimension of $A$ is not greater than $n-1$,
we obtain $E_j\in{\cal D}^{\le0}({\operatorname{mod}}{-}@! {A})$ for $j\ge1$.
Since $E_i$ are projective for $1\le i\le n$, the assertion follows.
A direct, but more complicated calculation from~\cite{BP} allows to avoid
the additional condition on ${\cal D}$.
\pr{Proof of Theorem}
First let us show that $X$ is a Fano variety.
We give a simple strengthening of the argument from~\cite{BP}.
Since $\operatorname{rk}\operatorname{Pic}(X)=1$, there are only three types of invertible
sheaves: ample ones, antiample ones, and sheaves of finite order.
We have to prove that $\omega^{-1}$ is ample; it is enough to show that
$H^0(\omega^N)=0$ for all $N>0$.
Let us denote by ${\cal H}^s(U)$ the cohomology sheaves of a complex $U$.
Since $E_1,\dots,E_n$ generate ${\cal D}$, it is clear that there exists
$i$ and $s$ such that $\operatorname{supp} {\cal H}^s(E_i)=X$.
Let we have a nonzero section $f\in H^0(\omega^N)$; it induces
a morphism $E_i\DOTSB\longrightarrow E_i\otimes\omega^N$ which is nonzero since
its restriction to ${\cal H}^s$ is.
But we have $E_i\otimes\omega^N=E_{i-Nn}$ which provides a
contradiction with Proposition.
\begin{rem}{Remark 1:}
More generally, one can see that the canonical sheave $\omega$ cannot
be of finite order for a variety $X$ admitting a full exceptional
Indeed, the action of invertible sheaves on $K_0(X)$ is unipotent
with respect to the filtration by the dimensions of supports, thus
in the case in question the action of $\omega$ on $K_0(X)$ must be
But this action (skew-)symmetrizes the canonical bilinear form
$\chi([U],[V])=\sum(-1)^s\dim\operatorname{Hom}^s(U,V)$ on $K_0(X)$.
In the basis of $K_0$ corresponding to an exceptional collection,
the matrix of this form is upper-triangular with units on the
diagonal, so it cannot be skew-symmetric and if it is symmetric
then it is positive.
The latter is impossible since one has $\chi([\O_x],[\O_x])=0$
for the structure sheave $\O_x$ of a point $x\in X$.
We will essentially use the tensor structure on ${\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$.
Namely, let
\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}\:{\cal D}^{\operatorname{opp}}\times{\cal D}\DOTSB\longrightarrow{\cal D}
be the derived functor of local homomorphisms of coherent sheaves;
it can be calculated using finite locally free resolvents.
We have $\operatorname{Hom}^s(U,V)=H^s(\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(U,V))$, where $H$ denotes the
global sheave's cohomology.
Let $i$, $j\in{\Bbb Z}$ be fixed and $N$ be large enough; one has
\operatorname{Hom}^s(E_i,E_{j+Nn})=H^s(\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(E_i,E_j\otimes\omega^{-N}))
where we denote $C_{ij}=\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(E_i,E_j)$.
Since $\omega^{-1}$ is ample, for large $N$ we have
$H^{>0}{\cal H}^s(C_{ij}\otimes\omega^{-N})=0$, hence by the spectral
H^s(C_{ij}\otimes\omega^{-N})=H^0{\cal H}^s(C_{ij}\otimes\nobreak\omega^{-N}).
Using the property of ample sheaves again, we see that
$\operatorname{Hom}^s(E_i,E_{j+Nn})$ is nonzero iff ${\cal H}^s(C_{ij})$ is.
Let ${\cal D}^{\le0}$ and ${\cal D}^{\ge0}$ denote the subcategories
of ${\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$ defined in the standard way.
Comparing the last result with Proposition, we finally obtain
$C_{ij}\in{\cal D}^{\le0}$.
\begin{rem}{Remark 2:}
Now we can show easily that our exceptional collection is
{\it geometric\/}~\cite{BP}.
Indeed, using the duality $\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(V,U)=\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(U,V),\,\O)$,
one obtains $C_{ij}=\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(C_{ji},\O)$ and since
$\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}({\cal D}^{\le0},\O)\subset{\cal D}^{\ge0}$, it follows that $C_{ij}$
are pure sheaves.
Therefore $\operatorname{Hom}^{<0}(E_i,E_j)=H^{<0}(C_{ij})=0$ for any $i$ and
The following local statement allows to finish the proof.
\begin{thm}{Main Lemma}
Let $E\in{\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$ be a coherent complex on a smooth
algebraic variety $X$ such that $\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(E,E)\in{\cal D}^{\le0}$.
Then $E$ is a (possibly shifted) locally free sheave.
It only remains to show that all of $E_i$ are placed in the same degree in
${\cal D}$, which is true since they are locally free and $\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(E_i,E_j)$ is
placed in degree~0. \qed\smallskip
\pr{Proof of Corollary}
The functor of twisting on $\omega$ on the derived category
can be recovered in terms of the Serre functor.
Let $\omega$ be anti-ample.
According to Main Lemma, an object $E\in{\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$ is a
shifted vector bundle iff $\operatorname{Hom}^s(E,E\otimes\omega^{-N})=0$ for
$s\ne0$ and $N$ large enough.
For a nonzero vector bundle $E$ and $U\in{\cal D}$ one has
$U\in{\cal D}^{\ge0}$ iff $\operatorname{Hom}^{<0}(E_i,U\otimes\omega^{-N})=0$ for
large $N$, and the same for ${\cal D}^{\le0}$.
\section{The Proof of Main Lemma}
\begin{thm}{Lemma 1}
If $E\in\operatorname{Coh}(X)$ and $\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(E,\O)$ are pure sheaves placed in
degree~0, then $E$ is locally free.
Let $0\DOTSB\longrightarrow P_k\DOTSB\longrightarrow P_{k-1}\DOTSB\longrightarrow\dots\DOTSB\longrightarrow P_0\rarrow0$ be a
locally free resolvent of $E$.
Since $\hom^k(E,\O)=0$, we see that the morphism
$\hom(P_{k-1},\O)\DOTSB\longrightarrow\hom(P_k,\O)$ is surjective.
Thus, the inclusion $P_k\DOTSB\longrightarrow P_{k-1}$ is locally split and
the quotient sheave $P_{k-1}/P_k$ is locally free, which allows to
change our resolvent to a shorter one. \qed\smallskip
Let $U\otimes^{\cal L} V$ denote the derived functor of tensor product
over $\O_X$ on ${\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$; then one has
$\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(U,V)=\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(U,\O)\otimes^{\cal L} V$.
\begin{thm}{Lemma 2}
Let $E$, $F\in{\cal D}^b_{\operatorname{coh}}(X)$; suppose $E\otimes^{\cal L} F\in{\cal D}^{\le0}$.
Then for any $i+j\ge0$ one has
$\operatorname{supp}{\cal H}^i(E)\cap\operatorname{supp}{\cal H}^j(F)=\empty$.
Proceed by decreasing induction on $i+j$.
Consider the K\"unneth spectral sequence
E_2^{pq}=\bigoplus_{i+j=q}\operatorname{Tor}_{-p}({\cal H}^iE,{\cal H}^jF)
\implies {\cal H}^{p+q}(E\otimes^{\cal L} F).
If the intersection of supports is nonzero, then it is easy to
see that ${\cal H}^iE\otimes{\cal H}^jF\ne0$, thus $E_2^{0,q}\ne0$.
This term can be only killed by some
$E^{-r,q+r-1}$, where $r\ge2$; but it follows from the induction
hypothesis that $E_2^{p,\ge q+1}=0$. \qed\smallskip
\pr{Proof of Main Lemma}
Let $F=\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(E,\O)$; then one has $\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(E,E)=E\otimes^{\cal L} F$.
Using a shift, we can assume that $E\in{\cal D}^{\le0}$ and ${\cal H}^0(E)\ne0$;
then $F\in{\cal D}^{\ge0}$ and ${\cal H}^0F=\hom({\cal H}^0E,\O)$.
By Lemma~2, we have $\operatorname{supp}{\cal H}^0E\cap\operatorname{supp}{\cal H}^{>0}F=\empty$.
Clearly, one can assume that $X$ is irreducible.
First let us show that $\operatorname{supp}{\cal H}^0(E)=X$.
Indeed, in the other case it is clear that ${\cal H}^0F=0$ and the
restriction of $F$ on $X\setminus\operatorname{supp}{\cal H}^{>0}F$ is acyclic while
the restriction of $E$ is not, which contradicts the local nature
of $\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}$.
Thus we have $\operatorname{supp}{\cal H}^0(E)=X$, which implies ${\cal H}^{>0}F=0$ and
It follows that $E=\operatorname{\text{${\cal R}{\cal H}o@,m$}}(F,\O)\in{\cal D}^{\ge0}$ and $E\in\operatorname{Coh}(X)$.
By Lemma~1, $E$ is locally free. \qed\smallskip
1996-03-08T06:56:05 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507002 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507002 | [
] | alg-geom/9507002 | Christoph Sorger | Yves Laszlo and Christoph Sorger | The line bundles on the stack of parabolic $G$-bundles over curves and
their sections | LaTeX2e with package amsart, 31 pages, no figures. This is a revised
version of our paper (mainly, the introduction and the section on pfaffians
have been changed). The TeX file, as well as the .dvi and .ps files are also
available at ftp://ftp.mathp7.jussieu.fr/pub/sorger | null | null | null | null | Let $X$ be a smooth, complete and connected curve and $G$ be a simple and
simply connected algebraic group over $\comp$. We calculate the Picard group of
the moduli stack of quasi-parabolic $G$-bundles and identify the spaces of
sections of its members to the conformal blocs of Tsuchiya, Ueno and Yamada. We
describe the canonical sheaf on these stacks and show that they admit a unique
square root, which we will construct explicitly. Finally we show how the
results on the stacks apply to the coarse moduli spaces and recover (and
extend) the Drezet-Narasimhan theorem. We show moreover that the coarse moduli
spaces of semi-stable $SO_r$-bundles are not locally factorial for $r\geq 7$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 Jul 1995 08:33:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 10 Oct 1995 12:39:17 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 5 Mar 1996 23:25:37 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction.}
\subsection{}\label{th:Pic} Fix a simple and simply connected algebraic group
$G$ over $k=\comp$ and a Borel subgroup $B\subset G$. Let $X$ be a smooth,
complete and connected curve over $k$ and
$p_{1},\dots,p_{n}$ be distinct points of $X$, labeled by standard (\ie
$B$) parabolic subgroups $P_{1},\dots,P_{n}$ of $G$ (we allow $n=0$). Let
$\Mpar$ be the moduli stack of quasi-parabolic
$G$-bundles of type $\ul{P}=(P_{1},\dots,P_{n})$
at $\ul{p}=(p_{1},\dots,p_{n})$ and denote by
$X(P_{i})$ the character group of $P_{i}$.
\begin{th*}{} There is
${\scr{L}}\in\Pic(\M)$ such that we have an isomorphism
$$\gamma:\Pic(\Mpar)\isom\reln{\scr{L}}\times\prod_{i=1}^{n}X(P_{i}).$$ If $G$
is of type $A$ or $C$, then ${\scr{L}}$ is the determinant of cohomology
(\cf\ref{the-det-bundle}). If $G$ is of type $B$, $D$ or $G_{2}$, then
${\scr{L}}$ is the pfaffian of cohomology (\cf\ref{the-pf-bundle}).
If $G$ is of type $E_{6},E_{7},E_{8},F_{4}$ we believe that we have
${\scr{L}}^{\otimes d(G)}={\scr{D}}_{\rho(G)}$ where respectively
$d(G)=6,12,60,6$ and
${\scr{D}}_{\rho(G)}$ is the determinant of cohomology
(\cf\ref{the-det-bundle}) associated to the fundamental representation
(\cf the discussion in \ref{pb}).
\subsection{} Suppose that the points $p_{1},\dots,p_{n}$ are instead labeled
by finite dimensional simple representations $\lambda_{1},\dots,\lambda_{n}$ of
$G$ and that an additional integer $\ell$, the {\em level}, is fixed. The
choice of a representation
$\lambda$ of $G$ is equivalent to the choice of a standard parabolic subgroup
$P\subset G$ and a character $\chi\in X(P)$. Therefore, the labeling of the
$p_{1},\dots,p_{n}$ by the representations
$\lambda_{1},\dots,\lambda_{n}$ defines the type $\ul{P}$ of a quasi-parabolic
$G$-bundle, that is the stack $\Mpar$ {\em and}, by the above theorem, a line
${\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul\chi)$ over $\Mpar$. The global sections of
${\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul\chi)$ give a vector space, the space of {\em generalized
parabolic $G$-theta-functions of level $\ell$},
which is canonically associated to
$(X,\ul{p},\ul\lambda)$. In mathematical physics, the rational conformal field
theory of Tsuchiya, Ueno and Yamada \cite{TUY} associates also to
$(X,\ul{p},\ul\lambda,\ell)$ a vector space: the space of {\em conformal
$V_{X}(\ul{p},\ul\lambda,\ell)$ (\cf \cite{So3} for an overview).
Suppose that $G$ is classical or $G_2$. Then there is a canonical
\begin{equation}\label{Verlinde} H^{0}(\Mpar,{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul\chi))\isom
In particular, $\dim H^{0}(\Mpar,{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul\chi))$ is given by the
Verlinde dimension formula.
For $n=0$, this has been proved independently by Beauville and
the first author
\cite{BL1} for $G=SL_{r}$ and by Faltings \cite{F} and Kumar,
Narasimhan and Ramanathan \cite{KNR} for arbitrary
simple and simply connected $G$. For arbitrary $n$ and $G=SL_r$ this has been
proved by Pauly \cite{P} and can be proved for arbitrary simple and simply
connected $G$ using (\ref{th:Uniformization}) (and therefore \cite{DS}) and
(\ref{LGX-is-integral}) below
following the lines of
\cite{BL1} and \cite{P}. This is the subject of Section \ref{Identification}.
\subsection{}\label{th:Uniformization} The above results are proved via the
{\em uniformization} theorem: restrict for simplicity of the introduction to
$n=0$. Suppose $p\in X$ and denote $X^{*}=X\moins p$. Define
$D=\Spec(\hat{\cal{O}}_{p})$, where $\hat{\cal{O}}_{p}$ is the formal
completion of the local ring ${\cal{O}}_{p}$ at $p$ and $D^{*}=\Spec(K_{p})$
where $K_{p}$ is the quotient field of $\hat{\cal{O}}_{p}$. Let $\LG$ (resp.
$\LGp$, resp. $\LGX$) be the group of algebraic morphisms from $D^{*}$ (resp.
$D$, resp. $X^{*}$) to $G$.
\begin{th*}{} The algebraic stack $\M$ is canonically isomorphic to the double
quotient stack $\LGX\backslash\LG/\LGp$. Moreover, the projection map
$$\pi:\Q:=\LG/\LGp\ra \M$$ is locally trivial for the
\'etale topology.
This is proved in \cite{BL1} for $G=SL_{r}$. The extension to arbitrary $G$ has
been made possible by Drinfeld and Simpson
\cite{DS} in response to a question by the first author. They prove that if
is a
$k$-scheme and
$E$ a
$G$-bundle over
$X\times S$ then, locally for the \'etale topology on $S$, the restriction of
$E$ to
$X^{*}\times S$ is trivial, which is essential for the proof. The above
theorem is valid more generally for semi-simple $G$. In characteristic $p$, one
has to replace ``\'etale'' by ``fppf'' if $p$ divides the order of
\subsection{}\label{pb} Consider the pullback morphism
The Picard group of $\Q$ is known (\cite{Ma},\cite{KNR}) to be canonically
isomorphic to $\reln$, which reduces proving Theorem \ref{th:Pic} to proving
$\pi^{*}$ is an isomorphism. We will show that the injectivity of $\alpha$ will
follow from the fact that $\LGX$ has no characters which in turn will follow
from the fact that $\LGX$ is reduced and connected. Moreover, the surjectivity
of $\alpha$ would follow from the simple connectedness of $\LGX$. Both
topological properties, connectedness and simple connectedness of $\LGX$ are
affirmed in \cite{KNR} and we believe them to be true.
Whereas we will prove the connectedness of $\LGX$,
following an idea of V. Drinfeld, we do not see how to prove the simple
connectedness of $\LGX$.
The injectivity is enough to prove the first part of Theorem \ref{th:Pic},
but to identify the generator ${\cal{L}}$ we should prove the surjectivity of
$\alpha$. For classical $G$ and
$G_{2}$ we do this by constructing a line bundle on $\M$ pulling back to the
generator of $\Pic(\Q)$.
\subsection{}\label{sr} The pfaffian construction (\ref{the-pf-bundle}) may be
used to prove the following, valid over $k$ algebraically closed of
characteristic $\not=2$.
\begin{prop*}{} Suppose $G$ is semi-simple. Then, for every
$\kappa$ on $X$, there is a canonical square-root ${\cal{P}}_{\kappa}$ of the
dualizing sheaf
$\omega_{_{\M}}$ of $\M$.
\subsection{}\label{th:Pic(Mmod)} The last section will be devoted to
Ramanathans moduli spaces $\Mod$ of semi-stable
$G$-bundles. We will show how some of the results for the stack $\M$ will be
true also for the moduli spaces $\Mod$. In particular we will recover (and
extend) the Drezet-Narasimhan theorem.
\begin{th*}{} There is a canonical isomorphism
$\Pic(\Mod)\isom\reln L.$ If $G$ is of type $A$ or $C$ then $L$ is the
determinant bundle and moreover, in this case $\Mod$ is locally factorial. If
$G$ is of type
$B_r$, $D_r$, $r\geq 4$ or
$G_2$ then $L$ or $L^{\otimes 2}$ is the determinant bundle.
This theorem has also been proved, independently and with a different
method, by Kumar and Narasimhan \cite{KN}.
The question whether $\Mod$ is locally factorial for $G$ of type other than
the simply connected groups of type $A,C$ is the subject of a forthcoming
paper. We show there for example that $\Pic(\ModSpin)$ is generated
by the determinant of cohomology and in particular that
$\ModSpin$ is not locally factorial for $r\geq 7$ by
``lifting'' to $\Spin_r$ the proof we give here
(\ref{not-locally-factorial}) for the analogous statement for
{\em We would like to thank A. Beauville and C. Simpson for useful
discussions and V. Drinfeld for his suggestion in (\ref{LGX-is-integral})
and for pointing out an inaccuracy in an earlier version of this paper.}
\section{Some Lie theory.}\label{Lie-theory}
Throughout this section $k$ will be an algebraically closed field of
characteristic zero.
\subsection{The general set up.} Let ${\goth{g}}$ be a simple finite
dimensional Lie algebra over $k$. We fix a Cartan subalgebra
${\goth{h}}\subset{\goth{g}}$ and denote by $\Delta$ the associated root
system. We have the root decomposition
\Delta}{\goth{g}}_{\alpha}.$ The Lie subalgebra
{\goth{g}}_{\alpha}$, isomorphic as a Lie algebra to ${\goth{sl}}_{2}$, will be
denoted by ${\goth{sl}}_{2}(\alpha)$. Moreover we choose a basis
$\Pi=\{\alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{r}\}$ of $\Delta$ and we denote by
$\Delta_{+}$ the set of positive roots (with respect to $\Pi$). Put
\Delta_{+}}{\goth{g}}_{\alpha})$. For each
$\alpha\in \Delta_{+}$, we denote by
$H_{\alpha}$ the coroot of
$\alpha$, \ie the unique element of
$[{\goth{g}}_{\alpha},{\goth{g}}_{-\alpha}]$ such that
$\alpha(H_{\alpha})=2$, and we denote by
$X_{\alpha}\in{\goth{g}}_{\alpha}$ and
$X_{-\alpha}\in{\goth{g}}_{-\alpha}$ elements such that
[X_{\alpha},X_{-\alpha}]=H_{\alpha}.$$ When $\alpha$ is one of the simple roots
$\alpha_{i}$, we write
$H_{i},X_{i},Y_{i}$ instead of $H_{\alpha_{i}},X_{a_{i}},Y_{\alpha_{i}}$. Let
$(\varpi_{i})$ be the basis of ${\goth{h}}^{*}$ dual to the basis
$(H_{i})$. Denote by $P$ the weight lattice and by
$P_{+}\subset P$ the set of dominant weights. Given a dominant weight
$\lambda$, denote
$L_{\lambda}$ the associated simple ${\goth{g}}$-module with highest weight
$\lambda$ and $v_{\lambda}$ its highest weight vector. Finally
$(\,,\,)$ will be the Cartan-Killing form normalized such that for the highest
$\theta$ we have $(\theta,\theta)=2$.
\subsection{Loop algebras.} Let $\Lg={\goth{g}}\otimes_{k}k((z))$ be the {\em
loop algebra} of
$\g$ and $\Lgp={\goth{g}}\otimes_{k}k[[z]]$ its subalgebra of {\em positive}
There is a natural $2$-cocycle
\psi_{\g}:&\Lg&\times&\Lg&\lra&k\\ &(X\otimes f&,&Y\otimes
$$ defining a central extension $\Lgh$ of $\g$:
$$0\lra k\lra\Lgh\lra\Lg\lra 0.$$ Every other cocycle is a scalar multiple of
$\psi_{\g}$ and the above central extension is universal. Let $\Lgph$ be the
extension of $\Lgp$ obtained by restricting the above extension to $\Lgp$. As
the cocycle is trivial over
$\Lgp$ this extension splits.
Let $\ell$ be a positive integer. A representation of $\Lgh$ is {\em of level
$\ell$} if the center $c$ acts by multiplication by $\ell$. Such a
representation is called integrable if $X\tensor f$ acts locally nilpotent for
all $X\tensor f\in{\goth{g}}_{\alpha}\otimes_{k}k((z))$. The theory of affine
Lie algebras
\cite{Kac} affirms that the irreducible integrable representations of level
$\ell$ of
$\Lgh$ are classified (up to isomorphism) by the weights
$P_{\ell}=\{\lambda\in P_{+}/(\lambda,\theta)\leq\ell\}.$ We denote by
${\cal{H}}_{\lambda,\ell}$ the irreducible integrable representation of level
$\ell$ and highest weight $\lambda\in P_{\ell}$. If $\lambda=0$, the
corresponding representation, which we denote simply by
${\cal{H}}_{\ell}$, is called the {\em basic representation of level $\ell$}.
\subsection{The Dynkin index.}\label{section-Dynkin-index} Let
$\rho:\g\ra{\goth{sl}}(V)$ be a representation of $\g$. Then $\rho$ induces a
morphism of Lie algebras
$\Lg\ra\LslV$. Pull back the universal central extension to
\begin{diagram} 0&\lra&k&\lra&\widetilde{\Lg}&\lra&\Lg&\lra&0\\
$$ The cocycle of the central extension $\widetilde{\Lg}$ is of the type
$d_{\rho}\psi_{\g}$. Define the {\em Dynkin index} of the representation
$\rho$ of $\g$ by the number $d_{\rho}$.
\begin{lem} Let $V=\sum_{\lambda}n_{\lambda}e^{\lambda}$ be the formal
character of
$V$. Then we have
\begin{proof} By definition of the cocycle, we have
$d_{\rho}=\Tr(\rho(X_{\theta})\rho(X_{-\theta}))$. Decompose the
$V$ as $\osum V^{(d_i)}$, where $V^{(d_i)}$ is the standard irreducible
${\goth{sl}}_{2}$-module with highest weight $d_i$. We may realize $V^{(d_i)}$
as the vector space of homogeneous polynomials in 2 variables
$x$ and $y$ of degree $d_i$. Then $X_\theta$ acts as $x\partial/\partial y$,
$X_{-\theta}$ as $y\partial/\partial x$. Using the basis $x^ly^{d_i-l},
l=0,\ldots, d_i$ of $V(d_i)$, we see
$$d_{\rho}=\sum_i\sum_{k=0}^{d_i}k(d_i+1-k).$$ The formal character of the
${\goth{sl}}_{2}(\theta)$-module $V^{(d)}$ is
$\sum_{k=0}^{d}e^{d\rho_{\theta}-k\alpha_{\theta}}$ where $\alpha_{\theta}$ is
the positive root of ${\goth{sl}}_{2}(\theta)$ and
$\rho_{\theta}=\frac{1}{2}\alpha_{\theta}$. Therefore we are reduced to prove
the equality
$$ which is easy.
\begin{rem} The Dynkin index of a representation has been introduced to the
theory of
$G$-bundles over a curve by Faltings \cite{F} and Kumar, Narasimhan, Ramanathan
We are interested here in the {\em minimal Dynkin index}
$d_{{\goth{g}}}$ defined to be as $\min d_{\rho}$ where
$\rho$ runs over all representations $\rho:\g\ra{\goth{sl}}(V)$.
\begin{prop}\label{minimal-Dynkin-index} The minimal Dynkin index
$d_{{\goth{g}}}$ is as follows
\text{Type of }{\goth{g}}&A_{r}&B_{r},r\geq 3&C_{r}&D_{r},\geq
\lambda\text{ s.t. } d_{{\goth{g}}}=d_{\rho(\lambda)}&
$$ Moreover, for any representation $\rho:\g\ra{\goth{sl}}(V)$, we have
$d_{\rho}=0\bmod d_{{\goth{g}}}$.
{\it Proof.} It is enough to calculate the Dynkin index for the fundamental
weights (note that $d_{V\otimes W}=r_{W}d_{V}+r_{V}d_{W}$ if $V$ and $W$ are
two ${\goth{g}}$-modules of rank
$r_{V}$ and $r_{W}$), which can be done explicitly \cite{D}. We give the values
here for $E_8$, as not all of them in (\cite{D}, Table 5) are
$$\begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} &d_{\varpi_{1}}&d_{\varpi_{2}}&
\section{The stack $\M$.}\label{the-stack-M}
Throughout this section $k$ will be an algebraically closed field, $G$ will be
semi-simple algebraic group over $k$.
\subsection{} Let $X$ be a scheme over $k$. By a {\em principal $G$-bundle}
over $X$ (or just $G$-bundle for short), we understand a scheme $E\ra
X$ equipped with a right action of $G$ such that, locally in the flat topology,
$E$ is trivial, \ie isomorphic to $G\times X$ as an $G$-homogeneous space. In
particular, $E$ is affine, flat and smooth over $X$. Moreover, the above
conditions imply that $E$ is even locally trivial for the \'etale topology.
If $F$ is a quasi-projective scheme on which $G$ acts on the left and $E$ is a
$G$-bundle, we can form $E(F)=E\times^{G}F$ the {\em associated bundle with
$F$}. It is the quotient of
$E\times F$ under the action of $G$ defined by $g.(e,f)=(e.g,g^{-1}f)$. If $H$
is a subgroup of $G$, the associated $G/H$-bundle $E(G/H)$ will be denoted
simply by $E/H$.
Let $\rho:G\ra G^{\prime}$ be a morphism of algebraic groups. Then, as $G$ acts
$G^{\prime}$ via $\rho$, we can form the {\em extension of the structure group}
of a
$G$-bundle $E$, that is the $G^{\prime}$-bundle $E(G^{\prime})$. Conversely, if
$F$ is a $G^{\prime}$-bundle, a {\em reduction of structure group}
$F_{G}$ is a $G$-bundle $E$ together with an isomorphism
$F_{G}(G^{\prime})\isom F$. If $\rho$ is a closed immersion, such reductions
are in one to one correspondence with section of the associated bundle $F/G$.
\subsection{} Let us collect some well known generalities on stacks for further
reference. Let ${\tr A}\text{ff/$k$}$ be the flat affine site over $k$, that is
the category of $k$-algebras equipped with the {\em fppf} topology. By {\em
$k$-space} (resp. {\em $k$-group}) we understand a sheaf of sets (resp. groups)
${\tr A}\text{ff/$k$}$. Any $k$-scheme can (and will) be considered as a
We will view {\em $k$-stacks} from the pseudo-functorial point of view, \ie a
${\goth{X}}$ will associate to every $k$-algebra
$R$ a groupoid
${\goth{X}}(R)$ and to every morphism of $k$-algebras
$u:R\ra R^{\prime}$ a functor
$u^{*}:{\goth{X}}(R^{\prime})\ra{\goth{X}}(R)$ together with isomorphisms of
$(u\circ v)^{*}\simeq v^{*}\circ u^{*}$ satisfying the usual cocycle condition.
The required topological properties are that for every
$x,y\in\ob{\goth{X}}(R)$ the presheaf $\ul\Isom(x,y)$ is a sheaf and that all
descent data are effective (\cite{LMB}, 2.1). Any $k$-space $X$ may be seen as
$k$-stack, by considering a set as a groupoid (with the identity as the only
morphism). Conversely, any $k$-stack ${\goth{X}}$ such that ${\goth{X}}(R)$ is
discrete groupoid (\ie has only the identity as automorphisms) for all
$R$, is a $k$-space.
A morphism $F:{\goth{X}}\ra{\goth{Y}}$ will associate, for every $k$-algebra
$R$, a functor ${\goth{X}}(R)\ra{\goth{Y}}(R)$ satisfying the obvious
compatibility conditions. Let $S=\Spec(R)$ and consider a morphism
$\eta:S\ra{\goth{Y}}$, that is an object $\eta$ of ${\goth{Y}}(S)$. The fiber
${\goth{X}}_{\eta}$ is a stack over
$S$. The morphism $F$ is {\em representable} if
${\goth{X}}_{\eta}$ is representable as a scheme for all $S=\Spec(R)$. A stack
${\goth{X}}$ is {\em algebraic} if the diagonal morphism
${\goth{X}}\ra{\goth{X}}\times{\goth{X}}$ is representable, separated and
quasi-compact and if there is a scheme $X$ and a representable, smooth,
surjective morphism of stacks $P:X\ra{\goth{X}}$.
Suppose $X$ is a $k$-space and that the $k$-group $\Gamma$ acts on $X$. Then
quotient stack $[X/\Gamma]$ is defined as follows. Let $R$ be a $k$-algebra.
objects of $[X/\Gamma](R)$ are pairs $(E,\alpha)$ where $E$ is a
$\Gamma$-bundle over $\Spec(R)$ and $\alpha:E\ra X$ is
$G$-equivariant, the arrows are defined in the obvious way and so are the
$[X/\Gamma](R^{\prime})\ra [X/\Gamma](R)$.
\subsection{} Let $X$ be a smooth, complete and connected curve of genus $g$
$k$. We denote by
$\M$ the stack of principal $G$-bundles over $X$ which is defined as follows.
For any $k$-algebra $R$ denote $X_R$ the scheme $X\times_{k}\Spec(R)$. Then
objects of
$\M(R)$ are $G$-bundles over $X_R$, morphisms of
$\M(R)$ are isomorphisms of $G$-bundles.
The following proposition is well known.
\begin{prop} The stack $\M$ is algebraic and smooth. Moreover we have
$\dim\M=(g-1)\dim G.$
\subsection{} Choose a closed point $p$ on $X$ and set $X^*=X\moins p$. Let
${\cal O}$ be the completion of the local ring of $X$ at $p$, and $K$ its field
of fractions. Set $D=\Spec({\cal{O}})$ and $D^{*}=\Spec(K)$. We choose a local
coordinate $z$ at $p$ and identify ${\cal O}$ with $k[[z]]$ and $K$ with
$k((z))$. Let $R$ be a
$k$-algebra. Define $X_R = X\times_k \Spec(R)$,
$X_R^* = X^*\times_k \Spec(R)$, $D_R = \Spec\bigl(R[[z]]\bigr)$ and
$D_R^* = \Spec\bigl(R((z))\bigr)$. Then we have the cartesian diagram
$$\begin{diagram} D_R^*&\efl{}{}&D_{R}\\
\sfl{}{}&&\sfl{}{}\\ X_{R}^{*}&\efl{}{}&X_{R}\\
We denote by $A_{X_R}$ the $k$-algebra
$\Gamma(X_{R}^*\, ,{\cal O}_{X^{*}_R})$.
\subsection{Loop groups.}\label{Loop-groups} The category of $k$-spaces is
closed under direct limits. A $k$-space ($k$-group) will be called an {\em
ind-scheme} (resp. {\em ind-group}) if it is direct limit of a directed system
of schemes. Remark that an ind-group is not necessarily an inductive limit of
algebraic groups.
We denote by $\LG$ the {\em loop group} of $G$ that is the $k$-group defined
$R\mapsto G\bigl(R((z))\bigr)$, where $R$ is any $k$-algebra. The group of {\em
positive loops}, that is the $k$-group
$R\mapsto G\bigl(R[[z]]\bigr)$ will be denoted by by $\LGp$ and the group of
{\em negative loops}, that is the $k$-group
$R\mapsto G\bigl(R[z^{-1}]\bigr)$ will be denoted by $\LGm$. The group of {\em
loops coming from $X^{*}$}, \ie the $k$-group defined by
$R\mapsto G(A_{X_{R}})$, will be denoted by $\LGX$. Finally, we will use also
$k$-group $\LGmm$ defined by
$R\mapsto G\bigl(z^{-1}R[z^{-1}]\bigr)$.
Choose a faithful representation
$G\subset SL_{r}$. For $N\ge 0$, we denote by
$\LGN(R)$ the set of matrices $A(z)$ in $G\bigl(R((z))\bigr)\subset
SL_{r}\bigl(R((z))\bigr)$ such that for both $A(z)$ and $A(z)^{-1}$, the
coefficients have a pole of order
$\le N$. This defines a subfunctor $\LGN$ of $\LG$ which is obviously
representable by an (infinite dimensional) affine $k$-scheme.
\begin{prop}\label{ind-groups} The $k$-group $\LGp$ is an affine group scheme.
$\LG$ is an ind-group, direct limit of the sequence of the schemes
$(\LGN)_{N\ge 0}$. Moreover, this ind-structure does not depend on the
$G\subset SL_{r}$.
The $k$-group $\LGX$ has the structure of an ind-group induced by the one of
$\LG$. The quotient $k$-space $\Q:=\LG/\LGp$ has equally the structure of an
ind-scheme: define $\QN=\LGN/\LGp$ (note that $\LGN$
is stable under right multiplication by $\Qzero=\LGp$).
\subsection{} Consider triples $(E,\rho,\sigma)$ where $E$ is a $G$-bundle on
$X_R$, $\rho : G\times X_R^* \ra E_{|X_R^*}$ a trivialization of
$E$ over $X_R^*$ and $\sigma : G\times D_R\ra E_{|D_R}$ a trivialization of
$E$ over $D_R$. We let $T(R)$ be the set of isomorphism
classes of triples $(E,\rho,\sigma)$.
\begin{prop}\label{triples} The ind-group $\LG$ represents the functor $T$.
\begin{proof} Let $(E,\rho,\sigma)$ be an element of $T(R)$. Pulling back the
$\rho$ and $\sigma$ to $D^*_R$ provides two trivializations
$\rho^*$ and $\sigma^*$ of the pull back of $E$ over ${D^*_R}$: these
trivializations differ by an element $\gamma = \rho^{*-1}\circ\sigma^*$ of $
Conversely, let us start from an element $\gamma$ of $G\bigl(R((z))\bigr)$.
element defines an isomorphism of the pullbacks over $D^*_R$ of the trivial
$G$-bundle ${\cal{F}}$ over $X^*_R$ and the trivial $G$-bundle ${\cal{G}}$ over
$D_R$. These two torsors glue together to a
$G$-bundle $E$ in a functorial way by \cite{BL2} (in fact \cite{BL2} is written
for $SL_r$ but the extension to arbitrary $G$ is straightforward).
These constructions are inverse to each
other by construction.
\subsection{} Consider the functor $D_G$ which associates to a
$k$-algebra $R$ the set $D_G(R)$ of isomorphism classes of pairs $(E,\rho)$,
$E$ is a $G$-bundle over $X_R$ and $\rho$ a trivialization of $E$ over $X^*_R$.
\begin{prop}\label{pairs} The ind-scheme $\Q$ represents the functor $D_{G}$.
\begin{proof} Let
$R$ be a $k$-algebra and $q$ an element of $\Q(R)$. By definition there exists
a faithfully flat homomorphism $R\rightarrow R'$ and an element $\gamma$ of
$G\bigl(R'((z))\bigr)$ such that the image of $q$ in $\Q(R')$ is the class of
$\gamma$. To $\gamma$ corresponds by Proposition \ref{triples} a triple
$(E',\rho',\sigma')$ over $X_{R'}$. Let $R''=R'\otimes_R R'$, and let
$(E''_1,\rho''_1)$, $(E''_2,\rho''_2)$ denote the pull-backs of $(E',\rho')$ by
the two projections of $X_{R''}$ onto $X_{R'}$. Since the two images of
$\gamma$ in $G\bigl(R''((z))\bigr)$ differ by an element of
$G\bigl(R''[[z]]\bigr)$, these pairs are isomorphic. So the isomorphism
$\rho^{\prime\prime}_2 \rho_1^{\prime\prime -1}$ over $X_{R''}^*$ extends to an
$u:E''_1\rightarrow E''_2$ over $X_{R''}$, satisfying the usual cocycle
condition (it is enough to check this over
$X^*$, where it is obvious). Therefore $(E',\rho')$ descends to a pair
$(E,\rho)$ on $X_R$ as in the statement of the proposition.
Conversely, given a pair $(E,\rho)$ as above over $X_R$, we can find a
faithfully flat homomorphism $R\rightarrow R'$ and a trivialization $\sigma'$
of the pull back of $E$ over $D_{R'}$ (in fact, we can take
$R'$ to be the product of henselization of each localized ring $R_x,\
x\in\Spec(R)$). By Proposition \ref{triples} we get an element $\gamma'$ of
$G\bigl(R'((z))\bigr)$ such that the two images of
$\gamma'$ in $G\bigl(R''((z))\bigr)$ (with $R''=R'\otimes_R R'$) differ by an
element of $G\bigl(R''[[z]]\bigr)$; this gives an element of $\Q(R)$. The two
constructions are clearly inverse one of each other.
We will make use of the following theorem
\begin{th}\label{Drinfeld-Simpson} (Drinfeld-Simpson \cite{DS}) Let $E$ be a
$G$-bundle over $X_R$. Then the restriction of $E$ to $X^*_R$ is trivial {\it
fppf} locally over $\Spec(R)$. If $char(k)$ does not divide the order of
$\pi_{1}(G(\comp))$, then this is even true {\it \'etale} locally.
\subsection{Proof of Theorem \ref{th:Uniformization}.} The universal $G$-bundle
$E$ over $X\times\Q$ (Proposition \ref{pairs}), gives rise to a map
$\pi:\Q\rightarrow \M$. This map is
$\LGX$-invariant, hence induces a morphism of stacks
$\overline{\pi}:\LGX\bk\Q\rightarrow \M$.
On the other hand we can define a map $\M\ra\LGX\bk\Q$ as follows. Let $R$ be a
$k$-algebra, $E$ a $G$-bundle over $X_R$. For any
$R$-algebra $R^{\prime}$, let $T(R^{\prime})$ be the set of trivializations
$\rho$ of
$E_{R^{\prime}}$ over $X^*_{R^{\prime}}$. This defines a $R$-space $T$ on
which the group $\LGX$ acts. By Theorem \ref{Drinfeld-Simpson}, it is a torsor
$\LGX$. To any element of
$T(R^{\prime})$ corresponds a pair $(E_{R^{\prime}},\rho)$, hence by
Proposition \ref{pairs} an element of
$\Q(R^{\prime})$. In this way we associate functorially to an object $E$ of
$\M(R)$ a
$\LGX$-equivariant map
$\alpha:T\rightarrow \Q$. This defines a morphism of stacks $\M\rightarrow
\LGX\bk\Q$ which is the inverse of $\overline{\pi}$.
The second assertion means that for any scheme $S$ over $k$ (resp. over $k$
such that
$char(k)$ does not divide the order of $\pi_{1}(G(\comp))$) and any morphism
$f:T\rightarrow \M$, the pull back to $S$ of the fibration
$\pi$ is {\it fppf} (resp. {\it\'etale}) locally trivial, i.e. admits local
sections (for the {\it fppf} (resp. {\it \'etale}) topology). Now $f$
corresponds to a
$G$-bundle $E$ over
$X\times S$. Let $s\in S$. Again by Theorem \ref{Drinfeld-Simpson}, we can find
an {\it fppf} (resp. {\it \'etale}) neighborhood $U$ of $s$ in $S$ and a
$\rho$ of
$E_{|X^*\times U}$. The pair $(E,\rho)$ defines a morphism $g:U\rightarrow \Q$
(Proposition \ref{pairs}) such that $\pi\rond g=f$, that is a section over $U$
of the pull back of the fibration $\pi$. \cqfd
\section{The infinite grassmannian $\Q$}
Let $G$ be semi-simple and $k$ be an algebraically closed field of
$0$ in (\ref{ind-structures-are-the-same}).
We will use the following two facts:
$(a)$ We may write $\Q$ as direct limit of projective
finite-dimensional $k$-schemes.
$(b)$ The multiplication map
$\mu:\LGmm\times \LGp \longrightarrow \LG$ is an open immersion.
\noindent For the first statement, remark that it is enough to consider the
${\cal{Q}}({\goth{g}})$ parameterizing isomorphism classes of sheaves of Lie
algebra which are locally of the form $S\times{\rm Lie(G)}$ together with a
trivialization over $\droitep^*$ (note that, looking at the adjoint group,
$\Q$ may be seen as a connected component of ${\cal{Q}}({\goth{g}})$) then
argue as in \cite{BL1}. For the second statement, the argument of (\cite{BL1}
Proposition 1.11) generalizes to arbitrary $G$, once we know the following.
{\em Claim.} Suppose $Y$ is a proper $S$-scheme and that the structural
morphism has a section $\sigma: S\ra Y$. Suppose moreover that $G\bk H$ is a
reductive subgroup of a reductive group $H$. Then, for any
$G$-bundle $P$ trivial along $\sigma$ the following is true: if the associated
$H$-bundle $P(H)$ is trivial, the $G$-bundle $P$ is so.
Indeed, by assumption, there exists a section $\tau: Y\ra P(H)$. The quotient
$G\bk H$ is affine. Therefore, the composite morphism from $Y$ to $G\bk H$
(which is the composition of
$\tau$ and of the canonical projection $P(H)\ra G\bk H$ factors as
$Y\ra S\hfl{p}{} G\setminus H.$ After an eventual translation of $\tau$ by an
element of $H(S)$, we can assume that the restriction $\sigma^*(\tau)$ of
along $\sigma$ is induced by the trivialization of $P$. Therefore, the morphism
$p$ is the constant morphism with constant value $G\in G\bk H$. In other words,
locally for the \'etale topology on $Y$, the section $\tau$ can be written
$$\tau(y)=\bigl(p(y),h(y)\bigr) {\rm mod}\ G\ {\rm where\ }y\in Y\ {\rm and}\
p(y)\in P, h(y)\in G.$$ The expression $p(y)h(y)^{-1}$ is well defined and
defines a section of $P$.
The quotient $\LG/\LGp$ has also been studied by Kumar and Mathieu. But the
structure of ind-variety they put on the quotient is, a priori, not the same as
the functorial one of section \ref{the-stack-M}. As we will use their results,
we have to identify them.
\begin{prop*}{} The ind-structure of $\Q$ defined in section \ref{the-stack-M}
coincides with the ind-structure of Kumar and Mathieu.
\begin{proof} Recall that an ind-scheme is called
{\em reduced} (resp. {\em irreducible, integral}) if it is a direct limit of
increasing sequence of reduced (resp. irreducible, integral) schemes. By
Lemma 6.3 of \cite{BL1} an ind-scheme is integral if and only if it is
irreducible and reduced. According to Faltings
\cite{F} (see \cite{BL1} for the case
$SL_{r}$), the ind-group $\LGm$ is integral. This may
be seen by looking at
$(\LGm)_{red}$ and using Shavarevich's theorem that a closed immersion of
irreducible ind-affine groups which is an isomorphism on Lie algebras, is an
\cite{Sh}. Note that irreducibility is due to the fact that any element can be
deformed to a constant in $G$; that $\Lie(\LGm)\rightarrow
\Lie(\LGm)_{red}$ is an isomorphism can be seen by using the fact that
$\Lie(G)$ is generated by nilpotent elements.
It follows for semisimple $G$ that $\LGmm$, which is a semidirect product of
$G$ and
$\LGm$, is integral, and furthermore if $G$ is simply connected then
$\Q$ is integral. Indeed by
(\ref{mu-is-immersion} b) $\LGmm\ra\Q$ is an open immersion hence it is enough
to show that $\Q$ is irreducible. Using that connected ind-groups are
irreducible (\cite{Sh}, Proposition 3) and the quotient morphism $\LG\ra\Q$
we reduce to prove the connectedness of $\LG$ which is well known (and follows
for example from uniformization for $\droitep$ and the
corresponding statement for $\Mproj$ , \cf \cite{DS}).
We are ready to deduce the identification of our ind-structure on $\Q$ with the
one used by Kumar or Mathieu in their generalized Borel-Weil theory. Both Kumar
and Mathieu define the structure of ind-variety on
$\LG/\LGp$ using representation theory of Kac-Moody algebras; for instance
Kumar, following Slodowy \cite{Sl}, considers the basic representation
${\cal{H}}_{\ell}$ for a fixed
$\ell$, and a highest weight vector $v_{\ell}$. The subgroup $\LGp$ is the
stabilizer of the line
$kv_\ell$ in
$\proj({\cal{H}}_{\ell})$, so the map $g\mapsto gv_\ell$ induces an injection
$i_\ell:\LG/\LGp\mono\proj({\cal{H}}_{\ell})$. Let $U$ be the subgroup of
$\LGp$ consisting of elements $A(z)$ such that $A(0)$ is in the unipotent part
of a fixed Borel subgroup $B\subset G$; to each element $w$ of the Weyl group
associated a ``Schubert variety"
$X_w$ which is a finite union of orbits of $U$. It turns out that the image
$i_\ell$ of $X_w$
is actually contained in some finite-dimensional projective subspace $\proj_w$
$\proj({\cal{H}}_{\ell})$, and is Zariski closed in $\proj_w$. This defines
$X_w$ a structure of reduced projective variety, and a structure of
ind-variety on
$\LG/\LGp=\limind X_w$.
By a result due to Faltings (\cf the Appendix of \cite{BL1} for $SL_{r}$), the
irreducible integrable representation
${\cal{H}}_{\ell}$ of $\Lgh$ can be ``integrated" to an {\it algebraic}
projective representation of $\LG$, that is a morphism of $k$-groups
$\LG\rightarrow PGL({\cal{H}}_{\ell})$. It follows that the map $i_c$ is a
morphism of ind-schemes of $\Q$ into
$\proj({\cal{H}}_{\ell})$ (which is the direct limit of its finite-dimensional
subspaces). But $i_\ell$ is even an {\it embedding}. It is injective by what
we said above; let us check that it induces an injective map on the tangent
spaces. Since it is equivariant under the action of
$\LG$ it is enough to prove this at the origin $\omega$ of $\Q$. Then it
follows from the fact that the annihilator of $v_\ell$ in the Lie algebra
$\Lg$ is
Therefore the restriction of $i_\ell$ to each of the subvarieties $\QN$ is
proper, injective, and injective on the tangent spaces, hence is an embedding
(in some finite-dimensional projective subspace of
$\proj({\cal{H}}_{\ell})$). Each $X_w$ is contained in some $\QN$, and
therefore is a closed subvariety of $\QNred$. Each orbit of $U$ is
contained in some $X_w$; since the
$X_w$'s define an ind-structure, each
$\QN$ is contained in some $X_w$, so that $\QNred$ is a
subvariety of
$X_w$. Since $\Q$ is the direct limit of the
$\QNred$, the two ind-structures coincide.
\section{The ind-group $\LGX$}
Throughout this section we suppose $k=\comp$ and $G$ semi-simple and simply
\begin{prop}\label{LGX-is-integral} The ind-group $\LGX$ is integral.
\begin{cor}\label{LGX-has-no-characters} Every character $\chi:\LGX\ra G_m$ is
\begin{proof} The differential of $\chi$, considered as a function on $\LGX$,
everywhere vanishing. Indeed, since $\chi$ is a group morphism, this means that
the deduced Lie algebra morphism ${\goth{g}}\otimes A_{X}\ra k$ is zero. But as
the derived algebra ${\cal D}({\goth{g}}\otimes A_X)$ is ${\cal
D}({\goth{g}})\otimes A_X$ and therefore equal to ${\goth{g}}\otimes A_X$
${\goth{g}}$ is simple, any Lie algebra morphism ${\goth{g}}\otimes A_X\ra k$
As $\LGX$ is integral we can write $\LGX$ as the direct limit of integral
$V_n$. The restriction of $\chi$ to $V_{n}$ has again zero derivative and is
therefore constant. For large $n$, the varieties $V_{n}$ contain $1$. This
$\chi_{\mid V_{n}}=1$ and we are done.
\begin{proof} To see that the ind-group $\LGX$ is reduced, consider the \'etale
trivial morphism $\bar\pi:{\cal{Q}}\ra\M$. Locally for the \'etale topology,
$\bar\pi$ is a product $\Omega\times\LGX$ (where
$\Omega$ is an \'etale neighborhood of
$\M$). Then use that ${\cal{Q}}$ is reduced by
(\ref{ind-structures-are-the-same}). As connected ind-groups are irreducible
by Proposition 3 of \cite{Sh} it is enough to show that $\LGX$ is connected.
The idea how to prove that $\LGX$ is connected is due to V. Drinfeld:
consider distinct points
$p_{1},\dots, p_{i}$ of $X$ which are all distinct from $p$. Define
$X^{*}_i=X\moins\{p,p_{1},\dots,p_{i}\}$ and, for every
$R$, define $X_{i,R}^{*} = X^{*}_i\times_k\Spec(R)$. Denote by $A_{X_{i,R}}$
$\Gamma(X_{i,R}^{*},{\cal{O}}_{X^{*}_{i,R}})$ and by
$\LGXi$ the $k$-group $R\mapsto G(A_{X_{i,R}})$. As $\LGX$, the $k$-group
$\LGXi$ is an ind-group (\cf \ref{Loop-groups}). The natural inclusion
$A_{X_{i,R}}\subset A_{X_{i+1,R}}$ defines a closed immersion
\begin{lem}\label{pi_0} The closed immersion
$\LGXi\ra\LGXip$ defines a bijection
\begin{proof} Consider the morphism $\LGXip\ra\LG$ defined by the developpement
in Laurent series at $p_{i+1}$. We get a morphism
$\phi_{i+1}:\LGXip\ra\Qp$, where we denote $\Qp=\LG/\LGp$. (of course $\Q=\Qp$
but we emphasize here that we will consider the point
$p_{i+1}$ and not $p$.)
\noindent{\em Claim:} The morphism $\phi_{i+1}:\LGXip\ra\Qp$ induces an
isomorphism on the level of stacks $\bar\phi_{i+1}:\LGXip/\LGXi\simeq\Qp$ and
is locally trivial for the
\'etale topology.
The lemma reduces to the claim. Indeed, as $G$ is semi-simple and simply
connected, we have $\pi_{i}([\Qp]^{an})=1$ for $i=0,1$ (by
(\ref{ind-structures-are-the-same}) and Kumar and Mathieu) and the exact
homotopy sequence associated of the (Serre)-fibration $\phi_{i+1}$ shows that
$\pi_{0}([\LGXi]^{an})\isom\pi_{0}([\LGXip]^{an})$ ($[]^{an}$ means we
consider the usual topology). From the bijection
$\pi_{0}(\LGXiN)\isom\pi_{0}([\LGXiN]^{an})$ and Proposition 2 of \cite{Sh} it
follows then that
$\pi_{0}(\LGXi)\ra\pi_{0}([\LGXi]^{an})$ is bijective.
\noindent{\em Proof of the claim:} Clearly $\phi_{i+1}:\LGXip\ra\Qp$ is $\LGXi$
invariant, hence defines a map $\bar\phi_{i+1}:\LGXip/\LGXi\ra\Qp$. Define a
$\Qp\ra\LGXip/\LGXi$ as follows. Let $R$ be a
$k$-algebra. By Proposition \ref{pairs} to an element of $\Qp(R)$ corresponds a
$E\ra X_R$ together with a trivialization $\tau_{p_{i+1}}:G\times
X_{p_{i+1},R}^*\ra E_{\mid X_{p_{i+1},R}^*}$. Here by $X_{p_{i+1},R}^*$ we
$(X\moins\{p_{i+1}\})\times_k\Spec(R)$. For any $R$-algebra $R^\prime$, denote
$T(R^\prime)$ the set of trivializations $\tau_i$ of $E_{R^\prime}$ over
$X_{i,R}^{*}$. This defines a $R$-space $T$ on which $\LGXi$ acts. By Theorem
\ref{Drinfeld-Simpson} it is a torsor under $\LGXi$. For any $\tau_i\in
the composite $\tau_i^{-1}\circ\tau_{p_{i+1}}$ defines a morphism
$X_{i+1,R}^{*}\ra G$ hence an element of $\LGXip(R)$. In this way we associate
functorially to an object $(E,\tau_{p_{i+1}})$ of $\Qp(R)$ a
$\LGXi$-invariant map
$\alpha:T\ra\LGXip$, which defines the inverse of $\bar\phi$. The assertion
concerning the local triviality is proved as in Theorem
Let us show that every element $g\in\LGX(k)$ is in the connected component of
the unit of $\LGX(k)$. Using the well known fact that $G(K)$ is generated by
the standard unipotent subgroups
$U_{\alpha}(K)$, $\alpha\in\Delta$, we may suppose that $g$ is of the form
$\prod_{j\in J}\exp(f_{j}n_{j})$ where the $n_{j}$ are nilpotent elements of
$\g$ and
$f_{j}\in K$. Let
$\{p_{1},\dots,p_{i}\}$ be the poles of the functions $f_{j}, j\in J$. The
$$\begin{diagram} {\tr{A}}^{1}&\lra&\LGXi\\ t&\mapsto&\prod_{j\in
$$ is a path from $g$ to $1$ in $\LGXi$. By Lemma \ref{pi_0}, the morphism
$\pi_{0}(\LGX)\ra\pi_{0}(\LGXi)$ is bijective which proves that $g$ and $1$ are
indeed in the same connected component of $\LGX$.
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $\not=2$ and $S$ a
\subsection{The Picard categories}
Let $A$ be $\reln$ or $\reln/2\reln$. Denote by ${\goth{L}}_{A}$ the groupoid
$A$-graded invertible ${\cal{O}}_{S}$-modules. The objects of ${\goth{L}}_{A}$
are pairs
$[L]=(L,a)$ of invertible
${\cal{O}}_{S}$-modules $L$ and locally constant functions $a:S\ra A$,
$[f]:[L]\ra[M]$ are defined if $a=b$ and are isomorphisms
$f:L\ra M$ of
${\cal{O}}_{S}$-modules. Denote $\idbb_{A}$ the object $({\cal{O}}_{S},0)$. The
category ${\goth{L}}_{A}$ has tensor products, defined by
$[L]\otimes[M]=(L\otimes M,a+b).$ Given
$[L]$ and $[M]$ we have Koszul's symmetry isomorphism $\sigma_{_{[L],[M]}}:
[L]\otimes[M]\ra[M]\otimes[L]$ defined on local sections $\ell$ and
$m$ by $\sigma_{_{L,M}}(\ell\otimes m)=(-1)^{ab}m\otimes\ell$.
Denote $\det_{A}$ the functor from the category of coherent locally free
${\cal{O}}_{S}$-modules with isomorphisms defined by
$\det_{A}=(\Lambda^{max},\rang(V))$ and $\det_{A}(f)=\Lambda^{max}(f)$.
In the following we drop the subscript $A$ for $A=\reln$ and replace it by $2$
Let $V$ be a coherent locally free ${\cal{O}}_{S}$-module of rank $2n$. Let
$\Pf:\Lambda^{2}V^{*}\ra\Lambda^{2n}V^{*}$ be the unique map that commutes with
base changes and such that if $(e^{*}_{1},\dots,e^{*}_{2n})$ is a local frame
$V^{*}$ and
$\alpha=\Sigma_{i<j}a_{ij}e^{*}_{i}\wedge e^{*}_{j}$, then
$$\Pf(\alpha)=\pf(a)e_{1}^{*}\wedge\dots\wedge e^{*}_{2n}$$ where $\pf(a)$ is
the pfaffian [Bourbaki, Alg\`ebre 9.5.2] of the alternating matrix
$a_{ij}=-a_{ji}$ for
$i>j$ and $a_{ii}=0$ for $i=1, \dots, 2n$.
Suppose $\alpha:V\ra V^{*}$ is skewsymmetric. View $\alpha$ as a section of
$\Lambda^{2}V^{*}$ and define the {\em pfaffian} of $\alpha$ as the section
$\Pf(\alpha):{\cal{O}}_{S}\ra\Lambda^{2n}V^{*}$. By [Bourbaki, Alg\`ebre 9.5.2]
we know that
\begin{diagram} {\cal{O}}_{S}\otimes{\cal{O}}_{S}&\lra&{\cal{O}}_{S}\\
\end{equation} commutes and that, if $u$ is an endomorphism of $V^{*}$, then
\sfl{\Pf(u\alpha u^{*})}{}&\swfl{}{\det(u)}\\
\end{equation} commutes.
\subsection{The pfaffian functor}
We consider the following category ${\cal{A}}={\cal{A}}^{\bullet}(S)$: objects
are complexes of locally free coherent
${\cal{O}}_{S}$-modules concentrated in degrees $0$ and $1$ of the form
$$0\lra E\efl{\alpha}{} E^{*}\lra 0$$ with $\alpha$ skewsymmetric. Morphisms
between two such complexes $E^{\bullet}$ and
$F^{\bullet}$ are morphisms of complexes
$f^{\bullet}:E^{\bullet}\lra F^\bullet$ such that $f^{\bullet*}[-1]$ is a
homotopy inverse of
$f^{\bullet}$, \ie $f^{\bullet*}[-1]\circ f^{\bullet}$ and
$f^{\bullet}\circ f^{\bullet*}[-1]$ are homotopic to the identity.
Let $\pi:{\goth{L}}\ra{\goth{L}}_{2}$ be the projection functor,
$\Delta:{\goth{L}}_{2}\ra{\goth{L}}_{2}$ be the functor defined by
$[L]\mapsto[L]\otimes[L]$ and $[f]\mapsto[f]\otimes[f]$ and
$\Det:{\cal{A}}\ra{\goth{L}}$ be the determinant functor \cite{KM} .
\begin{prop}\label{pfaffianfunctor} There is a natural functor,
$\Pf:{\cal{A}}^{\bullet}\ra{\goth{L}}_{2}$, commuting with base changes, and a
natural isomorphism of functors:
$$\pi\circ\Det\isom\Delta\circ\Pf.$$ Moreover, if $f^{\bullet}:E^{\bullet}\lra
E^\bullet$ is homotopic to the identity then $\Pf(f^{\bullet})=\id$.
\begin{proof} Define $\Pf$ on the level of objects by
$\Pf(E^{\bullet})=\det_{2}(E)$. On the level of morphisms we do the following.
Let $f^{\bullet}=(f_{0},f_{1}):E^{\bullet}\lra F^{\bullet}$ be a morphism of
$$\begin{diagram} E&\efl{\alpha_{E}}{}&E^{*}\cr
\sfl{f_{0}}{}&&\sfl{f_{1}}{}\cr F&\efl{\alpha_{F}}{}&F^{*}\cr
$$ and consider the complex $C^{\bullet}_{f}$ (which is up to sign the cone of
$$C_{f}^{\bullet}= 0\lra E\efl{\begin{pmatrix}\alpha_{E}\cr
-f_{0}\end{pmatrix}}{} E^{*}\oplus F\efl{(f_{1}\ \alpha_{F})}{}F^{*}\lra 0$$
As $f^{\bullet}$ is a quasi-isomorphism, $C^{\bullet}_{f}$ is acyclic. By the
usual additivity property of determinants, we get a canonical isomorphism
\otimes\Lambda^{max}F.$$ Recall that this isomorphism is defined by taking a
$\begin{pmatrix}u\\ v\end{pmatrix}$ of $(f_{1}\ \alpha_{F})$ and calculating
determinant, which is independent of this choice, of the morphism
$$M(f)=\begin{pmatrix}\alpha&u\cr -f_{0}&v\end{pmatrix}\in
\Hom(E\oplus F^{*},E^{*}\oplus F)$$
\begin{lem}\label{compagnion} There is a skew-symmetric morphism
$\gamma_{f}\in\Hom(F^{*},F)$ such that
$\begin{pmatrix}f_{0}^{*}\\ \gamma\end{pmatrix}$ is a section of
$(f_{1}\ \alpha_{F})$.
\begin{proof} As $f\circ f^{*}[-1]$ is homotopic to $\Id$ there is a morphism
$h$ such that
$f_{0}f_{1}^{*}-1=h\alpha_{F}$ and $f_{1}f_{0}^{*}-1=\alpha_{F} h$. Now define
The pfaffian of the skew-symmetric morphism
$$M(f,\gamma_{f})=\begin{pmatrix}\alpha&f_{0}^{*}\cr -f_{0}&
\gamma_{f}\end{pmatrix}\in\Hom(E\oplus F^{*},E^{*}\oplus F)$$ defines a section
\begin{lem} The section $\pf(M(f,\gamma_{f}))$ is independent of the choice of
\begin{proof} Suppose $\gamma_{f}^{\prime}$ is another morphism satisfying
(\ref{compagnion}). Then there is $g\in\Hom(F^{*},E)$ such that $\alpha_{E}g=0$
$f_{0}g=-g^{*}f_{0}^{*}$ [use that $\gamma_{f}$ and $\gamma_{f}^{\prime}$ are
skew]. These relations give
\begin{pmatrix}1&0\cr {\frac{g}{2}}^{*}&1\end{pmatrix}
M(f,\gamma_{f})\begin{pmatrix}1&\frac{g}{2}\cr 0&1\end{pmatrix}$$ which in turn
implies the required equality by (\ref{sbc}).
As $\rank(E)=\rank(F)\bmod 2$, we get the isomorphism in ${\goth{L}}_{2}$:
$$\pf(M(f)):\idbb_{2}\isom\det_{2}(E)^{*}\otimes\det_{2}(F).$$ Define the
pfaffian of
$f^{\bullet}$ by
\begin{lem} $\Pf:{\cal{A}}\ra{\goth{L}}_{2}$ defines a functor.
\begin{proof} As $\pf(M(\Id,0))=1$, we have $\Pf(\Id)=\Id$. Let
$f^{\bullet}:E^{\bullet}\ra F^{\bullet}$ and $g:F^{\bullet}\ra G^{\bullet}$ be
two morphisms of ${\cal{A}}$. Then the following diagram is commutative
\sfl{\Id}{}&&\sfl{}{1\otimes\ev_{\det_{2}(F)}\otimes 1}\\
\idbb_{2}&\efl{\pf(M(g\circ f,\gamma_{g\circ f}))}{}&
$$ Indeed, remark that
$\gamma_{gf}=g_{0}\gamma_{f}g_{0}^{*}+\gamma_{g}$ satisfies (\ref{compagnion})
$g\circ f$ and make use of (\ref{sbc}) first with
-f_{0}&\gamma_{f}&1&\gamma_{f}g_{0}^{*}\\ 0&-1&0&0\\
\end{pmatrix} =
\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0&0\\ 0&1&0&0\\ -f_{1}&-\alpha_{F}&1&0\\ 0&g_{0}&0&1\\
\alpha_{E}&f_{0}^{*}&0&0\\ -f_{0}&\gamma_{f}&0&0\\ 0&0&\alpha_{F}&g_{0}^{*}\\
\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&-f_{1}^{*}&0\\ 0&1&\alpha_{F}&g_{0}^{*}\\ 0&0&1&0\\
$$ and then with
\alpha_{E}&0&0&f_{0}^{*}g_{0}^{*}\\ 0&\gamma_{f}&1&0\\ 0&-1&0&0\\
\end{pmatrix} =
\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&f_{0}^{*}&0\\ 0&1&0&0\\ 0&0&1&0\\ 0&0&g_{0}\gamma_{f}&1\\
-f_{0}&\gamma_{f}&1&\gamma_{f}g_{0}^{*}\\ 0&-1&0&0\\
\begin{pmatrix} 1&0&0&0\\ 0&1&0&0\\ f_{0}&0&1&-\gamma_{f}g_{0}^{*}\\ 0&0&0&1\\
$$ The commutativity of the above diagram shows $\Pf(g\circ
The statement on the natural transformation follows from the definitions and
(\ref{square}). It remains to prove that if $f^{\bullet}:E^{\bullet}\ra
E^{\bullet}$ is homotopic to the identity, then $\Pf(f)=\Id$. Indeed, let
$h:E^{*}\ra E$ be such that
$f_{0}-h\alpha_{E}=1$ and $f_{1}-\alpha h=1$. Then $\gamma_{f}:=-h+f_{0}h^{*}$
satisfies (\ref{compagnion}) and the statement follows from (\ref{sbc}) and
\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\ h&1\end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix}a_{E}&f_{0}^{*}\\ -f_{0}^{*}&\gamma_{f}\end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix}1&h^{*}\\ 0&1\end{pmatrix}$$ This completes the proof of
\section{Line bundles on $\M$.}
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $\not=2$ in Sections
(\ref{the-pf-bundle})-(\ref{dualizing-sheaf}). Denote
$\Pic(\M)$ the group of isomorphism classes of line bundles on $\M$. (See
(\cite{BL1}, 3.7) for a discussion of line bundles over $k$-spaces and stacks).
We will construct special elements of
\subsection{The determinant line bundle.}\label{the-det-bundle}
We start with the well known case of $G=GL_{r}$: let ${\cal{F}}$ be a family
vector bundle of rank
$r$ parameterized by the locally noetherian $k$-scheme $S$. Recall that the
$Rpr_{1*}({\cal{F}})$ may be represented by a perfect complex of length one
$K^{\bullet}$ and define ${\scr{D}}_{{\cal{F}}}$ to be
$\det(K^{\bullet})^{-1}$. This does not, up to canonical isomorphism, depend on
the choice of $K^{\bullet}$. As the formation of the determinant commutes with
base change, the fiber of
${\scr{D}}_{{\cal{F}}}$ over the point $s\in S$ is
\Lambda^{max}H^{1}(X,{\cal{F}}(s))$. The line bundle ${\scr{D}}_{{\cal{F}}}$ is
called the {\em determinant of cohomology} line bundle associated to the family
Let ${\cal{U}}$ be the universal vector bundle on
$\MGL\times X$ and define the determinant line bundle
${\scr{D}}=\det(Rpr_{1*}{\cal{U}})^{-1}$. It has the following universal
property: for every family ${\cal{F}}$ of vector bundle parameterized by the
locally noetherian
$S$, we have
$f_{{\cal{F}}}^{*}({\scr{D}})={\scr{D}}_{{\cal{F}}}$ where
$f_{{\cal{F}}}:S\ra\MGL$ is the deduced modular morphism.
For the case of general $G$, consider a representation $\rho:G\ra GL_{r}$ and
consider the morphism obtained by extension of structure group
$f_{\rho}:\M\ra\MGL$. Then define the determinant of cohomology associated to
$\rho$ by ${\scr{D}}_{\rho}=f_{\rho}^{*}({\scr{D}})$.
\subsection{The Pfaffian bundle}\label{the-pf-bundle}
Consider $G=\Spin_{r}$ with $r\geq 3$ (resp. $G=G_2$). Then the standard
representation $\varpi_{1}$ factors through $SO_{r}$ (resp. $SO_{7}$). The
$\MSO$ has two components: $\MSOzero$ and
$\MSOone$. They are distinguished by the second
Stiefel-Whitney class
$$w_{2}: H^{1}_{\acute
et}(X,SO_{r})\ra\H^{2}_{\acute et}(X,\reln/2\reln)=\reln/2\reln.$$
Let $\kappa$ be a theta-characteristic on $X$. Twisting by $\kappa$, we may
and will see a $SO_{r}$-bundle as a vector bundle $F$ with trivial determinant
together with a {\em symmetric} isomorphism $\sigma:F\ra F^{\vee}$, where
$F^{\vee}=\ul\Hom_{{\cal{O}}_{X}}(F,\omega_{_{X}})$. The following Proposition
shows the existence, for every $\kappa$, of a canonical square root
${\scr{P}}_{\kappa}$ of the determinant bundle ${\scr{D}}_{\varpi_{1}}$ over
\begin{prop} Let $(F,\sigma)$ be a family of vector bundles $F$ equipped with a
quadratic form $\sigma$ with values in $\omega_{_{X}}$ parameterized by the
locally noetherian
$k$-scheme $S$. Then the determinant of cohomology ${\cal{D}}_{F}$ admits a
canonical square root ${\cal{P}}_{(F,\sigma)}$. Moreover, if $f:S^{\prime}\ra
S$ is a morphism of locally noetherian $k$-schemes then we have
\begin{proof} By (\cite{So2}, prop. 2.1 and proof of corollary 2.2, \cf also
\cite{Ke}), Zariski locally on $S$, there are length
$1$ complexes
$M^{\bullet}$ of finite free ${\cal{O}}_{S}$-modules and quasi-isomorphisms
$f:M^{\bullet}\ra Rpr_{1*}(F)$ such that the composition in the derived
$D(S)$ (use $\sigma$ and Grothendieck duality)
$$M^{\bullet}\efl{f}{} Rpr_{1*}(F)\efl{\tau}{}
\R\ul\Hom^{\bullet}( Rpr_{1*}(F),{\cal{O}}_{S})[-1]\efl{f^{*}[-1]}{}
M^{\bullet*}[-1]$$ lifts to a symmetric isomorphism of complexes
$\varphi:M^{\bullet}\ra M^{\bullet*}[-1]$:
\begin{diagram} 0&\lra&M^{0}&\efl{d_{M^{\bullet}}}{}&M^{1}&\lra&0\\
0&\lra&M^{1*}&\efl{-d_{M^{\bullet *}}}{}&M^{0*}&\lra&0\\
\comment{ [Indeed, for every $s\in S$ we may find, in a Zariski neighborhood
$U$ of
$s$, a length $1$ complex $(M^{\bullet},d_{M^{\bullet}})$ of finite free
${\cal{O}}_{S}$-modules such that $d_{M^{\bullet}}(s)=0$ and a
(over $U$)
$f:M^{\bullet}\ra Rpr_{1*}(F)$. The isomorphism (in $D^{b}(U)$)
$f^{*}[-1]\circ\tau\circ f:M^{\bullet}\ra M^{\bullet*}[-1]$ lifts to a morphism
of complexes $\phi$, as the components of $M^{\bullet}$ are free. As $\tau$ is
symmetric, the symmetrization $\varphi$ of $\phi$ still lifts
$f^{*}[-1]\circ\tau\circ f$ and as $\varphi$ is an isomorphism at the point
$\varphi$ remains an isomorphism, after eventually shrinking $U$, over $U$.] }
Define $\widetilde{M}^{\bullet}$ by
$0\ra M^{0}\efl{\alpha}{}M^{0*}\ra 0.$ Then $\alpha$ is skew and we have a
natural isomorphism of complexes $\psi:M^{\bullet}\ra\widetilde{M}^{\bullet}$
such that
$\psi^{*}[-1]\psi=f^{*}[-1]\tau f$ in $D^{b}(S)$.
Cover $S$ by open subsets $U_{i}$ together with complexes
$(M_{i}^{\bullet},d_{M^{\bullet}_{i}})$ and quasi-isomorphisms
$f_{i}:M_{i}^{\bullet}\ra Rpr_{1*}(F)\restriction{U_{i}}$ as above. We define
${\cal{P}}_{(F,\sigma)}$ over $U_{i}$ by
${\cal{P}}_{i,(F,\sigma)}=\Pf(\widetilde{M}^{\bullet}_{i})$ and construct
patching data
$\rho_{ij}:{\cal{P}}_{i,(F,\sigma)}\isom{\cal{P}}_{j,(F,\sigma)}$ over
$U_{ij}=U_{i}\cap U_{j}$ in the following way.
\comment{ Consider the diagram of isomorphisms in $D^{b}(U_{ij})$, with
&&\sfl{f_{i}}{}\cr M^{\bullet}_{j}&\efl{f_{j}}{}&K_{ij}^{\bullet}&\efl{\tau}{}&
\efl{f_{j}^{*}[-1]}{}& M^{\bullet*}_{j}[-1]\\
&&\sfl{\tau}{}&&&&\sfl{\wr}{\psi_j^*[-1]}\cr &&K_{ij}^{\bullet*}[-1]
&&&&\widetilde{M_j^\bullet}{}^*[-1]\cr &&\sfl{f_{i}^{*}[-1]}{}\cr
$$ } Define first the morphism of complexes
$\Sigma_{ij}:\ \widetilde{M}_{i}\ra\widetilde{M}_{j}$ as a lifting of the
isomorphism in $D^{b}(U_{ij})$
$$\psi_{j}^{*-1}[-1]f_{j}^{*}[-1]\tau f_{i}\psi_{i}^{-1},$$ then $\rho_{ij}$
$\Pf(\Sigma_{ij})$ [note that it follows from the symmetry of $\sigma$ (and
that the components of the $\widetilde{M}_{i}$ are free) that $\Sigma_{ij}$ is
a morphism of
${\cal{A}}(U_{ij})$]. By \ref{pfaffianfunctor},
$\rho_{ij}$ does not depend on the particular chosen lifting and the
functoriality of $\Pf$ translates into
$\rho_{ii}=\Id$, $\rho_{ij}=\rho_{ik}\rho_{kj}$ and also
$\rho_{ij}=\rho_{ji}^{-1}$. Over $U_{i}$ we have
=\det(\widetilde{M}_{i}^{\bullet})$. As usual, the
$\det(\widetilde{M}_{i}^{\bullet})$ path together (via $f_{i}\psi_{i}^{-1}$),
${\scr{D}}_{F}$ and we get, again by Proposition \ref{pfaffianfunctor}, a
canonical isomorphism
${\cal{P}}_{(F,\sigma)}\otimes {\cal{P}}_{(F,\sigma)}\isom {\cal{D}}_{F}.$
\subsection{} Considering the universal family over $\MSO\times X$, we
get, by the above, for every theta-characteristic $\kappa$ a line bundle
${\scr{P}}_{\kappa}$ over $\MSO$. Consider
$$e:\MSpin\lra\MSOzero$$ defined by extension
of the structure group. This morphism defines a morphism on the level of
Picard groups hence we can define a line bundle, denoted by ${\scr{P}}$, which
is the pullback of the pfaffian line bundle ${\scr{P}}_{\kappa}$. We omit here
the index $\kappa$ as we will see that ${\scr{P}}$ on
$\MSpin$ does not depend on the choice of a particular
theta-characteristic. In the same way, we define the line bundle ${\scr{P}}$ on
\subsection{The pfaffian divisor.} Let $r\geq 3$ and $({\cal E},q)$ be the
universal quadratic bundle over
$\MSOzero\times X$. For $\kappa$ a theta-characteristic, let us
denote by
$\Theta_\kappa$ the substack defined by
$$\Theta_\kappa={\rm div}(Rpr_{1*}({\cal E}\otimes pr_2^*\kappa)).$$
{\em Claim: This substack is a divisor if and only if $r$ or $\kappa$ are
\begin{proof} Let $P=(E,q)$ be a $SO_r$-bundle, $r\geq 3$ and $\kappa$ be a
theta-characteristic. Then
\begin{equation}\label{w2} w_2(P)=\h^0(E\otimes\kappa)+r\h^0(\kappa)\bmod 2.
\end{equation} Indeed, by Riemanns invariance mod $2$ theorem, the right hand
side of (\ref{w2}) denoted $\bar w_2(P)$ in the following, is constant over
$2$ connected components of $\MSO$. Because (\ref{w2}) is true at
the trivial $SO_{r}$-bundle ${\cal{T}}$, it is enough to prove that $\bar w_2$
is not constant. Let $L,M\in J_{2}$ (where $J_{2}=$ points of order 2 of the
jacobian) such that for the Weyl pairing $<L,M>=1$. The choice of a
trivialization of their square defines a non degenerated quadratic form on
$E=(L\otimes M)\oplus L\oplus M\oplus (r-3){\cal{O}}_{X}$ hence a
$SO_r$-bundle $P$. By \cite{Mu}, we know that we have
$\bar w_2(P)=<L,M>\not=0=\bar w_2({\cal{T}})$, which proves (\ref{w2}). Choose
an ineffective theta-characteristic $\kappa_0$ and set
$L=\kappa_0\otimes\kappa^{-1}$. If $r$ is even, there exists a $SO_r$-bundle
$P=(E,q)$ such that
$H^0(E\otimes\kappa)=0$ and $w_2(P)=0$ (choose $E=rL$ with $L\in J_{2}$ and use
(\ref{w2})). If $r$ is odd and $\kappa$ is even, there exists a $SO_r$-bundle
$P=(E,q)$ such that $H^0(E\otimes\kappa)=0$ and $w_2(P)=0$ (by (\cite{Be},
1.5), there is a $SL_2$-bundle $F$ on $X$ such that
$H^0(X,{\rm ad}(F)\otimes \kappa)=0$, then choose $E={\rm ad}(F)\oplus (r-3)L$
with the obvious quadratic form.) If $r$ and $\kappa$ are odd, then
$H^0(E\otimes\kappa)$ is odd for all $P\in\MSOzero$.
As the perfect complex $Rpr_{1*}({\cal E}\otimes pr_2^*\kappa)$ can
be locally represented by a skew-symmetric perfect complex of length one
$L\efl{\alpha}{}L^*$, the pfaffian of $\alpha$ defines a local equation of an
effective divisor ${\Theta_\kappa\over 2}$ such that
$2{\Theta_\kappa\over 2}=\Theta_\kappa$. This gives an easier way to define, by
smoothness of $\M$, the pfaffian line bundle. The reason which motivated our
construction above was to define this square root for arbitrary quadratic
bundles (not only the even ones) and to make a construction for all
theta-characteristics and not only the even ones (when $r$ is odd).
\subsection{Proof of \ref{sr}.}\label{dualizing-sheaf} The dualizing line
bundle $\omega_{_{\M}}$ on $\M$ is by definition the determinant line bundle of
the cotangent complex of $\M$. Let $\Ad:G\ra\GL({\goth{g}})$ be the adjoint
representation. Then $\omega_{_{\M}}={\scr{D}}_{\Ad}^{-1}$. Suppose that $G$
is semi-simple. Then the adjoint representation factors through the special
orthogonal group because of the existence of the Cartan-Killing form. Choose a
$\kappa$ on
$X$. Then, as in (\ref{the-pf-bundle}), we can define a square root
$\omega^{\frac{1}{2}}_{_{\M}}(\kappa)$ of
\section{The Picard group of $\M$.}\label{section-pic-of-M}
Throughout the section suppose that $k=\comp$ and that $G$ is simple and
simply connected.
Let $\Pic_{\LGX}(\Q)$ the group of $\LGX$-linearized line bundles on $\Q$.
Recall that a
$\LGX$-linearization of the line bundle ${\scr{L}}$ on $\Q$ is an isomorphism
$m^{*}{\scr{L}}\isom pr_{2}^{*}{\scr{L}}$, where
$m:\LGX\times\Q\ra\Q$ is the action of $\LGX$ on $\Q$, satisfying the usual
cocycle condition.
Consider the projection $\pi:\Q\ra\M$ of Theorem $\ref{th:Uniformization}$. Let
${\cal{L}}$ be a line bundle on $\M$. As $\pi^{*}$ induces an isomorphism
between the sections of ${\cal{L}}$ and
$\LGX$-invariant sections of $\pi^{*}{\cal{L}}$ (\cite{BL1}, Lemma 7.2), we
\begin{prop}\label{pullback-is-injective} The projection $\pi:\Q\ra\M$ induces
an injection
Any $\LGX$-linearization is necessarily unique:
\begin{prop}\label{unique-linearization} The forgetful morphism
$\Pic_{\LGX}(\Q)\ra\Pic(\Q)$ is injective.
\begin{proof} The kernel of this morphism consists of the
$\LGX$-linearizations of the trivial bundle. Any to such trivializations differ
by an automorphisms of $pr_{2}^{*}{\cal{O}}_{\Q}$ that is by an invertible
function on
$\LGX\times\Q$. Since $\Q$ is integral (\ref{ind-structures-are-the-same}), it
is the direct limit of the integral projective varieties
$\Q=\limind\QNred$ and this function is the pull back of an
invertible function $f$ on
$\LGX$. The cocycle conditions on the linearizations imply that
$f$ is a character, hence $f=1$ by Lemma \ref{LGX-has-no-characters}.
\subsection{$\Pic(Q(G))$ and the canonical central extension of $LG$.}
Consider the embedding
$\LG/\LGp\hookrightarrow\proj({\cal{H}}_1)$ of
(\ref{ind-structures-are-the-same}) and define ${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$ as the
pullback of
${\cal{O}}_{\proj({\cal{H}}_1)}(1)$. By \cite{Ma} and \cite{KNR}, we know
$\Pic(\Q)=\reln{\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$. The $k$-group $\LG$ acts on $\Q$ but the
action does not lift to an action of $\LG$ on ${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$. There is a
canonical device to produce an extension $\LGh$ of $\LG$ such that the induced
action of $\LGh$ lifts to an action of $\LGh$ on ${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$: the
Mumford group. This is the group of pairs $(g,f)$ where $g\in\LG$ and
$f:g^{*}{\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)\isom{\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$. We get a central extension
(note that $\Q$ is direct limit of projective integral schemes)
\begin{equation}\label{can-ext} 1\lra G_{m}\lra\LGh\lra\LG\lra 1
\end{equation} Note that the Mumford group of
${\cal{O}}_{\proj({\cal{H}}_1)}(1)$ is
$GL({\cal{H}}_1)$. As the projective representation ${\cal{H}}_1$ of $\Lg$ can
be integrated to a projective representation $\phi:\LG\ra PGL({\cal{H}}_1)$
\ref{ind-structures-are-the-same}), by functoriality of the Mumford group,
(\ref{can-ext}) is also the pullback by $\phi$ of the central extension
\begin{equation}\label{gl(H)-ext} 1\lra\G_{m}\lra GL({\cal{H}}_1)\lra
PGL({\cal{H}}_1)\lra 1.
\end{equation} Moreover, the restriction of
${\cal{H}}_1$ to $\Lgp$ can be integrated to a representation
$\LGp\ra GL({\cal{H}}_{1})$. It follows that (\ref{gl(H)-ext}) splits {\em
canonically} over $\LGp$, and ${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$ is the line bundle on the
homogeneous space $\Q=\widehat\LG/\widehat\LGp$ associated to the character
$G_m\times\LGp\ra G_m$ defined by the first projection.
\subsection{}\label{central-extensions-and-Dynkin-index} Consider the case of
$G=SL_{r}$. In this case, we know from \cite{BL1}, that the pullback of the
determinant line ${\cal{D}}$ bundle is ${\cal{O}}_{\QSL}(1)$. It
follows from (\ref{pullback-is-injective}), (\ref{unique-linearization}) and
(\ref{Pic(Q)}) that $\Pic(\M)=\reln{\scr{D}}$. If $\rho:G\ra SL_{r}$ is a
representation of $G$ we get a commutative diagram
\begin{lem}\label{Pullback-is-L-to-Dynkin} Let $d_\rho$ be the Dynkin index of
$\rho$. Then the pullback of the determinant bundle under $\varphi$ is
\begin{proof} Consider the pullback diagram of (\ref{can-ext}) for
\begin{diagram} 1&\lra& G_m&\lra&\widetilde\LG&\lra&\LG&\lra&1\\
&&\parallel&&\sfl{}{}&&\sfl{}{}\\ 1&\lra& G_m&\lra&\widehat{\LSL}&\lra&
\LSL&\lra& 1
$$ Looking at the differentials (note that $\Lie(\LSLh)=\Lslh$ by \cite{BL1}),
on the level of Lie algebra, we restrict the universal central extension of
$\Lsl$ to $\Lg$. The resulting extension $\widetilde\Lg$ is (\cf Section
(\ref{section-Dynkin-index})) the Lie algebra of the Mumford group of
${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(d_{\rho})$ where $d_{\rho}$ is the Dynkin index of $d_{\rho}$,
which proves the lemma.
\begin{cor} As a pullback, the line bundle
${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(d_\rho)$ is $\LGX$-linearized.
\subsection{Proof of Theorem \ref{th:Pic}.} By the above for series $A$ and
$C$, as the Dynkin index for the standard representation is $1$, that all line
bundles on
$\Q$ are $\LGX$-linearized. For the series $B$ and $D$ (and also for $G_{2}$)
the Dynkin index of the standard representation is $2$. But by the existence of
the pfaffian line bundles we see also in this case, that all line bundles on
$\Q$ are
$\LGX$-linearized and Theorem \ref{th:Pic} for $n=0$ follows from
(\ref{pullback-is-injective}), (\ref{unique-linearization}) and (\ref{Pic(Q)})
\begin{rem}\label{unique-splitting} The restriction to $\LGX$ of the canonical
central extension $\LGh$ of $\LG$ splits (at least for classical $G$ and
Moreover this splitting is unique.
\begin{proof} As ${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$ admits a $\LGX$-linearization, the action
$\LGX$ on $\Q$ induced by the embedding $\LGX\subset\LG$ lifts to an action to
${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$. The central extension of $\LGX$ obtained by pullback of
canonical central extension $\LGh$ of $\LG$ is the Mumford group of $\LGX$
associated to ${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$. But this extension splits as the action
lifts and we are done. Two splittings differ by a character of $\LGX$. As there
is only the trivial character (corollary \ref{LGX-has-no-characters}) the
splitting must be unique.
\section{Parabolic $G$-bundles.}\label{Gpar}
Throughout this section $G$ is simple, simply connected and $k=\comp$. We will
extend the previous sections to the moduli stacks of parabolic
\subsection{}\label{Preparation-on-G/P} We use the notations of Section
\ref{Lie-theory}. We will recall some standard facts for Lie groups, which we
will use later. Let $G$ be the simple and simply connected algebraic group
associated to
$\g$. Denote by $T\subset G$ the Cartan subgroup associated to
${\goth{h}}\subset\g$ and by $B\subset G$ the Borel subgroup associated to
${\goth{b}}\subset\g$. Given a subset $\Sigma$ of the set of simple roots
(nodes of the Dynkin diagram), we can define a subalgebra
{\goth{g}}_{-\alpha})\subset\g,$ hence a subgroup $P_{\Sigma}\subset G$. Remark
$P_{\Pi}=G$ and that all $P_\Sigma$ contain $B$. The subgroup $P_\Sigma$ is
parabolic and conversely any {\em standard } (\ie containing $B$) parabolic
subgroup arises in this way. Fix $\Sigma\subset \Pi$ and let
$\Gamma=\Pi\moins\Sigma$. Denote by $X(P_{\Sigma})$ the character group of
$P_\Sigma$. Any weight $\lambda$ such that
$\lambda(H_{\alpha})=0$ for all $\alpha\in\Sigma$ defines, via the exponential
map, a character of $P_{\Sigma}$ and all characters arise in this way,
$X(P_{\Sigma})=\{\lambda\in P/\lambda(H_{\alpha})=0
\text{ for all }\alpha\in\Sigma\}.$ Given $\chi\in X(P_\Sigma)$ we can define
the line bundle
$L_\chi=G\times^{P_\Sigma}k_\chi$ on the homogeneous space $G/P_\Sigma$. In
general, there is an exact sequence (\cite{FI}, prop. 3.1)
$$1\lra X(G)\lra X(P_\Sigma)\lra\Pic(G/P_\Sigma)\lra\Pic(G)\lra\Pic(P)\lra 0.$$
$G$ is simple, we have $X(G)=0$ and as $G$ is simply connected, we have
$\Pic(G)=0$ (\cite{FI}, cor. 4.5). We get the isomorphism
$X(P_{\Sigma})\isom\Pic(G/P_{\Sigma}).$ In particular, the Picard group of
$G/P_{\Sigma}$ is isomorphic to the free abelian group generated over $\Gamma$.
\subsection{} Consider closed points $p_{1},\dots,p_{n}$ of $X$, labeled with
the standard parabolic subgroup $P_{1},\dots,P_{n}$. Let
$\Sigma_{1},\dots,\Sigma_{n}$ be the associated subsets of simple roots and
$\Gamma_{i}=\Pi\moins \Sigma_{i}$ for $i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$. In the following,
underlining a character will mean that we consider the associated sequence,
$\ul{P}$ will denote the sequence
$(P_{1},\dots,P_{n})$, {\em etc.} Let $E$ be a $G$-bundle. As $G$ acts on
$G/P_{i}$ we can define the associated
$G/P_{i}$-bundle $E(G/P_{i})$.
\begin{defi} (\cf \cite{MS}) A quasi-parabolic $G$-bundle of type $\ul{P}$ is a
$G$-bundle $E$ on $X$ together with, for all $i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$, an element
$F_{i}\in E(G/P_{i})(p_{i})$. A parabolic $G$-bundle of type $(\ul{P},\ul{m})$
is a quasi-parabolic $G$-bundle of type
$\ul{P}$ together with, for $i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$, parabolic weights
$(m_{i,j})_{j\in\Gamma_{i}}$ where the $m_{i,j}$ are strictly positive
\subsection{} Let $R$ be a $k$-algebra, $S=\Spec(R)$. A family of
$G$-bundles of type $\ul{P}$ parameterized by $S$ is a $G$-bundle $E$ over
$S\times X$ together with $n$ sections $\sigma_{i}:S\ra E(G/P_{i})_{\mid
S\times\{p_{i}\}}$. A morphism from $(E,\ul\sigma)$ to
$(E^{\prime},\ul\sigma^{\prime})$ is a morphism
$f:E\ra E^{\prime}$ of $G$-bundles such that for all $i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$ we
$\sigma^{\prime}_{i}=f_{\mid S\times\{p_{i}\}}\circ\sigma_{i}$.
We get a functor from the category of $k$-algebras to the category of groupoids
by associating to $R$ the groupoid having as objects families of
$G$-bundles of type $\ul{P}$ parameterized by $S=\Spec(R)$ and as arrows
isomorphisms between such families. Moreover for any morphism $R\ra R'$ we have
a natural functor between the associated groupoids. This defines the $k$-stack
of quasi-parabolic $G$-bundles of type
$\ul{P}$ which we will denote by $\Mpar$. The stack $\Mpar$ has, as $\M$, a
natural interpretation as a double quotient stack. Define
$$\Qpar=\Q\times\prod_{i=1}^{n} G/P_{i}.$$ The ind-group $\LGX$ acts on $\Q$
and by evaluation
$ev(p_{i}):\LGX\ra G$ at $p_{i}$ also on each factor $G/P_{i}$. We get a
action of $\LGX$ on $\Qpar$. The analogue of Theorem
\ref{th:Uniformization}. for quasi-parabolic $G$-bundles is
\begin{th}\label{th:ParUniformization} (Uniformization) There is a canonical
isomorphism of stacks
$$\overline{\pi}:\LGX\bk\Qpar\isom\Mpar.$$ Moreover the projection map is
locally trivial for the \'etale topology.
\begin{proof} Let $R$ be a $k$-algebra, $S=\Spec(R)$. To an element
$(E,\rho,\ul{f})$ of $\Qpar(R)$ (with $f_{i}\in\Mor(S,G/P_{i})$), we can
associate a family of quasi-parabolic $G$-bundles of type $\ul{P}$
parameterized by $S$ in the following way. We only have to define the sections
$$\sigma_{i}:S\hfl{(\id,f_{i})}{} S\times G/P_{i}\hfl{\rho_i(G/P_{i})}{}
E(G/P_{i})_{\mid S\times\{p_{i}\}}.$$ We get a $\LGX$ equivariant map
$\pi:\Qpar\ra\Mpar$ which induces the map on the level of stacks
Conversely, let $(E,\ul\sigma)$ be a family of quasi-parabolic $G$-bundles of
$\ul{P}$ parameterized by $S=\Spec(R)$. For any $R$-algebra $R^{\prime}$, let
$T(R^{\prime})$ be the set of trivializations $\rho$ of $E_{R^{\prime}}$ over
$X_{R^{\prime}}$. This defines a $R$-space $T$ which by Theorem
\ref{Drinfeld-Simpson} is a $\LGX$-torsor. To any element in $T(R^{\prime})$,
we can associate the family
$\ul{f}$ by
$$f_{i}:S\efl{\sigma_{i}}{} E(G/P_{i})_{\mid S\times\{p_{i}\}}
\efl{\rho_i(G/P_{i})^{-1}}{} S\times G/P_{i}\efl{pr_{2}}{} G/P_{i}.$$ In this
way we associate functorially to objects
$(E,\ul\sigma)$ of $\Mpar(R)$
$\LGX$-equivariant maps $\alpha:T\rightarrow \Qpar$. This defines a morphism of
stacks $$\Mpar\lra\LGX\bk\Qpar$$ which is the inverse of $\overline{\pi}$. The
second statement is clear from the proof of Theorem
\subsection{} We study first line bundles over $\Qpar$. Using (\ref{Pic(Q)}),
(\ref{Preparation-on-G/P}) and $H^{1}(G/P_{i},{\cal{O}})=0$, we obtain the
following proposition, proving, as $\LGX$ has no characters, Theorem
\begin{prop} We have
\comment{Let $(E,\ul\sigma)$ be a family of quasi-parabolic
$G$-bundles of type $\ul{P}$ parameterized by the $k$-scheme $S=\Spec(R)$. Fix
$i\in\{1,\dots,n\}$ and $j\in\Gamma_{i}$. We may view $E\ra E(G/P_{i})$ as a
$P_{i}$-bundle. Therefore the character of $P_{i}$ defined by $-\varpi_{j}$
defines a line bundle on
$E(G/P_{i})$, hence by pullback, using the section
$\sigma_{i}:S\ra E(G/P_{i})_{\mid S\times\{p_{i}\}}$, a line bundle
${\scr{L}}_{i,j}$ over $S$. This works for any $S$ and we get a line bundle
over the stack $\Mpar$ which we denote again by ${\scr{L}}_{i,j}$.}
\section{Conformal blocs and generalized theta
Throughout this section $G$ is simple and simply connected and $k=\comp$.
\subsection{} Fix an integer $\ell\geq 0$ (the level) and let
$p_{1},\dots,p_{n}$ be distinct closed points of $X$ (we allow $n=0$ \ie no
points), each of it labeled with a dominant weight $\lambda_{i}$ lying in the
fundamental alc\^ove $P_{\ell}$. Choose also another point $p\in X$, distinct
from the points $p_{1},\dots,p_{n}$. Define
{\cal{H}}_{\ell}\otimes(\omal_{i=1}^{n}L_{\lambda_{i}}).$$ and let $\LgX$ be
$\g\otimes A_{X}$. We can map $\LgX$ via the Laurent developpement at the point
$p$ to $\Lg$. The restriction to
$\LgX$ of the universal central extension $\Lgh$ of $\Lg$ splits by the
theorem, hence
$\LgX$ may be considered as a {\em sub Lie-algebra} of $\Lgh$. In particular,
${\cal{H}}_{\ell}$ is a $\LgX$-module. Evaluating $X\otimes f\in\LgX$ at the
$p_{i}$, we may consider $L_{\lambda_{i}}$ as a $\LgX$-module. Therefore
${\cal{H}}_{\ul\lambda}$ is a (left) $\LgX$-module. Define the space of
conformal blocks (or vacua) by
\{\psi\in {\cal{H}}_{\ul\lambda}^{*}\ /\ \psi.(X\otimes f)=0\ \forall X\otimes
$$ This definition is Beauville's description \cite{B} (see also \cite{So3}) of
the space of conformal blocks of Tsuchiya, Ueno and Yamada \cite{TUY}.
The labeling of the points $p_{i}$ induces
$\Sigma_{i}=\{\alpha\in \Pi/\lambda_{i}(H_{\alpha})=0\}$,
$\Gamma_{i}=\Pi\moins\Sigma_{i}$ and $m_{i,j}=\lambda_{i}(H_{\alpha_{j}})$ for
$j\in\Gamma_{i}$, that is the type of a parabolic $G$-bundle. In particular we
get, for $\ell\in\natn$, a natural line bundle on the moduli stack $\Mpar$
defined by
$$ By construction, for the pull back of ${\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m})$ to $\Qpar$ we
\extern_{i=1}^{n}{\scr{L}}_{-\lambda_{i}}\bigr)$$ where
${\scr{L}}_{-\lambda_{i}}$ is the line bundle on the homogeneous space
$G/P_{i}$ defined by the character corresponding to the weight
\subsection{Proof of (\ref{Verlinde}):}
We extend the method of \cite{BL1} and \cite{P}.
\medskip\noindent {\em Step 1:} As a pullback, $\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m})$
is canonically
$\LGX$-linearized, that is equipped with
pr_{2}^{*}(\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))$. Denote by
$[H^{0}(\Qpar,\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))]^{\LGX}$ the space of
$\LGX$-invariant sections, that is the sections $s$ such that
$\varphi(m^{*}s)=pr_{2}^{*}s$. By Lemma 7.2 of \cite{BL1} we have the canonical
[H^{0}(\Qpar,\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))]^{\LGX}$$ Denote by
$[H^{0}(\Qpar,\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))]^{\LgX}$ the sections annihilated
$\Lie(\LGX)=\LgX$. By Proposition 7.4 of \cite{BL1}, using that $\LGX$ and
$\Qpar$ are integral (\ref{LGX-is-integral} and
\ref{ind-structures-are-the-same}), we have the canonical isomorphism
$$ [H^{0}(\Qpar,\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))]^{\LGX}\isom
\medskip\noindent {\em Step 2:} By definition of $\LGh$, the space
$H^{0}(\Qpar,\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))$ is naturally a $\LGh$-module.
Moreover we know that $\LGh$ splits over $\LGX$ (at least for classical $G$ and
$G_2$) and that this splitting is {\em unique}. The action of $\LgX\subset\Lgh$
deduced from this inclusion on
$H^{0}(\Qpar,\pi^{*}{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))$ is therefore the same as the
preceding one.
\medskip\noindent {\em Step 3:} We have the canonical isomorphism of
H^{0}(G/P_{i},{\scr{L}}_{-\lambda_i})\bigr)$$ To see this apply the Kunneth
formula to the restriction of
${\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m})$ to the projective varieties
$\Qpar^{(N)}=\QN\times\prod_{i=1}^{n}G/P_{i}$, then use that inverse limits
commute with the tensor products by finite dimensional vector spaces.
\medskip\noindent {\em Step 4:} We have the canonical isomorphism of
H^{0}(G/P_{i},{\scr{L}}_{-\lambda_i})\bigr)\isom {\cal{H}}_{\ell,0}^{*}\otimes
\bigl(\omal_{i=1}^{n}L_{\lambda_i}^{*}\bigr)$$ This is Borel-Bott-Weil theory,
in the version of Kumar-Mathieu (\cite{Ku},
\cite{Ma}) for the first factor, and the standard version \footnote{In
\cite{Bott} only the case G/B (\ie $\Sigma=\emptyset$) is considered but the
generalization to arbitrary
$G/P_{\Sigma}$ is immediate (and well known)} for the others.
The theorem follows from steps 1 to 4.
As we know the dimensions (at least for classical $G$ and $G_{2}$) for the
conformal blocks (\cite{F},\cite{B}, or \cite{So3} for an overview) we get the
Verlinde dimension formula for the spaces of generalized parabolic
\begin{cor}\label{cor:Verlinde-formula}(Verlinde formula) The dimension of the
space of generalized parabolic theta-functions
$H^0(\Mpar,{\scr{L}}(\ell,\ul{m}))$ is
$$(\# T_{\ell})^{g-1}
\sum_{\mu\in P_{\ell}}\Tr_{L_{\ul\lambda}}(\exp \frac{2\pi
\left| 2\sin \frac{\pi}{\ell+g^{*}}(\alpha,\mu+\rho)\right|^{2-2g}$$ with
\end{cor} }
\section{Moduli spaces.}
\subsection{}\label{gen-on-CM} Suppose $char(k)=0$. We will show how the
previous results apply to the {\em coarse moduli spaces} of principal
$G$-bundles. We suppose that
$G$ is reductive and that $g\geq 2$. Recall that a $G$-bundle $E$ over
$X$ is {\em semi-stable} (resp. {\em stable}) if for every parabolic subgroup
$P$ and for every reduction $E_{P}$ of $E$ to $G$, we have for every dominant
character (with respect to some Borel $B\subset P$)
$\chi$ of $P$, trivial over $Z_0(G)$, the following inequality
$\deg(E_P(\chi))\leq 0 \text{ (resp. $<$)}.$ A stable $G$-bundle $E$ is called
{\em regularly stable}, if moreover $\Aut(E)/Z(G)=\{1\}$.
Topologicially, $G$-bundles over $X$ are classified by elements of
$\pi_{1}(G)$. By Ramanathan's \cite{Ra} theorem, there are coarse moduli spaces
$\Mt$ of semi-stable principal $G$-bundles of dimension
$(g-1)\dim G+\dim Z_{0}(G)$, which are irreducible, once the topological type
$\tau\in\pi_{1}(G)$ is fixed. Moreover $\Modt$ is normal and the open subset
$\Modtreg\subset\Modt$ corresponding to regularly stable $G$-bundles is
\subsection{}\label{locally-factorial} Denote $\Cl$ the group of Weil divisor
classes. There is a commutative diagram
$$ By normality, the restriction $r_{1}$ is injective, by smoothness of
$\Modtreg$, the canonical morphism $c_{reg}$ is an isomorphism and as
(\cite{F1}, II.6)
$\codim_{\Modt}\Modt\setminus\Modtreg\geq 2$ (except when $g=2$ and $G$ maps
nontrivially to $PGL_2$) the restriction $r_{2}$ is an isomorphism. In
particular, $\Modt$ is locally factorial \cite{DN} if and only if $r_{1}$ is
\subsection{}\label{det-for-CM} Consider $G=GL_{r}$. Then we may present
$\Modzero$ as the good quotient $\HG/GL(M)$ where $\HG$ is Grothendiecks
Quot scheme
$\HG=\Quot^{ss}(k^{M}\otimes{\cal{O}}_{X}(-N),P)$ parameterizing equivalence
classes (with the obvious equivalence relation) of pairs $[E,\alpha]$ with $E$
semi-stable vectorbundle of degree
$0$ and $\alpha:k^{M}\isom E(N)$, where $N$ and $M=rN+\chi(E)$. Let
${\cal{E}}$ be the universal family over
$\HG\times X$ and consider
$D=\det(Rpr_{1*}({\cal{E}}\otimes pr_{2}^{*}(L)),$ with $L$ a line bundle. It
is well known that $[E,\alpha]\in\HG$ has closed orbit exactly when
$E$ is polystable, \ie direct sum of stable bundles:
$E\simeq E_{1}^{\oplus n_{1}}\oplus\dots\oplus E_{\ell}^{\oplus n_{\ell}}$, and
that the action of the stabilizer $GL(n_{1})\times\dots GL(n_{\ell})$ is given
by the character
\mapsto\det(g_1)^{\chi(E_{1}\otimes L)}\cdot\dots\cdot
\det(g_\ell)^{\chi(E_{1}\otimes L)}.$$ Choose a line bundle $L$ of degree $g-1$
on $X$. Then $\chi(E_{q}\otimes L)=0$ for $q\in\HG$ and the action is
trivial. By Kempf's lemma \cite{DN}, $D$ descends to the determinant of
cohomology line bundle on $\ModGLzero$.
\subsection{Proof of \ref{th:Pic(Mmod)}.} Suppose $G$ is simple and simply
connected. We have (except for $g=2$ and $G=SL_2$)
$$\codim_{\M}(\M\setminus\Mreg)\geq 2.$$ To see this define
the Harder-Narasimhan filtration in the case of $G$-bundles and calculate the
codimension of the strata (\cite{LR}, Section 3) to show that for the open
substack $\Mss\subset\M$ corresponding to semi-stable $G$-bundles we have
$\codim_{\M}(\M\setminus\Mss)\geq 2$, then use (\cite{F1},
II.6). The smoothness of $\M$ implies
$\Pic(\Mreg)=\Pic(\M)$ and it follows from Theorem \ref{th:Pic} that
$\Pic(\Mod)$ is an infinite cyclic group (note that the canonical morphism
$\Mreg\ra\Modreg$ induces an injection on the level of Picard groups). By
(\ref{det-for-CM}) and (\ref{section-Dynkin-index}), we know that the generator
is the determinant of cohomology for $G$ of type $A$ and $C$. Moreover,
$\Mod$ is locally factorial by (\ref{locally-factorial}) in this case.
\subsection{} Consider $G=SO_{r}$ with its standard (orthogonal) representation
and suppose that
$r\geq 7$. The moduli space $\Pic(\ModSO)$ is the good quotient of a
parameter scheme $\Quad$ by
$GL(H)$ with $H=k^{rN}$ (\cf \cite{So1}). The scheme $\Quad$ parameterizes
equivalent (with the obvious equivalence relation) triples
$([F,\sigma,\alpha])$, where $(F,\sigma)$ is a semistable
$SO_{r}$-bundle and
$\alpha:H^{0}(X,F(N))\isom H$.
Choose a theta-characteristic $\kappa$ on $X$. Then on $\Quad$ there is
the $GL(H)$-linearized pfaffian of cohomology line bundle ${\scr{P}}_{\kappa}$
deduced from the universal family over $\Quad\times X$.
\begin{prop}\label{Descent-of-P-to-Mreg} The line bundle ${\scr{P}}_{\kappa}$
descends to
\begin{proof} We use Kempf's lemma. If $r$ is even, the stabilizer at a point
$q=[F,\sigma,\alpha]\in\Quad^{reg}$ is $\pm 1$; if $r$ is odd, the stabilizer
is reduced to $1$. So in the latter case, there is nothing to prove. In the
former case, by definition of the pfaffian of cohomology, using that its
formation commutes with base change, the action $\pm 1$ is given by
$g\mapsto g^{h^{1}(F\otimes\kappa)}$, so the action is trivial, as
$h^{1}(F\otimes\kappa)$ is even.
\begin{prop}\label{not-locally-factorial} If $r\geq 7$, the line bundle
${\scr{P}}_{\kappa}$ does not descend to
$\ModSOzero$. In particular, $\ModSOzero$ is not locally factorial.
\begin{proof} Let $(F_{1},\sigma_{1})$ be a regularly stable {\em odd}
$SO_4$-bundle, and $(F_{2},\sigma_{2})$ be a regularly stable {\em odd}
$SO_{r-4}$-bundle. If $r=8$, suppose that $(F_{1},\sigma_{1})$ and
$(F_{2},\sigma_{2})$ are not isomorphic. Then the orthogonal sum
$(F,\tau)=(F_{1}\oplus F_{2},\sigma_{1}\oplus\sigma_{2})$ is {\em even}. Let
$[F,\tau,\alpha]\in\Quad$ be a point corresponding to $(F,\tau)$. Again,
by definition of the pfaffian of cohomology, using that its formation commutes
with base change, we see that the action of the stabilizer $\{\pm
1\}\times\{\pm 1\}$ is
$$(g_{1},g_{2})\mapsto g_{1}^{h^{1}(F_{1}\otimes\kappa)}
g_{2}^{h^{1}(F_{2}\otimes\kappa)}.$$ But then the element $(-1,1)$ acts
1995-08-09T06:20:26 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507017 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507017 | [
] | alg-geom/9507017 | Ron Donagi | Ron Donagi and Eyal Markman | Spectral curves, algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian
systems, and moduli of bundles | Latex, We restore the page numbers which were inadvertently omitted.
The content stayed the same | null | null | null | null | This is the expanded text of a series of CIME lectures. We present an
algebro-geometric approach to integrable systems, starting with those which can
be described in terms of spectral curves. The prototype is Hitchin's system on
the cotangent bundle of the moduli space of stable bundles on a curve. A
variant involving meromorphic Higgs bundles specializes to many familiar
systems of mathematics and mechanics, such as the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid
and the elliptic solitons. We then describe some systems in which the spectral
curve is replaced by various higher dimensional analogues: a spectral cover of
an arbitrary variety, a Lagrangian subvariety in an algebraically symplectic
manifold, or a Calabi-Yau manifold. One peculiar feature of the CY system is
that it is integrable analytically, but not algebraically: the Liouville tori
(on which the system is linearized) are the intermediate Jacobians of a family
of Calabi-Yau manifolds. Most of the results concerning these three types of
non-curve-based systems are quite recent. Some of them, as well as the
compatibility between spectral systems and the KP hierarchy, are new, while
other parts of the story are scattered through several recent preprints. As
best we could, we tried to maintain the survey style of this article, starting
with some basic notions in the field and building gradually to the recent
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jul 1995 23:00:47 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 8 Aug 1995 15:35:29 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction} \label{ch1}
The purpose of these notes is to present an
algebro-geometric point of view on several interrelated topics,
all involving integrable systems in symplectic-algebro-geometric
settings. These systems range from some very old examples, such
as the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid, through the classical
hierarchies of $KP-$ and $KdV$-types, to some new systems which
are often based on moduli problems in algebraic geometry.
The interplay between algebraic geometry and integrable
systems goes back quite a way. It has been known at least since
Jacobi that many integrable systems can be solved explicitly in
terms of {\it theta functions}. (There are numerous examples,
starting with various {\it spinning tops} and the {\it geodesic
flow on an ellipsoid}.) Geometrically, this often means that the
system can be mapped to the total space of a family of Jacobians
of some curves, in such a way that the flows of the system are
mapped to linear flows along the Jacobians. In practice, these
curves tend to arise as the spectrum (hence the name {\it
`spectral'} curves) of some parameter-dependent operator; they can
therefore be represented as branched covers of the parameter
space, which in early examples tended to be the Riemann sphere
${\bf CP}^1$.
In {\it Hitchin's system}, the base ${\bf CP}^1$ is replaced
by an arbitrary (compact, non-singular) Riemann surface $\Sigma$.
The cotangent bundle $T^*{\cal U}_\Sigma$ to the moduli space
${\cal U}_\Sigma$ of stable vector bundles on $\Sigma$ admits two
very different interpretations:\ on the one hand, it parametrizes
certain {\it Higgs bundles}, or vector bundles with a
(canonically) twisted endomorphism; on the other, it parametrizes
certain {\it spectral data}, consisting of torsion-free sheaves
(generically, line bundles) on spectral curves which are branched
covers of $\Sigma$. In our three central chapters
(\ref{ch4},\ref{ch5},\ref{ch6}) we
study this important system, its extensions and variants. All
these systems are linearized on Jacobians of spectral curves.
We also study some systems in which the spectral curve is
replaced by a higher-dimensional geometric object: \ a {\it
spectral variety} in Chapter \ref{ch9}, an algebraic {\it Lagrangian
subvariety} in Chapter \ref{ch8}, and a {\it Calabi-Yau manifold} in
Chapter \ref{ch7}. Our understanding of some of these wild systems is
much less complete than in the case of the curve-based ones. We
try to explain what we know and to point out some of what we do
not. The Calabi-Yau systems seem particularly intriguing. Not
only are the tori (on which these systems are linearized) not
Jacobians of curves, they are in general not even abelian
varieties. There are some suggestive relations between these
systems and the conjectural mirror-symmetry for Calabi-Yaus.
The first three chapters are introductory. In Chapter \ref{ch2} we
collect the basic notions of {\it symplectic geometry} and {\it
integrable systems} which will be needed, including some
information about {\it symplectic reduction}. (An excellent further
reference is \cite{AG}.) In Chapter \ref{ch3} we work out in some detail the
classical theory of geodesic flow on an ellipsoid, which is
integrable via hyperelliptic theta functions. We think of this
both as a beautiful elementary and explicit example and as an
important special case of the much more powerful results which
follow. (Our presentation follows \cite{knorrer,reid,donagi-group-law}).
Some of our main algebro-geometric objects of study are
introduced in Chapter \ref{ch4}:\ vector bundles and their moduli
spaces, spectral curves, and the {\it `spectral systems'}
constructed from them. In particular, we consider the {\it
polynomial matrix system} \cite{AHH,B} (which contains the
geodesic flow on an ellipsoid as special case) and {\it Hitchin's
system} \cite{hitchin,hitchin-integrable-system}.
Each of the remaining five chapters presents in some detail
a recent or current research topic. Chapter \ref{ch5} outlines
constructions (from \cite{markman-higgs,botachin,tyurin-symplectic})
of the Poisson structure on
the spectral system of curves. This is possible whenever the
twisting line bundle $K$ is a non-negative twist $\omega_\Sigma(D)$ of
the canonical bundle $\omega_\Sigma$, and produces an algebraically
completely integrable Hamiltonian system. Following
\cite{markman-higgs} we emphasize the
deformation-theoretic construction, in which the Poisson
structure on an open subset of the system is obtained via
symplectic reduction from the cotangent bundle
$T^*{\cal U}_{\Sigma ,D}$ of the moduli
space ${\cal U}_{\Sigma ,D}$ of stable bundles with a {\it level-D structure}.
In Chapter \ref{ch6} we explore the relation between these spectral
systems and the $KP$-hierarchy and its variants (multi-component
$KP$, Heisenberg flows, and their $KdV$-type subhierarchies). These
hierarchies are, of course, a rich source of geometry:\ The
Krichever construction (e.g. \cite{segal-wilson-loop-groups-and-kp})
shows that any Jacobian can be
embedded in $KP$-space, and these are the only finite-dimensional
orbits \cite{mulase-cohomological-structure, AdC, Sh}.
Following \cite{adams-bergvelt,li-mulase-category}
we describe some
``multi-Krichever'' constructions which take spectral data to the
spaces of the $KP$, $mcKP$ and Heisenberg systems. Our
main new result is that the flows on the spectral system which
are obtained by pulling back the $mcKP$ or Heisenberg
flows via the corresponding Krichever maps are {\it Hamiltonian}
with respect to the Poisson structure constructed in Chapter \ref{ch5}.
In fact, we write down explicitly the Hamiltonians for these $KP$
flows on the spectral system, as residues of traces of
meromorphic matrices. (Some related results have also been
obtained recently in \cite{li-mulase-compatibility}.)
The starting point for Chapter \ref{ch7} is an attempt to
understand the condition for a given family of complex tori to
admit a symplectic structure and thus become an ACIHS. We find
that the condition is a symmetry on the derivatives of the period
map, which essentially says that the periods are obtained as
partials of some field of symmetric cubic tensors on the base.
In the rest of this Chapter we apply this idea to an analytically
(not algebraically) integrable system constructed from any family
of Calabi-Yau $3$-folds. Some properties of this system suggest that it may
be relevant to a purely hodge-theoretic reformulation of the
mirror-symmetry conjectures.
(This chapter is based on \cite{cubics-calabi-yaus}.)
Chapter \ref{ch8} is devoted to the construction of symplectic
and Poisson structures in some inherently non-linear
situations, vastly extending the results of Chapter \ref{ch5}. The basic
space considered here is the moduli space parametrizing
line-bundle-like sheaves supported on (variable) subvarieties of a
given symplectic space $X$. It is shown that when the
subvarieties are Lagrangian, the moduli space itself becomes
symplectic. The spectral systems considered in Chapter \ref{ch5} can be
recovered as the case where $X$ is the total space of $T^*\Sigma$
and the Lagrangian subvarieties are the spectral curves.
(A fuller version of these results will appear in
In the final chapter we consider extensions of the spectral
system to allow a higher-dimensional base variety $S$, an arbitrary
reductive group $G$, an arbitrary representation $\rho: G \to Aut
V$, and values in an arbitrary vector bundle $K$. (Arbitrary reductive
groups $G$ were considered, over a curve $S = \Sigma$ with
$K = \omega_\Sigma$, by Hitchin \cite{hitchin-integrable-system},
while the case
$K = \Omega_S$ over arbitrary base $S$ is Simpson's
\cite{simpson-moduli}). We replace
spectral curves by various kinds of spectral covers, and introduce the
cameral cover, a version of the Galois-closure of a spectral cover which is
independent of $K$ and $\rho$.
It comes with an action of $W$, the Weyl group of $G$.
We analyze the decomposition, under the
action of $W$, of the cameral and spectral Picard varieties, and
identify the distinguished Prym in there. This is shown to
correspond, up to certain shifts and twists, to the fiber of the
Hitchin map in this general setting, i.e. to moduli of Higgs
bundles with a given $\widetilde{S}$. Combining this with
some obvious remarks about existence of Poisson structures,
we find that the moduli spaces of K-valued Higgs bundles support
algebraically completely integrable systems. Our presentation closely follows
that of \cite{MSRI}
It is a pleasure to express our gratitude to the organizers,
Mauro Francaviglia and Silvio Greco, for the opportunity to participate in the
CIME meeting and to publish
these notes here.
During the preparation of this long work we benefited from many enjoyable
conversations with M. Adams, M. Adler, A. Beauville, R. Bryant, C. L. Chai,
I. Dolgachev, L. Ein, B. van Geemen, A. Givental, M. Green, P. Griffiths,
N. Hitchin, Y. Hu, S. Katz, V. Kanev, L. Katzarkov, R. Lazarsfeld, P. van
D. Morrison, T. Pantev, E. Previato and E. Witten.
\section{Basic Notions} \label{ch2}
We gather here those basic concepts and elementary results from symplectic
and Poisson geometry, completely integrable systems, and symplectic reduction
which will be helpful throughout these notes. Included are a few useful
examples and only occasional proofs or sketches. To the reader
unfamiliar with this material we were hoping to impart just as much of a
feeling for it as might be needed in the following chapters. For more
details, we recommend the excellent survey \cite{AG}.
\subsection{Symplectic Geometry} \label{subsec-symplectic-geometry}
\underline{{\bf Symplectic structure}}
A symplectic structure on a differentiable manifold $M$ of even dimension
$2n$ is given by a non-degenerate closed 2-form $\sigma$. The non
degeneracy means that either of the following equivalent conditions holds.
\item $\sigma^n$ is a nowhere vanishing volume form.
\item Contraction with $\sigma$ induces an isomorphism $\rfloor \sigma :
TM \rightarrow T^*M$
\item For any non-zero tangent vector $v \in T_mM$ at $m \in M$, there is
some $v' \in T_mM$ such that $\sigma(v,v') \ne 0$.
\begin{examples} \label{examples-symplectic-varieties}
\underline{Euclidean space}
The standard example of a symplectic manifold is Euclidean space
${\bf R}^{2n}$ with $\sigma = \Sigma dp_i \wedge dq_i$, where $p_1,\cdots,p_n,
\ q_1, \cdots,q_n$ are linear coordinates. Darboux's theorem says that any
symplectic manifold is locally equivalent to this example (or to any other).
\underline{Cotangent bundles}
For any manifold $X$, the cotangent bundle $M := T^*X$ has a natural
symplectic structure. First, $M$ has the tautological 1-form $\alpha$,
whose value at $(x,\theta) \in T^*X$ is $\theta$ pulled back to $T^*M$.
If $q_1 ,\cdots, q_n$ are local coordinates on $X$, then locally $\alpha =
\Sigma p_i dq_i$ where the $p_i$ are the fiber coordinates given by
$\partial / \partial q_i$. The differential
\sigma := d\alpha
is then a globally defined closed (even exact) 2-form on $M$. It is
given in local coordinates by $\Sigma dp_i \wedge dq_i$, hence is
\underline{Coadjoint orbits}
Any Lie group $G$ acts on its Lie algebra $\LieAlg{g}$ (adjoint representation)
and hence on the dual vector space $\LieAlg{g}^*$ (coadjoint
representation). Kostant and Kirillov noted that
for any $\xi \in \LieAlg{g}^*$, the coadjoint orbit
${\cal O}
= G \xi \subset \LieAlg{g}^*$ has
a natural symplectic structure. The tangent space to $\cal O$ at $\xi$
is given by $\LieAlg{g}/\LieAlg{g}_\xi$, where $\LieAlg{g}_\xi$ is the
stabilizer of $\xi$:
\LieAlg{g}_\xi :=
\{ x \in \LieAlg{g} \; |\; ad^*_x \xi = 0 \} =
\{x \in \LieAlg{g} \; | \; (\xi,[x,y]) = 0 \quad \forall \ y \in \LieAlg{g}
Now $\xi$ determines an alternating bilinear form on $\LieAlg{g}$
x,y \longmapsto (\xi, [x,y]),
which clearly descends to $\LieAlg{g} / \LieAlg{g}_\xi$ and is non-degenerate
there. Varying $\xi$ we get a non-degenerate 2-form $\sigma$ on $\cal O$.
The Jacobi identity on $g$ translates immediately into closedness of
\underline{{\bf Hamiltonians}}
To a function $f$ on a symplectic manifold $(M,\sigma)$ we associate its
{\it Hamiltonian vector field} $v_f$, uniquely determined by
v_f \; \rfloor \; \sigma = df.
A vector field $v$ on $M$ is Hamiltonian if and only if the 1-form $v \,
\rfloor \, \sigma$ is exact. We say $v$ is {\it locally Hamiltonian}
if $v \; \rfloor \; \sigma$ is closed. This is equivalent to saying that the
flow generated by $v$ preserves $\sigma$. Thus on a symplectic surface
$(n=1)$, the locally Hamiltonian vector fields are the area-preserving
{\bf Example:} (Geodesic flow)
A Riemannian metric on a manifold $X$ determines an isomorphism of $M :=
TX$ with $T^*X$; hence we get on $M$ a natural symplectic structure
together with a $C^\infty$ function $f =$ (squared length). The geodesic
flow on $X$ is the differential equation, on $M$, given by the
Hamiltonian vector field $v_f$. Its integral curves are the geodesics on
\underline{{\bf Poisson structures}}
The association $f \mapsto v_f$ gives a map of sheaves
\begin{equation} \label{eq-functions-to-hamiltonian-vectorfields}
v : C^\infty (M) \longrightarrow V(M)
from $C^\infty$ functions on the symplectic manifold $M$ to vector
fields. Now $V(M)$ always has the structure of a Lie algebra, under
commutation of vector fields. The symplectic structure on $M$ determines
a Lie algebra structure on $C^\infty(M)$ such that $v$ becomes a morphism
of (sheaves of) Lie algebras. The operation on $C^\infty(M),$ called {\it
Poisson bracket}, is
\{ f,g \} := (df, v_g) = -(dg, v_f) = {{n df \wedge dg \wedge
\sigma^{n-1}} \over {\sigma^n}}.
More generally, a {\it Poisson structure} on a manifold $M$ is a
Lie algebra bracket $\{\, ,\, \}$ on $C^\infty(M)$ which acts as a derivation
in each variable:
\{f,gh\} = \{f,g\} h + \{f,h\}g, \ \ \ f,g,h \in C^\infty(M).
Since the value at a point $m$ of a given derivation acting on a function
$g$ is a linear function of $d_mg$, we see that a Poisson structure on
$M$ determines a global 2-vector
\psi \in H^0(M, \stackrel{2}{\wedge} TM).
or equivalently a skew-symmetric homomorphism
\Psi : T^*M \longrightarrow TM.
Conversely, any 2-vector $\psi$ on $M$ determines an alternating bilinear
bracket on $C^\infty (M)$, by
\{f,g\} := (df \wedge dg, \psi),
and this acts as a derivation in each variable. An equivalent way of
specifying a Poisson structure is thus to give a global 2-vector $\psi$
satisfying an integrability condition (saying that the above bracket
satisfies the Jacobi identity, hence gives a Lie algebra).
We saw that a symplectic structure $\sigma$ determines a Poisson bracket
$\{\ ,\ \}$. The corresponding homomorphism $\Psi$ is just $(\rfloor
\sigma)^{-1}$; the closedness of $\sigma$ is equivalent to integrability
of $\psi$. Thus, a Poisson structure which is (i.e. whose 2-vector is)
everywhere non-degenerate, comes from a symplectic structure.
A general Poisson structure can be degenerate in two ways: first, there
may exist non-constant functions $f \in C^\infty(M)$, called {\it
Casimirs}, satisfying
0 = df \rfloor \psi = \Psi(df),
\{f,g\} = 0 \ \mbox{for all} \ g \in C^\infty(M).
This implies that the rank of $\Psi$ is less than maximal everywhere. In
addition, or instead, rank $\Psi$ could drop along some strata in $M$.
For even $r$, let
M_r := \{ m \in M | rank(\Psi) = r \}.
Then a basic result \cite{We} asserts that the $M_r$ are submanifolds, and
they are canonically foliated into {\it symplectic leaves}, i.e.
$r$-dimensional submanifolds $Z \subset M_r$ which inherit a symplectic
structure. (This means that the restriction $\psi_{\mid_Z}$ is the image,
under the inclusion $ Z \hookrightarrow M_r$, of a two-vector $\psi_Z$
on $Z$ which is everywhere nondegenerate, hence comes from a symplectic
structure on $Z$.) These leaves can be described in several ways:
\item The image $\Psi(T^*M_r)$ is an involutive subbundle of rank $r$ in
the $Z$ are its integral leaves.
\item The leaf $Z$ through $m \in M_r$ is $Z = \{ z \in M_r | f(m) = f(z)\
\mbox{for all Casimirs} \ f \ \mbox{on} \ M_r \}$.
Say that two points of $M$ are $\psi$-connected if there is an integral
curve of some Hamiltonian vector field passing through both. The leaves
are the equivalence classes for the equivalence relation generated by
{\rm The Kostant-Kirillov symplectic structures on coadjoint orbits
of a Lie algebra $\LieAlg{g}$ extend to a Poisson structure
on the dual vector space $\LieAlg{g}^*$.
For a function $F \in C^\infty(\LieAlg{g}^*)$
we identify its differential $d_\xi F$ at $\xi \in
\LieAlg{g}*$ with an element of $\LieAlg{g} = \LieAlg{g}^{**}$. We then set:
\{F,G\}(\xi) := (\xi, [d_\xi F,d_\xi G]).
This is a Poisson structure, whose symplectic leaves are precisely the
coadjoint orbits. The rank of $\LieAlg{g}$ is, by definition, the smallest
codimension $\ell$ of a coadjoint orbit. The Casimirs are the ad-invariant
functions on $\LieAlg{g}^*$. Their restrictions to the largest stratum
$\LieAlg{g}^*_{\dim \LieAlg{g} - \ell}$ foliate this stratum, the leaves being
the {\it regular} (i.e. largest dimensional) coadjoint orbits.}
\subsection{Integrable Systems}
We say that two functions $h_1,h_2$ on a Poisson manifold $(M,\psi)$
{\em Poisson commute} if their Poisson
bracket $\{ h_1,h_2 \}$ is zero. In this case the integral flow of the
Hamiltonian vector field of each function $h_i, \ i = 1,2$ is tangent to
the level sets of the other. In other words, $h_2$ is a conservation law
for the Hamiltonian $h_1$ and the Hamiltonian flow of $h_2$ is a symmetry
of the Hamiltonian system associated with $(M, \psi, h_1)$
(the flow of the Hamiltonian vector field $v_{h_{1}}$ on $M$).
A map $f : M \rightarrow B$ between two Poisson manifolds is a {\it
Poisson map} if pullback of functions is a Lie algebra homomorphism with
respect to the Poisson bracket
f^*\{F,G\}_B \, = \, \{f^*F,f^*G\}_M.
Equivalently, if $df(\psi_M)$ equals $f^*(\psi_B)$ as sections of
$f^*(\stackrel{2}{\wedge} T_B)$. If $H:M \rightarrow B$ is a Poisson map
with respect to the trivial (zero) Poisson structure on $B$ we will call
$H$ a {\em Hamiltonian map}. Equivalently, $H$ is Hamiltonian if the
Poisson structure $\psi$ vanishes on the
pullback $H^*(T^*B)$ of the cotangent bundle of $B$
(regarding the latter as a
subbundle of $(T^*M,\psi)$). In particular, the rank of the differential
$dH$ is less than or equal to $\dim M - {1 \over 2} \mathop{\rm rank} (\psi)$ at
every point. A Hamiltonian map pulls back the algebra of functions on
$B$ to a commutative Poisson subalgebra of the algebra of functions on $M$.
The study of a Hamiltonian system $(M,\psi,h)$ simplifies tremendously if
one can extend the Hamiltonian function $h$ to a Hamiltonian map $H : M
\rightarrow B$ of maximal rank $\dim M - {1 \over 2} \mathop{\rm rank}(\psi)$.
Such a system is called a completely integrable Hamiltonian system. The
Hamiltonian flow of a completely integrable system can often be realized
as a linear flow on tori embedded in $M$. The fundamental theorem in
this case is Liouville's theorem (stated below).
\begin{definition} {\rm
\ Let $V$ be a vector space, $\sigma \in
\stackrel{2}{\wedge} V^*$ a (possibly degenerate) two form. A
subspace $Z \subset V$ is called {\em isotropic (coisotropic)} if it is
contained in (contains) its symplectic complement. Equivalently, $Z$ is
isotropic if $\sigma$ restricts to zero on $Z$. If $\sigma$ is
nondegenerate, a subspace $Z \subset V$ is called {\em Lagrangian} if it is
both isotropic and coisotropic. In this case $V$ is even (say $2n$)
dimensional and the Lagrangian subspaces are the $n$ dimensional
isotropic subspaces.
Let $(M,\sigma)$ be a symplectic manifold. A submanifold $Z$ is
{\em isotropic} (respectively {\em coisotropic, Lagrangian})
if the tangent subspaces
$T_zZ$ are, for all $z \in Z$.
\begin{example} {\rm
For every manifold $X$,
the fibers of the cotangent bundle $T^*X$ over points of $X$
are Lagrangian submanifolds with respect to the
standard symplectic structure. A section of $T^*X$ over $X$
is Lagrangian if and only if the corresponding $1$-form on $X$ is closed.
We will extend the above definition to Poisson geometry:
\begin{definition} {\rm
Let $U$ be a vector space, $\psi$ an element of
$\stackrel{2}{\wedge}U$. Let $V \subset U$ be the image of the
contraction $\rfloor \; \psi : U^* \rightarrow U$. Let $W \subset U^*$
be its kernel. $W$ is called the null space of $\psi$. $\psi$ is in
fact a nondegenerate element of $\stackrel{2}{\wedge} V$ giving rise to a
symplectic form $\sigma \in \stackrel{2}{\wedge} V^*$ (its inverse). A
subspace $Z \subset U$ is {\em Lagrangian} with respect to $\psi$ if $Z$ is a
Lagrangian subspace of $V \subset U$ with respect to $\sigma$.
Equivalently, $Z$ is Lagrangian if $(U/Z)^*$ is both an isotropic and a
coisotropic subspace of $U^*$ with respect to $\psi \in
\stackrel{2}{\wedge} U \cong \stackrel{2}{\wedge} (U^*)^*$.
Let $(M,\psi)$ be a Poisson manifold, assume that $\psi$ has constant
rank (this condition will be relaxed in the complex analytic or algebraic
case). A submanifold $Z \subset M$ is {\em Lagrangian} if the tangent
subspaces $T_zZ$ are, for all $z \in Z$. Notice that the constant rank
assumption implies that each connected component of $Z$ is contained in a
single symplectic leaf.
\begin{theorem} \ (Liouville). \ Let $M$ be an m-dimensional Poisson
manifold with Poisson structure $\psi$ of constant rank $2g$. Suppose
that $H : M \rightarrow B$ is a proper submersive Hamiltonian map of
maximal rank, i.e, dim $B = m - g$. Then
\item[i)] \ The null foliation of $M$ is induced locally by a foliation of
$B$ (globally if $H$ has connected fibers).
\item[ii)] \ The connected components of fibers of $H$ are Lagrangian
compact tori with a natural affine structure.
\item[iii)] \ The Hamiltonian vector fields of the pullback of functions
on $B$ by $H$ are tangent to the level tori and are translation invariant
\begin {rem}:
If $H$ is not proper, but the Hamiltonian flows are complete,
then the fibers of $H$ are generalized tori (quotients of a vector space
by a discrete subgroup, not necessarily of maximal rank).
\underline{Sketch of proof of Liouville's theorem:}
\item[i)] Since $H$ is a proper submersion the connected components of the
fibers of $H$ are smooth compact submanifolds. Since $H$ is a Hamiltonian map
of maximal rank $m - g$, the pullback $H^*(T^*_B)$ is isotropic and
coisotropic and hence $H$ is a Lagrangian fibration. In particular, each
connected component of a fiber of $H$ is contained in a single symplectic
\item[ii),iii)] Let $A_b$ be a connected component of the fiber
$H^{-1}(b)$. Let $0 \rightarrow T_{A_b} \rightarrow T_{{M|}_{A_b}}
\stackrel{dH}{\longrightarrow} (T_bB) \otimes {\cal O}_{A_b} \rightarrow 0$
be the exact sequence of the differential of $H$. Part i) implies that the
null subbundle $W_{{|A}_b} := Ker [\Psi : T^*M \rightarrow TM]_{|A_b}$ is the
pullback of a subspace $W_b$ of $T^*_bB$. Since $H$ is a Lagrangian
fibration, the Poisson structure induces a surjective homomorphism
$\phi_b : H^*(T^*_bB) \rightarrow T_{A_b}$ inducing a trivialization
$\bar{\phi}_b : (T^*_bB / W_b) \otimes {\cal O}_{A_b}
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} \ T_{A_b}$.
A basis of the vector space $T^*_bB/W_b$ corresponds to a frame of global
independent vector fields on the fiber $A_b$ which commute since the map
$H$ is Hamiltonian. Hence $A_b$ is a compact torus.
\subsection{Algebraically Completely Integrable Hamiltonian Systems}
All the definitions and most of the results stated in this chapter for
$C^\infty$-manifolds translate verbatim and hold in the complex analytic
and complex algebro-geometric categories replacing the real symplectic
form by a holomorphic or algebraic $(2,0)$-form (similarly for Poisson
structures). The (main) exception listed below is due to the differences
between the Zariski topology and the complex or $C^\infty$ topologies. A
Zariski open subset is the complement of the zero locus of a system of
polynomial equations. It is hence always a dense open subset.
The (local) foliation by symplectic leaves exists only local analytically.
For example, a rank 2 translation invariant section $\psi \in H^0(A,
\stackrel{2}{\wedge} TA)$ on a 3 dimensional abelian variety $A$
which is simple
(does not contain any abelian subvariety) is an algebraic Poisson
structure with a non algebraic null foliation.
We will relax the definitions of a Lagrangian subvariety and integrable
system in the algebro-geometric category:
\begin{definition} {\rm
Let $(M,\psi)$ be a Poisson smooth algebraic variety.
An irreducible and reduced subvariety $Z \subset M$ is {\em Lagrangian} if the
tangent subspace $T_zZ \subset T_zM$ is Lagrangian for a generic point
$z \in Z$.
\begin{definition} {\rm
An {\em algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian system} consists
of a proper flat morphism $H:M \rightarrow B$ where
$(M,\psi)$ is a smooth Poisson variety and $B$ is a smooth variety such that,
over the complement $B \smallsetminus \Delta$ of some proper closed subvariety
$\Delta \subset B$, $H$ is a Lagrangian fibration whose fibers are
isomorphic to abelian varieties.
Multiples of a theta line bundle embed an abelian variety in projective
spaces with the coordinates being theta functions. Thus, a priori, the
solutions of an algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian system can
be expressed in terms of theta functions. Finding explicit formulas is
usually hard. In the next chapter we will study one example, the geodesic
flow on ellipsoids, in some detail. Later we will encounter
certain equations of $Kdv$ type, the Hitchin system, and a few
other examples. Other classical integrable systems include various
Euler-Arnold systems, spinning tops, the Neumann system of evolution of a point
on the sphere subject to a quadratic potential.
Most of these systems are the complexification of real algebraic systems.
Given a real algebraic symplectic variety $(M,\sigma)$ and an algebraic
Hamiltonian $h$ on $M$ we say that the system is {\em algebraically completely
integrable} if its complexification $(M_{{\bf C}},\sigma_{{\bf C}}, \, h_{{\bf C}})$
is. A real completely integrable system $(M,\sigma,h)$ need not be
algebraically completely integrable even if $(M,\sigma,h)$ are algebraic:
{\bf A Counter Example:} \ \ Let $(M,\sigma)$ be $({\bf R}^2, \, dx \wedge
dy)$ and $h:{\bf R}^2 \rightarrow {\bf R}$ a polynomial of degree $d$ whose level sets
are nonsingular. The system is
trivially completely integrable, but it is algebraically completely
integrable if and only if $d=3$ because in all other cases the
generic fiber of the complexification is a complex affine plane curve of
genus $\frac{(d-1)(d-2)}{2} \neq 1$.
\underline{{\bf Action Angle Coordinates}}:
Let $(M,\sigma)$ be a $2n$-dimensional symplectic manifold, $H:M
\rightarrow B$ a Lagrangian fibration by compact connected tori.
\begin{theorem} (real action angle coordinates).
In a neighborhood of a fiber of $H:M \rightarrow B$ one can introduce the
structure of a direct product $({\bf R}^n / {\bf Z}^n) \times {\bf R}^n$ with action
coordinates $(I_1 \, \cdots \, I_n)$ on the factor ${\bf R}^n$ and angular
coordinates $(\phi_1, \, \cdots \, \phi_n)$ on the torus $({\bf R}^n/{\bf Z}^n)$ in
which the symplectic structure has the form $\sum^n_{k=1} dI_k \wedge
The Local action coordinates on $B$ are canonical up to affine
transformation on ${\bf R}^n$ with differential in $SL(n,{\bf Z})$. The angle
coordinates depend canonically on the action coordinates and a choice of a
Lagrangian section of $H:M \rightarrow B$.
{\bf Remarks:}
\item In action angle coordinates the equations of the Hamiltonian flow of
a function $h$ on $B$ becomes: $\dot{I}_k = 0$, $\dot{\varphi}_k =
c_k(I_1,\cdots,I_n)$ where the slopes $c_k$ are $c_k = {{\partial h} \over
{\partial I_k}}$.
\item In the polarized complex analytic case, we still have local
holomorphic action coordinates. They depend further on a choice of a
Lagrangian subspace of the integral homology $H_1(A_b,{\bf Z})$ with respect to
the polarization (a section of $\stackrel{2}{\wedge}H^1(A_b,{\bf Z}))$.
\subsection{Moment Maps and Symplectic Reduction}
\underline{{\bf Poisson Actions}}
An action $\rho$ of a connected Lie group $G$ on a manifold $M$ determines an
{\it infinitesimal action}
d \rho : \LieAlg{g} \longrightarrow V(M),
which is a homomorphism from the Lie algebra of $G$ to the Lie algebra of
$C^\infty$ vector fields on $M$. When $(M,\sigma)$ is symplectic, we say
that the action $\rho$ is {\it symplectic} if
(\rho(g))^* \sigma = \sigma, \quad \quad {\rm all} \quad g \in G,
or equivalently if the image of $d\rho$ consists of locally Hamiltonian
vector fields.
We say that the action $\rho$ is {\it Poisson} if it factors through
the Lie algebra homomorphism (\ref{eq-functions-to-hamiltonian-vectorfields})
$v : C^\infty(M) \rightarrow V(M)$
and a Lie algebra homomorphism
H:\LieAlg{g} \longrightarrow C^\infty(M).
This imposes two requirements on $\rho$, each of a cohomological nature: the
locally Hamiltonian fields $d\rho(X)$ should be globally Hamiltonian,
$d\rho(X) = v(H(X))$; and it must be possible to
choose the $H(X)$ consistently so that
H([X,Y]) \ = \ \{H(X), H(Y)\}.
(a priori the difference between the two terms is a constant function,
since its $v$ is zero, so the condition is that it should be possible to
make all these constants vanish simultaneously.)
\underline{{\bf Moment Maps}}
Instead of specifying the Hamiltonian lift
H : \LieAlg{g} \longrightarrow C^\infty(M)
for a Poisson action of $G$ on $(M,\sigma)$, it is convenient to consider
the equivalent data of the {\it moment map}
\mu : M \longrightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*
defined by
(\mu(m),X) \, := \,H(X)(m).
It is a Poisson map with respect to the Kostant-Kirillov Poisson structure on
$\LieAlg{g}$ (example \ref{example-coadjoint-orbits}), and is $G$-equivariant.
\begin{examples} \label{examples-moment-maps}
Any action of $G$ on a manifold $X$ lifts to an action on $M := T^*X$.
This action is Poisson. The corresponding moment map $T^*X \rightarrow
\LieAlg{g}^*$ is the dual of the infinitesimal action $\LieAlg{g} \rightarrow
\Gamma (TX)$. It can be identified with the pullback of differential forms
from $X$ to $G$ via the action.
The coadjoint action of $G$ on $\LieAlg{g}^*$ is Poisson, with the identity as
moment map.
\underline{{\bf Symplectic Reduction}}
Consider a Poisson action of $G$ on $(M,\sigma)$ for which a reasonable
quotient $G/M$ exists. (We will remain vague about this for now, and discuss
the properties of the quotient on a case-by-case basis. A general
sufficient condition for the quotient to be a manifold is that the action
is proper and free.) The Poisson bracket on $M$ then descends to give a
Poisson structure on $M/G$. The moment map,
$$\mu : M \longrightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*,
determines the symplectic leaves of this Poisson structure: \ let $\xi =
\mu(m)$, let $\cal O$ be the coadjoint orbit through $\xi$ and let $G_\xi$
be the stabilizer of $\xi$. Assume for simplicity that $\mu^{-1}(\xi)$ is
connected and
$\mu$ is submersive at $\mu^{-1}(\xi)$.
Then, the leaf through $m$ is
\mu^{-1}({\cal O}_\xi) / G \approx \mu^{-1}(\xi)/G_\xi.
These symplectic leaves are often called the Marsden-Weinstein reductions
$M_{red}$ of $M$.
As an example, consider a situation where $G$ acts on $X$ with nice
quotient $X/G$. The lifted action of $G$ on $M = T^*X$ is Poisson, and has
a quotient $M/G$ which is a vector bundle over $X/G$. The cotangent
$T^*(X/G)$ sits inside $(T^*X)/G$ as the symplectic leaf over the trivial
orbit ${\cal O}_0 = \{0\} \subset \LieAlg{g}^*.$
In contrast, the action of $G$ on $\LieAlg{g}^*$ does not in general admit a
reasonable quotient. Its action on the dense open subset $\LieAlg{g}^*_{reg}$
of regular elements (cf. example \ref{example-coadjoint-orbits})
does have a quotient,
which is a manifold. The Poisson structure on the quotient is trivial, so
the symplectic leaves are points, in one-to-one correspondence with the
regular orbits. We refer to this quotient simply as $\LieAlg{g}^*/G$. The
map $\pi_{reg} \; : \; \LieAlg{g}^*_{reg} \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*/G$ extends
to $\pi \, : \, \LieAlg{g}^* \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*/G$, and there is a sense
in which $\LieAlg{g}^*/G$ really is the quotient of all $\LieAlg{g}^*$. Each
coadjoint orbit $\cal O$ is contained in the closure of a unique regular
orbit ${\cal O}'$ and $\pi({\cal O}) = \pi_{reg}({\cal O}')$.
\underline{{\bf A Diagram of Quotients}} \nopagebreak[3]
In the general situation of Poisson action (with a nice quotient $\pi$) of
$G$ on a symplectic manifold $(M,\sigma)$, there is another, larger, Poisson
manifold $\bar{M}$, which can also be considered as a reduction of $M$ by
$G$. Everything fits together in the commutative diagram of Poisson maps:
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
$\bar{M}$ may be described in several ways:
\item $\bar{M}$ is the quotient of $M$ by the equivalence relation $m \sim
gm$ if $g \in G_{\mu(m)}$, i.e., if $g(\mu(m)) = \mu(m)$.
\item $\bar{M}$ is the fiber product $\bar{M}$ = $(M/G)
\times_{(\LieAlg{g}^*/G)} \LieAlg{g}^*$.
\item $\bar{M}$ is the dual realization to the realization $M \rightarrow
A {\em realization} of a Poisson manifold $P$ is defined to be a Poisson map
a symplectic manifold $M$ to $P$ (see \cite{We}). The realization will be
called {\it full} if it is submersive. A pair of realizations $P_2
\stackrel{f_2}{\longleftarrow} M \stackrel{f_1}{\longrightarrow} P_1$ is
called a dual pair if functions on one induce vector fields along the
fibers of the other (i.e., the two opposite foliations are symplectic
complements of each other).
We note that in the diagram of quotients,
any two opposite spaces are a dual pair of realizations.
Given a full dual pair with connected fibers, the symplectic leaf foliations
on $P_1$ and $P_2$ induce the same foliation on $M$ ($P_1$ and $P_2$ have
the ``same'' Casimir functions). The bijection between
symplectic leaves on $P_1$ and $P_2$ is given by
P_1 \supset S_1 \mapsto f_2(f^{-1}_1(S_1)) = f_2(f^{-1}_1(x)) \ \ \
\forall \;
x \in S_1.
Returning to moment maps, we have over a coadjoint orbit
${\cal O} \subset \LieAlg{g}^*$:
\item $\mu^{-1}(\cal{O})$ is coisotropic in $M$
\item $\pi(\mu^{-1}(\cal{O}))$ is a symplectic leaf $M_{red}$ in $M/G$
\item $\bar{\mu}^{-1}(\cal{O})$ is also a symplectic leaf in $\bar{M}$. It is
isomorphic to $\mu^{-1}(\cal{O})$/(null), or to $\mu^{-1}(\cal{O})/ \sim$,
or to $M_{red} \times \cal O$.
\begin{example} {\rm Take $M$ to be the cotangent bundle $T^*G$ of a Lie
group $G$. Denote by $\mu_L : T^*G \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*$ the moment map
for the lifted left action of $G$. The quotient $\pi : M \rightarrow M/G$
is just the moment map $\mu_R : T^*G \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*$ for
the lifted right action, and $\bar{M}$ is the fiber product $\LieAlg{g}^*
\times_{(\LieAlg{g}^*/G)} \LieAlg{g}^*$.}
\begin{example} {\rm If $G$ is a connected commutative group $T$, the
pair of nodes $\LieAlg{t}^*$ and $\LieAlg{t}^*/T$ coincide.
Consequently, so do $M/T$ and $\bar{M}$. The diagram of quotients
degenerates to}
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 4
\begin{example}\label{diagram-two-quotients} {\rm Consider two Poisson
actions on $(M,\sigma)$ of two
groups $G,T$ with moment maps $\mu_G, \mu_T$ with connected fibers. Assume
\item[i)] The actions of $G$ and $T$ commute.
It follows that $\mu_T : M \rightarrow \LieAlg{t}^*$ factors through
$M/G$ and $\mu_G : M \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*$ factors through $M/T$.
Assume moreover
\item[ii)] $T$ is commutative,
\item[iii)] $M \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*/G$ factors through $\LieAlg{t}^*$
Then $\bar{\mu}_G : \bar{M}_G \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*$ factors through
$M/T$ and the two quotient diagrams fit nicely together:}
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 4
\begin{rem} \label{rem-acihs-implies-maximal-commutative-subalgebra}
Note that condition iii in example \ref{diagram-two-quotients}
holds whenever $M/G \rightarrow \LieAlg{t}^*$ is a completely
integrable system (with connected fibers). In that case the map
$M/G \rightarrow \LieAlg{t}^*$ pulls back
$C^\infty(\LieAlg{t}^*)$ to a
{\em maximal} commutative subalgebra ${\cal I}_T$ of $(C^\infty(M/G),\{,\})$.
The map $M/G \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*/G$ pulls back
$C^\infty(\LieAlg{g}^*/G)$ to a commutative Lie subalgebra ${\cal I}_G$ of
As the two group actions commute so do
the subalgebras ${\cal I}_G$ and ${\cal I}_T$.
By maximality, ${\cal I}_T$ contains ${\cal I}_G$ and consequently
$M/G \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*/G$ factors through $\LieAlg{t}^*$.
The diagram of quotients for a Poisson action
(diagram \ref{diagram-of-quotients}) generalizes to an
analogous diagram for any full dual pair of realizations
$P_2\stackrel{f_2}{\longleftarrow} M \stackrel{f_1}{\longrightarrow} P_1$.
Denote by $\bar{M}$ the image of $M$ in the Poisson manifold
$P_1 \times P_2$ under the diagonal Poisson map $f_1 \times f_2 : M
\rightarrow P_1 \times P_2$.
The realization dual to $f_1 \times f_2 : M \rightarrow \bar{M}$
is the pullback of the symplectic leaf foliations on
$P_1$ or $P_2$ (they pull back to the same foliation of $M$).
The following is the analogue of Example \ref{diagram-two-quotients}
replacing the commutative $T$-action by a realization:
\begin{example} \label{example-diagram-hexagon-plus-realization}
\ Let $M/G \stackrel{\pi}{\longleftarrow} M
\stackrel{\mu}{\longrightarrow} \LieAlg{g}^*$ be the full dual pair
associated to a
Poisson action of $G$ on $M$ and $N \stackrel{\ell}{\longleftarrow} M
\stackrel{h}{\longrightarrow} B$ a full dual pair of realizations with
connected fibers where:
\item [(i)] $h$ is $G$-invariant
\item [(ii)] $h : M \rightarrow B$ is a Hamiltonian map ($B$ is endowed
with the trivial Poisson structure) and
\item [(iii)] The composition $M \stackrel{\mu}{\longrightarrow} \LieAlg{g}^*
\longrightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*/G$ factors through $h : M \rightarrow B$.
Then we get a diagram analogous to the one in example
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 4
It follows that the Poisson map
$M \stackrel{h \times \mu}{\longrightarrow}
B \times_{(\LieAlg{g}^*/G)} \LieAlg{g}^*$
into the fiber product space factors through
the realization $M \stackrel{\ell}{\rightarrow} N$ dual to
$h : M \rightarrow B$.
If, moreover, $M/G \rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian fibration,
then $M \stackrel{h \times \mu}{\longrightarrow}
B \times_{(\LieAlg{g}^*/G)} \LieAlg{g}^*$ is itself a realization dual to
$h : M \rightarrow B$.
\subsection{Finite dimensional Poisson loop group actions}
We present in this section two elementary constructions related to finite
dimensional symplectic leaves in the
Poisson quotient $Q_\infty$ of an infinite dimensional
symplectic space $M$ by subgroups of loop groups. The material in this
section will only be used in section \ref{sec-compatibility-of-heirarchies}
so the reader may prefer to read it in conjunction with that section.
We will not construct the quotient $Q_\infty$. The spaces involved are
constructed independently. Rather, we will analyze the relationship between
the Poisson action of the loop group on the infinite dimensional
spaces and its descent to the finite dimensional symplectic leaves of
$Q_\infty$. In fact,
our main purpose in this section is to provide the terminology needed
in order to study the Poisson loop group action in the finite dimensional
setting (convention
and corollary
In section \ref{sec-finite-dim-approaximations} we note that the infinitesimal
Hamiltonian actions of elements of the loop group descend to Hamiltonian
vector fields on finite dimensional symplectic approximations $M_{(l,l)}$. The
$M_{(l,l)}$'s dominate finite dimensional Poisson subvarieties $Q_l$ of
$Q_{\infty}$ with positive dimensional fibers. In section
\ref{sec-type-loci} the action
of certain maximal tori in the loop group further descends to
finite Galois covers of certain (type) loci in $Q$ and we examine the sense
in which it is Hamiltonian.
\subsubsection{Finite dimensional approximations}
The loop group $G_{\infty}$ is the group
$GL(n,{\Bbb C}((z)))$.
The level infinity group
$G^{+}_{\infty}$ is its positive part
$GL(n,{\Bbb C}[[z]])$.
Let $(M,\sigma)$ be a symplectic variety with a Poisson loop group
action whose moment map is
\[ \mu : M \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}^*. \]
In section \ref{sec-compatibility-of-heirarchies} $M$ will be the
cotangent bundle of a projective (inverse) limit of finite dimensional
smooth algebraic varieties
(the cotangent bundles of
the moduli spaces of vector bundles with level structure).
It is thus the inductive
(direct) limit of projective limits of finite dimensional varieties.
All constructions (morphisms, group actions, symplectic structures
etc ...) can be made precise as limits of the standard constructions on
finite dimensional approximations. We will omit the technical details as
our point is to transfer the discussion back to the finite dimensional
symplectic leaves of the Poisson quotient
$Q_\infty := M/G^{+}_{\infty}$.
Let $\LevelInfinitySubgroup{l}$, $l \geq -1$, be the subgroup of
$G^{+}_{\infty}$ of elements equal to $1$ up to order $l$.
Denote by $\mu_{\LevelInfinitySubgroup{l}}$ its moment map.
We assume that the subquotients
M_{(l,k)} := \mu_{\LevelInfinitySubgroup{l}}^{-1}(0)/\LevelInfinitySubgroup{k},
\ \ \ k \geq l,
are smooth, finite dimensional and that they approximate $M$:
\[M = \lim_{l \rightarrow \infty} \lim_{\infty \leftarrow k} M_{(l,k)}.\]
Notice that $M_{(l,l)}$ is a symplectic reduction, hence symplectic.
Let $a$ be an element of the loop algebra $\LieAlg{g}_{\infty}$
with poles of order at most $l_{0}$.
The Hamiltonian vector field $\xi_a$ on $M$ is an infinite double
sequence of Hamiltonian vector fields on $M_{(l,k)}$, $l \geq 0$,
$k\geq \max\{l,l_0\}$
compatible with respect to projections and inclusions (by a Hamiltonian
vector field on $M_{(l,k)} \subset M_{(k,k)}$ we mean, the restriction
of a Hamiltonian vector field on $M_{(k,k)}$
which is tangent to $M_{(l,k)}$).
The quotient $Q_\infty := M/G^{+}_{\infty}$ is the direct limit
$\lim_{l \rightarrow \infty}Q_l$ of the finite dimensional Poisson varieties
Q_l := \mu_{\LevelInfinitySubgroup{l}}^{-1}(0)/G^{+}_{\infty}
= M_{(l,k)}/ G_k
= M_{(l,l)}/ G_l
where $G_k:=G^{+}_{\infty}/\LevelInfinitySubgroup{k}$ is the
finite dimensional level-$k$ group
(we assume that the quotients $Q_l$ are smooth).
The homogeneous $G^{+}_{\infty}$-space
${\cal U}_{\infty}:=G^{+}_{\infty}/ GL(n,{\Bbb C})$
is endowed with a canonical infinitesimal $G_{\infty}$-action
via its embedding as the degree-$0$ component of the homogeneous
$G_{\infty}$-space $G_{\infty} / GL(n,{\Bbb C}[[z^{-1}]])$
\[G^{+}_{\infty}/ GL(n,{\Bbb C}) \hookrightarrow
G_{\infty} / GL(n,{\Bbb C}[[z^{-1}]])\]
(the degree of $a\in G_{\infty}$ is the signed order of the pole/zero
of $\det(a)$).
Let $M$ be an open subset of the cotangent bundle
$T^*{\cal U}_{\infty}$ for which
the regularity assumptions on the approximating quotients $M_{(l,k)}$
hold. This will be made precise in section \ref{sec-polynomial-matrices}
and the quotients $Q_l$ will be the spaces of conjugacy classes
of polynomial matrices studied in that section.
the action of $a \in \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}$ above is not defined on $Q_{l}$.
It is well defined only
when we retain at least the $l_0$-level structure, i.e., on $M_{(l,k)}$,
$k \geq l_0$. In section \ref{sec-type-loci} we will see that the action
of certain maximal tori in $G_{\infty}$ descends to
{\em finite} Galois covers of certain loci in $Q$.
\subsubsection{Type loci} \label{sec-type-loci}
Let $(M,\sigma)$ be a smooth symplectic variety endowed with an
infinitesimal Poisson action $\mu_{G}^*: \LieAlg{g} \rightarrow
of a group $G$. Consider a subgroup $G^+ \subset G$, a
commutative subgroup $T \subset G$, and their intersection
$T^+ := T \cap G^+$. Assume further that the following conditions hold:
i) The infinitesimal $G^+$-action integrates to a free action on $M$,\\
ii) $T^+$ is a maximal commutative subgroup whose Weyl group
$W_{T^+}:= N_{G^+}(T^+)/T^+$ is finite.
\begin{definition} \label{def-group-theoretic-definition-type-loci}
The {\em type} $\tau$ of $T$ is the class of all commutative subgroups
$T'$ of $G$ which are conjugate to $T$ via an element of $G^+$.
Let $W := [N_{G^+}(T^+)\cap N(T)]/T^+$ be the corresponding subgroup of both
$W_{T^+}$ and $W_{T}$. Denote by
\LieAlg{g}^*_\tau \subset \LieAlg{g}^*
$\LieAlg{g}^*_T \subset \LieAlg{g}^*$) the subset of elements whose
stabilizer (with respect to the coadjoint action) is a torus of type
$\tau$ (respectively, precisely $T$).
\begin{example} \label{example-loop-group-level-infinity-group}
Let $G$ be the loop group, $G^+$ the level infinity group
and $T \subset G$ a maximal torus of type $\underline{n}$ determined
by a partition of the integer $n$ (see section \ref{sec-the-heirarchies}).
In this case $G^+$ and $T$ generate $G$. It follows that $W=W_T=W_{T^+}$ and
the type $\tau$ is invariant throughout a coadjoint orbit in $\LieAlg{g}^*$.
Assume that a ``nice'' (Poisson) quotient $Q := M/G^+$ exists. Let
\[M^\tau := \mu_G^{-1}(\LieAlg{g}^*_\tau), \ \ \ \mbox{and} \ \ \
Q^\tau := M^\tau/G^+ \subset Q\]
be the loci of type $\tau$. Note that for each $T$ of type $\tau$ there is a
canonical isomorphism
\mu^{-1}_G(\LieAlg{g}^*_T)/ [N_{G^+}(T^+) \cap N(T)] \stackrel{\cong}{\rightarrow}
Q^{\tau} \subset Q.
In particular, a choice of $T$ of type $\tau$ determines a canonical
$W$-Galois cover of $Q^\tau$
\begin{equation} \label{eq-the-galois-cover}
\tilde{Q}^T := \mu^{-1}_{G}(\LieAlg{g}^*_T)/T^+.
All the $\tilde{Q}^T$ of type $\tau$ are isomorphic (not canonically) to a
fixed abstract $W$-cover $\tilde{Q}^\tau$. Note that $\tilde{Q}^T$ is a
subset of $M/T^+$. We get a canonical ``section'' (the inclusion)
\begin{equation} \label{eq-the-section-from-the-galois-cover}
s_T : \tilde{Q}^T \hookrightarrow M/T^+
into a $T$-invariant subset. Consequently, we get an induced
$T$-action on the Galois cover $\tilde{Q}^T$. The moment map
$\mu_T$ is $T$-invariant, hence, descends to $M/T^+$.
Restriction to $s^T(\tilde{Q}^T)$ gives rise to a canonical map
\begin{equation} \label{eq-loop-group-moment-map-on-galois-covers}
\bar{\mu}_T : \tilde{Q}^T \rightarrow \LieAlg{t}^*.
The purpose of this section is to examine {\em the extent to which
$\bar{\mu}_T$ is the moment map of the
$T$-action with respect to the Poisson structure on $Q$}.
In general, the $G^+$-equivariant projection
j: \LieAlg{g}^* \twoheadrightarrow (\LieAlg{g}^+)^*
might {\em forget the type}. Coadjoint orbits
$S \subset (\LieAlg{g}^+)^*$ may intersect nontrivially the images
$j(\LieAlg{g}^*_\tau)$ of several types (e.g., take $S=0$ in example
\ref{example-loop-group-level-infinity-group} and observe that
the kernel of $j$ intersects coadjoint orbits of all types).
symplectic leaves $Q_S$ of $Q$ would intersect nontrivially several type loci
If $Q_S^{\tau^{open}}$ is an open subvariety of $Q_S$ of type $\tau$
(e.g., if $Q$ is the disjoint union of finitely many type loci
and $\tau$ is a {\em generic type})
then the corresponding open subvariety $\tilde{Q}_S^{T^{open}}$
of $\tilde{Q}_S^T$ will be a symplectic variety.
In this case the $T$-action
on $\tilde{Q}_S^{T^{open}}$ is Poisson whose moment map $\bar{\mu}_T$
is given by (\ref{eq-loop-group-moment-map-on-galois-covers}).
The Galois $W$-covers $\tilde{Q}_S^T$ of the nongeneric type loci
in $Q_S$ are not symplectic.
Nevertheless, motivated by the fact that $\bar{\mu}_T$ can be extended
canonically to $M/T^+$
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
we will adopt the:
\begin{convention} \label{convention-abused-hamiltonian-language}
Given an element $h$ of $\LieAlg{t}$ we will say that the corresponding
vector field $\bar{\xi}_h$ on $\tilde{Q}_S^T$ is the
{\em Hamiltonian vector field of $h$}
(even if the type $\tau$ of $T$ is not generic in $Q_S$).
We will refer to the pair $(\bar{\mu}_T,\mu_T)$ as the moment map
of the $T$-action on $\tilde{Q}_S^T$.
Let $G$ be the loop group and $M,G^+,T$ as in section
Diagram (\ref{diag-extending-the-moment-map-from-the-galois-cover})
has an obvious finite dimensional approximation in which
$Q^\tau_S$, $\tilde{Q}^T_S$ and $T$ stay the same
but with $M$ replaced
by $M_{(l,l)}$ and $Q$ by $Q_{l}$. By $\mu_{T}$ we mean in this
context a linear homomorphism
$\mu_T^*:\LieAlg{t} \rightarrow \LieAlg{t}/\LoopAlgSubtorus{l}
\rightarrow \Gamma(M_{(l,l)},\StructureSheaf{M_{(l,l)}}).$
(Relation with the diagram of quotients (\ref{diagram-of-quotients}))
Let $S$ be a coadjoint orbit of level $l$, i.e.,
$S \subset \LieAlg{g}_l^* :=
(\LieAlg{g}^{+}_{\infty}/\LevelInfinitySubalg{l})^* \subset (\LieAlg{g}^{+}_{\infty})^*$.
There is a rather subtle relationship between the Galois cover
$\tilde{Q}_S^T \rightarrow Q^\tau_S$ and the space
$\bar{M}_{(l,l)}$ dual to $\LieAlg{g}_l^*/G_{l}$ from the diagram of
quotients (\ref{diagram-of-quotients}) of level $l$.
The Galois cover
$\tilde{Q}_S^T \rightarrow Q^\tau_S$ factors canonically through
an intermediate subspace $\tilde{Q}_S^T/\sim$
of $\bar{M}_{(l,l)}$.
Note that the loop group moment map $\mu_{G_\infty}$
descends to a map
\bar{\mu}_{G_\infty}:\tilde{Q}_S^T \rightarrow (\LieAlg{g}_{\infty}^*)_T
\subset \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}^*.
Two points $\tilde{x}_1, \tilde{x}_2 \in \tilde{Q}_S^T$
in a fiber over $x \in Q^\tau_S$ are
identified in $\tilde{Q}_S^T/\sim$
if and only if
$\bar{\mu}_{G_\infty}(\tilde{x}_1)$ and $\bar{\mu}_{G_\infty}(\tilde{x}_1)$
project to the same point in $S \subset (\LieAlg{g}^{+}_{\infty})^*$.
The relation $\sim$ is a geometric realization of the partial
type-forgetfullness of the projection
$j:\LieAlg{g}_{\infty}^* \rightarrow (\LieAlg{g}^{+}_{\infty})^*$.
The loci in $\bar{M}_{(l,l)}$ at which the type is not forgotten
are precisely the loci to which the moment map of the infinitesimal
{\em loop group}
action descends
(from $M^T:= \mu_{G_{\infty}}^{-1}((\LieAlg{g}_{\infty}^*)_T)$. Note that
the moment map of the level infinity subgroup descends
by definition of the quotient $\bar{M}_{(l,l)}$).
In particular, the infinitesimal action of the maximal
torus $\LieAlg{t}$ integrates to a Poisson action in these loci.
(See section \ref{sec-compatibility-of-stratifications}
for examples of such loci.)
Assume further that we have a ``nice'' quotient $B := M/G$ and that
$G$ is generated by $T$ and $G^+$.
We get the type loci $B^\tau := M^\tau/G$.
Fixing $T$ of type $\tau$ we get the $W$-cover $\tilde{B}^T := M^T/T$.
The restriction of the moment map $\mu_T$ to $M^T$ descends further to
$\phi_T:\tilde{B}^T \rightarrow \LieAlg{t}^*$
and we get the commutative diagram
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
i) The $T$-action on $M$ descends to a canonical action on the
$W$-cover $\tilde{Q}^T$ of the type locus $Q^\tau \subset Q$.
ii) Its moment map,
in the sense of convention \ref{convention-abused-hamiltonian-language},
is $(\phi_T\circ \tilde{h},\mu_T)$.
iii) If the type $\tau$ of $T$ is the generic type in
a symplectic leaf $Q_S\subset Q$
and $Q_S^{\tau^{open}} \subset Q_S$ is an open subvariety,
then the corresponding $W$-cover $\tilde{Q}_S^{T^{open}}$
is symplectic and $\phi_T\circ \tilde{h}$ is the moment map of
the $T$-action in the usual sense.
\section{Geodesic flow on an ellipsoid} \label{ch3}
Consider the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid
E =
\{(x_1,\cdots,x_{n+1})|\sum^{n+1}_{i=1} \frac{1}{a_i} x^2_i = 1\}
\subset {\bf R}^{n+1},
where the metric is induced from the standard
one on ${\bf R}^{n+1}$, and where the $a_i$ are distinct positive
numbers, say
0 < a_1 < \cdots < a_{n+1}.
For $n=1$, the problem is to compute arc length on an
ellipse. It amounts to computing the integral
s = \int{
\sqrt{\frac{a^2_1 + (a_2-a_1)x^2}{a_1(a_1 - x^2)}}\ \ dx}.
(Hence the
name {\it elliptic} for this and similar integrals.)
For $n=2$, the problem was solved by Jacobi. Each geodesic
$\gamma$ on $E$ determines a hyperboloid $E'$, intersecting $E$
in a pair of ovals. The geodesic $\gamma$ oscillates in the band
between these ovals, meeting them tangentially. In fact, each
tangent line of $\gamma$ is also tangent to the hyperboloid $E'$.
The solutions can be parametrized explicitly in terms of
hyperelliptic theta functions.
The geodesic flow on an $n$-dimensional ellipsoid is
integrable, in fact algebraically integrable. We will see this,
first using some elementary geometric techniques to describe the
geodesics concretely, and then again using the algebraic
description of hyperelliptic jacobians which will be extended
later to all spectral curves.
The geodesic flow on the $2n$-dimensional symplectic
manifold $TE \approx T^*E$ is given by the Hamiltonian function
$h$=length square. We need $n-1$ farther, commuting,
independent, Hamiltonians.
Consider the family of quadrics confocal to $E$:
E_\lambda: \; \; \sum^{n+1}_{i=1} \frac{x^2_i}{a_i-\lambda} = 1,
depending on a parameter $\lambda$. (The name makes sense only
when $n=1$: we get the family of ellipses $(\lambda < a_1)$,
hyperbolas $(a_1 < \lambda < a_2)$, and empty (real) conics
$(\lambda > a_2)$, with fixed foci.)
Here is an intrinsic way to think of this family. Start
with a linear pencil $$Q_\lambda = Q_0 + \lambda Q_\infty,\ \ \ \
\ (\lambda \in {\bf P}^1)$$ of quadrics in general position in
projective space ${\bf P}^{n+1}$. By ``general position'' we mean
that there are exactly $n+2$ values of $\lambda \in {\bf P}^1$ such
that $Q_\lambda$ is singular, and for those $\lambda$,
$Q_\lambda$ is a cone (i.e. its singular locus, or vertex, is a
single point).
\proclaim{Lemma}. A generic linear subspace $L \approx {\bf P}^{k-1}$
in ${\bf P}^{n+1}$ is tangent to $Q_\lambda$ for $k$ values of
$\lambda$. The points of tangency $p_\lambda$ are pairwise
harmonic with respect to each of the quadrics $Q_\mu$.\par
{\bf Proof:}
Four points of ${\bf P}^1$ are harmonic if their
cross ratio is $-1$; e.g. $0,\infty,a,-a$. Two points $p_1,p_2
\in {\bf P}^1$ are harmonic with respect to a quadric $Q$ if the set
$\{p_1,p_2\} \cup (Q \cap {\bf P}^1)$ is harmonic. For example, two
points on the line at infinity in ${\bf P}^2$ (i.e. two directions in
the affine plane) are harmonic with respect to some (hence
every) circle, iff the directions are perpendicular.
Since $Q$ is tangent to $L$ if and only if $Q \cap L$ is
singular, the first part of the lemma follows by restriction of
the pencil to $L$. The second part follows by restricting to the
line $p_{\lambda_1},p_{\lambda_2}$, where in appropriate
coordinates $Q_{\lambda_1} = x^2$ and $Q_{\lambda_2} = y^2$, so
the points of tangency are $0,\infty$ and the quadric $Q_\lambda$
vanishes at $\pm a$, where $a^2 = \lambda$.
We choose the parameter $\lambda$ so that $Q_\infty$ is one
of the singular quadrics. The dual $Q^*_\lambda$ of a
non-singular $Q_\lambda$ is a non-singular quadric in $({\bf P}^{n+1})^*$.
The dual of $Q_{\infty}$ is a hyperplane $H_{\infty} \subset ({\bf P}^{n+1})^*$
(corresponding to the vertex of $Q_\infty$), with a
non-singular quadric $Q^*_\infty \subset H_{\infty}$. We get a family of
confocal quadrics by restriction to the affine space ${\bf R}^{n+1}:=
({\bf P}^{n+1})^*\smallsetminus H_{\infty}$:
Q^*_\lambda|_{{\bf R}^{n+1}}.
If we choose coordinates so that
\begin{array}{lcl}Q_\infty & = & \sum^{n+1}_{i=1} x^2_i\{\Bbb Q}_0 &
= & \sum^{n}_{i=0} a_i x^2_i\end{array}
(where $a_0 = -1$ and
the other $a_i$ are as above), we retrieve the original
$E_\lambda$. (Euclidean geometry in ${\bf R}^{n+1}$ is equivalent, in
the sense of Klein's program, to the geometry of ${\bf P}^{n+1}$ with
a distinguished ``light-cone'' $Q_\infty$. In this equivalence,
$E = E_0$ corresponds to $Q_0$, which determines the pencil
$\{Q_\lambda\}$, which corresponds to the confocal family
Dualizing the lemma, for $k = n+1,n$, gives the following
properties of the confocal family.
(The reader is invited to amuse herself by drawing the case
$n=1$ in the plane.)
\item Through a generic point $x$ of ${\bf R}^{n+1}$ pass $n+1$ of the
\item These $n+1$ quadrics intersect perpendicularly at $x$.
\item A generic line $\ell$ in ${\bf R}^{n+1}$ is tangent to $n$ of
the $E_\lambda$.
\item The tangent hyperplanes to these $n$ quadrics (at their
respective points of tangency to $\ell$) are perpendicular.
By property (3) we can associate to a generic line $\ell$ in
${\bf R}^{n+1}$ an unordered set of $n$ values $\lambda_i$, $1 \leq i
\leq n$, such that $Q_{\lambda_i}$ is tangent to $\ell$. When
$\ell$ comes from a point of $TE$, one of these, say $\lambda_n$,
equals $0$. The remaining $n-1$ values $\lambda_i$ (or rather,
their symmetric functions) give $n-1$ independent functions on
$TE$; in fact, they can take an arbitrary $(n-1)$-tuple of
values. These functions descend to the projectivized tangent
bundle ${\bf P}(TE)$; so together with the original Hamiltonian $h$ (=
length squared) they give $n$ independent functions on $TE$. The
key to integrability is:
\proclaim{Chasles' Theorem}. The $\lambda_i$ are flow
invariants, i.e. they are constant along a geodesic $\gamma =
{\bf Proof}. For any curve $\gamma(t)$ in ${\bf R}^{n+1}$, the family
of tangent lines $\ell(t)$ gives a curve $\Lambda$ in the
Grassmannian $Gr(1,{\bf R}^{n+1})$ of affine lines in ${\bf R}^{n+1}$.
This curve is developable, i.e. its tangent line
$T_{\ell(t)}\Lambda$ is given by the pencil of lines through
$\gamma(t)$ in the osculating plane of $\gamma$ at $t$. When
$\gamma$ is a geodesic, this plane is the span of $\ell(t)$ and
the normal vector $n(t)$ to $E$ at $\gamma(t)$. Write $\lambda_i(t)$
for the value of $\lambda_i$ at $\ell(t)$.
Let $Z_i$ be the hypersurface in $Gr(1,{\bf R}^{n+1})$
parametrizing lines tangent to $E_{\lambda_i(t)}$, for some fixed
$t$. The tangent space $T_{\ell(t)}Z_i$ contains all lines
through $\gamma(t)$ in the tangent hyperplane
$T_{p_i(t)}E_{\lambda_{i}(t)}$, and this hyperplane contains the
normal $n(t)$, by property (4). Hence:
\subset \{\mbox{lines\ through}\ \gamma(t),\ \mbox{in}\
T_{p_i(t)}E_{\lambda_{i(t)}}\} \subset T_{\ell(t)}Z_i\ \ \ \ \ i =
If the family $\Lambda$ of tangent lines to a geodesic meets $Z_i$,
it must therefore stay in it.
\subsection{Algebraic integrability}
Since a line $\ell$ determines two (opposite) tangent
vectors of given non-zero length, we have identified the fiber of
the geodesic flow as a double cover $\widetilde{K}$ of
$$K :=
\{\ell \in Gr(1,{\bf R}^{n+1})|\ell \ \mbox{is\ tangent\ to}\
E_{\lambda_1},\cdots, E_{\lambda_{n}}\}.
Next we want to
interpret this in terms of the real points of a complex abelian
variety. We follow Kn\"{o}rrer's approach \cite{knorrer}, which in turn is
based on \cite{moser},\cite{reid} and \cite{donagi-group-law}.
Start with the pencil of quadrics in ${\bf P}^{2n+1}$ (over ${\bf C}$):
Y_\lambda := Y_0 + \lambda Y_\infty
Y_0 & = & \sum^{2n+1}_{i=1} a_i x^2_i - x^2_0\\
Y_\infty & = & \sum^{2n+1}_{i=1} x^2_i.\end{array}
base locus $X = Y_0 \cap Y_\infty$ is non-singular if the $a_i$
are distinct. We set $a_0 = \infty$. The family of linear
subspaces ${\bf P}^n$ contained in a fixed quadric $Y_\lambda$
consists of two connected components, or rulings, for the
non-singular $Y_\lambda$
$(\lambda \not\in \{a_i\})$, and of a single
ruling for $\lambda = a_i$. We thus get a double cover $$\pi: C
\to {\bf P}^1$$ of the $\lambda$-line, parametrizing the rulings.
(More precisely, one considers the variety of pairs
{\cal P} =
\{(A,\lambda)|A\ \ \mbox{is\ a}\ {\bf P}^n\ \ \mbox{contained\ in}\
and takes the Stein factorization of the second
projection.) Explicitly, $C$ is the hyperelliptic curve of genus
$$C: \; s^2 = \Pi^{2n+1}_{i=1} (t-a_i).$$
Miles Reid \cite{reid} showed
that the Jacobian $J(C)$ is isomorphic to the variety
$$F:= \{A
\in Gr(n-1,{\bf P}^{2n+1})|A \subset X\}
of linear subspaces in the
base locus. An explicit group law on $F$ is given in
\cite{donagi-group-law}, and
corresponding results for rank $2$ vector bundles on $C$ are in
Since we are interested in a family of varieties $F$
with varying parameters, we
need some information about the isomorphism. Let $Pic^d(C)$
denote the variety parametrizing isomorphism classes of
degree-$d$ line bundles on $C$. Then $Pic^0(C) = J(C)$ is a group,
$Pic^1(C)$ is a torser (= principal homogeneous space) over it,
but, these two have no natural identification; while $Pic^2(C)
\approx J(C)$ canonically, using the hyperelliptic bundle on
$C$. It turns out that $F$ is isomorphic to $Pic^0(C)$ and
to $Pic^1(C)$, but neither isomorphism is canonical. Rather, we
may think of $F$ as ``$Pic^{\frac{1}{2}}(C)$'': it is a torser
over $J(C)$, and has a natural torser map
F \times F \to
All of this is based on the existence of a natural
j: F \times C \to F .
The ruling $p$ (on the quadric
$Y_{\pi(p)}$) contains a unique subspace ${\bf P}^n$ which contains a
given ${\bf P}^{n-1}$-subspace $A \in F$. This ${\bf P}^n$ intersects $X$
in the union of $A$ and another element of $F$, which we call
$j(A,p)$. We can also think of $j$ as a family of involutions of
$F$, indexed by $p \in C$. This extends to a map
F \times
J(C) \to F
$$ which gives the torser structure on $F$. Once $F$
is thus identified with $J(C)$, the map $j$ becomes $$j(A,p) = p
- A,$$ up to an additive constant. Since this is well defined
globally, points $A \in F$ must behave as line bundles on $C$ of
``degree $\frac{1}{2}$''. In particular, we have for $0 \leq i
\leq 2n+1$ the involution
$$\begin{array}{cl}j_i: & F \to F\\& A
\mapsto j(A,a_i),\\ \end{array}$$ where we set $a_i = \infty$ and
identify the $a_i \in {\bf P}^1$ with the $2n+2$ Weierstrass points
$\pi^{-1}(a_i) \in C$. Explicitly, each $j_i$ is induced by the
linear involution $$\overline{j}_i: {\bf P}^{2n+1} \to {\bf P}^{2n+1}$$
flipping the sign of the $i$-th coordinate.
Consider the linear projection
{\bf P}^{2n+1} & \to & {\bf P}^{n+1}\\
(x_0,\cdots,x_{2n+1}) & \mapsto &
which commutes with the
$\overline{j}_i,\ n + 2 \leq i$. Recall that in ${\bf P}^{n+1}$ we
have the pencil of quadrics $Q_\lambda$, with dual quadrics
$E_\lambda$ in $({\bf P}^{n+1})^*$.
\item The projection $\rho$ maps $F$ to $$F' := \{B \in Gr(n-
1,{\bf P}^{n+1})|B\ \mbox{is\ tangent\ to}\
\item The induced $\rho: F \to F'$ is a finite morphism of degree
$2^n$, and can be identified with the quotient of $F$ by the
group $G \approx ({\bf Z}/2{\bf Z})^n$ generated by the involutions $j_i$,
$n + 2 \leq i \in 2n+1$.
\item Duality takes $F'$ isomorphically to the variety $K$ of
lines in $({\Bbb P}^{n+1})^*$ tangent to $E_{\lambda_i}$, $\lambda_i =
a_{n+1+i}$, $1 \leq i \leq n$.
We omit the straightforward proof. Let $\widetilde{G}
\subset G$ be the index-$2$ subgroup generated by the products
$j_{i_1} \circ j_{i_2}$, and set
\widetilde{K} :=
We obtain natural commuting maps, whose
degrees are indicated next to the arrows:
& \stackrel{2^{n-1}}{\longrightarrow} & \widetilde{K} &
\stackrel{2^{n+1}}{\longrightarrow} & Pic^{1}(C)\\
& & \downarrow^2 & & ^2\downarrow\\
& & K & \stackrel{2^{n+1}}{\longrightarrow}
& \mbox{Kummer}^{1}(C).\\
Here $\mbox{Kummer}^d(C)$
stands for the quotient of $Pic^dC$ by the involution
L \mapsto dH-L,
where $H$ is the hyperelliptic bundle $\in Pic^2(C)$.
The composition of the maps in the top row is multiplication by
F \approx Pic^{\frac{1}{2}} (C)
\stackrel{\cdot 2}{\longrightarrow} Pic^{1}(C).
In conclusion, the fiber of the geodesic flow on $E =
E_0$ with invariants $h = 1$ (say) and $\lambda_i = a_{n+1+i}$,
$1 \leq i \leq n$ can be identified with the real locus in
$\widetilde{K} = \widetilde{K}(\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n)$.
The latter is a $2^{n+1}$-sheeted cover of $Pic^1(C)$, so up to translation by
some points of order $2$, it is an abelian variety, isomorphic to a
$2^{n+1}$ sheeted cover of the hyperelliptic Jacobian $J(C)$.
\subsection{The flows}
Two details of the above story are somewhat unsatisfactory:
First, the asymmetry between the $n-1$ Hamiltonians $\lambda_i$
and the remaining Hamiltonian $H$ (length squared).
And second, the fact that the complexified
total space $TE$ of the system is not quite symplectic. Indeed,
for an arbitrary algebraic hypersurface
$M \subset {\bf C}^{n+1}$, given by $f = 0$, the complexified metric on
${\Bbb C}^{n+1}$ induces bundle maps
TM \hookrightarrow T{\bf C}^{n+1}|_M
\stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} T^*{\bf C}^{n+1}|_M
\rightarrow\!\!\!\rightarrow T^{*}M,
but the composition is not an
isomorphism; rather, it is degenerate at points where
$$0 =
(\bigtriangledown f)^2 = \sum^{n+1}_{k=1}
\left(\frac{\partial f}{\partial
For an ellipsoid $\sum x_k^2/a_k = 1$
(other than a sphere) there will be
an empty real, but non-empty complex degeneracy locus, given by the equation
$\sum(x_k/a_k)^2 = 0$.
Both of these annoyances disappear if we replace the total
space by the tangent bundle $TS$ of the sphere
$$S =
\{(x_1,\cdots,x_{n+1}) \in {\bf C}^{n+1}|\sum x_{k}^2 = 1\},
$$TS = \{(x,y) \in {\bf C}^{2n+2}| \sum x_{k}^2 = 1, \sum
x_k y_k = 0\}.
This is globally symplectic, and the $n$
(unordered) Commuting Hamiltonians can be taken to be the values
$\lambda_i$, $1 \leq i \leq n$, such that the line $$\ell_{x,y}
:= (\mbox{line\ through}\ y\ \mbox{in\ direction}\ x\ )$$ is
tangent to $E_{\lambda_i}$. The original system $TE$ can be
recovered as a ${\bf C}^*$-bundle (where ${\bf C}^*$ acts by
rescaling the tangent direction $x$) over the hypersurface
$\lambda = 0$ in $TS$.
Here is the explicit equation of the hypersurface:
\lambda = 0 & \Leftrightarrow & \ell_{x,y} \ \
\mbox{is\ tangent\ to}\ E = \{\sum \frac{x_{k}^2}{a_k} = 1\}
& \Leftrightarrow & -1+\sum \frac{(y_k + tx_k)^2}{a_k} = 0\
\mbox{has\ a\ unique\ solution}\ t
& \Leftrightarrow & (-
1+\sum \frac{y_{k}^2}{a_k} + 2t (\sum \frac{x_k y_k}{a_k}) +
t^2(\sum \frac{x_{k}^2}{a_k}) = 0\ \mbox{has\ a\ unique\
& \Leftrightarrow & 0 = (\sum \frac{x_k
y_k}{a_k})^2 - (\sum \frac{x_{k}^2}{a_k})(-1 + \sum
More generally, this computation shows that $\ell_{x,y}$ is tangent
to $E_{\lambda}$ if and only if
0 = (\sum \frac{x_k y_k}{a_{k^{-\lambda}}})^2 - (\sum
\frac{x_{k}^2}{a_{k^{-\lambda}}})(-1 + \sum \frac{y_{k}^2}{a_{k^-
\sum_k \frac{x_k^2}{a_k-\lambda} +
\sum_{k\neq l}\frac{x_k y_k x_l y_l- x_k^2 y_l^2}{(a_k-\lambda)(a_l-\lambda)}.
As a function of $\lambda$, the last expression has first order poles at
$\lambda=a_k$, $1\leq k \leq n+1$, so it can be rewritten as
\sum \frac{1}{a_k - \lambda} F_k(x,y)
where the $F_k$ are found by taking residue at $\lambda=a_k$:
F_k (x,y) := x_{k}^2 + \sum_{\ell
\neq k} \frac{(x_k y_\ell - x_\ell y_k)^2}{a_k - a_\ell}.
We see that fixing the $n+1$ values $F_k(x,y)$, $1
\leq k \leq n+1$, subject to the condition
\sum^{n+1}_{k=1} F_k
= 1,
is equivalent to fixing the $n$ (unordered) values
$\lambda_i$, $1 \leq i \leq n$.
This determines the hyperelliptic curve
C : \; s^2 =
\prod^{n+1}_{k=1} (t - a_k) \cdot \prod^{n}_{i=1} (t -
and the corresponding abelian variety
\widetilde{K} = \widetilde{K} (\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n) =
J(C)/\widetilde{G} \approx \{(x,y)| \ell_{x,y}\ \mbox{is\ tangent\ to} \
E_{\lambda_i}, \ \ \ 1 \leq i \leq n\}.
\item Geodesic flow on the quadric $E_{\lambda_i}$ is the
Hamiltonian vector field on $TS$ given by the (local) Hamiltonian
$\lambda_i$. On $\widetilde{K}$ it is a constant vector field in
the direction of the Weierstrass point $\lambda_i \in C$.
\item The Hamiltonian vector field on $TS$ with Hamiltonian $F_k$
is constant on $\widetilde{K}$, in the direction of the
Weierstrass point $a_k \in C$.
The direction at $\ell \in {\widetilde{K}}$ of geodesic flow on
$E_{\lambda_i}$ was described in the proof of Chasles' theorem.
The direction given by the Weierstrass point $\lambda_i$ is given
at $A \in F$ as the tangent vector at $\lambda_i$ to the curve
p \mapsto j(A_{i},p)\ \ (\mbox{where}\ A_i =
The proof of (1) amounts to unwinding the
definitions to see that these two directions agree. (For
details, see \cite{knorrer} and
\cite{donagi-group-law}.) Since the level sets of the
$\lambda_i$ and the $F_k$ are the same, the Hamiltonian vector
field of $F_k$ evolves on the same ${\widetilde{K}}$, and is constant there.
A monodromy argument on the family of hyperelliptic curves then
shows that its direction must agree with $a_k$. Mumford gives an
explicit computation for this in \cite{Mum}, Theorem 4.7, following
Moser \cite{moser}.
We have identified the flows corresponding to $2n+1$ of the
Weierstrass points. The remaining one, at $\lambda = \infty$,
corresponds to the Hamiltonian
H = \frac{1}{2} \sum^{n+1}_{k=1}
a_k F_k = \frac{1}{2} \sum a_k x_{k}^2 + \frac{1}{2} \sum
giving Neumann's system, which is the starting point
for the analysis in \cite{moser} and
\subsection{Explicit parametrization}
Fix the hyperelliptic curve of genus $n$
C: \; s^2 = f(t) :=
\prod^{2n+1}_{i=1} (t - a_i),
with projection
\begin{array}{rcl}\pi:\ C & \rightarrow & {\bf P}^1\\(t,s) & \mapsto
& t\\ \end{array}
and involution
\begin{array}{rcl}i:\ C &
\rightarrow & C\\(t,s) & \mapsto & (t, - s).\\
We identify the various components $Pic^d(C)$ by means of the base
point $\infty$, which is a Weierstrass point.
The affine open subset $J(C) \smallsetminus \Theta$ can
be described geometrically, by Riemann's theorem:
J(C) \smallsetminus \Theta \approx
$$\{L \in Pic^{n-1}(C)|h^0(L) = 0\}
\{(p_1,\cdots,p_n) \in Sym^nC| p_i \neq \infty, p_i
\neq i(p_j)\},
where the last identification sends $L$ to the
unique effective divisor of $L(\infty)$. Mumford \cite{Mum} gives an
explicit algebraic parametrization of the same open set, which he
attributes to Jacobi: to the $n$-tuple $D = (p_1,\cdots,p_n)$ he
associates three polynomials of a single variable $t$:
\item $U(t) := \prod^{n}_{i=1} (t - t(p_i))$.
\item $V(t)$ is the unique polynomial of degree $\leq n-1$ such
that the meromorphic function
V \circ \pi - s \ \ : \ \ C \to {\bf P}^1
vanishes on the divisor $D \subset C$. It is obtained by
Lagrange interpolation of the expansions of $s$ at the $p_i$,
e.g. when the $p_i$ are all distinct,
V(t) = \sum^{n}_{i=1}
s(p_i) \prod_{j \neq i} \frac{t - t(p_j)}{t(p_i) - t(p_j)}.
\item $W(t) = \frac{f(t) - V(t)^2}{U(t)}$; the definition of $V$
and the equation $s^2 = f(t)$ guarantee that this is a monic
polynomial of degree $n+1$.
Conversely, the polynomials $U,V,W$ determine the values
$t(p_i), s(p_i)$, hence the divisor $D$. By reading off the
coefficients, we obtain an embedding: $$(U,V,W): {\cal J}(C)\backslash
\Theta \hookrightarrow {\bf C}^{3n+1}.$$ The image is $$\{(U,V,W)| V^2
+ UW = f\}.$$
This description fits beautifully with the integrable system
on $TS$ representing geodesic flow on the $E_\lambda$. We can
rephrase our previous computation as: $$\ell_{x,y} \ \mbox{is\
tangent\ to}\ E_{\lambda_1},\cdots,E_{\lambda_n} \Leftrightarrow
f_1(t)f_2(t) = UW + V^2,$$ where, for $(x,y) \in TS$, we set:
f_1(t) = \prod^{n+1}_{k=1}(t-a_k) & \ \ \ \ & \mbox{(this\ is\
independent\ of}\ x,y)
f_2(t) = f_1(t) \cdot \sum_k \frac{F_k(x,y)}{t - a_k}
& \ \ \ \ & (\mbox{this\ varies\ with}\ x,y;\ \mbox{the\ roots\
are\ the}\ \lambda_i)
U(t) = f_1(t) (\sum_k \frac{x_{k}^2}{t - a_k}) & &
W(t) = f_1(t) (1 + \sum_k \frac{y_{k}^2}{t - a_k}) & &
V(t) = \sqrt{-1} \cdot f_1(t) \cdot (\sum_k \frac{x_k y_k}{t -
a_k}) & &\\
The entire system $TS$ is thus mapped to ${\bf C}^{3n+1}$.
Each abelian variety ${\widetilde{K}} = {\widetilde{K}}(\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n)$ is
mapped to ${\cal J}(C) \backslash \Theta$ embedded in ${\bf C}^{3n+1}$ as
before, where $C$ is defined by $s^2 = f(t)$, and $f = f_1 \cdot
f_2$, with $f_1$ fixed (of degree $n+1$) and $f_2$ variable (of
degree $n$). On each ${\widetilde{K}}$ the map is of degree $2^{n+1}$; the
group $({\bf Z}/2{\bf Z})^{n+1}$ operates by sending
\mapsto (\epsilon_k x_k, \epsilon_k y_k),\ \ \ \ \epsilon_k =
\pm 1.
\section{Spectral curves and vector bundles} \label{ch4}
We review in this chapter a general construction
of an integrable system on the moduli space of Higgs
pairs $(E,\varphi)$ consisting of a vector bundle $E$ on a curve and
a meromorphic $1$-form
valued endomorphism $\varphi$ (theorem \ref{thm-markman-botachin}).
These moduli
spaces admit a natural foliation by Jacobians of spectral curves.
The spectral curves are branched covers of the base
curve arising from the eigenvalues of the endomorphisms $\varphi$.
We concentrate on two examples:
- The Hitchin system supported on the cotangent bundle of
the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve (section
\ref{sec-spectral-curves-and-the-hitchin-system}), and
- An integrable system on the moduli space of conjugacy classes of
polynomial matrices (section \ref{sec-polynomial-matrices}).
The latter is then used to retrieve the Jacobi-Moser-Mumford system
which arose in chapter \ref{ch3} out of the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid.
Both examples are endowed with a natural symplectic or Poisson structure.
The general construction of the Poisson structure on the moduli spaces
of Higgs pairs is postponed to chapter \ref{ch5}.
We begin with a short survey of some basic facts about vector bundles on
a curve.
\subsection{Vector Bundles on a Curve}
We fix a (compact, non-singular) curve $\Sigma$ of genus $g$. A basic
object in these lectures will be the moduli space of stable (or semistable)
vector bundles on $\Sigma$ of given rank $r$ and degree $d$. To motivate
the introduction of this object, let us try to describe a ``general''
vector bundle on $\Sigma$. One simple operation which produces vector
bundles from line bundles is the direct image: start with an $r$-sheeted
branched covering $\pi : C \rightarrow \Sigma$, ramified at points of some
divisor $R$ in the non-singular curve $C$. Then any line bundle $L \in
Pic\; C$ determines a rank-$r$ vector bundle $E := \pi_*L$ on $\Sigma$. As a
locally free sheaf of ${\cal O} _\Sigma$-modules of rank $r$, this is easy to
\Gamma({\cal U},\pi_*L) \ := \ \Gamma(\pi^{-1} {\cal U}, L),
for open subsets ${\cal U} \subset \Sigma$. As a vector bundle, the
description is clear only at unbranched points of $\Sigma$: \ if
$\pi^{-1}(p)$ consists of $r$ distinct points $p_1, \cdots , p_r$ then the
fiber of $E$ at $p$ is naturally isomorphic to the direct sum of the fibers
of $L$:
E_p \; \approx \; \bigoplus^r_{i=1} \; L_{p_i}.
At branch points of $\pi$, $E_p$ does not admit a natural decomposition,
but only a filtration. This is reflected in a drop in the degree. Indeed,
the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem says in our (rather trivial) case that
\chi(\pi_*L) = \chi(L),
where $\chi$ is the holomorphic Euler characteristic,
\chi(E) := \deg E - (g-1) \mathop{\rm rank} \; E = \deg E + \chi({\cal O}) \cdot \mathop{\rm rank}
\; E.
Using Hurwitz' formula:
\chi({\cal O}_C) = r \, \chi({\cal O}_\Sigma) - {1 \over 2} \deg \; R,
this becomes:
\deg \; E = \deg \; L - {1 \over 2} \deg \; R.
\begin{example} \label{example-direct-image}
{\rm Consider the double cover
\pi : {\Bbb P}^1 &\longrightarrow& {\Bbb P}^1 \\
w &\longrightarrow& z = w^2 \\
branched over $0,\infty$. The direct image of the structure sheaf is:
\pi_* {\cal O} \approx {\cal O} \oplus {\cal O}(-1).
We can think of this as sending a regular function $f = f(w)$ (on some
invariant open set upstairs) to the pair $(f_+(z), f_-(z))$ downstairs,
f(w) = f_+(w^2) \; + \; wf_-(w^2).
In the image we get all pairs with $f_+$ regular (i.e. a section of $\cal O$)
and $f_-$ regular and vanishing at $\infty$ (i.e. a section of ${\cal
O}(-1))$. (Similar considerations show that
\pi_* {\cal O}(-1) \; \approx \; {\cal O}(-1) \oplus {\cal O}(-1)
and more generally:
\pi_* {\cal O}(d) \approx {\cal O} ( [ {d \over 2} ]) \oplus {\cal O}([ {d-1
\over 2} ]).
Note that this has degree $d-1$, as expected).
The structure of $\pi_*L$ near the branch point $z = 0$ can be described,
in this case, by the action on the local basis $a,b$ (of even, odd
sections) of multiplication by the section $w$ upstairs:
a \mapsto b , \quad \quad b \mapsto za,
i.e. $w$ is represented by the matrix
0 & z \\
1 & 0 \\
whose square is $z \cdot I$. At a branch point where $k$ sheets come
together, the corresponding action (in terms of a basis indexed by the
$k-th$ roots of unity) is given by the matrix:
P_k : =
0 & & & & 0 & z \\
1 & & & & \cdot & \cdot \\
\cdot & \cdot & & & \cdot & \cdot \\
\cdot & & \cdot & & \cdot & \cdot \\
\cdot & & & \cdot & 0 & 0 \\
0 & & & & 1 & 0
whose $k$-th power is $z \cdot I$.}
\begin{example} \ \ {\rm Now consider a 2-sheeted branched cover $\pi : C
\rightarrow {\Bbb P}^1$, where $g(C) > 0$. If we take $\chi(L) = 0$, i.e. $\deg
L = g - 1$, we get $\deg(\pi_*L) = -2$. The equality
\ell := h^0(C,L) = h^0({\Bbb P}^1, \pi_*L)
\pi_*L \approx {\cal O}(\ell - 1) \; \oplus \; {\cal O}(-\ell - 1).
In particular, we discover a very disturbing phenomenon: \ \ as the line
bundle $L$ varies continuously, in $Pic^{g-1}C$, so should presumably
$\pi_*L$; but if we consider a 1-parameter family of line bundles $L_t$
such that
L_0 &\in& \Theta \\
L_t &\notin& \Theta, \ \ \ t \not= 0 , \\
we see that the vector bundle $\pi_*L_t$ jumps from its generic value,
${\cal O}(-1) \oplus {\cal O}(-1)$ to ${\cal O} \oplus {\cal O}(-2)$ at
$t=0$. Similar jumps can clearly be forced on a rank-$r$ bundle by
considering $r$-sheeted branched covers.}
The moral of these examples is that if we want a moduli space parametrizing
the ``general'' vector bundle on a curve and having a reasonable (say,
separated) topology, we cannot consider {\it all} bundles. In the case of
${\Bbb P}^1$, we will end up with only the balanced bundles such as ${\cal
O}(-1) \oplus {\cal O}(-1)$, thus avoiding the possibility of a
discontinuous jump.
The slope $\mu(E)$ of a vector bundle $E$ is defined by:
\mu(E) := {\deg E \over \mathop{\rm rank} E}.
A bundle $E$ is called stable (resp., semistable) if for every subbundle $F
\subset E$ (other than $0,E$),
\mu(F) < \mu(E), \quad \quad (resp. \ \mu(F) \le \mu(E)).
The basic result due to Mumford and Seshadri
is that reasonable (coarse) moduli
spaces ${\cal U}^s_\Sigma(r,d) \subset {\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d)$ exist, with
the following properties:
\item ${\cal U}^s_\Sigma(r,d)$ is smooth; its points parametrize
isomorphism classes of stable bundles of rank $r$ and degree $d$ on
$\Sigma$; it is an open subset of ${\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d)$.
\item ${\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d)$ is projective; its points parametrize
equivalence classes of semistable bundles, where two bundles are
equivalent, roughly, if they admit filtrations by semistable subbundles
(of constant slope) with isomorphic graded pieces.
\item Both are coarse moduli spaces; this means that any ``family'', i.e.
vector bundle on a product $S \times \Sigma$, where $S$ is any scheme,
whose restrictions $E_s$ to copies $s \times \Sigma$ of $\Sigma$ are (semi)
stable of rank $r$ and degree $d$, determines a unique morphism of $S$ to
${\cal U}^s_\Sigma(r,d)$ (respectively, ${\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d))$ which
sends each $s \in S$ to the isomorphism (resp. equivalence) class of
$E_s$, and has the obvious functoriality properties.
\underline{$g = 0$}. \ The stable bundles are the line bundles ${\cal
O}(d)$. The semi-stable bundles are the balanced vector bundles, ${\cal
O}(d)^{\oplus r}$. Thus ${\cal U}_{P^1}(r,d)$ is a point if $r\mid d$, empty
otherwise, while the stable subset is empty when $r \ne 1$.
\underline{$g = 1$}. \ Let $h := gcd(r,d)$. Atiyah
shows that ${\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d)$
is isomorphic to the symmetric product $S^h\Sigma$, and
that each semistable equivalence class contains a unique decomposable
bundle $E = \oplus^h_{i=1} \; E_i$, where each $E_i$ is stable of rank
$r/h$ and degree $d/h$. (Other bundles in this equivalence class are
filtered, with the $E_i$ as subquotients.) Thus when $h=1, \ {\cal
U}^s_\Sigma = {\cal U}_\Sigma$, and when $h > 1,\ {\cal U}^s_\Sigma$
is empty.
The possibilities for semistable bundles are illustrated in the case $r=2$,
$d=0$: given two line bundles $L_1,L_2 \in Pic^0 \ \Sigma$, the possible
extensions are determined, up to non zero scalars, by elements of
Ext^1_{{\cal O}_\Sigma}(L_1,L_2) \approx H^1(L_2 \otimes L^{-1}_1).
The direct sum is thus the only extension when $L_1 \not\approx L_2$, while
if $L_1 \approx L_2 \approx L$ there is, up to isomorphism, also a unique
non-trivial extension, say $E_L$. There is, again, a jump phenomenon: \ \
by rescaling the extension class we get a family of vector bundles with
generic member isomorphic to $E_L$ and special member $L \oplus L$. This
explains why there cannot exist a moduli space parametrizing {\it
isomorphism} classes of semistable bundles; neither $L \oplus L$ nor $E_L$
is excluded, and the point representing the former is in the closure of the
latter, so they must be identified, i.e. $E_L$ and $L \oplus L$ must be
declared to be equivalent.
\underline{Higher Genus}. \ \ The only other cases where an explicit
description of ${\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d)$ is known are when $r=2$ and $g=3$
\cite{narasimhan-ramanan-rk2-genus3} or $r=2$ and $\Sigma$ is hyperelliptic of
any genus \cite{DR}.
In the latter case, the moduli space ${\cal U}_\Sigma(2,\xi)$ of rank $2$
vector bundles with a fixed determinant line bundle $\xi$ of odd degree
is isomorphic to the family of linear
spaces ${\Bbb P}^{g-2}$ in the intersection of the two quadrics in ${\Bbb P}^{2g+1}$
used in Chapter \ref{ch3}. In the even degree case, ${\cal U}_\Sigma(2,\xi)$
can also be described in terms
of the same two quadrics; when $g = 2$, it turns out to be isomorphic to
${\Bbb P}^3$, in which the locus of semistable but non-stable points is the
Kummer surface $K := {\cal J}(\Sigma) / \pm 1$, with its classical
embedding in ${\Bbb P}^3$ as a quadric with 16 nodes.
Elementary deformation theory lets us make some general statements about
${\cal U} := {\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d)$ and ${\cal U}^s :=
{\cal U}^s_\Sigma(r,d)$:
\begin{lem} For $g \ge 2$:
\item dim ${\cal U} = 1 + r^2(g-1)$, and ${\cal U}^s$ is a dense open
\item Stable bundles $E$ are simple, i.e. the only (global) endomorphisms
of $E$ are scalars.
\item Stable bundles are non-singular points of ${\cal U}$.
\item At points of ${\cal U}^s$ there are canonical
T_E{\cal U}^s &\approx& H^1(End \; E) \\
T^*_E{\cal U}^s &\approx& H^0(w_\Sigma \otimes \; End \; E). \\
The proof of (2) is based on the observation that any nonzero $\alpha : E
\rightarrow E$ must be invertible, otherwise either ker $\alpha$ or im
$\alpha$ would violate stability. Therefore $H^0(End \; E)$ is a finite
dimensional division algebra containing ${\bf C}$, hence equal to it. Since a
vector bundle $E$ on $\Sigma$ is determined by a $1$-cocycle with values in
$GL(r,{\cal O}_\Sigma)$ (= transition matrices), a first order deformation
of $E$ is given by a 1-cocycle with values in the associated bundle of Lie
algebras, i.e. (up to isomorphism) by a class in $H^1(End \; E)$. The
functoriality property of $\cal U$ (``coarse moduli space'') implies that
this is the Zariski tangent space, $T_E{\cal U}$. By Riemann-Roch
h^1 ({\rm End} \; E) = r^2(g-1) + h^0({\rm End} \; E).
so the minimal value is obtained at the simple points, and equals $1 +
r^2(g-1)$ as claimed in (1). The identification of $T^*_E{\cal U}^s$ follows
that of $T_E{\cal U}^s$ by Serre duality.
\subsection{Spectral Curves and the Hitchin System}
The relation between vector bundles and finite dimensional integrable systems
arises from Hitchin's amazing result.
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-hitchins-integrable-system}
The cotangent bundle to the moduli space
of semistable vector bundles supports a natural ACIHS.
At the heart of Hitchin's theorem
is a construction of a spectral curve
associated to a $1$-form valued endomorphism of a vector bundle. The
spectral construction allows a uniform treatment of a wide variety of
algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian systems. We will
concentrate in this section on the algebro-geometric aspects of these
systems leaving their symplectic geometry to Chapter \ref{ch8}. We work with
vector bundles over curves, other structure
groups will be treated in Chapter \ref{ch9}. The
reader is referred to \cite{B-N-R} and \cite{hitchin-integrable-system}
for more details.
The total space of the cotangent bundle $T^*{\cal U}^s_\Sigma(r,d)$ of the
moduli space of stable vector bundles parametrizes pairs $(E,\varphi)$
consisting of a stable vector bundle $E$ and a covector $\varphi$ in
$H^1(\Sigma, {\rm End} \; E)^* \simeq H^0(\Sigma, {\rm End} E \otimes
\omega_\Sigma)$, i.e., a $1$-form valued endomorphism of $E$.
Consider more generally a pair $(E,\varphi)$ of a rank $r$ vector bundle $E$
and a section $\varphi \in {\rm Hom}(E, E \otimes K)$ where $K$ is a line
bundle on $\Sigma$. The $i$-th coefficient $b_i$ of the characteristic
polynomial of $(E,\varphi)$ is a homogeneous polynomial of degree
$i$ on $K^{-1}$, hence a section of $H^0(\Sigma, K^{\otimes i})$. In fact
$b_i = (-1)^i\cdot {\rm trace}(\stackrel{i}{\wedge}\varphi)$.
The Hamiltonian map of the Hitchin system is the characteristic polynomial
H : T^* {\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d) \longrightarrow B_\omega := \bigoplus^r_{i=1}
H^0(\Sigma, \omega^{\otimes i}).
The fibers of the Hitchin map $H$ turn out to be Jacobians of curves
associated canonically to characteristic polynomials.
Going back to the general $K$-valued pair $(E,\varphi)$, notice that a
characteristic polynomial \ char $(\varphi) = y^r - {\rm tr}(\varphi)
y^{r-1} + \cdots + (-1)^r\det \varphi$ in $B_K := \oplus^r_{i=1} H^0(\Sigma,
K^{\otimes i})$ defines a morphism from the line bundle $K$ to $K^{\otimes
r}$. The inverse image $C$ of the zero section in $K^{\otimes r}$ under a
polynomial $P$ in $B_K$ is called a spectral curve. If $P$ is the
characteristic polynomial of a pair $(E,\varphi)$ then indeed the fibers
of $\pi : C \rightarrow \Sigma$ consist of eigenvalues of $\varphi$. If
$K^{\otimes r}$ has a section without multiple zeroes (e.g., if it is very
ample) then the generic spectral curve is smooth.
Lagrange interpolation extends a function on the inverse image $\pi^{-1}(U)
\subset C$ of an open set $U$ in $\Sigma$ to a unique function on the inverse
image of $U$ in the surface $K$ which is a polynomial of degree $\le r-1$ on
fiber. It follows that the direct image $\pi_*{\cal O}_C$ is isomorphic
to ${\cal O}_\Sigma \oplus K^{-1} \oplus \cdots \oplus K^{1-r}$. Assuming
that $K^{\otimes i}$
has no sections for $i < 0$,
the genus $h^1(C,{\cal O}_C) = h^1(\Sigma, \pi_*{\cal O}_C)$
of $C$ is equal to $\deg(K) \cdot r(r-1)/2 + r(g-1) + 1$.
In particular, when $K = \omega_\Sigma$, the
genus of $C$ is equal to half the dimension of the cotangent bundle. The
data $(E,\varphi)$ determines moreover a sheaf $L$ on the spectral curve
which is a line bundle if the curve is smooth. Away from the ramification
divisor $R$ in $C$, $L$ is the tautological eigenline subbundle of the
pullback $\pi^*E$. More precisely, the homomorphism $(\pi^*(\varphi) - y
\cdot I) : \pi^*E \rightarrow \pi^*(E \otimes K)$, where $y \in
H^0(C, \pi^*K)$ is the tautological eigenvalue section, has kernel
Conversely, given a spectral curve $C$ and a line bundle $L$ on it we get a
pair $(\pi_*L, \pi_*(\otimes y))$ of a rank $r$ vector bundle on $\Sigma$
and a $K$ valued endomorphism (see example
The two constructions are the inverse of
each other.
\begin{proposition} \label{prop-ordinary-spectral-construction-higgs-pairs}
If $C$ is an irreducible and reduced
spectral curve there is a bijection between isomorphism classes of
\item [-] Pairs $(E,\varphi)$ with spectral curve $C$.
\item [-] Rank 1 torsion free sheaves $L$ on $C$.
Under this correspondence, line bundles on $C$ correspond to endomorphisms
$\varphi$ which are regular in every fiber, i.e., whose centralizer in
each fiber is an $r$-dimensional subspace of the corresponding fiber of End
$E$. (This notion of regularity agrees with the one in Example
We conclude that the fiber of the Hitchin map $H : T^*U^s_\Sigma(r,d)
\rightarrow B_\omega$ over a characteristic polynomial $b \in B_\omega$ is
precisely the open subset of the Jacobian $J_C^{d+r(1-g_\Sigma)+g_C-1}$
consisting of
the line bundles $L$ whose direct image is a stable vector bundle.
Moreover, the construction of the characteristic polynomial map and a
similar description of its fibers applies to moduli spaces of pairs with
$K$-valued endomorphism where $K$ need not be the canonical line bundle
(Theorem \ref{thm-markman-botachin}).
The missing line bundles in the fibers of the Hitchin map indicate that we
need to relax the stability condition for the pair $(E,\varphi)$.
{\bf Definition:} \ \ A pair $(E,\varphi)$ is stable (semistable) if the
slope of every $\varphi$-invariant subbundle of $E$ is less than (or equal)
to the slope of $E$.
As in the case of vector bundles we can define an equivalence relation for
semistable pairs, where two bundles are equivalent, roughly, if they admit
$\varphi$-invariant filtrations by semistable pairs (of constant slope)
with isomorphic graded pieces. Two stable pairs are equivalent if and only
if they are isomorphic.
\begin{theorem} \cite{hitchin,simpson-moduli,Nit}
There exists an algebraic coarse moduli
scheme ${\rm Higgs}_K := {\rm Higgs}_\Sigma(r,d,K)$ parametrizing equivalence
classes of semistable $K$-valued pairs.
The characteristic polynomial map $H : {\rm Higgs}_K \rightarrow B_K$
is a proper
algebraic morphism.
A deeper reason for working with the above definition of stability is
provided by the following theorem from nonabelian Hodge theory:
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-higgs-pairs-and-representations-of-pi1-for-curves}
\ There is a canonical real analytic
diffeomorphism between
\item[-] The moduli space of conjugacy classes of semisimple
representations of the fundamental group $\pi_1(\Sigma)$ in $GL(r,{\bf C})$ and
\item[-] The moduli space of semistable $\omega$-valued (Higgs) pairs
$(E,\varphi)$ of rank $r$ and degree $0$.
In the case of Hitchin's system $(K = \omega_\Sigma)$, the symplectic
structure of the cotangent bundle extends to the stable locus of the moduli
space of Higgs pairs giving rise to an integrable system $H :
{\rm Higgs}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega_\Sigma) \rightarrow B_\omega$ whose generic
fiber is a complete Jacobian of a spectral curve.
We will show in Chapter \ref{ch6} that the Hitchin system is, in fact, the
rank symplectic leaf of a natural infinite dimensional Poisson variety
${\rm Higgs}_\Sigma(r,d)$ obtained as an inductive limit of the moduli spaces
$\HiggsModuli^{sm}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))$ of $\omega(D)$-valued pairs as $D$
varies through all effective divisors on $\Sigma$.
The basic fact, generalizing
the results of \cite{hitchin-integrable-system,B-N-R,B} is:
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-markman-botachin} \cite{botachin,markman-higgs} \
$D$ be an effective divisor (not necessarily reduced)
on a smooth algebraic curve $\Sigma$ of genus
$g$. Assume that $[\omega(D)]^{\otimes r}$ is very ample and if $g=0$
assume further that $\deg(D) > \max(2,\rho)$ where $0 \le \rho < r$ is the
residue of $d$ mod $r$. Then
\item The moduli space ${\rm Higgs}^s_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))$
of stable rank $r$ and
degree $d$ \ $\omega(D)$-valued Higgs pairs has a smooth component
$\HiggsModuli^{sm}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))$ of top dimension
$r^2(2g - 2 + \deg(D)) + 1 + \epsilon_{D=0}$, where $\epsilon_{D=0}$ is $1$
if $D=0$ and zero if $D > 0$.
$\HiggsModuli^{sm}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))$ is the unique component which
contains Higgs pairs supported on irreducible and reduced spectral curves.
\item $\HiggsModuli^{sm}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))$ has a canonical Poisson
\item The characteristic polynomial map
$H : \HiggsModuli^{sm}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))
\rightarrow B_{\omega(D)}$ is an algebraically completely integrable
Hamiltonian system. The generic (Lagrangian) fiber is a complete Jacobian
of a smooth spectral curve of genus $r^2(g-1) + 1 + (\deg D)( {r(r-1) \over
\item The foliation of $\HiggsModuli^{sm}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))$
by closures of top dimensional symplectic leaves is induced by the cosets of
H^0 \left( \Sigma , \left[ \bigoplus^r_{i=1} \omega_\Sigma(D)^{\otimes i}
\right] (-D) \right) \; {\rm in} \; B_{\omega(D)}.
\begin{definition} \label{def-good-component-of-higgs-pairs}
As in the theorem, we will denote by $\HiggsModuli^{sm}_\Sigma(r,d,\omega(D))$
the unique component which
contains Higgs pairs supported on irreducible and reduced spectral curves.
In Chapter \ref{ch6} we will discuss the relationship of these integrable
with flows of KdV type. In the next section we will discuss the example of
geodesic flow on the ellipsoid as a Hamiltonian flow of a symplectic leaf
of one of these spaces. See \cite{B,markman-higgs} for more examples.
The Hitchin system has been useful in the study of the geometry of the
moduli space of vector bundles. The main technique is to reduce questions
about vector bundles to questions about spectral Jacobians. Hitchin used
these ideas to compute the cohomology groups $H^i({\cal U}, S^kT)$, $i=0,1$,
of the symmetric products of the tangent bundle of the moduli space
$\cal U$ of rank $2$ and odd degree stable vector bundles.
In \cite{B-N-R} these techniques
provided the first mathematical proof that the dimensions of the space of
sections of the generalized theta line bundle are
h^0({\cal U}_\Sigma(n, \, n(g-1)), \; \Theta) &=& 1, \\
h^0({\cal SU}_\Sigma(n), \; \Theta) &=& n^g, \\
where ${\cal SU}_\Sigma(n)$ denotes
the moduli space of vector bundles with trivial determinant line bundle.
(This of course is now subsumed in the Verlinde Formula for sections
of powers of theta bundles.)
These ideas were proven useful in
the proof of the existence of a projectively flat connection on the bundles
of level $k$ theta sections over the moduli space ${\cal M}_g$ of curve of
$g$ \cite{hitchin-flat-connection}, an important fact in conformal field
theory. Kouvidakis and Pantev applied these ideas to the study of
automorphisms of the moduli
space of vector bundles \cite{kouvidakis-pantev}.
\subsection{ Polynomial Matrices}
Theorem \ref{thm-markman-botachin} has a concrete
description when the base curve $\Sigma$ is
${\Bbb P}^1$. Let $K$ be the line bundle ${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d)$. Consider the
moduli space ${\rm Higgs}_K := \HiggsModuli^{sm}_K(-r,r)$ of pairs
$(E,\varphi)$ consisting of a vector bundle $E$ of rank $r$ and degree $-r$
with a $K$-valued endomorphism $\varphi : E \rightarrow E \otimes K$
(we also follow the notation of definition
\ref{def-good-component-of-higgs-pairs} singling out a particular component).
Choose a coordinate $x$ on ${\Bbb P}^1 - \{ \infty \}$. The space $B_K$ of
characteristic polynomials becomes
\{ P(x,y) = y^r + b_1(x)y^{r-1} + \cdots + b_r(x) \; | \; b_i(x) \; {\rm is
\; a \; polynomial \, in} \; x \; {\rm of \, degree} \; \le i \cdot d \}.
The total space of the line bundle ${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d \cdot \infty)$
to the affine line ${\Bbb P}^1 - \{ \infty \}$ is isomorphic to the affine
plane, and under this isomorphism $P(x,y)$ becomes the equation of the
spectral curve as an affine plane curve.
Denote by $B^0 \subset B_K$ the subset of smooth spectral curves. Let
$Q := Q_r(d)$ be the subset of ${\rm Higgs}_K$ parametrizing pairs
$(E,\varphi)$ with a smooth spectral curve and a vector bundle $E$
isomorphic to $E_0 := \oplus^r {\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(-1)$. $Q$ is a
Zariski open (dense) subset of ${\rm Higgs}_K$ because:
\item [i)] by definition \ref{def-good-component-of-higgs-pairs}
$\HiggsModuli^{sm}_K(r,-r)$ is irreducible,
\item [ii)] $E_0$ is the unique semistable rank $r$ vector bundle of
degree $-r$ on ${\Bbb P}^1$ and semistability is an open condition.
The bundle ${\rm End} \; E_0$ is the trivial Lie algebra bundle $\goth{gl}
_r({\bf C}) \otimes {\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}$. Hence, every point in $Q$ is
represented by an element $\varphi \in M_r(d) := H^0 ({\Bbb P}^1,\goth{gl}
_r({\bf C}) \otimes {\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d \cdot \infty))$, i.e., by an $r \times
r$ matrix $\varphi$ with polynomial entries of degree $\le d$. Denote the
inverse image of $B^0$ in $M_r(d)$ by $M^0_r(d)$. The subset $Q \subset
{\rm Higgs}_K$ is simply the quotient of $M^0_r(d)$ by the conjugation
action of $PGL_r({\bf C})$.
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
\node{{\rm Higgs}_{K}}
In this setting, Theorem \ref{thm-markman-botachin} specializes to the
following theorem of
Beauville and Adams-Harnad-Hurtubise-Previato generalizing results of
Mumford and Moser \cite{Mum} in rank $2$:
\begin{theorem}\label{thm-beauville} \cite{B,AHH}
\item The quotient $Q$ of the action of $PGL_r({\bf C})$ by conjugation on
$M^0_r(d)$ is a smooth variety.
\item The fiber of the characteristic polynomial maps $H : Q
\rightarrow B^0$ over the polynomial of a spectral curve $C$ is the
complement $J^{g-1}_C - \Theta$ of the theta divisor in the Jacobian of
line bundles on $C$ of degree $g-1$ \ $(g = {\rm genus \; o}f \, C)$.
\item The choice of $d+2$ points $a_1, \cdots a_{d+2}$ on ${\Bbb P}^1$
determines a Poisson structure on $Q$. The characteristic polynomial
map $H : Q \rightarrow
B^0$ is an algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian system with
respect to each of these Poisson structures.
\item The symplectic leaves of $Q$ are obtained by fixing the values
(of the coefficients) of the characteristic polynomials at the points $\{
a_i \}^{d+2}_{i=1}$.
We note that in \cite{B} the Poisson structure on $Q$ was obtained as the
reduction of a Poisson structure on $M^0_r(d)$. The latter was the
pullback of the Kostant-Kirillov Poisson structure via the embedding
M_r(d) \hookrightarrow \goth{gl}_r({\bf C})^{d+2}
by Lagrange interpolation at $a_1, \cdots , a_{d+2}$.
This embedding will be used in section
\ref{sec-geodesic-flow-via-polynomial-matrices} where geodesic flow on
ellipsoids is revisited.
A choice of a divisor $D = a_1 + \cdots + a_{d+2}$ of degree $d+2$ on
${\Bbb P}^1$ determines an isomorphism of ${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d \cdot \infty)$
with $\omega_{{\Bbb P}^1}(D)$. For example, if $a_1, \cdots , a_i$ are finite,
$a_{i+1} = a_{a+2} = \cdots = a_{d+2} = \infty$ then we send a polynomial
$f(x)$ of degree $\le d$ to the meromorphic $1$-form
{f(x) \over {\prod^i_{j=1}(x-a_j)}} dx.
When the $d+2$ points are distinct, Lagrange interpolation translates to
the embedding
{\rm Res}: M_r(d) = H^0({\Bbb P}^1, \goth{gl}_r({\bf C}) \otimes \omega_{{\Bbb P}^1}(D))
\hookrightarrow \goth{gl}_r({\bf C})^{d+2}
via the residues of meromorphic $1$-form valued matrices at the points
$a_i$ (if $a_i$ has multiplicity $2$ or higher, we replace the $i$-th copy
of $\goth{gl}_r({\bf C})$ by its tangent bundle or higher order infinitesimal
germs at $a_i$ of sections of the trivial bundle $\goth{gl}_r({\bf C}) \otimes
{\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1})$.
\subsubsection{Explicit Equations for Jacobians of Spectral Curves with a
Cyclic Ramification Point}
A further simplification occurs for matrices with a nilpotent leading
coefficient (nilpotent at $\infty$). The projection $M^0_r(d) \rightarrow
Q$ has a natural section over the image $N \subset Q$ of this locus. So
$N$ can be described concretely as a space of polynomials (rather than as a
quotient of such a space).
As a consequence we obtain explicit equations in $M_r(d)$ for the
complement $J_C - \Theta$ of the theta divisor in the Jacobian of every
irreducible and reduced $r$-sheeted spectral curve over ${\Bbb P}^1$ which is
totally ramified and smooth at $\infty$ (generalizing the equations for
hyperelliptic curve (case $r=2$) obtained in \cite{Mum}).
\begin{lem}\label{lemma-normal-form} Let $A = A_dx^d + \cdots + A_1x +
A_0$ be an $r \times r$ traceless matrix with polynomial entries of degree
$\le d$
\item[i)] whose spectral curve in ${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d \cdot \infty)$ is
irreducible and reduced and smooth over $\infty$, and
\item[ii)] whose leading coefficient $A_d$ is a nilpotent (necessarily
regular) matrix.
Then there exists a unique element $g_0 \in PGL_r({\bf C})$ conjugating $A$ to a
matrix $A' = x^d \cdot J + \sum ^{d-1}_{i=0} A'_i x^i$ of the form:
A' =
0 & & & & 0 & 0 \\
1 & & & & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \cdot & & & 0 & 0 \\
0 & & \cdot & & 0 & 0 \\
0 & & & \cdot & 0 & 0 \\
0 & & & & 1 & 0
+ x^{d-1}
\star & & \dots & & \star & \beta_{r} \\
\star & & \dots & & \star & 0 \\
\vdots & & \vdots & & \vdots & \vdots \\
\star & & \dots & & \star & 0
\end{array} \right)
+ \sum_{i=0}^{d-2}x^i A'_{i}
where $(-1)^{r+1}\beta_r$ is the (leading) coefficient of $x^{dr-1}$ in
the determinant $b_r(x)$ of $A(x)$.
{\bf Remark:} \ Notice that the coefficients $b_i(x)$
in the characteristic polynomial $P(x,y) = y^r + b_1(x)y^{r-1} + \cdots +
b_r(x)$ of $A(x)$ satisfy degree $b_i(x) \le d \cdot i-1$ since $A$ is
nilpotent at $\infty$, and degree $b_r(x) = dr-1$ since the spectral curve
is smooth over $\infty$. Thus $\beta_r \ne 0$.
{\bf Proof} (of lemma \ref{lemma-normal-form}): \
Let $J$ be the nilpotent regular constant matrix appearing as
the leading
coefficient of $A'(x)$ in the normalized form (\ref{eqn-normal-form}). Let
${\bf C}[J]$ be the algebra of polynomials in $J$ with constant coefficients.
The proof relies on the elementary fact that ${\bf C}^r$, as a left
${\bf C}[J]$-module, is free. Any vector with non zero first entry is a
generator. $A_d$ is conjugate to $J$. Thus we may assume that $A_d = J$
and it remains to show that there exists a unique element in the stabilizer
of $J$ in $PGL_r({\bf C})$ conjugating $A(x)$ to the normal form
Since $A_d = J$, the first entry in the right column $R$ of $A_{d-1}$ is
$\beta_r$. Thus $R$ is a generator of ${\bf C}^r$ as a ${\bf C}[J]$-module. Any
element $g \in PGL_r({\bf C})$ in the commutator subgroup of $J$ is an invertible
in ${\bf C}[J]$ and can be written (up to scalar multiple)
in the form $g = I + N$, $N$ nilpotent.
The right column of $gA_{d-1}g^{-1}$ is $R + NR$
and there exists a unique nilpotent $N \in {\bf C}[J]$ such
that $NR =
\beta_r \\
0 \\
\right) - R.$
Thus $g$ is unique up to a scalar factor.
Denote the affine subvariety of $M^0_d(r)$ of matrices satisfying the
$r^2+r - 1$ equations (\ref{eqn-normal-form}) by ${\tilde N}$.
The subvariety ${\tilde N}$ is
a section of the principal $PGL_r({\bf C})$ bundle $M^0_r(d) \rightarrow Q$ over
the locus $N$ of conjugacy classes of polynomial matrices with a nilpotent
leading coefficient. $N$ is a Poisson subvariety of $Q$ with respect to
any Poisson structure on $Q$ determined by a divisor $D$ as in
theorem \ref{thm-beauville}, provided that $D$ contains the point at
infinity $\infty \in {\Bbb P}^1$.
Choose a characteristic polynomial $P(x,y) = y^r + b_1(x)y^{r-1} + \cdots +
b_r(x)$ in $B_{{\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d)}$ of a smooth spectral curve $C$ with
degree $b_i(x) \le id - 1$, $b_r(x)$ of degree $rd - 1$ with leading
coefficient $(-1)^{r+1}\beta_r$. Theorem \ref{thm-beauville} implies
that the equations
\item[a)] $A_d = J,$
\item[b)] The $r$-th column of $A_{d-1}$ is
{\cal \beta}_r \\
0 \\
\vdots \\
0 \\
\item[c)] char $(A(x)) = P(x,y)$
define a subvariety of $M_r(d)$ isomorphic to the complement $J^{g-1}_C -
\Theta_C$ of the theta divisor in the Jacobian of $C$.
{Geodesic Flow on Ellipsoids via $2 \times 2$ Polynomial Matrices}
We use polynomial matrices to retrieve the Jacobi-Moser-Mumford system
which arose in chapter \ref{ch3} out of the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid. Our
presentation follows \cite{B}.
Consider a spectral polynomial $P(x,y)$ in $B^0_{{\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d \cdot
\infty)}$ of the form
\item[(i)] $P(x,y) = y^2 - f(x)$ where f(x) is monic of degree $2d - 1$.
The corresponding spectral curve $C$ is smooth, hyperelliptic of genes $g
= d-1$ and ramified over $\infty$. Theorem \ref{thm-beauville} implies that
the fiber
H^{-1}(P(x,y)) =
V & U \\
W & -V \\
\; \mid \; V^2 + UW = f(x) \right\} / PGL_2({\bf C})
of the characteristic polynomial map is isomorphic to the complement
$J^{g-1}_C - \Theta$ of the theta divisor.
Lemma \ \ref{lemma-normal-form} specializes in our case to the following
statement (note that $\beta_r=1$ since $f$ is taken to be monic):\\
The $PGL_2({\bf C})$ orbit of a matrix
V & U \\
W & -V \\
over $H^{-1}(P(x,y)) \cong J_C^{g-1} - \Theta$ contains a unique matrix
\item [(ii)] $W$ is monic of degree $d$, \\
$U$ is monic of degree $d-1$ and \\
deg $V \le d-2$.
In other words, condition (ii) and
\item [(iii)] $V^2 + UW = f(x)$
are the equations of $J_C^{g-1} - \Theta$ as an affine subvariety of the
subspace of traceless matrices in $M_2(d)$. In fact, condition (ii)
defines a section $\varphi : N \rightarrow M_2(d)$ over the locus $N$ in $Q$
of conjugacy classes
with characteristic polynomial satisfying condition (i).
Recall that the Jacobi-Moser-Mumford integrable system linearizing the
geodesic flow of the ellipsoid $\sum^d_{i=1} \; a^{-1}_i x^2_i = 1$ is
supported on the tangent bundle $TS$ of the sphere $S \subset {\Bbb R}^d$.
discussion ended by describing the quotient of $TS$ by the group $G \simeq
({\bf Z}/2{\bf Z})^d$ of involutions. We will describe in the next three steps an
isomorphism of this quotient with a symplectic leaf $X$ of $Q$.
\item[\underline{Step I:}] (Identification of the symplectic leaf $X$).
Assume that the points $a_1, \cdots, a_d \in {\Bbb P}^1 - \{ \infty \}$ are
distinct and let $a_{d+1} = a_{d+2} = \infty$. Let $X \subset Q$ be the
symplectic leaf over the subspace of characteristic polynomials $P(x,y) =
y^2 - f(x)$ satisfying
$$f(a_i) = 0, \; 1 \le i \le d, \ \ \deg f = 2d-1 \ \ {\rm
and}\; f \; {\rm is \; monic}.$$
The spectral curves of matrices in the leaf $X$
have genus $d-1$, and are branched over the fixed
$g+2$ points $a_1, \cdots , a_d,\infty$ and $g$ varying points.
\item[\underline{Step II:}] (Embedding of $X$ in the product
${\cal N}^d$ of the regular nilpotent orbit).
The isomorphism
${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^1}(d \cdot \infty) \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
\omega_{{\Bbb P}^1} (\sum^d_{i=1} a_i + 2 \cdot \infty)$ sending $F(x)$ to
${{F(x)dx} \over {\prod^d_{i=1}}(x-a_i)}$ translates the matrix
V(x) & U(x) \\
W(x) & -V(x) \\
to a matrix $\varphi$ of meromorphic $1$-forms. The
residues of $\varphi$ satisfy:\\
R_\infty := Res_\infty(\varphi) =
0 & -1 \\
s & 0
{\rm for \hspace{1ex} some}
\ s \in {\bf C} \ \ \ ({\rm condition} \; (ii)),
R_i := Res_{a_i}(\varphi) =
V(a_i) & U(a_i) \\
W(a_i) & -V(a_i) \\
{{1} \over {\prod^d_{\stackrel{j=1}{j \ne i}}} (a_i-a_j)}.
The residues at the finite points $a_i$ can be calculated using
Lagrange interpolation of
polynomials of degree $d$ at the $d+1$ points $a_1, \cdots , a_d, \infty$
given by the formula
F(x) = \sum^d_{i=1}F(a_i)
{\prod^d_{\stackrel{j=1}{j \ne i}}(x - a_j)}
{\prod^d_{\stackrel{j=1}{j \ne i}}(a_i - a_j)}
+ F(\infty) \prod^d_{j=1} (x - a_j)
where $F(\infty)$ is the leading coefficient of $F(x)$.
The residues $R_\infty$, $R_i$ are nilpotent regular $2 \times 2$
matrices and the residue
theorem implies that $R_\infty = - \sum^d_{i=1} R_i$. The residue map $Res
: X \rightarrow {\cal N}^d$ defines a symplectic embedding $\varphi \mapsto
\cdots, R_d)$ of the symplectic leaf $X$ of $Q$ in the Cartesian product of
$d$ copies of the regular nilpotent orbit ${\cal N}$ in $\goth{gl}_2({\bf C})$.
\item[\underline{Step III}] (The $2^d$ covering $TS \rightarrow X$).
Endow ${\bf C}^2$ with the symplectic structure $2dx \wedge dy$. The map
${\bf C}^2 - \{(0,0)\} \rightarrow {\cal N}$ sending $(x,y)$ to
xy & -x^2 \\
y^2 & -xy \\
$ is a symplectic $SL_2({\bf C})$-equivariant double cover of the regular
nilpotent orbit $\cal N$ (where $SL_2({\bf C}) \cong Sp_2({\bf C},2dx \wedge dy)$ acts
on ${\bf C}^2$ via the standard representation).
We obtain a $2^d$-covering $\tau : ({\bf C}^2 - \{(0,0)
\})^d \rightarrow {\cal N}^d$. The residue theorem translates to the fact
that the image $Res(X) \subset {\cal N}^d$ is covered by
\left\{ ({\bar x}, {\bar y}) = ((x_1,y_1), \cdots, (x_d,y_d)) \ | \ \sum \;
x_iy_i = 0 \; {\rm and} \sum^d_{i=1}x^2_i = 1 \right\}.
This is exactly the tangent bundle $TS \subset ({\bf C}^2)^d$ of the sphere
$S \subset {\bf C}^d$.
\section{Poisson structure via levels} \label{ch5}
We construct a Poisson structure on the moduli space of meromorphic
Higgs pairs in two steps (following \cite{markman-higgs}):
- First we realize a dense open subset of moduli as the orbit space of
a Poisson action of a group on the cotangent bundle of the moduli
space of vector bundles with level structures (sections
\ref{sec-the-cotangent-bundle} and
- Next we
exhibit a $2$-vector on the smooth locus of moduli, using
a cohomological construction (section \ref{sec-linearization}).
On the above dense open set this agrees with the Poisson structure,
so it is a Poisson structure everywhere.
We summarize the construction in section
in a diagram whose rotational symmetry
relates dual pairs of realizations.
\subsection{Level structures} \label{sec-level-structures}
Fix a curve $\Sigma$, an effective divisor $D = \sum p_i$
in $\Sigma$, and a rank $r$ vector bundle $E$ on $\Sigma$. A
level $D$ structure on $E$ is an ${\cal O}_D$-isomorphism $\eta: E
\otimes {\cal O}_D \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} {\cal O}^{\oplus r}_D$.
Seshadri \cite{seshadri-construction-moduli-vb}
constructs a smooth, quasi-projective moduli space
${\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d,D)$ parametrizing stable pairs $(E,\eta)$. Here
stability means that for any subbundle $F \subset E$, $$\frac{deg
F - deg D}{rank F} < \frac{deg E - deg D}{rank E}.$$
The level-$D$ group is the projectivized group of
${\cal O}_D$-algebra automorphisms,
G_D:= {\bf P} Aut_{{\cal O}_D}({\cal O}^{\oplus
(i.e. the automorphism group modulo complex scalars
${\bf C}^*$.) It acts on ${\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d,D)$: an element $g \in G_D$
sends $$[(E,\eta)] \mapsto [(E,\overline{g} \circ \eta)],$$ where
$\overline{g} \in Aut_{{\cal O}_D}({\cal O}^{\oplus r}_{D})$ lifts $g$, and
$[\cdot]$ denotes the isomorphism class of a pair. The open set
${\cal U}^\circ_\Sigma (r,d,D)$, parametrizing pairs $(E,\eta)$ where
$E$ itself is stable, is a principal $G_D$-bundle over
${\cal U}^s_\Sigma (r,d)$. The Lie algebra $\LieAlg{g}_D$ of
$G_D$ is given by
$\LieAlg{gl}_r({\cal O}_D)$/scalars.
\subsection{The cotangent bundle} \label{sec-the-cotangent-bundle}
We compute deformations of a pair $$(E,\eta) \in {\cal U}_D :=
{\cal U}_\Sigma(r,d,D)$$ as we did for the single vector bundle
E \in {\cal U} := {\cal U}_\Sigma (r,d).
Namely, $E$ is given (in terms of an open
cover of $\Sigma$) by a $1$-cocycle with values in the sheaf of groups
$GL_r({\cal O}_\Sigma)$. Differentiating this cocycle with respect to
parameters gives a $1$-cocycle with values in the corresponding
sheaf of Lie algebras, so we obtain the identification
T_E{\cal U}
\approx H^1(End E).
Similarly, the pair $(E,\eta)$ is given by
a $1$-cocycle with values in the subsheaf
GL_{r,D}({\cal O}_\Sigma)
:= \{f \in GL_r({\cal O}_\Sigma)|f-1 \in \LieAlg{gl}_r({\cal I}_D)\}.
Differentiating, we find the natural isomorphism
{\cal U}_D \approx H^1({\cal I}_D \otimes End E),
so by Serre duality,
T^*_{(E,\eta)} {\cal U}_D \approx H^{0}(End E \otimes \omega(D)).
identify $End E$ with its dual via the trace.) We will denote a
point of this cotangent bundle by a triple $(E,\varphi,\eta)$,
where $(E,\eta) \in {\cal U}_D$ and $\varphi$ is a $D$-Higgs field,
$$\varphi: E \to E \otimes \omega(D).$$
\subsection{The Poisson structure} \label{the-poisson-structure}
The action of the level group $G_D$ on ${\cal U}_D$ lifts naturally
to an action of $G_D$ on $T^*{\cal U}_D$. Explicitly, an element $g \in
G_D$ with lift $\overline{g} \in GL_r({\cal O}_D)$ sends
(E,\varphi,\eta) \mapsto (E, \varphi, \overline{g} \circ
The lifted action has the following properties:
\item It is Poisson with respect to the standard symplectic
structure on $T^*{\cal U}_D$ (holds for any lifted action, see
example \ref{example-coadjoint-orbits}).
\item The moment map
\mu: T^*{\cal U}_D \to \LieAlg{g}^*_D
is given by
\begin{equation} \label{eq-moment-map-of-finite-dim-level-action}
\mu(E,\varphi,\eta): A \mapsto \mbox{Res\ Trace}\ (A\cdot
A & \in & \LieAlg{g}_D =
(\LieAlg{gl}_r({\cal O}_D))/\mbox{(scalars)} \approx
(\LieAlg{gl}_r({\cal O}_D))_{\mbox{traceless}},\\ \varphi^\eta & := & \eta \circ
\varphi \circ \eta^{-1} \in H^0(\LieAlg{gl}_r(\omega(D) \otimes {\cal O}_D)),\\
and the residue map
Res : H^0(\omega(D) \otimes {\cal O}_D) \to H^1(\omega)
\approx {\bf C}
is the coboundary for the restriction sequence
0 \to \omega \to \omega(D) \to \omega(D) \otimes {\cal O}_D \to 0
(cf. \cite{markman-higgs} Proposition 6.12).
\item $G_D$ acts freely on the open subset $(T^*{\cal U}_D)^{\circ}$
parametrizing triples $(E,\varphi,\eta)$ where $(E,\eta)$ is
stable and $(E,\varphi)$ is a stable Higgs bundle, since such
bundles are simple. This makes $(T^*{\cal U}_D)^{\circ}$ into a principal
$G_D$-bundle over an open subset ${\rm Higgs}^{\circ}_D$ of
${\rm Higgs}^s_D$.
We conclude that the symplectic structure on $(T^*{\cal U}_D)^{\circ}$
induces a Poisson structure on ${\rm Higgs}^{\circ}_D$. The
symplectic leaves will then be the inverse images under $\mu$ of
coadjoint orbits in $\LieAlg{g}^*_D$.
\subsection{Linearization} \label{sec-linearization}
The main remaining task is to find a two-vector on the non-singular locus
${\rm Higgs}^{ns}_D$ whose restriction to ${\rm Higgs}^{\circ}_D$
is the above Poisson structure. This two vector is then automatically
Poisson. The algebraic complete integrability
of the component $\HiggsModuli^{sm}_D$
(see definition \ref{def-good-component-of-higgs-pairs})
would then follow: The spectral curve $C_b$, for generic $b \in B_D$,
is non-singular, so its Jacobian ${\cal J}(C)$ is contained in
$\HiggsModuli^{sm}_D$. Thus any Hamiltonian vector field must be
constant on the generic fiber ${\cal J}(C)$, hence on all fibers.
A natural two-vector defined over all of ${\rm Higgs}^{ns}_D$
can be given in several ways. One \cite{markman-higgs} is to identify the
tangent spaces to ${\rm Higgs}_D$ (and related spaces) at their
smooth points as hypercohomologies, ${\Bbb H}^1$, of appropriate
\mbox{{\underline{space}}} &
\mbox{{\underline{at}}} &
{\cal U} & E & End E
{\cal U}_D & (E,\eta) & End
\\ {\rm Higgs}_D & (E,\varphi) &
\overline{{\cal K}}= [End E
\varphi}{\longrightarrow} End E \otimes
T^*{\cal U}_D &
(E,\varphi,\eta) & {\cal K} := [End E(-D) \stackrel{ad \varphi
\otimes i}{\longrightarrow} End E \otimes \omega(D)].\\
where $i: {\cal O}(-D) \hookrightarrow {\cal O}$ is the natural inclusion.
These identifications are natural, and differentials of maps
between these spaces are realized by maps of complexes. For
example, the fibration $T^*{\cal U}_D \to {\cal U}_D$, with fiber
$T^*_{(E,\eta)}{\cal U}_D$, gives the sequence
0 & \to & T^*_{(E,\eta)} {\cal U}_D & \to &
T_{(E,\varphi,\eta)}(T^*{\cal U}_D) &
\to & T_{(E,\eta)}{\cal U}_D & \to & 0
& & \parallel & & \parallel & & \parallel &
0 & \to & H^0(End E \otimes
\omega(D)) & \to & {\Bbb H}^1({\cal K}) & \to & H^1(End E(-D)) & \to &
derived from the short exact sequence of
0 \rightarrow End E \otimes \omega(D)[-1] \rightarrow K
\rightarrow End E (-D)
\rightarrow 0 ,
while the (rational) map $T^*{\cal U}_D \to
{\rm Higgs}_D$
$$\begin{array}{ccccccccc}0 & \rightarrow & \LieAlg{g}_D &
\rightarrow &
T_{(E,\varphi,\eta)}(T^*{\cal U}_D) & \rightarrow &
T_{(E,\varphi)}{\rm Higgs}_D & \rightarrow & 0
& & \parallel & & \parallel & & \parallel &
0 & \rightarrow & \frac{H^0(End E
{\cal O}_D)}{H^0(End E)} & \rightarrow & {\Bbb H}^1({\cal K}) &
\rightarrow &
{\Bbb H}^1(\overline{{\cal K}}) & \rightarrow & 0\\
derives from: $$0 \to {\cal K} \to \overline{{\cal K}} \to End E
\otimes {\cal O}_D \to 0.$$
The dual of a complex ${\cal L}: A \to B$ of vector bundles is the
{\cal L}^\vee: B^* \otimes \omega \to A^* \otimes \omega.
duality in this case gives a natural isomorphism
{\Bbb H}^1({\cal L})
\approx {\Bbb H}^1({\cal L}^\vee)^*.
We note that ${\cal K}$ is
self-dual, in the sense that there is a natural isomorphism of
$J: {\cal K}^\vee \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} {\cal K}$.
For $\overline{{\cal K}}$ we obtain a natural isomorphism
of complexes,
$\overline{{\cal K}}^\vee \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow}
\overline{{\cal K}} \otimes {\cal O}(-D)$,
hence (composing with $i$)
a morphism
$$I: \overline{{\cal K}}^\vee \to \overline{{\cal K}}.$$
Combining with duality, we get maps
{\Bbb H}^1({\cal K})^* \approx
{\Bbb H}^1({\cal K}^\vee) \stackrel{J}{\approx} {\Bbb H}^1({\cal K})
{\Bbb H}^1(\overline{{\cal K}})^* \approx
{\Bbb H}^1(\overline{{\cal K}}^\vee) \RightArrowOf{I}
{\Bbb H}^1(\overline{{\cal
These give elements of $\otimes^2{\Bbb H}^1({\cal K})$
and $\otimes^2 {\Bbb H}^1(\overline{{\cal K}})$. Both are skew
symmetric (since $ad_{\varphi}$, and hence $I,J$, are), so we
obtain global two-vectors on $T^*{\cal U}^{ns}_D$ and
${\rm Higgs}^{ns}_D$. At stable points these agree with (the
dual of) the symplectic form and its reduction modulo $G_D$,
which is what we need.
Another way to find the two-vector on ${\rm Higgs}_D$ is
based on the interpretation of ${\rm Higgs}_D$ as a moduli space
of sheaves on the total space $S$ of $\omega(D)$. At such a simple
sheaf ${\cal E}$, with support on some spectral curve $C$, Mukai
identifies the tangent space to moduli with
$$Ext^1_{{\cal O}_S}({\cal E},{\cal E}),$$
and notes that any two-form $\sigma \in
H^0(\omega_S)$ determines an alternating bilinear map:
Ext^1_{{\cal O}_S}({\cal E},{\cal E}) \times Ext^1_{{\cal O}_S}({\cal E},{\cal E}) \to
Ext^2_{{\cal O}_S}({\cal E},{\cal E}) \stackrel{tr}{\rightarrow} H^2({\cal O}_S)
\stackrel{\sigma}{\rightarrow} H^2(\omega_S) \approx {\bf C},
hence a two-form
on moduli. Mukai uses this argument to produce symplectic
structures on the moduli spaces of sheaves on $K3$ and abelian
surfaces. The same argument works, of course, for sheaves on
$T^*\Sigma$; this reconstructs the symplectic form on Hitchin's
Our surface $S$ (the total space of $\omega(D)$) is related to
$T^*\Sigma$ by
a birational morphism $\alpha: T^*\Sigma \to S$. The symplectic
form $\sigma$ does not descend to $S$, but its inverse $\sigma^{-1}$ does
give a two vector on $S$ which is non-degenerate away from $D$
and is closed there (since it is locally equivalent to the
Poisson structure on $T^*\Sigma$).
Tyurin notes \cite{tyurin-symplectic}
that a variant of this argument produces a
two-vector on moduli from a two-vector on $S$. Now the birational
morphism $T^*\Sigma \to S$ takes the Poisson structure
on $T^*\Sigma$ to one on $S$, so the Mukai-Tyurin argument gives
the desired two-vector on ${\rm Higgs}_D$. In chapter \ref{ch8} this
approach is generalized to higher dimensional varieties.
A third argument for the linearization is given by Bottacin
He produces an explicit two-vector at stable points using
a deformation argument as above, and then makes direct, local
computations to check closedness of the Poisson structures and
linearity of the flows.
\subsection{Hamiltonians and flows in $T^*{\cal U}_D$}
We saw that the level group $G_D$ acts on $T^*{\cal U}_D$, inducing
the Poisson structure on the quotient ${\rm Higgs}_D$, and that
the moment map is
\mu: T^*{\cal U}_D & \rightarrow & \LieAlg{g}^*_D
\mu(E,\varphi, \eta)(A) & := & \mbox{Res\ Trace}\ (A
\cdot \varphi^{\eta}).\\
$$ The characteristic
polynomial map $\widetilde{h}: T^*{\cal U}_D \to B_D$ is a composition
the Poisson map $T^*{\cal U}_D \to {\rm Higgs}_D$ with the Hamiltonian
map $h: {\rm Higgs}_D \to B_D$. Hence $\widetilde{h}$ is also
Hamiltonian. Clearly, $\widetilde{h}$ is $G_D$-invariant.
The composition $T^*{\cal U}_D \stackrel{\mu}{\rightarrow}
\LieAlg{g}^*_D \rightarrow \LieAlg{g}^*_D/G_D$ is a
$G_D$-invariant Hamiltonian
morphism and hence factors through ${\rm Higgs}_D$. It follows
that it factors also through $B_D$ since
$h: {\rm Higgs}_D \to B_D$ is a Lagrangian
fibration whose generic fiber is connected
(see remark \ref{rem-acihs-implies-maximal-commutative-subalgebra}).
The conditions of
example \ref{example-diagram-hexagon-plus-realization}
in section \ref{subsec-moment-maps}
are satisfied and we get a diagram with
a $180^\circ$ rotational symmetry in which opposite spaces are
dual pairs of realizations. The realization dual to $T^*{\cal U}_D \to
\LieAlg{g}^*_D/G_D$ is the rational morphism $T^*{\cal U}_D \to
G{\rm Higgs}_D :=
{\rm Higgs}_D \times_{(\LieAlg{g}^*_D/G_D)}\LieAlg{g}^*_D$
to the fiber product.
The one dual to $\widetilde{h}: T^*{\cal U}_D \to B_D$ is the morphism
$T^*{\cal U}_D \to G B_D:= B_D \times _{(\LieAlg{g}^*_D/G_D)}\LieAlg{g}^*_D$
to the fiber product.
We write down the spaces and typical elements in them:
\begin{equation} \label{diagram-hexagon-for-higgs-pairs}
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 4
\divide\dgHORIZPAD by 2
\divide\dgCOLUMNWIDTH by 2
\node[3]{T^*{\cal U}_D}
\node[3]{G{\rm Higgs}_D}
\node{{\rm Higgs}_D}
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 4
\divide\dgHORIZPAD by 2
\divide\dgCOLUMNWIDTH by 2
\node[4]{({\rm char}\varphi,\varphi^{\eta})}
\node[2]{{\rm char}\varphi}
\node[3]{{\rm char}\varphi^{\eta}}
\section {Spectral flows and $KP$} \label{ch6}
Our aim in this section is to relate the general spectral
system which we have been considering to the $KP$ and multi-component
$KP$ hierarchies. We start by reviewing these
hierarchies and their traditional relationship to curves and
bundles via the Krichever map. We then reinterpret these flows
as coming from Hamiltonians on the limit $T^*U_\infty$ of our
previous symplectic spaces. We show that $\mbox{Higgs}_\infty$
can be partitioned into a finite number of loci, each of which
maps naturally to one of the $mcKP$-spaces in a way which
intertwines isospectral flows with $KP$ flows.
As an example we consider the Elliptic solitons studied by Treibich and
\subsection{The hierarchies} \label{sec-the-heirarchies}
Following the modern custom (initiated by Sato, explained by
Segal-Wilson \cite{segal-wilson-loop-groups-and-kp},
and presented elegantly in
and elsewhere), we think of the $KP$ hierarchy
as given by the action of an infinite-dimensional group on an
infinite-dimensional Grassmannian: set
$$\begin{array}{lrl}K & :=
& {\bf C}((z)) = \mbox{field\ of\ formal\ Laurent\ series\ in\ a\
variable}\ z\\
Gr & := & \{\mbox{subspaces}\ W \subset K|
\mbox{projection}\ W \to K/{\bf C}[[z]] z\ \mbox{is\ Fredholm}\}\\
& = & \{\mbox{subspaces\ ``comparable\ to}\ {\bf C}[z^{-1}]"\}.\\
\end{array}$$ This can be given an algebraic structure which
allows us to talk about vector fields on $Gr$, finite-dimensional
algebraic subvarieties, etc. Every $a \in K$ determines a
vector field $KP_a$ on $Gr$, whose value at $W \in Gr$ is the map
$$W \hookrightarrow K \stackrel{a}{\rightarrow} K \rightarrow
K/W,$$ considered as an element of $$Hom(W,K/W) \approx T_W Gr.$$
The (double) $KP$ hierarchy on $Gr$ is just this collection of
commuting vector fields. For $a \in {\bf C}[[z]]$, this vector field
comes from the action on $Gr$ of the one-parameter subgroup $exp(ta)$ in
${\bf C}[[z]]^*$, which we consider trivial. The $KP$
hierarchy itself thus consists of the vector fields $KP_a$, for $a \in
{\bf C}[z^{-1}]z^{-1}$, on the quotient $Gr/({\bf C}[[z]]^*)$. This quotient is
the action of ${\bf C} ^*$ is trivial, and the unipotent part
$1 + z {\bf C} [[z]] $ acts freely and with transversal slices. One restricts
to the open subset of this quotient ("the big cell") parametrizing $W$ of fixed
index (the index of $W$ is the index of the Fredholm projection) and satisfying
a general position condition with respect to the standard subspace
$W_0 := {\bf C}[z^{-1}] $.
Sato's construction identifies this subset with the space $\Psi$ of
pseudo differential operators of the form
$${\cal L} = D + \sum^{\infty}_{i=1} u_iD^{-i}$$
$$u_i = u_i(t_1,t_2,\cdots)$$
$D = \partial/\partial t_1$.
The resulting flows on $\Psi$ have the familiar Lax form:
$$\frac{\partial {\cal L}}{\partial t_i} = [({\cal L}^i) _{+}, {\cal L}],$$
where $({\cal L}^i) _{+}$ is the differential operator part of ${\cal L}^i$.
\underline{multi component KP}
The $k^{th}$ multi-component $KP$ hierarchy ($mcKP$) is
obtained by considering instead the Grassmannian $Gr_k$ of
subspaces of $K^{\oplus k}$ comparable to $({\bf C}[z^{-
1}])^{\oplus k}$. The entire ``loop algebra'' $gl(k,K)$ acts here, but
to obtain commuting flows we need to restrict to a commutative subalgebra.
For the k-th multi-component KP we take the simplest choice, of diagonal
matrices, i.e.
we consider the action of $({\bf C}[z^{-1}]z^{-1})^{\oplus k}$ on the
quotient $Gr_k/({\bf C}[[z]]^*)^k$. There is a big cell
$\Psi_{k} \subset Gr_k/({\bf C}[[z]]^*)^k$, consisting as before of subspaces in
general position with respect to a reference subspace $W_0$, on which the
flow is given by a Lax equation (for vector-valued operators). \\
\underline{Heisenberg flows}
More generally, for a partition
$$\underline{n} = (n_1,\cdots,n_k)$$
of the positive integer $n$,
we can consider, following \cite{adams-bergvelt},
the maximal torus $Heis_{\underline{n}}$ of type
$\underline{n}$ in
$GL(n,K)$, as well as $heis_{\underline{n}}$, the corresponding
Lie subalgebra in
$gl(n,K)$. These consist of matrices in block-diagonal form,
where the $i^{th}$ block is a formal power series in the $n_i
\times n_i$ matrix
\begin{equation} \label{eq-the-generator-of-the-ith-heisenberg-block}
P_{n_i}: =
0 & & & & 0 & z \\
1 & & & & 0 & 0 \\
0 & \cdot & & & 0 & 0 \\
0 & & \cdot & & 0 & 0 \\
0 & & & \cdot & 0 & 0 \\
0 & & & & 1 & 0
We recall
that this matrix arises naturally when we consider a
vector bundle which is the direct image of a line bundle, near a
point where $n_i$ sheets come together: in terms of a natural
local basis of the vector bundle, it expresses multiplication by
a coordinate upstairs (see (\ref{eq-ramification-matrix})).
The $\underline{n}^{th}$ $mcKP$ (or
``Heisenberg flows'' of type $\underline{n}$) lives on the
quotient of $Gr_n$ by the non-negative powers of the $P_{n_i}$,
and a basis for the surviving flows is indexed by $k$-tuples
$(d_1,\cdots,d_k)$, $d_i > 0$. Again, this can all be realized
by Lax equations on an appropriate space $\Psi_{\underline{n}}$
of pseudo differential operators. When $\underline{n} =
(1,\cdots,1)$ we recover the $n^{th}$ $mcKP$. When
$\underline{n} = (n)$, the flows are pulled back from the
standard $KP$ flows on $Gr$, via the mixing map
$$m_n: Gr_n \to Gr$$
$$\widetilde{W} \subset {\bf C}((\widetilde{z}))^{\oplus n}$$
$$W := \{\sum^{n-1}_{i=0}
\widetilde{W}\} \subset {\bf C}((z)).$$
An arbitrary $k$-part
partition $\underline{n}$ of $n$ determines a map
$$m_{\underline{n}}: Gr_n \to Gr_k,$$
and the
$\underline{n}^{th}$ Heisenberg flows are pullbacks of the
$k^{th}$ $mcKP$. The natural big cell in this situation is determined by the
cartesian diagram:
Gr_n & \longrightarrow & Gr_n / Heis^+_{\underline{n}} & \hookleftarrow &
\Psi _{\underline{n}}\\
\mbox{ } \downarrow m_{\underline{n}} & & \downarrow & & \downarrow \\
Gr_k & \longrightarrow & Gr_k / (C[[z]]^*)^k & \hookleftarrow & \Psi _k
\subsection{ Krichever maps} \label{sec-krichever-maps}
\underline{The data}
A basic Krichever datum (for the $KP$ hierarchy) consists of
a quintuple $$(C,p,z,L,\eta)$$ where:
\begin{tabbing}..................\= \kill
\> $C$ is a (compact, non-singular) algebraic curve \\
\> $p \in C$\\
\> $z$ is a local (analytic or formal) coordinate at $p$\\
\> $L \in Pic C$\\
\> $\eta: L \otimes \hat{{\cal O}}_p \stackrel{\approx}{\rightarrow}
\hat{{\cal O}}_p \approx {\bf C}[[z]]$ is a (formal) trivialization of $L$
near $p$.\\
If we fix $C,p$ and $z$, we think of the Krichever datum as
giving a point of
$${\cal U}_C(1,\infty p) :=
\displaystyle{\lim_{\stackrel{\leftarrow}{\ell}}} {\cal U}_C(1,\ell p).$$
The Krichever map
$$\{\mbox{Krichever\ data} \}\to Gr$$
the above datum to the subspace $$W := \eta (H^0(C,L(\infty p)))
= \bigcup_k\eta (H^0(C,L(kp))) \subset {\bf C}((z)).$$
This subspace is comparable to ${\bf C}[z^{-1}]$, since it follows from
Riemann-Roch that the dimension of
$H^0(L(kp))$ differs from $k$ by a bounded (and eventually
constant) quantity.\\
\underline{The flows}
Let's work with a coordinate $z$ which is analytic, i.e. it actually
converges on some disc. A line bundle $L$ on $C$ can be trivialized
on the Stein manifold $C\setminus p$. We can think of
$(L,\eta)$ as being obtained from ${\cal O}_{C\setminus p}$ by glueing
it to $\hat{{\cal O}}_p$ via a $1$-cocycle, or transition function,
which should consist of an invertible function $g$ on a
punctured neighborhood of $p$ in $C$. Conversely, we claim there is a map:
$$ \exp{} : K \longrightarrow {\cal U}_C(1,\infty p) , $$
$$ f \longmapsto (L,\eta) . $$
$f \in {\bf C}(z)$,
this is defined by the above analytic gluing, using
which is indeed analytic on a punctured neighborhood. For
$f \in {\bf C}[[z]] \approx \hat{{\cal O}}_p$,
on the other hand, we take
$ (L, \eta) := ({{\cal O}} , \exp{f} ). $
These two versions agree on the intersection,
$ f \in {\bf C}[z]_{(0)} $,
so the map is uniquely defined as claimed.
(The bundles we get this way all have degree 0, but we can also obtain maps
$$ \exp{_{g_{0}}} : K \longrightarrow {\cal U}_C(1,d,\infty p)$$
to the moduli space of level-$\infty p$ line bundles of degree d, simply by
fixing a meromorphic function $g_0$ on a neighborhood of $p$ which has order
$d$ at $p$, and replacing the previous $g$ by $g_0 \exp{f}$.
We will continue to suppress the degree $d$ in our notation.)
Any $a \in K$ gives an additive flow on $K$, which at $f \in K$ is
$$ t \longmapsto f+ta . $$
Under the composed map
$$ K \stackrel{\exp{_{g_{0}}}} {\longrightarrow} {\cal U}_C(1,\infty p)
\stackrel{{Krichever}} {\longrightarrow} Gr , $$
this is mapped to the double KP flow $KP_a$ on $Gr$.
For $a \in {\bf C}[[z]]$ this flow does not affect the isomorphism class of $L$,
and simply multiplies $\eta$ by $exp(ta)$. On the other hand,
the $i^{th}$ $KP$ flow, given by $a = z^{-i}$, changes both $L$
and $\eta$ if $i > 0$. The projection to $Pic\ C$ is a linear
flow, whose direction is the $i^{th}$ derivative at $p$, with
respect to the coordinate $z$, of the Abel-Jacobi map
$C \to Pic\ C$. Dividing out the trivial flows corresponds to suppressing
$\eta$, so we obtain, for each $C,p,z$ and degree $d \in {\bf Z}$, a
finite-dimensional orbit of the $KP$ flows in $Gr / {\bf C}[[z]]^*$, isomorphic
to $Pic^dC$.\\
\underline{Multi-Krichever data}
Several natural generalizations of the Krichever map to
the multi-component KP can be found in
\cite{adams-bergvelt,li-mulase-category} and elsewhere.
Here are some of the possibilities. We can consider
``multi-Krichever'' data
involving a curve $C$ with a divisor $D$ consisting of $k$
distinct points $p_i(1 \leq i \leq k)$, a coordinate $z_i$
at each $p_i$, a line bundle $L$, and a formal trivialization
$\eta_i$ at each $p_i$. Fixing $C,p_i$ and $z_i$, we have a
multi-Krichever map
$$\{\mbox{multi-Krichever\ data}\} \approx
{\cal U}_C(1,\infty D) \longrightarrow Gr_k$$
$$(L,\eta_i) \mapsto W :=
(\eta_1,\cdots,\eta_k)(H^0(C,L(\infty D))) \subset
{\bf C}((z))^{\oplus k}.$$
The $k$-component KP flow on the right hand side given by
$a=(a_1, \ldots, a_k) \in K^k$
restricts to the flow on the multi-Krichever data which multiplies the
transition function at $p_i$ (for an analytic trivialization of $L$ on
$C \setminus D$) by $\exp{a_i}$.
We can also consider "vector-Krichever" data
where the line bundle $L$ is replaced by a rank $n$ vector bundle $E$, and
$$\eta: E \otimes \hat{{\cal O}}_p \stackrel{\approx}{\rightarrow}
(\hat{{\cal O}}_p)^n \approx ({\bf C}[[z]])^n$$
is now a (formal) trivialization of $E$ near $p$. Not too surprisingly,
the vector-Krichever map
$$\{\mbox{vector-Krichever\ data} \}\to Gr_n$$
sends the above datum to the subspace
$$W := \eta (H^0(C,E(\infty p))) \subset ({\bf C}((z)))^n.$$
In the next subsection we will see that the interesting interaction of these
two types of higher Krichever maps occurs not by extending further
(to objects such as $(C,D,z_i,E,{\eta}_i)$), but by restricting to those
vector data on one curve which match some multi-data on another.\\
\underline{KdV-type subhierarchies}
Among the Krichever data one can restrict attention to those
quintuples where $z^{-n}$ (for some fixed $n$) happens to extend to a regular
function on $C \setminus p$, i.e. gives a morphism
$$f = z^{-n}: C \to {\bf P}^1$$
of degree $n$, such that the fiber $f^{-1}(\infty)$
is $n \cdot p_0$. The Krichever map sends such data to the
$n^{th}$ $KdV$ hierarchy, the distinguished subvariety of $Gr$
(invariant under the (double) $KP$ flows) given by
$$ \mbox{KdV}_n := \{ W \in Gr \ | \ z^{-n} W \subset W \} .$$
The corresponding subspace of $\Psi$ is
$$\{{\cal L}|{\cal L}^n = {\cal L}^n_+ \ \mbox{is\ a\ \underline{differential}\ operator}\}.$$
Fixing a partition $\underline{n} = (n_1,\cdots,n_k)$ of
$n$, we can similarly consider the covering data of
type $\underline{n}$, consisting of the multi-Krichever data
$(C,p_i,z_i,L,\eta_i)$ plus a map $f: C \to \Sigma$ of degree $n$
to a curve $\Sigma$ with local coordinate $z$ at a point $\infty
\in \Sigma$, such that
$$f^{-1}(p) = \Sigma n_kp_i,\ \ f^{-1}(z) = z_i^{n_i}\ \mbox{at}\ p_i.$$
Such a covering datum clearly gives a multi-Krichever datum on $C$, but
it also determines a vector-Krichever datum $(E,\eta)$ on $\Sigma$:
The standard $m$-sheeted branched cover
f_m: & {\bf C} & \rightarrow & {\bf C}\\
& \widetilde{z} & \mapsto & z = \widetilde{z}^m\\
of the $z$-line determines an isomorphism
$$s_m: (f_m)_* {\cal O} \stackrel{\approx}{\rightarrow} {\cal O}^{\oplus m}$$
given by
$$\sum^{m-1}_{i=0} a_i(\widetilde{z}^m)\widetilde{z}^i \mapsto
To the covering datum above we
can then associate the rank-$n$ vector bundle $E := f_*L$ on $\Sigma$,
together with the trivialization at $p$ obtained by composing
$$\oplus_i f_{*,p_i}(\eta_i): (f_*L)_p
\stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} \oplus_i f_{*,p_i}({\cal O}_{p_i})$$
with the isomorphisms
$$f_{*,p_i}({\cal O}_{p_i}) \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} {\cal O}^{\oplus n_i}_{p}$$
which are conjugates of the standard isomorphisms $s_{n_i}$ by the chosen
local coordinates $z,z_i$. Finally, we note that there are obvious geometric
flows on these covering data: $L$ and $\eta _i$ flow as before, while
everything else stays put.
The compatibility of the two types of higher Krichever data is expressed by
the commutativity of the diagram:
\begin{equation} \label{eq-diagram-of-krichever-maps}
\{\underline{n}-\mbox{covering\ data}\} & \approx
& \{ f:C \rightarrow \Sigma; \ p_i,z_i,L,\eta_i; \ z \ | \ldots \}\\
\downarrow & & \downarrow\\
\{vector \ Krichever \ data \ on \ \Sigma \} & &
\{multi \ Krichever \ data \ on \ C \} \\
\parallel & & \parallel \\
\cup_{\Sigma,p,z}{\cal U}_\Sigma(n,\infty p) &
& \cup_{C,D,z_i} {\cal U}_C(1,\infty D)\\
\downarrow & & \downarrow\\
Gr_n & \stackrel {m_{\underline{n}}} {\longrightarrow} & Gr_k\\
\downarrow & & \downarrow\\
Gr_n / Heis_{\underline{n}}^+ & \longrightarrow & Gr_k / ({\bf C}[[z]]^\times)^k.\\
The mcKP flows on the bottom right pull back to the Heisenberg flows on the
bottom left, and to the geometric flows on the $\underline{n}$-covering data.\\
\subsection{Compatibility of hierarchies}
Fix a smooth algebraic curve $\Sigma$ of arbitrary genus and a point $P$
in it. The moduli space
${\rm Higgs}_D := \HiggsModuli^{sm}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\omega(D))$
(see definition \ref{def-good-component-of-higgs-pairs})
can be partitioned into type loci. We
consider the Zariski dense subset consisting of
the union of finitely many type loci
${\rm Higgs}_D^{\underline{n}}$ indexed
by partitions $\underline{n}$ of $n$. A Higgs pair in
${\rm Higgs}_D^{\underline{n}}$ has a spectral curve $C \rightarrow \Sigma$
whose ramification type over $P \in \Sigma$ is
Fix a formal local parameter $z$ on the base curve $\Sigma$ at $P$.
A Higgs pair in ${\rm Higgs}_D^{\underline{n}}$
(or rather its spectral pair $(C,L)$, see proposition
can be completed
to an ${\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$-orbit of an $\underline{n}$-covering data
$(C,P_i,z_i,L,\eta_i) \rightarrow (\Sigma,P,z,E,\eta)$ in finitely many ways.
These extra choices form
a natural finite Galois cover $\widetilde{{\rm Higgs}}_D^{\underline{n}}$
of each type locus ${\rm Higgs}_D^{\underline{n}}$.
We obtain Krichever maps (see diagram
from the Galois cover $\widetilde{{\rm Higgs}}_D^{\underline{n}}$
to the quotients $Gr_n/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$ and $Gr_k/({\Bbb C}[[z]]^\times)^k$.
Both the mcKP and Heisenberg flows
pull back to the same geometric flow on the Galois cover.
It is natural to ask:
\begin{question} \label{question-compatibility}
{\bf (The compatibility question)}
Is the Heisenberg flow Poisson with respect to the
natural Poisson structure on ${\rm Higgs}_D$?
The Compatibility Theorem \ref{thm-compatibility} and its
extension \ref{thm-compatibility-singular-case}
provide an affirmative answer. We factor the moment map
of the Heisenberg action
through natural finite Galois covers of the ramification
type loci in the space of characteristic polynomials
(equations (\ref{eq-the-jth-hamiltonian-of-the-ith-component}) and
The compatibility naturally follows from the construction of the Poisson
structure via level structures. Recall the birational realization of
the moduli space $\HiggsModuli^{sm}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\omega(lP+D))$
as a quotient of the cotangent bundle
$T^*{\cal U}_{lP+D}$ of the moduli space
${\cal U}_{lP+D} := {\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,lP+D)$
of vector bundles with level structures
(Chapter \ref{ch5}). This realization is a finite dimensional approximation
of the limiting realization of the moduli space
{\rm Higgs}_{\infty{P}+D} :=
\lim_{l\rightarrow \infty} {\rm Higgs}_{l{P}+D}
as a quotient of (a subset of) the cotangent bundle
$T^*{\cal U}_{\infty{P}+D}$.
The ramification type loci ${\rm Higgs}_D^{\underline{n}}$,
their Galois covers $\widetilde{{\rm Higgs}}_D^{\underline{n}}$ and the
infinitesimal ${\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}$-action on $\widetilde{{\rm Higgs}}_D^{\underline{n}}$
become special cases of those appearing in the construction of
section \ref{sec-type-loci}. The compatibility theorem follows from
corollary \ref{cor-hamiltonians-on-the-base}
accompanied by the concrete identification of the moment maps in our
particular example.
The rest of this section is organized as follows.
In section \ref{sec-galois-covers-and-relative-krichever-maps} we emphasize
the ubiquity of the setup of relative Krichever maps.
They can be constructed for any family ${\cal J} \rightarrow B$
of Jacobians of branched covers of a fixed base curve $\Sigma$.
The analogue of the compatibility question \ref{question-compatibility}
makes sense whenever the family ${\cal J} \rightarrow B$ is an
integrable system (see for example question
Starting with section \ref{sec-compatibility-of-stratifications}
we concentrate on the moduli spaces of Higgs pairs.
Sections \ref{sec-compatibility-of-stratifications} and
\ref{sec-the-compatibility-thm-smooth-case} consider the case of
smooth spectral curves. Especially well behaved is the case where the point
$P\in\Sigma$ of the
$\underline{n}$-covering data is in the support of the polar divisor
$D$. In this case the symplectic leaves foliation of the moduli space of Higgs
pairs is a refinement of the type loci partition
(lemma \ref{lemma-compatibility-of-stratifications}).
Section \ref{sec-the-compatibility-thm-singular-case}
is a generalization to singular cases. As an example,
we consider in section
\ref{sec-elliptic-solitons} the Elliptic Solitons studied by
Treibich and Verdier. We conclude with an outline of the proof of the
compatibility theorem in section
{\em Note:} Type-$(1,1,\dots,1)$ relative Krichever maps
were independently considered by Y. Li and M. Mulase
in a recent preprint \cite{li-mulase-compatibility}.
\subsubsection{Galois covers and relative Krichever maps}
Let $B_D := \oplus_{i=1}^{n}
H^{0}(\Sigma,(\omega_{\Sigma}(D))^{\otimes i})$ be the
space of characteristic polynomials. For simplicity, we restrict ourselves to
the Zariski open subset $Bsm_D$ of reduced and irreducible
$n$-sheeted spectral curves
$\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ in $T^*_{\Sigma}(D)$ whose fiber over
$P\in \Sigma$ consists of
{\em smooth} points of $C$. Denote by ${\rm Higgsm}_{D}$ the corresponding open
subset of ${\rm Higgs}_{D}$.
The ramification type stratification of ${\rm Higgsm}_{D}$ is induced by that
of $Bsm_D$
Bsm_D = \cup_{\underline{n}} Bsm_D^{\underline{n}}.
Given a Higgs pair $(E,\varphi)$ in ${\rm Higgsm}^{\underline{n}}_{D}$
corresponding to a torsion free sheaf $L$ on a spectral cover
$C\rightarrow \Sigma$
we can complete it to an $\underline{n}$-covering data
(C,P_i,z_i,L,\eta_i) \rightarrow (\Sigma,P,z,E,\eta)
by choosing
i) a formal local parameter $z$ at $P$, ii) an $n_i$-th root $z_{i}$
of $\pi^*{z}$ at each point $P_i$ of $C$ over $P$ and
iii) formal trivializations $\eta_{i}$ of the sheaf $L$ at $P_i$.
The ${\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$-orbit of an $\underline{n}$-covering data
consists precisely of all possible choices of the $\eta_i$'s. Thus, for
fixed $P$ and $z$ only a finite choice is
needed in order to obtain the points of the quotients of the Grassmannians
$Gr_n/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$ and $Gr_k/({\Bbb C}[[z]]^\times)^k$
(see diagram \ref{eq-diagram-of-krichever-maps}).
These choices are independent of the sheaf $L$.
The choices are parametrized by the Galois cover
$\widetilde{Bsm}^{\underline{n}}_D \rightarrow Bsm^{\underline{n}}_D$
consisting of pairs $(C,\lambda)$ of a spectral curve $C$ in
$Bsm^{\underline{n}}$ and the discrete data $\lambda$ which amounts to:
i) (Parabolic data)
An ordering $(P_1,P_2,\dots,P_k)$ of the points
(eigenvalues) in the fiber over
$P$ compatible with the fixed order of the ramification indices
$(n_1,\dots,n_k)$ (say, $n_1\leq n_2 \leq \dots \leq n_k$).
ii) A choice of an $n_i$-th root $z_{i}$ of $\pi^*{z}$ at $P_i$.
Denote by $\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_{D}$ the corresponding Galois cover of ${\rm Higgsm}^{\underline{n}}_{D}$.
We get a canonical relative Krichever map
\begin{equation} \label{eq-relative-krichever-map}
\kappa_{\underline{n}}: \widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_{D} \rightarrow Gr_n/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+
from the Galois cover to the quotient Grassmannian.
The Galois group of $\widetilde{Bsm}^{\underline{n}}_D \rightarrow Bsm^{\underline{n}}_D$
is the Weyl group $W_{\underline{n}} := N({\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+)/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$
of the maximal torus of the level infinity group $G^{+}_{\infty}$.
For example, $W_{(1,\dots,1)}$ is the symmetric group $S_n$, while
$W_{(n)}$ is the cyclic group of order $n$.
The discrete data $\lambda = [(P_1,P_2,\dots,P_k),(z_1,\dots,z_k)]$
of a point $(C,\lambda)$ in $\widetilde{Bsm}^{\underline{n}}_D$ is equivalent to a
commutative ${\Bbb C}[[z]]$-algebras isomorphism
\begin{equation} \label{eq-isomorphism-heis-to-structure-sheaf}
\lambda:{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}^+
of the torus algebra with the formal completion of
the structure sheaf $\StructureSheaf{C}$ at the fiber over $P$.
The inverse $\lambda^{-1}$ sends $z_i$ to the generator of the $i$-th block
of the torus ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$ given by
The finite Weyl
group $W_{\underline{n}}$ acts on ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$, hence on $\lambda$, introducing
the $W_{\underline{n}}$-torsor structure on $\widetilde{Bsm}^{\underline{n}}_D$.
(See also lemma
\ref{lemma-two-type-loci-coincide} part
for a group theoretic interpretation.)
We note that a Galois cover $\widetilde{B} \rightarrow B$ as above
can be defined for any family ${\cal J} \rightarrow B$
of Jacobians of a family ${\cal C} \rightarrow B$ of branched covers with a
fixed ramification type $\underline{n}$
of a fixed triple $(\Sigma,P,z)$. We obtain a relative Krichever map
\kappa_{\underline{n}}: \widetilde{{\cal J}} \rightarrow Gr_n/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+
as above. The Heisenberg flow pulls back to an
infinitesimal action, i.e., a
Lie algebra homomorphism
d\rho : {\bf heis}_{\underline{n}} \rightarrow V(\widetilde{{\cal J}})
into a commutative algebra of vertical tangent vector fields. When
${\cal J}$ (and hence $\widetilde{{\cal J}}$) is an integrable system
we are led to ask the compatibility question
\ref{question-compatibility}: {\em is the action Poisson?}
{\em i.e., can $d\rho$ be lifted to a Lie algebra homomorphism}
\mu^*_{{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}}: {\bf heis}_{\underline{n}} \rightarrow
\Gamma(\StructureSheaf{\widetilde{B}}) \hookrightarrow
[\Gamma(\StructureSheaf{\widetilde{{\cal J}}}),\{,\}]?
A priori, the vector fields $d\rho(a)$, $a\in{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}$ may not even be
{\em locally} Hamiltonian.
Inherently nonlinear examples arise from
the Mukai-Tyurin integrable system of a family of Jacobians of
a linear system $B := {{\Bbb P}}H^{0}(S,{\cal L})$ of curves on a symplectic or
Poisson surface $S$ (see chapter \ref{ch8}). Consider for example the:
\begin{question} \label{question-compatibility-for-mukai-system-on-elliptic-k3}
Let $\pi : S \rightarrow {\Bbb P}^1$ be an elliptic K3 surface and
${\cal L}$ a very ample line bundle on $S$.
Fix $P\in {\Bbb P}^1$ and a local parameter $z$ and consider the Galois cover
$\widetilde{B}^{(1,1,\dots,1)}$ of the generic ramification type locus.
Is the Heisenberg action Poisson on
$\widetilde{{\cal J}} \rightarrow \widetilde{B}^{(1,1,\dots,1)}$
(globally over $\widetilde{B}^{(1,1,\dots,1)}$)?
The compatibility question has an intrinsic algebro-geometric formulation:
The $j$-th KP flow of the $P_i$-component
is the vector field whose direction along the fiber over
$(b,\lambda) \in \widetilde{B}^{(1,1,\dots,1)}$ is the $j$-th derivative
of the Abel-Jacobi map at $P_i$.
Using the methods of chapter \ref{ch8} it is easy to see that
the Heisenberg action is symplectic.
As we move the point $P(0):=P$ in ${\Bbb P}^1$ and its (Lagrangian) fiber
in $S$ we obtain an analytic (or formal) family of {\em Lagrangian} sections
${\cal AJ}(P_i(z))$ of
$\widetilde{{\cal J}} \rightarrow \widetilde{B}^{(1,1,\dots,1)}$
(see corollary \ref{cor-canonical-symplectic-str-on-albanese}).
Translations by the sections ${\cal AJ}(P_i(z))-{\cal AJ}(P_i(0))$ is a
family of symplectomorphisms of $\widetilde{{\cal J}}$.
Thus, the vector field corresponding to its $j$-th derivative with
respect to the local parameter $z$ is locally Hamiltonian.
It seems unlikely however that the Heisenberg flow integrates to a global
Poisson action for a general system as in question
\ref{question-compatibility-for-mukai-system-on-elliptic-k3}. It is
the {\em exactness} of the symplectic structure in a neighborhood of the
fiber over $P$ in $T^*\Sigma$ which lifts the infinitesimal symplectic
Heisenberg action to a Poisson action in the Hitchin's system case
(see equation (\ref{eq-the-moment-map-for-the-heisenberg-action})).
\subsubsection{Compatibility of stratifications}
Prior to stating the compatibility theorem
\ref{thm-compatibility} we need to examine the Poisson nature of the
Galois covers $\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_{D}$.
${\rm Higgsm}^{(1,1,\dots,1)}_D$ is a Zariski {\em open Poisson} subvariety
of ${\rm Higgsm}_D$. Hence, the unramified Galois cover
$\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{(1,1,\dots,1)}_D$ is endowed with the canonical pullback
Poisson structure.
Though non generic, the other type strata are as important.
The cyclic ramification type $(n)$, for example, corresponds to the single
component KP-hierarchy (see \cite{segal-wilson-loop-groups-and-kp}).
When the point $P$ of the $\underline{n}$-covering data
is in the support of the divisor $D$, we obtain a {\em strict compatibility}
between the $P$-ramification type stratification of
${\rm Higgsm}_D$ and its symplectic leaves foliation. All Galois covers
$\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D$, $P \in D$ are thus endowed with the canonical pullback
Poisson structure:
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-compatibility-of-stratifications}
(conditional compatibility of stratifications)
When the point $P \in \Sigma$ is in the support of $D$,
the symplectic leaves foliation is a {\em refinement} of the ramification type
stratification ${\rm Higgsm}_D = \cup_{\underline{n}} {\rm Higgsm}^{\underline{n}}_D$.
{\bf Proof:} We need to show that the ramification type $\underline{n}$ of the
spectral cover $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ over $P\in D$ is fixed throughout the
symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgsm}_S \subset {\rm Higgsm}_D$ of a Higgs pair
The symplectic leaves of ${\rm Higgs}_D$ are determined by
coadjoint orbits of the level $D$ algebra $\LieAlg{g}_D$.
The coadjoint orbit $S$ is determined by the residue
of the Higgs field, namely, the infinitesimal data $(\restricted{E}{D},
\restricted{\varphi}{D})$ encoded in the value of $\varphi$ at $D$ (see
\cite{markman-higgs} Remark 8.9 and Proposition 7.17)). Thus,
the Jordan type of the Higgs field $\varphi$ at $P$
is fixed throughout ${\rm Higgsm}_S$. In general,
(allowing singularities over $P$), the Jordan type
depends both on the ramification type of $C\rightarrow \Sigma$ and
on the sheaf $L$ on $C$ corresponding to the Higgs pair.
For Higgs pairs $(E,\varphi)$ in
${\rm Higgsm}_D$, the spectral curve $C$ is smooth over $P$,
hence, its ramification type coincides with the Jordan type of $\varphi$ at
\subsubsection{The compatibility theorem, the smooth case}
We proceed to introduce the moment map
of the infinitesimal Poisson action
\[d\rho : {\bf heis}_{\underline{n}} \rightarrow V(\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D).\]
Throughout the end of
this subsection
we will assume the
Ramification types $\underline{n}$ other than $(1,1,\dots,1)$
are considered only if $P$ is in the support of $D$.
This condition will be relaxed later by conditions
\ref{condition-only-generic-type} or
Let $b \in Bsm^{\underline{n}}_D$ be the polynomial of the spectral curve
$\pi_b:C_b \rightarrow \Sigma$.
Recall that spectral curves are endowed with a tautological
meromorphic $1$-form $y_b \in H^0(C_b,\pi_b^*\omega_\Sigma(D))$ with poles
over $D \subset \Sigma$
(see section \ref{sec-spectral-curves-and-the-hitchin-system}).
Let $\phi^j_{P_i}$ be the function on $\widetilde{Bsm}^{\underline{n}}_D$ given at
a pair $(b,\lambda) \in \widetilde{Bsm}^{\underline{n}}_D$ by
\begin{equation} \label{eq-the-jth-hamiltonian-of-the-ith-component}
\phi^j_{P_i}(b,\lambda) := Res_{P_i}((z_i)^{-j}\cdot y_b).
The Lie algebra homomorphism $\mu_{{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}}^*$ sends the inverse
(in ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}$) of the generator of the $i$-th block
of the torus ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$ given in
to the function $\phi^1_{P_i}\circ \widetilde{{\rm char}}$ on
$\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D$. In other words,
$\mu_{{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}}^* :{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}} \rightarrow
[\Gamma(\StructureSheaf{\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D}),\{,\}]$
as a composition $\phi \circ \widetilde{{\rm char}}^*$ through
If we regard $\lambda$ also as an isomorphism from ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}$ to
(eq. (\ref{eq-isomorphism-heis-to-structure-sheaf})), then
$\phi:{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}} \rightarrow \Gamma(\StructureSheaf{\widetilde{Bsm}^{\underline{n}}_D})$
is given by
\begin{equation} \label{eq-the-moment-map-for-the-heisenberg-action}
(\phi(a))(b,\lambda) =
\sum_{\{P_i\}} Res_{P_i}(\lambda(a)\cdot y_{b}),
\ \ \ a\in{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}.
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-compatibility}
({\bf The Compatibility Theorem, smooth case})
(Assuming condition \ref{condition-ramification-type})
The relative Krichever map
\kappa_{\underline{n}} : \widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D \rightarrow Gr_n/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+
intertwines the Heisenberg flow on $Gr_n/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$ (and the mcKP flow
on $Gr_k/({\Bbb C}[[z]]^\times)^k$)
with an infinitesimal Poisson action of the maximal torus ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}$
on $\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D$. The latter is induced by the Lie algebra homomorphism
\mu_{{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}}^* = \phi \circ \widetilde{{\rm char}}^* :{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}
\HookRightArrowOf{\widetilde{{\rm char}}^*}
[\Gamma(\StructureSheaf{\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D}),\{,\}]
which factors through the homomorphism $\phi$
given by (\ref{eq-the-moment-map-for-the-heisenberg-action}).
\item \label{rems-item-nonvanishing-casimirs}
The subalgebra ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$ acts trivially on $Gr_n/{\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$ hence
also on $\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D$. This corresponds to the fact that the functions
$\phi^j_{P_i}$, $j\leq 0$ are Casimir. Indeed, if $P$ is not contained in $D$,
the $1$-form $y_b$ is holomorphic at the fiber over $P$ and
$\phi^j_{P_i}$ is identically zero for $j\leq 0$.
If $P$ is in $D$ then the finite set of
non-zero $\phi^j_{P_i}$, indexed by finitely many non-positive integers $j$,
are among the Casimirs that induce the highest rank symplectic leaves foliation
(see \cite{markman-higgs} Proposition 8.8).
The multi-Krichever map $\kappa_{\underline{n}}$ depends
on auxiliary parameters $P$ and $z$.
In other words, it lives naturally on an infinite dimensional space
$\cup_{P,z} \ \widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_{D,P,z}$ in which $P$ and $z$ are allowed to
vary. This is not as bad as it might seem, since
the $j$-th flow on $\widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_D$ really depends
only on our finite dimensional choices of $P$ and the $j$-th order germ
of $z$ there. Similarly, our
Hamiltonians $\phi^j_{P_i}$ depend at most on the $(j+n\deg D)$-th germ of $z$,
the shift arising,
as in part \ref{rems-item-nonvanishing-casimirs} of this remark,
from the possible poles above $P$ of the tautological
$1$-form on the spectral curve.
So we may think of $\cup_{P,z} \ \widetilde{{\rm Higgsm}}^{\underline{n}}_{D,P,z}$
as the inverse limit of a family
of finite dimensional moduli spaces, indexed by the level. Each KP flow
or Hamiltonian is defined for sufficiently high level.
\subsubsection{The compatibility theorem, singular cases}
The condition that the fiber over $P$ of the embedded spectral curve
be smooth is too restrictive. The embedded spectral data
$(\bar{C} \subset T^*_{\Sigma}(D),\bar{L})$
of a Higgs pair $(E,\varphi)$ may have singularities
over $P$ which are canonically resolvable. The point is
that the rank $1$ torsion free sheaf $\bar{L}$ on $\bar{C}$ determines
a partial normalization $\nu: C \rightarrow \bar{C}$
and a unique rank $1$ torsion free sheaf $L$ on $C$ such that
i) $\bar{L}$ is isomorphic to the direct image $\nu_{*}L$, and
ii) $L$ is locally free at the fiber over $P$.
We are interested
in those Higgs pairs for which the fiber of $C$ over $P$ is smooth.
Such data may also be completed in finitely many
ways to an $\underline{n}$-covering data as in section
The singularities over $P$ of
a spectral pair $(\bar{C} \subset T^*_{\Sigma}(D),\bar{L})$
are said to be {\em resolved by the spectral sheaf} $\bar{L}$
if i) $\bar{C}$ is irreducible and reduced. ii) The sheaf $\bar{L}$
is the direct image $\nu_{*}L$ of a rank $1$ torsion free sheaf
$L$ on the normalization $\nu:C\rightarrow \bar{C}$ of the
fiber of $\bar{C}$ over $P$.
Fixing a symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgs}_S$ we may consider the type sub-loci
in the locus of Higgs pairs whose spectral curve has at worst singularities
over $P$ which are resolved by the spectral sheaf.
The topology of these type loci is quite complicated. As a result,
the Galois covers of these type loci may not have a symplectic structure.
Nevertheless, the construction of section \ref{sec-type-loci}, as used in
section \ref{sec-proof-of-compatibility-theorem},
provides {\em canonical embeddings} of the Galois covers of these
type loci in (finite dimensional) symplectic varieties. These embeddings
realize the Heisenberg flow as a Hamiltonian flow.
Control over the topology is regained below by restraining the singularities.
In the smooth case (section \ref{sec-the-compatibility-thm-smooth-case})
it is the smoothness which assures that the generic ramification type locus
in a symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgs}_S$ is open (rather than only
Zariski dense). The point is that
degenarations from a ramification type $\underline{n}$ through other types
back to type $\underline{n}$ must end with a singular fiber over $P$
(and are thus excluded).
If $P \in D$,
there are symplectic leaves ${\rm Higgs}_S$, $S\subset \LieAlg{g}_D^*$ of
${\rm Higgs}_D$ for which
the singularities over $P$
are encoded in the infinitesimal
data associated to the coadjoint orbit $S$ and shared by the generic Higgs
pair in ${\rm Higgs}_S$.
Often, this is an indication that the Poisson
surface $T^*_{\Sigma}(D)$ is not the best to work with. Moreover,
a birational transformation
$T^*_{\Sigma}(D) \rightarrow X_S$, centered at points of the fiber over $P$
and encoded in $S$, can simultaneously resolve the singularities (over $P$) of
the spectral curve of the generic point in ${\rm Higgs}_S$
(see example \ref{example-the-coadjoint-orbit-of-elliptic-solitons}). In such a
smoothness of the proper transform of the spectral curve in $X_S$ at points of
the fiber over $P$ is an {\em open} condition and the corresponding locus
in ${\rm Higgs}_S$ with generic ramification type is {\em symplectic}.
When the multiplicity of $P$ in $D$ is greater than $1$ the correspondence
between the coadloint orbits $S\subset \LieAlg{g}_D^*$ and their surfaces $X_S$
can be quite complicated. Instead of working the correspondence out,
we will use the following notion of $S$-smoothness to assure
(see condition \ref{condition-only-generic-type}) that the
generic ramification type locus
in a symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgs}_S$ is open (rather than only
Zariski dense).
Let $S$ be a coadjoint orbit of $\LieAlg{g}_D$.
An irreducible and reduced spectral curve $\pi:\bar{C}\rightarrow\Sigma$ is
{\em $S$-smooth over $D$} if
i) a line bundle $L$ on the resolution of the singularities
$\nu: C \rightarrow \bar{C}$ of the fibers over $D$ results in a Higgs pair
$(E,\varphi) := \pi\circ\nu_*(L,\otimes \nu^*(y))$ in ${\rm Higgs}_S$.
ii) the arithmetic genus
of the normalization $C$ above is equal to half
the dimension of the symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgs}_S$.
If $\bar{C}$ is an irreducible and reduced
spectral curve then, by the construction of \cite{simpson-moduli},
the fiber of the characteristic polynomial map
in $\HiggsModuli^{sm}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\omega(D))$ is
its compactified Jacobian, the latter being the moduli space of all rank $1$
torsion free sheaves on $\bar{C}$ with a fixed Euler characteristic.
The compactified Jacobian is known to be irreducible for irreducible and
reduced curve on a surface (i.e., with planar singularities,
\cite{a-i-k}). Moreover, the symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgs}_S$ intersects
the compactified Jacobian of $\bar{C}$
in a union of strata determined by partial normalizations. If
$(E,\varphi)$ in ${\rm Higgs}_S$ corresponds to $(\bar{C},\bar{L})$ and
$\nu:(C,L)\rightarrow (\bar{C},\bar{L})$ is a partial normalization
where $L$ is a locally free sheaf on $C$,
then any twist $F$ of $L$ by a locally free sheaf in $Pic^0(C)$
(the component of $\StructureSheaf{C}$) will result in a
Higgs pair
$(E',\varphi') := (\pi\circ\nu_*(F),\pi_*(\otimes y))$ in ${\rm Higgs}_S$.
The point is that the residue of $(E',\varphi')$
(with respect to any level-$D$ structure)
will be in the same coadjoint orbit as that of $(E,\varphi)$.
$S$-smoothness of $\bar{C}$ over $D$ is thus
equivalent to the geometric condition:
The fiber of the characteristic polynomial map over $\bar{C}$
intersects ${\rm Higgs}_S$ in a
Lagrangian subvariety
isomorphic to
the compactified Jacobian of the resolution $C$ of the singularities of
$\bar{C}$ over $D$.
The following example will be used in section \ref{sec-elliptic-solitons}
to describe a symplectic leaf which parametrizes Elliptic solitons.
\begin{example} \label{example-the-coadjoint-orbit-of-elliptic-solitons}
Let $D = P$, $S \subset \LieAlg{g}^*_D \cong \LieAlg{gl(n)}^*
\cong \LieAlg{gl(n)}$ be the coadjoint orbit containing the diagonal
\[ A = \left(
-1 & 0 & & \dots & & 0 \\
0 & -1 & & & & \\
& & \cdot & & & \vdots \\
\vdots & & & \cdot & & \\
& & & & -1 & 0 \\
0 & & \dots & & 0 & n-1
\end{array} \right)
$S$ is the coadjoint orbit of lowest dimension with characteristic
polynomial $(x+1)^{n-1}(x-(n-1))$. Its dimension $2n-2$ is
$(n-2)(n-1)$ less than the
generic rank of the Poisson structure of $\LieAlg{gl(n)}^*$.
If non-empty, each component of
${\rm Higgs}_S$ is a smooth symplectic variety of dimension
$\dim {\rm Higgs}_{P}-(n-1)-(n-2)(n-1) = [n^2(2g-1)+1]-(n-1)^2$
(see theorem \ref{thm-markman-botachin}
and \cite{markman-higgs} proposition 7.17).
The spectral curves $\bar{C} \subset T^*_{\Sigma}(P)$ which are
$S$-smooth over $P$
will have two points in the fiber over $P$,
one smooth at the eigenvalue with residue $n-1$
and one (singular if $n\geq 3$) at the eigenvalue with residue $-1$.
Assume $n \geq 3$.
The resolution $C$ of the singularity of a typical (though not
all) such $\bar{C}$ will be unramified over $P$ with $n-1$ points
collapsed to one in $\bar{C}$. The sheaf $\bar{L}$
(of a Higgs pair in ${\rm Higgs}_S$ with spectral curve $\bar{C}$)
will be a pushforward of a
torsion free sheaf $L$ on $C$. In contrast, line bundles on that $\bar{C}$
will result in Higgs pairs in another symplectic leaf
${\rm Higgs}_{S_{reg}}$ corresponding to the {\em regular} coadjoint orbit
$S_{reg}$ in $\LieAlg{gl(n)}^*\cong \LieAlg{gl(n)}$ with characteristic
polynomial $(x+1)^{n-1}(x-(n-1))$.
These Higgs pairs will {\em not} be $S_{reg}$-smooth.
$S_{reg}$-smoothness coincides with usual smoothness of
the embedded spectral curve which is necessarily ramified
with ramification index $n-1$ at the point with residue $-1$ over $P$.
The $S$-smooth spectral curves will be smooth on the blowup $\widehat{X_S}$
of $T^*_{\Sigma}(P)$ at residue $-1$ over $P$. If we blow down
in $\widehat{X_S}$ the proper transform of the fiber of $T^*_{\Sigma}(P)$
we get a surface $X_S$ with a marked point $x_{n-1}$ over $P$.
An $S$-smooth spectral curve $\bar{C}$
will correspond to a curve on $X_S$ through $x_{n-1}$. It will be smooth at
$x_{n-1}$ if in addition it is of ramification type $(1,1,\dots,1)$ over $P$.
Consider the compactification
${\Bbb P}(T^*_{\Sigma}(P)\oplus \StructureSheaf{\Sigma})$ of
Blowing it up and down as above we get a ruled
surface $\bar{X}_S$ over $\Sigma$ which is isomorphic to the projectivization
${\Bbb P}W$ of the unique nontrivial extension
0 \rightarrow \omega_{\Sigma} \rightarrow W \rightarrow
\StructureSheaf{\Sigma} \rightarrow 0.
In particular, the surface $\bar{X}_S$ is
{\em independent of the point $P$}.
The point is that blowing up and down the ruled surface ${\Bbb P}V :=
{\Bbb P}(T^*_{\Sigma}(P)\oplus \StructureSheaf{\Sigma})$
at residue $-1$ over $P$ results with
the ruled surface of a rank $2$ vector bundle
$W$ whose sheaf of sections is a subsheaf of $V :=
T^*_{\Sigma}(P)\oplus \StructureSheaf{\Sigma}$.
This subsheaf
consists of all sections which restrict at $P$ to the
subspace of the fiber $\restricted{V}{P}$ spanned by $(-1,1)$ (i.e., $W$ is
a Hecke transform of $V$, see \cite{tyurin-vb-survey}).
Clearly, $\omega_{\Sigma}$
is a subsheaf of $W$ and the quotient $W / \omega_{\Sigma}$ is
isomorphic to $\StructureSheaf{\Sigma}$.
The resulting extension is non-trivial because $H^0(\Sigma,W)$ and
$H^0(\Sigma,\omega_{\Sigma})$ are equal as subspaces of $H^0(\Sigma,V)$.
\begin{rem} \label{rem-resolved-by-the-spectral-sheaf-vs-S-smoothness}
$S$-smoothness over $D$ is stronger than having singularities over $D$
which are resolved by the spectral sheaf. They differ when the singularity
appears at an infinitesimal germ of too high an order to be detected by $S$.
take $n=3$ in example \ref{example-the-coadjoint-orbit-of-elliptic-solitons}
and consider a pair $(\bar{C},\bar{L})$ with a tacnode at
residue $-1$ over $P$ (two branches meet with a common tangent).
The arithmetic genus of the normalization
$\nu:C\rightarrow \bar{C}$ of the fiber over $P$ will drop by $2$ while
the pushforward $\bar{L}:=\nu_*(L)$ of a line bundle $L$ on $C$
will belong to a symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgs}_{S}$ whose rank is $2$ less
than the maximal rank (rather than $4$). Hence $(\bar{C},\bar{L})$
is $S$-singular.
We denote by
${\rm Higgsm}_{S/D}$ the subset of ${\rm Higgs}_S \subset {\rm Higgs}_D$
parametrizing Higgs pairs whose spectral curve is $S$-smooth over $D$.
Unfortunately, the compatibility of stratifications (lemma
does not extend to the $S$-smooth case. To overcome this
inconvenience we may either
assume condition \ref{condition-only-generic-type} or condition
Consider the ramification locus ${\rm Higgsm}_{S/D}^{\underline{n}}$
in a component of ${\rm Higgsm}_{S/D}$ only if it is the generic ramification type
in this component.
Note that ${\rm Higgsm}_{S/D}$ parametrizes
only Higgs pairs whose spectral curve is $S$-smooth over $D$.
$S$-smoothness over $D$ assures that if the type $\underline{n}$ is a
generic ramification type in a component of
${\rm Higgsm}_{S/D}$, then the corresponding component of ${\rm Higgsm}^{\underline{n}}_{S/D}$
is an {\em open} subset of ${\rm Higgsm}_{S/D}$ (i.e., it excludes degenerations
of type $\underline{n}$ Higgs pairs through other types back to
type $\underline{n}$). In particular, these components of
${\rm Higgsm}^{\underline{n}}_{S/D}$ are {\em symplectic}. Alternatively, we may
relax condition \ref{condition-only-generic-type}
even further at the expense of losing the symplectic nature of the loci and
having to resort to convention \ref{convention-abused-hamiltonian-language}:
Consider only Higgs pairs with a spectral curve whose singularities
over $P$ are resolved by its spectral sheaf. Adopt convention
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-compatibility-singular-case}
The compatibility theorem \ref{thm-compatibility} holds
i) The $W_{\underline{n}}$-Galois covers of the type loci in ${\rm Higgsm}_{S/D}$
satisfying the genericity condition
\ref{condition-only-generic-type} (instead of condition
ii) The $W_{\underline{n}}$-Galois covers of the locus in
${\rm Higgs}^{\underline{n}}_D$ consisting of Higgs pairs
satisfying condition
In ii) however we adopt convention
\subsubsection{Elliptic Solitons}
In this subsection we illustrate the possibilities in the singular case
with a specific example.
Let $\Sigma$ be a smooth elliptic curve. A {\em $\Sigma$-periodic
Elliptic KP soliton} is
a finite dimensional solution to the KP hierarchy, in which the orbit of
the first KP equation is isomorphic to $\Sigma$.
Its Krichever data
$(C,\tilde{P},\frac{\partial}{\partial z},L)$
consists of a reduced and irreducible curve $C$,
a smooth point $\tilde{P}$, a nonvanishing tangent vector at $\tilde{P}$
and a rank $1$ torsion free sheaf $L$ on $C$ of Euler characteristic $0$
(we suppress the non essential formal trivialization $\eta$ and consider
only the first order germ of $z$ which is equivalent to choosing a
nonzero tangent vector at $P$). We will denote
the global vector field extending $\frac{\partial}{\partial z}$ also
by $\frac{\partial}{\partial z}$.
The periodicity implies that
the image of the
Abel Jacobi map $AJ: C \hookrightarrow J_C$, $Q \mapsto Q-\tilde{P}$
is tangent at $0$
to a subtorus isomorphic to $\Sigma$. Composing the Abel Jacobi map
with projection to $\Sigma$ we get a
{\em tangential morphism}
$\pi:(C,\tilde{P}) \rightarrow (\Sigma,P)$.
Its degree $n$ is called the {\em order} of the Elliptic soliton.
In general, a tangential morphism $\pi:(C,\tilde{P}) \rightarrow (\Sigma,P)$
is a morphism with the property that $AJ(C)$ is tangent at $AJ(\tilde{P})$ to
$\pi^*J^0_\Sigma$. Notice that composing a tangential morphism
$\pi:(C,\tilde{P}) \rightarrow (\Sigma,P)$ with a normalization
$\nu:\tilde{C} \rightarrow C$ results in a tangential morphism.
A tangential morphism is called {\em minimal} if it does not factor through
another tangential morphism.
The KP elliptic solitons enjoyed a careful and detailed study by
A. Treibich and J.-L. Verdier in a series of beautiful papers
(e.g., \cite
Their results fit nicely with our picture:
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-variety-of-kp-solitons}
The variety of Krichever data of Elliptic KP solitons of order $n$
with a fixed pointed elliptic curve and a tangent vector
$(\Sigma,P,\frac{\partial}{\partial z})$ is canonically birational
to the divisor of traceless Higgs pairs
in the symplectic leaf ${\rm Higgs}_S$ of
corresponding to the coadjoint orbit $S$ of example
The KP flows are well defined on ${\rm Higgsm}_{S/P}\subset {\rm Higgs}_S$
as the Hamiltonian vector fields of the functions
$\phi^j_{\tilde{P}}$ given in
Note that
if non-empty (which is the case)
${\rm Higgs}_S$ is $2n$-dimensional (see example
The correspondence between tangential covers and
spectral covers is a corollary of
the following characterization of tangential covers due to
I. M. Krichever and A. Treibich.
For simplicity we consider only the case
in which the tangency point $\tilde{P}$ is not a ramification point of $\pi$.
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-characterization-of-tangential-covers}
Assume that $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ is unramified at $\tilde{P}$.
Then $\pi$ is tangential if and only if there exists a section
$y \in H^0(C,\pi^*[\omega_{\Sigma}(P)])$ satisfying:
a) Near a point of $\pi^{-1}(P) - \tilde{P}$
(away from the tangency point $\tilde{P}$), $y- \pi^*(dz/z)$ is a holomorphic
multiple of
$\pi^*(dz)$, where $z$ is a local parameter at $P$.
(If $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ is unramified over $P$, this is equivalent to
saying that the residues $Res_{P_i}(y)$ are the same at all $P_i$
other than $\tilde{P}$ in the fiber
over $P \in \Sigma$).
b) The residue $Res_{\tilde{P}}(y)$ at $\tilde{P}$ does not vanish
if $n \geq 2$.
It follows by the residue theorem that there is a unique such section
which has residue $n-1$ at $\tilde{P}$ and which is moreover
traceless $tr(y) = 0 \in H^0(\Sigma,\omega_{\Sigma}(P))$.
Let $dz$ be a global holomorphic non zero $1$-form on $\Sigma$.
The function $k := y/\pi^*(dz)$ is called a {\em tangential function}
in \cite{treibich-verdier-krichever-variety}. It was also proven
that a tangential morphism of order $n$ has arithmetic genus $\leq n$
and is minimal if and only if its arithmetic genus is $n$.
(\cite{treibich-verdier-elliptic-solitons} Corollaire 3.10).
{\bf Sketch of proof of theorem
(for $C$ smooth, $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ unramified over $P$.)
\underline{Step 1}: (Cohomological identification of the differential of
the Abel-Jacobi map)
The differential
$dAJ : T_{Q}C \cong H^{0}(Q,\StructureSheaf{Q}(Q)) \rightarrow
of the Abel-Jacobi map at $Q \in C$ is identified
as the connecting homomorphism of the short exact sequence
0 \rightarrow
\StructureSheaf{C} \rightarrow
\StructureSheaf{C}(Q) \rightarrow
\StructureSheaf{Q}(Q) \rightarrow 0.
Similarly, the differential $d(AJ \circ \pi^{-1})$
of the composition
\Sigma \HookRightArrowOf{\pi^{-1}} \rm Sym^{n}C \RightArrowOf{AJ} J^{n}_C
is given by
T_{P}\Sigma \cong H^{0}(P,\StructureSheaf{P}(P))
H^{0}(\pi^{-1}(P),\StructureSheaf{\pi^{-1}(P)}(\pi^{-1}(P))) \stackrel{\cong}{\rightarrow}
T_{[\pi^{-1}(P)]}\rm Sym^{n}C \RightArrowOf{dAJ}
where the composition of the last two arrows is the
connecting homomorphism of the short exact sequence
0 \rightarrow
\StructureSheaf{C} \rightarrow
\StructureSheaf{C}(\pi^{-1}(P)) \rightarrow
\StructureSheaf{\pi^{-1}(P)}(\pi^{-1}(P)) \rightarrow 0.
\underline{Step 2}: (residues as coefficients in a linear dependency
of tangent lines)
Clearly, the tangent line to $(AJ \circ \pi^{-1})(\Sigma)$ at the
image of $P$ is in the span of the tangent lines to $AJ(C)$ at
the points $P_i$. If, in addition, $\pi$ is tangential with tangency point
$\tilde{P}\in C$, then
the tangent lines to $AJ(C)$ at the points in the fiber over $P$
are linearly dependent.
If $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ is unramified over $P$ we can write
these observations in the form of two linear equations:
\begin{equation} \label{eq-linear-condition-tangentiality}
\sum dAJ_{P_i}(\frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}) =
d(AJ\circ \pi^{-1})_{P}(\frac{\partial}{\partial z}),
\begin{equation} \label{eq-linear-dependency}
\sum a_i dAJ_{P_i}(\frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}) = 0
\ \ \ \mbox{linear} \ \ \mbox{dependency}.
Above, $\frac{\partial}{\partial z_i}$ is the lift of
$\frac{\partial}{\partial z}$, i.e.,
$d\pi(\frac{\partial}{\partial z_i})=\frac{\partial}{\partial z}$.
We claim that the coefficients $a_i$ in (\ref{eq-linear-dependency})
are residues of a meromorphic $1$-form $y$ at the points of the fiber.
More precisely we have:
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-residues-vs-differential-of-abel-jacobi}
Assume that $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ is unramified over $P$.
There exists a section $y \in H^0(C,\pi^*\omega_{\Sigma}(P))$
with residues $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$ at the fiber over $P$ if
and only if $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$ satisfy equation
{\bf Proof:}
The global tangent vector field
$\frac{\partial}{\partial z} \in H^{0}(\Sigma,T\Sigma)$
gives rise to the commutative diagram:
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 4
\arrow{s,lr}{\cong}{\rfloor\frac{\partial}{\partial z}}
\arrow{s,lr}{\cong}{\rfloor\frac{\partial}{\partial z}}
\arrow{s,lr}{\cong}{\rfloor\frac{\partial}{\partial z}}
The middle contraction $\rfloor\frac{\partial}{\partial z}$ maps
residues $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n) \in
H^0(\pi^{-1}(P),\restricted{\pi^{*}\omega_{\Sigma}(P)}{\pi^{-1}(P)})$ to
$(a_1\frac{\partial}{\partial z_1},
a_2\frac{\partial}{\partial z_2},\dots,
a_n\frac{\partial}{\partial z_n})$.
The lemma follows
by the exactness of the horizontal sequences in the diagram.
\underline{Step 3}:
We conclude that $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ is tangential if
and only if there is a $1$-form $y$ as in the theorem.
If $\pi:C\rightarrow \Sigma$ is tangential then
using lemma \ref{lemma-residues-vs-differential-of-abel-jacobi}
we see that
equation (\ref{eq-linear-condition-tangentiality})
gives rise
to a $1$-form $y$ with residues $(-1,-1,\dots,n-1)$ as required.
Conversely, given a $1$-form $y$ with residues $(-1,-1,\dots,n-1)$ lemma
and equations (\ref{eq-linear-dependency}) and
(\ref{eq-linear-condition-tangentiality}) imply the tangentiality.
This completes the proof of theorem
\ref{thm-characterization-of-tangential-covers} in the generic case considered.
Theorem \ref{thm-variety-of-kp-solitons} would follow once the existence
of either $n$-sheeted spectral covers
$S$-smooth over $P$, or degree $n$ tangential covers
smooth and unramified over $P$ is established for every choice of
This was done in (\cite{treibich-verdier-elliptic-solitons} Theorem 3.11)
by studying the linear system of transferred spectral
curves on the surface $\bar{X}_{S}$ of example
\ref{example-the-coadjoint-orbit-of-elliptic-solitons} and applying
Bertini's theorem to show that the generic transferred spectral curve is smooth
in $X_{S}$.
It follows that the blow up of the point with residue $-1$ over $P$ resolves
the generic $n$-sheeted spectral curve of Higgs pairs in ${\rm Higgs}_{S}$
to a smooth curve of genus $n$ unramified over $P$.
Any $S$-smooth spectral curve $\bar{C}$
in $T^*\Sigma(P)$ of a Higgs pair $(E,\varphi)$ in
${\rm Higgs}_S$ admits
a unique partial normalization $C$ of arithmetic genus $n$
by the spectral sheaf $\bar{L}$ corresponding to $(E,\varphi)$.
The tautological $1$-form $\bar{y}$ pulls back to a $1$-form on $C$
of the type which characterize tangential covers by theorem
Conversely, a degree $n$ tangential cover
$\pi:(C,\tilde{P})\rightarrow (\Sigma,P)$
of arithmetic genus $n$
which is smooth and unramified over $P$ is sent to the
spectral curve $\bar{C}$ in $T^*\Sigma(P)$ of the Higgs pair
(\pi_*(L),[\otimes y :
\pi_*(L) \rightarrow
for some, hence every,
choice of a line bundle $L$ on $C$.
Note that $\bar{C}$ is reduced since it is irreducible and
the branch through residue $n-1$ over $P$ is reduced. The
canonical morphism $\nu : C \rightarrow \bar{C}$ is the resolution
by the spectral sheaf $\nu_*L$. Hence $(\bar{C},\nu_*L)$ is $S$-smooth.
(The arithmetic genus of $\bar{C}$ is $\frac{1}{2}(n^2 -n+2)$,
the common arithmetic genus to all
$n$-sheeted spectral curves in $T^*\Sigma(P)$.)
Finally we note that, as the tangency point $\tilde{P}$ over $P$ is
marked by having residue $n-1$, it does not have monodromy and
all the KP flows corresponding to it are well define on ${\rm Higgsm}_{S/P}$
as the Hamiltonian vector fields of the functions
$\phi^j_{\tilde{P}}$ given in
\subsubsection{Outline of the proof of the compatibility theorem}
For simplicity we assume that $D = lP$, $l \geq 0$. The general case is
similar replacing ${\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\infty P)$ by
${\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\infty P + D)$.
Let $G_{\infty} :=
GL(n,K)$ be the loop group and $G_{\infty}^{+}$ the level infinity subgroup.
(More canonically,
$K \cong {\Bbb C}((z))$ should be thought of as the completion of
the function field of $\Sigma$ at $P$, and we may postpone the choice
of a coordinate $z$ until we need to choose generators for a
maximal torus ${\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}$ of $G_{\infty}$.)
Denote by $M_{l,k}$, $k\geq l$ the pullback of
$T^*{\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,lP)$ to ${\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,kP)$
via the rational forgetful morphism.
$M:=T^*{\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\infty P)$
is defined as the limit of finite dimensional approximations
(see \ref{sec-finite-dim-approaximations} for the terminology)
T^*{\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\infty P) :=
\lim_{l \rightarrow l}\lim_{\infty \leftarrow k} M_{l,k}.
Denote by $M^s$ (resp. $M_{l,k}^s$)
the subset of $T^*{\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\infty P)$
(resp. $M_{l,k}$)
consisting of triples $(E,\varphi,\eta)$ with a {\em stable} Higgs pair
We arrive at the setup of section \ref{sec-finite-dim-approaximations}
with the Poisson quotient $Q_{\infty} := M^s/G^{+}$ being the direct limit
Higgs_{\infty} := \lim_{l \rightarrow \infty}
We emphasize that the stability condition is used here for the morphism
\[M_{l,k}^s \rightarrow \HiggsModuli^{sm}_{\Sigma}(n,d,lp)\]
between the two
{\em existing} coarse moduli spaces to be well defined, and {\em not} to
define the quotient.
The {\em infinitesimal} loop group action on
${\cal U}_{\infty P} := {\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\infty P)$
(the derivative of the action defined in section \ref{sec-krichever-maps} on
the level of \v{C}ech $1$-cocycles)
may be lifted to an infinitesimal action on its cotangent bundle. The
point is that the infinitesimal action of
$a \in \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}$, with poles of order
$\leq l_0$, is well defined on the finite dimensional approximation
${\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,l P)$ for $l \geq l_0$. Thus, it lifts
to all cotangent bundles $M_{l,l}$, $l\geq l_0$.
$M_{l,k}$ embeds naturally in $M_{k,k}$
as an invariant subvariety. This defines the action on the limit
$T^*{\cal U}_{\Sigma}(n,d,\infty P)$.
As a lifted action it is automatically Poisson. Its moment map
\[\mu_{\infty}^* :
\LieAlg{g}_{\infty} \rightarrow
\Gamma[\StructureSheaf{T^*{\cal U}_{\infty P}},\{,\}]
(the limit of the moment maps for the finite dimensional approximations)
is given by the same formula that we have already encountered for the level
(see \ref{eq-moment-map-of-finite-dim-level-action}):
\begin{equation} \label{eq-moment-map-lifted-loop-group-action}
(\mu_{\infty}^*(a))(E,\varphi,\eta) = Res_{P}trace(a\cdot(\varphi)^{\eta}), \
\ \ a \in \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}.
Choosing a maximal torus ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}} \subset \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}$ of
type $\underline{n}$ we arrive at the setup of section
\ref{sec-type-loci}. In particular, we obtain the type locus
${\rm Higgs}^{\underline{n}}_{\Sigma}(n,d,lp)$ in
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-two-type-loci-coincide}
\item \label{lemma-item-two-type-loci-coincide}
The algebro-geometric definition of the ramification type loci
coincides with the group theoretic definition
\ref{def-group-theoretic-definition-type-loci} when
$char(E,\varphi)$ is an integral (irreducible and reduced) spectral curve.
\item \label{lemma-item-two-galois-covers-coincide}
A choice of generators for a maximal torus ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}$ as in
determines a canonical isomorphism between the group theoretic and
the algebro-geometric $W_{\underline{n}}$-Galois covers.
{\bf Proof:} \ref{lemma-item-two-type-loci-coincide})
The stabilizer $\LieAlg{t} \subset \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}$
of $(\varphi)^{\eta} \in
\LieAlg{g}_{\infty}\otimes_{\StructureSheaf{(P)}} \omega_{\Sigma,(P)}
\cong \LieAlg{g}_{\infty}^*$ with spectral curve
$\pi : C = char(E,\varphi) \rightarrow \Sigma$
is precisely $U^{\eta}$ where $U$ is the
stalk of
$Ker[ad\varphi : \rm End E \rightarrow \rm End E\otimes \omega_{\Sigma}(lP)]$
at the formal punctured neighborhood of $P$.
In addition, $U$ is canonically isomorphic to the
stalk of the structure sheaf
at the formal punctured neighborhood
of the fiber of
$C$ over $P$ via the completion of the canonical embedding:
\pi_*\StructureSheaf{C} \hookrightarrow \pi_*\rm End L
\hookrightarrow \rm End E.
Hence, the level infinity structure $\eta$ provides a {\em canonical}
\begin{equation} \label{eq-isomorphism-of-tori-induced-by-level-structure}
\lambda : \LieAlg{t} \stackrel{\cong}{\rightarrow} U
from the stabilizer algebra $\LieAlg{t}$ to the
structure sheaf at the formal punctured neighborhood of the fiber of
$C$ over $P$.
As the types coincide, we may choose the level infinity structure
$\eta$ so that the stabilizer $\LieAlg{t}$ coincides with the
fixed torus ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}$.
We may further require that the isomorphism
$\lambda$ given by (\ref{eq-isomorphism-of-tori-induced-by-level-structure})
coincides with the one in (\ref{eq-isomorphism-heis-to-structure-sheaf}).
This determines the ${\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$-orbit of $\eta$ uniquely, i.e.,
a point in the group theoretic Galois cover.
and \ref{thm-compatibility-singular-case}
would now follow from corollary \ref{cor-hamiltonians-on-the-base}
provided that we prove that the homomorphism $\phi$ of the theorems
(given by \ref{eq-the-moment-map-for-the-heisenberg-action}) is
indeed the factorization of the ${\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}$-moment map through the
characteristic polynomial map. (Note that the existence of this factorization
follows from diagram (\ref{diag-factoring-the-moment-map-through-base})).
In other words, we need to prove the identity
\begin{equation} \label{eq-equality-of-two-moment-maps}
\sum_{\{P_i\}} Res_{P_i}(\lambda(a)\cdot y_b) =
\ \ \ a\in{\bf heis}_{\underline{n}}, \ b={\rm char}(E,\varphi)
as functions on the set of all Higgs pairs $(E,\varphi,\lambda)$ in
$\widetilde{{\rm Higgs}}_{lp}^{\underline{n}}$
for which the spectral sheaf resolves the singularities
of their spectral curve over $P$
(see definition \ref{def-non-essential-singularities}).
Above, $\eta$ is any level infinity structure in the ${\rm Heis}_{\underline{n}}^+$-orbit
as in the proof of lemma \ref{lemma-two-type-loci-coincide}
or, equivalently, $\lambda(a) = \eta^{-1} \circ a \circ \eta$
where we identify the structure sheaf of the formal punctured neighborhood
with $U$ of that lemma.
If the embedded spectral curve $\bar{C_b}$ is singular,
the $P_i$ are the points over $P$ of its resolution
$\nu: C_b \rightarrow \bar{C_b}$,
and the tautological meromorphic $1$-form
$y_b$ should be replaced by the pullback $\nu^*(y)$
of the tautological $1$-form $y$ on the surface $T^*_{\Sigma}(lP)$.
Conjugating the right hand side of (\ref{eq-equality-of-two-moment-maps})
by $\eta$, we get
\sum_{\{P_i\}} Res_{P_i}(A \cdot \nu^*(y)) =
Res_{P}trace((\pi\circ \nu)_*[A \cdot \nu^*(y)])
for $A$ a (formal) meromorphic function at the fiber over $P$.
Working formally, we can consider only the ``parts'' with first order
pole $r_i dlog{z_i}$ of $A \cdot \nu^*(y)$ at $P_i$.
The equality follows from the identity
$dlog{z_i} = (\pi\circ\nu)^*[\frac{1}{n_i}dlog{z}]$ which imply (projection
formula) that $(\pi\circ\nu)_*(\otimes dlog{z_i})$ acts as
$\frac{1}{n_i}e_{P_i}\otimes dlog{z}$ were $e_{P_i}$ is the
projection onto the eigenspace
of the point $P_i$.
\section{The Cubic Condition and Calabi-Yau threefolds}
We pose in section \ref{sec-families-of-tori} the general question:
when does a family of polarized abelian varieties or complex tori
support a completely integrable system?
In section \ref{subsec-cubic-condition}
we describe a general necessary infinitesimal symmetry condition
on the periods of the family
(the cubic condition of lemmas \ref{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-poisson} and
\ref{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-symplectic}) and a sufficient local condition
(lemmas \ref{lemma-strong-cubic-cond-local-coordinates}
and \ref{lemma-strong-cubic-cond-coordinate-free}).
In section \ref{sec-cy-threefolds} we use the Yukawa cubic
to construct a symplectic structure (and an ACIHS)
on the relative intermediate Jacobian over the moduli space
of gauged Calabi-Yau threefolds (theorem \ref{thm-cy-acihs}).
The symplectic structure extends to the bundle of Deligne cohomologies
and we show that the image of the relative cycle map
as well as bundles of sub-Hodge-structures are isotropic
(corollary \ref{cor-contact-structure-extends-to-deligne-coho}).
\subsection{Families of Tori} \label{sec-families-of-tori}
Consider a Poisson manifold $(X,\psi)$ together with a Lagrangian fibration
\pi : {\cal X} \longrightarrow B
over a base $B$, whose fibers
$$X_b := \pi^{-1}(b), \quad \quad b \in B $$
are tori. (We say $\pi$ is Lagrangian if each fiber $X_b$ is a Lagrangian
submanifold of some symplectic leaf in $\cal X$.) All these objects may be
$C^\infty$, or may be equipped with a complex analytic or algebraic
On $B$ we have the tangent bundle ${\bf T}_B$ as well as the vertical
bundle $\cal V$, whose sections are vector fields along the fibers of $\pi$
which are constant on each torus. The pullback $\pi^*{\cal V}$ is the
relative tangent bundle ${\bf T}_{{\cal X}/B}$; in the analytic or
algebraic situations, we can define $\cal V$ as $\pi_*{\bf T}_{{\cal
X}/B}$. The data $\pi$ and $\psi$ determine an injection
i : {\cal V}^* \hookrightarrow {\bf T}_B
or, equivalently, a surjection
i' : {\bf T}^*_B \twoheadrightarrow {\cal V}
sending a 1-form $\alpha$ on $B$ to the vertical vector field
i'(\alpha) := \pi^* \alpha \, \rfloor \, \psi.
The image $i({\cal V}^*) \subset {\bf T}_B$ is an integrable distribution
on $B$. Its integral manifolds are the images in $B$ of symplectic leaves
in $\cal X$.
In this section we start with a family of tori $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow
B$ and ask whether there is a {\it Lagrangian structure} for $\pi$, i.e. a
Poisson structure on $\cal X$ making the map $\pi$ Lagrangian. More
precisely, we fix $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ and an injection $i :
{\cal V}^* \hookrightarrow {\bf T}_B$ with integrable image, and ask for
existence of a Lagrangian structure $\psi$ on $\cal X$ inducing the given $i$.
In the $C^\infty$ category there are no local obstructions to existence of
a Lagrangian structure: the fibration $\pi$ is locally trivial, so one can
always find action-angle coordinates near each fiber, and use them to
define $\psi$. In the analytic or algebraic categories, on the other hand,
the fibers $X_b$ (complex tori, or abelian varieties) have invariants, given
essentially by their {\it period matrix} $p(X_b)$, so the fibration
may not be analytically locally trivial. We will see that there is an
obstruction to existence of a Lagrangian structure for $\pi : {\cal X}
\rightarrow B$, which we formulate as a symmetry condition on the
derivatives of the period map $p$. These derivatives can be considered as
a linear system of quadrics, and the condition is, roughly, that they be
the polars of some cubic (= section of $\rm Sym^3{\cal V})$.
Let $X$ be a $g$-dimensional complex torus, and $\gamma_1, \cdots ,
\gamma_{2g}$ a basis of the integral homology $H_1(X, {\bf Z})$. There is a
unique basis $\alpha_1 , \cdots, \alpha_g$ for the holomorphic
differentials $H^0(X,\Omega^1_X)$ satisfying
\int_{\gamma_{g+i}} \alpha_j = \delta_{ij}, \quad \quad 1 \le i,j \le g,
so we define the period matrix $P= p(X,\gamma)$ by
p_{ij} := \int_{\gamma_i} \alpha_j, \quad \quad 1 \le i,j \le g.
Riemann's first and second bilinear relations say that $X$ is a principally
polarized abelian variety (PPAV) if and only if $P$ is in {\it Siegel's
half space}:
{\Bbb H}_g := \{ {\rm symmetric} \; g \times g \; {\rm complex \, matrices \,
whose \, imaginary \, part \, is \, positive \, definite} \}.
In terms of a dual basis $\gamma_1^*, \cdots , \gamma_{2g}^*$
of $H^1(X,{\Bbb Z})$, the integral class
$\omega := \sum_{i=1}^{g}\gamma_i^*\wedge\gamma_{g+i}^* \in
H^2(X,{\Bbb Z})$ is a K\"{a}hler class if and only if $P$ is in Siegel's
half space. In this case we call $\omega$ a {\em principal polarization}.
Given a family $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ of PPAVs together with a
continuously varying family of symplectic bases $\gamma_1 , \cdots ,
\gamma_{2g}$ for the fiber homologies, we then get a period map
p : B \longrightarrow {\Bbb H}_g.
If we change the basis $\gamma$ by a symplectic transformation
A & B \\
C & D \\
\right) \in Sp(2g, {\bf Z}),
the period matrix $P$ goes to $(AP + B)$ $(CP + D)^{-1}$. So given a
family $\pi$ without the choice of $\gamma$, we get a multi-valued map of $B$
to ${\Bbb H}_g$, or a map
$$ p : B \longrightarrow {\cal A}_g $$
to the moduli space of PPAV. The latter is a quasi projective variety,
which can be described analytically as the quotient
$$ {\cal A}_g = {\Bbb H}_g/\Gamma$$
of ${\Bbb H}_g$ by the action of the modular group
$$ \Gamma := Sp(2g, {\bf Z}) / (\pm 1).$$
A PPAV $X$ determines a point $[X]$ (or carelessly, $X$) of ${\cal A}_g$.
This point is non-singular if $X$ has no automorphisms other than $\pm 1$,
and then the tangent space $T_{[X]}{\cal A}_g$ can be identified with
$\rm Sym^2V_X$, where $V_X$ is the tangent space (at $0 \in X$) to $X$. This
can be seen by identifying $T_{[X]}{\cal A}_g$ with $T_{[X]} {\Bbb H}_g$ and
recalling that ${\Bbb H}_g$ is an open subset of $\rm Sym^2V_X$. More algebraically,
this follows from elementary deformation theory: all first-order
deformations of $X$ are given by
H^1(X,{\bf T}_X) \approx H^1(X,V_X \, \otimes_{{\bf C}} {\cal O}_X) \approx V_X
\otimes H^1(X, {\cal O}_X) \approx \otimes^2 V_X,
and in there the deformations as abelian variety, i.e., the deformations
preserving the polarization bilinear form on $H_1(X,{\bf Z})$, are given by the
symmetric tensors $\rm Sym^2V_X$.
\subsection{The Cubic Condition} \label{subsec-cubic-condition}
Our condition for an analytic or algebraic family $\pi : {\cal X}
\rightarrow B$ of PPAVs, given by a period map $p : B \rightarrow {\cal
A}_g$, to have a Lagrangian structure $\psi$ inducing a given $i : {\cal
V}^* \hookrightarrow {\bf T}_B$, can now be stated as follows. The
differential of $p$ is a map of bundles:
$$ dp : {\bf T}_B \longrightarrow \rm Sym^2{\cal V}, $$
so the composite
$$ dp \circ i \; : \; {\cal V}^* \longrightarrow \rm Sym^2 {\cal V}$$
can be considered as a section of ${\cal V} \otimes \rm Sym^2{\cal V}$, and the
condition is that it should come from the subbundle $\rm Sym^3{\cal V}$. In
other words, there should exist a cubic $c \in H^0(B,\; Sym^3{\cal V})$
whose polar quadrics give the directional derivatives of the period map: if
the tangent vector $\partial / \partial b \in T_bB$ equals $i(\beta)$ for
$\beta \in {\cal V}^*$, then:
$$ {\partial p \over \partial b} = \beta \, \rfloor \, c.$$
We give two versions of this cubic condition. In the first, we check the
existence of a two vector $\psi$, not necessarily satisfying the Jacobi
identity, for which $\pi$ is Lagrangian, and which induces a given
injection $i : {\cal V}^* \hookrightarrow {\bf T}_B$. (Note that neither
the definition of the map $i$ induced by the two-vector $\psi$, nor the
notion of $\pi$ being Lagrangian, require $\psi$ to be Poisson.)
\begin{lem}\label{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-poisson} \ (Weak cubic condition,
Poisson form). \ A family $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ of polarized
abelian varieties has a two vector $\psi$ satisfying
a) $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ is Lagrangian\\
b) $\psi$ induces a given $i : {\cal V}^* \hookrightarrow {\bf T}_B$ \\
if and only if
$$ dp \circ i \in {\rm Hom}({\cal V}^*, Sym^2 {\cal V}) $$
comes from a cubic
$$c \in H^0(B, \; Sym^3{\cal V}).$$
Moreover, in this case there is a unique such 2-vector $\psi$ which
satisfies also
c) The zero section $z : B \rightarrow {\cal X}$ is
Lagrangian, i.e., $(T^*_{{\cal X}/B})|_{z(B)}$ is $\psi$-isotropic
(here we identify the conormal bundle of the zero section with
$(T^*_{{\cal X}/B})|_{z(B)}$.)
{\bf Proof:}
(Note: we refer below to the vertical bundle
${\bf T}_{{\cal X}/B}$ by its, somewhat indirect, realization as the pullback
$\pi^*{\cal V}$.)
The short exact sequence of sheaves on $\cal X$:
0 \rightarrow \pi^*{\cal V} \rightarrow {\bf T}_{\cal X} \rightarrow
\pi^*{\bf T}_B \rightarrow 0
determines a subsheaf $\cal F$ of $\Wedge{2}{\bf T}_{\cal X}$ which fits
in the exact sequences:
0 &\rightarrow& {\cal F} &\rightarrow& \Wedge{2}{\bf T}_{\cal X}
&\rightarrow& \pi^*\Wedge{2}{\bf T}_B &\rightarrow& 0 \\
0 &\rightarrow& \pi^*\Wedge{2}{\cal V} &\rightarrow& {\cal F} &\rightarrow&
\pi^*({\cal V} \otimes {\bf T}_B) &\rightarrow& 0. \\
The map $\pi$ is Hamiltonian with respect to the two-vector $\psi \in
H^0(B_{\cal X}, \Wedge{2}{\bf T}_{\cal X})$ if and only if $\psi$ goes to
$0$ in $\Wedge{2}{\bf T}_B$, i.e., if and only if it comes from $H^0({\cal
F})$. The question is therefore whether $i \in H^0(B, {\cal V} \otimes
{\bf T}_B) \subset H^0({\cal X}, \pi^*({\cal V} \otimes {\bf T}_B))$
is in the image of $H^0({\cal X},{\cal F})$. Locally in $B$, this happens
if and only if $i$ goes to $0$ under the coboundary map
\pi_*\pi^*({\cal V} \otimes {\bf T}_B) &\longrightarrow& R^1 \pi_*\pi^*
\Wedge{2}{\cal V} \\
\parallel & & \parallel \\
{\cal V} \otimes {\bf T}_B &\longrightarrow& \Wedge{2} {\cal V} \otimes
{\cal V}. \\
This latter map factors through the period map
1 \otimes dp \; : \; {\cal V} \otimes {\bf T}_B \longrightarrow {\cal V}
\otimes \rm Sym^2{\cal V}
and a Koszul map
{\cal V} \otimes \rm Sym^2{\cal V} \longrightarrow \Wedge{2}{\cal V} \otimes
{\cal V}.
Now exactness of the Koszul sequence
0 \rightarrow {\rm \rm Sym}^3 {\cal V} \rightarrow {\cal V} \otimes {\rm \rm Sym}^2
{\cal V} \rightarrow \Wedge{2} {\cal V} \otimes {\cal V}
shows that the desired $\psi$ exists if and only if
dp \circ i \; = \; (1 \otimes dp)(i) \in {\cal V} \otimes \rm Sym^2 {\cal V}
is in the subspace $\rm Sym^3{\cal V}$. (The Hamiltonian map $\pi$ will
automatically be Lagrangian, since $i$ is injective.)
We conclude that, locally on $B$, $i$ lifts to a $2$-vector $\psi$
satisfying conditions a), b), if and only if $dp \circ i$ is a cubic. If
$\psi_1,\psi_2$ are two such lifts then
$\psi_1 - \psi_2 \in H^0({\cal X},\Wedge{2} \pi^*{\cal V})$.
Moreover, $\psi_1 - \psi_2$ is
determined by its restriction to the zero section because
$\Wedge{2}\pi^*{\cal V}$ restricts to a trivial bundle on each fiber.
The zero section induces a splitting
${\bf T}_{{\cal X}_{|z(B)}} \simeq \pi^*{\bf T}_B
\oplus (\pi^*{\cal V})_{|z(B)}$
and hence a well defined pullback
$z^*(\psi) \in H^0(B, \stackrel{2}{\wedge} {\cal V})$ (locally on $B$).
The normalizations $\psi - \pi^*(z^*(\psi))$ patch to a unique
global section satisfying a), b) c).
The symplectic version of this lemma is:
\begin{lem}: \label{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-symplectic} (Weak cubic
condition, quasi-symplectic form). A family $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ of
principally polarized abelian varieties has a $2$-form $\sigma$ satisfying
a) $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ has isotropic fibers,\\
b) $\sigma$ induces a given (injective) homomorphism $j : {\bf T}_B
\hookrightarrow {\cal V}^*,$
if and only if
$$ (1\otimes j^*)\circ dp \in \rm Hom({\bf T}_B,{\bf T}^*_B\otimes {\cal V}) \cong
{\bf T}^*_B\otimes {\bf T}^*_B\otimes {\cal V}
\ \ \mbox{is} \ \mbox{in} \ \ \rm Sym^2{\bf T}^*_B\otimes {\cal V}.
Moreover, in this case, there exists a unique 2-form $\sigma$ satisfying
a), b), and the additional condition
c) the zero section is isotropic $(z^*\sigma = 0)$.
{\rm Riemann's first bilinear condition implies further that
$(1\otimes j^*)\circ dp$ maps to $\rm Sym^3{\bf T}^*_B$,
i.e., $(\rm Sym^{2}j^*)\circ dp
\in {\rm Hom}({\bf T}_B,\rm Sym^2{\bf T}^*_B)$
comes from a cubic $c \in H^0(B, \rm Sym^3{\bf T}^*_B)$.}
The cubic condition for an embedding $j : {\bf T}_B \hookrightarrow {\cal V}^*$
does not
guarantee that the induced 2-form $\sigma$ on $\cal X$ is closed. In that
sense, the cubic condition is a necessary condition for $j$ to induce a
symplectic structure while the following condition is necessary and
sufficient (but, in general, harder to verify).
\underline{Closedness Criterion for a Symplectic Form:}
Given a family $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ of polarized abelian
varieties and a surjective $j' : {\cal V} \rightarrow {\bf T}^*_B$,
there exists a {\it
closed} $2$-form $\sigma$ on $\cal X$ satisfying conditions a), b), c) of
Lemma \ref{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-symplectic} if and only if $j'({\cal
H}_1({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z})) \subset {\bf T}^*_B$ is a Lagrangian lattice in $T^*B$,
i.e., if locally on $B$ it consists of closed $1$-forms.
Moreover, the $2$-form $\sigma$ is uniquely determined by $j'$.
{\bf Proof:} \ $j'({\cal H}_1({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z}))$ is Lagrangian
$\Longleftrightarrow$ the canonical symplectic structure
on $T^*B$ is translation invariant under $j'({\cal H}_1({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z}))$
$\Longleftrightarrow$ $(j')^*(\tilde{\sigma})$ descends to the unique
$\sigma$ on ${\cal X} = {\cal V}/{\cal H}_1({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z})$ satisfying
conditions a), b),
c) of Lemma \ref{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-symplectic}.
It is instructive to relate the cubic condition to the above criterion.
This is done in lemma \ref{lemma-strong-cubic-cond-local-coordinates}
in a down to earth manner and is reformulated in lemma
as a coordinate free criterion.
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-strong-cubic-cond-local-coordinates}
\ (``Strong Cubic Condition'')
Let $V$ be a $g$-dimensional vector space, $\{e_1$ ,$\cdots$, $e_g \}$ a basis,
$B \subset V^*$ an open subset,
$p:B \rightarrow {\Bbb H}_g \hookrightarrow \rm Sym^2V$
a holomorphic map (${\Bbb H}_g$ is embedded in $\rm Sym^2V$ via the basis $\{e_j\}$),
$\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ the corresponding family of principally
polarized abelian varieties. Then the following are equivalent:
(i) There exists a symplectic structure $\sigma$ on ${\cal X}$
such that $\pi : ({\cal X},\sigma) \rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian fibration and
$\sigma$ induces the identity isomorphism
{\rm id} \in \rm Hom({\bf T}_{{\cal X}/B}, \pi^*{\bf T}^*_B) \simeq
\rm Hom(\pi^*{\cal V},\pi^*{\cal V}).
(ii) $p : B \rightarrow \rm Sym^2V$ is, locally in $B$, the Hessian of a
function on $B$,\\
(iii) $dp \in {\rm Hom}({\bf T}_B, \rm Sym^2{\cal V}) \simeq
({\cal V} \otimes \rm Sym^2{\cal V})$
is a section of $\rm Sym^3{\cal V}.$
{\bf Proof:} \ Let $\{e^*_j\}$ be the dual basis of $V$.
\underline{(i) $\Leftrightarrow$ (iii):}
By the closedness criterion above, there exists $\sigma$ as in (i)
if and only if the subsheaf of lattices
${\cal H}^1({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z}) \subset T^*B$ is Lagrangian, i.e.,
if and only if its basis
\{e_1,\cdots,e_g, (p \; \rfloor \; e^*_1), \cdots,
(p \; \rfloor \; e^*_g) \}
consists of closed $1$-forms. The $e_i$'s are automatically closed.
If we regard the differential $dp$
as a section of ${\bf T}^*_B \otimes \rm Sym^2{\cal V}$, then
the two-form $d(p \; \rfloor \; e^*_j)$ is equal to
the anti-symmetric part of the contraction
$dp \rfloor \; e^*_j \in {\bf T}^*_B \otimes {\cal V} \cong
{\cal V}\otimes {\cal V}$. Hence,
closedness of $(p \; \rfloor \; e^*_j)$, $1 \le j \le g$,
is equivalent to the symmetry of $dp \in {\cal V}\otimes \rm Sym^2{\cal V}$
also with respect to the first two factors, i.e., to $dp$
being a section of $\rm Sym^3{\cal V}$.
\underline{(ii) $\Rightarrow$ (iii)}. \ \ Clear.
\underline{(iii) $\Rightarrow$ (ii)}. \ \ Follows from the Poincare lemma.
The additional information contained in the ``Strong Cubic Condition'' and
lacking in the ``Weak Cubic Condition'' is that a Lagrangian sublattice
(with respect to the polarization) ${\cal L} \subset {\cal H}_1({\cal X}/B,
{\bf Z})$ is mapped via $j' : {\cal V} \tilde{\rightarrow} {\bf T}^*_B$ to a
sublattice $j'({\cal L}) \subset T^*B$ Lagrangian with respect to the
holomorphic symplectic structure on $T^*B$. (In the above lemma, ${\cal L}
= {\rm Sp} \{ e_1,\cdots,e_g \}$). The coordinate free reformulation of
lemma \ref{lemma-strong-cubic-cond-local-coordinates} is:
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-strong-cubic-cond-coordinate-free}
(``Strong cubic condition'')
\ Let $j' : {\cal V} \tilde{\rightarrow} {\bf T}^*_B$ be an
isomorphism of the vertical bundle
${\cal V} = R^0_{\pi_*}(T_{{\cal X}/B})$ of
the family $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ of polarized abelian varieties
with the cotangent bundle of the base.
Assume only that $j'$ maps a sublattice
${\cal L} \subset {\cal H}_1({\cal X}/B, Z)$
Lagrangian with respect to the polarization to a sublattice
$j'({\cal L}) \subset T^*B$ Lagrangian with respect to the holomorphic
symplectic structure on $T^*B$. Then there exists a symplectic structure
$\sigma$ on $\cal X$ s.t. $\pi : {\cal X} \rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian
fibration and inducing $j'$ if and only if $j'$ satisfies the weak cubic
condition, i.e.
dp \circ i \in H^0(B,\rm Sym^3{\cal V}) \quad \quad \mbox{where}
\ \ i = (j')^{*^{-1}}.
{\rm In most cases however, $j'({\cal L})$ being Lagrangian implies
$j'({\cal H}_1({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z}))$ being Lagrangian via the global monodromy
action and without reference to the weak cubic condition.}
Finally we remark that the above discussion applies verbatim to the case of
polarized complex tori (not necessarily algebraic) since only the first
Riemann bilinear condition was used.
\subsection{An Integrable System for Calabi-Yau Threefolds}
The {\it Hodge group} $H^{p,q}$ of an $n$-dimensional compact K\"{a}hler
manifold $X$ is defined as the space of harmonic forms on $X$ of type
$(p,q)$, i.e. involving $p$ holomorphic and $q$ antiholomorphic
differentials. Equivalently, $H^{p,q}$ is isomorphic to the $q-th$
cohomology $H^q(X, \Omega^p)$ of the sheaf of holomorphic $p$-forms on $X$.
The {\it Hodge theorem} gives a natural decomposition of the complex
H^k(X,{\bf C}) \approx \oplus_{p+q=k} \; H^{p,q}
\approx \oplus_{p+q=k} \; H^q(\Omega^p).
The {\it Hodge number} $h^{p,q}$ is the complex dimension of $H^{p,q}$.
The {\it Hodge filtration} of $H^k(X,{\bf C})$ is defined by
F^iH^k(X,{\bf C}) := \oplus_{\stackrel{p+q=k}{p \geq i}} \; H^{p,q}.
The {\it k-th intermediate Jacobian} of $X$
$$J^k(X) := H^{2k-1}(X,{\bf C})/(F^kH^{2k-1}(X,{\bf C}) + H^{2k-1}(X,{\bf Z}))$$
$$\approx (F^{n-k+1} H^{2n-2k+1}(X,{\bf C}))^*/H_{2n-2k+1}(X,{\bf Z}).$$
Elementary properties of the Hodge filtration imply that this is a complex
torus, but generally not an abelian variety unless $k=1$ or $k=n$: it
satisfies Riemann's first bilinear condition (which expresses the skew
symmetry of the cup product on $H^{2k-1}$), but not the second, since the
sign of the product (on primitive pieces) will vary with the parity of $p$.
The extreme cases correspond to the connected component of the Picard
$(k=1)$ and Albanese $(k=n)$ varieties.
The Hodge decomposition does not depend holomorphically on parameters, since
both holomorphic and antiholomorphic differentials are involved. The
advantage of the Hodge filtration is that it does vary holomorphically and
even algebraically when $X$ is algebraic. The $F^p$ can be defined
algebraically, as the hypercohomology of the complex
\begin{equation} \label{eq-the-quotient-of-the-algebraic-derham-complex}
0 \rightarrow
\Omega^p \rightarrow \Omega^{p+1} \rightarrow \cdots \rightarrow \Omega^n
\rightarrow 0.
In particular, the intermediate Jacobian $J^k(X)$
varies holomorphically with $X$. This means that a smooth analytic family
${\cal X} \rightarrow B$ of compact K\"{a}hler manifolds gives rise to
analytic vector bundles $F^i{\cal H}^k({\cal X}/B)$ and to smooth analytic
families ${\cal J}^k({\cal X}/B) \longrightarrow B$ of intermediate
Jacobians of the fibers.
The bundle ${\cal H}^k({\cal X}/B)$ is the complexification of a bundle
${\cal H}^k({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z})$ of discrete groups. In particular, it has a
natural local trivialization. In other words, it admits a natural flat
connection, called the {\it Gauss-Manin} connection. The holomorphic
subbundles $F^i{\cal H}^k({\cal X}/B)$ are in general not invariant with
respect to this connection, since the Hodge decomposition and filtration do
change from point to point. {\it Griffiths' transversality} says that when
a holomorphic section of $F^i{\cal H}^k$ is differentiated, it can move at
most one step:
$$ \nabla(F^i{\cal H}^k) \subset F^{i-1}{\cal H}^k \otimes \Omega^1_B.
An $n$-dimensional compact K\"{a}hler manifold $X$ is called {\it
Calabi-Yau} if it has trivial canonical bundle,
\omega_X = \Omega_X^n \; \approx \; {\cal O}_X,
and satisfies
h^{p,0} = 0 \ {\rm for} \ 0 < p < n.
A {\it gauged Calabi-Yau} is a pair $(X,s)$ consisting of a Calabi-Yau
manifold $X$ together with a non-zero volume form
s : {\cal O}_X \stackrel{\approx}{\longrightarrow} \omega_X.
A theorem of Bogomolov, Tian and Todorov
\cite{bogomolov,Ti,To} says that $X$ has
a smooth (local analytic) universal deformation space $M_X$.
We say that a family $\chi: {\cal X} \rightarrow {\cal M}$ of Calabi-Yaus
$X_t, t\in {\cal M}$, is {\em complete} if the local classifying map
${\cal M} \supset U_t \rightarrow M_{X_t}$ is an isomorphism
for some neighborhood of every point $t \in {\cal M}$.
It follows that ${\cal M}$ is smooth and that the tangent space at $t$ to
${\cal M}$ is naturally isomorphic to
$H^1(X, {\bf T}_X)$. Typically, such families might consist of all Calabi-Yaus
in some open subset of moduli, together with some ``level'' structure.
The choice of gauge $s$ gives an isomorphism
\rfloor \;s : {\bf T}_X \longrightarrow \Omega^{n-1}_X,
hence an isomorphism
T_X{\cal M} \; \approx \; H^{n-1,1}(X).
Starting with a complete family $\chi : {\cal X} \rightarrow {\cal M}$, we
can construct
\item The bundle ${\cal J}^k \rightarrow {\cal M}$ of intermediate
Jacobians of the Calabi-Yau fibers.
\item The space $\tilde{\cal M}$ of gauged Calabi-Yaus, a
${\bf C}^*$-bundle over ${\cal M}$ obtained by removing the $0$-section from the
line bundle $\chi_*(\omega_{{\cal X}/{\cal M}}).$
\item The fiber product
$$\tilde{\cal J}^k := {\cal J}^k \; \times_{\cal M} \; \tilde{\cal M} ,
which is an analytic family of complex tori $\pi : \tilde{\cal J}^k
\rightarrow \tilde{\cal M}$.
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-cy-acihs}
Let ${\cal X} \rightarrow {\cal M}$ be a complete family of
Calabi-Yau manifolds of odd
dimension $n=2k-1 \geq 3$. Then there exists a canonical closed
holomorphic $2$-form $\sigma$ on
the relative $k$-th intermediate Jacobian $\pi : \tilde{\cal J} \rightarrow
\tilde{\cal M}$ with respect to which $\pi$ has maximal isotropic
fibers. When $n=3$, the $2$-form $\sigma$ is a symplectic structure and
$\pi : \tilde{\cal J} \rightarrow \tilde{\cal M}$
is an analytically completely integrable Hamiltonian system.
{\bf Proof.}
\underline{Step I.} \ There is a canonical isomorphism
$$T_{(X,s)} \tilde{\cal M} \; \approx \; F^{n-1} H^n(X,{\bf C}).$$
Indeed, the natural map $p : \tilde{\cal M} \rightarrow {\cal M}$ gives a
short exact sequence
0 \rightarrow T_{(X,s)}(\tilde{\cal M}/{\cal M}) \rightarrow T_{(X,s)}
\tilde{\cal M} \rightarrow T_X{\cal M} \rightarrow 0,
in which the subspace can be naturally identified with $H^0(\omega_X) =
H^0(\Omega^n_X)$, and the quotient with $H^1({\bf T}_X)$, which goes
isomorphically to $H^1(\Omega^{n-1}_X)$ by $\rfloor \; s$. What we are
claiming is that this sequence can be naturally identified with the one
defining $F^{n-1}H^n$:
0 \rightarrow H^0 (\omega_X) \rightarrow F^{n-1} \rightarrow H^1
(\Omega^{n-1}_X) \rightarrow 0,$$
i.e., that the extension data match, globally over $\tilde{\cal M}$. To see
this we need a natural map $T_{(X,x)} \tilde{\cal M} \rightarrow F^{n-1}
H^n$ inducing the identity on the sub and quotient spaces.
Over $\tilde{\cal M}$ there is a tautological section $s$ of $F^n{\cal
H}^n(\tilde{\cal X}/\tilde{\cal M},{\bf C})$. The Gauss-Manin connection
defines an embedding
\nabla_{(\cdot)}s : T_{(X,s)} \tilde{\cal M} \longrightarrow H^n(X,{\bf C}).
Griffiths' transversality implies that the image is in $F^{n-1}H^n(X,{\bf C})$.
Clearly $\nabla_{(\cdot)}s$ has the required properties.
We will need also a description of the isomorphism in terms of Dolbeault
cohomology. We think of a 1-parameter family $(X_t,s_t) \in
\tilde{\cal M}$, depending on the parameter $t$, as living on a fixed
topological model $X$ on which there are families $\bar{\partial}_t$ of
complex structures (given by their $\bar{\partial}$-operator) and $s_t$ of
$C^\infty$ $n$-forms, such that $s_t$ is of type $(n,0)$ with respect to
$\bar{\partial}_t$, all $t$. Since the $s_t$ are now on a fixed underlying
$X$, we can differentiate with respect to $t$:
s_t = s_0 + ta \quad \quad ({\rm mod}\;t^2).
Griffiths transversality now says that $a$ is in $F^{n-1}H^n(X_0)$. It
clearly depends only on the tangent vector to $\tilde{\cal M}$ along
$(X_t,s_t)$ at $t = 0$, so we get a map $T_{(X,s)} \tilde{\cal M}
\longrightarrow F^{n-1}H^n$ with the desired properties.
\underline{Step II}. Let ${\cal V}$ be the vertical bundle on
$\tilde{\cal M}$ coming from $\pi:\tilde{\cal J} \rightarrow \tilde{\cal M}$.
It is
isomorphic to
F^k{\cal H}^n(\tilde{\cal X}/\tilde{\cal M})^*
(recall $n = 2k-1$). Combining with Step I, we get a natural injection
$$j : {\bf T}_{\tilde{\cal M}} \hookrightarrow {\cal V}^*, $$
which above a given $(X,s)$ is the inclusion of $F^{n-1}H^n(X)$ into
$F^kH^n(X)$. Its transpose
j' : {\cal V} \twoheadrightarrow T^*\tilde{\cal M}
determines a closed $2$-form $\sigma := (j')^* \tilde{\sigma}$ on $\cal V$,
where $\tilde{\sigma}$ is the standard symplectic form on $T^* \tilde{\cal
M}$ (see example \ref{examples-symplectic-varieties}).
By construction, the fibers of $\cal V$ over $\tilde{\cal M}$
are maximal isotropic with respect to this form.
\underline{Step III}. We need to verify that $\tilde{\sigma}$ descends to
$${\cal J}^k(\tilde{\cal X} /\tilde{\cal M} ) = {\cal V}/{\cal H}_n
(\tilde{\cal X}/\tilde{\cal M}, {\bf Z}).$$
Equivalently, a locally constant integral cycle
\gamma \in \Gamma(B,{\cal H}_n(\tilde{\cal X} / \tilde{\cal M},{\bf Z})),
defined over some open subset $B$ of $\tilde{\cal M}$, gives a section of
$\cal V$ on $B$; hence through $j'$, a $1$-form $\xi$ on $B$, and we need
this $1$-form to be closed. Explicitly, if $a$ is a section of
${\bf T}_{\tilde{\cal M}}$ over $B$, we have
a \, \rfloor s \in \Gamma (B, F^{n-1}{\cal H}^n(\tilde{\cal X} /\tilde{\cal
\subset \Gamma(B, {\cal H}^n(\tilde{\cal X} /\tilde{\cal M}))
and $\xi$ is defined by:
\langle \xi,a \rangle := \int_\gamma \; (a \rfloor s).
Consider the function
g : B \longrightarrow {\bf C} \\
g(X,s) := \int_\gamma \; s. \\
If we set
a = \left. {\partial \over {\partial t}} \right|_{t=0} (X_t,s_t)
as in Step I, we get:
\langle dg,a \rangle = \left.
{\partial \over {\partial t}} \right|_{t=0} \; g(X_t,s_t) =
\left. {\partial \over {\partial t}} \right|_{t=0} \; \int_\gamma \; s_t =
\int_\gamma \; (a\, \rfloor s) = \langle \xi, a \rangle,
so $\xi = dg$ is closed.
\begin{rem} \label{rem-to-thm-cy-acihs}
\item[(1)] The most interesting case is clearly $n=3$, when
$\tilde{{\cal J}}$ has
an honest symplectic structure. The cubic field on $\tilde{\cal M}$
corresponding to this structure by
lemma \ref{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-poisson}
made its first appearance in \cite{BG}
and is essentially the {\it Yukawa coupling}, popular among physicists and
mirror-symmetry enthusiasts. At $(X,x) \in \tilde{\cal M}$ there is a
natural cubic form on $H^1({\bf T}_x)$:
c : \otimes^3H^{1}({\bf T}_X) \rightarrow H^3(\Wedge{3}{\bf T}_X) = H^3(\omega^{-1}_X)
\stackrel{\cdot s^2}{\rightarrow} H^3(\omega_X) \RightArrowOf{\int} {\bf C},
which pulls back to the required cubic on ${\bf T}_{(X,s)}\tilde{{\cal M}}$. Hodge
theoretically, this cubic can be interpreted as the third iterate of the
infinitesimal variation of the periods, or the Hodge structure, of $X$ c.f.
\cite{IVHS-I} and \cite{BG}. By Griffiths transversality, each tangent
direction on ${\cal M}$, $\theta \in H^1({\bf T}_X)$, determines a linear map
\theta_i : H^{i,3-i} \longrightarrow H^{i-1,4-i} \quad \quad i = 3,2,1,
and clearly the composition
\theta_1 \circ \theta_2 \circ \theta_3 : H^{3,0} \longrightarrow H^{0,3}
becomes $c(\theta)$ when we use $s$ to identify $H^{3,0}$ and its dual
$H^{0,3}$ with ${\bf C}$.
\item[(2)] For $n=2k-1 \geq 5$, we get a closed $2$-form on $\tilde{\cal J}$
which is in general not of maximal rank. The corresponding cubic is
identically $0$. Hodge theoretically, the ``cubic'' multiplies the gauge
$s \in H^0(\omega_X)$ by two elements of $H^1({\bf T}_X)$ (landing in
$H^{n-2,2}$) and then with an element of $F^kH^n$. When $k > 2$ there are
too many $dz's$, so the product vanishes.
\item[(3)] The symplectic form $\sigma$ which we constructed on
$\tilde{\cal J}$ is actually exact. Recall that the natural symplectic
form $\tilde{\sigma}$ on $T^*\tilde{\cal M}$ is exact: $\tilde{\sigma} =
d\tilde{\alpha}$, where $\tilde{\alpha}$ is the action $1$-form. We
obtained $\sigma$ by pulling $\tilde{\sigma}$ back to
$(j')^*\tilde{\sigma}$ on ${\cal V}$, and observing that the latter is
invariant under translation by locally constant integral cycles $\gamma$,
hence descends to $\tilde{{\cal J}}$.
Now a first guess for the
anti-differential of $\sigma$ would be the $1$-form $(j')^*
\tilde{\alpha}$; but this is {\it not} invariant under translation: if the
cycle $\gamma$ corresponds, as in Step III of the proof, to a $1$-form
$\xi$ on $\tilde{\cal M}$, then the translation by $\gamma$ changes $(j')^*
\tilde{\alpha}$ by $\pi^*\xi$, where $\pi : {\cal V} \rightarrow
\tilde{\cal M}$ is the projection. To fix this discrepancy, we consider
the tautological function $f \in \Gamma({\cal O}_{\cal V})$ whose value at
a point $(X,s,v) \in {\cal V}$ (where $(X,s) \in \tilde{\cal M}$ and $v \in
F^kH^n(X)^*)$ is given by
\begin{equation} \label{eq-moment-map}
f(X,s,v) = v(s).
This $f$ is linear on the fibers of $\pi$, so $df$ is constant on these
fibers, and therefore translation by $\gamma$ changes $df$ by $\pi^*$ of a
$1$-form on the base $\tilde{\cal M}$. This $1$-form is clearly $\xi$, so
we conclude that
\begin{equation} \label{eq-contact-structure}
(j')^* \tilde{\alpha} - df
is a global 1-form on ${\cal V}$ which is invariant under translation by
each $\gamma$, hence descends to a $1$-form $\alpha$ on $\tilde{{\cal J}}$.
It satisfies $d\alpha = \sigma$, as claimed.
Another way to see the exactness of $\sigma$ on $\tilde{{\cal J}}$
is to note that it comes from a {\it quasi-contact structure} $\kappa$ on
${\cal J}$.
By a quasi-contact structure we mean a line subbundle
$\kappa$ of $T^*{\cal J}$. It determines a tautological $1$-form
on the ${\bf C}^*$-bundle $\tilde{\cal J}$ obtain from $\kappa$ by omitting its
zero section. Hence, it determines also an exact $2$-form $\sigma$
on $\tilde{\cal J}$.
We refer to the pair $(\tilde{\cal J},\sigma)$ as the
{\em quasi-symplectification} of $({\cal J},\kappa)$.
Conversely, according to \cite{AG}, page
78, a $2$-form $\sigma$ on a manifold $\tilde{\cal J}$ with a ${\bf C}^*$-action
$\rho$ is the quasi-symplectification of a line subbundle of the cotangent
bundle of the quotient ${\cal J}$ if and only if $\sigma$ is homogeneous of
degree $1$ with respect to $\rho$ (and the contraction of $\sigma$ with the
vector field generating $\rho$ is nowhere vanishing).
In our case, there
are two independent ${\bf C}^*$-actions on the total space of $T^*\tilde{{\cal M}}
\simeq [F^{n-1}{\cal H}^n(\tilde{\cal X} / \tilde{\cal M} , {\bf C})]^*$: the
${\bf C}^*$-action on $\tilde{\cal M}$ lifts to an action $\bar{\rho}'$ on
$T^*\tilde{\cal M}$, and there is also the action $\bar{\rho}''$ which
commutes with the projection to $\tilde{\cal M}$ and is linear on the
fibers. The symplectic form $\tilde{\sigma}$ is homogeneous of weight $0$
with respect to $\bar{\rho}'$ and of weight $1$ with respect to
$\bar{\rho}''$, hence of weight $1$ with respect to $\bar{\rho} :=
\bar{\rho}' \cdot \bar{\rho}''$. Hence, $\tilde{\sigma}$ is the
symplectification of a contact structure on $T^*\tilde{\cal M}/\bar{\rho}
\simeq [F^{n-1}{\cal H}^n({\cal X} / {\cal M}, {\bf C})]^*$
(suppressing the gauge).
Denote a point in $[F^{n-1}{\cal H}^n(\tilde{\cal X} / \tilde{\cal M},
{\bf C})]^*$ by $(X,s,\xi)$. The actions, for $t \in {\bf C}^*$, are given by:
\bar{\rho}' &:& (X,s,\xi) \longmapsto (X, ts, t^{-1} \xi) \\
\bar{\rho}'' &:& (X,s,\xi) \longmapsto (X, s, t\xi) \\
\bar{\rho} &:& (X,s,\xi) \longmapsto (X, ts, \xi). \\
The function $f$ on ${\cal V}$, given by (\ref{eq-moment-map}),
is the pullback
$(j')^*(\bar{f})$ of the function $\bar{f}$ on $T^*\tilde{{\cal M}}$
given by
\bar{f}(X,s,\xi) = \xi(s).
The symplectic structure $\tilde{\sigma}$ on $T^*\tilde{\cal M}$ takes the
vector fields generating the actions $\bar{\rho}', \bar{\rho}''$, and
$\bar{\rho}$ to the $1$-forms $-d\bar{f}, \tilde{\alpha}$ and
$\tilde{\alpha} - d \bar{f}$, respectively.
The $1$-form $\tilde{\alpha} - d \bar{f}$,
which is homogeneous of degree $1$ with
respect to $\bar{\rho}$, is the $1$-form canonically associated to the
contact structure on $T^*\tilde{\cal M}/\bar{\rho}
\simeq [F^{n-1}{\cal H}^n({\cal X} / {\cal M}, {\bf C})]^*$
(namely, the contraction of $\tilde{\sigma}$ with the vector field of
Similarly, we have three action $\rho', \rho''$ and $\rho =
\rho' \cdot \rho'' $ on the total space of ${\cal V} \simeq
[F^k {\cal H}^n( \tilde{\cal X}/ \tilde{\cal M}, {\bf C})]^*$. The surjective
homomorphism $j' : {\cal V} \rightarrow T^* \tilde{\cal M}$ is $(\rho',
\bar{\rho}' ), (\rho'', \bar{\rho}'')$, and $(\rho ,\bar{\rho})$-equivariant.
The $1$-form $\tilde{\alpha} - d \bar{f}$ pulls back to the $1$-form
$(j')^*(\tilde{\alpha}) - df$ given by
(\ref{eq-contact-structure}). Clearly, the
action $\rho$ commutes with translations by ${\cal H}_n(\tilde{\cal X} /
\tilde{\cal M}, {\bf Z})$. Since the $2$-form $(j')^*\tilde{\sigma}$ is also
${\cal H}_n(\tilde{\cal X} / \tilde{\cal M}, {\bf Z})$-equivariant,
$(j')^*(\alpha) - df$ descends to a $1$-form $\alpha$ on $\tilde{\cal J}$.
Clearly, $d\alpha = \sigma$ and $\alpha$ is homogeneous of degree $1$ with
respect to the ${\bf C}^*$-action on $\tilde{\cal J}$. Hence $\alpha$ comes
from a quasi-contact structure $\kappa$ on ${\cal J}$.
The Abel-Jacobi map of a curve to its Jacobian has an analogue for
intermediate Jacobians. Let $Z$ be a codimensional-$k$ cycle in $X$, i.e.
a formal linear combination $Z = \sum m_i Z_i$, with integer
coefficients, of codimension $k$ subvarieties $Z_i \subset X$. If $Z$ is
homologous to $0$, we can associate to it a point $\mu(Z) \in {\cal
J}^k(X)$, as follows. Choose a real $(2n-2k+1)$-chain $\Gamma$ in $X$
whose boundary is $Z$, and let $\mu(Z)$ be the image in
{\cal J}^k(X) \approx (F^{n-k+1} H^{2n-2k+1}(X,{\bf C}))^* / H_{2n-2k+1}(X,{\bf Z})
of the linear functional
\int_\Gamma \in (F^{n-k+1} H^{2n-2k+1}(X,{\bf C}))^*
sending a cohomology class represented by a harmonic form $\alpha$ to
$\int_\Gamma \alpha$. Changing the choice of $\Gamma$ changes
$\int_\Gamma$ by an integral class, so $\mu(Z)$ depends only on $Z$. This
construction depends continuously on its parameters: given a family
$\pi:{\cal X} \rightarrow B$ and a family ${\cal Z} \rightarrow B$ of
codimension-$k$ cycles in the fibers which are homologous to $0$ in the
fibers, we get the {\it normal function}, or Abel-Jacobi map
\mu : B \longrightarrow {\cal J}^k({\cal X}/B)
to the family of intermediate Jacobians of the fibers.
Abstractly, a normal function $\nu:B \rightarrow {\cal J}^k({\cal X}/B)$ is a
section satisfying the infinitesimal condition:
{\em Any lift
\tilde{\nu} : B \longrightarrow {\cal H}^n({\cal X}/B, {\bf C})
\nu:B \rightarrow J^k({\cal X}/B) \simeq {\cal H}^n({\cal X}/B, {\bf C})
/[F^k{\cal H}^n({\cal X}/B, {\bf C}) + {\cal H}^n({\cal X}/B, {\bf Z})]
\begin{equation} \label{eq-infinitesimal-cond-normal-fn}
\nabla \tilde{\nu} \in F^{k-1}{\cal H}^n({\cal X}/B, {\bf C}) \otimes \Omega^1_B
or equivalently
(\nabla \tilde{\nu}, s) = 0 \; {\rm for \; any \; section} \; s \; {\rm of} \;
F^{k+1} {\cal H}^n({\cal X}/B, {\bf C})
where $\nabla \tilde{\nu}$ is the Gauss-Manin derivative of $\tilde{\nu}$.
This condition is independent of the choice of the lift $\tilde{\nu}$ by
Griffiths' transversality. It is satisfied by the Abel-Jacobi image of a
relative codimension $k$-cycle (see \cite{griffith-normal-functions}).
More generally, we can consider maps
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
\node[2]{{\cal J}^k}
\node[2]{{\cal M}}
The pullback ${\cal J}^k({\cal X}/B) \rightarrow B$ of the relative
intermediate Jacobian to $B$ has a canonical section $\nu:B \rightarrow
{\cal J}^k({\cal X}/B)$. We will refer to the subvariety $\mu(B)$ as a {\it
multivalued normal function} if
$\nu : B \rightarrow {\cal J}^k({\cal X}/B)$
is a normal function.
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-integrality-of-normal-fn}
$\tilde{{\cal X}} \rightarrow \tilde{{\cal M}}$ be a complete family of
gauged Calabi-Yau manifolds of dimension $n = 2k - 1 \geq 3$,
$\tilde{{\cal J}} \rightarrow \tilde{{\cal M}}$ the relative intermediate
Jacobian, $B \RightArrowOf{q} \tilde{{\cal M}}$ a base of a family
${\cal Z} \rightarrow B$
of codimension-$k$ cycles homologous to $0$ in the fibers of
$q^*\tilde{{\cal X}} \rightarrow B$. Then
i) the
Abel-Jacobi image in $\tilde{\cal J}$ of $B$ is isotropic with respect to
the quasi-symplectic form $\sigma$ of theorem \ref{thm-cy-acihs}.
ii) Moreover, the Abel-Jacobi image is also integral with respect to the
$1$-form $\alpha$ given by (\ref{eq-contact-structure}).
{\bf Proof.} i) We follow Step III of the proof of theorem
\ref{thm-cy-acihs}. We thus
think, locally in $B$, of $X$ as being a fixed $C^\infty$ manifold with
variable complex structure $\bar{\partial}_b$, $n$-form $s_b$, and cycle
$Z_b$, subject to the obvious compatibility. We choose a family $\Gamma_b$,
$b \in B$ of $n$-chains whose boundary is $Z_b$, and consider the $1$-form
$\xi$ on $B$ given at $b \in B$ by $\int_{\Gamma_b}$; we need to show that
$\xi$ is closed. (The new feature here is that instead of the cycles
$\gamma_b \in H_n(X_b,{\bf Z})$ we have chains, or relative cycles $\Gamma_b \in
H_n(X_b, |Z_b|, {\bf Z})$, where $|Z_b|$ is the support of $Z_b$, which varies
with $b$.)
As before, we consider the function
g:B &\longrightarrow& {\bf C} \\
g(X,s,Z,\Gamma) &:=& \int_\Gamma \, s, \\
and we claim $\xi = dg$. This time, in the integral $\int_{\Gamma_b}
\; s_b$, both the integrand and the chain depend on $b$. So if we take a
normal vector $v$ to the supports $|Z_b|$ along $\Gamma_b$, we obtain two
{\partial \over {\partial b}} \; \int_{\Gamma_b} \; s_b = \int_{\Gamma_b}
{{\partial s} \over {\partial b}} + \int_{\partial\Gamma_b} \; (v \, \rfloor
In the second term, however, $s_b$ is of type $(n,0)$ with respect to the
complex structure $\bar{\partial}_b$, so the contraction $v \, \rfloor s_b$
is of type $(n-1,0)$ regardless of the type of $v$. Since $\partial
\Gamma_b = Z_b$ is of the type $(k-1, k-1)$, the second term vanishes
identically, so we have $dg = \xi$ as desired.
Integration $\int_\Gamma(\cdot)$ defines a section of ${\cal V} \simeq
[F^{k} {\cal H}^n]^*$. The function $g$ on $B$ is the pullback via
$\int_\Gamma(\cdot)$ of the function $f$ on ${\cal V}$ given by the formula
(\ref{eq-moment-map}). Similarly, integration $\int_\Gamma(\cdot)$ defines
the section $\xi$ of $T^*\tilde{{\cal M}} \simeq [F^{n-1}{\cal H}^n]^*$. The
pullback of the tautological $1$-form $\tilde{{\alpha}}$
by $\xi$ is $\xi$ itself. The
equation $\xi - dg = 0$ translates to the statement that the $1$-form
vanishes on the section $\int_\Gamma(\cdot)$ of ${\cal V}$
(see formula (\ref{eq-contact-structure})).
In particular, its descent $\alpha$ vanishes on the Abel-Jacobi image of
${\cal Z} \rightarrow B$.
Again, the most interesting case is $n=3$. When $B$ dominates the moduli
space $\tilde{\cal M}$, i.e. for a multivalued choice of cycles on the
general gauged Calabi-Yau of a given type, the normal function produces a
Lagrangian subvariety of the symplectic $\tilde{{\cal J}}$, generically
transversal to the fibers of the completely integrable system.
\begin{rem} \label{rem-integrality-of-normal-fn}
\item[(1)] The result of Theorem \ref{thm-integrality-of-normal-fn} holds
for every multi-valued normal function $\mu : B \rightarrow
\tilde{\cal J}^k(\tilde{\cal X}/\tilde{\cal M})$ , not only for those coming
from cycles. Given a vector field ${\partial \over {\partial b}}$ on $B$, a
lift $\tilde{\nu} : B \rightarrow {\cal H}^n$, and any section $s$ of $F^{k+1}
{\cal H}^n(\tilde{\cal X}/\tilde{\cal M},{\bf C})$ , the infinitesimal condition
for normal functions (\ref{eq-infinitesimal-cond-normal-fn})
\begin{equation} \label{eq-derivative-of-normal-fn}
0 = \left( \nabla_{\frac{\partial}{\partial b}}\tilde{\nu}, s \right) =
{\partial \over {\partial b}}(\tilde{\nu},s) -
\left( \tilde{\nu}, \nabla_{\frac{\partial}{\partial b}}s \right).
When $s$ is the tautological gauge, ${\partial \over {\partial b}}
(\tilde{\nu}, s)$ is the pullback of $df$ by the projection of $\tilde{\nu}$
to ${\cal V} \cong {\cal H}^n / F^k{\cal H}^n$ (where $f$ is defined by the
equation (\ref{eq-moment-map})). Similarly,
\nabla_{\frac{\partial}{\partial b}} s \right)$ is the contraction $\xi \;
\rfloor \; {\partial \over {\partial b}}$ of the pullback $\xi$ of the
tautological $1$-form $\tilde{\alpha}$ on $T^*\tilde{\cal M}$ by the
\tilde{\mu} : B \rightarrow {\cal H}^n(\tilde{\cal X}/\tilde{\cal M})
\rightarrow {\cal H}^n / F^2 \simeq [F^{n-1}{\cal H}^n ]^* \simeq
T^*\tilde{\cal M}.
Thus, the infinitesimal condition for a normal function
(\ref{eq-derivative-of-normal-fn}) implies that the image $\mu(B) \subset
\tilde{{\cal J}}^k(\tilde{\cal X}/\tilde{\cal M})$ is integral with
respect to the
1-form $\alpha$ (defined in (\ref{eq-contact-structure})).
In the case of $CY$ $3$-folds $(n=3, k = 2)$ we see that the
Legendre subvarieties of ${\cal J}^2 \rightarrow {\cal M}$
(i.e., the $\kappa$-integral subvarieties of maximal dimension $h^{2,1}$
where $\kappa$ is the contact structure of Remark
are precisely the
multivalued normal functions.
\item[(2)] Both the infinitesimal condition for a normal function
(\ref{eq-infinitesimal-cond-normal-fn}) and the (quasi) contact structure
$\kappa$ on the relative Jacobian ${\cal J}^k \rightarrow {\cal M}$
(see Remark \ref{rem-to-thm-cy-acihs}(4)) are special cases of a more general
filtration of Pfaffian exterior differential systems on the relative
intermediate Jacobian ${\cal J}^k \rightarrow {\cal M}$ of any family
${\cal X} \rightarrow {\cal M}$
of $n = 2k-1$ dimensional projective algebraic
The tangent bundle $T{\cal J}^k$ has a canonical decreasing filtration
(defined by (\ref{eq-filtration}) below)
T{\cal J}^k = F^0T{\cal J}^k \supset F^1T{\cal J}^k \supset \cdots
\supset F^{k-1}T{\cal J}^k \supset
The quotient
$T{\cal J}^k/F^iT{\cal J}^k$ is canonically isomorphic to the
pullback of the Hodge bundle
${\cal H}^n/F^i{\cal H}^n$. The $F^{k-1}T{\cal J}^k$ integral subvarieties
are precisely the multi-valued normal functions.
When ${\cal J}^k$ is the relative intermediate Jacobian of a family of $CY$
$n$-folds, the subbundle $F^1T{\cal J}^k$ is a hyperplane distribution on
${\cal J}^k$
which defines the (quasi) contact structure $\kappa$ of Remark
When $n=3$, $k=2$, the filtration is a two step filtration
T{\cal J}^2 \supset F^1T{\cal J}^2 \supset 0
and the $F^1T{\cal J}^2$-integral subvarieties are precisely the normal
The filtration $F^iT{\cal J}^k$, $0 \leq i \leq k-1$ is defined at a point
$(b,y) \in {\cal J}^k$ over $b \in {\cal M}$ as follows:
Choose a section $\tilde{\nu} :
{\cal M} \rightarrow {\cal J}^k$ through $(b,y)$ with the property that
any lift
$\tilde{\nu} : {\cal M} \rightarrow {\cal X}^n({\cal H}/{\cal M}, {\bf C})$ of
$\nu$ satisfies the horizontality condition
\begin{equation} \label{eq-generalized-normal-fn}
\nabla \tilde{\nu} \in F^{i} {\cal H}^n({\cal X}/{\cal M}, {\bf C}) \otimes
\Omega^1_{\cal M}
The section $\nu$ defines a splitting
T_{(b,y)}{\cal J}^k = T_b{\cal M} \oplus
\left[ H^n(X_b,{\bf C}) / F^k H^n(X_b,{\bf C}) \right]
and the $i$-th piece of the filtration is defined by
\begin{equation} \label{eq-filtration}
F^i T_{(b,y)}{\cal J}^k := T_b{\cal M} \oplus \left[ F^i H^n(X_b,{\bf C}) /
F^k H^n(X_b,{\bf C}) \right].
The horizontality condition (\ref{eq-generalized-normal-fn}) implies that the
subspace $F^{i}T{\cal J}^k_{(b,y)}$ is independent of the choice of the
$\nu$ through $(b,y)$. Moreover, the subbundle $F^iT{\cal J}^k$ is invariant
under translations by its integral sections, namely, by sections $\nu :
{\cal M} \rightarrow {\cal J}^k$ satisfying the i-th horizontality condition.
We noted above that when $k=1$ the intermediate Jacobian ${\cal J}^k(X)$
becomes the connected component $\rm Pic^{0}(X)$ of the Picard variety. The
generalization of the Picard variety itself is the {\it Deligne cohomology}
group $D^k(X)$, cf. \cite{EZ}. This fits in an exact sequence
\begin{equation} \label{eq-exact-seq-deligne-coho}
0 \rightarrow {\cal J}^k(X) \rightarrow D^k(X)
\stackrel{p}{\rightarrow} H^{k,k}(X,{\bf Z}) \rightarrow 0,
where the quotient is the group of Hodge $(k,k)$-classes,
H^{k,k}(X,{\bf Z}) := H^{k,k}(X,{\bf C}) \cap H^{2k}(X,.{\bf Z}).
Any codimension-$k$ cycle $Z$ in $X$ has an Abel-Jacobi image, or cycle
class $\mu(Z)$ in $D^k(X)$. Its image $p(\mu(Z))$ is the
cycle class of $Z$ in ordinary cohomology.
Formally, $D^k(X)$ is defined as the hypercohomology ${\Bbb H}^{2k}$ of the
following complex of sheaves on $X$ starting in degree $0$.
0 \rightarrow {\bf Z} \rightarrow {\cal O}_X \rightarrow \Omega^1_X \rightarrow
\cdots \rightarrow \Omega^{k-1}_X \rightarrow 0.
The forgetful map to ${\bf Z}$ is a map of complexes, with kernel the complex
0 \rightarrow {\cal O}_X \rightarrow \Omega^1_X \rightarrow \cdots
\rightarrow \Omega^{k-1}_X \rightarrow 0.
The resulting long exact sequence of hyper cohomologies gives
Let $H^{k,k}_{alg}$ be the subgroup of $H^{k,k}(X,{\bf Z})$ of classes of
algebraic cycles. (The Hodge conjecture asserts that $H^{k,k}_{alg}$ is of
finite index in $H^{k,k}(X,{\bf Z})$.) The inverse image
D^k_{alg}(X) := p^{-1} (H^{k,k}_{alg})
has an elementary description: it is the quotient of
{\cal J}^k(X) \times \; \{ {\rm codimension-}k \; {\rm algebraic \;
cycles} \}
by the subgroup of codimension-$k$ cycles homologous to $0$, embedded
naturally in the second component and mapped to the first by Abel-Jacobi.
As $X$ varies in a family, the rank of $H^{k,k}(X,{\bf Z})$ can jump up (at
those $X$ for which the variable vector subspace $H^{k,k}(X,{\bf C})$ happens
to be in special position with respect to the ``fixed'' lattice
$H^{2k}(X,{\bf Z})$). To obtain a well-behaved family of Deligne cohomology
groups, we require that
H^{k,k}(X,{\bf C}) = H^{2k}(X,{\bf C}) .
For example, this holds for $k=1$ or $k=n-1$ if $h^{2,0} = 0$. In this
case we also have $H^{k,k}_{alg} = H^{k,k}(X,{\bf Z})$ and hence $D^k_{alg}(X)
= D^k(X)$, by the Lefschetz theorem on $(1,1)$-classes
\begin{corollary} \label{cor-contact-structure-extends-to-deligne-coho}
Let ${\cal X} \rightarrow {\cal M}$ be a complete family of $3$-dimensional
Calabi-Yau manifolds, $\tilde{\cal X} \rightarrow \tilde{\cal M}$ the
corresponding gauged family.
Let ${\cal D} \rightarrow {\cal M}$, $\tilde{\cal D} \rightarrow
\tilde{\cal M}$, be their families of (second) Deligne cohomology groups,
${\cal J}$, $\tilde{\cal J}$ their relative intermediate Jacobians. Then
there is a natural contact structure $\kappa$ on ${\cal D}$ with
symplectification $\sigma = d \alpha$ on $\tilde{\cal D}$ with the
following properties:
\item[(a)] $\sigma$, $\alpha$, and $\kappa$ restrict to the previously
constructed structures on $\tilde{\cal J}$ and ${\cal J}$.
\item[(b)] The fibration $\tilde{\cal D} \rightarrow \tilde{\cal M}$
is Lagrangian.
\item[(c)] The multivalued normal functions of ${\cal D}$ (resp.
$\tilde{\cal D}$) are precisely the $\kappa$-integral (resp.
$\alpha$-integral) subvarieties. In particular, all multi-valued normal
functions in $\tilde{\cal D}$ are isotropic.
{\bf Proof:} The contact structure $\kappa$ on ${\cal J}$ defines one on
${\cal J} \times \{ cycles \}$, which descends to ${\cal D}$ since the
equivalence relation is $\kappa$-integral by remark
The mirror conjecture of conformal field theory predicts that to a family
${\cal X} \rightarrow {\cal M}$ of Calabi-Yau three folds, with some extra
data, corresponds a ``mirror'' family ${\cal X}' \rightarrow {\cal M}'$, cf.
\cite{morrison-guide} for the details.
A first property of the conjectural symmetry
is that for $X \in {\cal M}$, $X' \in {\cal M}'$,
h^{2,1}(X) = h^{1,1}(X'), h^{1,1} = h^{2,1}(X').
The conjecture goes much deeper, predicting a relation between the Yukawa
cubic of ${\cal M}$ and the numbers of rational curves of various homology
classes in a typical $X' \in {\cal M}'$. This has been used spectacularly
in \cite{candelas} and subsequent works, to predict those numbers on a
non-singular quintic hypersurface in ${\Bbb P}^4$ and in a number of other
We wonder whether the conjecture could be reformulated and understood as a
type of Fourier transform between the integrable systems on the universal
Deligne cohomologies $\tilde{\cal D}$ and $\tilde{\cal D}'$ of the mirror
families $\tilde{\cal M}$ and $\tilde{\cal M}'$. Note that the dimensions
$h^{2,1}$ and $h^{1,1}$ which are supposed to be interchanged by the mirror,
can be read
off the continuous and discrete parts of the fibers of $\pi : \tilde{\cal
D} \rightarrow \tilde{\cal M}$, respectively. One may try to imagine the
mirror as a transform, taking these Lagrangian fibers over $\tilde{\cal M}$
(which encode the Yukawa cubic, as in Section
\ref{subsec-cubic-condition}) to Lagrangian sections
over $\tilde{\cal M}'$, which should somehow encode the numbers of
curves in $X'$ via
their Abel-Jacobi images.
\section{The Lagrangian Hilbert scheme and its relative Picard} \label{ch8}
The Lagrangian Hilbert scheme of a symplectic variety $X$ parametrizes
Lagrangian subvarieties of $X$. Its relative Picard parametrizes
pairs $(Z,L)$ consisting of a line bundle $L$ on a Lagrangian
subvariety $Z$.
We use the cubic condition of chapter \ref{ch7} to construct an integrable
structure on components of the relative Picard bundle over the
Lagrangian Hilbert scheme.
We interpret the generalized Hitchin integrable system, supported by
the moduli space of Higgs pairs over an algebraic curve (see Ch V), as a
special case of this construction. Other examples discussed include:
\item [a)] Higgs pairs over higher dimensional base varieties (example
\ref{moduli-higgs-pairs-as-lagrangian-sheaves}), and
\item [b)] Fano varieties of lines on hyperplane sections of a cubic
fourfold (example \ref{subsec-fanos-of-cubics}).
Understanding the {\em global} geometry of such an
integrable system requires a compactification and a study of
its boundary. Our compactifications of the relative Picard
are moduli spaces of sheaves and
we study the symplectic structure at (smooth, stable) points of
the boundary.
Let $X$ be a smooth projective symplectic algebraic variety, $\sigma$ an
everywhere non degenerate algebraic 2-form on $X$. A smooth projective
Lagrangian subvariety $Z_0$ of $X$ determines a component $\bar{B}$ of the
Hilbert scheme parametrizing deformations of $Z_0$ in $X$. The component
$\bar{B}$ consists entirely of Lagrangian subschemes. Its dense open
subset $B$, parametrizing smooth deformations of $Z_0$, is a smooth
quasi-projective variety \cite{ziv-ran-lifting,voisin}.
Choose a very ample line bundle ${\cal O}_X(1)$ on $X$ and a Hilbert
polynomial $p$. The relative Picard $h:{\cal M}^{p} \rightarrow B$,
parametrizing line bundles with Hilbert polynomial $p$ which are
supported on Lagrangian subvarieties of $X$, is a quasi-projective variety
(see \cite{simpson-moduli}).
If the Chern class $c_1(L_0) \in H^2(Z_0,{\Bbb Z})$ of a
line bundle on $Z_0$ deforms as a $(1,1)$-class over the whole of $B$, then
$L_0$ belongs to a component ${\cal M}$ of ${\cal M}^p$ which {\it
dominates} the Hilbert scheme $B$.
(By Griffiths' and Deligne's Theorem of the Fixed Part,
\cite{schmid-vhs-the-singularities} Corollary 7.23,
this is the case for example, if
$c_1(L_0)$ belongs to the image of $H^2(X,{\Bbb Q})$). Such components ${\cal M}$
are integrable systems, in other words:
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard}
There exists a canonical symplectic structure $\sigma_{\cal M}$ on the
relative Picard bundle ${\cal M} \stackrel{h}{\rightarrow} B$ over the open
subset $B$ of the Hilbert scheme of smooth projective Lagrangian
subvarieties of $X$. The support map $h:{\cal M} \rightarrow B$ is a
Lagrangian fibration.
The relative Picard over the Hilbert scheme of curves on a $K3$ or abelian
surface is an example \cite{mukai}. In example
\ref{subsec-fanos-of-cubics}, $X$ is a symplectic fourfold.
\begin{rem} \label{rem-conditions-for-thm-symp-case}
Theorem \ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard} holds in a more
general setting where $X$ is a smooth projective
algebraic variety, $\sigma$ is a meromorphic, generically non degenerate
closed 2-form on $X$. We let $D_0$ denote its degeneracy divisor,
$D_\infty$ its polar divisor, and set $D = D_0 \cup D_\infty$. Let $Z_0$
be a smooth projective Lagrangian subvariety of $X$ which does not
intersect $D$. Denote by $B$ the open subset of a component of the Hilbert
scheme parametrizing smooth deformations of $Z_0$ which stay in $X-D$.
Then $B$ is smooth and Theorem 1 holds.
A special case is when $X$ has a
generically non-degenerate Poisson structure $\psi$. In this case
$D_{\infty}$, the polar divisor of the inverse symplectic
structure, is just the degeneracy locus of $\psi$, while $D_{0}$ is empty.
The case where the subvariety $Z_0$ does intersect the degeneracy
locus $D_{\infty}$ of the Poisson structure is also of interest.
It is discussed below
under the category of Poisson integrable systems.
The moduli space of 1-form valued Higgs pairs is related to the case where
$X = {\Bbb P}(\Omega^1_Y \oplus {\cal O}_Y)$ is the compactification of the
cotangent bundle of a smooth projective algebraic variety $Y$, and $D = {\Bbb P}
\Omega^1_Y$ is the divisor at infinity
(see example \ref{moduli-higgs-pairs-as-lagrangian-sheaves}).
The relative Picard bundle ${\cal M}$ is in fact also a Zariski open subset
of a component of the moduli space of stable coherent sheaves on $X$ (see
\cite{simpson-moduli} for the construction of the moduli space).
Viewed in this
way, Theorem \ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard}
extends a result of Mukai \cite{mukai} for sheaves on a $K3$ or
abelian surface.
{\bf Theorem} \cite{mukai}:
{\it Any component of the moduli space of simple
sheaves on $X$ is smooth and has a canonical symplectic structure.}
Kobayashi \cite{kobayashi} generalized the above theorem to the case of
simple vector
bundles on a (higher dimensional) compact complex symplectic manifold $(X,
{\it The smooth part of the moduli space has a canonical symplectic
In view of Theorem \ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard}
and Kobayashi's result one might be tempted to
speculate that every component of the moduli space of (simple) sheaves on a
symplectic algebraic variety has a symplectic structure. This is {\em false}.
In fact, some components are odd dimensional
(see example \ref{example-odd-dimensional-moduli-spaces}).
Returning to our symplectic relative Picard ${\cal M}$, it is natural to ask
whether its {\em compactification} is symplectic. More precisely:
{\it \item [(i)] Does the symplectic structure extend to the smooth locus of
the closure of the relative Picard ${\cal M}$ in the moduli
space of stable (Lagrangian) sheaves?
\item[(ii)] Which of these components $\bar{{\cal M}}$ admits a smooth
projective birational model which is symplectic? }
A partial answer to (i) is provided in Theorem
We provide a cohomological identification of the
symplectic structure which extends as a 2-form $\sigma_{\bar{{\cal M}}}$ over the
smooth locus of $\bar{{\cal M}}$. We do not know at the moment if the 2-form
$\sigma_{\bar{{\cal M}}}$ is {\em non-degenerate} at every smooth point of
$\bar{{\cal M}}$.
The cohomological identification of $\sigma_{\bar{{\cal M}}}$ involves a surprisingly
rich {\em polarized Hodge-like structure} on the algebra
$\rm Ext^*_X(L,L)$ of extensions of a Lagrangian line bundle $L$ by itself
as an $\StructureSheaf{X}$-module.
Much of the above generalizes to Poisson integrable systems.
Tyurin showed in \cite{tyurin-symplectic} that Mukai's theorem generalizes to
Poisson surfaces:
{\it The smooth part of any component of the moduli space of simple sheaves
on a Poisson surface has a canonical Poisson structure. }
When the sheaves are supported as line bundles on curves in the surface, we
get an integrable system. More precisely:
\begin{theorem} \label{thm-poisson-structure-on-relative-picard}
Let $(X,\psi)$ be a Poisson surface, $D_\infty$ the degeneracy divisor of
$\psi$. Let $B$ be the Zariski open subset of a component of the Hilbert
scheme of $X$ parametrizing smooth irreducible curves on $X$ which are not
contained in $D_\infty$. Then
\item [i)] $B$ is smooth,
\item [ii)] the relative Picard bundle $h:{\cal M} \rightarrow B$ has a
canonical Poisson structure $\psi_M$,
\item [iii)] The bundle map $h : {\cal M} \rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian
fibration and
\item[iv)] The symplectic leaf foliation of ${\cal M}$ is induced by the
canonical morphism $B \rightarrow \; {\rm Hilb}_{D_\infty}$ sending a curve
$Z$ to the subscheme $Z \cap D_\infty$ of $D_\infty$.
The generalization to higher dimensional Poisson varieties
is treated here under rather restrictive conditions on the component of the
Lagrangian Hilbert scheme (see condition \ref{setup-for-poisson-case}).
These restrictions will be relaxed in \cite{markman-lagrangian-sheaves}.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: In section
\ref{subsec-hilbert-schemes} we review the deformation theory of
Lagrangian subvarieties.
The construction of the symplectic structure is
carried out in section \ref{subsec-construction}
where we prove Theorems
\ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard} and
In section \ref{subsec-extension-to-singular-lagrangian-sheaves}
we outline the extension of the symplectic structure to the
smooth locus of the moduli space of Lagrangian sheaves (Theorem
We discuss the examples of Higgs pairs and of Fano varieties
of lines on cubics in section
\subsection{Lagrangian Hilbert Schemes}\label{subsec-hilbert-schemes}
Let $X$ be a smooth $n$-dimensional projective algebraic variety, $Z
\subset X$ a codimension $q$ subvariety and ${\cal O}_X(1)$ a very ample
line bundle. The Hilbert polynomial $p$ of $Z$ is defined to be
p(n) := \chi\Big( {\cal O}_Z(n) \Big) := \sum (-1)^i \dim H^i\Big( Z,
{\cal O}_Z(n) \Big).
Grothendieck proved in \cite{grothendieck-existence}
that there is a projective scheme ${\rm
Hilb}^p_X$ parametrizing all algebraic subschemes of $X$ with Hilbert
polynomial $p$ and having all the expected functoriality and naturality
The Zariski tangent space $T_{[Z]}{\rm Hilb}^p_X$ at the point $[Z]$
parametrizing a subvariety $Z$ is canonically identified with the space of
sections $H^0(Z,N_{X/Z})$ of the normal bundle (normal sheaf if $Z$ is
The scheme ${\rm Hilb}^p_X$ may, in general, involve pathologies. In
particular, it may be non-reduced. A general criterion for the smoothness
of the Hilbert scheme at a point $[Z]$ parameterizing a locally complete
intersection subscheme $Z$ is provided by:
The semi-regularity map $\pi : H^1(Z,N_{X/Z}) \longrightarrow
H^{q+1}(X,\Omega^{q-1}_X)$ is the dual of the natural homomorphism
\pi^* : H^{n-q-1} \Big( X,\Omega^{n-q+1}_X \Big) \longrightarrow H^{n-q-1}
\Big(Z, \omega_Z \otimes N^*_{Z/X} \Big).
Here $\omega_Z \simeq \; \stackrel{q}{\wedge} N_{Z/X} \otimes \omega_X$ is the
dualizing sheaf of $Z$ and the homomorphism $\pi^*$ is induced by the sheaf
\begin{equation} \label{eq-sheaf-homomorphism-inducing-the-semiregularity-map}
\Omega^{n-q+1}_X \simeq \omega_X \otimes \stackrel{q-1}{\wedge}T_X
\longrightarrow \omega_X \otimes \Wedge{q-1}N_{Z/X} \cong
{\bf Theorem}
(Severi-Kodaira-Spencer-Bloch \cite{kawamata})
If the semi-regularity map $\pi$ is injective, then the Hilbert scheme is
smooth at $[Z]$.
Together with a result of Ran it implies:
Let $(X,\psi)$ be a Poisson surface with a degeneracy divisor $D_\infty$
(possibly empty). Let $Z \subset X$ be a smooth irreducible curve which is
{\it not} contained in $D_\infty$. Then the Hilbert scheme ${\rm
Hilb}^p_X$ is smooth at $[Z]$.
{\bf Proof:} The Poisson structure induces an injective homomorphism
$ \phi : N^*_{Z/X} \ \hookrightarrow \ T_Z. $
If $Z$ intersects $D_\infty$ non-trivially then
$N_{Z/X} \simeq \omega_Z(Z \cap D_\infty)$
and hence $H^1(Z, N_{X/Z}) = (0)$ and the semi-regularity map
is trivially injective.
Note that in our case $n=2$, $q=1$ and
the dual of the semi-regularity map
\pi^* : H^{0} \Big(X,\omega_{X} \Big) \longrightarrow H^{0}
\Big(Z, \omega_Z \otimes N^*_{Z/X} \Big)
is induced by the sheaf homomorphism
\omega_{X} \rightarrow \omega_{\restricted{X}{Z}}
\rightarrow \omega_Z \otimes N^*_{Z/X}
given by (\ref{eq-sheaf-homomorphism-inducing-the-semiregularity-map}).
If $D_\infty = \emptyset$ $(X$ is symplectic) then
$\omega_{X}$, $\omega_{\restricted{X}{Z}}$ and $\omega_Z \otimes N^*_{Z/X}$
are all trivial line bundles and hence both $\pi^*$ and
the semi-regularity map are isomorphisms. If $D_\infty \cap Z =
\emptyset$ but $D_\infty \not= \emptyset$ then $\pi$ fails to be injective
but the result nevertheless holds by a theorem of Ran which we recall below
(Theorem \ref{thm-voisin-ziv-ran}).
The condition that the curve $Z$ is not contained in $D_\infty$ is
necessary as can be seen by the following counterexample due to Severi and
{\rm (\cite{mumford-curves-on-surface} Section 22)
Let $C$ be an elliptic curve, $E$ a nontrivial extension $0 \rightarrow E_1
\rightarrow E \rightarrow E_2 \rightarrow 0$, \ $E_i \simeq {\cal O}_C$ and
$\pi : X = {\Bbb P}(E) \rightarrow C$ the corresponding ruled surface over $C$.
Denote by $Z$ the section $s:C \rightarrow X$ given by the line subbundle
$E_1 \subset E$. Let ${\cal O}_X(-1)$ be the tautological subbundle of
$\pi^*E$. Then ${\cal O}_X(1)$ is isomorphic to the
line bundle ${\cal O}_X(Z)$ and
the canonical bundle $\omega_X$ is isomorphic to
$\pi^*\Big(\omega_C\Big) \otimes {\cal O}_X(-2) \simeq {\cal O}_X(-2)$.
$H^0(X, \stackrel{2}{\wedge} T_X)$ is thus isomorphic to
$H^0(C,\rm Sym^2 E^*)$
which is one dimensional.
It follows that $X$ has a
unique Poisson structure $\psi$ up to a scalar factor. The divisor
$D_\infty = 2Z$ is the degeneracy divisor of $\psi$.
Clearly, $N_{Z/X} \simeq \pi^* T_C \simeq T_Z$ and hence $H^0(Z, N_{Z/X})$
is one dimensional. On the other hand, $Z$ has no deformations in $X$ (its
self intersection is $0$ and a deformation $Z'$ of $Z$ will contradict the
nontriviality of the extension $0 \rightarrow E_1
\rightarrow E \rightarrow E_2 \rightarrow 0$).
A curve $Z$ on a symplectic surface $X$ is automatically Lagrangian.
In the higher dimensional case we replace the curve $Z$ by a Lagrangian
subvariety. Lagrangian subvarieties of symplectic varieties have two
pleasant properties:
{\it \item [i)] The condition of being Lagrangian is both open and closed,
\item [ii)] Their deformations are unobstructed.}
More precisely, we have:
\begin{theorem} (Voisin \cite{voisin}, Ran \cite{ziv-ran-lifting})
Let $X$ be a smooth projective algebraic variety, $\sigma$ a generically non
degenerate meromorphic closed $2$-form, $D_\infty$ its polar divisor, $D_0$
its degeneracy divisor. Assume that $Z_0 \subset X - D_\infty - D_0$ is a
smooth {\it projective} Lagrangian subvariety. Then
\item [(i)] The subset of the Hilbert scheme ${\rm Hilb}^p_X$ parametrizing
deformations of $Z_0$ in $X - D_\infty$ consists entirely of Lagrangian
\item [(ii)] The Hilbert scheme is smooth at $[Z_0]$.
{\bf Sketch of Proof:} \ \ (i) \ \ The Lagrangian condition is closed.
Thus, it suffices to prove that the open subset of smooth deformations of
$Z_0$ is Lagrangian. If $Z \subset X-D_\infty$ then $\sigma_{|_Z}$ is a
closed holomorphic $2$-form and the cohomology class $[\sigma_{|_Z}]$ in
$H^{2,0}(Z)$ vanishes if and only if $\sigma_{|_Z}$ is identically zero. Since
$\sigma$ induces a {\it flat} section of the Hodge bundle of relative
cohomology with ${\bf C}$-coefficients, then $[\sigma_{|_Z}] = 0$ is an open and
closed condition.
(ii). The symplectic structure $\sigma$ induces a canonical isomorphism
$N_{Z/X} \simeq \Omega^1_Z$ for any Lagrangian projective smooth subvariety
$Z \subset X - D_\infty - D_0$. Ran proved a criterion for
unobstructedness of deformations: the $T^1$-lifting property (see
\cite{ziv-ran-lifting,kawamata}). Let $S_n = {\rm Spec}({\bf C}[t]/t^{n+1})$. Any
flat $(n+1)$-st order infinitesimal embedded deformation $Z_{n+1} \rightarrow
S_{n+1}$ of $Z_0 = Z$ restricts canonically to an n-th order deformation
$Z_n \rightarrow S_n$. In our context, the $T^1$-lifting property amounts
to the following criterion:
\it Given any $(n+1)$-st order flat embedded deformation $Z_{n+1}
\rightarrow S_{n+1}$, every extension \\
(a) of $Z_n \rightarrow S_n$ to a flat embedded deformation
$\tilde{Z}_n \rightarrow S_n \times_{{\Bbb C}} S_1$
lifts to an extension
(b) of $Z_{n+1} \rightarrow S_{n+1}$ to $\tilde{Z}_{n+1}
\rightarrow S_{n+1} \times_{{\Bbb C}} S_1$.
Extensions in (a) and (b) are classified by $T^1(Z_i / S_i) \cong H^0 (Z_i,
{\cal N}_{\varphi_i/S_i})$ where $\varphi_i : Z_i \rightarrow S_i \times X$
is the canonical morphism and
${\cal N}_{\varphi_i/S_i} $ is the relative normal sheaf.
Recall that the De Rham cohomology and its Hodge filtration
can be computed using the algebraic De Rham complex
Consequently, the discussion of part (i) applies in the infinitesimal setting
to show that $T_{{\cal Z}_i/S_i}$ is {\em Lagrangian} as a subbundle of
the pullback $(\varphi^i)^*T_X$ with respect to the
non-degenerate $2$-form $(\varphi^i)^*(\sigma)$ on $(\varphi^i)^*T_X$.
The relative normal sheaf is the quotient
0 \rightarrow T_{{\cal Z}_i/S_i} \rightarrow
(\varphi^i)^*T_X \rightarrow
{\cal N}_{\varphi_i/S_i} \rightarrow 0.
Hence the symplectic structure induces an
isomorphism ${\cal N}_{\varphi_i/S_i} \simeq \Omega^1_{Z_i/S_i}$. By a
theorem of Deligne, $H^0\Big( \Omega^1_{Z_i/S_i}\Big)$, and hence also
$H^0\Big({\cal N}_{\varphi_i/S_i}\Big)$, is a free ${\cal O}_{S_i}$-module
\cite{deligne-leray-degenerates}. Thus, $H^0\Big({\cal
N}_{\varphi_{n+1}/S_{n+1}}\Big) \longrightarrow H^0\Big( {\cal N}
_{\varphi_n/S_n}\Big)$ is surjective and the $T^1$-lifting property holds.
Note that the naive analogue of the above theorem fails for Poisson
varieties. In general, deformations of Lagrangian subvarieties need not
stay Lagrangian. Consider for example $({\Bbb P}^{2n},\psi)$ where the Poisson
structure $\psi$ is the extension of the standard (non degenerate)
symplectic structure on ${\Bbb A}^{2n}\subset {\Bbb P}^{2n}$. The Lagrangian
Grassmannian has positive codimension in $Gr(n+1, \; 2n+1)$.
\subsection{The construction of the symplectic structure}
The construction of the symplectic structure on the relative Picard bundle
is carried out in three steps:
In Step I we reduce it to the construction of the symplectic structure on
the relative $Pic^0$-bundle.
In Step II we verify the cubic condition and thus construct the 2-form (or
the 2-tensor in the Poisson case).
In Step III we prove the closedness of the 2-form.
{\bf Step I:}\ \ \underline{Reduction to the $Pic^0$-Bundle Case}:
The construction of a 2-form on the relative Picard bundle
${{\cal M}} \stackrel{h}{\rightarrow} B$ reduces to constructing it on its zero
component ${{\cal M}}^0 \stackrel{h}{\rightarrow} B$,
namely the $Pic^0$-bundle, by the following:
Any closed 2-form $\sigma_{{{\cal M}}^0}$ on ${{\cal M}}^0$, with respect to
which the zero section of ${{\cal M}}^0$ is Lagrangian, extends to a closed
2-form $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ on the whole Picard bundle $h :{{\cal M}} \rightarrow B$.
The extension $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ depends canonically on $\sigma_{{{\cal M}}^0}$
and the polarization ${\cal O}_X(1)$ of $X$.
{\bf Proof:} The point is that Picard bundles are rationally split. For
any polarized projective variety $(Z, {\cal O}_Z(1))$, we have the Lefschetz
Lef: Pic \ Z \longrightarrow Alb \ Z
[D] \mapsto \Big[ D \cap [{\cal O}_Z(1)]^{n-1} \Big]
inducing an isogeny
$$ Lef^0 : Pic^0 \; Z \ \longrightarrow Alb^0 \; Z. $$
We can set
L_Z := \left\{ s \in Pic \; Z\; | \; \exists \ \ell,m, \ \ \ell \not= 0,
\ {\rm such\; that}\; \ell \cdot Lef(s) = m \cdot Lef({\cal O}(1)) \right\}.
This is an extension of $H^{1,1}_{\bf Z}(Z)$ by the torsion subgroup $L_Z^{tor}$ of
$Pic(Z)$. In a family ${\cal Z} \rightarrow B$, these groups form a
subsheaf ${\cal L}$ of ${{\cal M}} := Pic({\cal Z}/B)$, intersecting ${{\cal M}}^0
:= Pic^0({\cal Z}/B)$ in its torsion subsheaf ${\cal L}^0$. In our
situation, the 2-form $\sigma_{{{\cal M}}^0}$ is ${\cal L}^0$-invariant, so
it extends uniquely to an ${\cal L}$-invariant closed 2-form $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$
on ${{\cal M}}$.
{\bf Step II:} \ \ \underline{Verification of the Cubic Condition:}
In this step we construct the $2$-form (or $2$-vector)
on the relative Picard bundle.
In the next step we will prove that it is closed
(respectively, a Poisson structure).
Let $(X,\psi)$ be a smooth projective variety, $\psi$ a generically
non-degenerate holomorphic Poisson structure. Denote by $D_\infty$ the
degeneracy divisor of $\psi$. We will assume throughout this step that
$Z \subset X$ is a smooth
subvariety, $Z \cap (X - D_\infty)$ is non empty and Lagrangian, and
\begin{condition} \label{setup-for-poisson-case}
{\it \item [i)] $[Z]$ is a smooth point of the Hilbert scheme, and
\item [ii)] all deformations of $Z$ in $X$ are Lagrangian.}
As we saw in the previous section, conditions i) and ii) hold in case
$\psi$ is
everywhere non-degenerate $((X, \psi^{-1})$ is a symplectic projective
algebraic variety), and also in case $X$ is a surface. Such $[Z]$ vary in a
smooth Zariski open subset $B$ of the Hilbert scheme and we denote by
$h:{{\cal M}} \rightarrow B$ the relative $Pic^0$-bundle.
Condition \ref{setup-for-poisson-case} can be relaxed considerably
(see \cite{markman-lagrangian-sheaves}).
\begin{equation} \label{eq-sheaf-homomorphism-induced-by-poisson-str}
\phi :N^*_{Z/X} \hookrightarrow T_Z
be the injective
homomorphism induced by the Poisson structure $\psi$. Its dual $\phi^* :
T^*_Z \rightarrow N_{Z/X}$ induces an injective homomorphism.
i:H^0 \Big(Z,T^*_Z \Big) \hookrightarrow H^0 \Big( Z,{\cal N}_{Z/X}
The vertical tangent bundle $V := h_* {\cal T}_{{{\cal M}}/B}$ is isomorphic to the
Hodge bundle ${\cal H}^{0,1}({\cal Z}/B)$. The polarization induces an
isomorphism $V^* \simeq {\cal H}^{1,0}$. We get a global injective
homomorphism $i : V^* \hookrightarrow T_B$.
\begin{proposition} \label{prop-verification-of-cubic-condition}
The homomorphism $i$ is induced by a canonical
$2$-vector $\psi_{{\cal M}} \in \\
H^0({{\cal M}}, \; \stackrel{2}{\wedge} \; T_{{\cal M}})$ with respect to which
$h:{{\cal M}}\rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian fibration. (We do not assert yet
that $\psi_{{\cal M}}$ is a Poisson structure).
{\bf Proof:} It suffices to show that $i$ satisfies the (weak) cubic
condition, namely, that $dp \circ i$ comes from a cubic. The derivative of
the period map
\begin{equation} \label{eq-differential-of-period-map}
dp:H^0 \Big(Z,N_{Z/X}\Big) \longrightarrow \ {\rm Hom} \Big( H^{1,0}(Z),
H^{0,1}(Z) \Big) \simeq \Big[ H^{1,0}(Z)^* \Big]^{\otimes 2}
is identified by the composition
H^0 \Big(Z,N_{Z/X}\Big) \stackrel{{\rm K-S}}{\longrightarrow}
H^1(Z,T_Z) \stackrel{VHS}{\longrightarrow} \rm Sym^2 H^{1,0}(Z)^*
where K-S is the Kodaira-Spencer map given by cup product with the
extension class of $T_{\restricted{X}{Z}}$:
\begin{equation} \label{eq-extension-class-related-to-kodaira-spencer-map}
\tau \in \; {\rm Ext}^1 \Big(N_{Z/X}, T_Z \Big) \simeq H^1 \Big(Z, N^*_{Z/X}
\otimes T_Z \Big),
and the variation of Hodge structure map
VHS is given by cup product and contraction
H^1(Z, T_Z) \otimes H^0(Z,T^*_Z) \longrightarrow H^1(Z,{\cal O}_Z).
The composition
$({\rm K\!\!-\!\!S})\; \circ \; i:H^0(Z,T^*_Z) \rightarrow H^1(Z,T_Z)$
is then given by cup product with the class $(\phi \; \otimes \;{\rm id})(\tau)
\in H^1(Z, \; T_Z \otimes T_Z)$. We will
show that $(\phi \; \otimes \;{\rm id})(\tau)$ is symmetric, that is,
an element of $H^1(Z, \rm Sym^2T_Z)$. This would imply that $dp$, regarded
as a section of
$H^0 \Big(Z,N_{Z/X}\Big)^* \otimes \rm Sym^2 H^{1,0}(Z)^* \stackrel{i}{\cong}
H^{1,0}(Z)^* \otimes \rm Sym^2 H^{1,0}(Z)^*$, is symmetric also with respect to
the first two factors.
The cubic condition will follow.
\ref{lemma-alternating-two-forms-and-symmetric-extensions} below
implies that $(\phi \otimes \;{\rm id})(\tau)$
is in $H^1(Z, \rm Sym^2T_Z)$ if and only if $\phi$ is induced by a section $\psi$
in $H^0\Big(Z, \; \stackrel{2}{\wedge} T_{X_{|Z}}\Big)$ with respect
to which $Z$ is Lagrangian (i.e., $N^*_{Z/X}$ is isotropic). This is indeed
the way $\phi$ was defined.
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-alternating-two-forms-and-symmetric-extensions}
Let $T$ be an extension
\begin{equation} \label{eq-exact-seq-with-symmetric-extension-class}
0 \rightarrow Z \rightarrow T \rightarrow N \rightarrow 0
of a vector bundle $N$ by a vector bundle $Z$.
Then the following are equivalent for any homomorphism
$\phi : N^* \rightarrow Z$.
i) The homomorphism
$\phi$ is induced by a section $\psi \in H^0(\Wedge{2}{T})$
with respect to which $N^*$ is isotropic.
ii) The homomorphism
$\phi_* := H^1(\phi\otimes 1) : H^1(N^*\otimes Z) \rightarrow
H^1(Z \otimes Z)$
maps the extension class
$\tau \in H^1(N^*\otimes Z)$ of $T$ to a symmetric class
$\phi_*(\tau)\in H^1(\rm Sym^2 Z) \subset H^1(Z \otimes Z)$.
{\bf Proof:}
We argue as in the proof of the cubic
condition (lemma \ref{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-poisson}).
The extension (\ref{eq-exact-seq-with-symmetric-extension-class})
induces an extension
0 \rightarrow \Wedge{2}{Z} \rightarrow F \rightarrow Z\otimes N \rightarrow 0,
where $F$ is the subsheaf of $\Wedge{2}{T}$ of sections with respect to which
$N^*$ is isotropic. The homomorphism $\phi$, regarded as a section of
$Z\otimes N$, lifts to a section
$\psi$ of $F$ if and only if it is in the kernel of
the connecting homomorphism
\delta: H^0(Z\otimes N) \rightarrow H^1(\Wedge{2}{Z}).
The latter is given by a) pairing with the extension class $\tau$
(\cdot)_{*}\tau : H^0(Z\otimes N) \rightarrow H^1(Z\otimes Z),
followed by b) wedge product
H^1(Z\otimes Z) \RightArrowOf{\wedge} H^1(\Wedge{2}Z).
Thus, $\delta(\phi)$ vanishes if and only if $\phi_{*}(\tau)$ is in the
kernel of $\wedge$, i.e., in $H^1(\rm Sym^2 Z)$.
The identification of the cubic is particularly simple in the case of a
curve $Z$ on a surface $X$. In that case Serre's duality identifies VHS
with the dual of the multiplication map
\rm Sym^2 H^0(Z,\omega_Z) \stackrel{VHS^*}{\longrightarrow} H^0(Z,
\omega_Z^{\otimes 2}).
The cubic $c \in \rm Sym^3H^0(Z,\omega_Z)^*$ is given by composing the
\rm Sym^3 H^0(Z, \omega_Z) \longrightarrow H^0(Z, \omega^{\otimes 3}_Z)
with the linear functional
(\phi \otimes \;{\rm id})(\tau) \in H^1(Z,T^{\otimes 2}_Z) \simeq H^0(Z,
\omega_Z^{\otimes 3})^*
corresponding to the extension class $\tau$.
In higher dimension (say $n$), the cubic depends on the choice of a
polarization $\alpha \in H^{1,1}(X)$:
\rm Sym^3 H^0(Z, \Omega^1_Z) \rightarrow H^0(Z, \rm Sym^3\Omega^1_Z)
\LongRightArrowOf{\phi_*(\tau)} H^1(Z,\Omega^1_Z)
\LongRightArrowOf{\restricted{\alpha}{Z}^{n-1}} H^{n,n}(Z)
\cong {\Bbb C}.
The choice of $\alpha$
is implicitly made in the proof of proposition
when we identify $H^{0,1}(Z)$ with $H^{1,0}(Z)^*$ via the Lefschetz
isomorphism (see (\ref{eq-differential-of-period-map}))
{\bf Step III:} \ \ \underline{Closedness}:
In this step we prove that the canonical $2$-vector $\psi_{{\cal M}}$
constructed in the previous step is a Poisson structure. We first prove
it in the symplectic case and later indicate the modifications needed for
the Poisson case (assuming condition
\ref{setup-for-poisson-case} of the previous step).
This completes the proof of Theorems
\ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard} and
\ref{thm-poisson-structure-on-relative-picard} stated in the introduction to
this chapter.
\underline{Symplectic Case:}
We assume, for simplicity of exposition, that $(X,\sigma)$ is a smooth
projective symplectic algebraic variety. The arguments apply verbatim to
the more general setup involving a smooth projective algebraic variety $X$,
a closed generically non-degenerate meromorphic $2$-form $\sigma$ on $X$
with degeneracy divisor $D_0$ and polar divisor $D_\infty$, and Lagrangian
smooth projective subvarieties which do not intersect $D_0 \cup D_\infty$.
We then have a non-degenerate $2$-tensor $\psi_{{\cal M}}$ on $h: {\cal M}
\rightarrow B$ and hence a $2$-form $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$. The closedness of
$\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ follows from that of $\sigma_X$ as we now show.
A polarization of X induces a
relative polarization on the universal Lagrangian subvariety
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
\node{{\cal Z}}
\node{B\times X}
The relative polarization induces an isogeny
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
\node{{\cal M}}
\arrow{se} \arrow[2]{e}
\node[2]{{\cal A}}
between the relative $Pic^0$-bundle and the relative Albanese
$h : {\cal A} \rightarrow B$.
Hence, a $2$-form $\sigma_{\cal A}$ on ${\cal A}$.
Clearly, closedness of $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ is equivalent to that of $\sigma_{\cal
A}$. Since the question is local, we may assume that we have a section
$\xi : B \rightarrow {{\cal Z}}$.
We then get for each positive integer $t$ a relative Albanese map
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
\node{{\cal Z}^{t}}
\node[2]{{\cal A}}
from the fiber product over $B$ of $t$ copies of the universal Lagrangian
subvariety ${\cal Z} \rightarrow B$. For a fixed subvariety $Z_b$ and points
$(z_1, \dots, z_t) \in Z^t_b, \ \ a_t$ is given by integration
\sum^t_{i=1} \ \int^{z_i}_{\xi(b)}(\cdot) \ \ ({\rm modulo} \ H_1(Z_b,
{\bf Z})) \in H^{1,0}(Z)^* \Big/ H_1(Z_b,{\bf Z}).
We may assume, by choosing $t$ large enough, that $a_t$ is surjective.
Thus, closedness of $\sigma_{\cal A}$ is equivalent to closedness of
$a^*_t(\sigma_{\cal A})$.
The closedness of $a^*_t(\sigma_{\cal A})$ now follows from
that of $\sigma_{X}$ by lemma
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-pullback-of-symplectic-structure-from-albanese}
Let $\ell : {\cal Z}^t \rightarrow X^t$ be the natural morphism;
the product symplectic structure on $X^t$. Then,
a^*_t(\sigma_{\cal A}) = \ell^*(\sigma_{X^t}) -
\pi^*(\xi^t)^* \; \ell^* (\sigma_{X^t}) .
{\bf Proof:} The fibers of $\pi : {\cal Z}^t \rightarrow B$
are isotropic with respect to the
$2$-forms on both sides of the equation (\ref{eq-pulled-back-symplectic-str}).
Hence, these $2$-forms induce (by contraction) homomorphisms
f_{\cal A}, f_X : T_{Z^t_b} \longrightarrow N^*_{Z^t_b/{\cal Z}^t}.
The section $\xi^t (B) \subset {\cal Z}^t$ is also isotropic with respect to
the $2$-forms on both sides of equation
Thus, equality in (\ref{eq-pulled-back-symplectic-str})
will follow from equality of the induced homomorphisms $f_{\cal A}, f_X$.
Proving the equality $f_{\cal A}= f_X$ is a straightforward,
though lengthy, unwinding of cohomological identifications.
The relative normal bundle is identified as the pullback of the
tangent bundle of the Hilbert scheme
N_{Z^t_b/{\cal Z}^t} \simeq
{\cal O}_{Z^t_b} \otimes (T_b B) \simeq {\cal O}_{Z^t_b} \otimes H^0
\Big(Z_b, N_{Z_b/X} \Big).
We will show that the duals of
both $f_{\cal A}$ and $f_X$
f_{\cal A}^*,f_X^*: {\cal O}_{Z^t_b} \otimes H^0
\Big(Z_b, N_{Z_b/X} \Big) \rightarrow
are identified as the composition of
i) the diagonal homomorphism
{\cal O}_{Z^t_b} \otimes H^0(Z_b, N_{Z_b/X}) \stackrel{\Delta}{\hookrightarrow}
{\cal O}_{Z^t_b} \otimes \Big[ H^0(Z_b, N_{Z_b/X})\Big]^t
\ \ \ \ \mbox{followed} \ \mbox{by}
ii) the evaluation map
e_t :
{\cal O}_{Z^t_b} \otimes \Big[ H^0(Z_b,N_{Z_b/X})\Big]^t
{\cal O}_{Z^t_b} \otimes H^0 \left( Z^t_b, N_{Z^t_b/X^t} \right)
\longrightarrow N_{Z^t_b/X^t}
\ \ \ \ \mbox{followed} \ \mbox{by}
iii) contraction with the $2$-form $\sigma_{X^t}$
(\phi^{-1^*})^t : N_{Z^t_b/X^t} \stackrel{\sim}{\rightarrow} T_{Z^t_b}^*
($\phi$ is given by contraction with the Poisson structure
\underline{Identification of $f_{\cal A}$}: (for simplicity assume t=1).
The 2-form $\sigma_{\cal A}$ is characterized as the unique 2-form with
respect to which the three conditions of lemma
\ref{lemma-weak-cubic-cond-poisson} hold, i.e.,
i) ${\cal A} \rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian fibration, ii) the zero
section is Lagrangian, and iii) $\sigma_{\cal A}$ induces the
H^0(\phi^{-1^*}) = i^{-1} : H^0 (Z, N_{Z/X})
\stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} H^0(Z,T^*_Z).
Thus, $a^*(\sigma_{\cal A})$ induces
f_{\cal A}^* =
{\cal O}_{Z_b} \otimes H^0 \Big(Z_b,N_{Z_b/X} \Big)
{\cal O}_{Z_b} \otimes H^0 \Big( Z_b,T^*_{Z_b} \Big)
and the codifferential $da^*$ of the Albanese map is the evaluation map.
\underline{Identification of $f_X$}: $(t=1)$
Both 2-forms $\ell^*(\sigma_X)$ and $\ell^*(\sigma_X)-\pi^* \xi^*
\ell^*(\sigma_X)$ induce the same homomorphism
$f_X^*: {\cal O}_{Z_b} \otimes T_bB \rightarrow T^*_{Z_b}$.
This homomorphism is the composition
$\phi^{-1^*} \circ \overline{(d\ell)}$,
where $\overline{d\ell}$ is the
homomorphism $N_{Z_b/{\cal Z}} \rightarrow N_{Z_b/X}$ induced by the
differential of $\ell : {\cal Z} \rightarrow X$:
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
\node{0} \arrow{e}
\node{(T_{\cal Z})_{|Z_b}}
\node{H^0( Z_b, N_{Z_b/X}) \otimes {\cal O}_{Z_b}}
\arrow{e} \node{0}
\node{0} \arrow{e}
\arrow{e} \node{0.}
Clearly $\overline{d\ell}$ is given by evaluation. This completes the
proof of lemma \ref{lemma-pullback-of-symplectic-structure-from-albanese}.
As a simple corollary of lemma
\ref{lemma-pullback-of-symplectic-structure-from-albanese} we have:
\begin{corollary} \label{cor-canonical-symplectic-str-on-albanese}
There exists a canonical symplectic structure $\sigma_{{\cal A}^t}$ on the
relative Albanese of degree $t\in {\Bbb Z}$,
depending canonically on the symplectic
structure $\sigma_X$ (independent of the polarization ${\cal O}_X(1)$!) and
satisfying, for $t \geq 1$,
a_t^* (\sigma_{{\cal A}^t}) = \ell^*(\sigma_{X^t}).
(the pullback to the fiber product
${\cal Z}^t := \times^t_B {\cal Z}$ via the Albanese map
coincides with the pullback of the symplectic structure $\sigma_{X^t}$ on
{\bf Proof:} The $t=0$ case is proven. We sketch the proof of the
$t \geq 1$ case. The $t \leq -1$ case is similar.
Let $\xi$ be a local section of ${\cal Z}^t \rightarrow B$.
Translation by the section $-a_t(\xi)$ of ${\cal A}^{-t}$ defines a local
\tau_\xi : {\cal A}^t \longrightarrow {\cal A}^0.
\sigma_{{\cal A}^t} \ := \ \tau^*_\xi (\sigma_{{\cal A}^0}) +
We claim that $\sigma_{{\cal A}^t}$ is independent of $\xi$. This amounts
to the identity
\tau^*_{(\xi_1 - \xi_2)}(\sigma_{{\cal A}^0}) = \sigma_{{\cal A}^0}
- h^*[a_0(\xi_1-\xi_2)]^* \sigma_{{\cal A}^0}
for any two sections $\xi_1,\xi_2$ of ${\cal Z}^t \rightarrow B$.
\underline{Poisson Case}: (assuming condition \ref{setup-for-poisson-case})
Showing that the $2$-vector $\psi_{{\cal M}}$ constructed in step II
is a Poisson structure, amounts to showing that
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-involutive-distribution}
$\psi_{{\cal M}}(T^*_{{\cal M}}) \subset T_{{\cal M}}$ is an involutive distribution,
\begin{lem} \label{lemma-closedness-poisson-case}
the induced $2$-form on each symplectic leaf is closed.
{\bf Sketch of Proof of Lemma \ref{lemma-involutive-distribution}}: Since
$h : {{\cal M}} \rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian fibration with respect to
$\psi_{{\cal M}}$
(by proposition \ref{prop-verification-of-cubic-condition}),
the distribution is the pullback
of the distribution on the base $B$. The latter is
induced by the image of the injective homomorphism
$i: V^* \hookrightarrow T_B$ identified by
i = H^0(\phi^*) :
H^0(Z,T^*_Z) \hookrightarrow H^0(Z,N_{Z/X}).
Recall (\ref{eq-sheaf-homomorphism-induced-by-poisson-str})
that $\phi$, in turn, is induced by the Poisson structure $\psi_X$
on $X$.
The involutivity now follows from that of
$\psi_X(T^*_X) \subset T_X$ by a deformation theoretic argument. The
details are omitted.
In case $X$ is a surface, the degeneracy divisor $D_\infty$ of $\psi_X$ is
a curve and $iH^0(Z, T^*_Z) \subset H^0(Z, N_{Z/X})$ is the subspace of all
infinitesimal deformations of $Z$ which {\it fix} the divisor $Z \cap
D_\infty$. Thus, the distribution $i(V^*)$ on the Hilbert scheme $B$
(as in the proof of lemma \ref{lemma-involutive-distribution})
corresponds to the foliation by
level sets of the algebraic morphism
R : B &\longrightarrow& \; {\rm Hilb}(D_\infty) \\
Z &\longmapsto& Z \cap D_\infty.
The higher dimensional case is analogous. The degeneracy divisor
$D_\infty$ has an algebraic rank stratification
D_\infty = \bigcup^{n-1}_{r=0} \ D_\infty[2r] \qquad \qquad (\dim X = 2n).
Each rank stratum is foliated, local analytically, by symplectic leaves.
The subspace
i:H^0(Z,T^*_Z) \subset H^0(Z,N_{Z/X})
is characterized as the subspace of all infinitesimal deformations of $Z$
which deform the subscheme $Z \cap D_\infty[2r]$ fixing the image $f(Z \cap
D_\infty[2r])$ with respect to any Casimir function $f$ on $D_\infty[2r]$.
As an illustration, consider the case where $X$ is the logarithmic
cotangent bundle $T^*_M (log(D))$ and $Z$
is a $1$-form with logarithmic poles along a divisor $D$ with normal
crossing. In this case the residues induce the symplectic leaves foliation.
{\bf Sketch of Proof of Lemma \ref{lemma-closedness-poisson-case}:}
The proof is essentially the same as in the symplectic case. We consider
an open (analytic) subset $B_1$ of a leaf in $B$, the universal Lagrangian
{\divide\dgARROWLENGTH by 2
\node{{\cal Z}_1}
and the relative Albanese
{\cal A}\\
\downarrow \\
One has to choose the section $\xi:B_1 \rightarrow {\cal Z}_1$
outside $\ell^{-1}(D_\infty)$ and
notice that the identity (\ref{eq-pulled-back-symplectic-str})
implies that the pullback
$\ell^*(\sigma^t_X)$ of the {\it meromorphic} closed $2$-form $\sigma^t_X$
(inverse of the generically non-degenerate Poisson structure
on the product of $t$ copies of $X$) is a {\it
holomorphic} $2$-form on ${\cal Z}^t_1$ (because $a^*_t(\sigma_{\cal A})$ is)
and that $a^*_t(\sigma_{\cal A})$ is {\it closed} (because
$\ell^*(\sigma_{X^t})$ is).
{Partial compactifications: a symplectic structure on the moduli space of
Lagrangian sheaves}
We describe briefly in this section the extension of the symplectic
structure on the relative Picard ${{\cal M}}$ to an algebraic $2$-form on the
smooth locus of a partial compactification. For details see
\cite{markman-lagrangian-sheaves}. For simplicity, we assume that
$(X,\sigma)$ is a smooth $2n$-dimensional projective symplectic variety.
We note that with obvious modifications, the extension of the
$2$-form will hold in the setup $(X,\sigma,D_0,D_\infty)$ as in remark
\ref{rem-conditions-for-thm-symp-case} allowing $\sigma$ to degenerate and
have poles away from the support of the sheaves.
When $X$ is a symplectic surface, some of these extensions give rise to
smooth projective symplectic compactifications \cite{mukai}.
These projective symplectic compactifications
appear also in the higher dimensional case:
A somewhat trivial reincarnation of a relative Picard of a linear
system on a K3 surface $S$ as a birational model of a relative Picard of a
Lagrangian Hilbert scheme over a higher dimensional symplectic
variety $X$ is realized as follows. Let $X$ be the Beauville
variety $S^{[n]}$ which is the resolution of the $n$-th symmetric
product of $S$ provided by the Hilbert scheme of zero cycles of length $n$
\cite{beauville-zero-first-chern-class}. The symmetric powers $C^{[n]}$ of
smooth curves on $S$ are smooth Lagrangian subvarieties of $S^{[n]}$.
Components of the relative Picard over the smooth locus in the
linear system $|C|$ are isomorphic to Zariski open subsets of
components of the relative Picard over the Lagrangian Hilbert scheme
of $S^{[n]}$.
This leads us to speculate that genuinely new examples
of smooth symplectic {\em projective} varieties
will arise as birational models of moduli spaces of Lagrangian line bundles.
section \ref{subsec-fanos-of-cubics} for new {\em quasiprojective} examples).
We worked so far with a component ${{\cal M}} \rightarrow B$ of the relative
Picard of the universal smooth Lagrangian subvariety ${\cal Z} \rightarrow
B$ which dominates the corresponding component $\bar{B}$ of the Lagrangian
Hilbert scheme (i.e., if $L$ is supported on $Z$, $c_1(L) \in H^{1,1}_{\bf Z}(Z)$
remains of type $(1,1)$ over $B$).
Let $p(n) := \chi\Big(L \otimes_{{\cal O}_X} {\cal O}_X(n)\Big)$
be the Hilbert polynomial of a
Lagrangian line bundle $L$ parametrized by ${{\cal M}}$. A construction of C.
Simpson enables us to compactify ${{\cal M}}$ as an open subset of a component
${{\cal M}}^{ss}$ of the moduli space of equivalence classes of coherent
semistable sheaves on $X$ with Hilbert polynomial $p$
Denote by ${{\cal M}}^s$ the open subset of ${{\cal M}}^{ss}$ parametrizing
isomorphism classes of stable sheaves, ${{\cal M}}^{s,sm}$ the smooth locus of
${{\cal M}}^s$. Then ${\cal M} \subseteq {{\cal M}}^{s,sm} \subseteq {{\cal M}}^s \subseteq
{{\cal M}}^{ss}$. In addition, the moduli space ${{\cal M}}^s$ embeds as a Zariski
open subset of the moduli space of simple sheaves
The Zariski tangent space $T_{[L]}{{\cal M}}^s$ at a stable sheaf $L$ is thus
canonically isomorphic to the Zariski tangent space of the moduli space
of simple sheaves. The latter is identified as
the group ${\rm Ext}^1_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)$ of
extensions $0 \rightarrow L \rightarrow E \rightarrow L \rightarrow 0$ of
$L$ by $L$ as an ${\cal O}_X$-module. When $X$ is a $K3$ or abelian
surface, Mukai's symplectic structure is given by the pairing
{\rm Ext}^1_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L) \otimes {\rm Ext}^1_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)
\stackrel{{\rm Yoneda}}{\longrightarrow} {\rm Ext}^2_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)
\stackrel{{\rm S.D.}}{\longrightarrow} \ {\rm Hom}_X(L,L\otimes \omega_X)^*
\stackrel{id\otimes \sigma}{\longrightarrow} {\bf C}
(Composition of the Yoneda pairing, Serre Duality, and evaluation at
$$id \otimes \sigma \in {\rm Hom}_X(L,L\otimes \omega_X)).$$
The generalization of Mukai's pairing requires the construction of a
homomorphism, depending linearly on the Poisson structure $\psi$,
y : H^{1,1}(X) \rightarrow {\rm Ext}^2_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L).
It sends the Kahler
class $\alpha := c_1 ({\cal O}_X(1)) \in H^{1,1}(X)$ to a
$2$-extension class $y(\alpha) \in {\rm Ext}^2_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)$.
Once this is achieved, the $2$-form $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ will become:
\begin{equation} \label{eq-generalized-mukai-pairing}
{\rm Ext}^1_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L) \otimes {\rm Ext}^1_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)
\LongRightArrowOf{{\rm Yoneda}} {\rm Ext}^2_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)
\LongRightArrowOf{y(\alpha)^{n-1}} {\rm Ext}^{2n}_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)
{\rm Hom}_X(L,L\otimes \omega_X)^*
\LongRightArrowOf{id\otimes \sigma^n} {\bf C}.
\begin{rem} \label{rem-polarized-hodge-like-structure}
When $L$ is a line bundle on a smooth Lagrangian subvariety $Z$
the construction involves a surprisingly rich
polarized Hodge-like structure on the algebra
{\rm Ext}^*_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L) := \bigoplus^{2n}_{k=0} {\rm Ext}^k
_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L).
${\rm Ext}^k_{{\cal O}_X}(L,\cdot)$ is the right derived functor of the
composition $\Gamma \circ \; {\cal H}{\rm om}_{{\cal O}_X}(L,\cdot)$ of the
Sheaf Hom and the global sections functors, there
is a spectral sequence converging to ${\rm Ext}^k_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)$ with
E^{p,q}_2 = H^p\Big( Z, {\cal E}xt^q_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L) \Big)
(see \cite{hilton-stammbach}).
The sheaf of $q$-extensions ${\cal E}xt^q_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)$ is canonically
isomorphic to $\stackrel{q}{\wedge} N_{Z/X}$ and thus, via the
symplectic structure, to $\Omega^q_Z$. We obtain a canonical isomorphism
$E^{p,q}_2 \simeq H^{q,p}(Z)$ with the Dolbeault groups of $Z$. Notice
however, that the Dolbeault groups appear in {\it reversed order} compared
to their order in the graded pieces of the Hodge filtration on the
cohomology ring $H^*(Z,{\bf C})$.
The construction of the $2$-extension class $y(\alpha)$ and
hence of the generalized
Mukai pairing (\ref{eq-generalized-mukai-pairing}) can be carried out
for all coherent sheaves parametrized by ${{\cal M}}^{s,sm}$.
We obtain:
The symplectic structure $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ on the relative Picard ${{\cal M}}$
extends to an algebraic $2$-form over the smooth locus ${{\cal M}}^{s,sm}$ of the
closure of ${{\cal M}}$ in the moduli space of stable sheaves on $X$. It is
identified by the pairing (\ref{eq-generalized-mukai-pairing}).
The non-degeneracy of $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ at a point $[L] \in {{\cal M}}$
parametrizing a line bundle on a smooth Lagrangian subvariety $Z$ follows
from the Hard Lefschetz theorem. We expect $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ to be non degenerate
everywhere on ${{\cal M}}^{s,sm}$.
Finally we remark that the pairing (\ref{eq-generalized-mukai-pairing}) can be
used to define a $2$-form on other components of the moduli space of stable
sheaves on $X$. This $2$-form will, in general, be degenerate.
In fact, some components are odd dimensional:
\begin{example} \label{example-odd-dimensional-moduli-spaces}
Consider an odd
dimensional complete linear system $|Z|$ whose
generic element is a smooth ample divisor on an abelian variety $X$ of even
dimension $\ge 4$, with a symplectic structure $\sigma$. The dimension of
the component of the Hilbert scheme parameterizing deformations of $Z$ is
$\dim ({\rm Pic} \; X) + \dim|Z| = \dim X + \dim|Z|$. Since $h^{1,0}(Z) =
h^{1,0}(X)$, the component of the moduli space of sheaves parameterizing
deformations of the structure sheaf ${\cal O}_Z$, as an ${\cal O}_X$-module,
is of dimension $2 \cdot \dim X + \dim |Z|$ which is odd.
It is the
Hodge theoretic interpretation of the graded pieces of the spectral
sequence of ${\rm Ext}^k_{{\cal O}_X}(L,L)$ for {\em Lagrangian} line bundles
which assures the non degeneracy of $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$.
\subsection{Examples} \label{subsec-examples-of-lagrangian-sheaves}
\subsubsection{Higgs Pairs}
In chapter \ref{ch9} we define the notion of a 1-form
valued Higgs pair $(E,\varphi)$ over a smooth n-dimensional projective
algebraic variety $X$. It consists of a torsion free sheaf $E$ over $X$
and a homomorphism $\varphi : E \rightarrow E \otimes \Omega^1_X$
satisfying the symmetry condition $\varphi \wedge \varphi = 0$.
The moduli space Higgs$_X$ of semistable Higgs pairs of rank $r$ with
vanishing first and second Chern classes may be viewed
as the Dolbeault non-abelian first $GL_r({\bf C})$-cohomology group
of $X$ (cf. \cite{simpson-higgs-bundles-and-local-systems}
and theorem
when $X$ is a curve):
Non-abelian Hodge theory introduces a hyperkahler structure on the smooth
locus of the space ${{\cal M}}_{{\rm Betti}}$ of isomorphism classes of semisimple
$GL_r({\bf C})$-representations of the fundamental group $\pi_1(X)$ of $X$
\cite{deligne-twistors,hitchin,simpson-internetional-congress}. The
hyperkahler structure consists of a Riemannian metric and an action of the
quaternion algebra ${\Bbb H}$ on the real tangent bundle with respect to which
\item [(i)] the (purely imaginary)
unit vectors $\{a|a \bar{a} = 1\}$ in ${\Bbb H}$ correspond to a
(holomorphic) ${\Bbb P}^1$-family of integrable complex structures,
\item [(ii)] the metric is Kahler with respect to these complex structures.
All but two of the complex structures are isomorphic to that of ${{\cal M}}_{{\rm
the two special ones are that of ${\rm Higgs}_X$ and its conjugate
(${{\cal M}}_{{\rm Betti}}$ and Higgs$_X$ are diffeomorphic).
The hyperkahler structure introduces a holomorphic symplectic structure
$\sigma$ on the smooth locus of Higgs$_X$. In case $X$ is a Riemann
surface, that symplectic structure is the one giving rise to the Hitchin
integrable system of spectral Jacobians.
Our aim is to interpret the symplectic structure on Higgs$_X$ as an example
of a Lagrangian structure over the relative Picard of a Lagrangian
component of the Hilbert scheme of the cotangent bundle $T^*_X$ of $X$.
This interpretation will apply to the Hitchin system (where $\dim X = 1$).
For higher dimensional base varieties $X$ it will apply only to certain
particularly nice cases. See also \cite{biswas-a-remark} for a deformation
theoretic study of the holomorphic symplectic structure.
The spectral construction (proposition
can be carried out also for Higgs pairs over a higher dimensional
smooth projective variety $X$
(cf. \cite{simpson-moduli}).
We have a one to one correspondence between
\item [(i)] (Stable) Higgs pairs $(E,\varphi)$ on $X$ (allowing $E$ to
be a rank $r$ torsion free sheaf) and
\item [(ii)] (Stable) sheaves $F$ on the cotangent bundle $T^*_X$ which are
supported on (pure) $n$-dimensional projective subschemes of $T^*_X$ which
are finite, degree $r$, branched coverings (in a scheme theoretic sense) of
Projective subvarieties of $T^*_X$ which are finite over $X$ are called
{\it spectral coverings}. Spectral coverings $\tilde{X}$ are necessarily
Lagrangian since the symplectic form $\sigma$ on $T^*_X$, which restricts
to a global exact 2-form on $\tilde{X}$, must vanish on $\tilde{X}$.
Let $B$ be the open subset of a component of the Hilbert scheme of
${\Bbb P}(T^*_X \oplus {\cal O}_X)$ parametrizing degree $r$ smooth
spectral coverings (closed subvarieties of ${\Bbb P}(T^*_X \oplus {\cal O}_X)$
which are contained in $T^*_X$). The above
correspondence embeds components of the relative Picard ${\cal M}
\rightarrow B$
as open subsets of components of the moduli spaces of stable rank $r$ Higgs
pairs over $X$. Theorem \ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard}
of this chapter implies
\item [(i)] The open subset ${{\cal M}}$ of the moduli Higgs$_X$ of Higgs pairs
over $X$ which, under the spectral construction, parametrizes line bundles
on smooth spectral covers, has a canonical symplectic structure $\sigma_{\cal M}$
(we do not require the Chern classes of the Higgs pairs to vanish).
\item [(ii)] The support morphism $h:{\cal M} \rightarrow B$ is a Lagrangian
\begin{rem} \label{rem-bad-components}
In general, when $\dim X > 1$, there could be components of the
moduli spaces of Higgs pairs for which the open set ${{\cal M}}$ above is empty,
\item the spectral coverings of all Higgs pairs in this
component are singular, or
\item the corresponding sheaves on the spectral coverings are
torsion free but not locally free.
\subsubsection{Fano Varieties of Lines on Cubic Fourfolds}
We will use theorem \ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard}
to prove:
\begin{example} \label{fano-varieties-of-cubics}
Let $Y$ be a smooth cubic hypersurface in ${\Bbb P}^5$. The relative
intermediate Jacobian ${\cal J} \rightarrow B$ over the family
$B \subset | {\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^5} (1)|$ of smooth cubic hyperplane sections of
$Y$ is an algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian system.
The statement follows from a description of the family
${\cal J} \rightarrow B$ as
an open subset of the moduli space of Lagrangian sheaves on the Fano
variety $X$ of lines on $Y$.
A. Beauville and R. Donagi proved \cite{beau-donagi} that $X$ is symplectic
Clemens and Griffiths proved in \cite{c-g}
that the intermediate jacobian $J_b$ of
a smooth hyperplane section $Y \cap H_b$ is isomorphic to the Picard
$Pic^0 Z_b$ of the $2$-dimensional Fano variety $Z_b$ of lines on the
cubic $3$-fold $Y \cap H_b$. C. Voisin observed that $Z_b$
is a Lagrangian subvariety of $X$ \cite{voisin}.
Since $h^{1,0}(Y \cap H_b) = 5$, $B$ is
isomorphic to a dense open subset of a component of the Hilbert scheme.
In fact, using results of Altman and Kleiman, one can show that the
corresponding component is isomorphic to $| {\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}^5} (1)|$
(see \cite{altman-kleiman-fano} Theorem 3.3 (iv)).
Theorem \ref{thm-symplectic-structure-on-relative-picard} implies that
the relative Picard ${{\cal M}} \rightarrow B$ has a completely integrable
Hamiltonian system structure.
The symplectic structure $\sigma_{\cal M}$ is defined also at the fiber
of the
relative Picard corresponding to a Fano variety $Z_b$ of lines on a
hyperplane section $Y\cap H_b$
with an ordinary double point $x_{b}\in Y\cap H_b$
(Theorem \ref{thm-extension-of-symplectic-str}). In that case, we have
a genus $4$ curve $C_b$ in $Z_b$ parametrizing lines through $x_{b}$. $Z_b$
is isomorphic to the quotient
$S^{2}C_b/(C_{1}\sim C_{2})$ of the second symmetric product of $C_b$ modulo
the identification of two disjoint copies of $C_b$ \cite{c-g}.
It is not difficult to check that $\sigma_{{\cal M}}$ is
{\em non-degenerate} also on the fiber $Pic^0(Z_b)$ of the
relative Picard which is a ${\Bbb C}^{\times}$-extension of
the Jacobian of genus $4$.
The non-degeneracy of the symplectic structure implies that we get an
{\em induced boundary integrable system} on the relative Picard of
the family of genus $4$ curves
\begin{equation} \label{equation-integrable-system-of-genus-four-curves}
{\cal P}ic({\cal C}) \rightarrow (Y^{*}-\Delta)
over the complement of the singular locus $\Delta$ of the dual variety of
the cubic fourfold.
It is interesting to note that the boundary integrable system
can not be realized as the relative Picard of a family of curves on a
symplectic surface. If this were the case, the generic rank of the pullback
$a^{*}(\sigma_{{\cal P}ic^1({\cal C})})$
of the symplectic
structure from ${\cal P}ic^1({\cal C}) \rightarrow (Y^{*}-\Delta)$ to
${\cal C} \rightarrow (Y^{*}-\Delta)$ via the Abel-Jacobi map would be $2$.
On the other hand, $a^{*}(\sigma_{{\cal P}ic^1({\cal C})})$
is equal to the pullback of the
symplectic structure $\sigma_X$ on $X$ via the natural dominant map
${\cal C} \rightarrow X$
(corollary \ref{cor-canonical-symplectic-str-on-albanese}).
Thus, its generic rank is $4$.
The importance of this rank as an invariant of integrable systems supported by
families of Jacobians is illustrated in an interesting recent study
of J. Hurtubise \cite{hurtubise-local-geometry}.
More examples of nonrigid Lagrangian subvarieties can be found in
\section{Spectral covers} \label{ch9}
\subsection{Algebraic extensions} \label{intro}\
\indent We have seen that Hitchin's system, the geodesic flow on an ellipsoid,
the polynomial matrices system of Chapter \ref{ch4} , the elliptic solitons,
and so on, all fit as special cases of the spectral system on a curve. In this
final chapter, we consider some algebraic properties of the general spectral
system. We are still considering families of Higgs pairs
$ (E \;, \; \varphi:E \longrightarrow E \otimes K) $,
but we generalize in three separate directions:
\item The base curve $C$ is replaced by an arbitrary complex algebraic variety
$S$. The spectral curve $\widetilde{C}$ then becomes a spectral cover
$\widetilde{S}\longrightarrow S$.
\item The line bundle $K$ in which the endomorphism $\varphi$ takes its values
is replaced by a vector bundle, which we still denote by $K$. (this requires an
integrability condition on $\varphi$.) Equivalently, $\widetilde{S}$ is now
contained in the total space $\Bbb{K}$ of a vector bundle over $S$.
\item Instead of the vector bundle $E$ we consider a principal $G$-bundle $\cal
G$, for an arbitrary complex reductive group $G$. The $G$-vector bundle $E$ is
then recovered as
$E := {\cal G} \times^{G} V$,
given the choice of a representation
$\rho : G \longrightarrow Aut(V)$. The twisted endomorphism $\varphi$ is
replaced by a section of
$K \otimes \bdl{ad}(\cal G)$.
Even in the original case of $G = GL(n)$ one encounters interesting phenomena
in studying the dependence of $\widetilde{S} := \widetilde{S}_V$, for a given
$ ({\cal G} , \varphi)$, on the representation $V$ of $G$.
We will see that essentially all {\em algebraic} properties (but not the {\em
symplectic} structure) of the Hitchin system, or of the (line-bundle valued,
$G=GL(n)$) spectral system on a curve, survive in this new context. In fact,
the added generality forces the discovery of some symmetries which were not
apparent in the original:
\item Spectral curves are replaced by spectral covers. These come in several
indexed by representations of $G$, weights, and parabolic subgroups. The most
basic object is clearly the {\em cameral} cover $\widetilde{S}$; all the others
can be considered as associated objects. In case $G=GL(n)$, the cameral cover
specializes not to our previous spectral cover, which has degree $n$ over $S$,
but roughly to its Galois closure, of degree $n!$ over $S$.
\item The spectral Picards, $Pic(\widetilde{S}_V)$ etc., can all be written
directly in terms of the decomposition of $Pic(\widetilde{S})$ into Prym-type
components under the action of the Weyl group $W$. In particular, there is a
distinguished Prym component common to all the nontrivial
$Pic(\widetilde{S}_V)$. The identification of this component combines and
unifies many interesting constructions in Prym theory.
\item The Higgs bundle too can be relieved of its excess baggage. Stripping
away the representation $V$ as well as the values bundle $K$, one arrives (in
subsection \ref{abstract_objects}) at the notion of abstract, principal Higgs
bundle. The abelianization procedure assigns to this a spectral datum,
consisting of a cameral cover with an equivariant bundle on it.
\item There is a Hitchin map (\ref{BigHitchin}) which is algebraically
completely integrable in the sense that its fibers can be naturally identified,
up to a "shift" and a "twist", with the distinguished Pryms (Theorem \ref{main}
\item The "shift" is a property of the group $G$, and is often nonzero even
when $\widetilde{S}$ is etale over $S$, cf. Proposition
\ref{reg.ss.equivalence}. The "twist", on the other hand, arises from the
ramification of $\widetilde{S}$ over $S$, cf. formula (\ref{G twist}).
\item The resulting abelianization procedure is local in the base $S$, and does
not require particularly nice behavior near the ramification, cf. example
\ref{nilpo}. It does require that $\varphi$ be regular (this means that its
centralizer has the smallest possible dimension; for $GL(n)$, this means that
each eigenvalue may have arbitrary multiplicity, but the eigen-{\em space} must
be 1-dimensional), at least over the generic point of $S$. At present we can
only guess at the situation for irregular Higgs bundles.
The consideration of general spectral systems is motivated in part by work of
Hitchin \cite{hitchin-integrable-system} and Simpson \cite{simpson-moduli}. In
the remainder of this section we briefly recall those works. Our exposition in
the following sections closely follows that of \cite{MSRI}, which in turn is
based on \cite{D2}, for the group-theoretic approach to spectral
decomposition used in section (\ref{deco}), and on \cite{D3} for the
Abelianization procedure, or equivalence of Higgs and spectral data, in
section(\ref{abelianization}). Some of these results, especially in the case of
a base curve, can also be found in \cite{AvM, BK, F, K, Me, MS, Sc}. \\
\noindent \underline{\bf Reductive groups} \nopagebreak
\noindent Principal $G$-bundles {\cal G} for arbitrary reductive $G$ were
considered already in Hitchin's original paper
\cite{hitchin-integrable-system}. Fix a curve $C$ and a line bundle $K$. There
is a moduli space ${\cal M}_{G,K}$ parametrizing equivalence classes of
semistable $K$-valued $G$-Higgs bundles, i.e. pairs
$({\cal G}, \varphi)$ with $\varphi \in K \otimes \bdl{ad}(\cal G)$. The
Hitchin map goes to $$B:=\oplus_{i} H^0(K^{\otimes d_i}),$$ where the $d_i$ are
the degrees of the $f_i$, a basis for the $G$-invariant polynomials on the Lie
algebra $\frak g$. It is:
\[ h: ({\cal G}, \varphi) \longrightarrow (f_i (\varphi))_{i}.
When $K=\omega_C$, Hitchin showed \cite{hitchin-integrable-system} that one
still gets a completely integrable system, and that this system is
algebraically completely integrable for the classical groups $GL(n), SL(n),
SP(n), SO(n).$ The generic fibers are in each case (not quite canonically; one
must choose various square roots! cf. sections \ref{reg.ss} and \ref{reg})
isomorphic to abelian varieties given in terms of the spectral curves
\begin{array}{cl} \label{Pryms for groups}
GL(n)& \widetilde{C}
\mbox{ has degree n over C, the AV is Jac(}
\widetilde{C}). \\
SL(n)& \widetilde{C}
\mbox{ has degree n over C, the AV is Prym(}
\widetilde{C} / C). \\
SP(n)& \widetilde{C}
\mbox{ has degree 2n over C and an involution }
x \mapsto -x. \\
& \mbox{ The map factors through the quotient }
\overline{C}. \nonumber \\
& \mbox{ The AV is }
Prym( \widetilde{C} / \overline{C}). \nonumber \\
SO(n)& \widetilde{C} \mbox{ has degree n and an involution , with: } \\
& \bullet \mbox{ a fixed component, when n is odd.} \\
& \bullet \mbox{ some fixed double points, when n is even.} \\
& \mbox{ One must desingularize }
\mbox{ and the quotient }
\overline{C}, \\
& \mbox{and ends up with the Prym of the} \\
& \mbox{desingularized double cover.} \
For the exceptional group $G_2$, the algebraic complete integrability was
verified in \cite{KP1}.
A sketch of the argument for any reductive $G$ is in \cite{BK}, and a complete
proof was given in \cite{F}. We will outline a proof in section
\ref{abelianization} below. \\
\noindent \underline{\bf Higher dimensions} \nopagebreak
\noindent A sweeping extension of the notion of Higgs bundle is suggested by
the work of Simpson \cite{simpson-moduli}, which was already discussed in
Chapter \ref{ch8}. To him, a Higgs bundle on a projective variety S is a
vector bundle (or principal $G$-bundle \ldots) $E$ with a {\em symmetric},
$\Omega^1_S$-valued endomorphism
\[ \varphi : E \longrightarrow E \otimes \Omega^1_S.
Here {\em symmetric} means the vanishing of:
\[ \varphi\wedge\varphi : E \longrightarrow E \otimes \Omega^2_S,
a condition which is obviously vacuous on curves. Simpson constructs a moduli
space for such Higgs bundles (satisfying appropriate stability conditions), and
establishes diffeomorphisms to corresponding moduli spaces of connections and
of representations of $\pi_1(S)$ .
In our approach, the $\Omega^1$-valued Higgs bundle will be considered as a
particular realization of an abstract Higgs bundle, given by a subalgebra of
$ad(\cal{G})$. The symmetry condition will be expressed in the definition
\ref{princHiggs} of an abstract Higgs bundle by requiring the abelian
subalgebras of $ad(\cal{G})$ to be abelian.
\subsection {Decomposition of spectral Picards} \label{deco}
\subsubsection{The question}\
\indent Throughout this section we fix a vector bundle $K$ on a complex variety
$S$, and a pair
$({\cal G},\varphi)$ where ${\cal G}$ is a principal $G$-bundle on $S$ and
$\varphi$ is a regular section of $K \otimes \bdl{ad}(\cal G)$. (This data is
equivalent to the regular case of what we call in section
\ref{abstract_objects} a $K$-valued principal Higgs bundle.) Each
\[ \rho : G \longrightarrow Aut(V)
determines an associated $K$-valued Higgs (vector) bundle
\[ ( {\cal V} := {\cal G} \times^{G} V, \qquad{\rho}(\varphi)\ ),
which in turn determines a spectral cover $\widetilde{S}_V \longrightarrow S$.
The question, raised first in \cite{AvM} when $S={\bf P}^1$, is to relate the
Picard varieties of the
$\widetilde{S}_V$ as $V$ varies, and in particular to find pieces common to all
of them. For Adler and van Moerbeke, the motivation was that many evolution
DEs (of Lax type) can be {\em linearized} on the Jacobians of spectral curves.
This means that the "Liouville tori", which live naturally in the complexified
domain of the DE (and hence are independent of the representation $V$) are
mapped isogenously to their image in $\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}_V)$ for each
nontrivial $V$ ; so one should be able to locate these tori among the pieces
which occur in an isogeny decomposition of each of the
$\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}_V)$. There are many specific examples where a pair of
abelian varieties constructed from related covers of curves are known to be
isomorphic or isogenous, and some of these lead to important identities among
theta functions.
Take $G=SL(4)$ . The standard representation $V$ gives a branched cover
$\widetilde{S}_V \longrightarrow S$ of degree 4. On the other hand, the
6-dimensional representation $\wedge ^2 V$ (=the standard representation of the
isogenous group $SO(6)$) gives a cover
$ \stackrel{\approx}{S} \longrightarrow S$ of degree 6, which factors through
an involution:
\[ \stackrel{\approx}{S} \longrightarrow \overline{S} \longrightarrow S.
One has the isogeny decompositions:
\[ Pic \, (\widetilde{S}) \sim Prym(\widetilde{S} / S) \oplus Pic \,(S)
\[ Pic \,(\stackrel{\approx}{S}) \sim
Prym(\stackrel{\approx}{S} / \overline{S}) \oplus
Prym(\overline{S} / S) \oplus Pic \,(S).
It turns out that
\[ Prym(\widetilde{S} / S) \sim Prym(\stackrel{\approx}{S} /
\overline{S}) .
For $S={\bf P}^1$, this is Recillas' {\em trigonal construction} \cite{R}. It
says that every Jacobian of a trigonal curve is the Prym of a double cover of a
tetragonal curve, and vice versa.
Take $G=SO(8)$ with its standard 8-dimensional representation $V$. The
spectral cover has degree 8 and factors through an involution,
$ \stackrel{\approx}{S} \longrightarrow \overline{S} \longrightarrow S.$
The two half-spin representations $V_1, V_2$ yield similar covers
\[ \stackrel{\approx}{S} _i \longrightarrow \overline{S} _i \longrightarrow S,
\qquad i=1,2.
The {\em tetragonal construction} \cite{D1} says that the three Pryms of the
double covers are isomorphic. (These examples, as well as Pantazis' {\em
bigonal construction} and constructions based on some exceptional groups, are
discussed in the context of spectral covers in \cite{K} and \cite{D2}.)
It turns out in general that there is indeed a distinguished, Prym-like isogeny
component common to all the spectral Picards, on which the solutions to
Lax-type DEs evolve linearly. This was noticed in some cases already in
\cite{AvM}, and was greatly extended by Kanev's construction of Prym-Tyurin
varieties. (He still needs $S$ to be ${\bf P}^1$ and the spectral cover to have
generic ramification; some of his results apply only to {\em minuscule
Various parts of the general story have been worked out recently by a number of
authors, based on either of two approaches: one, pursued in \cite{D2,Me,MS},
is to decompose everything according to the action of the Weyl group $W$ and to
look for common pieces; the other, used in \cite{BK,D3,F,Sc}, relies on the
correspondence of spectral data and Higgs bundles . The group-theoretic
approach is described in the rest of this section. We take up the second
method, known as {\em abelianization}, in section~\ref{abelianization}.
\subsubsection{Decomposition of spectral covers}
\label{decomp covers}
\indent The decomposition of spectral Picards arises from three sources.
First, the spectral cover for a sum of representations is the union of the
individual covers $\widetilde{S}_V$. Next, the cover $\widetilde{S}_V$ for an
irreducible representation is still the union of subcovers
$\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$ indexed by weight orbits. And finally, the Picard
of $\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$ decomposes into Pryms.
We start with a few observations about the dependence of the covers themselves
on the representation. The decomposition of the Picards is taken up in the
next subsection. \\
\noindent \underline{\bf Spectral covers} \nopagebreak
\noindent Whenever a representation space $V$ of $G$ decomposes,
$$V = \oplus V_i,$$
there is a corresponding decomposition
$$ \widetilde{S}_V =\cup \widetilde{S}_{V_i}, $$
so we may restrict attention to irreducible representations $V$.
There is an \mbox{\em infinite} collection (of irreducible representations $V
:= V_{\mu}$, hence) of spectral covers $\widetilde{S}_V$, which can be
parametrized by their highest weights $\mu$ in the dominant Weyl chamber
$\overline{C}$ , or equivalently by the $W$-orbit of extremal weights, in
$\Lambda / W$. Here $T$ is a maximal torus in $G$, $\Lambda := Hom(T, {\bf
C}^*)$ is the {\em weight lattice } (also called {\em character lattice }) for
$G$, and $W$ is the Weyl group. Now $V_{\mu}$ decomposes as the sum of its
weight subspaces $V_{\mu}^{\lambda}$, indexed by certain weights $\lambda$ in
the convex hull in $\Lambda$ of the $W$-orbit of $\mu$. We conclude that each
$\widetilde{S}_{V_{\mu}}$ itself decomposes as the union of its subcovers
$\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$, each of which involves eigenvalues in a given
$W$-orbit $W{\lambda}$ . ($\lambda$ runs over the weight-orbits in
$V_{\mu}$.) \\
\noindent \underline{\bf Parabolic covers} \nopagebreak
\noindent There is a {\em finite} collection of covers $\widetilde{S}_P$,
parametrized by the conjugacy classes in $G$ of parabolic subgroups (or
equivalently by arbitrary dimensional faces $F_P$ of the chamber
$\overline{C}$) such that (for general $S$) each eigenvalue cover
$\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$ is birational to some parabolic cover
$\widetilde{S}_{P}$, the one whose open face $F_P$ contains ${\lambda}$. \\
\noindent \underline{\bf The cameral cover} \nopagebreak
\noindent There is a $W$-Galois cover $\widetilde{S} \longrightarrow S$ such
that each
$\widetilde{S}_{P}$ is isomorphic to $\widetilde{S} / W_P$, where $W_P$ is
the Weyl subgroup of $W$ which stabilizes $F_P$. We call $\widetilde{S}$ the
{\em cameral cover} , since, at least generically, it parametrizes the
chambers determined by $\varphi$ (in the duals of the Cartans).
Informally, we think of $\widetilde{S} \longrightarrow S$ as the cover which
associates to a point $s \in S$ the set of Borel subalgebras of $ad({\cal
G})_s$ containing $\phi(s)$. More carefully, this is constructed as follows:
There is a morphism
${\frak g}\longrightarrow {\frak t}/W$ sending $g \in {\frak g}$ to the
conjugacy class of its semisimple part $g_{ss}$. (More precisely, this is
$Spec$ of the composed ring homomorphism
${\bf C} [ {\frak t} ] ^{W}
{ \stackrel{\simeq}{\leftarrow}}
{\bf C}[{\frak g}]^{G} \label{t/W}
{\bf C}[{\frak g}]$.)
Taking fiber product with the quotient map ${\frak t}\longrightarrow {\frak
t}/W$, we get the cameral cover ${\tilde{\frak g}}$ of ${\frak g}$. The
cameral cover $\widetilde{S} \longrightarrow S$ of a $K$-valued principal Higgs
bundle on $S$ is glued from covers of open subsets in $S$ (on which $K$ and
$\cal G$ are trivialized) which in turn are pullbacks by $\varphi$ of
${\tilde{\frak g}} \longrightarrow {\frak g} $.
\subsubsection{Decomposition of spectral Picards}\
\indent The decomposition of the Picard varieties of spectral covers can be
described as follows:\\
\noindent \underline{\bf The cameral Picard} \nopagebreak
\noindent From each isomorphism class of irreducible $W$-representations,
choose an integral representative $\Lambda _i$. (This can always be done, for
Weyl groups.) The group ring
${\bf Z} [W]$ which acts on $Pic(\widetilde{S}) $ has an isogeny
\begin{equation}\label{regular rep}
{\bf Z} [W] \sim \oplus _i \Lambda _i \otimes_{\bf Z} \Lambda _i^{*},
which is just the decomposition of the regular representation. There is a
corresponding isotypic decomposition:
\begin{equation}\label{cameral Pic decomposition}
Pic(\widetilde{S}) \sim \oplus _i \Lambda _i \otimes_{\bf Z} Prym_{\Lambda
\begin{equation}\label{def of Prym_lambda}
Prym_{\Lambda _i}(\widetilde{S} ):= Hom_W (\Lambda _i , Pic(\widetilde{S})).
\noindent \underline{\bf Parabolic Picards} \nopagebreak
\noindent There are at least three reasonable ways of obtaining an isogeny
decomposition of $Pic(\widetilde{S}_P) $, for a parabolic subgroup $P \subset
\item The `Hecke' ring $Corr_P$ of correspondences on $\widetilde{S}_P$ over
$S$ acts on $Pic(\widetilde{S}_P) $, so every irreducible integral
representation $M$ of $Corr_P$ determines a generalized Prym
$$ Hom_{Corr_P} (M, Pic(\widetilde{S}_P)), $$
and we obtain an isotypic decomposition of $Pic(\widetilde{S}_P)$ as before.
\item $Pic(\widetilde{S}_P)$ maps, with torsion kernel, to
$Pic(\widetilde{S})$, so we obtain a decomposition of the former by
intersecting its image with the isotypic components
$\Lambda _i \otimes_{\bf Z} Prym_{\Lambda _i}(\widetilde{S})$ of the latter.
\item Since $\widetilde{S}_P$ is the cover of $S$ {\em associated} to the
$W$-cover $\widetilde{S}$ via the permutation representation ${\bf Z} [W_P
\backslash W]$ of $W$, we get an isogeny decomposition of
$Pic(\widetilde{S}_P)$ indexed by the irreducible representations in
${\bf Z} [W_P \backslash W]$.
It turns out (\cite{D2},section 6) that all three decompositions agree
and can be given explicitly as
\label{multiplicity spaces}
\oplus _i M _i \otimes Prym_{\Lambda _i}(\widetilde{S}) \subset
\oplus _i \Lambda _i \otimes Prym_{\Lambda _i}(\widetilde{S}),\qquad
M_i := (\Lambda_i)^{W_P}.
\noindent \underline{\bf Spectral Picards} \nopagebreak
\noindent To obtain the decomposition of the Picards of the original covers
$\widetilde{S}_V$ or
$\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$, we need, in addition to the decomposition of
$Pic(\widetilde{S}_P)$, some information on the singularities. These can arise
from two separate sources:
\item[Accidental singularities of the $\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$. ]
For a sufficiently general Higgs bundle, and for a weight $\lambda$ in the
interior of the face $F_P$ of the Weyl chamber $\overline{C}$, the natural
$$ i_{\lambda}: \widetilde{S}_P\longrightarrow \widetilde{S}_{\lambda} $$
is birational. For the {\em standard} representations of the classical groups
of types
$A_n, B_n$ or $C_n$, this {\em is} an isomorphism. But for general ${\lambda}$
it is {\em not}: In order for $i_{\lambda}$ to be an isomorphism, ${\lambda}$
must be a multiple of a fundamental weight, cf. \cite{D2}, lemma 4.2. In fact,
the list of fundamental weights for which this happens is quite short; for the
classical groups we have only: $\omega_1$ for $A_n, B_n$ and $C_n$,
$\omega_n$ (the dual representation) for $A_n$, and $\omega_2$ for $B_2$. Note
that for $D_n$ the list is {\em empty}. In particular, the covers produced by
the standard representation of $SO(2n)$ are singular; this fact, noticed by
Hitchin In \cite{hitchin-integrable-system}, explains the need for
desingularization in his result~(\ref{Pryms for groups}).
\item[Gluing the $\widetilde{S}_{V}$. ]
In addition to the singularities of each $i_{\lambda}$, there are the
singularities created by the gluing map $\amalg_{\lambda}
\widetilde{S}_{\lambda} \longrightarrow \widetilde{S}_V$. This makes explicit
formulas somewhat simpler in the case, studied by Kanev \cite{K}, of {\em
minuscule} representations, i.e. representations whose weights form a single
$W$-orbit. These singularities account, for instance, for the
desingularization required in the $SO(2n+1)$ case in
(\ref{Pryms for groups}).
\subsubsection{The distinguished Prym} \label{distinguished}\
\indent Combining much of the above, the Adler--van Moerbeke problem of finding
a component common to the $Pic(\widetilde{S}_V)$ for all non-trivial $V$
translates into: \\
Find the non trivial irreducible representations
$\Lambda_i $ of $W$ which occur in ${\bf Z} [W_P \backslash W] $
with positive multiplicity for all proper Weyl subgroups
$W_P \subsetneqq W.$
\end{em} \\
It is easy to see that for arbitrary finite groups $W$, or even for Weyl groups
$W$ if we allow arbitrary rather than Weyl subgroups $W_P$, there may be no
common factors \cite{D2}. For example, when $W$ is the symmetric group $S_3$
(=the Weyl group of $GL(3)$) and $W_P$ is $S_2$ or $A_3$, the representations
${\bf Z} [W_P \backslash W] $ are 3 or 2 dimensional, respectively, and have
only the trivial representation as common component. In any case, our problem
is equivalent (by Frobenius reciprocity or (\ref{multiplicity spaces})) to \\
Find the irreducible representations
$\Lambda_i $
of W such that for every proper Weyl subgroup
$W_P \subsetneqq W, $
the space of invariants
$M_i := (\Lambda_i)^{W_P} $
is non-zero.
\end{em} \\
One solution is now obvious: the {\em{reflection representation}} of $W$ acting
on the weight lattice $\Lambda$ has this property. In fact,
$\Lambda^{W_P}$ in this case is just the face $F_P$ of $\overline{C}$. The
corresponding component $Prym_{\Lambda }(\widetilde{S})$ , is called {\em{the
distinguished Prym}.} We will see in section \ref{abelianization} that its
points correspond, modulo some corrections, to Higgs bundles.
For the classical groups, this turns out to be the only common component. For
$G_2$ and $E_6$ it turns out (\cite{D2}, section 6) that a second common
component exists. The geometric significance of points in these extra
components is not known. As far as we know, the only component other than the
distinguished Prym which has arisen `in nature' is the one associated to the
1-dimensional sign representation of $W$, cf. \cite{KP2}.
\subsection {Abelianization}\label{abelianization}
\subsubsection{Abstract vs. $K$-valued objects}\label{abstract_objects}\
\indent We want to describe the abelianization procedure in a somewhat abstract
setting, as an equivalence between {\em{principal Higgs bundles}} and certain
{\em spectral data}.
Once we fix a {\em{values}} vector bundle $K$, we obtain an equivalence between
{\em $K$-valued principal Higgs bundles} and {\em K-valued spectral data}.
the choice of a representation $V$ of $G$ will determine an equivalence of
{\em $K$-valued Higgs bundles} (of a given representation type) with $K$-valued
spectral data.
As our model of a $W$-cover we take the natural quotient map
$$G/T \longrightarrow G/N
and its partial compactification
\overline{G/T} \longrightarrow \overline{G/N}. \label{partial
Here $T \subset G$ is a maximal torus, and $N$ is its normalizer in $G$.
The quotient $G/N$ parametrizes maximal tori (=Cartan subalgebras) $\frak{t}$
in $\frak{g}$,
while $G/T$ parametrizes pairs ${\frak t \subset \frak b}$
with ${\frak b \subset \frak g}$ a Borel subalgebra.
An element $x \in {\frak g}$ is {\em regular} if the dimension of its
${\frak c \subset \frak g}$ equals $\dim{T}$ (=the rank of $\frak{g}$). The
partial compactifications
$ \overline{G/N}$ and $ \overline{G/T}$ parametrize regular centralizers
${\frak c }$ and pairs ${\frak c \subset \frak b}$, respectively.
In constructing the cameral cover in section \ref{t/W}, we used the $W$-cover
$\frak t \longrightarrow \frak t / W$ and its pullback cover ${
\widetilde{\frak g} \longrightarrow \frak g}$.
Over the open subset $\frak g_{reg}$ of regular elements, the same cover is
obtained by pulling back (\ref{partial compactification}) via the map
$\alpha : \frak g_{reg} \longrightarrow \overline{G/N}$ sending an element to
its centralizer:
\frak t & \longleftarrow & \widetilde{\frak g}_{{reg}} & \longrightarrow &
\overline{G/T} & \\
\downarrow & &\downarrow & & \downarrow & \\
\frak t /W & \longleftarrow & {\frak g}_{{reg}} &
\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow} & \overline{G/N} &.
When working with $K$-valued objects, it is usually more convenient to work
with the left hand side of (\ref{commutes}), i.e. with eigen{\em values}. When
working with the abstract objects, this is unavailable, so we are forced to
work with the eigen{\em vectors},
or the right hand side of (\ref{commutes}). Thus:
An abstract {\em cameral cover} of $S$ is a finite morphism $\widetilde{S}
\longrightarrow S$
with $W$-action, which locally (etale) in $S$ is a pullback of (\ref{partial
compactification}). \\
A {\em $K$-valued cameral cover} ($K$ is a vector bundle on $S$) consists of a
cameral cover $\pi : \widetilde{S} \longrightarrow S$ together with an
\widetilde{S} \times \Lambda \longrightarrow \Bbb{K} \label{K-values}
which is $W$-invariant ($W$ acts on $ \widetilde{S} , \Lambda,$ hence
diagonally on
$\widetilde{S} \times \Lambda $ ) and linear in $\Lambda$. \\
We note that a cameral cover $\widetilde{S}$ determines quotients
$\widetilde{S}_P$ for parabolic subgroups $P \subset G$. A $K$-valued cameral
cover determines additionally the $\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$ for $\lambda \in
\Lambda$, as images in $\Bbb{K}$ of
$\widetilde{S} \times \{ \lambda \}$. The data of (\ref{K-values}) is
equivalent to a $W$-equivariant map $\widetilde{S} \longrightarrow
\frak{t}\otimes_{\bf C} K.$
\begin{defn} \label{princHiggs}
A $G$-principal Higgs bundle on $S$ is a pair ($\cal{G}, \bdl{c})$ with
$\cal{G}$ a principal $G$-bundle and $\bdl{c} \subset ad(\cal{G})$ a subbundle
of regular centralizers.
A $K$-valued $G$-principal Higgs bundle consists of $( \cal{G}, \bdl{c} )$
as above together with a section $\varphi$ of $\bdl{c} \otimes K$.
A principal Higgs bundle $(\cal{G}, \bdl{c})$ determines a cameral cover
$\widetilde{S}\longrightarrow S$ and a homomorphism $\Lambda \longrightarrow
\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}).$ Let $F$ be a parameter space for Higgs bundles with
a given $\widetilde{S}$. Each non-zero $\lambda \in \Lambda$ gives a
non-trivial map
$F\longrightarrow \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S})$. For $\lambda$ in a face $F_P$ of
$\overline{C}$, this factors through $\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}_P)$. The
discussion in section \ref{distinguished} now suggests that $F$ itself should
be given roughly by the distinguished Prym,
$$ Hom_W (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S})).
It turns out that this guess needs two corrections. The first correction
involves restricting to a coset of a subgroup; the need for this is visible
even in the simplest case where
is etale over
$(\cal{G}, \bdl{c})$
is everywhere regular and semisimple
$ \bdl{c}$
is a bundle of Cartans.)
The second correction involves a twist along the ramification of
We explain these in the next two subsections.
\subsubsection{The regular semisimple case: the shift} \label{reg.ss}
\begin{eg} \label{unramified}
Fix a smooth projective curve
and a line bundle
$K \in \mbox{Pic}(C)$
such that
$K^{\otimes 2} \approx \cal{O}_C.$
This determines an etale double cover
$\pi : \widetilde{C} \longrightarrow C$
with involution
and homomorphisms
\pi^{*} &:& \mbox{Pic}(C) &\longrightarrow
&\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C}) &, \\
\mbox{Nm} &:& \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C}) &\longrightarrow &\mbox{Pic}(C)
&, \\
i^{*} &:& \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C}) &\longrightarrow
&\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C}) &,
$$ 1+i^{*} = \pi^* \circ \mbox{Nm}.
\item For
$G = GL(2)$
we have
$\Lambda = \bf{Z} \oplus \bf{Z}$,
$W = {\cal{S}}_{2}$
permutes the summands, so
$$ Hom_W (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C})) \approx
And indeed, the Higgs bundles corresponding to
are parametrized by
$L \in \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C})$
$(\cal{G}, \bdl{c})$,
has associated rank-2 vector bundle
${\cal V} := \pi_* L$,
$ \bdl{c} \subset \UnderlinedEnd{{\cal{V}}}$
$\pi_* {\cal O}_{\widetilde{C}}.$
\item On the other hand, for
we have
acts by
$\pm 1$,
$$ Hom_W (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S})) \approx
\{L \in \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C})\ | \ i^*L \approx L^{-1} \}
= \mbox{ker}(1+i^*).
This group has 4 connected components. The subgroup
consists of 2 of these. The connected component of 0 is the classical Prym
variety, cf. \cite{MuPrym}. Now the Higgs bundles correspond, via the above
$L\mapsto \pi_*L$,
$$\{L \in \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C}) \ |\ \det (\pi_*L) \approx {\cal O}_C \} =
Thus they form the {\em non-zero} coset of the subgroup
(If we return to a higher dimensional $S$, there is no change in the $GL(2)$
but it is possible for $K$ not to be in the image of
so there may be {\em no}
$SL(2)$-Higgs bundles corresponding to such a cover.)
This example generalizes to all
as follows. The equivalence classes of extensions
$$1 \longrightarrow T \longrightarrow N' \longrightarrow W \longrightarrow
(in which the action of $W$ on $T$ is the standard one) are parametrized by the
group cohomology
Here the 0 element corresponds to the semidirect product . The class
$[N] \in H^2(W,T)$
of the normalizer $N$ of $T$ in $G$ may be 0, as it is for
$G=GL(n) , {\bf P}GL(n) , SL(2n+1) $;
or not, as for
Assume first, for simplicity, that
are connected and projective. There is then a natural group homomorphism
c: Hom_W (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))\longrightarrow H^2(W,T).
Algebraically, this is an edge homomorphism for the Grothendieck spectral
sequence of equivariant cohomology, which gives the exact sequence
0 \longrightarrow H^1(W,T)
\longrightarrow H^1(S,{\cal{C}})
\longrightarrow Hom_W (\Lambda ,
\stackrel{c}{\longrightarrow} H^2(W,T).
${\cal{C}} := \widetilde{S} \times _W T.$
Geometrically, this expresses a {\em Mumford group} construction: giving
${\cal{L}} \in \mbox{Hom}(\Lambda,\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))$
is equivalent to giving a principal $T$-bundle
$\cal T$
${\cal{L}} \in \mbox{Hom}_W(\Lambda,\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))$,
is the class in
of the group
of automorphisms of
$\cal T$
which commute with the action on
of some
$w \in W$.
To remove the restriction on
$S, \widetilde{S}$,
we need to replace each occurrence of $T$ in (\ref{c},\ref{c-edge}) by
$\Gamma (\widetilde{S}, T)$,
the global sections of the trivial bundle on
with fiber $T$. The natural map
$H^2(W,T) \longrightarrow H^2(W,\Gamma (\widetilde{S}, T))$
allows us to think of
as an element of
$H^2(W,\Gamma (\widetilde{S}, T))$.
\begin{prop} \cite{D3} \label{reg.ss.equivalence}
Fix an etale $W$-cover
$\pi: \widetilde{S}\longrightarrow S$.
The following data are equivalent:
\item Principal $G$-Higgs bundles
$(\cal{G}, \bdl{c})$
with cameral cover
\item Principal $N$-bundles
$\cal N$
over $S$ whose quotient by $T$ is
\item $W$-equivariant homomorphisms
${\cal{L}} : \Lambda \longrightarrow \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S})$
$c({\cal L}) = [N] \in H^2(W,\Gamma (\widetilde{S}, T))$.
We observe that while the shifted objects correspond to Higgs bundles,
the unshifted objects
{\cal{L}} \in \mbox{Hom}_W(\Lambda,\mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S})), \qquad c({\cal
come from the $\cal C$-torsers in $H^1(S, {\cal C} ).$
\subsubsection{The regular case: the twist along the ramification}
\begin{eg} \label{ramified}
Modify example \ref{unramified} by letting
$K \in \mbox{Pic}(C) $
be arbitrary, and choose a section $b$ of
$K ^{\otimes 2}$
which vanishes on a simple divisor
$B \subset C$.
We get a double cover
$\pi : \widetilde{C} \longrightarrow C$
branched along $B$, ramified along a divisor
R \subset \widetilde{C}, \quad \pi(R)=B.
$L\mapsto \pi_*L$,
the $SL(2)$-Higgs bundles still correspond to
$$\{L \in \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C}) \ |\ \det (\pi_*L) \approx {\cal O}_C \} =
But this is no longer in
$ Hom_W (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))$;
rather, the line bundles in question satisfy
\label{SL(2) twist}
i^*L \approx L^{-1}(R).
For arbitrary $G$, let
denote the root system and
the set of positive roots. There is a decomposition
$$ \overline{G/T} \ \smallsetminus \ G/T = \bigcup _{\alpha \in
of the boundary into components, with
the fixed locus of the reflection
(Via (\ref{commutes}), these correspond to the complexified walls in
$\frak t$.)
Thus each cameral cover
$\widetilde{S} \longrightarrow S$
comes with a natural set of (Cartier) {\em ramification divisors}, which we
still denote
$R_{\alpha}, \quad \alpha \in \Phi^+.$
$w \in W$,
$$ F_w := \left\{ \alpha \in \Phi^+ \ | \ w^{-1} \alpha \in \Phi^- \right\}
= \Phi^+ \cap w \Phi^-,
and choose a $W$-invariant form
$\langle , \rangle$
We consider the variety
$$ Hom_{W,R} (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))
of $R$-twisted $W$-equivariant homomorphisms, i.e. homomorphisms
$\cal L$
\begin{equation} \qquad
\label{G twist}
w^*{\cal L}(\lambda) \approx
{\cal L}(w\lambda)\left( \sum_{\alpha \in F_w}{
{\langle-2\alpha,w\lambda \rangle \over \langle \alpha ,\alpha \rangle}
} \right) , \qquad \lambda \in \Lambda, \quad w \in W.
This turns out to be the correct analogue of (\ref{SL(2) twist}). (E.g. for a
\quad $F_w$
$\left\{ \alpha \right\}$,
so this gives
$ w^*{\cal L}(\lambda) \approx
{\cal L}(w\lambda)\left(
{{\langle\alpha,2\lambda \rangle \over \langle \alpha,\alpha \rangle}
which specializes to (\ref{SL(2) twist}).) As before, there is a class map
c: Hom_{W,R} (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))\longrightarrow
H^2(W,\ \Gamma (\widetilde{S}, T))
which can be described via a Mumford-group construction.
To understand this twist, consider the formal object
{1 \over 2} \mbox{Ram}: & \Lambda & \longrightarrow & {\bf Q}\otimes
\mbox{Pic}\widetilde{S}, \\
& \lambda & \longmapsto &
\sum_{ ( \alpha \in {\Phi^+} ) }{{\langle\alpha,\lambda \rangle \over \langle
\alpha,\alpha \rangle} R_{\alpha}}.
In an obvious sense, a principal $T$-bundle
$\cal T$
(or a homomorphism
${\cal L}: \Lambda \longrightarrow \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S})$)
is $R$-twisted $W$-equivariant if and only if
${\cal T} (-{1 \over 2} Ram)$
is $W$-equivariant, i.e. if
${\cal T}$
${1 \over 2} Ram$
transform the same way under $W$.
The problem with this is that
${1 \over 2} Ram$
itself does not make sense as a $T$-bundle, because the coefficients
${\langle\alpha,\lambda\rangle \over \langle\alpha,\alpha\rangle} $
are not integers. (This argument shows that if
$Hom_{W,R} (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))$
is non-empty, it is a torser over the untwisted
$Hom_{W} (\Lambda , \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{S}))$.)
\begin{thm} \cite{D3}
For a cameral cover
$\widetilde{S} \longrightarrow S$,
the following data are equivalent: \\
(1) $G$-principal Higgs bundles with cameral cover
$\widetilde{S}$. \\
(2) $R$-twisted $W$-equivariant homomorphisms
${\cal L} \in c^{-1}([N]).$
The theorem has an essentially local nature, as there is no requirement that
$S$ be, say, projective. We also do not need the condition of generic behavior
near the ramification, which appears in \cite{F, Me, Sc}. Thus we may consider
an extreme case, where
is `everywhere ramified':
\begin{eg}\begin{em} \label{nilpo}
In example \ref{ramified}, take the section
The resulting cover
is a `ribbon', or length-2 non-reduced structure on $C$: it is the length-2
neighborhood of $C$ in
The SL(2)-Higgs bundles
$({\cal G},\bdl{c})$
for this
have an everywhere nilpotent
so the vector bundle
${\cal V} := {\cal G} \times^{SL(2)} V \approx \pi_* L$
(where $V$ is the standard 2-dimensional representation) fits in an exact
$$ 0 \longrightarrow {\cal S} \longrightarrow {\cal V} \longrightarrow
{\cal Q} \longrightarrow 0
${\cal S} \otimes K \approx {\cal Q}.$
Such data are specified by the line bundle
${\cal Q}$,
${\cal Q}^{\otimes 2} \approx K$,
and an extension class in
$\mbox{Ext}^1({\cal Q}, {\cal S}) \approx H^1(K^{-1})$.
The kernel of the restriction map
$ \mbox{Pic}(\widetilde{C}) \longrightarrow \mbox{Pic}(C) $
is also given by
(use the exact sequence
$0 \longrightarrow K^{-1} \longrightarrow \pi_*{\cal
\longrightarrow {\cal O}_C^{\times} \longrightarrow 0$),
and the $R$-twist produces the required square roots of $K$. (For more details
on the nilpotent locus, cf. \cite{L} and \cite{DEL}.)
\subsubsection{Adding values and representations}\
\indent Fix a vector bundle $K$, and consider the moduli space $ {\cal
M}_{S,G,K} $ of $K$-valued $G$-principal Higgs bundles on $S$. (It can be
constructed as in Simpson's \cite{simpson-moduli}, even though the objects we
need to parametrize are slightly different than his. In this subsection we
sketch a direct construction.)
It comes with a Hitchin map:
h: {\cal M}_{S,G,K} \longrightarrow B_K
\noindent where $B := B_K$ parametrizes all possible Hitchin data. Theorem
\ref{main} gives a precise description of the fibers of this map, independent
of the values bundle $K$. This leaves us with the relatively minor task of
describing, for each $K$, the corresponding base, i.e. the closed subvariety
$B_s$ of $B$ parametrizing {\em split} Hitchin data, or $K$-valued cameral
covers. The point is that Higgs bundles satisfy a symmetry condition, which
in Simpson's setup is
$$ \varphi \wedge \varphi = 0,
and is built into our definition \ref{princHiggs} through the assumption that
\bdl{c} is a bundle of regular centralizers, hence is abelian. Since commuting
operators have common eigenvectors, this is translated into a splitness
condition on the Hitchin data, which we describe below. (When $K$ is a line
bundle, the condition is vacuous, $B_s = B$.) The upshot is:
The following data are equivalent: \\
(a) A $K$-valued cameral cover of $S$. \\
(b) A split, graded homomorphism
$R{\bf \dot{\ }} \longrightarrow {Sym}{\bf \dot{\ }}K.$ \\
(c) A split Hitchin datum
$b \in B_s$.
Here $R{\bf \dot{\ }}$ is the graded ring of $W$-invariant polynomials on
$\frak t$:
R{\bf \dot{\ }} := (\mbox{Sym}{\bf \dot{\ }} {\frak t}^*)^W
\approx {\bf C}[\sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_l], \qquad \deg (\sigma_i) = d_i
$l := \mbox{Rank}({\frak g})$
and the
form a basis for the $W$-invariant polynomials. The Hitchin base is the vector
$$ B := B_K := \oplus _{i=1}^l H^0(S, {Sym}^{d_i}K)
\approx \mbox{Hom}(R{\bf \dot{\ }},\mbox{Sym}{\bf \dot{\ }}K).
\noindent For each
$\lambda \in \Lambda$
$\lambda \in {\frak t}^*$,
for that matter), the expression in an indeterminate $x$:
\label{rep poly}
q_{\lambda}(x,t) := \prod_{w \in W}{(x-w\lambda(t))}, \qquad t \in {\frak t},
\noindent is $W$-invariant (as a function of $t$), so it defines an element
$q_{\lambda}(x) \in R{\bf \dot{\ }}[x].$
A Hitchin datum
$b \in B \approx \mbox{Hom}(R{\bf \dot{\ }},\mbox{Sym}{\bf \dot{\ }}K)$
sends this to
$$ q_{\lambda,b}(x) \in \mbox{Sym}\dot{\ }(K)[x].
We say that $b$ is {\em split} if, at each point of $S$ and for each
the polynomial
factors completely, into terms linear in $x$.
We note that, for $\lambda$ in the interior of $C$ (the positive Weyl chamber),
gives the equation in
$\Bbb K$
of the spectral cover
of section (\ref{decomp covers}):
$q_{\lambda,b}$ gives a morphism
$\Bbb K \longrightarrow \mbox{Sym}^N \Bbb K$,
where $N:=\#W$, and $\widetilde{S}_{\lambda}$ is the inverse image of the
is in a face
we define analogous polynomials
by taking the product in (\ref{rep poly}) to be over
$w \in W_P \backslash W.$
These give the reduced equations in this case, and
is an appropriate power.)
Over $B_s$ there is a universal $K$-valued cameral cover
$$ \widetilde{\cal S} \longrightarrow B_s
with ramification divisor $R \subset \widetilde{\cal S}$. From the relative
$$ \mbox{Pic}( \widetilde{\cal S} / B_s)
we concoct the relative $N$-shifted, $R$-twisted Prym
$$ \mbox{Prym}_{\Lambda ,R}( \widetilde{\cal S} / B_s).
By Theorem (\ref{main}), this can then be considered as a parameter space
$ {\cal M}_{S,G,K} $
for all $K$-valued $G$-principal Higgs bundles on $S$. (Recall that our objects
are assumed to be everywhere {\em regular}!) It comes with a `Hitchin map',
namely the projection to $B_s$, and the fibers corresponding to smooth
projective $\widetilde{S}$ are abelian varieties. When $S$ is a smooth,
projective curve, we recover this way the algebraic complete integrability of
Hitchin's system and its generalizations. More generally, for any $S$, one
obtains an ACIHS (with symplectic, respectively Poisson structures) when the
values bundle has the same (symplectic, respectively Poisson) structure, by a
slight modification of the construction in Chapter \ref{ch8}. One considers
only Lagrangian supports which retain a $W$-action, and only equivariant
sheaves on them (with the numerical invariants of a line bundle). These two
restrictions are symplecticly dual, so the moduli space of Lagrangian sheaves
with these invariance properties is a symplectic (respectively, Poisson) subsp!
ace of
the total moduli space, and the
fibers of the Hitchin map are Lagrangian as expected.
\subsubsection{Irregulars?} \nopagebreak
\noindent The Higgs bundles we consider in this survey are assumed to be
everywhere regular. This is a reasonable assumption for line-bundle valued
Higgs bundles on a curve or surface, but {\em not} in $\dim \geq 3$. This is
because the complement of ${\frak g}_{{reg}}$ has codimension 3 in ${\frak g}$.
The source of the difficulty is that the analogue of (\ref{commutes}) fails
${\frak g}$. There are two candidates for the universal cameral cover:
$\widetilde{\frak g}$, defined by the left hand side of (\ref{commutes}), is
finite over ${\frak g}$ with $W$ action, but does not have a family of line
bundles parametrized by $\Lambda$.
These live instead on $\stackrel{\approx}{\frak g}$, the object defined by
the right hand side, which parametrizes pairs
$(x,{\frak b}), \qquad x \in {\frak b} \subset {\frak g}$ .
This suggests that the right way to analyze irregular Higgs bundles may involve
spectral data consisting of a tower
$$ \stackrel{\approx}{S} \stackrel{\sigma}{\longrightarrow} \widetilde{S}
\longrightarrow S
together with a homomorphism
$ {\cal L} : \Lambda \longrightarrow \mbox{Pic}(\stackrel{\approx}{S})$
such that the collection of sheaves
$$ \sigma_*({\cal L}(\lambda)), \qquad \lambda \in \Lambda
$R$-twisted $W$-equivariant in an appropriate sense. As a first step, one may
wish to understand the direct images
$ R^i \sigma_*({\cal L}(\lambda)) $
and in particular the cohomologies
$H^i(F, {\cal L}(\lambda))$
where $F$, usually called a {\em Springer fiber}, is a fiber of $\sigma$. For
regular $x$, this fiber is a single point. For $x=0$, the fiber is all of
$G/B$, so the fiber cohomology is given by the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem. The
question may thus be considered as a desired extension of BWB to general
Springer fibers.
1995-07-31T06:20:14 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507015 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507015 | [
] | alg-geom/9507015 | Brendan Hassett | Brendan Hassett | Correlation for Surfaces of General Type | AMSLaTeX. This version contains some minor corrections, and additions
to the references | null | null | null | null | The main geometric result of this paper is that given any family of surfaces
of general type f:X-->B, for sufficiently large n the fiber product X^n_B
dominates a variety of general type. This result is especially interesting when
it is combined with Lang's Conjecture. This states that for a variety V of
general type over a number field K, the K rational points V(K) are not Zariski
dense in V. Assuming Lang's Conjecture, we prove the existence of a uniform
bound on the degree of the Zariski closure of the K-rational points of a
surface of general type.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 Jul 1995 23:27:19 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 30 Jul 1995 16:50:12 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
The purpose of this paper is to prove the following theorem:
\begin{thm}[Correlation Theorem for Surfaces]
Let $f:X \longrightarrow B$ be a proper morphism of integral
varieties, whose general fiber is an integral surface of general
type. Then for $n$ sufficiently large, $X^n_B$ admits a dominant
rational map $h$ to a variety $W$ of general type such that the
restriction of $h$ to a general fiber of $f^n$ is generically finite.
This theorem has a number of geometric and number theoretic consequences
that will be discussed in the final section of this paper. In particular,
assuming Lang's conjecture on rational points of varieties of general type,
we can prove a uniform bound on the number of rational points on
a surface of general type
not contained in rational or elliptic curves.
\newline \indent This theorem is a special case of the following conjecture
posed by Caporaso, Harris, and Mazur \cite{CHM}:
\begin{conj}[Correlation Conjecture]
Let $f:X \longrightarrow B$ be a proper morphism of integral varieties,
whose general fiber is an integral variety of general type.
\newline Then for $n$ sufficiently large, $X^n_B$ admits a dominant
rational map $h$ to a variety $W$ of general type such that the
restriction of $h$ to a general fiber of $f^n$ is generically finite.
They prove this conjecture in the case where the general fiber is a curve
of genus $g\geq 2$. This implies that if Lang's conjectures on
the distribution of rational points on varieties of
general type are true, then there is a uniform
bound on the number of rational points on a curve of genus $g$ defined
over a number field $K$.
The paper \cite{CHM} contains most of the ingredients necessary for
a proof of the general conjecture. However, at one point the argument
relies heavily on the fact that the fibers of the map are curves:
it invokes the existence of a `nice' class of singular curves, the
stable curves. For the purposes of this discussion, `nice' means
two things:
\item Given any proper morphism $f:X\longrightarrow B$
whose generic fiber is a smooth curve of genus $g \geq 2$,
there exists a generically finite
base change $B' \longrightarrow B$ so that the dominating component of
$X \times_B B'$ is birational to a family of stable curves over $B'$.
\item Let $f:X \rightarrow B$ be a family of stable curves, smooth over
the generic point. Then the fiber products $X_B^n$ are canonical.
For the purpose of generalizing to higher dimensions, we make the following
\newline Let $\cal C$ be a class of singular varieties.
$\cal C$ is {\em inclusive} if for any proper morphism
$f:X \rightarrow B$ whose generic fiber is a variety of general type,
there is a generically finite base change $B' \rightarrow B$ such that
$X \times_B B'$ is birational to a family $X' \rightarrow B'$ with
fibers in $\cal C$.
$\cal C$ is {\em negligible} if for any family of varieties of general
type ${f:X \rightarrow B}$ with singular fibers belonging to $\cal C$,
the fiber products $X^n_B$ have canonical singularities.
In a nutshell, the main obstruction to extending the
results of \cite{CHM} is to find a class of higher dimensional singular
varieties which is both negligible and inclusive.
In this paper, we identify a class of surface singularities
which is both inclusive and negligible, and prove that the class
has these properties. This is the class of
`stable surfaces', surfaces at the
boundary of a compactification of the moduli space of surfaces of
general type.
\newline \indent In the second section of this paper, we describe
these stable surfaces, and try to motivate their definition. In the
third section, we prove that these stable surfaces actually
form an inclusive class of singularities.
In the fourth section, we prove that stable surfaces
are negligible, i.e. that their fiber products
have canonical singularities. In the fifth section, we sketch the
proof of the Correlation Theorem for surfaces of general type outlined
in \cite{CHM}. Finally, we state some consequences of the
Correlation Theorem, assuming various forms of the Lang conjectures.
I would like to thank Joe Harris for suggesting this problem, and
Dan Abramovich for his countless comments and corrections. J\'anos
Koll\'ar also provided useful suggestions for the results
in section four.
Thorughout this paper, we work over a field of characteristic zero.
\section{Stable Surfaces}
\indent In this section, we describe the class of stable surfaces
and their singularities. Most of these results are taken from \cite{K-SB} and
Stable surfaces are defined so that one has a
stable reduction theorem for surfaces, analogous to stable reduction for
curves. For motivation, we first review the curve case.
Let $f:X \rightarrow \Delta$ be a flat family of curves of genus $g \geq 2$
over a disc. Assume that the fibers of the
family are smooth, except for the fiber $f^{-1}(0)$ which may be singular.
By Mumford semistable reduction (\cite{KKMS}), there is a finite base change
$$\tilde{\Delta} \longrightarrow \Delta$$
ramified over $0$, and a resolution of singularities of the base-changed family
$$d: Y \longrightarrow \tilde{X}$$
such that the fibers of the composed map
$$F=d \circ \tilde{f}:Y \longrightarrow \tilde{\Delta}$$
are reduced normal crossings divisors. This semistable reduction is not
unique, as we can always blow up $Y$ to get a `different' semistable reduction.
These semistable reductions are all birational, and we can take a
`canonical model' $\cal Y$ of the surface $Y$ by using the relative
pluricanonical differentials to map $Y$ birationally into projective space.
$\cal Y$ is the image of this map, and $\cal Y \rightarrow \tilde{\Delta}$ is
called the stable reduction of our original family. Moreover, the birational
map $Y \rightarrow {\cal Y}$ can be
described quite explicity. It is the morphism that blows down all the $-1$
and $-2$ curves on $Y$. On the fibers, this corresponds to blowing
down smooth rational components meeting the rest of the fiber in
one or two points.
{}From this, we see that the fibers of ${\cal Y} \rightarrow \tilde{\Delta}$
are just stable curves.
\newline \indent For higher dimensional varieties, we can try to mimic the same
procedure. We can still apply semistable reduction to obtain the family
$Y \longrightarrow \tilde{\Delta}$, but this reduction is not unique.
The problem is that it is not generally known how to obtain a canonical model
$\cal Y$ for the birational equivalence class of $Y$. This canonical model
$\cal Y$ would be our stable reduction, if it were well defined. In the
case of families of surfaces where $Y$ is a threefold,
we can use the minimal model program to
construct the canonical model of a semistable family of surfaces (cf
The total space of our stable family will then have canonical singularities,
and the singularities of the fibers of the family can then be described.
\newline \indent Now we introduce the formal definitions.
By definition, a variety $S$ is said to be $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein if
$\omega_S^{[k]}$ is locally free for some $k$.
$\omega_S^{[k]}$ denotes the reflexive hull
(i.e. the double dual) of the $k$th power of the dualizing
sheaf. For a $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein singularity, the smallest such $k$
is called the index of the singularity.
A surface is {\em semi-smooth} if it has only the following singularities:
\item { $2$-fold normal crossings with equation $x^2=y^2$}
\item { pinch points with equation $x^2=zy^2$ }
A {\em good semi-resolution} resolution of $S$ is a proper map
$g:T \longrightarrow S$ satisfying the following properties
\item { $T$ is semi-smooth}
\item { $g$ is an isomorphism in the complement of a codimension
two subscheme of $T$}
\item { No component of the double curve of $T$ is exceptional for $g$.}
\item {The components of the double curve of $T$ and the exceptional locus
of $S$ are smooth, and meet transversally.}
A surface $S$ is said to have semi-log-canonical singularities if
\item $S$ is Cohen-Macaulay and $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein with index $k$
\item $S$ is semi-smooth in codimension one
\item The discrepancies of a good semi-smooth resolution of $S$ are all
greater than or equal to $-1$
(i.e. $\omega_T^k = g^*\omega^{[k]}_S(ka_1 E_1 +...+ ka_n E_N)$ where $a_i
In \cite{K-SB} a complete classification of semi-log-canonical singularities
is given.
\newline \indent The relevance of these definitions comes from a
result proved in the same paper
Let $f: X \rightarrow \Delta$ be a family of surfaces over the
disc. Then the following are equivalent:
\item The general fiber has rational double points, and the central fiber
has semi-log-canonical singularities.
\item For any base change $\tilde{\Delta} \rightarrow \Delta$, the base-changed
$$\tilde f: \tilde X \longrightarrow \tilde{\Delta}$$ has canonical
In fact, if $X \rightarrow \Delta$ has a semistable resolution
of singularities, then $X$ is canonical iff the general fiber has rational
double points and the central fiber has semi-log-canonical singularities.
In particular, this means that the `bad' fibers in a stable
reduction of surfaces have only semi-log-canonical singularities.
For the sake of this discussion, surfaces with only rational double
point singularities are `good' fibers. This is reasonable, because
we would like the canonical model of a smooth surface of general type
to be `good'.
This motivates the definition:
A surface $S$ is {\em stable} if $S$ has semi-log-canonical
singularities, and for some sufficiently large $k$ $\omega_S^{[k]}$ is locally
free and ample.
Note that a smooth surface of general type is not stable
if it contains $-1$ or $-2$ curves, but its canonical model will be stable.
A family of stable surfaces is defined to be a proper flat morphism
$\cal S \rightarrow B$ whose fibers are stable surfaces,
with the property that taking reflexive powers of the relative
dualizing sheaf commutes with restricting to a fiber:
$$\omega_{\cal S/B}^{[k]}|{\cal S}_b = \omega^{[k]}_{{\cal S}_b}$$
In particular, the reflexive powers of the relative dualizing sheaf are flat.
This additional condition is necessary to guarantee that the moduli space
in the next section is separated. Note that we can define
$$K_S^2 = {1\over {k^2}}\#(\omega_S^{[k]},\omega_S^{[k]})$$
for any stable surface $S$, and that this number is constant
in families. We also have the invariant $\chi_S=\chi(\cal O_S)$, which is
also constant in families.
Finally, stable surfaces are analogous to stable curves in
one more important sense:
A stable surface has a finite automorphism group.
The essence of the proof is easy to grasp. Let $S$ be stable, and let
$\tilde S$ be its normalization. Let $\Delta$ be the double curve on
$\tilde S$.
The pair $(\tilde S,\Delta)$, is log-canonical (see \cite{K-SB}).
Therefore, each component of $(\tilde S,\Delta)$ is of log-general type, and
has a finite automorphism group by \cite{I}.
\section{Stable Surface Singularities are Inclusive}
\indent To show that the class of stable surfaces are inclusive,
we need to invoke the existence of a proper coarse moduli space
$\bar{\cal M}_{\chi,K^2}$ for the stable surfaces with invariants $\chi$ and
$K^2$. We also need a finite covering $\phi:\Omega \rightarrow \bar{\cal
M}_{\chi,K^2}$ of
the moduli space that admits a tautological family $\cal S \rightarrow \Omega$:
\cal T & & \\
\downarrow & & \\
\Omega & \stackrel{\phi}{\rightarrow} & \bar{\cal M}_{\chi,K^2}\\
We have the following theorem:
For smoothable stable surfaces, there exists a coarse moduli space $\bar{\cal
M}_{\chi,K^2}$ with these properties.
By definition, a stable surface is {\em smoothable} if it is contained in a
family of stable surfaces with $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein total space, such that the
general member has only rational double points.
The proof of this theorem is scattered throughout the literature. The proof
that the moduli space exists as a separated algebraic space is contained
in \cite{K-SB} \S 5. This relies on the properties of semi-log-canonical
singularities and the finite automorphism theorem.
The proof that the moduli space has a functorial
semipositive polarization is contained in \cite{K} \S 5. This
paper also has a general argument for the existence of a
finite covering of the moduli space possessing a tautological
family (see also \cite{CHM} \S 5.1).
The proof that the moduli space is of finite type for a
given pair of invariants (and thus proper and projective by \cite{K})
is contained in \cite{A}.
\newline \indent Using this moduli space, we can prove that the class of
stable surface singularities is inclusive.
Let $f:X \rightarrow B$ be a proper morphism of integral
varieties. Assume that the general fiber of this map is a
smooth surface of general type. Then there exists a generically
finite base change $B' \rightarrow B$ such that the dominating
component of the
fiber product $X \times_B B'$ is birational to a family of stable
surfaces over $B'$.
The proof of this follows the proof
of the analogous result in \cite{CHM} \S 5.2 t quite closely.
Since $\bar{\cal M}$ is a coarse moduli space,
there is an induced rational map $B \rightarrow \bar{\cal M}$.
Let $B_1$ be the closed graph of this map, $\Sigma_1$
its image in $\bar{\cal M}$, and $X_1\rightarrow B_1$
the dominating component
of $X\times_B B_1$. Since there is no tautological family
on $\bar{\cal M}$, we do not have a family of stable surfaces defined
over $\Sigma_1$. However, we do have such a family over
$\Sigma_2=\phi^{-1}(\Sigma_1)\subset \Omega$, which we denote
$\cal T_2$. So we let $B_2=B_1 \times_{\Sigma_1} \Sigma_2$,
$\mu:B_2 \rightarrow \Sigma_2$ the projection, and $X_2 \rightarrow B_2$ the
main component of $X_1 \times_{B_1} B_2$. The family $\cal T_2$
of stable surfaces pulls back to a family
$Y_2=\cal T_2 \times_{\Sigma_2}B_2 \rightarrow B_2$. For general $b\in B_2$,
$(X_2)_b$ is birational to $(Y_2)_b$ by construction.
\indent This is almost enough to prove
that $X_2$ is birational to the family of stable surfaces $Y_2$. We
just need one further finite base change $B_3 \rightarrow B_2$
to `straighten out' $X_2$. We have to get rid of isotrivial subfamilies that
cannot be represented by pull backs of the tautological
family on the moduli space. We describe the fiber of this base change over
the generic point $b\in B_2$. Set theoretically, it will
correspond to equivalence classes of birational morphisms
$$ \{ \psi | \psi: (X_2)_b \rightarrow(\cal T_2)_{\mu(b)}\}$$
Two maps are equivalent if they induce the identity on the
canonical model $(\cal T_2)_{\mu (b)}$. The algebraic structure is
just the natural algebraic structure on the finite automorphism group
of the stable surface.
If our covering variety happens to be disconnected, choose
a component $B''$ dominating $B_2$. Finally,
we take $B_3 \rightarrow B$
to be the Galois normalization of $B'' \rightarrow B$, and let
$G$ be Galois group $\operatorname{Gal}(k(B_3)/k(B))$. We let
$X_3$ denote the principal component of $X_2 \times_{B_2}B_3$.
We can represent a generic point of $X_3$ as a triple
where $b \in B_2$, $p \in (X_2)_b$, and $\psi:(X_2)_b \rightarrow
(\cal T_2)_{\mu(b)}$. The birational map from $X_3$ to $Y_3=\cal T_2
\times_{\Sigma_2}B_3$ is just the evaluation map
$$(p,b,\psi) \longrightarrow (\psi(p),b,\psi)$$
Setting $B'=B_3$, we obtain the proposition that
stable surface singularities are inclusive. $\square$
\newline \indent For the proof of the Correlation Theorem, we will
need to elaborate a bit on this situation. Let
$\Sigma_3 \rightarrow \Sigma_1$ denote the Galois normalization of $\Sigma_1$
in the function field $k(B_3)$. We have:
B_3 & \rightarrow & \Sigma_3 \\
\downarrow & \; & \downarrow\\
B & \dashrightarrow & \Sigma_1 \\
The bottom arrow is only birational.
Note that the map $B_3 \rightarrow \Sigma_2$
factors naturally through $\Sigma_3$; this is just the Stein factorization.
We claim that $G$ acts naturally on this diagram.
$G$ consists of automorphisms of
$k(B_3)$ fixing the subfield $k(B_1)$. Since $k(\Sigma_1)\subset k(B_1)$
these automorphisms fix $k(\Sigma_1)$ as well, and they restrict
to automorphisms of the elements of $k(B_3)$ algebraic over $k(\Sigma_1)$, i.e.
\newline \indent Now let ${\cal T}_3$ denote
${\cal T}_2 \times_{\Sigma_2} \Sigma_3$. We shall show that $G$
also acts birationally and equivariantly on ${\cal T}_3 \rightarrow \Sigma_3$.
Let $s \in \Sigma_3$ be a general point, and $({\cal T}_3)_s$ the corresponding
fiber. For $g \in G$, we need to describe the map
$$({\cal T}_3)_s \rightarrow ({\cal T}_3)_{g(s)}$$
By construction $({\cal T}_3)_s$ can be birationally identified
with some corresponding fiber
of $X_3 \rightarrow B_3$. The action of $g$ maps this surface to
another fiber of
$X_3 \rightarrow B_3$, which in turn can be birationally identifed with
$({\cal T}_3)_{g(s)}$.
This gives a commutative diagram of varieties with (birational) G-actions
X_3 & \rightarrow & {\cal T}_3 \\
\downarrow & \; & \downarrow \\
B_3 & \rightarrow & \Sigma_3 \\
{}From the arguments in the previous paragraph we see that $X_3$ is
birational to $Y_3={\cal T}_3 \times_{\Sigma_3} B_3$, and that this
birational map respects the Galois action of $G$. Taking quotients
under this action gives a dominant rational map
$$X\approx ({\cal T}_3 \times_{\Sigma_3} B_3) /G
\longrightarrow {\cal T}_3 / G$$
This refined construction is crucial to the proof of the correlation
theorem, so we summarize it below:
Let $f:X \rightarrow B$ be a proper morphism of integral varieties.
Assume that the general fiber of $f$ is a surface of general type.
Then there exists a generically finite Galois base extension
$$B' \rightarrow B$$ with Galois group $G$, and
a finite cover of the image of $B$ in the moduli space
$$\Sigma' \rightarrow \Sigma$$
with the following properties:
\item {There is a tautological family of surfaces
$${\cal T}' \rightarrow {\Sigma}'$$
over $\Sigma'$.}
\item {G acts on $\Sigma'$, and this action lifts to
a $G$ equivariant rational dominant map
X' & \rightarrow & {\cal T}' \\
\downarrow & \; & \downarrow \\
B' & \rightarrow & {\Sigma}' \\
\item { The pull back of ${\cal T}'$ to $B'$ is birational to $X'$, and
the quotient of this variety under the $G$-action is birational to $X$.}
\section{Stable Surface Singularities are Negligible}
In this section, we will restrict our attention to families of
stable surfaces $f:X \rightarrow B$ over a smooth base $B$, and
their fiber products $f^n: X^n_B=X \times_B ... \times_B X \rightarrow B$.
For such families, having canonical singularities
(rational double points) is an open condition. That is, the locus
$S \subset B$ corresponding to singularities worse than rational double
points is Zariski closed. Here we will assume that it is a proper
subvariety of $B$. We will prove the following:
Let $f: X \rightarrow B$ be a family of stable surfaces over
a smooth proper base $B$.
Assume the generic fiber has only canonical singularities.
Then the fiber products of this family
$$f^n: X_B^n \longrightarrow B$$
have canonical singularities.
We prove this in three steps. First, we prove a general lemma on the
singularities of fiber products. Then we establish the result in the case
where $B=\Delta$ a complex disc.
The third step is to reduce the general case to
this special case. For this reduction, we will utilize results
of Stevens \cite {St} on families of varieties with canonical singularities.
\newline \indent Our first lemma gives some rough information on the
singularities of fiber products:
$f: X\rightarrow B$ a family of stable surfaces, such that the general
fiber is normal.
Then the $n^{th}$ fiber product
$$f^n: X_B^n \longrightarrow B$$
is a normal $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein variety.
$X_B^n$ is irreducible, because the family $X \rightarrow B$ is
flat with general fiber irreducible. We show that $X_B^n$ is Cohen-Macaulay.
$X_B$ itself is Cohen-Macaulay, as it is a flat family of
Cohen-Macaulay varieties over a smooth base. In particular, the dualizing
complex of the morphism $X \rightarrow B$ has only a single term, the relative
dualizing sheaf $\omega_{X/B}$. This sheaf is flat over $B$, so the dualizing
complex of $X_B^n \rightarrow B$ is just the tensor product of the dualizing
complexes of each of the factors. In particular, this complex has only one
$$\omega_{X_B^n/B}=\pi_1^* \omega_{X/B} \otimes ... \otimes
and so $X^n_B$ is Cohen-Macaulay. Note that this implies that
$X^n_B$ satisfies Serre's condition $S_r$ for every $r>0$.
\newline \indent $X^n_B$ is reduced, because it is smooth at the generic point
and satisfies the $S_1$ condition. We now prove that $X_B^n$ is normal.
Because $X_B^n$ satisfies the $S_2$ condition, we just need to show that
it is smooth in codimension one. Let
$$\pi_j : X_B^n \longrightarrow X $$
be the $j^{th}$ projection map.
The singularities of $X_B^n$ are contained in the set of points
where $f^n$ fails to be a smooth morphism. But if $f^n$ fails
to be smooth at $p$, then $f$ fails to be smooth at $\pi_j(p)$ for some $j$.
Since $f$ is smooth on a set with codimension two complement, so is
$f^n$. Thus the singularities of $X_B^n$ are in codimension two.
\newline \indent Now we prove the $\Bbb Q$ Gorenstein assertion.
First we check that $X$ itself is $\Bbb Q$ Gorenstein, i.e.
$\omega^{[N]}_X$ is locally free for some $N$. Since $X$ is a family
of stable surfaces, there exists an integer $N$ such that for each $b\in B$
$\omega^{[N]}_{X/B}|X_b$ is locally free. Since $\omega_{X/B}^{[N]}$ is free
on every fiber of $X\rightarrow B$, $\omega_{X/B}^{[N]}$ is locally free.
Since $B$ is smooth, $\omega_B$ is locally free, and
$$\omega^{[N]}_X=\omega_{X/B}^{[N]} \otimes f^*\omega_B^N$$
This formula is not hard to prove. It is
certainly true on the open set $U$ where $X \rightarrow B$ is smooth.
The complement of $U$ has codimension two by hypothesis. Since $X$ is normal,
and both sheaves are reflexive, the formula extends to all of $X$.
For the basic properties of reflexive sheaves used here, see \cite{H}.
\newline \indent Now we prove $X^n_B$ is $\Bbb Q$ Gorenstein.
As in the previous paragraph, we have the formula
$$\omega^{[N]}_{X_B^n}=\omega^{[N]}_{X_B^n/B} \otimes {f^n}^*\omega_B^{\otimes
so it suffices to prove that $\omega^{[N]}_{X_B^n/B}$ is locally free.
Using the general formula:
\pi_1^*\omega_{X/B}\otimes ...\otimes \pi_n^*\omega_{X/B}\quad (*)$$
we will prove
\pi_1^*\omega_{X/B}^{[N]}\otimes ...\otimes \pi_n^*\omega_{X/B}^{[N]}
\quad (**)$$
and so $\omega_{X_B^n/B}^{[N]}$ is locally free. The left hand
side of (**) is reflexive by construction, and the right hand
side is locally free because it is the tensor product of locally free sheaves.
So we just need to prove the equivalence of
the two sides of $(**)$ on an open set with codimension two complement.
Again, we choose the open
set where $f^n$ is smooth as a morphism. On this set, the formula
follows immediately from (*), as the dualizing sheaves are already
locally free.
This completes the proof of the lemma. $\square$
\newline \indent Now we prove our proposition in the case where the base $B$
is one dimensional. In this special case it takes the
following form:
Let $f: X \rightarrow \Delta $ be a family of stable surfaces over the disc.
Assume that the general fiber has only rational double points.
Then the fiber products of this family over $\Delta$ have canonical
We apply semistable reduction to the family $X \rightarrow \Delta$.
$$\tilde{\Delta} \longrightarrow \Delta$$
be the ramified base change, and
$$d: Y \longrightarrow \tilde X$$
a resolution of singularities such that
all the fibers of the induced map
$$F=d \circ \tilde f : Y \longrightarrow \tilde \Delta$$
are reduced normal crossings divisors. We have the diagram:
Y & \; & \; & \; & \; \\
\; & \stackrel{d}{\searrow} & \; & \;
& \; \\
\; & \; & \tilde X & \rightarrow & X \\
\; & \; &{\scriptstyle {\tilde f}} \downarrow
& \; & \downarrow \scriptstyle{f} \\
\; & \; & \tilde \Delta & \rightarrow & \Delta
Using theorem 3, we find that $\tilde X$ still
has canonical singularities.
\newline \indent
The next step is to take the nth fiber products of all the varieties in this
We take the fiber products over the bases $\Delta $ and $\tilde \Delta$,
and we use $f^n,{\tilde f}^n$, and $d^n$ to denote the maps on the
fiber products induced by $f, {\tilde f}$, and $d$ respectively. We have the
following diagram:
Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n & \; & \; & \; & \; \\
\; & \stackrel{d^n}{\searrow} & \; & \; & \; \\
\; & \; & \tilde X_{\tilde \Delta}^n & \longrightarrow
& X_{\Delta}^n \\
\; & \; & {\scriptstyle{\tilde{f}^n}} \downarrow & \; & \downarrow
\; & \; & \tilde \Delta & \longrightarrow & \Delta
\indent The general lemma implies that $X_{\Delta}^n$ and
$\tilde X_{\tilde \Delta}^n$ are both $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein and normal.
As for $Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n$,
recall that we constructed $Y$ so that its fibers over $\tilde \Delta$ have
reduced normal crossings. Using an argument of Viehweg \cite {V} \S 3.6,
we see that the singularities of $Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n$ are canonical.
(Using local
analytic coordinates, we can see that the singularities are toroidal,
and so are rational. The equations also show that the singularities
are local complete intersections, hence Gorenstein. But rational Gorenstein
singularities are canonical).
\indent First, note that for any $M$ there is an inclusion map:
$$d_*\omega_{Y}^{M} \hookrightarrow \omega_{\tilde X}^{[M]}$$
This is because the resolution $d:Y \rightarrow {\tilde X}$ is an isomorphism
on an open set with codimension two in ${\tilde X}$,
so pluricanonical forms on $Y$
yield sections of $\omega_{\tilde X}^{[M]}$.
Moreover, since $\tilde X$ has canonical singularities
we have that this is an isomorphism for some $M$, i.e.
$$d_*\omega_{Y}^{M}=\omega_{\tilde X}^{[M]}$$
This expresses the fact that regular pluricanonical
differentials on the
smooth locus of $\tilde X$ lift to smooth differentials
on the desingularization $Y$. We will show:
$$\omega_{{\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n}^{[M]}
=d^n_*\omega_{Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n}^{M} \quad (1)$$
This combined with the fact that
${\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n$ is $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein and
$Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n$ is canonical implies
that ${\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n$ is canonical as well.
\newline \indent We prove that $(1)$ holds. Again, we have projection
maps, which fit into a commutative diagram
Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n & \stackrel{\phi_j}{\rightarrow} & Y\\
{\scriptstyle{d^n}} \downarrow & \; & \downarrow \scriptstyle{d} \\
{\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n & \stackrel{\pi_j}{\rightarrow} &
{\tilde X}\\
An important element in the proof $(1)$ is the equation:
$$d^n_*\phi_j^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}=\pi_j^*d_*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}
\quad (2)$$
For simplicity, we prove this for $j=1$. We begin factoring
$\phi_1=q \circ p$ and $d^n=r\circ p$:
Y\times ...\times Y & \; & \;\\
{\scriptstyle{p}} \downarrow & \stackrel{\phi_1}{\searrow} & \;\\
Y\times \tilde X \times ....\times \tilde X &
\stackrel{q}{\rightarrow} & Y\\
{\scriptstyle{r}} \downarrow & \; & \downarrow \scriptstyle{d}\\
{\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n & \stackrel{\pi_1}{\rightarrow}
& \tilde X\\
We set $p=\text{Id} \times d^{n-1}$, $q$
the projection onto the first factor, and $r=d \times \text{Id}^{n-1}$.
Note that $\pi_1$ is flat and the square part of the diagram is a flat base
change of $d$, so $\pi_1^*d_*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}=
r_*q^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}$.
The projection formula tells us that $p_*p^*(q^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}})
=p_*{\cal O}_{Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n} \otimes q^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}$.
Since $p$ is a birational map of normal varieties, we have
$p_* {\cal O}_{Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n}=
{\cal O}_{Y \times {\tilde X}\times ...\times {\tilde X}}$.
Putting all this together gives
d^n_*\phi_1^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}
&=&(r \circ p)_*(q \circ p)^* \omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}} \\
&=& r_*p_*p^*q^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}} \\
&=& r_*(p_*{\cal O}_{Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n}\otimes q^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde
&=& r_*q^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}\\
&=& \pi_1^*d_* \omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}
This proves equation $(2)$.
\newline \indent In the course of proving lemma 1, recall that we established
the equation:
$$\omega_{\tilde X_{\Delta}^n/{\tilde \Delta}}^{[M]}=
\pi_1^*(\omega_{{\tilde X}/{\tilde \Delta}}^{[M]})\otimes ...
\otimes \pi_n^*(\omega_{{\tilde X}/{\tilde \Delta}}^{[M]})\quad (*)$$
Using this along with $(2)$ gives
\omega_{{\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n/{\tilde \Delta}}^{[M]}&=&
\pi_1^*(\omega_{{\tilde X}/{\tilde \Delta}}^{[M]})\otimes ...
\otimes \pi_n^*(\omega_{{\tilde X}/{\tilde \Delta}}^{[M]})\\
&=&\pi_1^*(d_*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}^{ M}) \otimes ...
\otimes \pi_n^*(d_*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}^{M})\\
&=&d^n_*\phi_1^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}^{M} \otimes ...
\otimes d^n_*\phi_n^*\omega_{Y/{\tilde \Delta}}^{M}\\
&=&d^n_*\omega_{Y_{\tilde \Delta}^n/{\tilde \Delta}}^{M}
The last step is just the formula for the dualizing sheaf of a fiber product.
This completes the proof of equation $(1)$. We conclude that
${\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n$ has canonical singularities.
\newline \indent Before completing the proof, we need to fix some additional
$$G :=\operatorname{Gal}({\tilde \Delta}/ \Delta)$$
and $j$ to be the map
$$j: {\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n \longrightarrow X_{\Delta}^n$$
induced by the base change. Let
$$ s: Z \longrightarrow {\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n$$
be an equivariant desingularization of ${\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n$
with respect to the Galois action of $G$ (see \cite {Hi}). Then we write
the quotient map
$$Q:Z \longrightarrow Z/G$$
Note that $Z/G$ may be singular. Finally, the
map from $Z$ to $X_{\Delta}^n$ is $G$-equivariant,
so it factors through $Z/G$ giving
a map
$$R: Z/G \longrightarrow X_{\Delta}^n$$
This is summarized in the following diagram:
\; & \; \atop Q & \; \\
Z & \longrightarrow & Z/G \\
{\scriptstyle s} \downarrow & \;\atop j & \downarrow {\scriptstyle R}\\
{\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n & \longrightarrow & X_{\Delta}^n \\
\downarrow & \; & \downarrow \\
{\tilde \Delta} & \rightarrow & \Delta \\
\newline \indent Now we show that $X_{\Delta}^n$ has
canonical singularities. Let
$$\alpha \in \Gamma(\omega_{X_{\Delta}^n}^{[m]})$$
be an $m$-pluricanonical form on $X_{\Delta}^n$. We want to show that $\alpha$
is a smooth form on $X_{\Delta}^n$, i.e. for any desingularization
$V$ of $X_{\Delta}^n$, the
pull back of $\alpha$ to $V$ is regular.
It suffices to show that $R^*\alpha$
is a smooth form on $Z/G$, because a desingularization of $Z/G$ can also
serve as a desingularization of $X_{\Delta}^n$. By an easy local computation,
$j^*\alpha$ vanishes to order $m(|G|-1)$ along the central fiber of
${\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n$. Pulling back to the desingularization $Z$
(and increasing $m$ if necessary),
we see that $s^*j^*\alpha$ is a smooth form vanishing to order
$m(|G|-1)$ along the central fiber, because ${\tilde X}_{\tilde \Delta}^n$
has canonical
singularities. The central fiber of $Z$ is precisely the fixed locus
under the action of $G$. Therefore, we can apply the following lemma to
$\theta=s^*j^*\alpha$ to show that it descends to a smooth form on $Z/G$:
Let $G$ be a finite group acting on the variety $Z$. Let $W$
denote a codimension $d$ subvariety of $Z$ fixed pointwise by a subgroup
$G_W \subset G$, and $\theta$ an invariant $m$-pluricanonical form.
If $\theta$ vanishes to order at least $m(|G_W|-d)$ at every such $W$, then
$\theta$ descends to a smooth form on $Z/G$,
For a proof of this, see \cite{CHM} \S 4.2.
We use $\beta$ to denote this smooth form on $Z/G$. Using the commutative
diagram above, one can see that $\beta = R^*\alpha$, i.e. the pluricanonical
form $\alpha$ pulls back to a smooth form on $Z/G$.
This proves that $X_{\Delta}^n$ has canonical singularities. $\square$
\newline \indent To summarize, this proves the proposition in the
special case of a one dimensional base. The proposition is a local
statement on the base (in the analytic topology), so if it is true for families
over a disc then it is true for general one dimension families. We use this as
the base case for induction on the dimension of the base. We now prove the
inductive step.
\newline \indent We will use the following result of Stevens(\cite {St}).
Let $g:V \rightarrow \Delta$ be a family of proper varieties. Assume:
\item $V$ is a $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein integral variety, and the fibers of $g$ are
integral varieties.
\item The general fibers $g^{-1}(s)$ have only canonical singularities.
\item The special fiber $g^{-1}(0)$ has log terminal singularities.
Then $V$ has canonical singularities.
We apply this theorem inductively to $V=X_B^n$ to reduce the
dimension of the base. Note that $X_B^n$ has $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein
singularities by the lemma proven above.
Choose a local analytic coordinate $y$ on $B$, and consider the level
$$H_s=\{ b \in B : y(b)=s \}$$
for $s \in \Delta$. Assume that none of the $H_s$ are contained in the locus
$S$ of surfaces with singularities worse than rational double points.
$$h: X \rightarrow \Delta$$
be the map associating $X|_{H_s}=f^{-1}(H_s)$ to $s\in\ \Delta$.
We also have the corresponding map
$$g=h^n: X_B^n \rightarrow \Delta$$
For all $s$, $H_s \cap S$ is again a Zariski closed proper subset of $H_s$, so
the family
$$f^n_s: X|_{H_s}^n \rightarrow H_s$$
satisfies the hypotheses of Proposition 2.
Applying the inductive hypothesis, we find that
is canonical for all $s$. Since all the fibers of $g$ are canonical, and
the total space $X_B^n$ is $\Bbb Q$-Gorenstein, we can apply Stevens'
theorem to conclude that $X_B^n$ is also canonical. This concludes
the proof that stable surface singularities are negligible. $\square$
\section{Proof of the Correlation Theorem}
In this section, we prove the correlation theorem for surfaces of
general type (Theorem 1).
We first prove a special case where the family has maximal variation
of moduli and the singularities are not too bad. By definition, a
family has maximal variation of moduli if there are no isotrivial
connected subfamilies through the generic point.
\begin{thm}[Correlation for Families with Maximal Variation]
Let $X\rightarrow B$ be a family of stable surfaces, with projective
integral base and smooth general fiber. Assume that the associated map
$\phi:B \rightarrow \bar{\cal M}$ is generically finite.
Then there exists a positive integer $n$ such that
$X^n_B$ is of general type.
Being of general type is a birational property, so there is no
loss of generality if we take the base $B$ to be smooth.
To show that $X_B^n$ is of general type for some large $n$, we must
verify two statements:
\item $X_B^n$ has canonical singularities
\item $\omega_{X_B^n}$ is big
Note that the first statement is equivalent to saying that stable
surface singularities are negligible, which was proved in the last section.
The second statement allows us to get lots of pluricanonical differentials
on $X_B^n$, and which pull back to a desingularization of $X_B^n$.
The key to the second statement is the following theorem:
Let $f:X \rightarrow B$ be a family of surfaces, such that the general
fiber is a surface of general type. Assume this family has maximal
variation. Then for $m$ sufficiently large, we have that
$f_*\omega^m_{X/B}$ is big.
This result is proven by Viehweg in \cite{V2} (and more generally for
arbitrary dimensional fibers by Koll\'ar in \cite{K2}).
We need the following consequence of this result:
Under the hypotheses of the theorem above, $\omega_{X^n_B}$ is big.
We will show that Theorem 7 implies Proposition 4. Here $S^{[n]}$
will denote the reflexive hull of the $n$th symmetric power of a sheaf.
To say that $f_*\omega_{X/B}^m$ is big means that for any ample line bundle
$H$ on $B$ there exists an integer $n$ such that
$$S^{[n]}(f_*\omega_{X/B}^m) \otimes H^{-1}$$
is generically globally generated, i.e. the global sections of this
sheaf generate over an open set of $B$. It is equivalent to say that
this sheaf is generically globally generated for sufficiently large $n$.
Now let $T^{[n]}$ denote the reflexive hull of the $n$th tensor power
of a sheaf. We
claim that for sufficiently large $n$
$$T^{[n]}(f_*\omega_{X/B}^m) \otimes H^{-1}$$
is generically globally generated. To prove this, we need a result from
representation theory:
Let $V$ be an $r$ dimensional vector space over a field
of characteristic zero, and let $T^n(V)$ and $S^q(V)$ be the
$n$th tensor power and $q$th symmetric power representations
of $Gl(V)$ respectively, and write $t=r!$.
Then each irreducible component of $T^n(V)$ is a quotient
of a representation
$$S^{q_1}(V) \otimes ... \otimes S^{q_t}(V)$$
where $q_i \geq {n\over{t+1}}$.
This result is proved in \cite{H2} for arbitrary `positive' representations
$T$ of $V$. This gives us a map
$$\bigoplus S^{[q_1]}(f_*\omega_{X/B}^m)\otimes ... \otimes S^{[q_t]}
(f_*\omega_{X/B}^m) \otimes H^{-1} \rightarrow T^{[n]}
(f_*\omega_{X/B}^m) \otimes H^{-1}$$
which is surjective over an open set of $B$. Let $H$ be ample and
globally generated, and choose $n$
large enough to guarantee that each of the
$S^{[q_i]}(f_*\omega_{X/B}^m) \otimes H^{-1}$ is generically globally
generated. This guarantees that the left hand side is generically
globally generated, but then so is $T^{[n]}(f_*\omega_{X/B}^m)
\otimes H^{-1}$.
\newline \indent Now we will prove that for some large $n$ the
dualizing sheaf $\omega_{X^n_B}$ is big, i.e.
for large $m$ we have
where $b=\text{dim}(B)$. We restrict ourselves to values
of $m$ for which
\item{$\omega^{[m]}_{X/B}$ is locally free.}
\item{$f_*\omega^{m}_{X/B}$ is big.}
First we compute the canonical bundle of $X^n_B$:
$$\omega_{X_B^n}=\omega_{X_B^n/B} \otimes {f^n}^*\omega_B
=\pi_1^*\omega_{X/B} \otimes ....\otimes \pi_n^*\omega_{X/B}
\otimes {f^n}^* \omega_B$$
As in lemma 1, taking $m$th powers gives
$$\omega^{[m]}_{X_B^n}=\pi_1^*\omega^{[m]}_{X/B} \otimes ...\otimes \pi_n^*
\omega^{[m]}_{X/B} \otimes {f^n}^*\omega^m_B$$
Applying $f^n_*$ to this gives
&=&f^n_*(\pi_1^*\omega^{[m]}_{X/B} \otimes ... \otimes \pi_n^*
\omega^{[m]}_{X/B}) \otimes \omega^m_B \\
&=&f^n_*\pi_1^*\omega^{[m]}_{X/B} \otimes ... \otimes
f^n_*\pi_n^*\omega^{[m]}_{X/B} \otimes \omega^m_B \\
&=&T^{n}(f_*\omega^{[m]}_{X/B}) \otimes \omega^m_B\\
Note this is also a reflexive sheaf.
The inclusion map $\omega^m_{X/B} \rightarrow \omega^{[m]}_{X/B}$
induces a map of reflexive sheaves
$$T^{[n]}(f_*\omega^m_{X/B}) \rightarrow T^{n}(f_*\omega^{[m]}_{X/B})$$
which is an isomorphism at the generic point of $B$.
\newline \indent Let $H$ be an invertible sheaf on
$B$ so that $H \otimes \omega_B$
is very ample.
By Viehweg's theorem and proposition 5, we can choose $n$ so that
$T^{[n]}(f_*\omega^m_{X/B}) \otimes H^{-m}$ is generically
globally generated for $m$ sufficiently large.
The computations of the last paragraph show that
(H\otimes \omega_B)^{-m}$ is also generically
globally generated for sufficiently large $m$.
In particular, as this sheaf has rank on the order of $m^{2n}$,
there at least this many global sections.
By our assumption on $H$, we have that $(H\otimes \omega_B)^
m$ has on the order of $m^b$ sections varying
horizontally along the base $B$. Tensoring, we get that
$f^n_*\omega^{[m]}_{X^n_B}$ has on the order of $m^{2n+b}$
global sections. Thus we conclude that
$$h^0(\omega^{[m]}_{X^n_B})\approx m^{2n+b}$$
This completes the proof of the proposition and the special
case of the Correlation theorem. $\square$
\indent Now we extend this special case to prove correlation
for arbitrary families $f:X \rightarrow B$ of surfaces of general type.
Since stable surface singularities are inclusive, after a generically
finite base extension
$B' \rightarrow B$ every family of surfaces of general type dominates a family
of stable surfaces $\psi:{\cal T}' \rightarrow {\Sigma}'$
with maximal variation:
X' & \rightarrow & {\cal T}' & \; \\
\downarrow & \; & \downarrow & (*)\\
B' & \rightarrow & {\Sigma}' & \; \\
Take $n^{th}$ fiber products, where $n$ is chosen to ensure that
${{\cal T}'}_{{\Sigma}'}^n$
is of general type. Use ${X'_{B'}}^n$ to denote the component of the fiber
product dominating $B'$.
We obtain a diagram:
{X'_{B'}}^n & \rightarrow & {{\cal T}'_{{\Sigma}'}}^n & \; \\
\downarrow & \; & \downarrow & (**) \\
B' & \rightarrow & {\Sigma}' & \; \\
with ${X'_{B'}}^n$ dominating ${{\cal T}'_{{\Sigma}'}}^n$,
a variety of general type.
This shows that the correlation result holds if we allow ourselves to make
a finite base change before we take the fiber products.
\newline \indent Now we show that the fiber products $X_B^N
\rightarrow B$ dominate a variety of general type without taking a base change,
provided $N$ is large enough.
We will use the corollary at the end of \S 3 to construct our map.
This corollary allows us to assume that the base extension $B' \rightarrow B$
is Galois with Galois group $G$, and that $G$ acts birationally on the entire
diagram $(*)$. That is, $G$ acts birationally on each of the
varieties in $(*)$, and this action commutes with the morphisms
of the diagram. It follows
that $G$ acts naturally and birationally on $(**)$,
and taking quotients gives us
X_B^N & \rightarrow & {{\cal T}'_{{\Sigma}'}}^N /G \\
\downarrow & \; & \downarrow \\
B & \rightarrow & {\Sigma}' / G \\
Setting $W={{\cal T}'_{{\Sigma}'}}^N /G$, we obtain a rational dominant map
$$h: X_B^n \longrightarrow W$$
{}From the construction, we see that this map is generically finite when
restricted to a general fiber of $X_B^n \rightarrow B$.
\newline \indent
To conclude the proof, we
need to show that $W={{\cal T}'_{{\Sigma}'}}^N /G$ is of general type, for some
sufficiently large $N$.
Specifically, we will show that enough of the $m$ pluricanonical
differentials on $V={{\cal T}'_{{\Sigma}'}}^N$ descend to smooth differentials
on $W=V/G$ to guarantee that $W$ is a variety of general type.
First, note that $G$ acts faithfully on ${\cal T}'$, but
does not necessarily act faithfully on the base ${\Sigma}'$.
Let $G'$ be the maximal quotient of $G$ acting
faithfully on ${\Sigma}'$, and set $g=|G|$.
Let $\Phi_1 \subsetneq {\Sigma}'$ be the locus of
points of ${\Sigma}'$ with nontrivial stabilizer under the $G'$ action,
$\Phi_2 \subsetneq {\Sigma}'$ the locus on the base corresponding
to fibers of ${\cal T}' \rightarrow {\Sigma}'$
fixed pointwise by a nontrivial subgroup of $G$. Let
$D_0$ be an effective divisor on ${\Sigma}'$ containing $\Phi_1 \cup
\Phi_2$, and $D$
the pullback of $g D_0$ to $V$. Note that for large $N$,
the support of $D\subset V$ contains all the componenets of the fixed locus
codimension less than $g$. This is because the only components of
the fixed point locus with small codimension correspond to fixed fibers of
${\cal T}'$.
\newline \indent
We repeat the proof we used in the
maximum variation case, except that we choose positive $H$ so that
$H \otimes \omega_{{\Sigma'}}(-gD_0)$ is very ample.
Again, we can choose $N$ so that
T^{[N]}(\psi^N_*\omega^m_{{\cal T}'/{\Sigma}'})
\otimes \omega^m_{{\Sigma}'} (-mgD_0)$$
has $m^{(\text{dim} V)}$ sections.
This guarantees that
$$h^0(\omega_V^{[m]}(-mD))\approx m^{(\text{dim} V)}$$
In other words, there are lots of $m$ pluricanonical differentials
on $V$ vanishing to high order along subvarieties of $V$ nontrivial
stabilizer and codimension less than $g$.
We apply lemma 2 of \S 4 to conclude that these
forms descend to smooth forms on $W$, i.e. forms on $W$
that pull back to regular forms on a desingularization
of $W$. Therefore $W$ is of general type
and the Correlation Theorem is
proved. $\square$
\section{Consequences of the Correlation Theorem}
We give some consequences of the
Correlation Theorem. Many of these are stated in \S 6 of \cite{CHM}.
The motivating conjectures can be found in \cite{L}.
\newline \indent Recall the statement of the Geometric Lang Conjecture:
\begin{conj} [Geometric Lang Conjecture]
If $W$ is a variety of general type, the union of all irreducible, positive
dimensional subvarieties of $W$ not of general type is a proper,
closed subvariety $\Xi_W \subset W$.
We will call $\Xi_W$ the {\em Langian exceptional locus} of $W$.
The following theorem describes how the Langian exceptional locus varies
in families, if the geometric Lang conjecture is true.
Assume the Geometric Lang Conjecture.
\newline Let $f:X \rightarrow B$ be a flat family of
surfaces in projective space, such that the general fiber is an integral
surface of general type. Then there is a uniform bound on the degree of the
Langian exceptional locus of fibers that are of general type i.e.
$$deg(\Xi_{X_b})\leq D$$
By Noetherian induction, it suffices to prove the bound on an open
subvariety of $B$.
Using the Correlation Theorem, for sufficiently high fiber products
$f^n: X_B^n \rightarrow B$ we obtain a dominant rational
map to a variety of general type
$$\psi:X_B^n \rightarrow W$$
We use $Y$ to denote the Langian exceptional locus of $W$, and
$Z_1$ its preimage in $X_B^n$. Let $Z_2$ be the union of
all positive dimensional fibers of the map
$$X_B^n \rightarrow W \times B$$
We set $Z=Z_1 \cup Z_2$; $Z$ is a proper subvariety of $X_B^n$.
\newline \indent Consider the projection map
$$\pi_n:X_B^n \rightarrow X_B^{n-1}$$
with fiber $\pi_n^{-1}(p)$ isomorphic to the stable surface
Since $Z$ is a proper subvariety of $X_B^n$, over an open set
$U_{n-1} \subset X_B^{n-1}$ the fibers of $\pi_n$ are not contained
in $Z$. For all $p \in U_{n-1}$, the degree of $Z$ restricted to
the fiber $\pi_n^{-1}(p)$ is bounded. At the same time, the Langian locus
$\Xi_p$ of any of these fibers is contained in $Z$, because for any
component $C\subset \Xi_p$ either $\psi(C)\subset Y$ or $\psi(C)$
is a point. This concludes the proof. $\square$
\newline \indent This yields many remarkable corollaries.
One example is the following
Assume the Geometric Lang Conjecture.
There exists a constant $D$ such that the sum of the degrees of all the
rational and elliptic curves on a smooth quintic surface in
$\Bbb P^3$ is less than $D$.
In particular, there is a uniform bound on the number of rational and elliptic
curves on a quintic surface.
Recently, Abramovich \cite{AV} has found another proof of these
\indent Now we shall discuss some number theoretic consequences
of the Correlation Theorem. First, recall the Weak Lang Conjecture:
\begin{conj}[Weak Lang Conjecture]
If $W$ is a variety of general type defined over a number field $K$, then
the $K$-rational points of $W$ are not Zariski dense in $W$.
Assuming this conjecture, the Correlation Theorem implies the following:
Assume the Weak Lang Conjecture.
\newline Let $X\rightarrow B$ be a flat family of surfaces
in projective space defined over a number field $K$ such that the
general fiber is an integral surface of general type.
For any $b\in B(K)$ for which $X_b$ is of general type,
let $N(b)$ be the sum of the degrees of the components of
$\overline{X_b(K)}$. Then $N(b)$
is uniformly bounded; in particular, the number of $K$ rational points
not contained in the Langian locus is uniformly bounded.
The proof of this is similar to the proof of the previous theorem.
Again we do induction on the dimension of the base $B$.
First, we shall show that the rational points of the fibers must
lie on a proper subscheme of bounded degree.
Choose an integer $n$ so that there is a dominant rational map
$$\psi:X^n_B \rightarrow W$$
to a variety of general type $W$. Let $Y$ denote be a proper subvariety of $W$
that contains its $K$ rational points, and let $Z$ be its preimage in $X^n_B$.
All the $K$ rational points of $X^n_B$ are contained in $Z$. We use
$$\pi_j:X_B^j \rightarrow X_B^{j-1}$$
to denote the projection morphisms. Finally, let $Z_j$ denote the maximal
closed set in $X_B^j$ whose preimage in $X^n_B$ is $Z$, and let $U_j$ be the
complement to $Z_j$. Note that $\pi_j^{-1}(Z_{j-1}) \subset Z_j$ by
definition and that for $u\in U_{j-1}$ we have that $\pi_j^{-1}(u) \cap Z_j$ is
a proper subvariety of $\pi_j^{-1}(u)$. We will use $d_j$ to denote the
sum of the degrees of all the components of $Z_j \cap \pi_j^{-1}(u)$,
regardless of their dimensions, and we set
If all the $K$ rational points of $B$ are concentrated
along a closed subset, we are done by induction. Otherwise, pick a general
$K$ rational point $b\in B$. Let $j$ be the smallest integer
for which $U_j \cap X_b^j(K)$ is empty, and let $u\in U_{j-1} \cap
X_b^{j-1}(K)$. We have that $X_b=\pi_j^{-1}(u)$ and our set-up guarantees
that $X_b(K) \subset Z_j \cap \pi_j^{-1}(u)$. In particular, since we have
chosen everything generically, we find that $X_b(K)$ is contained in a
subscheme of degree $N$.
\newline \indent Now we complete the proof. We have shown that the rational
points on each fiber are concentrated along a subscheme of degree $N$.
The components of this subscheme consist of points, rational and elliptic
curves, and curves of higher genus. The rational and elliptic curves
are contained in the Langian locus, so we
ignore them, and there are at most $N$ components of dimension zero.
Therefore, we just need the following lemma:
Assume the Weak Lang Conjecture.
Let $C$ be a (possibly singular) curve in projective space of degree $N$
defined over a number field $K$. Assume $C$ has no rational or elliptic
components. Then there is a uniform bound on the number of $K$ rational
points on $C$.
First, because the degree is bounded there are only finitely
many possibilities for the geometric genera of the components of $C$. By the
hypothesis, these genera are all at least two, so we can apply
the uniform boundedness results for curves in \cite{CHM}.
This completes the proof of the theorem. $\square$
\newline \indent In the corollary that follows,
quadratic points are points defined
over some degree two extension of the base field.
Assume the Weak Lang Conjecture.
Fix a number field $K$, and an integer $g>2$. Then there is a uniform
bound on the number of quadratic points lying on
a non-hyperelliptic, non-bielliptic curve $C$ of genus $g$ defined over $K$.
Note that quadratic points on $C$
correspond to $K$ rational points on its symmetric square $\operatorname
{Sym}^2(C)$. Moreover, a hyperelliptic (respectively bielliptic) system on $C$
corresponds to a rational (respectively elliptic) curve on
$\operatorname{Sym}^2(C)$ (\cite{AH}).
In particular, the curves described in the theorem
are precisely those for which $\Xi_{\operatorname{Sym}^2(C)}=\emptyset$,
and so by the theorem $\#\operatorname{Sym}^2(C)(K)$ is finite and uniformly
1995-07-20T06:20:10 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507011 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507011 | [
] | alg-geom/9507011 | Stephan Endrass | Stephan Endrass | A Projective Surface of Degree Eight with 168 Nodes | LaTeX 2.09 with amssymbols | null | null | null | null | The estimate for the maximal number of ordinary double points of a projective
surface of degree eight is improved to $168\leq\mu(8)\leq 174$ by constructing
a projective surface of degree eight with 168 nodes.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 19 Jul 1995 14:08:27 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
Consider algebraic surfaces in complex projective
threespace ${\Bbb P}_3$, denote by a {\em node} of such
a surface an ordinary double point and by $\mu\left(d\right)$ the maximal number of
nodes of an algebraic surface of degree $d$ in ${\Bbb P}_3$
with no further degeneracies.
This note shows that $\mu\left(8\right)\geq 168$ by giving an example of an octic
surface $X_8$ with $168$ nodes. $X_8$ is found within a seven parameter
family of $112$--nodal octic surfaces admitting dihedral symmetry of order
sixteen. This improves the estimate of $\mu\left(8\right)$ given by examples
of Gallarati (\cite{gallarati}, $\mu\left(8\right)\geq 160$) and Kreiss (\cite{kreiss},
$\mu\left(8\right)\geq 160$). On the other hand, using Miyaokas upper bound
\cite{miyaoka} for the number of nodes of a projective surface, we get
$\mu\left(8\right)\leq 174$, thus
168\leq\mu\left(8\right)\leq 174.
I have made excessive use of the computer algebra system
Maple V R3 computing $X_8$, in particular the calculations depend heavily
on some new resp.\ improved features of release 3
(\cite{maple}, pp.\ 22--24).
The construction of $X_8$ involves no free parameters, and in fact
D.\ van Straten calculated that $X_8$ is rigid using MACAULAY.
The octic $X_8$ is invariant under the group $D_8\times{\Bbb Z}_2$,
therefore invariant under the reflection group ${\Bbb Z}_2^3$ of
order eight. So $X_8$ is the eightfold cover of a projective
quartic surface with thirteen nodes. This construction is
referred to as the Segre--trick and it has been used extensively
to construct sextic surfaces with a given number of nodes, see
\cite{cataneseceresa} and \cite{barth}.
{}From the existence of $X_8$ one however cannot deduce the existence
of surfaces with $161$ up to $167$ nodes. It can be checked that the
family of surfaces $X_8$ is constructed from contains no such surfaces.
{\em Acknowledgments: I would like to thank W.~Barth for
suggesting to me that surfaces with many nodes can be found among
$D_n$--symmetric surfaces.}
\section*{The Dihedral Groups}
Let the dihedral group $D_n$ of order $2n$ acting on ${\Bbb P}_3$ be
generated by the rotation
\left({\textstyle\cos\left({2\pi\over n}\right)} x-{\textstyle\sin\left({2\pi\over n}\right)} y:
{\textstyle\sin\left({2\pi\over n}\right)} x+{\textstyle\cos\left({2\pi\over n}\right)} y:z:w\right)
and the involution
A surface $X=\left\{F=0\right\}\subset{\Bbb P}_3$ will be called $D_n$--symmetric
if $F$ is $D_n$--invariant. The planes of reflection symmetry of
$D_n$ are exactly the $n$ planes
E_j=\left\{ \sin\left({{j\pi\over n}}\right)x=
\cos\left({{j\pi\over n}}\right)y\right\},\qquad
If now $X$ is $D_n$--symmetric and for some
$j\in\left\{0,\ldots,n-1\right\}$ the plane curve $C=X\cap E_j$
has got a singularity in $p_0=\left(x_0:y_0:z_0:w_0\right)$,
then (assuming that after a rotation $E_j=\left\{y=0\right\}$,
thus $y_0=0$)
\frac{\partial F}{\partial\left\{x,z,w\right\}}
The reflection symmetry gives
$F\left(x,y,z,w\right)=F\left(x,-y,z,w\right)$, so
\frac{\partial F}{\partial y}\left(p_0\right)=
-\frac{\partial F}{\partial y}\left(p_0\right)=0,
therefore $p_0$ induces an orbit of singularities on $X$ with length
1 & \hbox{if\ }x_0=0, \\
n/2 & \hbox{if $n$ is even and\ }z_0=w_0=0, \\
n & \hbox{otherwise}.\\
\section*{The Construction of $X_8$}
Let us begin with the seven--parameter family of octic surfaces, therefore
define $D_8$--invariant polynomials
P & = & \prod_{j=0}^7\left(\cos\left(
{{j\pi\over 4}}\right)x+
{{j\pi\over 4}}\right)y-w\right)\\
& = & {\frac{1}{4}\left ({x}^{2}-{w}^{2}\right )
\left ({y}^{2}-{w}^{2}\right )\left (\left (x+y\right )^{2}-2
\,{w}^{2}\right )\left (\left (x-y\right )^{2}-2\,
{w}^{2}\right )}\\
Q & = & \left (a\left (x^{2}+y^{2}\right )^{2}
+\left (x^{2}+y^{2}\right )\left (b\,z^{2}+c\,zw+d\,w^{2}
\right )\right.\\
& & \hspace{5ex}\left.+e\,z^{4}+f\,z^{3}w+g\,z^{2}w^{2}
+h\,zw^{3}+i\,w^{4}\right )^{2}\\
with parameters $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$, $e$, $f$, $g$, $h$, $i\in{\Bbb C}$ and set
$F=P-Q$, $X=\left\{F=0\right\}$. $P$ vanishes exactly on all eight
planes $H_j=\left\{\cos\left({j\pi\over 4}\right)x
+\sin\left({j\pi\over 4}\right)y=w\right\}$, $j=0,\ldots,7$.
So $P$ vanishes to the second order
on the $28$ lines $H_j\cap H_k$, $0\leq j<k\leq 7$ and
$Q$ vanishes to the second order on a quartic surface.
Therefore for general values of $a,\ldots,i$ the polynomial $F$ vanishes
to the second order
on $4\cdot 28=112$ points. Hence $X$ has got $112$ nodes, all of them
lying on some symmetry plane $E_j$, $j\in\left\{0,\ldots,7\right\}$.
Because of symmetry
it is sufficient to consider only $E_0=\left\{y=0\right\}$ and
$E_1=\left\{x=\left(1+\sqrt{2}\right)y\right\}$. Substituting the equations
for $E_0$ and $E_1$ one gets homogeneous coordinates $\left(x:z:w\right)$
on $E_0$ and $\left(y:z:w\right)$ on $E_1$.
Now consider the two curves $C_j=X\cap E_j$, $j=0,1$. Then, as divisors,
we have:
\left\{\left.P\right|_{E_0}=0\right\} & = &
L_{1/2} & = & \left\{ x=\pm w\right\} \\
L_{3/4} & = & \left\{ x=\pm\sqrt{2}\,w\right\}\\
L_5 & = & \left\{ w=0\right\}\\
$C_0$ has got singularities in those twelve points where
$\left\{\left.Q\right|_{E_0}=0\right\}$ meets one of the lines $L_3$, $L_4$ or
$L_5$, so $C_0$ is a plane octic curve with twelve singularities
admitting reflection symmetry ${\Bbb Z}_2$. Analogously,
\left\{\left.P\right|_{E_1}=0\right\} & = & 2\left(M_1+M_2+M_3+M_4\right)\\
M_{1/2} & = & \left\{y=\pm w\right\}\\
M_{3/4} & = & \left\{y=\pm\left(\sqrt{2}-1\right)w\right\}\\
so $C_1$ has got sixteen singularities and admits reflection symmetry
${\Bbb Z}_2$.
The first step is to set $c=f=h=0$, then $X$ is $D_8\times{\Bbb Z}_2$--symmetric.
Now both $C_0$ and $C_1$ admit reflection symmetry ${\Bbb Z}^2_2$ and
therefore can be constructed from plane quartic curves $\tilde{C}_0$ and
$\tilde{C}_1$ by applying the Segre--trick. The second step is
to set $e=-1$ to mod out all projective transformations
$z\mapsto\lambda\cdot z$, $\lambda\in{\Bbb C}^*$ from this family of octics.
Now call a singularity of $\tilde{C}_0$ or $\tilde{C}_1$ outside of the coordinate axes
a singularity in {\em general position}. Analogously call a point of contact
of $\tilde{C}_0$ or $\tilde{C}_1$ to one of the coordinate axes outside the
three points of intersection of those axes a point of contact in
{\em general position}. Applying
proposition 5 of \cite{cataneseceresa} gives:
\item $\tilde{C}_0$ has got two nodes $s_1$ and $s_2$ and two contact points
$t_1$ and $t_2$ to $\left\{w=0\right\}$ in general position.
\item $\tilde{C}_1$ has got four nodes $u_1,\ldots,u_4$ in general position,
no three of them collinear and thus splits into two conics.
\item Every node in general position of $\tilde{C}_0$ or $\tilde{C}_1$
induces an orbit of $16$ singularities on $X$.
\item Every point of contact in general position of either
$\tilde{C}_0$ or $\tilde{C}_1$ to one of the
coordinate axes $\left\{w=0\right\}$ or $\left\{z=0\right\}$
induces an orbit of $8$ singularities on $X$.
All points $s_1$, $s_2$, $t_1$, $t_2$, and $u_1,\ldots,u_4$ induce
orbits of singularities on $X$, which will be denoted by the same letters.
All those points are singularities of $X$, so if the determinant
of the hesse matrix of $F$ in some point of such an orbit does not vanish,
all points in the corresponding orbit are nodes.
After substituting
i & = & -{1\over 4}\left(8\left(3-2\,\sqrt{2}\right)
d & = & -{1\over 32}\left( 256\,a+64\,b^2+16\,bg-\sqrt{2}\,d_1^2+
a & = & -{1\over 64}\left( 16\,b^2+a_1^2-\left(2-\sqrt{2}\right)d_1^2
the determinants of the hesse matrices of the above points can be
computed (with Maple, of course):
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,s_{1/2}\right)\right) & = &
8\,a_1^2\left(4\,b+2\,g\pm a_1\right )\\
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,t_{1/2}\right)\right) & = &
\right )\\
& & \hspace{2ex}\left(
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,u_{1/2}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,u_{3/4}\right)\right) & = &
The third step is to set the remaining parameters to:
a=-{1\over 4}\left(1+ \sqrt{2}\right) &
b= {1\over 2}\left(2+ \sqrt{2}\right) &
d= {1\over 8}\left(2+ 7\sqrt{2}\right)\\[2ex]
g= {1\over 2}\left(1- 2\sqrt{2}\right) &
i=-{1\over 16}\left(1+12\sqrt{2}\right) \\
Now set $X_8=X$. It can be checked that
$\tilde{C}_0$ admits an additional node
and an additional point of contact
to $\left\{z=0\right\}$,
whereas $\tilde{C}_1$ splits into one conic $K$ and two lines and therefore admits
one additional node
$u_5=\left( 2\left(3-2\,\sqrt{2}\right):3-2\,\sqrt{2}:4\right)$.
Moreover $K$ has points of contact to
$\left\{w=0\right\}$ in
$v_1=\left( 1:3+2\,\sqrt{2}:0\right)$
and to $\left\{z=0\right\}$ in
$v_2=\left( 1:0:4\right)$.
Computing determinants of hesse matrices results in:
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,s_{1}\right)\right) & = & 128 \\
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,s_{2}\right)\right) & = & 1152 \\
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,s_{3}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,t_{1}\right)\right) & = & {1\over 4}\\
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,t_{2}\right)\right) & = &
{3\over 4}\left( 3+2\,\sqrt{2}\right)\\
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,t_{3}\right)\right) & = & {\frac {9}{512}}\\
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,u_{1}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,u_{2}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,u_{3}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,u_{4}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,u_{5}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,v_{1}\right)\right) & = &
\det\left(\mathop{\rm hesse}\nolimits\left(X,v_{2}\right)\right) & = &
{1\over 128}\left( 2979+2106\,\sqrt {2}\right)\\
This gives $16+16+8+8+8=56$ additional nodes, thus $168$ nodes
\section*{$X_8$ is smooth away from the 168 nodes}
Now one checks (again with Maple) that the 168 nodes are the only ones
to appear on the eight planes $E_j$, $j=0,\ldots,7$:
\item points of contact to coordinate axes can be computed explicitly,
\item the fact that $K$ is non degenerate can be
checked by computing its determinant,
\item the fact that $\tilde{C}_0$ is irreducible can be checked by
projecting through a node onto some line not containing this
node and computing the branch points with multiplicities.
One also checks that the points of intersection of
$X_8$ with the line $L=\left\{\left(x:y:0:0\right)\mid
\left(x:y\right)\in{\Bbb P}_1\right\}$ are smooth.
If $X_8$ would have a singularity $p_0$ outside of all eight planes $E_j$,
$j=0,\ldots,7$ and outside the line $L$, then $p_0$ would induce
an orbit of sixteen singularities of $X_8$. Now consider the following lemma:
Let $Y=\left\{G=0\right\}$ be a $D_n$--symmetric surface of degree
$n\geq 1$. Then $Y$ has got no orbit of $2n$ nodes.
\noindent{\bf Proof:}\
If $n\leq 3$ we have $\mu\left(n\right)<2n$, so let $n\geq 4$.
Assume $O_{2n}$ is an orbit of $2n$ nodes of $Y$. Then $O_{2n}$ is
contained in some plane curve $K$ of degree $\leq 2$.
Let $E$ be the plane containing $K$. After a projective transformation
we may assume $E=\left\{z=0\right\}$. Then $C=Y\cap E$ is a plane
curve of degree $n$ with $C.K\geq 4n>2n$, so $C=K+C'$. But
$C'.K\geq 2n>2\left(n-2\right)$, thus $C=2K+C''$. Therefore
\left.\frac{\partial G}{\partial\left\{x,y,w\right\}}\right|_K=
\left.\frac{\partial \left.G\right|_E}
Now $I=\left\{\partial G/\partial z|_E=0\right\}$ is a plane
curve of degree $n-1$, meeting all $2n$ nodes, all of whose
intersections with $K$ induce singularities on $Y$. So
$I.K\geq 2n>2\left(n-1\right)$, thus $I=K+I'$ which means that
\left.\frac{\partial G}{\partial z}\right|_K=
\left.\left.\frac{\partial G}{\partial z}\right|_E\right|_K=0.
So $Y$ is singular along $K$, this contradicts that
$K$ contains isolated singularities of $Y$.
\indent So $p_0$ would induce a singular curve on $X_8$ which itself
would induce
at least one singularity on every plane $E_j$, $j=0,\ldots,n-1$ which is
not a node, contradiction. Therefore the surface
X_8 & = & \left\{64\left(x^2-w^2\right)\left(y^2-w^2\right)
& & -\left[
\right )\left(x^2+y^2\right)
& & \left.\left.
has exactly 168 nodes and no other singularities.
1995-10-02T05:20:11 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507012 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507012 | [
] | alg-geom/9507012 | Nakajima Hiraku | Hiraku Nakajima | Heisenberg algebra and Hilbert schemes of points on projective surfaces | AMS-LaTeX v. 1.1, 16 pages | null | null | null | null | I have just replaced the first line by %&amslplain in order to be compiled by
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Jul 1995 05:04:25 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 29 Sep 1995 23:03:44 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
The purpose of this paper is to throw a bridge between two seemingly
unrelated subjects. One is the Hilbert scheme of points on projective
surfaces, which has been intensively studied by various people (see
e.g., \cite{Iar,ES,Got,Go-book}). The other is the infinite
dimensional Heisenberg algebra which is closely related to affine Lie
algebras (see e.g., \cite{Kac}).
We shall construct a representation of the Heisenberg algebra on the
homology group of the Hilbert scheme. In other words, the homology
group will become a Fock space. The basic idea is to introduce
certain ``correspondences'' in the product of the Hilbert scheme.
Then they define operators on the homology group by a well-known
procedure. They give generators of the Heisenberg algebra, and the
only thing we must check is that they satisfy the defining relation.
Here we remark that the components of the Hilbert scheme are
parameterized by numbers of points and our representation will be
constructed on the direct sum of homology groups of all components.
Our correspondences live in the product of the different components.
Thus it is quite essential to study all components together.
Our construction has the same spirit with
author's construction \cite{Na-quiver,Na-gauge}
of representations of affine Lie algebras
on homology groups of moduli spaces of ``instantons''\footnote{The
reason why we put the quotation mark will be
explained in Remark~\ref{sheaf}.}
on ALE spaces which are minimal resolution of simple singularities.
Certain correspondences, called Hecke correspondences, were used to
define operators. These twist vector bundles along
curves (irreducible components of the exceptional set), while ours
twist around points. In fact, the Hilbert scheme of points can be
considered as the moduli space of rank $1$ vector bundles, or more
precisely torsion free sheaves.
Our construction should be considered as a first step to extend
\cite{Na-quiver,Na-gauge} to more general $4$-manifolds.
The same program was also proposed by Ginzburg, Kapranov and Vasserot
Another motivation of our study is the conjecture about the generating
function of the Euler number of the moduli spaces of instantons,
which was recently proposed by Vafa and Witten~\cite{VW}.
They conjectured that it is a modular form for $4$-manifolds under
certain conditions.
This conjecture was checked for various $4$-manifolds using
various mathematicians' results.
Among them, the most relevant to us is the case of K3 surfaces.
G\"ottsche and Huybrechts \cite{GotHu} proved that the Betti numbers
of moduli spaces of stable rank two sheaves are the same as those for
Hilbert schemes. G\"ottsche \cite{Got} computed the Betti numbers
of Hilbert schemes for general projective surfaces $X$.
(The Hilbert schemes for $\operatorname{\C P}^2$ were studied earlier by Ellingsrud and
Str\o mme's~\cite{ES}.)
If $\Hilbn{X}$ is the Hilbert scheme parameterizing $n$-points in $X$,
the generating function of the Poincar\'e polynomials is given by
\sum_{n=0}^\infty q^n P_t(\Hilbn{X}) = \prod_{m=1}^\infty
\frac{(1 + t^{2m-1}q^m)^{b_1(X)}(1 + t^{2m+1}q^m)^{b_3(X)}}
{(1 - t^{2m-2}q^m)^{b_0(X)}(1 - t^{2m}q^m)^{b_2(X)}
(1 - t^{2m+2}q^m)^{b_4(X)}}\, ,
where $b_i(X)$ is the Betti number of $X$. Letting $t = -1$, we find
the generating function of the Euler numbers is essentially the
Dedekind eta function. In fact, the relation with the above formula
and the Fock space was already pointed out in \cite{VW}. Our result
should be considered as a geometric realization of their indication.
The paper is organized as follows.
In \secref{sec:pre} we give preliminaries. We recall the definition of
the convolution product in \subsecref{subsec:conv}
with some modifications and describe some
properties of the Hilbert scheme $\HilbX{n}$ and the infinite
Heisenberg algebra and its representations
The definition of correspondences and the statement of the main result
are given in \secref{sec:main}.
The proof will be given in \secref{sec:proof}.
In the appendix, we study the particular case $X = {\Bbb C}^2$ in more
We give a description
of $\Hilbn{({\Bbb C}^2)}$ as a hyper-K\"ahler quotient of
finite dimensional vector space by a unitary group action.
It is very similar to the definition of quiver varieties
\cite{Na-quiver}. The only difference is that we have an edge joining
a vertex with itself.
Using this description as a hyper-K\"ahler quotient, we compute the
homology group of $\Hilbn{({\Bbb C}^2)}$.
We recover the formula \eqref{Poincare} for $X = {\Bbb C}^2$.
The difference between our approach and
Ellingsrud-Str\o mme's~\cite{ES} is only the description.
Both use the torus action and study the fixed point set.
But our presentation has a similarity in \cite{Na-homology}.
The appendix is independent of the other parts of this paper, but
those similarities with author's previous works explains motivation of
this paper in part.
While the author was preparing this manuscript, he learned that the
similar result was announced by Grojnowski \cite{Gr}. He introduced
exactly the same correspondence as ours.
The author would like to thank C.~Vafa and E.~Witten, since
it is clear that this work was not done unless he discussed
with them.
It is also a pleasure to acknowledge discussions with V.~Ginzburg and
His thanks go also to R.~Hotta, T.~Uzawa, K.~Hasegawa and G.~Kuroki
who answered many questions on the representation theory.
\subsection{Convolution Algebras}
We need a slight modification of the definition of the convolution
product in the homology groups given by Ginzburg \cite{Gi} (see also
For a locally compact topological space $X$, let $\Hlf_*(X)$
denote the homology group of possibly infinite singular chains with locally
finite support (the Borel-Moore homology) with {\it rational\/}
The usual homology group of finite singular chains will be denoted by
If $\overline X = X\cup \{\infty\}$ is the one point compactification
of $X$, we have $\Hlf_*(X)$ is isomorphic to the relative homology
group $H_*(\overline X, \{\infty\})$.
If $X$ is an $n$-dimensional oriented manifold,
we have the Poincar\'e duality isomorphism
\Hlf_i(X) \cong H^{n-i}(X),\quad
H_i(X) \cong H^{n-i}_c(X),
where $H^*$ and $H^*_c$ denote the ordinary cohomology group and the
cohomology group with compact support respectively.
Let $M^1$, $M^2$, $M^3$ be oriented manifolds of dimensions $d_1$,
$d_2$, $d_3$ respectively, and
$p_{ij}\colon M^1\times M^2\times M^3 \to M^i\times M^j$ be the
natural projection.
We define a convolution product
\ast\colon \left(\Hlf_{i_1}(M^1)\otimes H_{i_2}(M^2)\right) \otimes
\left(\Hlf_{d_2 - i_2}(M^2)\otimes H_{i_3}(M^3)\right) \to
\Hlf_{i_1}(M^1)\otimes H_{i_3}(M^3)
(c_1\otimes c_2) \ast (c'_2\otimes c_3) \overset{\operatorname{\scriptstyle def.}}{=}
c_2\cap c'_2\; c_1\otimes c_3,
where $c_2\cap c'_2\in\Bbb Z$ is the natural pairing between
$H_{i_2}(M^2)$ and $\Hlf_{d_2 - i_2}(M^2)\cong H^{i_2}(M^2)$.
Suppose $Z$ is a submanifold in $M^1\times M^2$ such that
\text{the projection $Z \to M^1$ is proper.}
Then the fundamental class $[Z]$ defines an element in
[Z] \in
H_{\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits_{\Bbb R} Z}(\overline M_1\times M_2, \{\infty\}\times M_2)
= \bigoplus_{i + j = \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits_{\Bbb R} Z} \Hlf_i(M^1)\otimes H_j(M^2),
where $\overline M_1 = M_1\cup\{\infty\}$ is the one point
compactification of $M_1$ and we have used the K\"unneth formula.
More generally, if $[Z]$ is a cycle whose support $Z$ satisfies
\eqref{ass-proper}, the same construction works.
Using \eqref{eq:PD}, we get an operator, which is denoted also by $[Z]$,
[Z]\colon \Hlf_j(M^2)\to \Hlf_{j + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits_{\Bbb R} Z - d_2}(M^1).
\subsection{Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces}
Let $X$ be a nonsingular quasi-projective surface defined
over the complex number ${\Bbb C}$. Let $\Hilbn{X}$ be the component of the
Hilbert scheme of $X$ parameterizing the ideals of $\shfO_X$ of
colength $n$. It is smooth and irreducible \cite{Fogarty}.
Let $S^n X$ denotes the $n$-th symmetric product of $X$.
It parameterizes formal linear combinations $\sum n_i [x_i]$ of points
$x_i$ in $X$ with coefficients $n_i\in\Bbb Z_{> 0}$ with $\sum n_i = n$.
There is a canonical morphism
\pi\colon \Hilbn{X}\to S^n X; \quad
\pi(\cal J) \overset{\operatorname{\scriptstyle def.}}{=} \sum_{x\in X}
\operatorname{length}(\shfO_X/\cal J)_x [x].
It is known that $\pi$ is a resolution of singularities.
The symmetric power $S^n X$ has a natural stratification into locally
closed subvarieties as follows. Let $\nu$ be a partition of $n$, i.e.,
a sequence $n_1, n_2, \dots, n_r$ such that
n_1 \ge n_2 \ge \cdots \ge n_r, \qquad \sum n_i = n.
Then $S^n_\nu X$ is defined by
S^n_\nu X \overset{\operatorname{\scriptstyle def.}}{=} \{ \sum_i n_i [x_i] \in S^n X\mid
x_i \ne x_j \quad\text{for $i\ne j$}\, \}.
It is known that $\pi$ is semi-small with respect to the
stratification $S^n X = \bigcup S^n_\nu X$ \cite{Iar}, that is
\item for each $\nu$, the restriction
$\pi\colon \pi^{-1}(S^n_\nu X)\to S^n_\nu X$ is a locally trivial
\item $\operatorname{codim} S^n_\nu X = 2\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits \pi^{-1}(x)$ for $x\in S^n_\nu X$.
Moreover, it is also known that $\pi^{-1}(x)$ is irreducible.
\subsection{The Infinite Dimensional Heisenberg Algebra}
We briefly recall the definition of the infinite dimensional
Heisenberg algebra and its representations. See \cite[\S9.13]{Kac} for
The infinite dimensional Heisenberg algebra $\frak s$ is generated by
$p_i$, $q_i$ ($i=1,2,\dots$) and $c$ with the following relations:
[p_i, p_j] = 0, \quad [q_i, q_j] = 0 \label{eq:rel1}\\
[p_i, q_j] = \delta_{ij} c. \label{eq:rel2}
For every $a\in{\Bbb C}^*$, the Lie algebra $\frak s$ has an irreducible
representation on the space $R = {\Bbb C}[x_1, x_2,\dots]$ of
polynomials in infinitely many indeterminates $x_i$ defined by
p_i \mapsto a \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i}, \quad
q_i \mapsto x_i, \quad
c \mapsto a \operatorname{Id}.
This representation has a highest weight vector $1$, and $R$ is
spanned by elements
x_1^{j_1} x_2^{j_2} \cdots x_n^{j_n} =
q_1^{j_1} q_2^{j_2} \cdots q_n^{j_n} 1.
We extend $\frak s$ by a derivation $d_0$ defined by
[d_0, q_j] = j q_j, \quad [d_0, p_j] = - j p_j.
The above representation $R$ extends by
d_0 \mapsto \sum_j jx_j\frac{\partial}{\partial x_j}.
Then it is easy to see
\operatorname{tr}_R q^{d_0} = \prod_{j=1}^\infty \frac 1{(1 - q^j)}.
The representation $R$ carries a unique bilinear form $B$ such that
$B(1, 1) = 1$ and $p_i$ is the adjoint of $q_i$, provided $a\in {\Bbb R}$.
In fact, distinct monomials are orthogonal and we have
B(x_1^{j_1}\dots x_n^{j_n}, x_1^{j_1}\dots x_n^{j_n})
= a^{\sum j_k} \prod j_k !
We also need the infinite dimensional Clifford algebra $\Cl$
(see e.g., \cite{Fr}). It
is generated by $\psi_i$, $\psi^*_i$ ($i=1,2,\dots$) and $c$ with the
\psi_i\psi_j + \psi_j \psi_i = 0, \quad
\psi_i^*\psi_j^* + \psi_j^* \psi_i^* = 0\label{eq:rel3}\\
\psi_i\psi_j^* + \psi_j^*\psi_i = \delta_{ij}c.\label{eq:rel4}
This algebra has a representation on the exterior algebra
$F = \bigwedge^* V$ of an infinite dimensional vector space
$V = {\Bbb C} dx^1\oplus {\Bbb C} dx^2\oplus\cdots$ defined by
\psi_i \mapsto dx^i \wedge\, , \quad
\psi_i^* \mapsto \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i}\interior\, ,\quad
c \mapsto \operatorname{Id},
where $\interior$ denotes the interior product.
This has the highest weight vector $1$ and spanned by
dx_{i_1}\wedge\cdots\wedge dx_{i_n} =
\psi_{i_1}\cdots \psi_{i_n} 1, \qquad (i_1 > i_2 > \cdots > i_n).
We extend $\Cl$ by $d$ defined by
[d, \psi_i] = i\psi_i, \quad [d, \psi_i^*] = -i\psi_i.
It acts on $F$ by
d(dx_{i_1}\wedge\cdots\wedge dx_{i_n})
= \left(\sum i_k\right) dx_{i_1}\wedge\cdots\wedge dx_{i_n}.
The character is given by
\operatorname{tr}_F q^d = \prod_{j=1}^\infty (1 + q^j).
\section{Main Construction}
\subsection{Definitions of Generators}
Let $X$ as in \subsecref{subsec:Hilb}.
Take a basis of $\Hlf_*(X)$ and
assume that each element is represented by a (real) closed submanifold
$C^a$. ($a$ runs over $1, 2, \dots, \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits \Hlf_*(X)$.)
Take a dual basis for $H_*(X)\cong H^{4 - *}_c(X)$, and assume
that each element is represented by a submanifold $D^a$ which is
(Those assumptions are only for the brevity. The modification to
the case of cycles is clear.)
For each $a = 1,2,\dots,\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits\Hlf_*(X)$, $n = 1,2,\dots$ and
$i=1,2,\dots$, we introduce cycles of products of the Hilbert
schemes by
&E_i^a(n) \overset{\operatorname{\scriptstyle def.}}{=} \{\, (\cal J_1,\cal J_2)\in\HilbX{n-i}\times\HilbX{n}
\mid \\
& \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{$\cal J_1\supset \cal J_2$ and
$\Supp(\cal J_1/\cal J_2) = \{ p\}$ for some $p\in D^a$}
\}, \\
&F_i^a(n) \overset{\operatorname{\scriptstyle def.}}{=} \{\, (\cal J_1,\cal J_2)\in\HilbX{n+i}\times\HilbX{n}
\mid \\
& \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{$\cal J_1\subset \cal J_2$ and
$\Supp (J_2/\cal J_1) = \{ p \}$ for some $p\in C^a$}\}.
The dimensions are given by
& \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits_{\Bbb R} E_i^a(n) = 4(n-i) + 2(i-1) + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits_{\Bbb R} D^a,\\
& \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits_{\Bbb R} F_i^a(n) = 4n + 2(i-1) + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits_{\Bbb R} C^a.
This follows from the fact $\Hilbn{X}\to S^n X$ is semi-small (see
Since the projections
$E_i^a(n)\to \HilbX{n-i}$ and $F_i^a(n)\to\HilbX{n+i}$ are proper,
we have classes
& [E_i^a(n)]\in \bigoplus_{k,l}
\Hlf_k(\HilbX{n-i})\otimes H_l(\HilbX{n}), \\
& [F_i^a(n)]\in \bigoplus_{k,l}
\Hlf_k(\HilbX{n+i})\otimes H_l(\HilbX{n}).
Our main result is the following:
The following relations hold in
$\bigoplus_{k,l,m,n} \Hlf_k(\HilbX{m})\otimes H_l(\HilbX{n})$.
[E_i^a(n-j)]\ast [E_j^b(n)] =
(-1)^{\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^b}[E_j^b(n-i)] \ast [E_i^a(n)]\label{eq:EE}\\
[F_i^a(n+j)]\ast [F_j^b(n)] =
(-1)^{\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^a\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^b}[F_j^b(n-i)] \ast [F_i^a(n)]\label{eq:FF}\\
[E_i^a(n+j)]\ast [F_j^b(n)] =
(-1)^{\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^b}[F_j^b(n-i)] \ast [E_i^a(n)]
+ \delta_{ab}\delta_{ij}c_i [\Delta(n)]\label{eq:EF},
where $\Delta(n)$ is the diagonal of $\Hilbn{X}$, and $c_i$ is a
nonzero integer depending only on $i$ \rom(independent of $X$\rom).
In particular, for each fixed $a$, the map
& p_i \mapsto \sum_n [E_i^a(n)], \quad q_i \mapsto \sum_n [F_i^a(n)]
\qquad\text{when $\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^a$ is even} \\
& \psi_i^*\mapsto \sum_n [E_i^a(n)], \quad
\psi_i\mapsto \sum_n [F_i^a(n)]
\qquad\text{when $\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^a$ is odd}
defines a homomorphism from the Heisenberg algebra and the Clifford
algebra respectively.
Considering $[E_i^a(n)]$, $[F_i^a(n)]$ as operators on
$\bigoplus_{k,n} \Hlf_k(\HilbX{n})$, we have a representation of the
product of Heisenberg algebras and Clifford algebras. Comparing
G\"ottsche's Betti number formula and the character formula, we get
the following:
The direct sum $\bigoplus_{k,n} \Hlf_k(\HilbX{n})$ of homology groups
of $\HilbX{n}$ is the highest weight module where the highest weight
vector $v_0$ is the generator of $\Hlf_0(\HilbX{0})\cong\Bbb Q$.
The author does not know the precise values of $c_i$'s. It is easy
to get $c_1 = 1$, $c_2 = -2$, but general $c_i$ become difficult to
\section{Proof of {\protect\thmref{th:main}}}
\subsection{Proof of Relations (I)}
Consider the product $\HilbX{n-i-j}\times\HilbX{n-j}\times\HilbX{n}$
and let $p_{12}$, etc. be as in \subsecref{subsec:conv}. The
intersection $p_{12}^{-1}(E_i^a(n-j))\cap p_{23}^{-1}(E_j^b(n))$
consists of triples $(\idl_1, \idl_2, \idl_3)$ such that
& \idl_1\supset\idl_2\supset\idl_3 \label{eq:incl}\\
& \text{$\Supp(\idl_1/\idl_2) = \{ p\}$, \;
$\Supp(\idl_2/\idl_3) = \{ q\}$ for some $p\in D^a$, $q\in D^b$.}
Replacing $D^b$ by $\widetilde D^b$ in the same homology class, we may
$\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a\cap \widetilde D^b = \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits \widetilde D^b - 4$.
(If the right hand side is negative, the set is empty.)
Let $U$ be the open set in the intersection consisting points
with $p\ne q$ in \eqref{eq:supp}.
Outside the singular points of $p_{12}^{-1}(E_i^a(n-j))$,
$p_{23}^{-1}(E_j^b(n))$, the intersection is transverse along $U$.
The complement
$p_{12}^{-1}(E_i^a(n-j))\cap p_{23}^{-1}(E_j^b(n))\setminus U$
consists of $(\idl_1, \idl_2, \idl_3)$ with \eqref{eq:incl} and
\text{$\Supp(\idl_1/\idl_2) = \Supp(\idl_2/\idl_3) = \{p\}$ for some
$p\in D^a\cap \widetilde D^b$.}
Its dimension is at most
4n - 2i - 2j - 4 + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^b - 4,
which is strictly smaller than the dimension of the intersection
4n - 2i - 2j - 4 + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^b.
Now consider the product
intersection $p_{12}^{-1}(E_j^b(n-i))\cap p_{23}^{-1}(E_i^a(n))$
consists of triples $(\idl_1, \idl'_2, \idl_3)$ such that
& \idl_1\supset\idl'_2\supset\idl_3 \label{eq:incl2}\\
& \text{$\Supp(\idl_1/\idl'_2) = \{q\}$ \;
$\Supp(\idl'_2/\idl_3) = \{p\}$ for some $q\in D^b$, $p\in D^a$.}
Let $U'$ be the open set in the intersection consisting points
with $p\ne q$ in \eqref{eq:supp2}.
The intersection is again transverse along $U$ outside singular sets.
The complement
$p_{12}^{-1}(E_j^b(n-i))\cap p_{23}^{-1}(E_i^a(n))\setminus U'$
has dimension is at most
4n - 2i - 2j - 4 + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^b - 4,
which is also strictly smaller than the dimension of the intersection.
There exists a homeomorphism between $U$ and $U'$ given by
U\ni (\idl_1, \idl_2, \idl_3) \mapsto (\idl_1, \idl'_2, \idl_3) \in U',
where $\idl'_2$ is a sheaf such that
\idl_1 / \idl'_2 = \idl_2 / \idl_3, \quad
\idl'_2 / \idl_3 = \idl_1 / \idl_2.
Such $\idl'_2$ exists since supports of $\idl_1 / \idl_2$ and
$\idl_2 / \idl_3$ are different points $p$ and $q$.
Taking account of orientations and the estimate of the dimension of
the complements, we get the relation~\eqref{eq:EE}. The proof of
\eqref{eq:FF} is exactly the same.
\subsection{Proof of Relations (II)}
The proof of \eqref{eq:EF} is almost similar to the above.
Consider the product $\HilbX{n-i+j}\times\HilbX{n+j}\times\HilbX{n}$.
The intersection $p_{12}^{-1}(E_i^a(n+j))\cap p_{23}^{-1}(F_j^b(n))$
consists of triples $(\idl_1, \idl_2, \idl_3)$ such that
& \idl_1\supset\idl_2\subset\idl_3 \label{eq:incl3}\\
& \text{$\Supp(\idl_1/\idl_2) = \{p\}$, \;
$\Supp(\idl_3/\idl_2) = \{q\}$ for some $p\in D^a$, $q\in C^b$.}
Replacing $C^b$ by $\widetilde C^b$ in the same homology class, we may
$\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a\cap \widetilde C^b = \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits \widetilde C^b - 4$.
(If the right hand side is negative, the set is empty.)
Since $\{D^a\}$ and $\{C^b\}$ are dual bases each other, the equality
holds if and only if $a = b$.
Let $U$ be the open set in the intersection consisting points
with $p\ne q$ in \eqref{eq:supp3}.
Next consider the product $\HilbX{n-i+j}\times\HilbX{n-i}\times\HilbX{n}$.
The intersection $p_{12}^{-1}(F_j^b(n-i))\cap p_{23}^{-1}(E_i^a(n))$
consists of triples $(\idl_1, \idl_2, \idl_3)$ such that
& \idl_1\subset\idl'_2\supset\idl_3 \label{eq:incl4}\\
& \text{$\Supp(\idl'_2/\idl_1) = \{q\}$, \;
$\Supp(\idl'_2/\idl_3) = \{p\}$ for some $q\in C^b$, $p\in D^a$.}
Let $U'$ be the open set in the intersection consisting points
with $p\ne q$ in \eqref{eq:supp4}.
There exists a homeomorphism between $U$ and $U'$ given by
U\ni (\idl_1, \idl_2, \idl_3) \mapsto (\idl_1, \idl'_2, \idl_3) \in U',
where $\idl'_2$ is
(\idl_1 \oplus \idl_3)/ \{ (f, f)\mid f\in \idl_2\} .
The inverse map is given by $\idl_2 = \idl_1 \cap \idl_3$.
Let $U^c$, $U^{\prime c}$ be the complement of $U$ and $U'$ respectively.
If $(\idl_1, \idl_3)$ is in the image $p_{13}(U^c)$ or
$p_{13}(U^{\prime c})$,
then $\idl_1$ and $\idl_3$ are isomorphic outside a point
$p\in D^a\cap \widetilde C^b$.
In particular, it is easy to check
\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits p_{13}(U^c), \, \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits p_{13}(U^{\prime c}) \le
4n - 2i + 2j - 4 + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^b,
where the right hand side is the expected dimension of the intersection.
The equality holds only if $i = j$ and $\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^b = 4$.
Moreover, $\{D^a\}$ and $\{C^b\}$ are dual bases,
when $\mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits D^a + \mathop{\text{\rm dim}}\nolimits C^b = 4$,
the intersection
$D^a\cap \widetilde C^b$ is empty unless $a = b$.
Thus we have checked \eqref{eq:EF} when $i\ne j$ or $a\ne b$.
Now assume $i = j$ and $a = b$.
Then $p_{13}(U^{\prime c})$ has smaller dimension and
$p_{13}(U^c)$ is union of the diagonal $\Delta(n)$ and smaller
dimensional sets.
Hence the left hand side of \eqref{eq:EF} is a multiple of $[\Delta(n)]$.
In order to calculate the multiple, we may restrict the intersection
on the open set where
\item $\idl_1$ and $\idl_3$ are contained in the open
stratum $\pi^{-1}(S^n_{1,1,\dots,1})$,
\item $\Supp\shfO/\idl_1$, $\Supp\shfO/\idl_3$ do not intersect with
$D^a\cap \widetilde C^a$.
Then it is clear that the multiple is a constant independent of $n$ and $X$,
which we denoted by $c_i$.
The only thing left is to show $c_i \ne 0$.
We may assume $X = {\Bbb C}^2$ and $n = i$.
We consider the quotient of $\Hilb{({\Bbb C}^2)}{i}$ devided by the action of
${\Bbb C}^2$ which comes from the parallel translation.
Thus $c_i$ is equal to the self-intersection number of
$[\pi^{-1}(i[0])]$ in $\Hilb{({\Bbb C}^2)}{i}/{\Bbb C}^2$.
Since $\pi\colon \Hilb{({\Bbb C}^2)}{i}\to S^i{\Bbb C}^2$ has irreducible fibers,
$[\pi^{-1}(i[0])]$ is the generator of $H_{2i - 2}(\Hilb{({\Bbb C}^2)}{i}/{\Bbb C}^2)$.
Now our assertion follows from a general result which holds for any
semi-small morphism \cite[7.7.15]{Gi-book}.
That is the non-degeneracy of the intersection form on the top degree
of the fiber.
1995-07-10T06:20:21 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507004 | [
] | alg-geom/9507004 | Mikhail Zaidenberg | H. Flenner and M. Zaidenberg | On a class of rational cuspidal plane curves | LaTeX 30 pages, author-supplied DVI file available at
http://www.math.duke.edu/preprints/95-00.dvi | null | null | Duke preprint DUKE-M-95-00 | null | We obtain new examples and the complete list of the rational cuspidal plane
curves $C$ with at least three cusps, one of which has multiplicity ${\rm
deg}\,C - 2$. It occurs that these curves are projectively rigid. We also
discuss the general problem of projective rigidity of rational cuspidal plane
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 Jul 1995 13:12:49 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{On multiplicity sequences}
\noindent {\bf 1.1. Definition.} Let $(C, \,P) \subset ({\bf C}^2,\,P)$ be an irreducible
analytic plane curve germ, and let $${\bf C}^2 = V_0 \qquad
{\stackrel{\sigma_1}{\longleftarrow}} \qquad V_1 \qquad
{\stackrel{\sigma_2}{\longleftarrow}} \qquad \cdots \qquad
{\stackrel{\sigma_n}{\longleftarrow}} \qquad V_n$$ be the sequence of blow ups
over $P$ that yields the minimal embedded resolution of singularity of $C$ at
$P$. Thus, the complete preimage of $C$ in $V_n$ is a simple normal crossing
divisor $D = E + C_n$, where $E$ is the exceptional divisor of the whole
resolution and $C_n$ is the proper preimage of $C$ in $V_n$. Denote by $E_n$
the only $-1$-component of $E$, so that $E_n \cdot (D_{\rm red} - E_n) \ge 3$.
Let $E_i \subset V_i$ be the exceptional divisor of the blow up $\sigma_i$,
$C_i \subset V_i$ be the proper transform of $C$ at $V_i$, and let $P_{i-1} =
\sigma_i(E_i) \in E_{i-1} \cap C_{i-1}$ be the centrum of $\sigma_i$. Thus, $C
= C_0 \subset V_0$ and $P = P_0 \in C_0$.
Let $m_i$ denote the multiplicity of the point $P_i \in C_i$. The sequence
${\bar m}_P = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$, where $m_0\ge m_1 \ge \dots \ge m_n=1$,
is called {\it the multiplicity sequence of $(C,\,P)$}. We have $$\mu = 2\delta
= \sum\limits_{i=0}^n m_i(m_i - 1)\,,$$ where $\mu$ is the Milnor number of
$(C,\,P)$ and $\delta$ is the virtual number of double points of $C$ at $P$
[Mil]. \\
The following proposition gives a characterization of the multiplicity
sequences. \\
\noindent {\bf 1.2. Proposition.} {\it The multiplicity sequence ${\bar m}_P =
(m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$ has the following two properties:
\noindent i) for each $i = 1,\dots,n$ there exists $k \ge 0$ such that $$m_{i-1} =
m_i + \dots +m_{i+k}\,,$$ where $$m_i = m_{i+1} =\dots =m_{i+k-1}\,,$$ and
\noindent ii) if $$m_{n-r} > m_{n-r+1}=\dots=m_n=1\,,$$ then $m_{n-r} = r-1$.
Conversely, if ${\bar m} = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$ is a non--increasing
sequence of positive integers satisfying conditions i) and ii), then ${\bar m}
= {\bar m}_P$ for some irreducible plane curve germ $(C,\,P)$. }\\
The proof is based on the following lemma.\\
\noindent {\bf 1.3. Lemma.} {\it Let ${\bar m}_P = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$ be the
multiplicity sequence of an irreducible plane curve singularity $(C,\,P)$.
Denote by $E_i^{(k)}$ the proper transform of the exceptional divisor $E_i$ of
$\sigma_i$ at the surface $V_{i+k}$, so that, in particular, $E_i = E_i^{(0)}$.
Then the following hold.\\
\noindent a) $E_iC_i = m_{i-1}$ and $$E_i^{(k)}C_{i+k} = {\rm max\,}\{0,\,m_{i-1} -
m_i -\dots - m_{i+k-1}\}\,, \,\,k> 0\,.$$ In particular, $ E_i^{(1)} C_{i+1} =
m_{i-1} - m_i$. \\
\noindent b) If $$m_{i-1} > m_i + \dots + m_{i+k-1}\,,$$ then $$m_i = m_{i+1}
=\dots=m_{i+k-1}$$ and $$m_{i-1} \ge m_i + \dots + m_{i+k}\,.$$}
\noindent {\bf Proof.} a) From the equalities $C_{i-1}^* := \sigma_i^*(C_{i-1}) =
C_i + m_{i-1}E_i\,,\,\,E_i^2 = -1$ and $C_{i-1}^* E_i = 0$ it follows that
$C_iE_i = m_{i-1}$. Assume by induction that a) holds for $k \le r-1$, where $r
\ge 1$. If $C_{i+r}E_i^{(r)} > 0$, then $ C_{i+r-1}E_i^{(r-1)} > 0$ and
$P_{i+r-1} \in C_{i+r-1} \cap E_i^{(r-1)}$. Therefore, by induction hypothesis
we have $$C_{i+r-1} E_i^{(r-1)} = m_{i-1} - m_i - \dots - m_{i+r-2} > 0\,,$$
$C_{i+r} = C_{i+r-1}^* - m_{i+r-1} E_{i+r}$ and $E_i^{(r)} \cdot E_{i+r} = 1$.
Hence, $E_i^{(r)} C_{i+r} = E_i^{(r)} C_{i+r-1}^* - m_{i+r-1} E_{i+r} E_i^{(r)}
= E_i^{(r-1)} C_{i+r-1} - m_{i+r-1} = m_{i-1} - m_i -\dots -m_{i+r-1}$. This
proves (a), and also proves that $$m_{i-1} \ge m_i +\dots+m_{i+r-1}$$ if
$$m_{i-1} > m_i +\dots +m_{i+r-2}\,,$$ which is the second assertion of (b).
To prove the first assertion of (b), note that $E_i^{(r-1)}$ is tangent to
$C_{i+r-1}$ at the point $P_{i+r-1}$ iff $ E_i^{(r-1)} C_{i+r-1} > m_{i+r-1}$.
As it was done in the proof of (a), one can easily show that the latter is
equivalent to the inequality $$E_i^{(r)} C_{i+r} = m_{i-1} - m_i -\dots -
m_{i+r-1} > 0\,,$$ and it implies in turn that $E_i^{(k)}$ is tangent to
$C_{i+k}$ for each $k=0,\dots,r-1$. Since by (a) $C_{i+k} E_{i+k} = m_{i+k-1}$,
the inequality $m_{i+k-1} > m_{i+k}$, where $1 \le k \le r-1$, would mean that
the curve $E_{i+k}$ is tangent to $C_{i+k}$ at $P_{i+k}$, which is impossible,
since it is transversal to $E_i^{(k)}$. Therefore, $m_{i+k-1} = m_{i+k}$ for
all $k=1, \dots, r-1$. \hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\bf Proof of Proposition 1.2.} Let ${\bar m}_P = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$
be the multiplicity sequence of an irreducible plane curve singularity
$(C,\,P)$. Write $m_{i-1} = k_im_i + r_i$ with $0 \le r_i < m_i$. It follows
from Lemma 1.3(b) that $$m_i = m_{i+1} = \dots = m_{i+k_i -1}\,.$$ Thus, if
$r_i=0$, then the condition i) is fulfilled. If $r_i>0$, then $m_{i-1} > k_im_i
= m_i+\dots+ m_{i+k_i-1}$, so that by Lemma 1.3(b) we have $$m_{i-1} \ge k_im_i
+ m_{i+k_i}\,,$$ and whence $r_i \ge m_{i+k_i}$. But $r_i > m_{i+k_i}$ would
imply that $$m_{i-1} > m_i+\dots+m_{i+k_i}\,,$$ which in turn implies by Lemma
1.3(b) that $$m_i =\dots=m_{i+k_i} < r_i\,,$$ which is a contradiction.
Therefore, in this case $m_{i+k_i} = r_i$, and so $$m_{i-1} = m_i + \dots
+m_{i+k_i-1}+m_{i+k_i}\,,$$ where $$m_i=\dots=m_{i+k_i-1}\,.$$ The proof of
(ii) is easy, and so it is omited.\\
To prove the converse, we need the following lemma. For the moment we change
the convention and define the multiplicity sequences to be infinite, setting
$m_{\nu} = 1$ for all $\nu \ge n$. Thus, the sequence $(1,\,1,\,\dots)$ serves
as multiplicity sequence of a smooth germ. \\
\noindent {\bf 1.4. Lemma.} {\it Let $(C,\,P)$ be an irreducible plane curve germ
with multiplicity sequence ${\bar m}_P = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n, \dots)$. Then
there exists a germ of a smooth curve $(\Gamma,\,P)$ through $P$ with $(\Gamma
C)_P = k$ iff $k$ satisfies the condition \\
\noindent (*) $k = m_0 + m_1 + \dots + m_s\,\,\,$ for some $\,\,\,s > 0\,$ with
$\,\,m_0 = m_1 =
\dots = m_{s-1}\,.$}\\
\noindent {\it Proof.} We proceed by induction on the number of $m_{\nu}$ which are
bigger than $1$. If it is equal to zero, i.e. if $(C,\,P)$ is a smooth germ,
then our statement is evidently true.
Let $(\Gamma,\,P) \subset (V_0,\,P)$ be a smooth curve germ through $P$, and
let $\Gamma' \subset V_1$ be the proper transform of $\Gamma$. Then $C^* = C_1
+ m_0 E_1$, and so $$k = (\Gamma C)_P = \Gamma' C_1 + m_0 \Gamma' E_1 = \Gamma'
C_1 + m_0\,.$$ If $\Gamma' C_1 = 0$, then we are done. If not, then by
induction hypothesis (applied to $C_1$) we have $$\Gamma' C_1 = m_1 + \dots +
m_s$$ for some $s > 0$ and $m_1 = \dots = m_{s-1}$. If $s = 1$ then this proves
the Lemma. If $s > 1$, i.e. $k = m_0 + m_1 + m_2 +\dots$, then we have to show
that $m_0 = m_1$. Denote by $\Gamma''$ the proper transform of $\Gamma'$ on
$V_2$. We have, as above, $$k - m_0 = \Gamma' C_1 = \Gamma'' C_2 + m_1\,,$$
which yields that $\Gamma'' C_2 = k - m_0 - m_1 > 0$, i.e. $\Gamma''$ meets
$C_2$. Moreover, since $\Gamma' C_1 = m_1 + m_2 +\dots > m_1$, $\Gamma'$ is
tangent to $C_1$ at $P_1 \in C_1$, and hence $P_2 \in \Gamma''$. Since
$\Gamma'$ meets $E_1$ transversally, $\Gamma''$ does not meet the proper
transform $E_1^{(1)}$ of $E_1$ in $V_2$. This means that $\Gamma''$ and
$E_1^{(1)}$ meet $E_2$ in different points, and therefore $E_1^{(1)} C_2 = 0$.
By Lemma 1.3(a) we have $E_1^{(1)} C_2 = m_0 - m_1$; thus, $m_0 = m_1$. This
completes the proof in one direction.
Conversely, assume that $k$ satisfies (*). Then $k - m_0$ satisfies (*) with
respect to $(C_1,\,P_1)$. If $k = m_0$, then any generic smooth curve $\Gamma$
through $P=P_0$ satisfies the condition $(\Gamma C)_P = k = m_0$. If $k - m_0 >
0$, then by inductive hypothesis there is a smooth curve germ $\Gamma' \subset
V_1$ through $P_1$ with $\Gamma' C_1 = k-m_0$. Let $\Gamma$ be the image of
$\Gamma'$ in $V$. Then $\Gamma C = \Gamma' C_1 + m_0 \Gamma' E_1$. If $k - m_0
= m_1$, then $\Gamma'$ can be chosen generically, so transversally to $E_1$,
and thus we have $\Gamma C = k$. If $k - m_0 > m_1$, then as above $\Gamma''
C_2 = k - m_0 - m_1 > 0$ and so $\Gamma'' E_1^{(1)} = 0$, which implies that
$\Gamma' E_1 = 1$. Hence, $\Gamma C = k$ also in this case. The lemma is
proven. \hfill $\Box$ \\
Returning to the proof of Proposition 1.2, fix a non-increasing sequence
${\bar m} = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$ that satisfies (i) and (ii). Note that the
sequence ${\bar m}' := (m_1,\dots,m_n)$ satisfies the same assumptions. Let
$\sigma_1\,:\,V_1 \to V_0 = {\bf C}^2$ be the blow up at the point $P \in {\bf C}^2$. Fix
a point $P_1 \in E_1 = \sigma_1^{-1} (P) \subset V_1$. Consider first the case
when $m_1 > 1$. We may assume by induction that there exists an irreducible
plane curve germ $(C_1,\,P_1)$ with multiplicity sequence ${\bar m}_{P_1} =
{\bar m}' = (m_1,\dots,m_n)$. Since $\bar m$ satisfies (i) and (ii), from
Lemma 1.4 it easily follows that there is an embedding $(C_1,\,P_1)
\hookrightarrow (V_1,\,P_1)$ such that $(E_1 C_1)_{P_1} = m_0$. Then
obviously $C := \sigma_1 (C_1) \subset {\bf C}^2$ is a plane curve singularity
with multiplicity sequence ${\bar m}_P = {\bar m} = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$.
Finally, assume that $m_1 =
1$. Choose $C_1 \subset V_1$ to be a smooth curve with $(C_1 E_1)_{P_1} =
m_0$. Then again $C := \sigma_1 (C_1) \subset {\bf C}^2$ has multiplicity sequence
${\bar m}_P = {\bar m} = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_n)$, as desired. This proves
Proposition 1.2. \hfill $\Box$ \\
\noindent {\bf 1.5. Remark.} It is well known that the multiplicity sequence
carries the same information as the Puiseux characteristic sequence, i.e.
each of them can be computed in terms of the other [MaSa]. Moreover, the
multiplicity sequence determines the weighted dual graph of the embedded
resolution of the cusp and vice versa. This easily follows from the proofs
of (1.2) and (1.3), see also [EiNe] or [OZ1,2]. \\
\noindent {\bf 1.6. } Let $f\,:\,{\cal X} \to S$ be a flat family of irreducible plane
curve singularities, i.e. there is a diagram
\put(220,5){$S $}
\put(174,45){${\cal X}$}
\put(262,45){${\bf C}^2 \times S$}
\noindent and a subvariety $\Sigma \subset {\cal X}$ such that $f\,|\,\Sigma\,:\,\Sigma \to S$ is
(set theoretically) bijective, $f\,|\,{\cal X} \setminus \Sigma\,:\, {\cal X} \setminus \Sigma \to
S$ is smooth and the fibre $X_s := f^{-1}(s)$ has a cusp at the point $\{x_s\}
= X_s \cap \Sigma$. We say that the family $f$ is {\it equisingular} if it
possesses a simultaneous resolution, i.e. there is a diagram
\put(168,75){$\tilde {\cal X}$}
\put(268,75){$\cal Z$}
\put(166,37){${\cal X}$}
\put(250,37){${\bf C}^2 \times S$}
\noindent where ${\cal Z}$ is smooth over $S$ and for each $s \in S$ the induced diagram
of the fibres
\put(168,55){$\tilde X_s$}
\put(268,55){$ Z_s$}
\put(267,17){${\bf C}^2$}
\noindent yields an embedded resolution of $X_s$ in such a way that the weighted
dual graphs of $\pi^{-1} (X_s)$ are all the same.
Observe that if the family $f$ is equisingular, then all the cusps $(X_s,\,
x_s)$ have the same multiplicity sequence, see (1.5). Vice versa, we have the
following simple lemma, which will be useful in the next section.\\
\noindent {\bf 1.7. Lemma. } {\it Let $f\,:\,{\cal X} \to S$ be a flat family of
irreducible plane curve singularities. Assume that $S$ is normal and all the
cusps $(X_s,\,x_s)$, $s \in \Sigma$, have the same multiplicity sequence. Then the
family $f$ is equisingular. } \\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} Note that $\Sigma$ is necessarily normal and $f\,|\,\Sigma \,:\,\Sigma
\to S$ is an isomorphism. Blowing up $\Sigma$ gives a morphism $\pi_1\,:\,{\cal Z}_1 \to
{\bf C}^2 \times S$ whose restriction to the fibre over $s$ yields the blowing up of
${\bf C}^2$ at $x_s$. Then the proper transform ${\cal X}_1$ of ${\cal X}$ in ${\cal Z}_1$ is the
blowing up $\pi\,|\,{\cal X}_1 \,:\,{\cal X}_1 \to {\cal X}$ along $\Sigma$. The singular set of the
induced map ${\cal X}_1 \to S$ is a subvariety $\Sigma_1$ mapped one--to--one onto $S$.
Repeating the procedure and using the fact that all multiplicity sequences of
the cusps $(X_s,\,x_s)$ are the same, leads to a simultaneous resolution of
$f$ as above. \hfill $\Box$
\section{Computation of deformation invariants in terms of multiplicity
\noindent {\bf 2.1. On the Rigidity Problem.} Consider a minimal smooth completion
$V$ of an open surface $X = V \setminus D$ by a simple normal crossing (SNC
for short) divisor $D$. Let $\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle$ be the
logarithmic tangent bundle. By [FZ] the groups $ H^i ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \,
\rangle)$ control the deformations of the pair $(V,\,D)$; more precisely, $ H^0
( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle)$ is the space of its infinitesimal
automorphisms, $ H^1 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle)$ is the space of
infinitesimal deformations and $ H^2 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle)$ gives
the obstructions for extending infinitesimal deformations. In [FZ, Lemma 1.3]
we proved that if $X$ is a $\bf Q$--acyclic surface, i.e. $H_i(X; {\bf Q}) =
0,\,i > 0$, then the Euler characteristic of $\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle$
is equal to $K_V(K_V + D)$. If, in addition, $X$ is of log--general type, i.e.
its log--Kodaira dimension $\bar {k} (X)= 2$, then $h^0 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \,
\rangle) = 0$ (indeed, by Iitaka's theorem [Ii,\,Theorem 6] the automorphism
group of a surface $X$ of log--general type is finite). We conjectured in [FZ]
that such surfaces are rigid and have unobstructed deformations, i.e. that for
them $$ h^1 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) = h^2 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \,
\rangle) = 0\,,$$ and thus also $$\chi ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) =
0\,.$$ This, indeed, is true in all examples that we know [FZ].
Let now $X = {\bf P}^2 \setminus C = V \setminus D$, where $C$ is an irreducible
plane curve and $V \to {\bf P}^2$ is the minimal embedded resolution of
singularities of $C$, so that the total transform $D$ of $C$ in $V$ is an
SNC--divisor. In view of (1.6) and (1.7) the deformations of $(V,\,D)$
correspond to equisingular embedded deformations of the curve $C$ in ${\bf P}^2$. We
say shortly that $C$ is {\it projectively rigid} (resp. {\it (projectively)
unobstructed}) if the pair $(V,\,D)$ has no infinitesimal deformations, i.e. $
h^1 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) =0$ (resp. $ h^2 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D
\, \rangle) = 0$)\footnote{as an abstract curve, such $C$ may have non--trivial
equisingular deformations, which might be obstructed.}.
Observe that $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ is projectively rigid iff the only equisingular
deformations of $C$ as a plane curve are those obtained via the action of the
automorphism group ${\rm PGL}\,(3,\,{\bf C})$ on ${\bf P}^2$. Indeed, suppose that
$C_t \subset {\bf P}^2,\,t \in T,$ is a family of deformations of $C_0 = C$ such
that all the members $C_t$ have at the corresponding singular points the same
multiplicity sequence. Then the singularities can be resolved simultaneously
at a family of surfaces $(V_t,\,D_t),\,t \in T$, see (1.6), (1.7). In view of
the rigidity, there is a local isomorphism with the trivial family $(V_0,\,D_0)
\times T$, and so by blowing down this leads to a family of projective
isomorphisms $C_t {\stackrel{\varphi_t}{\longrightarrow}}C_0$. The converse is
evidently true.
It is easily seen that if $C$ is a rational cuspidal curve, then the complement
$X = {\bf P}^2 \setminus C$ is $\bf Q$--acyclic. If, in addition, $C$ has at least
three cusps, then $X$ is also of log--general type [Wak]. Thus, the rigidity
conjecture of [FZ] says that such a curve $C$ should be projectively rigid and
unobstructed. Here we compute the deformation invariants of $X$ in terms of
multiplicity sequences of the cusps of $C$. In the next section we apply these
computations to check the above rigidity conjecture for the complements of
rational cuspidal curves considered there (see Lemma 3.3; cf. also section 4).
\noindent {\bf 2.2. Definition} (cf. [MaSa, FZ]). Let the notation be as in
Definition 1.1. The blowing up $\sigma_{i+1},\,i \ge 1$, of $V_i$ at the point
$P_i \in C_i$ is called {\it inner} (or {\it subdivisional}) if $P_i \in E_i
\cap E_{i-k}^{(k)}$ for some $k > 0$, and it is called {\it outer} (or {\it
sprouting}) in the opposite case. Note that $\sigma_1$ is neither inner nor
outer. Moreover, $\sigma_2$ is always outer, and so $\rho \ge 1$, where $\omega
= \omega_P$ resp. $\rho = \rho_P$ denotes the number of inner resp. outer
blowing ups. Denote also by $k = k_P$ the total number of blow ups, i.e. the
length of the multiplicity sequence ${\bar m}_P = (m_0,\,m_1,\dots,m_{k_P})$
minus one. Clearly, $\omega + \rho = k-1$.
By $\lceil a \rceil$ we denote the smallest integer $\ge a$. \\
\noindent {\bf 2.3. Lemma.} $$\omega_P = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k_P} (\lceil{m_{i-1}
\over m_i} \rceil - 1)$$
\noindent {\bf Proof.} It is clear that the total number of exceptional curves
$E_i^{(j)} \subset V_{i+j}$, where $1 \le i+j < k$, passing through the centers
$P_{i+j}$ of the blow ups $\sigma_{i+j+1}$ is $2\omega + \rho$. If $m_{i-1} =
sm_i$, then by Lemma 1.3 $P_{i+j} \in E_i^{(j)}$ for $j=0,\,1,\dots,s-1$, i.e.
exactly $s$ times, except in the case when $i = k_P$. If $m_{i-1} = sm_i + r$,
where $0 < r < m_i$, then this happens for $j = 0,\,1,\dots,s$, so $(s+1)$
times. In any case, this happens $\lceil{m_{i-1} \over m_i} \rceil$ times, with
the only exception when $i = k_P$. Therefore, $$2\omega + \rho =
\sum\limits_{i=1}^k \lceil{m_{i-1} \over m_i} \rceil - 1 = \sum\limits_{i=1}^k
(\lceil{m_{i-1} \over m_i} \rceil - 1) + (k - 1)\,.$$ Since $\omega + \rho =
k-1$, we have the desired result. \hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\bf 2.4. Proposition.} {\it Let $V_0$ be a smooth compact complex
surface, $C \subset V_0$ be an irreducible cuspidal curve, and $V \to V_0$ be
the embedded resolution of singularities of $C$. Denote by $K_V$ resp.
$K_{V_0}$ the canonical divisor of $V$ resp. $V_0$, by $D$ the reduced total
preimage of $C$ at $V$, and by ${\bar m}_P =
(m_{P,\,0},\,m_{P,\,1},\dots,m_{P,\,k_P})$ the multiplicity sequence at $P \in
{\rm Sing}\,C$. Let, as before, $\omega_P$ be the number of inner blow ups over
$P$. Set $$\eta_P = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{k_P} (m_{P,\,i}-1)\,.$$ Then $$K_V(K_V +
D) = K_{V_0}(K_{V_0} + C) + \sum\limits_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C} (\eta_P+\omega_P
\noindent {\bf Proof.} Let $\sigma_{i+1}\,:\,V_{i+1} \to V_i$ be a step in the
resolution of singularities of $C$. Put $K_i = K_{V_i}$ and let $D_i$ be the
reduced total preimage of $C$ at $V_i$. We have $$K_{i+1} = K_i^* + E_{i+1}
\qquad {\rm and} \qquad D_i^* = \sigma_{i+1}^* (D_i) = D_{i+1} + (m_i -1)
E_{i+1} + \delta_i E_{i+1}\,,$$ where \[\delta_i = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
0 & \mbox{if $\sigma_{i+1}$ is neither inner nor outer} \\
1 & \mbox { if $\sigma_{i+1}$ is outer} \\
2 & \mbox {if $\sigma_{i+1}$ is inner}
\end{array} \right. \] It follows that $$K_i(K_i+D_i) = K_{i+1}(K_i^* + D_i^*)
= K_{i+1} (K_{i+1} + D_{i+1} + (m_i + \delta_i -2)E_{i+1})$$ $$ = K_{i+1}
(K_{i+1} + D_{i+1}) - (m_i + \delta_i -2)\,.$$ Thus, $$K_{i+1} (K_{i+1} +
D_{i+1}) = K_i(K_i+D_i) +(m_i -1) + (\delta_i -1)\,.$$ Now the desired equality
easily follows. \hfill $\Box$ \\
\noindent {\bf 2.5. Corollary.} {\it Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ be a plane cuspidal curve
of degree $d \ge 3$, and let $\pi\,:\,V \to {\bf P}^2$ be the embedded resolution of
singularities of $C$, $D$ be the reduced total preimage of $C$ in $V$ and $K =
K_V$ be the canonical divisor. Then \begin{equation} \chi ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle)
= K(K+D) = -3(d-3) + \sum\limits_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C} (\eta_P+\omega_P
-1)\,.\end{equation} }
\noindent {\bf 2.6. Remark.} In view of (2.5), in the case when $C \subset {\bf P}^2$
is a rational cuspidal curve with at least three cusps, the rigidity conjecture
mentioned in (2.1) in particular yields the identity $$\sum\limits_{P \in {\rm
Sing}\,C} (\eta_P+\omega_P -1) = 3(d-3)\,,$$ which, indeed, is true in all
examples that we know (see e.g. Lemma 3.3 below).
\section{Rational cuspidal plane curves of degree $d$ with a cusp of
multiplicity $d-2$}
\noindent {\bf 3.1. Lemma}. {\it Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ be a rational cuspidal curve
of degree $d$ with a cusp $P \in C$ of multiplicity $m_P$ with multiplicity
sequence ${\bar m}_P = (m_{P,\,0},\dots, m_{P,\,k_P})$. Then the projection
$\pi_P\,:\,C \to {\bf P}^1$ from $P$ has at most $2(d-m-1)$ branching points.
Furthermore, if $Q_1,\dots,Q_s$ are the other cusps of $C$ with multiplicities
$m_1,\dots,m_s$, then $$\sum\limits_{j=1}^s (m_j - 1) + (m_{P,\,1} -1) \le
\noindent {\bf Proof.} By the Riemann--Hurwitz formula, applied to the composition
${\tilde \pi}_P \,:\,{\bf P}^1 = {\tilde C} \to {\bf P}^1$ of the normalization map
${\tilde C} \to C$ and the projection $\pi_P$, which has degree $d - m$, we
obtain that
$$2(d-m) = 2 + \sum\limits_{Q \in {\tilde C}} (v_Q - 1)\,,$$
$v_Q$ is the ramification index of ${\tilde \pi}_P$ at $Q$. The singular point
$Q_i$ of $C$ gives rise to a branching point with ramification index $\ge m_i$,
and after blowing up at $P \in C$ the first infinitesimal point to $P$ gives
rise to a branching point with ramification index $\ge m_{P,\,1}$. This proves
the lemma. \hfill $\Box$\\
Denote by $(m_a)$, where $m > 1$, the following multiplicity sequence: $$(m_a)
= ({\underbrace{m,\dots,m}_{a}},\,{\underbrace{1,\dots,1}_{m+1}})\,.$$ We
write simply $(m)$ instead of $(m_1)$ for $a = 1$. Notice that $(2_k)$ is the
multiplicity sequence of a simple plane curve singularity of type
$A_{2k}\,\,(x^2 + y^{2k+1} = 0)$;
thus, $(2)$ corresponds to an ordinary cusp $x^2 + y ^3 = 0$. \\
\noindent {\bf 3.2. Lemma}. {\it Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ be a rational cuspidal curve
of degree $d$ with a cusp $P \in C$ of multiplicity $d-2$. Then $C$ has at most
three cusps. Assume further that $C$ has three cusps. Then they are not on a
line and have multiplicity sequences resp. $[(d-2),\,(2_a),\,(2_b)]$, where $a
+ b = d-2$. Each of these cusps has only one Puiseux characteristic pair; they
are, respectively, $(d-1, \,d-2),\,(2a+1, \,2),\,(2b+1,\,2)$.} \\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} The projection $C \to {\bf P}^1$ from $P \in C$ being
$2$--sheeted, by the preceding Lemma it has at most two ramification points.
Thus, by Bezout's Theorem the multiplicities of other singular points are at
most two and there are at most two of them. Moreover, it follows from Lemma 3.1
that in the case when there are two more singular points, the multiplicity
sequence at $P$ should be $(d-2)$. Hence, the only multiplicity sequences in
the case of three cusps are $[(d-2),\,(2_a),\,(2_b)]$. By the genus formula we
have $${d-2 \choose 2} + a + b = {d-1 \choose 2}\,,$$ and thus $a+b = d-2$.
That the three cusps do not lie on a line follows from Bezout's theorem. \hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\bf 3.3. Lemma}. {\it Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ satisfies the assumptions of
Lemma 3.2. Then $C$ is projectively rigid and unobstructed \footnote{see (2.1)
for the definitions.}.}\\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} Let $(V,\,D) \to ({\bf P}^2,\,C)$ be the minimal embedded
resolution of singularities of $C$. Then, first of all, the Euler
characteristic of the holomorphic tangent bundle $\chi = \chi(\Theta_V \langle
\, D \, \rangle)$ vanishes. This follows from (1). Indeed, if $P$ has
multiplicity sequence ${\bar m}_P=(m)$, then $$ \eta_P + \omega_P - 1 = 2m -
3\,,$$ whereas for the multiplicity sequence $(2_a)$ this quantity equals $a$.
Thus, under the assumptions of Lemma 3.2 we have $$\chi = 9 - 3d + (a+b) +
2(d-2) - 3 = 0\,.$$
Furthermore, the projection from the point $P \in C$ of multiplicity $d-2$
yields a
morphism $\pi_P\,:\,V \to {\bf P}^1$, which is a ${\bf P}^1$--ruling. Its restriction to
$D$ is $3$-sheeted. Moreover, $X = V \setminus D = {\bf P}^2 \setminus C$ is a
${\bf Q}$--acyclic affine surface, i.e. $H_i (X; \,{\bf Q}) = 0,\,i>1$. By Proposition
6.2 from [FZ] it follows that $h^2 (\Theta_V \langle \, D \, \rangle) = 0$, and
so $C$ is unobstructed. Since ${\bar k}\,(V \setminus D) = 2$ [Wak], due to
Theorem 6 from [Ii] we also have $h^0 (\Theta_V \langle \, D \, \rangle) = 0$.
Therefore, $h^1 (\Theta_V \langle \, D \, \rangle) = 0$, that means that
$(V,\,D)$ is a rigid pair, and hence $C$ is projectively rigid (see (2.1).
\hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\bf 3.4. Lemma}. {\it Let $(C,\,0) \subset ({\bf C}^2,\,0)$ be a plane curve
germ given parametrically by $$t \longmapsto (f(t),\,g(t)) = (t^m
,\,\sum\limits_{\nu = 1}^{\infty} c_{\nu} t^{\nu} )\,.$$ Then the multiplicity
sequence of $(C,\,0)$ has the form $$({\underbrace{m,\dots,m}_{r}},\dots)$$ iff
(**) $c_i = 0$ for all $i$ with $i < mr$ such that $m\, \not\vert \,i$.\\
\noindent Furthermore, $(C,\,0)$ has multiplicity sequence $(2_r)$ iff $m=2$, the
first $r$ odd coefficients vanish: $c_1 = c_3 =\dots=c_{2r-1} =0$ and,
moreover, $c_{2r+1} \neq 0$. }\\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} After coordinate change of type $(f(t),\,g(t)) \longmapsto
(f(t),\,g(t) - p (f(t)))$, where $p \in {\bf C} [z]$, we may assume that $c_m
= c_{2m} =\dots =c_{rm} = 0$. Then $$g(t) = c_st^s + {\rm
higher\,\,\,order\,\,\,terms}\,,$$ with $c_s \neq 0$ and either $s > rm$ or $m
\not\vert \,s$.
First of all, we show that if $(C,\,0)$ has multiplicity sequence
$({\underbrace{m,\dots,m}_{r}},\dots)$, then $s > mr$, which is equivalent to
(**). Let $s = \rho m + s_1$, where $0 \le s_1 < m$. If $\rho < r$, then after
blowing up $\rho$ times we obtain the parametrized curve germ
$$(f(t),\,g(t)/t^{\rho m})\,,$$ which still has multiplicity $m$. But since
$g(t)/t^{\rho m}$ has multiplicity $s - \rho m = s_1$, this contradicts the
assumption that $s_1 < m$. Thus, if $(C,\,0)$ has multiplicity sequence
$({\underbrace{m,\dots,m}_{r}},\dots)$, then the condition (**) is satisfied.
The converse is clear.
Finally, assume that $m = 2,\,c_1=c_3=\dots =c_{2r-1}=0$ and $c_{2r+1} \neq 0$.
Then after the above coordinate change we have $(f(t),\,g(t)) = (t^2,\,c_{2r+1}
t^{2r+1} + \dots)$, and so due to the above criterion $(C,\,0)$ has
multiplicity sequence $(2_r)$. Once again, the converse is clear. \hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\bf 3.5. Theorem}. {\it For any $d \ge 4, \,a\ge b \ge 1$ with $a+b =
d-2$ there is a unique, up to projective equivalence, rational cuspidal curve
$C = C_{d,\,a} \subset {\bf P}^2$ of degree $d$ with three cusps with multiplicity
sequences $[(d-2),\,(2_a),\,(2_b)]$.
In appropriate coordinates this curve can be parametrized as $$C_{d,\,a} = (P :
Q : R) = (s^2(s-t)^{d-2}\,\,: \,\,t^2(s-t)^{d-2} \,\,:\,\,
s^2t^2q_{d,\,a}(s,\,t))\,,$$ where $q_{d,\,a}(s,\,t) = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{d-4}
c_i s^it^{d-4-i}$ and the polynomial ${\tilde q}_{d,\,a}(T) =
\sum\limits_{i=0}^{d-4} c_i T^i$ is defined as $${\tilde q}_{d,\,a}(T) =
{f_{d,\,a}(T^2) + T^{2a - 1} \over (1 + T)^{d-2}}\,.$$ Here $f_{d,\,a}(T)$ is a
polynomial of degree $d-3$ uniquely defined by the divibisility condition $(1 +
T)^{d-2} \,|\,(f_{d,\,a}(T^2) + T^{2a - 1})$.}\footnote{For the explicit
equations, see Proposition 3.9 below.} \\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} Suppose that $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ is such a curve. Since by
3.2 its three cusps are not at a line, up to projective transformation we may
assume that $C$ has cusps at the points $(0 : 0 : 1),\,(0 : 1 : 0),\,(1 : 0 :
0)$ with multiplicity sequences resp. $(d-2),\,(2_a),\,(2_b)$. Let $h = (P : Q
: R)\,:\,{\bf P}^1 \to C \hookrightarrow {\bf P}^2$ be the normalization of $C$, where
$(P : Q : R)$ is a triple of binary forms of degree $d$ without common zero
such that $$h(1 : 1) = (0 : 0 : 1)$$ $$h(0 : 1) = (0 : 1 : 0)$$ $$h(1 : 0) = (1
: 0 : 0)\,.$$ Since $C$ is required to have cusps of multiplicity $d-2$ at $h(1
: 1)$ and of multiplicity $2$ at $h(0 : 1)$ and at $h(1 : 0)$, up to
multiplication by constant factors we may write $$P(s,\,t) = (s-t)^{d-2}s^2$$
$$Q(s,\,t) = (s-t)^{d-2}t^2$$ $$R(s,\,t) = s^2t^2 q(s,t)\,,$$ where $$q(s,\,t)
= \sum\limits_{i=0}^{d-4} c_is^i t^{d-4-i}\,\,\,\,{\rm and}\,\,\,\,c_0 \neq
0,\,\,c_{d-4} \neq 0,\,\,q(1,\,1) \neq 0\,.$$ We will show that under our
assumptions $q$ is uniquely defined.
To impose the conditions that there is a cusp of type $(2_a)$ at the point $h(0
: 1) = (0 : 1 : 0)$ resp. of type $(2_b)$ at the point $h(1 : 0) = (1 : 0 :
0)$, we rewrite the above parametrization in appropriate affine coordinates at
the corresponding points. \\
\noindent At $(0 : 1)$ we set $\xi = s/t$ and we have $${\tilde f}(\xi) = {P \over
Q} = {s^2 \over t^2} = \xi^2$$ $${\tilde g}(\xi) = {R \over Q} = {s^2 q(s,\,t)
\over (s-t)^{d-2}} = {\xi^2 {\tilde q}(\xi) \over (\xi - 1)^{d-2}} \,,$$ where
$${\tilde q} (\xi) = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{d-4} c_i \xi^i \,.$$ By Lemma 3.4 $C$
has a cusp of type $(2_a)$ at $h(0 : 1) = (0 : 1 : 0)$ iff the odd coefficients
of $\xi^i$ of the function ${R \over \xi^2 Q} = {{\tilde q}(\xi) \over (\xi -
1)^{d-2}}$ vanish up to order $(2a - 3)$ (this imposes $(a-1)$ conditions) and
the coefficient of $\xi^{2a-1}$ does not vanish. \\
\noindent At $(1 : 0)$ we set $\tau = t/s $ and we have $$ {\breve f}(\tau) = {Q
\over P} = {t^2 \over s^2} = \tau^2$$ $${\breve g}(\tau) = {R \over P} =
{\tau^2{\breve q} (\tau) \over (1-\tau)^{d-2}}\,,$$ where $${\breve q}(\tau) =
\sum\limits_{i=0}^{d-4} c_i\tau^{d-4-i}\,.$$ By Lemma 3.4 $C$ has a cusp of
type $(2_b)$ at $h(1 : 0) = (1 : 0 : 0)$ iff the odd coefficients of ${R \over
\tau^2 P} = {{\breve q} (\tau) \over (1-\tau)^{d-2}}$ vanish up to order
$(2b-3)$ (this imposes $(b-1)$ conditions) and the coefficient of $\tau^{2b+1}$
does not vanish.
Note that the coefficients ${\tilde c}_i$ of $\xi_i$ in ${\tilde g}(\xi)/\xi^2$
and those ${\breve c}_i$ of $\tau_i$ in ${\breve g}(\tau)/\tau^2$ are linear
functions in $c_0,\dots,c_{d-4}$. We must show that the system $${\tilde
c}_1 = {\tilde c}_3 = \dots ={\tilde c}_{2a-3} = 0,\,\,\,{\tilde c}_{2a-1} =
1$$ $${\breve c}_1 = \dots {\breve c}_{2b-3} = 0$$ has the unique solution.
Indeed, by symmetry then also the coefficient ${\breve c}_{2b-1}$ is uniquely
defined and non--zero.
This follows from the fact that the associate homogeneous system $${\tilde c}_1
= {\tilde c}_3 = \dots ={\tilde c}_{2a-3} = {\tilde c}_{2a-1} = 0$$ $${\breve
c}_1 = \dots {\breve c}_{2b-3} = 0$$ has the unique solution, which corresponds
to $q \equiv 0$. Observe that it has $$(a-1) + (b-1) + 1 = d - 3$$ equations
and the same number of variables. To show the uniqueness we need the following
lemma. Its proof is easy and can be omited. \\
\noindent {\bf 3.6. Lemma.} {\it Let $$h(T) = \sum_{\nu \ge 0} a_{\nu}T^{\nu} \in
{\bf C} [T]$$ and $${\tilde h}(T) = h(T) (1 + T^2 u(T^2))$$ for some power
series $u \in {\bf C} [[T]]$. Set ${\tilde h}(T) = \sum_{\nu \ge 0} {\tilde
a}_{\nu}T^{\nu}$. Then $${\tilde a}_1 = {\tilde a}_3 =\dots ={\tilde a}_{2k+1}
= 0$$ iff $$a_1 = a_3 =\dots = a_{2k+1} = 0\,.$$}
Returning to the proof of the theorem, put $n = d-4$ and $$F(T) = {\tilde
q}(T)(1+T)^{n+2} = {{\tilde q}(T) \over (1-T)^{n+2}}(1-T^2)^{n+2}$$ $$G(T) =
{\breve q}(T) (1+T)^{n+2} = {{\breve q}(T) \over (1-T)^{n+2}}
(1-T^2)^{n+2}\,.$$ By Lemma 3.6 the first $a$ (resp. $(b-1)$) odd coefficients
of $F(T)$ (resp. of $G(T)$) vanish iff the same is true for ${\tilde q}(T)
\over (1-T)^{n+2}$ (resp. for ${\breve q}(T) \over (1-T)^{n+2}$).
Note that by definition ${\breve q}(T) = {\tilde q}({1 \over T})T^n$. Thus, we
have that ${\rm deg}\,F = 2n+2$ is even and $$F({1 \over T})T^{2n+2} = {\tilde
q}( {1 \over T})T^n (1 + {1 \over T})^{n+2}T^{n+2} = {\breve q}(T)(1+T)^{n+2} =
G(T)\,.$$ Therefore, the conditions that the first $a$ odd coefficients of $F$
and the first $(b-1)$ odd coefficients of $G$ vanish are equivalent to $F$
being an even function: $F(T) = F(-T)$. Indeed, since $a+b-1 = d-3 = n+1$, the
above conditions mean that all odd coefficients of $F$ vanish. Now we use the
following elementary facts.\\
\noindent {\bf 3.7. Lemma.} {\it Assume that $p \in {\bf C}[T]$ and $(1+T)^kp(T)$
is even. Then $(1-T)^k \,|\,p(T)$. }\\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} By the condition we have $(1+T)^kp(T) = (1-T)^k p(-T)$, as
the product is even. Thus $(1-T)^k \,|\,p(T)$. \hfill $\Box$\\
{}From this lemma immediatly follows\\
\noindent {\bf 3.8. Corollary.} {\it If ${\rm deg}\, p \le n$ and $(1+T)^{n+2}p(T)$
is even, then $p \equiv 0$.}\\
Being applied to $p = {\tilde q}$ and $F(T) = (1 + T)^{n+2}{\tilde q}(T)$,
Corollary 3.8 implies that ${\tilde q} \equiv 0$ and so $q \equiv 0$, i.e. the
above homogeneous system has a unique solution. This completes the proof of the
first part of Theorem 3.5.
As for the second one, we must prove the explicit presentation of ${\tilde q}
= {\tilde q}_{d,\,a}$. As above, it follows from the assumptions that the first
$(a-1)$ and the last $(b-1)$ odd coefficients of $F(T)$ vanish, while the
coefficient of $T^{2a-1}$ is non--zero. Therefore, $F(T) = f(T^2) + T^{2a-1}$
with $f$ being a polynomial of degree $d-3$. Hence $${\tilde q}(T) = {f(T^2) +
T^{2a-1} \over (1+T)^{d-2}}\,.$$ From the equality $F(T) = (1+T)^{d-2}{\tilde
q}(T)$ we have that $$F(-1) = F'(-1) = \dots = F^{(d-3)}(-1) = 0\,.$$ These
equations uniquely define the derivatives of the polynomial $f(\xi)$ at $\xi =
1$ up to order $(d-3)$, and therefore $f_{d,\,a}(\xi) = f(\xi) =
\sum\limits_{k=0}^{d-3} {a_k \over k!} (\xi-1)^k$ is determined in a unique
way. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.5. \hfill $\Box$ \\
\noindent {\bf 3.9. Proposition.} {\it a) The polynomial $f = f_{d,\,a}$ in Theorem
3.5 can be given as $$f(T) = \sum\limits_{k=0}^{d-3} {a_k \over k!} (T -
1)^k\,,$$ where $a_0 = 1, \,a_1 = a - {1 \over 2}$ and $$a_k = {1 \over
2^k}(2a-1)(2a-3)\dots(2a-(2k-1)) = a_1 (a_1 - 1)\dots (a_1 -
(k-1)),\,\,\,k=1,\dots,d-3\,,$$ i.e. it coincides with the corresponding
partial sum of the Taylor expansion at $T = 1$ of (the positive branch of) the
function $T^{a_1}$. \\
\noindent b) In the affine chart $(X = x/z,\,Y = y/z)$ the curve $C_{d,\,a}$ as in
Theorem 3.5 can be given by the equation $p(X,\,Y) = 0$, where $p = p_{d,\,a}
\in {\bf Q}[X,\,Y]$ is defined as follows: $$p(X,\,Y) = {X^{2a+1}Y^{2b+1} - ((X
- Y)^{d-2} - XY{\hat f}(X,\,Y))^2 \over (X - Y)^{d-2}}\,,$$ and where ${\hat
f}(X,\,Y) = Y^{d-3}f({X \over Y})$ is the homogeneous polynomial which
corresponds to $f(T)$. }\\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} We start with the proof of b). In the notation of Theorem
3.5 in the affine chart $\xi = s/t$ in ${\bf P}^1$ we have $${X \over Y} = {P
\over Q} = \xi^2$$ and $$X = {(\xi - 1)^{d-2} \over {\tilde q}(\xi)}\,,$$ where
$${\tilde q}(\xi) = {\tilde q}_{d,\,a}(\xi) = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{d-4} c_i
\xi_i$$ is as above. Thus, $$(\xi^2 - 1)^{d-2} = X{\tilde q}(\xi)(\xi -
1)^{d-2} = X(f_{d,\,a}(\xi^2) + \xi^{2a-1})$$ by the definition of ${\tilde
q}(\xi)$. Plugging here $\xi^2 = X/Y$ we obtain $$(X - Y)^{d-2} =
XY(Y^{d-3}f({X\over Y}) + \xi X^{a-1}Y^b) = XY{\hat f}(X,\,Y) + \xi X^a
Y^{b+1}\,.$$ Hence, $$\xi = {(X - Y)^{d-2} - XY{\hat f}(X,\,Y) \over
X^aY^{b+1}}\,$$ and so $$\xi^2 = {X \over Y} = {((X - Y)^{d-2} - XY{\hat
f}(X,\,Y))^2 \over X^{2a}Y^{2b+2}}\,.$$ Therefore, the curve $C_{d,\,a}$ in the
affine chart $(X,\,Y)$ satisfies the equation ${\tilde p} = 0$, where $${\tilde
p}(X,\,Y) = X^{2a+1}Y^{2b+1} - ((X - Y)^{d-2} - XY{\hat f}(X,\,Y))^2\,.$$ Since
$C_{d,\,a}$ is an irreducible curve of degree $d$, b) follows from the next
\noindent {\bf 3.10. Lemma.} $$(X-Y)^{d-2}\,|\,{\tilde p}(X,\,Y)\,.$$
\noindent {\bf Proof.} We have $${\tilde p}(X,\,Y) \equiv \psi (X,\,Y)\,\,\,{\rm
mod}\, (X-Y)^{d-2}\,,$$ where $$\psi (X,\,Y) := X^{2a+1}Y^{2b+1} - X^2Y^2{\hat
f}^2 (X,\,Y)\,.$$ The polynomial $\psi$ is homogeneous of degree $2d-2$, and
thus it is enough to show that \begin{equation} (X - 1)^{d-2} \,|\,\psi (X,\,1) \,,\end{equation} or
equivalently, that $$ (X^2 - 1)^{d-2} \,|\,\psi (X^2,\,1) \,.$$ Since $\psi
(X^2,\,1)$ is an even polynomial and $(X^2 - 1)^{d-2} = (X - 1)^{d-2} (X +
1)^{d-2}$, by (3.7) it is sufficient to check that $$(X + 1)^{d-2}\,|\,\psi
(X^2,\,1)\,.$$ But $$\psi (X^2,\,1) = X^{4a+2} - X^4 {\hat f}^2 (X^2,\,1)
\equiv 0 \,\,\,{\rm mod} \,(X+1)^{d-2}\,,$$ because by definition, $${\hat f}
(X^2,\,1) \equiv -X^{2a-1} \,\,\,{\rm mod} \,(X+1)^{d-2}\,.$$ \hfill $\Box$ \\
\noindent {\bf Proof of Proposition 3.9, a).} From (2) it follows that
$$ f^2(T) - T^{2a-1} = (f(T) - T^{a_1})(f(T) + T^{a_1}) \equiv 0 \,\,\,{\rm
mod}\,(T-1)^{d-2} \,,$$
where by $T^{a_1}$ we mean those branch of the square root of $T^{2a-1}$ which
is positive at $T=1$. Since $(T-1)^{d-2}$ does not divide the second factor, we
$$ f(T) - T^{a_1} \equiv 0 \,\,\,{\rm mod}\,(T-1)^{d-2} \,.$$
Thus, indeed, $f(T)$ is the (d-3)-th partial sum of the Taylor series of the
function $T^{a_1} = T^{2a-1 \over 2}$ at the point $T=1$, and a) follows. This
proves the Proposition. \hfill $\Box$ \\
\noindent {\bf 3.11. Remark.} By the way, it follows that any rational cuspidal
plane curve $C$ with at least three cusps, one of which has multiplicity ${\rm
deg}\,C - 2$, can be defined over $\bf Q$. \\
\noindent {\bf 3.12. Examples.} Here we present the affine equations $p_{d,a} = 0$
of the curves $C_{d,\,a}$ for $4 \le d \le 7$\footnote{ they were found with
\noindent $d=4$ and $a=1$ (Steiner's quartic)
$$p_{4,3}(X,\,Y) = -{\frac {Y^{2}X^{2}}{4}}-\left (X-Y\right )^{2}+XY\left
(Y+X\right )
\noindent $d=5$ and $a=2$
$$p_{5,2}(X,\,Y) = {\frac {Y^{3}X^{2}}{64}}-{\frac {9\,Y^{2}X^{3}}{64}}-\left
)^{3}+XY\left ({\frac {3\,YX}{2}}-{\frac {Y^{2}}{4}}+{\frac {3\,X^{2}}
{4}}\right )
\noindent $d=6$ and $a=2$
$$p_{6,2}(X,\,Y) = {\frac {7\,Y^{3}X^{3}}{128}}-{\frac
{Y^{2}X^{4}}{256}}-{\frac {Y^{4}X^
{2}}{256}}-\left (X-Y\right )^{4}$$
$$+XY\left ({\frac {9\,Y^{2}X}{8}}-{
\frac {Y^{3}}{8}}+{\frac {9\,YX^{2}}{8}}-{\frac {X^{3}}{8}}\right )
\noindent $d=6$ and $a=3$
$$p_{6,3}(X,\,Y) = {\frac {3\,Y^{3}X^{3}}{128}}-{\frac
{25\,Y^{2}X^{4}}{256}}-{\frac {Y^{
4}X^{2}}{256}}-\left (X-Y\right )^{4}$$
$$+XY\left ({\frac {Y^{3}}{8}}-{
\frac {5\,Y^{2}X}{8}}+{\frac {15\,YX^{2}}{8}}+{\frac {5\,X^{3}}{8}}
\right )
\noindent $d=7$ and $a=3$
$$p_{7,3}(X,\,Y) = {\frac {475\,Y^{3}X^{4}}{16384}}-{\frac
\frac {75\,Y^{4}X^{3}}{16384}}+{\frac {9\,Y^{5}X^{2}}{16384}}-\left (X
-Y\right )^{5}$$
$$+XY\left ({\frac {3\,Y^{4}}{64}}-{\frac {5\,Y^{3}X}{16}}
+{\frac {45\,Y^{2}X^{2}}{32}}+{\frac {15\,YX^{3}}{16}}-{\frac {5\,X^{4
}}{64}}\right )
\noindent $d=7$ and $a=4$
$$p_{7,4}(X,\,Y) = {\frac {459\,Y^{3}X^{4}}{16384}}-{\frac
\frac {155\,Y^{4}X^{3}}{16384}}+{\frac {25\,Y^{5}X^{2}}{16384}}-\left
(X-Y\right )^{5}$$
$$+XY\left ({\frac {7\,Y^{3}X}{16}}-{\frac {5\,Y^{4}}{64
}}-{\frac {35\,Y^{2}X^{2}}{32}}+{\frac {35\,YX^{3}}{16}}+{\frac {35\,X
^{4}}{64}}\right )\,.
\noindent {\bf 3.13. Remark.} The weighted dual graph of the resolution of a cusp
with multiplicity sequence $(m)$ looks like
$$ \begin{picture}(1000,90)
while the dual resolution graph of a cusp $(2_a) = A_{2a}$ looks like
$$ \begin{picture}(1000,90)
Therefore, the dual graph of the total transform $D=D_{d,\,a}$ of $C_{d,\,a}$
in its minimal embedded resolution $V \to {\bf P}^2$ looks as follows:
$$ \begin{picture}(1000,60)
\put(192,1){${\tilde C}_{d,\,a}$}
where $b = d-a-2$ and boxes mean the corresponding local resolution trees, as
above. \\
\noindent {\bf 3.14. Remark \footnote{This remark is due to a discussion with T.
tom Dieck, who constructed examples of cuspidal plane curves starting from
certain plane line arrangements, and with E. Artal Bartolo. We are grateful
to both of them.}.} Here we show that each curve $C_{d,a}$ can be
birationally transformed into a line. More precisely, let
$P_0, P_a, P_b$ be the cusps of
$C = C_{d,a}$ with multiplicity sequences resp. $(d-2),\, (2_a),\,(2_b)$.
$l_0 = \{x = 0\}, \,l_{\infty} = \{y = 0\}$
be the lines through $P_0, P_a$, resp $P_0, P_b$, and
$l_1 = \{x - y = 0\}$ be the cuspidal tangent line to $C$ at $P_0$.
We will show that there
exist three other rational cuspidal curves $C_1, \,C_2,\,C_3$, which meet
$C$ only at the cusps of $C$, such that the curve
$T = C \cup l_0 \cup l_1 \cup l_{\infty} \cup C_1, \cup C_2 \cup C_3$
can be transformed into a configuration $T'$
of $7$ lines in ${\bf P}^2$ by means of a birational transformation $\alpha\,:\,
{\bf P}^2 \to {\bf P}^2$ which
is biregular on the complements ${\bf P}^2 \setminus T$ and ${\bf P}^2 \setminus T'$.
In fact, $\alpha$ consists of several birational
transformations composed via the following procedure.
\noindent 1) Blowing up at $P_0$, we obtain the Hirzebruch surface $\pi \,:\,
\Sigma (1) \to {\bf P}^1$
together with a two--sheeted section $C'$ (the proper preimage of $C$),
the exceptional divisor $E$
(which is a section of $\pi$) and with
three fibres $F_0 = {l'}_0, \, F_1 = {l'}_1, \, F_{\infty} = {l'}_{\infty}$
through three points of $C'$
which we still denote resp. as $P_a,\, P_0,\, P_b$. Observe that $C'$ is smooth
at $P_0$ and by (1.3, a) $i(C',\, E;\, P_0) = d-2$.
\noindent 2) Perform $a$ resp. $b$ elementary transformations at $P_a \in C' \cap
resp. $P_b \in C' \cap F_{\infty}$, first blowing up at this point and then
down the proper
preimage of the fibre $F_0$ resp. $F_{\infty}$. We arrive at another
Hirzebruch surface $\Sigma (N)$ equiped with a smooth two--sheeted section
$C''$, which is
tangent to the fibres $F_0$ and $F_{\infty}$ and to the section $E'$,
where now ${E'}^2 = d-3$.
\noindent 3) Performing further $d-2$ elementary transformations at
$P_0 = E' \cap C'' \cap F_1$,
we return back at $\Sigma (1)$ with $E^2 = -1$, this time the image $C'''$
of $C''$ being a smooth two-sheeted section which does not meet $E$.
\noindent 4) Contract $E$ back to a point $P_0 \in {\bf P}^2$. Then the image
$\hat C$ of $C'''$ is a conic
in ${\bf P}^2$, and the images of the fibres $F_0,\, F_1,\, F_{\infty}$ are
resp. the lines $l_0, \,l_1,\,l_{\infty}$ through $P_0 \notin {\hat C}$,
where $l_0,\,l_{\infty}$ are tangent to $\hat C$ resp. at the
points $P_a,\, P_b \in {\hat C}$,
and $l_1$ is a secant line passing, say, through a point $A \in {\hat C}$.
\noindent 5) Performing the Cremona transformation with centers at the
points $A,\, P_a,\, P_b \in {\hat C}$, we obtain an arrangement $T'$ of
$7$ lines in ${\bf P}^2$ with $6$ triple points. It can be described
(in an affine chart) as a triangle together with its three medians and one
more line through the middle points of two sides. It is easily seen that
such a configuration $T'$ is projectively rigid.
\noindent The ${\bf Q}$--acyclic surface ${\bf P}^2 \setminus C$ can be
reconstructed starting from the
arrangement $T'$ by reversing the above procedure.
In the tom Dieck-Petrie classification
[tDP, Theorem D] this line configurations is denoted as $L(4)$. \\
\noindent {\bf 3.15. Remark.} E. Artal Bartolo has computed the fundamental groups
$\pi_1 ({\bf P}^2 \setminus C_{d,\,a})$. Let, as always, $a + b = d - 2$, where
$a \ge b \ge 1$. Set $2n + 1 = {\rm gcd}\,(2a+1, \,2b+1)$. Then
$\pi_1 ({\bf P}^2 \setminus C_{d,\,a}) \approx G_{d,\,n}$, where $G_{d,\,n}$ is the
group with presentation
$$G_{d,\,n} = \,<u,\,v\,|\,u(vu)^n = (vu)^n v,\,(vu)^{d-1} = v^{d-2}>\,.$$
In particular, $G_{d,\,n}$ is abelian iff $n = 0$, i.e.
${\rm gcd}\,(2a+1, \,2b+1) =1$. Furthermore, among the non--abelian groups
$G_{d,\,n}$ only $G_{4,\,1}$ and $G_{7,\,1}$ are finite. Note that, being
non--isomorphic, the curves
$C_{13,\,7}$ and $C_{13,\,10}$ have isomorphic fundamental groups of
the complements, which are both infinite non--abelian groups isomorphic to
Evidently, there are infinitely many such pairs.
Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ be an irreducible plane curve, $V \to {\bf P}^2$ the
minimal embedded resolution of singularities of $C$, ${\tilde C} \subset V$ the
proper transform of $C$ and $K = K_V$ the canonical divisor of $V$. Let also $D
\subset V$ be the reduced total transform of $C$. Recall (see (2.1)) that $C$
being unobstructed simply means that $h^2(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) =
0$. In the next lemma we give a sufficient condition for a plane curve to be
unobstructed. \\
\noindent {\bf 4.1. Lemma}. {\it Let the notation be as above.
\noindent a) If $K{\tilde C} <0$, then $H^2(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) = 0$.
\noindent b) Assume that $C$ is a cuspidal curve with cusps $P_1,\dots,P_s$ having
multiplicity sequences $${\bar m}_{P_{\sigma}} = (m_{\sigma
\,1},\dots,m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}}, {\underbrace{1,\dots,1}_{m_{\sigma
\,r_{\sigma}} + 1}})\,,$$ where $m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}} \ge 2$. If $$K{\tilde
C} < \sum\limits_{\sigma = 1}^s m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}}\,,$$ then
$H^2(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) = 0$.} \\
\noindent {\bf Proof. } a) Fix $\omega \in H^0(\Omega^1_V \langle \, D \, \rangle
\bigotimes \omega_V)$. Then we have ${\rm Res}_{\tilde C}(\omega) = 0 \in H^0
({\cal O}_{\tilde C} (K{\tilde C}))$, since by assumption the degree of ${\cal O}_{\tilde
C} (K{\tilde C})$ is negative. Regarding $\omega$ as a meromorphic section in
$H^0 ({\bf P}^2,\,\Omega^1_{{\bf P}^2} \otimes \omega_{{\bf P}^2})$ it follows that $\omega$
is holomorphic outside the cusps of $C$. Therefore, $\omega$ extends to a
section in $\Omega^1_{{\bf P}^2} \otimes \omega_{{\bf P}^2}$, and hence $\omega = 0$.
Thus, $H^0(\Omega^1_V \langle \, D \, \rangle \bigotimes \omega_V) = 0$. Now
the result follows by Serre duality.
For the proof of b) consider a factorization of the embedded resolution as $$V
\to V' \to {\bf P}^2$$ such that $V' \to {\bf P}^2$ yields the minimal resolution of $C$
in the following sense:
\noindent (i) The proper transform, say $C'$, of $C$ in $V'$ is smooth, and
\noindent (ii) $C$ can not be resolved by fewer blowing ups.
\noindent It is easily seen that $$K_{V'} C' = K_V {\tilde C} -
\sum\limits_{\sigma =
1}^s m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}}\,$$ (cf. the proof of (4.3, b) below). By the
above arguments, if $K_{V'} C' < 0$, then $H^0(\Omega^1_{V'} \langle \, D'
\, \rangle \bigotimes
\omega_{V'}) = 0$, where $D'$ is the reduced total transform of $C$ in $V'$.
Hence also $ H^0(\Omega^1_V \langle \, D \, \rangle \bigotimes \omega_V) = 0$.
\hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\bf 4.2. Corollary.} {\it With the notation as in (4.1, b), assume that
$C$ is a rational cuspidal curve with ${\bar k} ({\bf P}^2 \setminus C) = 2$.
If \begin{equation} \sum\limits_{\sigma = 1}^s \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{r_{\sigma}} m_{\sigma
\,j} < 3d \,,\end{equation} then} $$\chi(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) = K(K+D) = - h^1
(\Theta_V\langle \, D
\, \rangle) \le 0\,.$$
{\bf Proof.} From Lemma 4.3,a) below it follows that $${\tilde C}^2
+ \sum\limits_{\sigma = 1}^s m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}} = 3d - 2 -
\sum\limits_{\sigma = 1}^s \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{r_{\sigma}} m_{\sigma \,j}\,.
$$ Therefore, (3) is equivalent to the inequality $${\tilde C}^2 +
\sum\limits_{\sigma = 1}^s m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}} \ge - 1\,.$$
Thus, we have $$K{\tilde C} = -{\tilde C}^2 - 2 < \sum\limits_{\sigma =
1}^s m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}} \,,$$ and hence by (4.1, b)
$h^2(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) = 0$. Since ${\bar k} ({\bf P}^2 \setminus C)
= 2$, then also $h^0(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) = 0$ (see [Ii, Theorem
6]), and the statement follows. \hfill $\Box$ \\
Note that in our examples, i.e. for $C = C_{d,\,a}$ being as in section 3, we
have $K_V C = d-4$ (see (4.3, b)) and $ \sum_{\sigma}
m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}} = d +
2$; furthermore, $\sum\limits_{\sigma = 1}^s \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{r_{\sigma}}
m_{\sigma \,j} = 3(d-2) < 3d$. Thus, (4.1) or (4.2) gives another proof of
unobstructedness of $C_{d,\,a}$ (cf. (3.3)). \\
\noindent {\bf 4.3. Lemma.} {\it Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ be a rational cuspidal curve,
with cusps $P_1,\dots,P_s$ having multiplicity sequences ${\bar m}_{P_{\sigma}}
= (m_{\sigma \,1},\dots,m_{\sigma \,k_{\sigma}})$. Then
\noindent a) in the minimal embedded resolution $V \to {\bf P}^2$ of singularities of
$C$ the proper transform $\tilde C$ of $C$ has selfintersection
$${\tilde C}^2
= 3d + s - 2 - \sum\limits_{i,j} m_{ij} = 3d-2 - \sum\limits_{\sigma = 1}^s
\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{r_{\sigma}} m_{\sigma \,j} - \sum\limits_{\sigma =
1}^s m_{\sigma \,r_{\sigma}}\,.$$
\noindent b) Furthermore, if $K =
K_V$ is the canonical divisor, then $$K{\tilde C}= -3d - s + \sum\limits_{i,j}
m_{ij}\,.$$ }
\noindent {\bf Proof.} a) Clearly, $${\tilde C}^2 = C^2 - \sum\limits_{i,j}
m_{ij}^2 + s = d^2 + s - \sum\limits_{i,j} m_{ij}^2\,.$$ The genus formula
yields $$(d-1)(d-2) =
\sum\limits_{i,j} m_{ij}(m_{ij} -1)\,.$$ Thus $$d^2 - \sum\limits_{i,j}
m_{ij}^2 = 3d - 2 - \sum\limits_{i,j} m_{ij}\,,$$ and (a) follows. \\
b) follows from (a) and the equality $K{\tilde C} + {\tilde C}^2 = -2$. An
alternative proof: we proceed by induction on the number of blow ups. First of
all, for $K = K_{{\bf P}^2}$ and $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ we have $KC = -3d$.
Furthermore, let $C \subset V$ be a curve on a surface $V$ and $K = K_V$ be the
canonical divisor, $\sigma: V' \to V$ be the blow up at a cusp of $C$ of
multiplicity $m$ and $K' = K_{V'}, \,C' \subset V'$ be the proper preimage of
$C$. We have: $$KC = K'C^* = (C' + mE)K' = C'K' + mEK' = $$ $$= C'K' + m(E(K' +
E) - E^2) = C'K' + m(-2+1) = K'C' - m\,,$$ hence $K'C' = KC + m$. This
completes the proof. \hfill $\Box$\\
\noindent {\bf 4.4. Remark.} Let $E_P \subset V$ be the reduced exceptional divisor
of the blow ups over $P \in {\rm Sing}\,C$. Then by Lemma 2 in [MaSa] $$E_P^2 =
-\omega_P -1\,.$$ If $D = {\tilde C} + \sum\limits_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C} E_P
\subset V$ is the reduced total transform of $C$ in $V$, then we have (cf.
[MaSa, Lemma 4]) $$D^2 = {\tilde C}^2 + 2 {\rm card}\,({\rm Sing}\,C) +
\sum\limits_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C} E_P^2 = {\tilde C}^2 - \sum\limits_{P \in
{\rm Sing}\,C} (\omega_P -1) $$ $$ = 3d-2 - \sum\limits_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C}
(\sum\limits_{j=0}^{k_i} m_{P,\,j} + \omega_P - 1)\,.$$ \\
\noindent {\bf 4.5. Remark.} In [OZ2, Proposition 4] the following observation is
done. \\
\noindent {\it A projectively rigid rational cuspidal curve $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ cannot
have more than 9 cusps.} \\
\noindent The reason is quite simple. Denote by $\kappa$ the number of cusps of
$C$. Assuming that $\kappa \ge 3$ we will have $\bar {k} ({\bf P}^2 \setminus C) = 2$
[Wak], and therefore due to Theorem 6 in [Ii], $h^0 = 0$, where $h^i :=
h^i(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle)\,,\, i = 0,\,1,\,2$. Let $K+D = H+N$ be
the Zariski decomposition in the minimal embedded resolution $V \to {\bf P}^2$ of
singularities of $C$. It can be shown that $N^2 = \sum_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C}
N_P^2$, where the local ingredient $N_P^2$ over a cusp $P \in {\rm Sing}\,C$
has estimate $-N_P^2 > 1/2$. Thus, \begin{equation} {\kappa} < 2 \sum\limits_{P \in {\rm
Sing}\,C} (-N_P^2 ) = -2N^2 \,.\end{equation} We also have \begin{equation} (K+D)^2 =
H^2 + N^2 \,\,\, \,\,\,{\rm and}\,\,\, \,\,\, (K+D)^2 = K(K+D) + D(K + D) =
K(K+D) - 2 \,,\end{equation} where [FZ, (1.3)] \begin{equation} K(K + D) =
\chi(\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) =
h^2 - h^1 \,.\end{equation}
{}From (4)--(6) and the logarithmic Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau inequality
$H^2 \le
3$ [KoNaSa] we obtain $$ {\kappa} <
-2N^2 = -2(K+D)^2 + 2H^2 \le 6 -2(K+D)^2 = 10 - 2K(K+D) = 10 - 2h^2 + 2h^1
Therefore, $${\kappa} < 10 $$ as soon as $h^1 = 0$, i.e. for a projectively
rigid curve $C$. \\
Hence, once one constructs a rational cuspidal plane curve with 10 cusps or
more, we know that it is not projectively rigid. The latter means that such a
curve is a member of an equisingular \footnote{i.e. with cusps of the same
type.} family of rational cuspidal plane curves, generically pairwise
projectively non--isomorphic \footnote{i.e. non--equivalent under the action of
the automorphism group ${\rm PGL}\,(3,\,{\bf C})$ on ${\bf P}^2$.} (see (2.1)). \\
\centerline {\bf References}
\noindent [EN] D. Eisenbud, W. D. Neumann. Three-dimensional link theory and
invariants of plane curve singularities. {\it Ann. Math. Stud.} {\bf 110},
{\it Princeton Univ. Press}, Princeton 1985
\noindent [FZ] H. Flenner, M. Zaidenberg. $\bf Q$--acyclic surfaces and their
deformations. {\it Contemporary Mathem.} {\bf 162} (1964), 143--208
\noindent [Ii] Sh. Iitaka. On logarithmic Kodaira dimension of algebraic varieties.
In: {\it Complex Analysis and Algebraic Geometry, Cambridge Univ. Press},
Cambridge e.a., 1977, 175--190
\noindent [KoNaSa] R. Kobayashi, S. Nakamura, F. Sakai. A numerical
characterization of ball quotients for normal surfaces with branch loci. {\it
Proc. Japan Acad.} {\bf 65(A)} (1989), 238--241
\noindent [MaSa] T. Matsuoka, F. Sakai. The degree of rational cuspidal curves.
{\it Math. Ann.} {\bf 285} (1989), 233--247
\noindent [Mil] J. Milnor. Singular points of complex hypersurfaces. {\it
Ann.Math.Stud.} {\bf 61}, {\it Princeton Univ. Press}, Princeton, 1968
\noindent [Na] M. Namba. Geometry of projective algebraic curves. {\it Marcel
Dekker}, N.Y. a.e., 1984
\noindent [OZ1] S.Y. Orevkov, M.G. Zaidenberg. Some estimates for plane cuspidal
curves. In: {\it Journ\'ees singuli\`eres et jacobiennes, Grenoble 26--28 mai
1993.} Grenoble, 1994, 93--116
\noindent [OZ2] S.Y. Orevkov, M.G. Zaidenberg. On the number of singular points of
plane curves. In: {\it Algebraic Geometry. Proc. Conf., Saintama Univ., March
15--17, 1995}, 22p. (to appear)
\noindent [Sa] F. Sakai. Singularities of plane curves. {\it Preprint} (1990),
\noindent [tDP] T. tom Dieck, T. Petrie. Homology planes: An announcement
and survey. In: {\it Topological methods in algebraic transformation
groups, Progress in Mathem.} {\bf 80}, {\it Birkha\"user}, Boston e.a.,
1989, 27--48
\noindent [Ts] S. Tsunoda. The structure of open algebraic surfaces and its
application to plane curves. {\it Proc. Japan Acad.} {\bf 57(A)} (1981),
\noindent [Wak] I. Wakabayashi. On the logarithmic Kodaira dimension of the
complement of a curve in ${\bf P}^2$. {\it Proc. Japan Acad.} {\bf 54(A)} (1978),
\noindent [Wal] R. J. Walker. Algebraic curves. {\it Princeton Univ. Press},
Princeton, 1950
\noindent [Y1] H. Yoshihara. On plane rational curves. {\it Proc. Japan Acad.} {\bf
55(A)} (1979), 152--155
\noindent [Y2] H. Yoshihara. Rational curve with one cusp. I {\it Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc.} {\bf 89} (1983), 24--26; II {\it ibid.} {\bf 100} (1987), 405--406
\noindent [Y3] H. Yoshihara. Plane curves whose singular points are cusps. {\it
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.} {\bf 103} (1988), 737--740
\noindent [Y4] H. Yoshihara. Plane curves whose singular points are cusps and
triple coverings of ${\bf P}^2$. {\it Manuscr. Math.} {\bf 64} (1989), 169-187
\noindent Hubert Flenner\\
\noindent Fakult\"at f\"ur Mathematik\\
Ruhr Universit\"at Bochum\\
Geb.\ NA 2/72\\
Universit\"atsstr.\ 150\\
44180 BOCHUM, Germany\\
\noindent e-mail: [email protected]
\noindent Mikhail Zaidenberg\\
\noindent Universit\'{e} Grenoble I \\
Laboratoire de Math\'ematiques associ\'e au CNRS\\
BP 74\\
38402 St. Martin d'H\`{e}res--c\'edex, France\\
\noindent e-mail: [email protected]}
1995-07-10T06:20:26 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507006 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507006 | [
] | alg-geom/9507006 | Jeroen Spandaw | Jeroen G. Spandaw | A Noether-Lefschetz theorem for vector bundles | 5 pages, no figures; LaTeX2e, should also work with LaTeX 2.09 with
NFSS | null | null | null | null | In this note we use the monodromy argument to prove a Noether-Lefschetz
theorem for vector bundles.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 Jul 1995 14:36:41 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Jeroen G.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}\pagenumbering{arabic}
Let $X$ be a smooth complex projective manifold of dimension $n$ and let $E$
be a very ample vector bundle on $X$ of rank $r$. This means that the
tautological quotient line bundle $L$ on the bundle
$Y={\Bbb P}(E^\ast)$ of hyperplanes in $E$ is very ample.
For almost all $s\in H^0(X,E)$ the zero-locus
$Z$ is smooth, irreducible and of dimension $n-r$.
In \cite[prop.~1.16]{S} Sommese
proved that $H^{i}(X,Z;{\Bbb Z})$ vanishes for $i<n-r+1$ and is torsion free for
$i=n-r+1$. Assume that $n-r$ is even, say $n-r=2p$.
Let $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Alg}}\nolimits\subset H^{n-r}(Z)$ be the space of algebraic classes
and let $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits=\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits(H^{n-r}(X)\hookrightarrow H^{n-r}(Z))$.
(We always take coefficients in ${\Bbb C}$
unless other coefficients are mentioned explicitely (cf.~Remark~\ref{rmk}).)
In this note we prove the following Noether-Lefschetz theorem for this
\begin{thm}\label{thm1} If $E$ is very ample and $s$ is general,
then either $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Alg}}\nolimits\subset \mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits$ or $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Alg}}\nolimits+\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits=H^{n-r}(Z)$.
(With \lq\lq general\rq\rq we shall always mean general in the usual
Noether-Lefschetz sense.)
The following theorem, which generalizes the Noether-Lefschetz
theorem for complete intersections in projective space
(see \cite[pp.~328--329]{DK})
is an immediate corollary.
\begin{thm}\label{thm2} If $h^{\alpha\beta}(X)<h^{\alpha\beta}(Z)$ for some
pair $(\alpha,\beta)$ with
$\alpha+\beta=n-r$ and $\alpha\neq \beta$, then every algebraic class on
$Z$ is induced
from $X$.
Notice that the unique pre-images of
algebraic classes are themselves Hodge classes, i.e.\ lie in
$H^{p,p}(X)\cap H^{n-r}(X;{\Bbb Z})$. This follows from the fact that the
cokernel of $H^{n-r}(X,{\Bbb Z})\to H^{n-r}(Z,{\Bbb Z})$ is torsion free.
It is not difficult to show that
after replacing $E$ with $E\otimes L^k$, where
$k\gg0$ and $L$ is an ample line bundle,
the assumption of theorem~\ref{thm2} is satisfied.
(E.g.\ the geometric genus of $X$ goes to infinity as
$k$ goes to infinity.)
In \cite{Sp} we used the notion of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
(cf.~\cite[p.~99]{M}) to make
the positivity assumption on $E$ more precise
if $X={\Bbb P}^n$.
Notations are as in theorem~\ref{thm1}.
$\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Hdg}}\nolimits$ is defined to be the space of Hodge classes
on $Z$ of codimension~$p$,
i.e.\ $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Hdg}}\nolimits=H^{p,p}(Z)\cap H^{n-r}(Z,{\Bbb Z})$.
\begin{thm}\label{thm3} If $E$ is a $(-3)$-regular vector bundle of rank
$r$ on $X={\Bbb P}^n$ and
$Z$ is the zero-locus of a general global section of $E$, then
$\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Hdg}}\nolimits\subset\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits$,
unless $(X,E)=({\Bbb P}^3,{\cal O}(3))$.
If $\dim Z=2$, then it suffices that $E$ be $(-2)$-regular
unless $(X,E)=({\Bbb P}^3,{\cal O}(2))$, $({\Bbb P}^3,{\cal O}(3))$ or
$({\Bbb P}^4,{\cal O}(2)\oplus{\cal O}(2))$.
(Notice that $(-3)$-regularity $\Longrightarrow$ $(-1)$-regularity
$\Longrightarrow$ very ampleness.)
For the case $\dim Z=2$ theorem~\ref{thm3} is due to
Ein \cite[thm.~3.3]{E}.
The advantage of theorem~\ref{thm3}
is that it applies to {\em Hodge\/} rather than {\em
algebraic\/} classes on $Z$. For example, it implies that
if all Hodge classes of codimension $n-r$ on ${\Bbb P}^n$ are
algebraic, then the same holds for $Z$.
The advantage of theorem~\ref{thm1} is that the
positivity condition on $E$ is more geometric:
the cohomological conditions from
\cite{Sp} are replaced with the condition that $E$ be very ample plus
a Hodge number inequality (cf.~theorem~\ref{thm2}).
In other words, for very ample vector bundles, the Noether-Lefschetz
property holds as soon as this is allowed by the Hodge numbers.
However, this Hodge number inequality condition
is of course a cohomological condition on $E$ in disguise.
\noindent {\em Acknowledgement\/} I am grateful to professor Sommese for
the suggestion
that I look at the bundle $\pi\colon {\Bbb P}(E^\ast)\to X$
of hyperplanes in $E$.
\section{Proof of the main result}
Let $V=H^0(X,E)$,
let ${\Bbb P}(V)$ be the set of lines in $V$,
let $N=\dim{\Bbb P}(V)=h^0(X,E)-1$
and set $X'={\Bbb P}(V)\times X$.
Set $E'=p_1^\ast{\cal O}(1)\otimes p_2^\ast E$,
where $p_i$ are the projections.
$E'$ has a canonical section $s'$.
Let ${\cal Z}$ be the zero locus of $s'$.
The restriction
p\colon{\cal Z}\to{\Bbb P}(V)
of $p_1$ to ${\cal Z}$ is
the universal family of
zero loci of sections in $E$.
We leave the proof of the following easy lemma to the reader.
\begin{lem} If $E$ is very ample, then it is generated by its sections.
If $E$ is generated by its sections, then ${\cal Z}$ is smooth, irreducible
and of dimension $N+n-r$.
Let $\Delta\subset{\Bbb P}(V)$ be the discriminant of $p$, i.r.\
\Delta&=&p\{z\in{\cal Z}: \mathop{\mbox{\upshape rk}}\nolimits_z p\le N-1\}\\
&=&\{[s]\in{\Bbb P}(V): \hbox{$p^{-1}(s)$ is not smooth of dimension $n-r$}\}.
Fix a point $[s_0]\in{\Bbb P}(V)\setminus\Delta$ and let $Z\subset X$
be the corresponding smooth fibre of $p$.
Let $\Gamma$ the image of the monodromy representation
$\pi_1({\Bbb P}(V) \setminus\Delta)\to \mathop{\mbox{\upshape Aut}}\nolimits(H^{n-r}(Z))$.
Let $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits^\perp$ be the orthogonal complement of $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits$ with
respect to the intersection form on $H^{n-r}(Z)$.
Since for general $s\in H^0(X,E)$, $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Alg}}\nolimits$ is a $\Gamma$-module
(cf.\ \cite[p.~141]{H}),
theorem~\ref{thm1} from the following proposition.
\begin{pro} (Second Lefschetz Theorem)
\item $H^{n-r}(Z)=\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits\oplus\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits^\perp$
\item $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits=H^{n-r}(Z)^\Gamma$
\item $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits^\perp$ is an irreducible $\Gamma$-module
\item Arguing as in the proof of \cite[thm.~6.1 (i)]{G}
one shows that if $Z$ is submanifold of
a compact K\"ahler manifold $X$ such that
$H^{i}(X,Z)=0$ for $i\le m= \dim Z$,
then the restriction of the intersection form
to $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits(H^m(X)\hookrightarrow H^m(Z))$ is non-degenerate.
\item The inclusion $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits\subset H^{n-r}(Z)^\Gamma$ is trivial. To prove that
$H^{n-r}(Z)^\Gamma\subset\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Im}}\nolimits$,
we argue as in \cite[thm.~6.1 (iii)]{G}.
Consider the commutative diagram
H^{n-r}({\Bbb P}(V)\times X) @>>> H^{n-r}({\cal Z})\\
H^{n-r}(X) @>>> H^{n-r}(Z)^\Gamma.
By \cite[th\'eor\`eme 4.1.1 (ii)]{D} the map
$H^{n-r}({\cal Z})\to H^{n-r}(Z)^\Gamma$ is surjective.
By \cite[prop.~1.16]{S} the map
$H^{n-r}({\Bbb P}(V)\times X) \to H^{n-r}({\cal Z})$
is surjective.
\item Since the monodromy respects the intersection form,
$I^\perp$ is a $\Gamma$-module.
The standard argument using Lefschetz pencils
and the theory of vanishing cycles reduces
the problem of irreducibility to proposition~\ref{prop} below
(cf. \cite[pp.~46--48]{L}).
\item The discriminant $\Delta$ is an irreducible,
closed, proper subvariety of ${\Bbb P}(V)$.
\item Let $G\subset{\Bbb P}(V)$ be a general line.
Then ${\cal Z}_G:=p^{-1}(G)$ is smooth, irreducible of dimension $n-r+1$
and the restricted family $p_G\colon{\cal Z}_G\to G$ is a holomorphic
Morse function, i.e. all critical points are non-degenerate
and no two lie in the same fibre (cf.~\cite[p.~34]{L}).
$g\in G$ is a critical value of $p_G$ if and only if it
is a critical value of $p$.
\begin{pf} The statements about ${\cal Z}_G$ follow
from Bertini. The remaining assertions
are well-known if $\mathop{\mbox{\upshape rk}}\nolimits E=1$ (cf.~\cite[p.~19]{L}).
In particular, they are true
for $(Y,L)$, where $Y$ is the hyperplane bundle ${\Bbb P}(E)$ of $E$
and $L$ is the tautological quotient line bundle ${\cal O}_Y(1)$.
The following proposition reduces the general case $(X,E)$
to this line bundle case $(Y,L)$, thus finishing the proof.
Before we state the last proposition, notice that
the natural map $s\mapsto \bar{s}\colon H^0(X,E)\to H^0(Y,L)$,
where $\bar{s}(x,h):=\overline{s(x)}\in E(x)/h=L(x,h)$
for $(x,h)\in Y$, is an isomorphism. Indeed, the map
is clearly injective and $h^0(Y,L)=h^0(X,\pi_\ast L)=h^0(X,E)$.
For $s\in H^0(X,E)$ we denote by $Z_X(s)$
the zero-locus of $s$ in $X$
and by $Z_Y(\bar{s})$ the zero-locus of $\bar{s}$ in $Y$.
\begin{pro} For $s\in H^0(X,E)\setminus\{0\}$,
$Z=Z_X(s)$ is singular
if and only if $W=Z_Y(\bar{s})$ is singular.
More precisely, if $x\in\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Sing}}\nolimits Z$, then there exists a $y\in\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Sing}}\nolimits W$
with $\pi(y)=x$ and conversely,
if $(x,h)\in\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Sing}}\nolimits Z$, then $x\in \mathop{\mbox{\upshape Sing}}\nolimits W$.
Finally, if $(x,h)$ is a non-degenerate quadratic singularity,
then so is $x$.
\begin{pf} This is a calculation in local coordinates.
Let $x_0\in Z$, i.e.\ $s(x_0)=0$.
After choosing local coordinates $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ on $X$
and a local trivialization of $E$ near $x_0$
we may regard $s$ to be a function in $x_1,\ldots,x_n$.
Then $x_0\in\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Sing}}\nolimits Z$ if and only if
$\{\frac{\partial s}{\partial x_j}(x_0)\}_{j=1}^n$ does not span ${\Bbb C}^r$.
Let $h_0\subset{\Bbb C}^r$ be a hyperplane containing
$\mathop{\mbox{\upshape span}}\nolimits\{\frac{\partial s}{\partial x_j}(x_0)\}_{j=1}^n$. We claim that $y_0=(x_0,h_0)\in\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Sing}}\nolimits W$.
We may assume that the local trivialization of $E$
has been chosen in such a way that $h_0$ is given
by $z_r=0$, where $z_1,\ldots,z_r$ are coordinates on ${\Bbb C}^r$.
Let $s=(f_1,\ldots,f_r)$.
Local coordinates on $Y$ near $y_0$ are provided by
the local coordinates $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ on $X$ near $x_0$
together with $(y_1,\ldots,y_{r-1})\in{\Bbb C}^{r-1}$:
we let $(y_1,\ldots,y_{r-1})\in{\Bbb C}^{r-1}$ correspond to
the hyperplane $\sum_{i=1}^r y_iz_i=0$,
where $y_r:=1$. The point $y_0$ has coordinates $(x_0,0)$.
In these local coordinates $\bar{s}(x,y)=\sum_{i=1}^ry_if_i(x)$.
It now suffices to calculate $\frac{\partial \bar{s}}{\partial x_k}(x_0,0)
=\frac{\partial f_r}{\partial x_k}(x_0)=0$
for $k=1,\ldots,n$
and $\frac{\partial \bar{s}}{\partial y_j}(x_0,0)=f_j(x_0)=0$
for $j=1,\ldots,r-1$.
The converse is proven similarly.
Let $y_0=(x_0,h_0)\in\mathop{\mbox{\upshape Sing}}\nolimits W$. We may again assume that
$h_0$ is given by $z_r=0$.
The Hessian of $\bar{s}$ in $y_0$ is of the form
$\left(\begin{array}{cc} h & d^t\\ d & 0\end{array}\right)$,
where the $n\times n$-matrix $h$ is the Hessian of $f_r$
and the $(r-1)\times n$-matrix $d$ is the Jacobian
of $f':=(f_1,\ldots,f_{r-1})$ in $x_0$.
Let $Z'=\{x\in X: f'(x)=0\}$.
We have to check that the Hessian of $f_r|_{Z'}$ in $0$ is non-degenerate.
Since we assume that
the Hessian of $\bar{s}$ has maximal rank in $y_0$, so has $d$. Thus,
after a change of coordinates, we may assume that $f_i(x)=x_i$ for $i<r$.
Then $\bar{s}(x,y)=\sum_{i=1}^{r-1}x_iy_i+f_r(x)$,
hence the Hessian of $\bar{s}$ in $y_0$ is
\ast & \ast & E_{r-1}\\
\ast & H & 0\\
E_{r-1} & 0 & 0,
where $H$ is the Hessian of $f_r|_{Z'}$ in $x_0$.
It follows that $H$ is non-degenerate.
1995-07-05T06:20:14 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507001 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507001 | [
] | alg-geom/9507001 | Iwamoto Masayuki | Masayuki Iwamoto | General n-canonical divisors on two-dimensional smoothable
semi-log-terminal singularities | AMSLaTeX v 1.1 | null | null | null | null | In this paper we calculate genaral n-canonical divisors on smoothable
semi-log-terminal singularities in dimension 2, in other words, the full
sheaves associated to the double dual of the nth tensor power of the dualizing
sheaves of these singularities. And as its application we give the inequality
which bound the Gorenstein index by the local self intersection number of the
n-canonical divisor of these singularities.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 Jul 1995 07:46:34 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
This paper is devoted to some fundumental calculation on
2-dimensional smoothable semi-log-terminal singularities.
If we study minimal or canonical models of one parameter degeneration
of algebraic surfaces, we must treat singularities that appear in
the central fiber.
Smoothable semi-log-terminal singularities are the singularities
of the central fiber of the minimal model of degeneration,
and the singularities of the central fiber of the canonical model of
which may have large Gorenstein index.
Koll\'{a}r and Shepherd-Barron caracterized these singularities
in \cite{ksb}, but for numerical theory of degeneration,
we need more detailed information.
In this paper, we calculate general $n$-canonical divisors on
these singularities, in other words, we calculate the full sheaves
associated to the double dual of the $n$-th tensor power of the
dualizing sheaves. And the application of this result,
we bound the Gorenstein index by the local self intersection number
of the $n$-canonical divisor.
Notation: In this paper,
[q_1, q_2, q_3, \dots]&=q_1+
[[q_1, q_2, q_3, \dots]]&=q_1-
If $p:\tilde{X}\to X$ is a birational morphism and $D$ is a
divisor on $X$,
we denote by $\tilde{D}$ the proper transform of $D$ on $\tilde{X}$.
\section{Basic calculation}
Let $Y$ be a cyclic quotient singularity of the form Spec$(\Bbb
where $\langle\alpha\rangle$ is a cyclic group of order $r$ and $\alpha$ acts
on Spec$(\Bbb C[z_1,z_2])/\langle\alpha\rangle$ as $(\alpha^* z_1,\alpha^*
z_2)=(\eta^s z_1,\eta z_2)$
in which $\eta$ is a primitive $r$-th root of unity, $(r,s)=1$,
and $0<s<r$.
Let $\dfrac{r}{s}=[[q_1, q_2, \dots, q_k]]$ be an expansion into continued
fraction, and $r_{i}$ be the $i$-th remainder of the Euclidean algorithm, i.e.
$\{r_i\}_{i=0, 1, \dots, k+1}$ is a seqence determined by
$r_0=r, r_1=s, r_{i-1}=q_i r_i-r_{i+1}$.
Let $\dfrac{P_i}{Q_i}$ be the $i$-the convergent,
i.e. $\{P_i\}_{i=-1, 0, \dots, k}$
is a sequence determined by $P_{-1}=0, P_0=1, P_i=q_i P_{i-1}-P_{i-2}$ and
$\{Q_i\}_{i=-1, 0, \dots, k}$
is determined by $Q_{-1}=-1, Q_0=0, Q_i=q_iQ_{i-1}-Q_{i-2}$.
Let $f:\Bbb C^{2}\rightarrow Y$ be a quotient map, and $p:\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}\rightarrow Y$
the minimal desingularization.
It is well known that the dual graph of the exceptional divisors of $p$
is a chain of rational curves $\cup_{1\le i\le k}E_i$ such that
We put
$$\lambda_i=P_{i-1},\quad \mu_{i}=r_i,\quad \alpha^j_i=
\dfrac{1}{m}\mu_i\lambda_j\ &(\text{for}\ j\le i)\\
\dfrac{1}{m}\lambda_i\mu_j\ &(\text{for}\ i<j)
Note that $c_1z_1^{\lambda_i}+c_2z_2^{\mu_i}$
is a $\langle\alpha\rangle$-semi-invariant since $r_1P_i-r_0Q_i=r_{i+1}$.
Let $C_i$ be a divisor on $Y$ such that
in which $c_1,c_2\in \Bbb C^*$.
\text{\em{(i)}}\ \mbox{$\tilde{C}$}_i\cdot E_j=\delta_{i,j}\quad
\text{\em{(ii)}}\ p^*C_i=\mbox{$\tilde{C}$}_i+\sum\alpha^i_jE_j$$
If we write $Y=T_N\text{emb}(\sigma)$, where $N=\Bbb Z n_1+\Bbb Z n_2$
and $\sigma=\Bbb R_{\geq 0}n_1+\Bbb R_{\geq 0}[(r-s)n_1+n_2]$,
then $E_i$ corresponds to $(P_{i-1}-Q_{i-1})n_1+P_{i-1}n_2$.
The rest of proof is a direct calculation using the above description and
the formula $P_iQ_{i-1}-Q_iP_{i-1}=-1$, and it can be easily done.
Next lemma is a easy fact on continued fraction.
We denote by $(2, q)$ the sequence $(2, 2, \dots, 2)$ of length $q$.
Let $a$, $m$ be a natural number such that $(a, m)=1$,
$\frac{m}{2}<a<m$. Put $b=m-a$.
Let $\dfrac{a}{b}=[q_1, q_2, \dots, q_k]$.
\item If $k$ is even,
\dfrac{m}{a}=&[[(2, q_1), q_2+2, (2, q_3-1), q_4+2, \dots, (2, q_{k-3}-1),
& (2, q_{k-1}-1), q_k+1]]\\
\dfrac{m}{b}=&[[q_1+2, (2, q_2-1), q_3+2, (2, q_4-1), q_5+2, \dots,
(2, q_{k-2}-1),\\
& q_{k-1}+2, (2, q_k+1)]]
\item If $k$ is odd,
\dfrac{m}{a}=&[[(2, q_1), q_2+2, (2, q_3-1), q_4+2, \dots, q_{k-3}+2,
(2, q_{k-2}-1),\\
&q_{k-1}+2, (2, q_k-1)]]\\
\dfrac{m}{b}=&[[q_1+2, (2, q_2-1), q_3+2, (2, q_4-1), q_5+2, \dots,
(2, q_{k-3}-1), q_{k-2}+2,\\
& (2, q_{k-1}-1), q_k+1]]
Since this is elementary we left it for the reader.
In the rest of this section we shall index the exceptional divisors
of the minimal (semi-) resolution smoothable of
the semi-log-terminal singularity.
First we treat the normal case.
Let $(a, d, m)$ be a triplet of positive integers such that $a<b$ and
$a$ is prime to $m$.
We denote by $X_{a, d, m}$ a 2-dimentional quotient singularity
of the form Spec$(\Bbb C[z_1, z_2])/\langle\alpha\rangle$,
where $\langle\alpha\rangle$ is a cyclic group of order $dm^2$ and
$\alpha$ acts on Spec$(\Bbb C[z_1, z_2])$ as
$\alpha^*(z_1, z_2)=(\varepsilon^{adm-1}z_1, \varepsilon z_2)$
in which $\varepsilon$ is a primitive $dm^2$-th root of unity.
By [K-SB Proposition 3.10], a singularity of class T which is not
RDP is analytically isomorphic to $X_{a, d, m}$ for
some $(a, d, m)$.
Let $f:\Bbb C^2\to X_{a, d, m}$ be a quotient map and
$p:\mbox{$\tilde{X}$}_{a, d, m}\to X_{a, d, m}$
the minimal desingularization.
We assume $2a>m$ since $X_{a, d, m}\simeq X_{m-a, d, m}$.
Put $b=m-a$, and let $\dfrac{a}{b}=[q_1, q_2, \dots, q_k]$
be an expantion into continued fraction.
Let $r_i$ be the $i$-th remainder of the Euclidean algorithm, i.e.
$\{r_i\}_{i=0, 1, \dots, k+1}$ is a sequence determined by
$r_0=a, r_1=m-a, r_{i-1}=q_i r_i+r_{i+1}$.
Let $\dfrac{P_i}{Q_i}$ be an the $i$-th convergent,
i.e. $\{P_i\}_{i=-1, 0, \dots, k}$ is a sequence
determined by $P_{-1}=0, P_0=1, P_i=q_iP_{i-1}+P_{i-2}$
and $\{Q_i\}_{i=-1, 0, \dots, k}$ is determined by
$Q_{-1}=1, Q_0=0, Q_i=q_iQ_{i-1}+Q_{i-2}$.
Let $m$, $a$, $b$, $d$ be positive integers such that $m=a+b$,
$a>b$, $(a, b)=1$.
Let $\dfrac{a}{b}=[q_1, q_2, \dots, q_k]$ be an expansion into
continued fraction.
Then $$\dfrac{dma-1}{dmb+1}=[q'_1, q'_2, \dots, q'_{k'}]$$
where $q'_i$ is as follows.
\item If $d=1$ and $k$ is even,
q_1\quad &(i=1)\\
q_i\quad &(2\le i\le k-1)\\
q_k+1\quad &(i=k)\\
q_k-1\quad &(i=k+1)\\
q_{2k-i+1}\quad &(k+2\le i\le 2k-1)\\
q_1+1\quad &(i=2k=k')
\item If $d=1$ and $k$ is odd,
q_1\quad &(i=1)\\
q_i\quad &(2\le i\le k-1)\\
q_k-1\quad &(i=k)\\
q_k+1\quad &(i=k+1)\\
q_{2k-i+1}\quad &(k+2\le i\le 2k-1)\\
q_1+1\quad &(i=2k=k')
\item If $d\ge 2$ and $k$ is even,
q_1\quad &(i=1)\\
q_i\quad &(2\le i\le k)\\
d-1\quad &(i=k+1)\\
1\quad &(i=k+2)\\
q_k-1\quad &(i=k+3)\\
q_{2k+3-i}\quad &(k+4\le i\le 2k+1)\\
q_1+1\quad &(i=2k+2=k')
\item If $d\ge 2$ and $k$ is odd,
q_1\quad &(i=1)\\
q_i\quad &(2\le i\le k-1)\\
q_k-1\quad &(i=k)\\
1\quad &(i=k+1)\\
d-1\quad &(i=k+2)\\
q_{2k+3-i}\quad &(k+3\le i\le 2k+1)\\
q_1+1\quad &(i=2k+2=k')
By Lemma \ref{lemcont1} and \ref{lemcont2}, we can calculate the dual graph of
the exceptional divisors of $p$ in terms of the continued
fraction expansion of $\dfrac{a}{b}$.
(See [K-SB])
{}From now, we assume $k$ is even since the calculation is the same for
odd $k$.
We shall index the exceptional divisors in the following manner.
Set the index set $I_o, I_e, I$ as follows:
I_o&=\{(i, j)|1\leq i\leq k+1;i\ \text{odd};
1\leq j\leq q_i(\text{for}\ i<k+1),
1\leq j\leq d(\text{for}\ i=k+1)\}\\
I_e&=\{(i, j)|1\leq i\leq k+1;i\ \text{even};
1\leq j\leq q_i(\text{for}\ i<k),
1\leq j\leq q_k-1(\text{for}\ i=k)\}\\
I&=I_o\amalg I_e
We define $\rho^i_j$, $\bar{\lambda}^i_j$, $\hat{\lambda}^i_j$,
$\lambda^i_j$, $\bar{\mu}^i_j$, $\hat{\mu}^i_j$, $\mu^i_j$
for $(i, j)\in I$ as follows.
P_{i-2}+(j-1)P_{i-1}\quad &((i, j)\in I_o)\\
-\{P_{i-2}+(j-1)P_{i-1}\}+da\rho^i_j\quad &((i, j)\in I_e)
Q_{i-2}+(j-1)Q_{i-1}\quad &((i, j)\in I_o)\\
-\{Q_{i-2}+(j-1)Q_{i-1}\}+db\rho^i_j\quad &((i, j)\in I_e)
-\{P_{i-2}+(j-1)P_{i-1}\}+da\rho^i_j\quad &((i, j)\in I_o)\\
P_{i-2}+(j-1)P_{i-1}\quad &((i, j)\in I_e)
-\{Q_{i-2}+(j-1)Q_{i-1}\}+db\rho^i_j\quad &((i, j)\in I_o)\\
Q_{i-2}+(j-1)Q_{i-1}\quad &((i, j)\in I_e)
We can write $Y=T_N\text{emb}(\sigma)$, where
$$N=\Bbb Z n_1+\Bbb Z n_2,\quad \sigma=\Bbb R_{\ge 0}n_1+\Bbb R_{\ge
We denote by $E^i_j$ the exceptional divisor associated to
Note that by Lemma \ref{lemcurve}, for $\iota\in I$,
the proper transform of
\langle\alpha\rangle\in X_{a,d,m}$
intersects the exceptional locus transversely at $E_{\iota}$.
We define the order `$\le$' in the index set $I$ by
the lexicographic order.
Next we treat the non-normal case.
We denote by $NC^2=\text{Spec}\Bbb C [z_1, z_2, z_3]/(z_1 z_2)$
a 2-dimentional normal crossing point.
Let $(a, m)$ be a pair of positive integers
such that $0<a<m$ and $a$ is prime to $m$.
Put $b=m-a$, and let $a'$ and $b'$ be integers such that
$aa'\equiv bb'\equiv 1\pmod{m}$, $0<a'<m$, and $0<b'<m$.
Let $\langle \alpha \rangle$ be a cyclic group of order $m$,
and let $\langle \alpha \rangle$ act on $NC^2$ as
$(\alpha^*z_1, \alpha^*z_2, \alpha^*z_3)
=(\varepsilon^{a'}z_1, \varepsilon^{b'}z_2, \varepsilon z_3)$
where $\varepsilon$ is a primitive $m$-th root of unity.
We denote by $X_{a, m}$ the quotient of $NC^2$ by
this $\langle \alpha \rangle$-action.
By [K-SB], 2-dimentional smoothable semi-log-terminal singularity
which is neither normal nor $NC^2$ is analytically isomorphic to
$X_{a, m}$ for some $(a, m)$. Put $X=X_{a, m}$.
Let $f:NC^2\to X$ be the quotient map and $p:\tilde{X}\to X$
the minimal semi-resolution.
Let $g:\Bbb C^2_o\amalg\Bbb C^2_e\to NC^2$,
$g_X:X_o\amalg X_e\to X$,
and $g_{\tilde{X}}:\tilde{X}_o\amalg\tilde{X}_e\to\tilde{X}$
be normalizations,
where $\Bbb C^2_o=\text{Spec}\Bbb C [z_1, z_3]$,
$\Bbb C^2_e=\text{Spec}\Bbb C [z_2, z_3]$,
$X_o$ (resp. $X_e$) is the quotient of $\Bbb C^2_o$ (resp. $\Bbb C^2_e$),
and $\tilde{X}_o$ (resp. $\tilde{X}_e$) is the minimal resolution
of $X_o$ (resp. $X_e$). We get the following diagram.
\Bbb C^2_o\amalg \Bbb C^2_e @>{f_o\amalg f_e}>>
X_o\amalg X_e @<{p_o\amalg p_e}<<
\tilde{X}_o\amalg\tilde{X}_e \\
@V{g}VV @VV{g_X}V @VV{g_{\tilde{X}}}V \\
NC^2 @>>{f}> X @<<{p}< \tilde{X}
We denote by $\Delta$, $\Delta '$, and
$\tilde{\Delta}$ the double curve of
$X$, $NC^2$, and $\tilde{X}$ respectively.
Let $\Delta_o$ (resp. $\Delta_e$) be the inverse image of
$\Delta$ in $X_o$ (resp. $X_e$), and define
$\Delta '_o$, $\Delta '_e$, $\tilde{\Delta}_o$, and
$\tilde{\Delta}_e$ similarly.
We assume $k$ is even.
Set the index set $I_o$, $I_e$, $I$ as follows:
I_o&=\{(i, j)|1\le i\le k+1;i\ \text{odd};
1\le j\le q_i(\text{for}\ i<k), j=1(\text{for}\ i=k+1)\}\\
I_e&=\{(i, j)|1\le i\le k+1;i\ \text{even};
1\le j\le q_i\}\\
I&=I_o\amalg I_e
We define $\lambda^i_j$, $\mu^i_j$ for $(i, j)\in I$ as follows:
P_{i-2}+Q_{i-2}+(j-1)(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})\quad &((i, j)\in I_o)\\
r_{i-1}-(j-1)r_i\quad &((i, j)\in I_e)
r_{i-1}-(j-1)r_i\quad &((i, j)\in I_o)\\
P_{i-2}+Q_{i-2}+(j-1)(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})\quad &((i, j)\in I_e)
We define $\bar{\lambda}^i_j$, $\hat{\lambda}^i_j$ for $(i, j)\in I_o$
as follows:
We define $\bar{\mu}^i_j$, $\hat{\mu}^i_j$ for $(i, j)\in I_e$ as follows:
We write $X_o=T_{N^o}\text{emb}(\sigma^o)$ and
$X_e=T_{N^e}\text{emb}(\sigma^e)$ where
$$N^o=\Bbb Z n^o_1+\Bbb Z n^o_2,\quad
\sigma^o=\Bbb R_{\ge 0}n^o_1+\Bbb R_{\ge 0}(bn^o_1+mn^o_2)$$
$$N^e=\Bbb Z n^e_1+\Bbb Z n^e_2,\quad
\sigma^e=\Bbb R_{\ge 0}n^e_1+\Bbb R_{\ge 0}(an^e_1+mn^e_2)$$
For $(i, j)\in I_o$ (resp. $\in I_e$), we denote by $E^i_j$
the exceptional divisor of $p_o$ (resp. $p_e$) which
associated to $\hat{\lambda}^i_j n^o_1+\lambda^i_j n^o_2\in N^o$
(resp. $\hat{\mu}^i_j n^e_1+\mu^i_j n^e_2\in N^e$).
Note that by Lemma \ref{lemcurve},
for $\iota\in I_o$ (resp.$I_e$),
the proper transform of
\langle\alpha\rangle\in X_o$ (resp.
\langle\alpha\rangle\in X_e$)
intersects the exceptional locus transversly at $E_{\iota}$.
We define the order in $I$ as the same way as the normal case.
In the rest of this paper, we treat $X_{a,d,m}$ and $X_{a,m}$
simultaneously, otherwise we specifically state the normal or
non-normal case.
\section{$\lambda$-expansion and $\mu$-expantion}
In this section we introduce the notion of
$\lambda$-expansion and $\mu$-expansion, which is the key
in this paper.
Let $L=(j_1, l_2, j_3, l_4, \dots, j_{k-1}, l_k)$ be
a sequence of non-negative integers which is not $(0, 0, \dots, 0)$.
We call $L$ a $\lambda$-sequence if it satisfies
the following conditions.
\item $l_i\le q_i+1$ if $i\not= k$, and $l_k\le q_k$;
$j_i\le q_i$ for all odd $i$, and $j_i\not= 1$ if $i\not= 1$
\item If $l_{i_0}=q_{i_0}+1$, then there exists odd $i_1$ and $i_2$
which satisfies the following conditions.
\item $i_1<i_0<i_2\le k-1$
\item $l_{i'}=q_{i'}$ for all even $i'$
such that $i_1<i'<i_2$ and $i'\not= i_0$;
$j_{i'}=0$ for all odd $i'$ such that $i_1\le i'\le i_2$
\item $l_{i_1-1}<q_{i_1-1}$ if $i_1\ge 3$ and $l_{i_2+1}<q_{i_2}$
\item If $l_{i_0}=q_{i_0}$ and $j_{i_0+1}\ge 2$, then there exists odd $i_3$
which satisfies the following conditions.
\item $i_3<i_0$
\item $l_{i'}=q_{i'}$ for all even $i'$ such that $i_3<i'\le i_0$;
$j_{i'}=0$ for all odd $i'$ such that $i_3\le i'<i_0$
\item $l_{i_3-1}<q_{i_3-1}$ if $i_3\ge 3$
Let $M=(l_1, j_2, l_3, j_4, \dots, l_{k-1}, j_k)$ be
a sequence of non-negative integers which is not $(0, 0, \dots, 0)$.
We call $M$ a $\mu$-sequence if it satisfies
the following conditions.
\item $l_i\le q_i+1$ for all odd $i$;
$2\le j_i\le q_i$ for all even $i$
\item If $l_{i_0}=q_{i_0}+1$,
then there exists even $i_1$ and $i_2$ which satisfies
the following conditions.
\item $0\le i_1<i_0<i_2\le k$
\item $l_{i'}=q_{i'}$ for all odd $i'$
such that $i_1<i'<i_2$ and $i'\not= i_0$;
$j_{i'}=0$ for all even $i'$ such that $i_1\le i'\le i_2$
\item $l_{i_1-1}<q_{i_1}$ if $i_1\ge 2$,
$l_{i_2+1}<q_{i_2+1}$ if $i_2\le k-2$
\item If $l_{i_0}=q_{i_0}$ and $j_{i_0+1}\ge 2$, then there exists even $i_3$
which satisfies the following conditions.
\item $0\le i_3<i_0$
\item $l_{i'}=q_{i'}$ for all odd $i'$ such that $i_3<i'<i_0$;
$j_{i'}=0$ for all even $i'$ such that $i_3\le i'<i_0$
\item $l_{i_3-1}<q_{i_3-1}$ if $i_3\ge 2$
We denote by $\cal S_{\lambda}$ (resp. $\cal S_{\mu}$)
the set of all $\lambda$- (resp. $\mu$-) sequences.\\
Let $L$ be a $\lambda$-sequence and $h$ an integer
such that $1\le h\le k-1$.
We say that {\it the condition $*(h)$ holds for $L$}
if the following condions hold.\\
\item If $h$ is odd,
3\le i\le h \\ i\ \text{odd}
\item If $h$ is even,
3\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
If $l_h<q_h$ or $j_{h+1}\ge 2$ also hold,
3\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
$*(h)$ holds for all $L\in \cal S _{\lambda}$
and for all $h=1, 2, \dots, k-1$.
We use the induction on $h$.
It is clear that $*(1)$ holds.
Assume that $2\le h\le k-1$ and that
$*(\tilde{h})$ holds for all $\tilde{h}$
such that $\tilde{h} <h$.\\
First we treat that the case where $h$ is odd.\\
If $j_h\ge 2$, then by $*(h)$,
3\le i\le h-2 \\ i\ \text{odd}
3\le i\le h \\ i\ \text{odd}
&\le P_{h-2}+Q_{h-2}+q_h(P_{h-1}+Q_{h-1})\\
If $j_h=0$, by $*(h-1)$
3\le i\le h \\ i\ \text{odd}
3\le i\le h-2 \\ i\ \text{odd}
&\le P_h+Q_h
Next we treat the case where $h$ is even.
We divide the proof into four cases as follows\\
(1) $l_h<q_h$ (2) $l_h=q_h, j_h=0$
(3) $l_h=q_h, j_h\ge 2$ (4) $l_h=q_h+1$\\
(1) By $*(h-1)$,
3\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
3\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
(2) By $*(h-1)$,
3\le i\ h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
(3) By (iii) in Definition \ref{dfnlambda}, there exists odd $h'$
such that $l_{h'-1}<q_{h'-1}$ and
$$(j_{h'}, l_{h'+1}, j_{h'+2}, l_{h'+3}, \dots, j_{h-1}, l_h)
=(0, q_{h'+1}, 0, q_{h'+3}, \dots, 0, q_h)$$
Hence by $*(h'-1)$,
3\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
3\le i\le h'-2 \\ i\ \text{odd}
h'+2\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
h'+2\le i\le h+1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
(4) By (ii) in Definition \ref{dfnlambda}, there exists odd $h'$ such that
$l_{h'-1}<q_{h'-1}$ and
$$(j_{h'}, l_{h'+1}, j_{h'+2}, l_{h'+3}, j_{h'+4},
\dots, l_{h-2}, j_{h-1}, l_h)$$
$$=(0, q_{h'+1}, 0, q_{h'+3}, 0, \dots, q_{h-2}, 0, q_h)$$
Hence by $*(h'-1)$,
3\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
3\le i\le h'-2 \\ i\ \text{odd}
h'+2\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
+l_h\lambda^{h+1}_1 \\
h'+2\le i\le h-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
We define the order in $\cal S_{\lambda}$ as
$(j_1, l_2, \dots, l_k)<(j'_1, l'_2, \dots, l'_k)$
if and only if there exists $i$ such that
$j_i<j'_i$ or $l_i<l'_i$ and that $j_h=j'_h$, $l_h=l'_h$
for all $h>i$.
Let $v$ be a map from $\cal S_{\lambda}$ to $\Bbb Z$ defined by
$$v(l_1, j_2, \dots, l_{k-1}, j_k)
3\le i\le k-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
The map $v$ is an order isomorphism from $\cal S_{\lambda}$
to $\{ n\in \Bbb Z |1\le n\le m-1\}$
First we show that $L<L'$ implies $v(L)<v(L')$.
Let $L=(j_1, l_2, \dots, j_{k-1}, l_k)$ and
$L'=(j'_1, l'_2, \dots, j'_{k-1}, l'_k)$
be $\lambda$-sequences such that $L<L'$.
$$i_0=\max\{ i|
l_{\tilde{i}}=l'_{\tilde{i}}\ and\ j_{\tilde{i}}=j'_{\tilde{i}}
\ \text{for all}\ \tilde{i} >i\}$$
If $i_0$ is odd,
\ge \lambda^{i_0}_{j'_{i_0}}-\lambda^{i_0}_{j_{i_0}}
3\le i\le i_0-2 \\ i\ \text{odd}
Note that
P_{i_0-1}+Q_{i_0-1} &(\text{if}\ j_{i_0}\ge 2)\\
P_{i_0-2}+Q_{i_0-2}+P_{i_0-1}+Q_{i_0-1} &(\text{if}\ j_{i_0}=0)
Hence by $*(i_0-1)$, $v(L')-v(L)>0$\\
If $i_0$ is even,
&\ge (l'_{i_0}-l_{i_0})\lambda^{i_0+1}_1
-\{ \lambda^1_{j_1}+\sum
3\le i\le i_0-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
&\ge P_{i_0-1}+Q_{i_0-1}-\{\lambda^1_{j_1}+\sum
3\le i\le i_0-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
Hence by $*(i_0-1)$, $v(L')-v(L)>0$. Thus we have done.\\
Note that
$\max\cal S_{\lambda}
=(0, q_2, 0, q_4, 0, \dots, q_{k-2}, 0, q_k)$.
Thus $v$ is an order-preserving injection into
$\{ n\in\Bbb Z |1\le n\le m-1\}$.
Hence the rest we must prove is that
it is a injection into $\{ n\in\Bbb Z |1\le n\le m-1\}$.
Note that $1=\lambda^1_1<\lambda^1_2<\dots <\lambda^1_{q_1}
Thus it is sufficient to show that
$\text{Im}(v)\supseteq \{n|1\le n<\lambda^h_1\}$
$\text{Im}(v)\supseteq \{n|1\le n<\lambda^{h+2}_1\}$.
Let $n$ be an integer such that
$\lambda^h_1\le n<\lambda^{h+2}_1$.
We divide the proof into two cases.\\
(I) $\lambda^h_1\le n<\lambda^h_2$ or $q_h=1$
(II) $\lambda^h_2\le n<\lambda^{h+2}_1$\\
(I) Write $n=l_{h-1}\lambda^h_1+n'$ such that $0\le n'<\lambda^h_1$.
It is clear that $l_{h-1}\le q_{h-1}+1$.
By the induction hypothesis,
there exists $L'=(j_1, l_2, \dots, l_{h-3}, j_{h-2}, 0, \dots, 0)$
such that $v(L')=n'$.
Put $L=(j_1, l_2, \dots, l_{h-3}, j_{h-2}, l_{h-1}, 0, \dots, 0)$.
Assume that $L$ is not a $\lambda$-sequence.
Then by the definition of $\lambda$-sequence,
we get $l_{h-1}=q_{h-1}+1$ and there exists $h'$ such that
$$(l_{h'}, j_{h'+1}, l_{h'+2}, j_{h'+3}, l_{h'+4}, j_{h'+5},
\dots, l_{h-3}, j_{h-2}, l_{h-1})$$
$$=(q_{h'}+1, 0, q_{h'+2}, 0, q_{h'+4}, 0, \dots, q_{h-3}, 0, q_{h-1}+1)$$
$$(j_{h'}, l_{h'+1}, j_{h'+2}, l_{h'+3}, j_{h'+4},
\dots, l_{h-3}, j_{h-2}, l_{h-1})$$
$$=(j_{h'}, q_{h'+1}, 0, q_{h'+3}, 0, \dots, q_{h-3}, 0, q_{h-1}+1)$$
and $j_{h'}>0$.
In the both cases it is easily checked
\lambda^h_2 &(\text{if}\ q_h\ge 2)\\
\lambda^{h+2}_1 &(\text{if}\ q_h=1)
and this is a contradiction.
Thus $L$ is a $\lambda$-sequence, so we have done.\\
(II) Put $j_h=\max\{ j|j\ge 2, \lambda^h_j\le n\}$.
Clearly $j_h\le q_h$.
Since $n-\lambda^h_{j_h}<q_h$,
there exists $L'=(j_1, l_2, \dots, j_{h-2}, l_{h-1}, 0, \dots, 0)$
such that $v(L')=n-\lambda^h_{j_h}$
by the induction hypothesis and (I).
Put $L=(j_1, l_2, \dots, j_{h-2}, l_{h-1}, j_h, 0, \dots, 0)$
We can check $L\in\cal S_{\lambda}$ by the definition of
When we write
3\le i\le k-1 \\ i\ \text{odd}
where $(j_1, l_2, \dots, l_{k-1}, j_k)$
is a $\lambda$-sequence,
we call this expression a {\it $\lambda$-expansion of $n$}.
By the above proposition, $n=1, 2, \dots, m-1$ has unique $\lambda$-
Note that the proof of Proposition \ref{proplambda} shows
how to calculate $\lambda$-expansion of actual number.
When we write
2\le i\le k\\i\ \text{even}
where $(l_1, j_2, \dots, l_{k-1}, j_k)$,
we call this expression a {\it $\mu$-expansion of $n$}.
Similarly to $\lambda$-expansion,
we can prove that $n=1, 2, \dots, m-1$ has unique $\mu$-expansion.
\section{General $n$-canonical divisors}
Let $(Y,y)$ be a 2-dimensional rational singularity, and $p:\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}\rightarrow Y$
be the minimal desingularization.
Let $M$ be a reflexive module of rank 1 on $Y$, $F(M)$ the full sheaf
associated to $M$. (For the definition of full sheaf, see \cite{esn}.
In this situation,
Let $D$ be a member of $|M|$.
We call $D$ a general member of $|M|$ if \mbox{$\tilde{D}$}\ is a member of $|F(M)|$ and
intersects the exeptional locus transversely.
Note that general members always exist since the full sheaf is generated by
global sections.
Let $E=\cup_i E_{i}$ be the exeptional locus,
and write $p^{*}D=\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}+\sum_i\alpha(D)_{i}E_{i}$.
Let $D$ be a member of $|M|$ such that \mbox{$\tilde{D}$}\ and $E$ intersects transeversely.
Then $D$ is a general member if and only if the inequality
$\alpha(D)_{i}\leq\alpha(D^{\prime})_{i}$ holds for all $D^{\prime}\in|M|$ and
all $E_{i}$.
Suppose that $D$ is a general member of $|M|$ and $D'$ is a member of $|M|$.
The sequence
$$H_{E}^{0}(\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$},\cal O_{\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}))\rightarrow H^{0}(\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$},\cal
O_{\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}))\rightarrow H^{0}(\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}\setminus E,\cal O_{\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}))\rightarrow
H_{E}^{1}(\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$},\cal O_{\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}))$$
is exact.
Since $\cal O_{\mbox{$\tilde{X}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$})$ is a full sheaf, $H_{E}^{0}(\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$},\cal
O_{\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}))=H_E^1(\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$},\cal O_{\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}))=0$.
$H^0(\tilde{Y},\cal O_{\tilde{Y}}(\tilde{D}))\simeq H^0(Y, \cal O_Y(D))$.
Thus $D$ is linearly equivalent to $D'+(\text{effective divisor})$.
Hence the inequality holds since $\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}$ and
are linearly equivalent. Thus we have proved only if part.
Next suppose that $D$ is a member of $|M|$ such that \mbox{$\tilde{D}$}\ and $E$ intersect
transeversely and $\alpha(D)_i\leq\alpha(D^{\prime})_i$ for all
Let $D_0$ be a general member of $|M|$. By the assumption of $D$,
By the fact that we have already showed, $\alpha(D)_i\geq\alpha(D_0)_i$. Hence
Thus $D$ and $D_0$ are numerically equivalent,
hence they are lenearly equivalent since $Y$ is a rational singularity.
Hence $\cal O_{\mbox{$\tilde{Y}$}}(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$})$ is a full sheaf.
Let $M$ and $M^{\prime}$ be reflexive modules of rank 1 on $Y$. Let
$D_0$(resp.$D_0^{\prime}$) be a general member of $|M|$(resp.$|M^{\prime}|$).
$$D_0\cdot D_0^{\prime}=\min\{D\cdot
Let $D$(resp.$D^{\prime}$) be a member of $|M|$(resp.$|M^{\prime}|$).
D\cdot D^{\prime} &
=(p^*D)\cdot\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}^{\prime} \\
& =(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}+\sum\alpha(D)_iE_i)\cdot\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}^{\prime} \\
& \geq\sum\alpha(D)_i(E_i\cdot\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}^{\prime}) \\
& \geq\sum\alpha(D_0)_i(E_i\cdot\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}^{\prime}) \\
& =(\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}_0+\sum\alpha(D_0)_iE_i)\cdot\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}^{\prime} \\
& =p^*D_0\cdot\mbox{$\tilde{D}$}_0=D_0\cdot D^{\prime}
Similarly we can show $D_0\cdot D'\ge D_0\cdot D_0'$.
In the rest of this section we shall calculate
the general element of the $n$-canonical system of
semi-log-terminal singularities.
We denote by $\cal L$ (resp. $\cal L_o$ resp. $\cal L_e$)
the set of all functions from $I$ (resp. $I_o$ resp. $I_e$)
to $\Bbb Z$.
First we treat singularities of class T.
We begin by purely arithmetical lemmas.
Let $a$, $d$, $m$ and $n$ be positive integers
such that $\dfrac{m}{2}<a<m$, $(a, m)=1$ and $n<m$.
Let $\dfrac{a}{m-a} =[q_1, q_2, \dots, q_k]$
be the expantion into continued fraction,
$r_i$ be the $i$-th remainder of the Euclidean algorithm,
and $\dfrac{P_i}{Q_i}$ be the $i$-th convergent.
Let $\{ t_i\}_{i=1, 2, \dots, k}$ be a sequence of non-negative integers
such that $t_i\le q_i$ for $i\le k-1$ and $t_k\le q_k-1$.
Assume that $t_{i_0}$ be positive. Then
\item If $i_0$ is even,
$$-r_{i_0-1}<\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i<0$$
\item If $i_0$ is odd,
$$0<\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i<r_{i_0-1}$$
We use the induction on $k-i_0$.
If $i_0=k$, it is clear that the inequalities hold.
Assume that $i_0<k$ and that the inequalities hold
for all $i'_0$ such that $i_0<i'_0\le k$.
Let $i_0$ be even.
First we show $\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i<0$.
If $t_{i'}=0$ for all $i'$ such that $i'>i_0$ and $i'$ is odd,
$$\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\le -t_{i_0}r_{i_0}<0$$
Thus we assume that there exists $i'$ such that $i'>i_0$, $i'$ is odd, and
Let $i'_0$ be the minimum of such $i'$.
By the induction hypothesis,
$$\sum_{i'_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i<r_{i'_0}-1$$
\sum_{i'_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i
&\le -t_{i_0}r_{i_0}+\sum_{i'_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\\
Next we show $\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i>-r_{i_0-1}$.
If $t_{i'}=0$ for all $i'$ such that $i'>i_0$ and $i'$ is even,
$$\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\ge -t_{i_0}r_{i_0}
\ge -q_{i_0}r_{i_0}>-r_{i_0-1}$$
Thus we assume that there exists $i'$ such that $i'>i_0$, $i'$ is even, and
By the induction hypothesis,
$$\sum_{i'_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i>-r_{i'_0-1}$$
\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i
&\ge -t_{i_0}+\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\\
&\ge -q_{i_0}r_{i_0}-r_{i_0+1}\\
The proof is similar for odd $i_0$.
Let $(t_1, t_2, \dots, t_k)$ be a sequence of non-negative integers which
is not $(0, 0, \dots, 0)$.
We call this a $\tau$-sequence if it satisfies the following conditions.
\item $t_i\le q_i$ if $i\not= k$ and $t_k<q_k$.
\item If $t_{i_0-1}>0$ and $t_{i_0}=q_{i_0}$
for some $i_0$ such that $1<i_0<k$, then $t_{i_0+1}=q_{i_0+1}$.
If $t_{k-2}>0$ and $t_{k-1}=q_{k-1}$, then $t_k=q_k-1$.
Let $(0, 0, \dots, 0, t_{i_0}, t_{i_0+1}, \dots, t_k)$ be a $\tau$-sequence
such that $i_0$ is odd and $t_{i_0}>0$. Then
\item If $k$ is even,
$$\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i=1\Leftrightarrow i_0=k-1, t_{k-1}=1,
\item If $k$ is odd,
$$\sum_{i_0\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i=1\Leftrightarrow i_0=k, t_k=1$$
It can be easily checked and we left it for the reader.
For any integer $t$ such that $0<t<m-2$,
there exists a $\tau$-sequence $(t_1, t_2, \dots, t_k)$ such that
$t=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})$.\\
(We call this expression of $t$ the $\tau$-expansion of $t$.)
(Step 1) We can write $t=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})$
where $0\le t_i\le q_i$ for $i<k$ and $0\le t_k<q_k$.\\
(proof) We use the induction on $t$. By the induction hypothesis,
we can write $t-1=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})$,
where $0\le t_i\le q_i$ for $i<k$ and $0\le t_k<q_k$.
If $t_1<q_1$, we have done.
Assume $t_1=q_1$.
Note that $\sum_{1\le i\le
Hence there exists $i_0$ such that $i_0<k$, $t_i=q_i$ for all $i\le i_0$,
and $t_{i_0+1}<q_{i_0+1}$ (if $i_0<k-1$); $t_k\le q_k-2$ (if $i_0=k-1$).
1\le i\le i_0 \\ i\ \text{even}
+&\sum_{i_0+2\le i\le k}t_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1}) \\
&(\text{if}\ i_0\ \text{is odd})\\
1\le i\le i_0 \\ i\ \text{odd}
+&\sum_{i_0+2\le i\le k}t_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1}) \\
&(\text{if}\ i_0\ \text{is even})
(Step 2) We write $t=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t^{(1)}_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})$ as in (Step
If there exists $i_0$ such that $t_{i_0-1}>0$, $t_{i_0}=q_{i_0}$,
and $t_{i_0+1}<q_{i_0+1}$ (if $i_0<k-1$); $t_{i_0}\le q_{i_0+1}-2$ (if
we transform $(t^{(1)}_1, \dots, t^{(1)}_k)$ to
$(t^{(2)}_1, \dots, t^{(2)}_k)
=(t_1, \dots, t_{i_0-2}, t_{i_0-1}-1, 0, t_{i_0+1}+1, t_{i_0+2}, \dots, t_k)$.
We repeat this operation.
Since $\sum_{1\le i\le k}t^{(j)}_i$ strictly decrease by this operation,
we can get a $\tau$-sequence after finitely many operations.
Remark. We can prove that the $\tau$-expansion is unique.
Put $\cal T$, $v$ and $\cal T_{\min}$ as follows
\cal T &=\{ (s, t)\in \Bbb Z _{\ge 0} \times \Bbb Z _{\ge 0}|
s+\{ dm(m-a)-1\} t\equiv dm(m-a)n\ (mod\ dm^2) \}\\
v&=\min\{s+t|(s, t)\in \cal T \}\\
\cal T _{\min}&=\{ (s, t)\in \cal T|s+t=v\}
\item If $d=1$ and $k$ is even, then
\cal T _{\min}=\{ (n, n)\} &(n<m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}))\\
\cal T _{\min}=\{ (n+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}, n-m+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\}
\ &(n\ge m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}))
\item If $d=1$ and $k$ is odd, then
\cal T _{\min}=\{ (n, n)\} &(n<m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}))\\
\cal T _{\min}=\{ (n-m+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}, n+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\}
\ &(n\ge m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}))
\item If $d\ge 2$, then $\cal T_{\min} =\{ (n, n)\}$
For a positive integer $t$, put
$$s_t=\min\{ s|(s, t)\in \cal T \}$$
Since $(n, n)\in \cal T$, we get $v\le 2n$, thus
$$v=\min\{ s_t+t|0\le t\le 2n\}$$
$$\cal T _{\min}=\{(s_t, t)|0\le t\le 2n, s_t+t=v\}$$
Hence we estimate $s_t$ for $t$ such that $0\le t\le 2n$.
It is clear that $s_n=n$.\\
(Claim I) Assume $t<n$. Then
\item If $k$ is even, $d=1$, $n\ge m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$
and $t=n-m+(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$,
then $s_t=n+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$
\item Otherwise $s_t+t>2n$
(Proof of Claim I)
It is clear that $s_0=dma>2n$, thus we assume $t>0$.
Put $t'=n-t$.
Let $t'=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})$
be the $\tau$-expansion of $t'$.
Put $i_0=\min\{i|t_i>0\}$
First let $i_0$ be even.
We must prove $s_t+t>0$ in this case
since $i_0=1$ when $k$ is even and $t=n-m+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$.
Let $(s, t)$ be an element in $\cal L$.
We can write $s=n+\{dm(m-a)-1\}t'-s'$ in which $s'$ is an integer.
Note that $(m-a)t'-m\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}
=\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i$.
Assume $s'\ge \sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_i$.
Then by Lemma \ref{lemrineq},
s&\le n-t'+dm\{ (m-a)t'-m\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}\}\\
&=n-t'+dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\\
&\le n-t'-dm\\
This is a contradiction.
Thus $s'\le \sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}-1$.\par
Next put $s'=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}-1$.
Then by Lemma \ref{lemrineq},
s&=n-t'+dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i+dm^2\\
Hence $s'_t=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}+1$ and $s_t>2n$.
Thus we have done for even $i_0$.\\
Secondly let $i_0$ be odd.
Assume that $s'\ge \sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}+1$.
Then by Lemma \ref{lemrineq},
s&\le n-t'+dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i-dm^2\\
This is a contradiction,
thus $s'\le \sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}+1$.
Next assume
$s'=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}$.
Then by Lemma \ref{lemrineq},
$$s=n-t'+dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\ge n-t'+dm>0$$
Hence $$s_t=n-t'+dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_ir_i$$
and $$s_t+t=2t+dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i$$
If $d\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\ge 2$, then $s_t+t=2m>2n$.
If $d\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i=1$, by Lemma \ref{lemtau},\\
(a) $d=1$, $k$ is even, and $t'=m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$.\\
or (b) $d=1$, $k$ is odd, and $t'=P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$.\\
In the case (b),
In the case (a),
$$t=n-m+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1},\ s_t=n+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$$
Thus we have done.
(Claim II) Assume $t>n$. Then
\item If $k$ is odd, $d=1$, $n\ge m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$,
and $t=n+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$,
then $s_t=n-m+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$
\item Otherwise $s_t+t>2n$
(Proof of Claim II)
Put $t'=t-n$.
If $t'=m-1$, then $n=m-1$ and $t=2m-2$.
It is easy to see
Thus we assume $t'\le m-2$.
Let $t'=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_i(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})$
be the $\tau$-expansion of $t'$,
and put $i_0=\min\{i|t_i>0\}$.
Write $s=n-\{ dm(m-a)-1\}t'+dm^2s'$ for $(s, t)\in \cal T$.
For the case such that $i_0$ is even, we can get
$$s_t=n+t'-dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i>2n$$
by the similar way using Lemma \ref{lemrineq}.
If $t=P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$, then $i_0=k$, thus we have done for this case.
Assume that $i_0$ is odd, and let $(s, t)\in \cal T$.
If $s'\le \sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}-1$,
we can get $s<0$ by Lemma \ref{lemrineq}.
Put $s'=\sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}$.
Then we get $s=n+t'-dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i$
If $d\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i\ge 2$,
then $s_t=n+t'-dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i+dm^2$,
hence $s_t+t>2n$.\\
If $d\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i=1$, by Lemma \ref{lemrineq}\\
(a) $d=1$, $k$ is even, $t'=m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$\\
or (b) $d=1$, $k$ is odd, $t'=P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$\\
In the case (a), $n+t'-dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i
If $n<P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$,
then $s'_t\ge \sum_{1\le i\le k}t_iQ_{i-1}+1$,
thus $s_t+t>2n$.\\
If $n\ge P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$,
then $s_t=n-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$,\\
thus $s_t+t=2n+m-2(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})>2n$.\\
In the case (b),
$$n+t'-dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i
If $n<m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$,
then $s_t=n+t'-dm\sum_{1\le i\le k}(-1)^{i-1}t_ir_i+dm^2$,\\
thus $s_t+t>2n$.\\
If $n\ge m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$,
then $s_t=n-m+P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1}$.\\
Thus we have done.
Summarizing (I) and (II), we have proved the proposition.
We define $\delta^{\iota}\in \cal L$ by $\delta^{\iota}_{\eta}=0$
for $\eta\not= \iota$ and $\delta^{\iota}_{\iota}=1$.
And for $\nu\in\cal L$, we define $\alpha(\nu)\in\cal L\otimes\Bbb Q$
by $\alpha(\nu)_{\eta}=\sum_{\iota\in I}\alpha^{\iota}_{\eta}\nu_{\iota}$.
Let $n$ be an integer such that $1\le n\le m-1$.
3\le i\le k-1 \\ i\ \text{\em{odd}}
2\le i\le k\\i\ \text{\em{even}}
be the $\lambda$- and $\mu$- expansion of $n$.
We define $\nu(n)^o\in I_o$, $\nu(n)^e\in I_e$,
$\nu(n)\in I$ as follows:
\nu(n)^o=&\delta^{1, j_1}+\sum
3\le i\le k-1\\i\ \text{\em{odd}}
(l_{i-1}\delta^{i, 1}+\delta^{i, j_i})+l_k\delta^{k+1, 1}\\
2\le i\le k\\i\ \text{\em{even}}
(l_{i-1}\delta^{i, 1}+\delta^{i, j_i})\\
Let $n$ be an integer such that $1\le n\le m-1$. Then
$$\deg_{E_{\iota}}F(-nK_X)=\nu (n)_{\iota}\quad
for\ all\ \iota\in I$$
Let $\nu'(n)$ be an element of $\cal L$ such that
Put $d'=\lceil \dfrac{d}{2} \rceil$.
Put $I'_o$ and $I'_e$ as follows
&I'_o=\{ (i, j)\in I|i \text{ is odd and } j\le d'\text{ if }i=k+1\}\\
&I'_e=I\smallsetminus I'_o
For $\nu\in \cal L$, define $s(\nu)$ and $t(\nu)$ as follows
$$s(\nu)=\sum_{\iota\in I'_o}\nu_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota},\quad
t(\nu)=\sum_{\iota\in I'_e}\nu_{\iota}\mu_{\iota}$$
Let $\cal L (n)$ be the set of elements of $\cal L$
satisfying the following conditions\\
(i) $\nu_{\iota}\ge 0$ for all $\iota\in I$\\
(ii) $s(\nu )+\{ dm(m-a)-1\} t(\nu) \equiv dm(m-a)n \pmod{dm^2}$\\
By Lemma \ref{lemfull}, it is clear
that $\nu'(n)$ is an element of $\cal L (n)$ which is
characterized by the inequalities $\alpha (\nu'(n))_{\eta}
=\alpha (\nu )_{\eta}$ for all $\nu\in\cal L$ and
for all $\eta\in I$.
First we show
$$s(\nu'(n))=s(\nu (n)),\quad t(\nu'(n))=t(\nu (n))$$
For $\nu\in\cal L$,
dm^2\alpha (\nu)^{k+1}_{d'}
=&\mu^{k+1}_{d'}\sum_{\iota\in I'_o}\nu_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota}
+\lambda^{k+1}_{d'}\sum_{\iota\in I'_e}\nu_{\iota}\mu_{\iota}\\
=&\{ (d-d'+1)m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\}(s(\nu )+t(\nu ))\\
&-\{(d-2d'+2)m-2(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\}t(\nu )\\
=&:\alpha (s(\nu)+t(\nu))-\beta t(\nu)
If $d\ge 2$,
dm^2\alpha (\nu )^{k+1}_{d'+1}
=&\{ (d-d')m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\}(s(\nu)+t(\nu))\\
&+\{ (2d'-d)m+2(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\} t(\nu)\\
=&:\gamma (s(\nu )+t(\nu ))+\delta t(\nu )
Note that $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, and $\delta$ are
all positive.
Thus by the Proposition \ref{propsmin} we have done for this case.\\
If $d=1$,
$$dm^2\alpha (\nu)^k_{q_k -1}=
Thus we can use the same arguement as above.\\
Next we show $\nu (n)_{\eta}=\nu'(n)_{\eta}$ for $\eta\in I_o$
by induction.
Let $\eta$ be an element of $I_o$ which is not (1, 1).
Assume $\nu (n)_{\iota}=\nu'(n)_{\iota}$ for all $\iota\in I_o$
such that $\iota >\eta$.
For $\nu\in\cal L$,
dm^2\alpha (\nu )_{\eta^l}=&-dm^2\nu_{\eta}+(s(\nu)-
\sum_{\iota >\eta}\nu_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota})\mu_{\eta^l}\\
&+(t(\nu)+\sum_{\iota >\eta}\nu_{\iota}\mu_{\iota})\lambda_{\eta^l}
Thus $$\nu'(n)_{\eta}\ge \nu(n)_{\eta}$$
Note that $$\sum_{\iota\in I'_o, \iota\le\eta}\nu'(n)_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota}
=\sum_{\iota\in I'_o, \iota\le\eta}\nu (n)_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota}$$
Thus by the property of the $\lambda$-expansion,
we get $\nu'(n)_{\eta}=\nu (n)_{\eta}$.\\
The same arguement shows $\nu (n)_{\eta}=\nu' (n)_{\eta}$
for all $\eta\in I_e$.
Let $n$ be an integer such that $1\le n\le m-1$. Let
3\le i\le k-1 \\ i\ \text{\em{odd}}
2\le i\le k \\ i\ \text{\em{even}}
be the $\lambda$- and $\mu$- expansion.\\
3\le i\le k-1 \\ i\ \text{\em{odd}}
(\sum_{1\le h_{i-1}\le l_{i-1}}C^i_{1, h_{i-1}}
+\sum_{1\le h_k\le l_k}C^{k+1}_{1, h_k}$$
2\le i\le k \\ i\ \text{\em{even}}
(\sum_{1\le h_{i-1}\le l_{i-1}}C^i_{1, h_{i-1}}
is a general member of $|-nK_X|$.
Next we treat the non-normal case. It is easier than the
normal case.
Let $n$ be an integer such that $1\le n\le m-1$. Then
=\nu_o(n)_{\iota}\quad for\ all\ \iota\in I_o$$
=\nu_e(n)_{\iota}\quad for\ all\ \iota\in I_e$$
We only show the first equality since the proof is
similar for the second one.
Let $\nu'_o(n)$ be an element of $\cal L_o$ such that
for $\iota\in I_o$.
Put $\sigma (\nu)=\sum_{\iota\in I_o}\nu_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota}$
for $\nu\in\cal L_o$, and put
$$\cal L_o(n)=\{\nu\in\cal L_o|\nu\ \text{is nef},
\sigma (\nu)\equiv n\pmod{m}\}$$
By Lemma \ref{lemfull}, $\nu'_o(n)$ is an element of
$\cal L_o(n)$ which is characterized by
for all $\nu\in\cal L_o$ and for all $\eta\in I_o$.
Since $m\alpha(\nu)^{k+1}_1=\sigma(\nu)$
and $\sigma(\nu_o(n))=n$,
we get $\sigma(\nu'_o(n))=\sigma(\nu_o(n))$.
Thus we can prove the theorem by the induction using the formula
\sum_{\iota\in I_o, \iota >\eta}\nu_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota})
+\lambda_{\eta^l}\sum_{\iota\in I_o, \iota >\eta}
similarly to the proof of Theorem \ref{thmdegfull1}.
\section{Local intersection number}
As the application of the result of Section \ref{secdiv}, we shall prove
the following Thorem \ref{thmbound} in this section.
For a sequence of positive integers $(L_1, L_2, \dots, L_J)$ and
a positive integer $N$, we define the sequence $(N_{-1}, N_0, N_1, \dots,
N_J)$ by $$N_{-1}=N_0=N,\ N_j=L_jN_{j-1}+N_{j-2}\ (1\le j\le J)$$
We define $B((L_1, L_2, \dots, L_J), N)$ by
$B((L_1, L_2, \dots, L_J), N)=N_J$.
\par For a pair of positive integers $(M, N)$, we define $B(M, N)$ by
$$B(M, N)=\max\{B((L_1, L_2, \dots, L_J), N)|
\sum_{1\le j\le J}L_j=M\}$$
Let $(X, x)$ be a 2-dimensional smoothable semi-log-terminal
singularity, and $n$ a positive integer.
Let $D$ and $D'$ be members in $|nK_X|$ which do not have common components.
$$\text{\em{index}}(X, x)\le B(D\cdot D'+1, n)$$
We define $\Bbb Z$-valued symmetric bilinear forms
$\cal O$ and $\cal E$ on $\cal L$ by
\cal O(\delta^{\iota},\delta^{\eta})=
\lambda_{\iota}\bar{\lambda}_{\eta}\quad &(\iota,\eta\in I_o,\iota <\eta)\\
\bar{\lambda}_{\iota}\lambda_{\eta}\quad &(\iota,\eta\in I_o,\iota\ge\eta)\\
0\quad &(\text{otherwise})
\cal E(\delta^{\iota},\delta^{\eta})=
\mu_{\iota}\bar{\mu}_{\eta}\quad &(\iota,\eta\in \bar{I}_e,\iota<\eta)\\
\bar{\mu}_{\iota}\mu_{\eta}\quad &(\iota,\eta\in \bar{I}_e,\iota\ge\eta)\\
0\quad &(\text{otherwise})
where $\bar{I}_e=I_e\cup\{(k+1,d)\}$ in the normal case, and
$\bar{I}_e=I_e$ in the non-normal case.
Let $\nu=\nu^o+\nu^e$ and $\tilde{\nu}=\tilde{\nu}^o+\tilde{\nu}^e$ be members
in $\cal L$.
Then in the normal case,
=&(dma-1)\sigma (\nu^o)\sigma (\tilde{\nu}^o) +\sigma (\nu^o)\tau
+\tau (\nu^e)\sigma (\tilde{\nu}^o) -(dma+1)\tau (\nu^e) \tau(\tilde{\nu}^e)\\
&+dm^2 (\cal E (\nu^e , \tilde{\nu}^e) -\cal O (\nu^o, \tilde{\nu}^o ))
and in the non-normal case,
+m(\cal E(\nu^e,\tilde{\nu}^e)
-\cal O(\nu^o,\tilde{\nu}^o))
First, we treat the normal case.
We shall calculate the each term of the left hand side of
$$\nu \cdot \tilde{\nu} = \nu^o \cdot \tilde{\nu}^o +\nu^o \cdot \tilde{\nu}^e
+ \nu^e \cdot \tilde{\nu}^o + \nu^e \cdot \tilde{\nu}^e$$
We can easily get $dm^2 \nu^o \cdot \tilde{\nu}^e =\sigma (\nu^o)\tau
(\tilde{\nu}^e)$ and
$dm^2 \nu^e \cdot \tilde{\nu}^o = \tau (\nu^e)\sigma(\tilde{\nu}^o)$.
By the formula $\mu_{\iota}=-\lambda_{\iota}+dm\rho_{\iota}$,
dm^2 \nu^o \cdot \tilde{\nu}^e &=\sum_{\iota \in I_o} \nu^o_{\iota}
\{\lambda_{\iota} \sum_{\eta \in I_o , \eta \ge \iota} \tilde{\nu}^o_{\eta}
+\mu_{\iota}\sum_{\eta \in I_o, \eta <\iota} \tilde{\nu}^o_{\eta}
&=\sum_{\iota \in I_o} \nu^o_{\iota}[-\lambda_{\iota}\sigma (\tilde{\nu}^o)
+ dm\{\rho_{\iota}\sum_{\eta \in I_o, \eta <\iota}\tilde{\nu}^o_{\eta}
+\lambda_{\iota}\sum_{\eta \in I_o, \eta \ge \iota} \tilde{\nu}^o_{\eta}
&=-\sigma (\nu^o)\sigma (\tilde{\nu}^o)
+dm\sum_{\iota \in I_o} \nu^o_{\iota}
\{ \rho_{\iota}\sum_{\eta \in I_o, \eta <\iota} \tilde{\nu}^o_{\eta}
+\lambda_{\iota}\sum_{\eta \in I_o, \eta \ge \iota} \tilde{\nu}^o_{\eta}
By the formula $\rho_{\iota}=-m\bar{\lambda}_{\iota}+a\lambda_{\iota}$, we can
&\rho_{\iota}\sum_{\eta \in I_o, \eta <\iota}\tilde{\nu}^o_{\eta}\lambda_{\eta}
+\lambda_{\iota}\sum_{\eta\in I_o, \eta \ge
-m(\bar{\lambda}_{\iota}\sum_{\eta\in I_o, \eta <\iota}
+\lambda_{\iota}\sum_{\eta\in I_o,
Hence we get
$$dm^2\nu^o\cdot\tilde{\nu}^o = (dma-1)\sigma(\nu^o)\sigma (\tilde{\nu}^o)
-dm^2 \cal O (\nu^o, \tilde{\nu}^o)$$
Simarlarly we get
dm^2 \nu^e\cdot\tilde{\nu}^e
+dm^2 \cal E (\nu^e, \tilde{\nu}^e)
Summarizing all the above formulas, we get the first equality.
Next for the non-normal case, we can get
a\sigma(\nu)\sigma(\tilde{\nu})-m\cal O(\nu,\tilde{\nu})$
for $\nu,\tilde{\nu}\in\cal L_o$,
-a\tau(\nu)\tau(\tilde{\nu})+m\cal E(\nu,\tilde{\nu})$
for $\nu,\tilde{\nu}\in\cal L_e$.
We leave the details for the reader.
Note that $\nu\cdot\tilde{\nu}=\cal E (\nu^e, \tilde{\nu}^e)-\cal O (\nu^o,
\tilde{\nu}^o)$ if $\sigma (\nu^o)=\tau (\nu^e)$ and
$\sigma (\tilde{\nu}^o)=\tau (\tilde{\nu}^o)$ hold.
If $\nu^o\le\tilde{\nu}^o, \nu^e\le\tilde{\nu}^e, \sigma (\nu^o)=\tau (\nu^e),
\sigma (\tilde{\nu}^o)=\tau (\tilde{\nu}^e)$ and
$\bar{\sigma}(\tilde{\nu}^o)=\bar{\tau}(\tilde{\nu}^e)$ hold,
then $\nu\cdot\tilde{\nu}=0$.
This can be easily checked by the above lemma.
For $\iota =(i, j)\in I$ such that $i\not= k+1$,
put $$\varphi (\iota)=-\delta^{i, 1}+\delta^{i, j}+(j-1)\delta^{i+1, j}$$
&\sigma (\varphi (\iota )^o)=\tau(\varphi (\iota)^e)=(j-1)(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})\\
&\bar{\sigma}(\varphi(\iota)^o)=\bar{\tau}(\varphi (\iota)^e)=(j-1)P_{i-1}\\
&\varphi (\iota)^2=j-1
We can get the first and the second formula by direct calculation.
By the formula $P_{i-2}Q_{i-1}-Q_{i-2}P_{i-1}=(-1)^i$,
we get $$\cal E (\varphi (\iota)^e, \varphi
and $$\cal O (\varphi (\iota)^o, \varphi (\iota)^o)=(j-1)^2
Thus by the above corollary, we can get the third formula.
Let $\iota =(i_1, j_1)$, $\eta=(i_2, j_2)$ be elements in $I$ such that
$i_2\not= k+1$, the parity of $i_1$ coincides the one of $i_2$
and $\iota\le (i_2, 1)$.
For such pair $(\iota, \eta)$, we define $\psi(\iota, \eta)$ as follows
$$\psi (\iota, \eta)=
\iota\le (i, 1)\le\eta \\ i\ \text{\em{odd}}, i\not= 1
q_{i-1}\delta^{i,1} -\delta^{i_2, 1}+\delta^{\eta}+j_2 \delta^{i_2+1, 1}\quad
(\iota\in I_o)\\
\iota\le (i, 1)\le\eta \\ i\ \text{\em{even}}
q_{i-1}\delta^{i,1} -\delta^{i_2, 1}+\delta^{\eta}+j_2 \delta^{i_2+1, 1}\quad
(\iota\in I_e)
Let $(\iota, \eta =(i'', 1))$ be the pair for which $\psi$ can be defined.
$$\sigma (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o)=\tau (\psi (\iota, \eta
$$\bar{\sigma}(\psi (\iota, \eta )^o)=P_{i''+1},\quad
\bar{\tau}(\psi (\iota, \eta )^e)=
P_{i''-1}\qquad & (\iota \not= (2, 1))\\
P_{i''-1}+1\quad & (\iota = (2, 1))
$$\psi (\iota, \eta )^2 =
i'+1\le i\le i''-1 \\ i\ \text{\em{even}}
q_i\qquad & (\iota\in I_o)\\
\begin{Sb} i'+1\le i\le i''-1 \\ i\ \text{\em{odd}}
q_i\qquad & (\iota\in I_e)
Since the calculation is the same, we show the outline of it for the case
$\iota \in I_o$.
We can easily calculate $\sigma$, $\tau$, $\bar{\sigma}$, and $\bar{\tau}$.
$$\psi (\iota, \eta )^2 =\cal E (\psi (\iota, \eta)^e, \psi (\iota, \eta
)^e)-\cal O (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o, ( \psi (\iota, \eta )^o)$$
By the definion,
$$\cal E (\psi (\iota, \eta)^e, \psi (\iota,
To calculate $\cal O (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o, \psi (\iota, \eta)^o)$, note that
i'+2\le i\le h \\ i\ \text{odd}
h+2\le i\le i''\\ i\ \text{odd}
for odd $h$ such that $i'+2\le h\le i''$. Then
\cal O (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o, \psi (\iota,\eta)^o)=
&-\lambda_{\iota ^l}\bar{\sigma}(\psi (\iota,
&+\lambda (\sum
i'+2\le i \le i''\\ i\ \text{odd}
&+\sum\begin{Sb} i'+2\le h \le i''\\ h\ \text{odd}
q_{h-1}\{ \bar{\lambda}^h_1 (P_{h-1}+Q_{h-1})+\lambda (P_{i''-1}-P_{h-1})\}
&-\lambda_{\iota^l}\bar{\sigma}(\psi (\iota,
+\lambda_{\iota} (\sum
i'+2\le i\le i''\\ i\ \text{odd}
q_{i-1}\bar{\lambda}^i_1 )\\
+\lambda_{\iota} (P_{i''-1}-P_{i'-1})\\
=&(P_{i'-1}+Q_{i'-1})P_{i''-1}+(P_{i'-1}+Q_{i'-1})\bar{\lambda}_{\iota}+\lambda_{\iota} P_{i-1}\\
&\bar{\lambda}^h_1 (P_{h-1}+Q_{h-1})+\lambda^h_1 (P_{i'-1}-P_{h-1})\\
&\cal O (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o, \psi (\iota, \eta)^o)\\
\begin{Sb} i'+2\le h\le i''\\ h\ \text{odd} \end{Sb}
\begin{Sb} i'+2\le h \le i''\\ h\ \text{odd}\end{Sb}
\sum\begin{Sb} i'+2\le h\le i''\\ h\ \text{odd}\end{Sb}
\begin{Sb}i'+1\le i\le i''-1\\ i\ \text{even}\end{Sb}
Thus we have done.
Let $(\iota,\eta)$ be a pair for which $\psi$ can be defined. Then
$$\sigma (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o)
=\tau (\psi (\iota, \eta)^e)
\bar{\sigma}(\psi (\iota, \eta)^o)=
j''P_{i''-1 },\quad
\bar{\tau}(\psi (\iota, \eta)^e)=
j''P_{i''-1}\qquad &(\iota\not= (2, 1))\\
j''P_{i''-1}+1\quad &(\iota =(2, 1))
\psi (\iota, \eta)=
\begin{Sb}i'+1\le i\le i''-1\\ i\ \text{\em{even}}\end{Sb}
q_i\quad &(if\ \iota \in I_o)\\
\begin{Sb}i'+1\le i\le i''-1\\ i\ \text{\em{odd}}\end{Sb}
q_i\quad &(if\ \iota \in I_e)
Note that $\psi (\iota, \eta)=\psi (\iota, (i'', 1))+\varphi (\eta)$.
$$\sigma (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o)
=\sigma (\psi (\iota, \eta)^o)+\sigma (\varphi (\eta)^o)
$\tau$, $\bar{\sigma}$ and $\bar{\tau}$ are simarlarly calculated.
By Corollary \ref{corint}, $\psi(\iota,(i'', 1))\cdot \varphi(\eta)=0$.
$$\psi(\iota, \eta)^2=\psi(\iota, (i'', 1))^2+\varphi(\eta)^2$$
Thus the formula follows from Lemma \ref{lemvarphi} and \ref{lempsi}.
For $(i, j)\in I$ such that $1\le i\le k-1$ and $1\le j\le q_i$,
we put
$$\theta (i, j) =-\delta^{i, q_i-j+1}+\delta^{i+2, 1}
+j\delta^{i+1, 1}$$
$$\sigma (\theta (i, j)^o)
=\tau (\theta (i, j)^e)
$$\bar{\sigma}(\theta (i, j)^o)
=\bar{\tau}(\theta (i, j)^e)
$$\theta (i, j)=j$$
We will only show the outline of the calculation
for odd $i$ since it is similar for even $i$.
We can easily get the formulas for
$\sigma$, $\tau$, $\bar{\sigma}$ and $\bar{\tau}$.
Thus by Lemma \ref{lemint},
$$\theta (i, j)^2 =\cal E (\theta (i,j)^e, \theta (i, j)^e)
-\cal O (\theta (i, j)^o, \theta (i, j)^o)$$
By the definition,
$$\cal E (\theta (i, j)^e, \theta (i, j)^e)=
&\cal O (\theta (i, j)^o, \theta (i, j)^o)\\
Hence we have done.
For a positive integer $n$ which is smaller than $m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$,
we put
$$i(n)=\max\{i|0\le i \le k-1, P_i+Q_i\le n\}$$
If $0<n<m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})$,
$$\nu (n)^2\le \dfrac{n}{P_{i(n)}+Q_{i(n)}}$$
We use the induction on $i(n)$.
If $i(n)=0$, it can be easily checked that $\nu (n)^2 =n$.
Let $i$ be an integer such that $1\le i\le k-1$.
Assume that the ineqality holds for all $n$ such that $i(n)<i$.
We will show that the inequality holds for $n$
such that $i(n)=i$ under this assumption.
We also assume $i$ is odd since the proof is similar for even $i$.
Write $n=j(P_i+Q_i)+n'$ such that $0\le n'<P_i+Q_i$.
If $n'=0$, we can check
(by the definition of $\lambda$- and $\mu$- expansion)
that $$\nu (n)=\psi ((2, 1), (i+1, j))$$
Thus by Corollary \ref{corpsi},
$$\nu (n)^2\le j$$
Hence we have done in this case.
Thus we assume $n'>0$.
We divide the proof into two cases as follows
(i)$n'<P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1}$ (ii)$n'\ge P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1}$
(i) Put
$$\eta =\min\{\iota\in\bar{I}_e|\iota '<\iota\ for\ all\ \iota '\in \bar{I}_e
\ such\ that\ \nu (n')_{\iota '}\not= 0\}$$
We can check (by the definition of $\lambda$- and $\mu$- expantion)
$$\nu (n)=\nu (n')+\psi (\eta, (i+1, j))$$
Since $\nu (n')^o\le \psi (\eta, (i+1, j))^o$
and $\nu (n')^e\le \psi (\eta, (i+1, j))^e$ hold,
thus by Corollary \ref{corint},
$$\nu (n)^2=\nu (n')^2+\psi (\eta, (i+1, j))^2$$
By Corollary \ref{corpsi} and the induction hypothesis,
\nu (n)^2(P_{i}+Q_{i})&\ge \nu (n')^2(P_{i}+Q_{i})
&\ge \nu (n')^2(P_{i(n')}+Q_{i(n')})+j(P_{i}+Q_{i})\\
&\ge n'+j(P_i+Q_i)\\
Thus we have done.
(ii) We can check
$$\nu (n)=\nu (n')+\varphi (i+1, j+1)$$
$$\nu (n')^o\le \varphi (i+1, j+1)^o,\quad
\nu (n')^e\le \varphi (i+1, j+1)^e$$
Thus we can get the inequality by the similar way to (i)
using Lemma \ref{lemvarphi} and the induction hypothesis,
For $n$ such that $m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\le n\le m-1$,
we define $i(n)$ and $j(n)$ as follows
$$i(n)=\min\{i|0\le i\le k-1, m-n\le P_i+Q_i\}$$
$$j(n)=\lceil \dfrac{m-n}{P_{i(n)-1}+Q_{i(n)-1}} \rceil -1$$
Let $n$, $i$, $j$ be positive integers such that
$m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\le n\le m-1$,
$i\le k-1$, $j\le q_i$ and $i(n)\le i-1$.
Then $\nu (n)\cdot\theta (i, j)=j$.
We only show the proof for even $i$.
By Lemma \ref{lemint},
$$\nu (n)\cdot\theta (i, j)
=\cal E (\nu (n)^e, \theta (i, j)^e)
-\cal O (\nu (n)^o, \theta (i, j)^o)$$
First we calculate $\cal E (\nu (n)^e, \theta (i, j)^e)$.
Note that $m-(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})\le n\le m-1$.
Thus the $\mu$-expantion of $n$ is as follows
n=\sum\begin{Sb} 2\le h\le i-2\\ h\ \text{even}\end{Sb}
(l_{h-2}\mu ^h_1 +\mu ^h_{j_h})
+l_{i-1}\mu ^i_1
+\sum\begin{Sb}i+2\le h\le k-2\\ h\ \text{even}\end{Sb}
q_{h-1}\mu ^h_1
+q_{k-1}\mu ^k_1 +\mu ^k_{q_k}
Since $\sum\begin{Sb}\iota\in \bar{I}_e\\ \iota\ge (i+2, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^e_{\iota}\mu_{\iota}
we get
$$\sum\begin{Sb} \iota\in \bar{I}_e\\ \iota\le (i, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^e_{\iota} \mu_{\iota}
Using this formula and the formula
$\sum_{\iota\in \bar{I}_e, \iota\ge (i+2, 1)}
\nu (n)^e_{\iota}\bar{\mu}_{\iota}
we get
&\cal E (\nu (n)^e, \theta (i, j)^e)\\
=&\cal E (\sum_{\iota\in\bar{I}_e, \iota\le (i,1)}
\nu (n)^e_{\iota}\delta^{\iota}
+\sum_{\iota\in I_e, \iota\ge (i+2, 1)}
\nu (n)^e_{\iota}\delta ^{\iota},
\theta (i, j)^e)\\
=&\tau (\sum _{\iota\in\bar{I}_e, \iota\le (i, 1)}
\nu (n)^e_{\iota}\delta ^{\iota}
\cdot\bar{\tau}(\theta (i, j)^e)
+\bar{\tau}(\sum_{\iota\in\bar{I}_e, \iota\le (i+2, 1)}
\nu (n)^e_{\iota}\delta^{\iota}
\cdot\tau (\theta (i, j)^e)\\
=&(n-m+P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})\cdot jP_{i-1}
+(a-P_{i-1})\cdot j(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})\\
Next we calculate $\cal O (\nu (n)^o, \theta (i, j)^o)$.
The $\lambda$-expansion of $n$ is as follows
n=\lambda^1_{j_1}+\sum\begin{Sb} 3\le h\le i-1 \\ h\ \text{odd} \end{Sb}
+\sum\begin{Sb} i+3\le h\le k-1 \\ h\ \text{odd} \end{Sb}
Since $\sum\begin{Sb} \iota\in I_o \\ \iota>(i+1, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^o_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota}
we get
$$\sum\begin{Sb} \iota\in I_o \\ \iota\le (i+1,1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^o_{\iota}\lambda_{\iota}=
Using this formula and
$\sum\begin{Sb}\iota\in I_o\\ \iota >(i+1, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^o_{\iota}\bar{\lambda}_{\iota}
we can get
&\cal O (\nu (n)^o, \theta (i, j)^o)\\
=&\cal O (\sum
\begin{Sb} \iota\in I_o\\ \iota\le (i+1, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^o_{\iota}\delta^{\iota}, \theta (i, j)^o )
+\cal O (\sum
\begin{Sb}\iota\in I_o\\ \iota>(i+1, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^o_{\iota}\delta^{\iota}, \theta (i, j)^o)\\
=&\sigma (\sum
\begin{Sb} \iota\in I_o\\ \iota\le (i+1, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^o_{\iota}\delta^{\iota})
\bar{\sigma}(\theta (i, j)^o)
\begin{Sb} \iota\in I_o\\ \iota>(i+1, 1)\end{Sb}
\nu (n)^o_{\iota}\delta^{\iota})
\sigma (\theta (i, j)^o)\\
=&(n-m+P_i+Q_i)\cdot jP_{i-1}+(a-P_i)\cdot j(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})\\
Thus we have done.
$$\nu (m-1)^2=\sum_{1\le h\le k}q_h$$
Note that $\lambda$- and $\mu$- expansion of $m-1$ is as follows
\begin{Sb}3\le h\le k-1\\ h\ \text{odd}\end{Sb}
\begin{Sb}2\le h \le k-2\\ h\ \text{even}\end{Sb}
We leave the rest of calculation for the reader's exercise.
Let $n$ be an integer such that
$m-(P_{k-1}+Q_{k-1})\le n\le m-1$.
$$\nu (n)^2\ge \sum_{i(n)\le h\le k}q_h-j(n)$$
We use the induction on $i(n)$.
If $i(n)=0$, then $n=m-1$, Thus we have already done in the above lemma.
Let $i$ be a positive integer and assume that the inequality holds
for $n'$ such that $i(n')<i$.
Let $n$ be an integer such that the inequality holds for this $n$.
Put $n'=n+j(P_{i-1}+Q_{i-1})$.
Then $i(n')<i$.
We can check
$$\nu (n)=\nu (n')-\theta (i, j)$$
Thus by Lemma \ref{lemtheta} and \ref{lemnutheta}, we can get
\nu (n)^2&=\nu (n')^2-2\nu (n')\cdot \theta (i, j)
+\theta (i, j)^2\\
&=\nu (n')^2-j
By the induction hypothesis,
$$\nu (n')\ge \sum_{i(n')+1\le h\le k}q_h$$
Thus we have done.
(Proof of the Theorem \ref{thmbound})\\
{}From Proposition \ref{propnu1} and Proposition \ref{propnu2},
we know the thorem holds if $D$ and $D'$ is general members in $|nK_X|$.
Thus by Corollary \ref{corgenint}, we have proved the thorem.
1995-07-10T06:20:23 | 9507 | alg-geom/9507005 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9507005 | [
] | alg-geom/9507005 | Mikhail Zaidenberg | S. Orevkov and M. Zaidenberg | On the number of singular points of plane curves | LaTeX, 24 pages with 3 figures, author-supplied DVI file available at
http://www.math.duke.edu/preprints/95-00.dvi | null | null | Duke preprint DUKE-M-95-00 | null | This is an extended, renovated and updated report on a joint work which the
second named author presented at the Conference on Algebraic Geometry held at
Saitama University, 15-17 of March, 1995. The main result is an inequality for
the numerical type of singularities of a plane curve, which involves the degree
of the curve, the multiplicities and the Milnor numbers of its singular points.
It is a corollary of the logarithmic Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau's type inequality
due to Miyaoka. It was first proven by F. Sakai at 1990 and rediscovered by the
authors independently in the particular case of an irreducible cuspidal curve
at 1992. Our proof is based on the localization, the local Zariski--Fujita
decomposition and uses a graph discriminant calculus. The key point is a local
analog of the BMY-inequality for a plane curve germ. As a corollary, a
boundedness criterium for a family of plane curves has been obtained. Another
application of our methods is the following fact: a rigid rational cuspidal
plane curve cannot have more than 9 cusps.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 Jul 1995 13:21:11 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Asymptotics of the number
of ordinary cusps}
We start with a brief survey of known results in the simplest case of ordinary
It is well known that for a nodal plane curve $D \subset {\bf P}^2$ of degree $d$
the number of nodes can be an arbitrary non--negative integer allowed by the
genus formula, i.e. any integer from the interval $[0,\,{d-1 \choose 2}]$.
If $D$ is a Pl\"ucker curve with only ordinary cusps as singularities, which
has $\kappa$ cusps, then still $$\kappa \le {d-1 \choose 2}\,,$$ but this
time the inequality is strict starting with $d = 5$. Indeed, by Pl\"ucker
formulas $$0 < d^* = d(d-1) - 3\kappa$$ where $d^*$ is the class of $D$, and
$$0 \le f = 3d(d-2) - 8\kappa$$ where $f$ is the number of inflexion points
of $D$. Thus, we have
\kappa < {1 \over 3}d(d-1)
\begin{equation} \kappa \le {3 \over 8}d(d-2)\,,
which is strictly less than ${d-1 \choose 2}$ for $d \ge 5$.
Note that $d \le 4$ for a rational cuspidal Pl\"ucker curve $D$, due to (2)
and the genus formula. Therefore, up to projective equivalence there exists
only two such curves, namely the cuspidal cubic and the Steiner
three-cuspidal quartic (we suppose here that at least one cusp really occurs,
otherwise we have to add also the line and the smooth conic).
{}From (2) it follows that
\begin{equation} \limsup\limits_{d \to \infty} {\kappa \over d^2} \le {3 \over 8} \,\,.\end{equation}
Using the spectrum of singularity (or, equivalently, the Mixed Hodge
Structures) A. Varchenko [Va] found an estimate
\begin{equation} \limsup\limits_{d \to \infty} {\kappa \over d^2} \le {23 \over 72} \,\,,\end{equation}
which is better than (3) by ${1 \over 18}$.
Another ${1 \over 144}$ was gained in the work of F. Hirzebruch and T.
Ivinskis [H, Iv] by applying Miyaoka's logarithmic form of the
Bogomolov-Miyaoka-Yau (BMY) inequality:
\begin{equation} \limsup\limits_{d \to \infty} {\kappa \over d^2} \le {5 \over 16} \,\,.\end{equation}
Furthermore, in this work an elegant example was given which shows that
\begin{equation} \limsup\limits_{d \to \infty} {\kappa \over d^2} \ge {1 \over 4} \,,\end{equation}
where $c$ means now the maximal number of cusps among all the cuspidal
Pl\"ucker curves of degree $d$. \\
\noindent {\bf Example} [H, Iv]. Starting with a generic smooth cubic $C$,
consider its dual curve $D = C^*$, which is an elliptic sextic with nine
ordinary cusps as the only singularities. Let $F = 0$ be the defining
equation of $D$. Set $D_k = \{F(x^k : y^k : z^k) = 0\}$. Then $D_k$ is again
a cuspidal Pl\"ucker curve. It has degree $d_k = 6k$ and $\kappa_k = 9k^2$
cusps (indeed, $(x : y : z) \longmapsto (x^k : y^k : z^k)$ is a branched
covering ${\bf P}^2 \to {\bf P}^2$ of degree $k^2$ ramified along the coordinate axes
which meet $D$ normally). Thus, here $\kappa_k = d_k^2 / 4$.
In fact, the lower bound $1/4$ can be improved, by a similar method, at least
by $1/32$ (A. Hirano [Hi]). Together with (5) this yields
\begin{equation} {10 \over 32} \ge \limsup\limits_{d \to \infty} {\kappa \over d^2} \ge {9
\over 32}\,, \end{equation}
which is still far away from giving the exact asymptotic. See also [Sa] for a
discussion on what is known for small values of $d$.
\section{The main inequality. Bounded families of plane curves}
Next we consider, more generally, plane curves with arbitrary singularities.
By {\it a cusp} we mean below a locally irreducible singular point. We say
that $D \subset {\bf P}^2$ is {\it a cuspidal curve } if all its singular points
are cusps. The following theorem, which is the main result presented in the
talk, was first proven by F. Sakai [Sa]. Independently and later it was also
found by the authors in the special case of cuspidal curves [OZ] (actually,
the proof in [OZ] goes through without changes for nodal--cuspidal curves,
i.e. plane curves with nodes as the only reducible singular points). Both
proofs are based on the logarithmic version of the BMY-inequality due to
Miyaoka [Miy], but technically they are different. \\
\noindent {\bf Theorem 1.} {\it Let $D$ be a plane curve of degree $d$ with the
singular points $P_1, \dots, P_s$. Let $\mu_i$ resp. $m_i$ be the Milnor
number resp. the multiplicity of $P_i \in D$. If ${\bf P}^2 \setminus D$ has a
non--negative logarithmic Kodaira dimension, then
\begin{equation} \sum_{i=1}^s (1 + {1\over 2m_i})\,\mu_i \le d^2 - {3\over2}d\,\,. \end{equation}
In particular,
\begin{equation} \sum_{i=1}^s \mu_i \le {2m\over 2m+1}(d^2 - {3\over 2}d) \,\, , \end{equation}
where $m = \max\limits_{1\le i \le s} \{m_i\}$.} \\
\noindent {\bf Remarks. } a) For $ m \le 3$ and $D$ irreducible Theorem 1 had
been proved by Yoshihara [Yo1,2], whose work stimulated the later progress. \\
\noindent b) For an irreducible plane curve $D$ of degree $d \ge 4$ the
logarithmic Kodaira dimension $\bar\kappa({\bf P}^2- D)$ is non--negative besides
the case when $D$ is a rational cuspidal curve with one cusp; see [Wak]. \\
\noindent {\bf Corollary 1. } {\it If $D \subset {\bf P}^2$ is an irreducible cuspidal
curve of geometric genus $g$, then under the assumptions of Theorem 1 one has
\begin{equation} g\ge {d^2-3(m+1)d\over 2(2m+1)}+1 \,\, . \end{equation}
In particular, a family of such curves is bounded iff $g$ and $m$ are bounded
throughout the family. } \\
In general, the latter conclusion does not hold for non-cuspidal curves
(indeed, the family of all the irreducible rational nodal plane curves is
unbounded). However, it becomes true if one replaces the geometric genus $g =
g(D)$ by the Euler characteristic $e(D)$ (thus, involving not only the
topology of the normalization, but the topology of the plane curve itself).
Moreover, in this form it works even for reducible curves. \\
\noindent {\bf Corollary 2. } {\it Under the assumptions of Theorem 1 one has
\begin{equation} d(d-3(m+1)) \le (2m+1)(-e(D)) \,\,.\end{equation}
Therefore, a family of (reduced) plane curves is bounded iff the absolute
value of the Euler characteristic and the maximal multiplicity of the
singular points are bounded throughout the family. } \\
The Corollary easily follows from Theorem 1 and the formula (see [BK])
$$\sum_{i=1}^s \mu_i = d(d-3) + e(D)\,\,.$$
In the case of irreducible curves, in the estimate (11) it is convinient to
use the first Betti number $b_1(D) = 2 - e(D)$ instead of the Euler
characteristic. In particular, for irreducible nodal curves it is the only
parameter involved.
An immediate consequence of (11) is that $d \le 3m+3$ if $e(D) \ge 0$.
Furthermore, $d \le 3m+2$ if $e(D) > 0$; this is so, for instance, if $D$ is
a rational cuspidal curve. In fact, in the latter case $d < 3m$ [MaSa], and
also by the genus formula $$\sum\limits_{i=1}^s {\mu_i \over m_i} \le 3d-4$$
These inequalities provide the basic tool in the proof of Theorem 1. Let
$\sigma \,:\,X \to {\bf P}^2$ be the minimal embedded resolution of singularities of
$D$, and let ${\~ D} \subset X$ be the reduced total preimage of $D$. Thus,
${\~ D}$ is a reduced divisor of simple normal crossing type, and
${\~ D}=\sigma^{-1}(D)$. Let $K = K_X$ be the canonical divisor of $X$. If
${\bar k}({\bf P}^2 \setminus D) = {\bar k}(X \setminus {\~ D}) \ge 0$, i.e. if
$|m(K+{\~ D})| \neq 0$ for $m$ sufficiently large, then (see [Fu]) there
exists {\it the Zariski decomposition} $K + {\~ D} = H + N$, where $H,\,N$ are
${\bf Q}$--divisors in $X$ such that \\
\noindent i) the intersection form of $X$ is negatively definite on the subspace
$V_N \subset {\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q}$ generated by the irreducible componenets
of $N$; \\
\noindent ii) $H$ is nef, i.e. $HC \ge 0$ for any complete irreducible curve
$C \subset X$;\\
\noindent iii) $H$ is orthogonal to the subspace $V_N$.\\
\noindent By (iii) we have $$(K+{\~ D})^2 = H^2 + N^2\,,$$ where $N^2 \le 0$.
Thus, $H^2 \ge (K+{\~ D})^2$. \\
\noindent {\bf Theorem} (Y. Miyaoka [Miy];
R. Kobayashi--S.
Nakamura--F. Sakai [KoNaSa]). \\
\noindent a) If ${\bar k}({\bf P}^2 \setminus D) \ge 0$, then
\begin{equation} (K+{\~ D})^2 \le 3e({\bf P}^2 \setminus D)\,.\end{equation}
b) If ${\bar k}({\bf P}^2 \setminus D) = 2$, then
\begin{equation} H^2 \le 3e({\bf P}^2 \setminus D)\,.\end{equation}}
\noindent {\bf Remark.} (13) holds, for instance, in the case when $D$ is an
irreducible curve with at least three cusps [Wak]. \\
Next we describe an approach to the proof of Theorem 1, mainly following [OZ].
An advantage of this approach is that, in the particular case of irreducible
cuspidal curves, we obtain formulas which express all the ingradients of the
above BMY-inequalities in terms of the Puiseux characteristic sequences of
the cusps. In fact, we prove a local version of Theorem 1 for the case of a
cusp (see Theorem 2 in Section 11 below). Together with the BMY-inequality
(12) this provides a proof of Theorem 1 in the cuspidal case. A similar local
estimate participates in the proof in [Sa], which is, by the way, much
shorter. Instead of the Puiseux data it deals with the multiplicity sequences
of the singular points. Combining both approches, we give in Section 12 a
proof of the local estimate for arbitrary singularity (Theorem 3), thus
proving Theorem 1 in general case. Actually, this is the proof of F. Sakai,
with more emphasize separately on the local and the global aspects.
In the final Section 13 we apply the methods developed in the previous
sections for pushing forward in the rigidity problem for rational cuspidal
plane curves (see [FZ1,2]).
Let, as above, $D \subset {\bf P}^2$ be a plane curve of degree $d$ and let
$\sigma\,:\,X \to {\bf P}^2$ be the minimal embedded resolution of the singular
points $P_1,\dots,P_s$ of $D$. Let $D'$ be the proper preimage of $D$ in
$X$, ${\~ D} = D' \cup E$ be the reduced total preimage of $D$ and
$E = E_1 \cup \dots \cup E_k, \,\,E_i = \sigma^{-1}(P_i),$ be the exceptional
divisor of $\sigma$. Let $E_i = \sum\limits_{j=1}^{k_i} E_{ij}$ be the
decomposition of $E_i$ into irreducible components. Fix also a line
$L \subset {\bf P}^2$ which meets $D$ normally; denote by ${L'}$ the proper
preimage of $L$ in $X$. Then, clearly, $\{E_{ij}\}$ and $L'$ form a basis of
the vector space ${\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q}$. Let $V_i = V_{E_i}$ be the subspace
generated by the irreducible components $E_{ij}$ of $E_i$ and $V_{L'}$ be the
one--dimensional subspace generated by $L'$ in ${\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q}$. Since
the intersection form of $X$ is non-degenerate, we have the orthogonal
decomposition $${\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q} = V_{L'} \oplus
(\bigoplus_{i=1}^s V_i)\,.$$ Therefore, for each $i=1,\dots,s$ there exists
the unique orthogonal projection ${\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q} \to V_i$, and also
such a projection onto the line $V_{L'}$. For any ${\bf Q}$--divisor $Z$ denote by
$Z_{L'}$ resp. $Z_i$ its projection into $V_{L'}$ resp. into $V_i$. Then we
have $$Z^2 = Z_{L'}^2 + \sum\limits_{i=1}^s Z_i^2\,.$$ In particular, since
$K_{L'} + {\~ D}_{L'} = (d-3){L'}$ we have $$(K + {\~ D})^2 = (d-3)^2 +
\sum\limits_{i=1}^s (K_i + {\~ D}_i)^2\,,$$ where the summands in the last
sum are all negative (indeed, $E_i$ being an exceptional divisor, the
intersection form of $X$ is negatively definite on the subspace $V_i$). It
is easily seen that (8) follows from (12) and the local estimates
\begin{equation} -(K_i + {\~ D}_i)^2 \le (1 - {1 \over m_i}) \mu_i \,. \end{equation}
In what follows we trace a way of proving (14). This is done in particular
case of an irreducible singularity in Section 11 (Theorem 2), and in general
in Section 12 (Theorem 3). Note that the assumption of local irredubicibility
is important only in Sections 9, 10, 11.
\section{Weighted dual graph}
Let $E = E_1 \cup \dots \cup E_k$ be a curve with simple normal crossings in
a smooth compact complex surface $X$. Assume, for simplicity, that all the
irreducible components $E_i$ of $E$ are rational curves and that their
classes in ${\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q}$ are linearly independent. Let $A_E$ be the
matrix of the intersection form of $X$ on the subspace $V_E =
{\rm span}\,(E_1,\dots, E_k) \subset {\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q}$ in the natural
basis $E_1,\dots, E_k$ (we denote by the same letter a curve and its class in
${\rm Pic}X \otimes {\bf Q}$). Then $A_E$ is at the same time the incidence matrix
of {\it the dual graph} $\Gamma_E$ of $E$, which is defined as follows. The
vertices of $\Gamma_E$ correspond to the irreducible components $E_i$ of $E$; two
vertices $E_i$ and $E_j$, where $i \neq j$, are joint by a link
$[E_i, \,E_j]$ iff $E_i\cdot E_j > 0$. The weight of the vertex $E_i$ is
defined to be the self--intersection index $E_i^2$.
Let $C$ be another curve in $X$ which meets $E$ normally. Then we consider
also {\it the dual graph $\Gamma_{E,\,C}$ of $E$ near $C$}; it is the graph
obtained from $\Gamma_E$ by attaching $E_i\cdot C$ arrowheads to the vertex
$E_i,\,\,i=1,\dots,k$. We denote by $\nu_i$ resp. ${\~ \nu}_i$ {\it the
valency} of $E_i$ in $\Gamma_E$ resp. in $\Gamma_{E,\,C}$.
By {\it a twig} of a graph $\Gamma$ one means an extremal linear branch of $\Gamma$;
its end point is called {\it the tip} of the twig.
\section{Local Zariski--Fujita decomposition}
Since in the sequel we are working only locally over a fixed singular point
$P=P_i$ of $D$, we change the notation. Omitting subindex $i$, from now on we
denote by $E$ the corresponding exceptional divisor $E_i$ and by $V_E$ the
corresponding subspace $V_i$. Thus, $K_E, \,{\~ D}_E, \,D'_E$ etc. mean the
projections $K_i,\,{\~ D}_i,\,D'_i$... of the corresponding divisors into
$V_E = V_i$. Set also $\mu = \mu_i$ and $m = m_i$. Note that in this case the
dual graph $\Gamma_E$ is a tree.
By {\it the local Zariski--Fujita decomposition} we mean the decomposition
$$K_E + {\~ D}_E = H_E + N_E\,,$$ where $H_E,\,N_E \in V_E$ are effective
${\bf Q}$--divisors such that \\
\noindent i) the support of $N_E$ coincides with the union of all the twigs of
$\Gamma_E$ which are not incident with the proper preimage $D'$ of $D$ in $X$,
i.e. all the twigs of $\Gamma_{E,\,D'}$ without arrowheads, and \\
\noindent ii) $H_E$ is orthogonal to each irreducible component of
${\rm supp}\,N_E$. \\
Note that all the twigs in the ${\rm supp}\,N_E$ are {\it admissible}, i.e.
all their weights are $\le -2$. Using non-degeneracy of the intersection
form on an admissible twig, T. Fujita [Fu, (6.12)] proved that there exists
the unique such decomposition. Moreover, he proved that up to certain
exceptions the global Zariski decomposition $K + {\~ D} = H + N$ provides the
local one via the projection (see [Fu, (6.20-6.24); OZ, Theorem 1.2]). Here
we do not use this result, and so we do not give its precise formulation.
What we actually use is the equality $$(K_E + {\~ D}_E)^2 = H_E^2 + N_E^2\,.$$
According to [Fu, (6.16); OZ, 1.1, 2.4], the latter summands can be computed
in terms of the weighted graph $\Gamma_{E,\,D'}$. This is done in the next
\section{Graph discriminants and inductances}
By definition, {\it the discriminant} $d(\Gamma)$ of a weighted graph $\Gamma$ is
$\det(-A)$, where $A$ is the incidence matrix of $\Gamma$
(or the intersection matrix of $E$, if $\Gamma=\Gamma_E$). It is easily seen that
$d(\Gamma_E) = 1$, because in our case $E$ is a contractible divisor.
{\it The inductance} of a twig $T$ of $\Gamma$ is defined as
{\rm ind\,}(T) = {d(T-{\rm tip\,}(T)) \over d(T)}\,.
Denote by $T_1,\dots,T_k$ the twigs of $\Gamma_E$ which are not incident with $D'$
, i.e. the twigs of $\Gamma_{E,\,D'}$. Then we have \\
\noindent {\bf Lemma 1} [Fu, (6.16)]. {\it
\noindent a)
\begin{equation} -N_E^2 = \sum\limits_{i=1}^k {\rm ind\,}(T_i)\,.\end{equation}
b) Let $v_T$ be the first vertex of $T = T_i\,(1\le i \le k)$, i.e. the vertex
of $T$ opposite to the tip of $T$. Then the coefficient of $v_T$ in
the decomposition of the divisor $N_E$ is equal to $1/d(T)$.} \\
Since the graph $\Gamma_E$ is a tree, for given vertices $E_i$ and $E_j$ (not
necessary distinct) there is the unique shortest path in $\Gamma_E$ which joins
them. Denote by $\Gamma_{ij}$ the weighted graph obtained from $\Gamma_E$ by deleting
of this path together with the vertices $E_i$ and $E_j$ themselves (and, of
course, with all their incident links). So, in general the graph $\Gamma_{ij}$ is
Let $B_E = (b_{ij}) = A_E^{-1}$ be the inverse of the intersection matrix
$A_E$. The following formula can be easily obtained by applying the Cramer
rule. \\
\noindent {\bf Lemma 2} [OZ, (2.1)].
\begin{equation} b_{ij} = -d(\Gamma_{ij})\,\,.\end{equation}
Recall that $\bar\nu_i$ resp. $\nu_i$ denotes the valency of the vertex $E_i$
of the graph $\Gamma_{E,\,D'}$ resp. $\Gamma_E$ and $\mu = \mu_i$ denotes the Milnor
number of the singular point $P=P_i \in D$. We have\\
\noindent {\bf Lemma 3} [OZ, (2.4), (2.7), (4.1)]. {\it In the notation as above
\begin{equation} H_E^2 = \sum\limits_{\bar\nu_i>2,\,\bar\nu_j>2} b_{ij} c_i c_j \,,\end{equation}
where $$c_i = (\bar\nu_i-2)-\sum {1\over d(T_j)}$$ and the last sum is taken
over all the twigs $T_j$ which are incident with the vertex $E_i$;
\begin{equation} (K_E+E)^2 = -2-\sum_{i=1}^n b_{ii}(\nu_i-2)\,,\end{equation} and \footnote{Whereas
(17) is valid for any rational SNC-tree $E$ with non-degenerate intersection
form and admissible twigs on a smooth surface, (18) and
(19) are true only when $E$ is the exceptional divisor of the resolution of
singularity of a plane curve germ.}
\begin{equation} \mu = 1-\sum_{i,j} b_{ij}(\bar\nu_i-2)(\bar\nu_j-\nu_j)\,. \end{equation}} The proof
of (17) is based on the Adjunction Formula and Lemmas 1,2; (18)
is proven by induction on the number of blow-ups; (19) follows from the
adjunction formula and the formula
\mu = 1 - D'_E(K_E + {\~ D}_E)
\section{Calculus of graph discriminants}
To use the formulas from the preceding section we have to compute the entries
$b_{ij}$ of the inverse $B_E = A_E^{-1}$, where $A_E$ is the intersection
matrix of the exceptional divisor $E$; that means to compute corresponding
graph discriminats (see Lemma 2). This section provides us with the necessary
tools. They were developed in the work of Dr\"ucker-Goldschmidt [DG] (cf.
also [Ra, Ne, Fu, (3.6)]) and afterwords interpreted by S. Orevkov [OZ] in
the following way.
Let $\Gamma$ be a weighted graph and let $A = A_{\Gamma}$ be its intersection form.
Recall that $d(\Gamma) = {\rm det}\,(-A)$. For a vertex $v$ of $\Gamma$ let
$\partial_v \Gamma$ denotes the graph obtained from $\Gamma$ by deleting $v$ together
with all its incident links. If $X$ is a subgraph of $\Gamma$ such that $v \notin
X$, then $\partial_vX$ denotes the subgraph of $\Gamma$ which is obtained from $X$ by
deleting all the vertices in $X$ closest to $v$ together with their links. In
what follows we suppose that $\Gamma$ is a tree and $X$ is a subtree; in this
case there is always the unique vertex in $X$ closest to $v$. Let
$X_1,\dots,X_N$ be all the non--empty subtrees of $\Gamma$, and put $P = {\bf Z} [
X_1,\dots,X_N]$, where we identify $1$ with the empty subtree and regard the
disjoint union of subtrees as their product. Then the dicriminant $d$ extends
to a ring homomorphism $$d\,:\,P \to {\bf Z}$$ and $\partial_v$ generates a ring
derivation $$\partial_v\,:\,P \to P\,.$$ Denote also $d_v(\Gamma) = d(\partial_v \Gamma)$ and
$d_{vv}(\Gamma) = d(\partial_v\partial_v \Gamma)$. Let $a_v$ be the weight of a vertex $v \in \Gamma$
. \\
\noindent {\bf Proposition 1.} {\it Let the notation be as above, and let $\Gamma$ be
a weighted tree. Then
\noindent a) For any vertex $v \in \Gamma$ we have
\begin{equation} d(\Gamma) = -a(v)d_v(\Gamma) - d_{vv} (\Gamma) \,.\end{equation}
b) If $\Gamma$ is a linear tree with the end vertices $v$ and $w$, then
\begin{equation} d_v(\Gamma)d_w(\Gamma) - d(\Gamma)d_{vw}(\Gamma) = 1\,. \end{equation}
c) Let $[v,\,w]$ be a link of $\Gamma$. Put $\Gamma \setminus \,]\,v,\,w\,[ \,= \Gamma_1
\cup \Gamma_2$, where $v \in \Gamma_1$ and $w \in \Gamma_2$. Then
\begin{equation} d(\Gamma) = d(\Gamma_1)d(\Gamma_2) - d_v(\Gamma_1)d_w(\Gamma_2)\,. \end{equation}
d) Let $T$ be a twig of $\Gamma$ incident with a branch vertex $v_0$ of $\Gamma$, and
let $v$ be the tip of $T$. Put $d_T (\Gamma) = d(\Gamma - T - v_0)$. Then
\begin{equation} d_T (\Gamma) = d_v(\Gamma)d(T) - d(\Gamma)d_v(T)\,. \end{equation}}
{\bf Corollary.} {\it Let $T$ be a twig of $\Gamma$ such that $d(T) \neq 0$.
Assume that $d(\Gamma) = 1$. Denote $a = d_T (\Gamma)\, / \, d(T)$. Let $\[a\]$ be
the least integer bigger than or equal to $a$ and $\]a\[ = \[a\] - a$ be the
upper fractional part of $a$. Then, in the notation of (d) above, we have}
\begin{equation} d_v(\Gamma) = \[a\] \,\,\, \,\,\, {\rm and}\,\,\, \,\,\,{\rm ind\,}(T) = \]a\[ \,.
\section{Puiseux data as graph discriminants $\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,
\,\,\,$ (after Eisenbud and Neumann)}
Let $(C, \, 0)$ be a germ of an irreducible analytic curve, and let
x=t^m,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\sp y=a_n t^n+a_{n+1}t^{n+1}+...
,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\sp a_n\ne 0 \,,
be its analytic parametrization. We may assume that $m<n$ and $m$ does not
divide $n$. Folowing [A] set $d_1 = m \,,\, m_1 = n;$
$$ d_i = \gcd( d_{i-1}, m_{i-1}) \,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,
m_i = \min \{\, j \mid a_j \ne 0 \,\,\,\,{\rm and}\,\,\,\,
j \not\equiv 0 \,\,\,({\rm mod}\,d_i)\,\}
\,,\,\, i>1\,.
Let $h$ be such that $d_h \ne 1$, $d_{h+1} =1$.
Thus, $m_i$ resp. $d_i$ are defined for $i = 1, ..., h$ resp. for
$i = 1, ..., h+1$, and
0< n = m_1<m_2<...<m_h, \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\sp m=d_1>d_2>...>d_{h+1}=1\,\,.
Set $q_1 = m_1,\,\, q_i = m_i - m_{i-1}$ for $i = 2, ..., h$,
r_i = (q_1 d_1 +...+ q_i d_i)/d_i, \,\,\, i=1,...,h\,\,. \end{equation}
The sequence $(m; \,m_1,m_2,...,m_h)$ is called {\it the Puiseux
characteristic sequence of the singularity $(C,\,0)$} [A, Mil]. The whole
collection $(m_i),\,(d_i),\,(q_i),\,(r_i)$ we call {\it the Puiseux data}. We
have the following \\
\noindent {\bf Proposition 2} [EN]. {\it
a) Let $X \to {\bf C}^2$ be the embedded minimal resolution of the singularity
$(C,\,0)$ with the exceptional divisor $E = \cup E_i$. The proper preimage of
$C$ in $X$ we denote by the same letter. Then the dual graph $\Gamma_{E,\,C}$ of
$E$ near $C$ looks like
$$ \begin{picture}(1000,90)
where the edges mean linear chains of vertices of valency two, which are not
shown. \\
b) Denote by $R_i$, $D_i$ and $S_i$ the connected components of
$\Gamma_{E,\,C}-E_{h+i}$ which are to the left, to the bottom and to the
right of the node $E_{h+i}$, respectively. Denote by $Q_i$ the linear chain
between $E_{h+i-1}$ and $E_{h+i}$ (excluding $E_{h+i-1}$ and $E_{h+i}$).
d(R_i)={r_i\over d_{i+1}}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,
d(D_i)={d_i\over d_{i+1}}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,
d(S_i)=1\,, \,\,\,\,\,\,\,
d(Q_i)={q_i\over d_{i+1}}\,\, .\,\,\,\,\,\,\,
This graph is usually called {\it a comb} (see e.g. [FZ1]); M. Miyanishi
suggested more pleasant name {\it a Christmas tree} (in this case it is drown
in a slightly different manner).
\section{Expressions of the local BMY-ingredients via the Puiseux data}
\noindent {\bf Proposition 3} [OZ, (5.2), (5.4)]. {\it Let $(C,\,0)$ be the local
branch of $D$ at a cusp $P = P_i$ of $D$. Then in the notation of Sections 6
and 9 we have
\begin{equation} \mu = 1 - d_1 + \sum\limits_{i=1}^h r_i ({d_i\over d_{i+1}} -1) = 1 - d_1
+ \sum_{i=1}^h q_i (d_i -1)\,; \end{equation}
\begin{equation} 2\mu+H_E^2 = -{d_1\over r_1}
+\sum_{i=1}^h {r_i\over d_{i+1}}({d_i\over d_{i+1}}-{d_{i+1}\over
d_i}) = -{d_1\over q_1} +\sum_{i=1}^h q_i(d_i-{1\over d_i})\,;\end{equation}
\begin{equation} - N_E^2 = \]{d_1\over r_1}\[ + \sum_{i=1}^h \]{r_i\over d_i}\[ =
\[{d_1\over r_1}\] - {d_1\over r_1}
+\sum_{i=1}^h (\[{r_i\over d_i}\] - {r_i\over d_i})\,; \end{equation}
\begin{equation} 2\mu+(K_E+{\~ D}_E)^2 = -\[{d_1\over r_1}\]
+\sum_{i=1}^h ({r_i d_i\over d_{i+1}^2}-\[{r_i\over d_i}\])\,\,.
In particular, if $m$ and $n$ are coprime (i.e.
there is the only one Puiseux characteristic pair), then $\rm (cf.\,\,
[Mil,\, p. \,95])$ $\mu = (m-1)(n-1)$ and
\begin{equation} -H_E^2 = (m-2)(n-2) + (m-n)^2/mn \,,\,\,
\,\,\,\, - N_E^2 = \]{m\over n}\[ + \]{n\over m}\[\,\,\,.\end{equation}}
The proof is based on the formulas in Lemma 3, where the corresponding entries
$b_{ij}$ have been expressed in terms of the Puiseux data as it is done in
Proposition 2 above, by using the graph discriminant calculus from Section 8.
\section{Local inequality for irreducible $\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,
\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$ singularities}
Now we can prove the local inequality (14) for a cusp $P=P_i \in D$. As above,
we regard the local branch of $D$ at $P=P_i$ as a germ $(C,\,0)$ of an
analytic curve. \\
\noindent {\bf Theorem 2} [OZ, (6.2)]. {\it In the notation as above, for an
irreducible plane curve germ $(C,\,0)$ one has
\begin{equation} -(K_E + {\~ D}_E)^2 \le (1 - {1 \over m})\,\mu\,,\end{equation}
where $m$ is the multiplicity and $\mu$ is the Milnor number of $(C,\,0)$.
The equality in (31) holds iff $m=2$.} \\
The proof proceeds as follows. (31) is equivalent to the inequality
\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, \mu + (K_E+
{\~ D}_E)^2 - {\mu\over m} \ge 0\,. \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,
\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,(31')$$ Using (25)
and (26--29) we can express the quantity at the left hand side as
\begin{equation} \mu + (K_E+ {\~ D}_E)^2 - {\mu\over m} =
d_1(1-{1\over q_1})-{1\over d_1} + N_E^2
+ \sum_{j=1}^h q_j(1-{d_j\over d_1})(1-{1\over d_j}) \,.\end{equation}
It is easily varified that this quantity vanishes when $m = 2$. The last
sum in (32) is always positive. Let us show that for $m > 2$ the rest at
the right hand side of (32) is also positive. Indeed, by (28) we have
$${d_1 \over q_1} - N_E ^2 = \[{d_1\over q_1}\]
+\sum_{i=1}^h \]{r_i\over d_i}\[ < \[{m \over n}\] + h\ = 1+h\,.$$
Thus, it is enough to show that $d_1 - {1 \over d_1} - (1 +h) = m - {1 \over
m} - (1+h) > 0$. It is true for $m \ge 4$ because $h\le\log_2m$; it is also
true for $m = 3$ because then $h = 1$, and we are done. \\
\noindent {\bf Remark.} The estimate in Theorem 2 is asymptotically sharp in the
following sense. For any positive integer $m$ and for any $\epsilon>0$ there
exists an irreducible curve germ $(C,\,0)$ of
multiplicity $m$ such that
\,\,\,\,\,\mu + (K_E+ {\~ D}_E)^2 < \mu + H_E^2<(1+\epsilon)\mu/m\,\,. \,\,
Indeed, consider the curve {$x^m = y^n$}, where gcd$(m,\,n) = 1$ and $n \gg m$.
\section{Local inequality for arbitrary singularities}
Here we prove (31) in general case when $(C,\,0)$ is not supposed to be
irreducible, combining our approach with those of F. Sakai [Sa] (see the
discussion at the end of Section 3). Let $r$ be the number of local branches
of $C$, and let $$(m_1=m, \,m_2, \dots, m_n, {\underbrace{1,\dots,1}_{r}})$$
be {\it the multiplicity
sequence} of $(C,\,0)$, i.e. the sequence of multiplicities of $(C,\,0)$ in
all its infinitely near points (where $n$ is the total number of blow ups in
the resolution process). Recall [Mil] that \begin{equation}\mu + r - 1 =
\sum\limits_{j=1}^n m_j(m_j - 1)\,.\end{equation} Remind also that the blow-up at an
infinitely near point which belongs to only one irreducible component of the
exceptional divisor is called {\it sprouting} or {\it outer} blow-up, and the
other blow-ups are called {\it subdivisional} or {\it inner} [MaSa, FZ1].
Following [Sa] denote by $\omega$ the
number of subdivisional blow--ups, and set $$ \eta = \sum\limits_{j=1}^n (m_j
\noindent {\bf Lemma 4.} {\it In the notation as above, the following identities
\begin{equation} -E^2 = \omega\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,EK_E = \omega - 2\,,\,\,\,\,\,\, E^2 + EK_E =
-2 \,,\,\,\,\,\,\,\, -K_E^2=n \end{equation}
\begin{equation} ED_E' = r \,,\,\,\,\,\,\, K_ED_E' = \sum\limits_{j=1}^n m_j \,,\,\,\,\,\,
\, K_E(K_E + D_E') = \eta \end{equation}
\begin{equation} -D_E'^2 = \sum\limits_{j=1}^n m_j^2 \,,\,\,\,\,\,\, -D_E'(K_E + D_E') =
\sum\limits_{j=1}^n m_j(m_j -1) = 2 \delta\end{equation}
\begin{equation} \mu + (K_E + {\~ D}_E)^2 = (\eta - 1) + (\omega - 1) + (r - 1) \end{equation}
\noindent {\bf Proof.} The third equality in (34) resp. the second one in (36)
immediately follows
from the preceding ones. The first equality in (35) is evident. The other
formulas in (34) - (36) are proven by an easy induction by the number of
steps in the resolution process (cf. [MaSa, Lemma 2] for the first equality
in (34)). To prove (37), transform its left hand side by using (19') and
(34)--(36) as follows: $$ \mu + (K_E + {\~ D}_E)^2 = 1 + (K_E + {\~ D}_E)(K_E + E) =
1 + (K_E + D_E' + E)(K_E + E)$$ $$ = 1 + K_E (K_E + D_E') + 2 EK_E + E^2 +
ED_E' = \eta + \omega + r - 3\,.$$ \hfill $\Box$ \\
The next theorem is a generalization of Theorem 2 to the case when $(C,\,0)$
is not necessarily irreducible. \\
\noindent {\bf Theorem 3.} {\it The inequality (31) is valid for any singular
plane curve germ $(C,\,0)$, with the equality sign only for an irreducible
singularity of multiplicity two.} \\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} Replace (31) by the equivalent inequality ($31'$). Applying
(37) we obtain one more equivalent form of (31): \begin{equation} \eta + \omega + r - 3
\ge {\mu \over m}\,. \end{equation} This inequality was proven
in [Sa]. For the sake of completeness we remind here the proof. From (33) it
follows that \begin{equation} \eta \ge {\mu + r - 1 \over m}\,,\,\,\,\,\,\,{\rm or}\,\,\,
\,\,\,\eta - {\mu \over m} \ge {r-1 \over m}\,. \end{equation} Therefore, it is enough to
proof the inequality \begin{equation} \omega + r - 3 + {r-1 \over m} \ge 0\,, \end{equation} which is
in turn a consequence of the following one \begin{equation} \omega + r \ge 3\,. \end{equation}
Notice, following [Sa], that $\omega \ge 2$ as soon as at least one
irreducible branch of $C$ at $0$ is singular, and $\omega = 1$ otherwise.
But in the latter case $r \ge 2$, because $C$ is assumed being singular.
This proves (41), and thus also (31). Due to (41) the inequality (40), and
hence also (31), is strict if $r > 1$. In the case when $r = 1$ by Theorem
2 the equality sign in (31) corresponds to $m = 2$. This completes the proof.
\hfill $\Box$
\section{On the rigidity problem for rational $\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$
cuspidal plane curves}
Let $Y$ be a a smooth affine algebraic surface $/{\bf C}$. Assume that $Y$ is
${\bf Q}$--acyclic, i.e. $H_i (Y;\,{\bf Q}) = 0$ for all $i > 0$, and that $Y$ is of
log--general type, i.e. ${\bar k}(Y) = 2$. In [FZ1] the problem was posed
whether such a surface should be rigid. The latter means that $h^1
(\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle)=0$, where $X$ is a minimal smooth completion
of $Y$ by a simple normal crossing divisor ${\~ D}$ and
$\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle$ is the logarithmic tangent bundle of $X$
along $\~ D$. The rigidity holds in all known examples of ${\bf Q}$--acyclic
surfaces of log--general type [FZ1]. Moreover, in all those examples $Y$
(or, more precisely, the logarithmic deformations of $Y$, see [FZ1]) is
unobstructed, i.e. $h^2 (\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle)=0$, and therefore
also the holomorphic Euler characteristic
$\chi(\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle)$ vanishes (indeed, by Iitaka's Theorem
[Ii, Theorem 6] $h^0 (\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle)=0$ as soon as $Y$ is of
log--general type). We have the identity
$\chi(\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle) = K(K + {\~ D})$ [FZ1, Lemma 1.3(5)], where
$K = K_X$. Since ${\~ D}$ is a curve of arithmetic genus zero [FZ1, Lemma 1.2],
the equality $\chi(\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle) = K(K + D) = 0$ is
equivalent to the following one \begin{equation}(K + {\~ D})^2 = -2\,.\end{equation} Thus, if $Y$ is
unobstructed, then it is rigid iff (42) holds.
Consider now an irreducible plane curve $D$. It is easily seen (cf. [Ra]) that
$Y = {\bf P}^2 \setminus D$ is a ${\bf Q}$--acyclic surface iff $D$ is a rational
cuspidal curve. Furthermore, if $D$ has at least three cusps, then $Y$ is of
log--general type [Wak]. The rigidity of $Y$ is equivalent to $D$ being
projectively rigid in the following sense: any small deformation of $D$,
which is a plane rational cuspidal curve with the same types of cusps (i.e.
an equisingular embedded deformation), is projectively equivalent to $D$
[FZ2, (2.1)]. Once again, the rigidity holds in all known examples [FZ2,
(3.3)], as well as the equality in (42) [FZ2, (2.1)]. Here we prove the
following \\
\noindent {\bf Proposition 4.} {\it A projectively rigid rational cuspidal plane
curve cannot have more than 9 cusps.} \\
Before giving the proof we remind the notation. Let $\sigma\,:\,X \to {\bf P}^2$ be
the minimal embedded resolution of singularities of $D$, $K = K_X$ be the
canonical divisor, ${\~ D} = \sigma^{-1}(D)$ and $K+{\~ D} = H+N$ be the Zariski
decomposition. For a fixed cusp $P \in {\rm Sing}\,D$ let $K_E + {\~ D}_E =
H_E + N_E$ be the local Zariski--Fujita decomposition, where $E =
\sigma^{-1}(P)$ is the exceptional divisor.
The proof of Proposition 4 is based on the following two observations.\\
\noindent {\bf Lemma 5.} {\it For the negative part $N_E$ of the local
Zariski--Fujita decomposition over a cusp $P \in D$ the inequality $-N_E^2 >
1/2$ holds. } \\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} From (28) it follows that \footnote{ Recall that $\]a\[$
denotes $\[a\]-a$, where $\[a\] :=\min\{n\in{\bf Z}\,|\,n\ge a\}$.}
\begin{equation} - N_E^2 \,= \,\]{d_1\over r_1}\[ +
\sum_{i=1}^h \]{r_i\over d_i}\[\, \,\le \,\,\]{d_1\over r_1}\[ +
\]{r_1\over d_1}\[ \,= \, \]{m\over n}\[ + \]{n \over m}\[ \,.\end{equation} By the
definition of the Puiseux sequence (see section 9) we have $0 < {m \over n}
< 1$ and ${m \over n} \neq {1 \over 2}$. Thus, the desired inequality follows
from (43) and the next estimate, which is an easy exercise. \hfill $\Box$ \\
\noindent {\bf Claim.} {\it If $0< x <1$, then $\]x\[ + \]{1 \over x}\[ \ge {1
\over 2}$, where the equality holds only for $x = {1 \over 2}$. }\\
\noindent {\bf Lemma 6.} {\it Let $D$ be a rational cuspidal plane curve with at
least three cusps. Then in the notation as above we have \begin{equation} H = (d-3)L' +
\sum_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,D} H_E\,\,\,{\rm and }\,\,\,N = \sum_{P \in {\rm
Sing}\,D} N_E,\,\end{equation} i.e. the global Zariski decomposition agrees with the
local Zariski--Fujita ones.} \\
\noindent {\bf Proof.} By [Wak] we have ${\bar k}(Y) = 2$, where $Y = {\bf P}^2
\setminus D = X \setminus {\~ D}$. Thus, being a smooth ${\bf Q}$--acyclic surface of
log--general type, $Y$ does not contain any simply connected curve (this was
first proven in [Za] for acyclic surfaces and then generalized in [MT] to
${\bf Q}$--acyclic ones). In particular, $X$ does not contain any $(-1)$--curve
$C$ with $C\cdot {\~ D} = 1$. Since $D$ has at least three cusps, the dual graph
$\Gamma_{{\~ D}}$ of ${\~ D}$ has at least three branching points. Under these conditions
the lemma follows from the results in [Fu, (6.20-6.24)] (see also [OZ,
Theorem 1.2]). \hfill $\Box$ \\
\noindent {\bf Proof of Proposition 4.} Let $\kappa$ be the number of cusps of
$D$. Evidently, we may suppose that $\kappa \ge 3$. It follows from Lemmas 5
and 6 that
$$(K+{\~ D})^2 = H^2 + N^2 = H^2 + \sum_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,D} N_E^2 < H^2
- {1 \over 2}\,\kappa\,.$$
Due to BMY-inequality (13) we also have $H^2 \le 3$, and hence
$$(K+{\~ D})^2 < 3 - {1 \over 2}\,\kappa\,.$$
Set $h^i = h^i (\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle)\,,\,\,i = 0,\,1,\,2$. The
surface $Y = {\bf P}^2 \setminus D$ being of log--general type [Wak], by Iitaka's
Theorem [Ii, Theorem 6] we have $h^0 = 0$. Since $D$ is assumed to be rigid,
i.e. $h^1 = 0$, we also have $\chi(\Theta_X\langle\,\~ D\,\rangle) = h^2 =
K(K+{\~ D}) \ge 0$, i.e. $(K+{\~ D})^2 \ge -2$. It follows that
\begin{equation} \kappa < 6 - 2(K+{\~ D})^2 \le 10 \,,\end{equation} which completes the proof. \hfill $\Box$
\noindent {\bf Remark.} Actually, for a rational cuspidal plane curve with at
least three cusps we have proved the inequality
\begin{equation} \kappa < 6 - 2(K+{\~ D})^2 = 10 - 2K(K+{\~ D}) \,.\end{equation}
Therefore, $\kappa < 10$ as soon as $K(K+{\~ D}) \ge 0$, which is the case if
$D$ is rigid.
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\noindent Stepan Orevkov\\
System Research Institute RAN\\
Moscow, Avtozavodskaja 23, Russia\\
e-mail: [email protected]
\noindent Mikhail Zaidenberg\\
Universit\'{e} Grenoble I \\
Laboratoire de Math\'ematiques associ\'e au CNRS\\
BP 74\\
38402 St. Martin d'H\`{e}res--c\'edex, France\\
e-mail: [email protected]}
1997-06-02T18:22:22 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612004 | [
] | alg-geom/9612004 | Ezra Getzler | Ezra Getzler (Northwestern University) | Intersection theory on $\Mbar_{1,4}$ and elliptic Gromov-Witten
invariants | 25 pages. amslatex-1.2. This is the revised version which will appear
in J. Amer. Math. Soc | null | null | MPI 96-161 | null | The WDVV equation is satisfied by the genus 0 correlation functions of any
topological field theory in two dimensions coupled to topological gravity, and
may be used to determine the genus 0 (rational) Gromov-Witten invariants of
many projective varieties (as was done for projective spaces by Kontsevich).
In this paper, we present an equation of a similar universal nature for genus
1 (elliptic) Gromov-Witten invariants -- however, it is much more complicated
than the WDVV equation, and its geometric significance is unclear to us. (Our
prove is rather indirect.) Nevertheless, we show that this equation suffices to
determine the elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants of projective spaces.
In a sequel to this paper, we will prove that this equation is the only one
other than the WDVV equation which relates elliptic and rational correlation
functions for two-dimensional topological field theories coupled to topological
gravity. It is unclear if there are any further equations of this type on the
small phase space in higher genus, but we think it unlikely. (The genus 0 and 1
cases are special, since the correlation functions on the small phase space
determine those on the large phase space.)
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 6 Dec 1996 15:07:57 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 2 Jun 1997 16:24:27 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Northwestern University"
] | alg-geom | \section{Intersection theory on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}$}
In this section, we calculate the relations among certain codimension two
cycles in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}$; one such relation was known, and we find that
there is one new one.
First, we assign names to the codimension $1$ strata of
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}$. Denote by $\Delta_0$ the boundary stratum of irreducible
curves in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}$, associated to the stable graph
\put( 20,765){$\Delta_0 =$}
\put( 80,775){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,760){\line(-3,-4){ 15}}
\put( 80,760){\line(-1,-4){ 5}}
\put( 80,760){\line( 1,-4){ 5}}
\put( 80,760){\line( 3,-4){ 15}}
For each subset $S$ of $\{1,2,3,4\}$ of cardinality at least $2$, let
$\Delta_S$ be the boundary stratum associated to the stable graph with two
vertices, of genus $0$ and $1$, one edge connecting them, and with those
tails labelled by elements of $S$ attached to the vertex of genus $0$;
there are $11$ such graphs. In our pictures, we denote genus $1$ vertices
by a hollow dot, leaving genus $0$ vertices unmarked. For example,
\put( 20,760){$\Delta_{\{1,2\}} =$}
\put( 80,780){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,777){\line( 0,-1){ 38}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-2,-3){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 2,-3){ 10}}
\put( 83,782){\line( 2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 77,782){\line(-2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 65,715){$1$}
\put( 89,715){$2$}
\put( 65,800){$3$}
\put( 89,800){$4$}
We only need the three $\SS_4$-invariant combinations of these $11$ strata,
which are as follows:
\Delta_2 &= \Delta_{\{1,2\}} + \Delta_{\{1,3\}} + \Delta_{\{1,4\}} +
\Delta_{\{2,3\}} + \Delta_{\{2,4\}} + \Delta_{\{3,4\}} , \\
\Delta_3 &= \Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} + \Delta_{\{1,2,4\}} + \Delta_{\{1,3,4\}} +
\Delta_{\{2,3,4\}} , \\
\Delta_4 &= \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} .
In summary, there are four invariant combinations of boundary strata:
$\Delta_0$, $\Delta_2$, $\Delta_3$ and $\Delta_4$.
We now turn to enumeration of the codimension two strata. These fall into
two classes, distinguished by whether they are contained in the irreducible
stratum $\Delta_0$ or not. We start by listing those which are not; each of
them is the intersection of a pair of boundary strata
$\Delta_S\*\Delta_T$. We give four examples: from these, the other strata
may be obtained by the action of $\SS_4$:
\put(-20,755){$\Delta_{\{1,2\}} \* \Delta_{\{3,4\}} =$}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\line( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,762){\line( 0, 1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,780){\line( 1, 2){ 10}}
\put( 80,780){\line(-1, 2){ 10}}
\put( 67,803){$1$}
\put( 87,803){$2$}
\put( 67,710){$3$}
\put( 87,710){$4$}
\put(-30,740){$\Delta_{\{1,2\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} =$}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\line( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,762){\line( 0, 1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 56,690){$1$}
\put( 77,690){$2$}
\put( 87,710){$3$}
\put( 77,783){$4$}
\put(-40,740){$\Delta_{\{1,2\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} =$}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\line( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 56,690){$1$}
\put( 77,690){$2$}
\put( 77,710){$3$}
\put( 87,710){$4$}
\put(-50,740){$\Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} =$}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\line( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 56,690){$1$}
\put( 67,690){$2$}
\put( 77,690){$3$}
\put( 87,710){$4$}
The $\SS_4$-invariant combinations of these strata are as follows:
\Delta_{2,2} &= \Delta_{\{1,2\}} \* \Delta_{\{3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{1,3\}} \*
\Delta_{\{2,4\}} + \Delta_{\{1,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{2,3\}} , \\
\Delta_{2,3} &= \Delta_{\{1,2\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} + \Delta_{\{1,2\}}
\* \Delta_{\{1,2,4\}} + \Delta_{\{1,3\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} +
\Delta_{\{1,3\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,3,4\}} \\
& + \Delta_{\{1,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,4\}} + \Delta_{\{1,4\}} \*
\Delta_{\{1,3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{2,3\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} +
\Delta_{\{2,3\}} \* \Delta_{\{2,3,4\}} \\
& + \Delta_{\{2,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,4\}} + \Delta_{\{2,4\}} \*
\Delta_{\{2,3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{3,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,3,4\}} +
\Delta_{\{3,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{2,3,4\}} , \\
\Delta_{2,4} &= \Delta_{\{1,2\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{1,3\}}
\* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{1,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} \\
& + \Delta_{\{2,3\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{2,4\}} \*
\Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{3,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} , \\
\Delta_{3,4} &= \Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} +
\Delta_{\{1,2,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} \\
& + \Delta_{\{1,3,4\}} \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} + \Delta_{\{2,3,4\}} \*
\Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} .
Each of the intersections $\Delta_0\*\Delta_S$ is a codimension two stratum
in $\Delta_0$; for example
\put(0,740){$\Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{1,2\}} =$}
\put( 80,755){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 56,690){$1$}
\put( 77,690){$2$}
\put( 77,710){$3$}
\put( 87,710){$4$}
\put(-10,740){$\Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} =$}
\put( 80,755){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 56,690){$1$}
\put( 67,690){$2$}
\put( 77,690){$3$}
\put( 87,710){$4$}
\put(-15,740){$\Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} =$}
\put( 80,755){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,720){\line(-3,-4){ 15}}
\put( 80,720){\line(-1,-4){ 5}}
\put( 80,720){\line( 1,-4){ 5}}
\put( 80,720){\line( 3,-4){ 15}}
\put( 61,690){$1$}
\put( 72,690){$2$}
\put( 83,690){$3$}
\put( 93,690){$4$}
{}From these, we may form the $\SS_4$-invariant combinations
\Delta_{0,2} &= \Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{1,2\}} + \Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{1,3\}} +
\Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{1,4\}} \\
& + \Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{2,3\}} + \Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{2,4\}} +
\Delta_0\*\Delta_{\{3,4\}} , \\
\Delta_{0,3} &= \Delta_0 \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3\}} + \Delta_0 \*
\Delta_{\{1,2,4\}} + \Delta_0 \* \Delta_{\{1,3,4\}} +
\Delta_0 \* \Delta_{\{2,3,4\}} , \\
\Delta_{0,4} &= \Delta_0 \* \Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} .
There remain seven strata which are not expressible as intersections, which
we denote by $\Delta_{\alpha,i}$, $1\le i\le 4$, and
$\Delta_{\beta,12|34}$, $\Delta_{\beta,13|24}$ and $\Delta_{\beta,14|24}$.
We illustrate the stable graphs for two of these strata:
\put( 20,775){$\Delta_{\alpha,1} =$}
\put( 80,775){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,760){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,760){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,760){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,790){\line( 0, 1){ 20}}
\put( 77,815){$1$}
\put( 66,727){$2$}
\put( 77,727){$3$}
\put( 87,727){$4$}
\put( 05,775){$\Delta_{\beta,12|34}=$}
\put( 80,775){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,760){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,760){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,790){\line(-1, 2){ 10}}
\put( 80,790){\line( 1, 2){ 10}}
\put( 66,815){$1$}
\put( 87,815){$2$}
\put( 66,727){$3$}
\put( 87,727){$4$}
Denote by $\Delta_\alpha$ and $\Delta_\beta$ the $\SS_4$-invariant
combinations of strata:
\Delta_\alpha = \Delta_{\alpha,1} + \Delta_{\alpha,2} + \Delta_{\alpha,3} +
\Delta_{\alpha,4} , \quad \Delta_\beta =
\Delta_{\beta,12|34} + \Delta_{\beta,13|24} + \Delta_{\beta,14|24} .
For each of these strata, let $\delta_x=[\Delta_x]$ be the corresponding
cycle in $H_\bullet(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4},\mathbb{Q})$, in the sense of orbifolds. (This is
sometimes denoted $[\Delta_x]_Q$ instead, but we omit the letter $Q$ from
the notation.) If the generic point of $\Delta_x$ has an automorphism group
of order $e$, then $\delta_x$ is $e^{-1}$ times the scheme-theoretic
fundamental class of $\Delta_x$; this occurs, with $e=2$, for the cycles
$\delta_{2,3}$, $\delta_{2,4}$ and $\delta_{0,4}$.
\begin{lemma} \label{trivial}
The following relation among cycles holds in $H_4(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4},\mathbb{Q})$:
\delta_{0,2} + 3 \delta_{0,3} + 6 \delta_{0,4} = 3 \delta_\alpha + 4
\delta_\beta .
The two strata
\put( 80,755){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 63,683){$1$}
\put( 87,683){$2$}
\put( 80,775){\circle{30}}
\put( 80,760){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,790){\line( 0, 1){ 20}}
\put( 77,814){$1$}
\put( 77,725){$2$}
define the same cycle, and are even rationally equivalent. (This is an
instance of the WDVV equation.) We obtain the lemma by lifting this
relation by the $6$ distinct projections $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,2}$ and
summing the answers.
We can now state the main result of this section.
\begin{theorem} \label{main}
The first seven rows of the intersection matrix of the nine
$\SS_4$-in\-var\-i\-ant codimension two cycles in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}$ introduced
above equals
& \delta_{2,2} & \delta_{2,3} & \delta_{2,4} & \delta_{3,4} &
\delta_{0,2} & \delta_{0,3} & \delta_{0,4} & \delta_\alpha & \delta_\beta \\
\delta_{2,2} & 1/8 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -3 & 0 & 3/2 & 0 & 3/2 \\
\delta_{2,3} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -6 & 6 & 6 & 0 \\
\delta_{2,4} & 0 & 0 & 0 & -1/2 & 0 & 6 & -3 & 0 & 0 \\
\delta_{3,4} & 0 & 0 & -1/2 & 1/6 & 6 & -2 & 0 & 0 & 0
\\ \hline
\delta_{0,2} & -3 & 0 & 0 & 6 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
\delta_{0,3} & 0 & -6 & 6 & -2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
\delta_{0,4} & 3/2 & 6 & -3 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
The following lemma shows that many of the intersection numbers
vanish. (The use of this lemma simplifies our original proof of Theorem
\ref{main}, and was suggested to us by C. Faber.)
Let $\delta$ be a cycle in $\Delta_0$. Then $\delta_0\*\delta=0$.
Consider the projection $\pi:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}$ which forgets all
but the first marked point, and stabilizes the marked curve which
results. The divisor $\Delta_0$ is the inverse image under $\pi$ of the
compactification divisor of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}$; thus, we may replace it in
calculating intersections by any cycle of the form $\pi^{-1}(x)$, where
$x\in\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$. The resulting cycle has empty intersection with $\delta$,
proving the lemma.
This lemma shows that all intersections among the cycles $\delta_{0,2}$,
$\delta_{0,3}$ and $\delta_{0,4}$, and between these and $\delta_\alpha$
and $\delta_\beta$ vanish.
A number of other entries in the intersection matrix vanish because the
associated strata do not meet: thus,
& \delta_{2,2}\*\delta_{2,3} = \delta_{2,2}\*\delta_{3,4} =
\delta_{2,2}\*\delta_{0,3} = \delta_{2,2}\*\delta_\alpha = 0 , \\
& \delta_{2,3}\*\delta_{2,4} = \delta_{2,3}\*\delta_\beta = 0 , \\
& \delta_{2,4}\*\delta_\alpha = \delta_{2,4}\*\delta_\beta =
\delta_{3,4}\*\delta_\alpha = \delta_{3,4}\*\delta_\beta = 0 .
To calculate the remaining entries of the intersection matrix, we need the
excess intersection formula (Fulton \cite{Fulton}, Section~6.3).
\begin{proposition} \label{excess}
Let $Y$ be a smooth variety, let $X\hookrightarrow Y$ be a regular
embedding\xspace of codimension $d$, and let $V$ be a closed subvariety of $Y$ of
dimension $n$. Suppose that the inclusion $W=X\cap V\hookrightarrow V$ is a
regular embedding\xspace of codimension $d-e$. Then
[X]\*[V] = c_e(E) \cap [W] \in A_{n-d}(W) ,
where $E=(N_XY)|_W/(N_WV)$ is the \emph{excess bundle} of the intersection.
Observe that in calculating the top four rows of our intersection matrix,
at least one of the cycles which we intersect with has a regular embedding\xspace
in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}$, since its dual graph is a tree. This makes the
application of the excess intersection formula straightforward.
It remains to give a formula for the normal bundles to the strata of
The \emph{tautological line bundles} are defined by
\omega_i = \sigma_i^*\omega_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}} ,
where $\sigma_i:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}$, $1\le i\le n$, are the $n$
canonical sections of the universal stable curve
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$. Denote the Chern class $c_1(\omega_i)$ by
To apply the excess intersection formula, we need to know the normal
bundles of strata $\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)\subset\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$. The following result gives
a partial answer to this question, and is all that we need for the
calculations in this paper: a proof may be found in Section~4 of
Hain-Looijenga \cite{HL}.
\begin{proposition} \label{normal}
Let $G$ be a stable graph of genus $g$ and valence $n$, and let
p: \prod_{v\in\VERT(G)} \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g(v),n(v)} \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}
be the ramified cover (of degree $|\Aut(G)|$) of the closed stratum
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)$ of $\mathcal{M}_{g,n}$. Each edge $e$ of the graph determines two flags
$s(e)$ and $t(e)$, and hence two tautological line bundles $\omega_{s(e)}$ and
$\omega_{t(e)}$ on $\prod_{v\in\VERT(G)} \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g(v),n(v)}$, and the normal
bundle of $p$ is given by the formula
N_p = \bigoplus_{e\in\Edge(G)} \omega_{s(e)}^\vee\o\omega_{t(e)}^\vee .
In particular, if the graph $G$ has no automorphisms, so that $p$ is an
embedding\xspace, the bundle $N_p$ may be identified with the normal bundle of
the stratum $\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)$.
It is now straightforward to calculate the remaining entries of the
intersection matrix. We will use the integrals
\begin{equation} \label{tau}
\int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,4}} \psi_i = 1 , \quad \int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}} \psi_1 =
\int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,2}} \psi_1 \cup \psi_2 = \frac{1}{24} ,
which are proved in Witten \cite{Witten}.
In performing the calculations, it is helpful to introduce a graphical
notation for the cycle obtained from a stratum by capping with a monomial
in the Chern classes $-\psi_i$: we point a small arrow along each flag $i$
where we intersect by the class $-\psi_i$. (This notation generalizes that
of Kaufmann \cite{Kaufmann}, who considers the case of trees where the
genus of each vertex is $0$. The minus signs come from the inversion
accompanying the tautological line bundles in the formula of Proposition
\ref{normal}.) One then calculates the contribution of such a graph by
multiplying together factors for each vertex equal to the integral over
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g(v),n(v)}$ of the appropriate monomial in the classes $-\psi_i$,
and dividing by the order of the automorphism group $\Aut(G)$: in
particular, this vanishes unless there are $3(g(v)-1)+n(v)$ arrows at each
vertex $v$.
We illustrate the sort of enumeration which arises with one of the most
complicated of these calculations, that of
$\delta_{2,4}\*\delta_{2,4}$. Two sorts of terms contribute: $6$~terms of
the form
\bigl( \delta_{\{1,2\}}\*\delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} \bigr)^2 = \frac{1}{24} ,
and $6$ terms of the form
= - \frac{1}{24} .
Applying the excess intersection formula, we see that
\bigl(\delta_{\{1,2\}}\*\delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}}\bigr)^2 =
c_2\bigl(N_{\Delta_{\{1,2\}}\cap\Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}}}\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}\bigr) \cap
\bigl( \delta_{\{1,2\}}\*\delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}} \bigr) .
Expanding the second Chern class of the normal bundle, we see that each
term contributes the sum of four graphs:
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,740){\vector( 0, 1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\vector( 1, 2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\vector( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\vector( 1, 2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,740){\vector( 0, 1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,740){\vector(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\vector( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 0,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,740){\vector(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
Only the first graph is nonzero, since in the other cases, the wrong number
of arrows point towards the vertices. And the first graph contributes
\int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,4}} (-\psi_1) \* \int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}} (-\psi_1) = \frac{1}{24} .
In the case of terms of the form
the excess dimension $e$ equals $1$, and we must calculate the degree of
the excess bundle on the stratum
$\Delta_{\{1,2\}}\cap\Delta_{\{3,4\}}\cap\Delta_{\{1,2,3,4\}}$. Two graphs
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,740){\vector( 0, 1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-1){ 20}}
\put( 60,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 60,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put(100,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put(100,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\vector( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-1){ 20}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-1){ 20}}
\put( 60,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 60,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put(100,720){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put(100,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
Only the first of these graphs gives a nonzero value, namely
\int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}} (-\psi_1) = - \frac{1}{24} .
This completes our outline of the proof of Theorem \ref{main}.
The intersection matrix of Theorem \ref{main} has rank $7$. We now apply
the results of \cite{genus1}, where we calculated the character of the
$\SS_n$-modules $H^i(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n},\mathbb{Q})$: these calculations show that $\dim
H^4(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4},\mathbb{Q})^{\SS_4}=7$. This shows that our $9$ cycles span
$H^4(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4},\mathbb{Q})^{\SS_4}$, and that the nullspace of the intersection
matrix gives relations among them. We already know one such relation, by
Lemma \ref{trivial}. Calculating the remaining null-vector of the
intersection matrix, we obtain the main theorem of this paper.
\begin{theorem} \label{relation}
The following new relation among cycles holds:
12\delta_{2,2} - 4\delta_{2,3} - 2\delta_{2,4} + 6\delta_{3,4} +
\delta_{0,3} + \delta_{0,4} - 2\delta_\beta = 0 .
Using this theorem, it is easy to calculate the remaining intersections
among our $9$ strata:
\delta_\alpha\*\delta_\alpha=16 , \quad \delta_\alpha\*\delta_\beta=-12 ,
\quad \delta_\beta\*\delta_\beta=9 .
C. Faber informs us that the direct calculation of these intersection
numbers is not difficult. This would allow a different approach to the
proof of Theorem \ref{relation}, using the theorem of \cite{elliptic3} that
the strata of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}$ span the even-dimensional rational cohomology.
\section{Gromov-Witten invariants}
In the remainder of this paper, we apply the new relation to the
calculation of elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants: we will do this
explicitly for curves and for the projective plane $\mathbb{CP}^2$, and prove some
general results in other cases.
\subsection{The Novikov ring}
Let $V$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $d$. In studying the
Gromov-Witten invariants, it is convenient to work with cohomology with
coefficients in the Novikov ring $\Lambda$ of $V$, which we now define.
Let $\NN_1(V)$ be the abelian group
\NN_1(V) = \ZZ_1(V) / \text{numerical equivalence} ,
and let $\NE_1(V)$ be its sub-semigroup
\NE_1(V) = \ZE_1(V) / \text{numerical equivalence} ,
where $\ZZ_1(V)$ is the abelian group of $1$-cycles on $V$, and $\ZE_1(V)$
is the semigroup of effective $1$-cycles. (Recall that two $1$-cycles $x$
and $y$ are numerically equivalent $x\equiv y$ when $x\*Z=y\*Z$ for any
Cartier divisor $Z$ on $V$.)
The Novikov ring is
\Lambda &= \mathbb{Q}[\NN_1(V)] \o_{\mathbb{Q}[\NE_1(V)]} \mathbb{Q}\[\NE_1(V)\] \\
&= \textstyle \bigl\{ a = \sum_{\beta\in\NN_1(V)} a_\beta q^\beta \mid
\text{ $\supp(a) \subset \beta_0+\NE_1(V)$ for some $\beta_0\in\NN_1(V)$}
\bigr\} ,
with product $q^{\beta_1}q^{\beta_2}=q^{\beta_1+\beta_2}$ and grading
$|q^\beta|=-2c_1(V)\cap\beta$. That the product is well-defined is shown by
the following proposition (Koll\'ar \cite{Kollar}, Proposition II.4.8).
\begin{proposition} \label{Mori}
If $V$ is a projective variety with K\"ahler form $\omega$, the set
\{\beta\in\NE_1(V)\mid \omega\cap\beta\le c\}
is finite for each $c>0$.
For example, if $V=\mathbb{CP}^n$, then $\NN_1(\mathbb{CP}^n)=\mathbb{Z}\*[L]$, where $[L]$ is the
cycle defined by a line $L\subset\mathbb{CP}^n$, and $\Lambda\cong\mathbb{Q}\(q\)$, with
grading $|q|=-2(n+1)$, since $c_1(\mathbb{CP}^n)\cap[L]=n+1$.
If $V=E$ is an elliptic curve, then $\NN_1(E)=\mathbb{Z}\*[E]$, and
$\Lambda\cong\mathbb{Q}\(q\)$, concentrated in degree $0$.
\subsection{Stable maps}
The definition of Gromov-Witten invariants is based on the study of the
moduli stacks $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)$ of stable maps of Kontsevich, which
have been shown by Behrend and Manin \cite{BM} to be complete
Deligne-Mumford stacks (though not in general smooth).
For each $N\ge0$, let $\pi_{n,N}:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+N}(V,\beta) \to
\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)$ be the projection which forgets the last $N$ marked
points of the stable curve, and stabilizes the resulting map.
In the
special case $N=1$, we obtain a fibration
\pi: \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}(V,\beta) \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)
which is shown by Behrend and Manin to be the universal curve; that is, its
fibre over a stable map $(f:C\to V,x_i)$ is the curve $C$. Denote by
$f:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}(V,\beta)\to V$ the universal stable map, obtained by
evaluation at $x_{n+1}$.
\subsection{The virtual fundamental class}
There are projections $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$, when
$2(g-1)+n>0$, which send the stable map $(f:C\to V,x_i)$ to the
stabilization of $(C,x_i)$. If the sheaf $R^1\pi_*f^*TV$ vanishes on
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)$, the Riemann-Roch theorem predicts that the fibres
of the projection $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ have dimension
d(1-g)+c_1(V)\cap\beta ,
and hence that $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)$ has dimension
d(1-g)+c_1(V)\cap\beta + \dim\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n} = (3-d)(1-g)+c_1(V)\cap\beta + n .
This hypothesis is only rarely true, and in any case only in genus
$0$. However, Behrend-Fantecchi \cite{B,BF} and Li-Tian \cite{LT} show that
there is a bivariant class
[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n},R^\bullet\pi_*f^*TV] \in
A^{d(1-g)+c_1(V)\cap\beta}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}) ,
the virtual relative fundamental class, which stands in for
$[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}]$ in the obstructed case.
The following result is proved in \cite{B}, and sometimes permits the
explicit calculation of Gromov-Witten invariants, as we will see later.
\begin{proposition} \label{excess-virtual}
If the coherent sheaf $R^1\pi_*f^*TV$ on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)$ is locally
trivial of dimension $e$ (the \emph{excess dimension}), then
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)$ is smooth of dimension
(3-d)(1-g)+c_1(V)\cap\beta+n+e ,
and $[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n},R^\bullet\pi_*f^*TV] =
c_e(R^1\pi_*f^*TV) \cap [\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}]$.
\subsection{Gromov-Witten invariants}
The Gromov-Witten invariant of genus $g\ge0$, valence $n\ge0$ and degree
$\beta\in\NE_1(V)$ is a cohomology operation
I_{g,n,\beta}^V : H^{2d(1-g)+2c_1(V)\cap\beta+\bullet}(V^n,\mathbb{Q}) \to
H^\bullet(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n},\mathbb{Q}) ,
defined by the formula
I_{g,n,\beta}^V(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n) =
[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n},R^\bullet\pi_*f^*TV] \cap
\ev^*(\alpha_1\boxtimes\dots\boxtimes\alpha_n) ,
where $\ev:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)\to V^n$ is evaluation at the marked points:
\ev : (f:C\to V,x_i) \mapsto (f(x_1),\dots,f(x_n)) \in V^n .
Capping $I_{g,n,\beta}^V$ with the fundamental class $[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}]$, we
obtain a numerical invariant
\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\> : H^{2(d-3)(1-g)+2c_1(V)\cap\beta+2n}(V^n,\mathbb{Q}) \to \mathbb{Q} .
This is the $n$-point correlation function of two-dimensional topological
gravity with the topological $\sigma$-model associated to $V$ as a
background \cite{Witten}. Note that if $\beta\ne0$, $\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\>$
may be defined even when $2(g-1)+n\le0$, even though $I_{g,n,\beta}^V$ does
not exist.
Introducing the Novikov ring, we may define the generating function
I_{g,n}^V = \sum_{\beta\in\NE_1(V)} q^\beta I_{g,n,\beta}^V :
H^*(V,\Lambda)^{\o n} \to H^\bullet(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n},\Lambda) ,
along with its integral over the fundamental class $[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}]$
\<I_{g,n}^V\> = \sum_{\beta\in\NE_1(V)} q^\beta \<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\> :
H^*(V,\Lambda)^{\o n} \to \Lambda ,
Note that $I_{g,n}^V$ and $\<I_{g,n}^V\>$ are invariant under the action of
the symmetric group $\SS_n$ on $H^*(V,\Lambda)^{\o n}$.
In the special case of zero degree, the moduli space $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)$
is isomorphic to $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}\times V$. This allows us to calculate the
Gromov-Witten invariants $\<I_{0,3,0}^V\>$ and $\<I_{1,1,0}^V\>$. The
former is given by the explicit formula
\<I_{0,3,0}^V(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3)\> = \int_V
\alpha_1\cup\alpha_2\cup\alpha_2 .
This formula is very simple to prove, since the moduli space
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,3}(V,0)\cong V$ is smooth, with dimension equal to its virtual
dimension $d$, and thus the virtual fundamental class
$[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,3}(V,0),R^\bullet\pi_*f^*TV]$ may be identified with the
fundamental class of $V$. A similar proof shows that $\<I_{0,n,0}^V\>$
vanishes if $n>3$.
The calculation of the Gromov-Witten invariant $\<I_{1,1,0}^V\>$ (see
Bershadsky et al.\ \cite{BCOV}) is a good illustration of the application
of Proposition \ref{excess-virtual}.
\begin{proposition} \label{BCOV}
\<I_{1,1,0}^V(\alpha)\> = -\frac{1}{24} \int_V c_{d-1}(V)\cup\alpha ,
while $\<I_{1,n,0}^V\>=0$ if $n>1$.
The moduli stack $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}(V,0)$ is isomorphic to $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}\times V$,
and the obstruction bundle $R^1\pi_*f^*TV$ is isomorphic to the vector
bundle $\mathbb{E}^\vee\boxtimes TV$, of rank $d$, where
$\mathbb{E}=\pi_*\omega_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n+1}/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}}$. Hence $R^1\pi_*f^*TV$ has top
Chern class
c_d(\mathbb{E}^\vee\o f^*TV) = 1\boxtimes f^*c_d(V) - \lambda_1 \boxtimes
f^*c_{d-1}(V) ,
where $\lambda_1=c_1(\mathbb{E})$. By Proposition \ref{excess-virtual},
\<I_{1,n,0}^V(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)\> &= \int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}\times V}
c_d(\mathbb{E}^\vee\o f^*TV) \boxtimes (\alpha_1\cup\dots\cup\alpha_n) \\
&= - \int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}} \lambda_1 \* \int_V c_{d-1}(V) \cup
\alpha_1\cup\dots\cup\alpha_n .
On dimensional grounds, $\<I_{1,n,0}^V\>$ vanishes if $n>1$, while the
formula follows when $n=1$ from $\lambda_1\cap[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}]=\frac{1}{24}$.
\subsection{The puncture axiom}
One of the basic axioms satisfied by Gromov-Witten invariants is expressed
in the relationship between virtual fundamental classes
[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}(V,\beta)/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1},R^\bullet\pi_*f^*TV] = \pi^*
[\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)/\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n},R^\bullet\pi_*f^*TV] .
Here, $\pi^*:A^k(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta)\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}) \to
A^k(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}(V,\beta)\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1})$ is the operation of flat
pullback associated to the diagram
\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1}(V,\beta) @>>> \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+1} \\
@V{\pi}VV @V{\pi}VV \\
\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(V,\beta) @>>> \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}
This axiom implies that if $\alpha$ is a cohomology class on $V$ of degree
at most $2$ and $2(g-1)+n>0$,
\begin{equation} \label{low}
I_{g,n+1,\beta}^V(\alpha,\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n) =
0 , & |\alpha|=0,1 , \\
(\alpha\cap\beta) I_{g,n,\beta}^V(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n) , &
|\alpha|=2 .
\subsection{Generating functions}
Let $\Lambda\[H\]$ be the power series ring
$\Lambda\[H_{\bullet+2}(V,\mathbb{Q})\]$. Let $\{\gamma^a\}_{a=0}^k$ be a homogeneous
basis of the graded vector space $H^\bullet(V,\mathbb{Q})$, with $\gamma^0=1$, and
let $\{t_a\}_{a=0}^k$ be the dual basis; the (homological) degree of $t_a$
equals the (cohomological) degree of $\gamma^a$ minus $2$. We may identify
the ring $\Lambda\[H\]$ with $\Lambda\[t_0,\dots,t_k\]$.
Let $F_g(V)$ be the generating function
F_g(V) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \<I_{g,n}^V\> \in \Lambda\[H\] .
This is a power series of degree $2(d-3)(1-g)$. This suggests assigning to
Planck's constant $\hbar$ the degree $2(d-3)(g-1)$, and forming the total
generating function, homogeneous of degree $0$,
F(V) = \sum_{g=0}^\infty \hbar^{g-1} F_g(V) .
\subsection{The composition axiom}
The composition axiom for Gromov-Witten invariants gives a formula for the
integral of the Gromov-Witten invariant $I_{g,n}^V$ over the cycle
$[\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)]$ associated to a stable graph $G$ which bears a strong
resemblance to the Feynman rules of quantum field theory:
Let $\eta_{ab}$ be the Poincar\'e form of $V$ with respect to the basis
$\{\gamma^a\}_{a=0}^k$ of $H^\bullet(V,\mathbb{Q})$. Then
\int_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)} I_{g,n}^V(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n) = \frac{1}{\Aut(G)}
\sum_{\substack{a(e),b(e)=0 \\ e\in\Edge(G)}}^k \prod_{e\in\Edge(G)}
\eta_{a(e),b(e)} \prod_{v\in\VERT(G)} \<I_{g(v),n(v)}^V(\dots)\> .
Here, the Gromov-Witten invariant $\<I_{g(v),n(v)}^V(\dots)\>$ is evaluated
on the cohomology classes $\alpha_i$ corresponding to the tails of $G$
which meet the vertex $v$, on the $\gamma^{a(e)}$ corresponding to edges
$e$ which start at the vertex $v$, and on the $\gamma^{b(e)}$ corresponding
to edges $e$ which end at $v$. (The right-hand side is independent of the
chosen orientation of the edges, by the symmetry of the Poincar\'e form.)
\subsection{Relations among Gromov-Witten invariants}
Let $G$ be a stable graph of genus $g$ and valence $n$. The subvariety
$\pi_{n,N}^{-1}\bigl(\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)\bigr) \subset \overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n+N}$ is the union of
strata associated to the set of stable graphs obtained from $G$ by
adjoining $N$ tails $\{n+1,\dots,n+N\}$ in all possible ways to the
vertices of $G$.
For example, consider the stratum $\Delta_{12|34}\subset\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,4}$,
associated to the stable graph
\put( 20,760){$\Delta_{12|34} =$}
\put( 80,775){\line( 0,-1){ 30}}
\put( 80,745){\line(-2,-3){ 10}}
\put( 80,745){\line( 2,-3){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line( 2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line(-2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 65,715){$1$}
\put( 89,715){$2$}
\put( 65,795){$3$}
\put( 89,795){$4$}
The inverse image $\pi_{4,N}^{-1}(\Delta_{12|34})$ consists of the union of
all strata in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,4+N}$ associated to stable graphs
\put( 5,760){$\Delta_{12I|34J} =$}
\put( 80,780){\line( 0,-1){ 40}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-2,-3){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 2,-3){ 10}}
\put( 80,780){\line( 2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 80,780){\line(-2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 65,715){$1$}
\put( 89,715){$2$}
\put( 65,800){$3$}
\put( 89,800){$4$}
\put( 80,780){\line( 3,-1){ 30}}
\put( 80,780){\line( 3, 1){ 30}}
\put( 95,780){\dots}
\put( 80,740){\line( 3,-1){ 30}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 3, 1){ 30}}
\put( 95,740){\dots}
where $I$ and $J$ form a partition of the set $\{5,\dots,N+4\}$.
If $\delta$ is a cycle in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$, define the generating function
F(\delta,V) = \sum_{N=0}^\infty \int_{\pi^{-1}(\delta)} I_{g,n+N}^V :
H^{\bullet+2}(V,\Lambda)^{\o n} \to \Lambda\[H\] .
More explicitly,
F(\delta,V)(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n) \\ = \sum_{N=0}^\infty \frac{1}{N!}
\sum_{a_1,\dots,a_N} t_{a_N}\dots t_{a_1} \int_\delta \bigl( \pi_{n,N}
I_{g,n+N}^V(\gamma^{a_1},\dots,\gamma^{a_N},\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n) .
In particular, if $\delta=[\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)]$ where $G$ is a stable graph, we set
F(G,V)=F([\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)],V) .
If $g>1$, $F_g(V)$ is a special case of this construction, with
A little exercise involving Leibniz's rule shows that the composition axiom
implies the following formula for these generatings functions:
\begin{equation} \label{composition}
F(G,V) = \frac{1}{\Aut(G)} \sum_{\substack{a(e),b(e)=0 \\ e\in\Edge(G)}}^k
\prod_{e\in\Edge(G)} \eta_{a(e),b(e)} \prod_{v\in\VERT(G)}
\partial^{n(v)}F_{g(v)}(V) (\dots) ,
where as before, the multilinear form $\partial^{n(v)}F_{g(v)}(V)$ is evaluated
on the cohomology classes $\alpha_i$ corresponding to the tails of $G$
meeting the vertex $v$, on the $\gamma^{a(e)}$ corresponding to edges $e$
which start at the vertex $v$, and on the $\gamma^{b(e)}$ corresponding to
edges $e$ which end at $v$.
The composition axiom implies that any relation among the cycles
$[\overline{\mathcal{M}}(G)]$ is reflected in a relation among Gromov-Witten invariants,
which, by \eqref{composition} may be translated into a differential
equation among generating functions $F_g(V)$. An example is the rational
equivalence of the cycles associated to the three strata of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,4}$
of codimension $1$:
\put( 80,775){\line( 0,-1){ 30}}
\put( 80,745){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,745){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line( 2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line(-2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 65,710){$1$}
\put( 89,710){$2$}
\put( 65,795){$3$}
\put( 89,795){$4$}
\put( 40,755){$\sim$}
\put( 80,775){\line( 0,-1){ 30}}
\put( 80,745){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,745){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line( 2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line(-2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 65,710){$1$}
\put( 89,710){$3$}
\put( 65,795){$2$}
\put( 89,795){$4$}
\put( 40,755){$\sim$}
\put( 80,775){\line( 0,-1){ 30}}
\put( 80,745){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,745){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line( 2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 80,775){\line(-2, 3){ 10}}
\put( 65,710){$1$}
\put( 89,710){$4$}
\put( 65,795){$2$}
\put( 89,795){$3$}
The equality of the Gromov-Witten invariant $F(\delta,V)$ when evaluated on
these cycles is the WDVV equation.
In order to express the relation among the Gromov-Witten invariants implied
by Theorem \ref{relation}, it is useful to introduce certain operators
which act on elements of $\Lambda[H]\o\Lambda\[H\]$ through differentiation in
the first factor: the Laplacian
\Delta = \frac12 \sum_{a,b=0}^k \eta_{ab} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial t_a\partial t_b} ,
and the sequence of bilinear differential operators $\Gamma_n$ by
$\Gamma_0(f,g)=fg$ and
\Gamma_n(f,g) = \frac{1}{n} \bigl( \Delta\Gamma_{n-1}(f,g) -
\Gamma_{n-1}(\Delta f,g) - \Gamma_{n-1}(f,\Delta g) \bigr) .
(We will abbreviate $\Gamma_1(f,g)$ to $\Gamma(f,g)$.)
\begin{proposition} \label{Relation}
Denote the derivative $\partial^{n(v)}F_{g(v)}(V)/n(v)!\in\Lambda[H]\o\Lambda\[H\]$ by
$f_{g,n}$. (Note that $f_{g,n}=F([\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}],V)$.) Then
6 \, \Gamma(\Gamma_1(f_{1,2},f_{0,3}),f_{0,3})
&- 5 \, \Gamma(f_{1,2},\Gamma(f_{0,3},f_{0,3})) \\
& {} - 2 \, \Gamma(f_{0,3},\Gamma(f_{1,1},f_{0,4}))
+ 6 \, \Gamma(f_{0,4},\Gamma(f_{1,1},f_{0,3})) \\
& {} + \Gamma(f_{0,4},\Delta f_{0,4})
+ \Gamma(f_{0,5},\Delta f_{0,3})
- \Gamma_2(f_{0,4},f_{0,4}) = 0 .
This follows from the following table, which is obtained by application of
\delta & F(\delta,V) & & \\ \hline
\delta_{2,2} & \frac12 \Gamma(\Gamma(f_{1,2},f_{0,3}),f_{0,3}) &
\delta_{0,2} & \Gamma(f_{0,3},\Delta f_{0,5}) \\
& {} - \frac14 \Gamma(f_{1,2},\Gamma(f_{0,3},f_{0,3})) &
\delta_{0,3} & \Gamma(f_{0,4},\Delta f_{0,4}) \\
\delta_{2,3} & \frac12 \Gamma(f_{1,2},\Gamma(f_{0,3},f_{0,3})) &
\delta_{0,4} & \Gamma(f_{0,5},\Delta f_{0,3}) \\
\delta_{2,4} & \Gamma(f_{0,3},\Gamma(f_{1,1},f_{0,4})) &
\delta_\alpha & \Gamma_2(f_{0,3},f_{0,5}) \\
\delta_{3,4} & \Gamma(f_{0,4},\Gamma(f_{1,1},f_{0,3})) &
\delta_\beta & \frac12 \Gamma_2(f_{0,4},f_{0,4}) \\[1pt] \hline
When we apply Proposition \ref{Relation} with $V=\mathbb{CP}^2$ and evaluate the
resulting multilinear form to $\omega^{\boxtimes4}$, we obtain the recursion
relation \eqref{recursion} for the elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants
$N^{(1)}_n$ of $\mathbb{CP}^2$.
\section{The symbol of the new relation}
We may introduce a filtration on Gromov-Witten invariants with respect to
which the leading order of our new relation takes a relatively simple form;
by analogy with the case of differential operators, we call this leading
order relation the symbol of the full relation. In some cases, this symbol
may be used to prove that elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants are determined
by rational ones.
The \emph{symbol} of a relation $\delta=0$ among cycles of strata in
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ is the set of relations among Gromov-Witten invariants
obtained by taking, for each $\beta\in\NE_1(V)$, the coefficient of
$q^\beta$ in $I_{g,n}^V\cap[\delta]$, expanding in Feynman diagrams using
the composition axiom, and setting all Gromov-Witten invariants
$\<I_{g',n',\beta'}^V\>$ other than $\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\>$ and
$\<I_{0,3,0}^V\>$ to zero.
We define a total order on the symbols $\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\>$ by setting
$\<I_{g',n',\beta'}^V\>\prec\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\>$ if $g'<g$, or $g'=g$ and
$n'<n$, or $g'=g$, $n'=n$ and $\beta=\beta'+\beta''$ where
$\beta''\in\NE_1(V)$ is non-zero. Thus, knowledge of the symbol determines
relations among Gromov-Witten invariants such that the error in the
relation on $\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\>$ involves invariants
$\<I_{g',n',\beta'}^V\>$ with
$\<I_{g',n',\beta'}^V\>\prec\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\>$. (Here, we must of course
exclude $\<I_{0,3,0}^V\>$.) We use the symbol $\sim$ to denote this
equivalence relation.
For example, the symbol of the WDVV equation is
(a,b,c\cup d) + (a\cup b,c,d) \sim (-1)^{|a|(|b|+|c|)} \bigl( (b,c,a\cup d)
+ (b\cup c,a,d) \bigr) ,
where we have abbreviated $\<I_{0,n,\beta}^V
(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\alpha_4,\alpha_5,\dots,\alpha_n)\>$ to
Next, consider the symbol of the relation
\pi_{4,n-4}^{-1}\bigl(12\delta_{2,2} - 4\delta_{2,3} - 2\delta_{2,4} +
6\delta_{3,4} + \delta_{0,3} + \delta_{0,4} - 2\beta\bigr) = 0
in $H_{2n-4}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n},\mathbb{Q})$. Only the cycles $\delta_{2,2}$ and
$\delta_{2,3}$ contribute terms to the symbol. Abbreviate the Gromov-Witten
class $\<I_{1,n,\beta}^V(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\dots,\alpha_n)\>$ to
$\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2\}$. Up to a numerical factor to be determined, the
cycle $\delta_{2,2}$ contributes the expression
\{a\cup b,c\cup d\} + (-1)^{|b|\,|c|} \{a\cup c,b\cup d\} +
(-1)^{(|b|+|c|)|d|} \{a\cup d,b\cup c\} .
This numerical factor equals
\frac{1}{24} \* 3 \* 12 \* 8 = 12 .
The factor $1/24$ comes from symmetrization over the four inputs, the
factor of $3$ from the three strata making up $\delta_{2,2}$, the factor of
$12$ is the coefficient of the cycle in the relation, and the factor $8$ is
illustrated by listing all of the graphs which contribute a term $\{a\cup b
,c\cup d\}$:
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\line( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,762){\line( 0, 1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,780){\line( 1, 2){ 10}}
\put( 80,780){\line(-1, 2){ 10}}}
\put( 67,805){$a$}
\put( 87,805){$b$}
\put( 67,709){$c$}
\put( 87,709){$d$}
\put( 67,805){$a$}
\put( 87,805){$b$}
\put( 67,709){$d$}
\put( 87,709){$c$}
\put( 67,805){$b$}
\put( 87,805){$a$}
\put( 67,709){$c$}
\put( 87,709){$d$}
\put( 67,805){$b$}
\put( 87,805){$a$}
\put( 67,709){$d$}
\put( 87,709){$c$}
\put( 67,805){$c$}
\put( 87,805){$d$}
\put( 67,709){$a$}
\put( 87,709){$b$}
\put( 67,805){$d$}
\put( 87,805){$c$}
\put( 67,709){$a$}
\put( 87,709){$b$}
\put( 67,805){$c$}
\put( 87,805){$d$}
\put( 67,709){$b$}
\put( 87,709){$a$}
\put( 67,805){$d$}
\put( 87,805){$c$}
\put( 67,709){$b$}
\put( 87,709){$a$}
Similarly, the cycle $\delta_{2,3}$ contributes the expression
\{a,b\cup c\cup d\} + (-1)^{|a|\,|b|} \{b,a\cup c\cup d\} \\
+ (-1)^{(|a|+|b|)|c|} \{c,a\cup b\cup d\} + (-1)^{(|a|+|b|+|c|)|d|}
\{d,a\cup b\cup c\} ,
with numerical factor
\frac{1}{24} \* 12 \* (-4) \* 6 = - 12 ;
the factor $12$ counts the strata making up $\delta_{2,3}$, $-4$ is the
coefficient of the cycle in the relation, and we illustrate the factor $6$
by listing all of the graphs which contribute a term $\{a,b\cup c\cup d\}$:
\put( 80,760){\circle{5}}
\put( 80,757){\line( 0,-1){ 18}}
\put( 80,762){\line( 0, 1){ 18}}
\put( 80,740){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 80,740){\line(-1,-2){ 20}}
\put( 70,720){\line( 1,-2){ 10}}
\put( 56,688){$b$}
\put( 77,688){$c$}
\put( 87,708){$d$}
\put( 77,783){$a$}
\put( 56,688){$c$}
\put( 77,688){$b$}
\put( 87,708){$d$}
\put( 77,783){$a$}
\put( 56,688){$b$}
\put( 77,688){$d$}
\put( 87,708){$c$}
\put( 77,783){$a$}
\put( 56,688){$d$}
\put( 77,688){$b$}
\put( 87,708){$c$}
\put( 77,783){$a$}
\put( 56,688){$c$}
\put( 77,688){$d$}
\put( 87,708){$b$}
\put( 77,783){$a$}
\put( 56,688){$d$}
\put( 77,688){$c$}
\put( 87,708){$b$}
\put( 77,783){$a$}
In conclusion, we obtain the following result.
\begin{theorem} \label{symbol}
$\<I_{1,n,\beta}^V(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\alpha_3,\dots,\alpha_n)\>$ to
$\{\alpha_1,\alpha_2\}$, we have
\Psi(a,b,c,d) & = \{a\cup b,c\cup d\} + (-1)^{|b|\,|c|} \{a\cup c,b\cup d\} +
(-1)^{(|b|+|c|)|d|} \{a\cup d,b\cup c\} \\
& {} - \{a,b\cup c\cup d\} - (-1)^{|a|\,|b|} \{b,a\cup c\cup d\} \\
& {} - (-1)^{(|a|+|b|)|c|} \{c,a\cup b\cup d\} - (-1)^{(|a|+|b|+|c|)|d|}
\{d,a\cup b\cup c\} \sim 0 .
Note that the linear form $\Psi(a,b,c,d)$ is (graded) symmetric in its four
arguments, and vanishes if any of them equals $1$.
\begin{corollary} \label{reduce}
If $\omega\in H^2(V,\mathbb{Q})$ and $a,b\in H^\bullet(V,\mathbb{Q})$, then for $j>2$,
\{\omega^i\cup a,\omega^{j-i}\cup b\} = \binom{i+2}{2} \{a,\omega^j\cup b\} .
By Theorem \ref{symbol}, we have for $i\ge0$ and $j>2$,
\Psi(\omega,\omega^{i+1}\cup a,\omega,\omega^{j-i-3}\cup b) -
\Psi(\omega,\omega^i\cup a,\omega,\omega^{j-i-2}\cup b) \\
\begin{aligned} \sim & \quad \bigl(
2\{\omega^{i+2}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-2}\cup b\} +
\{\omega^2,\omega^{j-2}\cup a\cup b\} \\
{} & {} - \{\omega^{i+1}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-1}\cup b\} -
\{\omega^{i+3}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-3}\cup b\} \bigr) \\
{} & {} - \bigl( 2\{\omega^{i+1}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-1}\cup b\} +
\{\omega^2,\omega^{j-2}\cup a\cup b\} \\
{} & {} - \{\omega^i\cup a,\omega^{j-i}\cup b\}
- \{\omega^{i+2}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-2}\cup b\} \bigr) \\
\sim & \quad \{\omega^i\cup a,\omega^{j-i}\cup b\} -
3\{\omega^{i+1}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-1}\cup b\} \\
{} & \quad {} + 3\{\omega^{i+2}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-2}\cup b\}
- \{\omega^{i+3}\cup a,\omega^{j-i-3}\cup b\} \sim 0 .
This implies that the function
$a(i,j)=\{\omega^i\cup a,\omega^{j-i}\cup b\}$ satisfies the difference
a(i,j) - 3 a(i+1,j) + 3a(i+2,j) - a(i+3,j) \sim 0
with solution $a(i,j)\sim\binom{i+2}{2} a(0,j)$.
We can now prove a weak analogue for elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants of
the (first) Reconstruction Theorem of Kontsevich-Manin (Theorem 3.1 of
\cite{KM}). For $0\le j\le d$, let $P_j(V)=\coker( H^{j-2}(V,\mathbb{Q})
\xrightarrow{\omega\cup\*} H^j(V,\mathbb{Q}) )$ be the $j^{\text{th}}$ primitive
cohomology group of $V$.
\begin{theorem} \label{reconstruction}
If $P^i(V)=0$ for $i>2$, the elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants of $V$ are
determined by its rational Gromov-Witten invariants together with the
Gromov-Witten invariants $\<I_{1,1,\beta}(-)\>:H^{2i+2}(V,\mathbb{Q})\to\mathbb{Q}$ for
$0\le c_1(V)\cap\beta=i<d$. (These are all of the non-vanishing
Gromov-Witten invariants $\<I_{1,1,\beta}(\alpha)\>$.)
We proceed by induction: by hypothesis, $\<I_{g,n,\beta}^V\>$ is known for
$g=0$ or $g=1$ and $n=1$. Now consider the Gromov-Witten invariant
$\<I_{1,n,\beta}^V(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)\>$, where $n>1$. By
\eqref{low}, we may assume that $|\alpha_i|>2$, and under the hypotheses of
the proposition, we may write it as $\omega^{p_i}\cup\gamma_i$ where
$|\gamma_i|\le2$ is a primitive cohomology class.
Step 1: If any two indices $p_i$ and $p_j$ satisfy $p_i+p_j>2$, we may
apply Corollary \ref{reduce} to replace the pair
$(\omega^{p_i}\cup\gamma_i,\omega^{p_j}\cup\gamma_j)$ by
$(\gamma_i,\omega^{p_i+p_j}\cup\gamma_j)$. If $|\gamma_1|=1$, the result
vanishes by \eqref{low}, while if $|\gamma_1|=2$, we may apply \eqref{low}
to reduce $n$ by $1$.
Step 2: We are reduced to considering
$\<I_{1,n,\beta}^V(\omega\cup\gamma_1,\dots,\omega\cup\gamma_n)\>$, where the
classes $\gamma_i$ have degree $1$ or degree $2$. Applying Theorem
\ref{symbol}, we see that
\Psi(\omega,\gamma_1,\omega,\gamma_2) = 2\{\omega\cup\gamma_1,\omega\cup\gamma_2\} +
\{\omega^2,\gamma_1\cup\gamma_2\} \sim 0 .
In particular, we may assume that $n=2$, since otherwise, we would be able
to return to Step 1. There are two cases.
Step 2a: If the classes $\gamma_i$ are both of degree $1$, we see that
$\{\omega\cup\gamma_1,\omega\cup\gamma_2\}\sim0$, since in that case
$\gamma_1\cup\gamma_2$ has degree $2$ and we may apply \eqref{low}.
Step 2b: If the classes $\gamma_i$ are both of degree $2$, there is a class
$\gamma\in H^2(V,\mathbb{Q})$ such that $\gamma_1\cup\gamma_2 = \omega\cup\gamma$,
since $P^4(V)=0$. We must calculate
= \<I_{1,2,\beta}^V(\omega^2,\omega\cup\gamma)\> \sim 6
\<I_{1,2,\beta}^V(1,\omega^3\cup\gamma)\> = 0 ,
where we have applied Corollary \ref{reduce} and \eqref{low}.
Two special cases of this result are worth singling out:
\item If $V$ is a surface, the elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants are
determined by the rational invariants together with
$\<I_{1,1,\beta}(-)\>:H^2(V,\mathbb{Q})\to\mathbb{Q}$ for $c_1(V)\cap\beta=0$ and
$\<I_{1,1,\beta}(-)\>:H^4(V,\mathbb{Q})\to\mathbb{Q}$ for $c_1(V)\cap\beta=1$. If $V$ is
the blow-up of $\mathbb{CP}^2$ at a finite number of points, only $\beta=0$
satisfies $c_1(V)\cap\beta<2$, and by Proposition \ref{BCOV},
$\<I_{1,1,0}\>$ is determined by $c_1(V)$, while the rational Gromov-Witten
invariants are determined by the WDVV equation (G\"ottsche-Pandharipande
\item If $V=\mathbb{CP}^d$, the elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants are determined by
the rational Gromov-Witten invariants.
\section{Gromov-Witten invariants of curves}
To illustrate our new relation, we start with the case where $V$ is a
curve. We will only discuss curves of genus $0$ and $1$, since for curves
of higher genus, $I_{g,n,\beta}^V=0$ if $\beta\ne0$, and the new relation
is identically satisfied.
\subsection{The projective line}
When $V=\mathbb{CP}^1$, the potential $F_g$ is a power series of degree $4g-4$ in
variables $t_0$ and $t_1$ (of degree $-2$ and $0$) and the generator $q$ of
$\Lambda$, of degree $-4=-2c_1(\mathbb{CP}^1)\cap[\mathbb{CP}^1]$. By degree counting,
together with \eqref{low}, we see that
F_g(\mathbb{CP}^1) =
\begin{cases} \displaystyle
t_0^2t_1/2 + q e^{t_1} , & g=0 , \\
\displaystyle -t_1/24 , & g=1 , \\ 0 , & g>1 ;
the only thing which is not immediate is the coefficient of $q$ in
$F_0(\mathbb{CP}^1)$, which is the number of maps of degree $1$ from $\mathbb{CP}^1$ to
itself, up to isomorphism, and clearly equals $1$.
It is easy to calculate $F(\delta,\mathbb{CP}^1)$ for $\delta$ equal to one of our
nine $2$-cycles: all of them vanish except
F(\delta_{3,4},\mathbb{CP}^1) = \frac{t_1^4}{24} \o(-qe^{t_1}/6) ;
F(\delta_{0,4},\mathbb{CP}^1) = \frac{t_1^4}{24} \o qe^{t_1} ;
F(\delta_\alpha,\mathbb{CP}^1) = \frac{t_1^4}{24} \o 2qe^{t_1} .
We see that the new relation holds among these potentials.
\subsection{Elliptic curves}
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve. Denote by $\xi,\eta$ variables of degree $-1$
corresponding to a basis of $H_1(E,\mathbb{Z})$ such that $\<\xi,\eta\>=1$. The
ring $\Lambda$ has one generator $q$, of degree $0$ (since
$c_1(V)=0$). Since there are no rational curves in $E$ of positive degree,
we have
F_0(E) = t_0^2t_1/2 + t_0\xi\eta .
It is shown in \cite{BCOV} that
\begin{equation} \label{Eisenstein}
F_1(E) = - \frac{t_1}{24} + \sum_{\beta=1}^\infty \frac{\sigma(\beta)}{\beta}
q^\beta \bigl(e^{\beta t_1} - 1\bigr) ,
since $\<I_{1,1,\beta}^E(\omega)\>=\sigma(\beta)$ counts the number of
unramified covers of degree $\beta$ of the curve $E$ up to automorphisms,
which are easily enumerated. An equivalent form of \eqref{Eisenstein} is
\frac{\partial F_1(E)}{\partial t_1} = G_2(qe^{t_1}) ,
G_2(q) = - \frac{1}{24} + \sum_{\beta=1}^\infty \sigma(\beta) q^\beta
is the Eisenstein series of weight $2$. By degree counting, we also see
that $F_g(E)=0$ for $g>1$.
Note that the Gromov-Witten invariants of an elliptic curve are invariant
under deformation; this is true for any smooth projective variety $V$
(Li-Tian \cite{LT}). In fact, the definition of Gromov-Witten invariants
extends to any almost-K\"ahler manifold (a symplectic manifold with
compatible almost-complex structure), and the resulting invariants are
independent of the almost-complex structure (Li-Tian \cite{LT:symp}).
It is simple to calculate the Gromov-Witten potentials $F(\delta,E)$ for
our nine $2$-cycles in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,4}$.
\begin{lemma} \label{elliptic}
We have
F(\delta_{2,2},E) = \Bigl( \frac{5}{12} G_4(qe^{t_1}) - G_2(qe^{t_1})^2
\Bigr) (t_0t_1+\xi\eta)^2 = \frac{q}{2} (t_0t_1+\xi\eta)^2 + O(q^2) ,
$F(\delta_{2,3},E)=3F(\delta_{2,2},E)$, while the remaining $7$ potentials
Again, we see that the new relation holds.
\section{The Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb{CP}^2$}
The Gromov-Witten potential $F_g(\mathbb{CP}^2)$ is a power series of degree $2g-2$
in variables $t_0$, $t_1$ and $t_2$, of degrees $-2$, $0$ and $2$, where
$t_i$ is dual to $\omega^i$, and the generator $q$ of $\Lambda$, of degree
By degree counting, together with \eqref{low}, we see that
F_g(\mathbb{CP}^2) =
\displaystyle \frac{1}{2} (t_0t_1^2 + t_0^2t_2) + \sum_{\beta=1}^\infty
N^{(0)}_\beta q^\beta e^{\beta t_1} \frac{t_2^{3\beta-1}}{(3\beta-1)!} , &
g=0 , \\
\displaystyle - \frac{t_1}{8} + \sum_{\beta=1}^\infty N^{(1)}_\beta q^\beta
e^{\beta t_1} \frac{t_2^{3\beta}}{(3\beta)!} , & g=1 , \\
\displaystyle \sum_{\beta=1}^\infty N^{(g)}_\beta q^\beta e^{\beta t_1}
\frac{t_2^{3\beta+g-1}}{(3\beta+g-1)!} , & g>1 , \end{cases}
where $N^{(g)}_\beta$ are certain rational coefficients.
Using the Severi theory of plane curves, we will show that $N^{(g)}_\beta$
is the answer to an enumerative problem for plane curves; in particular, it
is a non-negative integer. This phenomenon is special to del~Pezzo
surfaces: we have already seen that the elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants
of an elliptic curve are non-integral, while for $\mathbb{CP}^3$, they are not even
We apply the following result, which is Proposition 2.2 of Harris
\begin{proposition} \label{Harris}
Let $S$ be a smooth rational surface. Let $\pi:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{M}$ be a family of
curves of geometric genus $g$ with $\mathcal{M}$ irreducible, and let $f:\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{M}$
be a map such that on each component of a general fibre $\mathcal{C}_z$ of $\pi$,
the restriction $f_z$ of $f$ to $\mathcal{C}_z$ is not constant and $f_z^*\omega_S$
has negative degree.
Let $W$ be the image of the map from $\mathcal{M}$ to the Chow variety of curves on
$S$ defined by sending $z\in\mathcal{M}$ to the curve $\mathcal{C}_z$. Then
$\dim(W)\le-\deg(f_z^*\omega_S)+g-1$, and if equality holds, then $f_z$ is
birational for all $z\in\mathcal{M}$.
\begin{corollary} \label{Severi}
The coefficient $N^{(g)}_\beta$ equals the number of irreducible plane
curves of arithmetic genus $g$ and degree $\beta$ passing through
$3\beta+g-1$ general points in $\mathbb{CP}^2$.
Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a component of the boundary
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(\mathbb{CP}^2,\beta)\setminus\mathcal{M}_{g,n}(\mathbb{CP}^2,\beta)$, and consider the
family of curves $\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{M}$ obtained by restricting the universal curve
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g+1,n}(\mathbb{CP}^2,\beta)\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(\mathbb{CP}^2,\beta)$ to $\mathcal{M}$ and
contracting to a point all components of the fibres on which $f$ has degree
The geometric genus of the fibres of this family is bounded above by $g-1$.
Applying Proposition \ref{Harris}, we see that the image of $\mathcal{M}$ in the Chow
variety of plane curves has dimension at most $3\beta+g-2$.
On the other hand, if $\mathcal{M}$ is a component of $\mathcal{M}_{g,n}(\mathbb{CP}^2,\beta)$, and
$\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{M}$ is the universal family of curves $\mathcal{C}\to\mathcal{M}$, we see that the
image of $\mathcal{M}$ in the Chow variety of plane curves has dimension less than
$3\beta+g-1$ unless the stable maps parametrized by $\mathcal{M}$ are birational to
their image.
The Gromov-Witten invariant $N^{(g)}_\beta$ equals the degree of the
intersection of the image of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,3\beta+g-1}(\mathbb{CP}^2,\beta)$ in the
Chow variety of curves in $\mathbb{CP}^2$ with the cycle of curves passing through
$3\beta+g-1$ general points. By Bertini's theorem for homogenous spaces
\cite{Kleiman}, we see that the points of intersection are reduced and lie
in the components of $\mathcal{M}_{g,n}(\mathbb{CP}^2,\beta)$ on which the map $f$ is
birational to its image, and hence an embedding\xspace. (This argument is
borrowed from Section 6 of Fulton-Pandharipande \cite{FP}.) The result
\subsection{Comparison with the formulas of Caporaso and Harris}
Caporaso and Harris \cite{CH} have calculated the numbers $N^{(g)}_\beta$
for all $g\ge0$, and we now turn the comparison of our results for
$N^{(1)}_\beta$ . We have not been able to find a proof that our answers
agree, but we have verified that this is so for $\beta\le6$.
The recursion of Caporaso and Harris for the Gromov-Witten invariants of
$\mathbb{CP}^2$ is more easily applied if it is recast in terms of generating
If $\alpha$ is a partition, denote by $\ell(\alpha)$ the number of parts of
$\alpha$ and by $|\alpha|$ the sum $\alpha_1+\dots+\alpha_{\ell(\alpha)}$
of the parts of $\alpha$. Let $\alpha!$ be the product $\alpha! = \alpha_1!
\dots \alpha_{\ell(\alpha)}!$.
Fix a line $L$ in $\mathbb{CP}^2$. If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are partitions with
$|\alpha|+|\beta|=d$, and $\Omega$ is a collection of $\ell(\alpha)$ general
points of $L$, let
$V^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)(\Omega)=V^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$ be the
generalized Severi variety: the closure of the locus of reduced plane
curves of degree $d$ not containing $L$, smooth except for $\delta$ double
points, having order of contact $\alpha_i$ with $L$ at $\Omega_i$, and to
order $\beta_1,\dots,\beta_{\ell(\beta)}$ at $\ell(\beta)$ further
unassigned points of $L$. For example, $V^{d,\delta}(0,1^d)$ is the
classical Severi variety of plane curves of degree $d$ with $\delta$ double
points, while $V^{d,\delta}(0,21^{d-1})$ is the closure of the locus of
plane curves tangent to $L$ at a smooth point.
Denote by $V_0^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$ the union of the components of
$V^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$ whose general point is an irreducible
curve. Let $N^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$ be the degree of
$V^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$ and let $N_0^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$ be the
degree of $V_0^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$. Form the generating functions
Z &= \sum \frac{z^{\binom{d+1}{2}-\delta+\ell(\beta)}}
{\bigl(\binom{d+1}{2}-\delta+\ell(\beta)\bigr)!} \frac{p^\alpha}{\alpha!}
q^\beta N^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta) , \\
F &= \sum \frac{z^{\binom{d+1}{2}-\delta+\ell(\beta)}}
{\bigl(\binom{d+1}{2}-\delta+\ell(\beta)\bigr)!} \frac{p^\alpha}{\alpha!}
q^\beta N_0^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta) .
The integer $\binom{d+1}{2}-\delta+\ell(\beta)$ is the dimension of the
variety $V^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$. The union of curves of degree $d_i$,
$1\le i\le n$, with $\delta_i$ double points and partitions $\alpha_i$ and
$\beta_i$ is a (reducible) curve has degree $d=d_1+\dots+d_n$ with
\delta = \delta_1 + \dots + \delta_n + \sum_{i<j} \delta_i\delta_j
double points and partitions $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$ and
$\beta=(\beta_1,\dots,\beta_n)$. This formula for $\delta$ amounts to the
condition that the sum of the dimensions of the generalized Severi
varieties $V_0^{d_i,\delta_i}(\alpha_i,\beta_i)$ equals the dimension of
$V^{d,\delta}(\alpha,\beta)$. The proof of the relationship $Z = \exp(F)$
between these two generating functions is an exercise in the definition of
degree (see Ran \cite{Ran}).
Caporaso and Harris prove a recursion which in terms of the generating
function $Z$ may be written
\frac{\partial Z}{\partial z} = \sum_{k=1}^\infty kq_k\frac{\partial Z}{\partial p_k} + \Res_{t=0}
\biggl[ \exp\Bigl( \sum_{k=1}^\infty t^{-k} p_k + \sum_{k=1}^\infty k t^k
\frac{\partial}{\partial q_k} \Bigr) \biggr] Z ,
where $\Res_{t=0}$ is the residue with respect to the formal variable $t$,
in other words, the coefficient of $t^{-1}$ when the exponential is
\footnote{The resemblance of the right-hand side to the Hamiltonian of the
Liouville model is striking --- we have no idea why operators so closely
resembling vertex operators make their appearance here.} Dividing by $Z$,
we obtain
\frac{\partial F}{\partial z} = \sum_{k=1}^\infty kq_k\frac{\partial F}{\partial p_k} + \Res_{t=0}
\biggl[ \exp\Bigl( \sum_{k=1}^\infty t^{-k} p_k + F|_{q_k\mapsto q_k+kt^k}
- F \Bigr) \biggr] ,
which clearly allows the recursive calculation of the coefficients
As a special case of $Z=\exp(F)$, we have
1 + \sum \frac{z^{\binom{d+2}{2}-\delta-1} q^d N^{d,\delta}}
{\bigl(\binom{d+2}{2}-\delta-1\bigr)!} = \exp \biggl( \sum
\frac{z^{\binom{d+2}{2}-\delta-1} q^d N_0^{d,\delta}}
{\bigl(\binom{d+2}{2}-\delta-1\bigr)!} \biggr) ,
since $\binom{d+1}{2}-\delta+d=\binom{d+2}{2}-\delta-1$. Expanding the
exponential, we obtain
N^{d,\delta} = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n!} \sum_{d=d_1+\dots+d_n} \\
\frac{\bigl(\binom{d+2}{2}-\delta-1\bigr)! N_0^{d_1,\delta_1} \dots
N_0^{d_n,\delta_n}} {\bigl(\binom{d_1+2}{2}-\delta_1-1\bigr)! \dots
\bigl(\binom{d_i+2}{2}-\delta_i-1\bigr)!} .
For example, with $d=5$, we obtain
N_0^{5,4} &= N^{5,4} - \frac{16!}{14!2!} N_0^{4,0}N_0^{1,0} = 36975 - 120 \*
1 = 36855 , \\
N_0^{5,5} &= N^{5,5} - \frac{15!}{13!2!} N_0^{4,1}N_0^{1,0} = 90027 - 105
\* 27 = 87192 ,
while with $d=6$ and $\delta=9$, we obtain
N_0^{6,9} &= N^{6,9} - 18! \biggl( \frac{N_0^{5,4}}{16!}
\frac{N_0^{1,0}}{2!} - \frac{N_0^{4,1}}{13!} \frac{N_0^{2,0}}{3!}
- \frac{1}{2} \Bigl( \frac{N_0^{3,0}}{9!} \Bigr)^2 - \frac{1}{2}
\frac{N_0^{4,0}}{14!} \Bigl( \frac{N_0^{1,0}}{2!} \Bigr)^2 \biggr) \\
&= 63338881 - 153 \* 36855 \* 1 + 8568 \* 27 \* 1 + \tfrac12 \* 48620 \* 1^2 +
\tfrac12 \* 18360 \* 1 \* 1^2 \\ &= 57435240
in agreement with the recursion \eqref{recursion}.
By Proposition \ref{Severi}, the relation between the numbers
$N_0^{d,\delta}$ and the Gromov-Witten invariants is very simple:
$N^{(g)}_d=N_0^{d,\delta}$ where $g=\binom{d-1}{2}-\delta$. In terms of
$F$, the Gromov-Witten potentials $F_g(\mathbb{CP}^2)$ are given by the formula
\sum_{g=0}^\infty \hbar^{g-1} F_g(\mathbb{CP}^2) = \frac{1}{2\hbar}
(t_0^2t_2+t_0t_1^2) - \frac{t_1}{8} +
F\big|_{\substack{(q_1,q_2,\dots)=(\hbar^{-3}qe^{t_1},0,\dots) \\
(p_1,p_2,\dots)=(0,0,\dots) , z=\hbar t_2}} .
\section{The elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb{CP}^3$}
For $g=0$ and $g=1$, the Gromov-Witten potentials of the projective space
$\mathbb{CP}^3$ have the form
F_g(\mathbb{CP}^3) = \begin{cases}
\bigl( \frac{1}{2} t_0^2t_3 + t_0t_1t_2 + \frac{1}{6} t_1^3 \bigr) +
\displaystyle \sum_{4\beta=a+2b} N^{(0)}_{ab} q^\beta e^{\beta t_1}
\frac{t_2^at_3^b}{a!b!} , & g=0 , \\
\displaystyle - \frac{t_1}{4} + \sum_{4\beta=a+2b}
N^{(1)}_{ab} q^\beta e^{\beta t_1} \frac{t_2^at_3^b}{a!b!} , & g=1 .
Here, $t_i$ is the formal variable of degree $2i-2$ dual to $\omega^i\in
H^{2i}(\mathbb{CP}^3,\mathbb{Q})$ and $q$ is the generator of the Novikov ring
$\Lambda\cong\mathbb{Q}\(q\)$ of $\mathbb{CP}^3$. By Proposition \ref{BCOV}, the
coefficient of $t_1$ in $F_1(\mathbb{CP}^3)$ equals $-c_2(\mathbb{CP}^3)/24$.
Thus, the coefficient $N^{(g)}_{ab}$ is a rational number which ``counts''
the number of stable maps of degree $\beta$ from a curve of genus $g$ to
$\mathbb{CP}^3$ meeting $a$ generic lines and $b$ generic points.
It is shown by Fulton and Pandharipande \cite{FP} that $N^{(0)}_{ab}$
equals the number of rational space curves of degree $\beta$ which meet $a$
generic lines and $b$ generic points. In particular, they are non-negative
integers. By contrast, the coefficients $N^{(1)}_{ab}$ are neither positive
nor integral: for example, $N^{(1)}_{02}=-1/12$. In \cite{cp3}, we prove
the following result.
The number of elliptic space curves of degree $\beta$ passing through $a$
generic lines and $b$ generic points, where $4\beta=a+2b$, equals
$N^{(1)}_{ab} + (2\beta-1)N^{(0)}_{ab}/12$.
By evaluating the equation of Proposition \ref{Relation} on
$\omega\boxtimes\omega\boxtimes\omega\boxtimes\omega$, we obtain the following relation
among the elliptic Gromov-Witten for $\mathbb{CP}^3$: if $a\ge2$, then
3 N^{(1)}_{ab} = 4 nN^{(1)}_{a-2,b+1} - \tfrac{1}{4} n^2 N^{(0)}_{ab} +
\tfrac{1}{6} n^3 (n-3) N^{(0)}_{a-2,b+1} \\
\shoveleft{ {} - 2 \sum_{\substack{a-2=a_1+a_2\\b+1=b_1+b_2}}
\textstyle N^{(1)}_{a_1b_1} N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2} n_2^2 (n-3n_1)
\binom{a-2}{a_1} \Bigr\{ n_1 \binom{b}{b_1} + n_2 \binom{b}{b_1-1} \Bigr\} } \\
\shoveleft{ {} + \sum_{\substack{a=a_1+a_2\\b=b_1+b_2}} N^{(1)}_{a_1b_1}
N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2} \textstyle \Bigl\{ n_1n_2 (n+3n_1) \binom{a-2}{a_1} +
n_2^2 (3n_1-n) \binom{a-2}{a_1-1} - 6 n_2^3 \binom{a-2}{a_1-2} \Bigr\}
\binom{b}{b_1} } \\
\shoveleft{{} + \tfrac{1}{12} {\displaystyle
\sum_{\substack{a=a_1+a_2\\b=b_1+b_2}}} N^{(0)}_{a_1b_1} N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2}
n_1 n_2^2 } \\
\textstyle \Bigl\{ n_1^2 (3-n_1) \binom{a-2}{a_1} + n_1n_2(n-3n_1-3)
\binom{a-2}{a_1-1} + n_2^2 (-n_1+n_2-6) \binom{a-2}{a_1-2} \Bigr\}
\binom{b}{b_1} \\
\shoveleft{{} + \tfrac{1}{2} \sum_{\substack{a=a_1+a_2+a_3\\b=b_1+b_2+b_3}}
\textstyle N^{(1)}_{a_1b_1} N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2} N^{(0)}_{a_3b_3} \Bigl\{
2n_1n_2^3n_3(n+3n_1-3n_2) \binom{a-2}{a_2,a_3-2} - 6 n_2^3n_3^3
\binom{a-2}{a_2,a_3} } \\
\textstyle {} + n_2^2n_3^2 (3n_1-n) \Bigl( n_1
\binom{a-2}{a_2-1,a_3-1} + n_2 \binom{a-2}{a_2,a_3-1} + n_3
\binom{a-2}{a_2-1,a_3} \Bigr) \Bigr\} \binom{b}{b_2,b_3} .
This relation determines the elliptic coefficient $N^{(1)}_{ab}$ for $a>0$
in terms of $N^{(1)}_{0,\frac{1}{2}a+b}$, the elliptic coefficients of
lower degree, and the rational coefficients.
To determine the coefficients $N^{(1)}_{0,b}$, we need the relation
obtained by evaluating Proposition \ref{Relation} on
$\omega^2\boxtimes\omega^2\boxtimes\omega\boxtimes\omega$: if $b\ge2$, then
0 = N^{(1)}_{ab} + \tfrac{1}{24} n(2n-1) N^{(0)}_{a+2,b-1}
+ \tfrac{1}{48} N^{(0)}_{a+4,b-2} \\
\shoveleft{ {} + \sum_{\substack{a+2=a_1+a_2\\b-1=b_1+b_2}} \textstyle
N^{(1)}_{a_1b_1} N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2} \textstyle \Bigl\{ n_2 \Bigl( n
\binom{a}{a_1} + n_2 \binom{a}{a_1-1} \Bigr) \binom{b-2}{b_1-1} } \\[-10pt]
\shoveright{ \textstyle {} - \frac{1}{6} \Bigl( n_1(6n_1-n_2)
\binom{a}{a_1} + n_2 (16n_1-n_2) \binom{a}{a_1-1} + 6n_2^2 \binom{a}{a_1-2}
\Bigr) \binom{b-2}{b_1} \Bigr\} } \\
\shoveleft{{} - \tfrac{1}{12} \sum_{\substack{a+4=a_1+a_2\\b-2=b_1+b_2}}
N^{(1)}_{a_1b_1} N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2} \Bigl( n_1 \binom{a}{a_1} + (2n_1-5n_2)
\binom{a}{a_1-1} + 6n_2 \binom{a}{a_1-2} \Bigr) \binom{b-2}{b_1} } \\
\shoveleft{ {} - \tfrac{1}{48} \sum_{\substack{a+4=a_1+a_2\\b-2=b_1+b_2}}
N^{(0)}_{a_1b_1} N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2} \textstyle \Bigl( n_1^3(n_1-1) \binom{a}{a_1}
+ n_1^2n_2(2n_1-2n_2+1) \binom{a}{a_1-1} } \\
\textstyle {} + n_1n_2^2(2n_1-2n_2+7) \binom{a}{a_1-2}
+ n_2^3(2n_1+5) \binom{a}{a_1-3} + n_2^4 \binom{a}{a_1-4} \Bigr)
\binom{b-2}{b_1} \\
\shoveleft{{} - \tfrac{1}{12}
\textstyle N^{(1)}_{a_1b_1} N^{(0)}_{a_2b_2} N^{(0)}_{a_3b_3}
\textstyle \Bigl\{ 3n_2n_3 \Bigl( n_2^2 \binom{a}{a_2,a_3-2} + n_3^2
\binom{a}{a_2-2,a_3} \Bigr) } \\
\shoveleft{ {} + \textstyle n_1 \Bigl( n_2^3 \binom{a}{a_2,a_3-4}
+ n_2^2(6n_1-n_3) \binom{a}{a_2-1,a_3-3} - 7n_2n_3^2 \binom{a}{a_2-2,a_3-2}
- 5n_3^3 \binom{a}{a_2-3,a_3-1} \Bigr) } \\
\shoveleft{\textstyle {} + \Bigl( n_2^3(n_1-5n_3) \binom{a}{a_2,a_3-3}
+ n_2^2n_3(5n_1-7n_3) \binom{a}{a_2-1,a_3-2} } \\
\textstyle {}+ n_2n_3^2 (5n_1-n_3) \binom{a}{a_2-2,a_3-1}
+ n_3^3(n_1+n_3) \binom{a}{a_2-3,a_3}\Bigr) \Bigr\} \binom{b-2}{b_2,b_3} .
This relation determine the coefficient $N^{(1)}_{0b}$ in terms of elliptic
coefficients of lower order and the rational coefficients, and thus
ultimately in terms of $N^{(0)}_{02}=1$, the number of lines between two
Using these relation, we obtain the results of Table 2. Up to degree $3$,
Theorem A is easily seen to hold, since there are no elliptic space curves
of degrees $1$ and $2$, while all elliptic space curves of degree $3$ lie
in a plane.
It is well-known that there is one quartic elliptic space curve through $8$
general points, while the number of elliptic quartic space curves through
$16$ general lines was calculated by Vainsencher and Avritzer
(\cite{Vainsencher}; see also \cite{Avritzer}, which contains a correction
to \cite{Vainsencher}, bringing it into agreement with our calculation!).
\begin{table} \label{CP3}
\caption{Rational and elliptic Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb{CP}^3$}
$$\begin{tabular}{|R|C|R|D{.}{}{2}|R|} \hline
n & (a,b) & N^{(0)}_{ab} & N^{(1)}_{ab} &
{\scriptstyle N^{(1)}_{ab}+(2n-1)N^{(0)}_{ab}/12} \\ \hline
1 & (0,2) & 1 & -.\frac{1}{12} & 0 \\
& (2,1) & 1 & -.\frac{1}{12} & 0 \\
& (4,0) & 2 & -.\frac{1}{6} & 0 \\[5pt]
2 & (0,4) & 0 & .0 & 0 \\
& (2,3) & 1 & -.\frac{1}{4} & 0 \\
& (4,2) & 4 & -1. & 0 \\
& (6,1) & 18 & -4.\frac{1}{2} & 0 \\
& (8,0) & 92 & -23. & 0 \\[5pt]
3 & (0,6) & 1 & -.\frac{5}{12} & 0 \\
& (2,5) & 5 & -2.\frac{1}{12} & 0 \\
& (4,4) & 30 & -12.\frac{1}{2} & 0 \\
& (6,3) & 190 & -78.\frac{1}{6} & 1 \\
& (8,2) & 1\,312 & -532.\frac{2}{3} & 14 \\
& (10,1) & 9\,864 & -3\,960. & 150 \\
& (12,0) & 80\,160 & -31\,900. & 1\,500 \\[5pt]
4 & (0,8) & 4 & -1.\frac{1}{3} & 1 \\
& (2,7) & 58 & -29.\frac{5}{6} & 4 \\
& (4,6) & 480 & -248. & 32 \\
& (6,5) & 4\,000 & -2\,023.\frac{1}{3} & 310 \\
& (8,4) & 35\,104 & -17\,257.\frac{1}{3} & 3\,220 \\
& (10,3) & 327\,888 & -156\,594. & 34\,674 \\
& (12,2) & 3259\,680 & -1\,515\,824. & 385\,656 \\
& (14,1) & 34\,382\,544 & -15\,620\,216. & 4\,436\,268 \\
& (16,0) & 383\,306\,880 & -170\,763\,640. & 52\,832\,040 \\[5pt]
5 & (0,10) & 105 & -36.\frac{3}{4} & 42 \\
& (2,9) & 1\,265 & -594.\frac{3}{4} & 354 \\
& (4,8) & 13\,354 & -6\,523.\frac{1}{2} & 3\,492 \\
& (6,7) & 139\,098 & -66\,274.\frac{1}{2} & 38\,049 \\
& (8,6) & 1\,492\,616 & -677\,808. & 441\,654 \\
& (10,5) & 16\,744\,080 & -7\,179\,606. & 5\,378\,454 \\
& (12,4) & 197\,240\,400 & -79\,637\,976. & 68\,292\,324 \\
& (14,3) & 2\,440\,235\,712 & -928\,521\,900. & 901\,654\,884 \\
& (16,2) & 31\,658\,432\,256 & -11\,385\,660\,384. & 12\,358\,163\,808 \\
& (18,1) & 429\,750\,191\,232 & -146\,713\,008\,096. & 175\,599\,635\,328 \\
& (20,0) & 6\,089\,786\,376\,960 & -1\,984\,020\,394\,752. &
2\,583\,319\,387\,968 \\ \hline
1996-12-18T03:27:05 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612013 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612013 | [
] | alg-geom/9612013 | Misha S. Verbitsky | Misha Verbitsky | Desingularization of singular hyperkaehler varieties II | LaTeX 2e, 15 pages. This paper can be read independently from the
first part. `Desingularization part I' appeared in alg-geom/9611015 | null | null | null | null | This is a second part of alg-geom/9611015. We construct a natural
hyperkaehler desingularization for all singular hyperkaehler varieties. The
desingularization theorem was proven in alg-geom/9611015 under additional
assumption of local homogeneity. Here we show that local homogeneity is
redundant: every singular hyperkaehler variety has locally homogeneous
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 18 Dec 1996 02:26:57 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
A hyperk\"ahler manifold is a Riemannian manifold with an action
of a quaternion algebra $\Bbb H$ in its tangent bundle, such that
for all $I\in \Bbb H$, $I^2=-1$, $I$ establishes a complex,
K\"ahler structure on $M$
(see \ref{_hyperkahler_manifold_Definition_} for details).
We extend this definition to singular varieties.
The notion of a singular hyperk\"ahler variety has its
origin in \cite{_Verbitsky:Hyperholo_bundles_}
(see also \cite{_Verbitsky:Deforma_} and
\cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}). Examples of singular
hyperk\"ahler varieties are numerous, and come from several
diverse sources (\ref{_singu_hype_Remark_},
for additional examples see \cite{_Verbitsky:Deforma_},
Section 10). There is a weaker version of this definition:
a notion of {\bf hypercomplex variety}. Singular hypercomplex
varieties is what this paper primarily deals with.
For a real analytic variety $M$, we say that $M$ is {\bf hypercomplex},
if $M$ is equipped with the complex structures $I$, $J$ and $K$,
such that $I\circ J = - J\circ I =K$, and certain integrability
conditions are satisfied (for a precise statement, see
\ref{_hypercomplex_Definition_}). The paper
\cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_} dealt with the hypercomplex varieties
with ``locally homogeneous singularities'' (LHS). A complex analytic
variety $M$ is LHS if for each point $x\in M$, the completion
$A$ of the local ring ${\cal O}_x M$ can be represented as
a quotient of the power series ring by a homogeneous ideal
(\ref{_SLHS_Definition_}, \ref{_locally_homo_coord_Claim_}).
In \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}, we described explicitly
the singularities of hypercomplex LHS varieties.
We have shown that every such variety, considered as a complex
variety with a complex structure induced
from the quaternions, is locally isomorphic
to a union of planes in ${\Bbb C}^n$ (\ref{_singula_stru_Theorem_}).
The normalization of such a variety is non-singular,
which follows from this description of singularities.
This gives a canonical, functorial way to desingularize hyperk\"ahler
and hypercomplex varieties (\ref{_desingu_Theorem_}).
The purpose of the present paper is to show that all
hypercomplex varieties have locally homogeneous singularities
This is used to extend the desingularization results to all
singular hyperk\"ahler or hypercomplex varieties
In Sections
we prove that all hypercomplex varieties have locally homogeneous
singularities. Section \ref{_comple_with_au_Section_} is purely
a commutative algebra. We work with a complete local Noetherian
ring $A$ over ${\Bbb C}$. By definition, an automorphism $e:\; A {\:\longrightarrow\:} A$
is called {\bf homogenizing} (\ref{_homogeni_automo_Definition_})
if its differential acts as
a dilatation on the Zariski tangent space of $A$, with dilatation
coefficient $|\lambda|<1$. As usual, by the Zariski tangent space
we understand the space $\mathfrak m_A /\mathfrak m_A^2$, where $\mathfrak m_A$
is a maximal ideal of $A$.
The main result of Section \ref{_comple_with_au_Section_} is the
following. For a complete local Noetherian
ring $A$ over ${\Bbb C}$ equipped with a homogenizing automorphism
$e:\; A {\:\longrightarrow\:} A$, we show that $A$ has locally homogeneous
In Section \ref{_homogeni_on_hype_Section_}, we construct a
natural homogenizing automorphism of the ring of germs of
complex analytic functions on a hypercomplex variety $M$
(\ref{_homogenizing_Proposition_}). Applying Section
\ref{_comple_with_au_Section_}, we obtain that every
hypercomplex variety has locally homogeneous
This subsection contains a compression of
the basic definitions from hyperk\"ahler geometry, found, for instance, in
\cite{_Besse:Einst_Manifo_} or in \cite{_Beauville_}.
\definition \label{_hyperkahler_manifold_Definition_}
(\cite{_Besse:Einst_Manifo_}) A {\bf hyperk\"ahler manifold} is a
Riemannian manifold $M$ endowed with three complex structures $I$, $J$
and $K$, such that the following holds.
\item[(i)] the metric on $M$ is K\"ahler with respect to these complex
structures and
\item[(ii)] $I$, $J$ and $K$, considered as endomorphisms
of a real tangent bundle, satisfy the relation
$I\circ J=-J\circ I = K$.
The notion of a hyperk\"ahler manifold was
introduced by E. Calabi (\cite{_Calabi_}).
Clearly, a hyperk\"ahler manifold has the natural action of
quaternion algebra ${\Bbb H}$ in its real tangent bundle $TM$.
Therefore its complex dimension is even.
For each quaternion $L\in \Bbb H$, $L^2=-1$,
the corresponding automorphism of $TM$ is an almost complex
structure. It is easy to check that this almost
complex structure is integrable (\cite{_Besse:Einst_Manifo_}).
\definition \label{_indu_comple_str_Definition_}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold, $L$ a quaternion satisfying
$L^2=-1$. The corresponding complex structure on $M$ is called
{\bf an induced complex structure}. The $M$ considered as a complex
manifold is denoted by $(M, L)$.
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler manifold. We identify the group $SU(2)$
with the group of unitary quaternions. This gives a canonical
action of $SU(2)$ on the tangent bundle and all its tensor
powers. In particular, we obtain a natural action of $SU(2)$
on the bundle of differential forms.
\lemma \label{_SU(2)_commu_Laplace_Lemma_}
The action of $SU(2)$ on differential forms commutes
with the Laplacian.
{\bf Proof:} This is Proposition 1.1
of \cite{_Verbitsky:Hyperholo_bundles_}. \blacksquare
Thus, for compact $M$, we may speak of the natural action of
$SU(2)$ in cohomology.
\subsection{Trianalytic subvarieties in compact hyperk\"ahler
In this subsection, we give a definition and a few basic properties
of trianalytic subvarieties of hyperk\"ahler manifolds.
We follow \cite{_Verbitsky:Symplectic_II_}.
Let $M$ be a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold, $\dim_{\Bbb R} M =2m$.
Let $N\subset M$ be a closed subset of $M$. Then $N$ is
called {\bf trianalytic} if $N$ is a complex analytic subset
of $(M,L)$ for any induced complex structure $L$.
Let $I$ be an induced complex structure on $M$,
and $N\subset(M,I)$ be
a closed analytic subvariety of $(M,I)$, $dim_{\Bbb C} N= n$.
Denote by $[N]\in H_{2n}(M)$ the homology class
represented by $N$. Let $\inangles N\in H^{2m-2n}(M)$ denote
the Poincare dual cohomology class. Recall that
the hyperk\"ahler structure induces the action of
the group $SU(2)$ on the space $H^{2m-2n}(M)$.
Assume that $\inangles N\in H^{2m-2n}(M)$ is invariant with respect
to the action of $SU(2)$ on $H^{2m-2n}(M)$. Then $N$ is trianalytic.
{\bf Proof:} This is Theorem 4.1 of
\remark \label{_triana_dim_div_4_Remark_}
Trianalytic subvarieties have an action of quaternion algebra in
the tangent bundle. In particular,
the real dimension of such subvarieties is divisible by 4.
The non-singular part of a trianalytic subvariety is hyperk\"ahler.
\subsection{Hypercomplex varieties}
This subsection is based on the results and definitions from
Let $X$ be a complex variety, $X_{\Bbb R}$ the underlying real analytic variety.
In \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}, Section 2, we constructed a natural
automorphism of the sheaf of K\"ahler differentials on $X_{\Bbb R}$
\[ I:\; \Omega^1X_{\Bbb R} {\:\longrightarrow\:} \Omega^1X_{\Bbb R}, \ \ I^2=-1. \]
This endomorphism is a generalization of the usual
notion of a complex structure operator, and its construction
is straightforward. We called $I$ {\bf the complex structure
operator on $X_{\Bbb R}$}. The operator $I$ is functorial:
for a morphism $f:\; X {\:\longrightarrow\:} Y$ of complex varieties,
the natural pullback map
$df:\; f^*\Omega^1_{Y_{\Bbb R}} {\:\longrightarrow\:} \Omega^1X_{\Bbb R}$
commutes with the complex structure operators
(see \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_} for details).
The converse statement is also true:
\theorem \label{_commu_w_comple_str_Theorem_}
Let $X$, $Y$ be complex analytic varieties, and
\[ f_{\Bbb R}:\; X_{\Bbb R}{\:\longrightarrow\:} Y_{\Bbb R}\] be a morphism of underlying real
analytic varieties which commutes with the complex structure.
Then there exist a unique morphism $f:\; X{\:\longrightarrow\:} Y$ of
complex analytic varieties, such that $f_{\Bbb R}$
is its underlying morphism.
{\bf Proof:} This is \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}, Theorem 2.1.
Let $M$ be a real analytic variety, and
\[ I:\; \Omega^1({\cal O}_M){\:\longrightarrow\:}\Omega^1({\cal O}_M) \]
be an endomorphism satisfying $I^2=-1$. Then
$I$ is called {\bf an almost complex structure
on $M$}. If there exist a complex analytic structure $\mathfrak C$
on $M$ such that $I$ appears as the complex structure operator
associated with $\mathfrak C$, we say that $I$ is {\bf integrable}.
\ref{_commu_w_comple_str_Theorem_} implies
that this complex structure is unique if it
\definition \label{_hypercomplex_Definition_}
(Hypercomplex variety)
Let $M$ be a real analytic variety equipped with almost
complex structures $I$, $J$ and $K$, such that
$I\circ J = -J \circ I = K$. Assume that for all
$a, b, c\in {\Bbb R}$, such that $a^2 + b^2 + c^2=1$,
the almost complex structure $a I + b J + c K$ is integrable.
Then $M$ is called {\bf a hypercomplex variety}.
As follows from \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}, Claim 2.7,
every hyperk\"ahler manifold is hypercomplex, in a natural way.
The proof is straightforward.
\subsection{Singular hyperk\"ahler varieties}
Throughout this paper, we never use the notion of
hyperk\"ahler variety. For our present purposes, the hypercomplex varieties
suffice. However, for the reader's benefit, we give a definition and
a list of examples of hyperk\"ahler varieties. All hyperk\"ahler
varieties are hypercomplex, and the converse is (most likely) false.
However, it is difficult to construct examples of hypercomplex
varieties which are not hyperk\"ahler, and all ``naturally'' occuring
hypercomplex varieties come equipped with a singular hyperk\"ahler
This subsection is based on the results and definitions from
\cite{_Verbitsky:Deforma_} and \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}.
For a more detailed exposition, the reader is referred to
\cite{_Verbitsky:Deforma_}, Section 10.
(\cite{_Verbitsky:Hyperholo_bundles_}, Definition 6.5)
Let $M$ be a hypercomplex variety (\ref{_hypercomplex_Definition_}).
The following data define a structure of a {\bf hyperk\"ahler variety}
on $M$.
\item[(i)] For every $x\in M$, we have an ${\Bbb R}$-linear
symmetric positively defined
bilinear form $s_x:\; T_x M \times T_x M {\:\longrightarrow\:} {\Bbb R}$
on the corresponding real Zariski tangent space.
\item[(ii)] For each triple of induced complex structures
$I$, $J$, $K$, such that $I\circ J = K$, we have a
holomorphic differential 2-form $\Omega\in \Omega^2(M, I)$.
Fix a triple of induced complex structure
$I$, $J$, $K$, such that $I\circ J = K$. Consider the
corresponding differential 2-form $\Omega$ of (ii).
Let $J:\; T_x M {\:\longrightarrow\:} T_x M$ be an endomorphism of
the real Zariski tangent spaces defined by $J$, and $Re\Omega\restrict x$
the real part of $\Omega$, considered as a bilinear form on $T_x M$.
Let $r_x$ be a bilinear form $r_x:\; T_x M \times T_x M {\:\longrightarrow\:} {\Bbb R}$
defined by $r_x(a,b) = - Re\Omega\restrict x (a, J(b))$.
Then $r_x$ is equal to the form $s_x$ of (i). In particular,
$r_x$ is independent from the choice of $I$, $J$, $K$.
\noindent \remark \label{_singu_hype_Remark_}
\item[(a)] It is clear how to define a morphism of hyperk\"ahler varieties.
For $M$ non-singular, \ref{_singu_hype_Definition_} is
equivalent to the usual
one (\ref{_hyperkahler_manifold_Definition_}).
If $M$ is non-singular,
the form $s_x$ becomes the usual Riemann form, and
$\Omega$ becomes the standard holomorphically symplectic form.
\item[(c)] It is easy to check the following.
Let $X$ be a hypercomplex subvariety of a hyperk\"ahler
variety $M$. Then, restricting the forms $s_x$ and $\Omega$
to $X$, we obtain a hyperk\"ahler structure on $X$. In particular,
trianalytic subvarieties of hyperk\"ahler manifolds are always
hyperk\"ahler, in the sense of \ref{_singu_hype_Definition_}.
{\bf Caution:} Not everything which is seemingly hyperk\"ahler
satisfies the conditions of \ref{_singu_hype_Definition_}.
Take a quotient $M/G$ os a hyperk\"ahler manifold by an action
of finite group $G$, acting in accordance with hyperk\"ahler
structure. Then $M/G$ is, generally speaking, {\it not} hyperk\"ahler
(see \cite{_Verbitsky:Deforma_}, Section 10 for details).
The following theorem, proven in
\cite{_Verbitsky:Hyperholo_bundles_} (Theorem 6.3),
gives a convenient way to construct
examples of hyperk\"ahler varieties.
\theorem \label{_hyperho_defo_hyperka_Theorem_}
Let $M$ be a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold, $I$ an induced
complex structure and $B$ a stable holomorphic bundle over $(M, I)$.
Let $\operatorname{Def}(B)$ be the reduction\footnote{The deformation space might have
nilpotents in the structure sheaf. We take its reduction to avoid
this.} of the
deformation space of stable holomorphic structures on $B$.
Assume that $c_1(B)$, $c_2(B)$ are $SU(2)$-invariant, with respect
to the standard action of $SU(2)$ on $H^*(M)$. Then $\operatorname{Def}(B)$ has a
natural structure of a hyperk\"ahler variety.
\section{Desingularization of hyperk\"ahler varieties}
In this section, we recall the desingularization theorem
for the hypercomplex varieties with locally homogeneous singularities,
as it was proven
in \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}. In the last subsection,
we state the main result of this paper, which
is proven in Sections
\subsection{Spaces with locally homogeneous singularities.}
(local rings with LHS)
Let $A$ be a local ring. Denote by $\mathfrak m$ its maximal ideal.
Let $A_{gr}$ be the corresponding associated graded ring.
Let $\hat A$, $\widehat{A_{gr}}$ be the $\mathfrak m$-adic completion
of $A$, $A_{gr}$. Let $(\hat A)_{gr}$, $(\widehat{A_{gr}})_{gr}$
be the associated graded rings, which are naturally isomorphic to
$A_{gr}$. We say that $A$ {\bf has locally homogeneous singularities}
if there exists an isomorphism $\rho:\; \hat A {\:\longrightarrow\:} \widehat{A_{gr}}$
which induces the standard isomorphism
$i:\; (\hat A)_{gr}{\:\longrightarrow\:} (\widehat{A_{gr}})_{gr}$ on associated
graded rings.
Let $X$ be a complex or real analytic space. Then
$X$ is called {be a space with locally homogeneous singularities}
(SLHS) if for each $x\in M$, the local ring ${\cal O}_x M$
has locally homogeneous singularities.
The following claim might shed a light on the origin of the term
``locally homogeneous singularities''.
\claim \label{_locally_homo_coord_Claim_}
Let $A$ be a complete local Noetherian ring over ${\Bbb C}$.
Then the following statements are equivalent
\item[(i)] $A$ has locally homogeneous singularities
\item[(ii)] There exist
a surjective
ring homomorphism $\rho:\; {\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... , x_n]] {\:\longrightarrow\:} A$,
where ${\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... , x_n]]$ is the ring of power series,
and the ideal $\ker \rho$ is homogeneous in ${\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... , x_n]]$.
{\bf Proof:} Clear. \blacksquare
\subsection{Hyperk\"ahler varieties with locally
homogeneous singularities}
Let $M$ be a complex variety, $M_{\Bbb R}$ the underlying real analytic
variety. Then $M_{\Bbb R}$ is a space with locally
homogeneous singularities (SLHS) if and only if $M$
is a space with locally
homogeneous singularities.
{\bf Proof:} This is \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_},
Proposition 4.6. \blacksquare
\corollary \label{_hype_SLHS_for_diff_indu_c_str_Corollary_}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler variety, $I_1$, $I_2$ induced complex
structures. Then $(M, I_1)$ is a space with locally
homogeneous singularities if and only is $(M, I_2)$ is
{\bf Proof:} The real analytic variety underlying
$(M, I_1)$ coinsides with that underlying
$(M, I_2)$. Applying \ref{_comple_LHS<=>real_LHS_Proposition_},
we immediately
obtain \ref{_hype_SLHS_for_diff_indu_c_str_Corollary_}.
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler or hypercomplex variety. Then $M$ is called
a space with locally homogeneous singularities (SLHS) if
the underlying real analytic variety is SLHS
or, equivalently, for some induced complex structure
$I$ the $(M, I)$ is SLHS.
Some of the canonical examples of hyperk\"ahler varieties
are spaces with locally homogeneous singularities {\it per se}.
For instance, it is easy to prove the following theorem:
(\cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}, Theorem 4.9)
Let $M$ be a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold, $I$ an induced
complex structure and $B$ a stable holomorphic bundle over $(M, I)$.
Assume that $c_1(B)$, $c_2(B)$ are $SU(2)$-invariant, with respect
to the standard action of $SU(2)$ on $H^*(M)$.
Let $\operatorname{Def}(B)$ be a reduction
of a deformation space of stable holomorphic
structures on $B$, which is a hyperk\"ahler variety by
\ref{_hyperho_defo_hyperka_Theorem_}. Then
$\operatorname{Def}(B)$ is a space with locally homogeneous singularities (SLHS).
However, for the other examples of hyperk\"ahler varieties,
there is no easy {\it ad hoc} way to show that they are SLHS. The main
aim of this paper, however, is to prove that every hypercomplex variety
is SLHS (see Subsection \ref{_main_resu_Subsection_}).
\subsection{Desingularization of hypercomplex varieties which are SLHS}
For hypercomplex varieties which are SLHS, we have a complete list of
possible singularities (\cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}; see also
This makes it possible to desingularize
every hypercomplex (or hyperk\"ahler) variety in a natural way.
The present paper shows that {\em every} hypercomplex variety
is SLHS, thus extending the results of \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}
to all hypercomplex varieties. For the benefit of the
reader, we relate in this Subsection
the main results of \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}. We don't use
these results in the rest of the article, so the reader is free
to skip this Subsection.
Here is the theorem describing the shape of singularities.
Let $M$ be a hypercomplex variety, and $I$ an induced
complex structure. Assume that $M$ is SLHS. Then, for each
point $x\in M$, there exists a neighbourhood $U$ of $x\in (M,I)$,
which is isomorphic to $B \cap\left(\bigcup_i L_i\right)$, where $B$ is an open
ball in ${\Bbb C}^n$ and $\bigcup_i L_i$ is a union of planes
$L_i \in {\Bbb C}^n$ passing through $0\in {\Bbb C}^n$.
In particular, the normalization of $(M,I)$ is smooth.
{\bf Proof:} See Corollary 5.3 of \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}.
Here is the desingularization theorem.
\theorem \label{_desingu_Theorem_}
(\cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_}, Theorem 6.1)
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler or a hypercomplex variety,
$I$ an induced complex structure.
Assume that $M$ is a space with
locally homogeneous singularities.
Let \[ \widetilde{(M, I)}\stackrel n{\:\longrightarrow\:} (M,I)\]
be the normalization of
$(M,I)$. Then $\widetilde{(M, I)}$ is smooth and
has a natural hyperk\"ahler (respectively, hypercomplex)
structure $\c H$, such that the associated
map $n:\; \widetilde{(M, I)} {\:\longrightarrow\:} (M,I)$ agrees with $\c H$.
Moreover, the hyperk\"ahler (hypercomplex)
manifold $\tilde M:= \widetilde{(M, I)}$
is independent from the choice of induced complex structure $I$.
\subsection{The main result: every hypercomplex variety is
The proof of the following theorem is given in
(the main result of this paper)
Let $M$ be a hypercomplex variety. Then
$M$ is a space with locally homogeneous singularities
\ref{_hyperco_SLHS_Theorem_} has the following immediate
\corollary \label{_hyperco_desingu_Corollary_}
Let $M$ be a hypercomplex or a hyperk\"ahler variety. Then
\ref{_singula_stru_Theorem_} (a theorem describing the shape
of the singularities of $M$) and \ref{_desingu_Theorem_}
(desingularization theorem) hold.
\section{Complete rings with automorphisms}
\definition \label{_homogeni_automo_Definition_}
Let $A$ be a local Noetherian ring over ${\Bbb C}$, equipped with an
$e:\; A {\:\longrightarrow\:} A$. Let $\mathfrak m$ be a maximal ideal of $A$.
Assume that $e$ acts on $\mathfrak m /\mathfrak m^2$ as a multiplication
by $\lambda\in {\Bbb C}$, $|\lambda|< 1$. Then $e$ is called {\bf a
homogenizing automorphism of $A$}.
The aim of the present section is to prove the following statement.
\proposition \label{_homogeni_LHS_Proposition_}
Let $A$ be a complete Noetherian ring over ${\Bbb C}$, equipped with a
homogenizing authomorphism $e:\; A {\:\longrightarrow\:} A$. Then there exist
a surjective
ring homomorphism $\rho:\; {\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... , x_n]] {\:\longrightarrow\:} A$,
such that the ideal
$\ker \rho$ is homogeneous in ${\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... , x_n]]$.
In particular, $A$ has locally homogeneous
singularities (\ref{_locally_homo_coord_Claim_}).
This statement is well known. A reader who knows its proof
should skip the rest of this section.
\proposition \label{_homogeni_auto_then_basis_Proposition_}
Let $A$ be a complete Noetherian ring over ${\Bbb C}$, equipped with a
homogenizing authomorphism $e:\; A {\:\longrightarrow\:} A$. Then there exist
a system of ring elements
f_1 , ..., f_m \in \mathfrak m, \ \ m = \dim_{\Bbb C}\mathfrak m /\mathfrak m^2,
which generate $\mathfrak m /\mathfrak m^2$, and such that $e(f_i) = \lambda f_i$.
{\bf Proof:}
Let $\underline a\in\mathfrak m /\mathfrak m^2$.
Let $a\in \mathfrak m$ be a representative of $\underline a$ in $\mathfrak m$.
To prove \ref{_homogeni_auto_then_basis_Proposition_}
it suffices to find $c \in \mathfrak m^2$, such that
$e(a-c) = \lambda a -\lambda c$. Thus, we need to solve an equation
\lambda c - e(c) = e(a) - \lambda(a).
Let $r:= e(a)-\lambda a$. Clearly, $r\in \mathfrak m ^2$.
A solution of \eqref{_a_through_a_Equation_}
is provided by the following lemma.
\lemma \label{_e-lambda_invertible_Lemma_}
In assumptions of \ref{_homogeni_auto_then_basis_Proposition_},
let $r\in \mathfrak m^2$. Then, the equation
e(c) - \lambda c = r
has a unique solution $c \in \mathfrak m^2$.
{\bf Proof:} We need to show that the operator
$P:= (e-\lambda)\restrict{\mathfrak m^2}$
is invertible. Consider the adic filtration
$\mathfrak m^2 \subset \mathfrak m^3 \subset ...$ on $\mathfrak m^2$.
Clearly, $P$ preserves this filtration. Since $\mathfrak m^2$
is complete with respect to the adic filtration,
it suffices to show that $P$ is invertible on the
successive quotients. The quotient $\mathfrak m^2/\mathfrak m^i$ is
finite-dimensional, so to show that $P$ is invertible it suffices
to calculate the eigenvalues. Since $e$ is an automorphism,
restriction of $e$ to $\mathfrak m^i/\mathfrak m^{i-1}$ is a multiplication
by $\lambda^i$. Thus, the eigenvalues of $e$ on $\mathfrak m^2/\mathfrak m^i$
range from $\lambda^2$ to $\lambda^{i-1}$. Since $|\lambda|>|\lambda|^2$,
all eigenvalues of $P\restrict{\mathfrak m^2/\mathfrak m^i}$ are
non-zero and the restriction of $P$ to $\mathfrak m^2/\mathfrak m^i$ is invertible.
This proves \ref{_e-lambda_invertible_Lemma_}.
$\hbox{\vrule width 4pt height 4pt depth 0pt}$
{\bf The proof of \ref{_homogeni_LHS_Proposition_}.}
Consider the map \[ \rho:\; {\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... x_m]] {\:\longrightarrow\:} A,\ \
\rho(x_i) = f_i,\] where $f_1, ... , f_m$ is the system of functions
constructed in \ref{_homogeni_auto_then_basis_Proposition_}.
By Nakayama, $\rho$
is surjective.
Let $e_\lambda:\; {\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... x_m]] {\:\longrightarrow\:}{\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... x_m]] $ be the
mapping $x_i $ to $\lambda x_i$. Then, the diagram
\[\begin{CD} {\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... x_m]] @>{\rho}>> A \\
@V{e_\lambda}VV @VV{e}V\\
{\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... x_m]] @>{\rho}>> A
is by construction commutative.
Therefore, the ideal $I= \ker \rho$ is preserved by $e_\lambda$.
Clearly, every $e_\lambda$-preserved
ideal $I\subset {\Bbb C}[[x_1, ... x_m]]$ is homogeneous.
\ref{_homogeni_LHS_Proposition_} is proven. \blacksquare
\section[Authomorphisms of local rings of holomorphic functions
on hyperk\"ahler varieties]
{Authomorphisms of local rings of holomorphic functions
on hyperk\"ahler varieties}
Let $M$ be a hypercomplex variety, $x\in M$ a point,
$I$ an induced complex structure. Let $A_I:= \hat {\cal O}_x(M,I)$
be the adic completion of the local ring ${\cal O}_x(M,I)$ of $x$-germs
of holomorphic functions on the complex variety $(M,I)$.
Clearly, the sheaf ring of the antiholomorphic functions on $(M,I)$
coinsides with ${\cal O}_x(M,-I)$. Thus, the corresponding completion
ring is $A_{-I}$. As in \cite{_Verbitsky:Desingu_},
Claim 2.1, we have the natural isomorphism of completions:
\widehat{A_I \otimes_{\Bbb C} A_{-I}} =\widehat{{\cal O}_x(M_{\Bbb R})\otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}},
where \[ \widehat{{\cal O}_x(M_{\Bbb R})\otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}}\] is the $x$-completion
of the ring of germs of real analytic complex-valued functions on $M$.
Consider the natural quotient map \[ p:\;A_{-I}{\:\longrightarrow\:} {\Bbb C}.\]
Denote the ring \[ \widehat{{\cal O}_x(M_{\Bbb R})\otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}}\] by $A_{\Bbb R}$. Let
$i_I:\; A_I \hookrightarrow A_{\Bbb R}$ be the natural embedding
\[ a \mapsto a\times 1\in\widehat{A_I \otimes_{\Bbb C} A_{-I}},\]
and $e_I:\; A_{\Bbb R} {\:\longrightarrow\:} A_I$ be the natural epimorphism associated
with the surjective map
\[ A_I \otimes_{\Bbb C} A_{-I} {\:\longrightarrow\:} A_I,\ \
a\otimes b \mapsto a\otimes p(b),
where $a\in A_I$, $b\in A_{-I}$, and
\[ a\otimes b\in{A_I \otimes_{\Bbb C} A_{-I}}\subset A_{\Bbb R}.\]
For an induced complex structure $J$, we define
$A_J$, $A_{-J}$, $i_J$, $e_J$ likewise.
Let $\Psi_{I,J}:\; A_I {\:\longrightarrow\:} A_I$ be the composition
\[ A_I \stackrel {i_I}{\:\longrightarrow\:} A_{\Bbb R}\stackrel {e_J}{\:\longrightarrow\:} A_J
\stackrel {i_J}{\:\longrightarrow\:} A_{\Bbb R}\stackrel {e_I}{\:\longrightarrow\:} A_I.
Clearly, for $I=J$, the ring morphism $\Psi_{I,J}$ is identity,
and for $I=-J$, $\Psi_{I,J}$ is an augmentation map.
\proposition \label{_homogenizing_Proposition_}
Let $M$ be a singular hyperk\"ahler variety, $x\in M$ a point,
$I$, $J$ be induced complex structures, such that $I\neq J$ and
$I\neq -J$. Consider the map $\Psi_{I,J}:\; A_I {\:\longrightarrow\:} A_I$
defined as above. Then $\Psi_{I,J}$ is a homogenizing
automorphism of $A_I$.\footnote{For the definition
of a homogenizing automorphism, see \ref{_homogeni_automo_Definition_}.}
{\bf Proof:}
Let $d\Psi$ be differential of $\Psi_{I,J}$, that is,
the restriction of $\Psi_{I,J}$ to $\mathfrak m/\mathfrak m^2$,
where $\mathfrak m$ is the maximal ideal of $A_I$.
By Nakayama, to prove that
$\Psi_{I,J}$ is an automorphism it suffices to show that $d\Psi$
is invertible. To prove that $\Psi_{I,J}$ is homogenizing,
we have to show that $d\Psi$ is a multiplication by a complex
number $\lambda$, $|\lambda|<1$. As usually, we denote the real analytic
variety underlying $M$ by $M_{\Bbb R}$.
Let $T_I$, $T_J$, $\underline {T}_{\Bbb R}$ be the Zariski
tangent spaces to $(M,I)$, $(M,J)$ and $M_{\Bbb R}$, respectively,
in $x\in M$. Consider the complexification
$T_{\Bbb R}:= \underline {T}_{\Bbb R}\otimes {\Bbb C}$, which is a
Zariski tangent space to the local ring $A_{\Bbb R}$.
To compute $d\Psi:\; T_I {\:\longrightarrow\:} T_I$, we need
to compute the differentials of $e_I$, $e_J$, $i_I$, $i_J$,
i. e., the restrictions of the homomorphisms
$e_I$, $e_J$, $i_I$, $i_J$ to the Zariski tangent spaces
$T_I$, $T_J$, $T_{\Bbb R}$.
Denote these differentials by $de_I$, $de_J$, $di_I$, $di_J$.
\lemma \label{_i_e_through_Hodge_Lemma_}
Let $M$ be a hyperk\"ahler variety, $M_{\Bbb R}$ the associated real analytic
variety, $x\in M$ a point. Consider the space $T_{\Bbb R} := T_x (M_{\Bbb R})\otimes
{\Bbb C}$. For an induced complex structure $I$, consider the Hodge decomposition
$T_{\Bbb R}= T^{1,0}_I \oplus T^{0,1}_I$. In our previous notation,
$T_I^{1,0}$ is $T_I$. Then, $di_I$ is the natural embedding
of $T_I = T_I^{1,0}$ to $T_{\Bbb R}$, and $de_I$ is the natural
projection of $T_{\Bbb R}= T^{1,0}_I \oplus T^{0,1}_I$ to
{\bf Proof:} Clear. \blacksquare
We are able now to describe the map $d\Psi:\; T_I {\:\longrightarrow\:} T_I$
in terms of the quaternion action. Recall that the space $T_I$
is equipped with a natural ${\Bbb R}$-linear
quaternionic action. For each quaternionic
linear space $\underline V$ and each quaternion $I$, $I^2=-1$, $I$ defines a
complex structure in $\underline V$. Such a complex structure is called
{\bf induced by the quaternionic structure}.
\lemma \label{_Psi_through_quate_Lemma_}
Let $\underline V$ be a space with quaternion action, and
$V:= \underline V \otimes {\Bbb C}$ its complexification.
For each induced complex structure $I\in {\Bbb H}$,
consider the Hodge decomposition $V:= V_I^{1,0} \oplus V_I^{0,1}$.
For an induced complex structures $I, J\in \Bbb H$,
let $\Phi_{I,J}(V)$ be a composition of the natural embeddings
and projections
V_I^{1,0} {\:\longrightarrow\:} V {\:\longrightarrow\:} V_J^{1,0} {\:\longrightarrow\:} V {\:\longrightarrow\:} V_I^{1,0}.
Using the natural identification $\underline V \cong V_I^{1,0}$,
we consider $\Phi_{I,J}(V)$ as an ${\Bbb R}$-linear
automorphism of the space $\underline V$.
Then, applying the operator $\Phi_{I,J}(V)$ to the
quaternionic space $T_I$, we obtain the operator $d\Psi$
defined above.
{\bf Proof:} Follows from \ref{_i_e_through_Hodge_Lemma_}
As we have seen, to prove \ref{_homogenizing_Proposition_}
it suffices to show that $d\Psi$ is a multiplication by a non-zero
complex number $\lambda$, $|\lambda| < 1$.
Thus, the proof of \ref{_homogenizing_Proposition_} is finished with the
following lemma.
In assumptions of \ref{_Psi_through_quate_Lemma_}, consider the
map \[ \Phi_{I,J}(V):\; V_I^{1,0} {\:\longrightarrow\:} V_I^{1,0}.\] Then $\Phi_{I,J}(V)$
is a multiplication by a complex number $\lambda$.
Moreover, $\lambda$ is a non-zero number unless $I=-J$,
and $|\lambda|< 1$ unless $I=J$.
{\bf Proof:}
Let $\underline V= \oplus \underline V_i$ be a decomposition of $V$ into
a direct sum of $\Bbb H$-linear spaces. Then, the operator $\Phi_{I,J}(V)$
can also be decomposed: $\Phi_{I,J}(V) = \oplus \Phi_{I,J}(V_i)$.
Thus, to prove \ref{_compu_of_Psi_for_qua_Lemma_} it suffices
to assume that $\dim_{\Bbb H} \underline V=1$.
Therefore, we may identify $\underline V$ with the space
$\Bbb H$, equipped with the right action of quaternion
algebra on itself.
Consider the left action of $\Bbb H$ on $\underline V = \Bbb H$.
This action commutes with the right action of $\Bbb H$ on $\underline V$.
Consider the corresponding action
\rho:\; SU(2) {\:\longrightarrow\:} \operatorname{End}(\underline V)
\] of the group of unitary
quaternions ${\Bbb H}^{un}=SU(2)\subset \Bbb H$ on $\underline V$.
Since $\rho$ commutes with the quaternion action,
$\rho$ preserves $V^{1,0}_I \subset V$, for every
induced complex structure $I$. By the same token, for each $g\in SU(2)$,
the endomorphism $\rho(g)\in \operatorname{End}(V^{1,0}_I)$
commutes with $\Phi_{I,J}(V)$.
Consider the 2-dimensional ${\Bbb C}$-vector space $V^{1,0}_I$
as a representation of $SU(2)$. Clearly, $V^{1,0}_I$
is an irreducible representation. Thus, by Schur's lemma,
the automorphism $\Phi_{I,J}(V)\in \operatorname{End}(V^{1,0}_I))$
is a multiplication by a complex constant $\lambda$.
The estimation $0< |\lambda| < 1$ follows from the
following elementary argument. The composition
$i_I \circ e_J$ applied to a vector
$v\in V_I^{1,0}$ is a projection of $v$ to $V_J^{1,0}$
along $V_J^{0,1}$. Consider the natural Euclidean metric
on $V = \Bbb H$. Clearly, the decomposition
$V = V_J^{1,0}\oplus V_J^{0,1}$ is orthogonal.
Thus, the composition $i_I \circ e_J$ is an orthogonal
projection of $v\in V_I^{1,0}$ to $V_J^{1,0}$.
Similarly, the composition $i_J \circ e_I$ is an orthogonal
projection of $v\in V_J^{1,0}$ to $V_I^{1,0}$.
Thus, the map $\Phi_{I,J}(V)$ is an orthogonal projection
from $V_I^{1,0}$ to $V_J^{1,0}$ and back to $V_I^{1,0}$.
Such a composition always decreases a length of vectors,
unless $V_I^{1,0}$ coincides with $V_J^{1,0}$, in which
case $I=J$. Also, unless $V_I^{1,0} = V_J^{0,1}$,
$\Phi_{I,J}(V)$ is non-zero; in the later case, $I = -J$.
is proven. This finishes the proof of
\ref{_hyperco_SLHS_Theorem_}. \blacksquare
{\bf Acknowledgements:}
A nice version of the proof
of \ref{_e-lambda_invertible_Lemma_} was suggested by Roma
I am grateful to A. Beilinson, R. Bez\-ru\-kav\-ni\-kov,
P. Deligne, D. Kaledin, D. Kazhdan, M. Kontsevich, V. Lunts,
T. Pantev and S.-T. Yau for enlightening discussions.
1996-12-07T21:10:17 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612007 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612007 | [
] | alg-geom/9612007 | Donu Arapura | Donu Arapura and Pramathanath Sastry | Intermediate Jacobians of moduli spaces | AMS-LaTeX, 16 pages | null | null | null | null | Let $SU_X(n,L)$ be the moduli space of rank n semistable vector bundles with
fixed determinant L on a smooth projective genus g curve X. Let $SU_X^s(n,L)$
denote the open subset parametrizing stable bundles. We show that if g>3 and n
> 1, then the mixed Hodge structure on $H^3(SU_X^s(n, L))$ is pure of type
${(1,2),(2,1)}$ and it carries a natural polarization such that the associated
polarized intermediate Jacobian is isomorphic J(X). This is new when deg L and
n are not coprime. As a corollary, we obtain a Torelli theorem that says
roughly that $SU_X^s(n,L)$ (or $SU_X(n,L)$) determines X. This complements or
refines earlier results of Balaji, Kouvidakis-Pantev, Mumford-Newstead,
Narasimhan-Ramanan, and Tyurin.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 7 Dec 1996 20:09:24 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}\label{s:intro}
We work throughout over the complex numbers ${\Bbb C}$, i.e. all schemes are over
${\Bbb C}$ and all maps of schemes are maps of ${\Bbb C}$-schemes. A curve, unless
otherwise stated, is a smooth complete curve. Points mean geometric points.
We will, as is usual in such situations, toggle between the algebraic
and analytic categories without warning.
For a quasi-projective algebraic variety $Y$, the (mixed) Hodge structure
associated with its $i$-th cohomology will be denoted $H^i(Y)$.
For a curve $X$, ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)$ will denote the moduli space of
{\it semi-stable} vector bundles of rank $n$ and determinant $L$. The
smooth open subvariety defining the {\it stable locus} will be denoted
${\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L)$. We assume familiarity with the basic facts about
such a moduli space as laid out, for example in
\cite{css-drez},\,pp.\,51--52,\,VI.A (see also
Theorems 10, 17 and 18 of {\it loc.cit.}). Our principal
result is the following theorem\,:
\begin{thm}\label{thm:main} Let $X$ be a curve of genus $g\ge 3$,
$n\ge 2$ an integer, and
$L$ a line bundle of degree $d$ on $X$ with $d$ odd if $g=3$ and
$n=2$. Let ${\cal S}^s={\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L)$.
$H^3({\cal S}^s)$ is a pure Hodge structure of type
$\{(1,2),\,(2,1)\}$, and it carries a
natural polarization making the intermediate Jacobian
$$J^2({\cal S}^s) = \frac{H^3({\cal S}^s,\,{\Bbb C})}
{F^2+H^3({\cal S}^s,\,{\Bbb Z})} $$
into a principally polarized abelian variety. There is an
isomorphism of principally polarized abelian varieties $J(X)\simeq
J^2({\cal S}^s)$.
The word ``natural'' above has the following meaning: an isomorphism
between any two ${\cal S}^s$'s as above will induce an isomorphism on third
cohomology which will respect the indicated polarizations.
As an immediate corollary, we obtain the following Torelli theorem:
\begin{cor}\label{cor:main} Let $X$ and $X'$ be curves of genus $g\ge 3$,
$L$ and $L'$ line bundles of degree $d$ on $X$ and $X'$ respectively, and
$n\ge 2$ an integer. If
{\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L) \simeq {\cal S}{\cal U}_{X'}^s(n,\,L')
or if
{\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L) \simeq {\cal S}{\cal U}_{X'}(n,\,L')
X \simeq X' ,
except when $g=3, n=2, (n,\,d)\ne 1$.
\begin{pf} Since ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L)$ (resp. ${\cal S}{\cal U}_{X'}^s(n,\,L')$)
is the smooth locus of ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)$ (resp. ${\cal S}{\cal U}_{X'}(n,\,L')$),
therefore it is enough to assume \eqref{eqn:stable} holds.
By assumption $J^2({\cal S}{\cal U}^s_X(n,\,L))\simeq J^2({\cal S}{\cal U}^s_{X'}(n,\,L'))$
as polarized abelian varieties.
Therefore $J(X)\simeq J(X')$,
and the corollary follows from the usual Torelli theorem.
The theorem is new for $(n,\,d) \ne 1$
(the so called ``non-coprime case"). When $(n,\,d)=1$ (the ``coprime case"),
the theorem (and its corollary)
has been proven by Narasimhan and Ramanan \cite{N-R}, Tyurin
\cite{Ty} and (for $n=2$) by Mumford and Newstead \cite{M-N}. In the
non-coprime case, Kouvidakis and Pantev \cite{KP} have proved the
above corollary under the assumption \eqref{eqn:semistable},
and in fact the full result can be deduced from this case. \footnote{In
fact, the
the exceptional case in the corollary can be eliminated using
the results in \cite{KP}} However
the present line of reasoning is extremely natural,
and is of a rather different character from that of Kouvidakis and Pantev. In
Theorem\, \ref{thm:main} will not follow from their techniques.
In the special case where $n=2$ and $L= {\cal O}_X$, Balaji \cite{balaji}
has shown a similar Torelli type theorem
for Seshadri's canonical desingularization
$N \to {\cal S}{\cal U}_X(2, {\cal O}_X)$ \cite{css-desing} in the range $g >3$.
\footnote{Balaji states the result for $g \ge 3$, but his proof seems to
work only for $g > 3$. (See Remark\,\ref{rmk:balaji}).}
In the coprime case, the proofs in \cite{M-N}
and \cite{N-R} rely on the fact that ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L) = {\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)$,
and hence ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L)$ is smooth projective, and most importantly
the product $X \times {\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)$ possesses a Poincar{\'e} bundle. In the
non-coprime case ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L)$ is not complete and a result of
Ramanan (see \cite{R}) says that there is no Poincar{\'e} bundle on
$X \times U$ for any Zariski open subset $U$ of ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)$.
We concentrate primarily on the non-coprime case---the only remaining case of
interest. Our strategy is to use a Hecke correspondence to relate the Hodge
structure on $H^3({\cal S}{\cal U}^s_X(n,\,L))$ to that on $H^1(X)$. To this extent
our proof resembles Balaji's in \cite{balaji}. We are able to deduce more
than Balaji does by imposing a polarization (which varies well with
${\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L)$) on the Hodge structure of $H^3({\cal S}{\cal U}_X^s(n,\,L))$.
This construction of the polarization needs a version of Lefschetz's
Hyperplane Theorem (for quasi projective varieties. See
Theorem\,\ref{thm:lefschetz}). There is however another approach
to the problem of polarization, which uses M. Saito's theory of
polarizations on Hodge modules (see Remark\,\ref{rmk:saito}).
\section{The Main Ideas}\label{s:main-idea}
For the rest of the paper, we fix a curve $X$ of genus $g$, $n \in {{\Bbb N}}$,
$d \in {{\Bbb Z}}$ and a line bundle $L$ of degree
$d$ on $X$. Assume, as in the main theorem, that if $n=2$, then $g \ge 4$,
and that $g \ge 3$ otherwise.
We shall assume, with one brief exception in step 3 below,
that $(n,\,d)\ne 1$.
We will also assume, for the rest of the paper, that $0 < d \le n$. This
involves no loss of generality, for ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)$ is canonically
isomorphic to ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L\otimes\xi^n)$ for every line bundle
$\xi$ on $X$. Let ${\cal S} = {\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)$ and ${\cal S}^s =
{\cal S}{\cal U}^s_X(n,\,L)$ and let $U\subseteq {\cal S}$ be a smooth
open set containing ${\cal S}^s$.
The broad strategy of our proof is as follows\,: Fix a set $\chi =
\{x^1,\ldots,\,x^{d-1}\} \subset X$ of $d-1$ distinct points.
\begin{step} First show that there are isomorphisms
(modulo torsion), depending only
on $(X,\,L,\,\chi)$, of Hodge structures
\psi_{X,L,\chi}\colon H^1(X)(-1) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow}
H^3({\cal S}^s)
where $(-1)$ is the Tate twist. The isomorphism should vary well with the
data $(X,\,L,\,\chi)$. More precisely,
suppose $\widetilde{X}\overset{h}{\to} T$ is a family of curves
of genus $g$, ${\cal L}$ a line bundle on $\widetilde{X}$, whose restrictions
to the fibres of $h$ are of degree $d$, and $\widetilde{\chi}$
a set of $d-1$ mutually disjoint $T$-valued points on $\widetilde{X}$.
Let the specialization of
$(\widetilde{X},\,{\cal L},\,\widetilde{\chi})$ at $t\in T$ be
Let $\widetilde{{\cal S}^s}\overset{g}{\to} T$ be the resulting family
$\{{\cal S}{\cal U}_{X_t}^s(n,\,L_t)\}$. Then there is an isomorphism
(modulo torsion) of variation of
Hodge structures
\widetilde{\psi}\colon R^1h_*{\Bbb Z}(-1) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} R^3g_*{\Bbb Z},
which specializes at each $t\in T$ to $\psi_{X_t,L_t,\chi_t}$.
Note that $\psi_{X,L,\chi}$ gives an isomorphism of complex tori
\varphi_{X,L,\chi}\colon J(X) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} J^2({\cal S}^s)
also varies well with $(X,\,L,\,\chi)$.
\begin{step} Find a (possibly nonprincipal) polarization
$\Theta({\cal S}^s)$ on $J^2({\cal S}^s)$ which
depends only on ${\cal S}^s$, and varies well with ${\cal S}^s$. Let
$\mu = \mu_{X,L,\chi}$ be the polarization on $J(X)$ induced by
$\Theta({\cal S}^s)$ and $\varphi_{X,L,\chi}$.
In this step we relax the above assumptions, and no
longer insist that $(n,d) \ne 1$.
Suppose Steps 1 and 2 have been taken (see \cite{N-R} for the coprime
Theorem\,\ref{thm:main} will follow
by showing that there exists an integer $m$ such that
is principal, and that $J^2({\cal S}^s)$ equipped with this polarization
is isomorphic to $J(X)$ with its canonical polarization.
The essence of the argument will be
to show that any
natural polarization on $J(X)$ must be a multiple of the standard one.
The argument is lifted from \cite{balaji},\,\S5 where the idea is
attributed to S. Ramanan.
Pick a curve $X_{0}$ of genus $g$ such that the Neron-Severi group
of its Jacobian, $NS(J(X_{0}))$ is ${\Bbb Z}$. By \cite{mori}
such an
$X_{0}$ exists. Pick a line bundle $L_{0}$ of degree $d$ on
$X_{0}$, and a set of $d-1$ distinct points $\chi_{0} =
\{x^1_{0},\ldots,\,x^{d-1}_{0}\}$ in $X_{0}$. One finds a
family of curves $\widetilde{X} \to T$, a line bundle ${\cal L}$ on $\widetilde{X}$,
and a set
of $d-1$ mutually disjoint $T$-valued points $\widetilde{\chi} =
\{\widetilde{x}^{\,1},\ldots,\,\widetilde{x}^{d-1} \}$, so that
$(\widetilde{X},\,{\cal L},\,\widetilde{\chi})$ interpolates between
$(X_{0},\,L_{0},\,\chi_{0})$ and $(X,\,L,\,\chi)$.
To get such a triple, first observe that since the moduli space
${\cal{M}}_{g,d-1}$ of pointed curves is irreducible and
quasi-projective, we can find $(\widetilde{X}\to T,\, \widetilde{\chi})$
interpolating between $(X_0,\,\chi_0)$ and $(X,\,\chi)$.
Let $\widetilde{\operatorname{Pic}}^d \to T$ be the
resulting family of degree $d$ components of the Picard groups.
Since $L_{0}$ and $L$ are points on $\widetilde{\operatorname{Pic}}^d$,
one can
connect them by a (possibly singular, incomplete) curve $T'$. Base change
everything to $T'$. Renaming $T'$ as $T$ and the resulting family
of pointed curves as $(\widetilde{X},\,\widetilde{\chi})$ we get a
$T$-valued point of the resulting bundle of degree $d$ components
of the Picard groups.
The line bundle ${\cal L}$
on $\widetilde{X}$ corresponding to this section completes the triple.
We denote the specialization of
$(\widetilde{X},\,{\cal L},\,\widetilde{\chi})$ at $t\in T$ by $(X_t,\,L_t,\,{\chi}_t)$.
Let $t_0, t_1 \in T$ be points where
$(X_0,\,L_0,\,{\chi}_0)$ and $(X, L, \chi)$ are realized.
The ${\cal S}{\cal U}_{X_t}(n,\,L_t)$ string themselves into a family $\widetilde{{\cal S}} \to T$
(one uses Geometric Invariant Theory over the base $T$ to get $\widetilde{{\cal S}}$.
The specializations behave well since we are working over ${\Bbb C}$). Similarly
we have a family $\widetilde{{\cal S}^s} \to T$ specializing at $t \in T$ to
${\cal S}{\cal U}^s_{X_t}(n,\,L_t)$. The intermediate Jacobians
$J^2({\cal S}{\cal U}^s_{X_t}(n,\,L_t))$ also string together into
a family of abelian varieties ${\cal{A}} \to T$. Let ${\cal J}\to T$ be the
family $\{J(X_t)\}$ of Jacobians. Step\,1 then gives
an isomorphism of group schemes
\widetilde{\varphi}: {\cal J}\longrightarrow {\cal{A}}
which specializes at $t \in T$ to $\varphi_{X_t,L_t,\chi_t}$. By Step\,2
we get a family of polarizations $\{\mu_t=\mu_{X_t,L_t,\chi_t}\}_{t\in T}$
on ${\cal J}$. Since $NS(J(X_0)) = {\Bbb Z}$, therefore there exists
an integer $m \ne 0$, such that
m\omega_{X_0} = \mu_{t_0}
where, for any curve $C$, $\omega_C$ denotes the principal polarization
on $J(C)$. Since $\{\omega_{X_t}\}$ is a family of polarizations on
${\cal J}$ and since the Neron-Severi group is discrete, therefore
m\omega_{X_t} = \mu_t \qquad \qquad (t \in T).
Theorem\,\ref{thm:main} is now immediate.
\subsection{The isomorphism $\psi_{X,L,\chi}$.}\label{ss:psi}
One produces $\psi_{X,L,\chi}$ as follows\,:
{\cal S}_1 =
{\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L\otimes{\cal O}_X(-D))
where $D$ is the divisor
$\{x^1\}+\ldots +\{x^{d-1}\}$. Since the degree of $L\otimes{\cal O}_X(-D)$
is $1$, therefore ${\cal S}_1$ is smooth and there exists a Poincar{\'e}
bundle ${\cal W}$ on $X\times{\cal S}_1$. Let ${\cal W}_1,\ldots,\,{\cal W}_{d-1}$ be the
$d-1$ vector bundles on ${\cal S}_1$ obtained by restricting ${\cal W}$ to
$\{x^1\}\times{{\cal S}_1}={\cal S}_1,\ldots,\,\{x^{d-1}\}\times{{\cal S}_1}={\cal S}_1$
respectively. Let ${\Bbb P}_k={\Bbb P}({\cal W}_k)$, $k=1,\ldots,\,d-1$, and
${\Bbb P}$ $(={\Bbb P}_{X,L,\chi})$ be the product
${\Bbb P}_1\times_{{\cal S}_1}\ldots\times_{{\cal S}_1}{\Bbb P}_{d-1}$.
We will show (in \S\ref{s:hecke}) that there is a correspondence
{\cal S}_1 \stackrel{\scriptstyle{\pi}}{\longleftarrow} {{\Bbb P}} \stackrel{\scriptstyle{f}}{\longrightarrow}
{\cal S}
where $\pi=\pi_{X,L,\chi}$ is the natural projection and $f=f_{X,L,\chi}$
is defined (via a generalized Hecke correspondence) in
\ref{ss:map-f} (see \eqref{eqn:f}).
We have isomorphisms of (integral, pure)
Hodge structures
H^1(X,\,{\Bbb Z})(-1) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} H^3({\cal S}_1,\,{\Bbb Z}) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} H^3({\Bbb P},\,{\Bbb Z}).
where the first isomorphism is that in \cite{N-R},\,p.\,392,\,Theorem\,3, and
the second is given by Leray-Hirsch.
Let ${\Bbb P}^s = f^{-1}({\cal S}^s)$. In \S\ref{s:hecke} (see
Remark\,\ref{rmk:proj-bundle}, and \ref{ss:codim}) we will show
\item[(a)] If $n\ge 3$ and $g \ge 3$, the codimension of ${\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s$
in ${\Bbb P}$ is at least $3$.
\item[(b)] The map ${\Bbb P}^s \to {\cal S}^s$ is a
${\Bbb P}^{n-1}\times\ldots\times{\Bbb P}^{n-1}$
bundle, where the product is $(d-1)$-fold.
Note that if $n=2$, the codimension of ${\Bbb P} \setminus \,{\Bbb P}^s$ in
${\Bbb P}$ is $g-1$ (see \cite{balaji-thesis},\,p.\,11,\,Prop.\,7), so
that if $g\ge 4$ the codimension is at least $3$. This fact, along with
Proposition\,\ref{prop:hecke} implies that the codimension of
${\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s$ is greater than equal to $3$ for $n,\,g$ in the
range of Theorem\,\ref{thm:main}. It then follows, from Lemma\,\ref{lem:codim}
below, that the restriction maps
H^3({\Bbb P},\,{\Bbb Z}) & \longrightarrow H^3({\Bbb P}^s,\,{\Bbb Z}) \\
H^1({\Bbb P},\,{\Bbb Z}) & \longrightarrow H^1({\Bbb P}^s,\,{\Bbb Z})
are isomorphisms of Hodge structures.
Note that this means:
\item The Hodge structure of $H^3({\Bbb P}^s)$ is pure of
weight $3$;
\item The cohomology group $H^1({\Bbb P}^s,\,{\Bbb Z}) = 0$. Indeed,
${\Bbb P}$ is unirational (for ${\cal S}_1$ is
--- see \cite{css-drez},\,pp.\,52--53,\,VI.B), whence $H^1({\Bbb P},\,{\Bbb Z}) = 0$.
We can now relate the
Hodge structures on $H^1({\cal S}^s)$ and $H^3({\cal S}^s)$ with those
on $H^1({\Bbb P}^s)$ and $H^3({\Bbb P}^s)$ using the map $f$ and
part (b) of Proposition\,\ref{prop:hecke}.
For the rest of this section let $f$ also
denote the map ${\Bbb P}^s \to {\cal S}^s$. We claim that
f^*: H^3({\cal S}^s) \to H^3({\Bbb P}^s)
is an isomorphism of Hodge structures, modulo torsion.
This implies that
the Hodge structure on $H^3({\cal S}^s,\,{\Bbb Z})$ is pure of weight $3$, a fact
that also follows from Corollary\,\ref{cor:lefschetz}.
To prove that \eqref{eqn:hodge} is an isomorphism of Hodge structures,
modulo torsion, we need:
\begin{lem}\label{lem:pi1} ${\cal S}^s$ is simply connected.
${\Bbb P}$ is unirational,
therefore it is simply connected \cite{pi1}.
Since $\operatorname{codim}{({\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s)} > 1$,
it follows that ${\Bbb P}^s$ is also simply connected (purity of the
branch locus). The lemma now follows from the homotopy exact sequence
for $f$.
\begin{cor} $H^1({\cal S}^s,\,{\Bbb Z}) = 0$.
\begin{cor} $f_*{\Bbb Z} = {\Bbb Z}$, $R^1f_*{\Bbb Z} = R^3f_*{\Bbb Z} = 0$ and
$R^2f_*{\Bbb Z} = {\Bbb Z}^{d-1}$.
\begin{pf} As ${\cal S}^s$ is simply connected, $R^if_*{\Bbb Z}$ is just the
constant sheaf associated to the $i$-th cohomology of
${\Bbb P}^{n-1}\times\ldots\times{\Bbb P}^{n-1}$.
One can now verify \eqref{eqn:hodge} by using the Leray spectral
sequence combined with the above isomorphisms. It follows that
$H^3({\Bbb P}^s,\,{\Bbb Z})$ is isomorphic to the cokernel of the
H^0(R^2f_*{\Bbb Z}) \to H^3(f_*{\Bbb Z})
but this vanishes mod torsion by \cite{deligne68}.
The isomorphisms \eqref{eqn:tate} and the map \eqref{eqn:hodge}, give the
desired mod-torsion isomorphism
\psi_{X,L,\chi}\colon H^1(X)(-1) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} H^3({\cal S}^s).
This isomorphism varies well with $(X,\,L,\,\chi)$
as the construction
of the correspondence \eqref{eqn:hecke} will show (see
Here then is the promised Lemma:
\begin{lem}\label{lem:codim} If $Y$ is a smooth projective variety,
$Z$ a codimension $k$ closed subscheme, and $U=Y\setminus Z$, then
H^j(Y,\,{\Bbb Z}) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} H^j(U,\,{\Bbb Z})
for $j < 2k-1$.
We have to show that $H^j_Z(X,\,{\Bbb Z})$ vanishes for $j < 2k$. By Alexander
duality (see for e.g. \cite{iverson},\,p.\,381,\,Theorem\,4.7) we have
H^j_Z(Y,\,{\Bbb Z}) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} H_{2m-j}(Z,\,{\Bbb Z}),
where $m=\dim{Y}$ and $H_*$ is Borel-Moore homology. Now use
\cite{iverson},\,p.\,406,\,3.1 to conclude that the
right side vanishes if $j < 2k$ (note that $``\dim"$ in
{\it loc.cit} is dimension as an analytic space,
and in {\it op.cit.} it is dimension as a topological (real)
\begin{rem}\label{rmk:balaji} In view of the above Lemma, it
seems that Balaji's proof of Torelli (for Seshadri's
desingularization of ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(2,\,{\cal O}_X)$) does not work
for $g=3$, for in this case, the codimension of ${\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s =2$.
(See \cite{balaji},\,top of p.\,624 and \cite{balaji-thesis},\,Remark\,9.)
\subsection{The Polarization on $H^3({\cal S}^s)$.}\label{ss:polar}
It remains to impose a polarization on the Hodge structure of
$H^3({\cal S}^s)$ which varies well with ${\cal S}^s$. Note that the map
$\psi_{X,L,\chi}$ tells us that the Hodge structure on $H^3({\cal S}^s)$
is pure.
One knows from the results of Drezet and Narasimhan \cite{drez-nar}, that
$\operatorname{Pic}({\cal S}^s)={\Bbb Z}$ (see p.\,89, 7.12 (especially the proof)
of {\it loc.cit.}). Moreover,
$\operatorname{Pic}({\cal S}) \to \operatorname{Pic}({\cal S}^s)$ is an isomorphism. Let $\xi'$ be the ample
generator of $\operatorname{Pic}({\cal S}^s)$. It is easy to see that there exists a positive
integer $r$, independent of $(X,\,L)$ (with genus $X=g$), such that
$\xi = {\xi'}^r$ is very ample on ${\cal S}$ (we are not distinguishing
between line bundles on ${\cal S}^s$ and their (unique) extensions to
${\cal S}$). Embed ${\cal S}$ in a suitable projective space via $\xi$. Let
$e=\operatorname{codim}({\cal S}\setminus \,{\cal S}^s)$. Let $M$ be the intersection of $k = \dim{\cal S} -e +1$
hyperplanes (in general position) with ${\cal S}^s$. Then $M$ is smooth, projective
and contained in ${\cal S}^s$. Let $p = \dim{{\cal S}}$ and $H^*_c$ --- cohomology with
compact support. We then have a map
l\colon H^3({\cal S}^s) \longrightarrow H^{2p-3}_c({\cal S}^s)
defined by
x \mapsto x\cup c_1(\xi)^{p-k-3}\cup [M].
If $M'$ is another $k$-fold intersection of general hyperplanes, then
$[M'] = [M]$. Hence $l$ depends only on $\xi$. According to
Proposition\,\ref{prop:polarization} (see also Remark\,\ref{rmk:polarization}),
the pairing on $H^3({\cal S}^s,\,{\Bbb C})$ given by
<x,\,y> = \int_{{\cal S}^s}l(x)\cup\,y
gives a polarization on the Hodge structure of $H^3({\cal S}^s)$. Since
$\xi$ ``spreads" (for $\xi'$ clearly does), therefore this polarization
varies well with ${\cal S}^s$. Then by arguments already indicated in the
beginning of this section, this polarization is a multiple of
principal polarization (and the integer factor is necessarily unique).
Thus one gets a natural principal polarization on $H^3({\cal S}^s)$.
\begin{rem}\label{rmk:saito} There is another approach to this
polarization, using Intersection Cohomology (middle perversity)
and M. Saito's theory of Hodge modules \cite{saito}. The very
ample bundle $\xi$ gives rise to Lefschetz operators
$L^i\colon IH^q({\cal S}) \longrightarrow IH^{q+2i}({\cal S})$ (see \cite{del-beil-bern}).
Our codimension estimates (see Remark\,\ref{rmk:codim}) are such
that $IH^3({\cal S}) \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} H^3({\cal S}^s)$ and $IH^1({\cal S}) = H^1({\cal S}^s) = 0$.
The group $IH^3({\cal S})$ has a pairing on it given by
<\alpha,\,\beta> = \int_SL^{p-3}\alpha\cup\beta
where $\int_S(\_)\cup\beta\colon IH^{2p-3}({\cal S})\to {\Bbb C}$ is the map
given by the Poincar{\'e} duality pairing between $IH^{2p-3}({\cal S})$
and $IH^3({\cal S})$. According to M. Saito \cite{saito},\,5.3.2, this
gives a polarization on the Hodge structure of $IH^3({\cal S})$ (since
all classes in $IH^3({\cal S})$ are primitive). This polarization
translates to one on $H^3({\cal S}^s)$. A little thought shows (say by
desingularizing ${\cal S}$) that the pairing on $H^3({\cal S}^s)$ is
<x,\,y> = \int_{{\cal S}^s}c_1(\xi)^{p-3}\,\wedge\,x\,\wedge\,y.
Here, on the right side, we are using De Rham theory, and replacing the
various elements in cohomology by forms which represent them. The
integral above is the usual integral of forms. Note that we
could not have defined the pairing by the above formula, for we
have no {\it a priori} guarantee that the right side (which is
an integral over an open manifold) is finite.
\section{The correspondence variety ${\Bbb P}$}\label{s:hecke}
In this section we define the map $f\colon {\Bbb P} \to {\cal S}$ and prove
Proposition \ref{prop:hecke}.
\subsection{The map $f\colon {\Bbb P} \to {\cal S}$.}\label{ss:map-f}
We need some notations\,:
\item For $1\le k\le d-1$, $\pi_k\colon {\Bbb P} \to {\Bbb P}_k$ is
the natural projection;
\item ${\imath}\colon Z \hookrightarrow X$ is the reduced subscheme defined
by $\chi=\{x^1,\ldots,\,x^{d-1}\}$.
\item ${\imath}_k\colon Z_k \hookrightarrow X$, the reduced scheme defined by
$\{x_k\}$, $k= 1,\ldots,\,d-1$.
\item For any scheme $S$,
\item[(i)] $p_S\colon X\times\,S \to S$ and $q_S\colon X\times\,S \to X$ are
the natural projections;
\item[(ii)] $Z^S = q_S^{-1}(Z)$;
\item[(iii)] $Z_k^S = q_S^{-1}(Z_k)$, $k=1,\ldots,\,d-1$.
Note that $Z^S_k$ can be identified canonically with $S$.
We will show --- in \ref{ss:u-exact} --- that there is an exact sequence
0 \longrightarrow (1\times\pi)^*{\cal W} \longrightarrow {\cal V} \longrightarrow {\cal T}_0 \longrightarrow 0
on $X\times\,{\Bbb P}$, with ${\cal V}$ a vector bundle on $X\times{\Bbb P}$
and ${\cal T}_0$ a line bundle {\it on the subscheme $Z^{\Bbb P}$},
which is universal
in the following sense\,: If $\psi\colon S \to {\cal S}_1$ is a ${\cal S}_1$-scheme
and we have an exact sequence
0 \longrightarrow (1\times\psi)^*{\cal W} \longrightarrow {\cal E} \longrightarrow {\cal T} \longrightarrow 0
on $X\times\,S$, with ${\cal E}$ a vector bundle on $X\times\,S$
and ${\cal T}$ a line bundle {\it on the subscheme} $Z^S$, then
there is a unique map of ${\cal S}_1$-schemes
g\colon S \longrightarrow {\Bbb P}
such that,
(1\times\,g)^*\eqref{eqn:u-exact} \equiv \eqref{eqn:s-exact}.
The $\equiv$ sign above means that the two exact sequences
are isomorphic, and the left most isomorphism
$(1\times{g})^*{\scriptstyle{\circ}}(1\times{\pi})^* \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} (1\times\psi)^*$ is the canonical
There is a way of interpreting this universal property in terms of
quasi-parabolic bundles (see \cite{mehta-css},\,p.\,211--212,\,Definition\,1.5,
for the definitions of quasi-parabolic and parabolic bundles). Taking
$\chi$ as our collection of parabolic vertices, we can introduce a
quasi-parabolic datum on $X$ by attaching the flag type $(1,\,n-1)$ to
each point of $\chi$. From now onwards {\it quasi-parabolic structures
will be with respect to this datum and on vector bundles of rank $n$ and
determinant $L$}.
One observes that for a vector bundle $V$ (of rank $n$ and determinant
$L$), a surjective map $V\twoheadrightarrow {\cal O}_Z$ determines a unique quasi-parabolic
structure, and two such surjections give the same quasi-parabolic strcuture
if and only if they differ by a scalar multiple.
The above mentioned universal property says that ${\Bbb P}$
is a (fine) moduli space for quasi-parabolic bundles. More precisely, the
family of quasi-parabolic structures
{\cal V} \twoheadrightarrow {\cal T}_0
parameterized by ${\Bbb P}$ is universal for families of quasi-parabolic bundles
{\cal E} \twoheadrightarrow {\cal T}
parameterized by $S$, whose kernel is a family of semi-stable bundles. The
points of ${\Bbb P}$ parameterize quasi-parabolic structures $V \twoheadrightarrow {\cal O}_Z$
whose kernel is semi-stable.
Let $\boldsymbol{\alpha} = (\alpha_1,\,\alpha_2)$, where $0 < \alpha_1 < \alpha_2 <1$,
and let $\Delta = \Delta_{\boldsymbol{\alpha}}$ be the parabolic datum which attaches to each
parabolic vertex (of our quasi-parabolic datum) weights $\alpha_1, \alpha_2$.
We can choose $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$ so small that
\item a parabolic semi-stable bundle is parabolic stable\,;
\item if $V$ is stable, then every parabolic structure on $V$ is parabolic
\item the underlying vector bundle of a parabolic stable bundle is
semi-stable in the usual sense\,;
\item if $V \twoheadrightarrow {\cal O}_Z$ is parabolic stable, then the kernel $W$ is
Showing the above involves some very elementary calculations. Denote
the resulting moduli space of parabolic stable bundles
${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L,\,\Delta)$.
Let ${\Bbb P}^{ss}\subset {\Bbb P}$ be the locus on which ${\cal V}$ consists
of parabolic semi-stable (=parabolic stable) bundles. One checks that
${\Bbb P}^{ss}$ is an open subscheme of ${\Bbb P}$ (this involves two things\,:
(i) knowing that the scheme $\widetilde{R}$ of \cite{mehta-css},\,p.\,226
has a local universal property for parabolic bundles and (ii) knowing that
the scheme ${\widetilde{R}}^{ss}$ of {\it loc.cit.} is open).
Clearly ${\Bbb P}^{ss}$ is non-empty --- in fact if $V$ is stable of rank $n$
and determinant $L$, then any parabolic structure on $V$ is parabolic
stable (see above). We claim that ${\Bbb P}^{ss} \simeq {\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L,\,\Delta)$.
To that end, let $S$ be a scheme, and
{\cal E} \twoheadrightarrow {\cal T}
a family of parabolic stable bundles parameterized by $S$. The kernel
${\cal W}'$ of \eqref{eqn:par-fly} is a family of stable bundles of rank $n$
and determinant $L\otimes{\cal O}_X(-D)$. Since ${\cal S}_1$ is a fine moduli space,
we have a unique map $g\colon {\cal S}\to {\cal S}_1$ and a line bundle $\xi$ on $S$
such that $(1\times{g})^*{\cal W} = {\cal W}'\otimes\,p_S^*\xi$. By doctoring
\eqref{eqn:par-fly} we may assume that $\xi={\cal O}_S$. The universal
property of the exact sequence \eqref{eqn:u-exact} on ${\Bbb P}$ then
gives us a unique map
g\colon\,S \longrightarrow {\Bbb P}
such that $(1\times{g})^*\eqref{eqn:u-exact}$ is equivalent to
0 \longrightarrow {\cal W}' \longrightarrow {\cal E} \longrightarrow {\cal T} \longrightarrow 0.
Clearly $g$ factors through ${\Bbb P}^{ss}$. This proves that
${\Bbb P}^{ss}$ is ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L,\,\Delta)$. However, ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L,\,\Delta)$
is a projective variety (see \cite{mehta-css},\,pp.\,225--226,\,Theorem\,4.1),
whence we have
{\Bbb P} = {\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L,\,\Delta).
It follows that ${\cal V}$ consists of parabolic stable bundles, and hence
of (usual) semi-stable bundles (by our choice of $\boldsymbol{\alpha}$). Since ${\cal S}$
is a coarse moduli space, we get the map
f\colon\,{\Bbb P} \longrightarrow {\cal S} .
Note that the parabolic structure $\Delta$ is something of a red herring.
In fact ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L,\,\Delta)$ parameterizes quasi-parabolic structures
$V \twoheadrightarrow {\cal O}_Z$, whose kernel is semi-stable
(cf. \cite{mehta-css},\,p.\,238,\,Remark\,(5.4), where this point is made
for $n=2, d=2$). The space ${\Bbb P}$ should be thought of as the correspondence
variety for a certain Hecke correspondence (cf. \cite{N-R-hecke}).
Let $V$ be a stable bundle of rank $n$, with $\det{V}=L$, so that
(the isomorphism class of) $V$ lies in ${\cal S}^s$. Since any parabolic
structure on $V$ is parabolic stable (by our choice of $\boldsymbol{\alpha}$), therefore
we see that $f^{-1}(V)$ is canonically isomorphic to
${\Bbb P}(V_{x^1}^*)\times\ldots\times{\Bbb P}(V_{x^{d-1}}^*)$. \footnote{One can
be more rigorous. Identifying $Z_k^{{\Bbb P}}$ with ${{\Bbb P}}$ for each
$k = 1,\ldots,\,d-1$, we see that restricting the universal exact
sequence to $Z_k^{{\Bbb P}}$ gives us $d-1$ quotients
${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}}\otimes_{{\Bbb C}}V_{x^k} \twoheadrightarrow {\cal T}_0|Z^{{\Bbb P}}_k$. Let $S$
be a scheme which has $d-1$ quotients ${\cal O}_S\otimes_{{\Bbb C}}V_{x^k}\twoheadrightarrow {\cal L}_k$
$k = 1,\ldots,\,d-1$, on it, where the ${\cal L}_k$ are line bundles. These
quotients extend to a family of parabolic structures
$q_S^*V \twoheadrightarrow {\cal T}$ (on $V$) parameterized by $S$ in a unique way. The universal
property of the exact sequence \eqref{eqn:u-exact} gives us a map
$S \to {\Bbb P}$, and this map factors through $f^{-1}(V)$.} This gives us
part (b) of Proposition\,\ref{prop:hecke}, for it is not hard to see
that ${\Bbb P}^s \to {\cal S}^s$ is smooth (examine the effect on the tangent space
of each point on ${\Bbb P}^s$).
\subsection{Codimension estimates.}\label{ss:codim} We wish to estimate
$\operatorname{codim}{({\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s})$. For any vector bundle $E$ on $X$, let
$\mu(E)=\operatorname{rank}{E}/\deg{E}$. Let $\mu=d/n$. Let $V \twoheadrightarrow {\cal O}_Z$ be
a parabolic bundle in ${\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s$. Then we have a filtration
(see \cite{css-drez},\,p.\,18,\,Th{\'e}or{\`e}me\,10)
0=V_{p+1} \subset V_p \subset \ldots \subset V_0=V
such that for $0\le i \le p$, $G_i=V_i/V_{i+1}$ is stable and $\mu(G_i)=\mu$.
Moreover (the isomorphism class of) the vector bundle $\bigoplus{G_i}$ depends
only upon $V$ and not on the given filtration. We wish to count the
number of moduli at $[V\overset{\theta}{\twoheadrightarrow} {\cal O}_Z] \in {\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s$.
There are three sources\,:
\item[a)] The choice of $\bigoplus_{i=0}^pG_i$\,;
\item[b)] Extension data\,;
\item[c)] The choice of parabolic structure $V\overset{\theta}{\twoheadrightarrow}{\cal O}_Z$,
for fixed semi-stable $V$.
The source c) is the easiest to calculate --- there is a codimension
one subspace at each parabolic vertex, contributing
Let $n_i=\operatorname{rank}{G_i}$.
The number of moduli arising from a) is evidently
\sum_{i=0}^p(n_i^2-1)(g-1) + pg .
Indeed, the bundles $G_i$ have degree $n_i\mu$ and the product of their
determinants must be $L$. They are otherwise unconstrained.
It remains to estimate the number of moduli arising from extension
data. Each extension
0 \longrightarrow V_{i+1} \longrightarrow V_i \longrightarrow G_i \longrightarrow 0 \qquad i=0,\ldots,\,p
determines a class in $H^1(X,\,G_i^*\otimes{V_{i+1}})$. Note that
h^0(G_i^*\otimes{V_{i+1}}) & = \dim{\operatorname{Hom}_{{\cal O}_X}(G_i,\,V_{i+1})} \\
& \le \sum_{j>i}\operatorname{Hom}_{{\cal O}_X}(G_i,\,G_j) \\
& \le p-i
by the sub-additivity of $\dim{\operatorname{Hom}(G_i,\,\_)}$ and the stability of $G_i$.
By the Riemann-Roch theorem
h^1(G_i^*\otimes{V_{i+1}}) & = h^0(G_i^*\otimes{V_{i+1}}) -
n_i(n_{i+1}+\ldots +n_p)(1-g) \\
& \le (p-i) - n_i(n_{i+1}+\ldots n_p)(1-g).
The isomorphism class of $V_i$ depends only on a scalar multiple of the
extension class. Therefore the number of moduli contributed by extensions
\sum_{i=0}^p\left [h^1(G_i^*\otimes{V_{i+1}} -1 \right] & \le
\sum_{i=0}^p\left[p-i-n_i(n_{i+1}+\ldots n_p)(1-g) \right] - (p+1) \\
& = \dfrac{p(p+1)}{2} -
\sum_{i=0}^{p-1}n_i(n_{i+1}+\ldots +n_p)(1-g) - (p+1) \\
& = \dfrac{(p+1)(p-2)}{2} - \sum_{i<j}n_in_j(1-g).
Adding the contributions from a), b) and c) and subtracting from
\dim{\Bbb P}=(n^2-1)(g-1)+(n-1)(d-1)$$
we get
\operatorname{codim}({\Bbb P}\setminus {\Bbb P}^s) & \ge (n^2-1)(g-1) - \sum_{i=o}^p(n_i^2-1)(g-1) - pg \\
& \quad - \sum_{i<j}n_in_j(g-1) - \dfrac{(p+1)(p-2)}{2} \\
& = \sum_{i<j}n_in_j(g-1) - \dfrac{(p-1)(p+2)}{2} \\
& = B \qquad (\text{say}).
$\sum_{i<j}n_in_j \ge {p(p+1)}/{2}$, therefore
B \ge \dfrac{p(p+1)}{2}(g-1) - \dfrac{(p+2)(p-1)}{2}.
It follows that $B\ge 3$ whenever $p\ge 2$ {\it and} $g\ge 3$. If $p=1$ and
$n \ge 3$, then
B/(g-1) = \sum_{i<j}n_in_j \ge 2
and one checks that $B\ge 3$ whenever $g\ge 3$.
Proposition\,\ref{prop:hecke}(a) may now be considered as proved.
\begin{rem}\label{rmk:codim} We could use similar techniques
to estimate $\operatorname{codim}{({\cal S}\setminus {\cal S}^s)}$, but our task is made
easier by the exact answers in \cite{css-drez},\,p.\,48,\,A. For just
this remark, assume $d > n(2g-1)$, and let $a = (n,\,d)$. Then
$a\ge 2$. Let $n_0 = n/a$. Then according to {\it loc.cit.},
\operatorname{codim}{({\cal S}\setminus {\cal S}^s)}=
(n^2-1)(g-1) -
\dfrac{n^2}{2}(g-1) -2 +g & \text{if $a$ is even} \\
& {} \\
(n^2-1)(g-1) - \dfrac{n^2 + n_0^2}{2}(g-1) -2 + g & \text{if $a$ is odd}.
It now follows that
\operatorname{codim}{({\cal S}\setminus {\cal S}^s)} > 5
if $n,\,g$ are in the range of Theorem\,\ref{thm:main}.
\subsection{The universal exact sequence on $X\times{\Bbb P}$.}\label{ss:u-exact}
We begin by reminding the reader of some elementary facts from commutative
algebra. If $A$ is a ring (commutative, with $1$), $t\in A$ a non-zero
divisor, and $M$ an $A$-module, then each element $m_0\in M$ gives
rise to an equivalence class of extensions
0 \longrightarrow M \longrightarrow E_{m_0} \longrightarrow A/tA \longrightarrow 0
where $E_{m_0} = \left(A\bigoplus{M}\right)/A(t,\,m_0)$, and the
arrows are the obvious ones. Moreover, if $m_0 - m_1 \in tM$, say
m_0 - m_1 = tm'
then the extension given by $m_0$ is equivalent to that given by $m_1$.
In fact, one checks that
E_{m_0} & \stackrel{\sim}{\longrightarrow} E_{m_1} \\
(a,\,m) & \mapsto (a,\,m-am')
gives the desired equivalence of extensions. This is another way of
expressing the well known fact that each element of
$M/tM = \operatorname{Ext}^1(A/t,\,M)$ gives rise to an extension.
One globalizes to get the following\,: Let $S$ be a scheme,
$T\overset{{\imath}}{\hookrightarrow} S$ a closed immersion, ${\cal F}$ a
quasi-coherent ${\cal O}_S$-module, $U$ an open neighbourhood of $T$ in $S$,
and $t\in \Gamma(U,\,{\cal O}_S)$ an element which defines $T \hookrightarrow U$,
and which is a non-zero divisor for $\Gamma(V,\,{\cal O}_S)$
for any open $V \subset U$. Then every global section $s$ of
${\imath}^*{\cal F} = {\cal F}\otimes{\cal O}_T$ gives rise to an equivalence class of
0 \longrightarrow {\cal F} \longrightarrow {\cal E} \longrightarrow {\cal O}_T \longrightarrow 0.
Indeed, we are reduced immediately to the case $S = U$. We build up
exact sequences \eqref{eqn:exact-mod} on each affine open subset
$W \subset S$, by picking a lift $\tilde{s_W}\in\Gamma(W,\,{\cal F})$ of
$s\,|\,W$. One patches together these exact sequences via
Now consider ${\Bbb P} = {\Bbb P}_1\times_{{\cal S}_1}\ldots\times_{{\cal S}_1}{\Bbb P}_{d-1}$.
For each
$k = 1,\ldots,\,d-1$, let $p_k\colon\,{\Bbb P}_k \to {\cal S}_1$ be the natural
projection. We have a universal exact sequence
0 \longrightarrow {\cal O}(-1) \longrightarrow p_k^*{\cal W}_k \longrightarrow B \longrightarrow 0
whence a global section $s_k\in\Gamma({\Bbb P}_k,\,p_k^*{\cal W}_k(1))$.
However, note that
p_k^*{\cal W}_k = (1\times p_k)^*{\cal W}\,|\,Z_k^{{\Bbb P}_k}
where we are identifying $Z_k^{{\Bbb P}_k}$ with ${\Bbb P}_k$.
By \eqref{eqn:patched} we get exact sequences
0 \longrightarrow (1\times\pi)^*{\cal W} \longrightarrow {\cal V}_k \longrightarrow
{\cal O}_{Z_k^{\Bbb P}}\otimes{L_k} \longrightarrow 0
where $L_k$ is the line bundle obtained by pulling up ${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}_k}(-1)$.
It is not hard to see
that ${\cal V}_k$ is a family of vector bundles
parameterized by ${\Bbb P}$. Glueing these sequences together --- the $k$-th
and the $l$-th agree outside $Z^{{\Bbb P}}_k$ and $Z^{{\Bbb P}}_l$ --- we
obtain \eqref{eqn:u-exact}.
Now suppose we have a ${\cal S}_1$-scheme $\psi\colon\,S \to {\cal S}_1$ and the
exact sequence \eqref{eqn:s-exact}
0 \longrightarrow (1\times\psi)^*{\cal W} \longrightarrow {\cal E} \longrightarrow {\cal T} \longrightarrow 0
on $X\times{S}$. Restricting \eqref{eqn:s-exact} to $Z^S_k$ ($1\le k \le d-1$)
one checks that the kernel of $(1\times\psi)^*{\cal W}\,|\,Z^S_k \to {\cal E}\,|Z_k^S$
is a line bundle ${\cal L}_k$. Identifying $Z^S_k$ with $S$, we see that
$(1\times\,\psi)^*{\cal W}\,|\,Z^S_k = \psi^*{\cal W}_k$. Thus ${\cal L}_k$ is a line
sub-bundle of $\psi^*{\cal W}_k$. By the universal property of ${\Bbb P}_k$, we
see that we have a unique map of ${\cal S}_1$-schemes
g_k\colon\,S \longrightarrow {\Bbb P}_k
such that ${\cal O}(-1)$ gets pulled back to ${\cal L}_k$. The various $g_k$
give us a map
g\colon S \longrightarrow {\Bbb P}
One checks that $g$ has the required universal property. The uniqueness
of $g$ follows from the uniqueness of each $g_k$.
\begin{rem}\label{rmk:variation} It is clear from the construction
that the map
f = f_{X,L,\chi}\colon\,{\Bbb P}_{X,L,\chi} \longrightarrow {\cal S}{\cal U}_X(n,\,L)
varies well with $(X,\,L,\,\chi)$. This implies that the correspondence
\eqref{eqn:hecke} also varies well with $(X,\,L,\,\chi)$ and hence so
do $\psi_{X,L,\chi}$ and $\varphi_{X,L,\chi}$.
Let $Y$ be an $m$-dimensional projective variety.
Suppose that $U$ is a smooth Zariski open subset.
One then has the following version of the
Lefschetz theorem.
\begin{thm}\label{thm:lefschetz} If $H$ is a hyperplane section
of $Y$ such that $U\cap H$ is non-empty, then
H^i(U,\,{\Bbb Q}) \to H^i(U\cap{H},\,{\Bbb Q})
is an isomorphism for $i < m-1$ and injective when $i = m-1$.
\begin{pf} We need some results involving Verdier duality. The
standard references are \cite{borel} and \cite{iverson}. Let
$S$ be an analytic space and $p_S$ the map from $S$ to a point.
For ${\cal F}\in D^b_{const}(S,\,{\Bbb Q})$ (the derived category of
bounded complexes of ${\Bbb Q}_S$-sheaves whose cohomology sheaves
are ${\Bbb Q}_S$-constructible), set
D_S({\cal F}) = {\Bbb R}{\cal H}\operatorname{om}_S({\cal F},\,p_S^!{\Bbb Q}).
We then have by Verdier duality
{\Bbb H}^i(S,\,{\cal F}) \overset{\sim}{\longrightarrow} {\Bbb H}^{-i}(S,\,D_S({\cal F}))^*.
Here ${\Bbb H}^*$ denotes ``hypercohomology".
For an open immersion $h\colon S' \hookrightarrow S$, one has canonical
{\Bbb R}{h}_*D_{S'}{\cal G} & \overset{\sim}{\longrightarrow} D_S(h_!{\cal G}) \\
{{\Bbb R}}h_!D_{S'}{\cal G} & \overset{\sim}{\longrightarrow} D_S({\Bbb R}{h_*}{\cal G})
Here ${\cal G}\in D^b_{const}(S',\,{\Bbb Q})$.
The first isomorphism is easy (using Verdier duality for the
map $h$) and the second follows from the first and from the
fact that $D_{S'}$ is an involution. We have used (throughout)
the fact that $h_!$ is an exact functor.
If $S$ is smooth, we have
p_S^!{\Bbb Q} = {\Bbb Q}_S[2\dim{S}].
In order to prove the theorem, let $V=U\setminus H$ and $W=Y\setminus H$. We then
have a cartesian square
V & \stackrel{\scriptstyle{{{\imath}}'}}{\longrightarrow} & U \\
\llap{$\scriptstyle{{{\jmath}}'}$}}\Big\downarrow &
& \Big\downarrow\vcenter{%
\rlap{$\scriptstyle{{\jmath}}$}} \\
W & \underset{\scriptstyle{{\imath}}}{\longrightarrow} & Y
where each arrow is the obvious open immersion.
We have, by \eqref{eqn:*!} and \eqref{eqn:!*}, the identity
{{\jmath}}_!{\Bbb R}{{\imath}}'_*D_V{\Bbb Q}_V = D_Y({\Bbb R}{\jmath}_*{{\imath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V).
Consider the exact sequence of sheaves
0 \longrightarrow {{\imath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V \longrightarrow {\Bbb Q}_U \longrightarrow g_*{\Bbb Q}_{H\cap U} \longrightarrow 0
where $g\colon H\cap{U}\to U$ is the natural closed immersion. It suffices
to prove that $H^i(U,\,{{\imath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V)=0$ for $i\le m-1$. Now,
H^i(U,\,{{\imath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V)={\Bbb H}^i(Y,\,{\Bbb R}{\jmath}_*{{\imath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V).
Using \eqref{eqn:verdier}, \eqref{eqn:Dji} and \eqref{eqn:dim}, the
above is dual to
{\Bbb H}^{-i}(Y,\,{\jmath}_!{\Bbb R}{{\imath}}'_*D_V{\Bbb Q}_V)
& = {\Bbb H}^{2m-i}(Y,\,{\jmath}_!{\Bbb R}{{\imath}}'_*{\Bbb Q}_V) \\
\intertext{But ${\jmath}_!{\Bbb R}{{\imath}}'_* = {\Bbb R}{\imath}_*{{\jmath}}'_!$, and hence the above is}
& = {\Bbb H}^{2m-i}(Y,\,{\Bbb R}{{\imath}}_*({{\jmath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V)) \\
& = {\Bbb H}^{2m-i}(W,\,{{\jmath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V) \\
& = H^{2m-i}(W,\,{{\jmath}}'_!{\Bbb Q}_V).
Now, $W$ is an affine variety, and therefore, according to
M. Artin, its constructible cohomological
dimension is less than or equal to its dimension \cite{artin}.
Consequently, the above chain of equalities vanish whenever
$i<m$ (see also \cite{gor-mac}).
We immediately have:
\begin{cor}\label{cor:lefschetz} Let $e=\operatorname{codim}(Y\setminus U)$.
For $i< e-1$, the Hodge structure
$H^i(U)$ is pure of weight $i$.
\begin{pf} This is true if $U$ is projective. In general proceed
using Bertini's theorem, induction, Theorem\,\ref{thm:lefschetz} and
the fact that submixed Hodge structures of pure Hodge structures are
pure \cite{deligne-hodge}.
Let $i\in{\Bbb N}$ and ${\cal L}$ a line bundle on $Y$ be such that
\item[(a)] $H^j(U,\,{\Bbb Q})=0$ for $j = i-2,\,i-4,\ldots $\,;
\item[(b)] $i < e-1$\,;
\item[(c)] ${\cal L}$ is very ample.
\begin{rem}\label{rmk:polarization} Note that if $Y={\cal S}$, $U={\cal S}^s$,
then $i=3$ and ${\cal L}=\xi$ ($\xi$= the very ample bundle
of \ref{ss:polar}) satisfy the above conditions
by the results of \ref{ss:psi} and Remark\,\ref{rmk:codim}.
Let $M$ be the intersection of $k=m-e+1$ hyperplanes in general position.
Then $M$ is a smooth variety contained in $U$. Let
l\colon H^i(U) \longrightarrow H^{2m-i}_c(U)
be the composite of
H^i(U) & \longrightarrow H^i(M) \\
& \longrightarrow H^{2m-2k-i}(M) \\
& \longrightarrow H^{2m-i}_c(U)
where the first map is restriction, the second is
``cupping with $c_1({\cal L})^{m-k-i}$" and the third is the Poincar{\'e} dual
to restriction. The map $l$ is also described as
x \mapsto x\cup c_1({\cal L})^{m-k-i}\cup [M].
One then has (easily)
\begin{lem} If $M'$ is another $k$-fold intersection of general hyperplanes,
then $[M'] = [M]$. Therefore $l$ depends only on ${\cal L}$.
\begin{prop}\label{prop:polarization} The pairing
<x,\,y> = \int_Ul(x)\cup y
on $H^i(U,\,{\Bbb C})$
gives a polarization on the pure Hodge structure $H^i(U)$.
\begin{pf} By Theorem\,\ref{thm:lefschetz}, we have an isomorphism
r\colon H^i(U) \longrightarrow H^i(M).
The latter Hodge structure carries a polarization given by
<\alpha,\,\beta> = \int_Mc_1({\cal L})^{m-k-i}\cup\alpha\cup\beta.
The conditions on $i$ and the Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations
on the primitive part of $H^i(M,\,{\Bbb C})$, assure us that the above is indeed
a polarization (see \cite{grif-period} or Chap.\,V,\,\S6
of \cite{wells}). In fact, our conditions on $i$ imply that the
primitive part of $H^i(M)$ is everything.
This translates to a polarization on $H^i(U)$ given by
<x,\,y> = \int_Ul(x)\cup y.
This gives the result.
\begin{ack} We wish to thank Prof.\,M.\,S. Narasimhan and Prof.\,C.\,S.
Seshadri for their encouragement and their help. Thanks to V. Balaji,
L. Lempert, N. Raghavendra and P.\,A.Vishwanath for helpful discussions.
Balaji made us aware of the problem, and generously discussed his proof
(in \cite{balaji}) of the Torelli theorem for Seshadri's desingularization
of ${\cal S}{\cal U}_X(2,\,{\cal O}_X)$. The second author gratefully acknowledges
the four wonderful years he spent at the SPIC Science Foundation, Madras.
1996-12-11T08:32:54 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612008 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612008 | [
] | alg-geom/9612008 | Jim Bryan | Jim Bryan and Marc Sanders | Instantons on $S^{4}$ and $\cpbar $, rank stabilization, and Bott
periodicity | 20 pages, keywords: instantons, holomorphic bundles, Bott periodicity
LaTeX2e | null | null | null | null | We study the large rank limit of the moduli spaces of framed bundles on the
projective plane and the blown-up projective plane. These moduli spaces are
identified with various instanton moduli spaces on the 4-sphere and $\cpbar $,
the projective plane with the reverse orientation. We show that in the direct
limit topology, these moduli spaces are homotopic to classifying spaces. For
example, the moduli space of $Sp(\infty)$ or $SO(\infty)$ instantons on $\cpbar
$ has the homotopy type of $BU(k)$ where $k$ is the charge of the instantons.
We use our results along with Taubes' result concerning the $k\to \infty $
limit to obtain a novel proof of the homotopy equivalences in the eight-fold
Bott periodicity spectrum. We give explicit constructions for these moduli
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 11 Dec 1996 07:35:54 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$ denote the space of (based) $G_{n}$-instantons on $X$
where $G_{n}$ is $SU(n)$, $SO(n)$, or $Sp(n/2)$. In 1989, Taubes
\cite{Tau-stable} showed that there is a ``gluing'' map
$\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)\hookrightarrow \M{k'}{G_{n}}(X)$ when $k'>k$.
He proved that in the direct limit topology,
the instantons
capture all the topology of connections modulo gauge equivalence. In other
words, there is a homotopy equivalence:
\operatorname{lim}_{k\to \infty }\M{k}{G_{n}}(X) \sim
\operatorname{Map}_{0} (X,BG_{n}).
There is also an inclusion
$\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)\hookrightarrow \M{k}{G_{n'}}(X)$ where $n'>n$ induced by the
inclusion $G_{n}\hookrightarrow G_{n'}$. Not much is known
about the homotopy type of $\M{k}{G}(X)=\operatorname{lim}_{n\to \infty }\M
{k}{G_{n}}(X)$ for general $X$. In this paper we determine the homotopy
type of $\M{k}{G}(X)$ when $X$ is $S^{4}$ or $\cpbar $ with their standard
metrics. The results are
\begin{eqnarray}\label{eqn:rank stable for S4}
\M{k}{G}(S^{4})&\sim &\begin{cases}
BU(k)&\text{if }G=SU,\\
BO(k)&\text{if }G=Sp,\\
BSp(k/2)&\text{if }G=SO;
\M{k}{G}(\cpbar )&\sim &\begin{cases}
BU(k)\times BU(k)&\text{if }G=SU,\\
BU(k)&\text{if $G$ is $Sp$ or $SO$.}
The results for the $S^{4}$ case were first proved in \cite{Sanders},
\cite{No-Sa}, and
\cite{Kir} (c.f. \cite{Tian}) and we proved the $\M{k}{SU}(\cpbar )$ result
in \cite{Br-Sa}. In this paper we are able to provide a unified approach to
these moduli spaces and stabilization results.
By employing Taubes'
theorem and by utilizing the conformal map $f:\cpbar \to S^{4}$ to compare
$\M{k}{G_{n}} (S^{4 })$ and $\M{k}{G_{n}} (\cpbar )$, and we are able to
give a novel proof of
the homotopy equivalences in the real and unitary Bott periodicity
spectrums. Work in this
direction has been done by Tian using instantons on $S^{4}$ (see
\cite{Sanders},\cite{Tian}) where one can prove some of the 4-fold
equivalences. By using the comparison with instantons on $\cpbar $ we are
able to recover the finer 2-fold equivalences in the periodicity spectrum.
The moduli spaces $\M{k}{G_{n}}(S^{4})$ and $\M{k}{G_{n}}(\cpbar )$ are
known to be isomorphic to moduli spaces of certain holomorphic bundles and
have been constructed in various guises (\cite{BU86}, \cite{King},
\cite{DonMonads} ). Using work of Donaldson and King we construct the
spaces from a unified viewpoint (see Table 1). We
describe the relevant
moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles as follows:
Let $H\subset \cnums \P ^{2}$ be a fixed hyperplane and let
$\til{\mathbf{CP}}^{2}$ be the blow-up of $\cnums \P ^{2}$ at a
point away from $H$. Donaldson showed \cite{DonMonads} that
$\M{k}{SU(n)}(S^{4}) $ is isomorphic to the moduli space of pairs $(\mathcal{E}
,\tau )$ where $\mathcal{E} \to \cnums \P ^{2}$ is a rank $n$ holomorphic bundle with
$c_{1}(\mathcal{E} )=0$, $c_{2}(\mathcal{E} )=k$ and $\tau :\mathcal{E} |_{H}\to \cnums ^{n}\otimes \O
_{H}$ is a trivialization of $\mathcal{E} $ on $H$. In \cite{King}, King extended
this result to
$\cpbar $ by showing that $\M{k}{SU(n)}(\cpbar ) $ is
isomorphic to the moduli space of pairs $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau )$ where $\mathcal{E} \to
\til{\cnums \P }^{2}$ is a rank $n$ holomorphic bundle with
$c_{1}(\mathcal{E} )=0$, $c_{2}(\mathcal{E} )=k$ and $\tau :\mathcal{E} |_{H}\to \cnums ^{n}\otimes \O
_{H}$ is a trivialization of $\mathcal{E} $ on $H$. They also construct the moduli
spaces in terms of ``linear algebra data.''
One can extend their results to $Sp(n/2) $ and $SO(n)$. Let $X$ denote
$S^{4}$ or $\cpbar $. The moduli space of $Sp$-instantons
(respectively $SO$-instantons)
is isomorphic to the moduli space of triples $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau ,\phi )$ where $\phi $
is a symplectic (resp. real) structure:
\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(X )&\cong &\{(\mathcal{E} ,\tau ,\phi ):(\mathcal{E},\tau )\in \M
{k}{SU(n)} (X ), \phi
:\mathcal{E}\stackrel{\cong }{\longrightarrow }\mathcal{E} ^{*}, \phi ^{*}= -\phi \},\\
\M{k}{SO(n)}(X )&\cong &\{(\mathcal{E} ,\tau ,\phi ):(\mathcal{E},\tau ) \in \M
{k}{SU(n)} (X ),\phi
:\mathcal{E}\stackrel{\cong }{\longrightarrow }\mathcal{E} ^{*}, \phi ^{*}= \phi \}.
Our construction realizes these moduli spaces as quotients of affine
varieties $A_{k}^{G_{n}}(X)$ (the ``linear algebra data'') by free actions.
The key to proving our stability theorem is to show that in the large $n$
limit, the space of ``linear algebra data'' becomes contractible.
The constructions also allow us to identify the universal bundles over
$\M{k}{G}(X)$ inducing the homotopy equivalences of Equation \ref{eqn:rank
stable for S4}. In the holomorphic setting they can be described as
certain higher direct image bundles and in the connection setting they can
be described as the index bundles of a certain family of coupled Dirac
In section \ref{sec: main result and BP} we fix notation, state the
theorems, and prove Bott periodicity. In the subsequent sections
we construct the moduli spaces and prove the theorems. We conclude with
a short appendix discussing a more differentio-geometric construction of
the universal bundles. The authors would like to thank John Jones and
Ralph Cohen for
suggesting that the homotopy equivalences of Equation \ref{eqn:rank stable
for S4} should exist.
\section{The main results and Bott periodicity}\label{sec: main result and
\subsection{Statement of the theorems}\label{subsec:statement of thms}
Let $G_{n}\hookrightarrow P\to X$ be a principal bundle on a Riemannian $4$-manifold
$X$ with structure group $G_{n}=SU(n)$, $SO(n)$, or $Sp(n/2)$. Using the
defining representations for $SU(n)$ or $Sp(n/2)$ and the complexified
standard representation for $SO(n)$, we associate to $P$ a rank $n$ complex
vector bundle $E$ and we define the {\em charge} $k$ to be $c_{2}(E)[X]$.
\footnote{Our definition of $k$ in the $SO(n)$ case differs from some
of the literature by a factor of $2$.}
A bundle isomorphism $\phi :E\to E^{*}$ is called a {\em real structure} if
$\phi^{*}=\phi $ and it is called a {\em symplectic structure} if $\phi
^{*} =-\phi $. We can regard a $SO(n) $ or a $Sp(n/2)$ bundle as a
$SU(n)$ bundle $E$ along with $\phi $, a real or symplectic structure
Obviously, $n$ must be even for $E$ to have a symplectic structure and it
is also not hard to see that if $E$ has a real structure, then our $k$ must be
Let $\mathcal{A}(E)$ denote the space of connections on $E$ that are
compatible with $\phi $ and let
$F^{+}_{E} $ be the self-dual part of the curvature of a connection $A\in
\mathcal{A}(E)$. Let $\mathcal{G}_{E}^{0}$ be the group of gauge
transformations of $E$ commuting with $\phi $ and preserving a fixed
isomorphism $E_{x_{0}}\cong
\cnums ^{n}$ of the fiber over a base point $x_{0}\in X$.
We define the (based) instanton moduli spaces to be (c.f. \cite{D-K}):
\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)=\{A\in \mathcal{A}(E):F_{A}^{+}=0 \}/\mathcal{G}_{E}^{0}.
>From here on let $X$ denote $S^{4}$ or $\cpbar $ with their standard metrics.
We describe how the moduli spaces $\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$ can be
constructed from configurations of linear algebra data satisfying certain
``integrability'' conditions, modulo natural automorphisms. The
configurations are laid out by Table 1 where we have adopted the
following notations: Our vector spaces are always complex and
our maps are always complex linear. We regard a map $f:U\to W$ as an
element $f\in U^{*}\otimes W$. An isomorphism $\phi :W\to W^{*}$ is
called a {\em symplectic structure} if $\phi \in \Lambda ^{2}W^{*}$ and a
{\em real structure } if $\phi \in S^{2}W^{*}$. $Gl(W)$ denotes the group
of isomorphism of $W$ and if $\phi $ is a symplectic (respectively real)
structure on $W$, the let $Sp(W)$ (resp. $O(W)$) denote the group of
isomorphisms of $W$ compatible with $\phi $ ({\em i.e. } $f^{*}\phi f=\phi $).
When $n$ is even, let $J$ denote the standard symplectic structure on
$\cnums ^{n}$. Unless otherwise noted, the vector spaces in Table
1 are $k$-dimensional.
If $f:V_{1}\to V_{2}$, then $Gl(V_{1})\times Gl(V_{2})$ acts on $f$ by
$f\mapsto g_{2}fg_{1}^{-1} $ and thus on $f^{*}$ by
$(g_{1}^{-1})^{*}f^{*}g_{2}^{*}$. So the action of the
automorphism group on $\cpbar $ configurations is given by
\footnote{Note that if we
fix bases for the vector spaces, $f^{*}$ is the transpose matrix and
should not be confused with conjugate transpose.}
g\cdot (\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi ,\gamma )&=&(g\alpha _{1}g^{*},g\alpha
_{2}g^{*},(g^{*})^{-1}\xi g^{-1},\gamma g^{*}),
and on $S^{4}$ configurations by
g\cdot (a_{1},a_{2},b,c)&=&(ga_{1}g^{-1},ga_{2}g^{-1},gb,cg^{-1})\\
g\cdot (\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )&=&(g\alpha _{1}g^{-1},g\alpha
_{2}g^{-1},\gamma g^{-1}).
The three main theorems of this paper are the following:
G_{n}& X& \text{Configurations}& \text{Integrability}&
\text{Automorphism}&\dim _{\cnums }\M{}{}\\
&&& \text{Condition}&\text{Group}&\\ \hline \hline
SU(n)& \cpbar &(a_{1},a_{2},x,b,c)
Gl(W)\times Gl(U)&4nk\\ \cline{3-3}\cline{3-3}
&&a_{i}\in U^{*}\otimes W&&&\\
&&x\in W^{*}\otimes U&&&\\
&&b\in \cnums^{n}\otimes W&&&\\
&&c\in U^{*}\otimes \cnums^{n}&&&\\ \hline
Sp(n/2)&\cpbar &(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi,\gamma )&
\alpha _{1}\xi \alpha _{2}-\alpha _{2}\xi \alpha _{1}-\gamma ^{*}J\gamma =0
& Gl(W)&(n+2)k\\ \cline{3-3}\cline{3-3}
&& \alpha _{i}\in S^{2}W&&&\\
&& \xi \in S^{2}W^{*}&&&\\
&& \gamma\in W\otimes \cnums ^{n}&&&\\ \hline
SO(n)&\cpbar &(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi,\gamma )&
\alpha _{1}\xi \alpha _{2}-\alpha _{2}\xi \alpha _{1}+\gamma ^{*}\gamma =0
& Gl(W)&(n-2)k\\ \cline{3-3}\cline{3-3}
&& \alpha _{i}\in \Lambda ^{2}W&&&\\
&& \xi \in \Lambda ^{2}W^{*}&&&\\
&& \gamma\in W\otimes \cnums ^{n}&&&\\ \hline
SU(n)& S^{4}&(a_{1},a_{2},b,c)&[a_{1},a_{2}]+bc=0&Gl(W)&4nk\\ \cline{3-3}
&&a_{i}\in W^{*}\otimes W&&&\\
&&b\in \cnums^{n}\otimes W&&&\\
&&c\in W^{*}\otimes \cnums^{n}&&&\\ \hline
Sp(n/2)&S^{4}&(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )&\Phi [\alpha _{1},\alpha
_{2}]-\gamma ^{*}J\gamma =0&O(W)&(n+2)k\\ \cline{3-3}\cline{3-3}
&&\text{Real str. }\Phi &&&\\
&&\Phi \alpha _{i}\in S^{2}W^{*}&&&\\
&& \gamma\in W^{*}\otimes \cnums ^{n}&&&\\ \hline
SO(n)&S^{4}&(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )&\Phi [\alpha _{1},\alpha
_{2}]+\gamma ^{*}\gamma =0&Sp(W)&(n-2)k\\ \cline{3-3}\cline{3-3}
&&\text{Sympl. str. }\Phi &&&\\
&&\Phi \alpha _{i}\in \Lambda ^{2}W^{*}&&&\\
&& \gamma\in W^{*}\otimes \cnums ^{n}&&&\\ \hline
\caption{Configurations that construct $\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$.}
\begin{thm}[Moduli Construction]\label{thm:moduli construction}
Let $\overline{A}^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ denote the space of integrable
configurations as given by Table 1. There is an open dense set
\overline{A}^{G_{n}}_{k}(X) $ (the ``non-degenerate'' configurations) such
that the instanton moduli space $\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$ is
isomorphic to the quotient of $A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ by the automorphism group.
Furthermore, the action of the automorphism group on $A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ is
free and the vector spaces $W$ and $U$ of Table 1 are
canonically isomorphic to $H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))$ and $H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H+E))$
\begin{thm}[Lifts of instanton maps to configurations]
\label{thm:lifts of maps to configurations}
There are commuting inclusions of configurations (defined in section
\ref{sec:lifts of maps})
i&:&A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)\hookrightarrow A^{G_{n'}}_{k}(X)\\
j&:&A^{G_{n}}_{k}(S^{4})\hookrightarrow A^{G_{n}}_{k}(\cpbar )
for $n<n'$ and $k<k'$. These maps intertwine the automorphisms and
consequently descend to maps on the instanton moduli spaces. The map $i$
descends to the map induced by the inclusion $G_{n}\hookrightarrow G_{n'}$ and the
map $j$ descends to the map induced by pulling back connections via
$f:\cpbar \to S^{4}$.
\begin{thm}[Rank Stabilization]\label{thm:rank stabilization}
Let $A^{G}_{k}(X)$ be the direct limit space
$$\operatorname{lim}_{n\to \infty }A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$$
defined by the inclusions $i$. Then
$A^{G}_{k}(X)$ is contractible and consequently
$$\M{k}{G}=\operatorname{lim}_{n\to \infty }\M{k}{G_{n}}$$
is homotopic to
the classifying space for the associated automorphism group. This theorem
implies the homotopy equivalences in Equation \ref{eqn:rank stable for S4}.
\begin{rem}\label{rem:dimension count}
A na\"{\i}ve dimension count for $\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$ is obtained by subtracting
the dimension of the automorphism group and the number of conditions
imposed by integrability from the dimension of the configurations. This
agrees with the dimension predicted by the Atiyah-Singer index formula and
appears in the far right column of the table.
We prove Theorems \ref{thm:moduli construction}, \ref{thm:lifts of maps to
configurations}, and \ref{thm:rank stabilization} in Sections
\ref{sec:construction}, \ref{sec:lifts of maps} , and \ref{sec:pf of stable
thm} respectively.
\subsection{Bott Periodicity}\label{subsec:Bott per.}
In this subsection we show how Theorems \ref{thm:rank
stabilization}, \ref{thm:lifts of maps to configurations}, and Taubes'
leads to an alternative, relatively quick proof of the following homotopy
equivalences in the periodicity spectrum:
\begin{thm}[Bott]\label{thm:Bott periodicity}
Let $SU$, $U$, $SO$, and $Sp$ denote the direct limit groups of $SU(n)$,
$U(n)$, $SO(n)$, and $Sp(n)$ as $n\to \infty $. Let $\Omega ^{j}X$ denote
the $j$-fold loop space of $X$. The following are homotopy equivalences:
\Omega ^{2}SU&\sim &U,\\
\Omega ^{2}Sp& \sim & U/O,\\
\Omega ^{2}SO& \sim & U/Sp,\\
\Omega ^{4}SO& \sim & Sp,\\
\Omega ^{4}Sp& \sim & O.
The first equivalence is Bott periodicity for the unitary group and the
next four appear in the real periodicity spectrum. The only missing
homotopy equivalences:
\Omega ^{2}(Sp/U)\sim BO\times \znums \text{ and } \Omega ^{2}(SO/U)\sim
BSp\times \znums
are related to monopoles (see Cohen and Jones \cite{Co-Jo} and the thesis
of Ernesto Lupercio \cite{Lupercio}).
Let $i'$, $j'$ and $t'$ denote the maps on the moduli spaces induced by rank
inclusion, pull-back from $S^{4} $ to $\cpbar $, and Taubes' gluing
respectively ($i'$ and $j' $ are the descent of the maps $i$ and $j$ in
Theorem \ref{thm:lifts of maps to configurations}). We will argue that
$i'$, $j'$, and $t'$ commute up to homotopy. The maps $i'$ and $j'$
commute (on the nose) from Theorem
\ref{thm:lifts of maps to configurations}; and we can see that $t'$
commutes up to homotopy with $i' $ and $j'$ from some general properties of
$t'$: The Taubes' map for any semi-simple compact Lie group $G$ is obtained
from the Taubes map for $SU (2)$ via any homomorphism $SU (2)\to G$
generating $\pi _{3} (G)$. Since the inclusions $G_{n}\hookrightarrow G_{n'}$,
$n'>n$ ($n>4$ if $G_{n}=SO (n)$) induce isomorphisms on $\pi _{3}$, $t'$
automatically commutes with $i'$. To see that $t'$ commutes up to homotopy
with $j' $ we use almost instantons: connections with Yang-Mills energy
smaller than a small constant $\epsilon $. The space of almost instantons
$\M{k,\epsilon }{G_{n}} (X)$
has a strong deformation retract onto the space of instantons and there is
a map $t'_{\epsilon }:\M{k,\epsilon }{G_{n}} (X)\to \M{k+1,\epsilon }{G_{n}}
(X)$ homotopic to $t'$. It is local in the sense that $t_{\epsilon }'
(A)$ agrees with $A$ up to gauge in the complement of a ball about the
gluing point. On the other hand, the natural map $\cpbar \to S^{4}$ is a
conformal isometry on the complement of the hyperplane that gets mapped to a
point. Connections pulled back by this map have the same Yang-Mills
energy and we get a map $j'_{\epsilon }$ on almost instantons. Thus as long
as we choose our gluing point away from the hyperplane, $t'_{\epsilon }$
and $j'_{\epsilon }$ commute and so $t'$ and $j'$ commute up to homotopy.
The maps $t'$, $j'$, and $j$ then
induce commuting maps on the corresponding direct limit moduli and
configurations spaces when
$n\to \infty $ . We will assume that we have passed to that limit
throughout the rest of this section. From Theorem \ref{thm:rank
stabilization}, we have that
$A^{G_{\infty }}_{k}(X)$ is contractible. We can thus identify the homotopy
of the $j'$ maps to get the following fibrations:
\footnote{As we will see in Table 1, the structure groups of the various
principle bundles
$A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ are the complex forms of the groups $U(k)$, $Sp(k/2)$, and
$O(k)$ ({\em i.e. } $Gl(k,\cnums )$, $Sp(k/2,\cnums )$, and $O(k,\cnums )$). Since
the complex forms of the groups are homotopic to their compact form, their
classifying spaces are the same (up to homotopy). It
is traditional to use the compact form when refering to classifying spaces
so we will use the notation of the compact group for the rest of this
section. }
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:j-map fibrations}
U(k)\times U(k)/U(k)@>>>\M{k}{SU}(S^{4})@>{j'}>>\M{k}{SU}(\cpbar ),\\
U(k)/O(k)@>>>\M{k}{Sp}(S^{4})@>{j'}>>\M{k}{Sp}(\cpbar ),\\
U(k)/Sp(k/2)@>>>\M{k}{SO}(S^{4})@>{j'}>>\M{k}{SO}(\cpbar )
where $U(k)$ is included into $U(k)\times U(k)$ via the diagonal. Here we
are using the fact that Theorem \ref{thm:lifts of maps to configurations}
gives us $j$, the lift of $j'$ to the principle bundles $A^{G_{n}}_{k}
(X)$ that intertwines the actions.
Since $j'$ commutes with $t$, the above fibrations are valid for the direct
limit spaces when $k\to \infty $.
We now use Taubes' theorem to compare the above fibrations with the
fibration on the space of connections induced by the cofibration
$S^{2}\hookrightarrow \cpbar \to S^{4}$. Let $\mathcal{B}^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ denote the
space of all $G_{n}$-connections of charge $k$ modulo based gauge
equivalence. $\mathcal{B}^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ is homotopy equivalent to
the mapping space $Map_{k}(X,BG_{n})$ and the cofibration $S^{2}\hookrightarrow
\cpbar \to S^{4}$ gives rise to a fibration
\Omega _{k}^{4}BG_{n}\xrightarrow{j'} Map_{k}(\cpbar ,BG_{n})\to \Omega
^{2}BG_{n} .
Up to homotopy, the map $j'$ in the above sequence is induced by pulling
back connections via $\cpbar \to S^{4}$ (thus justifying the notation).
These maps also commute with the group inclusions $i$ and so give a
fibration in the $n\to \infty $ limit. Also, $\mathcal{B}^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$
and $\mathcal{B}^{G_{n}}_{k+1}(X)$ are naturally homotopy equivalent and so
we implicitly identify them and drop the notational dependence; we have:
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:mapping space fibration}
\mathcal{B}^{G}(S^{4})\xrightarrow{j'}\mathcal{B}^{G}(\cpbar )\to \Omega G.
Taubes' stabilization theorem states that the inclusions
$\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)\hookrightarrow \mathcal{B}^{G_{n}}(X)$ induce a homotopy
equivalence in the limit $k\to \infty $. Since the inclusion of the moduli
spaces into $\mathcal{B}$ commutes with both $j'$ and $i'$ we can pass to
the $k\to \infty $ and $n\to \infty $ limits and use Equation
\ref{eqn:j-map fibrations} to identify the homotopy fiber of
$j':\mathcal{B}^{G}(S^{4})\to\mathcal{B}^{G}(\cpbar ) $. This fiber is in
turn homotopy equivalent to $\Omega ^{2}G$ by the sequence \ref{eqn:mapping
space fibration}. Thus for $G=SU$, $Sp$, and $SO$ respectively, we get
\Omega ^{2}SU& \sim & U\times U/U\sim U,\\
\Omega ^{2}Sp& \sim & U/O,\text{ and}\\
\Omega ^{2}SO& \sim & U/Sp.
The final two homotopy equivalences are arrived at by applying Theorem
\ref{thm:rank stabilization} and Taubes' stabilization directly to
$\M{k}{Sp}(S^{4})$ and $\M{k}{SO}(S^{4})$ .
\subsection{The algebro-geometric moduli spaces and $A
_{k}^{G_{n}}$}\label{subsec: alg-geo and U's}
>From now on, we will use the notation $X$ and $Y$ to denote $S^{4}$
and $\cnums \P ^{2} $
or $\cpbar$ and $\til{\cnums \P}^{2}$ (Recall from the introduction that
$\til{\cnums\P}^{2}$ is the blown-up projective plane). Consider the moduli
space $\M{alg}{n,k}(Y)$ consisting of pairs $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau )$ where $\mathcal{E} $ is a
rank $n$ holomorphic bundle on $Y$ and $\tau
:\mathcal{E}|_{H}\stackrel{\cong}{\longrightarrow} \cnums ^{n}\otimes \O _{H}$ is an
Let $p:Y\to X $ be the smooth map that sends
$H\mapsto x_{0}$ and is one-to-one elsewhere. The map $p$ is compatible
with the natural orientations (we think of $p$ as a ``anti-holomorphic
blowdown''). We can construct a natural map
\Xi :\M{k}{SU(n)}(X )\to \M{alg}{n,k}(Y)
by defining the holomorphic structure on $p^{*}(E)$ corresponding to $\Xi
([A])$ to be $(d_{p^{*}A})^{0,1}$ and $\tau $ is induced by the fixed
isomorphism of $E_{x_{0}}$ (c.f. \cite{Bryan}).
\begin{thm}[Donaldson \cite{DonMonads}, King \cite{King}]\label{thm:King's thm}
The map $\Xi $ is an isomorphism of moduli spaces.
Consider the moduli space $\M{alg,\pm }{n,k}(Y)$ of triples $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau
,\phi )$ where $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau )\in \M{alg}{n,k}(Y)$ and $\phi :\mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{E} ^{*}$
is a isomorphism such that $\phi ^{*}=\pm \phi $. We can construct maps
$\Xi _{\pm }$ in the same fashion as $\Xi $. A consequence of Theorem
\ref{thm:King's thm} is
\begin{cor}\label{cor:Sp and SO bundles from SU }
The maps
\Xi _{+}&:&\M{k}{SO(n)}(X )\to \M{alg,+}{n,k}(Y)\text{ and}\\
\Xi _{-}&:&\M{k}{Sp(n)}(X )\to \M{alg,-}{n,k}(Y)
are moduli space isomorphisms ($(X,Y)$ is $(S^{4},\cnums \P ^{2})$
or $(\cpbar ,\til{\cnums \P }^{2})$).
Recall that we consider $SO(n)$ or $Sp(n/2)$ connections to be $SU(n)$
connections that are compatible with a real or symplectic structure $\phi
$, {\em i.e. }
\nabla_{A^{*}}(\phi s)=\phi \nabla_{A}s
where $A\in \mathcal{A(E)}$ and $A^{*}$ is the induced connection in
$\mathcal{A}(E^{*})$. Compatibility implies that $\phi $ will be a
holomorphic map with respect to the holomorphic structures defined by
$(d_{\pi^{*}A})^{0,1}$ and $(d_{\pi ^{*}(A^{*})})^{0,1}$. Conversely, let
$(\mathcal{E} ,\tau ,\phi )$ be in $\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(X)$ or $\M{k}{SO(n)}(X)$. Choose a
hermitian structure on $\mathcal{E} $ compatible with $\phi $ and $\tau $. By
Theorem \ref{thm:King's thm}, the unique hermitian connection is the
pullback of an anti-self-dual $SU(n)$ connection on $E$ which is, by
construction, compatible with $\phi $. \qed
Henceforth we will drop the $\M{alg}{}$ notation and use $\M
{k}{G_{n}}(X )$ to refer to either moduli space.
The moduli space $\M{k}{G_{n}}(X) $ has a universal bundle (see
Lemma 3.2 of \cite{Br-Sa})
\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)\times Y
so that $\Bbb{E}|_{\{\mathcal{E} \}\times Y}\cong \mathcal{E} $.
Consider the cohomology groups $H^{i}(\mathcal{E} (-H))$. The fact that $\mathcal{E} $ is
trivial on $H$ (and thus on nearby lines) implies that $H^{i}(\mathcal{E} (-H))=0$
for $i=0$ or $2$ (see \cite{Br-Sa}). The Riemann-Roch theorem then gives
$\dim H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))=k$. We will see from the construction of section
\ref{sec:construction} that the vector space $W$ of Table 1 can
be canonically identified with $H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))$. In the case of $X=\cpbar
$ and $G_{n}=SU(n)$, a similar argument shows $\dim H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-2H+E))=k$ and
$U$ is canonically identified with $H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-2H+E))$.
Let $\pi :\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)\times Y\to \M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$ be projection. One
consequence of the above discussion is that the higher direct image sheaf
$R^{1}\pi _{*}(\Bbb{E}(-H))$ is a rank $k$ bundle on $\M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$.
Consequently, we have the following geometric interpretation of the
configuration spaces $A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ (c.f. Appendix \ref{subsec:diff-geo
constr of univ bundles}):
\begin{thm}\label{thm:config space is principal bundle assoc to R1pi*}
The space of configurations $A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X) $ (see Table 1) is
homeomorphic to the total space of the frame bundle of $R^{1}\pi
_{*}(\Bbb{E}(-H))$ except for the case $A^{SU(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ which is
homeomorphic to the frame bundle of $$R^{1}\pi _{*}(\Bbb{E}(-H))\oplus
R^{1}\pi _{*}(\Bbb{E}(-2H+E)).$$
\proof The fiber of $A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)\to \M{k}{G_{n}}(X)$ over a point $\mathcal{E}
$ is the orbit of a
representative configuration by the automorphism group. This can be
identified with the space $\operatorname{Iso} (W,\cnums ^{k})$ (or $\operatorname{Iso} (W,\cnums
^{k})\times \operatorname{Iso} (U,\cnums ^{k})$ in the $X=\cpbar $, $G_{n}=SU(n)$ case)
where we also understand $\operatorname{Iso} (W,\cnums ^{k})$ to be isomorphisms of
symplectic or real vector spaces in the $X=S^{4}$, $G_{n}=SO(n)$ or
$Sp(n/2)$ cases.
\section{Construction of the moduli spaces} \label{sec:construction}
To fill in Table 1, we rely heavily on the constructions of
Donaldson and King; we will recall what we need from their constructions in
subsection \ref{subsec:SU constructions}.
Let us first begin by introducing some general notation. For an
projective manifold $M$ and a coherent sheaf $\mathcal{E}$ on $M$ let
$SD_{p,\mathcal{E}}$ denote the Serre duality isomorphism
SD_{p,\mathcal{E}}:H^{p}(\mathcal{E})\to H^{n-p}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}(K))^{*}.
Let $H^{i}(\phi ):H^{i}(\mathcal{E}\otimes \mathcal{G} )\to H^{i}(\mathcal{F}\otimes
\mathcal{G})$ denote the map in
cohomology induced by a sheaf map $\phi :\mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{F}$. If $s\in
H^{0}(\O (D))$ is a section vanishing on $D$, we let $\delta _{s}:H^{0}(\mathcal{E}
|_{D}) \to H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-D))$ denote the coboundary map arising in the long
exact sequence associated to
0\to \mathcal{E} (-D)\xrightarrow{s}\mathcal{E} \xrightarrow{r}\mathcal{E} _{D}\to 0.
We will use the following elementary properties of Serre duality:
\item $SD_{p,\mathcal{E} }=(-1)^{p(n-p)}(SD_{n-p,\mathcal{E} ^{*}(K)})^{*}$,
\item $SD_{p,\mathcal{E} }$ is natural in the sense that
H^{p}(\mathcal{E} ) @>{SD_{p,\mathcal{E} }}>> H^{n-p}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}(K))^{*}\\
@VV{H^{p}(\phi )}V @VV{H^{n-p}(\phi ^{*})^{*}}V\\
H^{p}(\mathcal{F})@>{SD_{p,\mathcal{F}}}>> H^{n-p}(\mathcal{F^{*}}(K))^{*}
The sign in the first property arises from commuting the cup product.
A {\em monad} is a three term complex of
vector bundles over a complex manifold
such that $A$ is injective, $B$ is surjective, and
$B\comp A$ is $0$. The monad determines its {\em cohomology bundle}
The point is that one can build complicated
holomorphic bundles from relatively simple bundles using monads. By fixing
the bundles $(\mathcal{U} ,\mathcal{V},\mathcal{W})$ and allowing the maps
$A$ and $B$ to vary, one parameterizes a family of bundles. We say that
$(\mathcal{U},\mathcal{V},\mathcal{W})$ {\em effectively parameterizes
bundles} if the morphisms of $(\mathcal{U},\mathcal{V},\mathcal{W})$-monads
are in one-to-one correspondence with morphisms of the associated
cohomology bundles. This will be the case under favorable cohomological
conditions on $(\mathcal{U},\mathcal{V},\mathcal{W})$ (for details see
\cite{King}, \cite{Horrocks}).
The Chern character of the cohomology bundle can be computed by the formula
ch(\mathcal{E} )=ch(\mathcal{V})-ch(\mathcal{U})-ch(\mathcal{W}).
Note that the cohomology bundle associated to the dual monad
is the dual bundle $E^{*}$. We call a monad {\em self-dual } (or {\em
anti-self-dual} ) if it is of the form
where $\beta :\mathcal{V}\to \mathcal{V}^{*}$ is a real (or symplectic)
structure; {\em i.e. } $\beta ^{*}=\beta $ (or $\beta ^{*}=-\beta $).
A self-dual monad is isomorphic to its dual by the isomorphism
$({{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l ,\beta ,{{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l)$ and an anti-self-dual monad is isomorphic to its dual by
$({{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l ,\beta ,-{{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l )$. Thus if
$(\mathcal{U},\mathcal{V},\mathcal{U}^{*})$ effectively parameterizes
bundles, then $({{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l,\beta ,\pm {{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l )$ induces a
real (or symplectic) structure $\phi :\mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{E} ^{*}$ on the cohomology
\subsection{The $SU(n)$ constructions.} \label{subsec:SU constructions}
We wish to show that the $SU(n)$ configurations of Table 1 give
rise to bundles in $\M{k}{SU(n)}(X)$.
For $(a_{1},a_{2},b,c)\in A^{SU(n)}_{k}(S^{4})$ consider the sequence of
bundles on $Y=\cnums \P ^{2}$:
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:S4 monad sequence}
W\otimes \O (-H)\xrightarrow{A}(W\oplus W\oplus \cnums ^{n})\otimes \O
\xrightarrow{B}W\otimes \O (H)
A &=&\left(\begin{array}{c}
\end{array} \right),\\
\end{array} \right)
and $\langle x_{1 },x_{2},x_{3} \rangle$ generates $H^{1}(\O (H))$ and $H$
is the zero set of $x_{3}$.
The integrability condition is equivalent to $B\comp A=0$. We define
$A^{SU(n)}_{k}(S^{4})$ to be the open dense set of the integrable
configurations such that $A$ and $B$ are pointwise injective and
surjective respectively.
Thus for configurations in $A^{SU(n)}_{k}(S^{4})$, Sequence \ref{eqn:S4
monad sequence} is a monad. By computing Chern classes and restricting
Sequence \ref{eqn:S4 monad sequence} to $H$, one can see that the
cohomology bundle $\mathcal{E} $ lies in $\M{k}{SU(n)}(S^{4})$. In fact the converse
is true:
Every $\mathcal{E} \in \M{k}{SU(n)}(S^{4})$ is given by a monad of the form in
Sequence \ref{eqn:S4 monad sequence} and the correspondence is unique up to
the natural action of $Gl(W)$. Furthermore, $W$ is canonically identified
with $H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))$ (Okonek, et. al. \cite{oss} pg. 275).
To finish the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:moduli construction} for $X=S^{4}$
and $G_{n}=SU(n)$ we only need to show that the automorphism group acts
freely on $A^{SU(n)}_{k}(S^{4})$. This follows from the identification of
$A^{SU(n)}_{k}(S^{4})$ with the frame bundle of $R^{1}\pi
_{*}(\Bbb{E}(-H))$ (see Theorem \ref{thm:config space is principal bundle
assoc to R1pi*}).
For $(a_{1},a_{2},x,b,c)\in A^{SU(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ consider the sequence of
bundles on $Y=\til{\cnums \P} ^{2}$:
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:cpbar monad sequence}
{U\otimes \O (-H)}\\
{W\otimes \O (-H+E)}
V\otimes \mathcal{O}\stackrel{B}{\longrightarrow}
{W\otimes \O (H)}\\
{U\otimes \O (H-E)}
where $V=W\oplus U\oplus W\oplus U\oplus \cnums ^{n}$ and
a_1x_3 &-y_2\\
x_1-xa_1x_3 & 0 \\
a_2x_3 & y_1 \\
x_2-xa_2x_3 & 0 \\
cx_3 & 0
\end{array}\right)\label{eq:form of A}\\
x_2 & a_2x_3 & -x_1 & -a_1x_3 & bx_3 \\
xy_1 & y_1 & xy_2 & y_2 & 0
\end{array}\right).\label{eq:form of B}
We have chosen sections $\langle x_1,x_2,x_3 \rangle$ spanning
$H^0(\O (H))$
and $\langle y_1,y_2\rangle$ spanning $H^0(\O (H-E))$ so that $x_{3} $
vanishes on $H$ and $x_{1}y_{1}+x_{2}y_{2}$ spans the kernel of $H^{0}(\O
(H))\otimes H^{0}(\O (H-E))\to H^{0}(2H-E)$.
The integrability condition is equivalent to $B\comp A=0$. We define
$A^{SU(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ to be the open dense set of the integrable
configurations that are such that $A$ and $B$ are pointwise injective and
surjective respectively.
Thus for configurations in $A^{SU(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$, Sequence
\ref{eqn:cpbar monad sequence} is a monad. By computing Chern classes and
Sequence \ref{eqn:cpbar monad sequence} to $H$, one can see that the
cohomology bundle $\mathcal{E} $ lies in $\M{k}{SU(n)}(\cpbar )$. Once again the
converse is true:
Every $\mathcal{E} \in \M{k}{SU(n)}(\cpbar )$ is given by a monad of the form in
Sequence \ref{eqn:cpbar monad sequence} and the correspondence is unique up
to the natural action of $Gl(W)\times Gl(U)$. Furthermore, $W$ and $U$ are
canonically identified with $H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))$ and $H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H+E))$
\footnote{Historically, the
correspondence between holomorphic bundles and instantons on $S^{4} $ or
$\cpbar $ was proved by constructing the bundle moduli spaces as in this
section and showing that the construction is equivalent to the ``twistor''
construction of instantons. Now there is a direct analytic proof of the
correspondence due to Buchdahl \cite{Bu93} that also applies to $\cpbar \#
\cdots \# \cpbar$.}
Once again we see that automorphism group acts
freely on $A^{SU(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ from the identification of
$A^{SU(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ with the frame bundle of $$R^{1}\pi
_{*}(\Bbb{E}(-H))\oplus R^{1}\pi_{*}(\Bbb{E}(-H+E)).$$
\begin{rem}\label{rem:dual configs}
If $\mathcal{E} \in \M{k}{SU(n)}(X)$ then $\mathcal{E} ^{*}\in \M{k}{SU(n)}(X)$ and is given
by the cohomology of the dual monad. To find the ``dual configuration'', we
need to use a monad automorphism to put the dual monads into the form
determined by a configuration. One can then see that the correspondence $\mathcal{E}
\mapsto \mathcal{E} ^{*}$ is realized on the level of configurations by
(a_{1},a_{2}, b,c)\mapsto (a_{1}^{*},a_{2}^{*},-c^{*},b^{*})
in the $S^{4}$ case and
(a_{1},a_{2},x, b,c)\mapsto (a_{1}^{*},a_{2}^{*},x^{*},-c^{*},b^{*})
in the $\cpbar $ case.
We also will need some finer information about these constructions.
Namely, there is cohomological interpretations for the maps occurring in
the configurations.
For $(a_{1},a_{2},b,c)\in A^{SU(n)}_{k}(S^{4})$ the maps are given by the
following compositions:
a_{i}&:&H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))\xrightarrow{H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}}H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
(-2H))\xrightarrow{H^{1}(x_{i})} H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H)),
\label{eqn:coh interp of ai in S4 case}\\
b&:&H^{0}(\mathcal{E} |_{H})\xrightarrow{\delta _{x_{3}}}H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H)),\\
c^{*}&:&H^{0}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}|_{H})\xrightarrow{\delta _{x_{3}}}H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
^{*}(-2H))\xrightarrow{SD}H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))^{*}.
With our definition of $\langle x_{1},x_{2},x_{3}
\rangle$ and $\langle y_{1},y_{2} \rangle$ we get a well defined section
$s=x_{2}/y_{1}=-x_{1}/y_{2}$ of $H^{0}(\O (E))$.
For $(a_{1},a_{2},x,b,c)\in A^{SU(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ the maps are given by the
following compositions:
a_{1}&:&H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))\xrightarrow{H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}}H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
(-2H))\xrightarrow{H^{1}(-y_{2})} H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H)),\\
a_{2}&:&H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))\xrightarrow{H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}}H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
(-2H))\xrightarrow{H^{1}(y_{1})} H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H)),\\
x&:&H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H+E))\xrightarrow{H^{1}(s)}H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H)),\\
b&:&H^{0}(\mathcal{E} |_{H})\xrightarrow{\delta _{x_{3}}}H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H)),\\
c^{*}&:&H^{0}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}|_{H})\xrightarrow{\delta _{x_{3}}}H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
^{*}(-2H))\xrightarrow{SD}H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H+E))^{*}.
King gives a detailed discussion of this description. In the $S^{4} $ case,
one can also ferret these maps out of the Beilinson spectral sequence
derivation of the monads on $\cnums \P^{2}$ (\cite{oss} pg. 249-251,275)
using the triviality of $\mathcal{E} $ on $H$.
\begin{rem}\label{rem:jumping lines}
In general, if $z$ is the defining section of a divisor $D$ and $D$ is
geometrically a rational curve, then it is easy to see from the long exact
sequence that
H^{1}(z):H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-2D))\to H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-D))
is an isomorphism if and only if $\mathcal{E} |_{D}$ is trivial. Thus, in the
above cohomological interpretations of configurations, $H^{1}(x_{3})$ is
always an isomorphism. We see then, for example, that the map $x$ is
singular if and only if $\mathcal{E} $ has the exceptional curve $E$ as a ``jumping
line''. Likewise we can interpret $a_{1}$ and $a_{2}$: The complement of
$H$ in $Y$ is either a complex plane or a complex plane blown-up at the
origin. In either case lines through the origin are given by the zeros of
$\mu _{1}x_{1}+\mu _{2}x_{2}$. Thus $\mathcal{E} $ will have jumping lines at those
lines parameterized by $(\mu _{1},\mu _{2})$ for which $\mu
_{1}a_{1}+\mu _{2}a_{2}$ is singular. This circle of ideas has been
utilized heavily by Hurtubise, Milgram, {\it et. al.} who use jumping lines
to give a filtration of the moduli spaces (\cite{Hurtubise},
\cite{Hur-Mil}, \cite{BHMM}).
\subsection{Construction of $\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(X)$ and $\M
{k}{SO(n)}(X)$}\label{subs: construction of MSP and MSO}
We now use the constructions of the previous subsection to construct the
moduli spaces $\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(X)$ and $\M{k}{SO(n)}(X)$.
We first show that given $Sp(n/2)$ or $SO(n)$ configurations from Table
1, one produces an appropriate self-dual or anti-self-dual
monad determining an element of the corresponding moduli space. We then
show the converse, {\em i.e. } given an element $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau ,\phi )$ of
$\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(X)$ or $\M
{k}{SO(n)}(X)$ we can get an equivalence class of the corresponding
configurations from Table 1.
For each of the four cases with $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$ or $SO(n)$, we will use
configurations to define a sequence
^{*}}\mathcal{U^{*}} .
For integrable configurations (those in $\overline{A}^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$), the
sequence will satisfy
A^{*}\beta ^{*}A=0
and for each of the cases we define
$A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)\subset \overline{A}^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ to be the open dense
subset such that the corresponding map $A$ is pointwise injective. The sequence
will then be a monad.
For $(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )\in
{A}^{Sp(n/2)}_{k}(S^{4})$ we define an anti-self-dual
monad by
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:S4 Sp-monad sequence}
W\otimes \O (-H)\xrightarrow{A}(W\oplus W\oplus \cnums ^{n})\otimes \O
\xrightarrow{A^{*}\beta ^{*}}W^{*}\otimes \O (H)
A &=&\left(\begin{array}{c}
x_{1}-\alpha _{1}x_{3}\\
x_{2}-\alpha _{2}x_{3}\\
\gamma x_{3}
\end{array} \right),\\
\beta &=&\left(\begin{array}{ccc}
0& \Phi & 0\\
-\Phi & 0& 0\\
0& 0& J
\end{array} \right).
For $(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )\in
{A}^{SO(n)}_{k}(S^{4})$ we define an self-dual monad by
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:S4 SO-monad sequence}
W\otimes \O (-H)\xrightarrow{A}(W\oplus W\oplus \cnums ^{n})\otimes \O
\xrightarrow{A^{*}\beta ^{*}}W^{*}\otimes \O (H)
A &=&\left(\begin{array}{c}
x_{1}-\alpha _{1}x_{3}\\
x_{2}-\alpha _{2}x_{3}\\
\gamma x_{3}
\end{array} \right),\\
\beta &=&\left(\begin{array}{ccc}
0& \Phi & 0\\
-\Phi & 0& 0\\
0& 0& {{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l
\end{array} \right).
For $(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi ,\gamma )\in
{A}^{Sp(n/2)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ we define an anti-self-dual
monad by
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:cpbar Sp monad}
{W^{*}\otimes \O (-H)}\\
{W\otimes \O (-H+E)}
V'\otimes \mathcal{O}\xrightarrow{A^{*}\beta
{W\otimes \O (H)}\\
{W^{*}\otimes \O (H-E)}
\alpha _1x_3 &-y_2\\
x_1-\xi \alpha _1x_3 & 0 \\
\alpha _2x_3 & y_1 \\
x_2-\xi \alpha _2x_3 & 0 \\
\gamma x_3 & 0
\beta &=&\left(\begin{array}{ccccc}
0& 0& \xi & 1& 0\\
0& 0& 1& 0& 0\\
-\xi & -1& 0& 0& 0\\
-1& 0& 0& 0& 0\\
0& 0& 0& 0& J
and $V'=W\oplus W^{*}\oplus W\oplus W^{*}\oplus \cnums ^{n}$.
For $(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi ,\gamma )\in
{A}^{SO(n)}_{k}(\cpbar )$ we define a self-dual
monad by
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:cpbar SO monad}
{W^{*}\otimes \O (-H)}\\
{W\otimes \O (-H+E)}
V'\otimes \mathcal{O}\xrightarrow{A^{*}\beta
{W\otimes \O (H)}\\
{W^{*}\otimes \O (H-E)}
\alpha _1x_3 &-y_2\\
x_1-\xi \alpha _1x_3 & 0 \\
\alpha _2x_3 & y_1 \\
x_2-\xi \alpha _2x_3 & 0 \\
\gamma x_3 & 0
\beta &=&\left(\begin{array}{ccccc}
0& 0& \xi & 1& 0\\
0& 0& -1& 0& 0\\
-\xi & -1& 0& 0& 0\\
1& 0& 0& 0& 0\\
0& 0& 0& 0& 1
and $V'=W\oplus W^{*}\oplus W\oplus W^{*}\oplus \cnums ^{n}$.
By computing the Chern characters and restricting the monads to $H$ one can
see that the cohomology bundle of Monads \ref{eqn:S4 Sp-monad sequence} and
\ref{eqn:S4 SO-monad sequence} lie in $\M{k}{SU(n)}(S^{4})$ and the
cohomology bundle of Monads \ref{eqn:cpbar Sp monad} and \ref{eqn:cpbar SO
monad} lie in
$\M{k}{SU(n)}(\cpbar )$. Furthermore, since the Monads \ref{eqn:S4 Sp-monad
sequence} and \ref{eqn:cpbar Sp monad} are anti-self-dual they induce a
symplectic structure $\phi:\mathcal{E} \to \mathcal{E} ^{*} $ on the corresponding cohomology
bundle which restricts to $J$ on $H$. The Monads \ref{eqn:S4 Sp-monad
sequence} and \ref{eqn:cpbar Sp monad} thus define elements of
$\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(S^{4})$ and
$\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(\cpbar ) $ respectively. Similarly, the Monads \ref{eqn:S4
SO-monad sequence} and \ref{eqn:cpbar SO monad} define elements of
$\M{k}{SO(n)}(S^{4})$ and $\M{k}{SO(n)}(\cpbar )$. Finally, the
group of monad automorphisms that preserve the given form of the above monads
is induced by the natural action of the configuration automorphism groups
listed in Table 1.
Now suppose that $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau ,\phi )$ is an element of
$\M{k}{Sp(n/2)}(X)$ or $\M
{k}{SO(n)}(X)$. We wish to produce an equivalence class of the corresponding
configurations. Let $(a_{1},a_{2},b,c)$ or $(a_{1},a_{2},x,b,c)$ be
a representative configuration for $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau )\in \M{k}{SU(n)}(X)$.
We begin by defining the map $\Phi $ by the following composition of
\begin{equation}\label{eqn:defn of Phi}
\Phi =H^{1}(\phi )^{*}\comp SD_{\mathcal{E} (-2H)}\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}.
For $X=\cpbar $, $\Phi$ is a map from $W$ to $U^{*}$ and for $X=S^{4}$,
$\Phi$ is a map from $W$ to $ W^{*}$.
\begin{prop}\label{prop: commuting relations for Phi}
When $X=S^{4}$ the map $\Phi $ satisfies the following relations:
\Phi ^{*}&=&\begin{cases}
\Phi & \text{when $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$,}\\
-\Phi &\text{when $G_{n}=SO(n)$,}
\Phi a_{i}&=&a_{i}^{*}\Phi,\\
\Phi bJ& \text{if $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$},\\
\Phi b&\text{if $G_{n}=SO(n)$ }.
When $X=\cpbar $ the map $\Phi $ satisfies the following relations:
\Phi a_{i}&=&\begin{cases}
-a_{i}^{*}\Phi ^{*}& \text{if $G_{n}=SO(n)$,}\\
a_{i}^{*}\Phi ^{*}& \text{if $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$,}
x^{*}\Phi &=&\begin{cases}
-\Phi ^{*}x& \text{if $G_{n}=SO(n)$,}\\
\Phi ^{*}x& \text{if $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$,}
\Phi bJ& \text{if $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$},\\
\Phi b&\text{if $G_{n}=SO(n)$ }.
\proof The proof is a straight forward application of the properties of Serre
duality to the cohomological interpretation of the configuration maps and
the definition of $\Phi $. For example, if $X=S^{4}$ we have a
commutative diagram:
H^{0}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}|_{H})@>{\delta _{x_{3}}}>>H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
^{*}(-H))@<{H^{1}(x_{3})}<<H^{1}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}(-2H))@>{SD}>>H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
@AA{H^{0}(\phi |_{H})}A@AA{H^{1}(\phi )}A@AA{H^{1}(\phi
)}A@AA{H^{1}(\phi^{*} )^{*}}A\\
H^{0}(\mathcal{E}|_{H})@>{\delta _{x_{3}}}>>H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
(-H))@<{H^{1}(x_{3})}<<H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-2H))@>{SD}>>H^{1}(\mathcal{E}^{*}
Now follow the diagram from the lower left corner to the
upper right using both directions along the perimeter. Since $\phi |_{H}$
is ${{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l $ in the $SO$ case, $J$ in the $Sp$ case, and $J^{-1}=-J$, we see
that $c^{*}\comp \phi |_{H}=\pm \Phi \comp b$ where $\phi ^{*}=\pm \phi
$. The result for $c^{*}$ follows and a similar diagram shows the $\cpbar
$ case.
If $X=S^{4}$ we wish to show that $\Phi ^{*}=\mp \Phi $ when $\phi ^{*}=\pm
\phi $. Noting that $H^{1}(x_{3})^{*}=H^{1}(x_{3})$ we have the following
commutative diagram:
H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-2H))@>{H^{1}(x_{3})}>>{H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-H))}@>{H^{1}(\phi )}>>
H^{1}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}(-H))\\
@VV{SD}V && @VV{SD}V\\
H^{1}(\mathcal{E} ^{*}(-H))^{*}@>{H^{1}(\phi ^{*})^{*}}>>H^{1}(\mathcal{E}
(-H))^{*}@>{H^{1}(x_{3})}>>H^{1}(\mathcal{E} (-2H))^{*}
Following the diagram clockwise from the upper middle spot to the lower
middle spot gives the map $-\Phi ^{*}$ since $SD=-SD^{*}$ in this case.
Following the diagram counterclockwise yields $\pm \Phi $ when $\phi
^{*}=\pm \phi $ and so we have that $\Phi^{*} =\mp\Phi $.
We can prove the relation $\Phi a_{i}=\mp a_{i}^{*}\Phi^{*}$ in a similar
fashion. We write the relations algebraically and suppress the diagram:
\Phi a_{i}&=&H^{1}(\phi )^{*}\comp SD\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\comp
H^{1}(z_{i})\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\\
&=&\pm H^{1}(\phi ^{*})^{*}\comp SD \comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\comp
H^{1}(z_{i})\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\\
&=&\pm SD\comp H^{1}(\phi )\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\comp
H^{1}(z_{i})\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\\
&=&\mp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\comp
H^{1}(z_{i})\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\comp SD^{*}\comp H^{1}(\phi )\\
&=&\mp a_{i}^{*} \Phi ^{*}
where $z_{i}=x_{i}$ in the $S^{4}$ case and $(z_{1},z_{2})=(-y_{2},y_{1})$
in the $\cpbar $ case.
Finally, we also have
x^{*}\Phi &=&H^{1}(s)^{*}\comp H^{1}(\phi )^{*}\comp SD\comp
H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1} \\
&=&\pm (H^{1}(\phi ^{*})\comp H^{1}(s))^{*}\comp SD\comp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\\
&=&\pm H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\comp SD \comp H^{1}(\phi )\comp H^{1}(s)\\
&=&\mp H^{1}(x_{3})^{-1}\comp SD^{*} \comp H^{1}(\phi )\comp H^{1}(s)\\
&=&\mp \Phi ^{*}x.
We are now in a position to define the inverse construction producing
configurations from $(\mathcal{E} ,\tau ,\phi )$. Define
a $Sp$ or $SO$ configuration $(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )$ on $S^{4}$
by $\alpha _{i}=a_{i}$ and $\gamma =c$. Define
a $Sp$ or $SO$ configuration $(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi ,\gamma )$ on
$\cpbar $ by $\alpha _{i}=a_{i}(\Phi ^{-1})^{*}$, $\xi =\Phi ^{*}x $ and
$\gamma =c(\Phi ^{-1})^{*}$.
The proposition then implies that these are integrable configurations. This
correspondence intertwines the action of the automorphism group and is well
defined on the quotient. It is also the inverse to the monad construction
and so completes the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:moduli construction}.
\section{Lifting of maps to configurations}\label{sec:lifts of maps}
In this section we define the maps $i$ and $j$ and prove Theorem
\ref{thm:lifts of maps to configurations}. They will be maps on
configurations that descend to the maps on the moduli spaces. The map $i$
will descend to the map induced by the inclusion $G_{n}\hookrightarrow G_{n'}$ for
$n'>n$ and $j$ will descend to the map induced by pulling back connections
via the map $\cpbar \to S^{4}$. The maps will intertwine the action of the
groups, {\em i.e. } $i$ will be equivariant (the automorphism groups are
independent of the rank), and $j$ will intertwine the action with
natural inclusions of the appropriate automorphism groups.
\subsection{The rank inclusion map $i$.}
We define $i$ on the various kinds of configurations by:
i&:&(a_{1},a_{2},b,c)\mapsto (a_{1},a_{2},b',c')\\
i&:&(a_{1},a_{2},x,b,c)\mapsto (a_{1},a_{2},x,b',c')\\
i&:&(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )\mapsto (\alpha _{1},\alpha
_{2},\gamma ')\\
i&:&(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi ,\gamma )\mapsto (\alpha _{1},\alpha
_{2},\xi ,\gamma ')
where $c'=(\begin{array}{c}0\\c\end{array})$, $b'=\left(\begin{array}{cc}0&
b\end{array} \right)$, $\gamma '=(\begin{array}{c}0\\ \gamma \end{array})$
and $0$ is the appropriate zero map to (or from) $\cnums ^{(n'-n)}$. The map
is obviously equivariant with respect to the
automorphism groups and from the monad constructions it is easy to see that
$i$ descends to the map $\mathcal{E} \mapsto \mathcal{E} \oplus \O ^{(n'-n)}$. In terms of
connections, this is the map $A\mapsto A\oplus \Theta $ where $\Theta $ is
the trivial connection on the rank $n'-n$ bundle and this map is the
natural one induced by the inclusion $G_{n}\hookrightarrow G_{n'}$.
\subsection{The pullback map $j$.}
We define the map $j$ as follows. For $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$ or $SO(n)$ let
j:(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )\mapsto ( \alpha _{1}(\Phi
^{-1})^{*},\alpha _{2}(\Phi ^{-1})^{*}, \Phi ^{*},\gamma (\Phi ^{-1})^{*}).
This map intertwines the actions of the automorphism groups and the natural
inclusions $SO(W)\hookrightarrow Gl(W)$ or $Sp(W)\hookrightarrow Gl(W)$ so it descends to a
map on the moduli spaces.
For $G_{n}=SU(n)$ we have automorphism groups $Gl(W)$ and $Gl(W)\times
Gl(U)$. Choose an isomorphism $\chi :W\to U$ so that we can define an
inclusion $Gl(W)\hookrightarrow Gl(W)\times Gl(U)$ by $g\mapsto (g,\chi g\chi
^{-1})$. Define $j$ to be
j:(a_{1},a_{2},b,c)\mapsto (a_{1}\chi^{-1} ,a_{2}\chi^{-1} ,\chi
,b,c\chi ^{-1}).
We see that $j$ then intertwines the action of the automorphism groups with
the inclusion $Gl(W)\hookrightarrow Gl(W)\times Gl(U)$ induced by $\chi $. It is
clear that $j$ commutes with $i$.
The map $j$ induces the pull-back map on bundles.
We will
proceed by (1) pulling back the $\cnums \P ^{2}$ monad defined by an
$S^{4}$-configuration to a $\til{\cnums \P }^{2}$ monad via the blow-down
map $\til{\cnums \P }^{2}\to \cnums \P ^{2}$ ({\it c.f.} subsection
\ref{subsec: alg-geo and U's}); (2) we use $\chi $ and a direct sum of the
monad with an exact sequence to get an equivalent monad of the form of
sequence \ref{eqn:cpbar monad sequence}; then (3) we will use a monad
to arrive at the monad defined by the $\cpbar $-configuration $(a_{1}\chi
^{-1},a_{2}\chi ^{-1},\chi ,b,c\chi ^{-1})$. The $Sp$ and $SO$ cases are
similar and we leave them to the reader.
(1) Since in our notation $\langle x_{1},x_{2},x_{3} \rangle$ and $\O (\pm
H)$ on $\cnums \P ^{2}$ pull back to $\langle x_{1},x_{2},x_{3} \rangle$
and $\O (\pm H)$ on $\til{\cnums \P }^{2}$, the pull-back of sequence
\ref{eqn:S4 monad sequence} does not change notationally. We apply the
monad isomorphism $(\chi ,\chi \oplus \chi \oplus {{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l ,{{\mathchoice {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l} {\rm 1\mskip-4mu l )$ to it to get
\O (-H)\xrightarrow{A_{1}}(W\oplus W\oplus \cnums ^{n})\otimes \O
\xrightarrow{B_{1}}W\otimes \O (H)
A_{1} &=&\left(\begin{array}{c}
x_{1}-\chi a_{1}\chi ^{-1}x_{3}\\
x_{2}-\chi a_{2}\chi ^{-1}x_{3}\\
c\chi^{-1} x_{3}
\end{array} \right),\\
-\chi ^{-1}x_{2}+a_{2}\chi ^{-1}x_{3}&\chi ^{-1}x_{1}-a_{1}\chi
\end{array} \right).
(2) Since $y_{1}$ and $y_{2}$ do not vanish simultaneously on $\til{\cnums
\P }^{2}$, the sequence
W\otimes \O
(-H+E)\xrightarrow{\left(\begin{array}{c}-y_{2}\\y_{1}\end{array} \right)}
(W\oplus W)\otimes \O \xrightarrow{(\begin{array}{cc}\chi y_{1}&\chi
y_{2}\end{array})} U\otimes \O (H-E)
is exact. We can thus direct sum this sequence to the previous monad to
obtain a monad with the same cohomology bundle. We get
{U\otimes \O (-H)}\\
{W\otimes \O (-H+E)}
V\otimes \mathcal{O}\stackrel{B_{2}}{\longrightarrow}
{W\otimes \O (H)}\\
{U\otimes \O (H-E)}
where $V=W\oplus U\oplus W\oplus U\oplus \cnums ^{n}$ and
0 &-y_2\\
x_1-\chi a_1\chi ^{-1}x_3 & 0 \\
0 & y_1 \\
x_2-\chi a_2\chi ^{-1}x_3 & 0 \\
c\chi ^{-1}x_3 & 0
0 & -\chi ^{-1}x_{2}+a_2\chi ^{-1}x_3 &0&\chi ^{-1}x_{1}
-a_1\chi ^{-1} x_3 & bx_3 \\
\chi y_1 &0 & \chi y_2 &0 & 0
(3) Finally we use an automorphism to put the monad into the form of the
sequence \ref{eqn:cpbar monad sequence} . Recall that
$s=-x_{1}/y_{2}=x_{2}/y_{1}$ is a well defined section in $H^{0}(\O (E))$. The
automorphism we use is
$(\eta _{1},\eta _{2},\eta _{3})$ where
\eta_{1}=\left(\begin{array}{cc}1&0\\-\chi ^{-1}s&1\end{array} \right)
\text{, } \eta_{3}=\left(\begin{array}{cc}1&\chi ^{-1}s\\0&1\end{array}
\right) ,
\eta _{2}=\left(\begin{array}{ccccc}
1& -\chi ^{-1}& 0& 0& 0\\
0& 1& 0& 0& 0\\
0& 0& 1& -\chi ^{-1}& 0\\
0& 0& 0& 1& 0\\
0& 0& 0& 0& 1
\end{array} \right)
and matrix multiplication shows that $A=\eta _{2}A_{2}\eta _{1}^{-1}$ and
$B=\eta _{3}B_{2}\eta _{2}^{-1}$ are exactly the monad maps defined by the
$\cpbar $-configuration $(a_{1}\chi ^{-1},a_{2}\chi ^{-1},\chi ,b,c\chi
\section{Proof of the Stabilization theorem}\label{sec:pf of stable thm}
In section we prove Theorem \ref{thm:rank stabilization}.
We need to show that $\lim_{n\to \infty }A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)$ is contractible.
Since the $A^{G_{n}}_{k}$'s are all algebraic spaces and the inclusion maps
are algebraic, they admit triangulations compatible with the
maps. Thus $A^{G_{\infty }}_{k}$ inherits the structure of a CW-complex and
so it suffices to show that the its homotopy groups are all zero. To this
end we show that the inclusion
i:A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)\to A^{G_{2k+n}}_{k}(X)
is null homotopic. The basic point is that in $A^{G_{2k}}_{k} (X)$ there
are configurations whose only non-zero monad data consists of the maps to
or from $\cnums ^{2k}$, in other words the data $a_{i},\alpha _{i},x,$ or
$\xi $ are all zero. We will fix such a configuration in each case and
show that the image of $A^{G_{n}}_{k} (X)$ in $A^{G_{n+2k}}_{k} (X)$
homotopes to the image of the fixed configuration.
\begin{lem}\label{lem:existance of S1 invariant instantons}
There are configurations of the form $(0,\dots ,0,b_{0},c_{0})\in A^{SU
(2k)}_{k} (X)$ and $(0,\dots ,0,\gamma _{0})\in A^{Sp (2k)}_{k} (X)$ or $A^{SO
(2k)}_{k} (X)$.
The integrability and non-degeneracy conditions for $SU $ configurations
reduce to $b_{0}c_{0}=0$ with $c_{0}$ injective and $b_{0}$
surjective. This can be easily accomplished by having $c_{0}$ map
isomorphically onto the first $k$ factors of $\cnums ^{2k} $ and $b_{0}$ an
isomorphism on the
remaining $k$ factors. For the $Sp$ and $SO$ cases we need a map $\gamma
_{0}$ such that $\gamma_{0} ^{*}J\gamma_{0} =0$ or $\gamma_{0}
^{*}\gamma_{0} =0$ respectively, and so that $\gamma_{0} $ is
injective. This is also easily done;
for example, in the $SO$ case choose an isomorphism $Q:W\to \cnums ^{k}$
and let $\gamma _{0}= (Q,\sqrt{-1}Q)$ . We remark that
configurations of this form correspond exactly to instantons on $S^{4}$ or
$\cpbar $ that are invariant under the natural $S^{1}$ action.
Fix configurations as in the above lemma and define a homotopy
$H_{t}:A^{G_{n}}_{k}(X)\to A^{G_{2k+n}}_{k}(X)$ by the following:
For $X=S^{4}$ and $G_{n}=SU(n)$
\end{array}),\left(\begin{array}{c}tc_{0}\\(1-t)c \end{array}
\right)) .
For $X=\cpbar $ and $G_{n}=SU(n)$
\end{array}),\left(\begin{array}{c}tc_{0}\\(1-t)c \end{array}
\right)) .
For $X=S^{4} $ and $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$ or $SO(n)$
H_{t}(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\gamma )=((1-t)\alpha
_{1},(1-t)\alpha _{2},\left(\begin{array}{c}t\gamma _{0}\\ (1-t)\gamma
\end{array} \right) ) .
For $X=\cpbar $ and $G_{n}=Sp(n/2)$ or $SO(n)$
H_{t}(\alpha _{1},\alpha _{2},\xi ,\gamma )=((1-t)^{2/3}\alpha
_{1},(1-t)^{2/3}\alpha _{2},(1-t)^{2/3}\xi ,\left(\begin{array}{c}t\gamma
_{0}\\ (1-t)\gamma
\end{array} \right))
Configurations in the image of $H_{t}$ are integrable and non-degenerate so
$H_{t} $ is a well defined homotopy from the inclusion $i$ to a constant
map. We can thus conclude that in the $n\mapsto \infty $ limit
$A^{G_{n}}_{k} (X)$ is contractible and Theorem \ref{thm:rank
stabilization} follows. \qed
1996-12-13T20:19:36 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612012 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612012 | [
] | alg-geom/9612012 | Rolf Schimmrigk | Rolf Schimmrigk | Scaling Behavior on the Space of Calabi-Yau Manifolds | 11 pages, 4 eps figs Latex | null | null | BONN-TH-96-13 | null | Recent work is reviewed which suggests that certain universal quantities,
defined for all Calabi-Yau manifolds, exhibit a specific behavior which is not
present for general K\"ahler manifolds. The variables in question, natural from
a mathematical perspective, are of physical importance because they determine
aspects of the low-energy string physics in four dimensions, such as Yukawa
couplings and threshold corrections. It is shown that these quantities,
evaluated on the complete class of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in weighted
projective 4-space, exhibit scaling behavior with respect to a new scaling
variable. (To appear in Mirror Symmetry II.)
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 12 Dec 1996 16:46:01 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 13 Dec 1996 19:18:59 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Acknowledgment}
It is a pleasure to thank Philip Candelas, Dimitrios Dais,
Xenia de la Ossa, Ed Derrick, Michael Flohr, Ariane Frey,
Jerry Hinnefeld, Vadim Kaplunovsky, Jack Morse, Werner Nahm, Steve Shore,
and especially Andreas Honecker, Monika Lynker and Katrin Wendland
for discussions.
I'm grateful to the Theory Group at the University of Texas at
Austin, the Department of Physics at Indiana University at South Bend,
and Simulated Realities Inc., Austin, TX for hospitality.
\vskip .1truein
1997-04-23T16:37:10 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612016 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612016 | [
] | alg-geom/9612016 | Dmitry Kaledin | D. Kaledin | Integrability of the twistor space for a hypercomplex manifold | 9 pages, Latex2e | null | null | null | null | A hypercomplex manifold is by definition a smooth manifold equipped with two
anticommuting integrable almost complex structures. For example, every
hyperkaehler manifold is canonically hypercomplex (the converse is not true).
For every hypercomplex manifold M, the two almost complex structures define a
smooth action of the algebra of quaternions on the tangent bundle to M. This
allows to associate to every hypercomplex manifold M of dimension 4n a certain
almost complex manifold X of dimension 4n+2, called the twistor space of M.
When M is hyperkaehler, X is well-known to be integrable. We show that for an
arbitrary hypercomplex manifold its twistor space is also integrable.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 18 Dec 1996 20:14:58 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
A {\em hyperk\"ahler manifold} is by definition a Riemannian
manifold eqipped with a smooth parallel action of the algebra of
quaternions on its tangent bundle. Hyperk\"ahler manifolds were
introduced by Calabi in \cite{C} and have since been the subject of
much research. They have been shown to possess many remarkable
properties and a rich inner structure. (See \cite{Bes}, \cite{HKLR}
for an overview.) In particular, there is a so-called {\em twistor
space} associated to every hyperk\"ahler manifold. The twistor space
is a complex manifold equipped with some additional structures, and
many of the differential-geometric properties of a hyperk\"ahler
manifold can be described in terms of holomorphic properties of its
twistor space.
Some of the properties of hyperk\"ahler manifolds do not actually
depend on the Riemannian metric but only on the quaternion
action. In particular, for every manifold equipped with a smooth
action of quaternions (or, for brevity, a {\em quaternionic
manifold}) one can construct an almost complex manifold which becomes
the twistor space in the hyperk\"ahler case. Thus it would be very
convenient to have a notion of ``a hyperk\"ahler manifold without a
metric'', in the same sense as a complex manifold is a K\"ahler
manifold without a metric. The analogy with the K\"ahler case
suggests that this would require a certain integrability condition
on the quaternionic action, automatic in the Riemannian case. One
version of such a condition was suggested in \cite{Bes}, but the
resulting notion of an integrable quaternionic manifold is too
restrictive and excludes many interesting examples.
A more convenient notion is that of a {\em hypercomplex manifold}
(see \cite{Bo}). By definition a hypercomplex manifold is a smooth
manifold equipped with two integrable anticommuting almost complex
structures. (Note that two anticommuting almost complex structures
induce an action of the whole quaternion algebra on the tangent
bundle, and their integrability is in fact a condition on the
resulting quaternionic manifold.) In this paper we show that this
condition is in fact equivalent to the integrability of the almost
complex twistor space associated to the quaternionic manifold in
Here is a brief outline of the paper. In Section~\ref{1} we give the
necessary definitions and formulate the result
(Theorem~\ref{main}). In Section~\ref{2} we describe a
linear-algebraic construction somewhat analogous to the Borel-Weyl
localization of finite-dimensional representations of a reductive
group. In Section~\ref{3} we use this version of localization to
prove Theorem~\ref{main}. The paper is essentially self-contained
and does not require any prior knowledge of the theory of
hyperk\"ahler manifolds.
{\bf Acknowledgements.} It is a pleasure to express my gratitude to
Misha Verbitsky and Tony Pantev for many interesting and stimulating
discussions and constant encouragement. I am especially grateful to
Misha for his valuable suggestions on the present paper.
Let ${\Bbb H}$ be the algebra of quaternions.
A {\em quaternionic manifold} is a smooth manifold $M$ equipped with
a smooth action of the algebra ${\Bbb H}$ on the tangent bundle
$\Theta(M)$ to $M$.
Let $M$ be a quaternionic manifold. Every algebra embedding $I:{\Bbb C} \to {\Bbb H}$
defines by restriction an almost complex structure on $M$. Call it {\em the
induced almost complex structure} and denote it by $M_I$.
The set $\operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H})$ of all algebra embeddings ${\Bbb C} \to {\Bbb H}$ can be
given a natural structure of a complex manifold as follows. The
algebra ${\Bbb H} \otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}$ is naturally isomorphic to the $2 \times
2$-matrix algebra over ${\Bbb C}$. Every algebra embedding $I:{\Bbb C} \to {\Bbb H}$
defines a structure of a $2$-dimensional vector space ${\Bbb H}_I$ on ${\Bbb H}$
by means of left multiplication by $I({\Bbb C})$. It also defines a
$1$-dimensional subspace $I({\Bbb C}) \subset {\Bbb H}_I$. The action of ${\Bbb H}$ on
itself by right multiplication preserves the complex structure
${\Bbb H}_I$ and extends therefore to an action of the matrix algebra ${\Bbb H}
\otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}$.
Let $\widehat{I} \subset {\Bbb H} \otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}$ be the annihilator of $I({\Bbb C})
\subset {\Bbb H}_I$. The ideal $\widehat{I} \subset {\Bbb H}$ is a maximal right
ideal, moreover, we have ${\Bbb H}_I = {\Bbb H} \otimes {\Bbb C} / \widehat{I}$. It is
easy to check that every maximal right ideal of ${\Bbb H} \otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}$
can be obtained in this way. This extablishes a bijection between
$\operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H})$ and the set of maximal right ideals in ${\Bbb H} \otimes_{\Bbb R}
{\Bbb C}$. It is well-known that this set coincides with the complex
projective line ${{\Bbb C}P^1}$.
Let now $M$ be a quaternionic manifold, and let $X = M \times {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ be the
product of $M$ with the smooth manifold underlying ${{\Bbb C}P^1}$. For every point
$x = m \times I\in M \times {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ the tangent bundle $T_xX$ decomposes
canonically as $T_xX = T_mM \oplus T_I{{\Bbb C}P^1}$. Define an endomorphism
${\cal I}:T_xX \to T_xX$ as follows: it acts as the usual complex structure map
on $T_I{{\Bbb C}P^1}$, and on $T_mM$ it acts as the induced complex structure map
$I:T_mM \to T_mM$ corresponding to $I \in {{\Bbb C}P^1} \cong \operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H})$.
The map ${\cal I}$ obviously depends smoothly on the point $x \in X$ and
satisfies ${\cal I}^2 = -1$. Therefore, it defines an almost complex structure on
the smooth manifold $X$.
The almost complex manifold $X = M \times {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ is called {\em the twistor
space} of the quaternionic manifold $M$.
The twistor space $X$ has the following obvious properties.
\item The canonical projection $\pi:X \to {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ is compatible with
the almost complex structures.
\item For every point $m \in M$ the embedding $\widetilde{m} = m \times \operatorname{id}:
{{\Bbb C}P^1} \to M \times {{\Bbb C}P^1} = X$ is compatible with the almost complex structures.
The embedding $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb C}P^1} \to X$ will be called {\em the
twistor line} corresponding to the point $m \in M$.
The goal of this paper is to prove the following theorem.
Let $M$ be a quaternionic manifold, and let $X$ be its twistor space.
The following conditions are equivalent:
\item For two algebra maps $I,J:{\Bbb C} \to {\Bbb H}$ such that $I \neq J$ and
$\overline{I} \neq J$ the induced almost complex structures $M_I$, $M_J$ on
$M$ are integrable.
\item For every algebra map $I:{\Bbb C} \to {\Bbb H}$ the induced almost complex
structure $M_I$ on $M$ is integrable.
\item The almost complex structure on $X$ is integrable.
The quaternionic manifold satisfying \thetag{i} is called {\em hypercomplex}.
Note that $\thetag{iii} \Rightarrow \thetag{ii} \Rightarrow \thetag{i}$ is
obvious, so it suffices to prove $\thetag{i} \Rightarrow \thetag{iii}$.
\section{Localization of $\protect{\Bbb H}$-modules.}\label{2}
We begin with some linear algebra.
A {\em quaternionic vector space} $V$ is a left module over the
algebra ${\Bbb H}$.
Let $V$ be a quaternionic vector space. Every algebra map $I:{\Bbb C} \to
{\Bbb H}$ defines by restriction a complex vector space structure on $V$,
which we will denote by $V_I$. Note that ${\Bbb H}$ is naturally a
left module over itself. The associated $2$-dimensional complex
vector space ${\Bbb H}_I$ is the same as in \ref{maps}, and we have $V_I =
{\Bbb H}_I \otimes_{\Bbb H} V$.
Let ${\operatorname{SB}}$ be the Severi-Brauer variety associated to the algebra
${\Bbb H}$, that is, the variety of maximal right ideals in ${\Bbb H}$. By
definition ${\operatorname{SB}}$ is a real algebraic variety, an ${\Bbb R}$-twisted form
of the complex projective line ${{\Bbb C}P^1}$. It is also equipped with a
canonical maximal right ideal ${\cal I} \subset {\Bbb H} \otimes {\cal O}$ in the
flat coherent algebra sheaf ${\Bbb H} \otimes {\cal O}$ on ${\operatorname{SB}}$.
Let $V$ be a quaternionic vector space. Consider the flat coherent
sheaf $V \otimes {\cal O}$ on ${\operatorname{SB}}$ of right ${\Bbb H} \otimes {\cal O}$-modules,
and let
V_{loc} = V \otimes {\cal O} / {\cal I} \cdot V \otimes {\cal O}
be its quotient by the right ideal ${\cal I}$. Call the sheaf $V_{loc}$
{\em the localization} of the quaternionic vector space $V$. The
localization is functorial in $V$ and gives a full embedding of the
category of quaternionic vector spaces into the category of flat
coherent sheaves on ${\operatorname{SB}}$.
Say that a flat coherent sheaf ${\cal E}$ on ${\operatorname{SB}}$ is {\em of weight $k$}
if the sheaf ${\cal E} \otimes {\Bbb C}$ on the complex projective line ${{\Bbb C}P^1}
\cong {\operatorname{SB}} \otimes {\Bbb C}$ is isomorphic to a sum of several copies of
the line bundle ${\cal O}(k)$. The essential image of the localization
functor is the full subcategory of flat coherent sheaves of weight
The set ${{\Bbb C}P^1} \cong {\operatorname{SB}}({\Bbb C})$ of ${\Bbb C}$-valued points of the
variety ${\operatorname{SB}}$ was canonically identified in \ref{maps} with the set
$\operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H})$ of algebra maps ${\Bbb C} \to {\Bbb H}$. Let $I:{\Bbb C} \to {\Bbb H}$ be an
algebra map, and let $\widehat{I} \in {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ be the corresponding
${\Bbb C}$-valued point of the variety ${\operatorname{SB}}$ or, equivalently, the maximal
right ideal in the algebra ${\Bbb H} \otimes {\Bbb C}$.
Consider a quaternionic vector space $V$, and let $V_{loc}$ be its
localization. The fiber of the sheaf $V_{loc}$ at the point
$\widehat{I} \in {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ is canonically isomorphic to the vector space
\noindent{\em Proof. } Indeed,
V_I \cong {\Bbb H}_I \otimes_{\Bbb H} V \cong {\Bbb H}_I \otimes_{{\Bbb H} \otimes {\Bbb C}} V
\otimes {\Bbb C} \cong V \otimes {\Bbb C} / \widehat{I} \cdot V \otimes {\Bbb C} =
and all the isomorphisms are canonical.
Consider now the set ${{\Bbb C}P^1} \cong \operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H})$ as the smooth
complex-analytic variety, and let ${\cal V}$ be the trivial bundle on
${{\Bbb C}P^1}$ with the fiber $V \otimes_{\Bbb R} {\Bbb C}$. Since ${\cal V}$ is trivial, we
have a canonical holomorphic structure operator $\bar\partial:{\cal V} \to
{\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal V})$ from ${\cal V}$ to the bundle ${\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal V})$ of ${\cal V}$-valued
$(0,1)$-forms on ${{\Bbb C}P^1}$.
The action of ${\Bbb H}$ on $V$ induces an operator ${\cal I}:{\cal V} \to {\cal V}$ which
acts as $I(\sqrt{-1})$ on the fiber $V$ of ${\cal V}$ at a point $I \in
\operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H})$. The operator ${\cal I}$ obviously depends smoothly on the
point $I$. It satisfies $I^2 = -1$ and induces therefore a smooth ``Hodge
type'' decomposition ${\cal V} = {\cal V}^{1,0} \oplus {\cal V}^{0,1}$.
The quotient ${\cal V}^{1,0}$ is compatible with the holomorphic structure
$\bar\partial$ on ${\cal V}$. In other words, there exists a unique holomorphic
structure operator $\bar\partial:{\cal V}^{1,0} \to {\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal V}^{1,0})$ making
the diagram
{\cal V} @>>> {\cal V}^{1,0} \\
@V{\bar\partial}VV @V{\bar\partial}VV \\
{\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal V}) @>>> {\cal A}^{0,1}({\cal V}^{1,0})
\noindent{\em Proof. } This follows directly from Lemma~\ref{hol} by the usual
correspondence between flat coherent sheaves and holomorphic bundles
on the underlying complex-analytic variety.
\section{Proof of the theorem.}\label{3}
Let $Z$ be a smooth almost complex manifold. Let ${\cal A}^1(Z,{\Bbb C})$ be the
complexified cotangent bundle to $Z$, and let ${\cal A}^\cdot(Z,{\Bbb C})$ be
its exterior algebra. The almost complex structure on $Z$ induces
the Hodge type decomposition ${\cal A}^i(Z,{\Bbb C}) =
\oplus_{p+q=i}{\cal A}^{p,q}(Z)$. Recall that the {\em Nijenhuis tensor}
$N$ of the almost complex manifold $Z$ is the composition
N = P \circ d_Z \circ i:{\cal A}^{1,0}(Z) \to {\cal A}^1(Z,{\Bbb C}) \to
{\cal A}^2(Z,{\Bbb C}) \to {\cal A}^{0,2}(Z),
where $d_Z$ is the de Rham differential, $i:{\cal A}^{\cdot,0}(Z) \to
{\cal A}^\cdot(Z,{\Bbb C})$ is the canonical embedding, and
$P:{\cal A}^\cdot(Z,{\Bbb C}) \to {\cal A}^{0,\cdot}(Z)$ is the canonical
Recall also that the almost complex manifold $Z$ is called {\em
integrable} if its Nijenhuis tensor $N_Z:{\cal A}^{1,0}(Z) \to
{\cal A}^{0,2}(Z)$ vanishes.
We can now begin the proof of Theorem~\ref{main}. First we will
prove a sequence of preliminary lemmas. Let $M$ be a
smooth quaternionic manifold, and let $X$ be its twistor space. Since
by definition $X = M \times {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ as a smooth manifold, the cotangent
bundle ${\cal A}^1(X)$ decomposes canonically as
{\cal A}^1(X) = \sigma^*{\cal A}^1(M) \oplus \pi^*{\cal A}^1({{\Bbb C}P^1}),
where $\sigma:X \to M$, $\pi:X \to {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ are the canonical
The almost complex structure ${\cal I}$ on $X$ preserves the decomposition
\eqref{eq.1}. Therefore \eqref{eq.1} induces decompositions
{\cal A}^{1,0}(X) &= {\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \oplus {\cal A}^{1,0}_{{\Bbb C}P^1}(X), \\
{\cal A}^{0,2}(X) &= {\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X) \oplus {\cal A}^{0,1}_{{\Bbb C}P^1}(X),
and, consequently, a decompositon
{\cal A}^{0,2}(X) = \left( {\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X) \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}_{{\Bbb C}P^1}(X) \right)
\oplus {\cal A}^{0,2}_M(X).
(Note that ${\cal A}^{0,1}_{{\Bbb C}P^1}(X)$ is of rank $1$, therefore
${\cal A}^{0,2}_{{\Bbb C}P^1}(X)$ vanishes). More\-over, since the projection
$\pi:X \to {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ is compatible with the almost complex structures, we
have canonical isomorphisms
{\cal A}^{p,q}_{{\Bbb C}P^1}(X) \cong \pi^*{\cal A}^{p,q}({{\Bbb C}P^1}).
Let $N_X:{\cal A}^{1,0} \to {\cal A}^{0,2}(X)$ be the Nijenhuis tensor
of the almost complex manifold $X$. We begin with the following.
The restriction of the Nijenhuis tensor $N_X$ to the subbundle
\pi^*{\cal A}^{1,0}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) \cong {\cal A}^{1,0}_{{\Bbb C}P^1}(X) \subset
{\cal A}^{1,0}(X)
\noindent{\em Proof. } Indeed, since the map $\pi:X \to {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ is compatible with the
almost complex structures, the
\pi^*{\cal A}^{1,0}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) @>>> {\cal A}^{1,0}(X)\\
@VVV @VV{N_X}V \\
\pi^*{\cal A}^{0,2}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) @>>> {\cal A}^{0,2}(X)
is commutative, and ${\cal A}^{0,2}({{\Bbb C}P^1})$ vanishes.
Therefore the Nijenhuis tensor $N_X$ factors through a map
N_X:{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to {\cal A}^{0,2}(X).
Let now $N_X = N_1 + N_2$ be the decomposition of the Nijenhuis
tensor with respect to \eqref{dec}, so that $N_1$ is a map
N_1:{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to {\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X) \otimes \pi^*{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1}),
and $N_2$ is a map $N_2:{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to {\cal A}^{0,2}_M(X)$.
The component $N_1$ of the Nijenhuis tensor $N_X$ vanishes.
\noindent{\em Proof. } It suffices to prove that for every point $m \in M$ the
restriction $\widetilde{m}^*N_1$ of $N_1$ onto the corresponding twistor
line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb C}P^1} \to X$ vanishes. Consider a point $m \in M$. Let
$i:\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to \widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C})$ be the canonical
embedding, and let
P:{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) \otimes \widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \to {\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) \otimes
\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}_M^{0,1}(X)
be the canonical projection. Since the twistor line $\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb C}P^1} \to
X$ is compatible with the almost complex structures, we have
$\widetilde{m}^*\pi^*{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) \cong {\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1})$, and
\widetilde{m}^*N_1 = P \circ \bar\partial \circ i:\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X) \to
\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \to \\
\to \widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) \to
\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{0,1}_M(X) \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1}),
where $\bar\partial:\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \to \widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \otimes
{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1})$ is the trivial holomorphic structure operator on the
constant bundle $\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C})$.
Let $V = T_mM$ be the tangent space to the manifold $M$ at the point
$m$. Since $M$ is quaternionic, $V$ is canonically a quaternionic
vector space. Let ${\cal V}$ and ${\cal V}^{1,0}$ be as in Lemma~\ref{locc}, and
let ${\cal V}^*$ and $({\cal V}^{1,0})^*$ be the dual bundles on ${{\Bbb C}P^1}$. We have
canonical bundle isomorphisms
{\cal V}^* \cong \widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \qquad\qquad ({\cal V}^{1,0})^* \cong
\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X)
compatible with the natural embeddings. By the statement dual to
Lemma~\ref{locc}, there exists a holomorphic structure operator
$\bar\partial:\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to \widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \otimes
{\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1})$ making the diagram
\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) @>{i}>> \widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \\
@V{\bar\partial}VV @V{\bar\partial}VV \\
\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1}) @>{i \otimes \operatorname{id}}>>
\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^1_M(X,{\Bbb C}) \otimes {\cal A}^{0,1}({{\Bbb C}P^1})
commutative. Therefore $N_1 = P \circ \bar\partial \circ i = P \circ (i
\otimes \operatorname{id}) \circ \bar\partial$. But $P \circ (i \otimes \operatorname{id}) = 0$, hence
$N_1$ vanishes.
We can now prove Theorem~\ref{main}. As we have already proved, the
Nijenhuis tensor $N_X$ of the twistor space $X$ reduces to a bundle map
N_X:{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to {\cal A}^{0,2}_M(X).
This map vanishes identically if and only if for every point $m \in
M$ the restriction $\widetilde{m}^N_X$ of $N_X$ to the twistor line
$\widetilde{m}:{{\Bbb C}P^1} \to X$ vanishes.
Consider a point $m \in M$. By Lemma~\ref{locc} the restriction
$\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X)$ carries a natural holomorphic structure, and
it is a holomorphic bundle of weight $-1$ with respect to this
structure (in the sense of \ref{loc}). Consequently, the bundle
$\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{0,2}_M(X)$ is a holomorphic bundle of weight
$2$. Moreover, the Nijenhuis tensor
\widetilde{m}^*N_X = P \circ d \circ i:\widetilde{m}^*{\cal A}^{1,0}_M(X) \to
{\cal A}^{0,2}_M(X)
is a holomorphic bundle map.
For every algebra map $I \in \operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H}) \cong {{\Bbb C}P^1}$, the
restriction of the Nijenhuis tensor $N_X$ to a fiber $M \times I \in
M \times {{\Bbb C}P^1} = X$ of the projection $\pi:X \to {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ is the Nijenhuis
tensor for the induced almost complex structure $M_I$ on the
manifold $M$. Assume that Theorem~\ref{main}~\thetag{i} holds. Then
at least four distinct induced almost complex structures on $M$
corresponding to $I,J,\overline{I},\overline{J} \in \operatorname{Maps}({\Bbb C},{\Bbb H})$
are integrable. Consequently, the Nijenhuis tensor $N_X$ vanishes
identically on fibers of the projection $\pi:X \to {{\Bbb C}P^1}$ over at
least four distinct points of ${{\Bbb C}P^1}$. Therefore the restriction
$\widetilde{m}^*N_X$ has at least four distinct zeroes. But as we have
proved, $\widetilde{m}^*N_X$ is a holomorphic map from a bundle of weight
$-1$ to a bundle of weight $2$. Therefore it vanishes
identically. Hence the almost complex manifold $X$ is integrable,
which finishes the proof of Theorem~\ref{main}.
1998-01-19T10:34:51 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612011 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612011 | [
] | alg-geom/9612011 | null | Atsushi Moriwaki | Relative Bogomolov's inequality and the cone of positive divisors on the
moduli space of stable curves | Version 4.5 (33 pages). This paper will appear in Journal of AMS | null | null | null | null | Let f : X --> Y be a projective morphism of smooth algebraic varieties over
an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero with dim f = 1. Let E be a
vector bundle of rank r on X. In this paper, we would like to show that if X_y
is smooth and E_y is semistable for some point y of Y, then f_* (2r c_2(E) -
(r-1) c_1(E)^2) is weakly positive at y. We apply this result to obtain the
following description of the cone of weakly positive $\QQ$-Cartier divisors on
the moduli space of stable curves. Let M_g (resp. M_g^0) be the moduli space of
stable (resp. smooth) curves of genus g >= 2. Let h be the Hodge class and
d_i's (i = 0,...,[g/2]) the boundary classes. A Q-Cartier divisor x h + y_0 d_0
+ ... + y_[g/2] d_[g/2] is weakly positive over M_g^0 if and only if x >= 0, g
x + (8g + 4) y_0>= 0, and i(g-i) x + (2g+1) y_i>= 0 for all 1 <= i <= [g/2].
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 12 Dec 1996 14:48:28 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 3 Jan 1997 14:01:48 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Jan 1997 15:18:32 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Mon, 7 Apr 1997 06:07:32 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Mon, 19 Jan 1998 09:34:51 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
Throughout this paper, we fix an algebraically closed field $k$.
Let $f : X \to Y$ be a surjective and
projective morphism of quasi-projective varieties over $k$ with $\dim f = 1$.
Let $E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$ on $X$. Then, we define
the {\em discriminant divisor} of $E$
with respect to $f : X \to Y$ to be
\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E) = f_*\left( \left(2rc_2(E) - (r-1)c_1(E)^2 \right) \cap [X] \right).
Here $f_*$ is the push-forward of cycles, so that
$\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E)$ is a divisor modulo linear equivalence on $Y$.
In this paper, we would like to show the following theorem
(cf. Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis}) and give its applications.
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
We assume that $Y$ is smooth over $k$.
Let $y$ be a point of $Y$ and $\overline{\kappa(y)}$ the
algebraic closure of the residue field $\kappa(y)$ at $y$.
If $f$ is flat over $y$,
the geometric fiber $X_{\bar{y}} = X \times_Y \operatorname{Spec}\left(\overline{\kappa(y)}\right)$
over $y$ is reduced and Gorenstein,
and $E$ is semistable on each
connected component of the normalization of $X_{\bar{y}}$,
then $\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E)$ is weakly positive at $y$, namely,
for any ample divisors $A$ on $Y$ and any positive integers $n$,
there is a positive integer $m$ such that
H^0(Y, {\mathcal{O}}_Y(m(n \operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E) + A))) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y \to
{\mathcal{O}}_Y(m(n \operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E) + A))
is surjective at $y$.
Note that this theorem still holds in positive characteristic under
the strong semistability of $E_{\bar{y}}$
\textup{(}cf. Corollary~\textup{\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis:in:p}}\textup{)}.
An interesting point of the above theorem is that
even if the weak positivity of $\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E)$ at $y$
is a global property on $Y$,
it can be derived from the local assumption
``the goodness of $X_{\bar{y}}$ and the semistability of $E_{\bar{y}}$''.
This gives a great advantage to our applications.
In order to understand the intuition underlying the theorem,
let us consider a toy case.
Namely, we suppose that $f : X \to Y$ is a smooth surface fibred over a curve
and the fiber is general.
Bogomolov's instability theorem \cite{Bogo} says that
if $E_{\bar{y}}$ is semistable, then the codimension two cycle
$2r c_2(E) - (r-1)c_1(E)^2$ has non-negative degree.
So if we push it down to a codimension one cycle on $Y$, then
one can rephrase Bogomolov's theorem as saying that
the semistability of $E_y$ implies the non-negativity of $\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E)$.
An immediate application of our inequality
is a solution concerning the positivity of
divisors on the moduli space of stable curves.
Let $g \geq 2$ be an integer, and
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ (resp. $\mathcal{M}_g$) the moduli space of
stable (resp. smooth) curves of genus $g$ over $k$.
The boundary $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g \setminus \mathcal{M}_g$
is of codimension one and has $[g/2]+1$ irreducible components, say,
$\Delta_0, \Delta_1, \ldots, \Delta_{[g/2]}$.
The geometrical meaning of indexes is as follows.
A general point of $\Delta_0$ represents
an irreducible stable curve with one node, and
a general point of $\Delta_i$ ($i > 0$) represents
a stable curve consisting of a curve of genus $i$ and
a curve of genus $g-i$ joined at one point.
Let $\delta_i$ be the class of $\Delta_i$ in
$\operatorname{Pic}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$
(strictly speaking, $\delta_i = c_1({\mathcal{O}}(\Delta_i))$ for $i \not= 1$, and
$\delta_1 = \frac{1}{2} c_1({\mathcal{O}}(\Delta_1))$),
and $\lambda$ the Hodge class on
A fundamental problem due to Mumford \cite{Mum} is to decide which ${\mathbb{Q}}$-divisor
a \lambda - b_0 \delta_0 - b_1 \delta_1 - \cdots - b_{[g/2]}\delta_{[g/2]}
is positive, where $a, b_0, \ldots, b_{[g/2]}$ are rational numbers.
Here, we can use a lot of types of positivity,
namely, ampleness, numerical effectivity, effectivity, pseudo-effectivity, and so on.
Besides them, we would like to introduce a new sort of positivity for our purposes.
Let $V$ be a projective variety over $k$ and $U$ a
non-empty Zariski open set of $V$.
A ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor $D$ on $V$ is said to be {\em numerically effective over $U$}
if $(D \cdot C) \geq 0$ for all irreducible curves $C$ on $V$ with
$C \cap U \not= \emptyset$.
A first general result in this direction was found by
Cornalba-Harris \cite{CH}, Xiao \cite{Xi} and Bost \cite{Bo}.
They proved that the ${\mathbb{Q}}$-divisor
(8g+4) \lambda - g (\delta_0 + \delta_1 + \cdots + \delta_{[g/2]})
is numerically effective over $\mathcal{M}_g$.
As we observed in \cite{Mo4} and \cite{Mo5},
it is not sharp in coefficients of $\delta_i$ ($i > 0$).
Actually, the existence of a certain refinement of the above result
was predicted at the end of the paper \cite{CH}.
Our solution for this problem is the following
(cf. Theorem~\ref{thm:wpos:at:M:g} and Proposition~\ref{prop:samp:wp:U}).
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
The divisor
(8g+4) \lambda - g \delta_0 - \sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} 4 i (g-i) \delta_i
is weakly positive over $\mathcal{M}_g$, i.e.,
if we denote the above divisor by $D$,
then for any ample ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors $A$ on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$,
there is a positive integer $n$ such that
$n(D + A)$ is a Cartier divisor and
H^0(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g, {\mathcal{O}}_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g}(n(D+A))) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g} \to {\mathcal{O}}_{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g}(n(D+A))
is surjective on $\mathcal{M}_g$.
In particular, it
is pseudo-effective, and numerically effective over $\mathcal{M}_g$.
As an application of this theorem,
we can decide the cone of weakly positive divisors over $\mathcal{M}_g$
(cf. Corollary~\ref{cor:wp:cone:equal}).
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
If we denote by
$\operatorname{WP}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g; \mathcal{M}_g)$
the cone in $\operatorname{Pic}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$
consisting of weakly positive ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors over $\mathcal{M}_g$, then
\operatorname{WP}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g; \mathcal{M}_g)
= \left\{ x \lambda + \sum_{i=0}^{[g/2]} y_i \delta_i \ \left| \
x \geq 0, \\
g x + (8g + 4) y_0 \geq 0, \\
i(g-i) x + (2g+1) y_i \geq 0 \quad (1 \leq i \leq [g/2]).
\right. \right\}.
Moreover, using Theorem~\ref{thm:intro:wp},
we can deduce a certain kind of inequality on an algebraic surface.
In order to give an exact statement, we will introduce types of nodes
of semistable curves.
Let $Z$ be a semistable curve over $k$, and
$P$ a node of $Z$.
We can assign a number $i$ to the node $P$ in the following way.
Let $\iota_P : Z_P \to Z$ be the partial normalization of $Z$
at $P$. If $Z_P$ is connected, then $i=0$.
Otherwise, $i$ is the minimum of arithmetic genera of
two connected components of $Z_P$. We say the node $P$ of
$Z$ is {\em of type $i$}.
Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface over $k$,
$Y$ a smooth projective curve over $k$, and
$f : X \to Y$ a semistable curve of genus $g \geq 2$ over $Y$.
By abuse of notation, we denote by $\delta_i(X/Y)$ the number of
nodes of type $i$ in all singular fibers of $f$.
Actually, $\delta_i(X/Y) = \deg(\pi^*(\delta_i))$, where
$\pi : Y \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ is the morphism induced by $f : X \to Y$.
Then, we have the following
(cf. Corollary~\ref{cor:sharp:slope:inq}).
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
With notation being as above, we have the inequality
(8g+4) \deg(f_*(\omega_{X/Y})) \geq
g \delta_0(X/Y) + \sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} 4 i (g-i) \delta_i(X/Y).
As an arithmetic application of
we can show the following answer
for effective Bogomolov's conjecture over function fields
(cf. Theorem~\ref{thm:bogomolov:function:field}).
(Recently, Bogomolov's conjecture over number fields was
solved by Ullmo \cite{Ul}, but effective Bogomolov's conjecture
is still open.)
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
We assume that $f$ is not smooth and
every singular fiber of $f$
is a tree of stable components, i.e.,
every node of type $0$ on the stable model of each singular fiber is
a singularity of an irreducible component, then
effective Bogomolov's conjecture holds for the generic fiber of $f$.
let $K$ be the function field of $Y$, $C$ the generic fiber of $f$,
$\operatorname{Jac}(C)$ the Jacobian of $C$, and let $j : C(\overline{K})
\to \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})$ be the morphism given by
$j(x) = (2g-2)x - \omega_C$.
Then, the set $\{ x \in C(\overline{K}) \mid
\Vert j(x) - P \Vert_{NT} \leq r \}$ is finite for
any $P \in \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})$ and any non-negative real numbers
$r$ less than
\frac{g-1}{3}\delta_0(X/Y) + \sum_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]}
4i(g-i)\delta_i(X/Y) \right)},
where $\Vert \ \Vert_{NT}$ is
the semi-norm arising from the Neron-Tate height paring
on $\operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})$.
Finally, we would like to express our hearty thanks to
Institut des Hautes \'{E}tudes Scientifiques where all works of this paper
had been done, and to Prof. Bost who pointed out a fatal error of the previous
version of it.
We are also grateful to referees for their wonderful suggestions.
\section{Elementary properties of semi-ampleness and weak positivity}
In this section,
we will introduce two kinds of positivity of divisors, namely
semi-ampleness and weak positivity, and investigate their
elementary properties.
Let $X$ be a $d$-dimensional algebraic variety over $k$.
Let $Z_{d - 1}(X)$ be a free abelian group generated by
integral subvarieties of dimension $d - 1$, and
$\operatorname{Div}(X)$ a group consisting of
Cartier divisors on $X$.
We denote $Z_{d - 1}(X)$ (resp. $\operatorname{Div}(X)$) modulo linear equivalence by
$A_{d - 1}(X)$ (resp. $\operatorname{Pic}(X)$).
An element of $Z_{d - 1}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$ (resp. $\operatorname{Div}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$)
is called a {\em ${\mathbb{Q}}$-divisor} (resp. {\em ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor}) on $X$.
We say a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor $D$ is {\em the limit of
a sequence $\{ D_m \}_{m=1}^{\infty}$ of ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors in $\operatorname{Pic}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$},
denoted by ${\displaystyle D = \lim_{m \to \infty} D_m}$ in $\operatorname{Pic}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$,
if there are ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors $Z_1, \ldots, Z_{l}$ and
infinite sequences $\{ a_{1, m} \}_{m=1}^{\infty}, \ldots, \{a_{l, m} \}_{m=1}^{\infty}$
of rational numbers such that (1) $l$ does not depend on $m$,
(2) $D = D_m + \sum_{i=1}^{l} a_{i, m} Z_i$ in $\operatorname{Pic}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$
for all $m \geq 1$, and
(3) ${\displaystyle \lim_{m\to\infty} a_{i, m} = 0}$ for all $i=1, \ldots, l$.
For example, a pseudo-effective ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor is the limit of
effective ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors in $\operatorname{Pic}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$.
Let $x$ be a point of $X$.
A ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor $D$ on $X$ is said to be {\em semi-ample at $x$}
if there is a positive integer $n$ such that $nD \in \operatorname{Div}(X)$ and
$H^0(X, {\mathcal{O}}_X(nD)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to {\mathcal{O}}_X(nD)$ is surjective at $x$.
Further, according to Viehweg, $D$ is said to be {\em weakly positive at $x$}
if there is an infinite sequence $\{ D_m \}_{m=1}^{\infty}$ of
${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors on $X$ such that
$D_m$ is semi-ample at $x$ for all $m \geq 1$
and ${\displaystyle D = \lim_{m \to \infty} D_m}$ in $\operatorname{Pic}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$.
It is easy to see that
if $D$ is weakly positive at $x$, then $(D \cdot C) \geq 0$
for any complete irreducible curves $C$ passing through $x$.
As compared with the last property,
weak positivity has an advantage that
we can avoid bad subvarieties of codimension two
(cf. Proposition~\ref{prop:wp:codim:2}).
In order to consider properties of semi-ample or weakly positive divisors,
let us begin with the following two lemma.
\begin{Lemma}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $\pi : X \to Y$ be a proper morphism of quasi-projective varieties over $k$ and
$y$ a point of $Y$ such that $\pi$ is finite over $y$.
Let $F$ be a coherent ${\mathcal{O}}_X$-module and $H$ an ample line bundle on $Y$.
Then there is a positive integer $n_0$ such that,
for all $n \geq n_0$,
H^0(X, F \otimes \pi^{*}(H^{\otimes n})) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to F \otimes \pi^{*}(H^{\otimes n})
is surjective at each point of $\pi^{-1}(y)$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Let $n_0$ be a positive integer such that,
for all $n \geq n_0$,
$\pi_*(F) \otimes H^{\otimes n}$ is generated by global sections, i.e.,
H^0(Y, \pi_*(F) \otimes H^{\otimes n}) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y \to \pi_*(F) \otimes H^{\otimes n}
is surjective.
H^0(X, F \otimes \pi^{*}(H^{\otimes n})) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to \pi^* \pi_*(F \otimes \pi^*(H^{\otimes n}))
is surjective because $\pi_*(F \otimes \pi^{*}(H^{\otimes n})) =
\pi_*(F) \otimes H^{\otimes n}$. On the other hand, since $\pi$ is finite over $y$,
\pi^* \pi_*(F \otimes \pi^*(H^{\otimes n}))
F \otimes \pi^*(H^{\otimes n})
is surjective at each point of $\pi^{-1}(y)$.
Thus, we get our assertion.
\begin{Lemma}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $\pi : X \to Y$ be a proper morphism of quasi-projective varieties over $k$ and
$x$ a point of $X$ such that $\pi$ is finite over $\pi(x)$.
Let $D$ be a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $X$ and
$A$ a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $Y$.
If $D$ is weakly positive at $x$ and $A$ is ample, then
$D + \pi^*(A)$ is semi-ample at $x$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
By our assumption, there are ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors $Z_1, \ldots, Z_{l}$,
an infinite sequence $\{ D_m \}_{m=1}^{\infty}$ of ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors, and
infinite sequences $\{ a_{1, m} \}_{m=1}^{\infty}, \ldots, \{ a_{l, m} \}_{m=1}^{\infty}$
of rational numbers with the following properties.
$D = D_m + \sum_{i=1}^{l} a_{i, m} Z_i$ in $\operatorname{Pic}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$
for sufficiently large $m$.
$\lim_{m\to\infty} a_{i, m} = 0$ for all $i=1, \ldots, l$.
$D_m$ is semi-ample at $x$ for $m \gg 0$.
By virtue of Lemma~\ref{lem:gen:by:global:sec:finite},
we can find a positive integer $n$ such that
$n \pi^*(A) + Z_i$ and $n \pi^*(A) - Z_i$ are semi-ample at $x$.
We choose a sufficiently large $m$ with $|nla_{i, m}| < 1$ ($i=1, \ldots, l$).
\frac{1 + nla_{i, m}}{2ln} > 0
\frac{1 - nla_{i, m}}{2ln} > 0.
On the other hand,
D + \pi^*(A) \sim
D_m + \sum_{i=1}^l \left(
\frac{1 + nla_{i, m}}{2ln}(n\pi^*(A) + Z_i) +
\frac{1 - nla_{i, m}}{2ln}(n\pi^*(A) - Z_i)
Thus, $D + \pi^*(A)$ is semi-ample at $x$.
As immediate consequences of Lemma~\ref{lem:pamp:plus:good:samp},
we have the following propositions.
The first one is a characterization of weak positivity
in terms of ample divisors.
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $X$ be a quasi-projective variety over $k$, $x$ a
point of $X$, and
$D$ a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $X$.
Then, the following are equivalent.
$D$ is weakly positive at $x$.
For any ample ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors $A$ on $X$,
$D + A$ is semi-ample at $x$.
There is an ample ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor $A$ on $X$
such that
$D + \epsilon A$ is semi-ample at $x$ for any positive rational numbers $\epsilon$.
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $X$ be a normal quasi-projective variety over $k$,
$X_0$ a Zariski open set of $X$, and $x$ a point of $X_0$.
Let $D$ be a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $X$ and $D_0 = \rest{D}{X_0}$.
If $\operatorname{codim}(X \setminus X_0) \geq 2$, then we have the following.
$D$ is semi-ample at $x$ if and only if
$D_0$ is semi-ample at $x$.
$D$ is weakly positive at $x$ if and only if
$D_0$ is weakly positive at $x$.
Next, let us consider functorial properties of semi-ampleness and weak positivity
under pull-back and push-forward.
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $\pi : X \to Y$ be a morphism of quasi-projective varieties.
Let $D$ be a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $Y$ and $x$ a point of $X$.
If $\pi^*(D)$ is defined, then we have the following.
\textup{(}Note that even if $\pi^*(D)$ is not defined, there is a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier
divisor $D'$ such that $D' \sim D$ and $\pi^*(D')$ is defined.\textup{)}
If $D$ is semi-ample at $\pi(x)$, then
$\pi^{*}(D)$ is semi-ample at $x$.
If $D$ is weakly positive at $\pi(x)$, then
$\pi^*(D)$ is weakly positive at $x$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
(1) By our assumption,
$H^0(Y, {\mathcal{O}}_Y(nD)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y \to {\mathcal{O}}_Y(nD)$ is surjective at $\pi(x)$
for a sufficiently large $n$.
$H^0(Y, {\mathcal{O}}_Y(nD)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to {\mathcal{O}}_X(n\pi^*(D))$ is
surjective at $x$.
Here let us consider the following commutative diagram:
H^0(Y, {\mathcal{O}}_{Y}(nD)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{X} @>{\alpha}>> {\mathcal{O}}_X(n\pi^*(D)) \\
@VVV @| \\
H^0(X, {\mathcal{O}}_{X}(n\pi^*(D))) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{X} @>{\alpha'}>> {\mathcal{O}}_X(n\pi^*(D)).
Since $\alpha$ is surjective at $x$, so is $\alpha'$.
Therefore, $\pi^*(D)$ is semi-ample at $x$.
(2) Let $A$ be an ample divisor on $Y$ such that
$\pi^*(A)$ is defined. Then, by Lemma~\ref{lem:pamp:plus:good:samp},
$D + (1/n)A$ is semi-ample at $\pi(x)$ for all $n > 0$.
Thus, by (1), $\pi^*(D) + (1/n)\pi^*(A)$ is semi-ample at $x$
for all $n > 0$.
Therefore, $\pi^*(D)$ is weakly positive at $x$.
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $\pi : X \to Y$ be a surjective, proper and generically finite morphism
of normal quasi-projective varieties over $k$.
Let $D$ be a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $X$ and $y$ a point of $Y$ such that
$\pi_*(D)$ is a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $Y$ and
$\pi$ is finite over $y$. We set $\pi^{-1}(y) = \{x_1, \ldots, x_n \}$.
Then, we have the following.
If $D$ is semi-ample at $x_1, \ldots, x_n$, then
$\pi_*(D)$ is semi-ample at $y$.
If $D$ is weakly positive at $x_1, \ldots, x_n$, then
$\pi_*(D)$ is weakly positive at $y$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
(1) Clearly, we may assume that $D$ is a Cartier divisor.
If we take a sufficiently large integer $m$, then
$H^0(X, {\mathcal{O}}_X(mD)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to {\mathcal{O}}_X(mD)$
is surjective at $x_1, \ldots, x_n$.
Thus, there are sections $s_1, \ldots, s_n$ of $H^0(X, {\mathcal{O}}_X(m D))$
with $s_i(x_i) \not= 0$ for all $i=1, \ldots, n$.
For $\alpha = (\alpha_1, \ldots\, \alpha_n) \in k^n$,
we set $s_{\alpha} = \alpha_1 s_1 + \cdots + \alpha_n s_n$.
Further, we set $V_i = \{ \alpha \in k^n \mid s_{\alpha}(x_i) = 0 \}$.
Then, $\dim V_i= n-1$ for all $i$. Thus, since
$\#(k) = \infty$, there is $\alpha \in k^n$
with $\alpha \not\in V_1 \cup \cdots \cup V_r$, i.e.,
$s_{\alpha}(x_i) \not= 0$ for all $i$.
Let us consider a divisor $E = \operatorname{div}(s_{\alpha})$. Then, $E \sim m D$.
Thus, $\pi_*(E) \sim m \pi_*(D)$. Here, $x_i \not\in E$
for all $i$. Hence, $y \not\in \pi_*(E)$. Therefore, we get our assertion.
(2) Let $A$ be an ample divisor on $Y$. We set $D_m = D + (1/m)\pi^*(A)$.
Then, by Lemma~\ref{lem:pamp:plus:good:samp},
$D_m$ is semi-ample at $x_1, \ldots, x_n$.
Thus, by (1), $\pi_*(D_m) = \pi_*(D) + (1/m) \deg(\pi) A$ is semi-ample at $y$.
Therefore, $\pi_*(D)$ is weakly positive at $y$.
Finally, let us consider semi-ampleness and weak positivity over an open set.
Let $X$ be a quasi-projective variety over $k$,
$U$ a Zariski open set of $X$, and $D$ a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $X$.
We say $D$ is {\em semi-ample over $U$} (resp. {\em weakly positive over $U$})
if $D$ is semi-ample (resp. weakly positive) at all points of $U$.
Then, we can easily see the following.
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
If $D$ is semi-ample over $U$, then
there is a positive integer $n$ such that
$nD$ is a Cartier divisor and
$H^0(X, {\mathcal{O}}_X(nD)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to {\mathcal{O}}_X(nD)$
is surjective on $U$.
If $D$ is weakly positive over $U$, then,
for any ample ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisors $A$ on $X$,
there is a positive integer $n$ such that
$n(D+A)$ is a Cartier divisor and
H^0(X, {\mathcal{O}}_X(n(D+A))) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to {\mathcal{O}}_X(n(D+A))
is surjective on $U$.
\section{Proof of relative Bogomolov's inequality}
Let $X$ be an algebraic variety over $k$, $x$ a point of $X$, and
$E$ a coherent ${\mathcal{O}}_X$-module on $X$.
We say $E$ is {\em generated by global sections at $x$} if
$H^0(X, E) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_X \to E$ is surjective at $x$.
Let us begin with the following proposition.
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $X$ be a smooth algebraic variety over $k$,
$E$ a coherent ${\mathcal{O}}_X$-module, and $x$ a point of $X$.
If $E$ is generated by global sections at $x$ and
$E$ is free at $x$, then $\det(E)$ is
generated by global sections at $x$,
where $\det(E)$ is the determinant line bundle of $E$
in the sense of \cite{KM}.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Let $T$ be the torsion part of $E$. Then,
$\det(E) = \det(E/T) \otimes \det(T)$.
If we set
D = \sum_{\substack{P \in X, \\ \operatorname{depth}(P) = 1}}
\operatorname{lenght}(T_P) \overline{ \{ P \} },
then $\det(T) \simeq {\mathcal{O}}_X(D)$,
where $\overline{ \{ P \} }$ is the Zariski closure of
$\{ P \}$ in $X$. Here since $E$ is free at $x$, $x \not\in \operatorname{Supp}(D)$.
Thus, $\det(T)$ is generated by global sections at $x$.
Moreover, it is easy to see that
$E/T$ is generated by global sections at $x$.
Therefore, to prove our proposition, we may assume that $E$ is a torsion free sheaf.
Let $r$ be the rank of $E$ and
$\kappa(x)$ the residue field of $x$.
Then, by our assumption,
there are sections $s_1, \ldots, s_r$ of $E$ such that
$\{ s_i(x) \}$ forms a basis of $E \otimes \kappa(x)$.
Thus, $s = s_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge s_r$ gives rise to
a section of $\det(E) = \left( \bigwedge^r E \right)^{**}$ with $s(y) \not= 0$.
Hence, we get our proposition.
Next let us consider the following proposition.
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $\pi : X \to Y$ be a proper and generically finite morphism of algebraic varieties over $k$.
Let $y$ be a point of $Y$ such that $\pi$ is finite over $y$.
Let $\phi : E \to Q$ be a homomorphism of coherent ${\mathcal{O}}_X$-modules.
If $\phi$ is surjective at each point of $\pi^{-1}(y)$
and $\pi_*(E)$ is generated by global sections
at $y$, then $\pi_*(Q)$ is generated by global sections at $y$.
Let $E_1$ and $E_2$ be coherent ${\mathcal{O}}_X$-modules.
If $\pi_*(E_1)$ and $\pi_*(E_2)$ are generated by global sections at $y$, then
so is $\pi_*(E_1 \otimes E_2)$ at $y$.
Let $E$ be a coherent ${\mathcal{O}}_X$-module.
If $\pi_*(E)$ is generated by global sections at $y$,
then so is $\pi_*(\operatorname{Sym}^n(E))$ at $y$ for every $n > 0$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
(1) We can take an affine open neighborhood $U$ of $y$ such that
$\pi$ is finite over $U$ and $\phi : E \to Q$ is surjective over $\pi^{-1}(U)$.
Thus, $\pi_*(E) \to \pi_*(Q)$ is surjective at $y$.
Hence, considering the following diagram:
H^0(Y, \pi_*(E)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y @>>> \pi_*(E) \\
@VVV @VVV \\
H^0(Y, \pi_*(Q)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y @>>> \pi_*(Q),
we have our assertion.
Let $U$ be an affine open neighborhood of $y$ such that
$\pi$ is finite over $U$. We set $U = \operatorname{Spec}(A)$ for some integral domain $A$.
Since $\pi$ is finite over $U$, there is an integral domain $B$ with $\pi^{-1}(U) = \operatorname{Spec}(B)$.
Here we take $B$-modules $M_1$ and $M_2$ such that
$M_1$ and $M_2$ give rise to $\rest{E_1}{\pi^{-1}(U)}$ and $\rest{E_2}{\pi^{-1}(U)}$
respectively. Then, we have a natural surjective homomorphism
$M_1 \otimes_A M_2 \to M_1 \otimes_B M_2$. This shows us that
$\pi_*(E) \otimes \pi_*(E_2) \to \pi_*(E_1 \otimes E_2)$ is surjective at $y$.
Here, let us consider the following diagram:
H^0(Y, \pi_*(E_1)) \otimes H^0(Y, \pi_*(E_2)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y @>>> \pi_*(E_1) \otimes \pi_*(E_2) \\
@VVV @VVV \\
H^0(Y, \pi_*(E_1 \otimes E_2)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y @>>> \pi_*(E_1 \otimes E_2),
$H^0(Y, \pi_*(E_1)) \otimes H^0(Y, \pi_*(E_2)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_Y \to \pi_*(E_1) \otimes \pi_*(E_2)$
is surjective at $y$ by our assumption.
Thus, we get (2).
(3) This is a consequence of (1) and (2) because we have a natural surjective homomorphism
$E^{\otimes n} \to \operatorname{Sym}^n(E)$.
Before starting the main theorem, we need to
prepare the following formula derived from Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem.
\begin{Lemma}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $X$ and $Y$ be algebraic varieties over $k$, and
$f : X \to Y$ a surjective and projective morphism over $k$ of $\dim f = d$.
Let $L$ and $A$ be line bundles on $X$. If $Y$ is smooth, then
there are elements $Z_1, \ldots, Z_d$ of $A_{\dim Y - 1}(Y) \otimes {{\mathbb{Q}}}$ such that
c_1\left( Rf_*(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A) \right) \cap [Y] =
\frac{ f_*(c_1(L)^{d+1} \cap [X])}{(d+1)!} n^{d+1} +
\sum_{i=0}^{d} Z_i n^i
for all $n > 0$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
We use the same symbol as in \cite{Fu}.
First of all,
$Rf_*(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A) \in K^{\circ}(Y)$ because $Y$ is smooth. Thus, by
\cite[Theorem~18.3, (1) and (2)]{Fu}, i.e.,
Riemann-Roch theorem for singular varieties,
\operatorname{ch}(Rf_*(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A)) \cap \tau_Y({\mathcal{O}}_Y) =
f_*(\operatorname{ch}(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A) \cap \tau_X({\mathcal{O}}_X)).
Since $\tau_X({\mathcal{O}}_X) = [X] + \text{terms of dimension $< \dim X$}$ by
\cite[Theorem~18.3, (5)]{Fu}, it is easy to see that
there are $T_0, \ldots, T_{d} \in A_{\dim Y - 1}(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$ such that
\left( \operatorname{ch}(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A) \cap \tau_X({\mathcal{O}}_X) \right)_{\dim Y - 1}
= \frac{c_1(L)^{d+1} \cap [X]}{(d+1)!} n^{d+1} + \sum_{i=0}^d T_i n^i.
f_*(\operatorname{ch}(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A) \cap \tau_X({\mathcal{O}}_X))_{\dim Y - 1} =
\frac{f_*(c_1(L)^{d+1} \cap [X])}{(d+1)!} n^{d+1} + \sum_{i=0}^d f_*(T_i) n^i.
On the other hand, since
$\tau_Y({\mathcal{O}}_Y) = [Y] + \text{terms of dimension $< \dim Y$}$,
if we denote by $S$ the $(\dim Y - 1)$-dimensional part of $\tau_Y({\mathcal{O}}_Y)$,
\left( \operatorname{ch}(Rf_*(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A)) \cap \tau_Y({\mathcal{O}}_Y) \right)_{\dim Y - 1} =
c_1(Rf_*(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A)) \cap [Y] + \operatorname{rk} (Rf_*(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A)) S.
Here, $\operatorname{rk} (Rf_*(L^{\otimes n} \otimes A)) =
\chi(X_{\eta}, (L^{\otimes n} \otimes A)_{\eta})$
is a polynomial of $n$ with degree $d$ at most,
where $\eta$ is the generic point of $Y$.
Thus, combining \eqref{eqn:lem:growth:c1:line:by:R:R:1},
\eqref{eqn:lem:growth:c1:line:by:R:R:2} and \eqref{eqn:lem:growth:c1:line:by:R:R:3},
we have our lemma.
Let us start the main theorem of this paper.
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $X$ be a quasi-projective variety over $k$, $Y$ a smooth quasi-projective variety over $k$,
and $f : X \to Y$ a surjective and projective morphism over $k$ of $\dim f = 1$.
Let $F$ be a locally free sheaf on $X$ with
$f_*(c_1(F) \cap [X]) = 0$, and $y$ a point of $Y$.
We assume that
$f$ is flat over $y$, and that there are line bundles $L$ and $M$ on
the geometric fiber $X_{\bar{y}}$ over $y$
such that
H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes L) =
H^1(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes M) = 0
for $m \gg 0$.
Then, $f_*\left( (c_2(F) - c_1(F)^2) \cap [X]) \right)$ is weakly positive at $y$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Let $A$ be a very ample line bundle on $X$ such that
$A_{\bar{y}} \otimes L$ and $A_{\bar{y}} \otimes M^{\otimes -1}$ are very ample on $X_{\bar{y}}$.
First of all, we would like to see the following.
$H^0(X_y, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_y) \otimes A_y^{\otimes -1}) =
H^1(X_y, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_y) \otimes A_y) = 0$
for $m \gg 0$.
In general, for a coherent sheaf $G$ on $X_y$,
$H^i(X_{\bar{y}}, G \otimes_{\kappa(y)} \overline{\kappa(y)}) =
H^i(X_y, G) \otimes_{\kappa(y)} \overline{\kappa(y)}$ for all $i \geq 0$.
Thus, it is sufficient to show that
H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}}^{\otimes -1}) =
H^1(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}}) = 0
for $m \gg 0$.
Since $A_{\bar{y}} \otimes L$ is very ample and
$\#(\overline{\kappa(y)}) = \infty$, there is a section
$s \in H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, A_{\bar{y}} \otimes L)$
such that $s \not= 0$ in $(A_{\bar{y}} \otimes L) \otimes \kappa(P)$
for any associated points $P$ of $X_{\bar{y}}$.
Then, ${\mathcal{O}}_{X_{\bar{y}}} \overset{\times s}{\longrightarrow} A_{\bar{y}} \otimes L$
is injective.
Thus, tensoring the above injection with
$\operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}}^{\otimes -1}$, we have an injection
\operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}}^{\otimes -1} \to \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes L.
Hence, $H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}}^{\otimes -1}) = 0$ for $m \gg 0$.
In the same way,
there is a section $s' \in H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, A_{\bar{y}} \otimes M^{\otimes -1})$
such that $s' \not= 0$ in $(A_{\bar{y}} \otimes M^{\otimes -1}) \otimes \kappa(P)$
for any associated points $P$ of $X_{\bar{y}}$.
Then, ${\mathcal{O}}_{X_{\bar{y}}} \overset{\times s'}{\longrightarrow} A_{\bar{y}} \otimes M^{\otimes -1}$
is injective and its cokernel $T$ has the $0$-dimensional support.
Thus, tensoring an exact sequence
0 \to {\mathcal{O}}_{X_{\bar{y}}} \to A_{\bar{y}} \otimes M^{\otimes -1} \to T \to 0
with $\operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes M$, we obtain an exact sequence
0 \to \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes M \to \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}} \to
\operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes M \otimes T \to 0.
Hence, we get a surjection
H^1(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes M) \to H^1(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}}).
Therefore, $H^1(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A_{\bar{y}}) = 0$ for $m \gg 0$.
Since $X$ is an integral scheme over $k$
of dimension greater than or equal to $2$,
and $X_y$ is a $1$-dimensional scheme over $\kappa(y)$,
by virtue of \cite[Theorem~6.10]{JB},
there is $B \in |A^{\otimes 2}|$ such that
$B$ is integral, and that $B \cap X_y$ is finite, i.e.,
$B$ is finite over $y$.
Let $\pi : B \to Y$ be the morphism induced by $f$.
Let $H$ be an ample line bundle on $Y$ such that
$\pi_*(F_B) \otimes H$ and $\pi_*(A_B) \otimes H$ are generated by global sections at $y$,
where $F_B = \rest{F}{B}$ and $A_B = \rest{A}{B}$.
Let $\mu : P = \operatorname{Proj}\left( \bigoplus_{m=0}^{\infty} \operatorname{Sym}^m(F) \right) \to X$
be the projective bundle and
${\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1)$ the tautological line bundle on $P$.
We set $h = f \cdot \mu : P \to Y$.
Let us consider
c_1 \left( Rh_*(({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1) \otimes h^*(H))^{\otimes m}
\otimes \mu^*(A^{\otimes -1}) \otimes h^*(H)) \right)
\cap [Y]
for $m \gg 0$. By Lemma~\ref{lem:growth:c1:line:by:R:R},
there are elements $Z_0, \ldots, Z_{r}$ of
$A_{\dim Y - 1}(Y) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$ such that
c_1 \left( Rh_*(({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1) \otimes h^*(H))^{\otimes m} \otimes \mu^*(A^{\otimes -1})
\otimes h^*(H) ) \right) \cap [Y] \\
= \frac{h_*( c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(1) \otimes h^*(H))^{r+1} \cap [P])}{(r+1)!} m^{r + 1}
+ \sum_{i=0}^{r} Z_i m^i,
where $r$ is the rank of $F$.
\mu_*(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1))^{r+1} \cap [P]) = (c_1(F)^2 - c_2(F)) \cap [X], \\
\mu_*(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1))^{r} \cap [P]) = c_1(F) \cap [X], \\
\mu_*(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1))^{r-1} \cap [P]) = [X], \\
\mu_*(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1))^{j} \cap [P]) = 0 \qquad (0 \leq j < r-1).
Thus, by using projection formula, we have
h_*( c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(1) \otimes h^*(H))^{r+1} \cap [P]) & =
f_* \mu_*\left(
\sum_{i=0}^{r+1} \mu^* f^* (c_1(H)^i) \cap (c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(1))^{r+1-i} \cap [P]) \right) \\
& = f_* \left( (c_1(F)^2 - c_2(F)) \cap [X] \right) \\
& \qquad\qquad + r f_* \left( f^*(c_1(H)) \cap (c_1(F) \cap [X]) \right) \\
& \qquad\qquad\qquad\quad + \frac{r(r+1)}{2} f_* \left( f^*(c_1(H)^2) \cap [X] \right) \\
& = - f_* \left( (c_2(F) - c_1(F)^2) \cap [X] \right)
because $f_* (c_1(F) \cap [X]) = 0$ and $f_*([X]) = 0$.
R\mu_*(({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1) \otimes h^*(H))^{\otimes m} \otimes \mu^*(A^{\otimes -1}) \otimes h^*(H)) =
\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H).
Therefore, we get
\sum_{i \geq 0}
(-1)^i c_1\left( R^if_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H)
\right) \right) \cap [Y] \\
= -\frac{1}{(r+1)!} f_* \left( (c_2(F) - c_1(F)^2) \cap [X] \right) m^{r + 1}
+ \sum_{i=0}^{r} Z_i m^i.
Here we claim the following.
If $m \gg 0$, then we have the following.
$c_1\left( R^if_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H)
\right) \right) \cap [Y] = 0$
for all $i \geq 2$.
$f_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H) \right) = 0$.
$R^1f_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H) \right)$
is free at $y$.
$R^1 f_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A \otimes f^*(H) \right) = 0$ around $y$.
(a) : Let $Y'$ be the maximal open set of $Y$ such that $f$ is flat over $Y'$.
If $i \geq 2$, then the support of
$R^if_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H) ) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H) \right)$
is contained in $Y \setminus Y'$. Here $\operatorname{codim}(Y \setminus Y') \geq 2$.
Thus, we get (a).
(b) and (c) :
By Claim~\ref{claim:thm:nef:psudo:dis:0},
$H^0(X_y, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{y}) \otimes A_{y}^{\otimes -1}) = 0$
for $m \gg 0$. Thus, using the upper-semicontinuity of dimension of cohomology groups,
there is an open neighborhood $U_m$ of $y$
such that $f$ is flat over $U_m$ and
$H^0(X_{y'}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{y'}) \otimes A_{y'}^{\otimes -1}) = 0$
for all $y' \in U_m$, which implies (b) because
$f_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H) \right)$
is torsion free.
Here, since $f$ is flat over $U_m$, $\chi(X_{y'}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{y'}) \otimes A_{y'}^{\otimes -1})$
is a constant with respect to $y' \in U_m$. Therefore,
so is $h^1(X_{y'}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{y'}) \otimes A_{y'}^{\otimes -1})$
with respect to $y' \in U_m$.
Thus, we have (c).
(d) :
By virtue of Claim~\ref{claim:thm:nef:psudo:dis:0},
$H^1(X_{y}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{y}) \otimes A_{y}) = 0$ for $m \gg 0$.
Thus, there is an open neighborhood $U'_m$ of $y$
such that $f$ is flat over $U'_m$ and
H^1(X_{y'}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{y'}) \otimes A_{y'}) = 0
for all $y' \in U'_m$.
Hence, we can see (d).
By (a) and (b) of Claim~\ref{claim:thm:nef:psudo:dis:1},
\frac{1}{(r+1)!} f_* \left( (c_2(F) - c_1(F)^2) \cap [X] \right) \\
= \frac{c_1\left( R^1 f_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H)
\right) \right) \cap [Y]}{m^{r+1}}
+ \sum_{i=0}^{r} \frac{Z_i}{m^{r+1-i}}.
Hence, it is sufficient to show that
c_1\left( R^1 f_*\left(\operatorname{Sym}^{m}(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H)
\right) \right) \cap [Y]
is semi-ample at $y$.
Since $\pi_*(F_B \otimes \pi^*(H))$ and
$\pi_*(A_B \otimes \pi^*(H))$ are generated by global sections at $y$,
by (2) and (3) of Proposition~\ref{prop:property:global:gen},
$\pi_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F_B \otimes \pi^*(H)) \otimes A_B \otimes \pi^*(H))$
is generated by global sections at $y$.
On the other hand,
a short exact sequence
0 \to \operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H) \to
\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A \otimes f^*(H) \\
\to \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_B \otimes \pi^*(H)) \otimes A_B \otimes \pi^*(H) \to 0
gives rise to an exact sequence
0 \to f_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A \otimes f^*(H) ) \to
\pi_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F_B \otimes \pi^*(H)) \otimes A_B\otimes \pi^*(H)) \\
\to R^1f_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H))
\to R^1f_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A \otimes f^*(H)).
Thus, by (d) of Claim~\ref{claim:thm:nef:psudo:dis:1},
\phi_m : \pi_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F_B \otimes \pi^*(H)) \otimes A_B \otimes \pi^*(H)) \to
R^1f_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H))
is surjective at $y$.
Therefore, applying (1) of Proposition~\ref{prop:property:global:gen} to
the case where $\operatorname{id}_Y: Y \to Y$ and $\phi = \phi_m$,
$R^1f_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H))$
is generated by global sections at $y$.
Moreover, by virtue of (c) of Claim~\ref{claim:thm:nef:psudo:dis:1},
$R^1f_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H))$ is free at $y$.
Hence, by Proposition~\ref{prop:samp:det},
$c_1( R^1f_*(\operatorname{Sym}^m(F \otimes f^*(H)) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} \otimes f^*(H))) \cap [Y]$
is semi-ample at $y$.
As a corollary of Theorem~\ref{thm:nef:psudo:dis},
we have the following.
\begin{Corollary}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
Let $X$ be a quasi-projective variety over $k$, $Y$ a smooth quasi-projective variety over $k$,
and $f : X \to Y$ a surjective and projective morphism over $k$ with $\dim f = 1$.
Let $E$ be a locally free sheaf on $X$ and
$y$ a point of $Y$.
If $f$ is flat over $y$,
the geometric fiber $X_{\bar{y}}$ over $y$ is reduced and Gorenstein,
and $E$ is semistable on each
connected component of the normalization of
then $\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E)$ is weakly positive at $y$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
We set $F = \operatorname{\mathcal{E}\textsl{nd}}(E)$. First, we claim the following.
$H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A^{\otimes -1}) = 0$
for any ample line bundles $A$ on $X_{\bar{y}}$ and
any $m \geq 0$.
Let $\pi : Z \to X_{\bar{y}}$ be the normalization of $X_{\bar{y}}$.
The semistability of tensor products of semistable vector bundles
in characteristic zero was studied by a lot of authors
\cite{Gi1}, \cite{Ha1}, \cite{Mi}, \cite{Ma1} and etc.
(You can find a new elementary algebraic proof in
which works in any characteristic under strong semistability.)
Thus, by virtue of our assumption,
$\operatorname{Sym}^m(\pi^*(F_{\bar{y}}))$ is semistable and
of degree $0$ on each connected component of $Z$.
H^0(Z, \pi^*( \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes A^{\otimes -1} )) = 0.
Here, since ${\mathcal{O}}_{X_{\bar{y}}} \to \pi_*({\mathcal{O}}_Z)$ is injective,
the above implies our claim.
Let $L$ be an ample line bundle on $X_{\bar{y}}$ such that
$L \otimes \omega_{X_{\bar{y}}}^{\otimes -1}$ is ample.
Here, since $F_{\bar{y}}^* = F_{\bar{y}}$,
by using Serre's duality theorem,
$H^1(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes L)$
is isomorphic to the dual space of
$H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes
(L \otimes \omega_{X_{\bar{y}}}^{\otimes -1})^{\otimes -1})$.
Thus, by Claim~\ref{claim:cor:nef:psudo:dis},
H^0(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes L^{\otimes -1}) =
H^1(X_{\bar{y}}, \operatorname{Sym}^m(F_{\bar{y}}) \otimes L) = 0
for all $m \geq 0$.
Hence, Theorem~\ref{thm:nef:psudo:dis} implies our corollary
because $c_1(F) = 0$ and $c_2(F) = 2 \operatorname{rk}(E) c_2(E) - (\operatorname{rk}(E) -1) c_1(E)^2$.
Even if $\operatorname{rk}(F) = 1$, Theorem~\ref{thm:nef:psudo:dis} is
a non-trivial fact. For, if $f : X \to Y$ is
a smooth surface fibred over a projective curve, then
the assertion of it is nothing more than
the Hodge index theorem.
\section{A weakly positive divisor on the moduli space of stable curves}
Throughout this section, we assume that $\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$.
Fix an integer $g \geq 2$ and a polynomial $P_g(n) = (6n-1)(g-1)$.
Let $H_g \subset \operatorname{Hilb}^{P_g}_{{\mathbb{P}}^{5g-6}}$ be a subscheme
of all tri-canonically embedded stable curves over $k$,
$Z_g \subset H_g \times {\mathbb{P}}^{5g-6}$
the universal tri-canonically embedded stable curves over $k$,
and $\pi : Z_g \to H_g$ the natural projection.
Let $\Delta$ be the minimal closed subset of $H_g$ such that
$\pi$ is not smooth over a point of $\Delta$.
Then, by \cite[Theorem~(1.6) and Corollary~(1.9)]{DM},
$Z_g$ and $H_g$ are quasi-projective and smooth over $k$,
and $\Delta$ is a divisor with only normal crossings.
Let $\Delta = \Delta_0 \cup \cdots \cup \Delta_{[g/2]}$
be the irreducible decomposition of $\Delta$ such that,
if $x \in \Delta_i \setminus \operatorname{Sing}(\Delta)$, then
$\pi^{-1}(x)$ is a stable curve with one node of type $i$.
We set $U = H_g \setminus \Delta$,
$H_g^0 = H_g \setminus \operatorname{Sing}(\Delta_1 + \cdots +\Delta_{[g/2]})$ and
$Z_g^0 = \pi^{-1}(H_g^0)$.
In \cite[\S3]{Mo5}, we constructed a reflexive sheaf $F$ on $Z_g$ with the following
$F$ is locally free on $Z_g^0$.
For each $y \in H_g \setminus (\Delta_1 \cup \cdots \cup \Delta_{[g/2]})$,
$\rest{F}{\pi^{-1}(y)} =
\operatorname{Ker}\left(H^0(\omega_{\pi^{-1}(y)}) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{\pi^{-1}(y)} \to
$\operatorname{dis}_{Z_g/H_g}(F) = (8g+4) \det(\pi_*(\omega_{Z_g/H_g})) -
g \Delta_0 - \sum_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]} 4i(g-i) \Delta_i$.
Actually, $F$ can be constructed as follows.
First of all, we set
E = \operatorname{Ker}\left( \pi^*(\pi_*(\omega_{Z_g/H_g})) \to
We would like to modify $E$ along singular fibers so that
we can get our desired $F$.
For this purpose, we consider $E^0 = \rest{E}{Z_g^0}$.
It is easy to see that $E^0$ is a locally free sheaf on $Z_g^0$.
For each $i \geq 0$, we denote $\Delta_i\cap H_g^0$ by $\Delta_i^0$.
If $i \geq 1$, then there is the irreducible decomposition
$\pi^{-1}(\Delta_i^0) = C_i^1 \cup C_i^2$
such that the generic fiber of $\rest{\pi}{C_i^1} : C_i^1\to \Delta_i^0$
(resp. $\rest{\pi}{C_i^2} : C_i^2 \to \Delta_i^0$) is of genus $i$
(resp. $g-i$).
Moreover, if we set
Q_i^j = \operatorname{Ker}\left(
\longrightarrow \omega_{C_i^j/\Delta_i^0}\right)
for each $i \geq 1$ and $j = 1, 2$,
then there is a natural surjective homomorphism
\alpha_i^j : \rest{E^0}{C_i^j} \to Q_i^j.
Here let us consider
F^0= \operatorname{Ker}\left( \bigoplus_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]}
\left( \alpha_i^1 \oplus \alpha_i^2 \right)
\ : \ E^0 \longrightarrow
\bigoplus_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]} \left( Q_i^1 \oplus Q_i^2 \right) \right).
As we showed in \cite[\S3]{Mo5},
$F^0$ is a locally free sheaf on $Z_g^0$ with
\operatorname{dis}_{Z_g^0/H_g^0}(F^0) = (8g+4) \det(\pi_*(\omega_{Z_g^0/H_g^0})) -
g \Delta_0^0 - \sum_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]} 4i(g-i) \Delta_i^0.
Let $\nu : Z_g^0 \to Z_g$ be the natural inclusion map. Then
$F$ can be defined by $\nu_*(F^0)$.
In order to see (2), note that
$E = F$ over $H_g \setminus (\Delta_1 \cup \cdots \cup \Delta_{[g/2]})$ and
$\pi^*(\pi_*(\omega_{Z_g/H_g})) \to
\omega_{Z_g/H_g}$ is surjective on
$H_g \setminus (\Delta_1 \cup \cdots \cup \Delta_{[g/2]})$
(cf. \cite[Proposition~2.1.3]{Mo5}).
Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ (resp. $\mathcal{M}_g$) be the moduli space of
stable (resp. smooth) curves of genus $g$ over $k$.
Let $\phi : H_g \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ be the canonical morphism.
Let $\lambda, \delta_0, \ldots, \delta_{[g/2]} \in
\operatorname{Pic}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$ such that
$\phi^*(\lambda) = \det(\pi_*(\omega_{Z_g/H_g}))$ and
$\phi^*(\delta_i) = \Delta_i$ for all $0 \leq i \leq [g/2]$.
Let us begin with the following lemma.
Let $D$ be a ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ and
$x$ a point of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$.
If $\phi^*(D)$ is weakly positive at any points of $\phi^{-1}(x)$, then
$D$ is weakly positive at $x$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
It is well known that there are a surjective finite morphism
$\pi : Y \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ of normal projective varieties
and a stable curve $f : X \to Y$ of genus $g$ such that
the induced morphism $Y \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ by $f : X \to Y$
is $\pi$. Since $\pi_*(\pi^*(D)) = \deg(\pi) D$,
by Proposition~\ref{prop:samp:pamp:push},
it is sufficient to show that $\pi^*(D)$ is weakly positive
at any points of $\pi^{-1}(x)$.
Let $y$ be a point of $\pi^{-1}(x)$. Then, there is a Zariski
open neighborhood $U$ of $y$ such that
$\rest{f_*(\omega_{X/Y}^{\otimes 3})}{U}$ is free.
\operatorname{Proj}\left( \bigoplus_{n=0}^{\infty} \operatorname{Sym}^n
\left( \rest{f_*(\omega_{X/Y}^{\otimes 3})}{U} \right) \right)
\simeq U \times {\mathbb{P}}^{5g-6}.
Therefore, there is a morphism $\mu : U \to H_g$ with $\rest{\pi}{U} = \phi \cdot \mu$.
By abuse of notation,
the induced rational map $Y \dashrightarrow H_g$ is denoted by $\mu$.
Let $\nu : Y' \to Y$ be a proper birational morphism of
normal projective varieties such that
$\mu' = \mu \cdot \nu : Y' \to H_g$ is a morphism and $\nu$ is an isomorphism over
$\nu^{-1}(U)$. Then, we have the following diagram:
Y' @>{\nu}>> Y \\
@V{\mu'}VV @VV{\pi}V \\
H_g @>>{\phi}> \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g.
This diagram is commutative because $\phi \cdot \mu' = \pi \cdot \nu$
over $\nu^{-1}(U)$.
Hence, $\nu^*(\pi^*(D)) = {\mu'}^*(\phi^*(D))$.
Moreover, $\nu_*(\nu^*(\pi^*(D))) = \pi^*(D)$.
Thus, by virtue of Proposition~\ref{prop:samp:pamp:push},
in order to see that $\pi^*(D)$ is weakly
positive at $y$, it is sufficient to check that ${\mu'}^*(\phi^*(D))$ is weakly positive at
$y \in \nu^{-1}(U)$.
By our assumption, $\phi^*(D)$ is weakly positive at $\mu'(y)$
because $\phi(\mu'(y)) = x$.
Hence, by Proposition~\ref{prop:samp:pamp:pullback},
${\mu'}^*(\phi^*(D))$ is weakly positive at $y$.
$(8g+4)\lambda - g \delta_0 - \sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} 4i(g-i) \delta_i$
is weakly positive over $\mathcal{M}_g$.
In particular, it is pseudo-effective, and numerically effective over $\mathcal{M}_g$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Let $y$ be a point of $U = H_g \setminus \Delta$.
By virtue of \cite{PR}, $\rest{F}{\pi^{-1}(y)}$ is semistable.
Thus, by Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis},
$\operatorname{dis}_{Z_g^0/H_g^0}(F^0)$ is weakly positive at $y$.
Hence, by Proposition~\ref{prop:wp:codim:2},
so is $\operatorname{dis}_{Z_g/H_g}(F)$ at $y$ because $\operatorname{codim}(H_g \setminus H_g^0) = 2$.
Thus, $\operatorname{dis}_{Z_g/H_g}(F)$ is weakly positive
over $U = \phi^{-1}(\mathcal{M}_g)$.
Therefore, by virtue of Lemma~\ref{lem:criterion:pamp:on:M:g},
we get our theorem.
As a corollary, we have the following.
Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface over $k$,
$Y$ a smooth projective curve over $k$, and
$f : X \to Y$ a semistable curve of genus $g \geq 2$ over $Y$.
Then, we have the inequality
(8g+4) \deg(f_*(\omega_{X/Y})) \geq
g \delta_0(X/Y) + \sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} 4 i (g-i) \delta_i(X/Y),
where $\delta_i(X/Y)$ is the number of nodes of type $i$
in all singular fibers of $f$.
We don't know the proof of Corollary~\ref{cor:sharp:slope:inq}
without using the moduli space $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$.
Let $\mu : Y \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ be the morphism
induced by $f : X \to Y$.
Then, $\mu(Y)$ might pass through $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g \setminus
In this case, analyses of singular fibers only in $X$
seem to be very complicated.
\section{Cones of positive divisors on the moduli space of stable curves}
Throughout this section, we assume that $\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$.
Let $X$ be a projective variety over $k$ and
$\mathcal{C}$ a certain family of complete irreducible curves on $X$.
A ${\mathbb{Q}}$-Cartier divisor $D$ on $X$ is said to be {\em numerically effective for $\mathcal{C}$}
if $(D \cdot C) \geq 0$ for all $C \in \mathcal{C}$.
We set
\operatorname{Nef}(X, \mathcal{C}) = \left\{ D \in NS(X) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}} \mid
\text{$D$ is numerically effective for $\mathcal{C}$} \right\}.
Moreover, for subsets $A$ and $B$ in $X$, we denote by $\operatorname{Cur}^A_B$
the set of all irreducible complete curves $C$ on $X$
with $C \subseteq A$ and $C \cap B \not= \emptyset$.
Let $g$ be an integer greater than or equal to $2$,
$\mathcal{I}_g$ the locus of hyperelliptic curves in $\mathcal{M}_g$,
$\overline{\mathcal{I}}_g$ the closure in $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$, and
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one}$ the set of all stable curves with at most one node,
i.e., if we use the notation in the previous section,
\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one} = \phi\left( H_g \setminus \operatorname{Sing}(\Delta_0 + \cdots + \Delta_{[g/2]}) \right).
Let us begin with the following lemma.
There are complete irreducible curves $C, C_0, \ldots, C_{[g/2]}$ on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$
with the following properties.
$C, C_0, \ldots, C_{[g/2]} \in \operatorname{Cur}^{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one}}_{\mathcal{I}_g}$.
$C \subset \mathcal{M}_g$.
$C_i \subset \overline{\mathcal{I}}_g$ for all $0 \leq i \leq [g/2]$.
For all $0 \leq i, j \leq [g/2]$, $(\delta_i \cdot C_j)$ is positive if $i=j$, and
$(\delta_i \cdot C_j) = 0$ if $i \not= j$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}^s_g$ be Satake's compactification of
$\mathcal{M}_g$. Then, $\overline{\mathcal{M}}^s_g$ is projective and
$\operatorname{codim}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}^s_g \setminus \mathcal{M}_g) \geq 2$.
Pick up one point $P \in \mathcal{I}_g$. If we take general hyperplane sections
$H_1, \ldots, H_{3g-4}$ passing through $P$, then $C = H_1 \cap \ldots \cap H_{3g-4}$
is a complete irreducible curve with $C \subseteq \mathcal{M}_g$ and $P \in C$.
Applying Proposition~\ref{prop:hyperelliptic:fibration:2} to the case
where $a=0$, and
contracting all $(-2)$-curves in all singular fibers, we have
a stable fibred surface $f_0 : X_0 \to Y_0$ such that
$Y_0$ is projective, the generic fiber of $f_0$ is a smooth hyperelliptic curve of genus $g$,
$f_0$ is not smooth, and that
every singular fiber of $f_0$ is an irreducible nodal curve with one node.
Let $\mu_0 : Y_0 \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ be the induced morphism by $f_0 : X_0 \to Y_0$.
Then, $C_0 = \mu(Y_0)$ is our desired curve.
Finally, we fix $i$ with $1 \leq i \leq [g/2]$.
Using Proposition~\ref{prop:hyperelliptic:fibration},
there is a stable fibred surface $f_i : X_i\to Y_i$ such that
$Y_i$ is projective, the generic fiber of $f_i$ is a smooth hyperelliptic curve of genus $g$,
$f_i$ is not smooth, and that
every singular fiber of $f_i$ is a reducible curve with one node of type $i$.
Let $\mu_i : Y_i \to \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ be the induced morphism by
$f_i : X_i \to Y_i$.
If we set $C_i = \mu_i(Y_i)$, then $C_i$ satisfies our requirements.
By using curves in Lemma~\ref{lem:existence:curve}, we can show the following
\operatorname{Nef}\left(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g, \operatorname{Cur}^{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one}}_{\mathcal{I}_g}\right)
\subseteq \left\{ x \lambda + \sum_{i=0}^{[g/2]} y_i \delta_i \ \left| \
x \geq 0, \\
g x + (8g + 4) y_0 \geq 0, \\
i(g-i) x + (2g+1) y_i \geq 0 \quad (1 \leq i \leq [g/2]).
\right. \right\}.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Let $D = x \lambda + \sum_{i=0}^{[g/2]} y_i \delta_i$ be an arbitrary element of
$\operatorname{Nef}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g, \operatorname{Cur}^{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one}}_{\mathcal{I}_g})$.
Let $C, C_0, \ldots, C_{[g/2]}$ be irreducible complete curves as in Lemma~\ref{lem:existence:curve}.
Then, $0 \leq (D \cdot C) = x (\lambda \cdot C)$. Hence $x \geq 0$.
To get other inequalities, we need some facts of hyperelliptic fibrations.
Details can be found in \cite[\S4, b]{CH}.
For $i > 0$, $\Delta_i \cap \overline{\mathcal{I}}_g$ is irreducible.
$\Delta_0 \cap \overline{\mathcal{I}}_g$ is however reducible and has
$1 + [(g-1)/2]$ irreducible components, say,
$\Sigma_0, \Sigma_1, \ldots, \Sigma_{[(g-1)/2]}$.
Here a general point of $\Sigma_0$ represents an irreducible curve of one node,
and a general point of $\Sigma_i$ ($i > 0$) represents
a stable curve consisting of a curve of genus $i$ and
a curve of genus $g - i - 1$ joined at two points.
The class of $\Sigma_i$ in $\operatorname{Pic}(\overline{\mathcal{I}}_g) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}}$
is denoted by $\sigma_i$, and by abuse of notation,
$\rest{\delta_i}{\overline{\mathcal{I}}_g}$ is denoted by $\delta_i$.
Further, $\rest{\lambda}{\overline{\mathcal{I}}_g}$ is denoted by $\lambda$.
Then, by virtue of \cite[Proposition~(4.7)]{CH},
\delta_0 = \sigma_0 + 2 \left(\sigma_1 + \cdots + \sigma_{[(g-1)/2]} \right)
(8g+4) \lambda = g \sigma_0 + \sum_{j=1}^{[(g-1)/2]} 2(j+1)(g-j) \sigma_j
+ \sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} 4 i (g-i) \delta_i.
Let us consider $D$ as a divisor on $\overline{\mathcal{I}}_g$. Using the above relations
between $\lambda$, $\delta_i$'s and $\sigma_j$'s,
we have
D =
\left( \frac{g}{8g + 4} x + y_0 \right) \sigma_0 +
2 \sum_{j=1}^{[(g-1)/2]} \left( \frac{(j+1)(g-j)}{8g+4} x + y_0 \right) \sigma_j +
\sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} \left( \frac{i(g-i)}{2g+1} x + y_i \right)\delta_i.
Note that $C_i \cap \Sigma_j = \emptyset$ for all $0 \leq i \leq [g/2]$
and $1 \leq j \leq [(g-1)/2]$
because $C_i \subset \overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one}$.
Thus, considering $(D \cdot C_i)$, we have the remaining inequalities.
If $\mathcal{C}$ is a set of
complete irreducible curves on $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$ with
$\operatorname{Cur}^{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one}}_{\mathcal{I}_g} \subseteq \mathcal{C} \subseteq
\operatorname{Nef}\left(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g, \mathcal{C} \right)
= \left\{ x \lambda + \sum_{i=0}^{[g/2]} y_i \delta_i\ \left| \
x \geq 0, \\
g x + (8g + 4) y_0 \geq 0, \\
i(g-i) x + (2g+1) y_i \geq 0 \quad (1 \leq i \leq [g/2]).
\right. \right\}.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Since $\operatorname{Nef}\left(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g, \mathcal{C} \right) \subseteq
\operatorname{Nef}\left(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g, \operatorname{Cur}^{\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g^{one}}_{\mathcal{I}_g}\right)$,
the direction ``$\subseteq$'' is a consequence of
Conversely, we assume that $D = x \lambda + \sum_{i=0}^{[g/2]} y_i \delta_i$ satisfies
x \geq 0, \\
g x + (8g + 4) y_0 \geq 0, \\
i(g-i) x + (2g+1) y_i \geq 0 \quad (1 \leq i \leq [g/2]).
Then, since
D = \frac{x}{8g+4} \left(
(8g+4)\lambda - g \delta_0 - \sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} 4i(g-i) \delta_i \right) \\
+ \left(y_0 + \frac{g}{8g+4} x\right)\delta_0 +
\sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} \left(y_i + \frac{i(g-i)}{2g+1} x \right) \delta_i
and $\mathcal{C} \subseteq
we can see that $D$ is numerically effective for $\mathcal{C}$
by using Theorem~\ref{thm:wpos:at:M:g}.
In the same way, we can see the following.
If we set
\operatorname{WP}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g; \mathcal{M}_g) =
\{ D \in \operatorname{Pic}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g) \otimes {\mathbb{Q}} \mid
\text{$D$ is weakly positive over $\mathcal{M}_g$} \},
\operatorname{WP}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g; \mathcal{M}_g)
= \left\{ x \lambda + \sum_{i=0}^{[g/2]} y_i \delta_i \ \left| \
x \geq 0, \\
g x + (8g + 4) y_0 \geq 0, \\
i(g-i) x + (2g+1) y_i \geq 0 \quad (1 \leq i \leq [g/2]).
\right. \right\}.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Note that
\operatorname{WP}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g; \mathcal{M}_g)
\subseteq \operatorname{Nef}\left(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g,
and that
$(8g+4)\lambda - g \delta_0 - \sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} 4i(g-i)$ and
$\delta_i$'s are weakly positive over $\mathcal{M}_g$.
In general, over an open set,
weak positivity is stronger
than numerical effectivity.
Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:cone:equal} and
Corollary~\ref{cor:wp:cone:equal} however say us that,
on the moduli space of stable curves $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_g$,
weak positivity over $\mathcal{M}_g$ coincides
with numerical effectivity over $\mathcal{M}_g$.
\section{Effective Bogomolov's conjecture over function fields}
Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface over $k$,
$Y$ a smooth projective curve over $k$,
and $f : X \to Y$ a generically smooth semistable curve
of genus $g \geq 2$ over $Y$.
Let $K$ be the function field of $Y$, $\overline{K}$
the algebraic closure of $K$, and $C$ the generic fiber of $f$.
Let $j : C(\overline{K}) \to \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})$ be the map
given by $j(x) = (2g-2)x - \omega_C$ and $\Vert\ \Vert_{NT}$
the semi-norm arising from the Neron-Tate height pairing on
We set
B_C(P;r) = \left\{ x \in C(\overline{K}) \mid
\Vert j(x) - P \Vert_{NT} \leq r \right\}
for $P \in \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})$ and $r \geq 0$, and
r_C(P) =
-\infty & \mbox{if $\#\left(B_C(P;0)\right) = \infty$}, \\
& \\
\sup \left\{ r \geq 0 \mid \#\left(B_C(P;r)\right) < \infty \right\} &
An effective version of Bogomolov's conjecture claims the following.
\begin{Conjecture}[Effective Bogomolov's conjecture]
If $f$ is non-isotrivial, then
there is an effectively calculated positive number
$r_0$ with
\inf_{P \in \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})} r_C(P) \geq r_0.
Recently, Ullmo \cite{Ul} proved that
$r_C(P) > 0$ for all $P \in \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})$
for the case where $K$ is a number field.
As far as we know, the problem to find an effectively calculated
$r_0$ is still open.
The meaning of ``effectively calculated'' is that
a concrete algorithm or formula to find $r_0$ is required.
Here we need a rather technical condition coming from
calculations of green functions along singular fibers.
Let $\bar{f} : \overline{X} \to Y$ be the stable model of
$f : X \to Y$. Let $X_y$ (resp. $\overline{X}_y$)
be the singular fiber of $f$ (resp. $\bar{f}$) over $y \in Y$, and
$S_y$ the set of nodes $P$ on $\overline{X}_y$ such that
$P$ is not an intersection of two irreducible components of $\overline{X}_y$,
i.e., a singularity of an irreducible component.
Let $\pi : Z_y \to \overline{X}_y$ be the partial normalization of
$\overline{X}_y$ at each node in $S_y$.
We say $X_y$ is a {\em tree of stable components} if
the dual graph of $Z_y$ is a tree graph.
In other words, every node of type $0$ on $\overline{X}_y$ is a singularity
of an irreducible component of $\overline{X}_y$.
As an application of Corollary~\ref{cor:sharp:slope:inq},
we get the following solution of the above conjecture,
which is a generalization of \cite[Theorem~5.2]{Mo5}.
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
If $f$ is not smooth and every singular fiber of $f$
is a tree of stable components, then
\inf_{P \in \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})} r_C(P) \geq
\frac{g-1}{3}\delta_0(X/Y) + \sum_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]}
4i(g-i)\delta_i(X/Y) \right)}.
Before starting the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:bogomolov:function:field},
let us recall several facts of green functions on a metrized graph.
For details of metrized graphs, see \cite{Zh}.
Let $G$ be a connected metrized graph and
$D$ an ${\mathbb{R}}$-divisor on $G$.
If $\deg(D) \not= -2$, then
there are a unique measure $\mu_{(G,D)}$ on $G$ and
a unique function $g_{(G,D)}$ on $G \times G$
with the following properties.
${\displaystyle \int_{G} \mu_{(G,D)} = 1}$.
$g_{(G,D)}(x, y)$ is symmetric and continuous on $G \times G$.
For a fixed $x \in G$, $\Delta_y(g_{(G,D)}(x, y)) = \delta_x - \mu_{(G,D)}$.
For a fixed $x \in G$, ${\displaystyle
\int_G g_{(G,D)}(x, y) \mu_{(G,D)}(y) = 0}$.
$g_{(G,D)}(D, y) + g_{(G,D)}(y, y)$ is a constant for all $y \in G$.
The constant $g_{(G,D)}(D, y) + g_{(G,D)}(y, y)$ is denoted by $c(G, D)$.
Further we set
\epsilon(G, D) = 2\deg(D)c(G, D) - g_{(G,D)}(D, D).
We would like to calculate the invariant
$\epsilon(G,D)$ for the metrized graph $G$ with the polarization $D$.
First of all, let us see two examples, which will be elementary pieces
for our calculations.
\begin{Example}[{cf. \cite[Lemma~3.2]{Mo3}}]
Let $C$ be a circle of length $l$ and $O$ a point on $C$.
g_{(C,0)}(O,O) = \frac{l}{12}
\epsilon(C, 0) = 0.
\begin{Example}[{cf. \cite[Lemma~4.4]{Mo5}}]
Let $G$ be a segment of length $l$, and $P$ and $Q$
terminal points of $G$. Let $a$ and $b$ be real numbers
with $a + b \not= 0$, and $D$ an ${\mathbb{R}}$-divisor on $G$ given by
$D = (2a-1)P + (2b-1)Q$. Then,
\epsilon(G, D) = \left(\frac{4ab}{a+b} - 1\right)l,\quad
g_{(G,D)}(P,P) = \frac{b^2}{(a+b)^2}l \quad\text{and}\quad
g_{(G,D)}(Q,Q) = \frac{a^2}{(a+b)^2}l.
Let $G_1$ and $G_2$ be metrized graphs.
Fix points $x_1 \in G_1$ and $x_2 \in G_2$.
The one point sum $G_1 \vee G_2$ with respect to $x_1$ and $x_2$,
defined by $G_1 \times \{x_2\} \cup \{x_1\} \times G_2$ in $G_1 \times G_2$,
is a metrized graph obtained by joining $x_1\in G_1$ and $x_2 \in G_2$.
The joining point, which is $\{x_1\}\times\{x_2\}$ in $G_1 \times G_2$,
is denoted by $j(G_1 \vee G_2)$.
Any ${\mathbb{R}}$-divisor on $G_i$ ($i=1,2$) can be viewed as an ${\mathbb{R}}$-divisor on
$G_1 \vee G_2$. Then, our basic tool for our calculations is the following.
\begin{Proposition}[{cf. \cite[Proposition~4.2]{Mo5}}]
Let $G_1$ and $G_2$ be connected metrized graphs,
and $D_1$ and $D_2$ ${\mathbb{R}}$-divisors on $G_1$ and $G_2$ respectively
with $\deg(D_i) \not= -2$ \textup{(}$i=1,2$\textup{)}.
Let $G = G_1 \vee G_2$, $O = j(G_1\vee G_2)$, and
$D = D_1 + D_2$ on $G_1 \vee G_2$. If $\deg(D_1 + D_2) \not= -2$, then
we have the following formulae, where $d_i = \deg(D_i)$ \textup{(}$i=1, 2$\textup{)}
and $r_{G_2}(O,P)$ is the resistance between $O$ and $P$ on $G_2$.
If $P \in G_2$, then
g_{(G, D)}(P,P) & =
\frac{d_1}{d_1+d_2+2} r_{G_2}(O,P)
+\frac{d_2 + 2}{d_1+d_2+2} g_{(G_2, D_2)}(P,P) \\
& \quad -\frac{d_1(d_2+2)}
+\frac{(d_1 +2)^2}{(d_1 + d_2 + 2)^2}g_{(G_1, D_1)}(O,O).
\epsilon(G, D) = \epsilon(G_1, D_1) + \epsilon(G_2, D_2)
+ \frac{2 d_2(d_1 + 2)g_{(G_1, D_1)}(O,O) +
2 d_1(d_2 + 2)g_{(G_2, D_2)}(O, O)}{d_1 + d_2 + 2}.
\epsilon(G, D) = \epsilon(G_1, D_1) + \epsilon(G_2, D_2) \\
+ \frac{2 d_2(d_1 + 2)g_{(G_1, D_1)}(O,O) +
2 d_1(d_2 + 2)g_{(G_2, D_2)}(O, O)}{d_1 + d_2 + 2}.
Combining the above proposition and Example~\ref{exam:e:for:circle},
we have the following.
Let $G$ be a connected metrized graph and $D$ an ${\mathbb{R}}$-divisor on $G$ with
$\deg(D) \not= -2$. Let $C$ be a circle of length $l$.
\epsilon(G \vee C, D) = \epsilon(G, D) + \frac{\deg(D)}{3(\deg D + 2)} l.
Let $G$ be a connected metrized graph. We assume that $G$ is a tree, i.e.,
there is no loop in $G$.
Let $\operatorname{Vert}(G)$ (resp. $\operatorname{Ed}(G)$) be the set of vetexes (resp. edges)
of $G$.
For a function $\alpha : \operatorname{Vert}(G) \to {\mathbb{R}}$, we define the divisor
$D(\alpha)$ on $G$ to be
D(\alpha) = \sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)} (2\alpha(x) - 2 + v(x)) x,
where $v(x)$ is the number of branches starting from $x$.
It is easy to see that
\deg(D(\alpha)) + 2 = 2 \sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)} \alpha(x).
To give an exact formula for $\epsilon(G, D(\alpha))$,
we need to introduce the following notation.
Let $e$ be an edge of $G$, $P$ and $Q$ terminal points of $e$, and
$e^{\circ} = e \setminus \{ P, Q \}$.
Since $G$ is a connected tree, there are two connected
sub-graphs $G'_e$ and $G''_e$ such that
$G \setminus e^{\circ} = G'_e \coprod G''_e$.
Then, we have the following.
With the same notation as above,
if $\alpha(x) \geq 0$ for all $x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)$
and $\sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)} \alpha(x) \not= 0$, then
\epsilon(G, D(\alpha)) =
\sum_{e \in \operatorname{Ed}(G)} \left(
\frac{4 \left( \sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G'_e)} \alpha(x) \right)
\left( \sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G''_e)} \alpha(x) \right)}
{\sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)} \alpha(x) } - 1
\right) l(e),
where $l(e)$ is the length of $e$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
For a positive number $t$, we set
$\alpha_t(x) = \alpha(x) + t$. Then, it is easy to see that
\lim_{t \downarrow 0} \epsilon(G, D(\alpha_t)) = \epsilon(G, D(\alpha)).
Thus, in order to prove our proposition, we may assume that
$\alpha(x) > 0$ for all $x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)$.
We fix $P \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)$. For $e \in \operatorname{Ed}(G)$,
we denote by $G_{P,e}$ the connected component of $G \setminus e^{\circ}$
not containing $P$, i.e., if $P \not\in G'_e$, then $G_{P,e} = G'_e$;
otherwise, $G_{P,e} = G''_e$.
With this notation, let us consider the following claim.
g_{(G, D(\alpha))}(P, P) =
\sum_{e \in \operatorname{Ed}(G)} \frac{\left(\sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G_{P, e})} \alpha(x)\right)^2}
{\left(\sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)} \alpha(x)\right)^2} l(e).
We prove this claim by induction on $\#(\operatorname{Ed}(G))$.
If $\#(\operatorname{Ed}(G)) = 0, 1$, then our assertion is obvious by
Thus, we may assume that $\#(\operatorname{Ed}(G)) \geq 2$.
First, we suppose that $P$ is not a terminal point.
Let $G'$ be one branch starting from $P$, and $G''$ a connected
sub-graph such that $G' \cup G'' = G$ and $G' \cap G'' = \{ P \}$.
We define $\alpha' : \operatorname{Vert}(G') \to {\mathbb{R}}$ and
$\alpha'' : \operatorname{Vert}(G'') \to {\mathbb{R}}$ by
\alpha'(x) =
1 & \text{if $x = P$} \\
\alpha(x) & \text{otherwise}
and $\alpha'' = \rest{\alpha}{\operatorname{Vert}(G'')}$.
Then, we have $G = G' \vee G''$ and
$D(\alpha) = D(\alpha') + D(\alpha'')$.
Thus, using (1) of Proposition~\ref{prop:e:for:join:graph} and
hypothesis of induction,
we can easily see our claim.
Next we suppose that $P$ is a terminal point.
Pick up $e \in \operatorname{Ed}(G)$ such that $P$ is a terminal of $e$.
Let $O$ be another terminal of $e$.
We set $G' = e$ and $G'' = (G \setminus e) \cup \{ O \}$.
Moreover, we define $\alpha' : \operatorname{Vert}(G') = \{P, O\} \to {\mathbb{R}}$ and
$\alpha'' : \operatorname{Vert}(G'') \to {\mathbb{R}}$ by
$\alpha'(P) = \alpha(P)$, $\alpha'(O) = 1$ and
$\alpha'' = \rest{\alpha}{\operatorname{Vert}(G'')}$.
Then, $G = G' \vee G''$ and $D(\alpha) = D(\alpha') + D(\alpha'')$.
Thus, using (1) of Proposition~\ref{prop:e:for:join:graph},
Example~\ref{exam:e:for:1:segment} and
hypothesis of induction,
we can see our claim after easy calculations.
Let us go back to the proof of Proposition~\ref{prop:cal:e:G:D:tree}.
We prove it by induction on $\#(\operatorname{Ed}(G))$.
If $\#(\operatorname{Ed}(G)) = 0, 1$, then our assertion comes from
Thus, we may assume that $\#(\operatorname{Ed}(G)) \geq 2$.
Let us pick up a terminal edge $e$ of $G$.
Let $\{ O, P \}$ be terminals of $e$ such that
$P$ gives a terminal of $G$. We set $G_1 = e$ and
$G_2 = (G \setminus e) \cup \{ O \}$.
Moreover, we define $\alpha_1 : \{ O, P \} = \operatorname{Vert}(G_1) \to {\mathbb{R}}$ and
$\alpha_2 : \operatorname{Vert}(G_2) \to {\mathbb{R}}$ by $\alpha_1(O) = 1$, $\alpha_1(P) = \alpha(P)$, and
$\alpha_2 = \rest{\alpha}{\operatorname{Vert}(G_2)}$.
Then, $G = G_1 \vee G_2$ and $D(\alpha) = D(\alpha_1) + D(\alpha_2)$.
Thus, if we set
A = \sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G)} \alpha(x), \\
a = \alpha(P), \\
A_{e'} = \sum_{x \in \operatorname{Vert}(G_{O, e'})} \alpha(x) &
\text{for $e' \in \operatorname{Vert}(G) \setminus \{ e \}$},
then, by (2) of Proposition~\ref{prop:e:for:join:graph},
Example~\ref{exam:e:for:1:segment}, Claim~\ref{claim:cal:g:G:D:tree}
and hypothesis of induction,
we have
\epsilon(G, D(\alpha)) & =
\left(\frac{4a}{a+1} - 1 \right) l(e) +
\sum_{e' \in \operatorname{Vert}(G) \setminus \{ e \}}
\left(\frac{4 A_{e'}(A - a - A_{e'})}{A - a} - 1 \right) l(e') \\
& \qquad
+ \frac{4(A - a - 1)(a+1)}{A} \frac{a^2}{(a+1)^2} l(e)
+ \frac{4a(A-a)}{A} \sum_{e' \in \operatorname{Vert}(G) \setminus \{ e \}}
\frac{A_{e'}^2}{(A - a)^2} l(e') \\
& = \left( \frac{4a(A-a)}{A} - 1 \right) l(e) +
\sum_{e' \in \operatorname{Vert}(G) \setminus \{ e \}}
\left( \frac{4 A_{e'} (A - A_{e'})}{A} - 1 \right) l(e').
Therefore, we get our proposition.
\begin{Corollary}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface over $k$,
$Y$ a smooth projective curve over $k$, and
$f : X \to Y$ a generically smooth semistable curve of genus $g \geq 2$
over $Y$.
Let $X_y$ be the singular fiber of $f$ over $y \in Y$, and
$X_y = C_1 + \cdots + C_n$ the irreducible decomposition of $X_y$.
Let $G_y$ be the metrized graph given by the configuration of $X_y$,
$v_i$ the vertex of $G_y$ corresponding to $C_i$, and
$\omega_y$ the divisor on $G_y$ defined by
$\omega_y = \sum_i (\omega_{X/Y} \cdot C_i) v_i$.
If $X_y$ is a tree of stable components, then
\epsilon(G_y, \omega_y) = \frac{g-1}{3g} \delta_{0}(X_y) +
\left( \frac{4 i (g-i)}{g} - 1 \right) \delta_{i}(X_y).
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Let $\bar{f} : \overline{X} \to Y$ be the stable model of
$f : X \to Y$, and
$S_y$ the set of nodes $P$ on $\overline{X}_y$ such that
$P$ is a singularity of an irreducible component.
Let $\pi : Z_y \to \overline{X}_y$ be the partial normalization of
$\overline{X}_y$ at each node in $S_y$.
Let $\overline{G}_y$ be the dual graph of $Z_y$.
Let $l_1, \cdots, l_{r}$ be circles in $G_y$
corresponding to nodes in $S_y$.
Then, $G_y = \overline{G}_y \vee l_1 \vee \cdots \vee l_{r}$.
Moreover, if $g_i$ is the arithmetic genus of $C_i$ and
$\alpha : \operatorname{Vert}(G_y) \to {\mathbb{R}}$ is given by
$\alpha(v_i) = g_i$, then $\omega_y = D(\alpha)$.
Here, by virtue of Proposition~\ref{prop:cal:e:G:D:tree},
\epsilon(\overline{G}_y, \omega_y) =
\left( \frac{4 i (g-i)}{g} - 1 \right) \delta_{i}(X_y).
Therefore, it follows from Corollary~\ref{cor:e:for:join:graph:circle} that
\epsilon(G_y, \omega_y) = \frac{g-1}{3g} \delta_{0}(X_y) +
\left( \frac{4 i (g-i)}{g} - 1 \right) \delta_{i}(X_y).
Let us start the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:bogomolov:function:field}.
First of all, note the following fact
(cf. \cite[Theorem 5.6]{Zh},
\cite[Corollary 2.3]{Mo3} or \cite[Theorem 2.1]{Mo4}).
If $(\omega_{X/Y}^a \cdot \omega_{X/Y}^a)_a > 0$, then
\inf_{P \in \operatorname{Jac}(C)(\overline{K})} r_C(P) \geq
\sqrt{(g-1)(\omega_{X/Y}^a \cdot \omega_{X/Y}^a)_a},
where $(\ \cdot \ )_a$ is the admissible pairing.
By the definition of admissible pairing,
we can see
\left(\omega_{X/Y}^a \cdot \omega_{X/Y}^a \right)_a =
\left(\omega_{X/Y} \cdot \omega_{X/Y} \right) -
\sum_{y \in Y} \epsilon(G_y, \omega_y).
On the other hand,
by Corollary~\ref{cor:sharp:slope:inq},
we have
(8g + 4) \deg(f_*(\omega_{X/Y})) \geq
g \delta_0(X/Y) + \sum_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]} 4i(g-i) \delta_i(X/Y).
Thus, using Noether formula, the above inequality implies
(\omega_{X/Y} \cdot \omega_{X/Y}) \geq
\frac{g-1}{2g+1} \delta_0(X/Y) + \sum_{i=1}^{\left[\frac{g}{2}\right]}
\left(\frac{12i(g-i)}{2g+1} - 1 \right) \delta_i(X/Y).
we have our theorem by Corollary~\ref{cor:e:for:semistable:chain}.
Moreover, using Ullmo's result \cite{Ul} and
Proposition~\ref{prop:cal:e:G:D:tree}, we have the following.
Let $K$ be a number field, $O_{K}$ the ring of integers, and
$f : X \to \operatorname{Spec}(O_{K})$ a regular semistable arithmetic surface
of genus $g \geq 2$ over $O_{K}$. Let $S$ be the subset of
$\operatorname{Spec}(O_{K}) \setminus \{ 0 \}$ such that $P \in S$ if and only if
the stable model of the geometric fiber $X_{\bar{P}}$ at $P$
is a tree of stable components. Then, we have
\left( \omega^{Ar}_{X/O_{K}} \cdot \omega^{Ar}_{X/O_{K}} \right) >
\sum_{P \in S} \left\{
\frac{g-1}{3g}\delta_{0}(X_{\bar{P}}) +
\sum_{i=1}^{[g/2]} \left(\frac{4i(g-i)}{g} - 1 \right)\delta_{i}(X_{\bar{P}})
\right\} \log\#(O_{K}/P).
\section{Generalization to higher dimensional fibrations}
In this section,
we consider a generalization of Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis}
to higher dimensional fibrations.
First of all, let us recall the definition of semistability of vector bundles.
Let $V$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $d$ over $k$,
and $H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1}$ ample line bundles on $V$.
A vector bundle $E$ on $V$ is said to be semistable with respect to
$H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1}$ if, for any non-zero subsheaves $G$ of $E$,
\frac{(c_1(G) \cdot c_1(H_1) \cdots c_1(H_{d-1}))}{\operatorname{rk} G} \leq
\frac{(c_1(E) \cdot c_1(H_1) \cdots c_1(H_{d-1}))}{\operatorname{rk} E}.
Let $f : X \to Y$ be a surjective and
projective morphism of quasi-projective varieties
over $k$ with $\dim f = d \geq 1$.
Let $H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1}$ be line bundles on $X$ and
$E$ a vector bundle on $X$ of rank $r$.
Then, $\left( (2r c_2(E) - (r-1)c_1(E)^2) \cdot c_1(H_1) \cdots c_1(H_{d-1}) \right) \cap [X]$
is a cycle of dimension $\dim Y - 1$ on $X$. Thus,
$f_*\left( \left( (2r c_2(E) - (r-1)c_1(E)^2) \cdot
c_1(H_1) \cdots c_1(H_{d-1}) \right) \cap [X]\right)$,
denoted by $\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E; H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1})$, is a divisor on $Y$.
Then, we have the following theorem.
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$]
We assume that $Y$ is smooth over $k$ and
$H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1}$ are ample.
If $y$ is a point of $Y$,
$f$ is smooth over $y$, and
$E_{\bar{y}}$ is semistable with respect to
$(H_1)_{\bar{y}}, \ldots, (H_{d-1})_{\bar{y}}$
on each connected component of the geometric fiber $X_{\bar{y}}$ over $y$,
then the discriminant divisor
$\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E; H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1})$ is weakly positive at $y$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
We prove this theorem by induction on $d$.
If $d = 1$, then our assertion is nothing more than Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis}.
So we assume $d \geq 2$.
We choose a sufficiently large integer $n$ so that
$H_{d-1}^{\otimes n}$ is very ample, i.e., there is an embedding
$\iota : X \hookrightarrow {\mathbb{P}}^N$ with $H_{d-1}^{\otimes n} \simeq \iota^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^N}(1))$.
By Bertini's theorem, we can find
a general member $\Gamma \in |{\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^N}(1)|$ such that
$X \cap \Gamma$ is integral and $f^{-1}(y) \cap \Gamma$ is smooth.
We set $Z = X \cap \Gamma$ and $g = \rest{f}{Z} : Z \to Y$.
Since $n$ is sufficiently large,
$g^{-1}(y) \in \left|\rest{H_{d-1}^{\otimes n}}{f^{-1}(y)}\right|$ and
$g^{-1}(y)$ is smooth, by virtue of \cite[Theorem 3.1]{Mo2},
$\rest{E}{Z_{\bar{y}}}$ is semistable with respect to
$\rest{H_{1}}{Z_{\bar{y}}}, \ldots, \rest{H_{d-2}}{Z_{\bar{y}}}$
on each connected component of $Z_{\bar{y}}$.
Therefore, by hypothesis of induction,
$\operatorname{dis}_{Z/Y}(\rest{E}{Z}; \rest{H_1}{Z}, \ldots, \rest{H_{d-2}}{Z})$
is weakly positive at $y$.
On the other hand, we have
\operatorname{dis}_{Z/Y}(\rest{E}{Z}; \rest{H_1}{Z}, \ldots, \rest{H_{d-2}}{Z}) & =
\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E; H_1, \ldots, H_{d-2}, H_{d-1}^{\otimes n}) \\
& = n \operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E; H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1}).
Hence, $\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E; H_1, \ldots, H_{d-1})$ is weakly positive at $y$.
\section{Relative Bogomolov's inequality in positive characteristic}
In this section, we will consider a similar result of
Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis} in positive characteristic.
The crucial point of the proof of Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis} is
the semistability of tensor products of semistable vector bundles,
which was studied by a lot of authors \cite{Gi1}, \cite{Ha1}, \cite{Mi}, \cite{Ma1} and etc.
This however does not hold in positive characteristic \cite{Gi0}, so that we will introduce
the strong semistability of vector bundles.
Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve over $k$.
For a vector bundle $F$ on $C$, we set
$\mu(F) = \deg(F)/ \operatorname{rk} (F)$, which is
called the {\em slope of $F$}.
A vector bundle $E$ on $C$ is said to be {\em semistable} (resp. {\em stable}) if,
for any proper subbundles $F$ of $E$, $\mu(F) \leq \mu(E)$
(resp. $\mu(F) < \mu(E)$).
Moreover, $E$ is said to be {\em strongly semistable} if,
for any finite morphisms $\pi : C' \to C$
of smooth projective curves over $k$, $\pi^*(E)$ is semistable.
Then, we have the following
elementary properties of semistable or strongly semistable vector
\begin{Proposition}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $E$ be a vector bundle of rank $r$ on $C$.
Let $\pi : C' \to C$ be a finite separable morphism
of smooth projective curves over $k$.
If $E$ is semistable, then so is $\pi^*(E)$.
Under the assumption of $\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$,
$E$ is semistable if and only if $E$ is strongly semistable.
Let $f : P = \operatorname{Proj}\left( \bigoplus_{m=0}^{\infty} \operatorname{Sym}^m(E) \right) \to C$
be the projective bundle of $E$ and
${\mathcal{O}}_P(1)$ the tautological line bundle on $P$. Then,
$E$ is strongly semistable if and only if $\omega_{P/C}^{\otimes -1} = {\mathcal{O}}_P(r) \otimes f^*(\det E)^{\otimes -1}$ is
numerically effective.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
(1) is nothing more than \cite[Lemma~1.1]{Gi1} and
(2) is a consequence of (1).
(3) First we assume that $E$ is strongly semistable.
Let $Z$ be any irreducible curves on $P$. If $Z$ is contained in a fiber,
then obviously $(\omega_{P/C}^{\otimes -1} \cdot Z) > 0$. So we may assume that
$Z$ is not contained in any fibers.
Let $C'$ be the normalization of $Z$ and $\pi : C' \to Z \to C$ the induced morphism.
Let $E' = \pi^*(E)$, $f' : P' = \operatorname{Proj}\left( \bigoplus_{m=0}^{\infty} \operatorname{Sym}^m(E') \right) \to C'$
the projective bundle of $E'$,
and ${\mathcal{O}}_{P'}(1)$ the tautological line bundle on $P'$. Then we have the following commutative
P @<{\pi'}<< P' \\
@V{f}VV @VV{f'}V \\
C @<<{\pi}< C'
By our construction, there is a section $Z'$ of $f'$ such that $\pi'(Z') = Z$.
We set $Q' = \rest{{\mathcal{O}}_{P'}(1)}{Z'}$. Then, there is a surjective homomorphism
$E' \to Q'$. Since $E'$ is semistable, we have
$\mu(E') \leq \deg(Q')$, which means that
$(\omega_{P'/C'}^{\otimes -1} \cdot Z') \geq 0$. Here, $\omega_{P'/C'} = {\pi'}^*(\omega_{P/C})$.
Thus, we get $(\omega_{P/C}^{\otimes -1} \cdot Z) \geq 0$.
Conversely, we assume that $\omega_{P/C}^{\otimes -1}$ is numerically effective on $P$.
Let $\pi : C' \to C$ be a finite morphism of smooth projective curves over $k$.
We set $f' : P' \to C'$ and $\pi' : P' \to P$ as before.
Then, $\omega_{P'/C'}^{\otimes -1} = {\pi'}^*(\omega_{P/C}^{\otimes -1})$ is
numerically effective on $P'$.
Let $Q$ be a quotient vector bundle of $E' = \pi^*(E)$ with $s = \operatorname{rk} Q$.
The projective bundle $\operatorname{Proj}\left( \bigoplus_{m=0}^{\infty} \operatorname{Sym}^m(Q) \right) \to C'$
gives a subvariety $V'$ of $P'$
with $\deg(Q) = ({\mathcal{O}}_{P'}(1)^s \cdot V')$ and $({\mathcal{O}}_{P'}(1)^{s-1} \cdot F' \cdot V') = 1$,
where $F'$ is a fiber of $f'$.
Since $\omega_{P'/C'}^{\otimes -1}$ is numerically effective,
0 \leq \left( ({\mathcal{O}}_{P'}(r) \otimes {f'}^*(\det E')^{-1})^s \cdot V' \right)
= r^{s-1}(r \deg(Q) - s \deg(E')).
Thus, $\mu(E') \leq \mu(Q)$.
First, let us consider symmetric products of strongly semistable vector bundles.
\begin{Theorem}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
If $E$ is a strongly semistable vector bundle on $C$,
then so is $\operatorname{Sym}^n(E)$ for all $n \geq 0$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Taking a finite covering of $C$, we may assume that
$\deg(E)$ is divisible by $\operatorname{rk} E$.
Let $\theta$ be a line bundle on $C$ with $\deg(\theta) = 1$.
If we set $E_0 = E \otimes \theta^{\otimes -\frac{\deg(E)}{\operatorname{rk} E}}$,
then $\deg(E_0) = 0$ and
$\operatorname{Sym}^n(E_0) = \operatorname{Sym}^n(E) \otimes \theta^{\otimes -\frac{n\deg(E)}{\operatorname{rk} E}}$.
Thus, to prove our theorem, we may assume $\deg(E) = 0$.
We assume that $\operatorname{Sym}^n(E)$ is not strongly semistable for some $n \geq 2$.
By replacing $C$ by a finite covering of $C$, we may assume that
$\operatorname{Sym}^n(E)$ is not semistable.
Let $f : P = \operatorname{Proj}\left( \bigoplus_{n=0}^{\infty} \operatorname{Sym}^n(E) \right) \to C$
be a projective bundle of $E$ and
${\mathcal{O}}_{P}(1)$ the tautological line bundle on $P$.
Let $F$ be the maximal destabilizing sheaf of $\operatorname{Sym}^n(E)$.
In particular, $F$ is semistable and $\mu(F) > 0$. We consider
a composition of homomorphisms
\alpha : f^*(F) \to f^*(\operatorname{Sym}^n(E)) \to {\mathcal{O}}_{P}(n).
Since $f_*(\alpha)$ induces the inclusion $F \to \operatorname{Sym}^n(E)$,
$\alpha$ is a non-trivial homomorphism.
Fix an ample line bundle $A$ on $C$.
Let $l$ be a positive integer with
$l\mu(F) > n(r-1)\deg(A)$ and $(l, p) = 1$, where $p = \operatorname{char}(k)$.
Here we claim that ${\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A)$ is ample.
Let $V$ be an $s$-dimensional subvariety of $P$.
By virtue of Nakai's criterion,
it is sufficient to show $(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^s \cdot V) > 0$.
If $V$ is contained in a fiber, our assertion is trivial. So we may assume that
$V$ is not contained in any fibers.
(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^s \cdot V) =
l^s(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(1))^s \cdot V) + s l^{s-1} (c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(1))^{s-1} \cdot c_1(f^*(A)) \cdot V).
${\mathcal{O}}_P(1)$ is numerically effective on $P$ by
(\ref{enum:prop:elem:prop:semistable:nef}) of
$(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(1))^s \cdot V) \geq 0$.
Moreover, if $x$ is a general point of $C$,
(c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(1))^{s-1} \cdot c_1(f^*(A)) \cdot V) =
\deg(A)\deg(\rest{V}{f^{-1}(x)}) > 0.
Therefore, we get our claim.
Thus, there is a positive integer $m$ such that
$({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^{\otimes m}$ is very ample and $(m, p) = 1$.
Take general elements $D_1 , \ldots , D_{r-1}$ of
$\left| ({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^{\otimes m} \right|$
such that $\Gamma = D_1 \cap \cdots \cap D_{r-1}$ is a non-singular curve and
$\rest{f^*(F)}{\Gamma} \to \rest{{\mathcal{O}}_{P}(n)}{\Gamma}$
is generically surjective.
If $x$ is a general point of $C$,
\deg(\Gamma \to C) = (D_1 \cdots D_{r-1} \cdot f^{-1}(x))
= m^{r-1} (c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^{r-1} \cdot f^{-1}(x)) =
\deg(\Gamma \to C) & = (D_1 \cdots D_{r-1} \cdot f^{-1}(x)) \\
& = m^{r-1} (c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^{r-1} \cdot f^{-1}(x)) =
Thus, $k(\Gamma)$ is separable over $k(C)$ because $(p, (ml)^{r-1}) = 1$.
Hence, $\rest{f^*(F)}{\Gamma}$ is semistable by
(\ref{enum:prop:elem:prop:semistable:separable}) of
\frac{(c_1(f^*(F)) \cdot \Gamma)}{\operatorname{rk} F} \leq
(c_{1}({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(n)) \cdot \Gamma),
which implies
\frac{(c_1(f^*(F)) \cdot c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^{r-1})}{\operatorname{rk} F} \leq
(c_{1}({\mathcal{O}}_{P}(n)) \cdot c_1({\mathcal{O}}_P(l) \otimes f^*(A))^{r-1}).
This gives rise to
l^{r-1}\mu(F) \leq n(r-1)l^{r-2}\deg(A),
which contradicts to the choice of $l$ with
$l\mu(F) > n(r-1)\deg(A)$.
As a corollary of Theorem~\ref{thm:semistable:sym},
we have the following.
\begin{Corollary}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
If $E$ and $F$ are strongly semistable vector bundles on $C$,
then so is $E \otimes F$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Considering a finite covering of $C$ and tensoring line bundles,
we may assume that
$\deg(E) = \deg(F) = 0$ as in the same way of
the beginning part of the proof of
Then, $E \oplus F$ is strongly semistable.
Thus, by Theorem~\ref{thm:semistable:sym},
$\operatorname{Sym}^2(E \oplus F)$ is strongly semistable.
\operatorname{Sym}^2(E \oplus F) = (E \otimes F) \oplus \operatorname{Sym}^2(E) \oplus
Therefore, we can see that $E \otimes F$ is strongly semistable.
Thus, in the same way as the proof of Corollary~\ref{cor:nef:psudo:dis},
we have the following.
\begin{Corollary}[$\operatorname{char}(k) \geq 0$]
Let $X$ be a quasi-projective variety over $k$, $Y$ a smooth quasi-projective variety over $k$,
and $f : X \to Y$ a surjective and projective morphism over $k$ with $\dim f = 1$.
Let $E$ be a locally free sheaf on $X$ and
$y$ a point of $Y$.
If $f$ is flat over $y$,
the geometric fiber $X_{\bar{y}}$ over $y$ is reduced and Gorenstein,
and $E$ is strongly semistable on each
connected component of the normalization of
then $\operatorname{dis}_{X/Y}(E)$ is weakly positive at $y$.
\renewcommand{\thesection}{Appendix \Alph{section}}
\section{A certain fibration of hyperelliptic curves}
In this section, we would like to construct
a certain fibration of hyperelliptic curves, which is
needed in \S\ref{sec:cone:positive:divisor:moduli:spacc:stable:curve}.
Throughout this section, we assume that $\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$.
Let us begin with the following lemma.
For non-negative integers $a_1$ and $a_2$,
there are a morphism $f_1 : X_1 \to Y_1$ of smooth projective varieties over $k$,
an effective divisor $D_1$ on $X_1$, a line bundle $L_1$ on $X_1$, and
a line bundle $M_1$ on $Y_1$ with the following properties.
$\dim X_1 = 2$ and $\dim Y_1 = 1$.
Let $\Sigma_1$ be the set of all critical values of $f_1$, i.e.,
$P \in \Sigma_1$ if and only if $f_1^{-1}(P)$ is a singular variety.
Then, for any $P \in Y_1 \setminus \Sigma_1$, $f_1^{-1}(P)$ is a smooth
rational curve.
$\Sigma_1 \not= \emptyset$, and for any $P \in \Sigma_1$, $f_1^{-1}(P)$ is a reduced curve
consisting of two smooth rational curves $E_P^{1}$ and $E_P^{2}$ joined
at one point transversally.
$D_1$ is smooth over $k$ and
$\rest{f_1}{D_1} : D_1 \to Y_1$ is \'{e}tale.
$(E_P^{1} \cdot D_1) = a_1 + 1$ and $(E_P^{2} \cdot D_1) = a_2 + 1$ for any $P \in \Sigma_1$.
Moreover, $D_1$ does not pass through $E_P^1 \cap E_P^2$.
There is a map $\sigma : \Sigma_1 \to \{ 1, 2 \}$ such that
D_1 \in \left|
L_1^{\otimes a_1 + a_2 + 2} \otimes f_1^*(M_1) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{X_1}\left(-\sum_{P \in \Sigma_1} (a_{\sigma(P)} + 1) E_P^{\sigma(P)}\right) \right|.
$\deg(M_1)$ is divisible by $(a_1 + 1)(a_2 + 1)$.
\put(10,20){\framebox(80,50){}} \put(95,45){$X_1$}
\put(10,10){\line(1,0){80}} \put(95,10){$Y_1$}
\put(50,19){\vector(0,-1){8}} \put(53,15){$f_1$}
\put(56,41){\line(1,2){14.3}} \put(61,48){$E_P^1$}
\put(56,49){\line(1,-2){14.3}} \put(61,40){$E_P^2$}
\put(0,43){$D_1 \begin{cases} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \end{cases}$}
\put(-10,63){$\begin{cases} a_1=2 \\ a_2=4 \end{cases}$}
\put(67,10){\circle*{2}} \put(65,5){$P$}
{\sl Proof.}\quad
First of all, let us consider the function $\theta(x)$ defined by
\theta(x) = (a_1 + a_2 + 1) \int_{0}^{x} t^{a_1}(t-1)^{a_2} dt.
Then, $\theta(x)$ is a monic polynomial of degree $a_1 + a_2 + 1$ over ${\mathbb{Q}}$.
Moreover, it is easy to see that
\theta'(x) = (a_1 + a_2 + 1) x^{a_1}(x-1)^{a_2},\qquad
\theta(0) = 0\quad\text{and}\quad
\theta(1) = (-1)^{a_2}(a_1+a_2+1)\frac{(a_1)!(a_2)!}{(a_1 + a_2)!}.
Thus, there are distinct non-zero algebraic numbers
$\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_{a_2}$ and $\beta_1, \ldots, \beta_{a_1}$ such that
\theta(x) = x^{a_1+1}(x-\alpha_1) \cdots (x-\alpha_{a_2})
\theta(x) - \theta(1) = (x-1)^{a_2+1}(x-1-\beta_1) \cdots (x-1-\beta_{a_1}).
Here we set
F(X,Y) = Y^{a_1 + a_2 + 1}\theta(X/Y) = X^{a_1 + 1}(X - \alpha_1 Y) \cdots (X - \alpha_{a_2} Y)
G(X,Y,S,T) = T F(X,Y) - Y^{a_1 + a_2 + 1} S.
Then, $F$ is a homogeneous polynomial of degree $a_1 + a_2 + 1$ over ${\mathbb{Q}}$, and
$G$ is a bi-homogeneous polynomial of bi-degree $(a_1+ a_2 + 1, 1)$ in
${\mathbb{Q}}[X,Y] \otimes_{{\mathbb{Q}}} {\mathbb{Q}}[S,T]$.
Let $D'$ (resp. $D''$) be the curve on ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$
given by the equation $\{ G = 0 \}$ (resp. $\{ Y = 0 \}$),
where ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} = \operatorname{Proj}(k[X, Y])$ and ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} = \operatorname{Proj}(k[S, T])$.
Moreover, we set $D = D' + D''$.
Let $p : {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)}$ and
$q : {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$
be the natural projections.
Then, $D'$ (resp. $D''$) is an element of
the linear system $\left| p^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(a_1 + a_2 + 1)) \otimes q^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1)) \right|$
(resp $\left| p^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1)) \right|$). Thus,
$D \in \left| p^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(a_1 + a_2 + 2)) \otimes q^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1)) \right|$,
$(D' \cdot D'') = 1$
and $D' \cap D'' = \{ ((1 : 0), (1 : 0)) \}$.
Here we claim the following.
$D'$ is a smooth rational curve.
Let $\pi' : D' \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$ be the morphism induced by
the projection $q : {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$.
If we set
$Q_1 = ((0 : 1), (0 : 1))$, $Q_2 = ((1 : 1), (\theta(1), 1))$ and
$Q_3 = ((1 : 0), (1 : 0))$, then
the set of ramification points of $\pi'$ is $\{ Q_1, Q_2, Q_3 \}$.
Further, the ramification indexes at $Q_1$, $Q_2$ and $Q_3$ are
$a_1 + 1$, $a_2 + 1$ and $a_1 + a_2 + 1$ respectively.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
(a) Since $F(X, Y)$ has no factor of $Y$, the morphism
$e : {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \to D'$ given by
e(x:y) = \left( (x : y), (F(x,y) : y^{a_1+a_2+1}) \right)
is well defined.
Moreover, if we set $e' = \rest{p}{D'}$, then it is easy to see that
$e \cdot e' = \operatorname{id}_{D'}$ and $e' \cdot e = \operatorname{id}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}$.
Thus, $D'$ is a smooth rational curve.
(b) Pick up a point $(\lambda : \mu) \in {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S, T)}$.
$G_{(\lambda, \mu)} = \mu F(X, Y) - Y^{a_1+a_2+1} \lambda$ is a homogeneous polynomial of
degree $a_1 + a_2 +1$.
First, we assume that $\mu \not= 0$, hence we may assume that $\mu=1$.
Then, $Y$ is not a factor of $G_{(\lambda, 1)}(X, Y)$, which means that
${\pi'}^{-1}((\lambda : 1))$ sits in the affine open set
$\operatorname{Spec}(k[X/Y,S/T])$. Thus,
{\pi'}^{-1}((\lambda : 1)) = \{ ((\gamma : 1), (\lambda : 1) ) \mid \theta(\gamma) - \lambda = 0 \}.
Hence, in order to get ramification points of $\pi'$, we need to see
multiple roots of $\phi(x) = \theta(x) - \lambda$.
Here we will check that $\phi(x)$ has a multiple root
if and only if $\lambda$ is either $0$ or $\theta(1)$.
Moreover, if $\lambda$ is $0$ (resp. $\theta(1)$), then
$0$ (resp. $1$) is the only multiple root of $\phi(x)$ with multiplicity $a_1 + 1$
(resp. $a_2+1$).
Let $\gamma$ be a multiple root of $\phi(x) = 0$.
Then, $\phi(\gamma) = \phi'(\gamma) = 0$. Here,
\phi'(x) = (a_1+a_2+1)x^{a_1}(x-1)^{a_2}.
Thus, $\gamma$ is either $0$ or $1$.
If $\gamma = 0$, then $\lambda = \theta(0) = 0$.
If $\gamma = 1$, then $\lambda = \theta(1)$.
In the same way, we can easily check the remaining part of our assertion.
Therefore, we get two ramification points $Q_1$ and $Q_2$ whose ramification indexes
are $a_1+1$ and $a_2 +1$ respectively.
Next, we assume that $\mu = 0$, hence we may assume $\lambda=1$.
Then, $G_{(\lambda, \mu)} = - Y^{a_1+a_2+1}$. Thus, $P_3$ is a ramification point
whose ramification index is $a_1+a_2+1$.
Here we set $P_i = q(Q_i)$ ($i=1,2,3$),
$b_1 = a_1+1$, $b_2 = a_2 + 1$, and $b_3 = a_1+a_2+1$.
There is a cyclic covering $h_1 : Y_1 \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$
of smooth projective curves such that
$\deg(h_1) = b_1 b_2 b_3$ and that,
for any $i=1,2,3$ and any $P \in h_1^{-1}(P_i)$,
the ramification index of $h_1$ at $P$ is $b_i$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Since $b_1b_2 + b_2b_3 + b_3b_1 \leq 3 b_1b_2b_3$,
there is an effective and reduced divisor $d$ on ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$
such that $P_i \not\in \operatorname{Supp}(d)$ for each $i=1,2,3$ and
b_2b_3 P_1 + b_3b_1 P_2+ b_1b_2 P_3 + d \in \left| {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(3b_1b_2b_3) \right|.
Let $w$ be a section of $H^0({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(3b_1b_2b_3))$ with
$\operatorname{div}(w) = b_2b_3 P_1+ b_3b_1 P_2 + b_1b_2 P_3+ d$.
Then, $w$ gives rise to the ring structure on
$\bigoplus_{i=0}^{b_1b_2b_3 - 1} {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(-3i)$.
Let $Y_1$ be the normalization of
\operatorname{Spec}\left( \bigoplus_{i=0}^{b_1b_2b_3 - 1} {\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(-3i) \right)
and $h_1: Y_1 \to {\mathbb{P}}^1$ the induced morphism.
Then, by our choice of $w$, it is easy to see that
$h_1 : Y_1 \to {\mathbb{P}}^1$ satisfies the desired properties.
Let $p_1 : {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1 \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)}$ and
$q_1 : {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1 \to Y_1$
be the natural projections, and
$u_1 = \operatorname{id} \times h_1 :
{\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1 \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$.
Then, we have a commutative diagram:
{\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} @<{u_1}<< {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1 \\
@V{q}VV @VV{q_1}V \\
{\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} @<<{h_1}< Y_1
We set $h_1^{-1}(P_1)$, $h_1^{-1}(P_2)$ and $h_1^{-1}(P_3)$ as follows.
h_1^{-1}(P_1) = \{ P_{1,1}, \ldots, P_{1,b_2b_3} \}, \\
h_1^{-1}(P_2) = \{ P_{2,1}, \ldots, P_{1,b_3b_1} \}, \\
h_1^{-1}(P_3) = \{ P_{3,1}, \ldots, P_{3,b_1b_2} \}.
Then, there is a unique $Q_{i,j}$ on ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1$
with $q_1(Q_{i,j}) = P_{i,j}$ and $u_1(Q_{i,j}) = Q_i$.
$u_1^*(D)$ is \'{e}tale over $Y_1$ outside $\{ Q_{i,j} \}_{i,j}$.
In particular, $u_1^*(D)$ is smooth over $k$ outside $\{ Q_{i,j} \}_{i,j}$.
If we set $c_1 = a_1+ 1$, $c_2 = a_2 + 1$ and $c_3 = a_1 + a_2 + 2$,
then $u_1^*(D)$ has an ordinary $c_i$-fold point at $Q_{i,j}$ for every
$i,j$. Moreover, each tangent of $u_1^*(D)$ at $Q_{i,j}$ is different from
the fiber $q_1^{-1}(P_{i,j})$.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
(a) is trivial because $\rest{q}{D} : D \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)}$ is \'{e}tale outside
$\{ Q_1, Q_2, Q_3\}$.
Since $u_1^*(D'') = p_1^{-1}((1:0))$, in order to see (b),
it is sufficient to check the following.
$u_1^*(D')$ has an ordinary $b_i$-fold point at $Q_{i,j}$ for every
$i,j$. Moreover, for i=1,2, each tangent of $u_1^*(D')$ at $Q_{i,j}$ is different from
the fiber $q_1^{-1}(P_{i,j})$, and each tangent of $u_1^*(D')$ at $Q_{3,j}$ is different from
the fiber $q_1^{-1}(P_{3,j})$ and $p_1^{-1}((1:0))$.
First we assume $i=1$. Let $z$ be a local parameter of $Y_1$ at $P_{1,j}$,
$x = X/Y$, and $s = S/T$.
Then, $(x,z)$ gives a local parameter of ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1$ at $Q_{1,j}$.
Since $s = v(z) z^{a_1+1}$ for some $v(z)$ with $v(0) \not= 0$,
$u_1^*(D')$ is defined by
x^{a_1+1}(x - \alpha_1) \cdots (x - \alpha_{a_2}) - v(z) z^{a_1+1} = 0
around $Q_{1, j}$. Thus, since $\alpha_1 \cdots \alpha_{a_2} \not= 0$,
$Q_{1,j}$ is an ordinary $(a_1+1)$-fold point and
each tangent is different from $\{ z = 0 \}$.
Next we assume $i=2$. Let $z$ be a local parameter of $Y_1$ at $P_{2,j}$,
$x' = X/Y - 1$, and $s' = S/T - \theta(1)$.
Then, $(x',z)$ gives a local parameter of ${\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1$ at $Q_{2,j}$.
Since $s' = v(z) z^{a_2+1}$ for some $v(z)$ with $v(0) \not= 0$,
$u_1^*(D')$ is defined by
(x')^{a_2+1}(x' - \beta_1) \cdots (x' - \beta_{a_1}) - v(z) z^{a_2+1} = 0
around $Q_{2, j}$. Thus, we can see our assertion in this case
because $\beta_1 \cdots \beta_{a_1} \not= 0$.
Finally we assume that $i=3$.
Let $z$ be a local parameter of $Y_1$ at $P_{3,j}$,
$y = Y/X$, and $t = T/S$.
Since $t = v(z) z^{a_1+a_2+1}$ for some $v(z)$ with $v(0) \not= 0$,
$u_1^*(D')$ is defined by
v(z) z^{a_1+a_2+1} (1 - \alpha_1 y) \cdots (1 - \alpha_{a_2} y) - y^{a_1+a_2+1} = 0
around $Q_{3, j}$.
Thus, $Q_{3,j}$ is an ordinary $(a_1+a_2+1)$-fold point and
each tangent is different from $\{ z = 0 \}$ and $\{ y = 0 \}$.
Let $\mu_1 : Z_1 \to {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1$ be blowing-ups at all points $Q_{i,j}$, and
$E_{i,j}$ $(-1)$-curve over $Q_{i,j}$.
Let $\overline{D}_1$ be the strict transform of $u_1^*(D)$ by $\mu_1$, and
$g_1 = q_1 \cdot \mu_1$. Then,
by the previous claim,
$\overline{D}_1$ is \'{e}tale over $Y_1$ and
\overline{D}_1 \in \left|
\mu_1^*(p_1^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1)))^{\otimes a_1+a_2+2} \otimes
g_1^*(h_1^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1))) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{Z_1}\left(-\sum_{i,j} c_i E_{i,j}\right) \right|.
Let $F_j$ be the strict transform of the fiber $q_1^{-1}(P_{3,j})$.
Note that $F_j \cap \overline{D}_1 = \emptyset$ for all $j$.
Since $F_j$'s are $(-1)$-curve, we can contract them.
Let $\nu_1 : Z_1 \to X_1$ be the contraction of $F_j$'s, and
$f_1 : X_1 \to Y_1$ the induced morphism.
{\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times {\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} @<{u_1}<<
{\mathbb{P}}^1_{(X,Y)} \times Y_1 @<{\mu_1}<< Z_1 @>{\nu_1}>> X_1 \\
@V{q}VV @V{q_1}VV @V{g_1}VV @V{f_1}VV \\
{\mathbb{P}}^1_{(S,T)} @<<{h_1}< Y_1 @= Y_1 @= Y_1
Here we set $D_1 = (\nu_1)_*(\overline{D}_1)$,
$L_1 = (\nu_1)_*(\mu_1^*(p_1^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1))))^{**}$, and
M_1 = h_1^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_{Y_1}\left(-\sum_j c_3 P_{3,j}\right) \simeq
{\mathcal{O}}_{Y_1}\left(-\sum_j P_{3,j}\right).
Then, since
$(\nu_1)_*(g_1^*(h_1^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1)))) =
f_1^*(h_1^*({\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathbb{P}}^1}(1)))$ and $(\nu_1)_*(E_{3,j}) = f_1^*(P_{3,j})$
for all $j$, we can see
D_1 \in \left| L_1^{\otimes a_1+a_2+2} \otimes
f_1^*(M_1) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{X_1}\left(-\sum_{\substack{i=1,2, \\ j \geq 1}} b_i \nu_1(E_{i,j})\right) \right|.
Therefore, by our construction of $f_1 : X_1 \to Y_1$, $D_1$, $L_1$ and $M_1$,
it is easy to see all properties (1) --- (6) in Lemma~\ref{lem:conic:fibration}.
Let $g$ and $a$ be integers with $g \geq 1$ and $0 \leq a \leq [g/2]$.
Then, there are a smooth projective surface $X$ over $k$,
a smooth projective curve $C$ over $k$, and a surjective morphism
$f : X \to Y$ over $k$ with the following properties.
The generic fiber of $f$ is a smooth hyperelliptic curve of genus $g$.
$f$ is not smooth and every fiber is reduced.
Moreover, every singular fiber of $f$ is
a nodal curve consisting of a smooth curve of genus $a$ and
a smooth curve of genus $g-a$ joined at one point.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Applying Lemma~\ref{lem:conic:fibration} to the case where $a_1= 2a$ and $a_2 = 2g-2a$,
we fix a conic fibration as in Lemma~\ref{lem:conic:fibration}.
Adding one point to $\Sigma_1$, if necessarily, we can take an effective and reduced
divisor $d$ on $Y_1$ such that $\Sigma_1 \subseteq \operatorname{Supp}(d)$ and $\deg(d)$ is even.
Thus, there is a line bundle $\vartheta$ on $Y_1$ with ${\mathcal{O}}_{Y_1}(d) \simeq \vartheta^{\otimes 2}$,
which produces a double covering $h_2 : Y \to Y_1$ of smooth projective curves such that
$h_2$ is ramified over $\Sigma_1$.
Let $\mu_2 : X_2 \to X_1 \times_{Y_1} Y$ be the minimal resolution of singularities of
$X_1 \times_{Y_1} Y$.
We set the induced morphisms as follows.
X_1 @<{u_2}<< X_2 \\
@V{f_1}VV @VV{f_2}V \\
Y_1 @<{h_2}<< Y
Let $\Sigma_2$ be the set of all critical values of $f_2$.
Here, for all $Q \in \Sigma_2$,
$f_2^{-1}(Q)$ is reduced, and there is the irreducible decomposition
$f_2^{-1}(Q) = \overline{E}_Q^1 + \overline{E}_Q^2 + B_Q$ such that
$u_2(\overline{E}_Q^i) = E_{h_2(Q)}^i$ for $i=1, 2$ and
$B_Q$ is a $(-2)$-curves.
We set $D_2 = u_2^*(D_1)$ and $B = \sum_{Q \in \Sigma_2} B_Q$.
Then, $D_2$ is \'{e}tale over $Y$ and
$D_2+ B$ is smooth over $k$ because $D_2 \cap B = \emptyset$.
D_2 \in \left|
u_2^*(L_1)^{\otimes 2g+2} \otimes f_2^*(h_2^*(M_1)) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{X_2}\left(-u_2^*\left(\sum_{P \in \Sigma_1} (a_{\sigma(P)} + 1) E_P^{\sigma(P)}
\right) \right) \right|.
Let $\sigma_2 : \Sigma_2 \to \{ 1, 2 \}$ be the map given by
$\sigma_2 = \sigma \cdot h_2$.
u_2^*\left(\sum_{P \in \Sigma_1} (a_{\sigma(P)} + 1) E_P^{\sigma(P)} \right) =
\sum_{Q \in \Sigma_2} (a_{\sigma_2(Q)} + 1) (2 \overline{E}_Q^{\sigma_2(Q)} + B_Q).
D_2 + B \in \left|
u_2^*(L_1)^{\otimes 2g+2} \otimes f_2^*(h_2^*(M_1)) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{X_2}\left(- \sum_{Q \in \Sigma_2} ( 2(a_{\sigma_2(Q)} + 1) \overline{E}_Q^{\sigma_2(Q)} +
a_{\sigma_2(Q)} B_Q ) \right) \right|.
Here, since $\deg(h_2^*(M_1)) = 2 \deg(M_1)$, $h_2^*(M_1)$ is divisible by $2$ in
$\operatorname{Pic}(Y)$. Further, $a_i$ is even for each $i=1, 2$.
u_2^*(L_1)^{\otimes 2g+2} \otimes f_2^*(h_2^*(M_1)) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{X_2}\left(- \sum_{Q \in \Sigma_2} ( 2(a_{\sigma_2(Q)} + 1) \overline{E}_Q^{\sigma_2(Q)} +
a_{\sigma_2(Q)} B_Q ) \right)
is divisible by $2$ in $\operatorname{Pic}(X_2)$, i.e., there is a line bundle $H$ on $X_2$ with
H^{\otimes 2} \simeq
u_2^*(L_1)^{\otimes 2g+2} \otimes f_2^*(h_2^*(M_1)) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{X_2}\left(- \sum_{Q \in \Sigma_2} ( 2(a_{\sigma_2(Q)}+1) \overline{E}_Q^{\sigma_2(Q)} +
a_{\sigma_2(Q)} B_Q ) \right).
Hence, we can construct a double covering $\mu_3 : X_3 \to X_2$ of
smooth projective surfaces such that
$\mu_3$ is ramified over $D_2 + B$.
Let $f_3 : X_3 \to Y$ be the induced morphism.
Then, there is the irreducible decomposition
f^{-1}(Q) = \overline{C}^1_Q + \overline{C}^2_Q + 2 \overline{B}_Q
as cycles such that $\mu_3(\overline{C}^i_Q) = \overline{E}^i_Q$ ($i=1,2$) and
$\mu_3(\overline{B}_Q) = B_Q$.
Here it is easy to check that $\overline{B}_Q$ is
a $(-1)$-curve. Thus, we have the contraction $\nu_3 : X_3 \to X$ of $\overline{B}_Q$'s, and
the induced morphism $f : X \to Y$.
X_1 @<{u_2}<< X_2@<{\mu_3}<< X_3 @>{\nu_3}>> X \\
@V{f_1}VV @V{f_2}VV @V{f_3}VV @V{f}VV \\
Y_1 @<{h_2}<< Y @= Y @= Y
We denote $\nu_3(\overline{C}^i_Q)$ by $C_Q^i$. Then,
$C^1_Q$ (resp. $C^2_Q$) is a smooth projective curve of genus $a$ (resp. $g-a$),
$(C_Q^1 \cdot C_Q^2) = 1$, and $f^{-1}(Q) = C^1_Q + C^2_Q$.
Thus, $f : X \to Y$ is our desired fibration.
In the same way, we can also show the following proposition.
Let $g$ and $a$ be integers with $g \geq 1$ and $0 \leq a \leq [(g-1)/2]$.
Then, there are a smooth projective surface $X$ over $k$,
a smooth projective curve $C$ over $k$, and a surjective morphism
$f : X \to Y$ over $k$ with the following properties.
The generic fiber of $f$ is a smooth hyperelliptic curve of genus $g$.
$f$ is not smooth and every fiber is reduced.
Moreover, every singular fiber of $f$ is
a nodal curve consisting of a smooth curve of genus $a$ and
a smooth curve of genus $g-a-1$ joined at two points.
{\sl Proof.}\quad
Applying Lemma~\ref{lem:conic:fibration} to the case where $a_1 = 2a+1$ and $a_2 = 2g-2a - 1$,
we fix a conic fibration as in Lemma~\ref{lem:conic:fibration}.
In this case, $\deg(M_1)$ is even. Thus,
L_1^{\otimes 2g+2} \otimes f_1^*(M_1) \otimes
{\mathcal{O}}_{X_1}\left(-\sum_{P \in \Sigma_1} (a_{\sigma(P)} + 1) E_P^{\sigma(P)}\right)
is divisible by $2$ in $\operatorname{Pic}(X_1)$.
Therefore, there is a double covering $\mu : X \to X_1$ of
smooth projective surfaces such that
$\mu_3$ is ramified over $D_1$.
Then, the induced morphism $f : X \to Y_1$ is a desired fibration.
1998-03-12T14:07:15 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612010 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612010 | [
] | alg-geom/9612010 | Wolfgang Ebeling | Wolfgang Ebeling | Strange duality, mirror symmetry, and the Leech lattice | LaTeX2e, 21 p. with 4 fig.; some corrections and additions | null | null | University of Hannover Preprint No. 279 | null | We give a survey on old and new results concerning Arnold's strange duality.
We show that most of the features of this duality continue to hold for the
extension of it discovered by C. T. C. Wall and the author. The results include
relations to mirror symmetry and the Leech lattice.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 12 Dec 1996 14:21:16 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 12 Mar 1998 13:07:11 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
More than 20 years ago, V.~I.~Arnold \cite{Arnold75} discovered a strange
among the 14 exceptional unimodal hypersurface singularities. A beautiful
interpretation of this duality was given by H.~Pinkham \cite{Pinkham77} and
independently by I.~V.~Dolgachev and V.~V.~Nikulin \cite{DN77, Dolgachev82}.
I.~Nakamura related this duality to the Hirzebruch-Zagier duality of cusp
\cite{Nakamura80, Nakamura81}.
In independent work in early 1982, C.~T.~C.~Wall and the author discovered an
extension of this duality embracing on one hand series of bimodal singularities
and on the other hand, complete intersection surface singularities in ${\mathbb{C}}^4$
\cite{EW85}. We showed that this duality also corresponds to Hirzebruch-Zagier
duality of cusp singularities.
Recent work has aroused new interest in Arnold's strange duality. It was
observed by several authors (see
\cite{Dolgachev95} and the references there) that Pinkham's interpretation of
Arnold's original strange duality can be considered as part of a two-dimensional
analogue of the mirror symmetry of families of Calabi-Yau threefolds. Two years
ago, K.~Saito
\cite{Saito94} discovered a new feature of Arnold's strange duality involving
the characteristic polynomials of the monodromy operators of the singularities
and he found a connection with the characteristic polynomials of automorphisms
of the famous Leech lattice. Only shortly after, M.~Kobayashi
\cite{Kobayashi95} found a duality of the weight systems associated to the 14
exceptional unimodal singularities which corresponds to Arnold's strange
duality. He also related it to mirror symmetry.
In this paper we first review these results.
Then we consider our extension of this duality and examine which of the
newly discovered features continue to hold. It turns out that with a suitable
construction, Pinkham's interpretation can be extended to a larger class of
singularities. In this way, one obtains many new examples of mirror symmetric
families of K3 surfaces. We also associate characteristic polynomials to the
singularities involved in our extension of the duality and show that Saito's
duality continues to hold. Moreover, in this way we can realize further
characteristic polynomials of automorphisms of the Leech lattice. The connection
with the Leech lattice seems to be rather mysterious. We discuss some facts
might help to understand this connection. We conclude with some open questions.
We thank the referee for his useful comments.
\section{Arnold's strange duality}
We first discuss Arnold's original strange duality among
the 14 exceptional unimodal hypersurface singularities.
We recall Dolgachev's construction \cite{Dolgachev74, Dolgachev75} (see also
\cite{Looijenga83}) of these singularities. Let $b_1 \leq b_2 \leq b_3$ be
positive integers such that
$\frac{1}{b_1} + \frac{1}{b_2} + \frac {1}{b_3} < 1$. Consider the upper half
plane ${\mathbb{H}} = \{ x+iy \in {\mathbb{C}} | y >0\}$ with the hyperbolic metric
$\frac{1}{y^2}(dx^2+dy^2)$ and a solid triangle
\subset {\mathbb{H}}$ with angles $\frac{\pi}{b_1}$, $\frac{\pi}{b_2}$,
$\frac{\pi}{b_3}$. Let $\Sigma$ be the subgroup of the group of isometries of
${\mathbb{H}}$ generated by the reflections in the edges of $\Delta$, and let $\Sigma_+$
be the subgroup of index 2 of orientation preserving isometries. Then
$\Sigma_+ \subset {\rm PSL}_2({\mathbb{R}})$ and $\Sigma_+$ acts linearly on the total
space $T{\mathbb{H}}$ of the tangent bundle on ${\mathbb{H}}$. The inclusion ${\mathbb{H}} \subset T{\mathbb{H}}$
as zero section determines an inclusion ${\mathbb{H}} / \Sigma_+ \subset T{\mathbb{H}} /
\Sigma_+$ of orbit spaces. Collapsing ${\mathbb{H}} / \Sigma_+$ to a point yields a
normal surface singularity $(X,x_0)$. This singularity is called a {\em
triangle singularity}. The numbers $b_1$, $b_2$, $b_3$ are called the {\em
Dolgachev numbers} ${\rm Dol}(X)$ of the singularity.
The scalar multiplication in the fibres of the tangent bundle $T{\mathbb{H}}$ induces a
good ${\mathbb{C}}^\ast$-action on $X$. A resolution of the singularity $(X,x_0)$ can be
obtained by the methods of \cite{OW71}. A minimal good resolution consists of a
rational curve of self-intersection number $-1$ and three rational curves of
self-intersection numbers $-b_1$, $-b_2$, and $-b_3$ respectively intersecting
the exceptional curve transversely.
By \cite{Dolgachev74}, for exactly 14 triples
$(b_1, b_2, b_3)$ the singularity $(X,x_0)$ is a hypersurface singularity.
Thus it can be given by a function germ
$f: ({\mathbb{C}}^3,0) \to ({\mathbb{C}},0)$ where $f$ is weighted
homogeneous with weights $w_1$, $w_2$, $w_3$ and degree $N$. The corresponding
weighted homogeneous functions, weights and degrees are indicated in
Table~\ref{Table1}. It turns out that these singularities are unimodal and one
gets in this way exactly the 14 exceptional unimodal hypersurface singularities
in Arnold's classification \cite{Arnold75}. (The equations in
Table~\ref{Table1} are obtained by setting the module equal to zero.)
\caption{The 14 exceptional unimodal singularities} \label{Table1}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & Equation & $N$ & Weights & Dol & Gab & $\mu$ & $d$ &
\\ \hline
$E_{12}$ & $x^7+y^3+z^2$ & 42 & 6 14 21 & 2 3 7 & 2 3 7 & 12 & 1
& $E_{12}$ \\ \hline
$E_{13}$ & $x^5y+y^3+z^2$ & 30 & 4 10 15 & 2 4 5 & 2 3 8 & 13 & $-2$
& $Z_{11}$ \\ \hline
$E_{14}$ & $x^8+y^3+z^2$ & 24 & 3 8 12 & 3 3 4 & 2 3 9 & 14 & 3
& $Q_{10}$ \\ \hline
$Z_{11}$ & $x^5+xy^3+z^2$ & 30 & 6 8 15 & 2 3 8 & 2 4 5 & 11 & $-2$
& $E_{13}$ \\ \hline
$Z_{12}$ & $x^4y+xy^3+z^2$ & 22 & 4 6 11 & 2 4 6 & 2 4 6 & 12 & 4
& $Z_{12}$ \\ \hline
$Z_{13}$ & $x^6+xy^3+z^2$ & 18 & 3 5 9 & 3 3 5 & 2 4 7 & 13 & $-6$
& $Q_{11}$ \\ \hline
$Q_{10}$ & $x^4+y^3+xz^2$ & 24 & 6 8 9 & 2 3 9 & 3 3 4 & 10 & 3
& $E_{14}$ \\ \hline
$Q_{11}$ & $x^3y+y^3+xz^2$ & 18 & 4 6 7 & 2 4 7 & 3 3 5 & 11 & $-6$
& $Z_{13}$ \\ \hline
$Q_{12}$ & $x^5+y^3+xz^2$ & 15 & 3 5 6 & 3 3 6 & 3 3 6 & 12 & 9
& $Q_{12}$ \\ \hline
$W_{12}$ & $x^5+y^4+z^2$ & 20 & 4 5 10 & 2 5 5 & 2 5 5 & 12 & 5
& $W_{12}$ \\ \hline
$W_{13}$ & $x^4y+y^4+z^2$ & 16 & 3 4 8 & 3 4 4 & 2 5 6 & 13 & $-8$
& $S_{11}$ \\ \hline
$S_{11}$ & $x^4+y^2z+xz^2$ & 16 & 4 5 6 & 2 5 6 & 3 4 4 & 11 & $-8$
& $W_{13}$ \\ \hline
$S_{12}$ & $x^3y+y^2z+xz^2$ & 13 & 3 4 5 & 3 4 5 & 3 4 5 & 12 & 13
& $S_{12}$ \\ \hline
$U_{12}$ & $x^4+y^3+z^3$ & 12 & 3 4 4 & 4 4 4 & 4 4 4 & 12 & 16
& $U_{12}$ \\ \hline
Let $(X,x_0)$ be one of the 14 hypersurface triangle singularities, and denote
by $X_t$ and $\mu$ its Milnor fibre and Milnor number respectively.
We denote by $\langle \ , \ \rangle$ the intersection form on $H_2(X_t,{\mathbb{Z}})$
and by $H=(H_2(X_t,{\mathbb{Z}}),\langle \ , \ \rangle)$ the Milnor lattice.
\cite{Gabrielov74} has shown that there exists a weakly distinguished basis of
vanishing cycles of
$H$ with a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram of the form of Fig.~\ref{Fig1}. The author
\cite{Ebeling81} has shown that this diagram even corresponds to a distinguished
basis of vanishing cycles (cf.\ also \cite{Ebeling96}). (For the notions of a
distinguished and weakly distinguished basis of vanishing cycles see e.g.\
\cite{AGV88}). The numbers $p_1$, $p_2$, $p_3$ are called the {\em Gabrielov
numbers} ${\rm Gab}(X)$ of the singularity. Here each vertex represents a
sphere of self-intersection number $-2$, two vertices connected by a
single solid edge have intersection number 1, and two vertices connected by a
double broken line have intersection number $-2$.
Using the results of K.~Saito (see \cite[Theorem~3.4.3]{Ebeling87}), one can
see that the Gabrielov numbers are uniquely determined by the singularity.
We denote by $d$ the discriminant of $H$, i.e.\ the determinant of an
intersection matrix with respect to a basis of $H$.
\caption{Coxeter-Dynkin diagram of an exceptional unimodal singularity}
Arnold has now observed: There exists an involution $X \mapsto X^\ast$ on the
set of the 14 exceptional unimodal singularities, such that
$${\rm Dol}(X) = {\rm Gab}(X^\ast), \quad {\rm Gab}(X)={\rm Dol}(X^\ast), \quad
N=N^\ast, \quad \mu + \mu^\ast = 24. $$
This is called {\em Arnold's strange duality}. Note that also $d=d^\ast$.
H.~Pinkham \cite{Pinkham77} has given the following interpretation of this
duality. (This was independently also obtained by I.~V.~Dolgachev and
V.~V.~Nikulin \cite{DN77, Dolgachev82}.) The Milnor fibre $X_t$ can be
compactified in a weighted projective space to a surface with three cyclic
quotient singularities on the curve at infinity; a minimal resolution of these
singularities yields a K3 surface $S$. Denote by
$G(p_1,p_2,p_3)$ the subgraph of the graph of Fig.~\ref{Fig1} which is obtained
by omitting the vertices with indices
$\mu -1$ and $\mu$. Let $M(p_1,p_2,p_3)$ be the lattice (the free abelian group
with an integral quadratic form) determined by the graph $G(p_1,p_2,p_3)$. Then
$H = M(p_1,p_2,p_3)
\oplus U$, where $U$ is a unimodular hyperbolic plane (the lattice of rank 2
with a basis $\{e,e'\}$ such that $\langle e, e'\rangle = 1$, $\langle e,e
\rangle = \langle e',e' \rangle =0$) and
$\oplus$ denotes the orthogonal direct sum. The dual graph of the curve
configuration of
$S$ at infinity is given by $G(b_1,b_2,b_3)$. The inclusion $X_t \subset S$
induces a primitive embedding $H_2(X_t,{\mathbb{Z}}) \hookrightarrow H_2(S,{\mathbb{Z}})$ and the
orthogonal complement is just the lattice $M(b_1,b_2,b_3)$. By \cite{Nikulin79}
the primitive embedding of $M(p_1,p_2,p_3) \oplus U$ into the unimodular K3
lattice $L:=H_2(S,{\mathbb{Z}})$ is unique up to isomorphism.
In this way, Arnold's strange duality corresponds to a duality of K3 surfaces.
This is a two-dimensional analogue of the mirror symmetry between Calabi-Yau
threefolds. This has recently been worked out by Dolgachev \cite{Dolgachev95}.
We give an outline of his construction. Let $M$ be an even non-degenerate
lattice of signature $(1,t)$. An {\em $M$-polarized} K3 surface is a pair
$(S,j)$ where $S$ is a K3 surface and $j: M \hookrightarrow \mbox{Pic}(S)$ is a
primitive lattice embedding. Here $\mbox{Pic}(S)$ denotes the Picard group of
$S$. An $M$-polarized K3 surface $(S,j)$ is called {\em pseudo-ample} if $j(M)$
contains a pseudo-ample divisor class. We assume that $M$ has a unique
embedding into the K3 lattice $L$ and the orthogonal complement $M^\perp$ admits
an orthogonal splitting $M^\perp = U \oplus \check{M}$. (Dolgachev's
is slightly more general.) Then we consider the complete family $\cal F$ of
$M$-polarized K3 surfaces and define its {\em mirror family} ${\cal F}^\ast$ to
be any complete family of pseudo-ample $\check{M}$-polarized K3 surfaces. It is
shown in \cite{Dolgachev95} that this is well defined and that there
is the following relation between $\cal F$ and ${\cal F}^\ast$: The dimension
of the family $\cal F$ is equal to the rank of the Picard group of a general
member from the mirror family ${\cal F}^\ast$. In particular, this can be
applied to $M=M(b_1,b_2,b_3)$ and $\check{M}= M(p_1,p_2,p_3)$ for one of the
14 Dolgachev triples $(b_1,b_2,b_3)$. See \cite{Dolgachev95} for further
results and references.
It was observed by I.~Nakamura \cite{Nakamura80, Nakamura81} that
Arnold's strange duality corresponds to Hirzebruch-Zagier duality of hyperbolic
(alias cusp) singularities. For details see \cite{Nakamura80, Nakamura81, EW85}.
\section{Kobayashi's duality of weight systems}
In his paper \cite{Kobayashi95}, M.~Kobayashi has observed a new feature of
Arnold's strange duality which we now want to explain.
A quadruple $W = (w_1, w_2, w_3; N)$ of positive integers with $N \in
{\mathbb{N}} w_1+{\mathbb{N}} w_2+{\mathbb{N}} w_3$ is called a {\em weight system}. The integers $w_i$ are
called the weights and $N$ is called the degree of $W$. A weight system $W =
(w_1, w_2, w_3; N)$ is called {\em reduced} if $\gcd(w_1,w_2,w_3) = 1$.
Let $W = (w_1, w_2, w_3; N)$ and $W' = (w'_1, w'_2, w'_3; N')$ be two reduced
weight systems. An $3 \times 3$- matrix $Q$ whose elements are non-negative
integers is called a {\em weighted magic square} for $(W,W')$, if
$$(w_1,w_2,w_3)Q=(N,N,N) \quad \mbox{and} \quad
Q \left( \begin{array}{c} w'_1 \\ w'_2 \\ w'_3 \end{array} \right) =
\left( \begin{array}{c} N' \\ N' \\ N' \end{array} \right).$$
(In the case $w_1=w_2=w_3=w'_1=w'_2=w'_3=1$, $Q$ is an ordinary magic square.)
$Q$ is called {\em primitive}, if $| \det Q | = N = N'$. We say that the
weight systems $W$ and $W'$ are {\em dual} if there exists a primitive
weighted magic square for $(W,W')$.
Kobayashi now proves:
\begin{theorem}[M.~Kobayashi] \label{thm:Kobayashi}
Let $W = (w_1, w_2, w_3; N)$ be the weight system of one of the 14 exceptional
unimodal singularities. Then there exists a unique (up to permutation) dual
weight system $W^\ast$. The weight system $W^\ast$ belongs to the dual
singularity in the sense of Arnold.
Moreover, Kobayashi shows that there is a relation between this duality of
weight systems and the polar duality between certain polytopes associated to
the weight systems. Such a polar duality was considered by V.~Batyrev
\cite{Batyrev94} in connection with the mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau
hypersurfaces in toric varieties. We refer to \cite{Ebeling98} for a more
precise discussion of this relation.
\section{Saito's duality of characteristic polynomials}
Let $f: ({\mathbb{C}}^3,0) \to ({\mathbb{C}},0)$ be a germ of an analytic function defining an
isolated hypersurface singularity $(X,x_0)$. A characteristic homeomorphism of
the Milnor fibration of $f$ induces an automorphism $c:H_2(X_t,{\mathbb{Z}}) \to
H_2(X_t,{\mathbb{Z}})$ called the {\em (classical) monodromy operator} of $(X,x_0)$. It
is a well known theorem (see e.g. \cite{Brieskorn70}) that the eigenvalues of
$c$ are roots of unity. This means that the characteristic polynomial
$\phi(\lambda) = \det (\lambda I - c)$ of $c$ is a monic polynomial the roots of
which are roots of unity. Such a polynomial can be written in the form
$$\phi(\lambda)= \prod_{m \geq 0} (\lambda^m -1)^{\chi_m} \quad \mbox{for} \
\chi_m \in {\mathbb{Z}},$$
where all but finitely many of the integers $\chi_m$ are equal to zero. We note
some useful formulae.
\begin{proposition} \label{formulae}
\item[{\rm (i)}] $\mu=\deg \phi = \sum_{m > 0} m\chi_m.$
\item[{\rm (ii)}] If $\sum_{m > 0} \chi_m = 0$ then
$$\phi(1) = \prod_{m > 0} m^{\chi_m}.$$
\item[{\rm (iii)}] $\phi(1) = (-1)^\mu d$.
\item[{\rm (iv)}] $ {\rm tr}\, c^k = \sum_{m | k} m \chi_m.$ \\
In particular $ {\rm tr}\, c = \chi_1$.
\noindent {\em Proof.} (i) is obvious. For the proof of (ii) we use the identity
$$(\lambda^m -1)=(\lambda -1)(\lambda^{m-1} + \ldots + \lambda +1).$$
To prove (iii), let $A$ be the intersection matrix with respect to a
distinguished basis $\{\delta_1, \ldots , \delta_\mu \}$ of vanishing cycles.
Write $A$ in the form $A=V+V^t$ where $V$ is an upper triangular matrix with
$-1$ on the diagonal. Let $C$ be the matrix of $c$ with respect to $\{\delta_1,
\ldots , \delta_\mu \}$. Then $C = - V^{-1}V^t$ (see e.g.\
\cite[Proposition~1.6.3]{Ebeling87}). Therefore
$$\phi(1)=\det (I-C)=\det V^{-1}(V+V^t) = (-1)^\mu d.$$
Finally, (iv) is obtained as in \cite{A'Campo75} using the identity
$$\det (I-tc) = \exp (\mbox{tr}\, (\log (I-tc))) = \exp (- \sum_{k \geq 1}
\frac{t^k}{k} \mbox{tr}\, c^k).$$
This proves Proposition~\ref{formulae}.
By A'Campo's theorem
$$ \mbox{tr}\, c = -1.$$
We assume that $c$ has finite order $h$. This is e.g.\ true if $f$ is a
weighted homogeneous polynomial of degree $N$. In this case $h=N$. Then
$\chi_m=0$ for all
$m$ which do not divide $h$. K.~Saito
\cite{Saito94} defines a {\em dual polynomial}
$\phi^\ast(\lambda)$ to $\phi(\lambda)$:
$$\phi^\ast(\lambda) = \prod_{k | h} (\lambda^k -1)^{-\chi_{h/k}}.$$
He obtains the following result.
\begin{theorem}[K.~Saito] \label{thm:Saito}
If $\phi(\lambda)$ is the characteristic polynomial of the monodromy of an
exceptional unimodal singularity $X$, then $\phi^\ast(\lambda)$ is the
corresponding polynomial of the dual singularity $X^\ast$.
For $\phi(\lambda)= \prod_{m|h} (\lambda^m -1)^{\chi_m}$ we use the symbolic
$$\pi:= \prod_{m|h} m^{\chi_m}.$$
In the theory of finite groups, this symbol is known as a {\em Frame shape}
\cite{Frame, CN79}. For, if one has a rational finite-dimensional representation
of a finite group, then the zeros of the characteristic polynomials of each
element of the group are also roots of unity. For a given rational
representation, one can thus assign to each conjugacy class of the group its
Frame shape. The number
$$ \deg (\pi) = \sum m \chi_m$$
is called the {\em degree} of the Frame shape $\pi$.
Let us denote the Frame shape of the dual polynomial $\phi^\ast(\lambda)$ by
$\pi^\ast$. The Frame shapes of the monodromy operators of the 14 exceptional
unimodal singularities are listed in Table~\ref{Table2}.
\caption{Frame shapes of the 14 exceptional unimodal singularities}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & $\pi$ & $\pi^\ast$ & Dual
\\ \hline
$E_{12}$ & $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 7 \cdot 42 / 1 \cdot 6 \cdot 14 \cdot 21$
& $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 7 \cdot 42 / 1 \cdot 6 \cdot 14 \cdot 21$
& $E_{12}$
\\ \hline
$E_{13}$ & $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 30 / 1 \cdot 6 \cdot 15$ & $2 \cdot 5 \cdot 30
/ 1 \cdot 10 \cdot 15$ & $Z_{11}$ \\ \hline
$E_{14}$ & $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 24 / 1 \cdot 6 \cdot 8$ & $3 \cdot 4 \cdot 24
/ 1 \cdot 8 \cdot 12$ & $Q_{10}$ \\ \hline
$Z_{12}$ & $2 \cdot 22 / 1 \cdot 11$ & $2 \cdot 22 / 1 \cdot
11$ & $Z_{12}$ \\ \hline
$Z_{13}$ & $2 \cdot 18 / 1 \cdot 6$ & $3 \cdot 18 / 1 \cdot 9$ & $Q_{11}$
\\ \hline
$Q_{12}$ & $3 \cdot 15 / 1 \cdot 5$ & $3 \cdot 15 / 1 \cdot 5$ & $Q_{12}$
\\ \hline
$W_{12}$ & $2 \cdot 5 \cdot 20 / 1 \cdot 4 \cdot 10$ & $2 \cdot 5 \cdot 20
/ 1 \cdot 4 \cdot 10$ & $W_{12}$ \\
$W_{13}$ & $2 \cdot 16 / 1 \cdot 4$ & $4 \cdot 16 / 1 \cdot 8$ & $S_{11}$
\\ \hline
$S_{12}$ & $13 / 1$ & $13 / 1$ & $S_{12}$ \\
$U_{12}$ & $4 \cdot 12 / 1 \cdot 3$ & $4 \cdot 12 / 1 \cdot 3$ & $U_{12}$
\\ \hline
To two Frame shapes $\pi = \prod m^{\chi_m}$ and $\pi'=\prod m^{\chi'_m}$ of
degree $n$ and $n'$ respectively one can associate a Frame shape $\pi\pi'$ of
degree $n+n'$ by concatenation
$$\pi\pi':=\prod m^{\chi_m}\prod m^{\chi'_m}=\prod m^{\chi_m + \chi'_m}.$$
If $\pi$ and $\pi'$ are the Frame shapes of the operators $c: H \to H$ and $c'
: H' \to H'$ respectively, $\pi\pi'$ is the Frame shape of the operator $c
\oplus c' : H \oplus H' \to H \oplus H'$.
In the appendix of
\cite{Saito94}, Saito notes the following observation: If $\pi$ is the Frame
shape of the monodromy operator of an exceptional unimodal singularity, then the
$\pi\pi^\ast$ of degree 24 is a Frame shape of a conjugacy class of the
automorphism group of the Leech lattice. The Leech lattice is a 24-dimensional
even unimodular positive definite lattice which contains no roots (see e.g.
\cite{Ebeling94}). It was discovered by J.~Leech in connection with the search
for densest sphere packings. Its automorphism group $G$ is a group of order
$2^{22}3^95^47^211\cdot 13 \cdot 23$. The quotient group
$\mbox{Co}_1 := G/\{\pm 1\}$ is a famous sporadic simple group discovered by
J.~Conway. The Frame shapes of the 164 conjugacy classes of $G$ have been
listed by T.~Kondo \cite{Kondo85}.
\section{An extension of Arnold's strange duality}
C.~T.~C.~Wall and the author \cite{EW85} have found an extension of Arnold's
strange duality. In order to consider this extension, we have to enlarge the
class of singularities which we want to discuss.
On the one hand, instead of restricting to the hypersurface case, we can also
look at isolated complete intersection singularities (abbreviated ICIS in the
sequel). Pinkham has shown \cite{Pinkham77b} that for exactly 8 triples
$(b_1,b_2,b_3)$ the triangle singularities with these Dolgachev numbers are
ICIS, but not hypersurface singularities. They are given by germs of
analytic mappings
$(g,f): ({\mathbb{C}}^4,0) \to ({\mathbb{C}}^2, 0)$. They are
$\cal K$-unimodal singularities and appear in Wall's classification
\cite{Wall83}. For certain values of the module, the equations are again
weighted homogeneous. The corresponding 8 triples $(b_1,b_2,b_3)$, Wall's names
and weighted homogeneous equations with weights $(w_1,w_2,w_3,w_4)$ and degrees
$(N_1,N_2)$ are indicated in Table~\ref{Table3}.
\caption{The 8 triangle ICIS}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & Equations & $N$ & Weights & Dol & Gab & $\mu$ & $d$ &
\\ \hline
$J'_9$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+y^2 \\ x^3+yw+z^2 \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 16 \\ 18 \end{array}$
& 6 8 9 10 & 2 3 10 & 2 2 2 3 & 9 & $-4$
& $J_{3,0}$ \\ \hline
$J'_{10}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+y^2 \\ x^2y+yw+z^2 \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 12 \\ 14 \end{array}$
& 4 6 7 8 & 2 4 8 & 2 2 2 4 & 10 & 8
& $Z_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$J'_{11}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+y^2 \\ x^4+yw+z^2 \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 10 \\ 12 \end{array}$
& 3 5 6 7 & 3 3 7 & 2 2 2 5 & 11 & $-12$
& $Q_{2,0}$ \\ \hline
$K'_{10}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+y^2 \\ x^3+z^2+w^2 \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 10 \\ 12 \end{array}$
& 4 5 6 6 & 2 6 6 & 2 3 2 3 & 10 & 12
& $W_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$K'_{11}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+y^2 \\ x^2y+z^2+w^2 \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 8 \\ 10 \end{array}$
& 3 4 5 5 & 3 5 5 & 2 3 2 4 & 11 & $-20$
& $S_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$L_{10}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+yz \\ x^3+yw+z^2 \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 11 \\ 12 \end{array}$
& 4 5 6 7 & 2 5 7 & 2 2 3 3 & 10 & 11
& $W_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$L_{11}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+yz \\ x^2y+yw+z^2 \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 9 \\ 10 \end{array}$
& 3 4 5 6 & 3 4 6 & 2 2 3 4 & 11 & $-18$
& $S_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$M_{11}$ & $\begin{array}{c} 2xw+y^2+z^2 \\ x^3+2yw \end{array}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 8 \\ 9 \end{array}$
& 3 4 4 5 & 4 4 5 & 2 3 3 3 & 11 & $-24$
& $U_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
By \cite{Hamm71}, the notion of Milnor fibre can also be extended to ICIS. We
assume that $(g,f)$ are generically chosen such that $(X',0)=(g^{-1}(0),0)$
is an
isolated hypersurface singularity of minimal Milnor number $\mu_1$ among such
choices of $g$. Then the {\em monodromy operator} of $(X,0)$ is defined to be
the monodromy operator of the function germ $f: (X',0) \to ({\mathbb{C}},0)$. By
\cite{Ebeling87} there exists a distinguished set of generators consisting of
$\nu:=\mu + \mu_1$ vanishing cycles, where $\mu$ is the rank of the second
homology group of the Milnor fibre. Again the monodromy operator is the Coxeter
element of this set, i.e.\ the product of the
$\nu$ reflections corresponding to the vanishing cycles of the distinguished set
of generators. For the 8 triangle ICIS, a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram
corresponding to
such a distinguished set is depicted in Fig.~\ref{Fig2} (cf.\ \cite{Ebeling87}).
Let us call the characteristic numbers $p_1$, $p_2$, $p_3$, $p_4$ of these
the {\em Gabrielov numbers} ${\rm Gab}(X)$ of the singularity. They are also
indicated in Table~\ref{Table3}. Again, using \cite[Theorem~3.4.3]{Ebeling87}
one can see that these numbers are uniquely defined.
\caption{Coxeter-Dynkin diagram of a triangle ICIS}
On the other hand, instead of starting with a hyperbolic triangle, we can start
with a hyperbolic quadrilateral. Let $b_1$, $b_2$, $b_3$, $b_4$ be positive
integers such that
$$\frac{1}{b_1} + \frac{1}{b_2} + \frac{1}{b_3} + \frac{1}{b_4} < 2.$$
One can perform the same construction as above with a solid quadrilateral with
angles $\frac{\pi}{b_1}$, $\frac{\pi}{b_2}$,
$\frac{\pi}{b_3}$, $\frac{\pi}{b_4}$ instead of a triangle. The
resulting normal surface singularities are called {\em quadrilateral
singularities} (with {\em Dolgachev numbers} $b_1$, $b_2$, $b_3$, $b_4$) (cf.\
\cite{Looijenga84}). Again these singularities admit a natural good
${\mathbb{C}}^\ast$-action. A minimal good resolution consists of a rational curve of
self-intersection number
$-2$ together with four rational curves of self-intersection numbers $-b_1$,
$-b_3$, and $-b_4$ respectively intersecting the first curve transversely.
For 6 quadruples
$(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4)$ these singularities are isolated hypersurface singularities.
They are bimodal in the sense of Arnold. They can again be defined by weighted
homogeneous equations. By
\cite{EW85} they have a distinguished basis with a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram of the
following form: It is obtained by adding a new vertex with number 0 to the graph
of Fig.~\ref{Fig1} in one of the following two ways:
\item[(1)] It is connected to the vertex $\mu$ and to the vertex
$p_1+p_2$ by ordinary lines. We refer to this diagram by the symbol $(p_1,
p_2, \underline{p_3})$.
\item[(2)] It is connected to the vertex $\mu$ and to the vertices
$p_1$ and $p_1+p_2-1$ by ordinary lines. We refer to this diagram by the symbol
$(p_1, \underline{p_2}, \underline{p_3})$.
The corresponding data are indicated in Table~\ref{Table4}. The numbers $p_1$,
$p_2$, $p_3$ defined by this procedure are unique except for the singularities
$W_{1,0}$ and $S_{1,0}$, where we have two triples each. This follows from
\cite[Supplement to Theorem~4.1]{Ebeling83}. One can also obtain an easier
proof by considering the discriminants (and in one case the discriminant
quadratic form) of the singularities and the possible determinants of the
graphs (and in one case the discriminant quadratic form determined by the
graph). The absolute values of the determinants in the respective cases are
\item[(1)] $|d|=4(p_1 p_2 -p_1 - p_2)$,
\item[(2)] $|d|=(p_1 -1)(p_2+p_3)$.
\caption{The 6 quadrilateral hypersurface singularities}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & Equation & $N$ & Weights & Dol & Gab & $\mu$ & $d$ &
\\ \hline
$J_{3,0}$ & $x^9+y^3+z^2$ & 18 & 2 6 9 & 2 2 2 3 & 2 3 \underline{10}
& 16 & 4
& $J'_9$ \\ \hline
$Z_{1,0}$ & $x^7+xy^3+z^2$ & 14 & 2 4 7 & 2 2 2 4 & 2 4 \underline{8}
& 15 & $-8$
& $J'_{10}$ \\ \hline
$Q_{2,0}$ & $x^6+y^3+xz^2$ & 12 & 2 4 5 & 2 2 2 5 & 3 3 \underline{7}
& 14 & 12
& $J'_{11}$ \\ \hline
$W_{1,0}$ & $x^6+y^4+z^2$ & 12 & 2 3 6 & 2 2 3 3
& $\begin{array}{c}
2 \ 5 \ \underline{7} \\ 2 \ \underline{6} \ \underline{6}
& 15 & $-12$
& $\begin{array}{c} K'_{10} \\ L_{10} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$S_{1,0}$ & $x^5+y^2z+xz^2$ & 10 & 2 3 4 & 2 2 3 4
& $\begin{array}{c}
3 \ 4 \ \underline{6} \\ 3 \ \underline{5} \ \underline{5}
& 14 & 20
& $\begin{array}{c} K'_{11} \\ L_{11} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$U_{1,0}$ & $x^3y+y^3+z^3$ & 9 & 2 3 3 & 2 3 3 3 & 4 \underline{4}
\underline{5} & 14 & 27
& $M_{11}$ \\ \hline
For another 5 quadruples $(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4)$ the quadrilateral singularities
with these Dolgachev numbers are ICIS. They are also $\cal K$-unimodal and
appear in Wall's lists \cite{Wall83}. They can also be given by weighted
equations. These equations and Wall's names are listed in Table~\ref{Table5}.
\caption{The 5 quadrilateral ICIS}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & Equations & Restrictions & $N$ & Weights
\\ \hline
$J'_{2,0}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+y^2 \\ ax^5+xy^2+yw+z^2
\end{array}$ & $a \neq 0,-\frac{4}{27}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 8 \\ 10 \end{array}$
& 2 4 5 6 \\ \hline
$L_{1,0}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+yz \\ ax^4+xy^2+yw+z^2
\end{array}$ & $a \neq 0,-1$
& $\begin{array}{c} 7 \\ 8 \end{array}$
& 2 3 4 5 \\ \hline
$K'_{1,0}$ & $\begin{array}{c} xw+y^2 \\ ax^4+xy^2+z^2+w^2
\end{array}$ & $a \neq 0,\frac{1}{4}$
& $\begin{array}{c} 6 \\ 8 \end{array}$
& 2 3 4 4 \\ \hline
$M_{1,0}$ & $\begin{array}{c} 2xw+y^2-z^2 \\ x^2y+ax^2z+2yw
\end{array}$ & $a \neq \pm 1$
& $\begin{array}{c} 6 \\ 7 \end{array}$
& 2 3 3 4 \\ \hline
$I_{1,0}$ & $\begin{array}{c} x^3+w(y-z) \\ ax^3+y(z-w)
\end{array}$ & $a \neq 0,1$
& $\begin{array}{c} 6 \\ 6 \end{array}$
& 2 3 3 3 \\ \hline
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & Dol & Gab & $\mu$ & $d$ & Dual
\\ \hline
$J'_{2,0}$ & 2 2 2 6 & 2 2 2 \underline{6} & 13 & $-16$
& $J'_{2,0}$ \\ \hline
$L_{1,0}$ & 2 2 3 5 & $\begin{array}{c} \mbox{2 2 3 \underline{5}} \\
\mbox{2 2 \underline{4} \underline{4}} \end{array}$ & 13 & $-28$
& $\begin{array}{c} L_{1,0} \\ K'_{1,0} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$K'_{1,0}$ & 2 2 4 4 & $\begin{array}{c} \mbox{2 3 2 \underline{5}} \\
\mbox{2 \underline{4} 2 \underline{4}} \end{array}$ & 13 & $-32$
& $\begin{array}{c} L_{1,0} \\ K'_{1,0} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$M_{1,0}$ & 2 3 3 4 & $\begin{array}{c} \mbox{2 3 \underline{3} \underline{4}}
\\ \mbox{2 \underline{3} 3 \underline{4}} \end{array}$ & 13 &
& $M_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$I_{1,0}$ & 3 3 3 3 &
$\underline{3}$ $\underline{3}$ $\underline{3}$ $\underline{3}$
& 13
& $-54$
& $I_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
The singularities $J'_{2,0}$, $L_{1,0}$, $K'_{1,0}$, and $M_{1,0}$ can be given
by equations $(g,f)$ where $g$ has Milnor number $\mu_1 = 1$. Coxeter-Dynkin
diagrams of these singularities are computed in \cite{Ebeling87}. Using
transformations as in the proof of \cite[Proposition~3.6.1]{Ebeling87}, these
graphs can be transformed to the following graphs. A Coxeter-Dynkin diagram
corresponding to a distinguished set of generators is obtained by adding a
new vertex to the graph of Fig.~\ref{Fig2}. It gets the number $p_1+p_2+2$ and
the indices of the old vertices with numbers $p_1+p_2+2, p_1+p_2+3, \ldots ,
\nu$ are shifted by $1$. New edges are introduced in one of the following ways:
\item[(1)] The new vertex is connected to the vertex $p_1+p_2+1$ and
to the vertex with new index $p_1+p_2+p_3+3$ (old index $p_1+p_2+p_3+2$) by
ordinary lines. We refer to this diagram by the symbol $(p_1, p_2, p_3,
\item[(2)] The new vertex is connected to the vertex $p_1+p_2+1$
and to the vertices with new indices $p_1+p_2+3$ and $p_1+p_2+p_3+2$ (old
indices $p_1+p_2+2$ and $p_1+p_2+p_3+1$ respectively) by ordinary lines. We
refer to this diagram by the symbol $(p_1,p_2,\underline{p_3},\underline{p_4})$.
\item[(3)] The new vertex is connected to the vertex $p_1+p_2+1$, to the
vertex $p_1$, and to the vertex with new index $p_1+p_2+p_3+2$ (old index
$p_1+p_2+p_3+1$) by ordinary lines. We refer to this diagram by the symbol
The absolute values of the determinants of the respective graphs are
\item[(1)] $|d|=4(p_1p_2p_3 -p_1-p_3)$,
\item[(2)] $|d|=p_1p_2(p_3+p_4+2)-p_1-p_2-p_3-p_4$,
\item[(3)] $|d|=p_1p_3(p_2+p_4)$.
Comparing the values of these determinants with the discriminants of the above 4
quadrilateral ICIS, we find that the graphs listed in Table~\ref{Table5} are
the only possible graphs of the types (1), (2), or (3) for these singularities.
Again, in two cases the numbers $p_1$, $p_2$, $p_3$, $p_4$ are not
uniquely defined.
For the remaining singularity $I_{1,0}$, $\mu_1=2$. This singularity can
be given by the following equations:
g(z) & = & z_1^2 + z_2^2 + z_3^2 + z_4^3, \\
f(z) & = & a_1z_1^2 + a_2z_2^2 + a_3z_3^2 + a_4z_4^3,
where $a_i \in {\mathbb{R}}$, $a_1 < a_2 < a_3 < a_4$. For such a singularity H.~Hamm
\cite{Hamm72} has given a basis of the complexified Milnor lattice
$H_{\mathbb{C}} = H
\otimes {\mathbb{C}}$. As in \cite[Sect.~2.3]{Ebeling87}, one can show that the cycles
he constructs are in fact vanishing cycles and that there exists a
distinguished set $\{\delta_1, \ldots , \delta_\nu\}$ of generators for
this singularity with the following intersection numbers:
$$\langle \delta_{i+1},\delta_{i+2} \rangle = -1, \quad i=0,2,4,6,8,10,$$
$$\langle \delta_{i+1},\delta_{i+3} \rangle =\langle \delta_{i+1},\delta_{i+4}
\rangle = 0, \langle \delta_{i+2},\delta_{i+3} \rangle =\langle
\delta_{i+2},\delta_{i+4} \rangle = 0,\quad i=0,4,8,$$
$$\langle \delta_{i+1},\delta_{j} \rangle =\langle \delta_{i+3},\delta_{j}
\rangle = -1, \quad i=0,4,8, \ 1 \leq j\leq 12, j\neq i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4,$$
$$\langle \delta_{i+2},\delta_{2k} \rangle =\langle \delta_{i+4},\delta_{2k}
\rangle = -1, \quad i=0,4,8, \ 1 \leq k \leq 6, 2k \neq i+2, i+4,$$
$$\langle \delta_{i+2},\delta_{2k-1} \rangle =\langle \delta_{i+4},\delta_{2k-1}
\rangle = 0, \quad i=0,4,8, \ 1 \leq k \leq 6, 2k-1 \neq i+1, i+3,$$
$$\langle \delta_{2k-1} , \delta_{13} \rangle = -1, \langle \delta_{2k-1} ,
\delta_{15} \rangle = 0, \langle \delta_{2k} , \delta_{13} \rangle = 0, \langle
\delta_{2k} , \delta_{15} \rangle = -1,
\quad 1 \leq k \leq 6,$$
$$\langle \delta_{i} , \delta_{14} \rangle = -1, \quad 1 \leq i \leq 12,$$
$$\langle \delta_{13} , \delta_{14} \rangle = 0, \langle \delta_{13} ,
\delta_{15} \rangle = 0, \langle \delta_{14} , \delta_{15} \rangle = 0.$$
By the following sequence of braid group transformations (for the notation see
e.g. \cite{Ebeling87}) the distinguished set $\{\delta_1,
\ldots , \delta_\nu\}$ can be transformed to a distinguished set $\{\delta'_1,
\ldots , \delta'_\nu\}$ where the Coxeter-Dynkin diagram corresponding to
the subset $\{\delta'_1, \ldots , \delta'_{12}\}$ is the graph of
We refer to the Coxeter-Dynkin diagram corresponding to $\{\delta'_1,
\ldots , \delta'_\nu\}$
by the symbol $(\underline{3},\underline{3},\underline{3},\underline{3})$. This
notation is motivated by Fig.~3. We admit, however, that it is somewhat
\caption{Subgraph of a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram of the singularity $I_{1,0}$}
The corresponding symbols are indicated in Table~\ref{Table5}.
If one compares the Dolgachev and Gabrielov numbers of Tables \ref{Table3} and
\ref{Table4} and of Table~\ref{Table5}, then one observes a correspondence
between the 8 triangle ICIS and the 6 quadrilateral hypersurface singularities
and between the 5 quadrilateral ICIS. The corresponding ''dual'' singularities
are indicated in the last column of each table.
Note that this correspondence is not always a duality in the strict sense. For
the quadrilateral hypersurface singularity $W_{1,0}$ we have two corresponding
ICIS $K'_{10}$ and $L_{10}$ and for $S_{1,0}$ we have the corresponding ICIS
$K'_{11}$ and $L_{11}$. The quadrilateral ICIS $L_{1,0}$ and $K'_{1,0}$ are both
self-dual and dual to each other. In the other cases the correspondence
is one-to-one. Pinkham also defined "Gabrielov numbers" (in a weaker sense) for
the triangle ICIS
\cite{Pinkham77b} and he already made part of this observation (unpublished).
This duality also corresponds to the Hirzebruch-Zagier duality of
cusp singularities (see
\cite{Nakamura81, EW85}).
If one now compares the Milnor numbers of dual singularities, one
\item for the triangle ICIS versus quadrilateral hypersurface singularities:
$\mu + \mu^\ast = 25$.
\item for the quadrilateral ICIS: $\mu + \mu^\ast = 26$.
(Note that also $d$ and $d^\ast$ do not coincide in each case.) So one still
has to alter something. There are two alternatives:
\item[(1)] subtract 1 for quadrilateral.
\item[(2)] subtract 1 for ICIS.
In \cite{EW85} we considered the first alternative. The quadrilateral
singularities are first elements ($l=0$) of series of singularities indexed by
a non-negative integer $l$. We showed that to each such series one can
associate a virtual element $l=-1$. We defined for these Milnor lattices,
Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams, and monodromy operators, and showed that all features
of Arnold's strange duality including Pinkham's interpretation continue to hold.
For more details see below.
A new discovery is that the second alternative works as well, and this also
leads to an extension of Saito's duality. Recall that the triangle or
quadrilateral ICIS with $\mu_1 = 1$ have a Coxeter-Dynkin diagram $D$ which is
either the graph of Fig.~\ref{Fig2} or an extension of it. By similar
transformations as in the proof of \cite[Proposition~3.6.2]{Ebeling87}, this
graph can be transformed to a graph containing the subgraph $D^\flat$ depicted
in Fig.~\ref{Fig4}.
\caption{Reduced Coxeter-Dynkin diagram $D^\flat$}
(Unfortunately, this proof has to be modified slightly. The correct sequence of
transformations is
$$\beta_{\rho-1}, \beta_{\rho-2}, \beta_{\rho-3}, \beta_{\rho-3},
and one has to consider the vertices
$\lambda^\prime_{\rho-2}$ and $\lambda^\prime_{\rho}$ instead of
$\lambda^\prime_{\rho-1}$ and $\lambda^\prime_{\rho}$.) By
\cite[Remark~3.6.5]{Ebeling87}, the passage from $D$ to $D^\flat$ can be
considered as a kind of "desuspension". For the singularity $I_{1,0}$, let
$D^\flat$ be the graph of Fig.~\ref{Fig3}. In each case, the new Coxeter-Dynkin
$D^\flat$ has
$\mu -1$ instead of $\mu + \mu_1$ vertices. Denote the corresponding Coxeter
element (product of reflections corresponding to the vanishing cycles) by
$c^\flat$. For the ICIS with $\mu_1=1$ one can compute (see
\cite[Proposition~3.6.2]{Ebeling87}) that
$$ \pi(c^\flat) = \pi(c)/1.$$
This means that $c^\flat$ has the same eigenvalues as $c$ but the multiplicities
of the eigenvalue 1 differ by 1. For the singularity $I_{1,0}$ one has
$\pi(c) = 6^3 / 1 \cdot 2^2$ (cf.\ \cite{Hamm72}), whereas $\pi(c^\flat) =
3^26^2 / 1^22^2$. Note that in any case
$$\mbox{tr}\, c^\flat = -2.$$
The passage from $c$ to
$c^\flat$ corresponds to the passage from the Milnor lattice $H$ of
to a sublattice $H^\flat$ of rank $\mu^\flat = \mu -1$. The
corresponding discriminants and discriminant quadratic forms of the lattices
$H^\flat$ are listed in Table~\ref{Table6}. Here we use the notation of
\caption{Discriminants and discriminant quadratic forms of the lattices
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & $\mu^\flat$ & $d^\flat$ & $(H^\flat)^\ast/H^\flat$ & dual form & dual
\\ \hline
$J'_9$ & 8 & 4 & $q_{D_4}$ & $q_{D_4}$ & $J_{3,0}$ \\ \hline
$J'_{10}$ & 9 &$-8$ & $q_{D_4} + q_{A_1}$ & $q_{D_4} + w^1_{2,1}$ & $Z_{1,0}$
\\ \hline
$J'_{11}$ & 10 & 12 & $q_{D_4} + q_{A_2}$ & $q_{D_4} + w^{-1}_{3,1}$ & $Q_{2,0}$
\\ \hline
$K'_{10}$ & 9 & $-12$ & $w^1_{2,2} + w^{-1}_{3,1}$
& $w^{-1}_{2,2} + w^1_{3,1}$ & $W_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$L_{10}$ & 9 & $-12$ & $w^1_{2,2} + w^{-1}_{3,1}$
& $w^{-1}_{2,2} + w^1_{3,1}$ & $W_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$K'_{11}$ & 10 & $20$ & $w^1_{2,1} + w^1_{2,1} + w^{-1}_{5,1}$
& $w^{-1}_{2,1} + w^{-1}_{2,1} + w^{-1}_{5,1}$ & $S_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$L_{11}$ & 10 & $20$ & $w^1_{2,1} + w^1_{2,1} + w^{-1}_{5,1}$
& $w^{-1}_{2,1} + w^{-1}_{2,1} + w^{-1}_{5,1}$ & $S_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$M_{11}$ & 10 & $27$ & $w^{-1}_{3,2} + w^{-1}_{3,1}$
& $w^1_{3,2} + w^1_{3,1}$ & $U_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$J'_{2,0}$ & 12 & 16 & $v_1 + v_1$ & $v_1 + v_1$ & $J'_{2,0}$\\ \hline
$\begin{array}{c} L_{1,0} \\ K'_{1,0} \end{array}$ & 12 & 32 & $w^{1}_{2,2} +
w^{-1}_{2,3}$ &
$w^{1}_{2,2} + w^{-1}_{2,3}$ & $\begin{array}{c} L_{1,0} \\ K'_{1,0}
\end{array}$ \\
$M_{1,0}$ & 12 & 49 & $w^1_{7,1} + w^{-1}_{7,1}$
& $w^1_{7,1} + w^{-1}_{7,1}$ & $M_{1,0}$ \\ \hline
$I_{1,0}$ & 12 & 81 & $\begin{array}{l} w^1_{3,1} + w^1_{3,1} \\
+ w^{-1}_{3,1} + w^{-1}_{3,1} \end{array}$ &
$\begin{array}{l} w^{-1}_{3,1} + w^{-1}_{3,1} \\
+ w^1_{3,1} + w^1_{3,1} \end{array}$ & $I_{1,0}$ \\
The Frame shapes of the corresponding operators $c^\flat$ are listed in
\caption{Frame shapes of the triangle ICIS and quadrilateral singularities}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & $\pi$ & $\pi^\ast$ & Dual
\\ \hline
$J_{3,0}$ & $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 18^2 / 1 \cdot 6 \cdot 9^2$ & $2^23 \cdot 18
/ 1^26 \cdot 9$ & $J'_9$ \\ \hline
$Z_{1,0}$ & $2 \cdot 14^2 / 1 \cdot 7^2$ & $2^2 14 / 1^27$ &
$J'_{10}$ \\ \hline
$Q_{2,0}$ & $3 \cdot 12^2 / 1 \cdot 6^2$ & $2^2 12 / 1^24$ &
$J'_{11}$ \\ \hline
$W_{1,0}$ & $2 \cdot 12^2 / 1 \cdot 4 \cdot 6$ & $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 12 /
& $\begin{array}{c} K'_{10} \\ L_{10} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$S_{1,0}$ & $10^2 / 1 \cdot 5$ & $2 \cdot 10 / 1^2$
& $\begin{array}{c} K'_{11} \\ L_{11} \end{array}$ \\
$U_{1,0}$ & $9^2 / 1 \cdot 3$ & $3 \cdot 9 / 1^2$
& $M_{11}$ \\ \hline \hline
$J'_{2,0}$ & $2^210^2 / 1^25^2$ & $2^210^2 / 1^25^2$
& $J'_{2,0}$ \\
$\begin{array}{c} L_{1,0} \\ K'_{1,0} \end{array}$ & $2 \cdot 8^2 / 1^24$ & $2
\cdot 8^2 / 1^24$ &
$\begin{array}{c} L_{1,0} \\ K'_{1,0} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$M_{1,0}$ & $7^2 / 1^2$ & $7^2 / 1^2$ & $M_{1,0}$ \\
$I_{1,0}$ & $3^26^2 / 1^22^2$ & $3^26^2 / 1^22^2$ & $I_{1,0}$ \\
It turns out that the substitution
$$\mu \mapsto \mu^\flat, \quad c \mapsto c^\flat, \quad H \mapsto H^\flat$$
for the ICIS yields
$$ \mu + \mu^\ast = 24, \quad d = d^\ast, \quad \pi_{X^\ast} = \pi^\ast_X.$$
Moreover, the lattice $H$ admits an embedding into the even
unimodular lattice
$$K_{24} = (-E_8) \oplus (-E_8) \oplus U \oplus U \oplus U \oplus U$$
of rank $24$.
This lattice can be considered as the full homology lattice of a K3 surface,
$$K_{24} = H_0(S,{\mathbb{Z}}) \oplus H_2(S,{\mathbb{Z}}) \oplus H_4(S,{\mathbb{Z}}),$$
where the inner product on $H_0(S,{\mathbb{Z}}) \oplus H_4(S,{\mathbb{Z}})$ is defined in such a
way that this lattice corresponds to a unimodular hyperbolic plane $U$. The
orthogonal complement of $H$ is the lattice
$\check{H}$ of the singularity
$X^\ast$ (cf.\ Table~\ref{Table6}).
Let us consider Pinkham's interpretation in the new cases.
The Milnor fibre of a
triangle or quadrilateral isolated hypersurface or complete intersection
singularity can be compactified in such way that after resolving the
singularities one gets a K3 surface $S$ \cite{Pinkham78}. We consider the dual
graph of the curve configuration at infinity in each case.
Let $G(p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4)$ and $\tilde{G}(p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4)$ be the subgraphs of
the graphs of Fig.~\ref{Fig4} and Fig.~\ref{Fig2} respectively obtained by
omitting the vertices $\mu^\flat-1$ and $\mu^\flat$, and $p_1+p_2-1$,
$p_1+p_2+1$, and $\nu$ respectively. Denote by $M(p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4)$ and
$\tilde{M}(p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4)$ the corresponding lattices. Recall that the
homology lattice $H_2(S,{\mathbb{Z}})$ of the K3 surface is denoted by $L$.
First start with a triangle ICIS $(X,x_0)$ with Dolgachev numbers
$(b_1,b_2,b_3)$. Then the dual graph is the graph $G(b_1,b_2,b_3)$. This yields
an embedding $M(b_1,b_2,b_3) \subset L$ and the orthogonal complement is the
Milnor lattice $H=\tilde{M}(p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4) \oplus U$. By alternative (1) (cf.\
\cite{EW85}) the dual of $(X,x_0)$ is a bimodal series; the Milnor lattice
of the
"virtual" $l=-1$ element of the corresponding series is $M(b_1,b_2,b_3) \oplus
U$. One can even associate a Coxeter element to the dual "virtual"
singularity; it
has order $\mbox{lcm}\,(N_1,N_2)$ where $N_1$, $N_2$ are the degrees of the
equations of $(X,x_0)$ \cite{EW85}, whereas the monodromy operator of $(X,x_0)$
has order $N_2$. There is no Saito duality of characteristic polynomials.
The dual singularities and orders of the monodromy operators are listed in
\caption{The duality: 8 triangle ICIS versus 8 bimodal series}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & $\mu$ & Dol & Gab & $d$ & $h$ & $h^\ast$ & $\mu^\ast$ & Dual
\\ \hline
$J'_9$ & 9 & 2 3 10 & 2 2 2 3 & $-4$ & 18 & 144 & 15 & $J_{3,-1}$ \\ \hline
$J'_{10}$ & 10 & 2 4 8 & 2 2 2 4 & 8 & 14 & 84 & 14 & $Z_{1,-1}$ \\ \hline
$J'_{11}$ & 11 & 3 3 7 & 2 2 2 5 & $-12$ & 12 & 60 & 13 & $Q_{2,-1}$ \\ \hline
$K'_{10}$ & 10 & 2 6 6 & 2 3 2 3 & 12 & 12 & 60 & 14 & $W_{1,-1}$ \\ \hline
$K'_{11}$ & 11 & 3 5 5 & 2 3 2 4 & $-20$ & 10 & 40 & 13 & $S_{1,-1}$ \\ \hline
$L_{10}$ & 10 & 2 5 7 & 2 2 3 3 & 11 & 12 & 132 & 14 & $W^\sharp_{1,-1}$ \\
$L_{11}$ & 11 & 3 4 6 & 2 2 3 4 & $-18$ & 10 & 90 & 13 & $S^\sharp_{1,-1}$ \\
$M_{11}$ & 11 & 4 4 5 & 2 3 3 3 & $-24$ & 9 & 72 & 13 & $U_{1,-1}$ \\ \hline
On the other hand, we can start with a quadrilateral hypersurface singularity
$(X,x_0)$ with Dolgachev numbers $(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4)$. Then the dual graph is the
graph $G(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4)$. We obtain an embedding $M(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4) \subset
L$ and the orthogonal complement is the Milnor lattice of $(X,x_0)$ described
in Table~\ref{Table4}. Here we use alternative (2) for the duality. The reduced
Milnor lattice $H^\flat$ of the dual triangle ICIS according to
Table~\ref{Table4} is the lattice $M(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4) \oplus U$.
Finally, let $(X,x_0)$ be one of the 5 quadrilateral ICIS. Then the dual graph
is again the graph $G(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4)$. One has an embedding
$M(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4) \subset
L$ and the orthogonal complement is the Milnor lattice of $(X,x_0)$ described
in Table~\ref{Table5}. Combining both alternatives (1) and (2), the lattice
\oplus U$ can be interpreted as follows: The 5 quadrilateral ICIS are the
initial $l=0$ elements of 8 series of ICIS. To each such series one can again
associate a virtual $l=-1$ element with a well-defined Milnor lattice. Then
$M(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4) \oplus U$ is the reduced Milnor lattice $\check{H}^\flat$ of
the dual virtual singularity. This correspondence is indicated in
Table~\ref{Table7c}. There is also a duality between the 8 virtual
singularities as indicated in \cite{EW85} (see also
\cite[Table~3.6.2]{Ebeling87}). There is no Saito duality of characteristic
polynomials in both cases. But as we have seen above, using alternative (2) we
get a third correspondence, for which Saito's duality of characteristic
polynomials holds.
\caption{The duality between the quadrilateral ICIS}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
Name & $\mu$ & Dol & Gab & $d$ & $\mu^\ast$ & Dual
\\ \hline
$J'_{2,0}$ & 13 & 2 2 2 6 & 2 2 2 \underline{6} & $-16$ & 11
& $J'_{2,-1}$ \\ \hline
$L_{1,0}$ & 13 & 2 2 3 5 & $\begin{array}{c} \mbox{2 2 3 \underline{5}} \\
\mbox{2 2 \underline{4} \underline{4}} \end{array}$ & $-28$ &
& $\begin{array}{c} L^\sharp_{1,-1} \\ K^\flat_{1,-1} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$K'_{1,0}$ & 13 & 2 2 4 4 & $\begin{array}{c} \mbox{2 3 2 \underline{5}} \\
\mbox{2 \underline{4} 2 \underline{4}} \end{array}$ & $-32$ & 11
& $\begin{array}{c} L_{1,-1} \\ K'_{1,-1} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$M_{1,0}$ & 13 & 2 3 3 4 &
$\begin{array}{c} \mbox{2 3 \underline{3} \underline{4}} \\
\mbox{2 \underline{3} 3 \underline{4}} \end{array}$ & $-42$ & 11
& $\begin{array}{c} M^\sharp_{1,-1} \\ M_{1,-1} \end{array}$ \\ \hline
$I_{1,0}$ & 13 & 3 3 3 3 &
$\underline{3}$ $\underline{3}$ $\underline{3}$ $\underline{3}$
& $-54$ & 11 & $I_{1,-1}$ \\ \hline
By Dolgachev's construction \cite{Dolgachev95}, to each case of
Pinkham's construction there corresponds a pair of mirror symmetric families of
K3 surfaces. Moreover, also to each case where we only have a pair of
lattices embedded as orthogonal complements to each other in the lattice
$K_{24}$ (cf.\ Table~\ref{Table6}) there corresponds such a mirror pair.
One can also investigate Kobayashi's duality of weight systems for our
extension of Arnold's strange duality. As already observed by Kobayashi
\cite{Kobayashi95}, only some of the weight systems of the quadrilateral
hypersurface singularities have dual weight systems, the dual weight systems
are in general not unique and they correspond again to isolated
hypersurface singularities. Since an ICIS has two degrees $N_1$ and $N_2$, it is
not quite clear how to generalize the notion of a weighted magic square. One
possibility would be to work with the sum of the degrees $N := N_1 + N_2$ and
to use also $3 \times 4$ and $4 \times 4$ matrices instead of $3 \times 3$
matrices. Then one finds again that in some cases there does not exist a dual
weight system, the dual weight systems are in general not unique, most cases are
self-dual, and only in the cases
\leftrightarrow Z_{1,0}$,
$K'_{11} \leftrightarrow S_{1,0}$, $J'_{2,0} \leftrightarrow J'_{2,0}$, and
$M_{1,0} \leftrightarrow M_{1,0}$ of our duality there exist weighted magic
squares giving a duality of the corresponding weight systems.
However, there is a relation between our extended duality and a polar duality
between the Newton polytopes generalizing Kobayashi's observation for Arnold's
strange duality. This can be used to explain Saito's duality of characteristic
polynomials. For details see the forthcoming paper \cite{Ebeling98}.
\section{Singular moonshine}
Let us consider the symbols $\pi\pi^\ast$ of Table~\ref{Table7}. It turns out
that they all occur in the list of Kondo, too. These pairs and the pairs from
the original Arnold duality correspond to self-dual Frame shapes of the group
$G$ with trace $-2$, $-3$, or
$-4$. By examining Kondo's list one finds that there are 22 such Frame shapes
and all but 3 occur. They are listed in Table~\ref{Table8}. Here we use the
ATLAS notation \cite{ATLAS} for the conjugacy classes. For each value of the
trace one symbol is missing.
\caption{Self-dual Frame shapes of $G$ with trace $-2$, $-3$ or $-4$}
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
ATLAS & Frame & & Niemeier & Duality
\\ \hline
21A & $2^23^27^242^2 / 1^26^214^221^2$ & $*$ &
& $E_{12} \leftrightarrow E_{12}$
\\ \hline
15E & $2^23 \cdot5 \cdot 30^2 / 1^26 \cdot 10 \cdot 15^2$ & $*$ &
$D_{16} \oplus E_8$
& $E_{13} \leftrightarrow Z_{11}$
\\ \hline
24B & $2 \cdot 3^24 \cdot 24^2 / 1^26 \cdot 8^2 12$ & $*$ &
& $E_{14} \leftrightarrow Q_{10}$
\\ \hline
11A & $2^222^2 / 1^211^2$ & $*$ & $D_{12}^2$
& $Z_{12} \leftrightarrow Z_{12}$
\\ \hline
18B & $2 \cdot 3 \cdot 18^2 / 1^26 \cdot 9$ & $*$ &
$A_{17} \oplus E_7$
& $Z_{13} \leftrightarrow Q_{11}$
\\ \hline
15B & $3^215^2 / 1^25^2$ & $*$ &
& $Q_{12} \leftrightarrow Q_{12}$
\\ \hline
20A & $2^25^220^2 / 1^24^210^2$ & $*$ &
& $W_{12} \leftrightarrow W_{12}$
\\ \hline
16B & $2 \cdot 16^2 / 1^28$ & $*$ & $A_{15} \oplus D_9$
& $W_{13} \leftrightarrow S_{11}$
\\ \hline
13A & $13^2 / 1^2$ & $*$ & $A^2_{12}$
& $S_{12} \leftrightarrow S_{12}$
\\ \hline
12E & $4^212^2 / 1^23^2$ & $*$ &
& $U_{12} \leftrightarrow U_{12}$
\\ \hline
9C & $2^33^218^3 /1^36^29^3$ & & $D_{10} \oplus E_7^2$
& $J'_9 \leftrightarrow J_{3,0}$
\\ \hline
7B & $2^314^3 / 1^37^3$ & $*$ & $D^3_8$
& $J'_{10} \leftrightarrow Z_{1,0}$
\\ \hline
12K & $2^23 \cdot 12^3 / 1^34 \cdot 6^2$ & $*$ & $A_{11}
\oplus D_7
\oplus E_6$
& $\begin{array}{c} J'_{11} \leftrightarrow Q_{2,0} \\
K'_{10} \leftrightarrow W_{1,0} \\
L_{10} \leftrightarrow W_{1,0}
\\ \hline
10E & $2 \cdot 10^3 / 1^35$ & $*$ & $A_9^2
\oplus D_6$
& $\begin{array}{c} K'_{11} \leftrightarrow S_{1,0} \\
L_{11} \leftrightarrow S_{1,0}
\\ \hline
9A & $9^3 / 1^3$ & & $A_8^3$
& $M_{11} \leftrightarrow U_{1,0}$
\\ \hline
5B & $2^410^4 / 1^45^4$
& & $D_6^4$
& $J'_{2,0} \leftrightarrow J'_{2,0}$
\\ \hline
8C & $2^28^4 / 1^44^2$ & & $A_7^2 \oplus D_5^2$
& $\begin{array}{c} L_{1,0} \leftrightarrow L_{1,0} \\
L_{1,0} \leftrightarrow K'_{1,0} \\
K'_{1,0} \leftrightarrow K'_{1,0}
\\ \hline
7A & $7^4 / 1^4$ & & $A_6^4$
& $M_{1,0} \leftrightarrow M_{1,0}$
\\ \hline
6A & $3^46^4 / 1^42^4$ & &
& $I_{1,0} \leftrightarrow I_{1,0}$
\\ \hline
10A & $5^210^2 / 1^22^2$ &
$*$ & &
\\ \hline
15A & $2^33^35^330^3 / 1^36^310^315^3$ &
$*$ & $E_8^3$ &
\\ \hline
12A & $2^43^412^4 /1^44^46^4$ & & $E_6^4$ &
\\ \hline
Special elements of $G$ correspond to the deep holes of the Leech lattice. A
{\em deep hole} of the Leech lattice $\Lambda_{24}$ is a point in ${\mathbb{R}}^{24}$
which has maximal distance from the lattice points. It is a beautiful theorem of
J.~H.~Conway, R.~A.~Parker, and N.~J.~A.~Sloane (\cite{CPS82}, see also
\cite{Ebeling94}) that there are 23 types of deep holes in $\Lambda_{24}$ which
are in one-to-one correspondence with the 23 isomorphism classes of even
unimodular lattices in
${\mathbb{R}}^{24}$ containing roots, which were classified by H.-V.~Niemeier
\cite{Niemeier73}. These lattices are characterized by the root systems which
they contain. The Frame shape of the Coxeter element of such a root system is
also the Frame shape of an automorphism of the Leech lattice. We have
indicated in Table~\ref{Table8} the type of the root system of the Niemeier
lattice, if a Frame shape corresponds to the Coxeter element of such a root
The automorphism group $G$ of the Leech lattice contains the Mathieu group
$M_{24}$ (see e.g.\ \cite{Ebeling94}). S.~Mukai \cite{Mukai88} has
classified the
finite automorphism groups of K3 surfaces (automorphisms which leave the
symplectic form invariant) and shown that they admit a certain embedding into
the Mathieu group $M_{24}$. He gives a list of 11 maximal groups such that
every finite automorphism group imbeds into one of these groups. A table of the
centralizers of the conjugacy classes of $G$ can be found in \cite{Wilson83}.
For an element $g
\in G$, denote its centralizer by $Z(g)$ and the finite cyclic group
generated by
$g$ by
$\langle g \rangle$. We have marked by ($\ast$) in Table~\ref{Table8} the cases
where there is an obvious inclusion of
$Z(g) / \langle g \rangle$ in one of Mukai's groups. It follows that in these
cases there is a K3 surface with an operation of $Z(g) / \langle g \rangle$ on
it by symplectic automorphisms.
To a Frame shape
$$\pi = \prod_{m | N} m^{\chi_m}$$
one can associate a modular function \cite{Kondo85}. Let
$$\eta(\tau) = q^{1/24} \prod^\infty_{n=1} (1-q^n), \quad q=e^{2\pi i \tau},
\tau \in {\mathbb{H}},$$
be the Dedekind $\eta$-function. Then define
$$\eta_\pi(\tau) = \prod_{m / N} \eta(m\tau)^{\chi_m}.$$
Saito \cite{Saito94} has proved the identity
$$\eta_\pi \left( - \frac{1}{N\tau} \right) \eta_{\pi^\ast}(\tau) \sqrt{d} =
where $d = \prod m^{\chi_m}$ and $\pi^\ast$ is the dual Frame shape. From this
it follows that $\eta_{\pi\pi^\ast}$ is a modular function for the group
$$\Gamma_0(N) = \left\{ \left( \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \end{array}
\right) \in \mbox{SL}_2({\mathbb{Z}}) \left| \right. c \equiv 0 (N) \right\}.$$
\noindent {\bf Question~1} Let $\pi\pi^\ast$ be one of the self-dual Frame
shapes of Table~\ref{Table8}. Is there any relation of $\eta_{\pi\pi^\ast}$ to
the analogue of Dedekind's eta function for K3 surfaces considered in
\cite{JT95} ?
The Frame shape $\pi\pi^\ast$ is the Frame shape of the
operator $c \oplus c^\ast$ which can be considered as an automorphism of a
sublattice of finite index of the even unimodular 24-dimensional lattice
$K_{24}$, which is the full homology lattice of a K3 surface. The
lattice $K_{24}$ has the same rank as the Leech lattice, but contrary to the
Leech lattice it is indefinite and has signature
\noindent {\bf Question~2 } Is there an explanation for this strange
correspondence between operators of different lattices?
Is it only a purely combinatorial coincidence? One can try to classify finite
sequences $(\chi_1, \chi_2, \ldots , \chi_N)$ with the following properties:
\item[(1)] $\chi_m \in {\mathbb{Z}}$ for all $m=1, \ldots , N$,
\item[(2)] $\sum m\chi_m = 24$,
\item[(3)] $\chi_m = 0$ for $m \! \! \not| N$,
\item[(4)] $\chi_m = - \chi_{N/m}$ for $m | N$,
\item[(5)] $\prod m^{\chi_m} \in {\mathbb{N}}$,
\item[(6)] $\chi_1 \in \{-2,-3,-4\}$,
\item[(7)] $|\chi_m| \leq |\chi_N|$ for $m | N$.
By a computer search, one finds for $N \leq 119$ in addition to the 22 Frame
shapes of Table~\ref{Table8} only the following Frame shapes:
$$3^26 \cdot 12^2 /1^22 \cdot 4^2, \quad 2^43^44^424^4 / 1^46^48^412^4, \quad
2^24^25^240^2 / 1^28^210^220^2.$$
These Frame shapes also appear in Kondo's tables, namely in the tables of
certain transforms of the Frame shapes of $G$ \cite[Table~III, 4C; Table~II,
12A; Table~II, 20A]{Kondo85}.
1996-12-06T15:28:42 | 9612 | alg-geom/9612005 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9612005 | [
] | alg-geom/9612005 | Ezra Getzler | Ezra Getzler | The semi-classical approximation for modular operads | 11 pages, amslatex-1.2 | null | null | MPI 96-145 | null | The semi-classical approximation is an explicit formula of mathematical
physics for the sum of Feynman diagrams with a single circuit.In this paper, we
study the same problem in the setting of modular operads (see dg-ga/9408003);
instead of being a number, the interaction at a vertex of valence n is an
As an application, we calculate the S_n-equivariant Hodge polynomials of the
moduli spaces \Mbar_{1,n}.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 6 Dec 1996 14:28:42 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \subsection*{Acknowledgments}
I wish to thank the Department of Mathematics at the Universit\'e de
Paris-VII the Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Mathematik in Bonn for their
hospitality during the inception and completion, respectively, of this
paper. I am grateful to D. Zagier for showing me the asymptotic expansion
of Corollary \ref{don}.
This research was partially supported by a research grant of the NSF and a
fellowship of the A.P. Sloan Foundation.
\section{Wick's theorem and the semi-classical approximation}
Let $\Gamma_{g,n}$ be the small category whose objects are isomorphism
classes of stable graphs $G$ of genus $g(G)=g$ with $n$ totally ordered
legs \cite{modular}, and whose morphisms are the automorphisms: if
$G\in\Gamma_{g,n}$, its automorphism group $\Aut(G)$ is the subset of the
permutations of the flags which preserve all the data defining the stable
graph, including the total ordering of the legs. Because of the stability
condition, $\Gamma_{g,n}$ is a finite category.
Define polynomials $\{\mathsf{M} v_{g,n}\mid 2(g-1)+n>0\}$ of a set of variables
$\{v_{g,n}\mid 2(g-1)+n>0\}$ by the following formula:
\begin{equation} \label{M}
\mathsf{M} v_{g,n} = \sum_{G\in\Ob\Gamma_{g,n}} \frac{1}{|\Aut(G)|}
\prod_{v\in\VERT(G)} v_{g(v),n(v)} .
Introduce the sequences of generating functions
a_g(x) = \sum_{2(g-1)+n>0} v_{g,n} \frac{x^n}{n!} , \quad\text{and}\quad
b_g(x) = \sum_{2(g-1)+n>0} \mathsf{M} v_{g,n} \frac{x^n}{n!} .
Wick's theorem gives an integral formula for the generating functions
$\{b_g\}$ in terms of $\{a_g\}$:
\sum_{g=0}^\infty b_g \hbar^{g-1} = \log \int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp \biggl(
\sum_{g=0}^\infty a_g \hbar^{g-1} - \frac{(x-\xi)^2}{2\hbar} \biggr) \,
\frac{dx}{\sqrt{2\pi\hbar}} .
As written, this is purely formal, since it involves the integration of a
power series in $x$. It may be made rigourous by observing that the
integral transform
f \DOTSB\mapstochar\to \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(\hbar,x) e^{-(x-\xi)^2/2\hbar} \,
induces a continuous linear map on the space of Laurent series
$\mathbb{Q}\(\hbar\)\[x\]$ topologized by the powers of the ideal $(\hbar,x)$.
The semi-classical expansion is a pair of formulas for $b_0$ and
$b_1$ in terms of $a_0$ and $a_1$, which we now recall.
Let $R$ be a ring of characteristic zero. The Legendre transform $\mathcal{L}$ is
the involution of the set $x^2/2+x^3R\[x\]$ characterized by the formula
(\mathcal{L} f)\circ f' + f = p_1 f' .
\begin{theorem} \label{legendre}
The series $x^2/2+b_0$ is the Legendre transform of $x^2/2-a_0$.
The first few coefficients of $b_0$ may be calculated, either from the
definition of $\mathsf{M} v_{0,n}$ or from Theorem \ref{legendre}:
$$\begin{tabular}{|C|L|} \hline
n & \mathsf{M} v_{0,n} \\[2pt] \hline
3 & v_{0,3} \\[5pt]
4 & v_{0,4} + 3v_{0,3}^2 \\[5pt]
5 & v_{0,5} + 10v_{0,4}v_{0,3} + 15v_{0,3}^3 \\[5pt]
6 & v_{0,6} + 15v_{0,5}v_{0,3} + 10v_{0,4}^2 + 105 v_{0,4}v_{0,3}^2 +
105 v_{0,3}^4 \\[3pt] \hline
We now come to the formula for $b_1$, known as the semi-classical
\begin{theorem} \label{semi}
The series $b_1$ and $a_1$ are related by the formula
b_1 = \bigl( a_1 - \tfrac{1}{2} \log (1-a_0'') \bigr) \circ ( x + b_0' ) .
By the definition of the Legendre transform, we see that $(\mathcal{L} f)'\circ
f'=x$. It follows that Theorem \ref{semi} is equivalent to the formula
b_1 \circ ( x - a_0' ) = a_1 - \tfrac{1}{2} \log(1-a_0'') .
This formula expresses the fact that the stable graphs contributing to
$b_1$ are obtained by attaching a forest whose vertices have genus $0$
to two types of graphs:
\item those with a single vertex of genus $1$ (corresponding to the term
\item stable graphs with a single circuit, and all of whose vertices have
genus $0$ --- we call such a graph a \emph{necklace}.
The presence of a logarithm in the term which contributes the necklaces is
related to the fact that there are $(n-1)!$ cyclic orders of $n$ objects.
The first few coefficients of $b_1$ are also easily calculated:
$$\begin{tabular}{|C|L|} \hline
n & \mathsf{M} v_{1,n} \\[2pt] \hline
1 & v_{1,1} + \tfrac12 v_{0,3} \\[5pt]
2 & v_{1,2} + v_{1,1}v_{0,3} + \tfrac12\bigl( v_{0,4} + v_{0,3}^2 \bigr)
3 & v_{1,3} + 3v_{1,2}v_{0,3} + v_{1,1}v_{0,4} + \tfrac12\bigl( v_{0,5} +
3 v_{0,4}v_{0,3} + 2v_{0,3}^3 \bigr) \\[5pt]
4 & v_{1,4} + 6v_{1,3}v_{0,3} + 3v_{1,2}v_{0,4} + 15v_{1,2}v_{0,3}^2 +
v_{1,1}v_{0,5} \\
& \quad {}+ \tfrac12\bigl( v_{0,6} + 4v_{0,5}v_{0,3} + 3v_{0,4}^2 +
12v_{0,4}v_{0,3}^2 + 6v_{0,3}^4\bigr) \\[3pt] \hline
\section{The semi-classical approximation for modular operads}
In the theory of modular operads, one replaces the sequence of coefficients
$\{v_{g,n}\}$ considered above by a stable $\SS$-module, that is, a
sequence of $\SS_n$-modules $\mathcal{V}\(g,n\)$. The analogue of \eqref{M} is the
functor on stable $\SS$-modules which sends $\mathcal{V}$ to
\begin{equation} \label{MM}
\mathbb{M}\mathcal{V}\(g,n\) = \colim_{G\in\Gamma_{g,n}} \bigotimes_{v\in\VERT(G)}
\mathcal{V}\(g(v),n(v)\) .
Thus, the coefficients in \eqref{M} are promoted to vector spaces, the
product to a tensor product, the sum over stable graphs to a direct sum,
and the weight $|\Aut(G)|^{-1}$ to $\colim_{\Aut(G)}$, that is, the
coinvariants with respect to the finite group $\Aut(G)$. Note that this
definition makes sense in any symmetric monoidal category ${\mathcal C}$ with
finite colimits. We will need the Peter-Weyl theorem to hold for actions of
the symmetric group $\SS_n$ on ${\mathcal C}$; thus, we will suppose that ${\mathcal C}$ is
additive over a ring of characteristic zero.
The characteristic $\ch_n(\mathcal{V})$ of an $\SS_n$-module is defined by the
\ch_n(\mathcal{V}) = \frac{1}{n!} \sum_{\sigma\in\SS_n} \Tr_\sigma(\mathcal{V}) p_\sigma \in
\Lambda_n\o K_0({\mathcal C}) ,
where $p_\sigma$ is the product of power sums $p_{|\mathcal{O}|}$ over the orbits
$\mathcal{O}$ of $\sigma$.
Although this definition appears to require rational coefficients, this is
an artifact of the use of the power sums $p_n$; it is shown in \cite{I}
that the characteristic is a symmetric function of degree $n$ with values
in the Grothendieck group of the additive category ${\mathcal C}$. If
$\rk:\Lambda\to\mathbb{Q}[x]$ is the homomorphism defined by $h_n\DOTSB\mapstochar\to x^n/n!$,
we have
\rk(\ch_n(\mathcal{V})) = [\mathcal{V}]/n!\in K_0({\mathcal C})\o\mathbb{Q} .
Note that $\rk(f)$ is obtained from $f$ by setting the powers sums $p_n$ to
$0$ if $n>1$, and to $x$ if $n=1$.
The place of the generating functions $a_g$ and $b_g$ is now taken by
\AA_g & = \sum_{2(g-1)+n>0} \ch_n(\mathcal{V}\(g,n\)) \in \Lambda \Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C}) , \\
\mathbf{b}_g & = \sum_{2(g-1)+n>0} \ch_n(\mathbb{M}\mathcal{V}\(g,n\)) \in \Lambda \Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C}) .
Theorem (8.13) of \cite{modular}, whose statement we now recall, calculates
$\mathbf{b}_g$ in terms of $\AA_h$, $h\le g$. Let $\Delta$ be the ``Laplacian'' on
$\Lambda\(\hbar\)$ given by the formula
\Delta = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \hbar^n
\left( \frac{n}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial p_n^2} + \frac{\partial}{\partial p_{2n}} \right) .
\begin{theorem} \label{modular}
If $\mathcal{V}$ is a stable $\SS$-module, then
\sum_{g=0}^\infty \mathbf{b}_g \hbar^{g-1} = \Log \biggl( \exp(\Delta) \Exp\Bigl(
\sum_{g=0}^\infty \AA_g \hbar^{g-1} \Bigr) \biggr) .
There is also a formula for $\mathbf{b}_0$ in terms of $\AA_0$. To state it, we
must recall the definition of the Legendre transform for symmetric
functions. Let
\Lambda_*\Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C}) = \{ f \in \Lambda\Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C}) \mid \rk(f) =
x^2/2+O(x^3) \} .
If $f$ is a symmetric function, let $f'=\partial f/\partial p_1$; this operation may be
expressed more invariantly as $p_1^\perp$ (Ex.\ I.5.3, Macdonald
The Legendre transform $\mathcal{L}$ is the involution of $\Lambda_*\Hat{\otimes}
K_0({\mathcal C})$ characterized by the formula $(\mathcal{L} f)\circ f' + f = p_1 f'$.
The Legendre transform $\mathcal{L} f$ of a function $f$ is characterized by the
formula $(\mathcal{L} f)'\circ f'=x$. For symmetric functions, although the
analogue of this formula holds, in the form
(\mathcal{L} f)'\circ f' = h_1 ,
the situation is not as simple, since there is no single notion of integral
for symmetric functions (the ``constant'' term may be any function of the
power sums $p_n$, $n>1$). Neverthless, there is a simple algorithm for
calculating $\mathcal{L} f$ from $f$. Denote by $f_n$ and $g_n$ the coefficents of
$f$ and $g=\mathcal{L} f$ lying in $\Lambda_n\o K_0({\mathcal C})$.
\item The formula $f'\circ(\mathcal{L} f)'=h_1$ may be rewritten as
\sum_{n=3}^N g_n' + \sum_{n=3}^N f_n' \circ
\Bigl( h_1 + \sum_{k=3}^{N-1} g_k' \Bigr) \cong 0 \mod{\Lambda_N\o K_0({\mathcal C})} .
This gives a recursive procedure for calculating $g_n'$.
\item Having determined $g'$, we obtain $g$ from the formula $f=\mathcal{L} g$, or
$g = p_1 g' - f\circ g'$.
We now recall Theorem (7.17) of \cite{modular}, which is the generalization
to modular operads of Theorem \ref{legendre}.
\begin{theorem} \label{Legendre}
The symmetric function $h_2+\mathbf{b}_0$ is the Legendre transform of
The main result of this paper is a formula for $\mathbf{b}_1$ in terms of
$\AA_1$ and $\AA_0$, generalizing Theorem \ref{semi}. If $f$ is a
symmetric function, write $\dot{f}=\partial f/\partial p_2=\tfrac12 p_2^\perp f$.
\begin{theorem} \label{Semi}
\mathbf{b}_1 = \biggl( \AA_1 - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^\infty
\frac{\phi(n)}{n} \log(1-\psi_n(\AA_0'')) +
\frac{\dot{\AA}_0(\dot{\AA}_0+1)}{1-\psi_2(\AA_0'')} \biggr) \circ
Here, $\phi(n)$ is Euler's function, the number of prime residues modulo
The first two terms inside the parentheses on the right-hand side of
Theorem \ref{Semi} are analogues of the corresponding terms in the formula
of Theorem \ref{semi}. In particular, the second of these terms is closely
related to the sum over necklaces in the definition of $\mathbb{M}\mathcal{V}\(1,n\)$, as
is seem from the formula
\sum_{n=1}^\infty \ch_n\bigl( \Ind_{\mathbb{Z}_n}^{\SS_n} {1\!\!1} \bigr)
= - \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{\phi(n)}{n} \log(1-p_n) .
The remaining term may be understood as a correction term, which takes into
account the fact that necklaces of $1$ or $2$ vertices have non-trivial
involutions (while those with more vertices do not). A proof of the theorem
could no doubt be given using this observation; however, we prefer to
derive it directly from Theorem \ref{modular}.
If we take the plethysm on the right of the formula of Theorem \ref{Semi}
with the symmetric function $h_1-\AA_0'$, and apply the formula
$(h_1+\mathbf{b}_0')\circ(h_1-\AA_0')=h_1$, we obtain the equivalent formulation of
this theorem:
\mathbf{b}_1 \circ (h_1-\AA_0') = \AA_1 - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^\infty
\frac{\phi(n)}{n} \log(1-\psi_n(\AA_0'')) +
\frac{\dot{\AA}_0(\dot{\AA}_0+1)}{1-\psi_2(\AA_0'')} .
\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{Semi}]
The symmetric function $\mathbf{b}_1$ is a sum over graphs obtained by attaching
forests whose vertices have genus $0$ to either a vertex of genus $1$, or
to a necklace. In other words,
\mathbf{b}_1 = \bigl( \AA_1 + \text{sum over necklaces} \bigr) \circ
(h_1+\mathbf{b}_0') .
To prove the theorem, we must calculate the sum over necklaces.
To do this, observe that a necklace is a graph with flags coloured red or
blue, such that each vertex has exactly two red flags, each edge is red,
and all tails are blue. Let $\mathcal{W}\(n\)$, $n\ge1$, be the sequence of
representations of $\SS_2\times\SS_n$
\mathcal{W}\(n\) = \Res^{\SS_{n+2}}_{\SS_n\times\SS_2} \mathcal{V}\(0,n+2\) ;
think of the first factor of the product $\SS_n\times\SS_2$ as acting on
the blue flags at a vertex, and the second factor as acting on the red
flags. Applying Theorem \ref{modular}, we see that
\Log \bigl( \exp(1\o\Delta) \Exp(\Ch(\mathcal{W})) \bigr) \in
\Lambda\Hat{\otimes}\Lambda\Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C})
is the sum over stable graphs all of whose edges are red. To impose the
condition that all tails are blue, we set the variables $q_n$ to zero
before taking the Logarithm.
We now proceed to the explicit calculation. We set $\hbar=1$, since it
plays no r\^ole when all graphs have genus $1$. In writing elements of
$\Lambda\Hat{\otimes}\Lambda$, we will denote power sums in the first factor of
$\Lambda$ by $p_n$, and in the second by $q_n$.
The characteristic $\Ch(\mathcal{W})$ of $\mathcal{W}$ is the ``bisymmetric'' function
\Ch(\mathcal{W}) = \tfrac12 \AA_0''q_1^2 + \dot{\AA}_0 q_2 \in
\Lambda\Hat{\otimes}\Lambda_2\Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C}) .
We have $\Ch(\mathcal{W})=h_2^\perp \AA_0\o h_2+e_2^\perp \AA_0\o e_2$. Expressing
this in terms of power sums, we have
h_2^\perp \AA_0\o h_2+e_2^\perp \AA_0\o e_2 &=
\bigl(\tfrac12(p_1^\perp)^2+p_2^\perp\bigr)\AA_0\o\tfrac12(q_1^2+q_2) +
\bigl(\tfrac12(p_1^\perp)^2-p_2^\perp\bigr)\AA_0\o\tfrac12(q_1^2-q_2) \\
&= \tfrac12 (p_1^\perp)^2\AA_0\o q_1^2 + p_2^\perp \AA_0\o q_2 .
From this lemma, it follows that
\Exp\bigl( \Ch(\mathcal{W}) \bigr) = \prod_{n=1}^\infty \exp\Bigl( \psi_n(\AA_0'')
\frac{q_n^2}{2n} \Bigr) \prod_{n=1}^\infty \exp\Bigl( \psi_n(\dot{\AA}_0)
\frac{q_{2n}}{n} \Bigr) \in \Lambda\Hat{\otimes}\Lambda\Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C}) ,
We now apply the heat kernel and separate variables:
\exp(1\o\Delta) \Exp\bigl( \Ch(\mathcal{W}) \bigr)\big|_{q_n=0}
= \prod_{\text{$n$ odd}} \exp\left( \frac{n}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial q_n^2} \right)
\exp\Bigl( \psi_n(\AA_0'') \frac{q_n^2}{2n} \Bigr) \Big|_{q_n=0} \\
{} \times \prod_{\text{$n$ even}}
\exp\left( \frac{n}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial q_n^2} + \frac{\partial}{\partial q_n} \right)
\exp\Bigl( \psi_n(\AA_0'') \frac{q_n^2}{2n} +
\psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0) \frac{2q_n}{n} \Bigr) \Big|_{q_n=0} .
We now insert the explicit formulas for the heat kernel of the Laplacian,
\exp\left( \frac{n}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial q_n^2} \right) f(q_n) \big|_{q_n=0} =
\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(q_n) \exp\biggl( - \frac{q^2}{2n} \biggr)
\frac{dq}{\sqrt{2\pi n}} .
For the odd variables, matters are quite straightforward:
\exp\left( \frac{n}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial q_n^2} \right) \exp\Bigl(
\frac{q_n^2}{2n} \psi_n(\AA_0'') \Bigr) \Big|_{q_n=0} &=
\int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp\biggl( \psi_n(\AA_0'') \frac{q_n^2}{2n} -
\frac{q_n^2}{2n} \biggr) \frac{dq_n}{\sqrt{2\pi n}} \\
&= \bigl( 1 - \psi_n(\AA_0'') \bigr)^{-1/2} .
For the even variables, things become a little more involved:
\exp\left( \frac{n}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial q_n^2} + \frac{\partial}{\partial q_n} \right)
\exp\Bigl( \psi_n(\AA_0'') \frac{q_n^2}{2n} +
\psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0) \frac{2q_n}{n} \Bigr) \Big|_{q_n=0} \\
{} &= \exp\left( \frac{n}{2} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial q_n^2} \right) \exp\Bigl(
\psi_n(\AA_0'') \frac{q_n^2}{2n} + \psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0) \frac{2q_n}{n}
\Bigr) \Big|_{q_n=1} \\
{} &= \int_{-\infty}^\infty
\exp\biggl( \psi_n(\AA_0'') \frac{q_n^2}{2n} + \psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0)
\frac{2q_n}{n} - \frac{(q_n-1)^2}{2n} \biggr) \frac{dq_n}{\sqrt{2\pi n}} .
To perform this gaussian integral, we complete the square in the exponent:
\psi_n(\AA_0'') \frac{q_n^2}{2n} + \psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0) \frac{2q_n}{n}
- \frac{(q_n-1)^2}{2n} \\
{} &= - \bigl( 1-\psi_n(\AA_0'') \bigr) \frac{q_n^2}{2n} +
\bigl( 2\psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0) + 1 \bigr) \frac{q_n}{n} - \frac{1}{2n} \\
{} & = - \frac{1-\psi_n(\AA_0'')}{2n} \biggl( q_n -
\frac{2\psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0)+1}{1-\psi_n(\AA_0'')} \biggr)^2
+ \frac{2}{n} \Biggl( \frac{\psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0)
\bigl(\psi_{n/2}(\dot{\AA}_0)+1\bigr)}{1-\psi_n(\AA_0'')} \Biggr) .
Thus, the gaussian integral equals
\bigl( 1-\psi_n(\AA_0'') \bigr)^{-1/2}
\exp\frac{2}{n} \Biggl(
{1-\psi_n(\AA_0'')} \Biggr) .
Putting these calculations together, we see that
\exp(1\o\Delta) \Exp\bigl( \Ch(\mathcal{W}) \bigr) |_{q_n=0} &= \prod_{n=1}^\infty
\bigl( 1 - \psi_n(\AA_0'') \bigr)^{-1/2}
\exp\frac{1}{n} \Biggl(
{1-\psi_{2n}(\AA_0'')} \Biggr) \\
&= \prod_{n=1}^\infty \bigl( 1 - \psi_n(\AA_0'') \bigr)^{-1/2} \Exp \biggl(
\frac{\dot{\AA}_0 (\dot{\AA}_0+1)}{1-\psi_2(\AA_0'')} \biggr) ,
and, applying the operation $\Log$, that
\Log \bigl( \exp(1\o\Delta) \Exp\bigl( \Ch(\mathcal{W}) \bigr) |_{q_n=0} \bigr) =
\Log \prod_{n=1}^\infty \bigl( 1 - \psi_n(\AA_0'') \bigr)^{-1/2} +
\frac{\dot{\AA}_0(\dot{\AA}_0+1)}{1-\psi_2(\AA_0'')} .
The proof of the theorem is completed by the following lemma., applied to
Let $f\in\Lambda\Hat{\otimes} K_0({\mathcal C})$ have constant term equal to $1$; that is,
$\rk(f)=1+O(x)$. Then
\Log \prod_{n=1}^\infty \psi_n(f)^{-1/2} = - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^\infty
\frac{\phi(n)}{n} \log(\psi_n(f)) .
By definition,
\Log \prod_{n=1}^\infty \psi_n(f)^{-1/2} = \sum_{k=1}^\infty
\frac{\mu(k)}{k} \log \prod_{n=1}^\infty \psi_{nk}(f)^{-1/2} = -
\frac{1}{2} \prod_{n=1}^\infty \Bigl( \sum_{d|n} \frac{\mu(d)}{d} \Bigr)
\log(\psi_n(f)) .
The lemma follows from the formula
\sum_{d|n} \frac{\mu(d)}{d} = \frac{\phi(n)}{n} ,
which follows by M\"obius inversion from $\sum_{d|n}\phi(d)=n$.
\begin{corollary} \label{sEMI}
Define $a_g=\rk(\AA_g)$, $b_g=\rk(\mathbf{b}_g)$, and $\dot{a}_0=\rk(\dot{\AA}_0)$. Then
we have
a_1 \circ (x-a_0') = a_1 - \tfrac12 \log(1-a_0'') + \dot{a}_0
(\dot{a}_0+1) .
Suppose $\mathcal{V}\(0,n\)={1\!\!1}$ is the trivial one-dimensional representation for
all $n\ge3$, while $\mathcal{V}\(1,n\)=0$. Then $\mathbb{M}\mathcal{V}\(1,n\)$ is an $\SS_n$-module
whose rank is the number of graphs in $\Gamma^0_{1,n}$, where
$\Gamma^0_{1,n}\subset\Gamma_{1,n}$ is the subset of stable graphs all of
whose vertices have genus $0$. We have
\AA_0 = \sum_{n=3}^\infty h_n = \exp\Bigl( \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{p_n}{n}
\Bigr) - 1 - h_1 - h_2 .
Theorem \ref{Semi} leads to the following results; the calculations were
performed using J.~Stembridge's symmetric function package \texttt{SF} for
\texttt{maple} \cite{SF}.
$$\begin{tabular}{|C|L|L|} \hline
n & \ch_n\bigl(\mathbb{M}\mathcal{V}\(1,n\)\bigr) & |\Gamma_{1,n}^0| \\ \hline
1 & s_{1} & 1 \\[5pt]
2 & 3\,s_{2} & 3 \\[5pt]
3 & 7\,s_{3}+4\,s_{21} & 15 \\[5pt]
4 & 20\,s_{4}+17\,s_{31}+14\,s_{2^2}+4\,s_{21^2} & 111 \\[5pt]
5 & 52\,s_{5}+78\,s_{41}+71\,s_{32}+33\,s_{31^2}+34\,s_{2^21}+4\,s_{21^3}+s_{1^5} &
1104 \\ \hline
An explicit formula for the generating function of the numbers
$|\Gamma_{1,n}^0|$ may be obtained from Corollary \ref{sEMI}, using the
formulas $a_0'=e^x-1-x$, $a_0''=e^x-1$ and $\dot{a}_0=\tfrac12(e^x-1)$.
\sum_{n=1}^\infty |\Gamma^0_{1,n}| \frac{x^n}{n!} = \Bigl( - \frac{1}{2}
\log \bigl( 2 - e^x \bigr) + \frac{1}{4} (e^{2x}-1) \Bigr) \circ
(1+2x-e^x)^{-1} .
\section{The $\SS_n$-equivariant Hodge polynomial of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}$}
A more interesting application of Theorem \ref{Semi} is to the stable
$\SS$-module in the category of $\mathbb{Z}$-graded mixed Hodge structures
\mathcal{V}\(g,n\) = H^\bullet_c(\mathcal{M}_{g,n},\mathbb{C}) .
Let ${\mathsf{KHM}}$ be the Grothendieck group of mixed Hodge structures. The
$\SS_n$-equivariant Serre polynomial $\Serre^{\SS_n}(\mathcal{M}_{g,n})$ is by
definition the characteristic $\ch_n(\mathcal{V}\(g,n\))\in\Lambda_n\o{\mathsf{KHM}}$. It
follows from the usual properties of Serre polynomials (see \cite{I} or
Proposition (6.11) of \cite{modular}) that $\ch_n(\mathbb{M}\mathcal{V}\(g,n\))$ is the
$\SS_n$-equivariant Serre polynomial $\Serre^{\SS_n}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})$ of the
moduli space $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ of stable curves. Since the moduli space
$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ is a complete smooth Deligne-Mumford stack, its $k$th
cohomology group carries a pure Hodge structure of weight $k$; thus, the
Hodge polynomial of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ may be extracted from
$\Serre^{\SS_n}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n})$. Using Theorem \ref{Semi}, we will calculate
the Serre polynomials $\Serre^{\SS_n}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})$.
It is shown in \cite{gravity} (see also \cite{I}) that
\AA_0 = \sum_{n=3}^\infty \Serre^{\SS_n}(\mathcal{M}_{0,n}) = \frac{\displaystyle
\biggl\{ \prod_{n=1}^\infty
(1+p_n)^{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{d|n}\mu(n/d)(1+\mathsf{L}^d)} \biggr\} - 1}{\mathsf{L}^3-\mathsf{L}} -
\frac{h_1}{\mathsf{L}^2-\mathsf{L}} - \frac{h_2}{\mathsf{L}+1} ,
where $\mathsf{L}$ is the pure Hodge structure $\mathbb{C}(-1)$ of weight $2$. Theorem
\ref{Legendre} implies that
h_2 + \mathbf{b}_0 = h_2 + \sum_{n=3}^\infty \Serre^{\SS_n}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,n})
is the Legendre transform of $e_2-\AA_0$; this was used in \cite{gravity} to
calculate $\Serre^{\SS_n}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,n})$.
Let $\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}$ be the pure Hodge structure
where $\mathsf{H}$ is the local system $R^1\pi_*\mathbb{Q}$ of rank $2$ over the moduli
stack of elliptic curves. (Here, $\pi:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,2}\to\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}$ is the
universal elliptic curve.) This Hodge structure has the following
\item $\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}=F^0\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}\oplus\overline{F^0\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}}$;
\item there is a natural isomorphism between $F^0\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}$ and the space
of cusp forms $S_{2k+2}$ for the full modular group $\SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$. (In
particular, $\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}=0$ for $k\le4$.)
It is shown in \cite{II} that
\AA_1 = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \Serre^{\SS_n}(\mathcal{M}_{1,n}) = \res_0 \Biggl[ \left(
(1+p_n)^{\frac{1}{n}\sum_{d|n}\mu(n/d)(1-\omega^d-\mathsf{L}^d/\omega^d+\mathsf{L}^d)} - 1}
{1-\omega-\mathsf{L}/\omega+\mathsf{L}} \right) \\ \times \left( \sum_{k=1}^\infty \biggl(
\frac{\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}+1}{\mathsf{L}^{2k+1}} \biggr) \omega^{2k} - 1 \right) \bigl(
\omega-\mathsf{L}/\omega \bigr) d\omega \Biggr] ,
where $\res_0[\alpha]$ is the residue of the one-form $\alpha$ at the
We may now apply Theorem \ref{Semi} to calculate the generating function of
the $\SS_n$-equivariant Serre polynomials $\Serre^{\SS_n}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})$. We
do not give the details, since they are quite straightforward, though the
resulting formulas are tremendously complicated when written out in
full. However, we do present some sample calculations, performed with the
package \texttt{SF}.
$$\begin{tabular}{|C|L|L|} \hline
n & \Serre\bigl(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}\bigr) & \chi(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}) \\[2pt] \hline
1 & (\mathsf{L}+1)s_1 & 2 \\[5pt]
2 & (\mathsf{L}^2+2\mathsf{L}+1)s_2 & 4 \\[5pt]
3 & (\mathsf{L}^3+3\mathsf{L}^2+3\mathsf{L}+1)s_3+(\mathsf{L}^2+\mathsf{L})s_{21} & 12 \\[5pt]
4 & (\mathsf{L}^4+4\mathsf{L}^3+7\mathsf{L}^2+4\mathsf{L}+1)s_4+(2\mathsf{L}^3+4\mathsf{L}^2+2\mathsf{L})s_{31}
+(\mathsf{L}^3+2\mathsf{L}^2+\mathsf{L})s_{2^2} & 49 \\[5pt]
5 & (\mathsf{L}^5+5\mathsf{L}^4+12\mathsf{L}^3+12\mathsf{L}^2+5\mathsf{L}+1)s_5
+(3\mathsf{L}^4+11\mathsf{L}^3+11\mathsf{L}^2+3\mathsf{L})s_{41} & 260 \\
& {}+(2\mathsf{L}^4+7\mathsf{L}^3+7\mathsf{L}^2+2\mathsf{L})s_{32}+(\mathsf{L}^3+\mathsf{L}^2)(s_{31^2}+s_{2^21}) &
\\[2pt] \hline
In a table at the end of the paper, we give a table of non-equivariant
Serre polynomials of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}$ for $n\le15$; these give an idea of the
way in which the Hodge structures $\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}$ typically enter into the
cohomology. In particular, we see that the even-dimensional cohomology of
the moduli spaces $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}$ is spanned by Hodge structures of the form
$\mathbb{Q}(\ell)$, while the odd dimensional cohomology is spanned by Hodge
structures of the form $\mathsf{S}_{2k+2}(\ell)$.
The rational cohomology groups of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}$ satisfy Poincar\'e duality:
there is a non-degenerate $\SS_n$-equivariant pairing of Hodge structures
H^k(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n},\mathbb{Q}) \o H^{2n-k}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n},\mathbb{Q}) \to \mathbb{Q}(-n) .
Unfortunately, our formula for $\Serre^{\SS_n}(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})$ does not
render this duality manifest.
\section{The Euler characteristic of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}$}
As an application of Corollary \ref{sEMI}, we give an explicit formula for
the generating function of the Euler characteristics $\chi(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})$.
\begin{theorem} \label{funny}
Let $g(x)\in x+x^2\mathbb{Q}\[x\]$ be the solution of the equation
2g(x)-(1+g(x))\log(1+g(x))=x .
\sum_{n=1}^\infty \chi(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}) \frac{x^n}{n!} = - \frac{1}{12}
\log\bigl(1+g(x)\bigr) - \frac{1}{2} \log\bigl(1-\log(1+g(x))\bigr) +
\epsilon(g(x)) ,
\epsilon(x) = \frac{1}{12} \bigl( 19\,x + 23\,x^2/2 + 10\,x^3/3 + x^4/2
\bigr) .
We apply Corollary \ref{sEMI} with the data
a_0' &= \sum_{n=2}^\infty \chi(\mathcal{M}_{0,n+1}) \frac{x^n}{n!} =
\sum_{n=2}^\infty (-1)^n (n-2)! \frac{x^n}{n!} = (1+x)\log(1+x)-x , \\
a_0'' &= \log(1+x) , \quad \dot{a}_0 = \frac{1}{4} x(x+2) , \\
a_1 &= \chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,1}) x + \chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,2}) \frac{x^2}{2} +
\chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,3}) \frac{x^3}{6} + \chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,4}) \frac{x^4}{24}
+ \frac{1}{12} \sum_{n=5}^\infty (-1)^n (n-1)! \frac{x^n}{n!} \\
&= x + \frac{x^2}{2} - \frac{1}{12} \log(1+x) + \frac{1}{12} \Bigl( x +
\frac{x^2}{2} + \frac{x^3}{3} - \frac{x^4}{4} \Bigr) , \\
where we have used that $\chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,1})=\chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,2})=1$ and
$\chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,3})=\chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,4})=0$. The function $g(x)$ of the statement
of the theorem is $x+\mathbf{b}_0'(x)$.
The following corollary was shown us by D. Zagier.
\begin{corollary} \label{don}
\chi(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}) \sim \frac{(n-1)!}{4(e-2)^n} \Bigl( 1 + C
n^{-1/2} + O\bigl(n^{-3/2}\bigr) \Bigr) ,
C = \sqrt{\frac{e-2}{18\pi e}} ( 1 + 4e + 9e^2 + 4e^3 + 2e^4 ) \approx
18.31398807 .
To show this, we analytically continue $g(x)$ to the domain
$\mathbb{C}\setminus[e-2,\infty)$. The resulting function has an asymptotic
expansion of the form
g(x) \sim e - 1 - \sqrt{2e(e-2-x)} + \sum_{k=3}^\infty a_k (e-2-x)^{k/2} .
The asymptotics \eqref{don} follow by applying Cauchy's integral formula to
the right-hand side of Theorem \ref{funny}, with contour the circle
The peculiar polynomial $\epsilon(x)$ of Theorem \ref{funny} combines the
error terms in the formula for $\chi(\mathcal{M}_{1,n})$ with the correction terms
involving $\dot{a}_0$ in Corollary \ref{sEMI}. Omitting the term
$\epsilon(g(x))$ in Theorem \ref{funny}, we obtain the generating function
not of the Euler characteristics $\chi(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})$, but rather of the
virtual Euler characteristics $\chi_v(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})$ of the underlying
smooth moduli stack (orbifold). The asymptotic behaviour of the virtual
Euler characteristics is the same as that of the Euler characteristics,
with $C$ replaced by $\widetilde{C}=\bigl(\frac{e-2}{18\pi e}\bigr)^{1/2}
\approx 0.06835794$. The ratio between these Euler characteristics has the
asymptotic behaviour
\frac{\chi(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})}{\chi_v(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n})} \sim (C-\widetilde{C})
n^{-1/2} + O(n^{-1}) ,
giving a statistical measure of the ramification of $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}$ for large
$$\begin{tabular}{|C|L|} \hline
n & \Serre(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,n}) \\ \hline
1 & \mathsf{L}+1 \\
2 & \mathsf{L}^2+2\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
3 & \mathsf{L}^3+5\,\mathsf{L}^2+5\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
4 & \mathsf{L}^4+12\,\mathsf{L}^3+23\,\mathsf{L}^2+12\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
5 & \mathsf{L}^5+27\,\mathsf{L}^4+102\,\mathsf{L}^3+102\,\mathsf{L}^2+27\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
6 & \mathsf{L}^6+58\,\mathsf{L}^5+421\,\mathsf{L}^4+756\,\mathsf{L}^3+421\,\mathsf{L}^2+58\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
7 & \mathsf{L}^7+121\,\mathsf{L}^6+1612\,\mathsf{L}^5+5077\,\mathsf{L}^4+5077\,\mathsf{L}^3+1612\,\mathsf{L}^2+12\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
8 & \mathsf{L}^8+248\,\mathsf{L}^7+5802\,\mathsf{L}^6+31072\,\mathsf{L}^5+52402\,\mathsf{L}^4+31072\,\mathsf{L}^3
+5802\,\mathsf{L}^2+248\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
9 & \mathsf{L}^9+503\,\mathsf{L}^8+19925\,\mathsf{L}^7+175036\,\mathsf{L}^6+480097\,\mathsf{L}^5+480097\,\mathsf{L}^4
+175036\,\mathsf{L}^3+19925\,\mathsf{L}^2+503\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
10 & \mathsf{L}^{10}+1014\,\mathsf{L}^9+66090\,\mathsf{L}^8+920263\,\mathsf{L}^7+3975949\,\mathsf{L}^6
+6349238\,\mathsf{L}^5+3975949\,\mathsf{L}^4+920263\,\mathsf{L}^3+66090\,\mathsf{L}^2+1014\,\mathsf{L}+1 \\
11 & \mathsf{L}^{11}+2037\,\mathsf{L}^{10}+213677\,\mathsf{L}^9+4577630\,\mathsf{L}^8+30215924\,\mathsf{L}^7
+74269967\,\mathsf{L}^6+30215924\,\mathsf{L}^5+\ldots+1 - \mathsf{S}_{12} \\
12 & \mathsf{L}^{12}+4084\,\mathsf{L}^{11}+677881\,\mathsf{L}^{10}+21793602\,\mathsf{L}^9
-11(\mathsf{L}+1)\mathsf{S}_{12} \\
13 & \mathsf{L}^{13}+8179\,\mathsf{L}^{12}+2120432\,\mathsf{L}^{11}+100226258\,\mathsf{L}^{10}
+1424858788\,\mathsf{L}^9+7603002045\,\mathsf{L}^8+17095248952\,\mathsf{L}^7+\ldots \\
& \quad {} - (66\,\mathsf{L}^2+429\,\mathsf{L}+66)\mathsf{S}_{12} \\
14 & \mathsf{L}^{14}+16370\,\mathsf{L}^{13}+6563147\,\mathsf{L}^{12}+448463866\,\mathsf{L}^{11}
+ 9049174765\,\mathsf{L}^{10}+68547770726\,\mathsf{L}^9
+221071720149\,\mathsf{L}^8+324314241400\,\mathsf{L}^7+\ldots \\
& \quad {} - (286\,\mathsf{L}^3+6006\,\mathsf{L}^2+286\,\mathsf{L})\mathsf{S}_{12} \\
15 & \mathsf{L}^{15}+32753\,\mathsf{L}^{14}+20153930\,\mathsf{L}^{13}+1963368663\,\mathsf{L}^{12}
+55228789080\,\mathsf{L}^{11} + 581636563570\,\mathsf{L}^{10}
+2627427327522\,\mathsf{L}^9+5488190927216\,\mathsf{L}^8+\ldots \\
& \quad {} -
\\ \hline
1997-09-04T21:14:16 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709004 | [
] | alg-geom/9709004 | Ravi Vakil | Ravi Vakil | Genus g Gromov-Witten invariants of Del Pezzo surfaces: Counting plane
curves with fixed multiple points | LaTeX2e | null | null | null | null | As another application of the degeneration methods of [V3], we count the
number of irreducible degree $d$ geometric genus $g$ plane curves, with fixed
multiple points on a conic $E$, not containing $E$, through an appropriate
number of general points in the plane. As a special case, we count the number
of irreducible genus $g$ curves in any divisor class $D$ on the blow-up of the
plane at up to five points (no three collinear). We then show that these
numbers give the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of the surface. Finally, we
suggest a direction from which the remaining del Pezzo surfaces can be
approached, and give a conjectural algorithm to compute the genus g
Gromov-Witten invariants of the cubic surface.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 4 Sep 1997 19:13:49 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
In this note, we count the number of irreducible degree $d$ geometric
genus $g$ plane curves, with fixed multiple points on a conic $E$, not
containing $E$, through an appropriate number of general points in the
plane. As a special case, we count the number of irreducible genus $g$
curves in any divisor class $D$ on the blow-up of the plane at up to five
points (no three collinear). These numbers are the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten
invariants of the surface (Subsection \ref{gwenumerative}). The genus $g$
Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb P^2$ were already computed in [R] and
[CH3], and those of $\mathbb P^1 \times \mathbb P^1$ and the blow-up of $\mathbb P^2$
at a point ($\mathbb F_1$) were computed in [V3].
Such classical enumerative questions have recently been the object of study
by many people. Ideas from mathematical physics (cf. the inspiring [KM]
and [DI]) have yielded formulas when $g=0$ on $\mathbb P^2$ (via associativity
relations in quantum cohomology). Z. Ran solved the analogous
(enumerative) problem for curves of arbitrary genus on $\mathbb P^2$ by
degenerations methods (cf. [R]), and Caporaso and Harris gave a second
solution by different degeneration methods (cf. [CH3]). These numbers for
irreducible curves are also the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of
$\mathbb P^2$ (Subsection \ref{gwenumerative}). P. Di Francesco and
C. Itzykson calculated the genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of the plane
blown up at up to six points in [DI], Subsection 3.3. Y. Ruan and G. Tian
gave recursive formulas for the genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of Fano
surfaces, and indicated their enumerative significance ([RT] Section 10).
L. G\"{o}ttsche and R. Pandharipande later derived recursive formulas
for the genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of the plane blown up at any
number of points ([GP]). E. Kussell has recovered the Gromov-Witten
invariants of $\mathbb P^2$ blown up at 2 points by Caporaso and Harris'
``rational fibration method'' ([Ku]). In another direction, extending work
of I. Vainsencher ([Va]), Kleiman and Piene have examined systems with an
arbitrary, but fixed, number $\delta$ of nodes ([K2]). The postulated number
of $\delta$-nodal curves is given (conjecturally) by a polynomial, and they
determine the leading coefficients, which are polynomials in $\delta$.
L. G\"{o}ttsche has recently conjectured a surprisingly simple generating
function ([G]) for these polynomials which reproduce the results of
Vainsencher as well as Kleiman and Piene and experimentally reproduce the
numbers of [CH3], [V3], S.T. Yau and E. Zaslow's count of rational curves
on K3-surfaces ([YZ]), and others. The numbers of curves are expressed in
terms of four universal power series, two of which G\"{o}ttsche gives
explicitly as quasimodular forms.
The philosophy here is that of Caporaso and Harris in [CH3]: we degenerate
the point conditions to lie on $E$ one at a time. Our perspective,
however, is different: we use the moduli space of stable maps rather
than the Hilbert scheme.
\subsection{Examples} Suppose $d$ and $g$ are integers ($d >0$, $g
\geq 0$), and $s$ is a sequence of non-negative integers with no more
than five terms. Let $N^g_{d,s}$ be the number of irreducible genus
$g$ degree $d$ plane curves with fixed multiple points with
multiplicities given by $s$, passing through the appropriate number of
general points. As an example of the algorithm, Table
\ref{table1} gives values of $N^g_{d,s}$ for $d \leq 5$.
When $g=0$, these numbers agree with those found by Pandharipande and
G\"{o}ttsche ([GP] Subsection 5.2; the numbers were called $N_{d,s}$
there). When $s=0$, these numbers agree with those found by Caporaso
and Harris ([CH3]).
A conjectural algorithm for computing the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten
invariants of the cubic surface (i.e. the plane blown up at six points, no
three collinear and not all on a conic) is given in Subsection
\ref{cubic}. Based on that conjecture, we compute $N^0_{6,(2^6)}=3240$.
$N^0_1$ & $N^0_2$ & $N^1_3$ & $N^0_3$ & $N^0_{3,(2)}$ & $N^3_4$ &
$N^2_4$ & $N^1_4$ & $N^0_4$ & $N^2_{4,(2)}$ & $N^1_{4,(2)}$ &
$N^0_{4,(2)}$ \\
1 & 1 & 1 & 12 & 1 & 1 & 27 & 225 & 620 & 1 & 20 & 96 \\
$N^1_{4,(2^2)}$ & $N^0_{4,(2^2)}$& $N^0_{4,(2^3)}$ & $N^0_{4,(3)}$ & $N^6_5$ & $N^5_5$ & $N^4_5$ &
$N^3_5$ & $N^2_5$ & $N^1_5$ & $N^0_5$ \\
1 & 12 & 1 & 1 & 1 & 48 & 882 & 7915 & 36855 & 87192 & 87304 \\
$N^5_{5,(2)}$ & $N^4_{5,(2)}$
& $N^3_{5,(2)}$ & $N^2_{5,(2)}$ & $N^1_{5,(2)}$ & $N^0_{5,(2)}$
1 & 41 & 615 & 4235 & 13775 & 18132 \\
$N^4_{5,(2^2)}$ & $N^3_{5,(2^2)}$ & $N^2_{5,(2^2)}$ & $N^1_{5,(2^2)}$
& $N^0_{5,(2^2)}$ & $N^3_{5,(2^3)}$ & $N^2_{5,(2^3)}$ &
$N^1_{5,(2^3)}$ & $N^0_{5,(2^3)}$ \\
1 & 34 & 396 & 1887 & 3510 & 1 & 27 & 225 & 620 \\
$N^2_{5,(2^4)}$ & $N^1_{5,(2^4)}$
& $N^0_{5,(2^4)}$ & $N^1_{5,(2^5)}$ & $N^0_{5,(2^5)}$ &
$N^3_{5,(3)}$ & $N^2_{5,(3)}$ & $N^1_{5,(3)}$ & $N^0_{5,(3)}$ \\
1 & 20 & 96 & 1 & 12 & 1 & 28 & 240 & 640 \\
$N^2_{5,(3,2)}$ & $N^1_{5,(3,2)}$ & $N^0_{5,(3,2)}$ &
$N^1_{5,(3,2^2)}$ & $N^0_{5,(3,2^2)}$ & $N^0_{5,(3,2^3)}$ &
$N^0_{5,(4)}$ \\
1 & 20 & 96 & 1 & 12 & 1 & 1 \\
\caption{Numbers of plane curves with fixed multiple points}
The author is grateful to J. Harris, S. Kleiman, R. Pandharipande, and
T. Graber for useful advice and conversations. This work was developed and
largely written while the author was enjoying the hospitality of the
Mittag-Leffler Institute in May 1997, and he is grateful to the organizers
of the special year in Quantum Cohomology for this opportunity. This
research was supported by a Sloan Dissertation Fellowship.
\section{Statement of results}
For any sequence $\alpha = (\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots)$ of nonnegative integers
with all but finitely many $\alpha_i$ zero, set
| \alpha | = \alpha_1 + \alpha_2 + \alpha_3 + \dots
I \alpha
= \alpha_1 + 2\alpha_2 + 3\alpha_3 + \dots
= 1^{\alpha_1} 2^{\alpha_2} 3^{\alpha_3} \dots
\alpha ! = \alpha_1 ! \alpha_2 ! \alpha_3! \dots .
$$ We denote by $\operatorname{lcm}(\alpha)$ the least common multiple of the set $\#
\{ i : \alpha_i \neq 0 \}$. The zero sequence will be denoted 0.
We denote by $e_k$ the sequence $(0, \dots, 0, 1, 0 , \dots)$ that is
zero except for a 1 in the $k^{\text{th}}$ term (so that any sequence $\alpha
= (\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots)$ is expressible as $\alpha = \sum \alpha_k e_k$).
By the inequality $\alpha \geq \alpha'$ we mean $\alpha_k \geq \alpha_k'$ for all
$k$; for such a pair of sequences we set $$
\binom \alpha {\alpha'} = {\frac { \alpha!} {\alpha' ! (\alpha - \alpha')!}} =
\binom {\alpha_1} {\alpha'_1}
\binom {\alpha_2} {\alpha'_2}
\binom {\alpha_3} {\alpha'_3} \dots .
This notation follows [CH3] and [V3].
Let $H$ be the divisor class of a line in $\mathbb P^2$. Fix a degree $d$, a
genus $g$, sequences $\alpha$ and $\beta$, and a collection of points $\Gamma = \{
p_{i,j} \}_{1 \leq j \leq \alpha_i}$ (not necessarily distinct) of $E$. We
define the {\em generalized Severi variety} $W^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ to be the
closure (in $|dH|$) of the locus of irreducible reduced curves in $\mathbb P^2$
in class $dH$ of geometric genus $g$, not containing the conic $E$, with
(informally) $\alpha_k$ ``assigned'' points of contact of order $k$ and
$\beta_k$ ``unassigned'' points of contact of order $k$ with $E$. Formally,
we require that, if $\nu: C^\nu \rightarrow C$ is the normalization of $C$,
then there exist $|\alpha|$ points $q_{i,j} \in C^\nu$, $j=1, \dots, \alpha_i$
and $|\beta|$ points $r_{i,j} \in C^\nu$, $j=1, \dots, \beta_i$ such that
\nu(q_{i,j}) = p_{i,j} \quad \text{and} \quad \nu^*(E) = \sum i \cdot
q_{i,j} + \sum i \cdot r_{i,j}.
If $I
\alpha + I\beta \neq dH \cdot E = 2d$, $W^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ is empty.
For convenience, let
\Upsilon = \Upsilon^{d,g}(\beta) &:=& - (K_{\mathbb P^2} + E) \cdot (dH) +
|\beta| + g-1 \\
&=& d + |\beta| + g-1.
Then $W^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ is a projective
variety of pure dimension $\Upsilon$ (Proposition \ref{bigdim}).
{\em Notational warning:} The notation $V^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ and
$W^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ is used in [CH3] to refer to a slightly different
notion: the sequences $\alpha$ and $\beta$ refer there to tangencies with a
fixed line, rather than the fixed conic $E$.
If $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ are distinct points except $s_k$ points $\{ p_{1,j}
\}$ are the same $(1 \leq k \leq l)$, we will say that $\Gamma$ is {\em
In this case, if $\alpha'= \alpha + | s | e_1$,
$W^{d,g}(\alpha',\beta,\Gamma)$ generically parametrizes curves that have
multiple points of order $s_1$, \dots, $s_l$ on $E$ (with each branch
transverse to $E$), $i$-fold tangent to $E$ at $\alpha_i$ fixed points of
$E$, and $i$-fold tangent to $E$ at $\beta_i$ other points of $E$. When
discussing properties of $W^{d,g}(\alpha',\beta,\Gamma)$ that depend only on
$\alpha$, $\beta$, and $s$, we write $W^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,s)$ for convenience.
Let $N_{\text{irr}}^{d,g}\abG$ be the number of points of $W^{d,g}\abG$ whose
corresponding curve passes through $\Upsilon$ fixed general points of $\mathbb P^2$.
If $\Gamma$ is {\em simple} then $N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha',\beta,\Gamma)$ depends only on
$(\alpha,\beta,s)$ (Subsection \ref{therecursiveformulas}), so we write
$N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}\abs$. Then $N_{\text{irr}}^{d,g}\abs$ is the degree of the
generalized Severi variety (in the projective space $|dH|$). The main
result of this note is the following.
If $\dim W^{d,g}\abs>0$, then
N_{\text{irr}}^{d,g}\abs &=& \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N_{\text{irr}}^{d,g}(\alpha + e_k,
\beta - e_k,s)
& & + \sum \frac 1 \sigma \binom {\alpha} {\alpha^1, \dots, \alpha^l, \alpha- \sum \alpha^i} \binom {\Upsilon^{d,g}(\beta)-1} {\Upsilon^{d^1,g^1}(\beta^1), \dots, \Upsilon^{d^l,g^l}(\beta^l)} \\
& & \cdot \prod_{i=1}^l \binom {\beta^i} {\gamma^i} I^{\beta^i - \gamma^i} N_{\text{irr}}^{d^i,g^i}(\alpha^i,\beta^i,s^i)
where the second sum runs over choices of $d^i, g^i, \alpha^i,
\beta^i, \gamma^i, s^i$ ($1 \le i \le l$), where $d^i$ is a positive integer,
$g^i$ is a non-negative integer, $\alpha^i$, $\beta^i$, $\gamma^i$, $s^i$ are
sequences of non-negative integers, $\sum_i d^i = d-2$, $\sum_i \gamma^i
= \beta$, $\beta^i \gneq \gamma^i$, $\sum_i s^i_k = s_k - 1$ or $s_k$, and $\sigma$ is the number of
symmetries of the set $\{ (d^i,g^i,\alpha^i,\beta^i,\gamma^i, s^i) \}_{1 \leq i
\leq l}$.
In the second sum, for the summand to be non-zero, one must also have
$\sum \alpha^i \leq \alpha$, and $I \alpha^i + I \beta^i + |s^i|=
2 d^i$.
If $\tilde{s}$ is the sequence $s$ with the zeros removed, then clearly
W^{d,g}\abs = W^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,\tilde{s})
If $a$ is the number of ones in $s$, and $\tilde{s}$ is the sequence $s$ with the ones removed, then clearly
W^{d,g}\abs = W^{d,g}(\alpha + a e_1,\beta,\tilde{s}).
(Requiring a curve to have a multiplicity-1 multiple point at a fixed point
of $E$ is the same as requiring the curve to pass through a fixed point of
$E$.) If $s_k>1$ for all $k$, then the variety $W^{d,g}\abs$ has dimension 0
if and only if $d=1$, $g=0$, $\beta=0$, $s=0$, and $\alpha = 2 e_1$ or $e_2$ (from
Proposition \ref{bigdim} and simple case-checking). The first case is a line
through two fixed points of the conic $E$, and the second is a line tangent
to $E$ at a fixed point. In both cases, $N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}\abs = 1$. Therefore,
with this ``seed data'', Theorem \ref{irecursion} provides a means of
recursively computing $N_{\text{irr}}^{d,g}\abs$ for all $d$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$,
\subsection{Relationship to Gromov-Witten invariants}
Let $B$ be the blow-up of the plane at $l$ points ($0 \leq l \leq 5$),
no three collinear. Let $E$ be a smooth conic through the $l$ points
(unique if $l=5$). Let $H$ be the pullback of a line to $B$, and
$E_1$, \dots, $E_l$ the exceptional divisors. The irreducible genus
$g$ curves in a divisor class $D$ on $B$, through an appropriate
number ($-K_B \cdot D + g-1$) of points, can now be counted. Call
this number $GW^{D,g}_B$ for convenience. If $D$ is an exceptional
divisor, or the proper transform of $E$ if $l=5$, then
GW^{D,g}_B =
1 & \text{if $g=0$,} \\
0 & \text{otherwise.}
If $D= dH - \sum_{k=1}^l m_k E_k$ is any
other divisor class, then the (finite number of) genus $g$ curves in
class $D$ on $B$ through $-K_B \cdot D + g-1$ general points
correspond to the degree $d$ plane curves with $l$ fixed multiple points
of multiplicity $m_1$, \dots, $m_5$ through the same number of points.
Thus if $s_i = D \cdot E_i$, then
GW^{D,g}_B = N^{d,g}(0,(2d-\sum m_i) e_1, s).
In Subsection \ref{gwenumerative}, it will be shown that the numbers
$GW^{D,g}_B$ give all the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of $B$. (It
was previously known that the genus 0 invariants are enumerative, see [RT]
Section 10 and [GP] Lemma 4.10.)
\subsection{The strategy}
In order to understand generalized Severi varieties, we will analyze
certain moduli spaces of maps. Let $\overline{M}_g(\mathbb P^2,d)$ be the moduli
space of maps $\pi: C \rightarrow \mathbb P^2$ where $C$ is irreducible,
complete, reduced, and nodal, $(C, \pi)$ has finite automorphism
group, and $\pi_* [C] = dH$. Let $d$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\Gamma$ be as
in the definition of $W^{d,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ above. Define the {\em
generalized Severi variety of maps} $W^{d,g}_m(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ to be the
closure in $\overline{M}_g(\mathbb P^2,d)$ of points representing maps $(C,\pi)$ where
each component of $C$ maps birationally to its image in $\mathbb P^2$, no
component maps to $E$, and $C$ has (informally) $\alpha_k$ ``assigned''
points of contact of order $k$ and $\beta_k$ ``unassigned'' points of
contact of order $k$ with $E$. Formally, we require that there exist
$|\alpha|$ smooth points $q_{i,j} \in C$, $j=1, \dots, \alpha_i$ and $|\beta|$
smooth points $r_{i,j} \in C$, $j=1, \dots, \beta_i$ such that
\pi(q_{i,j}) = p_{i,j} \quad \text{and} \quad \pi^*(E) = \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} +
\sum i \cdot r_{i,j}.
There is a natural rational map from each component of
$W^{d,g}\abs$ to $W^{d,g}_m\abs$, and the
dimension of the image will be $\Upsilon$. We will prove:
The components of $W^{d,g}_m\abs$ have dimension at most $\Upsilon$,
and the union of those with dimension exactly $\Upsilon$ is
the closure of the image of $W^{d,g}\abs$ in $W^{d,g}_m\abG$.
(This will be an immediate consequence of Theorem \ref{bigdim}.)
Fix $\Upsilon$ general points $s_1$, \dots, $s_\Upsilon$ on $\mathbb P^2$. The image of
the maps in $W^{d,g}_m\abs$ whose images pass through these points are
reduced. ({\em Proof:} Without loss of generality, restrict to the
union $W$ of those components of $W^{d,g}_m\abs$ with dimension $\Upsilon$. By
Proposition \ref{idim}, the subvariety of $W$ corresponding to maps
whose images are {\em not} reduced contains no components of
$W$ and hence has dimension less than $\Upsilon$. Thus no image of such a
map passes through $s_1$, \dots, $s_{\Upsilon}$.)
Therefore, if $H$ is the divisor class on $W^{d,g}_m\abs$ corresponding to
requiring the image curve to pass through a fixed point of $\mathbb P^2$, then
N_{\text{irr}}^{d,g}\ab = H^\Upsilon.
Define the {\em intersection dimension} of a family $V$ of maps to
$\mathbb P^2$ (denoted $\operatorname{idim} V$) as the maximum number $n$ of general
points $s_1$, \dots $s_n$ on $\mathbb P^2$ such that there is a map $\pi: C
\rightarrow \mathbb P^2$ in $V$ with $\{ s_1, \dots, s_n \} \subset
\pi(C)$. Clearly $\operatorname{idim} V \leq \dim V$.
Our strategy is as follows. Fix a general point $q$ of $E$. Let
$H_q$ be the Weil divisor on $W^{d,g}_m\abs$ corresponding to maps with images
containing $q$. We will find the components of $W^{d,g}_m\abs$ with
intersection dimension $\Upsilon-1$ and relate them to
$W^{d',g'}_m(\alpha',\beta',s')$ for appropriately chosen $d'$, $g'$, $\alpha'$,
$\beta'$, $s'$. Then we compute the multiplicity with which each of these
components appears. Finally, we derive a
recursive formula for $N_{\text{irr}}^{d,g}\abs$ (Theorem \ref{irecursion}).
\subsection{Counting reducible curves}
Analogous definitions can be made of the space $V^{d,g}_m\abs$
parametrizing possibly reducible curves. (Then $W^{d,g}_m\abs$ is the
union of connected components of $V^{d,g}_m\abs$ where the source curve
$C$ is connected.) The arguments in this case are identical,
resulting in a recursive formula for $N^{d,g}\abs$, the number of maps
$(C,\pi)$ from genus $g$ curves with $\pi_*[C]=dH$, and intersection
of $\pi_* C$ with $E$ determined by $\alpha$ and $\beta$, passing through
$\Upsilon$ fixed general points of $\mathbb P^2$:
If $\dim V^{d,g}_m\abs>0$, then
N^{d,g}\abs = \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N^{d,g}(\alpha + e_k, \beta-e_k,s)
+ \sum I^{\beta'-\beta} {\binom \alpha {\alpha'}} \binom {\beta'}{\beta}
where the second sum is taken over all $\alpha'$, $\beta'$, $g'$ satisfying
$\alpha' \leq \alpha$, $\beta' \geq \beta$, $s'_k= s_k$ or $s_k-1$, $g-g' =
|\beta'-\beta| - 1$, $I \alpha' + I \beta' +|s'| = 2d-4$.
Although the recurrence is simpler than in Theorem \ref{irecursion}, the
seed data is more complicated. If $\dim V^{d,g}_m\abs=0$ and $N^{d,g}\abs
\neq 0$, then $\beta = 0$, $\alpha_k = 0$ for $k>2$, $g=1-2d$, and $2d = |s| + I
\alpha$. In this case, each point of $V^{d,g}_m\abs$ corresponds to a union of
lines in the plane. Then if $s'$ is the sequence $s$ with $\alpha_1$ ones
appended, $N^{d,g}\abs$ is the number of ways of expressing $s'$ as a sum
of sequences that are 0 except for 1's in two places. (This involves
chasing through the definitions: we are counting maps of $2d$ $\mathbb P^1$'s
to the plane, each of degree 1, intersecting $E$ in a certain way.)
Alternatively, $N^{d,g}\abs$ is the number of graphs with $|s'|$ labeled
vertices with vertex $i$ having valence $s'_i$, where each edge joints two
different vertices (although more than one edge can connect the same pair
of vertices).
\subsection{Simplifying formulas}
Computationally, it is simpler to deal with the formulas of Theorems
\ref{irecursion} and \ref{rrecursion} when $s=0$. (This was the form
proved in [V3].) The following lemma allows us to quickly reduce to the
case $s=0$ when $s_i=0$ for $i>3$.
\item[(0)] $N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha,\beta,s \cup (0)) = N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}\abs$
\item[(1)] $N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha,\beta,s\cup (1)) = N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha+e_1,\beta,s)$
\item[(2)] $N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha,\beta,s \cup (2)) = \frac 1 2 \left(
N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha + 2 e_1,\beta,s) - N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha + e_2,\beta,s) \right)$
\item[(3)] $N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha,\beta,s\cup (3)) = \frac 1 6
N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha + 3 e_1,\beta,s) - \frac 1 2 N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha + e_1 +
e_2,\beta,s) + \frac 1 3 N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha + e_3,\beta,s)$
Parts (0) and (1) are tautological, and were stated earlier (equations
(\ref{fred}) and (\ref{barney})). There are analogous expressions for
$N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}(\alpha,\beta,s \cup (n))$ for all $n$. The result still holds
when $N^{d,g}_{\text{irr}}$ is replaced by $N^{d,g}$. The lemma can be proved by
induction (on $\alpha$, $\beta$, $s$) and Theorem \ref{irecursion}. It can also
be proven by degeneration methods, and by the study of divisors on
generalized Severi varieties.
\subsection{Variations on a theme}
The same arguments provide means of computing the number of curves in
$V^{d,g}\abG$ through an appropriate number of points for $(X,E) =
(\mathbb P^2,H)$, ($\mathbb P^2,E)$, or $(\mathbb F_n,E)$, even if $\Gamma$ is not a
collection of reduced points.
\section{Proof of results}
\subsection{Dimension counts}
The pair $(X,E) = (\mathbb P^2,E)$ satisfies properties P1--P4 of [V3],
Subsection 1.1:
\item[{\bf P1.}] $X$ is a smooth surface and $E \cong \mathbb P^1$ is a divisor on $X$.
\item[{\bf P2.}]
The surface $X \setminus E$ is minimal, i.e. contains no (-1)-curves.
\item[{\bf P3.}]
The divisor class $K_X + E$ is negative on every curve on $X$.
\item[{\bf P4.}]
If $D$ is an effective divisor such that $-(K_X + E) \cdot D = 1$,
then $D$ is smooth.
Recall [V3] Theorem 2.1, whose proof depended only on
properties P1--P4:
\item[(a)] Each component $V$ of $V^{d,g}_m\abG$ is of dimension at most
\Upsilon = \Upsilon^{d,g}(\beta) = -(K_X + E) \cdot (dH) + | \beta | + g-1.
The stable map $(C, \pi)$ corresponding to a general point of any
component of dimension $\Upsilon$ satisfies the following properties.
\item[(i)] The curve $C$ is smooth, and the map $\pi$ is an immersion.
\item[(ii)] The image is a reduced curve. If $\Gamma$ consists of distinct points, then the image is smooth along its intersection with $E$.
\item[(c)] Conversely, any component whose general map satisfies
property (i) has dimension $\Upsilon$.
By ``the image is a reduced curve'', we mean $\pi_*[C]$ is a sum of
distinct irreducible divisors on $X$.
\subsection{Determining intersection components and their multiplicities}
Fix $d$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $s$, $\Gamma$, and a general point $q$ on
$E$. Let $H_q$ be the divisor on $V^{d,g}_m\abs$ corresponding to maps
whose image contains $q$. We will derive a list of subvarieties (which
we will call {\em intersection components}) in which each component of
$H_q$ of intersection dimension $\Upsilon-1$ appears, and then calculate
the multiplicity of $H_q$ along each such component.
In [V3], in a more general situation, a list of intersection
components was derived and the multiplicities calculated. We recall
these results, and apply them in this particular case.
The potential components come in two classes that
naturally arise from requiring the curve to pass through $q$. First, one of
the ``moving tangencies'' $r_{i,j}$ could map to $q$. We will call
such components {\it Type I intersection components}.
Second, the curve could degenerate to contain $E$ as a component. We
will call such components {\it Type II intersection components}. For
any sequences $\alpha'' \leq \alpha$, $\gamma \geq 0$, and subsets $\{
p''_{i,1}, \dots, p''_{i,\alpha''_i} \}$ of $\{ p_{i,1}, \dots,
p_{i,\alpha_i} \}$, let $g'' = g + |\gamma| + 1$ and $\Gamma'' = \{ p''_{i,j}
\}_{1 \leq j \leq \alpha''_i}$. Define
$K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ as the closure in $\overline{M}_g(X,d)'$ of points
representing maps $\pi: C' \cup C''
\rightarrow X$ where
\item[K1.] the curve $C'$ maps isomorphically to $E$,
\item[K2.] the curve $C''$ is smooth, each component of $C''$ maps
to its image, no
component of $C''$ maps to $E$, and there exist $|\alpha''|$ points
$q_{i,j} \in C''$, $j = 1$, \dots, $\alpha_i''$, $|\beta|$ points $r_{i,j}
\in C''$, $j = 1$, \dots, $\beta_i$, $|\gamma|$ points $t_{i,j} \in C''$,
$j = 1$, \dots, $\gamma_i$ such that $$
\pi(q_{i,j}) = p''_{i,j} \quad \text{and} \quad
(\pi|_{C''})^*(E) = \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} +
\sum i \cdot r_{i,j} +
\sum i \cdot t_{i,j},
\item[K3.] the intersection of the curves $C'$ and $C''$ is $\{ t_{i,j} \}_{i,j}$.
The variety $K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ is empty unless $I(\alpha''+\beta+\gamma)
= (dH-E) \cdot E = 2(d-2)$. The genus of $C''$ is $g''$, and there is a degree
$\binom {\beta+\gamma} \beta$ rational map
K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'') \dashrightarrow V_m^{dH-E,g''}(\alpha'',\beta+\gamma,\Gamma'')
corresponding to ``forgetting the curve $C'$''.
Define the Type II intersection component $K_V(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$
in the same way as $K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$, with an additional
\item[K4.] The collection $\Gamma' = \Gamma \setminus \Gamma''$ consists of
distinct points.
If for the general $(C,\pi)$ in $V^{d,g}_m\abs$, $\pi(C)$ has a $k$-fold
point at some fixed $p$ in $E$, then for a general $(C' \cup C'',
\pi)$ in $K_V(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$, $\pi(C'')$ has at least a $(k-1)$-fold point at $p$,
by condition K4.
Fix $d$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\Gamma$, and a point $q$ on $E$ not in $\Gamma$.
Let $K$ be an irreducible component of $H_q$ with
intersection dimension $\Upsilon - 1$. Then set-theoretically, either
\item[I.] $K$ is a component of $V^{d,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma')$,
where $\Gamma'$ is the same as $\Gamma$ except $p'_{k,\alpha_{k+1}} = q$, or
\item[II.] $K$ is a component of $K_V(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ for some $\alpha''$, $\gamma$, $\Gamma''$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
By [V3], Theorem 3.1, either
\item[I.] $K$ is a component of $V^{d,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma')$,
where $\Gamma'$ is the same as $\Gamma$ except $p'_{k,\alpha_{k+1}} = q$, or
\item[II.] $K$ is a component of $K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ for some $\alpha''$, $\gamma$, $\Gamma''$.
Suppose the point $p$ appears in $\Gamma$ $n$ times. Then for a general
map $(C,\pi)$ in $V^{d,g}_m\abG$, $\pi^*(p)$ is a length $n$ scheme by
Theorem \ref{bigdim}(b) above. If $K$ is a component of
$K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ for some $\alpha''$, $\gamma$, and $\Gamma''$, and
$(C,\pi) = (C' \cup C'', \pi)$ is a general map in $K$, then $(\pi
|_{C'})^* p$ has length 1, so $(\pi |_{C''})^* p$ must have length at
least $n-1$. As $\pi|_{C''}$ is an immersion (by Theorem
\ref{bigdim}(b)(i)), $(\pi|_{C''})^* p$ is the number of times $p$
appears in $\Gamma''$. Thus if $p$ appears $n$ times in $\Gamma$ then it
appears at least $n-1$ times in $\Gamma''$, so it appears at most once in
$\Gamma' = \Gamma \setminus \Gamma''$. Hence $K$ is actually a component of
$K_V(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$. \qed \vspace{+10pt}
There are other components of the divisor $H_q$ not counted in
Theorem \ref{rlist}, but they will be enumeratively
irrelevant. (See the end of [V3] Section 3 for example of such
There is an analogous result for $W^{d,g}_m\abs$. Let
$K_W(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ be the union of components of
$K_V(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ where the source curve $C$ is connected. Then $C''$ is a union of $l$ curves with image of degree $d^i$, or arithmetic genus $g^i$, with a subset $\Gamma^i$ of the points $\Gamma$ (and induced sequence $\alpha^i \leq \alpha$), and induced
sequences $\beta^i$, $\gamma^i$, $s^i$. As the source curve is connected, $\gamma^i>0$ for all $i$.
Let $\sigma$ be the symmetry group of the data
$(d^i,g^i,\alpha^i,\beta^i,\gamma^i,s^i)$ (so for example $\sigma$ is the
one-element group if no two $(d^i,g^i,\alpha^i,\beta^i,\gamma^i,s^i)$ are the
same, and $\sigma = S_l$ is they are all the same). Then there is a
generically $|\sigma|$-to-1 cover of this component $K_W$ of
$K_W(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ which distinguishes $C^1$, \dots, $C^l$.
Then there is a degree $\prod \binom { \beta^i + \gamma^i} {\gamma^i}$ map
K_V \dashrightarrow \prod V^{d^i,g^i} (\alpha^i, \beta^i + \gamma^i, \Gamma^i).
Fix $d$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\Gamma$, and a point $q$ on $E$ not in $\Gamma$.
Let $K$ be an irreducible component of $H_q$ on $W^{d,g}_m\abG$ with
intersection dimension $\Upsilon - 1$. Then set-theoretically, either
\item[I.] $K$ is a component of $W^{d,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma')$,
where $\Gamma'$ is the same as $\Gamma$ except $p'_{k,\alpha_{k+1}} = q$, or
\item[II.] $K$ is a component of $K_W(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ for some $\alpha''$, $\gamma$, $\Gamma''$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
As $W^{d,g}_m\abG$ is the union of components of $V^{d,g}_m\abG$ where
the source is connected, this follows immediately from Theorem
\ref{rlist}. \qed \vspace{+10pt}
\subsection{Multiplicity of $H_q$ along intersection components}
The proofs of the multiplicity calculations are identical to those of [V3].
Let $K_k$ be the union of Type I intersection components of the form
$V^{d,g}_m(\alpha+e_k, \beta-e_k, \Gamma')$ as described in Theorem \ref{rlist}.
The following proposition is [V3] Proposition 4.1.
The multiplicity of $H_q$ along $K_k$ is $k$.
Suppose $K = K_V(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')$ is a Type II component of
$H_q$ (on $V^{d,g}_m\ab$). Let $m_1$, \dots, $m_{|\gamma|}$ be a set of
positive integers with $j$ appearing $\gamma_j$ times ($j = 1$, 2,
\dots), so $\sum m_i = I \gamma$. The following proposition
is [V3] Proposition 5.2.
The multiplicity of $H_q$ along $K$ is $m_1 \dots m_{|\gamma|} = I^{\gamma}$.
(The proof in [V3] assumed only that $\Gamma \setminus \Gamma''$ consisted
of distinct points.)
As $W^{d,g}_m\abG$ is a connected union of components of $V^{d,g}_m\abG$,
analogous multiplicity results hold for $W^{d,g}_m\abG$.
\subsection{The Recursive Formulas}
Let $H_q$ be the
divisor on $V^{d,g}_m(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ corresponding to requiring the image
to contain a general point $q$ of $E$. The components of $H_q$ of
intersection dimension $\Upsilon - 1$ were determined in Theorem
\ref{rlist}, and the multiplicities were determined in Propositions
\ref{multI} and \ref{multII}:
In the Chow ring of $V^{d,g}_m\abG$, modulo Weil divisors of intersection
dimension less than $\Upsilon - 1$,
H_q = \sum_{\beta_k>0} k \cdot V^{d,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma \cup \{ q \})
+ \sum I^{\gamma} \cdot K_V( \alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')
where the second sum is over all $\alpha'' \leq \alpha$, $\gamma \geq 0$, $\Gamma'' = \{
p''_{i,j} \}_{1 \leq j \leq \alpha''_i} \subset \Gamma$ such that $\Gamma \setminus \Gamma''$ consists of distinct points,
$I(\alpha'' + \beta + \gamma ) = (dH) \cdot E$.
Intersect both sides of the equation with $H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}$. As those
dimension $\Upsilon - 1$ classes of intersection dimension less than $\Upsilon -
1$ are annihilated by $H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}$, we still have equality:
N^{d,g}\abG &=& H_q^{\Upsilon} \\
\sum_{\beta_k>0} k V^{d,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma \cup \{ q \}) \cdot H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}\\
& & + \sum I^{\gamma} \cdot K_V( \alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'') \cdot H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}.
From (\ref{rratmap}), each $K_V(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')$
admits a degree $\binom {\beta + \gamma}
\beta$ rational map to $V^{dH-E,g''}_m(\alpha'', \beta+\gamma,\Gamma'')$
(where $g'' = g- |\gamma| + 1$) corresponding to ``forgetting the component mapping to $E$'', so
K_V(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'') \cdot H_q^{\Upsilon - 1} =
\binom {\beta + \gamma} \gamma N^{d-2,g''}(\alpha'', \beta+\gamma).
For each $\alpha''$, there are $\binom \alpha {\alpha''}$ choices of $\Gamma''$
(as this is the number of ways of choosing
$\{ p''_{i,1} , \dots, p''_{i,\alpha''_i} \}$ from
$\{ p_{i,1} , \dots, p_{i,\alpha_i} \}$). Thus
N^{d,g}\abG &=& \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N^{d,g}(\alpha + e_k, \beta-e_k, \Gamma \cup \{
q \})
& & + \sum I^{\gamma} {\binom \alpha {\alpha''}} \binom {\beta + \gamma}{\beta}
N^{d-2,g''}(\alpha'',\beta + \gamma, \Gamma'').
If $\Gamma$ is {\em simple} (Definition \ref{simple}), then so are $\Gamma \cup
\{ q \}$ (as $q$ is general) and $\Gamma''$ (as $\Gamma'' \subset \Gamma$). By
(\ref{donaldduck}) and induction, if $\Gamma$ is simple,
$N^{d,g}(\alpha',\beta,\Gamma)$ depends only on $(\alpha, \beta, s)$. Rewriting
(\ref{donaldduck}) in terms of $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $s$, this is Theorem
By the same argument for the irreducible case, using the rational map (\ref{iratmap}) rather than (\ref{rratmap}), yields Theorem \ref{irecursion}.
\subsection{Genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants are enumerative on Fano
The definition of (genus $g$) Gromov-Witten invariants $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1
\cdots \gamma_n)$, where $g$ is the genus, $D \in A_1 X$, and $\gamma_i \in A^*
X$ is given in [KM] and summarized in [V3]. As in [V3], to compute
Gromov-Witten invariants of a surface, it suffices to deal with the case
where $D$ is effective and non-zero and the $\gamma_i$ are points. Recall
[V3] Lemma 7.1:
Let $X$ be a Fano surface, and let $D$ be an effective divisor class
on $X$. Suppose that $M$ is an irreducible component of $\overline{M}_g(X,d)$
with general map $(C,\pi)$. Then
\operatorname{idim} M \leq -K_X \cdot D + g-1.
If equality holds and $D \neq 0$, then $\pi$ is an immersion.
Thus the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of ${\mathbb F}_n$ can be computed as
follows. We need only compute $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1
\cdots \gamma_n)$ where $D$ is effective and nonzero, and the $\gamma_i$ are
(general) points. By Lemma \ref{gwlemma}, this is the number of immersed
genus $g$ curves in class $D'$ through the appropriate number of points of
$X$. If $D$ is a (-1)-curve, the number is 1. Otherwise, the number is
recursively calculated by Theorem \ref{irecursion}.
\subsection{The cubic surface}
By the previous subsection, the algorithm of Theorem \ref{irecursion}
computes the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of the plane blown up at up
to five points. As GW-invariants are deformation-invariant, one might hope
to compute the invariants of the plane blown up at six points $P_1$, \dots,
$P_6$ in general position (i.e. a general cubic surface in $\mathbb P^3$) by
degenerating the six points $P_1$, \dots, $P_6$ to lie on a conic $E$.
Call the resulting surface $B'$. (Then $B'$ has a (-2)-curve, the proper
transform of $E$. The canonical map is an embedding away from $E$, and $E$
is collapsed to a simple double point.) If the enumerative significance of
the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants on this surface could be determined,
Theorem \ref{irecursion} could be used to determine the invariants of
$B'$, and hence (by deformation-invariance of Gromov-Witten invariants) the
invariants of any cubic hypersurface.
The rational ruled surface $\mathbb F_2$ ($\mathbb P( {\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1} \oplus
{\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(2))$) is similar, in that $\mathbb F_2$ has a (-2)-curve, and the
canonical map is an embedding away from the (-2)-curve, which
is collapsed to a simple double point. In [K1], p. 22-23, Kleiman gives an
enumerative interpretation for a particular genus 0 GW-invariant of $\mathbb F_2$, which was
explained to him by Abramovich. This interpretation suggests the following
Suppose $X$ is $\mathbb F_2$ or $B'$, and $E$ is the (-2)-curve on $X$. Let $D$
be an effective divisor class on $X$ (not 0 or $E$), and $\gamma$ the class of
a point. Then the Gromov-Witten invariant $I_{g,D}(\gamma^{- K_X \cdot D +
g-1})$ is the number of maps $\pi: C \rightarrow X$ with $\pi_*[C] = D$,
\item[(i)] the curve $C$ has one component $C_0$ {\em not} mapping to $E$,
\item[(ii)] any other component $C'$ of $C$ maps isomorphically to $E$, and
$C'$ intersections $\overline{C \setminus C'}$ at one point, which is
contained in $C_0$.
Simple tests on both $\mathbb F_2$ and $B'$ seem to corroborate this
conjecture. As a more complicated test case, we compute the number of
rational sextic curves in the plane with six nodes at fixed points $P_1$,
\dots, $P_6$, and passing through five other fixed points $Q_1$, \dots,
$Q_5$, where all the points are in general position. (This is the
Gromov-Witten invariant $N^0_{6,2^6}$ of the cubic surface.)
[DI] p. 119 gives this number as 2376, while [GP] p. 25 gives the number as
3240. G\"{o}ttsche and Pandharipande checked their number using different
recursive strategies.
According to the conjecture, this invariant is the sum of three
\item Those (irreducible) rational sextics with six fixed nodes $P_1$, \dots,
$P_6$ lying on a conic, passing through $Q_1$, \dots, $Q_5$. By Theorem
\ref{irecursion} (and some computation), this number is 2002.
\item A stable map $\pi: C \rightarrow \mathbb P^2$ where $C$ has two
irreducible rational components $C_0$ and $C_1$ joined at one point, $\pi$
maps $C_1$ isomorphically to $E$, and $\pi$ maps $C_0$ to an irreducible
rational quartic through $P_1$, \dots, $P_6$ (which lie on a conic) and
$Q_1$, \dots, $Q_5$. The image of the node $C_0 \cap C_1$ is one of the
two points $\pi(C_0) \cap E \setminus \{ P_1, \dots, P_6 \}$. By Theorem
\ref{irecursion}, there are 616 such quartics. There are two choices for
the image of the node $C_0 \cap C_1$, so the contribution is 1232.
\item A stable map $\pi: C \rightarrow \mathbb P^2$ where $C$ has three
irreducible rational components $C_0$, $C_1$, $C_2$, where $C_1$ and $C_2$
intersect $C_0$, $\pi$ maps $C_1$ and $C_2$ isomorphically to $E$, and
$\pi$ maps $C_0$ isomorphically
to the conic through $Q_1$, \dots, $Q_5$. There are 12 choices of pairs of
images of the nodes $C_0 \cap C_1$ and $C_0 \cap C_2$, and we must divide
by 2 as exchanging $C_1$ and $C_2$ preserves the stable map. This this
contribution is 6.
Therefore, assuming Conjecture \ref{conj},
N^0_{6,2^6} = 2002 + 1232 + 6 = 3240,
in agreement with [GP].
1997-09-17T18:48:54 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709020 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709020 | [
] | alg-geom/9709020 | Vladimir Masek | Vladimir Masek (Washington Univ. in St. Louis) | Very ampleness of adjoint linear systems on smooth surfaces with
boundary | 22 pages, AMS-LaTeX 1.2 | null | null | null | null | Let M be a Q-divisor on a smooth surface over C. In this paper we give
criteria for very ampleness of the adjoint of the round-up of M. (Similar
results for global generation were given by Ein and Lazarsfeld and used in
their proof of Fujita's Conjecture in dimension 3.) In the last section we
discuss an example which suggests that this kind of criteria might also be
useful in the study of linear systems on surfaces.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 17 Sep 1997 16:48:39 GMT"
] | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | [
"Washington Univ. in St. Louis"
] | alg-geom | \subsection*{Contents}
\item[0.] Introduction
\item[1.] Base-point-freeness
\item[2.] Separation of points
\item[3.] Separation of tangent directions
\item[4.] Example
\>$\lceil \cdot \rceil$ \> round-up \\
\>$\lfloor \cdot \rfloor$ \> round-down \\
\>$\{ \cdot \}$ \> fractional part \\
\>$f^{-1}D$ \> strict transform (proper transform) \\
\>$f^*D$ \> pull-back (total inverse image) \\
\>$PLC$ \> partially log-canonical (Definition 1.7) \\
\>$\,\equiv$ \> numerical equivalence \\
\>$\,\sim$ \> linear equivalence \\
\>$\,\qle$ \> \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-linear equivalence \\
Let $S$ be a nonsingular projective surface over $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}\,$, and let $H$ be a
given line bundle on $S$. Consider the following natural questions regarding
the complete linear system $|H|$:
\item[(1)] Compute $\dim |H|$.
\item[(2)] Is $|H|$ base-point-free?
\item[(3)] Is $|H|$ very ample?
The answer to (1) is usually given in two parts: the Riemann-Roch theorem
computes $\chi(S,H)$, and then we need estimates for $h^i(S,H),\; i>0$. In
particular, we may ask the following question related to (1):
\item[($1'$)] When are $h^1(S,H) \text{ and } h^2(S,H)$ equal to zero?
One classical answer to ($1'$) is provided by Kodaira's vanishing theorem:
if $L$ is any ample line bundle on $S$, then $h^i(S,-L)=0$ for all $i<2$;
therefore, by Serre duality, we have $h^i(S, K_S+L)=0$ for all $i > 0$. To
answer ($1'$), write $H=K_S+L$ (thus defining $L$ as $H-K_S$); if $L$ is
ample, then $h^i(S,H)=0$ for all $i>0$.
For questions (2) and (3), Reider \cite{rei} gave an answer which again
considers $H$ in the form of an adjoint line bundle, $H=K_S+L$:
{\bf Proposition} (cf. \cite[Theorem 1]{rei}){\bf .} \emph{
If $L$ is a line bundle on $S$,
$L^2 \geq 5$ and $L \cdot C \geq 2$ for every curve $C \subset S$, then
$|K_S+L|$ is base-point-free. If $L^2 \geq 10$ and $L \cdot C \geq 3$ for
every curve $C$, then $|K_S+L|$ is very ample.
We note here that Kodaira's theorem holds in all dimensions. Reider's
criterion was tentatively extended in higher dimensions in the form of
Fujita's conjecture (\cite{fuj}): if $X$ is a smooth projective variety
of dimension $n$, and $L$ is an ample line bundle on $X$, then $|K_X+mL|$ is
base-point-free for $m\geq n+1$ and very ample for $m\geq n+2$. Fujita's
conjecture for base-point-freeness was proved in dimension 3 by Ein and
Lazarsfeld (\cite{el}) and in dimension 4 by Kawamata (\cite{kaw}); more
precise statements, which resemble Reider's criterion more closely, were also
obtained. Very ampleness, however, is still open, even in dimension 3.
Kodaira's vanishing theorem and Reider's criterion are already very useful as
stated. However, the applicability of Kodaira's theorem was greatly extended,
first on surfaces, by Mumford, Ramanujam, Miyaoka, and then in all dimensions
by Kawamata and Viehweg, as follows. First, the ampleness condition for $L$ can
be relaxed to $L\cdot C \geq 0$ for every curve $C$ and $L^2>0$ ($L$ \emph{nef}
and \emph{big}). Second, and most important, assume that $L$ itself is not nef
and big, but there is a nef and big \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor $M$ on $S$ ($M \in
\Div(S)\otimes\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}$) such that $L = \rup{M}$ (i.e. $L-M$ is an effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor
$B$ whose coefficients are all $<1$). Then we have $h^i(S,K_S+L)=0$ for all
$i>0$, just as in Kodaira's theorem.
(\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisors were first considered in this context in connection with the
Zariski decomposition of effective divisors.)
In dimension $\geq 3$, the Kawamata--Viehweg vanishing theorem requires an
extra hypothesis (the irreducible components of $\Supp(B)$ must cross
normally); however, Sakai remarked that for surfaces this extra hypothesis
is not necessary (see Proposition 1.2.1 in \S 1).
For base-point-freeness (question (2) above), Ein and Lazarsfeld (\cite{el})
proved a similar extension of Reider's criterion, expressing $H$ as
$K_S+\rup{M}$ for a \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor $M$ on $S$; if $M^2>4$ and $M\cdot C \geq 2$
for every curve $C$, then $|H|$ is base-point-free. They used this result in
their proof of Fujita's conjecture for base-point-freeness in dimension 3.
(In fact they used a more precise local version, involving the local
multiplicities of $B=L-M$; see \S 1 below).
In this paper we give criteria for very ampleness of linear systems of the
form $|K_S+B+M|$, $B=\rup{M}-M$, as above. In particular, we prove the
following result:
Let $S$, $B$ and $M$ be as above, and assume that
\item[(0.1)] $M^2 > 2 (\beta_2)^2$,
\item[(0.2)] $M \cdot C \geq 2\beta_1$ for every irreducible curve
$C \subset S$, \newline
where $\beta_2$, $\beta_1$ are positive
numbers satisfying the following inequalities:
\item[(0.3)] $\beta_2 \geq 2$,
\item[(0.4)] $\beta_1 \geq \dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-1}$.
Then $|K_S+B+M|$ is very ample.
An immediate consequence of Theorem 1 is the following:
Assume that (S,B) is as before, and $M$ is an ample \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor on $S$ such
that $B=\rup{M}-M$, $M^2 > (2+\sqrt{2})^2$, and $M \cdot C > 2+\sqrt{2}$ for
every curve $C \subset S$. Then $|K_S+B+M|$ is very ample. In particular,
if $A$ is an ample divisor (with integer coefficients) on $S$, then
$|K_S + \rup{aA}|$ is very ample for every $a \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}$, $a > 2+\sqrt{2}$.
Note that Reider's criterion implies only that $|K_S+aA|$ is very ample for
every \emph{integer} $a \geq 4$.
As in \cite[\S 2]{el} (where the analogue for base-point-freeness was
proved), we prove a local version of Theorem 1, with the numerical
conditions on $M$ relaxed in terms of local multiplicities of $B$.
As we mentioned earlier, the result for base-point-freeness on surfaces with
boundary (i.e. for \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisors $M$) was used in \cite{el} in the proof of
Fujita's Conjecture in dimension 3. Similarly, we expect that the proof of
the analogous result for very ampleness in dimension 3 will use very ampleness
for \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisors on surfaces. However, a natural and interesting question is
whether or not the results for \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisors on surfaces have any useful
applications to the study of linear systems on surfaces. An example we discuss
in \S 4 seems to indicate an affirmative answer. While the results proved in
\S 4 can be obtained with other methods, our example shows how our \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-Reider
theorem extends the applicability of Reider's original result in the same way
the Kawamata--Viehweg vanishing theorem extends the range of applicability of
Kodaira's vanishing theorem. The usefulness of considering local
multiplicities of $B$ is also evident in this example.
The paper is divided as follows: \S 1 is devoted to base-point-freeness.
The results discussed in this section, with one exception, were proved in
\cite{el}; I include a (slightly modified) proof to fix the ideas and notations
for the later sections. As one might expect, separation of points is relatively
easy (at least in principle); it is discussed in \S 2. Then we move on to
separation of tangent directions in \S 3. This part is surprisingly delicate;
in particular the ``multiplier ideal'' method of Ein--Lazarsfeld, or
Kawamata's equivalent ``log-canonical threshold'' formalism, do not work in
this context. We explain the geometric contents of our method in the
beginning of \S 3. Theorem 1 follows from Proposition 4 in \S 2 and
Proposition 5 in \S 3. Finally, \S 4 contains the example mentioned earlier.
The author is grateful to L. Ein, R. Lazarsfeld, S. Lee, and N. Mohan Kumar
for their many useful suggestions.
{\bf (1.1)} Let $S$ be a smooth projective surface over \ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}, and
$B=\sum b_i C_i$ a fixed effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor on $S$ with $0 \leq b_i < 1$
for all $i$. (The pair $(S,B)$ is sometimes called a ``surface with
boundary'', whence the title of this paper.) Let $M$ be a \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor on $S$
such that $B+M$ has integer coefficients.
{\bf We assume throughout this paper that $M$ is nef and big,} i.e. that
$M \cdot C \geq 0$ for every curve $C \subset S$ and $M^2 > 0$.
{\bf (1.2)} For convenience, we gather here two technical results which we use
time and again in our proofs.
{\bf (1.2.1)} We use the following variants of the Kawamata--Viehweg vanishing
theorem, which hold on smooth surfaces:
{\bf Theorem.} {\bf (a)} (cf. \cite[Lemma 1.1]{el}) Let $S$ be a smooth
projective surface over \ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}, and let $M$ be a nef and big \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor on $S$.
H^i(S, K_S+\rup{M})=0, \qquad \forall i > 0.
{\bf (b)} (cf. \cite[Lemma 2.4]{el}) Assume moreover that $C_1, \dots, C_k$
are distinct irreducible curves on $S$ which have integer coefficients in $M$.
Assume that $M \cdot C_j > 0$ for all $j = 1, \dots, k$. Then
H^i(S, K_S+\rup{M}+C_1+\cdots+C_k)=0, \qquad \forall i > 0.
\end{equation*} \qed
{\bf (1.2.2)} We use the following criterion for base-point-freeness,
respectively very ampleness, on a complete Gorenstein curve (cf. \cite{har}):
{\bf Proposition.} Let $D$ be a Cartier divisor on the integral
projective Gorenstein curve $C$. Then:
{\bf (a)} $\deg(D) \geq 2 \implies$ the complete linear system $|K_C+D|$
is base-point-free;
{\bf (b)} $\deg(D) \geq 3 \implies |K_C+D|$ is very ample.
See \cite[\S 1]{har} for the relevant definitions (generalized divisors on
$C$, including $0$-dimensionals subschemes; degree; etc.)
We prove (b); the proof of (a) is similar. By \cite[Proposition 1.5]{har},
it suffices to show that $h^0(C, K_C+D-Z)=h^0(C, K_C+D)-2$ for every
$0$-dimensional subscheme $Z \subset C$ of length $2$. Consider the exact
0 \longrightarrow \mathcal{O}_C(K_C+D-Z) \longrightarrow \mathcal{O}_C(K_C+D) \longrightarrow
\mathcal{O}_C(K_C+D) \otimes \mathcal{O}_Z \longrightarrow 0.
As $\mathcal{O}_C(K_C+D)\otimes\mathcal{O}_Z \cong \mathcal{O}_Z$ has length $2$, the conclusion
will follow from the vanishing of $H^1(C, K_C+D-Z)$. By Serre duality (cf.
\cite[Theorem 1.4]{har}), $H^1(C, K_C+D-Z) \cong H^0(C, Z-D)$, and
$H^0(C, Z-D)=0$ due to $\deg(Z-D) = 2 - \deg(D) < 0$.
{\bf (1.3)} Fix a point $p \in S$. In this section we give sufficient
conditions for $|K_S+B+M|$ to be free at $p$.
\noindent {\bf (1.3.1)} {\it Notation.}
$\quad \mu = \ord_p(B) \overset{\text{def}}{=} \sum b_i \cdot \mult_p(C_i) \qquad
(B = \sum b_i C_i).$
$|K_S+B+M|$ is free at $p$ in each of the following cases:
\item[{\bf 1.}] $\mu \geq 2$;
\item[{\bf 2.}] $0 \leq \mu < 2$; $M^2 > (\beta_2)^2$, $M \cdot C \geq
\beta_1$ for every irreducible curve $C \subset S$ such that
$p \in C$, where $\beta_2$, $\beta_1$ are positive numbers which
satisfy the inequalities:
\beta_2 &\geq 2-\mu , \tag{1.3.2} \\
\beta_1 &\geq \min \left\{ (2-\mu) ; \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-(1-\mu)}
\right\} . \tag{1.3.3}
Explicitly, the minimum in (1.3.3) is given by:
\min \left\{ (2-\mu) ; \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-(1-\mu)} \right\} =
2-\mu & \text{if $1 \leq \mu < 2$} \\
\dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-(1-\mu)} & \text{if $0 \leq \mu < 1$.}
In other words, when $0 \leq \mu < 2$, the inequalities $\beta_2 \geq 2-\mu$
and $\beta_1\geq 2-\mu$ suffice. When $\mu < 1$ the inequality for $\beta_1$
can be relaxed to
\beta_1 \geq \frac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-(1-\mu)} ; \tag{1.3.4}
this last part (which is useful in applications, cf. \S 4) is not
contained in \cite{el}.
\noindent {\bf Proof of Proposition 3.}
{\bf (1.4)} Let $f : S_1 \to S$ be the blowing-up of $S$ at $p$, and let
$E \subset S_1$ be the exceptional divisor of $f$. We have
$f^*B=f^{-1}B+\mu E$; $\rdn{f^{-1}B}=0$, and therefore
K_{S_1}+\rup{f^*M} &= f^*K_S+E+\rup{f^*(B+M)-f^*B} \\
&= f^*(K_S+B+M)+E-\rdn{f^*B} \\
&= f^*(K_S+B+M)-(\rdn{\mu}-1)E.
\end{split} \tag{1.4.1}
{\bf (1.5)} If $\mu \geq 2$, then $p \notin \Bs |K_S+B+M|$. Indeed, in this
case $t=\rdn{\mu}-1$ is a positive integer; since $f^*M$ is nef and big on
$S_1$, the vanishing theorem (1.2.1)(a) yields
H^1(S_1, K_{S_1}+\rup{f^*M})=0, \tag{1.5.1}
and therefore (using (1.4.1) and the projection formula)
H^1(S, \mathcal{O}_S(K_S+B+M) \otimes {\frak{m}_p}^t)=0, \tag{1.5.2}
where $\frak{m}_p$ is the maximal ideal of $\mathcal{O}_S$ at $p$. The conclusion
follows from the surjectivity of the restriction map
H^0(S, K_S+B+M) \longrightarrow H^0(S, \mathcal{O}_S(K_S+B+M)\otimes
\mathcal{O}_S/{\frak{m}_p}^t) \cong \mathcal{O}_S/{\frak{m}_p}^t .
{\bf (1.5.3)} \emph{Remark:} In fact we proved that $|K_S+B+M|$ separates
$s$-jets at $p$, if $\mu \overset{\text{def}}{=} \ord_p(B) \geq s+2$.
{\bf (1.6)} Now assume that $\mu < 2$, and $M^2 > (\beta_2)^2$ with
$\beta_2 \geq 2-\mu$, etc.
{\bf (1.6.1) Claim:} We can find an effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor $D$ on $S$
such that $\ord_p(D) = 2-\mu$ and $D \qle tM$ for some $t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}\,$,
$0 < t < \dfrac{2-\mu}{\beta_2}$. ($\qle$ denotes \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-linear equivalence,
i.e. $mD$ and $mtM$ have integer coefficients and are linearly equivalent
for some suitably large and divisible integer $m$.)
\emph{Proof of (1.6.1):} By Riemann--Roch, $\dim |nM|$ grows like
$\frac{M^2}{2}n^2 > \frac{(\beta_2)^2}{2}n^2$ for $n$ sufficiently large
and divisible (such that $nM$ has integer coefficients).
Since $\dim (\mathcal{O}_{S,p}/{\frak{m}_p}^n)$ grows like $\frac{n^2}{2}$,
for suitable $n$ we can find $G \in |nM|$ with $\ord_p(G) > \beta_2 n$.
Take $D=rG$, $r=\dfrac{2-\mu}{\ord_p(G)}$; then $\ord_p(D) = 2-\mu$, and
$D \qle tM$ for $t=rn < \dfrac{2-\mu}{\beta_2 n}n = \dfrac{2-\mu}{\beta_2}$.
Note that $\dfrac{2-\mu}{\beta_2} \leq 1$, by (1.3.2), so that $t < 1$;
therefore $M-D \qle (1-t)M$ is still nef and big.
{\bf (1.7)} Recall that $B = \sum b_i C_i$, for distinct irreducible curves
$C_i \subset S$. Write $D = \sum d_i C_i$ (we allow some coefficients $b_i$
and $d_i$ to be zero); $d_i \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}$, $d_i \geq 0$, and
$\ord_p(D) = \sum d_i \cdot \mult_p(C_i) = 2-\mu$.
Let $D_i = f^{-1}C_i \subset S_1$ be the strict transform of $C_i$; then
$f^*B = \sum b_i D_i + \mu E$, $f^*D = \sum d_i D_i + (2-\mu) E$,
$K_{S_1}=f^*K_S+E$, and
K_{S_1} - f^*(K_S+B+D) = -E - \sum (b_i + d_i) D_i.
\emph{Definition.} $(S,B,D)$ is {\bf partially log-canonical at $p$}
($PLC$ at $p$) if $-(b_i + d_i) \geq -1$ (i.e. $b_i+d_i \leq 1$) for every
$i$ such that $p \in C_i$. (The general definition requires the coefficient
of $E$ to be $\geq -1$, too; in our case that coefficient is equal to $-1$.)
Note that $PLC$ is not the same as \emph{log-canonical} (cf.
\cite[Definition 0-2-10]{kmm}), because $f$ is not an embedded resolution
of $(S, B+D)$.
{\bf (1.8)} If $(S,B,D)$ is $PLC$ at $p$, then the proof is almost as simple
as in the case $\mu \geq 2$:
K_{S_1}+\rup{f^*(M-D)} &= f^*K_S+E+f^*(B+M)-\rdn{f^*(B+D)} \\
&= f^*(K_S+B+M)+E-2E-\sum\rdn{b_i+d_i}D_i \\
&= f^*(K_S+B+M)-E-\textstyle\sum ' D_i -N_1,
\end{split} \tag{1.8.1}
where $\sum ' D_i$ extends over those $i$ for which $p \in C_i$ and
$b_i+d_i=1$ (if any), and $N_1$ is an effective divisor supported away
from $E$.
$f^*M \cdot D_i = M \cdot C_i > 0$ if $p \in C_i$; therefore (1.2.1)(b) yields:
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M)-E-N_1) = 0. \tag{1.8.2}
Arguing as in (1.5), we can show that $p \notin \Bs |K_S+B+M-N|$,
where $N=f_*N_1$; i.e.,
$\exists \Lambda \in |K_S+B+M-N|$ with $p \notin \Supp(\Lambda)$. Then
$\Lambda + N \in |K_S+B+M|$ and $p \notin \Supp(\Lambda + N)$, as required.
Note that we haven't used (1.3.3) yet; all we needed so far was $\beta_1 > 0$.
{\bf (1.9)} Finally, assume that $(S,B,D)$ is not $PLC$ at $p$. Then
$b_j+d_j > 1$ for some $j$ with $p \in C_j$. In fact, since $2 = \ord_p(B+D) =
\sum (b_i+d_i) \cdot \mult_p(C_i)$, there can be at most one $C_j$ through $p$
with $b_j+d_j > 1$, and then that $C_j$ must be smooth at $p$ and also
$b_i+d_i < 1$ for all $i \neq j$ with $p \in C_i$. Let that $j$ be $0$; thus
$b_0+d_0 > 1$, $C_0$ is smooth at $p$, and $b_i+d_i < 1$ if $i \neq 0$ and
$p \in C_i$. We say that $C_0$ is the {\bf critical curve} at $p$.
Let $c$ be the {\bf $PLC$ threshold} of $(S,B,D)$ at $p$:
c = \max \{ \lambda \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}_+ \mid (S,B,\lambda D) \text{ is $PLC$ at $p$} \};
explicitly, $b_0+cd_0 = 1$, i.e. $c = \dfrac{1-b_0}{d_0}$. Note that $0<c<1$.
$M-cD \qle (1-ct)M$ is still nef and big on $S$, and we have:
K_S+\rup{M-cD} = K_S+B+M-\rdn{B+cD} = K_S+B+M-C_0-N ,
with $p \notin \Supp(N)$. (If $p \in C_i$ and $i \neq 0$ then $b_i+d_i < 1$,
and therefore $b_i+cd_i < 1$, too, because $c < 1$; hence $p \notin \Supp(N)$.)
(1.2.1)(a) yields $H^1(S, K_S+B+M-C_0-N) = 0$, and therefore the restriction
map $H^0(S, K_S+B+M-N) \to H^0(C_0, (K_S+B+M-N)|_{C_0})$ is surjective. Hence
it suffices to show that $p \notin \Bs|(K_S+B+M-N)|_{C_0}|$.
We have
K_S+B+M-N = K_S+\rup{M-cD}+C_0, \tag{1.9.1}
and therefore $(K_S+B+M-N)|_{C_0} = K_{C_0}+\rup{M-cD}|_{C_0}$;
by (1.2.2)(a), it suffices to show that $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 \geq 2$.
In any event $\rup{M-cD}\cdot C_0$ is an integer; we will show that
$\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 1$.
$\rup{M-cD} = (M-cD) + \Delta$, where $\Delta = \rup{M-cD}-(M-cD) =
\rup{(M+B)-(B+cD)}-(M-cD) = (M+B)-\rdn{B+cD}-(M-cD) = (B+cD)-\rdn{B+cD}
=\frp{B+cD}$. $\Delta$ is an effective divisor which intersects $C_0$ properly,
because $C_0$ has integer coefficient (namely, 1) in $B+cD$. Moreover, in a
neighborhood of $p$ we have $\frp{B+cD} = (B+cD) - C_0$, because
$B+cD = C_0 + \sum_{i \neq 0} (b_i+cd_i) C_i$, and $0 \leq b_i+cd_i < 1$
for every $i \neq 0$ such that $p \in C_i$. In particular, we have
\ord_p(\Delta) = \ord_p(B+cD)-1 = \mu+c(2-\mu)-1.
\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 &= (M-cD) \cdot C_0 + \Delta \cdot C_0 \geq
(1-ct)M \cdot C_0 + \ord_p(\Delta) \tag{\bf 1.10} \\
&\geq (1-ct)\beta_1 + \mu + c(2-\mu) - 1.
Therefore the inequality $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 1$ follows from
(1-ct)\beta_1 > (1-c)(2-\mu). \tag{1.10.1}
If $\beta_1 \geq 2-\mu$ then (1.10.1) is trivial, because
$t < 1 \implies 1-ct > 1-c$.
{\bf (1.11)} When $\mu < 1$ the inequality we assume for $\beta_1$ (namely,
(1.3.4)) is weaker than $\beta_1 \geq 2-\mu$. However, in this case the
equation $B+cD = C_0 + \textit{other terms}$ yields a nontrivial lower bound
for $c$: $\mu + c(2-\mu) = \ord_p(B+cD) \geq \ord_p(C_0) =1$, and therefore
$c \geq \dfrac{1-\mu}{2-\mu} > 0$.
The inequality (1.10.1) can also be written as
c(2-\mu-t\beta_1) > 2-\mu-\beta_1. \tag{1.11.1}
We may assume that $\beta_1 < 2-\mu$ (or else (1.10.1) is already proved).
We have $c \geq \dfrac{1-\mu}{2-\mu}$, $t < \dfrac{2-\mu}{\beta_2}$
(see (1.6.1)), and $\dfrac{1-\mu}{\beta_2} \leq 1 - \dfrac{1}{\beta_1}$
(by (1.3.4)); therefore
c(2-\mu-t\beta_1) &>\frac{1-\mu}{2-\mu}(2-\mu-\frac{2-\mu}{\beta_2}\beta_1)
= (1-\mu-\frac{1-\mu}{\beta_2}\beta_1) \\
&\geq (1-\mu)-(1-\frac{1}{\beta_1})\beta_1 = 2-\mu-\beta_1.
(1.11.1) is proved. This concludes the proof of Proposition 3.
\section{Separation of points}
{\bf (2.1)} Let $(S,B,M)$ be as in (1.1). Fix two distinct points $p,q\in S$.
In this section we give criteria for $|K_S+B+M|$ to separate $(p,q)$.
Note that in each case $|K_S+B+M|$ is free at $p$ and $q$, by Proposition 3,
and therefore it suffices to find $s \in H^0(S, K_S+B+M)$ such that $s(p)=0,
s(q) \neq 0$, \emph{or} vice-versa.
$\mu_p = \ord_p(B), \quad \mu_q = \ord_q(B)$.
$|K_S+B+M|$ separates $(p,q)$ in each of the following cases:
\item[{\bf 1.}] $\mu_p \geq 2$ and $\mu_q \geq 2$;
\item[{\bf 2.}] $\mu_q \geq 2$; $0 \leq \mu_p < 2$; $M^2 > (\beta_2)^2,
M \cdot C \geq \beta_1$ for every irreducible curve
$C \subset S$ passing through $p$, where $\beta_2,
\beta_1$ are positive numbers which satisfy (1.3.2)
and (1.3.3) for $\mu = \mu_p$;
\item[{\bf 3.}] $0 \leq \mu_p < 2$ and $0 \leq \mu_q < 2$;
$M^2 > (\beta_{2,p})^2+(\beta_{2,q})^2$, and
\item[(i)] $M \cdot C \geq \beta_{1,p}$ for every
curve $C \subset S$ passing through $p$,
\item[(ii)] $M \cdot C \geq \beta_{1,q}$ for every
curve $C \subset S$ passing through $q$,
\item[(iii)] $M \cdot C \geq \beta_{1,p}+\beta_{1,q}$
if $C$ passes through \emph{both} $p$ \emph{and} $q$,
where $\beta_{2,p},\beta_{1,p}\,;\beta_{2,q},\beta_{1,q}$
are positive numbers which satisfy the inequalities
\beta_{2,p} &\geq 2-\mu_p ,\quad \beta_{2,q} \geq 2-\mu_q; \tag{2.1.1} \\
\beta_{1,p} &\geq \min \left\{ (2-\mu_p) ;
\frac{\beta_{2,p}}{\beta_{2,p}-(1-\mu_p)} \right\} ,
\text{ and similarly for $\beta_{1,q}$}. \tag{2.1.2}
\noindent {\bf Proof of Proposition 4.}
{\bf (2.2)} Let $f:S_1 \to S$ be the blowing-up of $S$ at $p$ and $q$, with
exceptional curves $E_p, E_q$. As in (1.4), we have:
K_{S_1}+\rup{f^*M} = f^*(K_S+B+M) - (\rdn{\mu_p}-1)E_p -
In particular, if $\mu_p \geq 2$ and $\mu_q\geq 2$ (case 1 of the proposition),
we get
H^1(S, \mathcal{O}_S(K_S+B+M) \otimes {\frak{m}_p}^{t_p} \otimes {\frak{m}_q}^{t_q})=0
for positive integers $t_p, t_q$ (compare to (1.5.2)); the conclusion
follows as in (1.5).
{\bf (2.3)} Next assume that $\mu_p < 2, \mu_q \geq 2,\, M^2 > (\beta_2)^2$
with $\beta_2 \geq 2-\mu_p,$ etc. (case 2 of the proposition).
Write $\mu = \mu_p$. As in (1.6.1), we can find an effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor $D$
on $S$ such that $\ord_p(D) = 2-\mu$ and $D \qle tM$ for some
$t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}\, , 0 < t < \dfrac{2-\mu}{\beta_2}$.
If $(S,B,D)$ is $PLC$ at $p$, the argument of (1.8) yields a vanishing
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M) - E_p - N_0) = 0 \tag{2.3.1}
where $N_0$ is an effective divisor supported away from $E_p$. Note that in
this case $N_0 \geq E_q$, because $\mu_q \geq 2$. Indeed, (2.3.1) is
obtained by applying (1.2.1)(b) to
K_{S_1}+\rup{f^*(M-D)} &= f^*(K_S+B+M) - E_p -
t_q E_q - \sum \rdn{b_i+d_i} D_i \\
&= f^*(K_S+B+M) - E_p - t_q E_q - \textstyle\sum ' D_i - N_1,
\end{split} \tag{2.3.2}
where $\sum ' D_i$ and $N_1$ are as in (1.8.1) and
$t_q = \rdn{\mu_q + \ord_q(D)}-1 $ is an integer, $t_q \geq 1$;
then $N_0 = N_1 + t_q E_q \geq E_q$.
The vanishing (2.3.1) implies the surjectivity of the restriction map
H^0(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M)-N_0) \\
\longrightarrow H_0(E_p, (f^*(K_S+B+M)-N_0)|_{E_p}) \cong \ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}
(note that $f^*(K_S+B+M)|_{E_p}$ is trivial, and so is $N_0|_{E_p}$ because
$N_0 \cap E_p = \emptyset$).
Hence we can find $\Gamma \in |f^*(K_S+B+M)-N_0|$ such that $\Gamma \cap
E_p = \emptyset$. As $\Gamma + N_0 \in |f^*(K_S+B+M)|$, we have
$\Gamma + N_0 = f^*\Lambda$ for some $\Lambda \in |K_S+B+M|$. Moreover,
$p \notin \Supp(\Lambda)$, because $f^*\Lambda \cap E_p = \emptyset$, but
$q \in \Supp(\Lambda)$, because $f^*\Lambda = \Gamma + N_0 \geq E_q$. Thus
$|K_S+B+M|$ separates $(p,q)$ in this case.
{\bf (2.4)} Now assume that $(S,B,D)$ is not $PLC$ at $p$. Let $c, C_0$ be
the $PLC$ threshold and the critical curve at $p$, as in \S 1, (1.9)--(1.11).
Let $\phi:S_2 \longrightarrow S$ be the blowing-up of $S$ at $q$ (only), with
exceptional curve $F_q$. Let $C_0' \subset S_2$ be the proper transform of
$C_0$ in $S_2$. Let $p' = \phi^{-1}(p)$. We have:
K_{S_2}+\rup{\phi^*(M-cD)} = \phi^*(K_S+B+M) - C_0' - N_0,
where $p' \notin \Supp(N_0)$, as in (1.9), and $N_0 \geq F_q$, as in (2.3).
The argument in (1.9)--(1.11) shows that there exists $\Gamma \in
|\phi^*(K_S+B+M)-N_0|$ with $p' \notin \Supp(\Gamma)$. Now the proof can be
completed as in the last part of (2.3).
{\bf (2.5)} Finally, consider the case $\mu_p < 2$ and $\mu_q < 2$, with
$M^2 > (\beta_{2,p})^2 + (\beta_{2,q})^2$, etc. (case 3 of the proposition).
As in (1.6.1), we can find $G \in |nM|$ with $\ord_p(G) > \beta_{2,p} n$ and
$\ord_q(G) > \beta_{2,q} n$. Let $r = \max \left\{ \dfrac{2-\mu_p}{\ord_p(G)},
\dfrac{2-\mu_q}{\ord_q(G)} \right\},$ and $D=rG$. Then $\ord_p(D) \geq
2-\mu_p$ and $\ord_q(G) \geq 2-\mu_q$, and at least one of the last two
inequalities is an equality. Without loss of generality we may assume that
$\ord_p(D) = 2-\mu_p$ and $m_q \overset{\text{def}}{=} \ord_q(D) \geq 2-\mu_q$. We have
$D \qle tM$, with
0 < t = rn = \frac{2-\mu_p}{\ord_p(G)}\,n < \frac{2-\mu_p}{\beta_{2,p}}
\leq 1; \tag{2.5.1}
also, $m_q = \ord_q(D) = r \cdot \ord_q(G) > r \cdot (\beta_{2,q} n) =
t \beta_{2,q}$, and therefore
t < \frac{m_q}{\beta_{2,q}} \tag{2.5.2}
(this is the analogue of (2.5.1) at $q$).
If $(S,B,D)$ is $PLC$ at $p$, then (1.2.1)(b) yields
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M) - E_p - N_0) =0, \tag{2.5.3}
with $N_0 \cap E_p = \emptyset, N_0 \geq E_q$ (the computation in (2.3.2)
applies unchanged in this situation). In this case we conclude as in (2.3).
{\bf (2.6)}
Now assume that $(S,B,D)$ is not $PLC$ at $p$. Let $c, C_0$ be the $PLC$
threshold and the critical curve at $p$. (1.2.1)(a) yields
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M) - D_0 - N_0) = 0, \qquad N_0 \cap E_p = \emptyset.
If $N_0 \cap E_q \neq \emptyset$, we use (2.6.1) to find
$\Gamma \in |f^*(K_S+B+M)-N_0|$ which does not pass through $\tilde{p} =
D_0 \cap E_p$; the proof is the same as in (1.9)--(1.11). Then the
conclusion follows as in (2.3).
Assume that $N_0 \cap E_q = \emptyset$. We discuss separately the subcases
$q \in C_0$ and $q \notin C_0$. If $q \in C_0$, we separate $(p,q)$ on $C_0$.
If $q \notin C_0$, we reverse the roles of $p$ and $q$.
{\bf (2.7)}
First consider the subcase $q \in C_0$. The vanishing (2.6.1) implies
H^1(S, K_S+B+M-C_0-N) = 0, \tag{2.7.1}
with $N=f_*N_0,\, \Supp(N) \cap \{ p,q \} = \emptyset$. Consequently, the
restriction map
H^0(S, K_S+B+M-N) \longrightarrow H^0(C_0, (K_S+B+M-N)|_{C_0})
is surjective, and it suffices to show that $|(K_S+B+M-N)|_{C_0}|$ separates
$(p,q)$ on $C_0$. As in (1.9.1), we have
(K_S+B+M-N)|_{C_0} = K_{C_0} + \rup{M-cD}|_{C_0};
by (1.2.2)(b) it is enough to show that $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 2$ (and
consequently $\geq 3$).
We proceed as in \S 1: $\rup{M-cD}=(M-cD)+\Delta$, with $\Delta=\frp{B+cD}$;
$\Delta$ and $C_0$ intersect properly, and
$\ord_p(\Delta) = \mu_p+c(2-\mu_p)-1, \ord_q(\Delta) = \mu_q+c m_q-1$
(note that $N_0 \cap E_q = \emptyset \implies$ the only component with
coefficient $\geq 1$ of $B+cD$ through $q$ is $C_0$, and moreover $C_0$ must
be smooth at $q$). Therefore
\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 = (M-cD) \cdot C_0 + \Delta \cdot C_0 \\
\geq (1-ct) M \cdot C_0 + \ord_p(\Delta) + \ord_q(\Delta) \\
\geq (1-ct)(\beta_{1,p}+\beta_{1,q}) + (\mu_p+c(2-\mu_p)-1) +
(\mu_q + c m_q -1)
($M \cdot C_0 \geq \beta_{1,p}+\beta_{1,q}$, because this time $C_0$ passes
through both $p$ and $q$.)
Hence $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 2$ follows from
(1-ct)(\beta_{1,p}+\beta_{1,q})+(\mu_p+c(2-\mu_p)-1)+(\mu_q+c m_q-1) > 2,
which in turn follows from the following two inequalities:
(1-ct)\beta_{1,p} + (\mu_p+c(2-\mu_p)-1) &> 1 \quad \text{and}
\tag{2.7.3} \\
(1-ct)\beta_{1,q} + (\mu_q+c m_q-1) &> 1. \tag{2.7.4}
(2.7.3) is proved like (1.10.1) in \S 1: if $\beta_{1,p} \geq 2-\mu_p$, then
$t < 1 \implies (1-ct) \beta_{1,p} > (1-c)(2-\mu_p) \implies \text{(2.7.3)}$.
If $\beta_{1,p} < 2-\mu_p$ (which can happen only if $\mu_p < 1$), then we
have $c \geq \dfrac{1-\mu_p}{2-\mu_p}$ as in (1.11),
$t < \dfrac{2-\mu_p}{\beta_{2,p}}$ by (2.5.1), and
$\dfrac{1-\mu_p}{\beta_{2,p}} \leq 1 - \dfrac{1}{\beta_{1,p}}$ by (2.1.2), and
therefore (2.7.3) follows as in (1.11).
(2.7.4) is proved similarly. First, since $m_q = \ord_q(D) \geq 2-\mu_q$, the
inequality is true when $\beta_{1,q} \geq 2-\mu_q$, as in the proof of (2.7.3)
above. When $\beta_{1,q} < 2-\mu_q$ we must have $\mu_q < 1$; then
$B+cD\geq C_0 \implies \mu_q+ cm_q\geq 1 \implies c\geq\dfrac{1-\mu_q}{m_q},
\; t < \dfrac{m_q}{\beta_{2,q}}$ by (2.5.2), and $\dfrac{1-\mu_q}{\beta_{2,q}}
\leq 1-\dfrac{1}{\beta_{2,q}}$ by (2.1.2); consequently
c(m_q-t\beta_{1,q}) &>
\frac{1-\mu_q}{m_q} \left( m_q-\frac{m_q}{\beta_{2,q}}\beta_{1,q} \right)
= \\
&= (1-\mu_q) - \frac{1-\mu_q}{\beta_{2,q}}\beta_{1,q}
\geq 2-\mu_q-\beta_{1,q},
which yields (2.7.4).
Thus (2.7.2) is proved; this concludes the proof when $q \in C_0$.
{\bf (2.8)} To complete the proof of the proposition in case 3, consider the
remaining subcase, $q \notin C_0$. In this subcase separation of $(p,q)$ is
obtained by reversing the roles of $p$ and $q$. Namely, let $D'=\alpha D$, for
the positive rational number $\alpha$ such that $\ord_q(D')=2-\mu_q$; that is,
$\alpha = \dfrac{2-\mu_q}{\ord_q(D)} = \dfrac{2-\mu_q}{m_q}$. Note that
$D' \qle t'M$, where $t' = \alpha t <
\dfrac{2-\mu_q}{m_q} \cdot \dfrac{m_q}{\beta_{2,q}}$ (by (2.5.2)), i.e.
0 < t' < \frac{2-\mu_q}{\beta_{2,q}} \leq 1. \tag{2.8.1}
Let $c'$ be the $PLC$ threshold for $(S,B,D')$ at $q$; note that $c'\alpha
> c$ ($c'\alpha$ is the $PLC$ threshold of $(S,B,D)$ at $q$, and therefore
$c < c'\alpha$ follows from $N_0 \cap E_q = \emptyset$ in (2.6.1)).
This, in turn, implies $B+c'D' = B+c'\alpha D \geq C_0$.
If $(S,B,D')$ is $PLC$ at $q$ (i.e. if $c'=1$), then (1.2.1)(b) yields
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M)-E_q-N_0') = 0, \qquad N_0' \cap E_q = \emptyset
(Compare to (2.5.3)).
If $(S,B,D')$ is not $PLC$ at $q$ (i.e. if $c' < 1$), and $C_0'$ is the
critical curve at $q$, then (1.2.1.)(a) yields
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M)-D_0'-N_0') = 0, \qquad N_0' \cap E_q = \emptyset
(Compare to (2.6.1), noting that now $p$ and $q$ are interchanged.)
In both cases, the arguments in (1.8) and, respectively, (1.9)--(1.11) show
that there exists $\Lambda \in |K_S+B+M-N'|$ with $q \notin \Supp(\Lambda)$,
where $N' = f_*N_0'$ is an effective divisor with $q \notin \Supp(N')$. Now,
however, $N' \geq C_0$ (because $B+c'D' \geq C_0$, as noted earlier, and
$q \notin C_0 \implies C_0$ is not discarded even when the vanishing theorem
is used in the form (1.2.1)(b)); thus $\Gamma + N' \in |K_S+B+M|$ passes
through $p$ but not through $q$.
This completes the proof of Proposition 4.
\section{Separation of tangent directions}
{\bf (3.1)} Let $(S,B,M)$ be as in \S 1. Fix a point $p \in S$. In this section
we give criteria for $|K_S+B+M|$ to separate directions at $p$.
The statements (and proofs) are somewhat similar to those in \S 2. The main
difference is in the part of the proof corresponding to the discussion in
(2.8). So far in our proofs we worked with $M-cD$, where $c$ was always the
$PLC$ threshold at some point or another; this made the arguments relatively
transparent. In (2.8), when we passed from $c$ = $PLC$ threshold at $p$ to
$c'\alpha$ = $PLC$ threshold at $q$, the relevant fact was that $q \notin C_0$,
where $C_0$ was the critical curve at $p$, and therefore $C_0$ did not affect
the local computations around $q$. In separating tangent directions, the
analogue is a curve $C_0$ through $p$, such that $\vec{v} \notin T_p(C_0)$ for some
fixed $\vec{v} \in T_p(S), \vec{v} \neq \vec{0}$. Then we will have to increase $c$
to some larger value $c'$, but clearly in that case $(S, B, c'D)$ will no
longer be $PLC$ at $p$. While this complicates the computations, the geometric
idea is still the same: find a divisor $\Gamma \in |K_S+B+M-C_0-N|$,
$p \notin \Supp(N)$, such that $\Gamma$ does not pass through $p$; then
$\Gamma + C_0 +N$ has only one component through $p$, namely, $C_0$, and
$\vec{v} \notin T_p(C_0)$ -- therefore $\Gamma + C_0 +N$ passes through $p$ and
is not tangent to $\vec{v}$, as required.
Another technical problem, which did not arise before, is that in some cases
the ``minimizing'' curve $C_0$ may be singular at $p$. (This possibility is
directly related to the need, in some cases, to increase $c$ beyond the
$PLC$ threshold at $p$.) In those cases we separate the tangent directions
on $C_0$, using (1.2.2)(b) (note that $C_0$ singular at $p$ \ $\implies
T_p(S)=T_p(C_0)$); the vanishing (1.2.1) is then used to lift from $C_0$
to $S$.
{\bf (3.2)} Let $S$ be a smooth surface, as before; let $p$ denote a point on
$S$, and fix $\vec{v} \in T_p(S), \vec{v} \neq \vec{0}$. Let $Z$ denote the
zero-dimensional subscheme of length $2$ of $S$, corresponding to $(p,\vec{v})$;
in local coordinates $(x,y)$ at $p$ such that $\vec{v}$ is tangent to $(y=0)$,
$Z$ is defined by the ideal $\mathcal{I}_Z = (x^2,y) \cdot \mathcal{O}_S$.
Let $f:S_1 \to S$ be the blowing-up of $S$ at $p$, with exceptional curve
$E_p$, and let $V \in E_p$ correspond to (the direction of) $\vec{v}$. Let
$g:S_2 \to S_1$ be the blowing-up of $S_1$ at $V$, with exceptional curve
$F_{\vec{v}}$, and let $F_p = g^{-1}E_p$. Let $h = g \circ f$. Write
h^*B = h^{-1}B + \mu_p F_p + \mu_{\vec{v}} F_{\vec{v}}; \tag{3.2.1}
$\mu_p = \ord_p(B)$, while (3.2.1) is the definition of $\mu_{\vec{v}}$.
More generally, if $G$ is any effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor on $S$, denote the order of
$h^*G$ along $F_{\vec{v}}$ by $o_{\vec{v}}(G)$; $o_{\vec{v}}(G) = \ord_p(G) +
\ord_V(f^{-1}G)$. For convenience, let $o_V(G) \overset{\text{def}}{=} \ord_V(f^{-1}G)$, and
let $\mu_V = o_V(B)$.
Note that, in general, $o_{\vec{v}} = \ord_p + o_V$ and $o_V \leq \ord_p$; in
\mu_p \leq \mu_{\vec{v}} \leq 2\mu_p. \tag{3.2.2}
{\bf (3.3)} Consider again $(S,B,M)$ as in \S 1, and fix $p, \vec{v}$ as in (3.2).
Since the proofs will now be more complex, we will state the criteria for
separating $\vec{v}$ at $p$ one by one, in increasing order of difficulty.
The first (and easiest) case is:
\begin{Proposition}[Case 1]
If $\mu_p \geq 3$ or $\mu_{\vec{v}} \geq 4$, then $|K_S+B+M|$ separates $\vec{v}$
at $p$. ($M$ must still be nef and big.)
Recall that the conclusion means that the restriction map
H^0(S, K_S+B+M) \to H^0(Z, K_S+B+M|_Z) \cong \mathcal{O}_Z
is surjective.
If $\mu_p \geq 3$, we use the vanishing theorem in the form (1.2.1)(a) for
K_{S_1} + \rup{f^*M} &= f^*(K_S+B+M) + E_p - \rdn{f^*B} \\
&= f^*(K_S+B+M) -t E_p,
where $t = \rdn{\mu_p} - 1 \geq 2$, as in (1.4)--(1.5); then
$H^0(S, K_S+B+M) \to \mathcal{O}_S/{\frak{m}_p}^t$ is surjective, and since $t \geq 2$,
we have ${\frak{m}_p}^t \subset \mathcal{I}_Z$, i.e. $\mathcal{O}_S/{\frak{m}_p}^t \to \mathcal{O}_Z$ is
also surjective. (See also Remark 1.5.3.)
If $\mu_{\vec{v}} \geq 4$, the agrument is similar, starting on $S_2$:
K_{S_2}+\rup{h^*M} &= h^*(K_S+B+M)+F_p+2F_{\vec{v}}-\rdn{h^*B} \\
&= h^*(K_S+B+M)-t_pF_p - t_{\vec{v}}F_{\vec{v}} ,
where $t_{\vec{v}} = \rdn{\mu_{\vec{v}}}-2 \geq 2$, and $t_p = \rdn{\mu_p}-1 \geq 1$
(indeed, by (3.2.2), $\mu_p \geq \frac{1}{2}\mu_{\vec{v}} \geq 2$.) As in the
previous case, we get a vanishing $H^1(S, \mathcal{O}_S(K_S+B+M) \otimes \mathcal{I}) = 0$ for
$\mathcal{I} = h_*\mathcal{O}_{S_2}(-t_pF_p-t_{\vec{v}}F_{\vec{v}})$; $\Supp(\mathcal{O}_S/\mathcal{I}) =
\{ p \}$ and $\mathcal{I} \subset \mathcal{I}_Z$, so the conclusion follows as before.
{\bf (3.4)} Now assume that $\mu_p < 3$ and $\mu_{\vec{v}} < 4$.
First consider the case $2 \leq \mu_p < 3$. Then $2 \leq \mu_{\vec{v}} <4$, and
therefore $0 < (4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) \leq 2$.
\begin{Proposition}[Case 2]
Let $2 \leq \mu_p < 3$ and $2 \leq \mu_{\vec{v}} < 4$. Assume that $M^2 >
(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})^2$, $M \cdot C \geq \frac{1}{2}(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})$ for every curve
$C \subset S$ through $p$, and $M \cdot C \geq (4-\mu_{\vec{v}})$ for every
curve $C$ containing $Z$ -- i.e., such that $p \in C$ and $\vec{v} \in T_p(C)$.
Then $|K_S+B+M|$ separates $\vec{v}$ at $p$.
{\bf (3.5) Claim:} We can find an effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor $D$ on $S$ such that
$o_{\vec{v}}(D) = 4-\mu_{\vec{v}}$ and $D \qle tM$ for some $t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}\,, 0 < t < 1$.
(See (3.2) for the definition of $o_{\vec{v}}(D)$.)
\emph{Proof of (3.5):} Choose $a > (4-\mu_{\vec{v}})$ such that $M^2 > a^2$. Then
$(h^*M-a F_{\vec{v}})^2 = M^2-a^2 >0$ and $(h^*M-a F_{\vec{v}}) \cdot h^*M=M^2>0$;
therefore $h^*M-a F_{\vec{v}} \in N(S_2)^+$, the positive cone of $S_2$, and in
particular it is big. (See, for example, \cite[(1.1)]{km}.) Therefore
$\exists T$, effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor on $S_2$, such that $T \qle h^*M -
a F_{\vec{v}}$. Put $D_1 = h_*(T+a F_{\vec{v}})$; then $D_1 \qle h_*(h^*M)=M$. Also,
$h^*D_1= T + a F_{\vec{v}}$ (their difference has support contained in $F_p
\cup F_{\vec{v}}$; on the other hand, $T + a F_{\vec{v}} \qle h^*M \implies
\big( h^*D_1 - (T+a F_{\vec{v}}) \big) \cdot F_p =
\big( h^*D_1 - (T+a F_{\vec{v}}) \big) \cdot F_{\vec{v}} = 0$, and
$h^*D_1 = T+a F_{\vec{v}}$ follows from the negative definiteness of the
intersection form on $h^{-1}(p) = F_p \cup F_{\vec{v}}$).
We have $D_1 \qle M$ and $o_{\vec{v}}(D_1) \geq a > 4 - \mu_{\vec{v}}$. Take
$D = tD_1$, $t = \dfrac{4-\mu_{\vec{v}}}{o_{\vec{v}}(D_1)} < 1$. \qed
The statement of (3.5) is similar to that of (1.6.1), and indeed, we could
have proved it as in \S 1. However, the proof we gave here is easier to
generalize, especially on \emph{singular} surfaces.
{\bf (3.6)} We return to the proof of Proposition 5, Case 2. Choose $D$ as in
(3.5). Write $B=\sum b_iC_i, D=\sum d_iC_i; D_i=f^{-1}C_i, T_i=g^{-1}D_i =
h^{-1}C_i; h^*B=h^{-1}B + \mu_p F_p + \mu_{\vec{v}} F_{\vec{v}}, h^*D = h^{-1}D +
m_p F_p + (4-\mu_{\vec{v}})F_{\vec{v}}$, where $m_p=\ord_p(D)$.
We have $K_{S_2} = h^*K_S +F_p +2F_{\vec{v}}$.
If $b_i+d_i \leq 1$ for every $C_i$ through $p$, then
K_{S_2}+\rup{h^*(M-cD)} &=h^*(K_S+B+M)+F_p+2F_{\vec{v}}-\rdn{h^*(B+D)}
&= h^*(K_S+B+M)-t_pF_p- 2 F_{\vec{v}}-\textstyle\sum'T_i-N_2, \tag{3.6.1}
where $\sum ' T_i$ extends over all $i$ with $b_i+d_i=1$ and $p \in C_i$ (if
any), $N_2$ is an effective divisor on $S_2$ such that $\Supp(N_2) \cap
h^{-1}(p) = \emptyset$, and $t_p = \rdn{\mu_p + m_p}-1 \geq 1$ (because
$\mu_p \geq 2$ by hypothesis). Then we conclude as in (3.3) (Case 1 of the
Proposition), using the vanishing (1.2.1)(b) to dispose of $\sum ' T_i$ (if it
is not zero).
{\bf (3.7)} Now assume that $b_i+d_i > 1$ for at least one $C_i$ through $p$.
c \overset{\text{def}}{=} \min \left\{ \frac{3-\mu_p}{m_p} ; \frac{1-b_i}{d_i} :
b_i+d_i>1 \text{ and } p \in C_i \right\}. \tag{3.7.1}
If $c = \dfrac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}$, we finish again as in Case 1, using (1.2.1)(b)
K_{S_1} + \rup{f^*(M-cD)} = f^*(K_S+B+M) -2E_p - \textstyle\sum ' D_i - N_1
on $S_1$, where $\sum ' D_i$ extends over all $i$ such that $b_i+cd_i=1$ and
$p \in C_i$ (if any), and $\Supp(N_1) \cap E_p = \emptyset$.
{\bf (3.8)} If $c = \dfrac{1-b_0}{d_0} < \dfrac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}$ for some $C_0$
through $p$, then
\sum (b_i+cd_i) \cdot \mult_p(C_i) = \mu_p + cm_p <3 ;
therefore $\mult_p(C_0) \leq 2$, and moreover, if $\mult_p(C_0) = 2$, then
$b_i+cd_i < 1$ for all $C_i$ through $p$ with $i \neq 0$.
Also, $\mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) < 4$ (since $c<1$), and therefore
$B+cD \geq C_0 \implies o_{\vec{v}}(C_0) \leq 3$.
{\bf (3.9)} If $C_0$ is singular at $p$ and $\vec{v} \notin TC_p(C_0)$ (the
\emph{tangent cone} to $C_0$ at $p$), then $o_{\vec{v}}(C_0) = 2$.
We have $Z \subset C_0$, and
K_S + \rup{M-cD} &= (K_S+B+M) - \rdn{B+cD} \\
&= (K_S+B+M) - C_0 - N ,
with $p \notin \Supp(N)$. Using (1.2.1)(a), as in \S 1, it suffices to show
that $\big( (K_S+B+M)-C_0-N \big) |_{C_0}$ separates $\vec{v}$ at $p$ on $C_0$;
that, in turn, will follow from (1.2.2)(b), \emph{if} we can show that
$\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 2$.
As before, write $\rup{M-cD} = (M-cD)+\Delta$; $\Delta = \frp{B+cD}$ and $C_0$
intersect properly, and $\Delta = B+cD-C_0$ in an open neighborhood of $p$.
We have: $\ord_p(\Delta) = \mu_p + cm_p - 2$, and therefore $\Delta \cdot C_0
\geq 2(\mu_p +cm_p -2)$. However, we get a better estimate if we consider
orders along $F_{\vec{v}}$, as follows:
$o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta) = \mu_{\vec{v}} + c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) - 2, \quad \text{because }
o_{\vec{v}}(C_0) = 2 $;
$\ord_p(\Delta) \geq \frac{1}{2} o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta)$, and therefore
\Delta \cdot C_0 \geq \frac{1}{2} o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta) \cdot 2 \geq
\mu_{\vec{v}} + c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) - 2 .
\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 &= (M-cD) \cdot C_0 + \Delta \cdot C_0
= (1-ct) M \cdot C_0 + \Delta \cdot C_0 \\
&\geq (1-ct)(4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) + \mu_{\vec{v}} + c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) - 2 \tag{3.9.1} \\
&> 2 \qquad \text{(because $t<1$),}
as required
{\bf (3.10)} If $C_0$ is singular at $p$ and $\vec{v} \in TC_p(C_0)$, then
$o_{\vec{v}}(C_0) = 3$ ($ \geq 3$ is clear, and $\leq 3$ was shown in (3.8)).
Working as in (3.9), we can show that
\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 \geq (1-ct)(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})+\mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-3
> 1 \tag{3.10.1}
(now $o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta) = o_{\vec{v}}(B+cD-C_0) = \mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-3$); thus
in this case we cannot use (1.2.2)(b) as in (3.9). We will modify the argument
as follows:
Start with $f^*(M-cD)$ on $S_1$; the vanishing theorem yields
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M)-E_p-D_0-N_1)=0, \qquad N_1 \cap E_p = \emptyset
(the coefficient of $E_p$ is $-1$ because $2 \leq \mu_p+cm_p < 3$; the first
inequality follows from $\mu_p \geq 2$, and the second was shown in (3.8)).
$\vec{v} \in TC_p(C_0) \implies V \in D_0$ (recall that $V \in E_p$ corresponds to
$\vec{v} \in T_p(S)$). (3.10.2) implies the surjectivity of the restriction map
H^0(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M)-E_p-N_1) \\
\to H^0(D_0, f^*(K_S+B+M)-E_p-N_1 |_{D_0}).
We will show that $\exists \tilde{\Gamma} \in \left| f^*(K_S+B+M)-E_p-N_1
|_{D_0} \right|$ such that $V \notin \Supp(\tilde{\Gamma})$. Then we can lift
$\tilde{\Gamma}$ to $\Gamma \in |f^*(K_S+B+M)-E_p-N_1|$, since (3.10.3) is
surjective. $\Gamma+E_p+N_1 \in |f^*(K_S+B+M)|$ has the form $f^*\Lambda$ for
some $\Lambda \in |K_S+B+M|$. Finally, $p \in \Supp(\Lambda)$, because
$f^*\Lambda \geq E_p$, but $\vec{v} \notin T_p(\Lambda)$, because
$V \notin \Supp(f^*\Lambda - E_p)$; this shows that $|K_S+B+M|$ separates $\vec{v}$
at $p$ on $S$.
To prove the existence of $\tilde{\Gamma}$, note that
$\big( f^*(K_S+B+M)-E_p-N_1 \big) |_{D_0} = K_{D_0} + \rup{f^*(M-cD)}|_{D_0}$;
we will show that $\rup{f^*(M-cD)} \cdot D_0 > 1$ -- then (1.2.2)(a) implies
the existence of $\tilde{\Gamma}$.
As in (1.9), we can write $\rup{f^*(M-cD)} = f^*(M-cD) + \Delta_1$, where
$\Delta_1 = \frp{f^*(B+cD)}$ and $D_0$ intersect properly, and
$\Delta_1 = f^*(B+cD) - 2E_p - D_0 = f^*(B+cD-C_0)$ in a neighborhood of $E_p$
(the coefficient of $E_p$ in $f^*(B+cD)$ is $\mu_p+cm_p$, and
$2 \leq \mu_p+cm_p <3$). We have:
\rup{f^*(M-cD)} \cdot D_0 &= f^*(M-cD) \cdot D_0 + \Delta_1 \cdot D_0 \\
&\geq (M-cD) \cdot C_0 + \ord_p(B+cD-C_0) \cdot \mult_p(C_0) \\
&\geq (1-ct)(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})+\mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-3 \\
&> 1
\end{split} \tag{3.10.4}
as in (3.10.1)
{\bf (3.11)} Now consider the case: $C_0$ smooth at $p$ and tangent to $\vec{v}$,
and $b_i+cd_i < 1$ for all $i \neq 0$ with $p \in C_i$.
Write $\rup{M-cD} = (M-cD) + \Delta$, where $\Delta$ and $C_0$ intersect
properly; then $\Delta \cdot C_0 = h^*\Delta \cdot T_0$ (projection formula:
recall that $T_0=h^{-1}C_0$) $\geq o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta)$, because
$F_{\vec{v}} \cdot T_0 = 1$; since $\Delta = \frp{B+cD} = B+cD-C_0$ in a
neighborhood of $p$, we have $o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta) = \mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-2$,
and therefore
\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 \geq (1-ct)(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})+\mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4+\mu_{\vec{v}})-2 >2,
exactly as in (3.9.1). Thus $K_{C_0}+\rup{M-cD}|_{C_0}$ separates $\vec{v}$ on
$C_0$; we conclude as in (3.9).
{\bf (3.12)} If $C_0$ is smooth at $p$ and tangent to $\vec{v}$, and moreover
$b_i+cd_i = 1$ for at least one $i \neq 0$ with $p \in C_i$, then: such an $i$
is unique, say $i=1$, and $C_1$ must be smooth at $p$ and not tangent to $\vec{v}$;
indeed, $B+cD \geq C_0+C_1$, while $\ord_p(B+cD) < 3$ and
$o_{\vec{v}}(B+cD) < 4$.
In this case reverse the roles of $C_0$ and $C_1$: thus $C_0$ will be smooth
at $p$ and not tangent to $\vec{v}$. This situation is covered below, in (3.13).
{\bf (3.13)} Finally, assume that $C_0$ is smooth at $p$ and not tangent to
$\vec{v}$. In this case we work with $M-c'D$ for some $c' \geq c$, namely:
c' \overset{\text{def}}{=} \min \left\{ 1; \frac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}; \frac{2-b_0}{d_0};
\frac{1-b_i}{d_i} \text{ with } i \neq 0, p \in C_i \text{ and }
b_i+d_i \geq 1 \right\}.
In all cases, $M-c'D \qle (1-c't)M$ is still nef and big; using the vanishing
$H^1(S, K_S+\rup{M-c'D})=0$, or the corresponding vanishing on $S_1$ or $S_2$,
we will show that $\exists \Lambda \in |K_S+B+M-C_0-N|, p \notin \Supp(N)$,
such that $p \notin \Supp(\Lambda)$. Then $\Lambda+C_0+N \in |K_S+B+M|$ has
the unique component $C_0$ through $p$ not tangent to $\vec{v}$, as required.
It remains to prove the existence of $\Lambda$.
{\bf (3.13.1)} If $c' = \dfrac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}$, then (1.2.1)(b) yields
H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M) - 2E_p - D_0 - N_1) = 0, \qquad
N_1 \cap E_p = \emptyset;
thus $H^1(S_1, f^*(K_S+B+M-C_0-N) - E_p) = 0$, where $N = f_*N_1$, and the
existence of $\Lambda$ follows.
When $c' = 1$ the proof is similar, starting on $S_2$, as in the proof of
Case~1 of the proposition.
{\bf (3.13.2)} If $c' = \dfrac{1-b_1}{d_1} < \dfrac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}$ for another
curve $C_1$ through $p$ with $b_1+d_1 > 1$, then $C_1$ must be smooth at $p$
(because $B+c'D \geq C_0+C_1$, and $\ord_p(B+c'D) = \mu_p+c'm_p < 3$). We may
have $c' = c$ (e.g., in the case discussed in (3.12)), or $c' > c$. In any
event, $b_i+c'd_i < 1$ for all curves $C_i$ through $p$, $i \neq 0,1$.
(1.2.1)(a) yields:
H^1(S, K_S+B+M-C_0-C_1-N) = 0, \qquad p \notin \Supp(N). \tag{3.13.3}
We claim that $p \notin \Bs \left| K_S+B+M-C_0-N |_{C_1} \right|$, which in
turn follows from (1.2.2)(a) once we show that $\rup{M-c'D} \cdot C_1 > 1$.
Then we use (3.13.3) to lift from $C_1$ to $S$, proving the existence of
$\Lambda$ as stated.
$\rup{M-c'D} = (M-c'D) + \Delta'$, with $\Delta' =\frp{B+c'D} = B+c'D-C_0-C_1$
in a neighborhood of $p$, and $\Delta', C_1$ intersect properly.
If $\vec{v} \notin T_p(C_1)$, then $M \cdot C_1 \geq \frac{1}{2}(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})$ by
hypothesis, and $\ord_p(\Delta') \geq \frac{1}{2}o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta') \geq
\frac{1}{2} \big( \mu_{\vec{v}}+c'(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-2 \big)$; therefore
\rup{M-c'D} \cdot C_1 \geq \dfrac{1}{2}(1-c't)(4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) +
\dfrac{1}{2} \big( \mu_{\vec{v}}+c'(4-\mu_{\vec{v}}) - 2 \big) > 1,
as required (compare to (3.9.1)). The proof is the same when
$c' = \dfrac{2-b_0}{d_0}$, i.e. $C_1 = C_0$; in that case
$p \notin \Bs \left| K_S+B+M-C_0-N |_{C_0} \right|$.
If $\vec{v} \in T_p(C_1)$, then $M \cdot C_1 \geq 4-\mu_{\vec{v}}$ and
$\Delta' \cdot C_1 \geq o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta') = \mu_{\vec{v}}+c'(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-3$;
all told, we have
\rup{M-c'D} \cdot C_1 \geq (1-c't)(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})+\mu_{\vec{v}}+c'(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-3
as claimed.
This concludes the proof of Proposition 5, Case 2.
{\bf (3.14)} Finally, consider the case $0 \leq \mu_p < 2$ (and therefore
$0 \leq \mu_V < 2$ and $0 \leq \mu_{\vec{v}} = \mu_p + \mu_V < 4$).
\begin{Proposition}[Case 3]
Assume that $0 \leq \mu_p < 2$. Assume, moreover, that
$M^2 > (\beta_{2,p})^2 + (\beta_{2,V})^2$ and
\item[(i)] $M \cdot C \geq \beta_1$ for every curve $C \subset S$ passing
through $p$,
\item[(ii)] $M \cdot C \geq 2\beta_1$ for every curve $C$ containing $Z$
(i.e., passing through $p$ and with $\vec{v} \in T_p(C)$),
where $\beta_{2,p}, \beta_{2,V}, \beta_1$ are positive numbers which
\beta_{2,p} &\geq 2-\mu_p, \qquad \beta_{2,V} \geq 2-\mu_V; \tag{3.14.1} \\
\beta_1 &\geq \min \left\{ \frac{1}{2}(4-\mu_{\vec{v}});
\right\} \tag{3.14.2}
The proof is very similar, in many respects, to that of Case 2. We indicate
the main steps of the proof, and we provide explicit computations in a few
cases, to show what kind of alterations are needed.
{\bf (3.15) Claim:} We can find $D$, an effective \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisor on $S$, such that
$o_{\vec{v}}(D) = 4-\mu_{\vec{v}}$ and $D \qle tM$ for some $t \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}\,, t > 0$,
t < \frac{4-\mu_{\vec{v}}}{\beta_{2,p}+\beta_{2,V}} \tag{3.15.1}
-- and therefore, in particular, $t < 1$.
\emph{Proof of (3.15):} Choose $a > \beta_{2,p} , b > \beta_{2,V}$, such that
$M^2 > a^2+b^2$. We have $\big( aF_p + (a+b)F_{\vec{v}} \big)^2 = -(a^2+b^2)$, and
therefore $h^*M-\big( aF_p + (a+b)F_{\vec{v}} \big)$ is big, as in the proof of
(3.5). Thus we can find $D_1 \qle M$ on $S$, $D_1 \geq 0$, such that
$h^*D_1 \geq aF_p + (a+b)F_{\vec{v}}$. Then take $D = tD_1$, with
t = \frac{4-\mu_{\vec{v}}}{o_{\vec{v}}(D_1)} \leq \frac{4-\mu_{\vec{v}}}{a+b}
< \frac{4-\mu_{\vec{v}}}{\beta_{2,p}+\beta_{2,V}}.
\] \qed
{\bf (3.16)} If $D = \sum d_i C_i$, as before, and $b_i+d_i \leq 1$ for
every $C_i$ through $p$, we conclude as in (3.6).
If $b_i+d_i > 1$ for at least one $C_i$ through $p$, then define
c = \min \left\{ \frac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}; \frac{1-b_i}{d_i} :
b_i+d_i > 1 \text{ and } p \in C_i \right\}. \tag{3.16.1}
If $c=\dfrac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}$, we finish as in (3.7).
If $c = \dfrac{1-b_0}{d_0} < \dfrac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}$ for some $C_0$ through $p$,
then $\mult_p(C_0) \leq 2$ and $o_{\vec{v}}(C_0) \leq 3$; if $C_0$ is singular at
$p$, then it is the only $C_i$ through $p$ with $b_i+cd_i \geq 1$, and we
proceed as in (3.9) or (3.10), according to whether $\vec{v} \in TC_p(C_0)$ or not.
Only the proof of $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 2$ (if $\vec{v} \notin TC_p(C_0)$) or
$ > 1$ (if $\vec{v} \in TC_p(C_0)$) needs adjustment.
Assume first that $\vec{v} \notin TC_p(C_0)$ (with $C_0$ singular at $p$).
Then $\rup{M-cD} = (M-cD) + \Delta, \Delta = \frp{B+cD} = B+cD-C_0$ in a
neighborhood of $p$, and $o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta) = \mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-2$;
$\ord_p(\Delta) \geq \frac{1}{2} o_{\vec{v}}(\Delta)$ and $\mult_p(C_0)=2$, so that
\rup{M-cD} \geq (1-ct)(2\beta_1) +\mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-2. \tag{3.16.2}
If $\beta_1 \geq \frac{1}{2}(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})$, then $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 2$
follows from (3.16.2) and $t < 1$. In particular, this is true if
$\mu_{\vec{v}} \geq 2$. If $\mu_{\vec{v}} < 2$, the hypothesis is weaker than
$\beta_1 \geq \frac{1}{2}(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})$, namely:
\beta_1 \geq
\frac{\beta_{2,p}+\beta_{2,V}}{\beta_{2,p}+\beta_{2,V} - (2-\mu_{\vec{v}})}.
Assume also that $\beta_1 < \frac{1}{2}(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})$ (otherwise we are done).
Then $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 2$ follows from (3.16.2), (3.16.3), (3.15.1), and
$c \geq \dfrac{2-\mu_{\vec{v}}}{4-\mu_{\vec{v}}}$, exactly as in (1.11).
Now consider the case $\vec{v} \in TC_p(C_0)$ (with $C_0$ still singular at $p$).
Using the strategy of (3.10), all we need to prove is
$\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 1$, which follows from
\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 \geq (1-ct)(2\beta_1) +\mu_{\vec{v}}+c(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-3
(same computation as in (3.10) -- see (3.10.4)). Using (3.16.4), the inequality
$\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 1$ is proved exactly as in the previous paragraph.
{\bf (3.17)} If $C_0$ is smooth at $p$, $\vec{v} \in T_p(C_0)$, and $b_i+cd_i<1$
for every $C_i$ through $p$ with $i \neq 0$, then the proof goes as in (3.11);
the inequality we need in this case, $\rup{M-cD} \cdot C_0 > 2$, is proved as
As in the proof of Case 2 of the Proposition, if $C_0$ is smooth at $p$ and
tangent to $\vec{v}$, and $b_1+cd_1 = 1$ for one more curve $C_1$ through $p$,
then $C_1$ is unique with these properties, and is smooth at $p$ and
$\vec{v} \notin T_p(C_1)$. Switching $C_0$ and $C_1$, we are in the situation
discussed below. (Compare to (3.12).)
{\bf (3.18)} Finally, assume that $C_0$ is smooth at $p$ and
$\vec{v} \notin T_p(C_0)$. Define
c' = \min \left\{ 1; \frac{3-\mu_p}{m_p} ; \frac{2-b_0}{d_0} ;
\frac{1-b_i}{d_i}: i \neq 0, b_i+d_i > 1 \text{ and } p \in C_i \right\}.
Consider, for example, the case $c' = \dfrac{2-b_0}{d_0} < 1$ and
$< \dfrac{3-\mu_p}{m_p}$. In this case, we show that
$p \notin \Bs|K_S+B+M-C_0-N|$, for some effective divisor $N$ supported away
from $p$. Using the vanishing
H^1(S, K_S+\rup{M-c'D}) = H^1(S, K_S+B+M-2C_0-N) = 0,
it suffices to show that $p \notin \Bs \left| K_S+B+M-C_0-N |_{C_0} \right|$;
this, in turn, will follow from (1.2.2)(a) and $\rup{M-c'D} \cdot C_0 > 1$.
Now $C_0$ passes through $p$ but is not tangent to $\vec{v}$, and therefore we
have only $M \cdot C_0 \geq \beta_1$ (rather than $2\beta_1$).
$\rup{M-c'D} = (M-c'D) + \Delta'$, with $\Delta' = B+c'D-2C_0$ in a
neighborhood of $p$, and therefore
$\ord_p(\Delta') \geq \frac{1}{2}(\mu_{\vec{v}}+c'(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-2)$;
it suffices to show that
(1-c't)\beta_1 + \frac{1}{2}(\mu_{\vec{v}}+c'(4-\mu_{\vec{v}})-2) > 1.
An inequality equivalent to this one was already proved in (3.16).
The proof in the remaining cases is a similar adaptation of the arguments in
Fix an integer $n$, $n \geq 1$. Let $S$ be the $n^{\text{th}}$ Hirzebruch
surface, i.e. the geometrically ruled rational surface $\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}(\mathcal{E})$, where
$\mathcal{E}$ is the rank 2 vector bundle $\mathcal{O}_{\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^1}\oplus\mathcal{O}_{\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^1}(-n)$
on $\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^1$. Let $\pi:S\to\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^1$ be the ruling of $S$, and let $F$ denote a
fiber of $\pi$. $S$ contains a unique irreducible curve $G$ with negative
self-intersection, $G^2=-n$. $\Pic(S) \cong \ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}} \oplus \ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}}$, with generators $F$
and $G$; $F^2=0, F \cdot G = 1$. $K_S \sim -2G-(n+2)F$. If $C$ is any
irreducible curve on $S$, then $C=G$, $C \sim F$, or $C \sim aG+bF$ with
$a,b \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}}, a \geq 1$ and $b \geq na$. All these properties are proved, for
example, in \cite[Ch.V, \S 2]{harbook}.
Let $H_m=G+mF$. We will use the Reider-type results for \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisors to prove
the following facts:
{\bf Claim.} (1) (See \cite[Ch.IV, Ex.1]{bv}.)
$|H_n|$ is base-point-free, and defines a morphism $\phi_n:S\to\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{n+1}$.
Moreover, $\phi_n$ is an isomorphism on $S \setminus G$, and
$\bar{S} = \phi_n(S) \subset \ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{n+1}$ is a (projective) cone with vertex
$x = \phi_n(G)$. (Thus $\bar{S}$ is the cone over a normal rational curve
contained in a hyperplane $\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^n \subset \ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{n+1}$, because
$G \cong \ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^1$ and $G^2=-n$. $\phi_n$ is the blowing-up
of $\bar{S}$ at $x$.)
(2) \emph{
$|H_m|$ is very ample for $m \geq n+1$, defining an embedding
$\phi_m : S \to \ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{2m-n+1}$.
(See \cite[Ch.IV, Ex.2]{bv} for other properties of $|H_m|$.)
Certainly, these facts can be proved in many different ways. For
instance, for (1): if $G \subset S$ is a smooth rational curve with negative
self-intersection on \emph{any} smooth surface $S$, then there is a projective
contraction $\phi : S \to \bar{S}$, which is an isomorphism on $S
\setminus G$ and contracts $G$ to a normal point $x$. (This is a direct
generalization of the ``easy'' part of Castelnuovo's criterion -- the ``hard''
part being the regularity of $\bar{S}$ at $x$ when $G^2=-1$.) The proof can be
adapted to the situation of the Claim. Alternatively,
most of the Claim is proved in \cite[Theorem 2.17]{harbook}.
The methods used in these proofs are somewhat specialized (the ``normal
contraction'' approach depends on $\Pic(G) \cong \ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}}$; the proof in
\cite{harbook} is typical for ruled surfaces). From this point of view,
Reider's theorem, which is based only on intersection numbers, is much more
general. However, as we will see, Reider's theorem doesn't apply in the
situation of the Claim. The proof we give below shows that there are instances
where the scope of Reider's original results can be broadened by allowing
\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}-divisors into the picture.
\emph{Proof of the Claim.}
(1) Write $H_n=K_S+L$, thus defining $L = H_n-K_S = 3G+(2n+2)F$. Then
$L \cdot G = 3(-n)+(2n+2)=-n+2$; thus $L$ is not nef for $n \geq 3$, and
therefore Reider's criterion does not apply. However, write $L$ as $B+M$, with
$B=(1-\epsilon)G$ and $M=(2+\epsilon)G+(2n+2)F,\,\epsilon \in (0,1)$. Then
M \cdot F = (2+\epsilon), \quad M \cdot G = (2-\epsilon n), \quad
M^2 = (2+\epsilon)(2n+4-\epsilon n).
In particular, for $\epsilon \to 0$, we have $M \cdot F \to 2, M \cdot G \to 2,
M^2 \to 2(2n+4) \geq 12$. Fix $\epsilon > 0, \epsilon \ll 1$, such that
$M^2>9, M \cdot F \geq \frac{3}{2}, \text{ and }M \cdot G \geq \frac{3}{2} $.
Since \emph{any} irreducible curve $C \subset S$ is either $C=G$, or $C \sim
F$, or $C \sim aG+bF$ with $a \geq 1$ and $b \geq na$, we automatically have
$M \cdot C \geq \frac{3}{2}$ for all such $C$. (We will use this observation
again later: if $M\cdot G \geq 0$ and $C \neq G$ is an irreducible curve,
then $M \cdot C \geq M \cdot F$.) Therefore $|H_n|$ is base-point-free
by Proposition 3, part 2, with $\beta_2 = 3$ and $\beta_1 = \dfrac{3}{2} =
\dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2 - 1}$.
Thus $|H_n|$ defines a morphism $\phi_n:S\to\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{\nu}$, $\nu = \dim |H_n|$.
We compute $\nu$. By Riemann--Roch, we have:
\chi(S,H_n) = \frac{H_n \cdot (H_n-K_S)}{2} + \chi(S,\mathcal{O}_S) = n+2.
We get $\nu = h^0(S,H_n)-1=n+1$, as stated in the Claim, \emph{if} we can
show that $h^i(S,H_n)=0$ for $i\geq 1$. If we write $H_n=K_S+L$, as before,
Kodaira's vanishing theorem does not apply, because $L$ is not ample (it is
not even nef). If we write $L=B+M$ as above, though, we get $h^i(S,H_n)=0$
for $i \geq 1$, by (1.2.1)(a).
Next we show that $\phi_n$ is an isomorphism on $S \setminus G$. Consider
two distinct points $p,q \in F \setminus G$. Write $L=B'+M'$, with
$B'=(1-\epsilon)G+(1-\alpha)F, \,M'=(2+\epsilon)G+(2n+1+\alpha)F, \;
\epsilon, \alpha \in (0,1)$. (Note that we may use \emph{any} decomposition of
$L$ of the form $B+M$, as long as $\rup{M}=L$.) We have:
M' \cdot F = (2+\epsilon), \quad M' \cdot G = (1+\alpha-\epsilon n), \\
(M')^2 = (2+\epsilon)(2n+2+2\alpha - \epsilon n).
In particular, for $\epsilon, \alpha \to 0$, $M'$ is nef and big and
$M' \to 2(2n+2) \geq 8$. Let $\mu \overset{\text{def}}{=} \mu_p = \mu_q = 1-\alpha$.
Choose $\beta_2 = \beta_{2,p} = \beta_{2,q} = \frac{3}{2}$ (say); then
$\beta_2 \geq 2-\mu = 1+\alpha$ and $(M')^2 > 2(\beta_2)^2$ for
$\epsilon, \alpha \ll 1$.
Fix $\epsilon \ll 1$, and then choose $\alpha \ll \epsilon$ such that
$1+\dfrac{\epsilon}{2} \geq \dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-(1-\mu)} =
\dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2 - \alpha}$; this can be done, because
$\dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-\alpha} \to 1$ for $\alpha \to 0$. Then
$M' \cdot F = 2+\epsilon = 2\beta_1$, with $\beta_1=1+\dfrac{\epsilon}{2}$ ---
and therefore $M' \cdot C \geq 2\beta_1$ for every irreducible curve $C$
through $p$ or $q$. Hence Proposition 4, part 3, applies (with $\beta_{1,p} =
\beta_{1,q} = \beta_1$): $|H_n|$ separates $(p,q)$.
If $p,q \in S \setminus G$ are distinct points on another irreducible
curve $\bar{F} \sim F$, the proof is similar --- take $B' = (1-\epsilon)G +
(1-\alpha)\bar{F}$. (We say $\bar{F} \sim F$ instead of ``fiber of $\pi : S
\to \ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^1$'', to emphasize that the proof uses numerical arguments only.)
Finally, if no such curve passes through both $p$ and $q$, the proof is even
Separation of tangent directions on $S \setminus G$ is proved exactly
the same way; note that $\mu_p(B') = \mu_V(B') = 1-\alpha$ if $B' =
(1-\epsilon)G+(1-\alpha)F,\, p \in F \setminus G, \text{ and } \vec{v} \in
T_p(F) \setminus \{ \vec{0} \}$.
$H_n\cdot G=0\text{ and } H_n\cdot F=1$; therefore $\phi_n$ contracts $G$ to a
point $x \in \bar{S} = \phi_n(S) \subset \ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{n+1}$, and $\phi_n(\bar{F})$
is a straight line in $\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{n+1}$ for every $\bar{F}\sim F$.
(2) As in part (1) of the Claim, we can show that $|H_m|$ is base-point-free
for $m \geq n+1$, and defines a morphism $\phi_m : S \to \ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^{2m-n+1}$ which
is an isomorphism on $S \setminus G$. For $m \geq n+1$, we must show that
$|H_m|$ separates $p,q$ even when $p$ (or $q$, or both) is on $G$, and also
that $|H_m|$ separates tangent directions at every point $p \in G$.
Let $\{p\}=F \cap G\text{ and }\vec{v}\in T_p(G) \setminus\{ \vec{0} \}$.
We will show that $|H_{n+1}|$ separates $\vec{v}$ at $p$; the other properties
have similar proofs.
Write $H_{n+1} = K_S+L,\, L = 3G+(2n+3)F$. Write $L = B+M, \,
B=(1-\epsilon)G, \, M = (2+\epsilon)G+(2n+3)F, \; \epsilon \in (0,1)$.
We have:
M \cdot F = (2+\epsilon), \quad M \cdot G = (3-\epsilon n), \quad
M^2 = (2+\epsilon)(2n+6- \epsilon n).
For $\epsilon \to 0$ we have $M \cdot F \to 2, \, M \cdot G \to 3, \,
\text{ and } M^2 \to 2(2n+6) \geq 16$; in particular $M$ is nef and big.
(Note that $L$ itself is not nef, if $n \geq 4$; indeed, $L \cdot G = 3-n$.)
We have $M \cdot C \geq 2+\epsilon$ for every irreducible curve $C \subset S$
(assuming that $\epsilon \ll 1$); also, if $\vec{v} \in T_p(C)$, then
$M \cdot C \geq 3 - \epsilon n$, because in that case $C \sim aG+bF$ with
$a \geq 1$ (proof: if $C \neq G$, then $C \cdot G \geq 2$, because
$\vec{v} \in T_pC \cap T_pG$; therefore $C \not\sim F$.)
We have $\mu_p = \mu_V = 1-\epsilon$, and $\mu_{\vec{v}} = 2(1-\epsilon)$. Choose
$\beta_2 = \beta_{2,p} = \beta_{2,V} = 2$ (say), so that $M^2 > 2(\beta_2)^2,
\, \beta_{2,p} \geq 2-\mu_p, \, \text{ and } \beta_{2,V} \geq 2-\mu_V$.
Put $\beta_1 = \dfrac{2\beta_2}{2\beta_2-(2-\mu_{\vec{v}})} =
\dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-\epsilon}$. For $\epsilon \ll 1$, we have:
M\cdot C &= 2+\epsilon\geq\beta_1 \quad\text{for all curves $C\subset S$}, \\
M\cdot C &= 3-\epsilon n \geq 2\beta_1 \quad \text{ for all $C$ containing
(Note that $\beta_1 = \dfrac{\beta_2}{\beta_2-1} \to 1$ as $\epsilon \to 0$,
so these inequalities are verified for all $\epsilon \ll 1$.) Now use
Proposition 5, case 3. \qed
By inspecting the proof of the Claim, we can see that the only assumptions
we used were that $\Pic(S) = \ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}} G \oplus \ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}} F, \, G^2=-n, \, F^2=0, \,
G \cdot F = 1, \, \text{ and } K_S=-2G-(n+2)F$ (if the other hypotheses are
satisfied, the last condition is equivalent to: $G$ and $F$ are smooth rational
curves); this suggests the following
{\bf Exercise.} A surface $S$ with these properties is isomorphic to
the $n^{\text{th}}$ Hirzebruch surface.
\emph{Hint.} There are several ways to see this. One, of course, is to use
part (1) of the Claim: after all, we have shown that $S$ is the blowing-up of
the cone over the normal rational curve of degree $n$.
Another solution is to show that $|F|$ is base-point-free and $\dim |F| = 1$,
as in the proof of part (1) of the Claim; thus $\phi = \phi_{|F|}$ realizes $S$
as a geometrically ruled surface over $\ensuremath{\mathbb{P}}^1$, as required. ($S$ is minimal,
because $C^2 \geq 0$ for every irreducible curve $C \neq G$; this follows
easily from the hypotheses.)
1997-09-04T21:13:34 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709003 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709003 | [
] | alg-geom/9709003 | Ravi Vakil | Ravi Vakil | Counting curves of any genus on rational ruled surfaces | LaTeX2e | null | null | null | null | In this paper we study the geometry of the Severi varieties parametrizing
curves on the rational ruled surface $\fn$. We compute the number of such
curves through the appropriate number of fixed general points on $\fn$, and the
number of such curves which are irreducible. These numbers are known as Severi
degrees; they are the degrees of unions of components of the Hilbert scheme. As
(i) $\fn$ can be deformed to $\eff_{n+2}$, (ii) the Gromov-Witten invariants
are deformation-invariant, and (iii) the Gromov-Witten invariants of $\eff_0$
and $\eff_1$ are enumerative, Theorem \ref{irecursion} computes the genus $g$
Gromov-Witten invariants of all $\fn$. (The genus 0 case is well-known.) The
arguments are given in sufficient generality to also count plane curves in the
style of L. Caporaso and J. Harris and to lay the groundwork for computing
higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of blow-ups of the plane at up to five
points (in a future paper).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 4 Sep 1997 19:13:10 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
In this paper we study the geometry of the {\em Severi varieties}
parametrizing curves on the rational ruled surface ${\mathbb F}_n = \mathbb P
({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1} \oplus {\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(n))$ ($n \ge 0$) in a given divisor
class. We compute the number of such curves through the appropriate number
of fixed general points on ${\mathbb F}_n$ (Theorem \ref{recursion}), and the number
of such curves which are irreducible (Theorem \ref{irecursion}). These
numbers are known as {\em Severi degrees}; they are the degrees of unions
of components of the Hilbert scheme. As (i) ${\mathbb F}_n$ can be deformed to
$\mathbb F_{n+2}$, (ii) the Gromov-Witten invariants are deformation-invariants,
and (iii) the Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb F_0$ and $\mathbb F_1$ are
enumerative, Theorem \ref{irecursion} computes the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten
invariants of all ${\mathbb F}_n$ (Section \ref{gwenumerative}). (The genus 0 case
is now well-known; it follows from the associativity of quantum cohomology.
See [KM], [DI] and [K1] for discussion.) The arguments are given in
sufficient generality to also count plane curves in the style of
L. Caporaso and J. Harris (cf. [CH3]) and to lay the groundwork for
computing higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of blow-ups of the plane at
up to five points (cf. [V3]).
Such a classical enumerative question has recently been the object of study
by many people. Ideas from mathematical physics (cf. the inspiring [KM]
and [DI]) have yielded formulas when $g=0$ (via associativity relations in
quantum cohomology). In March 1994, S. Kleiman and R. Piene found an
elegant recursive formula for the genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants for all
${\mathbb F}_n$, and found empirically that many of the invariants of ${\mathbb F}_n$ were
enumerative and the same as those for $\mathbb F_{n+2}$, supporting the
conjecture (since proved) that quantum cohomology exists and is a
deformation invariant (see [K1] p. 22 for more information, and an
introduction to applications of quantum cohomology to enumerative
geometry). Z. Ran solved the analogous (enumerative) problem for curves of
arbitrary genus on $\mathbb P^2$ by degenerations methods (cf. [R]), and
Caporaso and Harris gave a second solution by different degeneration
methods (cf. [CH3]). These numbers for irreducible curves are also the
genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb P^2$ (Section
\ref{gwenumerative}). D. Abramovich and A. Bertram have used excess
intersection and the moduli space of stable maps to calculate generalized
Severi degrees for rational curves in all classes on $\mathbb F_2$, and for
rational curves in certain classes on ${\mathbb F}_n$ ([AB]). (The author has used a
similar idea for curves of arbitrary genus in certain classes on ${\mathbb F}_n$.)
In [CH1] and [CH2], Caporaso and Harris found recursive formulas for these
numbers when $g=0$ on $\mathbb F_0$, $\mathbb F_1$, $\mathbb F_2$, and $\mathbb F_3$, and on
certain classes on general ${\mathbb F}_n$. D. Coventry has also recently derived a
recursive formula for the number of rational curves in {\em any} class on
${\mathbb F}_n$ ([Co]), subsuming many earlier results. In another direction,
extending work of I. Vainsencher ([Va]), Kleiman and Piene have examined
systems with an arbitrary, but fixed, number $\delta$ of nodes ([K2]). The
postulated number of $\delta$-nodal curves is given (conjecturally) by a
polynomial, and they determine the leading coefficients, which are
polynomials in $\delta$. L. G\"{o}ttsche has recently conjectured a
surprisingly simple generating function ([G]) for these polynomials which
reproduce the results of Vainsencher as well as Kleiman and Piene and
experimentally reproduce the numbers of [CH3], [V3], S.T. Yau and
E. Zaslow's count of rational curves on K3-surfaces ([YZ]), and others.
The numbers of curves are expressed in terms of four universal power
series, two of which G\"{o}ttsche gives explicitly as quasimodular forms.
The philosophy here is that of Caporaso and Harris in [CH3]: we degenerate
the point conditions to lie on $E$ one at a time. Our perspective,
however, is different: we use the moduli space of stable maps rather
than the Hilbert scheme.
The author is grateful to J. Harris for originally suggesting this problem
and for his contagious enthusiasm, and to D. Abramovich, E. Getzler, and T.
Graber for
fruitful discussions on several parts of the argument. The exposition was
strengthened immeasurably thanks to advice from S. Kleiman. D. Watabe
provided useful comments on earlier drafts. L. G\"{o}ttsche's maple
program implementing the algorithm provided examples, and it is a pleasure
to acknowledge him here.
This research was supported (at different times)
by a NSERC 1967 Fellowship and a Sloan Dissertation Fellowship. The bulk
of this paper was written at the Mittag-Leffler Institute, and the author
is grateful for the warmth and hospitality of the Institute staff.
We work over the complex numbers. Most of the arguments will be in
some generality, so that they can be invoked in [V3] to count curves
of arbitrary genus in any divisor class on the blow-up of the plane at
up to five points.
The Picard group of ${\mathbb F}_n$ is ${\mathbb{Z}}^2$, with generators corresponding
to the fiber of the projective bundle $F$ and a section $E$ of
self-intersection $-n$; $E$ is unique if $n>0$. Let $S$ be the class
$E+nF$. (This class is usually denoted $C$, but we use nonstandard
notation to prevent confusion with the source of a map $(C,\pi)$.)
The canonical bundle $K_{\fn}$ is $-(S+E+2F)$.
Throughout this paper, $X$ will be ${\mathbb F}_n$. Unless otherwise explicitly
stated, we will use only the following properties of $(X,E)$.
\item[{\bf P1.}] $X$ is a smooth surface and $E \cong \mathbb P^1$ is a divisor on $X$.
\item[{\bf P2.}]
The surface $X \setminus E$ is minimal, i.e. contains no (-1)-curves.
\item[{\bf P3.}]
The divisor class $K_X + E$ is negative on every curve on $X$.
\item[{\bf P4.}]
If $D$ is an effective divisor such that $-(K_X + E) \cdot D = 1$,
then $D$ is smooth.
Property P2 could be removed by modifying the arguments very slightly,
but there seems to be no benefit of doing so. Properties P3 and P4
would follow if $-(K_X + E)$ were very ample, which is true in all
cases of interest here.
Notice that if $L$ is a line on $\mathbb P^2$ then $(X,E) = (\mathbb P^2,L)$
also satisfies properties P1--P4. The resulting formulas for
Severi degrees of $\mathbb P^2$ are then those of [CH3]. Theorem
\ref{recursion} would become Theorem 1.1 of [CH3], and Theorem
\ref{irecursion} would give a recursive formula for irreducible genus
$g$ curves (which are the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants).
If $C$ is a smooth conic on $\mathbb P^2$, then $(X,E) = (\mathbb P^2,C)$ also
satisfies properties P1--P4. This will be the basis of the computation of
higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants of blow-ups of $\mathbb P^2$ at up
to 5 points in [V3].
For any sequence $\alpha = (\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots)$ of nonnegative integers
with all but finitely many $\alpha_i$ zero, set
| \alpha | = \alpha_1 + \alpha_2 + \alpha_3 + \dots
I \alpha
= \alpha_1 + 2\alpha_2 + 3\alpha_3 + \dots
= 1^{\alpha_1} 2^{\alpha_2} 3^{\alpha_3} \dots
\alpha ! = \alpha_1 ! \alpha_2 ! \alpha_3! \dots .
$$ We denote by $\operatorname{lcm}(\alpha)$ the least common multiple of the set $\#
\{ i : \alpha_i \neq 0 \}$. The zero sequence will be denoted 0.
We denote by $e_k$ the sequence $(0, \dots, 0, 1, 0 , \dots)$ that is
zero except for a 1 in the $k^{\text{th}}$ term (so that any sequence $\alpha
= (\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots)$ is expressible as $\alpha = \sum \alpha_k e_k$).
By the inequality $\alpha \geq \alpha'$ we mean $\alpha_k \geq \alpha_k'$ for all
$k$; for such a pair of sequences we set $$
\binom \alpha {\alpha'} = {\frac { \alpha!} {\alpha' ! (\alpha - \alpha')!}} =
\binom {\alpha_1} {\alpha'_1}
\binom {\alpha_2} {\alpha'_2}
\binom {\alpha_3} {\alpha'_3} \dots .
This notation follows [CH3].
For any divisor class $D$ on $X$, genus $g$, sequences $\alpha$ and $\beta$, and
collections of points $\Gamma = \{ p_{i,j} \}_{1 \leq j \leq \alpha_i}$ (not
necessarily distinct) of $E$ we define the {\em generalized Severi variety}
$V^{D,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ to be the closure (in $|D|$) of the locus of reduced
curves $C$ in $X$ in divisor class $D$ of geometric genus $g$, not
containing $E$, with (informally) $\alpha_k$ ``assigned'' points of contact of
order $k$ and $\beta_k$ ``unassigned'' points of contact of order $k$ with
$E$. Formally, we require that, if $\nu: C^\nu \rightarrow C$ is the
normalization of $C$, then there exist $|\alpha|$ points $q_{i,j} \in C^\nu$,
$j=1, \dots, \alpha_i$ and $|\beta|$ points $r_{i,j} \in C^\nu$, $j=1, \dots,
\beta_i$ such that
\nu(q_{i,j}) = p_{i,j} \quad \text{and} \quad \nu^*(E) = \sum i \cdot
q_{i,j} + \sum i \cdot r_{i,j}.
If $I \alpha + I\beta \neq D \cdot E$, $V^{D,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ is empty.
For convenience, let
\Upsilon = \Upsilon^{D,g}(\beta) := - (K_X + E) \cdot D +
|\beta| + g-1.
We will see that $V^{D,g}\abG$ is a projective variety of pure dimension $\Upsilon$
(Prop. \ref{idim}). Let $N^{D,g}\abG$ be the number of points of
$V^{D,g}\abG$ whose corresponding curve passes through $\Upsilon$ fixed general
points of $X$. Then $N^{D,g}\abG$ is the degree of the generalized Severi
variety (in the projective space $|D|$). When the points $\{ p_{i,j}\}$
are distinct, we will see that $N\abG$ is independent of $\Gamma$ (Section
\ref{recursivesection}); for simplicity we will then write $N\ab$. The
main result of this paper is the following.
If $\dim V^{D,g}(\alpha,\beta)>0$, then
N^{D,g}\ab = \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N^{D,g}(\alpha + e_k, \beta-e_k)
+ \sum I^{\beta'-\beta} {\binom \alpha {\alpha'}} \binom {\beta'}{\beta}
where the second sum is taken over all $\alpha'$, $\beta'$, $g'$ satisfying
$\alpha' \leq \alpha$, $\beta' \geq \beta$, $g-g' = |\beta'-\beta| - 1$, $I \alpha' + I \beta' =
(D-E) \cdot E$.
When $X={\mathbb F}_n$, the condition $\Upsilon^{D,g}(\beta) = \dim V^{D,g}\ab>0$ is equivalent to $(D,g,\beta)
\neq (k F, 1-k,0)$. With the ``seed data''
N^{kF,1-k}(\alpha,0) =
1 & \text{if $\alpha = k e_1$,} \\
0 & \text{otherwise,}
this formula inductively counts curves of any
genus in any divisor class of ${\mathbb F}_n$.
In order to understand generalized Severi varieties, we will analyze
certain moduli spaces of maps. Let $\overline{M}_g(X,D)'$ be the moduli space of
maps $\pi: C \rightarrow X$ where $C$ is complete, reduced, and nodal, $(C,
\pi)$ has finite automorphism group, and $\pi_* [C] = D$. (The curve $C$
is not required to be irreducible.) If $C'$ is any connected component of
$C$, the map $(C', \pi)$ is stable. The moduli space $\overline{M}_g(X,D)$ is a
union of connected components of $\overline{M}_g(X,D)'$.
Let $D$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\Gamma$ be
as in the definition of $V^{D,g}(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ above. Define the {\em
generalized Severi variety of maps} $V^{D,g}_m(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ to be the
closure in $\overline{M}_g(X,D)'$ of points representing maps $(C,\pi)$ where
each component of $C$ maps birationally to its image in $X$, no
component maps to $E$, and $C$ has (informally) $\alpha_k$ ``assigned''
points of contact of order $k$ and $\beta_k$ ``unassigned'' points of
contact of order $k$ with $E$. Formally, we require that there exist
$|\alpha|$ smooth points $q_{i,j} \in C$, $j=1, \dots, \alpha_i$ and $|\beta|$
smooth points $r_{i,j} \in C$, $j=1, \dots, \beta_i$ such that
\pi(q_{i,j}) = p_{i,j} \quad \text{and} \quad \pi^*(E) = \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} +
\sum i \cdot r_{i,j}.
As before, where the dependence on the points $p_{i,j}$ is not relevant
--- for example, in the discussions of the dimensions or degrees of
generalized Severi varieties --- we will suppress the $\Gamma$.
There is a natural rational map from each component of
$V^{D,g}\abG$ to $V^{D,g}_m\abG$, and the
dimension of the image will be $\Upsilon$. We will prove:
The components of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$ have dimension at most $\Upsilon$,
and the union of those with dimension exactly $\Upsilon$ is
the closure of the image of $V^{D,g}\abG$ in $V^{D,g}_m\abG$.
(This will be an immediate consequence of Theorem \ref{bigdim}.)
Assume now that the $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ are distinct.
Fix $\Upsilon$ general points $s_1$, \dots, $s_\Upsilon$ on $X$. The image of
the maps in $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ whose images pass through these points are
reduced. ({\em Proof:} Without loss of generality, restrict to the
union $V$ of those components of $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ with dimension $\Upsilon$. By
Proposition \ref{idim}, the subvariety of $V$ corresponding to maps
whose images are {\em not} reduced contains no components of
$V$ and hence has dimension less than $\Upsilon$. Thus no image of such a
map passes through $s_1$, \dots, $s_{\Upsilon}$.)
Therefore, if $H$ is the divisor class on $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ corresponding to
requiring the image curve to pass through a fixed point of $X$, then
N^{D,g}\ab = H^\Upsilon.
Define the {\em intersection dimension} of a family $V$ of maps to
$X$ (denoted $\operatorname{idim} V$) as the maximum number $n$ of general
points $s_1$, \dots $s_n$ on $X$ such that there is a map $\pi: C
\rightarrow X$ in $V$ with $\{ s_1, \dots, s_n \} \subset
\pi(C)$. Clearly $\operatorname{idim} V \leq \dim V$.
Our strategy is as follows. Fix a general point $q$ of $E$. Let
$H_q$ be the Weil divisor on $V^{D,g}_m\abG$ corresponding to maps with images
containing $q$. We will find the components of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$ with
intersection dimension $\Upsilon-1$ and relate them to
$V^{D',g'}_m(\alpha',\beta', \Gamma')$ for appropriately chosen $D'$, $g'$, $\alpha'$,
$\beta'$, $\Gamma'$. Then we compute the multiplicity with which each of these
components appears. Finally, we derive a
recursive formula for $N^{D,g}\ab$ (Theorem \ref{recursion}).
Analogous definitions can be made of spaces $W^{D,g}\abG$ and
$W^{D,g}_m\abG$ parametrizing irreducible curves. The arguments in
this case are identical, resulting in a recursive formula for
$N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D,g}\ab$, the number of irreducible genus $g$ curves in class
$D$ intersecting $E$ as determined by $\alpha$ and $\beta$, passing through
$\Upsilon$ fixed general points of $X$:
If $\dim W^{D,g}\ab>0$, then
N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D,g}\ab &=& \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D,g}(\alpha + e_k,
\beta - e_k)
& & + \sum \frac 1 \sigma \binom {\alpha} {\alpha^1, \dots, \alpha^l, \alpha- \sum \alpha^i} \binom {\Upsilon^{D,g}(\beta)-1} {\Upsilon^{D^1,g^1}(\beta^1), \dots, \Upsilon^{D^l,g^l}(\beta^l)} \\
& & \cdot \prod_{i=1}^l \binom {\beta^i} {\gamma^i} I^{\beta^i - \gamma^i} N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D^i,g^i}(\alpha^i,\beta^i)
where the second sum runs over choices of $D^i, g^i, \alpha^i, \beta^i,
\gamma^i$ ($1 \le i \le l$), where $D^i$ is a divisor class, $g^i$ is a
non-negative integer, $\alpha^i$, $\beta^i$, $\gamma^i$ are sequences of
non-negative integers, $\sum D^i = D-E$, $\sum \gamma^i = \beta$, $\beta^i \gneq
\gamma^i$, and $\sigma$ is the number of symmetries of the set $\{
(D^i,g^i,\alpha^i,\beta^i,\gamma^i) \}_{1 \leq i \leq l}$.
In the second sum, for the summand to be non-zero, one must also have
$\sum \alpha^i \leq \alpha$, and $I \alpha^i + I \beta^i =
D^i \cdot E$. When $X={\mathbb F}_n$, the condition $\dim W^{D,g}\ab>0$ is
equivalent to $(D,\beta) \neq (F, 0)$. Thus with the ``seed data''
$N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{F,0}(e_1,0) = 1$,
this formula inductively
counts irreducible curves of any genus in any divisor class of ${\mathbb F}_n$.
As an example of the algorithm in action, we calculate $N^{4S,1}(0,0) =
225$ on $\mathbb F_1$. (This is also the number of two-nodal elliptic plane
quartics through 11 fixed general points.) There are a finite number of
such elliptic curves through 11 fixed general points on $\mathbb F_1$. We
calculate the number by specializing the fixed points to lie on $E$ one at
a time, and following what happens to the finite number of curves.
After the first specialization, the curve must contain $E$ (as $4S \cdot E
= 0$, any representative of $4S$ containing a point of $E$ must contain
all of $E$). The residual curve is in class $3S+F$. Theorem
\ref{recursion} gives
N^{4S,1}(0,0) = N^{3S+F,1}(0,e_1).
After specializing a second point $q$ to lie on $E$, two things could
happen to the elliptic curve. First, the limit curve could remain smooth,
and pass through the fixed point $q$ of $E$. This will happen
$N^{3S+F,1}(e_1,0)$ times. Second, the curve could contain $E$. Then the
residual curve $C'$ has class $2S+2F$, and is a nodal curve intersecting
$E$ at two distinct points. Of the two nodes of the original curve $C$,
one goes to the node of $C'$, and the other tends to one of the
intersection of $C'$ with $E$. The choice of the two possible limits of
the node gives a multiplicity of 2. Theorem \ref{recursion} gives
N^{3S+F,1}(0,e_1) = N^{3S+F,1}(e_1,0) + 2 N^{2S+2F,1}(0,2e_1).
Now $N^{2S+2F,1}(0,2e_1)$, the number of nodal curves in the linear system
$| 2S+2F|$, can be calculated to be 20 by further degenerations or by the
well-known calculation of the degree of the hypersurface of singular
sections in any linear system. This calculation is omitted.
The number $N^{3S+F,1}(e_1,0)$ is calculated by specializing another point
to be a general point of $E$. The limit curve will be of one of three
forms; in each case the limit must contain $E$, and the residual curve $C''$
is in the class $2S+2F$.
\item The curve $C''$ could have geometric genus 0 and intersect $E$ at two
points. There are two subcases: $C''$ could be irreducible, or it could
consist of a fiber $F$ and a smooth elliptic curve in the class $2S+F$.
These cases happen $N^{2S+2F,0}(0,2e_1)$ times.
\item The curve $C''$ has geometric genus 1 and is tangent to $E$ at a
general point. This happens $N^{2S+2F,1}(0,e_2)$ times. Each of these
curves is the limit of {\em two} curves, so there is a multiplicity of 2.
(This multiplicity is not obvious.)
\item The curve $C''$ is smooth, and passes through the point $q \in E$.
This happens $N^{2S+2F,1}(e_1,e_1)$ times.
Theorem \ref{recursion} gives us
N^{3S+F,1}(e_1,0) = N^{2S+2F,0}(0,2e_1) + 2 N^{2S+2F,1}(0,e_2) +
One can continue and calculate
$$N^{2S+2F,0}(0,2e_1) = 105, \: N^{2S+2F,1}(0,e_2) = 30, \:
Then we can
recursively calculate $N^{4S,1}(0,0)$:
N^{3S+F,1}(e_1,0) &=& N^{2S+2F,0}(0,2e_1) + 2 N^{2S+2F,1}(0,e_2) +
N^{2S+2F,1}(e_1,e_1) \\
&=& 105 + 2 \cdot 30 + 20 \\
&=& 185
\text{so } N^{4S,1}(0,0) &=& N^{3S+F,1}(0,e_1) \\
&=& N^{3S+F,1}(e_1,0) + 2 N^{2S+2F,1}(0,2e_1) \\
&=& 185 + 2 \cdot 20 \\
&=& 225.
The calculation is informally summarized pictorially in Figure
\ref{ruledfig}. The divisor $E$ is represented by the horizontal doted
line, and fixed points on $E$ are represented by fat dots. Part of the
figure, the calculation that $N^{2S+2F,0}(0,2e_1) = 105$, has been
\expandafter\x\fmtname xxxxxx\relax \def\y{splain}%
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\csname #3\endcsname}%
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\path(975,6471) (1018.304,6477.499)
\path(1725,6846) (1766.541,6838.423)
\path(3075,7596) (3140.607,7585.208)
\path(4950,6996) (4942.997,6957.032)
\path(5700,6546) (5738.531,6595.056)
\path(6675,7221) (6719.995,7214.015)
\path(7650,6246) (7679.407,6273.393)
\path(7650,6696) (7606.010,6711.301)
\path(6825,6171) (6787.475,6162.528)
\path(8700,6846) (8738.531,6895.056)
\path(9675,7521) (9719.995,7514.015)
\path(10650,6546) (10679.407,6573.393)
\path(10650,6996) (10606.010,7011.301)
\path(9825,6471) (9787.475,6462.528)
\path(3375,3846) (3413.531,3895.056)
\path(4350,4521) (4394.995,4514.015)
\path(5325,3546) (5354.407,3573.393)
\path(5325,3996) (5281.010,4011.301)
\path(4500,3471) (4462.475,3462.528)
\path(6150,4146) (6188.531,4195.056)
\path(7125,4821) (7169.995,4814.015)
\path(8100,3846) (8129.407,3873.393)
\path(8100,4296) (8056.010,4311.301)
\path(7275,3771) (7237.475,3762.528)
\path(9075,3771) (9087.093,3816.278)
\path(9675,5046) (9748.058,4984.328)
\path(9975,3771) (10025.558,3785.301)
\path(4200,12921) (4240.636,12881.993)
\path(5025,12246) (5063.159,12228.094)
\path(5850,12096) (5879.378,12162.562)
\path(5775,12396) (5716.131,12424.781)
\path(4875,12171) (4800.684,12136.037)
\path(4125,11871) (4081.429,11930.966)
\path(4125,12171) (4173.647,12200.907)
\path(5025,11946) (5081.461,11931.132)
\path(2550,10221) (2590.636,10181.993)
\path(3375,9546) (3413.159,9528.094)
\path(4200,9396) (4229.378,9462.562)
\path(4125,9696) (4066.131,9724.781)
\path(3225,9471) (3150.684,9436.037)
\path(2475,9171) (2431.429,9230.966)
\path(2475,9471) (2523.647,9500.907)
\path(3375,9246) (3431.461,9231.132)
\put(8850,5721){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{8}{9.6}{rm}$N^{2S+2F,1}(e_1,e_1) = 20$}}}}}
\put(0,5721){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{8}{9.6}{rm}$N^{2S+2F,0}(0,2e_1) = 96+9=105$}}}}}
\put(5550,10521){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{8}{9.6}{rm}$\times 2$}}}}}
\put(4725,5046){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{8}{9.6}{rm}$\times 2$}}}}}
\put(9675,5271){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{8}{9.6}{rm}$\times 3$}}}}}
\put(3300,2571){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{{{\SetFigFont{8}{9.6}{rm}$\times 2$}}}}}
\caption{Calculating $N^{4S,1}(0,0) = 225$.}
Table \ref{class2c} gives the number of genus $g$ curves in certain classes
on certain ${\mathbb F}_n$. Where the number of irreducible curves is different, it
is given in brackets. Tables \ref{classf1} and \ref{classf2} give more
examples; only the total number is given, although the number of
irreducible curves could also be easily computed (using Theorem
\ref{irecursion}). Many of these numbers were computed by a maple program
written by L. G\"{o}ttsche to implement the algorithm of Theorem
& $\mathbb F_0$ & $\mathbb F_1$ & $\mathbb F_2$ & $\mathbb F_3$ & $\mathbb F_4$ \\
$2S$ & & $g=0$: 1 & $g=1$: 1 & $g=2$: 1 & $g=3$: 1 \\
& & & $g=0$: 10 & $g=1$: 17 & $g=2$: 24 \\
& & & & $g=0$: 69 & $g=1$: 177 \\
& & & & & $g=0$: 406 \\
$2S+F$ & $g=0$: 1 & $g=1$: 1 & $g=2$: 1 & $g=3$: 1 \\
& & $g=0$: 12 & $g=1$: 20 & $g=2$: 28 \\
& & & $g=0$: 102 (93) & $g=1$: 246 (234) \\
& & & & $g=0$: 781 (594) \\
$2S+2F$ & $g=1$: 1 & $g=2$: 1 & $g=3$: 1 \\
& $g=0$: 12 & $g=1$: 20 & $g=2$: 28 \\
& & $g=0$: 105 (96) & $g=1$: 252 (240) \\
& & & $g=0$: 856 (636) \\
$2S+3F$ & $g=2$: 1 & $g=3$: 1 \\
& $g=1$: 20 & $g=2$: 28 \\
& $g=0$: 105 (96) & $g=1$: 252 (240) \\
& & $g=0$: 860 (640) \\
$2S+4F$ & $g=3$: 1 \\
& $g=2$: 28 \\
& $g=1$: 252 (240) \\
& $g=0$: 860 (640) \\
\caption{Number of genus $g$ curves in class $2S+kF$ on ${\mathbb F}_n$}
Class & Genus & Number \\
$3S$ & -2 & 15 \\
& -1 & 21 \\
& 0 & 12 \\
& 1 & 1 \\
$3S+F$ & 0 & 675 \\
& 1 & 225 \\
& 2 & 27 \\
& 3 & 1 \\
$3S+2F$ & 0 & 22647 \\
& 1 & 14204 \\
& 2 & 4249 \\
& 3 & 615 \\
& 4 & 41 \\
& 5 & 1 \\
$3S+3F$ & 0 & 642434 \\
& 1 & 577430 \\
& 2 & 291612 \\
& 3 & 83057 \\
& 4 & 13405 \\
& 5 & 1200 \\
& 6 & 55 \\
& 7 & 1 \\
\caption{Number of genus $g$ curves in various classes on $\mathbb F_1$}
Genus & Number \\
-2 & 280 \\
-1 & 1200 \\
0 & 2397 \\
1 & 1440 \\
2 & 340 \\
3 & 32 \\
4 & 1 \\
\caption{Number of genus $g$ curves in class $3S$ on $\mathbb F_2$}
We next review some earlier results. (This is only a partial summary of
the voluminous research done on the subject.) In each case but the last
two, the numbers have been checked to agree with those produced by the
algorithm given here for ``small values''. Many of these verifications
have been done by D. Watabe, and the author is grateful to him for this.
For example, he has verified that the formula for the number of rational
curves in the divisor class $2S$ on ${\mathbb F}_n$ passing through the appropriate
number of general points for $n \leq 9$ agrees with the numbers obtained by
Caporaso and Harris. In each case it seems difficult to directly prove
that the numbers will always be the same, other than by noting that they
count the same thing.
The number of degree $d$ genus $g$ plane curves through $3d+g-1$ fixed
general points was calculated by Ran (cf. [R]) and Caporaso and Harris
(cf. [CH3]). This is also the number of genus $g$ curves in the divisor
class $dS$ on $\mathbb F_1$ through $3d+g-1$ fixed general points, and the
number of genus $g$ curves in the divisor
class $(d-1)S+F$ on $\mathbb F_1$ through $3d+g-2$ fixed general points.
\item The surfaces $\mathbb F_0$ and $\mathbb F_1$ are convex, so the ideas of [KM]
allow one to count (irreducible) rational curves in all divisor classes on
these surfaces (see [DI] for further discussion). These are known as the
genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb F_0$ and $\mathbb F_1$.
\item D. Abramovich and A. Bertram have proved several (unpublished)
formulas counting (irreducible) rational curves in certain classes on
$\mathbb F_n$ ([AB]). If $N^g_{\mathbb F_n}(aS+bF)$ is the number of irreducible
genus $g$ curves in class $aS+bF$ through the appropriate number of points,
then they have shown:
\item[(AB1)]$N^0_{\mathbb F_0}(aS+(b+a)F) = \sum_{i=0}^{a-1} \binom {b+2i} i
N^0_{\mathbb F_2}(aS+bF-iE).$
\item[(AB2)]$N^0_{\mathbb F_n}(2S+bF) = N^0_{\mathbb F_{n-2}}(2S + (b+2)F) -
\sum_{l=1}^{n-1} \binom {2 (n+b) + 3} {n-l-1} \left( l^2 (b+2) + \binom l 2
\item[(AB3)] $N^0_{\mathbb F_n}(2S) = 2^{2n} (n+3) - (2n+3) \binom {2n+1} n.$
\item[(AB4)] $N^0_{\mathbb F_n}(2S+bF) = N^0_{\mathbb F_{n-1}}(2S+(b+1)F) -
\sum_{l=1}^{n-1} \binom {2(n+b) + 2} {n-l-1} l^2 (b+2).$
Their method for (AB1) and (AB2) is to study the moduli space of stable maps of
rational curves to
$\mathbb F_n$, and deform the surface to $\mathbb F_{n-2}$. For (AB3) and (AB4), they
relate curves on $\mathbb F_n$ to curves on $\mathbb F_{n-1}$.
\item By undoubtedly similar methods, the author has obtained the formula
N^g_{\mathbb F_n}(2 S + k F) &=& N^g_{\mathbb F_{n+1}}(2S + (k-1) F) \\
& & +
\sum_{f=0}^{n-g-1} \sum \binom {\alpha_1} {|\alpha| - g- 1} \binom { |\alpha|} {
\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n} \binom { 2n+2k+2+g} f I^{2 \alpha}
where the second sum is over all integers $f$ and
sequences $\alpha$ such that $I \alpha = n+k-f$, $|\alpha| = k+1+g$, $k \leq \alpha_1$.
\item Caporaso and Harris (in [CH1] and [CH2]) obtained recursive formulas
for $N^0_{\mathbb F_n}(aS+bF)$ when $n \leq 3$, and the remarkable result that
$N^0_{\mathbb F_n}(2S)$ is the co-efficient of $t^n$ in $(1+t)^{2n+3}/ (1-t)^3$.
\item Coventry has also recently derived a recursive formula for
the number of rational curves in {\em any} class in $\mathbb F_n$ ([Co]), using a
generalization of the ``rational fibration'' method of [CH2].
Kleiman and Piene have examined systems with an arbitrary, but fixed,
number $\delta$ of nodes ([K2]). The postulated number of $\delta$-nodal curves
is given (conjecturally) by a polynomial, and they determine the leading
coefficients, which are polynomials in $\delta$. Vainsencher determined the
entire polynomial for $\delta \leq 6$ ([Va]). Kleiman and Piene extended his
work so that a refinement of his computation of the polynomial for a given
$\delta$ ought to yield the coefficients in the top $2\delta$ total degrees.
They have done this explicitly for the plane for $\delta \leq 4$, in
particular supporting and extending the conjecture on p. 86 of [DI], and
expect to get it for $\delta \leq 6$.
\section{Dimension counts}
In this section, we prove the main dimension count we need:
\item[(a)] Each component of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$ is of dimension at most
\Upsilon = \Upsilon^{D,g}(\beta) = -(K_X + E) \cdot D + | \beta | + g-1.
The stable map $(C, \pi)$ corresponding to a general point of any
component of dimension $\Upsilon$ satisfies the following properties.
\item[(i)] The curve $C$ is smooth, and the map $\pi$ is an immersion.
\item[(ii)] The image is a reduced curve. If the $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ are
distinct, the image is smooth along its intersection with
\item[(c)] Conversely, any component whose general map satisfies
property (i) has dimension $\Upsilon$.
By ``the image is a reduced curve'', we mean $\pi_*[C]$ is a sum of
distinct irreducible divisors on $X$.
Proposition \ref{idim} follows directly from Theorem \ref{bigdim}.
\begin{lm}[Arbarello-Cornalba, Caporaso-Harris]
Let $V$ be an irreducible subvariety of the moduli space $\overline{M}_g(Y,\beta)'$ where
$Y$ is smooth, such that if $(C,\pi)$ corresponds to the general point of $V$
then $C$ is smooth $\pi$ is birational. Let $N = \operatorname{coker}(T_C
\rightarrow \pi^* T_Y)$, and let $N_{\operatorname{tors}}$ be the torsion subsheaf of $N$. Then:
\item[(a)] $\dim V \leq h^0(C, N / N_{\operatorname{tors}})$.
\item[(b)] Assume further that $Y$ is a surface. Fix a smooth curve $G$ in
$Y$ and smooth points $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ of $G$, and assume that
\pi^* G = \sum_{i,j} i q_{i,j} + \sum_{i,j} i r_{i,j}
with $\pi(q_{i,j}) = p_{i,j}$. Then
\dim V &\leq& h^0 (C, N / N_{\operatorname{tors}} (- \sum_{i,j} i q_{i,j} - \sum_{i,j} (i-1)
r_{i,j})) \\
&=& h^0(C, N / N_{\operatorname{tors}} (- \pi^* G + \sum_{i,j} r_{i,j})).
This lemma appears (in a different guise) in Subsection 2.2 of [CH3]: (a)
is contained in Corollary 2.4 and part (b) is Lemma 2.6. Part (a) was
proven earlier by E. Arbarello and M. Cornalba in [AC], Section 6.
Caporaso and Harris express (a) informally as: ``the first-order
deformation of the map $\pi$ corresponding to a torsion section of $N$ can
never be equisingular.'' Arbarello and Cornalba's version is slightly
stronger: ``the first-order deformation of the map $\pi$ corresponding to a
torsion section of $N$ can never preserve both the order and type of the
singularities of the image.''
Let $V$ be a component of $V_m^{D,g}\abG$ whose general point
corresponds to a map $\pi: C \rightarrow X$ where $C$ is a smooth
curve. Then $\dim V \leq \Upsilon$. If $\pi$ is not an immersion then the
inequality is strict.
\noindent {\em Proof. } Note that by the definition of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$, $\pi$ is a birational
map from $C$ to its image in $X$, so we may invoke Lemma 2.2. The map $T_C
\rightarrow \pi^* T_X$ is injective (as it is generically injective, and
there are no nontrivial torsion subsheaves of invertible sheaves). If $N$
is the normal sheaf of $\pi$, then the sequence
0 \rightarrow T_C \rightarrow \pi^* T_X \rightarrow N \rightarrow 0
is exact. Let
$N_{\operatorname{tors}}$ be the torsion subsheaf of $N$. The map $\pi$ is an
immersion if and only if $N_{\operatorname{tors}} = 0$. Now
(\det N) (- \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j})
&=& {\mathcal{O}}_C( - \pi^* K_X + K_C - \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j} ) \\
&=& {\mathcal{O}}_C(- \pi^* K_X + K_C - \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j} )\\
By property P3, the divisor $-\pi^*(K_X+E) + \sum r_{i,j}$ is positive
on each component of $C$, so by Kodaira vanishing or Serre duality
H^1(C, (\det N)(-\pi^* E+\sum r_{i,j})) = 0.
As $N / N_{\operatorname{tors}}$ is a subsheaf of $\det N$,
\lefteqn{h^0(C, N / N_{\operatorname{tors}} (- \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j}))} \\
&\leq& h^0 (C, (\det N) (- \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j})) \nonumber \\
&=& \chi (C, (\det N) (- \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j})) \nonumber \\
&=& \deg N - E \cdot D + |\beta| - g + 1 \nonumber \\
&=& - (K_X+E) \cdot D + | \beta | + g - 1 \nonumber \\
&=& \Upsilon. \nonumber
If $C'$ is a component of $C$ with $- \pi^*(K_X + E) \cdot C' = 1$,
then $\pi: C' \rightarrow X$ is an immersion by property P4. Thus if
$N_{\operatorname{tors}} \neq 0$, then it is non-zero when restricted to some component
$C''$ for which $-\pi^*(K_X + E) \cdot C'' \geq 2$. Let $p$ be a
point on $C''$ in the support of $N_{\operatorname{tors}}$. Then $- \pi^*(K_X + E) + \sum r_{i,j} - p$ is positive
on each component of $C$, so by the same argument as above, $N/N_{\operatorname{tors}}$ is
a subsheaf of $(\det N)(-p)$, so
\lefteqn{h^0(C, N/N_{\operatorname{tors}} ( - \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j} - p)) } \\
&\leq& h^0( C, (\det N) ( - \pi^* E + \sum r_{i,j} - p)) \\
&=& \Upsilon - 1.
Therefore, equality holds at (\ref{fred}) only if $N_{\operatorname{tors}} = 0$, i.e.
$\pi$ is an immersion. By Lemma \ref{chlemma}(a), the result follows.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
{\noindent {\em Proof of Theorem \ref{bigdim}. }} Let $V$ be a
component of $V^{D,g}_m \abG$ of dimension at least $\Upsilon$, and
let $\pi: C \rightarrow X$ be the map corresponding to a general
point of $V$. Let the normalizations of the components of $C$ be
$C(1)$, $C(2)$, \dots, $C(s)$, so $p_a( \coprod_k C(k)) \leq p_a(C)$
with equality if and only if $C$ is smooth. Let $\beta = \sum_{k=0}^s
\beta(k)$ be the partition of $\beta$ induced by $C = \cup_{k=1}^s C(k)$,
let $g(k)$ be the genus of $C(k)$, and let
\Upsilon(k) = (K_X + E) \cdot \pi_*[C(k)] + | \beta(k) | + g(k) - 1.
By the definition of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$, $\pi|_{C(k)}$ is birational.
By Lemma \ref{dimbd}, $C$ moves in a family of dimension at most
\sum_{k=1}^s \Upsilon(k) &=& \sum_{k=1}^s \left(- (K_X + E) \cdot \pi_*[C(k)] +
| \beta(k) | + g(k) - 1 \right) \\
&=& -(K_X+E) \cdot D + |\beta| + p_a \left( \coprod C(k) \right) - 1 \\
&\leq& -(K_X+E) \cdot D + |\beta| + p_a(C) - 1.
This proves part (a).
If $\dim V = \Upsilon$, then equality must hold in
(\ref{eqna}), so $C$ is smooth, and by Lemma \ref{dimbd}, $\pi$ is an
We next prove that the image is smooth along its intersection with $E$.
Requiring $\pi(r_{i_0,j_0})$ to be a fixed point $p$ imposes an
additional condition on $V^{D,g}_m\ab$, as the locus of such maps
forms a variety of the form $V^{D,g}_m(\alpha+ e_{i_0}, \beta - e_{i_0}, \{
p_{i,j} \} \cup \{ p \})$ which has dimension
-(K_X+E) \cdot D + g-1 + ( |\beta| - 1) < \dim V^{D,g}_m(\alpha,\beta, \{
p_{i,j} \})
by part (a).
Thus if $\pi: C \rightarrow X$ is the map corresponding to a general
point of $V^{D,g}_m \ab$ then
\item[(i)] $\pi(q_{i,j}) \neq \pi(q_{i',j'})$ for $(i,j) \neq (i',j')$ as
$p_{i,j} \neq p_{i',j'}$,
\item[(ii)] $\pi(r_{i,j}) \neq p_{i',j'}$ as requiring $\pi(r_{i,j})$ to be
fixed imposes a nontrivial condition on $V^{D,g}_m\ab$,
\item[(iii)] $\pi(r_{i,j}) \neq \pi(r_{i',j'})$ for $(i,j) \neq (i',j')$ as
requiring both $r_{i,j}$ and $r_{i',j'}$ to be fixed imposes {\em two}
independent conditions on $V^{D,g}_m\ab$.
Thus the image is smooth along its intersection with $E$.
If a component of the image curve is nonreduced (with underlying
reduced divisor $D_1$), then this component cannot intersect $E$ (as
the image is smooth along $E$). As each $C(k)$ is birational to
its image, the image curve must be the image of two components $C(k_1)$
and $C(k_2)$ for which $\Upsilon(k_1) = \Upsilon(k_2) = 0$. Then
0 &=& \Upsilon(k_1) \\
&=& \sum_{k=1}^s (- (K_X + E) \cdot \pi_*[C(k_1)] +
| \beta(k_1) | + g(k_1) - 1) \\
&=& - K_X \cdot D_1 + g(k_1) - 1
As $-(K_X + E)$ is positive on all effective divisors, we must have
$g(k_1)=0$ and $- (K_X+E) \cdot D_1 = 1$. Thus $D_1$ is rational, and
by property P4, $D_1$ is smooth. Moreover, $E \cdot D_1 = 0$, so $- K_X
\cdot D_1 = 0$ and therefore $D_1^2 = -1$. But then $D_1$ is an
exceptional curve not intersecting $E$, contradicting property P2.
Thus the image curve is reduced, so (b) is proved.
For part (c), let $N$ be the
normal bundle to the map $\pi$. As $\pi^* E$ contains no
components of $C$,
N(- K_C) = {\mathcal{O}}_C(- \pi^*(K_X + E)) \otimes {\mathcal{O}}_C( \pi^* E).
is positive on every component of $C$ by property P3 , so
$N$ is nonspecial. Therefore
h^0(N) &=& - K_X \cdot D + \deg K_C - g + 1 \\
&=& - K_X \cdot D + g-1
by Riemann-Roch. Requiring the curve to remain $i$-fold tangent to
$E$ at the point $q_{i,j}$ of $C$ (where $\pi(q_{i,j})$ is required to
be the fixed point $p_{i,j}$) imposes at most $i$ independent
conditions. Requiring the curve to remain $i$-fold tangent to $E$
at the points $r_{i,j}$ of $C$ imposes at most $(i-1)$ independent conditions. Thus
\dim V &\geq& - K_X \cdot D + g-1 - I \alpha - I \beta + | \beta | \\
&=& - (K_X +E) \cdot D + | \beta | + g-1 \\
as $I \alpha + I \beta = D \cdot E$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Let $V$ be an irreducible subvariety of $\overline{M}_g(X,D)'$, and let
$\pi: C \rightarrow X$ be the map corresponding to a general
point of a component of $V$. Assume that $\pi^* E = \sum m q_{i,j} +
\sum m r_{i,j}$ where $\pi(q_{i,j})$ is required to be a fixed point
$p_{i,j}$ of $E$ as $C$ varies. (In particular, no component of $C$
is mapped to $E$.) Define $\alpha$ by $\alpha_i = \# \{ q_{i,j} \}_j$,
$\beta$ by $\beta_i = \# \{ r_{i,j} \}_j$, and $\Gamma= \{ p_{i,j} \}$.
The intersection dimension of $V$ is at most
- (K_X + E) \cdot D + | \beta| + g-1.
If equality
holds then $V$ is a component of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$.
The main obstacle to proving this result is that the map $\pi$ may not
map components of $C$ birationally onto their image: the map $\pi$ may
collapse components or map them multiply onto their image.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
If necessary, pass to a dominant generically finite cover of $V$
that will allow us to distinguish components of $C$.
(Otherwise, monodromy on $V$ may induce a nontrivial permutation
of the components of $C$.)
For convenience, first assume that $C$ has no contracted rational or
elliptic components.
We may replace $C$ by its normalization; this will only make the bound
worse. (The
map from a component of the normalization of $C$ is also a stable map.) We
may further assume that $C$ is irreducible, as
$-(K_X+E) \cdot D + | \beta| + g-1$ is additive.
Suppose $C$ maps with degree $m$ to the reduced irreducible curve $D_0 \subset X$. Then the map $\pi: C \rightarrow D_0$ factors through the
normalization $\tilde{D}$ of $D_0$. Let $r$ be the total ramification
index of the morphism $C \rightarrow \tilde{D}$. By Theorem
\operatorname{idim} V &\leq& \dim V \\
&\leq& - (K_X + E) \cdot D_0 + | \beta| + g(\tilde{D}) - 1 \\
&=& - \frac 1 m (K_X + E) \cdot \pi_* [C] + | \beta| + \frac 1 m (
g(C) - 1 - r/2) \\
&\leq& - (K_X + E) \cdot \pi_* [C] + | \beta| + g(C) - 1
where we use the Riemann-Hurwitz formula for the map $C \rightarrow
\tilde{D}$ and the fact (property P3) that $-(K_X + E) \cdot D_0 > 0$.
Equality holds only if $m=1$, so by Theorem \ref{bigdim}, equality
holds only if $V$ is a component of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$ for some $g$, $\alpha$,
$\beta$, $\Gamma$.
If $C$ has contracted rational or elliptic components, replace $C$
with those components of its normalization that are not contracted
elliptic or rational components (which reduces the genus of $C$) and
follow the same argument. \qed \vspace{+10pt}
If $X={\mathbb F}_n$, the $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ are distinct, and $(C,\pi)$ is a general curve in a component of
$V^{D,g}_m\ab$, then $\pi(C)$ has at most nodes as singularities.
Warning: To prove this, we will need more than properties P1--P4.
However, this result will not be invoked later.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
By Theorem \ref{bigdim}, $\pi$ is an immersion and $\pi(C)$ is
reduced. Thus we need only show that $\pi(C)$ has no triple points
and that no two branches are tangent to each other.
For the former, if $s$, $t$, and $u \in C$ are distinct points of $C$
with $\pi(s) = \pi(t) = \pi(u)$, it is enough to show that there is a
section of the line bundle
L &:=& N ( - \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} - \sum (i-1) \cdot r_{i,j} ) \\
&=& {\mathcal{O}}_C( - \pi^*( K_X + E) + \sum r_{i,j} + K_C)
vanishing at $s$ and $t$ but not at $u$, where $N$ is
the normal bundle to the map $\pi$. As $\pi(C)$
is reduced, at most one of $s$, $t$, $u$ can lie on the component of $C$
mapping to the fiber $F$ through $\pi(s)$. If none of them lie on such
a component, then $(\pi^* F- s - t - u)$ is effective, and
L(-s-t-u - K_C) = {\mathcal{O}}_C(\pi^*(S+F) + (\pi^* F-s-t-u) + \sum r_{i,j})
is effective (consider the fiber through $\pi(s)$), so by Riemann-Roch
and Kodaira vanishing,
h^0(C, L(-s-t-u)) = h^0(C,L)-3.
If $u$ lies on a component of $C$ mapping to $F$, and there is a
point $r_{i,j}$ on the same component, then both $(\pi^*F-s-t)$ and $(r_{i,j} - u)$ are both effective, and the same argument holds.
If there is no point $r_{i,j}$ on the same component as $u$, then all
sections of $L$ vanish on $u$, and it suffices to find a section of
$L$ vanishing at $t$ but not at $s$. But $(\pi^*F-s-t)$ is effective, so by the same argument
h^0(C, L(-s-t)) = h^0(C,L)-2.
To show that no two branches are tangent to each other, it is enough
to show that if $s$, $t \in C$ are distinct points with
$\pi(s)=\pi(t)$, there exists a section of $L$ vanishing at $s$ but
not at $t$, which follows from a similar argument.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The following example shows that the analogue of Proposition \ref{nodal}
does not hold for every $(X,E)$ satisfying properties P1--P4. Let
$X=\mathbb P^2$ and $E$ be a smooth conic. Choose six distinct points $a$,
\dots, $f$ on $E$ such that the lines $ab$, $cd$, and $ef$ meet at a point.
V^{D=3L, g=-2}(\alpha = 6 e_1, \beta=0, \Gamma = \{ a, \dots, f \})
consists of a finite number of maps, one of which is the map sending
three disjoint $\mathbb P^1$'s to the lines $ab$, $cd$, and $ef$.
\section{Identifying Potential Components}
Fix $D$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\Gamma$, and a general point $q$ on $E$.
Throughout this section, $\Gamma$ will be assume to consist of distinct
points. (The more general case will be dealt with in [V3].) Let
$H_q$ be the divisor on $V^{D,g}_m\abG$ corresponding to maps whose image
contain $q$. In this section, we will derive a list of subvarieties (which
we will call {\em potential components}) in which each component of
$H_q$ of intersection dimension $\Upsilon-1$ appears. (In Sections~\ref{multI}
and \ref{multII}, we will see that if the $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ are distinct,
each potential component actually appears in $H_q$.)
The potential components come in two classes that
naturally arise from requiring the curve to pass through $q$. First, one of
the ``moving tangencies'' $r_{i,j}$ could map to $q$. We will call
such components {\it Type I potential components}.
Second, the curve could degenerate to contain $E$ as a component. We
will call such components {\it Type II potential components}. For
any sequences $\alpha'' \leq \alpha$, $\gamma \geq 0$, and subsets $\{
p''_{i,1}, \dots, p''_{i,\alpha''_i} \}$ of $\{ p_{i,1}, \dots,
p_{i,\alpha_i} \}$, let $g'' = g + |\gamma| + 1$ and $\Gamma'' = \{ p''_{i,j}
\}_{1 \leq j \leq \alpha''_i}$. Define the Type II component
$K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ as the closure in $\overline{M}_g(X,D)'$ of points
representing maps $\pi: C' \cup C''
\rightarrow X$ where
\item[K1.] the curve $C'$ maps isomorphically to $E$,
\item[K2.] the curve $C''$ is smooth, $\pi$ maps each component of $C''$
birationally to its image, no
component of $C''$ maps to $E$, and there exist $|\alpha''|$ points
$q_{i,j} \in C''$, $j = 1$, \dots, $\alpha_i''$, $|\beta|$ points $r_{i,j}
\in C''$, $j = 1$, \dots, $\beta_i$, $|\gamma|$ points $t_{i,j} \in C''$,
$j = 1$, \dots, $\gamma_i$ such that $$
\pi(q_{i,j}) = p''_{i,j} \quad \text{and} \quad
(\pi|_{C''})^*(E) = \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} +
\sum i \cdot r_{i,j} +
\sum i \cdot t_{i,j},
\item[K3.] the intersection of the curves $C'$ and $C''$ is $\{ t_{i,j} \}_{i,j}$.
The variety $K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ is empty unless $I(\alpha''+\beta+\gamma)
= (D-E) \cdot E$. The genus of $C''$ is $g''$, and there is a degree
$\binom {\beta+\gamma} \beta$ rational map
K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'') \dashrightarrow V_m^{D-E,g''}(\alpha'',\beta+\gamma,\Gamma'')
corresponding to ``forgetting the curve $C'$''.
Fix $D$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\Gamma$, and a point $q$ on $E$ not in $\Gamma$.
Let $K$ be an irreducible component of $H_q$ with
intersection dimension $\Upsilon - 1$. Then set-theoretically, either
\item[I.] $K$ is a component of $V^{D,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma')$,
where $\Gamma'$ is the same as $\Gamma$ except $p'_{k,\alpha_{k+1}} = q$, or
\item[II.] $K$ is a component of $K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ for some $\alpha''$, $\gamma$, $\Gamma''$.
\noindent {\em Proof. } Let $(C,\pi)$ be the map corresponding to a
general point of $K$. Consider any one-parameter subvariety
$({\mathcal{C}},\Pi)$ of $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ with central fiber $(C,\pi)$ and general
fiber not in $H_q$. Then the total space of the curve ${\mathcal{C}}$ in the
family is a surface, so the pullback of the divisor $E$ to this family
has pure dimension 1. The components of $\Pi^* E$ not contained in
a fiber ${\mathcal{C}}_t$ must intersect the general fiber and thus be the sections
$q_{i,j}$ or multisections coming from the $r_{i,j}$. Therefore
$\pi^{-1} E$ consists of components of $C$ and points that are limits of
the $q_{i,j}$ or $r_{i,j}$. In particular:
{\bf (*)} The number of zero-dimensional components of $\pi^* E$ not
mapped to any $p_{i,j}$ is at most $\beta$, and
{\bf (**)} If there are exactly $|\beta|$ such components, the
multiplicities of $\pi^* E$ at these points must be given by the sequence $\beta$.
{\em Case I.} If $C$ contains no components mapping to $E$, then
\pi^* E = \sum i \cdot a_{i,j} + \sum i \cdot b_{i,j}
where $\pi( \{ a_{i,j} \}_{i,j} ) = \{ p_{i,j} \}_{i,j} \cup \{ q \}$
and the second sum is over all $i$, $1 \leq j \leq \beta'_i$ for some
sequence $\beta'$. By (*), $| \beta' | \leq |\beta| - 1$. Then by
Proposition \ref{idimbound},
\operatorname{idim} K &\leq& - (K_X + E) \cdot D + |\beta'| + g-1 \\
&\leq& - (K_X + E) \cdot D + |\beta|-1 + g-1 \\
&=& \Upsilon - 1.
Equality must hold, so $|\beta'| = |\beta| - 1$ and $K$ is a generalized
Severi variety of maps. The set $\pi^{-1} E$ consists of $|\alpha| +
|\beta|$ points (which is also true of $\pi_0^{-1} E$ for a general
map $(C_0,\pi_0)$ in $V^{D,g}_m\ab$) so the multiplicities at these
points must be the same as for the general map (i.e. $\pi^* E
|_{p_{i,j}}$ has multiplicity $i$, etc.) so $K$ must be as described
in I.
{\em Case II.} If otherwise a component of $C$ maps to $E$, say $C =
C' \cup C''$ where $C' $ is the union of irreducible components of $C$
mapping to $E$ and $C''$ is the union of the remaining components.
Define $m$ by $\pi_*[C'] = m E$, so $\pi_*[C''] = D-mE$. Let $s = \#
(C' \cap C'' )$.
Then $p_a(C') \geq 1-m$, so
p_a(C'') &=& g - p_a(C') + 1-s \\
&\leq& g+m-s.
Assume $(\pi|_{C''})^* E = \sum i \cdot a_{i,j} + \sum i \cdot b_{i,j}$
where $\pi(a_{i,j})$ are fixed points of $E$ as $C''$ varies, and the
second sum is over all $i$ and $1 \leq j \leq \beta''_i$ for some
sequence $\beta''$. By (*), $|\beta''| \leq |\beta| + s$.
By restricting to an open subset if necessary, the universal map may
be written $({\mathcal{C}},\Pi)$ where ${\mathcal{C}} = {\mathcal{C}}' \cup {\mathcal{C}}''$, $\Pi_t({\mathcal{C}}'_t)
\subset E$ for all $t$, and $\Pi_t({\mathcal{C}}''_t)$ has no component mapping
to $E$. Let $K'$ be the family $({\mathcal{C}}'',\Pi|_{{\mathcal{C}}''})$. We apply
Proposition \ref{idimbound} to the family $K'$:
\operatorname{idim} K &=& \operatorname{idim} K' \\
&\leq& - (K_X + E) \cdot (D-mE) + |\beta''| + p_a(C'') - 1 \\
&\leq& \left( -(K_X + E) \cdot D - 2 m \right) + ( |\beta| + s ) + (g+m-s) -1\\
&=& \left( -(K_X+E) \cdot D + | \beta| + g-1 \right) - 1 - (m-1) \\
&=& \Upsilon - 1 - (m-1) \\
&\leq& \Upsilon - 1.
In the third line, we used property P1: $E$ is rational, so $(K_X+E)
\cdot E = -2$.
Equality must hold, so $m=1$ and $|\beta''| = |\beta| + s$. By (**), the
multiplicity of $\pi^* E$ at the $|\beta|$ points of $C''$ not in $C'
\cup \pi^* p_{i,j}$ is given by the sequence $\beta$. Let $\gamma$ be
the sequence given by the multiplicities of $( \pi|_{C''})^* E$ at the
$s$ points $C' \cap C''$. Let $\{ p''_{i,j} \}$ be the subset of $\{
p_{i,j} \}$ contained in $(\pi|_{C''})^* E$. The only possible limits
of points $\{ q_{i,j}
\}$, $\{ r_{i,j} \}$ that could be points of $(\pi|_{C''})^{-1}
p_{i_0,j_0}$ is the section $q_{i_0,j_0}$, so $(\pi|_{C''})^*
p_{i_0,j_0}$ consists of a single point $q_{i_0,j_0}$ with
multiplicity $i_0$.
In short, $K$ is a component of $K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
There are other components of the divisor $H_q$ not counted in Theorem
\ref{list}. For example, if $X=\mathbb P^2$, and $E$ is a line $L$,
$D=2L$, $g=0$, $\alpha=2e_1$, $\beta=0$, then $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ is a
three-dimensional family (generically) parametrizing conics through 2
fixed points of $L$. One component of $H_q$ (generically) parametrizes a line
union $L$; this is a Type II potential component. The other
(generically) parametrizes degree 2 maps from $\mathbb P^1$ to $L$. This
has intersection dimension 0, so it makes no enumerative contribution.
\section{Multiplicity for Type I Intersection Components}
We first solve a simpler analog of the problem. Fix points
$\Gamma=(p_{i,j})_{i,j \in {\mathbb Z}, ij \leq d}$ on $E$, and let $\alpha$
and $\beta$ be sequences of non-negative integers. In $\mathbb P^d = \operatorname{Sym}^d
E$ representing length $d$ subschemes of $E$, we have loci
$v(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ corresponding to the closure of the subvariety
parametrizing $d$-tuples
\sum_i^d (\sum_{j=1}^{\alpha_i} i \cdot p_{i,j} + \sum_{k=1}^{\beta_i} i \cdot r_{i,j})
where $(r_{i,j})$ are any points. Then $v(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ is a smooth
variety that is the image of
\prod_{i=1}^{\beta_d} \operatorname{Sym}^{\beta_d} E
= \prod_{i=1}^{\beta_d} \mathbb P^{\beta_d}
embedded in $\mathbb P^d= \operatorname{Sym}^d E$ by the line bundle $h_1 + 2 h_2 +
... + d h_d$ where $h_i$ is the hyperplane class of $\mathbb P^{\beta_i}$.
Let $q$ be a point on $E$ not in $\Gamma$, and let $H'_q$ be the
hyperplane in $\mathbb P^d = \operatorname{Sym}^d E$ corresponding to $d$-tuples
containing $q$. Then it is straightforward to check that, as divisors on
H'_q|_{v(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)} = \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k \cdot v(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma_k)
where $\Gamma_k$ is equal to $\Gamma$ in all positions except $p_{k,\alpha_k+1}=q$.
(For example, start by observing that equality holds set-theoretically, and
then find multiplicity by making the base change $E^{\beta_k} \rightarrow
\operatorname{Sym}^{\beta_k} E$.)
Let $K_k$ be the union of Type I potential components of the form
$V^{D,g}_m(\alpha+e_k, \beta-e_k, \Gamma')$ as described in Theorem \ref{list}.
The multiplicity of $H_q$ along $K_k$ is $k$.
\noindent {\em Proof. } Let $U$ be the open subvariety of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$ where $\pi^* E$
contains no components of $C$. Then there is a rational map
r: V^{D,g}_m\abG \dashrightarrow \operatorname{Sym}^{D \cdot E} E
that is a morphism on $U$. Each component of $K_k$ intersects $U$,
and $r^* H'_q = H_q$ as Cartier divisors and $r^*
v(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma_k) = K_k \cap U$ as Weil divisors, so by
(\ref{babybabybaby}) the result follows. \qed \vspace{+10pt}
\section{Multiplicity for Type II Intersection Components}
We translate the corresponding argument in [CH3] from the language of
the Hilbert scheme to that of maps.
\subsection{Versal deformation spaces of tacnodes}
We first recall facts about versal deformation spaces of tacnodes.
(This background is taken from
[CH3], Section 4, and the reader is referred there for details.)
Let $(C,p)$ be an $m^{\text{th}}$ order tacnode, that is, a curve
singularity analytically equivalent to the origin in the plane curve
given by the equation $y (y+x^m) = 0$.
The Jacobian ideal ${\mathcal{J}}$ of $y^2+yx^m$ is $(2y+x^m, yx^{m-1})$, and
the monomials $1, x, \dots, x^{m-1}$, $y, xy, \dots, x^{m-2} y$ form a
basis for the vector space ${\mathcal{O}} / {\mathcal{J}}$ (see [A]). We can thus
describe the versal deformation of $(C,p)$ space explicitly.
The base is an \'{e}tale neighborhood of the origin in $\mathbb A^{2m-1}$
with co-ordinates $a_0, \dots, a_{m-2}$, and $b_0, \dots, b_{m-1}$, and
the deformation space ${\mathcal{S}} \rightarrow \Delta$ is given by
y^2 + yx^m + a_0 y + a_1 xy + \dots + a_{m-2} x^{m-2} y +
b_0 + b_1 x + \dots + b_{m-1} x^{m-1} = 0.
Call this polynomial $f(x,y,a_0, a_1,\dots,a_{m-2},b_0,b_1,\dots,b_{m-1})$.
There are two loci in $\Delta$ of interest to us. Let $\Delta_m \subset \Delta$ be
the closure of the locus representing a curve with $m$ nodes. This is
equivalent to requiring that the discriminant of $f$, as a function of $y$,
have $m$ double roots as a function of $x$:
(x^m+ a_{m-2} x^{m-2} + \dots + a_1 x + a_0)^2 - 4 (b_{m-1}x^{m-1} + \dots + b_1
x + b_0) = 0
must have $m$ double roots. Thus $\Delta_m$ is given by the equations
$b_0=\dots=b_{m-1}=0$; it is smooth of dimension $m-1$. (The locus $\Delta_m \subset \Delta$
corresponds to locally reducible curves.)
Let $\Delta_{m-1} \subset \Delta$ be the closure of the locus representing a
curve with $m-1$ nodes. This is equivalent to the discriminant being
expressible as
(x^{m-1} + \lambda_{m-2} x^{m-2} + \dots + \lambda_1 x + \lambda_0)^2 (x^2 +
\mu_1 x + \mu_0).
From this description, we can see that $\Delta_{m-1}$ is irreducible of
dimension $m$, smooth away from $\Delta_m$, with $m$ sheets of $\Delta_{m-1}$
crossing transversely at a general point of $\Delta_m$.
Let $m_1$, $m_2$, \dots be any sequence of positive integers, and
$(C_j, p_j)$ be an $(m_j)^{\text{th}}$ order tacnode. Denote the versal
deformation space of $(C_j,p_j)$ by $\Delta_j$,
and let $(a_{j,m_j-2}, \dots, a_{j,0}, b_{j,m_j-1}, \dots, b_{j,0})$ be
coordinates on $\Delta_j$ as above. For each $j$, let $\Delta_{j,m_j}$ and
$\Delta_{j,m_j-1} \subset \Delta_j$ be as above the closures of loci in
$\Delta_j$ over which the fibers of $\pi_j$ have $m_j$ and $m_j-1$ nodes
respectively. Finally, set
\Delta = \Delta_1 \times \Delta_2 \times \dots,
\Delta_m = \Delta_{1,m_1} \times \Delta_{2,m_2} \times \dots,
\Delta_{m-1} = \Delta_{1,m_1-1} \times \Delta_{2,m_2-1} \times \dots .
Note that $\Delta$, $\Delta_m$ and $\Delta_{m-1}$ have dimensions $\sum (2 m_j -
1)$, $\sum (m_j - 1)$ and $\sum m_j$ respectively.
Let $W \subset \Delta$ be a smooth subvariety of dimension $\sum (m_j-1)
+ 1$, containing the linear space $\Delta_m$. Suppose that the tangent
plane to $W$ is not contained in the union of hyperplanes $\cup_j \{
b_{j,0}=0 \} \subset \Delta$. Let $\kappa := \prod m_j / \operatorname{lcm}(m_j)$. Then:
With the hypotheses above, in an \'{e}tale neighborhood of the origin
in $\Delta$,
W \cap \Delta_{m-1} = \Delta_m \cup \Gamma_1 \cup \Gamma_2 \cup \dots \cup \Gamma_{\kappa}
where $\Gamma_1$, \dots, $\Gamma_{\kappa} \subset W$ are distinct reduced unibranch
curves having intersection multiplicity exactly $\operatorname{lcm}(m_j)$ with $\Delta_m$ at
the origin.
This lemma arose in conversations with J. Harris, and appears (with
proof) as part of [CH3] Lemma 4.3. The key ingredient is the special
case of a single tacnode, which is [CH1] Lemma 2.14. Results of
a similar flavor appear in [V2] Section 1.
\subsection{Calculating the multiplicity}
Suppose $K = K(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')$ is a Type II component of $H_q$ (on
$V^{D,g}_m\abG$). Assume that the $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ are distinct. (However,
the arguments carry through without change so long as $\{ p'_{i,j} \} = \Gamma
\setminus \Gamma'$ are distinct; this will be useful in [V3].) Let $m_1$,
\dots, $m_{|\gamma|}$ be a set of positive integers with $j$ appearing $\gamma_j$
times ($j = 1$, 2, \dots), so $\sum m_i = I \gamma$.
The multiplicity of $H_q$ along $K$ is $m_1 \dots m_{|\gamma|} = I^{\gamma}$.
The proof of this proposition will take up the rest of this section.
Fix general points $s_1$, \dots, $s_{\Upsilon-1}$ on $X$, and let $H_i$
be the divisor on $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ corresponding to requiring the image
curve to pass through $s_i$. By Kleiman-Bertini, the intersection of
$V^{D,g}_m\ab$ with $\prod H_i$ is a curve $V$ and the intersection of
$K$ with $\prod H_i$ is a finite set of points (non-empty as $K$ has
intersection dimension $\Upsilon -1$). Choose a point $(C, \pi)$ of $K
\cap H_1 \cap \dots \cap H_{\Upsilon - 1}$. The
multiplicity of $H_q$ along $K$ on $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ is the multiplicity of
$H_q$ at the point $(C,\pi)$ on the curve $V$.
For such $(C,\pi)$ in $K(\alpha'',\beta,\gamma,\Gamma'')$ there are unique
choices of points $\{ q_{i,j} \}$, $\{ r_{i,j}\}$ on $C$ (up to
permutations of $\{ r_{i,j} \}$ for fixed $i$): if $C = C' \cup C''$
(with $C'$ mapping isomorphically to $E$ and $\pi^{-1} E$ containing
no components of $C''$), then the condition $(\pi |_{C''})^* E = \sum
i \cdot q''_{i,j} + \sum i \cdot r_{i,j}$ with $\pi(q_{i,j}'') =
p''_{i,j}$ specifies the points $\{ q''_{i,j} \}$, $\{ r_{i,j} \}$,
and $q'_{i,j} = (\pi|_{C'})^{-1} p'_{i,j}$ specifies the points
$\{ q'_{i,j} \} = \{ q_{i,j} \} \setminus \{ q''_{i,j} \}$.
Define the map $(\tilde{C}, \tilde{\pi})$ as follows: $C \stackrel{\pi}{\rightarrow}
X$ factors through
C \stackrel{\nu}{\rightarrow} \tilde{C} \stackrel{\tilde{\pi}}{\rightarrow} X.
where $\nu$ is a homeomorphism and $\tilde{\pi}$ is an immersion. Each node of
$C$ is mapped to a tacnode (of some order) of $\tilde{C}$, and $\nu: C
\rightarrow \tilde{C}$ is a partial normalization. Then $\tilde{C}$ has
arithmetic genus $\tilde{g} := g + \sum (m_i - 1)$.
Let $\operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi})$ be the deformations of $(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi})$ preserving
the incidences through $s_1$, \dots, $s_{\Upsilon-1}$ and the tangencies
($\tilde{\pi}^* E = \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} + \sum i \cdot r_{i,j}$,
$\tilde{\pi}(q_{i,j}) = p_{i,j}$).
The space $\operatorname{Def} (\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi})$ is smooth of dimension $\sum( m_j - 1) +1$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
We will show the equivalent result: the vector space of first-order
deformations of $(\tilde{C}, \tilde{\pi})$ preserving the tangency conditions (but
not necessarily the incidence conditions $s_1$, \dots, $s_{\Upsilon- 1}$)
has dimension $\Upsilon + \sum( m_i - 1)$, and they are unobstructed.
As $(\tilde{C}, \tilde{\pi})$ is an immersion, there is a normal bundle to $\tilde{\pi}$
N_{\tilde{C} /
X} = {\mathcal{O}}_{\tilde{C}}( - \tilde{\pi}^* K_X + K_{\tilde{C}}).
By property P3, as $\tilde{\pi}^*(
K_X + E - \sum r_{i,j})$ is negative on every component of
h^1( \tilde{C}, N_{\tilde{C} / X} ( - \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} - \sum (i-1) \cdot r_{i,j})) = 0
& & h^0( \tilde{C}, N_{\tilde{C} / X} ( - \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} - \sum (i-1) \cdot r_{i,j})) \\
&=& \chi( \tilde{C}, N_{\tilde{C} / X} ( - \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} - \sum (i-1) \cdot r_{i,j})) \\
&=& \deg( \tilde{\pi}^*(-K_X - E + \sum r_{i,j})) + \deg K_{\tilde{C}} - \tilde{g} + 1 \\
&=& - (K_X + E) \cdot D + | \beta | + \tilde{g} - 1 \\
&=& - (K_X + E) \cdot D + | \beta | + g + \sum (m_i - 1) - 1 \\
&=& \Upsilon + \sum ( m_i - 1).
Thus there are $\Upsilon + \sum (m_i - 1)$ first-order deformations, and by
(\ref{unobstructed}) they are unobstructed.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
For convenience, let $N := N_{\tilde{C}/X} (- \sum i \cdot q_{i,j} - \sum
(i-1) \cdot r_{i,j})$. By the proof of the above lemma, $H^0( \tilde{C},
N)$ is naturally the tangent space to $\operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C}, \tilde{\pi})$. Now $-K_X$
restricted to $C'$ has degree $K_X \cdot E = 2 + E^2$; $K_{\tilde{C}}$
restricted to $C'$ has degree $I \gamma - 2$, which is $(\deg K_{C'})$ plus
the length of the scheme-theoretic intersection of $C'$ and $C''$; and
$- \sum i \cdot q'_{i,j}$ has degree $I \alpha'$. Therefore
\deg N|_{C'} &=& 2+ E^2 + I \gamma - 2 - I \alpha' \\
&=& D \cdot E - (D-E) \cdot E + I \gamma - I \alpha' \\
&=& (I \alpha + I \beta) - (I \alpha'' + I \beta + I \gamma) + I \gamma - I \alpha' \\
&=& 0
so the restriction of $N$ to $C'$ is the trivial line bundle.
Also, if $q$ is a general point on $C'$ then $h^0(\tilde{C},N(-p)) =
h^0(\tilde{C},N) - 1$. ({\em Proof:} From (\ref{unobstructed}), $h^1(\tilde{C},N)
= 0$. By the same argument, as $\deg (K_X+E)|_E = -2$, $\tilde{\pi}^* ( K_X +
E - \sum r_{i,j} + q)$ is negative on every component of $\tilde{C}$, so
$h^1(\tilde{C}, N(-p)) = 0$. Thus $h^0(\tilde{C},N(-p))
- h^0(\tilde{C},N) = \chi(\tilde{C},N(-p)) - \chi(\tilde{C},N) = -1$.) Thus there is a
section of $N$ that is nonzero on $C'$.
Let ${\mathcal{J}}$ be the Jacobian ideal of $\tilde{C}$. In an \'{e}tale
neighborhood of the $(C,\pi)$, there are natural maps
V \stackrel{\rho}{\rightarrow}
\operatorname{Def} (\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi}) \stackrel{\sigma}{\rightarrow}
where the differential of $\sigma$ is given by the natural map
H^0(\tilde{C},N) \rightarrow H^0(\tilde{C},N \otimes ({\mathcal{O}}_{\tilde{C}} / {\mathcal{J}})).
In a neighborhood of the origin, the morphism
\sigma: \operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C}, \tilde{\pi})
\rightarrow \Delta
is an immersion, and the tangent space to $\sigma (
\operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C}, \tilde{\pi}))$ contains $\Delta_m$ and is not contained in the union
of hyperplanes $\cup_j \{ b_{j,0} = 0 \}$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
From (\ref{differential}), the Zariski tangent space to the
divisor $\sigma^*( b_{j,0} = 0)$ is a subspace $Z$ of $H^0(\tilde{C},N)$
vanishing at a point of $C'$ (the $j^{\text{th}}$ tacnode). But $N |_{C'}$ is
a trivial bundle, so this subspace of sections $Z$ must vanish on all
of $C'$. As there is a section of $N$ that is non-zero on $C'$, $Z$ has
dimension at most $h^0(\tilde{C},N) - 1 = \dim \operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\pi) - 1$.
This proves that $\sigma$ is an immersion, and that the tangent space to
$\sigma(\operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi}))$ is not contained in $\{ b_{j,0} = 0 \}$.
Finally, if $S$ is the divisor (on $\operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi})$) corresponding to
requiring the image curve to pass through
a fixed general point of
$E$, then $\sigma(S) \subset \Delta_m$, as the image curve must be
reducible. As $\sigma$ is an immersion,
\nonumber \sum ( m_i - 1) &=& \dim \operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi}) - 1 \\
\nonumber &=& \dim S \\
\nonumber &=& \dim \sigma(S) \\
\label{bob} &\leq& \dim \Delta_m \\
\nonumber &=& \sum (m_i - 1)
so we must have equality at (\ref{bob}), and the linear space $\Delta_m=
\sigma(S)$ is contained in $\sigma(\operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi}))$, and thus in the tangent
space to $\sigma(\operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi}))$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Thus the image $\sigma( \operatorname{Def}(\tilde{C},\tilde{\pi}))$ satisfies the hypotheses of
Lemma \ref{tacnode}, so the closure of the inverse image $\sigma^{-1}(
\Delta_{m-1} \setminus \Delta_m)$ will have $\prod m_i / \operatorname{lcm}(m_i)$ reduced
branches, each having intersection multiplicity $\operatorname{lcm}(m_i)$ with
$\sigma^{-1} ( \Delta_m)$ and hence with the hyperplane $H_q$. Since in a
neighborhood of $(C, \pi)$ the variety $V$ is a curve birational with
$\rho(V) = \overline{ \sigma^{-1} ( \Delta_{m-1} \setminus \Delta_m)}$, we
conclude that the divisor $H_q$ contains $K(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')$
with multiplicity $m_1 \cdots m_{| \gamma| } = I^{\gamma}$.
This completes the proof of Proposition \ref{multIItm}. As an added
benefit, we see that $V^{D,g}_m\ab$ has $I^{\gamma} / \operatorname{lcm}(\gamma)$ branches at
a general point of $K(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')$.
\section{The Recursive Formulas}
We now collect what we know and derive a recursive formula for the degree
of a generalized Severi variety. Fix $D$, $g$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\Gamma$ so that
$\Upsilon>0$ (e.g. $(D,g,\beta) \neq (kF, 1-k,\vec 0)$ when $X={\mathbb F}_n$). Assume
throughout this section that $\Gamma$ consists of distinct points. Let $H_q$
be the divisor on $V^{D,g}_m(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma)$ corresponding to requiring the
image to contain a general point $q$ of $E$. The components of $H_q$ of
intersection dimension $\Upsilon - 1$ were determined in Theorem \ref{list}, and
the multiplicities were determined in Propositions \ref{multItm} and
In the Chow ring of $V^{D,g}_m\abG$, modulo Weil divisors of intersection
dimension less than $\Upsilon - 1$,
H_q = \sum_{\beta_k>0} k \cdot V^{D,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma \cup \{ q \})
+ \sum I^{\gamma} \cdot K( \alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')
where the second sum is over all $\alpha'' \leq \alpha$, $\Gamma'' = \{
p''_{i,j} \}_{1 \leq j \leq \alpha''_i} \subset \Gamma$, $\gamma \geq 0$,
$I(\alpha'' + \beta + \gamma ) = (D-E) \cdot E$.
Intersect both sides of the equation with $H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}$. As those
dimension $\Upsilon - 1$ classes of intersection dimension less than $\Upsilon -
1$ are annihilated by $H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}$, we still have equality:
N^{D,g}\abG &=& H_q^{\Upsilon} \\
\sum_{\beta_k>0} k V^{D,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma \cup \{ q \}) \cdot H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}\\
& & + \sum I^{\gamma} \cdot K( \alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'') \cdot H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}.
As remarked in Section \ref{ipc}, each $K(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'')$
admits a degree $\binom {\beta + \gamma}
\beta$ rational map to $V^{D-E,g''}_m(\alpha'', \beta+\gamma,\Gamma'')$
(where $g'' = g- |\gamma| + 1$) corresponding to ``forgetting the component mapping to $E$'', so
K(\alpha'', \beta, \gamma, \Gamma'') \cdot H_q^{\Upsilon - 1} =
\binom {\beta + \gamma} \gamma N^{D-E,g''}(\alpha'', \beta+\gamma,\Gamma'').
N^{D,g}\abG &=&
\sum_{\beta_k>0} k V^{D,g}_m(\alpha+e_k,\beta-e_k,\Gamma \cup \{ q \}) \cdot H_q^{\Upsilon - 1}\\
& & + \sum I^{\gamma} \cdot
\binom {\beta + \gamma} \gamma N^{D-E,g''}(\alpha'', \beta+\gamma,\Gamma'').
Using this formula inductively, one sees that $N^{D,g}\abG$ is independent
of $\Gamma$ (so long as the $\{ p_{i,j} \}$ are distinct).
For each $\alpha''$, there are $\binom \alpha {\alpha''}$ choices of $\Gamma''$
(as this is the number of ways of choosing
$\{ p''_{i,1} , \dots, p''_{i,\alpha''_i} \}$ from
$\{ p_{i,1} , \dots, p_{i,\alpha_i} \}$). Thus
N^{D,g}\ab &=& \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N^{D,g}(\alpha + e_k, \beta-e_k)
& & + \sum I^{\gamma} {\binom \alpha {\alpha''}} \binom {\beta + \gamma}{\beta}
N^{D-E,g''}(\alpha'',\beta + \gamma).
Renaming variables $\alpha' := \alpha''$, $\beta' := \beta + \gamma$, $g' := g''$,
this is Theorem \ref{recursion}:
{\bf Theorem \ref{recursion}.} {\em
If $\dim V^{D,g}(\alpha,\beta)>0$, then
N^{D,g}\ab = \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N^{D,g}(\alpha + e_k, \beta-e_k)
+ \sum I^{\beta'-\beta} {\binom \alpha {\alpha'}} \binom {\beta'}{\beta}
where the second sum is taken over all $\alpha'$, $\beta'$, $g'$ satisfying
$\alpha' \leq \alpha$, $\beta' \geq \beta$, $g-g' = |\beta'-\beta| - 1$, $I \alpha' + I \beta' =
(D-E) \cdot E$.}
The numbers $N^{D,g}\ab$ can be easily inductively calculated. If
$\Upsilon=0$, then a short calculation shows that $\beta=0$, $D=kF$, and
$g=1-k$, so $N^{D,g}\ab$ is 1 is $\alpha=ke_1$ and 0 otherwise. If
$\Upsilon>0$, then $N^{D,g}\ab$ can be calculated using Theorem
\subsection{Theorem \ref{recursion} as a differential equation}
Define the generating function
G = \sum_{D,g,\alpha,\beta} N^{D,g}\ab v^D w^{g-1} \left( \frac {x^{\alpha}} {\alpha!} \right)
y^{\beta} \left( \frac {z^{\Upsilon}} {\Upsilon!} \right)
(where $w$ and $z$ are variables, $x=(x_1, x_2, \dots)$, $y = (y_1, y_2,
\dots)$, and $\{ v^D \}_{D \text{ effective}, D \neq E}$ is a
semigroup algebra)
Then Theorem \ref{recursion} is equivalent to the differential equation
\frac {\partial G} {\partial z} = \left( \sum k y_k \frac {\partial}
{\partial x_k} + \frac {v^E} w e^{ \sum (x_k + k w \frac \partial {\partial y_k})}
\right) G.
The corresponding observation for the plane is due to E. Getzler (cf.
[Ge] Subsection 6.3), and nothing essentially new is involved here. The
notation is slightly different from Getzler's; the introduction of a
variable $w$ corresponding to the arithmetic genus avoids the use of a
Define the generating function
G_{\operatorname{irr}} = \sum_{D,g,\alpha,\beta} {N^{D,g}_{\operatorname{irr}}\ab} v^D w^{g-1} \left( \frac {x^{\alpha}} {\alpha!} \right)
y^{\beta} \left( \frac {z^{\Upsilon}} {\Upsilon!} \right).
Then by a simple combinatorial argument,
G = e^{G_{\operatorname{irr}}}.
Substituting this into (\ref{diffeq}) yields a
differential equation satisfied by $G_{\operatorname{irr}}$:
\frac {\partial G_{\operatorname{irr}}} {\partial z} = \sum k y_k \frac {\partial}
{\partial x_k} G_{\operatorname{irr}} + \frac {v^E} w e^{ \sum (x_k + {G}_{\operatorname{irr}} \mid_{y_k
\mapsto y_k + kw}) - G_{\operatorname{irr}} }
where ${G}_{\operatorname{irr}} \mid_{y_k \mapsto y_k+kw}$ is the same as $G_{\operatorname{irr}}$ except
$y_k$ has been replaced by $(y_k + k w)$. (Once again, this should be
compared with Getzler's formula in [Ge].)
However, $N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D,g}\ab$ can also be calculated directly:
{\bf Theorem \ref{irecursion}.}
If $\dim W^{D,g}\ab>0$, then
N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D,g}\ab &=& \sum_{\beta_k > 0} k N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D,g}(\alpha + e_k,
\beta - e_k)
& & + \sum \frac 1 \sigma \binom {\alpha} {\alpha^1, \dots, \alpha^l, \alpha- \sum \alpha^i} \binom {\Upsilon^{D,g}(\beta)-1} {\Upsilon^{D^1,g^1}(\beta^1), \dots, \Upsilon^{D^l,g^l}(\beta^l)} \\
& & \cdot \prod_{i=1}^l \binom {\beta^i} {\gamma^i} I^{\beta^i - \gamma^i} N_{\operatorname{irr}}^{D^i,g^i}(\alpha^i,\beta^i)
where the second sum runs over choices of $D^i, g^i, \alpha^i, \beta^i,
\gamma^i$ ($1 \le i \le l$), where $D^i$ is a divisor class, $g^i$ is a
non-negative integer, $\alpha^i$, $\beta^i$, $\gamma^i$ are sequences of
non-negative integers, $\sum D^i = D-E$, $\sum \gamma^i = \beta$, $\beta^i \gneq
\gamma^i$, and $\sigma$ is the number of symmetries of the set $\{
(D^i,g^i,\alpha^i,\beta^i,\gamma^i) \}_{1 \leq i \leq l}$.
(This recursion is necessarily that produced by the differential equation (\ref{diffeq2}).)
The proof is identical, except that rather than considering all maps,
we just consider maps from connected curves. The Type I components
that can appear are analogous. The Type II components consist of maps
from curves $C=C(0) \cup \dots \cup C(l)$ where $C(0)$ maps
isomorphically to $E$, and $C(i)$ intersects $C(j)$ if and only if one
of $\{i,j\}$ is 0. (In the previous ``possibly reducible'' case, we only
required ``$C(i)$ intersects $C(j)$ only if one of $\{ i,j \}$ is 0.'')
The numbers $N^{D,g}_{\operatorname{irr}}\ab$ can be easily inductively calculated. If
$\Upsilon=0$, then a short calculation shows that $\beta=0$, $D=F$, and
$g=0$, so $N^{D,g}_{\operatorname{irr}}\ab$ is 1 is $\alpha=e_1$ and 0 otherwise. If
$\Upsilon>0$, then $N^{D,g}_{\operatorname{irr}}\ab$ can be calculated using Theorem
\section{Theorem \ref{irecursion} for $\mathbb F_{n \text{ mod }2}$ computes genus $g$
Gromov-Witten invariants of $\mathbb F_n$}
The results of this section are likely all well-known, but the
author was unable to find them in the standard literature. By
$\mathbb F_{n \text{ mod }2}$, we mean $\mathbb F_0$ if $n$ is even and $\mathbb F_1$ if $n$ is
(Genus $g$) Gromov-Witten invariants were defined by Kontsevich and Manin
([KM] Section 2). We recall their definition, closely following the
discussion in [FP] Section 7 of the genus 0 case.
The varieties $\overline{M}_{g,n}(X,D)$ come equipped with $n$ morphisms $\rho_1$,
\dots, $\rho_n$ to $X$, where $\rho_i$ takes the point $[C, p_1, \dots,
p_n, \mu] \in \overline{M}_{g,n}(X,D)$ to the point $\mu(p_i)$ in $X$. Given
arbitrary classes $\gamma_1$, \dots, $\gamma_n$ in $A^* X$, we can construct the
cohomology class
\rho_1^*(\gamma_1) \cup \cdots \cup \rho_n^*(\gamma_n)
on $\overline{M}_{g,n}(X,D)$, and we can evaluate its homogeneous component of the
top codimension on the virtual fundamental class, to produce a number, call
a {\em genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariant}, that we denote by $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1
\dots \gamma_n)$:
I_{g,D}(\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_n) = \int_{\overline{M}_{0,n}(X,D)} \rho_1^*(\gamma_1) \cup
\cdots \cup \rho_n^*(\gamma_n) \cup F
where $F$ is the virtual fundamental class. If the classes $\gamma_i$ are
homogeneous, this will be nonzero only if the sum of their
codimensions is the ``expected dimension'' of $\overline{M}_{g,n}(X,D)$.
By variations of the same arguments as in [FP] (p. 35):
(I) If $D=0$, $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_n)$ is non-zero only if
\item[i)] $g=0$ and
$n=3$, in which case it is $\int_X \gamma_1 \cup \gamma_2 \cup \gamma_3$, or
\item[ii)] $g=1$, $n=1$, and $\gamma_1$ is a divisor class, in which case it
is $(\gamma_1 \cdot K_X) / 24$. (The author is grateful to T. Graber for
pointing out this fact, which is apparently well-known. This second case
is the only part of the argument that is not essentially identical to the
genus 0 presentation in [FP].)
(II) If $\gamma_1 = 1 \in A^0 X$, $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_n)$ is nonzero
unless $D = 0$, $g=0$, $n=3$, in which case it is $\int_X \gamma_2 \cup
(III) If $\gamma_1 \in A^1 X$ and $D \neq 0$, then by the divisorial axiom
([KM] 2.2.4 or [FP] p. 35), $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_n) = \left( \int_D
\gamma_1 \right) \cdot I_{g,D}(\gamma_2 \cdots \gamma_n)$.
In light of these three observations, in order to compute the genus $g$
Gromov-Witten invariants for a surface, we need only compute
$I_{g,D}(\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_n)$ when each $\gamma_i$ is the class of a point.
For the remainder of this section, we assume this to be the case.
Now let $X$ be a Fano surface. The ``expected dimension'' of
$\overline{M}_{g,n}(X,D)$ is $-K_X \cdot D + g - 1 + n$ ([KM] Section 2). Thus
$I_{g,D}(\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_n) = 0$ unless $n=-K_X \cdot D + g-1$, and the
only components of $\overline{M}_g(X,D)$ contributing to the integral will be
those with intersection dimension at least $-K_X \cdot D +g-1$. (On any
other component, $\rho_1^*(\gamma_1) \cap \cdots \cap \rho_n^*(\gamma_n) = 0$: there
are no curves in such a family passing through $n$ fixed general points.)
Let $X$ be a Fano surface, and let $D$ be an effective divisor class
on $X$. Suppose that $M$ is an irreducible component of $\overline{M}_g(X,D)$
with general map $(C,\pi)$. Then
\operatorname{idim} M \leq -K_X \cdot D + g-1.
If equality holds and $D \neq 0$, $\pi$ is an immersion.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
Note that if $D$ is an effective divisor that is not 0 or the class of a
(-1)-curve, then $-K_X \cdot D > 1$.
Assume first that $C$ is smooth and $\pi$ is birational from $C$ to its
image. If $D$ is the class of a (-1)-curve, the result is
immediate, so assume otherwise. Let $N= \operatorname{coker}(T_C \rightarrow \pi^* T_X)$
be the normal sheaf of $\pi$. Let $N_{\operatorname{tors}}$ be the torsion subsheaf of $N$, so
$\pi$ is an immersion if and only if $N_{\operatorname{tors}} = 0$. Let $\det N$ be the
determinant line bundle. By [AC] Section 6 or [CH3] Lemma 2.2, $\dim M
\leq h^0(C, N/N_{\operatorname{tors}})$. (Caporaso and Harris express this informally as:
``the first-order deformations of the birational map $\pi$ corresponding to
a torsion section of $N$ can never be equisingular.'' Arbarello and
Cornalba's version, proved earlier, is slightly stronger: ``the first-order
deformation of the birational map $\pi$ corresponding to a torsion section
of $N$ can never preserve both the order and type of the singularities of
the image.'') As $N/N_{\operatorname{tors}}$ is a subsheaf of $\det N$,
\operatorname{idim} M &\leq & \dim M \\
& \leq & h^0(C, N / N_{\operatorname{tors}}) \\
& \leq & h^0(C, \det N) \\
& = & h^0(C, \omega_C(- \pi^* K_X)) \\
& = & \chi(C, \omega_C(- \pi^* K_X)) \\
&=& \deg(K_C - \pi^* K_X) - g + 1 \\
&=& - K_X \cdot C + g-1
where equality in the fifth line comes from Kodaira vanishing or Serre
duality, as $X$ is Fano.
If $N_{\operatorname{tors}} \neq 0$ and $p$ is in the support of $N_{\operatorname{tors}}$, then $N/N_{\operatorname{tors}}$ is
actually a subsheaf of $\det N(-p)$. But $-K_X \cdot D > 1$ (as $D \neq
0$, and $D$ is not the class of a (-1)-curve), so $-
\pi^* K_X -p$ is positive on $C$, and the same argument gives
\operatorname{idim} M &\leq & \chi(C, \omega_C(- \pi^* K_X - p)) \\
&=& - K_X \cdot C + g-2.
Thus the lemma is true if $C$ is smooth and $\pi$ is birational.
Assume next that $C$ is smooth, but $\pi$ is not birational.
If $D=0$, the result is immediate, so assume otherwise.
The morphism $\pi$ factors through
C \stackrel {\pi_1} \rightarrow C' \stackrel {\pi_2} \rightarrow X
where $C'$ is a smooth curve birational to
its image under $\pi_2$. Let $d>1$ be the degree of $\pi_1$. If $M'$ is
any irreducible component of $\overline{M}_{g(C')}(X, \pi_{2*}[C'] = D/d)$ then, by
the case already proved,
\operatorname{idim} M' &\leq& - K_X \cdot \pi_*[C'] + g(C') - 1 \\
&=& - \frac 1 d K_X \cdot D + g(C')-1.
By Riemann-Hurwitz, $g-1 \geq d(g(C') - 1)$ with equality only if $\pi_1$ is
unramified, so
\operatorname{idim} M & \leq & - \frac 1 d K_X \cdot D + \frac 1 d (g - 1) \\
& \leq & - K_X \cdot D + g - 1
with equality iff $-K_X \cdot D + g - 1 = 0$ and $\pi_1$ is unramified. As
$X$ is Fano and $D$ is effective and non-zero, $-K_X \cdot D + g-1 = 0$ iff
$g=0$ and $K_X \cdot D = -1$, i.e. $D$ is an exceptional curve and $C'
\cong \mathbb P^1$. But there are no unramified maps to $C'$, so
\operatorname{idim} M < - K_X \cdot D + g-1.
Thus the lemma is true if $C$ is smooth.
If $C$ has irreducible components with normalizations $C_1$, \dots,
$C_{l'}$ (where $C_k$ has geometric genus $g_k$, and $\pi_*[C_k] = D_k$)
and $C_1$, \dots, $C_l$ are those components that are not contracted
rational or elliptic components, then by the smooth case above,
\operatorname{idim} M &\leq & \sum_{k=1}^l \left( - K_X \cdot D_k + g_k - 1 \right) \\
&=& - K_X \cdot D + \sum_{k=1}^l (g_k -1).
But $\sum_{k=1}^l (g_k - 1) \leq g-1$ with equality if and only if
$l=1$, $C_1$ is smooth, and there are no contracted rational or
elliptic components.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Thus the genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of ${\mathbb F}_n$ can be computed as
follows. By our earlier comments, we need only compute $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1
\cdots \gamma_n)$ where $D$ is effective and nonzero, and the $\gamma_i$ are
(general) points. Genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants are
deformation-invariant ([LT] Theorem 6.1), and ${\mathbb F}_n$ degenerates to
$\mathbb F_{n+2}$ with the classes $(E,F)$ on ${\mathbb F}_n$ transforming to $(E+F,F)$ on
$\mathbb F_{n+2}$ (well-known; S. Katz has suggested the reference [N],
p. 9-10). Hence if $D$ is the class $aE + bF$ on ${\mathbb F}_n$, $I_{g,D}(\gamma_1
\cdots \gamma_n)$ on ${\mathbb F}_n$ is $I_{g,D'}(\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_n)$ on
$\mathbb F_{n \text{ mod }2}$, where
D' = \left( a - [n/2] b \right) E + b F.
By Lemma \ref{gwlemma}, this is the number of immersed genus $g$ curves in
class $D'$ through the appropriate number of points of $\mathbb F_{n \text{ mod }2}$.
If $D' = E$, the number is 1. Otherwise, the number is recursively
calculated by Theorem \ref{irecursion}.
1997-09-11T11:44:37 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709014 | fr | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709014 | [
] | alg-geom/9709014 | Jean-Marc Drezet | Jean-Marc Dr\'ezet | Fibr\'es prioritaires g\'en\'eriques instables sur le plan projectif | LaTeX | null | null | null | null | The structure of the generic prioritary sheaf on the projective plane is
given, when it cannot be semi-stable
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 11 Sep 1997 09:42:14 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Les faisceaux prioritaires sur \proj{2} ont \'et\'e
introduits par A. Hirschowitz et Y. Laszlo dans \cite{hi_la}. Rappelons qu'un
faisceau coh\'erent ${\cal E}$ sur \proj{2} est dit {\em prioritaire} s'il est sans
torsion et si \ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^2({\cal E},{\cal E}(-1))=0}. Par exemple les faisceaux semi-stables
au sens de Gieseker-Maruyama sont prioritaires. On s'int\'eresse ici \`a la
structure pr\'ecise du faisceau prioritaire g\'en\'erique de rang $r$ et
de classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2} lorsqu'il n'existe pas de faisceau
semi-stable de m\^emes rang et classes de Chern.
D'apr\`es \cite{hi_la}, le {\em champ}
des faisceaux prioritaires est lisse et irr\'eductible. Les conditions
d'existence des faisceaux prioritaires sont les suivantes : posons
$$\mu \ = \ \q{c_1}{r}, \ \ \ \Delta \ = \ \q{1}{r}(c_2 -
(si ${\cal E}$ est un faisceau coh\'erent ${\cal E}$ sur \proj{2} de rang $r$ et de
classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2}, on appelle $\mu=\mu({\cal E})$ la {\em pente} de
${\cal E}$ et $\Delta=\Delta({\cal E})$ le {\em discriminant} de ${\cal E}$).
Alors, si \ \m{-1\leq\mu\leq 0}, il existe un faisceau prioritaire de
pente $\mu$ et de discriminant $\Delta$ si et seulement si on a
$$\Delta \ \geq \ - \q{\mu(\mu+1)}{2}.$$
Les conditions d'existence des faisceaux semi-stables sur \proj{2} sont
rappel\'ees ci-dessous. On peut voir qu'il existe beaucoup de triplets
\m{(r,c_1,c_2)} tels qu'il existe un faisceau prioritaire de rang $r$ et
de classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2} mais pas de faisceau semi-stable avec les
m\^emes invariants.
Les conditions d'existence des faisceaux semi-stables sur \proj{2} (cf \cite{dr_lp}) s'expriment en fonction des seules variables
$\mu$ et $\Delta$. On montre qu'il existe une unique fonction $\delta(\mu)$
telle qu'on ait \ \m{\dim(M(r,c_1,c_2)) > 0} \ si et seulement si \
\m{\Delta\geq\delta(\mu)}. La fonction \m{\delta(\mu)} est d\'ecrite \`a l'aide
des {\it fibr\'es exceptionnels}.
On dit qu'un faisceau coh\'erent ${\cal E}$ sur \proj{2} est {\it exceptionnel} si
${\cal E}$ est {\it simple} (c'est-\`a-dire si les seuls endomorphismes de ${\cal E}$ sont
les homoth\'eties), et si
$$\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal E},{\cal E}) \ = \ \mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^2({\cal E},{\cal E}) \ = \ \lbrace 0\rbrace.$$
Un tel faisceau est alors localement libre et stable, et la vari\'et\'e de
modules de faisceaux semi-stables correspondante contient l'unique point ${\cal E}$.
Il existe une infinit\'e d\'enombrable de fibr\'es exceptionnels, et un
proc\'ed\'e simple permet de les obtenir tous \`a partir des fibr\'es en
droites (cf. \cite{dr1}). Notons qu'un fibr\'e exceptionnel est
uniquement d\'etermin\'e par sa pente.
Soit $F$ un fibr\'e exceptionnel. On note \m{x_F} la
plus petite solution de l'\'equation
$$X^2-3X+\q{1}{rg(F)^2} \ = \ 0.$$
Alors on montre que les intervalles \
\m{\rbrack\mu(F)-x_F,\mu(F)+x_F\lbrack} \
constituent une partition de l'ensemble des nombres rationnels. On va d\'ecrire
la fonction \m{\delta(\mu)} sur cet intervalle. Posons
$$P(X) = \q{X^2}{2}+\q{3}{2}X+1.$$
Sur l'intervalle \ \m{\rbrack\mu(F)-x_F,\mu(F)\rbrack}, on a
$$\delta(\mu) \ = \ P(\mu-\mu(F))-\q{1}{2}(1-\q{1}{rg(F)^2}),$$
et sur \ \m{\lbrack\mu(F),\mu(F)+x_F\lbrack}, on a
$$\delta(\mu) \ = \ P(\mu(F)-\mu)-\q{1}{2}(1-\q{1}{rg(F)^2}).$$
On obtient les courbes $D(F)$ et $G(F)$ repr\'esent\'ees sur la figure qui suit.
Ce sont des segments de coniques.
On consid\`ere maintenant la courbe \ \m{\Delta=\delta'(\mu)} \ d\'efinie de
la fa\c con suivante : sur l'intervalle \
\m{\rbrack\mu(F)-x_F,\mu(F)+x_F\lbrack}, on a
$$\delta'(\mu) = \delta(\mu) - \q{1}{rg(F)^2}(1-\q{1}{x_F}\mid\mu(F)-\mu\mid).$$
On obtient ainsi les segments de coniques $D'(F)$ et $G'(F)$. Le point
\m{(\mu(F),\delta'(\mu(F)))} est la paire \m{(\mu,\Delta)} correspondant au
fibr\'e exceptionnel $F$. Le point \m{(\mu(F),\delta(\mu(F)))} est le
sym\'etrique de $F$ par rapport \`a la droite \ \m{\Delta=1/2}. Notons que si
$\mu$ est un nombre rationnel diff\'erent de la pente d'un fibr\'e
exceptionnel, le nombre $\delta'(\mu)$ est irrationnel.
Ces courbes,
sur l'intervalle \ \m{\rbrack\mu(F)-x_F,\mu(F)+x_F\lbrack} \ , sont
repr\'esent\'ees ci-dessous :
\multiput(400,800)(0.00000,-7.98561){70}{\line( 0,-1){ 3.993}}
\multiput(610,520)(-7.96117,0.00000){52}{\line(-1, 0){ 3.981}}
\put(400,760){\line( 2,-3){160}}
\put(400,280){\line(-2, 3){160}}
\multiput(240,520)(0.00000,-8.00000){33}{\line( 0,-1){ 4.000}}
\multiput(560,520)(0.00000,-8.00000){33}{\line( 0,-1){ 4.000}}
\put(485,395){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{$ D'(F)$}}}
\put(570,530){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{ $\Delta=1/2$}}}
Pour tout point $x$ de \proj{2}, soit \m{{\cal I}_x} le faisceau d'id\'eaux du point
$x$. On a
$$\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal I}_x,{\cal O})\simeq\cx{}.$$
Soit \m{{\cal V}_x} l'unique faisceau
extension non triviale de \m{{\cal I}_x} par ${\cal O}$. On va d\'emontrer le
\noindent{\bf Th\'eor\`eme A : }{\em Soient $r$, \m{c_1}, \m{c_2} des entiers,
avec \m{r\geq 1}, \m{-1<\mu\leq 0},
$$\Delta \ \geq \ \q{\mu(\mu+1)}{2},$$
et tels que la vari\'et\'e \m{M(r,c_1,c_2)} soit vide.
\noindent 1 - Si \ \m{\Delta < \delta'(\mu)}, il existe des fibr\'es
exceptionnels $E_0$, $E_1$, $E_2$, des espaces vectoriels de dimension finie
$M_0$, $M_1$, $M_2$, dont un au plus peut \^etre nul, tels que le faisceau
prioritaire g\'en\'erique de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern $c_1$, $c_2$ soit
isomorphe \`a
$$(E_0\otimes M_0)\oplus(E_1\otimes M_1)\oplus(E_2\otimes M_2).$$
\noindent 2 - On suppose que \m{c_1\not = 0} ou \m{c_2>1}.
Si \ \m{\Delta > \delta'(\mu)}, soit $F$ l'unique fibr\'e
exceptionnel tel que \ \m{\mu\in \ \rbrack\mu(F)-x_F,\mu(F)+x_F\lbrack}. Alors
si \ \m{\mu\leq\mu(F)}, l'entier
$$p \ = \ r.rg(F)(P(\mu-\mu(F))-\Delta-\Delta(F))$$
est strictement positif, et le faisceau prioritaire g\'en\'erique de rang $r$
et de classes de Chern $c_1$, $c_2$ est isomorphe \`a une somme directe
$$(F\otimes \cx{p})\oplus{\cal E},$$
o\`u ${\cal E}$ est un fibr\'e semi-stable situ\'e sur la courbe $G(F)$. De m\^eme,
si \ \m{\mu\geq\mu(F)}, l'entier
$$p \ = \ r.rg(F)(P(\mu(F)-\mu)-\Delta-\Delta(F))$$
est strictement positif, et le faisceau prioritaire g\'en\'erique de rang $r$
et de classes de Chern $c_1$, $c_2$ est isomorphe \`a une somme directe
$$(F\otimes \cx{p})\oplus{\cal E},$$
o\`u ${\cal E}$ est un fibr\'e semi-stable situ\'e sur la courbe $D(F)$.
\noindent 3 - Si \ \m{c_1=0}, \m{c_2=1}, le faisceau prioritaire g\'en\'erique
de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern $c_1$, $c_2$ est isomorphe \`a une somme
directe du type
$$({\cal O}\otimes\cx{r-2})\oplus{\cal V}_x.$$}
Le r\'esultat pr\'ec\'edent apporte des pr\'ecisions sur ce
qui est d\'emontr\'e dans \cite{hi_la}, c'est-\`a-dire que s'il n'existe pas
des faisceau semi-stable de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2},
alors deux cas peuvent se produire : la filtration de Harder-Narasimhan du
faisceau prioritaire g\'en\'erique de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern \m{c_1},
\m{c_2} comporte deux termes, ou elle en comporte trois. Dans le premier cas,
un des termes est semi-exceptionnel (c'est-\`a-dire de la forme
\m{F\otimes\cx{k}}, avec $F$ exceptionnel), et dans le second cas les trois termes
sont semi-exceptionnels.
Le th\'eor\`eme A permet aussi de conclure que s'il n'existe pas de faisceau
semi-stable de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2}, il n'existe
pas non plus d'{\em espaces de modules fins} de faisceaux de rang $r$ et de
classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2} contenant au moins un faisceau prioritaire.
On appelle ici
{\it espace de modules fin} de faisceaux de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern
\m{c_1}, \m{c_2} sur \proj{2} la donn\'ee d'une vari\'et\'e alg\'ebrique lisse
$M$ non vide et d'un faisceau coh\'erent ${\cal F}$ sur \ \m{M\times\proj{2}}
poss\'edant les propri\'et\'es suivantes :
\noindent (i) Le faisceau ${\cal F}$ est plat sur $M$ et pour tout point ferm\'e
$x$ de $M$, \ \m{{\cal F}_x={\cal F}_{\mid \lbrace x\rbrace\times\proja{{\ttf 2}}}} est un
faisceau sans torsion sur \proj{2}, de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern
\m{c_1}, \m{c_2}.
\noindent (ii) Pour tout point ferm\'e $x$ de $M$, le faisceau ${\cal F}_x$ est
simple, on a \
\m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^2({\cal F}_x,{\cal F}_x)=\lbrace 0\rbrace}, et le morphisme de d\'eformation
infinit\'esimale de Koda\"ira-Spencer
$$T_xM\longrightarrow\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal F}_x,{\cal F}_x)$$
est surjectif.
\noindent (iii) Pour tous point ferm\'es distincts $x$ et $y$ de $M$, les
faisceaux \m{{\cal F}_x} et \m{{\cal F}_y} ne sont pas isomorphes.
Par exemple, si $r$, \m{c_1} et
$$\chi \ = \ r - c_2 + \q{c_1(c_1+3)}{2}$$
sont premiers entre eux, et s'il existe un faisceau stable de rang $r$ et de
classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2}, la vari\'et\'e de modules de ces faisceaux
stables, \'equip\'ee d'un {\it faisceau universel}, est un espace de
modules fin. Ceci sugg\`ere la conjecture suivante :
\noindent{\bf Conjecture : }{\it Les seuls espaces de modules fins qui
soient projectifs sont les vari\'et\'es de modules de faisceaux stables,
lorsque $r$, \m{c_1} et $\chi$ sont premiers entre eux.}
Le th\'eor\`eme A entraine imm\'ediatement le
\noindent{\bf Th\'eor\`eme B : }{\em Soient $r$, \m{c_1}, \m{c_2} des entiers
avec \ $r\geq 1$. On suppose que la vari\'et\'e modules \m{M(r,c_1,c_2)} des
faisceaux semi-stables sur \proj{2} de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern \m{c_1},
\m{c_2} est vide. Alors il n'existe pas d'espace de modules fin de faisceaux
de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2}, et contenant un faisceau
Il est possible de pr\'eciser le 1- du th\'eor\`eme A. On rappelle dans le
\paragra~\hskip -2pt 2 la notion de {\em triade}, qui est un triplet particulier
\m{(E,F,G)} de fibr\'es exceptionnels. On ne consid\`ere ici que des
triades de fibr\'es exceptionnels dont les pentes sont comprises entre $-1$
et $0$. A la triade \m{(E,F,G)} correspond le {\em triangle} \m{{\cal T}_{(E,F,G)}}
du plan (de coordonn\'ees \m{(\mu,\Delta)}), dont les c\^ot\'es sont des
segments de paraboles et les sommets les points correspondant \`a $E$, $F$ et
$G$. Ce triangle est d\'efini par les in\'equations
$$\Delta\leq P(\mu-\mu(G))-\Delta(G), \ \
\Delta\geq P(\mu-\mu(H)+3)-\Delta(H), \ \
\Delta\leq P(\mu-\mu(E)+3)-\Delta(E),$$
$H$ \'etant le fibr\'e exceptionnel noyau du morphisme d'\'evaluation
\ \m{E\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(E,F)\longrightarrow F}.
Soit {\bf T} l'ensemble des triades de fibr\'es exceptionnels dont les pentes
sont comprises entre $-1$ et $0$. Soit ${\cal S}$ l'ensemble des points
\m{(\mu,\Delta)} du plan tels que
$$-1\leq\mu\leq 0, \ \ -\q{\mu(\mu+1)}{2}\leq\Delta\leq\delta'(\mu).$$
On d\'emontrera le
\noindent{\bf Th\'eor\`eme C : }{\em 1 - Soient \m{(E,F,G)}, \m{(E',F',G')} des
\'el\'ements distincts de {\bf T}. Alors les triangles \m{{\cal T}_{(E,F,G)}} et
\m{{\cal T}_{(E',F',G')}} ont une intersection non vide si et seulement si cette
intersection est un sommet commun ou un c\^ot\'e commun. Dans le premier cas,
les fibr\'es exceptionnels correspondants sont identiques, et dans le second
les paires de fibr\'es exceptionnels correspondantes le sont.
\noindent 2 - On a \ \ \ \m{\displaystyle
{\cal S}\ = \ \bigcup_{(E,F,G)\in{\bf T}}{\cal T}_{(E,F,G)}}.
\noindent 3 - Soient \m{r,c_1,c_2} des entiers, avec \ \m{r\geq 1},
$$\mu=\q{r}{c_1}, \ \ \Delta=\q{1}{r}(c_2-\q{r-1}{2r}c_1^2).$$
On suppose que \ \m{(\mu,\Delta)\in{\cal T}_{(E,F,G)}}. Soit $H$ le noyau du morphisme
d'\'evaluation \break \m{E\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(E,F)\longrightarrow F}. Alors
$$m \ = \ r.rg(E).(P(\mu-\mu(E)+3)-\Delta(E)),$$
$$n \ = \ r.rg(H).(P(\mu-\mu(H)+3)-\Delta(H)),$$
$$p \ = \ r.rg(G).(P(\mu-\mu(G))-\Delta(G))$$
sont des entiers positifs ou nuls, et le fibr\'e prioritaire g\'en\'erique
de rang $r$ et de classes de Chern $c_1$, $c_2$ est de la forme
\noindent{\bf Notations}
Rappelons que le th\'eor\`eme de Riemann-Roch s'\'ecrit pour un faisceau
coh\'erent $E$ de rang positif sur \proj{2}
$$\chi(E) \ = \ rg(E).(P(\mu(E))-\Delta(E)),$$
\m{\chi(E)} d\'esignant la caract\'erisitique d'Euler-Poincar\'e de $E$.
Si $E$, $F$ sont des faisceaux coh\'erents sur \proj{2}, on pose
$$\chi(E,F) \ = \ \mathop{\hbox{$\displaystyle\sum$}}\limits_{0\leq i\leq 2}(-1)^i\dim(\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^i(E,F)).$$
On a, si \ \m{rg(E)>0} \ et \ \m{rg(F)>0},
$$\chi(E,F) \ = \ rg(E).rg(E).(P(\mu(F)-\mu(E))-\Delta(E)-\Delta(F)).$$
On a en g\'en\'eral, pour tout entier $i$, un isomorphisme canonique
$$\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^i(E,F) \ \simeq \ \mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^{2-i}(F,E(-3))$$
(dualit\'e de Serre, cf. \cite{dr_lp}, prop. (1.2)).
\section{Fibr\'es exceptionnels}
\subsection{Construction des fibr\'es exceptionnels}
Les r\'esultats qui suivent ont \'et\'e d\'emontr\'es dans \cite{dr_lp} ou
\cite{dr1}. Un fibr\'e exceptionnel est enti\`erement d\'etermin\'e par sa
pente. Soit ${\cal P}$ l'ensemble des pentes de fibr\'es exceptionnels. Si
\m{\alpha\in{\cal P}}, on note \m{E_\alpha} le fibr\'e exceptionnel de pente $\alpha$,
et \m{r_\alpha} son rang. On montre que \m{r_\alpha} et \m{c_1(E_\alpha)}
sont premiers entre eux. Soit \ \m{\Delta_\alpha=\Delta(E_\alpha)}. Alors on
$$\Delta_\alpha\ = \ \q{1}{2}(1-\q{1}{r_\alpha^2}),$$
(ce qui d\'ecoule du fait que \ \m{\chi(E_\alpha,E_\alpha)=1}).
Soit ${\cal D}$ l'ensemble des nombres rationnels diadiques, c'est-\`a-dire pouvant
se mettre sous la forme \m{p/2^q}, $p$ et $q$ \'etant des entiers, \m{q\geq 0}.
On a une bijection
$$\epsilon : {\cal E}\longrightarrow{\cal P}.$$
Cette application est enti\`erement d\'etermin\'ee par les propri\'et\'es
\noindent - Pour tout entier $k$, on a \ \m{\epsilon(k)=k}.
\noindent - Pour tout entier $k$ et tout \ \m{x\in{\cal D}}, on a
\ \m{\epsilon(x+k)=\epsilon(x)+k}.
\noindent - Pour tous entiers $p$, $q$, avec \ \m{q\geq 0}, on a
$$\epsilon(\q{2p+1}{2^{q+1}}) \ = \
o\`u $\times$ est la loi de composition suivante :
$$\alpha\times\beta\ = \ \q{\alpha+\beta}{2}+\q{\Delta_\alpha-\Delta_\beta}
Cette relation signifie simplement que
$$\chi(E_{\alpha\times\beta},E_\alpha) \ = \
\chi(E_\beta,E_{\alpha\times\beta}) \ = \ 0.$$
La construction des pentes des fibr\'es exceptionnels comprises entre $-1$ et
$0$ se fait donc en partant des pentes $-1$ et $0$, correspondant aux
fibr\'es exceptionnels \m{{\cal O}(-1)} et ${\cal O}$.
On appelle {\em triades} les triplets de fibr\'es exceptionnels de la forme
\noindent\m{({\cal O}(k),{\cal O}(k+1),{\cal O}(k+2))}, \m{(E_\alpha,E_{\alpha\times\beta},E_\beta)},
\m{(E_{\alpha\times\beta},E_{\beta},E_{\alpha+3})} ou
\m{(E_{\beta-3},E_\alpha,E_{\alpha\times\beta})}, \m{\alpha} et \m{\beta}
\'etant des \'el\'ements de ${\cal P}$ de la forme
$$\alpha \ = \ \epsilon(\q{p}{2^q}), \ \ \ \
\beta \ = \ \epsilon(\q{p+1}{2^q}).$$
o\`u $p$ et $q$ sont deux entiers avec \ \m{q\geq 0}. Les triades sont
exactement les {\em bases d'h\'elice} de \cite{go_ru}.
On donne maintenant la construction des triades de fibr\'es exceptionnels dont
les pentes sont comprises entre \m{-1} et $0$. Ces triades sont du type
\m{(E_\alpha,E_{\alpha\times\beta},E_\beta)}. La construction
se fait de la fa\c con suivante, par
r\'ecurrence : on part de la triade \m{({\cal O}(-1),Q^*,{\cal O})}, o\`u $Q$ est le
fibr\'e exceptionnel quotient du morphisme canonique \
\m{{\cal O}(-1)\longrightarrow{\cal O}\otimes H^0({\cal O}(1))^*}. Supposons la triade \m{(E,F,G)} construite.
Alors on construit les {\it triades adjacentes} \m{(E,H,F)} et \m{(F,K,G)}.
Le fibr\'e $H$ est le noyau du morphisme canonique surjectif
$$F\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(F,G)\longrightarrow G$$
et $K$ est le conoyau du morphisme canonique injectif
$$E\longrightarrow F\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(E,F)^*.$$
De plus, le morphisme canonique
$$E\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(E,H)\longrightarrow H \ \ {\rm \ \ \ (resp. \ } K\longrightarrow G\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(K,G)^*
{\rm \ )}$$
est surjectif (resp. injectif) et son noyau (resp. conoyau) est isomorphe \`a
\m{G(-3)} (resp. \m{E(3)}).
\subsection{Suite spectrale de Beilinson g\'en\'eralis\'ee}
A toute triade \m{(E,G,F)} et \`a tout faisceau coh\'erent ${\cal E}$ sur \proj{2}
on associe une suite spectrale \m{E^{p,q}_r} de faisceaux coh\'erents sur
\proj{2}, convergeant vers ${\cal E}$ en degr\'e 0 et vers 0 en tout autre degr\'e.
Les termes \m{E^{p,q}_1} \'eventuellement non nuls sont
$$E^{-2,q}_1\simeq H^q({\cal E}\otimes E^*(-3))\otimes E, \ \
E^{-1,q}_1\simeq H^q({\cal E}\otimes S^*)\otimes G, \ \
E^{0,q}_1\simeq H^q({\cal E}\otimes F^*)\otimes F,$$
$S$ d\'esignant le fibr\'e exceptionnel conoyau du morphisme canonique injectif
\noindent\m{G\longrightarrow F\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(G,F)}.
\subsection{S\'erie exceptionnelle associ\'ee \`a un fibr\'e exceptionnel}
Soit $F$ un fibr\'e exceptionnel. Les triades comportant $F$ comme terme
de droite sont de la forme \m{(G_n,G_{n+1},F)}, o\`u la suite de fibr\'es
exceptionnels \m{(G_n)} est enti\`erement d\'etermin\'ee par deux de ses
termes cons\'ecutifs, par exemple \m{G_0} et \m{G_1}, par les suites exactes
$$0\longrightarrow G_{n-1}\longrightarrow (G_n\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(G_{n-1},G_n)^*)\simeq (G_n\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(G_n,G_{n+1}))
\longrightarrow G_{n+1}\longrightarrow 0.$$
On appelle \m{(G_n)} la {\it s\'erie exceptionnelle} \`a gauche associ\'ee
\`a $F$.
Les couples \m{(\mu(G_n),\Delta(G_n))} sont situ\'es sur la conique
$$\Delta \ = \ P(\mu(F)-\mu)-\Delta(F),$$
(ce qui traduit le fait que \ \m{\chi(F,G_n)=0}).
\font\gnuplot=cmr10 at 10pt
Dans la figure ci-dessus, les points $A$ et $B$ sont les intersections de
cette conique avec la droite d'\'equation \ \m{\Delta=1/2}. On a
$$\lim_{n\rightarrow -\infty}=A \ \ \ {\rm et} \ \ \
Remarquons que \ \m{\mu(B)-\mu(A)<3}.
Si \m{F={\cal O}}, il existe une unique paire \m{(G_n,G_{n+1})} telle que \
\m{\mu(G_{n+1})-\mu(G_n)\geq 1}, c'est \m{({\cal O}(-2),{\cal O}(-1))}. Supposons que
\ \m{-1<\mu(F)<0}. Il existe alors une unique triade de la forme
\m{(E,F,G)}, avec \ \m{-1\leq\mu(E)<\mu(G)\leq 0}. On en d\'eduit que
\m{(G(-3),E)} est une des paires \m{(G_n,G_{n+1})}. On peut supposer que
\ \m{(G(-3),E)=(G_0,G_1)}. On a \ \m{\mu(G_1)-\mu(G_0)\geq 2}, et \m{(G_0,G_1)}
est l'unique paire \m{(G_n,G_{n+1})} telle que
\noindent\m{\mu(G_{n+1})-\mu(G_n)\geq 1}. On l'appelle la paire {\it initiale}
de la s\'erie \m{(G_n)}.
Le fibr\'e vectoriel \m{G_0^*\otimes G_1} est engendr\'e par ses sections globales.
\noindent{\em D\'emonstration}. D'apr\`es la construction de \m{(G_0,G_1)}, il suffit de prouver le
r\'esultat \hbox{suivant :} si \m{(A,B,C)} est une triade de fibr\'es
exceptionnels telle que \ \m{\mu(C)-\mu(A)\leq 1}, les fibr\'es
\m{B^*\otimes A(3)}, \m{C^*\otimes B(3)} et \m{C^*\otimes A(3)} sont engendr\'es par leurs
sections globales. On d\'emontre cela par r\'ecurrence : il faut montrer que
si c'est vrai pour une triade, c'est vrai pour les deux triades adjacentes.
Supposons que ce soit vrai pour \m{(A,B,C)}. Soient $H$ le noyau du morphisme
canonique surjectif
$$B\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(B,C)\longrightarrow C$$
et K le conoyau du morphisme canonique injectif
$$A\longrightarrow B\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(A,B)^*.$$
Il faut montrer que le r\'esultat est vrai pour les triades \m{(A,H,B)} et
\m{(B,K,C)}. En consid\'erant la triade {\it duale}
\m{(C^*(-1),B^*(-1),A^*(-1))}, on voit qu'il suffit de consid\'erer
\m{(A,H,B)}. On a une suite exacte
$$0\longrightarrow H\longrightarrow B\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(B,C)\longrightarrow C\longrightarrow 0.$$
On en d\'eduit un morphisme surjectif
$$B^*(3)\otimes A\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(B,C)^*\longrightarrow H^*(3)\otimes A.$$
Puisque \m{B^*(3)\otimes A} est engendr\'e par ses sections globales (hypoth\`ese
de r\'ecurrence), il en est de m\^eme de \m{H^*(3)\otimes A}. On a d'autre
part une suite exacte
$$0\longrightarrow C(-3)\longrightarrow A\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(C(-3),A)^*\longrightarrow H\longrightarrow 0,$$
d'o\`u on d\'eduit un morphisme surjectif
$$B^*(3)\otimes A\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(C(-3),A)^*\longrightarrow B^*(3)\otimes H,$$
d'o\`u on d\'eduit que \m{B^*(3)\otimes H} est engendr\'e par ses sections
globales. $\Box$
Pour tout entier $n$, on a \m{n\geq 1} si et seulement si pour tous entiers
$a$, $b$, $c$ positifs ou nuls, le fibr\'e vectoriel
est prioritaire.
\noindent{\em D\'emonstration}. Imm\'ediat. $\Box$
On d\'efinit de m\^eme la {\em s\'erie exceptionnelle \`a droite} \m{(H_n)}
associ\'ee \`a $F$. On a \break \m{H_n=G_n(3)} pour tout $n$.
\subsection{\'Etude de {\bf T}}
L'ensemble {\bf T} est construit comme une union croissante de sous-ensembles
$$T_0=\lbrace({\cal O}(-1),Q^*,{\cal O})\rbrace\subset T_1\subset\ldots T_n\subset
$$T=\bigcup_{n\geq 0}T_n,$$
o\`u $T_n$ est l'ensemble des triades \m{(E_\alpha,E_{\alpha\times\beta},
E_\beta)}, $\alpha$, $\beta$ \'etant de la forme
$$\alpha=\epsilon(\q{p}{2^n}), \ \ \beta=\epsilon(\q{p+1}{2^n}),$$
avec $p$ entier. Si $n>0$, les triades de \m{T_n\backslash T_{n-1}} forment
une suite \m{t_0^{(n)}}, \ldots, \m{t_{2^n-1}^{(n)}},
$$t_i^{(n)}\ = \ (E_{\alpha(\q{i}{2^n})},E_{\alpha(\q{2i+1}{2^{n+1}})},
On a
$$\mu(E_{\alpha(\q{i}{2^n})}) \ < \ \mu(E_{\alpha(\q{2i+1}{2^{n+1}})}) \ < \
et dans le plan de coordonn\'ees \m{(\mu,\Delta)},
\m{E_{\alpha(\q{2i+1}{2^{n+1}})}} est situ\'e au dessus de la droite\break
\font\gnuplot=cmr10 at 10pt
Le segment de conique \m{E_{-1}E_0} de \m{{\cal T}_{(E_{-1},E_{\q{1}{2}},E_0)}}
n'est autre que la courbe \ \m{\Delta=-\q{\mu(\mu+1)}{2}}. On en d\'eduit
imm\'ediatement le
Soit \ \m{Z = \bigcup_{(E,F,G)\in{\bf T}}{\cal T}_{(E,F,G)}}. Alors, si
\ \m{(\mu,\Delta)\in Z}, on a \ \m{(\mu,\Delta')\in Z} \ si
$$-\q{\mu(\mu+1)}{2} \ \leq \ \Delta' \ \leq \ \Delta.$$
\section{Fibr\'es prioritaires g\'en\'eriques}
\subsection{Cohomologie naturelle}
Soient $F$ un fibr\'e exceptionnel, $r$, \m{c_1}, \m{c_2} des entiers tels que
\m{r\geq 2},\break \m{\mu(F)-x_F<\mu\leq\mu(F)} \ et \ \m{\Delta=\delta(\mu)}.
Alors il existe un fibr\'e vectoriel stable ${\cal E}$ de rang $r$ et de classes de
Chern $c_1$, $c_2$, tel que \ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal E},F)=\lbrace 0\rbrace}.
\noindent{\em D\'emonstration}. On consid\`ere la suite \m{(G_n)} de fibr\'es exceptionnels du \paragra~\hskip -2pt 2.
Soient $n$ un entier et ${\cal E}$ un faisceau semi-stable de rang $r$ et de
classes de Chern \m{c_1}, \m{c_2}. On pose
$$k = \chi({\cal E},F), \ \ \ m_n \ = \ -\chi({\cal E}\otimes G_n^*(-3)),$$
qui sont ind\'ependants de ${\cal E}$. Ces entiers sont positifs : pour le premier,
cela d\'ecoule du fait que le point correspondant \`a ${\cal E}$ est situ\'e sous
la conique donnant l'\'equation de \m{\delta(\mu)} sur
\m{\rbrack\mu(F),\mu(F)+x_F\lbrack}. Pour le second on utilise le fait que
\m{H^0({\cal E}\otimes G_n^*(-3))} et \m{H^2({\cal E}\otimes G_n^*(-3))} sont nuls.
On consid\`ere les triades \m{(F,G_{p-1}(3),G_p(3))}. Ceci sugg\`ere de trouver
${\cal E}$ comme noyau d'un morphisme surjectif ad\'equat
$$\theta :
(F\otimes\cx{k})\oplus(G_{p-1}(3)\otimes\cx{m_{p+1}})\longrightarrow G_p(3)\otimes\cx{m_p}.$$
Un tel fibr\'e a en effet les bons rang et classes de Chern, et de plus on
a \ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal E},F)=\lbrace 0\rbrace}. Pour montrer que ${\cal E}$ se d\'eforme en
fibr\'e stable, il suffit qu'il soit prioritaire, car le champ des
faisceaux prioritaires est irr\'eductible (cf. \cite{hi_la}). On prend
\ \m{p=1}, c'est-\`a-dire qu'on consid\`ere des morphismes
$$(F\otimes\cx{k})\oplus(G_0(3)\otimes\cx{m_2})\longrightarrow G_1(3)\otimes\cx{m_1}.$$
Alors on a \ \m{\mu(G_1(3))-\mu(G_0(3))\geq 1}, donc \m{\mu(G_1(3))-\mu(F) > 1},
et la paire \m{(F,G_1(3))} est initiale dans la s\'erie qui la contient. Ceci
entraine que le faisceau des morphismes pr\'ec\'edents est engendr\'e par
ses sections globales. Comme \ \m{r\geq 2}, il existe un morphisme
$$\theta : (F\otimes\cx{k})\oplus(G_0(3)\otimes\cx{m_2})\longrightarrow G_1(3)\otimes\cx{m_1}$$
qui est surjectif. Soit
$${\cal E} \ = \ \ker(\theta).$$
Il reste \`a montrer que ${\cal E}$ est prioritaire, c'est-\`a-dire que
\ \m{\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits({\cal E},{\cal E}(-2))=\lbrace 0\rbrace}. On a une suite exacte
$$0\longrightarrow{\cal E}\longrightarrow (F\otimes\cx{k})\oplus(G_0(3)\otimes\cx{m_2})\longrightarrow G_1(3)\otimes\cx{m_1}
\longrightarrow 0,$$
d'o\`u on d\'eduit que
$$\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits({\cal E},{\cal E}(-2))\ \subset \ (\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits({\cal E},F(-2))\otimes\cx{k})\oplus
(\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits({\cal E},G_0(1))\otimes\cx{m_2}).$$
Il faut montrer que
$$\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(({\cal E},F(-2))=\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits({\cal E},G_0(1))=\lbrace 0\rbrace.$$
Montrons d'abord que \ \m{\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(({\cal E},F(-2))=\lbrace 0\rbrace}.
D'apr\`es la suite exacte pr\'ec\'edente, on a une suite exacte
$$(\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(F,F(-2))\otimes\cx{k})\oplus(\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(G_0(3),F(-2))\otimes\cx{m_2})\longrightarrow
\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(({\cal E},F(-2)) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $$
$$ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \longrightarrow\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(G_1(3),F(-2))\otimes\cx{m_1}.$$
On a \ \m{\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(F,F(-2))=\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(G_0(3),F(-2))=\lbrace 0\rbrace}, car
\ \m{\mu(G_0(3))>\mu(F)>\mu(F(-2))}. D'autre part,
$$\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(G_1(3),F(-2))\ \simeq\ \mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(F(-2),G_1)^*$$
par dualit\'e de Serre. Pour montrer que \ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(F(-2),G_1)=
\lbrace 0\rbrace}, il suffit d'apr\`es \cite{dr1}
de prouver que \ \m{\mu(F(-2))\leq\mu(G_1)}.
Si \ \m{F={\cal O}} \ c'est \'evident car \ \m{G_1={\cal O}(-1)}. Sinon, on a
\ \m{\mu(G_1)-\mu(G_0)\geq 2}, et si \ \m{\mu(F(-2))>\mu(G_1)}, on a \
\m{\mu(F)-\mu(G_0)>4}, ce qui est faux car \ \m{\mu(F)-\mu(G_0)<3}.
Montrons maintenant que \ \m{\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits({\cal E},G_0(1))=\lbrace 0\rbrace}. On a une
suite exacte
$$(\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(F,G_0(1))\otimes\cx{k})\oplus(\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(G_0(3),G_0(1))\otimes\cx{m_2})
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $$
$$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \longrightarrow
\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(({\cal E},G_0(1))\longrightarrow\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(G_1(3),G_0(1))\otimes\cx{m_1}.$$
On a \ \m{\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(F,G_0(1))=\lbrace 0\rbrace} \ car \
\m{\mu(F)>\mu(G_1)\geq\mu(G_0(1))}, et
\m{\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(G_0(3),G_0(1))=\lbrace 0\rbrace}. Il reste \`a prouver que \
\m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(G_1(3),G_0(1))=\lbrace 0\rbrace}. On a
$$\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(G_1(3),G_0(1)) \ \simeq \ \mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1(G_0(1),G_1)^* \ = \
\lbrace 0\rbrace$$
d'apr\`es \cite{dr1} et le fait que \ \m{\mu(G_0(1))\leq\mu(G_1)}. $\Box$
\subsection{d\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme A}
Soient $F$ un fibr\'e exceptionnel, $r$, \m{c_1}, \m{c_2} des entiers tels que
\m{\mu(F)-x_F<\mu<\mu(F)+x_F}, \m{\Delta<\delta(\mu)} \ et \
\m{(\mu,\Delta)\not=(\mu(F),\Delta(F))}. On peut se limiter au cas o\`u
\m{\mu(F)-x_F<\mu\leq\mu(F)}, l'autre cas s'en d\'eduisant par dualit\'e.
On a alors
$$p \ = \ r.rg(F)(P(\mu-\mu(F))-\Delta-\Delta(F)) \ \ > \ \ 0.$$
Supposons que \ \m{\mu > \delta'(\mu)}. Alors on a \ \m{p. rg(F) < r}. En effet,
ceci \'equivaut \`a
$$\delta(\mu)-\Delta \ < \ \q{1}{rg(F)^2}$$
(cf. la figure de l'Introduction). Il existe donc des entiers \m{r'}, \m{c'_1},
\m{c'_2}, tels que $r$, \m{c_1} et \m{c_2} soient le rang et le classes de
Chern d'une somme directe d'un fibr\'e vectoriel ${\cal U}$ de rang \m{r'} et de
classes de Chern \m{c'_1},\m{c'_2} et de \m{F\otimes\cx{p}}. Le point correspondant
\`a ${\cal U}$ est situ\'e sur la conique d'\'equation
$$\Delta = P(\mu-\mu(F))-\Delta(F)$$
et on a \ \m{\Delta \geq \delta'(\mu)} \ si et seulement si ce point est situ\'e
sur le segment \m{G(F)} de la conique.
Supposons que \ \m{\Delta \geq \delta'(\mu)} \ et \ \m{r'\geq 2}. Dans ce
cas il existe d'apr\'es le lemme 3.1 un fibr\'e stable ${\cal U}$ de rang \m{r'} et de
classes de Chern \m{c'_1},\m{c'_2} tel que \ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal U},F)=\lbrace 0\rbrace}.
Le fibr\'e
$${\cal E} \ = \ (F\otimes\cx{p})\oplus{\cal U}$$
est prioritaire, de rang \m{r} et de classes de Chern \m{c_1},\m{c_2}. Les
fibr\'es prioritaires g\'en\'eriques sont de ce type, car les fibr\'es tels que
${\cal E}$ sont d\'efinis par la suite de conditions ouvertes suivante :
\noindent (i) on a \ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^2(F,{\cal E})=\lbrace 0\rbrace}.
\noindent (ii) Le morphisme canonique d'\'evaluation
$$ev : F\otimes\cx{p}=F\otimes\mathop{\rm Hom}\nolimits(F,{\cal E})\longrightarrow{\cal E}$$
est injectif.
\noindent (iii) Si \ \m{{\cal U}=\mathop{\rm coker}\nolimits(ev)}, ${\cal U}$ est un fibr\'e stable tel que
\ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal U},F)=\lbrace 0\rbrace}.
Supposons maintenant que \ \m{r'=1}. Dans ce cas on doit avoir \ \m{F={\cal O}} \ et
\m{c_2=1}. Les faisceaux de \m{M(r',c'_1,c'_2)} sont de la forme \m{{\cal I}_x}
(id\'eal d'un point $x$ de \proj{2}). On a \ \m{\mathop{\rm Ext}\nolimits^1({\cal I}_x,{\cal O})=\cx{}}, d'o\`u
le th\'eor\`eme A dans ce cas.
Il reste \`a traiter le cas o\`u \ \m{\Delta < \delta'(\mu)}. C'est une cons\'equence du th\'eor\`eme C, dont la d\'emonstration suit. $\Box$
\subsection{{\cal D}\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme C}
Soit \m{(E,F,G)\in{\bf T}}. En consid\'erant la suite spectrale de Beilinson
g\'en\'eralis\'ee associ\'ee \`a \m{(E,F,G)}, on voit imm\'ediatement que les
points \m{(\mu,\Delta)} de \m{{\cal T}_{(E,F,G)}} (\`a coordonn\'ees rationnelles)
sont les paires \m{(\mu({\cal E}),\Delta({\cal E}))}, o\`u ${\cal E}$ est de la forme
$${\cal E}\ = (E\otimes\cx{a})\oplus(F\otimes\cx{b})\oplus(G\otimes\cx{c}),$$
avec \ $a,b,c\geq 0$ \ non tous nuls. Le fibr\'e pr\'ec\'edent est
prioritaire et rigide, c'est donc un fibr\'e prioritaire g\'en\'erique.
On pose comme dans le lemme 2.3,
$$Z \ = \ \bigcup_{(E,F,G)\in{\bf T}}{\cal T}_{(E,F,G)}.$$
La partie 1- du th\'eor\`eme C est une cons\'equence imm\'ediate du \paragra~\hskip -2pt 2.4.
Il reste donc \`a prouver que
$$Z \ = \ {\cal S}.$$
Soit \ \m{(\mu,\Delta)\in Z}. Alors on a \ \m{\Delta\leq\delta'(\mu)}, car
les fibr\'es prioritaires g\'en\'eriques ayant les invariants \m{\mu} et
\m{\Delta} sont rigides, comme on vient de le voir. On a donc \
\m{Z\subset{\cal S}}.
Soit $F$ un fibr\'e exceptionnel tel que \ \m{-1<\mu(F)\leq 0}, \m{(G_n)} la
s\'erie exceptionnelle \`a gauche associ\'ee \`a $F$. On va montrer que lorsque
$n$ tend vers l'infini, le segment de conique \m{G_nF} de
\m{T_{(G_{n-1},G_n,F)}} tend vers le segment de conique
$$\lbrace(\mu,\delta'(\mu)), \mu(F)-x_F<\mu\leq\mu(F)\rbrace.$$
On montrerait de m\^eme que si \ \m{-1\leq\mu(F)<0}, et si \m{(H_n)} est la
s\'erie exceptionnelle \`a droite associ\'ee \`a $F$, alors lorsque
$n$ tend vers moins l'infini, le segment de conique \m{FH_n} de
\m{T_{(F,H_n,H_{n+1})}} tend vers le segment de conique
$$\lbrace(\mu,\delta'(\mu)), \mu(F)\leq\mu<\mu(F)+x_F\rbrace.$$
D'apr\`es le lemme 2.3, ceci entraine que \ \m{{\cal S}\subset Z}.
L'\'equation du segment de conique \m{G_nF} de \m{T_{(G_{n-1},G_n,F)}} est
$$\Delta\ = \ P(\mu-\mu(G_{n-1})-3)-\Delta(G_{n-1}).$$
On a
$$\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}(\mu(G_{n-1})) \ = \ \mu(F)-x_F, \ \ \
\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}(\Delta(G_{n-1})) \ = \ \q{1}{2}.$$
Donc le segment \m{G_nF} tend vers la courbe
$$\lbrace(\mu,\phi(\mu)), \mu(F)-x_F<\mu\leq\mu(F)\rbrace.$$
$$\phi(\mu) \ = \ P(\mu-\mu(F)+x_F-3)-\q{1}{2}.$$
On v\'erifie imm\'ediatement que \ \m{\phi(\mu)=\delta'(\mu)}, ce qui ach\`eve
la d\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme C. $\Box$
1997-09-26T22:13:44 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709030 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709030 | [
] | alg-geom/9709030 | Brent Gordon | B. Brent Gordon | A Survey of the Hodge Conjecture for Abelian Varieties | 68 pages, AMSTeX. To appear as Appendix B in the upcoming second
edition of "A Survey of the Hodge Conjecture" by James D. Lewis | null | null | null | null | We review what is known about the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties,
with some emphasis on how Mumford-Tate groups have been applied to this
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Sep 1997 20:13:44 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"B. Brent",
] | alg-geom | \chapter{\let\savedef@\chapter
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\define\SS{{\Bbb S}}
\define\V{{\script V}}
\define\twedge{{\tsize \bigwedge}}
\define\Weil{{\script W}}
\define\ZZ{{\Bbb Z}}
\leftheadtext{appendix b. The Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties}
{\bf Appendix B. A Survey of the Hodge Conjecture for Abelian Varieties}
\indent\hskip1.0in {\bf by B. Brent Gordon}
\head Introduction \endhead
The goal of this appendix is to review what is known about the Hodge
conjecture for abelian varieties, with an emphasis on how Mumford-Tate
groups have been applied to this problem. In addition to the book in
which this appears, other survey or general articles that precede this one
are Hodge's original paper \cite{B.53}, Grothendieck's modification of
Hodge's general conjecture \cite{B.43}, Shioda's excellent survey article
\cite{B.117}, Steenbrink's comments on the general Hodge conjecture
\cite{B.120}, and van Geemen's pleasing introduction to the Hodge
conjecture for abelian varieties \cite{B.35}. Naturally there is some
overlap between this appendix and van Geemen's article, but since his
emphasis is on abelian varieties of Weil type, we hope that this appendix
will be a useful complement.
Since the language of linear algebraic groups and their Lie algebras,
which cannot be avoided in any discussion of Mumford-Tate groups and their
application to the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties, may not be
familiar to students of complex algebraic geometry and Hodge theory, we
begin by recalling the definitions and facts we need and giving some
examples. Towards the end of section one we also recall some basic facts
about abelian varieties, including the Albert classification of their
endomorphism algebras (Theorem~1.12.2), and give some example of abelian
varieties to which we refer later. Most readers will find it more
profitable to begin with section two, where we discuss the definitions and
some general structural properties of the Hodge, Mumford-Tate and
Lefschetz groups associated to an abelian variety, or section three,
and refer to the first section as needed.
Starting with section three we have tried to be comprehensive in
summarizing the known results and indicating the main ideas involved in
their proofs, while at the same time selecting some cross-section of
proofs to discuss in more detail. In section three we follow Murty's
exposition \cite{B.84} of the Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture for arbitrary
products of elliptic curves. In section four we summarize Shioda's
results on abelian varieties of Fermat type
\cite{B.116}, but only briefly consider the issues and results related to
abelian varieties of Weil type, since \cite{B.35} treats this topic well.
In section five we discuss the work of Moonen and Zarhin on
four-dimensional abelian varieties \cite{B.75}, for this provides a nice
illustration of the interplay between the endomorphism algebra and the
Mumford-Tate group of an abelian variety. In section six we look at the
work of Tankeev and Ribet on the Hodge conjecture for simple abelian
varieties that satisfy some conditions on their dimension or endomorphism
algebra \cite{B.124} \cite{B.125} \cite{B.126} \cite{B.93} \cite{B.94};
for example, the Hodge conjecture is true for simple abelian varieties of
prime dimension. Here we look more closely at Ribet's approach, where he
introduced and used the Lefschetz group of an abelian variety. Then the
results of Murty and Hazama discussed in section seven build on and go
beyond Ribet's methods to treat abelian varieties not assumed to be
simple, but still assumed to satisfy some conditions on their dimensions
or endomorphism algebras \cite{B.81} \cite{B.82} \cite{B.83} \cite{B.46}
\cite{B.47} \cite{B.49}.
In section eight we shift directions slightly, for here we have
collected together examples of exceptional Hodge cycles, i.e., Hodge
cycles not accounted for by linear combinations of intersections of
divisor classes, and in this section, not known to be algebraic. Largely
missing from section eight, but considered in section nine, are the
particular problems posed by abelian varieties of complex multiplication
type. Dodson \cite{B.28} \cite{B.29} \cite{B.30} and others have
constructed numerous examples of such abelian varieties that support
exceptional Hodge cycles.
In section ten we examine what is known about the general Hodge
conjecture for abelian varieties. The majority of the work on this
problem is either a very geometric treatment of special abelian varieties
in low dimension, for example \cite{B.12} or \cite{B.104}, or requires
special assumptions about the endomorphism algebra, dimension or Hodge
group, as in \cite{B.127}, \cite{B.128}, \cite{B.50} or \cite{B.4}.
In the final section eleven we briefly mention three alternative
approaches to proving the (usual) Hodge conjecture for arbitrary abelian
varieties: First, a method involving the Weil intermediate Jacobian
\cite{B.98}; then that the Tate conjecture for abelian varieties implies
the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties \cite{B.88} \cite{B.87} and
\cite{B.27}; and thirdly, that the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties
would follow from knowing Grothendieck's invariant cycles conjecture
(\cite{B.42}) for certain general families of abelian varieties, and
moreover, that for these families, the invariant cycles conjecture would
follow from the $L_2$-cohomology analogue of Grothendieck's standard
conjecture~(A) that the Hodge $*$-operator is algebraic (\cite{B.44})
\cite{B.4}. The present state of our knowledge about the Hodge
conjecture for abelian varieties is such that any or none of these
approaches might ultimately work, or a counterexample might exist.
Preceding the bibliography is a rough chronological table
of the work that directly address some aspect of the Hodge
conjecture for abelian varieties. I have tried to make sure that this
table and this appendix as a whole mention all the relevant references
through the end of 1996; if I have omitted something or otherwise not done
it justice, that was quite unintentional.
\head 1. Abelian varieties and linear algebraic groups
The purpose of this section is to establish the language we use
throughout the rest of this appendix to discuss abelian varieties and
certain linear algebraic groups and Lie algebras associated with them.
Although abelian varieties and linear algebraic groups are both algebraic
groups, the issues surrounding them tend to be of a very different
nature. It turns out to be most convenient to begin by recalling some of
the definitions and basic properties of linear algebraic groups and their
Lie algebras, and introducing some of the examples of these to which we
will later refer, and then in the second half of the section review some
of the definitions and basic properties of abelian varieties, and
introduce some of the examples we will investigate later.
\subhead 1.0. Notational conventions
\remark{1.0.1. Field of definition}
Let $F$ be a field and $V$ and algebraic variety. Then we will write
$V_F$ to signify or emphasize that $V$ is defined over $F$. When $V$ is
an algebraic variety defined over $F$ and $K$ is a field containing $F$,
then $V_K = V_F \times_{\spec F} \spec K$ is the base change to $K$,
i.e., $V$ as a variety defined over $K$. We will generally try to
distinguish the abstract variety $V_F$ defined over $F$ from its concrete
set of $F$-points $V(F)$, and then $V(K) = V_F(K)$ is the set of
\definition{1.0.2. Definition}
Suppose $K$ is a separable algebraic extension of $F$ of finite
degree~$d$, and $V$ is an algebraic variety defined over the larger
field~$K$. Let $\{ \sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_d\}$ be the set of distinct
embeddings of $K$ into the algebraic closure $F^{\text{alg}}$ of $F$.
Then the \dfn{restriction of scalars functor} $\Res_{K/F}$ from
varieties over $K$ to varieties over $F$ is defined as follows: First
let $V_{\sigma_i} = V_K \times_{\spec K,\,\sigma_i} F^{\text{alg}}$.
Then for any variety $W$ defined over $F$ and a morphism $\phi:W\to V$
defined over $K$ there are morphisms $\phi_{\sigma_i} : W\to
V_{\sigma_i}$. Then if
(\phi_{\sigma_1},\ldots , \phi_{\sigma_d}) : W \to V_{\sigma_1} \times
\cdots \times V_{\sigma_d}
is an isomorphism, then \dfn{$W = \Res_{K/F} V$ is the variety obtained
from $V$ by restriction of the field of definition from $K$ to $F$.} Its
uniqueness is a consequence of the universal property that whenever $X$ is
any variety defined over $F$ and $\psi: X \to V$ is a morphism defined
over $K$, then there exists a unique $\Psi: X\to W$ defined over $F$ such
that $\psi = \phi\circ\psi$. In practice it is often easiest to look at
the $K$-points, then
\Res_{K/F}V(K) \simeq \prod_{\sigma\in \Hom_F(K,F^{\text{alg}})}
together with the action of $\Gal(F^{\text{alg}}/F)$ permuting the
factors according to its action on $\{\sigma_1 ,\ldots , \sigma_d\}$.
For further details see \cite{B.136}~1.3.
\definition{1.1. Definition}
An \dfn{algebraic group} over $F$ is an algebraic variety $G$ defined
over $F$ together with morphisms
\operatorname{mult} : G\times G \to G \qquad \text{ and } \qquad
\operatorname{inv} : G\to G,
both defined over $F$, and an element $e \in G(F)$ such that $G$ is a
group with identity~$e$, multiplication given by $\operatorname{mult}$,
and inverses given by $\operatorname{inv}$. A \dfn{morphism of algebraic
groups} is a morphism of algebraic varieties which is also a group
As a variety an algebraic group is smooth, since it contains an open
subvariety of smooth points and the group of translations $h\mapsto gh$
acts transitively.
\definition{1.1.1. Definition}
An \dfn{abelian variety} is a complete connected algebraic group. It
follows from this definition that an abelian variety is a smooth
projective variety and that its group law is commutative, see for example
\cite{B.96}, \cite{B.121}, \cite{B.68},
\cite{B.95}, \cite{B.69}, \cite{B.74}, \cite{B.79}
or \cite{B.134}. It also follows that every morphism of
abelian varieties as varieties can be expressed as a composition of a
homomorphism with a translation, though of course only homomorphisms are
morphisms of abelian varieties as algebraic groups.
In this appendix we will only be dealing with abelian varieties defined
over $\CC$, that is, complex abelian varieties. When $A$ is a complex
abelian variety then the manifold underlying $A(\CC)$ is a complex torus.
\definition{1.1.2. Definition}
An affine algebraic group is also called a \dfn{linear algebraic group.}
This is justified by the fact that an affine algebraic group is
isomorphic, over its field of definition, to a closed subgroup of
$\GL(n)$ for some ~$n$, see \cite{B.14}, \cite{B.55},
\cite{B.52}, \cite{B.119}, \cite{B.133}.
\definition{1.2. Definition}
Any affine algebraic group that is isomorphic (as an algebraic group) to
the diagonal subgroup of $\GL(n)$ for some $n$ is called an \dfn{algebraic
torus.} For additional basic exposition on algebraic tori see
\cite{B.14}~III.8 or \cite{B.55}~\S16.
\example{1.2.1. Example}
Our most basic and important example of an algebraic torus is $\Gm :=
\GL(1)$. {\it A priori\/} $\Gm = \Gm_{/\QQ}$ is defined over $\QQ$, and
thus $\Gm(F) = F^\times$ for any field $F$ containing~$\QQ$. Similarly,
with the conventions of ~1.0, $\Gm_{/F}(K) = K^\times$ when $K$ is a field
containing $F$.
\example{1.2.2. Example}
We may also apply the restriction of scalars functor to an algebraic
torus. For the purposes of this appendix, one of the most important
examples that we will use later is
\SS := \Res_{\CC/\RR}\Gm_{/\CC} .
Then $\SS(\RR) = \CC^\times$ and $\SS(\CC) \simeq \CC^\times \times
\CC^\times$, where these last two factors are interchanged by complex
conjugation. In particular $\SS(\RR)$ embeds as the diagonal in
\definition{1.3. Definition}
A connected linear algebraic group of positive dimension is said to be
\dfn{semisimple} if it has no closed connected commutative normal
subroups except the identity. A (Zariski-connected) linear algebraic
group $G$ is said to be \dfn{reductive} if is the product of two
(Zariski-connected) normal subgroups $G_{\text{ab}}$ and
$G_{\text{ss}}$, where $G_{\text{ab}}$ is an algebraic torus and
$G_{\text{ss}}$ is semisimple, and $G_{\text{ab}} \cap G_{\text{ss}}$ is
finite. {\it A~fortiori\/} any semisimple group is reductive.
\definition{1.4. Definition}
Recall that a \dfn{representation} of a group $G$ is a homomorphism
$\rho : G \to \GL(V)$ from $G$ to the automorphism group of a vector
space~$V$. Such a representation may be referred to as $(\rho, V)$ or
simply by $\rho$ or by~$V$. If $(\sigma, W)$ is another representation of
$G$, a map $\psi: V\to W$ such that $\sigma(g)\circ\psi = \psi \circ
\rho(g)$ for all $g\in G$ is said to be \dfn{$G$-linear} or
\dfn{$G$-equivariant.} In this case, if $\psi$ is an isomorphism the
representations $(\rho,V)$ and $(\sigma, W)$ are said to be
\dfn{equivalent.} We frequently identify equivalent representations.
A subrepresentation of a representation is defined in the natural way,
and a representation is said to be \dfn{irreducible} if it contains no
nontrivial subrepresentations. Further, given representations $(\rho,V)$
and $(\sigma,W)$ of $G$ we may form their direct sum or their tensor
product. Thus the $r^{\text{th}}$ exterior power $(\twedge^r \rho,
\twedge^r V)$ of a representation arises naturally as a subrepresentation
of the $r$-fold tensor product of the representation $(\rho, V)$ with
Let $V\dual = \Hom(V,F)$ denote the dual space to $V$ (if $V$ is a
vector space over $F$), and let $\angled{\ ,\ } :V\times V \to F$ be the
natural pairing. Then $\rho$ induces a representation $\rho\dual: G\to
\GL(V\dual)$, called the \dfn{dual,} or \dfn{contragredient
representation,} of $G$. It is defined by requiring
\angled{\rho\dual(g)v\dual,\rho(g)v} = \angled{v\dual,v};
concretely this means that $\rho\dual(g) = \tr\rho(g)^{-1}$.
When $G$ is a subgroup of $\GL(V)$, for some vector space $V$, in
particular when $G$ comes as a subroup of $\GL(n)$, the group
of invertible $n\times n$ matrices, then by the \dfn{standard
representation} of $G$ we mean the natural inclusion $G\hra \GL(V)$.
\subhead 1.5. Examples of semisimple and reductive groups
The examples that will be of interest to us are all classical
groups, defined from the outset as subgroups of $\GL(n)$.
\example{1.5.1. Example}
The first basic example is $\SL(n)$, the subgroup of $\GL(n)$ of
matrices of determinant~$1$. For $n\ge 2$, $\SL(n)$ is semisimple.
It follows that $\GL(n)$ is reductive, as it is the product of its
subgroup of diagonal matrices and $\SL(n)$.
\example{1.5.2. Example}
Let $F$ be a subfield of the real numbers, in particular $\RR$ itself,
let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic extension of~$F$, and let $V$ be a
vector space over $K$. Then a \dfn{Hermitian form} on $V$ is an
$F$-bilinear form $H:V\times V \to K$ such that $H(v,u) = \sigma(H(u,v))$,
where $\sigma$ is the nontrivial automorphism of $K$ over $F$, the
restriction of complex conjugation. Then the \dfn{unitary group}
$\U(V,H)$ is the subgroup of $g\in \GL(V)$ such that $H(gu,gv) = H(u,v)$,
and the \dfn{special unitary group} $\SU(V,H)$ is the subgroup of $\U(V)$
of elements of determinant~$1$. Note that $\U(V,H)$ and $\SU(V,H)$ are
algebraic groups defined over~$F$. When $F=\RR$ and $H$ can be
represented by a diagonal matrix with $p$~$1$'s and $q$~$(-1)$'s then we
may write $\U(p,q)$ or $\SU(p,q)$ for $\U(V,H)$ or $\SU(V,H)$,
respectively; when $q=0$, that is when $H$ is equivalent to the standard
form $(u,v) \mapsto \tr\bar u \cdot v$, we write $\U(n)$ or $\SU(n)$. As
a particular special case, note that $U(1)$ is defined over $\RR$, and
$\U(1,\RR)$ is the group of complex numbers of absolute value~$1$.
Similarly as in the previous example, $\SU(n)$ is semisimple and $\U(n)$
is reductive, for $n\ge 2$.
\example{1.5.3. Example}
When $E$ is a skew-symmetric bilinear form on a vector space $V$, that
is, $E(v,u) = -E(u,v)$, then the \dfn{symplectic group} $\Sp(V,E)$ is the
subgroup of $g\in \GL(V)$ such that $E(gu,gv)= E(u,v)$. The
\dfn{symplectic similitude group} $\GSp(V,E)$ is the group of
$g\in\GL(V)$ such that there is a scalar $\nu(g)$ such that $E(gu,gv) =
\nu(g)E(u,v)$. Thus $\GSp(V,E)$ contains $\Sp(E,V)$ as the subgroup of
\dfn{similtude norm} $\nu(g) =1$. When $E$ can be represented by a
matrix of the form
\pmatrix 0 & I_n \\ -I_n & 0 \endpmatrix ,
then we may write $\Sp(2n)$ for $\Sp(V,E)$ and $\GSp(2n)$ for
$\GSp(V,E)$. Moreover, $\Sp(2n)$ is semisimple.
\example{1.5.4. Example}
When $S$ is a symmetric bilinear form on a vector space $V$, then the
\dfn{special orthogonal group} $\SO(V,S)$ is the subgroup of $g \in
\SL(V)$ such that $S(gu,gv) = S(u,v)$. In particular, if $S$ can be
represented by an identity matrix $I_n$ then we may write $\SO(n)$
instead of $\SO(V,S)$. Also $\SO(n)$ is semisimple.
\subhead{1.6. Lie algebras}
It will be useful later to have available some of the language of Lie
algebras, so we briefly recall some of the definitions here. Our major
references for this paragraph (and the next two) are \cite{B.34},
\cite{B.54}, \cite{B.14}, \cite{B.55} and \cite{B.103}.
\definition{1.6.1. Definition}
A \dfn{Lie algebra} is a vector space $\frak g$ together with a
skew-symmetric bilinear map, the \dfn{bracket} operation,
[\ ,\ ]: \frak g \times \frak g \to \frak g
satisfying the \dfn{Jacobi identity}
[X,[Y,Z]] + [Y,[Z,X]] + [Z,[X,Y]] =0.
Let $V$ be a vector space over a field $F$. The fundamental example of
a Lie algebra is $\frak{gl}(V)$, which is $\End_F(V)$ as a vector space
with the bracket given by $[X,Y] := XY-YX$.
\subsubhead{1.6.2. The Lie algebra of an algebraic group}
Let $G$ be a linear algebraic group over a field $F$. In order to
review how a Lie algebra $\Lie(G)$ is associated to $G$, first recall
that when $A$ is any $F$-algebra then the Lie algebra of
\dfn{$F$-derivations} from $A$ to $A$ can be described as
\operatorname{Der}_F(A,A) := \{ X\in \frak{gl}(A) : X(f\cdot g) =
(Xf)\cdot g +f\cdot(Xg), \text{ for } f,g\in A\}
with the induced bracket $[X,Y] := XY-YX$. Now let $A = F[G]$, the
coordinate ring of $G$ (as algebraic variety). Then $G$ acts on $F[G]$ by
left translations: $(\lambda_g f)(x) := f(g^{-1}x)$, for $f\in F[G]$ and
$g,x \in G$. Then the set of \dfn{left invariant} derivations
L(G) := \{X\in \operatorname{Der}_F(F[G],F[G]) : \lambda_g \circ X =
X\circ \lambda_g \text{ for all }g\in G\}
is a Lie subalgebra of $\operatorname{Der}_F(A,A)$, and some authors
take this as the definition of $\Lie(G)$. Next, recall that when
$\scO_e$ is the local ring at $e$ and $\frak m_e$ its maximal ideal, the
the \dfn{tangent space} to $G$ at the identity is
T(G)_e = \operatorname{Der}_F(\scO_e, \scO_e/\frak m_e) \isom
\Hom_{F-\text{mod}}(\frak m_e/\frak m_e^2,F) .
Of course $\scO_e/\frak m_e$ is the residue field of the local ring at
the identity~$e$.
Then it turns out that evaluation at the identity $e$ of $G$ gives an
isomorphism from $L(G)$ to $T(G)_e$ to $G$ at the identity (see references
on linear algebraic groups
cited above). Thus $\Lie(G)$ can also be defined as $T(G)_e$ with the
bracket operation induced by the isomorphism with $L(G)$.
As the notation suggests, $\frak{gl}(V) = \Lie(\GL(V))$.
One motivation for working with Lie algebras is that for a connected
linear group $G$ a homomorphism $\phi:G \to H$ to another group $H$ is
determined by its differential at the identity. In this way Lie algebras
linearize some of the problems of representation theory. More generally,
when some property of $G$ is determined by an open neighborhood of the
identity, it is often more effective work with $\Lie(G)$.
\subsubhead{1.6.3. The adjoint representations}
In general the \dfn{differential} of a morphism of (irreducible)
algebraic varieties $\phi: X\to Y$ at $x\in X$ is the linear map on
tangent spaces $d\phi_x:T(X)_x \to T(Y)_{\phi(x)}$ induced by $\phi^*:
\scO_{\phi(x)} \to \scO_x$. In particular, $G$ acts on itself by inner
\operatorname{Int}_g : h\mapsto g h g^{-1},
and this action fixes the identity. Then the differential of this map
\Ad(g) := d(\operatorname{Int}_g)_e : T(G)_e \to T(G)_e
defines the \dfn{adjoint representation} of $G$
\Ad: G\to \Aut(T(G)_e) : g\mapsto \Ad(g).
If we go one step further and take the differential of the adjoint
representation, we get a Lie algebra morphism
\ad := d\Ad : T(G)_e \to \End(T(G)_e) ,
with $\ad(X)(Y) = [X,Y]$.
\definition{1.6.4. Definition}
Now let $G$ be (the real points of) a connected algebraic group over
{}~$\RR$, and let $K$ be a maximal compact subgroup. Then a \dfn{Cartan
involution} of $G$ with respect to $K$ is an involutive automorphism of
$G$ whose fixed point set is precisely $K$. The differential of a Cartan
involution is a Cartan involution of $\Lie(G)$, and the decomposition
\Lie(G) = \frak k + \frak p
where $\frak k$ is the fixed point set and $\frak p$ is the
$(-1)$-eigenspace, is called a \dfn{Cartan decomposition.} It follows
[\frak k, \frak k] \subseteq \frak k, \qquad [\frak k, \frak p]
\subseteq \frak p, \qquad [\frak p, \frak p] \subseteq \frak k.
\definition{1.6.5. Definition}
A semisimple real Lie algebra $\frak g$ with a Cartan decomposition
$\frak g = \frak k + \frak p$ is of \dfn{Hermitian type} if there exists
an element $H_0$ in the center of $\frak k$ such that $(\ad(H_0))^2 =
-1$ as endomorphisms of ~$\frak p$. Recall that a reductive group is an
extension of a semisimple group by an algebraic torus. We will say that a
real reductive algebraic group $G$ is of \dfn{Hermitian type} if the
abelian part of $G$ is compact and the semisimple part of its Lie algebra,
$\Lie(G)_{\text{ss}}$, is of Hermitian type in the previous sense..
\example{1.7. Examples}
Let $V$ be a vector space over a field $F$. We have already noted that
$\frak{gl}(V) = \Lie(\GL(V))$ is $\End(V)$ as a vector space with the
bracket $[X,Y] = XY -YX$.
The subgroup of $\frak{gl}(V)$ of endomorphisms with trace~$0$ is
$\frak{sl}(V) = \Lie(\SL(V))$.
Suppose $V$ is a symplectic space of dimension ~$2n$ whose skew-symmetric
form is represented by
\pmatrix 0 & I_n \\ -I_n & 0 \endpmatrix
Then $\frak{sp}(2n) = \Lie(\Sp(2n))$ consists of matrices of the form
X = \pmatrix M & N \\ P & Q \endpmatrix
such that $N$ and $P$ are symmetric and $\tr M =-Q$.
When $V$ has dimension ~$n$ and comes with a symmetric bilinear form
represented by an identity matrix, then $\frak{so}(n) = \Lie(\SO(n))$
consists of $n\times n$ skew-symmetric matrices.
\subhead{1.8. The spin representations of $\frak{so}(n)$}
As a subgroup of $\frak{gl}(V) = \End(V)$ any of the Lie algebras above
naturally acts on $V$, and we may think of this as the standard
representation of the Lie algebra, cf.~1.4. Moreover, up to equivalence,
all the representations of $\frak{sl}(n)$, respectively $\frak{sp}(2n)$,
occur in some tensor power of the standard representation. However, that
is not the case for $\frak{so}(n)$, so here we briefly recall the complex
representation(s) that do not.
Let $V$ be an $n$-dimensional vector space with a nondegenerate
symmetric bilinear form ~$Q$. Then the quotient of the tensor algebra of
$V$ by the ideal generated by all elements of the form $v\tensor v -
Q(v,v)$ for $v\in V$ is called the \dfn{Clifford algebra} $C(V)$ of ~$V$.
Since this ideal preserves the property that an element of the tensor
algebra is the product of an even number of vectors, such products
generate a subalgebra $C^+(V)$ of $C(V)$ called the \dfn{even Clifford
algebra.} For more details about Clifford algebras some good sources are
\cite{B.20} \cite{B.31} or \cite{B.19}.
Now following \cite{B.34}~Chapter~20 we first
observe that since $C(V)$ and $C^+(V)$ are associative algebras they
determine Lie algebras with $[a,b] = a\cdot b - b \cdot a$. Moreover,
$\frak{so}(V)$ embeds in $C^+(V)$ as a Lie subalgebra. Roughly speaking,
on the one hand there is an embedding $\psi: \twedge^2V \to C^+(V)$, given
by $\psi(a\wedge b) = a \cdot b - Q(a,b)$, while on the other hand there
is an isomorphism $\phi: \twedge^2 V \simto \frak{so}(V) \subset
\frak{gl}(V)$ given by
\phi(a\wedge b)(v) = 2(Q(b,v)a - Q(a,v)b) .
Now suppose $n=2m$ is even (and the underlying field $F =\CC$).
Then $V$ can be written as the sum of two
$m$-dimensional isotropic subspaces, $V= W\oplus W'$ (meaning that the
restriction of $Q$ to $W$, respectively $W'$, is zero). Then the key
lemma is that $C(V) \simeq \End(\twedge^*W)$, where $\twedge^*W$ signifies
the exterior algebra of ~$W$. From this it follows that, if we write
$\twedge^*W = \twedge^+W \oplus \twedge^-W$ corresponding to even and odd
exterior powers, then
C^+(V) \simeq \End(\twedge^+W) \oplus \End(\twedge^-W).
Therefore the embedding of $\frak{so}(V)$ into $C^+(V)$ determines two
(inequivalent) representations of $\frak{so}(V)$, namely its actions on
$\twedge^+W$ and $\twedge^-W$ respectively. These are referred to as
the \dfn{half-spin} representations of $\frak{so}(V)$, and their sum is
the \dfn{spin} representation.
When $n=2m+1$ is odd, then we may write $V = W \oplus W' \oplus U$,
where $W$ and $W'$ are $m$-dimensional isotropic subspaces, as before,
and $U$ is $1$-dimensional and orthogonal to both $W$ and $W'$. In this
C(V) \simeq \End(\twedge^*W) \oplus \End(\twedge^*W')
and $C^+(V) \simeq \End(\twedge^*W)$. Thus the embedding of
$\frak{so}(V)$ into $C^+(V)$ determines a single \dfn{spin}
\subhead 1.9. Quaternion algebras
A \dfn{quaternion algebra} over a field $F$ (of characteristic not~$2$)
is a simple $F$-algebra of rank~$4$ whose center is precisely~$F$. Over
the complex numbers, or any algebraically closed field of characteristic
not equal to ~$2$, there is up to isomorphism only one quaternion algebra,
the $2\times 2$ matrix algebra. Over the real numbers, aside from the
$2\times 2$ matrix algebra there is up to isomorphism only one other
quaternion algebra, the \dfn{Hamiltonian} quaternion algebra ~$\Bbb H$,
generated over $\RR$ by $1$ and elements $i$ and $j$ such that
i^2 = j^2 =-1, \qquad\quad ij =-ji .
Note that $\Bbb H$ is a division algebra. Over $\QQ$ there are
infinitely many non-isomorphic quaternion algebras, all of which except
the $2\times 2$ matrix algebra are (noncommutative) division algebras; see
for example \cite{B.132}. A quaternion algebra over $\QQ$, or
more generally a quaternion algebra over a subfield of $\RR$, is said to
be \dfn{definite} or \dfn{indefinite} according as its tensor product with
$\RR$ is isomorphic to $\Bbb H$ or to $M_2(\RR)$. In particular, an
indefinite quaternion algebra can be embedded into $M_2(\RR)$.
In general, a quaternion algebra over $F$ has a basis consisting of $1$
and elements $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\alpha\beta$ such that $\alpha^2$ and
$\beta^2$ are nonzero elements of $F$ and $\beta\alpha=-\alpha\beta$.
There is also a \dfn{canonical involution} on a quaternion algebra given
(a+b\alpha +c\beta +d\alpha\beta)' = a -b\alpha -c\beta +d\alpha\beta
\quad \text{ or } \quad \pmatrix a& b\\c&d\endpmatrix' = \pmatrix d& -b
\\ -c & a\endpmatrix .
Then the \dfn{reduced trace} and \dfn{reduced norm} of an element
$\gamma$ are $\gamma + \gamma'$ and $\gamma\cdot \gamma'$ respectively.
A subring of a quaternion algebra that is also a lattice, i.e., a free
$\ZZ$-module of rank ~$4$, is called an \dfn{order} in the quaternion
algebra. Very roughly, maximal orders play a similar role for quaternion
algebras as rings of integers do for number fields, except that maximal
orders in quaternion algebras need not be unique.
\definition{1.10. Definition}
A \dfn{complex structure} on a real vector space $\Wr$ of dimension~$2g$
is given by any of the following equivalent data:
\item"(i)" A scalar multiplication by $\CC$ with which $\Wr$ is a
$g$-dimensional complex vector space.
\item"(ii)" An endomorphism $J\in \End(\Wr)$ such that $J^2 =-\Id$.
\item"(iii)" A homomorphism $h_1: \U(1) \to \GL(\Wr)$ of algebraic groups
over ~$\RR$ such that for $u \in \U(1)$ the action of $h(u)$ on $W_\CC$
has only $u^{\pm1}$-eigenspaces, each occuring with equal
\item"(iv)" A homomorphism $h: \SS \to \GL(\Wr)$ of algebraic groups over
{}~$\RR$ such that for $(z,w)\in \SS(\CC)$ the action of $h(z,w)$ on
$W_\CC$ has only $z^1w^0$- and $z^0w^1$-eigenspaces, each occuring with
equal multiplicity~$g$.
To see the equivalence of these conditions, if a complex vector space
structure is given, let $J$ be the action of multiplication by
$i=\sqrt{-1}$. Then $h_1(i) = J$ determines either $h_1$ or $J$ in terms
of the other. Since $\SS = \Gm_{/\RR} \cdot \U(1)$, then $h$ is
determined by $h_1$ and $\RR$-linearity, or by $h(a+bi) = a\Id +bJ$. And
$h$ in turn defines a scalar multiplication by ~$\CC$. Also $h_1$ is the
restriction of $h$ to $\U(1) \subset \SS$, on account of which we
sometimes simply write $h$ instead of ~$h_1$.
\example{1.10.1. Example}
In the notation of 1.6.5, $\ad(H_0)$ defines a complex structure on
{}~$\frak p$, with which $\frak p$ becomes a complex vector space.
\example{1.10.2. Example}
To give a complex torus $V/L$, where $V$ is a $g$-dimensional
complex vector space and $L \subset V$ is a lattice, is the same
as giving a real $2g$-dimensional vector space $W$ together with a
complex structure, say $J$, and a lattice $L \subset W$. We can go back
and forth between these two points of view by thinking of $W$ as the
real vector space underlying $V$ and $J$ as the induced complex
structure, or by thinking of $V$ as the complex vector space defined by
the pair $(W,J)$. In particular it will sometimes be convenient below to
present a complex torus as a triple $(W, J, L)$ instead of in the form
\subhead{1.11. Complex abelian varieties}
After the definition given in 1.1.1, a complex abelian variety $A$ is a
complete, connected algebraic group over~$\CC$ whose group law is
necessarily commutative. A morphism of abelian varieties will always be
taken to mean a morphism in the sense of algebraic groups (see~1.1).
\definition{1.11.1. Definition}
A \dfn{Riemann form} on a complex torus $V/L$ is a nondegenerate,
skew-symmetric, real-valued, $\RR$-bilinear form $E:V\times V\to\RR$
such that
\item"(i)" $E(iv,iw) = E(v,w)$,
\item"(ii)" $(v,w) \mapsto E(v,iw)$ is symmetric and positive definite,
\item"(iii)" $E(v,w)\in\ZZ$ whenever $v,w\in L$.
For a proof of the following proposition, see the references cited
\proclaim{1.11.2. Proposition}
A complex torus is the underlying manifold of a complex abelian variety
if and only if it admits a Riemann form.
\definition{1.11.3. Definition}
A morphism of complex abelian varieties is called an \dfn{isogeny} if it
is surjective and has a finite kernel. Given an isogeny
$\phi:A\to A'$ there exists a dual isogeny $\phi\dual: A'\to A$ such that
$\phi\spcheck\circ\phi = m \Id_{A}$ and $\phi\circ\phi\spcheck = m
\Id_{A'}$ for some positive integer~$m$ called the degree of~$\phi$.
Thus two complex abelian varieties are said to be \dfn{isogenous} iff
there exists an isogeny from one to the other, and being isogenous is an
equivalence relation. An abelian variety is said to be \dfn{simple} iff
it is not isogenous to a product of (positive dimensional) abelian
The following proposition is proved in Lecture~12, 12.25, or see the
references on abelian varieties cited above.
\proclaim{1.11.4. Proposition {\rm (Poincar\'e Reducibility Theorem)}}
If $A$ is an abelian variety and $A' \subset A$ is an abelian subvariety,
then there exists an abelian subvariety $A'' \subset A$ such that $A' \cap
A''$ is finite and $A$ is isogenous to $A'\times A''$. In particular, any
abelian variety is isogenous to a product of simple abelian varieties.
\definition{1.11.5. Definition}
Two Riemann forms $E$ and $E'$ are said to be \dfn{equivalent} iff there
exist positive integers $n$ and $n'$ such that $nE = n'E'$. A
\dfn{polarization} of a complex torus $T$ is an equivalence class, say
{}~$[E]$, of Riemann forms on~$T$. By a \dfn{polarized abelian variety}
we mean an abelian variety together with a choice of polarization. In
light of 1.10.2 and 1.11.2, a polarized abelian variety is determined by
data $(W, J, L, E)$, where $W$ is an even-dimensional real vector space,
$J$ is a complex structure on ~$W$, $L$ is a lattice in ~$W$, and $E$ is
a Riemann form on the complex torus $(W,J,L)$.
\subhead 1.12.. The endomorphism algebra of an abelian variety
For a complex abelian variety $A$ let $\End(A)$ denote its endomorphism
ring, and let
\EndoA := \End(A)\tensor_\ZZ \QQ .
\proclaim{1.12.1. Lemma}
\item When $A$ and $A'$ are isogenous abelian varieties, $\EndoA \simeq
\item $\EndoA$ is a semisimple $\QQ$-algebra with a positive involution.
Recall that an involution $\iota$ of $\EndoA$ is said to be positive if
for nonzero $\phi\in \EndoA$ the trace $\operatorname{Tr}(\phi\cdot
\phi^\iota) > 0$.
If $\phi:A\to A'$ is an isogeny and $\phi\dual:A'\to A$ is the dual
isogeny, then $\phi^*:\Endo(A') \to \EndoA$ and $\frac 1 m (\phi\dual)^*
: \EndoA \to \Endo(A')$ are mutually inverse ring homomorphisms.
To prove part~2, first observe that in general the image of
a homomorphism of complex tori is a subtorus, and the kernel is a closed
subgroup whose connected component of the identity is a subtorus of finite
index in the full kernel. Thus Schur's Lemma implies that $\EndoA$ is a
division algebra when $A$ is a simple abelian variety, and then the
semisimplicity of $\EndoA$ for general $A$ follows from the Poincar\'e
Reducibility Theorem.
To see that $\EndoA$ has a positive involution $\iota$, let $E$
be a Riemann form on $A$. Then $H(u,v) = E(u,iv) + iE(u,v)$ is a
Hermitian form on $\Wr$, and if we take $\iota$ to be the antiautomorphism
that takes $\phi\in\EndoA$ to its adjoint with respect to~$H$ then the
conditions making $E$ a Riemann form imply that $\iota$ is a positive
The involution $\iota$ of $\EndoA$ described in the proof above is called
the \dfn{Rosati involution.}
Thus when $A$ is simple, $\EndoA$ is a division algebra over~$\QQ$ which
admits a positive involution. Such algebras were classified by Albert
\cite{B.6}, \cite{B.7}, \cite{B.8}, see also \cite{B.109} and
\cite{B.79}. The result is the following.
\proclaim{1.12.2. Theorem {\rm (Albert classification)}}
Let $A$ be a simple complex abelian variety. Let $K$ be the center of
$\EndoA$ and let $K_0$ be the subfield of elements of $K$ fixed by the
Rosati involution. Then $\EndoA$ is one of the following types:
\item"(I)" $\EndoA= K =K_0$ is a totally real algebraic number field, and
the Rosati involution acts as the identity.
\item"(II)" $K=K_0$ is a totally real number algebraic field, and $\EndoA$
is a division quaternion algebra over~$K$ such that every simple component
of $\EndoA\tensor_\QQ \RR$ is isomorphic to $M_2(\RR)$; there is an
element $\beta\in \EndoA$ such that
$\vphantom{\beta}^{\operatorname{t}}\beta = -\beta$, and $\beta^2 \in K$
is totally negative; and the Rosati involution is given by $\alpha^\iota =
\item"(III)" $K=K_0$ is a totally real number algebraic field, and
$\EndoA$ is a division quaternion algebra over~$K$ such that every
simple component of $\EndoA\tensor_\QQ \RR$ is isomorphic to the
Hamiltonian quaternion algebra $\Bbb H$ over~$\RR$; and $\alpha^\iota =
\item"(IV)" $K_0$ is a totally real number field, and $K$ is a totally
imaginary quadratic extension of $K$, and $\EndoA$ is division algebra
with center $K$, and the restriction of the Rosati involution to $K$ acts
as the restriction of complex conjugation to ~$K$.
Thus we will say that an abelian variety or an abelian manifold ~$A$ is
\dfn{of type} (I), (II), (III) or (IV) if $A$ is simple and $\Endo(A)$ is
of that type in the classification above, or when $A$ is not simple, if it
is isogenous to a product of simple abelian varieties of that type.
\subhead 1.13. Examples of abelian varieties
We now introduce some basic constructions of complex abelian varieties
with various endomorphism algebras. In the next sections we will more
fully analyze their Hodge structures.
\example{1.13.1. Elliptic curves}
Let $E$ be a $1$-dimensional complex abelian variety, an \dfn{elliptic
curve.} Then $E(\CC) \simeq \CC/(\tau\ZZ+\ZZ)$ for some $\tau\in\CC$ with
$\Im\tau >0$. A Riemann form is given by the pairing
((a\tau+b),(c\tau+d)) \mapsto \frac 1{\Im \tau}
\Im((a\tau+b)(c\bar\tau+d)) = ad-bc
It is an elementary exercise to show that $\Endo(E)$ can only be
isomorphic to $\QQ$ or to an imaginary quadratic field, say~$K$; in the
latter case $E$ is said to have \dfn{complex multiplication} by $K$.
Moreover $E$ has complex multiplication if and only if $\tau$ is
quadratic over~$\QQ$, in which case $\QQ(\tau) = K$. The general elliptic
curve, whose period $\tau$ has algebraically independent transcendental
real and imaginary parts, has $\Endo(E)\simeq \QQ$.
\example{1.13.2. Abelian varieties with multiplication by an imaginary
quadratic field}
We will say that an abelian variety has multiplication by an imaginary
quadratic field $K$ if there is an embedding $K\hra \EndoA$. Following
\cite{B.135}, to construct a simple complex abelian variety $A$ with
multiplication $K$, let $W$ be an $n$-dimensional vector space over ~$K$.
Then $\Wr = W\tensor_\QQ \RR$ may be identified with $\CC^n$, but we may
also twist the complex structure as follows. Write $\Wr = \Wr' \oplus
\Wr''$ as the direct sum of two subspaces over~$\CC$, and define a complex
structure $J\in\End_\RR(\Wr)$ by $Jw' = i w'$ for $w'\in \Wr'$ and $J w''
= -i w''$ for $w''\in\Wr''$. Then with this complex structure, $\alpha
\in K$ acts on $(\Wr,J)$ by $w'\mapsto \alpha w'$ for $w'\in \Wr'$ and
$w'' \mapsto \bar\alpha w''$ for $w''\in \Wr''$. In particular, when
$L\subset W$ is a lattice such that $L \tensor_\ZZ\QQ = W$, then the set
of $\alpha \in K$ such that $\alpha\cdot L \subseteq L$ is a subring of
commensurable with the ring of integers of~$K$. Thus $A(\CC)=(\Wr/L, J)$
is a complex torus with an embedding $K\hra \Endo(A)$. To exhibit
a Riemann form for $A$, let $H$ be any $\QQ$-valued Hermitian form on
$W\times W$ which as a $\CC$-valued form on $\Wr\times\Wr$ is positive
definite on $\Wr'$ and negative definite on $\Wr''$, meaning in particular
that these two subspaces are orthogonal with respect to ~$H$. Then $H = S
+ iE$ for $\RR$-valued forms $S$ and $E$, and the imaginary part~$E$ of
{}~$H$ is a Riemann form for ~$A$.
Let $n'= \dim_\CC \Wr'$ and $n'' = \dim_\CC \Wr''$. Then $n' +n'' =n$,
and by \cite{B.109} Thm.5, when $n\ge 3$ then both $n'$ and $n''$
are positive, and $n=2$ does not occur. If $n' = n''$ the pair $(A,K)$
is said to be an abelian variety \dfn{of Weil type.} Equivalently, an
abelian variety of Weil type is a pair $(A,K)$ consisting of an abelian
variety $A$ and an imaginary quadratic field $K$ with an embedding $K\hra
\Endo(A)$ such that for $\alpha\in K$ the corresponding endomorphism has
the eigenvalues ~$\alpha$ and ~$\bar\alpha$ with equal multiplicity. The
example of Mumford in \cite{B.88}, see Lecture~7, 7.23--7.28, is
one example of an abelian variety of Weil type.
Another case that will arise below is when $n'$ and $n''$ are relatively
prime. We will refer to a pair $(A,K)$ satisfying this condition as an
abelian variety \dfn{of Ribet type,} see \cite{B.94}~Thm.3.
\example{1.13.3. Simple abelian varieties of odd prime dimension}
Let $A$ be a simple complex abelian variety of odd prime dimension~$g$.
Then reading off from the tables in \cite{B.85}, the cases that occur
are: $\EndoA \simeq \QQ$, which is the general case; or
$\EndoA$ is a totally real number field of degree~$g$ over ~$\QQ$; or
$\EndoA$ is an imaginary quadratic field, in which case $A$ is of Ribet
type; or $A$ is of CM-type, that is, a totally imaginary
quadratic extension of a totally real field of degree~$g$ over~$\QQ$.
\example{1.13.4. Simple abelian fourfolds}
By reading the tables in \cite{B.85}, the endomorphism algebras that
can occur for a simple abelian fourfold are, by Albert type:
\item"(I)" $\EndoA$ is $\QQ$, or a real quadratic field, or a totally real
quartic field;
\item"(II)" $\EndoA$ is an indefinite division quaternion algebra
over $\QQ$ or a totally indefinite division quaternion algebra over a real
quadratic field;
\item"(III)" $\EndoA$ is a definite division quaternion over $\QQ$;
\item"(IV)" $\EndoA$ is an imaginary quadratic field, in which case it can
only be of Ribet type with $\{n',\,n''\} = \{1,\,3\}$ or of Weil type with
$n'=n''=2$, or else $\EndoA$ is a CM-field of degree~$4$ or $8$
\example{1.13.5. Abelian varieties with real multiplication}
An abelian variety of type~(I) is sometimes said to have \dfn{real
multiplication.} To construct an example of a simple abelian variety with
real multiplication, let $K$ be a totally real number field with
$[K:\QQ]=g$, and let $\scO$ be the ring of integers of ~$K$. Then there
are $g$ distinct embeddings $\alpha\mapsto \alpha^{(j)}$ of $K$ into
$\RR$. Let $\tau_j \in\CC$ with $\Im\tau_j>0$, for $1\le j\le g$. Then
the image of $\scO \oplus \scO$ under the map
(\alpha,\beta)\mapsto (\alpha^{(1)}\tau_1 + \beta^{(1)}, \ldots ,
\alpha^{(g)}\tau_g + \beta^{(g)})
is a lattice $L \subset \CC^g$, and $A = \CC^g/L$ is a complex abelian
variety. A Riemann form is given by
E(z,w) = \sum_{j=1}^g (\Im\tau_j)^{-1} \Im(z_j\bar w_j),
where $z,w\in\CC^g$. Then $K\hra \Endo(A)$, and this is an isomorphism
for general $(\tau_1,\dots,\tau_g)$. It can be shown that any simple
abelian variety $A$ for which $\EndoA$ is a totally real number field is
isogenous to one which can be constructed as we have here \cite{B.27}.
\example{1.13.6. Abelian varieties of CM-type}
Recall that an algebraic number field $K$ is said to be a
\dfn{CM-field} iff it is a totally imaginary quadratic extension of a
totally real number field~$K_0$. The embeddings of a CM-field $K$ into
$\CC$ come in complex conjugate pairs. Then \dfn{CM-type} for $K$ is a
subset $S\subset\Hom(K,\CC)$ containing exactly one from each pair of
conjugate embeddings, so that $\Hom(K,\CC) = S \cup \ol S$.
A simple abelian variety $A$ is said to be of \dfn{CM-type,} or to have
\dfn{complex multiplication} by ~$K$, iff there exists a field $K\hra
\Endo(A)$ such that $[K:\QQ] \ge 2\dim A$, in which case equality holds,
$K\simeq \Endo(A)$ and $K$ is a CM-field, see \cite{B.115}
or \cite{B.70}. More generally, an abelian variety may be
said to be of \dfn{CM-type} if it is isogenous to a product of simple
abelian varieties of CM-type, or equivalently if $\EndoA$ contains a
commutative semisimple $\QQ$-algebra $R$ with $[R:\QQ] = 2\dim A$.
To construct a simple abelian variety of CM-type, let $K$ be a CM-field
with totally real subfield $K_0$ such that $[K:\QQ]=2g$, and let $S$ be a
CM-type for ~$K$, and let $\scO$ be the ring of integers of ~$K$. Then
$K\tensor_\QQ \RR \simeq \CC^g$. If we embed $\scO \hra
\CC^g$ by $\alpha \mapsto (\sigma \alpha)_{\sigma\in S}$ and let $L$ be
the image of this map, then $A=\CC^g/L$ is an abelian variety. To
construct a Riemann form, choose an element $\beta\in \scO$ such that $K=
K_0(\beta)$, and $-\beta^2$ is a totally positive element of $K_0$, and
$\Im(\sigma\beta)>0$ for $\sigma \in S$. Then
E(z,w) = \sum_{j=1}^g \sigma_j(\beta) (z_j\ol w_j - \ol z_j w_j)
is a Riemann form, where $z,w\in\CC^g$. When $z= (\sigma
\alpha_1)_{\sigma\in S}$ and $w= (\sigma \alpha_2)_{\sigma\in S}$ with
$\alpha_1, \alpha_2 \in K$, then $E(z,w) =
\operatorname{Tr}_{K/\QQ}(\beta \alpha_1 \ol \alpha_2)$. Moreover, $A$
has complex multiplication by $K$, with $\alpha \in \scO$ acting by $z_j
\mapsto \sigma_j(\alpha) z_j$ for $1\le j\le g$; for more detail see
\cite{B.70}~\S1.4. In addition, it can be shown that any simple
abelian variety of CM-type is isogenous to one such as we constructed
above \cite{B.27}.
\example{1.13.7. Abelian surfaces with quaternionic multiplication}
A simple abelian variety of type~(II) may be said to have
\dfn{quaternionic multiplication,} or sometimes, to be of \dfn{QM-type.}
The simplest example is an abelian surface $A$ whose endomorphism algebra
is an indefinite division quaternion algebra $D$ over $\QQ$. To construct
such an abelian surface, let $\scO$ be an order in ~$D$, fix an
embedding $j: D \hra M_2(\RR)$, and let $\tau\in\CC$ with $\Im\tau >0$.
Then the image of $\scO$ under the map $\psi: \alpha \mapsto
j(\alpha)\left(\smallmatrix \tau \\ 1\endsmallmatrix
\right)$ is a lattice $L \subset \CC^2$, and $A=\CC^2/L$ is a
$2$-dimensional abelian variety. In the special case that $D\simeq
M_2(\QQ)$, then $\scO$ is commensurable with $M_2(\ZZ)$ and $A$ is
isogenous to the product of two isogenous elliptic curves. Otherwise $D$
is a division algebra and $A$ is a simple abelian surface. In this latter
case there is an element $\beta\in \scO$ such that
$\beta' = -\beta$ and $\beta^2<0$ in
$\QQ$ (recall that $\beta\mapsto \beta'$ is the canonical involution
on~$D$). Then a Riemann form on $A$ is given by
E((z_1,z_2),(w_1,w_2)) = \frac 1{\Im \tau} \Im \operatorname{Tr}\left(
j(\beta)\cdot \pmatrix z_1\ol w_2 & \ol z_1 w_1 \\ z_2\ol w_2 & \ol z_2
w_1 \endpmatrix \right) = \operatorname{Tr} (\beta \cdot \alpha_1' \cdot
\alpha_2 )
when $\left(\smallmatrix z_1 \\ z_2 \endsmallmatrix \right) =
\psi(\alpha_1)$ and $\left(\smallmatrix w_1 \\ w_2 \endsmallmatrix \right)
= \psi(\alpha_2)$ for $\alpha_1,\alpha_2\in D\tensor_\QQ \RR$.
Furthermore, for $\gamma\in \scO$, multiplication by $j(\gamma)$ on
$\left(\smallmatrix z_1 \\ z_2\endsmallmatrix \right) \in\CC^2$ preserves
$L$. Then by tensoring with $\QQ$ we get an inclusion $D\hra \Endo(A)$,
which is an isomorphism for general~$\tau$.
We leave it as an exercise for the reader to combine the construction of
this example with that of 1.13.5 to obtain an arbitrary simple abelian
variety of type~(II).
\example{1.13.8. General abelian varieties}
When $A$ is a $g$-dimensional complex abelian variety then $A(\CC)
\simeq \CC^g/(T\ZZ^g + \ZZ^g)$ for some $T$ in the \dfn{Siegel upper
half-space of genus~$g$,} consisting of symmetric complex $g\times g$
matrices with positive-definite imaginary part. Then generalizing the
$1$-dimensional case, a Riemann form is given by
E(\bold z, \bold w) =
\Im(\tr\bold z (\Im T)^{-1} \ol{\bold w}) = \tr \bold a \cdot \bold d -
\tr \bold b \cdot \bold c
when $\bold z = T\bold a + \bold b$ and $\bold w = T \bold c + \bold d$,
with $\bold a, \bold b, \bold c, \bold d \in \RR^g$. Then for general
$T$, that is, when all the real and imaginary parts of the distinct
entries of $T$ are algebraically independent real transcendental numbers,
$\EndoA \simeq \QQ$.
\head 2. The Hodge, Mumford-Tate and Lefschetz groups of an abelian
\rightheadtext{The Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups}
\subhead 2.1. Rational Hodge structures
A real Hodge structure is a natural generalization of a complex
structure, and a rational Hodge structure is a real Hodge structure with
an underlying $\QQ$-structure. For a rational vector space $V=V_\QQ$ we
write $\Vr =V\tensor_\QQ \RR$ and $V_\CC = V\tensor_\QQ \CC$.
\definition{2.1.1. Definition}
A \dfn{rational Hodge structure of weight~$n$} consists of a
finite-dimensional $\QQ$-vector space $V$ together with any of the
following equivalent data:
\item"(i)" A decomposition $V_\CC = \bigoplus_{p+q=n} V^{p,q}$, called
the {\rm Hodge decomposition,} such that $\ol{V^{p,q}} = V^{q,p}$.
\item"(ii)" A decreasing filtration $F_H^rV_\CC$ of $V_\CC$, called the
{\rm Hodge filtration,} such that $F_H^rV_\CC \oplus \ol{F_H^{n-r+1}V_\CC}
\item"(iii)" A homomorphism $h_1:\U(1) \to \GL(\Vr)$ of real algebraic
groups, and also specifying that the weight of the Hodge structure is
\item"(iv)" A homomorphism $h:\SS\to\GL(\Vr)$ of real algebraic groups
such that via the composition $\Gm_{/\RR} \hra \SS \to \GL(\Vr)$ an
element $t\in \Gm_{/\RR}$ acts as $t^{-n}\cdot\Id$.
To see that the data (i)--(iv) are equivalent, the Hodge decomposition
and the Hodge filtration are related by $F_H^rV_\CC = \bigoplus_{p\ge
r}V^{p,n-p}$ and $V^{p,n-p} = F_H^pV_\CC \cap \ol{F_H^{n-p}V_\CC}$. The
homomorphism $h$ and the Hodge decomposition are related by $h(z)\cdot v =
z^{-p}\bar z^{-q} v$ for $v\in V^{p,q}$. The homomorphism $h_1$ can be
obtained as the restriction of $h$; conversely, $V^{p,q}$ can be recovered
as the subspace of $V_\CC$ on which $h_1(u)$ acts as $u^{q-p}$, provided
$n=p+q$ is specified.
\example{2.1.2. Examples}
1. Let $V$ be a $\QQ$-vector space of even dimension, and suppose
$h:\SS \to \GL(V_\RR)$ defines a complex structure on ~$V_\RR$. Then
$V$ is a rational Hodge structure of weight~$-1$: criterion 1.10(iv)
in the definition of complex structure immediately implies criterion
2.1.1(iv). Alternatively, the $z^1w^0$- and $z^0w^1$-eigenspaces of
$h(z,w)$ acting on $V_\CC$ are $V^{-1,0}$ and $V^{0,-1}$ respectively,
and these are complex conjugate as require by 2.1.1(i) because
$h$ is defined over $\RR$.
2. When $X$ is (the analytic space underlying) a complex projective
variety, or more generally, a compact K\"ahler manifold, then
$H^n(X,\QQ)$ is a rational Hodge structure of weight~$n$.
3. In general, when $V$ is a rational Hodge structure of weight~$n$,
its dual $V\dual$ is a rational Hodge structure of weight~$-n$, and
$V^{\tensor r}\tensor_\QQ (V\dual)^{\tensor s}$ is a rational Hodge
structure of weight $(r-s)n$.
The convention that $(z,w)\in \SS(\CC)$ acts as $z^{-p}w^{-q}$ on
$V^{p,q}$ follows \cite{B.25}~\S1 and \cite{B.27}. But
as we will see below it really is the more natural choice in the context
of Hodge structures associated to complex abelian varieties.
\definition{2.1.3. Definition}
The \dfn{type} of a rational Hodge structure $V$ is the set of pairs
$(p,q)$ such that $V^{p,q}\ne 0$.
\definition{2.1.4. Definition}
When $V$ is a rational Hodge structure of even weight~$2p$, the subspace
of \dfn{Hodge vectors} in $V$ is the subspace of $1$-dimensional rational
sub-Hodge structures of~$V$,
\Hdg(V) : = V_\QQ \cap V^{p,p} .
\definition{2.1.5. Definition}
A \dfn{morphism} of rational Hodge structures $\phi:V_1\to V_2$ is a
$\QQ$-vector space map on the underlying vector spaces such that over
\item"(i)" $\phi(V_1^{p,q}) \subseteq V_2^{p,q}$, for all $p,q$; or
\item"(ii)" $\phi(F_H^rV_{1\CC})\subseteq F_H^r V_{2\CC}$, for all ~$r$;
\item"(iii)" $\phi$ commutes with the action of $U(1)$, and preserves the
common weight of $V_1$ and $V_2$; or
\item"(iv)" $\phi$ commutes with the action of $\SS$, preserving the
action of $\Gm_{/\QQ} \hra \SS$.
\definition{2.1.6. Definition}
A \dfn{polarization} of a rational Hodge structure $V$ is a morphism of
rational Hodge structures $\psi : V\tensor V \to \QQ(-n)$ such that the
real-valued form $(u,v) \mapsto \psi(u,h(i)v)$ on $\Vr$ is symmetric and
positive-definite. Here $\QQ(m)$ is the is the vector space $\QQ$ as a
one-dimensional rational Hodge structure of type~$(-m,-m)$, for $m\in\ZZ$.
\subsubhead 2.1.7. The rational Hodge structure associated to an abelian
When we speak of the rational Hodge structure associated to an abelian
variety $A$ we always mean the rational Hodge structure $H^1(A,\QQ)$.
Moreover, any morphism $\phi : A\to A'$ of abelian varieties induces a
morphism of rational Hodge structures $\phi^*: H^1(A',\QQ) \to
H^1(A,\QQ)$. In particular, it is easy to check that when $\phi$ is an
isogeny it induces an isomorphism on the associated rational Hodge
structures. Thus, up to isomorphism, the rational Hodge structure
associated to an abelian variety depends only on its isogeny class.
Similarly, an element of $\EndoA$ induces an endomorphism on the rational
Hodge structure $H^1(A,\QQ)$.
\remark{2.1.8. Notation}
For a complex abelian variety $A$ we will regularly let $W= H_1(A,\QQ)$
and $V=H^1(A,\QQ) = W\dual$. Further, we denote the Hodge classes of $A$
\Hdg^p(A) := H^{2p}(A,\QQ) \cap H^{p,p}(A) \qquad\quad \Hdg(A) :=
\bigoplus_p \Hdg^p(A) ,
and let $\Div^p(A)\subset H^{2p}(A,\QQ)$ be the $\QQ$-linear span of
$p$-fold intersections of divisors on $A$, and $\Div(A) := \bigoplus_p
\definition{2.2. Definition}
Let $(V, h:\SS\to\GL(\Vr))$ be a rational Hodge structure. The
\dfn{Hodge group} $\Hg(V)$ of~$V$, also called the \dfn{special
Mumford-Tate group} of~$V$, is the smallest algebraic subgroup of $\GL(V)$
defined over $\QQ$ such that $h(\U(1)) \subset \Hg(\Vr)$. The
\dfn{Mumford-Tate group} $\MT(V)$ of $V$ is the smallest algebraic
subgroup of $\GL(V)$ defined over $\QQ$ such that $h(\SS)\subset
\MT(\Vr)$. As a matter of notation we let $\hg(V) := \Lie(\Hg(V))$ and
$\mt(V) := \Lie(\MT(V))$ denote their respective Lie algebras, as
subalgebras of $\End_\QQ(V)$.
When $A$ is a complex abelian variety then by the Hodge or the
Mumford-Tate group of $A$ we mean $\Hg(A) := \Hg(H^1(A,\QQ))$ and $\MT(A)
:= \MT(H^1(A,\QQ))$ respectively.
The Hodge group of an abelian variety was introduced in \cite{B.77},
see also \cite{B.78}. The general notion of the
Mumford-Tate group of a rational Hodge structure seems to appear first in
\cite{B.24}~\S7, and from a rather abstract point of view, in
\cite{B.97}. A thorough analysis of the Mumford-Tate groups of
Hodge structures that can be generated by the Hodge structures of abelian
varieties can be found in \cite{B.25}~\S1, while the best place
to find proofs of the basic properties of Mumford-Tate groups in general
is \cite{B.27}~\S3.
The first properties to follow directly from the definition are the
\proclaim{2.3. Lemma}
Let $V$ be a rational Hodge structure. Then
\item"(i)" $\Hg(V)$ and $\MT(V)$ are connected linear algebraic groups;
\item"(ii)" $\Hg(V)\subseteq \SL(V)$;
\item"(iii)" $\MT(V) = \Gm \cdot \Hg(V)$.
The vital role of Mumford-Tate groups in analyzing Hodge structures comes
from the following fact.
\proclaim{2.4. Proposition}
Let $V$ be a rational Hodge structure, and $r,s\in\NN$. Then $\MT(V)$
acts on the rational Hodge structure $V^{\tensor r}\tensor
(V\dual)^{\tensor s}$, and the rational $\MT(V)$-subrepresentations in
$V^{\tensor r}\tensor (V\dual)^{\tensor s}$ are precisely the rational
sub-Hodge structures of $V^{\tensor r}\tensor (V\dual)^{\tensor s}$.
The action of $\MT(V)$ on $V$ extends ``diagonally'' to an action on
$V^{\tensor r}$, and the action of $\MT(V)$ on $V\dual$ is the
contragredient of its action on $V$, as in~1.4.
To simplify the notation, let $T:= V^{\tensor r}\tensor (V\dual)^{\tensor
s}$. Then action of $\GL(V)$ on $V$ induces an action of $\GL(V)$, and
thus of $\MT(V)$ on $T$. Now suppose first that $W\subset T$ is a
$\QQ$-rational subspace preserved by the $\MT(V)$-action. Then over $\RR$
the composition $h:\SS \hra \MT(\Vr) \to \GL(\Wr)$ describes the sub-Hodge
structure on $\Wr \subset T\tensor \RR$. Conversely, if $W\subset T$ is a
rational sub-Hodge structure, then $W$ is a rational subspace of $T$ such
that $\Wr \subset T_\RR$ is preserved by the action of $h(\SS)$.
Therefore $W$ is preserved by the action of $\MT(V)$ on $T$.
Let $V$ be a rational Hodge structure of weight~$n$. Then for any
$r,s\in \NN$ such that $(r-s)n =2p$,
\Hdg^p(V^{\tensor r}\tensor (V\dual)^{\tensor s}) = (V^{\tensor r}\tensor
(V\dual)^{\tensor s})^{\Hg(V)}
Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups have proved to be a powerful for studying
the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties. Typically the starting point
is this corollary to Proposition~2.4, which implies that the Hodge cycles
in $H^*(A^n,\QQ)$, say, for a complex abelian variety $A$, are precisely
the invariants under the action of $\Hg(A)$. Then, the
problem is to determine enough about $\Hg(A)$ to be able to describe its
invariants, or at least determine their dimension. In many cases it is
possible to show this way that the space of Hodge cycles is generated by
those of degree~$2$, in other words, by divisors on $A$, and then in these
cases the Hodge conjecture is verified. In other cases it is possible to
show that the space of Hodge cycles is {\sl not\/} generated by divisors,
but still something can be said about the dimension of the space of Hodge
cycles. However, the actual computations are sometimes quite technical.
There are many variously narrow results, and a few general results, as we
will try to show in the following sections.
Since a polarization of a complex abelian variety induces a polarization
on its associated Hodge structure, the following proposition insures that
all the Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups with which we will work in this
appendix are reductive (definition~1.4); compare
\proclaim{2.5. Proposition}
Let $V$ be a polarizable rational Hodge structure. Then $\MT(V)$ and
$\Hg(V)$ are reductive.
\demo{Proof {\rm (after \cite{B.27}~Prop.3.6)}}
Suppose $h:\U(1) \to \GL(\Vr)$ defines the Hodge structure on $V$, and
let $\psi : V\tensor V \to \QQ(-n)$ be a polarization. Then for $u,v \in
V_\CC$ and $g \in \Hg(V,\CC)$ (the complexification, or complex points
of $\Hg(V)$)
\psi(u,h(i) \bar v) = \psi(gu,gh(i)\bar v) = \psi(gu, h(i) (h(i)^{-1} g
h(i)) \bar v) = \psi(gu, h(i)\ol{g^*v}),
where the first equality holds because $\psi$ is a Hodge structure
morphism, and $g^* := h(i)^{-1} \bar g h(i)$. Therefore the
positive-definite form on $\Vr$ given by $(u,v)\mapsto \psi(u,h(i)v)$ is
invariant under the real form $\Hg^*(\Vr)$ of $\Hg(V,\CC)$ fixed by the
involution $g\mapsto g^*$. It follows that $\Hg^*(\Vr)$ is a compact real
form of $\Hg(V)$, and thus all its finite-dimensional representations are
semisimple. This is equivalent to $\Hg^*(\Vr)$ being reductive, see
for example \cite{B.103}~I.3. Then since the linear algebraic
$\Hg(V)$ possesses a reductive real form, it is reductive (as an
algebraic group), and then $\MT(V)$ is reductive as well.
\proclaim{2.5.1. Corollary}
When $V$ is a polarizable rational Hodge structure, $\Hg(V)$ is the
largest subgroup of $\GL(V)$ fixing all Hodge vectors in all $V^{\tensor
r}\tensor (V\dual)^{\tensor s}$, for $r,s\in\NN$.
A reductive subgroup of $\GL(V)$ is characterized by its invariants in
the extended tensor algebra of ~$V$ (compare \cite{B.27}~Prop.3.1).
Once we know that $\Hg(V)$ and $\MT(V)$ are reductive, the next corollary
follows from Lemma~2.3(iii).
\proclaim{2.5.2. Corollary}
Let $V$ be polarizable rational Hodge structure. Then $\Hg(V)$ is
semisimple if and only if the center of $\MT(V)$ is $\Gm$, i.e., consists
only of scalars.
Now we turn specifically to the Hodge structures of complex abelian
varieties. When combined with Proposition~2.4, the following lemma says
that the endomorphism algebra of a complex abelian variety may be
identified with the rational Hodge structure endomorphisms of its
associated rational Hodge structure.
\proclaim{2.6. Lemma}
Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety. Then
\EndoA \isom \End_{\MT(A)}(H_1(A,\QQ)) = \End_{\Hg(A)}(H_1(A,\QQ)).
Let $\dim A =g$. Then $A(\CC) = \CC^g/L$ for some lattice $L$, and let
$W=W_\QQ := L\tensor\QQ$. Then we can identify $W \simeq
H_1(A,\QQ)$ and identify the universal covering space $\CC^g$ of $A(\CC)$
as the real $2g$-dimensional space $\Wr = W\tensor \RR$ together with the
induced complex structure represented as a homomorphism
$h:\SS\to\GL(\Wr)$. Now an element of $\EndoA$ is characterized by
firstly being a $\QQ$-linear endomorphism of $W$ and secondly being a
complex-linear endomorphism of $\Wr$, which precisely means that it
commutes with $h(\SS(\RR))$. But a $\QQ$-linear endomorphism of $W$ that
commutes with $h(\SS(\RR))$ must commute with all of $\MT(A)$ acting on
\proclaim{2.7. Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.17})}}
Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety. If $\EndoA$ is a simple
$\QQ$-algebra with center $\QQ$, then $\Hg(A)$ is simple.
Recall that $\EndoA$ is a simple $\QQ$-algebra precisely when $A$ is
simple. Then following \cite{B.142}~p.66, the idea of the proof
is that the center, say $\frak c$, of $\mt(A)$ contains $\QQ\cdot\Id$ and
is contained in the center of $\EndoA$. So if the center of $\EndoA$ is
$\QQ\cdot \Id$ then $\frak c =\QQ\cdot \Id$, and $\hg(A)$ is semisimple,
and for simple $A$, it is simple.
As we have already begun to see, most of what can be said about the
structure and classification of the Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups of
abelian varieties is a consequence of the presence and properties of a
polarization. The most fundamental fact is the following.
\proclaim{2.8. Lemma}
Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety, and let $[E]$ be a polarization of
$A$ represented by the Riemann form~$E$. Further, let $W=W_\QQ
=H_1(A,\QQ)$. Then $E$ is a skew-symmetric bilinear form on $W$, and
there are natural representations
\Hg(A) \hra \Sp(W,E) \qquad \text{and}\qquad \MT(A) \hra \GSp(W,E) .
This follows from the observation that the Riemann form $E$ is a
polarization on the rational Hodge structure $W$. First, $E(h(i)u, h(i)v)
= E(u,v)$, where $u,v\in\Wr$ and $h:\SS\to\GL(\Wr)$ represents the complex
structure. Thus if we write $h(s) = a\Id + b h(i)$, then $E(h(s)u,h(s)v)
= |a +bi|^2 E(u,v)$. Therefore $h(\SS) \hra \GSp(\Wr,E)$, and then by
taking the Zariski-closure over~$\QQ$ we find $\MT(A) \hra \GSp(W,E)$.
The following criterion for the semisimplicity of the Hodge group is
linked to whether there are any simple components of Weil type,
see~1.13.2; cf.~also the discussions in sections four and five, below.
\proclaim{2.9. Proposition \rm{(\cite{B.118})}}
Suppose $A$ is an abelian variety defined over $\CC$. Then the Hodge
group of $A$ is not semisimple if and only if for some simple component
$B$ of $A$ the center of $\Endo(B)$ is a CM-field ~$K$ such that $(B,K)$,
with $K$ embedded in $\Endo(B)$ by the identity map, is not of Weil type.
The next proposition is that the real Lie groups $\Hg(A,\RR)$ and
$\MT(A,\RR)$ are of Hermitian type (see~1.6.5).
\proclaim{2.10. Proposition \rm{(\cite{B.77})}}
Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety. Then $\Hg(A,\RR)$ is of Hermitian
type. Further, letting $K = K_\RR$ denote the centralizer of $h(i)$, or
equivalently of $h(\U(1))$, then the topologically connected component
$K^+$ of $K$ is a maximal compact subgroup of the topologically connected
component $\Hg(A,\RR)^+$ of $\Hg(A,\RR)$, and the quotient
$\Hg(A,\RR)^+/K^+$ is a Hermitian symmetric space of noncompact type,
i.e., a bounded symmetric domain.
\demo{Proof {\rm (after \cite{B.25}, but see also \cite{B.103} and
First, the connected center of $\Hg(A,\RR)$ is compact, since the group
itself is generated by compact subgroups, namely the
$\Aut_\QQ(\CC)$-conjugates of $h(\U(1))$. From the proof that $\Hg(A)$ is
reductive it follows that $\Ad(h(i))$ defines a Cartan involution on
$\Hg(A,\RR)$, and thus $\ad(h(i))$ is a Cartan involution on $\frak g =
\hg(A,\RR)_{\text{ss}}$, the semisimple part of the reductive Lie
algebra $\hg(A,\RR)$. Let $\frak k + \frak p$ be the corresponding
Cartan decomposition. Then the restriction $\tilde J$ of $h(i)$
to $\frak p$ is a derivation of $\frak g$. Since $\frak g$ is
semisimple, there therefore exists $H_0 \in \frak g$ such that $\tilde J
= \ad(H_0)$.. And since $\tilde J$ commutes with the Cartan decomposition
$\ad(h(i))$, we have that $H_0$ is in $\frak k$, and in the center of
$\frak k$, as required.
The following result points to how the complexified Lie algebras of the
Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups of a complex abelian variety fit into the
general classification of complex semisimple Lie algebras. This
formulation of the result follows \cite{B.142}.
\proclaim{2.11. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.25}~\S1, but see also
\cite{B.108}~\S3 and Appendix and \cite{B.141})}}
Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety, let $\frak g$ be a simple factor of
the complex semisimple Lie algebra $\mt(A,\CC)_{\text{ss}}$, and let $r$
denote the rank of~$\frak g$. Further, let $W = H_1(A,\QQ)$, and let $V
\subset W_\CC$ be an irreducible subrepresentation for the action of
$\frak g$ on $W_\CC$. Then $\frak g$ and $V$ must be one of the
\item"(A)" $\frak g \simeq \frak{sl}(r+1)$ and $V$ is equivalent to the
$s$-th exterior power of the standard representation of dimension $r+1$,
for some $1\le s \le r$.
\item"(B)" $\frak g \simeq \frak{so}(2r+1)$, and $V$ is equivalent to the
spin representation of dimension ~$2^r$.
\item"(C)" $\frak g \simeq \frak{sp}(2r)$, and $V$ is equivalent to the
standard representation of dimension~$2r$.
\item"(D)" $\frak g \simeq \frak{so}(2r)$, and $V$ is equivalent to the
standard representation of dimension~$2r$, or to one of the two
half-spin representations of dimension~$2^{r-1}$.
We do not give the proof here, but we just mention that the proof depends
essentially on the symplectic representation in ~2.8.
\proclaim{2.12. Proposition {\rm(\cite{B.78})}}
A complex abelian variety is of CM-type if and only if $\Hg(A)$ is an
algebraic torus.
Suppose first that $A$ is of CM-type. Then $\EndoA$ contains a
commutative semisimple $\QQ$-algebra of dimension $2\dim A$ over $\QQ$.
{}From Lemma~2.6 it follows that $\Hg(A)$ commutes with a maximal
commutative semisimple subalgebra $R'\subset \End(W)$, where
$W=H_1(A,\QQ)$. Therefore $\Hg(A)$ is contained in the units of $R'$ and
thus must be an algebraic torus. Conversely, if $\Hg(A)$ is an algebraic
torus, then it is diagonalizable over $\CC$. Therefore its centralizer in
$\End(W) \tensor \CC$, and thus its centralizer in $\End(W)$, contains a
maximal commutative semisimple subalgebra $R'\subset \End(W)$. But then
$[R':\QQ] = \dim W = 2\dim A$ and $R'\subset \EndoA$, so $A$ is of
If $A$ is an abelian variety with complex multiplication by $K$, and
is the maximal totally real subfield of $K$, then a more precise statement
is that
\Hg(A) \subseteq \Ker\{\Res_{K/\QQ} \Gm_{/K} \lra \Res_{K_0/\QQ}
\Gm_{/K_0} \} ,
where the arrow is induced by the norm map from $K$ to $K_0$. The
arguement above shows that $\Hg(A) \subseteq \Res_{K/\QQ} \Gm_{/K}$. Then
observe that $h_1(\U(1))$ is contained in the real points of the indicated
kernel, and recall that $\Hg(A)$ is the smallest algebraic subgroup
defined over $\QQ$ which over $\RR$ contains $h_1(\U(1))$.
\definition{2.13. Definition}
Let $K$ be a CM field, $S$ a CM-type for $K$, and let $A$ be the
corresponding abelian variety (up to isogeny), as described in~1.5.4.
Then the CM-type $(K,S)$ or the abelian variety $A$ with that CM-type is
said to be \dfn{nondegenerate} if $\dim\Hg(A) = \dim A = \frac12 [K:\QQ]$.
\subhead The Lefschetz group of an abelian variety
The Lefschetz group of an abelian variety was first studied by Ribet
\cite{B.94} and further investigated by Murty \cite{B.82}~\S2.
\definition{2.14. Definition}
Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety, let $W= H_1(A,\QQ)$, and let $[E]$
be a polarization of $A$ represented by the Riemann form~$E$. The
\dfn{Lefschetz group} of $A$ is the connected component of the identity in
the centralizer of $\EndoA$ in $\Sp(W,E)$,
\Lf(A) := \{g\in\Sp(W,E) : g\circ \phi = \phi\circ g \enspace \text{for
all } \phi\in\EndoA\}^\circ .
In this definition $\Lf(A)$ appears to depend on the choice of
polarization, but if $[E']$ is another polarization,
then there is an element $\psi \in \EndoA$ and positive $m\in \ZZ$ such
that $mE' = E\psi$. To see this, we take the point of view that $E$ and
$E'$ define isogenies, say $\phi$ and $\phi'$ respectively, from $A$ to
its dual~$A\dual$. Then we can take $\psi = \phi\dual\circ\phi'$ and
$m=\deg \phi$. Thus $\Lf(A)$ does not in fact depend on the choice of
polarization. Furthermore, it is clear that $\Lf(A)$ is an algebraic group
defined over $\QQ$, and
\Hg(A) \subseteq \Lf(A) .
The Lefschetz groups also has the following nice multiplicative property,
that the Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups in general do not.
\proclaim{2.15. Lemma {\rm (\cite{B.82}~Lem.2.1)}}
If $A$ is isogenous to a product $B_1^{n_1} \times \dots \times
B_r^{n_r}$, with the $B_i$ simple and non-isogenous, then
\Lf(A) \simeq \Lf(B_1) \times \dots \times \Lf(B_r) .
First let $A_i = B_i^{n_i}$, for $1\le i \le r$, and choose polarizations
$[E_i]$ of $A_i$. Then $[E_1 \oplus \dots \oplus E_r]$ is a polarization
of $A$, since $W = H_1(A,\QQ) \simeq \bigoplus_{i=1}^r H_1(A_i,\QQ)$.
Further, since the $B_i$ are non-isogenous, $\Hom(A_i, A_j) =0$ for $i\ne
j$, whence $\EndoA = \prod_{i=1}^r \Endo(A_i)$. Therefore any
automorphism of $W$ that commutes with the action of $\EndoA$ must
preserve each $ H_1(A_i,\QQ)$, and thus $\Lf(A) \simeq \Lf(A_1)\times
\times \Lf(A_r)$.
Now fix $i$, and let $B=B_i$ and $A=B^n$. Then if $[E]$ is a
polarization of $B$, then $[E\oplus \dots \oplus E]$ is a polarization of
$A$. Further, $\EndoA \simeq M_n(\Endo(B))$, so the centralizer of
$\EndoA$ in $\Sp(H_1(A,\QQ),E\oplus \dots \oplus E)$ can be identified
with the centralizer of $\Endo(B)$ in $\Sp(H_1(B,\QQ),E)$. Therefore
$\Lf(A)\simeq \Lf(B)$.
For later reference we state some variants of ``Goursat's Lemma'' that
turn out to be useful, especially when extending results from simple
abelian varieties to products of abelian varieties. The formulations
given below come from \cite{B.90}, \cite{B.83} and
\proclaim{2.16. Proposition {\rm(Goursat's Lemma)}}
Let $G$ and $G'$ be groups and suppose $H$ is a subgroup of $G\times G'$
for which the projections $p:H\to G$ and $p': H\to G'$ are surjective.
Let $N$ be the kernel of $p'$ and let $N'$ be the kernel of $p$. Then $N$
is a normal subgroup of $G$ and $N'$ is a normal subgroup of $G'$, and the
image of $H$ in $G/N \times G'/N'$ is the graph of an isomorphism $G/N
\simeq G'/N'$.
Let $V_1$ and $V_2$ be two finite-dimen\-sion\-al complex vector spaces.
Let $\frak s_1, \frak s_2$ be simple complex Lie subalgebras of
$\frak{gl}(V_1)$, $\frak{gl}(V_2)$ respectively, of type A, B or C. Let
$\frak s$ be a Lie subalgebra of $\frak s_1 \times \frak s_2$ whose
projection to each factor is surjective. Then either $\frak s = \frak
s_1 \times \frak s_2$ or $\frak s$ is the graph of an isomorphism $\frak
s_1 \simeq \frak s_2$ induced by an $\frak s$-module isomorphism $V_2
\simeq V_1$ or $V_2 \simeq V_1\dual$.
Let $\frak s_1, \dots , \frak s_d$ be simple finite-dimen\-sion\-al Lie
algebras and let $\frak g$ be a subalgebra of the product $\frak s_1
\times \dots \times \frak s_d$. Assume that for $1\le i\le d$ the
projection $\frak g \to \frak s_i$ is surjective, and that whenever $1\le
i < j\le d$ the projection of $\frak g$ onto $\frak s_i \times \frak s_j$
is surjective. Then $\frak g = \frak s_1 \times \dots \times \frak s_d$.
Let $I$ be a finite set and for each $\sigma\in I$, let $\frak s_\sigma$
be a finite-dimensional complex simple Lie algebra. Let $\frak g, \frak
h$ be two algebras such that
\itemitem"{(a)}" $\frak g \subseteq \frak h$.
\itemitem"{(b)}" $\frak h$ is a subalgebra of $\prod_{\sigma\i I} \frak
s_\sigma$ such that the projection to each $\frak s_\sigma$ is surjective.
\itemitem"{(c)}" $\frak g, \frak h$ have equal images on $\frak s_\sigma
\times \frak s_\tau$ for all pairs $(\sigma, \tau) \in I\times I$, $\sigma
\ne \tau$.
\item"" Then $\frak g = \frak h = \prod_{\sigma \in J} \frak s_j$ for
some subset $J\subseteq I$.
Let $V_1, \dots , V_n$ be finite-dimensional vector spaces over an
algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, and let $\frak g$ be a
semisimple Lie subalgebra of $\End(V_1) \times \dots \times \End(V_n)$.
For $1\le i \le n$ let $\frak g_i\subseteq \End(V_i)$ be the projection of
$\frak g$ onto the $i$-th factor. Assume that $\frak g_i$ is nonzero and
simple for all ~$i$. Then for any simple Lie algebra $\frak h$ let
$I(\frak h) \subset \{1,\dots, n\}$ be the set of indices for which $\frak
g_i \simeq \frak h$. Assume that for any $\frak h$ with $\#I(\frak h) >
1$ the following conditions are satisfied:
\itemitem"(a)" All automorphisms of $\frak h$ are inner.
\itemitem"(b)" For $i\in I(\frak h)$ the representations $V_i$ are all
\itemitem"(c)" $\End_{\frak g}(\bigoplus_{i\in I(\frak h)} V_i) =
\prod_{i\in I(\frak h)} \End_{\frak g_i}(V_i)$.
\item"" Then $\frak g \simto \frak g_1 \times \dots \times \frak g_n$.
\head 3. Products of Elliptic curves
Tate seems to be the first to have checked the (usual) Hodge conjecture
for powers $E^n$ of an elliptic curve, see \cite{B.130},
\cite{B.43}~\S3, but he never published his proof. In
\cite{B.80} Murasaki showed the $\Hdg^p(E^n) = \Div^p(E^n)$ for
all $p$ by exhibiting explicit differential forms that give a basis for
$\Hdg^1(E^n)$ and then carrying out explicit computations with them. In a
different direction, Imai \cite{B.58} showed that when $E_1, \dots,
E_n$ are pairwise non-isogenous elliptic curves, then $\Hg(E_1\times\dots
\times E_n) \simeq \Hg(E_1)\times \dots \times \Hg(E_n)$. A unified
approach to computing the Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups, and verifying the
Hodge conjecture, for arbitrary products of elliptic curves can be found
in \cite{B.84}. Since Murty's approach provides a nice example of
how the Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups can be used to verify the usual
Hodge conjecture, we summarize his exposition here.
Let $A= E_1^{n_1} \times \dots \times E_r^{n_r}$, where the $E_i$ are
pairwise non-isogenous elliptic curves. Then
\item $\Hg(A) = \Hg(E_1) \times \dots \times \Hg(E_r)$.
\item $\Hdg(A) = \Hdg(E_1^{n_1}) \tensor \dots \tensor \Hdg(E_r^{n_r}) =
\demo{Proof {\rm (after \cite{B.84})}}
Let $E$ be an elliptic curve. The cases where $E$ has or does not have
complex multiplication have to be handled separately. If $E$ has complex
multiplication, then $\Endo(E) =:K$ is an imaginary quadratic field, and
(the proof of) Proposition~2.12 shows that $\MT(E,\QQ)\subseteq K^\times$,
as algebraic groups over $\QQ$. Since the two-dimensional $\SS(\RR)
\subset \MT(E,\RR)$, we see that $\MT(E) = \Res_{K/\QQ}(\Gm_{/K})$. When
$E$ does not have complex multiplication, then $\hg(E)$ is a simple
subalgebra of $\frak{sl}(V)$ which is already simple, so $\hg(E) =
\frak{sl}(V)$ and thus $\Hg(E) =\SL(V)$ and $\MT(E) =\GL(V)$.
Next consider $A= E^n$. Then
$$ \align
\Hdg(A) &= H^*(E^n,\QQ)^{\Hg(A)} \\
&= \twedge^*(H^1(E,\QQ) \oplus \dots \oplus H^1(E,\QQ))^{\Hg(A)} \\
&= \bigoplus (H^1(E,\QQ) \tensor \dots \tensor H^1(E,\QQ))^{\Hg(E)} .
Now if $E$ has complex multiplication then $\alpha \in K^\times = \MT(E)$
acts on $H^1(E,\QQ)\tensor_\QQ\CC \simeq \CC \oplus \CC$ by $\alpha(z,w) =
(\alpha z, \bar\alpha w)$. Let $K^\times_1$ denote the elements of
$K^\times$ of norm~$1$. Then
(H^1(E,\QQ) \tensor \dots \tensor H^1(E,\QQ))^{\Hg(E)} \tensor_\QQ \CC =
\big( (H^1(E,\QQ)\tensor \CC) \tensor \dots \tensor (H^1(E,\QQ)\tensor
\CC) \big)^{K^\times_1} ,
in which any invariant class arises as a combination of products of
elements of
\big( (H^1(E,\QQ)\tensor \CC) \tensor ((H^1(E,\QQ)\tensor \CC))
\big)^{K^\times_1} \subseteq (H^2(E\times E,\QQ)\tensor\CC)^{K^\times_1} .
Therefore the invariants are generated by those in $H^2(A,\QQ)$, which
means that $\Hdg(A) =\Div(A)$ in this case.
Next suppose that $E$ does not have complex multiplication. Then $\Hg(E)
= \SL(2)$ and acts on $H^1(E,\QQ)$ by the standard representation. Now we
invoke the well-known fact that the tensor invariants of $\SL(2)$ are
generated by the determinant; see \cite{B.137} or \cite{B.10}~App.1 for
this. Since the determinant is a
representation of degree~$2$ lying in $H^1(E,\QQ) \tensor H^1(E,\QQ)
\subset H^2(A,\QQ)$, again we find that all Hodge cycles of $A= E^n$ are
generated by divisors.
Finally let $A= E_1^{n_1} \times \dots \times E_r^{n_r}$, where the $E_i$
are pairwise non-isogenous elliptic curves. First suppose all the $E_i$
have complex multiplication by an imaginary quadratic field $K_i
=\Endo(E_i)$. Since the field $\Endo(E_i)$ determines the isogeny class
of $E_i$, all the $K_i$ are distinct. Then
\Hg(A) \subseteq K^\times_{1,1} \times \dots \times K^\times_{r,1},
and moreover from the definition, $\Hg(A)$ surjects onto each factor.
Therefore there is a surjection of character groups
\lambda: M\to \X(\Hg(A)) ,
M:= \X(K^\times_{1,1}) \oplus \dots \oplus \X(K^\times_{r,1}) .
Now to see that $\lambda$ is an isomorphism and prove the theorem in the
case where all the $E_i$ have complex multiplication, we observe that for
each $i$ the composition
\X(K^\times_{i,1}) \hra M \to \X(\Hg(A))
of $m\mapsto (0,\dots,0,m,0,\dots,0)$ with $\lambda$ is injective. In
addition, all of these character groups are $\script G =
\Gal(\QQ^{\text{ab}}/\QQ)$-modules and the maps $\script G$-module maps.
Then since the fields are distinct there is some $\sigma\in\script G$ that
acts as
$+1$ on $\X(K^\times_{1,1})$ and $-1$ on the other components. Thus if $m
= (m_1,\dots ,m_r)$ is in the kernel of $\lambda$ then $\sigma m + m =
(2m_1, 0,\dots,0)$ must be as well. Then the injectivity of the
composition above forces $m_1 =0$, and by induction the kernel of
$\lambda$ is zero.
Next suppose none of the $E_i$ has complex multiplication. Then we have
\hg(A) \subseteq \hg(E_1) \times \dots \times \hg(E_r) ,
and mapping surjectively onto each factor. Then by Proposition~2.16.4,
it also maps surjectively onto each pair of factors, it is the entire
product. But by Proposition~2.16.2, if $\hg(A)$ does not project onto
$\hg(E_i) \times \hg(E_j)$ for all pairs $i\ne j$, then it projects to the
graph of an isomorphism between them, which in turn could be used to
produce an isogeny between $E_i$ and $E_j$, contrary to assumption.
Finally it remains to see that if $A$ is an abelian variety isogenous to
a product $B\times C$ with $\Hg(B)$ a torus and $\Hg(C)$ semisimple, then
$\Hg(A) = \Hg(B) \times \Hg(C)$. However, this is a consequence of
Proposition~2.16.1. This completes the proof of the theorem.
\head 4. Abelian varieties of Weil or Fermat type
We have already defined abelian varieties of Weil type
(1.13.2), and an abelian variety of Fermat type is one which is isogenous
to a product of certain factors of the Jacobian variety of a Fermat curve
$x^m + y^m + z^m =0$ \cite{B.116}. The important thing about these
examples, insofar as the Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture goes, is that they
contain the only known examples where the conjecture has been verified for
abelian varieties $A$ for which $\Hdg(A) \ne \Div(A)$. However, both
types also provide explicit examples of Hodge cycles that are not known to
be algebraic. Indeed, as is well-known, Weil has suggested that a place
to look for a counterexample to the Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture might be
what are now called abelian varieties of Weil type \cite{B.135}.
We will begin by summarizing Shioda's results on abelian varieties of
Fermat type. Then, since there is a nice presentation of the issues
concerning abelian varieties in \cite{B.35}, we will just
summarize the saliant points here. Finally we will recall the work of
Schoen \cite{B.104} and van Geemen \cite{B.36} verifying
the Hodge conjecture for special four-dimensional abelian varieties.
\subhead Shioda's results on abelian varieties of Fermat type and
Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves {\rm (\cite{B.116})}
We will attempt to give a careful statement of the results, and refer
the reader to the original for the proofs.
\remark{4.1. Notation}
Fix an integer $m>1$, and for $a\in\ZZ$ not congruent to zero modulo~$m$,
let $1\le \bar a \le m-1$ be the unique integer such that $\bar a \cong a
\pmod m$. Let
\frak A_m^n &:= \{ \alpha =(a_0,\dots , a_{n+1}) : 1\le a_i \le m-1, \
\sum_{i=0}^{n+1} a_i \cong 0 \pmod m \} \\
\frak B_m^n &:= \{\alpha \in \frak A_m^n : |t\cdot \alpha| = (n/2)+1
\quad \text{for all } t\in (\ZZ/m\ZZ)^\times\} ,
where in the latter case $n$ must be even, and where for
$t\in(\ZZ/m\ZZ)^\times$ and $\alpha \in \frak A_m^n$,
t\cdot \alpha := (\ol{ta}_0, \dots , \ol{ta}_{n+1}), \qquad |\alpha| :=
\frac 1 m \sum_{i=0}^{n+1} a_i .
For $\alpha = (a_0,\dots , a_{r+1}) \in \frak A_m^r$ and $\beta =
(b_0,\dots,b_{s+1}) \in \frak A_m^s$ let
\alpha * \beta := (a_0,\dots , a_{r+1}, b_0,\dots,b_{s+1}) \in \frak
A_m^{r+s+2} .
Further, let
M_m &:= \{ \xi=(x_1, \dots,x_{m-1};y) :
\sum_{\nu=1}^{m-1} \ol{t\nu}\, x_\nu = my \enspace
&&\text{for all }t\in(\ZZ/m\ZZ)^\times,
\\ \vspace{-2\jot}
&&& x_\nu,y\in\ZZ,\ x_\nu\ge 0,\ y>0\}
\\ \vspace{2\jot}
M_m(d) &:= \{ (x_1, \dots,x_{m-1};d) \in M_m\} .
\definition{4.2. Definition}
An element $\xi\in M_m$ is said to be \dfn{indecomposable} if $\xi \ne
\xi' +\xi''$ for any $\xi',\xi''\in M_m$. An element $\xi\in M_m$ is
called \dfn{quasi-decomposable} if there exists $\eta\in M_m(1)$ such that
$\xi +\eta = \xi' +\xi''$ for some $\xi',\xi'' \in M_m$ with $\xi', \xi''
\ne \xi$.
It is easy to see that the set $M_m$ is an additive semigroup with
only a finite number of indecomposable elements.
\definition{4.3. Definition}
Let $X_m : x^m +y^m +z^m=0$ denote the Fermat curve of degree~$m$, let
$J(X_m)$ be its Jacobian, and let $\frak S_m = (\ZZ/m\ZZ)^\times \bs \frak
A_m^1$ be the orbit space. Then there is an isogeny
\pi :J(X_m) \to \prod_{S\in \frak S_m} A_S
\item"(i)" $A_S$ is an abelian variety of dimension $\phi(m')/2$ admitting
complex multiplication by $\QQ(\zeta_{m'})$, where $\zeta_{m'} = e^{2\pi
i/{m'}}$ and $m' = m/ \operatorname{gcd}(a,b,c)$ for $(a,b,c)\in \frak
A_m^1$ belonging to the orbit~$S$.
\item"(ii)" $H^1(A_S,\CC)$ has the eigenspace decomposition
H^1(A_S,\CC) = \bigoplus_{\alpha\in S} W(\alpha)
for the complex multiplication of~(i), where $\dim W(\alpha) =1$ and such
that, if $\pi_S : J(X_m) \to A_S$ is the composition of $\pi$ and the
projection to the $S$ factor, then $\pi_S^* W(\alpha) = U(\alpha)$ with
$\alpha \in S$. Here $U(\alpha)$ is defined by
H^{1,0}(J(X_m)) = \bigoplus \Sb \alpha\in \frak A_m^1 \\ |\alpha|=1
\endSb U(\alpha) , \qquad H^{0,1}(J(X_m)) = \bigoplus \Sb \alpha\in \frak
A_m^1 \\ |\alpha|=2 \endSb U(\alpha)
and $U(\alpha)$ is one-dimensional \cite{B.41} \cite{B.59}.
Then an abelian variety will be said to be \dfn{of Fermat type of
degree~$m$} if it is isogenous to a product of a finite number of factors
$A_S$ satisfying~(i) and~(ii) as above.
Thus an abelian variety of Fermat type of degree~$m$ is given by
A= \prod_{i=1}^k A_{S_i}
\tag 4.3
with $S_1,\dots,S_k \in \frak S_m$ not necessarily distinct. With this
notation we can now state Shioda's results on the Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture
for these abelian varieties.
\proclaim{4.4. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.116}~Thm.4.3)}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety of Fermat type of degree~$m$. Assume that
for any set $\{\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_{2d}\}$ of distinct elements in the
disjoint union of the $S_i$, $i=1,\dots,k$, such that $\alpha_1 * \dots *
\alpha_{2d} = \gamma \in \frak B_m^{6d-2}$ there exists some
$\beta_1,\dots , \beta_l \in \frak B_m^0 \cup \frak B_m^2 \cup (\frak
B_m^4\cap \frak A_m^1 *\frak A_m^1)$ such that $\beta_1 * \dots * \beta_l$
coincides with $\gamma$ up to permutation. Then the Hodge $(p,p)$
conjecture is true for $A$ in codimension~$d$.
\proclaim{4.5. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.116}~Thm.4.4)}}
If every decomposable element of $M_m(y)$ with $3\le y \le 3d$, if any,
is quasi-decomposable, then the Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture is true in
codimension ~$d$ for all abelian varieties of Fermat type of degree~$m$.
In particular, if $m$ is a prime or $m\le 20$, then the Hodge conjecture
true in any codimension for all abelian varieties of Fermat type of
\proclaim{4.6. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.116}~Thm.5.6)}}
For any given $d\ge 2$ there exists some abelian variety of Fermat type
$A$ such that the Hodge ring $\Hdg^*(A)$ is not generated by
$\sum_{r=1}^{d-1} \Hdg^r(A)$.
\proclaim{4.7. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.116}~Thm.5.3)}}
Let $C_m : y^2 = x^m -1$ be the hyperelliptic curve of genus
$g=[(m-1)/2]$, and let $J(C_m)$ be its Jacobian. If $m>2$ is a prime
number, then the Hodge ring $\Hdg^*(J(C_m))$ is generated by
$\Hdg^1(J(C_m))$, i.e., $\Hdg^*(J(C_m)) = \Div^*(J(C_m))$ and the Hodge
conjecture is true for $J(C_m)$. The same result also holds for arbitrary
powers of $J(C_m)$.
\proclaim{4.8. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.116}~Thm.5.4)}}
For any odd $m\ge 3$ the Hodge conjecture is true for $J(C_m)$ in
\subhead Abelian varieties of Weil type
From 1.13.2, a Weil abelian variety of dimension $g=2n$ is an abelian
variety $A$ together with an imaginary quadratic field $K$ embedded in
$\EndoA$ such that the action of $\alpha \in K$ has the eigenvalues
$\alpha$ and $\bar \alpha$ with equal multiplicity~$n$. Here we briefly
review some of the important points about Weil abelian varieties, mainly
following the exposition of \cite{B.35}, to which we refer the
reader for more detail; the original source is \cite{B.135}.
If $(A,K)$ is an abelian variety of Weil type, and $K=\QQ(\sqrt{-d})$,
then it is possible to choose a polarization $[E]$ on $A$ normalized so
that $(\sqrt{-d})^* E = d E$, where here we are viewing $\sqrt{-d}
\in \scO_K \hra \End(A)$ as an endomorphism of $A$, so
$(\sqrt{-d})^*$ and $(\sqrt{-d})_*$ denote the induced pullback and
push-out maps, respectively. Hereafter when we speak of a polarized
abelian variety of Weil type we will assume that its polarization is
normalized this way. Let $W=H_1(A,\QQ)$. Then the $K$-valued Hermitian
form $H: W\times W \to K$ associated to $E$ is given by
H(u,v) := E(u,(\sqrt{-d})_* v) + (\sqrt{-d})E(u,v) .
\proclaim{4.9. Theorem {\rm(\cite{B.135})}}
The Hodge group of a general polarized abelian variety $(A,K,E)$ of Weil
type is $\SU(W,H)$ (as an algebraic group over~$\QQ$).
It can be shown that polarized abelian varieties of Weil type of
dimension~$2n$ are parameterized by an $n^2$-dimensional space which can
be described as the bounded symmetric domain assoicated to
$\SU(W,H;\RR)\simeq \SU(n,n)$. Thus the word ``general'' in the statement
of the theorem refers to a general point in this parameter space,
analogously to the usage in~1.13.8.
\definition{4.10. Definition}
Let $(A,K)$ be an abelian variety of Weil type and dimension~$2n$.
Then $V = H^1(A,\QQ)$ has the structure of a vector space over~$K$. The
space of \dfn{Weil-Hodge cycles} on $A$ is the subset of $H^{2n}(A,\QQ)$
\Weil(A) := \twedge_K^{2n} H^1(A,\QQ) ,
where $\twedge_K^{2n}$ signifies the $2n^{\text{th}}$-exterior power of
$H^1(A,\QQ)$ as a $K$@-vector space.
$\dim_\QQ \Weil(A) =2$, and $\Weil(A) \subset \Hdg^n(A)$.
\proclaim{4.11. Theorem {\rm(\cite{B.135})}}
Let $(A,K)$ be an abelian variety of Weil type of dimension $g=2n$. If
the Hodge groups of $A$ is $\Hg(A) = \SU(W,H)$, then
\dim \Hdg^p(A) = \cases 1, & p\ne n, \\ 3, &p=n \endcases
and $\Hdg^n(A) = \Div^n(A) \oplus \Weil(A)$.
Thus abelian varieties of Weil type provide examples of Hodge cycles
which do not arise from products of those in codimension one.
In the following the determinant of the Hermitian form $H$ is
well-defined as an element of $\QQ^\times$ modulo the subgroup of norms
from $K^\times$.
\proclaim{4.12. Theorem {\rm(\cite{B.104})}}
The Hodge $(2,2)$ conjecture is true for a general abelian variety of
Weil type $(A,K)$ of dimension~$4$ with $K=\QQ(\sqrt{-3})$ or $K=\QQ(i)$,
when $\det H =1$.
A different proof for the case where $K=\QQ(i)$ and $\det H =1$ can be
found in \cite{B.36}. In \cite{B.35}~7.3 it is
pointed out that Schoen's methods together with a result of \cite{B.32}
imply the Hodge $(3,3)$ conjecture for a general $6$-dimensional
abelian variety of Weil type with $K=\QQ(\sqrt{-3})$ and $\det H =1$.
Recently Moonen and Zarhin \cite{B.76} have considered
the extent to which Weil's construction of exceptional Hodge classes can
be generalized. For $K\hra \EndoA$ a subfield and $r= 2\dim A/[K:\QQ]$,
\Weil_K(A) := \twedge_K^r H^1(A,\QQ) ,
and call this the space of \dfn{Weil classes with respect to~$K$.} Let
$V = H^1(A,\QQ)$. Then $K$ acts on $V$ and there is a decomposition
V\tensor\CC = \bigoplus_{\sigma\in\Hom(F,\CC)} V_{\CC,\sigma} =
\bigoplus_{\sigma\in\Hom(F,\CC)} (V_{\CC,\sigma}^{1,0} \oplus
\proclaim{4.13. Proposition {\rm(\cite{B.76})}}
Let $A$ be a complex abelian variety, $K\hra \EndoA$ a subfield, and $r=
2\dim A/[K:\QQ]$. With the notation above,
\item If $\dim V_{\CC,\sigma}^{1,0} = V_{\CC,\ol\sigma}^{1,0}$ for all
$\sigma \in \Hom(F,\CC)$, where $\ol\sigma$ denotes the complex conjugate
of $\sigma$, then $\Weil_K(A)$ consists entirely of Hodge classes, i.e.,
$\Weil_K(A) \subset \Hdg^r(A)$; if $\dim V_{\CC,\sigma}^{1,0} \neq
V_{\CC,\ol\sigma}^{1,0}$ for some $\sigma \in \Hom(F,\CC)$, then the zero
class is the only Hodge class in~$\Weil_K(A)$.
\item Suppose $A$ is isogenous to a power $B^m$ of a simple abelian
variety~$B$, and suppose $K\hra \EndoA$ is a subfield such that
$\Weil_K(A)$ consists of Hodge classes. Let $F$ be the center of
$\Endo(B)$, and $F_0$ the maximal totally real subfield of~$F$. Then
either $\Weil_K(A) \subset \Div(A)$, or all nonzero classes in
$\Weil_K(A)$ are exceptional; this last possibility occurs precisely in
the following cases:
\itemitem"(a)" $B$ is of type~III, $m=1$ and $K\subsetneqq F$,
\itemitem"(b)" $B$ is of type~III, $m\ge 2$ and $2m[F:\QQ]/[K:\QQ]$ is
\itemitem"(c)" $B$ is of type~IV, $(\dim_F(\Endo(B))^{1/2} =1$, $m=1$ and
$K\subsetneqq F_0$,
\itemitem"(d)" $B$ is of type~IV with $(\dim_F(\Endo(B))^{1/2} \ge 2$ or
$m \ge 2$ and the map
\Lie(\U_F(1)) \hra \End_K(V) @> \operatorname{Tr} >> K
\item"" is nonzero. Here $\U_F(1) = \Res_{F/\QQ}\Gm_F \cap \U(1)$
\head 5. Simple abelian fourfolds
Since the Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture is true for any smooth projective
complex threefold, it might seem that fourfolds would be the next case to
attack. However, as we've just seen, simple abelian fourfolds provide the
first examples of abelian varieties of Weil type, for which the Hodge
conjecture is mostly not known, and they also provide the first examples
of abelian varieties of type~(III) in the Albert classification, as well
as the first examples of abelian varieties that are not characterized by
their endomorphism rings \cite{B.78}~\S4.
Recently Moonen and Zarhin \cite{B.75} have analyzed
the Hodge structures of simple abelian fourfolds, and their work makes an
instructive example. The main result is the following, where a subalgebra
of $\EndoA$ is said to be stable under all Rosati involutions if for every
polarization it is stable under the associated Rosati involution. Recall
that an exceptional Hodge class is one which is not accounted for by
linear combinations of intersections of divisors.
\proclaim{5.1. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.75}~Thm.2.4)}}
When $A$ is a simple abelian fourfold, then $A$ supports exceptional
Hodge classes if and only if $\EndoA$ contains an imaginary quadratic
field $K$ which is stable under all Rosati involutions and such that with
the induced action of $K \subseteq \EndoA$ the complex Lie algebra
$\Lie(A,\CC)$ of $A$ becomes a free $K\tensor\CC$-module.
In the situation of the theorem, $\Lie(A)$ becomes a free $K\tensor
\CC$-module if and only if $\alpha \in K$ acts as $\alpha$ and as
$\bar\alpha$ with equal multiplicity~$2$. Thus a less precise but more
simply stated corollary would be the following.
When $A$ is a simple abelian fourfold, if $\Hdg^2(A) \ne \Div^2(A)$ then
$A$ must be an abelian variety of Weil type.
For the abelian fourfolds $A$ for which $\Hdg^2(A) \ne \Div^2(A)$ Moonen
and Zarhin prove the following theorem.
\proclaim{5.2. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.75}~Thm.2.12)}}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold, and let
\V(A) := \sum_K \left( \twedge^4_K H^1(A,\QQ) \right) ,
where the sum runs over all imaginary quadratic subfields $K\subset
\EndoA$ that act on $A$ with multiplicities $(2,2)$. Then $\Hdg^2(A) =
\Div^2(A) + \V(A)$.
This theorem should be compared with Theorem~4.11: Theorem~5.1 applies
to fourfolds, whereas in Theorem~4.11 it was assumed that $\Hg(A) =
\SU(W,H)$, which is a sort of a generality assumption.
\remark{5.3. Remark: Earlier work of Tankeev}
In 1978 and 1979 Tankeev published two papers \cite{B.122}
\cite{B.123} containing results about the Hodge structure and Hodge
conjecture for abelian fourfolds. In particular, in \cite{B.123}~Thm.3.2
he proved that when $A$ is a simple abelian fourfold of type~(I)
or type~(II), then $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$. First he showed that if the
center of $\EndoA$ is a product of totally real fields, then $\Hg(A)$ is
semisimple \cite{B.123}~Lemma~1.4, and then he proved the Hodge
conjecture for simple abelian fourfolds of type~(I) or~(II) by considering
the possible symplectic representations of the complexified Lie algebra
$\hg_\CC(A)$ and showing that in each case that its invariants in
$H^*(A,\CC)$ are generated by those of degree~$2$. The earlier paper
\cite{B.122} considered the possible pairs $(\frak g, \rho)$, where
$\frak g$ is the semisimple part of $\hg_\CC(A)$ and $\rho:\frak g \to
\End_\CC(W_\CC)$ denotes its action on $W_\CC=H_1(A,\CC)$, under the
assumption that that there does not exist an abelian variety $A_0$ defined
over $\Qbar$ such that $A_0 \tensor_\Qbar \CC \simto A$; however, the
proof there contains some gaps. Then he derived, under the same
assumption that the abelian fourfold $A$ cannot be defined over $\Qbar$,
that when $\EndoA$ is neither an imaginary quadratic field nor a definite
quaternion algebra (type~(III)) then $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$.
\subhead \nofrills \endsubhead
We now proceed to sketch the outline of the proof of Theorem~5.1. One
direction is covered by the following more general result.
\proclaim{5.4. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.75}~Thm.3.1)}}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety, and assume that either
\item"(a)" $A$ is of type~\rom{(III)}, or
\item"(b)" $\EndoA$ is a CM-field $K$ which contains a CM-subfield $F$
such that the multiplicity with which $\alpha \in F$ acts as
$\sigma(\alpha)$ is the same for all $\sigma\in \Hom(F,\CC)$
Then $A$ supports exceptional Hodge classes
The result for abelian varieties of type~(III) is due to Murty
\cite{B.82}, see 8.6 below, although Moonen and Zarhin give a
different proof. For case ~(b) what they show is that except for the zero
element, $\twedge_F^m H^1(A,\QQ)$ consists entirely of exceptional Hodge
classes, where $m= 2\dim A /[F:\QQ]$.
The other direction of Theorem~5.2 is proved case by case, running
through the different possible endomorphism algebras (see~1.13.4). It
turns out that except when $\EndoA = \QQ$, knowing $\EndoA$ together with
its action on $\Lie(A)$ suffices to determine $\hg(A)$, which in turn is
enough to identify the absence or presence of exceptional cycles. We will
run through the results, giving only some comments on the ingredients of
the proofs. As usual, $W := H_1(A,\QQ)$.
\proclaim{5.5. Type I(1)}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold with $\EndoA =\QQ$. Then the Lie
algebra $\hg(A)$ together with its representation on $W$ is isomorphic
over $\Qbar$ to one of
\item"(i)" $\frak{sp}_4$ with the standard representation, or
\item"(ii)" $\frak{sl}_2 \times \frak{sl}_2 \times \frak{sl}_2$ with the
tensor product of the standard representation of each of the three
Both possibilities occur, and in both cases $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$.
On the assumption that $\hg$ is simple, Theorem~2.11 can be used to show
that case~(i) is the only possibility. When $\hg = \frak h_1 \times \dots
\times \frak h_t$ is not simple, then $W= W_1\tensor \dots \tensor W_t$
and at least one $W_i$ must be $2$-dimensional. Then $\frak h_i =
\frak{sl}_2$, and since the representation is symplectic, the complement
must be $\frak{so}_4 \simeq \frak{sl}_2\times \frak{sl}_2$. In both cases
$(\twedge^4 W)^{\mt}$ (the subspace of $\mt$-invariants in $\twedge^4 W$)
is computed to be $1$-dimensional.
\remark{5.6. Notation}
Before treating the remaining type~(I) cases, suppose in general that
$\EndoA$ contains a totally real field $F$, and suppose a polarization
$[E]$ on $A$ is given. Then there is a unique $F$-bilinear alternating
form $\psi: W\times W \to F$ whose trace
$\operatorname{Tr}_{F/\QQ}(\psi(u,v)) = E(u,v)$. Then from the uniqueness
of $\psi$ it follows that $\hg(A)$ is contained in
\frak{sp}_F(W,\psi) := \{ \phi\in \End_F(W) : \psi(\phi(u),v) +
\psi(u,\phi(v)) =0 \enspace\text{for all } u,v \in W \} ,
regarded as a Lie algebra over $\QQ$.
\proclaim{5.7. Type I(2)}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold with $\EndoA = F$ a real quadratic
field. Then in the notation above, $\hg(A) \simeq \frak{sp}_F(W,\psi)$.
In particular, $\Hdg(A^n) = \Div(A^n)$ for all ~$n$.
\demo{Sketch of proof}
The representation $\hg_\CC$ on $W_\CC$ splits as a direct sum $W_\CC =
W_1 \oplus W_2$ with $\dim W_1 = \dim W_2 =4$. Further, the restriction
of $\psi$ to $W_i$ is a nondegenerate skew-symmetric bilinear form
$\psi_i: W_i\times W_i \to \CC$, and $\hg_\CC \subseteq
\frak{sp}(W_1,\psi_1) \times \frak{sp}(W_2,\psi_2)$. Then the projection
of $\hg_\CC$ onto $\frak{sp}(W_i,\psi_i)$ acting on $W_i$ must be on the
list of Theorem~2.11, and since it is irreducible, symplectic,
$4$-dimensional, it must be equal $\frak{sp}(W_i,\psi_i)$. Then since all
automorphisms of $\frak{sp}_{4\,\CC}$ are inner, Proposition~2.16.5
$\hg_\CC = \frak{sp}(W_1,\psi_1) \times \frak{sp}(W_2,\psi_2)$, and thus
$\hg = \frak{sp}_F(W,\psi)$.
\proclaim{5.8. Type I(4)}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold with $\EndoA = F$ a totally real
field with $[F:\QQ] =4$. Then in the notation of~5.6, $\hg(A) \simeq
\frak{sp}_F(W,\psi) \simeq \frak{sl}_{2\, F}$. In particular, $\Hdg(A^n)
= \Div(A^n)$ for all ~$n$.
The method of proof is similar to and easier than the previous case.
Over $\Qbar$ or $\CC$ the representation of $\hg$ on $W$ splits into a sum
of four mutually nonisomorphic, irreducible, symplectic, $2$-dimensional
representations, and Proposition~2.16.3 applies.
\proclaim{5.9. Type II}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold of type~\rom{(II)}, i.e., $\EndoA$
is an indefinite quaternion algebra $D$ over a totally real field $F$ of
degree $e\in\{1,2\}$ over~$\QQ$. Then $\hg(A)$ is the centralizer of $D$
in $\frak{sp}(W,E)$. In particular, $\Hdg(A^n) = \Div(A^n)$ for all ~$n$.
For both $e=1$ and $e=2$ this is a special case of \cite{B.21}~Thm.4.10
and \cite{B.22}~Thm.7.4. Compare also with the method of
Ribet \cite{B.94}, 6.3 below.
\proclaim{5.10. Type III}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold of type~\rom{(III)}, i.e.,
$\EndoA$ is a definite quaternion algebra $D$ over $\QQ$. Then $\hg(A)$
is the centralizer of $D$ in $\frak{sp}(W,E)$, which is a $\QQ$-form of
$\frak{so}_4$. Moreover, $\dim \Hdg^2(A) =6$, and $\dim \Div^2(A) = 1$,
and $\Hdg^2(A) = \Div^2(A) + \V(A)$, where $\V(A)$ is as in~5.2.
\proclaim{5.11. Type IV(1,1)}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold such that $\EndoA =K$ is an
imaginary quadratic field.
\item"(i)" If $K$ acts with multiplicities $\{1,3\}$ then $\hg(A) = \frak
u(W/K)$, and $\Hdg(A^n) = \Div(A^n)$ for all ~$n$.
\item"(ii)" If $K$ acts with multiplicities $(2,2)$. In this case $\hg(A)
= \frak{su}(W/K)$, and $\dim \Hdg^2(A) =3$, and $\dim \Div^2(A) = 1$, and
$\Hdg^2(A) = \Div^2(A) \oplus \V(A)$, where $\V(A)$ is as in~5.2.
In case~(i) $A$ is of Ribet type (1.13.2), see 6.3 below. In case~(ii)
the equality $\hg(A) = \frak{su}(W/K)$ must be proved, and then
Theorem~4.11 applies.
\proclaim{5.12. Type IV(2,1)}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold such that $\EndoA=K$ is a CM-field
of degree~$4$ over $\QQ$. Then $\hg(A) \simeq \frak u_K(W,\psi)$. In
particular, $\Hdg(A^n) = \Div(A^n)$ for all ~$n$.
Similarly as in 5.6, here $\psi : W\times W \to K$ is the unique
$K$-Hermitian form such that $\operatorname{Tr}_{K/\QQ}(\alpha\cdot
\psi(u,v))$ is a Riemann form for $A$, for $\alpha \in K$ such that $\bar
\alpha = -\alpha$ (The uniqueness is proved in \cite{B.27}). In this
case $\hg(A)$ is contained in
\frak u_K(W,\psi) := \{ \phi \in \End_K(W) : \psi(\phi(u),v) +
\psi(u,\phi(v)) =0 \enspace\text{for all } u,v \in W \} ,
regarded as a Lie algebra over $\QQ$.
\proclaim{5.13. Type IV(4,1)}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian fourfold such that $\EndoA =K$ is a CM-field
of degree~$8$ over $\QQ$.
\item"(i)" If $K$ does not contain an imaginary quadratic field $F$ acting
on $A$ with multiplicities $(2,2)$, then $\hg(A) = \frak u_K$, which is a
commutative Lie algebra of rank~$4$, and $\Hdg(A^n) = \Div(A^n)$ for all
\item"(ii)" If $K$ does contain an imaginary quadratic field $F$ acting on
$A$ with multiplicities $(2,2)$, then $\hg(A) = \frak{su}_{K/F}$. In this
case $\dim \Hdg^2(A) =8$, and $\dim \Div^2(A) = 6$, and $\Hdg^2(A) =
\Div^2(A) + \V(A)$.
We discuss abelian varieties with complex multiplication further below,
see section nine.
\head 6. Simple abelian varieties with conditions on dimension or
endomorphism algebra
\rightheadtext{simple abelian varieties with conditions}
After Tankeev's early work on simple abelian fourfolds \cite{B.122}
\cite{B.123}, the next progress on the Hodge $(p,p)$
conjecture was the work of Tankeev \cite{B.124} \cite{B.125}
\cite{B.126} and Ribet \cite{B.93} \cite{B.94}
on simple abelian varieties of types~(I), (II) or~(IV) whose dimension and
endomorphism algebras satisfy various conditions. More precisely, Tankeev
proved the following.
\proclaim{6.1. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.125} \cite{B.126})}}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety of dimension~$d$. Then if
\item $A$ is of nondegenerate CM-type \rom{(2.13)}, or
\item $\EndoA$ is a totally real field of degree~$e$ over $\QQ$, and $d/e$
is odd, or
\item $\EndoA$ is a totally indefinite division quaternion algebra over a
totally real field $K$ of degree~$e$ over $\QQ$, and $d/2e$ is odd, or
\item $d$ is a prime,
then $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$.
However, soon afterward Ribet extended some of those results by first
observing the following basic criterion, which he says was used implicitly
in Tankeev's work, and then identifying some instances where it is
\proclaim{6.2. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.94}~Theorem~0)}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety, and suppose
\item"(a)" $\EndoA$ is a commutative field, and
\item"(b)" $\Hg(A) = \Lf(A)$ (the Lefschetz group, see~2.14).
Then $\Hdg(A^n) =\Div(A^n)$ for $n\ge 1$.
\proclaim{6.3. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.94}~Theorems~1--3)}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety of dimension~$d$, and suppose
\item $\EndoA$ is a totally real field of degree~$e$ over $\QQ$, and $d/e$
is odd, or
\item $d$ is prime and $A$ is of CM-type, or
\item $\EndoA$ is an imaginary quadratic field $K$, and the multiplicities
$n'$ and $n''$ with which $\alpha \in K$ acts as $\alpha$ and $\bar
\alpha$ respectively are relatively prime.
Then $\Hg(A) = \Lf(A)$ and thus $\Hdg(A^n) =\Div(A^n)$ for $n\ge 1$.
When $A$ is a simple abelian variety of prime dimension, then $\Hdg(A^n)
=\Div(A^n)$ for $n\ge 1$.
For if $A$ is simple and of prime dimension, then one of the conditions
of Theorem~6.3 must be satisfied, see 1.13.3.
In \cite{B.139} Yanai showed that a prime-dimensional abelian
variety of simple CM-type is nondegenerate (2.13).
In a similar spirit as 6.3.2 above, Hazama proved the following.
\proclaim{6.4. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.45})}}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety of CM-type. Then $\Hdg(A^n)
=\Div(A^n)$ for all $n$ if and only if $\dim \Hg(A) =\dim A$.
\demo{Sketch of proof of Theorem~6.2 {\rm (after \cite{B.94})}}
In order to give some flavor of the techniques involved, consider the
proof of Theorem~6.2.
Since it is always the case that $\Hg(A) \subseteq \Lf(A)$, see 2.14,
condition that these two groups are equal should be thought of as saying
that $\Hg(A)$ is as large as possible, whence has as few invariants as
possible. Then the proof is separated into two cases, according as
$\EndoA =K$ is a totally real or a CM-field.
Consider first the case where $K$ is totally real. Then similarly as in
5.6 there is a unique $K$-bilinear alternating form $\psi: W\times W \to
K$ whose trace $\operatorname{Tr}_{K/\QQ}(\psi(u,v))$ is a Riemann form
$E(u,v)$ representing the chosen polarization on $A$, where $W=H_1(A,\QQ)$
\cite{B.27}~4.7. The uniqueness of $\psi$ implies that a
$K$-automorphism of $W$ preserves $\psi$ if and only if it preserves $E$.
Then from the definition 2.14 we get that $\Hg(A) = \Lf(A)$ is the
symplectic group of $\psi$ acting on $W$ as a $K$-vector space, i.e.,
\Hg(A) = \Res_{K/\QQ}\Sp(W_0, \psi),
where $W_0$ is $W$ as a $K$-vector space.
Now what we need to prove is that $(\twedge_\QQ^*((W\dual)^n))^{\Hg(A)}$
is generated by its elements of degree~$2$, and for this question it
suffices to extend scalars to $\CC$. Then $W\tensor \CC$ is a free
$K\tensor_\QQ \CC$-module of rank $r= 2\dim A /[K:\QQ]$, and thus
W\tensor \CC \simeq \bigoplus_{\sigma\in\Hom(K,\CC)} U_\sigma,
where $U_\sigma$ is a complex vector space of dimension~$r$. Therefore
\Hg(A,\CC) \simeq \prod_{\sigma\in\Hom(K,\CC)} \Sp(U_\sigma, \psi_\sigma)
from which we see that
(\twedge_\QQ^*((W\dual)^n))^{\Hg(A)} \tensor\CC \simeq \bigotimes_\sigma
\ (\twedge_\CC^* (U_\sigma\dual)^n)^{\Sp(U_\sigma, \psi_\sigma)} .
So it suffices to know that this algebra of invariants is generated by
its elements of degree~$2$, which is the case; see \cite{B.94}, or
derive this fact using the methods of \cite{B.10},
\cite{B.137} or \cite{B.34}.
The proof for the case where $\EndoA =K$ is a CM-field, either of degree
$2\dim A$ or of degree $2$ over $\QQ$ follows a very similar pattern. As
in 5.12 there is an element $\alpha \in K$ such that $\bar \alpha =
-\alpha$ and a unique Hermitian form $\psi : W\times W \to K$ such that a
Riemann form representing a polarization on $A$ is given by $E(u,v) =
\operatorname{Tr}_{K/\QQ}(\alpha\psi(u,v))$. Then the centralizer
of $K$ in $\Sp(W,E)$, which by hypothesis coincides with $\Hg(A)$, is
$\Res_{K_0/\QQ}\U(W_0, \psi)$, where $K_0$ is the maximal totally real
subfield of $K$ and $W_0$ is $W$ as a $K$-vector space.
Now when we extend scalars to $\RR$,
W\tensor_\QQ \RR \simeq \bigoplus_{\sigma\in \Hom(K_0,\RR)} U_\sigma.
Moreover, $\psi$ induces a nondegenerate Hermitian form $\psi_\sigma$ on
each $U_\sigma$, from which
\Hg(A,\RR) \simeq \prod_{\sigma\in \Hom(K_0,\RR)}
\U(U_\sigma,\psi_\sigma) .
Thus in this case we need to know that for each $\sigma$ and for all~$n$
the algebra of invariants
$(\twedge_\RR^*(U\dual_\sigma)^n)^{\U(U_\sigma,\psi_\sigma)}$ is generated
by elements of degree~$2$, which is the case. The first step towards
proving this is to extend scalars to $\CC$, so that the unitary group
$\U(U_\sigma,\psi_\sigma)$ becomes a general linear group; we omit the
invariant theory arguments here, see {\sl op.~cit.}\space for more
\demo{Sketch of proof of Theorem~6.3.3}
We are assuming that $\EndoA =K$ is an imaginary quadratic field, and the
multiplicities $n',~n''$, with which $\alpha\in K$ acts as $\alpha$ and
acts as $\bar\alpha$ are relatively prime, and we want to show that
$\Hg(A) =\Lf(A)$. In fact, it turns out to be more convenient to show
$\MT(A) = \Gm \cdot\Hg(A)$ coincides with $G = \Gm\cdot \Lf(A)$. This
$G$ may also be described as the largest connected subgroup of the
symplectic similitude group $\GSp(W,E)$ that commutes with $K$, and in the
present case $G=\Gm\cdot\Res_{K/\QQ}\U(W,\psi)$. It is clear that $\MT(A)
\subseteq G$.
Now, if $d= \dim A$, then $W$ is free of rank~$d$ as a vector space
over~$K$, and thus $W\tensor_\QQ\CC$ is free of rank~$d$ over
$K\tensor_\QQ \CC \simeq \CC\oplus \CC$, where the two copies are
naturally indexed by the embeddings of $K$ into $\CC$. Therefore we may
W\tensor_\QQ \CC = W' \oplus W'',
and this decomposition is compatible with the Hodge decomposition of and
the action of $\MT(A)$ on $W\tensor_\QQ \CC$, since it is induced by
endomorphisms of $A$. In particular,
W' = (W'\cap H^{-1,0}(A)) \oplus (W'\cap H^{0,-1}(A)) .
Now the action of $\MT(A,\CC)$ on $W\tensor_\QQ \CC$ induces an action
of $\MT(A,\CC)$ on $W'$, and the next step of the proof is to see that the
induced map $\MT(A,\CC) \to \GL(W')$ is surjective. However, this follows
from \cite{B.106}~Prop.5; it is here that the relative primality of
$n'$ and $n''$ is a required hypothesis. It follows that the commutator
subgroup of $\MT(A,\CC)$ maps onto $\SL(W')$. What this means is that
when we write $G$ as the product of its center~$C$ and its semisimple part
$G_{\text{ss}}$, then $\MT(A) \supset G_{\text{ss}}$. Thus it remains to
show that $C\subset \MT(A)$ as well. And since $\dim C =2$, it will
suffice to show that the dimension of the center of $\MT(A)$ is at
least~$2$, which in turn would follow from showing that $\MT(A)$ maps onto
a $2$-dimensional torus.
Since $\MT(A) \subseteq \Res_{K/\QQ}\GL(W_0)$, where $W_0$ is $W$
considered as a vector space over $K$, we may consider the determinant map
$\Theta: \MT(A) \to \Res_{K/\QQ} \Gm_{/K} =: T$. Then from the fact that
$\MT(A)$ contains $\Gm_{/\QQ}$ acting as homotheties on $W$, the image of
$\Theta$ contains $\Gm_{/\QQ} \subset T$. If we extend scalars to $\CC$,
then $T_\CC \simeq \Gm_{/\CC} \times \Gm_{/\CC}$, and the image of
$\Gm_{/\QQ}$ in $T$ becomes the diagonal. On the other hand, $\MT(A)_\CC$
also contains $h(\SS_\CC) \simeq \Gm_{/\CC} \times \Gm_{/\CC}$. Then
$\Theta(h(z,1)) = (z^{(n')}, z^{(n'')})$, and because $n' \ne n''$, this
generates a torus distinct from the diagonal. Therefore $\Theta$ is
surjective, which completes the proof.
\head 7. More abelian varieties with conditions on dimension or
endomorphism algebra
\rightheadtext{more abelian varieties with conditions}
During the 1980's Hazama, Murty and others continued to generate results
related to the Hodge conjecture by examining the interactions among the
dimension, endomorphism algebra, and Hodge or Mumford-Tate group, in a
spirit akin to the work of Tankeev and Ribet described in section~6. In
particular, Hazama and Murty, working at about the same time but using
different methods, produced a number of overlapping results about the
Hodge conjecture for not-necessarily-simple abelian varieties extending
the results of Tankeev and Ribet.
\subhead Abelian varieties with generalized real multiplication
A first set of results can be loosely grouped together as dealing with
abelian varieties with generalized real multiplication.
\definition{7.1. Definition}
Several different definitions of what is meant by \dfn{real
multiplication} appear in the literature. The narrowest would be that the
abelian varietiey $A$ is of type~(I), i.e., every simple factor $A_s$ of
$A$ has $\Endo(A_s)$ equal to a totally real field. A slightly broader
definition would be to require that $\EndoA$ contains a product $R$ of
totally real fields such that $[R:\QQ] = \dim A$ \cite{B.46}.
Zarhin \cite{B.142} calls a $g$-dimensional abelian variety \dfn{of
RM-type} if it contains a commutative semisimple $\QQ$-algebra of
degree~$g$ over $\QQ$, and notes that this means that any abelian variety
of CM-type is also automatically of RM-type. Murty variously considers
the cases where a commutative semisimple $\QQ$-algebra $R\subseteq \EndoA$
is its own centralizer in $\EndoA$ \cite{B.81}, or $R$ is maximal
among commutative semisimple subalgebras of $\EndoA$ and is a product of
totally real fields \cite{B.83}. Altogether the most useful general
definition might be to say that an abelian variety $A$ has generalized
real multiplication if $\EndoA$ contains a commutative semisimple
subalgebra $R$ with $[R:\QQ] =\dim A$, and $A$ is not of CM-type, i.e.,
$\EndoA$ does not contain a commutative semisimple subalgebra of
degree~$2\dim A$ over $\QQ$. To avoid ambiguity we will try to give
precise statements of results without using this terminology.
The following theorem tries to summarize the main results concerning the
Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture for abelian varieties with some generalized real
\proclaim{7.2. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.46} \cite{B.81}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety.
\item Suppose $\EndoA$ contains a product $R$ of totally real fields with
the property that $[R:\QQ] = \dim A$, and no simple component of $A$ of
CM-type has dimension greater than~$1$. Then $\Hdg(A) =\Div(A)$.
\item Suppose $\EndoA$ contains a commutative semisimple subalgebra $R$
that is its own centralizer in $\EndoA$, and $H^0(A,\Omega^1)$ is free of
rank~$1$ over $R\tensor_\QQ \CC$. Then $\Hdg(A) =\Div(A)$.
\item Suppose that a maximal commutative semisimple subalgebra $R$ of
$\EndoA$ is a product of totally real fields, and that $W= H_1(A,\QQ)$ is
free over $R$ of rank $2m$, where $m$ is odd. Then $\Hg(A) = \Lf(A)$ and
thus $\Hdg(A^k) = \Div(A^k)$ for all $k\ge 1$.
\remark{7.3.1. Remarks on Theorem 7.2.1 {\rm (\cite{B.46})}}
The first observation about an abelian variety $A$ satisfying the
conditions of 7.2.1 is that its simple isogeny factors must be of
type~(I), or type~(II), or elliptic curves with complex mutliplication, as
elliptic curves without complex multiplication are included in type~(I)
\cite{B.37}. In particular, the condition is stable under taking
products or abelian subvarieties.
Without going into the proof at too great a length, some of the main
ingredients include firstly a lemma, due to Tankeev
that if the center of $\EndoA$ is a product of totally real
fields, then $\Hg(A)$ is semisimple. Then Hazama proceeds to work out the
Hodge Lie algebra $\hg(B)$, where $B$ is the isogeny factor of $A$
containing the simple factors of type~(I) or~(II). After complexifying
and applying Goursat's Lemma he finds that $\hg(B,\CC) \simeq \frak{sl}_2
\times \dots \times \frak{sl}_2$. Finally, he observes, similarly as we
did in section~3 on elliptic curves, that when $B$ is a abelian variety
whose Hodge group is semisimple and $C$ is an abelian variety of CM-type,
then $\Hg(B\times C) \simeq \Hg(B)\times \Hg(C)$. Then Theorem~7.2.1
follows from the invariant theory of $\frak{sl}_2$ and the known results
for elliptic curves.
\remark{7.3.2. Remarks on Theorem 7.2.2 {\rm (\cite{B.81})}}
Murty calls a pair $(A,R)$ consisting of an abelian variety and a
commutative semisimple subalgebra $R\subset \EndoA$ \dfn{of type~{\rm
(H)}} when the hypotheses of Theorem~7.2.2 are satisfied. He observes
that the product of two abelian varieties of type~(H) is again of
type~(H), and further proves that in general when a commutative semisimple
subalgebra of $\EndoA$ of degree $\dim A$ over $\QQ$ is a product $R$ of
totally real fields, then $H^0(A,\Omega^1)$ is free of rank~$1$ over
$R\tensor \CC$. Thus some examples of abelian varieties of type~(H)
include $(E,\QQ)$, where $E$ is an elliptic curve without complex
multiplication, and $(A,F)$ where $A$ is an abelian surface with
quaternionic multiplication by a quaternion algebra $B$ over $\QQ$, as in
1.13.7, and $F$ is any real quadratic subfield of $B$ which splits~$B$.
Although the analysis is somewhat different, some of the main ideas of
the proof of Theorem~7.2.2 are similar to some of the main points of the
proof of Theorem~7.2.1. In particular, under the hypothesis of type~(H)
(and making use of Goursat's Lemma), Murty shows that
\hg(A) = \{ m \in \End_{\EndoA}(W) : \operatorname{tr}_R m =0\} ,
and that not only is this semisimple, but over $\CC$ it is a product of
$\frak{sl}_2$'s. Thus it is possible to deduce that all invariants are
generated by those of degree~$2$.
\example{7.3.3. Example: Jacobians of elliptic modular curves}
Among the motivating examples for both Hazama and Murty were Jacobians
of elliptic modular curves. To recall briefly, for $N\ge 3$ let
\Gamma_1(N) := \left\{ \pmatrix a&b\\ c&d\endpmatrix \in \SL(2,\ZZ) :
c\cong 0 \text{ and } a\cong d \cong 1 \pmod N \right\} ,
and let $\frak H = \{z\in \CC : \Im z >0 \}$ denote the upper
half-plane. Then the quotient
X_1(N)(\CC) := \Gamma_1(N) \big\bs (\frak H \cup \QQ \cup \{ i\infty\})
can be identified with the complex points of a nonsingular projective
algebraic curve which can, in fact, be defined over~$\QQ$. Moreover,
Shimura has shown that in the Jacobian $J_1(N) :=
\operatorname{Jac}(X_1(N))$ all the isogeny factors with complex
multiplication are products of elliptic curves, and all the isogeny
factors without complex multiplication are of real multiplication type in
the sense that the endomorphism algebras of the simple factors contain a
totally real number field whose degree over $\QQ$ is the dimension of that
factor \cite{B.112} \cite{B.113} \cite{B.114} (see
also \cite{B.89}).
\remark{7.3.4. Remark on Theorem 7.2.3}
Theorem 7.2.3 is an artifact of Murty's study \cite{B.83} of the
semisimple parts of the Hodge groups of abelian varieties, and their
relationship with the Lefschetz groups. We will return to this again
briefly below.
\subhead Stably nondegenerate abelian varieties
A next group of results concerns conditions under which $\Hdg(A^k)
=\Div(A^k)$ for all $k\ge 1$. Again we combine closely relatied results
of Murty and Hazama; but first we need a definition.
\definition{7.4. Definition {\rm (\cite{B.47})}}
When $A$ is a simple abelian variety, the \dfn{reduced dimension} of $A$
is defined by
\rdim A := \cases \dim A, &\text{for $A$ of type~(I) or of type~(III),}
(\dim A)/2, &\text{for $A$ of type~(II),} \\
(\dim A)/d, &\text{for $A$ of type~(IV), and } [\EndoA: C(\EndoA)] =
d^2 .
By $C(\EndoA)$ here we mean the center of $\EndoA$.
When $A$ is isogenous to $\prod _i A_i^{m_i}$ with the $A_i$ simple and
nonisogenous, then the \dfn{reduced dimension} of $A$ is
\rdim A := \sum_i \rdim A_i .
\proclaim{7.5. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.82}, \cite{B.47})}}
For an abelian variety $A$, the following are equivalent.
\item $\Hdg(A^k) =\Div(A^k)$ for all $k\ge 1$.
\item $A$ has no factor of type~\rom{(III)}, and $\Hg(A) = \Lf(A)$.
\item $\rank \Hg(A)_\CC = \rdim A$.
\definition{7.6. Definition}
An abelian variety satisfying the conditions of Theorem~7.5 may be called
\dfn{stably nondegenerate.}
\remark{7.6.1. Remarks}
Hazama makes the following elementary observations about stable
nondegeneracy \cite{B.47}:
\item If $A$ is stably nondegenerate, and $B$ is an abelian subvariety of
$A$, then $B$ is stably nondegenerate. For up to isogeny $A\simeq B\times
B'$, and thus if stable nondegeneracy (in the sense of 7.5.1) failed for
$B$ it would fail for $A$.
\item For any $k\ge 1$, $A$ is stably nondegenerate if and only if $A^k$
is stably nondegenerate. This follows from the definition 7.5.1 and the
previous observation.
\item For abelian varieties $A_i$ and integers $k_i$, the product $\prod_i
A_i^{k_i}$ is stably nondegenerate if and only if $\prod_i A_i$ is stably
nondegenerate. Observe that
\prod_i A_i^{k_i} \subset \big( \prod_i A_i \big)^{\max k_i} .
He also proves the following.
\proclaim{7.6.2. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.49)}}}
If $A$ and $B$ are stably nondegenerate abelian varieties and contain no
factors of type~(IV), then $A\times B$ is also stably nondegenerate.
The difficulty with type~(IV) arises in taking products of, or with,
abelian varieties of CM-type, see section nine below. Or from a different
point of view, there is the theorem of Tankeev
that if all the simple factors of
an abelian variety $A$ are of types~(I), (II) or (III), then $\Hg(A)$ is
semisimple \cite{B.123}, and this may fail for type~(IV). What
can be said is that if $A$ is stably nondegenerate and has no factors of
types~(IV), and $B$ is stably nondegenerate and of CM-type, then $A\times
B$ is stably nondegenerate \cite{B.49}. On the other hand, since
by 7.5.2 no abelian variety with a factor of type~(III) can be stably
nondegenerate, Theorem~7.6.2 applies when all simple factors of $A$ and
$B$ are of type~(I) or~(II).
\remark{7.7. Some remarks on Theorem~7.5}
In \cite{B.82} Murty proves (1) if and only if~(2). Much of the
paper is devoted to a careful analysis of the structure of $\Lf(A)$.
the multiplicativity of $\Lf(A)$, Lemma~2.15, we may assume $A$ is simple.
Then fix a maximal commutative subfield $F \subset \EndoA$ which is
totally real for type~(I) and a CM-field in the other three cases, and let
$F_0$ be the maximal totally real subfield of $F$. Now extending scalars
to $\RR$, there is a decomposition of $\Lf(A)$ into factors indexed by the
embeddings $F_0 \hra \RR$. Then these factors are of the form: for
type~(I), a symplectic group; for type~(II), the intersection of a unitary
group and a symplectic group; for type~(III), the intersection of a
unitary group and a special orthogonal group; for type~(IV), a unitary
group \cite{B.82}~Lemma~2.3. Moreover, after complexifying, these
act on the corresponding components of $W\tensor \RR$ as: for type~(I), as
a standard symplectic repesentation; for type~(II), two copies of the
standard representation of the complex symplectic group; for type~(III),
two copies of the standard representation of the complex special
orthogonal group; for type~(IV), the sum of a standard representation of
the complex general linear group and its contragredient. Using this
structural analysis, Murty is then able to prove the following.
\proclaim{7.7.1. Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.82})}}
If $A$ contains no simple factors of type~\rom{(III)}, then for all
$k\ge 1$
H^*(A^k, \QQ)^{\Lf(A)} = \Div(A^k) .
To complete the proof that 7.5.1 is equivalent to 7.5.2, Murty shows
that a simple abelian variety of type~(III) supports an exceptional Hodge
class, see~8.6 below for more discussion of this.
Hazama's proof in \cite{B.47} that 7.5.1 is equivalent to 7.5.3 is
based on a careful type by type analysis of the Lie algebra $\hg(A)_\CC$
and its action on $W_\CC$ using that all the possibilities are as listed
in Theorem~2.11. For example, for a simple abelian variety of type~(I),
the action of a simple component $\frak g_i$ of $\hg(A)_\CC$ on the
corresponding component $W_i$ of $W_\CC$ is a symplectic representation,
and indeed $\frak g_i \simeq \frak{sp}(W_i,\CC)$. A similar result holds
for type~(II), whereas for type~(IV), the simple components of
$\hg(A)_\CC$ are of the form $\frak{sl}_{d_i}$. In all these cases,
careful invariant theory arguments using \cite{B.137} show that the
invariants of $H^*(A^k,\CC)$ are generated by those of degree~$2$ if and
only if the rank is as claimed. On the other hand, for type~(III) Hazama
finds that
\rank \Hg(A)_\CC \le (\dim A)/2 < \rdim A ,
i.e., equality never holds, and an abelian variety with a factor of
type~(III) fails to be stably nondegenerate. It comes about in the proof
that in general
\rank \Hg(A) \le \rdim A .
So both criteria 7.5.2 and 7.5.3 can be understood philosophically as
saying that $A$ is stably nondegenerate when $\Hg(A)$ is as large as
\subhead Further work on Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups
We conclude this section with certain additional results derived from
close study of Hodge and Mumford-Tate groups.
\subhead \nofrills \endsubhead
In \cite{B.83} Murty examines the semisimple part of the Hodge
group of an abelian variety, and finds the following. As usual, $W=
\proclaim{7.8. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.83})}}
If a maximal commutative subalgebra $R$ of $\EndoA$ is a product of
CM-fields, and $W$ is free over $R$ of odd rank, and if $\Hdg(A)
=\Div(A)$, then $\Hg(A)_{\text{ss}} = \Lf(A)_{\text{ss}}$.
This together with 7.2.3 implies the following.
\proclaim{Corollary {\rm (\cite{B.83})}}
When $A$ is simple and of odd dimension, then $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$ implies
that $\Hg(A)_{\text{ss}} = \Lf(A)_{\text{ss}}$.
\subhead \nofrills \endsubhead
In \cite{B.57} Ichikawa studies groups of Mumford-Tate type,
and extending \cite{B.94} \cite{B.126} and his own earlier
work \cite{B.56}, he obtains the following result. First we need
some notation.
\definition{7.9. Definition}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety of dimension~$g$, let $K$ the center
of $\EndoA$, let $e=[K:\QQ]$ and let $d^2=[\EndoA:K]$. Then the
\dfn{relative dimension} of $A$ is defined by
\operatorname{rel\,dim}(A) := \cases g /e, &\text{if $A$ is of
g /2e, &\text{if $A$ is of type~(II) or type~(III),}\\
2g/de, &\text{if $A$ is of type~(IV).}
\proclaim{7.10. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.57})}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety all of whose simple factors have odd
relative dimension.
\item When $A$ is isogenous to $A'\times A''$, where each simple factor of
$A'$ is of type ~\rom{(I)}, \rom{(II)} or~\rom{(III)} and each simple
factor of $A''$ is of type~\rom{(IV)}, then all Hodge cycles on $A$ are
generated by the Hodge cycles on $A'$ and $A''$.
\item When $A$ is isogenous to $\prod_j A_j^{m_j}$, where the $A_j$ are
simple and mutually non-isogenous, then all Hodge cycles on $A$ are
generated by the Hodge cycles on the $A_j$.
\head 8. Exceptional Hodge cycles
Thus far we have looked mainly at examples and conditions under which
Hodge $(p,p)$ conjecture is true. Now we consider the known examples of
Hodge cycles that are not known to be algebraic, and thus might be
considered potential counterexamples to the conjecture.
\definition{8.1. Definition}
By an \dfn{exceptional Hodge cycle} on $A$ we mean an element of
$\Hdg^p(A) = H^{2p}(A,\QQ) \cap H^{p,p}(A)$, for some $p$, which is not in
$\Div^p(A)$, that is to say, which cannot be written as a $\QQ$-linear
combination of classes of $p$-fold intersections of divisors.
\subhead 8.2. Mumford's CM fourfold
Perhaps the first example of an abelian variety where $\Hdg(A) \ne
\Div(A)$ was Mumford's example of the abelian fourfold with complex
multiplication corresponding to a particular CM-type (see~1.13.6) for the
splitting field of $(3X^4 - 6X^2 + X +1)(X^2 +1)$ \cite{B.88}.
This example is described in Lecture~7, 7.23--7.28.
\subhead 8.3. Abelian varieties of Weil type
It was Weil's observation, however, that the crucial feature of
Mumford's example was not that it was of CM-type, but rather that there
was an imaginary quadratic field $F$ acting on $A$ in such a way that
$\Lie(A)$ becomes a free $K\tensor \CC$-module, or equivalently, such that
$\alpha \in K$ acts as $\alpha$ and as $\bar \alpha$ with equal
multiplicity \cite{B.135}. Moreover, as we saw in Theorem~4.11, the
general such abelian variety, what we now refer to as an abelian variety
of Weil type, has a $2$-dimensional space of exceptional Weil-Hodge cycles
in $\Hdg^n(A)$, where $\dim A =2n$. In Theorem~4.12 we recalled Schoen's
examples of general abelian fourfolds with $K= \QQ(i)$ or
$K=\QQ(\sqrt{-3})$ where he showed that the Weil-Hodge cycles are
\cite{B.104}, and little else is known.
\subhead 8.4. Abelian varieties of Fermat type
Shioda's work on abelian varieties of Fermat type, see 4.1--4.8 above,
provides examples of abelian varieties $A$ where, at least for some $p$,
the space of Hodge cycles $\Hdg^p(A) \supsetneqq \Div^p(A)$ but is
nonetheless generated by classes of algebraic cycles \cite{B.116},
see Theorems~4.4 and~4.5. In the same work he also shows the existence,
for any $d\ge 2$, of an abelian variety $A$ of Fermat type whose Hodge
ring $\Hdg^*(A)$ is not generated by $\sum_{r=1}^{d-1} \Hdg^r(A)$, let
alone by $\Hdg^1(A)$.
\subhead 8.5. Exceptional cycles in codimension~$2$
In \cite{B.124} Tankeev produced a family of abelian varieties
of dimension~$4^m$ with exceptional cycles in codimension~$2$ when $m\ge
\proclaim{Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.124}~Thm.5.6)}}
For any $m\ge 1$ there exist abelian varieties $A$ such that
\item $\dim A = 4^m$, and
\item $\EndoA = \QQ$, and
\item $\hg_\CC(A) \simeq (\frak{sl}_{2\, \CC})^{2m+1}$, acting on
$H^1(A,\CC) \simeq (\CC^2)^{\tensor(2m+1)}$ as the tensor product of a
standard representation of each factor.
Moreover, for any abelian variety satisfying these conditions, $\dim_\QQ
= (4^m -1)/3$. In particular, if $m\ge 2$ then $\Hdg^2(A)$ is
not generated by classes of intersections of divisors.
The existence part of this theorem is obtained by generalizing Mumford's
example in \cite{B.78} (not the example in \cite{B.88}
mentioned in 8.2 above) of an abelian fourfold $A$ with $\EndoA = \QQ$ and
thus not characterized by its endomorphism ring. The computation of
$\dim_\QQ \Hdg^2(A)$ is proved by induction, and a computation with the
roots of $\hg_\CC(A)$ and the character of its representation.
\subhead 8.6. Abelian varieties of type~(III)
In the same paper where he proved that $\Hdg(A^k) =\Div(A^k)$ for all
$k\ge 1$ if and only if $A$ has no factor of type~(III) and $\Hg(A) =
\Lf(A)$ \cite{B.82}, Murty also proved the existence of an exceptional
Hodge cycle on abelian varieties of type~(III).
\proclaim{Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.82})}}
If an abelian variety $A$ has a factor of type~\rom{(III)}, then it
supports an exceptional Hodge class $\omega$ with the property that
$\pi_1^*(\omega) \tensor \pi_2^*(\omega) \in \Div(A^2)$, where $\pi_1$ and
$\pi_2$ are the projections from $A^2 = A\times A$ to its first and second
factors respectively.
In \cite{B.135}, where he presented abelian varieties of Weil type
as a place to look for counterexamples of the Hodge conjecture, Weil also
asked whether a weaker statement might be true, that is, whether the
presence of a Hodge cycle on $A$ might imply the presence of an algebraic
cycle on some power of $A$. This result of Murty is the first example
where the Hodge conjecture itself is not known to be true, but Weil's
question is answered affirmatively.
To get a flavor of the proof, suppose $A$ is simple and of type~(III),
and let $F$ be the center of $\EndoA$, let $m= \dim_{\EndoA} W$, and let
$d=(\dim A)/[F:\QQ]$. Then $d=2m$, and by \cite{B.109}~Prop.15,
$m\ge 2$. Then as a consequence of his analysis of $\Lf(A)$, Murty shows
\big( \twedge^* (W\dual)\big)^{\Lf(A)} \tensor_\QQ \RR =
\in \Hom(F,\RR)} \big( \twedge^* X\dual_\sigma\big)^{\Lf(A)_\sigma}
with $\dim_\RR X_\sigma =4m$. Then $X_\sigma \tensor \CC$ becomes
isomorphic to two copies of a standard representation of
$\operatorname{SO}(V,\psi)$ for a suitable $V$ and $\psi$. Then by
\cite{B.137}~p.53 the covariant tensors of
$\operatorname{SO}(V,\psi)$ are generated by $\psi$ and the determinant,
say~$\Delta$. Then $\Delta$ cannot be written as a polynomial in the
degree~$2$ invariant $\psi$, but $\Delta^2$ can. Take $\omega$ to be the
class corresponding to $\Delta$.
\subhead 8.7. Determinant cycles
In \cite{B.57} Ichikawa uses the idea of Murty's construction
to develop a certain extension of the work of Tankeev and Ribet on simple
abelian varieties \cite{B.124} \cite{B.126} \cite{B.94},
see section~6. Firstly he observes that on any abelian variety of
type~(I), (II) or~(III) there exist Hodge cycles that are $\CC$-linear
combinations of the determinant forms on the spaces $V$ as in the last
paragraph. He calls these \dfn{determinant Hodge cycles.} In this
language, Murty's result above is that on an abelian variety of type~(III)
no determinant cycle is generated by classes of divisors. Then Ichikawa
proves the following result. Recall the definition of relative dimension
\proclaim{Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.57})}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety whose simple factors are all of odd
relative dimension, and suppose $A$ is isogenous to $A'\times A''$ where
each simple factor of $A'$ is of type ~\rom{(I)}, \rom{(II)}
or~\rom{(III)} and each simple factor of $A''$ is of type~\rom{(IV)}.
Further, assume that the relative dimension of any simple factor of $A$ of
type~\rom{(III)} is not equal to $\frac 1 2 \binom{2k}{k}$ for any power
$k$ of~$2$, and that $A''$ is a power of a simple abelian variety of odd
prime dimension. Then any Hodge cycle on $A$ is generated by classes of
divisors and determinant Hodge cycles.
\definition{8.8. Definition {\rm (\cite{B.47})}}
Recall (definition~7.6) that a stably nondegenerate abelian variety is
one which satisfies the conditions of Theorem~7.5, in particular,
$\Hdg(A^k) =\Div(A^k)$ for all $k\ge 1$. Then a \dfn{stably degenerate}
abelian variety $A$ is one which is not stably nondegenerate, that is,
$\Hdg^p(A^n) \supsetneqq \Div^p(A^n)$ for some $p,n$. Then the least $n$
for which this occurs is called the \dfn{index of degeneracy,} which we
will denote by $\ind(A)$.
\subhead 8.9. Stably degenerate abelian varieties
Hazama has given two examples of stably degenerate abelian varieties of
type~(I) having index of degeneracy~$2$.
\proclaim{8.9.1. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.47})}}
There exists a simple abelian variety $A$ of dimension~$4$ with the
following properties:
\item"(a)" $A$ is of type~\rom{(I)},
\item"(b)" $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$,
\item"(c)" $\Hdg(A^2) \supsetneqq \Div(A^2)$.
To give a rough idea of the construction, let $K$ be a totally real
number field of degree~$3$, let $B$ be a quaternion algebra over $K$ such
that $B\tensor_\QQ \RR \simeq M_2(\RR) \times \Bbb H \times \Bbb H$, and
let $G = \Res_{K/\QQ}\SL(1,B)$. Then $G(\RR) \simeq \SL(2,\RR) \times
\SU(2) \times \SU(2)$, and there exists an $8$-dimensional $\QQ$-rational
symplectic representation $\rho : G\to \Sp(8)$ satisfying the necessary
analyticity conditions so that the induced map $\tau: X \to \frak H_4$ of
Hermitian symmetric domains pulls back the universal family $\script A \to
\frak H_4$ of polarized abelian fourfolds over the Siegel upper half-space
to an analytic family of abelian fourfolds $A\to X$ \cite{B.64}.
Moreover, if $A_0$ denotes a generic member of the family $A\to X$, then
$\Hdg^p(A_0^k) = H^{2p}(A_0,\QQ)^G$ for all $k\ge 1$. Then computations
with the complexified Lie algebra $\Lie(G,\CC) \simeq \frak{sl}_2 \times
\frak{sl}_2 \times \frak{sl}_2$ show firstly that $\dim \Hdg^1(A_0) =1$,
from which follows that $A_0$ is simple, of type~(I), and $\Hdg(A)
=\Div(A)$, and secondly that $\Hdg^2(A^2)$ is not generated by the
elements of $\Hdg^1(A^2)$.
\proclaim{8.9.2. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.48})}}
There exists a simple abelian variety $A$ of dimension~$10$ with the
following properties:
\item"(a)" $\hg(A,\CC) \simeq \frak{sl}(6,\CC)$,
\item"(b)" the representation $\hg(A,\CC) \to \End(H^1(A,\CC))$ is
equivalent to the representation $\frak{sl}(6,\CC) \to \End(\twedge^3
\CC^6)$ induced by the natural action of $\frak{sl}(6,\CC)$ on~$\twedge^3
\item"(c)" $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$,
\item"(d)" $\Hdg(A^2) \supsetneqq \Div(A^2)$.
The existence is worked out similarly as in the previous case, except
that here $G$ is a $\QQ$-form of $\SU(5,1)$. Again $\dim \Hdg^1(A) = 1$,
and $\EndoA =\QQ$. However, the actual computations are based on using
Young diagrams and branching rules, see \cite{B.48} for the
In \cite{B.48} Hazama constructs a family $A_n$ of simple abelian
varieties of dimension $\frac 1 2 \binom{4n+2}{2n+1}$, with $\Endo(A_n)
=\QQ$, and $\hg(A_n,\CC) \simeq \frak{sl}(4n+2,\CC)$ and $H^1(A_n,\CC)
\simeq \twedge^{2n+1}\CC^{(4n+2)}$ as a representation of $\hg(A_n,\CC)$.
The abelian variety of Theorem~8.9.2 is the $A_1$ in this family. Then he
also shows that the index of degeneracy $\ind(A_n) \le 2$ for $n\ge 2$,
where the theorem shows that $\ind(A_1) =2$.
\subhead 8.10. Invariants of partially indefinite quaternion algebras
In the 1960's Kuga asked which semisimple algebraic groups $G$ defined
over $\QQ$ together with which of their symplectic representations $\rho:
G\to \Sp(W,\beta)$ satisfy the necessary and sufficient analyticity
conditions to allow the construction of an algebraic family of polarized
abelian varieties parameterized by $\Gamma\bs X$, where $\Gamma$ is a
discrete subgroup of $G$ and $X$ is the Hermitian symmetric domain
associated to~$G$ \cite{B.61} \cite{B.62} \cite{B.63}.
Shortly thereafter Satake answered Kuga's question under the assumption
that for each $\QQ$-simple factor $\rho$ comes from an absolutely
irreducible representation of an absolutely simple factor of~$G$
\cite{B.99} \cite{B.100} \cite{B.102} \cite{B.103}.
It turned out that the list was quite small, and nearly all cases
had been considered by Shimura in his analysis of families of abelian
varieties characterized by polarization, endomorphism ring and level
structure \cite{B.109} \cite{B.110} \cite{B.112};
one more case was treated in \cite{B.101}. Some time later
Addington considered Kuga's question without Satake's assumption, and for
the groups corresponding to units of norm~$1$ in a partially indefinite
quaternion algebras $B$ over a totally real field~$F$, i.e.,
B\tensor_\QQ \RR \simeq M_2(\RR)^n \oplus \Bbb H^m \qquad \text{and}
\qquad G = \Res_{F/\QQ}\SL(1,B) ,
she developed a combinatorial scheme (called ``chemistry'') to describe
which symplectic representations give rise to an algebraic family of
abelian varieties \cite{B.5}. Then Tjiok \cite{B.131} and
Abdulali \cite{B.1} \cite{B.2} \cite{B.3}
showed that under certain reasonable hypotheses (``rigidity'' or
``condition~(H$_2$)'') the space of Hodge cycles in a generic fiber $A_0$
of the family is the space of $G$-invariants, $H^{2r}(A_0,\QQ)^G =
(\twedge^{2r} W\dual)^G$. Thus, for the purposes of this appendix, where
the issue is Hodge cycles on abelian varieties, statements about Hodge
cycles on the generic fiber of such a family can be understood as
statements about Hodge cycles on an abelian variety $A_0$ with specified
semisimple Hodge group~$G$. Then the problem is to describe the
invariants of $G$ in the exterior algebra $\twedge^*W\dual$.
This is the problem taken up by Kuga in \cite{B.64}, \cite{B.65}
and the series of papers \cite{B.66} \cite{B.67}, and Lee in
\cite{B.71}. The results are rather involved to
state precisely. In \cite{B.64} Kuga looks at some simple examples
of the situation just described, and finds conditions (``totally
disconnected triangular polymer'') where all the Hodge cycles in the
abelian variety $A_0$ are generated by those of degree two or where only
the Hodge cycles in codimension~$2$ or~$4$ are generated by those of
degree two (``triangular polymer without double bond, short cycle or
Hexatram''), which is to say that there are exceptional cycles in higher
codimensions. At the end of \cite{B.65} is an example of a
$16$-dimensional abelian variety $A$ for which the dimensions of the
spaces $\Hdg^r(A)$ of Hodge cycles are determined, where $\dim \Hdg^2(A)=
82$ and $\dim \Div^2(A) = 10$. In \cite{B.66} and \cite{B.67}
the focus is more on the complicated invariant theory in
the exterior algebra for the groups and representations under
consideration, in particular the latter papers examine the asymptotic
behavior of $\dim \twedge^{2r}(\mu W\dual)^G$ as the multiplicity~$\mu$
grows. In \cite{B.71} Lee computes the dimensions of the spaces
$\Hdg^r(A_0)$ for the $8$-dimensional abelian variety constructed from a
particular form of $16$-dimensional representation of $G$.
\head 9. The problem of complex multiplication
In this section we look at what is known about the Hodge $(p,p)$
conjecture for abelian varieties with complex multiplication. We have
already seen that the Hodge group of such an abelian variety is an
algebraic torus, necessarily contained in $\Res_{K/\QQ}\Gm_{/K}$, where
$K$ is the field of complex mutliplication (Proposition~2.12). For the
general theory of complex multiplication, see \cite{B.115}
\cite{B.70} and parts of \cite{B.112}.
\definition{9.1. Definition}
Recall (1.13.6) that a CM-type $(K,S)$ consists of a CM-field $K$ and a
subset $S\subset \Hom(K,\CC)$ containing exactly one from each pair of
conjugate embeddings. Moreover, given a CM-type $(K,S)$, there is a
natural construction of an abelian variety $A$ with that CM-type, that is,
with $\EndoA = K$ and $K$ acting on $H^{1,0}(A)$ as $\bigoplus_{\phi\in S}
\phi$. Then we define the \dfn{rank} of the CM-type $(K,S)$ by
\rank (K,S) := \dim \MT(A) .
The rank of a CM-type seems to have originally been defined by Kubota
\cite{B.60}, who defined it as $\dim_\QQ\{\sum_{\phi\in S} \phi(x)
: x\in K\}$. The equality of this with the dimension of the Mumford-Tate
group follows from the methods in \cite{B.91}, see also
\cite{B.26} \cite{B.27}.
\subhead 9.2. Pohlmann's criterion
One of the first results about Hodge cycles on abelian varieties with
complex multiplication is a theorem of Pohlmann \cite{B.88} that
describes $\dim \Hdg(A)$ in terms of the Galois theory of~$K$. To state
the theorem we need some notation. Let $A$ be an abelian variety with
CM-type $(K,S)$, let $S = \{\phi_1, \dots , \phi_g\}$ and let $\Sbar = \{
\phibar_1, \dots ,\phibar_g\}$, so $\Hom_\QQ(K,\CC) = S\cup \Sbar$. Then
$\alpha \mapsto (\phi_1(\alpha), \dots , \phi_g(\alpha))$, for $\alpha \in
K$, induces an isomorphism of $K$ onto $H_1(A,\QQ)$ (in 1.13.6 we mapped
$\script O_K$ onto $H_1(A,\ZZ)$), via which $H^1(A,\CC)$ can be identified
with $\Hom_\QQ(K,\CC)$. Further, without loss of generality we may assume
$K\subset \CC$, and let $L$ be the Galois closure of $K$ in $\CC$ and $G =
\Gal(L/\QQ)$. Then we let $\sigma \in \Aut(\CC/\QQ)$ act on $f\in
H^r(A,\CC)$, with $f:\twedge^r K \to \CC$, by $(\sigma f)(\lambda) =
\sigma(f(\lambda))$ for $\lambda \in \twedge^r K$. Finally, for an
ordered subset $\Delta \subset S$, let $|\Delta|$ denote the cardinality
of $\Delta$ and let $\angled \Delta := \twedge_{\phi\in S} \phi$.
\proclaim{Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.88}~Thm.1)}}
When $A$ is an abelian variety with CM-type $(K,S)$, then $\Hdg^p(A)
\tensor \CC$ has a basis consisting of those $\angled \Delta \in
H^{2p}(A,\CC)$ such that
|\tau \Delta \cap S| = | \tau \Delta \cap \Sbar|
\tag 9.2.1
for every $\tau \in G$. Thus $\dim \Hdg^p(A)$ is the number of ordered
subsets $\Delta \subset S$, with $|\Delta| = 2p$, that satisfy the
If $f= \sum_i c_i\angled{\Delta_i} \in \Hdg^p(A)$ with $c_i\in\CC$, then
$\sum_i \sigma(c_i)\angled{\sigma\Delta_i} = \sigma f = f$ is in
$H^{p,p}(A)$ for all $\sigma\in \Aut(\CC/\QQ)$, hence $\Delta_i$
satisfies~(9.2.1). Then every element of $\Hdg^p(A)$ is a linear
combination of $\Delta_i$ satisfying~(9.2.1). Conversely, let $\Delta$ be
such taht $|\Delta | = 2p$ and (9.2.1) is satisfied. Let
$\{u_1,\dots,u_s\}$ be a basis for $L$ over $\QQ$, and let $f_i =
\sum_{\tau\in G} \tau(u_i) \angled{\tau\Delta}$ for $1\le i \le s$. Then
$\sigma f_i = f_i$ for all $\sigma\in\Aut(\CC/\QQ)$, and by (9.2.1) $f_i
\in H^{p,p}(A)$, so $f_i\in \Hdg^p(A)$. Further, since
$\det(\tau(u_i))_{\tau, i} \ne 0$, we can solve the system of linear
equations $f_i = \sum_{\tau \in G} \tau(u_i) \angled{\tau \Delta}$ and
find that $\angled {\tau\Delta} \in \Hdg^p(A) \tensor \CC$ for $\tau \in
G$. Thus $\angled \Delta \in \Hdg^p(A) \tensor \CC$, as required.
Pohlmann's theorem give a criterion for exceptional cycles, also see 9.3
\proclaim{9.2.2. Corollary {\rm (\cite{B.138})}}
$\dim \Hdg^p(A) - \dim\Div^p(A)$ is the number of subsets $\Delta \subset
\Hom(K,\CC)$ such that
\item"(a)" $\Delta - \ol\Delta \ne \varemptyset$,
\item"(b)" $|\Delta \cap g S| = p$ for all $g\in G$.
\subhead 9.3. Sporadic cycles
In \cite{B.138} White observes that Pohlmann's criterion shows that
when a CM abelian variety $A$ is nondegenerate, as defined in~2.13, then
$\Hdg(A) =\Div(A)$. He then recounts that between 1977 and 1978 Ribet
asked if these two conditions were equivalent, and that Lenstra was
quickly able to show that they are, for a simple abelian variety of simple
CM-type $(K,S)$, under the additional hypothesis that the CM-field $K$ is
abelian over $\QQ$ (see \cite{B.138}~Thm.3). Then later Hazama
showed that a simple abelian variety is nondegenerate if and only if
$\Hdg(A^k) = \Div(A^k)$ for all $k\ge 1$, see Theorem~6.4 \cite{B.45} and
Theorem~7.5 \cite{B.47}. Only recently, however, White
showed the following.
\proclaim{Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.138}~Thm.1)}}
There exists an abelian variety of CM-type with $\Hdg(A) =\Div(A)$ and
$\dim \Hg(A) \lneqq \dim A$.
The argument involves a rather technical analysis of the $\QQ$-group ring
of a non-abelian group. Eventually, however, the counterexample is a
CM-type for a CM-field whose Galois group is
\ZZ/2\ZZ \times \ZZ/2\ZZ \times \ZZ/5\ZZ \times D_5,
where the last factor is the dihedral group and the first factor
corresponds to complex conjugation. The splitting field of
X^5 - 10X^4 -70X^3 -25X^2 +190X +12
is a totally real field with Galois group $D_5$, and it is easy to make
disjoint totally real quadratic and quintic extensions, and then a totally
imaginary quadratic extension. For the abelian variety $A$ with the
requisite CM-type for this field, $\dim\Hg(A) = 84 < 100 =\dim A$.
\subhead 9.4. Degenerate CM types
Recall from definitions 2.13 and 9.1 that a CM-type $(K,S)$ is said to
be nondegenerate if $\rank(K,S) = \dim A +1$, and is called degenerate
otherwise, if $\rank (K,S) \le \dim A$, where $A$ an abelian variety
CM-type $(K,S)$. A number of examples of degenerate CM-types and lower
bounds for the rank as a function of $\dim A$ have been given by Ribet
\cite{B.92}, Dodson \cite{B.28} \cite{B.29}
\cite{B.30}, Mai \cite{B.72} and Yanai \cite{B.140}.
The following proposition of Kubota can be a useful way of measuring the
rank of a CM-type. Let $c$ denote complex conjugation.
\proclaim{9.4.1. Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.60})}}
\rank (K,S) = 1 + \#\big\{\chi : \Gal(K/\QQ) \to \CC : \chi(c) =-1\enspace
\&\enspace \sum_{s\in S} \chi(s) \ne 0 \big\},
where only irreducible $\chi$ are included.
\example{9.4.2. Examples {\rm (\cite{B.92})}}
First, let $p \ge 5$ be a prime, let $K = \QQ(\zeta_p)$ be the field of
$p^{\text{th}}$ roots of unity, and identify $G = \Gal(K/\QQ) \simeq
(\ZZ/p\ZZ)^\times$. For $g\in G$ let $\angled g \cong g \pmod p$ with
$1\le \angled g \le p-1$. Then for $1\le a \le p-2$ with $a^3\not \cong 1
\pmod p$ the set
S_a = \{g\in G : \angled g + \angled{ag} <p\}
is a simple CM-type. It is nondegenerate when $a=1$, but is degenerate
for $p= 67$ and $a = 10$, $19$, $47$, $56$, $60$ \cite{B.40}.
Lenstra and Stark also noticed that for $p\cong 7 \pmod {12}$ and
sufficiently large there always exists a number~$a$ for which $S_a$ is
degenerate, {\sl loc..~cit.}
Next let $K=\QQ(\zeta_{32})$ and, identifying $\Gal(K/\QQ)$ with
$(\ZZ/32\ZZ)^\times$, let
S = \{ 1,\ 7,\ 13,\ 21,\ 23,\ 27,\ 29\}, \qquad S'=\{1,\ 7,\ 9,\ 11,\
13,\ 15,\ 27,\ 29\} .
Then $(K,S)$ and $(K,S')$ are both degenerate (simple) CM-types. This
example is due to Lenstra.
Let $K= \QQ(\zeta_{19})$ and, identifying $\Gal(K/\QQ)$ with
$(\ZZ/19\ZZ)^\times$, let
S = \{ 1,\ 3,\ 4,\ 5,\ 6,\ 7,\ 8,\ 10,\ 17\}.
Then again $(K,S)$ is a degenerate CM-type. This example is due to
Finally, let $p$, $q$, $r$ be odd primes, let $G = \ZZ/2pqr\ZZ$ as
cyclic group, and let $K$ be an extension of $\QQ$ with $\Gal(K/\QQ)\simeq
G$. Then let $S$ be the subset of elements having order $1$, $pqr$, $2p$,
$2q$, $2r$, $2pq$, $2pr$ or $2qr$. Then $(K,S)$ is a simple CM-type and
\rank(K,S) = 1 + pqr - (p-1)(q-1)(r-1) .
This example is due to Lenstra.
All of these examples are verified in \cite{B.92} using
Proposition~9.4.1 and exhibiting odd characters $\chi$ such that
$\sum_{s\in S} \chi(s) = 0$.
\example{9.4.3. Degenerate CM-types in composite dimension}
In Theorem~6.3.2 we saw that an abelian variety of CM-type with prime
dimension is always nondegenerate. Dodson has proved a number of theorems
exhibiting the existence of degenerate abelian varieties in composite,
i.e., non-prime, dimensions \cite{B.28} \cite{B.29}
\cite{B.30}, and more recently Yanai has come up with a method for
generating degenerate CM-types that encompasses some of the previous
\proclaim{Theorem{\rm (\cite{B.28}~Thm.3.2.1)}}
When $n$ is composite, $n>4$, then there exist abelian varieties of
CM-type with $\dim A =n$ and rank $n-l+2$ for a divisor $l\ge 2$ of $n$
such that $n/l >2$.
\proclaim{Theorem{\rm (\cite{B.28}~Thm.3.2.2)}}
Let $p$ be a prime and suppose the ideal $(2)$ decomposes in the
cyclotomic field $\QQ(\zeta_p)$ into $g>1$ factors of degree~$f$. Note
that $p\cong \pm1 \pmod 8$ is sufficient but not necessary to insure
$g>1$. Then there exist abelian varieties of CM-type having dimension
$2^{fs}p$ and rank~$p-1$, for $0\le s\le g-1$. In particular, for $s>0$
these abelian varieties are simple and degenerate.
In the following $K_0^{\Gal}$ denotes the Galois closure of the field
$K_0$, and $[(\ZZ/2\ZZ)^m]^+$ is the even subgroup of $(\ZZ/2\ZZ)^m$
\proclaim{Theorem{\rm (\cite{B.28}~Thm.3.3.1)}}
\rom{(A)} Suppose there exists a totally real field $K_0^{\Gal}$ with
Galois group isomorphic to the wreath product $(\ZZ/k\ZZ) \wr (\ZZ/l\ZZ)$,
with $k>2$ and $l\ne 1$. Then there exist simple degenerate abelian
varieties with complex multiplication by a non-Galois CM-field such that
the varieties have dimension~$kl$ and rank~$n-l+2$.
\rom{(B)} Under the same hypotheses except that $k=2$ is allowed, there
exist simple abelian varieties of CM-type with dimension~$n' =k^2l$ having
rank $\le kl+1$.
\rom{(C)} Further, in the even case, the existence of totally real fields
with Galois groups $[(\ZZ/2\ZZ)^m]^+\rtimes \ZZ/m\ZZ$ with $m\ge 3$,
respectively $D_m$ with $m>5$ and odd, supplies simple abelian varieties
of CM-type with dimension $n=4m$, respectively $n=2m$, and rank $\le \frac
n 2 +1$
\proclaim{Theorem{\rm (\cite{B.29}~Thm.3.1)}}
Let $d$ be a composite number. Then there exist simple abelian varieties
CM-type with dimension ~$d$ and rank $\le (d/2)+1$ whenever $d$ is
\item even;
\item divisible by a square;
\item of the form $d = \binom p m$ with $0\le m \le (p-1)/2$; or
\item of the form $d= pt$ with $t\mid (p-1)$ and $t< p-1$.
Further, the rank $p+1$ occurs in dimension~$d$ at least in the following
\item when $d$ and $p$ are as in ~3 or ~4 above;
\item when $d= 2^{(p-1)/2}pt$ with $t\mid (p-1)/2$;
\item when $d=p q^2$ where $q$ is an odd prime and $p= q^2+ q +1$.
The following is a nondegeneracy result
\proclaim{Theorem{\rm (\cite{B.30}~Thm.2.1)}}
Let $n$ be odd and suppose that $K$ is a CM-field of degree $2n$ such
that the maximal totally real subfield $K_0$ has $\Gal(K_0^{\Gal}/\QQ)$
isomorphic to the symmetric groups or the alternating group on
$n$~letters. Then every primitive CM-type $(K,S)$ is nondegenerate.
Recently Yanai has developed a method for generating degenerate CM-types
in higher dimension starting with degenerate CM-types in lower dimension.
\proclaim{Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.140})}}
Let $K$ be a CM-field with $[K:\QQ] = 2d$ and let $K_1$ be a proper
subfield of $K$ with $[K_1:\QQ] =2d_1$. Further, let $\pi: X_K \to
X_{K_1}$ be the canonical surjection from the character group of
$\Res_{K/\QQ}\Gm_{/K}$ to the character group of
$\Res_{K_1/\QQ}\Gm_{/K_1}$. Suppose that the CM-types $(K,S)$ and
$K_1,S_1)$ satisfy the condition
\pi\big(\sum_{\sigma\in S}\sigma\big) = a \sum_{\sigma\in S_1}\sigma +
b\sum_{\sigma\in S_1}\bar\sigma
with some nonnegative integers $a$ and $b$ such that $a+b =[K:K_1]$.
d+1 -\rank S \ge d_1 +1 -\rank S_1 .
Moreover, if $a=b$ then
d+1 - \rank S \ge d_1.
In particular, if the CM-type $(K_1,S_1)$ is degenerate or if $a=b$ then
the CM-type $(K,S)$ is degenerate.
\example{9.4.4. Lower bounds for CM-types}
Ribet \cite{B.92} and Mai \cite{B.72} have given some lower
bounds for the rank of a CM-type, and particularly the latter discusses
how sharp these might be.
\proclaim{Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.92})}}
$\rank(K,S) \ge 2 + \log_2 (\dim A)$
Mai considers the case where the CM-filed $K$ is Galois over $\QQ$. For
the next proposition, note that when $V =\ZZ[\Gal(K/\QQ)]\tensor\CC$ is
considered as a $\Gal(K/\QQ)$-module, there is a decompositon $V=
\bigoplus_\pi d_\pi V_\pi$, where $\pi$ ranges over the irreducible
representations of $\Gal(K/\QQ)$ and $d_\pi = \dim V_\pi$. A
representation $\pi$ is called \dfn{odd} if the value of its character at
complex conjugation is~$-1$.
\proclaim{Proposition {\rm(\cite{B.72}~Prop.1)}}
When $K/\QQ$ is a Galois extension and $(K,S)$ is a simple CM-type, then
\rank (K,S) \ge 1 + \sum d_\pi ,
where the sum ranges only over those odd irreducible representaions $\pi$
such that $\pi(\sum_{s\in S}s) \ne 0$.
\proclaim{Proposition {\rm(\cite{B.72}~Prop.2)}}
When $K/\QQ$ is a Galois extension and $(K,S)$ is a simple CM-type, then
\rank(K,S) \le \max \Big\{ \frac{(p-1)^2\alpha}{p} : p \text{ an odd
prime, and } p^\alpha \,\big\|\, ([K:\QQ]/2) \Big\} .
The notation $p^\alpha \,\big\|\, N$ means $p^\alpha$ exactly
divides~$N$, i.e., $p^\alpha \,\big|\,N$ and $p^{(\alpha+1)}
In the following $S_a$ is the same CM-type that occured the first
paragraph of 9.4.2. Such CM-types occur among factors of the Jacobians of
Fermat curves.
\proclaim{Proposition {\rm(\cite{B.72}~Prop.3)}}
Let $K= \QQ(\zeta_p)$ and identify $\Gal(K/\QQ)$ with
$(\ZZ/p\ZZ)^\times$. For $1\le a \le p-2$ let $S_a$ be the CM-type
defined by
S_a = \{g\in \Gal(K/\QQ) : 1 \le \angled g + \angled{ag} < p \} ,
where $1\le \angled g \le p-1$ and $\angled g \cong g \pmod p$. Then
\rank(K,S) \ge 1 + \frac{19}{21} d , \qquad d= \frac{p-1}2 .
\subhead 9.5. Andr\'e's description of CM-Hodge cycles as Weil cycles
Finally we turn to a recent result of Andr\'e \cite{B.9} that
every Hodge cycle on an abelian variety $A$ of CM-type is a linear
combination of inverse images under morphisms $A\to B_J$ of Weil-Hodge
cycles on various abelian varieties $B_J$ of CM-type. The following
definition should be compared with 1.13.6, 4.10, and the discussion
preceding Theorem~4.9.
\definition{9.5.1. Definition}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety, let $F$ be a CM-field contained in
$\EndoA$, and let $V= H^1(A,\QQ)$. Then $A$ or $V$ is said to be \dfn{of
Weil type relative to $F$} if there exists an $F$-Hermitian form $\psi$ on
$V$ admitting a totally isotropic subspace whose dimension over $F$ is
$\frac 1 2 \dim_F V$, and there exists a purely imaginary element $\alpha
\in F$ such that $\operatorname{Tr}_{F/\QQ}(\alpha\cdot\psi(u,v))$ defines
a polarization on~$A$. Then the elements of $\twedge_F^{2p}V$ are called
\dfn{Weil-Hodge cycles relative to~$F$.}
\proclaim{9.5.2. Theorem {\rm(\cite{B.9})}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety of CM-type, and $p$ a positive integer.
Then there exists a CM-field $F$, a finite number abelian varieties $A_J$
with complex multiplication of Weil type relative to $F$, and morphisms
$A\to A_J$, such that every Hodge cycle $\xi \in \Hdg^p(A)$ is a sum of
inverse images of Weil-Hodge cycles $\xi_J \in \Hdg^p(A_J)$.
We sketch Andr\'e's proof. Up to isogeny write $A = \prod_i A_i$ as a
product of simple CM-abelian varieties, where $A_i$ is of CM-type
$(K_i,S_i)$. Let $V = H^1(A,\QQ)$, let $V_{S_i} = H^1(A_i,\QQ)$, and let
$F$ be the Galois closure of the compositum of all the $\Endo(A_i)$. Then
$V = \bigoplus_{i\in I} V_{S_i}$ and $V_{S_i} \tensor F =
\bigoplus_{\sigma \in \Hom(F,\CC)} V_{S_i,\sigma}$. Then
$$ \spreadlines{1\jot} \align
\big( \twedge_\QQ^{2p} \big) \tensor F & \simeq \sum_{\sum d_i = 2p}
\big( \bigotimes_{i\in I} \twedge^{d_i} V_{S_i}\big) \tensor F \\
& \simeq \sum\Sb \sum d_{i,\sigma} =2p \\ d_{i,\sigma} \in \{0,1\}
\endSb \bigotimes_{(i,\sigma)\in I\times \Hom(F,\CC)}
V_{S_i,\sigma}^{\tensor d_{i,\sigma}} .
Let $T_F = \Res_{F/\QQ}\Gm_{/F}$. Then the action of $(T_F)^I$ on
$\twedge^{2p}_\QQ V$ commutes with the action of $\Hg(V)$. Further, the
action of $T_F$ can be extended by $F$-linearity to an action on
$\bigotimes V_{S_i,\sigma}^{\tensor d_{i,\sigma}}$. It follows that every
Hodge cycle $\xi \in \twedge^{2p}_\QQ$ can be written as $\xi = \sum
\lambda_J \theta_J$, where $J$ indexes the set of sequences
$(d_{i,\sigma})_{(i,\sigma)\in I\times \Hom(F,\CC)}$ with $d_{i,\sigma}
\in \{0,1\}$ and $\sum d_{i,\sigma} =2p$, and where $\lambda_J \in F$, and
$\theta_J \in \bigotimes_{(d_{i,\sigma})\in J} V_{S_i,\sigma}^{\tensor
d_{i,\sigma}}$, and the restriction of $\Hg(V)$ acting on $F$
Now observe that each $\tau \in \Aut(F)$ induces an isomorphism of
rational Hodge structures $V_{S_i,\sigma} \to V_{\tau S_i, \sigma\tau}$,
although this isomorphism does not respect the action of $T_F$. Therefore
we may write $V_J = \sum_{(d_{i,\sigma})\in J}
V^{d_{i,\sigma}}_{S_i,\sigma}$, where $S_{i,\sigma} = \sigma ^{-1} S$, in
such a way that via the isomorphisms induced by $\Aut(F)$ we get a
morphism of rational Hodge structures of CM-type $V_J \to V$ and
$\theta_J$ comes from an element $\zeta_J \in \bigotimes_{j\in J}
V_{S_{i,\sigma},\id}^{\tensor d_{i,\sigma}} \subset \big( \twedge_F^{2p}
V_J\big)\tensor_\QQ F$ which is invariant under the action of $\Hg(V_J)$
Note also that there is a natural basis $\chi_{(j,\sigma)}$ of
characters of $T_{F^J}$, where $(j,\sigma)$ runs over $J\times
\Hom(F,\CC)$. Let $\gamma_{(j,\sigma)}$ denote the dual basis of
cocharacters. Then if $\zeta_J \ne 0$, it generates the character
$\sum_{j\in J} j \chi_{(j,\sigma)}$ of~$T_{F^J}$.
On the other hand, the Hodge structure of $V_J$ is determined by the
cocharacter $h:\U(1) \to (T_{F^J})_{/\RR}$, whose complexification may be
written out as
h_\CC = \sum_{(j,\sigma) \in J\times \Hom(F,\CC)} j(2S_j(\sigma) -1)
where $S_j(\sigma)$ is $1$ or $0$ according as $\sigma\in S_j$ or not.
Then the fact that $\zeta_J$ is $\Hg(V_J)$-invariant implies that
$\sum_{j\in J} j \angled{\tau h, \chi_{(j,\id)}} =0$ for all $\tau \in
\Gal(F/\QQ)$. Then expanding this expression, we find
\sum_{j\in J} j(2S_j(\sigma) -1) =0 .
And since $\sum_{j\in J} j = 2p$, it follows that
\sum_{j\in J} j S_j({\ssize{\bullet}}) = p ,
which implies that $V_J$ is a rational Hodge structure of Weil type.
\xi_J := [F:\QQ]^{-1} \sum_{\tau \in \Gal(F/\QQ)} \lambda^\tau
\zeta_J^\tau \in \twedge_F^{2p} V_J
is a Weil-Hodge cycle, and $\xi$ is a sum of images of $\xi_J$ under the
maps $V_J \to V$, since $\xi = [F:\QQ]^{-1} \sum_{\tau \in \Gal(F/\QQ)}
\lambda^\tau \theta^\tau_J$.
\head 10. The general Hodge conjecture
In this section, when we speak of the general Hodge conjecture we always
mean the Grothendieck amended version as in~(7.12) of the text, that the
$r^{\text{th}}$ step of the arithmetic filtration $F_a^rH^i(A,\QQ)$ is the
largest rational Hodge structure contained in $F^rH^i(Z,\CC) \cap
H^i(A,\QQ)$, where $F^rH^i(A,\CC)$ is the Hodge filtration. In those
cases where the stronger statement that $F_a^rH^i(A,\QQ) = F^rH^i(Z,\CC)
\cap H^i(A,\QQ)$ we will speak of Hodge's original conjecture, or the
strong form of the general Hodge conjecture. Based on the results
assembled below, it would seem that when it is true, this stronger version
is more amenable to being proved.
\example{10.1. The general abelian variety}
The earliest results about the general Hodge conjecture for abelian
varieties are those of Comessatti \cite{B.23} and Mattuck
\cite{B.73}, which show that Hodge's original conjecture is true
for the general abelian variety described in~1.13.8. Mattuck's proof
proceeds by induction and explicit computation with period matrices.
Since the general $g$-dimensional abelian variety $A$ has
\Hg(A) = \Sp(H^1(A,\QQ),E) = \Lf(A),
(see~2.14) and also $\EndoA = \QQ$, it satisfies the hypotheses of
Theorem~6.2. Thus $\Hdg(A^k) = \Div(A^k)$ for all $k\ge 1$, which is to
say that the general abelian variety is stably nondegenerate, and
Theorem~10.9 below applies.
\subhead Abelian varieties of low dimension
\example{10.2. Various abelian threefolds}
The first interesting case of the general Hodge conjecture is
$\GHC(1,3,X)$ for a threefold $X$, and indeed, it was a special abelian
threefold, the product of three copies of an elliptic curve whose period
satisfies a cubic relation, that Grothendieck exhibited to show that
Hodge's original conjecture needed to be modified, see (7.5) in the text
or \cite{B.43}. In \cite{B.12} Bardelli took up the
question of whether Grothendieck's counterexample to Hodge's original
conjecture satisfies Grothendieck's amended version, and at the same time
he considered a number of other abelian threefolds.
\proclaim{10.2.1. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.12}~Prop.3.8)}}
The Grothendieck generalized Hodge conjecture holds for:
\item The generic abelian threefold;
\item The generic member of the family of Jacobians of smooth genus three
curves admitting a morphism onto some elliptic curve;
\item The generic member of the family of Jacobians of smooth genus three
curves admitting a morphism onto some genus two curve;
\item The generic product of an abelian surface and an elliptic curve;
\item The generic product of three elliptic curves;
\item All products of three copies of the same elliptic curve, in
particular when the period $\tau$ is quadratic over $\QQ$ (the CM case) or
cubic over $\QQ$ (as in Grothendieck's counterexample).
Bardelli's arguments are very geometric in nature. To give a hint of
their flavor, let $J_H(A)$ denote the maximal subtorus of the intermediate
Jacobian of an abelian threefold $A$ that is orthogonal, with respect to
cup product, to $H^{3,0}(A)$. Then the key lemma has the following form.
\proclaim{10.2.2. Lemma {\rm (\cite{B.12}~Lem.2.2)}}
Let $T$ be an irreducible analytic subvariety of the Siegel upper
half-space of genus three and let $p:\script A \to T$ be the restriction
of the universal family of principally polarized abelian varieties over
the Siegel half-space. Let $t_0 \in T$ be a generic point of $T$ at which
$T$ is smooth. Then
\dim_\CC J_H(A_{t_0}) \le 9 - \dim T.
Recall (1.13..8) that the Siegel half-space of genus~$g$ consists of
complex symmetric $g\times g$ matrices with positive-definite imaginary
part, and thus represents the possible complex structures for an abelian
variety of dimension~$g$.
Another example of abelian threefold for which the general Hodge
conjecture is true comes up in \cite{B.86}. In the course of
constructing a counterexample to a conjecture of Xiao, Pirola finds the
\proclaim{10.2.3. Proposition}
The general Hodge conjecture is true for the generic member of the family
of abelian threefolds of the form $W=\operatorname{Jac}(C)/f^*E$, where
$C$ is a smooth genus~$4$ curve, $E$ is an elliptic curve, and $f:C\to E$
is a $3$~to~$1$ cyclic Galois covering.
\example{10.3. An abelian fourfold of Weil type}
In \cite{B.105} Schoen proves the general Hodge conjecture for
abelian fourfolds $A$ of Weil type with multiplication by $\EndoA = K
=\QQ(i)$ (and determinant~$1$, associated to a Hermitian form of
signature~$(3,1)$). Previously, in \cite{B.104}, see Theorem~4.12,
he had proved the Hodge $(2,2)$ conjecture for these fourfolds. Thus in
\cite{B.105} it only remained to verify $\GHC(1,4,A)$. Therefore
the focus is on the rational Hodge substructure $U'\subset \twedge^4_K
H^1(A,\QQ)$, where $U'$ is the unique $\Res_{K/\QQ}\Gm_{/K}$
subrepresentation of $H^4(A,\QQ)$ which after tensoring with $\CC$ becomes
isomorphic to the sum of weight spaces $\alpha^4 \oplus \bar\alpha^4$.
The Hodge type of $U'$ is $\{(3,1),\,(1,3)\}$. The highly geometric
arguments are lengthy and intricate, so we will not go into them here,
except to say that one of the main points is that the generic $A$ as above
is a generalized Prym variety associated to a cyclic $4$-fold covering
$\pi: C\to X$ of curves. See \cite{B.105} for the details.
\example{10.4. Powers of elliptic curves or abelian surfaces with
quaternionic multiplication}
The simplest elliptic curves to deal with are those which entirely avoid
the kind of problem in Grothendieck's counterexample to Hodge's original
conjecture, namely where the period $\tau$ is either quadratic over $\QQ$,
in which case the elliptic curve has complex mutliplication, or a general
elliptic curve, whose period $\tau$ is transcendental over $\QQ$.
\proclaim{10.4.1. Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.117})}}
If $E$ is an elliptic curve with complex multiplication, then Hodge's
original conjecture is true for $E^k$, for all $k\ge 1$.
\proclaim{10.4.2. Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.38})}}
If $E$ is a general elliptic curve, then Hodge's original conjecture is
true for $E^k$, for all $k\ge 1$.
\proclaim{10.4.3. Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.39})}}
If $A$ is a general abelian surface with quaternionic multiplication,
Hodge's original conjecture is true for $A^k$, for all $k\ge 1$.
\proclaim{10.4.4. Proposition {\rm(\cite{B.4}~Thm.6.1)}}
When $A$ is a product of elliptic curves, then the general Hodge
conjecture is true for $A$.
The first of these results is discussed in the text (7.18)--(7.20), and
the next two are supersceded by Theorem~10.9 below. For the last, the
multiplicativity of the Lefschetz group (Lemma 2.15) reduces the problem
to powers of a single elliptic curve, see section three. Then the case
where the curve is of CM-type is covered by 10.4.1 above, whereas the case
where the curve is not of CM-type is a special case of Theorems~10.9
or~10.12 below.
\subhead Abelian varieties with conditions on endomorphisms, dimension or
Hodge group
It is only quite recently that results about the general Hodge
conjecture for abelian varieties of comparable generality to what has been
proved for the usual Hodge conjecture have begun to appear. Here we
collect together the main results before discussing some of what is
involved in proving them.
\proclaim{10.5. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.127}~Thm.1)}}
If $A$ be a simple abelian variety of type~\rom{(I)} such that $\dim A /
[\EndoA :\QQ]$ is odd, then Hodge's original conjecture holds for~$A$.
\proclaim{10.6. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.127}~Thm.2)}}
Let $A$ be a simple abelian variety of CM-type, with $\EndoA = K$ and
$K_0$ the maximal totally real subfield of~$K$. If $[K^{\Gal}:
K_0^{\Gal}] = 2^{\dim A}$, then Hodge's original conjecture holds for~$A$.
\proclaim{10.7. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.128}~Thm.1)}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety with $\EndoA =\QQ$. If
\item $\dim A \ne 4^l$,
\item $\dim A \ne \frac 1 2 \binom{4l+2}{2l+1}^{2m-1}$,
\item $\dim A \ne 2^{8lm+4l-4m-3}$,
\item $\dim A \ne 4^l (m+1)^{2l+1}$,
\item $\dim A \ne 2^{8ln +2n-4l-2} (8l+4)^{m-1}$,
for any positive integers $l$, $m$, $n$, then the general Hodge
conjecture holds for~$A$. Furthermore, $\Hdg(A) = \Div(A)$, and $\Hg(A) =
\proclaim{10.8. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.129}~Thm.1.1)}}
Let $A$ be a simple complex abelian variety of dimension~$g$ with Hodge
group $\Hg(A)$, let $\hg(A,\CC) = \Lie \Hg(A)\tensor \CC$, and let
$\hg(A,\CC)_{\text{ss}}$ be the semisimple part of the reductive Lie
algebra $\hg(A,\CC)$. Consider the following sets of natural numbers:
\operatorname{Ex}(1) := \Big\{ 4^l,\, \frac
12\binom{4l+2}{2l+1}^{2m-1},\, 2^{8lm+4l-4m-3},\, 4^l(m+1)^{2l+1} :
l,m\in\ZZ_+ \Big\};
\operatorname{Ex}(3) := \Big\{ 46{l+1},\, 6^{l+1},\,
\binom{4m+4}{2m+2}^l,\, \binom{4m+2}{2m+1}^{2l},\, 2^{(4m-1)}l , \\
4^l(m+2)^{2l},\, 2^{l+1}(m+4)^{l+1} : l,m\in\ZZ_+ \Big\} ;
\operatorname{Ex}(4) := \Big\{ \binom{l+2}{m} \text{ for }1<m <(l+2)/2 ,
\binom{l+2}{m}^{n+1} \text{ for }1\le m <(l+2)/2 : l,m,n\in\ZZ_+\Big\}.
\item If $\End(A)\tensor \RR =\RR$ and $g\notin \operatorname{Ex}(1)$,
then $\hg(A,\CC) = \frak{sp}(2g)$ and the general Hodge conjecture is true
for $A^k$, for $k\ge 1$.
\item If $\End(A)\tensor \RR = M_2(\RR)$ and $g\notin
2\cdot\operatorname{Ex}(3)$, then $\hg(A,\CC) = \frak{sp}(g)$ and the
general Hodge conjecture is true for $A^k$, for $k\ge 1$.
\item If $\End(A)\tensor \RR = \Bbb H$, the Hamiltonian quaternion
algebra, and $g\notin \operatorname{Ex}(3)$, then $\hg(A,\CC) =
\frak{so}(g)$ and for $0\le r \le g$ we have
\dim_\QQ \Hdg^r = \cases 1&\text{if }r\neq g/2,\\ g+2&\text{if }r=g/2
(in particular, if $r\neq g/2$, then $\Hdg^r = \Div^r$).
\item If $\End(A)\tensor \RR =\CC$ and $g\notin \operatorname{Ex}(4)$,
then $\hg(A,\CC)_{\text{ss}} = \frak{sl}(q)$ and for all integers $r\neq
g/2$ we have $\Hdg^r =\Div^r$; in the case $rg/2$ we have the relations
\dim \Hdg^r = \cases 1&\text{if $\hg(A,\CC)$ is not semisimple,}\\
3&\text{if $\hg(A,\CC)$ is semisimple.}\endcases
\proclaim{10.9. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.50}~Thm.5.1)}}
If $A$ is a stably nondegenerate abelian variety (see 7.5 and 7.6) all
of whose simple components are of type~\rom{(I)} or~\rom{(II)}, the
general Hodge conjecture holds for~$A$ and all powers $A^k$ of $A$, for
$k\ge 1$.
\remark{10.10. Remarks}
1.\enspace It follows from Theorem~6.3.1 that a simple abelian variety
of type~\rom{(I)} such that $\dim A / [\EndoA :\QQ]$ is odd is stably
nondegenerate, so Theorem~10.5 is a special case of Theorem~10.9. As
remarked already, Propositions~10.1, 10.4.2 and 10.4.3 are included in
10.9, as well. Other examples of stably nondegenerate abelian varieties
include arbitrary products of elliptic curves (section~3), simple abelian
varieties of prime dimension (Theorem~6.3), or simple abelian varieties of
odd dimension without complex multiplication (Theorems~6.3 and~7.5). Also
an abelian variety $A$ is stably nondegenerate if and only if $A^k$ is
stably nondegenerate, for any $k\ge 1$, by~
2.\enspace Proposition~10.4.1 is a special case of Theorem~10.6.
3.\enspace The methods used in the proof of Theorem~10.6 are similar to
those in the proof of Theorem~9.2 \cite{B.88}.
4.\enspace The proof of Theorem~10.7 uses the classification result
Theorem~2.11. Since $\EndoA=\QQ$, Theorem~2.7 applies, and over $\Qbar$
(or~$\CC$) the universal cover of $\Hg(A)$ is isomorphic to some number of
copies of an almost simple $\Qbar$-group, say~$G_1$. Then if $G_1$ is
any of the types in Theorem~2.11 other than $\frak{sp}(2d)$, where
$d=\dim A$, then $d$ is one of the forbidden dimensions. Then the known
representation theory of $\frak{sp}(2d)$ can be used to control the level
of sub-Hodge structures, in a similar spirit though by a different
argument as in the next paragraph. The proof of Theorem~10.8 applies
similar ideas to the semisimple part of the Hodge group.
The proof of Theorem~10.9 provides an illustrative example of how the
representation theory of the symplectic group comes into proving the Hodge
\demo{10.11. Sketch of proof of Theorem~10.9 {\rm (following
Recall that the \dfn{level} $l(W)$ of a rational Hodge structure~$W$, in
particular a sub-Hodge structure of $H^m(A,\QQ)$, is the maximum of
$|p-q|$ for which $W^{p,q}\ne 0$. Then it will suffice to prove that for
any irreducible rational sub-Hodge structure $W$ of $H^m(A,\QQ)$ with
$l(W) = m-2p$ there exists a Zariski-closed subset $Z$ of codimension~$p$
in $A$ such that
W \subset \Ker\{ H^m(A,\QQ) \to H^m(A-Z,\QQ)\} .
Now, it is a basic fact from the representation theory of
$\frak{sp}(2n,\CC)$ that there is a one-to-one correspondence between its
irreducible (finite-dimensional) representations and $n$-tuples
$(\lambda_1, \dots , \lambda_n)$ of nonnegative integers with
$\lambda_1\ge \lambda_2 \ge \dots \ge \lambda_n$, see \cite{B.33},
\cite{B.34}. Such an $n$-tuple s called a \dfn{Young diagram of
length~$n$}. Then the crucial proposition, whose proof we omit here, is
the following.
\proclaim{10.11.1. Proposition {\rm (\cite{B.50})}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety with $\hg(A,\CC) \simeq
\frak{sp}(2n,\CC)$, let $W$ be an irreducible rational sub-Hodge structure
of $H^m(A^k,\QQ)$, and let $(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n)$ be the associated
Young diagram. Then
l(W) = \sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i .
For a Young diagram $(\lambda_1,\dots,\lambda_n)$ the number $\sum_i
\lambda_i$ is often referred to as \dfn{the number of boxes,} for the
traditional representation of a Young diagram as $n$ rows with $\lambda_i$
boxes in the $i^{\text{th}}$ row. As a matter of notation, it is
convenient to write $(1^a)$ for the Young diagram with $\lambda_1 = \dots
= \lambda_a =1$ and $\lambda_{a+1} = \dots = \lambda_n =0$, and similarly
$(2^c,1^d)$ for the diagram with $\lambda_1 = \dots = \lambda_c =2$ and
$\lambda_{c+1} = \dots = \lambda_{c+d} = 1$ and $\lambda_{c+d+1} = \dots =
\lambda_n =0$. By convention $(1^0)$ is the Young diagram for the trivial
representation. Then we recall the following facts from representation
\proclaim{10.11.2. Lemma}
\item Let $V = \CC^{2n}$ as a standard representation of
$\frak{sp}(2n,\CC)$. Then for $1\le i \le n$
\twedge^i V \simeq (1^i) \oplus (1^{i-2}) \oplus \dots \oplus
(1^{i-2[i/2]}) ,
where the inclusion of $(1^a)$ into $\twedge^i V$ is defined by taking
the exterior product $(i-a)/2$ times with
\Omega = \sum_{j=1}^n e_j\wedge e_{n+j} ,
where $\{e_1,\ldots,e_{2n}\}$ is a standard symplectic basis.
\item For nonnegative integers $a$, $b$ with $a\ge b$,
$$ \align
(1^a) \tensor (1^b) \simeq\ & \{(1^{a+b}) \oplus (2, 1^{a+b-2}) \oplus
\dots \oplus (2^b, 1^{a-b})\} \\
& \quad \oplus \{ (1^{a+b-2}) \oplus (2, 1^{a+b-4}) \oplus \dots \oplus
(2^{b-1}, 1^{a-b}) \} \\
& \quad \oplus \dots \oplus \{ (1^{a-b}) \} ,
with the convention that Young diagrams on the right-hand side with more
than $n$ rows are omitted.
See \cite{B.18}~Ch.VIII,\S13 and \cite{B.33}.
Now the proof of the theorem is divided into three steps. First,
consider the case where $A= B^k$, where $\hg(B,\CC) \simeq
\frak{sp}(2n,\CC)$ acting on $V= H^1(B,\CC) \simeq \CC^{2n}$ as a standard
representation. Then any irreducible rational sub-Hodge structure $W$ in
$H^m(A,\QQ)$, say of level $l(W) = m-2p$, corresponds over $\CC$ to an
irreducible $\hg(B,\CC)$ representation (see Proposition~2.4) occuring in
one of the terms on the right-hand side of
H^m(A,\CC) \simeq \bigoplus_{m_1 +\dots + m_r =m} (\twedge^{m_1} V
\tensor \dots \tensor \twedge^{m_r} V) .
By Proposition~10.11.1 the number of boxes in the Young diagram
associated to $W_\CC$ is $m-2p$. Then Lemma~10.11.2 implies that the
contraction, i.e., the reduction in the number of boxes, comes about only
by taking the exterior product with $\Omega^p$. However, in the
dictionary between the representation theory and the cohomology, $\Omega$
corresponds to a divisor, say $D$, and taking the exterior product with it
corresponds to intersecting with~$D$. Thus $W$ is the cup product of a
rational sub-Hodge structure in $H^{m-2p}(A,\QQ)$ with $D^p$, which
verifies the general Hodge conjecture in this case.
Secondly, consider the case where $A = B_1^{k_1} \times B_2^{k_2}$ with
$B_1$ not isogenous to $B_2$, and as in the first case, $\frak g_i :=
\hg(B_i,\CC) \simeq \frak{sp}(2n_i,\CC)$ acting via a standard
representation on $V_i = H^1(B_i,\CC)$. Then $\hg(A) \simeq \frak g_1
\times \frak g_2$, and any irreducible rational sub-Hodge structure
$W_\QQ$ of $H^m(A,\QQ)$ must correspond to an irreducible
$\hg(A,\CC)$-representation of the form $W_1\tensor W_2$ for some
irreducible $\hg(B_i,\CC)$-representation $W_i \subset
H^{m_i}(B_i^{k_i},\CC)$, with $m_1 + m_2 =m$. Moreover, as in
Proposition~10.11.1, $l(W) = l(W_1) + l(W_2)$. However, by the previous
case, if $l(W_i) = m_i -2p_i$, then $W_i$ is supported on a Zariski-closed
subset $Z_i$ of codimension $p_i$ on $B_i^{k_i}$. Then $W_1\tensor W_2$
is supported on $Z_1\times Z_2$ of codimension $p_1 + p_2$ on $A$, which
verifies the general Hodge conjecture in this case.
Finally, if $A$ is an arbitrary abelian variety which satisfies the
hypotheses of the theorem, then from \cite{B.47} and Theorem~2.11
it follows that
\hg(A,\CC) \simeq \frak{sp}(2n_1,\CC) \times \dots \times
acting in the standard way on
V_1^{\oplus k_1} \oplus \dots \oplus V_r^{\oplus k_r}.
Now, for each $i$ the fundamental form $\Omega_i \in \twedge^2 V_i$ is
$\frak{sp}(2n_i,\CC)$-invariant, thus by Lefschetz's theorem corresponds
to a linear combination of divisor classes. Then arguing similarly as in
the previous paragraph for $r=2$ shows that the general Hodge conjecture
holds for~$A$, as was to be shown.
\example{10.12. Passing from the usual Hodge conjecture to the general
Hodge conjecture}
The last examples of abelian varieties for which the general Hodge
conjecture has been proved come through a theorem of Abdulali
\cite{B.4}. In the following statement recall that the derived
group $G^{\text{der}} = (G,G)$ of a group $G$ is the (normal) subgroup
generated by all elements of the form $ghg^{-1}h^{-1}$.
\proclaim{Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.4})}}
Let $A$ be an abelian variety whose Hodge group is semisimple and equal
to the derived group of the Lefschetz group of $A$, i.e., $\Hg(A) =
\Lf(A)^{\text{der}}$. Further suppose that for every simple factor $B$ of
$A$ of type~\rom{(III)} the dimension of $H^1(B,\QQ)$ as a vector space
over $\Endo(B)$ is odd. Then if the usual Hodge conjecture is true for
$A^k$ for all $k\ge 1$, then the general Hodge conjecture is also true for
$A$, and all $A^k$ for $k\ge 1$.
\remark{10.12.1. Remarks}
In the presence of the assumption that $\Hg(A)$ is semisimple, the
hypothesis that $\Hg(A) = \Lf(A)^{\text{der}}$ can be alternately
as follows: There is a natural embedding $\Hg(A) \hra \Sp(H^1(A,\QQ))$
which induces a holomorphic embedding of the symmetric domain $D$ of
$\Hg(A,\RR)$ into the symmetric domain $\frak H$ of $\Sp(H^1(A,\RR))$.
Then the pull-back to $D$ of the universal family of polarized abelian
varieties of dimension $\dim A$ natually lying over $\frak H$ determines a
family of abelian varieties of \dfn{Hodge type} in the sense of
\cite{B.78}. Then the hypothesis that $\Hg(A) =
\Lf(A)^{\text{der}}$, or in the absence of the assumption that $\Hg(A)$ is
semisimple, an assumption that $\Hg(A)^{\text{der}} =
is equivalent to requiring that the family of Hodge type be a family of
abelian varieties of PEL-type, in the sense of \cite{B.109}
\cite{B.110} \cite{B.111}. That is to say, a family of
abelian varieties that is determined by polarization, endomorphism algebra
and level structures.
The essential use of this hypothesis in the proof of the theorem is in
the multiplicativity of $\Lf(A)$. If $A$ is isogenous to $A_1^{k_1}
\times \dots \times A_r^{k_r}$, then $\Lf(A) = \Lf(A_1) \times \dots
\Lf(A_r)$, see Lemma~2.15, and thus under the assumptions at hand, $\Hg(A)
\Hg(A_1) \times \dots \times \Hg(A_r)$. This makes it possible to reduce
the proof to the case where $A$ is isogenous to $A_0^k$ for a simple
abelian variety $A_0$. The proof then proceeds by cases, according to
whether a simple factor of $\Endo(A_0) \tensor \RR$ is $\RR$, or $\CC$ or
$\Bbb H$.
\example{10.12.2. Applications}
What abelian varieties satisfy the hypotheses of Theorem~10.12? A
stably nondegenerate abelian variety with a semisimple Hodge group cannot
have factors of type~(III) or~(IV), so this is the same class as covered
by Theorem~10.9. However, Abdulali observes that whenever the usual Hodge
conjecture is true for an abelian four-fold $A$ of Weil type, then it is
true for all powers $A^k$ of $A$ \cite{B.4}. Thus there is the
following consequence of Theorem~4.12.
\proclaim{10.12.3. Corollary}
The general Hodge conjecture is true for all powers of a general abelian
fourfold of Weil type $(A,K)$ with $K=\QQ(\sqrt{-3})$ or $K=\QQ(i)$, when
the determinant of the associated Hermitian form is~$1$.
\head 11. Other approaches to the Hodge conjecture
In this section we look at three conditional results on the Hodge
\example{11.1. Higher Jacobians}
In \cite{B.98}, Sampson outlines one possible approach to proving
the Hodge conjecture for arbitrary abelian varieties. Given an abelian
vareity $A$ over $\CC$, let $J^p(A)$ denote its $p^{\text{th}}$ Weil
intermediate Jacobian, for odd $p$ with $1 < p \le \dim A$. Then Sampson
gives an explicit but complicated construction of a surjective
homomorphism $\pi: J^p(A) \to A$ which induces an isomorphism $f:
\Hdg^p(A) \to \Div^1(J^p(A))$. By the Poincar\'e Reducibility Theorem
1.11.4, $J^p(A)$ splits, up to isogeny, as $\Ker(\pi) \times A'$. Thus a
cycle class $[Z]$ of codimension~$r$ on $Ker(\pi)$ determines a cycle
class $\operatorname{proj}_A((Z\times A')\cdot f(\phi))$ of
codimension~$(r+1)$ on $A$, with $\phi \in \Hdg^p(A)$. Now if we fix $Z =
H^{p-1}$ to be the $(p-1)$-fold self-intersection of a fixed hyperplane
section, then
\phi \mapsto f^*(\phi) := \operatorname{proj}_A((H^{p-1}\times A')\cdot
defines a homomorphism from $\Hdg^p(A)$ into the group of cohomology
classes of algebraic cycles on $A$ of codimension~$p$. Then it is not
hard to show that if $f^*$ were injective, then the Hodge $(p,p)$
conjecture would follow. However, the highly transcendental nature of the
construction makes the connection between $f^*(\phi)$ and $\phi$ rather
obscure, as well as apparently making it very difficult to determine
whether $f^*$ is injective.
\example{11.2. The Tate conjecture}
The references for this are \cite{B.88}
\cite{B.87} \cite{B.27}, and see
also \cite{B.15} \cite{B.16} for related results.
If $A$ is a
complex abelian variety, then there is a subfield $F\subset \CC$ finitely
generated over $\QQ$ and a model $A_0$ of $A$ over $F$, meaning that $A =
A_0 \tensor_F \CC$. Then the $\ell$-adic \'etale cohomology of $A_0$ over
the algebraic closure $F^{\text{alg}}$ of $F$, that is,
$H_{\text{\'et}}^{2p}(A_0\tensor F^{\text{alg}}, \QQ_{\ell}(p))$, is
naturally a
$\Gal(F^{\text{alg}}/F)$-module. In \cite{B.130} Tate conjectured that
elements of $H_{\text{\'et}}^{2p}(A_0\tensor F^{\text{alg}},
\QQ_{\ell}(p))$ fixed
by some open subgroup of $\Gal(F^{\text{alg}}/F)$, or equivalently by (the
Zariski-closure of) the $\ell$-adic Lie subalgebra $\frak g_\ell \subset
\End(H_{\text{\'et}}^{2p}(A_0\tensor F^{\text{alg}}, \QQ_{\ell}(p)))$
generated by
the image of $\Gal(F^{\text{alg}}/F)$, is precisely the $\QQ_\ell$-span of
classes of algebraic cycles. In \cite{B.130} Tate himself observed
that this conjecture has an air of compatibility with the Hodge
conjecture, and already in \cite{B.77}, with the introduction of
the Hodge group, Mumford reported that Serre conjectured that
\frak g_\ell = \mt(A) \tensor \QQ_\ell .
For an excellent early introduction to this conjecture and the
relationships between the Tate and Hodge conjectures, see \cite{B.108};
the literature in the 20~years since then is extensive, it would
take another appendix at least the size of this one to survey it.
The main result of \cite{B.88} is that for abelian varieties of
CM-type, the Hodge and Tate conjectures are equivalent. Then that the
validity of the Tate conjecture for an abelian variety $A$ implies the
validity of the Hodge conjecture for $A$ has been proved by
Piatetskii-Shapiro \cite{B.87}, Deligne
(unpublished) and \cite{B.27}. \cite{B.15}
extends the result of \cite{B.87}, and
\cite{B.16} contains a weaker version of the main theorem
of \cite{B.27}, from which Tate implies Hodge for abelian
varieties follows as a corollary.
\example{11.3. Standard conjectures}
In \cite{B.3} Abdulali shows that if one assumes
Grothendieck's invariant cycles conjecture \cite{B.42} for
families of abelian varieties of Hodge type in the sense of \cite{B.78},
then the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties follows. He also
formulates the $L_2$-cohomology analogue of Grothendieck's standard
conjecture~(A) that the Hodge $*$-operator is algebraic \cite{B.44},
and shows that for the families of abelian varieties being
considered that this conjecture implies the invariant cycles conjecture
and thus the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties.
\proclaim{11.3.1. Conjecture {\rm (Invariant cycles conjecture
Let $f: A\to V$ be a smooth and proper morphism of smooth quasiprojective
varieties over~$\CC$. Let $P\in V$ and let $\Gamma:= \pi_1(V,P)$. Then
the space of $s\in H^0(V, R^bf_*\QQ) \simeq H^b(A_P, \QQ)^\Gamma$ that
represent algebraic cycles in $H^b(A_P, \QQ)^\Gamma$ is independent
\definition{11.3.2. Families of abelian varieties of Hodge type {\rm
Let $A_0$ be a polarized abelian variety, let $W= H_1(A_0,\QQ)$, let $L =
H_1(A_0,\ZZ)$, and let $E$ be a Riemann form on $W$ representing the
polarization. Also, let $h:\U(1) \to \GL(\Wr)$ be the complex structure on
$\Wr$, let $K^+$ be the connected component of the centralizer of
$h(\U(1))$ in $\Hg(A_0,\RR)$, and let $D= \Hg(A_0,\RR)^+/K^+$ be the
bounded symmetric domain associated to $\Hg(A_0)$, as in~2.10. Then to
each point $x\in D$ we can associate the polarized abelian variety $A_x =
(\Wr/L, ghg^{-1}, [E])$, where $x = g K^+$. Further, if $\Gamma \subset
\Hg(A_0)$ is a torsion-free arithmetic subgroup that preserves $L$, then
$\gamma \in\Gamma$ induces an isomorphism between $A_x$ and $A_{\gamma
x}$. Thus we get a family $\{A_x : x\in V\}$ of polarized abelian
varieties parameterized by $V=\Gamma \bs D$, which may be glued together
into an analytic space $A \to V$ fibered over~$V$. Such a family of
abelian varieties is said to be of \dfn{Hodge type} \cite{B.78}.
Furthermore, $V$ has a canonical structure as a smooth quasiprojective
algebraic variety \cite{B.11}, and the analytic map $A\to
V$ is an algebraic morphism \cite{B.13}.
\proclaim{11.3.3. Theorem {\rm (\cite{B.3}~Thm.6.1)}}
If Conjecture~11.3.1 is true for all families of abelian varieties of
Hodge type, then the Hodge conjecture is true for all abelian varieties.
An outline of the proof may be sketched as follows. The first step is
to deduce from Conjecture~11.3.1 that all Weil-Hodge cycles are algebraic.
To do this, Abdulali shows that any abelian variety $A_1$ of Weil type is
a member of a Hodge family whose general member $A_\eta$ has Hodge group
equal to the full symplectic group. Then since $\Hdg(A_\eta) =
\Div(A_\eta)$, the invariant cycles conjecture implies that all Weil
cycles become algebraic in this family. The next point is to observe that
Theorem~9.5.2 implies that if all Weil-Hodge cycles are algebraic, then
the Hodge conjecture is true for all abelian varieties of CM-type.
However, Mumford showed that every family of abelian varieties of Hodge
type contains members of CM-type \cite{B.78}. Then the invariant
cycles conjecture can be used again to deduce that a Hodge cycle on any
member of the family is algebraic. See \cite{B.3} for more
\head Chronological listing of work on \\
the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties
\rightheadtext{Chronological listing}
\smc Year&\smc Author &\smc Topic\cr
1950&Hodge &Presented conjecture \cr
1958&Mattuck &GHC for general abelian variety \cr
1966&Mumford &Introduced Hodge group \cr
1968&Polhmann &Hodge if and only if Tate for CM-type \cr
1969&Mumford &Families of Hodge type \cr
1969&Grothendieck &Amended general Hodge conjecture \cr
1969&Murasaki &Elliptic curves \cr
1971&Piatetskii-Shapiro &Tate implies Hodge \cr
1974&Borovo\u\i &Tate implies Hodge \cr
1976&Imai &Elliptic curves \cr
1977&Serre &Connections between Hodge and Tate conj. \cr
1977&Borovo\u\i &Absolute Hodge cycles \cr
1977&Weil &Weil type \cr
1978&Tankeev &$4$-dimensional abelian varieties \cr
1979&Deligne &Classification of semisimple part of $\hg$ \cr
1979&Serre &Classification of semisimple part of $\hg$ \cr
1979&Tankeev &$4$- and $5$-dimensional \cr
1981&Borovo\u\i &Simplicity of Hodge group \cr
1981&Shioda &Fermat type \cr
1981&Tankeev &Simple abelian varieties \cr
1981&Tankeev &Simple ($5$-dimensional) abelian varieties \cr
1982&Tankeev &Simple abelian varieties, prime dimension \cr
1982&Deligne &Absolute Hodge cycles, Tate implies Hodge \cr
1982&Kuga &Exceptional cycles \cr
1982&Sampson &Alternate approach \cr
1982&Ribet &Simple abelian varieties \cr
1983&Shioda &Survey \cr
1983&Ribet &Simple abelian varieties, Lefschetz group \cr
1983&Hazama &Nondegenerage CM-type \cr
1983&Murty &Non-simple abelian varieties \cr
1983&Hazama &Non-simple abelian varieties \cr
1984&Kuga &Exceptional cycles \cr
1984&Hazama &Non-simple abelian varieties \cr
1984&Murty &Non-simple abelian var., exceptional cycles \cr
1984&Dodson &Degenerate CM-types \cr
1985&Zarhin &Classification of $\hg$, survey \cr
1985&Yanai &Nondegenerate CM-types \cr
1986&Dodson &Degenerate CM-types \cr
1987&Steenbrink &General Hodge conjecture, survey \cr
1987&Dodson &Degenerate CM-types \cr
1987&Bardelli &GHC, low dimension \cr
1987&Ichikawa &Non-simple abelian varieties MT groups \cr
1988&Hazama &Stably degenerate \cr
1988&Murty &Lefschetz group, semisimple part of $\Hg(A)$ \cr
1988&Schoen &Weil type \cr
1988&Gordon &GHC for powers of general QM-surfaces \cr
1989&Kuga &Exceptional cycles \cr
1989&Hazama &Non-simple abelian varieties \cr
1989&Schoen &GHC Weil type \cr
1989&Mai &Degenerate CM-types \cr
1990&Murty &Survey, Hodge group \cr
1990&Kuga, Perry, Sah &Exceptional cycles \cr
1991&Ichikawa &Non-simple abelian varieties, Hodge groups \cr
1992&Pirola &GHC special threefolds \cr
1992&Andr\'e &CM-type and Weil cycles \cr
1993&White &Degenerate CM-type \cr
1993&Gordon &GHC powers of general elliptic curve \cr
1993&Tankeev &GHC \cr
1994&Zarhin &Survey, connections with arithmetic \cr
1994&van Geemen &Survey, Weil type \cr
1994&Yanai &Degenerate CM-types \cr
1994&Hazama &GHC \cr
1994&Abdulali &Alternate approach \cr
1994&Tankeev &GHC \cr
1995&Moonen \& Zarhin &Abelian $4$-folds \cr
1996&Lee &Exceptional cycles \cr
1996&Abdulali &GHC \cr
1996&Tankeev &GHC\cr
1996&Silverberg and Zarhin&Hodge group, connection to arithmetic\cr
1996&Moonen \& Zarhin &Exceptional Weil cycles \cr
\widestnumber\key{\tenpoint [B.999]}
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\by Abdulali, S.
\paper Zeta functions of Kuga fiber varieties
\jour Duke Math. J.
\vol 57
\yr 1988
\pages 333--345
\key B.2
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Conjugation of Kuga fiber varieties
\jour Math. Ann.
\vol 294
\yr 1992
\pages 225--234
\key B.3
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles in families of abelian varieties
\jour Canad. J. Math.
\vol 46
\yr 1994
\pages 1121--1134
\key B.4
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Abelian varieties and the general Hodge conjecture
\jour Compositio Math.
\key B.5
\by Addington, S.
\paper Equivariant holomorphic maps of symmetric domains
\jour Duke Math. J.
\vol 55
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\pages 65--88
\key B.6
\by Albert, A.A.
\paper On the construction of Riemann matrices.~\rom{I, II}
\jour Ann. of Math.
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\paper A solution of the principal problem in the theory of Riemann
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\pages 500--515
\key B.8
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\paper Involutorial simple algebras and real Riemann matrices
\jour Ann. of Math.
\vol 36
\yr 1935
\pages 886--964
\key B.9
\by Andr\'e, Y.
\paper Une remarque \`a propos des cycles de Hodge de type CM
\inbook Seminaire de Th\'eorie des Nombres, Paris, 1989--1990
\bookinfo Progr. Math. 102
\publ Birkh\"auser
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\by Atiyah, M., Bott, R., Patodi, V.K.
\paper On the heat equation and the index theorem
\jour Invent. Math.
\vol 19
\yr 1973
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\key B.11
\by Baily, W., Borel, A.
\paper Compactifications of arithmetic quotients of bounded symmetric
\jour Ann. of Math.
\vol 84
\yr 1966
\pages 442--528
\key B.12
\by Bardelli, F.
\paper A footnote to a paper by A. Grothendieck \rom{(}the Grothendieck
generalized Hodge conjecture for some geometric families of abelian
\jour Rend. Sem. Mat. Fis. Milano
\finalinfo Proceedings of the Geometry Conference (Milan and Gargnano,
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\key B.13
\by Borel, A.
\paper Some metric properties of arithmetic quotients of
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\jour J. Diff. Geom.
\vol 6
\yr 1972
\pages 543--560
\key B.14
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\book Linear Algebraic Groups
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\publ Springer
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\yr 1991
\key B.15
\by Borovo\u\i, M.V.
\paper On the Galois action on rational cohomology classes of type $(p,p)$
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\paper The Shimura-Deligne schemes $M_\CC(G,h)$ and the rational
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\publ Yaroslav. Gos. Univ.
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\key B.17
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\paper The Hodge group and the algebra of endomorphisms of an abelian
\paperinfo Russian
\inbook Problems in Group Theory and Homological Algebra
\publ Yaroslav. Gos. Univ.
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\key B.18
\by Bourbaki, N.
\book Groupes et Alg\`ebras de Lie
\publ Hermann
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\yr 1975
\key B.19
\by Cassels, J.W.S.
\book Rational Quadratic Forms
\publ Academic Press
\publaddr London, New York, San Francisco
\yr 1978
\key B.20
\by Chevalley, C.C.
\book The Algebraic Theory of Spinors
\publ Columbia Univ. Press
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\yr 1954
\key B.21
\by Chi, W.
\paper On the $\ell$-adic representations attached to some absolutely
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\jour J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect.~IA Math.
\vol 37
\yr 1990
\pages 467--484
\key B.22
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\paper $\ell$-adic and $\lambda$-adic representations associated to
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\jour Amer. J. Math.
\vol 114
\yr 1992
\pages 315--353
\key B.23
\by Comessatti, A.
\paper Sugl'indici di singolarita a piu dimensioni della varieta abeliane
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\key B.24
\by Deligne,~P.
\paper La conjecture de Weil pour les surfaces $K3$
\jour Invent. Math.
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\yr 1972
\pages 206--226
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\paper Vari\'et\'es de Shimura: interpretation modulaire et techniques de
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\inbook Automorphic Forms, Representations, and $L$-functions
\bookinfo Proc. Symp. Pure Math 33, part 2
\publ Amer. Math. Soc.
\publaddr Providence
\yr 1979
\pages 247--289
\key B.26
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Cycles de Hodge absolus et p\'eriodes des int\'egrales des
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\paperinfo (r\'edig\'e par J.-L. Brylinski)
\jour Soc. Math. France 2e s\'er. M\'emoire
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\key B.27
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Hodge cycles on abelian varieties
\paperinfo (Notes by J.S.~Milne)
\inbook Hodge Cycles, Motives, and Shimura Varieties
\bookinfo Lecture Notes in Mathematics 900
\publ Springer-Verlag
\publaddr New York
\yr 1982
\pages 9--100
\key B.28
\by Dodson, B.
\paper The structure of Galois groups of CM-fields
\jour Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
\vol 283
\yr 1984
\pages 1--32
\key B.29
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\paper Solvable and nonsolvable CM-fields
\jour Amer. J. Math.
\vol 108
\yr 1986
\pages 75--93
\key B.30
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\paper On the Mumford-Tate group of an abelian variety with complex
\jour J. of Algebra
\vol 111
\yr 1987
\pages 49--73
\key B.31
\by Eichler, M.
\book Quadratische Formen und Orthogonale Gruppen
\publ Springer
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\yr 1974
\key B.32
\by Faber, C.
\paper Prym varieties of triple cyclic covers
\jour Math. Z.
\vol 199
\yr 1988
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\key B.33
\by Fischler, M.
\paper Young-tableau methods for Kronecker products of representations of
the classical groups
\jour J. Math. Phys.
\vol 22
\yr 1981
\pages 637--648
\key B.34
\by Fulton, W., Harris, J.
\book Representation Theory: A First Course
\bookinfo Graduate Texts in Math.129
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1991
\key B.35
\by van Geemen, B.
\paper An introduction to the Hodge conjecture for abelian varieties
\inbook Algebraic Cycles and Hodge Theory, Torino, 1993
\eds A.~Albano and F.~Bardelli
\bookinfo Lect. Notes in Math. 1594
\publ Springer
\publaddr Berlin, etc.
\yr 1994
\pages 233--252
\key B.36
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Theta functions and cycles on some abelian fourfolds
\jour Math. Z.
\vol 221
\yr 1996
\pages 617--631
\key B.37
\by Giraud, J.
\paper Modules des vari\'et\'es ab\'eliennes et vari\'et\'es de Shimura
\inbook Vari\'et\'es de Shimura et fonctions~$L$
\bookinfo Publ. Math. de l'Univ. Paris,~VII, 6
\eds L. Breen, J.-P. Labesse
\pages 21--42
\publ U.E.R. de Math\'ematiques \& L.A. 212 du C.N.R.S.
\publaddr Paris
\yr 1981
\key B.38
\by Gordon,~B.B.
\paper Topological and algebraic cycles in Kuga-Shimura varieties
\jour Math. Ann.
\vol 279
\yr 1988
\pages 395--402
\key B.39
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles and the Hodge structure of a Kuga fiber variety
\jour Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
\vol 336
\yr 1993
\pages 933--947
\key B.40
\by Greenberg, R.
\paper On the Jacobian variety of some algebraic curves
\jour Compositio Math.
\vol 42
\yr 1980/81
\pages 345--359
\key B.41
\by Gross, B.
\paper On the periods of integrals and a formula of Chowla and Selberg
\jour Invent. math.
\vol 45
\yr 1978
\pages 193--211
\key B.42
\by Grothendieck,~A.
\paper On the deRham cohomology of algebraic varieties
\jour Inst. Hautes \'Etudes Sci. Publ. Math.
\vol 29
\yr 1966
\pages 96--103
\key B.43
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Hodge's general conjecture is false for trivial reasons
\jour Topology
\vol 8
\yr 1969
\pages 299--303
\key B.44
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Standard conjectures on algebraic cycles
\inbook Algebraic Geometry
\procinfo Papers Presented at the Bombay Colloquium, 1969
\bookinfo Tata Inst. Fund. Res. Studies Math. 4
\publ Oxford Univ. Press
\publaddr Bombay, Oxford
\yr 1969
\pages 193--199
\key B.45
\by Hazama, F.
\paper Hodge cycles on abelian varieties of CM-type
\jour Res. Act. Fac. Engrg. Tokyo Denki Univ.
\vol 5
\yr 1983
\pages 31--33
\key B.46
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties with many real endomorphisms
\jour T\^ohoku Math. J. (2)
\vol 35
\yr 1983
\pages 303--308
\key B.47
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles on certain abelian varieties and powers of special
\jour J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect.~IA Math.
\vol 31
\yr 1984
\pages 487--520
\key B.48
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Branching rules and Hodge cycles on certain abelian varieties
\jour Amer. J. Math.
\vol 110
\yr 1988
\pages 235--252
\key B.49
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles on nonsimple abelian varieties
\jour Duke Math. J.
\vol 58
\yr 1989
\pages 31--37
\key B.50
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper The generalized Hodge conjecture for stably nondegenerate abelian
\jour Compositio Math.
\vol 93
\yr 1994
\pages 129--137
\key B.51
\by Helgason, S.
\book Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces
\publ Academic Press
\publaddr San Diego etc.
\yr 1978
\key B.52
\by Hochschild, G.
\book Basic Theory of Algebraic Groups and Lie Algebras
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1981
\key B.53
\by Hodge,~W.V.D.
\paper The topological invariants of algebraic varieties
\jour Proc. Int. Congr. Math.
\yr 1950
\pages 182--182
\key B.54
\by Humphreys, J.E.
\book Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1972
\key B.55
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\book Linear Algebraic Groups
\bookinfo Corrected Second Printing
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1981
\key B.56
\by Ichikawa, T.
\paper On algebraic groups of Mumford-Tate type
\inbook Galois Representations and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
\bookinfo Advanced Studies in Pure Math. 12
\pages 249--258
\publ North-Holland
\publaddr Amsterdam
\yr 1987
\key B.57
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic groups associated with abelian varieties
\jour Math. Ann.
\vol 289
\yr 1991
\pages 133--142
\key B.58
\by Imai, H.
\paper On the Hodge groups of some abelian varieties
\jour Kodai Math. Sem. Rep.
\vol 27
\yr 1976
\pages 367--372
\key B.59
\by Koblitz, N., Rohrlich, D.
\paper Smple factors in the Jacobian of a Fermat curve
\jour Canad. J. Math.
\vol 30
\yr 1978
\pages 1183--1205
\key B.60
\by Kubota, T.
\paper On the field extension by complex multiplication
\jour Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
\vol 118
\yr 1965
\pages 113--122
\key B.61
\by Kuga, M.
\book Fibre Varieties over a Symmetric Space whose Fibres are
Abelian Varieties
\bookinfo vols.~I and~II
\publ Univ. of Chicago
\publaddr Chicago
\yr 1964
\key B.62
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Fibre varieties over symmetric space whose fibres are abelian
\inbook Proc. of the U.S.-Japan Seminar in Differential Geometry, Kyoto,
Japan, 1965
\pages 72--81
\publ Nippon Hyoronsha
\yr 1966
\key B.63
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Fiber varieties over symmetric space whose
fibers are abelian varieties
\inbook Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups
\bookinfo Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 9
\publ Amer. Math. Soc.
\publaddr Providence
\pages 338--346
\yr 1966
\key B.64
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles in gtfabv
\jour J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math.
\vol 29
\yr 1982
\pages 13--29
\key B.65
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Chemistry and GTFABV's
\inbook Automorphic Forms of Several Variables
\procinfo Taniguchi Symp., Katata, 1983
\bookinfo Progress in Math. 46
\publ Birkh\"auser
\publaddr Boston
\pages 269--281
\yr 1984
\key B.66
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Invariants and Hodge cycles
\inbook Automorphic Forms and Geometry of Arithmetic
\bookinfo Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 15
\publ North-Holland
\publaddr Amsterdam
\yr 1989
\pages 373--413
\paper \rom{II}
\jour Papers of Coll. Arts and Sci. Univ. Tokyo
\vol 40
\yr 1990
\pages 1--25
\key B.67
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
, Parry, W., Sah, C.-H.
\paper Invariants and Hodge cycles, III
\jour Proc. Japan Acad.
\vol 66
\yr 1990
\pages 22--25
\paper \rom{IV}
\jour ibid.
\pages 49--52
\key B.68
\by Lang, S.
\book Introduction to Algebraic and Abelian Functions
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1982
\key B.69
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\book Abelian Varieties
\publ Springer-Verlag
\publaddr New York Berlin Heidelberg Tokyo
\yr 1983
\key B.70
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\book Complex Multiplication
\bookinfo Grundlehren mathematischen Wissen-
schaften 255
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York, etc.
\yr 1983
\key B.71
\by Lee, M.-H.
\paper Hodge cycles on Kuga fiber varieties
\jour J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A
\vol 61
\yr 1996
\pages 1--13
\key B.72
\by Mai, L.
\paper Lower bounds for the ranks of CM-types
\jour J. Number Theory
\vol 32
\yr 1989
\pages 192--202
\key B.73
\by Mattuck, A.
\paper Cycles on abelian varieties
\jour Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
\vol 9
\yr 1958
\pages 88--98
\key B.74
\by Milne, J.S.
\paper Abelian varieties
\inbook Arithmetic Geometry
\eds G. Cornell, J.H. Silverman
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1986
\pages 103--150
\key B.75
\by Moonen, B.J.J., Zarhin, Yu.G.
\paper Hodge classes and Tate classes on simple abelian fourfolds
\jour Duke Math. J.
\vol 77
\yr 1995
\pages 553--581
\key B.76
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Weil classes on abelian vaieties
\yr 1996
\miscnote preprint
\key B.77
\by Mumford,~D.
\paper Families of abelian varieties
\inbook Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups
\bookinfo Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 9
\publ Amer. Math. Soc
\publaddr Providence
\yr 1966
\pages 347--351
\key B.78
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper A note on Shimura's paper ``Discontinuous groups and abelian
\jour Math. Ann.
\vol 181
\yr 1969
\pages 345--351
\key B.79
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\book Abelian Varieties
\publ Oxford Univ. Press
\publaddr Oxford
\yr 1970
\key B.80
\by Murasaki, T.
\paper On rational cohomology classes of type $(p,p)$ on an Abelian
\jour Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku, Sect. A
\vol 10
\yr 1969
\pages 66--74
\key B.81
\by Murty, V.K.
\paper Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties
\jour Duke Math. J.
\vol 50
\yr 1983
\pages 487--504
\key B.82
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Exceptional Hodge classes on certain abelian varieties
\jour Math. Ann.
\vol 268
\yr 1984
\pages 197--206
\key B.83
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper The Hodge group of an abelian variety
\jour Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
\vol 104
\yr 1988
\pages 61--68
\key B.84
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Computing the Hodge group of an abelian variety
\inbook S\'eminaire de Th\'eorie des Nombres, Paris 1988--1989
\bookinfo Progr. Math. 91
\publ Birkh\"auser
\publaddr Boston
\yr 1990
\pages 141--158
\key B.85
\by Oort, F.
\paper Endomorphism algebras of abelian varieties
\inbook Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra in Honor of Masayoshi
\eds H. Hijikata et al.
\pages 469--502
\publ Kinokuniya
\publaddr Tokyo
\yr 1988
\key B.86
\by Pirola, G.P.
\paper On a conjecture of Xiao
\jour J. Reine angew. Math.
\vol 431
\yr 1992
\pages 75--89
\key B.87
\by Piatetskii-Shapiro, I.I.
\paper Interrelations between the Tate and Hodge conjectures for abelian
\lang Russian
\jour Mat. Sbornik
\vol 85(127)
\yr 1971
\pages 610--620
\transl English transl.
\jour Math. USSR Sbornik
\vol 14
\yr 1971
\pages 615--625
\key B.88
\by Pohlmann, H.
\paper Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties of complex multiplication
\jour Ann. of Math. (2)
\vol 88
\yr 1968
\pages 161--180
\key B.89
\by Ribet, K.A.
\paper Galois representations attached to eigenforms with Nebentypus
\inbook Modular Forms of One Variable,~\rom{V}
\eds J.-P. Serre, D.B. Zagier
\bookinfo Lecture Notes in Math. 601
\pages 17--52
\publ Springer
\publaddr Berlin etc.
\yr 1976
\key B.90
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Galois action on division points of abelian varieties with real
\jour Amer. J. Math.
\vol 98
\yr 1976
\pages 751--804
\key B.91
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Twists of modular forms and endomorphisms of abelian varieties
\jour Math. Ann.
\vol 253
\yr 1980
\pages 43--62
\key B.92
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Division fields of abelian varieties with complex multiplication
\jour Soc. Math. France 2e s\'er. M\'emoire
\vol 2
\yr 1980
\pages 75--94
\key B.93
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Generalization of a theorem of Tankeev
\inbook Seminar on Number Theory, 1981/1982
\publ Univ. Bordeaux I
\publaddr Talence
\yr 1982
\finalinfo Exp. No. 17, 4 pp
\key B.94
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Hodge classes on certain types of Abelian varieties
\jour Amer. J. Math.
\vol 105
\yr 1983
\pages 523--538
\key B.95
\by Robert, A.
\paper Introduction aux vari\'et\'es ab\'eliennes complexes
\jour Enseign.
\vol 28
\yr 1982
\pages 91--137
\key B.96
\by Rosen, M.
\paper Abelian varieties over $\Bbb C$
\inbook Arithmetic Geometry
\eds G.~Cornell and J.~Silverman
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1986
\key B.97
\by Saavedra Rivano,~N.
\book Cat\'egories tannakiennes
\bookinfo Lecture Notes in Math. 265
\publ Springer Verlag
\publaddr Heidelberg etc.
\yr 1972
\key B.98
\by Sampson, J.H.
\paper Higher Jacobians and cycles on abelian varieties
\jour Compositio Math.
\vol 47
\yr 1982
\pages 133--147
\key B.99
\by Satake, I.
\paper Holomorphic embeddings of symmetric domains into a
Siegel space
\jour Amer. J. Math.
\vol 87
\yr 1965
\pages 425--461
\key B.100
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Symplectic representations of Algebraic groups
\inbook Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups
\bookinfo Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 9
\publ Amer. Math. Soc
\publaddr Providence
\yr 1966
\pages 352--357
\key B.101
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Clifford algebras and families of abelian varieties
\jour Nagoya Math. J.
\vol 27
\yr 1966
\pages 435--446
\paper corrections
\jour ibid.
\vol 31
\yr 1968
\pages 295--296
\key B.102
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Symplectic representations of algebraic groups satisfying a certain
analyticity condition
\yr 1967
\vol 117
\jour Acta Math.
\pages 215--299
\key B.103
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\book Algebraic Structures of Symmetric Domains
\publ Princeton Univ.
\publaddr Princeton
\yr 1980
\key B.104
\by Schoen, C.
\paper Hodge classes on self-products of a variety with an automorphism
\jour Compositio Math.
\vol 65
\yr 1988
\pages 3--32
\key B.105
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Cyclic covers of $\Bbb P\sp v$ branched along $v+2$ hyperplanes and
the generalized Hodge conjecture for certain abelian varieties
\inbook Arithmetic of complex manifolds (Erlangen, 1988)
\bookinfo Lecture Notes in Math. 1399
\publ Springer
\publaddr Berlin etc.
\yr 1989
\pages 137--154
\key B.106
\by Serre, J.-P.
\paper Sur les groupes de Galois attach\'es aux groupes $p$-divisibles
\inbook Proceedings of a Conference on Local Fields
\ed T.A. Springer
\pages 118--131
\publ Springer
\publaddr Berlin etc.
\yr 1967
\key B.107
\by Serre,~J.-P.
\paper Repr\'esentations $l$@-adiques
\inbook Algebraic Number Theory
\ed S. Iyanaga
\bookinfo Papers contributed for the International Symposium, Kyoto, 1976
\publ Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
\publaddr Tokyo
\yr 1977
\pages 177--193
\key B.108
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Groupes alg\'ebriques associ\'e aux modules de Hodge-Tate
\jour Ast\'erisque
\vol 65
\yr 1979
\pages 155--188
\key B.109
\by Shimura, G.
\paper On analytic families of polarized abelian varieties and automorphic
\jour Ann. of Math.
\vol 78
\yr 1963
\pages 149--192
\key B.110
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Moduli and fibre systems of abelian varieties
\jour Ann. Math.
\vol 83
\yr 1966
\pages 294--338
\key B.111
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Moduli of abelian varieties and number theoru
\inbook Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroups
\bookinfo Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 9
\publ Amer. Math. Soc
\publaddr Providence
\yr 1966
\pages 312--332
\key B.112
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\book Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Forms
\bookinfo Publ. Math. Soc. Japan 11
\publ Princeton University Press
\publaddr Princeton
\yr 1971
\key B.113
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper On elliptic curves with complex multiplication as
factors of the Jacobians of modular function fields
\jour Nagoya Math. J.
\vol 43
\yr 1971
\pages 199--208
\key B.114
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Class fields over real quadratic fields and Hecke operators
\jour Ann. of Math.
\vol 95
\yr 1972
\pages 130--190
\key B.115
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
, Taniyama, Y.
\book Complex Multiplication of Abelian Varieties and its Applications to
Number Theory
\bookinfo Publ. Math. Soc. Japan 6
\yr 1961
\key B.116
\by Shioda, T.
\paper Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties of Fermat type
\jour Math. Ann.
\vol 258
\yr 1981/1982
\pages 65--80
\key B.117
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper What is known about the Hodge conjecture?
\inbook Algebraic Varieties and Analytic Varieties
\bookinfo Adv. Stud. in Pure Math. 1
\publ Kinokuniya
\publaddr Tokyo
\yr 1983
\pages 55--68
\key B.118
\by Silverberg, A., Zarhin, Yu.G.
\paper Hodge groups of abelian varieties with purely multiplicative
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat.
\vol 60
\yr 1996
\pages 149--158
\transl English transl.
\jour Izvestia: Math.
\vol 60
\yr 1996
\pages 379--389
\key B.119
\by Springer, T.A.
\book Linear Algebraic Groups
\bookinfo Progress in Math. 9
\publ Birkh\"auser
\publaddr Boston etc.
\yr 1981
\key B.120
\by Steenbrink, J.
\paper Some remarks about the Hodge conjecture
\inbook Hodge Theory, Proceedings, Sant Cugat, Spain, 1985
\bookinfo Lect. Notes in Math. 1246
\eds Cattani, Guill\'en, Kaplan, Puerta
\publ Springer
\publaddr Berlin etc.
\pages 165--175
\yr 1987
\key B.121
\by Swinnerton-Dyer, H.P.F.
\book Analytic Theory of Abelian Varieties
\publ Cambridge Univ.
\publaddr Cambridge
\bookinfo London Math. Soc. Lect. Note Series 14
\yr 1974
\key B.122
\by Tankeev, S.G.
\paper Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.
\vol 42
\yr 1978
\pages 667--696
\transl English transl.
\jour Math. USSR Izv.
\vol 12
\yr 1978
\pages 617--643
\key B.123
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles on abelian varieties.~\rom{II}
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.
\vol 43
\yr 1979
\pages 418--429
\transl English transl.
\jour Math. USSR Izv.
\vol 14
\yr 1980
\pages 383--394
\key B.124
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles on surfaces and abelian varieties
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.
\vol 45
\yr 1981
\pages 398--434
\transl English transl.
\jour Math. USSR Izv.
\vol 18
\yr 1982
\pages 349--380
\key B.125
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles of simple $5$-dimensional abelian varieties
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.
\vol 45
\yr 1981
\pages 793--823
\transl English transl.
\jour Math. USSR Izv.
\vol 19
\yr 1982
\pages 95--123
\key B.126
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Cycles on simple abelian varieties of prime dimension
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat.
\vol 46
\yr 1982
\pages 155--170
\transl English transl.
\jour Math. USSR Izv.
\vol 20
\yr 1983
\pages 157--171
\key B.127
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Abelian varieties and the general Hodge conjecture
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat.
\vol 57
\yr 1993
\pages 192--206
\transl English transl.
\jour Russian Acad. Sci. Izv. Math.
\vol 43
\yr 1994
\pages 179--191
\key B.128
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Algebraic cycles on an abelian variety without complex
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat.
\vol 58
\yr 1994
\pages 103--126
\transl English transl.
\jour Russian Acad. Sci. Izv. Math.
\vol 44
\yr 1995
\pages 531--553
\key B.129
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Cycles on abelian varieties and exceptional numbers
\lang Russian
\jour Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat.
\vol 60
\yr 1996
\pages 159--194
\transl English transl.
\jour Izvestia: Math.
\vol 60
\yr 1996
\pages 391--424
\key B.130
\by Tate,~J.
\paper Algebraic cycles and poles of zeta functions
\inbook Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry
\publ Harper and Row
\publaddr New York
\yr 1965
\pages 93--110
\key B.131
\by Tjiok, M.-C.
\book Algebraic Cycles in a Certain Fiber Variety
\bookinfo thesis
\publ SUNY at Stoney Brook
\yr 1980
\key B.132
\by Vigneras, M.-F.
\book Arithmetique des Alg\'ebres de Quaternions
\bookinfo Lecture Notes in Math. 800
\publ Springer-Verlag
\publaddr Berlin etc.
\yr 1980
\key B.133
\by Waterhouse,~W.C.
\book Introduction to Affine Group Schemes
\publ Springer Verlag
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1979
\key B.134
\by Weil, A.
\book Introduction \`a l'\'Etude des Vari\'et\'es K\"ahl\'eriennes
\publ Hermann
\publaddr Paris
\yr 1958
\key B.135
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Abelian varieties and the Hodge ring
\inbook \OE vres Scientifiques Collected Papers
\bookinfo vol.~3, [1977c]
\publ Springer
\publaddr New York etc.
\yr 1979
\pages 421--429
\key B.136
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\book Adeles and Algebraic Groups
\bookinfo Progress in Math. 23
\publ Birkh\"auser
\publaddr Boston etc.
\yr 1982
\key B.137
\by Weyl, H.
\book The Classical Groups
\publ Princeton University Press
\publaddr Princeton
\yr 1946
\key B.138
\by White, S.P.
\paper Sporadic cycles on CM abelian varieties
\jour Compositio Math.
\vol 88
\yr 1993
\pages 123--142
\key B.139
\by Yanai, H.
\paper On the rank of CM-type
\jour Nagoya Math. J.
\vol 97
\yr 1985
\pages 169--172
\key B.140
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper On degenerate CM-types
\jour J. Number Theory
\vol 49
\yr 1994
\pages 295--303
\key B.141
\by Zarhin, Yu.G.
\paper Weights of simple Lie algebras in the cohomology of algebraic
\jour Math. USSR Izv.
\vol 24
\yr 1985
\pages 245--281
\key B.142
\by\hbox to2pc{\hrulefill}\thinspace\kern\z@
\paper Abelian varieties and Lie algebras
\jour Selecta Math.
\vol 13
\yr 1994
\pages 55--95
1997-09-11T17:31:29 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709011 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709011 | [
] | alg-geom/9709011 | Jonathan Fine | Jonathan Fine | Local-global intersection homology | LaTeX 2e. 28 pages. This paper defines new intersection homology
groups, that provide important new information | null | null | null | null | This paper defines new intersection homology groups. The basic idea is this.
Ordinary homology is locally trivial. Intersection homology is not. It may have
significant local cycles. A local-global cycle is defined to be a family of
such local cycles that is, at the same time, a global cycle. The motivating
problem is the numerical characterisation of the flag vectors of convex
polytopes. Central is a study of the cycles on a cone and a cylinder, in terms
of those on the base. This leads to the topological definition of local-global
intersection homology, and a formula for the expected Betti numbers of toric
varieties. Various related questions are also discussed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 10 Sep 1997 14:58:41 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 11 Sep 1997 15:31:29 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
This paper defines new intersection homology groups. They record, in a
global way, local information about the singularities. They give rise to
new information, both globally and locally, and vanish on nonsingular
varieties. Such groups are required, to obtain a satisfactory
understanding of general convex polytopes. They also have other
The basic idea is this. Ordinary homology is locally trivial.
Intersection homology is not. It may have significant local cycles. A
local-global cycle is a family of such local cycles that is, at the same
time, a global cycle. The chains, that produce the homology relations
between the cycles, are to have a similar local-global nature.
The theory of toric algebraic varieties, which associates an algebraic
variety $\PDelta$ to each convex polytope $\Delta$ (provided $\Delta$ has
rational vertices) establishes a dictionary between convex polytopes and
algebraic varieties. Convex polytopes (or, if one prefers, the associated
varieties) provide the simplest examples for these new concepts.
The basic problem is to understand general polytopes in the same way as
simple polytopes are already understood. Suppose $\Delta$ is a simple
polytope. Loosely speaking, this means that the associated variety
$\PDelta$ is nonsingular. The associated homology ring $H_\bullet\Delta$
has the following properties. It is generated by the facets of $\Delta$.
It satisfies the Poincar\'e duality and strong Lefschetz theorems. The
associated Betti numbers $h\Delta$ are a linear function of the face
vector $f\Delta$, and vice versa.
These facts are central to Stanley's proof \cite{bib.RS.NFSP} of the
necessity of McMullen's numerical conditions \cite{bib.McM.NFSP} on the
face vectors of simple polytopes. (An ingenious construction of Billera
and Lee \cite{bib.LB-CL.SMC} proves sufficiency.) One would like to
understand general polytopes in a similar way.
The first results in this direction are due to Bayer and Billera
\cite{bib.MB-LB.gDS}. They consider the flag vector, not the face vector.
For simple polytopes Poincar\'e duality represents what are known as the
Dehn-Somerville equations on the face vector. Bayer and Billera describe
the generalised Dehn-Somerville equations on the flag vector. They also
show that the flag vectors of $n$-dimensional polytopes span a space whose
dimension is the $(n+1)$st Fibonacci number $F_{n+1}$.
The problem of characterizing the flag vectors of general polytopes has
guided the development of local-global intersection homology. The usual
middle perversity intersection homology theory produces $\lfloor n/2
\rfloor + 1$ independent independent linear functions of the flag vector.
(This is the Bernstein-Khovanskii-MacPherson formula for the mpih Betti
numbers \cite{bib.JD-FL.IHNP,bib.KF.IHTV,bib.RS.GHV}.) Clearly, more
Betti numbers are needed, to record the whole of the flag vector. In
addition, some analogue or extension to the usual ring structure on the
homology of a nonsingular variety is required.
The general polytope problem makes it clear that some extension of
intersection homology, and of the ring structure, is required. Topology
by itself has failed to indicate clearly either the need for such an
extension, or its form. (There are intersection homology groups for
non-middle perversities, and `change of perversity' groups, but these have
the same problems as ordinary homology.) Finally, there are polytopes
whose combinatorial structure is such that it cannot be realised with a
polytope that has rational vertices \cite[p94]{bib.BG.CP}. Thus, for
general polytopes a theory that does not rely on algebraic geometry is
The \emph{root problem} of this paper is as follows. \emph{Suppose $Z$ is
a possibly singular projective algebraic variety. In terms of the cycles
on $Z$, what are the cycles on $CZ$ and $IZ$?} Here, $CZ$ is the
projective cone on $Z$, while $IZ$ is the product of $Z$ with $\bfP_1$.
The answer depends on what one understands a cycle to be, or in other
words on some perhaps implicit choice of a homology theory. Suppose this
question has been answered. One will then have a wide range of examples.
These will determine the corresponding definition of a cycle, in the same
way that a number of points will determine a plane.
These examples will also determine a linear function $h\Delta$ of the flag
vector $f\Delta$ of convex polytopes. This is because of the following.
There are operators $I$ and $C$ on polytopes, analogous to the $I$ and $C$
operators on varieties. An \emph{$IC$ polytope} is any polytope that can
be obtained by repeatedly applying $I$ and $C$ to the point polytope. Any
polytope flag vector can be written as a linear combination of the flag
vectors of $IC$ polytopes. The examples determine $h\Delta$ on the $IC$
This paper is organised as follows. First (\S2) notation and definitions
are established, and some basic results stated. Next (\S3) the root
problem is discussed and a solution presented. This serves to motivate
the definition of the (extended) $h$-vector $h\Delta$ of convex polytopes
(\S4), and the topological definition of local-global intersection homology
(\S5). To finish (\S6), there is a summary, and a discussion of related
This paper considers the topological and combinatorial aspects of
local-global homology. There are others, to be presented elsewhere. The
\emph{linear algebra} \cite{bib.JF.CPLA} allows $h\Delta$ to be
interpreted as the outcome of a `vector weighted inclusion-exclusion'
construction. The \emph{intersection theory} \cite{bib.JF.IHRS} provides
a structure that reduces, in the simple or nonsingular case, to the ring
structure on ordinary homology.
To date, the theory of local-global intersection homology consists of a
series of definitions appropriate for each of the four aspects, together
with examples and special cases, and various linking results. Much remains
to be done, to fill in the `convex hull' of the four aspects.
This paper has been written to be accessible to those who are unfamiliar
with perhaps one or both of intersection homology and the combinatorics of
convex polytopes. The reader who is in a hurry can find a summary in the
final section. Formulae (\ref{eqn.Itilde})--(\ref{eqn.Abar-A}) define the
extended $h$-vector. The topological definition is in \S5. Text in
parentheses (except for short comments) can be omitted on a first
reading. The reader who is having difficulties should first understand
the mpih part of the theory (i.e.~ignore terms involving any of $A$,
$\Abar$ or $\{k\}$).
This section introduces notation and conventions. It also states results
to be used later. This material is organised into six topics, namely
language and conventions, cones and cylinders, local homology, the strong
Lefschetz theorem, polytope flag vectors, and the index set for $h\Delta$.
First, language and conventions. Ordinary homology fails to have suitable
properties, and so the word `homology' when used without qualification
will refer either to middle perversity intersection homology (mpih), or
some local-global variant thereof. The abbreviation mpih will always
refer to the usual intersection homology (as in \cite{bib.MG-RDM.IH}),
with of course middle perversity. Each local-global homology group has an
order, usually denoted by $r$. The usual mpih groups are order zero
local-global groups. The higher order groups will be called
\emph{strictly local-global}. Unless otherwise stated, homology will
always be with rational (or real) coefficients.
The analogy between convex polytopes and algebraic varieties is very
important, particularly in \S3 and \S4. Throughout $\Delta$ will be a
convex polytope of dimension~$n$, and $Z$ a (projective) algebraic
variety, also of dimension~$n$. When $\Delta$ has rational vertices a
projective toric variety $\PDelta$ (of dimension~$n$) can be constructed
(as in, say, \cite{bib.VD.GTV}). If $\Delta$ is the $n$-simplex $\sigma_n$
then $\PDelta$ is projective $n$-space $\bfP_n$.
To strengthen the analogy, for toric varieties homology will be indexed by
the complex dimension (half the normally used real dimension). The mpih
Betti numbers of $\PDelta$ are zero in the odd (real) dimensions, and the
same is expected to hold for the local-global extension. Thus, this
indexing convention amounts to ignoring the homology groups that are
expected in any case to be zero.
The concept of a cone is one of the most important in this paper. In
fact, the same word will be used for three closely related constructions,
that apply respectively to topological spaces, projective algebraic
varieties, and convex polytopes.
Suppose $B$ is a topological space. The \emph{cylinder} $IB$ on $B$ is
the product $[0,1]\times B$ of $B$ with the interval $I=[0,1]$, equipped
with the product topology. If $p=(\mu,l)$ is a point of $IB$ and
$\lambda\in I$ is a scalar then $\lambda p = (\lambda\mu,l)$ is also a
point on $IB$. The \emph{cone} $CB$ is the cylinder $IB$, with
$\setzero\times B$ identified (collapsed) to a single point, the
\emph{apex} of the cone. In \S5, local-global cycles will be described as
global cycles that can be collapsed in some specified way. The locus
$\{1\}\times B$ is called the \emph{base} of $CB$. There is a
$\lambda$-action on $CB$ also.
Now suppose $Z\subset \bfP_N$ is a projective algebraic variety. The
(projective) \emph{cone} $CZ\subset \bfP_{N+1}$ with \emph{base} $Z$ is
constructed as follows. Each point $p\in\bfP_N$ represents a line $l_p$
through the origin in $\bfA^{N+1}$. A point $v$ lies in the \emph{affine
cone} $\Ztilde \subset \bfA^{N+1}$ just in case it lies on some $l_z$,
with $z\in Z$. A `hyperplane at infinity' can be added to $\bfA^{N+1}$,
to produce $\bfP_{N+1}$. This hyperplane is a copy of $\bfP_N$. The cone
$CZ$ is the closure of $\Ztilde$. The base of $CZ$ is the copy
$\setinfty\times Z$ of $Z$ that lies on the $\bfP_N$ at infinity. The
origin of $\bfA^{N+1}$ is the \emph{apex} of the cone.
The interaction between the cone structure and relations among cycles is
central to \S3. The complex numbers act by multiplication on the `finite
part' $\Ztilde$ of $CZ$. Thus, if $\eta$ is a cycle on $CZ$, lying
entirely on $\Ztilde$, it can as be `coned away' by the
\emph{$\lambda$-cone} $C_\lambda\eta$, where $\lambda$ ranges over
$[0,1]$. This is a chain whose boundary is $\eta$ (unless $\eta$ has
dimension zero). Now suppose $\eta$ on $CZ$ avoids the apex. In this case
each point of $\eta$ lies on a unique line through the apex, and so there
is a boundary that `moves' $\eta$ to an equivalent cycle $\eta_\infty$
that lies entirely on the base $Z$ of $CZ$. Finally, suppose that $\eta$
is a cycle lying on the base $Z$ of $CZ$. Each point of $\eta$ determines
a line in $CZ$, and so $\eta$ determines a cycle $C\eta$ on $CZ$. However,
it may not be possible to find an $\eta'$ lying entirely on $\Ztilde$,
that is equivalent to $\eta$.
(The reason for this is subtle. If it were always possible, then it would
be possible to `cone away' the cycle due to the hyperplane at infinity in
$\bfP_{n+1}$ (the cone on $\bfP_n$). But this cycle is not homologous to
zero. Although $\eta$ can locally be moved away from the base of $CZ$, in
a manner that is unique up to `phase', it may not be possible to get all
the phases to match up.)
The \emph{cylinder} $IZ$ is the product of $Z$ with $\bfP_1$, which via
the Segre embedding is to be thought of as a subvariety of $\bfP_{2N+1}$.
The variety $Z$ is the \emph{base} of the cylinder. If $Z$ is
nonsingular, then so is $IZ$, whereas $CZ$ will in general have a
singularity at its apex.
Analogous operators $I$ and $C$ can be defined for convex polytopes. If
$\Delta$ is a convex polytope then the \emph{cone} (or \emph{pyramid})
with \emph{base} $\Delta$ is the convex hull of $\Delta$ with a point (the
\emph{apex}) that does not lie in the affine span of $\Delta$. Similarly,
the \emph{cylinder} (or \emph{prism}) $I\Delta$ with \emph{base} $\Delta$
is the Cartesian product $[0,1]\times\Delta$ of $\Delta$ with an interval
$I=[0,1]$. These operators respect the dictionary between convex
polytopes and toric algebraic varieties.
The symbol `$\sqdot$' will be used to denote both the projective variety
$\bfP_0$ (a single point), and the single point convex polytope. Thus,
$ICC\sqdot$ can denote either $\bfP_1\times\bfP_2$ or a triangular prism.
An \emph{$IC$ polytope} is one obtained by successively applying $I$ and
$C$ to the point polytope, and similarly for an \emph{$IC$ variety}. For
every word in $I$ and $C$, the latter is the toric variety associated to
the former. Sometimes the two concepts will be identified.
In both cases one can also define the \emph{join} of two objects. Suppose
that $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ are subvarieties of some $\bfP_N$, and that their
affine linear spans are disjoint. In that case, their \emph{join}
consists of all points that lie on some line $l(z_1,z_2)$ that joins a
point $z_1\in Z_1$ to another $z_2\in Z_2$. Similarly, if $\Delta_1$ and
$\Delta_2$ have disjoint affine linear spans, then their \emph{join} is
the convex hull of $\Delta_1\cup\Delta_2$. For both polytopes and
varieties, a cone is the join of the base to the apex. One could also
join an object not to a point but to a projective line (respectively, an
interval). This is the same as forming the cone on the cone. It will
have an \emph{apex line} (resp.~\emph{apex edge}) rather than an apex.
Intersection homology differs from ordinary homology in that for it
nontrivial local cycles can exist. If $s$ is a point on a complex
algebraic variety $Z$ any sufficiently small ball centered at $s$ is
homeomorphic to the (topological) cone $CL_s$ on something. That
something, which does not depend on the sufficiently small ball, is the
\emph{link} $L_s$ at $s$. Now suppose $\eta$ is a cycle on $CL_s$. The
$\lambda$-action on a cone can then be applied to $\eta$, to produce a
chain $C_\lambda\eta$, whose boundary is $\eta$. (Strictly speaking, this
is true only if $\dim \eta > 0$.) Local cycles of dimension zero are
trivial, and will not be counted by $h\Delta$. Ordinary homology allows
this \emph{coning away} of local cycles. The perversity conditions of
intersection homology however can be used to prohibit the use of
$C_\lambda\eta$ to generate a boundary.
The local (intersection) homology groups can be defined as follows. A
\emph{local cycle} $\eta$ at $s$ consists of a cycle $\eta_U$ for any
sufficiently small open set $U$ containing $s$, such that if $U'\subset
U$, one has on $U$ that $\eta_{U'}$ and $\eta_U$ are homologous.
Similarly, a \emph{local boundary} $\xi$ at $s$ consists of a chain
$\xi_U$ on each sufficiently small open set $U$, whose boundary $\eta$
(the system $\eta_U=d\xi_U$) is a local cycle. This definition avoids use
of the cone structure. In \S4, another definition will be given.
If $Z$ is a complex algebraic variety then it can be decomposed into a
disjoint union of \emph{strata} $S_i$, where each $S_i$ is either empty or
has complex dimension~$i$, and along $S_i$ the local topology of $Z$ is
locally constant. From this it follows that the local homology groups are
also locally constant along $S_i$, and so form what is known as a
\emph{local system}. This concept is used only in \S5. However, it is
closely related to an example of local-global homology.
(This paragraph and the next can be omitted on a first reading.) Suppose
that $i<j$ and that the stratum $S_i$ is in the closure of $S_j$. More
particularly, suppose that $\gamma:[0,1]\to Z$ is a path, with
$\gamma(0)\in S_i$ and $\gamma(\lambda)\in S_j$ otherwise. Now let
$\eta_1$ be a local cycle at $\gamma(1)$. By local constancy, it can be
moved along $\gamma$ until it is very close to $\gamma(0)$. At this point
the translate $\eta_\lambda$ of $\eta_1$ can be thought of as a local
cycle at $\gamma(0)$ on $S_i$. In other words, each path from $S_j$ to
$S_i$ (with $j>i$) transfers local cycles from $S_j$ to $S_i$. Note that
the reverse process will not in general be possible. For example, if
$S_0$ is an isolated singularity, then a local cycle $\eta$ at $S_0$
cannot be moved away from $S_0$.
Now consider $H_0(S_i,L_i)$, where $L_i$ is the local system formed from
the local homology groups along $S_i$. A cycle $\eta\in H_0(S_i,L_i)$ is
a formal sum of local homology cycles (about points on $S_i$) subject to
the equivalence due to motion along paths. As already described, these
groups can be `glued together' (certain elements identified) for
different values of $i$. Provided one uses all $S_i$ whose dimension is
at least some value value $j$, the result is independent of the
stratification. (This is left to the reader. Then main point is that new
strata have real codimension at least two, and so existing paths can be
altered to avoid new strata.) These groups are examples of local-global
The \emph{strong Lefschetz theorem} is one of the central results in the
homology of nonsingular algebraic varieties. It was stated by Lefschetz
in 1924, but his proof was not satisfactory. The first proof is due to
Hodge (1933--6, see \cite[p117]{bib.WVDH.TAHI}). It also follows from
Deligne's proof of the Weil conjectures \cite{bib.NK.DPRH}. Strong
Lefschetz also holds for middle perversity intersection homology. Here,
Deligne's proof is the only method known. For more background see
\cite{bib.SK.DIHT}. The infinitesimal form of Minkowski's facet area
theorem for polytopes~\cite[p.332]{bib.HM.ALKP,bib.BG.CP} is a special
case of both strong Lefschetz and the Riemann-Hodge inequalities.
This seems not to have been noticed before.
Suppose $Z\subset\bfP_N$ is a projective algebraic variety. For
convenience, complex dimension will be used to index its homology groups
$H_iZ$. If $i+j=n$ (the dimension of $Z$), then by Poincar\'e duality
$H_iZ$ and $H_jZ$ have the same dimension, for they are dual vector
spaces. The embedding $Z\subset \bfP_N$ determines a \emph{hyperplane
class} $\omega=\omegaZ$ in $H_{n-1}Z$ with the following properties.
First, the cap product $\omega\frown\eta$ is defined for any homology
class $\eta$ on $Z$. This operation lowers degree by one. Now assume
$i<j$ and also $i+j=n$. The \emph{strong Lefschetz theorem} asserts that
the map
\omega^{j-i}: H_jZ \to H_iZ
is an isomorphism.
This result provides a decomposition of $H_0Z$. Suppose that the above
isomorphism takes $\eta$ to $\eta'=\omega^{i-j}\eta$. Say that $\eta$ is
\emph{primitive} and $\eta'$ is \emph{coprimitive}, if $\omega\eta'$ is
zero. It is a standard result, that $H_\bullet Z$ is the direct sum of
$\omega^iP_jZ$, where $P_jZ\subseteq H_jZ$ are the primitive classes, and
$i+j\leq n$. The Lefschetz isomorphism allows an `inverse' $\omega^{-1}$
to $\omega$ to be defined. Define $\omega^{-1}$ to be the result of first
applying the inverse of the Lefschetz isomorphism, then $\omega$, and then
the Lefschetz isomorphism. It has degree $-1$. (The Riemann-Hodge
inequality is that on $P_jZ$ the quadratic form
$\eta\frown\omega^{j-i}\frown\eta$ is negative definite.)
The primitive and coprimitive cycles have a special r\^ole in the study of
the root problem, namely the cycles on $CZ$ in terms of those on $Z$. They
can occur only in certain dimensions, for which it is useful to have
special adjectives. Say that a cycle $\eta$ on $Z$ is \emph{upper}
(respectively \emph{strictly upper}) if its dimension is at least
(resp.~more than) half that of $Z$. Similarly, at most (resp.~less than)
define \emph{lower} (resp.~\emph{stricly lower}). Primitives and
coprimitives occur in the upper and lower dimensions respectively. A
cycle dimension that is not lower is strictly upper, and vice versa. The
\emph{middle dimension} is both upper and lower.
The hyperplane class $\omegaZ$ on $Z$ can be represented as a Weil divisor
(formal sum of codimension one subvarieties) on $Z$, namely the hyperplane
section. For use in \S3, note that the hyperplane class $\omegaCZ$ on a
cone can be represented either as the cone $C\omegaZ$ on the class of the
base, or as the base $Z$ of the cone (by intersecting $CZ \subset
\bfP_{N+1}$ with the $\bfP_N$ at infinity).
If $\Delta$ is a \emph{simple} convex polytope (this means that at each
vertex there are $n=\dim\Delta$ edges) then $\PDelta$ behaves like a
nonsingular algebraic variety, so far as its homology (with rational
coefficients) is concerned. Its Betti numbers $h_i\Delta=h_i\PDelta$ are
then a linear function of the \emph{face vector}
$f=f\Delta=(f_0,f_1,\ldots,f_n)$, where $f_i$ is the number of
$i$-dimensional faces on $\Delta$. In fact, if one writes $f(x,y)=\sum
f_ix^iy^{n-i}$, and $h(x,y)$ similarly, then the equation
$h(x,x+y)=f(x,y)$ expresses the relation between $f$ and $h$.
If $\Delta$ is a general convex polytope, then flags should be counted. A
\emph{flag} is a sequence
\delta = ( \delta_1 \subset \delta_2 \subset
\ldots \subset \delta_r \subset \Delta )
of faces, each stricly contained in the next. Its \emph{dimension vector}
(or \emph{dimension} for short) is the sequence
d = ( d_1 < d_2 < \ldots < d_r < n )
of the dimensions $d_i$ of its terms $\delta_i$. Altogether, there are
$2^n$ possible flag dimensions. The component $f_d\Delta$ of the
\emph{flag vector} $f=f\Delta$ of $\Delta$ counts how many flags there on
$\Delta$, whose dimension is $d$. (If $\Delta$ is simple, the flag vector
is a linear function of the face vector, and so contains no new
For simple polytopes the \emph{Dehn-Somerville} equations state that
$h(x,y)$ is equal to $h(y,x)$, or that the $h$-vector is
\emph{palindromic}. (It is analogous to Poincar\'e duality.) For general
polytopes the \emph{generalised Dehn-Somerville (gDS) equations}
\cite{bib.MB-LB.gDS} imply that $f\Delta$ has the Fibonacci number
$F_{n+1}$ linearly independent components. A similarly elegant
interpretation of these equations is lacking.
For flag vectors the \emph{$IC$ equation} \cite{bib.JF.MVIC}
(I-C)C \> I \> = \> I \> (I-C)C
holds, in the following sense. Apply both sides to a convex polytope
$\Delta$, to obtain convex polytopes $ICI\Delta$ etc. The corresponding
equation then holds among the flag vectors of these polytopes. The flag
vectors of the $IC$ polytopes span all polytope flag vectors, and those
than contain neither `$II$' nor `$I\sqdot$' form a basis.
It follows that if linear operators $\Itilde$ and $\Ctilde$ are given that
satisfy the $IC$ equation, together with an initial value
$\htilde(\sqdot)$ for which $\Itildehtilde(\sqdot)=\Ctilde\htilde(\sqdot)$,
then there is a unique linear function $\htilde$ on polytope flag vectors,
for which the equations
\htilde(I\Delta) = \Itilde h(\Delta) \>;\quad
\htilde(C\Delta) = \Ctilde h(\Delta) \>;
are satisfied. This is used in \S4, to define the extended $h$-vector.
Finally, note that the polytope flag vectors span a proper subspace of the
span of all flag vectors. To provide a linear function on this subspace
is not the same as to provide such on the larger space. Conversely,
different linear functions on the larger space can agree on the subspace.
Related to this is the idea that equivalent homology theories (on
projective varieties) can be given different definitions, and that
different triangulations can be found for a given space.
The last topic is the \emph{index set}. The extended $h$-vector
$h\Delta$, to be defined in \S4, will be a formal sum of terms, of a
particular type. Although the terms to be used will arise in a natural
way, it is convenient to gather in one place a description of them. In
some sense, their structure is a result of a geometric requirement (that
the Betti numbers be organised into sequences, whose length grows with the
dimension $n$ of the polytope) and a combinatorial requirement (the
Fibonacci numbers).
First, expressions such as $(a,b,c)$ will stand for the homogeneous
polynomial $ax^2 +bxy + cy^2$ in commuting variables $x$ and $y$. To save
space, commas will where possible be omitted. Thus, $(10)=x$, $(01)=y$,
$(11)=x+y$ and $(1)=1$. Similarly, the expression $[abc]$ (short for
$[a,b,c]$) will stand for $aX^2 +bXY +cY^2$, where $X$ and $Y$ are a
different pair of commuting variables. Clearly, $[1]=(1)=1$. Each of
$x$, $y$, $X$ and $Y$ will have degree one.
Roughly speaking, to each coprimitive cycle on the base of a cone (or in
the link along a face) the symbol $\{k\}$ will correspond, where $k$ is
the dimension of the cycle. This symbol also corresponds to a local
$k$-cycle. Because in the present context such can occur only in the
strictly lower dimensions, $\{k\}$ will be given degree $2k+1$. The
symbol $\{0\}$ will not be used. This corresponds to treating the class of
a point as a trivial local cycle. The difference $b-a$, which `counts'
dimension~$1$ coprimitives, will be denoted by $b'$. Similarly, $c'=c-b$,
and so on up to halfway. In addition, a `padding' symbol $A$ (or $\Abar$)
is required. It has degree one.
The extended $h$-vector $h\Delta$ will be a sum of terms of the form
$x^iy^jW$, where $W$ is a word in $A$ and $\{k\}$. Each such term will
have degree equal to the dimension of $\Delta$. The word $W$ is allowed
to be empty. This corresponds to the mpih part of $h\Delta$. The last
symbol in $W$ is not to be an $A$. (This can be achieved by supposing
that there is a terminating symbol `$\sqdot$' at the end of each word, and
setting $A\sqdot$ equal to zero.) An auxiliary vector $\htilde\Delta$ is
used in \S4. It is a sum of $X^iY^jW$ terms, where $W$ is a word in
$\Abar$ and $\{k\}$. Its terms are otherwise the same as those of
The numerology of $x^iy^jW$ is interesting. Recall that $h\Delta$ has
$F_{n+1}$ independent components. There are $F_{n+2}$ terms satisfying
the above conditions, whose degree is $n$. Of these $F_{n+1}$ satisfy
$i\leq j$, (and they correspond to a maximal set of independent components
in $h\Delta$). Thus, $F_n$ ($=F_{n+2}-F_{n+1}$) terms satisfy $i>j$.
Similarly, $F_n$ terms satisfy $j>i$. Thus, $F_{n-1}$ terms satisfy
$i=j$. The number of words $W$ of degree at most $n$ is $F_n$, for $n\geq
1$. (These results are not used, and so are stated without proof.)
Also, the equation
1 + F_1 + F_2 + \ldots + F_n = F_{n+2}
can be interpeted as follows. Define $f_{(i)}\Delta$ to be the sum of the
flag vectors of the $i$-faces (or $i$-links if one prefers) of $\Delta$.
It follows from the flag vector concept that $f\Delta$ and $f_{(\bullet)}=
(1, f_{(1)}, f_{(2)}, \ldots, f_{(n-1)})$ are linear functions of each
other. (The `$1$' corresponds to the `empty' face, or to $\Delta$
itself.) Each $f_{(i)}$ has $F_{i+1}$ independent components, and so
$f_{(\bullet)}\Delta$ (and hence $f\Delta$) has $F_{n+2}$ components whose
dependence does not follow from the gDS equations on the faces. This
helps justify $F_{n+2}$ as the number of components in $h\Delta$, for one
wishes $h\Delta$ to permit an elegant expression of the generalised
Dehn-Somerville equations.
\section{Cycles on cones and cylinders}
This section describes the mpih and local-global cycles on a cone and a
cylinder in terms of those on the base. First, the mpih cycles are
constructed and described. The local-global cycles are then a variant of
the mpih cycles. They make use of information, that mpih ignores.
Suppose that $\eta$ is a cycle on $Z$. Later, this statement will acquire
a richer meaning, but for now suppose that $\eta$ is a formal sum of
embedded simplices, whose boundary is zero. The cycle $\eta$ on $Z$
determines three cycles on $IZ$, which can be denoted by
$\setzero\times\eta$, $\setinfty\times\eta$, and $I\eta$. The first two,
which are equivalent, arise from the two `poles' $0$ and $\infty$ on
$\bfP_1$, each of which determines an embedding of $Z$ in $IZ$. The
third, $I\eta$, is the product of $\eta$ with $\bfP_1$. Similarly, on
$CZ$ one will have $\setinfty\times\eta$ and $C\eta$. (There is also the
apex, which will not be needed.)
Relations, as well as cycles, must be considered. On $\bfP_1$ let
$I_\lambda$ denote the chain that is a path from $0$ to $\infty$.
Similarly, let $I_\lambda\eta$ denote the chain on $IZ$, whose boundary is
$\setinfty\times\eta -\setzero\times\eta$.
The relations on a cone are more complicated. As noted in \S2, in general
it is not possible to cone a cycle $\eta$ on the base to form a relation
$C_\lambda\eta$, whose boundary is $\eta$. However, if a cycle $\eta$ on
$CZ$ is equivalent to an $\eta'$ that does not meet the base $Z$, then
$\eta$ can (via $\eta'$) be coned away to produce a relation
$C_\lambda\eta$. Note that if such an $\eta'$ can be found, then the cap
product of $\eta$ with the base (if defined) will be equivalent to zero,
for $\eta'$ does not meet the base.
When no restrictions are places on the cycles and relations, ordinary
homology is the result. Based on the preceeding discussion, one might
expect the ordinary homology of $IZ$ to be the tensor product of that of
$Z$ with that of $\bfP_1$ (the K\"unneth formula), while for $CZ$ one
might expect the `cone' on the ordinary homology of the base. By this is
meant the base homology raised by one in degree, with the class of a point
appended in degree zero. There are similar expected formulae for the
ordinary homology Betti numbers. However, ordinary homology does not in
general satisfy Poincar\'e duality and strong Lefschetz. Also, its Betti
numbers are not a linear function of the flag vector \cite{bib.McC.HTV}.
This is discussed further in \S5.
Now consider middle perversity intersection homology, or more precisely, a
theory that satisfies the Poincar\'e and Lefschetz theorems. These
properties, particularly strong Lefschetz, will leave one with little
choice as to what the cycles on $CZ$ and $IZ$ are, and hence lead to the
usual middle perversity conditions on the cycles.
The task is to control the cycles and relations, so that the $I$ and $C$
operators preserve the Poincar\'e and Lefschetz properties. For $I$ the
usual K\"unneth formula will do this, a result that is left to the reader.
For $C$, more care is needed.
Suppose $\setinfty\times\eta$ is a cycle on $CZ$. Now use the $C\omegaZ$
form of the hyperplane class. Clearly, one will have
$C\omegaZ\frown(\setinfty\times\eta) =
\setinfty\times(\omegaZ\frown\eta)$ as the hyperplane action. Similarly,
if $C\eta$ is a cycle on $CZ$, use the `base' form $Z$ of the hyperplane
class to obtain
\omegaCZ \frown C\eta \sim Z \frown C\eta = \setinfty\times\eta
as the hyperplane action. Now suppose that $\eta$ is a primitive
$j$-cycle on $C$, by virtue of $\omegaZ^i\eta \sim 0$. The relation
\omegaCZ^{i+1} C\eta \sim 0
follows from the above. Thus, \emph{$C\eta$ is a primitive on $CS$,
whenever $\eta$ is a primitive on $Z$}. Moreover, $\setinfty\times\eta$
is equal to $\omegaCZ\frown C\eta$, and so cannot be primitive. All this
assumes that $C\eta$ is allowed as a cycle, when $\eta$ on $Z$ primitive.
These properties (K\"unneth and the coning of primitives) suffice to
determine the homology of $IZ$ and $CZ$ respectively, in terms of that of
$Z$. The task now is to express these groups in terms of topological
cycles and relations. First consider $CZ$. By assumption, if $\eta$ is
primitive on $Z$, then $C\eta$ is permitted on $CZ$ (and is there
primitive). Primitive is not a topological concept; it depends on the
projective embedding $Z\subset\bfP_N$. However, the primitive cycles have
upper dimension, and that is a topological notion. Thus, permit
$\xi=C\eta$ as a cycle on $CZ$ whenever $\eta$ on $Z$ is upper, or in
other words when $\xi$ on $CZ$ is strictly upper.
Now suppose that $\eta$ on $Z$ is coprimitive. It follows at once that
\setinfty\times\eta \frown \setinfty\times Z \sim 0 \>,
and so there is nothing in the homology of $CZ$, that prevents
$\setinfty\times\eta$ being moved away from the base $\setinfty\times Z$.
Suppose that this can be done, to produce $\eta' \sim
\setinfty\times\eta$. As noted in \S2, the $\lambda$-coning operation can
be applied to $\eta$, via $\eta'$, to produce $C_\lambda\eta$. If $\eta$
on $Z$ is nonzero, then on $CZ$ it is also by assumption nonzero. Thus,
the `coning away to a point' $C_\lambda\eta$ cannot be permitted (except
perhaps if $\dim \eta =0$). As before, even though coprimitive is not a
topological notion, the lower range of dimensions is. This leads to
$\xi=C_\lambda\eta$ on $CZ$ being prohibited as a chain, whenever $\xi$ is
These two examples (primitive and coprimitive) establish the middle
dimension as the cut-off point for cycles and chains being permitted or
prohibited respectively. This applies to how they meet the $0$-strata.
To obtain the remainder of the middle perversity conditions, study the
cycles on $IZ$ due to $\eta$ on $Z$,
where now $\eta$ is a cycle that satisfies the conditions that
are already known. In this way, the rest can be built up, to produce the
already known middle perversity intersection homology conditions on cycles
and chains. This is left to the reader.
The assumption, that if $\eta$ on $Z$ is coprimitive, then
$\setinfty\times\eta$ is equivalent to an $\eta'$ that does not meet the
base $Z$ of the cone, is quite strong. Previously, it was assumed that
this might happen from time to time, and so the associated coning aways
were prohibited. That there are such prohibited coning aways is a
topological property, which is local to the apex of $CZ$. Local-global
homology will count such `coning aways', but calls them local-global cycles.
It will as a heuristic principle be assumed that any coprimitive can be
moved to avoid the base, and so be coned away. Such assumptions support
the calculation in \S4 of the expected values $h\Delta$ of the
local-global Betti numbers.
It is time to take stock. Recall that the purpose of this section is to
describe the cycles on $IZ$ and $CZ$ in terms of those on $Z$. When no
restrictions are imposed, ordinary homology is the result. Requiring
Poincar\'e duality and strong Lefschetz produces middle perversity
intersection homology. For mpih the cycles on $CZ$ are all of the form
$C\eta$ or $\setinfty\times\eta$, for $\eta$ a cycle on $Z$. For the
local-global extension, one also has the `coning away' or
\emph{local-global cycle} $C_\lambda\eta$, for $\eta$ any coprimitive
cycle on the base $Z$. (The apex of the cone $Z$ is also called the
\emph{apex} of the local-global cycle $C_\lambda\eta$.) Now assume that
on $Z$ itself there is such a local-global cycle. Further local-global
cycles may arise on $CZ$ and $IZ$, as a result of this local-global cycle
on $Z$.
As in the mpih case, on $IZ$ it will be assumed that the K\"unneth formula
continues to hold. In other words, any cycle on $IZ$ can be expressed
using $\setzero\times\eta$ (or $\setinfty\times\eta$) and $I\eta$, where
$\eta$ ranges over the cycles on $Z$. If $\eta$ is a local-global cycle,
say $C_\lambda\xi$, then $I\eta$ is a new kind of local-global cycle. (Its
apex locus is $I$ applied to that of $\eta$.) If $\eta$ is thought of as
a local cycle, then $I\eta$ is a family of local cycles. In addition,
note that by K\"unneth $\setzero\times\eta$ and $\setinfty\times\eta$ are
equivalent cycles on $IZ$, and so local-global cycles must on occasion be
allowed to move along the singular locus. (In fact, the rule will be that
if they can move, then they are allowed to move.)
At this point it is possible to give some examples. In dimensions $0$,
$1$ and $2$ one has
h(\sqdot) = (1) \>\>; \quad
h(C\sqdot) = h(I\sqdot) = (11) \>\>; \quad
h(CC\sqdot) = (111) \>\>; \quad
h(IC\sqdot) = (121) \>\>;
of course. In dimension $3$ one has
h(CCC\sqdot) = (1111) \>\>;\quad
h(ICC\sqdot) = (1221) \>\>;\quad
h(IIC\sqdot) = (1331) \>\>;
as the nonsingular (or simple) examples, while
h(CIC\sqdot) = (1221) + (1)\{1\} \>\>;
is the only singular example. Here, $\{1\}$ counts the local-global
cycles on $CZ$ due to the only nontrivial coprimitive on $Z$, where $Z$ is
$\bfP_1\times\bfP_1$ (or a square).
In dimension $4$ something new happens. The simple cases
h(CCCC\sqdot) = (11111) \>\>;\quad &
h(ICCC\sqdot) = (12221) \>\>;\\
h(IICC\sqdot) = (13431) \>\>;\quad &
h(IIIC\sqdot) = (14641) \>\>;\\
are just as before. The cones on the simple dimension $3$ examples come
next. They are
h(CICC\sqdot) = (12221) + (1)\{1\}A \>\>;\quad
h(CIIC\sqdot) = (13331) + (2)\{1\}A \>\>;
where as before $\{1\}A$ counts the nontrivial coprimitives on the base.
The remaining examples are $I$ and $C$ applied to $CIC\sqdot$, the only
non-simple dimension $3$ example.
The polytopes (or varieties) $ICIC\sqdot$ and $CCIC\sqdot$ are more similar
than they might at first sight appear. The polytope $CIC\sqdot$ has an
apex, and so $ICIC\sqdot$ has an \emph{apex edge}. Now consider
$CCIC\sqdot$. From one point of view, this has two apexes, namely the
apex of its base $CIC\sqdot$, and the apex of $CCIC\sqdot$ itself.
However, $CCIC\sqdot$ is also the join of $IC\sqdot$ with an interval, and
so there is no geometric way of distinguishing its two apexes. In other
words, like $ICIC\sqdot$, it too has an apex edge. Combinatorially, the
two polytopes are the same along their respective apex edges. (This fact
is at the heart of the $IC$ equation.)
The mpih parts of $h(ICIC\sqdot)$ and $h(CCIC\sqdot)$ are $(13431)$ and
$(12221)$ respectively. The remaining contribution comes from the
strictly local-global cycles along the apex edge. Clearly, if $\eta$ is
the cycle that contributes $(1)\{1\}$ to $CIC\sqdot$, then $I\eta$ and
$\setzero\times\eta$ will contribute $(01)\{1\}$ and $(10)\{1\}$
respectively to $ICIC\sqdot$. However, on $CIC\sqdot$ there is a single
coprimitive cycle (it has dimension one), and so on $CCIC\sqdot$ there
will be a local-global of type $\{1\}A$. Now note that if $h\Delta$ is to
be a linear function function of the flag vector, the non-mpih parts of
the $h$-vectors of the two polytopes should be the same. To achieve this,
the values
h(ICIC\sqdot) = (13431) + (11)\{1\} + \{1\}A \>\>\;\\
h(CCIC\sqdot) = (12221) + (11)\{1\} + \{1\}A \>\>\;
will be postulated.
This is to take any strictly local-global contribution that can occur for
either $ICIC\sqdot$ or $CICC\sqdot$, and to insist that it can occur in
the other. This forces $\setzero\times\eta$ on $ICIC\sqdot$ to contribute
not only $(10)\{1\}$ as already noted, but also $(1)\{1\}A$. The cycle
$\setinfty\times\eta$ on $CZ$ will make a similar contribution to
$hCCIC\sqdot$. Also, some sort of coning $C\eta$ of the cycle $\eta$ must
be allowed, to obtain on $CCIC\sqdot$ a contribution of $(10)\{1\}$. This
discussion is an example of how topology and combinatorics work together
to determine the structure of the theory of local-global homology.
Now suppose that $\eta$ is a cycle (possibly of local-global type) on $Z$.
Already, the associated cycles on $IZ$ have been described. The task now
is to determine and describe the associated cycles on $CZ$. There are
three basic possibilities. First, one can form $\setinfty\times\eta$,
which is a cycle lying on the base $Z$ of $CZ$. Second, one can cone
$\eta$ to form $C\eta$. Sometimes, as in the lower dimensions of mpih,
this cycle is not needed. Finally, if $\setinfty\times\eta$ can be moved
to an equivalent cycle $\eta'$, that does not meet the base $Z$ of $CZ$,
one can form the `coning away' $C_\lambda\eta$. These possibilities will
be considered, one at a time.
First, the cycle $\setinfty\times\eta$ will always be admitted. There are
no conditions imposed on $\eta$. One reason for this is that about their
respective bases, the cylinder and the cone are combinatorially the same,
and so that which is permitted for the one should be permitted for the
other. But for the cylinder, the K\"unneth principle causes
$\setinfty\times\eta$ to be admitted. As in the cylinder, this cycle may
contribute to several distinct local-global homology groups.
Next consider $C\eta$. The example of $CCIC\sqdot$ shows that this case
requires more thought. As already noted, the cycle $\eta$ on $CIC\sqdot$
contributes $(11)\{1\}$ plus $(1)\{1\}A$ to $CCIC\sqdot$. Clearly,
$\setinfty\times\eta$ contributes $(10)\{1\}$ and $(1)\{1\}A$. The
remainder, $(01)\{1\}$ will have to come from $C\eta$. Thus, at least in
this case, $C\eta$ must be allowed. But this seems to contradict the mpih
case, where no use of $C\eta$ was made in the lower dimensions, and where
any $C_\lambda\eta$ `coning away' was explicitly prohibited. However, it
is possible to harmonise the two cases. This involves looking again at
the mpih situation.
Suppose that $\eta$ is an mpih cycle on $Z$. First consider $C\eta$ on
$CZ$, as a purely formal object. Its main property is that
$\omegaCZ\frown C\eta$ is equivalent to $\setinfty\times\eta$. In
addition, if $\eta$ and $\xi$ on $Z$ have complementary dimensions (and so
intersect to give a number), then $C\eta\frown\setinfty\times\xi =
\eta\frown\xi$. These properties are not enough, in general, to determine
$C\eta$ as a homology class on $CZ$. When $\xi$ is upper, $\omega$ is
injective, and so $\omega\frown\xi$ determines $\xi$. This does not help
in the other dimensions. Here, the Lefschetz isomorphism will be used.
Write $\eta$ as $\omegaZ^r\eta'$, where $\eta$ and $\eta'$ have
complementary dimensions. This representation is always possible and
unique, provided $\eta$ is lower. Provided $r>0$, one can take
$\setinfty\times (\omegaZ^{r-1}\eta')$ as the cycle on $CZ$ that
represents the formal object $C\eta$. Between them, these two cover all
the cases. Thus, there is no formal obstacle to thinking of $C\eta$ as a
homology cycle on $CZ$.
The following construction, at least in certain cases, leads to a
geometric form for $C\eta$, in the lower dimensions. As motivation, think
of $C\bfP_n$ (the cone on $\bfP_n$, not complex projective $n$-space).
Here, each cycle $\eta$ on $\bfP_n$ can be coned to give a cycle $C\eta$
on $C\bfP_n$, \emph{provided the apex is not part of the stratification}.
Adding the apex as a stratum will not however change the homology. It
will thus be possible to move $\eta$ a little bit, so that it avoids the
apex (at least in the lower dimensions). This change can be confined to a
small ball centered at the apex. Think now of $C\eta$ on $CZ$ as follows.
Cone $\eta$ to form $C\eta$, and form a small ball $B$ about the apex.
Outside of $B$, there is no fault with $C\eta$. The task now is to change
$C\eta$ within $B$, so as to avoid the apex. Consider now the
intersection $R=S\cap C\eta$ of $C\eta$ with the boundary $S$ of $B$. For
certain values of $R\subset S$, it will be possible to `fill-in' $R$
within $B$, to obtain part of an intersection homology cycle, and for
others it will not. (The difference between any two solutions is,
clearly, a local intersection homology cycle.) For certain $\eta$ it will
be possible to solve the associated $R\subset S$ problem. For heuristic
purposes, it will be assumed that this is always possible. Intersection
properties can be used to resolve the indeterminacy due to local cycles at
the apex. In this way it is possible (modulo some assumptions) to treat
$C\eta$ as a cycle on $CZ$, when $\eta$ is any mpih cycle on $Z$. The key
is to if necessary modify the geometric form of $C\eta$ within a small
ball centered at the apex.
Now consider $C\eta$ on $CZ$, where $\eta$ is a local-global cycle. The
example of $CCIC\sqdot$ forces one to allow this cycle, in some form of
the other. The previous paragraph shows how this might be done. The
geometric form of $C\eta$ must be modified in a small ball centered about
the apex of $CZ$, or perhaps more exactly, replaced by something else.
In fact, this $C\eta$ problem need only be solved for mpih cycles. Each
local-global cycle can be thought of as a $\lambda$-family of cycles. One
can then solve this problem in the simpler case of $\lambda=1$, and then
define $C\eta$ to be the result of applying scalar multiplication to the
this solution.
The third type of cycle on $CZ$ are those obtained by moving a cycle
$\setinfty\times\eta$ away from the base $Z$, and then `coning it away'.
This was the point of departure, for the local-global theory. (The mpih
theory prohibits the use of such objects, to generate homology relations.
The local-global theory treats such objects as a cycle, but of a new
type.) This construction can be iterated. Here is an example. First, let
$\eta$ be the local-global cycle on $CIC\sqdot$. Now let $Z$ be
$IICIC\sqdot$, and on $II\sqdot$ let $\xi$ be a coprimitive cycle. On $Z$
there is a local-global cycle that can be written as $\xi\otimes\eta$. Now
consider $CZ$. Provided $\setinfty\times(\xi\otimes\eta)$ can be moved
within its class, so as to avoid the base $Z$, it can be `coned away'.
This is an example of a second-order local-global intersection homology
Earlier in this section, $h\Delta$ was presented for all the $IC$
polytopes of dimension at most $4$. To conclude, much the same will be
done for dimension $5$. However, to save space this will be done
only for certain polytopes, whose flag vectors provide a basis for all
polytope flag vectors. They are the ones in which neither $II$ nor
$I\sqdot$ occur. There are $F_6=8$ such polytopes.
For these basis polytopes the $h$-vectors are as follows.
h(CCCCC\sqdot) &= (111111) \\
h(CCCIC\sqdot) &= (122221) +(111)\{1\} +(11)A\{1\} + (1)AA\{1\} \\
h(CCICC\sqdot) &= (122221) +\phantom{(111)\{1\}}
+(11)A\{1\} + (1)AA\{1\} \\
h(CICCC\sqdot) &= (122221) +\phantom{(111)\{1\}}
+\phantom{(11)A\{1\}} + (1)AA\{1\} \\
h(CICIC\sqdot) &= (134431) +(111)\{1\}
+(11)A\{1\} + (2)AA\{1\} + (1)\{2\}\\
h(ICCCC\sqdot) &= (122221) \\
h(ICCIC\sqdot) &= (134431) +(121)\{1\} +(12)A\{1\} + (1)AA\{1\} \\
h(ICICC\sqdot) &= (134431) +\phantom{(111)\{1\}}
+(11)A\{1\} + (1)AA\{1\}
Here is a summary of the discussion of the cycles on $IZ$ and $CZ$. On
$IZ$ the cycles are as given by the K\"unneth principle. Each cycle on
$IZ$ is a sum of products of a cycle on $I$ (or $\bfP_1$) with a cycle on
$Z$. For $CZ$ the situation is more complicated. If $\eta$ is a cycle on
$Z$, then one always has $\setinfty\times\eta$ on $CZ$. Provided the
details are satisfied, as to what happens near to the apex, one will also
have $C\eta$. (When $\eta$ is upper, these details are vacuous.) Finally,
if $\setinfty\times\eta$ can be moved so as to avoid the base $Z$ of $CZ$,
one also has its `coning away', the $\lambda$-cone $C_\lambda\eta$. (A
necessary, and perhaps sufficient, condition for doing this is that
$\omegaCZ\frown\setinfty\times\eta$, which is equal to
$\setinfty\times(\omegaZ\frown\eta)$ be homologous to zero.)
This description of cycles motivates both the definition of the extended
$h$-vector (\S4), and the topological definition of local-global homology
(\S5). In both cases, there are two aspects to the discussion. The first
is the cycles themselves, the focus of this section. The second is how
they are to be counted.
Consider once again $ICIC\sqdot$ and $CCIC\sqdot$. There, it was seen
that the same cycle may contribute to several different parts of
$h\Delta$. This is something that is quite new. The basic idea is this.
A local-global homology group is spanned by all cycles that satisfy
certain conditions. If these conditions are relaxed, another local-global
group is obtained. (The same happens in intersection homology, when the
perversity is relaxed.) This is why the same local-global cycle may
contribute to several components of $h\Delta$. The conditions are related
to where the cycle may be found. For example ($\dim=4$), one can count all
local $1$-cycles (subject to equivalence), or one can allow only those
that have some degree of freedom, as to their location. The former are
counted by $\{1\}A$, the later by $x\{1\}$. For example, $CICC\sqdot$ has
the former but not the later, while $ICIC\sqdot$ has both. These
conditions control both the cycles and the relations. Sometimes (the
$4$-cross polytope for example), relaxing the conditions may allow new
relations to appear amongst existing cycles. The varieties produced by $I$
and $C$ are special, in that this never happens. This makes the
computation of their $h$-vectors much easier. This fact is exploited by
the next section.
\section{The extended $h$-vector}
This section defines, for every convex polytope $\Delta$, an extended
$h$-vector $h\Delta$. It does this by using rules $\Itilde$ and $\Ctilde$
that satisfy the $IC$ equation. These rules are motivated by the previous
section. In the next section, local-global homology groups will be
defined for algebraic varieties. Provided various assumptions are
satisfied, for $\Delta$ an $IC$ polytope the extended $h$-vector $h\Delta$
will give the local-global Betti numbers of the associated toric variety
$\PDelta$. (The same may not be true for other rational polytopes, and
even it true will most likely be much harder to prove. Such would be both
a formula for the local-global Betti numbers, and a system of linear
inequalities on the flag vectors of rational polytopes.)
There are two stages to the definition of $h\Delta$. The previous section
described the local-global cycles on $IZ$ and $CZ$ in terms of those on
$Z$. It also noted that the same cycle might contribute in several ways
to the local-global homology. The first stage is to define operators
$\Itilde$ and $\Ctilde$ that count the local-global cycles, but without
regard to the multiple contributions. The second stage is to make a
change of variable, to accomodate the multiple contributions. This
corresponds to knowing the implications among the various conditions
satisfied by local-global cycles. The second stage is vacuous for the mpih
paart of the theory. (For the $IC$ polytopes, each
local-global cycle is determined by the corresponding global cycle,
together with a statement, as to the $\lambda$-coning conditions it
satisfies. The first stage counts each local-global cycle only once, at
the most stringent conditions it satisfies. This process is meaningful only
for $IC$ and similar polytopes. In general, relaxation of conditions will
admit new relations, as well as new cycles.)
The first stage is to introduce an auxiliary vector $\htilde\Delta$,
defined via rules $\Itilde$ and $\Ctilde$. The quantity $\htilde\Delta$
will be a sum of terms such as $[abcd]W$. As noted in \S2, $[abcd]$
stands for the homogeneous polynomial $aX^3+bX^2Y+cXY^2+dY^3$, while $W$
will be a word in $\{k\}$ and $\Abar$. The rules $\Itilde$ and $\Ctilde$
will be defined by their action on such terms.
The rule for $\Itilde$ is to multiply by $[11]=X+Y$. It corresponds to
the K\"unneth formula for cycles. The equation
\Itilde [abcd] W = [11] [abcd] W = [a,a+b,b+c,c+d,d] W
is an example of this rule. Note that this rule preserves the property of
being palindromic. If swapping $X$ and $Y$ leaves $\htilde\Delta$
unchanged, then the same is true of $\Itildehtilde\Delta$.
The rule for $\Ctilde$ is more complicated. It has three parts. The
first part $\Ctilde_1$ leaves $W$ unchanged. It corresponds to the idea,
that if $\eta$ on $Z$ is primitive, then so is $C\eta$ on $CZ$. Here are
some examples of the rule
\Ctilde_1 [a]W = [aa]W \>;\quad &
\Ctilde_1 [ab]W = [aab]W \>;\\
\Ctilde_1 [abc]W = [abbc]W \>;\quad &
\Ctilde_1 [abcd]W = [abbcd]W \>;\\
\Ctilde_1 [abcde]W = [abccde]W \>;\quad &
\Ctilde_1 [abcdef]W = [abccdef]W \>;
for this part. It is to repeat the exactly middle, or failing that the
just before middle, term in the $[\ldots]$ sequence.
The reader is asked to verify that the equation
(\Itilde - \Ctilde_1) \Ctilde_1 = [010]
holds, in the sense the applying the left hand side to, say, $[abcde]$
will produce $[0abcde0]$. As $[11]$ and $[010]$ commute, $\Itilde$ and
$\Ctilde_1$ satisfy the $IC$ equation. Using just this part of the rule
for $\Ctilde$ (together with the rule for $\Itilde$, and $h(\sqdot)=[1]$
as an initial condition) will generate the mpih part of $h\Delta$.
The second part $\Ctilde_2$ corresponds to the $\lambda$-coning of a cycle $\eta$ on
the base. Such a cycle $\eta$ must be coprimitive. The numbers $b'=b-a$,
$c'=c-b$ and so on count the coprimitives. New words will be obtained by
prepending to $W$ a record, in the form $\Abar^j\{k\}$, of the coprimitive
that has been $\lambda$-coned. Here are some examples of the rule
\Ctilde_2 [a]W = 0 \>;\quad &
\Ctilde_2 [ab]W = 0 \>;\\
\Ctilde_2 [abc]W = [b']\{1\}W \>;\quad &
\Ctilde_2 [abcd]W = [b']\Abar\{1\}W \>;\\
\Ctilde_2 [abcde]W = [b']\Abar^2\{1\}W +[c']\{2\}W
\>;\quad \hidewidth \\
\Ctilde_2 [abcdef]W = [b']\Abar^3\{1\}W +[c']\Abar\{2\}W
\>;\quad \hidewidth
for this part. In $\Abar^j\{k\}$ the $k$ records the degree of the
coprimitive, and the $j$ `takes up the slack', to ensure homogeneity. As
noted the previous section, the trivial coprimitives (which correspond to
$a'=a$) are not counted.
The sum $\Ctilde_1 + \Ctilde_2$ of these two parts is not enough (or more
exactly, is too much). One reason is that when used with $\Itilde$, the
result does not satisfy the $IC$ equation. The third part is a
correction, that balances the books. It is to subtract $[a]\Abar^j$, for
the appropriate power of $j$. The geometric meaning of this correction
will be presented later.
Here now is the rule for $\Ctilde$. The examples
\Ctilde[a] &= [aa] - [a]\Abar \\
\Ctilde[ab] &= [aab] - [a]\Abar^2 \\
\Ctilde[abc] &= [abbc] - [a]\Abar^3 +[b']\{1\} \\
\Ctilde[abcd] &= [abbcd] - [a]\Abar^4 +[b']\Abar\{1\} \\
\Ctilde[abcde] &= [abccde]-[a]\Abar^5+[b']\Abar^2\{1\}+[c']\{2\}\\
\Ctilde[abcdef] &= [abccdef] -[a]\Abar^6 +
[b']\Abar^3\{1\} +[c']\Abar\{2\} \\
suffice to show the general rule. In the above, it is to be understood
that both sides have been multiplied on the right by a word $W$ in the
symbols $\Abar$ and $\{k\}$.
This rule, and the rule for $\Itilde$, together satisfy the $IC$ equation.
Here is an example. The calculation
\Itilde\Ctilde [abcde] = [11][abccde] - [aa]\Abar^5
follows immediately from the above. The calculation for
$\Ctilde\Ctilde[abcde]$ is more involved. One has
\Ctilde[abccde] = [abcccde] - [a]\Abar^6
and also
-\Ctilde[a]\Abar^5 &=& -[aa]\Abar^5 + [a]\Abar \Abar^5 \\
\Ctilde[b']\Abar^2\{1\} &=& [b'b']\Abar^2\{1\} - [b']\Abar \Abar^2\{1\} \\
\Ctilde[c']\Abar^2\{1\} &=& [c'c']\{1\} - [c']\Abar\{1\}
as the various contributions. Now compute the difference. All but two of
the terms cancel. One has
(\Itilde\Ctilde-\Ctilde\Ctilde)[abcde] = [11][abccde] - [abcccde]
which is, as for $\Ctilde_2$, is equal to $[010][abcde]$. As this example
is completely typical, the result follows.
To complete this definition of $\htilde\Delta$, one must supply an initial
value $\htilde(\sqdot)$, such that $\Ctilde\htilde(\sqdot)$ and
$\Itildehtilde(\sqdot)$ are equal. Here a problem arises. The value
$\htilde(\sqdot)=[1]$ does not quite work. The quantities
$\Ctilde[1]=[11]-[1]\Abar$ and $\Itilde[1]=[11]$ are not equal. Here is
the solution. Recall that $h\Delta$ is to be a sum of terms of the form
$h_W\Delta\cdot W$, for some family of symbols~$W$. Thus, one should
really write $\htilde(\sqdot)=[1]W_0$, for some symbol $W_0$. Consistency
is then equivalent to the equation $\Abar W_0 =0$. However, it is more
convenient to use `$\sqdot$' as the initial value. The initial values
\htilde (\sqdot) = [1] \sqdot \> ; \qquad \Abar \sqdot = 0
conclude the definition. The multiple use of the symbol `$\sqdot$' in
practice causes no confusion.
(The geometric meaning of the correction $-[a]\Abar^i$ is as follows.
Suppose that $\Delta$ is an $IC$ polytope, and that say $[abc]W$ appears
in $\htilde\Delta$. This term $[abc]W$ is due to the $I$ and $C$
operations that constructed $\Delta$. In particular, going back in this
case two steps, one obtains the polytope $\Delta_1$, from which $\Delta$
is derived by applying $I$ and $C$, and in $\htilde\Delta_1$ the term
$[a]W$ appears. Going back another step, one has $\Delta_1=C\Delta_0$,
and on $\Delta_0$ there are $a$ independent coprimitive cycles $\eta$,
that contribute $[a]W$ to $\htilde\Delta_1$. Now consider $C\Delta$.
These coprimitive cycles $\eta$ (multiplied by $\setinfty$ as appropriate)
continue to exist on $\Delta$, and the $\Ctilde_2$ part of the rule for
$\Ctilde$ will thus cause them to contribute $[a]\Abar^iW$. However, their
contribution to $\htilde C\Delta$ has already been counted, as the `$a$'
part of $\Ctilde_1[abc]W=[abbc]W$. This is because $\htilde\Delta$ counts
cycles on $IC$ polytopes, at the most stringent condition they satisfy.
Hence the correction $-[a]\Abar^i$.)
Finally, note that if $\htilde\Delta$ is palindromic then so is
$\Ctilde\htilde\Delta$. As the same is true for $\Itilde$, it follows
that $\htilde\Delta$ is indeed palindromic, first for all $IC$ polytopes
and then (by linearity) for all polytopes. This completes the definition
of the auxiliary vector $\htilde\Delta$.
The second stage in the definition of the extended $h$-vector is to apply
a linear change of variable to the above quantity $\htilde\Delta$. The
meaning of this transformation is as follows. Recall that for $\Delta$ an
$IC$ polytope, $\htilde\Delta$ counts each local-global cycle once,
according to the most stringent conditions it satisfies. The
transformation is the process of relaxation of conditions, as it applies
to cycles on $IC$ polytopes.
Previously, little attention has been given to the conditions satisfied by
the local-global cycles. These cycles have been generated from
coprimitives via the $\lambda$-coning operation, but the topologicial
properties of the cycles so obtained have not been explicitly formulated.
Instead, the $X$, $Y$, $\{k\}$ and $\Abar$ symbols have been used in a
somewhat formal way, to record the relevant facts relating to the
construction of the associated cycles.
Recall that in the discussion of mpih, one first obtained the cycles, and
then the conditions that they satisfied. Something similar will be done
with local-global homology. A local-global cycle on an $IC$ variety
$\Delta$ consists of a cycle, as counted by $\htilde\Delta$, together with
a condition that it satisfies. Such conditions, which control how the
apex locus meets the strata, will be formulated in the next section.
However, by assumption each word in $x$, $y$, $A$ and $\{k\}$ determines a
condition, or in other words a type of local-global cycle. The present
task is to describe how to pass from $\htilde\Delta$ to $h\Delta$. If
done properly, it will implicitly determine the set of conditions, that
will in the next section be explicitly stated.
To each term such as $\Abar\{1\}$ or $X\{1\}$ in $\htilde\Delta$, there is
to correspond a condition that applies to local-global cycles. The
coefficient in $\htilde\Delta$ of such a term counts how many cycles there
are on $\Delta$ that satisfy that condition, but not any condition that is
more stringent. (This makes sense only for $IC$ polytopes. Other
polytopes may produce negative coefficients.) The transformation from
$\htilde$ to $h$ is thus determined once one knows the partial order on
conditions, that is associated to stringency or implication. In other
words, the partial order is that of implication among the associated
Here is an example. In $\htilde(CCIC\sqdot)$ the term $X\{1\}$ occurs,
with coefficient~$1$. (As noted in \S3, it also so occurs in
$\htilde(ICIC\sqdot)$.) This term corresponds to a particular type of
local-global cycle, namely one that can be found anywhere along the apex
edge. Now consider $\htilde(CICC\sqdot)$. Here the term $\Abar\{1\}$
occurs, with coefficient~$1$. This too corresponds to a local-global
cycle, but of a different type. It corresponds to a local-global cycle
that can be found only about the apex of $CICC\sqdot$. (In the previous
case, there was an apex edge, anywhere along which the local-global cycle
could be found. In this case there is no apex edge.) Thus the condition
$X\{1\}$ is more stringent than $\Abar\{1\}$.
Each term such as $\Abar\{1\}$ or $X\{1\}$ in $\htilde\Delta$ will
contribute $A\{1\}$ and $x\{1\}$ respectively to $h\Delta$. These
`diagonal' terms arise because `the most stringent condition satisfied by
a cycle' is also `a condition satisfied by a cycle'. In addition, as just
noted, if a cycle satisfies $X\{1\}$ then it will also satisfy
$\Abar\{1\}$ (but not as the most stringent condition), and so $X\{1\}$
will contribute $A\{1\}$, in addition to $x\{1\}$. The transformation of
\htilde (CCIC\sqdot) = [12221] + [11]\{1\}
is therefore
h (CCIC\sqdot) = (12221) + (1)A\{1\} + (11)\{1\}
which is as postulated in the previous section.
Here is another example. In involves second order local-global cycles.
The symbol $\{1\}\{1\}$ represents a local $1$-dimensional family of local
$1$-cycles. In dimension~$7$ each of the terms $\Abar\{1\}$,
$X\{1\}\{1\}$ and $\{1\}\Abar\{1\}$ is to represent a different condition
on a local $1$-family of local $1$-cycles. To begin to understand these
conditions, for each of these terms an $IC$ polytope will be produced, in
whose $\htilde$-vector the term occurs. Here is a list
in $\htilde(CICCCIC\sqdot)$ the term $\Abar\{1\}\{1\}$ occurs \\
in $\htilde(CCICCIC\sqdot)$ the term $X\{1\}\{1\}$ occurs \\
in $\htilde(CICCICC\sqdot)$ the term $\{1\}\Abar\{1\}$ occurs
of such polytopes. This the reader is invited to verify.
From this list the conditions, or more exactly the partial order, will be
obtained. As $IC$ varieties, each of the above will have a minimal
stratification. The conditions control how the apex loci of the cycle
meets the strata. (The apex locus is due to the $\lambda$-coning or
`locality' of the cycle.) Here is a list, which again the reader is
invited to verify,
the strata for $\Abar\{1\}\{1\}$ have dimension $0$, $4$ and $7$ \\
the strata for $X\{1\}\{1\}$ have dimension $1$, $4$ and $7$ \\
the strata for $\{1\}\Abar\{1\}$ have dimension $0$, $3$ and $7$
of the strata dimensions for the associated $IC$ varieties.
The present discussion is of a local $1$-dimensional family of local
$1$-cycles, and so there are two apex loci to consider. One of them lies
on the strata of dimension $0$ or $1$, the other on strata of dimension
$3$ or $4$. It is more stringent to require that an apex locus be found
on a $1$-strata than on a $0$-strata, and similarly for $4$-strata and
$3$-strata. Thus
X\{1\}\{1\} \implies \Abar\{1\}\{1\} \implies \{1\}\Abar\{1\}
is the partial order on conditions. As in the example of $\Abar\{1\}$ and
$X\{1\}$, this partial order allows $\htilde\Delta$ to be transformed into
It is now possible to define the partial order on terms. As in the
previous example, associate to each term an $IC$ polytope, whose
$\htilde$-vector realises the term. Each such polytope, thought of as a
variety, has a minimal stratification. The partial order on terms is then
the partial order on the dimension vectors of the stratification
associated to each term.
Here are the details. The partial order does not compare, say,
$\{1\}\{2\}$ and $\{2\}\{1\}$, or $X\{1\}$ and $Y\{1\}$. The associated
cycles differ by more than a change in conditions. Say that two
expressions in $X$, $Y$, $\Abar$ and $\{k\}$ are \emph{broadly similar}
if, when $X$ and $\Abar$ have been deleted, they are identical. They
should also have the same degree. The partial order applies only to
broadly similar terms. Each term will appear in $\htilde\Delta$, for one
or more $IC$ polytopes $\Delta$. Choose one of these polytopes (it does
not matter which) for which the associated stratification has as few terms
as possible. It will in fact have $r+1$ terms, where $r$ is the order of
the term. This process associates a stratification dimension vector
$d=(d_1<d_2\ldots<d_{r+1}=n)$ to each term. The partial order is that $d$
will imply $d'$ just in case $r=r'$, and $d_i\geq d_i'$ for $i=1,2,\ldots,
The above is a description, based on geometry, of the partial order on
conditions. The stratification dimension vector $d$ associated to a term
can also be computed directly. Suppose, for example, the term is
$X^2Y^3\Abar^4\{5\}\Abar^2\{6\}$. The degree of this term is
2 + 3 + 4 + (2\times5+1) + 2 + (2\times6+1) = 35
and so $35$ is the dimension of the top stratum. For the broadly similar
term $X^i\{5\}\{6\}$, where $i$ makes the degree up to $35$, the dimension
vector written backwards is
35 > 35 - \deg \{6\} > 35 - \deg \{6\} - \deg \{5\}
(or $11 < 22 < 35$ the normal way around). For the given term
$X^2Y^3\Abar^4\{5\}\Abar^2\{6\}$ the dimension vector is
35 > 35 - \deg \{6\} - 2 > 35 - \deg \{6\} - 2 - \deg \{5\} -4
and from this the partial order can be given a combinatorial description.
(The proofs have been left to the reader.)
The partial order on terms can be expressed in the following way. The
terms implied by some given term, say $X^2Y^3\Abar^4\{5\}\Abar^2\{6\}$,
can all be obtained in the following way. First of all, any number of
occurences of $X$ can be replaced by $\Abar$. Such $\Abar$ should of
course be placed after the $X^iY^j$ term. Next, any occurence of $\Abar$
can be `slid' rightwards over any $\{k\}$ symbol. Finally, note that the
terminating symbol `$\sqdot$' is assumed to be at the end of each word,
and that $\Abar\sqdot$ is zero.
It is now possible to give an algebraic description of the rules that
transform $\htilde\Delta$ to the extended $h$-vector $h\Delta$. First of
all the change of variable
X = x + \Abar \>;\quad Y=y \>;\quad
is made. To ensure that equations such as
X^2 = x^2 + x\Abar + \Abar^2 \> ; \\
X^3 = x^3 + x^2\Abar + x\Abar^2 + \Abar^3 \> ;
hold, the equation
\Abar x = 0
is postulated. These rules allow $X$ and $Y$ to be replaced by $x$ and
$y$. Of course, $X$ and $Y$ commute, as do $x$ and $y$. Thus, $y$ and
$\Abar$ are also to commute.
The equation
\Abar \{k\} = A\{k\} + \{k\}\Abar
allows the `rightward slide' of $\Abar$ over $\{k\}$. The $\Abar$ on the
left hand side can remain where it is, to produce $A\{k\}$; or it can
slide over the $\{k\}$. If so slid, it could be slid again. Thus, it is
$\{k\}\Abar$ rather than $\{k\}A$ on the right hand side. Finally, in
$\Abar A$ the second $A$ is `non-sliding'. This stops the $\Abar$ from
sliding. Thus the equation
\Abar A = AA
is also postulated.
The rules in the previous two paragraphs define the extended $h$-vector
$h\Delta$ of any convex polytope $\Delta$, via the auxiliary vector
$\htilde\Delta$. Implicit in this are topological conditions on
local-global cycles. In the next section these conditions will be made
\section{Topology and local-global homology}
In this section $Z$ will be a complex algebraic variety, considered as a
stratified topological space. Local-global intersection homology groups
will be defined for $Z$. The starting point is a particular means of
expressing the concept of a local cycle, and of course the basic concepts
of intersection homology. By considering families of such cycles, the
full concept of a local-global cycle is developed. This is done by
extending the notion of a simplex.
Recall that in the previous section there were two stages to the
definition of the $h$-vector $h\Delta$. Loosely speaking the first stage,
the definition of $\htilde\Delta$, corresponded to the definition of a
local-global cycle. The second stage was concerned with the conditions
(on how it meets the strata) satisfied by the cycle. The topological
definition of local-global homology similarly has two stages, the
definition of the cycles, and the definition of the conditions. Most of
the justification for the cycle definition comes from \S3, while the
conditions are those implicit in \S4.
To begin with, consider the concept of a local cycle. In \S2 such was
thought of as a cycle $\eta$ lying on any sufficiently small neighbourhood
$U$ of the point $s$, about which the cycle is to be local. That the local
topology of $Z$ about $s$ is the cone on the link can clarify this
concept. In this section, all this will be incorporated into the
definition of a local cycle. Some preliminaries are required.
Homology can be defined using embedded simplices. Here is a review. An
\emph{embedded $k$-simplex} is simply a continuous map $f:\sigma_k\to Z$
from the $k$-simplex $\sigma_k$. A \emph{$k$-chain} is a formal sum of
(embedded) $k$-simplices. Each simplex $\sigma_k$ has a boundary
$d\sigma_k$, which is a formal sum of $(k-1)$-simplices. In the same way,
each $k$-chain $\eta$ has a \emph{boundary} $d\eta$, which is a
$(k-1)$-chain. A \emph{$k$-cycle} is a $k$-chain $\eta$ whose boundary
$d\eta$ is zero (as a formal sum of embedded simplices). Because $d\circ
d = 0$, if $\xi$ is a chain then $\eta=d\xi$ is a cycle. Such a cycle
$\eta$ will be called a \emph{boundary}. The \emph{$k$-th ordinary
homology group} of $Z$ consists of the $k$-cycles modulo the
Intersection homology \cite{bib.MG-RDM.IH} places restrictions on how the
embedded simplices can meet the strata. The conditions are expressed
using a perversity, which is a sequence of numbers. In this paper only
the middle perversity is used. It imposes the following condition on an
embedded $k$-simplex $f:\sigma_k\to Z$. Let $S_i$ be the complex
$i$-dimensional stratum of $Z$. Consider $f^{-1}(S_i)$, or more exactly
its dimension. Let the empty set have dimension $-\infty$. If the
\dim f^{-1}(S_i) \leq k - ( n-i )
holds for every stratum $S_i$, then $f:\sigma_k\to Z$ is \emph{allowed}
(for the middle perversity). An \emph{allowed cycle} $\eta$ is a formal
sum $\eta$ of embedded simplices, whose boundary is zero. An
\emph{allowed boundary} $\eta=d\xi$ is a formal sum $\xi$ of allowed
simplices, whose boundary $d\xi$ (which necessarily is a cycle) is also
allowed. The $k$-th (middle perversity) \emph{intersection homology}
group $z$ consists of the allowed cycles modulo the allowed boundaries. An
important technical result \cite{bib.MG-RDM.IH2,bib.HK.TIIH} is that this
group is independent of the stratification $S_i$ chosen for $Z$.
Consider the concept of a local cycle. Each point $s$ on $Z$ has a
neighbourhood that is homeomorphic to the cone $CL_s$ on something, namely
the \emph{link} $L_s$ at $s$. One can use $CL_s$ as the neighbourhood $U$
in which the cycles $\eta$ local to $s$ can be found. Because $CL_s$ is a
cone (and $\eta$ avoids the apex of the cone), the cycle $\eta$ is
equivalent to a cycle $\eta'$, that is supported on the base $L_s$ of the
cone. (Use the cone structure to move the cycle $\eta$ to the base of the
cone.) In fact, for each $0<\lambda\leq 1$ one obtains a cycle
$\eta_\lambda$, while the `limit' $\eta_0$ of the family is the apex
$CL_s$, which is the point $s$ of $Z$. In other words, a local cycle is a
cycle that can be `coned away' to a point, except that the perversity
conditions may disallow this.
The concept of a local cycle can be formulated without using either $U$ or
$CL_s$. Define a \emph{coned $k$-simplex} to be the cone $C\sigma_k$ on a
$k$-simplex. (Although isomorphic to $\sigma_{k+1}$, it will not be
treated as such. Later, more complicated objects will be coned.) Local
homology will be constructed using such simplices. An \emph{embedded
coned $k$-simplex} is simply a continuous map $f:C\sigma_k\to Z$. The
\emph{apex} of $f$ is the image under $f$ of the apex of $C\sigma_k$. A
\emph{coned $k$-chain} is a formal sum of (embedded) coned $k$-simplices.
Each coned simplex $C\sigma_k$ has a boundary, which is a formal sum of
coned $(k-1)$-simplices. (The boundary is taken only the the $\sigma_k$
direction, and not in the $C$ direction.) In the same way, each coned $k$-chain $\xi$ has
a \emph{boundary} $d\xi$, which is a coned $(k-1)$-chain. A \emph{coned
$k$-cycle} is a coned $k$-chain whose boundary $d\eta$ is zero (as a
formal sum of embedded coned $(k-1)$-simplices.) Because $d\circ d = 0$,
if $\xi$ is a coned chain, then $d\xi$ is a coned cycle. Such a cycle
$\eta=d\xi$ will be called a \emph{coned boundary}.
Finally, only certain cycles and boundaries will be allowed. Use
$\lambda$ and $p$ to denote the cone and simplex variable respectively.
For each $0<\lambda\leq 1$, use $f_\lambda$ to denote the embedded simplex
defined by the rule $f_\lambda(p)=f(\lambda,p)$, where $f$ is an embedded
coned simplex. Say that a coned cycle $\eta$ is \emph{allowed} if
$\eta_\lambda$ is similarly allowed. Say that a coned boundary
$\eta=d\xi$ is \emph{allowed} if $\eta_\lambda=d\xi_\lambda$ is allowed,
for $0<\lambda\leq1$. Now fix a point $z\in Z$. Say that an embedded
coned simplex $f$ is \emph{local to $s$} if $s$ is the apex of $f$. In
that case, $s$ will also be the apex of the boundary of $f$. The
\emph{local $k$-homology at $s$} consists of the coned $k$-cycles modulo
the coned $k$-boundaries, where the cycles and boundaries are allowed (by
the perversity), \emph{and are constructed using only the embedded coned
simplices local to $s$}.
Local-global cycles differ from local cycles in that the base point or
apex is allowed to move. To do this a new sort of simplex is required.
Consider $\sigma_1\times C\sigma_k$. This can be thought of as a
$1$-dimensional family of coned $k$-simplices. It has not a single point
as its apex, but an \emph{apex edge}. Its boundary in the $\sigma_1$
direction is a pair of coned $k$-simplices, one at each end of the apex
edge. It also has a boundary in the $\sigma_k$ direction, which is a
formal sum of $\sigma_1\times C\sigma_{k-1}$ `simplices'. (As before, no
boundary is taken in the cone direction.)
The task now is to define the \emph{local-global $k$-homology} of $Z$.
The cycles are as in local $k$-homology, except that it is not required
that the embedded coned $k$-simplices be local to some fixed point $s$ of
$Z$. Clearly, such a cycle can be written as a formal sum of local
$k$-cycles, based at different points $s_1$, $\ldots$, $s_N$ of $Z$.
The boundaries require more thought. Previously the simplices (possibly
coned) were indexed by a single number $k$, and the boundary operator $d$
reduced the index by one. The present situation is that $C\sigma_k$
arises from both $C\sigma_{k+1}$ and $\sigma_1\times C\sigma_k$, and the
latter also produces $\sigma_1\times C\sigma_{k-1}$. When $C\sigma_k$ is
written as $\sigma_0\times C\sigma_k$, it becomes clear that the
`simplices' are now indexed by a pair of numbers, and that the boundary
operator $d$ can reduce either one or the other by one.
Because of this, the concept of $\eta=d\xi$ being a \emph{local-global
$k$-boundary} can be formulated in several, possibly inequivalent, ways.
In each case $\xi$ will be a formal sum of embedded $\sigma_i\times
C\sigma_j$ `simplices', with $i+j=k+1$. One also requires that $\eta$ is
the boundary of $\xi$, and that for each $0<\lambda\leq 1$, one has the
$\eta_\lambda=d\xi_\lambda$ is allowed (in the usual way). The different
concepts arise, according to the values of $i$ and $j$ allowed. Say that
$\xi$ is \emph{very pure} if all its `simplices' have the same type.
Clearly, very pure boundaries should be allowed. In the present case,
$\sigma_0\times C\sigma_{k+1}$ is required for local equivalence, while
$\sigma_1\times C\sigma_k$ allows the apex to move. The sum of two very
pure boundaries need not be very pure. Say that $\xi$ is \emph{pure} if
all the `simplices' are capable, by virtue of their `dimension', of
participating in a very pure boundary. In the present case, it means that
$\xi$ is built out of a mixture of $\sigma_0\times C\sigma_{k+1}$ and
$\sigma_1\times C\sigma_k$. Finally, say that $\xi$ is \emph{mixed} if it
is built out of any mixture whatsoever of $\sigma_i\times C\sigma_j$
In principle, the three concepts are different. The author expects very
pure and pure to give the same boundaries. (This means that if
$\eta=d\xi$ is a pure boundary, then there are very pure $\eta_i=d\xi_i$,
with $\eta=\sum\eta_i$. It is not required that $\xi=\sum\xi_i$.) The
mixed concept permits $\sigma_{k+1}\times C\sigma_0$ to play a r\^ole.
This seems to be wrong. In this paper, local-global homology will be
defined using the pure concept. Experience will show if this is correct.
(Already, the desired Betti numbers are known.)
The general definition of local-global cycles and boundaries proceeds in
the same way. (Recall that the conditions that control how the apex loci
meets the strata have not yet been considered.) To begin with, let
$k=(k_0,k_1,\ldots,k_r)$ be a sequence of nonnegative integers. Define
the \emph{$k$-simplex} $\sigma_k$ to be the convex polytope
\sigma_k = \sigma_r \times C ( \sigma_{r-1} \times C ( \> \ldots\>
(\sigma_1 \times C \sigma_0) \ldots ))
where each $\sigma_i$ is an ordinary simplex of dimension $k_i$. In other
words, $\sigma_k$ is $\sigma_r\times C\sigma_{k'}$, where
$k'=(k_0,k_1,\ldots, k_{r-1})$. The number $r$ is the \emph{order} of
$\sigma_k$ (and of $k$). It is also the number of coning operators. If
$r=0$ then $k=(k_0)$, and $\sigma_k$ is an ordinary simplex, of dimension
For each choice $\lambda=(\lambda_1, \ldots , \lambda_r)$ of a nonzero
value for each of the coning variables in $\sigma_k$, one obtains a
`simplex' $\sigma_{k,\lambda} \cong \sigma_r\times \ldots \times \sigma_0$.
A formal sum $\eta$ of continuous maps $f:\sigma_k\to Z$ is a
\emph{$k$-cycle} if the boundary $d\eta$ is zero, and for each such
$\lambda$ the maps $f_\lambda:\sigma_{k,\lambda}\to Z$ associated to
$\eta$ are allowed (by the perversity conditions). The $k$-cycle $\eta$
is a \emph{$k$-boundary} if there is a formal sum $\xi$ of $k'$-simplices
such that $\eta=d\xi$, and again the $f_\lambda$ due to $\xi$ are also
allowed (by the perversity conditions). Here, because pure boundaries are
being used, the index $k'$ ranges over the $r+1$ indices obtained via
choosing one of the $k_i$ in $k$, and raising it by~$1$. Note that the
boundary components of $\xi$, whose index is not $k$, must all cancel to
This defines the local-global cycles and boundaries. Each local-global
homology group is determined by the choice of an index $k$ (which gives
the `dimension' of the cycles), and a choice of the conditions that
control how the cycles and boundaries meet the strata. The rest of this
section is devoted to the study of these conditions.
Recall that $Z$ is a complex algebraic variety considered, as a stratified
topological space. Each stratum $S_i$ has real dimension $2i$. The basic
building block for local-global homology, the $k$-simplex $\sigma_k$, can
also be thought of as a stratified object. However, instead of strata it
has \emph{apex loci}. Altogether $\sigma_k$ will have $r$ (its order) apex
loci. The $k$-simplex $\sigma_k$ is produced using $r$ coning
operators. Each coning introduces an apex. Multiplication by the
$\sigma_i$, and the subsequence coning operations, will convert this apex
into an apex locus; except that any new apex does not belong to the
already existing apex locus. The closure of the $i$-th apex locus is a
$\sigma_{k'}$-simplex, where $k'=(k_i,k_{i+1}, \ldots, k_r)$.
The conditions, that control how the apex loci meet the strata, are to
give rise to groups that are independent of the stratification. From
this, the nature of the conditions can be deduced. Here is an example.
Suppose $A$ and $B$ are nonsingular projective varieties. Let $Z=A\times
CB$ be the product of $A$ with the (projective) cone on $B$, with $Z$ and
the apex locus $A$ as the closures of the strata. Each coprimitive $\eta$
on $B$ will (if it can be moved away from the base) determine a
local-global cycle $C_\lambda\eta$ on $CB$ and then, by K\"unneth, the
choice of a cycle $\xi$ on $A$ determines a local-global cycle $\xi\otimes
C_\lambda\eta$ on $Z$. Suppose now that $\xi$ is the fundamental class
$[A]$ on $A$, and that some condition permits $[A]\otimes C_\lambda\eta$.
The apex locus of this cycle is the apex locus $A$ of $Z$. Now add strata
to $Z$, that lie inside the apex locus $A$. There is no possibility of
moving $[A]\otimes C_\lambda\eta$ within its equivalence class, in such a
way that the apex locus of the cycle is changed. Thus, this addition of
new strata to $A$ will not affect the admissability of $[A]\otimes
Return now to the general case. The previous example can be expressed in
the following way. Use the stratification $S_i$ to $Z$ to define the
U_i = Z - S_0 - S_1 \ldots -S_{i-1}
= S_i \cup S_{i+1} \cup \ldots \cup S_n
of $Z$ by open sets $Z=U_0 \supseteq U_1 \ldots \supseteq U_n$. For each
apex locus $A$ of a local-global cycle, ask the following question: what is
the largest $i$ such that $A\cap U_i$ is dense in $A$? Call this the
\emph{$w$-codimension} $w(A)$ of $A$. (It tells one \emph{where} $A$ is
generically to be found.) Clearly, adding strata as in the previous
example will not change $w(A)$.
Consider once again $Z=A\times CB$. Suppose one wants a local-global
cycle on $Z$, whose $w$-codimension has some fixed value $i\leq\dim A$.
Such can be achieved, provided $Z$ is suitably stratified. To begin with,
let $A_i\subseteq A$ be a subvariety of dimension $i$. Now form the
local-global cycle $[A_i]\otimes C_\lambda\eta$, where $[A_i]$ is the class
of $A_i$ in $H_i(A)$. If $Z$ and $A$ are the only closures of strata,
then $w(A_i)$ will be $\dim A$. However, one can always add $A_i$ to the
stratification, and then $w(A_i)$ will be equal to $\dim A_i$, which by
construction is equal to~$i$.
The meaning of this example is as follows. Strata impose conditions on
cycles. The more strata, the more conditions. Suppose a condition allows
the $w$-codimension of the apex locus of a cycle to be some number $i$,
smaller than $\dim A$. Cycles meeting this condition can be found, when a
suitable stratum (the subvariety $A_i$) is added. Thus, the condition
must allow the cycle $[A_i]\otimes C_\lambda\eta$, even when $Z$ is given
its minimal stratification, if the result is to be stratification
independent. Reducing the stratification can only reduce the
$w$-codimension. Thus, if a condition allows $i$ as a $w$-codimension, it
should also allow all values smaller than $i$. In other words, $i$ should
be maximum allowed value for the $w$-codimension.
(Another argument in favour of this conclusion is as follows. The apex
locus of a local-global cycle need not be connected. Suppose the apex
loci $A$ and $A'$ respectively of $\eta$ and $\eta'$ have $w$-codimensions
$i$ and $i'$, with $i<i'$. Suppose also that $i$ is a permitted
$w$-codimension. Thus, $\eta$ is permitted. Now consider $\eta+\eta'$.
Although its apex locus need not in every case be $A\cup A'$, so far as
$w$-codimension is concerned, it might as well be. Thus, $\eta +\eta'$ will
also have $i$ as the $w$-codimension of its apex locus, and so is permitted.
Because both $\eta$ and $\eta+\eta'$ are permitted, the difference
$(\eta+\eta')-\eta=\eta'$ must also be allowed. In other words, $i$ is a
minimum allowed value.)
The \emph{local-global intersection homology groups} $H_{k,w}(Z)$ can now
be defined. The subscript
is a sequence of positive
integers. The cycles and boundaries of $H_{k,w}(Z)$ are constructed out
of embedded $k$-simplices, as defined earlier in this section. The
\emph{$w$-condition} $w$ is a sequence
w_1 \geq w_2 \geq \ldots \geq w_r \geq 0
of nonegative integers, which is used as follows. Each cycle (or
boundary) will have $r$ apex loci, to be denoted by $A_1$, $A_2$,
$\ldots$, $A_r$. Each apex locus $A_i$ will have a $w$-codimension
$w(A_i)$. Only those cycles and boundaries for which
w_i(A) \leq w_i \qquad i = 1, \ldots, r
holds are to be used in the construction of $H_{k,w}(Z)$.
(In this construction, it is assumed that the middle perversity is used.
If the $\eta_\lambda$ and $d\xi_\lambda=\eta_\lambda$ are to satisfy some
other condition $p$, it can be added to the definition, and also to the
notation $H^p_{k,w}(Z)$, like so. Only for certain values of $k$, $w$ and
$p$ will nonzero groups be possible. The notation of the previous section
takes this into account.)
\section{Summary and Conclusions}
To close this paper, its main points will be summarized, and then various
questions arising are discussed. These are firstly, are the local-global
intersection homology groups $H_{k,w}Z$ independent of the stratification
of $Z$? Second, does $h\Delta$ compute the (local-global) Betti numbers
of $\PDelta$. Third, can the (local-global) homology $H_\bullet\Delta$ of
$\Delta$ be constructed without recourse to $\PDelta$? Fourth, what
happens when integer coefficients are used? (This question is related to
the resolution of singularities.) Fifth, does local-global homology have
ring- or functor-like properties. Finally, there is a brief history of
the genesis of this paper, and acknowledgements.
The relative importance of the various parts of this paper depend on one's
point of view. The construction (\S3) of local-global cycles on the $IC$
varieties was chosen as the starting point, from which both the formula
for $h\Delta$ (\S4) and the topological definition (\S5) followed. For
one interested in more general varieties the topological definition is
perhaps most important. The examples in \S3 then become merely the
application of a more general concept. Finally, not all general polytopes
can be studied via topology, and so this gives $h\Delta$ (\S4) and the
questions arising from it a special importance. In some sense,
$\lambda$-coning and apex loci are the key new concepts, over and above
perversity conditions on cycles and boundaries. At the risk of pleasing
none, this paper has tried to please all.
The concept of local-global homology has two aspects, namely the cycles
and boundaries on the one side, and the strata conditions on the other. In
the notation $H_{k,w}Z$, it is $k$ that controls the type of cycles and
boundaries, while $w$ supplies the strata conditions. A local-global
cycle $\eta$ is a global cycle $\eta_{(1)}$, which can be coned in any of
$r$ (the order of $k$ and of $\eta$) $\lambda$-directions. The subscript
in $\eta_{(1)}$ indicates that $(1,1,\ldots,1)=(1)$ are the values
$\lambda_i$ of the coning variables. The cycle $\eta$ is to be a suitable
family $\eta_\lambda$ of global cycles, which collapses in various ways as
each coning variable $\lambda_i$ goes to zero.
These $\lambda_i$ are not independent. If $\lambda_j=0$ then
$\eta_\lambda$ does not depend on $\lambda_i$, for $i<j$. In other words,
there is a sequence of \emph{collapsings}
\eta_0=\eta \gg \eta_1 \gg \eta_2 \gg \ldots \gg \eta_r
of the family $\eta=\eta_\lambda$ of cycles. Each $\eta_i$ is the result
of placing $\lambda_i=0$, and is called an \emph{apex locus}. The
sequence $k=(k_0,k_1,\ldots,k_r)$ encodes the dimensions (more exactly the
relative dimensions) of these families. These collapsings provide local
information about the cycle $\eta$.
Of interest is not only \emph{how} $\eta$ collapses to $\eta_i$, but also
\emph{where}. By this is meant how $\eta_i$ meets the strata $S_j$ of
$Z$. More exactly, $w(\eta_i)$ is defined to be the largest $j$ such that
\eta_i \cap ( S_j \cup S_{j+1} \cup \ldots \cup S_n)
is dense in $\eta_i$. This is a measure of how special a locus is
required, to generically effect the collapsing of $\eta$ to $\eta_i$. The
index $w=(w_1,w_2,\ldots,w_r)$ in $H_{k,w}Z$ controls the cycles and
boundaries used as follows. A cycle $\eta$ (or boundary $\xi$) is to be
used only if $w(\eta_i)$ (or $w(\xi_i)$) is at least $w_i$. Thus,
reducing $w$ will potentially allow more cycles (and more relations) to
participate in $H_{k,w}Z$. Whether this increases or decreases the size
of $H_{k,w}Z$ will just depend on the circumstances. Sections 3 and 4
apply these concepts to $IC$ and toric varieties. This ends the summary.
The next topic is stratification independence. It is important that the
$H_{k,w}Z$ not depend on the choice of the stratification. This is
already known for mpih. First suppose $w$ is zero, so the `where'
conditions are vacuous. Suppose also that $\eta$ is a $k$-cycle, namely a
$\lambda$-coning of the global cycle $\eta_{(1)}$. Already known is that
if the stratification is changed, an $\eta'$ equivalent to $\eta_{(1)}$
can be found. This is a local result, and so the $\eta'$ can be found
close to $\eta_{(1)}$. Thus, in this special case stratification
independence will follow if the $\lambda$-coning structure that converts
$\eta_{(1)}$ to $\eta$ can be extended to a small neighbourhood of $\eta$.
This is more a statement about the local conical structure of a stratified
topological space, than about the particular cycle $\eta$.
Now suppose $w$ is nonzero. As before, $\eta'$ can be found close to
$\eta_{(1)}$. The new difficulty is the $w(\eta_i)$. By definition, this
will cause no new problem, unless $w(\eta_i)$ is reduced. In this case,
more must be done. Previously, $\eta_{(1)}$ was moved
to $\eta'$, and it was assumed that $\eta'$ could be collapsed to the
$\eta_i$ used for $\eta$. In this case, it is necessary to move the
$\eta_i$. To do this, note that the collapsing $\eta \gg \eta_i$ will be
a permissable coning away, \emph{for some perversity other that the
middle}. As stratification independence is known for all perversities,
this may provide a means of producing the $\eta'_i$. As before, one hopes
that uniformity of the $\lambda$-coning will complete the proof.
These arguments indicate that stratification independence for local-global
homology will follow from uniformity of the $\lambda$-coning and some
modification of the existing methods. There is however another approach.
King \cite{bib.HK.TIIH} was able to prove stratification independence
directly, without use of sheaves in the derived category. Habegger and
Saper \cite{bib.NH-LS.IC} found that this leads to an intersection
homology theory for generalised perversities and local systems. Usually,
a local system on $Z$ is determined by its value on the generic stratum
$S_n\subset Z$. When generalised, information about behaviour at the
boundary (the smaller $S_i$) is recorded by the local system. It may be
that local-global homology can be expressed as the homology of such a
local system. From this, stratification independence would follow.
(Certainly, the concepts are related. If $\eta$ is a local-global cycle,
collapsing under $\lambda$ to $\eta_1$, and if $\eta_1\cap S_j$ is dense
in $\eta_1$, then the following holds. There is a local system $L_j$ (in
the usual sense) on $S_j$ such that $\eta$ both determines and is
determined by a cycle $\eta'$ on $S_j$ with coefficients in $L_j$.
(Because $S_j$ may not be closed, $\eta'$ might not be a compact cycle.
This is a technical matter.) Consider this $\eta'$.
The Goresky-MacPherson theory imposes
conditions on the dimension in which the closure $\bar\eta'$ of $\eta'$
meets the strata. For local-global homology, $\eta'$ determines a
local-global cycle $\eta_0$ in a neighbourhood of $S_j$. Whether or not
such an $\eta_0$ can be closed up to produce an $\eta$ is a delicate
matter, which depends not so much on how $\eta'$ meets the smaller strata,
but on how the local topology of $Z$ about these strata interacts with
$\eta_0$. The generalised concept of a local system may provide a place
where this information can be stored, and used to control $\eta'$.)
This discussion has assumed that existing techniques, perhaps adapted,
will be applied to local-global homology. However, stratification
independence is primarily a technical result on the local topology of
stratified spaces. It may be that local-global homology will provide a
suitable language for describing this local topology. One must show that
it causes no obstruction to the motion of cycles and boundaries, that is
required when the stratification is refined. If this holds, then the
concept of local-global homology is already implicit in the proof of
stratification independence, and the consequences of King's paper become
less surprising.
Each Betti number of $\PDelta$ is the dimension of a vector space, and so
is nonnegative. Thus, a linear function that computes such a Betti number
from $f\Delta$ is also a linear inequality on $f\Delta$, at least when
$\Delta$ has rational vertices. Of special interest therefore are those
parts of homology theory, for which the Betti numbers are indeed linear
functions of $f\Delta$. Ordinary homology does not have this
property~\cite{bib.McC.HTV}. Middle perversity intersection homology does
\cite{bib.JD-FL.IHNP,bib.KF.IHTV}. This is a consequence of deep results
in algebraic geometry, namely Deligne's proof~\cite{bib.NK.DPRH}
of the Weil conjectures and
the purity of mpih~\cite{bib.AB-JB-PD.FP}. It is possible that at least
some part of the local-global homology theory will also have this purity
property. An example of Bayer (personal communication) shows that certain
components of the extended $h$-vector are sometimes negative, and so are
not always Betti numbers.
(Bayer's example is $\Delta=BICCC\sqdot$, where $B$ is the bipyramid
operator, the combinatorial dual to the $I$ operator. In $h\Delta$ the
term $xA\{1\}$ occurs with coefficient $-2$. The interpretation of this
result requires some care. It does not show that the whole of $h\Delta$
is unsuitable, or that local-global homology is a flawed concept. The
formula for $h\Delta$ is the extrapolation to all polytopes of the
heuristically calculated formula for the various local-global homology
Betti numbers of the $IC$ varieties. The component $xA\{1\}$ corresponds
to the gluing together along paths of local cycles, a construction that is
already known to yield a topological invariant. More exactly, $xA\{1\}$
counts local $1$-cycles under this equivalence, on a $4$-dimensional variety
that has had its $0$-strata removed. The corresponding Betti number is as
computed by $h\Delta$, for the $IC$ varieties, but clearly not in general.)
(Ordinary homology can be approached in the same way. Use the simple case
formula $h(x,x+y)=f(x,y)$ to define a `pseudo $h$-vector' $\hquest\Delta$
for general polytopes. The rules
\hquest (I\Delta) = (11) \hquest (\Delta) \> ;\quad
\hquest (C\Delta) = (100\ldots0) + y\hquest (\Delta) \> ;
give its transformation under $I$ and $C$. The author suspects, but does
not known, that $\hquest\Delta$ gives the ordinary homology Betti numbers,
when $\Delta$ is an $IC$ variety. However, when extrapolated to the
octahedron, $(1,-1,5,1)$ is the result. Despite this negative value,
ordinary homology is still a topological invariant. However, it is not
suitable for the study of general polytope flag vectors.)
For $\Delta$ rational the mpih part $(h_0,h_1,\ldots,h_n)$ of $h\Delta$
is not only nonnegative but also \emph{unimodal}. This means that $h_0
\leq h_1 \leq \ldots$ and so on up to halfway. It is a consequence of
strong Lefschetz. The author suspects that the analogous result for
general polytopes will be as follows. First compute $hC\Delta$. This is
of course a linear function of $h\Delta$. Now look at the coefficients of
$x^0y^0W$, where $W$ is a word in $A$ and $\{k\}$. These numbers are
expected to be nonnegative. This is an extension of the mpih result. Of
course, algebraic geometry can prove such results only when $\Delta$ is
rational, for only then does $\PDelta$ exist.
The only method that will produce such results for general polytopes, that
the author can envision, is \emph{exact calculation of homology}. This
means constructing a complex of vector spaces (of length at most $n$),
whose Euler characteristic (alternating sum of dimensions) is the desired
Betti number. Exact calculation then consists of proving that this
complex is exact, except possibly at one location. The homology of this
complex at that location is then a vector space which as a consequence of
exactness has the desired dimension. In \cite{bib.JF.CPLA} the author
introduces such complexes. The proof of exactness is expected to be
difficult. McMullen's proof \cite{bib.McM.SP} of strong Lefschetz for
simple polytopes, without the use of algebraic varieties, probably
contains a prototype of the arguments that will be needed. There, the
Riemann-Hodge inequalities were vital in supporting the induction on the
dimension of the polytope. Thus, one would like local-global homology to
support similar inequalities.
The process of constructing the complexes for exact calculation requires
that the linear function $h\Delta$ on polytope flag vectors be defined for
all flag vectors, whether of a polytope or not. This allows one to talk
about the contribution made by an individual flag to $h\Delta$. (One then
interprets this contribution as the dimension of a vector space associated
to the flag, and then assembles all these vector spaces into a complex.
The boundary map is induced by the deletion of a single term from the
flag. In \cite{bib.JF.CPLA}, the numerical contribution due to a flag is
derived from a study of the associated vector spaces, which is the
starting point. This approach better respects the inner logic of the
exact calculation concept.)
The extension of $h\Delta$ to all flag vectors (not just those of
polytopes) can be done in the following way. Suppose $\delta$ is an
$i$-face on $\Delta$. The local combinatorial structure of $\Delta$ along
$\delta$ can be represented by an $(n-i-1)$ dimensional polytope, the
\emph{link $L_\delta$ of $\Delta$ along $\delta$}. If $g_i$ is a linear
function on flag vectors then the expression
h\Delta = \sum \nolimits_{ \delta \subseteq \Delta } g_i B
is a linear function on the flag vector of $\Delta$. (Here, $\delta$ runs
over all faces of $\Delta$, $i$ is the dimension of $\delta$, and $B$ is
the link along $\delta$.) In this paragraph, $h\Delta$ is a linear
function that might or might not be the previously defined extended
$h$-vector. Now use the rules
\label{eqn.g_0B} g_0B &=& ChB -yhB \\
g_{i+1}B &=& yg_iB - g_i CB
and the initial value $g_0(\emptyset)=(1)$ to produce a recursive
definition of $g$ and $h$. The $ChB$ in (\ref{eqn.g_0B}) stands for the
rule $\Ctilde$ of \S4, translated into a $x$, $y$, $A$ and $\{k\}$ rule,
and then applied to $hB$. (Here, $B$ has dimension less than that of
$\Delta$, and so $hB$ is by induction already defined.) This defines a
linear function $h\Delta$, which however can now be applied to
non-polytope flag vectors. For polytope flag vectors, it agrees with the
previously defined value. (Central to the proof of this is the expression
of the links on $I\Delta$ and $C\Delta$ in terms of those on $\Delta$.
This approach does not rely on the $IC$ equation.)
The mpih part of (\ref{eqn.h-sumg}) is the usual formula
\cite{bib.JD-FL.IHNP,bib.KF.IHTV,bib.RS.GHV} for these Betti numbers. The
whole of (\ref{eqn.h-sumg}) can be `unwound' to express $h\Delta$ as a sum
of numerical contributions due to individual flags. The mpih part has been
presented in \cite{bib.MB.TASI}. Note that just as the topological space
$\PDelta$ can be decomposed into cells in many ways, so its homology can
be computed in various ways. To each suitable such method an extension of
$h\Delta$ to all flag vectors will follow, and vice versa. An extension
which on simple polytopes reduces to the $h(x,x+y)=f(x,y)$ formula could
be very useful. Finally, note that when $h\Delta$ is a sum of flag
contributions one can use `Morse theory' or shelling to compute
$h\Delta$. Choose a linear `height' function, so that each vertex on
$\Delta$ has a distinct height. Define the \emph{index} of a vertex $v$
to be the sum of the contributions due to the flag whose first term has
$v$ as its highest point. It immediately follows that $h\Delta$ is the
sum, over all vertices, of their index.
Central to the problem of resolution of singularities (which is still open
in finite characteristic) is the discovery of suitable invariants of
singular varieties. These should be well behaved under monoidal
transformation, and always permit the choice of a centre of
transformation, which will reduce the invariant. When the invariant becomes
zero, the variety should be nonsingular. It may be that some form of
local-global homology will have such properties. One aspect of the
problem is this. Suppose the singular locus consists of two lines meeting
at a point. Along each line there is a locally constant singularity,
whose resolution is essentially a lower dimensional problem, which can by
induction be assumed solved. The difficulty is at the meeting point of
the two lines. Along each line there is a resolution process. One needs
to know whether and when a transformation should be centered at the common
In the study of this process one should use not only the local cycles due
to mpih, but also those due to the higher order local-global homology.
(In addition, one should use integer rather than rational coefficients,
but more on this later.) The local cycles generic along each of the two
lines will influence if not control the resolution process along that
line. The concepts of local-global homology allow the interaction to be
studied at their common point, of these `controls' along the two lines of
the resolution process. This argument indicates that local-global
homology contains the right sort of information, for it to act as a
suitable control on the resolution process. It does not show that it
contains enough such information.
Torsion is when a cycle is not a boundary, but some multiple of it is.
Using rational or real coefficients sets all such torsion cycles equal to
zero. This simplifies the theory, and for the study of Betti numbers and
the flag vectors of convex polytopes, such complications are not needed.
For resolution of singularities, and more subtle geometric problems, the
situation is otherwise. Here is an example. Consider the affine surface
$X=\{xy=z^k\}$, for $k\geq 2$. This has a singularity at the origin.
However, there are no non-trivial local-global cycles on $X$, according to
the definitions of \S5. The divisor class group ${\rm Cl}(X)$ however is
nontrivial, and all its elements are torsion. For example, the line
$L=\{x=z=0\}$ is not defined by a principal ideal, whereas $kL$ is defined
by $\{x=0\}$.
Such information can be recorded by local-global homology, provided
integer coefficients and a different concept of a local cycle are used. It
is known that duality has a local expression, which pairs compact cycles
avoiding say the apex of a cone, and cycles of complementary dimension,
that meet the apex. Duality, of course, ignores torsion cycles. However,
non-trivial but torsion local cycles exist for $X=\{xy=z^k\}$, when the
complementary concept of cycle is used. It is interesting that the
construction of local-global cycles associated to the formula
(\ref{eqn.h-sumg}) produces such cycles, rather than compact local-global
It is natural to ask: does the vanishing of all such local-global cycles
(except mpih of course) imply that the variety is either nonsingular, or a
topological manifold? Because the Brieskorn hypersurface singularity
$x_1^2 +x_2^2 +x_3^2 + y^3 + z^5=0$ is locally homeomorphic to the cone on
an exotic $7$-sphere \cite{bib.JM.MH7S}, which is knotted inside a $9$-sphere,
purely topological invariants are not enough to ensure the nonsingularity
of a variety $Z$. The same may not be true for an embedded variety
$Z\subset \bfP_n$.
Ordinary homology and cohomology are functors. This distinguishes them
from intersection homology. For mpih and, one hopes, a good part of the
local-global homology, it is purity and formulae for Betti numbers that
are the characteristic properties. Both concepts agree, of course, on
nonsingular varieties. Thus, one of the geometric requirements on
local-global homology is as follows. Suppose $f:Z_1 \to Z_2$ is a map
between, say, two projective varieties. Suppose also that the strictly
local-global homology of both $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ vanishes. It may be that
this condition ensures that the $Z_i$ are, say, rational homology
manifolds. If this is so, then $f$ induces a map $f_*:H_\bullet Z_1 \to
H_\bullet Z_2$, which can be thought of as a point in $(H_\bullet
Z_1)^*\otimes H_\bullet Z_2$. In the general case one would want $f$ to
induce some similar map or object in a space, which reduces to the
previous $f_*$ when the strictly local-global homology vanishes.
Similarly, when $Z$ is nonsingular its homology carries a ring structure.
(It is this structure that supplies the pseudopower inequalities
\cite{bib.McM.NFSP} on the flag vector of a simple polytope.) Elsewhere
\cite{bib.JF.IHRS}, the author provides for a general compact $Z$ a similar
structure, that in the nonsingular case reduces to the homology ring.
To close, some personal historical remarks, and acknowledgements. In 1985, upon
reading the fundamental paper \cite{bib.MB-LB.gDS} of Bayer and Billera,
it became clear to the author that a full understanding of general convex
polytopes would require a far-reaching extension to the theory of
intersection homology. The background to this insight came from Stanley's
proof \cite{bib.RS.NFSP} of the necessity of McMullen's conjectured
conditions \cite{bib.McM.NFSP} on the face vectors of simple polytopes, and
the proof by Billera and Lee of their sufficiency. Danilov's exposition
\cite{bib.VD.GTV} of toric varieties, and McConnell's result \cite
{bib.McC.HTV}, also contributed. It was also clear that once the extended
$h$-vector was known, the rest would soon follow.
Already in the simple case there is an interplay between the topological
definition of homology, $h$-vectors, and `combinatorial linear algebra' or
exact calculation. The same holds for middle perversity intersection
homology. In 1985 the Bernstein-Khovanskii-MacPherson formula was known,
although not published until 1987~\cite{bib.RS.GHV}. Because of this
circle of ideas, knowledge of say the $h$-vector is sufficient in practice
to determine the other parts of the theory. This led the author to find
the $IC$ equation \cite{bib.JF.MVIC} (again, known in 1985 but not
published until much later). This moved the focus on to the rules for the
transformation of $h\Delta$ under $I$ and $C$.
In the early years of the search for these rule, two related and
erroneous ideas were influential. The first is that the rule for $I$ (as
via K\"unneth) should be multiplication by $(x+y)$. The second is that
the generalised Dehn-Somerville equations should be expressed by
$h\Delta$ being palindromic. (Also unhelpful was an undue concentration on
the formula for $h\Delta$.) The crucial step that lead to these
assumptions being dropped took place in 1993. Loosely speaking, it was
the discovery of special cases of the `gluing local cycles together along
paths' construction. At that time how to form families of local cycles,
or in other words the `local-global' concept, was still mysterious.
In late 1995 the present formula for $h\Delta$ was discovered, as a
solution to the various geometric, topological and combinatorial
constraints that were known. It was not at that time properly understood
by the author. This definition was in 1996 pushed around the circle of
ideas, to produce first a combinatorial linear algebra construction for
$H_\bullet\Delta$, and then the topological definition. That all this can
be done indicates that the definition of $h\Delta$ is correct. Once these
advances had been understood, it was then possible to return to the
derivation of the formula for $h\Delta$, and put it on a proper footing.
It was only at this point that the fundamental concepts became clear. In
1997, the analogue to the ring structure was found. Its relation to the
concepts presented here is, at the time of writing, still under
Many of the results in this paper were first made available as preprints
and the like, in 1996 and 1997. The difficulties encountered by the
readers have lead to many revisions in the exposition, and clarification
of the basic concepts, both on paper and in the author's understanding.
Part of the difficulty is the extent of the circle of ideas, which passes
through several areas of mathematics. Any one of topology, combinatorics,
linear algebra and intersection theory can be chosen as the starting
point. Another difficulty is that much of the intuition and guidance
comes from perhaps uncomplicated examples and points of view that have, by
and large, not yet been put into print.
Finally, thanks are due to Marge Bayer, Lou Billera, Martin Hyland, Gil
Kalai, Frances Kirwan, Carl Lee, Robert MacPherson, Mark McConnell, Peter
McMullen, Rick Scott, Richard Stanley and David Yavin variously for their
tolerant interest in the author's previous attempts to find $h\Delta$, to
define $H_{k,w}Z$, and to express these results.
1997-09-12T23:10:33 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709016 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709016 | [
] | alg-geom/9709016 | James A. Carlson | Daniel Allcock, James A. Carlson, Domingo Toledo | A Complex Hyperbolic Structure for Moduli of Cubic Surfaces | Six pages, plain tex, available at http://www.math.utah.edu/~allcock | null | 10.1016/S0764-4442(97)82711-5 | null | null | We show that the moduli space M of marked cubic surfaces is biholomorphic to
the quotient by a discrete group generated by complex reflections of the
complex four-ball minus the reflection hyperplanes of the group. Thus M carries
a complex hyperbolic structure: an (incomplete) metric of constant holomorphic
sectional curvature.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 12 Sep 1997 21:10:31 GMT"
] | 2009-10-30T00:00:00 | [
"James A.",
] | alg-geom | \section{1. Main results}
To a (marked) cubic surface corresponds a (marked) cubic threefold defined as
triple cover of ${\Bbb P}^3$ ramified along the surface. The period map $f$ for
these threefolds
is defined on the moduli space $M$ of marked cubic surfaces and takes its
values in the
quotient of the unit ball in ${\Bbb C}^4$ by the action of the projective monodromy
group. This
group $\Gamma_0$ is generated by complex reflections in a set of hyperplanes
whose union we
denote by ${\cal H}$. Then we have the following result:
\proclaim{Theorem.} The period map defines a biholomorphism
$$f: M \longrightarrow \left(B^4 - {\cal H}\right)/\Gamma_0.$$
\noindent From this identification we obtain
results on the metric structure and the fundamental group:
\proclaim{Corollaries.} (1) The moduli space of marked cubic surfaces carries
complex hyperbolic structure: an (incomplete) metric of constant holomorphic
sectional curvature. (2) The fundamental group of the space of marked cubic
surfaces contains a normal subgroup which is not finitely generated. (3) The
fundamental group of the space of marked cubic surfaces is not a lattice in a
semisimple Lie group.
\noindent{\bf Remarks.} (1) Our methods also show that the metric completion of
$(B^4 -
{\cal H})/\Gamma_0$ is the complex hyperbolic orbifold $B^4/\Gamma_0$, which is
isomorphic to
the moduli space of marked stable cubic surfaces. (2) Recently E. Looijenga
found a
remarkable presentation of the orbifold fundamental group of the moduli space
of smooth
unmarked cubic surfaces.
To make precise the notion of smooth marked cubic surface, fix the lattice
$L$ to be the free ${\Bbb Z}$-module with basis $e_0 \ ,\ldots ,\ e_6$
endowed with the quadratic form for which the given
basis is orthogonal and such that $\ip e_0/e_0/ = 1$, $\ip e_k/e_k/ = -1$
for $k > 0$. Let $\eta = 3e_0 - (e_1 + \cdots + e_6)$. Then a
\emph marked cubic surface/ consists of a smooth cubic surface $S$ and
an isometry $\psi: L \longrightarrow H^2(S,{\Bbb Z})$ which carries $\eta$ to the hyperplane
class. The set $M$ of isomorphism classes of marked cubic surfaces
has the structure of a variety and is a fine moduli space. A
construction of it is described in \cite{9}, and a smooth compactification
$C$ is given for which the points of $C - M$ constitute a normal crossing
To define the group $\Gamma_0$, let ${\cal E}$ denote the ring of Eisenstein
${\Bbb Z}[\omega]$ where
$\omega = (-1 + \sqrt{-3})/2$ is a cube root of unity, and consider the
Cartesian product
${\cal E}^5$ endowed with the hermitian inner product
$\hip v/w/ = -v_1\bar w_1 + v_2\bar w_2 + v_3\bar w_3 + v_4\bar w_4 + v_5\bar
w_5$. Then
$({\cal E}^5,h)$ is the unique self-dual lattice over the Eisenstein
integers with signature $(4,1)$. Thus $Aut({\cal E}^5,h)$ is a discrete subgroup of
the unitary group $U(h)$, which acts on $B^4 =\{\; \ell \in {\Bbb P}^4\; :\; h|\ell
< 0 \;\}$.
Observe that
${\cal E}/\sqrt{-3}{\cal E}
{\Bbb F}_3$ is a field of three elements and that there is a natural homomorphism
$Aut({\cal E}^5,h) \longrightarrow Aut({\Bbb F}_3^5,q)$ where $q$ is the quadratic form obtained by
reduction of $h$ modulo $\sqrt{-3}$. Let ``$P$'' denote projectivization, and
define a group $\Gamma_0$ of automorphisms of $B^4$ by
1 \longrightarrow \Gamma_0 \longrightarrow PAut({\cal E}^5,h) \longrightarrow PAut({\Bbb F}_3^5,q) \longrightarrow 1.
This is the discrete group of the main theorem. The hyperplanes of ${\cal H}$ are
defined by the equations $h(x,v) = 0$ for vectors $v$ in ${\cal E}^5$ with $ h(v) =
1 $. Note
that $PAut({\Bbb F}_3^5,q)$ is isomorphic to the Weyl group of the
$E_6$ lattice.
\section{2. Construction of a period mapping}
To construct the period mapping, we examine in detail the Hodge structures
for the cubic threefolds. The underlying lattice $H^3(T,{\Bbb Z})$ is
carries a unimodular symplectic form $\Omega$, and admits a Hodge decomposition
of the form $H^3(T,{\Bbb C}) = H^{2,1} \oplus H^{1,2}$. Choose a generator
$\sigma$ for the group of automorphisms of $T$ over ${\Bbb P}^3$, and note that it
without fixed points on
$H^3(T,{\Bbb Z})$. This action gives $H^3(T,{\Bbb Z})$ the structure of a
module over the Eisenstein integers. It carries a hermitian form
\hip x/y/ = {1\over 2}( \Omega((\sigma - \sigma^{-1})x,\, y)
+ (\omega - \omega^{-1}) \Omega( x,\, y) )
which is unimodular and of signature $(4,1)$.
Now consider the quotient module $H^3(T,{\Bbb Z})/(1-\omega)H^3(T,{\Bbb Z})$ and observe
that it
can be identified isometrically with $({\Bbb F}_3^5,q)$. We define a marking of $T$
to be choice of such an isometry, and we claim that a marking of a cubic
determines a marking of the corresponding threefold. Indeed, if $\gamma$ is a
two-dimensional homology class on $S$ then it is the boundary of a three-chain
on $T$. Since $\Gamma$ and $\sigma \Gamma$ have the same boundary, the
$c(\gamma) = (1-\sigma)\Gamma$ is a cycle. However, it is well-defined only up
to addition of elements
$(1-\sigma)\Delta$ where $\Delta$ is a three-cycle on $T$. Thus a homomorphism
c: H_2^{prim}(S,{\Bbb Z}) \longrightarrow H_3(T,{\Bbb Z})/(1-\sigma)
is defined. Since a marking of $S$ can be viewed as a basis of
$H_2^{prim}(S,{\Bbb Z})$, application of $c$ to the basis elements defines a basis of
$H_3(T,{\Bbb Z})/(1-\sigma)$, and this gives the required marking of the threefold.
The action of $\sigma$ decomposes $H^3(T,{\Bbb C})$ into eigenspaces $H^3_\lambda$
where $\lambda$ varies over the primitive cube roots of unity. Because
$\sigma$ is
holomorphic, the decomposition is compatible with the Hodge decomposition and
one has
H^3_\omega = H^{2,1}_\omega \oplus H^{1,2}_\omega
H^3_{\bar\omega} = H^{2,1}_{\bar\omega} \oplus H^{1,2}_{\bar\omega} .
The dimensions of the Hodge components can be found with the help of Griffiths'
residue calculus \cite{5}. Details for this case are found in \cite{3}, section
One finds that
\hbox{dim}\, H^{2,1}_\omega = 4, \quad
\hbox{dim}\, H^{1,2}_\omega = 1, \qquad
\hbox{dim}\, H^{2,1}_{\bar\omega} = 1, \quad
\hbox{dim}\, H^{1,2}_{\bar\omega} = 4,
and from the Hodge-Riemann bilinear relations one finds that $h$
has signature $(4,1)$.
Now let $\phi$ be a generator of the one-dimensional space
$H^{2,1}_{\bar\omega}$ and let $\gamma_1 \ ,\ldots ,\ \gamma_5$
be a standard basis of $H^3(T,{\Bbb Z})$ considered as an ${\cal E}$-module.
By this we mean that the $\gamma_k$ are orthogonal and that
$h(\gamma_1,\gamma_1) = -1$ and $h(\gamma_k,\gamma_k) = 1$ for $k > 1$.
Let $v(\phi,\gamma)$ be the vector in ${\Bbb C}^5$ with components
v_k = \int_{\gamma_k} \phi .
One verifies that $h(v,v) < 0$ where now $h$ is the hermitian form $-|v_1|^2
+ |v_2|^2 + \cdots + |v_5|^2$. Thus the line generated by $v(\phi,\gamma)$
a point in $B^4 \subset {\Bbb P}^4$, and one checks that $v(\phi,\gamma) \not\in
{\cal H}$. By
well-known constructions (the work of Griffiths), the period vector defines a
map from the universal cover of $M$ to the ball which transforms according to
projectivized monodromy representation for marked cyclic cubic threefolds. The
proof that
$\Gamma_0$ is the projective monodromy group relies on the work of Libgober
\cite{6} and the first author \cite{1}. Thus our construction yields a period
map $f: M \longrightarrow
(B^4 - {\cal H})/\Gamma_0$.
\section{3. Properties of the period mapping}
We must now show that $f$ is bijective. For injectivity, consider once
again the period vector $v(\phi,\gamma)$. The vectors $\gamma_k$ can be
decomposed into
eigenvectors $\gamma_k'$ and $\gamma_k''$ for $\sigma$, with eigenvalues
$\omega$ and $\bar\omega$, respectively. Let $\hat\gamma_k'$ and
$\hat\gamma_k''$ denote elements of the corresponding dual basis. Because
is an eigenvector with eigenvalue $\bar\omega$, its integral over $\gamma_k'$
vanishes, so that
\phi = \sum_k \hat\gamma_k''\int_{\gamma_k''}\phi
= \sum_k \hat\gamma_k''\int_{\gamma_k}\phi .
Thus the components of $v(\phi,\gamma)$ determine $\phi$ as an element of
$H^3_{\bar\omega}$. Consequently the line ${\Bbb C} v(\phi,\gamma)$ determines
the complex Hodge structure $H^3_{\bar\omega}$. Viewing the Hodge components
$H^3_{\bar\omega}$ as subspaces of $H^3(T,{\Bbb C})$, we may take their conjugates
to determine the complex Hodge structure $H^3_\omega$. These two complex Hodge
structures determine the Hodge structure on $H^3(T,{\Bbb Z})$. Thus, by the Torelli
theorem of Clemens-Griffiths \cite{4}, the period vector
$v(\phi,\gamma)$ determines the cubic threefold $T$ up to isomorphism.
It remains to show that $T$, which perforce is a cyclic cubic threefold,
determines its ramification locus uniquely. This follows from the fact that
the locus in question is a planar component of the Hessian surface.
To prove surjectivity we first consider a smooth compactification $C$ of $M$ by
a normal
crossing divisor $D$, e.g., the one given by Naruki \cite{9}, as well as the
compactification $\overline{B^4/\Gamma_0}$, obtained by adding fourty points,
the ``cusps,''
each corresponding to a null point of $P({\Bbb F}_3^5, q)$. By well-known
results \cite{2} in complex variable theory, the period map
has a holomorphic extension to a map $\bar f$ from $C$ to the Satake
compactification. Since $C$ is compact,
$\bar f$ is open, and $\overline{B^4/\Gamma_0}$ is connected, we conclude that
$\bar f$ is surjective.
\section{4. Boundary components}
To pass from surjectivity of $\bar f$ to surjectivity of $f$, we must show that
$\bar f$
maps the compactifying divisor $D$ to the complement of $(B^4 - {\cal H})/\Gamma_0$
in the
Satake compactification. To this end write $D$ as a sum of irreducible
D = \bigcup D_i' \cup \bigcup D''_j
where $D_i'$ parametrizes nodal cubic surfaces via the map to the geometric
invariant theory
compactification of the moduli space of smooth cubics, and where in the same
way the $D_j''$ parametrize cubics with an $A_2$ singularity.
Now consider a one-parameter family of cubic surfaces with smooth total
space acquiring a node. Its local equation near the node has the form $x^2 +
+ z^2 = t$ and the corresponding family of cyclic cubic threefolds has the
$x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^3 = t$. The local monodromy of the latter has order six,
eigenvalues are primitive sixth roots of unity, and the space of vanishing
cycles is two-dimensional. (These facts are well-known and the relevant
literature and
arguments are summarized in \cite{3}, section 6). From
\cite{7} we conclude that coefficients of the period vector on vanishing cycles
are of the
A(t) t^{1/6} + B(t)t^{5/6}
where $A$ and $B$ are holomorphic. Now the space of vanishing cycles is
invariant under the action of $\sigma$ and so constitutes a rank one
${\cal E}$-submodule. One can choose a generator $\delta$ for it
so that $h(\delta,\delta) = 1$, and then one has
\lim_{t \to 0} \int_\delta \phi = 0.
Thus the limiting value of the period vector lies in the orthogonal
complement of $\delta$. In other words, $\bar f(D'_i)$ lies in ${\cal H}/\Gamma_0$,
as required.
Consider next a one-parameter family of cubic surfaces with smooth total space
whose central
fiber acquires an $A_2$ singularity. Its local equation is $x^2 + y^2 + z^3 =
and the corresponding family of cyclic cubic threefolds has local equation
$x^2 + y^2 + z^3 + w^3 = t$. In this case the local monodromy is of infinite
After replacing $t$ by $t^3$ one finds an expansion of the form
$ \phi(t) = A(t)(\log t)\,\hat\gamma + \hbox{(terms bounded in $t$})$, where
$A(0) \ne 0$
and where $\hat\gamma$ is an integer cohomology class which is isotropic for
Consequently the line ${\Bbb C}\phi(t)$ converges to the isotropic line
${\Bbb C}\hat\gamma$ as $t$
converges to zero, hence converges to a cusp in the Satake compactification.
\section{6. The corollaries}
Finally, we comment on the collaries. Part (a) is immediate. For part
(b) let $K$ denote the kernel of the map $\pi_1(M) \longrightarrow \Gamma_0$. Then $K$ is
to the fundamental group of $B^4 - {\cal H}$ and it is easy to see that its
is not finitely generated. We remark that $K$ is not free: there are many
sets of commuting elements corresponding to normal crossings of ${\cal H}$.
For (c) we note first that for lattices in semisimple Lie
group of real rank greater than one, the results of Margulis \cite{8}
imply finite generation of all normal subgroups. The rank one case can be
treated separately, as was shown to us by Michael Kapovich.
\bi{1} D. Allcock, New complex and quaternion-hyperbolic reflection groups,
\bi{2} A. Borel, Some metric properties of arithmetic quotients of symmetric
spaces and an
extension theorem. Collection of articles dedicated to S. S. Chern and D. C.
Spencer on
their sixtieth birthdays, J. Differential Geometry {\bf 6 } (1972), 543--560.
\bi{3} J. Carlson and D. Toledo, Discriminant complements and kernels of
representations, 22 pp, submitted, http://www.math.utah.edu/\~{}carlson
\bi{4} C. H. Clemens and P. A. Griffiths, the
intermediate Jacobian of the cubic threefold, Ann. of Math. {\bf 95 } (1972),
\bi{5} P.A. Griffiths, On the periods of certain rational
integrals: I and II, Ann. of Math. {\bf 90} (1969), 460-541.
\bi{6} A. Libgober, On the fundamental group of the space of cubic
surfaces, Math. Zeit. {\bf 162} (1978), 63--67.
\bi{8} B. Malgrange, Int\'egrales asymptotiques et monodromie,
Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup., ser. 4, tome { \bf 7} (1974), 405--430.
\bi{8} G. A. Margulis, Quotient groups of discrete subgroups and measure
theory, Funct. Anal. Appl. {\bf 12 } (1978), 295--305.
\bi{9} I. Naruki, Cross ratio variety as a moduli space
of cubic surfaces, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) {\bf 45 } (1982), 1-30.
1997-09-10T21:18:41 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709013 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709013 | [
] | alg-geom/9709013 | Fernando Torres | Rainer Fuhrmann, Fernando Torres | On Weierstrass points and optimal curves | 22 pages, Latex 2e | Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo Suppl. 51, (1998) 25--46 | null | null | null | We use Weierstrass Point Theory and Frobenius orders to prove the uniqueness
(up to isomorphism) of some optimal curves.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 10 Sep 1997 19:18:20 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Preliminaries}\label{1}
In this section we summarize some background material concerning
Weierstrass Point Theory, Frobenius orders and a rational divisor arising
from the Zeta Function of a curve defined over a finite field.
\subsection{Weierstrass Point Theory}\label{1.1}
Here we repeat relevant material from St\"ohr-Voloch's \cite[\S1]{sv} (see
also \cite[III.5]{fk}, \cite{lak} and \cite{sch}).
Let $X$ be a curve of genus $g$ over an algebraically closed field $k$
and $k(X)$ the field of
rational functions on $X$. Let $\mathcal D$ be a $g^r_d$ on $X$, say
\mathcal D=\{E+{\rm div}(f): f\in \mathcal D'\setminus\{0\}\}\subseteq |E|\, ,
$E$ being an effective divisor on $X$ with ${\rm deg}(E)=d$ and $\mathcal D'$ an
$(r+1)$-dimensional $k$-subspace of $L(E):=\{f\in k(X)^*:
E+{\rm div}(f)\succeq 0\}$.
To any $P\in X$ one then associates the sequence of
{\it $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders}
\{j_0(P)<\ldots<j_r(P)\}:=\{v_P(D): D\in \mathcal D\}\, ,
and on $X$ one has the so-called {\it $\mathcal D$-ramification divisor}, namely
R=R^{\mathcal D}={\rm div}({\rm
det}((D^{\epsilon_i}_xf_j)))+\sum_{i=0}^{r}\epsilon_i{\rm div}(dx)+(r+1)E\, ,
where $x$ is a separating variable of $k(X)|k$, $D^{i}_x$ is the
$i$th Hasse derivative, $f_0,\ldots,f_r$ is a $k$-base of $\mathcal D'$, and
$(\epsilon_0,\ldots,\epsilon_r)$ (called {\it the $\mathcal D$-orders}) is
the minimum in the lexicographic order
of the set
\{(j_0,\ldots,j_r)\in \mathbb N^{r+1}: j_0<\ldots<j_r;\ {\rm
det}((D^{j_i}_xf_j))\neq 0\}\, .
One has
& (a)\quad {\rm deg}(R)=\sum_{P\in
X}v_P(R)=\sum_{i=0}^{r}\epsilon_i(2g-2)+(r+1)d\, ,\\
& (b)\quad j_i(P)\ge \epsilon_i\qquad \text{for each $i$ and for each
$P$}\, ,\\
& (c)\quad v_P(R)\ge \sum_i(j_i(P)-\epsilon_i)\, ,\qquad \text{and} \\
& (d)\quad v_P(R)=\sum_i(j_i(P)-\epsilon_i)
{\rm det}(\binom{j_i(P)}{\epsilon_j})\not\equiv 0 \pmod{{\rm
char}(k)}\, .\\
Consequently the $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders are
$\epsilon_0,\ldots,\epsilon_r$ if and only if $P\in X\setminus {\rm supp}(R)$.
The points in ${\rm supp}(R)$ are
the so-called {\it $\mathcal D$-Weierstrass points}.
The $\mathcal K$-Weierstrass points, being $\mathcal K=\mathcal K_X$ the canonical linear
system on $X$, are the {\it Weierstrass points} of $X$. In this case
$H(P):= \mathbb N\setminus \{j_0(P)+1,\ldots,j_{g-1}(P)+1\}$ is the {\it
Weierstrass semigroup} at $P$. We write
$H(P)=\{m_0(P)=0<m_1(P)<\ldots\}$, the element $m_i(P)$ being the {\it
non-gap} at $P$. The curve is called {\it classical} iff the $\mathcal K$-orders
are $0,1,\ldots,g-1$ (i.e. $H(P)=\{0,g+1,g+2,\ldots\}$ for
$P\not\in{\rm supp}(R^{\mathcal K})$).
To any $P\in X$ one also associates the {\it $i$th osculating plane}
via the identification $\mathcal D\cong \mathbb P(\mathcal D')^*$ each hyperplane $H$ in
$\mathbb P(\mathcal D')$ correspond
to a divisor $D_H\in \mathcal D$; then $L_i(P)$ is the intersection of the
hyperplanes $H$ in $\mathbb P(\mathcal D)^*$ such that $v_P(D_H)\ge j_{i+1}(P)$. Its
(projective) dimension is $i$. In terms of projective
coordinates $L_i(P)$ can be described as follows:
let $f_0,\ldots,f_r$ be a $(\mathcal D,P)$-hermitian base of $\mathcal D$, i.e. a
$k$-base of $\mathcal D'$ such that $v_P(t^{v_P(E)}f_i)=j_i(P)$ for
$i=0,\ldots,r$; $t$ being a local parameter at $P$. Then for
L_i(P)=H_{i+1}\cap\ldots\cap H_{r}\quad \mbox{with}\
D_{H_j}=E+{\rm div}(f_j),\ j=i+1,\ldots,r\, .
\subsection{Frobenius orders}\label{1.2}
In the remaining part of this paper the ground field $k$ will be
the algebraic closure of a finite field $\mathbb F_q$ with $q$ elements. In this
subsection we summarize some results from St\"ohr-Voloch's \cite[\S2]{sv}.
We keep the assumptions and the notations of the preceding subsection and
we suppose that $X$ and $\mathcal D$ are defined over $\mathbb F_q$. We let ${\rm Fr}_{X}$
denote the Frobenius morphism (relative to $\mathbb F_q$) on $X$. Then
$X$ is equipped with {\it the $\mathbb F_q$-Frobenius divisor associated to
$\mathcal D$}, namely
S=S^{\mathcal D}={\rm div}(
{\rm det}
\begin{pmatrix} f_0\circ{\rm Fr}_{X} & \ldots & f_r\circ{\rm Fr}_{X} \\
D^{\nu_0}_xf_0 & \ldots & D^{\nu_0}_xf_r \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\
D^{\nu_{r-1}}_xf_0 & \ldots & D^{\nu_{r-1}f_r}
\end{pmatrix})+\sum_{i=0}^{r-1}\nu_i{\rm div}(dx)+(q+r)E\, ,
where $x$ is
a separating variable of $\mathbb F_q(X)|\mathbb F_q$, $f_0,\ldots,f_r$ is
a $\mathbb F_q$-base of $\mathcal D'$, and
$(\nu_0,\nu_1,\ldots,\nu_{r-1})$, called {\it the $\mathbb F_q$-Frobenius orders
of $\mathcal D$}, is the minimum in the lexicographic order of the set
\{(j_0,\ldots,j_{r-1})\in \mathbb N^r: j_0<\ldots<j_{r-1};\
{\rm det}
\begin{pmatrix} f_0\circ{\rm Fr}_{X} &\ldots & f_r\circ{\rm Fr}_{X}\\
D^{j_0}_xf_0 &\ldots & D^{j_0}_xf_r\\
\vdots &\vdots & \vdots \\
D^{j_{r-1}}_xf_0 & \ldots & D^{j_{r-1}f_r}
\ \neq 0\}\, .
One has $X(\mathbb F_q)\subseteq {\rm supp}(S)$,
{\rm deg}(S)=(\sum_{i=0}^{r-1}\nu_i)(2g-2)+(q+r)d\, ,
$\nu_i=\epsilon_i$ for $i<I$, $\nu_i=\epsilon_{i+1}$
for $i\ge I$, where $I=I^{(\mathcal D,q)}$ is the smallest integer such that
$(f_0\circ{\rm Fr}_{X},\ldots,f_r\circ{\rm Fr}_{X})$ is a $\mathbb F_q(X)$-linear combination of
the vectors $(D^{\epsilon_i}_xf_0,\ldots,D^{\epsilon_i}_xf_r)$ with
$i=0,\ldots,I$. For $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ one also has
\nu_i\le j_{i+1}(P)-j_1(P)\qquad i=0,\ldots,r-1\qquad \text{and}
v_P(S)\ge \sum_{i=0}^{r-1}(j_{i+1}(P)-\nu_i)\, .
\subsection{A $\mathbb F_q$-divisor from the Zeta Function}\label{1.3}
In this subsection we generalize \cite[Lemma 1.1]{fgt} and its
corollaries. Let $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_q$ be a curve and
$h(t)=h_{X,q}(t)$ its {\it $h$-polynomial}, i.e. the characteristic
polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism ${\rm Fr}_{\mathcal J}$ of the Jacobian $\mathcal J$
(over $\mathbb F_q$) of $X$. We let $\prod_{i=1}^{T}h^{r_i}_i(t)$ denote the
factorization over $\mathbb Z [t]$ of $h(t)$. Because of the
semisimplicity of ${\rm Fr}_{\mathcal J}$ and the faithfully of the representation
of endomorphisms of $\mathcal J$ on the Tate module (cf. \cite[Thm.
2]{ta}, \cite[VI, \S3]{l}), we then have
\prod_{i=1}^{T}h_i({\rm Fr}_{\mathcal J})=0\quad \mbox{on}\ \mathcal J\, .\tag{$*$}
Throughout this subsection we set
\sum_{i=1}^{U }\alpha_i t^{U-i}+t^U:=
\prod_{i=1}^{T}h_i(t)\, ,
we assume that $X$ has at least one $\mathbb F_q$-rational point, say $P_0$, and
\mathcal D=\mathcal D^{(X,q,P_0)}:= ||m|P_0|\qquad \text{with}\qquad
m:=\prod_{i=1}^{T}h_i(1)\, .
As $f\circ{\rm Fr}_{X}={\rm Fr}_{\mathcal J}{\rm Fr}_{X}$, $f=f^{P_0}$ being the natural map from $X$ to
$\mathcal J$ given by $P\mapsto [P-P_0]$, Eq $(*)$ is equivalent to
\sum_{i=1}^{U}\alpha_i{\rm Fr}_{X}^{U-i}(P)+{\rm Fr}_{X}^U(P)\sim mP_0\, .
This suggests the
{\bf Problem.} Study the relation among the $\mathbb F_q$-rational points, the
Weierstrass points, the $\mathcal D$-Weierstrass points, and the support of the
$\mathbb F_q$-Frobenius divisor associated to $\mathcal D$.
\item If $P, Q\in X(\mathbb F_q)$, then $mP\sim mQ$. In particular, $|m|$ is a
non-gap at each $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ provided that $\# X(\mathbb F_q)\ge 2$.
\item If ${\rm char}(\mathbb F_q)\nmid m$ and $\#X(\mathbb F_q)\ge 2g+3$, then there
exists $P_1\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ such that $|m|-1$ and $|m|$ are non-gap at $P_1$.
\begin{proof} (1) It follows inmediately from (\ref{eq1.6}). (2) (The
proof is inspired by \cite[Prop.\! 1]{stix}.) By item (1) (and ${\rm
char }(\mathbb F_q)\nmid m$)
there exists a separable morphism
$x:X \to \mathbb P^1(\bar \mathbb F_q)$ with ${\rm div}(x)=|m|P_0-|m|Q$, $P_0, Q\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. Let
$n$ denote the number of unramified rational points for $x$. By the
Riemann-Hurwitz formula we
find that $n\ge \#X(\mathbb F_q)-2g-2$ so that $n>0$ by the hypothesis
on $\#X(\mathbb F_q)$. Thus there exists $\alpha \in \mathbb F_q$, $P_1\in
X(\mathbb F_q)\setminus \{P_0, Q\}$
such that ${\rm div}(x-\alpha)=P_1+D-mQ$ with $P_1, Q \not\in {\rm supp}(D)$. Let
\mathbb F_q(X)$ be such that ${\rm div}(y)=|m|Q-|m|P_1$ (cf. item (1)). Then
from the rational function $(x-\alpha)y$ we obtain item (2).
It follows that the definition of $\mathcal D$ is independent of $P_0\in X(\mathbb F_q)$
and the
\item If $\#X(\mathbb F_q)\ge 2$, then $\mathcal D$ is base-point-free.
\item If ${\rm char}(\mathbb F_q)\nmid m$ and $\#X(\mathbb F_q)\ge 2g+3$, then
$\mathcal D$ is simple.
Let us assume further that $\# X(\mathbb F_q)\ge 2$ and that
m>0,\quad \alpha_1, \alpha_U\ge 1\quad\text{and}\quad
\alpha_{i+1}\ge \alpha_i,\ \text{for}\ i=1,\ldots, U-1.\tag{Z}
\begin{remark*} There exist $h$-polynomials that do not satisfy $(Z)$;
see, e.g. \cite{carb}.
We set $r:={\rm dim}(\mathcal D)$, i.e. $m_r(P)=m$ for each $P\in
X(\mathbb F_q)$ (cf. Lemma \ref{l1.1}(1)). We keep the notations of the preceding
\item The $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders for $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ are $j_i(P)=m-m_{r-i}(P)$,
\item $j_1(P)=1$ for $P\not\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. In particular, $\epsilon_1=1$.
\item The numbers $1, \alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_U$ are $\mathcal D$-orders, so that
$r\ge U+1$.
\item If ${\rm Fr}_{X}^i(P)\neq P$ for $i=1,\ldots, U+1$, then
$\alpha_U$ is a non-gap at
$P$. In particular $\alpha_U$ is a generic non-gap of $X$.
\item If ${\rm Fr}_{X}^i(P)\neq P$ for $i=1,\ldots, U$, but ${\rm Fr}_{X}^{U+1}(P)=P$,
then $\alpha_U-1$ is a non-gap at $P$.
\item If $g\ge \alpha_U$, then $X$ is non-classical.
\begin{proof} Items (1), (2) and (3) can be proved as in \cite[Thm.
1.4(iii), Prop. 1.5(iii)]{fgt}. To prove (4), (5) and (6) we apply
${({\rm Fr}_{X})}_*$, as in \cite[IV, Ex.\! 2.6]{har}, to the equivalence in
\sum_{i=1}^{U}\alpha_i{\rm Fr}_{X}^{U-i}(P)+{\rm Fr}_{X}^U(P)\sim
\alpha_1{\rm Fr}_{X}^U(P)+\sum_{i=1}^{U-1}\alpha_{i+1}{\rm Fr}_{X}^{U-i}(P) +{\rm Fr}_{X}^{U+1}(P)
so that
{\rm Fr}_{X}^{U+1}(P)+(\alpha_1-1){\rm Fr}_{X}^U(P)+
\sum_{i=1}^{U-1}(\alpha_{i+1}-\alpha_i){\rm Fr}_{X}^{U-i}(P)\, .
Now the results follow.
If $\# X(\mathbb F_q)>q(m-\alpha_U)+1$, then $j_{r-1}(P)<\alpha_U$ for each $P\in
X(\mathbb F_q)$.
\begin{proof} By Lemma \ref{l1.2}(1), $j_{r-1}(P)=m-m_1(P)$, and by
\cite[Thm. 1(b)]{le}, $\# X(\mathbb F_q)\le 1+qm_1(P)$. Then $j_{N-1}(P)\ge
\alpha_U$ implies $\# X(\mathbb F_q)\le q(m-\alpha_U)+1$.
\item $\epsilon_r=\nu_{r-1}=\alpha_U$;
\item $X(\mathbb F_q)\subseteq {\rm supp}(R^{\mathcal D})$.
\begin{proof} (1) By (\ref{eq1.1})(b), $\epsilon_{r-1}\le j_{r-1}$. Since
$\alpha_U$ is a $\mathcal D$-order (Lemma \ref{l1.2}(3)) we conclude
that $\epsilon_r=\alpha_U$. Now from (\ref{eq1.6}) and (\ref{eq1.2})
we have that ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)$ belong to the $(r-1)$-th osculating hyperplane;
thus $\nu_{r-1}=\epsilon_r$.
(2) By Lemma \ref{l1.2}(1) for each rational point $j_r(P)=m$. Since
$m>\alpha_U$, the result follows from (\ref{eq1.1})(c).
\begin{corollary}\label{cor1.4} If $\# X(\mathbb F_q)\ge q\alpha_U+1$, then
for each $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$.
\begin{proof} Let $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. By (\ref{eq1.1})(b), applied to the
canonical linear system, we have $m_1(P)\le m_1(Q)$, $Q$ being a generic
point of
$X$. Then $m_1(P)\le \alpha_U$ by Lemma \ref{l1.2}(4). On the other hand,
by \cite[Thm. 1(b)]{le} and the hypothesis on $\#X(\mathbb F_q)$ we get $m_1(P)\ge
\alpha_U$ and we are done.
\section{Maximal curves}\label{2}
In this section we shall be dealing with maximal curves over $\mathbb F_q$ or
equivalently with curves over $\mathbb F_q$ whose $h$-polynomial is
$(t+\sqrt{q})^{2g}$, $g>0$ being the genus of the curve. We set
$\ell:=\sqrt{q}$. Then, by \S\ref{1.3}, each maximal curve $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$
is equipped with the linear system
\mathcal D:=|(\ell+1)P_0| \qquad P_0\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})\, ,
which will be fixed throughout the entire section. Notice that $X$
satisfies the hypotheses in Lemma \ref{l1.1} and $(Z)$ in
\S\ref{1.3}. By Corollary \ref{cor1.1}, $\mathcal D$ is
simple and base-point-free; by Lemma \ref{l1.2}(3), ${\rm dim}(\mathcal D)\ge 2$;
for each $P\in X$ relation (\ref{eq1.6}) reads (\cite[Corollary 1.2]{fgt})
\ell P+ {\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\sim (\ell+1)P_0\, .
Then, for each $P\in X$
m_0(P)=0<m_1(P)<\ldots <m_n(P)\le \ell<m_{n+1}(P)\, ,
where $n+1:={\rm dim}(\mathcal D)$. We keep the notations of the preceding section.
\subsection{Known results}\label{2.1} The results of this subsection have
been noticed in \cite[\S1]{fgt}.
2.1.1. By Corollary \ref{cor1.3}(1), $\epsilon_{n+1}=\nu_n=\ell$; this
together with \cite{ft} and \cite[Proof of Thm.\! 1]{hv} imply:
$\nu_1=\ell\Leftrightarrow n+1=2$, and $\nu_1=1\Leftrightarrow n+1\ge 3$.
2.1.2. Let $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$. By Lemma \ref{l1.2}(1),
$i=0,1,\ldots,n+1$. Then $j_{n+1}(P)=m_{n+1}(P)=\ell+1$. The case $i=\ell$ in
(\ref{eq1.5}) gives $j_1(P)=1$ so that $m_n(P)=\ell$.
2.1.3. Let $P\not\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$. We assume $n+1\ge 3$ (the case
$n+1=2$ has been studied in \cite{ft}; see also Theorem \ref{t2.1} here).
>From (\ref{eq2.1}), $j_1(P)=1$, and
$m_n(P)=\ell$ whenever ${\rm Fr}_{X}^2(P)\neq P$. Furthermore, by (\ref{eq1.1})
and \cite[Thm.\! 1]{ho}, $m_{n-1}(P)=\ell-1$ if $P$ is
not a Weierstrass point of $X$.
Set $m_i:=m_i(P)$, $u_0:=1$; let $u=u(P), u_i=u_i(P)\in {\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2}}(X)$ such
${\rm div}(u_i)=D_i-m_iP$, $P\not\in{\rm supp}(D_i)$, and
${\rm div}(u)=\ell P+{\rm Fr}_{X}(P)-(\ell+1)P_0$. Then
(\ell+1)P_0+{\rm div}(uu_i)=D_i+{\rm Fr}_{X}(P)+(\ell-m_i)P\, ,
and so $0,1,\ell-m_n,\ldots,\ell-m_0$ are $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders.
2.1.4. The $\mathcal D$-orders. Let $\tilde m_i$ denote the $i$th
non-gap at a generic point. Then, by \S2.1.3, the
$\mathcal D$-orders are
& \epsilon_0=\ell-\tilde m_n<\epsilon_1=1=\ell-\tilde m_{n-1}<\ldots<
\epsilon_{n-J}=\ell-\tilde m_J<\epsilon_{n-J+1}< \\
& \epsilon_{n-J+2}=\ell-\tilde
m_{J-1}<\ldots<\epsilon_{n+1}=\ell-\tilde m_0\, ,
whit $J\in \mathbb N$, $1\le J\le n-1$.
\subsection{The $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-Frobenius orders of $\mathcal D$.}\label{2.2}
\begin{proposition*} With the notations of \S2.1.4, the
$\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-Frobenius orders of $\mathcal D$ are
\begin{proof} For $P$ a generic point of $X$ let $u, u_i \in {\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2}}(X)$
be as in \S2.1.3, and $v\in {\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2}}(X)$ such that
(\ell+1)P_0+{\rm div}(v)=\epsilon_{n-J+1}P+D_v\qquad P\not\in {\rm supp}(D_v)\, .
>From this equation and (\ref{eq2.3}) we have that $
is a $(\mathcal D,P)$-hermitian base of $\mathcal D$. Hence, by (\ref{eq1.2}), $
{\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\in L_{n-J+1}(P)$. Now the result follows from the
\quad ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\not\in L_{n-J}(P)$.
Indeed, if ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\in L_{n-J}(P)$ then ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\in
{\rm supp}(D_v)$; hence, by (\ref{eq2.1}), we would have
$\ell-\epsilon_{n-J+1}\in H(P)$-a contradiction.
\begin{remark*} A slight modification of the above proof
shows that each point $P\in {\rm supp}(S^\mathcal D)\setminus X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ is a Weierstrass
point of $X$ (\cite{gt}).
\subsection{The morphism associated to $\mathcal D$}\label{2.3} Let $\pi:X\to
\mathbb P^{n+1}(\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ be the morphism associated to $\mathcal D$.
\begin{proposition*}\quad $\pi$ is a closed embedding, i.e. $X$ is
$\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphic to $\pi(X)$.
By \cite[Prop.\! 1.9]{fgt}, we have to show that $m_n(P)=\ell$ for each
$P\in X$. By \S2.1.2 we can assume that $P\not\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$. For such a $P$,
suppose that $m_n(P)<\ell$; then, as $j_1(P)=1$ and $j_{n+1}(P)=\ell$, the
$(\mathcal D,P)$-orders
would be
0,1=\ell-m_n(P),\ell-m_{n-1}(P),\ldots,\ell-m_1(P),\ell\, .
Hence (\ref{eq1.2}) and (\ref{eq2.3}) would imply ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\in L_1(P)$. On
the other hand, the hyperplane corresponding to the function $uu_n(P)$ in
\S2.1.3 contains $P$ (with multiplicity 1) and ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)$; thus it
contains $L_1(P)$. This is a contradiction because the multiplicity of
$L_1(P)$ at $P$ is at least $j_2(P)=\ell-m_{n-1}(P)\ge 2$.
Now \cite[Prop.\! 1.10]{fgt} can be state without the hypothesis on $\pi$:
Let $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ be a maximal curve of genus $g$ . For some $P\in
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ suppose that there exist $a, b\in H(P)$ such that all non-gaps
less than or equal to $\ell+1$ are generated by $a$ and $b$. Then
a,b\rangle$, so that $g=(a-1)(b-1)/2$.
\subsection{Weierstrass points and maximal curves}\label{2.4}
In this section we show that each $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-rational point of $X$ is a
Weierstrass point of the curve provided that $g$ is large enough. First we
notice that (\ref{eq2.2}) implies $g\ge \ell-n$ and that
g=\ell-n\quad \Leftrightarrow\quad \{\ell+1,\ell+2,\ldots,\}\subseteq H(P)\quad
\forall P\in X\, .
Since $\ell$ is a non-gap for a non-Weierstrass point, cf. \S2.1.3,
(\ref{eq2.2}) also implies (\cite[Prop. 1.7(i)]{fgt})
\text{$X$ classical}\quad \Rightarrow\quad g=\ell-n.
We remark that $g=\ell-n$ does not characterize classical maximal curves;
see e.g. \cite[Prop. 1.8]{fgt}.
The following results are contained in the proof of \cite[Satz
\begin{lemma}\label{l2.1} Let $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ be a maximal curve of genus
$g$ and $P$ a
non-Weierstrass point of $X$. If $\ell+1\in H(P)$, then $\ell+1,\ldots,2\ell\in
H(P)$. In particular, since $\ell\in H(P)$, $\{\ell+1,\ell+2,\ldots\}\subseteq
H(P)$ and $g=\ell-n$.
Let $i\in \{1,\ldots,\ell\}$ such that $\ell+i\not\in H(P)$; then
$\binom{\ell+i-1}{\ell} \not\equiv 0 \pmod{{\rm char}(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})}$. Hence, by the
$p$-adic criterion \cite[Corollary 1.9]{sv}, $\ell+1\not\in H(P)$.
g=\ell-n\quad \Leftrightarrow\quad \text{$\ell+1$ is a non-gap at a
non-Weierstrass point of $X$}.$
\begin{corollary}\label{c2.2} If $g>\ell-n$, then
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})\subseteq \text{set of Weierstrass points of $X$}.
It follows from the above corollary and \S2.1.2.
\begin{remark*} There exists maximal curves with $g=\ell-n$ where no
$\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-rational point is Weierstrass, see e.g. the remark after
Proposition \ref{p2.1}. The
hypothesis $g>\ell-n$ is satisfied
if $g\ge \max{(2,\ell-1)}$; indeed, $g=\ell-1\le \ell-n$ implies $n=1$, i.e.
$g=(\ell-1)\ell/2$ (\cite{ft}) and so $g\le 1$, a contradiction.
\begin{remark*} Let $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ be non-hyperelliptic and maximal of
genus $g$. Denote by $\mathcal W$ the set of Weierstrass points of $X$
($={\rm supp}(R^{K_X})$). Corollary \ref{c2.2} implies
\# \mathcal W >
16 & \text{if $g=3$},\\
25 & \text{if $g=6$},\\
\max{3(g+2), 4(g-1)} & \text{if $g\neq 3, 6$}.
Hence, we can use Pflaum's \cite[Corollary 2.6, Proof of Theorem 1.6]{pf}
to describe the isomorphism-class (over $\bar \mathbb F_{\ell^2}$) and the automorphism
group ${\rm Aut}(X)$ (also over $\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$) of $X$ via Weierstrass points.
In fact, we conclude that the isomorphism-class of maximal curves is
determinated by their constellations of Weierstrass points and that
{\rm Aut}(X)\cong\{A\in PGL(g,\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2}): A\rho(\mathcal W)=\rho(\mathcal W)\},
where $\rho:X\to \mathbb P^{g-1}(\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ is the canonical embedding.
Notice that, as the morphism $\pi:X\to \mathbb P^{n+1}$ associated to $\mathcal D$ is an
embedding (\S\ref{2.3}), (\ref{eq2.1}) implies
{\rm Aut}_{\mathbb F_{\ell^2}}(X)\cong \{A\in PGL(n+1,\mathbb F_{\ell^2}): A\pi(X)=\pi(X)\}\, .
\subsection{On the genus of maximal curves}\label{2.5} It has been
noticed in \cite{ft} that the genus $g$ of a maximal curve
$X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ satisfies
g\le (\ell-1)^2/4\qquad\text{or}\qquad g=(\ell-1)\ell/2\, ,
which was conjectured by Stichtenoth and Xing (cf. \cite{stix}).
Moreover, we have the
The following statements are equivalent
\item $X$ is $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphic to $y^\ell+y=x^{\ell+1}$ (the Hermitian curve
$\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$);
\item $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ maximal with $g>(\ell-1)^2/4$;
\item $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ maximal with ${\rm dim}(\mathcal D)=2$.
It is well known that $y^\ell+y=x^{\ell+1}$ is a maximal curve over $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ of
genus $(\ell-1)\ell/2$; $(2)\Rightarrow (3)$ follows by Castelnuovo's genus
bound for curves in projective spaces \cite[Claim 1]{ft}; $(3)\Rightarrow
(1)$ is the main result of \cite{ft}. Next we write a new proof of this
$(3)\!\Rightarrow\! (1):$ By \S\ref{2.1},
$(\epsilon_0,\epsilon_1,\epsilon_2)=(0,1,\ell)$, $(\nu_0,\nu_1)=(0,\ell)$, and
$(j_0(P),j_1(P),j_2(P))=(0,1,\ell+1)$ for each $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$. Hence
(\ref{eq1.1})(a)(c) imply $g=(\ell-1)\ell/2$. Let $x, y\in \mathbb F_{\ell^2}(X)$ with
${\rm div}_{\infty}(x)=\ell P_0$ and
${\rm div}_{\infty}(y)=(\ell+1)P_0$. Then
$H(P_0)=\langle \ell,\ell+1\rangle$ and so ${\rm div}(dx)=(2g-2)P_0\ (*)$,
because $H(P_0)$ is symmetric. By $\nu_1=\ell$ we have an equation of type
(cf. \S\ref{1.2})
y^{\ell^2}-y=f(x^{\ell^2}-x)\ ,
with $f:=D^{1}y$ (derivation with respect to $x$); by $\epsilon_2=\ell$ we
have the following two-rank matrices (cf. \S\ref{1.1})
\left( \begin{array}{ccc}
1 & x & y\\
0 & 1 & D^{(1)}y\\
0 & 0 & D^{(j)}y
\end{array} \right),
\qquad 2\le j<\epsilon_2=\ell\, .
By $(*)$ and (\ref{eq2.4}), ${\rm div}_{\infty}(f)=\ell^2P_0$. Now
$D^{(j)}y=0$ for $2\le j<\ell$ and (\ref{eq2.4}) imply
$D^{(j)}f=0$ for $1\le j<\ell$. Thus, by
\cite[Satz 10]{hasse}, there exists $f_1\in \mathbb F_{\ell^2}(X)$ such that
$f=f_1^{\ell}$. Therefore $f_1=ax+b$ with $a, b\in
\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$, $a\neq0$, and after some $\mathbb F_q$-linear transformations we obtain an
equation of type
y_1^{\ell}+y_1-x_1^{\ell+1}=(y_1^\ell+y_1-x_1^{\ell+1})^{\ell}\, ,
with $x_1, y_1\in \mathbb F_q(X)$. Now the proof follows.
\begin{remark*} Let $X$ be the Hermitian curve over $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$. From the above
proof we have $\mathcal K_X=(\ell-2)\mathcal D$ and $(j_0(P),j_1(P),j_2(P))=(0,1,\ell)$ for
each $P\not\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$. Then the $(\mathcal K_X,P)$-orders contains
$ \{a+b\ell: a,b\ge 0, a+b\le \ell-2\}$ (resp.
$\{a+b(\ell+1): a,b\ge 0, a+b\le \ell-2\}$) if $P\not\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ (resp. $P\in
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$). Since these sets have cardinality equal to $g=(\ell-1)\ell/2$, these
are the $(\mathcal K_X,P)$-orders; hence
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})={\rm supp}(R^\mathcal D)={\rm supp}(R^{\mathcal K_X} (= \text{set of Weierstrass points of
$X$})\, ,
and we have another proof of the fact that $X$ is non-classical (compare
with Lemma \ref{l1.2}(6)).
The above computations have been carried out in \cite{gv}. We mention
that the first examples of non-classical curves were obtained from
certain Hermitian
curves (see \cite{sch}).
Now let us consider the following property for the maximal curve
$X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ of genus $g$ (recall that $n+1={\rm dim}(\mathcal D)$):
\exists P_1\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})\quad \exists m\in H(P_1)\quad \text{such that $mn\le
\ell+1$}\, .
Then $mn=\ell+1$ or $mn=\ell$. In both cases the hypothesis of the corollary
in \S\ref{2.3} is satisfied; in particular, $g=(\ell-1)(m-1)/2$ or
{\bf Case $mn=\ell+1$.} This occurs iff $X$ is $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphic to
$y^\ell+y=x^{(\ell+1)/n}$ \cite[Thm. 2.3]{fgt}) (so that $g=
\frac{\ell-1}{2}(\frac{\ell+1}{n}-1)$). Hence there exists maximal curves of
genus $(\ell-1)^2/4$ and
indeed, $y^\ell+y=x^{(\ell+1)/2}$ is the unique maximal curve (up to
$\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphism) having such a genus (\cite[Thm.
3.1]{fgt}). Before we consider the case $mn=\ell$ we
prove an analogue of $(1)\Leftrightarrow (2)$ of Theorem \ref{t2.1}.
\begin{proposition}\label{p2.1} Let $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ be a maximal curve of
genus $g$ and assume that $\ell$ is odd. Then the following statements are
\item $X$ is $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphic to $y^\ell+y=x^{(\ell+1)/2}$;
\item $(\ell-1)(\ell-2)/4<g\le(\ell-1)^2/4$.
Item (1) (or (2)) implies\quad $3.\, \, {\rm dim}(\mathcal D)=3$.
We already noticed that $(1)\Rightarrow (2)$ and $(1)\Rightarrow
That $(2)\Rightarrow (3)$ follows by Castelnuovo's genus bound for curves
in projective spaces \cite{c}, \cite[p.\! 116]{acgh}, \cite[Corollary
$(2)\Rightarrow (1):$ The cases $\ell\le 5$ are trivial, so let $\ell>5$.
According to \cite[Thm.\! 2.3]{fgt}, we look for a rational point $P$
such that there exists $m\in H(P)$ with $2m=\ell+1$. Let
$m_1:=m_1(P)<\ell<\ell+1$ be the first three positive non-gaps at $P\in
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$. By
\S2.1.2 the $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders are $0,1,j=\ell+1-m_1,\ell+1$. Notice that $\ell$
odd implies $2m_1\ge \ell+1$ and hence that $2j\le \ell+1$.
Set $2\mathcal D:=|2(\ell+1)P_0|$; ${\rm dim}(\mathcal D)=3$ implies ${\rm dim}(2\mathcal D)\ge
8$; the lower bound on $g$ implies (once again via Castelnuovo's bound)
${\rm dim}(2\mathcal D)=8$. The $(2\mathcal D,P)$-orders ($P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$) contains the set
therefore ${\rm dim}(2\mathcal D)=8$ implies $j=2$ (i.e. $m_1(P)=\ell-1$) or $2j=\ell+1$
$m_1(P)=(\ell+1)/2$) and we have to show that it is not possible to
have $m_1(P)=\ell-1$ for each $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$.
Suppose that $m_1(P)=\ell-1$ for each $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$. Then the
$\mathcal D$-orders are $0,1,2,\ell$ and so $v_P(R_1)=1$ for each $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$
($R_1$ being the $\mathcal D$-ramification divisor). Then, by (\ref{eq1.1}),
{\rm deg}(R_1)-\#X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})=3(2g-2)-(\ell-3)(\ell+1)\, .
\quad For each $P\in {\rm supp}(R_1)\setminus X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ the $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders are
In fact, for such a $P$ the $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders
are $0,1,i,\ell$ with $i=i(P)>2$, and
is contained in the $(2\mathcal D,P)$-orders; thus ${\rm dim}(2\mathcal D)=8$ implies
Suppose that $i=\ell-1$; by (\ref{eq2.1}) there exists $Q_1, Q_2\in
X\setminus\{P\}$ such that $P+{\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\sim Q_1+Q_2$, i.e. $X$ is
hyperelliptic. This implies $g\le (\ell-1)/2$ (see e.g. \cite[Thm.
1(b)]{le}) and
from the hypothesis on $g$ that $\ell< 4$, a contradiction.
By the claim and (\ref{eq1.1})(d), for each $P\in
{\rm supp}(R_1)\setminus X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$, $v_P(R_1)=(\ell-3)/2$ and
A:=\#({\rm supp}(R_1)\setminus X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2}))=\frac{6(2g-2)}{\ell-3}-2(\ell+1)\, .
With the above computations we analize $(2\mathcal D,P)$-orders for $P\in
{\rm supp}(R_1)$. We have:
\text{$(2\mathcal D,P)$-orders}\ =
0,1,2,3,4,\ell+1,\ell+2,\ell+3,2\ell+2 & \text{if $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$};\\
0,1,2,(\ell+1)/2,(\ell+3)/2,\ell,\ell+1,(3\ell+1)/2,2\ell & \text{if $P\not\in
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$}.
Denote by $R_2$ the $2\mathcal D$-ramification divisor. Being
$0,1,2,3,4,\ell,\ell+1,\ell+2,2\ell$ the $2\mathcal D$-orders we then have
5 & \text{if $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$};\\
(3\ell-13)/2 & \text{if $P\in {\rm supp}(R_1)\setminus X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$}.
Then, again by (\ref{eq1.1}),
{\rm deg}(R_2)=(5\ell+13)(2g-2)+18(\ell+1)\ge 5\# X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})+\frac{3\ell-13}{2} A\, ,
which implies $2g-2\ge (\ell-3)(\ell+1)/2$, i.e.
$2g-2=(\ell-3)(\ell+1)/2$ due to the upper bound on $g$. By \cite[Thm.\!
3.1]{fgt} we then conclude that $A=0$, i.e. $2g-2=(\ell-3)(\ell+1)/3$, a
contradiction. This complete the proof.
\begin{remark*} Let $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ be maximal of genus $g$ and suppose
that $(\ell-1)(\ell-2)/6<g\ge (\ell-1)^2/4$. If $X \not\cong
y^\ell+y=x^{(\ell+1)/2}$, then $(\ell-1)(\ell-2)/6<g\le (\ell-1)(\ell-2)/4$ by the
last proposition. Cossidente and Korchmaros \cite{ck} constructed a
maximal curve $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ with $g=(\ell+1)(\ell-2)/6$ and $\ell\equiv
2\pmod{3}$. By Castelnuovo's
genus bound, the linears system $\mathcal D$ of this curve satisfies
${\rm dim}(\mathcal D)=3$; so this example shows that $(3)$ does not imply $(1)$.
\begin{remark*} For $\ell\equiv 3\pmod{4}$ there are at least two non
$\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphism maximal curves over $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ with
$g=\frac{\ell-1}{2}(\frac{\ell+1}{4}-1)$ and ${\rm dim}(\mathcal D)=5$, namely
(1)\ \ y^\ell+y=x^{(\ell+1)/4}\qquad\text{and}\qquad (2)\ \
Indeed, the curve in (2) admits points $P$ with $H(P)=\langle
(\ell-1)/2,(\ell+1)/2\rangle$ (e.g. $P$ over a root of $x^{\ell+1}=1$) and is
well known that such semigroups cannot be realized by (1) (\cite{gv}).
These examples show that one cannot expect the uniqueness of a maximal
curve just by means of a given genus. It also shows that the hypothesis on
non-gaps of \cite[Prop.\! 1.10, Thm.\! 2.3]{fgt} cannot be relaxed.
The curve (2) have been considered by Hirschfeld and Korchmaros \cite{hk}.
They noticed an interesting bound for the number of rational points
of a curve; the curve in (2) attains such a bound.
\begin{remark*} In view of the above examples and \cite{ck}'s letter is
reasonable to make the
following conjectures. Let $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ be a maximal curve of genus
(1) Let $\ell$ be odd. If $\ell\not\equiv 2\pmod{3}$, then
$(\ell-1)(\ell-2)/6 <g\le (\ell-1)^2/4$ iff
$g=(\ell-1)^2/4$ (i.e. $X$ is $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphic to $y^\ell+y=x^{(\ell+1)/2}$). If
$\ell\equiv 2\pmod{3}$, then $(\ell-1)(\ell-2)/6<g\le (\ell-1)^2$ iff
$g=(\ell+1)(\ell-2)/6$ or $g=(\ell-1)^2/4$.
(2) With the exception of finitely many $\ell$'s and if $\ell\equiv 2
\pmod{3}$, then $(\ell-1)(\ell-3)/8<g\le (\ell-1)(\ell-2)/6$
iff $X$ is $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphic to $y^\ell+y=x^{(\ell+1)/3}$ (in particular
{\bf Case $mn=\ell$.} Now we assume (\ref{eq2.5}) with $mn=\ell$. To
begin we notice that the quotient of the Hermitian curve by a certain
automorphism has
a plane model of type $F(y)=x^{\ell+1}$, $F$ being an additive polynomial.
These curves provide examples of maximal curves for this case. It has been
conjectured in \cite{fgt} that $X$
is $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-isomorphic to the above plane model with
${\rm deg}(F)=m$; the fact that $g=\ell(m-1)/2$ may provide evidence for
this conjecture. Next we state another proof of this fact, where
is implicitely outlined a method to find a plane model for $X$:
By Theorem \ref{t2.1} we can assume
$n>1$. Let $x,y\in \mathbb F_{\ell^2}(X)$ such that ${\rm div}_{\infty}(x)=m$ and
${\rm div}_{\infty}(y)=\ell+1$.
\begin{claim*} For each $\alpha\in \mathbb F_{\ell^2}$, $\# x^{-1}(\alpha)=m$ and
$x^{-1}(\alpha)\subseteq X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$.
This implies $g=\ell(m-1)/2$ because ${\rm deg}({\rm div}(x^{\ell^2}-x))=0$ gives $
\ell^2+2\ell g=\ell^2m$.\newline
The claim follows from two facts:
\begin{fact}\label{f1} For each $P\neq P_1$, $\#x^{-1}(x(P))=m$.
\begin{proof} {\it (Fact \ref{f1})} Let $P\neq P_1$ and for $x(P)=\alpha
\bar\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$ set
$e=v_P(x-\alpha)$. We have to show that $e=1$. Writing
${\rm div}(x-\alpha)=eP+D_P-mP_1$ with $P\not\in{\rm supp}(D_P)$, we then see
that $e,\ldots,en$ are $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders. If $e>1$, then $j_{n+1}(P)=en$
because 1 is a $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders (cf. \S\ref{2.1}). This implies $P\not\in
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ and so $e=m$ because $\ell=mn$. Consequently $mP\sim mP_1$ so that
$\ell P\sim\ell P_1$. Then by (\ref{eq2.1}) we get ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)\sim P_1$, a
contradiction because $g>0$. This finish the proof of Fact 1.
Let $P\neq P_1$. From the above proof, the
$(\mathcal D,P)$-orders are
$0,1,\ldots,n,\ell+1$ (resp. $0,1,\ldots,n,\ell$) if $P\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ (resp.
$P\not\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$). Hence the $\mathcal D$-orders are $0,1,\ldots,n,\ell$ so that
${\rm supp}(R^{\mathcal D})=X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ with $v_P(R^{\mathcal D})=1$, $P\in
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})\setminus\{P_1\}$ , cf. (\ref{eq1.1}).
Now the morphism $\pi$ associated to $\mathcal D$ can be defined by
$(1:x:\ldots:x^n:y)$; so $v_P(D^\ell y)=1$ for $P\in
X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})\setminus P_1$ and $v_P(D^\ell y)=0$ for $P\not\in X(\mathbb F_{\ell^2})$ (derivation
with respect to $x$); cf. \S\ref{1.1}.
\begin{fact}\label{f2} There exists $f\in \mathbb F_{\ell^2}(X)$ regular outside $P_1$
such that $D^\ell y= f(x^{\ell^2}-x)$.
\begin{proof} {\it (Fact \ref{f2})} By (\ref{eq1.4}) the $\mathbb F_{\ell^2}$-Frobenius
are $0,1,\ldots,n-1,\ell$. Hence (cf. \S\ref{1.2})
{\rm det}
\begin{pmatrix} 1 & x^{\ell^2} & \ldots & x^{\ell^2 n} & y^{\ell^2}\\
1 & x & \ldots & x^n & y \\
0 & D^1x & \ldots & D^1x^n & D^1y \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\
0 & D^nx & \ldots & D^nx^n & D^n
\end{pmatrix} =0
and so
y-y^{\ell^2}=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(x^i-x^{i\ell^2 })h_i
with $h_i\in \mathbb F_{\ell^2}(X)$ regular in $X\setminus\{P_1\}$ for each $i$. Fact
now follows by applying $D^\ell$ to the above equation and using the
following properties:
\item For $r$ a power of a prime we have $D^j f^r=(D^{j/r}f)^r$ if $r\mid
j$ and $D^j f^r=0$ otherwise;
\item the fact that $n$ is a power of a prime implies $D^i x^n=0$ for
\item $D^i\circ D^j=\binom{i+j}{i}D^{i+j}$\, .
\section{On the Deligne-Lusztig curve associated to the Suzuki
In this section we prove Theorem \ref{B} stated in the introduction.
we let $q_0:=2^s$, $q:=2q_0$, $X\!\mid\!\mathbb F_q$ a curve of genus $g$ with
g=q_0(q-1)\qquad \text{and}\qquad \# X(\mathbb F_q)=q^2+1\, .
Then, by Serre-Weil's explicit formulae (cf. \cite{se}, \cite{h}), the
$h$-polynomial of $X$ is $(t^2+2q_0t+q)^g$. Hence, by \S\ref{1.3}, $X$ is
equipped with the base-point-free simple linear
system $\mathcal D:=|(q+2q_0+1)P_0|$, with $P_0\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. Here for each $P\in
X$, (\ref{eq1.6}) reads
qP+2q_0{\rm Fr}_{X}(P)+{\rm Fr}_{X}^2(P)\sim (q+2q_0+1)P_0\, .
We notice that $X$ satisfies the hypothesis in Lemma
\ref{l1.1} and $(Z)$ in \S\ref{1.3}. As a first consequence we have the
\begin{lemma}\label{l3.1} Let $X$ be as above. Then for each $P\in
X(\mathbb F_q)$, $m_1(P)=q$.
Next we apply \cite{sv} to $\mathcal D$; we keep the notation in \S\ref{1} and
set $r:={\rm dim}(\mathcal D)$. The key property of $\mathcal D$
will be the fact that ${\rm Fr}_{X}(P)$ belongs to the tangent
line for $P$ generic (Lemma \ref{l3.4}(1)). For $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$, Lemma
\ref{l1.2}(1) gives
$m_r(P)=q+2q_0+1$ and
j_i(P)=m_r(P)-m_{r-i}(P)\quad \mbox{for}\ \ i=0,\ldots,r\, .
This together with Lemma \ref{l3.1} imply
j_r=(P)=q+2q_0+1,\quad j_{r-1}(P)=2q_0+1\qquad (P\in
X(\mathbb F_q))\, .
By Lemma \ref{l1.2}(3) $1, 2q_0, q$ are $\mathcal D$-orders, so $r\ge 3$ and
$\epsilon_1=1$. By Corollary \ref{cor1.3}(1) and (\ref{eq1.1})(b),
\epsilon_r=\nu_{r-1}=q\qquad\text{and}\qquad 2q_0\le\epsilon_{r-1}\le
1+2q_0\, .
\begin{lemma}\label{l3.2}\quad $\epsilon_{r-1}=2q_0$.
\begin{proof} Suppose that $\epsilon_{r-1}>
2q_0$. Then, by (\ref{eq3.4}), $\epsilon_{r-2}=2q_0$ and
$\epsilon_{r-1}=2q_0+1$. By (\ref{eq1.4}) and (\ref{eq3.3}),
$\nu_{r-2}\le 2q_0=\epsilon_{r-2}$. Thus the $\mathbb F_q$-Frobenius orders of
$\mathcal D$ would be $\epsilon_0,\epsilon_1,\ldots,\epsilon_{r-2}$,
and $\epsilon_r$. By (\ref{eq1.5}) and (\ref{eq1.4}), for each $P\in
X(\mathbb F_q)$
v_P(S)\ge \sum_{i=1}^{r}(j_i(P)-\nu_{i-1})\ge
(r-1)j_1(P)+1+2q_0\ge r+2q_0\ ,
Thus ${\rm deg}(S)\ge (r+2q_0)\#X(\mathbb F_q)$, and
from (\ref{eq1.3}), the identities $2g-2=(2q_0-2)(q+2q_0+1)$ and
$\#X(\mathbb F_q)=(q-2q_0+1)(q+2q_0+1)$ we obtain
\sum_{i=1}^{r-2}\nu_i=\sum_{i=1}^{r-2}\epsilon_i\ge (r-1)q_0\, .
Now, as $\epsilon_i+\epsilon_j\le \epsilon_{i+j}$ for $i+j\le r$
\cite[Thm. 1]{e}, then we would have
(r-1)\epsilon_{r-2}\ge 2\sum_{i=0}^{r-2}\epsilon_i\, ,
and hence $\epsilon_i+\epsilon_{r-2-i}=\epsilon_{r-2}$ for
$i=0,\ldots,r-2$. In particular,
$\epsilon_{r-3}=2q_0-1$ and by the $p$-adic criterion (cf. \cite[Corollary
1.9]{sv} we would have $\epsilon_i=i$ for $i=0,1,\ldots,r-3$. These facts
imply $r=2q_0+2$. Finally, we are going to see that this is a
contradiction via Castelnuovo's genus bound \cite{c}, \cite[p.\! 116]{acgh},
\cite[Corollary 2.8]{ra}. Castelnuovo's formula applied to $\mathcal D$ implies
2g=2q_0(q-1)\le \frac{(q+2q_0-(r-1)/2)^2}{r-1}\, .
For $r=2q_0+2$ this gives $2q_0(q-1)< (q+q_0)^2/2q_0=q_0q+q/2+q_0/2$, a
There exists $P_1\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ such that
\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
j_1(P_1)=1 & {} \\
j_i(P_1)=\nu_{i-1}+1 & \mbox{if}\ i=2,\ldots, r-1.
\begin{proof} By (\ref{eq3.5}), it is enough to show that there exists
$P_1\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ such that $v_{P_1}(S)=r+2q_0$. Suppose that $v_P(S)\ge
r+2q_0+1$ for each
$P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. Then by (\ref{eq1.3}) we would have that
\sum_{i=0}^{r-1}\nu_i \ge q+rq_0+1\ ,
and, as $\epsilon_1=1$, $\nu_{r-1}=q$ and $\nu_i\le \epsilon_{i+1}$, that
\sum_{i=0}^{r-1}\epsilon_i \ge rq_0+2\, .
By \cite[Thm. 1]{e} (or \cite{ho}), we then would conclude that
$r\epsilon_{r-1}\ge 2rq_0+4$, i.e. $\epsilon_{r-1}>2rq_0$, a contradiction
with the previous lemma.
\item \ $\nu_1>\epsilon_1=1$.
\item \ $\epsilon_2$ is a power of two.
\begin{proof} Statement (2) is consequence of the $p$-adic criterion
\cite[Corollary 1.9]{sv}.
Suppose that $\nu_1=1$. Then by Lemma \ref{l3.1}, Lemma \ref{l3.3},
(\ref{eq3.3}) and (\ref{eq3.2}) there would be a point $P_1\in X$ such
that $H(P_1)$ would contain the semigroup $H:=\langle q, q+2q_0-1, q+2q_0,
q+2q_0+1\rangle $. Then $g\le \#(\mathbb N\setminus
H)$, a contradiction as follows from the remark below.
\begin{remark*} Let $H$ be the semigroup defined above. We are going to
show that $\tilde g:= \#(\mathbb N \setminus H)=g-q_0^2/4$.
To begin, notice that
$L:=\cup_{i=1}^{2q_0-1}L_i$ is a complete system of residues
module $q$, where
L_i & = &
\{iq+i(2q_0-1)+j: j=0,\ldots,2i\}\quad \mbox{if}\ \ 1\le i\le q_0-1,\\
L_{q_0} & = & \{q_0q+q-q_0+j:j=0,\ldots,q_0-1\},\\
L_{q_0+1} & = & \{(q_0+1)q+1+j:j=0,\ldots,q_0-1\},\\
L_{q_0+i} & = &
& & \{(q_0+i)q+(2i-2)q_0+i+j: j=0,\ldots q_0-1\}\quad
\mbox {if}\ \ 2\le i\le q_0/2,\\
L_{3q_0/2+i} & = &
& &
j=0,\ldots,q_0-2i-1\}\quad \mbox {if}\ \ 1\le i\le q_0/2-1.
Moreover, for each $\ell \in L$, $\ell \in H$ and $\ell-q\not\in H$. Hence
$\tilde g$ can be computed by summing up the coefficients of $q$ from the
above list (see e.g. \cite[Thm. p.3]{sel}), i.e.
\tilde g & = & \sum_{i=1}^{q_0-1}i(2i+1)+q_0^2+(q_0+1)q_0+
& &
\sum_{i=1}^{q_0/2-1}(3q_0/2+i)(q_0-2i)=q_0(q-1)-q_0^2/4\, .
In the remaining part of this section let $P_1\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ be a point
satisfying Lemma \ref{l3.3}; we set $m_i:= m_i(P_1)$ and denote by $v$
the valuation at $P_1$.
The item (1) of the last lemma implies $\nu_i=\epsilon_{i+1}$ for
$i=1,\ldots, r-1$. Therefore from (\ref{eq3.2}),
(\ref{eq3.3}) and Lemma \ref{l3.3},
m_i=2q_0+q-\epsilon_{r-i} & \mbox{if}\ i=1,\ldots r-2\\
m_{r-1}=2q_0+q,\ \ m_r=1+2q_0+q. & {}
Let $x, y_2,\ldots, y_r\in \mathbb F_q(X)$ be such that ${\rm div}_{\infty}(x)=m_1P_1$, and
${\rm div}_{\infty} (y_i)=m_i P_1$ for $i=2,\ldots, r$. The fact that $\nu_1>1$ means
that the following matrix has rank two (cf. \S\ref{1.2})
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
1 & x^q & y_2^q &\ldots &y_r^q\\
1 & x & y_2 &\ldots &y_r\\
0 & 1 & D^{(1)}y_2 &\ldots& D^{(1)}y_r
\end{array} \right)\, .
In particular,
y_i^q-y_i= D^{(1)}y_i(x^q-x) \quad \text{for}\ \ i=2,\ldots, r.
\item For $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$, the divisor $(2g-2)P$
is canonical, i.e. the Weierstrass semigroup at $P$ is symmetric.
\item Let $m\in H(P_1)$. If $m<q+2q_0$, then $m\le
\item For $i=2,\ldots,r$ there exists $g_i\in \mathbb F_q(X)$ such that $
Furthermore, ${\rm div}_{\infty}(g_i)=\frac{qm_i-q^2}{\epsilon_2}P_1$.
\begin{proof} (1) Since $2g-2=(2q_0-2)(q+2q_0+1)$, by (\ref{eq3.1})
we can assume $P=P_1$. Now the case $i=r$ of
Eqs. (\ref{eq3.7}) implies $v(dx)=2g-2$ and we are done.
(2) By (\ref{eq3.6}), $q, q+2q_0$ and $q+2q_0+1\in H(P_1)$. Then the
(2q_0-2)q+q-4q_0+j\qquad j=0,\ldots,q_0-2
are also non-gaps at $P_1$. Therefore, by the symmetry of $H(P_1)$,
q+q_0+1+j\qquad j=0,\ldots,q_0-2
are gaps at $P_1$ and the proof follows.
(3) Set $f_i:= D^{(1)}y_i$. By the product rule applied to
$D^{(j)}y_i=(x^q-x)D^{(j)}f_i+D^{(j-1)}f_i$ for $1\le j<q$.
Then, $D^{(j)}f_i=0$ for $1\le
j<\epsilon_2$, because the matrices
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
1 & x & y_2 &\ldots &y_r\\
0 & 1 & D^{(1)}y_2 &\ldots& D^{(1)}y_r\\
0 & 0 & D^{(j)}y_2 &\ldots& D^{(j)}y_r
\end{array} \right),
\quad 2\le j<\epsilon_2
have rank two (cf. \S\ref{1.1}). Consequently, as $\epsilon_2$ is a power
of 2 (Lemma \ref{l3.4}(2)), by \cite[Satz 10]{hasse},
$f_i=g_i^{\epsilon_2}$ for some $g_i\in \mathbb F_q(X)$. Finally, from the proof
of item (1) we have that $x-x(P)$ is a local
parameter at $P$ if $P\neq P_1$. Then, by the election of the $y_i$'s,
$g_i$ has no pole but in $P_1$, and from (\ref{eq3.7}),
\begin{lemma}\label{l3.6}\quad $r=4$ and $\epsilon_2=q_0$.
We know that $r\ge 3$; we claim that $r\ge 4$; in
fact, if $r=3$ we would have $\epsilon_2=2q_0$, $m_1=q$, $m_2=q+2q_0$,
$m_3=q+2q_0+1$, and hence $v(g_2)=-q$ ($g_2$ being as in Lemma
\ref{l3.5}(3)). Therefore, after some $\mathbb F_q$-linear transformations, the
case $i=2$ of (\ref{eq3.7}) reads
y_2^q-y_2=x^{2q_0}(x^q-x)\, .
Now the function $z:= y_2^{q_0}-x^{q_0+1}$ satisfies
$z^q-z=x^{q_0}(x^q-x)$ and we find that $q_0+q$ is
a non-gap at $P_1$ (cf. \cite[Lemma 1.8]{hsti}). This contradiction
eliminates the case $r=3$.
Let $r\ge 4$ and $2\le i\le r$. By Lemma \ref{l3.5}(3)
$(qm_i-q^2)/\epsilon_2\in H(P_1)$, and since $(qm_i-q^2)/\epsilon_2\ge
m_{i-1}\ge q$, by (\ref{eq3.6}) we have
2q_0\ge \epsilon_2 +\epsilon_{r-i}\qquad \mbox{for}\ i=2,\ldots,r-2\, .
In particular, $\epsilon_2\le q_0$. On the other hand, by Lemma
\ref{l3.5}(2) we must have $m_{r-2}\le q+q_0$ and so, by
(\ref{eq3.6}), we find that $\epsilon_2\ge q_0$, i.e. $\epsilon_2=q_0$.
Finally we show that $r=4$. $\epsilon_2=q_0$
implies $\epsilon_{r-2}\le q_0$. Since $m_2\le q+q_0$ (cf. Lemma
\ref{l3.5}(2)), by (\ref{eq3.6}), we have $\epsilon_{r-2}\ge q_0$.
Therefore $\epsilon_{r-2}=q_0=\epsilon_2$, i.e. $r=4$.
{\bf Proof of Theorem \ref{B}.} Let $P_1\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ be as above. By
(\ref{eq3.7}), Lemma \ref{l3.5}(3) and Lemma \ref{l3.6} we have the
following equation
y_2^q-y_2=g_2^{q_0}(x^q-x)\ ,
where $g_2$ has no pole except at $P_1$. Moreover, by (\ref{eq3.6}),
$m_2=q_0+q$ and so $v(g_2)=-q$ (cf. Lemma \ref{l3.5}(3)). Thus
$g_2=ax+b$ with $a,b\in \mathbb F_q$, $a\neq 0$, and after some $\mathbb F_q$-linear
transformations we obtain Theorem \ref{B}.
\begin{remarks*} (1) From the above computations we conclude that the
Deligne-Lusztig curve associated to the Suzuki group $X$ is equipped with
a complete simple base-point-free $g^4_{q+2q_)+1}$, namely
$\mathcal D=|(q+2q_0+1)P_0|$, $P_0\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. Such a linear system is an
$\mathbb F_q$-invariant. The orders of $\mathcal D$ (resp. the $\mathbb F_q$-Frobenius orders)
are $0, 1, q_0, 2q_0$ and $q$ (resp. $0, q_0, 2q_0$ and $q$).
(2) There exists $P_1\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ such that the $(\mathcal D,P_1)$-orders are
$0,1,q_0+1, 2q_0+1$ and $q+2q_0+1$ (Lemma \ref{l3.3}). Now
we show that the above sequence is, in fact, the
$(\mathcal D,P)$-orders for each $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. To see this, notice that
{\rm deg}(S)=(3q_0+q)(2g-2)+(q+4)(q+2q_0+1)=(4+2q_0)\#X(\mathbb F_q).
Let $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$. By (\ref{eq3.5}), we conclude that
$v_P(S^\mathcal D)=\sum_{i=1}^{4}(j_i(P)-\nu_{i-1})=4+2q_0$ and so, by
that $j_1(P)=1$, $j_2(P)=q_0+1$, $j_3(P)=2q_0+1$, and $j_4(P)=q+2q_0+1$.
(3) Then, by (\ref{eq3.2}) $H(P)$, $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$, contains the
semigroup\newline $H:= \langle q,q+q_0,q+2q_0,q+2q_0+1\rangle$. Indeed,
$H(P)=H$ since $\#(\mathbb N\setminus H)=g=q_0(q-1)$ (this can be
proved as in the remark after Lemma \ref{l3.4}; see also
(4) We have
{\rm deg}(R^\mathcal D)=\sum_{i=0}^{4}\epsilon_i(2g-2)+5(q+2q_0+1)=(2q_0+3)\#X(\mathbb F_q)\,
for $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)$, $v_P(R^\mathcal D)=2q_0+3$ as follows from items (1), (2) and
(\ref{eq1.1}). Therefore the set of $\mathcal D$-Weierstrass points of $X$ is
equal to $X(\mathbb F_q)$. In particular, the $(\mathcal D,P)$-orders for $P\not\in
X(\mathbb F_q)$ are $0, 1, q_0, 2q_0$ and $q$.
(5) We can use the above computations to obtain information on orders
for the canonical morphism. By using the fact that $(2q_0-2)\mathcal D$ is
canonical (cf. Lemma
\ref{l3.5}(1)) and item (4), we see that the set $
\{a+q_0b+2q_0c+qd: a+b+c+d \le 2q_0-2\}
is contained in the set of orders for $\mathcal K_X$ at non-rational points. (By
considering first order differentials on $X$, similar computations were
obtained in \cite[\S4]{gsti}.)
(6) Finally, we remark that $X$ is
non-classical for the canonical morphism: we have two different proofs for
this fact: loc. cit. and \cite[Prop. 1.8]{fgt}).
{\bf Appendix:} A remark on the Suzuki-Tits ovoid
For $s\in \mathbb N$, let $q_0:=2^s$ and $q:=2q_0$. It is well known that the
Suzuki-Tits ovoid $\mathcal O$ can be represented in $\mathbb P^4(\mathbb F_q)$ as
\mathcal O=\{(1:a:b:f(a,b):af(a,b)+b^2): a, b \in \mathbb F_q\}\cup\{(0:0:0:0:0:1)\},
where $f(a,b):=a^{2q_0+1}+b^{2q_0}$ (see \cite{tits}, \cite[p.3]{pent})
Let $X$ be the Deligne-Lusztig curve associated to $Sz(q)$ and
$\mathcal D=|(q+2q_0+1)P_0|$, $P_0\in X(\mathbb F_q)$ (see \S\ref{3}). By the Remark
(item 3) in \S\ref{3},
we can associate to $\mathcal D$ a morphism $\pi=(1:x:y:z:w)$ whose coordinates
satisfy ${\rm div}_{\infty}(x)=qP_0$, ${\rm div}_{\infty}(y)=(q+q_0)P_0$, ${\rm div}_{\infty}(z)=(q+2q_0)P_0$ and
${\rm div}_{\infty}(w)=q+2q_0+1$.
\begin{claim*} (A. Cossidente)\quad
$\mathcal O=\pi(X(\mathbb F_q))$.
\begin{proof} We have $\pi(P_0)=(0:0:0:0:1)$; we can choose
$x$ and $y$ satisfying \newline $y^q-y=x^{q_0}(x^q-x)$,
$z:= x^{2q_0+1}+y^{2q_0}$, and $w:=
(cf. \cite[\S1.7]{hsti}). For $P\in X(\mathbb F_q)\setminus\{P_0\}$ set $a:=x(P)$,
$b:=y(P)$, and $f(a,b):= z(a,b)$. Then $w(a,b)=af(a,b)+b^2$ and we are
\begin{remark*} The morphism $\pi$ is an embedding. Indeed, since
$j_1(P)=1$ for each $P$ (cf. Remarks \S3(2)(4)), it is enough to see that
$\pi$ is injective. By (\ref{eq3.1}), the points $P$ where $\pi$ could not
be injective satisfy: $P\not\in X(\mathbb F_q)$$, {\rm Fr}_{X}^3(P)=P$ or ${\rm Fr}_{X}^2(P)=P$.
Now from the Zeta function of $X$ one sees that $\#X(\mathbb
F_{q^3})=\#X(\mathbb F_{q^2})=\#X(\mathbb F_q)$, and the remark follows.
\begin{remark*} From the claim, (\ref{eq3.1}) and \cite{he} we have
{\rm Aut}_{\bar\mathbb F_q}(X)={\rm Aut}_{\mathbb F_q}(X)\cong
\{A\in PGL(5,q): A\mathcal O=\mathcal O\}\, .
1997-09-02T15:27:01 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709001 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709001 | [
] | alg-geom/9709001 | Mikhail Zaidenberg | H. Flenner and M. Zaidenberg | Rational cuspidal plane curves of type (d, d-3) | 17 Pages. Latex | null | null | null | null | In the previous paper [E-print alg-geom/9507004] we classified the rational
cuspidal plane curves C with a cusp of multiplicity deg C - 2. In particular,
we showed that any such curve can be transformed into a line by Cremona
transformations. Here we do the same for the rational cuspidal plane curves C
with a cusp of multiplicity deg C - 3.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 1 Sep 1997 19:10:44 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 2 Sep 1997 13:29:03 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ be a rational cuspidal curve;
that is, it has only irreducible singularities (called
{\it cusps}).
We say that $C$ is of type $(d,\,m)$ if $d =$deg$\,C$
is the degree and
$m = \max_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C} \{$mult$_P C\}$ is the
maximal multiplicity
of the singular points of $C.$
Topologically, $C$ is a
2-sphere $S^2$ (non-smoothly) embedded into ${\bf P}^2.$
Due to the Poincar\'e-Lefschetz dualities, the
complement $X := {\bf P}^2 \setminus C$ to $C$ is a
${\bf Q}-$acyclic affine algebraic surface, i.e.
${\widetilde H}_*(X;\,{\bf Q})=0$ (see e.g. \cite{Ra,Fu,Za}). Furthermore,
if $C$ has at least three cusps, then $X$ is of log-general type, i.e.
${\overline k}(X)=2,$ where ${\overline k}$ stands for the
logarithmic Kodaira dimension \cite{Wa}.
In \cite{FlZa 1} we conjectured that any ${\bf Q}-$acyclic
affine algebraic surface $X$ of log-general type is
rigid in the following sense. Let $V$ be a minimal
smooth projective completion of $X$ by a simple normal
crossing (SNC for short) divisor $D.$ We say that $X$
is {\it rigid} (resp. {\it unobstructed}) if
the pair $(V,\,D)$ has no nontrivial deformations
(resp. if the infinitesimal deformations of the pair $(V,\,D)$ are
In the particular case when $X = {\bf P}^2 \setminus C$
with $C$ as above, the rigidity conjecture would imply
that the curve $C$ itself is projectively
rigid. This means that the only equisingular deformations of
$C$ in ${\bf P}^2$ are those
provided by automorphisms of ${\bf P}^2;$ in other words,
all of them are projectively equivalent to $C$ (see
\cite[sect.\ 2]{FlZa 2}). In turn,
this would imply that there is only a finite number of
non-equivalent rational cuspidal plane curves of a
given degree with at least three cusps.
Therefore, one may hope to give a classification of such curves.
In \cite{FlZa 2} we obtained a complete list of
rational cuspidal plane curves of type $(d,\,d-2)$
with at least three cusps, and showed that all of them
are projectively rigid and unobstructed.
In the theorem below we do the same for rational
cuspidal plane curves of
type $(d,\,d-3)$ with at least three cusps.
The principal numerical invariant which characterizes a
cusp up to equisingular deformation is its
multiplicity sequence. Recall that, if
V_{n+1}\to V_n\to\dots\to V_1 \to V_0 = {\bf C}^2
is a minimal resolution of an irreducible analytic
plane curve germ
$(C,\,{\overline 0})\subset ({\bf C}^2,\,{\overline 0}),$
and $(C_i,\,P_i)$ denotes the proper transform of
$(C,\,{\overline 0})$ in $V_i,$ so that $(C_0,\,P_0) =
(C,\,{\overline 0}),$ then $\underline{m}=(m^{(i)})_{i=0}^{n+1},$
$m^{(i)} = $mult$_{P_i} C_i,$ is called {\it the
multiplicity sequence} of the germ $(C,\,{\overline
0}).$ Thus, $m^{(i+1)} \le m^{(i)},\,\,\,m^{(n)} \ge 2$
and $m^{(n+1)} =1.$ A multiplicity sequence has the
following characteristic property \cite[(1.2)]{FlZa 2}:
\noindent {\it for any $i=0,\dots,n-1$ either $m^{(i)}
= m^{(i+1)},$ or there exists $k > 0$ such that $i+k
\le n,$ and}
$$m^{(i)} = m^{(i+1)} + \dots + m^{(i+k)} +
m^{(i+1)} =\dots = m^{(i+k)}\,.$$
We use the abbreviation $(m_k)$ for a (sub)sequence
$m^{(i+1)} = m^{(i+2)} = \dots =m^{(i+k)}=m.$ Thus, we
present a multiplicity sequence as
$(m^{(1)}_{k_1},\,\dots,m^{(s)}_{k_s})$ with
$m^{(i+1)} < m^{(i)};$ by abuse of notation, we assume
here that $m^{(s)} \ge 2.$
For instance, $(2)$ means an ordinary cusp, and
$(2_3)=(2,\,2,\,2,\,1)$ corresponds to a ramphoid
cusp. With this notation we can formulate our main result as
\noindent {\bf Theorem}. {\it (a) Let $C \subset
{\bf P}^2$ be a rational cuspidal plane curve of type
$(d,\,d-3),\,\,\,d\ge 6,$ with at least three cusps. Then $d = 2k +
3,$ where $k \ge 2,$ and $C$ has exactly three cusps,
of types
$(2k,\,2_k),\,\,(3_k),\,\,(2),$ respectively.
\noindent (b) For each $k \ge 1$ there exists a rational cuspidal plane
curve $C_k$ of degree $d = 2k+3$
with three cusps of types $(2k,\,2_k),$ $(3_k)$ and $(2).$
\noindent (c) Moreover, the curve $C_k$ as in (b)
is unique up to projective equivalence. It can be defined over ${\bf Q}.$ }
\noindent {\bf Remarks.} (1) A classification of irreducible plane curves
up to degree $5$ can be found e.g. in \ \cite{Nam}. In particular, there
are, up to projective equivalence, only one rational cuspidal plane quartic
with three cusps ({\it the Steiner quartic}) and only three rational
cuspidal plane quintic curves with at least three cusps. Two of them have
exactly three cusps, of types $(3),$ $(2_2),$ $(2)$ resp.
$(2_2),$ $(2_2),$ $(2_2),$ and the third one has four cusps of types
$(2_3),$ $(2),$ $(2),$ $(2)$ \ \cite[Thm. 2.3.10]{Nam}.
(2) In his construction of ${\bf Q}-$acyclic
(see e.g. \cite{tD 1,tD 2}), T. tom Dieck
found certain $(d,\,d-2)-$ and $(d,\,d-3)-$rational
cuspidal curves,
in particular, those listed in the theorem above, as
well as some
other series of rational cuspidal plane curves
(a private communication\footnote{We
are grateful to T. tom Dieck for communicating us the
list of the multiplicity sequences of the constructed
curves.}). Besides a finite number of sporadic examples,
the curves with at least
three cusps in the list of tom Dieck
are organized in three series of $(d,\,d-2)-,$
$(d,\,d-3)-$ and $(d,\,d-4)-$type, respectively.
It can be checked that all those curves are
rigid and unobstructed.
Following our methods, T.\ Fenske proved recently that
the only possible numerical data of unobstructed
rational cuspidal plane curves with at least three
cusps and of type $(d,d-4)$ are those from the list of tom Dieck.
He has also classified all
rational cuspidal plane curves of degree 6 \cite{Fe}.
It turns out that the only
examples with at least 3 cusps are those described in \cite{FlZa 2}.
(3) For a rational cuspidal plane curve $C$ of
type $(d,\,m)$ the inequality $m > d/3$ holds
\cite{MaSa}. Recently, S. Orevkov obtained
a stronger one\footnote{We are grateful to
S. Orevkov for providing us with a preliminary version
of his paper.}: If the complement
${\bf P}^2 \setminus C$ has logarithmic Kodaira dimension 2,
then $d<\alpha m+\beta,$ where $\alpha:=(3+\sqrt{5})/2=2.6180\ldots$
and $\beta :=\alpha-1/\sqrt{5}=2.1708\ldots.$
(4) It was shown in \cite{OrZa 1,OrZa 2}
that a rational cuspidal plane curve with at least ten
cusps cannot be projectively rigid.
Recall the Coolidge--Nagata Problem \cite{Co,Nag}:
\noindent {\it Which rational plane curves can be
transformed into a line by means of Cremona transformations of}
${\bf P}^2?$
\noindent It can be completed by the following question:
\noindent {\it Is this possible, in particular,
for any rational cuspidal plane curve?}
\noindent Under certain restrictions, a positive
answer was given in
\cite{Nag,MKM,MaSa,Ii 2,Ii 3}. It can be verified that the last
question has a positive answer for the rational cuspidal plane curves
of degree at most five.
In \cite{FlZa 2} we showed that any rational cuspidal
plane curve of type $(d,\,d-2)$ with at least three
cusps is rectifiable. Here we extend this
result to $(d,\,d-3)-$curves. It will turn out to be an immediate
consequence of our construction:
\noindent {\bf Corollary}. {\it Any rational cuspidal
plane curve of type $(d,\,d-3)$ with at least three
cusps is rectifiable, i.e.\ it can be
transformed into a line by means of Cremona
Let $C \subset {\bf P}^2$ be a plane curve, and let $V \to
{\bf P}^2$ be the minimal embedded resolution of
singularities of $C,$ so that the reduced total
transform $D$ of $C$ in $V$ is an SNC--divisor. By
\cite{FlZa 1}, the
cohomology groups $H^i(\Theta_V\langle \,D\,\rangle)$
of the sheaf of germs of holomorphic vector fields on
$V$ tangent to $D$ control the deformations of the
pair $(V,\,D)$; more precisely,
$ H^0( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle)$ is the space
of its infinitesimal
automorphisms, $ H^1 ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \,
\rangle)$ is the space of
infinitesimal deformations and $ H^2 ( \Theta_V\langle
\, D \, \rangle)$ gives
the obstructions for extending infinitesimal
The surface $X = V \setminus D = {\bf P}^2 \setminus C$
being of log-general type, the automorphism group
Aut$X$ is finite \cite{Ii 1}, and hence
$ h^0(\Theta_V\langle \,D\, \rangle) =0.$ Thus, the
holomorphic Euler characteristic of the sheaf
$\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle$ is
$$\chi ( \Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle) =
h^2(\Theta_V\langle \,D\,\rangle) -
h^1(\Theta_V\langle \,D\,\rangle).$$
\noindent {\bf Lemma 1.1.} {\it If $C$ is a rational
cuspidal plane curve of type $(d,\,d-3)$ with at least
three cusps, then $h^2(\Theta_V\langle
\,D\,\rangle) = 0,$ that is, $C$ is
unobstructed\footnote{i.e.\ as a plane curve, it has
unobstructed equisingular infinitesimal deformations.}, and so
$\chi=\chi(\Theta_V\langle \,D\,\rangle) \le 0.$ }
\noindent {\it Proof.} Projecting from the cusp of
multiplicity $d-3$
yields a fibration $V \to {\bf P}^1,$ which is three--sheeted
when restricted to
the proper transform
of $C.$ Now \cite[(6.3)]{FlZa 1} shows that
$h^2(\Theta_V\langle \, D \,\rangle) = 0.$
Since ${\overline k}(V \setminus D) = 2,$ we also have
$h^0(\Theta_V\langle \, D \,\rangle) = 0.$ Hence
$\chi=-h^1(\Theta_V\langle \, D \,\rangle) \le 0.$
\hfill $\Box$
The next proposition proves part (a) of our main theorem.
\noindent {\bf Proposition 1.1.} {\it The only
possible rational cuspidal plane curves
$C$ of degree $d \ge 6$ with a singular point $Q$ of
multiplicity $d-3$ and at
least three cusps
are those of degree $d = 2k+3,\,\,k=1,\dots,$
with three cusps of types $(2k,\,2_k),$ $(3_k)$ and
$(2).$ Furthermore, these curves are projectively
\noindent {\it Proof.}
By \cite[(2.5)]{FlZa 2} and Lemma 1.1 above, we have:
$$\chi=-3(d-3) + \sum_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C} \chi_P \le
$$\chi_P := \eta_P+\omega_P -1\,,$$ and where, for a
singular point $P \in C$
with the multiplicity sequence
\eta_P = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{k_P}
\omega_P = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k_P} (\lceil{m^{(i-1)}
\over m^{(i)}} \rceil - 1)\,
(for $a \in {\bf R},\,\,\lceil {a} \rceil$ denotes the
smallest integer $\ge a$).
Observe that, by the Bezout theorem, $m_P^{(0)} +
m_P^{(1)} \le d$ and
$m_P^{(0)} + m_Q^{(0)} \le d.$ Thus
\mbox{for} \quad P\neq Q
\quad\mbox{we have}\quad
m_P^{(0)} \le 3;\quad
\mbox{moreover we have} \quad m_Q^{(1)} \le 2,
since otherwise the tangent line $T_Q C$
would have the only point $Q$ in common with $C,$ and
so, $C \setminus T_Q C$
would be an affine rational cuspidal plane curve with one
point at infinity and with two cusps.
But by the Lin-Zaidenberg Theorem \cite{LiZa},
up to biregular automorphisms
of the affine plane ${\bf C}^2,$ the
only irreducible simply connected affine plane
curves are the curves
$\Gamma_{k,\,l} = \{x^k - y^l = 0\},$ where $1 \le k
\le l,$ and $(k,\,l) = 1.$ Hence, such a curve cannot have two
cusps. Using the above restriction and the characteristic
property of a multiplicity sequence cited above we obtain the
following possibilities for the multiplicity sequence $\underline{m}_P$ at
a singular point $P$:
\underline{m}_Q=(d-3)\mbox{ or }(d-3,2),\\[2pt]
\underline{m}_P=(2_a) \mbox{ or } (3_a)\mbox{ or }(3_a,2)\quad
\mbox{for } P\ne Q .
For different possible types of cusps of $C$ we have:
\noindent (a) If $Q \in $\,Sing$\,C$ has the
multiplicity sequence $(d-3),$
\eta_Q = d-4,\quad\omega_Q = d-4\quad\mbox{
and so}\quad\chi_Q = 2d-9.
\noindent (b) If $Q \in $\,Sing$\,C$ has the
multiplicity sequence $(d-3,\,2_a)$ then, by the same
characteristic property \cite[(1.2)]{FlZa 2},
\quad \mbox{either}\quad d-3\le 2a \quad\mbox{is even or}
\quad d-3 = 2a+1.\leqno (*)
In any case
\eta_Q = d-4 + a,\quad\omega_Q =
\lceil{d-3\over 2} \rceil\quad\mbox{and so}\quad\chi_Q = d-5 + a +
\lceil{d-3\over 2} \rceil.
\noindent (c) If $P \in $\,Sing$\,C$ has the
multiplicity sequence $(2_a),$
\eta_P = a,\quad\omega_P =
\mbox{and so}\quad\chi_P = a.
\noindent (d) If $P \in $\,Sing$\,C$ has the
multiplicity sequence $(3_a),$
\eta_P = 2a,\quad\omega_P = 2 \quad\mbox{and so}\quad\chi_P =2a+1.
\noindent (e) If $P \in $\,Sing$\,C$ has the
multiplicity sequence $(3_a,\,2),$ then
\eta_P =2a+1,\quad\omega_P =2\quad\mbox{and so}\quad\chi_P =2a+2.
Furthermore, since $C$ rational, by the genus formula,
we have
{d-1 \choose 2} = \sum_{P \in {\rm Sing}\,C}\delta_P
\delta_P:= \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k_P} {m_P^{(i)}\choose 2}\,.
Since $m_Q^{(0)} = d-3,$ we get
{d-1 \choose 2} = {d-3 \choose 2} + \sum_{(P,\,i)
\neq (Q,\,0)} {m_P^{(i)} \choose 2}\,,
or, equivalently,
2d-5 = \sum_{(P,\,i) \neq (Q,\,0)}
{m_P^{(i)}(m_P^{(i)}-1)\over 2}\,.\eqno{(R_3)}
At last, consider the projection $\pi_Q\,:\,C \to
{\bf P}^1$ from the point $Q.$ By the Riemann-Hurwitz
Formula, it has at most four branching points.
This gives the restriction (see \cite[(3.1)]{FlZa 2})
$$m^{(1)}_Q - 1 + \sum\limits_{P\neq Q} (m^{(0)}_P -
1) \le 4\,. \eqno{(R_4)}$$
Thus, if the curve $C$ has the numerical data
then $k+2(l+m) \le 4.$ Hence, either $l+m=0$ and $3\le
k \le 4,$ or
$l+m=1$ and $k= 2,$ or $l+m=2$ and $k =0.$
Taking into account the above restrictions $(R_2) -
(R_4)$ and $(*)$ from (b), the list of all possible data of
rational cuspidal plane curves
$C$ of degree $d\ge 6$ with a point of multiplicity
$d-3$ and at least $3$ cusps is as follows, where $a,\,b,\,c,\,e > 0$:
\quad \mbox{where} \quad a+b = 2d-5
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(2_a),\,\,\,(3_b)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad a+3b = 2d-5 \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a),\,\,\,(3_b)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad 3a+3b = 2d-5 \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a,\,2),\,\,\,(2_b)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad 3a+b = 2d-6 \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a,\,2),\,\,\,(3_b)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad 3a+3b = 2d-6 \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a,\,2),\,\,\,(3_b,\,2)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad 3a+3b = 2d-7 \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3,\,2_a),\,\,\,(2_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad a+b+c =
2d-5\mbox{ and } (*)\mbox{ holds}\end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3,\,2_a),\,\,\,(3_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad a+3b +c=
2d-5\mbox{ and } (*)\mbox{ holds} \end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3,\,2_a),\,\,\,(3_b,\,2),\,\,\,(2_c)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad a+3b +c=
2d-6\mbox{ and } (*)\mbox{ holds}\end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(2_a),\,\,\,(2_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad
a+b +c= 2d-5\end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a),\,\,\,(2_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad 3a+b +c= 2d-5\end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a,\,2),\,\,\,(2_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]
\quad \mbox{where} \quad 3a+b +c= 2d-6\end{equation}
\begin{equation} [(d-3,\,2_a),\,\,\,(2_b),\,\,\,(2_c),\,\,\,(2_e)]
\quad \mbox{where}\quad a+b +c+e=
2d-5\mbox{ and } (*)\mbox{ holds}\end{equation}
\quad \mbox{where} \quad a+b +c+e= 2d-5.\end{equation}
We will examine case by case, computing $\chi=\chi (
\Theta_V\langle \, D \, \rangle).$ The genus formula
and the restriction $(R_1)$ $\chi\le 0$
provided by Lemma 1.1 will allow
to eliminate all the cases but one, namely, a subcase
of (8).
\noindent Case (1):
$[(d-3),\,\,\,(2_a),\,\,\,(2_b)]$ where $a+b =
By $(R_1),$ we have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+(2d-9) + (a + b) = d-5 \le 0,$ a
\noindent Case (2): $[(d-3),\,\,\,(3_b),\,\,\,(2_a)]$
where $a+3b = 2d-5.$
We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+(2d-9) + (a + 2b +1) = d-4-b \le 0,$
i.e.\ $b \ge d-4.$
On the other hand, $2d -5= a + 3b \ge 3b + 1,$ whence
$b \le {2\over 3}d - 2.$ Therefore, $d - 4 \le {2\over
3}d - 2,$ i.e.\ $d \le 6.$ In the case $d = 6$ the only
possibility would be $[(3),\,\,(2),\,\,(3_2)].$
Projecting from the cusp with the multiplicity
sequence $(3_2),$ we get a
contradiction to the Hurwitz formula (see ($R_4$)).
\noindent Case (3):
$[(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a),\,\,\,(3_b)]$ where $ 3a+3b =
We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+(2d-9) + (2a +1 + 2b + 1) = {d-4 \over
3} \le 0,$ i.e.\
$d \le 4,$ and we are done.
\noindent Case (4):
$[(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a,\,2),\,\,\,(2_b)]$ where $3a+b =
We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+(2d-9) + (2a +2 + b) = d - 4 - a \le
0,$ i.e.\ $a \ge d-4.$
But $2d-6 = 3a + b \ge 3a + 1,$ whence $a \le {2\over
3}d - {7\over 3},$
and thus $d - 4 \le {2\over 3}d - {7\over 3},$ or $d
\le 5,$ a contradiction.
\noindent Case (5):
where $3a+3b = 2d-6.$
We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+(2d-9) + (2a +2 + 2b+1) = {d\over 3} -
1 \le 0,$ i.e.\ $d\le 3,$
which is impossible.
\noindent Case (6):
$[(d-3),\,\,\,(3_a,\,2),\,\,\,(3_b,\,2)]$ where
$3a+3b = 2d-7.$ We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+(2d-9) + (2a + 2b+4)= {d\over 3} -
{2\over 3} \le 0,$ which is impossible.
\noindent Case (7):
$[(d-3,\,2_a),\,\,\,(2_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]$ where $a+b+c
= 2d-5$ and $(*)$ holds. We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+ (d-5 +a +\lceil{d-3
\over 2} \rceil) + (b+c) = \lceil{d-3
\over 2} \rceil - 1 \le 0,$ or $d \le 5,$ and we are
\noindent Case (8):
$[(d-3,\,2_a),\,\,\,(3_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]$ where $a+3b
+c= 2d-5$ and $(*)$ holds. We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+ (d-5 +a +\lceil{d-3\over 2} \rceil) +
(2b+1 +c) = \lceil{d-3
\over 2} \rceil - b \le 0,$ i.e.\ $b \ge \lceil{d-3
\over 2} \rceil.$
If $d-3$ is odd, then we get $2d-5 = a + 3b + c \ge 3b
+ 1 + {d-4 \over 2},$
as $a = {d-4 \over 2}$ by $(*).$ Hence, $b \le {d\over
2} - {4\over 3}.$
This leads to $ \lceil{d-3
\over 2} \rceil = {d-2 \over 2}\le {d\over 2} -
{4\over3},$ which is a contradiction.
If $d-3$ is even, then by $(*)$ we get $2d-5= a + 3b
+ c \ge 3b + 1 + {d-3 \over 2},$ hence
$b \le {d\over 2} - {3\over 2}.$ Thus, $\lceil{d-3
\over 2} \rceil =
{d-3 \over 2} \le b \le {d - 3 \over 2},$ which is only
possible if
$c = 1,\,\,a=b={d-3 \over 2}.$ With $k:= {d - 3
\over 2}$ we obtain that
$d = 2k+3,\,\,a=b=k$ and $c = 1;$ that is, $C$ is as
in the proposition.
Observe that in this case $\chi = 0,$ and so
$h^1(\Theta_V\langle \, D \,\rangle) = 0.$ Together with Lemma 1.1
this proves that the corresponding curve $C$ is projectively rigid
and unobstructed (see [FZ 2, Sect. 2]).
\noindent Case (9):
$[(d-3,\,2_a),\,\,\,(3_b,\,2),\,\,\,(2_c)]$ where
$a+3b +c= 2d-6$ and $(*)$ holds. We have
$\chi = (-3d+9)+ (d-5 +a +\lceil{d-3\over 2} \rceil) +
(2b+2 +c) =
\lceil{d-3 \over 2} \rceil - b \le 0,$ which gives $b
\ge \lceil{d-3
\over 2} \rceil.$
If $d-3$ is odd, then we get $2d-6 = a + 3b + c \ge 3b
+ 1 + {d-4 \over 2},$
as $a = {d-4 \over 2}$ by $(*).$ Thus, $b \le {d\over
2} - {5\over 3},$ and so
we have ${d-2\over 2}\le {d\over 2} - {5\over 3},$
which is a contradiction.
If $d-3$ is even, then we get $2d-6 = a + 3b + c \ge
3b + 1 + {d-3\over 2}.$ Hence, $b \le {d\over 2} -
{11\over 6}.$ This yields
${d-3\over 2}\le {d\over 2} - {11\over 6},$ which
again gives a contradiction.
\noindent Case (10):
$[(d-3),\,\,\,(2_a),\,\,\,(2_b),\,\,\,(2_c)]$ where
$a+b +c= 2d-5.$ We have $\chi = (-3d+9)+(2d-9) +(a +b
+c) = d-5 \le 0,$ and we are done.
\noindent Case (11) resp. (12), (13), (14) can be
ruled out by the same computations as in case (2)
resp. (4), (7), (10).
This completes the proof of Proposition 1.1.
\hfill $\Box$
For the proof of part (b) and (c) the main theorem we need the
following facts.
\noindent {\bf Lemma 1.2.} {\it
Let $(C,\,{\overline 0}),\ (D,\,{\overline 0})\subseteq({\bf C}^2,\,{\overline 0})$ be two curve
singularities which
have no component in common. Then the following hold.
\noindent (a) $(CD)_{\overline 0}=\sum_P\mathop{\rm mult}\nolimits_PC \mathop{\rm mult}\nolimits_PD,$ where the sum is
taken over ${\overline 0}$ and all its infinitesimally near points.
\noindent (b) Assume that $(D,\,{\overline 0})$ is a smooth germ and $(C,\,{\overline 0}=
is a cusp with
the multiplicity sequence $\underline{m}=(m^{(0)},\ldots, m^{(n)}).$ Then
$(CD)_{\overline 0}=
m^{(0)}+\ldots+ m^{(s)}$ for some $s\ge 0,$ where $m^{(0)}=\ldots=
\noindent (c) Let $\pi:X\to {\bf C}^2$ be the blow up at ${\overline 0}.$ Denote by
$E\subseteq X$ the exceptional curve, and by $C'$ the proper
transform of $C.$ Then}
\mathop{\rm mult}\nolimits_{\overline 0}C=\sum_{P\in E}(EC')_P.
\noindent {\it Proof.} The statements (a) and (c) are well known
(see e.g.\ [Co]), whereas (b) is shown in
[FlZa 2, (1.4)]. \hfill $\Box$
The next result proves part (b) and (c) of the main theorem as well as
the corollary from the introduction.
\noindent {\bf Proposition 1.2.} \it (a) For each $k \ge
1$ there exists a rational cuspidal plane curve $C_k$ of degree $d = 2k+3$
with three cusps $Q_k,\ P_k,\ R_k$ of types $(2k,\,2_k),$ $(3_k)$ and
$(2),$ respectively.
(b) $C_k$ is unique up to a projective
transformation of the plane.
(c) $C_k$ is defined over ${\bf Q}$.
(d) $C_k$ is rectifiable.
\noindent {\it Proof.} We proceed by induction on $k.$
Namely, given a curve $C_k$ as in (a), we find a Cremona transformation
$\psi_k\,:\,{\bf P}^2\to{\bf P}^2$ such that the proper transform
$C_{k+1}=\psi_k(C_k)$ of $C_k$ under $\psi_k$ is a cuspidal curve of
$2k+5$ with three cusps of type
$(2k+2,\,2_{k+1}),\,\, (3_{k+1}),\,\, (2).$ Hence the existence
follows. This construction will also show that (b)--(d) hold.
We start with the rational cuspidal cubic $C_0\subseteq{\bf P}^2$
given by the equation $x^2z=y^3.$ Observe that $C_0$ is rectifiable.
It has a simple cusp at $R_0:=(0:0:1)$ and the only inflectional
tangent line $\ell_0$ at $P_0:=(1:0:0);$ that is,
$\ell_0\cdot C_0=3P_0.$
Fix an arbitrary point\footnote{Observe that the projective
transformation group
$(x : y : z) \longmapsto (t^3x : t^2y : t^6z),\,\,\,t \in {\bf C}^*,$ acts
transitively in $C_0 \setminus \{P_0,\,R_0\}.$ } $Q_0\in C_0 \setminus
\{P_0,\,R_0\}.$ Let $t_0$ be the tangent line to $C_0$ at $Q_0;$ then
we have $t_0\cdot C_0=2Q_0 + S_0,$ where, as it is easily seen, $S_0 \in C=
is different from $P_0,\,Q_0$ and $R_0.$ Let $Q_0^*$ denote the
intersection point
$l_0 \cap t_0;$ clearly, $Q_0^* \notin C_0.$
Let, for a given $k > 0,$ $C_k$ denotes a curve with the cusps
$Q_k,\ P_k,\ R_k$ as in the proposition, and let
$C_0$ be the rational cubic with the distinguished points
$Q_0,\ P_0,\ R_0, \ S_0$ as described above. For $k>0$ let
$t_k$ be the tangent line of $C_k$ at $Q_k,$ and $\ell_k$ be the
line $\overline{P_kQ_k},$ whereas for $k=0$ we choose $t_0$
and $\ell_0$ as above. In any case, using Bezout's Theorem and Lemma
1.2, we have
\ell_k\cdot C_k=(d-3)Q_k + 3P_k,\quad\mbox{and}\quad
t_k\cdot C_k=(d-1)Q_k + S_k\,,
where $S_k \in C_k$ is different from $P_k,\,Q_k$ and $R_k.$
Indeed, the line $t_k$ intersects $C_k$ at the point $Q_k$ with multiplicity
$d-1$ if $k>1$ (see Lemma 1.2 (b)) or $k=0.$ To show that this is
also true for $k=1,$
assume that $t_1$ and $C_1$ only intersect in $Q_1$ with
$(t_1C_1)_{Q_1}=d=5.$ The linear projection from $Q_1$
yields a 3-sheeted covering of the normalization of
$C_1$ onto ${\bf P}^1.$ By the Riemann-Hurwitz formula, it must have four
ramification points. But since $(t_1C_1)_{Q_1}=d=5,$ the point $Q_1$
would be a ramification point of index $\ge 2$ (see Lemma 1.2(a)),
and so we would have three
ramification points $Q_1,\, P_1,\, R_1$ of indices
$2,\, 2,\, 1,$ respectively, which is a contradiction.
Hence, for any $k\ge 0$ there is exactly one
further intersection point $S_k\in C_k\cap t_k$ with
Let $\sigma_k\,:\,X_k\to{\bf P}^2$ be the blow up at the point
$t_k\cap\ell_k,$ which is $Q_k$ for $k>0$ and $Q_k^*$ for $k=0.$
Denote by $C'_k,$ $\ell_k',$
$t_k'$ the proper transforms in $X_k$ of the curves $C_k,$ $\ell_k,$ $t_k,$
respectively. Then $X_k\simeq \Sigma_1$ is a Hirzebruch surface with a
ruling $\pi_k\,:\,X_k \to {\bf P}^1$ given by
the pencil of lines through $Q_k$ resp.\ $Q_0^*,$ and with the exceptional
section $E_k = \sigma_k^{-1}(Q_k),\,k>0,$ resp.
$E_0 = \sigma_0^{-1}(Q_0^*),$ where $E_k^2 = -1.$ Thus, $\ell_k',$ $t_k=
are fibres of this ruling. By construction, the restriction
$\pi_k\,|\,C_k'\,:\,C_k' \to {\bf P}^1$ is 3-sheeted, and we have
\ell_k'\cdot C_k'=3P_k',\quad t_k'\cdot C_k'=2Q_k' + S_k',
\quad\mbox{and}\quad E_k'\cdot C_k'=(d-3)Q_k' = 2kQ_k'\,,
where $P_k',\,Q_k',\,R_k'$ and $S_k'$ are the points of $C_k'$
infinitesimally near to $P_k,\,Q_k,\,R_k$ and $S_k \in C_k,$ respectively
(indeed, by Lemma 1.2(c), we have $(E_k'C_k')_{Q_k'} =
$mult$_{Q_k^*}C_k = d-3,$ where for $k > 0$ we set $Q_k^* = Q_k$).
for $k > 0$ $P_k',\,Q_k'$ and $R_k'$ are cusps of $C_k'$ of types
$(3_k),\,\,(2_k)$ and $(2),$ respectively, whereas $S_k'$ is a smooth point.
Next we perform two elementary transformations\footnote{Recall that an
elementary transformation of a ruled surface consists in blowing up at a
point of a given irreducible fibre followed by the contraction of the
transform of this fibre.} of $X_k,$ one at the
point $S_k'$ and the other one at the intersection point $T_k':=\{E_k\cap
\ell_k'\}.$ We arrive at a new Hirzebruch surface $X_{k+1}\simeq\Sigma_1,$
with the exceptional section
$E_{k+1}$ being the proper transform of $E_k$ (indeed, since we perform
elementary transformations at the points $S_k \notin E_k$ and $T_k' \in E_k,=
we have $E_{k+1}^2=E_k^2=-1$). Denote by $C_{k+1}'$ the
proper transform of
$C_k',$ and by $t_{k+1}',$ $\ell_{k+1}'$ the fibres of the ruling
$\pi_{k+1}\,:\,X_{k+1}\to {\bf P}^1$ which replace $t_k'$ resp.\ $\ell_k'.$
Using formal properties
of the blowing up/down process we obtain, once again, the relations
\ell_{k+1}'\cdot C_{k+1}'=3P_{k+1}',\quad t_{k+1}'\cdot C_{k+1}'=2Q_{k+1=
+ S_{k+1}',
\quad\mbox{and}\quad E_{k+1}'\cdot C_{k+1}'= 2(k+1)Q_{k+1}'\,,
where $P_{k+1}',\,Q_{k+1}',\,R_{k+1}'$ and $S_{k+1}'$ are the points of
$C_{k+1}'$ infinitesimally near to $P_k',\,Q_k',\,R_k'$ and $S_k' \in
C_k',$ respectively. It is easily seen that $P_{k+1}'$ resp.
are cusps of $C_{k+1}'$ of types
$(3_{k+1}),\,\,(2_{k+1})$ and $(2),$ respectively, whereas $S_{k+1}'$ is a
smooth point.
Blowing down the exceptional curve $E_{k+1}' \subset X_{k+1}$
we arrive again at ${\bf P}^2.$ Denote the images of $C_{k+1}',.$$ Q_{k+1}',$
$P_{k+1}',.$$ R_{k+1}'$ resp. by $C_{k+1},\ Q_{k+1},$
$P_{k+1},$ $R_{k+1}.$ We have constructed a rational cuspidal plane curve
$C_{k+1}$ which has
cusps at $Q_{k+1},\ P_{k+1},\ R_{k+1}$ with multiplicity sequences
$(2(k+1),\, 2_{k+1}),\,\, (3_{k+1}),\,\, (2),$ respectively (see Lemma
1.2(c)). This completes the proof of existence.
Note that the birational transformation
$\psi_k:{\bf P}^2\to{\bf P}^2$, by which we obtained $C_{k+1}=\psi_k(C_k)$
from $C_k$, is just the Cremona transformation in the points $S_k$,
$Q_k$ and the intersection point $E_k\cap \ell_k'$, which is
infinitesimally near to
$Q_k$. This transformation only depends upon $Q_k$, $S_k$ and the line
$\ell_k;$ we denote it by
$\psi(S_k,Q_k,\ell_k):=\psi_k.$ The inverse $\psi_k^{-1}$ is the
transformation $\varphi_k=\psi(P_{k+1}, Q_{k+1},t_{k+1})$. Therefore, the
curve $C_k$ is always transformable into the cuspidal cubic, and thus also
into a line, by means of Cremona transformations, proving (d). In order
to show (c) we note that, moreover, so constructed $C_k,$ as well
as $P_k$, $Q_k$, $R_k$ and $S_k,$ are defined over ${\bf Q},$ as follows by an
easy induction.
Finally, let us show that the curve $C_k$ is uniquely determined up
to a projective transformation of the plane. We will again proceed by
induction on $k$. Clearly, the cuspidal cubic is uniquely determined up
to a projective transformation. Assume that uniqueness is shown for the
curve $C_k$, and consider two curves $C_{k+1}$,
$\tilde C_{k+1}$ as in (a). Let $P_{k+1}\in C_{k+1}$,
$Q_{k+1}\in C_{k+1}$ and the tangent line $t_{k+1}$ of $C_{k+1}$ at
$Q_{k+1}$ be as above; denote the corresponding data for $\tilde
C_{k+1}$ by $\tilde P_{k+1},$ $\tilde Q_{k+1}$ and $\tilde t_{k+1}.$
Consider the Cremona transformations $\varphi_k:=\psi(P_{k+1},
Q_{k+1},t_{k+1})$ and
$\tilde \varphi_k:=\psi(\tilde P_{k+1}, \tilde Q_{k+1},\tilde t_{k+1}),$
and also the proper transforms $C_k:=\varphi_k(C_{k+1})$ and $\tilde
C_k:=\tilde \varphi_k(\tilde C_{k+1})$. Reversing the above arguments it i=
easily seen that the both curves $C_k,\,\tilde C_k$ are as in (a).
By the induction hypothesis, they differ by a projective transformation
$f:{\bf P}^2\to{\bf P}^2,$ i.e.\ $f(C_k)=\tilde C_k$. For $k>0$ the points
$Q_k\in C_k$, $S_k\in C_k$ and the line $\ell_k$ are intrinsically
defined by the curve $C_k,$ and so, $f$ maps these data onto the
corresponding data $\tilde Q_k$, $\tilde S_k$ and $\tilde \ell_k$ for the
curve $\tilde C_k$. Moreover, in the case $k=0$ it is easily seen
that one can choose
$f$ in such a way that $f(Q_0)=\tilde Q_0$. Then again
$f(S_k)=f(\tilde S_k)$ and $f(\ell_k)=\tilde\ell_k$. Hence, the map
$f$ is compatible with the Cremona transformations
$\varphi_k^{-1}=\psi(S_k,Q_k,\ell_k)$ and $\tilde \varphi_k^{-1}=
\psi(\tilde S_k,\tilde Q_k,\tilde \ell_k)$, i.e.\ there is a linear
transformation $g$ of ${\bf P}^2$
such that $\varphi_k\circ g=f\circ \tilde \varphi_k$. Clearly, $g$
transforms $C_{k+1}$ into $\tilde C_{k+1}$.
\hfill $\Box$
\noindent {\bf Remarks.} (1) By the same approach
as in the proof of Proposition 1.2,
it is possible to show the existence and uniqueness of the
rational cuspidal curves of type $(d,d-2)$ with at least three cusps,
which was done by a different method in [FlZa 2]. By the result of
loc.cit\ such a curve $C$ has exactly three cusps, say $Q,$ $P,$ $R,$
with the multiplicity sequences $(d-2),$ $(2_a),$ $(2_b),$ respectively,
where $a+b=d-2.$ Set $\ell_P:=\overline{QP},$ $\ell_R:=\overline{QR}.$ and
denote by $t_Q$ the tangent line at $Q.$ By Bezout's Theorem,
$t_Q$ intersects $C$ in one further point $S$ different from $Q.$
Performing the Cremona transformation $\psi(S,Q,\ell_P)$ to the
curve $C,$ we obtain a curve of degree
$d+1$ with the multiplicity sequences $(d-1),$ $(2_{a+1}),$ $(2_b)$ at
the cusps. Similarly, under the Cremona transformation
$\psi(P,Q,\ell_R)$ the curve $C$ is transformed into a cuspidal
curve of the same degree
$d$ with the multiplicity sequences $(d-2),$ $(2_{a+1}),$
$(2_{b-1}).$ Thus, starting from the rational cuspidal quartic
with three cusps, we can construct all such curves. It follows from
this construction that these curves are rectifiable.
(2) Using the above arguments, it is also possible to classify the
rational cuspidal curves of degree five with at least three cusps, which
was done by M. Namba by a different method, see \cite[Thm.2.3.10]{Nam}.
Indeed, if the largest multiplicity of a cusp is $3,$
then projecting $C$ from this point, say $Q,$ gives a two-sheeted covering
$C \to {\bf P}^1$ with two ramification points. Hence, in this case $C$ has
cusps, with multiplicity sequences $(3)$ (at $Q$), $(2_2),\,\,(2),$
If all the cusps are of multiplicity $2,$ then $C$ has singular points
$P,Q,R,\ldots$ with multiplicity sequences $(2_p),$ $(2_q),$
$(2_r),\ldots,$ where $p+q+r+\ldots=6.$ We may assume that
$p\ge q\ge r\ldots.$ Projecting from $P$ gives a three-sheeted covering $C
\to {\bf P}^1$ with four ramification points. Hence, $C$ has at most
four cusps. The possibilities are as follows:
(1) $C$ has 3 cusps of type $P=(2_2),$ $Q=(2_2),$ $R=(2_2).$
(2) $C$ has 3 cusps of type $P=(2_4),$ $Q=(2),$ $R=(2).$
(3) $C$ has 3 cusps of type $P=(2_3),$ $Q=(2_2),$ $R=(2).$
(4) $C$ has 4 cusps of type $P=(2_3),$ $Q=(2),$ $R=(2),$ $S=(2).$
(5) $C$ has 4 cusps of type $P=(2_2),$ $Q=(2_2),$ $R=(2),$ $S=(2).$
Curves as in (1) and (4) do exist and can be constructed by Cremona
transformations. The other cases are not possible, as can be seen by
the following arguments.
(5) can be excluded since
the dual curve would be a cubic with two cusps, which is impossible.
To exclude (3), denote by $t_P$ the tangent line of $C$ at $P.$ By the
Cremona transformation $\psi:= \psi(Q,P,t_P)$ a curve $C$ as in (3)
is transformed into a quartic $C'$ with three simple cusps
$P'$, $Q'$, $R'.$ It can be seen that there is a tangent line at a smooth
point $S'$ of $C'$ passing through one of the cusps, say $Q'.$ Projecting
from $Q'$
gives a two-sheeted covering $C' \to {\bf P}^1$ with three ramification points,
namely $P',$ $R'$ and $S'.$ This contradicts the Hurwitz formula.
In the case (2), consider
the blow up at $P,$ and perform an elementary transformation at
the point of the proper transform of $C$ over $P.$ Then the image of $P$
will be a point with the multiplicity sequence $(2_2).$
Performing at this point another elementary transformation and blowing
down to ${\bf P}^2,$ we arrive at the same configuration as above. Hence,
also (2) is impossible. (This last transformation may also be considered
as a Cremona transformation, namely in the points $P$, $P'$ and $P'',$
where $P'$ is infinitesimally near to $P$ and $P''$ is infinitesimally
near to $P'.$)
Similarly, using Cremona transformations for the cases 1 and 4, one
can construct these curves and show that they are rectifiable and
projectively unique. It is also possible to treat in the same way the
rational cuspidal quintics with one or two cusps.
Finally, we give an alternative proof for the existence and uniqueness
statements of Proposition 1.2. It provides a way of computing an
explicit parameterization for these curves.
\noindent {\it Alternative proof of Proposition 1.2 (a)-(c). } For $k=1$
the result is known (see e.g.
\cite{Nam}). Let $C_k\,\,(k > 1)$ be a rational cuspidal plane curve of
degree $d = 2k+3$ with three cusps $P,\,Q,\,R$ of types $(3_k),$
$(2k,\,2_k)$ and $(2),$ respectively. Since, by Bezout's Theorem, they are
not at the same line, we may chose them as
$Q\,(0:0:1),\,P\,(0:1:0),\,R\,(1:0:0).$ We may also chose a parameterizatio=
${\bf P}^1 \to C_k$ of $C_k$ such that
$(0:1) \mapsto Q,\,(1:0) \mapsto P,\,(1:1) \mapsto R.$ Then, up to
constant factors, this parameterization can be written as
$$(x,\,y,\,z) =
where $q_k \in {\bf C} [s,\,t]$ is a homogeneous polynomial of degree $2k-2.$
Let $\Gamma$ denotes a curve parameterized as above (with $q$ instead of
$q_k$). It is enough to prove the following
\noindent {\bf Claim.} {\it There exists unique polynomials $as+bt$ and $q$
with rational coefficients, where $q(1,\,0) = 1,$
such that the multiplicity sequences of $\Gamma$ at the points $P,\,Q,\,R \in \Gamma=
start, respectively, with $(3_k),\,(2k,\,2_k)$ and $(2)$}.
Indeed, if this is the case, then, by the genus formula,
these multiplicity sequences actually coincide resp. with
$(3_k),\,(2k,\,2_k)$ and $(2),$ and so,
$C_k = \Gamma$ up to projective equivalence. This will prove the existence of
the curves $C_k$ defined over ${\bf Q}$ for all $k > 1,$ as well as
their uniqueness, up to projective equivalence.
\noindent {\it Proof of the claim.}
It is easily seen that, after blowing up at $Q,$ the infinitesimally near
point $Q'$ to $Q$ at the proper transform $\Gamma'$ of $\Gamma$ will be a singular
point of multiplicity $2$ iff
$as+bt = 2s+t.$ By \cite[(1.2)]{FlZa 2}, under this condition
the multiplicity sequence of $\Gamma$ at $Q$ starts with $(2k,\,2_k).$
In the affine chart $(\widehat {x},\,\widehat {z}):=(x/y,\,z/y)$ centered at $P$ we have
$$\widehat {x} = {t^3 \over (s-t)^2(2s+t)},\,\,\,\,\,\,\widehat {z}={t^3q(s,\,t) \over
In the sequel we denote by the same letter $t$ the affine coordinate $t/s$
in ${\bf P}^1 \setminus \{(0:1)\}.$
Thus, in this affine chart in ${\bf P}^1$ centered at $(1:0)$ we have
$$(\widehat {x},\,\widehat {z})= \left({t^3 \over (t-1)^2(t +2)},\,\,{t^3 \over (t
+2)}\,\widehat {q}(t)\right)\,,$$
where $\widehat {q}(t) = \sum_{i=0}^{2k-2} c_it^i$ and where, by the above
assumption, $c_0 = 1.$
After blowing up at $P,$ in the affine chart with the coordinates
$(u,\,v),$ where $(\widehat {x},\,\widehat {z}) = (u,\,uv),$ we will have
$$(u,\,v) = (\widehat {x},\,\widehat {z}/\widehat {x}) = \left({t^3 \over (t-1)^2(t
+2)},\,\,\,\,\widehat {q}(t)(t-1)^2\right)\,.$$ To move the origin to the
infinitesimally near point $P' \in \Gamma'$ of $P,$
we set
$$(\widehat {u},\, \widehat {v}) = (u,\,v-1) = \left({t^3 \over (t-1)^2(t +2)},\,\,\,\,
\widehat {q}(t)(t-1)^2 - 1\right)\,.$$
The following conditions guarantee that the multiplicity of the curve $\Gamma'$ =
$P'$ is at least $3$:
$$t^3 \,\vert\,\,[\widehat {q}(t)(t-1)^2 - 1] \Longleftrightarrow$$
$$[\widehat {q}(t)(t-1)^2 - 1]'_0 = [\widehat {q}(t)(t-1)^2 - 1]''_0 =
$$\widehat {q}'(0) = 2,\,\widehat {q}''(0) = 6 \Longleftrightarrow c_1 = 2,
In the case when $k=2$ this uniquely determines the polynomial $q$:
$$q(s,\,t) = s^2 + 2st + 3t^2\,.$$ In what follows we suppose that
$k > 2.$
Assume that the conditions (15) are fulfilled. Then we have the following
coordinate presentation of $\Gamma'$:
$$(\widehat {u},\,\widehat {v}) = \left({t^3 \over (t-1)^2(t +2)},\,\,\,\,t^3h(t)\right)\,,$$
where $h(t):=[\widehat {q}(t)(t-1)^2 - 1] / t^3$ is a polynomial of
degree $2k-3,$ which satisfies the conditions
$$(t-1)^2 \,\vert\,\,[t^3h(t) + 1] \Longleftrightarrow
h(1) = -1,\,h'(1) = 3\,.\eqno{(15')}$$
Once ($15'$) are fulfilled, one can find $\widehat {q}$ as
$\widehat {q} = [t^3h(t) + 1]/(t-1)^2,$ and we have $\widehat {q} \in {\bf Q}[t]$ iff $h \in {\bf Q}[t=
Let $\xi \in {\bf C}[[t]]$ be such that
$\xi^3 = {t^3 \over (t-1)^2(t +2)}.$ By \cite[(3.4)]{FlZa 2}, the
multiplicity sequence of $\Gamma'$ at $P'$ starts with $(3)_{k-1}$ iff
$$t^3h(t) \equiv \widehat {f}(\xi^3) \,\,\,{\rm mod}\,\xi^{3(k-1)}\,,$$
where $\widehat {f} = \sum\limits_{i=0}^{k-1} \widehat {a}_ix^i \in {\bf C}[x]$ is a polynomial
of degree $ \le k-1.$
Multiplying the both sides by the unit $[(t-1)^2(t +2)]^{k-1} \in {\bf C}[[t]]$,
we will get
$$[(t-1)^2(t +2)]^{k-1}t^3h(t) \equiv [(t-1)^2(t +2)]^{k-1}
\sum\limits_{i=0}^{k-1} \widehat {a}_i\xi^{3i} \equiv \sum\limits_{i=0}^{k-1}
\widehat {a}_it^{3i}[(t-1)^2(t +2)]^{k-1-i} \,\,\,\,{\rm mod}\,t^{3(k-1)}\,.$$
Since, by our assumption, $k > 1,$ we should have $\widehat {a}_0 = 0,$ and after
dividing out the factor $t^3,$ we get
$$[(t-1)^2(t +2)]^{k-1}h(t) \equiv \sum\limits_{i=0}^{k-2}
\widehat {a}'_it^{3i}[(t-1)^2(t +2)]^{k-2-i} \,\,\,\,{\rm mod}\,t^{3(k-2)}\,,$$
where $\widehat {a}'_i = \widehat {a}_{i-1},\,\,i=1,\dots,k-2.$ In other words, we have
$$[(t-1)^2(t +2)]^{k-1}h(t) = \widehat {f}(t^{3}, \,(t-1)^2(t +2))
+ \widehat {g}(t)t^{3(k-2)}\,,$$
where $\widehat {f}(x,\,y) = \widehat {f}_k(x,\,y) := \sum_{i=0}^{k-2} \widehat {a}'_ix^iy^{k-2-i=
}$ is
a homogeneous polynomial of degree $k-2,$ and hence $\widehat {g}(t) = \widehat {g}_k(t) =
\sum_{i=0}^{2k} \widehat {b}_it^i$
should be a polynomial of degree $2k.$
Denoting $\tau = t^3$ and
$\lambda = (t-1)^2(t +2) = t^3 - 3t + 2$,
we have
$$\lambda^{k-1}h = \widehat {f}(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}\widehat {g}\,.$$ Observe that
$\widehat {f}(\tau,\,\lambda)$ (resp. $\tau^{k-2}\widehat {g}$)
contains the monomial $\widehat {a}'_0\tau^{k+2}$ (resp. $\widehat {b}_0\tau^{k+2}$).
To avoid indeterminacy, we may assume, for instance, that $\widehat {a}'_0=0.$
Then $\widehat {f} = \lambda f,$ where $f(x,\,y) := \sum_{i=0}^{k-2}
a_ix^iy^{k-3-i},\,\,\, a_i := \widehat {a}'_{i-1},\,i=0,\dots, k-3,$ and so
$$\lambda^{k-1}h = \lambda f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}\widehat {g}\,.$$
Since $(\tau,\,\lambda) = 1,$ we have $\lambda \,\vert \,\widehat {g},$ that is,
$\widehat {g} = \lambda g,$ where $g(t) := \sum_{i=0}^{2k-3} b_it^i.$
Finally, we arrive at the relation
$$\lambda^{k-2}h(t) = f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g(t)\,,$$
where deg$\,f = k-3,$ deg$\,h= $deg$\,g = 2k-3,$ and $h$ should satisfy
the conditions ($15'$). It follows that
$$\lambda^{k-2}\,\vert\,\,[f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g]\,,\eqno{(16)}$$
and $$\tau^{k-2}\,|\,\,[f(\tau,\,\lambda) -\lambda^{k-2}h]\,.\eqno{(16')}$$
Each of these conditions together with ($15'$) determines the triple of
polynomials $f,\,g,\,h$ as above in a unique way. Indeed, once
$f$ and $g$ satisfy ($15'$) and (16), we can find $h$ as
$h = [f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g]/ \lambda^{k-2}.$ Actually, (16) is
equivalent to the vanishing of derivatives of the function
$f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g \in {\bf C}[t]$
at the point $t = 1$ up to order $2k-5$ and at the point $t = -2$ up to
order $k-3.$ This yields a system of $3k-6$ linear equations in the $3k-4$
unknown coefficients of $f$ and $g$; ($15'$) provides another
two linear equations. That is, we have the following system:
\left(f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g\right)^{(m)}_{t=-2} =
$$\left(f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g\right)^{(m)}_{t=1} =
$$\left(f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g\right)^{(2k-4)}_{t=1} =
$$\left(f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g\right)^{(2k-3)}_{t=1} =
(Indeed, put $u = t-1$; in view of ($15'$) we have
$$\lambda = (t-1)^2(t+2) = u^2(u+3),\,\,\,\,h(t) = -1 + 3u + \dots\,,$$
and hence
$$f(\tau,\,\lambda) + \tau^{k-2}g(t) = \lambda^{k-2}h(t) =
[u^2(u+3)]^{k-2}h(t) =$$
$$ u^{2k-4}(3^{k-2} + (k-2)3^{k-3}u + \dots)(-1 + 3u + \dots) =
u^{2k-4}(-3^{k-2} - 3^{k-3}(k-11)u + \dots)\,.)$$
The system ($S$) has a unique solution iff it is so for the associated
homogeneous system, say, ($S_0$). Passing from ($S$) to ($S_0$) actually
corresponds to passing from $h$ to a polynomial
$h_0$ of degree $\le 2k-3$ which satisfies, instead of ($15'$),
the conditions
$$h_0(1) = h'_0(1) = 0 \Longleftrightarrow (t-1)^2 \,\vert\,\,h_0(t)
\Longleftrightarrow h_0(t) =
(t-1)^2 {\widetilde h}(t),\,\,\,{\rm deg}\,{\widetilde h} \le 2k-5\,.
\,\eqno{(15'')}\,.$$ Thus, we have to prove that the equality
$$\lambda^{k-2}(t-1)^2 {\widetilde h}(t) = f(\tau,\,\lambda) +
where $f=0$ or deg$\,f = k-3,$ deg$\,g \le 2k-3,$ and
${\rm deg}\,{\widetilde h} \le 2k-5,$
is only possible for $f=g={\widetilde h}=0.$ Or, equivalently, we have=
show that
the $5k-8$ polynomials in $t$ in the union $T$ of the three systems:
$$T_1:= \left\{\tau^i\lambda^{k-3-i}\right\}_{i=0,\dots,k-3},\,\,\,
are linearly independent. After replacing the system $T_2$ by the
equivalent one:
$$T'_2:= \left\{(t-1)^{2k-2}(t+2)^{k-2+i}\right\}_{i=0,\dots,2k-5}\,,$$
we will present these three systems as follows:
$$T_3=\left\{p_i:=t^i,\,\,\,\,i=3k-6,\dots,5k-9\right\}\,.$$ Denote
$P= $
span$\,(T_1,\,T_2,\,T_3)= $ span$\,(T_1,\,T'_2,\,T_3).$
Note that deg$\,p \le 5k-9$ for all $p \in P,$ that is, dim$\,P \le 5k-8.$
Consider the following system of $5k-8$ linear functionals on $P$:
$$\varphi_i\,:\,p \longmapsto p^{(i)}(-2),\,\,\,\,i=0,\dots,3k-7\,,$$
$$\varphi_i\,:\,p \longmapsto p^{(i)}(0),\,\,\,\,i=3k-6,\dots,5k-9\,.$$
is easily seen that the matrix
is triangular with non-zero diagonal entries. This proves that, indeed,
rang$\,T =$dim$\,P=5k-8,$ as stated.
The coefficients of the system ($S$) being integers, its unique solution is
i.e.\ the polynomials $f$ and $g$ are defined over ${\bf Q}.$ It follows as
above that the polynomials $h$ and $q$ are also defined over
${\bf Q}.$
This completes the alternative proof of Proposition 1.2. \hfill $\Box$
\noindent {\bf Remarks.} (1) In principle, the method used in the proof
allows to compute
explicitly parameterizations of the curves $C_k.$ For instance,
we saw above that
for $k=2$ a parameterization of $C_2$ is given by the choice
q_2(s,t):=s^2+2st+3t^2,\quad a:=2,\quad b:=1\,.
\noindent (2) We have to apologize for a pity mistake in Lemma 4.1(b)
[FlZa 2, Miscellaneous] (this does not affect the other results of [FlZa 2],
besides only the immediate Corollary 4.2).
1997-09-30T07:13:24 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709033 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709033 | [
] | alg-geom/9709033 | Daisuke Matsushita | Daisuke Matsushita | On fibre space structures of a projective irreducible symplectic
manifold | null | null | null | null | null | In this note, we investigate fibre space structures of a projective
irreducible symplectic manifold. We prove that an 2n-dimensional projective
irreducible symplectic manifold admits only an n-dimensional fibration over a
Fano variety which has only Q-factorial log-terminal singularities and whose
Picard number is one. Moreover we prove that a general fibre is an abelian
variety up to finite unramified cover, especially, a general fibre is an
abelian surface for 4-fold.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 30 Sep 1997 05:13:24 GMT"
] | 2016-08-30T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
We first define an {\it irreducible symplectic manifold}.
A complex manifold $X$ is called {\it irreducible symplectic}
if $X$ satisfies the following three conditions:
\item $X$ is compact and K\"{a}hler.
\item $X$ is simply connected.
\item $H^{0}(X,\Omega^{2}_{X})$ is spanned by an everywhere
non-degenerate two-from $\omega$.
Such a manifold can be considered as an unit of compact K\"{a}hler
manifold $X$ with $c_1 (X) = 0$ due to the following
Bogomolov decomposition theorem.
\begin{thm}[Bogomolov decomposition theorem \cite{bogomolov}]
A compact K\"{a}hler manifold $X$ with $c_{1}(X) = 0$ admits
a finite unramified covering of $\tilde{X}$ which is
isomorphic to a product
$T \times X_1 \times \cdots \times X_r \times A$
where $T$ is a complex torus, $X_i$ are irreducible symplectic
manifolds and $A$ is a projective manifold with
$h^{0}(A,\Omega^{p}) = 0$, $0 < p < \dim A$.
In dimension 2, $K3$ surfaces are the only irreducible symplectic
manifolds, and irreducible symplectic manifolds are considered
as higher-dimensional analogies of $K3$ surfaces.
In this note, we investigate {\it fibre space structures} of
a projective irreducible symplectic manifolds.
For an algebraic variety $X$,
a fibre space structure of $X$
is a proper surjective morphism $f : X \to S$ which satisfies
the following two conditions:
\item $X$ and $S$ are normal varieties such that $0 < \dim S < \dim X$
\item A general fibre of $f$ is connected.
Some of $K3$ surface $S$ has a fibre space structure
$f : S \to {\mathbb P}^{1}$
whose general fibre is an elliptic curve.
In higher dimensional analogy, we obtain the following results.
Let $f : X \to B$ be a fibre space structure of a
projective irreducible
symplectic $2n$-fold $X$ with
projective base $B$. Then
a general fibre $F$ of $f$ and $B$ satisfy the
following three conditions:
\item $F$ is an abelian variety
up to finite unramified cover and $K_F \sim {\cal O}_{F}$.
\item $B$ is $n$-dimensional and has only ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial
log-terminal singularities
\item $-K_B$ is ample and Picard number $\rho (B)$ is one.
Especially, if $X$ is $4$-dimensional,
a general fibre of $f$ is an abelian
{\sc Example. \quad}
Let $S$ be a $K3$ surface with an elliptic fibration
$g: S \to {\mathbb P}^{1}$ and $S^{[n]}$
a $n$-pointed Hilbert scheme of $S$. It is known that
$S^{[n]}$ is an irreducible symplectic $2n$-fold and
there exists a birational morphism
$\pi : S^{[n]} \to S^{(n)}$ where $S^{(n)}$ is the
symmetric $n$-product of $S$ (cf. \cite{beauville}).
We can consider
$n$-dimensional abelian fibration
$ g^{(n)} : S^{(n)} \to {\mathbb P}^{n}$ for the symmetric $n$-product
of $S^{(n)}$.
Then the composition morphism
$g^{(n)} \circ \pi : S^{[n]} \to {\mathbb P}^{n}$
gives an example of a fibre space structure of an
irreducible symplectic manifold.
{\sc Remark. \quad}
Markushevich obtained some result of theorem 2 in
\cite[Theorem 1, Proposition 1]{mark1}
under the assumption $\dim X = 4$ and
$f : X \to B$ is the moment map.
In general, a fibre space structure of
an irreducible symplectic manifold is
not a moment map.
Markushevich constructs in \cite[Remark 4.2]{mark2} counterexample.
{\sc Acknowledgment. \quad}
The author express his thanks to Professors Y.~Miyaoka, S.~Mori
and N.~Nakayama for their advice and encouragement. He also
thanks to Prof. D.~Huybrechts \cite{hyubrechts} for his nice survey articles
of irreducible symplectic manifolds.
\section{Proof of Theorems}
First we introduce the following theorem due to
Fujiki \cite{fujiki} and Beauville \cite{beauville}.
\begin{thm}[\cite{fujiki} Theorem 4.7, Lemma 4.11, Remark 4.12
\cite{beauville} Th\`{e}or\'{e}me 5]
Let $X$ be an irreducible symplectic $2n$-fold.
Then there
exists a nondegenerate quadratic form $q_{X}$ of
signature $(3,b_{2}(X) - 3)$ on
$H^{2}(X , {\mathbb Z})$ which satisfies
\alpha^{2n} &=& a_0 q_{X}(\alpha , \alpha)^{n} \\
c_{2i}(X)\alpha^{2n - 2i} &=& a_i q_{X}(\alpha , \alpha )^{n-i} \quad
(i \ge 1),
where $\alpha \in H^{2}(X, {\mathbb Z})$ and
$a_i$'s are constants depending on $X$.
We shall prove theorem 2 in five steps.
\item $\dim B = n$ and $B$ has only log-terminal singularities;
\item A general fibre $F$ of $f$ is an abelian variety
up to unramified finite cover and $K_F \sim {\cal O}_{F}$;
\item $\rho (B) = 1$;
\item $B$ is ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial;
\item $-K_B$ is ample.
{\sc Step 1. \quad} $\dim B = n$ and $B$ has only log-terminal
Let $X$ be
an irreducible symplectic projective $2n$-fold and
$E$ be a divisor on $X$ such that
$E^{2n} = 0$.
\item If $E.A^{2n-1} = 0$
for some ample divisor $A$, $E \equiv 0$.
\item If $E.A^{2n-1} > 0$ for an ample divisor $A$
on $X$, then
E^{m}A^{2n-m} & = 0 & (m > n) \\
& > 0 & (m \le n)
{\sc Proof of lemma. \quad}
Let $V := \{ E \in H^{2}(X , {\mathbb Z}) | E.A^{2n-1} = 0 \}$.
By \cite[Lemma 4.13]{fujiki}, $q_{X}$ is negative definite
on $W$ where $V = H^{2,0} \oplus H^{0,2} \oplus W$.
Thus, if $E.A^{2n-1} = 0$ and $E^{2n} = 0$, $E \equiv 0$.
Next we prove (2).
From Theorem \ref{quadtatic}, for every integer $t$,
(tE + A)^{2n} = a_0 (q_{X}(tE+A , tE+A))^n .
Because $E^{2n} = a_0 (q_{X}(E,E))^n = 0$,
q_{X}(tE+A, tE+A) = 2tq_{X}(E,A) + q_{X}(A,A).
Thus the right hand side of the equation (\ref{key})
has order at most $n$. Comparing the both hand side of
the equation (\ref{key}),
we can obtain $E^{m}.A^{2n-m} = 0$ for $m > n$.
If $E.A^{2n-1} > 0$, comparing the first order term of $t$ of both hand
of the equation (\ref{key}) we can obtain $q_{X}(E,A) > 0$.
Because coefficients of other terms of
left hand side of (\ref{key}) can be written $q_{X}(E,A)$
and $q_{X}(A,A)$, we can obtain
$E^{m}.A^{2n-m} > 0$ for $0 < m \le n$.
\hspace*{\fill} $\Box$
Let $H$ be a very ample divisor on $B$. Then $f^{*}H$ is a
nef divisor such that $(f^{*}H)^{2n} = 0$, $(f^{*}H).A^{2n-1} > 0$
for an ample divisor $A$ on $X$.
Thus $\dim B = n$.
From \cite[Theorem 2]{nakayama}, $B$ has only log-terminal
{\sc Step 2. \quad} A general fibre $F$ of $f$ is an abelian variety
up to unramified finite cover and $K_F \sim {\cal O}_{F}$.
By adjunction, $K_F \sim 0$. Moreover
c_2 (F) = c_2 (X)(f^{*}H)^{2n - 2} = a_1 (q_{X}(f^{*}H,f^{*}H))^{n-1} = 0,
by Theorem \ref{quadtatic}.
Thus $F$ has an \'{e}tale cover $\tilde{F} \to F$ such
that $\tilde{F}$ is an Abelian variety
by \cite{yau}.
{\sc Step 3. \quad} $\rho (B) = 1$.
Let $E$ be a divisor of $X$ such that $E^{2n} = 0$ and
$E^{n}.(f^{*}H)^{n} = 0$. Then $E \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} \lambda f^{*}H$
for some rational number $\lambda$.
{\sc Proof of lemma. \quad}
Considering the following equation
(E - \lambda f^{*}H)^{2n} &=&
a_0 q_{X}(E - \lambda f^{*}H , E - \lambda f^{*}H )^n \\
&=& a_0 (2\lambda q_{X}(E,f^{*}H))^{n},
we can obtain $q_{X}(E,f^{*}H) = cE^{n}.(f^{*}H)^{n} = 0$
where $c$ is a constant. Thus
$(E - \lambda f^{*}H)^{2n} = 0$.
Because $f^{*}H . A^{2n-1} > 0$ for every ample divisor $A$ on $X$,
we can take a rational number $\lambda$ such that
$(E - \lambda f^{*}H ).A^{2n-1} = 0 $
Then $E -\lambda f^{*}H \equiv 0$
by lemma \ref{pseado}.
\hspace*{\fill} $\Box$
Let $D$ be a Cartier divisor on $B$. Then $(f^{*}D)^{2n} = 0$
and $(f^{*}D)^{n}.(f^{*}H)^{n} = 0$, thus $E \sim_{{\mathbb Q}}
\lambda H$ and $\rho (B) = 1$.
{\sc Step 4. \quad} $B$ is ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial.
Let $D$ be an irreducible and reduced Weil divisor on $B$
and $D_i$, $(1 \le i \le k)$ divisors on $X$ whose supports
are contained in $f^{-1}(D)$.
We construct a divisor
$\tilde{D} := \sum \lambda_i D_i$, $(\tilde{D} \not\equiv 0)$
such that
$\tilde{D}^{2n} = 0$. Let $A$ be a very ample divisor on $X$,
$S := A^{n-1}.(f^{*}H)^{n-1}$ and $C := H^{n-1}$. Then
there exists a surjective morphism $f' : S \to C$.
If we choose $H$ and $A$ general, we may assume that
$S$ and $C$ are smooth and
$C \cap D$ are contained smooth locus of $B$.
Because $D$ is a Cartier divisor in a neighborhood
of $C \cap D$, we can define $f^{'*}D$ in a neighborhood $U$
of $S$. We can express $f^{'*}D = \sum \lambda_i D_i$ in $U$
and let $\tilde{D} := \sum \lambda_i D_i$.
Note that if $\lambda_i > 0$, $f(D_i) = D$ because
we choose $C$ generally.
Compareing the $n$th order term of $t$
of the both hand side of the following equotion
(\tilde{D} + tf^{*}H )^{2n} &=&
a_0 q_{X}(\tilde{D}+ t f^{*}H, \tilde{D} + t f^{*}H )\\
&=& a_0 (q_{X}(\tilde{D},\tilde{D}) +
2t q_{X}(\tilde{D},f^{*}H) )^{n},
we can see that
$ \tilde{D}^{n}.(f^{*}H)^{n} =
Since $f(\tilde{D}) = D$,
$\tilde{D}^{n}.(f^{*}H)^{n} = 0$
and $q_{X}(\tilde{D},f^{*}H) = 0$.
Considering the following equation
(s\tilde{D} + tA + f^{*}H)^{2n} &=&
a_0 q_{X}( s\tilde{D} + tA + f^{*}H , s\tilde{D} + tA + f^{*}H)^n \\
&=& a_0 ( s^2 q_{X}(\tilde{D},\tilde{D})
+ t^2 q_{X}(A,A) + 2stq_{X}(\tilde{D},A) \\
& & + 2t q_{X}(A,f^{*}H))^{n},
we can obtain
= c \tilde{D}^2 .A^{n-1}. (f^{*}H)^{n-1}$
where $c$ is a constant.
Since $\tilde{D}.A^{n-1}.(f^{*}H)^{n-1}$ is a fibre
of $f'$, $\tilde{D}^2 .A^{n-1}.(f^{*}H)^{n-1} = 0$.
Thus $a_0 q_{X}(\tilde{D},\tilde{D})
= \tilde{D}^{2n} = 0$.
Considering $\tilde{D}^{n}(f^{*}H)^{n} = 0$,
we can obtain $\tilde{D} \sim_{\mathbb Q}
\lambda f^{*}H$ by Lemma \ref{pseado}, and
$D \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} \lambda H$ because $f(\tilde{D}) = D$.
Therefore $B$ is ${\mathbb Q}$-factorial.
{\sc Step 5. \quad} $-K_B$ is ample.
From Step 3,4, we can write $-K_B \sim_{{\mathbb Q}} tH$.
It is enough to prove $t > 0$.
Because $K_X \sim {\cal O}_{X}$ and a general fibre of
$f : X \to B$ is a minimal model, $\kappa (B) \le 0$
by \cite[Theorem 1.1]{kawamata} and $t \ge 0$.
Assume that $t = 0$. If $K_B \not\sim {\cal O}_{B}$,
we can consider the following diagram:
& X & \to & B & \\
\alpha & \uparrow & & \uparrow & \beta \\
& \tilde{X} & \to & \tilde{B} & ,
where $\beta$ is an unramified finite cover and
$K_{\tilde{B}} \sim {\cal O}_{\tilde{B}}$.
$\pi_{1}(X) = \{1 \}$, $\tilde{X}$ is the direct
sum of $X$.
Thus there exists a morphism from $X$ to $\tilde{B}$
and we may assume that $K_B \sim {\cal O}_{B}$.
Then there exists a holomorphic $n$-form $\omega'$ on $X$ coming from $B$.
However, if $n$ is odd, it is a contradiction
because there exist no holomorphic $(2k-1)$-form on $X$.
If $n$ is even, it is also a contradiction because
$\omega'$ dose not generated by $\omega \in H^{0}(X , \Omega^{2})$.
Thus $t > 0$ and we completed the proof of Theorem 2.
\hspace*{\fill} Q.E.D.
1997-09-25T09:48:39 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709027 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709027 | [
] | alg-geom/9709027 | Masahiko Saito | Shinobu Hosono, Masa-Hiko Saito, and Jan Stienstra | On Mirror Symmetry Conjecture for Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3 folds | LaTeX Version 2.09, 36 pages. Submitted to The Proceedings of
Taniguchi Symposium 1997, "Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry,
Kobe/Kyoto" | null | null | null | null | In this paper, we verify a part of the Mirror Symmetry Conjecture for
Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold, which is a special complete intersection in a toric
variety. We calculate a part of the prepotential of the A-model Yukawa
couplings of the Calabi-Yau 3-fold directly by means of a theta function and
Dedekind's eta function. This gives infinitely many Gromov-Witten invariants,
and equivalently infinitely many sets of rational curves in the Calabi-Yau
3-fold. Using the toric mirror construction, we also calculate the prepotential
of the B-model Yukawa couplings of the mirror partner. Comparing the expansion
of the B-model prepotential with that of the A-model prepotential, we check a
part of the Mirror Symmetry Conjecture up to a high order.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Sep 1997 07:48:37 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $W$ be a generic complete intersection variety
in $\P1 \times \P2 \times \P2$ which is defined by two equations
of multi-degrees $(1, 3, 0)$ and $(1, 0, 3)$ respectively.
A generic $W$ is a non-singular Calabi-Yau 3-fold,
which we call {\em Schoen's
Calabi-Yau 3-fold}~\cite{Sch}.
The purpose of this paper is to verify
a part of the Mirror Symmetry Conjecture
for Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-folds.
In \cite{COGP}, Candelas
et al. calculated the prepotential of the
B-model Yukawa couplings of the mirror of generic quintic
hypersurfaces $X$ in $\P4$ and under the mirror hypothesis they gave
predictions of numbers of rational curves of
degree $d$ in $X$. Their predictions have been verified
mathematically only
for $d \leq 3$, that is, for numbers of lines, conics and cubic
curves (cf. e.g. \cite{E-S}).
On the B-model side one can compute as many coefficients as one wants
and thus conjecturally count curves of any degree. However it is very hard
to calculate the Gromov--Witten invariants directly on the A-model side.
In this paper we calculate, (directly on the A-model side), a
part of the prepotential of Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold $W$ which gives
infinitely many Gromov--Witten invariants of $W$.
The main strategy of our verification is as follows:
\item We will calculate a part of the prepotential of the A-model
Yukawa couplings (for genus zero)
of Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold by using a structure of
fibration $h:W \lra \P1$ by abelian surfaces. The theory of
Mordell-Weil lattices~\cite{Man-1,Shi-1,Saito}
allows us to calculate that part of the prepotential coming from
sections of $h$.
Under very plausible assumptions, we can count the ``numbers of
{\em pseudo-sections}'', which
makes it possible for us to obtain a
very explicit description of the 1-sectional part of the A-model
prepotential (cf. Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep}) in 19 variables by using
a lattice
theta function for $E_8$ and Dedekind's eta function.
\item According to Batyrev-Borisov~\cite{Batyrev-Borisov} we can
construct a
mirror partner $W^*$ of $W$.
The prepotential of the B-model Yukawa couplings of $W^*$
can be defined by means of period integrals of $W^*$.
Following the recipe in \cite{HKTY,Sti} we expand the B-model
in 3 variables by using the toric data.
These 3-variables correspond to 3 elements of the Picard group of
coming from line bundles on the ambient space $\P1 \times \P2
\times \P2$.
\item By identifying the 3 variables with the corresponding 3
variables on the A-model side we
have two expansions which should be compared. By a simple computer
we can verify the conjecture up to a high order.
To state the results for the A-model side let $f_i:S_i \lra \P1$ $(i
2)$ be two generic rational elliptic surfaces.
Then Schoen's generic Calabi-Yau 3-fold
can be obtained as the fiber product $h:W =S_1 \times_{\P1}S_2 \lra
A general fiber of $h$ is a product of two elliptic curves. Hence
fixing the zero section the
set of sections of $h$ becomes an abelian group.
In this case the group of sections $MW(W)$
is a finitely generated abelian group and admits a N\'{e}ron-Tate
Let $B$ be the symmetric bilinear form associated to the
height pairing.
According to Shioda, we call the pair $(MW(W), B)$ of the group and
symmetric bilinear form a {\em Mordell-Weil lattice}.
Under the genericity condition for $W$ and
a suitable choice of a N\'{e}ron-Tate height
we can easily see that the Mordell-Weil lattice is isometric to
$E_8 \times
E_8$. (Cf. \cite{Saito}). There is a very
suitable set of 19 generators $[F], [L_i],
[M_j]$ $(0 \leq i, j \leq 8)$ for the Picard group of $W$.
We introduce the parameters $p, q_i, s_j$ corresponding to these
generators. The divisor class $[F]$, which is the class of the
fiber, has
a special meaning in our context. A homology class $\eta$ is called
$k$-sectional if the intersection number $([F], [\eta]) = k$.
Let $\Psi_A$ denote the prepotential of the A-model Yukawa couplings
$W$ and
$\Psi_{A, k}$ its $k$-sectional part for $k \geq 0$.
Then we have an expansion like
\Psi_{A} = \mbox{topological part} + \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \Psi_{A,
Our main theorem can be stated as follows. For detailed notation,
\begin{Theorem} $($cf. Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep}, \ref{t:1-s-prep}$).$
Assume that Conjecture~\ref{c:cont} in
Section~\ref{s:pseudosection} holds. Then
for a generic Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold $W$ the 1-sectional
prepotential is given by
\lefteqn{\Psi_{A,1}(p, q_0, \cdots q_8, s_0, \cdots, s_8)}
\nonumber \\
= & \sum_{n =1}^{\infty}
\frac{1}{n^3} \cdot(p \cdot \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i))^n \cdot
A(n \tau_1, n z_1, \ldots, n z_8)\cdot
A(n \tau_2, n y_1, \ldots, n y_8).
A(\tau, x_1, \ldots, x_8) = \Theta_{E_8}^{root}(\tau, x_1,
\cdot [ \sum_{m = 0}^{\infty} p(m) \cdot \exp(2 \pi m i \tau)]^{12}.
Here $p(m)$ denotes the number of partitions of $m$.
(For the definition of the various notations
see Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep}).
Since we can prove $\Psi_{A, 0} \equiv 0$ (cf. \cite{Saito})
and $\Psi_{A,k}, k \geq 2$ consists of terms divisible
by $p^2$, we obtain an
asymptotic expansion of $\Psi_A$ with respect to $p$:
\Psi_{A} = \mbox{topological term} + p \cdot \prod_{i=1}^8(q_i s_i)\cdot A(\tau_1, {\bf z}) \cdot
A(\tau_2, {\bf y}) + O(p^2)
where ${\bf z} = ( z_1, \cdots, z_8), {\bf y} = (y_1, \cdots, y_8)$.
In Section~\ref{s:appendixII} we
show that $\Theta_{E_8}^{root}$ has a very simple expression in
terms of the
standard Jacobi theta functions.
On the other hand on the B-model side there are only 3 parameters
involved in the calculation, because the Batyrev-Borisov
can only deal with generators of the Picard group of $W$ coming
from the ambient toric variety $\P1 \times \P2 \times \P2$.
One can easily find the corresponding parameters $p = U_0, U_1 =
\exp(2 \pi i t_1),
U_2 = \exp(2 \pi i t_2)$ on the A-model side and one can
obtain the following expansion:
\Psi_{A}^{res}(p, t_1, t_2) = \mbox{topological term} +
p \cdot A( 3t_1, t_1 \gamma )
\cdot A(3 t_2, t_2 \gamma) + O(p^2),
where $\gamma=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1)$.
We also obtain an expansion of the $B$-model prepotential
\Psi_{B}(p, t_1, t_2) = \mbox{topological term} + p \cdot B(t_1)
\cdot B(t_2) + O(p^2).
Therefore in this context the mirror symmetry conjecture can be
stated as
\Psi_{A}^{res}(p, t_1, t_2) \equiv \Psi_{B}(p, t_1, t_2).
{From} the above asymptotic expansion,
we come to a concrete mathematical conjecture:
A(3t, t \gamma) \equiv B(t).
At this moment we can calculate both sides up to high order of
$U = \exp(2 \pi i t)$ by using computer programs.
One can find the expansion of $A(t)$ up to
the order of 50 at the end of Section~\ref{s:rest} and also
the expansion of $B(t)$ at the end of Section~\ref{s:B-model}.
The rough plan of this paper is as follows.
In Section~\ref{s:schoen} we recall a basic property of
Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold and its toric description. In
we recall the Mordell-Weil lattice which will be essential in the
later sections.
In Section~\ref{s:prep} we first recall the definition of
Gromov-Witten invariants
and the A-model prepotential.
We calculate the Mordell-Weil part of the
prepotential in terms of the lattice theta function
and state the main theorem (Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep}).
is devoted to counting the pseudo-sections in $W$. We also
prove Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep} here.
In Section~\ref{s:rest} we restrict
the parameters of the A-model prepotential in order to compare the
expansion with
that of the B-model prepotential of the mirror. A table for
the coefficients $\{a_n\}$ of $A(3t, t \gamma)$ is given
up to order $50$(cf. Table 2 in Section~\ref{s:rest}).
In Section~\ref{s:B-model} after
recalling the formulation of
the mirror symmetry conjecture we calculate the B-model prepotential
the mirror
of Schoen's example following the recipe of \cite{HKTY,Sti}. We
the function $B(t)$ whose coefficients $\{ b_n \}$ should coincide
$\{ a_n \}$ if the mirror symmetry conjecture is true. We check
the coincidence up to order 50.
In Appendix I (Section~\ref{s:B-model equations}) we derive the
equation of
the mirror
according to the Batyrev-Borisov
In Appendix II (Section~\ref{s:appendixII}) we give a formula for
the theta function of the lattice $E_8$.
Let us mention some papers which are related to our work.
In the paper~\cite{D-G-W}, Donagi, Grassi and Witten
calculate the non-perturbative superpotential in $F$-theory
to four dimensions on $\P1 \times S$, where $S$ is a rational
elliptic surface. It is interesting enough to notice that the
in their case is also described by the lattice theta function
for $E_8$. It is interesting that they also mention
the contribution of
Dedekind's eta function $\eta(\tau)$ to the superpotential, though
we do not know
any direct relation between $F$-theory and the Type II theory.
In \cite{G-P}, G\"{o}ttsche and Pandharipande
calculated the quantum cohomology of blowing-ups of $\P2$. Their
calculation for
the blowing-up of $9$-points in {\em general position} on $\P2$ is
certainly related to
our calculation for the rational elliptic surfaces. Moreover, in
S.-T. Yau and Zaslow describe the counting of BPS states of Type II
on K3 surfaces.
In the paper, they treated rational curves with nodes, which may
have some relation
to our treatment of pseudo-sections.
\section{Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-folds}
Let $f_i:S_i \lra {\bf P}^1$ ($i =1, 2$) be two smooth rational surfaces
defined over ${\bf C}$. In this paper we always assume that an elliptic
surface has a section.
In \cite{Sch} C. Schoen showed that the fiber product of two
rational elliptic
& W= & S_1 \times_{{\bf P}^1} S_2 & & \\
& & & & \\
& \swarrow p_1 & \quad & p_2 \searrow& \\
S_1 & & \downarrow h & & S_2 \\
& f_1 \searrow & & \swarrow f_2 & \\
& & {\bf P}^1 & &
becomes a Calabi-Yau 3-fold after small resolutions of possible
of the fiber product. In what follows we consider
such Calabi-Yau 3-folds which satisfy the following genericity
\item The rational elliptic surfaces $f_i:S_i
\lra {\bf P}^1$ ($i=1, 2$) are generic in the sense that the surfaces
$S_i$ are
smooth and every singular fiber of $f_i$ is
of Kodaira type $I_1$, that is, a rational curve with one node.
Then one can
see that
each fibration $f_i$ has
exactly 12 singular fibers of type $I_1$. $($cf. $\cite{Kod})$.
\item Let $\Sigma_i \subset {\bf P}^1$ be the set of critical values of
Then we assume that
$\Sigma_1 \cap \Sigma_2 = \emptyset$.
Under Assumption~\ref{as:generic} the fiber product $W = S_1
\times_{{\bf P}^1}
S_2 $ becomes a {\em nonsingular}
Calabi-Yau 3-fold. The following facts are well-known. (See
\cite{Kod} or
Let $S_1, S_2, W$ be as above.
\item All fibers of $h:W \lra {\bf P}^1$ have
vanishing topological Euler numbers. Hence we have $e(W) =
2(h^{1,1}(W) - h^{2,1}(W)) = 0$.
\item A generic rational elliptic surface with section
is obtained by blowing-up the 9 base points of a cubic pencil on
${\bf P}^2$.
Let $\pi_1:S_1 \lra {\bf P}^2$ and $\pi_2:S_2 \lra {\bf P}^2$ be the
blowing-ups and $E_i, i=1, \cdots, 9$ and $E'_j, j=1, \cdots, 9$
divisor classes of the
exceptional curves of $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$ respectively.
Set $H_i = \pi_i^*({\cal O}_{{\bf P}^2}(1))$.
Then we have
\Pic(S_1) & = & {\bf Z} H_1 \oplus {\bf Z} E_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus {\bf Z} E_9,
\Pic(S_2) & = & {\bf Z} H_2 \oplus {\bf Z} E'_1 \oplus \cdots \oplus {\bf Z}
\item Let $F_1$ and $F_2$ be the divisor classes of the fibers of
$f_1$ and
$f_2$ respectively.
Then we have
F_1 = 3H_1 - \sum_{i=1}^{9} E_i, \quad F_2 = 3H_2 -
\sum_{i=1}^{9} E'_i
\item We have the following isomorphism of groups.
\Pic(W) \simeq p_1^*(\Pic(S_1)) \oplus p_2^*(\Pic(S_2))/ {\bf Z}
[p_1^*(F_1) -
p_2^*(F_2)] \label{eq:pic-w}
Hence the Picard number of $W$ is $h^{11}(W) = 19$. Also $h^{21}(W)
= 19$
because $e(W) = 0$.
We now show that Schoen's Calabi-Yau $3$-fold $W$ can also be
realized as a
complete intersection in the toric
variety $\P1 \times \P2 \times \P2$.
Let $z_0, z_1$, $x_0, x_1, x_2$, $y_0, y_1, y_2$
be the homogeneous coordinates of $\P1 \times \P2 \times \P2$ and
a_0(x_0, x_1, x_2), a_1(x_0, x_1, x_2), b_0(y_0, y_1, y_2),
b_1(y_0, y_1,
be generic homogeneous cubic polynomials.
Then we can assume that the generic rational elliptic surfaces
$S_1$ and $S_2$ in Lemma \ref{l:el} are obtained
as hypersurfaces in $\P1 \times \P2$ as in the following way.
S_1 & =& \{P_1 = z_1\cdot a_0(x_0, x_1, x_2) - z_0 \cdot a_1(x_0,
x_1, x_2) =
0 \} \subset \P1 \times \P2 \\
S_2 & =& \{P_2 = z_1 \cdot b_0(y_0, y_1, y_2) - z_0 \cdot b_1(y_0,
y_1, y_2)=
0 \} \subset \P1 \times \P2
We have the natural morphisms
& & S_i & &\subset \P1 \times \P2 & \\
&f_i \swarrow & &\searrow\pi_i & & \\
& \P1 & &\P2 \ , & &
where $f_1 =(p_1)_{|S_i}, \pi_i = (p_2)_{|S_i}$.
one can easily see that $W = S_1 \times_{{\bf P}^1} S_2 $ can be
obtained as a
complete intersection in the toric variety $ \P1 \times \P2 \times
\P2$ of
types $(1, 3, 0) $, $(1, 0, 3)$:
W = \left\{ \begin{array}{l|c}
[z_0:z_1] \times [ x_0: x_1: x_2]\times[ y_0: y_1: y_2] &
P_1 = 0 \\
\in \P1 \times \P2 \times \P2 & P_2 = 0
\section{Mordell-Weil lattices}
The purpose of this section is a review of results on
Mordell-Weil lattices which is needed to calculate a
part of the prepotential of the A-model Yukawa couplings of Schoen's
Calabi-Yau 3-folds. For more complete treatments the reader may
refer to
\cite{Man-1}, \cite{Shi-1}, \cite{Saito}.
We keep the notation and assumptions of the previous section, that
let $f_i:S_i \lra {\bf P}^1$ be rational elliptic surfaces and let
$h: W = S_1 \times_{{\bf P}^1} S_2 \lra \P1$ be the fiber product.
Let $MW(S_i), i =1, 2$ and $MW(W)$ denote the set of sections of
$f_i$ and $h$ respectively.
Since the exceptional curves of the blowing-ups
$\pi_i : S_i \lra \P2$ are the images of sections of $f_i$,
we denote by $e_1$ and $e'_1$ the sections
of $f_1$ and $f_2$ respectively such that
$e_1(\P1)=E_1 $ and $e'_1(\P2)= E_1'$.
We take $e_1$ and $e'_1$ as zero sections of $f_1$ and $f_2$
respectively. Then
$MW(S_1)$ and $MW(S_2)$ become finitely generated abelian groups
with the
identity elements $e_1$ and $e'_1$
The group $MW(S_i)$ is called the Mordell-Weil group of the
rational elliptic surface
$f_i:S_i \lra \P1$.
Take the line bundles
L_0 = E_1 + F_1 \in \Pic(S_1),\;\; M_0 = E'_1 + F_2 \in
Note that these line bundles are symmetric
\footnote{A line bundle on a fibration of abelian varieties
is called symmetric if it is invariant under the pull-back by
the inverse automorphism ${\bf z} \rightarrow - {\bf z}$.} and
numerically effective and $(L_0)^2 = (M_0)^2 = 1$. Hence
$L_0$ and $M_0$ are nearly ample line bundles and $E_1$ (resp.
$E_1'$) is
the only irreducible effective curve on $S_1$ (resp. $S_2$) with
E_1)_{S_1} = 0$ (resp. $(M_0, E'_1)_{S_2}= 0$).
(Here $(C, D)_{S_i}$
denotes the intersection pairing of curves on the surface $S_i$.
Later we sometimes identify this pairing with the natural
pairing $H^2(S_i) \times H_2(S_i) \lra {\bf Z}$ via Poincar\'{e} duality.
Thanks to Manin \cite{Man-1} we can define N\'{e}ron-Tate heights
with respect
to $2L_0$ and $2 M_0$, that is,
quadratic forms on $MW(S_i)$ by
Q_1(\sigma_1 ) = (2 L_0, \sigma_1(\P1) )_{S_1}, \quad
Q_2(\sigma_2 ) = (2 M_0,
\sigma_2(\P1) )_{S_2}
for $\sigma_1 \in MW(S_1)$ and $\sigma_2 \in MW(S_2)$.
Let $B_i$ denote the positive definite symmetric bilinear form
associated to
the quadratic form $Q_i$, i.e.
According to Shioda \cite{Shi-1} we call $(MW(S_i), B_i)$ {\em the
Mordell-Weil lattice}
of $f_i:S_i \lra \P1$.
Noting that our N\'{e}ron-Tate height coincides with Shioda's
we can show the following proposition.
Under Assumption~\ref{as:generic} in \S~\ref{s:schoen}, we have the
following isometry of
(MW(S_i), B_i) \simeq E_8, \quad (i =1, 2)
where $E_8$ is the unique positive-definite even unimodular lattice
of rank
Next we consider the Mordell-Weil group $MW(W)$ of $h:W \lra \P1$,
zero section corresponds to $(e_1, e'_1)$ (cf. (\ref{eq:isom})).
{From} a property of the fiber
product we have the following isomorphism:
MW(W) & \stackrel{\sim}{\lra} & MW(S_1) \oplus MW(S_2)
\label{eq:isom} \\
\sigma & \mapsto & (\sigma_1, \sigma_2) = ( p_1 \circ \sigma, \
p_2 \circ
\sigma) \nonumber
Since the Picard group $\Pic(W)$ can be described as in
we will use the following notation for the line bundles on $W$
pulled back by $p_1$ and $p_2$:
\ [F] = p_1^* (F_1)=p_2^* (F_2), & & \\
\ [H_1] = p_1^* (H_1), & [L_0] = p_1^* (L_0), & [E_i] = p_1^*
\quad (i =1, \cdots, 9), \\
\ [H_2]= p_2^* (H_2), & [M_0]=p_2^* (M_0), & [E_j'] = p_2^*
\quad (j =1, \cdots, 9).
We can easily see that $[J_0] :=[L_0] + [M_0] $ is a symmetric
numerically effective line bundle on $W$. It defines a
N\'{e}ron-Tate height
on $MW(W)$ as follows. For each $\sigma \in MW(W)$ we set
Q_W(\sigma) := ([2J_0], [\sigma(\P1)])_W.
Here $( \quad , \quad )_W$ denotes the natural pairing $H^2(W)
\times H_2(W)
\rightarrow {\bf Z}$. Note that
the zero section of $MW(W)$ is $0_W =(e_1, e'_1) $ and $Q_W(0_W) =
{From} this we obtain the Mordell-Weil lattice $(MW(W),
B_W)$ where $B_W$ denotes
the symmetric bilinear form associated to $Q_W$.
Moreover we obtain the following relation for each section $\sigma
\in MW(W)$:
Q_W(\sigma)& =& ([2J_0], [\sigma(\P1)])_W \nonumber \\
&=& (2L_0, [\sigma_1(\P1)])_{S_1} + (2M_0, [\sigma_2(\P1)])_{S_2}
= Q_1(\sigma_1) + Q_2(\sigma_2). \label{eq:qw}
Therefore we find the following
The N\'{e}ron-Tate height with respect to $[2J_0]$ on $MW(W)$ gives
lattice structure on $MW(W)$ which induces the isometry:
(MW(W), B_W) \simeq (MW(S_1), B_1) \oplus (MW(S_2), B_2) \simeq
E_8 \oplus
There are natural maps
j :&MW(S_i) &\lra & H_2(S_i) \\
& \sigma & \mapsto & j(\sigma) = [\sigma(\P1)]=
\mbox{the homology class of the curve } \sigma(\P1) \\
& & & \\
j :&MW(W) &\lra & H_2(W) \\
& \sigma & \mapsto & j(\sigma) = [\sigma(\P1)].
For each section $\sigma_i \in MW(S_i)$, we can always find a
morphism $\varphi_i:S_i \lra \overline{S_i}$ which contracts only
the image of
section $\sigma_i(\P1)$. This implies the following lemma.
The maps $j$ are injective.
Note that the maps $j$ are {\em not} homomorphisms of
groups.\footnote{However, Shioda~\cite{Shi-1} obtained a way to
modify the map
$j$ to obtain a natural homomorphism. See \cite{Shi-1} or
Next we will choose other generators of $\Pic(S_i)$.
These generators will be used for defining the parameters in
which we will expand the prepotential of the A-model Yukawa
coupling of
Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-folds.
Let $(MW(S_i), B_i)$
be the Mordell-Weil lattices of $S_i$, which are isometric to the
We choose a set of simple roots $ \{ \alpha_1, \alpha_2, \cdots
\alpha_8 \} $
whose intersection pairing will be given by the following Dynkin
\put(130,54.5){\line(0, -1){14}}
\put(110,-15){Figure 1.}
We also choose $a_1, \cdots, a_8 \in MW(S_1)$ (resp. $b_1, \cdots,
b_8 \in
corresponding with the roots of $MW(S_1)$ (resp. $MW(S_2)$)
so that the numbering of the
roots is the same as in Figure 1.
For each section $\sigma \in MW(S_i)$, one can define a
translation automorphism $T_{\sigma}:S_i \lra S_i$:
S_i & & \stackrel{T_{\sigma}}{\lra} & & S_i \\
& f_i \searrow & & \swarrow f_i & \\
& & {\bf P}^1. & &
\end{array} \
Pulling back the line bundles $L_0$ and $M_0$ by
the translation automorphisms $T_{a_i}$ and $T_{b_j}$ respectively,
we define the line bundles
L_i = T^*_{a_i} (L_0) \in \Pic(S_1), \quad M_j = T^*_{b_j} (M_0) \in
for $1 \leq i, j \leq 8$.
Then for each section $\sigma_i \in MW(S_i)$ we have
(L_i, j(\sigma_1))_{S_1} &= &(T_{a_i}^*(L_0), j(\sigma_1))_{S_1}
=(L_0, j(\sigma_1 + a_i))_{S_1} =
\frac{1}{2}Q_1(\sigma + a_i)
(M_i, j(\sigma_2))_{S_2} &= &(T_{b_i}^*(M_0), j(\sigma_2))_{S_2}
=(M_0, j(\sigma_2 + b_i))_{S_2} =
\frac{1}{2}Q_2(\sigma_2 + b_i)
Now it is easy to see the following:
\item The classes $F_1, L_0, L_1, \cdots, L_8 $ $($
resp. $F_2, M_0, M_1, \cdots, M_8 )$ are generators
of $\Pic(S_1)$ (resp. $\Pic(S_2)$).
\item $\Pic(W) $ is generated by
$[F], [L_0], \cdots, [L_8], [M_0], [M_1], \cdots, [M_8]$.
\item For $\sigma \in MW(W)$ set $\sigma_i = \sigma \circ p_i$.
Then we
([F], j(\sigma))_W & =& 1 \\[.5em]
([L_i], j(\sigma))_W & =& \frac{1}{2} Q_1(\sigma_1 + a_i), \\[.5em]
([M_i], j(\sigma))_W & =& \frac{1}{2} Q_2(\sigma_2 + b_i).
Moreover, in order to see the relation between the A-model and
the B-model later,
we have to express $H_1$ and $H_2$ by
$F_1, \{ L_i \}$ and $F_2, \{ M_j \}$.
Obviously, we only have to see the case of $H_1$.
Recall that the exceptional curves $\{ E_i \}$ in (\ref{eq:pics1})
are the images of sections of $f_1$.
We denote by $e_i \in MW(S_1)$ the section corresponding to $E_i$;
hence we
have $e_i(\P1) = E_i$. In particular, $e_1$ is the zero section of
$f_1:S_1 \lra \P1$.
As for the system of roots, one can take the following elements:
a_1 = e_2, \ a_2 = e_3 - e_2, \ a_3 = e_4 - e_3, \cdots, a_7 = e_8
- e_7,
a_8 = e_2 + e_3 - \frac{1}{3} \sum_{i =2}^9 e_i.
Here all sums are taken in the Mordell-Weil group.
We denote by $(\sigma) \in H^2(S_1, {\bf Z})$
the divisor class of the curve $\sigma(\P1) \subset S_1$.
Since $L_0 = E_1 + F_1 = (e_1) + F_1$, we see that
L_i = T^*_{a_i}(L_0) = T^*_{a_i}((e_1) + F_1) = (-a_i) + F_1.
Moreover we can see the following relation. (For divisor classes
$(-a_i)$ one
refer to \cite{Saito}).
L_0 & = & E_1 + F_1& & \\
L_1 & = & (-a_1) + F_1 & = & 2 E_1 -E_2 + 3 F_1 \\
L_2 & = & (-a_2) + F_1 & = & E_1 + E_2 - E_3 + 2 F_1 \\
L_3 & = & (-a_3) + F_1 & = & E_1 + E_3 -E_4 + 2 F_1 \\
L_4 & = & (-a_4) + F_1 & = & E_1 + E_4 - E_5 + 2F_1 \\
L_5 & = & (-a_5) + F_1 & = & E_1 + E_5 - E_6 + 2 F_1\\
L_6 & = & (-a_6) + F_1 & = & E_1 + E_6 - E_7 + 2 F_1\\
L_7 & = & (-a_7) + F_1 & = & E_1 + E_7 - E_8 + 2 F_1\\
L_8 & = & (-a_8) + F_1 & = &
\frac{1}{3}\sum_{i=1}^9 E_i - (E_2 + E_3) +\frac{4}{3} F_1.
Recall also the relation~(\ref{eq:f-h}):
F_1 = 3H_1 - \sum_{i=1}^{9} E_i.
{From} these linear relations one easily derives the following:
One has the following relation in $\Pic(S_1)$:
H_1 = 2 F_1 + 5 L_0 -2 L_1 - L_2 + L_8. \label{eq:h-f}
\section{The prepotential of the A-model Yukawa couplings and its
In this section
we summarize a result in (\cite{Saito}) on the Mordell-Weil part
of the prepotential of the
A-model Yukawa coupling of Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-folds.
The main theorems are
Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep} and Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep}.
Following Section 3.3 in \cite{Mor-Math}, we define
the (full) {\em A-model Yukawa coupling}
for a Calabi-Yau 3-fold $X$ as a triple product on $H^2(X, {\bf Z})$:
\Phi_A(M_1, M_2, M_3) = (M_1, M_2, M_3) + \sum_{0 \not\equiv
\eta \in H_2(X, {\bf Z})}
\Phi_{\eta}(M_1, M_2, M_3) \frac{q^{\eta}}{1 - q^{\eta}}.
Here $M_1, M_2, M_3$ are elements of
$ H^2(X, {\bf Z}) \cong \Pic(X)$
$\Phi_{\eta}(M_1, M_2, M_3)$
is the Gromov-Witten Invariant for $ \eta \in H_2(X, {\bf Z})$ and
$M_1, M_2, M_3$.
Moreover, we have (cf. Section 3.2, \cite{Mor-Math}):
\Phi_{\eta}(M_1, M_2, M_3) &= &n(\eta) (M_1, \eta)(M_2,
\eta)(M_3, \eta). \label{eq:g-w.inv}
Here $(M_i, \eta)$ denote the natural pairing of $M_i \in H^2(X)$
and $\eta \in H_2(X) $ and
$n(\eta)$ denotes the number of simple rational curves
$\varphi:{\bf P}^1
\lra X $ with $\varphi_*([{\bf P}^1]) = \eta$.
A more precise definition by $J$-holomorphic curves can
be found in \cite{McD-S-1} and Lecture 3 of \cite{Mor-Math}.
The full Yukawa coupling $\Phi_A$ has the {\em prepotential}
$\Psi_A$ defined
\Psi_A = \mbox{(topological term)} + \sum_{0 \not\equiv \eta
\in H_2(X, {\bf Z})} n(\eta) \Li_3( q^{\eta}),
\Li_3( x ) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{x^n}{n^3}
is the trilogarithm function.
In general it is very difficult to calculate the prepotential
of the A-model Yukawa coupling. Even for Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold,
we can not calculate the full prepotential, but by using the
structure of its
Mordell-Weil lattice, we can calculate a part of the
prepotential $\Psi_A$ whose summation is taken just over
the homology 2-cycles of sections of $h:W \lra \P1$.
Later we will extend the summation to all
homology classes of {\em pseudo-sections }
(see Section~\ref{s:pseudosection}). (Cf. \cite{Saito}).
\begin{Definition} \label{def:prep}
{\rm For Schoen's generic Calabi-Yau 3-fold $W$
we define the {\em
Mordell-Weil part of the prepotential of the A-model Yukawa
coupling} by
\Psi_{A, MW(W)} = \sum_{\sigma \in MW(X)} n(j(\sigma))
\Li_3 ( q^{j(\sigma)}). \label{eq:prepdef}
Here again $j(\sigma) $ denotes the homology class of the
image $\sigma(\P1)$. }
{\rm We define the
$k$-sectional part of the prepotential of the A-model Yukawa coupling by
\Psi_{A, k} = \sum_{0 \not\equiv \eta
\in H_2(X, {\bf Z}), \ (F, \eta)= k} n(\eta) \Li_3( q^{\eta}).
Recall that we denote by $[F]$
the divisor class of the fiber of $h:W \lra \P1$.}
Obviously, we have the expansion
\Psi_{A} = \mbox{topological term} + \sum_{k = 0}^{\infty} \Psi_{A,
We are interested in calculating the functions
$\Psi_{A, MW(W)}$ and $\Psi_{A, 1}$.
{\rm We will find a difference in
$\Psi_{A, MW(W)}$ and $ \Psi_{A, 1}$, which will be explained
in the next section by introducing the notion {\it pseudo-section}.
We first recall a result in \cite{Saito} on the calculation of
$\Psi_{A, MW(W)}$ by using the theta function of the Mordell-Weil
lattice. We need to introduce the special formal parameters in
to get explicit expansions of $\Psi_{A, MW(W)}$.
Let $f_i:S_i \lra {\bf P}^1$ be two generic rational elliptic surfaces
and let $h:W \lra \P1$ be the Calabi-Yau
3-fold as in Section~\ref{s:schoen}. Then from Lemma~\ref{l:gen}
$\Pic(W) $ is generated by $[F], [L_0], \cdots, [L_8],$
$[M_0], [M_1], \cdots, [M_8]$.
We introduce formal parameters $p, q_i, s_j$ for
$0 \leq i, j \leq 8 $ corresponding to these
[F] \leftrightarrow p, \quad [L_i] \leftrightarrow q_i, \quad
[M_j] \leftrightarrow s_j. \label{eq:parameter}
By using the formal parameters we can associate to $\sigma \in
MW(W)$ the monomials
q^{\sigma} = \prod_{i=0}^8 q_i^{([L_i], j(\sigma))_W}, \quad
s^{\sigma} = \prod_{i=0}^8 s_i^{([M_i], j(\sigma))_W}.
T^{\sigma} = p^{([F], j(\sigma))_W} \cdot q^{\sigma} \cdot
= p \cdot q^{\sigma} \cdot s^{\sigma}. \label{eq:tsigma}
Here $( \quad, \quad)_W:H^2(W) \times H_2(W) \lra {\bf Z} $ is
the natural pairing.
Note that all line bundles $[F], [L_i], [M_j]$
are numerically effective. Hence all exponents in $T^{\sigma}$
are non-negative. Now we can expand $\Psi_{A, MW(W)}$ in
the parameters $p, q_i, s_j$.
\lefteqn{\Psi_{A, MW(W)}(p, q_0, \cdots q_8, s_0, \cdots, s_8)}
\nonumber \\
= & \sum_{n =1}^{\infty}
\frac{1}{n^3} \cdot (p \cdot \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i))^n \cdot
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(n \tau_1, n \cdot {\bf z}) \cdot
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(n \tau_2, n \cdot {\bf y})
Here, we set
{\bf z} = (z_1, \ldots, z_8), \quad {\bf y} = (y_1, \ldots, y_8),
\exp( 2 \pi i \tau_1) = \prod_{i=0}^8 q_i, & \exp(2 \pi i z_i)=
q_i \quad \mbox{for } 1 \leq i \leq 8 \\
\exp(2 \pi i \tau_2) = \prod_{i=0}^8 s_i, & \exp(2 \pi i y_j)=
s_j \quad \mbox{ for } 1 \leq j \leq 8
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(\tau, z_1, \cdots, z_8) = \sum_{\gamma \in E_8}
\exp(2 \pi i ((\tau/2) Q(\gamma) + B(\gamma, \sum_{j =1}^{8} z_j
where $\{\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_8 \}$ is the root system of $E_8$
as in
Figure 1 and $B$ is the symmetric bilinear form on $E_8$.
The following lemma is easy but essential to calculate the
\begin{Lemma} \label{l:mult=1}
For each section $\sigma \in MW(W)$ the contribution
of the homology $2$-cycle
$j(\sigma) =[\sigma(\P1)]$
to the Gromov-Witten invariant~(\ref{eq:g-w.inv}) is one, that
is, $ n(j(\sigma)) = 1 $
{\it Proof.} According to Lemma~\ref{l:j-inj} $MW(W)$ can be
a subset of $H_2(W, {\bf Z})$ via the map $j$. Moreover the rational
$C = \sigma(\P1) \subset W$ has the
normal bundle ${\cal O}_{\P1}(-1) \oplus {\cal O}_{\P1}(-1)$. Hence we have
$n(j(\sigma)) =1$.
{\it Proof of Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep}.} Recalling the
one can write $\sigma \in MW(W)$ as $(\sigma_1, \sigma_2) \in
MW(S_1) \oplus MW(S_2) \simeq E_8 \oplus E_8$. Since
$Q_1(a_i) = Q_2(b_j) = 2$ for
$1 \leq i, j \leq 8$ we obtain from Lemma~\ref{l:gen}
([L_i], [\sigma(\P1)])_W = \frac{1}{2} Q_1(\sigma_1
+ a_i) = \frac{1}{2} Q_1(\sigma_1) + B_1(\sigma_1, a_i) + 1, \\
\quad ([M_j], [\sigma(\P1)])_W = \frac{1}{2} Q_2(\sigma_2
+ b_j) = \frac{1}{2} Q_2(\sigma_2) + B_2(\sigma_2, b_j) + 1.
Therefore one has
\lefteqn{ q^{\sigma} = \prod_{i=0}^{8}(q_i)^{(1/2) Q_1(\sigma_1 +
a_i) } } \\
& & = (\prod_{i=0}^{8}(q_i))^{(1/2) Q_1(\sigma_1)} \cdot
(q_i)^{B_1(\sigma_1, a_i)}) \cdot (\prod_{i=1}^{8}q_i) \\
& & =(\prod_{i=1}^{8}q_i) \cdot \exp(2 \pi i ((1/2) Q_1(\sigma_1)
\tau_1 +
\sum_{i=1}^8 z_i B(\sigma_1, a_i) ),
and a similar expression for $s^{\sigma}$. {From} these formulas one
\lefteqn{ (T^{\sigma})^n = (p \cdot q^{\sigma} \cdot s^{\sigma})^n
} \nonumber \\
\lefteqn{=( p \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i) )^n \times }
& \times \exp(2 \pi i n ((\tau_1/2) Q_1(\sigma_1) +
B_1(\sigma_1, {\bf z} ) +
(\tau_2/2) Q_2(\sigma_2) + B_2(\sigma_2, {\bf y} ) ) \nonumber
where we set ${\bf z} = \sum_{i=1}^8 z_i a_i$ and ${\bf y} = \sum_{i=1}^8 y_i
Therefore, if we take the summation of $(T^{\sigma})^n$ over $\sigma
(\sigma_1, \sigma_2)
\in E_8 \oplus E_8$, we obtain the following formula:
\lefteqn{\sum_{\sigma \in MW(W)} (T^{\sigma})^n} \nonumber \\
&= & ( p \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i) )^n \cdot
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(n \tau_1, n \cdot z ) \cdot
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(n \tau_2, n \cdot {\bf y})
Now thanks to Lemma~\ref{l:mult=1},
we can calculate the prepotential as follows:
\Psi_{A, MW(W)}& = & \sum_{\sigma \in MW(W)} \Li_3( T^{\sigma}) \\[.5em]
& = & \sum_{\sigma \in MW(W)} ( \sum_{n =
1}^{\infty}\frac{(T^{\sigma})^n}{n^3} ) \\[.5em]
&= & \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^3} \times [\sum_{\sigma \in
(T^{\sigma})^n) ] \\[.6em]
& = & \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}
\frac{1}{n^3} \cdot ( p \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i))^n \times \\[.5em]
& & \hspace{1cm} \times \Theta_{E_8}^{root}(n \tau_1, n \cdot {\bf z})
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(n \tau_2, n \cdot {\bf y}).
This completes the proof of Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep}.
For the 1-sectional part $\Psi_{A, 1}$
of the prepotential, we can show the following theorem, whose
proof can be found in Section~\ref{s:pseudosection}.
\label{t:1-s-prep} Assume that Conjecture~\ref{c:cont} in
Section~\ref{s:pseudosection} holds. Then, under the same notation
as in Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep},
for a generic Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold $W$ the 1-sectional
prepotential is given by
\lefteqn{\Psi_{A,1}(p, q_0, \cdots q_8, s_0, \cdots, s_8)}
= & \sum_{n =1}^{\infty}
\frac{1}{n^3}\cdot (p \cdot \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i))^n \cdot
A(n \tau_1, n \cdot {\bf z})\cdot
A(n \tau_2, n \cdot {\bf y}),
A(\tau, {\bf x}) & = & \Theta_{E_8}^{root}(\tau, {\bf x} )
\cdot [ \sum_{m = 0}^{\infty} p(m) \cdot \exp(2 \pi m i \tau)]^{12}.
& = & \Theta_{E_8}^{root}(\tau, {\bf x} ) \cdot
[\frac{1}{\prod_{n\geq1}( 1-
\exp(2 \pi n i \tau))} ]^{12}
Here $p(m)$ denotes the number of partitions of $m$.
{\rm In order to identify the theta function
$\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(\tau, {\bf z})$ in
with the theta function $\Theta_{E_8}(\tau, {\bf w})$ of (\ref{eq:e8}) in
Appendix II we should apply the linear transformation ${\bf w} \lra {\bf z}$,
${\bf w} = \sum_{i=1}^8 w_i \epsilon_i$ and ${\bf z} = \sum_{i=1}^8 z_i \alpha_i$.
Fix an embedding $E_8 \subset {\bf R}^8$, that is,
$\alpha_i $ should have coordinates in ${\bf R}^8$.
For example, we can choose
\alpha_1 = \frac{1}{2}(\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_8) -
\frac{1}{2}(\epsilon_2 + \epsilon_3 + \epsilon_4 + \epsilon_5 + \epsilon_6 + \epsilon_7) \hspace{1.2cm}
\hspace{1cm} &\alpha_2 = \epsilon_2 - \epsilon_1 & \alpha_3 = \epsilon_3- \epsilon_2 &
\alpha_4 = \epsilon_4 - \epsilon_3 & \alpha_5 = \epsilon_5 - \epsilon_4\\
\hspace{1cm} & \alpha_6 = \epsilon_6 - \epsilon_5 & \alpha_7 = \epsilon_7 - \epsilon_6
& \alpha_8 = \epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2&
(Note that the numbering of roots is the same as in Figure 1.)}
In expansion~(\ref{eq:expansion}), we see that
each term of the expansion of $\Psi_{A, k}$ for
$k \geq 2$
is divisible by $p^2$. Moreover we can see that
$\Psi_{A,0} \equiv 0$. (Cf. \cite{Saito}).
Therefore, Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep} shows that
if we expand the full A-model prepotential $\Psi_A$ in the variables
$p, q_i, s_j$, we have the following expansion:
\lefteqn{\Psi_{A}(p, q_0, \cdots q_8, s_0, \cdots, s_8)} \nonumber
&= & \mbox{topological term}
+ (p \cdot \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i)) \cdot
A( \tau_1, {\bf z} )\cdot
A( \tau_2, {\bf y}) + O(p^2).
\section{Counting Pseudo-Sections and Proof of Theorem 4.2}
In Section~\ref{s:prep}, we see differences between the
two prepotentials $\Psi_{A, MW(W)}$ and $\Psi_{A, 1}$.
Looking at the formulas~(\ref{eq:main}) and (\ref{eq:1-s-prep}) one
can observe
that $\Psi_{A, MW(W)}$ and $\Psi_{A, 1}$ are essentially produced by
\Psi_{A, MW(W)} & \leftrightarrow & \Theta_{E_8}^{root}(\tau,
{\bf x})
\Psi_{A, 1} & \leftrightarrow & A(\tau, {\bf x})
= \Theta_{E_8}^{root}(\tau, {\bf x})
\cdot [ \sum_{m = 0}^{\infty} p(m) \cdot \exp(2 \pi m i \tau)]^{12}
As we see in Section~\ref{s:prep} the geometric meaning of the
$ \Theta_{E_8}^{root}$ is clear, that is, it is the generating
function of the contributions of pure sections of $h:W \lra \P1$.
However, the meaning of the factor
[ \sum_{m = 0}^{\infty} p(m) \cdot \exp(2 \pi m i \tau)]^{12} =
\exp(\pi i \tau)\cdot \eta(\tau)^{-12}
was mysterious at least in the geometric sense.\footnote{
The similar factor are also discussed in the papers \cite{D-G-W} and
In this section, we give a geometric explanation of this
factor assuming one very plausible Conjecture~\ref{c:cont}, and we
give a
proof of Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep}.
Our answer seems to be very simple and natural at
least in a mathematical sense.
For this purpose we give the following:
{\rm We call a 1-dimensional connected subscheme $C$ of $W$ a
pseudo-section} if
$C \subset W$ has no embedded point and
([F], C)_W = 1,
and the normalization $\tilde{C}_{red}$ of the reduced structure
$C_{red}$ is a
sum of $\P1$s.}
The image $\sigma(\P1)$ of a section $\sigma \in MW(W)$ is a
Both rational elliptic surfaces $f_i:S_i \lra \P1 (i =1, 2)$
have 12 singular fibers of type $I_1$ (in Kodaira's
D_1, D_2, \cdots, D_{12} \subset S_1, \\
D'_1, D'_2, \cdots, D'_{12} \subset S_2.
We set $d_i = f_1(D_i) \in \P1$
and $ d'_i = f_2(D'_i) \in \P1$, the supports of the
singular fibers. By Assumption~\ref{as:generic} in
the points $d_1, \cdots, d_{12}, d'_1, \cdots, d'_{12} $ are
distinct on
Take any $\sigma \in MW(W)$ and set $\sigma_1 =p_1 \circ \sigma \in
\sigma_2 = p_2 \circ \sigma
\in MW(S_2)$.
Hence $\sigma(\P1) \subset W_{|\sigma_2(\P1)}$.
Now we take a singular fiber $D_1 \subset W_{|\sigma_2(\P1)} \simeq
S_1$, then
\sigma(\P1) + D_1 \subset W_{|\sigma_2(\P1)} \subset W
is a pseudo-section. Since we have
([L_i], D_1)_W &=& (L_i, D_1)_{S_1} = (L_i, F_1)_{S_1} = 1
\label{eq:p-degree1} \\
([M_j], D_1)_W &=& (M_j, \sigma_2(d_1))_{S_2} = 0,
\quad \label{eq:p-degree2}
we obtain
([L_i], \sigma(\P1)+ D_1)_W = ([L_i], \sigma(\P1))_W + 1, \\
([M_j],\sigma(\P1)+ D_1)_W = ([M_j], \sigma(\P1))_W.
\begin{Example} {\rm
More generally, to a pure section of $h:W \lra \P1$
we can add many rational curves coming from singular
fibers of type $I_1$ and
also with multiplicity.
Fix a section $\sigma \in MW(W)$ and set $\sigma_1 =p_1 \circ
\sigma$, $\sigma_2
= p_2 \circ \sigma$ as before.
Consider the following (reduced) closed points:
\sigma_1(d'_i) \in S_1, \quad \sigma_2(d_i) \in S_2.
Moreover, we set
D'[\sigma_1, d'_i] = p_1^{-1}(\sigma_1(d'_i)) \subset
W_{|\sigma_1(\P1)} ( \simeq S_2) \subset W \\
D[\sigma_2, d_i] = p_2^{-1}(\sigma_2(d_i)) \subset
(\simeq S_1) \subset W
Note that $D'[\sigma_1, d'_i] $ and $D[\sigma_2, d_i]$ are
reduced rational curves each of which has
one node as its singularities.
{From} (\ref{eq:p-degree1}), (\ref{eq:p-degree2}) it is easy to see
([F], D[\sigma_2, d_i])_W = 0, \quad ([L_i], D[\sigma_2, d_i])_W =
([M_j], D[\sigma_2, d_i])_W = 0, \label{eq:int-l}\\
([F], D'[\sigma_1, d'_i])_W = 0, \quad ([L_i], D'[\sigma_1,
d'_i])_W = 0,
([M_j], D'[\sigma_1, d'_i])_W = 1. \label{eq:int-m}
We denote by ${\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))$ an ideal sheaf on
$S_2$ such that the quotient sheaf
{\cal O}_{S_2}/{\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))
$$ is supported on the point $\sigma_2(d_i)$ and
$ \mathop{\rm length}\nolimits {\cal O}_{S_2}/ {\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))= k_i$.
We call such an ideal ${\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))$ a punctual
ideal of colength $k_i$ supported on $\sigma_2(d_i)$.
And similarly for ${\cal I}( k'_j, \sigma_1(d'_j))$.
For each of $1\leq i\leq 12$ (resp. $1 \leq j \leq 12$), let
${\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))$ (resp. ${\cal I}( k'_j, \sigma_1(d'_j))$)
be a punctual ideal of colength $k_i$ (resp. $k'_j$) supported on
$\sigma_2(d_i)$ (resp. $\sigma_1(d'_j)$). We denote
D[{\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))] \quad (\mbox{resp.}
D'[{\cal I}( k'_j,\sigma_1(d'_j))] )
the one-dimensional subscheme of $W$
defined by the pullback of the ideal sheaf ${\cal I}(k_i,
(resp. ${\cal I}( k'_j, \sigma_1(d'_j))$) via $p_2$ (resp.
$p_1$). Note that
D[{\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))]_{red} = D[\sigma_2, d_i], \quad D'[{\cal I}( k'_j,\sigma_1(d'_j))]_{red} = D'[\sigma_1, d'_j].
Now we take the following subscheme of $W$:
C = \sigma(\P1) + \sum_{i = 1}^{12}
D[{\cal I}(k_i,\sigma_2(d_i))] +
\sum_{j = 1}^{12} D'[{\cal I}( k'_j, \sigma_1(d'_j))].
This one dimensional subscheme $C$ in (\ref{eq:p-general}) is
a pseudo-section. }
\begin{Definition}{\rm The pseudo-section $C$ in (\ref{eq:p-general})
is called
{\em of type}
(\sigma, k_1, \cdots, k_{12}, k'_1, \cdots, k'_{12}) \in MW(W)
({\bf Z}_{+})^{24}.
Every pseudo-section $C$ of $h:W \lra \P1$ can be written as in
{\it Proof.} Since $ ([F], C)_W = (F_1, (p_1)_* C))_{S_1} = (F_2,
C))_{S_2} = 1$, it
is easy to see that there are sections $\sigma_i \in MW(S_i)$,
(p_1)_* (C) = \sigma_1(\P1) + \mbox{fibers} , \quad (p_2)_* (C) =
\sigma_2(\P1) +
Then by definition of a pseudo-section, we can easily see that $C$
can be
in the form of (\ref{eq:p-general}) where $\sigma $ corresponds to
Fix a type
$\mu = (\sigma, k_1, \cdots, k_{12}, k'_1, \cdots, k'_{12}) \in
MW(W) \times
({\bf Z}_{+})^{24}$ of
a pseudo-section of $h:W \lra \P1$.
We would like to count the
``number''$n(\mu)$ of rational curves
which gives the correct contribution to the Gromov-Witten
invariant in
the formula (\ref{eq:g-w.inv}).
Since a pseudo-section of type $\mu$ is a non-reduced subscheme of
if some $k_i$ or $k'_j$ is
greater than 1,
it is not easy to determine $n(\mu)$. Of course, the
Gromov-Witten invariant should be defined as the number of
$J$-holomorphic curves with a fixed homology class
after perturbing the complex structure of $W$ to a generic almost
complex structure $J$ (\cite{Mor-Math}, Theorem 3.3). However at
this moment
we do not know how to perturb the almost complex structure and how
a pseudo-section $C$ of type $\mu$ arises as a limit of
$J$-holomorphic curves.
(Different $J$-holomorphic curves for generic $J$ may have the
same limit in our complex structure of Schoen's Calabi-Yau 3-fold
Here we propose the following:
The contribution $n(\mu) $ of all pseudo-sections of type
$\mu$ is given by
n(\mu) = e(\Hilb^{\mu}_W) = \mbox{ Topological Euler number of }(
where $\Hilb^{\mu}_W $ is the Hilbert scheme parameterizing
pseudo-sections $C
\subset W$
of type $\mu$.
Let ${\bf C}^2$ be the complex affine space of dimension 2 and denote by
$\Hilb^{k}({\bf C}^2, 0)$ the Hilbert scheme
parameterizing the punctual ideal sheaves
${\cal I} \subset {\cal O}_{{\bf C}^2} $ of colength $k$
supported on the origin $0 \in {\bf C}^2$
\begin{Lemma} \label{l:hilb-1}
Fix a type $\mu = (\sigma, k_1, \cdots, k_{12}, k'_1, \cdots,
k'_{12})$ of
pseudo-section. Then we have a natural isomorphism of schemes
\Hilb^{\mu}_W \simeq \prod_{i=1}^{12} (\Hilb^{k_i}({\bf C}^2, 0)) \times
\prod_{j=1}^{12} (\Hilb^{k'_j}({\bf C}^2, 0))
{\it Proof.} {From} the definition of pseudo-section $C$ of type
$\mu$ in
we have the natural morphism $\varphi$ from $\Hilb^{\mu}_W$ to
\Hilb (\sigma(\P1) \subset W) \times
\prod_{i=1}^{12} (\Hilb^{k_i}(S_2, \sigma_2(d_i))) \times
\prod_{j=1}^{12} (\Hilb^{k'_j}(S_1, \sigma_1(d'_j))).
of $W$
defined by
\varphi(C) & = & \varphi(\sigma(\P1) + \sum_{i = 1}^{12}
D[{\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2(d_i))] +
\sum_{j = 1}^{12} D'[{\cal I}( k'_j, \beta[\sigma_1, d'_j])]) \\
& = & (\sigma(\P1), \ {\cal I}[k_i, \sigma_2(d_i)], \
{\cal I}[k'_j,\alpha[\sigma_1,
(Here $\Hilb (\sigma(\P1) \subset W)$ denotes the connected
component of the
Hilbert scheme which contains the subscheme $\sigma(\P1) $ of $W$. )
Noting that $C$ is connected and $\sigma(\P1) \subset W$ has no
deformation (in
particular $ \Hilb(\sigma(\P1) \subset W) = 1 pt$) , we
can easily see that $\varphi$ is an isomorphism and obtain
The following important lemma is a kind suggestion of Kota
\begin{Lemma} \label{l:hilb-2}
The Hilbert scheme $\Hilb^{k}({\bf C}^2, 0)$ is irreducible scheme of
dimension $k-1$ and
e(\Hilb^{k}({\bf C}^2, 0)) = p(k)
where $p(k)$ denotes the number of partitions of $k$.
{\it Proof.} The irreduciblity of $\Hilb^{k}({\bf C}^2, 0) $ is
due to Brian\c{c}on \cite{B}.
Moreover $\Hilb^{k}({\bf C} \{ x, y \}) $
has a natural $S^1$-action induced by $(x, y) \rightarrow
(t^a \cdot x, t^b \cdot y)$ for any weight $(a, b)$.
Then for a general
choice of a weight $(a, b)$ its fixed points set becomes
just the set of monomial ideals of length $k$.
Now a standard argument shows that the
topological Euler number of
$\Hilb^{k}({\bf C}^2, 0)$ is equal to the number of fixed points,
and it is an easy exercise to see that the
number of monomial ideals of ${\bf C}[x, y]$ with colength $k$ is equal
to $p(k)$.{}\hfill$\Box$
{From} Lemma~\ref{l:hilb-1} and Lemma~\ref{l:hilb-2}, we obtain the
following result.
Let $\mu$ and $n(\mu)$ as in Conjecture~(\ref{c:cont}), then we have
n(\mu) = e(\Hilb^{\mu}_W) = (\prod_{i=1}^{12} p(k_i)) \cdot
Let $\mu = (\sigma, k_1, \cdots, k_{12}, k'_1, \cdots, k'_{12}),
\mu' =
(\sigma', l_1, \cdots, l_{12}, l'_1, \cdots, l'_{12}) $ be two types
Then a pseudo-section $C$ of type $\mu$ and $C'$ of type $\mu'$ have
the same homology class in $H_2(W)$ if and only if
\sigma = \sigma', \quad \sum_{i =1}^{12} k_i = \sum_{i =1}^{12}
l_i, \quad
\sum_{j =1}^{12} k'_j = \sum_{j =1}^{12} l'_j.
{\it Proof.} The ``only if" part is obvious. Lemma~\ref{l:j-inj}
shows that
the first equality in (\ref{eq:iff}) is necessary. Moreover
noting that $[D[{\cal I}(k_i, \sigma_2, d_i)]]$ is homologous to $k_i
\cdot (p_2)^{-1}(\sigma_2(d_i)) $ and
$[D'({\cal I}[k'_j, \sigma_1, d'_j)]] $ is homologous to $ k'_j \cdot
we have the other implication.
Let $\eta \in H_2(W)$ be such that $([F], \eta)_W = 1$, then in order
have non-vanishing contribution $n(\eta)$, $\eta$ must be the class of a
pseudo-section, so write
$\eta$ as $(\sigma, m \cdot p_2^{-1}( 1 pt), n p_1^{-1} ( 1 pt))$.
We call $\eta$ {\em of type $(\sigma, m, n)$}.
For $\eta \in H_2(W)$ with $([F], \eta)_W = 1$ of type $(\sigma, m,
n)$, we have
n(\eta)= n(\sigma, m, n)
:= (\sum_{ \ k_1 + \cdots + k_{12} = n} \quad \prod_{i =
1}^{12}p(k_i ))
(\sum_{ \ k'_1 + \cdots +k'_{12} = m} \quad \prod_{j =
Here $k_i$ and $k'_j$ run over the non-negative integers.
{\it Proof.} {From} Lemma~\ref{l:homology} and the remark above, we
n(\eta) = \sum_{\mu} n(\mu)
where the summation is taken over the types
$\mu = (\sigma, k_1, \cdots, k_{12}, k'_1, \cdots, k'_{12})$ of
pseudo-sections such that
n = \sum_{i=1}^{12} k_i, \quad m = \sum_{j =1}^{12} k'_j.
Combining this with (\ref{eq:cont-result}), we obtain the
assertion~(\ref{eq:coef}). {}\hfill$\Box$
{\bf Proof of Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep}}
Let us fix a homology class $\eta \in H_2(W)$ with $([F], \eta) =1$
type $(\sigma, n, m)$. From (\ref{eq:int-l}), (\ref{eq:int-m}) it
is easy to see that
([F], \eta)_W & = &1, \\
([L_i], \eta)_W & = &
([L_i], j(\sigma))_W + n \\
([M_j], \eta)_W & = & ([M_j], j(\sigma) )_W + m.
We introduce parameters $z_0 = \log q_0, y_0 = \log s_0$.
Note that we have set in Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep}
\tau_1 = \sum_{j=0}^{8} z_j, \quad \tau_2 = \sum_{j=0}^8 y_j.
Moreover just for notation in the proof, we set $v_l = \exp(2 \pi i
$l =1, 2$.
Recalling the definition of $T^{\sigma}$ (cf. (\ref{eq:tsigma})), we
T^{\eta} & = & \exp( 2 \pi i (t_0 [F] + \sum_{i=0}^8 z_i [L_i] +
\sum_{j=1}^8 y_j [M_j], \eta)_W) \nonumber \\
& = & p \cdot \exp(2 \pi i (\sum_{i=0}^8 z_i
[([L_i], j(\sigma))_W+ n] + \sum_{i=0}^8 y_j [([M_j], j(\sigma))_W
+ m])) \nonumber \\
& = & T^{\sigma} \cdot (v_1)^n \cdot
Then we have
\lefteqn{\Psi_{A, 1}(p, q_0, \cdots q_8, s_0, \cdots, s_8)}
\nonumber \\
&= & \sum_{\eta \in H_2(W), ([F], \eta) = 1} n(\eta) \Li_3(T^{\eta})
&= & \sum_{\sigma \in MW(W), n \geq 0, m \geq 0} n(\sigma, n, m)
\Li_3( T^{\sigma} \cdot (v_1)^n \cdot (v_2)^m) \nonumber \\
&= & \sum_{N = 1}^{\infty}
[\sum_{\sigma \in MW(W), n \geq 0, m \geq 0} n(\sigma, n, m) \cdot
\frac{(T^{\sigma})^N \cdot (v_1)^{Nn}\cdot (v_2)^{Nm}}{N^3}]
\nonumber \\
& = & \sum_{N = 1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{N^3} \cdot
[\sum_{\sigma \in MW(W)} (T^{\sigma})^N] \cdot
[ \sum_{n \geq 0, m \geq 0} n(\sigma, n, m)
(v_1)^{Nn} \cdot (v_2)^{Nm}]. \nonumber \\
& & \label{eq:final}
Note that the last equality follows from the fact that
$n(\sigma, n, m)$ does not depend on $\sigma$.
On the other hand, from equality~(\ref{eq:coef}) we have
[(\sum_{k =0}^{\infty} p(k) (v_1)^k )(\sum_{k' =0}^{\infty} p(k')
= \sum_{n \geq 0, m \geq 0} n(\sigma, n, m) (v_1)^n \cdot (v_2)^m.
Moreover as in the proof of Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep} we can see that
[\sum_{\sigma \in MW(W)} (T^{\sigma})^N] =
( p \prod_{i=1}^8 (q_i \cdot s_i))^N
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(N \tau_1, N\cdot {\bf z}) \cdot
\Theta_{E_8}^{root}(N \tau_2, N \cdot {\bf y}).
Combining these equalities with (\ref{eq:final}), we
obtain the proof of Theorem~\ref{t:1-s-prep}. {}\hfill$\Box$
\section{The restricted A-model Prepotential}
In order to compare the prepotential of the A-model Yukawa coupling
of $W$
with the B-model Yukawa coupling
of the mirror partner $W^*$,
which we obtain in Section~\ref{s:B-model},
we need to take a special restriction of the variables of the
prepotential, that is, we have to specify
the parameters which correspond to the line bundles
which are induced from the ambient space $\P1 \times \P2 \times
Let $\iota:W \hookrightarrow
\P1 \times \P2 \times \P2$ be the natural embedding.
Then we set
[F] = \pi_1^*({\cal O}_{\P1}(1)), \quad [H_1]= \pi_2^*({\cal O}_{\P2}(1)),
\quad [H_2]
= \pi_3^*({\cal O}_{\P2}(1)), \label{eq:res-picard}
and introduce corresponding parameters as follows:
\quad [F] \leftrightarrow p = U_0 = \exp (2 \pi i t_0),
\nonumber \\
\quad [H_1] \leftrightarrow U_1 = \exp (2 \pi i t_1),
\quad [H_2] \leftrightarrow U_2 = \exp (2 \pi i t_2). \nonumber
Now we consider the following restricted prepotential
\Psi_{A}^{res} = \mbox{topological term} + \sum_{0 \neq \eta \in
n(\eta) \Li_3(U^{\eta})
U^{\eta} & = & \exp( 2 \pi i (t_0 [F] + t_1 [H_1] + t_2 [H_2],
\eta)_W) \\
& = & p^{([F], \eta )_W } \cdot (U_1)^{([H_1], \eta )_W } \cdot
(U_2)^{ ([H_2], \eta )_W}.
Moreover, we can define the $k$-sectional part and the
Mordell-Weil part of the
restricted prepotential
\Psi_{A, k}^{res} = \sum_{0 \not\equiv \eta
\in H_2(X, {\bf Z}), \ (F, \eta)= k} n(\eta) \Li_3( U^{\eta}),
\Psi_{A, MW(W)}^{res} = \sum_{\sigma \in MW(W)}
\Psi_{A, MW(W)}^{res}(p, t_1, t_2)
= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{p^n}{n^3} \cdot
\Theta_{E_8}(3n t_1, n t_1 \gamma) \cdot \Theta_{E_8}(3n
t_2, n t_2 \gamma) \label{eq:resprep}
\Psi_{A, 1}^{res}(p, t_1, t_2)
= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{p^n}{n^3} \cdot
A^{res}(n t_1) \cdot A^{res}(n t_2)
\gamma = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1)
A^{res}(t) &=& \Theta_{E_8}( 3 t, t \cdot \gamma) \cdot
p(n)\exp (2\pi i n(3 t))^{12} \\
& = & \Theta_{E_8}( 3 t, t \cdot \gamma) \cdot
\frac{\exp( 3 \pi i t)}{[\eta( 3t )]^{12}} \nonumber \\
& = & \Theta_{E_8}( 3 t, t \cdot \gamma) \cdot
\frac{1}{[\prod_{m \geq 1 }(1 - \exp(2 \pi i m (3t)))]^{12}}.
{\it Proof.} {From} Relation~(\ref{eq:h-f}), we obtain for every
$\sigma \in
\lefteqn{([H_1], j(\sigma))_W = (H_1, j(\sigma_1))_{S_1} }\\
& & =(2 F_1 + 5 L_0 -2 L_1 - L_2 + L_8, j(\sigma_1))_{S_1} \\
& & = 2 + 1/2 (5 Q_1(\sigma_1) - 2 Q_1(\sigma_1 + a_1) -
Q_1(\sigma_1 +
a_2) + Q_1(\sigma_1 + a_8)) \\
& & = \frac{3}{2} Q_1(\sigma_1) + B_1(\sigma_1, -2 a_1 -a_2 +
and a similar equation for $([H_2], j(\sigma))_W$.
Then from Remark~\ref{rem:root}, we see that
\gamma = -2 a_1 - a_2 + a_8 & =
& -[(\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_8) -(\epsilon_2 + \epsilon_3 + \epsilon_4 +
\epsilon_5 + \epsilon_6
+ \epsilon_7)] + \\
& & -(\epsilon_2 - \epsilon_1) + (\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2) \\
&=& \epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2 + \epsilon_3 + \epsilon_4
+ \epsilon_5 + \epsilon_6 + \epsilon_7 - \epsilon_8
Therefore we see that
\lefteqn{U^{j(\sigma)} = \exp (2 \pi i (t_0 + ([H_1],j(\sigma))_W
t_1 +
([H_2],j(\sigma))_W t_2))} \\
&&= p \cdot \exp (2 \pi i(\frac{3t_1}{2} Q_1(\sigma_1)+B_1(
\sigma_1, t_1
\gamma ) ) \exp ( 2 \pi i( \frac{3t_2}{2}Q_2(\sigma_2)+B_2(
\sigma_2, t_2
\gamma ) ) )
Then as in the proof of Theorem~\ref{t:mw-prep}, we can obtain
Assertion~(\ref{eq:resprep}). The proof of
Assertion~(\ref{eq:A-res-prep}) is
Now we consider the expansion of (\ref{eq:resprep}) and
(\ref{eq:A-res-prep}) with respect to the variable $p$.
\Psi_{A, MW(W)}^{res} =
p \cdot \Theta_{E_8}(3 t_1, t_1 \gamma)
\Theta_{E_8}(3 t_2, t_2 \gamma) + O(p^2)
\Psi_A - \mbox{topological term} =
\Psi_{A, 1}^{res} + O(p^2) =
p \cdot A^{res} (t_1) \cdot
A^{res}(t_2)+ O(p^2)
Let us define sequences of positive integers $\{c_n \} $ and
$\{ a_n \}$ by
\Theta_{E_8}(3 t, t \gamma) = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} c_m \exp (2
\pi m i t) =
\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} c_m U^m
\label{eq:expand} \\
A^{res}( t ) = \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} a_m \exp (2 \pi m i t) =
\sum_{n =
0}^{\infty} a_m U^m.
Let us also expand functions
as follows:
p \cdot \Theta_{E_8}(3 t_1, t_1 \gamma) \cdot \Theta_{E_8}(3 t_2,
\gamma) =
\sum_{n_1 \geq 0, n_2 \geq 0} M_{1, n_1,n_2} \cdot p \cdot
(U_1)^{n_1} (U_2)^{n_2}\label{eq:expandprod1} \\
p \cdot A^{res}(t_1) \cdot A^{res}(t_2) = \sum_{n_1 \geq 0, n_2 \geq 0}
n_1,n_2} \cdot p \cdot
(U_1)^{n_1} (U_2)^{n_2}.
The proof of the following proposition follows from
and Proposition~\ref{prop:res}.
M_{1,n_1,n_2} = c_{n_1} \cdot c_{n_2}, \quad
N_{1, n_1, n_2} = a_{n_1} \cdot a_{n_2}
\item Let $f:S \lra \P1$ be a generic rational elliptic surface as
section~\ref{s:schoen}. Then
in the expansion~$(\ref{eq:expand})$ the coefficient $c_m$ is the
number of
sections of $f:S \lra \P1$ with degree $(H, [\sigma(\P1)])_S = m$,
that is,
c_m = \sharp \{ \ \ \sigma \in MW(S) \quad | \quad (H, [\sigma(\P1)])_S = m
\ \ \},
where $H$ is the class of the total transform of a line on $\P2$.
\item The integer $M_{1,n_1, n_2}$ $($resp.$N_{1,n_1, n_2}$$)$
is the number of sections $\sigma \in MW(W)$ (resp. pseudo-sections
of $h:W \lra \P1$ with bidegree $(n_1, n_2) $ where $n_i = ([H_i],
$($resp. $n_i = ([H_i], \eta)_W$ $)$ is
the degree with respect to $[H_i]$.
The factorization property of $M_{1,n_1, n_2}$ and $N_{1, n_1,
in $(\ref{eq:split})$ follows from the fact that sections and
of $h:W \lra \P1$ can be split as in $(\ref{eq:isom})$,
Note that the sequences $\{ c_m \}$ and $\{a_m \}$ are connected to
each other
by the formula:
\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} a_m U^m = [\sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} c_m U^m][
=0}^{\infty} p(k) U^{3k}]^{12}.
The number $a_m$ can be considered as the number of pseudo-sections
of a
generic rational elliptic surface $f:S \lra \P1$ of degree $m$ with
respect to
the divisor class $[H]$.
The term
[ \sum_{k =0}^{\infty} p(k) U^{3k}]^{12}
is nothing but the contribution of 12 singular fibers of type $I_1$,
when we
count the contribution of one singular fiber of type $I_1$ with
$k$ as $p(k)$.
Here we will expand $\Theta_{E_8}(3 t, t \gamma)$ and $A^{res}(t)$
in the variable $U = \exp(2 \pi i t)$ and give the table of
coefficients $c_n$ and $a_n$ up to order 50. (See also the last
remark of Section~\ref{s:B-model}). We can use
Proposition~\ref{pr:e8theta} to obtain the following expansion.
Table. 1
\Theta_{E_8} (3 t , t \gamma ) = \sum_{m \geq 0} c_m U^m.
0& 9 \\
1& 36\\
2 & 126\\
3 & 252 \\
4 & 513 \\
5 & 756 \\
6 & 1332\\
7 & 1764 \\
8 & 2808 \\
9& 3276 \\
10 &4914 \\
11 & 5616\\
12 & 8190 \\
13 & 8892 \\
14 & 12168 \\
15 & 13104\\
16 & 17766 \\
17 & 18648 \\
18 & 24390 \\
19 & 25200\\
20 & 33345 \\
21 & 33516\\
22 & 43344 \\
23 & 43092 \\
24 & 55692 \\
25 & 54684\\
26 & 68922 \\
27 & 68796 \\
28 & 86580 \\
29 & 84168 \\
30 & 103824 \\
31 & 101556 \\
32 & 127647 \\
33 & 121212 \\
34 & 148878 \\
35 & 143964 \\
36 & 178776 \\
37 & 170352 \\
38 & 205380 \\
39 & 197136 \\
40 & 241920\\
41 & 227556 \\
42 & 276948 \\
43 & 262080 \\
44 & 319410 \\
45 & 298116 \\
46 & 357912\\
47 & 341460 \\
48 & 410958 \\
49 & 382356 \\
50 & 458208 \\
& \\
{\bf Table 2. (Table for $\{ a_n \} $).}
A^{res}(t) = \sum_{m \geq 0} a_m U^m = (\sum_{n \geq 0} c_n U^n)
(\sum_{k \geq 0} p(k) U^{3k} )^{12}.
1& 36\\
2 & 126\\
3 & 360\\
4 & 945\\
5 & 2268\\
6 & 5166\\
7 & 11160\\
8 & 23220\\
9 & 46620\\
10 & 90972\\
11 & 172872\\
12 & 321237 \\
13 & 584640\\
14 & 1044810\\
15 & 1835856\\
16 & 3177153\\
17 & 5421132\\
18 & 9131220\\
19 & 15195600\\
20 & 25006653\\
21 & 40722840\\
22 & 65670768\\
23 & 104930280\\
24 & 166214205\\
25 & 261141300\\
26 & 407118726\\
27 & 630048384\\
28 & 968272605\\
29 & 1478208420\\
30 & 2242463580\\
31 & 3381344280\\
32 & 5069259342\\
33 & 7557818940\\
34 & 11208455370\\
35 & 16538048640\\
36 & 24282822798\\
37 & 35487134928\\
38 & 51626878470\\
39 & 74779896240\\
40 & 107861179482\\
41 & 154945739844\\
42 & 221711362038\\
43 & 316042958880\\
44 & 448856366490\\
45 & 635216766732\\
46 & 895854679650\\
47 & 1259213600736\\
48 & 1764210946995\\
49 & 2463949037340\\
50 & 3430694064888
\section{The prepotential of the B-model Yukawa coupling}
In this section we study the prepotential of the B-model Yukawa
for the mirror $W^*$ of Schoen's example
in the sense of Batyrev-Borisov~\cite{Batyrev-Borisov}
and compare it with the prepotential
for the A-model Yukawa coupling of $W$.
Formula (\ref{eq:Psi}) gives this B-model prepotential $\Psi_{B}$
In order to determine the B-model prepotential
we will basically follow the recipe of
\cite{HKTY,Sti} which uses only
toric data of {the} A-model side.
However in order to give an
intuitive picture of the mirror $W^*$ we will put
here the orbifold construction of the
mirror $W^*$ of Schoen's example
and the Picard-Fuchs equations of the periods of a
holomorphic 3-form of $W^*$.
Based on the Batyrev-Borisov mirror construction (cf.
\cite{Batyrev-Borisov}, \cite{HKTY}) for complete intersection
Calabi-Yau manifolds in toric varieties
we can derive the following
The family of
mirror Calabi-Yau 3-folds of $W$ is obtained by the orbifold
construction with group ${\bf Z}_3\times{\bf Z}_3$ from
the subfamily $W_{\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \beta_0, \beta_1}$ of $W$:
\lefteqn{W_{\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \beta_0, \beta_1} = } \\
&& \left\{ \;
[z_0:z_1] \times [ x_0: x_1: x_2]\times[ y_0: y_1: y_2]
\in \P1 \times \P2 \times \P2
\;|\;P_1 = P_2 = 0 \;
P_1&=&(x_0^3+x_1^3+x_2^3+\alpha_0x_0x_1x_2)z_1+\alpha_1x_0x_1x_2 z_0
P_2&=&(y_0^3+y_1^3+y_2^3+\beta_0y_0y_1y_2)z_0+\beta_1y_0y_1y_2 z_1
\; \\
and the group ${\bf Z}_3\times{\bf Z}_3$ is generated by
\begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:action}
\lefteqn{g_1: ([z_0:z_1],[x_0:x_1:x_2],[y_0:y_1:y_2]) \hspace{2cm}
} \nonumber \\
& & \hspace{1cm} \mapsto([z_0:z_1],[x_0:\omega x_1:\omega^2
x_2],[y_0:y_1:y_2]), \\
\lefteqn{ g_2: ([z_0:z_1],[x_0:x_1:x_2],[y_0:y_1:y_2]) \hspace{2cm}
} \nonumber \\
&& \hspace{1cm} \mapsto ([z_0:z_1],[x_0:x_1:x_2],[y_0:\omega
y_1:\omega^2 y_2]), \nonumber
with $\omega=e^{2\pi i /3}$. That is, the mirror $W^*$ is
W^* = W_{\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \beta_0, \beta_1}/({\bf Z}_3 \times {\bf Z}_3).
{\it Proof.} See Section \ref{s:B-model equations}, Appendix I.
In the equations $P_1$ and $P_2$ above we have kept four parameters
$\alpha_0,\alpha_1, \beta_0,\beta_1$ for symmetry reasons. However
only three of them are essential because of the scaling of the
variables $z_0,z_1$. After the orbifoldization this three parameter
deformation describes a three dimensional subspace in the complex
structure (B-model) moduli space of $W^*$. The full complex
structure moduli
space has dimension 19. Under the mirror symmetry the three
dimensional subspace will be mapped to the subspace in the
complexified K\"ahler moduli space parameterized by $(t_0, t_1,t_2)$
in (\ref{eq:sp-coord}).
The B-model calculations are local calculations based on the
variation of
the Hodge structure for the family $W^*$ about the {\it Large
structure limit} (LCSL). A mathematical characterization of LCSL
given in \cite{Mor-II}. Here we simply follow a general recipe
applicable to CICYs in toric varieties to find a LCSL and write
the Picard-Fuchs differential equations \cite{HKTY}. We find that
of the local coordinate system $u=(u_0,u_1,u_2)$ with
$u_0={\alpha_1\beta_1 \over \alpha_0 \beta_0}, \;
u_1=-{1\over \alpha_0^3}$ and $u_2=-{1\over \beta_0^3}$ is a LCSL,
and that the Picard-Fuchs (PF) differential operators about this
point are
D_1 &= & (3\theta_{u_1}-\theta_{u_0})\theta_{u_1}
& & + u_0\theta_{u_1}(3\theta_{u_2}+\theta_{u_0}+1) \;\;, \\[.5em]
D_2&=& (3\theta_{u_2}-\theta_{u_0})\theta_{u_2}
& & + u_0\theta_{u_2}(3\theta_{u_1}+\theta_{u_0}+1) \;\;, \\[.5em]
D_3 &=& \theta_{u_0}^2-u_0(3\theta_{u_1}+\theta_{u_0}+1)
(3\theta_{u_2}+\theta_{u_0}+1) \;\;,
with $\theta_{u_i}=u_i{\partial \; \over \partial u_i}$.
We note that if we set $u_0=0$ in (\ref{eq:PF}), the operators
$D_1$ and $D_2$ reduce to the PF equations for the Hesse pencil of
elliptic curves.
Local solutions about $u=0$ have several interesting properties.
To state these, we denote the three elements $[F], [H_1]$ and
in the Picard group Pic$(W)$ by $J_0, J_1$ and $J_2$, respectively.
By the notation $K_{ijk} \; (i,j,k=0,1,2)$ we denote the classical
intersection numbers among the corresponding divisors. Then the
nonzero components are calculated, up to obvious permutations of the
indices, by
K_{012}=9 \;\;,\;\; K_{112}=K_{122}=3 \;\;.
The Picard-Fuchs equation (\ref{eq:PF}) has only one regular
solution, namely
\Omega^{(0)}(u):=\sum_{m_0,m_1,m_2\geq 0}
{(m_0+3m_1)!\;(m_0+3m_2)! \over (m_0!)^2\, (m_1!)^3 \, (m_2!)^3 }
All other solutions of (\ref{eq:PF}) have logarithmic regular
singularities and
the following form in terms of the classical Frobenius method
\begin{equation} \label{eq:wi}
\Omega(u,\rho)\vert_{\rho=0}} \;,\hspace{4mm} \\
&\displaystyle{ \Omega^{(2)}_i(u):=
\;,\; }\\
\Omega^{(3)}(u) :=
\Omega(u,\rho)\vert_{\rho=0} \;,}
\Omega(u,\rho):= \hspace{10.5cm}
\displaystyle{ \sum_{m_0,m_1,m_2\geq 0}
{ (1+\rho_0+3\rho_1)_{m_0+3m_1} (1+\rho_0+3\rho_2)_{m_0+3m_2}
(1+\rho_0)_{m_0}^2 (1+\rho_1)_{m_1}^3 (1+\rho_2)_{m_2}^3 }
and $K_{ijk}$ being the coupling in $(\ref{eq:Kcl})$. The notation
$(x)_m$ represents the Pochhammer symbol:
Now we are ready to define the B-model prepotential and the mirror
\begin{Definition} {\rm We define the {\em B-model prepotential} by
\Bigl\{ \Omega^{(0)}(u)\Omega^{(3)}(u) + \sum_i
\Omega_i^{(1)}(u)\Omega_i^{(2)}(u) \Bigr\} \;\;.
\begin{Definition} \label{d:mirrormap}{\rm
We define the {\em special coordinates on
the B-model moduli space} by
t_j={1\over 2\pi i}{\Omega^{(1)}_j(u) \over \Omega^{(0)}(u) }
\:,\hspace{4mm}U_j:=e^{2\pi i t_j} \hspace{4mm}(j=0,1,2)\;.
Then $U_0,U_1,U_2$ are functions of $u_0,u_1,u_2$ and
order terms}$.
The inverse map $(u_0(U),\,u_1(U),\,u_2(U))$
is called {\em the mirror map}.}
\begin{Conjecture} \label{c:mirror}
{\bf (Mirror Conjecture)}
The B-model prepotential $\Psi_B(u)$ combined with the mirror map
has the expansion
={(2\pi i)^3 \over 3!}\sum_{i,j,k=0,1,2} K_{ijk}t_it_jt_k
+\sum_{n_0,n_1,n_2 \geq 0} N_{n_0,n_1,n_2}
where $N_{n_0,n_1,n_2}$ is the number of rational curves
$\varphi: {\bf P}^1 \mapsto W$ with
$(J_i,\varphi_*([{\bf P}^1]))$ $= n_i, \;\;(i=0,1,2)$.
In our context, we can state the conjecture in more precise form as
\Psi^{res}_A(U_0, U_1, U_2) = \Psi_B(u(U_0, U_1, U_2))
where $\Psi^{res}_A(U_0, U_1, U_2)$ is the restricted $A$-model
defined in $(\ref{eq:res-fullprep})$.
Next we briefly sketch the approach of \cite{Sti} for calculating
B-model prepotential by using only toric data of the A-model
This starts from the
observation that Schoen's example $W$ can be embedded in
$\P1\times \P2\times \P2$ as the intersection of a hypersurface of
degree $(1,3,0)$ and a hypersurface of degree $(1,0,3)$. (cf.
So $W$ is the zero locus of a (general) section of the rank $2$
bundle ${\cal O} (1,3,0)\oplus {\cal O} (1,0,3)$ on
$\P1\times \P2\times \P2$.
This vector bundle can be constructed as a quotient of an open part
${\bf C}^{10}$ by a $3$-dimensional subtorus of $({\bf C}^\ast)^{10}$ acting
coordinatewise multiplication. The subtorus is the image of the
$({\bf C}^\ast)^{3}={\bf Z}^{3}\otimes{\bf C}^\ast\rightarrow
{\bf Z}^{10}\otimes{\bf C}^\ast=({\bf C}^\ast)^{10}$ given by the $3\times
{\sf B}:=\left(
The open part of ${\bf C}^{10}$ is
\;{\bf C}^{10}_{(i,j,k)}
{\bf C}^{10}_{(i,j,k)}:=\{(x_1,\ldots,x_{10})\in{\bf C}^{10}\;|\;
x_i\neq 0\,,\:x_j\neq 0\,,\:x_k\neq 0\;\}
We view $\{3,4\}\times\{5,6,7\}\times\{8,9,10\}$ as a collection of
18 subsets
of $\{1,\ldots,10\}$ and note that the complement of the union
of these 18 subsets is $\{1,2\}$. As explained in \cite{Sti}
this bit of combinatorial input suffices to explicitly write down
hypergeometric function from which one can subsequently compute the
This hypergeometric function is a priori a function in 10 variables
$v_1,\ldots,v_{10}$, which correspond to the a priori 10
coefficients in the
equations $P_1$ and $P_2$ in proposition \ref{orbifold}:
(\bar J_0+3\bar J_1)(\bar J_0 + 3\bar J_2)\times v_1^{-1}v_2^{-1}
\times\:u_1^{\bar J_0} u_2^{\bar J_1} u_3^{\bar J_2}\times\\
\sum_{m_0,m_1,m_2\geq 0}
\frac{(1+\bar J_0+3\bar J_1)_{m_0+3m_1}\cdot
(1+\bar J_0 + 3\bar J_2)_{m_0+3m_2}}{
{(1+\bar J_0)_{m_0}}\!^2\cdot {(1+\bar J_1)_{m_1}}\!^3\cdot
{(1+\bar J_2)_{m_2}}\!^3}\:u_0^{m_0} u_1^{m_1} u_2^{m_2}
u_0 \::=\,v_1^{-1}v_2^{-1}v_3v_4\:,\hspace{3mm}
u_1 \::=-\,v_1^{-3}v_5v_6v_7\:,\hspace{3mm}
u_2 \::=-\,v_2^{-3}v_8v_9v_{10}
and where $\bar J_0,\,\bar J_1,\,\bar J_2$ are elements in the ring
{\cal R}_{{\bf P}^1\times{\bf P}^2\times{\bf P}^2}:=
{\bf Z}[\bar J_0,\bar J_1, \bar J_2]/
(\bar J_0^2,\bar J_1^3,\bar J_2^3).
So, $v_1v_2\Phi$ is an element of
\left((\bar J_0+3\bar J_1)(\bar J_0 + 3\bar J_2)
{\cal R}_{{\bf P}^1\times{\bf P}^2\times{\bf P}^2}\right)\otimes
{\bf Q}[[u_1,u_2,u_3]][\log u_1,\,\log u_2,\,\log u_3]\,.
The map multiplication by $(\bar J_0+3\bar J_1)(\bar J_0 + 3\bar
on ${\cal R}_{{\bf P}^1\times{\bf P}^2\times{\bf P}^2}$ induces an isomorphism
linear spaces from the ring
{\cal R}_{toric}:= {\cal R}_{{\bf P}^1\times{\bf P}^2\times{\bf P}^2}/
Ann((\bar J_0+3\bar J_1)(\bar J_0 + 3\bar J_2))
onto the ideal
$(\bar J_0+3\bar J_1)(\bar J_0 + 3\bar J_2)
{\cal R}_{{\bf P}^1\times{\bf P}^2\times{\bf P}^2}$.
${\cal R}_{{\bf P}^1\times{\bf P}^2\times{\bf P}^2}$ is in fact the cohomology
ring of the
ambient toric variety $\P1\times\P2\times\P2$ and ${\cal
is a subring of the Chow ring of $W$. The classes of $\bar J_0,\bar
J_2$ in ${\cal R}_{toric}$ correspond to the elements $J_0,J_1,J_2$
Pic$(W)$ defined earlier.
One easily checks that ${\cal R}_{toric}$ is a free ${\bf Z}$-module of
rank $8$
with basis
and that the following relations hold
Instead of $\bar\Phi$ we may as well work with
\Omega(u,J):= \hspace{9cm}
\sum_{m_0,m_1,m_2\geq 0}
\frac{(1+ J_0+3 J_1)_{m_0+3m_1}\cdot
(1+ J_0 + 3 J_2)_{m_0+3m_2}}{
{(1+ J_0)_{m_0}}\!^2\cdot {(1+ J_1)_{m_1}}\!^3\cdot
{(1+ J_2)_{m_2}}\!^3}\:u_0^{m_0+J_0} u_1^{m_1+J_1} u_2^{m_2+J_2}
Using the notations (\ref{eq:Kcl}), (\ref{eq:wo}), (\ref{eq:wi})
$J_0^\vee:={1\over9}J_1J_2-{1\over27}J_0J_1-{1\over27}J_0J_2, \;$
$J_1^\vee:={1\over9}J_0J_2,\;$ $ J_2^\vee:={1\over9}J_0J_1$ and
the relation between the two approaches may now be formulated as
\Omega(u,J)=\Omega^{(0)}(u)+\sum_{i=0}^2 \Omega^{(1)}_i(u) J_i
+\sum_{i=0}^2 \Omega^{(2)}_i(u) J_i^\vee -
\Omega^{(3)}(u) vol
$\Omega(u,J)$ is an element of the ring
${\cal R}_{toric}\otimes
{\bf Q}[[u_1,u_2,u_3]][\log u_1,\,\log u_2,\,\log u_3]\,.$ It is $1$
$J_0,J_1,J_2,$ $u_0,u_1,u_2$ and hence its logarithm
also exists in the ring
${\cal R}_{toric}\otimes
{\bf Q}[[u_1,u_2,u_3]][\log u_1,\,\log u_2,\,\log u_3]\,.$ Expanding
$\log\Omega(u,J)$ with respect to the basis $\{1,\,J_0,\,J_1,\,J_2,
J_0^\vee,\,J_1^\vee,\,J_2^\vee,\,vol\}$ of ${\cal R}_{toric}$ one
\sum_{j=0}^2\log U_j\,J_j\,+\,
with $U_j$ as in (\ref{eq:coord}) and hence $\log U_j= 2\pi i t_j$.
A straightforward computation shows (see also (\ref{eq:Psi}) and
P&=&- \left(\frac{\Omega^{(3)}(u)}{\Omega^{(0)}(u)}\,+\,
\frac{(2\pi i)^3}{3}\sum_{m,j,k=0,1,2} K_{mjk}t_mt_jt_k
&=&-{2} \left(\Psi_B(u)\,-\,
\frac{(2\pi i)^3}{3!}\sum_{m,j,k=0,1,2} K_{mjk}t_mt_jt_k
&=&-{2} \sum_{n_0,n_1,n_2 \geq 0} N_{n_0,n_1,n_2}
Let the numbers $ N_{n_0,n_1,n_2}$ be defined by (\ref{eq:P}). Then
N_{0,n_1,n_2}=0\hspace{5mm}{\rm for\;all\;}\; n_1,n_2\geq 0
{\it Proof. } Note that modulo $u_0$
\lefteqn{u_0^{-J_0} u_1^{-J_1} u_2^{-J_2}\Omega(u,J)\equiv} \\
&& \equiv
\left(\sum_{m_1\geq 0}
\frac{(1+ J_0+3 J_1)_{3m_1}}{
{(1+ J_1)_{m_1}}\!^3} u_1^{m_1}\right)
\left(\sum_{m_2\geq 0}
\frac{(1+ J_0+3 J_2)_{3m_2}}{
{(1+ J_2)_{m_2}}\!^3} u_2^{m_2}\right)
and take logarithms. The logarithms involve no mixed terms $J_1J_2$.
This shows
$P\equiv 0\bmod u_0$.
As explained in \cite{F,Sti} a theorem of Bryant and Griffiths
P_j=-{1\over2}U_j\frac{\partial P}{\partial U_j}
for $j=0,1,2$. Hence
P_j= \sum_{n_0,n_1,n_2 \geq 0} n_j N_{n_0,n_1,n_2}
where $\Li_2(x):=\sum_{n\geq 1}\frac{x^n}{n^2}$ is the dilogarithm
It follows from (\ref{eq:dP}) and (\ref{eq:N0}) that we can get all
$N_{n_0,n_1,n_2}$ from $P_0$.
The computations are now greatly simplified by observing:
In ${\cal R}_{toric}$ the intersection of the ${\bf Z}$-module with
\\ $\{1,J_1,J_2,J_1J_2\}$ and the ideal generated by
is $0\,.$
So for studying $\log U_1\,,$ $\log U_2$ and
$P_0$ we may reduce modulo the ideal $(J_0,J_1^2,J_2^2)\,;$
i.e. replace ${\cal R}_{toric}$ by
${\bf Z}[\bar J_1, \bar J_2]/(\bar J_1^2,\bar J_2^2)$.
{From} now on we use $J_1$ resp. $J_2$ to denote the classes of
$\bar J_1$ resp. $\bar J_2$ in the latter ring; so we have in
from now on
\tilde\Omega(u,J_1,J_2):=\sum_{m_0,m_1,m_2\geq 0}
\frac{(1+ 3 J_1)_{m_0+3m_1}\cdot
(1+ 3 J_2)_{m_0+3m_2}}{
{m_0}!\,^2\cdot {(1+ J_1)_{m_1}}\!^3\cdot
{(1+ J_2)_{m_2}}\!^3}\:u_0^{m_0} u_1^{m_1} u_2^{m_2}
Then clearly
\log\tilde\Omega(u,J_1,J_2)&=& \log\Omega^{(0)}(u)\, + \,
(\log U_1-\log u_1)\,J_1\,+\\[.4em]
&& +\,(\log U_2-\log u_2)\,J_2
We have the following expansion of $\tilde\Omega(u,J_1,J_2)$ w.r.t.
\tilde\Omega(u,J_1,J_2)=\phi_0(u_1,J_1)\phi_0(u_2,J_2) +
\phi_1(u_1,J_1)\phi_1(u_2,J_2)u_0 + {\cal O}(u_0^2),
where we define
{(1+3\rho)_{3n} \over
{(1+\rho)_n}^3 } w^n \;, \\
{(1+3\rho)_{1+3n} \over
{(1+\rho)_n}^3 } w^n .
3w{\partial\over\partial w}\phi_0(w,\rho)\,.
This shows that modulo $u_0^2$
\log\tilde\Omega(u,J_1,J_2)} \equiv
+ \displaystyle{
Comparing (\ref{eq:logtildomexpand}) and (\ref{eq:lophi}) we see
that we have
\begin{Proposition} Define for $j=1,2$ the function $\bar U_j$ by
\log \bar U_j:=\log
\log U_j&=&\log \bar U_j\,+\, {\cal O}(u_0)
{1\over9}P_0&=&9\left(u_1{\partial\over\partial u_1}\log \bar
\left(u_2{\partial\over\partial u_2}\log \bar U_2\right)
u_0\,+\, {\cal O}(u_0^2)
Before we can draw conclusions for the numbers $N_{1,n_1,n_2}$ we
must first
analyse $U_0$ modulo $u_0^2$. Let
\tilde{\tilde\Omega}(u,J_0):=\sum_{m_0,m_1,m_2\geq 0}
\frac{(1+ J_0)_{m_0+3m_1}\cdot
(1+ J_0)_{m_0+3m_2}}{
{(1+ J_0)_{m_0}}\!^2\cdot m_1!\,^3\cdot
m_2!\,^3}\:u_0^{m_0} u_1^{m_1} u_2^{m_2}
with as before $J_0^2=0$. Then
(\log U_0-\log u_0)\,J_0
{(1+\rho)_{3n} \over n!\,^3 } w^n \;
\tilde{\tilde\Omega}(u,J_0)= \xi (u_1,J_0)\cdot\xi (u_2,J_0)
\,+\, {\cal O}(u_0)
and hence
U_0=u_0\cdot\psi(u_1)\cdot\psi(u_2)\,+\, {\cal O}(u_0^2)
By combining (\ref{eq:dP}), (\ref{eq:P0}) and (\ref{eq:U0}) we find
\sum_{n_1,n_2 \geq 0} N_{1,n_1,n_2}
\bar U_1^{n_1}\bar U_2^{n_2}\,=\,81
\left({1\over\psi(u_1)}u_1{\partial\over\partial u_1}\log \bar
\left({1\over\psi(u_2)}u_2{\partial\over\partial u_2}\log \bar
The number $N_{1,n_1,n_2}$ factorizes as
N_{1,n_1,n_2}=b_{n_1} b_{n_2} \;\;,
where the numbers $b_n$ are defined by
\sum_{n\geq 0} b_n \bar U_1^n \::=\:9
\left({1\over\psi(u_1)}u_1{\partial\over\partial u_1}\log \bar
\begin{Corollary} Let $\{ b_n \}$ be the sequence of integers
defined by the
expansion $(\ref{eq:b-prep})$.
We obtain the asymptotic expansion of the B-model prepotential as
\Psi_B(U_0, U_1, U_2) = \mbox{topological term} + U_0 B(t_1)
B(t_2) + {\cal
where $B(t)$ is defined by the series
B(t) = \sum_{n \geq 0} b_n \exp(2 \pi i n t) = \sum_{n \geq 0} b_n
{From} the asymptotic expansions of (\ref{eq:2-A-prep}) and
(\ref{eq:b-asymp}) we
obtain the
following precise identity between two functions, which actually
from the Mirror Conjecture~\ref{c:mirror}.
We will obtain the following identity
\fbox{$ A^{res}(t) \equiv B(t)$}
or equivalently
\fbox{$\sum_{n\geq 0} b_n U^n =
\Theta_{E_8}(3t,t\gamma)\prod_{n\geq 1}(1- U^{3n})^{-12}$}
where $U = \exp(2 \pi i t) $ and $\gamma=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1)$.
Unfortunately we are unable to prove Conjecture~\ref{c:mirror-2}.
since we can explicitly expand the right hand side of
(\ref{eq:b-prep}), we can
the expansion of $B(t)$ by using a computer and compare the result
with {the expansion} of $A^{res}(t)$.
Conjecture~\ref{c:mirror-2} is true up to order $U^{50}$.
To get started on the computer one may notice:
{(3n)!\over n!\,^3 } u^n \\
{\partial\over\partial u}\phi_0(u,\rho)|_{\rho=0}&=&
{(3n)!\over n!\,^3 } 3(g(3n)-g(n))u^n\\
{\partial\over\partial u}\xi(u,\rho)|_{\rho=0}&=&
{(3n)!\over n!\,^3 } g(3n) u^n
g(n)=\sum_{k=1}^n{1\over k}\;,\hspace{10mm}
g(3n)=\sum_{k=1}^{3n}{1\over k}
A simple PARI program then yields:
&& \quad B(t) =
9{1\over\psi(u)}u{\partial\over\partial u}\log U = \nonumber \\
&&9+ 36U+ 126{U^2}+ 360{U^3}+ 945{U^4}+
2268{U^5}+ 5166{U^6}+ 11160{U^7} \nonumber \\
&& + 23220{U^8} +46620{U^9}+ 90972{U^{10}} +
172872{U^{11}} + 321237{U^{12}} \nonumber \\
&&+ 584640{U^{13}}+ 1044810{U^{14}}+1835856{U^{15}}+
\nonumber \\
&& + 9131220{U^{18}} +15195600{U^{19}}+25006653{U^{20}} +
40722840{U^{21}} \nonumber \\
&& + 65670768{U^{22}}+104930280{U^{23}}+166214205{U^{24}}+
261141300{U^{25}} \nonumber \\
&&+ 407118726{U^{26}}+ 630048384{U^{27}} + 968272605{U^{28}} +
\nonumber \\
&& + 2242463580{U^{30}}+ 3381344280{U^{31}} +
5069259342{U^{32}} + 7557818940{U^{33}} \nonumber \\
&& + 11208455370{U^{34}}+16538048640{U^{35}} +
24282822798{U^{36}} \nonumber \\
&& +35487134928{U^{37}}
+ 51626878470{U^{38}}+ 74779896240{U^{39}} \nonumber \\
&& + 107861179482{U^{40}} + 154945739844{U^{41}} +
221711362038{U^{42}} \nonumber \\
&&+316042958880{U^{43}} +448856366490{U^{44}}+ 635216766732{U^{45}}
\nonumber \\
&&+895854679650{U^{46}} + 1259213600736{U^{47}} +
1764210946995{U^{48}} \nonumber \\
&& +2463949037340{U^{49}}+3430694064888{U^{50}} + O(U^{51})
\nonumber \\
&& \label{eq:b-expand}
Comparing this expansion~(\ref{eq:b-expand}) with Table 2 in
we see that $a_n= b_n$ for $n\leq 50$.
\section{Appendix I: B-model equation}
\label{s:B-model equations}
In this appendix we derive the equations stated in proposition
for the mirror $W^*$ of Schoen's example $W$. We use the mirror
construction of
Batyrev-Borisov \cite{Batyrev-Borisov} by means of reflexive
Gorenstein cones
of index $2$. As explained in \cite{Sti} the story in
\cite{Batyrev-Borisov} about split Gorenstein cones and NEF
can for examples like $W$ be reformulated in terms of triangulations
of the polytope $\Delta$ on the mirror side; more specifically,
$W$ can be embedded in
$\P1\times \P2\times \P2$ as the intersection of a hypersurface of
degree $(1,3,0)$ and a hypersurface of degree $(1,0,3)$.
This leads to the matrix ${\sf B}$ in (\ref{eq:Bmat}) and to the set
$\{3,4\}\times\{5,6,7\}\times\{8,9,10\}$ in (\ref{eq:union}).
To get the reflexive Gorenstein cone $\Lambda$ from which the mirror
Schoen's example can be constructed one should take a $7\times 10$
${\sf A}=(a_{ij})$ with rank $7$ and with integer entries such that
${\sf A}\cdot{\sf B}^t\:=\:0\,.$ We take
{\sf A}\::=\:\left(
Let ${\sf a}_1,\ldots,{\sf a}_{10}\in{\bf Z}^7$ be the columns of ${\sf A}$.
\Lambda:={\bf R}_{\geq 0}{\sf a}_1+\ldots+{\bf R}_{\geq 0}{\sf a}_{10}\;\subset{\bf R}^7
The polytope
$\Delta$ is the convex hull of the points
${\sf a}_1,\ldots,{\sf a}_{10}$ in ${\bf R}^7$. With
$\{3,4\}\times\{5,6,7\}\times\{8,9,10\}$ viewed
as a collection of subsets of $\{1,\ldots,10\}$ the complements of
18 subsets are the index sets for the maximal simplices in a
triangulation of
Let ${\bf S}_\Lambda$ denote the subalgebra of the algebra of Laurent
{\bf C}[u_1^{\pm 1},\ldots,u_7^{\pm 1}]
$$ generated by the monomial
$u_1^{m_1}\cdot\ldots\cdot u_7^{m_7}$ with
$(m_1,\ldots,m_7)\in\Lambda\cap{\bf Z}^7$. Giving such a monomial degree
makes ${\bf S}_\Lambda$ a graded ring.
The scheme
${\bf P}_\Lambda\::=\:{\rm Proj }{\bf S}_\Lambda$ is a projective toric
of dimension $6$.
A global section of ${\cal O}_{{\bf P}_\Lambda}(1)$ is given by a Laurent
polynomial (with coefficients $v_1,\ldots,v_{10}$)
{\sf s} & = & u_1(v_1+v_5u_4u_5+v_6u_4^{-1}+v_7u_5^{-1}+v_3u_3) + \\
& & u_2(v_2+v_8u_6u_7+v_9u_6^{-1}+v_{10}u_7^{-1}+v_4u_3^{-1})
For generic coefficients $v_1,\ldots,v_{10}$ the
zero locus of ${\sf s}$ in ${\bf P}_\Lambda$ is a generalized Calabi-Yau
manifold of
dimension $5$ in the sense of
\cite{Batyrev-Borisov}. This is one mirror of $W$ suggested by
As in \cite{Batyrev-Borisov} Section 4, one can also realize a
mirror as a
complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefold in a $5$-dimensional
toric variety,
as follows.
${\bf P}_\Lambda$ is a compactification of the torus
$({\bf C}^*)^7/{\bf C}^*$ where ${\bf C}^*:=\{(u,u,1,1,1,1,1)\in ({\bf C}^*)^7\}$.
The morphism
({\bf C}^*)^7&\rightarrow&
given by
\lefteqn{(u_1,\ldots,u_7)\mapsto ([u_1:u_1u_3],[u_2:u_2u_3^{-1}], }
&& [u_1:u_1u_4u_5:u_1u_4^{-1}:u_1u_5^{-1}],
extends to a morphism
${\bf P}_\Lambda\rightarrow \P1\times\P1\times\P3\times\P3$. The image
[p_0:p_1]\times [q_0:q_1]\times [s_0:s_1:s_2:s_3]\times
[t_0:t_1:t_2:t_3] \\
\in \P1\times\P1\times\P3\times\P3 \\
p_0q_0= p_1q_1, \quad s_0^3= s_1s_2s_3, \quad
t_0^3 = t_1t_2t_3
As noted in \cite{Batyrev-Borisov} Cor.3.4 the complement of the
Calabi-Yau $5$-fold ${\sf s}=0$
in ${\bf P}_\Lambda$ is a
${\bf C}$-bundle over the complement in $V$ of the complete intersection
Calabi-Yau $3$-fold with equations
(v_1s_0+v_5s_1+v_6s_2+v_7s_3)p_0+v_3s_0p_1 &=&0\\
This complete intersection Calabi-Yau $3$-fold itself is another
realization for a mirror of $W$.
Now note that the morphism
([z_0:z_1],[x_0:x_1:x_2],[y_0:y_1:y_2]) \mapsto \\
realizes $V$ also as the quotient of $ \P1 \times \P2 \times \P2$
by the group $ {\bf Z}_3\times{\bf Z}_3 $ acting as in
This completes the proof of Proposition~\ref{orbifold}.
\section{Appendix II: The Theta function of the $E_8$ lattice }
Let $\Lambda $ be a lattice of rank $d$ with positive definite
quadratic form $Q:\Lambda \lra {\bf Z}$.
We can fix an embedding $\Lambda \hookrightarrow {\bf R}^d$
such that the quadratic form $Q$
is induced by the usual Euclidean inner product $( \: , \: )$.
Let ${\cal H} = \{ \tau \in {\bf C} | \mbox{\rm Im} (\tau) > 0 \}$ be the
half plane. We denote by ${\bf w} = (w_1, \cdots, w_d)$ the
standard complex coordinates of ${\bf C}^d = {\bf R}^d \otimes {\bf C}$.
We define the theta function associated to the lattice $\Lambda$ by
\Theta_{\Lambda}(\tau, {\bf w}) =
\sum_{\sigma \in \Lambda}
\exp(2 \pi i ((\tau/2) Q(\sigma) + (\sigma, {\bf w})).
For certain Calabi-Yau 3-folds with a fibration by
abelian surfaces
one can calculate a part of the prepotential of the Yukawa coupling
arising from the
sections of the fibration by using the theta function associated to
the Mordell-Weil lattice \cite{Saito}. Since the Mordell-Weil
lattice of
a generic Schoen's example is isometric to $E_8 \times E_8$, we
would like to
calculate the theta function of $E_8$ and write it in an explicit
For that purpose we fix a standard embedding of $D_8$ and $E_8$
into ${\bf R}^8$. (\cite{C-S} p. 117 $\sim$
p. 121).
Let $e_1, e_2, \cdots, e_8$ be the
standard orthonormal basis of ${\bf R}^8$. An element of ${\bf R}^8$
is written as $\sum_{i=1}^{8} x_i e_i$. We define lattices in
${\bf R}^8$
{\bf Z}^{8} := \left\{ \sum_{i=1}^{8} x_i e_i, x_i \in {\bf Z} \right\}
D_8 := \left\{ \sum_{i=1}^{8} x_i e_i \in {\bf Z}^8, \\
\sum_{i=1}^{8} x_i \equiv 0\, (2) \right\},
E_8 = D_8 \cup (D_8 + s_0), \quad s_0 = \frac{1}{2}
\sum_{i=1}^{8} e_i,
The inner product $( \:, \:)$ induces positive
definite bilinear forms on these lattices and $E_8$ and $D_8$ have
integral bases whose intersection matrices are the Cartan matrices
$E_8$ and $D_8$ respectively.
The theta function for the one dimensional lattice $\Lambda = {\bf Z}$
with $Q(n) = n^2$ is the Jacobi theta function:
\vartheta(\tau, w) :=\Theta_{{\bf Z}}(\tau, w) = \sum_{n \in {\bf Z}}
\exp(\pi i n^2\tau + 2 \pi i n w).
We also have the following 4 theta functions (cf.
\vartheta_{0,0}(\tau, w) & = & \vartheta(\tau, w) \\
\vartheta_{0,1}(\tau, w) & = & \vartheta(\tau, w+\frac{1}{2}) \\
\vartheta_{1,0}(\tau, w) & = & \exp(\frac{\pi i \tau}{4} + \pi i w)
\cdot \vartheta(\tau, w+\frac{\tau}{2}) \\
\vartheta_{1,1}(\tau, w) & = & \exp(\frac{\pi i \tau}{4} + \pi
\cdot \vartheta(\tau, w+\frac{\tau+1}{2})
\begin{Proposition} \label{pr:e8theta}
Let ${\bf w} = (w_1, w_2, \cdots, w_8) \in {\bf C}^8$.
\Theta_{{\bf Z}^8}(\tau, {\bf w}) & = & \prod_{i=1}^8
\vartheta_{0,0}(\tau, w_i) \label{eq:z8}\\
\Theta_{E_8}(\tau, {\bf w}) &= & \frac{1}{2} \sum_{(a, b) \in
({\bf Z}/2{\bf Z})^2}
\prod_{i=1}^8 \vartheta_{a,b}(\tau, w_i) \label{eq:e8}
{\it Proof.} Straightforward exercise. See also \cite{D-G-W}.
Recall $\gamma=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1)$. The above formulas show
and hence
\Theta_{E_8}(3t, t\gamma)=\frac{1}{2}\{ \vartheta_{0,0}(3t,t)^8
-\vartheta_{1,1}(3t,t)^8 \}
Next note:
\exp(-\pi i t/3)\sum_{ m\equiv\pm 1\,(3)}\exp(\pi i t m^2/3) \\
-\exp(-\pi i t/3)\sum_{ m\equiv\pm 1\,(3)}(-1)^m\exp(\pi i t m^2/3)
\exp(-\pi i t/3)
\sum_{ m\equiv\pm 1\,(6)}\exp(\pi i t m^2/12) \\
-i\exp(-\pi i t/3)
\sum_{ m\equiv\pm 1\,(6)} \chi (m)\,\exp(\pi i t m^2/12)
where the summations run over $m \in {\bf N}$ with the indicated
and $\chi (m)=1$ (resp. $=-1$) if $m\equiv\pm 1\bmod 12$
(resp. $\equiv\pm 5\bmod 12$). Another useful observation is that
the Jacobi product formula for $\vartheta_{1,1}(\tau,w)$ (see
\vartheta_{1,1}(3t,t)=-i\exp(-\pi i t/4)\prod_{m\geq 1}(1-\exp(2\pi
i m t))
Now the computer can do its work and compute the expansion of
$\Theta_{E_8}(3t, t\gamma)$.
The first author would like to thank J.Bryan and N.C.Leung for
notifying him of the paper\cite{G-P}.
He would like to thank also to S.-T.Yau and the
Mathematics Department
of Harvard University for their hospitality when finishing this
The second author would like to thank
Taniguchi foundation for their generous support for the Symposium.
He would like to thank
also all participants in the symposium with whom he enjoyed
discussion. In particular, He would like to thank Ron Donagi for the
discussion about \cite{D-G-W}.
He would like to thank the staff of Kobe University, where he is
enjoying daily
stimulating atmosphere and discussion about mathematics. Special thanks
are due to
Kota Yoshioka in Kobe University who kindly remarked
The third author would like to thank the Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science for a JSPS Invitation Fellowship
in November-December 1996 and Kobe University
for support for a visit in July 1997.
He expresses special thanks to his host, Masa-Hiko Saito, for
a very stimulating atmosphere during these two visits to Kobe.
1997-09-17T17:52:07 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709019 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709019 | [
] | alg-geom/9709019 | Vladimir Masek | Vladimir Masek (Washington Univ. in St. Louis) | Kawachi's invariant for normal surface singularities | 16 pages, AMS-LaTeX 1.2 | null | null | null | null | We study a useful numerical invariant of normal surface singularities,
introduced recently by T. Kawachi. Using this invariant, we give a quick proof
of the (well-known) fact that all log-canonical surface singularities are
either elliptic Gorenstein or rational (without assuming a priori that they are
The main result is a criterion (stated in terms of Kawachi's invariant)
regarding global generation of adjoint linear systems on normal surfaces with
boundary. Such results can be used in proving effective estimates for global
generation on singular threefolds. The theorem of Ein-Lazarsfeld and Kawamata,
which says that the minimal center of log-canonical singularities is always
normal, explains why the results proved here are relevant in that situation.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 17 Sep 1997 15:51:59 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Washington Univ. in St. Louis"
] | alg-geom | \subsection*{Contents}
\item[0.] Introduction
\item[1.] Kawachi's invariant and log-canonical singularities
\item[2.] A theorem of Reider type on normal surfaces with boundary
\>$\lceil \cdot \rceil$ \> round-up \\
\>$\lfloor \cdot \rfloor$ \> round-down \\
\>$\{ \cdot \}$ \> fractional part \\
\>$f^{-1}D$ \> strict transform (proper transform) \\
\>$f^*D$ \> pull-back (total inverse image) \\
\>$\,\equiv$ \> numerical equivalence \\
\>$\,\sim$ \> linear equivalence \\
Let $Y$ be a normal algebraic surface over an algebraically closed field
of arbitrary characteristic. Let $y \in Y$ be a fixed point on $Y$. Let
$f : X \to (Y,y)$ be the minimal resolution of the germ $(Y,y)$ if $y$ is
singular, resp. the blowing-up of $Y$ at $y$ if $y$ is smooth. Kawachi
(\cite{kawachi1}) introduced the following numerical invariant of $(Y,y)$:
$\delta_y = -(Z-\Delta)^2$, where $Z$ is the fundamental cycle of $y$ and
$\Delta = f^*K_Y - K_X$ is the canonical cycle (or antidiscrepancy) of $y$.
In \S 1 we recall several definitions (including the fundamental and the
canonical cycle, etc.); then we study Kawachi's invariant and we give a very
short proof of the fact (well-known to the experts) that ``numerically''
log-canonical surface singularities are automatically \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Gorenstein.
In \S 2 we prove several criteria for global generation of linear systems of
the form $|K_Y+\rup{M}|$, $M$ a \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-divisor on $Y$ such that $K_Y+\rup{M}$ is
Cartier. This type of results was the original motivation for introducing the
invariant $\delta_y$ (see \cite{kawachi1, kawachi2, kawachim}). The main
interest in results of Reider type for \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-divisors on normal surfaces comes
from work related to Fujita's conjecture for (log-) terminal threefolds, cf.
\cite{elm, matsushita}. Using the criterion proved in \S 2, together with
other recent results, we can significantly improve the main theorem of
\cite{elm}; we will do so in a forthcoming paper.
The author has benefitted from numerous discussions with L.~B\u{a}descu,
L.~Ein, T.~Kawachi, R.~Lazarsfeld, and N.~Mohan Kumar.
\section{Kawachi's invariant and log-canonical singularities}
In this section we recall several standard definitions and facts regarding
normal surface singularities and we prove a number of elementary lemmas
involving Kawachi's invariant. For convenience, we use M. Reid's recent notes
\cite{reid} as our main reference.
{\bf (1.1)}
Let $Y$ be a complete normal algebraic surface (in any characteristic), and
let $f : X \to Y$ be a resolution of singularities of $Y$. We use Mumford's
\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-valued pullback and intersection theory on $Y$ (cf. \cite{mumford}): if $D$
is any Weil (or \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Weil) divisor on $Y$, then $f^*D = f^{-1}D+D_{\text{exc}}$,
where $f^{-1}D$ is the strict transform of $D$ and $D_{\text{exc}}$ is the
(unique) $f$-exceptional \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-divisor on $X$ such that $f^*D \cdot F = 0$ for
every $f$-exceptional curve $F \subset X$. (The existence and uniqueness of
$D_{\text{exc}}$ follow from the negative definiteness of the intersection
form on exceptional curves.) If $D_1, D_2$ are two \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Weil divisors on $Y$,
then $D_1 \cdot D_2 \overset{\text{def}}{=} f^*D_1 \cdot f^*D_2$. See, e.g., \cite[\S 1]{elm}
for a quick review of this theory. [Here are a few key points: $D \geq 0
\implies f^*D \geq 0$; $D_1 \cdot D_2$ is independent of resolution; if $C$ is
a \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-divisor on $X$, then $C \cdot f^*D = f_*C \cdot D$; if $D$ is \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Cartier,
then the definition of $f^*D$ coincides with the usual one.]
(a) Let $M$ be a \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Weil divisor on $Y$. Then $M$ is \emph{nef} if
$M \cdot C \geq 0$ for all irreducible curves $C \subset Y$.
(Equivalently, $M$ is nef if and only if $f^*M$ is nef on the smooth
surface $X$.)
(b) Assume that $M$ is nef. Then $M$ is \emph{big} if in addition $M^2>0$
(i.e., if $f^*M$ is big on $X$).
{\bf (1.2)}
Now let $y \in Y$ be a fixed point, and let $f : X \to (Y,y)$ be the
\emph{minimal} resolution of the germ $(Y,y)$ if $y$ is singular, resp. the
blowing-up of $Y$ at $y$ if $y$ is smooth. Let $f^{-1}(y) = \cup_{j=1}^{N} F_j$
(set-theoretically); $N = 1$ if $y$ is smooth.
The \emph{fundamental cycle} of $(Y,y)$ is the smallest nonzero effective
divisor $Z = \sum z_j F_j$ on $X$ (with $z_j \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}\,}$) such that
$Z \cdot F_j\leq 0,\forall j$ (cf. \cite[4.5]{reid} or \cite[p.132]{artin}).
Note that $z_j \geq 1, \forall j$, because $\cup F_j$ is connected.
If $y$ is smooth, then $Z = F_1$ ($F_1$ is a $(-1)$-curve in this case).
Let $p_a(Z) = \frac{1}{2} Z \cdot (Z+K_X) + 1$; then $p_a(Z) \geq 0$, cf.
\cite[Theorem 3]{artin}.
{\bf (1.3)}
Let $K_X$ be a canonical divisor on $X$; then $f_*K_X$ is a canonical divisor
$K_Y$ on $Y$, and $\Delta \overset{\text{def}}{=} f^*K_Y - K_X$ is an $f$-exceptional \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-divisor
on $X$, $\Delta = \sum a_jF_j$.
Note that $\Delta$ is $f$-numerically equivalent to $K_X$
($\Delta \underset{f}{\equiv} -K_X$), i.e. $\Delta \cdot F_j = -K_X \cdot F_j, \forall j$;
in particular, $p_a(Z) = \frac{1}{2} Z \cdot (Z-\Delta) + 1$, or
$Z \cdot (Z-\Delta) = 2 p_a(Z) - 2$.
If $y$ is smooth, then $\Delta = -F_1$. On the other hand, if $y$ is singular
and $f$ is the minimal resolution of $(Y,y)$, then
$\Delta \cdot F_j = -K_X \cdot F_j \leq 0, \forall j$, so that $\Delta$ is
effective (see, e.g., \cite[Lemma 1.4]{elm}). In fact, $\Delta = 0$ if and only
if $y$ is a canonical singularity (= $RDP$, = du Val singularity), cf. the last
part of (1.4) below, and if $y$ is not canonical, then $a_j > 0$ for \emph{all}
$j = 1,\dots ,N$ (again, because $\cup F_j$ is connected).
$\Delta$ is the \emph{canonical cycle} (or \emph{antidiscrepancy}) of $(Y,y)$.
$\Delta$ is uniquely defined, even though $K_X$ (and, accordingly, $K_Y$)
is defined only up to linear equivalence. This follows from
$\Delta \cdot F_j = -K_X \cdot F_j, \forall j$, and the negative definiteness
of $\Vert F_i \cdot F_j \Vert$.
Assume that $y$ is Gorenstein and non-canonical. Then $\Delta$ has integer
coefficients and $\Delta > 0$; by the definition of the fundamental cycle,
$\Delta \geq Z$. On the other hand, if $(Y,y)$ is a log-canonical singularity,
then $\Delta \leq Z$ (see below).
{\bf (1.4)}
{\bf Definition.} $y$ is a \emph{rational} singularity if $R^1f_*\mathcal{O}_X = 0$,
or equivalently (cf. \cite[Theorem 3]{artin}), if $p_a(Z)=0$.
If $y$ is any normal singularity and $D$ is a Cartier divisor on $Y$, then
$f^*D$ has integer coefficients. If $y$ is a rational singularity, then the
converse is also true: if $f^*D$ has integer coefficients, then $D$ is Cartier.
(\emph{Proof:} $f^*D \cdot F_j = 0, \forall j$, and therefore $f^*D$ is trivial
in an open neighborhood of $f^{-1}(y)$, cf. \cite[Lemma 5]{artin}; thus $D$ is
trivial in a punctured open neighborhood of $y$ in $Y$, and therefore $D$ is
Cartier, because $y$ is normal.) In particular, a rational surface singularity
is always \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-factorial.
If $y$ is a rational singularity, then $\mult_y Y =-Z^2$
(cf. \cite[Corollary 6]{artin}, or \cite[4.17]{reid}); in particular,
$\text{$y$ is a $RDP$} \iff Z^2 = -2 \iff Z \cdot \Delta = 0 \iff
\Delta \cdot F_j = 0, \forall j \iff \Delta = 0$. (Therefore $RDP \implies$
Gorenstein, because $f^*K_Y = K_X$ has integer coefficients, and therefore
$K_Y$ is Cartier. The converse is also true: rational Gorenstein
$\implies RDP$. Indeed, if $y$ is Gorenstein, then either $\Delta = 0$ or
$\Delta \geq Z$; but $\Delta \geq Z \implies Z \cdot (Z-\Delta) \geq 0
\implies p_a(Z) \geq 1$.)
{\bf (1.5)}
{\bf Definition.} $y$ is an \emph{elliptic} singularity if $R^1f_* \mathcal{O}_X$
is 1-dimensional. It is \emph{elliptic Gorenstein} if in addition it is
$y$ is elliptic Gorenstein if and only if $Z = \Delta$.
$\implies$ is proved in \cite[4.21]{reid}. Conversely, if $Z = \Delta$, then
$K_X+Z = f^*K_Y$, so that $(K_X+Z) \cdot F_j = 0, \forall j$; the proof
proceeds as in \cite[4.21]{reid} (go directly to Step 3 there).
{\bf (1.6)}
{\bf Definition.} $y$ is \emph{log-terminal} (resp. \emph{log-canonical}) if
$a_j < 1$ (resp. $a_j \leq 1$), $\forall j$ -- where $\Delta = f^*K_Y-K_X =
\sum a_jF_j$, as before.
In dimension three or higher, one must assume that $y$ is \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Gorenstein before
defining $\Delta$ (and log-terminal singularities, etc.) Using Mumford's
definition of $f^*K_Y$, we don't need to make this assumption in the
two-dimensional case. What's more, we will see in a moment that log-canonical
(in our sense) automatically implies \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Gorenstein. (This is also clear from
the complete list of all log-canonical singularities: the arguments in
\cite{alexeev} do not use the \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Gorenstein condition.)
{\bf (1.7)}
{\bf Definition.} $\delta_y = -(Z-\Delta)^2$.
Thus $\delta_y \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}, \delta_y \geq 0$, and $\delta_y = 0 \iff Z = \Delta
\iff y$ is elliptic Gorenstein, by Lemma~1.
\begin{Lemma} { \ \ \ }
\item[(a)] $\delta_y = 2-2p_a(Z)-\sum_{j=1}^N (z_j-a_j) K_X \cdot F_j$.
\item[(b)] $\delta_y = 2-2p_a(Z)+\sum_{j=1}^N a_j (Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j$.
(a) $\delta_y = -(Z-\Delta)^2 = -Z \cdot (Z-\Delta) + \Delta \cdot (Z-\Delta)
= 2 - 2p_a(Z) - K_X \cdot (Z-\Delta)
= 2-2p_a(Z)-\sum_{j=1}^{N}(z_j-a_j) K_X\cdot F_j$ (because $\Delta\underset{f}{\equiv} K_X$).
(b) is similar.
\begin{Lemma} \textup{(cf. \cite[Theorem 1]{kawachim}) }
\item[(a)] $\delta_y = 4$ if $y$ is smooth;
\item[(b)] $\delta_y = 2$ if $y$ is a $RDP$;
\item[(c)] $0<\delta_y<2$ if $y$ is log-terminal but not smooth or a $RDP$;
\item[(d)] $0 \leq \delta_y \leq 2$ if $y$ is log-canonical but not smooth.
(a) $y$ smooth $\implies Z-\Delta=2F_1$, and $F_1^2=-1$; thus $\delta_y=4$.
(b) $y$ a $RDP \implies \Delta=0$, and $\delta_y = -Z^2 = \mult_y Y = 2$.
(c), (d) $\delta_y$ is always $\geq 0$. If $\delta_y = 0$, then $\Delta = Z$,
so that $a_j = z_j \geq 1, \forall j$; therefore $y$ log-terminal $\implies
\delta_y > 0$.
On the other hand, log-canonical $\implies a_j \leq 1 \leq z_j, \forall j$,
so that $\delta_y \leq 2$ by Lemma~2 above ($K_X\cdot F_j\geq 0,\forall j$,
because $f$ is the \emph{minimal} resolution).
Finally, if $y$ is log-terminal, then $a_j < z_j, \forall j$; then
$\delta_y = 2 \implies p_a(Z) = 0$ and $K_X \cdot F_j = 0, \forall j$
(recall that $p_a(Z) \geq 0$ for all normal singularities). Thus $y$ is a
rational singularity, and the last paragraph of (1.4) shows that $y$ is a
{\bf Corollary of the proof.} \emph{
If $y$ is log-terminal then it is rational. If $y$ is log-canonical then it
is either elliptic Gorenstein or rational. In particular, log-canonical
implies \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Gorenstein.} (We noted already in (1.4) that rational implies
Indeed, the proof above shows that $y$ log-canonical $\implies p_a(Z) \leq 1$
(because $\delta_y \geq 0, z_j-a_j \geq 0, \text{ and } K_X \cdot F_j \geq 0,
\forall j$); moreover, $p_a(Z) = 1 \implies \delta_y = 0 \implies Z = \Delta
\implies y$ is elliptic Gorenstein -- and this can happen only in the
log-canonical, not in the log-terminal case. In all other cases, $p_a(Z) = 0$,
and therefore $y$ is rational.
{\bf (1.8)}
The invariant $-\Delta^2$ has been considered before; for example, Sakai
\cite{sakai} proved results of Reider type on normal surfaces, using this
invariant. In a sense, $-\Delta^2$ may be viewed as a local analogue of the
Chern number $c_1^2$.
At least in the rational case, $-\Delta^2$ is closely related to $\mult_y Y$,
via Kawachi's invariant:
$-\Delta^2 = -Z^2 + \delta_y + 4(p_a(Z)-1)$
$\Delta = Z - (Z-\Delta)$; therefore \newline
$-\Delta^2 = -Z^2 -(Z-\Delta)^2 +2 Z \cdot (Z-\Delta) =
-Z^2 + \delta_y + 4(p_a(Z)-1)$
If $y$ is rational, then $p_a(Z) = 0$ and $-Z^2 = \mult_y Y$, so that
$$ -\Delta^2 = \mult_y Y - (4 - \delta_y). $$
In particular, if $y$ is log-terminal but not canonical, we get:
$$ \mult_y Y - 4 < -\Delta^2 < \mult_y Y - 2. $$
{\bf (1.9)}
Since log-canonical surface singularities are classified (see, for example,
\cite{alexeev, crepant}), one could compute $\delta_y$ explicitly in all cases.
Indeed, this was Kawachi's original proof of part (c) in Lemma 3; see
\cite{kawachi1} for the complete list in the log-terminal case.
The computation of $Z, \Delta, \text{ and } \delta_y$ is an easy exercise
in linear algebra. For illustration, we give here the values of $Z, \Delta,
\text{ and } \delta_y$ for the ``truly'' log-canonical (i.e. non-log-terminal)
singularities. The list of all such singularities can be found in
\cite[p.58]{alexeev}. To simplify notation, we assume that the chains of smooth
rational curves shown in \cite{alexeev} consist of just one curve each. In
each case, we show the dual graph of $\cup F_j$, indicating the
self-intersection numbers $F_j^2$.
Notice that in the ``truly'' log-canonical case $\delta_y$ takes only the
values 0, 1, and 2 (always an integer), and the value of $\delta_y$
distinguishes three types of log-canonical singularities
(with one interesting exception, noted below):
\put(59,25){\makebox(0,0)[l]{= smooth elliptic curve; }}
\put(182,25){\makebox(0,0)[l]{= smooth rational curve.}}
\emph{Type 1:} elliptic Gorenstein (cases (4) and (5) in \cite{alexeev})
$$ Z = \Delta = F_1, \text{ resp. } F_1+\cdots+F_n; \qquad \delta_y = 0. $$
\emph{Type 2:} (case (6) in \cite{alexeev})
\put(45,46){\Small $-a$}
\put(89,46){\Small $-w$}
\put(121,46){\Small $-c$}
\put(89,67){\Small $-b$}
w \geq 2;\quad (a,b,c)=(3,3,3),\,(2,2,4),\,\text{ or } (2,3,6) \\
Z = F_1+(F_2+F_3+F_4) \text{ if } w \geq 3,
Z = 2F_1+(F_2+F_3+F_4) \text{ if } w = 2; \\
\Delta = F_1 + (1-\tfrac{1}{a})F_2 +
(1-\tfrac{1}{b})F_3 + (1-\tfrac{1}{c})F_4; \qquad
\delta_y = 1.
\emph{Type 3:} (cases (7) -- (8) in \cite{alexeev})
\put(45,46){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(89,46){\scriptsize $-w$}
\put(121,46){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(89,69){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(89,7){\scriptsize $-2$}
$w \geq 3. \quad$ If $w \geq 4$, then:
Z = F_1 + (F_2 + \cdots + F_5); \;\;
\Delta = F_1 + \tfrac{1}{2}(F_2 + \cdots + F_5); \;\; \delta_y = 2.
However, if $w = 3$, then $Z = 2F_1 + (F_2 + \cdots + F_5)$ (while $\Delta$
is the same), and $\delta_y = 1$. This exceptional case illustrates an
interesting property of the fundamental cycle; see (2.10) below.
{\bf (1.10)}
{\bf Exercise.} Calculate $Z$, $\Delta$, and $\delta_y$ for the following dual
graph (cf. \cite[p.350]{brieskorn}):
\put(91,95){\scriptsize $-4$}
\put(85,135){\scriptsize $-3$}
\put(111.87,160.87){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(58.13,160.87){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(58.13,69.13){\scriptsize $-3$}
\put(20.13,69.13){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(64.13,31.13){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(111.87,69.13){\scriptsize $-3$}
\put(117.87,31.13){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(149.87,69.13){\scriptsize $-2$}
{\bf (1.11)}
We conclude this section with another example. Assume that $f^{-1}(y)$
is a smooth curve $C$ of genus $g$, with $C^2=-w, w \geq 1$. This situation
can be realized easily in practice: for example, $y$ could be the vertex of
the cone $Y = \text{Proj} ( \bigoplus_{k \geq 0} H^0(C,kL) )$, with $C$ an
arbitrary smooth curve of genus $g$ and $L$ an arbitrary divisor of degree $w$
on $C$.
Then $Z=C, \;\; \Delta = ( \frac{2}{w}(g-1) + 1 ) C, \;\;
\text{ and } \;\; \delta_y = \dfrac{4(g-1)^2}{w}$.
If $g = 0$, then $\Delta = (1-\frac{2}{w})C$, $y$ is log-terminal, and
$\delta_y = \frac{4}{w}$. If $w=1$ then $y$ is smooth. If $w=2$ then $y$ is
an $A_1$ singularity (ordinary double point). If $w \geq 3$ then $y$ is a
log-terminal singularity ``of type $A_1$''.
If $g = 1$, then $y$ is log-canonical and $\delta_y = 0$. Such a singularity
is known as \emph{simply elliptic}.
If $g \geq 2$, then $y$ is not log-canonical. Note that $\delta_y$ can be
arbitrarily large in this case (if $g$ is large relative to $w$). In
particular, $\delta_y$ \emph{may} be greater than 4 (which is the value for
smooth points).
\section{A theorem of Reider type on normal surfaces with boundary}
In this section the ground field is \ensuremath{\mathbb{C}\,}.
{\bf (2.1)}
Let $Y$ be a projective surface over \ensuremath{\mathbb{C}\,}, and let $y$ be a fixed point on $y$.
Assume that $Y$ is smooth except perhaps at $y$, which may be either smooth or
a $RDP$. Let $M$ be a nef and big \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-divisor on $Y$, with the property that
$\rup{M}$ is Cartier.
Ein and Lazarsfeld proved the following criterion on global generation:
Let $B = \rup{M} - M$, and let $\mu = \mult_y B$ if $y$ is smooth, resp.
$\mu = \max \{ t \geq 0 \mid f^*B \geq tZ \}$ when $y$ is a $RDP$, where
$f:X\to(Y,y)$ is the minimal resolution and $Z$ is the fundamental cycle.
{\bf Theorem. (\cite[Theorem 2.3]{el})}
Assume that $M^2 > (2-\mu)^2$ and $M \cdot \ensuremath{\mathbb{C}\,} \geq (2-\mu)$ for all curves
$C$ through $y$ (when $y$ is smooth), resp. that $M^2 > 2 \cdot (1-\mu)^2$
and $M \cdot C \geq (1-\mu)$ for all $C$ through $y$ (when $y$ is a $RDP$).
Then $y \notin \Bs |K_Y+ \ulc M \urc|$.
This theorem was an important part of Ein and Lazarsfeld's proof of Fujita's
conjecture on smooth threefolds. In extending that work to (log-) teminal
threefolds (as required by the minimal model theory), it was necessary to
extend the criterion mentioned above to arbitrary normal surfaces. Such
extensions were obtained, e.g., in \cite[Theorem 1.6]{elm},
\cite[Theorem 7]{matsushita}. However, these generalizations, while
effective, are not optimal.
In a somewhat different direction, Kawachi and the author proved the following
criterion, of independent interest:
{\bf Theorem. (\cite[Theorem 2]{kawachim})}
Let $Y$ be a normal surface, and let $y$ be a fixed point on $Y$. Let
$\delta = \delta_y$ if $y$ is log-terminal, $\delta = 0$ otherwise. Let $M$
be a nef divisor (with integer coefficients) on $Y$, such that $M^2>\delta$
and $K_Y+M$ is Cartier.
If $y \in \Bs |K_Y+ \ulc M \urc|$, then there exists an effective divisor $C$ passing through
$y$, such that $M \cdot C < \frac{1}{2}\delta$ and $C^2 \geq M \cdot C -
\frac{1}{4} \delta$
(in particular, $y$ must be log-terminal, because $M$ is nef).
When $y$ is smooth, this is equivalent to Reider's original criterion
(\cite[Theorem 1]{reider}). When $y$ is a $RDP$, we recover the
Ein--Lazarsfeld criterion, plus a lower bound on $C^2$.
While this result has several applications to linear systems on normal
surfaces (cf. \cite{kawachim}), it cannot be used in the context of Fujita's
conjecture on terminal threefolds, because $M$ is required to have integer
Kawachi formulated the following criterion for \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-divisors on normal surfaces:
Let $Y,y$ be as before. Let $f:X \to (Y,y)$ be the minimal resolution if $y$
is singular, resp. the blowing-up at $y$ if $y$ is smooth. Let $Z$ and
$\Delta$ be the fundamental and the canonical cycle, respectively. Let
$\mu = \max \{ t \geq 0 \mid f^*B \geq t(Z-\Delta) \}$; note that
$\mu = 2 \cdot \mult_y Y$ if $y$ is smooth.
{\bf Open Problem. (cf. \cite{kawachi2}) }
Let $\delta = \delta_y$ if $y$ is log-terminal, $\delta = 0$ otherwise.
Let $M$ be a nef \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}-Weil divisor on $Y$, such that $K_Y+B+M$ is Cartier,
where $B = \rup{M} - M$.
If $M^2 > (1-\mu)^2 \delta$ and $M \cdot C \geq (1-\mu) \frac{\delta}{2}$
for every curve $C$ through $y$, then $y \notin \Bs |K_Y+ \ulc M \urc|$.
When $M$ has integer coefficients, this criterion is the same as the one
mentioned above, minus the lower bound on $C^2$. Also, this criterion contains
the Ein--Lazarsfeld results for smooth and rational double points.
Kawachi formulated this as a theorem. Unfortunately his proof, based on a
case-by-case analysis, is incomplete. In this section we prove a slightly
weaker version, requiring that $M \cdot C \geq (1-\mu)$, rather than
$\geq (1-\mu) \frac{\delta}{2}$, for all $C$ through $y$. For application to
Fujita's conjecture on singular threefolds this makes little difference,
though, because $\delta_y$ cannot be controlled in that situation anyway; the
bound $\delta_y \leq 2$ (for $y$ singular) is used instead.
{\bf (2.2)}
Let $Y$ be a normal surface (= compact, normal two-dimensional algebraic space
over $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}\,}$). Let $y \in Y$ be a given point, and let $B=\sum b_iC_i$ be an
effective $\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}$-Weil divisor on $Y$ with all $b_i \in \ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}$, $0 \leq b_i \leq 1$;
the $C_i$ are distinct irreducible curves on $Y$. Since later we may need to
consider more curves $C_i$ than there are in $\Supp(B)$, we allow some
coefficients $b_i$ to be $0$. Let $f:X\to(Y,y)$ be the minimal resolution of
singularities of the germ $(Y,y)$ -- resp. the blowing-up at $y$ if $y$ is a
smooth point. Let $f^{-1}(y) = \cup F_j, Z=\sum z_jF_j, \Delta=\sum a_jF_j,$
as in \S 1.
{\bf (2.3)}
Let $D_i = f^{-1}C_i$. Write $f^*B = f^{-1}B + B_{\text{exc}} =
\sum b_i D_i + \sum b'_j F_j$.
$(Y,B,y)$ is log-terminal (respectively log-canonical) if $a_j+b_j' < 1$
(respectively $\leq 1$) for all $j$.
Thus $(Y,y)$ is log-terminal (log-canonical) if $(Y,0,y)$ is.
We do not require $K_Y+B$ to be $\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}$-Cartier at $y$ (unlike the similar
definition in higher dimension); as in \S 1, this is a \emph{consequence}
of the other conditions. Note that $B \geq 0 \implies f^*B \geq 0$, and
therefore $(Y,B,y)$ log-terminal (log-canonical) $\implies (Y,y)$
log-terminal (log-canonical). Moreover, if $y \in \Supp(B)$, then
$b'_j > 0,\; \forall j$, and therefore $(Y,B,y)$ log-canonical already
implies $(Y,y)$ log-terminal.
{\bf (2.4)}
{\bf Definition.}
Assume $(Y,B,y)$ is log-terminal. Define
\mu=\mu_{B,y}=\max\{ t\geq 0 \mid f^*B \geq t(Z-\Delta) \}.
All the $z_j$ are $\geq 1$ and all the $a_j$ are
$<1$; $\mu$ is given explicitly by
\mu = \min \left\{ \frac{b_j'}{z_j-a_j} \right\} .
Of course, $\mu = 0$ if $B=0$ (or, more generally, if $y \notin \Supp(B)$).
Note that $\mu = \tfrac{1}{2} \mult_y(B)$ if $y$ is a smooth point of $Y$.
If $(Y,B,y)$ is log-terminal and $\mu$ is defined as above, then
$0\leq \mu <1$.
Indeed, $\mu \geq 0$ is clear. On the other hand, if $\mu \geq 1$ then we have
$f^*B \geq (Z-\Delta)$, or $\Delta+f^*B \geq Z$, and therefore
$a_j + b_j' \geq z_j \geq 1$ for every $j$, contradicting log-terminality. \qed
{\bf (2.5)}
Let $Y$ be a normal surface and $y\in Y$ a given point, as in (2.1). Let $M$
be a {\bf nef and big} $Q$-Weil divisor on $Y$ such that $K_Y+\rup{M}$ is
Cartier. Let $B = \rup{M} - M = \sum b_iC_i$; $B$ is an effective $Q$-Weil
divisor on $Y$, with $0 \leq b_i <1,\; \forall i$.
We will prove the following criteria for freeness at $y$:
\begin{Theorem} \label{thm:notlt}
If $(Y,B,y)$ is \textbf{not} log-terminal, then $y \notin \Bs |K_Y+ \ulc M \urc|$.
In the following two theorems, assume that $(Y,B,y)$ \emph{is} log-terminal.
Then $(Y,y)$ is also log-terminal. Define $\mu$ as in (2.3) and $\delta_y$
as in \S 1.
Also, assume that $y$ is \emph{singular}.
\begin{Theorem} \label{thm:kaw}
Assume that $M^2>(1-\mu)^2\delta_y$ and $M \cdot C \geq (1-\mu)$ for every
curve $C \subset Y$ passing through $y$. (Note that $M$ is still assumed to
be nef, i.e. $M \cdot C \geq 0$ even for curves $C \subset Y$ not passing
through $y$.)
Then $y \notin \Bs |K_Y+ \ulc M \urc|$.
In fact, if $y$ is a singularity of type $D_n$ or $E_n$ (see
\cite[Remark 9.7]{crepant}), we don't even need the assumption on $M \cdot C$
for $C$ through $y$:
\begin{Theorem} \label{thm:dnen}
Assume that $(Y,y)$ is a log-terminal singularity of type $D_n$ or $E_n$,
and $M$ is nef and $M^2>(1-\mu)^2\delta_y$. If $(Y,y)$ is of type $D_n$,
assume moreover that $M \cdot C > 0$ for every $C$ through $y$.
Then $y \notin \Bs |K_Y+ \ulc M \urc|$.
{\bf (2.6)}
First we reduce the proof of Theorems \ref{thm:notlt}, \ref{thm:kaw} and
\ref{thm:dnen} to the case when $y$ is the only singularity of $Y$:
\begin{Lemma} \label{lemma:yonly}
We may assume that $Y - \{y\}$ is smooth.
If $y$ is not the only singularity of $Y$, then let $g:S \to Y$ be a
simultaneous resolution of all singularities of $Y$ \emph{except} $y$.
Put $M' = g^*M$ and $y'=g^{-1}(y)$ (note that $g$ is an isomorphism of
an open neighborhood of $y'$ onto an open neighborhood of $y$).
$K_S+\rup{M'}$ is Cartier: outside $y'$ this is clear, because $S-\{y'\}$
is smooth and $K_S+\rup{M'}$ has integer coefficients, and in a certain
open neighborhood of $y'$ this is also clear, because $g$ is an isomorphism
there, and $K_Y+\rup{M}$ is Cartier by hypothesis. Also, all the numerical
conditions on $M$ are satisfied by $M'$ (in each of the hypotheses
of Theorems \ref{thm:notlt}, \ref{thm:kaw} and \ref{thm:dnen}).
If the theorems are true for $S$, $y'$, $M'$, then we get
$y' \notin \Bs|K_S+\rup{M'}|$.
Write $\Delta' = g^*K_Y-K_S$; $\Delta'$ is an effective $\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}$-divisor on $S$,
and we have: $K_S+\rup{M'} = \lceil g^*K_Y-\Delta'+g^*\rup{M}-g^*B \rceil =
g^*(K_Y+ \rup{M}) - \rdn{\Delta' + g^*B}$ (note that $K_Y+\rup{M}$ is Cartier
by hypothesis, and therefore $g^*(K_Y+\rup{M})$ has integer coefficients).
Write $N = \rdn{\Delta'+g^*B}$; $N$ is a divisor with integer coefficients
on $S$, and $y' \notin \Supp(N)$, because in a certain neighborhood of $y'$,
$\Delta'$ is zero and $g^*B$ is identified to $B$ -- whose coefficients
are all $<1$.
In the first part of the proof we found a section
$s \in H^0(S, g^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N)$ which doesn't vanish at $y'$.
Multiplying $s$ by a global section of $\mathcal{O}_S(N)$ whose zero locus is $N$,
we find a new section $t \in H^0(S, g^*(K_Y+\rup{M}))$, which still
doesn't vanish at $y'$. In turn, $t$ corresponds to a global section of
$\mathcal{O}_Y(K_Y+\rup{M})$ which doesn't vanish at $y$.
{\bf (2.7)}
Now assume that $y$ is the only singularity of $Y$. Let $f:X \to Y$ be the
minimal \emph{global} desingularization of $Y$,
$\Delta = f^*K_Y-K_X = \sum a_jF_j$, $B=\sum b_iC_i$,
$f^*B=\sum b_iD_i + \sum b_j'F_j$, $Z=\sum z_j F_j$, etc.
\noindent {\bf Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:notlt}}
Assume that $(Y,B,y)$ is not log-terminal; then there is at least one $j$
such that $a_j+b_j' \geq 1$. $f^*M$ is nef and big on $X$, and therefore
the Kawamata--Viehweg vanishing theorem (cf. \cite[Lemma 1.1]{el}) gives:
$H^1(X, K_X+\rup{f^*M}) = 0$.
$K_X+\rup{f^*M} = \lceil f^*K_Y-\Delta+f^*\rup{M}-f^*B \rceil
= f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})- \rdn{\Delta + f^*B}
= f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})- \sum \rdn{a_j+b_j'} F_j
= f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})- G$,
where $G$ is a nonzero effective divisor with integer coefficients on $X$
such that $f(G)=\{y\}$. ($G>0$ because $a_j+b_j'\geq 1$ for at least one $j$).
We have $H^1(X, f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-G)=0$, and therefore the restriction map
H^0(X, f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})) \to H^0(G, f^*(K_Y+\rup{M}) |_G)
is surjective.
As $f(G)=\{y\}$, $f^*(K_Y+\rup{M}) |_G$ is trivial, i.e. it has a global
section which doesn't vanish anywhere on $G$. By surjectivity, this section
lifts to a global section $s \in H^0(X,f^*(K_Y+\rup{M}))$ which doesn't
vanish anywhere on $G$. In turn, $s$ corresponds to a global section of
$\mathcal{O}_Y(K_Y+\rup{M})$ which doesn't vanish at $y$, or else $s$ would
vanish everywhere on $f^{-1}(y)$, and in particular on $G$. \qed
{\bf (2.8)}
Assume that $y$ is log-terminal but not smooth.
Thus $\Delta=\sum a_j F_j$ with $0\leq a_j <1$ for every $j$.
\noindent {\bf Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:kaw}}
If $M^2 >(1-\mu)^2\delta_y$, then we can find an effective $\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}$-Weil divisor
$D$ on $Y$ such that $D\equiv M$ and $f^*D\geq(1-\mu)(Z-\Delta)$.
Since $M^2>(1-\mu)^2\delta_y$, $f^*M-(1-\mu)(Z-\Delta)$ is in the positive
cone of $X$ (see \cite{kawachim}, (2.3) for a similar argument). In
particular, $f^*M-(1-\mu)(Z-\Delta)$ is big.
Let $G\in \big|\,k(f^*M-(1-\mu)(Z-\Delta)\,)\,\big|$ for some $k$
sufficiently large and divisible. Let $T=\frac{1}{k}\,G+(1-\mu)(Z-\Delta)$.
Write $T=\sum d_i D_i+ \sum t_j F_j$. Define $D=f_*T=\sum d_iC_i$, and write
$f^*D=\sum d_i D_i+ \sum d_j'F_j$. We have:
\item $T \equiv f^*M$, because $kT \sim kf^*M$;
\item $T\geq 0$, and therefore $D \geq 0$;
\item $T\cdot F_j=0$ for every exceptional curve $F_j$, because
$T\equiv f^*M$;
\item $f^*D=T$; indeed, the coefficients $d_j'$ are uniquely
determined by the condition $f^*D \cdot F_j = 0$ for
every $j$, and $T$ already satisfies this condition;
\item $f^*D=T\geq(1-\mu)(Z-\Delta)$, because $G\geq 0$;
\item finally, $D\equiv M$, because $f^*D=T\equiv f^*M$.
$f^*D\geq(1-\mu)(Z-\Delta)$ means $d_j'\geq(1-\mu)(z_j-a_j)$
for every $j$. We may assume, however, that $d_j' > (1-\mu)(z_j-a_j)$ for
every $j$. Indeed, since $M^2>(1-\mu)^2\delta_y$, we have
$M^2>(1-\mu)^2\delta_y(1+\epsilon)^2$ for some small rational number
$\epsilon>0$; then working as above we can find $D \equiv M$ such that
$d_j'\geq(1-\mu)(z_j-a_j)(1+\epsilon)>(1-\mu)(z_j-a_j)$ for every $j$.
We'll assume that {\boldmath $d_j'>(1-\mu)(z_j-a_j)$} for all $j$.
For every rational number $c$, $0<c<1$, let $R_c=f^*(M-cD)$.
$R_c\equiv(1-c)f^*M$, so that $R_c$ is nef and big, and we have
H^1(X,K_X+\rup{R_c})=0. \label{eq:van}
K_X+\rup{R_c} &= \rup{f^*K_Y-\Delta+f^*\rup{M}-f^*B-cf^*D} \\
&= f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-\rdn{\Delta+f^*B+cf^*D} \\
&= f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-\sum\rdn{b_i+cd_i}D_i-\sum\rdn{a_j+b_j'+cd_j'}F_j.
Choose $c=\min\left\{\frac{1-a_j-b_j'}{d_j'}, \text{ all $j$};
\frac{1-b_i}{d_i}, \text{ all $i$ such that $d_i>0$ and $y\in C_i$}\right\}$.
Note that $c > 0$, because $(Y,B,y)$ is log-terminal, and $c<1$, because
for every $j$ we have $b_j'\geq\mu(z_j-a_j)$ and $z_j\geq 1$, and therefore
$1-a_j-b_j' \leq z_j-a_j-\mu(z_j-a_j) = (1-\mu)(z_j-a_j) < d_j'$. Therefore
(\ref{eq:van}) holds for this choice of $c$.
Note also that $0<a_j+b_j'+cd_j'\leq 1$ for all $j$; so
$F \overset{\text{def}}{=} \sum \rdn{a_j+b_j'+cd_j'} F_j$ is either zero or a sum of distinct
irreducible components, $F=F_1+\cdots+F_s$ (after re-indexing the $F_j$ if
necessary). Similarly, $\sum \rdn{b_i+cd_i}D_i = N+A$, where
$\Supp(N) \cap f^{-1}(y)=\emptyset$, and $A$ is either zero or a sum of
distinct irreducible components, $A=D_1+\cdots+D_t$, where $D_1, \ldots, D_t$
meet $f^{-1}(y)$. Each component $F_j$ of $F$ (if any), and each component $D_i$
of $A$ (if any), has coefficient $1$ in $\Delta + f^*B + c f^*D$. Also, $F$
and $A$ cannot both be equal to zero.
We will use the following form of the Kawamata--Viehweg vanishing theorem
(see, for example, \cite{el}, Lemma 2.4):
\begin{Lemma} \label{lemma:vt2}
Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface over $\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}\,}$, and let $R$ be a nef
and big $\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}\,}$-divisor on $X$. Let $E_1,\ldots,E_m$ be distinct irreducible
curves such that $\rup{R} \cdot E_i > 0$ for every $i$. Then
We consider two cases, according to whether $F \neq 0$ or $F=0$.
\textbf{Case I:} $\mathbf{F \neq 0.}$
Using Lemma \ref{lemma:vt2} for $R_c$ in place of $R$ and $D_1,\ldots,D_t$
in place of $E_1,\ldots,E_m$, we get $H^1(X,K_X+\rup{R_c}+A)=0$, or
$H^1(X,f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N-F)=0$. We conclude as in the proof of
Theorem \ref{thm:notlt}; the `` $-N$ '' part is treated as in the proof
of Lemma \ref{lemma:yonly}.
\emph{Note:} $R_c \cdot D_i = (1-c) M \cdot C_i > 0$ for every $i$,
and $D_i$ has integer coefficient in $R_c$ if $D_i$ is a component of $A$ --
and therefore $\rup{R_c} \cdot D_i > 0$ for such $D_i$.
\textbf{Case II:} $\mathbf{F = 0.}$
As noted earlier, in this case $A \neq 0$; using Lemma \ref{lemma:vt2} as in
Case I above, we get $H^1(X,f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N-D_1)=0$, and therefore
the restriction map
H^0(X,f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N) \to H^0(D_1,(f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N|_{D_1})
is surjective.
$D_1 \cap f^{-1}(y) \neq \emptyset$; let $x\in D_1\cap f^{-1}(y)$.
Assume we can find a section $s'\in H^0(D_1, f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N|_{D_1})$
such that $s'(x)\neq 0$. Then by the surjectivity of (\ref{eq:surj}) we can
find $s\in H^0(X,f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N)$ such that $s(x)\neq 0$; then we
conclude as in the proof of Lemma \ref{lemma:yonly}.
Hence the proof is complete if we show that $x \notin \Bs|\,
f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N|_{D_1}\,|$. Note that $f^*(K_Y+\rup{M})-N|_{D_1}=
|_{D_1}=K_{D_1}+(\rup{R_c}+D_2+\cdots+D_t)|_{D_1}$. By \cite{har},
Theorem 1.4 and Proposition 1.5, it suffices to show that $(\rup{R_c}+
D_2+\cdots+D_t)\cdot D_1 >1$ (then this intersection number is $\geq 2$,
because it is an integer).
$\rup{R_c} = R_c+\sum\{b_i+cd_i\}D_i+\sum\{a_j+b_j'+cd_j'\}F_j$. Note that
$b_1 + c d_1 = 1$, and therefore $\{b_1+cd_1\}=0$. Also, since $F=0$, we have
$0\leq a_j+b_j'+cd_j'<1$ for every $j$ -- and therefore
$\{a_j+b_j'+cd_j'\}=a_j+b_j'+cd_j'$. Hence we have
(\rup{R_c}+D_2+\cdots+D_t)\cdot D_1 \geq R_c\cdot D_1 +
\sum (a_j+b_j'+cd_j')F_j \cdot D_1.
$R_c \equiv (1-c)f^*M$, so that $R_c\cdot D_1 = (1-c)M\cdot C_1 \geq
(1-c)(1-\mu)$, because $y \in C_1 = f_*D_1$. Also, $D_1$ meets at least
one $F_j$, say $F_1$. Therefore we have
(\rup{R_c}+D_2+\cdots+D_t)\cdot D_1 &\geq(1-c)(1-\mu)+(a_1+b_1'+cd_1') \\
&> (1-c)(1-\mu) +a_1 +\mu(z_1-a_1) +c(1-\mu)(z_1-a_1) \\
&\geq (1-c)(1-\mu) +a_1 +\mu(1-a_1) +c(1-\mu)(1-a_1) \\
&= 1 +(1-c)(1-\mu)a_1 \\
&\geq 1.
\end{align*} \qed
{\bf (2.9)}
Finally, we prove Theorem \ref{thm:dnen}. We assume the reader is familiar
with the classification of $RDP$'s. The classification of log-terminal
singularities is similar: if $f:X\to (Y,y)$ is the minimal resolution of a
log-terminal germ and $f^{-1}(y)=\cup F_j$, then the $F_j$ are smooth rational
curves, and the dual graph is a graph of type $A_n$, $D_n$ or $E_n$ (see,
e.g., \cite[\S 9]{crepant}, or \cite{alexeev}). The only difference is that
in the log-terminal case the self-intersection numbers $-w_j = F_j^2$ are not
necessarily all equal to $-2$.
The classification of log-terminal singularities with non-zero reduced boundary
is even simpler. We have:
\begin{Lemma} \label{lemma:alexeev}
Assume $(Y,y)$ is a normal surface germ, and $C_1$ is a reduced, irreducible
curve on $Y$ such that $y \in C_1$. If $(Y,C_1,y)$ is log-terminal, then
$(Y,y)$ is of type $A_n$. More explicitly, if $f:X\to (Y,y)$ is the minimal
resolution, $f^{-1}(y) = F_1 \cup \ldots \cup F_n$, $-w_j=F_j^2$, and
$f^{-1}C_1=D_1$, then the dual graph of the resolution is:
\put(44,36){\scriptsize $-w_1$}
\put(82,36){\scriptsize $-w_2$}
\put(166,36){\scriptsize $-w_n$}
(If $y$ is smooth, then $n=1$ and $w_1=1$; otherwise all $w_j\geq 2$.)
Similarly, for log-canonical singularities with boundary we have:
\begin{Lemma} \label{lemma:typeen}
Let $(Y,y)$ and $C_1$ be as in the previous lemma. If $(Y,C_1,y)$ is
log-canonical, then either $(Y,y)$ is of type $A_n$ and the dual graph
is the one shown above, or $(Y,y)$ is of type $D_n$ and the dual graph
of the resolution is:
\put(44,36){\scriptsize $-w_1$}
\put(82,36){\scriptsize $-w_2$}
\put(161,36){\scriptsize $-w_{n-2}$}
\put(207,36){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(175,-3){\scriptsize $-2$}
All these facts can be found, for example, in \cite{alexeev}, and also in
\noindent {\bf Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:dnen}}
Going back to the proof of theorem \ref{thm:kaw}, we will show that Case II of
the proof is not possible if $y$ is of type $D_n$ or $E_n$. Therefore the
condition $M \cdot C \geq (1-\mu)$ for $C$ through $y$ is no longer necessary.
We still need $M \cdot C > 0$ for $C$ through $y$ if $A \neq 0$, to be able to
use Lemma \ref{lemma:vt2} (see the \emph{Note} at the end of Case I). However,
we will show that $A = 0$ if $y$ is of type $E_n$, so that in that case we
don't even need the condition $M \cdot C > 0$ for $C$ through $y$.
Assume that $A \neq 0$. Let $C_1$ be a component of $A$, and let
$f^*C_1 = D_1 + \sum c'_j F_j$. Since $C_1$ is a component of $A$, we have
$b_1+cd_1=1$, and therefore $B+cD=C_1+\textit{ other terms}\,$; consequently
$f^*B+cf^*D \geq f^*C_1$, and in particular $b'_j+cd'_j \geq c'_j, \forall j$.
If we end up in Case II in the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:kaw}, then
$a_j+b'_j+cd'_j < 1$ for all $j$; consequently $a_j+c'_j < 1, \forall j$, so
that $(Y,C_1,y)$ is log-terminal. By Lemma \ref{lemma:alexeev}, $(Y,y)$ must
be of type $A_n$.
Now assume that we end up in Case I, with $A \neq 0$. We still have
$a_j+b'_j+cd'_j \leq 1, \forall j$, and therefore $(Y,C_1,y)$ is log-canonical.
By Lemma \ref{lemma:typeen}, $(Y,y)$ is either of type $A_n$ or of type $D_n$.
For singularities of type $D_n$ and $E_n$, Theorem \ref{thm:dnen} is stronger
than the Open Problem (see (2.1)). To complete the proof of the Open Problem,
the only case to consider is that of a singularity of type $A_n$.
In the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:kaw}, Case II (which is possible only when
$y$ is of type $A_n$), we used the inequality $M \cdot C \geq (1-\mu)$ for
$y \in C$. In fact, using Lemma \ref{lemma:alexeev} and modifying slightly the
final computation in (2.8), we see that we need slightly less: $M \cdot C \geq
(1-\mu)(1-a)$, where $a = \min \{ a_1,a_n \}$ (note that in Lemma
\ref{lemma:alexeev}, $D_1$ could meet either $F_1$ or $F_n$).
On the other hand, for $y$ of type $A_n$ we have $\delta_y = 2-(a_1+a_n)$
(for $n=1$ this follows from (1.11); for $n \geq 2$ use Lemma 2, (b), and the
obvious formulae $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j = -1$ for $j=1$ and $j=n$,
$(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j = 0$ otherwise). Thus the Open Problem requires that
$M \cdot C \geq (1-\mu)(1- \frac{a_1+a_n}{2})$ for $y \in C$. In particular,
the Open Problem is proved if $a_1=a_n$ (e.g., if $y$ is of type $A_1$).
{\bf (2.10)}
Analyzing the proofs of Theorems \ref{thm:kaw} and \ref{thm:dnen}, we may ask:
what was the relevance of $Z$ being the fundamental cycle of $y$? $\Delta$
arises naturally, as $f^*K_Y-K_X$; but $Z$ could have been any effective,
$f$-exceptional cycle with integer coefficients such that $z_j \geq 1$ for all
$j$ (i.e., such that $\Supp(Z) = f^{-1}(y)$). The answer is provided by the
following proposition:
\begin{Proposition} \label{prop:caract}
Let $(Y,y)$ be a log-terminal singularity, with $f:X \to (Y,y)$ the minimal
resolution (resp. the blowing-up at $y$ if $y$ is smooth). Let $Z$ and
$\Delta$ be the fundamental, resp. the canonical cycle. Let $Z'=\sum z'_jF_j$
be any other effective, $f$-exceptional cycle (with integer coefficients),
such that $z'_j \geq 1$ for all $j$.
Then $\delta_y \leq \delta'$, where $\delta_y = -(Z-\Delta)^2$ and $\delta' =
-(Z'-\Delta)^2$. Moreover, $Z$ is the (unique) largest cycle among all the
$Z'$ for which $\delta' = \delta_y$.
The proof depends on the detailed classification of log-terminal surface
singularities, cf. \cite{crepant}. Explicitly, we need the following lemma,
which can be proved by brute force (the computations are straightforward in
all cases; for reference, they can be found in \cite{kawachi1}):
\begin{Lemma} \label{lemma:tech}
Let $(Y,y)$ be log-terminal.
(a) There is at most one $F_j$ with $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j > 0$. If such an
$F_j$ exists, then $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j = 1$ and the corresponding
$w_j = -F_j^2 \geq 3$.
(b) There is at most one $F_j$ with $z_j \geq 2$ and $(Z-\Delta)\cdot F_j<0$.
If such an $F_j$ exists, then $z_j=2$ and $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j = -1$.
\noindent {\bf Proof of Proposition \ref{prop:caract}}
Let $Z' = Z+(P-N)$ with $P,N \geq 0$ without common components. Then
\delta' &= -(Z'-\Delta)^2 = -(Z+P-N-\Delta)^2 \\
&= -(Z-\Delta)^2 - (P-N)^2 - 2(Z-\Delta) \cdot (P-N) \\
&= \delta_y + (-P^2) - 2 (Z-\Delta) \cdot P + (-N^2) +
2 (Z-\Delta) \cdot N + 2 (P \cdot N).
Since $P \cdot N \geq 0$, the Proposition is proved if we can prove that
\item[(a)] $(-P^2) - 2 (Z-\Delta) \cdot P > 0$ if $P>0$;
\item[(b)] $(-N^2) + 2 (Z-\Delta) \cdot N \geq 0$.
\noindent \emph{Proof of (a).}
If $P = \sum t_jF_j$, then we have
(-P^2) - 2 (Z-\Delta) \cdot P = (-P^2) - 2\sum t_j (Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j.
If $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j \leq 0$ for all $j$, then we are done (note that
$(-P^2) > 0$ if $P>0$). Otherwise there is exactly one $j$, call it $j_0$,
such that $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_{j_0} > 0$. By Lemma \ref{lemma:tech}, we have
$w_{j_0} = -F_{j_0}^2 \geq 3$ and $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_{j_0} = 1$. Therefore
(-P^2) - 2\sum t_j (Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j \geq (-P^2) - 2t_{j_0}.
We will show that $(-P^2) \geq t_{j_0}^2 + 2$; then (a) will follow.
Write $F_j^2 = -w_j, F_i \cdot F_j = l_{ij}$ for $i<j$ ($l_{ij} = 1$ if $F_i$
meets $F_j$, $0$ otherwise). We have:
(-P^2) &= \sum_j w_j t_j^2 - \sum_{i<j} 2l_{ij} t_i t_j \\
&\geq t_{j_0}^2 + \sum_j 2t_j^2 - \sum_{i<j} 2 l_{ij} t_i t_j
(note that $w_j \geq 2, \, \forall j$, and $w_{j_0} \geq 3$).
Now consider a singularity $(Y',y')$, whose minimal resolution has a dual
graph identical to that of $(Y,y)$, except that ${F'_j}^2 = -2,\,\forall j$
(thus $y'$ is a ``true'' $A_n, D_n,$ or $E_n$ rational double point).
If $P' = \sum t_j F'_j$ (having the same coefficients as $P$), then
$(-{P'}^2) > 0$; that is,
\sum_j 2t_j^2 - \sum_{i<j} 2l_{ij} t_i t_j > 0
--- and therefore $\geq 2$, because it is an \emph{even} integer. \qed
\noindent \emph{Proof of (b).}
If $N = \sum x_j F_j$, then we have
(-N^2) + 2 (Z-\Delta) \cdot N = (-N^2) + 2 \sum x_j (Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j.
If $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j \geq 0$ for all $j$, or if $x_j = 0$ whenever
$(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_j < 0$, then we are done. Note that $x_j = z_j - z'_j$ if
$z_j > z'_j$, and $0$ otherwise. Thus $x_j \geq 1 \implies z_j \geq 2$.
Therefore, by Lemma \ref{lemma:tech}, there can be at most one negative term
in $2\sum x_j (Z-\Delta)\cdot F_j$; and if there is one, corresponding, say,
to $j_1$, then $z_{j_1} = 2$ and $(Z-\Delta) \cdot F_{j_1} = -1$.
Therefore $x_{j_1}=1$, and $2(Z-\Delta)\cdot N \geq -2$. Finally,
$(-N^2) \geq 2$ (if $N \neq 0$), as in the proof of (a) above. \qed
\noindent \emph{Remarks.}
\emph{1.} We showed that $\left[ -(Z'-\Delta)^2 = \delta_y \right] \implies
[Z' \leq Z]$. The converse is not always true. For example, if $F_j$ is a
component with $z_j=2$ and $(Z-\Delta)\cdot F_j = 0$ (such components exist in
some cases of type $D_n$ and $E_n$, cf. \cite{kawachi1}), then taking
$Z'=Z-F_j$ we get $-(Z'-\Delta)^2 > \delta_y$ (cf. the proof of (b) above).
\emph{2.} If $(Y,y)$ is not log-terminal, then the statement of Proposition
\ref{prop:caract} is no longer necessarily true, even if $y$ is rational.
For example:
\put(51,56){\scriptsize $-5$}
\put(18.13,29.13){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(71.87,29.13){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(83,56){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(45,94){\scriptsize $-2$}
\put(7,56){\scriptsize $-2$}
$Z = F_1 + (F_2 + \cdots + F_6), \; \Delta = \frac{6}{5} F_1 +
\frac{3}{5} (F_2 + \cdots + F_6)$, and $\delta_y = \frac{13}{5}$; \newline
but $\delta' = -(Z'-\Delta)^2 = \frac{8}{5} < \delta_y$ for $Z'=Z+F_1$.
\noindent \emph{Exercise.} Is the statement of Proposition \ref{prop:caract}
true for log-canonical singularities?
Hint: There is nothing to prove if $\delta_y \leq 1$. Notice that in the
exceptional case of (1.9), Type 3 with $w=3$, we have $\delta' = 2$ for
$Z' = F_1 + (F_2 + \cdots + F_5)$, while $\delta_y=1$ (in that case we have
$Z = 2 F_1 + (F_2 + \cdots + F_5)$).
1997-09-29T10:42:46 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709031 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709031 | [
] | alg-geom/9709031 | Wolf Barth | W. Barth | K3 Surfaces with Nine Cusps | LaTeX | null | null | null | null | By a K3-surface with nine cusps I mean a surface with nine isolated double
points A_2, but otherwise smooth, such that its minimal desingularisation is a
K3-surface. It is shown, that such a surface admits a cyclic triple cover
branched precisely over the cusps. This parallels the theorem of Nikulin, that
a K3-surface with 16 nodes is a Kummer quotient of a complex torus.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Sep 1997 08:42:46 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
If $E_1,...,E_{16}$ are 16 disjoint, smooth curves on a $K3$-surface
$X$ then the divisor $\sum_1^{16} E_i$ is divisible by $2$ in
$Pic(X)$. This was observed by V.V. Nikulin [N]. Equivalently: If
$\bar{X}$ is the surface obtained from $X$ by blowing
down the 16 rational curves to nodes $e_i \in \bar{X}$,
there is a double cover $A \to \bar{X}$, with $A$ a complex torus,
branched exactly over the 16 nodes $e_i$. The
surface $\bar{X}$ is the Kummer surface of the
complex torus $A$.
The aim of this note is to prove an analog of Nikulin's theorem
in the case of nine cusps (double points $A_2$) instead of 16 nodes
(double points $A_1$):
{\bf Theorem.} {\em Let $E_i,E_i', i=1,...,9$ be 18
smooth rational curves on a $K3$-surface $X$ with
$$E_i.E_i'=1, \quad E_i.E_j=E_i.E_j'=E_i'.E_j'=0 \mbox{ for }
i \not=j,$$
then there are integers $a_i,a_i'=1,2, a_i \not=a_i',$ such that
the divisor $\sum_1^9 (a_iE_i+a_i'E_i')$ is divisible by $3$
in $Pic(X)$. Equivalently: If $\bar{X}$ is the surface
obtained from $X$ by blowing down the nine pairs of
rational curves to cusps $e_i \in \bar{X}$, then there
is a cyclic cover $A \to \bar{X}$ of order three, with
$A$ a complex torus, branched exactly over the
nine cusps $e_i$.}
The proof I give here essentially parallels Nikulin's
proof in [N].
In the case of Nikulin's theorem of course each complex
torus $A$ of dimension two appears (the covering involution
is the map $a \mapsto -a$). But complex tori of dimension
two admitting an automorphism of order three with nine
fix-points are rarer. If the $K3$-surface $X$ is algebraic, then its
Picard number is $\geq 19$. So in this case
the surface $X$ and the covering surface $A$
can depend on at most one parameter.
Examples of abelian surfaces with an automorphism of
order three are given in [BH]: Each selfproduct $A=C \times C$,
with $C$ an elliptic curve, admits the automorphism
$$(x,y) \mapsto (-x,x-y).$$
It is shown in [BH] that the quotient $\bar{X}$
then is a double cover of the plane ${\rm I\!P}_2$, branched over
the sextic $C^*$ dual to a plane cubic
$C \subset {\rm I\!P}_2$, a copy of the elliptic curve $C$. The
nine cusps of $\bar{X}$ of course ly over the nine cusps
of $C^*$.
By deformation theory of $K3$-surfaces, one may convince oneself,
that there are also non-algebraic $K3$-surfaces with nine cusps.
Convention: Throughout this note the base field for algebraic
varieties is $\C$.
\section{Cyclic triple covers of $K3$-surfaces}
By a configuration of type $A_2$ on a smooth surface I
mean a pair $E,E'$ of smooth rational curves with
$E^2=(E')^2=-2, \quad E.E'=1$. Such a pair can be
contracted to a double point $A_2$ (a cusp).
{\bf Lemma 1.} {\em Let $X$ be a $K3$-surface carrying $p$
disjoint configurations
of type $A_2$, and $\bar{X}$ the surface obtained from $X$
by contracting them to cusps. If there is a
smooth complex surface $Y$ and a triple
cover $Y \to \bar{X}$ branched (of order three) precisely over the
$p$ cusps, then
either $p=6$ with $Y$ a $K3$-surface or $p=9$ with
$Y$ a torus.}
Proof. First of all, $Y$ is k\"ahler: Indeed, $X$ is
k\"ahler by [S].
Blow up $X$ in the
$p$ points, where the $p$ pairs of curves in the $A_2$
configurations meet. The resulting surface $\tilde{X}$
is k\"ahler by [B, Theoreme II 6]. Pull back the covering
$Y \to \bar{X}$ to a covering $\tilde{Y} \to \tilde{X}$.
Here $\tilde{Y}$ is k\"ahler, since it is a smooth
surface in some ${\rm I\!P}_1$-bundle over $\tilde{X}$,
which is k\"ahler by [B, Theoreme principal II]. The surface
$Y$ is obtained from $\tilde{Y}$ by blowing down $(-1)$-curves,
so it is k\"ahler too by [F].
The canonical bundle of $Y$ admits a section
with zeros at most in $p$ points. So there are no such zeros and
$K_Y$ is trivial.
By the classification of surfaces
[BPV, p.188] the covering surface $Y$ therefore either is $K3$ with
$e(Y)=24$ or a torus with $e(Y)=0$.
The Euler number of $Y$ is computed in terms
of $p$ as
$$e(Y)= 3 \cdot e(\bar{X})- 2 \cdot p =
3 \cdot(24-2p)-2 \cdot p = 72-8 \cdot p.$$
The possibilities are $p=6$ with $Y$ a $K3$-surface
and $p=9$ with $Y$ a complex torus. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
Consider the $2p$ rational curves $E_i,E_i' \subset X$
forming the $p$ configurations of type $A_2$. The cyclic cover,
lifted to $X$, is branched along all of these curves of
order three. So there must be a divisor
$$\sum_{i=1}^p a_i \cdot E_i+a_i' \cdot E_i', \qquad
a_i,a_i'=1 \mbox{ or }2,$$
divisible by three in $Pic(X)$. This implies that all
intersection numbers
(a_i E_i+a_i' E_i').E_i &=& -2 \cdot a_i+a_i' \\
(a_i E_i+a_i' E_i').E_i' &=& a_i -2 \cdot a_i'
are divisible by three. Hence
$$a_i=1 \Leftrightarrow a_i'=2 \quad
\mbox{ and } \quad a_i=2 \Leftrightarrow a_i'=1.$$
\section{The lattice generated by the nine cusps}
Here let $X$ be a $K3$-surface and $L=H^2(X,{\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$})\simeq {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}^{22}$ its lattice
provided with the (unimodular) intersection form. Assume
that on $X$ there are nine disjoint $A_2$-configurations
$E_i,E_i', \, i=1,...,9$. Following [N] we denote by
$I \subset L$ the sublattice spanned (over ${\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}$) by the
18 classes $[E_i], [E_i']$. Let me denote by
$\bar{I} \subset L$ the {\em primitive} sublattice spanned
by these classes over $\Q$ and let me put
To study $Q$ we split $I$ in two sublattices by the
base change
$$ E_i,E_i' \quad \mbox{ replaced by } \quad E_i,F_i:=2 E_i+E_i'
\mbox{ for }i=1,...,9.$$
The essential point is that the intersection numbers
$$E_i.F_j=-3 \cdot \delta_{i,j}, \quad
F_i.F_j= -6 \cdot \delta_{i,j}$$
are divisible by $3$.
{\bf Lemma 2.} {\em If a class
$$\sum_{i=1}^9 \epsilon_i [E_i] + \varphi_i[F_i],
\quad \epsilon_i, \varphi_i \in \Q,$$
belongs to $\bar{I}$ then
$$ \epsilon_i \in {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}, \quad 3 \cdot \varphi_i \in {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}.$$
In particular the order of the finite group $Q$ is
$|Q| =3^n$ for some $n \geq 0.$}
Proof. We just intersect the class with $E_k$ and $E_k'$ to find
$$ \begin{array}{c}\D
(\sum_{i=1}^9 \epsilon_i [E_i] + \varphi_i[F_i]).E_k =
-2 \cdot \epsilon_k-3 \cdot \varphi_k \in {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$} \\
(\sum_{i=1}^9 \epsilon_i [E_i] + \varphi_i[F_i]).E_k' =
\epsilon_k \in {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}. \\
This implies the assertion. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
Lemma 2 shows in particular
$$\bar{I} = E + \bar{F}$$
with $E \subset I$ the lattice spanned by the classes $[E_i]$,
with $F \subset I$ the lattice spanned by the classes $[F_i]$,
and $\bar{F}$ the primitive sublattice of $L$ spanned over
$\Q$ by $F$.
{\bf Lemma 3.} {\em The order $|Q|$ is $3^n$ with
$n \geq 3$.}
Proof. Choose a system of $n$ generators for $Q$. They are
the residues of $n$ classes $q_1,...,q_n \in \bar{F}$.
The set of these $n$ classes can be extended to a
${\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}$-basis
$$q_1,...,q_n, f_{n+1},...,f_9$$
of $\bar{F}$. So, if $n \leq 2$, the lattice $\bar{F}$ has
a ${\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}$-basis $q_1,q_2,f_3,...,f_9$ with $f_3,...,f_9$ integral
linear combinations of the classes $[F_1],...,[F_9]$. We extend
this basis to a ${\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}$-basis of $\bar{I}$ with the classes
$e_1=[E_1],...,e_9=[E_9]$, and to a basis of $L$ with some
classes $t_{19},...,t_{22}$. In the basis
the intersection matrix is
\multicolumn{1}{c}{7} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{9} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{6} \\
(f_i.f_j) & (f_i.e_j) & * \\ \hline
(f_i.e_j) & (e_i.e_j) & * \\ \hline
* & * & * \\
Each summand in the Leibniz expansion of the determinant
contains at least ten factors
$$f_i.f_j, \quad f_i.e_j \quad \mbox{ or } \quad e_i.e_j.$$
At most nine of them can be $e_i.e_j$.
At least one of them must be a factor
$ f_i.f_j$ or $f_i.e_j$ divisible by 3.
This shows that the determinant
of the $22 \times 22$ intersection matrix is
divisible by $3$, a contradiction with unimodularity. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
\section{The code of the nine cusps}
Each class in $\bar{I}$ is of the form
$$\sum_{i=1}^9 \epsilon_i \cdot E_i +\varphi_i \cdot F_i, \quad
\epsilon_i \in {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}, \, \varphi_i \in \frac{1}{3} {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}.$$
By sending
$$\varphi_i \mapsto \varphi_i \mbox{ mod } {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}$$
we identify $Q$ with an ${\rm I\!F}_3$ sub-vector space of
${\rm I\!F}_3^9$. By lemma 3 the sub-vector space $Q \subset {\rm I\!F}_3^9$ has
dimension $\geq 3$. In this section we want to identify this
sub-vector space.
In analogy with coding theory, we call each vector
$q = (q_i)_{i=1,..,9} \in Q$ a {\em word}, and the number
of its non-zero coefficients its {length} $|q|$. By
lemma 1 all vectors $q \in Q$ have length
$|q|=0,6$ or $9$. As $dim_{{\rm I\!F}_3}(Q) \geq 3$,
the space $Q$ contains at least $3^3-3 =24$ words
of length $6$.
We say that two words $q,q'$ overlap in $r$ places, if
there are precisely $r$ ciphers $i$ such that both
coefficients $q_i$ and $q_i'$ are nonzero.
It is clear that any two nonzero words of length
six overlap in at least three places. If they overlap in six places,
they are linearly dependent: In fact, if $q+q' \not=0$,
we have $q_i=q_i'$ for at least one $i$. Then $q+2q'$
has length $\leq 5$, hence $q+2q'=0$.
{\em Claim 1. Any two linearly independent vectors
$q,q'$ of length six overlap in three or in four places. }
Proof. We have to exclude, that $q$ and $q'$
overlap in five places. Assume to the contrary that they do.
By rescaling the basis vectors of ${\rm I\!F}^3$ we
may assume
$$q'=(0,q_2',q_3',q_4',q_5',q_6',q_7',0,0), \quad q_i'=1 \mbox{ or }2.$$
Since $q+q'$ again is a word of length six, w.l.o.g.
$$q+2q' = (1,2,0,0,0,0,2q_7',0,0) \notin Q,$$
contradiction. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
Now, let me call the nine ciphers $1,...,9$ 'points'
and those triplets $\{i,j,k\}$ of ciphers 'lines', for which
there is a word $q$ of length six with $q_i=q_j=q_k=0$.
As there are at least 24 words of length six, there
are at least twelve lines. As two linearly independent
words of length six overlap in four or three places,
two different lines intersect in one point, or not
at all (parallel lines). This allows to count the
number of lines:
{\em Claim 2. There are precisely $12$ lines, and therefore
the dimension of $Q$ is $n=3$.}
Proof. Through each point, there are at most four
distinct lines. So there are at most $9 \times 4 = 36$
incidences of lines with points. As on each line there
are three points, we have indeed at most $36/3=12$ lines. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
This proof shows in particular, that through each point
there are exactly four lines, or in other words: Each pair
of points lies on a (uniquely determined) line.
{\em Claim 3. For each line there are precisely two parallel lines.
These two parallel lines do not intersect.}
Proof. Each line $L$ meets $3 \times 3=9$ other lines, hence there
are two lines $L',L''$ parallel to it. If $L'$ and $L''$ would meet
in a point, then through this point we would have five lines:
the two lines $L'$ and $L''$ and the three lines joining this point
with the three points on $L$. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
{\em Claim 4. The code $Q$ contains a word of length nine.}
Proof. Take three parallel lines $L,L',L''$ and two
words $q,q'$ vanishing on the lines $L,L'$ respectively.
These two words $q$ and $q'$ overlap in precisely
three places (the points of $L''$). After
replacing $q$ by $2 \cdot q$ if necessary, we may assume
$q_i=q_i'$ for one $i \in L''$. Then $q-q'$ is a word of
length six, i.e., $q_i=q_i'$ for all $i \in L''$.
So $q+q'$ is a word of length nine. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
Claim 4 proves the theorem from the introduction:
The existence of a word of length nine shows that
there is a linear combination
$$D:=\sum_{i=1}^9 \varphi_i F_i \in Pic(X) \quad
\mbox{with} \quad 0<\varphi_i<1, 3 \varphi_i \in {\mathchoice {\hbox{$\sf\textstyle Z\kern-0.4em Z$}.$$
The divisor
$$3 \cdot D - \sum_{\varphi_i=2} 3 \cdot E_i'$$
contains all curves $E_i$ and $E_i', \, i=1,...9,$ with
multiplicity $1$ or $2$, and it is divisible by 3.
\section{The double cover branched over the dual cubic}
A smooth cubic $C \subset {\rm I\!P}_2$ has nine flexes.
On the dual cubic $C^* \subset {\rm I\!P}_2^*$ they yield nine cusps.
So the double cover $\bar{X} \to {\rm I\!P}_2^*$ is an example
of a $K3$-surface with nine cusps.
Here I want to understand the $3$-torsion property on $\bar{X}$
in terms of plane projective geometry, independently of the
theory in the preceding sections and of [BH].
The nine flexes of $C$ in a natural way have the structure
of an affine plane over ${\rm I\!F}_3$. In fact, if $C$ is given
in Hesse normal form
$$x_0^3+x_1^3+x_2^3+3 \lambda x_0x_1x_2=0,$$
a transitive action of the vector space ${\rm I\!F}_3^2$ on the curve $C$ and thus
on the set of its flexes is induced by the symmetries
$$\sigma:x_i \mapsto x_{i+1}, \quad
\tau:x_i \mapsto \omega^i \cdot x_i, \quad
\omega \mbox{ a primitive third root of unity}.$$
Of course the 'lines' used in the preceding section
must be the lines in this affine plane. This
section will give a proof.
Let me in this section denote by a line in the
set of flexes, a line in the sense of the affine
structure just mentioned.
The flexes are cut out on $C$ by the coordinate triangle
$x_0x_1x_2=0$. Two parallel lines are formed e.g. by the
triplet of flexes $(0:1:-\omega^k)$ and the triplet
(All pairs of parallel lines are equivalent to this one, so
let us restrict our attention to this pair.)
The inflectional tangents there
$$ -\lambda \omega^k \cdot x_0+ x_1+\omega^{2k} \cdot x_2=0
\quad \mbox{ and } \quad
x_0-\lambda \omega^k \cdot x_1+\omega^{2k} \cdot x_2=0.$$
The essential remark is, that they touch a nondegenerate
conic, which in dual coordinates $(\xi_0:\xi_1:\xi_2)$
has the equation
$$\xi_0 \cdot \xi_1 + \lambda \xi_2^2=0.$$
(Of course, here we have to exclude $\lambda=0$, the case of the Fermat
cubic, where these triplets of inflectional tangents
are concurrent.) This implies that the corresponding six
cusps on the dual cubic $C^*$ in ${\rm I\!P}_2^*$ are cut out by
the nondegenerate conic, whose equation was just
given. This conic intersects $C^*$ in each cusp
with multiplicity 2, so does not touch the
tangent of the cusp.
Clearly, the inverse image of this conic on $\bar{X}$
decomposes into two smooth rational curves
$\bar{R},\bar{R}' \subset \bar{X}$ passing through
our six distinguished cusps. Denote by $R,R'$ the proper
transforms of these curves on the smooth surface $X$.
A computation in local coordinates shows, that each
curve $R$ or $R'$ meets just one of the two rational curves
$E_i,E_i'$ from the $A_2$-configuration
over each of the six distinguished cusps. Let
me call $E_i$ those curves which meet $R$, and $E_i'$
the curves intersecting $R', \, i=1,...,6$.
{\bf Lemma 4.} {\em For general choice of $\lambda$, the
$K3$ surface $X$ has Picard number 19.}
By [PS, \S8] there is only a countable set of $K3$-surfaces with
Picard number 20. So, all we have to show is that the structure of $X$ indeed
varies with the elliptic curve $C$. In fact, a copy of $C$ (the proper
transform of the branch locus) lies on $X$, where it passes through
the intersection points in $E_i \cap E_i',\, i=1,...,6$. So, if
the structure of $X$ would not vary with $C$, we would have on
$X$ more than countably many elliptic pencils,
a contradiction. \hspace*{\fill}\frame{\rule[0pt]{0pt}{8pt}\rule[0pt]{8pt}{0pt}}\par
This implies that $NS(X)$ is generated (over $\Q$) by the classes
of $E_i, E_i',\, i=1,...,9,$ and by the pullback $[H]$ of
the class of a line on ${\rm I\!P}_2^*$.
Now put
$$R-R' \sim \sum_{i=1}^9 (n_i \cdot [E_i]+n_i' \cdot [E_i'])
+n \cdot H, \; n_i,n_i',n \in \Q.$$
$$(R-R').H = (R-R').E_i = (R-R').E_i' =0
\mbox{ for } i=7,8,9$$
we conclude $n=n_i=n_i'=0$ for $i=7,8,9$. The other intersection numbers
are ($i=1,...,6$)
1 &=& (R-R').E_i &=& -2n_i+n_i' \\
-1 &=& (R-R').E_i' &=& n_i-2n_i' \\
This implies
$$n_i' = -n_i = \frac{1}{3}.$$
We have shown that the class
$$\frac{1}{3} \sum_{i=1}^6 (E_i'-E_i) = R-R'$$
is integral. This is equivalent to the fact that the classes
$$\sum_{i=1}^6 (2 \cdot E_i+E_i')
\quad \mbox{ and } \quad \sum_{i=1}^6 (E_i+2 \cdot E_i')$$
are divisible by 3.
Finally, we remark: For a 3-divisible set of six cusps on $\bar{X}$
the pattern, in which the curves $E_i$ and $E_i'$ organize themselves
into unprimed and primed ones, is given by their intersections
with $R$ or $R'$.
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[BH] Birkenhake C., Lange, H.: A family of abelian surfaces and
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$2^{nd}$ series, 35, 101-118 (1983)
[N] Nikulin, V.V.: On Kummer surfaces. Math. USSR Izv. 9, No 2, 261-275
[PS] Pjateckii-\v{S}apiro, I.I, \v{S}afarevi\v{c}, I.R.: A Torelli
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1997-09-15T22:55:44 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709017 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709017 | [
] | alg-geom/9709017 | Yavor Markov | Y. Markov, V. Tarasov, A. Varchenko | The Determinant of a Hypergeometric Period Matrix | 21 pages, no figures, LaTeX2e | null | null | null | null | We consider a function $U=e^{-f_0}\prod_j^N f_j^{\alpha_j}$ on a real affine
space, here $f_0,..,f_N$ are linear functions, $\alpha_1, ...,\alpha_N$ complex
numbers. The zeros of the functions $f_1, ..., f_N$ form an arrangement of
hyperplanes in the affine space. We study the period matrix of the
hypergeometric integrals associated with the arrangement and the function $U$
and compute its determinant as an alternating product of gamma functions and
critical points of the functions $f_0,..., f_N$ with respect to the
arrangement. In the simplest example, $N=1, f_0=f_1=t$, the determinant formula
takes the form $\int_0^\infty e^{-t} t^{\alpha -1} dt=\Gamma (\alpha).$
We also give a determinant formula for Selberg type exponential integrals. In
this case the arangements of hyperplanes is special and admits a symmetry
group, the period matrix is decomposed into blocks corresponding to different
representations of the symmetry group on the space of the hypergeometric
integrals associated with the arrangement. We compute the determinant of the
block corresponding to the trivial representation.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 15 Sep 1997 20:51:53 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
The Euler beta function is an alternating product of Euler gamma functions,
B (\alpha, \beta)\,=\, {\Gamma (\alpha)\,\Gamma (\beta)
\Gamma (\alpha + \beta)}
where the
Euler gamma and beta functions are defined by
\Gamma (\alpha)\,=\,\int_0^\infty\, t^{\alpha -1}\, e^{-t}\,dt,
B (\alpha, \beta)\,=\,\int_0^1\, t^{\alpha -1}\,(1-t)^{\beta -1}\, \,dt.
There is a generalization of formula (1) to the case of an arrangement
of hyperplanes in an affine space, see [V1, V2, DT].
{\bf Example.} Consider an arrangement of three points $z_1, z_2, z_3$ in a
line. The point $z_j$ is the zero of the function $f_j=t-z_j$. Set
\Delta_1= [z_1,z_2],
\Delta_1= [z_2,z_3],
\omega_1\,=\,\alpha_1 U_\alpha dt/(t-z_1), \qquad
\omega_2\,=\,\alpha_2 U_\alpha dt/(t-z_2),
{\Gamma (\alpha_1+1)\,\Gamma (\alpha_2+1)\,\Gamma (\alpha_3+1)
\Gamma (\alpha_1+\alpha_2+\alpha_3+1)}\,\prod_{i\neq j} f_i^{\alpha_i}(z_j).
In this paper we describe a generalization of the first formula in (2)
to the case of an arrangement
of hyperplanes in an affine space.
{\bf Example.} Consider an arrangement of two points $z_1, z_2$ in a
line. Let $f_j=t-z_j$. Set
\Delta_1= [z_1,z_2],
\Delta_2= [z_2,\infty],
\omega_1\,=\,\alpha_1 U_\alpha dt/(t-z_1), \qquad
\omega_2\,=\,\alpha_2 U_\alpha dt/(t-z_2).
Let $a$ be a positive number. Then
\Gamma (\alpha_1+1)\Gamma (\alpha_2+1) \, e^{-a(z_1 + z_2)}\,
a^{-(\alpha_1+\alpha_2)}\,\prod_{i\neq j} f_i^{\alpha_i}(z_j).
The determinant formulas are useful, in particular
in applications to the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type of differential equations
when a determinant formula allows one to conclude that a set of solutions
to the equation given by suitable multidimensional hypergeometric
integrals forms a basis of solutions, cf. [SV], [TV], [V3], see also [L],
[LS], [V4], [V5].
The paper is organized as follows. Sections~\ref{arrangements} --
\ref{hg-section} contain definitions of the main objects: arrangements,
critical values, and hypergeometric period matrices. The main result of
the paper is Theorem~\ref{maintheorem}. The proofs of all statements are
presented in Section~\ref{proofs}. In Sections~\ref{selberg} and
\ref{pfselb} we discuss two determinant formulas for Selberg type
integrals. In this case the configuration of hyperplanes is special and
admits a symmetry group. The symmetry group acts on the domains of the configuration
and on the hypergeometric differential forms associated with the configuration.
Therefore the period matrix of the configuration $( \,\int_{\Delta_i} \omega_j\,)$
splits into blocks according to different representations of the symmetry group.
We compute the determinant of the block corresponding to
the trivial representation.
In this section we review results from [FT] and [V1].
Let $f_{1},\ldots ,f_{p}$ be linear polynomials on a
real affine space $V$.
Let $I$ denote $\{1,\ldots ,p\}$ and let $A$ be the arrangement
$\{H_{i}\}_{i\in I}$, where $H_{i}= \ker f_{i}$ is the hyperplane defined
by $f_{i}$.
An {\it edge} of $A$ is a nonempty intersection of some of its
hyperplanes. A {\it vertex} is a \mbox{$0$-}dimensional edge.
Let $L(A)$ denote the set of all edges.
An arrangement $A$ is said to be {\it essential} if it has vertices.
Until the end of this paper we suppose that $A$ is essential.
An arrangement $A$ is said to be in {\it general position} if,
for all subarrangements $\{H_{i_{1}},\cdots ,H_{i_{k}}\}$ of $A$, we have
$\mathop{\mathrm{codim}\;\!}\nolimits(H_{i_{1}}\cap\cdots\cap H_{i_{k}})=k$ if $1\leq k\leq\mathop{\mathrm{dim}\;\!}\nolimits V$ and
$H_{i_{1}}\cap\cdots\cap H_{i_{k}}=\emptyset$ if $k> \mathop{\mathrm{dim}\;\!}\nolimits V$.
\begin{equation} \label{defM}
M(A)=V-\cup_{i\in I} H_{i}.
The topological space $M (A)$ has finitely many connected components,
which are called {\it domains}. Domains are open polyhedra, not
necessary bounded. Their faces are precisely the domains of the
arrangements induced by $A$ on the edges of $A$. More generally, in any
subspace $U \subset V$ the arrangement $A$ cuts out a new arrangement
$A_U$ consisting of the hyperplanes $\{ H_i\cap U \, | \, H_i \in A,
\, U \not \subset H_i\}$. $A_U$ is called a {\it section} of the
arrangement. For every edge $F$ of $A$ the domains of
the section $A_F$ are called the {\it faces} of the arrangement $A$.
Let $F$ be an edge of $A$ and $I(F)$ the set of all indices $i$ for
which $F \in H_i$. The arrangement $A^F$ in $V$ consisting of the
hyperplanes $\{H_i \, | \, H_i \in A, \, i\in I(F)\}$, is called the
{\it localization of the arrangement at the edge $F$}.
Every edge $F$ of codimension $l$ is associated to an arrangement in
an \mbox{$(l-1)$--}dimensional projective space. Namely, let $L$ be a normal
subspace to $F$ of the complementary dimension.
Consider the localization at this edge and its section by the
normal subspace. All of the hyperplanes of the resulting arrangement $(A^F)_L$
pass through the point $v=F\cap L$. We consider the arrangement which
$(A^F)_L$ induces in the tangent space $T_vL$. It determines an
arrangement in the projectivization of the tangent space, which is
called the {\it projective normal arrangement} and denoted $PA^F$.
The arrangements corresponding to different normal subspaces are naturally
A face of an arrangement is said to be {\it bounded relative to a
hyperplane} if the closure of the face does not intersect the hyperplane.
It is known [V1, Theorem 1.5] that if $A=\{H_i\}_{i\in I}$ is an arrangement
in a real projective space, then the number of domains bounded with respect
to $H_i$ does not depend on $i$. This number is called the {\it
discrete length of the arrangement}. The discrete length of the empty
arrangement is set to be equal to 1.
Let $F$ be an edge of an arrangement $A$ in a projective space. The {\it
discrete length} of the edge is defined as the discrete length of the
arrangement $A_F$; the {\it discrete width} of the edge is the discrete
length of the arrangement $PA^F$; and the {\it discrete volume} of the
edge is the product of its discrete length and discrete width. These
numbers are denoted $l(F)$, $s(F)$, and $vol(F)$, respectively.
If $F$ is a \mbox{$k$--}dimensional edge of an arrangement $A$ in an affine
space, then its {\it
discrete length} is the number of bounded \mbox{$k$--}dimensional faces of the
arrangement $A_F$. Its {\it discrete width} is the discrete
length of the arrangement $PA^F$, and its {\it discrete volume} is the
product of its discrete length and discrete width.
Another more invariant definition of the above quantities could be
given as follows (see~[OT]).
Consider the complexification and then the projectivization of the
affine space $V$. Denote it $\mathbb{P}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it I\hskip -2pt P}} V$. Let $\mathbb{H}} %{ \hbox{ I\hskip -2pt R} _i=\{f_i=0\}_{i\in I}$
be hyperplanes in $\mathbb{P}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it I\hskip -2pt P}} V$,$\quad\mathbb{H}} %{ \hbox{ I\hskip -2pt R} _{\infty}$ the infinite hyperplane
and $\mathbb{A}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it A\hskip -10pt A}} $ the arrangement in $\mathbb{P}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it I\hskip -2pt P}} V$ defined by all these hyperplanes.
Let $\chi (\mathbb{A}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it A\hskip -10pt A}} )$ denote the Euler characteristic of $\mathbb{P}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it I\hskip -2pt P}} V -
\cup_{i\in\overline{I}}\mathbb{H}} %{ \hbox{ I\hskip -2pt R} _i$, where $\overline{I} = 1,\ldots,p,\infty$.
If $F$ is an edge of $\mathbb{A}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it A\hskip -10pt A}} $, then
$$l(F)=|\chi(\mathbb{A}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it A\hskip -10pt A}} _F)|,\quad s(F)=|\chi(P\mathbb{A}} %{ \hbox{\bf {\it A\hskip -10pt A}} ^F)|,\quad vol(F)=l(F)s(F).$$
\subsection{The beta-function of an arrangement}
An arrangement is called {\it weighted} if a complex number is assigned
to every hyperplane of the arrangement. The complex numbers are called
{\it weights}. The weight of a hyperplane $H_i$ is denoted
The {\it weight} of an edge $F$ of a weighted arrangement is
the sum, $\alpha (F)$,
of the weights of the hyperplanes which contain $F$.
Let $A$ be a weighted arrangement in an affine space $V$. Make
$V$ into a projective space by adding the hyperplane $H_{\infty}$ at
infinity: $ \overline{V} = V \cup H_{\infty}$. For all $i\in I$ denote
$\overline{H_i}$ the projective closure of $H_i$ in $\overline{V}$.
Let $\overline{A}=\{\overline{H_i}\}_{i\in I}\cup\{H_{\infty}\}$ be the corresponding
projective arrangement in $\overline{V}$. The arrangement $\overline{A}$ is
called the {\it projectivization} of $A$. Set $\alpha_{\infty} =
-(\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_p)$. Let $L_{-}$ denote the set of all edges at
infinity of the arrangement $\overline{A}$ and $L_{+}$ the set consisting
of all the other edges.
$(i)$ Let the weights $\alpha_1,\ldots ,\alpha_p$ of the hyperplanes be
complex numbers with positive real part. The beta--function of an
affine arrangement $A$ is defined by
$$B(A;\alpha) = \prod_{F\in L_{+}} \Gamma (\alpha (F) +1)^{vol(F)}
\big/ \prod_{F\in L_{-}} \Gamma (-\alpha (F) +1)^{vol(F)} ; $$
$(ii)$ In addition, let $H_0$ be a hyperplane in $V$ and $\overline{H_0}$
its closure in $\overline{V}$. The beta-function of an affine
arrangement $A$ relative to the hyperplane $H_0$ is defined by
$$B(A;\alpha ;H_0) = \prod_{F\in L_{+}} \Gamma (\alpha (F) +1)^{vol(F)}
\big/ \prod_{F\in L_{-},\, F\subset \overline{H_0}} \Gamma (-\alpha (F)
{\sc Example.} Let $n=\mathop{\mathrm{dim}\;\!}\nolimits V$. For an arrangement $A$ of $p$
hyperplanes in general position the above formulas take the form
$$B(A;\alpha) = \left(\frac{\Gamma(\alpha_1 +1)\ldots\Gamma (\alpha_p +1)}
{\Gamma (\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_p +1)}\right)^{\binom{p-2}{n-1}};
\qquad B(A;\alpha;f_0) =
\subsection{Trace of an arrangement at infinity relative to a hyperplane}
Assume that an additional non-constant linear function $f_0$ on $V$ is
given. Denote the hyperplane $\{f_0=0\}$ by $H_0$.
Let A be an affine arrangement in the affine space $V$ .
Consider the projectivized arrangement $\overline{A}$ in $\overline{V}$ and
its section $\overline{A}_{H_{\infty}}$. The intersection of $\overline{A}$ with the affine
$W=H_{\infty} - \overline{H_0} \cap H_{\infty}$ is called the {\it trace of the
arrangement $A$ at
infinity} relative to the hyperplane $H_0$ and is denoted $tr(A)_{H_0}$.
If the affine arrangement $A$ is given by the linear functions
$\{f_i\}_{i\in I}$ on $V$, then the affine arrangement $tr(A)_{H_0}$ is
given by the linear functions $\{h_i=f_i^0/f_0^0\, | \, i\in I;\,\,
f_i^0/f_0^0 \not = const \}$ on $W$, where $f_i^0$ denotes the
homogeneous part of $f_i$. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
\section{Properties of an arrangement}
In this section we examine the properties of the unbounded domains of an
arrangement $A$ on which an additional linear function $f_0$ tends to
Let $A$ be an arrangement in an affine space $V$.
Consider its projectivization $\overline{A}$ in the projective space $\overline{V}$.
Let $\Delta$ be an unbounded face of the arrangement
$A$. Take the closure $\overline{\Delta}$ of $\Delta$ in $\overline{V}$.
Consider the intersection
$\overline{\Delta}\cap H_{\infty}$. It is a union of faces
of the arrangement $\overline{A}_{H_{\infty}}$. There is a unique one of highest
dimension. We call it the {\it trace} of $\Delta$ at infinity and
denote $tr(\Delta)$.
An unbounded face $\Delta$ of $A$ is called a {\it growing face
with respect to } $f_0$ if $f_0(x)$ tends to $+\infty$
whenever $x$ tends to infinity in $\Delta$.
A face at
infinity $\Sigma$ is called a {\it bounded face at infinity with respect to }
$f_0$ if
$\overline{\Sigma}\cap \overline{H_0}$ is empty.
In other words, $\Sigma$ is a bounded face at infinity if and only if it is
a bounded face of the affine arrangement $tr(A)_{H_0}$.
If $\Sigma$ is a face of $A$, denote $F_{\Sigma}$ the unique edge of
the smallest dimension which contains $\Sigma$. Define the discrete length,
the discrete width and the volume of the face as the same quantities for
the corresponding edge.
\begin{theorem} \label{bijection}
The trace map from the unbounded faces of $A$ to the faces of $\overline{A}$ in
$H_{\infty}$ has the following properties:
$(i)$ The trace of a growing face is a bounded
face at infinity.
$(ii)$ For any bounded face at infinity, $\Sigma$, there exist exactly
$s(\Sigma )$ growing domains with trace $\Sigma$, where $s(\Sigma )$
denotes the discrete width of this face.
$(iii)$ The number of growing domains of $A$ is equal to the sum of the
volumes of all edges of $\overline{A}$ at infinity which do not lie in
$$ \mathrm{\#}\,\mathrm{ growing}\,\mathrm{ domains} = \sum_{F\subseteq
H_{\infty},\, F \not\subseteq \overline{H_0}} vol(F).$$
Theorem~\ref{bijection} is proved in Section~\ref{biject}
\section{Critical values}
The aim of this section is to define the critical values of the functions
$f_1^{\alpha_1}, \ldots , f_p^{\alpha_p}$ on the bounded domains of an
arrangement $A$ and the critical values of the same functions, with
respect to an additional linear function $f_0$, on the bounded and growing
domains of $A$.
Let an arrangement $A$ be given by linear functions
$\{f_i\}_{i\in I}$ and let $\alpha = \{\alpha_i\}_{i\in I}$ be a
corresponding set of weights.
For every $i\in I$, a face of the arrangement $A$ on which $f_i$ is
constant is called a {\it critical face} with respect to $f_i$ and the
value of $f_i$ on that face is called a {\it critical value}.
In particular, each vertex is a critical face for every function $f_i$.
Assume that a function $|f_i|$ is bounded on a face $\Sigma$ of $A$.
The subset of $\overline{\Sigma}$ on which $|f_i|$ attains its maximum
is a union of critical faces. Among them, there is a unique one of
highest dimension. It is called the {\it external support} of the face
$\Sigma$ with respect to $f_i$.
Denote $\mathsf{Ch}(A)$ the set of all bounded domains of $A$. Let $\beta(A) =
\left|\mathsf{Ch}(A)\right|$. Enumerate the bounded
domains by numbers $1,\ldots,\beta(A)$.
For every $i\in I$ and $j\in \{1,\ldots ,\beta (A)\}$, choose a branch
of the multi--valued function $f_i^{\alpha_i}$ on the domain $\Delta_{j}$
and denote it $g_{i,j}$. Let $\Sigma_{i,j}$ be the external support of
$\Delta_j$ with respect to $f_i$. Define the {\it extremal critical
value of the chosen branch $g_{i,j}$ on $\Delta_j$} as the number
$c(g_{i,j},\Delta_j)=g_{i,j}(\Sigma_{i,j})$. Denote $c(A;\alpha)$
the product of all extremal critical values of the chosen branches,
$$ c(A;\alpha)=\prod_{j=1}^{\beta(A)}\prod_{i\in I}c(g_{i,j},\Delta_j).$$
Assume that an additional non-constant linear function $f_0$ on $V$ is
given. Let $\Delta$ be bounded or growing domain of $A$. Then $f_0$ is
bounded from below on $\Delta$. The subset of $\overline{\Delta}$ on
which $e^{-f_0}$ attains its maximum coincides with the subset of
$\overline{\Delta}$ where $f_0$ attains its minimum. This subset has a
unique face of highest dimension; it is called the {\it support face} of
$f_0$ on $\Delta$ and denoted $\Sigma_{\Delta}$. Define the
{\it extremal critical value of $e^{-f_0}$ on $\Delta$} as the number
$c(e^{-f_0},\Delta) = e^{-f_0(\Sigma_{\Delta})}$.
Denote $\mathsf{Ch}(A;f_0)$ the set of all bounded or growing domains of $A$.
Let $\gamma(A) = \left|\mathsf{Ch}(A;f_0)\right|$. Enumerate these domains by numbers
$1,\ldots,\gamma(A)$. For every $i\in I$ and $j\in \{1,\ldots ,\gamma
(A) \}$, choose a branch of the multi--valued function $f_i^{\alpha_i}$ on
the domain $\Delta_{j}$ and denote it $g_{i,j}$. Assume that $|f_i|$ is
bounded on $\Delta_j$. Let $\Sigma_{i,j}$ be the external support of
$\Delta_j$ with respect to $f_i$. Define the {\it extremal critical
value of the chosen branch $g_{i,j}$ on $\Delta_j$ with respect to
$f_0$} as the number $c(g_{i,j},\Delta_j,f_0)=g_{i,j}(\Sigma_{i,j})$.
Notice that, if $\Delta_j$ is a bounded domain of $A$, then
Now assume that $|f_i|$ is unbounded on $\Delta_j$. Thus, $\Delta_j$ is a
growing domain of $A$ and $tr(\Delta_j)$ is a bounded face of $tr(A)_{H_0}$.
Denote $M=f_0(\Sigma_{\Delta_j})$. Consider the rational function
$\widetilde{h_i}=f_i/(f_0-M)$ on $\Delta_j$. Notice that $\widetilde{h_i}|_{tr(\Delta_j)}$
coincides with the restriction of the linear function $h_i=f_i^0/f_0^0$
to the same set $tr(\Delta_j)$.
Since the sign of $\widetilde{h_i}$ on $\Delta_j$ is
the same as the sign of $f_i$ on $\Delta_j$ we
can choose a branch of
$\widetilde{h_i}^{\alpha_i}$ on $\Delta_j$ which has the same argument as $g_{i,j}$
and denote it $\widetilde{g_{i,j}}$. Let $\Sigma_j$ be the external support of
$tr(\Delta_j)$ with respect to $h_i$ in the affine arrangement
$tr(A)_{H_0}$. Define the {\it the extremal critical
value of the chosen branch $g_{i,j}$ on $\Delta_j$ with respect to
$f_0$} as the number $c(g_{i,j},\Delta,f_0)=\widetilde{g_{i,j}}(\Sigma_j)$.
Denote $c(A;\alpha;f_0)$ the product of all extremal critical values with
respect to $f_0$ of the chosen branches,
$$ c(A;\alpha;f_0) = \prod_{j=1}^{\gamma(A)}\left(e^{-f_0(\Sigma_{\Delta_j})}
\prod_{i\in I}c(g_{i,j},\Delta_j,f_0)\right).$$
\section{Hypergeometric period matrix}\label{hg-section}
\subsection{$\beta${\bf nbc}-bases}
Let $A$ be an essential arrangement in an \mbox{$n$--}dimensional real affine
space $V$.
Define a linear order $<$ in $A$ putting $H_{i}< H_{j}$ if $i<j$.
A subset $\{H_{i}\}_{i\in J}$ of $A$
is called {\it dependent} if $\cap_{i\in J}H_{i}\neq\emptyset$ and
$\mathop{\mathrm{codim}\;\!}\nolimits(\cap_{i\in J}H_{i})<\left|J\right|$. A
subset of $A$ which has nonempty intersection and is not dependent is
called {\it independent}. Maximal independent sets are called
{\it bases}. An intersection of a basis defines a vertex.
A $k$-tuple $S=(H_{1},\cdots ,H_{k})$ is called a {\it circuit} if
$(H_{1},\cdots ,H_{k})$ is dependent and if for each $l$, $1\leq
l\leq k$, the ($k-1$)-tuple $(H_{1},\cdots ,\widehat{H_{l}},\cdots
,H_{k})$ is independent.
A $k$-tuple $S$ is called a {\it broken circuit} if there exists
$H< min (S)$ such that $\{H\}\cup S$ is a circuit, where $min (S)$
denotes the minimal element of $S$ for $<$.
The collection of subsets of $A$ having nonempty intersection
and containing no broken circuits is denoted {\bf BC}. {\bf BC}
consists of independent sets. Maximal (with respect to inclusion)
elements of {\bf BC} are bases of $A$ called {\bf nbc}-bases. Recall that
$n$ is the dimension of the affine space.
An {\bf nbc}-basis $B=(H_{i_{1}},\cdots ,H_{i_{n}})$ is called {\it
ordered} if $H_{i_{1}}< H_{i_{2}}< \cdots < H_{i_{n}}$.
The set of all ordered {\bf nbc}-bases of $A$ is denoted {\bf nbc}$(A)$
A basis $B$ is called a $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}$--{\it{basis}} if $B$ is an
{\bf nbc}-basis and if
\begin{equation} \label{bnbccond}
\forall H\in B \,\exists H'<\, H \,\mathrm{such}\,\mathrm{ that}\,
(B-\{H\})\cup \{H'\}\, \mathrm{is}\,\mathrm{ a}\,\mathrm{ base}.
Denote $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A)$ the set of all ordered $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}$-bases. Put the
lexicographic order on $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A)$
The definition and basic properties of the $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}$-bases are due to
Ziegler [Z].
For a basis $B=(H_{i_{1}},\cdots,H_{i_{n}})$, let
$F_{j}=\bigcap_{k=j+1}^{n}H_{i_{k}}$ for $0\leq j\leq n-1$ and
$F_{n} = V$. Then
$ \xi(B)= (F_{0}\subset F_{1} \subset \cdots\subset F_{n})$ is a flag of
affine subspaces of $V$ with $\mathop{\mathrm{dim}\;\!}\nolimits F_{j} = j$ $(0\leq j\leq n)$.
This flag is called the {\it flag associated with $B$}.
For an edge $F$ of $A$, remind that $I(F) = \{i\in I \mid F \subseteq
H_{i}\}$. Introduce a differential one-form
$$\omega_{\alpha}(F,A)=\sum_{i\in I(F)} \alpha_{i}\frac{df_i}{f_i}.$$
For a basis $B=(H_{i_{1}},\cdots,H_{i_{n}})$, let
$\xi(B)= (F_{0}\subset F_{1} \subset \cdots\subset F_{n})$
be the associated flag. Introduce a differential $n$--form $\Xi(B,A)=
\omega_{\alpha}(F_{0},A) \wedge\cdots\wedge\omega_{\alpha}(F_{n-1},A)$.
If $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A)=\{B_{1},\cdots,B_{\beta (A)}\}$
and $\phi _{j} = \phi_{j}(A)=\Xi(B_{j},A)$ for $j\in\{1,\ldots,\beta(A)\}$,
\Phi (A)= \{\phi_{1},\cdots,\phi_{\beta (A)}\}.
{\sc Example.} For an arrangement $A$ of $p$ hyperplanes in general
position, the set $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A)$ coincides with the set $\{
(H_{i_1},\ldots,H_{i_n})\, | \, 2\leq i_1 <\cdots<i_n\leq p\}$. The
latter corresponds to all vertices of $A$ away from the hyperplane
$H_1$. The differential $n$--forms are
$$ \Phi (A) = \{\alpha_{i_1}\ldots\alpha_{i_n}\frac{df_{i_1}}{f_{i_1}}\wedge
\cdots\wedge\frac{f_{i_n}}{f_{i_n}}\, | \, 2\leq i_1 <\cdots<i_n\leq p\}.$$
\subsection{The definition of the hypergeometric period matrix}
Let $\xi = (F_{0} \subset F_{1} \subset \cdots \subset F_{n})$
be a flag of edges of $A$ with $\mathop{\mathrm{dim}\;\!}\nolimits F_{i} = i $ ($i = 0, \ldots,
n-1;$ $F_n=V$).
Let $\Delta$ be a domain of $A$ and $\overline{\Delta} $ its closure in
$V$. We say that the flag is {\it adjacent to} the domain
if $\mathop{\mathrm{dim}\;\!}\nolimits (F_{i} \cap \overline{\Delta}) = i$ for $i = 0,\ldots, n$.
The following proposition from [DT, Proposition 3.1.2] allows us to
enumerate the bounded domains of a configuration $A$ by means of $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A)$.
\begin{proposition} \label{bnbclabel}
There exists a unique bijection
$$ C : \beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A) \longrightarrow \mathsf{Ch}(A) $$
such that for any $B\in \beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A)$, the associated
flag $\xi(B)$ is adjacent to the bounded domain $C(B)$.
Let $t>0$ be a number which is larger than the maximum of $f_0$ on the
closure of any bounded domain of $A$. Then the hyperplane $H_t =
\{f_0=t\}$ does not intersect the bounded domains of $A$. Consider the
arrangement $A_t=A\cup \{H_t\}$. The set of its bounded domains consists of
two disjoint subsets: the first is the subset of all bounded domains of
$A$; the second is formed by the domains of $A_t$ which are
intersections of unbounded domains of $A$ and the half--space
$\{f_0<t\}$. Notice that the intersection of an unbounded
domain $\Delta$ of $A$ and the half--space $\{f_0<t\}$ is nonempty and
bounded if and only if $\Delta$ is a growing domain. Thus $\beta (A_t)
=\gamma (A)$.
Define an order $<$ on $A_t$ as $H_t<H_1<\ldots<H_p$. Consider the
set $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A_t)$ with respect to this order. If $B \in \beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A_t)$, then
$H_t \not \in B$ because of condition~(\ref{bnbccond}) and the
minimality of $H_t$ with respect to the order $<$.
This observation implies that $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A_t)$ and $ \Phi (A_t)$ do not
depend on $t$. Denote them $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A;f_0)$ and $\Phi (A;f_0)$
respectively. Notice that $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A)$ and $\Phi(A)$ are subsets of
$\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A;f_0)$ and $\Phi(A;f_0)$ respectively because the order on $A$ is
a restriction of the order on $A_t$ to its subset $A$ and because of
condition~(\ref{bnbccond}). We also have an analog of
\begin{proposition} \label{bnbclabel1}
There exists a unique bijection
$$ \overline{C} : \beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A;f_0) \longrightarrow \mathsf{Ch}(A;f_0) $$
such that for any $B\in \beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A;f_0)$, the associated flag
$\xi(B)$ is adjacent to the domain $\overline{C}(B)$.
Moreover, $\overline{C}|_{\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A)} = C$. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
Let the set $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} (A;f_0) = \{B_{1}, \ldots, B_{\gamma}\}$
be lexicographically ordered as in section \ref{bnbcbases}.
For $i = 1, \ldots, \gamma$, define a domain $\Delta_{i} \in \mathsf{Ch}(A;f_0)$
by $\Delta_{i} = C(B_{i})$. This gives us an order on the set of the
growing and bounded domains of $A$. The order is called the
$\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}} $--{\it{order}}.
We give an orientation to each domain $\Delta\in\mathsf{Ch}(A;f_0)$ as follows.
Let $\Delta = C(B)$ with $B\in\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}(A;f_0). $
Let $\xi(B) = (F_{0}\subset F_{1} \subset \cdots\subset F_{n})$
be the associated flag. The flag $\xi(B)$ is adjacent to the domain $B$
and defines its {\it intrinsic orientation} [V2, 6.2]. The
intrinsic orientation is
defined by the unique orthonormal frame $\{e_{1},\ldots, e_{n}\}$ such
that each $e_{i}$ is a unit vector originating from the point $F_{0}$ in
the direction of $F_{i}\cap \overline{\Delta}$.
Let $\beta = \beta(A)$.
Assume that $\mathsf{Ch}(A)=\{\Delta_1, \ldots,\Delta_{\beta}\}$
is the $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}$-ordered set of the bounded domains of $A$ and
$\Phi (A) = \{\phi_1, \ldots, \phi_{\beta}\}$ is the
$\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}$-ordered set of differential $n$--forms constructed in
Section~\ref{bnbcbases}. Assume that the weights
$\{\alpha_i\}_{i\in I}$ have positive real parts. For every $i\in I$ and
$j\in \{1,\ldots,\beta\}$,
choose a branch of $f_{i}^{\alpha_{i}}$ on the domain $\Delta_{j}$ and
the intrinsic orientation of the domain $\Delta_{j}$.
Let $U_{\alpha} :=f_{1}^{\alpha_{1}} \cdots f_{p}^{\alpha_{p}}$.
The choice of branches of the functions $f_i^{\alpha_i}$
on all bounded domains defines a choice of branches of the function $U_\alpha$
on all bounded domains.
Define the {\it hypergeometric period matrix} by
\begin{equation} \label{period}
\mathsf{PM}(A; \alpha) =
Since $\mathsf{Re}\,\alpha_i>0$, all elements of the period matrix are well defined.
Let $\gamma = \gamma(A)$.
Let $\mathsf{Ch}(A;f_0)=\{\Delta_1, \ldots,\Delta_{\gamma}\}$
be the $\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}$-ordered set of the bounded and growing domains of
$A$ and let $\Phi (A;f_0) = \{\phi_1, \ldots, \phi_{\gamma}\}$ be the
$\beta{\textup{\textbf{nbc}}}$-ordered set of differential $n$--forms constructed in
Section~\ref{defhg}. Assume that the weights $\{\alpha_i\}_{i\in I}$ have
positive real parts. For every $i\in I$ and $j\in \{1,\ldots,\gamma\}$,
choose a branch of $f_{i}^{\alpha_{i}}$ on the domain $\Delta_{j}$ and
the intrinsic orientation of each domain $\Delta_{j}$.
The choice of branches of the functions $f_i^{\alpha_i}$
on all bounded and growing
domains defines a choice of branches of the function $U_\alpha$
on all bounded and growing domains.
Define the {\it hypergeometric period matrix with respect to $f_0$} by
\begin{equation} \label{newperiod}
\mathsf{PM}(A; \alpha; f_0) =
Since $\mathsf{Re}\,\alpha_i>0$ and $f_0$ tends to $+\infty$ on the growing domains
of $A$, all elements of the period matrix are well defined.
\section{The main theorem}\label{mainth}
In [DT], Douai and Terao proved the following theorem, cf. also [V1,V2].
\begin{theorem} \label{dt-main}
Let $A$ be a weighted arrangement given by functions $\{f_i\}_{i\in I}$
and weights $\alpha=\{\alpha_i\}_{i\in I}$ such that $\mathsf{Re}\, \alpha_{i}>0$ for
all $i\in I$. Fix branches of the multivalued functions
$\{f_i^{\alpha_i}\}_{i\in I}$ on all bounded domains of $A$. Then
\det \mathsf{PM} (A;\alpha)= c(A;\alpha) B(A;\alpha).
The main result of this paper is the following theorem.
Let $A$ be a weighted arrangement given by functions $\{f_i\}_{i\in I}$
and weights $\alpha=\{\alpha_i\}_{i\in I}$ such that $\mathsf{Re}\, \alpha_{i}>0$ for
all $i\in I$. Let an additional non-constant linear function $f_0$ be
given. Denote $H_0$ the hyperplane $\{f_0=0\}$. Fix branches of the
multivalued functions $\{f_i^{\alpha_i}\}_{i\in I}$ on all bounded and
growing domains of $A$. Then
\det \mathsf{PM} (A;\alpha;f_0)= c(A;\alpha;f_0)B(A;\alpha;H_0).
We will deduce this formula for the determinant of the period matrix with
respect to $f_0$ from Theorem~\ref{dt-main} by passing to a limit.
\section{Proofs} \label{proofs}
\subsection{ Proof of Theorem~\ref{bijection}} \label{biject}
Let $\Delta$ be a growing face. Then
$\overline{tr(\Delta)}\cap \overline{H_0} = \emptyset$, i.e. $tr(\Delta)$
is a bounded face at infinity.
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ Let $x_0,\ldots,x_{n-1}$ be affine coordinates on $V$
such that $f_0(x)=x_0$. Let $(t_0:t_1:\cdots :t_n)$ be the corresponding
projective coordinates in $\overline{V}$: $\{x_i=t_i/t_n\}_{i=0}^{n-1}$.
Let $\Delta$ be a growing face. Assume that $\overline{tr(\Delta)}\cap
\overline{H_0} \not = \emptyset$ and $P=(p_0:p_1:\cdots:p_n)$ is a
point of this intersection. Thus, $p_0=p_n=0$. Let
$Q=(q_0:q_1:\cdots:q_n)$ be any point inside $\Delta$. Thus $q_n\not = 0$.
Since $\overline{\Delta}$ is a closed polyhedron in $\overline{V}$ it
contains the segment $PQ$. This segment is parametrized by the points
$P_{\lambda} = (\lambda p_0 + (1-\lambda)q_0:\lambda p_1 + (1-\lambda)q_1:
\cdots:\lambda p_n + (1-\lambda)q_n)$, for $\lambda \in [0,1]$.
The point $P_{\lambda}$ tends to $P\in H_{\infty}$ when $\lambda\mapsto 1$. We
$$f_0(P_{\lambda})=\frac{\lambda p_0 + (1-\lambda)q_0}{\lambda p_n +
(1-\lambda)q_n}=\frac{q_0}{q_n} = \mathrm{constant}.$$
This contradicts to the assumption that $\Delta$ is a growing face. So
$\overline{tr(\Delta)}\cap \overline{H_0} = \emptyset$. Part $(i)$ of
Theorem~\ref{bijection} is proved. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
Let $\Delta$ be an unbounded domain of $A$. Let $tr(\Delta)$ be a bounded
face at infinity with respect to $f_0$.
Let $f_0$ be unbounded on $\Delta\cap\{f_0>0\}$. Then
$\Delta$ is a growing domain of $A$.
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ Since $tr(\Delta)$ is bounded at infinity, we have
For a real $t$, let $H_t=\{f_0=t\}$. Then
\overline{\Delta}\capH_{\infty}\cap\overline {H_t}=\emptyset.
Let $\{x_i\}_{i=1}^{\infty}$ be a sequence of points in $\Delta$ such
that $x_i$ tends to $\infty$ when $i\mapsto\infty$.
Choose a positive $T$. Assume that $T$ is larger than the supremum of
$f_0$ on all bounded domains of $A$. Consider the arrangement
$A_T=A\cup\{H_T\}$. Formula~(\ref{support-c}) implies that
$H_T\cap\Delta$ is a bounded domain of the section $(A_T)_{H_T}$. Since
$A_T$ is essential, Proposition~9.9 [BBR] is applicable. It implies that
there is a bounded domain $\Delta_T$ of the arrangement $A_T$, such that
$H_T\cap\Delta$ is a subset of the boundary of $\Delta_T$. This bounded
domain must be $\Delta\cap\{f_0<T\}$, because of the choice of $T$.
Since $\Delta_T$ is bounded, there exists a positive integer $N_T$ such
that for every integer $n\geq N_T$ we have $x_n \in \Delta - \Delta_T$.
Since $\Delta - \Delta_T = \Delta\cap\{f_0\geq T\}$, we have $f_0(x_n)\geq
T$ for all $n\geq N_T$. This proves that $\Delta$ is a growing domain.
\begin{lemma} For any bounded face at infinity, $\Sigma$, there exist
exactly $s(\Sigma )$ growing domains with trace $\Sigma$, where $s(\Sigma )$
denotes the discrete width of this face.
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ Let $\Sigma$ be a bounded face at infinity of codimension $k$. Choose
projective coordinates $(t_0:t_1:\cdots:t_n)$ on $\overline{V}$ such that
$\overline{H_0} = \{t_0=0\}$, $H_{\infty} = \{t_n=0\}$, and $F_{\Sigma}$ is
given by $t_1=\cdots =t_{k-1}= t_n= 0$.
Let $v$ be a point in $\Sigma$ and $B$ an open ball around $v$. If the
ball is sufficiently small, then the domains of $A$ which intersect $B$ are
precisely those for which $v$ belongs to their closure in $\overline{V}$
and the
hyperplanes of $\overline{A}$ which intersect $B$ are exactly those belonging to
$\overline{A}^{F_{\Sigma}}$. Local affine coordinates on $B$ are given by
$\{y_i=t_i/t_0\}_{i=1}^n$. Since $F_{\Sigma}$ is given by the equations
$y_1=\cdots=y_{k-1}=y_n=0$, the subspace $L$ through $v$ spanned by
the coordinate vectors $e_1,\ldots,e_{k-1},e_n$ is a normal subspace to
$F_{\Sigma}$. Then the number of open domains in $B$ is equal to the
number of open domains of the arrangement induced in the
tangent space $T_vL$ by the
$\overline{A}^{F_{\Sigma}}$. On $B$ the function $f_0$ has the form $f_0(y)=1/y_n$.
We are interested in the domains in $B$ on which $f_0 \mapsto +\infty$
when $y_n \mapsto 0$. So, on this domains we must have $y_n >0$. If the
codimension of $\Sigma$ in $H_{\infty}$ is $0$, then the number of such domains
is equal to $1$, which is exactly the discrete width of the empty
configuration. Assume that the above codimension is positive. Then the
number of domains in $B$ on which $y_n>0$ is equal to the number of the
domains of the projective normal arrangement $P\overline{A}^{F_{\Sigma}}$.
Finally, we want to count only those domains for which $\overline{\Sigma}$
is the only part of their closure in $\overline{V}$, lying in $H_{\infty}$. Thus,
they are the projective domains away from the hyperplane $y_n=0$.
Their number is equal to the discrete length of $P\overline{A}^{F_{\Sigma}}$. By
definition this number is equal to the discrete width of $\Sigma$.
Lemma~\ref{supp-l} implies that the corresponding domains of $A$ are
growing. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
The number of growing domains of $A$ is equal to the sum of the
volumes of all edges of $\overline{A}$ at infinity which do not lie in
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ Let $F$ be an edge at infinity with non-zero volume which do not
lie in $\overline{H_0}$. Then, by definition, there are exactly $l(F)$
bounded faces at infinity which generate $F$. For each of them,
$\Sigma$, there exist exactly $s(F)$ growing domains of $A$ with trace
$\Sigma$. Thus there exist exactly $vol(F)=l(F)s(F)$ growing domains
whose traces generate $F$. Finally, in order to count all growing
domains of $A$, we have to sum over all edges at infinity which have
non-zero volume and do not lie in $\overline{H_0}$.
Theorem~\ref{bijection} is proved. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
\subsection{ Asymptotic behavior of critical values}\label{critasym}
Let $A$ be an arrangement in the affine space $V$. Let $f_0$ be an
additional non--constant linear function on $V$.
Define $f_t=1-\frac{f_0}{t}$
and $H_t=\{f_t=0\}$.
Consider a new weighted
arrangement $A_t=A\cup \{H_t\}$ where we assume that the weight of
$H_t$ is equal to $t$. For a sufficiently big $t$, the hyperplane
$H_t$ intersects only some of the unbounded domains of the arrangement
$A$. Moreover, the intersection creates a new bounded
domain if and only if the intersected domain is a growing one. So if
$\Delta$ is a growing domain, we will denote the corresponding bounded
domain of $A_t$ by $\Delta_t$ and will call it a {\it growing bounded domain}.
If $\Delta$ is a bounded domain of $A$, then it is also a bounded domain of
$A_t$. This correspondence between the bounded domains of $A_t$ and
the bounded or growing domains of $A$ is a bijection.
Let $\Delta_t$ be a bounded domain of the arrangement $A_t$. Let $\Delta$
be the corresponding bounded or growing domain of $A$. If $t>0$ and
$(1-f_0/t)$ is positive on $\Delta_t$ choose the positive branch $g_t$ of
$(1-f_0/t)^t$ on $\Delta_t$.
Then the external support of $\Delta_t$ with respect to $f_t$ is a face
of the arrangement $A$. For every big enough $t$ this external support
coincides with the support face, $\Sigma_{\Delta}$, of $f_0$ on $\Delta$.
Moreover, $\lim_{t\mapsto +\infty} c(g_t,\Delta_t) =
e^{-f_0(\Sigma_{\Delta})}$. \end{lemma}
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ For a fixed $t$, the external support of $\Delta_t$ with respect
to $f_t$ lies outside $H_t$. Thus, it is a face of the arrangement $A$.
The set of all critical faces of $A$ with respect to $f_0$ is
finite. Let $M$ be the maximum of $f_0$ on this set. Assume that $t > M$.
Then all bounded domains of $A_t$ lie inside the positive half--space with
respect to $f_t$. Let $f_{t}=1-f_0/t$ attains its maximum
on a critical face $\Sigma_{\Delta}$ of $\overline{\Delta_{t}}$. This
is equivalent to the condition that $f_0$ attains its minimum on the same
face. So $\Sigma_{\Delta}$ is the support face of $\Delta$ with respect
to $f_0$. On the other side, it is the external support of $\Delta_t$
with respect to $f_t$. Hence
$$\lim_{t\mapsto +\infty} c(g_t,\Delta_t) = \lim_{t\mapsto +\infty}
\left(1-\frac{f_0(\Sigma_{\Delta})}{t}\right)^t =
e^{-f_0(\Sigma_{\Delta})}.$$ \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
\begin{lemma} \label{unbcrit}
Let the hyperplane $H=\{f=0\}$ belongs to the arrangement $A$.
Let $\Delta$ be a growing domain of $A$ and $\Delta_t$ the
corresponding growing bounded domain of $A_t$. Let $|f|$ be unbounded on
the growing domain $\Delta$.
Then there exists a unique face $\Sigma$ of highest dimension,
belonging to the closure of $\Delta$, such that for every big enough $t$,
the external support of the face $\Delta_t$ with respect to $f$ is
$\Sigma_t=\Sigma \cap \Delta_t$. Moreover, $tr(\Sigma)$ is the external
support of $tr(\Delta)$ with respect to $h$ in the affine space
$W=H_{\infty} - \overline{H_0}\capH_{\infty}$, where $h=f^0/f^0_0$. The asymptotic
behavior of $f(\Sigma_t)$ when $t$ tends to $+\infty$ is
given by $f(\Sigma_t)=h(tr(\Sigma))t(1+o(1)).$
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ The set of critical faces with respect to $f$ of the
arrangement $A$ is finite. $|f|$ is bounded on this set. Since $|f|$ is
unbounded on $\Delta$ the external support of $\Delta_t$ with respect to $f$
lies on $H_t$ for $t$ big enough.
Let $\Sigma_{t_1}$ be a critical face of $\Delta_{t_1}$ which lies on
$H_{t_1}$ for some $t_1$ fixed. Then $\Sigma_{t_1} = H_{t_1}\cap\Sigma$,
where $\Sigma$ is a face of $\overline{\Delta}$. Consider the face
$\Sigma_t=H_t\cap\Sigma$ of $\Delta_t$ for an arbitrary $t$. It is a
critical face of $\Delta_t$ because $\Sigma_t$ is parallel to
$\Sigma_{t_1}$ and the latter is parallel to $H$. Let us compute the
asymptotic behavior of $f(\Sigma_t)$ when $t$ tends to $+\infty$.
Choose affine coordinates $\{x_j\}_{j=0}^{n-1}$ in $V$ such that
$f_0(x)=x_0$. Let $f=f^0 + b$ be the sum of the homogeneous part of $f$ and
the constant term. Then $f=x_0(f^0/x_0 + b/x_0) = x_0(f^0/f_0^0 + b/x_0)$.
Since $H_t=\{x_0=t\}$, $f(\Sigma_t) = t(h(\Sigma_t) + b/t) =
Let $\Sigma'$ be the external support of $tr(\Delta)$ relative to $tr(H)$.
Let $\Sigma$ is the face of $\Delta$ for which $\Sigma'=tr(\Sigma)$. Then
the previous computation shows that for every $t$ big enough $\Sigma_t$
is the external support of $\Delta_t$ with respect to $f$. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
Let the conditions be as in Lemma~\ref{unbcrit}. In addition, assume
that $\alpha$ is a complex number. Fix a branch of $f^{\alpha}$ on
$\Delta$ and denote it $g$. Fix a branch of $(f/f_0)^{\alpha}$ on $\Delta$
as in Section~\ref{critical} and denote it $\tilde{g}$. Fix branches
of $t^{\alpha}$ and $(1+o(1))^{\alpha}$ using the branch of the
logarithm with zero argument. Then the
asymptotic behavior of $c(g,\Delta_t)$ when $t$ tends to $+\infty$ is
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ Use the notation of the previous proof. Since
$c(g,\Delta_t)=g(\Sigma_t)$, $c(g,\Delta,f_0)=\tilde{g}(tr(\Sigma))$ and
the arguments of $g$ and $\tilde{g}$ are the same on $\Delta$, the
assymptotic formula for $f$ implies the statement of the corollary.\hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
\begin{lemma} \label{bndcrit}
Let the hyperplane $H=\{f=0\}$ belongs to the arrangement $A$. Let
$\alpha$ be a complex number. Let $\Delta$ be a growing domain of $A$
and $\Delta_t$ the corresponding growing bounded domain of $A_t$. Fix a
branch of $f^{\alpha}$ on $\Delta$ and denote it $g$. Then
$|f|$ is bounded on $\Delta$ if and only if $tr(\Delta)\subset
tr(H)$. The latter condition is equivalent to the equation
$h(tr(\Delta))=0$ where $h=f^0/f^0_0$ is a linear function of
the arrangement $tr(A)_{H_0}$. Moreover, if $|f|$ is bounded
on $\Delta$, then for every big enough $t$, $c(g,\Delta_t)$ equals
the constant $c(g,\Delta,f_0)$.
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ $|f|$ is bounded on $\Delta$ if and only if $\Delta$ is placed between
two hyperplanes $H'$ and $H''$ parallel to $H$. Denote the domain between
these two hyperplanes by $D$. Since $\Delta\subset D$ we have
$tr(\Delta)\subset tr(D)=tr(H)$.
The reverse part is a consequence of Lemma~\ref{unbcrit}.
Let $\Sigma$ be the external support of $\Delta$ with respect to $f$.
Then for every big enough $t$, $c(g,\Delta_t)=g(\Sigma)$.
The latter equals $c(g,\Delta,f_0)$. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
\subsection{ Proof of Theorem~\ref{maintheorem}}
We prove Theorem~\ref{maintheorem} applying Theorem~\ref{dt-main} to
the arrangement $A_t$ and then passing to the limit when $t\mapsto +\infty$.
First study $B(A_t;\alpha,t)$.
\begin{lemma} \label{b-asym}
$(i)$ The only factor in the numerator of $B(A_t;\alpha,t)$ depending on
$t$, when $t$ is big enough, is the factor corresponding to the edge $H_t$.
It contributes $\Gamma(t+1)^{\mathrm{\#}},$ where \# is the number
of growing domains of $A$.
$(ii)$ The factors in the denominator depending on $t$ come from the
edges at infinity with non-zero volume which do not lie in $\overline{H_0}$.
Each of them, $F$, contributes $\Gamma(t+1+\alpha'(F))^{vol(F)}$, where
$\alpha'(F) = \sum_{H\in A;\, F\not\subseteq \overline{H}} \alpha_H$.
$(iii)$ The asymptotic behavior of $B(A_t;\alpha,t)$ when $t$ tends to
$+\infty$ is given by
$$ B(A_t;\alpha,t)=B(A;\alpha;H_0)\prod_{F\in L_{-};\, F\not\subset
$\mathsf{Proof.}$ Recall that
$$B(A_t;\alpha,t) = \prod_{F\in L_{t+}} \Gamma (\alpha (F) +1)^{vol(F)}
\big/ \prod_{F\in L_{t-}} \Gamma (-\alpha (F) +1)^{vol(F)} , $$
$$B(A;\alpha ;H_0) = \prod_{F\in L_{+}} \Gamma (\alpha (F) +1)^{vol(F)}
\big/ \prod_{F\in L_{-}; F\subset H_0} \Gamma (-\alpha (F) +1)^{vol(F)} ,$$
$L_{t-}$, $L_{-}$ denote the set of all edges at infinity of the
arrangements $\overline{A_t}$ and $\overline{A}$, respectively, and
$L_{t+}$, $L_{-}$ denote the set consisting of all the other edges of
the same arrangements.
$(i)$ Since the only weight depending on $t$
corresponds to $H_t$, the factors in the denominator that depend on $t$
correspond to the edges of $A_t$ lying in $H_t$. If such an edge $F$ is a
proper subspace of $H_t$, then it is decomposable [STV, Section 2], that is
the localization of the arrangement $A_t$ at the edge $F$ is a product of
two nonempty subarrangements where one of the subarrangements is equal to
$\{H_t\}$. According to [STV, Proposition 7], the discrete width of a
decomposable edge is zero. Thus its discrete volume is zero.
The volume of $H_t$ is the number of bounded domains of the section
arrangement $(A_t)_{H_t}$ which is exactly the number of growing domains
of the arrangement $A$.
$(ii)$ If $F$ is an edge at infinity of $A_t$, then $\alpha(F) =
-t-\sum_{i\in I}\alpha_p + \sum_{H\in A_t;\, F\subset
The last sum depends on $t$ if and only if $\sum_{H\in A_t;\, F\subset
\overline{H}}\alpha_H$ does not depend on $t$, i.e. if and only if
$F\not\subset \overline{H_t}$. Since $\overline{H_t}\cap H_{\infty} =
\overline{H_0}\cap H_{\infty}$, the weight $\alpha(F)$ depends on
$t$ if and only if $F\not\subset \overline{H_0}$. So $\alpha(F)= -t
Notice that such an edge is also an edge of the arrangement $A$.
$(iii)$ According to Theorem~\ref{bijection} the number of growing domains
of the arrangement $A$ is equal to the sum of the volumes of all edges at
infinity of the arrangement $A$ which do not lie in $\overline{H_0}$. Thus
the number of factors in the numerator and in the denominator containing
$t$ is equal. Sterling's formula gives us
$\Gamma(t+1)/\Gamma(t+1+a)=t^{-a}(1+o(1))$ when $t$ tends to $+\infty$.
So we obtain the required formula. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
Now consider the limit of the product of the critical values,
$c(A_t;\alpha,t)$. For every $i\in I$ and every bounded or growing domain
$\Delta$ of the arrangement $A$, choose a branch of $f_i^{\alpha_i}$ on
$\Delta$ and denote it $g_{i,\Delta}$. This also fixes
branches of $f_i^{\alpha_i}$ on the bounded domains of $A_t$ independently
on $t$. Notice that for every big enough $t$, $\,f_t$ is positive on all
bounded domains of the arrangement $A_t$. Choose the positive branch of
$(f_t)^t$ on this domains and denote it $g_t$.
\begin{lemma} \label{c-asym}
$c(A_t;\alpha,t)$ has the following asymptotic behavior when $t$
tends to $+\infty$:
$$ c(A_t;\alpha,t)=c(A;\alpha;f_0)\prod_{F\in L_{-}; F\not\subset
H_0}t^{\alpha'(F)vol(F)} (1+o(1)).$$
C(A_t;\alpha;t) & = & \prod_{\Delta\in Ch(A_t)}\left( c(g_t,\Delta)
\prod_{i\in I} c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta)\right) \nonumber\\
& = & \left(\prod_{\Delta\in Ch(A_t)}c(g_t,\Delta)\right)
\left(\prod_{\Delta\in Ch(A)}\prod_{i\in I}c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta)\right)
\left(\prod_{\Delta_t}\prod_{i\in I}
where $\Delta_t$ in the last product ranges over the growing bounded
domains of $A_t$.
Describe the asymptotic behavior of each of the three products in
Assume that $\Delta$ is a bounded domain of $A_t$. Lemma~\ref{tcrit} asserts
that $\lim_{t\rightarrow +\infty}c(g_t,\Delta)=e^{-f_0(\Sigma_{\Delta'})}$,
where $\Delta'$ is the domain of $A$ (bounded or growing) which corresponds
to the domain $\Delta$ of $A_t$ and $\Sigma_{\Delta'}$ is the
support face of $f_0$ on $\Delta'$.
If $\Delta$ is a bounded domain of $A$ and $i\in I$, then
$c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta)=c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta,f_0)$ by definition.
Let $\Delta_t$ be a growing bounded domain of $A_t$ and $\Delta$ the
corresponding growing domain of $A$. Let $i\in I$. If
$tr(\Delta)\not\subset \overline{H_i}$, then
by Corollary~\ref{unb-cor}. If $tr(\Delta)\subset \overline{H_i}$, then
$c(g_{i,\Delta_t},\Delta_t)=c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta,f_0)$ by
Let $F$ be an edge at infinity. Assume that $F$ does not lie in
$\overline{H_0}$ and has a non-zero volume. According to
Theorem~\ref{bijection}, there exist exactly $vol(F)$ growing domains of
the arrangement $A$, whose traces generate $F$. Every term in the last
product of formula~(\ref{3prod}) depends on a growing bounded domain.
Collect all the terms such that the trace of the corresponding growing
domain generates $F$. Then for the product of the chosen factors we have
\prod_{\Delta,\, F_{tr(\Delta)}=F}\prod_{i\in I} c(g_{i,\Delta_t},\Delta_t) &=&
\left( \prod_{\Delta,\, F_{tr(\Delta)}=F}\prod_{i\in I}c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta,f_0)\right)
\left( \prod_{\Delta,\, F_{tr(\Delta)}=F}\prod_{i,\, F\not\subset H_i}
&=& \left(\prod_{\Delta,\, F_{tr(\Delta)}=F}\prod_{i\in I} c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta,f_0)\right)
\left(\prod_{\Delta,\, F_{tr(\Delta)}=F} t^{\alpha'(F)}(1+o(1))\right)\\
&=& t^{\alpha'(F)vol(F)}(1+o(1))
\prod_{\Delta,\, F_{tr(\Delta)}=F}\prod_{i\in I} c(g_{i,\Delta},\Delta,f_0)
Collecting the asymptotic behavior for the three products in
(\ref{3prod}), we obtain the statement of the lemma.\hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
{\sf Proof of Theorem~\ref{maintheorem}:} Apply
formula~(\ref{dt-formula}) to the weighted arrangement $A_t$.
Lemmas~\ref{b-asym} and \ref{c-asym} show that the terms dependent on
$t$ in the asymptotic formulas for $B(A_t;\alpha,t)$ and
$c(A_t;\alpha,t)$ cancel out. Thus,
$$\lim_{t\mapsto +\infty} c(A_t;\alpha,t) B(A_t;\alpha,t)=
c(A;\alpha;f_0) B(A;\alpha;H_0),$$
which gives us the right hand side of formula~(\ref{mainformula}).
Let us study the entries of the period matrix $\mathsf{PM} (A_t;\alpha,t)$:
where $\Delta_j$ is a bounded domain of $A_t$ and $\phi_k(A_t)$ is one of
the $n$--forms constructed in Section~\ref{bnbcbases}. Remind that for a
fixed $k$ and a
big enough $t$,
the form $\phi_k(A_t)$ is independent on $t$ and equals
$\phi_k(A;f_0)$. Since $U_{\alpha,t}=(1-f_0/t)^tU_{\alpha}$, we have
$\lim_{t\mapsto +\infty} U_{\alpha,t} = e^{-f_0}U_{\alpha}$.
Since $\Delta_j$ is a bounded domain of $A_t$, there exists a unique
bounded or growing domain, $\Delta$, of $A$ such that $\Delta_j=\Delta\cap
\{f_0<t\}$. Extend $f_t$ as zero on $\Delta - \Delta_j$. Then
$\mathsf{PM}_{k,j}(t)=\int_{\Delta}(f_t)^tU_{\alpha}\,\phi_k(A;f_0)$. Since
$(f_t)^t<e^{-f_0}$ on $\Delta\cap\{f_0>0\}$, Lebesgue's convergence
theorem is applicable and $\lim_{t\mapsto +\infty}\mathsf{PM}_{k,j}(t) =
\int_{\Delta}e^{-f_0}U_{\alpha}\,\phi_k(A;f_0)= \mathsf{PM}_{k,j}(A;\alpha;f_0)$.
These limits give us $\lim_{t\mapsto +\infty}\mathsf{PM} (A_t;\alpha,t)
=\mathsf{PM} (A;\alpha;f_0)$. Theorem~\ref{maintheorem} is proved.\hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
\section{Determinant formulas for Selberg type integrals}\label{selberg}
Let $z_1<\cdots<z_p$ be real numbers. Let
$\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_p,\gamma$ be complex numbers with positive real
parts. For $t\in \mathbb{R}^n$ define
\Phi(t,z) = \prod_{s=1}^p\prod_{i=1}^n(t_i-z_s)^{\alpha_s}\prod_{1\leq
i<j\leq n} (t_j-t_i)^{2\gamma}.$$
The branches of $x^{\alpha_s}$ and $x^{2\gamma}$
are fixed by $-\pi/2< \arg\,x < 3\pi/2$ for all $s\in\{1,\ldots,p\}$.
Let $\mathcal{Z}_n^p=\{ \mathbf{l}=(l_1,\ldots,l_p)\in \mathbb{Z}^p\,|\, l_i\geq
0,\,\,\,\, l_1+\cdots+l_p=n\}$. For every $s\in\{1,\ldots,p\}$ denote
$\mathbf{l}^s=\sum_{i=1}^{s} l_i$, $\mathbf{l}^0=0$. Let $\mathbf{m} \in \mathcal{Z}_n^p$ and $s\in
\{1,\ldots,p\}$. Denote $\Gamma_{\mathbf{m},s}$ the set of integers
$\{\mathbf{m}^{s-1}+1,\ldots,\mathbf{m}^s\}$ and $d^nt=dt_1\wedge\ldots\wedge dt_n$.
Define the following $n$--forms
$$\omega_{\mathbf{m}}(t,z) =\left(
\prod_{j\in\Gamma_{\mathbf{m},s}}\frac{1}{(t_{\sigma_j}-z_s)}\right) d^nt.$$
If $\mathbf{m}\in \mathcal{Z}_n^{p-1}$, then we identify $\mathbf{m}$ with the $p$--tuple
$(\mathbf{m},0)\in \mathcal{Z}_n^p$.
For $\mathbf{l}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^{p-1}$, let
\,|\,z_s\leq t_{\mathbf{l}^{s-1}+1}\leq\cdots\leq t_{\mathbf{l}^s}\leq z_{s+1} \mbox{ for
all } s=1,\ldots,p-1\}.$$
Assume that all domains in the formulas below inherit the standard
orientation from $\mathbb{R}^n$.
\right]_{\mathbf{l},\mathbf{m}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^{p-1}} = } \label{no-exp-form}\\
& &\prod_{s=0}^{n-1}\left[
{\Gamma(1+\sum_{j=1}^p\alpha_j +(2n-2-s)\gamma)}
& & \exp\Bigl(i\pi\binom{p+n-2}{p-1}\sum_{s=1}^{p} (s-1)\alpha_s\Bigr)
\prod_{1\leq a<b\leq p} (z_b-z_a)^{(\alpha_a+\alpha_b)
\binom{p+n-2}{p-1}+2\gamma\binom{p+n-2}{p}}. \nonumber
Notice, that formula~(\ref{no-exp-form}) is not symmetric with respect to
$\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_p$. To make it symmetric we introduce new
differential $n$--forms, $\widetilde{\omega_{\mathbf{m}}}$, for
$\mathbf{m}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^{p-1}$. Namely
\widetilde{\omega_{\mathbf{m}}}(t,z) & = &
& = & \sum_{\sigma\in\mathbb{S}^n}\prod_{s=1}^{p-1}
\prod_{j\in\Gamma_s} \frac{1}{(t_{\sigma_j}-z_s)}d^{n}t.
Theorem~\ref{no-exp} implies
\right]_{\mathbf{l},\mathbf{m}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^{p-1}} = }\label{no-exp-form1}\\
& &\prod_{s=0}^{n-1}\left[
{\Gamma(1+\sum_{j=1}^p\alpha_j +(2n-2-s)\gamma)}
\right]^{\binom{p+n-s-3}{p-2}} \nonumber \\
& & \exp\Bigl(i\pi\binom{p+n-2}{p-1}\sum_{s=1}^{p} (s-1)\alpha_s\Bigr)
\prod_{1\leq a<b\leq p}
For every $\mathbf{l}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^{p-1}$, $i,j \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$,
fix branches $g_{j,s}$, $h_{j,i}$ of
the multivalued functions $(t_j-z_s)^{\alpha_s}$ and $(t_j-t_i)^{2\gamma}$
,respectively, on the domain $\mathbb{U}_{\mathbf{l}}$ as at the beginning of
the current section. Then the product
$$ \exp\Bigl(i\pi\binom{p+n-2}{p-1}\sum_{s=1}^{p} (s-1)\alpha_s\Bigr)
\prod_{1\leq a<b\leq p}
equals the product of critical values of the chosen branches
\prod_{\mathbf{l}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^{p-1}}\left[ \prod_{j=1}^n\prod_{s=1}^p
c(g_{j,s},\mathbb{U}_{\mathbf{l}})\prod_{1\leq i<j \leq n}
The critical values were defined in Section~\ref{critical}.
Lemma~\ref{eq-crit} allow us to replace the last lines in
formulas~(\ref{no-exp-form}) and (\ref{no-exp-form1}) by the product of
critical values~(\ref{prod-no-exp}), cf. [V6].
For $\mathbf{l} \in \mathcal{Z}_n^p$, let $z_0=-\infty$ and
\,|\,z_{s-1}\leq t_{\mathbf{l}^{s-1}+1}\leq\cdots\leq t_{\mathbf{l}^s}\leq z_s \mbox{ for
all } s=1,\ldots,p\}.$$
Let $a$ be a complex number with positive real part. Then
\int_{\widetilde{\mathbb{U}_{\mathbf{l}}}}\exp\Bigl(a\sum_{j=1}^n t_j\Bigr)
\right]_{\mathbf{l},\mathbf{m}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^p} = (-1)^{n\binom{p+n-1}{p-1}}
& &
\prod_{1\leq a<b\leq p}
\nonumber \\
& & \exp\Bigl(i\pi\Bigl[\binom{p+n-1}{p}\sum_{s=1}^{p} s\alpha_s\Bigr]\Bigr)
\exp\Bigl(a\pi\binom{p+n-1}{p}\sum_{s=1}^{p} z_s\Bigr)\,
The next lemma allow us to replace the last line in
formula~(\ref{expon-form}) by the product of
critical values~(\ref{prod-expon}).
For every $\mathbf{l}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^p$, $i,j \in \{1,\ldots,n\}$,
fix branches $g_{j,s}$, $h_{j,i}$ of
the multivalued functions $(t_j-z_s)^{\alpha_s}$ and $(t_j-t_i)^{2\gamma}$
respectively, on the domain $\widetilde{\mathbb{U}_{\mathbf{l}}}$ as in the
beginning of the current section. Then the product
$$\exp\Bigl(i\pi[\binom{p+n-1}{p}\sum_{s=1}^{p} s\alpha_s]\Bigr)
\exp\Bigl(a\pi\binom{p+n-1}{p}\sum_{s=1}^{p} z_s\Bigr)\,
equals the product of critical values of the chosen branches with respect
to the linear function $-at_1$.
c(g_{j,s},\widetilde{\mathbb{U}_{\mathbf{l}}},-at_1)\prod_{1\leq i<j \leq n}
The critical values were defined in Section~\ref{critical}.
\section{Proofs of Theorem~\ref{no-exp} and Theorem~\ref{expon}}
Theorem~\ref{no-exp} is a direct corollary of Theorems~5.15 and 7.8 [TV].
The computations are long but straightforward.\hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
The correspondence in notation between the current paper and [TV] is as
Object & current notation & [TV] -- article\\
Dimension of the vector space & n & l\\
Number of points & p & n\\
Coordinates & $t$ & $u$ \\
Weights & $\alpha$ & $2\Lambda/p$ \\
& $\gamma$ & $-1/p$ \\
Points & $z \in \mathbb{R}$ & $y/h=z \in i\mathbb{R}$\\
Parameter & a & $i\eta/p$
For $\mathbf{l}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^p$, let $z_0=-\infty$ and
\,|\, z_{s-1}\leq t_{j_s}\leq z_{s} \mbox{ for all } s=1,\ldots,p \mbox{
and } j_s\in\Gamma_{\mathbf{l},s} \}.$$
Theorems~5.15 and 7.6 [TV] imply the following formula
\int_{\mathbb{V}_{\mathbf{l}}}\exp\Bigl(a\sum_{j=1}^n t_j\Bigr)
i<j\leq n} (t_i-t_j)^{2\gamma}\omega_{\mathbf{m}}(t,z)
\right]_{\mathbf{l},\mathbf{m}\in\mathcal{Z}_n^p} = }\label{rect-exp} \\
& & (-1)^{n\binom{p+n-1}{p-1}}
\prod_{s=0}^{n-1} \left[\frac{\Gamma((s+1)\gamma)^p}{\Gamma(\gamma)^p}
\nonumber \\
& & \exp\Bigl(a\pi\binom{p+n-1}{p}\sum_{s=1}^{p} z_s\Bigr)\,
\nonumber \\
& & \exp\Bigl(i\pi\Bigr[\binom{p+n-1}{p}\sum_{s=1}^{p} s\alpha_s
+ p^2\binom{p+n-1}{p+1}\gamma\Bigr]\Bigr)
\prod_{1\leq a<b\leq p}
In order to obtain Theorem~\ref{expon} we have to pass from
"rectangular" domains $\mathbb{V}_{\mathbf{l}}$ to "triangular" domains
$\widetilde{\mathbb{U}_{\mathbf{l}}}$. For any
$\mathbf{l},\,\mathbf{m} \in\mathcal{Z}_n^p$ we have
\lefteqn{\int_{\mathbb{V}_{\mathbf{l}}}\exp\Bigl(a\sum_{j=1}^n t_j\Bigr)\prod_{s=1}^p
\prod_{i=1}^n(t_i-z_s)^{\alpha_s}\prod_{1\leq i<j\leq n}
(t_i-t_j)^{2\gamma}\omega_{\mathbf{m}}= } \\
& = &
\exp\Bigl(a\sum_{j=1}^n t_j\Bigr)\prod_{s=1}^p
\prod_{i=1}^n(t_i-z_s)^{\alpha_s}\prod_{1\leq i<j\leq n}
(t_i-t_j)^{2\gamma}\omega_{\mathbf{m}} \\
& = & e^{n(n-1)i\pi\gamma}
[\prod_{j=1}^p1(1+e^{-2\pi i\gamma})\cdots(1+e^{-2\pi i\gamma} +\cdots +
e^{-2\pi i \gamma(l_j-1)})]\\
& &
&=& e^{n(n-1)i\pi\gamma}
\prod_{j=1}^p e^{-i\pi\gamma l_j(l_j-1)/2}
This proves Theorem~\ref{expon}. \hfill~~\mbox{$\square$}
1997-09-10T17:43:13 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709012 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709012 | [
] | alg-geom/9709012 | Richard Earl | Richard Earl and Frances Kirwan | The Pontryagin rings of moduli spaces of arbitrary rank holomorphic
bundles over a Riemann surface | AMS-Latex, 15 pages, no figures | null | null | null | null | The cohomology of the moduli spaces of stable bundles M(n,d), of coprime rank
n and degree d, over a Riemann surface (of genus g > 1) have been intensely
studied over the past three decades. We prove in this paper that the Pontryagin
ring of M(n,d) vanishes in degrees above 2n(n-1)(g-1) and that this bound is
strict (i.e. there exists a non-zero element of degree 2n(n-1)(g-1) in
Pont(M(n,d)).) This result is a generalisation of a 1967 Newstead conjecture
that Pont(M(2,1)) vanished above 4(g-1) (or equivalently that \beta^g =0.)
These results have been independently proved by Lisa Jeffrey and Jonathan
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 10 Sep 1997 15:42:31 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
The cohomology of ${\cal M}(n,d)$, the moduli space of stable holomorphic
bundles of coprime rank $n$ and degree $d$ and fixed determinant,
over a Riemann surface
$\Sigma$ of genus $g \geq 2$, has been widely studied and from a wide
range of approaches. Narasimhan and Seshadri \cite{NS}
originally showed that the topology of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ depends only on the
genus $g$ rather than the complex structure of $\Sigma$. An inductive
method to determine the Betti numbers of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ was first given
by Harder and Narasimhan \cite{HN} and subsequently by Atiyah and
Bott \cite{AB}. The integral cohomology of ${\cal M}(n,d)$
is known to have no torsion \cite{AB} and a set of
generators was found by Newstead
\cite{N} for $n=2$, and by Atiyah and Bott \cite{AB} for arbitrary
$n$. Much work and progress has been made recently in determining the
relations that hold amongst these generators, particularly in the rank
two, odd degree case which is now largely understood. A set of
relations due to Mumford in the rational cohomology ring of ${\cal
M}(2,1)$ is now known to be complete
\cite{K}; recently several authors have
found a minimal complete set of relations for the `invariant' subring
of the rational cohomology of ${\cal M}(2,1)$ \cite{Z,B,KN,ST}.\\
\indent Unless otherwise stated all cohomology in this paper will have rational
\indent Let $V$ denote a normalised universal bundle over ${\cal M}(n,d) \times
\Sigma$ \cite[p.582]{AB} and define classes
a_{r} \in H^{2r}({\cal M}(n,d)), \hspace{2mm} b_{r}^{k} \in H^{2r-1}({\cal M}(n,d)),\hspace{2mm}
f_{r} \in H^{2r-2}({\cal M}(n,d)),
for $2 \leq r \leq n$ and $1 \leq k \leq 2g$ by setting
c_{r}(V) = a_{r} \otimes 1 + \sum_{k=1}^{2g} b_{r}^{k} \otimes \alpha_{k} +
f_{r} \otimes \Omega \indent (2 \leq r \leq n)
where $\alpha_{1},...,\alpha_{2g}$ is a fixed basis for
$H^{1}(\Sigma)$ and $\Omega$ is the standard generator for
$H^{2}(\Sigma)$. Atiyah and Bott \cite[Prop. 2.20]{AB} showed that the
rational cohomology ring $H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ is generated as a graded algebra
by the elements (\ref{gen}).\\
\indent The main results of this paper concern the vanishing of the
Pontryagin ring of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ above a non-trivial degree.
The Pontryagin ring of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ vanishes in degrees strictly greater
than $2n(n-1)(g-1).$
\indent The real dimension of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ is $2(n^2-1)(g-1)$ and so Theorem
1 has consequence for $n \geq 2$ and $g \geq 2$. When $n =1$ or $g \leq
1$ the Pontryagin ring of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ is trivial.
There exists a non-zero element of degree $2n(n-1)(g-1)$ in the
Pontryagin ring of ${\cal M}(n,d)$.
\indent When $n=2$, Theorem 1 is the first Newstead-Ramanan conjecture
\cite[p.344]{N}. In terms of the generators (\ref{gen}) above the
Newstead-Ramanan conjecture is equivalent to showing that
(a_{2})^g = 0.
This was first proved independently by Thaddeus \cite{T} and in
\cite[$\S$4]{K}. Subsequently it
has been proved in \cite{D, HS, JK, KN, W, WI2}. For the case $n=3$
Theorem 1 was also proved in \cite[$\S$5]{E}.\\
\indent Theorems 1 and 2 have recently been independently proved by
Jeffrey and Weitsman \cite{JW} for the arbitrary rank
case. When $n>2$ Theorems 1 and
2 are incompatible with a conjecture of Neeman \cite[p.458]{NE} which
stated that the Pontryagin ring of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ should vanish in degree $2 g
n^2 - 4 g(n-1) +2$ and above.\\[\baselineskip]
\indent We shall prove these results by using formulas obtained in
\cite{JK,JK2} for the intersection pairings in $H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ between
cohomology classes represented as polynomials in the generators
$a_{r}, b_{r}^{k},f_{r}$. Knowing the intersection pairings of ${\cal M}(n,d)$
one can of course (in
principal) determine the relations amongst the generators of
$H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$, since by Poincar\'{e} duality an element $\zeta \in H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$
of degree $p$ is zero if and only if
\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta \zeta = 0
for every $\eta \in H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ of complementary degree
$2(n^{2}-1)(g-1) - p$. The results of \cite{JK,JK2} were inspired by
Witten's paper \cite{WI2} and use the principle of nonabelian
localization introduced in that paper and further developed in
\indent The second Newstead-Ramanan conjecture states that the Chern
classes of ${\cal M}(2,1)$ also vanish above degree $4(g-1)$. This was
first proved geometrically by Gieseker \cite{G} and later by Zagier
\cite{Z} using Thaddeus' intersection pairings. In $\S$5 we give
explicit (though complicated) formulas for the pairings
\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta \cdot c({\cal M}(n,d))(t)
of arbitrary $\eta \in H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ with the Chern polynomial
$c({\cal M}(n,d))(t)$ of ${\cal M}(n,d)$. When $n=2$ and $d$ is odd, a proof of the
second Newstead-Ramanan conjecture may be easily rederived.
Computer calculations for low values of $g$ and $n > 2$ suggest that
in general the Chern classes of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ vanish above degree
\indent The last of the three Newstead-Ramanan conjectures states that
\chi({\cal M}(n,d), T{\cal M}(n,d)) = 3 - 3 g.
This was proved (for general $n$) by Narasimhan and Ramanan in
\cite{NR}. In fact they demonstrated the stronger result that
H^{i}({\cal M}(n,d),T{\cal M}(n,d)) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 3g-3 & i=1\\ 0 & i \neq 1.
\end{array} \right.
\section{Residue formulas for the intersection pairings in $H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$}
\indent In \cite{JK2} formulas are given for the intersection pairings
in $H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ between cohomology classes expressed as polynomials
in the Atiyah-Bott generators (\ref{gen}). More precisely the evaluation $\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta$
of the formal cohomology class
\eta = \exp (f_{2} + \delta_{3} f_{3} + \cdots + \delta_{n} f_{n} )
\prod_{r=2}^{n} \left( (a_{r})^{m_{r}} \prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
(b_{r}^{k_{r}})^{p_{r,k_{r}}} \right) \label{eta}
is considered where
$\delta_{3},...,\delta_{n}$ are formal nilpotent parameters,
$m_{2},...,m_{n}$ are non-negative integers,
$p_{r,k_{r}} \in \{0,1\}$ for $2 \leq r \leq n$ and $1
\leq k_{r} \leq 2g$.
Note that each $b_{r}^{k}$ has odd degree and hence $(b_{r}^{k})^{2} = 0$. It
is sufficient to consider $\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta$ for $\eta$ in the form
(\ref{eta}); by varying the integers $m_{r}$ and $p_{r,k_{r}}$ and
considering the coefficients of the monomials in $\delta_{3}, \ldots ,
\delta_{n}$ we may obtain the evaluation on the fundamental class
$[{\cal M}(n,d)] \in H_{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ of any polynomial
in the generators (\ref{gen}), and hence the intersection pairing
\langle \zeta, \xi \rangle = \int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \zeta \xi
between any cohomology classes $\zeta,\xi \in H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ expressed
as polynomials in these generators.\\
\indent In \cite[Thm. 9.12]{JK2} the evaluation $\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta$ of
$\eta$ on $[{\cal M}(n,d)]$ is
equated to an iterated residue of a meromorphic function on the Lie
\mbox{\bf \normalshape t} = \{ \mbox{diag}(X_{1},...,X_{n}): X_{1} + \cdots +X_{n} = 0 \}
of the standard maximal torus $T$ of $SU(n)$. There is a co-ordinate
system $(Y_{1},...,Y_{n-1})$ on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ given by the simple roots $e_{1},
\ldots, e_{n-1}$ of $SU(n)$, i.e.
Y_{j} = e_{j}(X) = X_{j} - X_{j+1} \mbox{ for } 1 \leq j \leq n-1,
and the iterated residue is of the form
\mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{1}=0} \cdots \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{n-1}=0} \quad g (Y_{1}, \ldots Y_{n-1})
where the variables $Y_{1},...,Y_{j-1}$ are held constant when
calculating $\mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{j}=0}$ which is the usual residue at $0$ of a
meromorphic function in $Y_{j}$. If we use the Euclidean inner product
\langle X,X \rangle = (X_{1})^{2} + \cdots + (X_{n})^{2}
to identify $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ with its dual $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}^{*}$ then the simple roots
$e_{1},...,e_{n-1}$ correspond to generators
\hat{e}_{j} = (0,...,0,1,-1,0,...,0)
for the integer lattice of $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ (that is, the kernel of the
exponential map from $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ to $T$). Let
\{\zeta_{j}^{k} : 1 \leq j \leq n-1, \quad 1 \leq k \leq 2g \}
be the induced basis for $H^{1}(T^{2g})$.\\
\indent For $2 \leq r \leq n$ let $\sigma_{r}$ be the polynomial
function on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ given by the $r$th elementary symmetric function in
$X_{1},...,X_{n}$ and for $X \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ let
q(X) = \sigma_{2}(X) + \delta_{3} \sigma_{3}(X) + \cdots + \delta_{n}
where $\delta_{3},...,\delta_{n}$ are the formal nilpotent parameters
introduced above. We shall denote by $\mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}:\mbox{\bf \normalshape t} \to \bold{R}$ the
derivative of $q$ at $X \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$, so that
\mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X} = \mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{2})_{X} + \delta_{3} \mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{3})_{X} + \cdots +
\delta_{n} \mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{n})_{X}.
The Hessian $\partial^{2}q_{X}$ of $q$ at $X$ is the symmetric
bilinear form on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ given in any co-ordinate system by the matrix of
second partial derivatives of $q$ at $X$. Note that as $X_{1} + \cdots
+ X_{n} =0$ on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ we have
0 = (X_{1} + \cdots +X_{n})^{2} & = & \sum_{j=1}^{n} (X_{j})^{2} + 2
\sum_{i<j} X_{i}X_{j}\\
& = & \langle X, X \rangle + 2 \sigma_{2}(X)
so that
\sigma_{2}(X) = - \frac{1}{2} \langle X, X \rangle
on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$. Then \cite[Thm. 9.12]{JK2} gives us the following formula for
$\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta$.
Let $\eta$ be the formal cohomology class given in (\ref{eta}). Then
$\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta$ equals
\frac{(-1)^{n(n-1)(g-1)/2}}{n!} \sum_{w \in W_{n-1}} \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{1}=0} \cdots \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{n-1}=0} \left[ \frac{ \exp \left\{
\mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}(w \tilde{c}) \right\}
\prod_{r=2}^{n} \sigma_{r}(X)^{m_{r}} }{ {\cal D}(X)^{2g-2}
\prod_{j=1}^{n-1} \left( 1 - \exp (\mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}(\hat{e}_{j})) \right)} \times
\times \left. \int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{ -
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g}
\partial^{2} q_{X}( \hat{e}_{i}, \hat{e}_{j}) \right\} \prod_{r=2}^{n}
\prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} \left( \sum_{j=1}^{n-1}
\mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{r})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) \zeta_{j}^{k_{r}} \right)^{p_{r,k_{r}}}
{\cal D}(X) = \prod_{i<j}(X_{i}-X_{j})
is the product of the
positive roots of $SU(n)$, where $\tilde{c} \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ is the $n$-tuple
with $j$th entry
\frac{d}{n} - \left[\frac{jd}{n} \right] + \left[\frac{(j-1)d}{n} \right],
and where $W_{n-1} \cong S_{n-1}$ is the Weyl group of $SU(n-1)$
embedded in $SU(n)$ using the first $n-1$ co-ordinates.
The formula of Theorem \ref{RES} is obtained by lifting the generators
$a_{r},b_{r}^{k}$ and $f_{r}$ of $H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ to $SU(n)$-equivariant
cohomology classes $\tilde{a}_{r},\tilde{b}^{k}_{r},\tilde{f}_{r}$ on
an `extended moduli space' (see \cite[$\S$4]{JK2}) with a Hamiltonian
$SU(n)$-action whose symplectic quotient is ${\cal M}(n,d)$, and then using
`nonabelian localisation' \cite{JK2,WI} to localise to components of
the fixed point set of the maximal torus $T$. The restrictions of
$\tilde{a}_{r},\tilde{b}^{k}_{r},\tilde{f}_{r}$ to these components,
which are indexed by elements $\Lambda_{0}$ in the integer lattice of $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$, and which can be identified with copies of $T^{2g}$, are
\sigma_{r}(X), \indent \sum_{j=1}^{n-1} \mbox{\normalshape d}
(\sigma_{r})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) \zeta_{j}^{k}
\mbox{\normalshape d} (\sigma_{r})_{X}(\tilde{c} + \Lambda_{0}) + \sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1}
\sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g} \partial^{2}
respectively. As the extended moduli space is not compact, nonabelian
localisation cannot be applied directly, but instead one can exploit
the periodicity of the exponential map and the extended moduli space's
close relative
M_{\T}(c) = \{ (h_{1},...,h_{2g},\Lambda) \in SU(n)^{2g} \times \mbox{\bf \normalshape t} :
\prod_{j=1} [h_{j},h_{j+g}] = c \exp(\Lambda) \}
c = \exp(2 \pi i \tilde{c}) = e^{2 \pi i d / n} \mbox{diag}(1,1,\cdots
,1 ) \in SU(n).
By \cite[Lemma 4.5]{JK2}, for any $\Lambda_{0}$ in the
integer lattice in $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ there
is a homeomorphism $s_{\Lambda_{0}}: M_{\T}(c) \to M_{\T}(c)$ defined by
s_{\Lambda_{0}}(h,\Lambda) = (h, \Lambda + \Lambda_{0}).
If as in \cite[$\S$ 3]{JK2} we represent
$T$-equivariant cohomology classes on a manifold $M$, acted on by the
torus $T$, by polynomial functions on the Lie algebra $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ of $T$ with
values in the De Rham complex of differential forms on $M$, then when
$X$ is the co-ordinate on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$, by (4.8) and (4.9) in \cite{JK2} we have
s^{*}_{\Lambda_{0}}(\tilde{a}_{r})(X) & = & \tilde{a}_{r}(X),\\
s^{*}_{\Lambda_{0}}(\tilde{b}_{r}^{k})(X) & = & \tilde{b}_{r}^{k}(X),
and by \cite[Lemma 9.9]{JK2}
s^{*}_{\Lambda_{0}} ( \tilde{f}_{2} + \sum_{r=3}^{n} \delta_{r}
\tilde{f}_{r} )(X) = (\tilde{f}_{2} + \sum_{r=3}^{n} \delta_{r}
\tilde{f}_{r} )(X) + \mbox{\normalshape d} \bar{q}_{X}(\Lambda_{0}) \label{cross}
\bar{q}(X) = \sigma_{2}(X) + \sum_{r=3}^{n} (-1)^r \delta_{r} \sigma_{r}(X).
(Note that $\bar{q}$ was denoted by $q_{0}$ in \cite{JK2}.)\\
\indent Thus the result of applying $s^{*}_{\Lambda_{0}}$ to the
\tilde{\eta} = \exp (\tilde{f}_{2} + \delta_{3} \tilde{f}_{3} + \cdots + \delta_{n} \tilde{f}_{n} )
\prod_{r=2}^{n} \left( (\tilde{a}_{r})^{m_{r}} \prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
(\tilde{b}_{r}^{k_{r}})^{p_{r,k_{r}}} \right)
of $\eta$ is
s^{*}_{\Lambda_{0}}(\tilde{\eta}) = \tilde{\eta} \exp ( \mbox{\normalshape d}
\indent Theorem \ref{RES} is now proved in \cite{JK2} using a version
of nonabelian localisation due to Martin \cite{M} and Guillemin and
Kalkman \cite{GK} which can be made to work in noncompact
settings. First one reduces to working with the symplectic
quotient of the extended moduli space by $T$ instead of by $SU(n)$ via
the arguments of \cite{M}. Then one compares the integral over the
$T$-quotient of the cohomology class induced by $\tilde{\eta}$ with
the integral of the class induced by $s^{*}_{\Lambda_{0}}$, for
$\Lambda_{0} = \hat{e}_{p}$ with $1 \leq p \leq n-1$, first using
(\ref{three}) and secondly using nonabelian localisation as in
\cite{GK} and \cite{M}.
The cohomology class $nf_{2}$ is represented by a symplectic form
$\omega$ on ${\cal M}(n,d)$. If we replace $\omega$ by any non-zero scalar
multiple $\epsilon\omega$ then the proof of \cite[Thm. 9.12]{JK2} shows
\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)}\exp (\epsilon f_{2} + \delta_{3} f_{3} + \cdots + \delta_{n} f_{n} )
\prod_{r=2}^{n} \left( (a_{r})^{m_{r}} \prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
(b_{r}^{k_{r}})^{p_{r,k_{r}}} \right)
is given by the same iterated residue as in Theorem \ref{RES} above except that
$q(X)$ is replaced by
q^{(\epsilon)}(X) = \epsilon\sigma_{2}(X) + \delta_{3} \sigma_{3}(X) +
\cdots + \delta_{n}\sigma_{n}(X)
(see remarks 8.3 and 9.13 in \cite{JK2}). If we also multiply the
formal parameters $\delta_{3},...,\delta_{n}$ by $\epsilon$ then we
find that
\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)}\exp (\epsilon f_{2} + \epsilon\delta_{3} f_{3} + \cdots +
\epsilon \delta_{n} f_{n} ) \prod_{r=2}^{n} \left( (a_{r})^{m_{r}}
\prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} (b_{r}^{k_{r}})^{p_{r,k_{r}}} \right)
is given by the same iterated residue as in Theorem \ref{RES} except that
$q(X)$ is now replaced by $\epsilon q(X)$.
\section{The Pontryagin Ring: Proof of Theorem \ref{Pont}}
Any symmetric polynomial in $X_{1},...,X_{n}$ can be expressed as a
polynomial in the elementary symmetric polynomials $\sigma_{1}
,...,\sigma_{n}$. Since $\sigma_{1}(X) = X_{1} + \cdots + X_{n}$ vanishes
on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$, any polynomial function on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ which is symmetric in
$X_{1},...,X_{n}$ (or equivalently invariant under the action of the
Weyl group of $SU(n)$) can be expressed as a polynomial
$p(\sigma_{2}(X),\ldots,\sigma_{n}(X))$ and then represents the cohomology
class $p(a_{2},...,a_{n})$ on ${\cal M}(n,d)$.
The Pontryagin ring of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ is generated by the polynomials in
$a_{2},...,a_{n}$ represented by the elementary symmetric polynomials
\{ (X_{i} - X_{j})^{2} : 1 \leq i < j \leq n \}.
{\bf Proof:} See \cite[Lemma 17]{E}.\\[\baselineskip]
Hence Theorem 1 is an immediate corollary of
The subring of $H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ generated by $a_{2},...,a_{n}$ vanishes in
all degrees strictly greater than $2n(n-1)(g-1).$
Since ${\cal M}(n,d)$ is a compact manifold, by Poincar\'{e} duality
Theorem \ref{alt} is itself an immediate corollary of
Let $\eta$ be as given in (\ref{eta}). If $m_{2},...,m_{n}$ are
non-negative integers such that
\mbox{\normalshape deg} \prod_{r=2}^{n} (a_{r})^{m_{r}} = \sum_{r=2}^{n} 2 r m_{r}
> 2n(n-1)(g-1)
then $\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta = 0$.
{\bf Proof:} For $\epsilon \in {\bold R}$ let
G(\epsilon) = \int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \exp (\epsilon f_{2} + \epsilon \delta_{3}
f_{3} + \cdots +
\epsilon \delta_{n} f_{n} )
\prod_{r=2}^{n} \left( (a_{r})^{m_{r}} \prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
(b_{r}^{k_{r}})^{p_{r,k_{r}}} \right).
We shall prove that $G(\epsilon) = 0$ for all $\epsilon \in {\bold R}$;
the result will then follow by taking $\epsilon =1$.\\
\indent First notice that
\mbox{deg } \left( \prod_{r=2}^{n} \left( (a_{r})^{m_{r}} \prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
(b_{r}^{k_{r}})^{p_{r,k_{r}}} \right) \right) = \sum_{r=2}^{n} 2 r
m_{r} + \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} (2 r -1) p_{r,k_{r}}.
Also $f_{r}$ has degree $2r-2$, which is at least 2 for $2 \leq r \leq
n$, and the real dimension of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ is $2(n^{2}-1)(g-1)$. Thus
$G(\epsilon)$ is a polynomial in $\epsilon$ of degree at most
\frac{1}{2} \left( 2(n^{2}-1)(g-1) - \sum_{r=2}^{n} 2 r
m_{r} - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} (2 r -1) p_{r,k_{r}}
On the other hand Theorem \ref{RES} and Remark \ref{epsilon} show that
$G(\epsilon)$ is a non-zero $\epsilon$-independent constant multiple of
\sum_{w \in W_{n-1}} \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{1}=0} \cdots \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{n-1}=0} \left[
\frac{ \exp \left\{ \epsilon \mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}(w\tilde{c}) \right\}
\prod_{r=2}^{n} \sigma_{r}(X)^{m_{r}} }{ {\cal D}(X)^{2g-2}
\prod_{j=1}^{n-1} \left(1 - \exp (\epsilon \mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}(\hat{e}_{j})) \right)} \times
\times \left. \int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{ -\epsilon
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g}
\partial^{2} q_{X}( \hat{e}_{i}, \hat{e}_{j}) \right\} \prod_{r=2}^{n}
\prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} \left( \sum_{j=1}^{n-1}
\mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{r})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) \zeta_{j}^{k_{r}} \right)^{p_{r,k_{r}}}
q(X) = \sigma_{2}(X) + \delta_{3} \sigma_{3}(X) + \cdots + \delta_{n}
on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ where $\sigma_{2}(X) = - \langle X,X \rangle /2$ and
$\delta_{3},...,\delta_{n}$ are formal nilpotent parameters. Since
$\hat{e}_{j} \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ corresponds, under the identification of $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}^{*}$
with $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ defined by the inner product, to the simple root $e_{j} \in
\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}^{*}$ given by $e_{j}(X) = X_{j} - X_{j+1} = Y_{j},$ we have
$\mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{2})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) = -Y_{j}$ and hence
\mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) = - Y_{j} + N_{j}
N_{j} = \delta_{3} \mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{3})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j})+ \cdots + \delta_{n}
\mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{n})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j})
is nilpotent. Moreover
T(x) = \frac{x}{e^{x}-1}
may be expressed as a formal power series in $x$ and then
\frac{1}{\exp(\epsilon \mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}(\hat{e}_{j})) - 1}
& = & \frac{1}{\exp(\epsilon N_{j} - \epsilon Y_{j}) -1}\\
& = & \frac{T(\epsilon N_{j} - \epsilon Y_{j})}{\epsilon N_{j} -
\epsilon Y_{j}}\\
& = & - \frac{T(\epsilon N_{j} - \epsilon Y_{j})}{\epsilon Y_{j}}
\sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \left( \frac{N_{j}}{Y_{j}} \right)^{m}
The generators $\{ \zeta_{j}^{k} : 1 \leq j \leq n-1, 1 \leq k \leq 2g
\}$ for $H^{1}(T^{2g})$ are of degree 1 and hence anticommute, and all
have square 0. Their cup product is non-zero and hence spans the top
cohomology group $H^{2(n-1)g}(T^{2g})$. Thus as a function of
$\epsilon$ the integral
\int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{ -\epsilon
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g}
\partial^{2} q_{X}( \hat{e}_{i}, \hat{e}_{j}) \right\} \prod_{r=2}^{n}
\prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} \left( \sum_{j=1}^{n-1}
\mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{r})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) \zeta_{j}^{k_{r}} \right)^{p_{r,k_{r}}}
is a polynomial in $\epsilon$ which is divisible by $\epsilon$ to the
\frac{1}{2} \left( \dim T^{2g} - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
p_{r,k_{r}} \right).
Thus $G(\epsilon)$ is of the form
\mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{1}=0} \cdots \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{n-1}=0} \left(
\frac{F(X,\epsilon)}{\cal{D}(X)^{2g-2} \prod_{j=1}^{n-1} (\epsilon
Y_{j})} \right)
where, for $X \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ and $\epsilon$ any real number, $F(X, \epsilon)$
is a formal power series in $\epsilon$ and a formal Laurent series in
the co-ordinates $Y_{1},...,Y_{n-1}$ on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$, and $F(X,\epsilon)$ is
divisible by $\epsilon$ raised to the power
\frac{1}{2} \left( 2(n-1)g - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
p_{r,k_{r}} \right).
Therefore $G(\epsilon)$ is a formal power series in $\epsilon$ which
is divisible by $\epsilon$ raised to the power
\frac{1}{2} \left( 2(n-1)g - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
p_{r,k_{r}} \right) - (n-1) =
\frac{1}{2} \left( 2(n-1)(g-1) - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
p_{r,k_{r}} \right)
provided this is positive. On the other hand we saw earlier that
$G(\epsilon)$ is a polynomial in $\epsilon$ of degree at most
\frac{1}{2} \left( 2(n^{2}-1)(g-1) - \sum_{r=2}^{n} 2 r
m_{r} - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} (2 r -1) p_{r,k_{r}}
Hence $G(\epsilon)$ must be identically zero unless
2(n-1)(g-1) - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
p_{r,k_{r}} \leq 2(n^{2}-1)(g-1) - \sum_{r=2}^{n} 2 r
m_{r} - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} (2 r -1) p_{r,k_{r}}.
By hypothesis
\sum_{r=2}^{n} 2 r m_{r} > 2 n (n-1) (g-1).
So as $2r-1 \geq 1$ when $r \geq 1$ we have
2(n-1)(g-1) - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g}
p_{r,k_{r}} > 2(n^{2}-1)(g-1) - \sum_{r=2}^{n} 2 r
m_{r} - \sum_{r=2}^{n} \sum_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} (2 r -1) p_{r,k_{r}}
and hence $G(\epsilon)$ is identically zero. This completes the proof
of proposition \ref{main} and hence of Theorems \ref{Pont} and
\section{The Pontryagin Ring: Proof of Theorem \ref{nonzero}}
By Proposition \ref{Pontgen} any symmetric polynomial in
\{(X_{i} - X_{j})^{2}: 1 \leq i < j \leq n\}
represents an element of the Pontryagin ring of
${\cal M}(n,d)$. In particular the polynomial
{\cal D}(X)^{2g-2} = \prod_{i<j}(X_{i}-X_{j})^{2g-2}
represents an element $\eta_{0}$ of degree $2n(n-1)(g-1)$ in the
Pontryagin ring of ${\cal M}(n,d)$. Thus Theorem \ref{nonzero} follows from the
following proposition.
If $\eta_{0} \in H^{*}({\cal M}(n,d))$ is represented by ${\cal D}(X)^{2g-2}$
\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta_{0} \exp f_{2} \neq 0.
{\bf Proof:} By Theorem \ref{RES} $\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta_{0} \exp f_{2}$ is a
non-zero constant multiple of
\sum_{w \in W_{n-1}}
\mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{1}=0} \cdots \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{n-1}=0} \left[ \frac{ \exp \left\{
\mbox{\normalshape d} (\sigma_{2})_{X}(w\tilde{c}) \right\} }{
\prod_{j=1}^{n-1} \left( 1 - \exp (\mbox{\normalshape d} (\sigma_{2})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j})) \right)} \times
\times \left. \int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{ -
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g}
\partial^{2} (\sigma_{2})_{X}( \hat{e}_{i}, \hat{e}_{j}) \right\}
Now $\sigma_{2}$ is a quadratic form on $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ so $\mbox{\normalshape d} (\sigma_{2})_{X}$ is
linear in $X \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ and $\partial^{2}(\sigma_{2})_{X}$ is independent
of $X$. Indeed we have already observed in the proof of Proposition \ref{main}
that $\sigma_{2}(X) = - \langle X,X \rangle /2$ so that
\mbox{\normalshape d}(\sigma_{2})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) = - Y_{j}
\mbox{\normalshape d} (\sigma_{2})_{X}(w\tilde{c}) = \beta_{1}(w)Y_{1} +
\beta_{2}(w) Y_{2} + \cdots + \beta_{n-1}(w) Y_{n-1}
for constants $\beta_{j}(w)$, while
\partial^{2}(\sigma_{2})_{X}(\hat{e}_{i},\hat{e}_{j}) = \left\{
\begin{array}{rl} -2 & \mbox{ if } i = j,\\
1 & \mbox{ if } i-j = \pm 1,\\
0 & \mbox{ if } |i-j|>1. \end{array} \right.
Since $\{ \hat{e}_{1},...,\hat{e}_{n-1} \}$ is a basis for $\mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ and
since $H^{*}(T^{2g})$ is a free exterior algebra on
\{\zeta_{j}^{k}: 1 \leq j \leq n-1, 1 \leq k \leq 2g\}
it follows that
\int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{ -
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g} \right\}
is a non-zero constant independent of $X \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$, which in fact equals
one. Hence
\int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{ -
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g}
\partial^{2} (\sigma_{2})_{X}( \hat{e}_{i}, \hat{e}_{j}) \right\}
(\det \{ \partial^{2} (\sigma_{2})_{X}( \hat{e}_{i}, \hat{e}_{j})
\int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{ -
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k} \zeta_{j}^{k+g} \right\}
= (-1)^{(n-1)g}n^{g}.
\indent Thus $\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta_{0} \exp f_{2}$ is
\[ (-1)^{(n-1)g}n^{g}
\sum_{w \in W_{n-1}}
\mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{1}=0} \cdots \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{n-1}=0} \prod_{j=1}^{n-1} \left( \frac{
\exp\{\beta_{j}(w) Y_{j}\}}{1 - \exp\{-Y_{j}\} } \right) = (-1)^{(n-1)g}n^{g}
and the result follows. \indent $\Box$
\section{Chern Classes}
The second Newstead-Ramanan conjecture states that the Chern classes
$c_{r}({\cal M}(2,1))$ vanish for $r > 2(g-1)$. This was
originally proved by Gieseker \cite{G} using a degeneration of the
moduli space and subsequently by Zagier \cite{Z} using Thaddeus'
\indent The tangent bundle of ${\cal M}(n,d)$ equals \cite[p.582]{AB}
1 - \pi_{!}(\mbox{End} V)
where $\pi: {\cal M}(n,d) \times \Sigma \to {\cal M}(n,d)$ is the first projection and
$V$ is a universal bundle over ${\cal M}(n,d) \times \Sigma$. In
\cite[Prop. 10]{E} an expression for the Chern character of $V$ was
found in terms of the generators (\ref{gen}), and hence using the
Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem an expression was determined for
$\mbox{\normalshape ch}({\cal M}(n,d))$ in terms of these generators. If as in Remark \ref{newrem}
we lift these generators, and thus $\mbox{\normalshape ch}({\cal M}(n,d))$, to $SU(n)$-equivariant
cohomology classes $\tilde{a}_{r},\tilde{b}_{r}^{k},\tilde{f}_{r}$ on
the extended moduli space and then restrict to the component indexed
by $\Lambda_{0} \in \mbox{\bf \normalshape t}$ of the fixed point set of $T$, the result for
$\mbox{\normalshape ch}({\cal M}(n,d))$ is
(1-g) + \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^{n} e^{X_{i}-X_{j}} (g-1 + \omega_{j} -
\omega_{i}) - \sum_{1 \leq i < j \leq n} \sum_{k=1}^{g}
Z_{i,j}^{k} Z_{i,j}^{k+g} (e^{X_{i}-X_{j}} + e^{X_{j}-X_{i}})
where $\tilde{c} + \Lambda_{0} = (\omega_{1},...,\omega_{n}),$ and
Z_{i,j}^{k} = - \zeta_{i-1}^{k} + \zeta_{i}^{k} + \zeta_{j-1}^{k} - \zeta_{j}^{k},
with the understanding that $\zeta_{0}^{k} = \zeta_{n}^{k} = 0$. Hence
by \cite[Lemma 9]{E} the restriction of the lift of the Chern
polynomial $c({\cal M}(n,d))(t) = \sum_{r \geq 0} c_{r}({\cal M}(n,d)) t^{r}$, which we
shall denote by $\tilde{c}({\cal M}(n,d))(t)$, equals
\prod_{i<j} (1+(X_{i} - X_{j})t)^{g-1+\omega_{j}-\omega_{i}} (1+(X_{j} -
X_{i})t)^{g-1+\omega_{i}-\omega_{j}} \exp \left\{ \frac{-2t
\sum_{k=1}^{g} Z_{i,j}^{k} Z_{i,j}^{k+g}}{1 - (X_{i}-X_{j})^{2}
t^{2}} \right\}.
\indent The formulas in Remark \ref{newrem} show that when
$\Lambda_{0} = \hat{e}_{p}$,
s_{\Lambda_{0}}^{*}(\tilde{c}({\cal M}(n,d))(t)) = V_{p}(X,t) \cdot \tilde{c}({\cal M}(n,d))(t)
V_{p}(X,t) = \prod_{q=1}^{n}
The proof of \cite[Thm. 9.12]{JK2} (see Remark \ref{newrem} above)
with this formula replacing \cite[Lemma 9.9]{JK2} (that is equations
(\ref{three}) and (\ref{newchange}) in Remark \ref{newrem}) shows that the
pairing $\int_{{\cal M}(n,d)} \eta \cdot c({\cal M}(n,d))(t)$ equals
$(-1)^{n(n-1)(g-1)/2}/n!$ times
\begin{eqnarray*} \sum_{w \in W_{n-1}}
\mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{1}=0} \cdots \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y_{n-1}=0}
\frac{\exp \left\{ \mbox{\normalshape d} q_{X}(w\tilde{c})
\right\} \prod_{r=2}^{n} \sigma_{r}(X)^{m_{r}}}{
{\cal D}(X)^{2g-2} \prod_{p=1}^{n-1} \left( 1 - \exp ( \mbox{\normalshape d}
q_{X}(\hat{e}_{p})) V_{p}(X,t) \right)} \times
\right. \\
\nonumber \times \left( \prod_{p \neq q}
(1+(X_{p}-X_{q})t)^{g-1+\tilde{c}_{q}-\tilde{c}_{p}} \right) \int_{T^{2g}}
\left [
\exp \left(
\sum_{i<j} \frac{ - 2 t \sum_{k=1}^{g} Z_{i,j}^{k} Z_{i,j}^{k+g}
}{1 - (X_{i}-X_{j})^{2} t^{2}} \right) \right. \times \\
\nonumber \times \left. \left. \exp \left(
\sum_{i,j=1}^{n-1} \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{i}^{k}
\zeta_{j}^{k+g} \partial^{2} q_{X}(\hat{e}_{i},
\hat{e}_{j}) \right) \prod_{r=2}^{n} \prod_{k_{r}=1}^{2g} \left(
\sum_{j=1}^{n-1} \mbox{\normalshape d} (\sigma_{r})_{X}(\hat{e}_{j}) \zeta_{j}^{k_{r}}
\right)^{p_{r,k_{r}}} \right] \right\}.
When $n=2$ it readily follows that the resulting expression is a polynomial in
$t$ of degree at most $2g-2$ (see below). When $n \geq 3$, computer
calculations for low values of $n$ and $g$ suggest the following
(though we have thus far been unable to give proofs):
\item $c_{r}({\cal M}(n,d))=0$ for $r > n(n-1)(g-1)$.
\item $c_{n(n-1)(g-1)}({\cal M}(n,d))$ is a non-zero multiple of $\eta_{0}$,
the cohomology class represented by ${\cal D}(X)^{2g-2}$ (see
Proposition \ref{eta0}).
For $n=2$ the results of Gieseker and Zagier may be duplicated as
follows. From \cite[p.144]{T} we need only consider those $\eta$ which
are invariant under the induced action of the mapping class group, so
for $\lambda \in {\bold C}$ let
\eta = (a_{2})^{r} \exp \left\{ f_{2} + \lambda \sum_{k=1}^{g}
b_{2}^{k} b_{2}^{k+g} \right\}.
For simplicity set $Y=Y_{1}$ and define
F(k,s) = \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y=0} \left( \frac{[(1 - \lambda Y^{2}/2)(1-Y^{2}t^{2}) +
4 t]^{k}}{Y^{2s} (e^{Y/2} (1+Y t)^{2} - e^{-Y/2} (1-Y t)^2)} \right).
Simplifying, we
see that $\int_{{\cal M}(2,1)} \eta c({\cal M}(2,1))(t)$ equals
$(-1)^{g-1-r}2^{g-1-2r}F(g,g-1-r)$. We now claim that $F(k,s)$
is a rational function in $t$ of total degree at most $k+s-1$. We can show
by a simple induction that if $F(k,s)$ has total degree at most $k+s-1$ for
$k \leq K$ then $F(K+1,s)$ has total degree at most $K+s$. So consider
$F(0,s)$. We may write
e^{Y/2} (1+Y t)^{2} - e^{-Y/2} (1-Y t)^2 = (1+ 4 t)Y \left(
1 + \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} r_{i}(t) Y^{2i} \right)
where $r_{i}(t)$ is a rational function in $t$ of total degree 1. Hence
$F(0,s)$ is the coefficient of $Y^{2s}$ in
\frac{1}{(1+ 4 t)} \sum_{j=1}^{\infty}
\left( - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} r_{i}(t) Y^{2i} \right)^{j}
which is a rational function in $t$ of degree at most $s-1$, thus
proving the claim.\\
\indent Therefore $c({\cal M}(2,1))(t)$ is a polynomial in $t$ of
degree at most $2g-2$. It is in fact the case that the Chern
polynomial is of precisely this degree and we may find an expression
for $c_{2g-2}({\cal M}(2,1))$ as follows.\\
\indent Let $G(k,s)$ equal $F(k,s)$ modulo rational functions of
degree strictly less than $k+s-1$. Then
G(0,s) = \frac{(-r_{1}(t))^{s}}{1+4t} = (-1)^{s} \frac{(t^2 +t/2 +
1/24)^{s}}{(1+4t)^{s+1}} = (-1)^{s} 2^{-2s-2} t^{s-1},
and from the recurrence relation
G(k+1,s) = 4 t G(k,s) - t^{2} G(k,s-1)
we obtain
G(k,s) = (-1)^{s} 2^{3k - 2s -2} t^{k+s-1}
for $k \leq s.$ Using the above recurrence relation again we find
G(s+1,s) = (-1)^{s} 2^{s} t^{2s} - t^{2} G(s,s-1) = (-1)^{s} t^{2s}
\sum_{i=0}^{s} 2^{i} = (-1)^{s} (2^{s+1}-1) t^{2s}.
Hence the coefficient of $t^{2g-2}$ in $\int_{{\cal M}(2,1)} \eta
c({\cal M}(2,1))(t)$ equals $2^{g-1} (2^{g}-1)$.\\
\indent Let $\eta_{0}= (- 4 a_{2})^{g-1}$ be the class represented by
${\cal D}(X)^{2g-2} = Y^{2g-2}$. Then
\int_{{\cal M}(2,1)} \eta_{0}\eta =\frac{(-1)^{g-1}}{2} \mbox{\normalshape Res}_{Y=0} \left[ \frac{
e^{-Y/2}}{1-e^{-Y}} \int_{T^{2g}} \exp \left\{- 2 \sum_{k=1}^{g} \zeta_{1}^{k}
\zeta_{1}^{k+g} \right\} \right] = (-2)^{g-1}.
By Poincar\'{e} duality we find (cf. \cite[p.555]{Z})
c_{2g-2}({\cal M}(2,1)) = (-1)^{g-1} (2^{g}-1) \eta_{0} = 2^{2g-2}(2^{g}-1) (a_{2})^{g-1}.
1997-09-30T15:36:07 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709034 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709034 | [
] | alg-geom/9709034 | Frank Sottile | Nantel Bergeron (York University, Toronto) and Frank Sottile
(University of Toronto) | Skew Schubert functions and the Pieri formula for flag manifolds | 24 pages, LaTeX 2e, with epsf.sty | Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 354 No. 2, (2002), 651-673 | 10.1090/S0002-9947-01-02845-8 | MSRI 1997-096 | null | We show the equivalence of the Pieri formula for flag manifolds and certain
identities among the structure constants, giving new proofs of both the Pieri
formula and of these identities. A key step is the association of a symmetric
function to a finite poset with labeled Hasse diagram satisfying a symmetry
condition. This gives a unified definition of skew Schur functions, Stanley
symmetric function, and skew Schubert functions (defined here). We also use
algebraic geometry to show the coefficient of a monomial in a Schubert
polynomial counts certain chains in the Bruhat order, obtaining a new
combinatorial construction of Schubert polynomials.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 30 Sep 1997 13:35:57 GMT"
] | 2016-11-08T00:00:00 | [
"York University, Toronto"
"University of Toronto"
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
A fundamental open problem in the theory of Schubert
polynomials is to find an analog of the Littlewood-Richardson
By this, we mean a bijective description of the structure
constants for the ring of polynomials with respect to its basis of Schubert
Such a rule would express the intersection form in the cohomology
of a flag manifold in terms of its basis of Schubert classes.
Other than the classical Littlewood-Richardson rule (when the Schubert
polynomials are Schur symmetric polynomials) little is known.
Using geometry, Monk~\cite{Monk} established a formula for multiplication by
linear Schubert polynomials (divisor Schubert classes).
A Pieri-type formula for multiplication by an elementary or
complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial (special Schubert class) was given
in~\cite{LS82a}, but only recently proven~\cite{Sottile96}
using geometry.
There are now several
some of which~\cite{Postnikov,Winkel_multiplication,Veigneau}
are purely combinatorial.
In the more general setting of multiplication by a Schur symmetric
polynomial, formulas for some structure constants follow from
a family of identities which were proven using geometry~\cite{BS97a}.
Also in ({\em ibid.}) are combinatorial results about intervals in
the Bruhat order which are formally related to these identities.
A combinatorial (but {\em not} a bijective) formula was given
for these coefficients~\cite{BS_monoid} using the Pieri formula,
which gave a direct connection between some of these
order-theoretic results and identities.
A first goal of this paper is to deduce another
identity~\cite[Theorem~G({\em ii})]{BS97a}
from the Pieri formula, and also to deduce the Pieri formula
from these identities.
This furnishes a new proof of the Pieri formula, shows its equivalence to
these (seemingly) more general identities,
and, together with the combinatorial proofs of the Pieri formula,
gives a purely
combinatorial proof of these identities.
A key step is the definition of a symmetric function
associated to any finite {\em symmetric labeled poset}, which is a poset
whose Hasse diagram has edges labeled with integers with a symmetry
condition satisfied by its maximal chains.
This gives a unified construction of skew Schur functions (for
intervals in Young's lattice of partitions), Stanley symmetric
functions~\cite{Stanley84} (for intervals in the weak order on the
symmetric group), and for intervals in a $k$-Bruhat order,
{\em skew Schubert functions} (defined in another fashion in \S 1).
In~\cite{LS82b}, Lascoux and Sch\"utzenberger show that if a
Schubert polynomial is expressed as a univariate polynomial in the first
variable, then the coefficients are (explicitly determined)
multiplicity-free sums of Schubert polynomials in the remaining variables.
This may be used to show that Schubert polynomials
are sums of monomials with non-negative coefficients.
We use a cohomological formula~\cite[Theorem 4.5.4]{BS97a} to
generalize their result, obtaining a similar formula for expressing a
Schubert polynomial as a polynomial in {\em any} variable.
This also extends Theorem~C~({\em ii}) of~\cite{BS97a}, which identified
the constant term of this expression.
{}From this, we obtain a construction of Schubert
polynomials purely in terms of chains in the Bruhat order, and a
geometric proof that the monomials which appear in a Schubert
polynomial have non-negative coefficients.
The Pieri formula shows these coefficients are certain intersection numbers,
recovering a result of Kirillov and Maeno~\cite{KM}.
We found these precise formulas in terms of intersection numbers
Other combinatorial constructions are either
and do not give the coefficients, or are expressed in terms of
combinatorial structures (the
weak order on the symmetric group~\cite{BJS,FoSt,FK_YB}
or diagrams of permutations~\cite{Kohnert,Be92,Winkel_kohnert_rule})
which are not geometric.
Previously, we believed this non-negativity of monomials had no relation to
Indeed, only monomials of the form $x^\lambda$ with $\lambda$ a partition
are represented by positive cycles,
other polynomial representatives of Schubert classes~\cite{BGG,De74}
do not have this non-negativity, and polynomial representatives for the other
classical groups
cannot~\cite{FK_Bn} have such non-negativity.
This paper is organized as follows.
In Section 1, we give necessary background, define skew Schubert functions,
and state our main results.
In Section 2, we deduce the Pieri formula from the identities and
results on the Bruhat order.
In Section 3, we define a symmetric function $S_P$ associated to a
symmetric labeled poset $P$ and complete the proof of the equivalence
of the Pieri formula and these identities.
We also show how this construction gives skew Schur and Schubert
In Section 4, we adapt an argument of Remmel and
Shimozono~\cite{Remmel_Shimozono} to show that, for intervals in the weak
order, this symmetric function is Stanley's symmetric
Finally, in Section 5, we use a geometric result of~\cite{BS97a}
to generalize the result in~\cite{LS82b} and interpret the coefficient of a
monomial in a Schubert polynomial in terms of chains in the Bruhat order.
Let ${\mathcal S}_n$ be the symmetric group on $n$ letters and
${\mathcal S}_\infty:=\bigcup_n{\mathcal S}_n$, the
group of permutations of ${\mathbb N}$ which fix all but finitely
many integers.
We let 1 be the identity permutation.
For each $w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$,
Lascoux and Sch\"utzenberger~\cite{LS82a} defined a Schubert polynomial
${\mathfrak S}_w \in{\mathbb Z}[x_1,x_2,\ldots]$ with
$\deg{\mathfrak S}_w = \ell(w)$.
These satisfy the following:
\item $\{{\mathfrak S}_w\mid w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty\}$ is a
${\mathbb Z}$-basis for ${\mathbb Z}[x_1,x_2,\ldots]$.
If $w$ has a unique descent at $k$ ($w(j)>w(j+1)\Rightarrow j=k$), then
${\mathfrak S}_w = S_\lambda(x_1,\ldots,x_k)$,
where $\lambda_j = w(k+1-j)-k-1+j$.
We write $v(\lambda,k)$ for this permutation
and call $w$ a {\em Grassmannian permutation} with descent $k$.
By the first property, there exist integral structure constants $c^w_{u\,v}$
for $w,u,v\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ (non-negative from geometry) defined
by the identity
{\mathfrak S}_u \cdot {\mathfrak S}_v \ =\
\sum_w c^w_{u\,v}\,{\mathfrak S}_w.
We are concerned with the coefficients $c^w_{u\;v(\lambda,k)}$
which arise when ${\mathfrak S}_v$ in~(\ref{eq:cwuv}) is replaced by the
Schur polynomial
$S_\lambda(x_1,\ldots,x_k)={\mathfrak S}_{v(\lambda,k)}$.
It is well-known (see for example~\cite{Sottile96,BS97a}) that
$c^w_{u\; v(\lambda,k)}\neq0$ only if $u\leq_k w$, where $\leq_k$
is the $k$-Bruhat order (introduced in~\cite{LS83}).
In fact, $u\leq_k w$ if and only if there is some $\lambda$ with
$c^w_{u\; v(\lambda,k)}\neq0$.
This suborder of the Bruhat order has the following characterization:
\begin{definition}[Theorem~A of~\cite{BS97a}]\label{def:1}
Let $u,w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$.
Then $u\leq_k w$ if and only if
\item $a\leq k<b \Longrightarrow u(a)\leq w(a)$ and $u(b)\geq w(b)$,
\item $a<b, u(a)<u(b)$, and $w(a)>w(b) \Longrightarrow a\leq k<b$.
For any infinite subset $P$ of ${\mathbb N}$, the order-preserving bijection
${\mathbb N}\leftrightarrow P$ and the inclusion
$P\hookrightarrow {\mathbb N}$ induce a map
\varepsilon_P\ : \ {\mathcal S}_\infty\ \simeq\ {\mathcal S}_P \
\hookrightarrow\ {\mathcal S}_\infty.
{\em Shape-equivalence} is the equivalence relation generated by
$\zeta \sim \varepsilon_P(\zeta)$ for $P\subset{\mathbb N}$.
If $u\leq_k w$, let $[u,w]_k$ denote the interval between $u$ and $w$
in the $k$-Bruhat order.
These intervals have the following property:
\noindent{\bf Order 1} (Theorem~E({\em i}) of~\cite{BS97a}){\bf .}
Suppose $u,w,y,z\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ with $u\leq_k w$,
$y\leq_l z$, and $wu^{-1}$ shape-equivalent to $zy^{-1}$.
Then $[u,w]_k\simeq[y,z]_l$.
Moreover, if $zy^{-1}=\varepsilon_P(wu^{-1})$, then this isomorphism is
induced by the map $v\mapsto \varepsilon_P(vu^{-1}) y$.}\medskip
This has a companion identity among the structure constants
\noindent{\bf Identity 1} (Theorem~E({\em ii}) of~\cite{BS97a}){\bf .}
Suppose $u,w,y,z\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ with $u\leq_k w$,
$y\leq_k l$, and $wu^{-1}$ shape-equivalent to $zy^{-1}$.
Then, for any partition $\lambda$,
c^w_{u\;v(\lambda,k)}\ =\
This identity was originally proven using geometry~\cite{BS97a}.
In~\cite{BS_monoid}, we showed how to deduce it from Order~1 and the
Pieri formula for Schubert polynomials.
Here, we use it to deduce the Pieri formula.
By Identity 1, we may define a constant $c^\zeta_\lambda$
for any permutation $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ and any
partition $\lambda$ by $c^\zeta_\lambda=c^w_{u\;v(\lambda,k)}$
for any $u\leq_k w$ with $w=\zeta u$.
We also define the {\em skew Schubert function} $S_\zeta$ by
S_\zeta\ =\ \sum_\lambda c^\zeta_\lambda S_\lambda,
where $S_\lambda$ is the Schur symmetric function~\cite{Macdonald95}.
By Order~1, we may make the following definition:
Let $\eta,\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$.
Then $\eta\preceq\zeta$ if and only if
there is a $u\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ and $k\in{\mathbb N}$ with
$u\leq_k \eta u\leq_k \zeta u$.
For $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$, define
$|\zeta|:= \ell(\zeta u)-\ell(u)$ for any $u,k$ with
$u\leq_k \zeta u$. (There always is such a $u$ and $k$, see \S 2.)
In \S2, $\preceq$ and $|\zeta|$ are given definitions that do not
refer to $\leq_k$ or $\ell(w)$.
Let $\zeta,\eta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$.
If we have $\eta\cdot\zeta=\zeta\cdot\eta$ with
and neither of $\zeta$ or $\eta$ is the identity,
then we say that $\zeta\cdot\eta$ is the
{\em disjoint product} of $\zeta$ and $\eta$.
If a permutation cannot be written in this way, then
it is {\em irreducible}.
It is a consequence of~\cite[\S 3]{BS97a} that
a permutation $\zeta$ factors uniquely into irreducibles
as follows:
Let $\Pi$ be the finest non-crossing partition~\cite{Kreweras} which is
by the partition given by the cycles of $\zeta$.
For each non-singleton part $p$ of $\Pi$, let
$\zeta_p$ be the product of cycles which partition $p$.
Each $\zeta_p$ is irreducible, and $\zeta$ is the disjoint product
of the $\zeta_p$'s.
See Remark~\ref{rem:cyclic} for a further discussion.
\noindent{\bf Order 2} (Theorem~G({\em i}) of~\cite{BS97a}){\bf .}
Suppose $\zeta=\zeta_1\cdots\zeta_t$ is the factorization of
$\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ into irreducibles.
Then the map
$(\eta_1,\ldots,\eta_t)\mapsto \eta_1\cdots\eta_t$
induces an isomorphism
\stackrel{\sim}{\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}\ [1,\zeta]_\preceq.
\noindent{\bf Identity 2} (Theorem~G({\em ii}) of~\cite{BS97a}){\bf .}
Suppose $\zeta=\zeta_1\cdots\zeta_t$ is the factorization of
$\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ into irreducibles.
S_\zeta\ =\ S_{\zeta_1}\cdots S_{\zeta_t}.
Theorem G({\em ii}) in~\cite{BS97a} states that if $\zeta\cdot\eta$ is
a disjoint product, then, for all partitions $\lambda$,
c^{\zeta\cdot\eta}_\lambda\ =\
\sum_{\mu,\,\nu} c^\lambda_{\mu\,\nu} c^\zeta_\mu c^\eta_\nu.
Thus we see that
S_\zeta \cdot S_\eta &=&
\sum_{\mu,\,\nu} c^\zeta_\mu c^\eta_\nu S_\mu S_\nu\\
&=& \sum_{\lambda,\,\mu,\,\nu}
c^\lambda_{\mu\,\nu}c^\zeta_\mu c^\eta_\nu S_\lambda\\
\sum_\lambda c^{\zeta\cdot\eta}_\lambda S_\lambda\ \:=\ \:
Iterating this shows the equivalence of Theorem G({\em ii}) of~\cite{BS97a}
and Identity 2.
A {\em labeled poset} $P$ is a finite ranked poset together with an integer
label for each cover.
Its Hasse diagram is thus a directed labeled graph with integer labels.
Write $u\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $b$}}{\longrightarrow}w$
for a labeled edge in this Hasse diagram.
In what follows, we consider four classes of labeled posets:
\hspace{-26pt}{\bf Intervals in a $k$-Bruhat order.}
Labeling a cover $u\lessdot_k w$ in the $k$-Bruhat order with $b$,
where $wu^{-1}=(a,\,b)$ and $a<b$ gives every interval in
the $k$-Bruhat order the structure of a labeled poset.
\hspace{-26pt}{\bf Intervals in the $\preceq$-order.}
Likewise, a cover $\eta\prec\!\!\!\!\!\cdot\ \zeta$ in the $\preceq$-order
gives a transposition $(a,\,b)=\zeta\eta^{-1}$ with
Labeling such a cover with $b$ gives every interval in this order
the structure of a labeled poset.
Since $[\eta,\zeta]_\preceq \simeq [1,\zeta\eta^{-1}]_\preceq$, it suffices
to consider intervals of the form $[1,\zeta]_\preceq$.
\hspace{-26pt}{\bf Intervals in Young's lattice.}
A cover $\mu\subset\!\!\!\!\!\cdot\ \lambda$ in Young's lattice of partitions
gives a unique index $i$ with $\mu_i+1=\lambda_i$.
Labeling such a cover with $\lambda_i-i$
gives every interval in Young's lattice the structure of
a labeled poset.
\hspace{-26pt}{\bf Intervals in the weak order.}
Finally, labeling a cover $u\lessdot_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}w$ in the
weak order on ${\mathcal S}_\infty$ with the index $i$ of the transposition
$wu^{-1}=(i,\,i{+}1)$ gives every interval in the weak order the structure of
a labeled poset.
Since, for $u\leq_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}w$,
$[u,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}\simeq
[1,wu^{-1}]_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}$, it suffices to consider intervals
of the form $[1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}$.
The sequence of edge labels in a (maximal) chain of a labeled poset
is the {\em word} of that chain.
For a composition $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_k)$ of $m=$ rank$P$,
let $H_\alpha(P)$ be the set of maximal chains in $P$ whose word has
descent set contained in
We say that $P$ is {\em symmetric} if the cardinality of
$H_\alpha(P)$ depends only upon the parts of $\alpha$ and not their order.
Each poset in the above classes is symmetric:
For the $k$-Bruhat orders or $\preceq$ order, this is a consequence of
the Pieri formula for Schubert polynomials.
For Young's lattice, this is classical, and for intervals in the
weak order, it is due to Stanley~\cite{Stanley84}.
We wish to consider skew Young diagrams to be equivalent if they differ by
a translation.
This leads to the following notion of isomorphism for labeled posets.
A map $f:P\rightarrow Q$ between labeled posets is an isomorphism if $f$ is
an isomorphism of posets which preserves the relative order of the edge
That is, if $e,e'$ are edges of $P$ with respective labels
$a\leq a'$, then the edge labels $b,b'$ of $f(e),f(e')$ in $Q$
satisfy $b\leq b'$.
The isomorphisms of Order~1 and Order~2 are isomorphisms
of labeled posets.
We also see that the interval $[\mu,\lambda]_\subset$ in Young's poset
is isomorphic to the interval $[v(\mu,k),v(\lambda,k)]_k$,
since the difference between the label of a cover
$v(\alpha,k)\lessdot_k v(\beta,k)$ in the $k$-Bruhat order
and the corresponding cover
$\alpha\subset\!\!\!\!\cdot\ \beta$ in Young's lattice
is $k+1$.
To every symmetric labeled poset $P$, we
associate~(Definition~\ref{def:skew}) a
symmetric function $S_P$ which has the following properties:
\item If $P\simeq Q$, then $S_P=S_Q$.
\item If $u\leq_k w$, then $S_{[u,w]_k} = S_{wu^{-1}}$, the skew Schubert
\item[2$'$\!.] For $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$,
$S_{[1,\zeta]_\preceq}= S_\zeta$, the skew Schubert function.
\item Let $\mu\subset \lambda$ be partitions.
Then $S_{[\mu,\lambda]_\subset} = S_{\lambda/\mu}$, the skew Schur function.
\item For $w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$, we have
$S_{[1,w]_{\rm weak}} = F_w$, the Stanley symmetric function.
Part 1 is Lemma~\ref{lem:coeff}(2), parts 2, 2$'$, and 3 are proven in
\S3, and part 4 in \S4.
A labeled poset $P$ is an {\em increasing chain} if it is totally ordered
with increasing edge labels.
A cycle $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ is {\em increasing} if
$[1,\zeta]_\preceq$ is an increasing chain.
Decreasing chains and cycles are defined similarly.
For any positive integers $m,k$ let $r[m,k]$ denote the
permutation $v((m,0,\ldots,0),\,k)$ which is the increasing cycle
It is an easy consequence (see Lemma~\ref{lem:perm_facts}) of the
definitions of $\leq_k$
or $\preceq$ that any increasing cycle $\zeta$ of length $m{+}1$
is shape equivalent to $r[m,k]$ and hence $|\zeta|=m$.
Likewise, the permutation $v(1^m,k)$ is the decreasing cycle
$(k{+}1{-}m,\ldots,k,k{+}1)$ and any decreasing cycle of length $m{+}1$ is
shape equivalent to $v(1^m,k)$ for any $k\geq m$.
Here $1^m$ is the partition of $m$ into $m$ equal parts of size $1$.
Note that
{\mathfrak S}_{r[m,k]}\ =\ h_m(x_1,\ldots,x_k)
{\mathfrak S}_{v(1^m,k)}\ =\ e_m(x_1,\ldots,x_k),
the complete homogeneous and elementary symmetric polynomials.
\begin{prop}[Pieri formula for Schubert polynomials and flag
Let $u\leq_k w$ with $m=\ell(w)-\ell(u)$.
\item ${\displaystyle c^w_{u\, r[m,k]}\ =\ \left\{
1&\ \mbox{if $wu^{-1}$ is the disjoint product of increasing cycles}\\
0&\ \mbox{otherwise.} \end{array}\right.}$
\item ${\displaystyle c^w_{u\, v(1^m,k)}\ =\ \left\{
1&\ \mbox{if $wu^{-1}$ is the disjoint product of deceasing cycles}\\
0&\ \mbox{otherwise.} \end{array}\right.}$
This is the form of the Pieri formula stated in~\cite{LS82a},
as such a disjoint products of increasing (decreasing) cycles are
$k$-{\em soul\`evements droits} (respectively {\em gauches}) for $u$.
By~\cite[Lemma 6]{Sottile96}, $wu^{-1}$ is a disjoint product of increasing
cycles if and only if there is a maximal chain in $[u,w]_k$ with increasing
labels, and such chains are unique.
When this occurs, we write
$u\stackrel{r[m,k]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow} w$, where
$m:= \ell(w)-\ell(u)$.
Similarly, $wu^{-1}$ is a disjoint product of decreasing cycles if and only
if there is a maximal chain in $[u,w]_k$ with decreasing labels,
which is necessarily unique.
Recall that
H^*(\mbox{\em Flags}({\mathbb C}\,^n))
&\simeq& {\mathbb Z}[x_1,x_2,\ldots]/
\langle {\mathfrak S}_w\mid w\not\in{\mathcal S}_n\rangle\\
&=& {\mathbb Z}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]/
\langle x^{\alpha} \mid \alpha_i\geq n-i,\mbox{ for some } i\rangle.
The map defined by ${\mathfrak S}_w \mapsto {\mathfrak S}_{\overline{w}}$,
where $\overline{w}=\omega_0 w\omega_0$, conjugation by the longest element
$\omega_0$ in ${\mathcal S}_n$,
is an algebra involution on $H^*(\mbox{\em Flags}({\mathbb C}\,^n))$.
If $n\geq k+m$, then this involution shows the equivalence of
the two versions of the Pieri formula.
We state the main results of this paper:
Given the results Order 1 and 2 on the $k$-Bruhat
orders/$\preceq$-order, the Pieri formula for Schubert polynomials is
equivalent to the Identities 1 and 2.
This is proven in \S2 and \S3.
If $w\in{\mathcal S}_n$ and $0\leq \alpha_i\leq n-i$ for $1\leq i\leq n-1$,
then the coefficient of
$x_1^{n-1-\alpha_1}x_2^{n-2-\alpha_2}\cdots x_{n-1}^{1-\alpha_{n-1}}$
in the Schubert polynomial ${\mathfrak S}_w(x)$ is the number of chains
w \stackrel{r[\alpha_1,1]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}
w_1 \stackrel{r[\alpha_2,2]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}
\cdots \stackrel{r[\alpha_{n-1},n-1]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel%
between w and $\omega_0$, the longest element in ${\mathcal S}_n$.
This is a restatement of Corollary~\ref{cor:chain_monomial}.
\section{Proof of the Pieri formula for Schubert polynomials and flag
Here, we use Identities 1 and 2 to deduce the Pieri formula.
We first establish some combinatorial facts about chains and
increasing/decreasing cycles.
Let $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$.
We give a $u\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ and $k>0$ such that
$u\leq_k\zeta u$ and $\zeta u$ is Grassmannian of descent $k$.
Define up$(\zeta):=\{a\mid a<\zeta(a)\}$,
down$(\zeta):=\{b\mid b>\zeta(b)\}$,
fix$(\zeta):=\{c\mid c=\zeta(c)\}$,
and set $k:=\#\mbox{up}(\zeta)$.
If we have
and define $u\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ by
u\ :=\ \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
a_i&\ \mbox{if } i\leq k\\
b_{i-k}&\ \mbox{if } i>k\end{array}\right.,
then $u\leq_k\zeta u$.
Set $w:=\zeta u$.
This construction of $u\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$
is Theorem 3.1.5 ({\em ii}) of~\cite{BS97a}.
There, we also show that $\eta\preceq\zeta$ if and only if
\item $a\in$up$(\zeta)\Longrightarrow\eta(a)\leq\zeta(a)$.
\item $b\in$down$(\zeta)\Longrightarrow\eta(b)\geq\zeta(b)$.
\item $a,b\in$up$(\zeta)$ (or
$a,b\in$down$(\zeta)$) with $a<b$ and
Let $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$.
The labeled poset $[1,\zeta]_\preceq$ is a chain if and only if
$\zeta$ is either an increasing or a decreasing cycle.
Moreover, if $\zeta$ is an increasing (decreasing) cycle of length $m+1$,
then the chain
$[1,\zeta]_\preceq$ is increasing (decreasing) and $\zeta$ is
shape-equivalent to $r[m,1]$ ($v(1^m,m)$).
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
Let $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ and construct
$u\leq_k\zeta u$ as above.
Set $m:=\ell(\zeta u)-\ell(u)$, and consider any chain in $[u,w]_k$:
u=u_0\stackrel{b_1}{\longrightarrow} u_1
\stackrel{b_2}{\longrightarrow} u_2
\ \cdots\ u_{m-1}\stackrel{b_m}{\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow} u_m=w.
Suppose that the poset $[1,\zeta]_\preceq\simeq[u,\zeta u]_k$ is a chain.
By Order 2, $\zeta$ is irreducible.
We show that $\zeta$ is either an increasing or a decreasing cycle
by induction on $m$.
Suppose $\eta=u_{m-1}u^{-1}$ is an increasing cycle.
Then $\eta=(b_{m-1},b_{m-2},\ldots,b_1,a_1)$ where
$u_1=(a_1,b_1)u$ and $u_i=(b_{i-1},b_i)u_{i-1}$ for $i>1$.
Let $\zeta=(a_m,b_m)\eta$.
Since $u_{m-1}^{-1}(b_{m-1})\leq k$ and $u_{m-1}^{-1}(b_m)> k$,
we must have $b_{m-1}\neq b_m$.
If $b_m>b_{m-1}$ so that $[1,\zeta]_\preceq$ is increasing,
then, as $\zeta$ is irreducible, we must have $a_m=b_{m-1}$ and so
$\zeta$ is the increasing cycle
Indeed, if either $a_m>b_{m-1}$ or $a_m<b_{m-2}$, then
$[1,\zeta]_\preceq$ is not a chain, and
$b_{m-1}>a_m\geq b_{m-2}$ contradicts
$u_{m-2}\lessdot_k u_{m-1}\lessdot_k u_m$.
Suppose now that $b_m<b_{m-1}$, then the irreducibility of $\zeta$
implies that $m=2$ and $b_m=a_1$, so that
$[1,\zeta]_\preceq$ is decreasing and $\zeta$ is a decreasing cycle.
Similar arguments suffice when $\eta=u_{m-1}u^{-1}$ is a decreasing cycle,
and the other statements are straightforward.
\noindent{\bf Proof that Identities 1 and 2 imply the Pieri formula. }
Let $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$
and suppose $c^\zeta_{(m,0,\ldots,0)}\neq 0$.
Then $m=|\zeta|$, by homogeneity.
Replacing $\zeta$ by a shape-equivalent permutation if necessary, we
may assume that $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_n$ and
$\zeta(i)\neq i$ for each $1\leq i\leq n$.
Define $u$ and $w:=\zeta u$ as in the first paragraph of this section, so
that $u,w\in{\mathcal S}_n$ and
Since $c^w_{u\,r[m,k]}\neq 0$, we must have
Consider any chain
u=u_0\stackrel{b_1}{\longrightarrow} u_1
\stackrel{b_2}{\longrightarrow} u_2
\ \cdots \ u_{m-1}\stackrel{b_m}{\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow} u_m=w
in $[u,w]_k$.
Then down$(\zeta)\subset\{b_1,\ldots,b_m\}$ so that
$m\geq n-k$.
However, $c^w_{u\,r[m,k]}\neq 0$ and $w\in{\mathcal S}_n$
implies that
$r[m,k]\in{\mathcal S}_n$, and hence
$k{+}m\leq n$.
It follows that down$(\zeta)=\{b_1,\ldots,b_m\}$.
Thus if we have $u_i=u_{i-1}(c_i,\,d_i)$ with $c_i\leq k<d_i$, then
by the construction of $u$,
$\{d_1,\ldots,d_m\} = \{k{+}1,\ldots,k{+}m=n\}$.
Consider the case when $\zeta$ is irreducible.
Then we must have $c_1=c_2=\cdots=c_m$.
This implies that $k=\#$up$(\zeta) = 1$, and $m=n-1$.
By (1) of Definition~\ref{def:1} we must then have
$b_1<b_2<\cdots<b_m$, and hence
$\zeta=(n,\,n{-}1,\,\ldots,\,2,\,1)$, an increasing cycle.
But this is $r[n{-}1,1]$, so $u=1$, the identity permutation.
Since $c^w_{1\,v} = \delta_{w,\,v}$, the Kronecker delta,
$c^\zeta_{\lambda}=\delta_{\lambda,\,(m,0,\ldots,0)}$ and so
$S_\zeta = h_{n-1}$.
If more generally we have $\eta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ with
$\#$down$(\eta)=|\eta|=m$ and $\eta$ irreducible,
then considering a shape-equivalent $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_n$ with
$n$ minimal, we see that $\eta$ is an increasing cycle and
We return to the case of
$\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_n$ with $c^\zeta_{(m,0,\ldots,0)}\neq 0$.
Let $\zeta=\zeta_1\cdots\zeta_t$ be the disjoint
factorization of $\zeta$ into irreducibles.
Then each $\zeta_i$ is an increasing cycle.
Suppose that $m_i=|\zeta_i|$.
By Identity 2, we have that
S_\zeta&=& S_{\zeta_1}\cdots S_{\zeta_t}\\
&=& h_{m_1}\cdots h_{m_t}.
This is equivalent to~\cite[Theorem 5]{Sottile96}.
{}From this, we deduce that $c^\zeta_\lambda = c^\mu_{\nu\,\lambda}$,
where $\mu/\nu$ is a horizontal strip with $m_i$ boxes in the
$i$th row.
By the classical Pieri formula for Schur polynomials, this implies that
\section{Skew Schur functions from labeled posets}
In~\cite[Theorem 4.3]{BS_monoid}, we showed how the Pieri formula implies
Identity 1.
Here we complete the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:main_equiv}, showing how the
Pieri formula implies Identity 2.
The first step is a reinterpretation of a construction
in~\cite[\S4]{BS_monoid} from which we associate a symmetric function
to any symmetric labeled poset.
For intervals in Young's lattice, we obtain skew Schur functions, and for
intervals in either a $k$-Bruhat order or the $\preceq$-order, skew Schubert
In Section 4, we show that for intervals in the weak order we obtain
Stanley symmetric functions.
Let $P$ be a labeled poset with total rank $m$.
A (maximal) chain in $P$ gives a sequence of edge labels, called the
{\em word} of that chain.
A {\em composition} $\alpha:= (\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_k)$ of
$m=\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_k$ ($\alpha_i\geq 0$),
determines, and is determined by a (multi)subset
of $\{1,\ldots,m\}$.
For a composition $\alpha$ of $m=$ rank$P$, let
$H_{\alpha}(P)$ be the set of (maximal) chains in $P$
whose word $w$ has descent set $\{j\mid w_j>w_{j+1}\}$
contained in the set $I(\alpha)$.
We adopt the convention that the last position of a word is a descent.
If some $\alpha_i<0$, then we set $H_{\alpha}(P)=\emptyset$.
We say that $P$ is {\em (label-) symmetric} if the cardinality of
$H_{\alpha}(P)$ depends only upon the parts of
$\alpha$ and not their order.
Let $\Lambda$ be the ${\mathbb Z}$-algebra of symmetric functions.
Recall that $\Lambda = {\mathbb Z}[h_1,h_2,\ldots]$, where $h_i$ is the
complete homogeneous symmetric function of degree $i$, the sum of all
monomials of degree $i$.
For a composition $\alpha$, set
h_{\alpha}\ :=\ h_{\alpha_1}h_{\alpha_2}\cdots h_{\alpha_k}.
Suppose $P$ is a symmetric labeled poset.
Define the ${\mathbb Z}$-linear map
$\chi_P : \Lambda \rightarrow {\mathbb Z}$ by
\chi_P\ :\ h_{\alpha} \longmapsto \# (H_{\alpha}(P)).
For any partition $\lambda$, define the skew coefficient $c^P_\lambda$ to be
$\chi_P(S_\lambda)$, where $S_\lambda$ is the Schur symmetric function.
We point out some properties of these coefficients $c^P_\lambda$.
For a partition $\lambda$ of $m$ ($\lambda\vdash m$) with $\lambda_{k+1}=0$
and a permutation $\pi\in {\mathcal S}_k$, let $\lambda_\pi$ be the
following composition of $m$:
Let $P,Q$ be symmetric labeled posets.
\item For any partition $\lambda$,
c^P_\lambda\ :=\ \sum_{\pi\in {\mathcal S}_k}
\varepsilon(\pi) \#( H_{\lambda_\pi}(P))
where $\lambda_{k+1}=0$ and
$\varepsilon :{\mathcal S}_k \to \{\pm 1\}$ is the sign character.
\item If $P\simeq Q$ as labeled posets
(Definition~\ref{def:lposet}) then for any partition $\lambda$,
$c^P_\lambda = c^Q_\lambda$.
The first statement follows from the Jacobi-Trudi formula, and the second
by noting that the bijection $P\leftrightarrow Q$ induces bijections
$H_{\alpha}(P)\leftrightarrow H_{\alpha}(Q)$.
By the Pieri formula for Schubert polynomials, the number
$\#(H_{\alpha}([u,w]_k))$ is the coefficient of
${\mathfrak S}_w$ in the product
${\mathfrak S}_u\cdot h_{\alpha}(x_1,\ldots,x_k)$.
It follows that intervals in a $k$-Bruhat order or in the $\preceq$-order
are symmetric.
For similar reasons, we see that intervals in Young's lattice are symmetric,
as $\#(H_{\alpha}([\mu,\lambda]_\subset))$ is the skew Kostka coefficient
$K_{\alpha,\,\lambda/\mu}$, which is
the coefficient of $S_\lambda$
in $S_\mu\cdot h_\alpha$, equivalently, the number of semistandard Young
tableaux of shape $\lambda/\mu$ and content $\alpha$.
One may construct an explicit bijection with the second set as follows:
A chain in $H_{\alpha}([\mu,\lambda]_\subset)$ is naturally decomposed
into subchains with increasing labels of lengths
Placing the integer $i$ in the boxes corresponding to covers in
the $i$th such subchain furnishes the bijection.
\begin{prop}[Theorem~4.3 of~\cite{BS_monoid}]
Let $u\leq_k w$ and $\lambda\vdash \ell(w)-\ell(u)= m$.
Then $c^w_{u\,v(\lambda,k)} = c^{[u,w]_k}_\lambda$.
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
By definition, $c^w_{u\,v(\lambda,k)}$ is the
coefficient of ${\mathfrak S}_w$ in
the expansion of the product
${\mathfrak S}_u\cdot S_\lambda(x_1,\ldots,x_k)$ into Schubert polynomials.
By the Jacobi-Trudi formula,
{\mathfrak S}_u\cdot S_\lambda(x_1,\ldots,x_k) &=&
{\mathfrak S}_u\cdot \sum_{\pi\in {\mathcal S}_k}
\varepsilon(\pi) h_{\lambda_\pi}(x_1,\ldots,x_k) \\
&=& \sum_w \sum_{\pi\in {\mathcal S}_k}
\varepsilon(\pi) \# (H_{\lambda_\pi}([u,w]_k))\: {\mathfrak S}_w\\
&=& \sum_w c^{[u,w]_k}_\lambda\; {\mathfrak S}_w.
\qquad \QED
\begin{prop}[Corollary 4.9 of\/~\cite{BS_monoid}]\label{prop:identity}
If $u\leq_kw$ and $y\leq_l z$ with $wu^{-1}$ shape equivalent to
$zy^{-1}$, then for all $\lambda$,
$c^w_{u\,v(\lambda,k)} = c^z_{y\,v(\lambda,l)}$.
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
By Order 1, $[u,w]_k\simeq [y,z]_l$ is an isomorphism of labeled posets.
Let $P$ be a ranked labeled poset with total rank $m$.
Define the symmetric function $S_P$ by
S_P\ :=\ \sum_{\lambda\vdash m} c^P_\lambda S_\lambda,
where $S_\lambda$ is a Schur {\em function}.
\noindent{\bf Proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:skew} (1), (2), and (3). }
(1) is a consequence of Lemma~\ref{lem:coeff} (2).
For (3), let $\mu\subset \nu$ in Young's lattice, suppose $\nu_{k+1}=0$, and
consider the interval $[\mu,\nu]_\subset$ in Young's lattice.
Then $[\mu,\nu]\simeq[v(\mu,k),v(\nu,k)]_k$, and so
$c^{[\mu,\nu]}_\lambda = c^{v(\nu,k)}_{v(\mu,k)\,v(\lambda,k)}=
Hence $S_{[\mu,\nu]_\subset}=S_{\nu/\mu}$.
Similarly, we see that for $u\leq_k w$ or $\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$,
we have $S_{[u,w]_k}=S_{wu^{-1}}$ and $S_{[1,\zeta]_\preceq}=S_\zeta$,
the skew Schubert functions of \S 1.
According to Proposition~\ref{prop:identity}, the skew Schubert function
$S_\zeta$ depends only on the shape equivalence class of $\zeta$.
In~\cite{BS97a} there is another identity:\medskip
Theorem H of\/~\cite{BS97a}.
Suppose $\eta,\zeta\in{\mathcal S}_n$ with $\zeta=\eta^{(12\ldots n)}$.
Then $S_\eta=S_\zeta$.
The example of $\eta=(1243)$ and $\zeta=(1243)$ in ${\mathcal S}_4$
(see Figure~\ref{fig:interval})
shows that in general
$[1,\eta]_\preceq \not\simeq [1,\eta^{(12\ldots n)}]_\preceq$.
However, these two intervals do have the same number of maximal
chains~\cite[Corollary 1.4]{BS97a}.
In fact, for $\eta\in{\mathcal S}_n$ and $\alpha$ a composition,
$\# (H_{\alpha}([1,\eta]_\preceq))=
\# (H_{\alpha}([1,\eta^{(12\ldots n)}]_\preceq))$.
Thus if $\sim$ is the equivalence relation generated by shape equivalence
and this `cyclic shift'
($\eta\sim\eta^{(12\ldots n)}$, if $\eta\in{\mathcal S}_n$),
then $S_\zeta$ depends only upon the $\sim$-equivalence class of $\zeta$.
(This is analogous to, but stronger than the fact that the skew Schur
function $S_\kappa$ depends on $\kappa$ only up to a translation in the
There is a combinatorial object $\Gamma_\zeta$ which determines
the $\sim$-equivalence class of $\zeta$.
First place the set $\{a\mid a\neq \zeta(a)\}$ at the vertices of a regular
$\#\{a\mid a\neq \zeta(a)\}$-gon in clockwise order.
Next, for each $a$ with $a\neq \zeta(a)$, draw a directed chord from $a$
to $\zeta(a)$.
$\Gamma_\zeta$ is the resulting configuration of directed chords,
up to rotation and dilation and without any vertices labeled
({\em cf.}~\cite[\S3.3]{BS97a}).
The irreducible factors of $\zeta$ correspond to connected
components of $\Gamma_\zeta$ (considered as a subset of the plane).
The figure $\Gamma_{(1243)}=\Gamma_{(1423)}$ is also displayed in
$$\epsfxsize=3.5in \epsfbox{interval.eps}$$
\caption{Intervals under cyclic shift and
We conclude this section with the following Theorem:
Let $P$ and $Q$ be symmetric labeled posets with disjoint sets of
edge labels.
S_{P\times Q}\ =\ S_P\cdot S_Q.
This will complete the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:main_equiv}, namely that
the Pieri formula and Order 2 imply Identity 2:
If $\zeta\cdot\eta$ is a disjoint product, then
$[1,\zeta]_\preceq$ and $[1,\eta]_\preceq$ have disjoint sets of edge
Together with Theorem~\ref{thm:skew}(4), this gives another proof of
Theorem~3.4 in~\cite{Stanley84}, that $F_{w\times u}=F_w\cdot F_u$.
To prove Theorem~\ref{thm:product}, we first study chains in
$H_{\alpha}(P\times Q)$.
Suppose that $P$ has rank $n$ and $Q$ has rank $m$.
Note that a chain in $P\times Q$ determines and is determined by the
following data:
\bullet\ \mbox{A chain in each of $P$ and $Q$},\\
\bullet\ \mbox{A subset $B$ of $\{1,\ldots,n+m\}$ with $\#B=n$}.
Recall that covers $(p,q)\lessdot(p',q')$ in $P\times Q$
have one of two forms:
either $p=p'$ and $q'$ covers $q$ in $Q$ or else
$q=q'$ and $p'$ covers $p$ in $P$.
Thus a chain in $P\times Q$ gives a chain in each of $P$ and $Q$,
with the covers from $P$ interspersed among the covers from $Q$.
If we set $B$ to be the positions of the covers from $P$, we
obtain the description~(\ref{chain:data}).
\mbox{sort}\ :\ \mbox{\em chains}(P\times Q)\
\longrightarrow\ \mbox{\em chains}(P)\times\mbox{\em chains}(Q)
to be the map which forgets the positions $B$ of the covers from
Let $P$ and $Q$ be labeled posets with disjoint sets of edge labels
and $\alpha$ be any composition.
\mbox{\rm sort}\ :\ H_{\alpha}(P\times Q)\ \longrightarrow\
H_{\beta}(P)\times H_{\gamma}(Q)
is a bijection.
For integers $a<b$, let $[a,b]:=\{n\in{\mathbb Z}\mid a\leq n\leq b\}$.
For a chain $\xi$, let $\xi|_{[a,b]}$ be the
portion of $\xi$ starting at the $a$th step and continuing to the
$b$th step.
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
Let $\xi\in H_{\alpha}(P\times Q)$
and set $I=I(\alpha)$ so that $I_i=\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_i$.
Then sort$(\xi)\in H_{\beta}(P)\times H_{\gamma}(Q)$,
where, for each $i$, $\beta_i$ counts
the number of covers of $\xi|_{[I_{i-1},I_i]}$
from $P$ and $\gamma_i=\alpha_i-\beta_i$.
To see this is a bijection, we construct its inverse.
For chains $\xi^P\in H_{\beta}(P)$ and
$\xi^Q\in H_{\gamma}(Q)$ with
$\beta+\gamma=\alpha$, define the set $B$ by the
\item $\beta_i=\# B\cap [I(\alpha)_{i-1},I(\alpha)_i]$.
\item If $b_1\leq\cdots\leq b_{\beta_i}$ and
$c_1\leq\cdots\leq c_{\gamma_i}$
are the covers in
$\xi^P|_{[I(\beta)_{i-1},I(\beta)_i]}$ and
$\xi^Q|_{[I(\gamma)_{i-1},I(\gamma)_i]}$ respectively,
then, up to a shift of $I(\alpha)_{i-1}$, the set
$B\cap [I(\alpha)_{i-1},I(\alpha)_i]$ records the positions of the
the $b$'s in the linear ordering of
This clearly gives the inverse to the map sort.
Recall that the comultiplication
$\Delta:\Lambda \rightarrow \Lambda\otimes\Lambda$ is defined by
\Delta(h_a)\ =\ \sum_{b+c=a}h_b\otimes h_c.
Thus, for a composition $\alpha$,
\Delta(h_\alpha)\ =\ \sum_{\beta+\gamma=\alpha}h_\beta\otimes h_\gamma.
{}From Lemma~\ref{lem:bijection}, we immediately deduce:
Let $P,Q$ be symmetric labeled posets with disjoint sets of edge labels.
\put( 0,25){$\chi_{P\times Q}$}
\put(43,0){${\mathbb Z}$}
\put(72,25){$\chi_P\otimes \chi_Q$}
Let $P,Q$ be symmetric labeled posets with disjoint sets of edge labels.
Then, for any partition $\lambda$,
c^{P\times Q}_\lambda\ =\
\sum_{\mu,\nu} c^\lambda_{\mu\,\nu}\: c^P_\mu\; c^Q_\nu.
{\bf Proof. }
Recall~\cite[I.5.9]{Macdonald95} that
$\Delta(S_\lambda)\ =\ \sum_{\mu,\nu} c^\lambda_{\mu\,\nu}\:S_\mu\;S_\nu$.
\chi_{P\times Q}(S_\lambda)\ =\
\sum_{\mu,\nu} c^\lambda_{\mu\,\nu}\: \chi_P(S_\mu)\:\chi_P(S_\nu).\qquad
We complete the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:product}:
Let $P,Q$ be symmetric labeled posets with disjoint sets of edge labels.
S_P\cdot S_Q&=&
\sum_{\mu,\nu}c^P_\mu\;S_\mu\: c^Q_\nu\; S_\nu\\
&=& \sum_{\lambda,\mu,\nu}c^\lambda_{\mu\,\nu}\;c^P_\mu\;c^Q_\nu\:S_\lambda\\
&=&\sum_\lambda c^{P\times Q}_\lambda S_{\lambda}\ \ =\ \
S_{P\times Q}.\qquad
\section{Stanley symmetric functions from labeled posets}
We establish Theorem~\ref{thm:skew}(4)
by adapting the proof of the Littlewood-Richardson rule
in~\cite{Remmel_Shimozono} to obtain a bijective interpretation of the
constants $c^{[1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize weak}}}_\lambda$,
which shows $S_{[1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize weak}}}=F_w$ by the formulas
The main tool is a {\em jeu de taquin} for reduced decompositions.
We use Cartesian conventions for Young diagrams and
skew diagrams.
Thus the first row is at the bottom.
A filling of a diagram $D$ with positive integers which increase across
rows and up columns is a {\em tableau} with {\em shape} $D$.
The {\em word} of a tableau is the sequence of its entries, read across
each row starting with the topmost row.
A {\em reduced decomposition} $\rho$ for a permutation
$w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ is the
word of a maximal chain in
$[1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}$.
Let $R(w)$ be the set of all reduced decompositions for $w$
and for a composition $\alpha$ of $\ell(w)$, write $H_\alpha(w)$
for $H_\alpha([1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}})$.
Given any composition $\alpha$ and any
reduced decomposition $\rho\in H_{\alpha}(w)$, there is a unique smallest
diagram $\lambda/\mu$ with row lengths
$\lambda_i-\mu_i=\alpha_{k+1-i}$ for which
$\rho$ is the word of a tableau $T(\alpha,\rho)$
of shape $\lambda/\mu$.
By this we mean that $\mu_j-\mu_{j+1}$ is minimal for all $j$.
If $\mu_1=0$, then $T(\alpha,\rho)$ has {\em partition shape}
$\lambda$ ($=\alpha$), otherwise $T(\alpha,\rho)$ has {\em skew shape}.
Given a reduced decomposition $\rho\in R(w)$, define $T(\rho)$ to be the
tableau $T(\alpha,\rho)$, where
$I(\alpha)$ is the descent set of $\rho$.
Stanley~\cite{Stanley84} defined a symmetric function $F_w$
for every $w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$.
(That $F_w$ is symmetric includes a proof that the intervals
$[1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize weak}}$ are symmetric.)
Thus there exists integers $a^w_\lambda$ such that
F_w\ =\ \sum_{\lambda\vdash l} a^w_\lambda S_\lambda.
A combinatorial interpretation for $a^w_\lambda$
was given (independently) in~\cite{LS82b} and~\cite{EG}:
a^w_\lambda\ =\ \#\{ \rho\in R(w)\mid T(\rho)\mbox{ has
partition shape }\lambda\}.
(See~\cite[\S VII]{Macdonald91} for an account with proofs.)
Theorem~\ref{thm:skew}(4) is a consequence of the following result:
For any $w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ and partition $\lambda\vdash\ell(w)$,
a^w_\lambda \ =\ c^{[1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}}_\lambda.
Our proof is based on the proof of the
Littlewood-Richardson rule given by Remmel and
We define an involution $\theta$ on the set
\coprod_{\pi\in{\mathcal S}_k} \{\pi\}\times
(here $\lambda\vdash \ell(w)$ and $\lambda_{k+1}=0$)
such that
$\theta(\pi,\rho) = (\pi,\rho)$ if and only if
$T(\rho)$ has shape $\lambda$, from which it follows that $\pi=1$.
\item If $T(\rho)$ does not have shape $\lambda$, then
$\theta(\pi,\rho) = (\pi',\rho')$
where $T(\rho')$ does not have shape $\lambda$ and
$\rho'\in H_{\lambda_{\pi'}}(w)$ with $|\ell(\pi)-\ell(\pi')|=1$.
Theorem~\ref{thm:weak_coefficients} is
a corollary of the existence of such an involution $\theta$:
By property 2, only the fixed points
of $\theta$ contribute to the sum in
The involution $\theta$ will be defined using a {\em jeu de taquin} for
tableaux whose words are reduced decompositions.
Because we only play this {\it jeu de taquin} on diagrams with
two rows, we do not describe it in full.
Let $T$ be a tableau of shape $(y+p,q)/(y,0)$ whose word is a reduced
decomposition for a permutation $w$.
If $y\neq 0$, we may perform an inward slide.
This modification of an ordinary {\it jeu de taquin}
slide ensures we obtain a tableau whose
word is a reduced decomposition of $w$.
Begin with an empty box at position $(y,1)$ and move it through the tableau
$T$ according to the following local rules:
\item If the box is in the first row, it switches with whichever
of its neighbors to the right or above is smaller.
If both neighbors are equal, say they are $a$, then their other
neighbor is necessarily $a+1$, as we have a reduced decomposition.
Locally we will have the following configuration,
where \raisebox{-2pt}{%
\put( 0,10){\line(0,-1){10}}\put(10,10){\line(-1,0){10}}
\put( 0, 0){\line(1, 0){10}}\put(10, 0){\line( 0,1){10}}
\put( 0, 0){\line(1, 1){10}}\put(10, 0){\line(-1,1){10}}
denotes the empty box and $a+b+1<c$:
\begin{picture}(200,30) \thicklines
\put( 0, 0){\line(1, 1){15}}\put(15, 0){\line(-1,1){15}}
\put( 0, 0){\line(1,0){200}} \put( 0,15){\line(1,0){200}}
\put( 0,30){\line(1,0){184}}
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put(15, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(42, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put(72, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(114,15){\line(0,1){15}} \put(142, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(184, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put(200, 0){\line(0,1){15}}
\put(26,4){$a$} \put(19,19){$a{+}1$}
\put(46,4){$a{+}1$} \put(46,19){$a{+}2$}
\put(86,4){$\cdots\cdots$} \put(86,19){$\cdots$}
\put(153,4){$a{+}b$} \put(146,19){$a{+}b{+}1$}
The empty box moves through this configuration, transforming it into:
\put( 0, 0){\line(1,0){198}} \put( 0,15){\line(1,0){198}}
\put( 0,30){\line(1,0){184}}
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put(27, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(56, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(100,0){\line(0,1){30}} \put(142, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(184, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put(198, 0){\line(0,1){15}}
\put(142,15.5){\line(3, 1){42}}\put(142,29.5){\line(3,-1){42}}
\put( 9, 4){$a$} \put( 4,19){$a{+}1$}
\put(31,4){$a{+}1$} \put(31,19){$a{+}2$}
\put(63,4){$\cdots\cdots$} \put(63,19){$\cdots\cdots$}
\put(111, 4){$a{+}b$} \put(104,19){$a{+}b{+}1$}
This guarantees that we still have a reduced decomposition for $w$.
\item If the box is in the second row, then it switches with its neighbour
to the right.
If $y+p>q$, then we may analogously perform an outward slide,
beginning with an empty box at $(q+1,2)$ and sliding to the
left or down according to local rules that are the reverse of those for the
inward slide.
We note some consequences of this definition.
The box will change rows at the first pair of entries $b\leq c$
it encounters with $b$ at $(i,2)$ and $c$
immediately to its lower right at $(i+1,1)$.
If there is no such pair, it will change rows at the end of
the first row in an inward slide if $p+y=q$, and at the beginning
of the second row in an outward slide if $y=0$.
At least one of these will occur if $y$ is minimal given
the word of the tableau and $p,q$.
Suppose this is the case.
Then the tableau $T'$ obtained from a slide will
have another such pair $b'\leq c'$ with $b'$ at $(\imath',2)$ and $c'$ at
Hence, if we perform a second slide, the box will again change rows.
\item The inward and outward slides are inverses.
Let $\overline{H}_\alpha(w)$ be the subset of $H_\alpha(w)$ consisting
of chains $\rho$ such that $T(\alpha,\rho)$ has skew shape.
The proof of the following lemma is straightforward.
Let $w\in {\mathcal S}_\infty$
and suppose $p<q$ with $p+q=\ell(w)$.
Then $H_{(q,p)}(w)=\overline{H}_{(q,p)}(w)$
For every
$\rho\in H_{(q,p)}(w)$, we may perform $q-p$
inward slides to $T((q,p),\rho)$.
If $\rho'$ is the word of the resulting tableau, then the map
$\rho\mapsto \rho'$ defines a bijection
\longleftrightarrow \
The inverse map is given by the application of $q-p$ outward slides.
If we now let $\rho'$ be the word of the tableau obtained
after $q-p-1$ inward slides to $T((q,p),\rho)$ for
$\rho\in H_{(q,p)}(w)$, then the map
$\rho\mapsto \rho'$ defines a bijection
\longleftrightarrow \
The inverse map is defined by the application of $q-1-p$ outward slides.
The first part gives a proof that intervals in the weak
order are symmetric:
Let $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_k)$ and
be compositions of $\ell(w)$.
Then applying the bijection in Lemma~{lem:bijections}(1) to the segment
$\rho_r$ of $\rho\in H_{\alpha}(w)$
between $I(\alpha)_{r-1}$ and $I(\alpha)_{r+1}$
defines a bijection
H_{\alpha}(w)\ \longleftrightarrow \ H_{\alpha'}(w).
This bijection is different from the one used
in~\cite{Stanley84} to prove symmetry of these intervals.
Indeed, consider the example given there,
which we write as a tableau:
\epsfxsize=3.5in \epsfbox{word1.eps}
In~\cite{Stanley84}, Stanley maps this to
\epsfxsize=4.03in \epsfbox{word2.eps}
But the bijection we define gives us this:
\epsfxsize=3.63in \epsfbox{word3.eps}
Now we may define $\theta$.
By the definition of $\lambda_\pi$,
if $\rho\in H_{\lambda_\pi}(w)$, then $T(\rho)$ has shape $\lambda$ if
and only if $T(\lambda_\pi,\rho)$ has partition shape, which implies that
Suppose $w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ and $\lambda\vdash \ell(w)$ is a partition
with $\lambda_{k+1}=0$.
Let $\pi\in{\mathcal S}_k$.
For $\rho\in H_{\lambda_\pi}(w)$,
define $\theta(\pi,\rho)$ as follows:
\item If $T(\rho)$ has shape $\lambda$, set
In this case, $\pi=1$, so $\lambda_\pi=\lambda$ and
\item If $T(\rho)$ does not have shape $\lambda$,
then $T(\lambda_\pi,\rho)$ has skew shape and we select
$r=r(T(\lambda_\pi,\rho))$ with $1\leq r<k$ as follows:\smallskip
Left justify the rows of $T(\lambda_\pi,\rho)$.
Since $T(\lambda_\pi,\rho)$ has skew shape, there is an entry $a$ of this
left-justified figure in postiton $(i,r+1)$ either with no entry in
position $(i,r)$ just below it, or else with an entry $b\geq a$ just below
Among all such $(i,r)$ choose the one with $i$ minimal, and for this $i$,
$r$ maximal.
Let $\rho_r$ be the word given by the rows $r+1$ and $r$ of
$T(\lambda_\pi,\rho)$ and $(q,p)$ the lengths of these two rows.
Then $T((q,p),\rho_r)$ has skew shape, and we may apply the map of
Lemma~\ref{lem:bijections}(2) to obtain the word $\rho_r'$.
Define $\theta(\pi,\rho)=(\pi',\rho')$, where
$\rho'$ is the word obtained from $\rho$ by replacing $\rho_r$
with $\rho_r'$ and $\pi'\pi^{-1}=(r,\,r{+}1)$.
Note that $T(\lambda_{\pi'},\rho')$ also has skew shape and
$T(\rho')$ does not have shape $\lambda$.
Let $w=4621357$ and $\lambda=(4,3,3,1)$.
$\rho=5.345.236.1236\in H_{\lambda}(w)$
\put( 0,22.5){$T(\lambda,\rho)\ =$}
\put( 60,30){\line(0,1){30}} \put(60,60){\line(1,0){15}}
\put( 75, 0){\line(0,1){60}} \put(60,45){\line(1,0){45}}
\put( 90, 0){\line(0,1){45}} \put(60,30){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(105, 0){\line(0,1){45}} \put(75,15){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(120, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put(75, 0){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(135, 0){\line(0,1){15}}
\put(79, 4){1}\put(94, 4){2}\put(109, 4){3}\put(124, 4){5}
has skew shape.
Left-justifying the rows of $T(\lambda,\rho)$, we obtain:
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){60}} \put(0,60){\line(1,0){15}}
\put(15, 0){\line(0,1){60}} \put(0,45){\line(1,0){45}}
\put(30, 0){\line(0,1){45}} \put(0,30){\line(1,0){45}}
\put(45, 0){\line(0,1){45}} \put(0,15){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(60, 0){\line(0,1){15}} \put(0, 0){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(4, 4){1}\put(19, 4){2}\put(34, 4){3}\put(49, 4){5}
This is not a tableau, as the third column reads $365$, which is not
Since this is the first such column and the last decrease
is at position $2$, we have $r=2$.
Since these two rows each have length 3, we perform
one outward slide (by our choice of $r$, we can perform
such a slide!) to obtain the tableau $T((4,2),\rho'_r)$ as follows:
\put( 0,15){\line(0,1){15}} \put(15, 0){\line(1,0){45}}
\put(15, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put( 0,15){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(30, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put( 0,30){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(45, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(60, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(45,15){\line(1,1){15}} \put(45,30){\line(1,-1){15}}
\put(19, 4){2}\put(34, 4){3}\put(49, 4){6}
\qquad \raisebox{14pt}{$\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow$} \qquad
\put( 0,15){\line(0,1){15}} \put(15, 0){\line(1,0){45}}
\put(15, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put( 0,15){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(30, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put( 0,30){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(45, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(60, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(45, 0){\line(1,1){15}} \put(45,15){\line(1,-1){15}}
\put(19, 4){2}\put(34, 4){3}
\qquad \raisebox{14pt}{$\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow$} \qquad
\put( 0,15){\line(0,1){15}} \put(15, 0){\line(1,0){45}}
\put(15, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put( 0,15){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(30, 0){\line(0,1){30}} \put( 0,30){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(45, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(60, 0){\line(0,1){30}}
\put(15, 0){\line(1,1){15}} \put(15,15){\line(1,-1){15}}
\put(34, 4){2}\put(49, 4){3}
Thus $\rho'=5.3456.23.1235\in
If we left justify $T(\lambda_{(2,\,3)},\rho')$, then
we obtain:
\put( 0, 0){\line(0,1){60}} \put(0,60){\line(1,0){15}}
\put(15, 0){\line(0,1){60}} \put(0,45){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(30, 0){\line(0,1){45}} \put(0,30){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(45, 0){\line(0,1){15}} \put(0,15){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(60, 0){\line(0,1){15}} \put(0, 0){\line(1,0){60}}
\put(4, 4){1}\put(19, 4){2}\put(34, 4){3}\put(49, 4){5}
The 5 in the third row has no lower neighbour, hence
We complete the proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:weak_coefficients}
by showing that $\theta$ is an involution.
This is a consequence of Lemma~\ref{lem:bijections}(2) and the following fact:
In (2) of Definition~\ref{def:theta},
if $\rho\in H_{\lambda_\pi}(w)$
and $T(\lambda_{\pi},\rho)$ has skew shape, then
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
Suppose we are in the situation of (2) in Definition~\ref{def:theta}.
The lemma follows once we show that that
$T((q,p),\rho_r)$ and $T((p+1,q-1),\rho'_r)$ agree in the first
$i$ entries of their second rows, the first $i-1$ entries of their
first rows, and the
$i$th entry $c$ in the first row of $T((p+1,q-1),\rho'_r)$ satisfies
$a\leq c$, or else there is no $i$th entry.
In fact, we show this holds for each intermediate tableau
obtained from $T((q,p),\rho)$ by some of the slides used to form
We argue in the case that $p<q$, that is, for inward slides.
Suppose that $T$ is an intermediate tableau satisfying the claim, and
that the tableau $T'$ obtained from $T$ by a single inward slide is
also an intermediate tableau.
It follows that $T'$ has skew shape, so that if $(y+s,t)/(y,0)$ is the shape
of $T$, then $y>1$.
Suppose that during the slide the box changes rows
at the $j$th column.
We claim that $j\geq i+y-1(>i)$.
If this occurs, then the first $i$ entries in the second row and
first $i-1$ entries in the first row of $T$ are unchanged in $T'$.
Also, the $i$th entry in the first row of $T'$ is either the $i$th
entry in the first row of $T$ (if $j\geq i+y$) or it is the $j$th
entry in the second row of $T$, which is greater than the $i$th
entry, $a$.
Thus showing $j\geq i+y-1$ completes the proof.
To see that $j\geq i+y-1$ note that if $j$ is the last column, then
Since $s\geq i-1$, we see that $j\geq y+i-1$.
If $j$ is not the last column, then the entries $b$ at $(j,2)$
$c$ at $(j+1,1)$ of $T$ satisfy $b\leq c$.
Suppose that $j<i+y-1$.
Then $c$ is the ($j-y+1$)th entry in the first row of
Since $j-y+1<i$, our choice of $i$ ensures that $c$ is less than the
entry at $(j-y+1,2)$ of $T$.
Since $j-y+1<j$, this in turn is less than $b$, a contradiction.
Similar arguments suffice for the case when $p\geq q$.
While it may seem this proof has only a formal relation to
the proof of Remmel and Shimozono~\cite{Remmel_Shimozono},
it is in fact nearly an exact translation---the only difference
being in our choice of $r$.
(Their choice of $r$ is not easily expressed in this setting.)
We elaborate.
The exact same proof, but with the ordinary
{\em jeu de taquin}, shows that
$c^{[\mu,\lambda]_\subset}_\nu$ counts the chains in
$[\mu,\lambda]_\subset$ whose word is the word of a tableau of shape $\nu$.
This is just the Littlewood-Richardson coefficient $c^\lambda_{\mu\,\nu}$.
One way to see this is to consider the bijection between
$H_\nu([\mu,\lambda]_\subset)$ and the set of semistandard Young tableaux
of shape $\lambda/\mu$ and content $(\nu_k,\ldots,\nu_1)$.
The chains whose word is the word of a tableau of shape $\nu$
correspond to {\em reverse} LR tableaux of shape $\lambda/\mu$, which
are defined as follows:
Let $f_{a,b}(T)$ be the number of $a$'s in the first $b$ positions of
the word of $T$.
A reverse LR tableau $T$ with largest entry $k$ is a tableau satisfying:
f_{1,b}(T)\ \leq\ f_{2,b}(T)\ \leq\ \cdots\ \leq\ f_{k,b}(T)
for all $b$.
It is an exercise to verify that there are exactly
$c^\lambda_{\mu\nu}$ reverse LR tableaux of shape $\lambda/\mu$ and
content $\nu_k,\ldots,\nu_2,\nu_1$.
The choice we make of $i$ and $r$ is easily expressed in these terms:
$i$ is the minimum value of $f_{a,b}(T)$ among all violations
$f_{a,b}(T)>f_{a+1,b}(T)$, and if $a$ is the minimal first index among
all violations with $f_{a,b}(T)=i$, then $r=k-a$.
The choice in~\cite{Remmel_Shimozono} for reverse LR tableaux
would be $r=k-a$, where $f_{a,b}(T)$ is the violation with minimal $b$.
The key step we used was the {\em jeu de taquin}
whereas Remmel and Shimozono used an operation built from the
$r$-pairing of Lascoux and Sch\"utzenberger~\cite{LS81}.
In fact, this too is a direct translation.
The reason for this is, roughly, that the passage from the word of a
chain $\rho\in H_\alpha([\mu,\lambda]_\subset)$ to a semistandard Young
tableau of shape $\lambda/\mu$ and content $(\alpha_k,\ldots,\alpha_1)$
(which interchanges shape with content) also interchanges Knuth
equivalence and dual Knuth equivalence~\cite{Haiman_dual_equivalence}.
The operators constructed from the
$r$-pairing preserve the dual equivalence class of a 2-letter word but
alter its content.
In fact, this property characterizes such an operation.
As shown in~\cite{Haiman_dual_equivalence}, there is at most one tableau
in a given Knuth equivalence class and a given dual equivalence class.
Also, for semistandard Young tableaux with at most 2 letters, there is
at most one tableau with given partition shape and content.
It follows that any operation on tableaux acting on the
subtableau of entries $r,r+1$ which preserves the dual
equivalence class of the subtableau, but reverses its content
is uniquely defined by these properties.
Thus the symmetrization operators in~\cite{LS81},
which generate an ${\mathcal S}_\infty$-action on tableaux extending
the natural action on their contents, is unique.
Expressed in this form, we see that this action coincides with
one introduced earlier by Knuth~\cite{Knuth}.
This action was the effect of permuting rows of a matrix
on the $P$-symbol obtained from that matrix by Knuth's generalization of
the Robinson-Schensted correspondence.
The origin of these symmetrization operators in the work of Knuth has been
overlooked by most authors, perhaps because Bender-Knuth~\cite{Bender_Knuth}
later use a different operation to prove symmetry.
For each poset $P$ in the classes of labeled posets we consider
here, the symmetric function $S_P$ is Schur-positive.
When $P$ is an interval in some $k$-Bruhat order, this follows from
geometry, for intervals in Young's lattice, this is a consequence of the
Littlewood-Richardson rule, and for intervals in the weak order, it is
due to Lascoux-Sch\"utzenberger~\cite{LS82a} and Edelman-Greene~\cite{EG}.
Is there a representation-theoretic explanation?
In particular, we ask:\medskip
\noindent{\bf Question:}
If $P$ is an interval in a $k$-Bruhat order, can one construct a
representation $V_P$ of ${\mathcal S}_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm rank}P}$
so that $S_P$ is its Frobenius character?
More generally, for a labeled poset $P$, can one define a (virtual)
representation $V_P$ so that $S_P$ is its Frobenius character?
If so, is $V_{P\times Q}\simeq V_P\otimes V_Q$?
When P is an interval in Young's lattice this is a skew Specht module.
For an interval $[1,w]_{\mbox{\scriptsize\rm weak}}$ in the weak order,
Kr\'askiewicz~\cite{Kraskiewicz} constructs a
${\mathcal S}_{\ell(w)}$-representation of dimension $\# R(w)$.
For general linear group represenations, such a construction is known.
For intervals in the weak oder, this is due to
Kr\'askiewicz and Pragacz~\cite{KP}.
\section{The monomials in a Schubert polynomial}
We give a new proof based upon geometry that a Schubert polynomial is a
sum of monomials with non-negative coefficients.
This analysis leads to a combinatorial construction of Schubert
polynomials in terms of chains in the Bruhat order.
It also shows these coefficients are certain intersection numbers,
essentially the same interpretation found by Kirillov and Maeno~\cite{KM}.
The first step is Theorem~\ref{thm:univariate}, which generalizes both
Proposition 1.7 of~\cite{LS82b} and
Theorem C ({\em ii}) of~\cite{BS97a}.
Recall that
$u\stackrel{r[m,k]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow} w$
when one of the following equivalent conditions holds:
\item $c^w_{u,\,r[m,k]}=1$.
\item $u\leq_k w$ and $wu^{-1}$ is a disjoint product of increasing
\item There is an chain in $[u,w]_k$:
u\ \stackrel{b_1}{\longrightarrow}\ u_1
\stackrel{b_2}{\longrightarrow}\ \cdots\
\stackrel{b_m}{\longrightarrow}\ u_m=w
with $b_1<b_2<\cdots<b_m$.
For $p\in{\mathbb N}$, define the map
$\Phi_p:{\mathbb Z}[x_1,x_2,\ldots]\longrightarrow
{\mathbb Z}[y]\otimes {\mathbb Z}[x_1,x_2,\ldots]$
\Phi_p(x_i)\ =\ \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
x_i &\ \mbox{if}\ i<p\\
y &\ \mbox{if}\ i=p\\
x_{i-1}&\ \mbox{if}\ i>p \end{array}\right..
For $w\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ and $p,q\in{\mathbb N}$,
define $\varphi_{p,q}(w)\in{\mathcal S}_\infty$ by
\varphi_{p,q} (w)(j) \quad =\quad \left\{\begin{array}{lcl}
w(j) && j < p \mbox{ and } w(j) < q\\
w(j)+1 && j < p \mbox{ and } w(j)\geq q\\
q && j = p\\
w(j-1) && j > p \mbox{ and } w(j) < q\\
w(j-1)+1 && j > p \mbox{ and } w(j)\geq q
Representing permutations as matrices, $\varphi_{p,q}$ adds a
new $p$th row and $q$th column consisting mostly of zeroes, but with a 1
in the $(p,q)$th position.
For example,
\varphi_{3,3}(23154)\ =\ 243165 \qquad\mbox{and}\qquad
\varphi_{2,5}(2341)\ =\ 25342.
For $u\in{\mathcal S}_n$,
\Phi_p {\mathfrak S}_u\ =\
\sum_{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $j, w$ \rm with}}%
y^j\:{\mathfrak S}_w(x).
Moreover, if $n$ is not among $\{u(1),\ldots,u(p-1)\}$, then
the sum may be taken over those $j,w$ with
Iterating this gives another proof that the
monomials in a Schubert polynomial have non-negative coefficients.
Consider $\Phi_2{\mathfrak S}_{13542}$.
We display all increasing chains in the 2-Bruhat order on
${\mathcal S}_5$ above
$13542$ whose endpoint $w$ satisfies $w(2)=5$:
$$\epsfxsize=2.in \epsfbox{univar.eps}$$
We see therefore that
13542\ \stackrel{r[3,2]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}
25431&= & \varphi_{2,5}(2431),\\
13542\ \stackrel{r[2,2]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}
25341&= & \varphi_{2,5}(2341),\\
13542\ \stackrel{r[2,2]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}
15432&= & \varphi_{2,5}(1432),\\
13542\ \stackrel{r[1,2]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}
15342&= & \varphi_{2,5}(1342).
Then Theorem~\ref{thm:univariate}
asserts that
\Phi_2{\mathfrak S}_{13542}\ =\
{\mathfrak S}_{2431}(x) + y{\mathfrak S}_{2341}(x) +
y{\mathfrak S}_{1432}(x) + y^2{\mathfrak S}_{1342}(x),
which may also be verified by direct calculation.
\noindent{\bf Proof of Theorem~\ref{thm:univariate}. }
We make two definitions.
For $p\leq n$, define another map
$\psi_{p,[n]}:{\mathcal S}_n\times {\mathcal S}_m
\hookrightarrow {\mathcal S}_{n+m}$ by
\psi_{p,[n]}(w,z)(i)\ =\ \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
w(i) &\ i<p\\
n+z(1) &\ i=p\\
w(i-1) &\ p<i\leq n+1\\
n+z(i-n)&\ n+1<i\leq n+m \end{array}\right..
Then $\psi_{p,[n]}(1,1)=r[n{+}1{-}p,p]$.
Let $P\subset\{1,2,\ldots,n+m\}$ and suppose that
\{1,\ldots,n+m\}- P&=& q_1<q_2<\cdots<q_m.
Define the map
$\Psi_P:{\mathbb Z}[x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_{n+m}]\longrightarrow
{\mathbb Z}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]\otimes{\mathbb Z}[y_1,\ldots,y_m]$
\Psi_P(x_i)\ =\ \left\{\begin{array}{rl}
x_j&\ \mbox{if}\ i=p_j\\
y_j&\ \mbox{if}\ i=q_j
Suppose now that $P=\{1,2,\ldots,p-1,p+1,\ldots,n+1\}$.
Then for $u\in{\mathcal S}_{n+m}$,
Theorem 4.5.4 of~\cite{BS97a} asserts that
\Psi_P{\mathfrak S}_u\ \equiv\
\sum_{w\in{\mathcal S}_n,\ z\in{\mathcal S}_m}
c^{\psi_{p,[n]}(w,z)}_{u\ r[n{+}1{-}p,p]}
{\mathfrak S}_w(x)\otimes{\mathfrak S}_z(y),
modulo the ideal
$\langle {\mathfrak S}_w(x)\otimes 1, 1\otimes{\mathfrak S}_z(y)
\mid w\not\in{\mathcal S}_n,z\not\in{\mathcal S}_m\rangle$
which is equal to the ideal
$\langle x^{\alpha}\otimes 1, 1\otimes y^{\alpha}
\mid \alpha_i\geq n-i\mbox{ for some }i\rangle$.
(The calculation is in the cohomology of the product of flag manifolds
{\em Flags}$({\mathbb C}\,^n)\times${\em Flags}$({\mathbb C}\,^m)$.)
Suppose now that $u\in{\mathcal S}_n$ and $m\geq n$.
Then~(\ref{eq:coh}) is an identity of polynomials, and not just of
cohomology classes.
We also see that $\Psi_P{\mathfrak S}_u=\Phi_p{\mathfrak S}_u$, since
${\mathfrak S}_u\in{\mathbb Z}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$.
By the Pieri formula,
c^{\psi_{p,[n]}(w,z)}_{u\ r[n{+}1{-}p,p]}\ =\
1 & \ \mbox{if }u\stackrel{r[n{+}1{-}p,\,p]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel%
0&\ \mbox{otherwise}.\rule{0pt}{12pt}
Since $u\leq_p \psi_{p,[n]}(w,z)$ and $u(n+i)=n+i$,
Definition~\ref{def:1} (2) (for $u\leq_p \psi_{p,[n]}(w,z)$)
implies that
Thus by the definition~(\ref{eq:psi-map}) of $\psi_{p,[n]}$, we have
$z(2)<z(3)<\cdots$, and so $z$ is the Grassmannian
permutation $r[z(1){-}1,1]$.
Hence ${\mathfrak S}_z(y)=y^{z(1)-1}$.
If we set $j=z(1)-1$, then
Thus, for $u\in{\mathcal S}_n$, we have
\Phi_p{\mathfrak S}_u\ =\
\sum_{\stackrel{\mbox{\scriptsize $j,w$ such that}}%
y^j\,{\mathfrak S}_w(x).
Suppose that
Consider the unique increasing chain in the interval
$[u,\ \varphi_{p,n+1+j}(w)]_p$:
u=u_0\stackrel{b_1}{\longrightarrow}\ \cdots\
\ \cdots\ \stackrel{b_{n+1-p}}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar%
Because $u\in{\mathcal S}_n$, we must have $b_{n+1-p-j}=n+1$
and so $u_{n+1-p-j}=\varphi_{p,n+1}(w)$.
Moreover, if $n$ is not among $\{u(1),\ldots,u(p)\}$, then
we have $b_{n-p-j}=n$
and so $u_{n-p-j}=\varphi_{p,n}(w)$.
If $u(p)=n$, then we also have $u_{n-p-j}=\varphi_{p,n}(w)$.
This completes the proof.
Define $\delta$ to be the sequence $(n-1,n-2,\ldots,1,0)$.
For $w\in{\mathcal S}_n$ and $\alpha<\delta$, the coefficient of
$x^{\delta-\alpha}$ in ${\mathfrak S}_w$ is the number of chains
w\lessdot w_1\lessdot w_2\lessdot\cdots\lessdot
w_{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_{n-1}} = \omega_0
in the Bruhat order where, for each $1\leq k\leq n-1$,
\lessdot_k\:\cdots\:\lessdot_k\: w_{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_k}
is an increasing chain in the $k$-Bruhat order.
Here are all such chains in ${\mathcal S}_4$ from $1432$ to
$4321$, with the index $\alpha$ displayed above each chain:
$$\epsfxsize=2.in \epsfbox{subs.eps}$$
{}From this, we see that
{\mathfrak S}_{1432}&=&
&=&x_1^2x_2 + x_1^2x_3 + x_1x_2^2 + x_1x_2x_3 + x_2^2x_3.
\noindent{\bf Proof. }
Repeatedly applying $\Phi_1$ and iterating Theorem~\ref{thm:univariate},
we see that the coefficient of $x^{\delta-\alpha}$ in
${\mathfrak S}_w(x)$ is the number of chains
w\lessdot w_1\lessdot w_2\lessdot\cdots\lessdot
w_{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_{n-1}} = \omega_0
which satisfy the conditions of the corollary, together with the
(apparent) additional requirement that, for each $k<n$,
w_{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_k}(j)\ =\ n+1-j\ \mbox{ for all }\ j \leq k.
The corollary will follow, once we show this is no additional restriction.
First note that if
with $u'(j)=n+1-j$ for $1\leq j\leq k$, but
$u(i)<n+1-i$ for some $1\leq i\leq k$, then $i=k$.
To see this, note that since $u\leq_k u'$, the form of
$u'$ and Definition~\ref{def:1} (2)
implies that $u(1)>u(2)>\cdots>u(k)$.
Set $\zeta=u'u^{-1}$.
Since $u\stackrel{r[a,k]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\longrightarrow}u'$,
$\zeta$ is a disjoint product of increasing cycles,
hence their supports are are non-crossing.
Suppose $i<k$.
Then $\{u(i),n+1-i=u'(i)\}$ and
are in the support of distinct cycles.
However, $u(i+1)<u(i)\leq n-i<n+1-i$ contradicts that these supports are
non-crossing, so we must have $i=k$.
w\lessdot w_1\lessdot w_2\lessdot\cdots\lessdot
w_{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_{n-1}} = \omega_0
be a chain which satisfies the conditions of the corollary.
We prove that~(\ref{eq:value}) holds for all $k<n$ by downward induction.
Since $\omega_0=w_{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_{n-1}}$,
we see that~(\ref{eq:value}) holds
for $k=n-1$.
Suppose that~(\ref{eq:value}) holds for some $k$.
Set $u=w_{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_{k-1}}$ and
with $u'(j)=n+1-j$ for $1\leq j\leq k$.
By the previous paragraph, we must have $u(i)=n+1-i$ for
all $i<k$, hence~(\ref{eq:value}) holds for $k-1$.
We could also have written the coefficient of $x^{\delta-\alpha}$
in ${\mathfrak S}_w(x)$ as the number of chains
w\ \stackrel{r[\alpha_1,1]}{\relbar\joinrel%
w_1\ \stackrel{r[\alpha_2,2]}{\relbar\joinrel%
w_2\ \stackrel{r[\alpha_3,3]}{\relbar\joinrel%
\cdots\ \stackrel{r[\alpha_{n-1},n{-}1]}{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel%
in ${\mathcal S}_n$.
{}From this and the Pieri formula for Schubert polynomials,
we obtain another description of these coefficients.
First, for $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\ldots,\alpha_{n-1})$ with
$\alpha_i\geq 0$,
let $h(\alpha)$ denote the product of complete homogeneous
symmetric polynomials
h_{\alpha_1}(x_1) h_{\alpha_2}(x_1,x_2)\cdots
For $w\in{\mathcal S}_n$,
{\mathfrak S}_w \ =\ \sum_{\alpha}
where $d^w_{\alpha}$ is the coefficient of
${\mathfrak S}_{\omega_0}$ in the product
${\mathfrak S}_w\cdot h(\alpha)$.
This is essentially the same formula as found by Kirillov and
Maeno~\cite{KM} who showed that the coefficient of
$x^{\delta-\alpha}$ in ${\mathfrak S}_w$ to be the coefficient
of ${\mathfrak S}_{\omega_0}$ in the product
${\mathfrak S}_{\omega_0 w\omega_0}\cdot e(\alpha)$, where
To see these are equivalent, note that the algebra involution
${\mathfrak S}_w\mapsto{\mathfrak S}_{\overline{w}}$
on $H^*(\mbox{\em Flags}({\mathbb C}\,^n))$ interchanges
$e(\alpha)$ and $h(\alpha)$.
We thank Mark Shimozono and Richard Stanley for helpful comments.
The second author is grateful to the hospitality
of Universit\'e Gen\`eve and INRIA Sophia-Antipolis,
where portions of this paper were developed and written.
1997-09-09T21:32:23 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709010 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709010 | [
] | alg-geom/9709010 | Yuri Tschinkel | Matthias Strauch and Yuri Tschinkel | Height zeta functions of toric bundles over flag varieties | 64 pages, LaTeX | null | null | null | null | We investigate analytic properties of height zeta functions of toric bundles
over flag varieties.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 9 Sep 1997 19:29:16 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
{\bf 1.1}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $X$ be a nonsingular projective algebraic variety over a number field
$F$. Let ${\cal L}=\left(L, (\|\cdot\|_v)_v\right)$ be a metrized line
bundle on $X$, i.e., a line bundle $L$ together with a family of
$v$-adic metrics, where $v$ runs over the set $\Val (F) $ of places of $F$.
Associated to ${\cal L}$ there is a height function
H_{{\cal L}}\,:\, X(F) \rightarrow {\bf R}_{>0}
on the set $X(F)$ of $F$-rational points of $X$ (cf. \cite{ST,Peyre}
for the definitions of $v$-adic metric, metrized line bundle and height
For appropriate subvarieties $U\subset X$ and line bundles $L$
we have
N_U({\cal L},H):=\{x\in U(F)\,\,|\,\,H_{\cal L}(x)\le H\} <\infty
for all $H$ (e.g., this holds for any $U$ if $L$ is ample).
We are interested in the asymptotic behavior of this counting function
as $H \rightarrow \infty$. It is expected that the behavior of such
asymptotics can be described in geometric terms (\cite{BaMa,FMT}).
\Lambda _{\rm eff}(X):=\sum_{H^0(X,L)\neq 0} {\bf R}_{\ge 0}[L]\subset {\rm Pic} (X)_{{\bf R}}
be the closed cone in ${\rm Pic}(X)_{{\bf R}}$ generated by the classes of effective
divisors ($[L]$ denotes the class of the line bundle $L$ in ${\rm Pic}(X)$).
Let $L$ be a line bundle on $X$ such that $[L]$ lies in the interior of
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)$. Define
a(L):=\inf\{a\in {\bf R}\,\,|\,\, a[L]+[K_X]\in \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)\},
where $K_X$ denotes the canonical line bundle on $X$.
Assume that $ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)$ is a finitely generated polyhedral cone.
For $L$ as above we let $b(L)$ be the codimension of the minimal face
of $ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)$ which contains $a(L)[L]+[K_X]$.
By a Tauberian theorem
(cf. \cite{De}, Th\'eor\`eme III),
the asymptotic behavior of $ N_U({\cal L},H)$ can be determined if one has
enough information about the height zeta function
Z_U({\cal L},s):= \sum_{x\in U(F)}H_{\cal L}(x)^{-s}.
More precisely,
suppose that $Z_U({\cal L},s)$ converges for ${\rm Re}(s)\gg 0$,
that it has an abscissa
of convergence $a>0$ and that it
can be continued meromorphically to a half-space
beyond the abscissa of convergence.
Suppose further that there is a pole of
order $b$ at $s=a$ and that there are no other poles in this half-space.
N_U({\cal L},H)=cH^a(\log H)^{b-1}(1+o(1))
for $H \rightarrow \infty$ and
c=\frac{1}{(b-1)!a}\cdot \lim_{s \rightarrow a} (s-a)^bZ_U({\cal L},s).
It is conjectured that for appropriate $U$ and ${\cal L}$
one has $a=a(L)$ and $b=b(L)$ (cf. \cite{BaMa,FMT}).
Moreover, there is a conjectural framework how to
interpret the constant $c$ (cf. \cite{Peyre,BaTschi5}).
There are examples which demonstrate that
this geometric ``prediction'' of the asymptotic
cannot hold in complete generality, even for smooth
Fano varieties (cf. \cite{BaTschi4}).
Our goal is to show that
the conjectures do hold for a class of varieties closely related to
linear algebraic groups. Our results are a natural extension of
corresponding results for flag varieties (cf. \cite{FMT}) and
toric varieties (cf. \cite{BaTschi2,BaTschi3}). We proceed to describe
the class of varieties under consideration.
{\bf 1.2}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $G$ be a semi-simple simply connected split algebraic group
over $F$ and $P\subset G$ an $F$-rational parabolic subgroup of $G$.
Let $T$ be a split algebraic torus over $F$ and $X$ a projective
nonsingular equivariant compactification of $T$.
A homomorphism $\eta\,:\, P \rightarrow T$ gives rise to an action of $P$
on $X\times G$ and the quotient $Y:=(X\times G)/P$ is again a nonsingular
projective variety over $F$. There is a canonical morphism
$\pi\,:\, Y \rightarrow W:= P \backslash G$ such that $Y$ becomes a locally trivial fiber
bundle over $W$ with fiber $X$.
Corresponding to a character $ \lambda \in X^*(P)$ there is a line bundle $L_{ \lambda }$
on $W$ and the assignment $ \lambda \mapsto L_{ \lambda }$ gives an isomorphism
$X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(W)$.
The toric variety
$X$ can be described combinatorially by a fan $\Sigma$ in the
dual space of the space of characters $X^*(T)_{{\bf R}}$.
Let $PL(\Sigma)$ be the group
of $\Sigma$-piecewise linear integral
functions on the dual space of $X^*(T)_{{\bf R}}$.
Any $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ defines a line bundle
$L_{ \varphi }$ on $X$ which is equipped
with a canonical $T$-linearization and we get an isomorphism
$PL(\Sigma)\simeq {\rm Pic}^T(X). $ There is a canonical exact sequence
0 \rightarrow X^*(T) \rightarrow PL(\Sigma) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(X) \rightarrow 0.
The $T$-linearization of $L_{ \varphi }$ allows us to define a line bundle
$L^Y_{ \varphi }$ on $Y$ and this gives a homomorphism $PL(\Sigma) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(Y)$.
One can show that there is an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow X^*(T) \rightarrow PL(\Sigma)\oplus X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(Y) \rightarrow 0.
Denote by $Y^{o}:=(T\times G)/P$ the open subvariety of $Y$ obtained as
the twist of $T $ with $W$.
{\bf 1.3} \hskip 0,5cm
By means of a maximal compact subgroup in
the adelic group $G({\bf A})$ we can introduce
metrics on the line bundles $L_{ \lambda }$. The corresponding height zeta
functions are Eisenstein series:
\sum_{w\in W(F)}H_{{\cal L}_{ \lambda }}(w)^{-s}=E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P,1_G).
On the other hand, for any $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ there is a function
H_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot\, , \varphi )\,:\, T({\bf A}) \rightarrow {\bf R}_{>0}
such that $H_{\Sigma}(x, \varphi )^{-1}$ is the height of $x\in T(F)$
with respect to a metrization ${\cal L}_{ \varphi }$ of $L_{ \varphi }$.
This metrization induces a metrization ${\cal L}_{ \varphi }^Y$ of
the line bundle $L^Y_{ \varphi }$ on $Y$.
Let $(x, \gamma)\in T(F)\times G(F)$ and let $y$ be the image of
$(x, \gamma) $ in $Y(F)$. Then there is a $p_{ \gamma}\in P({\bf A})$ such
H_{{\cal L}^Y_{ \varphi }}(y)=H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}), \varphi )^{-1}.
Hence we may write formally
Z_{Y^o}({\cal L}_{ \varphi }^Y\otimes \pi^*{\cal L}_{ \lambda },s)
=\sum_{ \gamma\in P(F) \backslash G(F)}H_{{\cal L}_{ \lambda }}( \gamma)^{-s}\sum_{x\in T(F)}
H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}),s \varphi ).
Now we apply Poisson's summation formula for the
the torus and get
\sum_{x\in T(F)}
H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}),s \varphi )=\int_{(T({\bf A})/T(F))^*}\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,s \varphi )
\chi(\eta(p_{ \gamma}))^{-1}d \chi ,
where $\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot\, ,s \varphi )$ denotes the Fourier transform
of ${H}_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot\, ,s \varphi )$ and $(T({\bf A})/T(F))^*$ is
the group of unitary characters of
$T({\bf A})$ which are trivial on $T(F)$
equipped with the orthogonal measure
$d \chi $. Actually, it is sufficient to consider
only those characters which are trivial on the maximal compact subgroup
${\bf K}_T$ of $T({\bf A})$, because the function $H_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot\, , \varphi )$ is
invariant under ${\bf K}_T$.
The expression (\ref{1.3.4}) can now be put into (\ref{1.3.3}), and
after interchanging summation and integration the result is
Z_{Y^o}({\cal L}_{ \varphi }^Y\otimes \pi^* {\cal L}_{ \lambda },s)=
\int_{(T({\bf A})/T(F){\bf K}_T)^*}\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,s \varphi )E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P,
(\chi\circ\eta)^{-1})d \chi
where $E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P,\xi)=
E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P,\xi,1_G)$ is the Eisenstein series
twisted by a character $\xi$ of $ P({\bf A})$.
This is the starting point for the investigation of the height zeta function.
To get an expression which is more suited for our study we decompose
the group of characters $(T({\bf A})/T(F){\bf K}_T)^*$
into a continuous and a discrete part, i.e.,
(T({\bf A})/T(F){\bf K}_T)^*=X^*(T)_{{\bf R}}\oplus {\cal U}_T,
where $X^*(T)_{{\bf R}}$ is the continuous part and ${\cal U}_T$
is the discrete part.
The right-hand side of (\ref{1.3.5}) is accordingly
\int_{X^*(T)_{{\bf R}}}\left\{ \sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,s \varphi +ix)E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P -i\check{\eta}(x),
Recall that we would like to show that this function which is
defined for ${\rm Re}(s)\gg 0$ (assuming that $( \varphi , \lambda )$ is
contained in a convex open cone) can be continued meromorphically
beyond the abscissa of convergence. To achieve this we need more
information on the function under the integral sign in (\ref{1.3.6}).
First we have to determine the singularities of
( \varphi , \lambda )\mapsto \hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi , \varphi )E^G_P( \lambda -\rho_P,( \chi \circ\eta)^{-1})
near the cone of absolute convergence.
This is possible because $\hat{H}_{\Sigma}$
can be calculated rather explicitly and it is not so difficult to
determine the singular hyperplanes of the Eisenstein series with characters.
The next step consists in an iterated application of Cauchy's residue
formula to the integral over the real vector space $X^*(T)_{{\bf R}}$.
This can be done only if one knows that
\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,s \varphi +ix)E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P-i\check{\eta}(x),
( \chi \circ\eta)^{-1})
satisfies some growth conditions when $x\in X^*(T)_{{\bf R}}$ tends to
infinity. This is true for the function
$x\mapsto \hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,s \varphi +ix)$ thanks to the explicit expression
mentioned above. The absolute value of the Eisenstein series
$E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P -i\check{\eta}(x),( \chi \circ\eta)^{-1})$
will in general increase for $x \rightarrow \infty$
if ${\rm Re}(s) \lambda -\rho_P$ is not contained in the cone of absolute
convergence. However, if ${\rm Re}(s) \lambda -\rho_P$
is sufficiently close to the boundary
of that cone, this increasing behavior is absorbed by the decreasing
behavior of $\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,s \varphi +ix)$.
Therefore, we may apply Cauchy's residue theorem and show that
(\ref{1.3.5}) can be continued meromorphically
to a larger half-space and that there are no poles (in $s$) with
non-zero imaginary part.
The Tauberian Theorem can now be used to prove asymptotic
formulas for the counting function
$N_{Y^o}({\cal L}^Y_{ \varphi }\otimes \pi^*{\cal L}_{ \lambda },H)$ provided that one
knows the order of the pole of the height zeta function.
This problem can be reduced to the question whether the ``leading term''
of the Laurent series of (\ref{1.3.7}) does not vanish.
That this is indeed so will be shown in section 6.
{\bf 1.4}\hskip 0,5cm
We have restricted ourself to the case of split tori and split groups
because this simplifies some technical details. The general case
can be treated similarly.
We consider these results as an important step towards an understanding
of the arithmetic of spherical varieties. For example, choosing $P=B$ a Borel
subgroup, $T=B/U$ where $U$ is the unipotent radical of $B$ and
$\eta\,:\, B \rightarrow T$ the natural projection, we obtain an equivariant
compactification of $U \backslash G$, a horospherical variety.
We close this introduction with a brief description of the remaining
Section 2 recalls the relevant facts we need concerning generalized flag
varieties, i.e., description of line bundles on $W=P \backslash G$, the
cone of effective divisors in ${\rm Pic}(W)_{{\bf R}}$, metrization of line bundles,
height zeta functions. The exposition is based entirely on the paper
The next section contains the corresponding facts for toric varieties. It
is a summary of a part of \cite{BaTschi1}.
We give the explicit calculation of the Fourier transform
$\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot \, , \varphi )$ and show
that Poisson's summation formula can
be used to give an expression of the height zeta function
$Z_T({\cal L}_{ \varphi },s)$ .
In section 4 we introduce twisted products, discuss line bundles on these,
the Picard group (cf. (\ref{1.2.1})), metrizations of line bundles etc.
It ends with the formula (\ref{1.3.5}) for the height zeta function
$Z_{Y^o}({\cal L}_{ \varphi }^Y\otimes \pi^* {\cal L}_{ \lambda },s)$
in the domain of absolute convergence.
The first part of section 5 explains the method for the proof that the
height zeta function can be continued meromorphically to a half-space
beyond the abscissa of absolute convergence. Moreover, we state a theorem
which gives a description of the coefficient of the Laurent series at the pole
in question. This coefficient will be the leading one, provided that it does
not vanish. One can relate the coefficient to arithmetic and
geometric invariants
of the pair $(U,{\cal L})$ but we decided not to pursue this,
since there are detailed expositions of all the necessary arguments
in \cite{Peyre,BaTschi1,BaTschi5}.
These two theorems (meromorphic continuation of certain
integrals and the description of the coefficient)
will be proved in a more general context in section 7.
The second part of section 5 contains the proof that the hypothesis of these
theorems are fulfilled in our case.
It ends with the main theorem on the asymptotic behavior of the counting
function $N_{Y^o}({\cal L},H)$, assuming that the coefficient of the
Laurent series mentioned above does not vanish.
Section 6 is devoted to the proof of this fact.
In the last section we prove some statements on Eisenstein series (well-known
to the experts) which are used in section 5.
{\bf Acknowledgements.}
We are very grateful to V. Batyrev and J. Franke for helpful
discussions and collaboration on related questions.
The first author was supported by the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg of the
Mathematics Institute of the University of Bonn.
Part of this work was done while the second author was visiting
the MPI in Bonn, ETH Z\"urich and ENS Paris. He would like to thank
these institutions for their hospitality.
{\bf Some notations.} \hskip 0,5cm
In this paper $F$ always denotes a fixed algebraic number field.
The set of places of $F$ will be denoted by $\Val(F)$ and the
subset of archimedean places by $\Val_{\infty}(F)$. We shall
write $v\mid\infty$ if $v\in \Val_{\infty}(F)$ and
$v\nmid \infty$ if $v\notin \Val_{\infty}(F)$ .
For any place $v$ of $F$ we denote by $F_v$
the completion of $F$ at $v$ and by ${\cal O}_v$ the ring of
$v$-adic integers (for $v\nmid \infty $).
The local absolute value $|\cdot|_v$ on $F_v$ is
the multiplier of the Haar measure, i.e., $d(ax_v)=|a|_vdx_v$ for some
Haar measure $dx_v$ on $ F_v$.
Let $q_v$ be the cardinality of the residue field of $F_v$
for non-archimedean valuations
and put $q_v=e$ for archimedean valuations. We denote by ${\bf A}$
the adele ring of $F$.
For any algebraic group
$G$ over $ F$ we denote by $X^*(G)$ the group of (algebraic) characters
which are defined over $F$.
\section{Generalized flag varieties}
{\bf 2.1}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $G$ be a semi-simple simply connected linear algebraic group
which is defined and split over $F$. We fix a Borel subgroup
$P_0$ over $F$ and a Levi decomposition $P_0=S_0U_0$ with a maximal
torus $S_0$ of $G$. Denote by $P$ a standard (i.e., containing $P_0$)
parabolic subgroup and by $W=P\backslash G$ the corresponding flag
variety. The quotient morphism $G \rightarrow W$ will be denoted by $\pi_W$.
Any character $ \lambda \in X^*(P)$ defines a line bundle $L_{ \lambda }$
on $W$ by
\Gamma(U,L_{ \lambda }):=
\{f\in {\cal O}_G(\pi^{-1}_W(U))\,\,|\,\, f(pg)= \lambda (p)^{-1}f(g)
\hskip 0,2cm \forall g\in \pi^{-1}_W(U), p\in P\, \}.
The assignment $ \lambda \mapsto L_{ \lambda }$ gives an isomorphism (because $G$ is assumed
to be simply connected)
X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(W)
(cf. \cite{Sa}, Prop. 6.10). The anti-canonical line bundle ${\omega}^{\vee}_W$
corresponds to $2\rho_P$ (the sum of roots of $S_0$
occurring in the unipotent radical of $P$.)
{\bf 2.2}\hskip 0.5cm
These line bundles will be metrized as follows. Choose a maximal compact
subgroup ${\bf K}_G=\prod_{v}{\bf K}_{G,v}\subset G({\bf A})$
(${\bf K}_{G,v}\subset G(F_v)$), such that the Iwasawa decomposition
G({\bf A})=P_0({\bf A}){\bf K}_G
Let $v\in {\rm Val}(F)$ and $w\in W(F_v)$.
Choose $k\in {\bf K}_{G,v}$ which is
mapped to $w$ by $\pi_W$. For any local
section $s$ of $L_{ \lambda }$ at $w$
we define
This gives a $v$-adic norm
$\|\cdot\|_w\,:\,w^*L_{ \lambda } \rightarrow {\bf R}$ and we see that the family
$\|\cdot\|_v:=(\|\cdot\|_w)_{w\in W(F_v)}$ is a $v$-adic metric
on $L_{ \lambda }$.
The family $(\|\cdot\|_v)_{v\in {\rm Val}(F)}$
will then be an adelic metric
on $L_{ \lambda }$ (cf. \cite{Peyre} for $ \lambda =2\rho_P$ and
\cite{ST} for the definitions of
``$v$-adic metric'' and ``adelic metric'').
The metrized line
bundle $\left(L_{ \lambda }, (\|\cdot\|_v)_{v}\right)$
will be denoted by ${\cal L}_{ \lambda }$.
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 2.3}\hskip 0,5cm
Define a map
H_P=H_{P,{\bf K}_G}\,:\, G({\bf A}) \rightarrow \Hom_{{\bf C}}(X^*(P)_{{\bf C}},{\bf C})
by $\langle \lambda ,H_P(g)\rangle=\log (\prod_v| \lambda (p_v)|_v)$ for
$g=pk$ with $ p=(p_v)_v\in P({\bf A}), k\in {\bf K}_G$
and $ \lambda \in X^*(P)$.
For $w=\pi_W( \gamma)\in W(F)$ and $ \gamma\in G(F)$ a simple computation (\cite{FMT})
shows that
H_{{\cal L}_{ \lambda }}(w)=e^{-\langle \lambda ,H_P( \gamma)\rangle}.
The height zeta function
Z_W({\cal L}_{ \lambda }, s)=\sum_{w\in W(F)}H_{{\cal L}_{ \lambda }}(w)^{-s}
is therefore an Eisenstein series
E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P,1_G)=
\sum_{ \gamma\in P(F)\backslash G(F)}e^{\langle s \lambda ,H_P( \gamma)\rangle}.
To describe the domain of absolute convergence
of this series we let $\Delta_0$
be the basis of positive roots of the root system $\Phi(S_0,G)$ which is
determined by $P_0$. For any $ \alpha \in \Delta_0$ denote by $\check{ \alpha }$ the
corresponding coroot.
For $ \lambda \in X^*(P)=X^*(S_0)$ we define $\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle$ by
$( \lambda \circ\check{ \alpha })(t)=t^{\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle}$ and extend
this linearly in $ \lambda $ to $X^*(P_0)_{{\bf C}}$. Restriction of
characters defines an inclusion $X^*(P) \rightarrow X^*(P_0)$. Let
\Delta_0^P=\{\, \alpha \in \Delta_0\,\,|\,\, \langle\,\cdot\,, \alpha \rangle\,\,
{\rm vanishes}\,\,{\rm on}\,\, X^*(P)\,\}, \,\,\,\,\,
\Delta _P=\Delta_0 - \Delta_0^P.
X^*(P)^{+}=\{ \lambda \in X^*(P)_{{\bf R}}\,\,|\,\,
\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle > 0 \,\, {\rm for}\hskip 0,3cm
{\rm all}\,\,\, \alpha \in \Delta_P\,\}.
By \cite{G}, Th\'eor\`eme 3, the Eisenstein series
E^G_P( \lambda ,g)=\sum_{ \gamma \in P(F)\backslash G(F)}e^{
\langle \lambda +\rho_P,H_P( \gamma g)\rangle}
converges absolutely for ${\rm Re} ( \lambda )-\rho_P$ in
$X^*(P)^+ $ and it can be meromorphically
continued to $X^*(P)_{{\bf C}}$ (cf. \cite{MW}, IV, 1.8).
The closure of the
image of $X^*(P)^{+}$ in ${\rm Pic}(W)_{{\bf R}}$ is the cone
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(W)$ generated by the effective divisors on $W$
(\cite{J}, II, 2.6).
\section{Toric varieties}
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 3.1}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $T$ be a split algebraic torus of dimension $d$ over $F$.
We put $M=X^*(T)$ and $N=\Hom(M,{\bf Z})$. Let $\Sigma$ be a complete regular fan in
$N_{{\bf R}}$ such that the corresponding smooth toric variety $X=X_{\Sigma}$ is
projective (cf. \cite{BaTschi1, Oda}).
The variety $X$ is covered by affine open sets
U_{ \sigma }={\rm Spec}(F[M\cap \check{ \sigma }]),
where $ \sigma $ runs through $\Sigma$ and $\check{ \sigma }$ is the dual cone
\check{ \sigma }=\{\,m\in M_{{\bf R}}\,|\, n(m)\ge 0\,\, \forall\, n\in \sigma \,\}.
Denote by $PL(\Sigma)$ the group of $\Sigma$-piecewise linear integral
functions on $N_{{\bf R}}$. By definition, a function $ \varphi \,:\, N_{{\bf R}} \rightarrow {\bf R}$
belongs to $PL(\Sigma)$ if and only if $ \varphi (N)\in {\bf Z}$ and the restriction of
$ \varphi $ to every $ \sigma \in \Sigma$ is the restriction to $ \sigma $ of a linear function
on $N_{{\bf R}}$.
For $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ and every $d$-dimensional cone $ \sigma \in \Sigma$ there exists
a unique $m_{ \varphi , \sigma }\in M$ such that for all $n\in \sigma $
we have
\varphi (n)=n(m_{ \varphi , \sigma }).
Fixing for any $ \sigma \in \Sigma$ a $d$-dimensional cone $ \sigma '$ containing $ \sigma $ we
m_{ \varphi , \sigma }=m_{ \varphi , \sigma '}.
To any $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ we associate an invertible sheaf $L_{ \varphi }$ on $X$
as the subsheaf of rational functions on $X$ generated over
$U_{ \sigma }$ by $\frac{1}{m_{ \varphi , \sigma }}$, considered as a rational function
on $X$ ($L_{ \varphi }$ does not depend on the choice made above).
The assignment $ \varphi \mapsto L_{ \varphi }$ gives an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow M \rightarrow PL(\Sigma) \rightarrow {\rm Pic} (X) \rightarrow 0
(cf. \cite{Oda}, Corollary 2.5).
Denote by $\theta \,:\, X\times T \rightarrow X$ the action of
$T$ on $X$ and by $p_1\,:\, X\times T \rightarrow X$
the projection onto the first factor.
The induced $T$-action on the sheaf of rational functions restricts to
any subsheaf $L_{ \varphi }$, i.e., there is a canonical $T$-linearization
\theta_{ \varphi }\,:\, \theta^*L_{ \varphi } \rightarrow p_1^*L_{ \varphi }
(cf. \cite{MFK}, Ch. 1, \S\, 3, for the notion of a $T$-linearization).
In section four we will always consider $L_{ \varphi }$ not merely as a line bundle
on $X$ but as a $T$-linearized line bundle with this $T$-linearization.
In this sense $PL(\Sigma)$ is isomorphic to the group
${\rm Pic}^T(X)$ of isomorphism
classes of $T$-linearized line bundles on $X$.
Let $\Sigma_1\subset N$ be the set of primitive integral generators of the
one-dimensional cones in $\Sigma$ and put
PL(\Sigma)^+:=\{ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}}\,\, |\,\, \varphi (e)> 0\,\, {\rm for}
\hskip 0,3cm {\rm all}\,\,\, e\in \Sigma_1\}.
It is well-known (cf. \cite{Reid}, \cite{BaTschi1} Prop. 1.2.11),
that the cone of effective divisors
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(X)\subset {\rm Pic}(X)_{{\bf R}}$ is the closure of the
image of $PL(\Sigma)^+$ under the projection
$PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}} \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(X)_{{\bf R}}$.
Further, the anti-canonical line bundle on
$X$ is isomorphic to $L_{ \varphi _{\Sigma}}$,
$ \varphi _{\Sigma}(e)=1$ for all $e\in \Sigma_1$
(cf. \cite{BaTschi1}, Prop. 1.2.12).
{\bf 3.2}\hskip 0,5cm
We shall introduce an adelic metric on the line bundle $L_{ \varphi }$ as follows.
$ \sigma \in \Sigma$ and $v\in \Val (F)$ define
{\bf K}_{ \sigma ,v}:=\{\,x\in U_{ \sigma }(F_v)\,|\, |m(x)|_v\le 1\,\,\,
\forall\,\, m\in \check{ \sigma }\cap M\,\}.
$$These subsets cover $X(F_v)$ and we put for $x\in {\bf K}_{ \sigma ,v}$ and any
local section $s$ of $L_{ \varphi }$ at $x$
\|x^*s\|_x:=|s(x)m_{ \varphi , \sigma }(x)|_v.
The family $\|\cdot\|_v=(\|\cdot\|_x)_{x\in X(F_v)}$ is then a $v$-adic metric
on $L_{ \varphi }$ and ${\cal L}_{ \varphi }=\left(L_{ \varphi },(\|\cdot\|_v)_v\right)$
is a metrization
of $L_{ \varphi }$.
Let ${\bf K}_{T,v}\subset T(F_v)$ be the maximal compact subgroup.
Assigning to $x\in T(F_v)$ the map
M \rightarrow {\bf Z} \,\,({\rm resp.}\,\, {\bf R}\,\, {\rm if}\,\, v|\infty),
m\mapsto -\frac{\log(|m(x)|_v)}{\log(q_v)},
(where $q_v$ is the order of the residue field
of $F_v$ for non-archimedean valuations
and $\log(q_v)=1$ for archimedean valuations)
we get an isomorphism
$T(F_v)/{\bf K}_{T,v} \rightarrow N$ (resp. $N_{{\bf R}}$ if $v|\infty$).
We will denote by $\overline{x}$ the image of
$x\in T(F_v)$ in $N$ (resp. $N_{{\bf R}}$). For $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf C}}$ define
H_{\Sigma,v}(\,\cdot\,, \varphi )\,:\, T(F_v) \rightarrow {\bf C},
H_{\Sigma,v}(x, \varphi ):= e^{- \varphi (\overline{x})\log (q_v)}.
The corresponding global function
$H_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot\,, \varphi )\, :\, T({\bf A}) \rightarrow {\bf C}$,
H_{\Sigma}(x, \varphi ):=\prod_v H_{\Sigma,v}(x_v, \varphi ),
is well defined since for almost all $v$ the local component
$x_v$ belongs to
${\bf K}_{T,v}$.
The functions $H_{\Sigma,v}(\,\cdot\,, \varphi )$, $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$,
are related to the
$v$-adic metric on $L_{ \varphi }$ by the identity
H_{\Sigma,v}(x, \varphi )=\|x^*s_{ \varphi }\|_x, \hskip 0,5cm (x\in T(F_v)),
where $s_{ \varphi }\in H^0(T,L_{ \varphi })$ is the constant function $1$.
In particular, for every $x\in T(F)$ we have
H_{{\cal L}_{ \varphi }}(x)=H_{\Sigma}(x, \varphi )^{-1}.
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 3.3}\hskip 0,5cm
Let ${\bf K}_T=\prod_v{\bf K}_{T,v}\subset T({\bf A})$, and denote by
{\cal A}_T=(T({\bf A})/T(F){\bf K}_T)^*
the group of unitary characters of $T({\bf A})$ which are trivial on
the closed subgroup $T(F){\bf K}_T$.
For $m\in M$ we
obtain characters $ \chi ^m$ defined by
\chi ^m(x):= e^{i\log(|m(x)|_{\bf A})}.
This gives an embedding $M_{{\bf R}} \rightarrow {\cal A}_T$.
For any archimedean place $v$ and
$\chi\in {\cal A}_T$ there is an $m_v=m_v(\chi)\in M_{{\bf R}}$ such that
$\chi_v(x_v)=e^{-i\overline{x}_v(m_v)}$ for all $x_v\in T(F_v)$. We
get a homomorphism
{\cal A}_T \rightarrow M_{{\bf R},\infty}=\oplus_{v|\infty}M_{{\bf R}},
\chi\mapsto m_{\infty}(\chi)=(m_v(\chi))_{v|\infty}.
Define $T({\bf A})^1$ to be the kernel of all maps $T({\bf A}) \rightarrow {\bf R}_{>0},
x\mapsto |m(x)|_{\bf A}$, for $m\in M$, and put
{\cal U}_T=(T({\bf A})^1/T(F){\bf K}_T)^*.
The choice of a projection ${\bf G}_m({\bf A}) \rightarrow {\bf G}_m({\bf A})^1$
induces by means of an isomorphism
{\bf G}_{m,F}^d$ a splitting of the exact sequence
1 \rightarrow T({\bf A})^1 \rightarrow T({\bf A}) \rightarrow T({\bf A})/T({\bf A})^1 \rightarrow 1.
This gives decompositions
{\cal A}_T=M_{{\bf R}}\oplus {\cal U}_T
M_{{\bf R},\infty}=M_{{\bf R}}\oplus M^1_{{\bf R},\infty},
where $M^1_{{\bf R},\infty}$ is the minimal
${\bf R}$-subspace of $M_{{\bf R},\infty}$ containing
the image of ${\cal U}_T$ under the map (\ref{3.3.1}).
>From now on we fix such a (non-canonical) splitting. By
Dirichlet's unit theorem, the image of ${\cal U}_T \rightarrow M^1_{{\bf R},\infty}$ is
a lattice of maximal rank. Its kernel is isomorphic to the character
group of ${\rm Cl}_F^d$, where ${\rm Cl}_F$ is the ideal class group of $F$.
For finite $v$ we let $dx_v$ be the Haar measure on $T(F_v)$ giving
${\bf K}_{T,v}$ the volume one.
For archimedean $v$ we take on $T(F_v)/{\bf K}_{T,v}$ the pull-back of
the Lebesgue measure on $N_{{\bf R}}$ (normalized by the lattice $N$) and on
${\bf K}_{T,v}$ the Haar measure with total mass one. The product measure
gives an invariant measure $dx_v$ on $T(F_v)$. On $T({\bf A})$ we get
a Haar measure $dx=\prod_vdx_v$.
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 3.4}\hskip 0,5cm
We will denote by $S^1$ the unit circle.
For a character $\chi\,:\, T(F_v) \rightarrow S^1$ we define
the Fourier transform of $H_{\Sigma,v}(\,\cdot\,, \varphi )$ by
\hat{H}_{\Sigma,v}(\chi, \varphi )=\int_{T(F_v)}H_{\Sigma,v}(x_v, \varphi )\chi(x_v)dx_v.
If $\chi$ is not
trivial on ${\bf K}_{T,v}$ then $\hat{H}_{\Sigma,v}(\chi, \varphi )=0$
(assuming the convergence of the integral).
We will show that these integrals do exists if
${\rm Re} ( \varphi ) $ is in $PL(\Sigma)^+$.
Let $v$ be an archimedean place of $F$. Any $d$-dimensional cone
$ \sigma \in \Sigma$ is simplicial (since $\Sigma$ is regular) and it is generated by the set
$ \sigma \cap \Sigma_1$. Let $\chi$ be unramified, i.e.,
$\chi(x)=e^{-i\overline{x}(m)}$ with some $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$.
Then we get
\hat{H}_{\Sigma,v}(\chi, \varphi )=\sum_{\dim \sigma =d}\int_{ \sigma }e^{-( \varphi (n)+in(m))}dn=
\sum_{\dim \sigma =d}\,\,\,\prod_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}\frac{1}{ \varphi (e)+ie(m)}.
To give the result for finite places we define rational functions
$R_{ \sigma }$ in variables $u_e, e\in \Sigma_1$, for any $ \sigma \in \Sigma$ by
R_{ \sigma }((u_e)_e)=\prod_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}\frac{u_e}{1-u_e},
and put
R_{\Sigma}((u_e)_e)=\sum_{ \sigma \in \Sigma}R_{ \sigma }((u_e)_e),
Q_{\Sigma}((u_e)_e)=R_{\Sigma}((u_e)_e)\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1}(1-u_e).
Although elementary, it is a very important observation that the
polynomial $Q_{\Sigma}-1$ is a sum of monomials of degree not less than two
(cf. \cite{BaTschi1}, Prop. 2.2.3).
Let $\chi$ be an unramified unitary character of $T(F_v)$ and let
${\rm Re}( \varphi )$ be in $PL(\Sigma)^+$. Then we can calculate
\hat{H}_{\Sigma,v}(\chi, \varphi )=\int_{T(F_v)}H_{\Sigma,v}(x_v, \varphi )\chi(x_v)dx_v=
\sum_{n\in N}e^{- \varphi (n)\log(q_v)}\chi(n)
= \sum_{ \sigma \in \Sigma}\sum_{n\in { \sigma }^{o}\cap N}q_v^{- \varphi (n)}\chi(n)
=\sum_{ \sigma \in \Sigma}R_{ \sigma }\left((\chi(e)q_v^{- \varphi (e)})_e\right)
=Q_{\Sigma}\left((\chi(e)q_v^{- \varphi (e)})_e\right)
\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1}\left(1-\chi(e)q_v^{- \varphi (e)}\right)^{-1}.
(Here we denoted by $ \sigma ^{o}$ the relative interior of the cone $ \sigma $.)
Any $e\in \Sigma_1$ induces a homomorphism $F[M] \rightarrow F[{\bf Z}]$ and hence
a morphism of tori ${\bf G}_m \rightarrow T$. For any character
$\chi\in {\cal A}_T$ we denote by $\chi_e$
the Hecke character
{\bf G}_m({\bf A})\longrightarrow
T({\bf A})\stackrel{\chi}\longrightarrow S^1
thus obtained.
The finite part of the Hecke
$L$-function with character $\chi_e$ is by definition
L_f( \chi _e,s)=\prod_{v\nmid \infty}(1-\chi_e(\pi_v)q_v^s)^{-1}
and this product converges for ${\rm Re} (s)>1$ (here $\pi_v$ denotes
a local uniformizing element).
By (\ref{3.4.1}) and (\ref{3.4.2}) we know that the global Fourier
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi, \varphi )=\int_{T({\bf A})}H_{\Sigma}(x, \varphi )\chi(x)dx
exists (i.e., the integral on the right converges absolutely) if
${\rm Re}( \varphi )$ is contained in
$ \varphi _{\Sigma}+PL(\Sigma)^+$, because
\prod_{v\nmid\infty }
Q_{\Sigma}((\chi_v(e)q_v^{- \varphi (e)})_e)
is an absolutely convergent
Euler product for ${\rm Re} ( \varphi (e))>1/2 $ (for all $e\in \Sigma_1$) and hence
is bounded for
${\rm Re} ( \varphi )$ in any compact subset in
$\frac{1}{2} \varphi _{\Sigma}+PL(\Sigma)^+$ (by some constant depending only
on this subset).
{\bf Proposition 3.4}\,\,\,
The series
\sum_{x\in T(F)}H_{\Sigma}(xt, \varphi )
converges absolutely and uniformly for $({\rm Re}( \varphi ),t)$ contained in any
compact subset of
$( \varphi _{\Sigma}+PL(\Sigma)^+)\times T({\bf A}).$
{\em Proof.}
Let ${\bf K}$ be a compact subset of $ \varphi _{\Sigma}+PL(\Sigma)^+$ and let
$C_v\subset T(F_v)$ (for every $v\in \Val (F)$) be a compact subset,
equal to ${\bf K}_{T,v}$ for almost all $v$.
Since any $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf C}}$
is a continuous piecewise linear function
(with respect to a finite subdivision of $N_{{\bf R}}$ into simplicial cones)
there exists a constant $c_v\ge 1$ (depending on ${\bf K}$ and $C_v$)
such that for all $ \varphi $ with ${\rm Re}( \varphi )\in {\bf K}$,
$x_v\in T(F_v)$ and $t_v\in C_v$ we have
\frac{1}{c_v}\le \left|
\frac{H_{\Sigma,v}(x_vt_v, \varphi )}{H_{\Sigma,v}(x_v, \varphi )}\right|=
\frac{H_{\Sigma,v}(x_vt_v,{\rm Re}( \varphi ))}{H_{\Sigma,v}(x_v,{\rm Re}( \varphi ))} \le c_v.
If $C_v={\bf K}_{T,v}$ we may assume $c_v=1$. Put $c=\prod_vc_v$.
For all $ \varphi $ with ${\rm Re}( \varphi )\in {\bf K}$ and $t\in C:=\prod_v C_v$ we
can estimate
\left| \sum_{x\in T(F)}H_{\Sigma}(xt, \varphi )\right|\le c\sum_{x\in T(F)}
H_{\Sigma}(x,{\rm Re}( \varphi )).
Let $S$ be a finite set of places containing ${\rm Val}_{\infty}(F)$ and
let $U_v\subset T(F_v)$ be a relatively compact open subset of
$T(F_v)$ for each $v\in S$, such that for all
$x_1\neq x_2\in T(F)$
x_1U\cap x_2U=\emptyset,
where $U=\prod_{v\in S}U_v\prod_{v\notin S}{\bf K}_{T,v}.
By the preceding argument, there exists a $c'>0$ such that for all
$ \varphi \in {\bf K}$, $x\in T(F)$ and $u\in U$
H_{\Sigma}(x, \varphi )\le c'H_{\Sigma}(xu, \varphi ).
\sum_{x\in T(F)}H_{\Sigma}(x, \varphi )\le \frac{c'}{{\rm vol}(U)}\sum_{x\in T(F)}
\int_{U}H_{\Sigma}(xu, \varphi )du
\le \frac{c'}{{\rm vol}(U)}\int_{T({\bf A})}H_{\Sigma}(x, \varphi )dx <\infty
by the discussion above. From the explicit expression for the integral
(cf. (\ref{3.5.1})) we derive the uniform convergence in $ \varphi $ on ${\bf K}$.
\hfill $\Box$
{\bf 3.5}\hskip 0,5cm
The aim is to apply Poisson's summation formula to the height zeta
function. It remains to show that
$\hat{H}(\,\cdot\,, \varphi )$ is absolutely integrable over ${\cal A}_T$.
For $\chi\in {\cal A}_T$ and ${\rm Re} ( \varphi )$ contained in
$\frac{1}{2} \varphi _{\Sigma}+PL(\Sigma)^+$ we put
\zeta_{\Sigma}(\chi, \varphi ):= \prod_{v|\infty}\hat{H}_{\Sigma,v}(\chi_v, \varphi )
\prod_{v\nmid\infty} Q_{\Sigma}((\chi_v(e)q_v^{- \varphi (e)})_e).
{\bf Lemma 3.5}\hskip 0,5cm
Let ${\bf K}$ be a compact subset of $PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf C}}$ such that for all
$ \varphi \in {\bf K}$ and $e\in \Sigma_1$
{\rm Re} ( \varphi (e))>\frac{1}{2}.
Then there is a constant $c=c({\bf K})$ such that for all $ \varphi \in {\bf K},
\chi\in {\cal A}_T$ and $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$ we have
|\zeta_{\Sigma}(\chi, \varphi +im)|\le
c\prod_{v|\infty}\left\{\sum_{\dim \sigma =d}\,\,\,
\prod_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}\frac{1}{(1+
{\em Proof.}
For ${\bf K}$ as above there exists a $c'>0$ such that for all $\chi\in
{\cal A}_T$ and $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$ one has
\left|\prod_{v\nmid \infty}
Q_{\Sigma}((\chi_v(e)q_v^{-( \varphi (e)+ie(m))})_e)\right|\le c'
for all $ \varphi \in {\bf K}$ (see the argument before Proposition 3.4.
By \cite{BaTschi1}, Prop. 2.3.2, for all $v \mid {\infty}$
there is a constant $c_v$ such that for all
$ \varphi \in {\bf K}$, $ \chi \in {\cal A}_T$
and $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$
|\hat{H}_{\Sigma,v}(\chi_v, \varphi +im)|\le c_v\sum_{\dim \sigma =d}
\,\,\,\prod_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}
Putting $c=c'\prod_{v|\infty}c_v$ we get the result.
\hfill $\Box$
For ${\rm Re} ( \varphi )$ contained in $ \varphi _{\Sigma}+PL(\Sigma)^+$
we can write
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi, \varphi )=
\zeta_{\Sigma}(\chi, \varphi )\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1}L_f(\chi_e, \varphi (e)).
By the preceding lemma, we see that $\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot\,, \varphi )$ is
absolutely integrable over ${\cal A}_T$.
For $t\in T({\bf A})$ we have
\int_{T({\bf A}_F)}H_{\Sigma}(xt, \varphi )
\chi(x)dx=\chi^{-1}(t)\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi, \varphi ).
Hence we can apply Poisson's summation formula (together with (\ref{3.3.2}))
and obtain
\sum_{x\in T(F)}H_{\Sigma}(xt, \varphi )= \mu_T\int_{M_{{\bf R}}}
\left\{\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi , \varphi +im)( \chi \c^m(t))^{-1}\right\}dm,
where the Lebesgue measure $dm$ on $M_{{\bf R}}$
is normalized by $M$ and
\mu_T=\frac{1}{(2\pi \kappa)^d},\hskip 0,5cm
\kappa=\frac{{\rm cl}_F\cdot {\rm R}_F}{{\rm w}_F}
with ${\rm cl}_F$ the class number, ${\rm R}_F$ the regulator and
${\rm w}_F$ the number of roots of unity in $F$.
Note that $\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi \cdot \chi ^m, \varphi )=\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi , \varphi +im).$
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 3.6}\hskip 0,5cm
In section 5 we need uniform estimates for $L$-functions in a
neighborhood of the line ${\rm Re}(s)=1$. For any unramified character
$\chi\,:\, {\bf G}_m({\bf A})/{\bf G}_m(F) \rightarrow S^1$ and any
archimedean place $v$ there exists a $\tau_v\in {\bf R}$ such that
$\chi_v(x_v)=|x_v|_v^{i\tau_v}$ for all $x_v\in {\bf G}_m(F_v)$.
We put
\chi_{\infty}=(\tau_v)_{v|\infty}\in {\bf R}^{{\rm Val}_{\infty}(F)}
\hskip 0,5cm {\rm and}\hskip 0,5cm
We will use
the following theorem of Rademacher (\cite{Rademacher}, Theorems 4,5),
which rests on the Phragm\'en-Lindel\"of principle.
{\bf Theorem 3.6}\hskip 0,5cm {\it
For any $\epsilon>0$ there exists a $ \delta >0$ and a constant $c(\epsilon)>0$
such that
for all $s$ with ${\rm Re}(s)> 1- \delta $ and all unramified Hecke characters
which are non-trivial on ${\bf G}_m({\bf A})^1$ one has
|L_f(\chi,s)|\le c(\epsilon)(1+|{\rm Im} (s)| +\|\chi_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}.
For the trivial character $\chi=1$ one has
|L_f(1,s)|\le c(\epsilon)\left|\frac{1+s}{1-s}\right|(1+|{\rm Im}(s)|)^{\epsilon}.
\section{Twisted products}
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 4.1}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $G,P,W=P\backslash G$ etc. be as in section 2 and
$T,\Sigma,X=X_{\Sigma}$ etc.
be as in section 3.
Let $\eta \,:\, P \rightarrow T$ be a homomorphism. Then $P$ acts from the right on
$X\times G$ by
(x,g)\cdot p := (x\eta (p),p^{-1}g).
Since $\pi_W\,:\, G \rightarrow W$ is locally trivial, the quotient
Y=X\times^{P} G:= (X\times G)/P
exists as a variety over $F$. Moreover, the projection
$X\times G \rightarrow G$ induces a morphism $\pi \,: \, Y \rightarrow W$
and $Y$ becomes a locally trivial fiber bundle over $W$ with fiber $X$
(compare \cite{J}, I.5.16). Hence, by the properties
of $X$ (non-singular, projective), we
see that $Y$ is a non-singular projective variety over $F$ (``projectivity''
requires a short argument, cf. \cite{Strauch}).
The quotient morphism $X\times G \rightarrow Y$ will be denoted by $\pi_Y$.
Let $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ and let $L_{ \varphi }$ be the invertible sheaf on $X$ defined
in section 3.1. Denote by ${\bf L}_{ \varphi }$ the corresponding
${\bf G}_a$-bundle over $X$, i.e., ${\bf L}_{ \varphi }={\bf V}(L^{\vee}_{ \varphi })=
{\bf V}(L_{- \varphi })$ (with the notation of \cite{Ha}, II, Exercise 5.18).
The canonical $T$-linearization
\theta_{- \varphi }\,:\, \theta^*L_{- \varphi } \rightarrow p_1^*L_{- \varphi }
induces an action ${\bf L}_{ \varphi }\times T \rightarrow {\bf L}_{ \varphi }$ of $T$ on
${\bf L}_{ \varphi }$ which is compatible with the action of $T$ on $X$.
The twisted product ${\bf L}_{ \varphi }\times^PG$ will then be a ${\bf G}_a$-bundle
over $Y$ and we define $L^Y_{ \varphi }$ to be the sheaf of local sections of
${\bf L}_{ \varphi }\times^PG $ over $Y$. Note that $L^Y_{ \varphi }$ (and even
its isomorphism class in ${\rm Pic}(Y) $)
depends on the fixed $T$-linearization
$\theta_{- \varphi }$. In fact, for $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ and $m\in M$ we have
L^Y_{ \varphi +m}\simeq L^Y_{ \varphi }\otimes \pi^* L_{m\circ \eta}.
Embedding $M$ in $PL(\Sigma)\oplus X^*(P)$ by $m\mapsto (m,-m\circ\eta)$
we see that $M$ is contained in the kernel of the homomorphism
\psi \,:\, PL(\Sigma)\times X^*(P) & \rightarrow &{\rm Pic}(Y),\\
( \varphi , \lambda ) &\mapsto & {\rm isomorphism}\,\, {\rm class}\,\, {\rm of}\,\,
L^Y_{ \varphi }\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda }.
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 4.2}\hskip 0,5cm
In the following proposition we collect
all relevant facts about the geometry
of twisted products which we will need in the sequel.
{\bf Proposition 4.2}\hskip 0,5cm
a) The sequence
0 \rightarrow M \rightarrow PL(\Sigma)\oplus X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(Y) \rightarrow 0
is exact.
b) The cone of effective divisors $ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(Y)\subset {\rm Pic}(Y)_{{\bf R}}$
is the image of the closure of
PL(\Sigma)^{+}\times X^*(P)^{+}\subset PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}}\oplus X^*(P)_{{\bf R}}.
c) The anti-canonical line bundle ${\omega}^{\vee}_Y$ is isomorphic to
$L^Y_{ \varphi _{\Sigma}}\otimes \pi^*L_{2\rho_P}$.
{\em Proof.}
a) By \cite{Sa}, Proposition 6.10, there is an exact sequence
F[X\times G]^*/F^* \rightarrow X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(Y) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(X\times G).
Denote by $\pi_X\,:\, X\times G \rightarrow X$ the canonical projection. Let $L$ be
an invertible sheaf on $Y$. Then
\pi^*_YL\simeq \pi^*_XL_{ \varphi }
(for some $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$) because ${\rm Pic}(X\times G)=
{\rm Pic}(X)\oplus {\rm Pic}(G)={\rm Pic}(X)$
(cf. \cite{Sa}, Lemme 6.6 (i) and Lemme 6.9 (iv)).
Note that $\pi^*_YL^Y_{ \varphi }\simeq \pi^*_XL_{ \varphi }$, so that
\pi^*_Y(L\otimes L^Y_{- \varphi })
is trivial. Hence there exists a character $ \lambda $ of $P$ such that
$L\otimes L^Y_{- \varphi }$ is isomorphic to $\pi^*L_{ \lambda } $
(the map $X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(Y)$ factorizes
$X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(W) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(Y)$). This shows surjectivity.
Suppose now that for $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ and $ \lambda \in X^*(P)$
the sheaf $L_{ \varphi }^Y\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda }$ is trivial
on $Y$. Then $\pi_Y^*(L^Y_{ \varphi }\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda })\simeq \pi^*_XL_{ \varphi }$
is trivial on $X\times G$, therefore $L_{ \varphi }\simeq {\cal O}_X, \varphi =m\in M$
and $L^Y_{ \varphi }\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda }=\pi^*L_{ \lambda +m\circ\eta}$. By Rosenlicht's
F[X\times G]^*/F^*=F[X]^*/F^*\oplus F[G]^*/F^*=X^*(G)=0,
the map $X^*(P) \rightarrow {\rm Pic}(Y)$ is injective,
hence $ \lambda +m\circ \eta =0$ and $( \varphi , \lambda )$ is
in the image of $M \rightarrow PL(\Sigma)\oplus X^*(P)$.
b) For $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)$ denote by $\Box_{ \varphi }$ the set of
all $m\in M$ such that for all $n\in N_{{\bf R}}$
\varphi (n)+n(m)\ge 0.
By \cite{Oda}, Lemma 2.3, $\Box_{ \varphi }$ is a basis for $H^0(X,L_{ \varphi })$
(note the different sign conventions). It is easy to see that
\pi_*L_{ \varphi }^Y\simeq \oplus_{m\in \Box_{ \varphi }}L_{-m\circ\eta}.
Suppose $L^Y_{ \varphi }\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda }$ has a non-zero global section. Then
\pi_*(L_{ \varphi }^Y\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda })\simeq
\oplus_{m\in \Box_{ \varphi }}L_{-m\circ \eta + \lambda }
has a non-zero global section, hence (cf. section 2.3) there is a
$m'\in \Box_{ \varphi }$ such that $-m'\circ \eta + \lambda $ is contained in the
closure of $ X^*(P)^{+}$.
Putting $ \lambda '=-m'\circ \eta + \lambda , \varphi '= \varphi +m'$ we have
$L^Y_{ \varphi '}\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda '}\simeq L^Y_{ \varphi }\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda }$ and
$( \varphi ', \lambda ')$ is contained in the closure of
$PL(\Sigma)^+\times X^*(P)^+$.
On the other hand, if $( \varphi , \lambda )\in PL(\Sigma)\oplus X^*(P)$
is contained in the closure of $PL(\Sigma)^+\times X^*(P)^+$
then the trivial character corresponds to a global section of
$L_{ \varphi }$. Hence
\pi_*(L_{ \varphi }^Y\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda })
= L_{ \lambda }\oplus \bigoplus_{m\in \Box_{ \varphi }-\{0\}}L_{-m\circ \eta + \lambda }
and $H^0(W,L_{ \lambda })\neq \{0\}$, i.e., $L_{ \varphi }^Y\otimes \pi^*L_{ \lambda }$
has a non-zero global section.
c) Note first that the exact sequence
0 \rightarrow \pi^*\Omega_W \rightarrow \Omega_Y \rightarrow \Omega_{Y/W} \rightarrow 0
and therefore $\omega_Y\simeq ( \Lambda ^d\Omega_{Y/W})\otimes \pi^*\omega_W$.
Since $\omega_W\simeq L_{-2\rho}$ it remains to show
that $( \Lambda ^d\Omega_{Y/W})^{\vee}
\simeq L^Y_{ \varphi _{\Sigma}}$. Let ${\cal J}_{Y/W}$ be the
ideal sheaf of the image of the diagonal morphism
\Delta_{Y/W}\,:\, Y \rightarrow Y\times_WY.
But $Y\times_WY$ is canonically isomorphic to $(X\times X)\times^PG$ and
$\Delta_{Y/W}(Y)$ is just $\Delta_X(X)\times^PG$.
Hence we see that $({\cal J}_{Y/W}/{\cal J}_{Y/W}^2)^{\vee}$ is the sheaf of
local sections of
{\bf V}({\cal J}_X/{\cal J}_X^2)\times^PG,
where ${\cal J}_X$ is the ideal sheaf of $\Delta_X(X)\subset X\times X$.
Pulling back to $Y$ and taking the $d$-th exterior power we get
{\bf V}( \Lambda ^d\Omega_{Y/W})\simeq {\bf V}( \Lambda ^d\Omega_X)\times^PG
\simeq {\bf V}(\omega_X)\times^PG.
The canonical $T$-linearization of $\omega_X$ (induced by the action of
$T$ on rational functions) corresponds to the
$T$-linearization $\theta_{- \varphi _{\Sigma}}$ of
$L_{- \varphi _{\Sigma}}\simeq \omega_X$, i.e.,
{\bf L}_{ \varphi _{\Sigma}}\times^PG\simeq {\bf V}(\omega_X)\times^PG
and we get $L^Y_{ \varphi _{\Sigma}}\simeq ( \Lambda ^d\Omega_{Y/W})^{\vee}$.
\hfill $\Box$
{\bf 4.3}\hskip 0,5cm
We are going to introduce an adelic metric on the sheaves $L^Y_{ \varphi }$.
A section of $L^Y_{ \varphi }$ over an open subset
$U\subset Y$ can be identified with a $P$-equivariant morphism
$s\,:\, \pi^{-1}_Y(U) \rightarrow {\bf L}_{ \varphi }$ over
$X$, i.e.,
s(x\eta(p),p^{-1}g)=s(x,g)\cdot \eta(p).
Let $v$ be a place of $F$ and let $y\in Y(F_v)$ be the image of
$(x,k)\in X(F_v)\times G(F_v)$ with $k\in {\bf K}_{G,v}$. Let
$s\,:\, \pi^{-1}_Y(U) \rightarrow {\bf L}_{ \varphi }$ be a local section of $L^Y_{ \varphi }$
over $U\subset Y$ with $y\in U(F_v)$. Define
\|\cdot\|_y\,:\, y^*L^Y_{ \varphi } \rightarrow {\bf R}
\|y^*s\|_y=\|s\circ (x,k)\|_x.
Then $\|\cdot \|_v=(\|\cdot \|)_{y\in Y(F_v)}$ is a $v$-adic metric on
$L^Y_{ \varphi }$ and
${\cal L}^Y_{ \varphi }=\left(L^Y_{ \varphi },(\|\cdot \|_v)_v\right)$ is a metrization
of $L^Y_{ \varphi }$ (cf. \cite{Strauch}).
Y^o=T\times^P G\hookrightarrow X\times^PG=Y
be the twisted product of
$T$ with $W$. Over $Y^o$ there is a canonical section of $L^Y_{ \varphi }$, namely
s^Y_{ \varphi }\,:\, \pi^{-1}(Y^o)=T\times G \rightarrow {\bf L}_{ \varphi },
$ s^Y_{ \varphi }(x,g)=s_{ \varphi }(x)$, where $s_{ \varphi }\in H^0(T,L_{ \varphi })$
corresponds to the constant function $1$.
Let $y=\pi_W(x,g)\in Y(F_v)$ where $ g=pk$ with
$ p\in P(F_v)$ and $ k\in {\bf K}_{G,v}$.
\|y^*s_{ \varphi }^Y\|_y = \|s_{ \varphi }^Y\circ (x\eta(p),k)\|_{x\eta(p)}
= \|(x\eta(p))^*s_{ \varphi }\|_{x\eta(p)}=e^{- \varphi (\overline{x\eta(p)})\log (q_v)}
(by (\ref{3.2.1})).
Globally, for $y\in Y^o(F), y=\pi_Y(x, \gamma), x\in T(F),
\gamma\in G(F), \gamma=p_{ \gamma}k_{ \gamma}$ and $ p_{ \gamma}, k_{ \gamma}$ as above, in
$P({\bf A}), {\bf K}_G$, respectively,
we get
H_{{\cal L}^Y_{ \varphi }}(y)=
\prod_v\|y^*_vs^Y_{ \varphi }\|_{y_v}^{-1}=H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}),- \varphi ).
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 4.4}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $\xi \,:\, P({\bf A})/P(F) \rightarrow S^1$ be an unramified character, i.e.,
$\xi$ is trivial on $P({\bf A})\cap {\bf K}_G$.
Using the Iwasawa decomposition we get a well defined function
\phi_{\xi}\,:\, G({\bf A}) \rightarrow S^1,
if $g=pk$ as above. We denote by
E^G_P( \lambda ,\xi,g)=
\sum_{ \gamma\in P(F)\backslash G(F)}\phi_{\xi}( \gamma g)
e^{\langle \lambda +\rho_P,H_P( \gamma g)\rangle}
the corresponding Eisenstein series and we put
$E^G_P( \lambda ,\xi)=E^G_P( \lambda ,\xi,1_G)$. This series converges absolutely for
${\rm Re}( \lambda )$ contained in the cone $\rho_P+X^*(P)^+$
(cf. (2.3)). A character $ \chi \in {\cal A}_T$ induces a character
$ \chi _{ \eta }= \chi \circ \eta \,:\, P({\bf A})/P(F) \rightarrow S^1$. We denote by
$\check{\eta}\,:\, X^*(T)_{{\bf R}} \rightarrow X^*(P)_{{\bf R}}$ the map on characters
induced by $\eta$.
{\bf Proposition 4.4}
Let $L$ be a line bundle on $Y$ such that its class is contained in
the interior of the cone
$ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(Y)$. Let $( \varphi , \lambda )$ be in $PL(\Sigma)^+\times
X^*(P)^+$ with $\psi ( \varphi , \lambda )=[L]$.
There is a metrization ${\cal L}$ of $L$ such that for all $s$ with
${\rm Re}(s)( \varphi , \lambda )\in ( \varphi _{\Sigma},2\rho_P) + PL(\Sigma)^+\times X^*(P)^+$
the series
Z_{Y^o}({\cal L},s)=\sum_{y\in Y^{o}(F)}H_{{\cal L}}(y)^{-s}
converges absolutely. Moreover, for these $s$
Z_{Y^o}({\cal L},s)=\mu_T\int_{M_{{\bf R}}}
\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T}\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,s \varphi +im)
E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P - i\check{\eta}(m),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1})
where the sum and integral on the right converge absolutely too.
{\em Proof.}
Let $( \varphi ', \lambda ')\in PL(\Sigma)\oplus X^*(P)$ such that
there is an isomorphism $L\simeq L^Y_{ \varphi '}\oplus
\pi^* L_{ \lambda '}$. Denote by ${\cal L}$ the
metrization of $L$ which is the pullback of
${\cal L}_{ \varphi '}^Y\otimes \pi^*{\cal L}_{ \lambda '}$ via this isomorphism.
Let $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$ such that
( \varphi , \lambda )=( \varphi '+m,-\check{\eta}(m) + \lambda ')
is contained
in $PL(\Sigma)^+\times X^*(P)^+$.
By (\ref{4.3.1}), we have
for any $y\in Y^o(F), y=\pi_Y(x, \gamma )$ with $ x\in T(F),$ $
\gamma \in G(F)$ and $ \gamma =p_{ \gamma}k_{ \gamma}$
H_{{\cal L}}(y)=H_{{\cal L}_{ \varphi '}^Y\otimes \pi^*{\cal L}_{ \lambda '}}(y)=
e^{-\langle \lambda ',H_P( \gamma )\rangle}H_{\Sigma}(x\eta (p_{ \gamma}),- \varphi ')
= e^{-\langle \lambda '-m\circ \eta,H_P( \gamma)\rangle}
H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}),-( \varphi '+m))=
e^{-\langle \lambda ,H_P( \gamma)\rangle}H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}),- \varphi ).
We consider $s=u+iv\in {\bf C}$ such that $u\cdot \varphi $ is contained in
the shifted cone $ \varphi _{\Sigma}+PL(\Sigma)^+$
and $u\cdot \lambda $ is contained in the cone $2\rho_P+X^*(P)^+$.
\sum_{x\in T(F)}H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}),u \varphi )
converges by Proposition 3.4 and is equal to
\mu_T\int_{M_{{\bf R}}}\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}
\hat{H}( \chi \c^m,u \varphi ) \chi \c^m(\eta(p_{ \gamma}))^{-1}\}dm
(cf. (\ref{3.5.2})). Moreover, $\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\,\cdot\, , u \varphi )$
is absolutely convergent on ${\cal A}_T$ and therefore
\sum_{x\in T(F)}H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}), u \varphi )\le
\mu_T\int_{M_{{\bf R}}}\left\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}
\left| \hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi \chi ^m,u \varphi )\right|\right\}dm
is bounded by some constant $c$ (which is
independent of $\eta(p_{ \gamma})$).
Thus we may calculate
\sum_{y\in Y^o(F)}\left| H_{\cal L}(y)^{-s}\right|
=\sum_{ \gamma\in P(F) \backslash G(F)}
e^{\langle u \lambda ,H_{P}( \gamma)\rangle}\sum_{x\in T(F)}H_{\Sigma}(x\eta(p_{ \gamma}),
u \varphi )
\le c \sum_{ \gamma\in P(F) \backslash G(F)}e^{\langle u \lambda ,H_{P}( \gamma)\rangle}.
This shows the first assertion.
\mu_T\int_{M_{\bf R}}\left\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}
\left|\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi \chi ^m, u \varphi )\right|\right\}dm
converges, we can interchange the summation and integration and get
Z_{Y^o}({\cal L},s)
=\sum_{ \gamma\in P(F)\backslash G(F)}
e^{\langle s \lambda ,H_P( \gamma)\rangle}\mu_T\int_{M_{{\bf R}}}
\left\{\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T}\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi \c^m,s \varphi )( \chi \c^m)^{-1}
(\eta(p_{ \gamma}))\right\}dm
=\mu_T\int_{M_{{\bf R}}}\left\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,s \varphi +im)E^G_P(s \lambda -\rho_P-i\check{\eta}(m),
\hfill $\Box$
\section{Meromorphic continuation}
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 5.1}\hskip 0,5cm
The proposition in section 4.4 gives an expression of the
height zeta function (for the open subset $Y^o\subset Y$ )
which we will use to determine the asymptotic behavior of the counting
function $N_{Y^o}({\cal L},H) $ (cf. sec. \ref{1}) by applying
a Tauberian theorem.
The first thing to do is to show that $Z_{Y^o}({\cal L},s)$ can be
continued meromorphically to a half-space beyond the abscissa of
convergence and that there is no pole on this line
with non-zero imaginary part.
Then it remains to prove that this abscissa is at ${\rm Re}(s)=a(L)$ and to
determine the order of the pole in $s=a(L)$. We will see that
this order is $b(L)$.
The method which we will explain now consists in an iterated application
of Cauchy's residue theorem. The proofs will be given in section 7.
{\bf 5.2}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $E$ be a finite dimensional vector space over ${\bf R}$ and $E_{{\bf C}}$
its complexification. Let $V\subset E$ be a subspace and let $l_1,...,l_m\in
E^{\vee} =\Hom_{{\bf R}}(E,{\bf R})$
be linearly independent linear forms. Put
$H_j={\rm Ker}(l_j)$ for $j=1,...,m$.
Let $B\subset E$ be an
open and convex neighborhood of ${\bf 0}$ such that
for all $x\in B$ and $j=1,...,m$ we have $l_j(x)>-1$.
Let $T_B=B+iE\subset E_{{\bf C}}$ be the tube domain over $B$
and denote by ${\cal M}(T_B)$ the set of meromorphic functions on $T_B$.
We consider meromorphic functions $f\in {\cal M}(T_B)$ with the following
properties: The function
is holomorphic in $T_B$ and there is a sufficient function
$c\,:\, V \rightarrow {\bf R}_{\ge 0}$ such that for all compacts ${\bf K}\in T_B$, all
$z\in {\bf K}$ and all $v\in V$ we have the estimate
|g(z+iv)|\le \kappa ({\bf K})c(v).
(Cf. section 7.3 for a precise definition of a sufficient function.
In particular, such a sufficient function is absolutely integrable over
any subspace $U\subset V$.)
In this case we call $f$ {\it distinguished} with respect
to the data $(V;l_1,...,l_m)$.
Let $C$ be a connected component of $B- \cup_{j=1}^mH_j$.
By the conditions on $g$ the integral
\tilde{f}_C(z):=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{\nu}}\int_V f(z+iv)dv
($\nu =\dim V$ and $dv$ is a fixed Lebesgue measure on $V$) converges
for every $z\in T_C$ and $\tilde{f}_C$ is a holomorphic function on $T_C$.
{\bf Theorem 5.2}\hskip 0,5cm
There is an open neighborhood $\tilde{B}$ containing $C$, and
linear forms $\tilde{l}_1,...,\tilde{l}_{\tilde{m}}$ which vanish on $V$
such that
z\mapsto \tilde{f}_{C}(z)\prod_{j=1}^{\tilde{m}}\tilde{l}_j(z)
has a holomorphic continuation to $T_{\tilde{B}}$. Moreover, for all
$j\in \{1,...,\tilde{m}\}$ we have $\Ker (\tilde{l}_j)\cap C=\emptyset$.
We shall give the proof of this theorem in sections 7.3 and 7.4.
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 5.3}\hskip 0,5cm
Put $E^{(0)}=\cap_{j=1}^m\Ker (l_j)$ and $E_0=E/E^{(0)}$. Let
$\pi_0\,:\, E \rightarrow E_0$ be the canonical projection and suppose
$V\cap E^{(0)} = \{{\bf 0}\}$. Let
E^+_0=\{x\in E_0\,|\, l_j(x)\ge 0\,\, {\rm for}\,\,{\rm all} \,\, j=1,...,m\}
and let $\psi_0\,:\, E_0 \rightarrow P:=E^+_0/\pi_0(V)$ be the canonical projection. We
want to assume that $\pi_0(V)\cap E^+_0=\{ {\bf 0}\}$,
so that $ \Lambda :=\psi_0(E^+_0)$ is a strictly convex polyhedral cone.
Let $dy$ be the Lebesgue measure on $E_0^{\vee}$ normalized by the lattice
$\oplus_{j=1}^m{\bf Z} l_j$. Let $A\subset V$ be a lattice and let $dv$ be the
measure on $V$ normalized by $A$. On $V^{\vee}$ we have the Lebesgue
measure $dy'$ normalized by $A^{\vee}$ and a section of the projection
$E^{\vee}_0 \rightarrow V^{\vee}$ gives a measure $dy''$ on $P^{\vee}$
with $dy=dy'dy''$.
Define the ${\cal X}$-function of the cone $ \Lambda $ by
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(x)=\int_{ \Lambda ^{\vee}}e^{-y''(x)}dy''
for all $x\in P_{{\bf C}}$ with ${\rm Re}(x)$ contained in the interior of
$ \Lambda $ (cf. section 7.1).
Let $B\subset E$ be as above and let $f\in {\cal M}(T_B)$ be a distinguished
function with respect to $(V;l_1,...,l_m)$. Put
B^+=B\cap \{x\in E\,|\, l_j(x)\ge 0, \,{\rm for}\,\,
{\rm all}\,\, j = 1,...,m\},
\tilde{f}_{B^+}(z)=\frac{1}{(2\pi )^{\nu}}\int_Vf(z+iv)dv
(for $z\in T_B$).
The function $\tilde{f}_{B^+}\,:\, T_{B^+} \rightarrow {\bf C}$ is holomorphic and has
a meromorphic continuation to a neighborhood of ${\bf 0}\in E_{{\bf C}}$.
In section 7.5 we will prove the following theorem.
{\bf Theorem 5.3}\hskip 0,5cm {\it
For $x_0\in B^+$ we have
\lim_{s \rightarrow 0}s^{m-\nu}\tilde{f}_{B^+}(sx_0)=
g({\bf 0}){\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(\psi_0(x_0)).
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 5.4}\hskip 0,5cm
In this section we make some preparations in
order to apply the general setting
of 5.2.
Let $L$ be a line bundle on $Y$ such that its class in ${\rm Pic}(Y)$ lies in
the interior of $ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(Y)$. By the definition of $a(L)$ (cf. section 1
and Proposition 4.2),
a(L)[L]-\psi(\varphi_{\Sigma},2\rho_P)\in \Lambda (L)
where $ \Lambda (L)$ is the minimal face of $ \Lambda _{\rm eff}(Y)$ containing
$a(L)[L]-\psi(\varphi_{\Sigma},2\rho_P)$. Define $ \varphi _e\in PL(\Sigma) $
(for $e\in \Sigma_1$) by $ \varphi _e(e')=\delta_{ee'}$, for all $e'\in \Sigma_1$
and put
\Sigma'_1:= \{e\in \Sigma_1\,|\, \psi( \varphi _e,{\bf 0})\in \Lambda (L)\}.
Let $P'\subset G$ be the standard parabolic subgroup with
\Delta_{P'}=\{ \alpha \in \Delta _P\,\,|\,\, \psi({\bf 0}, \varpi _{ \alpha })\in \Lambda (L)\},
where $\langle\varpi_{ \alpha }, \beta \rangle =\delta_{ \alpha \beta }$ for all
$ \alpha , \beta \in \Delta_0$.
( \varphi _L, \lambda _L)\in (\sum_{e\in \Sigma'_1}{\bf R}_{>0} \varphi _e)\times
(\sum_{ \alpha \in \Delta_{P'}}{\bf R}_{>0} \varpi _{ \alpha })
such that $\psi( \varphi _L, \lambda _L)=a(L)[L]-\psi ( \varphi _{\Sigma},2\rho_P)$.
\hat{L}:=\frac{1}{a(L)}( \varphi _{\Sigma}+ \varphi _L,2\rho_P+ \lambda _L)
is mapped onto $[L]$ by $\psi$.
Denote by
h_L( \varphi , \lambda ):=\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1-\Sigma_1'}
\frac{ \varphi (e)}{ \varphi (e)+1}\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta_P - \Delta_{P'} }
\frac{\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle}{
\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle +1}
and put
\tilde{\varphi}= \varphi + \varphi _{\Sigma}+ \varphi _L\hskip 0,5cm {\rm and}
\hskip 0,5cm \tilde{\lambda}= \lambda +\rho_P+ \lambda _L.
>From now on we will denote by
${\bf K}_G\subset G({\bf A})$ the maximal compact subgroup
defined in section 8.2.
{\bf Lemma 5.4}\hskip 0,5cm
There exists a convex open neighborhood $B$ of ${\bf 0}$ in
$PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}}\oplus X^*(P)_{{\bf R}}$ with the
following property:
For any compact subset ${\bf K}\subset T_B$
there is a constant $c=c({\bf K})>0$ such that for all
$( \varphi , \lambda )\in {\bf K}, \chi \in {\cal U}_T$ and $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$
we have
\left|\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,\tilde{\varphi} +im)E^G_P(\tilde{\lambda}-
i\check{\eta}(m), \chi _{\eta}^{-1})h_L( \varphi +im, \lambda -i\check{\eta}(m))\right|
\le c\prod_{v|\infty}\left\{\sum_{\dim \sigma =d}\,\,\prod_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}
{\em Proof.}
Write as in (\ref{3.5.1})
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,\tilde{\varphi}+im)=\zeta_{\Sigma}( \chi ,\tilde{\varphi}+im)\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1}
L_f( \chi _e,1+( \varphi + \varphi _L+im)(e)).
For ${\rm Re}( \varphi )$ sufficiently small and $e\in \Sigma_1'$ we have
{\rm Re}( \varphi (e))+ \varphi _L(e)\ge \frac{1}{2} \varphi _L(e)>0.
\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1'}L_f( \chi _e,1+( \varphi + \varphi _L+im)(e))
is bounded for ${\rm Re}( \varphi )$ sufficiently small.
If $e\in \Sigma_1-\Sigma_1'$ then $ \varphi _L(e)=0$. By the estimates of
Rademacher (cf. Theorem 3.6), we have for $ \chi _e\neq 1$
L_f( \chi _e,1+( \varphi +im)(e))
c_e(1+|m(e)|+\|( \chi _e)_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}
for ${\rm Re}( \varphi (e))>-\delta$ and $ \varphi $ in a compact set ($ \delta$
depends on $\epsilon $, $c_e$ depends on this compact subset).
If $ \chi _e=1$ (abusing notations we will denote
from now on the trivial character by 1) then
\frac{( \varphi +im)(e)}{( \varphi +im)(e)+1}
L_f(1,1+( \varphi + im)(e))
Now we use Proposition 8.7 concerning estimates for Eisenstein
series. This proposition tells us that there is for given $\epsilon >0$ an
open neighborhood of ${\bf 0}$ in $X^*(P)_{{\bf R}}$ such that for ${\rm Re}( \lambda )$
contained in this neighborhood
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P}
\frac{\langle \lambda + \lambda _L-i\check{\eta}(m), \alpha \rangle}{
\langle \lambda + \lambda _L-i\check{\eta}(m), \alpha \rangle +1}
E^G_P(\tilde{\lambda} -i\check{\eta}(m),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1})
\le c_1(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda )+
(For the definition of $(\cdots )_{\infty}$ and the norms see section 8.5.)
If we let $ \lambda $ vary in a compact subset in the
tube domain over this neighborhood
then there is a constant $c_2\ge c_1$ such that
c_1(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda )+\check{\eta}(m)\|+\|({{\chi}_{\eta}}^{-1})_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}
\le c_2(1+\|\check{\eta}(m)\|+\|({{\chi}_{\eta}}^{-1})_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}
For ${\rm Re}( \lambda )$ sufficiently small and $ \alpha \in \Delta _{P'}$ we have
\langle {\rm Re}( \lambda )+ \lambda _L, \alpha \rangle\ge \frac{1}{2}\langle \lambda _L, \alpha \rangle >0.
Therefore, there are
$c_3,c_4>0$ such that for all such $ \lambda $ and $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$
we have
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _{P'}}
\frac{\langle \lambda + \lambda _L-i\check{\eta}(m), \alpha \rangle}{
\langle \lambda + \lambda _L-i\check{\eta}(m), \alpha \rangle+1}
\right| \le c_4
Putting everything together, we can conclude that there is a neighborhood
$B$ of ${\bf 0}$ in $ PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}}\oplus X^*(P)_{{\bf R}}$ such that
for $( \varphi , \lambda ) $ in a compact subset ${\bf K}$
of the tube domain over $B$ we have
\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1}
L_f( \chi _e, 1+( \varphi + \varphi _L+im)(e))
\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1-\Sigma_1'}
\frac{( \varphi +im)(e)}{( \varphi +im)(e)+1}\right|
\left| E^G_P(\tilde{\lambda}-i\check{\eta}(m),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1})
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P- \Delta _{P'}}
\frac{ \langle \lambda -i\check{\eta}(m), \alpha \rangle}{\langle
\lambda -i\check{\eta}(m), \alpha \rangle+1}
\le c'({\bf K})(1+\|m+m_{\infty}( \chi )\|)^{\epsilon},
where $\|\cdot\|$ is a norm on $M_{{\bf R},\infty}$.
On the other hand, by Lemma 3.5, we have
\left|\zeta_{\Sigma}( \chi ,\tilde{\varphi} +im)\right|\le
c''({\bf K})\prod_{v|\infty}
\sum_{\dim \sigma =d}\,\,\prod_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}
\frac{1}{(1+|e(m+m_v( \chi ))|)^{1+1/d}}
Now we may choose $\epsilon $ and $c_5$ such that
(1+\|m+m_{\infty}( \chi )\|)^{\epsilon}\le c_5\prod_{v|\infty}
\prod_{e\in \sigma _v\cap \Sigma_1}(1+|e(m+m_v( \chi ))|)^{1/2d}
for any system $( \sigma _v)_{v|\infty}$ of $d$-dimensional cones.
This gives the claimed estimate.
\hfill $\Box$
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 5.5}\hskip 0,5cm
To begin with, we let
M'_{{\bf R}}:=\{ m\in M_{{\bf R}}\,\,|\,\, e(m)=0\, \forall e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}\,\,
{\rm and}\,\, \langle \check{ \eta }(m), \alpha \rangle =0\,\, \forall\, \alpha \in
\Delta _P - \Delta _{P'} \},
M'=M'_{{\bf R}}\cap M.
Then $M'_{{\bf R}}=M'\otimes {\bf R}$ and $M''=M/M'$ is torsion free. Put
$d'={\rm rank}(M')$, $d''={\rm rank}(M'')$.
The connection with sections 5.2 and 5.3 is as follows:
E=(PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}}\oplus X^*(P)_{{\bf R}})/M'_{{\bf R}},
V=M''\otimes {\bf R}, A=M'', \nu = d'',
the set of linear forms $l_1,...,l_m$ is given as follows
( \varphi , \lambda )+M'_{{\bf R}}\mapsto \varphi (e), \,\, e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'},
( \varphi , \lambda )+M'_{{\bf R}}\mapsto \langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle, \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}
The measure $dv=dm''$ on $V=M''_{{\bf R}}$ is normalized by $M''$, $dm=dm'dm''$,
where $dm$ (resp. $dm'$) is the Lebesgue measure on $M_{{\bf R}}$
(resp. $M'_{{\bf R}}$) normalized by $M$ (resp. $M'$).
Fix a convex open neighborhood of
${\bf 0}$ in $PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}}\oplus X^*(P)_{{\bf R}}$
for which Lemma 5.4 is valid. Denote by $B$ the image of this
neighborhood in $E$. This is an open and
convex neighborhood of ${\bf 0}$.
Using Lemma 5.4 we see that
g( \varphi , \lambda )=
\mu_{T'}\int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\frac{1}{\kappa^{d''}}
\left\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}
h_L( \varphi , \lambda )\right\}dm'
is a holomorphic function on $T_B$ (here $ \mu_{T'}=1/(2\pi \kappa)^{d'}$).
(We use the invariance of $g$ under $iM_{{\bf R}}'$ and Cauchy-Riemann
differential equations to check that $g$ is actually a function on
f( \varphi , \lambda ):=g( \varphi , \lambda )h_L( \varphi , \lambda )^{-1}
is a meromorphic function on $T_B$.
Let $E^{(0)}$ be the common kernel of all maps (\ref{5.5.1-0}, \ref{5.5.1-1}).
Note that there is an exact sequence
0 \rightarrow M'_{{\bf R}} \rightarrow E^{(0)} \rightarrow \langle \Lambda (L)\rangle \rightarrow 0
which implies
b(L)={\rm codim}\,\, \Lambda (L)=m-d'',
where $m=\#({\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'} ) +\#({\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}})$.
By construction, $M_{{\bf R}}''\cap E^{(0)}=\{{\bf 0}\}$. Let $dy$ be the
Lebesgue measure on $E_0^{\vee}$ normalized by the lattice
generated by the linear forms (\ref{5.5.1-0}, \ref{5.5.1-1}).
Denote by $E^+_0$ the closed simplicial cone in $E_0$ defined by these linear
forms, and by
$ \pi_0\,:\, E \rightarrow E_0$ the canonical projection. It is easily seen that
$\pi_0(M_{{\bf R}}'')\cap E^+_0=\{{\bf 0}\}$ (using the exact sequence above).
\psi_0\,:\, E_0 \rightarrow P:=E_0/\pi_0(M_{{\bf R}}'')
be the canonical projection and put
\Lambda =\psi_0(E^+_0),
B^+=B\cap \{ ( \varphi , \lambda )\in E\,|\, \varphi (e)>0\,\,\forall \,e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'},
\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle >0\,\,\forall\, \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}} \}.
By the following theorem the function $f\in {\cal M}(T_B)$ is
distinguished with respect to $M_{{\bf R}}''$ and the set of linear forms
$(\ref{5.5.1-0}, \ref{5.5.1-1})$. Therefore, we can define
$\tilde{f}_{B^+}\,:\, T_{B^+} \rightarrow {\bf C}$ by
\tilde{f}_{B^+}(z)=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{d''}}\int_{M_{{\bf R}}''}
{\bf Theorem 5.5}
\hskip 0,5cm
a) $f$ is a distinguished function with respect to $M_{{\bf R}}''$ and the set
of linear forms $(\ref{5.5.1-0}, \ref{5.5.1-1})$.
b) There exist an open neighborhood $\tilde{B}$ of ${\bf 0}$
containing $B^+$ and linear forms $\tilde{l}_1,...,\tilde{l}_{\tilde{m}}$
which vanish on $M_{{\bf R}}''$ such that
has a holomorphic continuation to $T_{\tilde{B}}$ and $g({\bf 0})\neq 0$.
{\em Proof.}
a) Define $c_0\,:\, M_{{\bf R},\infty} \rightarrow {\bf R}_{\ge 0}$ by
\{ \sum_{\dim \sigma =d }\,\,\prod_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}
Let ${\cal F}\subset M_{{\bf R},\infty}^{1}$ be the cube spanned by
a basis of the image of ${\cal U}_T$ in $M_{{\bf R},\infty}^{1}$.
Let $c'>0$ such that for all $m_{\infty}(\chi)\in M_{{\bf R},\infty}^{1}$
($\chi\in {\cal U}_T)$ and all $m^1\in {\cal F}$
c_0(m_{\infty}(\chi))\le c'c_0(m_{\infty}(\chi)+m^1).
Let $dm^1$ be the Lebesgue measure on $M_{{\bf R},\infty}^{1}$
normalized by the image of ${\cal U}_T$. Then for $m\in M_{{\bf R}}$
\int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\left\{\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T}c_0(m_{\infty}( \chi )+m'+m)
\right\}dm'\le c(m \hskip 0,2cm {\rm mod} \hskip 0,2cm M'_{{\bf R}}),
where $c\,:\, M^{''}_{{\bf R}} \rightarrow {\bf R}_{\ge 0}$ is defined by
c(m^{''}):={\rm cl}_F^dc'\int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\int_{M_{{\bf R},\infty}^{1}}
By Lemma 5.4, for any compact subset ${\bf K}$ of $T_B$ there is
a $c({\bf K})>0$ such that
|g(z+im'')|\le c(m'')
for all $z\in {\bf K}$ and $m''\in M_{{\bf R}}''$.
Obviously, $c$ can be integrated over any subspace $U$ of $M_{{\bf R}}''$.
It remains to show that for any $m''\in M_{{\bf R}}'' - U$ one has
\lim_{\tau \rightarrow \pm \infty}\int_Uc(\tau m''+u)du=0.
This exercise will be left to the reader.
b) The first part concerning the meromorphic continuation and singularities
of $\tilde{f}_{B^+}$ is the content of Theorem 5.2. The relation
\lim_{s \rightarrow 0}s^{b(L)}\tilde{f}_{B^+}(s\hat{L})=
g({\bf 0}){\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(\psi_0(\hat{L}))
is satisfied by Theorem 5.3 and (\ref{5.5.2}).
It will be shown in Section 6 that $g({\bf 0})\neq 0$.
\hfill $\Box$
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 5.6}\hskip 0,5cm
The main theorem of our paper is:
{\bf Theorem 5.6}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $L$ be a line bundle on $Y$ which lies in the interior of the cone
of effective divisors. Then there exists a metrization ${\cal L}$ of $L$ with
the following properties:
a) The height zeta function
Z_{Y^o}({\cal L},s)=\sum_{y\in Y^o(F)}H_{\cal L}(y)^{-s}
is holomorphic for ${\rm Re} (s)>a(L)$ and it can be continued meromorphically
to a half-space ${\rm Re}(s)>a(L)- \delta $ for some $ \delta >0$. In this half-space
it has a pole of order $b(L)$ at $a(L)$ and no other poles.
b) For the counting function one has the following asymptotic
N_{Y^{o}}({\cal L}, H)= c({\cal L})H^{a(L)}(\log H)^{b(L)-1}(1+o(1))
for $H \rightarrow \infty$ with some constant $c({\cal L})>0$.
{\em Proof.}
a) By construction, $\hat{L}=\frac{1}{a(L)}( \varphi _{\Sigma}+ \varphi _L,2 \lambda _P+ \lambda _L)$
is mapped onto $[L]$ by $\psi$. Hence $Z_{Y^o}({\cal L},s)$ converges
absolutely for ${\rm Re}(s)>a(L)$, where ${\cal L}$ is the metrization mentioned
in Proposition 4.4. By the same proposition,
Z_{Y^o}({\cal L}, s+a(L))=\mu_T
\int_{M_{{\bf R}}}\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}f_L(\chi,im)\}dm
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,\frac{s}{a(L)}( \varphi _{\Sigma}+ \varphi _L) +
\varphi _{\Sigma}+ \varphi _L+im)
E^G_P(\frac{s}{a(L)}(2\rho_P+ \lambda _L)+\rho_P+
\lambda _L-i\check{\eta}(m),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1})
for all $s$ with ${\rm Re}(s)>0$. However, this is just
\int_{M_{{\bf R}}''}f\left(s\hat{L}+i(m'',-\check{\eta}(m''))\right)dm''=
with $f,B^+$ and $\tilde{f}_{B^+}$ introduced in the preceding section.
By Theorem 5.5, $\tilde{f}_{B^+}$ extends to a meromorphic function on
a tube domain over a neighborhood of ${\bf 0} $ and in this tube domain the
only singularities are the hyperplanes defined over ${\bf R}$.
Hence there is a $ \delta >0$
such that $Z_{Y^o}({\cal L},s+a(L))$ extends to a
meromorphic function in the half-space ${\rm Re}(s)>- \delta $ and the only
possible pole is in $s=0$ and its order is exactly $b(L)$
(Theorems 5.3 and 5.5).
b) This result follows from a Tauberian theorem
(cf. \cite{De}, Th\'eor\`eme III or \cite{Sh}, Problem 14.1 (in the constant
stated there the factor $\frac{1}{k_0}$ is missing)).
\hfill $\Box$
\section{Non-vanishing of asymptotic constants}
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 6.1} \hskip 0,5cm
This section is devoted to the proof of the non-vanishing of $g({\bf 0})$
claimed in Theorem 5.5.
All notations are as in sections 5.2-5.5.
The function $g( \varphi , \lambda )$ which has been defined in 5.5
is given by
g( \varphi , \lambda )=\frac{\mu_{T'}}{\kappa^{d''}}\int_{M'}
\left\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T}\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,\tilde{\varphi}+im')
E^G_P\left(\tilde{\lambda} -i\check{\eta}(m'),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1}\right)h_L( \varphi , \lambda )
where $\tilde{\varphi},\tilde{\lambda}$ have been defined in 5.4.
The function $h_L( \varphi , \lambda )$ was defined in 5.4:
h_L( \varphi , \lambda )=\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}}
\frac{ \varphi (e)}{ \varphi (e)+1}\prod_{ \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}}
\frac{\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle}{
\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle +1}.
The uniform convergency of the integral above in
any compact subset of $T_B$ (cf. Lemma 5.4)
allows us to compute the limit
\lim_{( \varphi , \lambda ) \rightarrow {\bf 0}}\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}} \varphi (e)
\prod_{ \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}}\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,\tilde{\varphi} +im')
E^G_P\left( \tilde{\lambda} -i\check{\eta}(m'),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1}\right)
first and then to integrate.
We shall show that this limit vanishes if there are
$e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}$ with $\chi_e\neq 1$ or
$ \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}$ with
${\chi}_{\eta}\circ\check{ \alpha }\neq 1$.
Therefore, we may consider only $ \chi \in {\cal U}_T'$ where
{\cal U}_T':=\{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T\,|\, \chi _e=1\,\,\forall
e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'},\,\,
{\chi}_{\eta}\circ\check{ \alpha }=1 \,\forall\,\, \alpha \in
{\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}\}.
Let $\eta'\,:\, P' \rightarrow T$ be the uniquely defined homomorphism such that
for all $ \alpha \in \Delta_{P'}$ we have
$\eta'\circ\check{ \alpha }=\eta\circ\check{ \alpha }$.
{\bf Lemma 6.1}\hskip 0,5cm
g({\bf 0})
=\lim_{ \varphi \rightarrow {\bf 0},\, \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+ }\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}} \varphi (e)\cdot
\frac{c_{P'}}{c_P} \int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\{\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T'}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,\tilde{\varphi}+im')
\hskip 8,5cm
E^G_{P'}\left( \lambda _L+\rho_{P'}-i\check{ \eta }'(m'),(\chi_{\eta'})^{-1}\right)\}dm'
(cf. 8.4 for the definition of $c_{P'}$ and $c_P$).
{\em Proof.}
Recall that (cf. (\ref{3.5.1}))
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,\tilde{\varphi}+im')= \zeta _{\Sigma}(\chi, \tilde{\varphi} +im')
\prod_{e\in \Sigma_1}L_f(\chi_e,
1+ \varphi (e)+ \varphi _L(e)+ie(m'))
and that $\zeta_{\Sigma}(\chi,\tilde{\varphi} +im')$ is regular for $ \varphi $ in a tube domain
over a neighborhood of ${\bf 0}$ (Lemma 3.5).
For $e\in \Sigma_1'$ we have $ \varphi _L(e)>0$, hence we see that the function
L_f(\chi_e, 1+ \varphi (e)+ \varphi _L(e)+ie(m'))
is holomorphic for
${\rm Re} ( \varphi )$ in a neighborhood of
${\bf 0}$.
Let $e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}$. If $\chi_e\neq 1$
then the restriction of
$\chi_e$ to ${{\bf G}_m({\bf A})^1}$ is non-trivial
(by our construction of the
embedding ${\cal U}_T \rightarrow {\cal A}_T$, cf. 3.3), hence
\varphi \mapsto L_f(\chi_e, 1+ \varphi (e))
is an entire function and $ \varphi (e)L_f(\chi_e, 1+ \varphi (e))$ tends to $0$ as
$ \varphi \rightarrow {\bf 0}$.
For $ \alpha \in \Delta_{P'}$ we have $\langle \lambda _L, \alpha \rangle >0$, hence
$ \lambda _L$ is contained in $ X^*(P')^+$.
Let $ \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}$. If ${\chi}_{\eta}\circ \check{ \alpha }
\neq 1$ then ${\chi}_{\eta}\circ \check{ \alpha }$
restricted to ${{\bf G}_m({\bf A})^1}$ is non-trivial
and therefore
\prod_{ \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}}\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle E^G_P\left(
\lambda +\rho_P+ \lambda _L-i\check{\eta}(m'),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1}\right)
vanishes as $ \lambda \rightarrow {\bf 0}$ (cf. Proposition 8.3).
We have shown that it suffices to
take the sum over all $\chi\in {\cal U}_T'$.
To complete the proof, note that for $\chi\in {\cal U}_T'$ we have
(cf. Proposition (8.4))
\lim_{ \lambda \rightarrow {\bf 0}}
\prod_{ \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}}\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle
E^G_P\left( \tilde{\lambda}-i\check{\eta}(m'),{\chi}_{\eta}^{-1}\right )
= \frac{c_{P'}}{c_P}E^G_{P'}\left( \lambda _L+\rho_{P'}-i\check{\eta}'(m'),
\hfill $\Box$
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 6.2}\hskip 0,5cm
By the absolute and uniform convergence of
\int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\left\{\sum_{\chi\in {\cal U}_T'}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}(\chi,\tilde{\varphi} +im')
\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}} \varphi (e)\right\}dm'
(cf. Lemma 3.5 and Theorem 3.6) and the convergence
\sum_{ \gamma \in P'(F) \backslash G(F)}e^{\langle \lambda _L+2\rho_{P'},H_{P'}( \gamma)\rangle}
we may change summation and integration in (\ref{6.1.1}) and get for all
$ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+$
\frac{c_{P'}}{c_P} \int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T'}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,\tilde{\varphi}+im')
\lambda _L+\rho_{P'}-i\check{\eta}'(m')(\chi_{\eta'})^{-1}\right)dm'
=\frac{c_{P'}}{c_P\kappa^{d''}}\sum_{ \gamma\in P'(F) \backslash G(F)}
e^{\langle \lambda _L+2\rho_{P'},H_{P'}({ \gamma}')\rangle}
\int_{M'_{{\bf R}}} \sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}_T^{'}}\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,\tilde{\varphi}+im')
( \chi ^{m'} \chi )^{-1}( \eta '(p_{ \gamma}')) dm'
where $ \gamma =p_{ \gamma}'k_{ \gamma}$ as above.
Let $I$ be the image of the homomorphism
\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}}{\bf G}_m({\bf A})\times
\prod_{ \alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}}{\bf G}_m({\bf A}) \rightarrow T({\bf A})
induced by $M \rightarrow {\bf Z}^{{\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}}\oplus
{\bf Z}^{{\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}}$,
\left((e(m))_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}},(\langle -m\circ\eta, \alpha \rangle)_{
\alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}}})\right).
Then $M_{{\bf R}}'\oplus {\cal U}_T'$ is precisely the set of characters
$T({\bf A}) \rightarrow S^1$ which are trivial on
$T(F){\bf K}_TI$. Put $T'={\rm Spec} (F[M'])$ and $ T''={\rm Spec} (F[M'']).$
Then there is an exact sequence
1 \rightarrow T'' \rightarrow T \rightarrow T' \rightarrow 1.
Note that $I\subset T''({\bf A})$. Denote by ${\bf K}_{T'}$
(resp. ${\bf K}_{T''}$) the maximal compact subgroup of $T'({\bf A})$
(resp. of $T''({\bf A})$).
The linear forms
m\mapsto e(m),\,\,\, e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'},
m\mapsto -\langle m\circ \eta, \alpha \rangle, \,\,\,
\alpha \in {\Delta_P -\Delta_{P'}},
when considered as functions on $M''$,
generate a sublattice of finite index in
$N''=\Hom (M'',{\bf Z})$.
This shows that there is a $q>0$ such that the image of the $q$-th power
homomorphism $T''({\bf A}) \rightarrow T''({\bf A})$,
$t\mapsto t^q$, is contained in $I$.
If $v$ is any archimedean place of $F$ the connected component of one
in $T''(F_v)$ is therefore contained in $I$. Consequently,
\prod_{v\nmid\infty }{\bf K}_{T'',v}
\subset T''(F){\bf K}_{T''}\cdot I
and the left hand side is of finite index in $T''({\bf A})$.
{\cal A}_T'=\{ \chi \in {\cal A}_T\,\,|\,\, \chi =1 \,\, {\rm on}\,\,
T(F){\bf K}_TT''({\bf A})\}.
We observe that
{\cal A}_T'\simeq {\cal A}_{T'}=(T'({\bf A})/T'(F){\bf K}_{T'})^*\subset
M'_{{\bf R}}\oplus{\cal U}_T'
We denote by
\Ind(L)=(M'_{{\bf R}}\oplus{\cal U}_T')/{\cal A}_T'
and by $\ind(L)$ the order of $\Ind(L)$.
Put ${\cal U}_{T'}={\cal U}_T\cap {\cal A}_T'$
(then $ {\cal A}_T'=M_{{\bf R}}'\oplus
{\cal U}_{T'}$).
Thus we may write
\int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\left\{\sum_{ \chi \in {\cal U}'_T}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ,\tilde{\varphi}+im')( \chi ^{m'} \chi )^{-1}( \eta (p_{ \gamma}'))
= \sum_{ \chi \in \Ind(L) }
\int_{M'_{{\bf R}}}\left\{\sum_{ \chi '\in {\cal U}_{T'}}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ' \chi ^{m'} \chi ,\tilde{\varphi})
( \chi ' \chi ^{m'} \chi )^{-1}( \eta '(p'_{ \gamma}))\right\}dm'
For $ \chi \in M'_{{\bf R}}\oplus {\cal U}_T'$ and $x\in T'({\bf A})$
we consider the function
x\mapsto \int_{T''({\bf A})}H_{\Sigma}(xt \eta '(p_{ \gamma}'), \tilde{\varphi}) \chi (t)dt
(the Haar measure $dt$ on $T''({\bf A})$
is defined as $dx$ on $T({\bf A})$, cf. 3.3).
The same argument as in the proof of Proposition 3.4 shows that this
function is absolutely integrable over $T'(F)$ if $ \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+$.
The Fourier transform
for $ \chi '\in {\cal A}_T'$
\int_{T'({\bf A})}\left(\int_{T''({\bf A})}H_{\Sigma}(xt\eta'(p_{ \gamma}'),\tilde{\varphi})
\chi (t)dt\right) \chi '(x)dx
is absolutely integrable over ${\cal A}'_T$.
Using Poisson's summation formula twice we get
\sum_{ \chi \in \Ind(L)}\mu_{T'}
\int_{M_{{\bf R}}'}\left\{\sum_{\chi'\in {\cal U}_{T'}}
\hat{H}_{\Sigma}( \chi ^{m'} \chi ' \chi ,\tilde{\varphi})
( \chi ' \chi ^{m'} \chi )^{-1}( \eta '(p'_{ \gamma}))\right\}dm'
=\sum_{ \chi \in \Ind(L) }
\sum_{x\in T'(F)}\int_{T''({\bf A})}
H_{\Sigma}(xt \eta '(p_{ \gamma}',\tilde{\varphi}) \chi (t)dt=
\sum_{x\in T'(F)} \ind(L)
\int_{T''(F) {\bf K}_T I}H_{\Sigma}(xt \eta '(p_{ \gamma}'),\tilde{\varphi})dt.
Now we collect all the terms together.
{\bf Lemma 6.2}\hskip 0,5cm
The constant $g({\bf 0})$ is equal to
\frac{\ind(L) c_{P'}/c_{P}}{\kappa^{d''}}
\sum_{ \gamma\in P'(F) \backslash G(F)}e^{\langle \lambda _L+2\rho_{P'},H_{P'}( \gamma)\rangle}
\lim_{ \varphi \rightarrow {\bf 0},\, \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+} \prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}} \varphi (e)
\sum_{x\in T'(F)}\int_{T''(F){\bf K}_{T''}I}
H_{\Sigma}(x \eta '(p_{ \gamma}')t,\tilde{\varphi})dt.
{\bf Lemma 6.3}\hskip 0,5cm
The limit
\lim_{ \varphi \rightarrow {\bf 0}, \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+}
\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}} \varphi (e)\int_{T''({\bf A})}
exists and is positive.
{\em Proof.}
Consider the embedding $N''_{{\bf R}} \rightarrow N_{{\bf R}}$ and let
\Sigma'':=\{ \sigma \cap N_{{\bf R}}''\,|\, \sigma \in \Sigma\}.
This is a complete fan in $N_{{\bf R}}''$ which consists of rational polyhedral
cones, but which is not necessary a regular fan. We can obtain a regular fan
by subdivision of the cones into regular ones (cf.
\cite{KKMS-D}, ch. I, \S 2,
Theorem 11). This gives us a complete regular
fan $\tilde{\Sigma}''$ such that any
cone in $\tilde{\Sigma}''$ is contained in a cone of $\Sigma''$. Denote by
$\tilde{\Sigma}_1''$ the set of primitive integral generators of
the one-dimensional cones in $\tilde{\Sigma}''$.
Computing the integral as in section 3.4 we get
\int_{T''({\bf A})}H_{\Sigma}(t,\tilde{\varphi} )dt= \zeta _{\tilde{\Sigma}''}(1,\tilde{\varphi} )
\prod_{\tilde{e}\in \tilde{\Sigma}_1''}L_f(1,\tilde{\varphi}(\tilde{e}))
(cf. (\ref{3.5.1})), where
$\zeta_{\tilde{\Sigma}''}(1,\tilde{\varphi})$ is regular in a
neighborhood of $ \varphi ={\bf 0}$ and positive for $ \varphi ={\bf 0}$.
Let $\tilde{e}\in N$ and $ \sigma \in \Sigma'$
be a cone containing $\tilde{e}$. Write
$\tilde{e}=\sum_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}t_e\cdot e$ ($ t_e\in {\bf Z}_{\ge 0}$).
1=( \varphi _{\Sigma}+ \varphi _L)(\tilde{e})=\sum_{e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1}t_e(1+ \varphi _L(e)).
Then $t_e=0$ for all $e\in \sigma \cap \Sigma_1'$
because $ \varphi _L\in \sum_{e\in \Sigma_1'}
{\bf R}_{>0} \varphi _e$ (cf. 5.4).
\tilde{e}=\sum_{e\in \sigma \cap {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}}t_e\cdot e
$ \varphi _{\Sigma}(\tilde{e})=1$ implies $\tilde{e}\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}$.
\lim_{ \varphi \rightarrow {\bf 0},\, \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+}\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}} \varphi (e)
\prod_{\tilde{e}\in \tilde{\Sigma}_1^{''}}L_f(1, \tilde{\varphi}(\tilde{e}))
= \{\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}}\lim_{ \varphi \rightarrow {\bf 0},\, \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+} \varphi (e)
L_f(1,1+ \varphi (e))\}
\prod_{\tilde{e}\in \tilde{\Sigma}_1''- ({\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}) }
L_f\left(1,( \varphi _{\Sigma}+ \varphi _L)(\tilde{e})\right)
and this is a positive real number.
\hfill $\Box$
In theorem 5.5 we claimed the non-vanishing of $g({\bf 0})$.
We are now in the position to prove
{\bf Corollary 6.4}\hskip 0,5cm
g({\bf 0})>0.
{\em Proof.}
By Lemma 6.2 it is enough to show that
\lim_{ \varphi \rightarrow {\bf 0}, \varphi \in PL(\Sigma)^+}\prod_{e\in {\Sigma_1- \Sigma_1'}} \varphi (e)
\int_{T''(F){\bf K}_{T''}\cdot I}H_{\Sigma}(t,\tilde{\varphi})dt
is positive. Let $t_1,...,t_{\nu}\in T({\bf A})$ such that
T''({\bf A})=\bigcup_{j=1}^{\nu}t_jT''(F){\bf K}_{T''}\cdot I.
Then there exists a constant $c>0$ such that for all $t\in T''({\bf A})$
we have
H_{\Sigma}(tt_j,\tilde{\varphi})\le \frac{c}{\nu}H_{\Sigma}(t,\tilde{\varphi}).
Hence we can estimate
\int_{T''({\bf A})}H_{\Sigma}(t,\tilde{\varphi})dt=\sum_{j=1}^{\nu}
\int_{T''(F){\bf K}_{T''} I}H_{\Sigma}(tt_j,\tilde{\varphi})dt
\le c\int_{T''(F){\bf K}_{T''} I}H_{\Sigma}(t,\tilde{\varphi})dt.
Lemma 6.3 allows us to conclude that the limit above is indeed positive.
\hfill $\Box$
\section{Technical theorems}
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 7.1}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $(A, V, \Lambda ) $ be a triple consisting of
a free abelian group
$A$ of rank $d$, a $d$-dimensional real vector space
$V:= A \otimes {\bf R}$ containing $A$ as a sublattice of
maximal rank, and a closed strongly convex
polyhedral $d$-dimensional cone
$\Lambda \subset A_{{\bf R}}$ such that $\Lambda \cap - \Lambda =\{{\bf 0}\}$.
Denote by $ \Lambda ^{\circ}$ the interior of $ \Lambda $.
Let $( A^{\vee} , V^{\vee }, \Lambda ^{\vee }) $ be the triple
consisting of the dual abelian group
$A^{\vee } = {\rm Hom}(A, {\bf Z})$, the dual real vector space
$V^{\vee } = {\rm Hom}(V, {\bf R})$ and the dual cone
$ \Lambda ^{\vee } \subset V^{\vee }$.
We normalize the Haar measure $ dy$ on $V^{\vee }$
by the condition:
${\rm Vol}(V^{\vee }/A^{\vee })=1$.
We denote by $\chi_{ \Lambda }(v)$ the set-theoretic characteristic
function of the cone $ \Lambda $ and by ${\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(v)$ the
Laplace transform of the set-theoretic characteristic function
of the dual cone
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(v) =\int_{V^{\vee }}\chi_{ \Lambda ^{\vee}}(y)e^{-\langle v,y
\rangle } dy=
\int_{{ \Lambda }^{\vee }} e^{- \langle v, y
\rangle} dy,
where ${{\rm Re} }(v) \in { \Lambda }^{\circ}$ (for these $v$
the integral converges absolutely).
Consider a complete regular fan $\Sigma$ on
$V$, that is, a subdivision of the real space
$V$ into a finite set of convex rational simplicial cones,
satisfying certain conditions
(see \cite{BaTschi1}, 1.2).
Denote by $\Sigma_1$ the set of primitive generators
of one dimensional cones in $\Sigma$.
Denote by $PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf R}}$ the vector space of
real valued piecewise linear functions on $V$ and by
$PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf C}}$ its complexification.
\begin{prop}(\cite{BaTschi1}, Prop. 2.3.2, p. 614)
For any compact ${\bf K}\subset PL(\Sigma)_{{\bf C}}$ with the
property that ${\rm Re}(\varphi(v))>0$ for all $\varphi \in {\bf K}$
and $v\neq {\bf 0}$ there exists a constant $\kappa({\bf K})$
such that
for all $\varphi\in {\bf K}$ and all $y\in V^{\vee}$
the following inequality holds:
\left|\int_{V}e^{-\varphi(v) -i \langle v,y \rangle}dv\right|
\kappa({\bf K})\sum_{\dim \sigma =d}\frac{1}{\prod_{e\in \sigma }(1+
|\langle e,y \rangle |)^{1+1/d}}.
\bigskip \noindent
{\bf 7.2}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $H\subset V$ be a hyperplane with $H\cap \Lambda =\{{\bf 0}\}$.
Let $y_0\in V^{{\vee }}$ with
$H=\Ker (y_0)$, such that for all $x\in \Lambda \,:\, y_0(x)\ge 0$.
Then $y_0$ is in the interior of $ \Lambda ^{\vee}\subset V^{\vee}$.
Let $x_0\in \Lambda ^{\circ}$ and let
H'=\{y'\in V^{\vee }\,|\, y'(x_0)=0\}.
We have $V^{\vee}= H'\oplus {\bf R} y_0$. Define $ \varphi \,:\, H' \rightarrow {\bf R}$ by
\varphi (y')=\min \{ t\,|\, y'+ty_0\in \Lambda ^{{\vee }}\}.
The function $ \varphi $ is piecewise linear with respect to a
complete fan of $H'$. Taking a subdivision, if necessary,
we may assume it to be regular.
The function ${\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(u)$ is
absolutely integrable over any linear subspace $U\subset H$.
{\em Proof.}
For $h\in H$ we have
{\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(x_0+ih)=\int_{ \Lambda ^{\vee}}e^{-y(x_0+ih)}dy=
\int_{H'}\int_{ \varphi (y')}^{\infty}e^{-(y'+ty_0)(x_0+ih)}dtdy'
= \int_{H'}e^{- \varphi (y')}e^{-iy'(h)}dy'
Therefore, $h\mapsto {\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(x_0+ih)$ is the Fourier transform
of the function
$y'\mapsto e^{- \varphi (y')}$ on $H'\simeq H^{\vee}$.
The statement follows now from 7.1.
\hfill $\Box$
{\bf 7.3}\hskip 0,5cm
The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of the meromorphic
continuation of certain functions which are holomorphic
in tube domains over convex finitely generated polyhedral
cones. In section \ref{5} we have already introduced
the terminology and explained how this technical
theorem is applied to height zeta functions.
Let $E$ be a finite dimensional vector space over ${\bf R}$
and $E_{{\bf C}}$ its complexification.
Let $V\subset E$ be a subspace.
We will call a function $c\,:\, V \rightarrow {\bf R}_{\ge 0}$
sufficient if it satisfies the following conditions:
(i) For any subspace $U\subset V$ and any $v\in V$ the function
$U \rightarrow {\bf R}$ defined by $u \rightarrow c(v+u)$ is measurable on $U$ and the
c_U(v):= \int_U c(v+u)du
is always finite ($du$ is a Lebesgue measure on $U$).
(ii) For any subspace $U\subset V$ and every $v\in V - U$ we have
\lim_{\tau \rightarrow \pm \infty} c_U(\tau \cdot v)=0.
Let $l_1,...,l_m\in E^{\vee}=\Hom_{{\bf R}}(E,{\bf R})$ be linearly independent
linear forms. Put $H_j={\Ker } (l_j)$ for $j=1,..., m$.
Let $B\subset E$ be an open and convex neighborhood of ${\bf 0}$,
such that for all $x\in B$ and all
$j=1,...,m$ we have $l_j(x)>-1$. We denote by
$T_B:=B+iE \subset E_{{\bf C}}$ the complex tube domain over $B$.
We denote by ${\cal M}(T_B)$ the set of meromorphic functions on
A meromorphic function $f\in {\cal M}(T_B)$
will be called {\it distinguished } with respect to the data
$(V; l_1,...,l_m)$ if it satisfies the following
(i) The function
is holomorphic in $T_B$.
(ii) There exists a sufficient function
$c\,:\, V \rightarrow {\bf R}_{\ge 0}$
such that for any compact ${\bf K}\subset T_B$ there is a constant
$\kappa({\bf K})\ge 0$ such that for all $z\in {\bf K}$ and all
$v \in V$ we have
|g(z+iv)|\le \kappa({\bf K})c(v).
Let $C$ be a connected component of $B - \bigcup_{j=1}^m H_j$
and $T_C$ a tube domain over $C$.
We will consider the following integral:
\tilde{f}_C(z):=\frac{1}{(2\pi )^d}\int_Vf(z+iv)dv.
Here we denoted by
$d=\dim V$ and by $dv$ a fixed Lebesgue measure on $V$.
Assume that $f$ is an distinguished function
with respect to $(V;l_1,...,l_m)$. Then the following holds:
a) $\tilde{f}_C\,:\, T_{C} \rightarrow {\bf C}$ is a holomorphic function.
b) There exist an open and convex neighborhood $\tilde{B}$
of ${\bf 0}$, containing $C$, and linear forms
$\tilde{l}_1,...,\tilde{l}_{\tilde{m}}$, which vanish on $V$,
such that
z \rightarrow \tilde{f}_C(z)\prod_{j=1}^{\tilde{m}}\tilde{l}_j(z)
has a holomorphic continuation to $T_{\tilde{B}}$.
{\em Proof.}
a) Let ${\bf K}\subset T_C$ be a compact subset and let
$\kappa({\bf K})\ge 0$ be a real number such that for all
$z\in {\bf K} $ and all $v\in V$ we have
$|g(z+iv)|\le \kappa({\bf K})c(v)$.
Since ${\bf K}$ is a compact and $C$ doesn't intersect
any of the hyperplanes $H_j$ there exist
real numbers $c_j\ge 0$ for any $j=1,...,m$,
such that for all $z\in {\bf K}$ and $v\in V$
the following inequalities hold
\left|\frac{l_j(z+iv)+1}{l_j(z+iv)}\right|\le c_j.
Therefore, for $z\in {\bf K}$ and $v\in V$ we have
|f(z+iv)|\le c_1\cdots c_m\kappa({\bf K})c(v).
It follows that on every
compact ${\bf K}\subset T_C$ the integral
converges absolutely and uniformly to
a holomorphic function $\tilde{f}_C$.
b) The proof proceeds by induction on $d=\dim V$.
For $d=0$ there is nothing to prove. Assume that $d\ge 1$
and let $v_0\in V - \{{\bf 0}\}$ be a vector such that both
$v_0,-v_0\in B$.
We define
$B_1\subset B$ as the set of all vectors $x\in B$ which
satisfy the following two conditions:
the vector $x\pm v_0\in B $ and
for all $j\in \{1,...,m\}$ with $l_j(v_0)\neq 0$.
The set $B_1$ is a convex open neighborhood of ${\bf 0}\in E$.
Fix a vector $x_0\in C$. Without loss of generality we
can assume that
\{1,...,m_0\}:=\{j\in \{1,...,m\}\,|\, l_j(v_0)l_j(x_0)<0\}
with $0\le m_0\le m$.
For $j\in \{1,...,m_0\}, k\in \{1,...,{\widehat{j} },...,m\}$
we define
l_k(x)-l_j(x)\frac{l_k(v_0)}{l_j(v_0)},\hskip 1cm
H_{j,k}:={\Ker} (l_{j,k})\subset E.
For all $j\in \{1,...,m_0\}$ we have that
$(l_{j,k})_{1\le k\le m, k\neq j}$ is a set of
linearly independent linear forms on $E$.
Moreover, for all $x\in B_1$ and $j\in \{1,...,m_0\}$
we have
x-\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}v_0 =
\left(1-\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}\right)x+\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}(x-v_0)\in B,
in the case
that $\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}\ge 0$
and, similarly, in the case that $\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}< 0$
x-\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}v_0 =\left(1+\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}\right)x
+ \left(-\frac{l_j(x)}{l_j(v_0)}\right)(x+v_0)\in B.
Therefore, for all $x\in B_1$ and $j\in \{1,...,m_0\},
k\in \{1,...,{\hat{ j}},...,m\}$ we have
Let $C_1$ be a connected component of
B_1 -\left(
\bigcup_{j=1}^{m_0}\bigcup_{1\le k\le m, k\neq j } H_{j,k}
\cup \bigcup_{j=1}^mH_j\right),
which is contained in $C$.
For $z\in T_{C}$ we define
h_C(z):=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}f(z+i\tau v_0)d\tau =
\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{{\rm Re}( \lambda )=0}f(z+ \lambda v_0)d \lambda .
As in (i) one shows that $h_{C}$ is a holomorphic function on $T_{C}$.
For $x\in B_1$ and $ \lambda \in [0,1]$ we have
x+ \lambda v_0=(1- \lambda )x+ \lambda (x+v_0)\in B.
If for some $z = x+iy \in T_{C_1}$
($x\in C_1$) and $ \lambda \in [0,1]+i{\bf R}, j\in \{1,...,m\}$
we have
l_j(z+ \lambda v_0)=0,
then it follows that $l_j(x)+{\rm Re}( \lambda )l_j(v_0)=0$,
and therefore, $l_j(x)l_j(v_0)<0$
(since $l_j(x)$ has the same sign as $l_j(x_0)$).
Consequently, $j\in \{1,...,m_0\}$.
For $z\in T_{C_1}$ and $j\in \{1,...,m_0\}$ we put
\lambda _j(z):=-\frac{l_j(z)}{l_j(v_0)}.
By our assumptions, we have $ 0<{\rm Re}( \lambda _j(z))<\frac{1}{2}$.
>From $ \lambda _j(z)= \lambda _{j'}(z),$ with $j,j'\in \{1,...,m_0\}$ and
$j\neq j'$ it follows now that
In particular, we have $l_{j,j'}({\rm Re}(z))=0$. This is not
possible, because $z\in T_{C_1}$.
Assume now that $x\in B_1$. We have, assuming that $l_k(v_0)\neq 0$,
|l_k(x+v_0)|=|l_k(v_0)|\cdot \left|\frac{l_k(x)}{l_k(v_0)}+1\right|\ge
|l_k(v_0)|\cdot |-\frac{1}{2}+1|=\frac{1}{2}|l_k(v_0)|.
If $l_k(v_0)=0$ then we have $l_k(x+v_0)=l_k(x)$.
Fix a $z\in T_{C_1}$. Then there exist
some numbers $c_1(z)\ge 0, c_2(z)\ge 0$
such that for all $ \lambda \in [0,1], \tau \in {\bf R}$ with $|\tau |\ge c_1(z)$
we have
|f(z+ \lambda v_0+i\tau v_0)|
=|g(z+ \lambda v_0+i\tau v_0)|\cdot |\prod_{j=1}^{m}(1+\frac{1}{
l_j(z+ \lambda v_0 +i\tau v_0)})|\le c_2(z)\kappa (z+[0,1]v_0)c(\tau v_0).
For any $z\in T_{C_1}$ we have therefore
h_C(z)=-\sum_{j=1}^{m_0}{\rm Res}_{ \lambda = \lambda _j(z)}( \lambda \rightarrow f(z+ \lambda v_0))
+ \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{{\rm Re} ( \lambda )=1}f(z+ \lambda v_0)d \lambda .
Since $ \lambda _j(z)\neq \lambda _{j'}(z)$ for $j,j'\in \{1,...,m_0\}$,
$j\neq j'$, $z\in T_{C_1}$, we have
{\rm Res}_{ \lambda = \lambda _j(z)}( \lambda \rightarrow f(z+ \lambda v_0))
= \lim_{ \lambda \rightarrow \lambda _j(z)} ( \lambda - \lambda _j(z)) \prod_{k=1}^m
\frac{ l_k(z+ \lambda v_0)+1}{l_k(z+ \lambda v_0)} g(z+ \lambda v_0)
= \frac{1}{l_j(v_0)}g\left(z-\frac{ l_j(z)}{l_j(v_0)}v_0\right)
\prod_{1\le k\le m, k\neq j} \frac{l_{j,k}(z)+1}{l_{j,k}(z)}.
Put now for $j\in \{1,...,m_0\}, z\in T_{B_1}$
f_j(z):= -\frac{1}{l_j(v_0)}g\left(z-\frac{l_j(z)}{l_j(v_0)}v_0\right)\cdot
\prod_{1\le k\le m,\, k\neq j}\frac{l_{j,k}(z)+1}{l_{j,k}(z)}
g_j(z):= -\frac{1}{l_j(v_0)}\cdot g\left(z-\frac{l_j(z)}{l_j(v_0)}v_0\right).
Let $V_1\subset V$ be a hyperplane which does not contain $v_0$.
We want to show that the function $f_j(z)$ is distinguished with respect to
$(V_1;(l_{j,k})_{1\le k\le m,\, k\neq j})$. The function $f_j$ is
meromorphic on $T_{B_1}$. Also, for all $x\in B_1$ and all
$k\in \{1,...,{\hat j},...,m\}$ we have $l_{j,k}(x)>-1$.
Further, we have that
g_j(z)=f_j(z)\cdot \prod_{1\le k\le m,\,
k\neq j}\frac{l_{j,k}(z)}{l_{j,k}(z)+1}
$$ is a holomorphic function on $T_{B_1}$.
Let ${\bf K}_1\subset T_{B_1}$ ($\subset T_B$) be a compact, and let
{\bf K}(j):=\{z-\frac{l_j(z)}{l_j(v_0)}v_0\,|\, z\in {\bf K}_1 \}.
This is a compact subset in $T_B$. Put
\kappa_j({\bf K}_1)=\frac{1}{|l_j(v_0)|}\kappa({\bf K}(j)),
where $\kappa({\bf K}(j)) $ is a constant such that
$|g(z+iv)|\le \kappa ({\bf K}(j))c(v)$ for all $z\in {\bf K}(j)$ and
all $v\in V$. For $v_1\in V_1$ we put
Then for all $z\in {\bf K}_1$ and $v\in V_1$ we have
|g_j(z+iv_1)|\le \kappa_j({\bf K}_1)c_j(v_1).
Moreover, for any subspace $U_1\subset V_1$ and all $v_1\in V_1$ the
function $U_1 \rightarrow {\bf R}, \,\, u_1 \rightarrow c_j(u_1+v_1)$ is measurable and
we have
c_{j,U_1}(v_1):=\int_{U_1}c_j(v_1+u_1)du_1\, < \infty .
For all $v_1\in V_1 - U_1$ we have
\lim_{\tau \rightarrow \pm \infty} c_{j,U_1}(\tau v_1)=0.
This shows that $f_j$ is distinguished with respect to
$(V_1; (l_{j,k})_{1\le k\le m,\, k\neq j} )$.
For $z\in T_{B_1}$ we put
f_0(z):=\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{{\rm Re} ( \lambda )=1} f(z+ \lambda v_0)d \lambda .
If $l_k(v_0)\neq 0$ we have (as above) for all $x\in B_1$
the following inequality
|l_k(x+v_0)|\ge \frac{1}{2} |l_k(v_0)|.
Therefore, we conclude that the function
g_0(z):= f_0(z)\prod_{1\le k\le m,\, l_k(v_0)= 0}\frac{l_k(z)}{l_k(z)+1}
\frac{1}{2\pi }\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}
\{\prod_{1\le k\le m, l_k(v_0)\neq 0}
\frac{l_k(z+v_0+i\tau v_0)+1}{l_k(z+v_0+i\tau v_0)} \}
g(z+v_0+i\tau v_0)d\tau
is holomorphic in $T_{B_1}$.
Further, we have for $z\in {\bf K}_1 $ (with ${\bf K}_1\subset T_{B_1}$
a compact) and $v_1\in V_1$ the inequality
|g_0(z+iv_1)|\le \kappa_0({\bf K}_1)c_0(v_1),
where $\kappa_0({\bf K}_1)$ is some suitable constant and
c_0(v_1):=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}c(v_1+\tau v_0)d\tau.
Again, for any subspace $U_1\subset V_1$ and any $u_1\in V_1$ we have
that the map $U_1 \rightarrow {\bf R}$ given by
$u_1 \rightarrow c_0(v_1+u_1)$ is measurable, and
c_{0,U_1}(v_1)=\int_{U_1}c_0(v_1+u_1)du_1 \,<\infty.
For all $v_1\in V_1 - U_1$ we have
\lim_{\tau \rightarrow \pm \infty} c_{0,U_1}(\tau v_1) =0.
Therefore, $f_0$ is distinguished with respect to
$(V_1; (l_k)_{1\le k\le m, \, l_k(v_0)\neq 0})$.
The Cauchy-Riemann equations imply that $g_0$ is invariant
under ${\bf C} v_0$, that is, for all $z_1,z_2\in T_{B_1}$ with
$z_1-z_2\in {\bf C} v_0$ we have $g_0(z_1)=g_0(z_2)$.
We see that $f_0$ is also invariant under ${\bf C} v_0$ (in this sense),
as well as $f_1,...,f_{m_0}$ (this can be seen from the explicit
representation of these functions).
For $z\in T_{C_1}$ we have
h_C(z)=f_0(z)+\sum_{j=1}^{m_0} f_j(z)=\sum_{j=0}^{m_0}f_j(z).
Moreover, for such $z$ we have
where $dv_1d\tau =dv $ (and ${\rm Vol}_{d\tau}(
\{ \lambda v_0\,| \lambda \in [0,1]\} )=1)$.
By our induction hypothesis, there exists an open and convex neighborhood
$B'$ of ${\bf 0}$ in $E$ and linear forms
$\tilde{l}_1,...,\tilde{l}_{\tilde m}$, which vanish on $V$, such that
\tilde{f}_C(z)\prod_{j=1}^{\tilde m} \tilde{l}_j(z)
has a holomorphic continuation to $T_{B'}$.
(Strictly speaking, from the induction hypothesis it follows
only that the linear forms $\tilde{l}_1,...,\tilde{l}_{\tilde{m}}\in E^{\vee }$
vanish on $V_1$. But since the functions $f_0,...,f_{m_0}$
``live'' already on a tube domain in $(E/{\bf R} v_0)_{{\bf C}}$, it follows that
the linear forms are also ${\bf R} v_0$-invariant.)
Now we notice that $\tilde{f}_C(z)\prod_{j=1}^{\tilde m} \tilde{l}_j(z)$
is holomorphic on $T_C$. Let $\tilde{B}$ be the convex hull of $B'\cup C$.
Then we have that
\tilde{f}_C(z)\prod_{j=1}^{\tilde m} \tilde{l}_j(z)
is holomorphic on $T_{\tilde B}$ (cf. \cite{Hor}, Theorem 2.5.10).
\hfill $\Box$
\bigskip \noindent
{\bf 7.4}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $E,V,l_1,...,l_m$ and $
B\subset \{x\in E\,|\, l_j(x)>-1\hskip 0,2cm \forall
\hskip 0,2cm j=1,...,m\}$ be as above.
Let $C$ be a connected component of $B - \bigcup_{j=1}^m H_j$.
Let $f\in {\cal M}(T_B)$ be an distinguished function with respect
to $(V; l_1,...,l_m)$.
There exist an open convex neighborhood $\tilde B$ of ${\bf 0}$ in $E$
containing $C$ and linear forms $\tilde{l}_1,...,\tilde{l}_{\tilde{m}}\in
E^{\vee }$ vanishing on $V$ such that
a) for all $j\in \{1,...,\tilde{m} \} $ we have
$ {\rm Ker}(\tilde{l}_j)\cap C=\emptyset$
b) $\tilde{f}_C(z)\prod_{j=1}^{\tilde{m}} \tilde{l}_j(z)$
has a holomorphic
continuation to $T_{\tilde{B}}$.
{\em Proof.} By the proposition above, there exist linear forms
$\tilde{l}_1,...,\tilde{l}_{\tilde{m}}$ such that $
V\subset \cap_{j=1}^{\tilde{m}} {\rm Ker}(\tilde{l}_j)$ and
has a holomorphic continuation to a tube domain $T_{\tilde{B}}$
over a convex open neighborhood $\tilde{B}$ of ${\bf 0}\in E$
containing $C$.
Suppose that there exist an $x_0\in C$ and a
$j_0\in \{1,...,\tilde{m}\}$ such that $\tilde{l}_{j_0}(x_0)=0$.
Then the function
\tilde{f}_C(z)\prod_{j\neq j_0}\tilde{l}_j(z)
is still holomorphic in $T_{\tilde{B}'}$
with $\tilde{B}'= (B- {\rm Ker}(\tilde{l}_{j_0}))\cup C$.
It is easy to see that $\tilde{B}'$ is connected.
The convex hull of $\tilde{B}'$ is equal to $\tilde{B}$.
Therefore, already the function
\tilde{f}_C(z)\prod_{j\neq j_0}\tilde{l}_j(z)
is holomorphic on $T_{\tilde{B}}$ (cf. \cite{Hor}, loc. cit.).
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 7.5}\hskip 0,5cm
As above, let $E$ be a finite dimensional vector space over
${\bf R}$ and
let $l_1,...,l_m$ be linearly independent linear forms on $E$.
Put $H_j:={\rm Ker}(l_j)$, for $j=1,...,m$,
$E^{(0)}=\bigcap_{j=1}^m H_j$ and
$E_{0}=E/E^{(0)}$. Let
$\pi_0\,:\, E \rightarrow E_0$ be the canonical projection. Let $V\subset E$
be a subspace with $V\cap E^{(0)}=\{ {\bf 0}\}$, such that
$\pi_0 |_V\,:\, V \rightarrow E_0$ is an injective map.
E^+_0:=\{ x\in E_0 \,|\, l_j(x)\ge 0, \hskip 0,1cm j=1,...,m\}
and let $\psi\,:\, E_0 \rightarrow P := E_0/\pi_0 (V)$ be the canonical
We want to assume that $\pi_0(V)\cap E^+_0=\{{\bf 0}\}$, so that
$ \Lambda :=\psi (E^+_0)$ is a strictly convex polyhedral cone.
Let $dy$ be the Haar measure on $E_0^{\vee }$ normalized by
${\rm Vol}_{dy}(E^{\vee }_0/\oplus_{j=1}^m{\bf Z} l_j)=1$.
Let $A\subset V$ be a lattice, and let $dv$ be a measure
on $V$ normalized by
${\rm Vol}_{dv}(V/A)=1$.
On $V^{\vee }$ we have a measure $dy'$ normalized by $A^{\vee }$ and
a section of the projection $E_0^{\vee } \rightarrow V^{\vee }$ gives a measure
$dy''$ on $P^{\vee }$ with $dy=dy'dy''$.
Let $B\subset E$ be an open and convex neighborhood of ${\bf 0}$,
such that for all $x\in B$ and $j\in \{1,...,m\}$ we have
Let $f\in {\cal M}(T_B)$ be a meromorphic function
in the tube domain over $B$ which is
distinguished with respect to $(V;l_1,...,l_m)$.
B^+=B\cap \{x\in E\,|\, l_j(x)>0, \hskip 0,1cm j=1,...,m \},
\tilde{f}_{B^+} (z)=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^d}\int_Vf(z+iv)dv
where $d=\dim V$.
By 7.3,
the function $\tilde{f}_{B^+}\,:\, T_{B^+} \rightarrow {\bf C}$ is holomorphic
and it has a meromorphic continuation to a neighborhood
of ${\bf 0}\in E_{{\bf C}}$.
For $ x_0\in B^+ $ we have
\lim_{s \rightarrow 0}s^{m-d}\tilde{f}_{B^+}(sx_0)=g({\bf 0}){\cal X}(\psi (x_0)).
{\em Proof.}
For $j\in J:=\{1,...,m \}$
we define
H_{j,+}:=\{v\in V\,\,|\,\, l_j(v)=1\},
H_{j,-}:=\{v\in V\,\,|\,\, l_j(v)=-1\}.
Let ${\cal C}$ be the set of connected components of
$V- \bigcup_{j=1}^m(H_{j,+}\cup H_{j,-})$.
For a $C\in {\cal C}$ we put
J_C:=\{j\in J \,|\, |l_j(v)|< 1\hskip 0,1cm {\rm for}\hskip 0,2cm {\rm all}
\hskip 0,2cm v\in C\}
V^C:=V\cap \bigcap_{j\in J_C}H_j.
Denote by $V_C$ the complement to
$V^C$ in $V$ and let $\pi_C\, :\, V=V_C\oplus V^C \rightarrow V_C$ be the
Since the map $V_C \rightarrow {\bf R}^{J_C}, v \rightarrow (l_j(v))_{j\in J_C}$,
is injective we see that $\pi_C(C)$ is a bounded open subset of $V_C$.
For $v_1\in \pi_C(C)$ we put
C(v_1):=\{v'\in V^C\,|\, v_1+v'\in C\}.
The set $C(v_1)$ is a convex open subset of $V^C$.
Let $dv_1,dv'$ be measures on $V_C$ (resp. on $V^C$), with
$dv_1 dv'=dv$.
For all $s\in (0,1]$ we have
= s^{m-d^C}\int_{\frac{1}{s}\pi_C(C)}\int_{C(sv_1)}f(sx_0+isv_1+iv')dv'dv_1
Here we denoted by $d^C:=\dim V^C$ and by
C_s:=\{v=v_1+v'\in V_C\oplus V^C\,|\, sv_1+v'\in C\}
and by $\chi_{C_s}$ the set-theoretic characteristic
function of $C_s$. We have
put for any $s\in (0,1]$ and any $v=v_1+v'\in V$
The set
{\bf K}_C:=\{ sx_0+iv_1\,|\, s\in [0,1], v_1\in \overline{\pi_C(C)}\}
is contained in $T_B$ and is compact.
Further, there exist $c',c''\ge 0$ such that for all
$s\in [0,1]$ and all $v=v_1+v'\in C$ we have
\prod_{j\in J_C}(l_j(sx_0+iv)+1)\prod_{j\notin J_C}\frac{l_j(sx_0+iv)+1}{
l_j(sx_0 +iv)}\right|\le c',
1\le c''\cdot \left|\prod_{\j\notin J_C}\frac{1}{l_j(x_0+iv_1)}\right|.
Therefore, for $s\in (0,1]$ and $v\in V$ we have
\prod_{j\in J}(1+\frac{1}{l_j(sx_0+isv_1+iv')})\right|
\le \chi_{C_s}(v)s^{m-d^C}\left|\prod_{j\in J_C}\frac{1}{l_j(sx_0+isv_1)}
\prod_{j\notin J_C}\frac{1}{l_j(x_0+iv_1)}\right|
c' c''\kappa ({\bf K}_C)c(v')
\le c'c''\kappa({\bf K}_C)\left|\prod_{j\in J}\frac{1}{l_j(x_0+iv_1)}\right|
\le c'c''\kappa({\bf K}_C)
\left|\prod_{j\in J}\frac{1}{l_j(x_0+iv_1)}\right|c(v'),
since $m-d^C-\#J_C\ge 0$. (The constant $\kappa({\bf K}_C)$ and
the function $c\,:\,V \rightarrow {\bf R}_{\ge 0}$ were introduced above.)
The ${\cal X}$-function corresponding to
the cone $E^+_0\subset E_0$ (and the measure $dy$) is
given by
{\cal X}_{E^+_0}(x_0+iv_1)=\prod_{j=1}^m\frac{1}{l_j(x_0+iv_1)}.
Since the map from $V_C$ to $E_0$ is injective and since
$\pi_0(V_C)\cap E^+_0=\{{\bf 0}\}$ we know
that the function
$v_1 \rightarrow {\cal X}_{E^+_0}(x_0+iv_1)$ is absolutely
integrable over $V_C$ (by 7.2). Therefore,
v=v_1+v'\mapsto c'c''\kappa({\bf K}_C)|\prod_{j\in J}
is integrable over $V$.
For a fixed $v\in V$ we consider the limit
\lim_{s \rightarrow 0}\chi_{C_s}(v)s^{m-d^C}f_{C,s}(v).
The estimate above shows that this limit is $0$ if $m-d^C-\# J_C>0$.
Therefore, we assume that $m=d^C+\# J_C$.
Then the map $V^C \rightarrow {\bf R}^{J - J_C}$ is
an isomorphism. Since $\pi_0 (V)\cap E^+_0=\{{\bf 0}\}$, it follows
that $J_C=J$. There exists exactly one $C\in {\cal C}$ with $J_C=J$
and we denote it by $C^{\circ}$. This $C^{\circ}$ contains ${\bf 0}$ and for
all sufficiently small $s>0$ we have $s\cdot v\in C^{\circ}$, and therefore,
$v\in C^{\circ}_s$.
Moreover, we have
\lim_{s \rightarrow 0}s^mf_{C,s}(v)=\lim_{s \rightarrow 0}s^mg(sx_0+isv)\prod_{j=1}^m
=g({\bf 0})\prod_{j=1}^m\frac{1}{l_j(x_0+iv)}.
Using the theorem of dominated convergence (Lebesgue's theorem),
we obtain
\lim_{s \rightarrow 0}s^{m-d}\tilde{f}_{B^+}(sx_0) & = & \lim_{s \rightarrow 0}
\sum_{C\in {\cal C}}\frac{1}{(2 \pi )^d}\int_V \chi_{C_s}(v)
& & \\
& = & \frac{1}{(2\pi )^d}g({\bf 0})
\int_V \prod_{j=1}^m \frac{1}{l_j(x_0+iv)}dv\\
& & \\
& = & g({\bf 0}){\cal X}_{ \Lambda }(\psi (x_0)).
\hfill $\Box$
\section{Some statements on Eisenstein series}
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 8.1}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $G$ be a semi-simple simply connected algebraic group which is
defined and split over $F$. Fix a Borel subgroup $P_0$ (defined over
$F$) and a Levi decomposition $P_0=S_0U_0$, where $S_0$ is a
maximal $F$-rational torus of $G$. Denote by
${\bf g}$ (resp. ${\bf a}_0$)
the Lie algebra of $G$ (resp. $S_0$).
We are going to define a certain
maximal compact subgroup ${\bf K}_G\subset G({{\bf A}})$.
This maximal compact subgroup will have the advantage that the constant term
of Eisenstein series, more precisely, certain intertwining operators, can
be calculated explicitly, uniformly with respect to all places of $F$.
In general, i.e., for an arbitrary maximal compact subgroup, there will be
some places where such an explicit expression is not available. In principle,
this should cause no problems. Any statement in this section should be valid
for an arbitrary maximal compact subgroup.
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 8.2}
\hskip 0,5cm
Let $\Phi=\Phi(G,S_0)$ be the root system of $G$ with respect to $S_0$.
We denote by $\Delta_0$ the basis of simple roots determined by $P_0$.
For $ \alpha \in \Phi$ let
{\frak g}_{ \alpha }:= \{ X\in {\frak g}\,\,|\,\, [H,X]= \alpha (H)X\}
be the corresponding root space.
Let $((H_{ \alpha })_{ \alpha \in \Delta_0}, (X_{ \alpha })_{ \alpha \in \Phi})$ be the
Chevalley basis of ${\frak g}$. In particular, this means that
{\frak g}_{ \alpha }=FX_{ \alpha }\,( \alpha \in \Phi),\,\,\,\,\,\,[X_{ \alpha },X_{- \alpha }]=H_{ \alpha } \,\,
( \alpha \in \Delta_0 ),
{\frak a}_0= \oplus_{ \alpha \in \Delta_0}FH_{ \alpha }.
{\frak g}_{{\bf Q}}=\sum_{ \alpha \in \Delta_0}{\bf Q} H_{ \alpha } +
\sum_{ \alpha \in \Phi}{\bf Q} X_{ \alpha }\subset {\frak g},
This is a ${\bf Q}$-structure for
${\frak g}$ and for any $v\in \Val (F)$ the Lie algebra of $G(F_v)$ is
${\frak g}\otimes_{{\bf Q}}F_v$.
We put
{\frak k}:=\oplus_{ \alpha \in \Phi^+}{\bf R}(X_{ \alpha }-X_{- \alpha }),
{\frak p}:=\bigoplus_{ \alpha \in \Delta_0}{\bf R} H_{ \alpha }
\oplus\bigoplus_{ \alpha \in \Phi^+}{\bf R} (X_{ \alpha }+X_{- \alpha }),
where $\Phi^+$ is the set of positive roots of $\Phi$ determined by $\Delta_0$.
Then ${\frak k}\oplus {\frak p}$ is a Cartan decomposition of
${\frak g}_{{\bf Q}}\otimes_{{\bf Q}}{\bf R}$, ${\frak g}_{c}:={\frak k}
\oplus i{\frak p}\subset {\frak g}_{{\bf Q}}\otimes_{{\bf Q}}{\bf C}$ is a compact form of
${\frak g}_{{\bf Q}}\otimes_{{\bf Q}}{\bf C}$ and
${\frak g}_{{\bf Q}}\otimes_{{\bf Q}}{\bf C}={\frak g}_{c}\oplus i{\frak g}_{c} $ is a
Cartan decomposition of ${\frak g}_{{\bf Q}}\otimes_{{\bf Q}}{\bf C}$.
For any complex place $v$ of $F$ we define ${\bf K}_v$ to be
$\langle \exp({\frak g}_{c})\rangle\subset G(F_v)$
(identifying $F_v$ with ${\bf C}$ via a corresponding
embedding $F\hookrightarrow {\bf C}$).
If $v$ is a real place of $F$ we define
${\bf K}_v=G(F_v)\cap\langle \exp({\frak g}_c)\rangle$ (identifying
$F_v(\sqrt{-1})\simeq {\bf C}$ via a corresponding embedding $F\hookrightarrow {\bf R}$).
In this case, ${\bf K}_v$ contains $\langle \exp({\frak k})\rangle$.
In both cases ${\bf K}_v$ is a maximal compact subgroup of $G(F_v)$.
Now let $v$ be a finite place of $F$ and let ${\bf K}_v$ be the stabilizer of
the lattice
\sum_{ \alpha \in \Delta_0}{\cal O}_v\cdot H_{ \alpha }+
\sum_{ \alpha \in \Phi}{\cal O}_v\cdot X_{ \alpha }\subset {\frak g}\otimes_FF_v.
By \cite{Bruhat}, sec. 3,
Example 2, ${\bf K}_v $ is a maximal compact subgroup
of $G(F_v)$. In any case, the Iwasawa decomposition $G(F_v)=P_0(F_v){\bf K}_v$
holds (for non-archimedean $v$, cf. \cite{Bruhat}, loc. cit.).
Then ${\bf K}_G=\prod_v{\bf K}_v$ is a maximal compact subgroup of $G({\bf A})$
and $G({\bf A})=P_0({\bf A}){\bf K}_G$.
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 8.3}
\hskip 0,5cm
As in section 2.3 we defined for any standard parabolic subgroup
$P\subset G$
H_P=H_{P,{\bf K}_G}\,:\, G({\bf A}) \rightarrow \Hom_{{\bf C}}(X^*(P)_{{\bf C}},{\bf C})
by $\langle \lambda , H_P(g)\rangle=\log (\prod_v| \lambda (p_v)|_v)$ for
$ \lambda \in X^*(P)$ and $g=pk$,
$p=(p_v)_v\in P({\bf A}), k\in {\bf K}_G$.
The restriction of $H_{P_0}$ to $S_0({\bf A})$ is a homomorphism, its kernel will
be denoted by $ S_0({\bf A})^1$.
The choice of a projection ${\bf G}_m({\bf A}) \rightarrow {\bf G}_m({\bf A})^1$ induces
by means of an isomorphism $S_0 \rightarrow {\bf G}_{m,F}^{\# \Delta_0}$ a projection
$S_0({\bf A}) \rightarrow S_0({\bf A})^1$ and this in turn gives an embedding
{\cal U}_0:=(S_0({\bf A})^1/S_0(F)(S_0({\bf A})\cap {\bf K}_G))^*\hookrightarrow
(S_0({\bf A})/S_0(F)(S_0({\bf A})\cap {\bf K}_G))^*.
Let $( \varpi _{ \alpha })_{ \alpha \in \Delta_0}$ be the basis of $X^*(S_0)$
which is determined
by $\langle \varpi _{ \alpha }, \beta \rangle = \delta _{ \alpha \beta }$ for all $ \alpha , \beta \in \Delta _0$.
Let $P\subset G$ be a standard parabolic subgroup. Then $ \varpi _{ \alpha }$ for
all $ \alpha \in \Delta _P$ lifts to a character of $P$ and $( \varpi _{ \alpha })_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P}$
is a basis of $X^*(P)$. Put
{\cal U}_P:=\{ \chi \,\,|\,\, \chi =
\chi _0\circ\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P}\check{ \alpha }\circ \varpi _{ \alpha } \,\,{\rm with}\,\,
\chi _0\in {\cal U}_0\}.
Any $ \chi \in {\cal U}_P$ is a character of $P({\bf A})/P(F)(P({\bf A})\cap {\bf K}_G).$
\phi_{ \chi }\,:\, G({\bf A}) \rightarrow S^1
by $\phi_{ \chi }(pk)= \chi (p)$ for $p\in P({\bf A}), k\in {\bf K}_G$.
The Eisenstein series
E^G_P( \lambda , \chi ,g)=\sum_{g\in P(F) \backslash G(F)}\phi_{ \chi }( \gamma g)e^{\langle
\lambda +\rho_P,H_P( \gamma g)\rangle}
converges absolutely and uniformly for ${\rm Re}( \lambda )$ contained in any compact
subset of the open cone $\rho_P+X^*(P)^+$
(cf. \cite{G}, Th\'eor\`eme III) and can be continued meromorphically to the
whole of $X^*(P)_{{\bf C}}$.
For the Eisenstein series corresponding to
$P_0$ a proof is given in \cite{MW},
chapitre IV. In section 8.4 we will give an
explicit expression for the Eisenstein series $E^G_P,
$ with $P\neq P_0$ as an
iterated residue of $E^G_{P_0}$ which shows the claimed meromorphy on
$X^*(P)_{{\bf C}}$.
Let $\chi\in {\cal U}_0$. The constant term of $E_{P_0}^G ( \lambda ,\chi)$ along
$P=LU$ is by definition
E^G_{P_0}( \lambda ,\chi)_P(g)=\int_{U(F)\backslash U({\bf A})}E_{P_0}^G( \lambda ,\chi,ug)du,
where the Haar measure on $U({\bf A})$ is normalized such that $U(F)\backslash
U({\bf A})$ gets volume one. It is an elementary calculation to show that for any
parabolic subgroup $P\not\supsetneq P_0$ the constant term
$E^G_{P_0}( \lambda ,\chi)_P$ is orthogonal to all cusp forms in
$A_0(L(F)U({\bf A}) \backslash G({\bf A}))$
(cf. \cite{MW}, I.2.18, for the definition of this space).
More precisely, for any parabolic subgroup $P\not\supseteq P_0$
the cuspidal component of $E^G_{P_0}( \lambda ,\chi)$ along $P$ vanishes
(cf. \cite{MW}, I.3.5, for the definition of ``cuspidal component'').
By Lemme I.4.10 in \cite{MW}, the singularities of the
Eisenstein series $E^G_{P_0}( \lambda ,\chi)$ and the
singularities of $E^G_{P_0}( \lambda ,\chi)_{P_0}$
coincide. Let
{\cal W}={\rm Norm}_{G(F)}\left(S_0(F)\right)/S_0(F)
be the Weyl group of $G$ with respect to $S_0$. For any $w\in {\cal W}$
we normalize the Haar measures such that
\int_{(U_0(F)\cap wU_0(F)w^{-1}) \backslash (U_0({\bf A})\cap wU_0({\bf A})w^{-1})}du=1
and on $(U_0({\bf A})\cap wU_0({\bf A})w^{-1}) \backslash U_0({\bf A})$ we take the quotient
measure. Using Bruhat's decomposition $G(F)=\bigcup_{w\in {\cal W}}
P_0(F)w^{-1}P_0(F)$ we can calculate
\int_{U_0(F) \backslash U_0({\bf A})}E^G_{P_0}( \lambda , \chi ,ug)du=\sum_{w\in {\cal W}}
c(w, \lambda , \chi )\phi_{w \chi }(g)e^{\langle w \lambda +\rho_0,H_{P_0}(g)\rangle},
where $\rho_0=\rho_{P_0}$, $(w\chi)(t)=\chi(w^{-1}tw)$ for
all $t\in S_0({\bf A})$, and the functions $c(w, \lambda ,\chi)$ are given by
c(w, \lambda ,\chi):=\int_{(U_0({\bf A})\cap wU_0({\bf A})w^{-1}) \backslash U_0({\bf A})}
\phi_{ \chi }(w^{-1})e^{\langle \lambda +\rho_P,H_{P_0}(w^{-1}u)\rangle}du
(cf. \cite{MW}, Prop. II.1.7).
They satisfy functional equations:
E^G_{P_0}( \lambda , \chi ,g)=c(w, \lambda , \chi )E^G_{P_0}(w \lambda ,w \chi ,g)
c(w'w, \lambda , \chi )=c(w',w \lambda ,w \chi )c(w, \lambda , \chi )
(cf. \cite{MW}, Th\'eor\`eme IV.1.10).
Therefore, it suffices to calculate $c(w_{ \alpha }, \lambda , \chi ) $ for
$ \alpha \in \Delta _0$ ($w_{ \alpha }$ corresponds to the reflection along $ \alpha $).
Put $S_{ \alpha }=\Ker ( \alpha )^{0}\subset S_{0}$ and $G_{ \alpha }=Z_{G}(S_{ \alpha })$.
The Lie algebra of $G_{ \alpha }$ is ${\frak a}_0\oplus {\frak g}_{- \alpha }\oplus
{\frak g}_{ \alpha }$. There is a homomorphism
$\varphi_{ \alpha }\,:\, SL_{2,F} \rightarrow {\cal D}G_{ \alpha }$ ($=$ derived group of $G_{ \alpha }$)
such that $d \varphi _{ \alpha }$ maps
the matrices
\left(\begin{array}{cc}0&1\\ 0 & 0\end{array}\right),
\left(\begin{array}{cc}1&0\\ 0 & -1\end{array}\right),
\left(\begin{array}{cc}0&0\\ 1 & 0\end{array}\right)
to $X_{ \alpha }, H_{ \alpha },X_{- \alpha }$, respectively.
On ${\bf A}$ we take the measure $dx$ that is described in Tate's thesis
(then ${\rm Vol} (F \backslash {\bf A})=1$). We have
c(w_{ \alpha }, \lambda ,\chi)=\int_{{\bf A}}\phi_{\chi}( \varphi _{a}
( \begin{array}{cc}
\scriptstyle{1}&\scriptstyle{x}\end{array}) )
\exp\left(\langle \lambda +\rho_0,H_{P_0}(
\varphi _{ \alpha }(\begin{array}{cc}
\scriptstyle{1}&\scriptstyle{x}\end{array}))\rangle \right)dx.
It is an exercise to compute this integral. The result is
c(w_{ \alpha }, \lambda ,\chi)=\frac{L( \chi \circ\check{ \alpha },\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle)}{
L( \chi \circ\check{ \alpha },1+\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle)}.
The Hecke $L$-functions are defined as follows.
Let $ \chi \,:\, {\bf G}_m({\bf A})/{\bf G}_m(F) \rightarrow S^1$ be an unramified
For any finite place $v$ we put
L_v( \chi _v,s)=(1- \chi _v(\pi_v)|\pi_v|^s_v)^{-1}
L_f( \chi ,s)=\prod_{v\nmid \infty }L_v( \chi _v,s).
For any archimedean place $v$ there is a $\tau_v\in {\bf R}$ such that
$ \chi _v(x_v)=|x_v|^{i\tau_v}_v$ for all $x_v\in F_v^*$.
L_v( \chi _v,s):=\left\{
\pi^{-\frac{(s+i\tau_v)}{2}}\Gamma(\frac{s+i\tau_v}{2}), & {\rm
if} & v & {\rm is}\,\,{\rm real}\\
(2\pi)^{-(s+i\tau_v)}\Gamma(s+i\tau_v), & {\rm
if} & v & {\rm is}\,\,{\rm complex}
We define the complete Hecke $L$-function by
L( \chi ,s)=D^{s/2}L_{\infty}( \chi ,s)L_f(c,s),
where $L_{\infty}( \chi ,s)=\prod_{v|\infty}L_v( \chi _v,s)$ and $D=D(F/{\bf Q})$ is the
absolute value of the discriminant of $F/{\bf Q}$.
If the restriction of $ \chi $ to ${\bf G}_m({\bf A})^1$ is not trivial
then $L( \chi ,s)$ is an entire function. If $ \chi =1$ then $ L( \chi ,s)$ has exactly two
poles of order one at $s=1 $ and $s=0$. To state the functional
equation we let $(\pi_v^{d_v})$
(with $d_v \ge 0$ and $d_v=0$ for almost all $v$)
be the local discriminant of $F_v$ over
the completion of ${\bf Q}\in F_v$ (for non-archimedean places $v$).
Put $\delta=(\delta_v)_v\in {\bf G}_m({\bf A})$ with
$\delta_v=1$ for all archimedean places and $\delta_v=\pi_v^{d_v}$
for all non-archimedean places. Then
L( \chi ,s)= \chi (\delta)L( \chi ^{-1},1-s).
Using the functional equations (\ref{8.3.2}) and (\ref{8.3.3}) we get
c(w, \lambda ,\chi)=\prod_{ \alpha >0,\,\, w \lambda <0}\frac{L(\chi\circ\check{ \alpha },\langle
\lambda , \alpha \rangle)}{L(\chi\circ\check{ \alpha },1+\langle
\lambda , \alpha \rangle)}.
{\bf Proposition 8.3}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $ \Delta _0(\chi)$ be the set of $ \alpha \in \Delta _0$ such that $\chi\circ\check{ \alpha }=1$.
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0(\chi)}\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle E^G_{P_0}( \lambda +\rho_0,\chi)
has a holomorphic continuation to the tube domain over
$-\frac{1}{4}\rho_0 + X^*(P_0)^+$.
{\em Proof.}
For $ \alpha \in \Phi^+- \Delta _0$ we have $\langle \rho_0, \alpha \rangle \ge 2$ and
c(w_{ \alpha }, \lambda +\rho_0, \chi )=\frac{L(\chi\circ\check{ \alpha },\langle
\lambda +\rho_0, \alpha \rangle)}{L(\chi\circ\check{ \alpha },1+\langle
\lambda +\rho_0, \alpha \rangle)}
is holomorphic in this domain. If $ \alpha \in \Delta _0- \Delta _0(\chi)$ then
$ \chi \circ\check{ \alpha }$
restricted to ${\bf G}_m({\bf A})^1$ is nontrivial, hence
$c(w_{ \alpha }, \lambda +\rho_0, \chi )$
is holomorphic in this domain too.
For $ \alpha \in \Delta _0(\chi)$ the function
\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle L(\chi\circ\check{ \alpha },\langle
\lambda +\rho_0, \alpha \rangle)=\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle L(1,1+\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle )
is also holomorphic in this domain. This shows the holomorphy
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0(\chi)}\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle
E^G_{P_0}( \lambda +\rho_0,\chi)_{P_0}(g)
= \sum_{w\in {\cal W}}\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0(\chi)}
\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle c(w, \lambda +\rho_0,\chi)\phi_{w\chi}(g)e^{\langle
w( \lambda +\rho_0)+\rho_0,H_{P_0}(g)\rangle }
for ${\rm Re} ( \lambda )$ contained in $-\frac{1}{4}\rho_0+
By \cite{MW}, Lemme I.4.10, we conclude that the same holds for
$\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0(\chi)}E^G_{P_0}( \lambda +\rho_0,\chi)$.
\hfill $\Box$
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 8.4}
Let $P=LU$ be a standard parabolic subgroup and $\chi\in {\cal U}_P$.
For $ \lambda \in X^*(P)_{{\bf C}}$ with ${\rm Re} ( \lambda )$ contained in the interior
of $ X^*(P)^+ $ and $\vartheta$ contained in
$X^*(P_0)^+ $ we have
E^G_{P_0}(\vartheta+ \lambda +\rho_0,\chi,g)
=\sum_{ \gamma\in P(F) \backslash G(F)}
\phi_{\chi}( \gamma g)e^{\langle \lambda ,H_P( \gamma g)\rangle}\sum_{\delta\in
(L\cap P_0)(F) \backslash L(F)}e^{\langle \vartheta+2\rho_0,H_{P_0}(
\delta \gamma g)\rangle}.
Let $w_L$ be the longest element of the Weyl group of $L$ (with respect to
$S_0$) and define
c_P:=\lim_{\vartheta \rightarrow {\bf 0},
\vartheta\in X^*(P_0)^+ } \left(\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0^P}
\langle \vartheta , \alpha \rangle\right )c(w_L,\vartheta+\rho_0,1).
By (\ref{8.3.4-1}) this limit exists and is a positive real number.
{\bf Proposition 8.4}\hskip 0,5cm
\lim_{\vartheta \rightarrow {\bf 0}, \,\vartheta\in X^*(P_0)^+ }
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0^P}
\langle \vartheta , \alpha \rangle E^G_{P_0}(\vartheta+ \lambda +\rho_0,\chi,g)=
c_PE^G_P( \lambda +\rho_P,\chi,g).
b) Let $P'=L'U'$ be a standard parabolic subgroup containing $P$ and
suppose that $\chi\circ\check{ \alpha }=1$ for all $ \alpha \in \Delta ^{P'}_0$.
Then $\chi\in {\cal U}_{P'}$ and for all $ \lambda \in X^*(P')_{{\bf C}}$ we have
\lim_{\vartheta \rightarrow {\bf 0},\,
\vartheta\in X^*(P)^+}\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P- \Delta _{P'}}
\langle \vartheta , \alpha \rangle E^G_{P}(\vartheta+ \lambda +\rho_P,\chi,g)=
\frac{c_{P'}}{c_P}E^G_{P'}( \lambda +\rho_{P'},\chi,g).
{\em Proof.}
a) The proof rests on the fact that a
measurable function of moderate growth on
$L(F) \backslash L({\bf A})$ for which all cuspidal components vanish vanishes
almost everywhere. (For a proof cf. \cite{MW}, Prop. I.3.4.)
We claim that
\lim_{\vartheta \rightarrow {\bf 0},\,
\vartheta\in X^*(P_0)^+}\,\,\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0^P}
\langle \vartheta , \alpha \rangle
\sum_{\delta\in (L\cap P_0)(F) \backslash L(F)}
e^{\langle \vartheta+2\rho_0,H_{P_0}(
\delta \gamma g)\rangle}
= c_Pe^{\langle 2\rho_P,H_{P}( \gamma g)\rangle }.
In fact, the cuspidal components
of both sides along all non-minimal standard
parabolic subgroups of $L$ vanish.
To compare the constant terms along $P_0\cap
L$ we can use (\ref{8.3.1})
(for $L$ instead of $G$ and $P_0\cap L$ instead of
$P_0$) and the explicit expression of the functions
$c(w,\vartheta+\rho_0,1)$ to get the identity stated above (note that
b) Write
$\chi=\chi_0\cdot\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P}\check{ \alpha }\circ \varpi _{ \alpha }$ with
$\chi_0 \in {\cal U}_{P'}$. For $ \alpha \in \Delta _P- \Delta _{P'}$ we have
$1=\chi\circ\check{ \alpha }=\chi_0\circ\check{ \alpha }$. Thus $
\chi=\chi_0\circ\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _{P'}}\check{ \alpha }\circ
\varpi _{ \alpha }\in {\cal U}_{P'}$.
Using a) we get
\lim_{\vartheta \rightarrow {\bf 0},\,
\vartheta\in X^*(P)^+}\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P- \Delta _{P'}}
\langle \vartheta , \alpha \rangle E^G_P(\vartheta+ \lambda +\rho_P,\chi,g)
= \frac{1}{c_P} \lim_{\vartheta \rightarrow {\bf 0},
\,\vartheta\in X^*(P)^+}\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0^{P'}}
\langle \vartheta , \alpha \rangle E^G_P(\vartheta+ \lambda +\rho_0,\chi,g)
= \frac{c_{P'}}{c_P}E^G_{P'}(\chi+\rho_{P'},\chi,g).
\hfill $\Box$
\subsection* \noindent
{\bf 8.5}\hskip 0,5cm
For $ \chi \in (S_0({\bf A})/S_0(F)(S_0({\bf A})\cap {\bf K}_G))^*$
and $v\in \Val_{\infty}(F) $ there is a character
$ \lambda _v= \lambda _v( \chi )\in X^*(S_0)_{{\bf R}}$ such that for all $x\in S_0(F_v)$
\chi (x)=e^{i\log(| \lambda _v(x)|_v)}.
This gives a homomorphism
(S_0({\bf A})/S_0(F)(S_0({\bf A})\cap {\bf K}_G))^*
\rightarrow X^*(S_0)_{{\bf R}}^{\Val_{\infty}(F)}
\lambda \mapsto \chi _{\infty}=( \lambda _v( \chi ))_{v|\infty}
which has a finite kernel. The image of ${\cal U}_0$ under this map
is a lattice of rank
(\#\Val_{\infty}(F) -1)\dim S_0.
Fix a norm $\|\cdot\|$ on $X^*(S_0)_{{\bf R}}$ and denote by the same symbol
the induced maximum norm on $X^*(S_0)_{{\bf R}}^{\Val_{\infty}(F)}$
(i.e., $\|( \lambda _v)_{v|\infty}\|=\max_{v|\infty}\|l_v\|$).
Let $a,b>0$ and put
B_{a,b}:=\{ \lambda \in X^*(P_0)_{{\bf R}}\,\,|\,\, - \lambda +\frac{a}{2}\rho_0\in
X^*(P_0)^+, \,\,\, \lambda +\frac{b}{2}\rho_0\in X^*(P_0)^+\}.
This is a bounded convex open neighborhood of ${\bf 0}$
in $X^*(P_0)_{{\bf R}}$. Note that if $ \lambda \in B_{a,b}$ then
$w_0 \lambda +\frac{a}{2}\rho_0
\in X^*(P_0)^+$, where $w_0$ is the longest element of ${\cal W}$.
Fix an $A>0$ such that
{\rm Re} \left(\langle \lambda +s\rho_0, \alpha \rangle
(\langle \lambda +s\rho_0, \alpha \rangle-1)\right)+A\ge 1
for all $ \lambda \in X^*(P_0)_{{\bf C}}$ with ${\rm Re}( \lambda )\in B_{a,b}$, $
-1-a\le {\rm Re}(s)\le 1+b$ and $ \alpha \in\Phi^+$.
Fix $ \lambda \in X^*(P_0)_{{\bf C}}$ with ${\rm Re}( \lambda )\in B_{a,b}$ and $ \chi \in {\cal U}_0$.
Denote by $\Phi^+(\chi)$ the set of all positive roots $ \alpha $ such that
$ \chi \circ\check{ \alpha }=1$. Then
f_{ \lambda , \chi }(s,g):=
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Phi^+( \chi )}
\frac{\langle \lambda +s\rho_0, \alpha \rangle (\langle \lambda +s\rho_0, \alpha \rangle-1)}{
\langle \lambda +s\rho_0, \alpha \rangle(\langle \lambda +s\rho_0, \alpha \rangle-1)+A}
\prod_{ \alpha >0}L_f(\chi\circ\check{ \alpha },1+\langle \lambda +s\rho_0, \alpha \rangle)
E^G_{P_0}( \lambda +s\rho_0, \chi ,g)
is for any fixed $s$ in this strip an automorphic form on
$G(F) \backslash G({\bf A})$. Indeed, we observe that all cuspidal
components of $f_{ \lambda ,c}(s,\,\cdot\,)$ along
non-minimal standard parabolic subgroups vanish. Now we can use
(\ref{8.3.1}) and the explicit formulas for the functions
$c(w, \lambda , \chi )$ in (\ref{8.3.4}) to see that the constant term of
$f_{ \lambda ,c}(s,\,\cdot\,)$ along $P_0$ is holomorphic for $s$ in this
domain. By Lemme I.4.10 in \cite{MW} we can conclude that the same is true
for $f_{ \lambda , \chi }(s,\,\cdot\,)$.
It is our aim to apply a version of the Phragm\'en-Lindel\"of principle
due to Rademacher (cf. \cite{Rademacher}, Theorem 2) to the function
s\mapsto f_{ \lambda , \chi }(s,g)
in the strip $-1-a\le {\rm Re}(s)\le 1+b$.
Using the functional equations of Eisenstein series (\ref{8.3.2}) and
$L$-functions (\ref{8.3.4}) we get
f_{ \lambda ,c}(-1-a-it,g)
=\prod_{ \alpha \in \Phi^+( \chi )}\frac{\langle \lambda -(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle
(\langle \lambda -(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle -1)}{\langle \lambda -(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle
(\langle \lambda -(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle -1)+A}
\times \prod_{ \alpha >0}( \chi \circ\check{ \alpha })(\delta)D^{-\langle
\lambda -(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle}\prod_{ \alpha >0}L_f((w_0\chi)\circ\check{ \alpha },
1+ \langle w_0 \lambda +(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle)
\times \prod_{ \alpha >0}
\frac{L_{\infty}\left((w_0\chi)\circ\check{ \alpha },
1+ \langle w_0 \lambda +(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle\right)}{
L_{\infty}((w_0\chi)^{-1}\circ\check{ \alpha },
1-\langle w_0 \lambda +(1+a+it)\rho_0, \alpha \rangle)}E^G_{P_0}(
w_0 \lambda +(1+a+it)\rho_0,w_0 \chi ,g).
Note that $L_{\infty}(\cdots) $ is a product of $\Gamma$-functions. Using
the functional equation of the $\Gamma$-function we can derive the following
estimate: There is $c>0$ depending only on $a$ and $b$ such that
for ${\rm Re}( \lambda )\in B_{a,b}$ and $ \chi \in {\cal U}_0$ we have
|f_{ \lambda , \chi }(-1-a-it,g)|
\le cE^G_{P_0}({\rm Re}(w_0 \lambda )+(1+a)\rho_0,g)\times
(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda )\|+\| \chi _{\infty}\|)^{\delta_{\mu}}|1+it|^{\delta_{\mu}}.
$\delta_{\mu}:=\mu(2+a+b)$ and
$\mu>0$ depends only on $F$ and $G$.
Moreover, assuming $c$ to be big enough, we have also
|f_{ \lambda , \chi }(1+b+it,g)|\le cE^G_{P_0}({\rm Re}( \lambda )+(1+b)\rho_0,g).
The proof of the following lemma was suggested to us by J. Franke.
{\bf Lemma 8.5}\hskip 0,5cm
For ${\rm Re}( \lambda )\in B_{a,b}, \chi \in {\cal U}_0$ and $-1-a\le \sigma \le 1+b$
the following estimate holds:
|f_{ \lambda , \chi }( \sigma +it,g)|
\le cE^G_{P_0}({\rm Re}( \lambda )+(1+b)\rho_0,g)^{\frac{ \sigma +1+a}{2+a+b}}
E^G_{P_0}({\rm Re}(w_0 \lambda )+(1+a)\rho_0,g)(1+\|{\rm Im} ( \lambda )\|+\|\chi_{\infty}\|)^{
\delta_{\mu}}|2+a+ \sigma +it|^{\delta_{\mu}}\right\}^{\frac{1+b- \sigma }{2+a+b}}.
{\em Proof.} This follows immediately from Theorem 2 in \cite{Rademacher}
once we have shown that for $-1-a\le \sigma \le 1+b$ we have
|f_{ \lambda , \chi }( \sigma +it,g)|\le c_1e^{|t|^{c_2}}
for some $c_1,c_2>0$.
By (\ref{8.5.1}) and (\ref{8.5.2}), the function
s\mapsto e^{s^2}f_{ \lambda , \chi }(s,g)
can be integrated over the lines
${\rm Re}(s)=-1-a-\epsilon$ and ${\rm Re}(s)=1+b+\epsilon$
for some $\epsilon >0$.
We claim that for all $s$ with $-1-a\le {\rm Re}(s)\le 1+b$
e^{s^2}f_{ \lambda , \chi }(s,g)
=-\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{{\rm Re}(z)=-1-a-\epsilon}
\frac{e^{z^2}f_{ \lambda , \chi }(z,g)}{z-s}dz +
\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{{\rm Re}(z)=1+b+c}
\frac{e^{z^2}f_{ \lambda , \chi }(z,g)}{z-s}dz.
Denote the right-hand side by $h(s,g)$. This is a measurable function of
moderate growth on $G(F) \backslash G({\bf A})$ (cf. (\ref{8.5.1}) and (\ref{8.5.2})).
All cuspidal components of $h(s,\,\cdot\,)$
along non-minimal standard parabolic subgroups vanish.
The same is true for the left-hand side.
It remains to compare the constant terms of both sides along $P_0$. By the
absolute and uniform convergence of the integrals over the vertical lines
we see that the constant term of $h(s,\,\cdot\,)$ along $P_0$ is
-\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{{\rm Re}(z)=-1-a-\epsilon}
\frac{g_{ \lambda , \chi }(z,g)}{z-s}dz+
\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int_{{\rm Re}(z)=1+b+\epsilon}
\frac{g_{ \lambda , \chi }(z,g) }{z-s}dz.
g_{ \lambda , \chi }(z,g):=
\int_{U_0(F) \backslash U({\bf A})} e^{z^2} f_{ \lambda , \chi }(z,ug)du.
The explicit expression of the constant term of $E^G_{P_0}$ along
$P_0$ in (\ref{8.3.1}) and uniform estimates for $L$-functions as
in \cite{Rademacher}, Theorem 5 (but for a larger strip), allow us to
conclude that (\ref{***}) is just the constant term of
$e^{s^2}f_{ \lambda , \chi }(s,\,\cdot\,)$ along $P_0$. Thus, by
Proposition I.3.4 in \cite{MW}, we have established (\ref{**}).
>From (\ref{**}) it follows that $
|e^{s^2}f_{ \lambda , \chi }(s,\,\cdot\,)|$ is bounded by some
constant in the strip $-1-a\le {\rm Re}(s)\le 1+b$ and this in turn implies
\hfill $\Box$.
{\bf Proposition 8.6}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $a>0$. For any $\epsilon >0$ there exist constants
$b,c>0$ such that
for all $ \lambda \in X^*(P_0)_{{\bf C}}$ with ${\rm Re}( \lambda )\in B_{a,b}$ and
$ \chi \in {\cal U}_0$ we have
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0( \chi )}\frac{\langle
\lambda , \alpha \rangle}{\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle +1}
E^G_{P_0}( \lambda +\rho_0, \chi )
\le c(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda )\|+\|\chi_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}.
{\em Proof.}
Note that if $ \alpha \in \Phi^+ - \Delta _0$ then $\langle \rho_0, \alpha \rangle\ge 2$
and hence
$\langle \lambda +\rho_0, \alpha \rangle (\langle \lambda +\rho_0, \alpha \rangle -1)$ does not
vanish for ${\rm Re}( \lambda )\in B_{a,b}$ and $b>0$ sufficiently small.
For such $b$ there is a constant $c_1$ such that
\left|\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0( \chi )}\frac{\langle
\lambda , \alpha \rangle}{\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle +1}E^G_{P_0}( \lambda +\rho_0, \chi )\right|\le
c\left|f_{ \lambda , \chi }(1,1_G)\right|.
Now we use the estimate for $|f_{ \lambda , \chi }(1,1_G)|$ in Lemma 8.5 and
require that $\mu b\le \epsilon$. This gives the desired result.
\hfill $\Box$
\bigskip \noindent
{\bf Proposition 8.7}\hskip 0,5cm
Let $P$ be a standard parabolic subgroup of $G$. Let $a,\epsilon >0$.
Then there exist $b,c >0$ such that for all $ \chi \in {\cal U}_P$ and
$ \lambda \in X^*(P)_{{\bf C}}$ with $-{\rm Re}( \lambda )+\frac{a}{2}\rho_0\in X^*(P)^+$ and
${\rm Re}( \lambda )+\frac{b}{2}\rho_0\in X^*(P)^+$ we have
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P( \chi )}\frac{\langle
\lambda , \alpha \rangle}{\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle +1}
E^G_{P}( \lambda +\rho_P, \chi )
\le c(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda )\|+\|\chi_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon},
where $ \Delta _P( \chi )= \Delta _0( \chi )\cap \Delta _P$.
{\em Proof.}
By the preceding proposition, there exist $b,c'>0$ such that
for all
$ \lambda '\in X^*(P_0)_{{\bf C}}$ with ${\rm Re}( \lambda ')\in B_{a,b}$
we have
\left|\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0( \chi )}\frac{\langle
\lambda ', \alpha \rangle}{\langle \lambda ', \alpha \rangle +1}E^G_{P_0}( \lambda '+\rho_0, \chi )\right|
\le c'(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda ')\|+\|\chi_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}.
Note that $\chi\circ \check{ \alpha }=1 $ for all $ \alpha \in \Delta _0^P$ and hence
$ \Delta _0( \chi )= \Delta _P( \chi )\cup \Delta _0^P$.
Now let $ \lambda \in X^*(P)_{{\bf C}}$ be as in the proposition, i.e.,
$-{\rm Re}( \lambda )+\frac{a}{2}\rho_P\in X^*(P)^+$ and
${\rm Re}( \lambda )+\frac{b}{2}\rho_0\in
Then for all sufficiently small $\vartheta\in X^*(P_0)^+$ we have
-(\vartheta +{\rm Re}( \lambda ))+\frac{a}{2}\rho_0\in X^*(P_0)^+
\vartheta +{\rm Re}( \lambda )+\frac{b}{2}\rho_0\in X^*(P_0)^+,
$\vartheta +{\rm Re}( \lambda )\in B_{a,b}$.
Hence for those $\vartheta$ we have
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _0( \chi )}\frac{\langle \vartheta + \lambda ,
\alpha \rangle}{\langle \vartheta+ \lambda , \alpha \rangle +1}
E^G_{P_0}(\vartheta+ \lambda +\rho_0, \chi )
\le c'(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda )\|+\|\chi_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}.
Letting $\vartheta $ tend to ${\bf 0}$ and using Proposition
8.4 we can conclude that
\prod_{ \alpha \in \Delta _P( \chi )}\frac{\langle \lambda ,
\alpha \rangle}{\langle \lambda , \alpha \rangle +1}E^G_{P}( \lambda +\rho_P, \chi )
\le \frac{c'}{c_P}(1+\|{\rm Im}( \lambda )\|+\|\chi_{\infty}\|)^{\epsilon}.
\hfill $\Box$
1997-09-16T21:14:56 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709018 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709018 | [
] | alg-geom/9709018 | Lakshmibai | V. Lakshmibai and Peter Magyar | Degeneracy Schemes and Schubert Varieties | 16 pp, Northeastern University, Latex | null | null | null | null | A result of Zelevinsky states that an orbit closure in the space of
representations of the equioriented quiver of type $A_h$ is in bijection with
the opposite cell in a Schubert variety of a partial flag variety $SL(n)/Q$. We
prove that Zelevinsky's bijection is a scheme-theoretic isomorphism, which
shows that the universal degeneracy schemes of Fulton are reduced and
Cohen-Macaulay in arbitrary characteristic.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 16 Sep 1997 19:16:12 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Zelevinsky's bijection}
\subsection{Quiver varieties}
Fix an $h$-tuple of non-negative integers
${\bf n} = (n_1,\ldots,n_h)$
and a list of vector spaces $V_1,\ldots, V_h$
over an arbitrary field ${\bf k}$
with respective dimensions $n_1,\ldots,n_h$.
Define the {\it variety of quiver representations}
(of dimension ${\bf n}$, of the equioriented quiver of type
$A_h$) to be the affine space $Z$ of all
$(h\!-\!1)$-tuples of linear maps $(f_1,\ldots,f_{h\!-\!1}):$
V_1 \stackrel{f_1}{\to} V_2
\stackrel{f_2}{\to} \cdots \stackrel{f_{h\!-\!2}}{\to} V_{h\!-\!1}
\stackrel{f_{h\!-\!1}}{\to} V_h \ .
If we endow each $V_i$ with a basis, we get $V_i \cong {\bf k}^{n_i}$
Z \cong M(n_2 \times n_1) \times \cdots
\times M(n_{h} \times n_{h\!-\!1}) ,
where $M(k\times l)$ denotes the affine space of matrices
over ${\bf k}$ with $k$ rows and $l$ columns.
The group
G_{{\bf n}} = GL(n_1) \times \cdots \times GL(n_h)
acts on $Z$ by
(g_1,g_2,\cdots,g_h) \cdot (f_1,f_2,\cdots,f_{h\!-\!1})
= (g_2 f_1 g_1^{-1}, g_3 f_2 g_2^{-1},\cdots,
g_{h}f_{h\!-\!1} g_{h\!-\!1}^{-1}),
corresponding to change of basis in the $V_i$.
Now, let ${\bf r} = (r_{ij})_{1 \leq i \leq j \leq h}$
be an array of non-negative integers with $r_{ii} = n_i$,
and define $r_{ij} = 0$ for any indices other than
$1\leq i\leq j \leq h$. Define
Z^{\circ}({\bf r}) = \{(f_1,\cdots,f_{h\!-\!1}) \in Z
\ \mid\ \forall\, i\!<\!j,\ \mbox{\rm rank} (f_{j\!-\!1} \cdots f_i : V_i \to V_j)
= r_{ij} \}.
(This set might be empty for a bad choice of ${\bf r}$.)
{\bf Proposition.} {\it The $G_{{\bf n}}$-orbits of
$Z$ are exactly the sets $Z^{\circ}({\bf r})$
for ${\bf r}=(r_{ij})$ with
r_{i,j\!-\!1} -
r_{i,j} -
r_{i\!-\!1,j\!-\!1} +
r_{i\!-\!1,j} \geq 0,\quad
\forall\ 1\! \leq\! i\! <\! j\! \leq\! h.
\noindent {\bf Proof.} This is a standard result of algebraic
quiver theory \cite{BGP}, \cite{G}, \cite{W}.
Since this theory is not well known among geometers,
we recall it here.
Consider the abelian category
${\cal R}$ of quiver representations
whose objects are sequences of linear maps
$(V_1 \stackrel{f_1}{\to} \cdots \stackrel{f_{h\!-\!1}}{\to} V_h)$,
where the $V_i$ are {\it any} vector spaces of
{\it arbitrary} dimension.
A morphism of ${\cal R}$ from the object
$(V_1 \stackrel{f_1}{\to} \cdots \stackrel{f_{h\!-\!1}}{\to} V_h)$
to the object
$(V'_1 \stackrel{f'_1}{\to} \cdots \stackrel{f'_{h\!-\!1}}{\to} V'_h)$
is defined to be an $h$-tuple of linear maps $(\phi_i:V_i \to V'_i)$
such that each square
V_i & \stackrel{f_i}{\to} & V_{i+1} \\
\mbox{\tiny $\phi_i$} \downarrow &&
\downarrow \mbox{\tiny $\phi_{i+1}$} \\
V'_i & \stackrel{f'_i}{\to} & V'_{i+1}
Direct sum of objects is defined componentwise, and it is
known (Krull-Remak-Schmidt Theorem) that any object $R \in
{\cal R}$ can be written uniquely as a direct sum of
the indecomposable objects
R_{ij} =
(0 \to \cdots \to 0\to &
\!\!\!\!{\bf k}\!\!\!\! & \stackrel{\rm \sim}{\to} \cdots \stackrel{\rm \sim}{\to} {\bf k} \to &
\!\!\!\!0\!\!\!\! & \to \cdots \to 0) \\
&\!\!\!\! V_i \!\!\!\!&&
\!\! \!\!V_j\!\! \!\! &
for $1 \leq i<j \leq h+1$ (corresponding to the
positive roots of the root system $A_h$).
That is,
R \cong \bigoplus_{1 \leq i<j \leq h+1} m_{ij} R_{ij}
for unique multiplicities $m_{ij} \in {\Bbb Z}^+$.
Our variety $Z$ consists of representations
with fixed $(V_i)$ and all possible $(f_i)$.
Two points of $Z$ are in the same $G_{{\bf n}}$-orbit
exactly if they are isomorphic as objects in ${\cal R}$.
So the orbits correspond to arrays
$(m_{ij})_{1 \leq i<j \leq h+1}$ with $m_{ij} \in {\Bbb Z}^+$
and $n_i = \sum_{k\leq i< l} m_{kl}$.
We can compute the rank numbers $(r_{ij})$ from
the multiplicities $(m_{ij})$:
r_{ij} = \sum_{k\leq i<j<l} m_{kl},
and conversely
r_{i,j\!-\!1} -
r_{i,j} -
r_{i\!-\!1,j\!-\!1} +
r_{i\!-\!1,j} .
Hence the arrays $(r_{ij})$ with the stated conditions
classify the $G_{{\bf n}}$-orbits on $Z$. $\bullet$
We define the {\it quiver variety}
Z({\bf r})
=\{(f_1,\cdots,f_{h\!-\!1}) \in Z
\mid \forall i,j,\ \mbox{\rm rank} (f_{j\!-\!1} \cdots f_i : V_i \to V_j)
\leq r_{ij}\}.
Finally, we have the dimension formula due
to Abeasis and Del Fra \cite{AF}.
{\bf Propsition.}
\dim Z({\bf r}) = \dim G_{{\bf n}} -\!\!\!
\sum_{1\leq i\leq j \leq h}
(r_{ij}-r_{i,j+1}) (r_{ij}-r_{i-1,j}).
\subsection{Schubert varieties}
Given ${\bf n}=(n_1,\cdots,n_h)$, for $1 \leq i \leq h$ let
a_i = n_1 + n_2 + \cdots +n_i
\qquad \mbox{and} \qquad
n = n_1 + \cdots + n_h \ .
For positive integers $i \leq j$, we shall frequently use
the notations
[i,j] = \{ i, i+1, \ldots, j\}, \qquad\qquad [i] = [1,i]\ .
Let ${\bf k}^n$ be a vector space (over our arbitrary field ${\bf k}$)
with standard basis $e_1,\ldots,e_n$. Consider its general
linear group $GL(n)$, the subgroup $B$ of upper-triangular
matrices, and the parabolic subgroup $Q$ of block upper-triangular
Q = \{ (a_{ij} \in GL(n) \mid a_{ij}=0 \
\mbox{whenever}\ j\leq a_k <i
\ \mbox{for some}\ k \}\ .
A {\it partial flag of type $(a_1<a_2<\cdots <a_h=n)$ }
(or simply a {\it flag}) is a sequence of supspaces
$U. = (U_1 \subset U_2 \subset \cdots \subset U_h = {\bf k}^n)$
with $\dim U_i = a_i$.
Let $E_i = \langle e_1,\ldots,e_{a_i}\rangle$
the span of the first $a_i$ coordinate vectors, and
$E'_i = \langle e_{a_i+1},\ldots,e_n\rangle$ the natural
complementary subspace to $E_i$, so that
$E_i \oplus E'_i = {\bf k}^n$.
Call $E. = (E_1 \subset E_2 \subset \cdots)$
the {\it standard flag}.
Let $\mbox{\rm Fl}$ denote the set of all flags $U.$ as above.
$\mbox{\rm Fl}$ has a transitive $GL(n)$-action induced from
${\bf k}^n$, and $Q = \mbox{\rm Stab}_{GL(n)}( E.)$, so we may identify
$\mbox{\rm Fl} \cong GL(n)/Q$, \ $g\!\! \cdot\!\! E. \leftrightarrow gQ$\ .
The {\it Schubert varieties} are the closures of $B$-orbits
on $\mbox{\rm Fl}$. Such orbits are usually indexed by certain
permutations of $[n]$, but we prefer to use
{\it flags of subsets} of $[n]$, of the form
\tau = (\tau_1 \subset \tau_2 \subset\cdots \subset \tau_h = [n]),
\qquad \#\tau_i=a_i\ .
(A permutation $w: [n]\to[n]$ corresponds
corresponds to the subset-flag with
$\tau_i = w[a_i] = \{w(1),w(2),\ldots,w(a_i)\}$.
This gives a one-to-one correspondence between cosets
of the symmetric group $S_n$ modulo the Young subgroup
$S_{n_1} \times \cdots \times S_{n_h}$, and subset-flags.)
Given such $\tau$, let
$E_i(\tau) = \langle e_j \mid j \in \tau_i \rangle$
be a coordinate subspace of ${\bf k}^n$, and
$E.(\tau) = (E_1(\tau) \subset E_2(\tau) \subset \cdots) \in \mbox{\rm Fl}$.
Then we may define the {\it Schubert cell}
X^{\circ}(\tau) &= &B\cdot E(\tau)\\
&=& \left\{(U_1\subset U_2\subset\cdots)\in \mbox{\rm Fl}\ \ \left|\
\dim U_i \cap {\bf k}^j = \#\, \tau_i \cap [j]\\[.2em]
1\leq i \leq h,\ 1\leq j \leq n
and the {\it Schubert variety}
X(\tau) &= &\overline{X^{\circ}(\tau)}\\
&=& \left\{(U_1\subset U_2\subset\cdots)\in \mbox{\rm Fl}\ \ \left|\
\dim U_i \cap {\bf k}^j \geq \#\, \tau_i \cap [j]\\[.2em]
1\leq i \leq h,\ 1\leq j \leq n
where ${\bf k}^j = \langle e_1,\ldots,e_j\rangle \subset {\bf k}^n$.
We define the {\it opposite cell} ${\bf O} \subset \mbox{\rm Fl}$
to be the set of flags in general position with respect
to the spaces
$E'_1 \supset \cdots \supset E'_{h-1}$:
{\bf O} = \{(U_1\subset U_2\subset\cdots)\in \mbox{\rm Fl}\ \mid\
U_i \cap E'_{i}=0\}.
We also define $Y(\tau) = X(\tau) \cap {\bf O}$, an open subset of
>$X(\tau)$. By abuse of language, we call $Y(\tau)$ the
{\it opposite cell} of $X(\tau)$, even though it is not a cell.
\subsection{The bijection $\zeta$}
We define a special subset-flag
$ \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } = ( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _1 \subset \cdots \subset \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _h = [n])$
to ${\bf n} = (n_1,\ldots,n_h)$.
We want $ \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _i$ to contain numbers as large as possible
given the constraint $[a_{i\!-\!1}]\subset \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _i$.
Namely, we define $ \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _i$ recursively by
\tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _h = [n];\quad \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _{i} = [a_{i\!-\!1}]
\cup \{ \mbox{largest $n_i$ elements of $ \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _{i+1}$}\}.
Furthermore, given ${\bf r} = (r_{ij})_{1\leq i\leq j\leq h}$
indexing a quiver variety, define a subset-flag $\tau^{\rr}$ to
contain numbers as large as possible given the
\#\, [a_j]\cap \tau^{\rr}_i =
\left\{ \begin{array}{cl}
a_i -r_{i,j+1} & \mbox{for}\ i\leq j \\
a_j& \mbox{for}\ i> j \\
\end{array} \right.
\tau^{\rr}_i = \{\,
\underbrace{1\ldots a_{i\!-\!1}}_
{\mbox{\small $a_{i\!-\!1}$}}
\ \underbrace{. \ldots\ldots a_{i}}_
{\mbox{\small $r_{ii}\!-\!r_{i,i+1}$}}
\ \underbrace{.\ldots\ldots a_{i+1}}_
{\mbox{\small $r_{i,i+1}\!-\!r_{i,i+2}$}}
\ \underbrace{.\ldots\ldots a_{i+2}}_
{\mbox{\small $r_{i,i+2}\!-\!r_{i,i+3}$}}\ \ldots\
\ \underbrace{.\ldots\ldots n_{\mbox{}}}_
{\mbox{\small $r_{i,h}$}}
where we use the visual notation
\underbrace{\cdots\cdots a}_{\mbox{\small $b$}} = [a-b+1,a].
Note that $r_{ij} -r_{i,j+1} \leq n_j$,
so that each $\tau^{\rr}_i$ is a list of increasing integers,
and that $r_{ij}-r_{i,j+1}\leq r_{i+1,j}-r_{i+1,j+1}$,
so that $\tau^{\rr}_i \subset \tau^{\rr}_{i+1}$. Thus $ \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } $ and
$\tau^{\rr}$ are indeed subset-flags.
Now define the Zelevinsky map
\zeta: & Z & \to &\mbox{\rm Fl} \\
& (f_1,\ldots,f_{h\!-\!1}) & \mapsto &(U_1\subset U_2 \subset \cdots)
U_i = \{ (u_1,\ldots,u_h)\in
{\bf k}^{n_1}\!\oplus\! \cdots \!\oplus\! {\bf k}^{n_h} = {\bf k}^n \mid
\forall\, j>i,\ u_{j+1} = f_j(u_j)\}.
In terms of coordinates, if we identify the linear maps
$(f_1,\ldots,f_{h\!-\!1})$ with the matrices $(A_1,\ldots,A_{h\!-\!1})$,
and identify $\mbox{\rm Fl} \cong GL(n)/Q$,
we have
\zeta(A_1,\ldots,A_{h-1}) =
I_1 & 0 & 0 & 0& \cdots \\
A_1 & I_2 &0 & 0& \cdots \\
A_2 A_1 & A_2 & I_3 & 0& \cdots \\
A_3 A_2 A_1 & A_3 A_2 &A_3 & I_4 & \cdots \\[-.4em]
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots&
\right) \ \
\mbox{\rm mod} \ \ Q
where $I_i$ is an identity matrix of size $n_i$.
{\bf Theorem.} {\it (Zelevinsky \cite{Z})\\
(i) $\zeta$ is a bijection of $Z$ onto its image $Y( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } )$:
\quad $\zeta : Z \stackrel{\rm \sim}{\to} Y( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } )$.\\
Also, \\[-1em]
\mbox{}\hspace{-2em} (*)\qquad
Y( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } )=
\{(U_1\subset U_2 \subset \cdots) \ \mid \
\forall\ i,\ \ E_{i-1} \subset U_i,
\ \ U_i \cap E'_{i} = 0 \}.
(ii) $\zeta$ restricts to a bijection from $Z({\bf r})$
onto $Y(\tau^{\rr})$:\quad $\zeta : Z({\bf r}) \stackrel{\rm \sim}{\to} Y(\tau^{\rr})$.\\
Also, \\[-1em]
\mbox{} \hspace{-2em} (**) \quad
Y(\tau^{\rr})=\left\{(U_1\subset U_2 \subset \cdots) \ \left| \
\forall\ i\leq j,\quad \dim \, E_j \cap U_i \geq a_i-r_{i,j\!+\!1}
E_{i-1} \subset U_i,
\quad U_i \cap E'_{i} = 0\end{array}
\right.\right\}\ .
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Obviously $\zeta$ is injective.
To prove (i), we first show that $\zeta(Z)$ is equal to the
right hand side of equation $(*)$. One inclusion is clear.
To show the other inclusion,
consider any $U.$ with $E_{i\!-\!1} \subset U_i$
and $U_i\cap E'_{i}=0$ for all $i$.
Let $\pi_i:{\bf k}^n = E_i \oplus E'_i \to E_i$ be the projection.
Then $\pi_{h\!-\!1}$
restricts to an isomorphism $U_{h\!-\!1} \stackrel{\rm \sim}{\to} E_{h\!-\!1}$,
so there exists an inverse linear map
\mbox{id} \oplus f_{h\!-\!1} :
E_{h\!-\!1} \to E_{h\!-\!1}\oplus{\bf k}^{n_h}
such that
U_{h\!-\!1} = \mbox{Graph}(f_{h\!-\!1})
\subset E_{h\!-\!1} \oplus {\bf k}^{n_h}
={\bf k}^n\ .
Since $E_{h\!-\!2}\subset U_{h\!-\!1}$, we have
Next, $\pi_{h\!-\!2}$ restricts to an isomorphism
$U_{h-2} \stackrel{\rm \sim}{\to} E_{h-2}$, and
there exists a linear map
$\tilde{f}_{h\!-\!2}: E_{h\!-\!2} \to E'_{h\!-\!2}$ with
such that
U_{h\!-\!2} = \mbox{Graph}(\tilde{f}_{h\!-\!2})
\subset E_{h\!-\!2} \oplus E'_{h\!-\!2}
={\bf k}^{n}.
Since $U_{h\!-\!2}\subset U_{h-1}$, we have
\tilde{f}_{h\!-\!2} = (f_{h\!-\!2},\, f_{h\!-\!1}f_{h\!-\!2})
for some $f_{h\!-\!2}:E_{h\!-\!2} \to {\bf k}^{n_{h\!-\!1}}$.
Continuing in this way, we find that $U.\in \zeta(Z)$.
Thus it suffices
to show that $(*)$ is valid. Again, the inclusion
$\subset$ is clear.
Now consider a flag $U.$ satisfying
$E_{i\!-\!1} \subset U_i$ for all $i$.
Then we will show that $U.$ must
satisfy $\dim({\bf k}^i \cap U_j) \geq \#\, [i] \cap \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _j$
for all $1\leq i\leq n$,\, $1 \leq j\leq h$.
Acting by $B$ does not change $\dim U_i \cap {\bf k}^j$,
so we may assume our $U.$
is a flag of coordinate subspaces $U. = E(\mu)$ for some
$\mu=(\mu_1\subset\cdots\subset \mu_{h}=[n])$
with $[a_{i\!-\!1}]\subset \mu_i$ for all $i$,
so that $\dim U_i \cap {\bf k}^j = \# \mu_i \cap [j]$.
Then by the definition of $ \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } $, we must have
$$\forall\, j, \qquad
\# \mu_{h\!-\!1} \cap [j] \geq
\# \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _{h\!-\!1}\cap [j],\qquad
\# \mu_{h\!-\!2} \cap [j] \geq
\# \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } _{h\!-\!2}\cap [j],\
This proves $(*)$, and hence part (i).
The proof of (ii) is similar.
Clearly $Y(\tau^{\rr}) \subset Y( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } ) = \zeta(Z)$.
For any flag $U.=\zeta(f_1,\ldots,f_{h\!-\!1})$, we have
\dim\, E_j \cap U_i &=&
\dim E_{i\!-\!1} + \dim \mbox{Ker}(f_j f_{j\!-\!1} \cdots f_i)\\
&=& \dim E_{i\!-\!1} + \dim V_i - \mbox{\rm rank}( f_j f_{\!j-\!1}\cdots f_i)\\
&=& a_i -\mbox{\rm rank}( f_j f_{j\!-\!1}\cdots f_i).
Hence $\dim\, E_{j} \cap U_i
\geq a_i - r_{i,j\!+\!1}$ if and only if $U. \in \zeta(Z({\bf r}))$,
so that $\zeta(Z({\bf r}))$ is equal to the right hand side
of $(**)$. But the conditions on the right side of $(**)$
are enough to force the flag $U.$ to lie in the Schubert
variety $X(\tau^{\rr})$ on the left hand side, as in part (i).
\subsection{The actions of $B$, $Q$ and $G_{{\bf n}}$}
Let $W = S_n$ and
$W_{{\bf n}} = S_{n_1} \times \cdots \times S_{n_h}$ a Young
subgroup. Let $W_{{\bf n}}$ act on the
the coset space $W/W_{{\bf n}}$ by left multiplication.
Then we may consider $ \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } $ as a coset
in $W/W_{{\bf n}}$ which is Bruhat-maximal within its
$W_{{\bf n}}$ orbit.
Since $W_{{\bf n}}$ is the Weyl group of $Q$,
this means that the $B$-action on
the Schubert variety $X( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } )$
extends to a $Q$-action.
We may embed $G_{{\bf n}}$ into $Q$ as the block diagonal
matrices, so that $G_{{\bf n}}$ acts on $X( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } )$ and
in fact on the open subvariety $Y( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } )$.
Then $\zeta: Z \to Y( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } )$ is equivariant
with respect to the $G_{{\bf n}}$-action.
Now we relate our combinatorial formalism to
that in Zelevinsky's original paper \cite{Z}.
We have just seen that our $\tau^{\rr}$ correspond
to certain double cosets in $W_{{\bf n}}\backslash W / W_{{\bf n}}$.
Following Zelevinsky, we may index such double cosets
by {\it block permutation matrices}, which are defined
to be the $h\times h$ arrays $T=(t_{ij})$ of non-negative integers
with row and column sums equal to the $n_i$ , so that
for all $1\leq i,j\leq h$,
\sum_{i=1}^h t_{ij} = n_j \qquad \sum_{j=1}^h t_{ij} = n_i\ .
(If all $n_i=1$, this defines an ordinary permutation matrix.)
A permutation $w \in W$ correponds to the block permutation
matrix $\mbox{\rm Block}(w)$ defined by partitioning the ordinary
permutation matrix of $w$ into blocks, and summing all entries
in each block:
\mbox{\rm Block}(w) = (t_{ij}) \qquad
t_{ij} = \#\ [a_{i\!-\!1}+1, a_i] \cap w[a_{j\!-\!1}+1,a_j]\ .
The block map induces a one-to-one correspondence between
double cosets $W_{{\bf n}}\backslash W / W_{{\bf n}}$ and block permutation
Zelevinsky's map takes $Z({\bf r})$ to $Y(\tau^{\rr})$ for each
${\bf r}=(r_{ij})$. Recall from the proof of Proposition 1.1
that the rank numbers $r_{ij}$, $1\leq i\leq j \leq h$,
can be computed from certain multiplicities $m_{ij}$,
$1\leq i<j \leq h+1$.
Then the block permutation matrix corresponding to $\tau^{\rr}$
is given by
m_{12} & m^*_{1} & 0 & 0 &\cdots \\
m_{13} & m_{23} & m^*_2 & 0 & \cdots \\
m_{14} & m_{24} & m_{34} & m^*_3 & \cdots \\
\vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots &
m^*_{i} = \sum_{k < i+1 < l} m_{kl}\ .
\section{Plucker coordinates and determinantal ideals}
For a variety $X$ embedded in an affine space $V$
over an infinite field ${\bf k}$, the {\it vanishing ideal} ${\cal I}$
of $X$ is the set of polynomial functions on $V$ which restrict
to zero on $X$. However, if ${\bf k}$ is a finite field,
we modify this definition in the usual way:
the vanishing ideal is the the set of polynomials on
$V$ which are zero on the points of $X$ over the algebraic
closure of ${\bf k}$:
{\cal I}=\{f \in {\bf k}[V] \mid f(x)=0\ \, \forall\,
x\in X(\overline{{\bf k}})\}.
The ideal ${\cal I}$ is necessarily reduced (radical).
\subsection{Coordinates on the opposite big cell}
Consider the opposite
cell ${\bf O} \subset GL(n)/Q$. It is easily seen that
${\bf O}$ consists of those cosets which have a unique
representative $A$ of the form
A = (a_{kl}) =
\left( \begin{array}{ccccc}
I_1& 0 & 0& \cdots & 0\\
A_{21} & I_2 & 0 & \cdots &0\\
A_{31}& A_{32} & I_3 &\cdots & 0\\
\vdots&\vdots&\vdots &&\vdots\\
A_{h1}& A_{h2}& A_{h3}&\cdots& I_{h}
\end{array} \right)\ \mbox{\rm mod} \ Q,
where $I_i$ is the identity matrix of size $n_i$,
and $A_{ij}$ is an arbitrary matrix of size $n_i \times n_j$.
That is, ${\bf O}$ is an affine space with coordinates
$a_{kl}$ for those positions $(k,l)$
with $1 \leq l \leq a_i <k \leq n$ for some $i$.
Its coordinate ring is the polynomial ring
{\bf k}[{\bf O}] = {\bf k}[a_{kl}].
For a matrix $M \in M(k\times l)$ and subsets
$\lambda\subset [k]$, $\mu \subset [l]$, let
$\det M_{\lambda\times \mu}$ be the minor with row indices $\lambda$
and column indices $\mu$.
Now let $\sigma \subset [n]$ be a subset of size
$\#\sigma = a_i$ for some $i$. Define the {\it Plucker
coordinate} $p_{\sigma} \in {\bf k}[{\bf O}]$ to be the
$a_i$-minor of our matrix $A$ with row indices $\sigma$ and
column indices the interval $[a_i]$:
p_{\sigma}=p_{\sigma}(A)=\det A_{\sigma \times [a_i]}.
Define a partial order on Plucker coordinates by:
\sigma \leq \sigma'
\quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad
\sigma = \{\sigma(1)<\sigma(2)<\cdots<\sigma(a_i)\},\\
\sigma' = \{\sigma'(1)<\sigma'(2)<\cdots<\sigma'(a_i)\},\\
\sigma(1)\leq \sigma'(1),\ \sigma(2) \leq \sigma'(2),
\cdots, \sigma(a_i) \leq \sigma'(a_i).
This is a version of the Bruhat order.
{\bf Proposition.} {\it
Let $\tau = (\tau_1 \subset \cdots \subset \tau_{h} = [n])$
be a subset-flag and $Y(\tau)$ the intersection of the
Schubert variety $X(\tau)$ with the opposite cell ${\bf O}$. Then
the vanishing ideal ${\cal I}(\tau) \subset {\bf k}[{\bf O}]$ of
$Y (\tau) \subset {\bf O}$ is generated by those Plucker coordinates
$p_{\sigma}$ which are incomparable with one of the $p_{\tau_i}$:
{\cal I}(\tau) = \langle p_{\sigma} \mid \exists\, i,\ \#\sigma = a_i,
\ \sigma \not\leq \tau_i \rangle.
{\bf Proof.} This follows from well-known results of
Lakshmibai-Musili-Seshadri in
Standard Monomial Theory (see e.g.~\cite{MS},\cite{LS}).
\subsection{The main theorem}
Denote a generic element of the quiver space
$ Z = M(n_2\times n_1) \times \cdots
\times M(n_{h}\times n_{h\!-\!1})$
by $(A_1,\ldots,A_{h-1})$, so that the coordinate ring
of $Z$ is the polynomial ring in the entries of all the matrices
$A_i$. Let ${\bf r} = (r_{ij})$ index the quiver variety
$Z({\bf r}) = \{(A_1,\ldots,A_{h-1}) \mid
\mbox{\rm rank}\, A_{j-1}\cdots A_i \leq r_{ij}\}$.
Let ${\cal J}({\bf r}) \subset {\bf k}[Z]$ be the ideal generated by
the determinantal conditions implied by the definition
of $Z({\bf r})$:
{\cal J}({\bf r}) = \left\langle \det(A_{j-1} A_{j-2} \cdots A_i)_
\ \left| \
i\leq j,\ \lambda \subset [n_j],\ \mu \subset [n_i] \\[.2em]
\#\lambda = \#\mu = r_{ij}+1
\right\rangle\ .
Clearly ${\cal J}({\bf r})$ defines $Z({\bf r})$ set-theoretically.
{\bf Theorem.} {\it
${\cal J}({\bf r})$ is a prime ideal and is the vanishing ideal
of $Z({\bf r})\subset Z$. There are isomorphisms of
reduced schemes
Z({\bf r}) = \mbox{Spec}({\bf k}[Z]\,/\,{\cal J}({\bf r})) \cong
\mbox{Spec}({\bf k}[{\bf O}]\,/\,{\cal I}(\tau^{\rr}))
= Y(\tau^{\rr}).
That is, the quiver scheme $Z({\bf r})$ defined by ${\cal J}({\bf r})$ is
equal to the reduced, irreducible variety $Y(\tau^{\rr})$,
the opposite cell of a Schubert variety.
\noindent {\bf Proof.} Consider the map of \S1.3,
$\zeta: Z \stackrel{\rm \sim}{\to} Y( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } ) \subset {\bf O}$. It is clear that
$\zeta$ is an algebraic isomorphism onto its image, since
it is injective on points and on tangent vectors.
(In fact, in appropriate coordinates
${\bf O} \cong Z\times V$ for some affine space $V$, and
for a certain polynomial function $\phi:Z\to V$, \, $\zeta$
is equivalent to the map
$Z \to Z\times V$, \ $z \mapsto (z,\phi(z))$.\,)
Thus by Proposition 2.1 we have the exact sequence
0\to {\cal I}( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } ) \to {\bf k}[{\bf O}]
{\bf k}[Z] \to 0\ .
Let $\widetilde{\JJ}({\bf r}) \subset {\bf k}[Z]$ be the (reduced)
vanishing ideal of $Z({\bf r}) \subset Z$.
Clearly ${\cal J} \subset \widetilde{\JJ}$. Since
$\zeta$ maps $Z({\bf r})$ isomorphically onto
$Y(\tau^{\rr})$ by Theorem 1.3, we have
$(\zeta^*)^{-1}\widetilde{\JJ}({\bf r}) = {\cal I}(\tau^{\rr})$ by Proposition 2.1. Hence
Z({\bf r}) = \mbox{Spec}({\bf k}[Z]\,/\,\widetilde{\JJ}({\bf r})) &\cong&
\mbox{Spec}({\bf k}[{\bf O}]\,/\,(\zeta^*)^{-1}\widetilde{\JJ}(\tau^{\rr}))\\
&=&\mbox{Spec}({\bf k}[{\bf O}]\,/\,{\cal I}(\tau^{\rr}))
\ = \ Y(\tau^{\rr}).
Furthermore, ${\cal J}({\bf r}) = \widetilde{\JJ}({\bf r})$ if and only if
$(\zeta^*)^{-1}{\cal J}({\bf r}) = (\zeta^*)^{-1}\widetilde{\JJ}({\bf r})$; and ${\cal J}({\bf r})$ is prime
if and only if $(\zeta^*)^{-1}{\cal J}({\bf r})$ is prime.
Thus to show the Theorem, it suffices to prove
(\zeta^*)^{-1}{\cal J}({\bf r}) = {\cal I}(\tau^{\rr}).
But clearly $(\zeta^*)^{-1} {\cal J}({\bf r}) \subset (\zeta^*)^{-1}\widetilde{\JJ}({\bf r}) = {\cal I}(\tau^{\rr})$,
so we are left with the opposite inclusion
(\zeta^*)^{-1} {\cal J}({\bf r}) \supset {\cal I}(\tau^{\rr}),
which we will prove in the next section.
\subsection{Proof of the main theorem: determinant identities}
We define ideals ${\cal I}_0, {\cal I}_1, {\cal I}_2 \subset {\bf k}[{\bf O}]$
generated by certain minors of the generic matrix $A \in {\bf O}$
at the end of \S1.2:
{\cal I}_0 =(\zeta^*)^{-1}{\cal J}({\bf r}) \hspace{3.5in} \mbox{}
= {\cal I}( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } ) +
\det (A_{j,j\!-\!1} A_{j\!-\!1,j\!-\!2}\!\cdots\!
A_{i\!+\!1,i} )_{\lambda\times\mu}
i\!<\!j,\ \
\lambda\! \subset\! [n_j],\ \ \mu\!\subset\! [n_i]\\[.2em]
\# \lambda = \#\mu = r_{ij}+1
\right. \right\rangle
{\cal I}_1\ =\ {\cal I}( \tau^{ \mbox{\tiny max} } ) +
\left\langle \det A_{\lambda\times\mu}\ \left|\
i<j,\ \
\lambda \subset [a_j\!+\!1,n],\ \ \mu\subset [a_i]\\[.2em]
\# \lambda = \#\mu = r_{ij}\!+\!1
\right. \right\rangle
{\cal I}_2\ =\ {\cal I}(\tau^{\rr})\ =\
\left\langle \det A_{\sigma\times [a_i]}\ \left|\
1\leq i \leq h\!-\!1,\ \ \sigma \subset [n]\\[.2em]
\# \sigma = a_i,\ \ \sigma \not \leq \tau^{\rr}_i
\right. \right\rangle
To finish the proof of Theorem 2.2, we will show
{\cal I}_0 \supset {\cal I}_1 \supset {\cal I}_2\ .
{\bf Lemma 1.} {\it
Let $X = (x_{ij})$ and $Y= (y_{kl})$ be matrices of
variables $x_{ij}$, $y_{kl}$ generating a polynomial ring.
Let ${\cal J}_{X}$ (resp.~${\cal J}_{Y}$) be the ideal generated by all
$r\!+\!1$-minors of $X$ (resp.~$Y$). Then ${\cal J}_X$ and ${\cal J}_Y$
both contain all $r\!+\!1$-minors of the product $XY$.
\noindent {\bf Proof.}
\det (XY)_{\lambda\times\mu}
= \sum_{\nu} \det X_{\lambda\times \nu}\, \det Y_{\nu\times\mu}.
\quad \bullet
\noindent {\bf Lemma 2.} {\it
Let $(A_1,\ldots,A_{h-1})$ be a generic element of $Z$, and
for $i \leq j$
let ${\cal J}_{ij}$ be the ideal generated by
all $r\!+\!1$-minors of the $n_j \times n_i$ product matrix
$A_j\cdots A_i$.
Then ${\cal J}_{ij}$ contains all $r\!+\!1$-minors of the
$(n\!-\!a_{j\!-\!1}) \times a_i$ matrix
\widetilde{A} =
\left( \begin{array}{cccc}
A_j\!\! \cdots\! A_{1} & A_j\!\!\cdots\! A_2& \cdots& A_j\!\! \cdots\! A_i \\
A_{j\!+\!1}\!\! \cdots\! A_{1} & A_{j\!+\!1}\!\!\cdots \!A_2& \cdots&
\cdots\! A_i \\
A_h\!\! \cdots\! A_{1} & A_h\!\!\cdots\! A_2& \cdots& A_h\!\! \cdots A_i\! \\
\end{array} \right)
\noindent {\bf Proof.} Note that we can factor the matrix
\widetilde{A} = \left(\!\!\!\begin{array}{c}
I_{j} \\ A_{j\!+\!1} \\ \vdots \\ A_h\! \cdots\! A_{j\!+\!1}
\end{array} \!\!\!\right)
\cdot\, A_j\!\!\cdots\!\! A_i\, \cdot\
( A_{i\!-\!1}\!\!\cdots\!\! A_1,\
A_{i\!-\!1}\!\!\cdots\!\! A_2,\ \cdots\ ,\ A_{i\!-\!1},\ I_i)
Now apply Lemma 1 twice.
{\bf Lemma 3.}\qquad
$ {\cal I}_0 \supset {\cal I}_1\ .$
{\bf Proof.} Let $\lambda \subset [a_j\!+\!1]$,\
$\mu \subset [a_i]$, $\#\lambda = \#\mu = r_{ij}+1$.
Then clearly
\det A_{\lambda\times \mu}
\in (\zeta^*)^{-1}( \det \widetilde{A}_{\lambda\times\mu} )\ .
Hence by Lemma 2, the generators of ${\cal I}_1$ lie in ${\cal I}_0$.
{\bf Lemma 4.} {\it (Gonciulea-Lakshmibai)\
Let $A$ be a generic element of ${\bf O}$.
Let $1 \leq t\leq a_i$, \ $1\leq s \leq n$, and
$\sigma = \{ \sigma(1)<\sigma(2)<\cdots<\sigma(a_i)\} \subset [n]$
with $\sigma(a_i-t+1) \geq s$. Then $p_{\sigma}(A)$
belongs to the ideal of ${\bf k}[{\bf O}]$ generated by $t$-minors
of $A$ with row indices $\geq s$ and column indices $\leq a_i$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Choose $\sigma'\subset [s,n] \cap \sigma$
with $\#\sigma' =t$, and let $\sigma'' = \sigma \setminus \sigma'$.
Then the Laplace expansion of $p_{\sigma}(A)$ with respect
to the rows $\sigma'$, $\sigma''$, gives
p_{\sigma}(A) = \det A_{\sigma\times[a_i]}
= \sum_{\lambda' \cup \lambda''= [a_i]}
\!\!\!\pm \det A_{\sigma'\times \lambda'}
\det A_{\sigma''\times\lambda''},
where the sum is over all partitions of the interval $[a_i]$.
The first factor of each term in the sum
is of the form required. $\bullet$
{\bf Lemma 5.}\qquad ${\cal I}_1 \supset {\cal I}_2\ .$
{\bf Proof.}
Let $\sigma \subset [n]$ with $\# \sigma = a_i$,\
$\sigma \not \leq \tau^{\rr}_i$ for some $i$,\ $1 \leq i\leq h\!-\!1$.
Now, $\tau^{\rr}_i$ has the largest
possible entries such that
\tau^{\rr}_i(a_i-r_{i,j+1})\leq a_j,\qquad \forall \,j\geq i ,
so $\sigma \not \leq \tau^{\rr}_i$ must violate this condition for
some $j$:
\sigma(a_i-r_{i,j+1}) \geq a_j+1,\qquad \exists\, j\geq i.
Hence by Lemma 4, $p_{\sigma}(A)$ is in ${\cal I}_1$. $\bullet$
The Main Theorem 2.2 is therefore proved.
\subsection{Degeneracy schemes}
Fulton \cite{F} defines
the universal degeneracy scheme
$\Omega_w$ associated to a permutation $w \in S_{m+1}$
as follows.
Fix $2m$ vector spaces $F_1,F_2,\ldots,F_m,E_m,\ldots,E_2,E_1$
with $\dim F_i = \dim E_i = 1$,
and let
Z = M_{2\times 1}\times M_{3\times 2} \times
\cdots \times M_{m\times m\!-\!1} \times M_{m\times m}
\times M_{m\!-\!1\times m} \times\cdots\times M_{1\times 2}
be the quiver space of all maps of the form
F_1 \to F_2 \to \cdots \to F_m \to E_m \to \cdots \to E_2 \to E_1.
(For convenience we will refer to these maps and their compositions
by symbols such as $F_i\to F_j$ and $F_i\to E_j$.)
Define rank numbers
r(F_i,E_j) = \# \,[i] \cap w[j], \quad 1\leq i,j\leq m
r(F_i,F_j) = i\quad r(E_j,E_i)=i\quad 1\leq i<j\leq m
and let ${\bf r}_w$ be the array of these numbers.
Then let
\Omega_w = Z({\bf r}_w) \subset Z,
the variety of all quiver representations satisfying
\mbox{\rm rank}(F_i\to E_j) \leq \#\, [i]\cap w[j], \quad 1\leq i,j\leq m
\mbox{\rm rank}(F_i\to F_j) \leq i,\quad
\mbox{\rm rank}(E_j\to E_i)\leq i,\quad 1\leq i<j\leq m.
(The latter conditions are clearly superfluous.)
More precisely, define $\Omega_w$ as a scheme
by the same determinantal equations defining $Z({\bf r}_w)$
in \S2.2.
{\bf Proposition.} {\it The scheme $\Omega_w$ over an arbitrary
field ${\bf k}$ is reduced and is isomorphic to
the opposite cell of a Schubert variety in
$\mbox{\rm Fl} = GL(n)/Q$, a partial flag variety of
>${\bf k}^n$, where $n = 2(1+\cdots+m) = m(m+1)$.
In particular,
$\Omega_w$ is irreducible, Cohen-Macaulay, and normal,
and has rational singularities.}
{\bf Proof.} This follows since Schubert varieties
are known to have these properties (see e.g.~\cite{R}).
{\bf Proposition.}
\mbox{\rm codim}_Z\, \Omega_{w} = \ell(w),
$$ where
$$\ell(w)=\#\left\{ (i,j) \ \left|\
\begin{array}{c} 1\leq i,j\leq m\!+\!1 \\[.4em]
i<j,\quad w(i) > w(j)
is the Bruhat length.
{\bf Proof.} By the dimension formula of
Abeasis and Del Fra \cite{AF} (c.f.~\S1.1 above), we have
\dim \Omega_w & = & \dim G_{{\bf n}} -
\sum_{1\leq i,j\leq m}
(r(F_i,E_j)-r(F_{i\!-\!1},E_{j})) \\[.5em]
-\sum_{1 \leq i\leq j\leq m} (r(F_i,F_j)-r(F_i,F_{j\!+\!1}))
(r(F_i,F_j)-r(F_{i\!-\!1},F_{j})) \\[.5em]
-\sum_{1 \leq i\leq j\leq m} (r(E_j,E_i)-r(E_j,E_{i\!-\!1}))
&&\quad -(r(F_m,F_m)-r(F_m,E_m))(r(F_m,F_m)-r(F_{m-1},F_m))
&=& 2(1^2 + 2^2 +\cdots+m^2)\\[.5em]
\sum_{1\leq i,j\leq m} \#\,([i]\cap w[j])\setminus ([i]\cap w[j\!\!-\!\!1])
\#\,([i]\cap w[j])\setminus ([i\!\!-\!\!1]\cap w[j]) \\[.9em]
&=& 2(1^2 + 2^2 +\cdots+m^2) \ -\
\#\left\{\ (i,j) \ \left|\
\begin{array}{c} 1\leq i,j\leq m +1 \\[.4em]
w^{-1}(i) \leq j,\quad i \geq w(j)\
&=& 2(1^2 + 2^2 +\cdots+m^2) - m - \ell(w)\ .
On the other hand,
\dim Z = 2(1\cdot 2 + 2 \cdot 3 + \cdots + (m\!-\!1) \cdot m) + m^2.
\mbox{\rm codim}_Z\, \Omega_w &=&
2(1\cdot 2 + \cdots + (m\!-\!1) \cdot m) + m^2
- 2(1^2 + \cdots m^2) + m + \ell(w)\\[.3em]
&= & \ell(w).
\mbox{}$\hfill \bullet$
{\bf Concluding remarks}
Denote $Z=Z(m)$ and $\Omega_w= \Omega_w(m)$ to emphasize the
dependence on $m$. Consider $S_{m+1} \subset S_{m+2}$
in the usual way. Then there is a natural map
$\pi: Z(m\!+\!1) \to Z(m)$ given by forgetting the middle
two spaces, and we may easily see the stability property:
\Omega_w(m\!+\!1) = \pi^{-1} \Omega_w(m).
The map $\pi$ is a fiber bundle over some open set of $\Omega_w(m)$, and
>from the previous proposition, the generic
fibers of $\pi: \Omega_w(m\!+\!1)\to \Omega_w(m)$ have the same
dimension as the generic fibers of $\pi: Z(m+1) \to Z(m)$.
Finally, we note that $\Omega_w(m\!+\!1)$ is closely related to
a Schubert variety of $\mbox{\rm Fl}' = GL(m\!+\!1)/B$,
the complete flag variety of ${\bf k}^{m\!+\!1}$,
a much smaller flag variety
than that of Zelevinsky's bijection (c.f.~Fulton \cite{F} \S 3).
Namely, consider the open set $Z^{\circ}(m\!+\!1)$
of elements $F_1 \to \cdots\to E_1$
with $F_{i}\to F_{i\!+\!1}$ injective,
$E_{i\!+\!1}\to E_i$ surjective, and $F_{m\!+\!1}\to E_{m\!+\!1}$
Then we have a principal fiber bundle
\psi: & Z^{\circ} & \to & \mbox{\rm Fl}' \times \mbox{\rm Fl}' \\
& (F_1 \to \cdots \to E_1) & \mapsto & (V.\, ,U.)
V_i = \mbox{Im}(F_i \to E_{m+1}) \qquad
U_i = \mbox{Ker}(E_{m+1} \to E_{m+1-i})\ .
Now, letting $\Omega_w^{\circ}(m\!+\!1) =
\Omega_w(m\!+\!1) \cap Z^{\circ}(m\!+\!1)$,
an open subet of $\Omega_w(m\!+\!1)$, we have
\Omega_w^{\circ}(m\!+\!1) = \psi^{-1}\
\{\, (V.,U.) \in \mbox{\rm Fl}' \times \mbox{\rm Fl}'\ \mid \
V_i \cap U_j \leq \#\, w w_0 [i] \cap [j]\, \}.
where $w_0$ is the longest element of $S_{m\!+\!1}$.
It is well-known that the subset of $\mbox{\rm Fl}' \times \mbox{\rm Fl}'$
on the right is a fiber bundle
over $\mbox{\rm Fl}'$ with fiber equal to the Schubert variety
$X(w w_0) \subset \mbox{\rm Fl}'$.
1997-09-29T19:35:02 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709032 | fr | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709032 | [
] | alg-geom/9709032 | Laurent Evain | L. Evain | Dimension of linear systems: a combinatorial and differential approach | 17 pages, in french, also available at | null | null | UA 45 | null | We give upper-bounds for the dimension of some linear systems. The theorem
improves the differential Horace method introduced by Alexander-Hirschowitz,
and was conjectured by Simpson. Possible applications are the calculus of the
dimension of linear systems of hypersurfaces in a projective space $\PP^n$ with
generically prescribed singularities, and the calculus of collisions of fat
points in $\PP^2$. These applications will be treated independently but a
simple example in the introduction explains how the theorem will be used.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Sep 1997 17:35:02 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction par un exemple}
Consid\'erons le syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}_t$ des courbes projectives
planes de degr\'e $d$ passant par trois points fixes
$p_1,p_2,p_3$ et par un point $p_4(t)$ avec multiplicit\'es respectives
$m_1,m_2,m_3$ et $m_4$. Supposons que
$p_1,p_2,p_3$ soient align\'es sur une droite, et que
$p_4(t)$ soit g\'en\'erique dans le plan.
Le syst\`eme est de dimension projective au moins $\frac{d(d+3)}{2}
-\sum \frac{m_i(m_i+1)}{2}$.
Et la dimension est exactement
-\sum \frac{m_i(m_i+1)}{2}$
si les conditions impos\'ees par les points
multiples sont ind\'ependantes.
\ \\[2mm]
Choisissons dans notre exemple les conditions num\'eriques
$m_1=m_2=m_3=1$, $m_4=3$ et $d=5$.
On veut montrer que le syst\`eme ${\cal L}_t$
est de dimension onze, et il suffit de voir qu'il est de dimension
au plus onze. On sp\'ecialise le point g\'en\'erique $p_4(t)$ en
un point $p_4(0)$ de la droite $D$ joignant
$p_1,p_2$ et $p_3$, ce qui d\'efinit un syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}_0$.
Par semi-continuit\'e, $dim {\cal L}_t \leq dim {\cal L}_0$.
Les diviseurs de ${\cal L}_0$ sont des courbes de degr\'e cinq qui coupent
la droite $D$ le long d'un sch\'ema ponctuel
de degr\'e six, donc ils contiennent
$D$. En soustrayant $D$ \`a chaque diviseur de ${\cal L}_0$,
on voit que la dimension de ${\cal L}_0$ est la m\^eme que celle du
syst\`eme lin\'eaire des courbes de degr\'e quatre passant par $p_4(0)$
avec multiplicit\'e deux, c'est \`a dire onze. On avait donc bien
$dim {\cal L}_t=11$.
\ \\[2mm]
Il existe de nombreuses situations dans lesquelles
on essaie
d'appliquer la strat\'egie pr\'ec\'edente: on sp\'ecialise
des points g\'en\'eriques sur des diviseurs de sorte que le probl\`eme
se simplifie en position sp\'eciale et on conclut par un
argument de semi-continuit\'e.
Bien s\^ur les conditions num\'eriques de l'exemple ont \'et\'e choisies
pour que la strat\'egie s'applique sans difficult\'e. En revanche,
il existe en g\'en\'eral des difficult\'es num\'eriques, comme
l'illustre le cas
\ \\[2mm]
Choisissons dans notre exemple introductif
$m_1=m_2=m_3=2$, $m_4=3$, et $d=6$.
On veut montrer que le syst\`eme ${\cal L}_t$ est de dimension douze.
Sp\'ecialisons le point $p_4(t)$ en un point $p_4(0)$ de
la droite $D$ joignant $p_1,p_2$ et
$p_3$. Comme pr\'ec\'edemment, $D$ est une composante du
syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}_0$ dans cette position sp\'eciale,
donc ${\cal L}_0$
a la m\^eme dimension que le syst\`eme des courbes de degr\'e
cinq passant par $p_1,p_2,p_3,p_4(0)$ avec multiplicit\'e
un, un, un et deux, c'est \`a dire au moins quatorze. On ne peut pas conclure.
En fait, la dimension du syst\`eme lin\'eaire en position
sp\'eciale a saut\'e car on a mis ``trop de conditions sur la droite'':
il suffit qu'un diviseur $\Delta$ de degr\'e six coupe la droite $D$
le long d'un sch\'ema de degr\'e sept pour que $D$ soit inclus dans $\Delta$,
or un diviseur de ${\cal L}_0$ coupe la droite
le long d'un sch\'ema de degr\'e neuf.
\ \\[2mm]
La m\'ethode d'Horace
[AH1,AH2,H] propose un ensemble de techniques
pour g\'erer les probl\`emes num\'eriques qui apparaissent
lorsqu'on traite des exemples pr\'ecis. On se propose dans ce papier
d'enrichir la m\'ethode d'Horace d'un nouveau th\'eor\`eme (Th\'eor\`eme
\ \\[2mm]
Alors que l'\'enonc\'e g\'en\'eral n\'ecessite quelques notations, on
peut illustrer facilement le th\'eor\`eme sur l'exemple pr\'ec\'edent.
\ \\[2mm]
Quand $p_4(t)$ n'est pas
sur $D$, un diviseur $\Delta$ du syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}_t$
coupe $D$ deux fois en $p_1$, deux fois en $p_2$ et deux fois
en $p_3$.
Il manque encore une condition sur la droite pour que $D$ soit
composante fixe de ${\cal L}_t$. Raisonnons malgr\'e tout comme si
$D$ \'etait composante fixe. Alors, un diviseur de ${\cal L}_t(-D)$
une courbe de degr\'e
cinq qui couperait $D$ en $p_1,p_2,p_3$. Il manquerait cette fois-ci
trois conditions pour que $D$ soit composante du syst\`eme ${\cal L}_t(-D)$,
c'est \`a dire pour que $2D$ soit dans le lieu fixe de ${\cal L}$.
\ \\[2mm]
On va ``prendre les conditions dont on a besoin
sur le point $p_4$'', qui est un point multiple d'ordre trois,
lorsque celui-ci approche de $D$.
On pr\'el\`eve les conditions par l'op\'eration
combinatoire suivante. Passer par
un point de multiplicit\'e trois \'equivaut \`a contenir un
gros point de taille trois de $\PP^2$. Un gros point de taille
trois est un sch\'ema mon\^omial i.e.
d\'efini par des \'equations mon\^omiales dans un bon syst\`eme
de coordonn\'ees. On associe des objets combinatoires
aux sch\'emas
mon\^omiaux: des escaliers.
Dans le cas du gros point de taille trois, l'escalier associ\'e est
dessin\'e dans la figure ci-apr\`es.
\expandafter\ensuremath{\times}\fmtname xxxxxx\relax \def\y{splain}%
\ifnum #1<17\tiny\else \ifnum #1<20\small\else
\ifnum #1<24\normalsize\else \ifnum #1<29\large\else
\ifnum #1<34\Large\else \ifnum #1<41\LARGE\else
\csname #3\endcsname}%
\count@#1\relax \ifnum 25<\count@\count@25\fi
\csname \romannumeral\the\count@ pt\expandafter\endcsname
\csname @\romannumeral\the\count@ pt\endcsname
\csname #3\endcsname}%
\put( 15,810){\line( 0,-1){ 90}}
\put( 15,720){\line( 1, 0){ 75}}
\put(120,810){\line( 0,-1){ 90}}
\put(120,720){\line( 1, 0){ 90}}
\put(240,810){\line( 0,-1){ 90}}
\put(240,720){\line( 1, 0){ 87}}
\put( 15,765){\line( 1, 0){ 15}}
\put( 30,765){\line( 0,-1){ 15}}
\put( 30,750){\line( 1, 0){ 15}}
\put( 45,750){\line( 0,-1){ 15}}
\put( 45,735){\line( 1, 0){ 15}}
\put( 60,735){\line( 0,-1){ 15}}
\put( 15,750){\line( 1, 0){ 15}}
\put( 30,750){\line( 0,-1){ 30}}
\put( 15,735){\line( 1, 0){ 30}}
\put( 45,735){\line( 0,-1){ 15}}
\put(120,750){\line( 1, 0){ 30}}
\put(150,750){\line( 0,-1){ 15}}
\put(150,735){\line(-1, 0){ 30}}
\put(240,735){\line( 1, 0){ 30}}
\put(270,735){\line( 0,-1){ 15}}
\put(255,735){\line( 0,-1){ 12}}
\put(135,750){\line( 0,-1){ 15}}
\put(255,726){\line( 0,-1){ 6}}
\put( 15,705){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Escalier du }}}
\put( 15,687){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}gros point.}}}
\put(132,705){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Suppression }}}
\put(132,687){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}des lignes}}}
\put(261,705){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}Escalier }}}
\put(261,687){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{\smash{\SetFigFont{12}{14.4}{rm}de $Z$}}}
On a vu que l'on avait
besoin successivement d'une puis de trois conditions
sur la droite $D$. On effectue alors la proc\'edure suivante.
On supprime dans l'escalier les lignes de longueur un et trois, puis on
``pousse'' les cubes restant vers le bas.
On obtient ainsi un nouvel escalier, associ\'e \`a un
sous-sch\'ema mon\^omial $Z$ de $\PP^2$.
Notons ${\cal C}$ le syst\`eme lin\'eaire form\'e des
diviseurs $\Delta$ de degr\'e six contenant deux fois $D$ et
pour lesquels
$\Delta-2D$ est une courbe de degr\'e quatre
contenant $Z$ (contenir $Z$
g\'eom\'etriquement par le fait que $\Delta-2D$
a un ordre de contact d'ordre
deux avec $D$ en $p_4(0)$).
Le th\'eor\`eme \ref{theo}
\'etablit l'in\'egalit\'e $dim {\cal L}_t \leq dim \cal C$.
Puisque $\cal C$ est de dimension douze, on a bien $dim {\cal L}_t=12$.
\ \\[2mm]
Plus g\'en\'eralement, notre th\'eor\`eme s'int\'eresse \`a la dimension
de certains syst\`emes lin\'eaires ${\cal L} _t$. On associe \`a ${\cal L}_t$ un
syst\`eme $\ensuremath{\mathcal C}$ au moyen d'op\'erations combinatoires et on \'etablit
l'in\'egalit\'e $dim {\cal L}_t \leq dim \ensuremath{\mathcal C}$.
\ \\[2mm]
En fait, notre th\'eor\`eme
ne s'appliquera pas uniquement \`a $\PP^2$
et \`a la sp\'ecia\-li\-sa\-tion de gros
points sur des droites, comme cela a \'et\'e le cas
dans l'exemple. Il s'appliquera \`a toute
vari\'et\'e projective irr\'eductible $X$ sur un corps
al\-g\'e\-bri\-que\-ment clos de caract\'eristique quelconque, et
\`a la sp\'ecialisation de sch\'emas mon\^omiaux
en un point $p$
d'un diviseur de Weil irr\'eductible
$D$ de $X$ en lequel $D$ et $X$ sont lisses.
\ \\[2mm]
La d\'emonstration
consiste essentiellement \`a contr\^oler le syst\`eme lin\'eaire
limite (th\'eor\`eme \ref{propfond}) lorsqu'on sp\'ecialise le sch\'ema
mon\^omial , ce qui est obtenu par une \'etude diff\'erentielle.
\ \\[2mm]
Notre \'enonc\'e est tr\`es similaire \`a la m\'ethode
d'Horace diff\'erentielle introduite dans [AH1].
D'un c\^ot\'e, le th\'eor\`eme pr\'esent\'e ici
est plus g\'en\'eral puisque la m\'ethode d'Alexander et Hirschowitz
ne permet d'utiliser qu'une seule tranche d'un sch\'ema mon\^omial
(i.e. avec les notations du th\'eor\`eme \ref{theo}, ils se limitent
au cas $r=1$). Mais d'un autre c\^ot\'e, Alexander et Hirschowitz s'autorisent
\`a bouger simultan\'ement plusieurs sch\'emas mon\^omiaux, alors que
la m\'ethode pr\'esent\'ee ici ne permet de sp\'ecialiser qu'un unique
sch\'ema mon\^omial. Avec quelques adaptations dans les
d\'emonstrations, il aurait \'et\'e
possible de donner un \'enonc\'e qui englobe l'\'enonc\'e
d'Alexander-Hirschowitz et le notre. Mais un tel \'enonc\'e serait
beaucoup plus technique et ne donnerait pas lieu \`a de nouvelles
Sous la forme pr\'esent\'ee dans ce travail,
le th\'eor\`eme \'etait pressenti non seulement par
Alexander et Hirscho\-witz, mais aussi par
Simpson qui avait fait une conjecture en ce sens
d\`es 1995.
\ \\[2mm]
Signalons aussi que Joe Harris a donn\'e une conf\'erence
\`a Alghero en Juin dernier (1997)
dans laquelle il a annonc\'e
avoir obtenu avec Lucia Caporaso des
r\'esultats similaires \`a ceux de cet article
quand $X$ est de dimension deux,
et quand la caract\'eristique
du corps de base est nulle ou assez grande.
\ \\[2mm]
On trouvera des applications du th\'eor\`eme dans [E] o\`u
on montre qu'il n'existe pas
de courbe plane de degr\'e cent soixante quatorze
contenant dix points singuliers d'ordre cinquante cinq (ce qui, en un
sens \`a pr\'eciser, constitue le premier cas ``critique'' pour lequel la
postulation de points singuliers ordinaires n'est pas connue).
\ \\[2mm]
Le plan de l'article est le suivant.
Dans la section \ref{monom}, on explique le lien
entre les sch\'emas
mon\^omiaux et les escaliers. La section \ref{dechargeable}
est une section technique d'alg\`ebre commutative
utile pour la d\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme.
Le th\'eor\`eme est \'enonc\'e et d\'emontr\'e
dans la section \ref{thm}.
\section{Sch\'emas mon\^omiaux}
\subsection{D\'efinition des sch\'emas mon\^omiaux}
On appelle escalier une partie $E$ de $\NN^n$ dont le compl\'ementaire
$C$ v\'erifie $C + \NN^n \ensuremath{\subset} C$. Dans la suite, nous ne manipulerons
que des escaliers finis.
On dira par abus de
langage qu'un mon\^ome $m=x_1^{a_1}x_2^{a_2}\dots x_n^{a_n}$
de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$
est dans $E$ si $(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n)$ est dans $E$.
L'escalier $E$ d\'efinit un id\'eal
$I^E$ de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$ qui est
l'id\'eal engendr\'e par les mon\^omes hors de
\ \\[2mm]
Soit $p$ un point lisse d'une vari\'et\'e $X$ de dimension $n$.
Le compl\'et\'e $\hat{O_p}$ de l'anneau
local de $X$ en $p$ est isomorphe \`a l'anneau de s\'eries formelles
$k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$. Le choix d'un isomorphisme
induit un syst\`eme de coordonn\'ees locales en $p$, not\'e
$\phi: Spec\; k[[x_1, \dots, x_n]] \ensuremath{\rightarrow} X$. Moyennant ce choix,
tout sous-sch\'ema ponctuel de $X$ support\'e par $p$ peut
\^etre vu comme un sous-sch\'ema de $Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$.
Un sous-sch\'ema ponctuel $Z$ de $X$ support\'e par $p$ est dit mon\^o\-mial
d'escalier $E$ si on peut choisir un isomorphisme
entre $\hat {O_p} $
et $ k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$ tel que l'id\'eal d\'efinissant $Z$ dans
$Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$
soit $I^E$. On notera $X_{\phi}(E)$ le sch\'ema mon\^omial d\'efini par
$\phi$ et $E$.
Les gros points de taille $m$ de $X$ sont les sch\'emas mon\^omiaux
d'escalier $E_m$, avec $E_m=\{(a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n),\ a_1+a_2
+\dots +a_n<m\}$.
\subsection{ D\'ecoupage d'un escalier en tranches. Suppression de tranches}
\begin{defi} \normalfont
Un escalier $E$ de $\NN^n$
d\'efinit une famille d'escaliers $T(E,k)$
de $\NN^{n}$ index\'ee par $\NN-\{0\}$:
\{(0,a_2,a_3,\dots,a_n) \mbox{ pour lesquels }
(k-1,a_2,a_3,\dots,a_n) \in E\}$$
L'escalier $T(E,k)$ est appel\'e $k^{\mbox{\`eme}}$ tranche de
\ \\[2mm]
Un escalier fini peut \^etre caract\'eris\'e par une application
hauteur $h_E$
de $\NN^{n-1}$ dans $\NN$ qui v\'erifie $h_E(a+b)\leq h_E(a)$ pour tout
couple $(a,b)$ de $(\NN^{n-1})^2$: l'escalier d\'efini par $h_E$
est l'ensemble des $n$-uplets $(a_1,\dots,a_n)$ v\'erifiant
$a_1 < h_E(a_2,\dots,a_n)$.
\ \\[2mm]
Pour un escalier $E$ d\'efini par une fonction $h_E$ et un entier $n_i>0$,
on appelle escalier r\'esiduel apr\`es suppression de la
tranche $n_i$ l'escalier $S(E,n_i)$ d\'efini par la fonction hauteur
h_{S(E,n_i)}(a_2,\dots,a_n)&=&h_E(a_2,\dots,a_n)\mbox{ si }
n_i > h_E(a_2,\dots,a_n)
&=&h_E(a_2,\dots,a_n)-1 \mbox{ si } n_i \leq h_E(a_2,\dots,a_n)
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\put(8401,-1589){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{{de la deuxi\`eme tranche}}}
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\put(8776,-324){\line( 0,-1){375}}
\put(8589,-324){\line( 1,-1){187}}
\put(8776,-511){\line( 1, 1){187.500}}
\put(8401,-1449){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{Escalier apr\`es suppression}}
\put(6901,-1449){\makebox(0,0)[lb]{Escalier }}
\ \\[2mm]
$(n_1,n_2,\dots,n_r)$ est un $r$-uplet d'entiers v\'erifiant
$n_1>n_2 \dots >n_r > 0$,
on d\'efinit l'escalier $S(E,n_1,\dots,
n_r)$ obtenu \`a partir de $E$ par suppression des tranches $n_i$
r\'ecursivement: $S(E,n_1,\dots,n_r):=S(S(E,n_1\dots,n_{r-1}),n_r)$.
\end{defi} \noindent
\section{Id\'eaux et transporteurs}
Dans la section pr\'ec\'edente, nous avons d\'efini un id\'eal
$I^E$ dans $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$, qui correspond
g\'eom\'etriquement \`a un sch\'ema ponctuel.
Consid\'erons le morphisme de translation $T$:
T: k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]] &\ensuremath{\rightarrow} & k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]\otimes k[[t]]\\
x_1&\mapsto& x_1\otimes 1 -1 \otimes t\\
x_i&\mapsto& x_i\otimes 1 \mbox{ si $i>1$}
$$J(E):=T(I^E)k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]] \otimes k[[t]]$$
d\'efinit une famille plate de sous-sch\'emas
de $Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$ param\'etr\'ee par $Spec\; k[[t]]$ qui correspond
g\'eom\'etriquement \`a une translation du sch\'ema ponctuel dans
la direction $x_1$.
\ \\[2mm]
Au cours de la d\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme, nous serons grosso
modo amen\'es \`a effectuer les calculs suivants: partant de
$J_1:=J(E)$, d\'eterminer $J_2:=(J_1:x_1)$, $J_3:=(J_2:x_1)$ \dots
On aimerait en outre que tous les $J_i$ soient de la forme
$J(F_i)$ pour un escalier $F_i$ de sorte que les id\'eaux
soient faciles \`a d\'ecrire et \`a manipuler
via leur escalier. Ce n'est
malheureusement pas le cas. Il est n\'eanmoins possible de donner
une notion d'id\'eal associ\'e \`a un escalier de sorte
que tous les id\'eaux soient contr\^ol\'es par
le fait que ce sont des id\'eaux associ\'es \`a un escalier.
C'est l'objet de la d\'efinition suivante.
\ \\[2mm]
Pour des raisons techniques, nous ne travaillerons pas dans
$k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]] \otimes k[[t]]$, mais dans
$k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s \otimes k[[t]]/t^q$ pour diff\'erents
$s$ et diff\'erents $q$ (o\`u $\goth m$ d\'esigne
l'id\'eal maximal de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$ et $s$ et $q$ sont des
entiers). Le probl\`eme reste n\'eanmoins le m\^eme, \`a savoir
contr\^oler des calculs de transporteurs \`a l'aide d'escaliers.
\ \\[2mm]
On notera
$r_{qp}^{su}: k[t]/t^{q}\otimes k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s
\ensuremath{\rightarrow} k[t]/t^{p}\otimes k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^u$ la projection
o\`u $p,q,s,u$ sont quatre
entiers v\'erifiant$0< p\leq q$ et $0< u \leq s$
$J(E,q,s)$ la projection de $J(E)$ dans
$k[t]/t^{q}\otimes k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s$
$I^E$ l'id\'eal de $k[t]/t^{q}\otimes k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s$ engendr\'e
par les mon\^omes hors de $E$.
\label{def ideal d'esc E}
Soient $q\geq 1$ et $s\geq 1$ deux entiers, et $E$
un escalier de $\NN^n$.
Un id\'eal $J$ de $k[t]/t^{q}\otimes k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s$
est dit id\'eal d'escalier $E$ s'il v\'erifie:
$J=I^E$ si $q=1$
si $q>1$
$J\ensuremath{\subset} I^{T(E,q)}$
pour tout couple $(p,u)$ avec $0<p<q$, et $0<u <s$,
$r_{qp}^{su}(J:x_1)$ est un id\'eal
d'escalier $S(E,q)$
dans $k[t]/t^p\otimes k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^{u}$.
\end{defi} \noindent
Dans cette d\'efinition, les deux premi\`eres propri\'et\'es
sont les propri\'et\'es vou\-lues pour un id\'eal d'escalier $E$
tandis que la troisi\`eme nous assure que la notion est stable
par calcul de transporteurs.
\ \\[2mm]
L'id\'eal d'escalier $E$ que nous int\'eresse est le suivant:
\ L'id\'eal $J(E,q,s)$ de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s \otimes
est un id\'eal d'es\-ca\-lier $E$.
Le reste de la section est consacr\'e \`a la d\'emonstration de
cette proposition.
Commen\c cons par le faire dans le cas $n=1$.
Notons $E_h$ l'escalier de $\NN$
contenant les \'el\'ements inf\'erieurs strictement
\`a $h$. Puisque tout escalier de $\NN$ est de la forme
$E_h$ pour un certain $h$, la proposition pour $n=1$ dit
que l'id\'eal $((x_1-t)^h)$ de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s\otimes k[t]/t^q$
est un id\'eal d'escalier $E_h$.
Pour v\'erifier ce fait, la d\'efinition \ref{def ideal d'esc E}
nous invite \`a effectuer des calculs de transporteurs
et des restrictions.
Lors des
les id\'eaux successifs apparaissant
se ressemblent
au sens o\`u ils admettent tous des syst\`emes
de g\'en\'erateurs similaires. Nous introduisons
dans la prochaine d\'efinition la notion d'id\'eaux d\'echargeables
de hauteur $H$, qui sont des id\'eaux admettant
un ``bon'' syst\`eme
de g\'en\'erateurs (et bien \'evidemment,
tous les id\'eaux apparaissant dans les
calculs sont des id\'eaux d\'echargeables). Et la propri\'et\'e
fondamentale est que tout id\'eal d\'echargeable de hauteur $H$
est un id\'eal d'escalier $E_H$.
\ \\[2mm]
La raison pour laquelle nous avons introduit la notion d'id\'eal
d'escalier $E$ alors que finalement nous travaillons dans une classe
d'id\'eaux plus petite, \`a savoir la classe des id\'eaux d\'echargeables
est la suivante: lors de la d\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme,
les propri\'et\'es qui nous int\'eresseront vraiment
pour un id\'eal sont celles qui en font un id\'eal d'escalier $E$. On a donc
mis en \'evidence ces propri\'et\'es dans une d\'efinition.
N\'eanmoins, pour montrer que $J(E,q,s)$ est un id\'eal d'escalier
$E$, les calculs sont plus
commodes dans une classe d'id\'eaux
plus petite (les d\'echargeables)
dans laquelle les id\'eaux sont contr\^ol\'es par
un syst\`eme de g\'en\'erateurs.
\ \\[2mm]
En tant que $k$-espace vectoriel, $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s\otimes k[t]/t^q$ s'identifie
au sous-espace vectoriel de $k[x_1,t]$ form\'e par les polyn\^omes
de degr\'e en $x_1$ plus petit que $s$ et de degr\'e en $t$ plus
petit que $q$. On dit qu'un \'el\'ement $x_1^{\beta}$ divise
un \'el\'ement $Q$ de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s\otimes k[t]/t^q$,
et on \'ecrira $e=\frac{Q}{x_1^{\beta}}$
si, moyennant l'identification pr\'ec\'edente,
$Q$ est une combinaison lin\'eaire
$\sum \lambda_i x_1^{a_i}t^{b_i}$ de mon\^omes
o\`u chaque $a_i$ est plus grand que $\beta$, et
$e=\sum \lambda_i x_1^{a_i-\beta}t^{b_i}$
Un id\'eal $I$ de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$ est dit d\'echargeable de
hauteur $H$ s'il est engendr\'e par des \'el\'ements $(e_1,\dots,e_r)$
$e_1=\frac{(x_1-t)^h}{x_1^{\beta_1}}$ pour des entiers $h$ et $\beta_1$
v\'erifiant $H=h-\beta_1$, et ($\beta_1=0$ si $q>H$)
pour $i\geq 2$, $e_i=\frac{t^{\alpha_i}(x_1-t)^h}{x_1^{\beta_i}}$
$\alpha_i \geq 1$ et,
$\forall p\leq q, \ x_1^{q-p+1}$ divise
\end{defi} \noindent
Soit $I=(e_1,\dots,e_r)$ un id\'eal d\'echargeable de hauteur $H$
de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$.
Si $q\leq H$, alors $(I:x_1)=(x_1^{s-1},\frac{e_1}{x_1}, \frac{e_2}{x_1},
\dots,\frac{e_r}{x_1})$. Si $q>H$, alors
$(I:x_1)=(x_1^{s-1},e_1,\frac{t^{q-h}e_1}{x_1},\frac{e_2}{x_1}, \frac{e_3}{x_1},
\textit{D\'emonstration: \\ Le cas $q\leq H$}:
$e_1$, vu comme polyn\^ome en $x_1$, admet comme terme constant
un multiple de $t^H$. Donc ce terme est nul et
$e_1$ est bien divisible par $x_1$.
Les \'el\'ements $e_2,\dots,e_r$ sont divisibles par $x_1$
par d\'efinition des id\'eaux d\'echargeables.
L'id\'eal $(x_1^{s-1},\frac{e_1}{x_1}, \frac{e_2}{x_1},
\dots,\frac{e_r}{x_1})$ est donc bien d\'efini.
L'inclusion $(I:x_1) \supset (x_1^{s-1},\frac{e_1}{x_1}, \frac{e_2}{x_1},
\dots,\frac{e_r}{x_1})$ \'etant \'evi\-den\-te, il nous reste \`a voir
qu'un \'el\'ement $m$ de \!$(I:x_1)$ est dans $(x_1^{s-1}\!\!,
\frac{e_1}{x_1}, \frac{e_2}{x_1},
\dots,\frac{e_r}{x_1})$. L'\'el\'ement $x_1m$, qui est dans $I$,
s'\'ecrit $\sum \lambda _i e_i$ o\`u les $\lambda_i$ sont des \'el\'ements
de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$. D'o\`u la relation
$$x_1(m-\sum \lambda_i \frac{e_i}{x_1})=0$$
Le noyau de la multiplication par $x_1$ \'etant l'id\'eal $(x_1^{s-1})$,
$m$ est bien dans l'id\'eal
$(x_1^{s-1},\frac{e_1}{x_1},\frac{e_2}{x_1}, \frac{e_3}{x_1},
\ \\[2mm]
\textit{ Le cas $q>H$}: commme pr\'ec\'edemment, la seule chose non
imm\'ediate est qu'un \'el\'ement $m$ de $(I:x_1)$ est
dans l'id\'eal $(x_1^{s-1},e_1,\frac{t^{q-h}e_1}{x_1},\frac{e_2}{x_1},
\dots,\frac{e_r}{x_1})$. Toujours comme pr\'ec\'edemment,
on a l'\'egalit\'e
x_1.m=\sum \lambda_i {e_i}.
En utilisant l'identification expliqu\'ee plus haut, $\lambda_1$
peut \^etre vu comme un \'el\'ement de $k[x_1,t]$ et on peut \'ecrire
la division
$$\lambda_1=x_1.Q+R$$ o\`u $R$ est un \'el\'ement de $k[t]$.
Cette expression et l'expression (\ref{eq7}) fournissent
$$x_1(m-\sum_{i\geq 2}\lambda_i \frac{e_i}{x_1}-Qe_1)=R e_1.$$
Donc $x_1$ divise $R e_1$, ce qui n'est possible que si $R$ est un multiple
de $t^{q-h}$: $R=\mu t^{q-h}$.
Finalement, l'\'egalit\'e
x_1(m-\sum_{i\geq 2} \lambda_i \frac{e_i}{x_1}-
Qe_1 - {\mu} \frac{t^{q-h}e_1}{x_1})=0
et le fait que
le noyau de la multiplication par $x_1$ est l'id\'eal $(x_1^{s-1})$,
nous assurent que $m$ est dans l'id\'eal
$(x_1^{s-1},e_1,\frac{t^{q-h}e_1}{x_1},\frac{e_2}{x_1}, \frac{e_3}{x_1},
\label{calcul transp}
Si $I$ est un id\'eal
d\'echargeable de hauteur $H$ de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$
et si $q \leq H$, alors pour
tout couple $(p,u)$ v\'erifiant
$p<q$ et $u<s$, $r_{qp}^{s u}(I:x_1)$ est un
id\'eal d\'echargeable de hauteur $H-1$ de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^u \otimes k[t]/t^p$.
Si $I$ est d\'echargeable de hauteur $H$ et si $q > H$,
$r_{qp}^{su}(I:x_1)$ est un id\'eal d\'echargeable de hauteur $H$
de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^u \otimes k[t]/t^p$.
\end{coro} \noindent
\textit{D\'emonstration:} si $q\leq H$, $r_{qp}^{su}(I:x_1)$
admet $(e'_1,\dots,e'_r)$ comme g\'en\'erateurs
avec $e'_i=r_{qp}^{su}(\frac{e_i}{x_1})$. L'\'el\'ement $e'_1$ v\'erifie
trivialement la premi\`ere condition demand\'ee aux g\'en\'erateurs
d'un id\'eal d\'echargeable
de hauteur $H-1$.
Pour la deuxi\`eme condition, il faut
voir que pour tout $p'\leq p$ et $i\geq 2$, $x_1^{p-p'+1}$ divise
$r_{pp'}^{uu}\circ r_{qp}^{su}(\frac{e_i}{x_1})=r_{qp'}^{su}(\frac{e_i}{x_1})$.
Il suffit pour cela de voir que $x_1^{p-p'+2}$ divise
Or, par hypoth\`ese, $I=(e_1,\dots,e_r)$ est un id\'eal
d\'echargeable donc $x_1^{q-p'+1}$ divise $r_{qp'}^{ss}(e_1)$, et
$q-p'+1\geq p-p'+2$.
Dans le cas $q>H$, $r_{qp}^{su}(I:x_1)$ est de la
forme $(e'_1,\dots,e'_{r+1})$ avec $e'_1=r_{qp}^{su}(e_1)$,
$e'_i=r_{qp}^{su}(e_i/x_1)$ pour $2\leq i \leq r$ et
Toutes les v\'erifications, sauf une, sont les
m\^emes qu'au cas pr\'ec\'edent: il nous
faut en outre montrer que pour tout $p'<p$, $x_1^{p-p'+1}$ divise
$r_{pp'}^{uu}(e'_{r+1})$. Ceci est vrai car le coefficient en
$x_1^k$ de $r_{pp'}^{uu}(e'_{r+1})$ est un multiple de $t^{q-1-k}$:
si $k$ est inf\'erieur ou \'egal \`a $p-p'$,
il est strictement
plus petit que $q-p'$, l'exposant $q-1-k$
de $t$ est strictement plus grand que $p'-1$ donc $t^{q-1-k}$ est nul
dans $k[[x_1]]/x_1^u \otimes k[t]/t^{p'}$.
Si $I=(e_1,\dots,e_r)$ est un id\'eal de
$k[[x_1]]/x_1^s\otimes k[t]/t^q$ d\'echar\-gea\-ble de hauteur $H$,
alors $I$ est un id\'eal
d'escalier $E_H$.
\end{coro} \noindent
par r\'ecurrence sur $q$. Pour $q=1$, tous les termes $e_i$ avec
$i\geq 2$ d'un id\'eal d\'echargeable $I=(e_1,\dots,e_r)$
sont nuls car ils sont de la forme
$\frac{t^{\alpha_i}(x_1-t)^h}{x_1^{\beta_i}}$ avec $\alpha_i\geq 1$.
Donc $I=(e_1)$ et $e_1=\frac{(x_1-t)^h}{x_1^{\beta_1}}=\frac{x_1^h}{x_1^{\beta_1}}
=x_1^{H}$. On a bien $I=I^{E_H}$.
\ \\[2mm]
Pour $q>1$, il faut voir que $I$ est inclus dans $I^{T(E_H,q)}$ et
que, pour $p<q$ et $u<s$, $r_{qp}^{su}(I:x_1)$
est un id\'eal d'escalier $S(E_H,q)$.
Si $q$ est plus grand que $H$, $I^{T(E_H,q)}$ est l'id\'eal unit\'e
donc la premi\`ere condition est trivialement v\'erifi\'ee.
Dans ce cas, $S(E_H,q)=E_H$. D'apr\`es la proposition \ref{calcul transp},
$r_{qp}^{su}(I:x_1)$ est un id\'eal d\'echargeable de hauteur
$H$, donc c'est un id\'eal d'escalier $E_H$ par hypoth\`ese de
Si $q$ est inf\'erieur ou \'egal \`a $H$, la premi\`ere condition dit
que $I$ est inclus dans l'id\'eal $(x_1)$. V\'erifions que c'est le
cas pour chacun des g\'en\'erateurs de $I$. C'est vrai pour les
\'el\'ements $e_2,\dots,e_r$ par d\'efinition des g\'en\'erateurs
d'un id\'eal d\'echargeable. C'est \'egalement vrai pour $e_1=
\frac {(x_1-t)^h}{x_1^{\beta_1}}$ car son terme constant est un
multiple de $t^H$, donc est nul.
Pour la deuxi\`eme condition, il faut voir que
$r_{qp}^{su}(I:x_1)$ est un id\'eal d'escalier
$S(E_H,q)=E_{H-1}$. Or, d'apr\`es
la proposition \ref{calcul transp}, $r_{qp}^{su}(I:x_1)$
est un id\'eal d\'echargeable de hauteur $H-1$. C'est donc aussi un
id\'eal d'escalier $E_{H-1}$ par
l'hypoth\`ese de
\label{J d'esc E cas n=1}
Soit $E_h \ensuremath{\subset} \NN$ un escalier. L'id\'eal $J(E_h,s,q)$
de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s\otimes k[t]/t^q$ est un id\'eal
d'escalier $E_h$.
\end{coro} \noindent
\textit{D\'emonstration}: $J(E_h,s,q)=((x_1-t)^h)$ est trivialement
un id\'eal d\'echar\-gea\-ble de hauteur $h$.
C'est donc un id\'eal d'escalier
$E_h$ d'apr\`es le corollaire pr\'ec\'edent.
Soit $E$ un escalier de $\NN^n$.
On va maintenant montrer pour $n$ quelconque
que $J(E,s,q)$ est un id\'eal
d'escalier $E$ de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$
en se
ramenant au cas $n=1$. Identifions pour cela ensemblistement
$k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$ au produit
\prod_{(\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n)\; t.q.\
s-\alpha_2-\dots-\alpha_n\geq 1}k[[x_1]]/x_1^{s-\alpha_2-\dots-\alpha_n}\otimes k[t]/t^q
o\`u l'identification envoie un terme $m$ de la composante
d'indice $(\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n)$ sur le produit
$mx_2^{\alpha_2}x_3^{\alpha_3}\dots x_n^{\alpha_n}$.
\label{J est gradue}
Soient $E$ un escalier fini de $\NN^n$ d\'efini par une fonction
hauteur $h_E$
et $I_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$ l'id\'eal de
$k[[x_1]]/x_1^{s-\alpha_2-\dots-\alpha_n}\otimes k[t]/t^q$ engendr\'e par
L'id\'eal $J(E,s,q)$ co\"\i ncide avec le produit
\end{lm} \noindent
\textit{D\'emonstration}: puisque chaque $I_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$
est inclus dans $J(E,s,q)$, on a l'inclusion
$$ \prod_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}I_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}
\ensuremath{\subset} J(E,s,q)$$
Les \'el\'ements
x_2^{\alpha_2}.x_3^{\alpha_3}.\dots.x_n^{\alpha_n} $
engendrent $J(E,s,q)$ et sont dans
$ \prod_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}I_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$ .
Il suffit donc pour montrer
l'inclusion inverse de v\'erifier que le produit
est un id\'eal de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$.
Ce produit est clairement un
$k[t]/t^q$-module. Utilisant alors
la lin\'earit\'e, il suffit de v\'erifier que
le produit d'un \'el\'ement $e_0$ de $I_{\alpha_2^0,\dots,\alpha_n^0}$
et d'un mon\^ome
est dans $\prod_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}I_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$.
Par d\'efinition de $I_{\alpha_2^0,\dots,\alpha_n^0}$,
o\`u $\mu$ est
un \'el\'ement de $k[[x_1]]/x_1^s\otimes k[t]/t^q$.
On a donc $$m.e_0=
Le terme $me_0$ est donc aussi
un multiple de
en vertu de l'in\'egalit\'e $$h_E(\alpha_2^0+\beta_2,
\alpha_n^0).$$ Par suite $m.e_0$ est dans $I_{\alpha_2^0+\beta_2, \dots,
\label{etre d'esc E est une prop graduee}
Soit $E$ un escalier de $\NN^n$
donn\'e par une fonction hauteur $h_E$.
Soit $J$ un id\'eal de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]
/\goth m^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$ tel que $J=
o\`u chaque $J_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$ est un id\'eal
/x_1^{s-\alpha _2-\dots-\alpha_n} \otimes k[t]/t^q$
d'escalier $E_{h_E(\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n)}$ . Alors $J$ est un id\'eal
d'escalier $E$.
\end{lm} \noindent
\textit{D\'emonstration}: appelons id\'eal gradu\'e de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]
/\goth m^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$ un id\'eal $K$ qui s'\'ecrit comme produit
d'id\'eaux $K=\prod K_{\alpha_2, \dots,\alpha_n}$. On dira que les
$K_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$ sont les parties gradu\'ees
de $K$. Deux id\'eaux
gradu\'es $L$ et $K$ v\'erifient $L\ensuremath{\subset} K$ si et seulement si
pour tout $(\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n)$, $L_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}
\ensuremath{\subset} K_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$. De plus, si $K$ est gradu\'e,
les id\'eaux $(K:x_1)$ et $r_{qp}^{su}(K)$ sont gradu\'es et, plus
$(K:x_1)=\prod (K_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}:x_1)$ et
$r_{qp}^{su}(K)=\prod r_{qp}^{su}(K_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n})$. En
d\'efinitive, dans la d\'efinition \ref{def ideal d'esc E},
toutes les v\'erifications
\`a faire concernent des id\'eaux gradu\'es, et les calculs de
transporteur et les restrictions respectent la graduation.
Donc le fait d'\^etre
un id\'eal d'escalier $E$ se v\'erifie sur chaque partie
\textit{D\'emonstration de la proposition \ref{Jd'escE}}:
d'apr\`es le lemme \ref{J est gradue}, l'id\'eal $J(E,s,q)$ est un produit
d'id\'eaux $I_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$. Chacun de ces id\'eaux
$I_{\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n}$ est un id\'eal d'escalier
$E_ {h(\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n)}$ d'apr\`es le corollaire
\ref{J d'esc E cas n=1}.
On conclut enfin avec le lemme
\ref{etre d'esc E est une prop graduee} que
$J(E,s,q)$ est un id\'eal d'escalier $E$.
\section{Le th\'eor\`eme}
Le th\'eor\`eme traite de syst\`emes lin\'eaires. Comme
dans l'exemple introductif, les syst\`emes consid\'er\'es
seront des sous-syst\`emes ${\cal L}_t$
d'un syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}$; les diviseurs de ${\cal L}_t$ seront
des diviseurs de ${\cal L}$ qui contiennent un sch\'ema mon\^omial
$X(t)$ variant avec le temps $t$. Au temps $t=0$, le sch\'ema
$X(0)$ se sp\'ecialise sur un diviseur de Weil irr\'eductible $D$.
Le trajet du sch\'ema mon\^omial
sera une translation relativement \`a un syst\`eme de coordonn\'ees
locales ``compatible'' avec le diviseur $D$. Expliquons
ce que cela signifie.
\ \\[2mm]
Soient $X$ une vari\'et\'e projective irr\'eductible
de dimension $n$, $D$ une sous-vari\'et\'e irr\'eductible
de $X$ de dimension $n-1$.
Soit $p$ un point de $D$ en lequel $X$ et $D$ sont lisses.
Choisissons une fois pour toutes un syst\`eme de coordonn\'ees locales
$\phi:Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]] \ensuremath{\rightarrow} X $ en $p$ de sorte que $D$ soit localement
d\'efini par $x_1=0$.
introduit au d\'ebut de la section pr\'ec\'edente
d\'efinit une famille plate de sous-sch\'emas
de $Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$ param\'etr\'ee par $Spec\; k[[t]]$. On peut
\'egalement voir cette famille comme une famille plate de sous-sch\'emas
de $X$ moyennnant le morphisme de coordonn\'ees locales $\phi$.
On note $X_{\phi}(E,t)$
la fibre g\'en\'erique de cette famille plate. La fibre sp\'eciale
de cette famille est $X_{\phi}(E,0)=X_{\phi}(E)$. Cette famille plate est
associ\'ee \`a un morphisme $Spec\; k[[t]]\ensuremath{\rightarrow} Hilb(X)$ qui
correspond au trajet du sch\'ema mon\^omial d\'efini par la translation.
\ \\[2mm]
Soient ${\cal L}$ un syst\`eme lin\'eaire de diviseurs de Cartier sur $X$
et $Y$ un sous-sch\'ema de $X$. On note
${\cal L}(-Y)$ le sous-syst\`eme lin\'eaire de ${\cal L}$ form\'e par les
diviseurs qui contiennent $Y$. Si $Y$ et $Z$ sont deux sous-sch\'emas
de $X$, le produit des id\'eaux $I(Y)$ et $I(Z)$ de $Y$ et $Z$
d\'efinit un sous-sch\'ema de $X$ not\'e $Y+Z$. En particulier,
${\cal L}(-Y-Z)$ est bien d\'efini, m\^eme si $Y$ est un diviseur de $X$
et $Z$ un sous-sch\'ema de dimension z\'ero.
\ \\[2mm]
Notons $Z_k$ le sous-sch\'ema de $X$ d\'efini par
le syst\`eme de coordonn\'ees locales
$\phi$ et la tranche $T(E,k)$:
Les sch\'emas $Z_k$ sont inclus dans le diviseur $D$.
Les sch\'emas mon\^omiaux d'escalier $E$
s'organisent en une vari\'et\'e irr\'eductible [H]
et on peut donc parler du sch\'ema g\'en\'erique d'escalier $E$,
qu'on note $X(E)$.
Soient ${\cal L}$ un syst\`eme lin\'eaire
$X$ et $n_1,n_2,\dots,n_r$ des entiers
v\'erifiant $n_1>n_2>\dots>n_r>0$. Supposons que
pour tout $i$ compris entre un et $r$,
${\cal L}(-(i-1) D-Z_{n_i})={\cal L}(-iD)$.
$$dim \; {\cal L}(-X(E)) \leq dim\; {\cal L}(-rD-X_{\phi}
(\;S(E,n_1,\dots, n_r)\;))$$
\end{thm} \noindent
Le th\'eor\`eme est une cons\'equence imm\'ediate du th\'eor\`eme
Soient ${\cal L}$ un syst\`eme lin\'eaire
$X$ et $n_1,n_2,\dots,n_r$ des entiers
v\'erifiant $n_1>n_2>\dots>n_r>0$. Supposons que
pour tout $i$ compris entre un et $r$,
${\cal L}(-(i-1) D-Z_{n_i})={\cal L}(-iD)$.
Alors on a l'inclusion
$$\lim_{t \ensuremath{\rightarrow} 0} {\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t)) \ensuremath{\subset} {\cal L}(-rD-X_{\phi}
(\;S(E,n_1,\dots, n_r)\;))$$
\textit{D\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme \ref{theo}}: puisque
$X_{\phi}(E,t)$ est une sp\'ecialisation de $X(E)$, on a par semi-continuit\'e
$$dim\;{\cal L}(-X(E))\leq dim\; {\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t))
La limite \'etant par d\'efinition une limite dans une
Grassmannienne, on a:
dim\;{\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t)) = dim\;lim_{t \ensuremath{\rightarrow} 0}{\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t))
Enfin, la proposition \ref{propfond} implique:
dim\; lim_{t \ensuremath{\rightarrow} 0}{\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t)) \leq dim\; {\cal L}(-rD-X_{\phi}
(\;S(E,n_1,\dots, n_r)\;))
Ces in\'egalit\'es mises bout \`a bout donnent l'in\'egalit\'e du
\textit{D\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme \ref{propfond}}:
\ \\[2mm]
Le syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}$ est de la forme $I\!\!P(V)$ pour un
fibr\'e en droites $F$ sur $X$ et un espace vectoriel $V$ de sections
de $F$. Notons
$n-1$ la dimension projective
du syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t))$.
Il existe un unique morphisme
$$f: Spec\; k[[t]] \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \mathbb{G}(n,V)$$
qui envoie le point g\'en\'erique
sur le point (non ferm\'e) de la grassmannienne
param\'etrant le
syst\`eme lin\'eaire ${\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t))$.
L'image du point sp\'ecial d\'efinit un sous-espace vectoriel $W$
de $V$ et, par d\'efinition, $I\!\!P(W)=\lim_{t \ensuremath{\rightarrow} 0} {\cal L}(-X_{\phi}(E,t))$
\ \\[2mm]
Restreignons la base du fibr\'e $F$ \`a $Spec\; \hat O_{X,p}$, o\`u
$\hat O_{X,p}$ est le compl\'et\'e de l'anneau local de $X$ en
$p$. Au dessus de cette base, le faisceau localement libre
$F$ est trivial et on peut
en choisir un g\'en\'erateur local $g$. Une fois $g$
choisi, on peut r\'ealiser toute section
de $F$ comme une fonction de $\hat O_{X,p}$.
Le syst\`eme $\phi$ de coordonn\'ees locales en $p$ \'etant donn\'e,
toute fonction de $\hat O_{X,p}$ s'identifie \`a un
\'el\'ement de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$.
On dispose donc d'un morphisme, injectif
car $X$ est irr\'eductible:
$$i:V \ensuremath{\rightarrow} k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$$
Notons $p_s$ la projection de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]$ dans $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/
\goth m^s$.
Puisque $V$ est de dimension finie, le morphisme
$$p_s \circ i: V \ensuremath{\rightarrow} k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m ^s$$
est \'egalement injectif pour $s$ assez grand.
Un \'el\'ement $f$ de $V$ s'annule $n$ fois sur $D$ si et seulement si
$i(f)$ est divisible par $x_1^n$.
Toujours pour $s$ assez grand,
$f$ s'annule $n$ fois sur $D$ si et seulement si $p_s\circ i(f)$
est un multiple de $x_1^n$.
\ \\[2mm]
Pour $q \geq 0$,
notons $f_q$ la restriction du morphisme $f$ \`a $Spec\; k[t]/t^{q}$:
$$f_q: Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \mathbb{G}(n,V)$$
L'image inverse par
$$f_q\ensuremath{\times} Id:Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\times} V \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \mathbb{G}(n,V)\ensuremath{\times} V$$
du fibr\'e universel au dessus de
$\mathbb{G}(n,V)$ est un sous-fibr\'e $F_q$ de rang $n$ de $Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\times} V$.
Expliquons comment associer un id\'eal
$I(s_q,s)$ de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s\otimes k[t]/t^{q}$
\`a une section $s_q$ de $F_q$.
Toute section $s_q$ de $F_q$ est aussi
une section de $Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\times} V$,
et est d\'efinie par un morphisme de $Spec\; k[t]/t^{q}$ dans $V$.
Par composition \`a droite avec le morphisme $p_s \circ i$, la section
$s_q$ d\'efinit un morphisme $f(s_q,s)$:
$$f(s_q,s):Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\rightarrow} k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/ \goth m^s.$$
Il existe un ferm\'e $U$ de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/ \goth m^s \ensuremath{\times}
Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/ \goth m^s$ dont la fibre au dessus d'un point
$f$ est le sous-sch\'ema de $Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/ \goth m^s$ d\'efini
par l'id\'eal $(f)$. L'image inverse de $U$ par
$f(s_q,s)\ensuremath{\times} Id$
un ferm\'e $U(s_q,s)$ de $Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\times} Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/ \goth m^s$.
On note $I(s_q,s)$ l'id\'eal de $k[t]/t^{q} \otimes k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/ \goth m^s$
d\'efinissant $U(s_q,s)$.
\ \\[2mm]
La signification g\'eom\'etrique de $I(s_q,s)$ est la suivante.
La section $s_q$ d\'efinit une famille de diviseurs de $X$ param\'etr\'ee
par $Spec\; k[t]/t^{q}$, donc un sous-sch\'ema $Z$ de $Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\times} X$.
La trace de $Z$ sur
$$Spec\; k[t]/t^{q} \ensuremath{\times} Spec\; k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s$$
est un sous-sch\'ema d\'efini par l'id\'eal $I(s_q,s)$.
\ \\[2mm]
Le comportement par restriction des id\'eaux $I(s_q,s)$ est agr\'eable:
si $p,q,s,u$ sont quatre entiers avec $q\geq p$, $s\geq u$,
et si $s_p$ est la
restriction de $s_q$ au dessus de
$Spec\; k[t]/t^{p}$, alors $I(s_p,u)=r_{qp}
\ \\[2mm]
Pour montrer le th\'eor\`eme, il nous faut voir $(**)$ que pour toute section
$s_1$ de $F_1$
au dessus du point ferm\'e et pour tout entier $s$ assez grand,
$I(s_1,s)\ensuremath{\subset} x_1^r. I^{S(E,n_1,\dots,n_r)}$.
\ \\[2mm]
Toute section $s_1$ de $F_1$
au dessus du point ferm\'e est la restriction
d'une section $s_{n_1}$ de $F_{n_1}$
au dessus de $Spec\; k[t]/t^{n_1}$. Notons
$s_{n_i}$ la restriction de $s_{n_1}$ \`a $Spec\; k[t]/t^{n_i}$.
\ \\[2mm]
Montrons la proposition $(*)$
suivante, qui impliquera facilement $(**)$ et donc le th\'eor\`eme \ref{propfond}:
pour $s$ assez grand,
$I(s_{n_i},s)$ est inclus dans un id\'eal $x_1^i. M(n_i,s)$, o\`u
pour tout $p<n_i$ et $u<s$, $r_{n_ip}^{su}M(n_i,s)$
est un id\'eal
d'escalier $S(E,n_1,\dots,n_i)$.
On proc\`ede par r\'ecurrence sur $i$.
\ \\[2mm]
Pour $i=1$,
on peut dire informellement que $s_{n_1}$
est une famille de sections de $F$ param\'etr\'ee par un temps
$t$ dans $Spec\; k[t]/t^{n_1}$, et que cette famille de
sections s'annule ``\`a tout instant $t$ sur
le translat\'e par $t$ dans la direction $x_1$ du sch\'ema
$X_{\phi}(E)$''. Plus rigoureusement, on a l'inclusion
I(s_{n_1},s) \ensuremath{\subset} J(E,n_1,s)
De plus, $J(E,n_1,s)$ est un id\'eal
d'escalier $E$ de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s \otimes k[t]/t^q$
d'apr\`es la proposition \ref{Jd'escE}, donc
J(E,n_1,s)\ensuremath{\subset} I^{Tr(E,n_1)}
Pour $s$ assez grand, les inclusions
(\ref{eq1}) et (\ref{eq2}) montrent que $s_{n_1}$ d\'efinit
une famille de sections de $F$ s'annulant \`a tout instant
sur $Z_{n_1}$. Donc, par hypoth\`ese, c'est \'egalement une famille de
sections s'annulant sur $D$. Remarquons qu'\`a priori,
l'hypoth\`ese dit qu'une section de $F$ qui s'annule sur $Z_{n_1}$
s'annule sur $D$ mais ne dit rien pour les familles de sections.
Cependant, si on note $W_{n_1}$ le lieu sch\'ematique
dans $V$ form\'e par les sections de $F$ qui s'annulent sur
$Z_{n_1}$ et $W_D$ le lieu sch\'ematique form\'e par les
sections qui s'annulent sur $D$, $W_{n_1}$ et $W_D$ sont
r\'eduits car ce sont des espaces vectoriels. En particulier,
l'inclusion ensembliste de $W_{n_1}$ dans $W_D$, v\'erifi\'ee
par hypoth\`ese,
implique l'inclusion sch\'ematique. Les familles de sections
de $F$ param\'etr\'ees par une base $B$ et
s'annulant sur $Z_{n_1}$ correspondent aux morphismes de $B$
dans $W_{n_1}$, qui sont aussi des morphismes de $B$
dans $W_D$. Les familles
de sections s'annulant sur $Z_{n_1}$ s'annulent donc sur
\ \\[2mm]
Puisque $s_{n_1}$ est une famille de sections de $F$ s'annulant
sur $D$, tout \'el\'ement $e$ de $I(s_{n_1},s)$ est
divisible par $x_1$:
$e=x_1.f$, et d'apr\`es la relation \ref{eq1},
$f \in (J(E,n_1,s):x_1)$, ce qui s'\'ecrit aussi
I(s_{n_1},s) \ensuremath{\subset} x_1.(J(E,n_1,s):x_1)
Posons $M(n_1,s):=(J(E,n_1,s):x_1)$.
Puisque $J(E,n_1,s)$ est un id\'eal d'escalier $E$ et
par d\'efinition des id\'eaux d'escaliers $E$, pour tout
$p<n_1$ et $u<s$,
est bien un id\'eal
d'escalier $S(E,n_1)$. La proposition $(*)$ est vraie pour $i=1$.
\ \\[2mm]
Supposons $(*)$ vraie au rang $q-1$. L'inclusion
I(s_{n_{q-1}},s+q)\ensuremath{\subset} x_1^{q-1}.M(n_{q-1},s+q)
est v\'erifi\'ee pour $s$ assez grand et implique par la
restriction $r_{n_{q-1}n_{q}}^{(s+q)(s+q-1)}$
\label {eq22}
I(s_{n_q},s+q-1) \ensuremath{\subset} x_1^{q-1}.
Puisque $r_{n_{q-1}n_{q}}^{(s+q)(s+q-1)}M(n_{q-1},s+q)$ est un
id\'eal d'escalier $S(E,n_1,\dots,n_{q-1})$
de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^s \otimes k[t]/t^{n_q}$, il est inclus
dans $I^{T(S(E,n_1,\dots,n_{q-1}),n_q)}=I^{T(E,n_q)}$.
Pour $s$ assez grand,
l'in\-clu\-si\-on (\ref{eq22})
montre alors que $s_{n_q}$ est une famille
de sections de $F$ s'an\-nu\-lant sur \!$(q-1)D+Z_{n_q}$,
ce qui par hypoth\`ese
est aussi une famille de sections de $F$ s'annulant sur $qD$.
Tout \'el\'ement $e$ de $I(s_{n_q},s+q-1)$ est donc un multiple
de $x_1^q$:
Par l'inclusion (\ref{eq22}), $e$ s'\'ecrit aussi
$$ o\`u
$g$ est dans $r_{n_{q-1}n_{q}}^{(s+q)(s+q-1)}M(n_{q-1},s+q)$.
On en d\'eduit l'\'egalit\'e
Puisque le
noyau de la multiplication par $x_1^{q-1}$ dans
$k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/ \goth m^{q+s-1}\otimes k[t]/t^{n_q}$
est inclus dans
$\goth m^{s}$,
on a donc
Le terme
$r_{n_q,n_q}^{q+s-1,s}(g)$ est dans
\circ r_{n_{q-1}n_{q}}^{(s+q)(s+q-1)}M(n_{q-1},s+q)=
L'image de l'\'egalit\'e (\ref{eq222}) par $r_{n_q,n_q}^{q+s-1,s}$
montre alors que
I(s_{n_q},s)\ensuremath{\subset} x_1^q.(r_{n_{q-1}n_q}^{s+q,s}M(n_{q-1},s+q)\;:\;x_1).
Posons $M(n_q,s)=(\
r_{n_{q-1}n_q}^{s+q,s}M(n_{q-1},s+q):x_1\ )
On a bien
$I(s_{n_q},s)$ qui est inclus dans l'id\'eal $x_1^q. M(n_q,s)$. Il
reste \`a voir que pour
tout $p<n_q$ et $u<s$, $r_{n_qp}^{su}M(n_q,s)$
est un id\'eal
d'escalier $S(E,n_1,\dots,n_q)$. Ce qui est vrai
car $r_{n_qp}^{su}M(n_q,s)
= r_{n_qp}^{su}(\
r_{n_{q-1}n_q}^{s+q,s}M(n_{q-1},s+q):x_1\ )$
et $ r_{n_{q-1}n_q}^{s+q,s}M(n_{q-1},s+q)$
est un id\'eal d'escalier $S(E,n_1,\dots,n_{q-1})$ de $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]
\otimes k[t]/t^{n_q}$.
\ \\[2mm]
La d\'emonstration de la r\'ecurrence est termin\'ee. D\'eduisons
maintenant $(**)$ de la proposition $(*)$, ce qui ach\`evera la
d\'emonstration du th\'eor\`eme \ref{propfond}.
\ \\[2mm]
Si $n_r\neq 1$, la proposition $(*)$
appliqu\'ee \`a $i=r$ dit que $I(s_{n_r},s+1)$ est inclus dans un
id\'eal produit $x_1^r.M(n_r,s+1)$. L'image de cette inclusion
par l'application de restriction $r_{n_r1}^{(s+1)s}$
donne $I(s_1,s)\ensuremath{\subset} x_1^r. I^{S(E,n_1,
\dots,n_r)}$ car la restriction de $M(n_r,s+1)$
est $I^{S(E,n_1,\dots,n_r)}$
par d\'efinition de $M(n_r,s+1)$ et des id\'eaux d'escalier
$ S(E,n_1,\dots,n_r)$. La proposition $(**)$ est donc
d\'emontr\'ee pour $n_r\neq 1$.
\ \\[2mm]
Si $n_r=1$, la proposition $(*)$ appliqu\'ee \`a $i={r-1}$
dit que $I(s_{n_{r-1}},s+r+1)$ est inclus dans un
id\'eal $x_1^{r-1}.M(n_{r-1},s+r+1)$. L'image de cette inclusion
par l'application de restriction $r_{n_{r-1}1}^{(s+r+1)(s+r)}$
I(s_1,s+r)\ensuremath{\subset} x_1^{r-1}. I^{S(E,n_1,
Puisque $I^{S(E,n_1,
\dots,n_{r-1})}\ensuremath{\subset} I^{T(E,1)}$, on a \'egalement
l'inclusion $I(s_1,s+r)\ensuremath{\subset} x_1^{r-1}.I^{T(E,1)}$,
ce qui signifie pour $s$ assez grand
que $s_1$ est section de $F$ qui s'annule
sur $(r-1)D+Z_1$. Par hypoth\`ese, $s_1$
est alors une section de $F$ qui s'annule sur $rD$.
Tout \'el\'ement $e$ de $I(s_{1},s+r)$ est donc divisible par $x_1^r$:
Cette \'egalit\'e, la relation (\ref{eq33}),
et le fait que le noyau de la multiplication
par $x_1^{r-1}$ dans $k[[x_1,\dots,x_n]]/\goth m^{s+r}$
soit inclus dans $\goth m^{s+1}$ montrent
r_{11}^{s+r,s+1}(f) \in (I^{S(E,n_1,
Cette appartenance et la relation (\ref{eq333}) donnent finalement
$$I(s_1,s) \ensuremath{\subset} x_1^r.I^{S(E,n_1,
La d\'emonstration de $(**)$ est termin\'ee.
Bibliographie:\ \\[2mm]
[AH1]: Alexander J. et Hirschowitz A., An asymptotic vanishing theorem for
generic unions of multiple points, duke e-print 9703037
\ \\[2mm]
[AH2]: Alexander J. et Hirschowitz A., La m\'ethode d'Horace \'eclat\'ee:
application \`a l'interpolation en degr\'e quatre, Invent. Math. 107, (1992),
\ \\[2mm]
[CM]: Ciliberto C. et Miranda R., On the dimension of linear systems of
plane curves with general multiple base points, duke e-print 9702015
\ \\[2mm]
[E]: Evain L., Une g\'en\'eralisation de la conjecture de
Harbourne-Hirschowitz aux points infiniment voisins, pr\'eprint en
\ \\[2mm]
[H]: Hirschowitz A., La m\'ethode d'Horace pour l'interpolation \`a plusieurs
variables, Manuscripta math, vol. 50, (1995), 337-388
1997-09-25T16:01:03 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709028 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709028 | [
] | alg-geom/9709028 | Karin Smith | Edward Bierstone and Pierre D. Milman (University of Toronto) | Resolution of Singularities | 45 pages, 7 Postscript figures, LATEX. To appear in Current
Developments in Several Complex Variables, MSRI Proceedings, ed. M. Schneider
and Y.-T. Siu, Cambridge University Press | null | null | null | null | This article is an exposition of an elementary constructive proof of
canonical resolution of singularities in characteristic zero, presented in
detail in Invent. Math. 128 (1997), 207-302. We define a new local invariant
and get an algorithm for canonical desingularization by successively blowing up
its maximum loci. The invariant can be described by local computations that
provide equations for the centres of blowing up. We describe the origin of our
approach and present the proof (in the hypersurface case) in parallel with a
worked example.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 25 Sep 1997 14:00:53 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"University of Toronto"
"Pierre D.",
"University of Toronto"
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Resolution of singularities has a long history that goes back
to Newton in the case of plane curves.
For higher-dimensional singular spaces, the problem was formulated
toward the end of the last century, and it was solved in
general, for algebraic varieties defined over fields of characteristic
zero, by Hironaka in his famous paper [H1] of 1964.
([H1] includes the case of real-analytic spaces;
Hironaka's theorem for complex-analytic spaces is proved
in [H2], [AHV1], [AHV2].)
But Hironaka's result is highly non-constructive.
His proof is one of the longest and hardest in mathematics,
and it seems fair to say that only a handful of mathematicians
have fully understood it.
We are not among them!
Resolution of singularities is used in many areas of mathematics,
but even certain aspects of the theorem (for example,
{\em canonicity}; see 1.11 below) have remained unclear.
This article is an exposition of an elementary constructive
proof of canonical resolution of singularities in characteristic zero.
Our proof was sketched in the hypersurface case in [BM4] and is
presented in detail in [BM5].
When we started thinking about the subject almost twenty years
ago, our aim was simply to understand resolution of singularities.
But we soon became convinced that it should be possible to give
simple direct proofs of at least those aspects of the theorem
that are important in analysis.
In 1988, for example, we published a very simple proof that any
real-analytic variety is the image by a proper analytic mapping
of a manifold of the same dimension [BM1].
The latter statement is a real version of a local form of resolution
of singularities, called {\em local uniformization}.
It is the idea of [BM1, Section 4] that we have developed (via
[BM2]) to define a new local invariant for desingularization
that is the main subject of this exposition.
Our invariant ${\rm inv}_X(a)$ is a finite sequence (of nonnegative
rational numbers and perhaps $\infty$, in the case of a hypersurface),
defined at each point $a$ of our space $X$.
Such sequences can be compared lexicographically.
${\rm inv}_X(\cdot)$ takes only finitely many maximum values
(at least locally), and we get an algorithm for canonical resolution
of singularities by successively blowing up its maximum loci.
Moreover, ${\rm inv}_X(\cdot)$ can be described by local computations
that provide equations for the centres of blowing up.
We begin with an example to illustrate the meaning of resolution
of singularities:
\medskip\noindent {\em Example\ } {\em 1.1.}\quad
Let $X$ denote the quadratic cone
$x^2-y^2-z^2=0$ in affine 3-space --- the simplest example
of a singular surface.
{\hskip .3in{\epsfxsize=2.5in
\epsfbox{ed1.eps}{\vskip -2.18in\hskip .02in{\smit z}}{\vskip .35in \hskip 2.4in{\smit y}}}
{\vskip .95in\hskip 2.8in{\smit x}}{\vskip -1.6in\hskip 1.31in{${\mbox{Sing}}\, X$}}}
$X:\ x^2-y^2-z^2=0$
$X$ can be desingularized by making a simple quadratic
transformation of the ambient space:
\sigma:\quad x=u,\ y=uv,\ z=uw .
The inverse image of $X$ by this mapping $\sigma$ is given
by substituting the formulas for $x$, $y$ and $z$ into the
equation of $X$:
\sigma^{-1}(X):\quad u^2(1-v^2-w^2) = 0.
Thus $\sigma^{-1}(X)$ has two components:
The plane $u=0$ is the set of critical points of the mapping
$\sigma$; it is called the {\em exceptional hypersurface}.
(Here $E':=\{u=0\}$ is the inverse image of the singular
point of $X$.)
The quotient after completely factoring out the ``exceptional
divisor'' $u$ defines what is called the {\em strict
transform\/} $X'$ of $X$ by $\sigma$.
Here $X'$ is the cylinder $v^2+w^2=1$.
{\hskip .1in{\epsfxsize=2.5in
\epsfbox{ed2.eps}{\vskip -2.18in\hskip -.2in{\smit{w}}}
{\vskip .17in\hskip 1in {$\smit{E':\ u=0}$}}
{\vskip .04in\hskip 2.1in{\smit{v}}}
{\vskip .4in\hskip 3.18in{$\smit{X':\ v^2+w^2=1}$}}
{\vskip .29in\hskip 2.43in{\smit{u}}}}}
In this example, $\sigma|X'$ is a
{\em resolution of singularities\/} of $X$:
$X'$ is smooth and $\sigma|X'$ is a proper mapping
onto $X$ that is an isomorphism outside the singularity.
But the example illustrates a stronger statement, called
{\em embedded resolution of singularities}: $X$ is
desingularized by making a simple transformation
of the ambient space, after which, in addition, the
strict transform $X'$ and the exceptional hypersurface
$E'$ have only {\em normal crossings}; this means
that each point admits a coordinate neighbourhood
with respect to which both $X'$ and $E'$ are coordinate
The quadratic transformation $\sigma$ in Example 1.1 is
also called a {\em blowing-up\/} with {\em centre\/} the
(The centre is the set of critical values of $\sigma$.)
More accurately, the blowing-up of affine 3-space
with centre a point is covered in a natural way
by three affine coordinate charts, and $\sigma$ above is
the formula for the blowing-up restricted to one chart.
Sequences of quadratic transformations, or point blowings-up,
were first used to resolve the singularities of curves
by Max Noether in the 1870's [BN].
The more general statement of ``embedded resolution
of singularities'' seems to have been formulated precisely
first by Hironaka.
But it is implicit already in the earliest rigorous
proofs of local desingularization of surfaces, as a natural
generalization prerequisite to the inductive step of a proof
by induction on dimension (cf. Sections 2,3 below).
For example, in one of the earliest proofs of local
desingularization or uniformization of surfaces, Jung used
embedded desingularization of curves by sequences of
quadratic transformations (applied to the branch locus
of a suitable projection) to prove uniformization
for surfaces [Ju].
Similar ideas were used in the first proofs of global
resolution of singularities of algebraic surfaces,
by Walker [Wa] and Zariski [Z1] in the
late 1930's.
(The latter was the first algebraic proof, by sequences
of normalizations and point blowings-up.)
From the point of view of subsequent work, however,
Zariski's breakthrough came in the early 1940's when
he localized the idea of the centre of blowing-up, thus
making possible an extension of the notion of quadratic
transformation to blowings-up with centres that are
not necessarily $0$-dimensional [Z2].
This led Zariski to a version of embedded resolution
of singularities of surfaces, and to a weaker (non-embedded)
theorem for 3-dimensional algebraic varieties [Z3].
It was the path that led to Hironaka's great theorem
and to most subsequent work in the area, including our own.
(See References below.)
From a general viewpoint, some important features of our work
in comparison with previous treatments are: (1) It is
canonical. (See 1.11.)
(2) We isolate simple local properties of an invariant
(Section 4, Theorem B) from which global desingularization is automatic.
(3) Our proof in the case of a hypersurface (a space defined
locally by a single equation) does not involve passing
to higher codimension (as in the inductive procedure of
Very significant results on resolution of singularities
over fields of nonzero characteristic have recently been
obtained by de Jong [dJ] and have been announced
by Spivakovsky.
\noindent {\em 1.2. Blowing up.} We first describe the blowing-up
of an open subset $W$ of $r$-dimensional affine space
with centre a point $a$.
(Say $a=0\in W$.)
The {\em blowing-up\/} $\sigma$ with {\em centre\/} $0$
is the projection onto $W$ of a space $W'$ that is
obtained by replacing the origin by the $(r-1)$-dimensional
projective space ${\Bbb P}^{r-1}$ of all lines through $0$:
W' = \{\, (x,\lambda)\in W\times {\Bbb P}^{r-1}:\ x\in\lambda\,\}
and $\sigma$: $W'\rightarrow W$ is defined by $\sigma(x,\lambda)=x$.
(Outside the origin, a point $x$ belongs to a unique line
$\lambda$, but $\sigma^{-1}(0) = {\Bbb P}^{r-1}$.
Clearly, $\sigma$ is a proper mapping.)
$W'$ has a natural algebraic structure:
If we write $x$ in terms of the affine coordinates
$x=(x_1,\ldots,x_r)$, and $\lambda$ in the corresponding
homogeneous coordinates $\lambda=[\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_r]$,
then the relation $x\in\lambda$ translates into the system
of equations $x_i\lambda_j = x_j\lambda_i$, for all $i,j$.
These equations can be used to see that $W'$ has the
structure of an algebraic manifold:
For each $i=1,\ldots,r$, let $W_i'$ denote the open
subset of $W'$ where $\lambda_i\ne 0$.
In $W_i'$, $x_j=x_i\lambda_j/\lambda_i$, for each $j\ne i$,
so we see that $W_i'$ is smooth:
it is the graph of a mapping in terms of coordinates
$(y_1,\ldots,y_r)$ for $W_i'$ defined by
$y_i=x_i$ and $y_j=\lambda_j/\lambda_i$ if $j\neq i$.
In these coordinates, $\sigma$ is a quadratic transformation
given by the formulas
x_i=y_i,\quad x_j=y_iy_j\ \ \mbox{for all $j\ne i$,}
as in Example 1.1.
Once blowing up with centre a point has been described
as above, it is a simple matter to extend the idea to
blowing up a manifold, or smooth space, $M$ with centre
an arbitrary smooth closed subspace $C$ of $M$:
Each point of $C$ has a product coordinate neighbourhood
$V\times W$ in which $C = V\times\{0\}$; over this
neighbourhood, the blowing-up with centre $C$ identifies
with ${\mbox{id}}_V\times\sigma$:
$V\times W'\rightarrow V\times W$, where ${\mbox{id}}_V$ is the
identity mapping of $V$ and $\sigma$: $W'\rightarrow W$
is the blowing-up of $W$ with centre $\{0\}$.
The blowing-up $M'\rightarrow M$ with centre $C$ is an
isomorphism over $M{\backslash} C$.
The preceding conditions determine $M'\rightarrow M$ uniquely,
up to an isomorphism of $M'$ commuting with the projections
to $M$.
\medskip\noindent {\em Example\ } {\em 1.3.}\quad
{\hskip .1in{\epsfxsize=2.5in
\epsfbox{ed3.eps}{\vskip -1.59in\hskip 2.19in{${\mbox{Sing}}\, X$}}}
{\vskip .45in\hskip 2.6in{\smit x}}
{\vskip 0.6in \hskip .11in{\smit z}}
{\vskip -.91in \hskip -2.4in{\smit y}}}
{$X:\ z^3-x^2yz-x^4=0$}
This surface is particularly interesting in the real
case because, as a {\em subset\/} of ${\Bbb R}^3$, it is
singular only along the nonnegative $y$-axis.
But resolution of singularities is an algebraic process:
it applies to spaces that include a functional structure
(given here by the equation for $X$).
As a {\em subspace\/} of ${\Bbb R}^3$, $X$ is singular along
the entire $y$-axis.
In general for a hypersurface $X$ --- say that $X$ is
defined locally by an equation $f(x)=0$ --- to say that
a point $a$ is {\em singular\/} means there are no
linear terms in the Taylor expansion of $f$ at $a$;
in other words, the order $\mu_a(f) > 1$.
(The {\em order\/} or {\em multiplicity\/} $\mu_a(f)$
of $f$ at $a$ is the degree of the lowest-order
homogeneous part of the Taylor expansion of $f$ at $a$.
We will also call $\mu_a(f)$ the {\em order\/} $\nu_{X,a}$
of the hypersurface $X$ at $a$.)
The general philosophy of our approach to desingularization
(going back to Zariski [Z3]) is the blow up with smooth
centre as large as possible inside the locus of the most
singular points.
In our example here, $X$ has order $3$ at each point of the
In general, order is not a delicate enough invariant
to determine a centre of blowing-up for resolution
of singularities, even in the hypersurface case.
(We will refine order in our definition of ${\rm inv}_X$.)
But here let us take the blowing-up $\sigma$ with centre
the $y$-axis:
\sigma:\quad x=u,\ y=v,\ z=uw.
(Again, this is the formula for blowing up in one of
two coordinate charts required to cover our space.
But the strict transform of $X$ in fact lies completely
within this chart.)
The inverse image of $X$ is
\sigma^{-1}(X):\quad u^3(w^3-vw-u)=0;
$\{u=0\}$ is the exceptional hypersurface $E'$ (the
inverse image of the centre of blowing up) and the
strict transform $X'$ is smooth.
(It is the graph of a function $u=w^3-vw$.)
{\hskip .1in{\epsfxsize=2.5in
\epsfbox{ed4.eps}}{\vskip -1.08in\hskip -2.08in{\smit v}}
{\vskip .55in\hskip .18in{\smit w}}
{\vskip -1.04in\hskip 2.39in{\smit u}}
{\vskip -.6in\hskip 3.05in{$X':\ u=w^3-vw$}}
{\vskip -.9in\hskip 1.7in{$E':\ u=0$}}}
$X'$ is a desingularization of $X$, but we have not yet
achieved an embedded resolution of singularities because
$X'$ and $E'$ do not have normal crossings at the origin.
Further blowings-up are needed for embedded resolution
of singularities.
\noindent {\em 1.4. Embedded resolution of singularities.}
Let $X$ denote a (singular) space.
We assume, for simplicity, that $X$ is a closed subspace
of a smooth ambient space $M$.
(This is always true locally.)
The goal of embedded desingularization, in its simplest
version, is to find a proper morphism $\sigma$ from a
smooth space $M'$ onto $M$, in our category, with
the following properties:
(1) $\sigma$ is an isomorphism outside the singular
locus ${\mbox{Sing}}\, X$ of $X$.
(2) The strict transform $X'$ of $X$ by $\sigma$ is
(See 1.6 below.)
$X'$ can be described geometrically (at least if our
field ${\Bbb K}$ is algebraically closed;
cf. [BM5, Rmk. 3.15]) as the smallest closed subspace
of $M'$ that includes $\sigma^{-1}(X{\backslash}{\mbox{Sing}}\, X)$.
(3) $X'$ and $E'=\sigma^{-1}({\mbox{Sing}}\, X)$ simultaneously
have only normal crossings.
This means that, locally, we can choose coordinates
with respect to which $X'$ is a coordinate subspace
and $E'$ is a collection of coordinate hyperplanes.
We can achieve this goal with $\sigma$ the composite
of a sequence of blowings-up; a finite sequence when our
spaces have a compact topology (for example, in an algebraic
category), or a locally-finite sequence for non-compact
analytic spaces.
(A sequence of blowings-up over $M$ is {\em locally finite\/}
if all but finitely many of the blowings-up are trivial
over any compact subset of $M$.
The composite of a locally-finite sequence of blowings-up
is a well-defined morphism $\sigma$.)
\noindent {\em 1.5. The category of spaces.}
Our desingularization theorem applies to the usual spaces
of algebraic and analytic geometry over fields ${\Bbb K}$ of
characteristic zero --- algebraic varieties, schemes
of finite type, analytic spaces (over ${\Bbb R}$, ${\Bbb C}$ or any
locally compact ${\Bbb K}$) --- but in addition to certain
categories of spaces intermediate between analytic
and $C^\infty$ (See [BM5].)
In any case, we are dealing with a category of local-ringed
spaces $X=(|X|,{\cal O}_X)$ over ${\Bbb K}$, where ${\cal O}_X$ is a
coherent sheaf of rings.
We are intentionally not specific about the category
in this exposition because we want to emphasize
the principles involved, and the main requirement
for our desingularization algorithm is simply that
a smooth space $M=(|M|,{\cal O}_M)$ in our category admit
a covering by {\em (regular) coordinate charts\/} in which
we have analogues of the usual operations of calculus
of analytic functions; namely:
The coordinates $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ of a chart $U$ are
{\em regular functions\/} on $U$ (i.e., each $x_i\in
{\cal O}_M(U)$) and all partial derivatives $\partial^{|\alpha|}/
\partial x^\alpha = \partial^{\alpha_1+\cdots+\alpha_n}/
\partial x_1^{\alpha_1}\cdots \partial x_n^{\alpha_n}$
make sense as transformations ${\cal O}_M(U)\rightarrow {\cal O}_M(U)$.
Moreover, for each $a\in U$, there is an {\em injective\/} ``Taylor
series homomorphism'' $T_a$: ${\cal O}_{M,a}\rightarrow {\Bbb F}_a[[X]]=
{\Bbb F}_a[[X_1,\ldots,X_n]]$, where ${\Bbb F}_a$ denotes the
residue field ${\cal O}_{M,a}/{\underline m}_{M,a}$, such that $T_a$
induces an isomorphism ${\widehat\cO}_{M,a}\stackrel{\cong}{{\rightarrow}}
{\Bbb F}_a [[X]]$ and $T_a$
commutes with differentiation: $T_a\circ (\partial^{|\alpha|}/
\partial x^\alpha)=(\partial^{|\alpha|}/\partial X^\alpha)\circ
T_a$, for all $\alpha\in{\Bbb N}^n$.
(${\underline m}_{M,a}$ denotes the maximal ideal and ${\widehat\cO}_{M,a}$
the completion of ${\cal O}_{M,a}$.
${\Bbb N}$ denotes the
nonnegative integers.)
In the case of real- or complex-analytic spaces, of
course, ${\Bbb K}={\Bbb R}$ or ${\Bbb C}$, ${\Bbb F}_a={\Bbb K}$ at each point,
and ``coordinate chart'' means the classical notion.
Regular coordinate charts for schemes of finite type
are introduced in [BM5, Section 3].
Suppose that $M=(|M|,{\cal O}_M)$ is a manifold (smooth space)
and that $X=(|X|,{\cal O}_X)$ is a closed subspace of $M$.
This means there is a coherent sheaf of ideals ${\cal I}_X$
in ${\cal O}_M$ such that $|X|={\mbox{supp}}\,{\cal O}_M/{\cal I}_X$ and
${\cal O}_X$ is the restriction to $|X|$ of ${\cal O}_M/{\cal I}_X$.
We say that $X$ is a {\em hypersurface\/} in $M$ if
${\cal I}_{X,a}$ is a principal ideal, for each $a\in |X|$.
Equivalently, for every $a\in |X|$, there is an open
neighbourhood $U$ of $a$ in $|M|$ and a regular function
$f\in{\cal O}_M(U)$ such that $|X|U|=\{\, x\in U:\ f(x)=0\,\}$
and ${\cal I}_X|U$ is the principal ideal $(f)$ generated
by $f$; we write $X|U = V(f)$.
\noindent {\em 1.6. Strict transform.}
Let $X$ denote a closed subspace of a manifold $M$, and let $\sigma$:
$M'\rightarrow M$ be a blowing-up with smooth centre $C$.
If $X$ is a hypersurface, then the strict transform $X'$
of $X$ by $\sigma$ is a closed subspace of $M'$ that can be
defined as follows:
Say that $X=V(f)$ in a neighbourhood of $a\in|X|$.
Then, in some neighbourhood of $a'\in \sigma^{-1} (a)$,
$X'=V(f')$, where $f'=y_{\rm exc}^{-d} f\circ \sigma$, $y_{\rm exc}$
denotes a local generator of ${\cal I}_{\sigma^{-1}(C)}\subset{\cal O}_{M'}$,
and $d=\mu_{C,a}(f)$ denotes the {\em order\/} of $f$ {\em along\/}
$C$ at $a$:
$d=\max\{\,k:\ (f)\subset {\cal I}_{C,a}^k\,\}$; $d$ is the largest
power to which $y_{\rm exc}$ factors from $f\circ\sigma$ at $a'$.
The strict transform $X'$ of a general closed subspace $X$ of
$M$ can be defined locally, at each $a'\in \sigma^{-1}(a)$,
as the intersection of all hypersurfaces $V(f')$, for all
$f\in{\cal I}_{X,a}$.
We likewise define the strict transform by a sequence of blowings-up
with smooth centres.
Each of the categories listed in 1.5 above is closed under
blowing up and strict transform [BM5, Prop. 3.13 ff.];
the latter condition is needed to apply the desingularization
algorithm in a given category.
\noindent {\em 1.7. The invariant.}
Let $X$ denote a closed subspace of a manifold $M$.
To describe ${\rm inv}_X$, we consider a sequence of transformations
{\rightarrow} & M_{j+1} & \stackrel{\sigma_{j+1}}{{\rightarrow}}
& M_j & {\rightarrow} & \cdots & {\rightarrow} & M_1 & \stackrel{\sigma_1}{{\rightarrow}}
& M_0=M \\
& X_{j+1} & & X_j & & & & X_1 & & X_0 = X \\
& E_{j+1} & & E_j & & & & E_1 & & E_0 = \emptyset
where, for each $j$, $\sigma_{j+1}$: $M_{j+1}\rightarrow M_j$
denotes a blowing-up with smooth centre $C_j\subset M_j$,
$X_{j+1}$ is the strict transform of $X_j$ by $\sigma_{j+1}$,
and $E_{j+1}$ is the set of exceptional hypersurfaces in $M_{j+1}$;
i.e., $E_{j+1}=E_j'\cup \{\sigma_{j+1}^{-1} (C_j)\}$, where $E_j'$
denotes the set of strict transforms by $\sigma_{j+1}$ of all
hypersurfaces in $E_j$.
Our invariant ${\rm inv}_X(a)$, $a\in M_j$, $j=0,1,2,\ldots$, will
be defined inductively over the sequence of blowings-up;
for each $j$, ${\rm inv}_X(a)$, $a\in M_j$, can be defined provided
that the centres $C_i$, $i<j$, are {\em admissible\/} (or
${\rm inv}_X$-{\em admissible}) in the sense that:
(1) $C_i$ and $E_i$ simultaneously have only normal crossings.
(2) ${\rm inv}_X(\cdot)$ is locally constant on $C_i$.
The condition (1) guarantees that $E_{i+1}$ is a collection of smooth
hypersurfaces having only normal crossings.
We can think of the desingularization algorithm in the following way:
$X\subset M$ determines ${\rm inv}_X(a)$, $a\in M$, and thus the
first admissible centre of blowing up $C=C_0$; then ${\rm inv}_X(a)$
can be defined on $M_1$ and determines $C_1$, etc.
The notation ${\rm inv}_X(a)$, where $a\in M_j$, indicates a
dependence not only on $X_j$, but also on the original space
In fact ${\rm inv}_X(a)$, $a\in M_j$, is invariant under local
isomorphisms of $X_j$ that preserve $E(a)=\{\, H\in E_j:\ H\ni a\,\}$
and certain subcollections $E^r(a)$ (which will be taken to
encode the history of the resolution process).
To understand why some dependence on the history should be needed,
let us consider how, in principle, it might be possible to determine
a {\em global\/} centre of blowing up using a {\em local\/} invariant:
\medskip\noindent {\em Example\ } {\em 1.9.}\quad
It is easy to find an example of a surface $X$ whose singular locus,
in a neighbourhood of a point $a$, consists of two smooth curves
with a normal crossing at $a$, and where $X$ has the property
that, if we blow up with centre $\{ a\}$, then there are
points $a'$ in the fibre $\sigma^{-1}(a)$ where the strict
transform $X'$ has the {\em same\/} local equation (in suitable\break
\hskip 4in{\epsfxsize=2.5in \epsfbox{ed5.eps}{\vskip -1in\hskip .87in{$a$}}{\vskip .5in\hskip .3in{${\mbox{Sing}}\, X$}}}
coordinates) as that of $X$ at $a$, or an even more complicated
equation (as in Example 3.1 below).
This suggests that to simplify the singularities in a neighbourhood
of $a$ by blowing up with smooth centre in ${\mbox{Sing}}\, X$, we should
choose as centre one of the two smooth curves.
But our surface may have the property that neither curve extends
to a global smooth centre, as illustrated.
So there is no choice but to blow up with centre $\{ a\}$, although
it seems to accomplish nothing: The figure shows the \break
singular locus of $X'$; there are two points
$a'\in \sigma^{-1} (a)$ where the singularity is the
same as or worse than before.
But what has changed at each of these points is the status of one
of the curves, which is now {\em exceptional}.
The moral is that,\break
\hskip 4in{\epsfxsize=2.5in\epsfbox{ed6.eps}{\vskip -1.7in\hskip .62in{$X'\cap E'$}}{\vskip .86in\hskip .61in{$a'$}}}
\noindent although the singularity of $X$ at $a$ has not
been simplified in the strict transform, an invariant which takes
into account the history of the resolution process as recorded
by the accumulating exceptional hypersurfaces might nevertheless
measure some improvement.
Consider a sequence of blowings-up as before.
For simplicity, {\em we will assume that\/} $X\subset M$
{\em is a hypersurface}.
Then ${\rm inv}_X(a)$, $a\in M_j$, is a finite sequence beginning
with the order $\nu_1(a)=\nu_{X_j,a}$ of $X_j$ at $a$:
{\rm inv}_X(a)\ =\ \big( \nu_1(a), s_1(a);\, \nu_2(a),s_2(a);\,
\ldots,\, s_t(a);\, \nu_{t+1}(a)\big) .
(In the general case, $\nu_1(a)$ is replaced by a more delicate
invariant of $X_j$ at $a$ --- the Hilbert-Samuel function
$H_{X_j,a}$ (see [BM5]) --- but the remaining entries
of ${\rm inv}_X(a)$ are still rational numbers (or $\infty$) as we will
describe, and the theorems below are unchanged.)
The $s_r(a)$ are nonnegative integers counting exceptional
hypersurfaces that accumulate in certain blocks $E^r(a)$ depending
on the history of the resolution process.
And the $\nu_r(a)$, $r\ge 2$, represent certain ``higher-order
multiplicities'' of the equation of $X_j$ at $a$;
$\nu_2(a),\ldots,\nu_t(a)$ are quotients of positive integers
whose denominators are bounded in terms of the previous entries
of ${\rm inv}_X(a)$.
(More precisely, $e_{r-1}! \nu_r (a)\in {\Bbb N}$, $r=1,\ldots,t$,
where $e_0=1$ and $e_r = \max\{ e_{r-1}!, e_{r-1}! \nu_r
The pairs $\big( \nu_r(a), s_r(a)\big)$ can be defined successively
using data that depends on $n-r+1$ variables (where $n$ is the ambient
dimension), so that $t\le n$ by exhaustion of variables; the final
entry $\nu_{t+1}(a)$ is either $0$ (the order of a nonvanishing
function) or $\infty$ (the order of the function identically zero).
\medskip\noindent {\em Example\ } {\em 1.10.}\quad
Let $X\subset{\Bbb K}^n$ be the hypersurface
$x_1^{d_1} + x_2^{d_2}+\cdots + x_t^{d_t} =0$, where $1<d_1\le \cdots
\le d_t$, $t\le n$.
{\rm inv}_X(0) = \left( d_1, 0;\, \frac {d_2}{d_1}, 0;\, \ldots;\,
\frac{d_t}{d_{t-1}},0;\, \infty\right) .
This is ${\rm inv}_X(0)$ in ``year zero'' (before the first blowing up),
so there are no exceptional hypersurfaces.
\medskip\noindent{\bf Theorem\ } {\bf A.}\quad {\rm
(Embedded desingularization.)}
{\em There is a finite sequence of blowings-up (1.8) with smooth
${\rm inv}_X$-admissible centres $C_j$ (or a locally finite sequence,
in the case of noncompact analytic spaces) such that:
{\rm (1)} For each $j$, either $C_j\subset{\mbox{Sing}}\, X_j$ or $X_j$
is smooth and $C_j\subset X_j\cap E_j$.
{\rm (2)} Let $X'$ and $E'$ denote the final strict transform
of $X$ and exceptional set, respectively.
Then $X'$ is smooth and $X'$, $E'$ simultaneously have only normal
If $\sigma$ denotes the composite of the sequence of blowings-up
$\sigma_j$, then $E'$ is the critical locus of $\sigma$ and
$E'=\sigma^{-1} ({\mbox{Sing}}\, X)$.
In each of our categories of spaces, ${\mbox{Sing}}\, X$ is closed in
the {\em Zariski topology\/} of $|X|$ (the topology whose closed
sets are of the form $|Y|$, for any closed subspace $Y$ of $X$;
see [BM5, Prop. 10.1]).
Theorem A resolves the singularities of $X$ in a meaningful geometric
sense provided that $|X|{\backslash} {\mbox{Sing}}\, X$ is (Zariski-)dense in $|X|$.
(For example, if $X$ is a {\em reduced\/} complex-analytic space
or a scheme of finite type.)
More precise desingularization theorems (for example, for spaces
that are not necessarily reduced) are given in [BM5, Ch. IV].
This paper contains an essentially complete proof of Theorem A in
the hypersurface case, presented though in a more informal way than
in [BM5].
We give a constructive definition of ${\rm inv}_X$ in Section 3, in
parallel with a detailed example.
In Section 4, we show that ${\rm inv}_X$ is indeed an invariant,
and we summarize its key properties in Theorem B.
(The terms $s_r(a)$ of ${\rm inv}_X(a)$ can, in fact, be introduced
immediately in an invariant way; see 1.12 below.)
It follows from Theorem B(3) that the maximum locus of ${\rm inv}_X$
has only normal crossings and, moreover, each of its local
components extends to a global smooth subspace.
(See Remark 3.6.)
The point is that each component is the intersection of the
maximum locus of ${\rm inv}_X$ with those exceptional hypersurfaces
containing the component;
the exceptional divisors serve as global coordinates.)
We can obtain Theorem A by successively blowing up with centre
given by any component of the maximum locus.
\noindent {\em 1.11. Universal and canonical desingularization.}
The exceptional hypersurfaces (the elements of $E_j$) can be ordered
in a natural way (by their ``years of birth'' in the history
of the resolution process).
We can use this ordering to extend ${\rm inv}_X(a)$ by an additional
term $J(a)$ that will have the effect of picking out one component
of the maximum locus of ${\rm inv}_X(\cdot)$ in a canonical way;
see Remark 3.6.
We write ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e} (\cdot)$ for the extended invariant
$\big( {\rm inv}_X(\cdot); J(\cdot)\big)$.
Then our embedded desingularization theorem A can be obtained
by the following:
\medskip\noindent{\bf Algorithm.\quad }
{\em Choose as each successive centre of blowing
up $C_j$ the maximum locus of ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}$ on $X_j$.}
The algorithm stops when our space is ``resolved'' as in
the conclusion of Theorem A.
In the general (not necessarily hypersurface) case,
we choose more precisely as each successive centre
$C_j$ the maximum locus of ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}$ on the non-resolved
locus $Z_j$ of $X_j$; in general, $\{ x:\ {\rm inv}_X(x)={\rm inv}_X(a)\}
\subset Z_j$ (as germs at $a$), so that again each $C_j$
is smooth, by Theorem B(3), and the algorithm stops when
The algorithm applies to a category of spaces satisfying
a compactness assumption (for example, schemes of finite type,
restrictions of analytic spaces to relatively compact open
subsets), so that ${\rm inv}_X(\cdot)$ has global maxima.
Since the centres of blowing up are completely determined by an
invariant, our desingularization theorem is automatically
{\em universal\/} in the following sense:
To every $X$, we associate a morphism of resolution of singularities
$\sigma_X$: $X'\rightarrow X$ such that any local isomorphism
$X|U \rightarrow Y|V$ (over open subsets $U$ of $|X|$
and $V$ of $|Y|$) lifts to an isomorphism $X'|\sigma_X^{-1}
(U)\rightarrow Y'|\sigma_Y^{-1} (V)$
(in fact, lifts to isomorphisms throughout the entire towers
of blowings-up).
For analytic spaces that are not necessarily compact, we can use
an exhaustion by relatively compact open sets to deduce
{\em canonical\/} resolution of singularities:
Given $X$, there is a morphism of desingularization
$\sigma_X$: $X'\rightarrow X$ such that any local isomorphism
$X|U \rightarrow X|V$ (over open subsets of $|X|$) lifts to
an isomorphism $X'|\sigma_X^{-1} (U) \rightarrow X'|
\sigma_X^{-1} (V)$. (See [BM5, Section 13].)
\noindent {\em 1.12. The terms $s_r(a)$.}
The entries $s_1(a),\, \nu_2(a),\, s_2(a),\,\ldots$ of ${\rm inv}_X(a) =
\big( \nu_1(a), s_1(a);\, \ldots, s_t(a);\, \nu_{t+1}(a)\big)$
will themselves be defined recursively.
Let us write ${\rm inv}_r$ for ${\rm inv}_X$ truncated after $s_r$
(with the convention that ${\rm inv}_r(a) = {\rm inv}_X(a)$ if $r>t$).
We also write ${\rm inv}_{r+\frac{1}{2}}=({\rm inv}_r;\nu_{r+1})$ (with
the same convention), so that ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a)$ means
$\nu_1(a)=\nu_{X_j,a}$ (in the hypersurface case, or
$H_{X_j,a}$ in general).
For each $r$, the entries $s_r$, $\nu_{r+1}$ of ${\rm inv}_X$ can be
defined over a sequence of blowings-up (1.8) whose centres
$C_i$ are $(r-\frac{1}{2})$-{\em admissible\/}
(or ${\rm inv}_{r-\frac{1}{2}}$-{\em admissible}) in the sense that:
(1) $C_i$ and $E_i$ simultaneously have only normal crossings.
(2) ${\rm inv}_{r-\frac{1}{2}}(\cdot)$ is locally constant on $C_i$.
The terms $s_r(a)$ can be introduced immediately, as follows:
Write $\pi_{ij}=\sigma_{i+1}\circ\cdots\cdot \sigma_j$, $i=0,\ldots,
j-1$, and $\pi_{jj}=$ identity.
If $a\in M_j$, set $a_i=\pi_{ij}(a)$, $i=0,\ldots,j$.
First consider a sequence of blowings-up (1.8) with
$\frac{1}{2}$-admissible centres.
(${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}=\nu_1$ can only decrease over such a sequence;
see, for example, Section 2 following.)
Suppose $a\in M_j$.
Let $i$ denote the ``earliest year'' $k$ such that
$\nu_1(a)=\nu_1(a_k)$, and set $E^1(a)=\{\, H\in E(a):$ $H$ is
the strict transform of some hypersurface in $E(a_i)\,\}$.
We define $s_1(a)=\# E^1(a)$.
The block of exceptional hypersurfaces $E^1(a)$ intervenes
in our desingularization algorithm in a way that can be thought
of intuitively as follows.
(The idea will be made precise in Sections 2 and 3.)
The exceptional hypersurfaces passing through $a$ but not in
$E^1(a)$ have accumulated during the recent part of our history,
when the order $\nu_1$ has not changed;
we have good control over these hypersurfaces.
But those in $E^1(a)$ accumulated long ago; we have forgotten
a lot about them in the form of our equations (for example,
if we restrict the equations of $X$ to these hypersurfaces,
their orders might increase) and we recall
them using $s_1(a)$.
In general, consider a sequence of blowings-up (1.8) with
$(r+\frac{1}{2})$-admissible centres.
(${\rm inv}_{r+\frac{1}{2}}$ can only decrease over such a sequence;
see Section 3 and Theorem B.)
Suppose that $i$ is the smallest index $k$ such that
${\rm inv}_{r+\frac{1}{2}}(a)= {\rm inv}_{r+\frac{1}{2}}(a_k)$.
Let $E^{r+1}(a)=\{ \, H\in E(a){\backslash} \bigcup_{q\le r} E^q(a):$
$H$ is transformed from $E(a_i)\,\}$.
We define $s_{r+1}(a) = \# E^{r+1}(a)$.
It is less straightforward to define the multiplicities $\nu_2(a),
\nu_3(a),\ldots$ and to show they are invariants.
Our definition depends on a construction in local coordinates
that we present in Section 3.
But we first try to convey the idea by describing the origin
of our algorithm.
\section{The origin of our approach}
Consider a hypersurface $X$, defined locally by an equation
Let $a\in X$ and let $d=d(a)$ denote the order of $X$ (or of $f$)
at $a$;
i.e., $d=\nu_1(a)=\mu_a(f)$.
We can choose local coordinates $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ in which
$a=0$ and $(\partial^d f/\partial x_n^d)(a)\neq 0$; then we can
f(x) = c_0({\tilde x}) + c_1({\tilde x}) x_n + \cdots + c_{d-1} ({\tilde x}) x_n^{d-1}
+c_d (x) x_n^d
in a neighbourhood of $a$, where $c_d(x)$ does not vanish.
(${\tilde x}$ means $(x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1})$.)
Assume for simplicity that $c_d(x)\equiv 1$ (for example,
by the Weierstrass preparation theorem, but see Remark 2.3 below).
We can also assume that $c_{d-1}({\tilde x})\equiv 0$, by ``completing
the $d$'th power'' (i.e., by the coordinate change $x_n'=x_n+c_{d-1}
({\tilde x})/d$); thus
f(x) = c_0({\tilde x}) + \cdots + c_{d-2}({\tilde x}) x_n^{d-2} + x_n^d .
Our aim is to simplify $f$ by blowing up with smooth centre
in the {\em equimultiple locus\/} of $a=0$; i.e., in the locus
of points of order $d$,
S_{(f,d)} = \{\, x:\ \mu_x(f) = d\,\} .
The representation (2.1) makes it clear that the equimultiple
locus lies in a smooth subspace of codimension $1$; in fact,
by elementary calculus,
S_{(f,d)} = \{\, x:\ x_n=0\ \mbox{and}\ \mu_{\tilde x} (c_q)\ge d-q, \
q = 0,\ldots,d-2\,\} .
The idea now is that the given data $\big( f(x),d\big)$ involving
$n$ variables should be equivalent, in some sense,
to the data ${\cal H}_1(a)=\big\{ \big( c_q({\tilde x}),d-q\big)\big\}$ in
$n-1$ variables,
thus making possible an induction on the number of variables.
(Here in ``year zero'', before we begin to blow up,
$\nu_2(a) = \min_q \mu_a (c_q) / (d-q)$.)
\medskip\noindent {\em Remark\ } {\em 2.3.}\quad
For the global desingularization algorithm, the Weierstrass
preparation theorem must be avoided for two important reasons:
(1) It may take us outside the given category (for example,
in the algebraic case).
(2) Even in the complex-analytic case, we need to prove that
${\rm inv}_X$ is semicontinuous in the sense that any point admits
a coordinate neighbourhood $V$ such that, given $a\in V$,
$\{\, x\in V:\ {\rm inv}_X(x)\le {\rm inv}_X(a)\,\}$ is Zariski-open
in $V$ (i.e., is the complement of a closed analytic subset).
We therefore need a representation like (2.2) that is valid
in a Zariski-open neighbourhood of $a$ in $V$.
This can be achieved in the following simple way that
involves neither making $c_d(x)\equiv 1$ nor explicitly
completing the $d$'th power:
By a linear coordinate change, we can assume that
$(\partial^d f/\partial x_n^d)(a)\ne 0$.
Then in the Zariski-open neighbourhood of $a$ where
$(\partial^d f/\partial x_n^d)(x)\ne 0$, we let $N_1=N_1(a)$
denote the submanifold of codimension one (in our category)
defined by $z=0$, where $z=\partial^{d-1} f/\partial x_n^{d-1}$,
and we take ${\cal H}_1(a)=\big\{ \,\big( (\partial^q f/\partial x_n^q)
|N_1,\ d-q\big)\,\big\}$.
As before, we have $S_{(f,d)}=\{\, x:\ x\in N_1$ and
$\mu_x(h)\ge \mu_h$, for all
$(h,\mu_h)=\big( (\partial^q f/\partial x_n^q)|N_1,\ d-q\big)
\in {\cal H}_1(a)\,\}$.
We now consider the effect of a blowing-up $\sigma$ with smooth
centre $C\subset S_{(f,d)}$.
By a transformation of the variables $(x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1})$,
we can assume that in our local coordinate neighbourhood $U$
of $a$, $C$ has the form
Z_I = \{\, x:\ x_n=0\ \hbox{ and }\ x_i=0,\ i\in I\,\} ,
where $I\subset \{ 1,\ldots,n-1\}$.
According to 1.2 above, $U'=\sigma^{-1} (U)$ is covered by coordinate
charts $U_i'$, $i\in I\cup \{ n\}$, where each $U_i'$ has coordinates
$y=(y_1,\ldots,y_n)$ in which $\sigma$ is given by
x_i = y_i &\\
x_j = y_i y_j ,&\qquad j\in (I\cup\{ n\}){\backslash} \{i\}, \\
x_j = y_j\ \, ,&\qquad j\not\in I\cup \{ n\}.
In each $U_i'$, we can write $f\big(\sigma(y)\big) = y_i^d f'(y)$;
the strict transform $X'$ of $X$ by $\sigma$ is defined in
$U_i'$ by the equation $f'(y)=0$.
(To be as simple as possible, we continue to assume $c_d(x)\equiv 1$,
though we could just as well work with the set-up of Remark 2.3;
see [BM5, Prop. 4.12].)
By (2.1), if $i\in I$, then
f'(y) = c_0'({\tilde y}) + \cdots + c_{d-2}' ({\tilde y}) y_n^{d-2} + y_n^d ,
c_q'({\tilde y}) = y_i^{-(d-q)} c_q\big({\tilde\sigma}({\tilde y})\big),\qquad
The analogous formula for the strict transform in the chart
$U_n'$ shows that $f'$ is invertible at every point of $U_n'{\backslash}
\bigcup_{i\in I} U_i' = \{ \, y\in U_n':\ y_i=0,\ i\in I\, \}$;
in other words, $X'\cap U'\subset \bigcup_{i\in I} U_i'$.
The formula for $f'(y)$ above shows that the representation
(2.2) of the equimultiple locus (or that of Remark 2.3) is
stable under $\nu_1$-admissible blowing up when the order
does not decrease; i.e., at a point $a'\in U_i'$ where
$d(a')=d$, $S_{(f',d)} = \{ \, y:\ y_n=0$ and $\mu_{\tilde y}(c_q')\ge
d-q$, $q=0,\ldots,d-2\,\}$, where $N_1(a')=\{y_n=0\}$ is the strict
transform of $N_1(a)=\{ x_n=0\}$ and the $c_q'$ are given by
the transformation law (2.6).
The latter is not strict transform, but something intermediate
between strict and total transform $c_q\circ\sigma$.
It is essentially for this reason that some form of embedded
desingularization will be needed for the coefficients $c_q$
(i.e., in the inductive step) even to prove a weaker form of
resolution of singularities for $f$.
$N_1(a)$ is called a smooth hypersurface of {\em maximal contact}
with $X$; this means a smooth hypersurface that contains the
equimultiple locus of $a$, stably (i.e., even after admissible
blowings-up as above).
The existence of $N_1(a)$ depends on characteristic zero.
A maximal contact hypersurface is crucial to our construction
by increasing codimension.
(In 1.12 above, $E^1(a)$ is the block of exceptional hypersurfaces
that do not necessarily have normal crossings with respect to
a maximal contact hypersurface; the term $s_1(a)$ in ${\rm inv}_X(a)$
is needed to deal with these exceptional divisors.)
We will now make a simplifying assumption on the
coefficients $c_q$:
Let us assume that one of these functions is a monomial
(times an invertible factor) that divides all the others,
but in a way that respects the different ``multiplicities''
$d-q$ associated with the transformation law (2.6);
in other words, let us make the monomial assumption on the
$c_q^{1/(d-q)}$ (to equalize the ``assigned multiplicities'' $d-q$)
or on the $c_q^{d!/(d-q)}$ (to avoid fractional powers).
We assume, then, that
c_q({\tilde x})^{d!/(d-q)} = ({\tilde x}^\Omega)^{d!} c_q^* ({\tilde x}),\qquad
where $\Omega=(\Omega_1,\ldots,\Omega_{n-1})$ with $d!\Omega_i\in{\Bbb N}$
for each $i$,
${\tilde x}^\Omega = x_1^{\Omega_1}\cdots x_{n-1}^{\Omega_{n-1}}$,
and the $c_q^*$ are regular functions on $\{ x_n=0\}$ such that
$c_q^*(a)\neq 0$ for some $q$.
We also write $\Omega=\Omega(a)$.
We can regard (2.7) provisionally as an assumption made to see what
happens in a simple test case, but in fact we can reduce to this case
by a suitable induction on dimension (as we will see below).
(Assuming (2.7) in year zero, $\nu_2(a)=|\Omega|$, where
But from the viewpoint of our algorithm for canonical desingularization
as presented in Section 3, the argument following is analogous
to a situation where the variables $x_i$ occurring in ${\tilde x}^\Omega$
are exceptional divisors in $E(a)\backslash E^1(a)$; in this
context, $|\Omega|$ is an invariant we call $\mu_2(a)$
(Definition 3.2) and $\nu_2 (a)=0$.)
Now, by (2.2) and (2.7),
S_{(f,d)} = \{\, x:\ x_n=0\ \mbox{and}\ \mu_{\tilde x}({\tilde x}^\Omega)\ge 1\,\} .
(The order of a monomial with rational exponents has the obvious
Therefore (using the notation (2.4)), $S_{(f,d)} = \bigcup Z_I$,
where $I$ runs over the {\em minimal\/} subsets of $\{1,\ldots,n-1\}$
such that $\sum_{j\in I} \Omega_j \ge 1$; i.e., where $I$ runs over
the subsets of $\{ 1,\ldots,n-1\}$ such that
0 \le \sum_{j\in I} \Omega_j -1 < \Omega_i,\qquad
\mbox{ for all $i\in I$}.
Consider the blowing-up $\sigma$ with centre $C=Z_I$, for one such
By (2.7), in the chart $U_i'$ we have
c_q'({\tilde y})^{d!/(d-q)} = \big( y_1^{\Omega_1}\cdots
y_i^{\sum_I\Omega_j-1}\cdots y_{n-1}^{\Omega_{n-1}}\big)^{d!}
c_q^* \big({\tilde\sigma}({\tilde y})\big) ,
Suppose $a'\in \sigma^{-1} (a)\cap U_i'$.
By (2.5), $d(a')\le d(a)$.
Moreover, if $d(a')=d(a)$, then by (2.8) and (2.9), $1\le |\Omega(a')|
< |\Omega(a)|$.
In particular, the order $d$ must decrease after at most $d!|\Omega|$
such blowings-up.
The question then is whether we can reduce to the hypothesis (2.7)
by induction on dimension, replacing $(f,d)$ in some sense by
the collection ${\cal H}_1(a)=\{(c_q,d-q)\}$ on the submanifold
To set up the induction, we would have to treat from the start
a collection ${\cal F}_1=\{ (f,\mu_f)\}$ rather than a single pair $(f,d)$.
(A general $X$ is, in any case, defined locally by several equations.)
Moreover, since the transformation law (2.6) is not strict transform,
we would have to reformulate the original problem to not only
desingularize $X$: $f(x)=0$, but also make its total transform
normal crossings.
To this end, suppose that $f(x)=0$ actually represents the strict
transform of our original hypersurface in that year in the history
of the blowings-up involved where the order at $a$ first becomes $d$.
(We are following the transforms of the hypersurface at a sequence
of points ``$a$'' over some original point.)
Suppose there are $s=s(a)$ accumulated exceptional hypersurfaces
$H_p$ passing through $a$; as above, we can also assume that $H_p$
is defined near $a$ by an equation
x_n + b_p({\tilde x}) = 0,
$1\le p\le s$.
(Each $\mu_a(b_p)\ge 1$.)
The transformation law for the $b_p$ analogous to (2.6) is
b'_p({\tilde y}) = y_i^{-1} b_p \big({\tilde\sigma} ({\tilde y})\big),\qquad
Suppose now that in (2.7) we also have
b_p({\tilde x})^{d!} = ({\tilde x}^\Omega)^{d!} b_p^* ({\tilde x}),\qquad
(and assume that either some $c_q^*(a)\neq 0$ or some
$b_p^*(a)\neq 0$).
Then the argument above shows that $\big( d(a'),s(a')\big)\le
\big( d(a),s(a)\big)$ (with respect to the lexicographic
ordering of pairs), and that if $\big( d(a'),s(a')\big)=
\big( d(a),s(a)\big)$ then $1\le |\Omega(a')| < |\Omega(a)|$.
($s(a')$ counts the exceptional hypersurfaces $H_p'$ passing
through $a'$.
As long as $d$ does not drop, the new exceptional hypersurfaces
accumulate simply as $y_i=0$ for certain $i=1,\ldots,n-1$,
in suitable coordinates $(y_1,\ldots,y_{n-1})$ for the strict
transform $N'=\{y_n=0\}$ of $N=\{ x_n=0\}$.)
The induction on dimension can be realized in various ways.
The simplest --- the method of [BM1, Section 4] --- is to apply
the inductive hypothesis within a coordinate chart to the function
of $n-1$ variables given by the product of all nonzero
$c_q^{d!/(d-q)}$, all nonzero $b_p^{d!}$, and all their nonzero
The result is (2.7) and (2.10) (with $c_q^*(a)\neq 0$ or
$b_p^*(a)\neq 0$ for some $q$ or $p$; see [BM1, Lemma 4.7]).
Pullback of the coefficients $c_q$ by a blowing-up in
$(x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1})$ with smooth centre $C$, corresponds to
strict transform of $f$ by the blowing-up with centre
$C\times \{ x_n-\mbox{axis}\}$.
Thus we sacrifice the condition that each centre lie in the
equimultiple locus (or even in $X$!).
But we do get a very simple proof of local uniformization.
In fact, we get the conclusion (2) of our desingularization
theorem A, using a mapping $\sigma$: $M'\rightarrow M$ which is a
composite of mappings that are either blowings-up with smooth
centres or surjections of the form $\coprod_j U_j \rightarrow\bigcup_j
U_j$, where the latter is a locally-finite open covering of a manifold
and $\coprod$ means disjoint union.
To prove our canonical desingularization theorem, we repeat the
construction above in increasing codimension to obtain
${\rm inv}_X(a)=\big(\nu_1(a)$, $s_1(a);\, \nu_2(a),\ldots\,\big)$ ---
$\big(\nu_1(a),s_1(a)\big)$ is $\big( d(a),s(a)\big)$ above ---
together with a corresponding local ``presentation''.
The latter means a local description of the locus of constant values
of the invariant in terms of regular functions with assigned
multiplicities, that survives certain blowings-up.
($N_1(a), {\cal H}_1(a)$ above is a presentation of $\nu_1$ at $a$.)
\section{The desingularization algorithm}
In this section we give a constructive definition of ${\rm inv}_X$
together with a corresponding presentation (in the hypersurface
We illustrate the construction by applying the desingularization
algorithm to an example --- a surface whose desingularization
involves all the features of the general hypersurface case.
We will use horizontal lines to separate from the example
the general considerations that are needed at each step.
\medskip\noindent {\em Example\ } {\em 3.1.}\quad
Let $X\subset {\Bbb K}^3$ denote the hypersurface $g(x)=0$, where
$g(x)=x_3^2 -x_1^2 x_2^3$.
{\hskip .2in{\epsfxsize=2.5in\epsfbox{ed7.eps}{\vskip -2.25in\hskip -.11in{$x_3$}}
{\vskip .35in\hskip 2in{$X$}}
{\vskip .07in\hskip -.88in{$a=0$}}
{\vskip .25in\hskip -2.04in{$x_1$}}
{\vskip -.13in\hskip 2.47in{$x_2$}}}}
Let $a=0$.
Then $\nu_1(a)=\mu_a(g)=2$.
Of course, $E(a)=\emptyset$, so that $s_1(a)=0$.
(This is ``year zero''; there are no exceptional hypersurfaces.)
Thus ${\rm inv}_1(a)=\big(\nu_1(a),s_1(a)\big)=(2,0)$.
Let ${\cal G}_1(a)=\{ (x_3^2-x_1^2 x_2^3,2)\}$.
We say that ${\cal G}_1(a)$ is a {\em codimension\/} 0 {\em presentation
of\/} ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}=\nu_1$ {\em at\/} $a$.
(Here where $s_1(a)=0$, we can also say that ${\cal G}_1(a)$ is a
codimension $0$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_1=(\nu_1,s_1)$ at $a$.)
In general, consider a hypersurface $X\subset M$.
Let $a\in M$ and let $S_{{\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}}(a)$ denote the germ at
$a$ of $\{\, x:\ {\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(x)\ge{\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a)\,\}$
$=$ the germ at $a$ of $\{\, x:\ {\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(x)=
{\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a)\,\}$.
If $g\in{\cal O}_{M,a}$ generates the local ideal ${\cal I}_{X,a}$ of $X$
and $d=\nu_1(a)=\mu_a(g)$, then ${\cal G}_1(a)=\{(g,d)\}$ is a
codimension $0$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}=\nu_1$ at $a$.
This means $S_{{\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}}(a)$ coincides with the germ of
the ``equimultiple locus'' $S_{{\cal G}_1(a)} = \{\, x:\ \mu_x(g)=d\,\}$,
and that the latter condition survives certain transformations.
More generally, suppose that ${\cal G}_1(a)$ is a finite collection
of pairs $\{ (g,\mu_g)\}$, where each $g$ is a germ at $a$ of
a regular function (i.e., $g\in{\cal O}_{M,a}$) with an ``assigned
multiplicity'' $\mu_g\in{\Bbb Q}$, and where we assume that
$\mu_a(g)\ge\mu_g$ for every $g$.
S_{{\cal G}_1(a)}\ =\ \{\, x:\ \mu_x(g)\ge\mu_g,\ \mbox{for all}\
(g,\mu_g)\in{\cal G}_1(a)\,\} ;
$S_{{\cal G}_1(a)}$ is well-defined as a germ at $a$.
To say that ${\cal G}_1(a)$ is a {\em codimension\/} $0$
{\em presentation of\/} ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$
{\em at\/} $a$ means that
S_{{\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}}(a) = S_{{\cal G}_1(a)}
and that this condition survives certain transformations:
To be precise, we will consider triples of the form $\big( N=N(a)$,
${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)\big)$, where:
$N$ is a germ of a submanifold of codimension $p$ at $a$
(for some $p\ge 0$).
${\cal H}(a)=\{(h,\mu_h)\}$ is a finite collection of pairs $(h,\mu_h)$,
where $h\in{\cal O}_{N,a}$, $\mu_h\in{\Bbb Q}$ and $\mu_a(h)\ge\mu_h$.
${\cal E}(a)$ is a finite set of smooth (exceptional) hyperplanes
containing $a$, such that $N$ and ${\cal E}(a)$ simultaneously have
normal crossings and $N\not\subset H$, for all $H\in {\cal E}(a)$.
A {\em local blowing-up\/} $\sigma$: $M'\rightarrow M$ over a
neighbourhood $W$ of $a$, with smooth centre $C$, means the
composite of a blowing-up $M'\rightarrow W$ with centre $C$, and
the inclusion $W\hookrightarrow M$.
\medskip\noindent {\em Definition\ } {\em 3.2.}\quad We say that $\big( N(a),{\cal H}(a),{\cal E}(a)\big)$
is a {\em codimension\/} $p$ {\em presentation of\/}
${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ {\em at\/} $a$ if:
(1) $S_{{\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}}(a) = S_{{\cal H}(a)}$, where
$S_{{\cal H}(a)}=\{\, x\in N:\ \mu_x(h)\ge\mu_h$, for all
$(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}(a)\,\}$ (as a germ at $a$).
(2) Suppose that $\sigma$ is a $\frac{1}{2}$-admissible local
blowing-up at $a$ (with smooth centre $C$).
Let $a'\in\sigma^{-1}(a)$.
Then ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a')={\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a)$ if and only if
$a'\in N'$ (where $N'=N(a')$ denotes the strict transform of $N$)
and $\mu_{a'}(h')\ge \mu_{h'}$ for all $(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}(a)$,
where $h'=y_{\rm exc}^{-\mu_h} h\circ\sigma$ and $\mu_{h'}=\mu_h$.
($y_{\rm exc}$ denotes a local generator of ${\cal I}_{\sigma^{-1}(C)}$.)
In this case, we will write ${\cal H}(a')=\{\, (h',\mu_{h'}):\ (h,\mu_h)\in
{\cal H}(a)\,\}$ and ${\cal E}(a')=\{\, H':\ H\in{\cal E}(a)\,\}\cup \{\sigma^{-1}
(3) Conditions (1) and (2) continue to hold for the transforms
$X'$ and $\big( N(a'),{\cal H}(a'),{\cal E}(a')\big)$ of our data by sequences
of morphisms of the following three types, at points $a'$ in the
fibre of $a$ (to be also specified).
The three types of morphisms allowed are the following.
(Types (ii) and (iii) are not used in the actual desingularization
They are needed to prove invariance of the terms $\nu_2(a), \nu_3(a),
\ldots$ of ${\rm inv}_X(a)$ by making certain sequences of ``test
blowings-up'', as we will explain in Section 4; they are not
explicitly needed in this section.)
(i) $\frac{1}{2}$-{\em admissible local blowing-up\/} $\sigma$, and
$a'\in\sigma^{-1}(a)$ such that
${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a')={\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a)$.
(ii) {\em Product with a line.\/} $\sigma$ is a projection
$M'=W\times{\Bbb K}\rightarrow W\hookrightarrow M$, where $W$ is a
neighbourhood of $a$, and $a'=(a,0)$.
(iii) {\em Exceptional blowing-up.\/}
$\sigma$ is a local blowing-up $M'\rightarrow W\hookrightarrow M$ over
a neighbourhood $W$ of $a$, with centre $H_0\cap H_1$, where
$H_0,H_1\in{\cal E}(a)$, and $a'$ is the unique point of
$\sigma^{-1}(a)\cap H_1'$.
The data is transformed to $a'$ in each case above, as follows:
(i) $X'=$ strict transform of $X$;
$\big( N(a'),{\cal H}(a'),{\cal E}(a')\big)$ as defined in 3.2(2) above.
(ii) and (iii) $X'=\sigma^{-1}(X)$, $N(a')=\sigma^{-1}(N)$,
${\cal H}(a')=\{(h\circ\sigma,\mu_h)\}$.
${\cal E}(a') = \{\,\sigma^{-1}(H):\ H\in{\cal E}(a)\,\}\cup \{W\times 0\}$
in case (ii); ${\cal E}(a')=\{\, H':\ H\in{\cal E}(a),\ a'\in H'\,\}\cup
\{\sigma^{-1}(C)\}$ in case (iii).
If $\big( N(a),{\cal H}(a),{\cal E}(a)\big)$ is a presentation of
${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ at $a$, then $N(a)$ is called a subspace
of {\em maximal contact} (cf. Section 2).
Suppose now that ${\cal G}_1(a)$ is a codimension $0$ presentation
of ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ at $a$.
(Implicitly, $N(a)=M$ and ${\cal E}(a)=\emptyset$.)
Assume, moreover, that there exists $(g,\mu_g)=(g_*,\mu_{g_*})\in
{\cal G}_1(a)$ such that $\mu_a(g_*)=\mu_{g_*}$ (as in Example 3.1).
We can always assume that each $\mu_g\in{\Bbb N}$, and even that all
$\mu_g$ coincide:
Simply replace each $(g,\mu_g)$ by $(g^{e/\mu_g},e)$, for
suitable $e\in{\Bbb N}$.
Then, after a linear coordinate change if necessary, we can assume
that $(\partial^d g_*/\partial x_n^d)(a)\neq 0$, where $d=\mu_{g_*}$.
z & = & \frac{\partial^{d-1} g_*}{ \partial x_n^{d-1}}\in {\cal O}_{M,a}\\
N_1 = N_1(a) & = &\{ z=0\} \\
{\cal H}_1(a) & = &\left\{ \left( \frac{\partial^q g}{\partial x_n^q} \bigg|
_{N_1}, \mu_g-q\right):\ 0\le q < \mu_g,\ (g,\mu_g)\in{\cal G}_1(a)\right\} .
Then $\big( N_1(a),{\cal H}_1(a),{\cal E}_1(a)=\emptyset\big)$ is a codimension
$1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ at $a$:
This is an assertion about the way our data transforms under
sequences of morphisms of types (i), (ii) and (iii) above.
The effect of a transformation of type (i) is essentially described
by the calculation in Section 2.
The effect of a transformation of type (ii) is trivial, and
that for type (iii) can be understood in a similar way to (i):
see [BM5, Props. 4.12 and 4.19] for details.
\medskip\noindent {\em Definition\ } {\em 3.3.}\quad
We define
\mu_2(a) = \min_{{\cal H}_1(a)}\, \frac{\mu_a(h)}{\mu_h}.
Then $1\le \mu_2(a)\le\infty$.
If ${\cal E}(a)=\emptyset$ (as in year zero), we set
and ${\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}(a)=\big({\rm inv}_1(a);\nu_2(a)\big)$.
Then $\nu_2(a)\le\infty$.
Moreover, $\nu_2(a)=\infty$ if and only if ${\cal G}_1(a)\sim \{(z,1)\}$.
(This means that the latter is also a presentation of
${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ at $a$.)
If $\nu_2(a)=\infty$, then we set ${\rm inv}_X(a)={\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}(a)$.
${\rm inv}_X(a)=(d,0,\infty)$ if and only if $X$ is defined (near $a$)
by the equation $z^d=0$; in this case, the desingularization
algorithm can do no more, unless we blow-up with centre
In Example 3.1, $\mu_a(g)=2=\mu_g$, and by the construction
above we get the following codimension $1$ presentation
of ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ (or ${\rm inv}_1$) at $a$:
{\cal H}_1(a) = \{ (x_1^2 x_2^3,2)\}.
Thus $\nu_2(a)=\mu_2(a)=5/2$.
As a codimension $1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}$
(or ${\rm inv}_2$) at $a$, we can take
{\cal G}_2(a) = \{ (x_1^2 x_2^3,5)\} .
In general, ``presentation of ${\rm inv}_r$'' (or ``of
${\rm inv}_{r+\frac{1}{2}}$'') means the analogue of ``presentation
of ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$'' above.
Suppose that $\big( N_1(a),{\cal H}_1(a)\big)$ is a codimension $1$
presentation of ${\rm inv}_1$ at $a$ $\big({\cal E}_1(a)=\emptyset\big)$.
Assume that $1\le\nu_2(a)<\infty$.
(In year zero, we always have $\nu_2(a)=\mu_2(a)\ge 1$.)
{\cal G}_2(a) = \big\{\, \big(h,\nu_2(a)\mu_h\big):\
(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}_1(a)\big\} .
Then $\big( N_1(a),{\cal G}_2(a)\big)$ is a codimension $1$ presentation
of ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ at $a$ (or of ${\rm inv}_2$ at $a$, when
$s_2(a)=0$ as here).
Clearly, there exists $(g_*,\mu_{g_*})\in {\cal G}_2(a)$ such that
This completes a cycle in the recursive
definition of ${\rm inv}_X$, and we can now repeat the above constructions:
Let $d=\mu_{g_*}$.
After a linear transformation of the coordinates
$(x_1,\ldots,x_{n-1})$ of $N_1(a)$, we can assume that
$(\partial^d g_* /\partial x_{n-1}^d) (a)\neq 0$.
We get a codimension $2$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_2$ at $a$ by taking
N_2(a) & = & \left\{\, x\in N_1(a):\ \frac{\partial^{d-1} g_*}
{\partial x_{n-1}^{d-1}} (x) = 0\,\right\} ,\\
{\cal H}_2(a) & = & \left\{\,\left( \frac{\partial^q g}{\partial x_{n-1}^q}
\bigg|_{N_2(a)} , \mu_g -q\right):\ 0\le q<\mu_g,\ (g,\mu_g)\in
{\cal G}_2(a)\,\right\} .
In our example, the calculation of a codimension $2$ presentation
can be simplified by the following useful observation:
Suppose there is $(g,\mu_g)\in{\cal G}_2(a)$ with $\mu_a(g)=\mu_g$
and $g=\prod g_i^{m_i}$.
If we replace $(g,\mu_g)$ in ${\cal G}_2(a)$ by the collection of
$(g_i,\mu_{g_i})$, where each $\mu_{g_i}=\mu_a(g_i)$,
then we obtain an (equivalent) presentation of ${\rm inv}_2$.
In our example, therefore,
N_1(a) = \{ x_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal G}_2(a) = \{ (x_1,1), (x_2,1)\}
is a codimension $1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_2$ at $a$.
It follows immediately that
{\cal H}_2(a) = \{ (x_1,1)\}
is a codimension $2$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_2$ at $a$.
Then $\nu_3(a)=\mu_3(a)=1$ and, as a codimension $3$
presentation of ${\rm inv}_{2\frac{1}{2}}$ (or of ${\rm inv}_3$) at $a$,
we can take
N_3(a) = \{ x_1=x_2=x_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal H}_3(a) = \emptyset .
We put $\nu_4(a)=\mu_4(a)=\infty$.
Thus we have
{\rm inv}_X (a) = (2,0;\, 5/2,0;\, 1,0;\,\infty)
and $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)=S_{{\rm inv}_3}(a)=N_3(a)=\{a\}$.
The latter is the centre $C_0$ of our first blowing-up
$\sigma_1$: $M_1\rightarrow M_0={\Bbb K}^3$; $M_1$ can be covered
by three coordinate charts $U_i$, $i=1,2,3$, where each
$U_i$ is the complement in $M_1$ of the strict transform
of the hyperplane $\{ x_i=0\}$.
The strict transform $X_1=X'$ of $X$ lies in $U_1\cup U_2$.
To illustrate the algorithm, we will follow our construction
at a sequence of points over $a$, choosing after each
blowing-up a point in the fibre where ${\rm inv}_X$ has a
maximum value in a given coordinate chart.
{\em Year one.}\quad
$U_1$ has a coordinate system $(y_1,y_2,y_3)$ in which
$\sigma_1$ is given by the transformation
x_3=y_1y_3 .
Then $X_1\cap U_1 =V(g_1)$, where
g_1 = y_1^{-2} g\circ\sigma_1 = y_3^2 - y_1^3 y_2^3 .
Consider $b=0$.
Then $E(b)=\{ H_1\}$, where $H_1$ is the exceptional
hypersurface $H_1=\sigma_1^{-1}(a) = \{ y_1=0\}$.
Now, $\nu_1(b)=2=\nu_1(a)$.
Therefore $E^1(b)=\emptyset$ and $s_1(b)=0$.
We write ${\cal E}_1(b)=E(b){\backslash} E^1(b)$, so that ${\cal E}_1(b)=E(b)$
Let ${\cal F}_1(b)={\cal G}_1(b)=\{ (g_1,2)\}$.
Then $\big( N_0(b)=M_1, {\cal F}_1(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ is a
codimension $0$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_1$ at $b$.
N_1(b) = \{ y_3=0\} = N_1(a)',\qquad
{\cal H}_1(b) = \{ (y_1^3 y_2^3,2)\} ;
$\big( N_1(b), {\cal H}_1(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ is a codimension $1$
presentation of ${\rm inv}_1$ at $b$.
As before,
\mu_2(b) = \min_{{\cal H}_1(b)} \frac{\mu_b(h)}{\mu_h} =
\frac{6}{2} = 3 .
But, here, in the presence of nontrivial ${\cal E}_1(b)$,
$\nu_2(b)$ will involve first factoring from the $h\in
{\cal H}_1(b)$ the exceptional divisors in ${\cal E}_1(b)$
(taking, in a sense, ``internal strict transforms'' at
$b$ of the elements of ${\cal H}_1(a)$).
In general, we define
{\cal F}_1(b) = {\cal G}_1(b)\cup \big(E^1(b),1\big) ,
where $\big( E^1(b),1\big)$ denotes $\{ \,(y_H,1):\ H\in E^1(b)\,\}$,
and $y_H$ means a local generator of the ideal of $H$.
Then $\big( N_0(b),{\cal F}_1(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ is a codimension $0$
presentation of ${\rm inv}_1=(\nu_1,s_1)$ at $b$, and there is a
codimension $1$ presentation $\big( N_1(b),{\cal H}_1(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ as
The construction of Section 2 above shows that we can choose
the coordinates $(y_1,\ldots,y_{n-1})$ of $N_1(b)$ so that
each $H\in{\cal E}_1(b)=E(b){\backslash} E^1(b)$ is $\{y_i=0\}$, for some $i=
1,\ldots,n-1$; we again write $y_H=y_i$.
(In other words, ${\cal E}_1(b)$ and $N_1(b)$ simultaneously have
normal crossings, and $N_1(b)\not\subset H$, for all $H\in{\cal E}_1(b)$.)
\medskip\noindent {\em Definition\ } {\em 3.4.}\quad
For each $H\in {\cal E}_1(b)$, we set
\mu_{2H}(b) = \min_{(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}_1(b)} \frac
{\mu_{H,b}(h)}{\mu_h} ,
where $\mu_{H,b}(h)$ denotes the {\em order\/} of $h$ {\em along\/}
$H$ at $b$;
i.e., the order to which $y_H$ factors from $h\in{\cal O}_{N,b}$,
$N=N_1(b)$, or $\max\{\, k: \ h\in{\cal I}_{H,b}^k\,\}$, where
${\cal I}_{H,b}$ is the ideal of $H\cap N$ in ${\cal O}_{N,b}$.
We define
\nu_2(b) = \mu_2(b) - \sum_{H\in{\cal E}_1(b)} \mu_{2H} (b) .
In our example,
\nu_2(b) = \mu_2(b) - \mu_{2H_1}(b) = 3 - \frac{3}{2} = \frac{3}{2} .
D_2(b) = \prod_{H\in {\cal E}_1(b)} y_H^{\mu_{2H}(b)} .
Suppose, as before, that all $\mu_h$ are equal: say
all $\mu_h = d\in{\Bbb N}$.
Then $D^d=D_2(b)^d$ is the greatest common divisor
of the $h$ that is a monomial in the exceptional
coordinates $y_H$, $H\in{\cal E}_1(b)$.
For each $h\in {\cal H}_1(b)$, write $h=D^d g$ and set
$\mu_g = d\nu_2 (b)$; then $\mu_b(g)\ge\mu_g$.
Clearly, $\nu_2(b) = \min_g \mu_b (g)/d$.
Moreover, $0\le \nu_2(b)\le\infty$, and $\nu_2(b)=\infty$
if and only if $\mu_2(b)=\infty$.
If $\nu_2(b)=0$ or $\infty$, we put
${\rm inv}_X(b)={\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}(b)$.
If $\nu_2(b)=\infty$, then $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(b)=N_1(b)$.
If $\nu_2(b)=0$ and ${\cal G}_2(b) = \big\{\big( D_2(b),1\big)\big\}$,
then $\big( N_1(b),{\cal G}_2(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ is a codimension
$1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_X$ at $b$; in particular,
S_{{\rm inv}_X}(b) = \big\{\, y\in N_1(b):\ \mu_y\big( D_2(b)\big)\ge
(cf. Section 2).
Consider the case that $0<\nu_2(b)<\infty$.
Let ${\cal G}_2(b)$ denote the collection of pairs $(g,\mu_g)=
\big( g, d\nu_2(b)\big)$ for all $(h,\mu_h)=(h,d)$, as above,
together with the pair $\big( D_2(b)^d,\big(1-\nu_2(b)\big)d\big)$
{\em provided that\/} $\nu_2(b)<1$.
Then $\big( N_1(b),{\cal G}_2(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ is a codimension
$1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}$ at $b$.
In the latter case, we introduce $E^2(b)\subset {\cal E}_1(b)$
as in 1.12, and we set $s_2(b) = \# E^2(b)$, ${\cal E}_2(b)=
{\cal E}_1(b){\backslash} E^2(b)$.
{\cal F}_2(b) = {\cal G}_2(b) \cup \big( E^2(b),1\big) .
Then $\big( N_1(b),{\cal F}_2(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ is a codimension
$1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_2$ at $b$, and we can pass to a
codimension $2$ presentation $\big( N_2(b),{\cal H}_2(b),{\cal E}_2(b)\big)$.
Here it is important to replace ${\cal E}_1(b)$ by the subset
${\cal E}_2(b)$, to have the property that ${\cal E}_2(b)$, $N_2(b)$
simultaneously have normal crossings and $N_2(b)\not\subset H$,
for all $H\in{\cal E}_2(b)$.
(Again, the main r\^ole of ${\cal E}$ in a presentation is
to prove invariance of the $\mu_{2H} (\cdot)$ and in general
of the $\mu_{3H}(\cdot),\ldots,$ as in Section 4.)
Returning to our example (in year one), we have
${\cal H}_1(b)=\{ (y_1^3 y_2^3,2)\}$, so that $D_2(b)=y_1^{3/2}$.
We can take ${\cal G}_2(b)=\{(y_2^3,3)\}$ or, equivalently,
${\cal G}_2(b)=\{ (y_2,1)\}$ to get a codimension $1$ presentation
$\big( N_1(b), {\cal G}_2(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ of ${\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}$
at $b$.
Now, $E^2(b)=\{H_1\}$, so that $s_2(b)=1$.
We set
{\cal F}_2(b) = {\cal G}_2(b)\cup \big( E^2(b),1\big) =
and ${\cal E}_2(b)={\cal E}_1(b){\backslash} E^2(b)=\emptyset$.
Then $\big( N_1(b),{\cal F}_2(b),{\cal E}_1(b)\big)$ is a codimension
$1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_2$ at $b$, and we can get
a codimension $2$ presentation $\big( N_2(b),{\cal H}_2(b),
{\cal E}_2(b)\big)$ of ${\rm inv}_2$ at $b$ by taking $N_2(b)=
\{ y_2=y_3=0\}$ and ${\cal H}_2(b)=\{ (y_1,1)\}$.
It follows that $\nu_3(b)=1$.
Since $E^3(b)=\emptyset$, $s_3(b)=0$.
We get a codimension $3$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_3$ at $b$
by taking
N_3(b) = \{ y_1=y_2=y_3=0\} = \{b\},\qquad
H_3(b) = \emptyset .
{\rm inv}_X(b) = \left( 2,0;\, \frac{3}{2},1;\, 1,0;\, \infty\right)
and $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(b)=S_{{\rm inv}_2}(b)=\{b\}$.
The latter is the centre of the next blowing-up $\sigma_2$.
$\sigma_2^{-1}(U_1)$ is covered by 3 coordinate charts
$U_{1i}=\sigma_2^{-1}(U_1){\backslash} \{ y_i=0\}'$,
For example, $U_{12}$ has coordinates
$(z_1,z_2,z_3)$ with respect to which $\sigma_2$
is given by
y_1 = z_1 z_2,\qquad
y_2 = z_2,\qquad
y_3 = z_2 z_3 .
\medskip\noindent {\em Remark\ } {\em 3.5.}\quad
{\em Zariski-semicontinuity of the invariant.}
Each point of $M_j$, $j=0,1,\ldots$, admits a coordinate
neighbourhood $U$ such that, for all $x_0\in U$,
$\{ \, x\in U:\ {\rm inv}_{\!\!\lower2pt\hbox{$\displaystyle\cdot$}} (x) \le {\rm inv}_{\!\!\lower2pt\hbox{$\displaystyle\cdot$}} (x_0)\,\}$
is Zariski-open in $U$ (i.e., the complement of a Zariski-closed
subset of $U$):
For ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$, this is just Zariski-semicontinuity
of the order of a regular function $g$ (a local generator
of the ideal of $X$).
For ${\rm inv}_1$, the result is a consequence of the following
semicontinuity assertion for $E^1(x)$:
There is a Zariski-open neighbourhood of $x_0$ in $U$, in
which $E^1(x)=E(x)\cap E^1(x_0)$, for all $x\in S_{{\rm inv}_
{\frac{1}{2}}(x_0)} = \{\, x\in U:\ {\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(x)\ge
{\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(x_0)\,\}$.
(See [BM5, Prop. 6.6] for a simple proof.)
For ${\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}$: Suppose that $\mu_k=d\in{\Bbb N}$,
for all $(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}_1(x_0)$, as above.
Then, in a Zariski-open neighbourhood of $x_0$
where $S_{{\rm inv}_{1}(x)}=\{\, x:\ {\rm inv}_1(x)={\rm inv}_1(x_0)\,\}$,
we have
d\nu_2(x) = \min_{{\cal H}_1(x_0)} \mu_x \left(
\frac{h}{D_2(x_0)^d}\right) ,\qquad
x\in S_{{\rm inv}_{1}(x_0)} .
Semicontinuity of $\nu_2(x)$ is thus a consequence
of semicontinuity of the order of an element
$g=h/D_2(x_0)^d$ such that $\mu_{x_0}(g)=d\nu_2(x_0)$.
Likewise for ${\rm inv}_2$, ${\rm inv}_{2\frac{1}{2}}$, $\ldots$.
{\em Year two.}\quad
Let $X_2$ denote the strict transform $X_1'$ of $X_1$
by $\sigma_2$.
Then $X_2\cap U_{12}=V(g_2)$, where
g_2 = z_2^{-2} g_1\circ \sigma_2 = z_3^2 -z_1^3 z_2^4 .
Let $c$ be the origin of $U_{12}$.
Then $E(c)=\{ H_1,H_2\}$ where
&&H_1 = \{ y_1=0\}' =\{z_1=0\} ,\\
&&H_2 = \sigma_2^{-1} (b) = \{ z_2 =0\} .
We have $\nu_2(c)=2=\nu_2(a)$.
Therefore, $E^1(c)=\emptyset$, $s_1(c)=0$, ${\cal E}_1(c)=E(c)$.
${\cal F}_1(c)={\cal G}_1(c)=\{ (g_2,2)\}$ provides a codimension $0$
presentation of ${\rm inv}_1$ at $c$, and we get a codimension $1$
presentation by taking
N_1(c) = \{ z_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal H}_1(c) = \{ (z_1^3 z_2^4,2)\} .
Therefore $\mu_2(c)=7/2$, $\mu_{2H_1}(c) = 3/2$ and
$\mu_{2H_2}(c) = 4/2 =2$, so that $\nu_2(c)=0$ and
{\rm inv}_X(c) = (2,0;\,0) .
Moreover, $D_2(c)=z_1^{\frac{3}{2}} z_2^2$, and we get a
codimension $1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_X={\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}$ at $c$
N_1(c) = \{ z_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal G}_2(c) = \{ (z_1^{\frac{3}{2}} z_2^2,1)\} .
S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c) = S_{{\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}} (c) =
\{ z_1=z_3=0\} \cup \{ z_2=z_3=0\} ;
of course, $\{ z_1=z_3=0\} = S_{{\rm inv}_X} (c)\cap H_1$
and $\{ z_2=z_3=0\} = S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)\cap H_2$.
\medskip\noindent {\em Remark\ } {\em 3.6.}\quad
In general, suppose that ${\rm inv}_X(c)={\rm inv}_{t+\frac{1}{2}}(c)$ and
(We assume $c\in M_j$, for some $j=1,2,\ldots$.)
Then ${\rm inv}_X$ has a codimension $t$ presentation
at $c$: $N_t(c) = \{ z_{n-t+1} = \cdots = z_n = 0\}$,
${\cal G}_{t+1}(c) = \big\{ \big( D_{t+1} (c),1\big)\big\}$, where
$D_{t+1}(c)$ is a monomial with rational exponents in the
exceptional divisors $z_H$, $H\in {\cal E}_t(c)$; $N_t(c)$
has coordinates $(z_1,\ldots,z_{n-t})$ in which each
such $z_H=z_i$, for some $i=1,\ldots,n-t$.
It follows that each component $Z$ of $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)$
has the form
Z = S_{{\rm inv}_X} (c) \cap \bigcap \{\, H\in E(c):\ Z\subset H\,\} ;
we will write $Z=Z_I$, where $I=\{ \,H\in E(c):\ Z\subset H\,\}$.
It follows that, if $U$ is any open neighbourhood of $c$
on which ${\rm inv}_X(c)$ is a maximum value of ${\rm inv}_X$, then
every component $Z_I$ of $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)$ extends to a global
smooth closed subset of $U$:
First consider any total order on $\{\, I:\ I\subset E_j\,\}$.
For any $c\in M_j$, set
J(c) & = &\max\{\, I:\ Z_I\ \mbox{is a component of}\
S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)\,\} ,\\
{\rm inv}_X^{\rm e} (c) & = & \big( {\rm inv}_X (c);\, J(c)\big) .
Then ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}$ is Zariski-semicontinuous (again comparing
values of ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}$ lexicographically), and its
locus of maximum values on any given open subset of
$M_j$ is smooth.
Of course, given $c\in M_j$ and a component $Z_I$ of
$S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)$, we can choose the ordering of $\{\, J:\ J\subset
E_j\,\}$ so that $I=J(c)=\max\{\, J:\ J\subset E_j\,\}$.
It follows that, if $U$ is any open neighbourhood of $c$
on which ${\rm inv}_X(c)$ is a maximum value of ${\rm inv}_X$,
then $Z_I$ extends to a smooth closed subset of $U$.
To obtain an algorithm for canonical desingularization,
we can choose as each successive centre of blowing up
the maximum locus of ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}(\cdot) = \big({\rm inv}_X(\cdot),
J(\cdot)\big)$, where $J$ is defined as above using
the following total ordering of the subsets of $E_j$:
Write $E_j=\{ H_1^j,\ldots,H_j^j\}$, where each $H_i^j$
is the strict transform in $M_j$ of the exceptional
hypersurface $H_i^i=\sigma_i^{-1} (C_{i-1})\subset
M_i$, $i=1,\ldots,j$.
We can order $\{\, I:\ I\subset E_j\,\}$ by associating
to each subset $I$ the lexicographic order of the sequence
$(\delta_1,\ldots,\delta_j)$, where $\delta_i=0$ if
$H_i^j\not\in I$ and $\delta_i=1$ if $H_i^j\in I$.
In our example, year two, we have
S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c) = \big( S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)\cap H_1\big) \cup
\big( S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)\cap H_2\big) .
(Each $H_i$ is $H_i^2$ in the notation preceding.)
The order of $H_1$ (respectively, $H_2$) is $(1,0)$
(respectively, $(0,1)$), so that $J(c)=\{ H_1\}$ and
the centre of the third blowing-up $\sigma_3$ is
$C_2=S_{{\rm inv}_X}(c)\cap H_1 = \{ z_1=z_3=0\}$.
Thus $\sigma_3^{-1}(U_{12})=U_{121}\cup U_{123}$, where
$U_{12i}=\sigma_3^{-1}(U_{12}){\backslash} \{ z_i=0\}'$, $i=1,3$.
The strict transform of $X_2\cap U_{12}$ lies in
$U_{121}$; the latter has coordinates $(w_1,w_2,w_3)$
in which $\sigma_3$ can be written
z_3=w_1w_3 .
{\em Year three.}\quad
Let $X_3$ denote the strict transform of $X_2$ by $\sigma_3$.
Then $X_3\cap U_{121} = V(g_3)$, where $g_3(w)=w_3^2 -
w_1 w_2^4$.
Let $d=0$ in $U_{121}$.
There are three exceptional hypersurfaces $H_1=\{ z_1=0\}'$,
$H_2=\{ z_2=0\}' = \{ w_2=0\}$ and $H_3=\sigma_3^{-1}
(C_2) = \{ w_1=0\}$; since $H_1\not\ni d$, $E(d)=\{ H_2,H_3\}$.
We have $\nu_1(d)=2=\nu_1(a)$.
Therefore, $E^1(d)=\emptyset$, $s_1(d)=0$ and ${\cal E}_1(d)=E(d)$.
${\cal F}_1(d)={\cal G}_1(d)=\{ (g_3,2)\}$ provides a codimension
$0$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_1$ at $d$, and we get a codimension
$1$ presentation by taking
N_1(d) = \{ w_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal H}_1(d) = \{ (w_1 w_2^4 ,2)\} .
Therefore, $\mu_2(c)=\frac{5}{2}$ and
$D_2(d)=w_1^{\frac{1}{2}} w_2^2$, so that $\nu_2(d)=0$ and
{\rm inv}_X (d) = (2,0,0) = {\rm inv}_X(c) !
\mu_2(d) = \frac{5}{2} < \frac{7}{2} = \mu_2(c) ;
i.e., $1\le\mu_X(d) < \mu_X(c)$, where $\mu_X=\mu_2$
(cf. (2.8) ff.).
We get a codimension $1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_X={\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}$
at $d$ by taking
N_1(d) = \{ w_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal G}_2(d) = \big\{ \big( D_2(d),1\big)\big\} .
S_{{\rm inv}_X}(d) = S_{{\rm inv}_1}(d) = \{ w_2 = w_3 = 0\} ,
so we let $\sigma_4$ be the blowing-up with centre
$C_3=\{ w_2 = w_3 = 0\}$.
Then $\sigma_4^{-1}(U_{121}) = U_{1212} \cup U_{1213}$,
where $U_{121i}=\sigma_4^{-1} (U_{121}){\backslash} \{ w_i = 0\}'$,
$U_{1212}$ has coordinates $(v_1,v_2,v_3)$ in which $\sigma_4$
is given by
w_3=v_2 v_3 .
{\em Year four.}\quad
Let $X_4$ be the strict transform of $X_3$.
Then $X_4\cap U_{1212}=V(g_4)$, where $g_4(v)=v_3^2-v_1 v_2^2$.
Let $e=0$ in $U_{1212}$.
Then $E(e)=\{ H_3,H_4\}$, where $H_3=\{ w_1=0\}'=\{v_1=0\}$
and $H_4=\sigma_4^{-1} (C_3)=\{v_2=0\}$.
Again $\nu_1(e)=2=\nu_1(a)$, so that $E^1(e)=\emptyset$,
$s_1(e)=0$ and ${\cal E}_1(e)=E(e)$.
Calculating as above, we obtain $\mu_2(e)=\frac{3}{2}$ and
$D_2(e)=v_1^{\frac{1}{2}} v_2$, so that $\nu_2(e)=0$ and
${\rm inv}_X(e)=(2,0;\, 0)$ again.
But now $\mu_X(e)=\mu_2(e)=3/2$.
Our invariant ${\rm inv}_X$ is presented at $e$ by
N_1(e) = \{ v_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal G}_2(e) = \{ (v_1^{\frac{1}{2}} v_2,1)\} .
Therefore, $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(e)=\{ v_2=v_3=0\}$.
Taking as $\sigma_5$ the blowing-up with centre
$C_4=S_{{\rm inv}_X}(e)$, the strict transform $X_5$ becomes
smooth (over $U_{1212}$).
($\mu_2(e)-1<1$, so $\nu_1(\cdot)$ must decrease
over $C_4$.)
Further blowings-up are still needed to obtain the
stronger assertion of embedded resolution of singularities.
\medskip\noindent {\em Remark\ } {\em 3.7.}\quad
The hypersurface $V(g_4)$ in year four above is
called ``Whitney's umbrella''.
Consider the same hypersurface $X=\{x_3^2-x_1x_2^2=0\}$ but
without a history of blowings-up; i.e., $E(\cdot)=\emptyset$.
Let $a=0$.
In this case, ${\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}(a)=(2,0;\, \frac{3}{2})$, and
we get a codimension $1$ presentation of ${\rm inv}_{1\frac{1}{2}}$
at $a$ using
N_1(a) =\{ x_3=0\},\qquad
{\cal G}_2(a) = \{ (x_1 x_2^2 ,3)\}
or, equivalently, ${\cal G}_2(a)=\{ (x_1,1),(x_2,1)\}$, as in
year zero of Example 3.1.
{\rm inv}_X(a) = (2,0;\, \frac{3}{2},0;\, 1,0;\, \infty) .
As a centre of blowing up we would choose $C=S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)=
\{ a\}$ --- not the $x_1$-axis as in year four above,
although the singularity is the same!
\section{Key properties of the invariant}
Our main goal in this section is to explain why ${\rm inv}_X(a)$
is indeed an invariant.
Once we establish invariance, the Embedded Desingularization
Theorem A follows directly from local properties of ${\rm inv}_X$.
The crucial properties have already been explained
in Section 3 above; we summarize them in the following theorem.
\medskip\noindent{\bf Theorem\ } {\bf B.}\quad {\rm ([BM5, Th. 1.14].)}
{\em Consider any sequence of ${\rm inv}_X$-admissible (local)
blowings-up (1.8).
Then the following properties hold:
{\rm (1) Semicontinuity.} (i) For each $j$, every point
of $M_j$ admits a neighbourhood $U$ such that ${\rm inv}_X$
takes only finitely many values in $U$ and, for all $a\in U$,
$\{ x\in U:\ {\rm inv}_X(x)\le{\rm inv}_X(a)\}$ is Zariski-open
in $U$.
(ii) ${\rm inv}_X$ is {\rm infinitesimally upper-semicontinuous}
in the sense that ${\rm inv}_X(a)\le{\rm inv}_X\big(\sigma_j(a)\big)$
for all $a\in M_j$, $j\ge 1$.
{\rm (2) Stabilization.} Given $a_j\in M_j$ such that
$a_j=\sigma_{j+1}(a_{j+1})$, $j=0,1,2,\ldots$, there exists
$j_0$ such that ${\rm inv}_X(a_j)={\rm inv}_X(a_{j+1})$ when $j\ge j_0$.
(In fact, any nonincreasing sequence in the value set
of ${\rm inv}_X$ stabilizes.)
{\rm (3) Normal crossings.} Let $a\in M_j$.
Then $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)$ and $E(a)$ simultaneously have only
normal crossings.
Suppose ${\rm inv}_X(a)=\big(\ldots; \nu_{t+1} (a)\big)$.
If $\nu_{t+1}(a)=\infty$, then $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)$ is smooth.
If $\nu_{t+1}(a)=0$ and $Z$ denotes any irreducible
component of $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)$, then
Z=S_{{\rm inv}_X} (a) \cap \bigcap \{ H\in E(a):\ Z\subset H\} .
{\rm (4) Decrease.} Let $a\in M_j$ and suppose
${\rm inv}_X(a)=\big(\ldots; \nu_{t+1}(a)\big)$.
If $\nu_{t+1}(a)=\infty$ and $\sigma$ is the local
blowing-up of $M_j$ with centre $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)$, then
${\rm inv}_X(a')<{\rm inv}_X(a)$ for all $a'\in\sigma^{-1}(a)$.
If $\nu_{t+1}(a)=0$, then there is an additional
invariant $\mu_X(a)=\mu_{t+1}(a)\ge 1$ such that,
if $Z$ is an irreducible component of $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)$
and $\sigma$ is the local blowing-up with centre $Z$,
then $\big( {\rm inv}_X(a'),\mu_X(a')\big)< \big( {\rm inv}_X(a),
\mu_X(a)\big)$ for all $a'\in\sigma^{-1}(a)$.
($e_t! \mu_X(a)\in{\Bbb N}$, where $e_t$ is defined
as in Section 1 or in the proof following.)}
\medskip\noindent{\em Proof.\quad }
The semicontinuity property (1)(i) has been explained
in Remark 3.5.
Infinitesimal upper-semicontinuity (1)(ii) is immediate
from the definition of the $s_r(a)$ and from
infinitesimal upper-semicontinuity of the order
of a function on blowing up locally with
smooth centre in its equimultiple locus.
(The latter property is an elementary Taylor series
computation, and is also clear from the calculation
in Section 2 above.)
The stabilization property (2) for ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ is
obvious in the hypersurface case because then ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}} (a)=
\nu_1(a)\in{\Bbb N}$.
(In the general case, we need to begin with stabiization
of the Hilbert-Samuel function;
see [BM2, Th. 5.2.1] for a very simple proof of this result
due originally to Bennett [Be].)
The stabilization assertion for ${\rm inv}_X$ follows from
that for ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}$ and from infinitesimal
semicontinuity because, although $\nu_{r+1}(a)$, for
each $r>0$, is perhaps only rational, our construction
in Section 3 shows that $e_r! \nu_{r+1} (a)\in{\Bbb N}$,
where $e_1=\nu_1(a)$ and $e_{r+1}=\max \{ e_r !,
e_r! \nu_{r+1} (a)\}$, $r>0$.
(In the general case, the Hilbert-Samuel function
$H_{X_j,a}(\ell)$ coincides with a polynomial if
$\ell\ge k$, for $k$ large enough, and we can take
as $e_1$ the least such $k$.)
The normal crossings condition (3) has also been explained
in Section 3; see Remark 3.6, in particular, for the case
that $\nu_{t+1}(a)=0$.
The calculation in Section 2 then gives the property
of decrease (4), as is evident also in the example
of Section 3.
When our spaces satisfy a compactness assumption
(so that ${\rm inv}_X$ takes maximum values), it follows
from Theorem B that we can obtain the Embedded
Desingularization Theorem A by simply applying the
algorithm of 1.11 above, stopping when ${\rm inv}_X$
becomes (locally) constant.
To be more precise, let ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}$ denote the
extended invariant for canonical desingularization
introduced in Remark 3.6.
Consider a sequence of blowings-up (1.8) with
${\rm inv}_X$-admissible centres.
Note that if $X_j$ is not smooth and
$a\in {\mbox{Sing}}\, X_j$, then $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)\subset
{\mbox{Sing}}\, X_j$ because $\nu_1$ (or, in general,
$H_{X_j,a}$) already distinguishes between smooth
and singular points.
Since ${\mbox{Sing}}\, X_j$ is Zariski-closed, it follows
that if $C_j$ denotes the locus of maximum values
of ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}$ on ${\mbox{Sing}}\, X_j$, then $C_j$ is smooth.
By Theorem B, there is a finite sequence of blowings-up
with such centres, after which $X_j$ is smooth.
On the other hand, if $X_j$ is smooth and $a\in S_j$,
where $S_j=\{ x\in X_j:\ s_1(x)>0\}$, then $S_{{\rm inv}_X}(a)
\subset S_j$.
Since $S_j$ is Zariski-closed, it follows that if $C_j$
denotes the locus of maximum values of ${\rm inv}_X^{\rm e}$ on
$S_j$, then $C_j$ is smooth.
Therefore, after finitely many further blowings-up
$\sigma_{j+1},\ldots,\sigma_k$ with such centres,
It is clear from the definition of $s_1$ that,
if $X_k$ is smooth and $S_k=\emptyset$, then each
$H\in E_k$ which intersects $X_k$ is the strict
transform in $M_k$ of $\sigma_{i+1}^{-1} (C_i)$,
for some $i$ such that $X_i$ is smooth along
$C_i$; therefore, $X_k$ and $E_k$ simultaneously have
only normal crossings, and we have Theorem A.
We will prove invariance of ${\rm inv}_X$ using the idea
of a ``presentation'' introduced in Section 3 above.
It will be convenient to consider ``presentation'' in
an abstract sense, rather than associated to a particular
invariant: Let $M$ denote a manifold and let $a\in M$.
\noindent {\em Definitions 4.1.}\quad
An abstract {\em (infinitesimal) presentation} of {\em codimension}
$p$ at $a$ means simply a triple ($N=N_p(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$)
as in Section 3; namely: $N$ is a germ of a submanifold
of codimension $p$ at $a$, ${\cal H}(a)$ is a finite collection
of pairs $(h,\mu_h)$, where $h\in{\cal O}_{N,a}$, $\mu_h\in{\Bbb Q}$
$\mu_a(h)\ge \mu_h$, and ${\cal E}(a)$ is a finite set of smooth
hypersurfaces containing $a$, such that $N$ and ${\cal E}(a)$
simultaneously have normal crossings and $N\not\subset H$,
for all $H\in{\cal E}(a)$.
A local blowing-up $\sigma$ with centre $C\ni a$ will be
called {\em admissible} (for an infinitesimal presentation
as above) if $C\subset S_{{\cal H}(a)}=\{ x\in N:\ \mu_x (h)\ge
\mu_h$, for all $(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}(a)\}$.
\medskip\noindent {\em Definition\ } {\em 4.2.}\quad
We will say that two infinitesimal presentations
($N=N_p(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$) and ($P=P_q(a)$,
${\cal F}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$) with given ${\cal E}(a)$, but not necessarily
of the same codimension, are {\em equivalent} if
(in analogy with Definition 3.2):
(1) $S_{{\cal H}(a)}=S_{{\cal F}(a)}$, as germs at $a$ in $M$.
(2) If $\sigma$ is an admissible local blowing-up and
$a'\in\sigma^{-1}(a)$, then $a'\in N'$ and $\mu_{a'}
(y_{\rm exc}^{-\mu_h} h\circ\sigma)\ge\mu_h$ for all
$(h,\mu_h)\in {\cal H}(a)$ if and only if $a'\in P'$ and
$\mu_{a'}(y_{\rm exc}^{-\mu_f} f\circ\sigma)\ge\mu_f$
for all $(f,\mu_f)\in{\cal F}(a)$.
(3) Conditions (1) and (2) continue to hold for the
transforms ($N_p(a')$, ${\cal H}(a')$, ${\cal E}(a')$) and
($P_q(a')$, ${\cal F}(a')$, ${\cal E}(a')$) of our data by
sequences of morphisms of types (i), (ii) and (iii) as
in Definition 3.2.
We will, in fact, impose a further condition on the
way that exceptional blowings-up (iii) are allowed
to occur in a sequence of transformations in condition
(3) above; see Definition 4.5 below.
Our proof of invariance of ${\rm inv}_X$ follows the
constructive definition outlined in Section 3.
Let $X$ denote a hypersurface in $M$, and consider
any sequence of blowings-up (or local blowings-up)
(1.8), where we assume (at first) that the centres
of blowing up are $\frac{1}{2}$-admissible.
Let $a\in M_j$, for some $j=0,1,2,\ldots$.
Suppose that $g\in {\cal O}_{M_j,a}$ generates the local ideal
${\cal I}_{X_j,a}$ of $X_j$ at $a$, and let $\mu_g=\mu_a(g)$.
Then, as in Section 3, ${\cal G}_1(a)=\{ (g,\mu_g)\}$ determines
a codimension zero presentation ($N_0(a)$, ${\cal G}_1(a)$,
${\cal E}_0(a)$) of ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}=\nu_1$ at $a$, where
$N_0(a)$ is the germ of $M_j$ at $a$, and ${\cal E}_0(a)=\emptyset$.
In particular, the equivalence class of ($N_0(a)$,
${\cal G}_1(a)$, ${\cal E}_0(a)$) in the sense of Definition 4.2
depends only on the local isomorphism class of $(M_j,X_j)$
at $a$.
We introduce $E^1(a)$ as in 1.12 above, and let
$s_1(a)=\# E^1(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)=E(a)\backslash E^1(a)$.
{\cal F}_1(a) = {\cal G}_1(a) \cup \big( E^1 (a),1\big) ,
where $\big( E^1(a),1\big)$ denotes $\{ (x_H,1):\ H\in
E^1(a)\}$ and $x_H$ means a local generator of the ideal
of $H$.
Then ($N_0(a)$, ${\cal F}_1(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)$) is a codimension
zero presentation of ${\rm inv}_1=(\nu_1,s_1)$ at $a$.
Clearly, the equivalence class of ($N_0(a)$, ${\cal F}_1(a)$,
${\cal E}_1(a)$) depends only on the local isomorphism class of
($M_j$, $X_j$, $E_j$, $E^1(a)$).
Moreover, ($N_0(a)$, ${\cal F}_1(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)$) has an equivalent
codimension one presentation ($N_1(a)$, ${\cal H}_1(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)$)
as described in Section 3.
For example, let $a_k=\pi_{kj} (a)$, $k=0,\ldots,j$,
as in 1.12, and let $i$ denote the ``earliest year''
$k$ such that ${\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a)={\rm inv}_{\frac{1}{2}}(a_k)$.
Then ${\cal E}_1(a_i)=\emptyset$.
As in Section 3, we can take $N_1(a_i) =$ any hypersurface
of maximal contact for $X_i$ at $a_i$.
If $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ are local coordinates for $M_i$
with respect to which $N_1(a_i)=\{ x_n=0\}$, then we
can take
{\cal H}_1(a_i) = \left\{ \left( \frac{\partial^q f}{\partial x_n^q}
\bigg|_{N_1(a_i)},\, \mu_f-q\right):\ 0\le q<\mu_f,\ (f,\mu_f)
\in {\cal F}_1(a_i)\right\} .
A codimension one presentation ($N_1(a)$, ${\cal H}_1(a)$,
${\cal E}_1(a)$) of ${\rm inv}_1$ at $a$ can be obtained by transforming
($N_1(a_i)$, ${\cal H}_1(a_i)$, ${\cal E}_1(a_i)$) to $a$.
The condition that $N_1(a)$ and ${\cal E}_1(a)$ simultaneously
have normal crossings and $N_1(a)\not\subset H$ for all
$H\in {\cal E}_1(a)$ is a consequence of the effect of
blowing with smooth centre of codimension at least $1$
in $N(a_k)$, $i\le k<j$ (as in the calculation in
Section 2).
Say that ${\cal H}_1(a)=\{ (h,\mu_h)\}$; each $h\in {\cal O}_{N_1(a),a}$
and $\mu_h\le \mu_a(h)$.
Recall that we define
\mu_2(a) & = & \min_{{\cal H}_1(a)} \frac{\mu_a(h)}{\mu_h}\\
\mu_{2H} (a) & = & \min_{{\cal H}_1(a)} \frac{\mu_{H,a}(h)}{\mu_h} ,
\qquad H \in {\cal E}_1 (a) ,\\
\hbox{and}\qquad \nu_2(a) & = &\mu_2(a) - \sum_{H\in{\cal E}_1(a)}
\mu_{2H}(a) .
(Definitions 3.2, 3.4).
Propositions 4.4 and 4.6 below show that each of $\mu_2(a)$
and $\mu_{2H}(a)$, $H\in{\cal E}_1(a)$, depends only on the
equivalence class of ($N_1(a)$, ${\cal H}_1(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)$),
and thus only on the local isomorphism class of ($M_j$,
$X_j$, $E_j$, $E^1(a)$).
If $\nu_2(a)=0$ or $\infty$, then we set ${\rm inv}_X(a)={\rm inv}_
If $0<\nu_2(a)<\infty$, then we construct a codimension
one presentation ($N_1(a)$, ${\cal G}_2(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)$) of
${\rm inv}_{1\frac12}$ at $a$, as in Section 3.
From the construction, it is not hard to see that the
equivalence class of ($N_1(a)$, ${\cal G}_2(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)$) depends
only on that of ($N_1(a)$, ${\cal H}_1(a)$, ${\cal E}_1(a)$).
(See [BM5, 4.23 and 4.24] as well as Proposition 4.6 ff. below.)
This completes a cycle in the inductive definition of ${\rm inv}_X$.
Assume now that the centres of the blowings-up in (1.8)
are $1\frac12$-admissible.
We introduce $E^2(a)$ as in 1.12, and let $s_2(a)=\#E^2(a)$,
${\cal E}_2(a)={\cal E}_1(a)\backslash E^2(a)$.
If ${\cal F}_2(a)={\cal G}_2(a)\cup \big( E^2(a),1\big)$, where
$\big( E^2(a),1\big)$ denotes $\{ (x_H|_{N_1(a)},1):\
H\in E_2(a)\}$, then ($N_1(a), {\cal F}_2(a), {\cal E}_2(a)$) is a
codimension one presentation of ${\rm inv}_2 = ({\rm inv}_{1\frac12},s_2)$
at $a$, whose equivalence class depends only on the local
isomorphism class of ($M_j$, $X_j$, $E_j$, $E^1(a)$, $E^2(a)$).
It is clear from the construction of ${\cal G}_2(a)$ that
$\mu_{{\cal G}_2(a)}=1$, where
\mu_{{\cal G}_2(a)} = \min_{(g,\mu_g)\in{\cal G}_2(a)}
\frac{\mu_a(g)}{\mu_g} .
Therefore ($N_1(a)$, ${\cal F}_2(a)$, ${\cal E}_2(a)$) admits an
equivalent codimension two presentation ($N_2(a)$, ${\cal H}_2(a)$,
${\cal E}_2(a)$), and we define $\nu_3(a)=\mu_3(a)-\sum_{H\in{\cal E}_2(a)}
\mu_{3H}(a)$, as above.
By Propositions 4.4 and 4.6,
$\mu_3(a)$ and each $\mu_{3H}(a)$ depend only on the
equivalence class of ($N_2(a)$, ${\cal H}_2(a)$, ${\cal E}_2(a)$), $\ldots$.
We continue until $\nu_{t+1}(a)=0$ or $\infty$ for some $t$,
and then take ${\rm inv}_X(a)={\rm inv}_{t+\frac12}(a)$.
Invariance of ${\rm inv}_X$ thus follows from Propositions 4.4 and
4.6 below, which are formulated purely in terms of an abstract
infinitesimal presentation.
Let $M$ be a manifold, and let ($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$)
be an infinitesimal presentation of codimension $r\ge 0$
at a point $a\in M$.
We write ${\cal H}(a)=\{ (h,\mu_h)\}$, where $\mu_a(h)\ge\mu_h$
for all $(h,\mu_h)$.
\noindent {\em Definitions 4.3.}\quad
We define $\mu(a)=\mu_{{\cal H}(a)}$ as
\mu_{{\cal H}(a)} = \min_{{\cal H}(a)} \frac{\mu_a(h)}{\mu_h} .
Thus $1\le \mu(a)\le\infty$.
If $\mu(a)<\infty$, then we define $\mu_H(a)=\mu_{{\cal H}(a),H}$,
for each $H\in{\cal E}(a)$, as
\mu_{{\cal H}(a),H} = \min_{{\cal H}(a)} \frac{\mu_{H,a}(h)}{\mu_h} .
We will show that each of $\mu(a)$ and the $\mu_H(a)$ depends
only on the equivalence class of ($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$)
(where we consider only {\em presentations of the same
codimension} $r$).
The main point is that $\mu(a)$ and the $\mu_H(a)$ can be
detected by ``test blowings-up'' (test transformations
of the form (i), (ii), (iii) as allowed by the definition
4.2 of equivalence).
For $\mu(a)$, we show in fact that if ($N^i(a)$,
${\cal H}^i(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$), $i=1,2$, are two infinitesimal
presentations of the same codimension $r$, then
$\mu_{{\cal H}^1(a)}=\mu_{{\cal H}^2(a)}$ if the presentations
are equivalent with respect to transformations of
types (i) and (ii) alone (i.e., where we allow only
transformations of types (i) and (ii) in
Definition 4.2).
This ia a stronger condition than invariance under
equivalence in the sense of Definition 4.2 (using all
three types of transformations) because the equivalence
class with respect to transformations of types (i) and
(ii) alone is, of course, larger than the equivalence
class with respect to transformations of all three
types (i), (ii) and (iii).
\medskip\noindent{\bf Proposition\ } {\bf 4.4.}
[BM5, Prop. 4.8].
{\em $\mu(a)$ depends only on the equivalence class of
($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$) (among presentations
of the same codimension $r$) with respect to
transformations of types (i) and (ii).}
\medskip\noindent{\em Proof.\quad }
Clearly, $\mu(a)=\infty$ if and only if $S_{{\cal H}(a)}=N(a)$;
i.e., if and only if $S_{{\cal H}(a)}$ is (a germ of) a
submanifold of codimension $r$ in $M$.
Suppose that $\mu(a)<\infty$.
We can assume that ${\cal H}(a)=\{ (h,\mu_h)\}$ where all $\mu_h=e$,
for some $e\in {\Bbb N}$.
Let $\sigma_0$: $P_0=M\times{\Bbb K}\to M$ be the projection
from the product with a line (i.e., a morphism of
type (ii)) and let ($N(c_0)$, ${\cal H}(c_0)$, ${\cal E}(c_0)$) denote
the transform of ($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$) at $c_0=
(a,0)\in P_0$; i.e., $N(c_0)=N(a)\times{\Bbb K}$, ${\cal E}(c_0)=
\{ H\times{\Bbb K}$, for all $H\in{\cal E}(a)$, and $M\times\{0\}\}$ and
${\cal H}(c_0)=\{ (h\circ\sigma_0,\mu_h)$: $(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}(a)\}$.
We follow $\sigma_0$ by a sequence of admissible
blowings-up (morphisms of type (i)),
{\rightarrow}\ P_{\beta+1}\
P_\beta\ {\rightarrow}\ \cdots\ {\rightarrow}\ P_1\
\stackrel{\sigma_1}{{\rightarrow}}\ P_0 ,
where each $\sigma_{\beta+1}$ is a blowing-up with centre a
point $c_\beta\in P_\beta$ determined as follows:
Let $\gamma_0$ denote the arc in $P_0$ given by
For $\beta\ge 1$, define $\gamma_{\beta+1}$ inductively
as the lifting of $\gamma_\beta$ to $P_{\beta+1}$, and set
We can choose local coordinates $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ for $M$
at $a$, in which $a=0$ and $N(a)=\{ x_{n-r+1}=\cdots=
Write $(x,t)=(x_1,\ldots,x_{n-r},t)$ for the corresponding
coordinate system of $N(c_0)$.
In $P_1$, the strict transform $N(c_1)$ of $N(c_0)$ has a
local coordinate system $(x,t)=(x_1,\ldots,x_{n-r},t)$
at $c_1$ with respect to which $\sigma_1(x,t)=(tx,t)$,
and $\gamma_1(t)=(0,t)$ in this coordinate chart; moreover,
${\cal H}(c_1)=\{ (t^{-e}h(tx),e)$, for all $(h,\mu_h)=
(h,e)\in{\cal H}(a)\}$.
After $\beta$ blowings-up as above, $N(c_\beta)$ has a local
coordinate system $(x,t)=(x_1,\ldots,x_{n-r},t)$ with respect
to which $\sigma_1\circ\cdots\circ\sigma_\beta$ is given
by $(x,t)\mapsto (t^\beta x,t)$, $\gamma_\beta (t)=(0,t)$
and ${\cal H}(c_\beta)=\{ (h',\mu_{h'}=e)\}$, where
h' = t^{-\beta e} h(t^\beta x) ,
for all $(h,\mu_h)=(h,e)\in{\cal H}(a)$.
By the definition of $\mu(a)$, each
h(t^\beta x) = t^{\beta \mu(a)e} \tilde h'(x,t) ,
where the $\tilde h'(x,t)$ do not admit $t$ as a common
divisor; for each $(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}(a)$, we have
h' = t^{\beta (\mu(a)-1) e} \tilde h' .
We now introduce a subset $S$ of ${\Bbb N}\times{\Bbb N}$ depending
only on the equivalence class of ($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$,
${\cal E}(a)$) (with respect to transformations of types (i)
and (ii)) as follows:
First, we say that $(\beta,0)\in S$, $\beta\ge 1$, if
after $\beta$ blowings-up as above, there exists
(a germ of) a submanifold $W_0$ of codimension $r$ in
the exceptional hypersurface $H_\beta = \sigma_\beta^{-1}
(c_{\beta-1})$ such that $W_0\subset S_{{\cal H}(c_\beta)}$.
If so, then necessarily $W_0=H_\beta \cap N(c_\beta)=\{t=0\}$,
and the condition that $W_0\subset S_{{\cal H}(c_\beta)}$ means
precisely that $\mu_{W_0,c_\beta}(h')\ge e$, for all $h'$;
i.e., that $\beta\big(\mu(a)-1\big)e\ge e$, or
$\beta\big(\mu(a)-1\big)\ge 1$.
(In particular, since $\mu(a)\ge 1$, $(\beta,0)\not\in S$ for
all $\beta\ge 1$ if and only if $\mu(a)=1$.)
Suppose that $(\beta,0)\in S$, for some $\beta\ge 1$, as
Then we can blow up $P_\beta$ locally with centre $W_0$.
Set $Q_0=P_\beta$, $d_0=c_\beta$ and $\delta_0=\gamma_\beta$.
Let $\tau_1$: $Q_1\to Q_0$ denote the local blowing-up
with centre $W_0$, and let $d_1=\delta_1(0)$, where
$\delta_1$ denotes the lifting of $\delta_0$ to $Q_1$.
(Then $\tau_1|N(d_1)$: $N(d_1)\to N(d_0)$ is the
We say that $(\beta,1)\in S$ if there exists a submanifold
$W_1$ of codimension $r$ in the hypersurface $H_1=\tau_1^{-1} (W_0)$
such that $W_1\subset S_{{\cal H}(d_1)}$.
If so, then again necessarily $W_0=H_1\cap N(d_1)=\{ t=0\}$.
Since ${\cal H}(d_1)=\{ (h',e)\}$, where each $h'=t^{\beta
(\mu(a)-1)e-e}\tilde h'$ and the $\tilde h'$ do not admit $t$
as a common factor, it
follows that $(\beta,1)\in S$ if and only if $\beta\big(\mu(a)-1\big)
e-e\ge e$.
We continue inductively:
If $\alpha\ge 1$ and $(\beta,\alpha-1)\in S$, let $\tau_\alpha$:
$Q_\alpha\to Q_{\alpha-1}$ denote the local blowing-up with centre
$W_{\alpha-1}$, and let $d_\alpha=\delta_\alpha (0)$, where
$\delta_\alpha$ is the lifting of $\delta_{\alpha-1}$ to $Q_\alpha$.
We say that $(\beta,\alpha)\in S$ if there exists (a germ of) a
submanifold $W_\alpha$ of codimension $r$ in the exceptional
hypersurface $H_\alpha=\tau_\alpha^{-1} (W_{\alpha-1})$ such that
$W_\alpha\subset S_{{\cal H}(d_\alpha)}$.
Since ${\cal H}(d_\alpha)=\{ (h',e)\}$, where each
$h'=t^{\beta(\mu(a)-1)e-\alpha e}\tilde h'$ and the $\tilde h'$ do not
admit $t$ as a common factor, it follows as before that
$(\beta,\alpha)\in S$ if and only if $\beta\big(\mu(a)-1\big)-\alpha
\ge 1$.
Now $S$, by its definition, depends only on the equivalence
class of ($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$) (with respect to
transformations of types (i) and (ii)).
On the other hand, we have proved that $S=\emptyset$ if and only if
$\mu(a)=1$, and, if $S\ne\emptyset$, then
S = \big\{ (\beta,\alpha)\in{\Bbb N}\times{\Bbb N}:\ \beta\big( \mu(a)-1\big)
-\alpha\ge 1\big\} .
Our proposition follows since $\mu(a)$ is uniquely determined by
$S$; in the case that $S\ne \emptyset$,
\mu(a) = 1 + \sup_{(\beta,\alpha)\in S} \frac{\alpha+1}{\beta} .
Suppose that $\mu(a)<\infty$.
Then we can also use test blowings-up to prove invariance
of $\mu_H(a)=\mu_{{\cal H}(a),H}$, $H\in{\cal E}(a)$:
Fix $H\in{\cal E}(a)$.
As before we begin with the projection $\sigma_0$:
$P_0=M\times{\Bbb K}\to M$ from the product with a line.
Let ($N(a_0)$, ${\cal H}(a_0)$, ${\cal E}(a_0)$) denote the
transform of ($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$) at $a_0=
(a,0)\in P_0$ by the morphism $\sigma_0$ (of type (ii)),
and let $H_0^0 = M\times\{0\}$, $H_1^0 =\sigma_0^{-1}
(H) = H\times{\Bbb K}$.
Thus $H_0^0,H_1^0\in {\cal E}(a_0)$.
We follow $\sigma_0$ by a sequence of exceptional
blowings-up (morphisms of type (iii)),
{\rightarrow}\ P_{j+1}\
\stackrel{\sigma_{j+1}}{{\rightarrow}}\ P_j\
{\rightarrow}\ \cdots\ {\rightarrow}\ P_1\
\stackrel{\sigma_1}{{\rightarrow}}\ P_0 ,
where each $\sigma_{j+1}$, $j\ge 0$, has centre
$C_j=H_0^j\cap H_1^j$ and $H_0^{j+1}=\sigma_{j+1}^{-1}
(C_j)$, $H_1^{j+1}=$ the strict transform of $H_1^j$ by
Let $a_{j+1}$ denote the unique intersection point of
$C_{j+1}$ and $\sigma_{j+1}^{-1} (a_j)$, $j\ge 0$.
($a_{j+1}=\gamma_{j+1}(0)$, where $\gamma_0$ denotes
the arc $\gamma_0(t)=(a,t)$ in $P_0$ and $\gamma_{j+1}$
denotes the lifting of $\gamma_j$ by $\sigma_{j+1}$,
$j\ge 0$.)
We can choose local coordinates $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ for $M$
at $a$, in which $a=0$, $N(a)=\{ x_{n-r+1} = \cdots = x_n=0\}$,
and each $K\in{\cal E}(a)$ is given by $x_i=0$, for some
(Set $x_i=x_K$.)
Write $(x,t)=(x_1,\ldots,x_m,t)$, where $m=n-r$, for the
corresponding coordinate system of $N(a_0)=N(a)\times{\Bbb K}$.
We can assume that $x_H=x_1$.
In $P_1$, the strict transform $N(a_1)$ of $N(a_0)$ has a chart
with coordinates $(x,t)=(x_1,\ldots,x_m,t)$ in which $\sigma_1$
is given by $\sigma_1(x,t)=(tx_1,x_2,\ldots,x_m,t)$ and in
which $a_1=(0,0)$, $\gamma_1(t)=(0,t)$ and $x_1=x_H$.
($x_H$ now means $x_{H_1^1}$.)
Proceeding inductively, for each $j$, $N(a_j)$ has a coordinate
system $(x,t)=(x_1,\ldots,x_m,t)$ in which $a_j=(0,0)$ and
$\sigma_1\circ\cdots\circ\sigma_j$: $N(a_j)\to N(a_0)$ is
given by
(x,t)\mapsto (t^j x_1, x_2,\ldots,x_m,t) .
We can assume that $\mu_h=e\in{\Bbb N}$, for all
$(h,\mu_h)\in{\cal H}(a)$.
D = \prod_{K\in{\cal E}(a)} x_K ^{\mu_K(a)} .
Thus $D^e$ is a monomial in the coordinates
$(x_1,\ldots,x_m)$ of $N(a)$ with exponents in ${\Bbb N}$, and
$D^e$ is the greatest common divisor of the $h$ in
${\cal H}(a)$ which is a monomial in $x_K$, $K\in{\cal E}(a)$ (by
Definitions 4.3).
In particular, for some $h=D^e g$ in ${\cal H}(a)$, $g=g_H$ is
not divisible by $x_1=x_H$.
Therefore, there exists $i\ge 1$ such that
\mu_{a_j} (g_H\circ\pi_j) = \mu_{a_i} (g_H\circ\pi_i) ,
for all $j\ge i$, where $\pi_j=\sigma_0\circ\sigma_1\circ
(We can simply take $i$ to be the least order of a monomial
not involving $x_H$ in the Taylor expansion of $g_H$.)
On the other hand, for each $h=D^e g$ in ${\cal H}(a)$,
$\mu_{a_j}(g\circ\pi_j)$ increases as $j\to\infty$ unless $g$
is not divisible by $x_H$.
Therefore, we can choose $h=D^e g_H$, as above, and $i$
large enough so that we also have $\mu(a_j)=\mu_{a_j}
(h\circ\pi_j)/e$, for all $j\ge i$.
Clearly, if $j\ge i$, then
\mu_H (a) = \mu(a_{j+1}) - \mu(a_j) .
Since $\mu(a)$ depends only on the equivalence class of
($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$) among presentations of the
same codimension $r$, as defined by 4.2, the preceding
argument shows that each $\mu_H (a)$, $H\in{\cal E}(a)$, is also
an invariant of this equivalence class.
But the argument shows more precisely that the $\mu_H(a)$
depend only on a larger equivalence class obtained by
allowing in Definition 4.2 only certain sequences
of morphisms of types (i), (ii) and (iii):
\medskip\noindent {\em Definition\ } {\em 4.5.}\quad
We weaken the notion of equivalence in Definition 4.2
by allowing only the transforms induced by certain
sequences of morphisms of types (i), (ii) and (iii);
\rightarrow & M_j &\stackrel{\sigma_j}{\rightarrow} &M_{j-1}
&\rightarrow &\cdots &\stackrel{\sigma_{i+1}}{\rightarrow}
& M_i &\rightarrow &\cdots &\rightarrow &M_0=M \\
&{\cal E}(a_j)&&{\cal E}(a_{j-1})&&&&{\cal E}(a_i)&&&&{\cal E}(a_0)={\cal E}(a)
where, if $\sigma_{i+1},\ldots,\sigma_j$ are exceptional
blowings-up (iii), then $i\ge 1$ and $\sigma_i$ is of
either type (iii) or (ii).
In the latter case, $\sigma_i$: $M_i=M_{i-1}\times{\Bbb K}\to
M_{i-1}$ is the projection, each $\sigma_{k+1}$,
$k=i,\ldots,j-1$, is the blowing-up with centre
$C_k=H_0^k \cap H_1^k$ where $H_0^k$, $H_1^k\in{\cal E}(a_k)$,
$a_{k+1}=\sigma_{k+1}^{-1}(a_k)\cap H_1^{k+1}$, and we
require that the $H_0^k$, $H_1^k$ be determined by some
fixed $H\in {\cal E}(a_{i-1})$ inductively in the following way:
$H_0^i=M_{i-1}\times\{0\}$, $H_1^i=\sigma_i^{-1} (H)$,
and, for $k=i+1,\ldots,j-1$, $H_0^k=\sigma_k^{-1}(C_{k-1})$,
$H_1^k=$ the strict transform of $H_1^{k-1}$ by $\sigma_k$.
In other words, with this notion of equivalence, we have proved:
\medskip\noindent{\bf Proposition\ } {\bf 4.6.}\quad
[BM5, Prop. 4.11].
{\em Each $\mu_H(a)$, $H\in{\cal E}(a)$, and therefore also
$\nu(a)=\mu(a)-\Sigma \mu_H(a)$ depends only on the
equivalence class of ($N(a)$, ${\cal H}(a)$, ${\cal E}(a)$)
(among presentations of the same codimension).}
Recall that in the $r$'th cycle of our recursive
definition of ${\rm inv}_X$, we use a codimension $r$ presentation
($N_r(a)$, ${\cal H}_r(a)$, ${\cal E}_r(a)$) of ${\rm inv}_r$ at $a$
to construct a codimension $r$ presentation
($N_r(a)$, ${\cal G}_{r+1}(a)$, ${\cal E}_r(a)$) of ${\rm inv}_{r+\frac12}$
at $a$.
The construction involved survives transformations as
allowed by Definition 4.5, but perhaps not an arbitrary
sequence of transformations of types (i), (ii) and (iii)
(cf. [BM5, 4.23 and 4.24]; in other words, we show only
that the equivalence class of ($N_r(a)$, ${\cal G}_{r+1}(a)$,
${\cal E}_r(a)$) as given by Definition 4.5 depends only on that
of ($N_r(a)$, ${\cal H}_r(a)$, ${\cal E}_r(a)$).
It is for this reason that we need Proposition 4.6
as stated.
\vskip .25in
\noindent {\it Acknowledgement.}\quad We are happy to thank Paul Centore
for the line drawings in this paper.
\vskip .25in
1997-09-06T00:33:58 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709007 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709007 | [
] | alg-geom/9709007 | Ravi Vakil | Ravi Vakil | The enumerative geometry of rational and elliptic curves in projective
space | LaTeX2e, 95 pages with 18 figures | null | null | null | null | We study the geometry of varieties parametrizing degree d rational and
elliptic curves in P^n intersecting fixed general linear spaces and tangent to
a fixed hyperplane H with fixed multiplicities along fixed general linear
subspaces of H. As an application, we derive recursive formulas for the number
of such curves when the number is finite. These recursive formulas require as
``seed data'' only one input: there is one line in P^1 through two points.
These numbers can be seen as top intersection products of various cycles on the
Hilbert scheme of degree d rational or elliptic curves in P^n, or on certain
components of $\mbar_0(P^n,d)$ or $\mbar_1(P^n,d)$, and as such give
information about the Chow ring (and hence the topology) of these objects. The
formula can also be interpreted as an equality in the Chow ring (not
necessarily at the top level) of the appropriate Hilbert scheme or space of
stable maps. In particular, this gives an algorithm for counting rational and
elliptic curves in P^n intersecting various fixed general linear spaces. (The
genus 0 numbers were found earlier by Kontsevich-Manin, and the genus 1 numbers
were found for n=2 by Ran and Caporaso-Harris, and independently by Getzler for
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 5 Sep 1997 22:32:50 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom |
In this article, we study the geometry of varieties (over $\mathbb{C}$)
parametrizing degree $d$ rational and elliptic curves in $\mathbb P^n$
intersecting fixed general linear spaces and tangent to a fixed hyperplane
$H$ with fixed multiplicities along fixed general linear subspaces of $H$.
As an application, we derive recursive formulas (Theorem \ref{rrecursiveX2}
and Theorem
\ref{erecursiveW}) for the number of such curves when the number is finite.
As with M. Kontsevich's marvelous formula of [KM], these recursive formulas
require as ``seed data'' only one input: there is one line in $\mathbb P^1$
through two points. These numbers can be seen as top intersection products
of various cycles on the Hilbert scheme of degree $d$ rational or elliptic
curves in $\mathbb P^n$, or on ${\overline{M}}_0(\mathbb P^n,d)$ or certain components of
${\overline{M}}_1(\mathbb P^n,d)$, and as such give information about the Chow ring (and
hence the topology) of these objects. The formula can also be interpreted
as an equality in the Chow ring (not necessarily at the top level) of the
appropriate Hilbert scheme or space of stable maps.
The recursive formulas are convenient to program or use by hand, and provide
quick diagramatic enumerative calculations. For example, Figure
\ref{rcubics} shows a diagramatic enumeration of the 80,160 twisted cubics
in $\mathbb P^3$ intersecting 12 fixed general lines. The methods used
are surprisingly elementary. Little is assumed about Kontsevich's
space of stable maps. The low genus of the curves under consideration
makes dimension counting straightforward.
\caption{Counting $80,160$ cubics in $\mathbb P^3$ through 12 general lines}
Interest in such classical enumerative problems has been revived by recent
ideas from quantum field theory leading to the definition of quantum
cohomology and Gromov-Witten invariants, and by the subsequent discovery by
Kontsevich in 1993 of an elegant recursion solving the problem in genus 0
when no tangencies are involved (cf. [KM]; another proof, using different
techniques, was given independently by Y. Ruan and G. Tian in [RT]). The
enumerative results here are a generalization of [KM], and the methods seem
more likely to generalize further than those of [KM]. In particular, such
ideas could apply to certain nonconvex rational spaces, in the same way
that the ideas of Caporaso and Harris in $\mathbb P^2$ extend to rational ruled
surfaces (cf. [CH3] and [V1]).
In Section \ref{elliptic}, the same ideas are applied to the genus 1
case. One of the motivations for this study was to gain more
information about higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants. The
enumerative results for elliptic curves in $\mathbb P^3$ have been
independently derived by E. Getzler (cf. [G3]), without tangency
conditions, by determining the genus 1 Gromov-Witten invariants of
$\mathbb P^3$ and relating them to the enumerative problem. (T. Graber
and R. Pandharipande ([GrP]) have also proposed a programme to
determine these numbers for all $\mathbb P^n$ as well.) There is some
hope of unifying the two methods, and getting some information about
Gromov-Witten invariants through degeneration methods.
There is also some hope that this method will apply to curves of higher genus.
The enumerative geometry of curves (of any genus) in the plane as described
in [CH3] can be seen as a variant of this perspective. In [V1], the
corresponding problem (for curves of any genus in any divisor class) on any
rational ruled surface is solved by the same method. In Subsection \ref{ehighgenus}, we will briefly discuss
the possibilities and potential obstructions to generalization to curves of
higher genus. The results should also carry over to other highly symmetric
rational varieties, especially Flag manifolds and towers of
$\mathbb P^1$-bundles, in the same way as the enumerative geometry of curves in
$\mathbb P^2$ as described in [CH3] was generalized to rational ruled surfaces
in [V1].
This article contains the majority of the author's 1997 Harvard
Ph.D. thesis, and was partially supported by an NSERC 1967 Fellowship and a
Sloan Fellowship. Tha author is extremely grateful to his advisor, Joe
Harris, and also to Dan Abramovich, Michael Thaddeus, Tony Pantev, Angelo
Vistoli, Rahul Pandharipande, Michael Roth, Lucia Caporaso, and Ezra
Getzler for useful discussions.
\subsection{Notation and basic results.}
The base field will always be assumed to be $\mathbb{C}$. If $S$ is a set, define
$\operatorname{Aut}(S)$ to be the automorphisms (or symmetries) of $S$.
The main results of this article will be about varieties, but it will be
convenient to occasionally use the language of algebraic stacks (in the
sense of Deligne and Mumford, cf. [DM]). Stacks have several advantages:
calculating Zariski-tangent spaces to moduli stacks is simpler than
calculating tangent spaces to moduli spaces, and moduli stacks (and
morphisms between them) are smooth ``more often'' than the corresponding moduli
spaces (and morphisms between them). In general, for all definitions of
varieties made, there is a corresponding definition in the language of
stacks, and the corresponding stack will be written in a calligraphic font.
For example, $M_g$ is the moduli space of smooth genus $g$ curves, and
${\mathcal{M}}_g$ is the corresponding moduli stack. Stacks are invoked as rarely as
possible, and the reader unfamiliar with stacks should have no problem
following the arguments. An introduction to the theory of algebraic stacks
is given in the appendix to [Vi1].
\subsubsection{The moduli space of stable maps}
For the convenience of the reader we recall certain facts about moduli
spaces (and stacks) of stable maps to $\mathbb P^n$, without proofs.
A {\em stable marked curve}, denoted $(C, \{ p_1, \dots, p_m \} )$, of
genus $g$ with $m$ marked points $p_1$, \dots, $p_m$ is a connected nodal
complete marked curve with finite automorphism group; the marked points are
required to be smooth points of $C$. The set of {\em special
points} on (the normalization of) a component of $C$ is the set of marked
points union the set of branches of nodes. A marked curve is stable if
each rational component has at least three special points and each elliptic
component has at least one special point.
A degree $d$ {\em stable map} $(C, \{ p_1, \dots, p_m \}, \pi)$ to $\mathbb P^n$
consists of a connected nodal complete marked curve $(C, \{ p_i \} )$
and a morphism $\pi: C \rightarrow \mathbb P^n$ such that $\pi_*[C] = d[L]$
(where $[L]$ is the class of a line in the first Chow group $A_1(\mathbb P^n)$
of $\mathbb P^n$, or equivalently in $H_2(\mathbb P^n, \mathbb{Z})$), such that the map $\pi$
has finite automorphism group. This last condition is equivalent to
requiring each collapsed rational component to have at least three special
points and each contracted elliptic component to have at least one special
There is a coarse projective moduli space ${\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ for such
stable maps with $p_a(C) = g$. There is an algebraic stack
${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ that is a fine moduli space for stable maps. The
stack ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m+1}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ can be considered as the universal curve
over ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$.
There is an open subvariety $M_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ of
${\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ that is a coarse moduli space of stable maps from
smooth curves, and an open substack ${\mathcal{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ of
${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ that is a fine moduli space of stable maps from
smooth curves.
The stack ${\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ is smooth of dimension $(n+1)(d+1)+m
The versal deformation space to the stable map $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ in
${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ is obtained from the complex
\underline{\Omega}_\pi = \left( \pi^* \Omega_{\mathbb P^n} \rightarrow
\Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m)\right).
(The versal deformation space depends only on the image of
$\underline{\Omega}_{\pi}$ in the derived category of coherent sheaves on
$C$.) The vector space $\operatorname{{\mathbb H}om} (\underline{\Omega}_\pi, {\mathcal{O}}_C)$
parametrizes infinitesimal automorphisms of the map $\pi$; as $(C, \{ p_i
\}, \pi)$ is a stable map, $\operatorname{{\mathbb H}om} (\underline{\Omega}_\pi, {\mathcal{O}}_C) = 0$.
The space of
infinitesimal deformations to the map $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ (i.e. the
Zariski tangent space to ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ at the point
representing this stable map), denoted $\operatorname{Def}_{(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi )}$, is
given by $\operatorname{{\mathbb E}xt}^1(\underline{\Omega}_\pi, {\mathcal{O}}_C)$ and the obstruction
space, denoted $\operatorname{Ob}_{(C, \{ p_i \},\pi)}$, is given by
$\operatorname{{\mathbb E}xt}^2(\underline{\Omega}_\pi, {\mathcal{O}}_C)$.
By applying the functor $\operatorname{Hom}( \cdot, {\mathcal{O}}_C)$ to the exact sequence of complexes
0 \rightarrow \Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m)[-1] \rightarrow
\underline{\Omega}_\pi \rightarrow \pi^* \Omega_{\mathbb P^n} \rightarrow 0
we obtain the long exact sequence
0 \rightarrow \operatorname{{\mathbb H}om}( \underline{\Omega}_\pi, {\mathcal{O}}_C)
&\rightarrow& \operatorname{Hom}( \Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m), {\mathcal{O}}_C) \rightarrow H^0(C,\pi^*
T_{\mathbb P^n}) \\
\rightarrow \operatorname{{\mathbb E}xt}^1( \underline{\Omega}_\pi, {\mathcal{O}}_C)
&\rightarrow& \operatorname{Ext}^1( \Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m), {\mathcal{O}}_C) \rightarrow H^0(C,\pi^*
T_{\mathbb P^n}) \\
\rightarrow \operatorname{{\mathbb E}xt}^2( \underline{\Omega}_\pi, {\mathcal{O}}_C)
&\rightarrow& 0.
By the identifications given in the previous paragraph, and using
$\operatorname{Hom}(\Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m), {\mathcal{O}}_C) = \operatorname{Aut}(C, \{ p_i \})$ and
$\operatorname{Ext}^1(\Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m), {\mathcal{O}}_C) = \operatorname{Def}(C, \{ p_i \})$,
this long exact sequence can be rewritten as
0 &\longrightarrow& \operatorname{Aut} (C, \{ p_i \}) \longrightarrow H^0(C,\pi^*
T_{\mathbb P^n}) \\
\longrightarrow \operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi ) & \longrightarrow &
\operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}) \longrightarrow H^1(C,\pi^*
T_{\mathbb P^n} ) \\
\longrightarrow \operatorname{Ob} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi ) &\longrightarrow & 0.
The construction of the versal deformation space from
$\underline{\Omega}_\pi$ is discussed in [R3], [Vi2], and [LT2]. All other
facts described here appear in the comprehensive introduction [FP].
\subsection{Divisors on subvarieties of $\mbar_{g,m}(\proj^1,d)$}
The results proved here will be invoked repeatedly in Sections
\ref{rational} and \ref{elliptic}.
\subsubsection{A property of stable maps from curves to curves}
We will make repeated use of a special property of maps from curves to
curves. Let $(C, \{ p_i\}, \pi)$ be a stable map
of a complete marked curve to $\mathbb P^1$. The scheme $\pi^{-1}(p)$ consists
of reduced unmarked points for almost all $p$. Let $A = A_1 \coprod \dots
A_l$ be the union of the connected components of fibers of $\pi$ that are
{\em not} reduced unmarked points. Call the $A_j$ the {\em special loci}
of the map $\pi$. Then each special locus $A_j$ is either a ramification
of $\pi$, a labeled point (that may also be a
ramification), or a union of contracted components (possibly containing
labeled points, and possibly attached to other components at their
ramification points).
Let $\operatorname{Def}_{(C,\{ p_i \}, \pi)}$ be the versal deformation space to the
stable map
$(C, \{ p_i \} , \pi)$. Let $\operatorname{Def}_{A_j}$ be the versal deformation space of
the map
(C \setminus \cup_{i \neq j} A_i, \{ p_i \} \cap A_j, \pi );
the space $\operatorname{Def}_{A_j}$ parametrizes formal deformations of the map $\pi$ that
are trivial away from $A_j$.
The versal deformation space $\operatorname{Def}_{(C,\{ p_i \}, \pi)}$ is naturally
$\prod_j \operatorname{Def}_{A_j}$.
An informal argument in the analytic category is instructive. Let $U_j
\subset C$ (for $1 \leq j \leq l$) be an open (analytic) neighborhood of the special
locus $A_j$ whose closure does not intersect the other special loci
$\cup_{i \neq j} A_i$. Let $U$ be an open subset of $C$ whose closure does
not intersect the special loci $\cup A_i$, and such that
U \cup \left( \bigcup_{j=1}^l U_j \right) = C.
Then ``small'' deformations of $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ are trivial on $U$, and thus
the deformations of $\pi$ on $U_1$, \dots, $U_l$ are mutually independent:
\operatorname{Def}_{C,\{ p_i \}, \pi} = \prod_j \operatorname{Def}_{(U_j, \{ p_i \} \cap U_j, \pi)}.
This argument can be carried out algebraically on the level of
formal schemes, which will give a rigorous proof.
{\noindent {\em Proof of the proposition. }}
The versal deformation to the stable map $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ is
constructed using the complex
\underline{\Omega}_{(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)} = \left( \pi^* \Omega_{\mathbb P^1} \rightarrow
\Omega_C \left( \sum p_i \right) \right)
(see Subsubsection \ref{itmsosm}).
The complex $\underline{\Omega}_{(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)}$ is exact on $C
\setminus \cup A_j$, so it splits in the derived category as a direct sum
of objects
\underline{\Omega}_{ (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)} = \oplus \underline{\Omega}_{A_j}
where the cohomology sheaves of $\underline{\Omega}_{A_j}$ are supported on $A_j$.
Then the entire construction of the versal deformation space naturally
factors through this direct sum, and the result follows.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Thus to understand the versal deformation space of a map to $\mathbb P^1$ we
need only understand the versal deformations of the special loci
Let $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ (resp. $(C', \{ p'_i \}, \pi')$) be a stable map
to $\mathbb P^1$ and let $A_1$ (resp. $A'_1$) be one of its special loci
consisting of a connected union of components contracted by $\pi$
(resp. $\pi'$). Let $\tilde{C}$ be the closure of $C
\setminus A_1$ in $C'$, and $\tilde{C'}$ the closure of $C' \setminus A'_1$
in $C'$. Consider $A_1$
(resp. $A_1'$) as a marked curve, where the markings are the intersection
of $\tilde{C}$ with $A_1$ (resp. $\tilde{C'}$ with $A'_1$) and the labeled
points of $C$ (resp. $C'$). Assume that $A_1$ and $A_1'$ are isomorphic as
marked curves, and that the ramification orders of the points
of $\tilde{C} \cap A_1$ on $\tilde{C}$ are the same as those of
the corresponding points of $\tilde{C'} \cap A_1'$ on $\tilde{C'}$.
There is an isomorphism of versal deformation spaces $\operatorname{Def}_{A_1} \cong
As before, an analytic perspective is instructive. The hypotheses of the
theorem imply that there is an analytic neighborhood $U_{\text{an}}$ of $A_1$ that is
isomorphic to an analytic neighborhood $U'_{\text{an}}$ of $A_1'$, and
$\pi|_{U_{\text{an}}} =
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The hypotheses of the proposition imply that a formal neighborhood $U$ of
$A_1$ is isomorphic to a formal neighborhood $U'$ of $A_1'$, and $\pi|_U$
agrees with $\pi'|_{U'}$ (via this isomorphism). As the cohomology sheaves
of $\underline{\Omega}_{A_1}$, $\underline{\Omega}_{A'_1}$ are supported in
$U$ and $U'$ respectively, the entire construction of $\operatorname{Def}_{A_1}$ and
$\operatorname{Def}_{A'_1}$ depends only on $(U, \pi|_U)$ and $(U', \pi'|_{U'})$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
\subsubsection{Subvarieties of ${\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$}
Fix a positive integer $d$, and let $\vec{h} = (h_1,h_2,\dots)$ represent a partition of
$d$ with $h_1$ 1's, $h_2$ 2's, etc., so $\sum_m m h_m = d$. Fix a point
$z$ on $\mathbb P^1$. Let $X = X^{d,g}(\vec{h})$ be the closure in ${\overline{M}}_{g,\sum h_m + 1}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ of
points representing stable maps $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi)$ where $C$ is an
irreducible curve with $\sum h_m + 1$ (distinct) marked points $\{
p^j_m \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_m}$ and $q$, and $\pi^*(z) =
\sum_{j,m} m p^j_m$. (In short, we have marked all the pre-images of $z$
and one other point. The map $\pi$ has $h_m$ ramifications of order $m$
above the point $z$.) Then by Riemann-Hurwitz,
\dim X = d+2g-1+\sum h_m,
which is $d+2g-1$ plus the number of pre-images of $z$. (We are implicitly
invoking the Riemann existence theorem here.) Notice that for the map
corresponding to a general point in $X$, each special locus $A_j$ is either
a marked ramification above the point $z$, a simple unmarked ramification,
or the point $q$ (at which $\pi$ is smooth). In these three cases, the
formal deformation space $\operatorname{Def} A_j$ is 0, $\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C} [[t]]$, and $\operatorname{Spec}
\mathbb{C} [[t]]$ respectively.
There is a corresponding stack ${\mathcal{X}} = {\mathcal{X}}^{d,g}(\vec{h}) \subset {\overline{\cm}}_{g,\sum h_m +
1}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ as well.
Let $D$ be the
divisor $\{ \pi(q) = z \}$. There are three natural questions to ask.
\item What are the components of the divisor $D$?
\item With what multiplicity do they appear?
\item What is the local structure of $X$ near these components?
We will partially answer these three questions.
Fix a component $Y$ of the divisor $D$ and a map $(C, \{ p^j_m
\}, q, \pi)$ corresponding to the general element of $Y$.
Notice that $\pi$ collapses a component of $C$ to $z$, as otherwise
$\pi^{-1}(z)$ is a union of points, and
\deg \pi^* (z) \geq \sum_{j,m} \deg \pi^* (z) |_{p^j_m} + \deg \pi^* (z) |_q \geq
\sum_{j,m} m + 1 > d.
Let $C(0)$ be the connected component of $\pi^{-1} (z)$ containing $q$, and
let $\tilde{C}$ be the closure of $C \setminus C(0)$ in $C$ (see
Figure \ref{iegC}; $C(0)$ are those curves contained in the dotted rectangle, and
$\tilde{C}$ is the rest of $C$).
\caption{The map $(C, \{p^j_m \}, q, \pi \} ) \in Y$}
Let $h_m(0)$ be the number of $\{ p^j_m \}_j$ in $C(0)$, and $\tilde{h}_m =
h_m - h_m(0)$ the number in $\tilde{C}$.
Let $\{ p^j_m(0) \}_{m,1 \leq j \leq h_m(0)}$ and
$\{ \tilde{p}^j_m \}_{m,1 \leq j \leq \tilde{h}_m}$ be the partition of $\{
p^j_m \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_m}$ into those marked points lying on $C(0)$ and
those lying on $\tilde{C}$.
Let $s$ be the number of
intersections of $C(0)$ and $\tilde{C}$, and label these points $r^1$,
\dots, $r^s$. Thus $g = p_a(C(0)) + p_a(\tilde{C})
+ s - 1$. Let $m^k$ be the multiplicity of $(\pi|_{\tilde{C}})^*(z)$ at
$r^k$. The data $(m^1, \dots, m^s)$ must be constant for any choice of $(C,
\{p^j_m \}, q, \pi)$ in an open subset of $Y$.
The stable map $(\tilde{C}, \{ p^j_m(0) \}, \{ r^k \}, \pi)$ has no
collapsed components, and only simple ramification away from $\pi^{-1}(z)$.
The curve $\tilde{C}$ is smooth.
The map $(\tilde{C}, \{ p^j_m(0) \}, \{ r^k \}, \pi)$ will
turn out to correspond to a general element in $X^{d,g'}(\vec{h'})$ for some
$\vec{h'}$, $g'$. Note that $\tilde{C}$ may be reducible.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
Let $A_1$, \dots, $A_l$ be the special loci of $\pi$, and say $q \in A_1$.
The map $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi)$ lies in $X$ and hence can be deformed to
a curve where each special locus is either a marked ramification above $z$,
a simple unmarked ramification, or an unramified marked point. If $A_k$
($k>1$) is not one of these three forms then by Proposition \ref{ilocal}
there is a deformation of the map $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi)$ preserving
$\pi$ at $A_i$ ($i \neq k$) but changing $A_k$ into a combination of
special loci of these three forms. Such a deformation (in which $A_1$
is preserved and thus still smoothable) is actually a
deformation in the divisor $D = \{ \pi(q) = z \}$, contradicting the
generality of $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi)$ in $Y$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The map $(\tilde{C}, \{ p^j_m(0) \}, \{ r^k \}, \pi)$ must lie in $X^{d, p_a(\tilde{C})}(
\vec{h'})$ where $\vec{h'}$ is the partition corresponding
to $(\pi |_{\tilde{C}})^*(z)$. By Riemann-Hurwitz, $\tilde{C}$ moves in a family of
dimension at most
d + 2 p_a(\tilde{C}) - 2 + \left( \sum \tilde{h}_m + s \right) ,
and the curve $C(0)$ (as a nodal curve with marked points $\{ r^k \}_{1
\leq k \leq s}$, $\{ p^j_m(0)
\}_{m, 1 \leq j \leq h_m(0)}$, and $q$) moves in a
family of dimension at most
3 p_a (C(0)) - 3 + \sum h_m(0) + s +1
so $Y$ is contained in a family of dimension
d + 2 p_a(\tilde{C}) - 2 + \sum \tilde{h}_m + s &+& 3 p_a(C(0)) - 3 +
\sum h_m(0) + s +1\\
&=& d + 2g-1 + \sum h_m - 1 + p_a(C(0))\\
&=& \dim X - 1 + p_a(C(0))
by (\ref{idimX}).
We can now determine all components $Y$ of $D$ satisfying
$p_a(C(0)) = 0$. For each choice of a partition of $\{ p^j_m \} $ into $\{
p^j_m(0) \} \cup \{ \tilde{p}^j_m \}$ (inducing a partition of $h_m$ into
$h_m(0) + \tilde{h}_m$ for all $m$), a positive integer $s$, and $(m^1,
\dots, m^s)$ satisfying $\sum m^s + \sum m \tilde{h}^j_m = d$, there is a
variety (possibly reducible) of dimension $\dim X - 1$ that is the closure
in ${\overline{M}}_{g, \sum h_m + 1}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ of points corresponding to maps
(C(0) \cup \tilde{C}, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi)
\item[A1.] The curve $C(0)$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb P^1$ and has labeled points
\{ p^j_m(0) \} \cup \{ r^k \} \cup \{ q \},
and $\pi(C(0)) = z$.
\item[A2.] The curve $\tilde{C}$ is smooth of arithmetic genus $g-s+1$ with
marked points $\{ \tilde{p}^j_m \} \cup \{ r^k \}$. The map $\pi$ is
degree $d$ on $\tilde{C}$, and
( \pi|_{\tilde{C}})^*(z) = \sum m \tilde{p}^j_m + \sum m^k r^k.
\item[A3.] The curve $C(0) \cup \tilde{C}$ is nodal, and the curves $C(0)$ and $\tilde{C}$ intersect
at the points $\{ r^k \}$.
Let $U$ be the union of these varieties.
An irreducible component $Y$ of the divisor $D$ satisfying $p_a(C(0)) = 0$
has dimension $\dim X - 1$ and is a subvariety of $U$, which also has
dimension $\dim X - 1$. Hence $Y$ must be a component of $U$ and the
stable map corresponding to a general point of $Y$ satisfies properties
A1--A3 above. (We don't yet know that all such $Y$ are subsets of $X$, but
this will follow from Proposition \ref{imultg0} below.)
For example, if $d=2$, $g=0$, and $h_1 = 2$, then there are four
components (see Figure \ref{ideg0}; $\pi^{-1}(z)$ is indicated by a dotted
line). The components (from left to right) are a subset of the following.
The curve $\tilde{C}$ is irreducible and maps with degree 2 to
$\mathbb P^1$, ramifying over general points of $\mathbb P^1$. The marked points
$q$ and $p^1_1$ lie on $C(0)$, and $p^2_1$ lies on $\tilde{C}$. The curve
$C(0)$ is attached to $\tilde{C}$ at the point
( \pi|_{\tilde{C}} )^{-1}(z) \setminus \{ p^2_1 \}.
\item This case is the same as the previous one with $p^1_1$ and $p^2_1$
\item The curve $\tilde{C}$ is the disjoint union of two $\mathbb P^1$'s, each
mapping to $\mathbb P^1$ with degree 1. Both
intersect $C(0)$, which contains all the marked points.
\item The curve $\tilde{C}$ is irreducible and maps with degree 2 to
$\mathbb P^1$, and one of its branch points is $z$. All of the marked points
lie on $C(0)$.
\caption{The possible components of $D$ on $X^{2,0}(h_1=2)$}
Given a component $Y$ of $U$, we can determine the multiplicity of the
divisor $D = \{ \pi(q) = z \}$ along $Y$. As this multiplicity will turn
out to be positive, we will have the corollary that, as sets, $U \subset D$.
For technical reasons, we use the language of stacks.
Fix such a component ${\mathcal{Y}}$ with $p_a(C(0)) = 0$. The multiplicity of $D$
along ${\mathcal{Y}}$ is $\prod_{k=1}^s m^k$.
In particular, $Y$ is a subset of $X$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
We make a series of reductions to simplify the proof.
{\em Step 1: The deformations of $A_1$.} Let $\operatorname{Def}_{(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q,
\pi), {\mathcal{X}}}$ be the versal deformation space of $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q,
\pi)$ in ${\mathcal{X}}$; it is a subspace of $\operatorname{Def}_{(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q,
We can compute the multiplicity on the versal deformation space of a stable
map $\operatorname{Def}_{(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi), {\mathcal{X}}}$ corresponding to a general point in ${\mathcal{Y}}$.
If $A_1$ is the special locus of $\pi$ containing $q$, then the divisor
corresponding to $D$ on $\operatorname{Def}_{(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi), {\mathcal{X}}}$ is the
pullback of a divisor $D_{\operatorname{Def}_{A_1,{\mathcal{X}}}}$ on $\operatorname{Def}_{A_1,{\mathcal{X}}}$. We will study
$\operatorname{Def}_{A_1}$ by analyzing a simpler map.
{\em Step 2: A simpler map.}
Consider the stable map
(C'(0) \cup \tilde{C}', \{ p^j_m(0) \}, q, \{r^k \}, \pi)
\in {\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_m(0)+1+s}(\mathbb P^1,\sum m h_m(0))
\item[B1.] The marked curve $(C'(0), \{ p^j_m(0) \}, q, \{r^k \})$ is
isomorphic to the marked curve $(C(0), \{ p^j_m(0) \}, q, \{r^k \})$, and is collapsed to
$z$ by $\pi$.
\item[B2.] The stable map $(\tilde{C}', \pi)$ consists of $s$ rational curves
$C'(1)$, \dots, $C'(s)$ of degrees $m^1$, \dots, $m^s$ respectively, each
ramifying completely over $z$.
\item[B3.] The point of ramification of $C'(k)$ over $z$ is glued to $r^k$ on
Let $A'_1$ be the special locus $C'(0)$ of this stable map. By Proposition
\ref{ilocal2}, $\operatorname{Def}_{A_1} \cong \operatorname{Def}_{A'_1}$. Thus without loss of
generality we may assume that $g=0$, $\vec{h} = \vec{h}(0)$, and the point in ${\mathcal{Y}}$ is of the form
(C = C(0) \cup \tilde{C}, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{r^k \}, \pi)
\in {\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_m+1+s}(\mathbb P^1,d)
with properties B1--B3. Note that in this case $d = \sum m h_m = \sum m^k r^k$.
{\em Step 3: Fixing the other special loci.}
Since we are interested
in $\operatorname{Def}_{A_1}$, it will be to our advantage to hold the other special
loci constant. Fix a point $y \neq z$ on the target $\mathbb P^1$. Let ${\mathcal{X}}'$ be the
closed substack that is the stack-theoretic closure (in ${\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum
h_m + 1 + s}(\mathbb P^1,d)$) of the points representing stable maps
(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \}, \pi )
where $\pi^*(z) = \sum m p^j_m(0)$ and $\pi^*(y) = \sum m^k y^k$. Let
${\mathcal{Y}}'$ be the closure of points representing maps
(C = C(0) \cup C(1) \cup \dots \cup C(s), \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \},\pi )
\item[(i)] The curve $C(0)$ is rational, contains $\{ p^j_m \}$, intersects
all of the other $C(k)$, and is collapsed to $z$ by $\pi$.
\item[(ii)] The curve $C(k)$ ($k>0$) is rational. The map $\pi$ is degree $m^k$
on $C(k)$, and $C(k)$ ramifies totally above $z$ (where it intersects
$C(0)$) and $y$ (where it is labeled $y^k$).
If $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{y^k \}, \pi)$ is a map corresponding to a
general point in ${\mathcal{Y}}'$,
\operatorname{Def}_{(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{y^k \}, \pi), {\mathcal{X}}'} = \operatorname{Def}_{A_1, {\mathcal{X}}}:
the only deformations of such a
map preserving the ramifications above $y$ are deformations of $A_1$.
{\em Step 4: Fixing the marked curve.} We next reduce to the case where
$(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{y^k \})$ is a fixed stable marked curve. There is a
morphism of stacks $\alpha: {\mathcal{X}} \rightarrow {\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_m + 1 + s}$ that
sends each map to stable model of the underlying pointed nodal curve.
Given any smooth marked curve $(C(0), \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \} )$ in
${\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_m + 1 + s}$, the stable map $(C, \{ p^j_m \},
q, \{ y^k
\},\pi )$ defined in Step 3 (where $C$ is a union of irreducible curves $C(0) \cup \dots \cup C(s)$)
corresponds to a point in $\alpha^{-1}(C(0), \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \} )$. (The
stable curve $\alpha(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k
\},\pi )$ is constructed by forgetting $\pi$ and contracting the rational
tails $C(1)$, \dots, $C(s)$.)
Hence $\alpha|_{{\mathcal{Y}}'}$ is surjective. Let ${\mathcal{F}}_\alpha$ be a general fiber of
$\alpha$. By Sard's theorem, $\alpha |_{{\mathcal{Y}}'}$ is regular in a Zariski-open
subset of ${\mathcal{Y}}'$, so $[{\mathcal{Y}}'] \cap [{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha] = [{\mathcal{Y}}' \cap {\mathcal{F}}_\alpha]$ in the
Chow group of $[{\mathcal{X}}']$.
In order to determine the multiplicity of $D|_{{\mathcal{X}}'}$ along ${\mathcal{Y}}'$, it suffices to
determine the multiplicity of the Cartier divisor $D|_{{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha}$ along
${\mathcal{Y}}' \cap {\mathcal{F}}_\alpha$ (in the Chow group of ${\mathcal{F}}_\alpha$). ({\em Proof:} As $D$
is a Cartier divisor, $[D|_{{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha}] = [D|_{{\mathcal{X}}'}] \cdot [{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha]$. Thus
if $[D|_{{\mathcal{X}}'}] = m [ {\mathcal{Y}}']$ in $A^1 {\mathcal{X}}'$ then, intersecting with
$[{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha]$, $[D|_{{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha}] = [D|_{{\mathcal{X}}'}] \cdot [{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha] = m [{\mathcal{Y}}'] \cdot
[{\mathcal{F}}_\alpha] = m [{\mathcal{Y}}' \cap {\mathcal{F}}_\alpha ]$ in $A^1 {\mathcal{F}}_\alpha$.)
With this in mind, fix a general $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \} )$ in
${\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_m + 1 + s}$ and let ${\mathcal{X}}''_o$ be the points of
${\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_m + 1 + s}(\mathbb P^1,d)$
representing stable maps $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \}, \pi )$
where $\pi^*(z)= \sum m p^j_m$ and $\pi^*(y) = \sum m^k y^k$.
Let ${\mathcal{X}}'' = {\mathcal{X}}' \cap {\mathcal{F}}_\alpha$ be the closure of ${\mathcal{X}}''_o$,
let $X''_o$, $X''$ be the corresponding
varieties, and define ${\mathcal{Y}}'' = {\mathcal{Y}} \cap {\mathcal{F}}_\alpha$ and $Y''$ similarly.
{\em Step 5: The variety $X''$ is actually $\mathbb P^1$!}
Let $f$ and $g$ be sections of ${\mathcal{O}}_C(d)$ with
(f=0) = \sum m p^j_m, \quad (g=0) = \sum m^k y^k;
the maps in ${\mathcal{X}}''_o$ are those of the form $[\beta f, \gamma g ]$ where
[\beta, \gamma] \in \mathbb P^1 \setminus \{ [0,1], [1,0] \}
where $z = [0,1]$ and $y = [1,0]$.
The variety $X''$ is proper, so the normalization of the variety $X''$ is $\mathbb P^1$.
The curve $X''$ has a rational map to $\mathbb P^1$ given by
(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \}, \pi ) \rightarrow \pi(q)
and this map is an isomorphism from $X''_o$ to $\mathbb P^1 \setminus \{ [0,1],
[1,0] \}$, so it must be an isomorphism from $X''$ to $\mathbb P^1$.
{\em Step 6: Calculating the multiplicity.}
Let $z'$ be a general point of the target $\mathbb P^1$. Then the divisor $\{
\pi(q) = z'
\}$ is linearly equivalent to $D|_{X''} = \{ \pi(q) = z \}|_{X''}$, and
is ${\mathcal{O}}_{X''}(1)$.
Thus, {\em as varieties}, $D|_{X''} = [1,0] = Y''$. But the limit map has
automorphism group
\mathbb{Z} / {m^1 \mathbb{Z}} \oplus \dots \oplus \mathbb{Z} / m^s \mathbb{Z}
(as $\operatorname{Aut}(C(k), \pi|_{C(k)}) = m^k$) so {\em as stacks} $[D |_{{\mathcal{X}}''} ] =
\left( \prod m^k \right) [{\mathcal{Y}}'']$. Therefore $[D] = \prod m^k
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The above argument can be refined to determine the local structure of
${\mathcal{X}}$ near ${\mathcal{Y}}$ (and thus $X$ near $Y$ if the map corresponding to a
general point of $Y$ has no automorphisms):
Let ${\mathcal{Y}}$ be the same component as in Proposition \ref{imultg0}.
an \'{e}tale neighborhood of a general point of ${\mathcal{Y}}$, the
stack ${\mathcal{X}}$ is isomorphic to
\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C} [[a, b_1,\dots,b_s,c_1,\dots,c_{\dim X -1 }]] / (a = b_1^{m^1} = \dots =
with $D$ given by $\{ a = 0 \}$, and ${\mathcal{Y}}$ given set-theoretically by the
same equation.
In particular, if $\gcd(m^i,m^j)>1$ for some $i$ and $j$, ${\mathcal{X}}$ fails to be
unibranch at a general point of ${\mathcal{Y}}$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
In the proof of Proposition \ref{imultg0} above, at the end of Step 4 we had reduced to considering a fixed
marked curve
$(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \} )$ in
${\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_m + 1 + s}$ and maps $\pi$ from this marked curve to
$\mathbb P^1$ where $\pi^*(z) = \sum m p^j_m$ and $\pi^*(y) = \sum m^k y^k$.
These maps are parametrized by the stack ${\mathcal{X}}''$.
{\em Step 5${}'$: Rigidifying the moduli problem.} It will be more
convenient to work with varieties than stacks, so we rigidify the moduli
problem to eliminate nontrivial automorphisms. Fix a point $x
\in \mathbb P^1$ distinct from $y$ and $z$. We will mark the $d$ pre-images of
$x$ with the labels $\{ x^1, \dots, x^d \}$. Let ${\mathcal{X}}''_x$ be the moduli
stack parametrizing maps $(C, \{p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \}, \{ x^l \}, \pi)$
\item[C1.] The pointed curve $(C, \{p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \})$ is
\item[C2.] $(C, \{p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \}, \pi)$ is a stable map,
\item[C3.] $\pi(x^i) = x$ for all $i$, and $x^i \neq x^j$ for $i \neq j$.
The moduli stack ${\mathcal{X}}''_x$
is actually a variety (as none of the maps
para\-metrized by this stack have automorphisms), and over an open
neighborhood of ${\mathcal{Y}}''$ in ${\mathcal{X}}''$ the natural morphism
\eta: {\mathcal{X}}''_x \rightarrow {\mathcal{X}}''
is an \'{e}tale (degree $d!$) morphism of proper stacks at a point of
${\mathcal{Y}}''$. (The variety ${\mathcal{X}}''_x$ is an atlas for the stack ${\mathcal{X}}''$.)
Define the Weil divisor ${\mathcal{Y}}''_x$ on ${\mathcal{X}}''_x$ similarly; it is a union of
We can now reprove Proposition \ref{imultg0} using the variety ${\mathcal{X}}''_x$: if
${\mathcal{Y}}''$ is the point in ${\mathcal{X}}''$ corresponding to the point in ${\mathcal{Y}}$
(i.e. the curve $C(0)$ with $l$ rational tails $C(1)$, \dots, $C(l)$
ramifying completely over $y$ and $z$) then $\eta^{-1}({\mathcal{Y}}'')$ is
{\binom d {m^1, \dots, m^s} } \prod_{k=1}^s (m^k - 1)!
points: there are $\binom d {m^1, \dots, m^s}$ ways to divide the $d$
points $\{ x^1, \dots, x^d \}$ above $x$ among $C(1)$, \dots, $C(s)$ and
$(m^k - 1)!$ possible choices of the markings above $x$ on $C(k)$ up to
automorphisms of $\pi |_{C(k)}$. This is the number of partitions of $\{
x^1, \dots, x^d \}$ into cyclically-ordered subsets of sizes $m^1$, \dots,
$m^s$. Hence the multiplicity at
each one of these points must be
{\frac {d!} {
{\binom {d} {m^1, \dots, m^s} } \prod_{k=1}^s (m^k - 1)! } } =
\prod_{k=1}^s m^k.
{\em Step 6${}'$: The calculation.} We now determine the local structure at one of these points. Fix sections
$f$ and $g$ of ${\mathcal{O}}_C(d)$ with
(f=0) = \sum m p^j_m, \quad (g=0) = \sum m^k y^k
and let $\pi$ be the morphism to $\mathbb P^1$ given by $\pi = [f,g]$.
Rather than considering elements of ${\mathcal{X}}''_x$ as maps $[\beta f, \gamma g]$
(with $x$ fixed, and $\pi(q)$ varying), we now consider them as maps
$[f,g]$ with $x$ moving (and $\pi(q)$ fixed). (We are degenerating the
point $(\mathbb P^1, x, y, z, \pi(q)) \in {\overline{M}}_{0,4}$ in two ways. Originally
we fixed $x$, $y$, $z$ and let $\pi(q)$ degenerate to $z$. Now we fix
$y$, $z$, $\pi(q)$ and let $x$ tend to $y$. They are equivalent as they
represent the same point in the curve ${\overline{M}}_{0,4} = \mathbb P^1$.)
The Weil divisor is now
defined (set-theoretically) by $\{ x = y \}$, not $\{ \pi(q) = z \}$. Then
{\mathcal{X}}''_x = \overline{\underbrace{C \times_{\pi} \dots \times_{\pi} C}_{d} \setminus \Delta}
where $\Delta$ is the big diagonal (where any two of the factors are the same),
and the closure is in
\underbrace{C \times_{\pi} \dots \times_{\pi} C}_{d}.
Fix one of the points of ${\mathcal{Y}}''_x$, which corresponds to a partition of $\{
x^1, \dots, x^d \}$ into subsets of sizes $m^1$, \dots, $m^s$ and cyclic
orderings of these subsets. Consider a neighborhood of this point in
${\mathcal{X}}''_x$. By relabeling if necessary, we may assume that $x^k$ is in the
$k^{\text{th}}$ subset for $1 \leq k \leq s$ (so, informally, $x^k$ is close
to $t_k$; see Figure \ref{inap}).
\caption{Near a point of ${\mathcal{Y}}''_x$}
In an \'{e}tale neighborhood of point in ${\mathcal{Y}}''_x$,
{\mathcal{X}}''_x = \overline{\underbrace{C \times_{\pi} \dots \times_{\pi} C}_{d}
\setminus \Delta}
= \overline{\underbrace{C \times_{\pi} \dots \times_{\pi} C}_s
\setminus \Delta}
where the second product consists of the first $s$ factors of the first.
Let $a$ be a local co-ordinate for $x$ near $y$. As the ramification
of $\pi$ at $y^k$ is $m^k - 1$, there is an \'{e}tale-local co-ordinate
$b_k$ for $x^k$ near $y^k$ where $\pi$ is given by $a = b_k^{m^k}$.
Therefore in an \'{e}tale neighborhood of our point of ${\mathcal{Y}}''_x$,
&=& \overline{\underbrace{C \times_{\pi} \dots \times_{\pi} C}_s
\setminus \Delta} \\
&=& \operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C} [[ a,b_1, \dots, b_s
]] / (a = b_1^{m^1}= \dots = b_s^{m^s}).
Hence the deformation space $\operatorname{Def}_{A_1}$ is isomorphic to
\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C} [[ a,b_1, \dots, b_s ]] / (a = b_1^{m^1}= \dots = b_s^{m^s}).
The divisor $D=(y=x)$ is given by $(a=0)$.
{\em Step 7${}'$: Returning to the original problem.}
For $j>1$, $A_j$ is either a marked point $p^j_m$ with a ramification of
order $m$ over $z$ or a simple ramification. In these cases we have $\operatorname{Def}
A_j = 0$ or $\operatorname{Def} A_j = \operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C}[[c]]$ respectively. Hence the deformation space
$\operatorname{Def}_{(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi)}$ is isomorphic to
\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C} [[a, b_1,\dots,b_s,c_1,\dots,c_{\dim X-1}]] / (a = b_1^{m^1} = \dots =
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Proposition \ref{imultg0} and Corollary \ref{ilocalst} above are statements
about varieties, so long as $d \neq 2$.
In order to extend these results to components for which $p_a(C(0)) = 1$,
we will need the following result.
Let $Y$ be a component of $D$, with $(C,\{p^j_m \}, q, \pi)$ the map
corresponding to a general point of $Y$, $\{ r^1, ..., r^s \} = C(0)
\cap \tilde{C}$, and
$m^k$ the multiplicity of $\pi^*(z)$ along $\tilde{C}$ at $r^k$. Then
{\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}\left(\sum_{m,j} m p^j_m(0)\right) \cong
{\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}\left(\sum_{k=1}^s m^k r^k \right)
where $\{ p^j_m(0) \}^{h_m(0)}_{j=1} \subset \{ p^j_m \}_{j=1}^{h_m}$ are
the marked points whose limits lie in $C(0)$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
For a map $(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q ,\pi)$ corresponding to a general point in $X$, we
have the following relation in the Picard group of $C$:
\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(1)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_C(\sum_{m,j} m p^j_m).
Thus for the curve corresponding to a general point of our component of $D$
the invertible sheaf ${\mathcal{O}}_C (\sum_{m,j} m p^j_m)$ must be a possible limit of
$\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(1))$. The statement of the lemma depends only on an analytic
neighborhood of $C(0)$, so we may assume (as in Step 2 of the proof of
Proposition \ref{imultg0}) that $\vec{h} = \vec{h}(0)$, $p_a(C) = 1$,
and $\tilde{C}$ consists of $k$ rational tails $C(1)$, \dots, $C(k)$ each totally ramified where
they intersect $C(0)$. As the dual graph of $C$ is a tree, $C$ is of
compact type (which means that $\operatorname{Pic} C$ is compact). One possible limit of
$\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(1))$ is the line bundle that is trivial on $C(0)$ and degree
$m^k$ on $C(k)$. If a curve $C'$ is
the central fiber of a one-dimensional family of curves, and $C' = C_1 \cup
C_2$, and a line bundle ${\mathcal{L}}$ is the limit of a family of line bundles,
then the line bundle ${\mathcal{L}}'$ whose restriction to $C_i$ is ${\mathcal{L}}|_{C_i}(
(-1)^i C_1 \cap C_2)$ is another possible limit. Thus the line bundle that
is trivial on $\tilde{C}$ and ${\mathcal{O}}_C(\sum m^k r^k)$ on $C(0)$ is a possible
limit of $\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(1))$.
If two line bundles on a nodal curve $C$ of compact type are possible
limits of the same family of line bundles, and they agree on all components
but one of $C$, then they must agree on the remaining component. But
${\mathcal{O}}_C(\sum m p^j_m)$ is another limit of $\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(1))$ that is
trivial on $\tilde{C}$, so the result follows.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
We are now in a position to determine all components $Y$ of $D$ satisfying
$p_a(C(0)) = 1$. For each choice of a partition of $\{ p^j_m \} $ into $\{
p^j_m(0) \} \cup \{ \tilde{p}^j_m \}$, a positive integer $s$, and $(m^1,
\dots, m^s)$ satisfying $\sum m^s + \sum m \tilde{h}^j_m = d$, there is a
variety (possibly reducible) that is the closure
in ${\overline{M}}_{g, \sum h_m + 1}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ of points corresponding to maps
(C(0) \cup \tilde{C}, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \pi)
\item[D1.] The curve $C(0)$ is a smooth elliptic curve with labeled points
\{ p^j_m(0) \} \cup \{ r^k \} \cup \{ q \},
where ${\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}(\sum m p^j_m(0)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}( \sum m^k r^k )$,
and $\pi(C(0)) = z$.
\item[D2.] The curve $\tilde{C}$ is smooth of arithmetic genus $g-s$ with
marked points $\{ \tilde{p}^j_m \} \cup \{ r^k \}$. The map $\pi$ is
degree $d$ on $\tilde{C}$, and
( \pi|_{\tilde{C}})^*(z) = \sum m \tilde{p}^j_m + \sum m^k r^k.
\item[D3.] $C(0) \cup \tilde{C}$ is nodal, and $C(0)$ and $\tilde{C}$ are glued
at the points $\{ r^k \}$.
Let $U$ be the union of these varieties. The divisorial
condition ${\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}(\sum m p^j_m(0)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}( \sum m^k r^k )$ defines a
substack ${\mathcal{M}}'$ of pure codimension 1 in ${\mathcal{M}}_{1,\sum h_m + 1 + s}$: for
(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ r^k \}_{k>1})\in {\mathcal{M}}_{1, \sum h_m + 1 + (s-1)}
the subscheme of points $r^1 \in C$ satisfying
{\mathcal{O}}(m^1 r^1) \cong {\mathcal{O}} \left(
\sum m p^j_m(0) - \sum_{k>1} m^k r^k \right)
is reduced of degree $(m^1)^2$. The stack ${\mathcal{M}}'$ is a degree $(m^1)^2$
\'{e}tale cover of ${\mathcal{M}}_{1, \sum h_m + 1 + (s-1)}$. By this observation
and (\ref{inaive}), $U$ has pure dimension $\dim X - 1$.
An irreducible component $Y$ of the divisor $D$ satisfying $p_a(C(0)) = 1$
has dimension $\dim X - 1$ and is a subvariety of $U$, which also has
dimension $\dim X - 1$. Hence $Y$ must be a component of $U$ and the
stable map corresponding to a general point of $Y$ satisfies
properties D1--D3 above.
The determination of multiplicity and local
structure is identical to the genus 0 case.
Fix such a component ${\mathcal{Y}}$ with $p_a(C(0)) = 1$. If $m^1$, \dots, $m^s$ are
the multiplicities of $\pi^* (z)$ along $\tilde{C}$ at the $s$ points
$C(0) \cap \tilde{C}$, then this divisor appears with multiplicity
$\prod_k m^k$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The proof is identical to that of Proposition
\ref{imultg0}. We summarize the steps here.
{\em Step 1.} If $A^1$ is the special locus of $\pi$
containing $q$, then it suffices to analyze $\operatorname{Def} A_1$.
{\em Step 2.} We may assume that the map corresponding to a general point
in ${\mathcal{Y}}$ consists of $C(0)$ and $s$ rational tails ramifying completely
over $z$.
{\em Step 3.}
We require the $s$ rational tails to ramify completely over another point
$y$, and we label these ramifications $y^1$, \dots, $y^s$.
{\em Step 4.} Let ${\overline{\cm}}'_{1, \sum h_m + 1 + s}$ be the
substack of ${\overline{\cm}}_{1, \sum h_m + 1 + s}$ that is the closure
of the set of points representing smooth stable curves where
${\mathcal{O}}(\sum m p^j_m) \cong {\mathcal{O}}(\sum m^k y^k)$. If $\alpha$ is defined by
\alpha: {\mathcal{X}}' \rightarrow {\overline{\cm}}'_{1, \sum
h_m + 1 + s}
then $\alpha |_{{\mathcal{Y}}}$
is dominant, so we may consider a fixed stable curve
(C, \{ p^j_m \}, q, \{ y^k \})
{\overline{\cm}}'_{1, \sum h_m + 1 + s}.
{\em Step 5.} The variety $X''$ is $\mathbb P^1$.
{\em Step 6.} The multiplicity calculation is identical.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Once again, we get the \'{e}tale or formal local structure of ${\mathcal{X}}$ as a
corollary. The statement and proof are identical to those of Corollary \ref{ilocalst}.
Let ${\mathcal{Y}}$ be the same component as in Proposition \ref{imultg1}.
In an \'{e}tale neighborhood of a general point of ${\mathcal{Y}}$, the
stack ${\mathcal{X}}$ is isomorphic to
\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C} [[a, b_1,\dots,b_s,c_1,\dots,c_{\dim X - 1}]] / (a = b_1^{m^1} = \dots =
with $D$ given by $\{ a = 0 \}$, and ${\mathcal{Y}}$ given set-theoretically by the
same equation.
If $g=0$ or $1$, then $p_a(C(0)) = 0$ or $1$, so we have found all
components of $D=\{ \pi(q) = z \}$ and the multiplicity of $D$ along each
component. We summarize this in two theorems which will be invoked in
Sections \ref{rational} and \ref{elliptic}.
If $g=0$, the components of $D = \{ \pi(q) = z \}$ on $X^{d,g}(\vec{h})$
are of the following form. Fix a positive integer $l$, $\{ d(k)
\}_{k=1}^l$ with $\sum_{k=0}^l d(k) = d$, and a partition of the
points $\{ p^j_m \}$ into $l$ subsets $\cup_{k=1}^l \{ p^j_m(k) \}$.
This induces a partition of $\vec{h}$ into $\sum_{k=0}^l \vec{h}(k)$. Let
$m^k = d(k) - \sum m h_m(k)$. Then the general member of the
component is a general map from $C(0) \cup
\dots \cup C(l)$ to $\mathbb P^1$, where:
\item The irreducible components $C(0)$, \dots, $C(l)$ are rational.
\item The curve $C(0)$ contains the marked points $\{ p^j_m(0) \}$, $q$,
$\{ r^k \}$, and $\pi(C(0)) = z$.
\item For $k>0$, $C(k)$ maps to $\mathbb P^1$ with degree $d(k)$ and
\pi^*(z) |_{C(k)} = \sum_{m,j} m p^j_m(k) + m^k r^k.
The curves $C(0)$ and $C(k)$ intersect at $r^k$.
This component appears with multiplicity $\prod_k m^k$.
If $g=1$, the components of $D= \{ \pi(q) = z \}$ on $X^{d,g}(\vec{h})$ are of the following
Fix a positive integer $l$, $\{ d(k) \}_{k=1}^l$ with $\sum_{k=0}^l d(k) =
d$, and a partition of the points $\{ p^j_m \}$ into $l$ subsets
$\cup_{k=1}^l \{ p^j_m(k) \}$. This induces a partition of $\vec{h}$ into
$\sum_{k=0}^l \vec{h}(k)$. Let $m^k = d(k) - \sum m h_m(k)$.
Then the general member of the component is a general map from $C(0) \cup
\dots \cup C(l)$ to $\mathbb P^1$, where:
\item The curve $C(0)$ contains the marked points $\{ p^j_m(0) \}$ and $q$,
and $\pi(C(0)) = z$.
\item For $k>0$, $C(k)$ maps to $\mathbb P^1$ with degree $d(k)$.
Furthermore, one of the following cases holds:
\item[a)]The curve $C(1)$ is elliptic and the other components are
rational. When
the curves
$C(0)$ and $C(k)$ intersect at the point $r^k$, and
$\pi^* (z) |_{C(k)} = \sum_{m,j} p^j_m(k) + m^k r^k$.
\item[b)] All components are rational. When $k>1$,
the curves $C(0)$ and $C(k)$ intersect
at the point $r^k$, and
$\pi^* (z) |_{C(k)} =
\sum_{m,j} m p^j_m(k) + m^k r^k$.
The curves $C(1)$ and $C(0)$ intersect at two points $r^1_1$ and $r^1_2$, and the ramifications
$m^1_1$ and $m^1_2$ at these two points sum to $m^1$. $\pi^*(z) |_{C(1)} =
\sum_{m,j} m p^j_m(k) + m^1_1 r^1_1 + m^1_2 r^1_2$.
\item[c)]The curve $C(0)$ is elliptic and the other components are
rational. When $k>0$, the curves $C(0)$ and $C(k)$ intersect at $r^k$, and
$\pi^* (z) |_{C(k)} = \sum_{m,j} m p^j_m(k) + m^k r^k$. Also,
${\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}( \sum_{m,j} m p^j_m(0)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)}( \sum m^k r^k)$.
The components of type a) and c) appear with multiplicity $\prod_{k=1}^l m^k$ and
those of type b) appear with multiplicity $m^1_1 m^1_2 \prod_{k=2}^l m^k$.
In all three cases, the
multiplicity is the product of the ``new ramifications'' of
the components not mapped to $z$.
For general $g$, the above argument identifies some of the components, but further
work is required to determine what happens when $p_a(C(0)) > 1$.
\subsection{Pathological behavior of $\mbar_g(\proj^1,d)$}
When $d>2$, $g>0$, $\mbar_g(\proj^1,d)$ has more than one component. The most
interesting one consists (generically) of irreducible genus $g$ curves.
Call this one $\mbar_g(\proj^1,d)^o$. A second consists (generically) of two
intersecting components, one of genus $g$ and mapping to a point, and the
other rational and mapping to $\mathbb P^1$ with degree $d$. The first has
dimension $2d+2g-2$, and the second has dimension $2d+3g-3$, so the second
is not in the closure of the first.
The local structure of $\mbar_g(\proj^1,d)^o$ may be complicated
where it intersects the other components. One might hope that $\mbar_g(\proj^1,d)^o$ is
smooth (at least as a stack, or equivalently on the level of deformation
spaces). This is not the case; $\mbar_g(\proj^1,d)^o$ can be singular and even fail to
be unibranch.
Let $g=3$ (so a general degree 3 divisor has one section, but all degree 4
divisors have two) and $d=4$. Then ${\overline{M}}_3(\mathbb P^1,4)^o$ has dimension
12. Consider the family $Y$ of stable maps whose general element
parametrizes a smooth genus 3 curve $C(0)$ with two rational tails $C(1)$
and $C(2)$. The curve
$C(0)$ maps with degree 0 to $\mathbb P^1$, and the rational tails each map with
degree 2 to $\mathbb P^1$, both ramifying at their intersection
with $C$.
The subvariety $Y$ has dimension 11: 8 for the two-pointed genus 3 curve $C(0)$,
1 for the image of $C(0)$ in $\mathbb P^1$,
and 2 for the other ramification points of $C(1)$ and $C(2)$. Thus if $Y$
is contained in ${\overline{M}}_3(\mathbb P^1,4)^o$, it is a Weil divisor.
${\overline{M}}_3(\mathbb P^1,4)^o$ has two smooth branches along $Y$, intersecting transversely.
This gives an example of a map that could be smoothed in two
different ways.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
For convenience, we use the language of stacks. Let ${\mathcal{X}}$ be the stack
corresponding to $X$, and ${\mathcal{Y}}$ the stack corresponding to $Y$.
Let $(C, \pi)$ be the map corresponding to a general point of ${\mathcal{Y}}$ (where
$C = C(0) \cup C(1) \cup C(2)$ where $C(0)$, $C(1)$, $C(2)$ are as
described above), and let $A_1$ be the special locus consisting of the
collapsed genus 3 curve. By Proposition
\ref{ilocal}, it suffices to consider $\operatorname{Def}_{A_1}$.
As in Step 3 of Proposition \ref{imultg0}, we fix the other special loci. Fix a
point $y \in \mathbb P^1$. We may restrict attention to maps ramifying at two
points above $y$, labeled $y^1$ and $y^2$. Denote by ${\mathcal{X}}'$ and ${\mathcal{Y}}'$ the
substacks of ${\overline{\cm}}_{3,2}(\mathbb P^1,4)$ (with ramification above $y$ at
$y^1$ and $y^2$) corresponding to ${\mathcal{X}}$ and ${\mathcal{Y}}$. It suffices to prove the
corresponding result for ${\mathcal{X}}'$ and ${\mathcal{Y}}'$.
Next, fix another point $z \in \mathbb P^1$ ($z \neq y$) and mark the four
pre-images of $z$ with the labels $p^1$, \dots, $p^4$. Denote by ${\mathcal{X}}''$
and ${\mathcal{Y}}''$ the substacks of ${\overline{\cm}}_{3,6}(\mathbb P^1,4)$ corresponding to
${\mathcal{X}}'$ and ${\mathcal{Y}}'$. It suffices to prove the corresponding result for ${\mathcal{X}}''$
and ${\mathcal{Y}}''$.
Let ${\mathcal{M}}$ be the substack of ${\overline{\cm}}_{3,6}$ that is the closure of the
points representing stable marked curves $(C, \{ p^i \}, y^1, y^2)$ where
$C$ is smooth and ${\mathcal{O}}_C(p^1 + \dots + p^4) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_C(2 y^1 + 2 y^2)$.
If $\alpha$ is the natural map $\alpha: {\overline{\cm}}_{3,6}(\mathbb P^1,4) \rightarrow
{\overline{\cm}}_{3,6}$ then $\alpha({\mathcal{X}}'') \subset {\mathcal{M}}$ as for a general map $(C, \{
p^i \}, y^1, y^2, \pi) \in {\mathcal{X}}''$,
{\mathcal{O}}_C(p^1 + \dots + p^4) \cong \pi^* ( {\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(1)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_C(2 y^1
+ 2 y^2).
Moreover $\alpha |_{{\mathcal{Y}}''}$ surjects onto ${\mathcal{M}}$: for any curve
$(C, \{ p^i \}, r^1, r^2 ) \in {\mathcal{M}}$ consider the map
$(C(0) \cup C(1) \cup C(2) , \{ p^i \}, y^1, y^2, \pi)$ where $C(0)$ and
$C(k)$ intersect at $r^k$ ($k=1,2$),
(C(0), \{ p^i \}, r^1, r^2) \cong (C, \{ p^i \}, r^1, r^2 )
as marked curves, $\pi(C(0)) = z$, and $C(k)$ ($k = 1,2$) maps to $\mathbb P^1$
with degree 2 ramifying over $y$ (at $y^k$) and $z$ (at $r^k$). The stable
model of the underlying curve of such a map is indeed isomorphic to
$(C, \{ p^i \}, r^1, r^2 )$.
Thus we may restrict attention to a fixed (general) marked curve
$(C, \{ p^i \}, y^1, y^2)$ in ${\mathcal{M}}$.
We may now directly follow steps 5${}'$ and $6'$ in the proof of
Corollary \ref{ilocalst}. The steps are summarized here.
{\em Step 5${}'$.} Rigidify the moduli problem by eliminating automorphisms.
Fix a point $x \in \mathbb P^1$ distinct from $y$ and $z$, and mark the points
$\pi^{-1}(x)$ with the labels $\{ x^1, \dots, x^d \}$. Call the resulting
stack ${\mathcal{X}}''_x$.
{\em Step 6${}'$.} Observe that
{\mathcal{X}}''_x = \overline{\underbrace{C \times_{\pi} \dots \times_{\pi} C}_{d} \setminus \Delta}
where $\Delta$ is the big diagonal, and the closure is in
\underbrace{C \times_{\pi} \dots \times_{\pi} C}_{d}.
Then show that
\operatorname{Def}_{A_1} = \operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C} [[ a, b_1, b_2]] / (a = b_1^2 = b_2^2).
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
By a similar argument, we can find a codimension 1 unibranch singularity of
${\overline{M}}_4(\mathbb P^1,5)^o$ and singularities of
${\overline{M}}_6(\mathbb P^1,7)^o$) with
several codimension 1 singular branches.
\subsection{Possible applications of these methods}
Ideas involving degenerations and the space of stable maps can be
used in other cases besides those dealt with in this article, and we will
briefly mention them here. In [V1] the same methods are used
for genus $g$ curves in a divisor class $D$ on the rational ruled surface
${\mathbb F}_n$: the curves through $-K_{{\mathbb F}_n}
\cdot D + g - 1$ general points are enumerated; these also repreoduce the
calculations in [CH3] of genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of the
plane (i.e. the enumerative geometry of plane curves) in the language
of maps. The genus $g$ Gromov-Witten invariants of the plane blown up
at up to five points are calculated in [V2]. In [V3], the analogous
question for plane curves with certain allowed singularities is
incompletely addressed. It also seems possible that the classical
question of characteristic numbers of rational and elliptic curves in
$\mathbb P^n$ would be susceptible to such an approach. (The rational
case has already been settled by L. Ernstr\"{o}m and G. Kennedy by
different methods in [EK1].)
\section{Rational Curves in Projective Space}
In this section, we use the ideas and results of Section \ref{intro} to study the
geometry of varieties parametrizing degree $d$ rational curves in $\mathbb P^n$
intersecting fixed general linear spaces and tangent to a fixed hyperplane
$H$ with fixed multiplicities along fixed general linear subspaces of $H$.
We employ two general ideas. First, we specialize a linear space (that the
curve is required to intersect) to lie in the hyperplane $H$, and analyze
the limit curves. It turns out that the limit curves are of the same form,
and are in some sense simpler. Enumerative results have been proved using such
specialization ideas since the nineteenth century
(see [PZ], for example, especially pp. 268--275 and pp. 313--319).
The second general idea we use is Kontsevich's moduli spaces of stable
maps, particularly the spaces ${\overline{M}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ and
${\overline{M}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ (and the stacks ${\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ and
${\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$). The calculations in Section \ref{intro} on the
space ${\overline{M}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ will give the desired
results in $\mathbb P^n$. L. Caporaso and J. Harris' results on plane curves of
any degree and genus (cf. [CH3]) can also be reinterpreted in this light.
The reader can verify that the
argument here for $n=2$ is in essence the same as that in [CH3] for genus 0
\subsubsection{Example: 2 lines through 4 general lines in $\mathbb P^3$}
We can follow through these ideas in a classical special case. Fix four
general lines $L_1$, $L_2$, $L_3$, $L_4$ in $\mathbb P^3$, and a hyperplane
$H$. There are a finite number of lines in $\mathbb P^3$ intersecting $L_1$,
$L_2$, $L_3$, $L_4$. Call one of them $l$. We will specialize the lines
$L_1$, $L_2$, $L_3$, and $L_4$ to lie in $H$ one at a time and see what
happens to $l$. First, specialize the line $L_1$ to (a general line in)
$H$, and then do the same with $L_2$ (see Figure \ref{r2lines}). If $l$
doesn't pass through the intersection of $L_1$ and $L_2$, it must still
intersect both $L_1$ and $L_2$, and thus lie in $H$. Then $l$ is uniquely
determined: it is the line through $L_3 \cap H$ and $L_4
\cap H$. Otherwise, if $l$ passes through the point $L_1 \cap L_2$, it is
once again uniquely determined (as only one line in $\mathbb P^3$ can pass
through two general lines and one point --- this can also be seen through
further degeneration).
\caption{Possible positions of $l$ after $L_1$ and $L_2$ have
degenerated to $H$}
The above argument can be tightened to rigorously show that there are two
lines in $\mathbb P^3$ intersecting four general lines. The only information
one needs to know in advance is that there is one line through two distinct
points. This is the same as the seed data for Kontsevich's recursive
formula in [KM], and it is all we will need in this section.
\subsubsection{Example: 92 conics through 8 general lines in $\mathbb P^3$}
The example of conics in $\mathbb P^3$ is a simple extension of that of lines
in $\mathbb P^3$, and gives a hint as to why stable maps are the correct way to
think about these degenerations. Consider the question: How many conics
pass through 8 general lines $L_1$, \dots, $L_8$? (For another discussion
of this classical problem, see [H1] p. 26.) We introduce a pictorial
shorthand that will allow us to easily follow the degenerations (see
Figure \ref{r92conics}); the plane $H$ is represented by a parallelogram.
\caption{Counting 92 conics in $\mathbb P^3$ through 8 general lines}
We start with the set of conics through 8 general lines (the top row of the
diagram --- the label 92 indicates the number of such conics, which we will
calculate last) and specialize one of the lines $L_1$ to $H$ to get row 7.
(The line $L_1$ in $H$ is indicated by the dotted line in the figure.)
When we specialize another line $L_2$, one of two things can happen: the
conic can intersect $H$ at the point $L_1 \cap L_2$ and one other (general)
point, or it can intersect $H$ once on $L_1$ and once on $L_2$ (at general
points). (The requirement that the conics must pass through a fixed point
in the first case is indicated by the thick dot in the figure.)
In this second case (the picture on the right in row 6), if we specialize
another line $L_3$, one of three things can happen.
\item The conic can stay smooth, and not lie in $H$, in which case it must
$H$ at $\{ L_1 \cap L_3, L_2 \}$ or $\{L_1, L_2 \cap L_3 \}$ (hence the
``$\times 2$'' in the figure).
\item The conic could lie in $H$. In this case, there are eight conics through
five fixed points $L_4 \cap H$, \dots, $L_8 \cap H$ with marked points on
the lines $L_1$, $L_2$, and $L_3$.
\item The conic can degenerate into the union of two intersecting lines,
one ($l_0$) in $H$ and one ($l_1$) not. These lines must intersect $L_4$,
\dots, $L_8$. (The line $l_0$ already intersects $L_1$, $L_2$, $L_3$, so we don't
have to worry about these conditions.) Either three or four of $\{ L_4,
\dots, L_8 \}$ intersect $l_1$. In the first case, there are $\binom 5 3$
choices of the three lines, and two configurations $(l_0,l_1)$ once the
three lines are chosen. In the second case there are a total of $\binom 5
4 \times 2$ configurations by similar reasoning. Thus the total number of such configurations
is 30.
We fill out the rest of the diagram in the same way. Then, using the
enumerative geometry of lines in $\mathbb P^3$ and conics in $\mathbb P^2$ we can
work our way up the table, attaching numbers to each picture, finally
deducing that there are 92 conics through 8 general lines in $\mathbb P^3$.
To make this argument rigorous, precise dimension counts and multiplicity
calculations are needed.
The algorithm described in this section is slightly different: we will
parametrize rational curves with various conditions {\em and marked
intersections with $H$}. In the case of conics through 8 lines, for
example, we would count 184 conics through 8 lines with 2 marked points on
$H$, and then divide by 2. The argument will then be cleaner. The
resulting pictorial table is almost identical to
Figure \ref{r92conics}; the only difference is in the first two lines (see
Figure \ref{r92conics2}).
\caption{Counting 184 conics with two marked points on $H$ through 8
general lines}
\subsubsection{Example: Cubics in $\mathbb P^3$}
The situation in general is not much more complicated than our
calculations for conics in $\mathbb P^3$. Two additional twists come up,
which are illustrated in the case of the $80,160$ twisted cubics
through 12 general lines in $\mathbb P^3$. This calculation is indicated
pictorially in Figure \ref{rcubics} at the beginning of the
introduction. The third figure in row 8 represents a nodal (rational)
cubic in $H$. There are 12 nodal cubics through 8 general points in
$\mathbb P^2$ (well-known, e.g. [DI] p. 85). The algorithm of this
section will actually calculate $80,160 \times 3!$ cubics with marked
points on $H$ through 12 general lines.
On the left side of row 8 we see a new degeneration (from twisted cubics
through nine general lines intersecting $H$ along three fixed general lines
in $H$): a conic tangent to $H$, intersecting a line in $H$. (The tangency
of the conic is indicated pictorially by drawing its lower horizontal
tangent inside the parallelogram representing $H$.) We also have an
unexpected multiplicity of 2 here.
The appearance of these new degenerations indicate why, in order to
enumerate rational curves through general linear spaces by these
degeneration methods, we must expand the set of curves under consideration to
include those required to intersect $H$ with given multiplicity, along linear
\subsubsection{The algorithm (informally)}
The algorithm in general is (informally) as follows.
(Theorem \ref{rrecursiveX2} describes the algorithm rigorously.)
Fix positive integers $n$ and $d$, and fix a hyperplane $H$ in $\mathbb P^n$.
Let $\vec{h} = ( h_{m,e} )_{m \geq 1, e \geq 0}$ and $\vec{i} = ( i_e )_{e \geq
0}$ be sets of non-negative integers. Fix a set of general linear spaces
$\Gamma = \{ \Gamma^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ in $H$ where $\dim
\Gamma^j_{m,e} = e$. Fix a set of general linear spaces
$\Delta = \{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,1 \leq j \leq i_e}$ in $\mathbb P^n$ where $\dim
\Delta^j_{e} = e$. Let $X_n(d, \Gamma, \Delta)$ be the closure in
${\overline{M}}_{0, \sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ of points representing
(\mathbb P^1, \{ p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}, \{ q^j_e \}_{e, 1
\leq j \leq i_e }, \pi)
\item $\pi(p^j_{m,e}) \in \Gamma^j_{m,e}$, $\pi(q^j_e) \in \Delta^j_e$.
\item $\pi^{-1}H$ is a set of points, and as divisors $\pi^* H =
\sum_{m,e,j} m p^j_{m,e}$.
Assume $X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ is a finite set. We will count the points of
$X(d,\Gamma, \Delta)$. Specialize one of the linear spaces
$\Delta^{j_1}_{e_1}$ to lie in $H$, and consider the limits of the $\#
X(d,\Gamma, \Delta)$ stable maps. One of the two following types of limits will appear.
The limit map is of the form
(C(0) \cup C(1),\{ p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,j}, \{ q^j_e \}_{e, j}, \pi)
where the curves $C(0)$ and $C(1)$ are both smooth and
rational, $\pi(C(0))$ is a point, for some $(m_0, e_0, j_0)$ the curve
$C(0)$ contains the marked points $q^{j_1}_{e_1}$ and $p^{j_0}_{m_0, e_0}$
(and $C(1)$ contains the other marked points), and
(\pi \mid_{C(1)})^* H = \sum_{ \substack{ {m,e,j} \\ {(m,e,j) \neq (m_0, e_0,
j_0)}}} m p^j_{m,e} + m_0 (C(1) \cap C(0)).
Also, $\pi ( p^j_{m,e}) \in \Gamma^j_{m,e}$, $\pi(q^j_e) \in \Delta^j_e$, and (as
a consequence) $\pi(C(0))$ is contained in $\Delta^{j_1}_{e_1} \cap \Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$.
We can ignore the rational tail, replacing it
with another marked point, and continue the process.
There are $m_0$ curves of $X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ tending to this limit.
\item The limit map is of the form
(C = C(0) \cup C(1) \cup \dots \cup C(l),\{ p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,j}, \{ q^j_e \}_{e, j }, \pi)
where $C(k)$ ($0 \leq k \leq l$) is smooth and rational. The points $
\{ p^j_{m,e} \}$, $\{ q^j_e \}$ are partitioned into sets $\{ p^j_{m,e}(k)
\}$, $\{ q^j_e(k) \}$, where the $k^{\text{th}}$ subset lies in $C(k)$;
this induces partitions $\vec{h} = \sum_{k=0}^l \vec{h}(k)$ and $\vec{i} = \sum_{k=0}^l
\vec{i}(k)$. The marked point $q^{j_1}_{e_1}$ lies on $C(0)$; that is,
$q^{j_1}_{e_1} \in \{ q^j_e(0) \}$. The component $C(0)$ intersects all
other components $C(1)$, \dots, $C(l)$. The map $\pi$ sends $C(0)$ to $H$ with
positive degree, and sends no other component of $C$ to $H$. If $m^k =
\deg (\pi \mid_{C(k)}) - \sum_{m,e} m h_{m,e}(k)$, then
( \pi \mid_{C(k)})^* H = \sum_{m,e,j} m p^j_{m,e}(k) + m^k (C(0) \cap C(k))
as divisors for $1 \leq k \leq l$. Finally, $\pi(p^j_{m,e}) \in
\Gamma^j_{m,e}$ for all $m$, $e$, $j$, and $\pi(q^j_e) \in \Delta^j_e$ for all
$e$, $j$. There are $\prod_{k=1}^l m^k$ curves in $X(d,\Gamma, \Delta)$ tending
to this limit.
Examples of both types of limits can be seen in Figure \ref{rcubics}.
Given the results of Subsection \ref{ikey}, the
algorithm and multiplicities are not completely unexpected.
\subsection{Notation and summary}
For convenience, let $\vec{\epsilon}_e$, $\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e}$ be the natural basis vectors:
$(\vec{\epsilon}_e)_{e'} = 1$ if $e = e'$ and 0 otherwise; and $(\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e})_{m',e'}
= 1$ if $(m,e)=(m',e')$, and 0 otherwise. Fix a hyperplane $H$ in
$\mathbb P^n$, and a hyperplane $A$ of $H$.
\subsubsection{The schemes $X({\mathcal{E}})$}
We now define the primary objects of interest to us.
Let $n$ and $d$ be positive integers, and let $H$ be a hyperplane in $\mathbb P^n$.
Let $\vec{h} = ( h_{m,e} )_{m \geq 1, e \geq 0}$ and $\vec{i} = ( i_e )_{e \geq
0}$ be sets of non-negative integers. Let
$\Gamma = \{ \Gamma^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ be a set of linear
spaces in $H$ where $\dim
\Gamma^j_{m,e} = e$. Let
$\Delta = \{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,1 \leq j \leq i_e}$ be a set of linear spaces in
$\mathbb P^n$ where $\dim
\Delta^j_{e} = e$.
The scheme $X_n(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ is the (scheme-theoretic) closure of
the locally closed subset of ${\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ (where the
are labeled $\{ p_{m,e}^j \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ and $\{ q_e^j \}_{1 \leq
j \leq i_e}$) representing stable maps $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e} \}, \{
q^j_e \}, \pi)$ satisfying
$\pi(p_{m,e}^j) \in \Gamma_{m,e}^j$, $\pi(q_e^j) \in \Delta_e^j$, and $\pi^* H =
\sum_{m,e,j} m p^j_{m,e}$.
In particular, $\sum_{m,e} m
h_{m,e} = d$, and no component of $C$ is contained in $\pi^{-1}H$.
The incidence conditions define closed subschemes of ${\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum
i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$, so the union of these conditions indeed defines a closed
subscheme of ${\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$.
Define ${\mathcal{X}}_n(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ in the same way as a substack of
{\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d).
When we speak of properties that are constant for general $\Gamma$ and
$\Delta$ (such as the dimension of $X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$), we will write
$X_n(d,\vec{h}, \vec{i})$. For convenience, write ${\mathcal{E}}$ (for ${\mathcal{E}}$verything)
for the data $d, \vec{h}, \vec{i}$, so $X_n({\mathcal{E}}) = X_n(d,\vec{h},\vec{i})$. Also, the
$n$ will often be suppressed for convenience.
The variety $X(d, \Gamma, \Delta)$ can be loosely thought of as parametrizing
degree $d$ rational curves in projective space intersecting
certain linear subspaces of $\mathbb P^n$, and intersecting $H$ with different
multiplicities along certain linear subspaces of $H$.
For example, if $n=3$, $d=3$, $h_{2,0}=1$, $h_{1,2}=1$, $X$ parametrizes
twisted cubics in $\mathbb P^3$ tangent to $H$ at a fixed point.
In the special case where $h_{m,e}=0$ when $e<n-1$ and $\vec{i}=\vec{\epsilon}_n$, define
$\hat{\ce}$ by $\hat{d} = d$, $\hat{i}_1 = 1$, $\hat{h}_{m,0} = h_{m,n-1}$.
We will relate the geometry of ${\mathcal{X}}_n({\mathcal{E}})$ to that of ${\mathcal{X}}_1(\hat{\ce})$,
which was studied in Subsection
\ref{ikey}. (The general point of ${\mathcal{X}}_n({\mathcal{E}})$ corresponds to a general
degree $d$ map from $\mathbb P^1$ to $\mathbb P^n$ with $\pi^*H$ consisting of
points with multiplicity given by the partition $(h_{1,n-1}, h_{2,n-1},
\dots)$. The general point of ${\mathcal{X}}_1(\hat{\ce})$ corresponds to a general
degree $d$ map from $\mathbb P^1$ to $\mathbb P^1$ with $\pi^*z$ consisting of
points with multiplicity given by the partition $(h_{1,n-1}, h_{2,n-1},
\dots)$.) The geometry of ${\mathcal{X}}_n({\mathcal{E}})$ for general ${\mathcal{E}}$ can be understood
from this special case. For example, consider ${\mathcal{X}} = {\mathcal{X}}_3(d = 2, h_{2,0}
= 1, i_1 = 2)$, the stack parametrizing conics in $\mathbb P^3$ through two
general lines, tangent to $H$ at a fixed point of $H$. To analyze ${\mathcal{X}}$,
we study the stack ${\mathcal{X}}_1 \subset {\overline{\cm}}_{0,2}(\mathbb P^3,2)$ parametrizing
conics tangent to $H$ (where the tangency is labeled $p^1_{2,0}$) with a
marked point $q^1_1$ (with no other incidence conditions). We take the
universal curve over this stack ${\mathcal{X}}_2$ (which can be seen as a substack of
${\overline{\cm}}_{0,3}(\mathbb P^3,2)$), and label the point of the universal curve
$q^2_1$. Then we require $\pi(p^1_{2,0})$ to lie on two general
hyperplanes $H_1$ and $H_2$ (thus requiring $\pi(p^1_{2,0})$ to be a fixed
general point $H \cap H_1 \cap H_2$ of $H$), $\pi(q^1_1)$ to lie on two
general hyperplanes $H_3$ and $H_4$ (thus requiring $\pi(q^1_1)$ to lie on
a fixed general line $H_3 \cap H_4$ of $\mathbb P^3$), and $\pi(q^2_1)$ to lie
on two general hyperplanes $H_5$ and $H_6$ (thus requiring $\pi(q^2_1)$ to
lie on a fixed general line $H_5 \cap H_6$ of $\mathbb P^3$). We shall prove
(in the next section) that the resulting stack is indeed ${\mathcal{X}}$.
By these means we show that if the linear spaces $\Gamma$, $\Delta$ are general,
these varieties have the dimension one would naively expect. The family of
degree $d$ rational curves in $\mathbb P^n$ has dimension $(n+1)d+(n-3)$.
Requiring the curve to pass through a fixed $e$-plane should be a codimension
$(n-1-e)$ condition. Requiring the curve to be $m$-fold tangent to $H$
along a fixed $e$-plane of $H$ should be a codimension $(m-1)+(n-1-e)$ condition.
Thus we will show (Theorem \ref{rdimX}) that when the linear spaces in
$\Gamma$, $\Delta$ are general, each component of $X({\mathcal{E}}, \Gamma, \Delta)$ has dimension
(n+1) d + (n-3) - \sum_{m,e} (n+m-e-2)h_{m,e} - \sum_e (n-1-e)i_e.
Moreover, $X({\mathcal{E}})$ is reduced. When the dimension is 0, $X({\mathcal{E}})$ consists
of a finite number of reduced points. We call their number $\# X({\mathcal{E}})$ --- these are the
numbers we want to calculate. Define $\# X({\mathcal{E}})$ to be zero if $\dim
X({\mathcal{E}}) > 0$.
For example, when $n=3$, $d=3$, $h_{1,2} = 3$, $i_1 = 12$, $\# X({\mathcal{E}})$
is 3! times the number of twisted cubics through 12 general lines.
(The ``3!'' arises from the markings of the three points of intersection of the
cubic with $H$.)
\subsubsection{The schemes $Y ( {\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l) )$}
We will be naturally led to consider subvarieties of $X({\mathcal{E}},\Gamma,\Delta)$ which
are similar in form.
Fix $n$, $d$, $\vec{h}$, $\vec{i}$, $\Gamma$, $\Delta$, and a non-negative integer $l$. Let
$\sum_{k=0}^l d(k)$ be a partition of $d$. Let the points $\{ p^j_{m,e}
\}_{m,e,j}$ be partitioned into $l+1$ subsets $\{ p^j_{m,e}(k) \}_{m,e,j}$
for $k= 0$, \dots, $l$. This induces a partition of $\vec{h}$ into
$\sum_{k=0}^l \vec{h}(k)$ and a partition of the set $\Gamma$ into
$\coprod_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$.
Let the points $\{ q^j_e
\}_{e,j}$ be partitioned into $l+1$ subsets $\{ q^j_{e}(k) \}_{e,j}$
for $k= 0$, \dots, $l$. This induces a partition of $\vec{i}$ into
$\sum_{k=0}^l \vec{i}(k)$ and a partition of the set $\Delta$ into
$\coprod_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$. Define $m^k$ by $m^k = d(k) - \sum_m m
h_m(k)$, and assume $m^k>0$ for all $k = 1$, \dots, $l$.
The scheme
\dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))
is the (scheme-theoretic) closure of
the locally closed subset of ${\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$
(where the
points are labeled $\{ p_{m,e}^j \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ and $\{ q_e^j
\}_{1 \leq j \leq i_e}$) representing stable maps $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e}
\}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ satisfying the following conditions
\item[Y1.] The curve $C$ consists of $l+1$ irreducible components $C(0)$,
\dots, $C(l)$ with all components intersecting $C(0)$. The map $\pi$ has
degree $d(k)$ on curve $C(k)$ ($0 \leq k \leq l$).
\item[Y2.] The points $\{ p^j_{m,e}(k) \}_{m,e,j}$ and $\{
q^j_e(k)\}_{e,j}$ lie
on $C(k)$, and $\pi(p^j_{m,e}(k)) \in \Gamma^j_{m,e}(k)$, $\pi(q^j_e(k)) \in
\item[Y3.] As sets, $\pi^{-1}H = C(0) \cup \{ p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,j}$, and for $k>0$,
( \pi \mid_{C(k)} )^* H = \sum_{m,e,j} m p^j_{m,e}(k) + m^k (C(0) \cap C(k)).
A pictorial representation of such a map is given in Figure \ref{rtype2eg}.
Note that $d(k)>0$ for all positive $k$ by the last condition.
\caption{An example of a map corresponding to a general point of some $Y({\mathcal{E}}(0); {\mathcal{E}}(1); {\mathcal{E}}(2))$}
When discussing properties that hold for general $\{ \Gamma^j_{m,e}
\}_{m,e,j}$, $\{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,j}$, we will write
Y({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
= Y(d(0),\vec{h}(0),\vec{i}(0); \dots; d(l), \vec{h}(l),\vec{i}(l)).
If $\vec{h}(k) + \vec{i}(k) \neq \vec{0}$ for all $k>0$,
\dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))$ is isomorphic to a closed subscheme of
{\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h_{m,e}(0) + \sum i_e(0)+l}(H,d(0)) \times \prod_{k=1}^l
where $\vec{h'}(k) = \vec{h}(k) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^k,n-1}$ and $\Gamma'(k)$ is the same as $\Gamma(k)$ except $\Gamma^{h_{m^k,n-1}}_{m^k,n-1}=H$
Define ${\mathcal{Y}}(d(0), \Delta(0), \Gamma(0); \dots; d(l), \Delta(l), \Gamma(l))$
as the analogous stack.
\subsubsection{Enumeratively meaningful subvarieties of
${\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$}
For any irreducible substack ${\mathcal{V}}$ of ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$, there is an
open subset ${\mathcal{U}}$ such that for the stable maps $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$
corresponding to points of ${\mathcal{U}}$, the reduced image curve
$\pi(C)^{\text{red}}$ has constant Hilbert polynomial $f(t)$. This gives a
morphism $\xi$ from ${\mathcal{U}}$ to the Hilbert scheme $H_{f(t)}$.
The substack ${\mathcal{V}}$ is {\em enumeratively meaningful} if the dimension of
$\xi({\mathcal{U}})$ is the same as that of ${\mathcal{U}}$ (i.e. $\xi$ is generically finite onto
its image).
Define {\em enumeratively meaningful subvarieties} of
${\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ in the same way. When making enumerative
calculations, we are counting reduced points of ${\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$,
which are obviously enumeratively meaningful. This definition will be
important in Section 3.
\subsection{Preliminary results}
The following proposition is an analog of Bertini's theorem.
Let ${\mathcal{A}}$ be a reduced irreducible substack of ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$,
and let $p$ be one of the labeled points. Then there is a Zariski-open
subset $U$ of the dual projective space $(\mathbb P^n)^*$ such that for all
$[H'] \in U$ the intersection ${\mathcal{A}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in H' \}$, if nonempty,
is reduced of dimension $\dim {\mathcal{A}} - 1$.
Loosely, this result states that the requirement that a marked
point lie on a general hyperplane imposes one transverse condition on an
irreducible substack of ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$. To prove this
proposition, we will invoke Theorem 2 of [Kl].
Let $G$ be an integral algebraic group scheme, $X$ an integral algebraic
scheme with a transitive $G$-action. Let $f: Y \rightarrow X$ and $g: Z
\rightarrow X$ be two maps of integral algebraic schemes. For each
rational point $s$ of $G$, let $sY$ denote $Y$ considered as an $X$-scheme
via the map $y \mapsto sf(y)$.
\item[(i)] Then, there exists a dense open subset $U$ of $G$ such that,
for each rational point $s$ in $U$, either the fibered product,
$(sY)\times_X Z$ is empty or it is equidimensional and its dimension is
given by the formula,
\dim(( sY) \times_X Z) = \dim(Y) + \dim(Z) - \dim(X).
\item[(ii)] Assume the characteristic is zero, and $Y$ and $Z$ are
regular. Then, there exists a dense open subset $U$ of $G$ such that, for
each rational point $s$ in $U$, the fibered product $(sY) \times_X Z$, is
The proof of Kleiman's theorem carries through without change if $Z$ is an
algebraic stack.
\noindent {\em Proof of Proposition \ref{rgeneral}.}
Let $G = PGL(n)$, $X= \mathbb P^3$. Let $Y$ be a hyperplane of $X$ with $f: Y
\rightarrow X$ the immersion. Let $Z$ be the smooth points of ${\mathcal{A}}$, with
$g: Z \rightarrow X$ given by evaluation at $p$. Then the result follows
immediately from Kleiman's theorem.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The next proposition is a variation of Proposition \ref{rgeneral}.
With the hypotheses of Proposition \ref{rgeneral}, let ${\mathcal{B}}$ be a proper
closed substack of ${\mathcal{A}}$. Then there is a Zariski-open subset
$U$ of the dual projective space $(\mathbb P^n)^*$ such that for all
$[H'] \in U$, each component of ${\mathcal{B}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in H' \}$ is a proper
closed substack of a component of ${\mathcal{A}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in H' \}$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The components of ${\mathcal{A}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in H' \}$ are each of dimension
$\dim {\mathcal{A}} - 1$ (by Proposition \ref{rgeneral}), and the components of
${\mathcal{B}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in H' \}$ are each of dimension less than $\dim {\mathcal{A}} -
1$ (by Proposition \ref{rgeneral} applied to the irreducible components of
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
We now summarize the results of the remainder of this section. There are
many relations among the various spaces $X({\mathcal{E}})$ as ${\mathcal{E}}$ varies. Some are
universal curves over others (Proposition \ref{runiversal}). Some are the
intersections of others with a divisor (Proposition \ref{rgeneral2}). The
variety $X({\mathcal{E}})$ can be identified with $Y({\mathcal{E}}(0);{\mathcal{E}}(1))$ for
appropriately chosen ${\mathcal{E}}(0)$ and ${\mathcal{E}}(1)$ (Proposition \ref{rXY}). A
smoothness result (Proposition \ref{rbig}) allows us to use results about
stable maps to $\mathbb P^1$ proved in the previous section. A first
application of Propositions \ref{runiversal}, \ref{rgeneral2}, and
\ref{rbig} is a calculation of the dimension of $X({\mathcal{E}})$ and $Y({\mathcal{E}}(0);
\dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$ (Proposition \ref{rdimX}); more will follow in subsequent
sections. Finally, Proposition \ref{rXnice} ensures that the image of the
stable map corresponding to a general point of $X({\mathcal{E}})$ is smooth.
Let $A$ be a general $(n-2)$-plane in $H$. The projection $p_A$ from $A$
induces a rational map $\rho_A:
{\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^n,d) \dashrightarrow {\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$, that is a
morphism (of stacks) at points representing maps $(C, \{ p_i \},
\pi)$ whose image $\pi(C)$ does not intersect $A$. Via
${\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\operatorname{Bl}_A \mathbb P^n,d)$, the morphism can be extended over the set
of maps $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ where $\pi^{-1} A$ is a union of reduced
points distinct from the $m$ marked points $\{ p_i \}$. The image of such curves in
${\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is a stable map
(C \cup C_1 \cup \dots \cup C_{\# \pi^{-1} A }, \{ p_i \}, \pi')
where $C_1$, \dots, $C_{\# \pi^{-1} A }$ are rational tails attached to $C$
at the points of $\pi^{-1} A$,
\pi' \mid_{ \{ C \setminus \pi^{-1} A \} } = ( p_A
\circ \pi ) \mid_{ \{ C \setminus \pi^{-1} A \} }
(which extends to a morphism from all of $C$) and $\pi' \mid_{C_k}$ is a
degree 1 map to $\mathbb P^1$ ($1 \leq k \leq \# \pi^{-1} A
If $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi) \in {\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ and $\pi^{-1}
A$ is a union of reduced points disjoint from the marked points, then at
the point
$(C,\{ p_i \}, \pi)$, $\rho_A$ is a smooth morphism of stacks of
relative dimension $(n-1)(d+1)$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
To show that a morphism of stacks ${\mathcal{A}} \rightarrow {\mathcal{B}}$ is smooth at a
point $a \in {\mathcal{A}}$, where ${\mathcal{B}}$ is smooth and ${\mathcal{A}}$ is equidimensional, it
suffices to show that the fiber is smooth at $a$, or equivalently that the
Zariski tangent space to the fiber at $a$ is of dimension $\dim {\mathcal{A}} - \dim
Recall that ${\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ is a smooth stack of dimension
$(n+1)d+m-1$ (see Subsubsection \ref{itmsosm}). The first
order deformations of $(C, \{ p_i \},
\pi)$ in the fiber of $\rho_A$ can be identified with sections of the
vector bundle $\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(1)^{n-1})$: these are deformations of a map
(C, \{ p_i \},\pi)
{\stackrel {(s_0, s_1, \dots, s_n)} \longrightarrow} \mathbb P^n
keeping the marked curve $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ and the
sections $(s_0,s_1)$ constant.
h^0(C, \pi^* {\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^n}(1)^{n-1}) &=& (n-1) h^0(C, \pi^*
{\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^n}(1)) \\
&=& (n-1) (d+1) \\
&=& \dim {\overline{\cm}}_{0,m}(\mathbb P^n,d) - \dim {\overline{\cm}}_{0,m} (\mathbb P^1,d)
as desired.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The following two propositions give relationships among the spaces $X({\mathcal{E}})$
as ${\mathcal{E}}$ varies.
Given $d$, $\vec{h}$, $\vec{i}$, $\Gamma$, $\Delta$, let $\vec{i'} = \vec{i} + \vec{\epsilon}_n$, and
define $\Delta'$ to be the same as $\Delta$ except $\Delta^{i'_n}_n = \mathbb P^n$.
Then ${\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma,
\Delta')$ is the universal curve over ${\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta)$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The moduli stack ${\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e + 1} (\mathbb P^n,d)$ is the
universal curve over ${\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e } (\mathbb P^n,d)$
(see Subsubsection \ref{itmsosm}). The
proposition is a consequence of the commutativity of the following diagram:
{\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta') @>>> {\overline{\cm}}_{0, \sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e + 1}(\mathbb P^n,d) \\
@V{p}VV @VV{p}V \\
{\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta) @>>> {\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Let $H'$ be a general hyperplane of $\mathbb P^n$.
\item[a)] The divisor
\{ \pi(p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) \in H' \} \subset
{\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta)
is ${\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma', \Delta)$ where
\item $\vec{h'}=\vec{h} - \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,e_0} +\vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,e_0-1}$
\item For $(m,e) \neq (m_0,e_0), (m_0,e_0-1)$, ${\Gamma'}^j_{m,e} = \Gamma^j_{m,e}$.
\item $\{ {\Gamma'}^j_{m_0,e_0} \}_j = \{ \Gamma^j_{m_0,e_0} \}_j \setminus \{
\Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \}$, $\{ {\Gamma'}^j_{m_0,e_0-1} \} = \{ \Gamma^j_{m_0,e_0-1}
\}_j \cup \{ \Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \cap H' \} $
\item[b)] The divisor
\{ \pi(q^{j_0}_{e_0}) \in H' \} \subset
{\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta)
is ${\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta')$ where
\item $\vec{i'} = \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_{e_0} + \vec{\epsilon}_{e_0-1}$
\item For $e \neq e_0, e_0-1$, ${\Delta'}^j_{e} = \Delta^j_{e}$.
\item $\{ {\Delta'}^j_{e_0} \}_j = \{ \Delta^j_{e_0} \}_j \setminus \{
\Delta^{j_0}_{e_0} \}$, $\{ {\Delta'}^j_{e_0-1} \}_j = \{ \Delta^j_{e_0-1} \}_j
\cup \{ \Delta^{j_0}_{e_0} \cap H' \} $
\noindent {\em Proof. }
We prove a) first. Every point of
$\{ \pi(p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) \in H' \}$ represents a map where
$\pi(p^j_{m,e}) \subset \Gamma^j_{m,e}$, $\pi(q^j_e) \subset \Delta^j_e$,
$\pi(p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) \in H'$. Clearly
{\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma', \Delta) \subset \{ \pi(p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) \in H' \};
each component of ${\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma', \Delta)$ appears with
multiplicity one by Proposition \ref{rgeneral}. The only other possible
components of $\{ \pi(p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) \in H' \}$ are those whose general
point represents a map where $\pi^{-1} H$ is not a union of points
(i.e. contains a component of $C$). But such maps form a union of proper
subvarieties of components of ${\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta)$, and by
Proposition \ref{rgeneralproper} such maps cannot form a component of
\{ \pi(p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) \in H' \} \cap {\mathcal{X}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta).
Replacing $p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$ with $q^{j_0}_{e_0}$ in the previous paragraph gives
a proof of b).
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The next observation is analogous to a well-known fact about the moduli
space of stable marked curves. Consider the stack ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}$ where the $m$
marked points are labeled $a_1$, $a_2$, $b_1$, \dots, $b_{m-2}$. Then the
closed substack ${\mathcal{V}}$ of ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}$ parametrizing marked curves $A \cup
B$ with $a_i \in A$, $b_i \in B$, $p_a(A) = 0$, $p_a(B) = g$ is isomorphic
to ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m-1}$ where the $m-1$ marked points are labeled $c$, $b_1$,
\dots, $b_{m-2}$. The isomorphism ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m-1} \rightarrow {\mathcal{V}}$
involves gluing a rational tail (with marked points $a_1$, $a_2$) at $c$.
Fix ${\mathcal{E}}$, integers $m_0$, $e_0$, $e_1$, and general $\Gamma$, $\Delta$. Let
$j_0 = h_{m_0,e_0}$, $j_1 = i_{e_1}$, $e' = e_0 + e_1 - n$, and $j' =
h_{m_0,e'} + 1$. There is a subvariety $Y$ of $X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ where $\pi(
p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) = \pi(q^{j_1}_{e_1})$. The general point of $Y$
represents a map $\pi: C(0) \cup C(1)
\rightarrow \mathbb P^n$ where $C(0)$ and $C(1)$ are both isomorphic to
$\mathbb P^1$, $\pi$ collapses $C(0)$ to a point, $p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$ and
$q^{j_1}_{e_1}$ are on $C(0)$, and the rest of the marked points are on
$C(1)$. Necessarily $\pi(C(0)) \subset \Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \cap
\Delta^{j_1}_{e_1}$. Such maps form a dense open subset of
$Y(d(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0); d(1),\Gamma(1),\Delta(1))$ where
\item $(d(0),\vec{h}(0),\vec{i}(0)) = (0,\vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,e_0},\vec{\epsilon}_{e_1})$, $\Gamma(0)
= \{ \Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \}$, $\Delta(0) = \{ \Delta^{j_1}_{e_1} \}$.
\item ${\mathcal{E}}(1) = {\mathcal{E}} - {\mathcal{E}}(0)$, $\Gamma(1) = \Gamma \setminus \Gamma(0)$, $\Delta(1) =
\Delta \setminus \Delta(0)$.
Now let $d' = d$, $\vec{h'} = \vec{h}(1)
+ \vec{\epsilon}_{m_1,e'}$, $\vec{i'} = \vec{i}(1)$, $\Gamma' = \Gamma(1) \cup \{
\Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \cap \Delta^{j_1}_{e_1} \}$, and $\Delta' =
\Delta(1)$. The stable map corresponding to a general point of $Y$ can also be
identified with a stable map $(C(1), \{ p^j_{m,e} \}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ in
$X(d',\Gamma',\Delta')$ where $C(1)$ is smooth and not contained in
$\pi^{-1}H$, by attaching a rational tail $C(0)$ (with two marked points
$p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$ and $q^{j_1}_{e_1}$) at the point $p^{j'}_{m_0,e'}$ of
In this way we get an isomorphism of $X(d',\Gamma',\Delta')$ with
There is a natural isomorphism
\phi: X(d', \Gamma', \Delta') \rightarrow Y(d(0), \Gamma(0), \Delta(0);
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The points in a dense open set of $X(d', \Gamma', \Delta')$ represent
degree $d$ stable maps $\pi$ from a smooth curve $C$ to $\mathbb P^n$ with
incidences $\pi({p'}^j_{m,e}) \in \Gamma^j_e$, $\pi( {q'}^j_e) \in \Delta^j_e$
and an equality of divisors $\pi^* H = \sum m {p'}^j_{m,e}$ on $C$. To
each such map, consider the map to $\mathbb P^n$ where the marked point
${p'}^j_{m,e}$ is replaced by $p^j_{m,e}$ for $(m,e,j) \neq (m_0, e',
h'_{m_0,e'})$, ${q'}^j_e$ is replaced by $q^j_e$, and
$p^{h'_{m_0,e'}}_{m_0,e'}$ is replaced by a rational tail with additional
marked points $p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$ and $q^{j_1}_{e_1}$. The resulting
stable maps corresponds to points in a dense open set of $Y(d(0), \Gamma(0),
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Every component of $X({\mathcal{E}})$ is reduced of dimension
(n+1) d + (n-3) - \sum_{m,e} (n+m-e-2)h_{m,e} - \sum_e
The general element of each component is (a map from) an
irreducible curve.
If $\sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k) = {\mathcal{E}}$, then every component of $Y({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
{\mathcal{E}}(l)) $ is reduced of dimension $\dim X({\mathcal{E}}) - 1$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
We will prove the result about $\dim X({\mathcal{E}})$ in the special case $\vec{i} =
\vec{0}$ and $h_{m,e}=0$ when $e<n-1$. Then the result holds when $\vec{i} =
i_n \vec{\epsilon}_n$ by Proposition \ref{runiversal} (applied $i_n$ times), and we can invoke Proposition
\ref{rgeneral2} repeatedly to obtain the result in full generality. (This
type of reduction will be used often.) In this special case, we must
prove that each component of $X({\mathcal{E}})$ is reduced of dimension
(n+1) d + (n-3) - \sum_m (m-1) h_{m,n-1}.
The natural map ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}}) \dashrightarrow {\mathcal{X}}_1(\hat{\ce})$ induced by
\rho_A: {\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum h_{m,n-1}}(\mathbb P^n,d) \dashrightarrow {\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum
h_{m,n-1}}(\mathbb P^1,d)
is smooth of relative dimension $(n-1)(d+1)$ at a
general point of any component of ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}})$ by Proposition
\ref{rbig}. The stack ${\mathcal{X}}_1(\hat{\ce})$ is reduced of dimension $2d-1 - \sum(m-1)
h_{m,n-1}$ by Subsection \ref{ikey}, so ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}})$ is
reduced of dimension
(n-1)(d+1) + \dim {\mathcal{X}}_1(\hat{\ce}) = (n+1)d + (n-3) - \sum_m (m-1) h_{m,n-1}
as desired.
As the general element of ${\mathcal{X}}_1(\hat{\ce})$ is (a map from) an irreducible
curve, the same is true of ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}})$, and thus $X({\mathcal{E}})$.
The same argument works for $Y$, as in Subsection
\ref{ikey} it was shown that $\dim Y_1(\hat{\ce}) = \dim X_1 (\hat{\ce}) - 1$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The following proposition is completely irrelevant to the rest of the
argument. It is included to ensure that we are actually counting what we
If $n \geq 3$, and $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e} \}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ is the stable
map corresponding to a general point of a component of $X({\mathcal{E}})$, then $C
\mathbb P^1$ (with distinct marked points), and $\pi$ is a closed immersion.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
By Propositions \ref{runiversal} and \ref{rgeneral2} again, we can assume
$\vec{i} = \vec{0}$ and
$h_{m,e}=0$ when $e<n-1$. By the previous proposition,
the curve $C$ is irreducible. We need only check that $\pi$ is a closed
immersion. The line bundle ${\mathcal{O}}_C(d)$ is very ample, so a given non-zero
section $s_0$ and three general sections $t_1$, $t_2$, $t_3$ will separate
points and tangent vectors. If $\pi = (s_0, s_1, s_2,s_3, \dots)$ then the
infinitesimal deformation $(s_0, s_1 + \varepsilon t_1, s_2 + \varepsilon t_2,
s_3 + \varepsilon t_3, s_4, \dots)$ will separate points and tangent vectors and still
lie in $X({\mathcal{E}})$. As
$(C,\{ p^j_{m,e} \}, \{ q^j_e \},\pi)$ corresponds to a general point in
$X({\mathcal{E}})$, the map $\pi$ must be an immersion at this point.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
\subsection{Degenerations set-theoretically}
Fix ${\mathcal{E}}=(d,\vec{h},\vec{i})$ and a non-negative integer $E$, and let $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ be sets
of general linear spaces of $\mathbb P^n$ (as in the definition of
$X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$). Let $q$ be the marked point corresponding to one of the
(general) $E$-planes $Q$ in $\Delta$.
Let $D_H = \{ \pi(q) \in H \}$ be the divisor on $X({\mathcal{E}})$ that corresponds
to requiring $q$ to lie on $H$. In this
section, we will determine the components of $D_H$. That is, we will give a list of subvarieties, and show
that the components of $D_H$ are a subset of this
list. In the next section, we will determine the multiplicity with which
each component appears. In particular, we will
see that the multiplicity of each component is at least one, so each
element of the list is indeed a component of $D_H$.
\caption{Specializing $H' \cap Q$ to lie in $H$}
But first, let us relate this result to the enumerative problem we wish to
solve. If $X({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ is a finite set of reduced points, we can determine
$\# X({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ by specializing one of the linear spaces of $\Delta$, of
dimension $E-1$, to lie in the hyperplane $H$ (see Figure \ref{rspecialize}).
Define ${\mathcal{E}}$ by
(d, \vec{h}, \vec{i}) = (d^-, \vec{h^-}, \vec{i^-} + \vec{\epsilon}_E - \vec{\epsilon}_{E-1}).
Then $X({\mathcal{E}})$ is a dimension 1 variety by Proposition \ref{rdimX}. Let $q$
be the marked point on one of the $E$-planes $Q$ in $\Delta^-$. The
conditions of ${\mathcal{E}}$ are weaker than those of ${\mathcal{E}}^-$: in ${\mathcal{E}}$ we allow $q$
to lie on a linear space of dimension one more than in ${\mathcal{E}}^-$. Let
$D_{H'}$ be the divisor on $X({\mathcal{E}})$ that corresponds to requiring $q$ to
lie on a fixed general hyperplane $H'$ in $\mathbb P^n$. Then the divisor
$D_{H'}$ on $X({\mathcal{E}})$ is $X({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ by Proposition \ref{rgeneral2}. If we
specialize $H'$ to $H$, $H' \cap Q$ will specialize to a general
$(E-1)$-plane $H \cap Q$ in $H$. As $(D_H)
\sim (D_{H'})$ as divisor classes on the complete curve $X({\mathcal{E}})$, $\deg D_H
\deg D_{H'}$. So to calculate $\# X({\mathcal{E}}^-)$, we can simply enumerate the
points $D_H$ on $X({\mathcal{E}})$, with the appropriate multiplicity. Only
enumeratively meaningful divisors on $X({\mathcal{E}})$ are relevant to such
enumerative calculations: we are counting points on $X({\mathcal{E}})$, which are
obviously enumeratively meaningful.
The components of $D_H$ on $X({\mathcal{E}})$ are given by the following result.
If $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ are general,
each component of $D_H$ (as a divisor on $X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$) is a component of
Y(d(0), \Gamma(0), \Delta(0); \dots; d(l), \Gamma(l), \Delta(l))
for some
$l$, ${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, $\Delta(l)$, with ${\mathcal{E}} = \sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k)$,
$\Gamma = \cup_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$, $\Delta =
\cup_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$, $Q \in \Gamma(0)$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
We may assume that $h_{m,e} = 0$ unless $e=n-1$, and that $\vec{i} = \vec{\epsilon}_n$
(and that $E=n$ and $q=q^1_n$). The general case follows by adding more marked
points (Proposition \ref{runiversal}) and requiring each marked point to lie on
a certain number of general hyperplanes (Proposition \ref{rgeneral2}).
With these assumptions, the result becomes much simpler. The stack
${\mathcal{X}}(d,\vec{h},\vec{i})$ is the universal curve over ${\mathcal{X}}(d,\vec{h},\vec{0})$, and we
are asking which points of the universal curve lie in $\pi^{-1}H$.
Let $(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q, \pi)$ be the stable map corresponding to a
general point of a component of $D_H$. Choose a general $(n-2)$-plane $A$
in $H$. The set $\pi^{-1} A$ is a union of reduced points on $C$, so
by Proposition \ref{rbig} $\rho_A$ is smooth (as a morphism of stacks) at the point representing
$(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q, \pi)$ (by Proposition \ref{rbig}). As a set,
$D_H$ contains the entire fiber of $\rho_A$ above $\rho_A(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1}
\}, q, \pi)$, so $\rho_A(D_H)$ is a Weil divisor on $X_1(\hat{\ce})$ that is a
component of $\{\pi(q) = z\}$ where $z = p_A(H)$. By
Theorem \ref{igenus0}, the curve $C$ is a union of irreducible components
$C(0) \cup \dots \cup C(l')$ with $\rho_A \circ \pi(C(0)) = z$
(i.e. $\pi(C(0)) \subset H$), $C(0) \cap C(k) \neq \phi$, and the marked
points split up among the components: $\vec{h} = \sum_{k=0}^{l'} \vec{h}(k)$. If
$d(0) = \deg \pi |_{C(0)}$, then $d(0)$ of the curves $C(1)$, \dots,
$C(l')$ are rational tails that are collapsed to the $d(0)$ points of $C(0)
\cap A$; they contain no marked points. Let $l = l' - d(0)$. Also,
$\vec{i}(k) = \vec{0}$ for $k>0$, as the only incidence condition in $\vec{i}$ was
$q \in Q$, and $q \in C(0)$.
Therefore this component of $D_H$ is
contained in
Y = Y(d(0),
\Gamma(0), \Delta(0); \dots; d(l), \Gamma(l), \Delta(l) ).
But $\dim Y = \dim X({\mathcal{E}}) -
1$ (by Proposition \ref{rdimX}), so the result follows.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
For enumerative calculations, we need only consider enumeratively
meaningful components. With this in mind, we restate Theorem \ref{rlist1}
in language reminiscent of [CH3]. Let $\phi$ be the isomorphism of
Proposition \ref{rXY}. The following theorem will be more convenient for
If $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ are general,
each enumeratively meaningful component of $D_H$ (as a divisor on
$X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$) is one of the following.
\item[(I)] A component of $\phi(X(d',\Gamma', \Delta'))$, where, for some $m_0, e_0$,
$1 \leq j_0 \leq h_{m_0, e_0}$, $e' := e_0 + E - n \geq 0$:
\item $d' = d$, $\vec{h'} = \vec{h} - \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,e_0} + \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0, e'}$,
$\vec{i'} = \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E$
\item ${\Gamma'}^j_{m,e} = \Gamma^j_{m,e} \quad \text{if $(m,e) \neq (m_0,
\item $ \{ {\Gamma'}^j_{m_0, e_0} \}_j = \{ \Gamma_{m_0,e_0}^j \}_j \setminus \{
\Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \}$
\item ${\Gamma'}_{m_0, e'}^{h'_{m_0, e'}} =
\Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \cap Q$
\item ${\Delta'}^j_e = \Delta^j_e$ if $e \neq E$, and $\{ {\Delta'}_E^j \}_j = \{
\Delta^j_E \}_j \setminus \{ Q \}$.
\item[(II)] A component of
$Y(d(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0);\dots;d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))$ for some
$l$, ${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, $\Delta(l)$, with ${\mathcal{E}} = \sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k)$,
$\Gamma = \cup_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$, $\Delta =
\cup_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$, $Q \in \Gamma(0)$, and $d(0)>0$.
Call these components {\em Type I components} and {\em Type II components}
\noindent {\em Proof. }
Consider a component $Y$ of $D_H$ that is not a Type II component (so $d(0)
= 0$). Let $\{ C(0) \cup \dots \cup C(l), \{ p^j_{m,e} \}, q, \pi \}$ be
the stable map corresponding to a general point of $Y$. The curve $C(0)$
has at least 3 special points: $q$, one of $\{ p^j_{m,e}\}$ (call it
$p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$), and $C(0) \cap C(1)$. If $C(0)$ had more than 3
special points, then the component would not be enumeratively meaningful,
due to the moduli of the special points of $C(0)$. Thus $l=1$, and $Y$ is
a Type I component.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
\subsection{Multiplicity calculations}
In Subsection \ref{rdst}, we saw that, in a neighborhood of a general point of
a component of the divisor $D_H$, there was a smooth morphism $\rho_A$ to
$X_1(\hat{\ce})$ whose behavior at the corresponding divisor we understood
well. For this reason, the multiplicity will be easy to calculate. We
will see that the multiplicity with which the component $Y({\mathcal{E}}(0);
\dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$ appears is $\prod_{k=1}^l m^k$, where $m^k = d(k) -
\sum_{m,e} m h_{m,e}(k)$ as defined earlier. As usual, Propositions
\ref{runiversal} and \ref{rgeneral2} allow us to assume that $h_{m,e} = 0$
unless $e=n-1$, and $\vec{i} = \vec{\epsilon}_n$.
Recall that $X_1(\hat{\ce})$ is the closure of
the (locally closed) subvariety of ${\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h_{m,n-1}+1}(\mathbb P^1, d)$ parametrizing stable
maps from pointed rational curves with points $\{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}_{1 \leq j
\leq h_m}$, $q$ such that $\pi^* z = \sum_m m p_{m,n-1}^j$. By (\ref{idimX}) (or a quick count of ramification points
away from $z$), $\dim X_1(\hat{\ce}) = d-1 + \sum_m h_{m,n-1}$.
Consider $Y_1 = Y_1(\hat{\ce}(0),\dots,\hat{\ce}(l),\hat{{\mathcal{E}}'}(1),\dots,\hat{{\mathcal{E}}'}(d(0)))$
where $\hat{{\mathcal{E}}'}(i) = (1,\vec{0},\vec{0})$. The general point of $Y$ is a map
from a tree of rational curves $A^0$, $A^1$, \dots, $A^l$, $B^1$, \dots,
$B^{d(0)}$ with $A^0$ intersecting the other components and mapping to
$z$, $B^1, \dots, B^{d(0)}$ mapping to $\mathbb P^1$ with degree 1, and $A^k$
mapping to $\mathbb P^1$ with degree $d(k)$ (for $k>0$), with
(\pi\mid_{A^k}) ^* z = \sum_m \left( \sum_j m p^j_{m,n-1}(k) \right)
+ m^k (A^k \cap A_1).
The rest of the marked
points (including $q$) are on $A^0$. By Theorem \ref{igenus0}, $Y_1$ is a Weil divisor on $X_1(\hat{\ce})$.
Let $D$ be the Cartier divisor on $X_1(\hat{\ce})$ defined by $\{ \pi(q) = z
Choose a general point $(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q,
\pi)$ of our component. Note that that the image $\rho_A(C, \{
p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q, \pi)$ is a general point of $Y_1$, with $A^k = C(k)$
(for $0 \leq k \leq l$). The additional components $B^1$, \dots,
$B^{d(0)}$ come from the $d(0)$ intersections of
$C(0)$ with the general $(n-2)$-plane $A$ of $H$.
In a neighborhood of $(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q,\pi)$:
\item[(a)] ${\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum h_{m,n-1}+1}(\mathbb P^n,d) \rightarrow {\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum h_{m,n-1}+1}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is a smooth morphism of smooth stacks
or algebraic spaces. Equivalently, the morphism is smooth on the level of
deformation spaces.
\item[(b)] The diagram
{\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}}) @>>> {\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum h_{m,n-1}+1}(\mathbb P^n,d) \\
@V{p}VV @VV{p}V \\
{\mathcal{X}}_1(\hat{\ce}) @>>> {\overline{\cm}}_{0,\sum h_{m,n-1}+1}(\mathbb P^1,d)
is a fiber square.
\item[(c)] The component ${\mathcal{Y}}({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$ is $p^*
{\mathcal{Y}}_1$ on ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}})$.
\item[(d)] As Cartier divisors, $p^* D = D_H$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
Part (a) is Proposition \ref{rbig}. Both (b) and (c) are clearly true
set-theoretically, and the fact that they are true stack-theoretically
follows from (a). Part (d) is clear: the divisor $D_H$ is $\{ \pi(q) \in H
and the divisor $D$ is $\{ p_A(\pi(q)) = z \}$, where $p_A$ is the
projection from $A$ in $\mathbb P^n$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Combining these four statements with Theorem \ref{igenus0} and
Corollary \ref{ilocalst}, we have:
The multiplicity of $D_H$ along the component $Y' = Y({\mathcal{E}}(0);
\dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$ is the multiplicity of $D$ along $Y$, which is
$\prod_{k=1}^l m^k$. In an
\'{e}tale or formal neighborhood of a general point of $Y'$, $X({\mathcal{E}})$ is
isomorphic to
\operatorname{Spec} \mathbb{C}[[a, b_1,\dots,b_l,c_1,\dots,c_{\dim X({\mathcal{E}}) -1 } ]] / ( a = b_1^{m^1} = \dots =
where $D_H$ is given by $a=0$.
Thus if $\lambda = \operatorname{lcm}(m^1,\dots,m^l)$, then $X({\mathcal{E}})$ has $\prod m^k /
\lambda$ distinct reduced branches in an \'{e}tale neighborhood of a
general point of $Y$, all smooth
if and only if $\lambda = m^k$ for some $k$.
\subsubsection{Multiplicity of $D_H$ along Type I components}
Recall that a Type I component parametrizes those stable maps in $X({\mathcal{E}})$
where one of the marked points $p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$ is mapped to the
linear space $Q$; call this component $Z =
Z(m_0,e_0,j_0)$. By the above argument,
$Z$ appears with multiplicity $m_0$. But the following
argument is more direct.
By Propositions \ref{runiversal} and \ref{rgeneral2}, we may assume
$h_{m,e} = 0$
unless $e=n-1$, and $\vec{i} = \vec{\epsilon}_n$. The stack ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}})$ is the universal
curve over ${\mathcal{X}}(d,\vec{h},\vec{0})$, and the Type I component $Z(m_0,e_0,j_0)$
corresponds to the section $p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$ of the universal curve. On
the general fiber $C$ of the family ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}}) \rightarrow
{\mathcal{X}}(d,\vec{h},\vec{0})$, $D_H = \sum m p^j_{m,e}$. Hence $D_H$
contains $Z(m_0,e_0,j_0)$ with multiplicity $m_0$.
\subsection{Recursive formulas}
\subsubsection{The enumerative geometry of $Y$ from that of $X$}
Now that we inductively understand the enumerative geometry of varieties of
the form $X({\mathcal{E}})$, we can compute $\#Y({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$.
The method can be seen through a simple example. Fix a hyperplane $H
\subset \mathbb P^4$. In $\mathbb P^4$ the number
of ordered pairs of lines $(L_0, L_1)$ consisting of lines $L_0 \subset H$
and $L_1 \subset \mathbb P^4$, with $L_0$ intersecting 3 fixed general lines
$a_1$, $a_2$, $a_3$ in $H$, $L_1$ intersecting 5 fixed general 2-planes
$b_1$, \dots, $b_5$ in $\mathbb P^4$, and $L_0$ intersecting $L_1$ (see
Figure \ref{rYeg}), can be determined as follows.
\caption{How many $(L_0,L_1)$ satisfy the desired conditions?}
There is a one-parameter family of lines $L_0$ in $H$ intersecting the
general lines $a_1$, $a_2$, $a_3$,
and this family sweeps out a surface $S \subset H$ of
some degree $d_0$. The degree $d_0$ is the number of lines $l_0$
intersecting the lines $a_1$, $a_2$, and $a_3$
{\em and another general line in $H$}, so this is $\#
X_3({\mathcal{E}}'(0))$ for $d'(0) = 1$, $\vec{h'}(0) = \vec{\epsilon}_{1,2}$, $\vec{i'}(0) = 4
\vec{\epsilon}_1$. There is also a
one-parameter family of lines $L_1$ intersecting the general 2-planes $b_1$,
\dots, $b_5$, and
the intersection point of such $L_1$ with $H$ sweeps out a curve $C \subset
H$ of some degree $d_1$. The degree $d_1$ is the number of lines
intersecting the 2-planes $b_1$, \dots, $b_5$ in $\mathbb P^4$ {\em and another
general 2-plane in $H$}. Thus $d_1 = \# X_4({\mathcal{E}}'(1))$ for $d'(1) = 1$,
$\vec{h'}(1) = \vec{\epsilon}_{1,2}$, $\vec{i'}(1) = 5 \vec{\epsilon}_1$. The answer we seek
is $\# (C \cap S) = d_0 d_1$.
The same argument in general yields:
\# Y_n ( {\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l) ) = \frac { \# X_{n-1} ( {\mathcal{E}}'(0)) }{ d(0)!} \prod_{k=1}^l \# X_n({\mathcal{E}}'(k))
\item $h'(0) = d(0) \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-2}$
\item $i'_e(0) = i_{e+1}(0) + \# \{ \dim X_n({\mathcal{E}}(k)) = e \}_{1 \leq k \leq l} +
\sum_m h_{m,e}(0)$
\item for $1 \leq k \leq l$, $\vec{i'}(k) = \vec{i}(k)$ and
$\vec{h'}(k) = \vec{h}(k) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^k, n-1-\dim X_n({\mathcal{E}}(k))}$.
The $d(0)!$ is included to account for the $d(0)!$ possible labelings of
the intersection points of a degree $d(0)$ curve in $H$ with a
fixed general hyperplane $H'$ of $H$.
The following result is trivial but useful.
If the data ${\mathcal{E}}'$ is the same as ${\mathcal{E}}$ except $\vec{i'} = \vec{i}+
\vec{\epsilon}_{n-1}$, then $\# X({\mathcal{E}}') = d \cdot \# X({\mathcal{E}})$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The stable maps in $X({\mathcal{E}}')$ are just the stable maps in $X({\mathcal{E}})$
along with a marked point mapped to a fixed general hyperplane. There
are $d$ choices of this marked point. (This is analogous to the
divisorial axiom for Gromov Witten invariants, cf. [FP] p. 35 (III).)
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
We now summarize the results of Subsections \ref{rdst} and
\ref{rmultgen}. Along with Propositions \ref{rrecursiveY} and
\ref{rtrivial}, this will give an algorithm to compute $\# X({\mathcal{E}})$ for any
${\mathcal{E}}$. (Proposition
\ref{rtrivial} isn't strictly necessary, but will make the algorithm
faster.) The only initial data
needed is the ``enumerative geometry of $\mathbb P^1$'': the number of stable
maps to $\mathbb P^1$ of degree 1 is 1.
Given ${\mathcal{E}}$, fix an $E$ such that $i_E>0$. Partitions of ${\mathcal{E}}$
are simultaneous partitions of $d$, $\vec{h}$, and $\vec{i}$. Define
multinomial coefficients with vector arguments as the product of the
multinomial coefficients of the components of the vectors:
\binom {\vec{h} }{ { \vec{h}(0), \dots, \vec{h}(l)} } = \prod_{m,e} \binom {
h_{m,e} }{ {h_{m,e}(0), \dots, h_{m,e}(l)}},
\binom { \vec{i} }{ { \vec{i}(0), \dots, \vec{i}(l)} } = \prod_e \binom {
i_e }{{i_e(0), \dots, i_e(l)}}.
Define ${\mathcal{E}}^-$ by $(d^-, \vec{h^-}, \vec{i^-}) = ( d, \vec{h}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E +
\vec{\epsilon}_{E-1})$, and let $\Gamma^- = \Gamma$ and
$\Delta^- = \Delta \cup \{ \Delta^{i_E}_E \cap H' \} \setminus \{ \Delta^{i_E}_E \}$
where $H'$ is a general hyperplane. (This notation was used earlier, in
Subsection \ref{rdst}.)
In $A^1(X_n(d, \Gamma, \Delta))$, the cycle
$X_n(d^-, \Gamma^-, \Delta^-)$ is rationally equivalent to
\sum \left( \prod_{k=1}^l m^k \right) Y_n(d(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0); \dots;
where the sum is over all $l$,
${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, $\Delta(l)$, with ${\mathcal{E}} = \sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k)$,
$\Gamma = \coprod_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$, $\Delta =
\coprod_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$, $\Gamma_{E}^{i_E} \in \Gamma(0)$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The left side is rationally equivalent (in ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}})$) to $D_H = \{
\pi(q^{i_E}_E) \in H \}$. The right side is set-theoretically $D_H$ by
Theorem \ref{rlist1}, and the multiplicity $\prod m^k$ was determined in
Subsection \ref{rmultgen}.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
If $\# X_n({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ is finite, the following statement is more suitable for computation.
\# X_n({\mathcal{E}}^-) = \sum_{m,e} m h_{m,e} \cdot \# X_n({\mathcal{E}}'(m,e))
+ \sum \left(
\prod_{k=1}^l m^k \right) \binom { {\vec{h}} }{ { \vec{h}(0), \dots, \vec{h}(l)} }
\binom {
{\vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E} }{ { \vec{i}(0)-\vec{\epsilon}_E,\vec{i}(1), \dots,
\vec{i}(l)} }
\quad \quad \quad \cdot \frac { \# Y_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
{\mathcal{E}}(l)) }{ \operatorname{Aut}( {\mathcal{E}}(1),\dots,{\mathcal{E}}(l))}
where, in the first sum, ${\mathcal{E}}'(m,e) = (d,\vec{h} -\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e}+\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e+E-n}, \vec{i} -
\vec{\epsilon}_E)$; the second sum is over all $l$ and all partitions
${\mathcal{E}}(0)$,\dots, ${\mathcal{E}}(l)$ of ${\mathcal{E}}$ with $d(0)>0$.
This follows from Theorem \ref{rlist} and the multiplicity calculations of
Subsection \ref{rmultgen}. The only new points
explanation are the combinatorial aspects: the $h_{m,e}$ in the first sum,
and the ``$\operatorname{Aut}$'' and various multinomial coefficients in the second.
In Theorem \ref{rlist}, the Type I components were indexed by
$(m_0, e_0, j_0)$. But for fixed $(m_0,e_0)$, $\# X({\mathcal{E}}'(m_0,e_0))$ is
independent of $j_0$, so the above formula eliminates this redundancy.
Similarly, in Theorem \ref{rlist}, the Type II components were indexed by
partitions of the points $\{ p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,j}$ and $\{ q^j_e \}_{e,j}
\setminus \{ q \}$, but the value of $\# Y_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$
depends only on $\{ \vec{h}(k), \vec{i}(k) \}_{k=0}^l$ and not on the actual
partitions. The multinomial coefficients in the second line eliminate
this redundancy. Finally, we divide the last term by $\operatorname{Aut}({\mathcal{E}}(1);
\dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$ to ensure that we are counting each Type II component
\subsubsection{Transposing these results to subvarieties of the Hilbert scheme}
Our original result was an equality of divisors on $X({\mathcal{E}})$. We will
briefly sketch the analogous equality in the Chow ring of the Hilbert
Assume for convenience that $n \geq 3$, and that $h_{m,e} = i_e = 0$ when
$e > n-2$. By Proposition \ref{rXnice}, there is a dense open subset $U$ of
$X({\mathcal{E}})$ such that the image of the map corresponding to a point on $U$ is
smooth. We can take a smaller $U$ such that the images of the
corresponding maps intersect each $\Gamma^j_{m,e}$ and $\Delta^j_e$ in one point.
Define the closed subscheme $X^{\operatorname{Hilb}}({\mathcal{E}})$ of the Hilbert scheme to be the
closure of the points $U^{\operatorname{Hilb}}$ representing the images of the maps
corresponding to points of $U$. The subvarieties $Y^{\operatorname{Hilb}}({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
{\mathcal{E}}(l))$ can be defined analogously. There is a rational map
\psi: X^{\operatorname{Hilb}}({\mathcal{E}}) \dashrightarrow X({\mathcal{E}})
$$ that restricts to an isomorphism from $U^{\operatorname{Hilb}}$ to $U$. (The map
$\psi$ is the inverse of the rational map $\xi$ defined in Subsubsection
\ref{rgeomean}.) Let $\Phi_1$,
$\Phi_2$ be the projection of the graph of $\psi$ to $X^{\operatorname{Hilb}}({\mathcal{E}})$ and
$X({\mathcal{E}})$ respectively. The exceptional divisors of $\psi$ are defined to
be the image under $\Phi_1$ of the divisors on the graph collapsed by
$\psi_2$. (It is not clear to the author if such divisors exist.)
Then Theorem \ref{rrecursiveX1} can be reinterpreted as follows.
In $A^1( X^{\operatorname{Hilb}}(d,\Gamma,\Delta))$, modulo the exceptional divisors of
X^{\operatorname{Hilb}}(d^-,\Gamma^-,\Delta^-) = \sum \left( \prod_{k=1}^l m^k \right)
Y^{\operatorname{Hilb}}(d(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0); \dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))
where the sum is over all
$l$, ${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, $\Delta(l)$, with ${\mathcal{E}} = \sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k)$,
$\Gamma = \coprod_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$, $\Delta =
\coprod_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$, $\Gamma_{E}^{i_E} \in \Gamma(0)$.
This result follows from Theorem \ref{rrecursiveX1} and the multiplicity
calculations of Subsection \ref{rmultgen}.
\section{Elliptic Curves in Projective Space}
In this section, we extend our methods to study the geometry of varieties
$W({\mathcal{E}})$ parametrizing degree $d$ elliptic curves in $\mathbb P^n$ intersecting
fixed general linear spaces and tangent to a fixed hyperplane $H$ with
fixed multiplicities along fixed general linear subspaces of $H$. We use
the same general ideas as in the preceding section: we work with the
variety ${\overline{M}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ (and the stack ${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$)
and specialize linear spaces (which the curve is required to intersect) to
lie in $H$ one at a time. Many arguments will carry over wholesale. The
main additions deal with new types of degenerations.
\subsubsection{Example: Cubic elliptic space curves}
The example of smooth elliptic cubics in $\mathbb P^3$ illustrates some of the
degenerations we will see, and shows a new complication. There are 1500
smooth elliptic cubics in $\mathbb P^3$ through 12 general lines, and we can
use the same degeneration ideas to calculate this number. Figure
\ref{e1500cubics} is a pictorial table of the degenerations; smooth
elliptic curves are indicated by an open circle.
\caption{Counting 1500 elliptic cubics through 12 general lines in $\mathbb P^3$}
The degenerations marked with an asterisk have a new twist. For example,
consider the cubics through 9 general lines $L_1$, \dots, $L_9$ and 3 lines
$L_{10}$, $L_{11}$, $L_{12}$ in $H$ (in row 9) and specialize $L_9$ to lie in
$H$. The limit cubic could be a smooth plane curve in $H$ (the left-most
picture of row 8 in the figure). In this case, it must pass through the
eight points $L_1 \cap H$, \dots, $L_8 \cap H$. But there is an additional
restriction. The cubics (before specialization) intersected $L_{10}$, $L_{11}$,
$L_{12}$ in three points $p_{10}$, $p_{11}$, $p_{12}$ ($p_i \in L_i$), and as
elliptic cubics are planar, these three points must have been collinear.
Thus the possible limits are those curves in $H$ through $L_1 \cap H$,
\dots, $L_8 \cap H$ and passing through collinear points $p_{10}$, $p_{11}$,
$p_{12}$ (with $p_i \in L_i$). (There is also a choice of a marked point of
the curve on $L_9$, which will give a multiplicity of 3.) This
collinearity condition can be written as $\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(1)) = p_{10} + p_{11} +
p_{12}$ in the Picard group of the curve. The existence of such
degenerations is analogous to the divisorial condition of Theorem
We will have to count elliptic curves with such a divisorial condition
involving the marked points; this locus forms a divisor on a variety of the
form $W({\mathcal{E}})$. Fortunately, we can express this divisor in terms of
divisors we understand well (Subsubsection \ref{eevalZ}). Thus as a side
benefit, we get enumerative data about elliptic curves in $\mathbb P^n$ with
certain incidence and tangency conditions, and a divisorial condition as
\subsection{Notation and summary}
For convenience, let $\vec{\epsilon}_e$, $\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e}$ be the natural basis vectors:
$(\vec{\epsilon}_e)_{e'} = 1$ if $e = e'$ and 0 otherwise; and $(\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e})_{m',e'}
= 1$ if $(m,e)=(m',e')$, and 0 otherwise. Fix a hyperplane $H$ in
$\mathbb P^n$, and a hyperplane $A$ of $H$.
From the previous section, recall the definitions of ``enumeratively
meaningful'', $X({\mathcal{E}})$, ${\mathcal{X}}({\mathcal{E}})$, $Y({\mathcal{E}}(0);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))$, and
Motivated by the analysis in Subsection
\ref{ikey} of divisors on subvarieties of
${\overline{M}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$, we define five new classes of varieties, labeled
$W$, $Y^a$, $Y^b$, $Y^c$, and $Z$ and corresponding stacks, labeled ${\mathcal{W}}$,
${\mathcal{Y}}^a$, ${\mathcal{Y}}^b$, ${\mathcal{Y}}^c$, and ${\mathcal{Z}}$.
\subsubsection{The schemes $W({\mathcal{E}})$}
The objects of primary interest to us are smooth degree $d$ elliptic curves
in $\mathbb P^n$ ($n \geq 2$) intersecting a fixed hyperplane $H$ with various
multiplicities along various linear subspaces of $H$, and intersecting
various general linear spaces in $\mathbb P^n$. We will examine these objects
as stable maps from marked curves to $\mathbb P^n$ (where the markings will be
the various intersections with $H$ and incidences).
Let $n$ and $d$ be positive integers, and let $H$ be a hyperplane in $\mathbb P^n$.
Let $\vec{h} = ( h_{m,e} )_{m \geq 1, e \geq 0}$ and $\vec{i} = ( i_e )_{e \geq
0}$ be sets of non-negative integers. Let
$\Gamma = \{ \Gamma^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ be a set of linear
spaces in $H$ where $\dim
\Gamma^j_{m,e} = e$. Let
$\Delta = \{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,1 \leq j \leq i_e}$ be a set of linear spaces in
$\mathbb P^n$ where $\dim
\Delta^j_{e} = e$.
The scheme $W_n(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ is the (scheme-theoretic) closure of
the locally closed subset of ${\overline{M}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$
(where the
marked points are labeled $\{p_{m,e}^j\}_{1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ and $\{
q_e^j \}_{1 \leq j
\leq i_e}$) representing stable maps $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e} \}, \{
q^j_e \}, \pi)$ satisfying $\pi(p_{m,e}^j) \in \Gamma_{m,e}^j$, $\pi(q_e^j) \in
\Delta_e^j$, $\pi^* H = \sum_{m,e,j} m p^j_{m,e}$, and where no components
of $C$ are collapsed by $\pi$.
In particular, $\sum_{m,e} m h_{m,e} = d$, and no component of $C$ is
contained in $\pi^{-1}H$. The incidence conditions define closed
subschemes of ${\overline{M}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$, so the union
of these conditions indeed defines a closed subscheme of ${\overline{M}}_{1,\sum
h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$.
Define ${\mathcal{W}}_n(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ in the same way as a substack of
${\overline{\cm}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$. When we speak of propertis that are constant for general $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ (such as the dimension), we will write $W_n(d,\vec{h},\vec{i})$. For convenience,
write ${\mathcal{E}}$ (for ${\mathcal{E}}$verything) for the data $d, \vec{h}, \vec{i}$, so
$W_n({\mathcal{E}}) = W_n(d,\vec{h},\vec{i})$. Also, the $n$ will often be suppressed
for convenience.
The variety $W(d, \Gamma, \Delta)$ (analogous to $X(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ defined in
Section \ref{rational}) can be loosely thought of as parametrizing
degree $d$ elliptic curves in projective space intersecting certain linear
subspaces of $\mathbb P^n$, and intersecting $H$ with different multiplicities
along certain linear subspaces of $H$. For example, if $n=3$, $d=3$,
$h_{2,0}=1$, $h_{1,2}=1$, $W$ parametrizes elliptic cubics in $\mathbb P^3$
tangent to $H$ at a fixed point.
In the special case where $h_{m,e}=0$ when
$e<n-1$ and $\vec{i}=\vec{\epsilon}_n$, define $\hat{\ce}$ by $\hat{d} = d$, $\hat{i}_1 =
1$, $\hat{h}_{m,0} = h_{m,n-1}$. We will relate the geometry of
${\mathcal{W}}_n({\mathcal{E}})$ to that of ${\mathcal{W}}_1(\hat{\ce})$, which was studied in Subsection
\ref{ikey}. The geometry of ${\mathcal{W}}_n({\mathcal{E}})$ for general ${\mathcal{E}}$ can be
understood from this special case.
If the linear spaces $\Gamma$, $\Delta$ are general,
these varieties have the dimension one would naively expect. The family of
degree $d$ elliptic curves in $\mathbb P^n$ has dimension $(n+1)d$.
Requiring the curve to pass through a fixed $e$-plane should be a codimension
$(n-1-e)$ condition. Requiring the curve to be $m$-fold tangent to $H$
along a fixed $e$-plane of $H$ should be a codimension $(m-1)+(n-1-e)$ condition.
Thus we will show (Theorem \ref{edimW}) that when the linear spaces in
$\Gamma$, $\Delta$ are general, each component of $W(d, \Gamma, \Delta)$ has dimension
(n+1) d - \sum_{m,e} (n+m-e-2)h_{m,e} - \sum_e (n-1-e)i_e.
Moreover, $W({\mathcal{E}})$ is reduced. When the dimension is 0, $W({\mathcal{E}})$ consists
of reduced points. We call this number $\# W({\mathcal{E}})$ --- these are the
numbers we want to calculate. Define $\# W({\mathcal{E}})$ to be zero if $\dim
W({\mathcal{E}}) > 0$.
For example, when $n=3$, $d=3$, $h_{1,2} = 3$, $i_1 = 12$, $W({\mathcal{E}})$
consists of a certain number of reduced points: 3! times the number of
elliptic cubics through 12 general lines. (The 3! arises from the markings
of the three intersections of the cubic with $H$.)
\subsubsection{The schemes $Y^a$,
$Y^b$, and $Y^c$} We
will be naturally led to consider subvarieties of $W(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ which
are similar in form to the varieties
Y(d(0), \Gamma(0), \Delta(0); \dots; d(l), \Gamma(l), \Delta(l) )
of the previous section.
Fix $n$, ${\mathcal{E}}$, $\Gamma$, $\Delta$, and a non-negative integer $l$. Let
$\sum_{k=0}^l d(k)$ be a partition of $d$. Let the points $\{ p^j_{m,e}
\}_{m,e,j}$ be partitioned into $l+1$ subsets $\{ p^j_{m,e}(k) \}_{m,e,j}$
for $k= 0$, \dots, $l$. This induces a partition of $\vec{h}$ into
$\sum_{k=0}^l \vec{h}(k)$ and a partition of the set $\Gamma$ into
$\coprod_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$.
Let the points $\{ q^j_e
\}_{e,j}$ be partitioned into $l+1$ subsets $\{ q^j_{e}(k) \}_{e,j}$
for $k= 0$, \dots, $l$. This induces a partition of $\vec{i}$ into
$\sum_{k=0}^l \vec{i}(k)$ and a partition of the set $\Delta$ into
$\coprod_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$. Define $m^k$ by $m^k = d(k) - \sum_m m
h_m(k)$, and assume $m^k>0$ for all $k = 1$, \dots, $l$.
The scheme
\dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))
is the (scheme-theoretic) closure of
the locally closed subset of ${\overline{M}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ (where the
points are labeled $\{ p_{m,e}^j \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ and $\{ q_e^j
\}_{1 \leq j \leq i_e}$) representing stable maps $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e}
\}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ satisfying the following conditions
\item[Y1.] The curve $C$ consists of $l+1$ irreducible components $C(0)$, \dots,
$C(l)$ with all components intersecting $C(0)$. The map $\pi$ has
degree $d(k)$ on curve $C(k)$ ($0 \leq k \leq l$).
\item[Y2.] The points $\{ p^j_{m,e}(k) \}_{m,e,j}$ and $\{ q^j_e(k)\}_{e,j}$ lie
on $C(k)$, and $\pi(p^j_{m,e}(k)) \in \Gamma^j_{m,e}(k)$, $\pi(q^j_e(k)) \in
\item[Y3.] As sets, $\pi^{-1}H = C(0) \cup \{ p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,j}$, and for $k>0$,
( \pi \mid_{C(k)} )^* H = \sum_{m,e,j} m p^j_{m,e}(k) + m^k (C(0) \cap C(k)).
\item[Y${}^{\text{a}}$4.] The curve $C(1)$ is elliptic and the other
components are rational.
Conditions Y1--Y3 appeared in the definition of $Y$ (Definition \ref{rdefY}).
Note that $d(k)>0$ for all positive $k$ by condition Y3.
When discussing properties that hold for general $\{ \Gamma^j_{m,e}
\}_{m,e,j}$, $\{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,j}$, we will write
Y^a_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
{\mathcal{E}}(l)) =
Y^a_n(d(0),\vec{h}(0),\vec{i}(0); \dots;
d(l),\vec{h}(l),\vec{i}(l)) .
The $n$ will often be suppressed for convenience.
If $\vec{h}(k) + \vec{i}(k) \neq \vec{0}$ for all $k>0$,
Y^a({\mathcal{E}}(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0))
is isomorphic to a closed subscheme of
{\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h(0) + \sum i(0)+l}(H,d(0)) \times
\times \prod_{k=2}^l
where for $k= 1, \dots, l$, $\vec{h'}(k) = \vec{h}(k) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^k,n-1}$ and
$\Gamma'(k)$ is the same as $\Gamma(k)$ except
$\Gamma^{h_{m^k,n-1}+1}_{m^k,h_{m^k,n-1}+1} = H$.
Define ${\mathcal{Y}}^a({\mathcal{E}}(0), \Delta(0), \Gamma(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l), \Delta(l), \Gamma(l))$
as the analogous stack.
The scheme
\dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))
is the (scheme-theoretic) closure of
the locally closed subset of ${\overline{M}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$
(where the points are labeled $\{ p_{m,e}^j \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ and
$\{ q_e^j \}_{1 \leq j \leq i_e}$) representing stable maps $(C, \{
p^j_{m,e} \}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ satisfying the conditions Y1--Y2 above,
\item[Y${}^{\text{b}}$3.] As sets, $\pi^{-1}H = C(0) \cup \{ p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,j}$, and for $k>1$,
( \pi \mid_{C(k)} )^* H = \sum_{m,e,j} m p^j_{m,e}(k) + m^k (C(0) \cap C(k)).
\item[Y${}^{\text{b}}$4.] All components of $C$ are rational. The curves
$C(0)$ and $C(1)$ intersect at two distinct points $\{ a_1, a_2 \}$.
(These points are not marked; monodromy may exchange them.) Also,
(\pi \mid_{C(1)}) ^* H = \sum_{m,e}
\sum_{j=1}^{h^k_{m,e}} m p^j_{m,e} + m^1_1 a_1 + m^1_2 a_2
where $m^1_1 + m^1_2 = m^1$.
Thus $Y^b({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l) )$ is naturally the union of $[m^1/2]$
(possibly reducible) schemes (where $[\cdot]$ is the greatest-integer
function), indexed by $m^1_1$. For convenience, label these varieties
Y^b({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m_1^1}\}_{1 \leq m^1_1 < m^1},
so $\{ Y^b({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m_1^1}\}_{m^1_1} =
\{ Y^b({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m_1^1}\}_{m^1 - m^1_1}$.
For enumerative reasons, we define a slightly different variety.
The scheme
\dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))_{m^1_1}
is the
(scheme-theoretic) closure of
the locally closed subset of the universal curve over ${\overline{M}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum
i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ (where the
points are labeled $\{ p_{m,e}^j \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ and $\{ q_e^j
\}_{1 \leq j \leq i_e}$, and the point on the universal curve is labeled
$a_1$) representing stable maps $(C, \{
\}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ (with additional point $a_1$) satisfying the
conditions Y1, Y2, Y${}^{\text{b}}$3, and Y${}^{\text{b}}$4 above (for some
other point $a_2$).
There is a morphism $\tilde{Y}^b_n(d(0), \dots, \Delta(l))_{m^1_1}
\rightarrow Y^b_n(d(0), \dots, \Delta(l))_{m^1_1}$
corresponding to forgetting the point $a_1$. This morphism is an
isomorphism if $m^1_1 \neq m^1_2$ and it is generically two-to-one when
$m^1_1 = m^1_2$.
When discussing properties that hold for general $\{ \Gamma^j_{m,e}
\}_{m,e,j}$, $\{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,j}$, we will write
Y^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l)) =Y^b_n(d(0),\vec{h}(0),\vec{i}(0); \dots; d(l),\vec{h}(l),\vec{i}(l))
\tilde{Y}^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l)) =\tilde{Y}^b_n(d(0),\vec{h}(0),\vec{i}(0); \dots; d(l),\vec{h}(l),\vec{i}(l))
The $n$ will often be suppressed for convenience. If $\vec{h}(k) +
\vec{i}(k) \neq \vec{0}$ for all $k>0$, $\tilde{Y}^b(d(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0);
\dots; d(l),\Gamma(l), \Delta(l))$ is isomorphic to a closed subscheme of
{\overline{M}}_{0,\sum h(0) + \sum i(0)+l+1}(H,d(0)) \times
X(d(k), \Gamma'(k),\Delta(k))
for appropriately chosen $\Gamma'(k)$, $k = 1$, \dots, $l$.
Define ${\mathcal{Y}}^b(d(0), \Delta(0), \Gamma(0); \dots; d(l), \Delta(l), \Gamma(l))$
as the analogous stack.
The scheme
d(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0); \dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))
is the (scheme-theoretic) closure of
the locally closed subset of ${\overline{M}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e} + \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ (where the
points are labeled $\{ p_{m,e}^j \}_{1 \leq j \leq h_{m,e}}$ and $\{ q_e^j
\}_{ 1 \leq j \leq i_e}$) representing stable maps $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e}
\}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ satisfying conditions Y1--Y3, and
\item[Y${}^{\text{c}}$4.] The curve $C(0)$ is elliptic and the other
components are rational. The morphism $\pi$ has positive degree on every
In $\operatorname{Pic}(C(0))$,
\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^n}(1)) & \otimes & {\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)} \left( \sum_{k=1}^l m^k (C(0)
\cap C(k)) \right) \\
& \cong &
{\mathcal{O}}_{C(0)} \left( \sum_{m,e} \sum_{j=1}^{h_{m,e}(0)} m p_{m,e}^j(0) \right).
The divisorial condition Y${}^{\text{c}}$5 is motivated by the ideas of
Subsection \ref{ikey}. If ${\mathcal{E}} = \sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k)$,
and $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ are general with $\Gamma = \coprod_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$, $\Delta =
\coprod_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$, then the variety
Y^c_n(d(0), \Gamma(0),\Delta(0); \dots; d(l),\Gamma(l),\Delta(l))
will turn out to be a Weil divisor on $W(d, \Gamma, \Delta)$. The stable
map $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e} \}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ corresponding to a general
point of $W(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$ satisfies $\pi^* ({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^n}(1)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_C (
\sum_{m,e,j} m
p^j_{m,e})$, and this condition must in some sense be inherited by
the map corresponding to a general
point on the Weil divisor.
This condition was actually present in $Y^a$ and $Y^b$ (and the Type II
component $Y$ of the previous section), but as $C(0)$ was rational in each
of these cases, the
requirement reduced to
d(0) + \sum_{k=1}^l m^k = \sum_{m,e} m h_{m,e}(0)
which was always true.
When discussing properties that hold for general $\{ \Gamma^j_{m,e}
\}_{m,e,j}$, $\{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,j}$, we will write $Y^c_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
{\mathcal{E}}(l))$. The $n$ will often be suppressed for convenience. If $\vec{h}(k) +
\vec{i}(k) \neq \vec{0}$ for all $k>0$,
Y^c(d(0), \Gamma(0), \Delta(0);
\dots; d(l), \Gamma(l), \Delta(l))
is isomorphic to a closed subscheme of
{\overline{M}}_{1,\sum h_{m,e}(0) + \sum i_e(0)+l}(H,d(0)) \times \prod_{k=1}^l
X(d(k), \Gamma'(k), \Delta(k))
for appropriately chosen $\Gamma'(k)$.
Define ${\mathcal{Y}}^c(d(0), \Delta(0), \Gamma(0); \dots; d(l), \Delta(l), \Gamma(l))$
as the analogous stack.
The five classes of varieties $W$, $X$, $Y^a$, $Y^b$, $Y^c$ are illustrated
in Figure \ref{ewxy}. In the figure, the dual graph of the curve
corresponding to a general point of the variety is given. Vertices
corresponding to components mapped to $H$ are labeled with an $H$, and
vertices corresponding to elliptic components are open circles.
\caption{Five classes of varieties}
\subsubsection{The scheme $Z(d,\vec{i})_{{\mathcal{D}}}$}
Because of the divisorial condition Y${}^{\text{c}}$5 in the definition of
$Y^c({\mathcal{E}})$, we
will also be interested in the variety parametrizing smooth degree $d$
elliptic curves in $\mathbb P^n$ ($n \geq 2$) with a condition in the Picard
group of the curve involving the marked points and
$\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^n}(1))$. Let $d$ and $n$ be positive integers and $\vec{i} =
(i_e)_{e \geq 0}$ a set of non-negative integers. Let $\Delta = \{ \Delta^j_e
\}_{e, 1 \leq j \leq i_e}$ be a set of linear spaces in $\mathbb P^n$ where
$\dim \Delta^j_e = e$. Let ${\mathcal{D}}$ be a linear equation in formal variables $\{
q^j_e \}_{e,j}$ with integral coefficients summing to $d$.
The scheme $Z_n(d,\Delta)_{{\mathcal{D}}}$ is the (scheme-theoretic) closure of the
locally closed subset of ${\overline{M}}_{1, \sum i_e}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ (where the points are
labeled $\{q^j_e \}_{1 \leq j \leq i_e}$) representing stable maps
$(C, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ satisfying the following conditions:
\item[(i)] The curve $C$ is smooth,
\item[(ii)] $\pi(q^j_e) \in \Delta^j_e$, and
\item[(iii)] in $\operatorname{Pic}(C)$, $\pi^* ({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^n}(1)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}_C({\mathcal{D}})$.
When discussing properties that hold for general $\{ \Delta^j_e \}_{e,j}$, we
will write $Z_n(d,\vec{i})_{{\mathcal{D}}}$. The $n$ will often be suppressed for
convenience. Define ${\mathcal{Z}}(d,\vec{i})_{{\mathcal{D}}}$ as the analogous
For example,
Z_2(d=4,i_0 = 11)_{q^1_0 + q^2_0 + q^3_0 + q^4_0}.
parametrizes the finite number of smooth two-nodal quartic plane curves
through 11 fixed general points $\{ q^j_0 \}_{1 \leq j \leq 11}$ satisfying
\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^2}(1)) \cong {\mathcal{O}}(q^1_0 + q^2_0 + q^3_0 + q^4_0)
in the Picard group of the normalization of the curve.
When $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ are general, all of the varieties $W$, $Y^a$, $Y^b$,
$Y^c$, $Z$ defined above will be seen to be
reduced (Propositions \ref{edimW} and \ref{edimZ}). When the dimension is 0 (and, as before, $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ are
general), they consist of reduced points, and the number of points is
independent of $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$. We call this number $\# W({\mathcal{E}})$, $\#
Y^a({\mathcal{E}})$, etc. We will calculate all of these values for all $n$ and
\subsection{Preliminary results}
In this section, we prove preliminary results we will need.
Recall Propositions \ref{rgeneral} and
\ref{rgeneralproper}, which are collected in the following proposition:
Let ${\mathcal{A}}$ be a reduced irreducible substack of ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$,
and let $p$ be one of the labeled points. Then there is a Zariski-open
subset $U$ of the dual projective space $(\mathbb P^n)^*$ such that for all
$[H'] \in U$ the intersection ${\mathcal{A}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in H' \}$, if nonempty,
is reduced of dimension $\dim {\mathcal{A}} - 1$.
Let ${\mathcal{B}}$ be a proper closed substack of ${\mathcal{A}}$. Then there is a
Zariski-open subset $U'$ of the dual projective space $(\mathbb P^n)^*$ such
that for all $[H'] \in U'$, each component of ${\mathcal{B}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in H'
\}$ is a proper closed substack of a component of ${\mathcal{A}} \cap \{ \pi(p) \in
H' \}$.
The following two propositions are variants of Propositions
\ref{runiversal} and \ref{rgeneral2} of the previous section. The proofs
are identical once ${\mathcal{X}}$ is replaced with ${\mathcal{W}}$.
Given $d$, $\vec{h}$, $\vec{i}$, $\Gamma$, $\Delta$, define $\vec{i'} = \vec{i} + \vec{\epsilon}_n$ and $\Delta'$ the same as
$\Delta$ except $\Delta^{i'_n}_n = \mathbb P^n$. Then ${\mathcal{W}}(d, \Gamma,
\Delta')$ is the universal curve over ${\mathcal{W}}(d,\Gamma, \Delta)$.
Let $H'$ be a general hyperplane of $\mathbb P^n$.
\item[a)] The divisor
\{ \pi(p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}) \in H' \} \subset
{\mathcal{W}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta)
is ${\mathcal{W}}(d, \Gamma', \Delta)$ where
\item $\vec{h'}= \vec{h} - \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,e_0} + \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,e_0-1}$
\item For $(m,e) \neq (m_0,e_0), (m_0,e_0-1)$, ${\Gamma'}^j_{m,e} = \Gamma^j_{m,e}$.
\item $\{ {\Gamma'}^j_{m_0,e_0} \}_j = \{ \Gamma^j_{m_0,e_0} \}_j \setminus \{
\Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \}$
\item $\{ {\Gamma'}^j_{m_0,e_0-1} \} = \{ \Gamma^j_{m_0,e_0-1}
\}_j \cup \{ \Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \cap H' \} $
\item[b)] The divisor
\{ \pi(q^{j_0}_{e_0}) \in H' \} \subset
{\mathcal{W}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta)
is ${\mathcal{W}}(d, \Gamma, \Delta')$ where
\item $\vec{i'} = \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_{e_0} + \vec{\epsilon}_{e_0-1}$
\item For $e \neq e_0, e_0-1$, ${\Delta'}^j_{e} = \Delta^j_{e}$.
\item $\{ {\Delta'}^j_{e_0} \}_j = \{ \Delta^j_{e_0} \}_j \setminus \{
\Delta^{j_0}_{e_0} \}$, $\{ {\Delta'}^j_{e_0-1} \}_j = \{ \Delta^j_{e_0-1} \}_j
\cup \{ \Delta^{j_0}_{e_0} \cap H' \} $
An analogous proposition holds for ${\mathcal{Z}}_n(d,\Delta)$. The proof is
essentially the same, and is omitted.
Let $H'$ be a general hyperplane of $\mathbb P^n$.
The divisor $\{ \pi(q^{j_0}_{e_0}) \in H' \}$ on
${\mathcal{Z}}(d,\Delta)_{{\mathcal{D}}}$ is ${\mathcal{Z}}(d, \Delta')_{{\mathcal{D}}}$ where
\item $\vec{i'} = \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_{e_0} + \vec{\epsilon}_{e_0-1}$
\item For $e \neq e_0, e_0-1$, ${\Delta'}^j_{e} = \Delta^j_{e}$.
\item $\{ {\Delta'}^j_{e_0} \}_j = \{ \Delta^j_{e_0} \}_j \setminus \{
\Delta^{j_0}_{e_0} \}$, $\{ {\Delta'}^j_{e_0-1} \}_j = \{ \Delta^j_{e_0-1} \}_j
\cup \{ \Delta^{j_0}_{e_0} \cap H' \} $
For a given ${\mathcal{E}}'$, $\Gamma'$, $\Delta'$, we also have an isomorphism $\phi_1$
between $W(d', \Gamma', \Delta')$ and
$Y^a(d(0),\Gamma(0),\Delta(0);d(1),\Gamma(1),\Delta(1))$ (for appropriately chosen
${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, $\Delta(1)$) that is similar to the isomorphism $\phi$ of
Proposition \ref{rXY}. The notation used in this
proposition is the same, and the proof is also identical: the
morphism involves attaching a rational tail with two marked
Fix ${\mathcal{E}}$, integers $m_0$, $e_0$, $e_1$, and general $\Gamma$, $\Delta$.
Let $j_0 = h_{m_0,e_0}$, $j_1 = i_{e_1}$, $e' = e_0+e_1-n$, and $j' =
Let $(d(0), \vec{h}(0), \vec{i}(0)) = ( 0, \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,e_0}, \vec{\epsilon}_{e_1})$, $\Gamma(0)
= \{ \Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \}$, $\Delta(0) = \{ \Delta^{j_1}_{e_1} \}$,
${\mathcal{E}}(1) = {\mathcal{E}} - {\mathcal{E}}(0)$, $\Gamma(1) = \Gamma \setminus \Gamma(0)$, $\Delta(1) =
\Delta \setminus \Delta(0)$.
Let $(d', \vec{h'}, \vec{i'}) = ( d, \vec{h}(1)+ \vec{\epsilon}_{m_1,e'}, \vec{i}(1))$, $\Gamma'
= \Gamma(1) \cup \{
\Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \cap \Delta^{j_1}_{e_1} \}$, and $\Delta' =
Then there is a natural isomorphism
\phi_1: W(d', \Gamma', \Delta') \rightarrow Y^a(d(0), \Gamma(0), \Delta(0);
Proposition \ref{ebig} is a variation of the smoothness result (Proposition
\ref{rbig}) that was so useful in Section \ref{rational}. To prove it, we
will need some preliminary results about stable maps from elliptic curves
to $\mathbb P^1$.
Let $C$ be a complete reduced nodal curve of arithmetic genus 1. Let
$\pi$ be a morphism $\pi: C \rightarrow \mathbb P^1$ contracting no component
of $C$ of arithmetic genus 1.
H^1(C,\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(1))) = H^1(C,\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}_{\mathbb P^1}(2))) = 0.
By ``contracting no component of $C$ of arithmetic genus 1'' we mean that
all connected unions of contracted irreducible components of $C$ have arithmetic genus
\noindent {\em Proof. }
By Serre duality, it suffices to show that
H^0(C,K_C \otimes \pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(-1))) = 0.
Assume otherwise that such $(C,\pi)$ exists, and choose one with the fewest
components, and choose a nonzero global section $s$ of $K_C
\otimes \pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(-1))$. If $C = C' \cup R$ where $R$ is a rational
tail (intersecting $C'$ at one point), then $s=0$ on $R$ as
\deg_R ( K \otimes \pi^* ( {\mathcal{O}}(-1))) = -1 - \deg_{\pi} R < 0.
Then $s|_{C'}$ is a section of $(K_C \otimes \pi^*( {\mathcal{O}}(-1)))|_{C'}$ that
vanishes on $C' \cap R$. But $K_{C'} = K_C(-C' \cap R) |_{C'}$, so this
induces a non-zero section of $K_{C'} \otimes (\pi|_{C'})^*({\mathcal{O}}(-1))$,
contradicting the minimality of the number of components. Thus $C$ has no
rational tails, and $C$ is either an irreducible elliptic curve or a cycle
of rational curves. If $C$ is an irreducible elliptic curve, then $C$
isn't contracted by hypothesis, so $K_C \otimes \pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(-1))$ is negative
on $C$ as desired. If $C$ is a cycle $C_1 \cup
\dots \cup C_s$ of $\mathbb P^1$'s, then
\deg_{C_i} ( K_C \otimes \pi^* ({\mathcal{O}}(-1) )) = - \deg C_i \leq 0.
As one of the curves has positive degree, there are no global sections of $K_C
\otimes \pi^* ({\mathcal{O}}(-1))$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Let $(C, \{ p_i \}_{i=1}^m, \pi)$ be a stable map in
${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ having no contracted component of arithmetic genus
1. Then ${\overline{\cm}}_1(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is smooth of dimension $2d+m$ at
$(C,\{ p_i \},\pi)$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
As $H^1(C,\pi^* T_{\mathbb P^1}) = 0$ by the previous lemma,
${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is smooth of dimension $\deg \pi^*T_{\mathbb P^1} + m =
2d+m$. The argument is well-known, but for completeness we give it here.
From the exact sequence for infinitesimal deformations of stable maps (see
Subsubsection \ref{itmsosm}), we
0 &\longrightarrow& \operatorname{Aut} (C, \{ p_i \}) \longrightarrow H^0(C,\pi^*
T_{\mathbb P^1}) \\
\longrightarrow \operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi ) & \longrightarrow &
\operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}) \longrightarrow H^1(C,\pi^*
T_{\mathbb P^1} ) \\
\longrightarrow \operatorname{Ob} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi ) &\longrightarrow & 0
where $\operatorname{Aut} (C,\{ p_i \}) = \operatorname{Hom} (\Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m),{\mathcal{O}}_C)$
(resp. $\operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}) = \operatorname{Ext}^1(\Omega_C(p_1 + \dots + p_m),{\mathcal{O}}_C )$) are the
automorphisms (resp. infinitesimal deformations) of the marked curve, and
$\operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ (resp. $\operatorname{Ob} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$)
are the infinitesimal deformations (resp. obstructions) of the stable map.
As $H^1(C,\pi^* T_{\mathbb P^1}) = 0$, $\operatorname{Ob}(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi) = 0$ from
(\ref{edefsm}). Thus the deformations of $(C,\{ p_i \} , \pi)$
are unobstructed, and the dimension follows from:
\dim \operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi) &-& \dim \operatorname{Ob} (C, \{ p_i \}, \pi) \\
&=& ( \dim \operatorname{Def} (C, \{ p_i \}) - \dim \operatorname{Aut} (C, \{ p_i \})) \\
& & + (h^0(C,\pi^* T_{\mathbb P^1}) - h^1(C,\pi^* T_{\mathbb P^1}) ) \\
&=& m + 2d.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
The next lemma will be useful for studying the behavior of
the space ${\overline{M}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$ at points representing maps with contracted
elliptic components.
Let $C$ be a complete reduced nodal curve of arithmetic genus 1, and let
$\pi: C \rightarrow \mathbb P^n$. Assume
$(C,\pi)$ can be smoothed. If $B$ is a connected union of contracted
components of $C$ of arithmetic genus 1, intersecting $\overline{C
\setminus B}$ in $k$ points, and $T_1$, \dots, $T_k$ are the tangent vectors to
$\overline{C \setminus B}$ at those points, then $\{ \pi( T_i ) \}_{i=1}^k$
are linearly dependent in $T_{\pi(B)} \mathbb P^n$.
More generally, this result will hold whenever $\pi$ is a map to an
$n$-dimensional variety $X$, and $B$ is contracted to a smooth point of $X$.
It is a variation of [V2] Theorem 1 in
higher dimensions.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
Let $\Delta$ be a smooth curve parametrizing maps $({\mathcal{C}}_t, \pi)$ (with
total family $({\mathcal{C}},\pi)$) to $\mathbb P^n$, with $({\mathcal{C}}_0,\pi) = (C,\pi)$
and general member a map from a smooth curve. Blowing up points of the
central fiber changes $C$, but
does not change the hypotheses of the proposition, so we may assume
without loss of generality that the total family ${\mathcal{C}}$ is a smooth
surface. The following diagram is commutative.
{\mathcal{C}} & \; & {\stackrel \pi \longrightarrow} & \; & \mathbb P^n \times \Delta \\
\; & \searrow & \; & \swarrow & \; \\
\; & \; & \Delta & \; & \;
There is an open neighborhood $U$ of $B \subset {\mathcal{C}}$ such that $\pi \mid_{U
\setminus B}$ is an immersion. Thus $\pi$
factors through a family ${\mathcal{C}}'$ that is the same as ${\mathcal{C}}$ except $B$ is
contracted. Let $\pi'$ be the contraction $\pi': {\mathcal{C}} \rightarrow {\mathcal{C}}'$.
The family ${\mathcal{C}}'$ is also flat, and its general fiber has genus 1. The
central fiber is a union of rational curves, at most nodal away from the
image of $B$. If the images of $T_1$, \dots, $T_k$ in ${\mathcal{C}}'_0$ are
independent, the reduced fiber above 0 would have arithmetic genus 0, so
the central fiber (reduced away from the image of $B$) would have
arithmetic genus at most zero, contradicting the constancy of arithmetic
genus in flat families. Thus the images of $T_1$, \dots, $T_k$ in
$T_{\pi'(B)} {\mathcal{C}}'_0$
must be dependent, and hence their
images in $T_{\pi(B)}\mathbb P^n$ must be dependent as well.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
In Lemma \ref{esm2}, we will prove that the moduli stack
${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is smooth even at some points with contracted
components of arithmetic genus 1. Let $(C,\{ p_i \}_{i=1}^m, \pi )$ be a
stable map in ${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ with $\pi^{-1}(z)$ containing (as a
connected component) a curve $E$ of arithmetic genus 1, where $E$
intersects the rest of the components $R$ at two points $p$ and $q$ (and
possibly others) with the $\pi|_R$ \'{e}tale at $p$. (This result should
be true even without the
\'{e}tale condition.)
The moduli stack ${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is smooth at $(C, \{ p_i \},
\pi)$ of dimension $2d+m$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
For convenience (and without loss of generality) assume $m=0$. The
calculations of Lemma \ref{ecomb} show that $h^1(C,\pi^* T_{\mathbb P^1})
= 1$, so our proof of Lemma \ref{esm1} will not carry through.
However, $\operatorname{Def} (C,\pi)$ does not surject onto $\operatorname{Def}(C)$ in long exact
sequence (\ref{edefsm}), as it is not possible to smooth the nodes
independently: one cannot smooth the node at $p$ while preserving the
other nodes even to first order. (This is well-known; one argument,
due to M. Thaddeus, is to consider a stable map $(C, \pi)$ in
${\overline{\cm}}_1(\mathbb P^1,1)$ and express the obstruction space $\operatorname{{\mathbb E}xt}^2 (
\underline{\Omega}_{\pi}, {\mathcal{O}}_C)$ as the dual of $H^0(C, {\mathcal{F}})$ for a
certain sheaf ${\mathcal{F}}$.) Thus the map $\operatorname{Def}(C) \rightarrow H^1(C,\pi^*
T_{\mathbb P^1})$ is not the zero map, so $\operatorname{Def}(C)$ surjects onto
$H^1(C,\pi^* T_{\mathbb P^1})$. Therefore $\operatorname{Ob}(C,
\pi) = 0$, so the deformations are unobstructed.
The rest of the proof is identical
to that of Lemma \ref{esm1}.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
With these lemmas in hand we are now ready to prove an important smoothness
result. Let $A$ be a general $(n-2)$-plane in $H$. Projection
from $A$ induces a rational map $\rho_A: {\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)
\dashrightarrow {\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$, that is a morphism (of stacks) at
points representing maps $(C, \{ p_i \}, \pi)$ whose
image $\pi(C)$ doesn't intersect $A$. Via ${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\operatorname{Bl}_A \mathbb P^n,d)$, the
morphism can be extended over the set of maps $(C,\{ p_i \}, \pi)$ where
$\pi^{-1} A$ is a union
of reduced points distinct from the $m$ marked points $\{ p_i \}$.
The image of such curves in
${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is a stable map
(C \cup C_1 \cup \dots \cup C_{\# \pi^{-1} A }, \{ p_i \}, \pi')
where $C_1$, \dots, $C_{\# \pi^{-1} A }$ are rational tails attached to $C$
at the points of $\pi^{-1} A$,
\pi' \mid_{ \{ C \setminus \pi^{-1} A \} } = ( p_A
\circ \pi ) \mid_{ \{ C \setminus \pi^{-1} A \} }
(which extends to a morphism from all of $C$) and $\pi' \mid_{C_k}$ is a
degree 1 map to $\mathbb P^1$ ($1 \leq k \leq \# \pi^{-1} A$).
If $(C,\{ p_i \}, \pi) \subset {\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^n,d)$, the scheme
$\pi^{-1} A$ is a
union of reduced points disjoint from the marked points, and $\pi$
collapses no components of arithmetic genus 1, then at $(C,\{ p_i \},
\pi)$, $\rho_A$ is a smooth morphism of stacks of relative dimension
\noindent {\em Proof. }
If no components of $C$ of arithmetic genus 1 are mapped to $H$, then
$\rho_A(C,\pi)$ is a smooth point of ${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ by Lemma
\ref{esm1}. If a component of $C$ of arithmetic genus 1 is mapped to $H$,
it must intersect $A$ in at least two points. In this case $\rho_A(C,\pi)$
consists of a curve with a contracted elliptic component, and this elliptic
component has at least two rational tails that map to $\mathbb P^1$ with degree
1. Thus by Lemma \ref{esm2}, $\rho_A(C,\pi)$ is a smooth point of
${\overline{\cm}}_{1,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ as well.
By Lemma \ref{ecomb}, $H^1(C,\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(1))) = 0$, so
$h^0(C,\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(1))) = d$ by Riemann-Roch. The proof is then identical to
that of Proposition \ref{rbig}.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
We now calculate the dimension of the varieties $W$, $Y^a$,
$Y^b$, $Y^c$, and $Z$.
Every component of $W({\mathcal{E}})$ is reduced of dimension
(n+1) d - \sum_{m,e} (n+m-e-2)h_{m,e} - \sum_e (n-1-e)i_e.
The general element of each component is (a map from) a smooth curve.
If $\sum_{k=1}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k) = {\mathcal{E}}$, then every component of $Y^a =
Y^a({\mathcal{E}}(0);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))$ (respectively $Y^b$, $Y^c$) is reduced of
dimension $\dim W({\mathcal{E}})-1$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
We will prove the result about $\dim W({\mathcal{E}})$ in the special case $\vec{i} =
\vec{0}$ and $h_{m,e}=0$ when $e<n-1$.
Then the result holds when $\vec{i} =
i_n \vec{\epsilon}_n$ by Proposition \ref{euniversal} (applied $i_n$ times), and we can invoke Proposition
\ref{egeneral2} repeatedly to obtain the result in full generality. (As in
the previous section, this type of reduction will be used often.) In
this special case, we must prove that each component of $W({\mathcal{E}})$ is reduced
(n+1) d - \sum_m (m-1) h_{m,n-1}.
Consider any point $(C, \{ p^j_{m,e} \}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ on $W({\mathcal{E}})$
where no component maps to $H$ and $\pi$ collapses no component of
arithmetic genus 1. The natural map ${\mathcal{W}}({\mathcal{E}}) \dashrightarrow
{\mathcal{W}}_1(\hat{\ce})$ induced by $\rho_A:
{\overline{\cm}}_{1,\sum h_{m,n-1}}(\mathbb P^n,d) \dashrightarrow {\overline{\cm}}_{1,\sum
h_{m,n-1}}(\mathbb P^1,d)$ is smooth of relative dimension $(n-1)d$ at the
point $(C, \{
p^j_{m,e} \}, \{ q^j_e \}, \pi)$ by Proposition
\ref{ebig}. The stack ${\mathcal{W}}_1(\hat{\ce})$ is reduced of dimension $2d+1 - \sum(m-1)
h_{m,n-1}$ by Subsection \ref{ikey}, so ${\mathcal{W}}({\mathcal{E}})$ is
reduced of dimension
(n-1)d + \dim ( {\mathcal{W}}_1(\hat{\ce})) = (n+1)d - \sum_m (m-1) h_{m,n-1}
as desired.
As the general element of ${\mathcal{W}}_1(\hat{\ce})$ is (a map from) an irreducible
curve, the same is true of ${\mathcal{W}}({\mathcal{E}})$, and thus $W({\mathcal{E}})$.
The same argument works for $Y^a$, $Y^b$, and $Y^c$, as in
Subsection \ref{ikey}, it was shown that
$Y^a_1(\hat{\ce})$, $Y^b_1(\hat{\ce})$, and $\dim Y^c_1(\hat{\ce})$ are reduced
divisors of $W_1(\hat{\ce})$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Every component of $Z_n(d,\vec{i})_{\mathcal{D}}$ is reduced of dimension
(n+1)d - \sum_e (n-1-e) i_e - 1.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
It suffices to prove the result for the generically degree $d!$ cover
$Z'_n(d,\vec{i})_{\mathcal{D}}$ obtained by marking the points of intersection with a
fixed general hyperplane $H$. This is a subvariety of
$W(d,d\vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1},\vec{i})$, and as
\dim W_n(d,d\vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1},\vec{i}) = (n+1)d - \sum_e (n-1-e) i_e,
we wish to show that $Z'_n(d,\vec{i})_{\mathcal{D}}$ is a reduced Weil divisor of
the variety $W_n(d,d\vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1},\vec{i})$. By Proposition
\ref{ezgeneral2}, we may assume that $i_e = 0$ unless $e=n$.
By relabeling if necessary, assume $q^{i_n}_n$ appears in ${\mathcal{D}}$ with
non-zero coefficient $\alpha$ (so ${\mathcal{D}} - \alpha q^{i_n}_n$ is a sum of integer
multiples of $q^1_n$, \dots, $q^{i_n-1}_n$). Let ${\mathcal{W}}(d_1, d
\vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_n)^o$ be the open subset of ${\mathcal{W}}(d_1, d
\vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_n)$ representing maps from smooth elliptic curves.
On the
universal curve over ${\mathcal{W}}(d_1, d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_n)^o$ there is a
reduced divisor ${\mathcal{Z}}$ corresponding to points $q$ such that
\alpha q = ({\mathcal{D}} - \alpha q^{i_n}_n) -
in the Picard group of the fiber. The universal curve over the stack
${\mathcal{W}}(d_1, d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_n)$ is ${\mathcal{W}}(d_1, d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}, \vec{i})$
by Proposition \ref{euniversal}, so by definition the closure of ${\mathcal{Z}}$ in
${\mathcal{W}}(d_1, d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}, \vec{i})$ is ${\mathcal{Z}}(d,\vec{i})_{{\mathcal{D}}}$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
We will need to avoid the locus on $W({\mathcal{E}})$ where an elliptic component is
contracted. Lemma \ref{etancondition} identifies which such stable maps
could lie in $W({\mathcal{E}})$.
It is likely that every stable map of the form described in the lemma can
be smoothed, which would suggest (via a dimension estimate) that when $k
\leq n+1$ those maps with a collapsed elliptic component intersecting $k$
noncontracted components (with linearly dependent images of tangent
vectors) form a Weil divisor of $W({\mathcal{E}})$. Because of the moduli of
${\overline{M}}_{1,k}$, none of these divisors would be enumeratively meaningful.
Thus the following result is not surprising.
If $W'$ is an irreducible subvariety of $W({\mathcal{E}})$ whose general map has a
contracted elliptic component (or more generally a contracted connected
union of components of arithmetic genus 1) and $W'$ is of codimension 1,
then $W'$ is not enumeratively meaningful.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
By Proposition \ref{egeneral2}, we
may assume $i_e = 0$ unless $e=n$, and $h_{m,e} = 0$ unless
$e=n-1$. We could proceed naively by using the previous lemma and simply
counting dimensions, but the following argument is slightly cleaner.
Let $(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, \{ q^j_n \}, \pi)$ be a general point of $W'$,
and let $E$ be the contracted component of $C$. Say $E$ has $s$ special
points (markings or intersections with noncontracted components) including
$k$ intersections with noncontracted components. Replace $E$ by a rational
$R=\mathbb P^1$, with the $s$ special points distinct, to obtain a new stable
map $(C', \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, \{ q^j_n \}, \pi') \in X({\mathcal{E}})$. The family of such $(C',\pi')$ forms a
subvariety $X'$ of $X({\mathcal{E}})$, and $X'$ is contained in $X''$ where in the
latter we don't impose the dependence of tangent vectors required by the
previous lemma. Let $\xi$ be the natural rational map to the
Hilbert scheme of Subsubsection \ref{rgeomean}.
If $s \geq 2$, $X''$ is codimension at least 1 in $X({\mathcal{E}})$. Due to the
moduli of $s$ points on $R$, $\xi(X'')$ is codimension at least $1
+ (s-3) = s-2$ in $\xi(X({\mathcal{E}}))$. The previous lemma imposes an
additional $\max(n+1-k,0)$ conditions, which are independent as the
rational curves intersecting $R$ can move freely under automorphisms of
$\mathbb P^n$ preserving $H$. Thus the codimension of $\xi(X')$ in
$\xi(X({\mathcal{E}}))$ is at least $n-1+(s-k) \geq n-1$. But $\dim X({\mathcal{E}}) -
\dim W({\mathcal{E}}) = n-3$, so $\dim \xi(W') < \dim W({\mathcal{E}})-2 = \dim W'$, as desired
Otherwise, $k=s=1$. By Proposition \ref{euniversal}, we may assume that
$\vec{i} = \vec{0}$ as there are no marked points on the contracted component
$E$. Then $X''$ can be identified with the subvariety of $X(d, \vec{h},
\vec{\epsilon}_n)$ where the corresponding map $\pi: (C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q^1_n)
\rightarrow \mathbb P^n$ is singular at $q^1_n$. As the singularity condition
imposes $n$ conditions,
\dim \xi(W') & \leq & \dim X(d, \vec{h}, \vec{\epsilon}_n) - n \\
&=& \dim X({\mathcal{E}})+1-n \\
&=& (\dim W({\mathcal{E}}) + n - 3 ) + 1-n \\
&=& \dim W({\mathcal{E}}) - 2 \\
&=& \dim W' - 1
as desired.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
\subsection{Degenerations set-theoretically}
The theorem listing the possible degenerations follows the same pattern as
the corresponding results (Theorems \ref{rlist1} and \ref{rlist}) of the
previous section. Fix ${\mathcal{E}}$ and a non-negative integer $E$, and let $\Gamma$
and $\Delta$ be sets of general linear spaces of $\mathbb P^n$ (as in the
definition of $W(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$). Let $q$ be the marked point corresponding
to one of the (general) $E$-planes $Q$ in $\Delta$.
Let $D_H = \{ \pi(q) \in H \}$ be the divisor on $W(d, \Gamma,\Delta)$ that corresponds
to requiring $q$ to lie on $H$. In this section, we will determine the
enumeratively meaningful components of $D_H$. That is, we will give a list
of subvarieties, and show that the enumeratively meaningful components of
$D_H$ are a subset of this list. In the subsequent section, we will
determine the multiplicity with which each enumeratively meaningful
component appears. In particular, we will see that the multiplicity of
each component on the list is at least one, so each element of the list is
indeed a component of $D_H$.
As before, we can relate this result to the enumerative problem we wish to
solve. If $W({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ is a union of points, we can determine $\# W({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ by
specializing one of the linear spaces of $\Delta$, of dimension $E-1$, to the
hyperplane $H$. Define ${\mathcal{E}}$ by
$(d,\vec{h},\vec{i}) = (d^-,\vec{h^-},\vec{i^-} + \vec{\epsilon}_E -
\vec{\epsilon}_{E-1})$. To calculate $\# W({\mathcal{E}}^-)$, we simply enumerate the
points $D_H$ on $W({\mathcal{E}})$, with the appropriate multiplicity. Let $\phi_1$ be
the isomorphism of Proposition \ref{eWY}.
If $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ are general, each enumeratively meaningful component of $D_H$ (as a divisor on
$W(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$) is one of the following.
\item[(I)] A component of $\phi_1(W(d',\Gamma', \Delta'))$, where, for some $m_0, e_0$,
$1 \leq j_0 \leq h_{m_0, e_0}$, $e' := e_0 + E - n \geq 0$:
\item $(d',\vec{h'}, \vec{i'}) = (d,\vec{h} - \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0, e_0} + \vec{\epsilon}_{m_0,
e'}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E )$
\item ${\Gamma'}^j_{m,e} = \Gamma^j_{m,e} \quad \text{if $(m,e) \neq (m_0,
\item $ \{ {\Gamma'}^j_{m_0, e_0} \}_j = \{ \Gamma_{m_0,e_0}^j \}_j \setminus \{
\Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \}$
\item ${\Gamma'}_{m_0, e'}^{h'_{m_0, e'}} = \Gamma^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0} \cap Q$
\item ${\Delta'}^j_e = \Delta^j_e \quad \text{if $e \neq E$}$,
$\{ {\Delta'}_E^j \}_j = \{ \Delta^j_E \}_j \setminus \{ Q \}$.
\item[(II)] A component of
$Y^a(d(0),\dots, \Delta(l))$,
$Y^b(d(0),\dots,\Delta(l))$, or
$Y^c(d(0),\dots,\Delta(l))_{m^1_1}$ for some $l$,
${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, $\Delta(l)$, with ${\mathcal{E}} = \sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k)$,
$\Gamma = \cup_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$, $\Delta =
\cup_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$, $Q \in \Gamma(0)$, and $d(0)>0$.
Call the components of (I) Type I components, and call the three types of
components of (II) Type IIa, IIb, and IIc components
\noindent {\em Proof. } We follow the proofs of Theorems \ref{rlist1}
and \ref{rlist}. By Propositions \ref{euniversal} and \ref{egeneral2}, we
may assume that $\vec{i} = \vec{\epsilon}_n$, $E=n$, and $h_{m,e} = 0$ unless $e=n-1$.
With these assumptions, the result becomes much simpler.
The stack ${\mathcal{W}}(d,\vec{h},\vec{i})$ is the universal curve over
${\mathcal{W}}(d,\vec{h},\vec{0})$, and we are asking
which points of the universal curve lie in $\pi^{-1}H$.
Let $(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q, \pi)$ be the map corresponding to a general
point of a enumeratively
meaningful component $Y$ of $D_H$. By Proposition \ref{ecodim2}, the
morphism $\pi$
doesn't contract any component of $C$ of arithmetic genus 1. Choose a
general $(n-2)$-plane $A$ in $H$. The set $\pi^{-1} A$ is a union of
reduced points on $C$, so $\rho_A$ is smooth (as a morphism of stacks) at
$(C, \{ p^j_{m,n-1} \}, q, \pi)$ by Proposition \ref{ebig}. As a set,
$D_H$ contains the entire fiber of $\rho_A$ above $\rho_A(C,\pi)$, so
$\rho_A(D_H)$ is a Weil divisor on $W_1(\hat{\ce})$ that is a component of
$\{\pi(q) = z\}$. By Theorem \ref{igenus1}, the curve
$C$ is a union of irreducible components $C(0) \cup \dots \cup C(l')$ with
$\rho_A \circ \pi(C(0)) = z$ (i.e. $C(0) \subset \pi^{-1}H$), $C(0)\cap C(k)
\neq \phi$, and the marked points split up among the components:
$\vec{h} = \sum_{k=0}^{l'} \vec{h}(k)$. If $d(0) = \deg \pi |_{C(0)}$, then $d(0)$
of the curves $C(1)$, \dots, $C(l')$ are rational tails that are collapsed
to the $d(0)$ points of $C(0) \cap A$; they contain no marked points. Let
$l = l' - d(0)$. Also, $\vec{i}(0) = \vec{\epsilon}_n$, and $\vec{i}(k) =
\vec{0}$ for $k>0$, as the only incidence condition was $q \in Q$, and
$q(0) \in C(0)$.
{\em Case $d(0)>0$.} By Theorem \ref{igenus1}, the
component $Y$ is contained in
\dots, \Delta(l)), \quad Y^b (d(0), \dots, \Delta(l)), \quad \text{or} \quad Y^c
(d(0), \dots,
As the dimensions of each of these three is $\dim W(d,\Gamma,\Delta)
- 1 = \dim Y$, $Y$ must be a Type II component as described in the
statement of the theorem.
{\em Case $d(0)=0$.} As the morphism $\pi$ contracts no elliptic
components, the curve $C(0)$ is rational. Also, $C(0)$ has at least 3
special points: $q$, one of $\{ p^j_{m,e} \}$ (call it
$p^{j_0}_{m_0,e_0}$), and $C(0) \cap C(1)$. If $C(0)$ had more than 3
special points, then the component would not be enumeratively meaningful,
due to the moduli of the special points of $C(0)$. Thus $l=1$, and $Y$ is
a Type I component.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
In fact, this argument determines {\em all} the components of $D_H$ except
those representing maps with collapsed elliptic tails. (It is not
clear whether such components exist.)
When $n=2$, the only enumeratively meaningful Type II divisors are Type IIa
and Type IIb with $d(0)=1$. This agrees with the genus 1 case of [CH3].
\subsection{Multiplicity calculations}
The proof of multiplicities of $D_H$ along the enumeratively meaningful components
are the
same as in the genus 0 case (Subsection \ref{rmultgen}). The Type I component
$\phi_1(W(d',\Gamma',\Delta'))$ appears with multiplicity $m_0$, where $m_0$ was
defined in Theorem \ref{elist}. (The argument of
Subsubsection \ref{rmultI} also proves this.)
The Type IIa component $Y^a({\mathcal{E}}(0);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))$ appears with multiplicity
$\prod_{k=1}^l m^k$, where $m^k = d(k) - \sum_{m,e,j} m h^j_{m,e}(k)$ as defined
earlier. The Type IIc component $Y^c({\mathcal{E}}(0);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))$ appears with
multiplicity $\prod_{k=1}^l m^k$ as well. The Type IIb component
$Y^b({\mathcal{E}}(0);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1}$ appears with multiplicity
m^1_1 m^1_2 \prod_{k=2}^l m^k =
m^1_1 (m^1- m^1_1) \prod_{k=2}^l m^k .
By Corollary \ref{ilocalst} of Section \ref{intro}, we also get the same
results about the structure of $W({\mathcal{E}})$ in a formal,
\'{e}tale, or analytic neighborhood of these components.
\subsection{Recursive formulas}
We now enumerate the points of our varieties when the number is
The only initial data
needed is the ``enumerative geometry of $\mathbb P^1$'': the number of stable
maps to $\mathbb P^1$ of degree 1 is 1.
\subsubsection{A recursive formula for $\# W$}
Given ${\mathcal{E}}$, fix an $E$ such that $i_E>0$. Partitions of ${\mathcal{E}}$
are simultaneous partitions of $d$, $\vec{h}$, and $\vec{i}$. Define
multinomial coefficients with vector arguments as the product of the
multinomial coefficients of the components of the vectors.
Define ${\mathcal{E}}^-$ by $(d^-, \vec{h^-}, \vec{i^-}) = ( d, \vec{h}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E +
\vec{\epsilon}_{E-1})$, and let $\Gamma^- = \Gamma$ and
$\Delta^- = \Delta \cup \{ \Delta^{i_E}_E \cap H' \} \setminus \{ \Delta^{i_E}_E \}$
where $H'$ is a general hyperplane.
The following theorem is an analog of Theorem
In $A^1 (W(d,\Gamma, \Delta))$, modulo enumeratively meaningful divisors,
W_n(d^-, \Gamma^-, \Delta^-) = \sum m_0 \cdot W_n(d'(m_0,e_0,j_0), \Gamma',
+ \sum \left(
\prod_{k=1}^l m^k \right) Y^a_n(d(0), \dots, \Delta(l) )
+ \sum \left( \prod_{k=2}^l m^k \right)
\left( \sum_{m^1_1 = 1}^{ [ m^1/2]}
m^1_1 (m^1 - m^1_1) Y^b_n(d(0), \dots, \Delta(l))_{m^1_1} \right)
+ \sum \left( \prod_{k=1}^l m^k \right) Y^c_n(d(0), \dots, \Delta(l) )
where the first sum is over all $(m_0,e_0,j_0)$, and $(d', \Gamma', \Delta')$
is as defined in Theorem \ref{elist}; and the last three sums are over
all $l$, ${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, $\Delta(l)$ with ${\mathcal{E}} = \sum_{k=0}^l {\mathcal{E}}(k)$, $\Gamma =
\coprod_{k=0}^l \Gamma(k)$, $\Delta = \coprod_{k=0}^l \Delta(k)$, $\Gamma_E^{i_E} \in
\Gamma(0)$, and $d(0)>0$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
The left side is linearly equivalent (in ${\mathcal{W}}(d,\Gamma,\Delta)$) to $D_H = \{
\pi(q^{i_E}_E) \in H \}$. The right side is set-theoretically $D_H$ by
Theorem \ref{elist}, and the multiplicities were determined in
Subsection \ref{emultgen}.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
If $\# W_n({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ is finite, the following statement is more suitable for
computation. It is an analog of Theorem \ref{rrecursiveX2}.
{ \scriptsize
\# W_n({\mathcal{E}}^-) = \sum_{m,e} h_{m,e} \cdot m \cdot \# W_n({\mathcal{E}}'(m,e))
+ \sum \left(
\prod_{k=1}^l m^k \right) { \binom {\vec{h}} { \vec{h}(0), \dots, \vec{h}(l)} } {
\binom {\vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E} { \vec{i}(0)-\vec{\epsilon}_E,\vec{i}(1), \dots,
\vec{i}(l)} } \frac { \# Y^a_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
{\mathcal{E}}(l)) }{ \operatorname{Aut}( {\mathcal{E}}(2),\dots,{\mathcal{E}}(l))}
+ \frac 1 2 \sum \left( \prod_{k=2}^l m^k \right){ \binom {\vec{h}} { \vec{h}(0),
\dots, \vec{h}(l)} } { \binom {\vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E} {\vec{i}(0)-\vec{\epsilon}_E,\vec{i}(1), \dots,
\vec{i}(l)} }
\quad \quad \quad
\cdot \left( \sum_{m^1_1 = 1}^{ m^1-1}
m^1_1 (m^1 - m^1_1) \frac { \# \tilde{Y}^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1} }{
{\operatorname{Aut}( {\mathcal{E}}(2),\dots,{\mathcal{E}}(l))}} \right)
+ \sum \left( \prod_{k=1}^l m^k \right){ \binom {\vec{h}} { \vec{h}(0), \dots,
\vec{h}(l)} } { \binom {\vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E} {
\vec{i}(0)-\vec{\epsilon}_E,\vec{i}(1), \dots, \vec{i}(l)} } \frac { \# Y^c_n({\mathcal{E}}(0);
\dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l)) }{ \operatorname{Aut}( {\mathcal{E}}(1),\dots,{\mathcal{E}}(l))}
where, in the first sum, ${\mathcal{E}}'(m,e) = (d,
\vec{h} -\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e}+\vec{\epsilon}_{m,e+E-n}, \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_E)$; the last
three sums are over all $l$ and all partitions ${\mathcal{E}}(0)$, \dots, ${\mathcal{E}}(l)$ of
${\mathcal{E}}$ with $d(0)>0$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
When $\#W_n({\mathcal{E}}^-)$ is finite, all components of $D_H$ are enumeratively
meaningful. Take degrees of both sides of the equation in Theorem
\ref{erecursiveW1}. As
\# \tilde{Y}^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0);
\dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1} =
2 (\# Y^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1}) & \text{if $2 m^1_1 = m^1$,} \\
\# Y^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1} & \text{otherwise,}
it follows that
& & \sum_{m_1^1 = 1}^{[m^1/2]} m_1^1 ( m^1 - m^1_1) \# Y^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
{\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1} \\
& & \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad = \frac 1 2
\sum_{m_1^1 = 1}^{m^1-1} m_1^1 ( m^1 - m^1_1) \# \tilde{Y}^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0);
\dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1}.
The only additional points requiring explanation are the combinatorial aspects:
the $h_{m,e}$ in the first sum, and the ``$\operatorname{Aut}$'' and various multinomial
coefficients in the last three. In Theorem \ref{elist}, the Type I
components were indexed by $(m_0, e_0, j_0)$. But for fixed $(m_0,e_0)$,
$\# W({\mathcal{E}}'(m_0,e_0))$ is independent of $j_0$, so the above formula
eliminates this redundancy. Similarly, in Theorem \ref{rlist}, the Type
IIa, IIb, and IIc components were indexed by partitions of the points $\{
p^j_{m,e} \}_{m,e,j}$ and $\{ q^j_e \}_{e,j}
\setminus \{ q \}$, but the values of $\# Y^a_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$,
$\# Y^b_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$, and $\# Y^c_n({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots;
depend only on $\{ \vec{h}(k), \vec{i}(k) \}_{k=0}^l$ and not on the actual
partitions of marked points. The multinomial coefficients eliminate
this redundancy. We divide by $\operatorname{Aut}({\mathcal{E}}(1); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$
(resp. $\operatorname{Aut}({\mathcal{E}}(2); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$, $\operatorname{Aut}({\mathcal{E}}(1); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))$)
to ensure that we are counting each Type IIa (resp. Type IIb, Type IIc)
component once.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
Theorem \ref{erecursiveW1} can be strengthened to be true modulo those
divisors whose general map has a collapsed elliptic component. There is a
similar statement in the Chow ring of the Hilbert scheme modulo exceptional
divisors of $\phi_1$ (cf. Theorem \ref{rrecHilb}).
\subsubsection{A recursive formula for $Y^a$}
In the previous section, we found a formula for $\# Y$
in terms of $\# X$ (Proposition \ref{rrecursiveY}). By the same argument, we
\# Y^a_n( {\mathcal{E}}(0);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l)) = \frac { \# X_{n-1}({\mathcal{E}}'(0)) }{ d(0)!} \cdot \#
W_n({\mathcal{E}}'(1)) \cdot \prod_{k=2}^l \# X_n({\mathcal{E}}'(k))
\item $d'(0) = d(0)$, $\vec{h'}(0) = d(0) \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-2}$
\item $\vec{i'}(0) = \sum_e i_{e+1}(0) \vec{\epsilon}_e + \vec{\epsilon}_{\dim W_n({\mathcal{E}}(1))} + \sum_{k=2}^l
\vec{\epsilon}_{\dim X_n({\mathcal{E}}(k))} + \sum_{m,e} h_{m,e}(0) \vec{\epsilon}_e$
\item $\vec{h'}(1) = \vec{h}(1) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1, n-1-\dim W_n({\mathcal{E}}(1))}$ and
$\vec{i'}(1) = \vec{i}(1)$.
\item For $2 \leq k \leq l$,
$\vec{h'}(k) = \vec{h}(k) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^k, n-1-\dim X_n({\mathcal{E}}(k))}$ and
$\vec{i'}(k) = \vec{i}(k)$.
\subsubsection{Computing $\# Y^b$ and $\# \tilde{Y}^b$}
The difficulty in computing $\# Y^b$ and $\# \tilde{Y}^b$ comes from
requiring the curves $C(0)$
and $C(1)$ to intersect twice (at marked points of each curve, on $H$), so
a natural object of study is the blow-up of
$H \times H$ along the diagonal $\Delta$, $\operatorname{Bl}_\Delta H \times H$.
But when $n=2$, the situation is simpler. The curve $C(0)$ is $H$, and $C(1)$ will
always intersect it. In this case, for $C(0) \cup \dots \cup C(l)$ to be
determined by the incidence conditions (up to a finite number of
possibilities), each of $C(1)$, \dots, $C(l)$ must also be determined (up
to a finite number). The analogous formula to that for $\# Y^a$ (and $\#
Y$ in the previous section) is
\# \tilde{Y}^b_2({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l))_{m^1_1} = \prod_{k=2}^l \# X_2(d(k),
\vec{h'}(k), \vec{i}(k))
$\vec{h'}(1) = \vec{h}(1) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_1,1} + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_2,1}$, and
for $2 \leq k \leq l$, $\vec{h'}(k) = \vec{h}(k) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^k,1}$.
This is in agreement with Theorem 1.3 of [CH3].
We now calculate $\# Y^b$ and $\# \tilde{Y}^b$
when $n=3$; the same method will clearly work for $n>3$. As an
illustration of the method, consider the following enumerative problem.
{\em Fix seven general lines $L_1$, \dots, $L_7$ in $\mathbb P^3$ and a point $p$
on a hyperplane $H$. How many pairs of curves $(C(0),C(1))$ are there with
$C(0)$ a line in $H$ through $p$ and $C(1)$ a conic intersecting $L_1$,
\dots, $L_7$ and intersecting $C(0)$ at two distinct points, where the
intersections are labeled $a_1$ and $a_2$?}
The answer to this enumerative problem is
\# Y^b = \# Y^b_3(1, \vec{\epsilon}_{1,0},\vec{0}; 2, \vec{0}, 7 \vec{\epsilon}_1);
we will calculate instead $\# \tilde{Y}^b = 2 ( \# Y^b )$.
The space of lines in $H$ passing through $p$ is one-dimensional, and this
defines a three-dimensional locus in $\operatorname{Bl}_\Delta H \times H$ (which is the
Fulton-Macpherson configuration space of 2 points in $\mathbb P^3$;
alternately, it is a degree 2 \'{e}tale cover of $\operatorname{Sym}^2 H$).
The space of conics in $\mathbb P^3$ passing through 7 general lines is
one-dimensional, and thus defines a one-dimensional locus in $\operatorname{Bl}_\Delta H
\times H$
parametrizing the points of intersection of the conic with $H$. Then $\#
\tilde{Y}^b$ is the intersection of these two classes, and $\# Y^b$ (and
the answer to the enumerative problem) is half this.
Let $h_i$ be the class (in the Chow group) of the hyperplane on the
$i^{th}$ factor of $\operatorname{Bl}_{\Delta} H \times H$ ($i = 1,2$), and let
$e$ be the class of the exceptional divisor. Then the Chow ring of
$\operatorname{Bl}_\Delta H \times H$ is generated (as a ${\mathbb Z}$-module) by the classes
listed below
with the relations
h_1^3 = 0, \quad h_2^3 = 0, \quad e^2 = 3 h_1 e - h_1^2 - h_1 h_2 - h_2^2.
Codimension & Classes \\
0 & 1 \\
1 & $h_1$, $h_2$, $e$ \\
2 & $h_1^2$, $h_1 h_2$, $h_2^2$, $h_1e = h_2e$ \\
3 & $h_1^2 h_2$, $h_1 h_2^2$, $h_1^2 e = h_1 h_2 e = h_2^2 e$ \\
4 & $h_1^2 h_2^2$\\
Let the image of possible pairs of points on $C(0)$ be the class ${\mathcal{C}}(0)
= \alpha (h_1 + h_2) + \beta e$. Then ${\mathcal{C}}(0) \cdot h_1^2 h_2 = \alpha$ and
${\mathcal{C}}(0) \cdot e h_1^2 = - \beta$. But ${\mathcal{C}}(0) \cdot h_1^2 h_2$ is the
number of lines in $H$ passing through $p$ (class ${\mathcal{C}}(0)$) and another
fixed point (class $h_1^2$) with a marked point on a fixed general line
(class $h_2$), so $\alpha =1$. Also, ${\mathcal{C}}(0) \cdot e h_1^2$ is the number of
lines in the plane through $p$ (class ${\mathcal{C}}(0)$) and another fixed point $q$
(class $h_1^2$) with a marked point mapping to $q$, so $\beta = -1$. Thus
${\mathcal{C}}(0) = h_1 + h_2 - e$.
Let the image of possible pairs of points on $C(1) \cap H$ be the class
${\mathcal{C}}(1) = \alpha ( h_1^2 h_2 + h_1 h_2^2) + \beta h_1 h_2 e$. Thus ${\mathcal{C}}(1)
\cdot h_1 = \alpha$ and ${\mathcal{C}}(1) \cdot e = - \beta$. Then ${\mathcal{C}}(1) \cdot h_1$ is
the number of conics in $\mathbb P^3$ through 7 general lines in $\mathbb P^3$ and
a general line in $H$, which is 92 from Subsection \ref{r92subsection} of the
previous section. Also, ${\mathcal{C}}(1)
\cdot e$ counts the number of conics in $\mathbb P^3$ through 7 general lines
in $\mathbb P^3$ and tangent to $H$, which is 116 using the methods of the
previous section. Thus ${\mathcal{C}}(1) = 92 (h_1^2 h_2 + h_1 h_2^2) - 116 e h_1
Finally, the number of pairs of curves is
(h_1 + h_2 - e) \left( 92 (h_1^2 h_2 + h_1 h_2^2 \right) - 116 e h_1 h_2)
= 92 + 92 - 116 = 68.
Thus $\# \tilde{Y}^b$ is 68, and $\# Y^b$ (and the answer to the enumerative
problem) is 34.
When $n=3$ in general, there are three cases to consider. Let $C=C(0)
\cup C(1) \cup \dots \cup C(l)$ as usual.
{\em Case i).} If the incidence conditions ${\mathcal{E}}(1)$ specify $C(1)$ up to a
finite number of possibilities, then:
\# \tilde{Y}^b ({\mathcal{E}}(0); {\mathcal{E}}(1); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l)) \quad \quad \quad
\quad \quad \quad
= \# X (d(1),\vec{h'}(1),\vec{i}(1)) \cdot \# Y (d(0),\vec{h'}(0),\vec{i}(0); {\mathcal{E}}(2);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))
\item $\vec{h'}(1) = \vec{h}(1) +
\vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_1,2} + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_2,2}$ (the curve $C(1)$ intersects $H$ at two
points $a_1$ and $a_2$ with multiplicity $m^1_1$ and $m^1_2$ respectively;
these will be the intersections with $C(0)$)
\item $\vec{h'}(0) = \vec{h}(0) + 2
\vec{\epsilon}_{1,0}$ (the curve $C(0)$ must pass through two points of intersection
$a_1$ and $a_2$ of $C(1)$
with $H$).
{\em Case ii).} If the incidence conditions ${\mathcal{E}}(1)$ specify $C(1)$ up to a
one-parameter family, we are in the same situation as in the enumerative
problem above.
\# \tilde{Y}^b ({\mathcal{E}}(0); {\mathcal{E}}(1); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l)) = \quad \quad \quad
\Bigl( d(0) \left( \# X (d(1),\vec{h'},\vec{i}(1)) + d(0) \# X
(d(1),\vec{h''},\vec{i}(1)) \right)
\quad \quad \quad \quad -
\# X (d(1),\vec{h'''},\vec{i}(1)) \Bigr)
\cdot \# Y (d(0),\vec{h'}(0),\vec{i}(0); {\mathcal{E}}(2);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))
\item $\vec{h'} = \vec{h}(1) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_1,1} + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_2,2}$ (the
curve $C(1)$ intersects $H$ with multiplicity $m^1_1$ at $a_1$ along a
fixed general line and with multiplicity $m^1_2$ at $a_2$ at another point
of $H$),
\item $\vec{h''} = \vec{h}(1) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_2,1} + \vec{\epsilon}{m^1_1,2}$ (the
curve $C(1)$ intersects $H$ with multiplicity $m^1_2$ at $a_2$ along a
fixed general line and with multiplicity $m^1_1$ at $a_1$ at another point
of $H$),
\item $\vec{h'''} = \vec{h}(1) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1,2}$ (the points $a_1$ and $a_2$
on the curve $C(1)$ coincide, and $C(1)$ is
required to intersect $H$ at this point with multiplicity $m^1 = m^1_1 +
\item $\vec{h'}(0) = \vec{h}(0) + \vec{\epsilon}_{1,0}$ (the curve $C(0)$ is additionally required to
pass through a fixed point in $H$).
{\em Case iii).} If the incidence conditions on $C(0) \cup C(2) \cup \dots \cup
C(l)$ specify the union of these curves up to a finite number of
possibilities (and the incidence conditions on $C(1)$ specify $C(1)$ up to
a two-parameter family), a similar argument gives
\# \tilde{Y}^b ({\mathcal{E}}(0); {\mathcal{E}}(1); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l)) = \quad \quad \quad
\left( d(0) \# X (d(1), \vec{h'}(1),\vec{i}(1)) -
\# X (d(1), \vec{h''}(1), \vec{i}(1)) \right)
\quad \quad \quad \cdot \# Y ({\mathcal{E}}(0); {\mathcal{E}}(2);\dots;{\mathcal{E}}(l))
\item $\vec{h'}(1) = \vec{h}(1) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_1,1} + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1_2,1}$ (the curve
$C(1)$ must intersect $H$ along two fixed general lines at the points
$a_1$ and $a_2$ with multiplicity $m^1_1$ and $m^1_2$ respectively)
\item $\vec{h''}(1) = \vec{h}(1) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^1,1}$
(the points $a_1$ and $a_2$ coincide on the curve $C(1)$, and $C(1)$ is
required to intersect $H$ at that point with multiplicity $m^1
= m^1_1 + m^1_2$ along a fixed
general line of $H$).
These three cases are illustrated pictorially in Figure \ref{eYb} for the
special case of conics in $\mathbb P^3$ intersecting a line in $H$ at two
points, with the entire configuration required to intersect 8 general lines
in $\mathbb P^3$. One of the intersection points of the conic with $H$ is
marked with an ``$\times$'' to remind the reader of the marking $a_1$. The
distribution of the line conditions (e.g. the number of line conditions on
the conic) is indicated by a small number. The bigger number beside each
picture is the actual solution to the enumerative problem corresponding to
the picture. For example, there are 116 conics in $\mathbb P^3$ tangent to a
general hyperplane $H$ intersecting 7 general lines.
\caption{Calculating $\# \tilde{Y}^b$: A pictorial example}
\subsubsection{A recursive formula for $Y^c$}
By the same method as in Subsubsection \ref{eYarec} for $Y^a$ (and $Y$ in the
previous section), we have
\# Y^c({\mathcal{E}}(0); \dots; {\mathcal{E}}(l)) = \quad \quad \quad \quad
\# Z_{n-1} (d(0), \vec{i'}(0) )_{\sum_k
m^k {q''}^k - \sum_{m,e,j} m {q'}^j_{m,e}} \cdot \prod_{k=1}^l \# X_n(d(k),
\vec{h'}(k), \vec{i}(k))
\item For $1 \leq k \leq l$,
$\vec{h'}(k) = \vec{h}(k) + \vec{\epsilon}_{m^k, n-1-\dim X({\mathcal{E}}(k))}$.
\item $i'_e(0) = i_{e+1}(0) + \# \{ \dim X({\mathcal{E}}(k)) = e \}_{1 \leq k \leq l} +
\sum_m h_{m,e}(0)$
\item the marked points on the curves of $Z_{n-1}(d(0),\vec{i'}(0))$ have been relabeled
\{ {q'}^1_{m,e}, \dots, {q'}^{h_{m,e}(0)}_{m,e} \}_{m,e} \cup
\{ {q''}^1, \dots, {q''}^l \} \cup
\{ {q'''}^1_e, \dots, {q'''}^{i_{e+1}(0)}_e \}_e
where ${q'}^j_{m,e} = p^j_{m,e}(0)$, ${q''}^k = C(0) \cap C(k)$,
${q'''}^j_e = q^j_{e+1}(0)$.
This formula is merely a restatement of the divisorial condition
Y${}^{\text{c}}$5 in Definition \ref{eYcdef}.
\subsubsection{Evaluating $\#Z$}
We will use intersection theory on elliptic fibrations over a curve --- the
Chow ring modulo algebraic equivalence or numerical equivalence will
suffice. Let ${\mathcal{F}}$ be an elliptic fibration over a smooth curve whose
fibers are smooth elliptic curves, except for a finite number of fibers
that are irreducible nodal elliptic curves. Let $F$ be the class of a
fiber. Then the self-intersection of a section is independent of the
choice of section. ({\em Proof:} $K_{\mathcal{F}}$ restricted to the generic fiber
is trivial, so $K_{\mathcal{F}}$ is a sum of fibers. Let $S_1$, $S_2$ be two
sections. Using adjunction, $S_1^2 + K_{\mathcal{F}} \cdot S_1 = (K_{\mathcal{F}} + S_1) \cdot
S_1 = 0$, so $S_1^2 = - K_{\mathcal{F}} \cdot S_1 = - K_{\mathcal{F}}
\cdot S_2 = S_2^2$.)
For convenience, call the self-intersection of a section $S^2$. The
parenthetical proof above shows that $K_{\mathcal{F}} = - S^2 F$.
Let $S$ be a section, and $C$ a class on ${\mathcal{F}}$ such that $S=C$ on the
general fiber. Then $S = C + (\frac { S^2 - C^2 }{ 2})F$.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
As all fibers are irreducible, $S = C + kF$ for some $k$. By adjunction,
0 &=& S \cdot (K_{\mathcal{F}} + S) \\
&=& (C + kF) (C + (k - S^2)F) \\
&=& C^2 + 2k-S^2.
Hence $k = (S^2 - C^2)/2$.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
If the dimension of $Z_n(d,\vec{i})_{\sum m^j_e q^j_e}$
is 0, then consider the universal family over the curve parametrizing maps
to $\mathbb P^n$ with the incidence conditions of $\vec{i}$. This is $W_n(d, d
\vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1},\vec{i})$ modulo the symmetric group $S_d$. The general point of
$W_n(d, d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1},\vec{i})$ represents a smooth elliptic curve. The
remaining points of $W_n(d, d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1},\vec{i})$ represent curves that are
either irreducible and rational or elliptic with rational tails. (This can
be proved by simple dimension counts on $W_1(d, d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,0}, \vec{0})$.)
Normalize the base
(which will normalize the family), and blow down (-1)-curves in fibers.
The curves blown down come from maps from nodal curves $C(0) \cup C(1)$,
where $C(0)$ is rational and $C(1)$ is elliptic. Call the resulting family ${\mathcal{F}}$.
Let $H$ be the pullback of a hyperplane to ${\mathcal{F}}$, and let $Q^j_e$ be the
section given by $q^j_e$.
Let $D = H - \sum m^j_e Q^j_e$. Then
\# Z_n(d,\vec{i})_{\sum m^j_e q^j_e} = S^2 - D^2 / 2.
\noindent {\em Proof. }
Let $Q$ be any section. Let $S$ be the section given by $Q +
\pi^*({\mathcal{O}}(1)) - \sum m^j_e q^j_e$ in the Picard group of the generic fiber. Then
\# Z_n (d, \vec{i})_{\sum m^j_e q^j_e} = S \cdot Q.
(The sections $S$ and $Q$ intersect transversely from Subsubsection
\ref{esubZ}.) By the
previous proposition, as $S^2 = Q^2$,
S &=& Q + D + \left( \frac {S^2 - (Q+D)^2 }{ 2} \right) F \\
\text{so } S \cdot Q &=& \left(Q + D + \left( \frac {S^2 - (Q+D)^2 }{ 2} \right)F
\right) \cdot Q \\
&=& Q^2 + D \cdot Q + \frac {S^2 - Q^2 - D^2 }{ 2} - D \cdot Q \\ &=& S^2 -
D^2 / 2.
\qed \vspace{+10pt}
To calculate
\#Z_n(d,\vec{i})_{\sum m^j_e q^j_e} = S^2 - (H - \sum m^j_e Q^j_e)^2 / 2,
we need to calculate $H^2$, $H \cdot Q^j_e$,
$Q^j_e \cdot Q^{j'}_{e'}$, and these correspond to simpler enumerative
If $(e,j) \neq (e',j')$, $Q^j_e$ could intersect $Q^{j'}_{e'}$ in two ways.
If $e' + e \geq n$, the elliptic curve could pass through $\Delta^j_e \cap
\Delta^{j'}_{e'}$, which will happen $\# W ({\mathcal{E}}') / d!$ times (where $d' = d$,
$\vec{h'} = d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}$, $\vec{i'} = \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_e - \vec{\epsilon}_{e'} +
\vec{\epsilon}_{e+e'-n}$). Or the curve could break into two intersecting
components, one
rational (call it $R$) containing $Q^j_e$ and $Q^{j'}_{e'}$ (which will be blown down in
the construction of ${\mathcal{F}}$), and the other (call it $E$) smooth elliptic.
This will happen
\sum_{\substack{{d(0) + d(1) = d }\\{ \vec{i}(0) + \vec{i}(1) = \vec{i}}}}
(d(0) d(1))^{\delta_{n,2}}
\binom { \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_e - \vec{\epsilon}_{e'}} {\vec{i}(1)} \left( \frac {\#
X({\mathcal{E}}(0)) }{ d(0)!} \right) \left( \frac
{\# W({\mathcal{E}}(1)) }{ d(1)!} \right)
times where $h_{n-1}(0) = d(0)$, $h_{n-1}(1) = d(1)$. The factor of
$(d(0) d(1))^{\delta_{n,2}}$ corresponds to the fact when $n=2$, $\pi(C) =
\pi(R \cup E)$ is a plane curve, and the point $R \cap E$ could map to any
node of the plane curve $\pi(R \cup E)$.
Transversality in both cases is simple to check, and both possibilities are
of the right dimension.
Q^j_e \cdot Q^{j'}_{e'} = \frac {\# W({\mathcal{E}}') }{ d!} \quad \quad \quad \quad
\quad \quad
\sum_{ \substack{{ d(0) + d(1) = d }\\ { \vec{i}(0) + \vec{i}(1) = \vec{i}}}} (d(0)
\binom { \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_e - \vec{\epsilon}_{e'} }{ \vec{i}(1)} \left( \frac {\#
X({\mathcal{E}}(0))}{ d(0)!} \right) \left(\frac {\# W({\mathcal{E}}(1)) }{d(1)!} \right).
To determine $H \cdot Q^j_e$, fix a general hyperplane
$h$ in $\mathbb P^n$, and let $H$ be its pullback to the fibration ${\mathcal{F}}$. Then
$H$ is a
multisection of the elliptic fibration. The cycle $H$ could intersect $Q^j_e$
in two ways. Either $\pi(q^j_e) \in h \cap \Delta^j_e$ --- which will happen
$\# W({\mathcal{E}}') / d!$ times with $(d', \vec{h'}, \vec{i'}) = (d, d
\vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_e + \vec{\epsilon}_{e-1})$ --- or the curve breaks into two
pieces, one
rational containing a point of $h$ and $p^j_e$, which will happen
\sum_{ \substack{{ d(0) + d(1) = d }\\{ \vec{i}(0) + \vec{i}(1) = \vec{i}}}} (d(0)
d(0) \binom { \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_e }{ \vec{i}(1)} \left(
\frac{ \# X({\mathcal{E}}(0))}{d(0)!} \right) \left(\frac {\# W({\mathcal{E}}(1)) }{ d(1)!}
times where $h_{1,n-1}(0) = d(0)$, $h_{1,n-1}(1) = d(1)$. (The second $d(0)$
in the formula comes from the choice of point of $h$ on the degree $d(0)$
rational component.) Thus
H \cdot Q^j_e =
\frac { \# W({\mathcal{E}}') }{ d! } \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad
\sum_{ \substack {{d(0) + d(1) = d }\\{ \vec{i}(0) + \vec{i}(1) = \vec{i}}}}
(d(0)d(1))^{\delta_{n,2}} d(0)
\binom { \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_e }{\vec{i}(1)} \left(
\frac {\# X({\mathcal{E}}(0))}{ d(0)!} \right) \left(\frac {\# W({\mathcal{E}}(1)) }{ d(1)!}
To determine $H^2$, fix a second general hyperplane $h'$ in $\mathbb P^n$, and
let $H'$ be its pullback to ${\mathcal{F}}$. Once again, $H$ could intersect $H'$ in
two ways depending on if the curve passes through $h \cap h'$, or if the
curve breaks into two pieces. Thus
H^2 = \frac {\# W ({\mathcal{E}}') }{ d! } \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad
+ \sum_{ \substack{{ d(0) + d(1) = d }\\{ \vec{i}(0) + \vec{i}(1) = \vec{i}}}}
\binom { \vec{i} }{ \vec{i}(1)} \left(
\frac {\# X({\mathcal{E}}(0))}{ d(0)!} \right) \left( \frac {\# W({\mathcal{E}}(1)) }{ d(1)!}
where $\vec{h'} = d \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}$, $\vec{i'} = \vec{i} + \vec{\epsilon}_{n-2}$, $\vec{h}(0)
= d(0) \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}$, $\vec{h}(1) = d(1) \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}$.
The self-intersection of a section $S^2$ ($= (Q^j_e)^2$) can be calculated
as follows.
Fix $e$ such that $i_e>0$.
We can calculate $H \cdot Q^1_e$, so if we can evaluate $(H - Q^1_e)
\cdot Q^1_e$ then we can find $S^2 = (Q^1_e)^2$. Fix a general hyperplane $h$ containing $\Delta^1_e$, and let
$(H-Q^1_e)$ be the multisection that is the pullback
of $h$ to ${\mathcal{F}}$, minus the section $Q^1_e$. The cycle $(H-Q^1_e)$ intersects
$Q^1_e$ if the curve is tangent to $h$ along $\Delta^1_e$ or if the curve breaks into
two pieces, with $Q^1_e$ on the rational piece. Thus
(H-Q^1_e) \cdot Q^1_e = \frac { \# W({\mathcal{E}}') }{ (d-2)! } \quad \quad \quad
\quad \quad \quad
\sum_{ \substack{{ d(0) + d(1) = d }\\{ \vec{i}(0) + \vec{i}(1) = \vec{i} -
\vec{\epsilon}_e}}} (d(0)d(1))^{\delta_{n,2}}
\binom { \vec{i} - \vec{\epsilon}_e }{ \vec{i}(1)} \left( \frac {
\# X({\mathcal{E}}(0)) }{ ( d(0)-2)!} \right) \left(\frac{\# W({\mathcal{E}}(1))}{ d(1)!} \right)
where $\vec{h'} = (d-2) \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1} + \vec{\epsilon}_{2,e}$, $\vec{h}(0) = ( d(0) - 1)
\vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1} + \vec{\epsilon}_{1,e}$, $\vec{h}(1) = d(1) \vec{\epsilon}_{1,n-1}$. The denominator
$(d(0)-2)!$ arises because we have a degree $d(0)$ (rational) curve passing
through an $e$-plane on $h$, and various incidence conditions $\vec{i}(0)$.
The number of such curves with a choice of one of the other intersections
of $C(0)$ with
$h$ is $(d(0)-1) \# X({\mathcal{E}}(0)) / (d(0) - 1)!$.
As an example, consider the elliptic quartics in $\mathbb P^2$ passing through
11 fixed points, including $q^1_0$, $q^2_0$, $q^3_0$, $q^4_0$. How many
such two-nodal quartics have ${\mathcal{O}}(1) = q^1_0 + \dots + q^4_0$ in the Picard
group of the normalization of the curve? We construct the fibration ${\mathcal{F}}$ over
the (normalized) variety of two-nodal plane quartics through 11 fixed
points. We have sections $Q^1_0$, \dots, $Q^{11}_0$ and a multisection $H$.
If $i \neq j$, $Q^i_0 \cdot Q^j_0 = 3$, $H \cdot Q^j_0 = 30$, $H ^2 = 225 +
3 {\binom {11} 2} = 390$, $(H-Q^1_0) \cdot Q^1_0 = 185$, so
S^2 = H \cdot Q^1_0 - (H - Q^1_0) \cdot Q^1_0 = -155.
Let $D = H - Q^1_0 - \dots - Q^4_0$. Then
D^2 &=& H^2 + 4 S^2 - 8 H \cdot Q^1_0 + 12 Q^1_0 \cdot Q^2_0 \\
&=& 390 + 4 (-155) - 8 (30) + 12(3) \\
&=& -434
so the answer is $S^2 - D^2/2 = 62$.
To determine the enumerative geometry of quartic elliptic space curves
(see Subsubsection \ref{eqesc}), various $\# Z_2(d,\vec{i})_{\mathcal{D}}$ were needed with $d=3$
and $d=4$. When $d=3$, $i_0$ is necessarily 8, and the results are given
in the Table \ref{ez3}. For convenience, we write $p^j = q^j_0$ for the
base points and $l^j = q^j_1$ for the marked points on lines. These values
were independently confirmed by M. Roth ([Ro]).
When $d=4$, $i_0$ must be 11, and the results are given in the Table \ref{ez4}.
For convenience again, we write $p^j = q^j_0$ and $l^j = q^j_1$.
$i_1$ & ${\mathcal{D}}$ & $\# Z_2(d,\vec{i})_{\mathcal{D}}$ \\
0 & $p^1 + p^2 + p^3$ & 0 \\
1 & $p^1 + p^2 + l^1$ & 1 \\
2 & $p^1 + l^1 + l^2$ & 5 \\
3 & $l^1 + l^2 + l^3$ & 18 \\
0 & $p^1 + 2 p^2 $ & 1 \\
1 & $2p^1 + l^1 $ & 4 \\
1 & $p^1 + 2l^1 $ & 5 \\
2 & $l^1 + 2l^2 $ & 16 \\
0 & $3p^1 $ & 3 \\
1 & $3l^1 $ & 14 \\
0 & $p^1 + p^2 + p^3 + p^4 - p^5 $& 1 \\
1 & $p^1 + p^2 + p^3 + p^4 - l^1 $& 2 \\
1 & $p^1 + p^2 + p^3 + l^1 - p^4 $& 4 \\
2 & $p^1 + p^2 + p^3 + l^1 - l^2 $& 10 \\
2 & $p^1 + p^2 + l^1 + l^2 - p^3 $& 14 \\
3 & $p^1 + p^2 + l^1 + l^2 - l^3 $& 39 \\
3 & $p^1 + l^1 + l^2 + l^3 - p^2 $& 45 \\
4 & $p^1 + l^1 + l^2 + l^3 - l^4 $& 135 \\
4 & $l^1 + l^2 + l^3 + l^4 - p^1 $& 135 \\
5 & $l^1 + l^2 + l^3 + l^4 - l^5 $& 432
\caption{Counting cubic elliptic plane curves with a divisorial condition}
$i_1$ & ${\mathcal{D}}$ & $\# Z_2(d,h,\vec{i})_{\mathcal{D}}$ \\
0 & $p^1 + p^2 + p^3 + p^4 $ & 62 \\
1 & $p^1 + p^2 + p^3 + l^1 $ & 464 \\
2 & $p^1 + p^2 + l^1 + l^2 $ & 2,522 \\
3 & $p^1 + l^1 + l^2 + l^3 $ & 11,960 \\
4 & $l^1 + l^2 + l^3 + l^4 $ & 52,160
\caption{Counting quartic elliptic plane curves with a divisorial condition}
\subsubsection{Plane curves}
Type IIc
components in this case are never enumeratively meaningful, as the elliptic
curve $C(0)$ must map to the line $H$ with degree at least two. The
recursive formulas we get are identical to the genus 1 recursive
formulas of Caporaso and Harris in [CH3].
\subsubsection{Cubic elliptic space curves}
The number of smooth cubic elliptic space curves through $j$ general points
and $12-2j$ general lines is 1500, 150, 14, and 1 for $j= 0$, 1, 2, and 3
respectively. (The number is 0 for $j>3$ as cubic elliptic space curves
must lie in a plane.) The degenerations involved in calculating the first
case appeared in Subsubsection \ref{ecubics}. As the Chow ring of the space
of smooth elliptic cubics is not hard to calculate (see [H1], p. 36), these
results may be easily verified.
The number of cubic elliptics tangent to $H$, through $j$ general points
and $11-2j$ general lines is 4740, 498, 50, and 4 for $j=0$, 1, 2, and 3
respectively. The number of cubic elliptics triply tangent to $H$ through
$j$ general points and $10-2j$ general lines is 2790, 306, 33, and 3 for
$j=0$, 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
These numbers are needed for the next examples.
$j$ & \# quartics \\
0 & 52,832,040 \\
1 & 4,436,208 \\
2 & 385,656 \\
3 & 34,674 \\
4 & 3,220 \\
5 & 310 \\
6 & 32 \\
7 & 4 \\
8 & 1
\caption{Number of quartic elliptic space curves through $j$ general points
and $16-2j$ general lines}
&$(i_0,i_1,h_0,h_1)$ & point & line & \# curves\\
& & degen. & degen. & \\
1 & (16,0,0,0) & & 10 & 52,832,040 \\
2 & (14,1,0,0) & 40 & 11 & 4,436,268 \\
3 & (12,2,0,0) & 41 & 12 & 385,656 \\
4 & (10,3,0,0) & 42 & 13 & 34,674 \\
5 & (8,4,0,0) & 43 & 14 & 3,220 \\
6 & (6,5,0,0) & 44 & 15 & 310 \\
7 & (4,6,0,0) & 45 & 16 & 32 \\
8 & (1,7,0,0) & 46 & 17 & 4 \\
9 & (0,8,0,0) & 47 & & 1 \\
10 & (15,0,1,0) & & 18, 40 & 52,832,040 \\
11 & (13,1,1,0) & 48 & 19, 41 & 4,436,268 \\
12 & (11,2,1,0) & 49 & 20, 42 & 385,656 \\
13 & (9,3,1,0) & 50 & 21, 43 & 34,674 \\
14 & (7,4,1,0) & 51 & 22, 44 & 3,220 \\
15 & (5,5,1,0) & 52 & 23, 45 & 310 \\
16 & (3,6,1,0) & 53 & 24, 46 & 32 \\
17 & (1,7,1,0) & 54 & 25, 47 & 4 \\
18 & (14,0,2,0) & & 26, 48+ & 48,395,772 \\
19 & (12,1,2,0) & 55+ & 27, 49+ & 4,050,612 \\
20 & (10,2,2,0) & 56+ & 28, 50+ & 350,982 \\
21 & (8,3,2,0) & 57+ & 29, 51+ &31,454 \\
22 & (6,4,2,0) & 58+ & 30, 52 & 2,910 \\
23 & (4,5,2,0) & 59 & 31, 53 & 278 \\
24 & (2,6,2,0) & 60 & 32, 54 & 28 \\
25 & (0,7,2,0) & 61 & & 3 \\
26 & (13,0,3,0) & & 33, 55+ & 39,347,736 \\
27 & (11,1,3,0) & 62+ & 34, 56+ & 3,266,100 \\
28 & (9,2,3,0) & 63+ & 35, 57+ & 280,752 \\
29 & (7,3,3,0) & 64+ & 36, 58+ & 24,972 \\
30 & (5,4,3,0) & 65+ & 37, 59+ & 2,290 \\
31 & (3,5,3,0) & 66+ & 38, 60+ & 214 \\
32 & (1,6,3,0) & 67+ & 39, 61+ & 20 \\
33 & (12,0,4,0) & & 62+ & 23,962,326 \\
34 & (10,1,4,0) & + & 63+ & 1,939,857
\caption{Quartic elliptic space curves with incidence conditions}
&$(i_0,i_1,h_0,h_1)$ & point & line & \# curves\\
& & degen. & degen. & \\
35 & (8,2,4,0) & + & 64+ & 161,735 \\
36 & (6,3,4,0) & + & 65+ & 13,908 \\
37 & (4,4,4,0) & + & 66+ & 1,222 \\
38 & (2,5,4,0) & + & 67+ & 104 \\
39 & (0,6,4,0) & + & & 8 \\
40 & (14,0,0,1) & & 48+ & 4,436,268 \\
41 & (12,1,0,1) & 68 & 49 & 385,656 \\
42 & (10,2,0,1) & 69 & 50 & 34,674 \\
43 & (8,3,0,1) & 70 & 51 & 3,220 \\
44 & (6,4,0,1) & 71 & 52 & 310 \\
45 & (3,5,0,1) & 72 & 53 & 32 \\
46 & (2,6,0,1) & 73 & 54 & 4 \\
47 & (0,7,0,1) & 74 & & 1 \\
48 & (13,0,1,1) & & 55, 68+ & 4,436,268 \\
49 & (11,1,1,1) & 75+ & 56, 69+ & 385,656 \\
50 & (9,2,1,1) & 76+ & 57, 70+ & 34,674 \\
51 & (7,3,1,1) & 77+ & 58, 71+ & 3,220 \\
52 & (5,4,1,1) & 78+ & 59, 72 & 310 \\
53 & (3,5,1,1) & 79 & 60, 73 & 32 \\
54 & (1,6,1,1) & 80 & 61, 74 & 4 \\
55 & (12,0,2,1) & & 62, 75 & 4,028,112 \\
56 & (10,1,2,1) & 81+ & 63, 76+ & 349,032 \\
57 & (8,2,2,1) & 82+ & 64, 77+ & 28,340 \\
58 & (6,3,2,1) & 83+ & 65, 78+ & 2,901 \\
59 & (4,4,2,1) & 84+ & 66, 79+ & 278 \\
60 & (2,5,2,1) & 85+ & 67, 80+ & 28 \\
61 & (0,6,2,1) & 86+ & & 3 \\
62 & (11,0,3,1) & & 81+ & 2,849,436 \\
63 & (9,1,3,1) & + & 82+ & 243,507 \\
64 & (7,2,3,1) & + & 83+ & 21,310 \\
65 & (5,3,3,1) & + & 84+ & 1,909 \\
66 & (3,4,3,1) & + & 85+ & 172 \\
67 & (1,5,3,1) & + & 86+ & 14 \\
68 & (12,0,0,2) & & 75+ & 385,656
\caption{Quartic elliptic space curves with incidence conditions, cont'd}
&$(i_0,i_1,h_0,h_1)$ & point & line & \# curves\\
& & degen. & degen. & \\
69 & (10,1,0,2) & 87 & 76+ & 34,674 \\
70 & (8,2,0,2) & 88 & 77+ & 3,220 \\
71 & (6,3,0,2) & 89 & 78+ & 310 \\
72 & (4,4,0,2) & 90 & 79 & 32 \\
73 & (2,5,0,2) & 91 & 80 & 4 \\
74 & (0,6,0,2) & 92 & & 1 \\
75 & (11,0,1,2) & & 81, 87+ & 384,156 \\
76 & (9,1,1,2) & 93+ & 82, 88+ & 34,524 \\
77 & (7,2,1,2) & 94+ & 83, 89+ & 3,206 \\
78 & (5,3,1,2) & 95+ & 84, 90+ & 309 \\
79 & (3,4,1,2) & 96 & 85, 91+ & 32 \\
80 & (1,5,1,2) & 97 & 86, 92+ & 4 \\
81 & (10,0,2,2) & & 93+ & 312,348 \\
82 & (8,1,2,2) & + & 94+ & 28,340 \\
83 & (6,2,2,2) & + & 95+ & 2,612 \\
84 & (4,3,2,2) & + & 96+ & 246 \\
85 & (2,4,2,2) & + & 97+ & 24 \\
86 & (0,5,2,2) & + & & 2 \\
87 & (10,0,0,3) & & 93+ & 34,674 \\
88 & (8,1,0,3) & 98+ & 94+ & 3,220 \\
89 & (6,2,0,3) & 99+ & 95+ & 310 \\
90 & (4,3,0,3) & 100+ & 96 & 32 \\
91 & (2,4,0,3) & 101 & 97 & 4 \\
92 & (0,5,0,3) & 102 & & 1 \\
93 & (9,0,1,3) & & 98+ & 31,056 \\
94 & (7,1,1,3) & + & 99+ & 3,052 \\
95 & (5,2,1,3) & + & 100+ & 304 \\
96 & (3,3,1,3) & + & 101+ & 32 \\
97 & (1,4,1,3) & + & 102+ & 4 \\
98 & (8,0,0,4) & & + &2,519 \\
99 & (6,1,0,4) & + & + & 277 \\
100 & (4,2,0,4) & + & + & 31 \\
101 & (2,3,0,4) & + & + & 4 \\
102 & (0,4,0,4) & + & & 1
\caption{Quartic elliptic space curves with incidence conditions, cont'd}
\subsubsection{Quartic elliptic space curves}
The number of smooth quartic elliptic space curves through $j$ general
points and $16-2j$ general lines is given in the Table \ref{eqescnums}.
These numbers agree with those recently found by Getzler by means of genus
1 Gromov-Witten invariants (cf. [G3]).
\caption{Counting quartic elliptic space curves through 16 general lines}
The space of smooth quartic elliptic space curves is birational
to pencils in the space of space quadrics (as a quartic elliptic space
curve is the base locus of a unique pencil, and a general pencil defines a
smooth quartic elliptic). By this means the last four numbers in Table
\ref{eqescnums} may be easily calculated. D. Avritzer and I. Vainsencher used this
method (cf. [AV]) to calculate the top number, although they likely misprinted
their answer ([G5]).
\caption{Additional degenerations of quartic elliptic space curves}
Other enumerative data can also be found. For example, Tables \ref{eqesc1}
to \ref{eqesc3}
give the number of smooth quartic elliptic space curves through $i_0$
general points and $i_1$ general lines, and $h_0$ general points and
$h_1$ general lines in $H$, with
2 i_0 + i_1 + 2 h_0 + h_1= 16.
At each stage, the number may be computed by degenerating a point or a line
(assuming there is a point or line to degenerate). Each row is labeled,
and the labels of the different degenerations that are also smooth
quartics are given in each case, and a ``+''
is added if there are other degenerations. (This will help the reader to
follow through the degenerations.) Keep in mind that these numbers
are not quite what the algorithm of this section produces; in the
algorithm, the intersections with $H$ are labeled, so the number computed
for $(i_0,i_1,h_0,h_1)$ will be $(4-h_0-h_1)!$ times the number in the
These computations are not as difficult as one might think. For example, if
$i_0$ and $i_1$ are both positive, it is possible to degenerate a point and
then a line, or a line and then a point. Both methods must yield the same
number, providing a means of double-checking.
\caption{Additional degenerations of quartic elliptic space curves, cont'd}
As an example, the degenerations used to compute the 52,832,040 quartic
space curves through 16 general lines are displayed in Figures \ref{qesc1}
to \ref{qesc4}, using the pictorial shorthand described earlier. In
Figure \ref{qesc1}, degenerations involving nondegenerate
quartic elliptic space curves are given (as well as a few more). The
remaining degenerations are given in Figures \ref{qesc2} to
\ref{qesc4}. The boldfaced numbers
indicated the corresponding rows in Tables \ref{eqesc1} to
\subsection{Curves of higher genus}
The genus 2 case seems potentially tractable. An analog of Proposition
\ref{ecodim2} is needed, showing that in the space of stable maps of the
desired sort (with general assigned incidences and intersections with $H$),
no divisor representing maps with collapsed components of positive
genus is enumeratively meaningful. New types of components arise,
including one in which $C(0)$ and $C(1)$ are both rational, and intersect
each other in 3 points (which will require the intersection theory of a
blow-up of $H^3$), and one in which $C(0)$, $C(1)$, and $C(2)$ are rational
and $C(0)$ intersects $C(i)$ ($i = 1,2$) in 2 points (which will require
the intersection theory of $(\operatorname{Bl}_\Delta H^2)^2$). The main difficulty will
arise from components where $p_a(C(0)) = 2$, as the divisorial condition
analogous to that of Type IIc components is a codimension 2 condition, and
the calculation of $\# Z$ (when $p_a(C(0))=1$) using elliptic fibrations
now involves fibrations of abelian surfaces.
\caption{Additional degenerations of quartic elliptic space curves, cont'd}
For genus greater than 2, the situation is more grave. The map
\rho_A: {\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^n,d) \dashrightarrow {\overline{M}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)
induced by projection from a general $(n-2)$-plane $A$ in $H$ is not
dominant, so the multiplicity calculations are no longer immediate from
the situation on ${\overline{\cm}}_{g,m}(\mathbb P^1,d)$. Second, the divisorial
condition is even more complicated than for genus 2, and the other
computations (involving the intersection theory of products of repeated blow-ups of
powers of $H$ along various diagonals) will be horrendous. It is also
awkward that the dimensions of these spaces may not be what one would naively
expect. For example, the space of genus 3 quartic space curves is of
dimension 17 (as all genus 3 quartic space curves must lie in a plane, so
the dimension is $\dim
\mathbb P^{3*}$ plus the dimension of the space of plane quartics), not 16.
(This is because the normal bundle of the general such map has non-zero
But all is not necessarily lost. Even in the case of genus 3 quartic space
curves we can successfully follow through the degenerations (see
Figure \ref{egenus3}; genus 3 curves are indicated by 3 open circles). The
unexpectedly high dimension of the space is compensated by unexpectedly
high dimensions of degenerations. For example, one would naively expect
that requiring two curves to intersect in three points would impose three
conditions, but when one of the curves is cubic elliptic (and hence planar)
and the other is a line, the cost is only two conditions (as a line
intersecting the cubic at two points necessarily intersects it at a third).
This should work in general when $d$ is small enough (for fixed $g$) that
the curve must be planar, and the degenerations will look very much like
those of [CH3] and Figure \ref{egenus3}. Perhaps when $d$ is small enough
that $C(0)$ must be genus 0 or 1 this analysis can still be carried
\caption{Genus 3 quartic space curves.}
1997-09-04T10:37:48 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709002 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709002 | [
] | alg-geom/9709002 | Vicente Munoz Velazquez | Vicente Mu\~noz | Wall-crossing formulae for algebraic surfaces with $q>0$ | Latex2e, 20 pages | null | null | null | null | We extend the ideas of Friedman and Qin (Flips of moduli spaces and
transition formulae for Donaldson polynomial invariants of rational surfaces)
to find the wall-crossing formulae for the Donaldson invariants of algebraic
surfaces with geometrical genus zero, positive irregularity and anticanonical
divisor effective, for any wall $\zeta$ with $l_{\zeta}=(\zeta\sp{2}-p_1)/4$
being zero or one.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 4 Sep 1997 09:38:04 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
The Donaldson invariants of a smooth oriented $4$-manifold $X$
depend by definition on a Riemannian metric $g$. In the
case $b^+>1$ they however turn out to be independent of $g$. When
$b^+=1$, they depend on $g$ through a structure of walls and chambers, that we
recall briefly here (we refer to~\cite{Kotschick1}~\cite{KM2} for more details).
Fix $w \in H^2(X;{\Bbb Z})$. Then for any $p_1 \leq 0$ with $p_1 \equiv w^2
\pmod 4$, we set $d=-p_1-{3 \over 2}(1-b_1 +b^+)$, for half of the
dimension of the moduli space ${\cal M}_{X,g}^{w,d}$ of $g$-antiselfdual connections
on the $SO(3)$-principle bundle over $X$
with second Stiefel-Whitney class the reduction
mod $2$ of $w$, and first Pontrjagin number $p_1$. The corresponding
Donaldson invariant will be denoted $D_{X,g}^{w,d}$.
This is a linear functional on the
elements of degree $2d$ of $\AA(X)=\text{Sym}^*(H_0(X) \oplus H_2(X)) \otimes
\bigwedge^*(H_1(X)\oplus H_3(X))$, where the degree of elements
in $H_i(X)$ is $4-i$ ($H_i(X)$ will always denote homology with rational
coefficients, and similarly for $H^i(X)$).
This invariant is only defined in principle for generic metrics.
From now on let $X$ be a compact smooth oriented $4$-manifold with $b^+=1$.
Let ${\Bbb H}$ be the image of the positive cone $\{ x \in H^2(X; {\Bbb R})/ x^2>0 \}$ in
${\Bbb P}(H^2(X; {\Bbb R}))$, which is a model of the hyperbolic disc of dimension
$b^-$. The period point of $g$ is the line $\o_g \in {\Bbb H} \subset
{\Bbb P}(H^2(X; {\Bbb R}))$ given by the selfdual harmonic forms for $g$.
A {\bf wall} of type $(w,p_1)$ is a non-empty hyperplane
$W_{\zeta}=\{ x \in {\Bbb H} / x\cdot \zeta =0 \}$ in ${\Bbb H}$,
with $\zeta \in H^2(X; {\Bbb Z})$, such that $\zeta \equiv w\pmod 2$
and $p_1 \leq \zeta^2 < 0$. The connected components of
the complement of the walls of type $(w,p_1)$ in ${\Bbb H}$ are the
{\bf chambers} of type $(w,p_1)$.
Let ${\frak M}$ denote the space of metrics of $X$. Then we have a map ${\frak M} \to
{\Bbb H}$ which sends every metric $g$ to its period point $\o_g$. The connected
components of the preimage of the chambers of ${\Bbb H}$ are, by definition, the chambers
of ${\frak M}$. A wall $W'_{\zeta}$ for ${\frak M}$ is a non-empty preimage of a wall $W_{\zeta}$
for ${\Bbb H}$.
When $g$ moves in a chamber ${\cal C}'$ of ${\frak M}$
the Donaldson invariants do not change. But when
it crosses a wall they change.
So for any chamber ${\cal C}'$ of ${\frak M}$, we have defined
$D_{X,{\cal C}'}^{w,d}$, by choosing any generic metric $g \in {\cal C}'$,
so that the moduli space is
smooth, and computing the corresponding Donaldson invariants
(to avoid flat connections we might have to
use the trick in~\cite{MM}). For a path of metrics $\{ g_t
\}_{t \in [-1,1]}$, with $g_{\pm 1} \in {\cal C}'_{\pm}$, we have the
difference term $\d_{X}^{w,d}({\cal C}'_-,{\cal C}'_+)=D_{X,{\cal C}'_+}^{w,d}-D_{X,{\cal C}'_-}^{w,d}$.
When $b_1=0$, Kotschick and
Morgan~\cite{KM2} prove that the invariants only depend on the chamber ${\cal C}$
of ${\Bbb H}$ in which the period point of the metric lies. For this, they find that the
change in the Donaldson invariant when the metric crosses a wall $W'_{\zeta}$
depends only on the class
$\zeta$ and not on the particular metric
having the reducible antiselfdual connection (Leness~\cite{Leness}
points out that their argument
is not complete and checks that it is true at least for the case
$l_{\zeta}={1 \over 4} (\zeta^2-p_1) \leq 2$).
In this case, the difference term is defined as
\d_{X}^{w,d}({\cal C}_-,{\cal C}_+)=D_{X,{\cal C}_+}^{w,d}-D_{X,{\cal C}_-}^{w,d},
for chambers ${\cal C}_{\pm}$ of ${\Bbb H}$. Then $\d_{X}^{w,d}({\cal C}_-,{\cal C}_+)=
\sum \d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$, where the sum is taken over all $\zeta$ defining walls separating
${\cal C}_-$ and ${\cal C}_+$.
Moreover $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}=\varepsilon(\zeta,w) \d_{S,\zeta}^d$, with $\d^d_{S,\zeta}$ not dependent on $w$,
$\varepsilon(\zeta,w)=(-1)^{({\zeta-w \over 2})^2}$.
Now suppose $S$ is a smooth algebraic surface (not necessarily with
$b_1=0$), endowed with a Hodge metric $h$
corresponding to a polarisation $H$.
Let ${\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$ be the Gieseker compactification of the
moduli space of $H$-stable rank two bundles $V$ on
$X$ with $c_1(V)={\cal O}(L)$ (a fixed line bundle with topological first
Chern class equal to $w$) and $c_2={1 \over 4}(c_1^2 -p_1)$.
The Donaldson invariants (for the metric $h$) can be computed using ${\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$
(see~\cite{FM}) whenever the moduli spaces ${\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$ are generic
(i.e. $H^0(\text{End}_0E)=H^2(\text{End}_0E)=0$, for every stable bundle $E \in {\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$).
The period point of $h$ is the line spanned by $H \in H^2(X;{\Bbb Z}) \subset H^2(X;{\Bbb R})$.
Now let $C_S \subset {\Bbb H}$ be the image of the {\bf ample cone} of $S$,
i.e. the subcone of the positive cone
generated by the ample classes (polarisations). We have walls and
chambers in $C_S$ in the same vein as before (actually they are the intersections
of the walls and chambers of ${\Bbb H}$ with $C_S$,
whenever this intersection is non-empty).
Now ${\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$ is constant on the chambers of $C_S$
(and so the invariant stays the same), and when $H$ crosses
a wall $W_{\zeta}$, ${\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$ changes (see~\cite{Qin}).
From the point of view of the Donaldson invariants, this corresponds to
restricting our attention from the positive cone of $S$ to its ample cone.
When the irregularity $q$ of $S$ is zero, the wall-crossing terms have been
found out in~\cite{flips}~\cite{Gottsche-notengo}~\cite{Gottsche-bott}.
Friedman and Qin obtain some wall-crossing formulae for algebraic
surfaces $S$ with $-K$ being effective ($K=K_S$ the canonical
divisor) and the irregularity $q=0$
(equivalently, $b_1=0$).
We want to adapt their results to the case
$q >0$ modifying their arguments where necessary.
If $-K$ is effective then the change of ${\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$ when $H$ crosses
a wall $W$ can
be described by a number of flips. We shall write
the change of the Donaldson invariant as a sum of
contributions $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$, for the different $\zeta$ defining $W$.
The condition of $-K$ being effective can be relaxed for the case $q=0$ to
the following two conditions: $K$ is not effective, $\pm
\zeta +K$ are not effective for any $\zeta$ defining the given wall (we call such
a wall a {\bf good wall}, see~\cite{Gottsche-bott}~\cite{Gottsche-notengo}).
Probably the same is true for the case $q>0$, since these two conditions ensure
that the change in ${\frak M}_H(c_1,c_2)$ when crossing a wall is described by flips. Nonetheless
we will suppose $-K$ effective, which allows us to define the Donaldson invariants
for any polarisation. Note that when $-K$ is effective, all walls are good.
The paper is organised as follows. In section~\ref{sec:2}
we extend the arguments of~\cite{flips} to the case $q>0$.
In sections~\ref{sec:lz=0} and~\ref{sec:lz=1} we compute
the wall crossing formulae for any wall with
$l_{\zeta}={1 \over 4}(\zeta^2-p_1)$ being $0$ and $1$ respectively.
Then in section~\ref{sec:5},
we give the two leading terms of the wall crossing
difference for any wall $\zeta$. As a consequence of our results,
we propose a conjecture on the shape of
the wall crossing terms.
In the appendix we give, for the convenience of the reader, a list of all
the algebraic surfaces with $p_g=0$ and
$-K$ effective, i.e. the surfaces to which the results from this
paper apply.
\noindent {\em Acknowledgements:\/} I am very grateful to my D. Phil.\
supervisor Simon Donaldson, for many good ideas. Conversations with Lothar
G\"ottsche have been very useful for a checking of the formulae here obtained.
Also I am indebted to the Mathematics
Department in Universidad de M\'alaga for their hospitatility and financial
\noindent {\em Note:\/} After the completion of this work, L.\ G\"ottsche
provided me with a copy of~\cite{Gottsche-notengo}. The arguments for
computing the wall-crossing terms
in~\cite{Gottsche-notengo} can also be extended to the case $q>0$, in a
similar fashion to the work carried out in this paper.
\section{Wall-crossing formulae}
From now on, $S$ is a smooth algebraic manifold with irregularity $q \geq 0$
and $p_g=0$ (equivalently $b^+=1$) and with anticanonical divisor
$-K$ effective. Let $w \in H^2(S;{\Bbb Z})$, $p_1 \equiv w^2 \pmod 4$.
d=-p_1- {3\over 2}(1-b_1+b^+)=-p_1-3(1 -q)
and let $\zeta$ define a wall of type $(w,p_1)$. In every
chamber ${\cal C}$ of the ample cone,
we have well-defined the Donaldson invariant $D^{w,d}_{S,{\cal C}}$
associated to polarisations in that chamber.
For two different chambers ${\cal C}_+$ and
${\cal C}_-$, there is a {\bf wall-crossing difference term\/}
\d_S^{w,d}({\cal C}_-,{\cal C}_+)=D^{w,d}_{S,{\cal C}_+}- D^{w,d}_{S,{\cal C}_-},
which can be written as a sum
\d_S^{w,d}({\cal C}_-,{\cal C}_+)=\sum_{\zeta} \d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d},
where $\zeta$ runs over all walls of type $(w, p_1)$ with ${\cal C}_- \cdot \zeta <0
< {\cal C}_+ \cdot \zeta$.
Suppose from now on that ${\cal C}_-$ and ${\cal C}_+$ are two adjacent chambers
separated by a single wall $W_{\zeta}$ of type $(w,p_1)$.
For simplicity, we will assume that the wall $W_{\zeta}$ is only
represented by the pair
$\pm \zeta$ since in the general case we only need to add
up the contributions for every pair representing the wall.
Then the wall-crossing term is $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$.
l_{\zeta}=(\zeta^2 -p_1)/4 \in {\Bbb Z}.
Let $\zeta$ define the wall separating ${\cal C}_-$ from ${\cal C}_+$ and put,
as in~\cite[section 2]{flips}, $E_{\zeta}^{n_1,n_2}$ to be the set of all
isomorphism classes of non-split extensions of the form
\exseq{{\cal O}(F) \otimes I_{Z_1}}{V}{{\cal O}(L-F) \otimes I_{Z_2}},
where $F$ is a divisor such that $2F-L$ is homologically
equivalent to $\zeta$,
and $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ are two zero-dimensional subschemes of $S$ with
$l(Z_i)=n_i$ and such that $n_1+n_2=l_{\zeta}$.
Let us construct $E_{\zeta}^{n_1,n_2}$ explicitly. Consider $H_i
=\text{Hilb}_{n_i}(S)$ the Hilbert scheme of $n_i$ points on $S$,
$J=\text{Jac}^F(S)$ the Jacobian parametrising
divisors homologically equivalent to $F$, ${\cal Z}_i \subset S \times H_i$
the universal codimension $2$ scheme, and ${\cal F} \subset S \times J$ the universal
divisor. Then we define ${\cal E}_{\zeta}^{n_1,n_2} \to J\times H_1 \times H_2$ to be
{\cal E}={\cal E}_{\zeta}^{n_1,n_2}={\cal E}{\text{xt}}_{\pi_2}^1({\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1
\times H_2)} (\pi_1^* L -{\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_2}, {\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times
H_2)} ({\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_1}),
for $\pi_1:S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2) \rightarrow S$ and $\pi_2:S \times
(J\times H_1 \times H_2) \rightarrow J\times H_1 \times H_2$, the projections (we do not
denote all pull-backs of sheaves explicitly).
This is a vector bundle over $J\times H_1 \times H_2$ of rank
\text{rk}({\cal E})=l_{\zeta}+h^1({\cal O}_S(2F-L))=l_{\zeta}+h(\zeta)+q,
h(\zeta)= {\zeta \cdot K_S \over 2} -{\zeta^2 \over 2} -1,
by Riemann-Roch~\cite[lemma 2.6]{flips}. Note that $l_{\zeta} \geq
0$ and $h(\zeta)+q \geq 0$. Put
$N_{\zeta}=\text{rk}({\cal E})-1$. Then $E_{\zeta}^{n_1,n_2}
={\Bbb P}(({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{n_1,n_2})^{\vee})$ (we
follow the convention ${\Bbb P}({\cal E})= \text{Proj} (\oplus_i
S^i({\cal E}))$),
which is of dimension $q+2l_{\zeta}+(l_{\zeta}+h(\zeta)+q)$.
Also $N_{\zeta}+N_{-\zeta}+q+2l_{\zeta}=d-1$. We will have to
treat the case $\text{rk}({\cal E})=0$ (i.e. $l_{\zeta}=0$ and $h(\zeta)+q=0$) separately.
We can modify the arguments in sections 3 and 4 of~\cite{flips}
to get intermediate moduli
spaces ${\frak M}_0^{(k)}$ together with embeddings $E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k} \hookrightarrow
{\frak M}_0^{(k)}$ and $E_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k} \hookrightarrow
{\frak M}_0^{(k-1)}$, fitting in the following diagram
&& \widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(l_{\zeta})} & & & & \cdots & & & &
\widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(0)} & &\\
& \swarrow & & \searrow && \swarrow & &\searrow & & \swarrow & &
\searrow & \\
{\frak M}_0^{(l_{\zeta})} & & & & {\frak M}_0^{(l_{\zeta}-1)} & & & & {\frak M}_0^{(0)} & &
& & {\frak M}_0^{(-1)} \\
\parallel &&&&&&&&&&&& \parallel \\
{\frak M}_- &&&&&&&&&&&& {\frak M}_+
where $\widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)} \rightarrow {\frak M}_0^{(k)}$ is the blow-up of
${\frak M}_0^{(k)}$ at $E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}$ and $\widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)}
\rightarrow {\frak M}_0^{(k-1)}$ is the blow-up of ${\frak M}_0^{(k-1)}$ at
$E_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}$. This is what is called a flip.
Basically, the space $E_{\zeta}= \sqcup E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}$ parametrises
$H_-$-stable sheaves
which are $H_+$-unstable. Analogously, $E_{-\zeta}= \sqcup
E_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}$ parametrises $H_+$-stable sheaves
which are $H_-$-unstable. Hence one could say that ${\frak M}_+$ is obtained from
${\frak M}_-$ by removing $E_{\zeta}$ and then attaching $E_{-\zeta}$. The picture above
is a nice description of this fact and allows us the find the universal
sheaf for ${\frak M}_+$ out of the universal sheaf for ${\frak M}_-$ by a sequence
of elementary transforms.
The point is that whenever $-K_S$ is effective,
we have an embedding $E_{\zeta}^{0,l_{\zeta}} \rightarrow {\frak M}_-$
(the part of $E_{\zeta}$ consisting of bundles)
and rational maps $E_{\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k} \dashrightarrow
{\frak M}_-$, $k>0$, but if we blow-up
${\frak M}_-$ at $E_{\zeta}^{0,l_{\zeta}}$, we have already an embedding from
$E_{\zeta}^{1,l_{\zeta}-1}$ to this latter space. Now we can proceed inductively
for $k=0,\ldots, l_{\zeta}$. Analogously, we can have started from ${\frak M}_+$
blowing-up $E_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}$ one by one. The diagram above says
that we can perform
these blow-ups and blow-downs alternatively, instead of
first blowing-up $l_{\zeta}+1$ times and then blowing-down $l_{\zeta}+1$ times.
We see that the exceptional divisor in $\widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)}$ is a
${\Bbb P}^{N_{\zeta}} \times {\Bbb P}^{N_{-\zeta}}$-bundle
over $J \times H_{l_{\zeta}-k} \times H_{k}$.
When adapting the arguments of~\cite[sections 3 and 4]{flips},
the only place requiring serious changes
is proposition 3.7 in order to prove proposition 3.6.
\begin{prop}{\em {\bf (\cite[proposition 3.6]{flips})}}
The map $E^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}_{\zeta} \rightarrow {\frak M}_0^{(\zeta, {\bf k})}$ is an immersion. The
normal bundle ${\cal N}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}$ to $E^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}_{\zeta}$ in
${\frak M}_0^{(\zeta, {\bf k})}$ is exactly $\rho^*{\cal E}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}_{-\zeta} \otimes
{\cal O}_{E^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}_{\zeta}}(-1)$, where $\rho: E^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}_{\zeta} \rightarrow J \times
H_{l_{\zeta}-k} \times H_k$ is the projection. Here we have defined
${\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}={\cal E}{\text{xt}}_{\pi_2}^1({\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)}
({\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_1},
{\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)} (\pi_1^* L -{\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_2})$.
Proposition~\ref{prop:lod} is proved as~\cite[proposition 3.6]{flips} making
use of the following
analogue of~\cite[proposition 3.7]{flips}
For all nonzero $\xi \in \text{Ext}^1=\text{Ext}^1({\cal O}(L-F) \otimes
I_{Z_2},{\cal O}(F) \otimes I_{Z_1})$, the natural map from a neighbourhood
of $\xi$ in $E^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}_{\zeta}$ to ${\frak M}_0^{(\zeta, {\bf k})}$
is an immersion at $\xi$. The image of $T_{\xi}
E^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}_{\zeta}$ in $\text{Ext}^1_0(V,V)$ (the tangent space to
${\frak M}_0^{(\zeta, {\bf k})}$ at $\xi$, where $V$ is the sheaf corresponding to
is exactly the kernel of the natural map $\text{Ext}_0(V,V) \rightarrow \text{Ext}^1({\cal O}(F)
\otimes I_{Z_1},{\cal O}(L-F) \otimes I_{Z_2})$, and the normal space to
$E^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}_{\zeta}$ at $\xi$ in ${\frak M}_0^{(\zeta, {\bf k})}$
may be canonically identified with $\text{Ext}^1({\cal O}(F)
\otimes I_{Z_1},{\cal O}(L-F) \otimes I_{Z_2})$.
We have
that $\text{Ext}^1 (I_Z, I_Z)$ parametrises infinitesimal deformations of
$I_Z$ as a sheaf. The deformations of $I_Z$
are of the form $I_{Z'} \otimes {\cal O}(D)$ for $D
\equiv 0$. The universal space parametrising these sheaves is
$\text{Hilb}_r(S) \times \text{Jac}^0(S)$, where $r$ is the length of $Z$.
is an exact sequence
\exseq{H^0 ({\cal E} \text{xt}^1(I_Z,I_Z))}{\text{Ext}^1 (I_Z, I_Z)}{H^1({\cal H}
where $H^0 ({\cal E} \text{xt}^1(I_Z,I_Z))=H^0 ({\cal H}\text{om}(I_Z,{\cal O}_Z))=
\text{Hom} (I_Z,{\cal O}_Z)$ is the tangent space to $\text{Hilb}_r(S)$ and
$H^1({\cal H} \text{om}(I_Z,I_Z))=H^1({\cal O})$ is the tangent space to the
Analogously, $\text{Ext}^1(V,V)$ is the space of infinitesimal deformations
of $V$ (but the determinant is not preserved). The infinitesimal
deformations preserving the determinant are given by the kernel
$\text{Ext}_0^1(V,V)$ of a map $\text{Ext}^1(V,V) \rightarrow H^1({\cal H}\text{om}(V,V)) \rightarrow H^1({\cal O})$.
Now $E=E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}$ sits inside the bigger space $\tilde{E}=
\tilde{E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}$ given as
{\Bbb P}({\cal E}{\text{xt}}_{\pi_2}^1({\cal O}_{S \times (J_1\times H_1
\times J_2 \times H_2)} (\pi_1^* L -{\cal F}_2) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_2}, {\cal O}_{S \times (J_1\times
H_1 \times J_2\times H_2)} ({\cal F}_1) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_1})^{\vee}),
for $J_1=J_2=J$, ${\cal F}_i \subset S \times J_i$ the universal divisor, and
$H_i$ the Hilbert scheme parametrising $Z_i$.
The arguments in~\cite[proposition 3.7]{flips} go through to prove
that for every non-zero $\xi \in \text{Ext}^1=\text{Ext}^1({\cal O}(L -F) \otimes
I_{Z_2}, {\cal O}(F) \otimes I_{Z_1})$
we have the following commutative diagram with exact rows and columns
T_{\xi} E @>>> \text{Ext}^1_0(V,V) @>>> \text{Ext}^1({\cal O}(F) \otimes
I_{Z_1},{\cal O}(L -F) \otimes I_{Z_2}) \\
@VVV @VVV @| \\
T_{\xi} \tilde{E} @>>> \text{Ext}^1(V,V) @>>>\text{Ext}^1({\cal O}(F) \otimes
I_{Z_1},{\cal O}(L -F) \otimes I_{Z_2}) \\
@VVV @VVV @. \\
H^1({\cal O}) @= H^1({\cal O}) @.
So the natural map from a neighbourhood of $\xi$ in $E$ to
${\frak M}_0^{(\zeta, {\bf k})}$ is
an immersion at $\xi$ and the normal space may be canonically
identified with $\text{Ext}^1({\cal O}(F) \otimes
I_{Z_1},{\cal O}(L -F) \otimes I_{Z_2})$.
Therefore proposition~\ref{prop:lod} is true for $q>0$. The set up is now
in all ways analogous to that of~\cite{flips}.
We fix some notations~\cite[section 5]{flips}:
Let $\zeta$ define a wall of type $(w,p_1)$.
\item $\l_k$ is the tautological line bundle over $E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}
={\Bbb P}(({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k})^{\vee})$.
$\l_k$ will also be
used to denote its first Chern class.
\item $\rho_k:S \times E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k} \rightarrow S \times (J \times H_{l_{\zeta}-k} \times H_k)$ is the
natural projection.
\item $p_k: \widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)} \rightarrow {\frak M}_0^{(k)}$ is the blow-up
of ${\frak M}_0^{(k)}$ at $E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}$.
\item $q_{k-1}: \widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)} \rightarrow {\frak M}_0^{(k-1)}$ is the
contraction of $\widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)}$ to ${\frak M}_0^{(k-1)}$.
\item The normal bundle of $E_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}$ in ${\frak M}_0^{(k)}$ is ${\cal N}_k =
\rho_k^* {\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k} \otimes \l_k^{-1}$, where
${\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}={\cal E}{\text{xt}}_{\pi_2}^1({\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)}
({\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_1},
{\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)} (\pi_1^* L -{\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_2})$.
\item $D_k={\Bbb P}({\cal N}_k^{\vee})$ is the exceptional divisor in
$\widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)}$.
\item $\xi_k={\cal O}_{\widetilde{{\frak M}}_0^{(k)}}(-D_k)|_{D_k}$ is the
tautological line bundle on $D_k$.
\item $\mu^{(k)}(\a)=-{1 \over 4}p_1({\frak g}_{{\cal U}^{(k)}})
\backslash \a$, for
$\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$ and ${\cal U}^{(k)}$ a universal sheaf over $S \times
{\frak M}_0^{(k)}$. Let $\mu^{(l_{\zeta})}(\a)=\mu_-(\a)$ and
\item Let $z=x^r\a^s \gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_a A_1 \cdots A_b$ be any element
in $\AA(S)$, where $x\in H_0(S;{\Bbb Z})$ is the generator of the $0$-homology,
$\gamma_i \in H_1(S;{\Bbb Z})$, $\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$, $A_i \in H_3(S;{\Bbb Z})$.
Then we define $\mu^{(k)}(z)$
as $\mu^{(k)}(x)^r \mu^{(k)}(\a)^s \mu^{(k)}(\gamma_1) \cdots \mu^{(k)}(\gamma_a)
\mu^{(k)}(A_1)\cdots \mu^{(k)}(A_b)$.
Although ${\cal U}^{(k)}$ might not exist, there is always a
well-defined element $p_1({\frak g}_{{\cal U}^{(k)}})$.
As in~\cite{flips}, we are using the natural complex orientations
for the moduli spaces. These differ from the natural ones used
in the definition of the Donaldson invariants by a factor
$\epsilon_S(w)=(-1)^{K \cdot w+w^2 \over 2}$. The analogues
of lemma 5.2 and lemma 5.3 of~\cite{flips} are
Let $\gamma \in H_1(S;{\Bbb Z})$, $\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$, $A \in H_3(S;{\Bbb Z})$.
Put $a=(\zeta\cdot \a)/2$. Then
\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(\a)|_{D_k}=(p_k|_{D_k})^* \left( [{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]
\backslash \a + [{\cal Z}_k]
\backslash \a -a \l_k - c_1({\cal F})^2 \backslash \a \right) \vspace{1mm}\\
p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(\gamma)|_{D_k}=(p_k|_{D_k})^* \left( [{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]
\backslash \gamma + [{\cal Z}_k]
\backslash \gamma -\l_k (c_1({\cal F}) \backslash \gamma) \right) \vspace{1mm}\\
p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(A)|_{D_k}=(p_k|_{D_k})^* \left( [{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]
\backslash A + [{\cal Z}_k]
\backslash A - (\zeta c_1({\cal F})) \backslash A\right) \vspace{1mm}\\
p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(x)|_{D_k}=(p_k|_{D_k})^* \left( [{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]
\backslash x + [{\cal Z}_k]
\backslash x -{1 \over 4} \l_k^2 \right)
\end{array} \right.
Let $\gamma \in H_1(S;{\Bbb Z})$, $\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$, $A \in H_3(S;{\Bbb Z})$.
Put $a=(\zeta\cdot \a)/2$. Then
\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
q_{k-1}^*\mu^{(k-1)}(\a) = p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(\a) -aD_k \vspace{1mm}\\
q_{k-1}^*\mu^{(k-1)}(\gamma) = p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(\gamma) - (c_1({\cal F})
\backslash \gamma) D_k \vspace{1mm}\\
q_{k-1}^*\mu^{(k-1)}(A) = p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(A) \vspace{1mm}\\
q_{k-1}^*\mu^{(k-1)}(x) = p_k^*\mu^{(k)}(x) -{1 \over 4}
(D_k^2 +2\l_k D_k)
\end{array} \right.
We immediately see that it is important to understand the
cohomology classes $e_{\a}=c_1({\cal F})^2 \backslash
\a$, $e_{\gamma}=c_1({\cal F}) \backslash \gamma$, and $e_{S}=c_1({\cal F})^4 \backslash
[S]$. We write $c_1({\cal F})= c_1(F) + \sum \b_i \otimes \b_i^{\#}$, the
K\"unneth decomposition of $c_1({\cal F}) \in H^2(S\times J)$, where
$\{\b_i\}$ is a basis for $H^1(S)$ and $\{\b_i^{\#}\}$ is the
dual basis for $H^1(J) \cong H^1(S)^*$. Now we have more explicit
\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
e_{\a} = -2\sum\limits_{i<j} <\b_i \wedge \b_j, \a> \b_i^{\#}\wedge
\b_j^{\#} \in H^2(J) \\
e_{\gamma} = \sum <\gamma, \b_i> \b_i^{\#} \in H^1(J) \vspace{1mm}\\
e_{\zeta A}= (\zeta c_1({\cal F})) \backslash A = \sum <\text{P.D.} [A]
\wedge \b_i, \zeta> \b_i^{\#} \in H^1(J) \vspace{1mm}\\
e_S= \sum\limits_{i,j,k,l}<\b_i \wedge \b_j \wedge \b_k \wedge \b_l, [S]>
\b_i^{\#}\wedge \b_j^{\#}\wedge \b_k^{\#}\wedge\b_l^{\#} \in H^4(J)
\end{array} \right.
Let $\zeta$ define a wall of type $(w,p_1)$ and
$d=-p_1-3(1-q)$. Suppose $l_{\zeta}+ h(\zeta)+q >0$. For
$\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$, put $a=(\zeta\cdot \a)/2$. Let
$z=x^r\a^s \gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_a A_1 \cdots A_b \in \AA(S)$ be of degree $2d$.
Then $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(\a)$ is $\epsilon_S(w)$ times
\sum_{0 \leq k \leq l_{\zeta}}
([{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]\backslash x+[{\cal Z}_k] \backslash x - {1 \over 4} X^2)^r
([{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]\backslash \a+[{\cal Z}_k] \backslash \a -e_{\a} +a X)^s
([{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]\backslash \gamma_1+
$$ +[{\cal Z}_k] \backslash \gamma_1 +e_{\gamma_1}X) \cdots
([{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]\backslash A_b+[{\cal Z}_k] \backslash A_b -e_{\zeta A_b})
\vspace{1mm} where $X^N=(-1)^{N-N_{-\zeta}} \, s_{N-1-N_{\zeta}-N_{-\zeta}}
({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}\oplus ({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k})^{\vee})$,
$s_i(\cdot)$ standing for the Segre class.
By lemma~\ref{lem:pkmu}, $\mu^{(k-1)}(z)$ is equal to (we omit the pull-backs)
$$ (\mu^{(k)}(x) -{1 \over 4}
(D_k^2 +2\l_k D_k))^r (\mu^{(k)}(\a) -aD_k)^s
(\mu^{(k)}(\gamma_1) - e_{\gamma_1} D_k) \cdots \mu^{(k)}(A_b)
which is $\mu^{(k)}(z)$ plus things containing at least one $D_k$.
So $\mu^{(k-1)}(z) = \mu^{(k)}(z) + D_k \cdot s$, where $s$ is formally
(recall $\xi_k=-D_k|_{D_k}$)
$$ {1 \over -\xi_k} \Big( (\mu^{(k)}(x)|_{D_k} -{1 \over 4}
(\xi_k^2 -2\l_k \xi_k))^r (\mu^{(k)}(\a)|_{D_k} +a\xi_k)^s
(\mu^{(k)}(\gamma_1)|_{D_k} + e_{\gamma_1} \xi_k) \cdots
\cdots (\mu^{(k)}(\gamma_a)|_{D_k} + e_{\gamma_1} \xi_k) \mu^{(k)}(A_1)|_{D_k} \cdots
\mu^{(k)}(A_b)|_{D_k} \Big)_0
where the subindex $0$ means ``forgetting anything not containing at
least one $\xi_k$''. So $s$ is (we drop the subindices)
-{1 \over \xi} \Big( ([{\cal Z}]\backslash x+[{\cal Z}] \backslash x -
{1 \over 4}(\xi-\l)^2)^r ([{\cal Z}]\backslash \a+[{\cal Z}] \backslash \a
-e_{\a} +a(\xi-\l))^s ([{\cal Z}]\backslash \gamma_1 +
+ [{\cal Z}] \backslash \gamma_1
+e_{\gamma_1}(\xi-\l)) \cdots ([{\cal Z}]\backslash A_b+[{\cal Z}] \backslash A_b
-e_{\zeta A_b}) \Big)_0
We need the easy formula (which can be proved by induction)
{1 \over \xi} \left( (\xi-\l)^N \right)_0={ (\xi-\l)^N
-(-\l)^N \over \xi}= \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (-\l)^i (\xi-\l)^{N-i-1}
As $\xi-\l$ is the tautological bundle corresponding to
${\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}$ (see items 5 to 7 in
notation~\ref{not:wall}), we have
\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \l^u=s_{u-N_{\zeta}}({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}) \cdot
\l^{N_{\zeta}} + O(\l^{N_{\zeta}-1}) \\
(\xi-\l)^u=s_{u-N_{-\zeta}}({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}) \cdot
(\xi-\l)^{N_{-\zeta}} + O((\xi-\l)^{N_{-\zeta}-1})
\end{array} \right.
Evaluating (and doing the sum from $k=0$ to
$k=l_{\zeta}$) we get the statement of the theorem where
X^N &=&-\sum (-1)^i \, s_{i-N_{\zeta}}({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}) \cdot
s_{N-i-1-N_{-\zeta}}({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k}) =\\
&=& \sum (-1)^{N-N_{-\zeta}} \, s_{i-N_{\zeta}}({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}) \cdot
s_{N-i-1-N_{-\zeta}}(({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k})^{\vee})= \\
&=& (-1)^{N-N_{-\zeta}}\,
s_{N-1-N_{\zeta}-N_{-\zeta}}({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}\oplus
({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k})^{\vee}).
An immediate corollary which generalises~\cite[theorem 5.4]{flips} is
Let $\zeta$ define a wall of type $(w,p_1)$ and
$d=-p_1-3(1-q)$. Suppose $l_{\zeta}+ h(\zeta)+q >0$. For
$\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$, put $a=(\zeta\cdot \a)/2$. Then
$\mu_+(\a^d)-\mu_-(\a^d)$ is equal to
\sum (-1)^{h(\zeta)+l_{\zeta}+j} \, {d! \over j! b! (d-j-b)!} a^{d-j-b}
([{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]\backslash \a+[{\cal Z}_k]\backslash \a)^j \cdot
e_{\a}^b \cdot
s_{2l_{\zeta}-j +q-b}({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}\oplus
({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k})^{\vee}),
where the sum runs through $0 \leq j \leq 2l_{\zeta}$, $0 \leq b
\leq q$, $0 \leq k \leq l_{\zeta}$. As $\mu_+(\a^d)-\mu_-(\a^d)$
is computed using the complex orientation, we have that
In Kotschick notation~\cite{Kotschick1}, $\varepsilon(\zeta,w)=(-1)^{({\zeta-w \over 2})^2}$. So
$\epsilon_S(w) (-1)^{h(\zeta)}= (-1)^{d+q}\varepsilon(\zeta,w)$.
Let $\zeta$ define a wall of type $(w,p_1)$ and
$d=-p_1-3(1-q)$. Suppose
$l_{\zeta}+h(\zeta)+q=0$ i.e. $l_{\zeta}=0$ and $h(\zeta)+q=0$. For
$\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$, put $a=(\zeta\cdot \a)/2$. Let
$z=x^r\a^s \gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_a A_1 \cdots A_b \in \AA(S)$ be of degree $2d$.
Then $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(\a)$ is $\epsilon_S(w)$ times
(- {1 \over 4} X^2)^r (-e_{\a} +a X)^s (e_{\gamma_1}X) \cdots (-e_{\zeta A_b})
where $X^N=s_{N-N_{-\zeta}}({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{0,0}) = (-1)^{N-N_{-\zeta}}\,
({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{0,0}\oplus ({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{0,0})^{\vee})$.
Now ${\frak M}_+$ is
${\frak M}_-$ with an additional connected component $D=E^{0,0}_{-\zeta}$ which
is a ${\Bbb P}^{d-q}$-bundle over $J$, since $E^{0,0}_{\zeta} = \emptyset$.
The universal bundle over $E^{0,0}_{-\zeta}$ is given by an extension
\exseq{\pi^*{\cal O}_{S \times J}(\pi_1^* L-{\cal F}) \otimes p^* \l}
{{\cal U}}{\pi^*{\cal O}_{S \times J}({\cal F})},
where $\pi: S \times E^{0,0}_{-\zeta} \rightarrow S \times J$ and $p:S \times E^{0,0}_{-\zeta}
\rightarrow E^{0,0}_{-\zeta}$ are projections and $\l$ is the tautological line
bundle. From this
\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\mu (\a)|_D= a\l - e_{\a} \vspace{1mm}\\
\mu (\gamma)|_D= \l e_{\gamma} \vspace{1mm}\\
\mu (A)|_D= -e_{\zeta A}\vspace{1mm}\\
\mu (x)|_D= -{1 \over 4} \l^2
\end{array} \right.
with notations as in theorem~\ref{thm:wall-formula}. As in the proof of
theorem~\ref{thm:wall-formula}, $\l^u=s_{u-N_{-\zeta}}({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{0,0}) \cdot
\l^{-N_{\zeta}} + O(\l^{-N_{\zeta}-1})$, so the expression of the statement
of the theorem follows with
$X^N=s_{N-N_{-\zeta}}({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{0,0})$.
The next step is to find more handy expressions for the set of classes given
Let $S$ be a manifold with $b^+=1$. Then there is a (rational)
cohomology class $\S \in H^2(S)$ such that the image of $\wedge:
H^1(S) \otimes H^1(S) \rightarrow H^2(S)$ is ${\Bbb Q}[\S]$. Also $e_S=0$.
Let $\b_1,\b_2 ,\b_3 ,\b_4 \in H^1(S)$. If $\b_1 \wedge \b_2 \wedge
\b_3 \wedge \b_4 \ne 0$ then the image of $\wedge:H^1(S) \otimes
H^1(S) \rightarrow H^2(S)$ contains the subspace $V$ generated by $\b_i \wedge
\b_j$, which has dimension $6$, with $b^+=3$ and $b^-=3$. This is absurd,
so $\b_1 \wedge \b_2 \wedge
\b_3 \wedge \b_4 = 0$. Then $e_S=0$.
Now let $\S_1 =\b_1 \wedge \b_2$, $\S_2 =\b_3 \wedge \b_4 \in
H^2(S)$. Then $\S_1^2=\S_2^2=0$ together with the fact that $b^+=1$
imply that $\S_1 \cdot \S_2 \neq 0$ unless $\S_1$ and $\S_2$ are
proportional. Since $\S_1 \cdot \S_2 = 0$ by the above, it must be
the case that $\S_1$ and $\S_2$ are proportional.
If $S \to C_g$ is a ruled surface with $q>0$ and fiber class $f$, then $\S=f$.
Note also that the class $\S$ does not change under blow-ups.
Now write $\seq{\b}{1}{2q}$ for a basis of $H^1(S)$ and fix a generator
$\S$ of the image of $\wedge: H^1(S) \otimes H^1(S) \rightarrow H^2(S)$.
Let $\seq{\d}{1}{2q}$ be the dual basis for $H_1(S)$.
Put $\b_i \wedge \b_j=a_{ij}
\S$. The Jacobian of $S$ is $J= H^1(S;{\Bbb R})/H^1(S;{\Bbb Z})$, so
naturally $H^1(J) \stackrel{\sim}{\ar} H^1(S)^*$. Let ${\cal L} \rightarrow S
\times J$ be the universal bundle
parametrising divisors homologically equivalent to zero. Then
$E=c_1({\cal L})=\sum \b_i \otimes \b_i^{\#}$, with $\b_i^{\#}$ corresponding
to $\d_i$ under the isomorphism $H^1(J) \cong H_1(S)$. So
\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
e_{\a}=-2 \sum\limits_{i<j} a_{ij} (\S \cdot \a) \b_i^{\#}\wedge
\b_j^{\#}=- 2 ( \S \cdot \a) \o \\
e_{\d_i} =\b_i^{\#} \vspace{1mm}\\
e_{\zeta \b_i} = \sum (\S\cdot \zeta) a_{ij} \b_j^{\#} = (\S\cdot\zeta)
i_{\b_i} \o
\end{array} \right.
where we write $\o = \sum\limits_{i<j} a_{ij}(\b_i^{\#}\wedge
\b_j^{\#}) \in H^2(J)$, which is an element
independent of the chosen basis. We also have implicitly assumed
$H_3(S) \cong H^1(S)$ through Poincar\'e duality, in the third line.
We define
F: \AA(S) \rightarrow \L^*H_1(S) \otimes \L^*H_3(S) \rightarrow {\Bbb Q}
given by projection followed by the map sending
$\gamma_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge \gamma_a \otimes A_1 \wedge \cdots
\wedge A_b$ to zero when $a+b$ is odd and to
\int_J (\gamma_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge \gamma_a
\wedge i_{A_1} \o \wedge \cdots
\wedge i_{A_b} \o \wedge \o^{q-(a+b)/2})
when $a+b$ is even. We note that we always can find a basis $\seq{\b}{1}{2q}$ with
\o=a_1 \b_1^{\#}\wedge \b_2^{\#} + a_2 \b_3^{\#}\wedge \b_4^{\#} + \cdots
a_r \b_{2r-1}^{\#}\wedge \b_{2r}^{\#},
where $a_i \neq 0$ are integers and $r \leq q$.
So if $\o$ is degenerate, $F(1) =\int_J \o^q=0$. In general, for a basis element
$z=x^r\a^s\d_{i_1}\cdots \d_{i_a}\b_{j_1} \cdots \b_{j_b}$, $F(z)$ is
zero unless $z$ contains $\d_{2r+1}\cdots \d_{2q}$, and for every pair
$(2i-1,2i)$, $1 \leq i \leq r$, either
$\d_{2i-1}\d_{2i}$, $\b_{2i-1}\b_{2i}$,
$\d_{2i-1}\b_{2i-1}$, $\d_{2i}\b_{2i}$ or nothing.
In any case, for subsequent use, we set
\text{vol} = { 1\over q!} \int_J \o^q.
The number $\text{vol}$ depends on the choice of $\S$, as when $\S$ is changed to $r\S$,
$\text{vol}$ is changed to $r^{-q}\text{vol}$. The final expressions we get for the
wall-crossing terms are (as expected) independent of this choice.
Also we are going to need the following
For any sheaf ${\cal F}$ on any complex variety,
the Segre classes of ${\cal F}$ are given by $s_t({\cal F})=c_t({\cal F})^{-1}$. For
the relationship between the Chern classes of ${\cal F}$ and its Chern
character, write $a_i$ for $i!$ times
the $i$-th component of $\text{ch}\: {\cal F}$. Then
c_n({\cal F})={1 \over n!}\left|{\begin{array}{ccccc} a_1 & n-1 & 0 &
\cdots & 0 \\ a_2 & a_1 & n-2 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & & \ddots & &
\vdots \\ \vdots & & & \ddots & 1 \\ a_n & a_{n-1} &a_{n-2} & \cdots &
a_1 \end{array}}\right|
s_n({\cal F})={1 \over n!}\left|{\begin{array}{ccccc} -a_1 & -(n-1) & 0 &
\cdots & 0 \\ a_2 & -a_1 & -(n-2) & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & & \ddots & &
\vdots \\ \vdots & & & \ddots & 1 \\ (-1)^na_n & (-1)^{n-1}a_{n-1}
&(-1)^{n-2}a_{n-2} & \cdots &
-a_1 \end{array}}\right|
\section{The case $l_{\zeta}=0$}
In this section we are going to compute $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$ in the case $l_{\zeta}=0$, i.e.
when $\zeta^2 =p_1$. We have the following theorem which
extends~\cite[theorems 6.1 and 6.2]{flips}~\cite{Kotschick1}.
Let $\zeta$ be a wall with $l_{\zeta}=0$. Then $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(x^r\a^{d-2r})$ is equal to
\varepsilon(\zeta,w) \sum_{0 \leq b \leq q} (-1)^{r+d} 2^{3q-b-d}{q! \over
(q-b)!} {d-2r \choose b}
( \zeta \cdot \a)^{d-2r-b} ( \S \cdot \a)^b ( \S \cdot \zeta)^{q-b} \text{vol},
where terms with negative exponent are meant to be zero.
For simplicity of notation, let us do the case $r=0$ (the other case is
very similar).
Recall that $F$ is a divisor such that $2F-L$ is homologically equivalent to $\zeta$
and $J=\text{Jac}^F(S)$ is the Jacobian parametrising divisors homologically equivalent
to $F$. Then ${\cal F} \subset S \times J$ denotes the universal divisor.
Now ${\cal E}_{\zeta}={\cal E}_{\zeta}^{0,0}=R^1 \pi_*({\cal O}_{S\times J}(2{\cal F} - \pi_1^*L))$
(with $\pi: S \times J \rightarrow J$ the projection) is a vector bundle over $J$.
We note that $H^0({\cal O}_S (2 F - L)) =0$ and $H^0({\cal O}_S (L-2 F)
\otimes K) =0$, as $\zeta$ is a good wall, so $R^0 \pi_*$ and $R^2 \pi_*$ vanish. Then
\text{ch}\: {\cal E}_{\zeta} = -\text{ch}\: \pi_! ({\cal O}_{S\times J}(2{\cal F} - \pi^*L)) =
-\pi_*(\text{ch}\: {\cal O}_{S\times J}(2{\cal F} - \pi^*L) \cdot \text{Todd }T_S) =
= - ({\zeta^2 \over 2} -{\zeta\cdot K \over 2} +1 -q) +
e_{K-2\zeta} -{2 \over 3} e_S = \text{rk}({\cal E}_{\zeta}) + e_{K-2\zeta},
since $e_S=0$ (lemma~\ref{lem:wedge}).
A fortiori $\text{ch}\: {\cal E}^{\vee}_{-\zeta} =- ({\zeta^2 \over 2}
+{\zeta\cdot K \over 2} +1 -q) - e_{K+2\zeta}$ and
\text{ch}\:( {\cal E}_{\zeta} \oplus {\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{\vee}) = (-\zeta^2 +2q-2)- 4e_{\zeta}.
From proposition~\ref{prop:segre},
$s_i({\cal E}_{\zeta} \oplus {\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{\vee})= {4^i \over i!}
This together with theorem~\ref{thm:lz=0} or theorem~\ref{thm:wall-formula}
(depending on whether $h(\zeta)+q$ is zero or not) gives
\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(\a^d) &=& \epsilon_S(w)\sum_{0 \leq b \leq q} (-1)^{h(\zeta)}
{d \choose b} a^{d-b} e_{\a}^b \cdot
s_{q-b}({\cal E}_{\zeta}\oplus {\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{\vee})= \\
&=& \epsilon_S(w)\sum_{0 \leq b \leq q} (-1)^{h(\zeta)} {d \choose b} a^{d-b}
e_{\a}^b \cdot {4^{q-b} \over (q-b)!} e_{\zeta}^{q-b}= \\
&=& \epsilon_S(w)\sum_{0 \leq b \leq q} (-1)^{h(\zeta)+q} {2^{3q-b-d} \over
(q-b)!} {d \choose b}
( \zeta \cdot \a)^{d-b} ( \S \cdot \a)^b ( \S \cdot \zeta)^{q-b} \o^q,
using~\eqref{eqn:the-e's2}. Now we substitute
$\epsilon_S(w) (-1)^{h(\zeta)}= (-1)^{d+q}\varepsilon(\zeta,w)$ (remark~\ref{rem:ko}), to
get the desired result.
We can also generalise introducing classes of odd degree. If
$z=x^r\a^s\gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_a A_1 \cdots A_b$ with $d=s+2r+{3 \over 2}a
+{1 \over 2}b$, then theorem~\ref{thm:lz=0} or theorem~\ref{thm:wall-formula} gives
\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(z) &=& \epsilon_S(w)(- {1 \over 4} X^2)^r (-e_{\a} +a X)^s
(e_{\gamma_1}X) \cdots (-e_{\zeta A_b}) \\
&=& \epsilon_S(w)
\sum_{j} (- {1 \over 4})^r (-1)^b
{s \choose j} a^{s-j} 2^j ( \S \cdot \a)^j
(\S\cdot\zeta)^b \o^j \, \gamma_1 \cdots \gamma_a \,
i_{A_1}\o \cdots i_{A_b} \o \cdot \\ & &
\cdot (-1)^{2r+a+s-j-N_{-\zeta}} \, s_{2r+a+s-j-1-N_{\zeta}-N_{-\zeta}}
({\cal E}_{\zeta} \oplus {\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{\vee}).
Now $2r+a+s-1-N_{\zeta}-N_{-\zeta}=q-(a+b)/2$, so
\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(z) &=& \varepsilon(\zeta,w) \sum_{j} (-1)^{r+d+b} \, 2^{3q-d-b-j} \,
{s \choose j} {F(z) \over (q-(a+b)/2-j)!} \cdot \\
& & \cdot(\zeta\cdot\a)^{s-j} ( \S \cdot \a)^j (\S\cdot\zeta)^{q+(b-a)/2-j}\text{vol}.
\section{The case $l_{\zeta}=1$}
Now we want to compute $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$ in the case $l_{\zeta}=1$, i.e.
when $\zeta^2 =p_1 + 4$. In this case, $J \times H_{l_{\zeta}-k}\times H_k \cong J \times S$,
both for $k=0$ and $k=1$.
The universal divisor ${\cal Z}_1 \subset S \times H_1 =S \times S$ is
the diagonal $\Delta$.
Let again ${\cal L} \to S \times J$ be the universal bundle parametrising divisors
homologically equivalent to zero, so ${\cal F}= \pi_1^* F + {\cal L}$.
With this understood, we have the following
easy extension of~\cite[lemma 5.11]{flips}
Let $\text{Hom}=\text{Hom}(I_{{\cal Z}_k},I_{{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}})$ and
$\text{Ext}^1=\text{Ext}^1(I_{{\cal Z}_k},I_{{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}})$, $\pi_1$, $p$ and $\pi_2$ be the
projections from $S \times (J \times H_{l_{\zeta}-k}\times H_k)$ to $S$, $S \times J$ and $J \times
H_{l_{\zeta}-k}\times H_k$, respectively. Let $E=c_1({\cal L})$. Then we have
the following exact sequences
\text{Hom})}{{\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}}{\pi_{2*}(p^*(\zeta+2E)\otimes \text{Ext}^1)}
{\cal O}_{{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}})}{R^1\pi_{2*}(p^*(\zeta+2E)\otimes
where the last sheaf is $M_{\zeta}=R^1 \pi_{2*}({\cal O}_{S\times J}(2{\cal F} - \pi_1^*L))$,
which is a line bundle over
$J$ with $ch M_{\zeta} = rk M_{\zeta} + e_{K-2\zeta}$ (computed in equation~\eqref{eqn:rar}).
We apply this lemma to our case $l_{\zeta}=1$. Then
for $k=0$, $\text{Hom}=\text{Hom}({\cal O},I_{\Delta})=I_{\Delta}$, $\text{Ext}^1=\text{Ext}^1 ({\cal O},I_{\Delta})=0$,
and for $k=1$,
$\text{Hom}=\text{Hom}(I_{\Delta},{\cal O})={\cal O}_{S\times S}$, $\text{Ext}^1=\text{Ext}^1(I_{\Delta},{\cal O})={\cal O}_{\Delta}(\Delta)$.
Using lemma~\ref{lem:5.11} and the fact
$\pi_{2*}({\cal O}_{\Delta}(\Delta))={\cal O}_S(-K)$, we get
$$\text{ch}\: {\cal E}^{1,0}_{\zeta}=\text{ch}\: M_{\zeta} + \text{ch}\: \zeta \, \text{ch}\: 2E$$
$$\text{ch}\: {\cal E}^{0,1}_{\zeta}=\text{ch}\: M_{\zeta} + \text{ch}\: (\zeta-K)\, \text{ch}\: 2E$$
We recall from notation~\ref{not:wall},
{\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}&=& {\cal E}{\text{xt}}_{\pi_2}^1( {\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)} (\pi_1^* L -{\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_2},
{\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)} ({\cal F}) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_1}) \\
&=& {\cal E}{\text{xt}}_{\pi_2}^1( I_{{\cal Z}_2},
{\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)} (\zeta + 2E) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_1}), \\
{\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k} &=& {\cal E}{\text{xt}}_{\pi_2}^1(I_{{\cal Z}_1},
{\cal O}_{S \times (J\times H_1 \times H_2)} (-\zeta - 2E) \otimes I_{{\cal Z}_2}).
Then we have $\text{ch}\: {\cal E}^{1,0}_{-\zeta}=\text{ch}\: M_{-\zeta} + \text{ch}\: (-\zeta) \, \text{ch}\: (-2E)$
and $\text{ch}\: {\cal E}^{0,1}_{-\zeta}=\text{ch}\: M_{-\zeta} + \text{ch}\: (-\zeta-K)\, \text{ch}\: (-2E)$. So
\text{ch}\: ({\cal E}^{1,0}_{\zeta} \oplus ({\cal E}^{0,1}_{-\zeta})^{\vee}) =
(-\zeta^2+2q-2) -4e_{\zeta} +2\text{ch}\: \zeta \text{ch}\: 2E + {K^2\over 2} +K\zeta +K(1+2E+2E^2)
\text{ch}\: ({\cal E}^{0,1}_{\zeta} \oplus ({\cal E}^{1,0}_{-\zeta})^{\vee}) =
(-\zeta^2+2q-2) -4e_{\zeta} +2\text{ch}\: \zeta \text{ch}\: 2E + {K^2\over 2} -K\zeta - K(1+2E+2E^2)
We shall compute $s_i=s_i ({\cal E}^{1,0}_{\zeta} \oplus ({\cal E}^{0,1}_{-\zeta})^{\vee}) +
s_i ({\cal E}^{0,1}_{\zeta} \oplus ({\cal E}^{1,0}_{-\zeta})^{\vee})$, as a class on
$J \times S$.
From proposition~\ref{prop:segre}, $s_i$ is an
polynomial expression on $a_i^{(k)}=i! \, \text{ch}\:_i ({\cal E}^{1-k,k}_{\zeta} \oplus (
{\cal E}^{k,1-k}_{-\zeta})^{\vee})$, $k=0,1$. Furthermore, $s_i$ is invariant
under $K \mapsto -K$, and hence an even
function of $K\zeta$, $K$, $KE$ and $KE^2$.
Now the only non-zero even combinations of $K\zeta$, $K$, $KE$ and
$KE^2$ are $1$ and $K \cdot K$. The first consequence is that we
can ignore $K\zeta$, $KE$ and
$KE^2$ in $a_i^{(k)}$ for the purposes of computing $s_i$.
So we can suppose
\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
a_1^{(k)} = -4e_{\zeta}+2\zeta +4E+ (-1)^k K \vspace{1mm} \\
a_2= 2\zeta^2 +8E^2 +K^2 +8E\zeta \vspace{1mm} \\
a_3= 24 E^2 \zeta =24 e_{\zeta}[S]
\end{array} \right.
where $a_i=a_i^{(0)}=a_i^{(1)}$ for $i \geq 2$, and $a_i=0$ for $i \geq 4$
(here we have used that $E^3=0$ and $E^4=0$ as a consequence
of lemma~\ref{lem:wedge}).
Put $a_1 = -4e_{\zeta}+2\zeta+4E$ and define
I_n = \left|{\begin{array}{ccccc} -a_1 & -(n-1) &
\cdots & 0 \\ a_2 & -a_1 & \cdots & 0 \\ -a_3 & a_2 & \cdots & 0 \\
0 & -a_3 & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & & \ddots &
\vdots \\ 0 & 0& \cdots & -a_1 \end{array}}\right|
and $I_n^{(k)}$ defined similarly with $a_1^{(k)}$ in the place of $a_1$.
Then by proposition~\ref{prop:segre}, $n !\,s_n= I_n^{(0)}+I_n^{(1)}$.
Easily we have $n! \, s_n=2I_n +2 {n \choose 2}K^2 (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2}$.
Now we can look for an inductive formula for $I_n$. For $n \geq 2$,
I_n &=& -a_1 I_{n-1} + (n-1) (2\zeta^2 +K^2 +8E\zeta) (4e_{\zeta}-4E)^{n-2}
+(n-1)8 E^2 I_{n-2} \\ & & -6(n-1)(n-2)[S](4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} = \\
&=& -a_1 I_{n-1} + (n-1) (2\zeta^2 +K^2 +8E\zeta) (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2}
-(n-1)8E\zeta (n-2)(4E)(4e_{\zeta})^{n-3} \\
& & +(n-1)8 E^2 I_{n-2} -6(n-1)(n-2)[S](4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} = \\
&=& -a_1 I_{n-1} + (n-1) (2\zeta^2 +K^2 +8E\zeta) (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2}
-8(n-1)(n-2)[S](4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} \\
& & +(n-1)8 E^2 \big( (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} -(n-2)(4e_{\zeta})^{n-3}2\zeta \big)
-6(n-1)(n-2)[S](4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} = \\
& =& -a_1 I_{n-1} + (n-1) (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2}
(2\zeta^2 +K^2 +8E\zeta +8E^2-18(n-2)[S]).
In the first equality we have used that $I_n P =(4e_{\zeta}-4E)^n P$, for any
$P \in H^i(S) \otimes H^j(J)$ with $i=3,4$. In the third equality we use
that $I_n E^2 =(4e_{\zeta}-2\zeta)^n E^2$. With this inductive formula for $I_n$,
we get, for $n \geq 2$,
I_n = (4e_{\zeta}-2\zeta-4E)^n +\sum_{i=2}^n (4e_{\zeta}-2\zeta-4E)^{n-i}
\Big( 2\zeta^2 +K^2
\begin{equation} +8E\zeta +8E^2-18(i-2)[S] \Big).
Now for any $k \geq 0$ (we always
understand ${k \choose i}=0$ if either $i<0$ or $i>k$),
(4e_{\zeta}-2\zeta -4E)^k &=& (4e_{\zeta})^k +k (-2\zeta -4E)(4e_{\zeta})^{k-1} +
{k \choose 2} (-2\zeta -4E)^2(4e_{\zeta})^{k-2} \\ & &
+ {k \choose 3}3(-2\zeta)(-4E)^2 (4e_{\zeta})^{k-3} = \\
& = & (4e_{\zeta})^k +k (-2\zeta -4E)(4e_{\zeta})^{k-1} \\ & & +
{k \choose 2} (4\zeta^2 +16E\zeta +16E^2) (4e_{\zeta})^{k-2}
-24 {k \choose 3} [S](4e_{\zeta})^{k-2}.
Substituting this into~\eqref{eqn:lamia}, we have
I_n &=& (4e_{\zeta})^n +n (-2\zeta -4E)(4e_{\zeta})^{n-1} +
{n \choose 2} (4\zeta^2 +16E\zeta +16E^2) (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} \\ & &
-24 {n \choose 3} [S](4e_{\zeta})^{n-2}
+\sum_{i=2}^n \Big( (4e_{\zeta})^{n-i}
(i-1)(4e_{\zeta})^{i-2} (2\zeta^2 +K^2 -18(i-2)[S]) \\ & &
+ \big( (4e_{\zeta})^{n-i} + (n-i)(-4E)(4e_{\zeta})^{n-i-1} \big)
(i-1)(4e_{\zeta})^{i-2} 8E\zeta \\ & &
+ \big( (4e_{\zeta})^{n-i} + (n-i)(-2\zeta)(4e_{\zeta})^{n-i-1} \big)
(i-1)(4e_{\zeta})^{i-2} 8E^2 \Big) =\\
&=& (4e_{\zeta})^n -n (2\zeta +4E)(4e_{\zeta})^{n-1} + (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} \Big[
{n \choose 2} (4\zeta^2 +16E\zeta +16E^2)
-24 {n \choose 3} [S] \\ & &
+\sum_{i=2}^n (i-1) \big( 2\zeta^2 +K^2 -18(i-2)[S] + 8E\zeta +8E^2 -
8(n-i)[S] -4(n-i)[S] \big) \Big].
Putting this into the expression for $s_n$, we get
s_n &=& {2 \over n!} \Big( (4e_{\zeta})^n -n(2\zeta+4E)(4e_{\zeta})^{n-1}
+(4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} \big[ {n \choose 2} (6\zeta^2 + 24E\zeta +24 E^2 +K^2)
& & - 24 {n \choose 3}[S] +\sum_{i=2}^n (i-1) (36-12n-6i)[S] \big] \Big)
+{2 \over n!} {n \choose 2}K^2 (4e_{\zeta})^{n-2}.
The expression in the summatory adds up to $-48{n \choose 3}$, so finally
s_n =2{(4e_{\zeta})^n \over n!} -(4\zeta+8E) {(4e_{\zeta})^{n-1} \over (n-1)!} +
(6\zeta^2 + 2 K^2 + 24E\zeta+24E^2 ) {(4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} \over (n-2)!}
- 24[S]{(4e_{\zeta})^{n-2} \over (n-3)!},
for $n \geq 2$ (where the last summand is understood to be zero when $n=2$).
This expression is actually valid for $n \geq 0$ under the proviso that the
terms with negative exponent are zero.
Let $\zeta$ be a wall with $l_{\zeta}=1$.
Then $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(x^r\a^{d-2r})$ is equal to $\varepsilon(\zeta,w)$ times
$$ \sum_{b=0}^q
(-1)^{r+d+1} 2^{3q-b-d} \Big[
( \zeta \cdot \a)^{d-2r-b} \Big( {d-2r \choose b}(6\zeta^2+2K^2-24q-8r)
+ 8{d-2r \choose b+1}{b+1 \choose 1} \Big) +
$$ + 8 ( \zeta \cdot \a)^{d-2r-b-2}\a^2 {d-2r \choose b+2}{b+2 \choose 2}
( \S \cdot \a)^b ( \S \cdot \zeta)^{q-b} {q!\over
(q-b)!} \text{vol},
where terms with negative exponent are meant to be zero.
By theorem~\ref{thm:wall-formula}, $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(x^r\a^{d-2r})= \epsilon_S(w)
([S]-{1 \over 4}X^2)^r(\a -e_{\a}+aX)^{d-2r}$ evaluated on $J\times S$,
X^N &=&(-1)^{N-N_{-\zeta}} \, \left( s_{N-1-N_{\zeta}-N_{-\zeta}}
({\cal E}^{1,0}_{\zeta} \oplus ({\cal E}^{0,1}_{-\zeta})^{\vee}) +
s_{N-1-N_{\zeta}-N_{-\zeta}} ({\cal E}^{0,1}_{\zeta} \oplus ({\cal E}^{1,0}_{-\zeta})^{\vee})
\right) = \\ &=& (-1)^{N-N_{-\zeta}} \,
\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(x^r\a^{d-2r})=\epsilon_S(w) \sum_b (-1)^{h(\zeta)+1}
{d-2r \choose b}a^{d-2r-b}(-{1 \over 4})^r e_{\a}^{b-2}
$$ \cdot \Big[ -4r[S]e_{\a}^2 \cdot s_{q-b} +{b \choose 2} \a^2\cdot
s_{q-b+2}+{b \choose 1} \a (-e_{\a})\cdot s_{q-b+2}+e_{\a}^2
\cdot s_{q-b+2} \Big].
Substituting the values of $s_n$ from~\eqref{eqn:sn} and using
remark~\ref{rem:ko}, we get
\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(x^r\a^{d-2r}) &=& \varepsilon(\zeta,w)\sum_b
(-1)^{r+d+1} 2^{3q-b-d} \, {d-2r \choose b}
( \zeta \cdot \a)^{d-2r-b} \Big[(6\zeta^2+2K^2 \\
& & -24q-8r)
( \S \cdot \a)^b {( \S \cdot \zeta)^{q-b}\over
(q-b)!} + 16 (\zeta \cdot \a) {b\choose 1}
( \S \cdot \a)^{b-1} {( \S \cdot \zeta)^{q-b+1}\over
(q-b+1)!} + \\
& & + 32 \a^2 {b \choose 2}
( \S \cdot \a)^{b-2} {( \S \cdot \zeta)^{q-b+2}\over
(q-b+2)!} \Big]\, \int_J \o^q.
Reagrouping the terms we get the desired result.
This result agrees with theorems 6.4 and 6.5 in~\cite{flips} particularising
for $q=0$ and $r=0,1$. We see from theorem~\ref{thm:mainl1} that the
difference terms $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$ do not satisfy in general the simple type
L.\ G\"ottsche and the author have obtained the same formula of
theorem~\ref{thm:mainl1} in some examples, like ${\Bbb C \Bbb P}^1 \times C_1$
($C_1$ being an elliptic curve)
using the simple type condition in limiting chambers. These arguments
will appear elsewhere.
\section{General case}
We do not want to enter into more detailed computations of the
wall-crossing formulae, but just to remark that the pattern laid
in~\cite{flips} together with theorem~\ref{thm:wall-formula}
can be used here to obtain partial information of $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$. For
instance, we write
S_{j,b}= \sum_k([{\cal Z}_{l_{\zeta}-k}]\backslash \a+[{\cal Z}_k]
\backslash \a)^j \cdot e_{\a}^b \cdot
s_{2l_{\zeta}-j +q-b}({\cal E}_{\zeta}^{l_{\zeta}-k,k}\oplus
({\cal E}_{-\zeta}^{k,l_{\zeta}-k})^{\vee}),
so that corollary~\ref{cor:wall-formula} says
$\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(\a^d)=\varepsilon(\zeta,w) \sum (-1)^{d+q+l_{\zeta}+j}{d! \over j!b!(d-j-b)!}a^{d-j-b} S_{j,b}$.
Then we can obtain (compare~\cite[proposition 5.12]{flips})
S_{2l_{\zeta},q} &=& {(2l_{\zeta})! \over l_{\zeta}!} (\a^2)^{l_{\zeta}} \, e_{\a}^q \\
S_{2l_{\zeta}-1,q} &=& (-4){(2l_{\zeta})! \over l_{\zeta}!} (\a^2)^{l_{\zeta}-1} \,
a \, e_{\a}^q \\
S_{2l_{\zeta},q-1} &=& 4 {(2l_{\zeta})! \over l_{\zeta}!} (\a^2)^{l_{\zeta}} \,
e_{\a}^{q-1} \, e_{\zeta}
As an easy consequence of this we get (compare~\cite[theorems 5.13 and 5.14]{flips})
Let $\zeta$ be a wall of type $(w,p_1)$. Let $\a \in H_2(S;{\Bbb Z})$ and $a=(\zeta\cdot\a)
/2$. Then $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(\a^d)$ is congruent (modulo
$a^{d-2l_{\zeta}-q+2}$) with
\varepsilon(\zeta,w) (-1)^{d+l_{\zeta}} \,
2^q \Big[ a^{d-2l_{\zeta}-q} { d! \over l_{\zeta}! (d-2l_{\zeta}-q)!}
(\a^2)^{l_{\zeta}} (\S\cdot\a)^q +
+ 4a^{d-2l_{\zeta}-q+1} { d! \, q \over l_{\zeta}! (d-2l_{\zeta}-q+1)!}
(\a^2)^{l_{\zeta}} (\S\cdot\a)^{q-1}(\S\cdot\zeta) \Big] \text{vol}.
In the conditions of the previous corollary, suppose furthermore $d-2r \geq 2l_{\zeta}+q$.
Then $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}(x^r\a^{d-2r})$ is congruent (modulo
$a^{d-2r-2l_{\zeta}-q+2}$) with
\epsilon(\zeta,w)(-1)^{d+l_{\zeta}+r} \, 2^{q-2r} (-{1 \over 4})^r
\Big[ a^{d-2r-2l_{\zeta}-q} { (d-2r)! \over l_{\zeta}! (d-2r-2l_{\zeta}-q)!}
(\a^2)^{l_{\zeta}} (\S\cdot\a)^q +
+ 4 a^{d-2r-2l_{\zeta}-q +1} { (d-2r)! \, q \over l_{\zeta}! (d-2r-2l_{\zeta}-q+1)!}
(\a^2)^{l_{\zeta}} (\S\cdot\a)^{q-1}(\S\cdot\zeta) \Big] \text{vol}.
It is natural to propose the following
\noindent {\bf Conjecture.}
Let $X$ be an oriented compact
four-manifold with $b^+=1$ and $b_1=2q$ even. Let $w \in
H^2(X;{\Bbb Z})$. Choose $\S \in H^2(X)$ generating the image of $\wedge:
H^1(X) \otimes H^1(X) \rightarrow H^2(X)$. Define $\o \in H^2(J)$ such that
$e_{\a}=-2(\S\cdot \a)\o$ and put $\text{vol}=\int_J \frac{\o^n}{n!}$. If
$\zeta$ defines a wall, then the wall-crossing difference term
$\d_{X,\zeta}^{w,d} (x^r\a^{d-2r})$ only depends on $w$, $d$, $r$,
$b_1=2q$, $b_2$, $\zeta^2$, $\a^2$, $(\zeta \cdot \a)$
and $(\S\cdot \a)^i(\S\cdot \zeta)^{q-i} \text{vol}$, $0 \leq i
\leq q$. The coefficients are universal on $X$.
This is quite a strong conjecture and one can obviously write down
weaker versions. It would allow one to carry out similar arguments to
those in~\cite{Gottsche} and therefore to find out the general shape
of the wall-crossing formulae for arbitrary $X$, involving
modular forms. One should be able to determine then
all wall-crossing formulae from particular cases.
This and applications to computing the invariants of ${\Bbb C \Bbb P}^1 \times C_g$
($C_g$ the genus $g$ Riemann surface)
will be carried out in following joint work with L.\ G\"ottsche.
\section*{Appendix. Algebraic surfaces with $p_g=0$ and $-K$ effective}
From~\cite{BPV}, the algebraic surfaces with $p_g=0$ and $-K$ effective are
${\Bbb C \Bbb P}^2$, ruled surfaces and blow-ups of these.
For the case $q=0$, we have thus ${\Bbb C \Bbb P}^2$, the Hirzebruch surfaces and their blow-ups.
Not all blow-ups have $-K$ effective, but they are always deformation equivalent to
one with $-K$ effective.
For the case $q>0$, the minimal models are ruled surfaces over a surface $C_g$ of
genus $g \geq 1$. They have $c_1^2=8(1-g)$. Let $S \to C_g$ be a ruled surface.
It has $b_2=2$ and $b_1=2g$, so $g=q$. Let $f$ be the class of the
fibre and $\sigma=\sigma_{-N}$ the class of the section with negative
self-intersection $\sigma_{-N}^2=-N \leq 0$.
Then there is a section $\sigma_N$ homologically equivalent to $\sigma_{-N}+Nf$ with square $N$.
Write $X={\Bbb P}(V^{\vee})$, for $V \to C_g$ a rank two bundle.
Then $K={\frak a} f-2\sigma$, with ${\frak a}=\sigma^2 +K_{C_g}$ a divisor on $C_g$
(see~\cite[section 5.2]{Hartshorne}).
Therefore $-K$ is effective if and only if $-{\frak a}$ is effective.
The section $\sigma$ corresponds to a sub-line bundle $L \hookrightarrow V$ with
${\cal O}_{C_g}(\sigma^2)=L^{-2}\otimes \det(V)$. Then $-{\frak a}$ is effective
when $L^2 \otimes \det(V)^{-1} \otimes K_{C_g}^{-1}$ has sections.
We can find examples for any $N$ as long as $N \geq 2(g-1)$.
Again, the non-minimal examples are blow-ups of these, and can be found to have $-K$
For fixed $q=g >0$, there are only two deformation classes of minimal ruled surfaces,
corresponding to two diffeomorphism types,
the two different ${\Bbb S}^2$-bundles over $C_g$, one with even
$w_2$, the other with odd $w_2$.
\item {\bf $N$ even:} $S$ is diffeomorphic to $S_0={\Bbb C \Bbb P}^1 \times C_g$ (and the canonical
classes correspond). Let $C$ be the
homology class of\, $\pt \times C_g$ coming from the diffeomorphism. Then $\sigma$ is
homologous to $C -{N \over 2}f$. The ample cone $C_S$ of $S$ is generated by $f$ and
$\sigma_N= C + {N \over 2}f$ (i.e. it is given by ${\Bbb R}^+ f + {\Bbb R}^+ \sigma_N$).
Note that the bigger $N$, the smaller the ample cone.
The wall-crossing terms $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$ do not depend on the complex structure of $S$,
so our results for the case $-K$ effective give the wall-crossing terms for $S_0$ for
any wall inside $C_S$. Letting $N=2(g-1)$, we actually compute $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$ for
any $\zeta= a\, {\Bbb C \Bbb P}^1 -b \,C$ with $a,b >0$, $a> b (g-1)$
(note that all these walls are good).
\item {\bf $N$ odd:} $S$ is diffeomorphic to the non-trivial ${\Bbb S}^2$-bundle over $C_g$.
Arguing as above, we compute the wall-crossing terms $\d_{S,\zeta}^{w,d}$ for
any $\zeta= a \, {\Bbb C \Bbb P}^1 -b \, \sigma_{-(2g-1)}$ with $a,b >0$, $a> b {2g-1 \over 2}$.
1997-09-26T19:11:48 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709029 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709029 | [
] | alg-geom/9709029 | Robert Friedman | Robert Friedman, John W. Morgan, and Edward Witten | Vector Bundles over Elliptic Fibrations | 101 pages, AMS-TeX, amsppt style | null | null | null | null | This paper gives various methods for constructing vector bundles over
elliptic curves and more generally over families of elliptic curves. We
construct universal families over generalized elliptic curves via spectral
cover methods and also by extensions, and then give a relative version of the
construction in families. We give various examples and make Chern class
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 26 Sep 1997 17:11:47 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"John W.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $\pi \: Z \to B$ be an elliptic fibration with a section. The goal of
this paper is to study holomorphic vector bundles over $Z$. We are mainly
concerned with vector bundles $V$ with trivial determinant, or more
generally such that $\det V$ has trivial restriction to each fiber, so that
$\det V$ is the pullback of a line bundle on
$B$. (The case where $\det V$ has nonzero degree on every fiber is in a
certain sense simpler, since it usually reduces to the case considered here
for a bundle of smaller rank.) We give two constructions of vector bundles,
one based on the idea of a spectral cover of
$B$ and the other based on the idea of extensions of certain fixed bundles
over the elliptic manifold $Z$. Each of these constructions has advantages
and the combination of the two seems to give the most comprehensive
Vector bundles over a single elliptic curve were first classified by Atiyah
\cite{1}; however, he did not attempt to construct universal bundles or
work in families. The case of rank two bundles over an elliptic surface was
studied in
\cite{3}, \cite{6}, \cite{4} with a view toward making computations in
Donaldson theory. The motivation for this paper and the more general study
of the moduli of principal $G$-bundles over families of elliptic curves
(which will be treated in another paper) grew out of questions arising in
the recent study of
$F$-theory by physicists. The explanation of these connections was given in
\cite{7}. For these applications $Z$ is assumed to be a Calabi-Yau manifold,
usually of dimension two or three. However, most of the results on vector
bundles and more generally
$G$-bundles are true with no assumptions on $Z$. The case of a general
simple and simply connected complex Lie group $G$ involves a fair amount of
algebraic group theory and will be treated elsewhere, but the case
$G=SL_n(\Cee)$ can be done in a quite explicit and concrete way, and that
is the subject of this paper.
For both mathematical and physical reasons, we shall be primarily
interested in constructing stable vector bundles on $Z$. Of course,
stability must be defined with respect to a suitable ample divisor.
Following well-established principles, the natural ample divisors to work
with are those of the form
$H_0 + N\pi^*H$ for $N\gg 0$, where $H_0$ is some fixed ample divisor on
$Z$ and
$H$ is an ample divisor on $B$. If $V$ is stable with respect to such a
divisor, then
$V|f$ is semistable with respect to almost all fibers $f$. (However the
converse is not necessarily true.) One special feature of vector bundles
$V$ with trivial determinant on an elliptic curve is that, if the rank of
$V$ is at least two, then
$V$ is never properly stable. Moreover, if $V$ has rank $n>1$, then
$V$ is never simple; in fact, the endomorphism algebra of $V$ has
dimension at least
$n$. But there is still a relative coarse moduli space
$\Cal M_{Z/B}$, which turns out to be a $\Pee^{n-1}$-bundle over $B$. A
stable vector bundle on $Z$ defines a rational section of $\Cal M_{Z/B}$.
Conversely, a regular section of $\Cal M_{Z/B}$ defines a vector bundle
over $Z$, and in fact it defines many such bundles. Our goal will be to
describe all such bundles, to see how the properties of the section are
reflected in the properties of these bundles, and to find sufficient
conditions for the bundles in question to be stable.
In the first three sections we consider a single (generalized) elliptic
curve $E$. In Section 1 we construct a coarse moduli space for
$S$-equivalence classes of semistable $SL_n(\Cee)$-bundles over $E$. It is a
projective space $\Pee^{n-1}$, in fact it is the projective space of the
complete linear system $|np_0|$ where $p_0\in E$ is the origin of the group
law. It turns out that each $S$-equivalence class of semistable bundles has
a ``best" representative, the so-called regular representative. The
defining property of these bundles, at least when $E$ is smooth, is that
their automorphism groups are of the smallest possible dimension, namely
$n$. We view them as analogues of regular elements in the group
$SL_n(\Cee)$. The moduli space we construct is also the coarse moduli
space for isomorphism classes of regular semistable $SL_n(\Cee)$-bundles
over $E$. As we shall see, the regular bundles are the bundles which arise
if we try to fit together the
$S$-equivalence classes in order to find universal holomorphic bundles over
$\Pee^{n-1}\times E$.
In Section 2, assuming that $E$ is smooth, we construct a tautological
bundle $U$ over
$\Pee^{n-1}\times E$ which is regular semistable and with trivial
determinant on each slice $\{x\}\times E$ and such that
$U|\{x\}\times E$ corresponds to the regular bundle over $E$ whose
$S$-equivalence class is $x$. There is not a unique such bundle over
$\Pee^{n-1}\times E$, and we proceed to construct all such. The idea is
that there is an
$n$-sheeted covering $T\to \Pee^{n-1}$ called the {\sl spectral cover\/},
such that $U$ is obtained by pushing down a Poincar\'e line bundle
${\Cal P}\to T\times E$ under the covering map. It turns out that every
bundle over $\Pee^{n-1}\times E$ which is of the correct isomorphism class
on each slice $\{x\}\times E$ is obtained by pushing down ${\Cal P}\otimes
p_1^*M$ for some line bundle $M$ on $T$. There is a generalization of this
result to cover the case of families of regular semistable bundles on $E$
parameterized by arbitrary spaces $S$.
In Section 3 we turn to a different construction of ``universal" bundles
over $\Pee^{n-1}\times E$. Here we consider the space of extensions of two
fixed bundles with determinants $\scrO_E(\pm p_0)$. For a fixed rank $d$,
there is a unique stable bundle $W_d$ of rank $d$ such that $\det W_d \cong
\scrO_E(p_0)$. For
$1\leq d\leq n-1$, we consider the space of all nonsplit extensions $V$ of
the form
$$0 \to W_d\spcheck \to V \to W_{n-d} \to 0.$$ The moduli space of all such
extensions is simply $\Pee H^1(W_{n-d}\spcheck
\otimes W_d\spcheck) \cong \Pee^{n-1}$. Over $\Pee^{n-1} \times E$ there
is a universal extension whose restriction to each fiber is regular
semistable. There is thus an induced map from the $\Pee^{n-1}$ of
extensions to the coarse moduli space defined in Section 1, which is
\Pee^{n-1}$. By a direct analysis we show that this map is an isomorphism.
Actually, there are
$n-1$ different versions of this construction, depending on the choice of
the integer $d$, but the projective spaces that they produce are all
canonically identified. On the other hand, the universal extensions
associated with different versions of the construction are non-isomorphic
universal bundles. Finally, we relate these families of bundles to the
ones arising from the spectral cover construction, which we can then extend
to the case where
$E$ is singular. We remark here that we can interpret the construction of
Section 3 as parametrizing those bundles whose structure group can be
reduced to a maximal parabolic subgroup
$P$ of $SL_n$, such that the induced bundle on the Levi factor is required
to be
$W_d\spcheck \oplus W_{n-d}$ in the obvious sense. This interpretation can
then be generalized to other complex simple groups \cite{8}.
In Section 4 we generalize the results of the first three sections to a
family $\pi \: Z\to B$ of elliptic curves with a section $\sigma$. By taking
cohomology along the fibers of $\pi$, we produce a vector bundle over the
base, namely $\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)=\Cal V_n$, which globalizes
$H^0(E,\scrO_E(np_0))$. The associated projective bundle
$\Pee\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)=\Pee\Cal V_n$ then becomes the appropriate
relative coarse moduli space. We show that
$\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ has a natural splitting as a direct sum of line
bundles. This decomposition is closely related to the fact that the
coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of an element in
$\frak{sl}_n$ are a polynomial basis for the algebra of polynomial
functions on $\frak{sl}_n$ invariant under the adjoint action. Having
constructed the relative coarse moduli space, we give a relative version
of the constructions of Sections 2 and 3 to produce bundles over $\Pee\Cal
V_n\times _BZ$. The extension construction generalizes easily. The bundles
we used over a single elliptic curve have natural extensions to any elliptic
fibration. We form the relative extension bundle and the universal
relative extension in direct analogy with the case of a single elliptic
curve. Relative versions of results from Section 3 show that the relative
extension space is identified with $\Pee\Cal V_n$. Following the pattern of
Section 3, we use the extension picture to define a universal spectral
cover of $\Pee\Cal V_n$, and in turn use this spectral cover to construct
new universal vector bundles. Finally, we calculate the Chern classes of
the universal bundles we have constructed.
In Section 5, using the theory developed in the first four sections, we
study vector bundles
$V$ over an elliptic fibration $\pi\: Z\to B$ such that the restriction of
$V$ to every fiber is regular and semistable. To such a bundle $V$, we
associate a section $A(V)$ of $\Pee\Cal V_n$ and a cover $C_A\to B$ of
degree $n$, the {\sl spectral cover\/} of $B$ determined by $V$.
Conversely, $V$ is determined by $A$ and by the choice of a line bundle on
$C_A$. After computing some determinants and Chern classes, we discuss the
possible line bundles which can exist on the spectral cover. Then we turn
to specific types of bundles. After describing symmetric bundles, which are
interesting from the point of view of $F$-theory, we turn to bundles
corresponding to a degenerate section. First we consider the most
degenerate case, and then we consider reducible sections where the
restriction of
$V$ to every fiber has a section. Finally, we relate reducible sections to
the existence of certain subbundles of $V$.
In Section 6, we consider bundles $V$ whose restriction to a generic fiber
is regular and semistable, but such that there exist fibers $E_b$ where
$V|E_b$ is either unstable or it is semistable but not regular. If $V$ fails
to be regular or semistable in codimension one, it can be improved by
elementary modifications to a reflexive sheaf whose restriction to every
fiber outside a codimension two set is regular and semistable. We describe
this process and, as an illustration, analyze the tangent bundle to an
elliptic surface. On the other hand, if the locus of bad fibers has
codimension at least two, no procedure exists for improving $V$, and we
must analyze it directly. The case of instability in codimension two or
higher corresponds to the case where the rational section $A$ determined by
$V$ does not actually define a regular section (this case can also lead to
reflexive but non-locally free sheaves). The case where $V$ has irregular
restriction to certain fibers in codimension at least two corresponds to
singular spectral covers. We give some examples of such behavior, without
trying to be definitive. Our construction can be viewed as a generalization
of the method of Section 3 to certain non-maximal parabolic subgroups of
Finally, we turn in Section 7 to the problem of deciding when the bundles
$V$ constructed by our methods are stable. This is the most interesting
case for both mathematical and physical reasons. While we do not try to
give necessary and sufficient conditions, we show that, in case the
spectral cover $C_A$ of $B$ determined by $V$ is irreducible, then $V$ is
stable with respect to all ample divisors of the form $H_0 + N\pi ^*H$,
where $H_0$ is an ample divisor on $Z$ and
$H$ is an ample divisor on $B$, and $N\gg 0$. We are only able to give an
effective bound on $N$ in case $\dim B =1$, i\.e\. $Z$ is an elliptic
surface, but it seems likely that such an effective bound exists in general.
We will have to deal systematically with singular fibers of $Z\to B$, and
the price that must be paid for analyzing this case is a heavy dose of
commutative algebra. In an attempt to make the paper more readable, we have
tried to isolate these arguments where possible. We collect here some
preliminary definitions and technical results. While these results are
well-known, we could not find an adequate reference for many of them.
\ssection{Notation and conventions.}
All schemes are assumed to be separated and of finite type over $\Cee$. A
sheaf is always a coherent sheaf. We will identify a vector bundle with its
locally free sheaf of sections, covariantly. If $V$ is a vector bundle,
then $\Pee V$ is the projective space bundle whose associated sheaf of
graded algebras is $\bigoplus _{k\geq 0}\Sym ^kV\spcheck$; thus these
conventions are opposite to those of EGA or
\cite{10}. Given sheaves $\Cal S, \Cal S'$, we denote by $Hom(\Cal S, \Cal
S')$ the sheaf of homomorphisms from $\Cal S$ to $\Cal S'$ and by
$\Hom(\Cal S, \Cal S') = H^0(Hom(\Cal S, \Cal S'))$ the group of all such
homomorphisms. Likewise
$Ext ^k(\Cal S, \Cal S')$ is the Ext sheaf and $\Ext ^k(\Cal S, \Cal S')$
is the global Ext group (related to the local Ext groups by the local to
global spectral sequence).
\ssection{0.1. Elliptic curves and elliptic fibrations.}
Recall that a {\sl Weierstrass equation\/} is a homogeneous cubic equation
of the form
$$Y^2Z=4X^3-g_2XZ^2-g_3Z^3,\tag{0.1}$$ with $g_2,g_3$ constants. We will
refer to the curve $E$ in $\Pee^2$ defined by such an equation, together
with the marked point $p_0=[0,1,0]$ at infinity, as a {\sl Weierstrass
cubic}. Setting
$$\Delta(g_2,g_3)=g_2^3- 27g_3^2,$$ if $\Delta(g_2,g_3)\neq 0$, then (0.1)
defines a smooth cubic curve in $\Pee^2$ with the marked point
$[0,1,0]$, i\.e\., defines the structure of an elliptic curve. If
$\Delta(g_2,g_3) =0$, then the corresponding plane cubic $E$ is a singular
curve with arithmetic genus $p_a(E) =1$. If
$(g_2, g_3)$ is a smooth point of the locus $\Delta(g_2,g_3) =0$, then the
corresponding plane cubic curve is a rational curve with a single node. The
smooth points of such a curve form a group isomorphic to $\Cee^*$ with
identity element $p_0$. The point $g_2= g_3=0$ is the unique singular point
$\Delta(g_2,g_3) =0$ and the corresponding plane curve is a rational curve
with a single cusp. Once again its smooth points form a group, isomorphic
to $\Cee$, with identity element $p_0$. These are all possible reduced and
irreducible curves of arithmetic genus one.
Next we consider the relative version of a Weierstrass equation. Let $\pi
\: Z \to B$ be a flat morphism of relative dimension one, such that the
general fiber is a smooth elliptic curve and all fibers are isomorphic to
reduced irreducible plane cubics. Here we will assume that
$B$ is a smooth variety (although the case of a complex manifold is
similar). We shall always suppose that
$\pi$ has a section $\sigma$, i\.e\. there exists a divisor $\sigma$
contained in the smooth points of $Z$ such that $\pi|\sigma$ is an
isomorphism. Let $L = R^1\pi_*\scrO_Z \cong
\scrO_Z(-\sigma)|\sigma$, viewed as a line bundle on $B$. Then there are
$G_2 \in H^0(B; L^{\otimes 4})$ and $G_3 \in H^0(B; L^{\otimes 6})$ such
$\Delta (G_2, G_3)\neq 0$ as a section of $L^{\otimes 12}$, and $Z$ is
isomorphic to the subvariety of $\Pee(\scrO_B\oplus L^2\oplus L^3)$ defined
by the Weierstrass equation $Y^2Z=4X^3-G_2XZ^2-G_3Z^3$. Conversely, given
the line bundle $L$ on $B$ and sections $G_2 \in H^0(B; L^{\otimes 4})$,
$G_3 \in H^0(B; L^{\otimes 6})$ such that
$\Delta (G_2, G_3)\neq 0$, the equation $Y^2Z=4X^3-G_2XZ^2-G_3Z^3$ defines a
hypersurface $Z$ in $\Pee(\scrO_B\oplus L^2\oplus L^3)$, such that the
projection to $B$ is a flat morphism whose fibers are reduced irreducible
plane curves, generically smooth. We will not need to assume that $Z$ is
smooth; it is always Gorenstein and the relative dualizing sheaf
$\omega_{Z/B}$ is isomorphic to $ L$. Thus, the dualizing sheaf
$\omega _Z$ is isomorphic to $\pi^*K_B\otimes L$.
Let us describe explicitly the case where the divisors associated to $G_2$
$G_3$ are smooth and meet transversally. This means in particular that if
$G_2$ and
$G_3$ are chosen generically, then $G_2^3 - 27G_3^2$ defines a section of
$L^{12}$. We shall denote by $\overline{\Gamma}$ the zero set of this
section. Then $\overline{\Gamma}$ is smooth except where $G_2 = G_3 = 0$,
where it has singularities which are locally trivial families of cusps. The
fiber of $\pi$ over a smooth point of
$\overline{\Gamma}$ is a nodal plane cubic, and over a point where
$G_2 = G_3 = 0$ the fibers of $\pi$ are cusps. Let $\Gamma$ be the locus of
points where
$\pi$ is singular. Thus $\Gamma$ maps bijectively onto
$\overline{\Gamma}$. There are local analytic coordinates on $B$ so that,
near a cuspidal fiber $Z$ has the local equation $y^2 = x^3 + sx+t$. Here
$x,y$ are a set of fiber coordinates for $\Pee(\scrO_B\oplus L^2\oplus
L^3)$ away from the line at infinity and
$x,y,s,t$ form part of a set of local coordinates for $\Pee(\scrO_B\oplus
L^2\oplus L^3)$. Thus $x,y,s$ are coordinates for $Z$. The local equation
$\overline{\Gamma}$ is $4s^3 + 27 t^2 = 0$. The equations for the singular
point of the fiber over $\overline{\Gamma}$ are as follows:
$y=0, s = -3x^2, t= 2x^3$. In particular, $\Gamma$ is smooth, and is the
normalization of $\overline{\Gamma}$. The morphism from $Z$ to
$B$ is given locally by $(s,t)$, where $t= y^2-x^3-sx$.
\ssection{0.2. Rank one torsion free sheaves.}
Let $E$ be a singular Weierstrass cubic and let $E_{\text{reg}}$ be the set
of smooth points of $E$. The arithmetic genus $p_a(E)$ is one. We let $n\:
\tilde E \to E$ be the normalization map. The generalized Jacobian
$J(E)$ is the group of line bundles of degree zero on $E$, and (as in the
smooth case) is isomorphic to
$E_{\text{reg}}$ via the map $e\in E_{\text{reg}}\mapsto \scrO_E(e-p_0)$.
Just as we can compactify $E_{\text{reg}}$ to $E$ by adding the singular
point, we can compactify $J(E)$ to the {\sl compactified generalized
Jacobian\/} $\bar J(E)$, by adding the unique rank one torsion free sheaf
which is not locally free. Here a sheaf
$\Cal S$ over
$E$ is {\sl torsion-free\/} if it has no nonzero sections which are
supported on a proper closed subset (i\.e\. a finite set). In particular,
the restriction of
$\Cal S$ to the smooth points of
$E$ is a vector bundle, and so has a well-defined rank, which we also call
the rank of
$\Cal S$. If
$\Cal S$ is a torsion-free sheaf on $E$ we let $\deg \Cal S = \chi (\Cal S)
+ (p_a(E)-1)(\operatorname{rank} \Cal S) = \chi (\Cal S)$. (This agrees
with the usual Riemann-Roch formula in case $E$ is smooth.) Thus the degree
of such sheaves is additive in exact sequences, and if
$\Cal S'\subseteq \Cal S$ such that the quotient is supported at a finite
set of points, then $\deg \Cal S' \leq
\deg \Cal S$ with equality if and only if $\Cal S' = \Cal S$. If $\Cal S$ is
torsion free and $V$ is locally free, then $\deg (V\otimes \Cal S)= (\deg
V)(\operatorname{rank}\Cal S) + (\deg \Cal S)(\operatorname{rank} V)$. To
see this, first use the fact that there is a filtration of $V$ by
subbundles whose successive quotients are line bundles, so by the
additivity of degree we can reduce to the case where $V$ is a line bundle.
In this case, we may write $V= \scrO_E(d_1- d_2)$, where $d_1$ and $d_2$
are effective divisors supported on the smooth points of $E$, and then use
the exact sequences
$$0 \to \Cal S \otimes \scrO_E(-d_2) \to \Cal S \to \Cal S\otimes
\scrO_{d_2} \to 0$$ and
$$0 \to \Cal S \otimes \scrO_E(-d_2) \to \Cal S \otimes \scrO_E(d_1-d_2)\to
\Cal S\otimes \scrO_{d_1} \to 0,$$ together with the usual properties, to
conclude that $\deg (V\otimes \Cal S)= (\deg V)(\operatorname{rank}\Cal S)
+ (\deg \Cal S)$ in case $V$ is a line bundle. Thus we have established the
formula in general.
Next let us show that there is a unique torsion free rank one sheaf $\Cal
F$ which compactifies the generalized Jacobian.
\lemma{0.2} There is a unique rank one torsion free sheaf $\Cal F$ on $E$ of
degree zero which is not locally free. It satisfies:
\item"{(i)}" $Hom(\Cal F, \Cal F) =n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}$.
\item"{(ii)}" $\Cal F\spcheck \cong \Cal F$.
\item"{(iii)}" For all line bundles $\lambda$ of degree zero, $Hom(\lambda,
\Cal F) = Hom (\Cal F, \lambda) = \Cal F$ and $\Hom(\lambda, \Cal F) = \Hom
(\Cal F, \lambda) = 0$. Likewise $\Ext^1(\Cal F, \lambda) = \Ext
^1(\lambda, \Cal F) = 0$.
\proof The first statement is essentially a local result. Let $R$ be the
local ring of
$E$ at the singular point and let $\tilde R$ be the normaliztion of $R$. If
$\Cal F$ corresponds to the $R$-module $M$, let $\tilde M$ be the $\tilde
$M\otimes _R\tilde R$ modulo torsion. Then by construction $\tilde M$ is a
torsion free rank one $\tilde R$-module, so that we may choose a $\tilde
R$-module isomorphism from $\tilde M$ to $\tilde R$. Since $M$ is torsion
free, the natural map from $M$ to $\tilde M \cong \tilde R$ is injective,
identifying $M$ as an
$R$-submodule of $\tilde R$ which generates $\tilde R$ as a $\tilde
R$-module. Thus $M$ contains a unit of $\tilde R$, which after a change of
basis we may assume to be $1$, and furthermore $M$ contains $R\cdot
1=R\subseteq \tilde R$. But since the singularity of $E$ is a node or a
cusp, $\ell(\tilde R/R) =1$, and so either $M=R$ or $M=\tilde R$. Note that
there are two isomorphic non-locally free $R$-modules of rank one: $\tilde
R$ and $\frak m$, where $\frak m$ is the maximal ideal of $R$. The ideal
$\frak m$ is the conductor of the extension
$\tilde R$ of $R$, and $\Hom_R(\tilde R, R) \cong \frak m$, where the
isomorphism is canonical.
By the above, every rank one torsion free sheaf on
$E$ is either a line bundle or of the form $n_*L$, where $L$ is a line
bundle on
$\tilde E$. Now $\tilde E\cong \Pee^1$, and $\deg n_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(a) =
a+1$. Thus
$n_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)$ is the unique rank one torsion free sheaf on $E$ of
degree zero which is not locally free. Note that, if $\frak m_x$ is the
ideal sheaf of the singular point $x\in E$, then $\deg
\frak m_x = -1$, by using the exact sequence
$$0 \to \frak m_x \to \scrO_E \to \Cee _x \to 0.$$ Thus $\frak
m_x=n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}(-2)$.
To see (i), note that
$$Hom (n_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1), n_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)) =
n_*Hom(n^*n_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1), \scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)).$$ Since $n$ is
finite, the natural map $n^*n_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \to
\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)$ is surjective, and its kernel is torsion. Thus
$$Hom(n^*n_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1), \scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)) \cong
Hom(\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1), \scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)) = \scrO_{\Pee^1}= \scrO_{\tilde
E},$$ proving (i). To see (ii), we have invariantly that
$$Hom(n_*\scrO_{\tilde E},
\scrO_E) = \frak m_x=n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}(-2).$$ Thus tensoring with
$\scrO_E(-p_0)$ and using $n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}\otimes
\scrO_E(-p_0) = n_*n^*\scrO_E(-p_0) = n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}(-1)$ gives
$$\gather Hom(n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}(-1),
\scrO_E)= Hom(n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}\otimes
\scrO_E(-p_0),\scrO_E)= \\ =n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}(-2)\otimes
\scrO_E(p_0) = n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}(-1),
\endgather$$ which is the statement that $\Cal F\spcheck
\cong \Cal F$. To see (iii), if $\lambda$ is a line bundle of degree zero,
\Cal F) =\lambda^{-1}\otimes \Cal F$ is a nonlocally free sheaf of degree
zero, and hence it is isomorphic to $\Cal F$ by uniqueness. Likewise
$$Hom (\Cal F,
\lambda) \cong \lambda \otimes \Cal F\spcheck \cong \lambda \otimes \Cal F
\Cal F.$$ Moreover, $\Hom(\lambda, \Cal F) = H^0(\Cal F) = 0$, since by
degree considerations a nonzero map $\lambda ^{-1}\to \Cal F$ would have to
be an isomorphism, contradicting the fact that $\Cal F$ is not locally
free. The proof that $\Hom (\Cal F,
\lambda)=0$ is similar. Now $\Ext^1(\Cal F, \lambda)$ is Serre dual to
$\Hom(\lambda,\Cal F)=0$, since $\lambda$ is locally free. Also, $\Ext
\Cal F) = H^1(\lambda^{-1}\otimes \Cal F) = H^1(\Cal F) =0$, since
$h^0(\Cal F) =
\deg \Cal F =0$.
\remark{Remark} In case $E$ is nodal, $\Ext ^1(\Cal F, \Cal F)$ is not
Serre dual to
$\Hom (\Cal F, \Cal F)$, and in fact $\Ext ^1(\Cal F, \Cal F)\cong H^0(Ext
^1(\Cal F, \Cal F))$ has dimension two. In this case $\Pee\Ext ^1(\Cal F,
\Cal F)\cong \Pee^1$ can be identified with the normalization of $E$. The
$\{x_1, x_2\}$ of the singular point give two different non-locally free
extensions, and the remaining locally free extensions $V$ of $\Cal F$ by
$\Cal F$ are parametrized by
$\Pee^1-\{x_1, x_2\}\cong \Cee^*$. The set of such $V$ is in
$1-1$ correspondence with $J(E) \cong E$ via the determinant.
Next we define the compactified generalized Jacobian of $E$. Let $\Delta
_0$ be the diagonal in $E\times E$ and let $I_{\Delta _0}$ be its ideal
sheaf. We let
$\scrO_{E\times E}(\Delta _0) = I_{\Delta _0}\spcheck$ and
$$\Cal P_0 = \scrO_{E\times E}(\Delta _0-(E\times \{p_0\})) = I_{\Delta
_0}\spcheck\otimes \pi _2^*\scrO_E(-p_0).$$
\lemma{0.3} In the above notation,
\item"{(i)}" $\Cal P_0$ is flat over both factors of $E\times E$, and $\Cal
P_0\spcheck$ is locally isomorphic to $I_{\Delta _0}$.
\item"{(ii)}" If $e$ is a smooth point of $E$, the restriction of $\Cal
P_0$ to the slice $\{e\}\times E$ is $\scrO_E(e-p_0)$. If $x$ is the
singular point of $E$, the restriction of $\Cal P_0$ to the slice
$\{x\}\times E$ is $\Cal F$.
\item"{(iii)}" Suppose that $S$ is a scheme and that $\Cal L$ is a coherent
sheaf on $S\times E$, flat over $S$, such that for every slice $\{s\}\times
E$, the restriction of $\Cal L$ to $\{s\}\times E$ is a rank one torsion
free sheaf on $E$ of degree zero. Then there exists a unique morphism $f\:
S \to E$ and a line bundle $M$ on $S$ such that $\Cal L = (f\times
\Id)^*\Cal P_0\otimes \pi _1^*M$.
\proof We shall just outline the proof of this essentially standard result.
The proofs of (i) and (ii) in case
$\Cal P_0$ is replaced by
$I_{\Delta _0}$, with the necessary changes in (ii), are easy: From the
exact sequence
$$0 \to I_{\Delta _0} \to \scrO_{E\times E} \to \scrO_{\Delta _0} \to 0,$$
and the fact that both $E\times E$ and $\Delta _0$ are flat over each
factor, we see that $I_{\Delta _0}$ is flat over both factors, and the
restriction of
$I_{\Delta _0}$ to the slice $\{e\}\times E$ is $\scrO_E(-e)$, if $e\neq
x$, and is $\frak m_x$ in case $e=x$. To handle the case of $\Cal P_0$, the
main point is to check that $\scrO_{E\times E}(\Delta _0) = I_{\Delta
_0}\spcheck$ is locally isomorphic to $I_{\Delta _0}$, and that the
inclusion $I_{\Delta _0} \to
\scrO_{E\times E}$ dualizes to give an exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_{E\times E} \to \scrO_{E\times E}(\Delta _0) \to
\scrO_{\Delta _0}
\to 0.$$ This may be checked by hand, by working out a local resolution of
$I_{\Delta _0}$. We omit the details.
Another, less concrete, proof which generalizes to a flat family $\pi\: Z
\to B$ is as follows. Dualizing the inclusion of $I_{\Delta _0} \to
\scrO_{E\times E}$ gives an exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_{E\times E} \to I_{\Delta _0}\spcheck \to
Ext^1(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E}) \to 0.$$ To check flatness of
$I_{\Delta _0}\spcheck$ and the remaining statements of (ii), it suffices
to show that, locally, $Ext^1(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E}) \cong
\scrO_{\Delta_0}$. Clearly $Ext^1(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E})$ is a
sheaf of $\scrO_{\Delta_0}$-modules and thus it is identified with a sheaf
on $E$ via the first projection. If
$\pi_1, \pi_2\: E\times E\to E$ are the projections, we have the relative
Ext sheaves $Ext^i_{\pi_1}(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E})$. (See for
\cite{2} for properties of these sheaves.) The curve $E$ is Gorenstein and
$\Ext^1(\Cee_x, \scrO_E) \cong \Cee$ for all $x\in E$. By base change,
$Ext^1_{\pi_1}(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E})$ is a line bundle on
$E$. On the other hand, by the local to global spectral sequence,
$$Ext^1_{\pi_1}(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E})=
\pi_1{}_*Ext^1(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E}).$$ Thus
$Ext^1(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E})$ can be identified with a line
bundle on $\Delta _0$, and so it is locally isomorphic to
$\scrO_{\Delta_0}$. Dualizing this argument gives an exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cal P_0\spcheck \to \scrO_{E\times E} \to
Ext^1(\scrO_{\Delta_0},\scrO_{E\times E}) \to 0,$$ and so (locally again)
$\Cal P_0\spcheck = (I_{\Delta _0})\ddual \cong I_{\Delta _0}$. In
particular $\Cal P_0\spcheck$ is also flat over $E$.
To see (iii), suppose that $S$ and $\Cal L$ are as in (iii). By base change,
$\pi_1{}_*(\Cal L\otimes\pi_2^*\scrO_E(p_0)) = M^{-1}$ is a line bundle on
$S$, and the morphism
$$\pi _1^* \pi_1{}_*(\Cal L\otimes\pi_2^*\scrO_E(p_0)) =\pi _1^*M ^{-1}\to
\Cal L\otimes\pi_2^*\scrO_E(p_0)$$ vanishes along a subscheme $\Cal Z$ of
$S\times E$, flat over $S$ and of degree one on every slice. Thus
$\Cal Z$ corresponds to a morphism $f\: S\to E= \operatorname{Hilb}^1E$,
such that
$\Cal Z$ is the pullback of
$\Delta_0\subset E\times E$ by $(f\times \Id)^*$. This proves (iii).
A very similar argument proves the corresponding result for the dual of the
ideal of the diagonal in $Z\times _BZ$, where $\pi\: Z \to B$ is a flat
family of Weierstrass cubics. In this case, we let $\Delta _0$ be the ideal
sheaf of the diagonal in $Z\times _BZ$, and set $\Cal P_0 = I_{\Delta
_0}\spcheck \otimes \pi _2^*\scrO_Z(-\sigma)$, where $\sigma$ is the
section. Then $\Cal P_0$ is flat over both factors $Z$, and has the
properties (i)--(iii) of (0.3). We leave the details of the formulation and
the proof to the reader.
Finally we discuss a local result which will be needed to handle semistable
sheaves on a singular $E$. (In the application, $R$ is the local ring of
$E$ at a singular point.)
\lemma{0.4} Let $R$ be a local Cohen-Macaulay domain of dimension one and
let $Q$ be a finitely generated torsion free $R$-module. Then $\Ext^1_R(Q,
R) = 0$.
\proof By a standard argument, if $Q$ has rank $n$ there exists an inclusion
$Q\subseteq R^n$. Thus necessarily the quotient $R^n/Q$ is a torsion
$T$. Now $\Ext^1_R(Q, R) \cong \Ext^2_R(T, R)$. Since $R$ is
Cohen-Macaulay, if
$\frak m$ is the maximal ideal of $R$, then $\Ext^2_R(R/\frak m, R) = 0$. An
induction on the length of $T$ then shows that $\Ext^2_R(T, R)=0$ for all
$R$-modules $T$ of finite length. Hence $\Ext^1_R(Q, R) = 0$.
\ssection{0.3. Semistable bundles and sheaves on singular curves.}
Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic and let $\Cal S$ be a torsion free sheaf on
$E$. The {\sl normalized degree\/} or {\sl slope\/}
$\mu (\Cal S)$ of $\Cal S$ is defined to be $\deg \Cal
S/\operatorname{rank} \Cal S$. A torsion free sheaf
$\Cal S$ is {\sl semistable\/} if, for every subsheaf $\Cal S'$ of
$\Cal S$ with
$0< \operatorname{rank} \Cal S' <\operatorname{rank} \Cal S$, then we have
$\mu (\Cal S') \leq \mu (\Cal S)$, and it is {\sl unstable\/} if it is
not semistable. Equivalently, $\Cal S$ is semistable if, for all
surjections $\Cal S
\to \Cal S''$, where $\Cal S''$ is torsion free and nonzero, we have $\mu
(\Cal S'') \geq \mu (\Cal S)$. A torsion free rank one sheaf is semistable.
Given an exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cal S' \to \Cal S \to \Cal S'' \to 0,$$ with $\mu(\Cal S') =\mu
(\Cal S) = \mu (\Cal S'')$, $\Cal S$ is semistable if and only if both
$\Cal S'$ and $\Cal S''$ are semistable. If
$\Cal S$ is a torsion free semistable sheaf of negative degree, then (for
$E$ of arithmetic genus one)
$h^0(\Cal S) = 0$ and hence
$h^1(\Cal S) = -\deg \Cal S$, and if
$\Cal S$ is a torsion free semistable sheaf of strictly positive degree,
then since $h^1(\Cal S)$ is dual to
$\Hom (\Cal S, \scrO_E)$, it follows that $h^1(\Cal S) = 0$ and that
$h^0(\Cal S) = \deg \Cal S$. Every torsion free sheaf
$\Cal S$ has a canonical Harder-Narasimhan filtration, in other words a
filtration by subsheaves
$F^0 \subset F^1\subset
\cdots$ such that $F^{i+1}/F^i$ is torsion free and semistable and $\mu
(F^i/F^{i-1}) > \mu (F^{i+1}/F^i)$ for all $i\geq 1$.
\definition{Definition 0.5} Let $V$ and $V'$ be two semistable torsion free
sheaves on $E$. We say that $V$ and $V'$ are {\sl $S$-equivalent\/} if
there exists a connected scheme $S$ and a coherent sheaf $\Cal V$ on
$S\times E$, flat over $S$, and a point $s'\in S$ such that $V\cong \Cal
V|\{s\}\times E$ if $s\neq s'$ and
\Cal V|\{s'\}\times E$. We define {\sl
$S$-equivalence\/} to be the equivalence relation on semistable torsion free
sheaves generated by the above relation. Suppose that $V$ and $V'$ are two
semistable bundles on $E$. We say that $V$ and $V'$ are {\sl restricted
$S$-equivalent\/} if there exists a connected scheme $S$, a vector bundle
$\Cal V$ on $S\times E$, and a point $s'\in S$ such that
$V\cong \Cal V|\{s\}\times E$ if
$s\neq s'$ and
\Cal V|\{s'\}\times E$. We define {\sl restricted
$S$-equivalence\/} to be the equivalence relation on semistable bundles
generated by the above relation.
\section{1. A coarse moduli space for semistable bundles over a Weierstrass
Fix a Weierstrass cubic $E$ with an origin
$p_0$ and consider semistable vector bundles of rank $n$ and trivial
determiniant over $E$. Our goal in this section will be to construct a
coarse moduli space of such bundles, which we will identify with the linear
$|np_0|$. Given a vector bundle $V$, we associate to $V$ a point
$\zeta(V)$ in the projective space $|np_0|$ associated to the linear system
$\scrO_E(np_0)$ on
$E$. In case $E$ is smooth, $\zeta(V)$ records the unordered set of degree
zero line bundles that occur as Jordan-H\"older quotients of any maximal
filtration of
$V$. More generally, if
${\Cal V}\to S\times E$ is an algebraic (or holomorphic) family of bundles
of the above type on $E$, then the function $\Phi\colon S\to |np_0|$
defined by $\Phi(s)=\zeta\left({\Cal V}|\{s\}\times E\right)$ is a
morphism. If $E$ is smooth, two semistable bundles $V$ and $V'$ are are
$S$-equivalent if and only $\zeta (V) =\zeta (V')$. This identifies
$|np_0|$ as a (coarse) moduli space of $S$-equivalence classes of
semistable rank $n$ bundles with trivial determinant on $E$. A similar
result holds if $E$ is cuspidal. In case
$E$ is nodal, however, there exist $S$-equivalent bundles $V$ and $V'$ such
$\zeta (V)
\neq\zeta (V')$. It seems likely that, in case $E$ is nodal, $\zeta (V)
=\zeta (V')$ if and only if $V$ and $V'$ are restricted $S$-equivalent
The moduli space $|np_0|$ is not a fine moduli space, for two reasons. One
problem is the issue of $S$-equivalence versus isomorphism. To deal with
this problem, we will attempt to choose a ``best" representative for each
$S$-equivalence class, the regular representative. In case $E$ is smooth,
a regular bundle $V$ is one whose automorphism group has dimension equal
to its rank, the minimum possible dimension. Even after choosing the
regular representative, however, $|np_0|$ fails to be a fine moduli space
because the bundles $V$ are never simple. This allows us to twist universal
bundles by line bundles on an $n$-sheeted cover of $|np_0|$, the {\sl
spectral cover}. This construction will be described in Section 2.
\ssection{1.1. The Jordan-H\"older constituents of a semistable bundle.}
The two main results of this section are the following:
\theorem{1.1} Let $V$ be a semistable torsion free sheaf of rank $n$ and
degree zero over $E$. Then $V$ has a Jordan-H\"older filtration
$$0\subset F^0\subset F^1\subset \cdots\subset F^n=V$$ so that each
quotient $F^i/F^{i-1}$ is a rank one torsion free sheaf of degree zero. For
$\lambda$ a rank one torsion free sheaf of degree zero, define $V(\lambda)$
to be the sum of all the subsheaves of $V$ which have a filtration such
that all of the successive quotients are isomorphic to $\lambda$. Then $V
=\bigoplus _\lambda V(\lambda)$. In particular, if $V$ is locally free,
then $V(\lambda)$ is locally free for every $\lambda$.
\theorem{1.2} Let $V$ be a semistable torsion free sheaf of rank $n$ and
degree zero on $E$. Then
\item"{(i)}" $h^0(V\otimes
\scrO_E(p_0))=n$ and the natural evaluation map
$$ev\colon H^0(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0))\otimes_\Cee \scrO_E\to V\otimes
\scrO_E(p_0)$$ is an isomorphism over the generic point of $E$.
\item"{(ii)}" Suppose that $V$ is locally free with $\det V
=\scrO_E(e-p_0)$. The induced map on determinants defines a map
$$\wedge ^nev\: \det H^0(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0))\otimes_\Cee \scrO_E \cong
\scrO_E\to \det \left(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)\right) \cong
\scrO_E((n-1)p_0+e).$$ Thus $\wedge ^nev$ defines a non-zero section of
$\scrO_E((n-1)p_0+e)$ up to a nonzero scalar multiple, i\.e\. a point of
$|(n-1)p_0+e|$. We denote this element by $\zeta(V)$. In particular, if
$e=p_0$, then $\zeta (V)\in |np_0|$.
\demo{Proof of Theorem \rom{1.2}} Let $V$ be a semistable sheaf of degree
zero and rank $n$ on $E$. The degree of $V\otimes
\scrO_E(p_0)$ is $n$. By definition, $h^0(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)) -
h^1(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)) = n$. By Serre duality,
$h^1(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)) =\dim \Hom(V, \scrO_E(-p_0))$. Since $V$ is
semistable, $\Hom(V, \scrO_E(-p_0)) =0$. Thus
$h^0(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)) = n$. Next we claim that the induced map
$ev\colon H^0(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0))\otimes_\Cee \scrO_E
\to V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)$ is an isomorphism over the generic point of $E$;
equivalently, its image $I\subset V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)$ has rank $n$. To
prove this, we use the following lemma.
\lemma{1.3} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic, let $I$ be a torsion free
sheaf on
$E$ and let
$\mu _0(I)$ be the maximal value of $\mu (J)$ as $J$ runs over all torsion
free subsheaves of $I$. Then
$$h^0(I) \leq \max(\mu _0(I), 1)\operatorname{rank}I.$$
\proof If $0 \subset F^0 \subset \cdots \subset F^k = I$ is the
Harder-Narasimhan filtration of $I$, then $\mu _0(I) = \mu (F^0)$,
$F^{i+1}/F^i$ is semistable, and
$\mu (F^{i+1}/F^i) < \mu _0(I)$ for all $i \geq 1$. Furthermore
$$h^0(I) \leq \sum _ih^0(F^{i+1}/F^i).$$ Now if $\mu (F^{i+1}/F^i) > 0$,
then since $h^1(F^{i+1}/F^i)= \dim \Hom (F^{i+1}/F^i, \scrO_E) = 0$, it
follows that $h^0(F^{i+1}/F^i) = \deg (F^{i+1}/F^i) = \mu
(F^{i+1}/F^i)\cdot \operatorname{rank}(F^{i+1}/F^i) \leq \mu_0(I)
\operatorname{rank}(F^{i+1}/F^i)$. If $\mu (F^{i+1}/F^i) < 0$, then
$$h^0(F^{i+1}/F^i) = 0 \leq
\operatorname{rank}(F^{i+1}/F^i).$$ There remains the case that $\mu
(F^{i+1}/F^i) = 0$. In this case, we claim that
$$h^0(F^{i+1}/F^i) \leq \operatorname{rank}(F^{i+1}/F^i).$$ In fact since
$F^{i+1}/F^i$ is semistable, this follows from the next claim.
\lemma{1.4} If $V$ is a semistable torsion free sheaf on $E$ with $\mu (V) =
0$, then
$h^0(V) \leq \operatorname{rank} V.$
\proof Argue by induction on $\operatorname{rank}V$. If
$\operatorname{rank} V = 1$ and $h^0(V) \geq 1$, then there exists a
nonzero map $\scrO_E\to V$, and since
$\mu (\scrO_E) = \mu (V)$, this map must be an isomorphism. Thus
$h^0(V) = 1$. In general, if $\operatorname{rank}V = n+1$ and
$h^0(V) \neq 0$, choose a nonzero map
$\scrO_E \to V$. Since $V$ is semistable, the cokernel $Q$ of this map is
torsion free and thus is also semistable, with $\mu (Q) =0$. Since the rank
of $Q$ is $n$, by induction we have $h^0(V) \leq 1 + h^0(Q) \leq n+1$.
Returning to the proof of (1.3), we see that in all cases
$$h^0(F^{i+1}/F^i) \leq \max(\mu _0(I),
1)\operatorname{rank}(F^{i+1}/F^i).$$ Summing over $i$ gives the statement
of (1.3).
We continue with the proof of Theorem 1.2. There is the map
$$ev\colon H^0(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0))\otimes_\Cee\scrO_E \to V\otimes
\scrO_E(p_0).$$ Let $I$ be its image. By construction
$I$ is a subsheaf of a locally free sheaf and hence is torsion free. Also,
by construction the map $H^0(I) \to H^0(V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0))$ is an
isomorphism, and thus
$h^0(I) = n$. Since $V\otimes
\scrO_E(p_0)$ is semistable and
$\mu (V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)) = 1$, we have $\mu _0(I) \leq 1$. Thus, by
(1.3), $n = h^0(I) \leq \operatorname{rank} I \leq n$, and so
$\operatorname{rank} I = n$. Equivalently, the image of $ev$ is equal to
$V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)$ at the generic point. From this, the remaining
statements in Theorem 1.2 are clear.
\demo{Proof of Theorem \rom{1.1}} Let us first show that $V$ has a
Jordan-H\"older filtration as described. The proof is by induction on the
$n$ of
$V$. If $n=1$, there is nothing to prove. For arbitrary $n$, we shall show
that there exists a nonzero map $\lambda \to V$, where $\lambda$ is a rank
one torsion free sheaf of degree at least zero. By semistability, the
degree of
$\lambda$ is exactly zero and $V/\lambda$ is torsion free. We can then apply
induction to $V/\lambda$.
The proof of Theorem 1.2 above shows that, if
$V$ is a semistable torsion free sheaf of rank $n$ and degree zero, then
there is an injective map
$\scrO_E^{\oplus n}
\to V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)$ whose image has rank $n$. Thus there is a map
$\scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n} \to V$ whose image has rank $n$. The cokernel of
this map must be a torsion sheaf $\tau$. Note that, in case $V$ is locally
$\tau$ is supported exactly at the points in the support of $\zeta (V)$.
$\deg V=0$, $\tau \neq 0$. Choose a point $x$ in the support of $\tau$. If
$R$ is the local ring of $E$ at $x$ and $\frak m$ is the maximal ideal of
$x$, then $\tau_x$ is annihilated by some power of $\frak m$. Let $k$ be
such that $\frak m^k\tau \neq 0$ but $\frak m^{k+1}\tau =0$. Choosing a
section of
$\frak m^k\tau$ produces a subsheaf $\tau_0$ of $\tau$ which is isomorphic
$\Cee_x$, in other words is isomorphic to $R/\frak m$ as an $R$-module.
Let $V_0\subseteq V$ be the inverse image of $\tau _0$. Then $V_0$
corresponds to an extension of $\Cee_x$ by $\scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n}$, and
hence to an extension class in
$$\Ext^1(\Cee_x, \scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n}) \cong H^0(Ext^1(\Cee_x,
\scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n}) \cong \Ext^1_R(R/\frak m, R^n).$$ The ring $R$ is
a Gorenstein local ring of dimension one, and so $\Ext^1_R(R/\frak m, R)
\cong \Cee$. (Of course, this could be verified directly for the local
rings $R$ under consideration.) In fact, if $x$ is a smooth point of $E$
and $t$ is a local parameter at $x$, then the unique nontrivial extension
of $R/\frak m$ by $R$ corresponds to the exact sequence
$$0 \to R @>{\times t}>> R \to R/\frak m \to 0,$$ whereas if $x$ is a
singular point then the nontrivial extension is given by
$$0 \to R \to \tilde R \to R/\frak m \to 0.$$ Let $\xi$ be the extension
class corresponding to $V_0$ in
\scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n}) \cong \Ext^1_R(R/\frak m, R^n) \cong \Cee^n.$$ In
the local setting, let $M$ be the $R$-module corresponding to $V_0$, and
suppose that we are given an extension
$$0\to R \to N \to R/\frak m \to 0,$$ with a corresponding extension class
$\eta \in \Ext^1_R(R/\frak m, R)$ and a homomorphism $f\: R\to R^n$ such
that $f_*(\eta) =\xi$. By a standard result, there is a homomorphism $N\to
M$ lifting $f$, viewed as a homomorphism
$R\to M$. In particular, this says that the image of $R$ in $M$ is
contained in a strictly larger rank one torsion free $R$-module.
Returning to the global situation, let $\lambda$ be the unique nontrivial
extension of $\Cee_x$ by $\scrO_E(-p_0)$, and let $\eta$ be the
corresponding extension class, well-defined up to a nonzero scalar. Thus
$\lambda$ is a rank one torsion free sheaf of degree zero. Since
\scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n})$ is generated by its global sections, there
exists a homomorphism
$f\: \scrO_E(-p_0)\to \scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n}$ such that the image of
$\eta$ under $f_*$ in
$\Ext^1(\Cee_x, \scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n})$ is $\xi$. Then the inclusion
$\scrO_E(-p_0)\to \scrO_E(-p_0)^{\oplus n} \to V_0 \to V$ factors through a
nonzero map $\lambda \to V$, necessarily an inclusion with torsion free
cokernel. Thus we have proved the existence of the Jordan-H\"older
filtration by induction.
By using the fact that $\Ext^1(\lambda, \lambda') =0$ if
$\lambda\neq \lambda'$, an easy argument left to the reader shows that
$V(\lambda)\neq 0$ if and only if $\Hom (V,\lambda) \neq 0$ if and only if
$\Hom (\lambda, V)\neq 0$. Thus we can always arrange that, if $\lambda$ is
a sheaf appearing as one of the quotients in Theorem 1.1, then there exists
a filtration for which $\lambda =F^0$ is the first such sheaf which
appears, and also one for which
$\lambda = F^n/F^{n-1}$ is the last such sheaf which appears.
Fix a rank one torsion free sheaf $\lambda$ of degree zero, and let
$V'(\lambda)$ be the sum of all subsheaves of $V$ which have a filtration
by rank one torsion free sheaves of degree zero which are not isomorphic to
$\lambda$. Let $V(\lambda) = V/V'(\lambda)$. Clearly $V(\lambda)$ is a
torsion free semistable sheaf, such that all of the quotients in a
Jordan-H\"older filtration of $V$ are isomorphic to $\lambda$. Again using
$\Ext^1(\lambda, \lambda') =0$ if
$\lambda\neq \lambda'$, one checks that $\Ext^1(V(\lambda), V'(\lambda))
=0$. Thus, by induction on the rank, $V$ is isomorphic to the direct sum of
the $V(\lambda)$. This concludes the proof of Theorem 1.1.
The construction of Theorem 1.2 works well in families.
\theorem{1.5} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic, and let $S$ be a scheme or
analytic space. Let $\Cal V$ be a rank $n$ vector bundle over $S\times E$
such that on each slice $\{s\}\times E$,
$\Cal V$ restricts to a semistable vector bundle $V_s$ of trivial
determinant. Then there exists a morphism $\Phi\: S \to |np_0| = \Pee
^{n-1}$ such that, for all
$s\in S$, we have $\Phi(s)=\zeta(V_s)$. In particular, if $V$ and $V'$ are
restricted $S$-equivalent, then $\zeta (V) =\zeta (V')$.
\proof Let $p_1, p_2$ be the projections from $S\times E$ to $S$ and
$E$. To construct a morphism from $S$ to $|np_0|$ we shall construct a
homomorphism $\Psi\colon p_1^*L_0 \to p_1^*L_1\otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(np_0)$,
where $L_0,L_1$ are line bundles on $S$, with the property that the
restriction of
$\Psi$ to each slice $\{s\}\times E$ determines a nonzero section of
$\scrO_E(np_0)$ (which is thus well-defined mod scalars), agreeing with
$\wedge^nev$. The map $\Psi$ is defined in the next lemma.
\lemma{1.6} The sheaf
$p_1{}_*(\Cal V \otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0))$ is a locally free sheaf of rank
$n$ on $S$. Let $L_0$ be its determinant line bundle. If $\hat\Psi\colon
p_1^*p_1{}_*(\Cal V
\otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0))\to\Cal V\otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0)$ is the
natural evaluation map, then its restriction to each slice
$\{s\}\times E$ is generically an isomorphism, agreeing with $ev$. Thus
$$\Psi=\det\hat\Psi\colon p_1^*L_0\to \det{\Cal V}\otimes
p_2^*\scrO_E(np_0)$$ has the property that its restriction to each slice
$\{s\}\times E$ is is nonzero and agrees with $\wedge^nev$.
\proof It follows from Theorem 1.2 that, if $\Cal V_s$ is the restriction
of $\Cal V$ to the slice $\{s\}\times E$, then
$h^0({\Cal V}_s\otimes \scrO_E(p_0))=n$ is independent of $s$. Standard
base change arguments \cite{10, Theorem 12.11, pp\. 290--291} show that,
even if
$S$ is nonreduced,
$p_1{}_*(\Cal V
\otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0))$ is a locally free sheaf of rank $n$ on $S$,
and the natural map $p_1{}_*(\Cal V \otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0))_s\to
H^0(V_s\otimes \scrO_E(p_0))$ is an isomorphism for every $s\in S$. Thus the
induced morphism $\hat\Psi\: p_1^*p_1{}_*(\Cal V \otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0))
\Cal V \otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0)$ is a morphism between two vector bundles
of rank $n$. Let $V_s$ be the restriction of $\Cal V$ to the slice
$\{s\}\times E$. Again by base change, the natural map $p_1{}_*(\Cal V
\otimes p_2^*\scrO_E(p_0))_s \to H^0(V_s\otimes
\scrO_E(p_0))\otimes_\Cee\scrO_E$ is surjective. The result is now
immediate from Theorem 1.2.
Next notice that since for every $s\in S$, $\det{\Cal V}|(\{s\}\times E)$
is trivial, it follows that
$\det {\Cal V}$ is isomorphic to $p_1^*L_1$ for some line bundle $L_1$ on
$S$. To complete the proof of Theorem 1.5 we need to check that the section
$\Psi(s)=\zeta(V_s)$ for all $s\in S$. This is immediate from the
corresponding statement in Theorem 1.2.
In fancier terms, Theorem 1.5 says that there is a morphism of functors
from the deformation functor of semistable vector bundles of rank $n$ and
trivial determinant on $E$ to the functor represented by the scheme
$|np_0|$. In general, this morphism is far from smooth; for example, at the
trivial bundle $\scrO_E^n$, the derivative of the morphism is identically
zero. However, if we restrict to regular semistable bundles (to be defined
in \S 1.2 below), then it will follow from (v) in Theorem 3.2 that the
derivative is always an isomorphism.
The sheaves $\lambda$ which appear as successive quotients of $V$ in
Theorem 1.1 are the {\sl Jordan-H\"older quotients\/} or {\sl
Jordan-H\"older constituents\/} of $V$. They appear with multiplicities and
the multiplicity of $\lambda$ in $V$ is independent of the choice of the
filtration. The summands $V(\lambda)$ of $V$ are canonically defined. It is
easy to see from the construction that $\zeta (V) = \sum _\lambda \zeta
(V(\lambda))$. More generally, $\zeta$ is additive over exact sequences of
semistable vector bundles of degree zero. Also, if
$\det V = \scrO_E(e-p_0)$ and $e'$ is a smooth point of $E$, then $e'$ lies
in the support of $\zeta (V)$ as a divisor in
$|(n-1)p_0 +e|$ if and only if
$\lambda =\scrO_E(e'-p_0)$ is a Jordan-H\"older constituent of $V$. Thus,
if the rank of $V(\lambda)$ is $d_\lambda$, then
$$\zeta (V) = \sum _{\lambda \neq \Cal F}d_\lambda e_\lambda + e_{\Cal
F},$$ where $\lambda \cong \scrO_E(e_\lambda -p_0)$ and $e_{\Cal F}$ is a
divisor of degree
$d_{\Cal F}$ supported at the singular point of $E$. In this way we can
associate a point of the
$n^{\text{th}}$ symmetric product of
$E$ with such a $V$: namely
$$\sum_{\lambda\neq \Cal F}
\operatorname{rank}(V(\lambda))e_\lambda+d_{\Cal F}\cdot s$$ where
$\lambda\cong\scrO_E(e_\lambda-p_0)$ and $s\in E$ is the singular point.
Note that there is a morphism $|np_0| \to \Sym ^nE$, which is a closed
embedding if $E$ is smooth, or more generally away from the elements of
$|np_0|$ whose support meets the singular point of $E$.
Suppose that $E$ is smooth. Since a degree zero line bundle on $E$ is
identified with a point of
$E$ via the correspondence $\lambda \mapsto q$ if $\lambda\cong
\scrO_E(q-p_0)$, the map which assigns to a semistable bundle
$V$ the unordered $n$-tuple of its Jordan-H\"older quotients, including
multiplicities, is the same as the map assigning to
$V$ an unordered $n$-tuple $\zeta(V)$ of points of $E$, i.e., a point
$$\zeta(V)\in\underbrace{(E\times \cdots \times E)}_{\text{$n$
times}}/{\frak S}_n,$$ where ${\frak S}_n$ is the symmetric group on $n$
letters. If $\zeta(V)=(e_1,\ldots,e_n)$, then the condition that the
determinant of $V$ is trivial means that
$\sum_{i=1}^ne_i=0$ in the group law of $E$, or equivalently that the
divsior $\sum_{i=1}^ne_i$ is linearly equivalent to $np_0$. Thus, the
unordered $n$-tuple
$(e_1,\ldots,e_n)$ associated to
$V$ can be identified with a point in the complete linear system $|np_0|$,
and this point is exactly $\zeta (V)$.
An important difference in case $E$ is singular is that, while a point of
$|np_0|$ determines a point on the symmetric $n$-fold product of $E$, in
general it contains more information at the singular point than just its
multiplicity. Thus, the function $\Phi$ should be viewed not as a point in
the $n$-fold symmetric product but as a point in the linear system
$|np_0|$. For example, if $E$ is nodal and $n>2$, then an element of
$|np_0|$ supported entirely at the singular point corresponds to a
hyperplane in $\Pee^{n-1}$ meeting the image of $E$ embedded by the complete
linear system $|np_0|$ just at the singular point. As such, it is specified
by two positive integers $a$ and $b$ with $a+b = n$, the orders of contact
of the hyperplane with the two branches of $E$ at the node.
\ssection{1.2. Regular bundles over a Weierstrass cubic.}
Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic. Every semistable bundle is of the form
$$V\cong \bigoplus_\lambda V(\lambda)$$ where $\lambda$ ranges over the
isomorphism classes of rank one torsion free sheaves on
$E$ of degree zero. Let us first analyze
$V(\lambda)$ in case
$\lambda$ is a line bundle. If $V(\lambda)$ is a semistable bundle with the
property that all Jordan-H\"older quotients of $V$ are isomorphic to
$\lambda$, or in other words
$H^0(\lambda'\otimes V(\lambda))=0$ for all
$\lambda'\not=\lambda^{-1}$, then the associated graded to every
Jordan-H\"older filtration of $V(\lambda)$ is a direct sum of line bundles
isomorphic to
$\lambda$. Of course, one possibility for $V(\lambda)$ is the split one:
$$V(\lambda)\cong\lambda ^{\oplus r}.$$ At the other extreme we have the
maximally non-split case:
\lemma{1.7} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic, possibly singular. For each
natural number
$r>0$ and each line bundle
$\lambda$ of degree zero there is a unique bundle $I_r(\lambda)$ up to
isomorphism with the following properties:
\item"{(i)}" the rank of $I_r(\lambda)$ is $r$.
\item"{(ii)}" all the Jordan-H\"older quotients of $I_r(\lambda)$ are
isomorphic to $\lambda$.
\item"{(iii)}" $I_r(\lambda)$ is indecomposable under direct sum.
\endroster Furthermore, for all $r>0$ and all line bundles $\lambda$,
$I_r(\lambda)$ is semistable,
$I_r(\lambda)\spcheck = I_r(\lambda^{-1})$, $\det I_r(\lambda)=\lambda ^r$,
$\dim \Hom (I_r(\lambda), \lambda)=\dim \Hom (\lambda, I_r(\lambda))=1$.
\proof We first construct the bundle $I_r=I_r(\scrO_E)$ by induction on
$r$. For $r=1$ we set $I_r=\scrO_E$. Suppose inductively that we have
constructed $I_{r-1}$ with the properties given in the lemma. Suppose in
addition that
$H^0(I_{r-1})\cong\Cee$. Since the degree of $I_{r-1}$ is zero, it follows
$H^1(I_{r-1})\cong\Cee$ and hence there is exactly one non-trivial
extension, up to scalar multiples, of the form
$$0\to I_{r-1}\to I_r\to \scrO_E\to 0.$$ One checks easily all the
inductive hypotheses for the total space of this extension. This proves
the existence of $I_r$ for all $r>0$. Uniqueness is easy and is left to the
We define $I_r(\lambda)=I_r\otimes\lambda$. The statements of (1.7) are
then clear.
The bundle $I_r(\lambda)$ has an increasing filtration by subbundles
isomorphic to $I_k(\lambda)$, $k\leq r$. We denote this filtration by
$$\{0\} \subset F_1I_r(\lambda) \subset \cdots \subset F_rI_r(\lambda) =
I_r(\lambda),$$ and refer to $F_iI_r(\lambda)$ as the {\sl $i^{\text{th}}$
filtrant\/} of
$I_r(\lambda)$. When the bundle is clear from the context, we denote the
subbundles in this filtration by $F_i$. Notice that $F_t\cong I_t(\lambda)$
and that
$I_r(\lambda)/F_{r-t}\cong I_t(\lambda)$.
Let us note some of the basic properties of the bundles
\lemma{1.8} Let $J$ be a proper degree zero subsheaf of $I_r(\lambda)$.
Then $J$ is contained in $F_{r-1}$. In fact, $J = F_t$ for some $t<r$.
\proof By the semistability of $I_r(\lambda)$, $I_r(\lambda)/J$ is a nonzero
semistable torsion free sheaf of degree zero. Clearly all of its
Jordan-H\"older quotients are isomorphic to $\lambda$. In particular there
is a nonzero map
$I_r(\lambda)/J \to \lambda$. The composition $I_r(\lambda)\to
I_r(\lambda)/J \to
\lambda$ defines a nonzero map from $I_r(\lambda)$ to $\lambda$ containing
$J$ in its kernel. By (1.7), there is a unique such nonzero map mod
scalars, and its kernel is $F_{r-1}$. Thus $J\subseteq F_{r-1}$. Applying
induction to the inclusion $J\subseteq F_{r-1}\cong I_{r-1}(\lambda)$, we
see that $J = F_t$ for some
Our next result is that the filtration is canonical, i.e., invariant under
any automorphism of $I_r(\lambda)$.
\corollary{1.9} If $\varphi\colon I_r(\lambda)\to I_r(\lambda)$ is a
homomorphism, then, for all
$i\le r$,
$$\varphi(F_i)\subseteq F_i.$$ It follows that if $\varphi$ is an
automorphism, then for all $i$ we have $\varphi(F_i)=F_i$. More generally,
if $\varphi\colon I_r(\lambda)\to I_t(\lambda)$ is a homomorphism, then
$$\varphi(F_s(I_r(\lambda)))\subseteq F_s(I_t(\lambda)).$$
\proof It suffices to prove the last statement. By the semistability of
$I_r(\lambda)$ and $I_t(\lambda)$, $\varphi(F_s(I_r(\lambda)))$ is a degree
zero subsheaf of $I_t(\lambda)$ of rank at most $s$. Thus it is contained in
\lemma{1.10} Fix $0\le t\le r$ and let $q_{r,t}\colon I_r(\lambda)\to
I_t(\lambda)$ be the natural quotient map. Then $q_{r,t}$ induces a
surjective homomorphism from the endomorphism algebra of
$I_r(\lambda)$ to that of $I_t(\lambda)$. A similar statement holds for the
automorphism groups. Finally, as a $\Cee$-algebra, $\Hom(I_r(\lambda),
I_r(\lambda)) \cong \Cee[t]/(t^r)$.
\proof That $q_{r,t}$ induces a map on endomorphism algebras is immediate
from (1.9). Let us show that it is surjective. We might as well assume that
$t=r-1>0$ since the other cases will then follow by induction. Let
$A\colon I_{r-1}(\lambda)\to I_{r-1}(\lambda)$ be an endomorphism. Since
the map $q_{r,r-1}\colon I_r(\lambda)\to I_{r-1}(\lambda)$ induces the zero
map on $\Hom(\lambda,\cdot)$, it follows by duality that the map
$q_{r,r-1}^* \colon \Ext^1(I_{r-1}(\lambda), \lambda)\to
\Ext^1(I_r(\lambda), \lambda)$ is zero. Hence the composition $A\circ
q_{r,r-1}\colon I_r(\lambda)\to I_{r-1}(\lambda)$ lifts to a map $\hat
A\colon I_r(\lambda)\to I_r(\lambda)$. Thus the restriction map on
endomorphism algebras is surjective. To see the statement on automorphism
groups, suppose that
$A$ is an isomorphism. We wish to show that $\hat A$ is an isomorphism.
To see this, perform the construction for $A^{-1}$ as well, obtaining a map
$\widehat{A^{-1}}\colon I_r(\lambda)\to I_r(\lambda)$. The composition
$B=\widehat{A^{-1}}\circ \hat A\colon I_r(\lambda)\to I_r(\lambda)$
projects to the identity on $I_{r-1}(\lambda)$. This means that
$B-\operatorname{Id}\colon I_r(\lambda)\to F_{1}(I_\lambda))$. Since
$r>1$, this map is nilpotent, and hence
$B=\operatorname{Id}+(B-\operatorname{Id})$ is an isomorphism.
Finally we prove the last statement. Let $A_r\: I_r(\lambda) \to
I_r(\lambda)$ be any endomorphism defined by a composition
$$I_r(\lambda) \twoheadrightarrow I_{r-1}(\lambda) \hookrightarrow
I_r(\lambda).$$ Note that $A_r^r =0$ and that the restriction of $A_r$ to
$I_r(\lambda)/F_1\cong I_{r-1}(\lambda)$ is of the form $A_{r-1}$. Suppose
by induction that $\Hom (I_{r-1}(\lambda), I_{r-1}(\lambda))
=\Cee[A_{r-1}]$. Then every endomorphism $T$ of $I_r(\lambda)$ is of the
form $T = p(A_r) + T'$, where $p$ is a polynomial of degree at most $r-2$
in $A_r$ and $T'$ induces the zero map on $I_r(\lambda)/F_1$. In this case
$T'$ is given by a map from $I_r(\lambda)$ to $F_1$, necessarily zero on
$F_{r-1}$, and it is easy to check that $T'$ must in fact be a multiple of
$A_r^{r-1}$. Thus $\Hom (I_r(\lambda), I_r(\lambda)) =\Cee[A_r] \cong
We need to define an analogue of $I_r(\lambda)$ in case the Jordan-H\"older
quotients are all isomorphic to the non-locally free sheaf $\Cal F$. We
say that a semistable degree zero bundle
$I(\Cal F)$ concentrated at the singular point of $E$ is {\sl strongly
indecomposable} if $\Hom(I(\Cal F),{\Cal F})\cong\Cee$. Notice that since
$\Hom(V(\Cal F),\Cal F)\not= 0$ for any non-trivial semistable bundle
$V(\Cal F)$ concentrated at the singular point, it follows that if
$I(\Cal F)$ is strongly indecomposable, then it is indecomposable as a
vector bundle in the usual sense. However, the converse is not true: there
exist indecomposable vector bundles which are not strongly indecomposable.
It is natural to ask if every vector bundle supported at $\Cal F$ is an
extension of strongly indecomposable bundles. Unlike the smooth case, it is
also not true that $I(\Cal F)$ is determined up to isomorphism by its rank
and the fact that it is strongly indecomposable. Nor is it true that
$I(\Cal F)$ always has a unique filtration with successive quotients
isomorphic to $\Cal F$. As we shall show in Section 3, $I(\Cal F)$ is
determined up to isomorphism by its rank and the point $\zeta(I(\Cal F))$.
There is the following analogue for $I(\Cal F)$ of (1.8):
\lemma{1.11} Suppose that $I(\Cal F)$ is strongly indecomposable. Let
$\rho\: I(\Cal F)\to \Cal F$ be a nonzero homomorphism, unique up to scalar
multiples, and let $X=\Ker\rho$. If $J$ is a proper degree zero subsheaf
of $I(\Cal F)$, then $J$ is contained in $X$.
\proof Let $J\subset I(\Cal F)$ be a subsheaf of degree zero. The quotient
$Q=I(\Cal F)/J$ must be torsion-free, for otherwise $J$ would be contained
in a larger subsheaf $\hat J$ of the same rank and bigger degree,
contradicting the semistability of $I(\Cal F)$. This means that
$Q$ is semistable of degree zero. Clearly, it is concentrated at the
singular point. Thus, there is a nontrivial map $Q\to {\Cal F}$. By the
strong indecomposability of $I(\Cal F)$, the composition $I(\Cal F)\to Q\to
{\Cal F}$ is some nonzero multiple of $\rho$. In particular, the kernel of
this composition is $X$. This proves that $J\subset X$.
\definition{Definition 1.12} Let $V$ be a semistable bundle with trivial
determinant over a Weierstrass cubic. We say that $V$ is {\sl regular} or
{\sl maximally nonsplit\/} if,
$$V\cong \bigoplus_iI_{r_i}(\lambda_i)\oplus I(\Cal F)$$ where the
$\lambda_i$ are pairwise distinct line bundles and
$I(\Cal F)$ is a strongly indecomposable bundle concentrated at the
singular point.
For $E$ smooth, Atiyah proved \cite{1} that every vector bundle $V$, all of
whose Jordan-H\"older quotients are isomorphic to $\lambda$, can be written
as a direct sum $\bigoplus _iI_{r_i}(\lambda)$. The argument carries over
to the case where
$E$ is singular, provided that $\lambda$ is a line bundle $\scrO_E(e-p_0)$.
Thus, in this case there is a unique regular bundle $V$ of rank $r$ such
that the support of $\zeta(V)$ is $e$. More generally, given a divisor $e_1+
\cdots + e_n\in |np_0|$ supported on the smooth points, there is a unique
regular semistable rank $n$ vector bundle $V$ of trivial determinant over
$E$ such that $\zeta(V)=(e_1,\ldots,e_n)$. An analogue of Atiyah's theorem
for the singular points has been established by T. Teodorescu \cite{12}. In
this paper, we shall show in Section 3 that, given a Cartier divisor $D$ in
$|np_0|$ whose support is the singular point, then there is a unique
regular semistable rank $n$ vector bundle
$V$ of trivial determinant such that $\zeta (V) = D$.
Regular bundles have an extremely nice property: Their automorphism groups
have minimal possible dimension. We shall show this for smooth $E$ in the
next lemma. To put this property in context, let us consider first the
centralizers of elements in $GL_n(\Cee)$. The centralizer of any element
has dimension at least $n$. Elements in $GL_n(\Cee)$ whose centralizers
have dimension exactly $n$ are said to be {\sl regular} elements. Every
element in $GL_n(\Cee)$ is
$S$-equivalent to a unique regular element up to conjugation. Here two
elements $A,B\in GL_n(\Cee)$ are said to be $S$-equivalent if every
algebraic function on $GL_n(\Cee)$ which is invariant under conjugation
takes the same value on $A$ and $B$. Said another way, $A$ and $B$ are
$S$-equivalent if there is an element
$C\in GL_n(\Cee)$ which is in the closure of the orbits of both $A$ and $B$
under the conjugation action of $GL_n(\Cee)$ on itself. From our point of
view regular bundles are the analogue of regular elements. In fact, for a
smooth elliptic curve $E$, one way to construct a holomorphic vector bundle
$E$ is to fix an element $u$ in the Lie algebra of $SL_n(\Cee)$. Define a
holomorphic connection on the trivial bundle
$$\overline\partial_u=\overline\partial+ud\overline z$$ where
$\overline\partial$ is the usual operator on the trivial bundle. If $u$ is
close to the origin in the Lie algebra, then the automorphism group of this
new holomorphic bundle will be the centralizer of $u$ in $GL_n(\Cee)$. In
particular, this bundle will be regular and have trivial determinant if
and only if
$U=\operatorname{exp}(u)$ is a regular element in $SL_n(\Cee)$. For
example, if $U$ is a regular semisimple element of $SL_n(\Cee)$ then the
corresponding vector bundle over $E$ will be a sum of distinct line bundles
of degree zero. More generally, the decomposition of $U$ into its
generalized eigenspaces will correspond to the decomposition of $V$ into
its components $V(\lambda)$. Clearly, $S$-equivalent elements of
$GL_n(\Cee)$ yield $S$-equivalent bundles.
Here is the analogue of the dimension statements for vector bundles over a
smooth elliptic curve.
\lemma{1.13} Let $V$ be a semistable rank $n$ vector bundle over a smooth
elliptic curve $E$.
\item"{(i)}" $\dim \Hom (V,V) \geq n$.
\item"{(ii)}" $V$ is regular if and only if $\dim \Hom (V,V) = n$. In this
case, if $V = \bigoplus _iI_{d_i}(\lambda _i)$, then the
$\Cee$-algebra $\Hom (V,V)$ is isomorphic to $\bigoplus
_i\Cee[t]/(t^{d_i})$. In particular, $\Hom (V,V)$ is an abelian
\item"{(iii)}" $V$ is regular if and only if, for all line bundles
$\lambda$ of degree zero on $E$, $h^0(V\otimes \lambda ^{-1})\leq 1$.
\proof It is easy to check that $\Hom(V(\lambda), V(\lambda ')) \neq 0$ if
and only if $\lambda = \lambda '$, and (using Corollary 1.9 and Lemma 1.10)
that $\Hom(I_d, I_d) \cong
\Cee[t]/(t^d)$. The statements (i) and (ii) follow easily from this and from
Atiyah's theorem. To see (iii), note that, for a line bundle $\mu$ of
degree zero,
$V(\mu)$ is regular if and only if
$h^0(V(\mu) \otimes \mu ^{-1}) = 1$, which implies that $h^0(V\otimes
\lambda ^{-1})\leq 1$ for all $\lambda$ since $h^0(V(\mu) \otimes \lambda
^{-1}) = 0$ if $\lambda \neq \mu$.
We will prove a partial analogue of (ii) in Lemma 1.13 for singular
curves in Section 3.
Very similar arguments show:
\lemma{1.14} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic and let $V$ be a semistable
rank $n$ vector bundle over $E$. Then $V$ is regular if and only if, for
every rank one torsion free sheaf $\lambda$ of degree zero on $E$, $\dim
\Hom (V, \lambda)\leq 1$. Moreover, suppose that $V$ is regular and that
$\Cal S$ is a semistable torsion free sheaf of degree zero on $E$. Then
$\dim\Hom (V, \Cal S) \leq
\operatorname{rank}\Cal S$.
\section{2. The spectral cover construction.}
In this section we shall construct families of regular semistable bundles
over a smooth elliptic curve $E$. The main result is Theorem 2.1, which
gives the basic construction of a universal bundle over
$|np_0|\times E$, where $|np_0|\cong \Pee^{n-1}$ is the coarse moduli space
of the last section. We prove that the restriction of the universal bundle
to every slice is in fact regular, and that every regular bundle occurs in
this way. By twisting by a line bundle on the spectral cover, we construct
all possible families of universal bundles (Theorem 2.4) and show how they
are all related by elementary modifications. In Theorem 2.8, we generalize
this result to families of regular semistable bundles parametrized by an
arbitrary base scheme. In case $E$ is singular, we establish slightly
weaker versions of these results. Most of this material will be redone from
a different perspective in the next section. Finally, we return to the
smooth case and give the formulas for the Chern classes of the universal
{\bf Throughout this section, unless otherwise noted, $E$ denotes a smooth
elliptic curve with origin $p_0$.}
\ssection{2.1. The spectral cover of $|np_0|$.}
Let $E^{n-1}$ be embedded in $E^n$ as the set of $n$-tuples $(e_1,
\dots, e_n)$ such that $\sum _ie_i = 0$ in the group law on $E$, or
equivalently, such that the divisor $\sum _ie_i$ on $E$ is linearly
equivalent to $np_0$. The natural action of the symmetric group
$\frak S_n$ on $E^n$ thus induces an action of $\frak S_n$ on
$E^{n-1}$. As we have seen, the quotient $E^{n-1}/\frak S_n$ is naturally
the projective space $|np_0| \cong
\Pee ^{n-1}$. View $\frak S_{n-1}$ as the subgroup of $\frak S_n$ fixing
$n$, and let $T= E^{n-1}/\frak S_{n-1}$. Corresponding to the inclusion
$\frak S_{n-1}\subset \frak S_n$ there is a morphism $\nu \: T
\to \Pee ^{n-1}$ which realizes $T$ as an $n$-sheeted cover of $\Pee
^{n-1}$. Here $\nu$ is unbranched over
$e_1+ \dots + e_n\in |np_0|$ if and only if the $e_i$ are distinct. The
branch locus of $\nu$ in $\Pee ^{n-1}$ is naturally the dual hypersurface
to the elliptic normal curve defined by the embedding of $E$ in the dual
projective space (except in case $n=2$, where it corresponds to the four
branch points of the map from $E$ to $\Pee ^1$). The map $\nu\: T\to
|np_0|$ is called {\sl the spectral cover of
$|np_0|$}. We will discuss the reason for this name later.
The sum map $(e_1, \dots, e_n) \mapsto -\sum _{i=1}^{n-1}e_i$ is a
surjective homomorphism from $E^n$ to $E$, and its restriction to $E^{n-1}$
is again surjective, with fibers invariant under $\frak S_{n-1}$. Thus
there is an induced morphism
$r\: T \to E$. In fact, $r(e_1,
\dots, e_n) = e_n$ and
$$F_e=r^{-1}(e) = \{\, (e_1, \dots, e_{n-1}, e): \sum _{i=1}^{n-1}e_i + e =
np_0\,\},$$ modulo the obvious $\frak S_{n-1}$-action. Thus the fiber of
$r$ over $e$ is the projective space $|np_0-e|$, of dimension $n-2$.
Globally, $T$ is the projectivization of the rank
$n-1$ bundle $\Cal E$ over $E$ defined by the exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cal E \to H^0(E; \scrO_E(np_0)) \otimes _\Cee \scrO_E \to
\scrO_E(np_0) \to 0,$$ where the last map is evaluation and is surjective
$\scrO_E(np_0)$ is generated by its global sections. The fiber of
$r$ over a point $e\in E$ consists of those sections of
$\scrO_E(np_0)$ vanishing at $e$, and the corresponding projective space is
just $|np_0 - e|$. We see that there is an induced morphism on projective
$$g\: \Pee \Cal E \to \Pee \left(H^0(E;\scrO_E( np_0)) \otimes _\Cee
\scrO_E\right) = |np_0| \times E \cong
\Pee ^{n-1} \times E,$$ such that $g$ is a closed embedding of $T$ onto
the incidence divisor in $|np_0| \times E$, and that $r$ is just the
composition of this morphism with the projection $|np_0|\times E \to E$.
Clearly $\nu$ is the composition of the morphism
$g\: \Pee \Cal E \to |np_0| \times E$ with projection to the first factor,
or equivalently $g=(\nu, r)$. Given
$e\in E$, let $F_e = r^*e$ be the fiber over $e$ and let $\zeta$ be the
divisor class corresponding to $c_1(\scrO_T(1))$, viewing $T$ as $\Pee \Cal
E $. Since
$\Cal E$ sits inside the trivial bundle, it follows that $\zeta = g^*\pi
_1^*h$, where
$h = c_1(\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(1))$, and thus $\zeta = \nu ^*h$. Note also
that each fiber $F_e$ of $T= \Pee \Cal E \to E$ is mapped linearly into
the corresponding hyperplane $H_e = |np_0 - e|$ of
$\Pee ^{n-1} = |np_0|$ consisting of divisors containing $e$ in their
support. Thus as divisor classes
$\nu _*[F_e] = h$.
There is a special point $\bold o = \bold o_E= np_0 \in |np_0|$. (In terms
of regular semistable bundles, $\bold o$ corresponds to $I_n$.) It is one
of the
$n^2$ points of ramification of order $n$ for the map $T\to |np_0|$,
corresponding to the $n$-torsion points of $E$.
\ssection{2.2. A universal family of regular semistable bundles.}
Next we turn to the construction of a universal family of regular
semistable bundles $E$. It will be given by a bundle $U_0$ over
$|np_0|\times E$. Over
$E^{n-1}\times E$, we have the diagonal divisor
$$\{\, (e_1, \dots, e_n, e): e = e_n, \sum _{i=1}^ne_i = 0\,\},$$ which is
invariant under the $\frak S_{n-1}$-action and so descends to a divisor
$\Delta$ on $T\times E$, which is the graph of the map $r\colon T\to E$. .
Note that $\Delta \cong T$ and that
$$\Delta = (r\times \Id)^*\Delta _0,$$ where
$\Delta _0$ is the diagonal $\{\, (e, e): e\in E\,\}$. Let $G = T\times
\{p_0\}$. Then the divisor $\Delta - G$ has the property that its
restriction to a slice
$\{(e_1, \dots, e_{n-1}, e_n)\}\times E$ can be identified with the line
bundle $\scrO_E(e_n - p_0)$. We define ${\Cal L}_0\to T\times E$ to be the
line bundle $\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta - G)$, and we set
$$U_0=\left(\nu\times\operatorname{Id}\right)_*{\Cal L}_0.$$
\theorem{2.1} Let $E$ be a smooth elliptic curve. The sheaf $U_0$ over
$|np_0|\times E$ constructed above is a vector bundle of rank $n$. For
each $x\in |np_0|$ the restriction of
$U_0$ to $\{x\}\times E$ is a regular semistable bundle $V_x$ with trivial
determinant and with the property that $\zeta(V_x)=x$.
Since $\nu\times\operatorname{Id}$ is an $n$-sheeted covering of smooth
varieties, it is a finite flat morphism and hence $U_0$ is a vector bundle
of rank $n$. If
$\{(e_1, \dots, e_{n-1}, e_n)\}$ is not a branch point of $\nu$, or in other
words if the $e_i$ are pairwise distinct, then
$U_0 = (\nu\times \Id)_*\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta - G)$ restricts over the
$\{(e_1, \dots, e_{n-1}, e_n)\}\times E$ to a bundle isomorphic to the
direct sum
$$\bigoplus_{e_i}{\Cal L}_0|\{e_i\}\times E $$ which is clearly isomorphic
$$\scrO_E(e_1 - p_0) \oplus \cdots \oplus \scrO_E(e_n - p_0).$$ This shows
that for a generic point $s\in |np_0|$ the restriction
$U_0|\{s\}\times E$ is as claimed: it is the unique regular semistable
bundle with the given Jordan-H\"older quotients.
In general, consider a point $x\in |np_0|$ of the form $\sum _{i=1}^\ell
r_ie_i$, where the $e_i\in E$ and the $r_i$ are positive integers with
$\sum _ir_i = n$. We claim that the Jordan-H\"older quotients of the
corresponding bundle are
$\scrO_E(e_i-p_0)$, with multiplicity $r_i$. The preimage of $x$ in $T$
consists of $\ell$ points $y_1, \dots, y_\ell$, each of multiplicity $r_i$.
Viewing $T$ as the incidence correspondence in $\Pee^{n-1}\times E$, the
point $y_i$ corresponds to $\left(\sum _{i=1}^\ell r_ie_i, e_i\right)$. If
$R = \scrO_T/\frak m_x\scrO_T$ is the coordinate ring of the fiber over
$x$, then
$R$ is the product of $\ell$ local rings $R_i$ of lengths $r_1, \dots,
r_\ell$. It clearly suffices to prove the following claim.
\claim{2.2}In the above notation, $\Cal L_0\otimes R_i$ has a filtration
all of whose successive quotients are isomorphic to
$\lambda_i$ where $\lambda_i\cong\scrO_E(e_i-p_0)$. In particular, the
restriction of $U_0$ to this slice is semistable and has determinant
$\lambda ^{r_i}$.
\proof The ring $R_i$ has dimension $r_i$ and is filtered by ideals whose
successive quotients are isomorphic to $\Cee_{y_i}$. Thus $\Cal L_0\otimes
R_i$ is filtered by subbundles whose quotients are all isomorphic to the
line bundle $\Cal L_0|\{y_i\}\times E$. But by construction this
restriction is $\scrO_E(e_i-p_0)$.
At this point, we have seen that $U_0$ is a family of semistable bundles on
$E$ whose restriction to every fiber has trivial determinant and with the
``correct" Jordan-H\"older quotients. It remains to show that $U_0$ is a
family of regular bundles over $E$.
\claim{2.3} The restriction of $U_0$ to every slice $\{e\}\times E$ is
\demo{Proof of the claim} To see that the restriction to each slice is
regular, note that a semistable $V$ of degree $0$ on $E$ is regular if and
only if, for all line bundles $\lambda$ on $E$ of degree zero,
$h^0(V\otimes \lambda ^{-1})\leq 1$. By Riemann-Roch on $E$,
\lambda ^{-1}) = h^1(V\otimes \lambda ^{-1})$. Thus we must show that
$h^1(V\otimes \lambda ^{-1})\leq 1$.
First we calculate $R^1\pi _1{}_*(U_0\otimes \pi _2^*\lambda ^{-1})$, where
$\pi _1\:
\Pee ^{n-1} \times E\to \Pee^{n-1}$ is the projection to the first factor.
Let $q_1\: T\times E \to T$ be the first projection. Consider the diagram
$$\CD T\times E @>{\nu \times \Id}>> \Pee ^{N-1} \times E\\ @V{q_1}VV
@VV{\pi _1}V\\ T @>{\nu}>> \Pee ^{n-1}.
\endCD$$ Since $\nu$ and $\nu \times \Id$ are affine, we obtain
$$R^1\pi _1{}_*\left[(\nu \times \Id)_*\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G)
\pi _2^*\lambda ^{-1}\right] =
\nu _*R^1q_1{}_*\left[\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta - G ) \otimes q_2^*
\lambda ^{-1}\right].$$ Now apply flat base change to the Cartesian diagram
$$\CD T\times E @>{r \times \Id}>> E \times E\\ @V{q_1}VV @VV{p _1}V\\ T
@>{r}>> E.
\endCD$$ We have $\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G) = (r\times
\Id)^*\scrO_{E\times E}(\Delta _0 - (E \times \{p_0\}) )$, and thus the
$R^1q_1{}_*\left[\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G) \otimes q_2^* \lambda
^{-1}\right]$ is isomorphic to
$$r^*R^1p_1{}_*\left[\scrO_{E\times E }(\Delta _0 -( E \times
\{p_0\}) )\otimes p_2^* \lambda ^{-1}\right].$$ Rrestricting to the slice
$\{e\}\times E$, we see that
$$R^1p_1{}_*\left(\scrO_{E\times E }(\Delta _0 - (E \times
\{p_0\}))\otimes p_2^* \lambda ^{-1}\right)$$ is supported at the point
$e$ of $E$ corresponding to the line bundle $\lambda$ (i\.e\.
$\lambda =
\scrO_E(e-p_0)$), and the calculation of
\cite{6}, Lemma 1.19 of Chapter 7, shows that the length at this point is
one. Thus taking
$r^*$ gives the sheaf $\scrO_{F_e}$, and $\nu_*\scrO_{F_e}=
\scrO_{H_e}$, where
$H_e$ is a reduced hyperplane in $\Pee ^{n-1}$. Thus we have seen that
$R^1\pi _1{}_*(U\otimes \pi _2^*\lambda ^{-1})$ is (up to twisting by a
line bundle)
$\scrO_{H_e}$, where $H_e$ is the hyperplane in $\Pee ^{n-1}$ corresponding
$|np_0 - e|$. Since $\pi_1$ has relative dimension one, $R^2\pi _1
\pi _2^*\lambda ^{-1})=0$. It follows by the theorem on cohomology and base
change \cite{10} Theorem 12.11(b) that the map
$R^1\pi _1 {}_*(U\otimes \pi _2^*\lambda ^{-1})\to H^1(V\otimes
\lambda ^{-1})$ is surjective, and thus $h^1(V\otimes \lambda ^{-1})\leq 1$
as desired.
\ssection{2.3. All universal families of regular semistable bundles.}
We have constructed a bundle $U_0$ over $|np_0|\times E$ with given
restriction to each slice. Our next goal is to understand all such bundles.
\theorem{2.4} Let $E$ be a smooth elliptic curve. Let $\pi_1\colon
|np_0|\times E\to |np_0|$ be the projection onto the first factor, and let
$U_0$ be the bundle constructed in Theorem \rom{2.1}. Then:
\item"{(i)}" The sheaf $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)$ is a locally free sheaf
of algebras of rank
$n$ over $|np_0|$ which is isomorphic to $\nu _*\scrO_T$.
\item"{(ii)}" Let $U'$ be a rank $n$ vector bundle over $|np_0|\times E$
with the following property. For each $x\in |np_0|$ the restriction of
$U'$ to $\{x\}\times E$ is isomorphic to the restriction of $U_0$ to
$\{x\}\times E$. Then $U'=(\nu \times
\Id)_*\left[\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta-G)\otimes q _1^*L\right]$ for a
unique line bundle $L$ on $T$.
\proof In view of Claim 2.3 and the definition of a regular bundle, $\pi
_1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)$ is a locally free sheaf of algebras of rank $n$ over
$|np_0|$. To see that it is isomorphic to $\nu _*\scrO_T$, note that
multiplication by functions defines a homomorphism
$\nu _*\scrO_T \to \pi _1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)$ which is clearly an inclusion of
algebras. Since both sheaves of algebras are rank $n$ vector bundles over
$\Pee^{n-1}$, they agree at the generic point of
$|np_0|$. Thus, over every affine open susbet of $|np_0|$ the rings
corresponding to $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)$ and $\nu _*\scrO_T$ are two
integral domains with the same quotient fields. Since
$T$ is normal and
$\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)$ is finite over $\nu _*\scrO_T$ (since it is finite
$\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}$), the two sheaves of algebras must coincide. This
proves (i).
Now suppose that $U'$ satisfies the hypotheses (ii) of (2.4). By base
change $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$ is a locally free rank
$n$ sheaf over $|np_0|$. Composition of homomorphisms induces the structure
of a
$\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)$-module on $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$. Thus
$\pi _1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$ corresponds to a $\nu_*\scrO_T$-module. We claim
that, as an
$\scrO_T$-module, $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$ is locally free rank of rank one.
To see this, fix a point $x$ in $|np_0|$ and let $V', V$ be the vector
bundles corresponding to the restrictions of $U', U_0$ to the slice
$\{x\}\times E$. Of course, by hypothesis $V'$ and $V$ are isomorphic.
Choose an isomorphism
$s\: V'\to V$ and extend it to a local section of $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$
in a neighborhood of $x$, also denoted $s$. The map $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)
\to \pi _1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$ defined by multiplying against the section $s$
is then surjective at $s$, and hence in a neighborhood. Viewing both sides
as locally free rank $n$ sheaves over $|np_0|$, the map is then a local
isomorphism. But this exactly says that $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$ is a
locally free $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_0,U_0)$-module of rank one. Thus $\pi
_1{}_*Hom(U',U_0)$ corresponds to a line bundle on
$T$, which we denote by $L^{-1}$. Of course, for any line bundle $M$ on
$$U_0[M] = (\nu \times
\Id)_*\left[\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta-G)\otimes q _1^*M\right].$$ we have
\pi _1{}_*Hom (U', U_0[M]) &= \pi _1{}_*(\nu \times \Id)_*Hom((\nu
\times \Id)^*U', \scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta-G)\otimes q _1^*M))\\
&=\nu _*q_1{}_*\left[q_1^*M\otimes Hom((\nu \times \Id)^*U',
\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta-G))\right]\\ &= \nu _*\left[M\otimes q_1{}_*
Hom((\nu \times \Id)^*U', \scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta-G))\right],
\endalign$$ The case $M=\scrO_T$ tells us that, as $\nu_*\scrO_T$-modules,
$$\nu_*L^{-1}=\pi_1{}_*Hom (U', U_0)= \nu _*\left[q_1{}_* Hom((\nu \times
\Id)^*U', \scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta-G))\right].$$ Hence, we have
$$\pi _1{}_*Hom (U', U_0[M]) =\nu_*(M\otimes L^{-1}).$$ Taking $M=L$ we have
$$\pi _1{}_*Hom (U', U_0[L]) \cong\nu_*\scrO_T.$$ Via this identification,
the section $1\in H^0(\scrO_T)$ then defines an isomorphism from $U'$ to
$U_0(L)$, as claimed.
In view of the previous result, we need to describe all line bundles on
$T$. Since $T$ is a $\Pee^{n-2}$ bundle over $E$, we have:
\lemma{2.5} The projection mapping $r\colon T\to E$ induces an injection
$$r^*\Pic E\to \Pic T.$$ If $n=2$, $r$ is an isomorphism and thus $\Pic
T\cong \Pic E$. For $n> 2$, since
$T$ is included in $\Pee \Cal E \subset \Pee^{n-1}\times E$, we can define
by restriction the line bundle
$\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(1)|T=\scrO_T(1)$ on $T$. Then
$$\Pic T =r^*\Pic E\oplus \Zee[\scrO_T(1)].
\qquad \qed$$
In view of Lemma 2.5, we make the following definition. For $p\in E$, let
$F_p\subset T$ be the divisor which is the preimage of $p$.
\definition{Definition 2.6} For every integer $a$, let $U_a =(\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G - a(F_{p_0}\times E))$. More generally,
given $e\in E$, define
$$U_a[e] = (\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G - (a+1)(F_{p_0}\times E)+(F_e\times
E)).$$ Thus $U_a[p_0] = U_a$. By Lemma 2.5, every vector bundle obtained
from $U_0$ by twisting by a line bundle on the spectral cover is of the
form $U_a[e]\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(b)$ for some $b\in \Zee$ and
$e\in E$. (For $n=2$, we have the relation $\nu ^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1) =
\scrO_E(2p_0)$, and thus $U_a\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{1}}(b)\cong
The next lemma says that the $U_a$ are all elementary modifications of each
\lemma{2.7} Let $H =\nu(F_{p_0})$ be the hyperplane in $\Pee^{n-1} =|np_0|$
of divisors whose support contains $p_0$, and let $i\: H \to \Pee^{n-1}$ be
the inclusion. Then there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to U_a \to U_{a-1} \to (i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H\times E} \to 0.$$
Moreover $\dim \Hom (U_{a-1}|H\times E, \scrO_{H\times E}) = 1$, so that
the above exact sequence is the unique elementary modification of this
type. Likewise,
$U_a[e]$ is given as an elementary modification:
$$0 \to U_{a+1} \to U_a[e] \to (i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H_e\times E}\otimes
\to 0.$$
\proof Consider the exact sequence
$$\gather 0 \to \scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G - a(F_{p_0}\times E)) \to \\
\to \scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G - (a-1)(F_{p_0}\times E))\to
\scrO_{F_{p_0}\times E }(\Delta - G - (a-1)(F_{p_0}\times E))\to 0.
\endgather$$ Clearly the restriction of the line bundle $\scrO_{T\times E
}(F_{p_0}\times E)$ to $F_{p_0}\times E$ is trivial, and $G$ and $\Delta$
both restrict to the divisor
$F_{p_0}\times \{p_0\}\subset F_{p_0}\times E$. Hence the last term in the
above sequence is
$\scrO_{F_{p_0}\times E }$. Applying $(\nu\times \Id)_*$ to the sequence
gives the exact sequence of (2.7). For $V$ a bundle corresponding to a
point of $H$, $\dim \Hom(V, \scrO_E) = 1$. Thus $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_a|H\times
E, \scrO_{H\times E})$ is a line bundle on $H$. The given map $U_a|H\times
E \to \scrO_{H\times E}$ constructed above is an everywhere generating
section of this line bundle, so that $\pi _1{}_*Hom(U_a|H\times E,
\scrO_{H\times E})$ is trivial and $\dim \Hom (U_a|H\times E,
\scrO_{H\times E}) = 1$.
The proof of the exact sequence relating $U_{a+1}$ and $U_a[e]$ is similar.
In fact, suppose that we have an elementary modification
$$0 \to U' \to U_a \to \scrO_{D\times E}\otimes \pi _2^*\lambda \to 0,$$
where $D$ is a hypersurface in $|np_0|$ and $\lambda$ is a line bundle of
degree zero on $E$. Then it is easy to check that necessarily $D=H_e$ for
some $e$ and
$\lambda =\scrO_E(e-p_0)$. Of course, it is also possible to make elementary
modifications along certain hyperplanes corresponding to taking higher rank
quotients of $U_a$.
\ssection{2.4. Families of bundles over more general parameter spaces.}
Now let us examine in what sense the bundles $U\to |np_0|\times E$ that we
have constructed are universal.
\theorem{2.8} Let $E$ be a smooth elliptic curve and let $S$ be a scheme or
analytic space. Suppose that
${\Cal U}\to S\times E$ is a rank $n$ holomorphic vector bundle whose
restriction to each slice $\{s\}\times E$ is a regular semistable bundle
with trivial determinant. Let $\Phi\colon S\to |np_0|$ be the morphism
constructed in Theorem \rom{1.5}. Let $\nu_S\colon\tilde S\to S$ be the
pullback via
$\Phi$ of the spectral covering $T\to |np_0|$\rom:
$$\tilde S=S\times_{|np_0|}T,$$ and let $\tilde\Phi\colon \tilde S\to T$ be
the map covering
$\Phi$. Let $q_1\colon \tilde S\times E\to \tilde S$ be the projection onto
the first factor.
Then there is a line bundle ${\Cal M}\to \tilde S$ and an isomorphism of
$\Cal U$ with
\left((\tilde\Phi\times \Id)^*(\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta-G))\otimes
q_1^*{\Cal M}\right).$$
\proof By construction the bundle
$$(\nu_S\times\operatorname{Id})_* (\tilde\Phi\times \Id)^*(\scrO_{T\times
E}(\Delta-G))$$ is a family of regular semistable bundles with trivial
determinant $E$, which fiber by fiber have the same Jordan-H\"older
quotients as the family ${\Cal U}$. But regular semistable bundles are
determined up to isomorphism by their Jordan-H\"older quotients. This means
that the two families are isomorphic on each slice
$\{s\}\times E$. Now the argument in the proof of Theorem 2.4 applies to
establish the existence of the line bundle $\Cal M$ on the spectral
covering $\tilde S$ as required.
We can also construct the spectral cover
$\tilde S$ of $S$ directly. This construction will also the explain the
origin of the name {\sl spectral cover\/}. If $p_1, p_2$ are the
projections of $S\times E$ to the first and second factors, then by
standard base change results $p_1{}_*Hom (\Cal U, \Cal U)$ is a locally
free sheaf of coherent
$S$-algebras. Moreover, by the classification of regular semistable
bundles, it is commutative. Thus there is a well-defined space
$\tilde S=\bold{Spec}\,p_1{}_*Hom (\Cal U, \Cal U)$ and a morphism $\nu\:
\tilde S \to S$ such that $\scrO_{\tilde S} = p_1{}_*Hom (\Cal U,
\Cal U)$. It is easy to check directly that $\tilde S = S\times
_{|np_0|}T$. By construction, there is an action of
$\scrO_{\tilde S}$ on
$\Cal U$ that commutes with the action of $\scrO_E$, and thus $\Cal U$
corresponds to a coherent sheaf
$\Cal L$ on $\tilde S \times E$. Again by the classification of regular
semistable bundles, it is straightforward to check directly that $\Cal L$
is locally free of rank one. Clearly,
$(\nu\times \Id)_*\Cal L = \Cal U$.
We can view Theorem 2.8 as allowing us to replace a family of possibly
non-regular, semistable bundles with trivial determinant on $E$ with a
family of regular semistable bundles without changing the Jordan-H\"older
quotients on any slice.
Suppose that ${\Cal V}\to S\times E$ is any family of semistable bundles
with trivial determinant over $E$. We have the map $\Phi\colon S\to
|np_0|$ of Theorem 1.5, and
$(\Phi\times \operatorname{Id})^*U_0\to S\times E$ is a family of regular
semistable bundles with the same Jordan-H\"older quotients as ${\Cal V}$
along each slice $\{s\}\times E$. Of course, the new bundle will not be
isomorphic to ${\Cal V}$ (even after twisting with a line bundle on the
spectral cover) unless the original family is a family of regular bundles.
\ssection{2.5. The case of singular curves.}
There is an analogue of these constructions for singular curves. Let $E$
be a Weierstrass cubic. The constuction given at the beginning of this
section is valid in this context and produces a $\Pee^{n-2}$-bundle
$T=\Pee\Cal E$ over $E$ and an $n$-fold covering map $\nu\colon T\to
|np_0|$. By the description of $T$ as $\Pee\Cal E$, the projection $T\to
\Pee^{n-1}$ is a finite flat morphism.
Let $\Omega\subset |np_0|$ be the Zariski open subset of all divisors whose
support does not contain the singular point of $E$, and let
$T_\Omega\subset T$ be $\nu^{-1}(\Omega)$. We denote by $\nu_\Omega$ the
restriction of
$\nu$ to $T_\Omega$. It is a finite surjective morphism of degree $n$
between smooth varieties. As before, we have the divisor $\Delta\subset
T\times E$. We denote by $\Delta_\Omega\subset T_\Omega\times E$ the
restriction of $\Delta$ to this open subset. We form the line bundle
$${\Cal L}_0^\Omega=\scrO_{T_\Omega\times E}(\Delta_\Omega-G),$$ where $G$
is the divisor $T_\Omega\times \{p_0\}$. Let $U_0^\Omega$ be the sheaf
\operatorname{Id})_*({\Cal L}_0^\Omega)$ over $\Omega\times E$. It is a
vector bundle of rank $n$. The arguments in the proof of Claim 2.3 apply in
this context and show that $U_0^\Omega$ is a family of regular bundles on
$E$ parametrized by $\Omega$.
The arguments in the proof of Theorem 2.4 apply to yield the following
\proposition{2.9} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic. Let $\Omega\subset
|np_0|$ be the Zariski open subset defined in the previous paragraph.
Let $\pi^\Omega_1\colon \Omega\times E\to \Omega$ be the projection onto
the first factor, and let
$U_0^\Omega=(\nu_\Omega\times \operatorname{Id})_*{\Cal L}_0^\Omega$ be the
bundle over $\Omega\times E$ constructed in the previous paragraph. Then:
\item"{(i)}" The sheaf $(\pi_1^\Omega)_* Hom(U_0^\Omega,U_0^\Omega)$ is a
locally free sheaf of algebras of rank
$n$ over $\Omega\subset |np_0|$ which is isomorphic to $\nu
\item"{(ii)}" Let $U'$ be a rank $n$ vector bundle over $\Omega\times E$
with the following property. For each $x\in \Omega$ the restriction of
$U'$ to $\{x\}\times E$ is isomorphic to the restriction of $U_0$ to
$\{x\}\times E$. Then $U'=(\nu_\Omega \times
\Id)_*\left[\scrO_{T_\Omega\times E }(\Delta_\Omega-G)\otimes q
_1^*L\right]$ for a unique line bundle $L$ on $T_\Omega$.
In Section 3, we shall show how to extend this construction over the
singular points of $E$.
\ssection{2.6. Chern classes.}
Finally, we return to the case where $E$ is smooth and give the Chern
classes of the various bundles over $|np_0|\times E$ in case $E$ is
smooth. The proof of (2.10) will be given in the next section, and we will
prove the remaining results assuming (2.10).
\proposition{2.10} Identify $h \in H^2(\Pee ^{n-1})$ with its pullback to
$\Pee ^{n-1} \times E$. Then the total Chern class $c(U_0)$ and the Chern
character $\ch(U_0)$ of $U_0$ are given by the formulas\rom:
$$\align c(U_0) &= (1-h+ \pi _2^*[p_0]\cdot h)(1-h)^{n-2}\\
\ch U_0 &= ne^{-h} + (1- \pi _2^*[p_0])(1- e^{-h}).
Once we have (2.10), we can calculate the Chern classes of all the universal
\proposition{2.11} Let $U_a$ and $U_a[e]$ be defined as in \rom{(2.6)}. Let
$h$ be the class of a hyperplane in $\Pic\Pee^{n-1}$, which we also view by
pullback as an element of $\Pic (\Pee^{n-1}\times E)$.
\item"{(i)}" $c(U_a) = (1-h+ \pi _2^*[p_0]\cdot h)(1-h)^{a+n-2}$.
\item"{(ii)}" $\ch (U_a\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b)) =
ne^{(b-1)h} + (1-a- \pi _2^*[p_0])(e^{bh}- e^{(b-1)h})$.
\item"{(iii)}" $\det U_a[e] = -(a+n-1)h$.
\item"{(iv)}" Let $\tilde c_2$ denote the refined Chern class of a vector
bundle in the Chow group
$A^2(\Pee^{n-1}\times E)$. Let $A^2_0(\Pee^{n-1}\times E)$ be the subgroup
$A^2(\Pee^{n-1}\times E)$ of all cycles homologous to zero, so that
$A^2_0(\Pee^{n-1}\times E) \cong E$. Then
$$\tilde c_2(U_a[e]\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b)) - \tilde
c_2(U_a\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b)) = e$$ as an element of
$A^2_0(\Pee^{n-1}\times E) \cong E$.
\proof By (2.7),
$$c(U_a) = c(U_{a-1})c((i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H\times E})^{-1}$$ and likewise
$$\ch U_a = \ch U_{a-1} - \ch ((i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H\times E}).$$ Using
the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}\times E}(-H\times E) \to \scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}\times
E} \to (i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H\times E} \to 0,$$ we have
$$\align c((i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H\times E}) &= (1-h)^{-1};\\
\ch ((i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H\times E}) &= 1-e^{-h}.
\endalign$$ A little manipulation, starting with (2.10), gives (i) and
(ii). To see (iii), note that by construction $\det U_a[e]$ is the
pullback of a class in $\Pic\Pee^{n-1}$. Moreover, it is independent of the
choice of $e\in E$. Thus we may as well take
$e=p_0$, in which case $U_a[p_0]=U_a$. In this case, the result is
immediate from (i). (iv) follows by using the elementary modification
relating $U_a[e]$ and
Note that
$$c_1\left(U_a\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b))\right) = 0$$ if and
only if $a-1 = n(b-1)$. A natural solution to this equation is $a=b=1$.The
bundle $U = U_1\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b) = (\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta - G -(F_{p_0}\times E))$ is singled out in
this way as
$(\nu \times \Id)_*\Cal P$, where $\Cal P$ is the pullback to
$T\times E$ of the symmetric line bundle $\scrO_{E\times E }(\Delta _0 -
\{p_0\}\times E -f\times \{p_0\})$, which is a Poincar\'e line bundle for
$E\times E$. In this case $\ch U = n + \pi _2^*[p_0](1- e^h)$. Moreover,
one can check that $c_1(U) = 0$ and $c_k(U) =(-1)^kh^{k-1}\pi _2^*[p_0]$
for $k\geq 2$.
It is easy to check that, for $n>2$, $U_a\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee
^{n-1}}(b) = U_{a'}\otimes
\pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b')$ if and only if $a=a'$ and $b=b'$. It is
also possible to vary
$aF$ within its algebraic equivalence class, which is a family isomorphic
to $E$, and this difference is detectable by looking at
$c_2\left(U_a\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b)\right)$ in the Chow
$A^2(\Pee ^{n-1}\times E)$. More precisely, we have the following:
\proposition{2.12} Given two vector bundles $U' =(\nu\times
\Id)_*\left(\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G )\otimes M'\right)$ and $U''
\Id)_*\left(\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta - G )\otimes M''\right)$, where $M'$
$M''$ are line bundles on
$E$, then $U'$ and $U''$ are isomorphic if and only if they have the same
Chern classes as elements of $A^*(\Pee ^{n-1}\times E)$.
\proof For simplicity, we shall just consider the case $n>2$. Using the
notation of (2.6) and the description of $\Pic T$, it suffices to show
that, if the Chern classes of
$U_a[e]\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b)$ and of $U_{a'}[e']\otimes \pi
_1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b')$ are equal in the Chow ring, then $a=a', b=b'$,
and $e=e'$. Following the above remarks, the Chern classes of
$U_a[e]\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(b)$ in rational cohomology,
which are of course the same as those of $U_a\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee
^{n-1}}(b)$, determine $a$ and $b$ (use $c_3$ to find $b$ and $c_1$ to find
$a$). By (iii) of (2.11), the class $\tilde c_2$ then determines $e$.
\section{3. Moduli spaces via extensions.}
In this section we shall describe a completely different approach to
constructing universal bundles over $\Pee ^{n-1}\times E$. The idea here is
to consider the space of extensions of fixed (and carefully chosen) bundles
over $E$. From this point of view the projective space is the projective
space of the relevant extension group, which is {\it a priori\/} a very
different animal from $|np_0|$. We shall show however (Proposition 3.13)
that this projective space is naturally identified with $|np_0|$. There are
several reasons for considering this alternative approach. First of all it
works as well for singular curves as for smooth ones, so that the
restrictions of the last section to smooth curves or to bundles
concentrated away from the singularities of a singular curve can be
removed. Also, this method works well for a family of elliptic curves, not
just a single elliptic curve. Lastly, this approach has a natural
generalization to all holomorphic principal bundles with structure group
an arbitrary complex simple group $G$, something which so far is not clear
for the spectral cover approach. The generalization to $G$-bundles is
discussed in \cite{8}. The disadvantange of the approach of this section is
that it constructs some but not all of the families that the spectral cover
approach gives. The reason is that from this point of view one cannot see
directly the analogue of twisting by a general line bundle on the spectral
cover to produce the general family of regular bundles.
The main results of this section are as follows. In Theorem 3.2, we
consider the set of relevant extensions and show that every such extension
is a regular semistable bundle with trivial determinant. Conversely, every
regular semistable bundle with trivial determinant arises as such an
extension. In the construction of bundles of rank $n$ over $E$ we must
choose an integer $d$ with
$1\le d<n$. We show that constructions for different $d$ are related to one
another (Proposition 3.11 and Theorem 3.12). Next, we compare the extension
moduli space, which is a
$\Pee^{n-1}$, to the coarse moduli space which is $|np_0|$. We find a
natural cohomological identification of these two projective spaces
(Theorem 3.13) and check that it corresponds to the morphism $\Phi$ of
Section 1 (Proposition 3.16). Next we show how the universal bundles
defined via the extension approach lead to the spectral covers of Section 2
(Theorem 3.21). In this way, we can both identify the universal bundles
constructed here with those constructed via spectral covers (Theorem 3.23
and Corollary 3.24), and extend the spectral cover construction to the case
of a singular $E$.
{\bf Throughout this section, $E$ denotes a Weierstrass cubic with origin
\ssection{3.1. The basic extensions.} We begin by recalling a result,
essentially due to Atiyah, which produces the basic bundles for our
\lemma{3.1} For each $d\geq 1$, there is a stable bundle
$W_d$ of rank $d$ on $E$ whose determinant is isomorphic to
$\scrO_E(p_0)$. It is unique up to isomorphism. For every rank one torsion
free sheaf $\lambda$ of degree zero, $h^0(W_d\otimes \lambda )=1$ and
\lambda )=0$.
\proof We briefly outline the proof. An inductive construction of
$W_d$ is as follows: set $W_1 =\scrO_E(p_0)$. Assume inductively that
$W_{d-1}$ has been constructed and that
$h^0(W_{d-1}) = 1$. It then follows by Riemann-Roch that
$h^1(W_{d-1}) = 0$, and thus that $h^0(W_{d-1}\spcheck) = 0$,
$h^1(W_{d-1}\spcheck) = 1$. We then define $W_d$ by taking the unique
nonsplit extension
$$0 \to \scrO_E \to W_{d} \to W_{d-1} \to 0.$$ By construction $W_d$ has a
filtration whose successive quotients, in increasing order, are
$\scrO_E, \dots,
\scrO_E$, $\scrO_E(p_0)$, and such that all of the intermediate extensions
are not split. It is the unique bundle with this property. An easy
induction shows that
$W_d$ is stable. To see this, note that $W_d$ is stable if and only if
every proper subsheaf $J$ of $W_d$ has degree at most zero. But if $J$ is a
proper subsheaf of
$W_d$ of positive degree, then the image of $J$ in $W_{d-1}$ also has
positive degree, and hence
$J\to W_{d-1}$ is surjective. But since the rank of $J$ is at most $d-1$,
the projection of $J$ to
$W_{d-1}$ is an isomorphism. This says that $W_d$ is a split extension of
$W_{d-1}$ by $\scrO_E$, a contradiction. Thus $W_d$ is stable.
The uniqueness statement is clear in the case of rank one. Now assume
inductively that we have showed that, for $d<n$, every stable bundle of
rank $d$ whose determinant is isomorphic to $\scrO_E(p_0)$ is isomorphic to
$W_d$. Let $W$ be a stable bundle of rank $n$ such that $\det W =
\scrO_E(p_0)$. By stability, $h^1(W) = \dim \Hom (W, \scrO_E) = 0$, and so
$h^0(W) = 1$. If $\scrO_E \to W$ is the map corresponding to a nonzero
section, then by stability the cokernel $Q$ is torsion free. An argument as
in the proof that $W_d$ is stable shows that
$Q$ is stable. If $E$ is smooth, then $Q$ is automatically locally free.
$E$ is singular, Lemma 0.4 implies that $W$ is locally isomorphic to
\scrO_E$. Thus, if $W$ is locally free, then $Q$ is locally free as well.
Once we know that
$Q$ is locally free, we are done by induction.
To see the final statement, first note that, since $\deg (W_d\otimes
\lambda )=1$, we have by definition that
$$h^0(W_d\otimes \lambda ) - h^1(W_d\otimes \lambda ) = 1.$$ It will thus
suffice to show that $h^1(W_d\otimes \lambda ) = 0$. By Serre duality,
$$h^1(W_d\otimes \lambda )=\dim \Hom (W_d\otimes \lambda , \scrO_E) =\dim
\Hom(W_d, \lambda\spcheck).$$ Since $\lambda\spcheck$ is also a rank one
torsion free sheaf of degree zero, $\Hom(W_d, \lambda\spcheck) =0$ by
\remark{Exercise} We have defined $\Cal E$ in the previous section as the
$n-1$ vector bundle which is the kernel of the evaluation map
$H^0(\scrO_E(np_0))\otimes \scrO_E \to \scrO_E(np_0)$. Show that
$$\Cal E \cong W_{n-1}\spcheck \otimes \scrO_E(-p_0).$$
Now we are ready to see how extensions of the $W_d$ can be used to make
regular semistable bundles.
\theorem{3.2} Let $V$ be an extension of the form
$$0 \to W_d\spcheck \to V \to W_{n-d} \to 0.$$ Then:
\item"{(i)}" $V$ has trivial determinant
\item"{(ii)}" $V$ is semistable if and only if the above extension is not
split. In this case $V$ is regular.
\item"{(iii)}" Suppose that $V$ is semistable, i\.e\. that the above
extension is not split. Then $\dim
\Hom (V,V) = n$ and $\Hom(V,V)$ is an abelian $\Cee$-algebra. Moreover,
every homomorphism
$W_d\spcheck \to V$ is of the form $\phi
\circ \iota$, where $\phi \in \Hom (V,V)$ and $\iota$ is the given inclusion
$W_d\spcheck \to V$. If $V$ and $V'$ are given as extensions as above, then
$V$ and $V'$ are isomorphic if and only if their extension classes in
$\Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck)$ are multiples of each other.
\item"{(iv)}" If $V$ is a regular semistable vector bundle of rank $n>1$
with trivial determinant, then $V$ can be written as an extension as above.
\item"{(v)}" If $V$ is a nontrivial extension of $W_{n-d}$ by
$W_d\spcheck$, and
$ad(V)$ is the sheaf of trace free endomorphisms of $V$, then $H^0(ad(V))
\Ker\{\, \Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_{n-d})\to H^1(Hom (W_d\spcheck,
\Cee\,\}$ and $H^1(ad(V)) \cong \Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck)/\Cee\xi$, where
$\xi$ is the extension class corresponding to $V$.
\proof (i) This is clear since
$\det W_d \cong\det W_{n-d}$.
\noindent (ii) If $V$ is unstable, let $W$ be the maximal destabilizing
subsheaf. Then $W$ is stable of positive degree and rank $r$ for some
$r< n$. Since $\Hom (W, W_d\spcheck) = 0$, the induced map
$W \to W_{n-d}$ is nonzero. Now it is easy to see by the stability of
$W_s$ that if there is a nonzero map
$W \to W_s$, where $W$ has positive degree and rank $r$, then $r\geq s$,
and every nonzero such map is surjective. (From this it follows in
particular that, for $r\geq s$, $\Hom(W_r, W_s) \cong \Hom (W_s, W_s) =
\Cee$.) If $r> n-d$, the kernel of the map $W
\to W_{n-d}$ is a subsheaf of degree at least zero of $W_d\spcheck$, and
$W_d\spcheck$ is a stable bundle of degree $-1$, the kernel is zero. Hence
$W\cong W_{n-d}$, which means that the extension is split. Conversely, if
the extension is split then $V$ is unstable.
Next we show that $V$ is regular. Since
$W_{n-d}$ is a stable bundle of degree
$1$, $\Hom (W_{n-d}, \lambda) =0$ for every rank one torsion free sheaf
$\lambda$ of degree zero. Moreover, with $\lambda$ as above,
$h^0((W_d\otimes \lambda) =
\dim \Hom (W_d\spcheck, \lambda) = 1$ by the last sentence in Lemma 3.1.
$\dim \Hom (V,\lambda)\leq 1$ for every $\lambda$ of degree zero, so that,
by (1.14), $V$ is regular.
\noindent (iii) Consider the exact sequence
$$\Hom (W_{n-d}, W_d\spcheck) \to \Hom (W_{n-d}, V) \to \Hom (W_{n-d},
\to \Ext ^1(W_{n-d}, W_d\spcheck).$$ Note that $\Hom (W_{n-d}, W_d\spcheck)
= 0$ by stability. Since $W_{n-d}$ is stable, it is simple, and so $\Hom
(W_{n-d}, W_{n-d}) =
\Cee \cdot \Id$. But the image of $\Id$ in $\Ext ^1(W_{n-d}, W_d\spcheck)$
is the extension class. Since this class is nonzero,
$\Hom (W_{n-d}, V) = 0$ as well.
Next consider the exact sequence
$$0= \Hom (W_{n-d}, V) \to \Hom (V, V) \to \Hom (W_d\spcheck, V) \to
H^1(W_{n-d}\spcheck \otimes V).$$ Since $\Hom (W_{n-d}, V) = 0$, the map
$\Hom (V, V) \to \Hom (W_d\spcheck, V)$ is an injection. Moreover, we have a
commutative diagram
$$\minCDarrowwidth{.175 in}
\Cee\cdot \Id @>>> \Hom (V,V) @>>> H^0(ad(V)) @>>> 0\\
@V{\cong}VV @VVV @VVV @.\\
\Hom(W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck) @>>> \Hom (W_d\spcheck, V) @>>> \Hom
(W_d\spcheck, W_{n-d}) @>>> H^1(Hom(W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck)).
\endCD$$ Thus we see that $H^0(ad(V)) \cong
\Ker\{\, \Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_{n-d})\to H^1(Hom (W_d\spcheck,
\Cee\,\}$ and by duality $H^1(ad(V)) \cong
\Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck)/\Cee\xi$, where
$\xi$ is the extension class corresponding to $V$. This proves (v).
Let us assume that $\dim \Hom (V,V) \geq n$, which we have already checked
in case $E$ is smooth. (We will establish this for singular curves after
proving Part (iv), as well as checking the fact that $\Hom (V,V)$ is
abelian. These results are not used in the proof of Part (iv) of the
theorem.) If we can show that $\dim \Hom (W_d\spcheck, V) = n$, then $\Hom
(V, V) \to
\Hom (W_d\spcheck, V)$ is an isomorphism, and in particular $\dim
\Hom (V,V) = n$ as well.
We compute the dimension of $\Hom(W_d\spcheck,V)$. Consider the exact
$$0 \to \Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck) \to \Hom (W_d\spcheck, V) \to
\Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_{n-d})
\to H^1(Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck)) $$ Since $W_d\spcheck$ is stable,
\Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck) = 1$. Next we claim that
$$\dim \Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_{n-d}) = h^0(W_d\otimes W_{n-d}) = n.$$
\claim{3.3} If $E$ is a Weierstrass cubic, then
$h^0(W_d\otimes W_{n-d}) = n$ and $h^1(W_d\otimes W_{n-d}) = 0$. Dually,
$h^0(W_d\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck) = 0$ and
$h^1(W_d\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck) = n$.
\proof If
$d=1$, this follows from the exact sequence
$$0 \to W_{n-1} \to W_{n-1}\otimes \scrO_E(p_0) \to (\Cee _{p_0}) ^{n-1}
\to 0,$$ together with the fact that $h^1(W_{n-1}) = 0$ by stability. The
general case follows by induction on $n$, by tensoring the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_E \to W_d \to W_{d-1}\to 0$$ by $W_{n-d}$.
By Riemann-Roch,
$h^1(Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck))=1$. Thus by counting dimensions, to
show that $\dim \Hom (W_d\spcheck, V) = n$ it will suffice to show that
$\Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_{n-d}) \to H^1(Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck))$ is
surjective. Equivalently we must show that the map from $H^1(Hom
(W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck))
\to H^1(Hom (W_d\spcheck, V))$ is zero. But this map is dual to the map
$\Hom (V, W_d\spcheck) \to \Hom (W_d\spcheck, W_d\spcheck) = \Cee
\cdot \Id$. A lifting of
$\Id$ to a homomorphism $V\to W_d\spcheck$ would split the exact sequence,
contrary to assumption. This completes the proof of all of Part (iii)
except for the last sentence.
We turn to the last statement in Part (iii). If $V$ is a split extension,
then it is unstable and so $V'$ is unstable and therefore a split extension
as well. Thus we may suppose that
$V$ and $V'$ are nontrivial extensions of the given type and that
$\psi\colon V'\to V$ is an isomorphism. Using $\psi$ to identify
$V$ and
$V'$, suppose that we are given two inclusions $\iota _1, \iota _2\:
\to V$ such that both quotients are isomorphic to $W_{n-d}$. By the first
part of (iii), there is an endomorphism
$A$ of $V$ such that $A\circ \iota _1 = \iota_2$. Since $W_{n-d}$ is
simple, the induced map on the quotient $W_{n-d}$ factors must be a
multiple $\alpha\in \Cee$ of the identity. This multiple $\alpha$ cannot
be zero, since otherwise $A$ would define a splitting of the extension
corresponding to $\iota _2$. In particular,
$A$ is an automorphism of $V$. Furthermore, we see that the extension class
$V'$ is $\alpha$ times the extension class for $V$.
This completes the proof of (iii).
To prove Part (iv) of the theorem, given a semistable $V$, we seek
subbundles of
$V$ isomorphic to $W_d\spcheck$ such that the quotient is isomorphic to
\lemma{3.4} Fix $d>0$. For any $r>0$ and any line bundle $\lambda$ of
degree zero there is a map
$$W_d\spcheck \to I_r(\lambda)$$ whose image is not contained in a proper
degree zero subsheaf of $I_r(\lambda)$. Likewise, for any strongly
indecomposable, degree zero, semistable bundle $I(\Cal F)$ concentrated at
the singular point of a singular curve, there is a map $W_d\spcheck\to
I(\Cal F)$ whose image is not contained in a proper degree zero subsheaf.
\proof We consider case of $I_r(\lambda)$ first. It suffices by (1.8) to
show that there is a map $W_d\spcheck\to I_r(\lambda)$ whose image is not
contained in
$F_{r-1}\cong I_{r-1}(\lambda)$. Tensoring the exact sequence
$$0\to I_{r-1}(\lambda)\to I_r(\lambda)\to \lambda\to 0$$ with $W_d$, we
see that there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \Hom (W_d\spcheck,I_{r-1}(\lambda))\to \Hom
\Hom (W_d\spcheck,\lambda)\to 0$$ By the last statement in (3.1), there is
a nonzero element of $\Hom (W_d\spcheck,\lambda)$, and by induction on $r$,
$H^1(W_d\otimes I_{r-1}(\lambda)) =0$. Thus there is a map
$W_d\spcheck\to I_r(\lambda)$ not in the image of a homomorphism into
Now let us consider the case of a strongly indecomposable bundle
$I(\Cal F)$. Since every semistable bundle concentrated at the singular
point is filtered with associated gradeds isomorphic to ${\Cal F}$, we have
a short exact sequence
$$0\to X\to I(\Cal F)\to {\Cal F}\to 0.$$ Direct cohomology computations as
above show that there is a map
$W_d\spcheck\to I(\Cal F)$ which has nontrivial image in the quotient
${\Cal F}$. Clearly, the image of this map is not contained in $X$. But, by
(1.11), every proper degree zero subsheaf of $I(\Cal F)$ is contained in
$X$, proving the result in this case as well.
We can generalize (3.4) to every regular semistable bundle
\corollary{3.5} Let $V$ be a regular semistable bundle and let $d$ be a
positive integer. Then there is a map $W_d\spcheck\to V$ whose image is not
contained in any proper degree zero subsheaf of $V$.
\proof This is immediate from the previous result and the fact that $V$
decomposes uniquely as a direct sum
$\bigoplus_iI_{r_i}(\lambda_i)\oplus I(\Cal F)$, where the $\lambda_i$ are
pairwise distinct line bundles of degree zero and $I(\Cal F)$ is a strongly
indecomposable bundle concentrated at the node. Since the $\lambda_i$ are
pairwise distinct, any degree zero subsheaf of $V$ is a direct sum of
subsheaves of the factors. Thus, for each summand $I_{r_i}(\lambda_i)$ or
$I(\Cal F)$, choose a map $W_d\spcheck$ to the corresponding summand whose
image is not contained in any proper degree zero subbundle of the summand.
The induced map of
$W_d\spcheck$ into the direct sum is as desired.
Note that, if instead $\lambda _i = \lambda _j$ for some $i\neq j$, then
there would exist degree zero subsheaves of the direct sum which were not a
direct sum of subsheaves of the summands, and in fact (3.5) always fails to
hold in this case.
Now let us show that the quotient of a map satisfying the conclusions of
(3.5) is
\proposition{3.6} Let $V$ be a semistable regular bundle of rank $n$ with
trivial determinant and let $\iota\: W_d\spcheck\to V$ be a map whose image
is not contained in any proper degree zero subsheaf of $V$. If the rank of
$V$ is strictly greater than $d$, then $\iota$ is an inclusion and the
quotient $V/W_d\spcheck$ is isomorphic to $W_{n-d}$. Conversely, if $\iota$
is the inclusion of $W_d\spcheck$ in $V$ so that the quotient
$V/W_d\spcheck$ is isomorphic to $W_{n-d}$, then the image of $\iota$ is
not contained in a proper subsheaf of degree zero.
\proof Let $V$ have rank $n\ge d+1$, and suppose that we have a map
$\iota\:W_d\spcheck\to V$ whose image is not contained in a proper degree
zero subsheaf of $V$. In particular,
$\iota$ is nontrivial. If $\iota$ is not injective, then by the stability of
$W_d\spcheck$, the image of $\iota$ is a subsheaf of $V$ of rank
$\leq d-1$ and degree $\geq 0$, and hence is a proper subsheaf of
$V$ of degree zero, contrary to assumption. Likewise, if the cokernel of
$\iota$ is not torsion free, then the image of $\iota$ is contained in a
proper subsheaf of $V$ whose degree is strictly larger than
$-1$, and thus the degree is at least zero. This again contradicts our
assumption about the map and the fact that the rank of $V$ is at least
$d+1$. Thus $\iota$ is injective and its cokernel $W$ is torsion free.
Using (0.4), $W$ is locally a direct summand of $V$, and thus
$W$ is locally free. It follows that $W$ is a rank
$n-d$ vector bundle whose determinant is
To conclude that the quotient $W$ is isomorphic to $W_{n-d}$, it suffices
to show that $W$ is stable. If $W$ is not stable, then there is a proper
subsheaf $U$ of
$W$ with degree at least one. Let
$U''\subset V$ be the preimage of $U$. The degree of $U''$ is at least
zero, and hence, by the semistablility of $V$ is of degree zero. Clearly,
$U''$ contains the image of $\iota$. Hence by our hypothesis on
$\iota$, $U''=V$, and consequently, $U=W$. This is a contradiction, so that
$W$ is stable.
Finally we must show that, if $V$ is written as an extension of $W_{n-d}$ by
$W_d\spcheck$, then the subbundle $W_d\spcheck$ cannot be contained in a
proper subsheaf $U$ of $V$ of degree zero. If $U$ is a such a subsheaf, then
$U/W_d\spcheck$ would be a proper subsheaf of $W_{n-d}$ of degree at least
one, contradicting the stability of $W_{n-d}$.
Corollary 3.5 and Proposition 3.6 show that any regular semistable bundle
over $E$ can be written as an extension of $W_{n-d}$ by $W_d\spcheck$.
This completes the proof of Part (iv).
Now let us return to the point in the proof of (iii) where it is claimed
$\dim \Hom (V,V) \geq n$ for all $V$ which are given as a nonsplit
extension of
$W_d$ by $W_{n-d}\spcheck$. In order to establish this result, we first
describe the space of all such extensions, which is an immediate
consequence of (3.3):
\lemma{3.7} The space $\Ext^1(W_{n-d}, W_d\spcheck) = H^1(W_{n-d}\spcheck
\otimes W_d\spcheck)$ has dimension $n$, and thus the associated projective
space is a $\Pee ^{n-1}$. \qed
By general properties, there is a universal extension
$\bold U(d;n)$ over $\Pee_d^{n-1}\times E$ of the form
$$0 \to \pi _2^*W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee_d ^{n-1}}(1)
\to \bold U(d;n) \to \pi _2^*W_{n-d} \to 0,$$ with the restriction of
$\bold U(d;n)$ restricted to any slice
$\{x\}\times E$ being isomorphic the bundle $V$ given by the line
$\Cee\cdot x\subset \Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck)$. When $n$ is clear from the
context, we shall abbreviate $\bold U(d;n)$ by $\bold U(d)$.
Next we claim that there is a nonempty open subset of $\Pee ^{n-1}_d$ such
that for $V$ a vector bundle corresponding to a point of this subset,
$\dim \Hom (V,V) = n$. In fact, suppose that $V = \bigoplus _{i=1}^n\lambda
_i$, where the
$\lambda _i$ are distinct line bundles of degree zero whose product is
trivial. By Part (iv) of the theorem, $V$ can be written as a nonsplit
extension of
$W_d$ by $W_{n-d}\spcheck$, and we have seen that $\dim \Hom (V,V) = n$. A
straightforward argument by counting dimensions shows that the set of such
$V$ is an open subset of $\Pee^{n-1}_d$; indeed, we will identify this set
more precisely in (3.17) below as corresponding to the set of all sections
in $|np_0|$ consisting of $n$ smooth points on $E$. Thus there is a
nonempty open subset of bundles $V$ such that $\dim \Hom (V,V) = n$. By
upper semicontinuity applied to the bundle $Hom(\bold U(d;n), \bold
U(d;n))$ over
$\Pee_d^{n-1}\times E$, it follows that $\dim \Hom (V,V) \geq n$ for all
$V$ corresponding to a point of $\Pee_d^{n-1}$.
Finally, we must show that $\Hom (V,V)$ is abelian. Using the universal
$\bold U(d)$ as above, we can fit together the $\Hom (V,V)$ to a rank $n$
vector bundle $\pi_1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d), \bold U(d))$, which is a coherent
sheaf of algebras over $\Pee^{n-1}$. Consider the map
$$\pi_1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d), \bold U(d))\otimes \pi_1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d),
\bold U(d)) \to \pi_1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d), \bold U(d))$$ defined by
$(A,B)\mapsto AB-BA$. Since $\Hom(V,V)$ is abelian for $V$ in a Zariski
open subset of
$\Pee^{n-1}_d$, namely those $V$ which are a direct sum of $n$ distinct line
bundles of degree zero, this map is identically zero. By base change, the
fiber of
$\pi_1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d), \bold U(d))$ at a point corresponding to $V$ is
$\Hom(V,V)$. Thus
$\Hom (V,V)$ is abelian.
The following was checked directly in Lemma 1.13 if $E$ is smooth, but is
by no means obvious in the singular case:
\corollary{3.8} Let $V$ be a regular semistable bundle of rank $n$ over a
Weierstrass cubic. Then:
\item"{(i)}" $\Hom(V,V)$ is an abelian $\Cee$-algebra of rank $n$.
\item"{(ii)}" The dual bundle $V\spcheck$ is a regular semistable bundle.
\item"{(iii)}" For all rank one torsion free sheaves $\lambda$ of rank zero
$E$, $\dim \Hom (\lambda, V) \leq 1$.
\proof The first part is immediate from Parts (iv) and (iii) of Theorem
3.2. (ii) is clear since if $V$ is a nonsplit extension of $W_{n-d}$ by
$W_d\spcheck$, then
$V\spcheck$ is a nonsplit extension of $W_d$ by $W_{n-d}\spcheck$. (iii)
follows from (ii), since $\Cal F\spcheck \cong \Cal F$ and $\Hom (\lambda,
V)\cong \Hom ( V\spcheck,\lambda\spcheck)$ for all rank one torsion free
sheaves $\lambda$.
\remark{Question} For if $V$ is a semistable bundle of degree zero whose
support is concentrated at a smooth point of $E$, then $V$ is regular if and
only if $\dim \Hom (V,V)= \operatorname{rank}V$. Does this continue to hold
at the singular point of a singular curve? For $V$ strongly indecomposable,
what is the structure of the algebra $\Hom(V,V)$?
\ssection{3.2. Relationship between the constructions for various $d$.}
For each $d$ with $1\le d<n$ we have a family of regular semistable bundles
parametrized by the projective space
$\Pee_d^{n-1}=\Pee(\Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck) )$, and given as a universal
$$0 \to \pi _2^*W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee_d ^{n-1}}(1)
\to \bold U(d) \to \pi _2^*W_{n-d} \to 0.$$ In this section we shall
identify the $\Pee_d^{n-1}$ for the various
$d$, although under this identification the bundles $\bold U(d)$ are
different for different $d$. Using the universal bundle $\bold U(d)$ and
Theorem 1.5, there is a morphism $\Pee_d^{n-1} \to |np_0|$, which is easily
checked to be of degree one and thus an isomorphism. Thus all of the
$\Pee_d^{n-1}$ are identified with $|np_0|$ and hence with each other, but
we want to find a direct identification here so as to be able to compare
universal bundles.
\lemma{3.9} Let $d,n-d\ge 1$. The natural injection
$$W_d\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck\to W_{d+1}\spcheck\otimes
W_{n-d}\spcheck $$ induces an injective map on $H^1$. The image of this
map on $H^1$ is the kernel of the map induced by the tensor products of the
$$H^1(W_{d+1}\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck)\to
H^1(\scrO_E\otimes\scrO_E)=H^1(\scrO_E).$$ The extensions $X$ of $W_{n-d}$
by $W_{d+1}\spcheck$ which are in the image of the above map are exactly
the extensions $X$ such that $\Hom (X, \scrO_E)\neq 0$.
\proof We have a short exact sequence
$$0\to W_d\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck \to W_{d+1}\spcheck\otimes
W_{n-d}\spcheck \to
\scrO_E\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck\to 0.$$ By (3.3), all the $H^0$ terms
vanish. Thus, the injectivity of the map on $H^1$ is immediate.
Furthermore, the image is identified with the kernel of the map
$$H^1(W_{d+1}\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck)\to H^1(\scrO_E\otimes
W_{n-d}\spcheck).$$ The last term is one-dimensional and the projection
$\scrO_E\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck\to \scrO_E\otimes\scrO_E$ induces an
isomorphism on $H^1$.
Finally, a bundle $X$ corresponds to an extension in the image of the map on
$H^1$'s if and only if
$X$ is the pushout of an extension of $W_{n-d}$ by $W_d\spcheck$ under the
$W_d\spcheck \to W_{d+1}\spcheck$. Thus, if $X$ is the image of an
extension $V$, the quotient of the inclusion $V\to X$ is $\scrO_E$.
Conversely, if there is a nontrivial map $X\to \scrO_E$, then the induced
map $W_{d+1}\spcheck \to \scrO_E$ is nonzero and thus surjective, and the
kernel of $X\to \scrO_E$ is then an extension $V$ of $W_{n-d}$ by
$W_d\spcheck$ such that $X$ is the pushout of $V$.
The symmetry of the situation with respect to the two factors leads
immediately to the following.
\corollary{3.10} If $n-d\ge 2$, then the natural inclusions of bundles
induce the maps
$$H^1(W_d\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck)\to H^1(W_{d+1}\spcheck\otimes
W_{n-d}\spcheck)$$ and
$$H^1(W_{d+1}\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d-1}\spcheck)\to
H^1(W_{d+1}\spcheck\otimes W_{n-d}\spcheck)$$ which are injections with the
same images. In particular, this produces a natural identification of
$\Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck)$ with
$\Ext^1(W_{n-d-1},W_{d+1}\spcheck)$, and hence of the projective spaces
$\Pee_d^{n-1}\cong \Pee_{d+1}^{n-1}$. Finally, an extension $X$ of
$W_{n-d}$ by $W_{d+1}\spcheck$ is obtained from an extension $V$ of
$W_{n-d-1}$ by
$W_{d+1}\spcheck$ via pullback if and only if $\Hom (X, \scrO_E)\neq 0$.
Now let us see how the bundles described by extensions which are identified
under this isomorphism are related.
\proposition{3.11} Let $\epsilon_d\in \Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck)$ and
$\epsilon_{d+1}\in \Ext^1(W_{n-d-1},W_{d+1}\spcheck)$ be nonzero classes
that correspond under the identification given in Corollary \rom{3.10}.
Let $V$ and $V'$, respectively, be the total spaces of these extensions.
$V$ and $V'$ are isomorphic bundles.
\proof Let $X$ be the bundle of rank $n+1$ obtained by pushing out the
extension $V$ by the map $W_d\spcheck\to W_{d+1}\spcheck$. Clearly, we have
a short exact sequence
$$0\to V\to X\to \scrO_E\to 0.$$ Similarly, let $X'$ be the rank
$n+1$-bundle obtained by pulling back the extension $V'$ along the map
$W_{n-d}\to W_{n-d-1}$. Dually, we have an exact sequence
$$0\to \scrO_E\to X'\to V'\to 0.$$ It follows easily from Theorem 3.2 that
writing $V=Y\oplus I_r(\scrO_E)$ with $H^0(Y)=0$, we have $X\cong Y\oplus
I_{r+1}(\scrO_E)$. Similarly, writing $V'=Y'\oplus I_s(\scrO_E)$ we have
$X'\cong Y'\oplus I_{s+1}(\scrO_E)$.
The fact that $\epsilon_d$ and $\epsilon_{d+1}$ are identified means that
the extensions for $X$ and $X'$ are isomorphic. In particular, $X$ and
$X'$ are isomorphic bundles. This implies that $r=s$ and that $Y$ and $Y'$
are isomorphic. But then $V$ and
$V'$ are isomorphic as well.
Notice that the isomorphism produced by the previous result is canonical on
$Y\subseteq V$ but is not canonical on the $I_r(\scrO_E)$ factor. We shall
see later that the families of bundles $\bold U(d)$ and $\bold U(d+1)$ are
not isomorphic, which means that there cannot be a canonical isomorphism in
general between corresponding bundles. In practice, this means the
following: suppose that $V$ is given as an extension of $W_{n-d}$ by
$W_d\spcheck$, with $n-d >1$. Then $W_{n-d}$ has the distinguished subbundle
isomorphic to $\scrO_E$. Let $W'$ be the preimage in $V$ of this bundle, so
$W'$ is an extension of $\scrO_E$ by $W_d\spcheck$. Then $W'\cong
W_{d+1}\spcheck$ if and only if $h^0(V) = 0$, if and only if the support of
$V$ does not contain
$\scrO_E$, but otherwise $W' \cong W_d\spcheck\oplus \scrO_E$.
The direct comparison of the extension classes given above leads to a
comparison of universal bundles.
\theorem{3.12} Let $H$ be the divisor in $\Pee^{n-1}_d$ such that, if $x\in
H$ and
$V$ is the corresponding extension, then $h^0(V) = 1$. Let $i\:H\to
\Pee^{n-1}_d$ be the inclusion. Then there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \bold U(d-1) \to \bold U(d) \to (i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{H\times E}(1)
\to 0,$$ which expresses $\bold U(d-1;n)$ as an elementary modification of
$\bold U(d;n)$. Moreover, this elementary modification is unique in an
appropriate sense.
\proof Let $H'$ be the hyperplane in $\Pee^n_d$ corresponding to the set of
extensions $X$ of $W_{n-d+1}$ by $W_d\spcheck$ such that $\Hom (X, \scrO_E)
\neq 0$. By the last statements of (3.9) and (3.10),
$H'$ is the image of
$\Pee^{n-1}_d$ in
$\Pee^n_d$ as well as the image of $\Pee^{n-1}_{d+1}$. By base change,
$\pi_1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d;n+1)|H'\times E,
\scrO_{H'\times E})$ is a line bundle on $H'$. By looking at the exact
$$\gather 0 \to Hom (\pi _2^*W_{n-d+1}, \scrO_{\Pee^n_d\times E}) \to Hom
(\bold U(d;n+1)|H'\times E,
\scrO_{\Pee^n_d\times E}) \to \\
\to Hom (\pi _2^*W_d\spcheck\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^n_d}(1),
\scrO_{\Pee^n_d\times E})\to 0,
\endgather$$ and restricting to $H'\times E$, we see that this line bundle
is $\scrO_{H'\times E}(-1)$. Thus there is a surjection
$$\bold U(d;n+1)|H'\times E \to \scrO_{H'\times E}(1).$$ We claim that the
kernel of this surjection is identified with $\bold U(d-1;n)$. In fact, if
$\bold U'$ denotes the kernel, we have a commutative diagram with exact
rows and columns
$$\minCDarrowwidth{.3 in}
\CD @. 0 @. 0 @. @.\\ @. @VVV @VVV @. @.\\ 0@>>>
\pi_2^*W_{d-1}\spcheck\otimes \scrO_{H'\times E}(1) @>>>\bold U'
@>>>\pi_2^*W_{n-d+1} @>>> 0\\ @. @VVV @VVV @| @.\\ 0@>>>
\pi_2^*W_d\spcheck\otimes \scrO_{H'\times E}(1) @>>>\bold U(d;n+1)|H'\times
E @>>>\pi_2^*W_{n-d+1} @>>> 0\\ @. @VVV @VVV @. @.\\ @. \scrO_{H'\times
E}(1) @= \scrO_{H'\times E}(1) @. @.\\ @. @VVV @VVV @. @.\\ @. 0 @. 0 @.
\endCD$$ and tracing through the diagram identifies $\bold U'$ with $\bold
U(d-1;n)$, compatibly with the identification of $H'$ with $\Pee^{n-1}_d$.
Now we can also consider the line bundle $\pi _1{}_*(\bold
U(d;n+1)|H'\times E)$. A very similar argument shows that this line bundle
is isomorphic to $\scrO_{H'}$, and that the quotient $\bold U''$ of $\bold
U(d;n+1)|H'\times E$ via the natural map
$$\scrO_{H'\times E} = \pi^*\pi _1{}_*(\bold U(d;n+1)|H'\times E) \to \bold
U(d;n+1)|H'\times E$$ is isomorphic to $\bold U(d;n)$. Putting these two
constructions together, we see that we have found
$$\bold U(d-1;n) \to \bold U(d;n+1)|H'\times E \to \bold U(d;n).$$ Away
from $H$, which is the image of $\Pee^{n-2}_d$ in $\Pee^{n-1}_d$, the
inclusion $\bold U(d-1;n) \to \bold U(d;n)$ is an equality. To summarize,
then, there is a commutative diagram
$$\CD @. @. 0 @. @.\\ @. @. @VVV @. @.\\ @. @. \bold U(d-1;n) @= \bold
U(d-1;n) @.\\ @. @. @VVV @VVV @.\\ 0@>>> \scrO_{H'\times E} @>>>\bold
U(d;n+1)|H'\times E @>>>\bold U(d;n) @>>> 0\\
@. @| @VVV @. @.\\ @. \scrO_{H'\times E} @>>> \scrO_{H'\times E}(1) @. @.\\
@. @. @VVV @. @.\\ @. @. 0 @. @.\\
\endCD$$ The map $\scrO_{H'\times E} \to \scrO_{H'\times E}(1)$ can only
vanish along $H$. Thus it vanishes exactly along $H$, and the quotient of
$\bold U(d;n)$ by $\bold U(d-1;n)$ is a line bundle supported on $H\times
E$. By what we showed above for
$\bold U(d;n+1)$, this line bundle is necessarily
$\scrO_{H\times E}(1)$. Hence we have found an exact sequence
$$0 \to \bold U(d-1;n) \to \bold U(d;n) \to (i\times \Id)_* \scrO_{H\times
E}(1) \to 0,$$ realizing $\bold U(d-1;n)$ as an elementary modification of
$\bold U(d;n)$. The uniqueness is straightforward and left to the reader.
This completes the proof of Theorem 3.12.
\ssection{3.3. Comparison of coarse moduli spaces.}
We have succeeded in identifying the $\Pee_d^{n-1}$ for the various
$d$, $1\le d<n$, in a purely cohomological way and in showing that
extension classes in different groups which are identified produce
isomorphic vector bundles. Next we wish to identify these projective spaces
with the projective space $|np_0|$ which is the parameter space of regular
semistable rank $n$ bundles with trivial determinant in the spectral cover
construction of these bundles. Of course, the existence of the bundle $\bold
U(d)$ and Theorem 1.5 give us one such identification. However, although we
shall not need this in what follows, we want to find a direct cohomological
comparison between
$\Ext^1(W_{n-d}, W_d\spcheck)$ and $H^0(\scrO_E(np_0))$. We have two
identifications: one purely cohomological and the other using the bundles to
identify the spaces. We shall show that these identifications agree.
Let us begin with the purely cohomological identification. (We will be
pedantic here about identifying various one-dimensional vector spaces with
$\Cee$ in order to carry out the discussion in families in the next
\proposition{3.13} Let $H^0_{n-1}=H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})$. It is
an $n$-dimensional vector space. Let $D=H^1(\scrO_E)$ be the dualizing line.
$$I\colon H^1(\scrO_E(-p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}\spcheck)\to
\det(H^0_{n-1})^{-1}\otimes D$$ be the composition
$$\gather H^1(\scrO_E(-p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}\spcheck) @>{S}>>
(H^0_{n-1})^*\otimes D @>{A}>> \bigwedge^{n-1}H^0_{n-1}\otimes
\operatorname{det}(H^0_{n-1})^{-1}\otimes D \to \\
@>{ev\otimes\Id\otimes\Id}>> H^0(\det(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}))\otimes
\det(H^0_{n-1})^{-1}\otimes D \\ = H^0(\scrO_E(np_0))\otimes
\det(H^0_{n-1})^{-1}\otimes D,
\endgather$$ where $S$ is Serre duality, $A$ is the map induced by taking
adjoints from the natural pairing
$$H^0_{n-1}\otimes \bigwedge^{n-1}H^0_{n-1}\to \det(H^0_{n-1}),$$
$ev$ is the map
$$ev\colon \bigwedge^{n-1}H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})\to
H^0(\bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})).$$ Then $I$ is an
\proof On general principles $S$ is an isomorphism. Since $H^0_{n-1}$ is
$n$-dimensional, the adjoint map $A$ is clearly an isomorphism. What is
less obvious that the map $ev$ is an isomorphism, which follows from the
next claim.
\claim{3.14} The evaluation map
$$ev\colon \bigwedge^{n-1}H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})\to
H^0(\bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}))$$ is an isomorphism.
\proof We prove this by induction. The case $n=2$ is clear since $ev$ is
the identity.
Assume the result for $n-1\ge 2$. There is a short exact sequence
$$0\to \scrO_E(p_0)\to \scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}\to
\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2}\to 0\tag{$*$}$$ leading to a short exact
$$0\to H^0(\scrO_E(p_0))\to H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})\to
H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2})\to 0,$$ since by (3.3) the $H^1$ terms
vanish. Since the first term has dimension one, we have a short exact
$$0\to H^0(\scrO_E(p_0))\otimes \bigwedge^{n-2}H^0_{n-2}\to
\bigwedge^{n-1}H^0_{n-1}\to \bigwedge^{n-1}H^0_{n-2}\to 0.$$
Taking determinants in ($*$) yields an isomorphism
$$\bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})\cong \scrO_E(p_0)\otimes
\bigwedge^{n-2}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2}).$$ Tensoring the inclusion
$\scrO_E\to \scrO_E(p_0)$ with
$\bigwedge^{n-2}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2})$ and using the above
isomorphism leads to a short exact sequence
$$0\to \bigwedge^{n-2}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2})\to
\bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})\to
\bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})|_{p_0}\to 0.$$ Unraveling the
definitions one sees that the map
$ev$ induces a commutative diagram, with exact columns,
$$\CD 0 @. 0\\
H^0(\scrO_E(p_0))\otimes \bigwedge^{n-2}H^0_{n-2} @>>>
H^0(\scrO_E(p_0))\otimes H^0(\bigwedge^{n-2}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes
@VVV @VVV \\
\bigwedge^{n-1}H^0_{n-1} @>{ev}>> H^0(\bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes
W_{n-1})) \\
@VVV @VVV \\
\bigwedge^{n-1}H^0_{n-2} @>{e}>> (\bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes
@VVV @VVV\\ 0 @. 0 ,
\endCD$$ and that the restriction of $ev$ to the first term is simply the
tensor product of the identity on
$H^0(\scrO_E(p_0))$ and the evaluation map, with $n-2$ replacing $n-1$. By
induction, the top horizontal map is an isomorphism.
To finish the proof of (3.14), and thus of (3.13), it suffices by the
$5$-lemma to show that $e$ is an isomorphism. Now $e$ is the $(n-1)$-fold
wedge product of a map
$$\overline{e}\colon H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2})\to
(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})|_{p_0} $$ defined as follows. For any
section $\psi$ of $\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2}$, lift to a section $\tilde
\psi$ of $\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}$, and then restrict $\tilde \psi$ to
$p_0$. Thus, it suffices to prove:
\claim{3.15} The map $\overline{e}$ described above is an isomorphism.
\proof First notice that if $\tilde \psi$ and $\tilde \psi'$ are lifts of
$\psi$ to sections of $\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}$, then they differ by a
section of $\scrO_E(p_0)\subset \scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}$. But any
section of $\scrO_E(p_0)$ vanishes at $p_0$ so that $\tilde \psi$ and
$\tilde \psi'$ have the same restriction to $p_0$. This shows that
$\overline{e}$ is well-defined. From the diagram
$$\CD @. @. 0 @. @. \\ @. @. @VVV @. @. \\ @. @. W_{n-1} @.
@. \\ @. @. @VVV @. @. \\ 0 @>>> \scrO_E(p_0) @>>> \scrO_E(p_0)\otimes
W_{n-1} @>>>
\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-2} @>>> 0, \\ @. @. @VVV @. @. \\ @. @.
\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}|_{p_0} @. @. \\ @. @. @VVV @. @. \\ @.
@. 0 @. @. \\
\endCD$$ the fact that all the $H^1$ terms vanish, and the fact that both
$H^0(\scrO_E(p_0))$ and $H^0(W_{n-1})$ are one dimensional, the claim comes
down to the statement that the images in
$H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})$ of $H^0(\scrO_E(p_0))$ and of
$H^0(W_{n-1})$ are equal. But we also have a commutative square
\scrO_E @>>> \scrO_E\otimes W_{n-1} \\ @VVV @VVV \\
\scrO_E(p_0) @>>> \scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}
\endCD$$ with the top arrow and the left arrow inducing isomorphisms on
$H^0$. Claim 3.14 and hence (3.13) now follow.
Proposition 3.13 and Corollary 3.10 have produced cohomological
isomorphisms between the extension groups
$\Ext^1(W_{n-d},W_d\spcheck)$ and $H^0(\scrO_E(np_0))$. On the other hand,
as remarked previously, from the existence of the bundle
$\bold U(d)\to
\Pee_d^{n-1}\times E$, Theorem 1.5 produces isomorphisms
$$\Phi_d\colon \Pee_d^{n-1}\to |np_0|$$ sending $x\in \Pee_d^{n-1}$ to the
point $\zeta(V_x)$, where $V$ is the the extension determined by the point
$x$. By Proposition 3.11 the identification of $\Pee_d^{n-1}$ with
$\Pee_{d+1}^{n-1}$ given in Corollary 3.10 identifies $\Phi_d$ with
$\Phi_{d+1}$. Still, it remains to compare the map $\Phi_1$ with the
projectivization of the map produced by Proposition 3.13.
\proposition{3.16} The map
$\Phi_1\colon \Pee_1^{n-1}\to |np_0|$ is the projectivization of the
$$I\colon H^1(\scrO_E(-p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}\spcheck)\to
H^0(\scrO_E(np_0))\otimes M,$$ where $M$ is the line
$\det(H^0(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}))^{-1}\otimes D$. In other words, if
$V$ is a nontrivial extension corresponding to $\alpha \in
\Ext^1(W_{n-1},\scrO_E(-p_0))$, then the point $\zeta(V)\in |np_0|$
corresponds to the line
$$\Cee\cdot I(\alpha)\subset H^0(\scrO_E(np_0))\otimes M.$$ In particular,
$\Phi_1$ is an isomorphism, and hence so is $\Phi_d$ for every $1\le d<n$.
\proof Let $\bar I\: \Pee^{n-1}_1\to |np_0|$ be the projectivization of $I$.
We begin by determining when a line bundle $\lambda$ of degree zero is in
the support of $V$.
\claim{3.17} Let $V$ be given by an extension class $\alpha\in
H^1(\scrO_E(-p_0)\otimes W_{n-1}\spcheck)$. Then
$\Hom(V,\lambda)\not=0$ if and only if the image of $\alpha$ in
$H^1(\lambda \otimes W_{n-1}\spcheck)$ under the map induced by the
inclusion $\scrO_E(-p_0)\to \lambda$ is zero.
\proof There is a nonzero map $\scrO_E(-p_0) \to \lambda$, and it is unique
up to a scalar. Let $V'$ be the pushout of the extension $V$ by the map
$\scrO_E(-p_0)\to \lambda$. Then the pushout extension is trivial, i\.e\.
the image of $\alpha$ in $H^1(\lambda \otimes W_{n-1}\spcheck)$ is zero, if
and only if there is a map $V'\to \lambda$ splitting the inclusion of
$\lambda$ into $V'$. Such a map is equivalent to a map $V\to \lambda$ so
that the composition $\scrO_E(-p_0)\to V\to \lambda$ is the inclusion. By
(3.6), if $V$ has a nontrivial map to $\lambda$, then this map restricts to
$\scrO_E(-p_0)$ to be the inclusion (since otherwise the image of
$\scrO_E(-p_0)$ would be contained in a proper subbundle of degree zero).
Thus, there is such a map if and only if the
$\lambda$ component of $V$ is nonzero, which is equivalent to the existence
of a nonzero map
$V\to \lambda$.
\claim{3.18} Suppose that $\lambda\cong\scrO_E(q-p_0)$ for some $q\in E$.
Let $V$ be given by an extension class $\alpha\in H^1(\scrO_E(-p_0)\otimes
W_{n-1}\spcheck)$. Then
$\lambda$ is in the support of $V$ if and only if $q$ is in the support of
$\bar I(\alpha) \in |np_0|$.
\proof Applying Serre duality $S$ and the adjoint map $A$ to the previous
claim, and tracing through the identifications, we see that
$\lambda=\scrO_E(q-p_0)$ is in the support of
$V$ if and only if the corresponding map
$$\bigwedge^{n-1}H^0_{n-1}\otimes L\to \bigwedge^{n-1}(\scrO_E(p)\otimes
W_{n-1}\otimes L)|_q$$ vanishes, if and only if the section giving
$I(\alpha)$ in
$\det(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})\otimes L$ vanishes at $q$, if and only
if $q$ is in the support of $\bar I(\alpha)$.
Now we can prove Proposition 3.16. We have two maps
$\bar I$, the projectivization of the linear map $I$, and
$\Phi_1$, mapping $\Pee_1^{n-1}\to |np_0|$. We wish to show $\bar I$ and
$\Phi_1$ are equal. We know that $\bar I$ is an isomorphism. Thus, it
suffices to show that, for an open dense subset $U$ of $|np_0|$,
$\Phi_1(x)=\bar I(x)$ for all $x\in \Phi_1^{-1}(U)$. Choose $U$ to be the
open subset of divisors in $|np_0|$ whose support is $n$ distinct smooth
points of $E$. Let $x=\sum _ie_i\in U$. The extension determined by
$\alpha =\Phi_1^{-1}(x)$ is a semistable bundle $V$ which is written as
$\bigoplus_i\lambda_i$ for $n$ distinct line bundles $\lambda_i$, where
$\lambda_i=\scrO_E(e_i-p_0)$. According to Claim 3.18, $\bar I(\alpha)$
contains $e_i,\ 1\le i\le n$ in its support, and hence $\bar I\circ
\Phi_1^{-1}(x)=x$. This completes the proof of Proposition 3.16.
\ssection{3.4. From universal bundles to spectral covers.}
We now take another look at the spectral cover construction,and generalize
it to singular curves. Fix an integer $d$, $1\leq d\leq n-1$, and consider
the sheaf
$\bold A = \pi_1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d), \bold U(d))$. It is a locally free
rank $n$ sheaf of commutative algebras over $\Pee^{n-1}$, and in case $E$
is smooth we have identified this sheaf with $\nu_*\scrO_T$ in (2.4).
(There is nothing special about taking $\bold U(d)$; we could replace
$\bold U(d)$ by any ``universal" bundle, once we know how to construct
one.) We propose to reverse this procedure: starting with
$\bold A$, define $T$ to be the corresponding space
$\bold{Spec}\,\bold A$. In particular, this gives a definition of $T$ in
case $E$ is singular.
\lemma{3.19} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic. With $T$ as defined above,
there is a finite flat morphism
\to \Pee^{n-1}$. Moreover, $T$ is reduced.
\proof By construction, there is a finite morphism $\nu\: T\to
\Pee^{n-1}$. In fact, since $\bold A$ is locally free, $T$ is flat over
$\Pee^{n-1}$ of degree $n$.
The fact that $T$ is reduced follows from the fact that $\Pee^{n-1}$ is
reduced and that $T$ is generically reduced, and as such is a general fact
concerning finite flat morphisms. Cover $\Pee^{n-1}$ by affine open sets
$\Spec R$ such that
$\nu^{-1}(\Spec R) = \Spec R'$, where $R'$ is a free rank $n$ $R$-module.
It will suffice to show that $R'$ is reduced for every such $R$. If $f\in
R'$, then $f$ does not vanish on a Zariski open set, since $R'$ is locally
free and $R$ is reduced. Thus the restriction of $f$ to a general fiber of
$\nu$, consisting of $n$ distinct (reduced) points, is nonzero. It follows
that $f^k\neq 0$ for every $k>0$. Thus $R'$ is reduced, and so $T$ is
In case $E$ is smooth, Theorem 2.4 shows that the $T$ defined above is the
same as the spectral cover $T$ defined in Section 2, although even in this
case it will be useful to define
$T$ as we have above in order to compare $\bold U(d)$ with the bundles
The points of $T$ are by definition in one-to-one correspondence with pairs
$(V, \frak m)$, where $V$ is a regular semistable bundle with trivial
determinant and
$\frak m$ is a maximal ideal in $\Hom(V,V)$. Let us describe such maximal
\lemma{3.20} If $V$ is a regular semistable bundle of rank $n$, then the
maximal ideals $\frak m$ of $\Hom(V,V)$ are in one-to-one correspondence
with nonzero homomorphisms $\rho\: V\to \lambda$ mod scalars, where
$\lambda$ is a torsion free rank one sheaf of degree zero. The
correspondence is as follows: given $\rho$, we set
$$\frak m= \{\, A\in \Hom (V,V):\rho\circ A = 0\,\},$$ and given a maximal
$\frak m$, we define $\lambda = V/\frak m \cdot V$ and take $\rho$ to be the
obvious projection.
\proof If $V = \left(\bigoplus _iI_{r_i}(\lambda _i)\right) \oplus I(\Cal
F)$, then
$\Hom (V,V)$ is a direct sum
$$\left(\bigoplus _i\Hom (I_{r_i}(\lambda _i),I_{r_i}(\lambda _i))\right)
\oplus \Hom (I(\Cal F),I(\Cal F)),$$ and it will clearly suffice to
consider the case where $V$ is either
$I_{r_i}(\lambda _i)$ or $I(\Cal F)$. For simplicity, we assume that
$V=I(\Cal F)$. Thus there is a unique $\rho$ mod scalars by definition. If
we set $\frak m= \{\, A\in \Hom (V,V):\rho\circ A = 0\,\}$, then $\frak m$
is an ideal of $\Hom (V,V)$. In fact, there is an induced homomorphism
$\Hom (V,V) \to
\Hom (\Cal F, \Cal F) =H^0(\scrO_{\tilde E}) = \Cee$, and $\frak m$ is the
kernel of this homomorphism. Thus $\frak m$ is a maximal ideal.
Next we claim that $\frak m$ is the unique maximal ideal in $\Hom(V,V)$. It
suffices to show that $\frak m$ contains every non-invertible element of
$\Hom(V,V)$. If
$A\in \Hom(V,V)$ is not invertible, then $\operatorname{Im}A$ is a proper
torsion free subsheaf of $V$ of rank smaller than $n$ and degree at least
zero. It follows that $\deg \operatorname{Im}A = 0$. But then, by Lemma
$\operatorname{Im}A\subseteq \Ker \rho$. It follows that $\rho\circ A =0$,
so that by definition $A\in \frak m$. Thus $\frak m$ is the unique maximal
ideal of
Finally we claim that $V/\frak m\cdot V \cong \Cal F$. By definition, the
surjection $\rho\: V \to \Cal F$ factors through the quotient $V/\frak
m\cdot V$, so that $\frak m\cdot V\subseteq \Ker \rho $. Choosing a basis
\cdots, A_{n-1}$ for $\frak m$, we see that $\frak m\cdot V$ is of the form
$A_1(V) +\cdots + A_{n-1}(V)$, and thus it is a subsheaf of $V$ of degree
at least zero. Hence it has degree exactly zero, and thus it is filtered by
subsheaves whose quotients are isomorphic to $\Cal F$. If $\frak m\cdot V$
has rank $r$, it follows by Lemma 1.14 that $\dim \Hom (V, \frak m\cdot V)
\leq r$. But clearly
$\Hom (V,V) = \Hom (V,\frak m\cdot V)\oplus \Cee\Id$, and since $\dim \Hom
(V,V)= n$, we must have
$r=n-1$. Since both $\frak m\cdot V$ and $\Ker \rho$ have degree zero and
$n-1$, and $\frak m\cdot V\subseteq \Ker \rho $,
$\frak m\cdot V = \Ker \rho$. Thus $V/\frak m\cdot V \cong \Cal F$.
Next, given the spectral cover $T$, by construction $\bold U(d)$ is a
module over
$\scrO_T= \pi _1{}_*Hom(\bold U(d), \bold U(d))$, and thus $\bold U(d)$
corresponds to a coherent sheaf $\Cal L_d$ over $T\times E$. By
\Id)_*\Cal L_d =\bold U(d)$. In case $E$ is smooth, or more generally in
case $(V,
\frak m)$ is a point of $T$ such that the support of $V$ does not contain
the singular point of
$E$, then it is easy to check directly that $\Cal L_d$ is a line bundle
near $(V,
\frak m)\times E$.
We can now summarize our description of $T$ as follows:
\theorem{3.21} There is an isomorphism $(\nu, r)$ of
$T$ onto the incidence correspondence in $|np_0|\times E$ with the following
property: Let
$\Delta_0$ be the diagonal in $E\times E$, with ideal sheaf $I_{\Delta
_0}$, and let $\Cal P_0$ be the sheaf on
$E\times E$ defined by $Hom(I_{\Delta _0}, \scrO_{E\times E}(-E\times
\{p_0\})$. Then there exists a line bundle $M$ on $T$ such that $\Cal L_d =
( r\times
\Id)^*\Cal P_0\otimes \pi _1^*M$.
\proof We have shown in (0.3) that $\Cal P_0$ is flat over the first factor
in the product $E\times E$ and identifies the first factor with $\bar
J(E)$, the compactified generalized Jacobian of $E$. Let
$T'$ be the incidence correspondence in
$|np_0|\times E$. Note that
$T'$ is irreducible; in fact, projection onto the second factor makes $T'$ a
$\Pee^{n-2}$-bundle over $E$, namely $T'=\Pee\Cal E$ as in Section 2. We
will first find a morphism from $T'$ to $T$ which is a bijection as a
set-valued function. Let $\nu'\: T'\to \Pee^{n-1}$ and $r'\: T' \to E$ be
the projections to the first and second factors.
By construction, for a point $(x, e)\in T'$, if $V$ is the vector bundle
over $E$ corresponding to $x$ and $\lambda$ is the rank one torsion free
sheaf of degree zero corresponding to $e$, $\dim \Hom(V, \lambda) = 1$.
Thus, by base change, with
$\pi _1\: T'\times E\to T'$ the projection,
$$\pi _1{}_*\left[(\nu'\times \Id)^*\bold U(d)\spcheck \otimes (r'\times
\Id)^*\Cal P_0\right] =M$$ is a line bundle on $T'$. After replacing
$(r'\times \Id)^*\Cal P_0$ by
$(r'\times \Id)^*\Cal P_0\otimes M^{-1}=\Cal P'$, we can assume that there
is a surjection
$$\rho\: (\nu'\times \Id)^*\bold U(d) \to \Cal P'.$$ On every fiber, the
homomorphism $V \to \lambda$ is preserved up to scalars by every
endomorphism of $V$. Thus, there is an induced homomorphism
$$\pi_1{}_*Hom ((\nu'\times \Id)^*\bold U(d), (\nu'\times \Id)^*\bold
U(d)) \to
\pi_1{}_*Hom (\Cal P', \Cal P').$$ Now by the flatness of $\Cal P_0$, it is
easy to check that $Hom (\Cal P', \Cal P')$ is flat over $T'$ and that the
natural multiplication map $\scrO_{T'} \to
\pi_1{}_*Hom (\Cal P', \Cal P')$ is an isomorphism. By base change, the
first term
$\pi_1{}_*Hom ((\nu'\times \Id)^*\bold U(d), (\nu'\times \Id)^*\bold
U(d)) $ in the above homomorphism is the pullback to $T'$ of the sheaf of
algebras $\bold A =
\pi _1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d), \bold U(d))$ over $\Pee^{n-1}$, and hence it is
just the structure sheaf
$\scrO_{T'\times _{\Pee^{n-1}}T}$ of the fiber product $T'\times
_{\Pee^{n-1}}T$. The homomorphism $\scrO_{T'\times _{\Pee^{n-1}}T}\to
\scrO_{T'}$ corresponds to a morphism $T'\to T'\times _{\Pee^{n-1}}T$,
which is a section of the natural projection $T'\times _{\Pee^{n-1}}T \to
T'$. Such a section is the same thing as a morphism $T' \to T$ (covering
the given maps to $\Pee^{n-1}$). On the level of points, this morphism is
as follows: take an element $D$ in
$|np_0|$ and a point $e$ in the support of $D$. Pass to the corresponding
vector bundle $V$ and the morphism $V\to \lambda$, where $\lambda$ is the
rank one degree zero torsion free sheaf corresponding to $e$, and then set
$\frak m$ to be the maximal ideal corresponding to $V\to \lambda$. It is
then clear that $T'\to T$, as constructed above, is a bijection of sets. In
particular, $T$ is irreducible.
Now we want to construct a morphism which is the inverse of the morphism
$T'\to T$. It suffices to find the morphism $r\: T \to E$. Viewing $E$ as
isomorphic to the compactified generalized Jacobian of $E$, we can find
such a morphism once we know that the sheaf $\Cal L_d$ is flat over $E$:
\lemma{3.22} The sheaf $\Cal L_d$ is flat over $T$. If $t\in T$ corresponds
to the the pair $(V, \frak m)$, and $\lambda$ is the rank one torsion free
sheaf of degree zero given by $V/\frak m\cdot V$, then the restriction of
$\Cal L_d$ to the slice
$\{t\}\times E$ is $\lambda$. Thus $\Cal L_d$ is a flat family of rank one
torsion free sheaves on $T\times E$.
\proof First let us show that, in the above notation, the restriction of
$\Cal L_d$ to the slice $\{t\}\times E$ is $\lambda$. In fact, suppose that
$t$ corresponds to the pair $(V, \frak m)$ and view
$V$ as a rank one module over $\Hom(V,V)$. Then the restriction of $V$ to
$\{t\}\times E$ is given by $V/\frak m \cdot V =\lambda$. Now the Hilbert
$P_\lambda (n) = \chi(E;
\lambda\otimes \scrO_E(np_0))$ is independent of the choice of $\lambda$.
As we have proved above, $T$ is irreducible since it is the image of $T'$,
and thus, since it is reduced, it is integral. The proof of Theorem 9.9 on
p\. 261 of
\cite{10} then shows that $\Cal L_d$ is flat over $T$. The last statement
is then clear.
By (0.3), as $\Cal L_d$ is flat over
$T$, it defines a morphism $ r\: T\to E$ (viewing $E$ as $\bar J(E)$).
Thus we also have the product morphism $(\nu, r)\: T \to
\Pee^{n-1}\times E$, whose image is $T'$. Clearly, on the level of sets, the
morphism $T\to T'$ is the inverse of the morphism $T'\to T$ constructed
above. Since both $T$ and $T'$ are reduced, in fact the two maps are
inverses as morphisms. By the functorial properties of the compactified
Jacobian (0.3), $\Cal L_d = ( r\times
\Id)^*\Cal P\otimes \pi _1^*M$. This then concludes the proof of (3.21).
We have now lined up the spectral covers, and proceed to identify the
$\bold U(d)$ in terms of $T$. It suffices to identify the bundle $\pi
_1^*M$ in (3.21). We do this first for $d=1$. In order to do so, we first
make the following preliminary remarks. Let
$\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta)$ denote the rank one torsion free sheaf $(
\Id)^*Hom(I_{\Delta _0}, \scrO_{E\times E})$. Suppose that $\Cal L$ is any
flat family of rank one torsion free sheaves on $T\times E$ such that there
exists an injection $\scrO_{T\times E}
\Cal L$, with the cokernel exactly supported along $\Delta$ and with
multiplicity one at a nonempty Zariski open subset of the smooth points. We
claim that in this case $\Cal L = \scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta)$. First, the
universal property of the compactified Jacobian implies that
$\Cal L = (\alpha \times \Id)^*Hom(I_{\Delta _0}, \scrO_{E\times E}) \otimes
\pi_1^*M$ for some morphism $\alpha \: T \to E$ and line bundle
$N$ on $T$. By hypothesis, $\alpha = r$ on a Zariski open dense subset of
$T$, and thus everywhere. Next, since $\scrO_T \to
\pi_1{}_*\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta)$ is an isomorphism,
$H^0(N) =H^0(\pi_1{}_*\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta) \otimes N ) = H^0(\Cal L)$,
and every section of $\Cal L$ is given by multiplying the natural section
$\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta)$ by a section $s$ of $N$. In this case, the
cokernel is supported at $\Delta \cup \pi_1^{-1}(D)$, where $D$ is the
divisor of zeroes of $s$. Thus, if the support of the cokernel is $\Delta$,
$N$ must have a nowhere vanishing section, and so is trivial. We may thus
conclude that
$\Cal L =
\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta)$.
\theorem{3.23} $\bold U(1) = (\nu\times \Id)_*\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta -
G)\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(1)$.
\proof An equivalent formulation is:
$$(\nu\times \Id)_*\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta) \cong \bold U(1) \otimes
\pi_2^*\scrO_E(p_0) \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1).$$ We will find
a section of the torsion free rank one sheaf $\Cal L$ on $T\times E$
corresponding to $\bold U(1) \otimes
\pi_2^*\scrO_E(p_0) \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)$ which vanishes
to order one along $\Delta$. By the remarks before the proof, this will
imply that
$\Cal L = \scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta)$. Now there is an inclusion
$$\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}\times E} \to \bold U(1) \otimes
\pi_2^*\scrO_E(p_0) \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)$$ whose cokernel
$\pi_2^*(\scrO_E(p_0)\otimes W_{n-1})\otimes \pi
_1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)$. Thus $h^0(\Cal L) = h^0(\bold U(1) \otimes
\pi_2^*\scrO_E(p_0) \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)) = 1$. To see
where the unique section of $\Cal L$ vanishes, fix a point $x\in
\Pee^{n-1}$ corresponding to a regular semistable $V$, and consider where
the corresponding section of
$V\otimes \scrO_E(p_0)$ vanishes. This section arises from a homomorphism
$\scrO_E(-p_0) \to V$ constructed in (3.4) and (3.5). For example, if
$V=\bigoplus _i\scrO_E(e_i-p_0)$, then, up to the action of $(\Cee^*)^n$,
the map is the direct sum of the natural inclusions $\scrO_E(-p_0)\to
\scrO_E(e_i-p_0)$. At each fiber $\{(V, e_i)\}\times E$ of $T\times E$
lying over $\{V\}$, the section therefore vanishes simply at $((V, e_i),
e_i)$. For a general point $t=(V, \frak m)$ of $T$, the restriction of the
section of
$\Cal L$ to the fiber $\{t\}\times E$ vanishes at the point of $E$ where the
corresponding section of the composite map
$$\scrO_E(-p_0) \to V \to V/\frak m\cdot V \cong \lambda$$ vanishes. By the
construction of (3.4), the composite map $\scrO_E(-p_0) \to V \to
\lambda$ is not identically zero, and hence vanishes exactly at the point
$e$ of
$E$ corresponding to
$\lambda$. Thus the section of $\Cal L$ vanishes exactly along
$\Delta$, with multiplicity one on a Zariski open and dense subset, proving
\corollary{3.24} Suppose that $E$ is smooth. For all $d\in \Zee$ with
$1\leq d\leq n-1$,
$\bold U(d) = U_{1-d}\otimes
\pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(1)$.
\proof This follows by writing both sides as successive elementary
modifications of
$\bold U(1)$, resp. $U_0\otimes
\pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(1)$, and applying (3.23).
\ssection{3.5. The general spectral cover construction.}
For every Weierstrass cubic $E$, we have now constructed a finite cover
\Pee^{n-1}$ and a torsion free rank one sheaf $\Cal L_0=\scrO_{T\times
E}(\Delta)\otimes \pi _2^*\scrO_E(-p_0)$. The proof of Theorem 2.4 goes
over word-for-word to show:
\theorem{3.25} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic and let $U'$ be a rank $n$
vector bundle over $|np_0|\times E$ with the following property. For each
$x\in |np_0|$ the restriction of $U'$ to $\{x\}\times E$ is isomorphic to
the restriction of $U_0$ to $\{x\}\times E$. Then $U'=(\nu \times
\Id)_*\left[\scrO_{T\times E }(\Delta-G)\otimes q _1^*L\right]$ for a
unique line bundle $L$ on $T$.
We may define $U_a$ and, for a smooth point $e\in E$, $U_a[e]$ exactly as
in Definition 2.6, and the proof of Lemma 2.7 shows that $U_a$ is an
elementary modification of $U_{a-1}$, and similarly for $U_a[e]$. Since
$\Pic T\cong r^*\Pic E\oplus \Zee$, every bundle
$U'$ as described in Theorem 3.25 is of the form $U_a[e]\otimes
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(b)$ for integers $a,b$ and a smooth point $e\in E$.
\remark{Question} In case $E$ is singular, $T$ is singular as well. Is
there an analogue of twisting by Weil divisors on $T$ which are not
Cartier, which produces bundles which are not regular, or perhaps sheaves
which are not locally free, over points of $\Pee^{n-1}$ corresponding to
the singular points of $T$? See Section 6 for a related construction in the
smooth case.
The following is proved as in the proof of Theorem 2.8.
\theorem{3.26} Let $E$ be a Weierstrass cubic and let $S$ be a scheme or
analytic space. Suppose that
${\Cal U}\to S\times E$ is a rank $n$ holomorphic vector bundle whose
restriction to each slice $\{s\}\times E$ is a regular semistable bundle
with trivial determinant. Let $\Phi\colon S\to |np_0|$ be the morphism
constructed in Theorem \rom{1.5}. Let $\nu_S\colon\tilde S\to S$ be the
pullback via
$\Phi$ of the spectral covering $T\to |np_0|$:
$$\tilde S=S\times_{|np_0|}T,$$ and let $\tilde\Phi\colon \tilde S\to T$ be
the map covering
$\Phi$. Let $q_1\colon \tilde S\times E\to \tilde S$ be the projection onto
the first factor.
Then there is a line bundle ${\Cal M}\to \tilde S$ and an isomorphism of
${\Cal U}$ with
\left((\tilde\Phi\times \Id)^*(\scrO_{T\times E}(\Delta-G))\otimes
q_1^*{\Cal M}\right).\qquad\qed$$
\ssection{3.6. Chern classes.}
\theorem{3.27} For all $d$ with $1\leq d \leq n-1$, the total Chern class
and the Chern character of $\bold U(d)$ are given by\rom:
$$\align c(\bold U(d)) &= (1+h+\pi_2^*[p_0])(1+h)^{d-1};\\
\ch \bold U(d) &= (d -\pi _2^*[p_0])e^h + (n-d) + [p_0].
\endalign$$ Thus $c(U_0) = (1-h+ \pi _2^*[p_0]\cdot h)(1-h)^{n-2}$ and $\ch
U_0 = ne^{-h} + (1- \pi _2^*[p_0])(1- e^{-h})$.
\proof In $K$-theory, $W_d$ is the same as the direct sum of $d-1$ trivial
bundles and the line bundle $\scrO_E(p_0)$. Thus
$$\align c(\bold U(d)) &= (1-\pi_2^*[p_0] + h)(1+h)^{d-1}(1+\pi_2^*[p_0])\\
\endalign$$ and
\ch \bold U(d) &= \pi _2^*\ch (W_d\spcheck)\cdot \pi _1^*\ch (\scrO_{\Pee
^{n-1}}(1)) + \pi _2^*\ch W_{n-d}\\ & = (d-1+ \pi _2^*e^{-[p_0]})e^h +
(n-d-1 + \pi _2^*e^{[p_0]}) \\ &=(d -\pi _2^*[p_0])e^h + (n-d) + [p_0],
\endalign$$ since $e^{-[p_0]}= 1-[p_0]$ and similarly for $e^{[p_0]}$. The
formulas for $c(U_0)$ and
$\ch U_0$ then follow from (3.23).
\section{4. A relative moduli space for elliptic fibrations.}
Our goal in this section is to do the constructions of the last three
sections in the relative setting of a family $\pi\: Z \to B$ of elliptic
curves (possibly with singular fibers), in order to produce families of
bundles whose restriction to every fiber of $\pi$ is regular semistable and
with trivial determinant. First we identify the relative coarse moduli
space as a projective bundle over
$Z$. The extension picture generalizes in a straightforward way to give
$n-1$ ``universal" bundles $\bold U(d)$, $1\leq d\leq n-1$, and they are
related via elementary modifications. Using these bundles, we can
generalize the spectral covers picture as well. Finally, we compute the
Chern classes of the universal bundles.
Let $\pi \: Z \to B$ be an elliptic fibration with a section $\sigma$.
Following the notational conventions of the introduction, we shall always
$L^{-1} = R^1\pi _*\scrO_Z$, which we can also identify with the normal
\ssection{4.1. A relative coarse moduli space.}
Our first task is to find a relative version of $|np_0|$ for a single
elliptic curve. The relative version of the vector space $H^0(E;
\scrO_E(np_0))$ is just the rank $n$ vector bundle $\pi
_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)=\Cal V_n$, and the relative moduli space will then be
the associated projective bundle. From the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_Z((n-1)\sigma) \to \scrO_Z(n\sigma) \to \pi ^*L^{-n}|\sigma
\to 0,$$ we obtain for $n\geq 2$ an exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cal V_{n-1} \to \Cal V_n \to L^{-n} \to 0.$$ (For $n=1$ the
corresponding sequence identifies $\pi_*\scrO_Z(\sigma)$ with
$\scrO_B$ and shows that there is an isomorphism $\scrO_Z(\sigma)|\sigma\to
R^1\pi _*\scrO_Z=L^{-1}$.) Thus $\Cal V_n$ is naturally filtered by
subbundles such that the successive quotients are decreasing powers of $L$.
The following well-known lemma shows that this filtration is split:
$\pi _*\scrO_Z(\sigma) = \scrO_B$, and, for
$n\geq 2$,
$$\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma) = \Cal V_n = \scrO_B\oplus L^{-2} \oplus
\cdots \oplus L^{-n}.$$
\proof Since $h^0(E;\scrO_E(np_0))=n$ for all the fibers $f$ of $\pi$, it
follows from base change that $\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ is a vector bundle of
rank $n$. Furthermore, the local sections of this bundle over an open
subset $U\subset B$ are simply the meromorphic functions on
$\pi^{-1}(U)$ which have poles of order at most $n$ along $\sigma\cap U$.
For $U$ sufficiently small, there are functions $X$ with a pole of order $2$
along $\sigma$ and $Y$ with a pole of order $3$. Moreover, if we require
$X$ and $Y$ satisfy a Weierstrass equation, then $X$ and
$Y$ are unique up to nowhere vanishing functions in $U$ and transform as
sections of
$L^{-2}, L^{-3}$ respectively. We can also use the defining equation of
$Z$ to write $Y^2$ as a cubic polynomial in $X$. Now every section of
$\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ can be written uniquely as
Y(\beta_0+\beta_1X+\cdots+\beta_\ell X^\ell)$$ where the $\alpha_i$ are
holomorphic sections of $L^{-2i}$ and the
$\beta_j$ are holomorphic sections of $L^{-2j-3}$ and $2k\le n$ and
$2\ell+3\le n$. The $\alpha_i,\beta_j$ determine the isomorphism claimed in
the statement of the lemma.
Notice that the inclusion $\Cal V_{n-1}\subset \Cal V_n$ corresponds to the
natural inclusion
$$ \scrO_B\oplus L^{-2} \oplus \cdots \oplus L^{-(n-1)}\subset
\scrO_B\oplus L^{-2} \oplus \cdots \oplus L^{-n}.$$ In particular, the
distinguished points $\bold o_E=np_0\in |np_0|$ corresponding to the
bundles with all Jordan-H\"older quotients trivial fit together to make a
section $\bold o_Z$ of $\Pee\Cal V_n$. This section is the
projectivization $\Pee \scrO_B$ of the first factor $\scrO_B$ in the above
We call the above splitting the {\sl $X$-$Y$ splitting} of
$\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$. While this decomposition of
$\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ is natural it is not the only possible
decomposition, even having the property described in the previous
paragraph. For example, another splitting was suggested to us by P.
Deligne. There is a global holomorphic differential $\omega$ on $E$ which
is given on a Zariski open subset of $E$ by $dX/Y$. There is a local
complex coordinate $\zeta$ for $E$ centered at $p_0$ with the property that
on the open set on which this local coordinate is defined we have
$\omega=d\zeta$. Of course, there is a homomorphism $\Cee\to E$ which pulls
$\zeta$ back to the usual coordinate on $\Cee$. Every meromorphic function
on $E$ with a pole of order at most $n$ at $p_0$ can be expanded as a
Laurent series in $\zeta$:
$$f=\sum_{i=-n}^\infty b_i\zeta^i.$$ The coefficient $b_i$ in this
expansion is a section of $L^i$. We can then use the coefficients
$b_{-n},\ldots,b_{-2},b_0$ to define a splitting of $\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$.
(If $f$ is a meromorphic function on $E$ whose only pole is at $p_0$ then
$b_{-1}$ is determined by the
$b_{-i}$ for $-n\le -i\le -2$.) This splitting is different from the $X$-$Y$
splitting, but both splittings induce the same filtration on
In Theorem 1.2 we showed how a semistable bundle of rank $n$ and trivial
determinant on a smooth elliptic curve $E$ determines a point of the linear
series $\scrO_E(np_0)$. This works well for bundles over families of
elliptic curves.
\lemma{4.2} Let $p\:\Pee \Cal V_n \to B$ be the projection. Thus, the
fiber of $p$ over $b\in B$ is the complete linear system $|np_0|$, where
$E_b=\pi ^{-1}(b)$ and $p_0$ is the smooth point $\sigma \cap E_b$. If
$V\to Z$ is a rank $n$ vector bundle whose restriction to each fiber of
$Z\to B$ is a semistable bundle with trivial determinant, then $V$
determines a section
$$A(V)\colon B\to \Pee \Cal V_n ,$$ with the property that, for each $b\in
$$A(V)(b)=\zeta(V| E_b ).$$
\proof Arguing as in (1.6), there is an induced morphism
$$\Psi\: \pi^*\pi_*(V \otimes \scrO_Z(\sigma)) \to V \otimes
\scrO_Z(\sigma).$$ The determinant of this morphism is a section of $\pi^*
M \otimes
\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$, for some line bundle $M$ on $B$, and it gives a
well-defined section $A(V)$ of $\Pee \Cal V_n $ over $B$.
We note that the proof of (4.2) does not require that $B$ be smooth, or even
There is also an analogue for families of elliptic curves of Theorem 1.5.
\lemma{4.3} Let $S$ be a scheme or analytic space over $B$ and let
$\Cal V$ be a rank $n$ vector bundle over $S\times _BZ$, such that the
restriction of $\Cal V$ to every fiber $p_1^{-1}(s) \cong \pi ^{-1}(b)$ is
semistable with trivial determinant, where $p_1, p_2$ are the projections
of $S\times _BZ$ to the first and second factors and $b$ is the point of
$B$ lying under $s$. Then there is an induced morphism $\Phi \: S\to \Pee
\Cal V_n $ of spaces over $B$, which agrees over each
$b\in B$ with the morphism defined in \rom{(1.5)}.
\proof Let $\hat Z=S\times _BZ$, with $\hat\pi \: \hat Z \to S$ the first
projection. Then $\hat Z$ is an elliptic scheme over
$S$ which maps naturally to $Z$ covering the map of $S\to B$. Let
$\hat\sigma$ be the induced section. Set $\widehat {\Cal V}_n = \hat\pi
_*\scrO_{\hat Z}(n\hat
\sigma)$. Clearly $\Pee \widehat {\Cal V}_n$ is identified with the
pullback of
$\Pee \Cal V_n $. Now apply the above result to this elliptic scheme to
produce a section $S\to \Pee \widehat {\Cal V}_n$ which when composed with
the natural map $\Pee \widehat {\Cal V}_n \to \Pee\Cal V_n$ is the morphism
$\Phi$ of the proposition.
\ssection{4.2. Construction of bundles via extensions.}
Our goal for the remainder of this section is to construct various
``universal" bundles over $\Pee \Cal V_n \times _BZ$. The first and easiest
construction of the universal moduli space is via the extension approach,
generalizing what we did in Section 3 for a single elliptic curve.
In order to make the extension construction in families, we first need to
extend the basic bundle $W_k$ over $E$ to bundles over the elliptic scheme
\proposition{4.4} There is a vector bundle $\Cal W_d$ on $Z$ such that
$\Cal W_d$ is filtered, with successive quotients $\pi ^*L^{d-1}, \pi
^*L^{d-2}, \dots, \scrO_Z(\sigma)$, and such that on every fiber $\Cal W_d$
restricts to $W_d$. Moreover, $\Cal W_d$ is uniquely specified by the above
properties. In fact, if $\Cal W$ is a vector bundle on $Z$ such that $\Cal
W$ restricts to $W_d$ on every fiber, then there exists a line bundle $M$
on $B$ such that $\Cal W = \Cal W_d\otimes \pi ^*M$. Finally,
$R^0\pi _*\Cal W_d = L^{(d-1)}$ and
$R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_d\spcheck) = L^{-d}$.
\proof In case $d=1$, take $\Cal W_1= \scrO_Z(\sigma)$. Now suppose
inductively that $\Cal W_{d-1}$ has been defined, and that
$R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_{d-1}\spcheck) = L^{-(d-1)}$. We seek an extension of
$\Cal W_{d-1}$ by a line bundle trivial on ever fiber of
$\pi$, and thus of the form $\pi^*M$ for some line bundle $M$ on $B$, and
such that
$H^0(R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_{d-1}\spcheck\otimes \pi^*M))$ has an everywhere
generating section. Now
$$R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_{d-1}\spcheck\otimes \pi^*M) = R^1\pi _*(\Cal
\otimes M = L^{-(d-1)}\otimes M.$$ Thus we must have
$M=L^{d-1}$. With this choice, noting that $R^0\pi _*(\Cal
W_{d-1}\spcheck\otimes \pi ^*L^{d-1}) = 0$ since $W_d\spcheck$ has no
sections, the Leray spectral sequence gives an isomorphism
$$H^1(\Cal W_{d-1}\spcheck\otimes \pi ^*L^{d-1}) \cong H^0(R^1\pi _*(\Cal
W_{d-1}\spcheck\otimes \pi ^*L^{d-1}))=H^0(\scrO_B)$$ and thus a global
extension of $\Cal W_{d-1}$ by $\pi ^*L^{d-1}$ restricting to
$W_d$ on every fiber. Since the unique section of $W_d$ is given by the
inclusion of the canonical subbundle $\scrO_f \to W_d$, we must have
$R^0\pi _*\Cal W_d = L^{(d-1)}$, and a similar argument (or relative
duality) evaluates
$R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_d\spcheck)$.
Finally suppose that $\Cal W$ is another bundle on $Z$ restricting to
$W_d$ on every fiber. Then since $W_d$ is simple, $\pi _*\Hom (\Cal W_d,
\Cal W)$ is a line bundle $M$ on $B$, and thus $\pi _*\Hom (\Cal
W_d\otimes \pi ^*M, \Cal W)\cong \scrO_B$. The element $1\in H^0(\scrO_B)$
then defines an isomorphism from $\Cal W_d\otimes \pi ^*M$ to $\Cal W$.
Note that the formation of $\Cal W_d$ is compatible with base change, in the
following sense. Given a morphism $g\: B'\to B$, let $Z'=Z\times _BB'$,
with $f\: Z'\to Z$ the induced morphism, and let $\sigma '$ be the induced
section of
$\pi'\: Z'\to B'$. Then the bundle $\Cal W_d'$ constructed for $\pi'\:Z'\to
B'$ and the section $\sigma'$ is $f^*\Cal W_d$.
Next we construct a universal bundle via extensions. First we identify the
relevant bundles to use as the parameter space of the extension:
\lemma{4.5} For $1\leq d \leq n-1$, the sheaves $R^1\pi _*(\Cal
\otimes \Cal W_d\spcheck)=\Cal V_{n,d}$ are locally free of rank $n$ over
$B$, and are all canonically identified.
\proof The local freeness and the rank statement follow from Claim 3.3 and
base change. The canonical identifications follow from Corollary 3.10.
$\Cal V_{n,d} = R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_{n-d}\spcheck \otimes \Cal W_d\spcheck)$ as
above, and let
${\Cal P}_{n-1,d}$ be the associated projective space bundle $\Pee(\Cal
\to B$. By the general properties of extensions, there is a universal
extension over ${\Cal P}_{n-1,d}\times_BZ$ of the form
$$0\to \pi_2^*{\Cal W}_d\spcheck\otimes \pi_2^*\scrO_{{\Cal
P}_{n-1,d}}(1)\to {\bold U}(d)\to \pi_2^*{\Cal W}_{n-d}\to 0.$$ Applying
Lemma 4.3 to these bundles produces bundle maps over $B$
$$\Phi_d\colon {\Cal P}_{n-1,d}\to \Pee \Cal V_n .$$
The projective space bundles ${\Cal P}_{n-1,d}$ over $B$ are all
canonically isomorphic. Under these isomorphisms, the universal bundles
${\bold U}(d)$ are all distinct. Nevertheless, the result in Proposition
3.10 shows that there is an isomorphism $I$ which identifies
$R^1\pi_*(\scrO_Z(-\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}\spcheck_{n-1})$ with
$$R^0\pi_*(\det(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-1}))\otimes
\det(R^0\pi_*(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-1}))^{-1}\otimes
Let us identify the various factors on the right-hand-side of this
expression. First of all, it is straightforward given the inductive
definition of the
${\Cal W}_{n-1}$ to show that.
$$\det(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-1})\cong
\scrO_Z(n\sigma)\otimes \pi^*L^{(n-1)(n-2)/2}.$$ It follows that
$R^0\pi_*(\det(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-1}))\cong
R^0\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)\otimes L^{(n-1)(n-2)/2}$. Next, we have exact
$$0\to R^0\pi_*(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes \pi^*L^{n-2})\to
R^0\pi_*(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-1})\to
R^0\pi_*(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-2})\to 0.$$ Since by
Proposition 4.4 we have $R^0\pi_*(\pi^*L^a\otimes
\scrO_Z(\sigma))\cong L^a$, and since
$$R^0\pi_*(\scrO_Z(2\sigma))\cong L^{-2}\oplus \scrO_B,$$ an easy inductive
argument shows that
$$\det(R^0\pi_*(\scrO_Z(\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-1}))\cong
L^{((n-1)(n-2)/2)-2}.$$ Lastly,
$R^1\pi_*\scrO_Z\cong L^{-1}$.
Putting all this together, we get:
\theorem{4.6} There is an isomorphism of vector bundles over $B$
$$I\colon R^1\pi_*(\scrO_Z(-\sigma)\otimes {\Cal W}_{n-1})\cong
R^0\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)\otimes L,$$ which fiber by fiber agrees with the
map $I$ of Proposition \rom{3.13}. In other words,
$$\Cal V_{n,1} \cong \Cal V_n\otimes L.$$ Furthermore, the map induced by
projectivizing $I$ agrees with the map
$\Phi_1$ produced by applying Lemma \rom{4.3} to the family $\bold U(1)$
over ${\Cal P}_{n-1,1}\times_BZ$. Let $\Phi_d$ be the map ${\Cal
P}_{n-1,d}\to \Pee \Cal V_n $ obtained by applying Lemma \rom{4.3} to the
family $\bold U(d)$. Then, the maps $\Phi_d$ for $1\le d<n$ are compatible
with the identifications coming from Corollary \rom{3.10}, and hence each
of these maps is an isomorphism of projective bundles over $B$.
Note that, while the $\Pee^{n-1}$-bundles ${\Cal P}_{n-1,d}$ and $\Pee \Cal
V_n $ are isomorphic, the tautological bundles $\scrO_{{\Cal
P}_{n-1,d}}(1)$ and
\Cal V_n}(1)$ differ by a twist by $p^*L$. We shall use $\Cal P_{n-1}$ to
denote the bundle $\Pee \Cal V_n $ together with its tautological line
bundle. If $\zeta =c_1(\scrO_{\Pee \Cal V_n}(1))$ and $\zeta' =
c_1(\scrO_{{\Cal P}_{n-1,d}}(1))$, then $\zeta = \zeta ' + L$.
\corollary{4.7} Via the isomorphism of \rom{(4.6)} and \rom{(4.6)},
$$\Cal V_{n,d} = R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_{n-d}\spcheck
\Cal W_d\spcheck) \cong L\oplus L^{-1} \oplus \cdots \oplus L^{-(n-1)}.$$
This splitting is compatible with the inclusion of $\Cal V_{n-1, d}$ in
$\Cal V_{n,d}$ as well as that of $\Cal V_{n-1, d-1}$ in $\Cal V_{n,d}$.
\corollary{4.8} Under the isomorphism $\pi |\sigma\: \sigma \cong B$, there
is a natural splitting
$$\Cal W_n|\sigma \cong L^{n-1} \oplus L^{n-2}\oplus \cdots \oplus L \oplus
L^{-1}.$$ In fact, the extension
$$0 \to \pi ^*L^{n-1} \to \Cal W_n \to \Cal W_{n-1} \to 0$$ restricts to
the split extension over $\sigma$.
\proof Let us first show that the restriction of $\Cal W_n\spcheck$ to
$\sigma$ is split. Begin with the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_Z(-\sigma) \otimes \Cal W_n\spcheck \to \Cal W_n\spcheck \to
\Cal W_n\spcheck|\sigma \to 0,$$ and apply $R^i\pi _*$. We get an exact
$$\CD 0 @>>> \pi _*(\Cal W_n\spcheck|\sigma) @>>> R^1\pi
_*(\scrO_Z(-\sigma) \otimes \Cal W_n\spcheck) @>>> R^1\pi _*\Cal
W_n\spcheck @>>> 0\\ @. @| @| @| @.\\ 0 @>>> \pi _*\Cal
W_n\spcheck|\sigma @>>> L\oplus L^{-1}\oplus \cdots \oplus L^{-n} @>>>
L^{-n} @>>> 0.
\endCD$$ Tracing through the identifications shows that the map $R^1\pi
\otimes \Cal W_n\spcheck) \to R^1\pi _*\Cal W_n\spcheck$ is the same as the
$$R^1\pi _*(\scrO_Z(-\sigma) \otimes \Cal W_n\spcheck) \to R^1\pi
_*\scrO_Z(-\sigma) \otimes L^{-n+1}= L^{-1}\otimes L^{-n+1} = L^{-n}$$
coming from the long exact sequence associated to
$$0 \to \scrO_Z(-\sigma) \otimes \Cal W_{n-1}\spcheck \to \scrO_Z(-\sigma)
\Cal W_n\spcheck \to \scrO_Z(-\sigma)\otimes \pi^*L^{-n+1} \to 0.$$ This
identifies the map $L\oplus L^{-1}\oplus \cdots \oplus L^{-n} \to L^{-n}$
with projection onto the last factor. Hence $\Cal W_n\spcheck|\sigma$ is
identified with $L\oplus L^{-1}\oplus \cdots \oplus L^{-n+1}$. Dualizing
gives the splitting of $\Cal W_n|\sigma$. The splitting of the extension
$$0 \to \pi ^*L^{n-1} \to \Cal W_n \to \Cal W_{n-1} \to 0$$ is similar.
Now let us relate the bundles $\bold U(d)$ via elementary modifications.
\proposition{4.9} Let $\Cal H$ be the smooth divisor which is the image of
\Cal V_{n-1} =\Cal P_{n-2}$ in $\Cal P_{n-1}$ under the natural inclusion
$\pi _*\scrO_Z((n-1)\sigma) \subset\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$, and let $i\:
\Cal H \to
\Cal P_{n-1}$ be the inclusion. Then there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \bold U(d) \to \bold U(d+1) \to (i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal H\times
\to 0,$$ where $\scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ}(1)$ denotes the restriction of
$\scrO_{{\Cal P}_{n-1,d}}(1)= \scrO_{\Pee\Cal V_{n,d}}(1)$ to $\Cal H\times
_BZ$. Thus $\bold U(d)$ is an elementary modification of $\bold U(d+1)$,
and it is the only possible such modification along $\Cal H\times_BZ$.
\proof The construction of the proof of Theorem 3.12 gives an inclusion
$\bold U(d) \to \bold U(d+1)$ whose cokernel is the direct image of a line
bundle supported along $\Cal H\times _BZ$. As in the first paragraph of the
proof of (3.12), this line bundle is the inverse of $\pi _1{}_*Hom(\bold
U(d+1)|\Cal H\times _BZ, \scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ})$ (where for the rest of
the proof we let
$\pi_1$ be the first projection $\Cal H\times _BZ \to \Cal H$). From the
defining exact sequence for $\bold U(d+1)$,
\pi _1{}_*Hom(\bold U(d+1)|\Cal H\times _BZ, \scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ})\cong
\pi _1{}_*Hom(\pi _2^*\Cal W_{d+1}\spcheck \otimes \scrO_{\Cal H\times
\scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ})\\ = \pi _1{}_*\pi _2^*\Cal W_{d+1}\otimes
\scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ}(-1).
\endgather$$ Here by base change $\pi _1{}_*\pi _2^*\Cal W_{d+1}$ is a line
bundle on $\Cal H$ whose restriction to every fiber is the nonzero section
of $W_{d+1}$ on that fiber. Now
$\Cal W_{d+1}$ is filtered by subbundles with successive quotients
\pi ^*L^{d-1}, \dots, \scrO_Z(\sigma)$, and the inclusion of $\pi ^*L^d$ in
$\Cal W_{d+1}$ defines a map $L^d \to \pi _1{}_*\pi _2^*\Cal W_{d+1}$ which
restricts to the nonzero section on every fiber. Thus $\pi _1{}_*\pi
_2^*\Cal W_{d+1} \cong L^d$. Hence
$$\pi _1{}_*Hom(\bold U(d+1)|\Cal H\times _BZ, \scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ})
\cong L^d\otimes \scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ}(-1),$$ and thus the cokernel of
the map $\bold U(d)\to \bold U(d+1)$ is as claimed. The uniqueness is clear.
This completes the construction of ``universal" bundles over
$\Pee\Cal V_n\times_BZ$. However, we have constructed only $n-1$ bundles
${\bold U}(d)$ for $1\le d<n$.
Note that the formation of the universal bundles $\bold U(d)$ over $\Cal
P_{n-1,d}\times _BZ$ is also compatible with base change $B'\to B$ in the
obvious sense.
\ssection{4.3. The spectral cover construction.}
Now we turn to the generalization of the spectral covering construction.
First let us define the analogues of $E^{n-1}, T$, and $\nu$. By repeating
the construction on each smooth fiber, we could take the
$(n-1)$-fold fiber product
$Z\times _BZ\times _B \cdots \times _BZ$ and its quotient under
$\frak S_n$ and
$\frak S_{n-1}$. However this construction runs into trouble at the
singular fibers, reflecting the difference between the $n$-fold symmetric
product of $E$ and the linear system $|np_0|$ for a singular fiber.
Instead, we construct the spectral cover in families as follows: Let $\Cal
E$ be defined by the exact sequence of vector bundles over $Z$
$$0 \to \Cal E \to \pi ^*\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma) \to \scrO_Z(n\sigma)
\to 0,$$ where the last map is the natural evaluation map and is
surjective. We set
$\Cal T = \Pee \Cal E$, with $r\: \Cal T \to Z$ the projection. By
$\Cal T$ is a $\Pee^{n-2}$-bundle over $Z$. There is an inclusion
$$\Cal T \to \Pee (\pi ^*\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)) = \Pee \Cal V_n \times
_BZ,$$ and we let $\nu$ be the composition of this morphism with the
projection $q_1\:
\Pee \Cal V_n \times _BZ\to \Pee \Cal V_n $. It is easy to see that $\nu\:
{\Cal T}\to \Pee \Cal V_n$ is an
$n$-sheeted covering, which restricts to the spectral cover described in
Section 2 on each smooth fiber of $Z\to B$. By analogy with the case of a
single elliptic curve, we would like to consider the sheaf
$${\Cal U}_0=(\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta - \Cal G),$$ where $\Delta = (r\times
\Id)^*(\Delta_0)$, for $\Delta_0$ the diagonal in
$Z\times _BZ$, and $\Cal G=(r\times \Id)^*p_2^*\sigma$ for $p_1, p_2$ the
projections of $Z\times _BZ$ to the first and second factors. Here we can
$\scrO_{Z\times _BZ}(\Delta_0)$ to be the dual of the ideal sheaf of
$\Delta_0$ in $Z\times _BZ$. It is an invertible sheaf away from the
singularities of
$Z\times _BZ$. The proof of (0.4) shows that $\scrO_{Z\times
_BZ}(\Delta_0)$ is flat over both factors of $Z\times_BZ$, and identifies
the first factor, say, with the relative compactified generalized Jacobian.
As we shall see,
$\Cal U_0$ is indeed a vector bundle of rank
$n$, and that its restriction over each smooth fiber is the bundle $U_0$
described in Proposition 2.9. In particular, ${\Cal U}_0$ is a family of
regular, semistable bundles with trivial determinant over the family $Z\to
B$ of elliptic curves.
Although we shall not need this in what follows, for concreteness sake let
us describe the singularities of
$Z\times_BZ$ and
$\Cal T$ explicitly the case where the divisors associated to
$G_2$ and $G_3$ are smooth and meet transversally as in the introduction.
In this case $Z$ has the local equation
$y^2 = x^3 + sx+t$. The morphism to
$B$ is given locally by $(s,t)$, where $t= y^2-x^3-sx$. Using $x,y,s$ as
part of a set of local coordinates for
$Z$, the fiber product has local coordinates
$x,y,s,x',y', \dots$ and a local equation
$$y^2-x^3-sx = (y')^2-(x')^3-s(x').$$ Rewrite this equation as
$$y^2- (y')^2 = (x-x')(s+ x^2 + xx' + (x')^2) = h_1h_2, $$ say, where a
local calculation shows that $h_1(s,x,x')$ and $h_2(s,x,x')$ define two
smooth hypersurfaces meeting transversally along $\Gamma \times _B\Gamma$.
It follows that the total singularity in $Z\times _BZ$ is a locally trivial
fibration of ordinary threefold double points, and $\Delta$ is a smooth
divisor which fails to be Cartier at the singularities.
We return now to the case of a general $Z$. Fix a $d$ with $1\leq d\leq
n-1$, and consider the sheaf of algebras $\pi _1{}_*Hom (\bold U(d), \bold
U(d)) =\bold A$ over $\Cal P_{n-1}$. Arguing as in Lemma 3.19, the space
$\bold {Spec}\, \bold A$ is reduced and there is a finite flat morphism
$\nu\: \bold {Spec}\, \bold A \to
\Cal P_{n-1}$ restricts over each fiber to give $\nu\: T\to \Pee^{n-1}$.
$\bold U(d) = (\nu\times \Id)_*\Cal L_d$ for some sheaf $\Cal L_d$ on $\bold
\bold A\times _BZ$. The method of proof of Theorem 3.21 then shows:
\theorem{4.10} There is an isomorphism from $\bold {Spec}\, \bold A$ to
$\Cal T$. Under this isomorphism, there is a line bundle $\Cal M$ over
$\Cal T$ such that
$\bold U(d) =(\nu\times \Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Cal
G)\otimes \pi _1^*\Cal M$.
Since $\bold U(1)\otimes \scrO_{\Pee\Cal V_{n,d}}(-1) \otimes
\pi_2^*\scrO_Z(\sigma)$ has a section vanishing exactly along $\Delta$, the
proof of 3.23 identifies this line bundle in case $d=1$:
\theorem{4.11} In the above notation,
\bold U(1) &\cong (\nu\times \Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Cal G)
\otimes \scrO_{\Pee\Cal V_{n,d}}(1)\\ &=(\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Cal G) \otimes \scrO_{\Pee\Cal
V_n}(1)\otimes L^{-1}.\qed
For every $a\in \Zee$, we can then define $\Cal U_a = (\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Cal G -a(r^*\sigma\times _BZ))$. It
follows that $\Cal U_a$ is a vector bundle for every $a\in \Zee$.
\theorem{4.12} With $\Cal U_a$ defined as above, there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cal U_a \to \Cal U_{a-1} \to (i\times \Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal H\times
\pi ^*L^{a-1} \to 0,$$ which realizes $\Cal U_a$ as an elementary
modification of $\Cal U_{a-1}$. Thus, for $1\leq d\leq n-1$,
$$\bold U(d) \cong\Cal U_{1-d}\otimes \pi_1^*\scrO_{\Pee\Cal V_n}(1)\otimes
\proof From the definition of $\Cal U_a$, there is an exact sequence
$$\align 0 &\to (\nu\times \Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Cal G
-a(r^*\sigma\times _BZ)) \\ &\to (\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Cal G -(a-1)(r^*\sigma\times _BZ))
\\ &\to (\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{r^*\sigma\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Cal G -(a-1)(r^*\sigma\times
_BZ))\to 0.
\endalign$$ The divisor $r^*\sigma$ is a $\Pee^{n-2}$-bundle over $B$ which
intersects each fiber of $\Cal T\to B$ in the $\Pee^{n-2}$ fiber
$r^{-1}(p_0)$. This fiber is mapped linearly via $\nu$ to the hyperplane
$H_{p_0}$ in $|np_0|$. Thus,
$\nu_*r^*\sigma = \Cal H$. Now both $\Delta$ and $\Cal G$ have the same
restriction to $r^*\sigma\times _BZ$, namely $r^*\sigma\times _B\sigma$.
$\scrO_{r^*\sigma\times _BZ}(r^*\sigma\times _BZ)$ is the pullback of the
line bundle $\scrO_Z(\sigma)|\sigma = L^{-1}$. It follows that the quotient
of $\Cal U_{a-1}$ by the image of $\Cal U_a$ is exactly the direct image of
$\scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ}\otimes \pi ^*L^{a-1}$, as claimed. The final
statement in (4.12) then follows by comparing elementary modifications.
Finally we shall need the analogue of Proposition 2.4 for a single elliptic
curve. It is proved exactly as in (2.4).
\theorem{4.13} Let $\Cal U'$ be a rank $n$ vector bundle over $\Pee \Cal
V_n\times _BZ$ such that, for all $x\in \Pee \Cal V_n$, $\Cal
U'|q_1^{-1}(x) \cong
\Cal U_0|q_1^{-1}(x)$. Then there is a unique line bundle $\Cal M$ on $\Cal
T$ such that, if $\pi _1\: \Cal T\times_BZ \to \Cal T$ is projection
onto the first factor, then $\Cal U'
\cong (\nu\times
\Id)_*\left(\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta -
\Cal G)\otimes \pi _1^*\Cal M\right)$.
\ssection{4.4. Chern class calculations.}
Recall that we let $\zeta = c_1(\scrO_{\Cal P_{n-1}}(1))$, viewed as a
class in
$H^2(\Cal P_{n-1})$. By pullback, we can also view $\zeta$ as an element of
$H^2(\Cal P_{n-1}\times _BZ)$. We also have the line bundle $\scrO_{\Cal
P_{n-1,d}}(1))$, and its first Chern class $\zeta'$ is given by $\zeta '
=\zeta - L$ (where we identify $L$ with its first Chern class in $H^2(B)$
and then by pullback in any of the relevant spaces).
\theorem{4.14} The Chern characters of the bundles $\bold U(d)$ and $\Cal
U_a$ are given by:
\ch \bold U(d) = (e^{-\sigma} + e^{-L} + \dots + e^{-(d-1)L})e^{\zeta -
L} + (e^{\sigma} + e^L + \dots + e^{(n-d-1)L}); \\
\ch \Cal U_a = e^{-\zeta}\fracwithdelims(){1 - e^{(a+n)L}}{1-e^L}-\frac{1
- e^{aL}}{1-e^L} +e^{-\sigma}(1-e^{-\zeta}).
\proof The first statement is clear from the filtration on the $\Cal W_k$
and the definition of $\zeta$. To see the second, we use (4.12) for $1\leq
d\leq n-1$ and calculate
\ch(\bold U (d)\otimes \scrO_{\Pee\Cal V_n}(-1)\otimes L) = \ch\bold U
(d)\cdot e^{-\zeta + L}=\\ (e^{-\sigma} + e^{-L} + \dots + e^{-(d-1)L}) +
(e^{\sigma +L} + e^{2L} + \dots + e^{(n-d)L})e^{-\zeta}\\ =(e^{-\sigma}-1) +
(1+e^{-L} + \dots + e^{-(d-1)L}) + \\ +(e^{\sigma +L-\zeta}-e^{L-\zeta}) +
(e^L + e^{2L} + \dots + e^{(n-d)L})e^{-\zeta}.
\endgather$$ Let $a = 1-d$. A little manipulation shows that we can write:
$$\align 1+e^{-L} + \dots + e^{-(d-1)L} &= - \frac{e^L - e^{aL}}{1-e^L};\\
e^L + e^{2L} + \dots + e^{(n-d)L} &= \frac{e^L - e^{(a+n)L}}{1-e^L};\\
(e^{-\sigma}-1) + (e^{\sigma +L-\zeta}-e^{L-\zeta}) &=
-(1-e^{-\sigma})(1-e^{\sigma + L-\zeta}).
\endalign$$ In the last term, note that $1-e^{-\sigma}$ is a power series
without constant term in $\sigma$ and thus annihilates every power series
without constant term in $\sigma +L$, since $\sigma ^2 = -L\cdot
\sigma$. Thus we can replace the last term by
$-(1-e^{-\sigma})(1-e^{-\zeta})$. It follows that
\ch\bold U(d)\cdot e^{-\zeta+L}& =e^{-\zeta}\fracwithdelims(){e^L -
e^{(a+n)L}}{1-e^L}-\frac{e^L - e^{aL}}{1-e^L} -
(1-e^{-\sigma})(1-e^{-\zeta})\\ & =e^{-\zeta}\fracwithdelims(){1 -
e^{(a+n)L}}{1-e^L}-\frac{1 - e^{aL}}{1-e^L} +e^{-\sigma}(1-e^{-\zeta}).
\endalign$$ In particular, we have established the formula in (4.14) for
$\ch \Cal U_a$ provided $a = 1-d$ with $1\leq d\leq n-1$. On the other
hand, the formula for
$\Cal U_a$ as an elementary modification shows that
$$\ch \Cal U_a = \ch \Cal U_{a-1} - \ch (\scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ}\otimes
L^{a-1}).$$ Now from the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_{\Cal P_{n-1}\times _BZ}(-\Cal H\times _BZ) \to \scrO_{\Cal
P_{n-1}\times _BZ} \to \scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ}\to 0,$$ we see that
\ch (\scrO_{\Cal H\times _BZ}\otimes L^{a-1}) &= \ch (\scrO_{\Cal H\times
_BZ})\cdot e^{(a-1)L}\\ &= e^{(a-1)L}(1- e^{-\Cal H}).
\endalign$$ Next we claim:
\lemma{4.15} $[\Cal H] = \zeta - nL$.
\proof We have identified $\Cal H$ with the image of $\Pee\Cal V_{n-1}$ in
$\Pee\Cal V_n$. The lemma now follows from the more general statement
below, whose proof is left to the reader:
\lemma{4.16} Let $\Cal V$ be a vector bundle over a scheme $B$, and suppose
that there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cal V' \to \Cal V \to M \to 0,$$ where $M$ is a line bundle on
$B$. Let $\Cal H$ be the Cartier divisor
$\Pee(\Cal V') \subset \Pee (\Cal V)$. Then, if $p\: \Pee(\Cal V) \to B$ is
the projection,
$$\scrO_{\Pee (\Cal V)}(\Cal H) = \scrO_{\Pee (\Cal V)}(1) \otimes p^*M.
Plugging in the expression for $[\Cal H]$, we see that
$$\ch \Cal U_a - \ch \Cal U_{a-1} = - e^{(a-1)L}(1- e^{-(\zeta - nL)}).$$
Comparing this difference with the formula of (4.14) shows that (4.14)
holds for one value of $a$ if and only if it holds for all values of $a$.
Since we have already checked it for $a=0$, we are done.
Similar computations give the Chern class of $\bold U(d)$ and $\Cal U_a$.
We leave the calculations to the reader.
\theorem{4.17} The total Chern class of $\bold U(d)$ is given by the
$$c(\bold U(d)) = (1+\zeta -L +\zeta\cdot
\sigma)\prod_{r=1}^{d-1}(1-(r+1)L+\zeta)\prod_{s=1}^{n-d-1}(1+sL).$$ If
$a\geq 0$, then
$$c(\Cal U_a) = (1-\zeta +L +\zeta\cdot
\sigma)\prod_{s=1}^{n+a-2}(1+(s+1)L-\zeta)\prod_{r=1}^{a-1}(1+ rL)^{-1}.$$
If $-(n-1)\leq a < 0$, then
$$c(\Cal U_a) = (1-\zeta +L +\zeta\cdot
\sigma)\prod_{s=1}^{n+a-2}(1+(s+1)L-\zeta)\prod_{r=1}^{-a}(1- rL).$$ If $ a
< -(n-1)$, then
$$c(\Cal U_a) = (1-\zeta +L +\zeta\cdot
Let us work out explicitly the first two Chern classes of ${\Cal U}_a$.
$$c_1(\Cal U_a) = \left[an + \fracwithdelims(){n^2-n}{2}\right]L -
(n+a-1)\zeta.$$ To give $c_2(\Cal U_a)$, write
$$\frac{1-e^{cx}}{1-e^x} = c + \fracwithdelims(){c^2-c}2x + P(c)x^2 +
\cdots,$$ where
$$P(c) = \frac{c(2c-1)(c-1)}{12} = \frac{2c^3 -3c^2 +c}{12}$$ (if $c$ is a
positive integer then $P(c) = \frac12\sum _{i=1}^{c-1}i^2$). A little
manipulation shows that $c_2(\Cal U_a)$ is equal to
\frac{(a+n-1)(a+n-2)}2\zeta ^2 -(n^2+2an-2n -a)\left(\frac{a+n-1}{2}\right)
\zeta\cdot L+\\
L^2+(\sigma\cdot \zeta).
Finally, we remark that it is possible to work out the first two terms in
\Cal U_a$ by applying the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem directly to the
description of $\Cal U_a$ as $(\nu\times \Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times
_BZ}(\Delta -\Cal G -a(r^*\sigma\times _BZ))$. This calculation is somewhat
long and painful, and does not give the full calculation of $\ch
\Cal U_a$ because $\Delta$ is not a Cartier divisor.
\section{5. Bundles which are regular and semistable on every fiber.}
So far in this paper we have been working universally with the moduli space
of all regular semistable bundles with trivial determinant over an elliptic
curve or an elliptic fibration. In this section we wish to study bundles
$V$ over an elliptic fibration $\pi\: Z\to B$ with the property that the
restriction of $V$ to every fiber is a regular semistable bundle with
trivial determinant.
\ssection{5.1. Sections and spectral covers.}
Suppose that $V\to Z$ is a vector bundle of rank $n$ whose restriction to
each fiber is a regular semistable bundle with trivial determinant. Then
for each $b\in B$ the bundle $V|_{E_b}$ determines a point in the fiber of
${\Cal P}_{n-1}$ over
$b$. This means that $V$ determines a section
$A(V) = A\colon B\to {\Cal P}_{n-1}$, as follows from (4.2). We shall
usually identify $A$ with the image $A(B)$ of $A$ in ${\Cal P}_{n-1}$.
Conversely, given a section $A$ of ${\Cal P}_{n-1}$ we can construct a
bundle $V$ over $Z$ which is regular semistable with trivial determinant on
each fiber and such that the section determined by
$V$ is $A$. There are many bundles with this property and we shall analyze
all such.
We first begin by describing all sections of $\Cal P_{n-1}$.
\lemma{5.1} A section $A\colon B\to {\Cal P}_{n-1}$ is equivalent to a
line bundle $M\to B$ and an inclusion of $M^{-1}$ into $\Cal V_n$, or
equivalently to sections of $M\otimes L^{-i}$ for $i=0,2,3,\ldots,n$ which
do not all vanish at any point of $B$, modulo the diagonal action of
$\Cee^*$. Under this correspondence, the normal bundle of $A$ in $\Cal
P_{n-1}$ is isomorphic to $(\Cal V_n\otimes M)/\scrO_B$, where the
inclusion of $\scrO_B$ in $\Cal V_n\otimes M$ corresponds to the inclusion
of $M^{-1}$ into $\Cal V_n$. Finally, if either $h^1(\scrO_B) =0$ or
$h^1(\Cal V_n\otimes M) = 0$, then the deformations of $A$ in $\Cal
P_{n-1}$ are unobstructed.
Let $A$ be a section, which we identify with its image in $\Cal P_{n-1}$. Of
course, $A\cong B$ via the projection
$p\: \Cal P_{n-1} \to B$.
We have the inclusion of $\scrO_{\Pee\Cal V_n}(-1)$ in
$p^*\Cal V_n$. Pulling back via $A$, we set $M = \scrO_{\Pee\Cal
V_n}(1)|A$, which is a line bundle such that
$M^{-1}$ is a subbundle of
$p^*\Cal V_n|A = \Cal V_n$. An inclusion
$$M^{-1}\to \Cal V_n =
\scrO_B \oplus L^{-2} \oplus \cdots \oplus L^{-n}$$ is given by a nowhere
vanishing section of $(M \otimes \scrO_B) \oplus (M \otimes L^{-2}) \oplus
\oplus (M \otimes L^{-n})$, or equivalently by sections of the bundles
$(M\otimes \scrO_B)$, $(M\otimes L^{-2})$, \dots,
$(M\otimes L^{-n})$ which do not all vanish simultaneously, and these
sections are well-defined modulo the diagonal $\Cee^*$ action. Conversely,
a nowhere vanishing section of
$\Cal V_n\otimes M$ defines an inclusion $M^{-1} \to
\Cal V_n$ and thus a section of $\Cal P_{n-1}$, and the two constructions
are inverse to each other.
The normal bundle $N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}}$ to $A$ in $\Cal P_{n-1}$ is just the
restriction to $A$ of the relative tangent bundle $T_{\Cal P_{n-1}/B}$, and
thus it is isomorphic to $(\Cal V_n\otimes M)/\scrO_B$. The deformations
of the subvariety
$A$ are unobstructed if every element of $H^0(N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}})$
corresponds to an actual deformation of $A$. From the exact sequence
$$0\to H^0(\scrO_B) \to H^0(\Cal V_n\otimes M) \to H^0(N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}})
\to H^1(\scrO_B) \to H^1(\Cal V_n\otimes M),$$ we see that, if
$H^1(\scrO_B)=0$, then every section of the normal bundle lifts to a
section of $\Cal V_n\otimes M$, unique mod the image of $H^0(\scrO_B) =
\Cee$, and thus gives an actual deformation of $A$. If $H^1(\Cal V_n\otimes
M) = 0$, then viewing the deformations of $M$ as parametrized by $\Pic B$,
if $M'$ is sufficiently close to $M$ in $\Pic B$, then $H^1(\Cal V_n\otimes
M') = 0$ as well and by standard base change results the groups $H^0(\Cal
V_n\otimes M')$ fit together to give a vector bundle over a neighborhood of
$M$ in $\Pic B$. The associated projective space bundle then gives a smooth
family of deformations of
$A$ such that the associated Kodaira-Spencer map is an isomorphism onto
$H^0(N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}})$. Thus $A$ is unobstructed in this case as well.
\definition{Definition 5.2} Let $A\: B\to {\Cal P}_{n-1}$ be a section, and
let $(A,\Id)$ be the corresponding section of ${\Cal P}_{n-1} \times _BZ
\to Z$. For all $a\in \Zee$, let
$$V_{A,a} = (A,\Id)^*\Cal U_a.$$
For every pair $(A,a)$, the bundle $V_{A,a}$ is of rank $n$ and the
restriction of
$V_{A,a}$ to every fiber of $\pi$ is regular and semistable with trivial
determinant. Furthermore, for all $a\in \Zee$, the section determined by
$V_{A,a}$ is $A$.
More generally, we could take any bundle ${\Cal U}$ over ${\Cal
P}_{n-1}\times_BZ$ obtained by twisting ${\Cal U}_a$ by a line bundle on
the universal spectral cover ${\Cal T}$ over ${\Cal P}_{n-1}$, and form
$V_{A,{\Cal U}}=(A,\text{Id})^*{\Cal U}$ to produce a bundle with these
properties. However, these will not exhaust all the possibilities in
general. To describe all possible bundles $V$ corresponding to $A$, we
shall need to define the spectral cover associated to $A$.
\definition{Definition 5.3} Let $A\subseteq {\Cal P}_{n-1}$ be a section.
The scheme-theoretic inverse image $\nu ^*A$ of $A$ in $\Cal T$ is a
$C_A$ of $\Cal T$, not necessarily reduced or irreducible. The morphism
$g_A = \nu|A\: C_A\to A\cong B$ is finite and flat of degree
$n$. We call
$C_A$ the {\sl spectral cover\/} associated to the section $A$.
In the notation of (5.1), we shall show below that $C_A$ is smooth for $M$
sufficiently ample and for a general section corresponding to $M$. In
general, however, no matter how bad the singularities of $C_A$, we have the
\lemma{5.4} The restriction of $r$ to $C_A$ embeds $C_A$ as a subscheme of
$Z$ which is a Cartier divisor. In fact, if $V$ is a vector bundle with
semistable restriction to every fiber and $A$ is the associated section,
then $C_A$ is the scheme of zeroes of $\det \Psi$, where
$$\Psi\: \pi^*\pi_*(V\otimes \scrO_Z(\sigma)) \to V\otimes \scrO_Z(\sigma)$$
is the natural map. The line bundle $\scrO_Z(C_A)$ corresponding to $C_A$ is
isomorphic to $\scrO_Z(n\sigma) \otimes \pi ^*M$, where
$M$ is the line bundle corresponding to the section $A$. Moreover, the
image of
$C_A$ in $Z$ determines $A$. Finally, if $C\subset Z$ is the zero locus of a
section of $\scrO_Z(n\sigma) \otimes \pi ^*M$ and the induced morphism from
$C$ to $B$ is finite, then $C = C_A$ for a unique section $A$ of $\Cal
\proof Let $i\colon C_A\to \Cal T$ be the natural embedding. We claim that
$r\circ i\colon C_A\to Z$ is a scheme-theoretic embedding. To see this,
recall that we have $\Cal T \subset {\Cal P}_{n-1}\times _BZ$ via
$(\nu, r)$. In fact, from the defining exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cal E \to \pi^*\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma) \to \scrO_Z(n\sigma) \to 0,$$
we see that $\Cal T=\Pee\Cal E$ is a Cartier divisor in
$\Pee(\pi^*\pi_*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)) ={\Cal P}_{n-1}\times _BZ$ defined by the
vanishing of a section of $\pi_2^*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)\otimes \pi_1^*\scrO_{\Cal
P_{n-1}}(1)$. Clearly, the image of
$i(C_A)$ under the map $C_A\to \Cal T \to {\Cal P}_{n-1}\times _BZ$ is an
embedding of $C_A$ in
$A\times _BZ\cong Z$. Thus
$r\circ i$ is an embedding of $C_A$ into $Z$. Moreover, $C_A$ is the
restriction of $\Cal T\subset {\Cal P}_{n-1}\times _BZ$ to $A\times _BZ$,
and thus
$C_A$ is a Cartier divsior in $Z$. Essentially by definition, $C_A$ is
defined by the vanishing of $\det \Psi$ (since this holds on every fiber
$E_b$). Moreover,
$\scrO_Z(C_A)$ is the restriction to $A\times _BZ$ of
$\pi_2^*\scrO_Z(n\sigma)\otimes \pi_1^*\scrO_{\Cal P_{n-1}}(1)$, namely
$\scrO_Z(n\sigma) \otimes \pi ^*M$.
Since the hypersurface $\Cal T\subset {\Cal P}_{n-1}\times _BZ$ is the
incidence correspondence, the line bundle $\scrO_{{\Cal P}_{n-1}\times
_BZ}(\Cal T)$ restricts on every fiber $E$ of $\pi$ to
$\scrO_E(np_0)$, and the effective divisor $\Cal T$ restricts to the
tautological divisor in $|np_0|\times E$ corresponding to the inclusion
$\Cal T\subset {\Cal P}_{n-1}\times _BZ$. Thus, by restriction, if
$\scrO_Z(C_A)$ is the line bundle in
$Z$ corresponding to the Cartier divisor
$C_A$, then for every fiber $E=E_b$ of $\pi$,
\scrO_E(np_0)$, and the section of
$\scrO_E(np_0)$ defined by $C_A$ is $A(b)$. Thus the image of $C_A$ in $Z$
determines $A$.
Finally, let $C$ be the zero locus of a section of $\scrO_Z(n\sigma)
\otimes \pi ^*M$. Note that
$$H^0(Z; \scrO_Z(n\sigma) \otimes \pi ^*M) = H^0(B; \pi_*(\scrO_Z(n\sigma)
\pi ^*M)) = H^0(B; \Cal V_n \otimes M),$$ so that sections $s$ of
\otimes \pi ^*M$ mod $\Cee^*$ correspond to sections $s'$ of $\Cal
V_n\otimes M$. Under this correspondence,
$s'$ vanishes at a point of $B$ if and only if $s$ vanishes along the
complete fiber $\pi^{-1}(b)$. Thus we see that the subschemes $C$ mapping
finitely onto
$B$ are in $1-1$ correspondence with sections $A$ of $\Cal P_{n-1}$ whose
associated line bundle is $M$.
We define
$T_A= C_A\times _BZ\subseteq
\Cal T\times _BZ$, and let $\rho _A\: T_A \to C_A$ be the natural map.
There is an induced map
$\nu _A\: T_A \to Z$ such that the following diagram is Cartesian:
$$\CD T_A @>{\nu _A}>> Z\\ @V{\rho _A}VV @VV{\pi}V\\ C_A@>{g _A}>> B.
\endCD$$ Thus, $T_A$ is an elliptic scheme over $C_A$ pulled back from the
elliptic scheme $Z\to B$ via the natural projection mapping $C_A\to B$.
Even if $C_A$ is smooth, however, $T_A$ is singular along the intersection
$C_A\times _BZ$ with
$\Gamma\times _B\Gamma\subset Z\times _BZ$, at points corresponding to
\cap C_A\subset Z$. If $\dim B =1$, the generic section $A$ will be such
$C_A\cap \Gamma =\emptyset$. However, if $\dim B \geq 2$ and $A$ is
sufficiently ample, $C_A\cap \Gamma$ is nonempty. In the generic situation
described in the last section, where $G_2$ and $G_3$ are smooth and meet
transversally, the singularities of $T_A$ are locally trivial families of
threefold double points. In general, if no component of $\Gamma$ is
contained in $C_A$, the codimension of
$C_A\cap \Gamma$ in $C_A$ is two and the codimension of the corresponding
subset of $T_A$ is three. If a component of $\Gamma$ is contained in
$C_A$, then the codimension of
$C_A\cap \Gamma$ in $C_A$ is one and the codimension of the corresponding
subset of $T_A$ is two. Note that $\Delta$ is a Cartier divisor in the
complement of the subset of $T_A$ consisting of singular points of singular
fibers lying over $C_A\cap \Gamma$.
Let us examine the pullback to $T_A= C_A\times _BZ$ of the divisors in
${\Cal T}$. The section $\sigma \subset Z$ pulls back via $\nu_A^*$ to a
$\Sigma _A$ of the elliptic fibration $\nu _A\: T_A\to C_A$. Clearly
$\Sigma _A =\nu_A^*\sigma =
\Cal G|T_A$, where as in the last section $\Cal G$ is the pullback to $\Cal
T\times _BZ$ of $\sigma \subset Z$ by the second projection. The diagonal
$\Delta_0$ in
$Z\times _BZ$ pulls back to a hypersurface in $T_A$, which is the
restriction of
$\Delta\subset \Cal T\times _BZ$ to $C_A\times _BZ = T_A$. We shall continue
to denote this subvariety by $\Delta$. However
$\Delta$ is not a Cartier divisor along the singular set of $T_A$. On the
other hand, the restriction of $\rho_A$ to $\Delta$ is an isomorphism from
$\Delta$ to
$C_A$, so that in a formal sense $\Delta$ is a section. There is also the
$\zeta$, which is obtained as follows: take the class $\zeta$ on $\Cal
P_{n-1}$, pull it back to $\Cal T$, and then restrict to $C_A$. In the
notation of (5.1), this class is just $\alpha = c_1(M)$, pulled back from
$B$. The remaining ``extra" class $r^*\sigma\times _BZ|T_A$ corresponds to
$\sigma \cdot C_A=F$ in $Z$, and in particular it is pulled back from a
class on $C_A$. Note that $F$ maps isomorphically to its image in $B$.
Using $\nu_*r^*\sigma = \Cal H$, we see that the image of $F$ in $B$
corresponds to $A\cap \Cal H$. If $D$ is the divisor in $B$ corresponding
to $A\cap \Cal H$ and $V$ is a bundle with semistable restriction to every
fiber whose associated section $A(V)$ is $A$, then $V|E_b$ has
$\scrO_E$ as a Jordan-H\"older quotient if and only if $b\in D$. The above
classes, together with the pullbacks of classes from
$B$, are the only divisor classes that exist ``universally" on $C_A\times
_BZ = T_A$ for all sections $A$.
Using these classes, let us realize the bundles $V_{A,a}$ as pushforwards
$T_A$. Note that, from the definition, it is not {\it a priori\/} clear that
$(\nu_A)_*\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta-\Sigma _A)$ is locally free, since $\Delta$
need not be Cartier.
\lemma{5.5} For every section $A$ of ${\Cal P}_{n-1}$ and for every $a\in
\Zee$, we have
$$V_{A,a}=(\nu_A)_*\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta-\Sigma _A-aF).$$
\proof There is a commutative diagram, which is in fact a Cartesian square:
$$\CD T_A @>>> {\Cal T}\times_BZ \\ @V{\nu_A}VV @VV{\nu\times \Id}V \\ Z
@>{(A,\Id)}>> {\Cal P}_{n-1}\times_BZ.
\endCD$$ Moreover, by definition $V_{A,a} = (A,\Id)^*(\nu\times
\Id)_*\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta - \Cal G-aF)$. The morphism
$\nu\times \Id$ is finite. Pulling back by the top horizontal arrow, the
sheaf $\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta - \Cal G-aF)$ restricts to
$\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta-\Sigma _A-aF)$. Thus, (5.5) is a consequence of the
following general result:
\lemma{5.6} Let
$$\CD X'@>{f}>> X\\ @V{\pi'}VV @VV{\pi}V\\ Y'@>{g}>> Y
\endCD$$ be a Cartesian diagram of schemes, with $\pi$ a finite morphism.
Let $\Cal S$ be a sheaf on $X$. Then the natural map $g^*\pi_*\Cal S \to
(\pi')_*f^*\Cal S$ is an isomorphism.
\proof The question is local in $Y$ and $Y'$, so that we may assume that $Y
=\Spec R$ and $Y' =\Spec R'$ are affine. Since $\pi$ and $\pi'$ are finite,
and thus affine, we may thus assume that $X=\Spec S$ and $X' =\Spec S'$,
with $S'= S\otimes _RR'$. Suppose that $\Cal S$ corresponds to the
$S$-module $M$. Let $M_R$ be the
$S$-module $M$, viewed as an $R$-module. The assertion of the lemma is the
statement that
$$(M_R)\otimes _RR' \cong (M\otimes _SS')_{R'}.$$ But $M\otimes _SS' =
M\otimes _S(S\otimes _RR')$, and a standard argument now identifies
$(M\otimes _S(S\otimes _RR'))_{R'}$ with $(M_R)\otimes _RR'$. This proves
the lemma.
Once we know that the sheaf $\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta-{\Sigma _A}-aF)$ pushes
down to a vector bundle on $Z$, the same will be true for the twist of
this sheaf by any line bundle on $C_A$. Conversely, we have the following:
\proposition{5.7} Let $V$ be a vector bundle of rank $n$ on $Z$ such that
$V|E_b$ is a regular semistable bundle with trivial determinant for every
fiber $E_b$. Let $A=A(V)$ be the section determined by $V$ and let $C_A\to
A$ be the induced spectral cover. Then there is a unique bundle $N$ on
$C_A$, such that
$V\cong (\nu_A)_*\left[\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta - \Sigma _A)\otimes
\rho_A^*N\right]$. \qed
The proof of this result is similar to the proof of Part (ii) of Theorem
2.4 and will be omitted.
Next we look at the deformation theory of $V$.
\proposition{5.8} applying the Leray spectral sequence for $\pi\: Z \to B$
to compute $H^1(Z; Hom(V,V))$, there is an exact sequence
$$0\to H^1(B; \pi_*Hom (V,V)) \to H^1(Z; Hom(V,V)) \to H^0(B; R^1\pi_*Hom
\item"{(i)}" The first term is $H^1(\scrO_{C_A})$ and corresponds to first
order deformations of a line bundle on the spectral cover $C_A$;
\item"{(ii)}" If $L$ is not trivial, then $H^0(B; R^1\pi_*Hom (V,V))$ is
the tangent space to $A$ in the space of all sections of $\Cal P_{n-1}$,
and the restriction map
$$H^1(Z; Hom(V,V)) \to H^0(B; R^1\pi_*Hom (V,V))$$ is the natural one which
associates to a first order deformation of $V$ a first order deformation of
the section $A(V)$.
\item"{(iii)}" Suppose that $L$ is nontrivial and that $C_A$ is smooth, or
more generally that
$h^1(\scrO_{C_A})$ is constant in a neighborhood of $A$. Suppose also either
that $h^1(\scrO_B) = 0$ or that $h^1(\Cal V_n\otimes M)=0$, which will hold
as soon as $M$ is sufficiently ample. Then the local moduli space of
deformations of
$V$ is smooth of dimension equal to
$h^1(Z; Hom(V,V))$. In other words, all first order deformations of $V$ are
\proof By construction $\pi_*Hom (V,V) = (g_A)_*\scrO_{C_A}$, and we leave
to the reader the check that the inclusion $H^1(B; \pi_*Hom (V,V)) \to
H^1(Z; Hom(V,V))$ corresponds to deforming the line bundle on $C_A$. Next,
let us fix for a moment a regular semistable bundle $V$ over a single
Weierstrass cubic $E$. Applying (1.5) with $S=\Cee[\epsilon]$, the dual
numbers, for every deformation of $V$ over $S$, there is an induced
morphism $S\to |np_0|$ which restricts over
$S_{\text{red}}$ to $\zeta (V)$. Thus there is an intrinsic homomorphism
$H^1(ad(V))$ to the tangent space $H^0(\scrO_E(np_0))/\Cee\cdot \zeta (V)$
$|np_0|$ at $\zeta(V)$. By (v) of Theorem 3.2, if
$V$ is a regular semistable bundle, then there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \Cee \to H^1(W_{n-d}\spcheck\otimes W_d\spcheck) \to H^1(ad(V)) \to
0.$$ which identifies $H^1(ad(V))$ with the tangent space to $|np_0|$ at
$\zeta(V)$. Using the parametrized version of this construction (Lemma 4.3,
with $S$ equal to
$\Cee[\epsilon]\times B$), there is an induced morphism from
$H^0(R^1\pi_*ad (V))$ to $\Hom(\Cee[\epsilon]\times B, \Cal P_{n-1};A)$,
the space of morphisms from $\Cee[\epsilon]\times B$ to $\Cal P_{n-1}$
extending the section
$A$. This gives an isomorphism from
$R^1\pi_*ad (V)$ to the relative tangent bundle $T_{\Cal P_{n-1}/B}$
restricted to
$A$. As we have seen in Lemma 5.1, this restriction is just the normal
$N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}}$ to
$A$ in $\Cal P_{n-1}$. Clearly the map $H^0(R^1\pi _*ad(V)) \to
H^0(N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}})$ is the natural map from the tangent space of
deformations of
$V$ to the tangent space to deformations of the section
$A$ in $\Cal P_{n-1}$. Now $Hom (V,V) = ad(V) \oplus \scrO_Z$, and so
$R^1\pi_*Hom (V,V) = R^1\pi_*ad (V)\oplus L^{-1}$. Either $L^4$ or $L^6$
has a nonzero section, so that $L^{-1}$ has a nonzero section if and only
if $L$ is trivial. Thus, if $L$ is not trivial, then $H^0(L^{-1}) =0$, and
$$H^0(B; R^1\pi_*Hom (V,V)) = H^0(R^1\pi_*ad (V))$$ as claimed in (ii).
To prove (iii), begin by using Lemma 5.1 to find a smooth space $Y$
parametrizing small deformations of the section $A$, of dimension
$h^0(N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}})$. If $\Cal A \to Y$ is the total space of this
family, there is an induced family of spectral covers $\Cal C \to Y$. By
assumption, the relative Picard scheme $\Pic(\Cal C/Y)$ is smooth in a
neighborhood of the fiber over $A$. Use this smooth space of dimension
$h^1(\scrO_{C_A})+ h^0(N_{A/\Cal P_{n-1}})$ to find a family of bundles
parametrized by a smooth scheme $S$, which is an open subset of $\Pic(\Cal
C/Y)$ and thus is fibered over the open subset $Y$ of sections of
$\Cal P_{n-1}$. This implies that the Kodaira-Spencer map of this family,
followed by the map from $H^1(Z; Hom(V,V))$ to $H^0(B; R^1\pi_*Hom(V,V))$
is onto, and then that the Kodaira-Spencer map is an isomorphism onto
$H^1(Z; Hom(V,V))$. Thus, the first order deformations of
$V$ are unobstructed.
\ssection{5.2. Relationship to the extension point of view.}
Next we relate the description of bundles constructed out of sections
$A$ of ${\Cal P}_{n-1}$ with the point of view of extensions. As usual,
this will enable us to construct some of the bundles previously constructed
via spectral covers, but not all.
We have already constructed the bundles
$\Cal W_k$ over $Z$ as well as the universal extension $\bold U(d)$,
$1\le d<n$, which sits in an exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi _2^*\Cal W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Cal P_{n-1,d}}(1)
\bold U(d) \to \pi _2^*\Cal W_{n-d} \to 0.$$ Here the projective space
$\Cal P_{n-1,d}$ of the vector space of extensions is identified with
${\Cal P}_{n-1}$, but, by Theorem 4.6, under this identification
$$\scrO_{\Cal P_{n-1,d}}(1) \otimes \pi^*L =\scrO_{{\Cal P}_{n-1}}(1).$$
Finally, we have
$$\bold U(d) = \Cal U_{1-d}\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{{\Cal P}_{n-1}}(1)\otimes
L^{-1}.$$ Thus there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi _2^*\Cal W_d\spcheck \to \Cal U_{1-d} \to \pi _2^*\Cal
\pi _1^*\scrO_{{\Cal P}_{n-1}}(-1)\otimes L \to 0.$$
Given a section $A$ of $\Cal P_{n-1,d}={\Cal P}_{n-1}$ such that
$\scrO_{\Cal P_{n-1,d}}(1)|A = M'$, we can pull back the defining extension
for $\bold U(d)$ to obtain an extension
$$0 \to \Cal W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M' \to U_A \to \Cal W_{n-d} \to 0.$$
(Of course, $M'$ is $M\otimes L^{-1}$.) Conversely, suppose that we are
given an extension of
$\Cal W_{n-d}$ by
$\Cal W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M'$, where $M'$ is a line bundle on $B$
which we can write as $M\otimes L^{-1}$. In this case, by the Leray
spectral sequence
$$\gather H^1(\Cal W_{n-d}\spcheck \otimes \Cal W_d\spcheck \otimes
\pi^*M') \cong H^0(R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_{n-d}\spcheck \otimes \Cal W_d\spcheck)
\otimes M')\\= H^0(\Cal V_{n,d}\otimes M\otimes L^{-1})=H^0(\Cal V_n\otimes
\endgather$$ Thus nontrivial extensions of
$\Cal W_{n-d}$ by
$\Cal W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M'$ which restrict to nontrivial extensions
on every fiber can be identified with sections of
$\Cal P_{n-1,d}$ corresponding to the line bundle $M$. Finally, we see
that, for
$1\leq d\leq n-1$, we can write $V_{A,1-d}$ as an extension
$$0 \to \Cal W_d\spcheck \to V_{A, 1-d} \to \Cal W_{n-d}\otimes
\pi^*(M^{-1}\otimes L)\to 0.$$
We can also relate the deformation theory of $U_A$ above to the bundles
$\Cal W_d$ and $\Cal W_{n-d}$. Thus, the tangent space to
$\Ker\{\,(g_a)_*\: \Pic C_A \to
\Pic B\,\}$ is $H^1(B; \pi _*(\Cal W_d\otimes \Cal W_{n-d})\otimes
M^{-1}\otimes L)$, and the tangent space to deformations of the section $A$
$H^0(B; R^1\pi _*(\Cal W_d\spcheck\otimes \Cal W_{n-d}\spcheck)\otimes
M\otimes L^{-1})$, provided that $L$ is not trivial.
\ssection{5.3. Chern classes and determinants.}
Let $A$ be a section of $\Cal P_{n-1}$. Corresponding to $A$, there is the
line bundle $M$ on $B$ which is the restriction to $A$ of $\scrO_{\Cal
P_{n-1}}(1)$. We denote by $\alpha$ the class $c_1(M) \in H^2(B;\Zee)$.
Our goal is to express the Chern classes of $V_{A,a}$ in terms of $\alpha$
and the standard classes on
$Z$. We will also consider more general bundles arising from twisting by a
line bundle on the spectral cover.
First we shall determine the Chern classes of $V_{A,a}$. We begin with the
following lemma:
\lemma{5.9} Let $A$ be a section of $\Cal P_{n-1}$ corresponding to the
inclusion of a line bundle $M^{-1}$ in
$\Cal V_n$. Then, for $k\geq 0$, we have
$p_*([A]\cdot \zeta ^k) =\alpha ^k\in H^{2k}(B;\Zee)$.
\proof Note that by definition $\zeta|_A=c_1(M)=\alpha$ when we identify
$A$ and
$B$ in the obvious way. It follows that $\zeta^k|_A=\alpha^k$. This means
that $p_*([A]\cdot \zeta^k)=\alpha^k$.
Using (5.9), we can compute the Chern classes $c_i(V_{A,a})$ by taking the
formula for $c_i(\Cal U_a)$ and replacing $\zeta ^i$ by $\alpha^i$. Thus
\theorem{5.10} Suppose that $A$ is a section of
${\Cal P}_{n-1}$ such that the corresponding line bundle $M$ has
$c_1(M)=\alpha \in H^2(B)$ \rom(or $\Pic B$\rom). Then
$$\ch(V_{A,a}) = e^{-\alpha}\fracwithdelims(){1 -
e^{(a+n)L}}{1-e^L}-\frac{1 - e^{aL}}{1-e^L} +e^{-\sigma}(1-e^{-\alpha}).$$
Moreover, in $\pi^*\Pic B \subset \Pic Z$,
$$\det (V_{A,a}) = -(n+a-1)\alpha + \left[an +
There is also a formula for $c(V_{A,a})$ which follows similarly from the
formula for $c(\Cal U_a)$.
Now let us consider the effect of twisting by a line bundle on the spectral
cover. If $N$ is a line bundle on the spectral cover $C_A$ associated to
$A$, let
$$V_{A, 0}[N] = (\nu_A)_*\left[\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta - \Sigma _A )\otimes
\rho_A^* N\right].$$ For example, suppose that $N$ is of the form
$\scrO_{C_A}(-aF)\otimes g_A^*N_0$, where $N_0$ is a line bundle on $B$.
$$V_{A, 0}[N] = V_{A, a}\otimes \pi^*N_0.$$ In particular, we see that if
$N=\scrO_{C_A}(-aF)\otimes g_A^*N_0$, for some line bundle $N_0$ on $B$
and some integer $a$, then
$$\ch(V_{A, 0}[N])= \left[e^{-\alpha}\fracwithdelims(){1 -
e^{(a+n)L}}{1-e^L}-\frac{1 - e^{aL}}{1-e^L}
+e^{-\sigma}(1-e^{-\alpha})\right]\cdot e^{c_1(N_0)}.$$
For more general line bundles $N$ on $C_A$, we can calculate the
determinant of
$V_{A, 0}[N]$. In what follows, we identify $\Pic B$ with a subgroup of
$\Pic Z$ via $\pi^*$ and write the group law additively.
\lemma{5.11} With $V_{A, 0}[N]$ as defined above, the following formula
holds in
$\Pic B$:
$$c_1(V_{A, 0}[N]) = -(n-1)\alpha + \fracwithdelims(){n^2-n}{2}L +
(g_A)_*c_1(N).$$ Thus, for a fixed section $A$ of $\Cal P_{n-1}$ and a
fixed line bundle $\Cal N$ on
$B$, the set of bundles
$V$ on $Z$ which are regular semistable on every fiber, with $A(V) = A$ and
$\det V =\pi^*\Cal N$ is a principal homogeneous space over $\Ker
\{g_A{}_*\: \Pic C_A \to \Pic B\}$, which is a generalized abelian variety
times a finitely generated abelian group.
\proof Since it is enough to compute the determinant in the complement of a
set of codimension two, we may restrict attention to the open subset of
$T_A$ where
$\Delta$ is a Cartier divisor. Now it is a general formula that, for a
Cartier divisor $D$ on
$$c_1 \left[(\nu_A)_*\scrO_{T_A}(D)\right] = c_1
\left[(\nu_A)_*\scrO_{T_A}\right]+ (\nu_A)_*D.$$ Thus, applying this
formula to $\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta -\Sigma _A)$ and $\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta
-\Sigma _A)\otimes
\rho_A^* N$, we see that
$$c_1(V_{A, 0}[N]) = c_1(V_{A, 0}) + (\nu_A)_*\rho_A^* c_1(N).$$ But we
have calculated $c_1(V_{A, 0}) = \dsize -(n-1)\alpha +
\fracwithdelims(){n^2-n}{2}L$, and $(\nu_A)_*\rho_A^* c_1(N) =
\pi^*(g_A)_*c_1(N)$ since $T_A = C_A\times _BZ$. Putting these together
gives the formula in (5.11).
If $\dim B \geq 2$ and $M$ is sufficiently ample, we we will see in the next
subsection that the generalized abelian variety $\Ker
\{g_A{}_*\: \Pic C_A \to \Pic B\}$ is in fact a finitely generated abelian
group, with no component of positive dimension.
Using (5.11), let us consider the following problem: Given the section $A$,
when can we find a line bundle $N$ such that $V_{A, 0}[N]$ actually has
trivial determinant? We are now in position to answer this question in
this case if we consider twisting only by line bundles which exist
universally for all spectral covers.
\proposition{5.12} Given a section $A$, suppose that
$N=\scrO_{C_A}(-aF)\otimes g_A^*N_0$ for a line bundle $N_0$ on $B$ and an
integer $a$. Then
$V_{A, 0}[N]$ has trivial determinant for some choice of an $N$ as above if
at least one of the following conditions holds:
\item"{(i)}" $n$ is odd,
\item"{(ii)}" $L$ is divisible by $2$ in $\Pic B$, or
$\alpha\equiv L\bmod 2$ in
$\Pic B$.
\proof It suffices to show that there exists an $a\in \Zee$ such that
$\det (V_{A,a})$ is divisible by $n$. For then, for an appropriate line
bundle $N_0$ on
$B$, we can arrange that $V=V_{A,a}\otimes N$ has trivial determinant. By
(5.10), we must have
$$(a-1)\alpha \equiv \frac{n(n-1)}2L \bmod n.$$ In the first two cases we
simply take
$a\equiv 1 \bmod n$. Lastly, let us suppose that $n$ is even and that
$L$ is not divisible by $2$. Then the condition $\dsize (a-1)\alpha
\frac{n(n-1)}2L \bmod n$ is a nontrivial condition on
$\alpha$. It is satisfied for the appropriate $a$ if $\alpha\equiv L\bmod
2$ in
$\Pic B$.
We leave it to the reader to write out necessary and sufficient conditions
for the equation $\dsize (a-1)\alpha \equiv \frac{n(n-1)}2L \bmod n$ to
have a solution in general.
For a general line bundle $N$ on $C_A$, we can use the
Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem to calculate the higher Chern classes of
$\ch(V_{A, 0}[N])$, but only in the range where $\Delta$ is a Cartier
divisor. Thus, we are essentially only able to compute $c_2$ by this method
for a general line bundle $N$:
\proposition{5.13} Suppose that no component of $\Gamma$ is contained in
$C_A$. Let
$\ch_2$ be the degee two component of the Chern character. Then
\ch_2(V_{A, 0}[N])- \ch_2(V_{A,0})= \\ (\nu_A)_*\left(\left( \Delta -\Sigma
_A +
\frac12(\nu_A^*K_Z- K_{T_A})\right)\cdot (\rho_A)^*( N)
\right)+(\pi_A)^*(g_A)_*\frac{( N)^2}{2}.
\proof Working where $\Delta$ is Cartier, we can apply the
Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem to the local complete intersection
$\nu_A\: T_A\to Z$ to determine the Chern character of $V_{A,0} =
(\nu_A)_*\scrO_{T_A}(\Delta - \Sigma _A)$:
$$\ch (V_{A,a}) = (\nu_A)_*\left(e^{\Delta -\Sigma}\Todd(T_A/Z)\right),$$
valid under our assumptions through terms of degree two. Applying the same
method to calculate the Chern character of $V_{A, 0}[N]$, we find that, at
least through degree two,
$$\ch (V_{A, 0}[N])- \ch (V_{A,0})= (\nu_A)_*\left((e^N-1)(e^{\Delta
-\Sigma}\Todd(T_A/Z)\right).$$ Expanding this out gives (5.13).
\ssection{5.4. Line bundles on the spectral cover.}
In this section, we look at the problem of finding extra line bundles on the
spectral cover $C_A$, under the assumption that $C_A$ is smooth and that
$M$ is sufficiently ample. As we shall see, the discussion falls naturally
into three cases: $\dim B =1$, $\dim B = 2$, $\dim B \geq 3$.
First let us consider the case that $B$ is a curve, with $M$ arbitrary but
$C_A$ assumed to be smooth, or more generally reduced. Let
$A$ correspond to the line bundle $M$ on $B$. Given $V=V_{A, 0}[N]$, we seek
$\det V$ and $c_2(V)$. First, by (5.11), working in $\Pic B$ written
$$\det V_{A, 0}[N]= -(n -1)M +
\fracwithdelims(){n^2-n}{2}L+ (g_A)_*N.$$ Since $g_A{}_*\: \Pic C _A\to
\Pic B$ is surjective in case $C_A$ is reduced, we can arrange that the
determinant is in fact trivial, and then the line bundle
$\scrO_{C_A}(D)$ is determined up to the subgroup $\Ker \{g_A{}_*\: \Pic
C_A \to \Pic B\}$. If $C_A$ is smooth, then this subgroup is the product of
an abelian variety and a finite group
We may summarize this discussion as follows:
\theorem{5.14} Suppose that $\dim B =1$. Given a section $A$ of $\Cal
P_{n-1}$ such that
$C_A$ is reduced, the set of bundles $V$ with trivial determinant such that
$A(V) = A$ is a nonempty principal homogeneous space over $\Ker \{g_A{}_*\:
\Pic C_A \to \Pic B\}$. The same statement holds if we replace the
condition that $V$ has trivial determinant by the condition that the
determinant of $V$ is $\pi ^*\lambda$ for some fixed line bundle $\lambda$
on $B$.
The remaining Chern class is $c_2(V)$. In this case, in $H^4(Z; \Zee)$,
with no assumptions on $\Gamma$, we have (as computed in
\cite{3} in case $n=2$):
\proposition{5.15} For every line bundle $N$ on $C_A$,
$$c_2(V_{A,0}[N]) = c_2(V) = \sigma \cdot \alpha = \deg M.$$
\proof First assume that $C_A$ is reduced. Write $N \cong \scrO_{C_A}(\sum
_ip_i)$, where the $p_i$ are points in the smooth locus of $C_A$ which lie
under smooth fibers. Thus $\rho_A^{-1}(p_i) = f_i$ is a smooth fiber of
$T_A$. In this case, we can obtain $V_{A,0}[N]$ as a sequence of elementary
modifications of the form
$$0 \to V_{A,0}[N_j] \to V_{A,0}[N_{j+1}] \to (i_j)_*\lambda _j \to 0,$$
where $E_j$ is the fiber on $Z$ corresponding to $f_j\subset T_A$, $i_j\:
E_j \to Z$ is the inclusion, and $\lambda _j = \scrO_{T_A}(\Delta - \Sigma
_A)|f_j$ is a line bundle of degree zero. By standard calculations,
$$c_2(V_{A,0}[N_j]) = c_2(V_{A,0}[N_{j+1}])$$ and so $c_2(V_{A,0}[N]) =
c_2(V_{A,0}) = \sigma \cdot \alpha$.
In case $C_A$ is not reduced, a similar argument applies, where we replace
$p_i$ by a Cartier divisor whose support is contained in the smooth locus of
$(C_A)_{\text{red}}$ and
$E_j$ by a thickened fiber.
\remark{Remark} On the level of Chow groups, the refined Chern class $\tilde
c_2(V_{A,0}[N])$ essentially records the extra information coming from the
natural map $\Pic C_A\to A^2(Z)$.
Next we consider the case where $\dim B > 1$. First we have the following
result, with no assumption on $C_A$, concerning the connected component of
$\Pic C_A$.
\lemma{5.16} Suppose that $\dim B \geq 2$ and that $M$ is sufficiently
ample. More precisely, suppose that
$$H^i(B; L^{-1}\otimes M^{-1}) = H^i(B; L\otimes M^{-1}) = \cdots = H^i(B;
L^{n-1}\otimes M^{-1}) = 0$$ for $i=0,1$. Then the natural map from $H^1(Z;
\scrO_Z)$ to $H^1(C_A; \scrO_{C_A})$ is an isomorphism. Finally, if in
addition $L$ is not trivial, then the norm map from
$\Pic^0C_A$ to $\Pic ^0B$ is surjective with finite kernel. Thus $\Ker
\Pic C_A \to \Pic B\}$ is a finitely generated abelian group.
\proof From the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes \pi^*M^{-1} \to \scrO_Z \to \scrO_{C_A}
\to 0,$$ we see that there is a long exact sequence
$$H^1(\scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes \pi^*M^{-1}) \to H^1(\scrO_Z) \to
\to H^2(\scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes \pi^*M^{-1}).$$ Applying the Leray
spectral sequence to $\scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes \pi^*M^{-1}$, we have that
$$H^i(\scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes \pi^*M^{-1}) = H^{i-1}(R^1\pi
_*\left[\scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes \pi^*M^{-1}\right]).$$ Now, by duality,
$$\gather R^1\pi_*\left[\scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes \pi^*M^{-1}\right] =
R^1\pi _*\scrO_Z(-n\sigma) \otimes M^{-1}\\
= \left(L^{-1}\oplus L\oplus \cdots \oplus L^{n-1}\right) \otimes M^{-1}.
\endgather$$ Thus by our assumptions the map $H^1\scrO_Z) \to
H^1(\scrO_{C_A})$ is an isomorphism. By applying the Leray spectral
sequence to $\scrO_Z$, we see that there is an exact sequence
$0\to H^1(\scrO_B) \to H^1\scrO_Z) \to H^0(L^{-1})$. As we saw in the proof
of (ii) of (5.8), if $L$ is not trivial, then $H^0(L^{-1}) = 0$ and the
pullback map
\to H^1\scrO_Z)$ is an isomorphism. The last statement of the lemma is then
\lemma{5.17} If $M$ is sufficiently ample on $B$, then
$C_A$ is an ample divisor in $Z$.
\proof Equivalently, we must show that for $M$ sufficiently ample on $B$,
$\pi ^*M\otimes \scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ is ample. But $\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ is
relatively ample, and thus by a standard result $\pi ^*M\otimes
\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ is ample for $M$ sufficiently ample (compare \cite{10,
p\. 161. (7.10)(b)} for the case where $\scrO_Z(n\sigma)$ is relatively
very ample).
\corollary{5.18} If $\dim B \geq 3$, $M$ is sufficiently ample, and $Z$ and
$C_A$ are smooth, then $\Pic Z \cong \Pic C_A$. If $\dim B =2$, $M$ is
sufficiently ample, and $Z$ and $C_A$ are smooth, then the restriction
mapping $\Pic Z \to
\Pic C_A$ is injective.
\proof This is immediate from the Lefschetz theorem and (5.17).
\remark{Remark} If $\dim B = 2$ and $M$ is sufficiently ample, it is natural
to expect an analogue of the Noether-Lefschetz theorem to hold: for generic
sections $C_A$ of $\pi ^*M\otimes \scrO_Z(n\sigma)$,
$\Pic Z \cong \Pic C_A$. However, in the next section, we will see how to
construct sections $A$ such that the spectral cover $C_A$ is smooth but has
larger Picard number than expected.
\ssection{5.5. Symmetric bundles.}
Next we turn to bundles with a special invariance property.
\definition{Definition 5.19} Let $\iota\: Z \to Z$ be the involution which
$-1$ in every fiber. A bundle $V$ is {\sl symmetric\/} if $\iota^*V \cong
We shall now analyze when a bundle $V$ is symmetric. We fix a section $A$,
corresponding to the class $\alpha$ and denote $C_A, \nu _A$, $T_A$, $g_A$
simply by
$C, \nu, T,g$.
\proposition{5.20} For a suitable choice of $N\in
\Pic C$ the bundle $V_{A,0}[N]$ is symmetric if and only if
$g^*(L+\alpha) + nF$ is divisible by $2$ in $\Pic C$. In this case, for a
fixed section $A$, the set of all symmetric bundles whose section is $A$ is
a principal homogeneous space over the $2$-torsion in $\Pic C$.
\proof Suppose that $V=V_{A,0}[N] = \nu _*\left[\scrO_T(\Delta -
\Sigma_A )\otimes \rho^*\scrO_{C}(N)\right]$, where $N$ is a divisor on
$C$. For our purposes, since both $\iota^*V$ and $V\spcheck$ are
bundles, they are isomorphic if and only if they are isomorphic outside the
complement of a set of codimension two in $Z$. Thus, we shall work as if
$\Delta$ is a Cartier divisor.
There is an induced involution on $T$, also denoted by $\iota$, for which
$\nu$ is equivariant. Thus
\iota ^*V&= \iota^*\nu _*\left[\scrO_T(\Delta - \Sigma _A )\otimes
\rho^*\scrO_{C}(N)\right]\\ &=\nu_*\iota^*\left[\scrO_T(\Delta - \Sigma
\endalign$$ Now $\iota^*\Sigma _A = \Sigma _A$ and $\iota
^*\rho^*\scrO_{C}(N) =
\rho^*\scrO_{C}(N)$. One the other hand, $\iota ^*\Delta$ is linearly
equivalent to
$2\Sigma _A -\Delta$ on a generic fiber. This says that
$$\iota ^*\Delta = 2\Sigma _A -\Delta + \rho^*D$$ for some divisor
$D$ on $C$. To determine $D$, restrict both sides above to
$\Sigma _A$ where $\iota$ acts trivially. We find that
$D = 2\Delta \cdot \Sigma _A -2\Sigma _A^2$, viewed in the obvious way as a
divisor class on $C$. Thus
$$\iota ^*\Delta = 2\Sigma _A -\Delta + 2\rho^*D_0$$ where $D_0$ is the
fixed divisor class $\Delta \cdot \Sigma _A -\Sigma _A^2$, viewed as a
divisor on $C$. Here the main point will be the factor of
$2$. However we note that
$\Sigma _A^2 = -[L']$, where $L'= g^*L$ is the line bundle for the elliptic
scheme $T$, and
$$\Delta \cdot \Sigma _A = \Delta \cdot \nu^*\sigma =
\nu^*(\nu_*\Delta )\cdot \sigma =\nu ^*(C\cdot \sigma),$$ which after
pullback corresponds to the divisor class $F$ on $T$. (Here $\Delta =
C\times _BC\subset C\times _BZ$, and so $\nu_*\Delta =C$ since $\nu$ is
just the natural projection of $T=C\times _BZ$ to $Z$.)
Next we calculate $V\spcheck$. Relative duality for the finite flat morphism
$\nu$ says that, for every Cartier divisor $D$ on $T$, $\left[\nu
_*\scrO_T(D)\right]\spcheck = \nu _*\left[\scrO_T(-D)\otimes
K_{T/Z}\right]$, where $K_{T/Z} = K_T\otimes
\nu^*K_Z^{-1}$ is the relative dualizing sheaf of the morphism $\nu$. Thus
we must have
$$\Sigma _A -\Delta -\rho ^*N + K_T-\nu ^*K_Z = \Sigma _A -\Delta +
2\rho^*D_0 +\rho ^*N.$$ Equivalently, we must have
$$K_T-\nu ^*K_Z = 2\rho ^*N + 2\rho^*D_0= 2\rho ^*(N +[L'] + F).$$
Conversely, given that the above equality holds, the corresponding vector
bundles will be symmetric. To see if this equality holds for the
appropriate choice of $N$, we must calculate $K_T-\nu ^*K_Z$. Since $Z$ is
an elliptic fibration, $K_Z =
\pi ^*(K_B+L)$, and likewise $K_T = \rho ^*(K_C+L')$, where $L' = g^*L$.
$K_T-\nu ^*K_Z = \rho^*(K_C - g^*K_B)$. To calculate $K_C$, we use (5.4),
which says that $K_C = K_Z+C|C = K_Z + \pi^*L + n\sigma |C$. On the other
hand, $K_Z - \pi ^*K_B = \pi ^*L$. Restricting to $C$ gives:
$$K_C - g^*K_B = g^*(L+\alpha) + nF.$$ Putting this together, we see that,
if $V$ is symmetric, then we must have $\rho^*(g^*(L+\alpha) + nF)$
divisible by $2$ in $\rho^*\Pic C$, and conversely.
Next we claim that $\rho^*\: \Pic C \to \Pic T$ is injective. It suffices to
show that $\rho_*\scrO_T =\scrO_C$, for then $\rho_*\rho^*N = N$ for every
line bundle $N$ on $C$. But by flat base change $g^*\pi_*\scrO_Z = \rho_*\nu
^*\scrO_Z = \rho_*\scrO_T$. Since $\pi_*\scrO_Z =\scrO_B$, we have that
$g^*\pi_*\scrO_Z = g^*\scrO_B = \scrO_C = \rho_*\scrO_T$. Hence
$\rho_*\scrO_T =\scrO_C$, and so $\rho^*$ is injective.
Thus, $V$ is symmetric if and only if $g^*(L+\alpha) + nF$ divisible by $2$
$\Pic C$. Moreover the set of possible line bundles $N$ for which
$V_{A,0}[N]$ is symmetric is a principal homogeneous space over the
$2$-torsion in $\Pic C$, as claimed. This concludes the proof of (5.20).
If $\dim B \geq 3$, $Z$ and $C$ are smooth, and $M$ is sufficiently ample,
$g^*(L+\alpha) + nF$ is divisible by $2$ in $\Pic C$ if and only if
$\pi^*(L+\alpha) + n\sigma$ is divisible by $2$ in $\Pic Z$. This can only
happen if $n$ is even and $\alpha \equiv L \bmod 2$. A similar statement is
likely to hold if $\dim B =2$ and $A$ is also assumed to be general.
We can see the conditions $n$ is even and $\alpha
\equiv L \bmod 2$ clearly in terms of extensions. In this case $n=2d$, and
we can write $V_{A,1-d}$ as an extension
$$0 \to \Cal W_d\spcheck \to V_{A, 1-d} \to \Cal W_d\otimes M^{-1}\otimes
L\to 0.$$ Under the assumption that $M^{-1}\otimes L =M_0^{\otimes 2}$ for
some line bundle
$M_0$, we can write $V_{A, 1-d}\otimes M_0^{-1}$ as an extension of $\Cal
W_d\otimes M_0$ by the dual bundle $\Cal W_d\spcheck \otimes M_0^{-1}$, and
then check directly that the corresponding bundles are symmetric.
\ssection{5.6. The case of the trivial section.}
We turn to bundles which have reducible or non-reduced spectral covers. We
begin with the extreme case of the trivial section
$\bold o = \bold o_Z =\Pee \scrO_B \subset {\Cal P}_{n-1}$. To construct
this section we take $M=\scrO_B$ and take a nowhere vanishing section of
$\scrO_B$ and the zero section of $L^{-a}$ for all $a>0$. Since
$M=\scrO_B$, the class $\alpha$ is zero. The spectral cover $C=C_{\bold
o}\subset Z$ is simply the nonreduced scheme
$n\sigma$, and the associated reduced subscheme $C_{\text{red}}$ is
identified with $B$. The bundles associated to this section have the
property that their restrictions to each fiber of $Z$ are isomorphic to
$I_n(\scrO)$. Conversely, if we have such a bundle $V$ over $Z$, then the
section it determines is $\bold o$.
By our general existence theorem we immediately conclude:
\corollary{5.21} For every $n\ge 1$ there is a vector bundle $V\to Z$ whose
restriction to each fiber $E_b\subset Z$ is isomorphic to
$I_n(\scrO_{E_b})$. \qed
The structure sheaf $\scrO_C$ is filtered by subsheaves with successive
$$L^{n-1}, L^{n-2}, \dots, \scrO_B.$$ The restriction of
$\scrO_{C\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Sigma _A -aF)$ to $C_{\text{red}}\times
_BZ\cong Z$, is isomorphic to
$$\scrO_{C\times _BZ}(\Delta -\Sigma _A -aF)|(C_{\text{red}}\times _BZ)
\cong \scrO_Z(\sigma -\sigma)\otimes L^a) =L^a.$$ From this it follows that
$V_{\bold o, a}$ has a filtration by subbundles with successive quotients
$L^{a+n-1}, L^{a+n-2}, \dots, L^a$. Consequently,
$$\ch (V_{\bold o, a}) = \frac{e^{aL} - e^{(a+n)L}}{1-e^L},$$ which agrees
with the formula in Theorem 5.10 since $\alpha = 0$.
We have the inclusion $B=C_{\text{red}}\subset C$ and the projection
$C\to B$ so that $\scrO_C$ splits as a module over $\scrO_B$ into
$\Cal S\oplus \scrO_B$ with $\Cal S$ a locally free sheaf of rank $n-1$
over $\scrO_B$.
From the filtration of $\scrO_C$ as an $\scrO_B$-module, we see that
$\Cal S$ has a filtration with successive quotients
$L^{n-1}, L^{n-2}, \dots,L$. Thus, $\Pic C \cong\Pic B \oplus H^1(\Cal
S)$, and
$H^1(\Cal S)$ is a vector group. In particular, as far as Chern classes are
concerned, we may as well just twist by line bundles $N$ on $C$ which are
pulled back from
$B$. Even if the line bundle
$N$ on $C$ is not pulled back from $B$, if $N_0$ is the restriction of
$N$ to
$C_{\text{red}} \cong B$, it is still clear that $V_{(\bold o, 0)}[N]$ has
a filtration with successive quotients $L^{n-1}\otimes N_0, L^{n-2}\otimes
\dots, L\otimes N_0$. We have
$$\ch(V_{\bold o, 0}[N])=\frac{1 - e^{nL}}{1-e^L}\cdot e^{N_0}.$$
\remark{Remark} (1) Note that, unless $L$ is a torsion line bundle, the
$V_{\bold o, 0}[N]$ are unstable with respect to every ample divisor.
\noindent (2) By contrast with (5.14), even if $\dim B =1$, we cannot always
arrange trivial determinant for $V_{\bold o, 0}[N]$.
If instead we try to construct $V_{\bold o, a}$ directly as a sequence of
global extensions on $Z$, we run into the following type of question.
Suppose for simplicity that $n=2$ and that $a=0$. In this case we try to
find a bundle on $Z$ which restricts over every fiber $f$ of $Z$ to be the
nontrivial extension of $\scrO_f$ by $\scrO_f$, in other words to
$I_2$. We may as well try to write it as an extension of $\scrO_Z$ by the
pullback of a line bundle $N$ on $B$. To do this we need a class
$H^1(\pi^*N)$ whose restriction to every fiber is non-trivial. That is to
say, we need an element in $H^1(\pi^*N)$ whose image under the natural map
$\psi$ in the Leray spectral sequence (which is an exact sequence in this
$$H^1(\pi _*\pi ^*N) \to H^1(\pi ^*N)
\buildrel\psi\over\longrightarrow H^0(R^1\pi _*\pi ^*N) \to H^2(\pi _*\pi
^*N)$$ is a nowhere zero section of $R^1\pi _*\pi ^*N$. Of course, $\pi
_*\pi ^*N \cong N$ and $R^1\pi _*\pi ^*N \cong N\otimes R^1\pi _*\scrO_Z=
N\otimes L^{-1}$. Thus if there is to exist a nowhere vanishing section of
$H^0(R^1\pi _*\pi ^*N)$, it must be the case that $N=L$. But we also need
the condition that the map $H^1(\pi ^*L) \to H^0(L\otimes L^{-1})=
H^0(\scrO_B)$ is surjective. This is not immediately obvious from the
spectral sequence since there is no reason for $H^2(B;L)$ to vanish.
Nevertheless, it follows from our construction of $V_{\bold o, 0}$ that the
map $\psi$ is onto in the case $N=L$. Finally, the set of possible
extensions is a principal homogeneous space over
$H^1(B;L)$, which is identified with the kernel of the natural map
$\Pic (2\sigma) \to \Pic B$.
\ssection{5.7. Deformation to a reducible spectral cover.}
For every choice of a rank $n > \dim B$ and for all sections $A$ of
$\Cal P_{n-1}$ which correspond to a sufficiently ample line bundle, we have
constructed vector bundles $V_{A,a} = V_{A,a}(n)$. In this subsection, we
try to relate the $V_{A,a}(n)$ for various choices of $n$. To this end,
let $\Cal H = \Cal P^{n-2} = \Pee (\scrO_B \oplus L^{-2} \oplus
\cdots \oplus L^{-n+1}) \subset {\Cal P}_{n-1}$. We begin by considering
what happens when the section $A$ lies in the subbundle
$\Cal H$, but is otherwise generic. To insure that there are actually
sections of
$\Cal H$ as opposed to just rational sections, it is reasonable to assume
that $n \geq \dim B +2$. A section $A$ of
$\Cal H$ is given by a line bundle $M$ and by $n$ sections $\sigma_0, \dots,
\sigma_{n-1}$ of $M, M\otimes L^{-2}, \dots, M\otimes L^{-(n-1)}$ which
have no common zeroes. If $M$ is sufficiently ample, the section $A=A_0$
will then move in a family
$A_t$ of sections of ${\Cal P}_{n-1}$, by choosing a nonzero section
$\sigma_n$ of
$M\otimes L^{-n}$ and considering the family defined by the sections
\dots, \sigma_{n-1}, t\sigma_n)$. Roughly speaking,
$V_{A_0,a}(n)$ is obtained from the bundle $V'$ of rank $n-1$ corresponding
to $A_0$, viewed as a section of
$\Cal P_{n-2}$. Along each fiber $f$ we add a trivial $\scrO_f$ factor to
the restriction of $V'$. This statement is correct as long as the
restriction of $V'$ to the fiber does not itself contain an $\scrO_f$
factor, or more generally a summand of the form $I_d(\scrO_f)$ for some
$d\leq n$. The simplest possibility would be that $V_{A_0,a}(n)$ is a
deformation of $V_{A,a}(n-1)\oplus \scrO_Z$, but a calculation with Chern
classes rules this out. Likewise, $V_{A_0,a}(n)$ is not a deformation of
$V_{A,a}(n-1)\oplus \pi^*N$ for any line bundle $N$ on $B$. Instead, we
shall see that $V_{A_0,a}(n)$ is a deformation of a suitable elementary
modification of $V_{A,a}(n-1)\oplus \pi^*L^a$. Finally, we shall use the
construction to check the Chern class calculations.
To make this construction, it is best to begin by working universally
again. We have the
$n$-to-$1$ map $\nu\: \Cal T \to {\Cal P}_{n-1}$. Inside
${\Cal P}_{n-1}$, there is the smooth divisor $\Cal H = \Cal P_{n-2}$. Now
$\Cal T= \Cal T_{n-1}$ there is a smooth divisor $\Cal T'\cong \Cal
T_{n-2}$ defined by the diagram
$$\CD 0 @>>> \Cal E @>>> \pi ^*\pi _*\scrO_Z(n\sigma) @>>>
\scrO_Z(n\sigma) @>>> 0\\ @. @AAA @AAA @AAA @.\\ 0 @>>> \Cal E' @>>>
\pi ^*\pi _*\scrO_Z((n-1)\sigma) @>>> \scrO_Z((n-1)\sigma) @>>> 0.
\endCD$$ We take $\Cal T' = \Pee (\Cal E') \subset \Pee (\Cal E) =\Cal T$.
The restriction of $\nu$ to $\Cal T'$ defines the corresponding map $\Cal
T_{n-2} \to \Cal P_{n-2}$, and in particular
$\nu |\Cal T'$ has degree $n-1$. Clearly, we have an equality of smooth
divisors in $\Cal T$:
$$\nu ^*\Cal H = \Cal T' + r^*\sigma.$$ The intersection $\Cal T'
\cap r^*\sigma$ is clearly the smooth divisor $\Cal P_{n-3} \subset
r^*\sigma \cong \Cal P_{n-2}$; it lies over $\Cal P_{n-3}$. A local
calculation shows that $\Cal T'$ and $ r^*\sigma$ meet transversally at the
generic point of $\Cal P_{n-3}$ and thus everywhere. Note that
$\Cal T_1\cong Z$, $r\: \Cal T_1 \to Z$ is the identity, and the
intersection of
$\Cal T_1$ and $r^*\sigma$ in $\Cal T_2$ is $\sigma \subset \Cal T_1$. This
is compatible with the convention
$\bold o \cong \Cal P_0 \cong B$.
Let $\Cal D = \Cal T'\times _BZ$ and, as usual, let $F = r^*\sigma
\times _BZ$. Then $F$ is a smooth divisor and $\Cal D$ is smooth away from
the singularities of $\Cal T\times _BZ$. The divisors $\Cal D$ and $F$ meet
in a reduced divisor $\Cal P_{n-3}\times _BZ$. We thus have an exact
$$0 \to \scrO_{\Cal D + F} \to \scrO_{\Cal D}\oplus \scrO_F \to
\scrO_{\Cal D\cap F} \to 0.$$ Tensoring the above exact sequence by the
$\scrO_{\Cal T\times _BZ}(\Delta - \Sigma _A -aF)$, using the fact that
$\Delta \cap F = \Sigma _A\cap F$, gives a new exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_{\Cal D + F}(\Delta - \Sigma _A -aF) \to
\scrO_{\Cal D}(\Delta - \Sigma _A -aF)\oplus \scrO_F(-aF)\to
\scrO_{\Cal D\cap F}( -aF) \to 0.$$ (In a neighborhood of $F$, $\Delta$ is
Cartier, and so the above sequence is still exact.) Of course,
$F|F = -L|F$. Now apply
$(\nu \times \Id)_*$ to the above exact sequence. To keep track of the
ranks, we shall write $\Cal U_a(n)$ when we want to denote the appropriate
vector bundle of rank
$n$, and similarly for $V_{A,a}(n)$. (However, in the notation,
$V_{A,a}(n-1)$ will be a general rank $(n-1)$-bundle but $V_{A,a}(n)$ will
be the special rank $n$ bundle corresponding to a reducible section. Of
course, this will not affect Chern class calculations.) We have:
$$0 \to \Cal U_a(n)|\Cal P_{n-2}\times _BZ \to \Cal U_a(n-1) \oplus
(L^a|\Cal P_{n-2}\times _BZ) \to L^a|\Cal P_{n-3}\times _BZ \to 0.$$ Let
$A$ be a section of ${\Cal P}_{n-1}$ lying in $\Cal P_{n-2}$ and otherwise
general. Pulling back the above exact sequence via $A$, we get an exact
sequence relating the special rank $n$ bundle
$V_{A,a}(n)$ with a general rank $(n-1)$-bundle $V_{A,a}(n-1)$ obtained by
$A$ as a section of $\Cal P_{n-2}$:
$$0\to V_{A,a}(n) \to V_{A,a}(n-1)\oplus \pi ^*L^a \to (\pi ^*L^a)|D
\to 0,$$ where $D$ is the divisor in $Z$ corresponding to $\Cal P_{n-3}
\cap A$. In particular $D$ is pulled back from $B\cong A$. Thus we have
realized the special bundle $V_{A,a}(n)$ as an elementary modification of
$V_{A,a}(n-1)\oplus \pi ^*L^a$ along the divisor $D$.
To calculate the cohomology class of $D$, note that the class of $\Cal
P_{n-3}$ in
$\Cal P_{n-2}$ is given by $\zeta - (n-1)L$ (by applying (4.15) with
$n$ replaced by $n-1$), and so the class of
$D$ is given by $p_*([A]\cdot (\zeta - (n-1)L))$. By (5.9),
$$[D] = \alpha - (n-1)L. \tag5.22$$ For $M$ sufficiently ample and $A$
general, $D$ is a smooth divisor, and we get $V_{A,a}(n)$ by an elementary
modification of the direct sum $V_{A,a}(n-1)\oplus \pi ^*L^a$ along
$D$. Here, of course, the surjection from $V_{A,a}(n-1)$ to $\pi ^*L^a|D$
arises because on every fiber $f$ over a point of $D$,
$V_{A,a}(n-1)$ has a trivial quotient $\scrO_f$.
Note that, assuming we are the range where the calculations are correct, we
obtain an inductive formula for $\ch V_{A,a}(n)$:
$$\ch V_{A,a}(n) = \ch V_{A,a}(n-1) + \ch (L^a) -\ch (L^a|D).$$ Now from
the exact sequence
$$0 \to L^a\otimes \scrO_Z(-D) \to L^a \to L^a|D \to 0,$$ we see that
$\ch (L^a|D) = \ch (L^a) - \ch (L^a\otimes \scrO_Z(-D))$, and thus using
$$\ch V_{A,a}(n)=\ch V_{A,a}(n-1)+e^{(a+n-1)L+\alpha}.$$ Note that this is
consistent with the formula given in (5.10) for $\ch V_{A,a}$.
This inductive picture must be modified for small values of $n$. For
example, in case $\dim B =3$, a general section in $\Cal P_2$ degenerates
to a rational section of $\Cal P_1$ plus some exceptional fibers, and there
is a further problem in the passage from $\Cal P_1$ to $\Cal P_0 = \bold
o$. However, we will not discuss these matters further.
\ssection{5.8. Subsheaves of $V$ and reducible spectral covers.}
\proposition{5.23} Let $V$ be a rank $n$ bundle on $Z$ whose restriction to
every fiber is regular and semistable with trivial determinant. Then the
spectral cover $C=C_A$ associated to $V$ is reduced and irreducible if and
only if there is no subsheaf $V'\subset V$ whose restriction to the
generic fiber is a semistable bundle of degree zero and rank $r$ with
$0<r<n$, if and only if there is no quotient sheaf
$V''$ of $V$ which is torsion free and whose restriction to the generic
fiber is a semistable bundle of degree zero and rank $r$ with $0<r<n$.
\proof Clearly, $V$ has a subsheaf $V'$ as in the statement of the
proposition if and only if it has a quotient sheaf $V''$ as described
If $C$ is not reduced and irreducible, then there is a proper closed
subvariety $C'\subset C$ which maps surjectively onto $B$ and is finite of
degree $r,\ 0<r<n$ over $B$. We may assume that $C'$ is reduced. Let
$T'=T\times _BC'$ be the corresponding subscheme of
$T=T_A$. The surjection $\scrO_T \to \scrO_{T'}$ and the fact that $\nu
=\nu_A$ is finite leads to a surjection
$$V=(\nu\times \Id)_*\left[\scrO_T(\Delta - \Sigma _A)\otimes \rho^*N\right]
\twoheadrightarrow (\nu\times \Id)_*\left[\scrO_{T'}(\Delta - \Sigma
\rho^*N\right]=V''.$$ By construction, $V''$ is a torsion free sheaf on $Z$
of rank $r$ with $0< r < n$. Restrict to a generic smooth fiber $\pi
^{-1}(b)=E_b$ of $\pi$ such that the fiber of the projection
$C'\to B$ has $r$ distinct points $e_1, \dots, e_r \in E_b$ over $b$. By
Lemma 5.6, the restriction of
$V''$ to $E_b$ is a direct sum of the $r$ line bundles
$\scrO_{E_b}(e_i-p_0)$, and in particular it is semistable (and in fact
Conversely, suppose that there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to V' \to V \to V'' \to 0,$$ where both $V'$ and $V''$ are nonzero
torsion free sheaves whose restrictions to a generic fiber are semistable.
Let $r'$ be the rank of $V'$ and $r''$ be the rank of $V''$. After
restricting to a nonempty Zariski open subset of $Z$, we may assume that
$V'$ and
$V''$ are locally free. Consider now the commutative diagram
$$\minCDarrowwidth{.2 in}
\CD 0 @>>> \pi^*\pi_*(V'\otimes \scrO_Z(\sigma)) @>>> \pi^*\pi_*(V\otimes
\scrO_Z(\sigma)) @>>> \pi^*\pi_*(V''\otimes \scrO_Z(\sigma)) @>>> 0\\ @.
@V{\Psi'}VV @V{\Psi}VV @V{\Psi''}VV @.\\ 0 @>>> V'\otimes
\scrO_Z(\sigma) @>>> V\otimes
\scrO_Z(\sigma) @>>> V''\otimes \scrO_Z(\sigma) @>>> 0.
\endCD$$ By definition, $C$ is the Cartier divisor which is the scheme of
zeroes of
$\det\Psi$. On the other hand, we clearly have $\det \Psi = \det \Psi'\cdot
\Psi''$. If $C'$ is the scheme of zeroes of $\det \Psi '$, and $C''$ is the
scheme of zeroes of $\det \Psi ''$, then $C = C'+C''$ on a nonempty Zariski
open subset of $Z$. Furthermore, $C'$ maps to $B$ with degree $r'$ and
$C''$ maps to $B$ with degree $r''$, so that neither of $C', C''$ is
trivial. It follows that the restriction of $C$ to a nonempty Zariski open
subset of $Z$ is either nonreduced or reducible, and so the same is true
for $C$ as well.
Finally, let us remark that if $V$ is merely assumed to be regular and
semistable on a generic fiber, so that $A(V)$ is just a rational section,
the above proof still goes through.
\section{6. Bundles which are not regular and semistable on every fiber.}
Let $\pi\: Z \to B$ be an elliptic fibration with $\dim B =d$, and let
$E_b =\pi^{-1}(b)$. In this section, we consider some examples of bundles
$V$, such that
$\det V$ has trivial restriction to each fiber, which fail to be regular or
semistable on every fiber
$E_b$. From the general principles mentioned in the introduction, it is
reasonable to consider only those bundles whose restriction to the generic
fiber is semistable. We shall further assume here that the restriction to
the generic fiber is regular (this will exclude, for example, the tangent
bundle of an elliptic fibration whose base $B$ has dimension at least two).
Thus, we shall consider bundles $V$ such that, for a nonempty proper closed
subset $Y$ of $B$ and for all
$y\in Y$, either
$V|E_y$ is unstable or it is semistable but not regular. There is an
important difference between the case $\dim Y =d-1$ and $\dim Y<d-1$. In
the first case, $V$ is not determined by its restriction to $\pi
^{-1}(B-Y)$ and can be obtained via elementary modifications from a
``better" bundle (or reflexive sheaf). In this case, there is a lot of
freedom in creating such $V$ where $V|E_y$ is unstable along a
hypersurface. By contrast, it is more difficult to arrange that $V|E_y$ is
semistable but not regular along a hypersurface. If $\dim Y < d-1$, then,
$V$ is a vector bundle, it is determined by its restriction to $\pi
^{-1}(B-Y)$ and the behavior of
$V$ is much more tightly controlled by the rational section $A(V)$ of $\Cal
P_{n-1}$. Here the case where
$V|E_y$ is unstable for $y\in Y$ (as well as the case where $V$ is
reflexive but not locally free) corresponds to the case where $A(V)$ is
just a quasisection, i\.e\. where the projection $A(V) \to B$ has degree
one but is not an isomorphism. The case where $V|E_y$ is semistable but not
regular for $y\in Y$ corresponds to the case where there are singularities
in the spectral cover $C_A$, and $V$ is obtained by twisting by a line
bundle on $C_A|B-Y$ which does not extend to a line bundle on $B$. As will
be clear from the examples, a wide variety of behavior is possible, and we
shall not try to give an exhaustive discussion of all that can occur.
\ssection{6.1. Codimension one phenomena and elementary modifications.}
First we shall discuss the phenomena which occur in codimension one, and
which amount to generalized elementary modifications. As will be clear,
when we make the most general elementary modifications, we lose control in
codimension two on $B$. Thus for example many of the constructions lead to
reflexive sheaves which are not locally free. For this reason, we shall
concentrate to a certain extent on the case $\dim B = 1$, which will
suffice for the generic behavior in codimension one when $\dim B$ is
The first very general lemma says that, locally, every possible bundle with
a given restriction to the generic fiber arises as an elementary
\lemma{6.1} Let $V$ be a vector bundle on $Z$ whose restriction to every
fiber $E_b$ is semistable and whose restriction to the generic fiber is
regular. Suppose that $A(V)=A$ is the section of
$\Cal P_{n-1}$ corresponding to $V$. Let
$$Y = \{\, b\in B: \text{ $V|E_b$ is not regular}\,\}.$$ Then $Y$ is a
Zariski closed subset of $B$. For every $y\in Y$, there exists a Zariski
neighborhood $\Omega$ of $y$ in $B$ and a morphism $\varphi\: V_{A,0}|\pi
^{-1}(\Omega)\to V|\pi ^{-1}(\Omega)$ which is an isomorphism over a
nonempty Zariski open subset of $\Omega$. Moreover, we can choose a
$\varphi$ which extends to a homomorphism
$V_{A,0} \otimes \pi ^*M^{-1} \to V$, where $M$ is a sufficiently ample
line bundle on $B$.
More generally, suppose that $V$ is merely assumed to have regular
semistable restriction to the generic fiber, so that $V|E_b$ may be
unstable for some fibers. Then there exists a closed subset $X$ of $B$ of
codimension at least two such that the section $A(V)$ extends over $B-X$
and, with $Y$ as above, for every
$y\in Y-X$, there exists a Zariski neighborhood $\Omega$ of $y$ in $B$ and
a morphism $\varphi\: V_{A,0}|\pi ^{-1}(\Omega)\to V|\pi ^{-1}(\Omega)$
which is an isomorphism over a nonempty Zariski open subset of $\Omega$.
Finally, we can choose a $\varphi$ which extends to a homomorphism
$V_{A,0} \otimes \pi ^*M^{-1} \to V|B-X$, where $M$ is a sufficiently ample
line bundle on $B-X$.
\proof Let us first consider the case where the restriction of $V$ to every
fiber is semistable. In this case the section $A=A(V)$ is defined over all
of $B$. Consider the sheaf
$\pi_*Hom (V_{A,0}, V)$. On
$B-Y$, this sheaf is locally free of rank $n$. On a sufficiently small open
$\Omega$, we can thus find a section $\varphi$ of $\pi_*Hom (V_{A,0},
V)|\Omega$ which restricts to an isomorphism on a general fiber. Since this
is an open condition, the set of points $b\in \Omega$ such that $\varphi$
fails to be an isomorphism on
$E_b$ is a proper Zariski closed subset of $\Omega$, as claimed. Finally,
if $M$ is sufficiently ample, then $\pi_*Hom (V_{A,0}, V)\otimes M$ is
generated by its global sections. Choosing such a section which restricts
to an isomorphism from
$V_{A,0} \otimes \pi ^*M^{-1}|E_b$ to $V|E_b$ for a fiber $E_b$ defines a
$\varphi$ which extends to a homomorphism $V_{A,0} \otimes \pi ^*M^{-1}\to
V$, as claimed.
In case $V$ has unstable restriction to some fibers, the above proof goes
through as long as we are able to define the section $A(V)$. Now the
rational section of
$\Cal P_{n-1}$ defined by $V$ extends to a closed irreducible subvariety of
$\Cal P_{n-1}$, which we shall also denote by $A(V) =A$. The morphism
$p|A\: A\to B$ is birational, and thus over the complement of a codimension
two set $X$ in
$B$ it is an isomorphism. Thus $A$ is a well-defined section over $B-X$,
and so defines a bundle $V_{A,0}$ over $\pi ^{-1}(B-X)$. We may then apply
the first part of the proof.
Let $V$ be a vector bundle on $Z$ whose restriction to the generic fiber
$E_b$ is semistable. Let
$$Y = \{\, b\in B: \text{ $V|E_b$ is not semistable}\,\}.$$ Then $Y$ is a
Zariski closed subset of $B$. Suppose that $W=\pi^{-1}(Y)\subset Z$. We can
restrict $V$ to the elliptic fibration $W\to Y$. For simplicity, we shall
assume that $W$ is irreducible (otherwise we would need to work one
irreducible component at a time). By general theory, there exists a torsion
free sheaf
$\Cal S$ over $W$ and a surjection $V|W
\to \Cal S$, such that at a generic point $w$ of $W$, the map $V|E_w \to
\Cal S|E_w$ is the maximal destabilizing quotient of $V|E_w$. Let $i\: W\to
Z$ be the inclusion and let $V'$ be the kernel of the surjection $V \to
i_*\Cal S$. If
$W$ is a hypersurface in $Z$, i\.e\. if $Y$ is a hypersurface in $B$, then
$V'$ is a reflexive sheaf. However, if $W$ has codimension greater than
one, $V'$ fails to be reflexive, and in fact $(V')\ddual = V$.
For example, if $\dim B=1$, $W$ is a finite set of points. Choosing one
such point
$w$, we have that $V|E_w$ is unstable. Let $Q$ be the maximal destabilizing
quotient sheaf for $V|E_w$, and suppose that $\deg Q = e< 0$. Then $V'$
fits into an exact sequence
$$0 \to V' \to V \to i_*Q \to 0,$$ where $i$ is the inclusion of the fiber
$E_w$ in $Z$. Such elementary modifications of $V$ are {\sl allowable\/} in
the terminology of \cite{4},
\cite{5}. As opposed to the general construction of (6.1), allowable
elementary modifications are canonical, subject to a choice of an
irreducible component of $W$. For the above allowable elementary
modification over an elliptic surface, we have
$$c_2(V') = c_2(V) + e< c_2(V).$$ Thus an allowable elementary modification
always decreases $c_2$.
\lemma{6.2} A sequence of allowable elementary modifications terminates.
The end result is a torsion free reflexive sheaf $V'$ such that the set
$$\{\, b\in B: \text{ $V'|E_b$ is not semistable}\,\}$$ has codimension at
least two.
\proof We shall just write out the proof in the case $\dim B = 1$. In this
case, by (6.1), we can fix a bundle $V_0 = V_{A,0}\otimes \pi^*M^{-1}$ for
some section
$A$, together with a morphism
$\varphi\: V_0 \to V$ which is an isomorphism over a general fiber. Thus
\varphi$ defines an effective Cartier divisor, not necessarily reduced,
supported on a union of fibers of $\pi$. Denote this divisor by $D$.
Clearly $D$ is the pullback of a divisor $\bold d$ on $B$, and thus has a
well-defined length $\ell$, namely the degree of $\bold d$. We claim that
every sequence of allowable elementary modifications has length at most
$\ell$. This is clearly true if $\ell =0$, since then $V_0\to V$ is an
isomorphism and every fiber of $V$ is already semistable. Since a sequence
of allowable elementary modifications will stop only when the restriction
of $V$ to every fiber is semistable, we will get the desired conclusion.
Let $V'$ be an allowable elementary modification of $V$ at the fiber $E_w$.
We claim that $\varphi$ factors through the map $V'\to V$. In this case, it
follows that $E_w$ is in the support of $D$. Thus, if $\varphi'\: V_0 \to
V'$ is the induced map, then $(\det \varphi ') = D-E_w$, which has length
$\ell -1$, and we will be done by induction on the length
$\ell$. It suffices to prove that the induced map
$V_0 \to i_*Q$ is zero in the above notation. Equivalently, we must show
that the induced map
$V_0|E_w \to Q$ is zero. But $V_0|E_w$ is semistable and $\deg Q <0$, and
so we are done.
As a corollary, we have the following Bogomolov type inequality:
\corollary{6.3} Let $V$ be a vector bundle on $Z$ such that the restriction
of $V$ to a generic fiber $E_b$ is regular and semistable. Suppose that
$\dim B = d$. Then, for every ample divisor $H$ on $B$, $c_2(V)\cdot
\pi^*H^{d-1} \geq 0$. Moreover, equality holds if and only if $V$ is
semistable in codimension one and the line bundle $M$ corresponding to the
rational section $A(V)$ is a torsion line bundle. Finally, $M$ is a torsion
line bundle if and only if either the rational section $A(V) =\bold o$ or
$L$ is a torsion line bundle and $M$ is a power of $L$.
\proof We may assume that $H$ is very ample. By choosing a general curve
which is a complete intersection of $d-1$ divisors linearly equivalent to
$H$, we can further assume that $\dim B = 1$, and must show that $c_2(V)
\geq 0$. Since an allowable elementary modification strictly decreases
$c_2$, we can further assume that the restriction of $V$ to every fiber is
semistable. Choose a nonzero map
$V_0 \to V$, where $V_0$ is regular semistable on every fiber. Defining $Q$
by the exact sequence
$$0 \to V_0 \to V \to Q \to 0,$$
$Q$ is a torsion sheaf supported on some (possibly nonreduced) fibers whose
restriction to a $b\in B$ has a filtration by degree zero sheaves on $E_b$.
It then follows that $c_2(V) = c_2(V_0)$. Now if $M$ is the line bundle
corresponding to the section $A(V)$ of
$\Cal P_{n-1}$, then by (5.15) $c_2(V_0) = \deg M$. On the other hand, at
least one of $M, M\otimes L^{-2}, \dots, M\otimes L^{-n}$ has a nonzero
section. Thus, for some $i=0, 2, \dots, n$, $\deg M \geq i\deg L$. Now
$\deg L \geq 0$, and
$\deg L = 0$ only if $L$ is a torsion line bundle. Thus, $\deg M \geq 0$,
$\deg M = 0$ only if $i=0$, in which case $M$ is trivial, or $L$ is torsion
and there is a nowhere vanishing section of $M\otimes L^{-i}$. In all cases
$M$ is a torsion line bundle and we have proved the statements of the
\remark{Remark} (1) If $c_2(V)\cdot \pi^*H^{d-1} =0$ above, in other words
we have equality, it follows that the rational section $A(V)$ is actually a
\noindent (2) If $A$ is a rational section and $A \neq \bold o$, we get
better inequalities along the lines of $$c_2(V)\cdot\pi ^*H^{d-1} \geq
2L\cdot H^{d-1},$$ since we must have nonzero sections of $M\otimes
L^{-i}$, $i=0,2, \dots, n$ for at least two values of $i$. If $A$ is a
section, then except for a small number of exceptional cases we will
actually have $c_2(V)\cdot\pi ^*H^{d-1} \geq (d+1)L\cdot H^{d-1}$.
The process of taking allowable elementary modifications is in a certain
sense reversible: we can begin with a bundle $V_0$ such that the
restriction of $V_0$ to every fiber is semistable and introduce instability
by making elementary modifications. Let us first consider the case where
$\dim B =1$. At the first stage, fixing a fiber $E_b$ and a stable sheaf
$Q$ on $E_b$ of positive degree, we seek a surjection $V_0|E_b \to Q$. To
analyze when such surjections exist is beyond the scope of this paper.
However, in case $V_0|E_b$ is regular and
$Q=W_k$, then we have seen in Section 3 that such a surjection always
exists; indeed, the set of all surjections is an open subset in $\Hom (V,
W_k)$ which has dimension $n$. Note however that while allowable elementary
modifications are canonical, their inverses are not. To be able to continue
to make elementary modifications along the same fiber, we would also have
to analyze when there exist surjections from
$V|E_b$ to $Q$, where $V$ is a rank $n$ bundle on $E_b$ of degree zero, $Q$
is a torsion free sheaf of rank $r<n$ on $E_b$, and $\mu(Q)$ is larger than
the maximum of
$\mu(\Cal S)$ as $\Cal S$ ranges over all proper torsion free subsheaves of
In case $\dim B > 1$, further complications can ensue in codimension two.
For example, suppose that $V_0$ has regular semistable restriction to every
fiber of
$\pi$. Let $D$ be a divisor in $B$ and let $W=\pi^{-1}(D)$, with
$\pi'=\pi|W$. Even though we can find a surjection $V|E_b \to W_k$ for
every $b\in D$, we can only find a global surjection $V|W \to \Cal
W_k\otimes (\pi')^*N$, for some line bundle $N$ on $D$, under special
circumstances. We can find a nonzero such map in general, but it will
vanish in general in codimension two, leading to a reflexive but not
locally free sheaf.
We turn next to the issue of bundles which are semistable on every fiber,
but which are not regular in codimension one. It turns out that we do not
have the freedom that we did before in introducing instability on a fiber;
there is a condition on the spectral cover in order to be able to make a
bundle not be regular. (See \cite{3}, \cite{6} for the rank two case.) We
shall just state the result in the case where $\dim B =1$. The result is
that, if the spectral cover is smooth, it is not possible to create a
non-regular but semistable bundle over any fiber.
\proposition{6.4} Let $\dim B =1$ and let $V$ be a vector bundle over $Z$
whose restriction to every fiber is semistable and whose restriction to the
generic fiber is regular. Let $A=A(V)$ be the corresponding section and
$C=C_A$ be the spectral cover. If $b\in B$ and $C$ is smooth at all points
lying over $b\in B$, then $V|E_b$ is regular.
\proof Using Lemma 6.1, write $V$ as a generalized elementary modification
$$0 \to V_0 \to V \to Q \to 0,$$ where $V_0$ is regular and semistable on
every fiber, and $Q$ is a torsion sheaf supported on fibers. Looking just
at the part of $Q$ which is supported on $E_b$, this sheaf (as a sheaf on
$Z$) has a filtration whose successive quotients are direct images of
torsion free rank one sheaves of degree zero on $E_b$. By induction on the
length of $Q$, as in the proof of Lemma 6.2, it will suffice to show the
following: if $V_0$ has regular semistable restriction to $E_b$, if $i\:
E_b \to Z$ is the inclusion, and if $C$ is smooth over all points lying over
$b$, then for every exact sequence
$$0 \to V_0 \to V \to i_*\lambda \to 0,$$ where $\lambda$ is a rank one
torsion free sheaf on $E_b$ of degree zero,
$V|E_b$ is again regular. After shrinking $B$, we can assume that $V_0$ is
regular everywhere and that $V_0 \to V$ is an isomorphism away from $b$.
It will suffice to show that
$V\spcheck|E_b$ is regular. There is the dual exact sequence
$$0 \to V\spcheck \to V_0\spcheck \to i_*\lambda^{-1} \to 0.$$ By
assumption, $\dim \Hom (V_0\spcheck, i_*\lambda^{-1}) = \dim \Hom
\lambda^{-1}) = 1$. Thus there is a unique possible elementary
modification. On the other hand, there is a unique point $b'\in C$ lying
above $b$ and corresponding to the surjection $V_0\spcheck|E_b \to
\lambda^{-1}$. Since by assumption $b'$ is a smooth point of $C$, it is a
Cartier divisor, and the ideal sheaf of $b'$ is the line bundle
$\scrO_C(-b')$. Now we know that $V_0\spcheck$ is of the form $(\nu\times
\Id)_*\left[\scrO_C(\Delta - \Sigma)\otimes \rho^*N\right]=V_{A,0}[N]$ for
a line bundle
$N$ on
$C$. Let $i'$ be the inclusion of the fiber over $b'$ (which is just $E_b$)
$T$. Applying $(\nu\times \Id)_*$ to the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_C(\Delta - \Sigma)\otimes \rho^*(N\otimes \scrO_C(-b')) \to
\scrO_C(\Delta - \Sigma)\otimes \rho^*N \to (i')_*\lambda^{-1} \to 0,$$ we
get an exact sequence
$$0 \to V_{A,0}[N\otimes \scrO_C(-b')] \to V_0\spcheck \to i_*\lambda^{-1}
\to 0.$$ By the uniqueness of the map $V_0\spcheck \to i_*\lambda^{-1}$,
it then follows that
$$V \spcheck = V_{A,0}[N\otimes \scrO_C(-b')]$$ and in particular it is
regular. Thus the same is true for $V$.
\remark{Remark} (1) Of course, Proposition 6.4 gives conditions in case
$\dim B > 1$ as well.
\noindent (2) The condition that $C$ is singular at the point corresponding
to $b$ and $V_0 \to \lambda$ is not a sufficient condition for there to
exist an elementary modification such that the result is not regular over
\ssection{6.2. The tangent bundle of an elliptic surface.}
As an example of the preceding discussion, we analyze the tangent bundle of
an elliptic surface. Let $\pi\: Z \to B$ be an elliptic surface over the
smooth curve
$B$, with $g(B) = g$. We suppose that $Z$ is generic in the following
sense: $Z$ is smooth, the line bundle $L$ has positive degree $d$, so that
the Euler characteristic of $Z$ is $12d$, all the singular fibers of $\pi$
are nodal curves (and thus there are $12d$ such curves), and the
$j$-function $B\to \Pee^1$ has generic branching behavior in the sense of
\cite{6, p\. 63}. The assumption of generic branching behavior implies that
the Kodaira-Spencer map associated to the deformation
$Z$ of the fibers of $\pi$ is an isomorphism at the curves with $j=0, 1728,
\infty$ and that the Kodaira-Spencer map vanishes simply where it fails to
be an isomorphism. By the Riemann-Hurwitz formula, if $b$ is equal to the
number of points where the Kodaira-Spencer map is not an isomorphism, then
$b= 10d+2g-2$
\cite{6, p\. 68}.
Quite generally, we have the following lemma:
\lemma{6.5} Let $\pi\: Z\to B$ be a smooth elliptic surface, and suppose
that $V$ is a a vector bundle on $Z$ whose restriction to a general fiber
is $I_2$. Then there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi^*M_1\to V \to \pi^*M_2\otimes I_X \to 0,$$ where $M_1$ and
$M_2$ are line bundles on $B$ and $X$ is a zero-dimensional local complete
intersection subscheme of $Z$. Here $\det V = \pi ^*(M_1\otimes M_2)$ and
$c_2(V) =\ell (X)$.
\proof By assumption, $\pi_*V =M_1$ is a rank one torsion free sheaf on
$B$, and thus it is a line bundle. We have the natural map $\psi\:
\pi^*\pi_*V =\pi^*M_1\to V$. If this map were to vanish along a divisor,
the divisor would have to be a union of fibers. But this is impossible
since the induced map
$$\pi _*\pi^*M_1 = M_1 \to \pi_*V = M_1$$ is the identity. Thus $\psi$ only
vanishes in codimension two. The remaining statements are clear.
Of course, in the case of the tangent bundle, we can identify this sequence
precisely as follows:
\lemma{6.6} With $\pi\: Z\to B$ a smooth elliptic surface as before, there
is an exact sequence
$$0 \to T_{Z/B} \to T_Z \to \pi ^*T_B \otimes I_X \to 0.$$ Here
$T_{Z/B}=L^{-1}$ is the sheaf of relative tangent vectors and $I_X$ is the
ideal sheaf of the $12d$ singular points of the singular fibers.
\proof Begin with the natural map $T_Z \to \pi ^*T_B$. This map is
surjective except at a singular point of a singular fiber, where it has the
local form
$$h_1\frac{\partial}{\partial z_1} + h_2\frac{\partial}{\partial z_2}
\mapsto (z_2h_1+ z_1h_2)\frac{\partial}{\partial t}.$$ Thus the image of
$T_Z$ in $\pi ^*T_B$ is exactly $\pi ^*T_B \otimes I_X$. The kernel of the
map $T_Z \to \pi ^*T_B$ is by definition $T_{Z/B}$, which can be checked
directly to be a line bundle in local coordinates. Moreover, $T_{Z/B}$ is
dual to
$K_{Z/B}=L$, and thus $T_{Z/B} =L^{-1}$.
\corollary{6.7} If $E$ is a singular fiber of $\pi$, there is an exact
$$0 \to n_*\scrO_{\tilde E} \to T_Z|E \to \frak m_x \to 0,$$ where $n\:
\tilde E \to E$ is the normalization and $x$ is the singular point of
$E$. In particular $T_Z|E$ is unstable. If $E$ is a smooth fiber where the
Kodaira-Spencer map is zero, then
$T_Z|E \cong \scrO_E\oplus \scrO_E$. For all other fibers $E$, $T_Z|E\cong
\proof If $E$ is a singular fiber, then by restriction we have a surjection
\to \frak m_x$. The kernel must be a non-locally free rank one torsion free
sheaf of degree one, and thus it is isomorphic to $ n_*\scrO_{\tilde E}$.
For a smooth fiber $E$, restricting the tangent bundle sequence to $E$
gives an exact sequence
$$0\to \scrO_E \to T_Z|E \to \scrO_E \to 0,$$ such that the coboundary map
$$\theta\: H^0(\scrO_E) = H^0(N_{E/Z})\to H^1(\scrO_E) = H^1(T_E)$$ is the
Kodaira-Spencer map. This map is nonzero, then, if and only if $T_Z|E\cong
I_2$, and it is zero if and only if $T_Z|E\cong \scrO_E\oplus \scrO_E$.
To go from $T_Z$ to one of our standard bundles, begin by making the
allowable elementary modifications along the singular fibers, by taking
$V'$ to be the kernel of the induced map $T_Z \to \bigoplus _x(i_x)_*\frak
m_x$. Here the sum is over the the singular points, i\.e\. the $x\in X$,
and $i_x$ is the inclusion of the singular fiber containing
$x$ in $Z$. Note that $c_2(V') =0$, so that no further allowable elementary
modifications are possible, and the restriction of $V'$ to every fiber is
semistable. Let $F$ be the union of the singular fibers. Thus as a divisor
on $Z$, $F =\pi^*\bold f$, where $\bold f$ is a divisor on $B$ of degree
$12d$ which is a section of $L^{12}$. If
$I_F$ is the ideal of
$F$, then there is an inclusion $I_F\subset I_X$ and thus an inclusion $\pi
\otimes I_F \subset \pi ^*T_B \otimes I_X$. Clearly $V'$ is the result of
pulling back the extension $T_Z$ of $\pi ^*T_B \otimes I_X$ by $L^{-1}$ via
the inclusion
$\pi ^*T_B \otimes I_F \subset \pi ^*T_B \otimes I_X$. Thus there is an
exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi^*L^{-1} \to V' \to \pi^*(T_B \otimes \scrO_B(-\bold f)) \to 0.$$
Taking the map
\Ext^1(\pi ^*T_B \otimes I_F, L^{-1}) =H^1(\pi ^*T_B^{-1}
\otimes\scrO_Z(F)\otimes L^{-1}) \\
\to H^0(R^1\pi_*(\pi ^*T_B^{-1}
\otimes\scrO_Z(F)\otimes L^{-1})) = H^0(B; K_B\otimes L^{-2}\otimes
\scrO_B(\bold f)),
\endgather$$ and using the fact that $\scrO_B(\bold f)\cong L^{12}$, we see
that the extension restricts to the trivial extension over a section of
$K_B\otimes L^{10}$, and thus at $10d+2g-2$ points, confirming the
numerology above. Note that the passage from $T_Z$ to $V'$ was canonical.
Next we want to go from $V'$ to a bundle $V_0$ which is regular semistable
on every fiber, and thus is isomorphic to $I_2$ on every fiber. We claim
that a further elementary modification of $V'$ will give us back a bundle
which restricts to $I_2$ on every fiber. Quite generally, suppose that $V'$
is given as an extension
$$0 \to \pi^*L_1\to V' \to \pi^*L_2 \to 0,$$ where the image of the
extension class in $H^0(B; L_2^{-1}\otimes L_1\otimes L^{-1})$ vanishes
simply at $k$ points $x_1, \dots, x_k$. After twisting $V'$ by the line
bundle $\pi^*L_2^{-1}$, we may assume that
$L_2$ is trivial. Thus in the case where we began with the tangent bundle,
and after relabeling $V'$, we wind up with a bundle $V'$ which fits into an
exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi^*L_1\to V' \to \scrO_Z \to 0,$$ where $L_1 = K_B\otimes
L^{11}$. The extension class for $V'$ defines an element of $H^1(Z;
\pi^*L_1)$. Via the Leray spectral sequence, there is a homomorphism from
$H^1(Z; \pi^*L_1)$ to $H^0(B; R^1\pi_*\scrO_Z\otimes L_1) = H^0(B;
L_1\otimes L^{-1})$. Thus there is a section of
$L_1\otimes L^{-1}$, well-defined up to a nonzero scalar, and it defines a
$\pi^*L \to \pi^*L_1$ and thus a homomorphism $H^1(\pi^*L) \to
H^1(\pi^*L_1)$. Consider the commutative diagram
$$\CD H^1(B; L) @>>> H^1(\pi^*L) @>>> H^0(R^1\pi_*\pi^*L) = H^0(\scrO_B)\\
@VVV @VVV @VVV\\ H^1(B; L_1) @>>> H^1(\pi^*L_1) @>>> H^0(R^1\pi_*\pi^*L_1)
= H^0(L_1\otimes L^{-1}).
\endCD$$ The induced map $H^0(\scrO_B) \to H^0(L_1\otimes L^{-1})$ is just
the given section of $L_1\otimes L^{-1}$. We have seen in \S 5.6 that there
is a class $\xi_0
\in H^1(\pi^*L)$ mapping to $1\in H^0(\scrO_B)$. Since the map $H^1(B; L)
\to H^1(B; L_1)$ is surjective, we can modify $\xi_0$ by an element in
$H^1(B; L)$ so that its image in $H^1(\pi^*L_1)$ is the same as the
extension class for $V'$, and the resulting element $\xi$ of $H^1(\pi^*L)$
is unique up to adding an element of the kernel of the map $H^1(B; L) \to
H^1(B; L_1)$. Let $V_0$ be the extension of $\scrO_Z$ by $\pi^*L$
corresponding to $\xi$. Thus $V_0$ is some bundle of the form $V_{\bold o,
0}[N]$. There is an induced map of extensions
$$\CD 0 @>>> \pi^*L_1 @>>> V' @>>> \scrO_Z @>>> 0\\ @. @| @VVV @VVV @.\\ 0
@>>> \pi^*L_1 @>>> V_0\otimes \pi^*(L_1\otimes L^{-1}) @>>> \pi^*(L_1\otimes
L^{-1}) @>>> 0.
\endCD$$ Thus there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to V' \to V_0\otimes \pi^*(L_1\otimes L^{-1}) \to \bigoplus
_i\scrO_{E_{x_i}} \to 0,$$ and we have realized the tangent bundle as
obtained from $V_0$ by elementary modification and twisting.
Of course, we can construct many other bundles this way, starting from
$V_0$, not just the tangent bundle. Begin with $V_0$ which has restriction
$I_2$ to every fiber. Normalize so that there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi^*L \to V_0 \to \scrO_Z \to 0$$ as in \S 5.6. Here $L
=\pi_*V_0$. The bundle
$\pi^*L$ is destabilizing. Choose
$r$ fibers
$E_{x_i}$ lying over $x_i\in B$, where we make elementary modifications by
taking the unique quotient
$\scrO_{E_{x_i}}$ of $V_0|E_{x_i}$. The result is a new bundle $V'$. The
$\pi^*L$ still maps into $V'$, in fact we continue to have $L=\pi_*V'$, and
the quotient is
$\pi^*\scrO_B(-\bold r)$, where
$\bold r$ is the divisor $\sum _ix_i$ of degree $r$ on $B$. The bundle $V'$
is the pullback of the extension $V_0$ by the morphism $\pi^*\scrO_B(-\bold
r) \to
\pi^*\scrO_B$. In particular, by reversing the arguments above, we see that
the restriction of the extension to
$E_{x_i}$ becomes split. Thus $V'|E_{x_i} \cong \scrO_{E_{x_i}} \oplus
\scrO_{E_{x_i}}$ and the restriction of $V'$ to all other fibers is $I_2$.
Note that $\pi^*L$ continues to destabilize
Choose $s$ fibers lying over points $y_j\in B$ distinct from the $x_i$, and
let $\bold s$ be the divisor $\sum _jy_j$. Choose rank one torsion free
$\mu_j$ on
$E_{y_j}$ of degree
$d_j > 0$ and surjections from $I_2$ to $\mu _j$. (Such surjections always
exist.) Take the bundle $V$ defined to be the kernel of the given
surjection $V' \to
\bigoplus _j\mu _j$. Now $\det V = (d- r-s)f$ and $c_2(V) =\sum _j\deg \mu
_j$. The bundle
$\pi^*L$ no longer maps into $V$, since the composed morphism
$\pi^*L|E_{y_j} \to
\mu_j$ is nontrivial for every $j$. In fact, $\pi^*(L\otimes \scrO_B(-\bold
s))$ maps to $V$, and $\pi_*V = L\otimes \scrO_B(-\bold s)$. Note that this
subbundle fails to be destabilizing exactly when $2(d-s) < d-r-s$, or
equivalently $d+r< s$. In this case, for a suitable ample divisor $H$ as
defined in \cite{6}, $V$ is
\ssection{6.3. Quasisections and unstable fibers.}
For the rest of this section, we shall assume that $V$ is regular and
semistable in codimension one and consider the phenomena that arise in
higher codimension. Over a Zariski open subset of $B$, we have defined
$A(V)$, and it extends to a subvariety of $\Cal P_{n-1}$ mapping
birationally to $B$, in other words to a {\sl quasisection\/} of $\Cal
P_{n-1}$. Of course, if the restriction of $V$ to every fiber is
semistable, then $A(V)$ is a section.
\remark{Question} Suppose that $V$ is a vector bundle over $Z$ and that
there exists a closed subset $Y$ of $B$ of codimension at least two such
that, for all
$b\notin Y$, $V|E_b$ is semistable. Suppose further that $A(V)$ is actually
a section. Does it then follow that $V|E_b$ is semistable for all $b\in B$?
For the remainder of this subsection, we shall assume that $A(V)$ is an
honest quasisection, in other words that the morphism $A(V) \to B$ is not an
isomorphism, and see what kind of behavior is forced on
$V$. For example, if $n \leq \dim B$, then with a few trivial exceptions
there are no honest sections of $\Cal P_{n-1}$ and we are forced to consider
quasisections. We will analyze the case where $\dim B =2$ and see that two
kinds of behavior are possible: either
$V$ has unstable restriction to some fibers or $V$ fails to be locally
free at finitely many points
$Z$. For example, suppose that $1\leq d\leq n-1$ and consider
$V_{A,1-d}$, defined over the complement of a set of codimension $2$ in
$B$. Then as we have seen in
\S 5.2, $V_{A, 1-d}$ is given as an extension of $\Cal W_{n-d}\otimes
\otimes L)$ by $\Cal W_d\spcheck$. This extension extends over $B$, but it
induces the split extension of $W_{n-d}$ by $ W_d\spcheck$ wherever the
section of $\Cal V_n\otimes M$ vanishes.
Assume that $\dim B =2$ and let $s$ be a section of $\Cal V_n
\otimes M$ which vanishes simply at finitely many points, but which is
otherwise generic. The corresponding quasisection $A=A(V)$ will contain a
line inside the full fiber of
$\Cal P_{n-1}$ at these points, which is a $\Pee^{n-1}$, and will simply be
the blowup of $B$ over the corresponding points. Pulling back the
$\Cal P_{n-1}$ by the morphism $A\to B$, we get an honest section over $A$.
$\tilde Z = Z\times _BA$. Clearly $\tilde Z$ is the blowup of $Z$ along the
fibers over the exceptional points of $B$, and the exceptional divisors of
$\tilde Z \to Z$ are of the form $\Pee^1\times E_b$, where the $\Pee^1$ is
linearly embedded in the $\Pee^{n-1}$ fiber. The section
$A$ of
$\Cal P_{n-1}\times _BA$ defines a vector bundle
$\tilde \Cal U_a \to \tilde Z$ for every $a\in \Zee$. To decide what
happens over the exceptional points of $B$, we need to understand the
restriction of $\tilde
\Cal U_a$ to the exceptional fibers $\Pee^1\times E_b$. Of course, this is
just the restriction of the universal bundle $U_a$ defined over
$\Pee^{n-1}\times E_b$ to the subvariety $\Pee^1\times E_b$. Thus we need
to know the restriction of
$U_a$ to $\Pee^1\times \{e\}$. We shall be able to find this restriction
in case
$-(n-2) \leq a \leq 1$, but for arbitrary $a$ we shall further need to
assume that the
$\Pee^1$ is a generic line in $\Pee^{n-1}$.
\proposition{6.8} Let $E$ be a smooth elliptic curve and let $e\in E$.
Suppose that
$-(n-2) \leq a \leq 1$. Then
$$U_a|\Pee ^{n-1}\times \{e\} \cong \cases \scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}^{1-a}\oplus
\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1+a}, &\text{if $a
\neq 1$ or $e\neq p_0$;}\\
\scrO_{\Pee ^{n-1}} \oplus \Omega^1_{\Pee^{n-1}}, &\text{if $a = 1$ and
$e= p_0$,}
\endcases$$ where $\Omega ^1_{\Pee^{n-1}}$ is the cotangent bundle of
\proof Let $i_e$ be the inclusion of $\Pee ^{n-1}$ in $\Pee ^{n-1}\times E$
via the slice $\Pee ^{n-1}\times \{e\}$. Then
$$i_e^*(\nu \times \Id)_*(\Delta - G-aF) = \nu _*\scrO_T(F_e - aF_{p_0}) =
\nu _*r^*\scrO_E(e-ap_0).$$ Set $d=1-a$, then $U_a =\bold U(d) \otimes
\pi_1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)$. Thus, for $e\in E$, the restriction of
$\pi_2^*W_d\spcheck$ to $\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\}$ is trivial, and similarly
$\pi_2^*W_{n-d}$, and the defining exact sequence
$$0 @>>> \pi _2^*W_d\spcheck @>>> U_a @>>> \pi_2^*W_{n-d} \otimes
\pi_1^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1) @>>> 0$$ restricts to the exact sequence
$$ 0 @>>> \scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}^d @>>> U_a |\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\} @>>>
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-d} @>>> 0.$$ Since $\Ext
^1(\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-d},\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}^d) =
H^1(\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(1) )^{d(n-d)} =0$, this extension splits and we see
$$\align U_a |\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\} &\cong \scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}^d \oplus
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-d}\\ &\cong \scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}^{1-a} \oplus
\endalign$$ Now suppose that $a=1$. In this case $U_1 |\Pee^{n-1}\times
\{e\} = \nu _*r^*\scrO_E(e-p_0)$, and thus $h^0(U_1 |\Pee^{n-1}\times
\{e\})$ is zero if
$e\neq p_0$ and one if $e=p_0$. We have the elementary modification
$$0 \to U_1|\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\} \to U_0 |\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\} \to
\scrO_H \to 0,$$ where $H$ is a hyperplane in $\Pee^{n-1}$. Thus we may
$$0 \to U_1 |\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\}\to \scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}} \oplus
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1}\to \scrO_H \to 0.$$ Clearly $h^0(U_1
|\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\})=0$ if and only if the induced map
$\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}} \to \scrO_H$ is nonzero, or equivalently onto. In this
case, we can choose a summand $\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}$ of $\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1}$ such that the map $\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}} \oplus
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1} \to \scrO_H$ is zero on the factor
$\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1}$ and is the obvious map on the first factor.
Thus the kernel is $\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^n$.
In the remaining case, corresponding to $e=p_0$ and $a=1$, the map
$\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}} \oplus
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1} \to \scrO_H$ is zero on the first factor. Now
\Pee^{n-2}$, and modulo automorphisms of $\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1}$
there is a unique surjection $\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)^{n-1} \to \scrO_H$. We
must therefore identify the kernel of this surjection with $\Omega
^1_{\Pee^{n-1}}$. Begin with the Euler sequence
$$0 \to \Omega ^1_{\Pee^{n-1}} \to \bigoplus _{i=1}^n\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1)
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}} \to 0.$$ After a change of basis in the direct sum, we
can assume that the right hand map restricted to the
$n^{\text{th}}$ factor vanishes along $H$. Thus there is an induced
$$\bigoplus _{i=1}^{n-1}\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1) \to
\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}/\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(-1) =\scrO_H$$ whose kernel is
$\Omega ^1_{\Pee^{n-1}}$, as claimed.
We remark that, in case $\dim B$ is arbitrary, $a=1$ and $A$ is a
quasisection corresponding to a simple blowup of $B$, then one can show
directly from (6.8) that $V_{A,1}$ does not extend to a vector bundle over
When we are not in the range $-(n-2) \leq a \leq 1$, we do not identify
explicitly the bundle $U_a|\Pee^{n-1}\times \{e\}$, except in case $n=2$.
However, the next result identifies its restriction to a generic line.
\proposition{6.9} Let $\ell \cong \Pee ^1$ be a line in $\Pee ^{n-1}$, and
suppose that $\ell$ is not contained in any of the one-dimensional family
of hyperplanes $H_e$. Write $a = a' + nk$, where $-(n-2) \leq a' \leq 1$.
$$U_a|\ell\times E \cong (U_{a'} \otimes
\pi_1^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-k))|\Pee^1\times E.$$ In particular
$$U_a|\ell\times \{e\} \cong \cases \scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k)^{1-a'}\oplus
\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k-1)^{n-1+a'}, &\text{if $a'
\neq 1$ or $e\neq p_0$;}\\
\scrO_{\Pee ^1}^{n-2}(-k-1) \oplus \scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k) \oplus
\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k-2), &\text{if $a' = 1$ and $e= p_0$.}
\proof Let $C$ be the preimage of
$\ell$ in $T$. If $\ell$ is not contained in any of the hyperplanes
$H_e$, then it will meet each $H_e$ in exactly one point. Thus the map
$r|C\: C \to E$ has degree one, and $F_{p_0}\cdot C = p_0$. We claim that,
under the morphism $\nu \: E \to \Pee ^1$, $\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(1)$ pulls back
$\scrO_E(np_0)=nF_{p_0}|C$. To see this, let
$\nu^*\scrO_{\Pee^{n-1}}(1)=\zeta\in \Pic T$. Then the class of $\nu^*\ell$
lies in
$\zeta ^{n-1}$. Now $T= \Pee\Cal E$ with $c_1(\Cal E) = -np_0$. Thus, in
$$\zeta ^{n-1} =r^*(np_0)\cdot \zeta^{n-2}.$$ Hence $\zeta |C = r^*(np_0)|C
= nF_{p_0}|C$.
Write $a = a'+nk$ with $-(n-2)\leq a' \leq 1$. Then
$$\align &(\nu \times \Id)_*\scrO_{C\times E}(\Delta -G -aF_{p_0}) =\\ &=
(\nu \times
\Id)_*\left(\scrO_{C\times E}(\Delta -G -a'F_{p_0})
\pi _1^*\scrO_E(-nkp_0)\right)\\ &=(\nu \times \Id)_* \left(\scrO_{C\times
E}(\Delta -G -a'F_{p_0})\otimes (\nu \times \Id) ^*\scrO_{\Pee
^1}(-k)\right)\\ &=(\nu \times \Id)_*\scrO_{C\times E}(\Delta -G -a'F_{p_0})
\pi_1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k),
\endalign$$ proving the first claim. The second statement follows from the
special case
$-(n-2)\leq a \leq 1$ proved in (6.8), and the well-known fact (which
follows from the conormal sequence) that
$\Omega ^1_{\Pee^{n-1}} |\Pee^1 \cong \scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)^{n-2} \oplus
Now we can analyze what happens to $V_{A,a}$ when $\dim B =2$ and $A$ is a
quasisection, under a slight genericity condition on $A$, generalizing the
case (for $\dim B$ arbitrary) where $-(n-2) \leq a \leq 0$:
\theorem{6.10} Suppose that $\dim B =2$. Let $A$ be a quasisection of $\Cal
P_{n-1}$, and suppose that
$a\not \equiv 1 \bmod n$. Suppose that $A$ is smooth and is the blowup of
$B$ at a finite number of points $b_1, \dots, b_r$, and that the image of
the exceptional $\Pee^1$ is a generic line in the fiber $\Pee^{n-1}$ as in
\rom{(6.9)}, in other words it is not contained in one of the hyperplanes
$H_e$. Then the rank $n$ bundle
$V_{A,a}$, which is defined on $Z-\bigcup _iE_{b_i}$, extends to a vector
bundle over
$Z$, which we continue to denote by
$V_{A,a}$. The restriction of $V_{A,a}$ to a fiber $E_{b_i}$ is the
unstable bundle
\oplus W_{n-d}$, where $a = a'+nk$ with $-(n-2)\leq a' \leq 1$, and
\proof By assumption, $A$ is the blowup of $B$ at a finite number of points
$b_1, \dots, b_r$, where the quasisection $A$ contains a
$\Pee^1$ lying in the $\Pee^{n-1}$-fiber of $p\: \Cal P_{n-1} \to B$. As we
have defined earlier, let $\tilde Z = Z\times _BA$, so that $\tilde Z$ is a
blowup of
$Z$ at the fibers $E_{b_i}$. Let $D_i \cong \Pee^1\times E_{b_i}$ be the
exceptional divisor of the blowup $q\: \tilde Z \to Z$ over $E_{b_i}$.
There is a section of
$\tilde B\to A$ corresponding to the inclusion of $A$ in
$\Cal P_{n-1}$, and hence by pulling back $\Cal U_a$ there is a bundle
corresponding to $A$, which we shall denote by $\tilde V$. Using (6.8) and
(6.9), the restiction of $\tilde V$ to an exceptional divisor $D_i
=\Pee^1\times E_{b_i}$, which is the same as the restriction of $\Cal U_a$,
namely $U_a$, fits into an exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi_2^*W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k+1) \to
\tilde V|D_i \to \pi_2^*W_{n-d} \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k)\to 0.$$
Make the elementary modification along the divisor $D_i$ corresponding to
the surjection $\tilde V|D_i \to \pi_2^*W_{n-d}
\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k)$. The result is a new bundle $V'$ over
$\tilde Z$, such that over $D_i$ we have an exact sequence
$$0 \to \pi_2^*W_{n-d} \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k+1)\to V' |D_i \to
\pi_2^*W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k+1) \to 0.$$ Now, since
$H^1(E_{b_i}; W_d \otimes W_{n-d}) = H^1(\scrO_{\Pee^1}) =0$, it follows
from the K\"unneth formula that
$$\Ext^1(\pi_2^*W_d\spcheck \otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k+1),
\otimes \pi _1^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(-k+1)) = 0.$$ Thus $V'\otimes \scrO_{\tilde
Z}(-(k+1)D_i)|D_i = \pi_2^*(W_d\spcheck \oplus W_{n-d})$. It follows by
standard blowup results that $q_*V'\otimes \scrO_{\tilde Z}(-(k+1)\sum
_iD_i)$ is locally free on $Z$ and its restriction to each fiber
$E_{b_i}$ is $W_d\spcheck \oplus W_{n-d}$. This completes the proof.
Finally we must deal with the case $a\equiv 1 \bmod n$.
\theorem{6.11} Suppose that $\dim B =2$. Let $A$ be a quasisection of $\Cal
P_{n-1}$, and suppose that
$a\equiv 1 \bmod n$. Suppose that $A$ is smooth and is the blowup of $B$ at
a finite number of points $b_1, \dots, b_r$, and that the image of the
exceptional $\Pee^1$ is a generic line in the fiber $\Pee^{n-1}$ as in
\rom{(6.9)}, in other words it is not contained in one of the hyperplanes
$H_e$. Then the rank $n$ bundle
$V_{A,a}$, which is defined on $Z-\bigcup _iE_{b_i}$, extends to a reflexive
non-locally free sheaf on $Z$, which we continue to denote by $V_{A,a}$.
The sheaf
$V_{A,a}$ is locally free except at the points $\sigma \cap E_{b_i}$. Near
such points, $V_{A,a}$ has the local form
$$R^{n-2}\oplus M,$$ where $R=\Cee\{z_1, z_2, z_3\}$, and $M$ is the
standard rank two reflexive non-locally free sheaf given by the exact
$$0 \to R\to R^3 \to M \to 0,$$ where the map $R\to R^3$ is given by
$1\mapsto (z_1, z_2, z_3)$.
\proof We shall just work near a single fiber $E_b = E_{b_i}$ for some $i$.
Thus let $\tilde Z$ be the blowup of
$Z$ along $E_b$, with exceptional divisor $D \cong \Pee^1\times E_b$. The
basic birational picture to keep in mind is the following: if we blow up
the subvariety
$\Pee^1\times \{p_0\}\subset D$, we get a new exceptional divisor $D_1$ in
$Z_1 = \operatorname{Bl}_{\Pee^1\times \{p_0\}}\tilde Z$. Here $D_1\cong
\Pee(\scrO_{\Pee^1} \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1))$, and so $D_1$ is isomorphic
to the blowup $\Bbb F_1$ of $\Pee^2$ at one point. The proper transform
$D'$ of $D$ in $Z_1$ meets $D_1$ along the exceptional divisor in $D_1$,
and can be contracted in $Z_1$. The result is a new manifold $Z_2$,
isomorphic to the blowup of $Z$ at the point $\sigma \cap E_b$, where
$D_1$ blows down to the exceptional divisor $P$ in $Z_2$.
The quasisection $A$ defines a section of the pullback of $\Cal P_{n-1}$ to
$B$, and thus a bundle $\tilde V$ over $\tilde Z$, which we can then pull
back to $Z_1$. The next step is to show that, after appropriate elementary
$\tilde V$ corresponds to a bundle over $Z_2$ whose restriction to $P$ is
$(T_P\otimes \scrO_P(-1))\oplus \scrO_P^{n-2}$, where $T_P$ is the tangent
bundle to
$P$. Finally, a local lemma shows that every such bundle has a direct image
on $Z$ which has the local form $M\oplus R^{n-2}$. Since each of these
steps is somewhat involved, we divide the proof into three parts. First we
describe the basic geometry of the blowups involved.
Let $\tilde Z$ be the blowup of $Z$ along $E_b$, with exceptional divisor
$D \cong \Pee^1\times E_b$. Let $Z_1$ be the blowup of $\tilde Z$ along
$\Pee^1\times \{p_0\}\subset D$, with exceptional divisor $D_1$. Let
$D'$ be the proper transform of $D$ in $Z_1$. The divisor $D_1
=\Pee(\scrO_{\Pee^1} \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1))$ is isomorphic to $\Bbb
F_1$. Let
$j\: D_1\to Z_1$ be the inclusion and $q\: D_1 \to
\Pee^1$ be the morphism induced by projection from a point. Let $\ell =
\Pee^1\times \{p_0\} = D'\cap D_1$, so that $\ell$ is the exceptional
divisor in $D_1$ viewed as the blowup of $\Pee^2$. Finally we let $s\:
\Pee^2$ be the blowup map. On a fiber $\Pee^1\times \{e\}$ with $e\neq
$\tilde V \otimes \scrO_{\tilde Z}(-D')$ restricts to $\scrO_{\Pee^1}^n$,
whereas it restricts on $\Pee^1\times \{p_0\}$ to $\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1) \oplus
\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}^{n-2}$. Thus, if $V_0$ is the
pullback to
$Z_1$ of $\tilde V \otimes \scrO_{\tilde Z}(-D')$, then $V_0$ restricts on
$D_1$ to $q^*\left[\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1) \oplus
\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}^{n-2}\right]$.
\claim{1} Let $V_0$ be the pullback to
$Z_1$ of $\tilde V \otimes \scrO_{\tilde Z}(-D')$. Make the elementary
$$0 \to V'\to V_0 \to j_*q^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \to 0.$$ Then $V'$
restricted to $\ell$ is the trivial bundle $\scrO_{\Pee^1}^n$. It follows
that $V'|D'$ is pulled back from the factor $E_b$.
\proof We have an exact sequence
$$0 \to V'|D'\to V_0|D' \to j_*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \to 0,$$ where we write
$j$ also for the inclusion of the fiber $\ell =\Pee^1\times \{p_0\}$ in the
ruled surface $D'\cong \Pee^1\times E_b$. By standard formulas for
elementary modifications, it is straightforward to compute that
$c_2(V'|D') = c_2(V_0|D') -1$. But
$c_2(V_0|D') =h\pi_2^*[p_0]=1$ by the formulas of \S 2.6. Thus $c_2(V'|D')
=0$. Now by a sequence of allowable elementary modifications $V_0|D',
V'|D'=V_1, \dots, V_r$, we can reach a vector bundle $V_r$ over $D'$ whose
restriction to every fiber
$\Pee^1\times \{e\}$ is semistable and thus trivial; this happens if and
only if
$V_r$ is pulled back from the base, and so has $c_2=0$. But each allowable
elementary modification along the fiber $\Pee^1\times \{p_0\}$ drops
$c_2$ by a positive integer. Since $V'|D'$ already has
$c_2=0$, no further elementary modifications are possible. Hence $V'|\ell$
is already semistable and therefore trivial, and thus
$V'|D'$ is pulled back from $E_b$ as claimed.
By construction, $V'|\ell$ is given as an extension
$$0 \to \scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}^{n-2} \to V'|\ell \to
\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1) \to 0.$$ Now $\Ext^1( \scrO_{\Pee^1}(1),
\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}^{n-2})
\cong H^1(\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-2)) \cong \Cee$, so there is a unique nonsplit
extension of this type, which is clearly the trivial bundle
\claim{2} With $V'$ as in Claim \rom1, the restriction of $V'$ to $D_1$ is
the pullback $s^*(T_{\Pee^2}(-1)\oplus \scrO_{\Pee^2}^{n-2})$.
\proof By definition, there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to q^*[\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}^{n-2}] \otimes
\scrO_{D_1}(-D_1) \to V'|D_1 \to q^*
\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1) \to 0.$$ Next, a straightforward calculation shows that
$\scrO_{D_1}(-D_1)=\scrO_{D_1}(\ell)\otimes q^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1)$. Thus the
extensions of $q^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1)$ by
$q^*[\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}^{n-2}]\otimes
\scrO_{D_1}(-D_1))$ are classified by
$$H^1(D_1; q^*[\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus
\otimes\scrO_{D_1}(\ell)).$$ It is easy to check that $H^1(D_1;
\scrO_{D_1}(\ell)) = 0$ and that $h^1(
\scrO_{D_1}(\ell)\otimes q^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) ) = 1$. Thus the dimension
of the Ext group in question is one, so that there just one nontrivial
extension up to isomorphism. Note that
$V'|D_1$ is itself such an extension: it cannot be the split extension
since the restriction of $V'|D_1$ to
$\ell$ is trivial. Thus, to complete the proof of Claim 2, it will suffice
to show that
$s^*(T_{\Pee^2}(-1)\oplus \scrO_{\Pee^2}^{n-2})$ is also given as an
extension of
$q^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1)$ by $q^*[\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1) \oplus
\scrO_{D_1}(-D_1)$. It clearly suffices to do the case $n=2$, i\.e\. show
$s^*T_{\Pee^2}(-1)$ is an extension of
$q^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(1)$ by $q^*\scrO_{\Pee^1}(-1)$, necessarily nonsplit
since the restriction to $\ell$ is trivial. To see this, note that
$T_{\Pee^2}(-1)$ has restriction $\scrO_{\Pee^1}\oplus \scrO_{\Pee^1}(1)$
to every line. Thus by the standard construction (cf\. \cite{11}, p\. 60)
there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_{\Bbb F_1}(\ell) \otimes q^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(t) \to
s^*T_{\Pee ^2}(-1) \to q^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(1-t)\to 0$$ for some integer $t$.
By looking at $c_2$, we must have $t=0$ and thus
$s^*T_{\Pee ^2}(-1)$ is an extension of
$q^*\scrO_{\Pee ^1}(1)$ by
$\scrO_{\Bbb F_1}(\ell)$, which is nonsplit because its restriction to
$\ell$ is trivial. Thus we have identified $V'|D_1$ with
$s^*(T_{\Pee^2}(-1)\oplus \scrO_{\Pee^2}^{n-2})$.
Let $Z_2$ be the result of contracting $D'$ in $Z_1$. This has the effect of
contracting $\ell\subset D_1$ to a point, so that the image of $D_1$ in
$Z_2$ is an exceptional $\Pee^2$, which we denote by $P$. Moreover, by the
above claims $V'$ induces a vector bundle on $Z_2$ whose restriction to $P$
is identified with
$T_{\Pee^2}(-1)\oplus \scrO_{\Pee^2}^{n-2}$. Thus, the proof of (6.11) will
be complete once we prove the following:
\claim{3} Let $X$ be a manifold of dimension $3$ and let $\tilde X$ be the
blowup of $X$ at a point $x$, with exceptional divisor $P\cong \Pee^2$.
Suppose that $W$ is a vector bundle on $\tilde X$ such that $W|P \cong
\scrO_{\Pee^2}^{n-2}$. Let $\rho\: \tilde X \to X$ be the blowup map. Then
$\rho_*W$ is locally isomorphic to $M\oplus R^{n-2}$ in the notation above.
In particular, $\rho_*W$ is reflexive but not locally free.
\noindent {\it Proof.} We shall just do the case $n=2$, the other cases
being similar. By the formal functions theorem, the completion of the stalk
of the direct image $\rho_*W$ at $x$ is $M'= \varprojlim H^0(W \otimes
\scrO_{nP})$. Now from the exact sequences
$$0 \to \scrO_{\Pee^2}(-1) \to \scrO_P^3 \to W|P \to 0$$ and the sequence
$$0 \to W\otimes \scrO_{\tilde X}(-(n+1)P) \to W\otimes
\scrO_{nP}\to 0,$$ it is easy to check that the three sections of
$ W|P$ lift to give three generators of $M'$ as an $R$-module. Hence there
is a surjection $\scrO_{\tilde X}^3 \to\rho^*\rho_*W\to W$, and by checking
determinants the kernel is $\scrO_{\tilde X}(P)$. Now up to an change of
coordinates in $\Cee^3$ the only injective homomorphism from
$\scrO_{\tilde X}(P)$ to $\scrO_{\tilde X}^3$ is given by the three
generators of the maximal ideal of $\Cee ^3$ at the origin. Taking direct
images of the exact sequence
$$0 \to \scrO_{\tilde X}(P)\to \scrO_{\tilde X}^3 \to W \to 0$$ and using
the vanishing for the first direct image of $\scrO_{\tilde X}(P)$ gives
$M'\cong M$ as previously defined. So we have established Claim 3, and hence
We give a brief and inconclusive discussion of how the above constructions
begave in families, assuming $\dim B =2$ for simplicity. Let $D$ be the unit
disk in $\Cee$. Suppose that we are given a general family of nowhere
vanishing sections $s_t$ of $\Cal V_n$ which at a special point $t=0$
acquires a simple zero at $b\in B$. We can view the family $s=\{s_t\}$ as a
section of the pullback of
$\Cal V_n$ to
$B\times D$, where it has a simple zero at $(b,0)$. Thus, for an integer
$a$, there is a bundle $\Cal V_{s,a}$ over $Z\times D-\{(b,0)\}$, which
completes uniquely to a reflexive sheaf over $Z\times D$, which we continue
to denote by
$\Cal V_{s,a}$. For example, if $-(n-2)\leq a \leq 0$, then it is easy to
see that
$\Cal V_{s,a}$ is a bundle over $Z\times D$, whose restriction to $Z\times
\{0\}$ is everywhere regular semistable except over $E_b$ where it
restricts to
$W_d\spcheck \oplus W_{n-d}$ for the appropriate $d$. One can ask if this
holds for all $a \not\equiv 1 \bmod n$. Note that, if we consider the
relative deformation theory of the unstable bundle $W_d\spcheck
\oplus W_{n-d}$ over the base $B$, for $n=2$ the codimension of the locus
of unstable bundles forces every deformation of $V$ to have unstable
restriction to some fibers, whereas for $n> 2$ we expect that in the
general deformation
$V_t$ we can arrange that the restriction of $V_t$ to every fiber is
If $a\equiv 1 \bmod n$, then $\Cal V_{s,a}$ is a flat family of coherent
sheaves. However, there is no reason {\it a priori\/} why $\Cal
V_{s,a}|Z\times \{0\}$ is reflexive. In fact, preliminary calculations
suggest that, for $a=1$, the restriction $\Cal V_{s,a}|Z\times \{0\}$ has
the local form $M\oplus \frak m^{n-2}$, where $\frak m$ is the maximal
ideal of the point $\sigma \cap E_b$. Note that the $R$-module
$M$ is not smoothable, even locally, but that $R^k\oplus M$ is smoothable
to a free
$R$-module for all $k\geq 1$. One can also show that the more complicated
$R$-module $\frak m^k\oplus M$ is smoothable to a free
$R$-module for all $k\geq 1$. This agrees with the picture for sections of
the bundle $\Cal V_n$: for
$n=2$, if a section has a simple isolated zero, that zero must remain under
deformation, but for $n>2$ we expect in general that we can deform to an
everywhere nonzero section in general.
\ssection{6.4. Bundles which are not regular in high codimension.}
In this subsection we consider bundles $V$ such that $V|E_b$ is semistable
for all
$b$, and $Y= \{\, b\in B: \text{ $V|E_b$ is not regular}\,\}$ has
codimension at least $2$ in $B$. The first lemma shows that, if the
spectral cover $C_A$ is smooth, then $V$ is in fact everywhere regular.
\lemma{6.12} Let $V$ be a vector bundle over $Z$ such that $V|E_b$ is
semistable for all $b$, and $Y= \{\, b\in B: \text{ $V|E_b$ is not
regular}\,\}$ has codimension at least $2$ in $B$. Suppose that the
associated spectral cover $C_A$ is smooth. Then $V|E_b$ is regular for all
$b\in B$. More generally, suppose that
$V$ is a vector bundle over $Z$ such that $Y= \{\, b\in B: \text{ $V|E_b$ is
either not semistable or not regular}\,\}$ has codimension at least $2$ in
$B$, that the section $A$ defined by $V$ over $B-Y$ extends to a section
over all of $B$, and that the associated spectral cover
$C_A$ of $B$ is smooth. Then $V|E_b$ is semistable and regular for all
$b\in B$.
\proof We have seen in (5.7) that there is a line bundle $N$ on
$C_A-g_A^{-1}(Y)$ such that $V|Z-\pi^{-1}(Y) \cong V_{A,0}[N]$. Since $C_A$
is smooth, and
$g_A^{-1}(Y)$ has codimension at least two in $C_A$, the line bundle
$N$ on $C_A-g_A^{-1}(Y)$ extends to a line bundle over $C_A$, which we
continue to denote by $N$. We now have two vector bundles on $Z$, namely
$V$ and
$V_{A,0}[N]$, which are isomorphic over $Z-\pi^{-1}(Y)$. Since the
codimension of
$\pi^{-1}(Y)$ in $Z$ is at least two, $V$ and $V_{A,0}[N]$ are isomorphic.
$V_{A,0}[N]$ restricts to a regular bundle on every fiber, and so the same
must be true for $V$.
We turn to methods for constructing bundles which are semistable on every
fiber but which are not regular in codimension two. Of course, by the above
lemma, the corresponding spectral covers will not be smooth. The idea is to
find such bundles by using a three step filtration, as opposed to the
two-step extensions which have used from Section 3 onwards in our
constructions. Such constructions correspond to nonmaximal parabolic
subgroups in
Consider first the case of a single Weierstrass cubic $E$. We seek bundles
of rank $n+1$ which have a filtration $0\subset F^0\subset F^1 \subset V$,
$F^0\cong W_k\spcheck, F^1/F^0\cong \scrO_E$, and $V/F^1\cong W_{n-k}$. Such
extensions can be described by a nonabelian cohomology group as in \cite{8}.
However, it is also easy to describe them directly. Note that a fixed $F^1$
is described by an extension class $\alpha _0$ in $\Ext^1(\scrO_E,
W_k\spcheck) \cong H^1(W_k\spcheck) \cong \Cee$. If $\alpha _0 = 0$, then
$F^1 = W_k\spcheck
\oplus \scrO_E$, and if $\alpha _0 \neq 0$ then $F^1\cong W_{k+1}\spcheck$.
Having determined $F^1$, the extension
$F^2$ corresponds to a class in $\Ext^1(W_{n-k}, F^1)$. Since $\Hom
\scrO_E) =
\Ext^2(W_{n-k}, W_k\spcheck) =0$, there is a short exact sequence
$$0 \to \Ext ^1(W_{n-k}, W_k\spcheck) \to \Ext^1(W_{n-k}, F^1) \to
\scrO_E) \to 0,$$ and so $\dim \Ext^1(W_{n-k}, F^1) = n+1$. Thus roughly
speaking the moduli space of filtrations as above is an affine space
$\Cee^{n+2}$. In fact, by general construction techniques there is a
universal bundle $\Cal F^1$ over
$\Ext^1(\scrO_E, W_k\spcheck)\times E =\Cee\times E$. We can then form the
relative Ext sheaf
$$Ext^1_{\pi_1}(\pi _2^*W_{n-k}, \Cal F^1)= R^1\pi_1{}_*(\pi
_2^*W_{n-k}\spcheck\otimes \Cal F^1).$$ It is a vector bundle of rank $n+1$
over $\Cee$, which is necessarily trivial, and thus the total space of this
vector bundle is $\Cee^{n+2}$. There is a universal extension of
$\pi_2^*W_{n-k}$ by $\Cal F^1$ defined over
$\Cee^{n+2}\times E$. It follows that the set of filtrations is indeed
parametrized by a moduli space isomorphic to
$\Cee^{n+2}$, although there is not a canonical linear structure. What is
canonical is the exact sequence
$$0 \to \Ext^1(W_{n-k}, W_k\spcheck) \to \Cee^{n+2} \to \Ext^1(\scrO_E,
W_k\spcheck) \oplus \Ext^1(W_{n-k}, \scrO_E) \to 0.$$ We understand this
sequence to mean that the first term, which is a vector space, acts on the
middle term, which is just an affine space, via affine translations, and
the quotient is the last term, which is again a vector space. Here the
projection to
$\Ext^1(\scrO_E, W_k\spcheck) \oplus \Ext^1(W_{n-k}, \scrO_E)$ measures the
extensions $F^1$ of
$\scrO_E$ by $W_k\spcheck$ and $V/F^0$ of $W_{n-k}$ by $\scrO_E$. We
denote the image of $\xi\in \Cee^{n+2}$ in $\Ext^1(\scrO_E, W_k\spcheck)
\Ext^1(W_{n-k}, \scrO_E) \cong \Cee\oplus
\Cee$ by $(\alpha _0, \alpha_1)$. Here $\alpha _0 \neq 0$ if and only if
$F^1\cong W_{k+1}\spcheck$ and $\alpha_1 \neq 0$ if and only if $V/F^0\cong
W_{n-k+1}$. In case $\alpha _0 = 0$, say, $F^1\cong W_k\spcheck \oplus
\scrO_E$, and
$\Ext^1(W_{n-k}, F^1)$ naturally splits as $\Ext ^1(W_{n-k},
\Ext^1(W_{n-k}, \scrO_E)$. In this case, both the class $\alpha_1$ and the
$e\in \Ext ^1(W_{n-k}, W_k\spcheck)$ are well-defined. A similar statement
holds if $\alpha _1 =0$. Note that the affine space $\Cee^{n+2}$
parametrizes filtrations $F^i$ together with {\sl fixed\/} isomorphisms
$F^0\to W_k\spcheck$,
$F^1/F^0\to \scrO_E$, $V/F^1 \to W_{n-k}$.
The subspace
$\Ext^1(W_{n-k}, W_k\spcheck)$, namely where both $\alpha_0$ and $\alpha _1$
vanish, corresponds to those $V$ of the form $V'\oplus
\scrO_E$, where $V'$ is an extension of $W_{n-k}$ by $W_k\spcheck$. There
is a hyperplane $H$ in $\Ext^1(W_{n-k}, W_k\spcheck)$ where such $V'$
contain a Jordan-H\"older quotient isomorphic to $\scrO_E$, and thus over
the locus $\alpha _0 = \alpha _1 = 0, e\in H$, $V=V'\oplus
\scrO_E$ has a subbundle of the form $\scrO_E\oplus \scrO_E$. Hence, over a
affine subspace of
$\Cee^{n+2}$ of codimension three, the $V$ we have constructed are not
\lemma{6.13} Suppose that $V$ corresponds to a class $\xi \in \Cee^{n+2}$,
and that $\alpha_0, \alpha _1$ are as above.
\item"{(i)}" $V$ is unstable if and only $\alpha_0 \alpha _1=0$ and $e=0$
\rom(this statement is well-defined by the above remarks\rom).
\item"{(ii)}" If $\alpha_0 \alpha _1 \neq 0$, then $h^0(V) = 0$ and
\proof (i) Let us assume for example that $\alpha _0 = e=0$. Then $F^1 =
W_k\spcheck \oplus \scrO_E$ and $V$ is isomorphic either to $W_k\spcheck
\oplus W_{n-k+1}$ or to $W_k\spcheck \oplus \scrO_E \oplus W_{n-k}$, and in
either case it is unstable. Conversely, if $V$ is unstable, then it has a
maximal destabilizing subsheaf $W$ of positive degree, which is stable and
which must map nontrivially onto $W_{n-k}$. Thus $\deg W =1$. Now if $W\cap
W_k\spcheck\neq 0$, then $W\cap W_k\spcheck$ has degree
$\leq -1$ and is contained in the kernel of the map $W\to W_{n-k}$. This
would force the image of $W$ to have degree at most zero, which is
impossible. So $W\cap W_k\spcheck=0$ and thus the map $W\to V/F^0$ is
injective. Now either $V/F^0
\cong W_{n-k+1}$ or $V/F^0
\cong W_{n-k}\oplus \scrO_E$. In the first case, $W\cong W_{n-k+1}$ by the
stability of $ W_{n-k+1}$ and $V\cong W_k\spcheck \oplus W_{n-k+1}$. In
this case
$\alpha _0 = e=0$. In the remaining case, $V/F^0
\cong W_{n-k}\oplus \scrO_E$ and $W\cong W_{n-k}$. In this case $\alpha
_1=e=0$. In both cases we must have $\alpha_0 \alpha _1=0$ and $e=0$.
\noindent (ii) First suppose that $\alpha_0 \alpha _1 \neq 0$. Since $\alpha
_0\neq0$, $F^1\cong W_{k+1}\spcheck$. From the exact sequence
$$0\to F^1\to V \to W_{n-k} \to 0,$$ and the fact that $H^0(F^1) = 0$,
there is an exact sequence $H^0(V) \to H^0(W_{n-k}) \to H^1(F^1)$. If we
compose the map $H^0(W_{n-k}) \to H^1(F^1)$ with the natural map $ H^1(F^1)
\to H^1(\scrO_E)$, the result is $\alpha _1$ up to a nonzero scalar. Thus,
if $\alpha _1\neq 0$, the map $H^0(W_{n-k}) \to H^1(F^1)$ is injective and
so $H^0(V) =0$. Conversely, suppose that either $\alpha _0$ or
$\alpha _1$ is zero. If for example $\alpha _1=0$, then $V/F^0 \cong
W_{n-k}\oplus \scrO_E$, so that $h^0(V/F^0)=2$. Since $H^0(V)$ is the
kernel of the map $H^0(V/F^0) \to H^1(F^0) = H^1(W_k\spcheck)\cong \Cee$,
$H^0(V) \neq 0$. The case $\alpha _0 \neq 0$ is similar and simpler. Thus,
if $h^0(V) =0$, then
$\alpha_0 \alpha _1 \neq 0$.
The group $\Cee^*\times \Cee^*$ (or more precisely $\Cee^3/\Cee$) acts on
the affine space
$\Cee^{n+2}$ by acting on the identifications of the quotients
$F^{i+1}/F^i$ with the standard bundles. The quotient by this action (which
is not in fact separated) is the set of bundles $V$ of rank $n+1$, together
with filtrations on
$V$ with the appropriate graded object. The action of $\Cee^*\times
\Cee^*$ is compatible with the projection to
$\Cee^2$. If we normalize the action so that
$(\lambda, \mu)\cdot (\alpha_0, \alpha _1) = (\lambda\alpha_0, \mu\alpha
_1)$, then $(\lambda, \mu)$ acts on the distinguished subspace
$\Ext^1(W_{n-k}, W_k\spcheck) \cong \Cee^n$ by $e\mapsto \lambda\mu e$.
Clearly, the action is free over the set $\alpha_0\alpha _1\neq 0$. The
quotient of the points where
$\alpha _0\neq 0$,
$\alpha _1 = 0$, $e\neq 0$ is a $\Pee^{n-1}$, and this $\Pee^{n-1}$ is
identified with the corresponding $\Pee^{n-1}$ where $\alpha _1\neq 0$,
$\alpha _0 = 0$, $e\neq 0$; in fact, the $\Cee^*\times \Cee^*$-orbits
intersect along the subspace where $\alpha _0=\alpha _1 = 0$, $e\neq 0$.
The points
$\alpha_0\alpha _1=e=0$ are unstable points and do not appear in a GIT
quotient for the action. We also have the map (1.5)
$\Phi\: \Cee^{n+2}-(\Cee \cup\Cee)$ to the coarse moduli space $\Pee^n$ of
semistable bundles of rank $n+1$ on $E$. By Lemma 6.13, the image of the two
$\{\,\alpha _0 = 0, e\neq 0\,\}$ and $\{\,\alpha _1 = 0, e\neq 0\,\}$ is
exactly the hyperplane in $\Pee^n$ corresponding to bundles $V$ such that
$h^0(V) \neq 0$, or in other words such that $V$ has $\scrO_E$ as a
Jordan-H\"older quotient.
\lemma{6.14} The map $\Phi\: \Cee^{n+2}-(\Cee \cup\Cee) \to \Pee^n$ is the
geometric invariant theory quotient of $\Cee^{n+2}-(\Cee \cup\Cee)$ by the
action of $\Cee^*\times \Cee^*$.
\proof First suppose that the point $x\in \Cee^{n+2}-(\Cee \cup\Cee)$ lies
in the open dense subset
$\alpha_0\alpha _1\neq 0$ where $\Cee^*\times \Cee^*$ acts freely. Thus if
$V$ is the vector bundle corresponding to
$x$, then $h^0(V) =0$; equivalently,
$V$ has no Jordan-H\"older quotient equal to $\scrO_E$, and $V$ is a regular
semistable bundle. If $\Phi(x) = \Phi(x')$, then $x'$ also lies in the set
$\alpha_0\alpha _1\neq 0$, and the bundle $V'$ corresponding to $x'$ is also
regular and semistable. Thus $V\cong V'$, and we must determine if the
filtration $F^i$ on $V$ exists is unique up to isomorphism. First, if $V$
is a regular semistable bundle of rank $n+1$, then it is an extension of
$W_{n-k}$ by
$W_{k+1}\spcheck$, where the subbundle $W_{k+1}\spcheck$ of $V$ is unique
modulo automorphisms of $V$, and taking the further filtration of
$W_{k+1}\spcheck$ by the subbundle $W_k\spcheck $, with quotient $\scrO_E$.
$V=\Phi(x)$ for some $x$. Conversely, if $V$ has on it a filtration $F^i$
$\alpha_0\alpha_1 \neq 0$, then $F^1\cong W_{k+1}\spcheck$. Moreover, if
$H^0(V) = 0$, then every subbundle of $V$ isomorphic to $W_k\spcheck$ is
contained in a subbundle isomorphic to $W_{k+1}\spcheck$ (whereas if
$H^0(V) \neq 0$, this is no longer the case; cf\. \S 3.2). Thus the
filtration $F^i$ is unique up to automorphisms of $V$. The above argument
shows that $\Phi$ induces an isomorphism
$$\left(\Cee^{n+2} - \{\, \alpha_0\alpha _1= 0\,\}\right)/\Cee^*\times
\Cee^* \to
\Pee^n - H.$$
In case $x$ lies in the set $\alpha _0 = 0, , \alpha _1\neq 0, e\neq 0$, a
straightforward argument identifies the quotient by $\Cee^*\times \Cee^*$
$H\subset \Pee^n$, and likewise for $\alpha _0 \neq 0, \alpha _1= 0, e\neq
$\alpha _0 =\alpha _1= 0, e\neq 0$.
The coarse moduli space $\Pee^n$ has its associated spectral cover $T$,
which is an $(n+1)$-sheeted cover of $\Pee^n$. Let $\tilde T \to
\cup\Cee)$ be the pulled back cover of $\Cee^{n+2}-(\Cee \cup\Cee)$ via the
morphism $\Phi$. Using Lemma 6.14, we can see directly that $\tilde T$ is
singular, with the generic singularities a locally trivial family of
threefold double points. In fact, the inverse image of $H$ in $T$ is of the
form $H\cup T'$, where $T'$ is the spectral cover of $H\cong \Pee^{n-1}$.
The intersection of $H$ and $T'$ is transverse (see \S 5.7), and $H\cap
T'$, viewed as a subset of
$H\subset \Pee^n$, corresponds to those bundles which have $\scrO_E$ as a
Jordan-H\"older quotient with multiplicity at least two. If $t$ is a local
equation for $H$ in $\Pee^n$ near a generic point of $H\cap T'$, there are
local coordinates on $T$ for which $t=uv$, since $H$ splits into $H\cup
T'$. Thus the local equation for $\tilde T$ is $\alpha_0\alpha _1= uv$,
which is the equation for a family of threefold double points.
We can also do the above constructions in families $\pi\: Z \to B$. We
could take the point of view of \cite{8} and realize the relative
nonabelian cohomology groups as a bundle of affine spaces over $B$.
However, it is also possible to proceed directly as in \S 5.2. We seek
vector bundles $V$ which have a filtration
$0\subset F^0\subset F^1 \subset V$, where $F^0\cong \Cal W_k\spcheck
\pi^*M_0$, $F^1/F^0\cong \pi^*M_1$, and $V/F^1\cong \Cal W_{n-k} \otimes
\pi^*M_2$ for line bundles $M_0, M_1, M_2$ on $B$. Of course, we can
normalize by twisting
$V$ so that one of the $M_i$ is trivial. The analysis of such extensions
parallels the analysis for a single $E$. We begin by constructing $F^0$. It
is described by an extension class in
$$\gather H^1(Z; \pi^*M_1^{-1}\otimes \Cal W_k\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M_0)
\cong H^0(B; R^1\pi_*(\Cal W_k\spcheck) \otimes M_1^{-1}\otimes M_0) \\
=H^0(B;L^{-k}\otimes M_1^{-1}\otimes M_0).
\endgather$$ If the difference line bundle $M_1^{-1}\otimes M_0$ is
sufficiently ample, then there will be nonzero sections $\alpha _0$ of
$L^{-k}\otimes M_1^{-1}\otimes M_0$ vanishing along a divisor $D_0$ in $B$.
Next, we seek extensions of $F^1$ by $\Cal W_{n-k} \otimes \pi^*M_2$. Now
$H^0(\Cal W_{n-k}\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M_2^{-1}\otimes \pi^*M_1) = 0$, and
by the Leray spectral sequence
$$H^2(\Cal W_{n-k}\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M_2^{-1}\otimes \Cal W_k\spcheck
\pi^*M_0) \cong H^1(B; R^1\pi_*(\Cal W_{n-k}\spcheck \otimes \Cal
W_k\spcheck)\otimes M_2^{-1}\otimes M_0).$$ We assume that $M_2^{-1}\otimes
M_0$ is so ample that the above group is zero. In this case there is an
exact sequence
$$\gather 0 \to H^1(\Cal W_{n-k}\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M_2^{-1}\otimes \Cal
\otimes \pi^*M_0) \to \Ext^1(\Cal W_{n-k} \otimes \pi^*M_2, F^1) \to \\
H^1(\Cal W_{n-k}\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M_2^{-1}\otimes \pi^*M_1) \to 0.
\endgather$$ The left-hand group is $H^0(R^1\pi_*(\Cal W_{n-k}\spcheck
\otimes \Cal W_k\spcheck)\otimes M_2^{-1}\otimes M_0)$, and the right-hand
group is
$H^0(L^{n-k} \otimes M_2^{-1}\otimes M_1)$. Thus, for $ M_2^{-1}\otimes M_1$
sufficiently ample, there will exist sections $\alpha _1$ of $L^{n-k}
\otimes M_2^{-1}\otimes M_1$, vanishing along a divisor $D_1$ in $B$, and
we will be able to lift these sections to extension classes in $\Ext^1(\Cal
W_{n-k} \otimes
\pi^*M_2, F^1)$. Moreover, if we restrict, say, to the divisor $D_0 = 0$,
then there is also a well-defined class $e$ in $H^0(R^1\pi_*(\Cal
\otimes \Cal W_k\spcheck)\otimes M_2^{-1}\otimes M_0)$. There is a divisor
$D$ on
$B$ corresponding to such extensions which have a factor $\scrO_{E_b}$ for
$b\in D$. In fact, if $\alpha = c_1(L\otimes M_2^{-1}\otimes M_0)$, then it
follows from (4.15) and (5.9) that $[D] = \alpha - nL$. (Compare also
(5.21).) As long as
$M_2^{-1}\otimes M_0$ is also sufficiently ample, we can assume that the
$D_0, D_1$ and $D$ are smooth and intersect transversally in a subvariety
of $B$ of codimension three. Along this subvariety, $V$ fails to be regular.
Note that the $V$ constructed above are a deformation of $V'\oplus
\scrO_Z$, where
$V'$ is a twist of a bundle of the form $V_{A, 1-k}$; it suffices for
example to take $\alpha _0 = 0$ and $e\neq 0$.
For generic choices, the spectral cover $C_A$ will acquire singularities
in codimension three, which will generically be families of threefold
double points. In particular, there are Weil divisors on $C_A$ which do not
extend to Cartier divisors, as predicted by Lemma 6.12. It is also amusing
to look at the case $\dim B =2$, where for generic choices the spectral
cover will be smooth. The construction then deforms $V'\oplus \scrO_Z$ to a
bundle $V$ which has regular semistable restriction to every fiber.
Starting with a generic $V' = V_{A,a}(n)$ of rank $n$, we cannot in general
deform $V'\oplus \scrO_Z$ to a standard bundle
$V_{A,b}(n+1)\otimes \pi^*N_0$. Instead, the spectral cover $C_A$ has
Picard number larger than expected. In fact, we have the divisor $F =
(r^*\sigma \times _BZ)\cap C_A$, which is mapped isomorphically onto its
image in $B$, and this image is the same as $A\cap \Cal H\subset \Cal
P_{n-1}$. Now $A\cap \Cal H$ corresponds to the bundles $V$ such that
$h^0(V) \neq 0$, and thus by Lemma 6.13 this locus is just
$D_0\cup D_1$. Thus in $C_A$ the divisor $F$ splits into a sum of two
divisors, which we continue to denote by $D_0$ and $D_1$. Using these extra
divisors, we can construct more vector bundles over $Z$, of the form
$V_{A,0}[N]$ for some extra line bundle $N$, which enable us to deform
$V'\oplus \scrO_Z$ to a bundle which is everywhere regular and semistable.
Let us just give the details in a symmetric case. Let $M$ be a sufficiently
ample line bundle on $B$. There exist bundles
$V$ on $Z$ which have regular semistable restriction to every fiber and
also have a filtration $F^0\subset F^1 \subset V$, with
$$V/F^1 \cong \Cal W_k\otimes \pi^*M^{-1}; \qquad F^1/F^0\cong \scrO_Z;
\qquad F^0
\cong \Cal W_k\spcheck \otimes \pi^*M.$$ The bundle $V$ is a deformation of
a bundle of the form $V'\oplus \scrO_Z$. Thus, there must exist a line
bundle $N$ on the spectral cover $C_A$ such that
$V_{A,0}[N]$ has the same Chern classes as $V$. Direct calculation with the
Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem shows that this happens for
$$N = M \otimes \scrO_{C_A}(-F + (k+1)D_0 + kD_1)$$ as well as for
$$N = M \otimes \scrO_{C_A}(-F + kD_0 + (k+1)D_1),$$ and that these are the
only two ``universal" choices for $N$.
\remark{Question} Suppose that $\dim B = 3$ and consider spectral covers
which have an ordinary threefold double point singularity. The local Picard
group of the singularity is $\Zee$. Given $a\in \Zee$, we can twist by a
line bundle over the complement of the singularity which correspond to the
element $a\in \Zee$. The result is a vector bundle on $Z$, defined in the
complement of finitely many fibers, and thus the direct image is a coherent
reflexive sheaf on $Z$. What is the relationship of local behavior of this
sheaf at the finitely many fibers to the integer $a$?
\section{7. Stability.}
Our goal in this final section will be to find sufficient conditions for
$V_{A,a}$, or more general bundles constructed in the previous two
sections, to be stable with respect to a suitable ample divisor. Here
suitable means in general a divisor of the form $H_0+ N\pi^*H$, where $H_0$
is an ample divisor on $Z$ and
$H$ is an ample divisor on $B$, and $N\gg 0$. As we have already see in \S
5.6, for $A =\bold o$, the bundle $V_{\bold o, a}$ is essentially always
unstable with respect to every ample divisor. Likewise, suppose that $A$ is
a section lying in
$\Cal H$ as in \S 5.7, so that $V_{A,a}$ has a surjection to $\pi^*L^a$. If
the line bundle corresponding to $A$ is sufficiently ample, it is easy to
see that for appropriate choices of $a$ we can always arrange
$\mu_H(\pi^*L^a) <
\mu_H(V_{A,a})$, so that $V_{A,a}$ is unstable. Thus, we shall have to make
some assumptions about $A$. More generally, let $V$ be a bundle whose
restriction to the generic fiber is regular and semistable, and let $A$ be
the associated quasisection. It turns out that, if the spectral cover
$C_A$ is irreducible, then $V$ is stable with respect to all divisors of
the form
$H_0+ N\pi^*H$, provided that $N\gg 0$. A similar result holds in families.
However, we are only able to give an effective estimate for $N$ in case
$\dim B = 1$. In particular, whether there is an effective bound for $N$
which depends only on $Z$, $H_0$, $H$, $c_1(V)$, and $c_2(V)$ is open in
case $\dim B > 1$. We believe that such a bound should exist, and can give
such an explicit bound for a general $B$ in the rank two case for an
irreducible quasisection $A$. (Of course, when $\dim B > 2$, an irreducible
quasisection $A$ will almost never be an actual section.) However, we shall
not give the details in this paper.
\ssection{7.1. The case of a general $Z$.}
Let $\pi\: Z\to B$ be a flat family of Weierstrass cubics with a section. We
suppose in fact that $Z$ is smooth of dimension $d+1$. Fix an ample divisor
$H_0$ on $Z$ and an ample divisor $H$ on $B$, which we will often identify
with $\pi^*H$ on $Z$.
\theorem{7.1} Let $V$ be a vector bundle of rank $n$ over $Z$ whose
restriction to the generic fiber is regular and semistable, and such that
the spectral cover of the quasisection corresponding to $V$ is irreducible.
Then there exists an $\epsilon_0 > 0$, depending on $V, H_0, H$, such that
$V$ is is stable with respect to
$\epsilon H_0 + H$ for all $0< \epsilon < \epsilon_0$.
\proof Let $W$ be a subsheaf of $V$ with $0 <
\operatorname{rank} W < r$. The semistability assumption on $V|f$, for a
generic $f$, and the fact that $W|f \to V|f$ is injective for a generic $f$
imply that $c_1(W) \cdot f
\leq 0$. If however $c_1(W) \cdot f = 0$, then $W$ and $V/W$ are also
semistable on the generic fiber. By Proposition 5.22, the spectral cover
corresponding to $V$ would then be reducible (the proof in (5.22) needed
only that $V$ has regular semistable restriction to the generic fiber),
contrary to hypothesis. Thus in fact
$c_1(W) \cdot f < 0$. Equivalently,
$c_1(W) \cdot H^d < 0$.
For a torsion free sheaf $W$, define $\mu _H(W) = \dsize \frac{c_1(W)\cdot
H^d}{\operatorname{rank} W}$, by analogy with an ample $H_0$. If $W$ is a
subsheaf of $V$ such that $0 <
\operatorname{rank} W < n$, then $\mu _H(W)$ is a strictly negative
rational number with denominator bounded by $n-1$.
\lemma{7.2} There is a constant $A$, depending only on $V, H_0, H$, such
$$\frac{c_1(W)\cdot H^i\cdot H_0^{d-i}}{\operatorname{rank} W} \leq A$$ for
all $i$ with $0\leq i\leq d$ and all nonzero subsheaves $W$ of $V$.
\proof There exists a filtration
$$0\subset F^0\subset F^1\subset \cdots \subset F^{n-1}=V$$ such that
$F^j/F^{j-1}$ is a torsion free rank one sheaf, and thus is of the form
$L_j\otimes I_{X_j}$ for $L_j$ a line bundle on $Z$ and $X_j$ a subscheme of
codimension at least two (possibly empty). Suppose that $W$ has rank one.
Then there is a nonzero map from $W$ to $L_j\otimes I_{X_j}$ for some $j$,
and thus $W$ is of the form
$L_j\otimes \scrO_Z(-D)\otimes I_X$ for some effective diviisor $D$ on $Z$
and subscheme
$X$ of codimension at least two (possibly empty). Thus
$$c_1(W)\cdot H^i\cdot H_0^{d-i} \leq c_1(L_j)\cdot H^i\cdot H_0^{d-i}.$$
Thus these numbers are bounded independently of $W$. In case $W$ has
arbitrary rank $r$, $1\leq r\leq n-1$, find a similar filtration of the
$\bigwedge ^rV$ by subsheaves whose successive quotients are rank one
torsion free sheaves, and use the existence of a nonzero map $\bigwedge
^rW\to \bigwedge ^rV$ to argue as before.
Returning to the proof of Theorem 7.1, if $W$ is a subsheaf of $V$ such
$0 < \operatorname{rank} W < n$, it follows that
$$\mu_{\epsilon H_0 + H}(W) = \frac{c_1(W)\cdot (\epsilon H_0 +
H)^d}{\operatorname{rank} W}\leq -\frac{1}{n-1}+O(\epsilon).$$ On the other
hand, since $\det V$ is pulled back from $B$, $c_1(V) \cdot H^d = 0$ and so
$$\mu_{\epsilon H_0 + H}(V) = \frac{c_1(V)\cdot (\epsilon H_0 + H)^d}{n}=
O(\epsilon).$$ Thus, for $\epsilon$ sufficiently small, for every subsheaf
$W$ of $V$ with $0 <
\operatorname{rank} W < n$,
$$\mu_{\epsilon H_0 + H}(W) < \mu_{\epsilon H_0 + H}(V).$$ In other words,
$V$ is stable with respect to
$\epsilon H_0 + H$.
\corollary{7.3} Let $\Cal V$ be a family of vector bundles over $S\times
Z$, such that, for each $s\in S$, the restriction $V_s=\Cal V|\{s\}\times
Z$ has regular semistable restriction to the generic fiber of $\pi$ and the
corresponding spectral cover is irreducible. Then there exists an
$\epsilon_0 > 0$, depending on $\Cal V, H_0, H$, such that, for every $s\in
$V_s$ is is stable with respect to
$\epsilon H_0 + H$ for all $0< \epsilon < \epsilon_0$.
\proof We may assume that $S$ is irreducible. The proof of Theorem 7.1 goes
through as before as long as we can uniformly bound the integers
$c_1(W)\cdot H^i\cdot H_0^{d-i}$ as
$W$ ranges over subsheaves of $V_s$ over all $s\in S$. But there exists a
$$0\subset F^0\subset F^1\subset \cdots \subset F^{n-1}=\Cal V$$ such that
$F^j/F^{j-1}$ is a torsion free rank one sheaf on $S\times Z$, and thus is
of the form
$\Cal L_j\otimes I_{\Cal X_j}$ for $\Cal L_j$ a line bundle on $S\times Z$
$\Cal X_j$ a subscheme of $S\times Z$ of codimension at least two, such
that, at a generic point $s$ of $S$, $(\{s\}\times Z)\cap\Cal X_j $ has
codimension at least two in $Z$. On a nonempty Zariski open subset $\Omega$
$S$, the filtration restricts to a filtration of $V_s$ of the form used in
the proof of Lemma 7.2, and
$c_1(\Cal L_j| \{s\}\times Z)$ is independent of $s$. Similar filtrations
exist for the exterior powers $\bigwedge ^r\Cal V$. This bounds
$c_1(W)\cdot H^i\cdot H_0^{d-i}$ as
$W$ ranges over subsheaves of $V_s$ over all $s$ in a nonempty Zariski open
subset of $S$. By applying the same construction to the components of
$S-\Omega$ and induction on
$\dim S$, we can find the desired bound for all $s\in S$.
\ssection{7.2. The case of an elliptic surface.}
In case $\dim B =1$, there is a more precise result.
\theorem{7.4} Let $\pi\: Z \to B$ be an elliptic surface and let $H_0$ be
an ample divisor on $Z$. Let $f$ be the numerical equivalence class of a
fiber. Let
$V$ be a vector bundle of rank $n$ on $Z$ which is regular and semistable
on the generic fiber, with $\det V$ the pullback of a line bundle on
$B$, and with $c_2(V) = c$, and such that the spectral cover of $V$ is
irreducible. Then for all $\dsize t\geq t_0= \frac{n^3}{4}c_2(V)$, $V$ is
stable with respect to
\proof If $V$ is $H_{t_0}$-stable, then as it is $f$-stable (here stability
is defined with respect to the nef divisor $f$) it is stable with respect
to every convex combination of $H_{t_0}$ and $f$ and thus for every divisor
$H_t$ with
$t\geq t_0$. Thus we may assume that $V$ is not $H_{t_0}$-stable for some
$t_0\geq 0$.
\lemma{7.5} Suppose that $V$ is not $H_{t_0}$-stable for some $t_0\geq 0$.
Then there exists a
$t_1 \geq t_0$ and a divisor $D$ such that
$D\cdot H_{t_1} = 0$ and
$$-\frac{n^3}{2}c_2(V) \leq D^2 < 0.$$
\proof By Theorem 7.1, for all $t\gg 0$, $V$ is $H_t$-stable. Let $t_1$
be the greatest lower bound of the $t$ such that, for all $t'\geq t$, $V$ is
$H_{t'}$-stable. Thus
$t_1\geq 0$. The condition that $V$ is $H_t$-unstable is clearly an open
condition on $t$. It follows that $V$ is strictly $H_{t_1}$-semistable, so
that there is an exact sequence
$$0 \to V' \to V \to V'' \to 0,$$ with both $V'$, $V''$ torsion free and of
strictly smaller rank than $V$, and with
$\mu_{H_{t_1}}(V') = \mu_{H_{t_1}}(V'') = \mu_{H_{t_1}}(V)$. Thus, both
$V'$ and
$V''$ are $H_{t_1}$-semistable. Let $D = r'c_1(V'') - r''c_1(V')$. Then the
equality $\mu_{H_{t_1}}(V') = \mu_{H_{t_1}}(V'')$ is equivalent to $D\cdot
H_{t_1} = 0$. Note that $D$ is not numerically trivial, for otherwise $V$
would be strictly $H_t$-semistable for all $t$, contradicting the fact that
it is
$H_t$-stable for $t\gg 0$. Thus, by the Hodge index theorem, $D^2<0$. Now,
for a torsion free sheaf of rank $r$, define the Bogomolov number (or
discriminant) of
$W$ by
$$B(W) = 2rc_2(W) - (r-1)c_1(W)^2.$$ If $W$ is semistable with respect to
some ample divisor, then $B(W) \geq 0$. Finally, we have the identity
(\cite{5}, Chapter 9, ex\. 4):
$$B(V) = 2nc_2(V) = \frac{n}{r'}B(V') + \frac{n}{r''}B(V'') -
\frac{D^2}{r'r''},$$ and thus, as $B(V')\geq 0$ and $B(V'')\geq 0$ by
Bogomolov's inequality,
$$D^2\geq -(r'r'')2nc_2(V).$$ Since $r'+r'' = n$, $r'r''\leq n^2/4$, and
plugging this in to the above inequality proves the lemma.
Returning to the proof of Theorem 7.4, the proof of Lemma 1.2 in Chapter 7
of \cite{6} (see also \cite{5}, Chapter 6, Lemma 3) shows that, if $\dsize
t\geq t_0 =
\frac{n^3}{4}c_2(V)$, then for every divisor $D$ such that
$\dsize D^2 \geq -\frac{n^3}{2}c_2(V)$ and $D\cdot f > 0$, we have $D\cdot
H_t> 0$. Now, if $V$ is not $H_{t_0}$-stable, we would be able to find a
$t_1 \geq t_0$ and an exact sequence $0 \to V' \to V \to V'' \to 0$ as
above, with
$\mu_{H_{t_1}}(V') = \mu_{H_{t_1}}(V'')$. Now setting $D = r'c_1(V'') -
r''c_1(V')$ as before, we have
$$\gather 0< \mu_f(V) -\mu _f(V') = \frac{c_1(V')\cdot f + c_1(V'')\cdot
f}{n} -
\frac{c_1(V')\cdot f}{r'} \\ = \frac{\left(r'c_1(V'') -
r''c_1(V')\right)\cdot f}{r'n} = \frac{D\cdot f}{r'n},
\endgather$$ so that $D\cdot f > 0$, and likewise $D\cdot H_{t_1}= 0$. Thus
$D\cdot H_{t_0} <0$, contradicting the choice of $t_0$. It follows that,
for all $\dsize t\geq t_0 = \frac{n^3}{4}c_2(V)$, $V$ is $H_t$-stable. This
completes the proof of (7.5).
As a final comment, the difficulty in finding an effective bound in case
$\dim B > 1$ is the following: For a torsion free sheaf $W$, we can define
$B(W)$ as before, but it is an element of $H^4(Z)$, not an integer. In the
notation of the proof of Lemma 7.5, Bogomolov's inequality can be used to
give a bound for
$B(V')\cdot H_t^{n-2}$ and $B(V'')\cdot H_t^{n-2}$ for some (unknown) value
$t$, and thus there is a lower bound for $D^2\cdot H_t^{n-2}$, again for
one unknown value of $t$. However this does not seem to give enough
information to complete the proof of the theorem, except in the rank two
case where the lower bound can be made explicit for all $t$.
\ref \no 1\by M. Atiyah \paper Vector bundles over an elliptic curve
\jour Proc. London Math. Soc. \vol 7\yr 1957 \pages 414--452\endref
\ref \no 2 \by C. B\u anic\u a, M. Putinar, and G. Schumacher \paper
Variation der globalen Ext in Deformationen kompakter komplexer R\"aume
\jour Math. Annalen \vol 250 \yr 1980 \pages 135--155 \endref
\ref \no 3\by R. Friedman \paper Rank two vector bundles over regular
elliptic surfaces \jour Inventiones Math. \vol 96 \yr 1989 \pages 283--332
\ref \no 4 \bysame \paper Vector bundles and $SO(3)$-invariants for
elliptic surfaces \jour J. Amer. Math. Soc. \vol 8 \yr 1995 \pages 29--139
\ref \no 5 \bysame \book Algebraic Surfaces and Holomorphic Vector Bundles
\publ Springer-Verlag \publaddr Berlin Heidelberg New York \yr 1998
\ref \no 6\by R. Friedman and J.W. Morgan \book Smooth Four-Manifolds and
Complex Surfaces \bookinfo Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete
3. Folge
\vol 27 \publ Springer-Verlag \publaddr Berlin Heidelberg New York
\yr 1994
\ref \no 7 \by R. Friedman, J.W. Morgan and E. Witten \paper Vector bundles
$F$ theory \paperinfo hep-th/9701166 \endref
\ref \no 8 \bysame\paper Principal $G$-bundles over an elliptic curve
\paperinfo alg-geom/9707004
\ref \no 9\by W. Fulton \book Intersection Theory \bookinfo Ergebnisse der
Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 3. Folge
\vol 2\publ Springer-Verlag
\publaddr Berlin Heidelberg \yr 1984 \endref
\ref \no 10\by R. Hartshorne \book Algebraic Geometry \publ Springer Verlag
\publaddr New York Heidelberg Berlin \yr 1977 \endref
\ref \no 11\by C. Okonek, M. Schneider and H. Spindler \book Vector Bundles
on Complex Projective Spaces \bookinfo Progress in Mathematics {\bf 3}\publ
\publaddr Boston, Basel, Stuttgart \yr 1980 \endref
\ref \no 12\by T. Teodorescu \paperinfo Columbia University thesis \yr 1998
1998-12-11T18:24:46 | 9709 | alg-geom/9709025 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9709025 | [
] | alg-geom/9709025 | Christoph Sorger | Christoph Sorger | On Moduli of G-bundles over Curves for exceptional G | Plain TeX, 6 p. Reason for resubmission: proof of main result has
been simplified | null | null | null | null | Let $G$ be a simple and simply connected complex Lie group, ${\goth{g}}$ its
Lie algebra. I remove the restriction ``$G$ is of classical type or $G_2$''
made on $G$ in the papers of Beauville, Laszlo and myself [L-S] and [B-L-S] on
the moduli of principal G-bundles over a curve. As I will just "patch" the
missing technical points, this note should be seen as an appendix to the above
cited papers.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 22 Sep 1997 20:56:23 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 2 Oct 1997 09:18:16 GMT"
] | 2009-09-25T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax Let $G$ be a simple and simply connected complex Lie group, $\g$ its Lie
algebra. In the following, I remove the restriction ``$G$ is of classical type
$G_2$'' made on $G$ in the papers of Beauville, Laszlo and
myself \cite{L-S:verlinde},\cite{B-L-S:picard}
on the moduli of principal $G$-bundles on a curve. As I will
just ``patch" the missing technical points, this note should
be seen as an appendix to the above cited papers.
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax Let $\M$ be the stack of $G$-bundles on the smooth, connected
and projective algebraic curve $X$ of genus $g$. If
$\rho:G\ra\SL_{r}$ is a representation of $G$, denote by
${\cal{D}}_{\rho}$ the pullback of the determinant bundle
\cite{D-N:picard} under the morphism
$\M\ra\MSL$ defined by extension of the structure group. Associate
to $G$ the number $d(G)$ and the representation $\rho(G)$ as follows:
\text{Type of }G&&A_{r}&&B_{r}\,(r\geq 3)&&C_{r}&&D_{r}\, (r\geq
\begin{th}{Theorem}\label{th:pic} There is a line bundle ${\cal{L}}$
on $\M$ such that
$\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\M)\mathrel{\mathop{\kern 0pt\longrightarrow }\limits^{\sim}}\reln{\cal{L}}$. Moreover we may choose ${\cal{L}}$ in
such a way that
${\cal{L}}^{\otimes d(G)}={\cal{D}}_{\rho(G)}$.
\end{th} The above theorem is proved, for classical $G$ and $G_{2}$,
in \cite{L-S:verlinde} where it also shown that the space of
sections $H^{0}(\M,{\cal{L}}^{\ell})$ may be identified to the space
of conformal blocks $B_{G,X}(\ell;p;0)$ (see
(\ref{def:conf-blocks}) for its definition). Now, once the generator
of the Picard group is known in the exceptional cases, this
identification is also valid in general, as well what happens when
one considers additionally parabolic structures as we did in
\cite{L-S:verlinde} (theorems 1.1 and 1.2).
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax In fact, as we will see, to prove theorem \ref{th:pic} for the
exceptional groups it is enough to prove the existence of the 60-th
root of
${\cal{D}}_{\varpi_{8}}$ on $\MEeight$. This will be deduced from
the splitting of a certain central extension, which in turn will
follow from the fact that $B_{E_8,X}(1;p;0)$ is one dimensional in
any genus $g$ as predicted by the Verlinde formula. However, in our particulier case
we don't need the Verlinde formula in order to prove the last statement: it
will follow directly from the decomposition formulas.
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax Suppose $g(X)\geq 2$. For the coarse moduli spaces $\Mod$ of
$G$-bundles, we will see that the roots of the determinant bundle of
\ref{th:pic} do only exist on the open subset of regularly stable
$G$-bundles which, as shown in
\cite{B-L-S:picard}, has as consequence the following:
\begin{th}{Theorem}\label{th:local_factoriality} Let $G$ be
semi-simple and $\tau\in\pi_{1}(G)$. Then $\Mod^{\tau}$ is locally factorial if and
only if
$G$ is special in the sens of Serre.
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax Note that $\mathop{\rm dim}\nolimits H^{0}(\MEeight,{\cal{L}})=\mathop{\rm dim}\nolimits
B_{E_{8},X}(1;p;0)=1$ has the somehow surprising consequence that
the stack $\MEeight$ and (for
$g(X)\geq 2$) the normal variety $\ModEeight$ have a {\em canonical}
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax
I would like to thank C. Teleman for pointing out that a reference I used
in a previous version of this paper was incomplete and mention his
preprint \cite{Te:BWB}, which contains a different,
topological approach to theorem \ref{th:pic}.
\section{Conformal Blocks}
\subsection{\em Affine Lie algebras. }\label{subsec:Lie-general-set-up} Let
$\g$ be a simple finite dimensional Lie algebra of rank $r$ over
$\comp$. Let $P$ be the weight lattice, $P_{+}$ be the subset of
dominant weights and $(\varpi_{i})_{i=1,\dots,r}$ be the fundamental
weights. Given a dominant weight $\lambda$, we denote
$L({\lambda})$ the associated simple $\g$-module with highest weight
$\lambda$. Finally
$(\,,\,)$ will be the Cartan-Killing form normalized such that for
the highest root
$\theta$ we have $(\theta,\theta)=2$. Let $\Lg=\g\otimes_{\comp}\comp((z))$ be the
{\it loop algebra} of
$\g$ and $\Lgh$ be the central extension of $\Lg$
defined by the $2$-cocycle
$(X\otimes f,Y\otimes g)\mapsto (X,Y)\mathop{\rm Res}\nolimits_{0}(gdf).$
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax Fix an integer $\ell$. Call a representation of $\Lgh$ of level
$\ell$ if the center acts by multiplication by $\ell$. The theory of affine Lie
algebras affirms that the irreducible and integrable representations of $\Lgh$
are classified by the dominant weights belonging to $P_{\ell}=\{\lambda\in
P_{+}/(\lambda,\theta)\leq\ell\}$. For $\lambda\in P_{\ell}$, denote
${\cal{H}}_{\ell}(\lambda)$ the associated representation.
\subsection{\em Definition of conformal blocks. }\label{subsec:conf-blocks}
Fix an integer (the level) $\ell\geq0$.
Let $(X,\ul{p})$ be an $n$-pointed stable curve (we denote
$\ul{p}=(p_{1},\dots,p_{n})$) and suppose that the points are labeled by
$\ul{\lambda}=(\lambda_{1},\dots,\lambda_{n})\in P_{\ell}^{n}$
respectively. Choose a non-singular point $p\in X$ and a local coodinate $z$ at
$p$. Let
$X^{*}=X\mathrel{\hbox{\vrule height 3pt depth -2pt width 6pt}}\{p\}$ and $\LgX$ be the Lie algebra $\g\otimes{\cal{O}}(X^{*})$. We
have a morphism on Lie algebras
$\LgX\ra\Lg$ by associating to $X\otimes f$ the element $X\otimes\hat{f}$, where
$\hat{f}$ is the Laurent developpement of $f$ at $p$. By the
residue theorem, the restriction to $\LgX$ of the central extension
(\ref{form:cent_ext}) splits and we may see $\LgX$ as a Lie subalgebra of $\Lgh$. In
particuler, the
$\Lgh$-module ${\cal{H}}_{\ell}(0)$ may be seen as a $\LgX$-module. In addition, we
may consider the $\g$-modules $L(\lambda_{i})$ as a $\LgX$-modules by evaluation at
$p_{i}$. The vector space of conformal blocks is defined as
where $[]_{\LgX}$ means that we take co-invariants. It is known
(\cite{TUY:conf-field} or \cite{So:NB794}, 2.5.1) that these vector spaces are
finite-dimensional. Important properties are as follows:
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax $a)$ $\mathop{\rm dim}\nolimits B_{G,\proj_{1}}(\ell;p_{1};0)=1$
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax $b)$ If one
adds a non-singular point
$q\in X$, then the
spaces $B_{G,X}(\ell;\ul{p};\ul\lambda)$ and
$B_{G,X}(\ell;\ul{p},q;\ul\lambda,0)$ are canonically isomorphic
(\cite{So:NB794}, 2.3.2).
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax $c)$ Suppose $X$ is singular in $c$ and let $\widetilde{X}\ra X$ be a
partial desingularization of $c$. Let $a$ and $b$ be the points of $\widetilde{X}$
over $c$. Then there is a canonical isomorphism
$$\bigoplus_{\mu\in P_{\ell}}
B_{G,X}(\ell;\ul{p},a,b;\ul\lambda,\mu,\mu^{*})\mathrel{\mathop{\kern 0pt\longrightarrow }\limits^{\sim}}
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax $d)$ The dimension of $B_{G,X}(\ell;\ul{p};\ul\lambda)$ does not change
when $(X;\ul{p})$ varies in the stack of $n$-pointed stable curves
${\goth{M}}_{g,n}$ (\cite{TUY:conf-field}).
\subsection{\em Application: }\label{subsec:E_8} Consider the case of $G=E_8$ and
$1$ and remark that $P_{1}$ contains {\em only} the trivial representation.
In order to calculate $B_{E_8,X}(\ell;p;0)$, one reduces to $\proj_{1}$ with
points labeled with the trivial representation using $c)$ and
$d)$, then it follows from $b)$ and $a)$ that it is one-dimensional.
\section{The Picard group of $\M$}
\subsection{} We recall the description of $\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\M)$ of
\cite{L-S:verlinde}, which uses as main tool the {\it
uniformization} theorem which I now recall. Let $\LG$ be the loop
group $G\bigl(\comp((z))\bigr)$, seen as an ind-scheme over $\comp$,
$\LGp$ the sub-group scheme $G\bigl(\comp[[z]]\bigr)$ and
$\Q=\LG/\LGp$ be the infinite Grassmannian, which is a direct limit
of projective integral varieties ($loc.\, cit.$). Finally let $\LGX$
be the sub-ind group $G({\cal{O}}(X^{*}))$ of
$\LG$. The uniformization theorem (\cite{L-S:verlinde}, 1.3)
states that there is a canonical isomorphism of stacks
$\LGX\bk\Q\mathrel{\mathop{\kern 0pt\longrightarrow }\limits^{\sim}}\M$ and moreover that $\Q\ra\M$ is a $\LGX$-bundle.
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax Let $\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits_{\LGX}(\Q)$ be the group of $\LGX$-linearized line
bundles on
$\Q$. Recall that a
$\LGX$-linearization of the line bundle ${\scr{L}}$ on $\Q$ is an
$m^{*}{\scr{L}}\mathrel{\mathop{\kern 0pt\longrightarrow }\limits^{\sim}} pr_{2}^{*}{\scr{L}}$, where
$m:\LGX\times\Q\ra\Q$ is the action of $\LGX$ on $\Q$, satisfying the
usual cocycle condition. It follows from the uniformization theorem
$$\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\M)\mathrel{\mathop{\kern 0pt\longrightarrow }\limits^{\sim}}\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits_{\LGX}(\Q),$$ hence in order to understand
$\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\M)$ it suffices to understand
$\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits_{\LGX}(\Q)$. The Picard group of $\Q$ itself is infinite
cyclic; let me recall how its positive generator may be defined in
terms of central extensions of $\LG$.
\subsection{} If ${\cal{H}}$ is an (infinite) dimensional vector
space over $\comp$, we define the $\comp$-space $\mathop{\rm End}\nolimits({\cal{H}})$ by
$R\mapsto\mathop{\rm End}\nolimits({\cal{H}}\otimes_{\comp}R)$, the $\comp$-group
$GL({\cal{H}})$ as the group of its units and
$PGL({\cal{H}})$ by $GL({\cal{H}})/G_{m}$. The $\comp$-group
$\LG$ acts on $\Lg$ by the adjoint action which is extended to
$\Lgh$ by the following formula:
$$\mathop{\rm Ad}\nolimits(\gamma).(\alpha^{\prime},s)=\bigl(\mathop{\rm Ad}\nolimits(\gamma).\alpha^{\prime},
s+\mathop{\rm Res}\nolimits_{z=0}(\gamma^{-1}\frac{d}{dz}\gamma,\alpha^{\prime})\bigr)$$
where $\gamma\in\LG(R)$, $\alpha=(\alpha^{\prime},s)\in\Lgh(R)$ and
$(\,,\,)$ is the $R((z))$-bilinear extension of the Cartan-Killing
form. The main tool we use is that if
$\bar\pi:\Lgh\ra\mathop{\rm End}\nolimits({\cal{H}})$ is an integral highest weight
representation, then for $R$ a
$\comp$-algebra and
$\gamma\in\LG(R)$ there is, locally over $\mathop{\rm Spec}(R)$, an automorphism
$u_{\gamma}$ of ${\cal{H}}_{R}={\cal{H}}\otimes_{\comp}R$, unique up
$R^{*}$, such that
\begin{diagram} {\cal{H}}&\efl{\bar\pi(\alpha)}{}&{\cal{H}}\\
{\cal{H}}&\efl{\bar\pi(\mathop{\rm Ad}\nolimits(\gamma).\alpha)}{}&{\cal{H}}
\end{formula} is commutative for any $\alpha\in\Lgh(R)$
(\cite{L-S:verlinde}, Prop. 4.3).
\par\hskip 1truecm\relax By the above, the representation $\bar\pi$ may be ``integrated"
to a (unique) {\it algebraic} projective representation of $\LG$,
{\it i.e.\/}\ that there is a morphism of
$\pi:\LG\ra PGL({\cal{H}})$ whose derivate coincides with $\bar\pi$
up to homothety. Indeed, thanks to the unicity property the
automorphisms $u$ associated locally to $\gamma$ glue together to
define an element
$\pi(\gamma)\in PGL({\cal{H}})(R)$ and still because of the unicity
property, $\pi$ defines a morphism of $\comp$-groups. The assertion
on the derivative is consequence of (\ref{form:Faltings}). We apply
this to the basic representation ${\cal{H}}_{1}(0)$ of $\Lgh$.
Consider the central extension
\begin{formula}\label{gl(H)-ext} 1\efl{}{} G_{m}\efl{}{}
GL({\cal{H}}_{1}(0))\efl{}{} PGL({\cal{H}}_{1}(0))\efl{}{} 1.
\end{formula} The pull back of (\ref{gl(H)-ext}) to
$\LG$ defines a central extension to which we refer as the {\it
canonical} central extension of $\LG$:
\begin{formula}\label{can-ext} 1\efl{}{} G_{m}\efl{}{}\LGh\efl{}{}\LG\efl{}{} 1
\end{formula} A basic fact is that the extension (\ref{can-ext})
splits canonically over $\LGp$ (\cite{L-S:verlinde}, 4.9),
hence we may define a line bundle on the homogeneous space
$\Q=\widehat\LG/\widehat\LGp$ via the character
$G_m\times\LGp\ra G_m$ defined by the first projection. Then this
line bundle generates $\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\Q)$ (\cite{L-S:verlinde}, 4.11);
we denote by
${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$ its dual.
\subsection{} By (\cite{L-S:verlinde}, 6.2) the forgetful
$\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits_{\LGX}(\Q)\ra\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\Q)$ is injective, and moreover
($loc.\,cit.$, 6.4), the line bundle ${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1)$
admits a
$\LGX$-linearization if and only if the restriction of the central
extension (\ref{can-ext}) to $\LGX$ splits. It is shown in
\cite{L-S:verlinde} that this is indeed the case for classical $G$ and
$G_2$ by directly constructing line bundles on $\M$ which pull back
${\cal{O}}_{\Q}(1).$ In one case the existence of the splitting can
be proved directly:
\begin{th}{Proposition} The restriction of the central extension
(\ref{can-ext}) to $\LGX$ splits for $G=E_8$.
\end{th} {\it Proof:} Let ${\cal{H}}={\cal{H}}_{1}(0)$. It suffices
to show that the representation
$\bar\pi:\LgX\ra\mathop{\rm End}\nolimits({\cal{H}})$ integrates to an algebraic
representation $\pi:\LGX\ra GL({\cal{H}})$, which in turn will follow
from the fact that in the case $\gamma\in\LGX(R)$ we can {\it
normalize} the automorphism $u_{\gamma}$ of (\ref{form:Faltings}).
Indeed, the commutativity of (\ref{form:Faltings}) shows that
coinvariants are mapped to coinvariants under
$u_{\gamma}$. For ${\goth{g}}=e_{8}$, $\ell=1$ and $\lambda=0$, we
know by (\ref{subsec:E_8}) that these spaces are
$1$-dimensional, hence we may choose $u_{\gamma}$ (in a unique way)
such that it induces the identity on coinvariants. \cqfd
\begin{th}{Corollary} Suppose $G=F_4,E_6,E_7$ or $E_8$. There is a
line bundle ${\cal{L}}$ on $\M$ such that the pullback to $\Q$ is
\end{th} {Proof:} For $E_8$, this follows from the above
proposition. Now consider the well known tower of natural inclusions
\begin{formula}\label{tower} F_{4}\rInto^{\alpha}_{}
E_6\rInto^{\beta}_{} E_7\rInto^{\gamma}_{} E_8.
\end{formula} On the level of Picard groups we deduce
\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\QEeight)&\rTo^{\tilde f_\alpha^{*}}_{}&\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\QEseven)&
\rTo^{\tilde f_\beta^{*}}_{}&\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\QEsix)&\rTo^{\tilde
f_\gamma^{*}}_{}&\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\QFfour)\cr
\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\MEeight)&\rTo^{f_\alpha^{*}}_{}&\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\MEseven)&
\rTo^{f_\beta^{*}}_{}&\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\MEsix)&\rTo^{f_\gamma^{*}}_{}&\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\MFfour)\cr
\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\MSLTF8)
$$ The Dynkin index of the representation $\varpi_{8}$ of $E_8$ is
60, and an easy calculation shows that
$\varpi_{8|F_4}=14\,\comp\oplus \varpi_{1}\oplus 7\,\varpi_{4}$,
hence is equally of Dynkin index 60
(\cite{K-N:picard},\cite{L-S:verlinde}, 2.3). By the
Kumar-Narasimhan-Ramanathan lemma (\cite{L-S:verlinde}, 6.8) the
determinant bundle
${\cal{D}}$ pulls back, to
${\cal{O}}_{\QEeight}(60)$ via $\pi_{E_8}\circ f_{\varpi_{8}}^{*}$
and to ${\cal{O}}_{\QFfour}(60)$ via $\pi_{F_4}\circ
f_{\varpi_{8|F_4}}^{*}$. If follows that $\tilde f_\alpha^{*},\tilde
f_\beta^{*}$ and $\tilde f_\gamma^{*}$ are isomorphisms and that the
pullback of the line bundle
${\cal{L}}$ on $\MEeight$ under $f_\alpha^{*}$ (resp.
$f_\beta^{*}\circ f_\alpha^{*}$,
$f_\gamma^{*}\circ f_\beta^{*}\circ f_\alpha^{*}$) pulls back to
${\cal{O}}_{\QEseven}(1)$ (resp. ${\cal{O}}_{\QEsix}(1)$,
${\cal{O}}_{\QFfour}(1))$ \cqfd
\subsection{Proof of
theorem \ref{th:local_factoriality}: }
According to (\cite{B-L-S:picard}, 13) it remains to prove that
$\Mod$ is not locally factorial for
$G=F_4,E_6,E_7$ or $E_8$. In order to see this we consider again the
tower (\ref{tower}) with additionally the natural inclusion
$\mathop{\rm Spin}\nolimits_{8}\rInto^{}F_4$. Again the restriction of the
$\varpi_{8}$ of
$E_8$ to
$\mathop{\rm Spin}\nolimits_{8}$ has Dynkin index $60$, hence if the generator of
$\mathop{\rm Pic}\nolimits(\M)$ would exist on $\Mod$, then
the Pfaffian bundle would exist on
$\ModSpinEight$, which is not the case (\cite{B-L-S:picard}, 8.2).
But the generators exist on the open subset of regularly stable
bundles, as the center of $G$ acts trivally on the fibers by
construction (we started with the trivial representation) and then the
arguments of (\cite{B-L-S:picard}, 13) apply. \cqfd
1994-08-24T22:26:05 | 9408 | alg-geom/9408007 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9408007 | [
] | alg-geom/9408007 | Caryn Werner | Caryn Werner | A surface of general type with \( p_g =q =0, K^2 =1 \) | 13 pages, AMS-LaTex version 1.1 | null | null | null | null | We construct a surface of general type with invariants \( \chi = K^2 = 1 \)
and torsion group \( \Bbb{Z}/{2} \). We use a double plane construction by
finding a plane curve with certain singularities, resolving these, and taking
the double cover branched along the resulting smooth curve.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 1994 20:25:38 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
In this paper we construct a
minimal surface \(X\) of general type with
\(\rm{{p}_{g}}=0,\rm{q}=0, {K}^{2}=1,\)
and \( \operatorname{Tors} X \cong \Bbb{Z}/{2}\).
In \cite{Ca}, Campedelli noted that if a degree ten
plane curve could be found having certain singularities,
a double plane construction would yield a surface with
$\rm{{p}_{g}} = \rm{q} =0.$
In \cite{OP}, Oort and Peters construct such a
double plane and compute the torsion group of
their surface to be $\Bbb{Z}/{2}$; however we will
show that the torson group is actually
(Weng Lin has also constructed surfaces with
$\rm{{p}_{g}}=\rm{q}=0,K^{2} =1$ using double covers, but
I do not believe his results are published.)
For minimal surfaces of general type with
$\rm{{p}_{g}}=\rm{q}=0$ and ${K}^{2}=1$
it is known that \( \left| \operatorname{Tors} X \right| \leq 5.\)
(See for example \cite{Do}.)
By writing down generators for the
pluricanonical rings, Reid \cite{R} has described surfaces with torsion
of order three, four, and five.
Barlow \cite{Ba1,Ba2} has
constructed surfaces with torsion of order two and four,
as well
as a simply connected surface.
The double plane
constructions we call {\em Campedelli surfaces},
while {\em numerical Godeaux surfaces} are
minimal surfaces of general type with
the invariants $\rm{p_{g}}=\rm{q}=0, {K}^{2}=1.$
Here \(\rm{{p}_{g}} =
\dim \operatorname{H}^{0}\left( X,\cal{O}_{X}\left( {K} \right)\right)
= \dim \operatorname{H}^{2} \left(X, \cal{O}_{X} \right),
\, \rm{q} = \dim \operatorname{H}^{1} \left( X, \cal{O}_{X} \right), \)
and \( {K}^{2} = {K} \cdot {K} \) is the
self-intersection number of the canonical class \({K}.\)
Write $h^{i}\left(D\right)=
\dim_{\Bbb{C}} H^{i}\left(X,\cal{O}_{X}\left(D\right)\right)$
for $D$ a divisor on $X,$
\( \operatorname{Tors} X\) for the torsion subgroup of the
Picard group of $X,$ \( \equiv\) to represent linear
equivalence of divisors, and \(\left| D \right|\)
for the complete linear system of a divisor class $D.$
\section{The double plane construction.}
Let $D$ be a degree ten plane curve with
an ordinary order four point at $p,$ five
infinitely near triple points at $p_{1}, \dots, p_{5},$
and no other singularities.
An infinitely near triple point
refers to a triple point which remains of order three after
the plane is blown up at this point, so that all three tangent
directions of $D$ coincide.
We assume that each triple point becomes ordinary
after one blow up.
Assume further that
the six singular points do not lie on a conic,
and that the system of plane quartics with
double point at $p$ and through each $p_{i}$ with
the same tangent direction as $D$ is exactly
a pencil.
Let \( \sigma_{1} :{Y}_{1} \rightarrow \Bbb{P}^{2} \)
be the blowup of \( \Bbb{P}^{2} \) at ${p},$ and let
${E}=\sigma_{1}^{-1}({p})$ be the exceptional curve on ${Y}_{1}.$
The total transform of ${D}$ is \( \sigma_{1}^{\ast}
\left( D \right) = \Bar{{D}} + 4 {E},\)
where \( \Bar{{D}} \) is the proper transform of $D$.
Set \( {D}_{1}=\Bar{{D}}
= \sigma_{1}^{\ast} \left( D \right) -4{E}.\)
Now let \( \sigma_{2} : {Y}_{2} \rightarrow {Y}_{1} \)
be the blowup of ${Y}_{1}$ at \( {p}_{1}, \dots, {p}_{5}. \) With
\( {E}_{i} =\sigma_{2}^{-1} \left( {p}_{i} \right), \)
the total transform of \( {D}_{1} \) is
\( \Bar{{D}_{1}} + 3 \displaystyle{\sum_{1}^{5} {E}_{i},} \)
where $\Bar{{D}_{1}}$ is the proper transform of
\[ {D}_{2} = \Bar{{D}_{1}} + \sum_{1}^{5} {E}_{i}
\equiv \sigma_{2}^{\ast}\left( {D}_{1} \right) -2 \sum_{1}^{5} {E}_{i}, \]
which is the reduced divisor consisting of the proper transform of the degree
ten curve, together with the five exceptional curves $E_{i}.$
As each ${p}_{i}$ is an infinitely near triple point of
the original branch curve, ${D}_{2}$ has an order four point on
each ${E}_{i}.$
Let \( \sigma_{3} : {Y}_{3} \rightarrow {Y}_{2} \)
be the blowup of each of these quadruple points, and
let \( {F}_{1}, \dots, {F}_{5} \) be the corresponding
exceptional divisors.
We will write ${E}_{i}$ to denote both the
exceptional curve on $Y_{2}$ and its proper transform
on $Y_{3}$ ( and similarly for ${E}$)
so that
\( \sigma_{3}^{\ast} \left( {E}_{i} \right)
= {E}_{i} + {F}_{i}.
The total transform of
${D}_{2}$ is
\( \displaystyle{\Bar{{D}_{2}} + 4 \sum_{1}^{5} {F}_{i},} \)
where $\Bar{{D}_{2}}$ is the proper transform of
$D_{2};$ set
{B} &= \Bar{{D}_{2}} \\
&\equiv \sigma_{3}^{\ast} \left( {D}_{2} \right) -4 \sum {F}_{i} \\
&= \sigma_{3}^{\ast} \left( \sigma_{2}^{\ast} \left( \sigma_{1}^{\ast}
\left( {D} \right) -4 {E} \right)
-2 \sum {E}_{i} \right) -4 \sum {F}_{i} \\
&= \sigma^{\ast} \left( {D} \right) -4 {E} -2 \sum {E}_{i}
-6 \sum {F}_{i}
where $\sigma = \sigma_{1} \circ \sigma_{2} \circ \sigma_{3}.$
If $H$ represents the pullback of the hyperplane class in
\( \Bbb{P}^{2},\)
\equiv 10H -4{E} -2 \sum_{1}^{5}{E}_{i} -6\sum_{1}^{5}{F}_{i}
= 2 \cal{L}
\cal{L} \equiv 5H -2E-\sum {E_{i}} -3 \sum{F_{i}};
\( {B} \) is now a non-singular even curve on the surface
\( {Y}_{3} . \)
The canonical divisor on \({Y}_{3}\) is
\[ {K}_{{Y}_{3}} \equiv
\sigma^{\ast}\left(K_{\Bbb{P}^{2}}\right) +{E} +\sum_{1}^{5} {E}_{i}
+2\sum_{1}^{5}{F}_{i} \equiv
-3H +{E} +\sum_{1}^{5} {E}_{i}
+2\sum_{1}^{5} {F}_{i} .\]
Let \( \pi : {X} \rightarrow {Y}_{3} \) be
the double cover of ${Y}_{3}$ branched at \( {B}. \)
{K}_{{X}} &\equiv \pi^{\ast} \left( {K}_{{Y}_{3}} + \cal{L} \right) \\
&\equiv \pi^{\ast} \left( 2 {H} - {E} - \sum {F}_{i} \right)
and \( {{K}_{X}}^{2} = 2 {\left[ 2 {H} -{E}
-\sum {F}_{i} \right]}^{2} = 2 \left( 4 -1 +5\left(-1 \right) \right) = -4. \)
Since each ${E}_{i}$ is part of
the branch locus and \( {{E}_{i}}^{2} = -2 \)
on \( Y_{3}, {\left[ \pi^{-1} \left( {E}_{i} \right) \right] }^{2} = -1.\)
\({X} \rightarrow \tilde{{X}} \) be the map contracting
these five \( \left( -1 \right) \) curves. Then
\[ \left(
{K}_{\tilde{{X}}} \right)^{2}
\left( {K_{X}}\right)^{2} +5
= 1.\]
\( \tilde{\bf{X}} \) is a minimal surface of general type
\( \rm{p_{g}} =0, \rm{q} =0,\mbox{and} \;{K}^{2}
=\chi = 1.\)
Since \(\tilde{\bf{X}}\) is obtained from \(\bf{X}\) by
blowing down five exceptional curves, we can compute
\( \rm{{p}_{g}}\) and \(\rm{q}\) for the surface \(\bf{X}.\)
To compute these invariants, we will use
the following.
\vskip .25 cm
\noindent{\bf Projection formula.}
Let \( \pi: X \rightarrow Y\) be a double cover
branched along a smooth curve $B \equiv 2\cal{L}.$
For any divisor ${\cal A}$ on $Y,$
\pi_{\ast}\cal{O}_{X}\left( \pi^{\ast}\cal{A}\right)
\oplus \cal{O}_{Y}\left( \cal{A}-\cal{L}\right).
\] \end{sl}
In particular,
\pi_{\ast} \cal{O}_{X}\left( nK_{X}\right) \cong
\cal{O}_{Y}\left( nK_{Y}+n\cal{L}\right) \oplus
\cal{O}_{Y}\left( nK_{Y} + \left(n-1\right)\cal{L}\right).
Therefore in our example,
\operatorname{H}^{0}\left(\cal{O}_{{X}}\left( {K}_{X} \right)\right) \cong
\operatorname{H}^{0}\left(\cal{O}_{{{Y}_{3}}} \left( {K}_{{{Y}_{3}}}+\cal{L} \right)\right)
\oplus \operatorname{H}^{0}\left(\cal{O}_{{Y}_{3}} \left( {K}_{{{Y}_{3}}} \right)\right),
so that
p_{g} \left( {X} \right)=
h^{0}\left( \cal{O}_{X}\left({K_{X}} \right) \right)
= h^{0} \left( {K}_{{{Y}_{3}}} + \cal{L} \right) +
p_{g} \left( {{Y}_{3}} \right).
Since \( p_{g} \left( {{Y}_{3}} \right) = p_{g} \left( \Bbb{P}^{2} \right) =0, \)
\( p_{g} \left( {X} \right) = h^{0} \left(K_{{Y}_{3}}+\cal{L}\right).\)
The space $\operatorname{H}^{0}\left( K_{{Y}_{3}}+\cal{L}\right)$
corresponds to the the linear system
\(\left| 2 {H} - {E} -\sum {F}_{i} \right| \)
of conics through \( {p}, {p}_{1}, \dots, {p}_{5}, \)
so \( p_{g} \left( {X} \right) = 0.\)
\operatorname{H}^{0} \left( \cal{O}_{{X}} \left( 2 {K}_{{X}} \right) \right)
= \operatorname{H}^{0} \left( \cal{O}_{{{Y}_{3}}} \left( 2 {K}_{{{Y}_{3}}} + 2 \cal{L} \right)
\right) \oplus \operatorname{H}^{0} \left( \cal{O}_{{{Y}_{3}}} \left(
2 {K}_{{{Y}_{3}}} + \cal{L} \right) \right).
\( \displaystyle{
2K_{{Y}_{3}} + \cal{L} \equiv -H +\sum_{1}^{5}{\left( E_{i} +F_{i}\right)},
} \)
\( \operatorname{H}^{0}\left( 2K_{{Y}_{3}} +\cal{L}\right) =0.\)
The divisor $\sum E_i$ is a fixed part of
the linear system
\[ \left| 2 {K}_{{{Y}_{3}}} + 2 \cal{L} \right| =
\left| 4 {H} - 2 {E} -2 \sum_{1}^{5} {F}_{i} \right|
since $E_i \cdot F_i =1$ and $E_i^2 =-2$;
the difference
\( \left| 4H-2E-2\sum F_i -\sum E_i \right| \)
corresponds to quartics in \( \Bbb{P}^{2} \) with a double point
at \( \it{p} ,\) through each \( \it{p}_{i} \) with the same
tangent direction as the branch curve.
By assumption
this system is
a pencil,
\rm{P}_{2} = h^{0}\left( 2 {K}_{{X}} \right) =
\dim \operatorname{H}^{0} \left( \cal{O}_{{X}} \left( 2 {K}_{{X}}
\right) \right) = 2.
Suppose $S$ is the minimal model of $\tilde{X};$ then
$\rm{P}_{2}\left( S \right) = 2$ and
${K_{S}}^{2} \geq {K_{\tilde{X}}}^{2} =1,$
so $S$ is of general type (see for example \cite{BPV}).
But $2=\rm{P}_{2} = \chi + K_{S}^{2} =1 +K_{S}^{2},$
so $K_{S}^{2} =K_{\tilde{X}}^{2}$ and $S=\tilde{X}.$
Thus \( \tilde{X} \) is minimal of general type with
$K^2 =1$;
since $q \leq p_g $ \cite[\S{3}.1,lemma 3]{Do},
\( p_{g} = q =0 \).
\section{The branch curve {D}}
To construct a plane curve of degree ten with the
necessary singularities, we will find an octic and
a conic as follows.
We wish to find an octic $C$ with one order four point, one infinitely
near triple point, and four tacnodes, where a tacnode refers to a
double point which remains double after one blowup.
Furthermore we want these tacnodes to lie on a conic $Q$ with the
same tangent direction, so that the octic and conic will
still intersect after the plane is blown up at these points.
Let $F$ be a homogeneous polynomial of degree eight in three variables
defining an octic
in $\Bbb{P}^{2}.$
After imposing an order four point
at ${p} = [1:0:0]$ and an infinitely near triple point
at ${p}_{1} = [0:1:0],$
$F$ has $23$ free coefficients.
\gamma : \Bbb{P}^{1} &\rightarrow {Q} \\
\left[ s : t \right] &\rightarrow \left[ as^2+bst+ct^2 :
ds^2+est+ft^2 : gs^2+hst+it^2 \right]
be a parametrization of a conic \( {Q} \) in \( \Bbb{P}^{2}, \)
where \( a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i \) are variables over $\Bbb{C}.$
{p}_{2} &= \gamma([0:1]) \\
{p}_{3} &= \gamma([1:0]) \\
{p}_{4} &= \gamma([1:1]) \\
{p}_{5} &= \gamma([-1:1]).
The condition that $F$ have a double point at $p_{i}$ can
be expressed by requiring the three partial derivatives
of $F$ at $p_{i}$ to vanish, thus a double point
is three linear conditions on the coefficients of $F;$
a tacnode at a given point with a designated tangent direction
puts six conditions on $F,$ while
a cusp at a given point with a given tangent direction
is five linear conditions on the
If we impose tacnodes tangent to $Q$ on the octic at
\( {p}_{2} \) and
\( {p}_{3} \), this gives twelve linear relations
on the coefficients of $F.$
Imposing cusps tangent to $Q$ at \( {p}_{4} \) and \( {p}_{5} \)
gives ten more relations;
solving these
gives an octic whose coefficients are polynomials in
\( a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i .\)
Imposing the conditions that \( {p}_{4} \)
and \( {p}_{5} \) be tacnodes of \( {C} \)
gives two more linear relations in the coefficients of $F,$
and therefore two higher degree polynomials in
\( a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i .\)
In solving these two relations for
\(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,\mbox{and} \, i\) we hope to obtain
an irreducible polynomial \(F\) over
\( \Bbb{C}, \) and thus an octic plane curve as desired.
We use Maple to compute the equations for these conditions
on $F,$ and to find the coefficients.
Let \( \left\{ \rm{A}_{j} \right\}_{1}^{22} \) be the equations
corresponding to these conditions on \( F; \)
the \( \rm{A}_{j} \) are linear in the coefficients of $F.$
Form the matrix {\bf M} generated by the
\( \rm{A}_{j} \) where {\bf M}\(_{i,j} \)
is the coefficient in \( \rm{A}_{j} \) of the \( ith \) coefficient of
\(F. \) Then {\bf M} is a $22 \times 23$ matrix, and if we set
{\bf D}\(_{j}\) to be the determinant of the matrix obtained from {\bf M}
be deleting the $j$th column, we have
{\bf M}\(((-1)^{j}\){\bf D}\(_{j}) =0, \)
so that setting the $jth$ coefficient of $F$ to be
$(-1)^{j}${\bf D}$_{j}$ gives the desired octic.
In order for Maple to compute these determinants
quickly enough, we first set
\(a=e=g=i=1\) and
\(b=d=h=0\) in the parametrization of ${Q}.$
This reduces the number of free parameters in this
problem to two, namely $c$ and $f;$ since we will end up imposing two
non-linear conditions on the remaining parameters,
there is still the possibility of a non-degenerate
After finding
the determinants {\bf D}$_{j}$, the coefficients of $F$ become polynomials
in $c$ and $f.$ Imposing
the final two conditions on the octic, Maple finds several
degenerate solutions, where the octic splits into several
curves of smaller degree, and thus has more singularities, and
also a solution for $c$ and $f$ giving an
octic which we will show has the desired properties.
The branch curve $D$ is defined by
the equations for the conic and the octic, which
are both polynomials in three variables over
\( \Bbb{Z} \left[ \alpha, \beta, \delta \right] \)
\alpha &= \sqrt{17} \\
\beta &= \sqrt{21 +5 \sqrt{17}} \\
\delta &= \sqrt{5 + \sqrt{17}}.
The polynomial defining the conic $\cal{Q},$ which is
given parametrically by
$\gamma,$ is
9\,\alpha \beta
+90\,\alpha +81\, \beta
+234\, \right) x^{2}
+176\,\alpha \beta
+1568\,\alpha +1200\, \beta+5920 \right) y^{2}
+ \left(
57\,\alpha \beta +258\, \alpha +129\, \beta
+1170 \right) z^{2}
-48\,\alpha \beta \delta -168\, \alpha \delta -48\, \beta \delta
-936\,\delta \right) xy
-66\, \alpha \beta
-210\,\beta -1404 \right) xz
48\, \alpha \beta \delta
+168\, \alpha \delta
+48\,\beta \delta +936\, \delta
\right) yz
The octic ${C}$ is defined by
$F=0$ where $F$ is
24\,\left (14408408592\,x^{4}y^{2}z+50076004923\,x^{4}z^{3}+
\right. \\ \left.
\right. \\ \left. +831133690121\,x^{2}z^{5}
\right. \\ \left. +254940551336\,z^{7}
\right )y \alpha\beta\delta
+\left (-72389196288\,x^{4}y^{4}-3335393797632\,x^{4}y^{2}
\right. \\ \left.
\right. \\ \left.
\right. \\ \left.
\right. \\ \left. -15099861009390\,z^{8}\right )
\alpha \beta +
144\,\left (15490159728\,x^{4}y^{2}z+53840161671\,x^{4}z^{3}+
\right. \\ \left.
\right. \\ \left. +893608694925\,x^{2}z^{5}
\right. \\ \left. +274103997272\,z^{7}
\right )y \alpha \delta
+24\,\left (59398585488\,x^{4}y^{2}z+206468708787\,x^{4}z^{
\right. \\ \left.
\right. \\ \left. +3426852351793\,x^{2}z^{5}
\right. \\ \left. +1051146805480\,z^{7}
\right )y \beta \delta
+\left (-466877917440\,x^{4}y^{4}-21516582641184\,x^{4}y^{2
\right. \\ \left. -53815549731840\,x^{3}y^{4}z
\right. \\ \left. +
\right. \\ \left. -651115201689280\,xy^{2}z^{5} +
\right. \\ \left. -97409351769549\,z^
{8}\right ) \alpha
+\left (-298344909312\,x^{4}y^{4}-13752106145280\,x^{4}y^{
\right. \\ \left. -34395989170176\,x^{3}y^{4}z
\right. \\ \left. +
\right. \\ \left.
\right. \\ \left. -62258322139038\,z^
{8}\right ) \beta
+48\,\left (191605550544\,x^{4}y^{2}z+665965983645\,x^{4}z
\right. \\ \left. +2925195141792\,x^{3}y^{2}z^{2}
\right. \\ \left. +
\right. \\ \left. +3390479204680\,z^{7}\right )y \delta
\\ -
The resulting singular points of the branch curve are
p &= [1:0:0] \\
p_{1} &= [0:1:0] \\
p_{2} &=
+{4\,\alpha}+{4\,\beta}}}:{ 3{\delta}}:6]
p_{3} &=
[1:0:1] \\
p_{4} &=
[{{ {16}
p_{5} &=
+{4\,\alpha}+{4\,\beta}}:{ 3{\delta}}-6:12].
We need to check that the branch curve $D$ has no singularities outside the set
$\left\{ p,p_{1},\dots,p_{5} \right\}.$
Since $F$ is a polynomial over
the complex numbers, Maple is unable to
quickly check that the octic has no other singularities,
so we use Macaulay
to check the smoothness of ${C}$ outside of the set
\( \left\{p,p_{1},\dots,p_{5} \right\}.\)
As Macaulay only makes computations over finite
fields, we first find a prime number $P$ where
$\alpha,\beta,\mbox{and} \, \delta$
exist mod $P,$ so that
we can map $F$ to a polynomial over $\Bbb{Z}/{P}.$
To check that ${C}$ has no singularities other than
at the points \( {p}, {p}_{1}, \dots, {p}_{5}, \)
consider the map
\phi: \Bbb{Z}[\alpha,\beta,\delta] \rightarrow \Bbb{Z}/30047
given by sending
\alpha &\rightarrow 20452 \\
\beta &\rightarrow 6941 \\
\delta &\rightarrow 27962;
mapping $F$ to $F_{\phi}$
we obtain
\\ +
$F_{\phi}$ has no singularities other than at $p,p_{1},\dots,p_{5}.$
First we have Macaulay compute $\operatorname{Jac} F_{\phi},$ the Jacobian
ideal of the octic generated by
\(\displaystyle{ {{\partial{F_{\phi}}} \over {\partial{x}}},
{{\partial{F_{\phi}}} \over {\partial{y}}}, \mbox{and}
{{\partial{F_{\phi}}} \over {\partial{z}}}, }\)
and the ideal $\cal{I}$ associated to the points
\( {p},{p}_{1},{p}_{2},p_{3},p_{4},p_{5}.\)
Since the zeros of
\( \operatorname{Jac}\left( F_{\phi} \right) \) are precisely the
singular points of the octic, the zeros of
the saturation of \( \operatorname{Jac} \left( F_{\phi} \right) \)
by \( \cal{I} \) are any singularites other than
at the zeros of $\cal{I}.$
Macaulay computes
\left( \operatorname{Jac}\left( {F_{\phi}} \right) : \cal{I}^{\infty} \right) =
\left\{ g : g \cal{I}^{n} \subset \operatorname{Jac} F_{\phi} \,
\mbox{for some n} \right\}
= \left( 1 \right),
thus there are no zeros of
$\operatorname{Jac} F_{\phi}$ other than at the points
\(p, p_{1},\dots,p_{5}\) and therefore no
other singularities of $C_{\phi}.$
To check that $F$ has no singularities outside the
set $\left\{ p,p_{1}, \dots, p_{5} \right\},$ it suffices
to check this for the polynomial $F_{\phi}$
over \( \Bbb{Z}/{30047}.\)
It is easy to check, using Maple,
that $C_{\phi}$ has an ordinary quadruple point at $p$,
and after one blow up, the triple point at $p_{1}$ and the
double points at $p_{2},\dots,p_{5}$ become ordinary.
Since $C$ maps to $C_{\phi}$, the same is true for the
singularities on $C$.
Maple is not reliable about completely factoring polynomials
in many variables; hence Maple cannot check directly
that $C$ is irreducible.
Hence we fall back on a more case-by-case analysis.
Maple {\em can} check that a given polynomial divides another;
and so one can use Maple to conclude that
$Q$ is not a component of $C$.
Next note that since $\deg Q = 2$ and $\deg C = 8$, $Q \cdot C =16$.
We know that $C$ and $Q$ meet four times at each $p_{i},
i=2,\dots,5$; thus $Q$ cannot meet any component of $C$
at any other point.
We check that none of the tangent lines to $C$ at any $p_i$
are contained in $C$. If any other line was a component
of $C$, say $C=\ell G$, then $\left( G \cdot Q \right) =14$;
however $G$ must meet $Q$ four times each at $p_2,\dots,p_5$,
so no line can be contained in $C$.
Suppose a conic $G$ is a component of $C$. Then $G$ must
meet $Q$ at two of the four points, say $p_{i}$ and $p_{j}$,
with the proper tangent directions, to multiplicity two.
{Case 1.} If $C$ breaks up into $G$ and an irreducible sextic $S$,
then $S$ must have at least a triple point at $p$ and
tacnodes at $p_{k},p_{l}$ for $l,k \neq i,j$; since there
is no conic through $p_{1},p_{i},p_{j}$ with the required
tangent directions, $S$ must have an infinitely near triple
point at $p_{1}$. But these conditions would drop
the genus of $S$ by $13$, while an irreducible degree six curve has
genus $10$, so no such sextic exists.
{Case 2.} If $C$ breaks up into two conics $G$ and $H$
and a degree four part,
then $G$ meets $Q$ at $p_{i},p_{j}$,
$H$ meets $Q$ at $p_{k},p_{l}$,
so neither conic can pass through $p_{1}$.
Therefore the degree four part of $C$ would have
to have an infinitely near triple point, which is impossible
(even for a reducible quartic).
{Case 3.} If $C$ is composed of a conic $G$ and two cubics $S_{1},S_{2}$,
then one of the cubics must have a
tacnode at $p_{1}$, which is impossible.
Thus the octic $C$
cannot contain either a line or a conic as a component.
We can conclude therefore that if $C$ does split,
it splits into at most two components
(of degrees $3$ and $5$ or $4$ and $4$).
Suppose $C$ is composed of a cubic $G$ and a quintic $S$,
both of which are irreducible.
The arithmetic genus of $S$ is six, and $S$ must have
at least a double point at $p$ and a tacnode at $p_{1}$,
which together drop the genus by three. Since $Q \cdot G =6$,
$G$ must meet $Q$ at three of the $p_{i}$, thus $S$ must
have a tacnode along $Q$ (at the fourth point)
which drops the genus by two more.
Thus $S$ can have exactly a double point at $p$ and a
tacnode at $p_{1}$, and $G$ must have a double point
at $p$ and pass through $p_{1}$ and three of the
$p_{i}$ with the necessary tangent directions.
But no such cubics exist, as can be checked using Maple;
(this gives $11$ linear conditions on the cubic, and Maple checks that this
linear system has no solutions).
Next, suppose $C$ is composed of two irreducible quartics $G$ and $S$.
Then one of the quartics, say $G$, must have a
tacnode at $p_{1}$ and pass through $p$. Also $G$ must
meet $Q$ along $p_{2},\dots,p_{5}$. But these are all linear conditions
on the quartic, and again Maple can be used to check that there are
no such quartics.
Thus the octic $C$ is irreducible.
Since $C$ is irreducible, we can compute the arithmetic genus
to be
$\left( \begin{array}{c} 7 \\ 2 \end{array} \right) = 21;$
after blowing up a point of multiplicity $n,$ the
genus of the proper transform goes down by
$\left( \begin{array}{c} n \\ 2 \end{array} \right).$
After resolving the singularities of $C$ at $p,p_{1},\dots,p_{5},$
the resulting curve has genus equal to
21 - \left( \begin{array}{c} 4 \\ 2 \end{array} \right)
- 2 \left( \begin{array}{c} 3 \\2 \end{array} \right)
-8 \left( \begin{array}{c} 2 \\ 2 \end{array} \right) =
1, \]
thus $C$ can have at most one more singularity of multiplicity two.
We will now prove that $C$ has no other singularities
than the known ones at $p$ and $p_1,\ldots,p_5$.
The curve $C$ is defined over the field
$K={\bf Q}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$,
as is its strict transform $\bar C$
after resolving the singularities at $p,p_1,\dots,p_5$.
Suppose that $\bar C$ is singular;
since it can have at most one singularity,
the coordinates of this singular point are then invariant
by the action of the Galois group of the algebraic closure of $K$ over $K$,
hence lie in $K$.
Thus the normalization $\tilde C$ of the curve $\bar C$ is defined over $K$.
Since the genus of $\tilde C$ is $0$,
its anti-canonical map induces an isomorphism, defined over $K$,
onto a smooth conic in ${\bf P}^2_K$.
Since the curve $\tilde C$ has a rational point over $K$
(namely the eighth point of intersection of the line $z=0$ with the curve $C$:
this line meets $C$ four times at $p$,three times at $p_1$,
and then once at a point with coordinates in $K$),
the projection from this point yields an isomorphism defined over $K$
between $\tilde C$ and ${\bf P}^1_K$.
By composing with the map $\tilde C\rightarrow C$ (also defined over $K$),
we obtain a parametrization $\psi:{\bf P}^1_K\rightarrow C$ defined over $K$;
by clearing denominators we can
take $\psi$ to be defined over
${\Bbb Z} \left[ \alpha, \beta, \delta \right]$.
Since ${\Bbb Z} \left[ \alpha,\beta, \delta \right]$ maps to
${\Bbb Z}/{30047}$,
we get a map ${\Bbb P}^{1}_{{\Bbb Z}/{30047}} \rightarrow C_{\phi}$.
Thus $C_{\phi}$ is rational over ${\Bbb Z}/{30047}$,
so the genus is zero and the genus of $C_{\phi}$
over the algebraic closure of ${\Bbb Z}/{30047}$ is also zero.
But Macaulay can and does
check that $C_{\phi}$ has no other singularities
in the algebraic closure of the finite field;
so $\bar{C_{\phi}}$ is smooth and its genus must be one
(using the genus formula, which is essentially adjunction).
Therefore the genus of $\bar{C}$ must be one as well,
which gives a contradiction.
Hence $C$ can have no other singularities.
We can also use Maple to check that the system of
quartics with a double point at $p,$ through each
$p_i$ with the necessary tangent direction
is a pencil;
thus $C$ and $Q$ give a degree ten curve as needed.
\section{The torsion group of \( \tilde{X} \)}
The following lemma will show that the torsion group is
\begin{lemma}(Beauville \cite{B})
Let \( Y\) be a smooth surface with \(\operatorname{Tors}(\operatorname{Pic}(Y)) =0,\)
\( \left\{ C_{i} \right\}_{i \in I} \) a collection of
smooth disjoint curves on \( Y ,\) and
\( \pi : X \rightarrow Y \) a connected double cover branched
along \( \cup_{i \in I}C_{i}.\) Define a map
\[ \varphi : {\Bbb{Z}/{2}}^{I} \rightarrow \operatorname{Pic} Y
\otimes \Bbb{Z}/{2} \]
by sending \( \sum n_{i} C_{i} \, \) to its class in
\( \operatorname{Pic} Y. \) If \( e =
\sum_{i \in I} C_{i} \),
then the group $\operatorname{Pic}_{2} X$ of $2-$ torsion elements in
\( \operatorname{Pic} X\)
is isomorphic to
\(\rm{ker}\left( \varphi \right) / \left(\Bbb{Z}/{2}\right)e.\)
If \( \sum_{i \in J} C_{i} \equiv 2A\) for some divisor
\(A, \) where $J$ is a subset of $I,$ then
the map from \( \rm{ker} \left( \varphi \right) \) to
the $2-$torsion elements
in \( \operatorname{Pic} X \) sends \( \sum_{i \in J} C_{i} \) to
\( \sum_{i \in J} \pi^{-1} \left( C_{i} \right)
- \pi^{\ast} \left(A \right) ; \)
for components $C_{i}$ of the branch locus
\[ 2 \pi^{-1} \left( C_{i} \right) \equiv \pi^{\ast}
\left( C_{i} \right) , \]
so that
\( \sum_{i \in J} \pi^{-1} \left( C_{i} \right) -
\pi^{\ast} \left( A \right) \) is in \( \operatorname{Pic}_{2} \left( X \right) .\)
Let $\bar{Q}$ be the strict transform of $Q$ on $Y_3$. Since
$\bar{Q} +\sum E_{i}$ is a sum of components of the branch
locus and \(\bar{Q} +\sum E_{i} \equiv 2 \left( H-\sum F_{i} \right)
\), the lemma shows that the divisor
\pi^{-1} \left( \bar{Q} +\sum_{2}^{5} {E}_{i} \right)
- \pi^{\ast} \left(
H - \sum_{2}^{5} {F}_{i} \right)
has order two in \( \operatorname{Pic} \left( {X} \right) .\)
\( \operatorname{Tors} \left({X}\right) \) is non-trivial.
For numerical Godeaux surfaces, the torsion group has order
less than or equal to five, and it is known that
$\Bbb{Z}/{2} \oplus \Bbb{Z}/{2}$ does not occur. (See \cite{Do}.)
To determine whether $\operatorname{Tors} X$ is
\( \Bbb{Z}/{2} \) or \( \Bbb{Z}/{4} ,\) we use a base
point lemma due to Miyaoka \cite{M}:
for a minimal Godeaux surface, the number of base points
of $\left| 3 {K} \right| $ is equal to
\# \left\{ T \in \operatorname{Pic} X \, : \, T \neq -T\right\}/2.
Thus if $\, \left| 3 {K} \right|$ has no base points,
the torsion group is \( \Bbb{Z}/2 \).
Write $\epsilon : X \rightarrow \tilde{X}$ for the
map contracting the $\pi^{-1}\left( E_i \right)$.
Then $3K_X \equiv \epsilon^{\ast}\left( 3K_{\tilde{X}} \right)
+3\sum \pi^{-1}\left(E_i \right)$.
To compute $\left| 3 {K}_{X} \right|,$
first consider the system $\left| 3K_{Y_3}+3\cal{L} \right|$.
The divisor $2\sum E_i$ is fixed in this system; the difference
6H-3E-2\sum E_i -3 \sum F_i \right|$
is the pencil of
sextics with a triple point at $p$ and double points at each
$p_i$ with one tangent direction coinciding with the branch curve.
Set $M=
\pi^{\ast}\left( 6H-3E-2\sum E_i -3 \sum F_i \right)$;
we have $\epsilon^{\ast}\left( 3K_{\tilde{X}} \right) \equiv M+
\sum \pi^{-1} \left( E_i \right)$, so any base point must
either lie on
$\sum \pi^{-1} \left( E_i \right)$ or be a base point of
$\left| M \right|$.
We use Maple to find two sextics in $M$ and their two points of
These two points do not lie on $Q$ or $C$, so there is no base
point of $\left| M \right|$ on the branch curve.
Since $3K_X \equiv \pi^{-1}\left( B \right) + \pi^{\ast}
\left( H-E \right) + 2 \sum \pi^{-1} \left(E_i \right)$,
we also have $\epsilon^{\ast}\left( 3K_{\tilde{X}} \right)
\equiv \pi^{-1} \left( B \right) +\pi^{\ast}\left( H-E \right)
-\sum \pi^{-1}\left( E_i \right) $, so any base point must lie on
the branch curve, away from the divisor
$\sum \pi^{-1} \left( E_i \right)$.
Therefore there are no base points of the tricanonical system.
{}From the Miyaoka lemma, this shows that
$\operatorname{Tors} X \cong \Bbb{Z}/{2}.$
\section{The Oort and Peters example}
In \cite{OP}, Oort and Peters construct a branch curve $B$ from
two conics ${Q}_{1},{Q}_{2}$ and two cubics
${C}_{1},{C}_{2}$ where
{Q}_{1} &= y^2+2x^2-2xy-5xz+2yz+3z^{2} \\
{Q}_{2} &= y^2+2x^2+2xy-5xz-2yz+3z^2 \\
{C}_{1} &= y^{2}z+x^3-4x^{2}z+3xz^2 \\
{C}_{2} &= 2y^{2}z-xy^2+4x^{2}z-12xz^{2}+9z^3.
We have
( {Q}_{1} \cdot { Q}_{2}) &= {P} + 3 { P}_{1} \\
( {Q}_{1} \cdot { {C}}_{1}) &= 2( {{P}}_{1} + {P}_{2} + {P}_{3} ) \\
({ {Q}}_{1} \cdot { {C}}_{2}) &= 2({{P}} + {P}_{2} + {P}_{3} ) \\
({ {Q}}_{2} \cdot { {C}}_{1}) &= 2( {{P}}_{1} + {P}_{4} + {P}_{5} ) \\
({ {Q}}_{2} \cdot { {C}}_{2}) &= 2({{P}}_{4} + {P}_{5} +{P}) \\
( { {C}}_{1} \cdot { C}_{2}) &= 2({ {P}}_{2} +{P}_{3} +{P}_{4} +{P}_{5} ) +
{P} &= [{{3} \over {2}}:0:1] \\
{P}_{1} &= [1:0:1] \\
{P}_{2} &= [ {{3+i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : {{3+i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : 1] \\
{P}_{3} &= [ {{3-i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : {{3-i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : 1] \\
{P}_{4} &= [ {{3+i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : {{-3-i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : 1] \\
{P}_{5} &= [ {{3-i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : {{-3+i \sqrt{3}}\over{2}} : 1]\\
\infty &= [0:1:0].
In this case the branch curve has two extra
ordinary double points, one at
$\infty,$ and the other which occurs on the second blowup above
${P}_{1},$ since ${Q}_{1}$ and ${Q}_{2}$ intersect
with multiplicity three
at this point. However these double points do not affect the
invariants of the double plane $Z$ constructed.
\( \pi : Z \rightarrow Y\) for the double cover, where $Y$ is
the blowup of the plane resolving the singularities
of the branch curve; although the double points
do not affect the computations, we will blow them up to obtain
a smooth branch divisor ${B}$ with
{B} =2 \cal{L} \equiv 10H -4 {E}
-2\sum_{1}^{5} {E}_{i} -6 \sum_{1}^{5} {F}_{i}
-8 {G}_{1} -2 {E}_{6}
where we use the notation for the exceptional curves as above,
with ${G}_{1}$ being the divisor lying above the extra double
point on ${F}_{1}$ and ${E}_{6}$ the exceptional divisor
above $\infty.$
Let $\tilde{Z}$ be the minimal surface obtained from $Z$ by
blowing down the $E_i$.
Note that we have the following equivalences of divisors:
\bar{Q_1} &\equiv 2H-E-E_1-E_2-E_3-2F_1-2F_2-2F_3-3G_1 \\
\bar{Q_2} &\equiv 2H-E-E_1-E_4-E_5-2F_1-2F_4-2F_5-3G_1 \\
\bar{C_1} &\equiv 3H-\sum_{1}^{5} E_i -2\sum_{1}^{5} F_i -2G_1 -E_6\\
\bar{C_2} &\equiv 3H -2E- \sum_{2}^{5} E_i -2 \sum_{2}^{5} F_i -E_6 \\
K_Y &\equiv -3H +E+\sum_{1}^{5} E_i+2\sum_{1}^{5} F_i +3G_1 +E_6 \\
\cal{L} &\equiv 5H -2E-\sum E_i-3\sum F_i -4 G_1 -E_6.
Let ${\cal{L}}_1 =2H-E -E_1-2F_1-\sum_{2}^{5} F_i-3G_1$
and $B_1 =2 {\cal{L}}_1 \equiv Q_1 +Q_2 +\sum_{2}^{5} E_i$;
set ${\cal{L}}_2 = {\cal{L}} -{\cal{L}}_1$ and $B_2 =2{\cal{L}}_2 \equiv C_1+C_2+E_1$.
It follows from Beauville's lemma that
\[ T =\pi^{-1}\left(B_1 \right) -\pi^{\ast} \left( {\cal{L}}_1 \right)
\equiv -\pi^{-1}\left( B_2 \right) +\pi^{\ast} \left( {\cal{L}}_2 \right) \]
is of order two, thus
$\operatorname{Tors} \tilde{Z}$ is either $\Bbb{Z}/2$ or $\Bbb{Z}/4$.
We will show that $\operatorname{Tors} \tilde{Z} \cong \Bbb{Z}/{4}.$ Note that it
was previously believed that $\operatorname{Tors} \tilde{Z} \cong \Bbb{Z}/{2}$
Oort and Peters use the base point lemma of Miyaoka
to argue that $\operatorname{Tors} \tilde{Z}$ is $\Bbb{Z}/{2}$; however they
miss a base point of the system $\left| 3K_{\tilde{Z}} \right|$
in their computation.
Again if $\epsilon : Z \rightarrow \tilde{Z}$ is the map from $Z$ to
its minimal model, we have
$$\epsilon^{\ast} \left(3K_{\tilde{Z}} \right) \equiv M
+ \sum \pi^{-1} \left( E_i \right) \equiv
\pi^{-1} \left( B \right) +\pi^{\ast} \left( H-E \right)
-\sum \pi^{-1} \left( E_i \right),$$ where
$M= \pi^{\ast} \left(3K_Y +3{\cal{L}} -2\sum E_i\right) $. Thus any base point
must lie on $\pi^{-1} \left( B \right)
-\sum \pi^{-1} \left( E_i \right)$ and be a base point of
$\left| M \right|$.
The divisors $\bar{Q_1} +\bar{Q_2} +\bar{Q} +F_1$ and
$\bar{\ell} +\bar{C_2} +\bar{\tilde{Q}}$ are in $\left| M \right|$,
\equiv 2H-E-\sum_{2}^{5} \left(E_i +F_i \right)$
is the proper transform of the conic
\(Q = 2x^{2}-9xz+y^{2}+9z^{2}\)
through $P,P_2,\dots,P_5,$
$\bar{\ell} \equiv H-E-E_1-F_1-G_1$ is the proper transform
of the line $y=0$,
and $\bar{\tilde{Q}} \equiv 2H -\sum_{1}^{5} E_i -2F_1
-\sum_{2}^{5} F_i -2G_1$ is the proper transform of the
\(\tilde{Q} = 3xz-3z^{2}-y^{2} \)
through each $P_i$ where the tangent direction at $P_1$
coincides with that of the branch curve.
The point $[3:0:1]$ lies on the curves
${Q}, \ell, \mbox{and} \, {C}_{1},$
and therefore is a base point of
$\left| \epsilon^{\ast} \left(3K_Z \right) \right|$.
It follows from Miyaoka's result that
$\operatorname{Tors} \tilde{Z}$ is $\Bbb{Z}/{4}.$
In \cite{Do}, Dolgachev assumes that there exists an order four divisor
on $Z$ and gets a contradiction after finding a fixed part of
the pencil
$\left| 2 {K}_{Z} \right|.$
However his computation of generators for
$\left| 2 {K}_{Z} \right|$ is incorrect.
We find divisors in the system
\left| \epsilon^{\ast}\left( 2K_{\tilde{Z}} \right) \right|
&= \left| 2K_Z-2\sum \pi^{-1}\left(E_i \right) \right| \\
\left| \pi^{\ast}\left(2K_Y +2\cal{L} -\sum E_i \right) \right| \\
\left| \pi^{\ast}\left(4H-2E-\sum E_i -2\sum F_i -2G_1\right) \right|.
This pencil has generators
y_0=\bar{{Q}_{1}} +\bar{{Q}_{2}} +2{F}_{1}+4{G}_{1}+E_1
y_1=\bar{{C}_{2}} + \bar{\tilde{\ell}} +2E_6,
where $\tilde{\ell}$ is the line tangent to the branch
curve at $P_1$;
thus there is no fixed part to this system.
We can also check that $\tilde{Z}$ has order four torsion by
calculating the bicanonical system
of a double cover
of $\tilde{Z}.$
Form the double cover $S$ of $\tilde{Z}$ branched over $2{T} \equiv 0,$
\( \rho : S \rightarrow \tilde{Z}. \)
Since there is no ramification, $\rho$ is \'etale over $\tilde{Z}$.
Also $K_{S} \equiv \rho^{\ast} \left( K_{Z}+T\right)$ and
${K_{S}}^{2} = 2.$
We have already found two sections $y_0$ and $y_1$ in
$\operatorname{H}^{0} \left( 2K_{\tilde{Z}} \right)$, and hence two sections
$\rho^{\ast}\left( y_0 \right)$ and
$\rho^{\ast}\left( y_1 \right)$ in
$\operatorname{H}^{0} \left( 2K_S \right)$.
Since $\rho^{\ast}\left( T \right) \equiv 0$,
we also have
2K_S \equiv \rho^{\ast}\bigl(\pi^{-1}\left(B_1 \right)
+\pi^{\ast}(2H-E-\sum_{2}^{5} \left( E_i +F_i \right)
+G_1 ) \bigr)
2K_S \equiv \rho^{\ast}\left(\pi^{-1}\left(B_2 \right)
+\pi^{\ast}\left( H-E-E_1 -F_1-G_1+E_6 \right) \right).
We have seen that the proper transform
$\bar{Q}$ of the conic $Q$ is in the linear system
\left| \pi^{\ast}\left(2H-E-\sum_{2}^{5} \left( E_i + F_i \right) \right)
\right| \)
and the proper transform of the line $\ell$
is in
\left| \pi^{\ast}\left( H-E -F_1-G_1 \right)
set $y_2 = \pi^{-1}\left( B_1 \right) +\pi^{\ast}
\left( \bar{Q} +G_1 \right)$
and $y_3 = \pi^{-1}\left( B_2 \right) +
\pi^{\ast}\left( \bar{\ell} + E_6 \right)$.
We have
\left(y_{0}-2y_{1} \right)^{2} -y_{2}^{2} +4y_{3}^{2} = 0
This gives a quadratic relation among the four elements of
$\operatorname{H}^{0}(2{K}_{{S}});$ in fact we obtain a quadric cone
as the bicanonical image of ${S}$. By \cite{CD}, if the bicanonical
image is a cone then $\operatorname{Tors} S \cong \Bbb{Z}/{2}$ and
$\pi_{1} \left( S \right) \cong \Bbb{Z}/{2}.$
Since $S$ is a covering space of $\tilde{Z}$ of degree two,
$\left[ \pi_{1}\left(\tilde{Z}\right) : \pi_{1}\left(S\right)\right] =2.$
$\pi_{1} \left( \tilde{Z} \right)$ is abelian of order four and
$\pi_{1} \left( \tilde{Z} \right) \cong \operatorname{Tors} \left(\tilde{Z} \right)
\cong \Bbb{Z}/{4}$.
1994-08-04T16:05:34 | 9408 | alg-geom/9408001 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9408001 | [
] | alg-geom/9408001 | Daniel Huybrechts | Lothar Goettsche, Daniel Huybrechts | Hodge numbers of moduli spaces of stable bundles on K3 surfaces | 12 pages, latex | null | null | null | null | We show that the Hodge numbers of the moduli space of stable rank two sheaves
with primitive determinant on a K3 surface coincide with the Hodge numbers of
an appropriate Hilbert scheme of points on the K3 surface. The precise result
is: Theorem: Let $X$ be a K3 surface, $L$ a primitive big and nef line bundle
and $H$ a generic polarization. If the moduli space of rank two $H$ semi-stable
torsion-free sheaves with determiant $L$ and second Chern class $c_2$ has at
least dimension 10 then its Hodge numbers coincide with those of the Hilbert
scheme of $l:=2c_2-\frac{L^2}{2}-3$ points on $X$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 4 Aug 1994 15:02:20 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{A special case}
In this section we prove the theorem in the case that ${\rm Pic }(X)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot
L$ and $c_2=\frac{L^2}{2}+3$.
{\small\subsection{ The birational correspondence to the Hilbert scheme}}
Throughout this section we will assume that the Picard group is generated by
an ample line bundle $L$, i.e. ${\rm Pic }(X)=\hbox{\sym \char '132} \cdot L$.
Under this assumption a
torsion-free sheaf with determinant $L$ is $\mu-$stable if and only if it is
For the convenience of the reader we recall the stability condition for framed
modules (\cite{HL}):
Let $\delta=\delta_1\cdot n+\delta_0$, $D\in {\rm Pic }(X)$ and $E$ be a torsion-free
rank two sheaf. A framed module $(E,\alpha)$ consists of $E$ and a
non-trivial homomorphism
$\alpha:E\to D$. It is (semi-)stable if
$P_{{\rm Ker }(\alpha)}(\leq)P_E/2-\delta/2$ and for all rank one subsheaves
$M\subset E$ the inequality $P_M(\leq)P_E/2+\delta/2$ holds.\\
In fact, any semi-stable framed module is torsion-free. In \cite{HL} it was
that there exists a coarse projective moduli space of semi-stable
framed modules.
Let $D=L$ and $0<\delta_1<L^2$. Then a framed module $(E,\alpha)$ is
$\mu-$stable if and only if $E$ is $\mu-$stable. The moduli space
$\overline M_H(L,c_2,D,\delta)$ is independent of the specific $\delta$ in
this range.
{\it Proof:} Let $(E,\alpha)$ be semi-stable, then $\mu(M)\leq
for all $M=L^{\otimes n}\otimes I_Z\subset E$. Thus $nL^2\leq
L^2/2+\delta_1<L^2$, i.e.
$n<1$. Hence $E$ is $\mu-$stable. If $E$ is $\mu-$stable, then
$(E,\alpha)$ is $\mu-$stable if $\mu({\rm Ker }(\alpha))<L^2/2-\delta_1/2$. But
writing ${\rm Ker }(\alpha)=L^{\otimes n}\otimes I_Z$ and using the stabilty of $E$
we conclude
$n<1$. Hence $\mu({\rm Ker }(\alpha))\leq0<L^2/2-\delta_1/2$. The second statement
follows immediately.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
Henceforth $\delta$ is chosen as in the lemma. Note that as for sheaves
also for framed modules $\mu-$stability is equivalent to $\mu-$semi-stability.
It can also be shown that both moduli spaces $ M(L,c_2,L,\delta)$ and
$\overline M(L,c_2)$ are fine.
The universality property of the moduli space induces a morphism
$$\overline\varphi:\overline M(L,c_2,L,\delta)\longrightarrow\overline M(L,c_2).$$
Note that by the previous lemma the fibre of
$\overline\varphi$ over $[E]$ is isomorphic
to $\hbox{\sym \char '120}({\rm Hom }(E,L))$.
\begin{lemma}\label{phisur} If $c_2\leq L^2/2+3$, then $\varphi$ is surjective.
{\it Proof:} It suffices to show that for a $\mu-$stable vector bundle
$E$ there is always a non-trivial homomorphism $E\to L$.
Since ${\rm Hom }(E,L)=H^0(X,E)$
and $H^2(X,E)\cong H^0(X,E^*)=0$ by the stability of $E$,
the Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch formula $\chi(E)=L^2/2-c_2+4$ shows that under
the assumption $h^0(X,E)>0$.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
\begin{lemma}\label{defN} Let $N(L,c_2,L,\delta)$ be the set of all
$(E,\alpha)\in\overline {M}(L,c_2,L,\delta)$ such that
${\rm Ker }(\alpha)\cong{\cal O}_X$. It is a closed subset, which contains all stable
$(E,\alpha)$ with $E$ locally free.
{\it Proof:} If $E$ is locally free, then ${\rm Ker }(\alpha)$ has to be locally
free. By stability it is thus isomorphic to ${\cal O}_X$.
$N(L,c_2,L,\delta)$ is closed, since ${\rm Ker }(\alpha)\cong{\cal O}_X$ if and only if
$length({\rm Coker }(\alpha))=c_2$, i.e. if the length is maximal;
this is a closed condition.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
Under the condition of \ref{phisur} we have a surjective
morphism$$\varphi:{N(L,c_2,L,\delta)}\longrightarrow\overline M(L,c_2).$$
By \ref{defN} any framed module $(E,\alpha)\in {N(L,c_2,L,\delta)}$
sits in
an extension
$$\sesq{{\cal O}_X}{}{E}{\alpha}{I_Z\otimes L},$$
where $I_Z$ is the ideal sheaf of a codimension two cycle of length $c_2$.
Thus we can define a morphism
$$\psi: {N(L,c_2,L,\delta)}\longrightarrow Hilb^{c_2}(X)$$
by mapping $(E,\alpha)$ to $[{\rm Coker }(\alpha)]$.
\begin{lemma}, If $c_2\geq L^2/2+3$, $\psi$ is surjective.
{\it Proof:} It is enough to show that ${\rm Ext }^1(I_Z\otimes L,{\cal O}_X)\not=0$
for all $Z\in Hilb^{c_2}(X)$. By the assumption $h^0(X,L|_Z)-h^0(X,L)\geq1$.
Thus $h^1(L\otimes I_Z)\geq 1$. Now use
${\rm Ext }^1(I_Z\otimes L,{\cal O}_X)\cong H^1(X,I_Z\otimes L)^*$.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
We have seen that any $(E,\alpha)\in {N(L,c,L,\delta)}$ induces
an exact sequence
$$\sesq{{\cal O}_X}{}{E}{\alpha}{I_Z\otimes L}.$$
Conversely, any section $s\in H^0(X,E)$ of $E\in\overline M(L,c)$
gives a homomorphism $\alpha:E\to L$ with ${\rm Ker }(\alpha)\cong{\cal O}_X$.
Thus the fibre of $\varphi: {N(L,c,L,\delta)}
\to \overline M(L,c)$ over $[E]$ is isomorphic to $\hbox{\sym \char '120}(H^0(X,E))$. In fact,
$ {N(L,c,L,\delta)}$ can be identified with Le Potier's moduli space
of coherent systems of rank one \cite{LP}.
The picture we get in the case $c_2=c:=L^2/2+3$ is described by the following
&& {N(L,c,L,\delta)}&&\\
Both morphisms $\varphi$ and $\psi$ are birational. This is
due to the fact that for the generic $[Z]\in Hilb^{c}(X)$ the
restriction map $H^0(X,L)\to H^0(X,L_Z)$ is injective and hence $h^1(X,I_Z
\otimes L)=1$. This shows that $\psi$ is generically an isomorphism.
Since the fibres of $\varphi$ are connected and both spaces are of the same
dimension, also $\varphi$ is birational. Note that in particular the
moduli space $\overline{M}(L,c)$ is irreducible.\\
Results about birationality of certain moduli spaces and corresponding
Hilbert schemes have been known for some time, e.g. Zuo has shown that
$M_H({\cal O}_X,n^2H^2+3)$ is birational to $Hilb^{2n^2H^2+3}(X)$ (cf. \cite{Z}).
The moduli spaces of framed modules make this relation more explicit. They
are used in the next section to show that the Hodge numbers of the moduli space
and the Hilbert scheme coincide.\\
{\small\subsection{Comparison of the Hodge numbers}}
First, we recall the notion of virtual Hodge polynomials \cite{D}, \cite{Ch}.\\
For any quasi-projective variety $X$ there exists a polynomial $e(X,x,y)$
with the following properties:\\
{\it i)} If $X$ is smooth and projective then
{\it ii)} If $Y\subset X$ is Zariski closed and $U$ its complement then
{\it iii)} If $X\to Y$ is a Zariski locally trivial fibre bundle with fibre $F$
then $$e(X,x,y)=e(Y,x,y)\cdot e(F,x,y).$$
{\it iv)} If $X\to Y$ is a bijective morphism then $e(X,x,y)=e(Y,x,y)$.
In particular, if
is a diagram of quasi-projective varieties,
where $Z\to X$ and $Z\to Y$ admit a bijective morphism to a $\hbox{\sym \char '120}_n-$ bundle
over $X$, resp. $Y$, then
$e(X,x,y)\cdot e(\hbox{\sym \char '120}_n,x,y)=e(Z,x,y)=e(Y,x,y)\cdot e(\hbox{\sym \char '120}_n,x,y)$.
Hence $e(X,x,y)=e(Y,x,y)$.\\
The idea to prove that $\overline{M}(L,c)$ and $Hilb^{c}(X)$, with
$ c:=\frac{L^2}{2}+3$, have the same Hilbert polynomial is to stratify both by
closed subsets $\overline{M}(L,c)_k$ and $Hilb^c(X)_k$
such that the birational correspondence given by the moduli space of
framed modules induces $\hbox{\sym \char '120}_{k-1}-$bundles ${N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k \to
\overline{M}(L,c)_k$ and ${N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k \to Hilb^c(X)_k$.
One concludes $e(\overline{M}(L,c)_k,x,y)=e(Hilb^c(X)_k,x,y)$ and hence
$e(\overline{M}(L,c),x,y)=\sum_k e(\overline{M}(L,c)_k,x,y)=\sum_k
We first define the stratification.
$Hilb^c(X)_k:=\{[Z]\in Hilb^c(X)~|~h^1(X,I_Z\otimes L)=k\}$\\
Using the universal subscheme ${\cal Z}\subset X\times Hilb^c(X)$ with the
two projections $p$ and $q$ to $X$ and $Hilb^c(X)$, resp., and the
semi-continuity applied to the sheaf $I_{\cal Z}\otimes p^*(L)$ and the projection
$q$ it is easy to see that this defines a stratification into locally
closed subschemes. All strata are given the reduced induced structure.
We want to show that both morphisms
$${N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k\to Hilb^c(X)_k$$ and
$${N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k\to \overline{M}(L,c)_k$$ admit a bijective morphism to
$\hbox{\sym \char '120}_{k-1}-$bundle over the base. In fact, they are $\hbox{\sym \char '120}_{k-1}-$bundles, but by
{\it iv)} of the virtual Hodge polynomials we only need the bijectivity.
\begin{definition} Let ${\cal A}_k:=\pi_*({\cal E}_k)$,
$\pi:{N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k\times X\to {N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k$
denotes the projection and ${\cal E}_k$ is the restriction of the universal sheaf
${\cal E}$, and
let ${\cal B}_k:={\cal E}xt^1_q((I_{\cal Z})_k\otimes p^*(L),{\cal O}_X)$ be
the relative Ext-sheaf, where $(I_{\cal Z})_k$ denotes the restriction of
$I_{\cal Z}$ to $ Hilb^c(X)_k\times X$.
\begin{lemma} ${\cal A}_k$ and ${\cal B}_k$ are locally free
sheaves on $\overline{M}(L,c)_k$ and $Hilb^c(X)_k$, resp.,
and compatible with base change,
i.e. ${\cal A}_k([E])\cong H^0(X,E)$ and ${\cal B}_k([Z])\cong {\rm Ext }^1(I_Z\otimes
L,{\cal O}_X)$.
{\it Proof:} By definition and using Serre-duality
we see that $Hilb^c(X)_k=\{Z|\dim{\rm Ext }^1(I_Z\otimes L,{\cal O}_X)=k\}$ and that
it is reduced. Thus the claim for ${\cal B}_k$ follows immediately from
the base change theorem for global Ext-groups \cite{BPS}. In order to
prove the assertion for ${\cal A}_k$ it suffices to
show that $\overline M(L,c)_k=\{E\,|\,h^0(X,E)=k\}$.
Consider the exact sequence
$$\sesq{{\cal O}_X}{}{E}{}{I_Z\otimes L}.$$
Then $E\in \overline M(L,c)_k$ if and only if $h^1(X,I_Z\otimes L)=k$ if
and only if $h^0(X,I_Z\otimes L)=k-1$ if and only if $h^0(X,E)=k$.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
The kernel of the universal framed module on ${N(L,c,L,\delta)}\times X$
to ${N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k$
induces a morphism to $\hbox{\sym \char '120}({\cal A}_k)$ which is obviously
Analogously, by the universality of $\hbox{\sym \char '120}({\cal B}_k)$ (cf. \cite{La}) the
universal framed module over ${N(L,c,L,\delta)}\times X$
completed to an exact sequence and restricted to the stratum
induces a bijective morphism
of ${N(L,c,L,\delta)}_k$ to $\hbox{\sym \char '120}({\cal B}_k)$.
We summarize:
If $X$ is a K3 surface with ${\rm Pic }(X)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot L$, $L$ ample
and $c_2=L^2/2+3$, then $h^{p,q}(\overline{M}(L,c_2))=h^{p,q}(Hilb^{c_2}(X))$.
Both manifolds $\overline{M}(L,c_2)$ and $Hilb^{c_2}(X)$
are symplectic. One might conjecture that in general two birational
symplectic manifolds have the same Hodge numbers or even isomorphic Hodge
but we don't know how to prove this.
\section{The general case}
By deforming the underlying K3 surface the proof of the theorem is
reduced to the case considered in section 1.
\subsection{Deformation of K3 surfaces}
The following statements about the existence of certain
deformations of a given K3 surface will be needed.
{\bf 2.1.1} {\it Let $X$ be a K3 surface, $L\in{\rm Pic }(X)$ a primitive nef and
line bundle. Then there exists a smooth connected family ${\cal X}\longrightarrow S$
of K3 surfaces and a line bundle ${\cal L}$ on ${\cal X}$ such that:
$\cdot$ ${\cal X}_0\cong X$ and ${\cal L}_0\cong L$.
$\cdot$ ${\rm Pic }({\cal X}_t)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot{\cal L}_t$ for all $t\not=0$ (${\cal L}_t$ is automatically
{\it Proof:} The moduli space of primitive pseudo-polarized K3 surfaces is
irreducible (\cite{B2}). Since any even lattice of index $(1,\rho-1)$
with $\rho\leq10$ can be realized as a Picard group of a K3 surface
(\cite{Ni},\cite{Mor}) the generic pseudo-polarized K3 surface has Picard group
$\hbox{\sym \char '132}$.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
{\bf 2.1.2} {\it Let $X$ be a K3 surface whose Picard group is generated by an
line bundle $L$, i.e. ${\rm Pic }(X)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot L$.
Furthermore, let $d\geq 5$ be an integer.
Then there exists a smooth connected family ${\cal X}\longrightarrow S$ of K3 surfaces
and a line bundle ${\cal L}$ on ${\cal X}$
such that:
$\cdot$ $({\cal X}_{t_0},{\cal L}_{t_0})\cong(X,L)$ for some point $t_0\in
$\cdot$ ${\rm Pic }({\cal X}_t)\cong \hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot{\cal L}_t$ for all $t\not=0$.
$\cdot$ ${\rm Pic }({\cal X}_0)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot{\cal L}_0\oplus\hbox{\sym \char '132} \cdot D$, where $D$ is represented
by a smooth
rational curve, both line bundles ${\cal L}_0$ and ${\cal L}_0(2D)$ are ample
and primitive
and the intersection matrix is}
{\it Proof:} Again we use the irreducibility of the moduli space of
primitive polarized K3 surfaces. The existence of a triple
$({\cal X}_0,{\cal L}_0,D)$ with ample ${\cal L}_0$, smooth rational $D$ and the
given intersection form was shown by Oguiso \cite{Og}. It remains to show that
${\cal L}_0(2D)$ is ample. Obviously, ${\cal L}_0(2D)$ is big
and for any irreducible curve $C\not=D$ the strict inequality $({\cal L}_0(2D)).C>0$
holds. The assumption on $d$ implies $({\cal L}_0(2D)).D>0$.
Note that the extra assumption $L^2\geq4$ in \cite{Og} is only needed
for the very ampleness of ${\cal L}_0$ which we will not use.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
{\bf 2.1.3(a)} {\it Let $X$ be a K3 surface whose Picard group is generated by
an ample
line bundle $L$, i.e. ${\rm Pic }(X)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot L$. If $L^2>2$
there exists a smooth connected family ${\cal X}\longrightarrow S$ of K3 surfaces
and a line bundle ${\cal L}$ on ${\cal X}$
such that:
$\cdot$ $({\cal X}_{t_0},{\cal L}_{t_0})\cong(X,L)$ for some point $t_0\in
$\cdot$ ${\rm Pic }({\cal X}_t)\cong \hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot{\cal L}_t$ for all $t\not=0$.
$\cdot$ ${\rm Pic }({\cal X}_0)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot{\cal L}_0\oplus\hbox{\sym \char '132} \cdot D$, where both line bundles
${\cal L}_0$ and ${\cal L}_0(2D)$ are ample
and primitive
and the intersection matrix is}
{\bf 2.1.3(b)} {\it If we assume that $L^2>6$ we have the same result as in (a)
with ``${\cal L}_0(2D)$ is ample'' replaced by ``${\cal L}_0(-2D)$ is ample''.}
{\it Proof:} For both parts we need to prove the existence of a triple
$(X_0,H,D)$ with ample and primitive $H$ and $H(2D)$,
such that $D^2=0$, $H.D=1$ and $H^2=2n>2$ for given $n$. By the results of
we can find a K3 surface with this intersection form. It remains to show that
$H$ and $H(2D)$ can be chosen ample.
We can assume that $H\in{\cal C}^+$, i.e. $H$ is in the positive
component of the positive cone (if necessary change $(H,D)$ to
$(-H,-D)$). We check that $H$ is not orthogonal
to any (-2) class, i.e. for any $\delta:=aH+bD$ ($a,b\in\hbox{\sym \char '132}$) with
$\delta^2=a^2H^2+2ab=-2$ we have $H.\delta\not=0$.
If $H$ were orthogonal to $\delta$ this would
imply that $aH^2+b=0$. Hence $-a^2H^2=-2$ which contradicts $H^2>2$.
Thus $H$ is contained in a chamber. Since the Weyl group
$W_{X_0}$, which is generated
by the reflection on the walls, acts transitively on the set of chambers, we
find $\sigma\in W_{X_0}$ such that $\sigma(H)$ is contained in the chamber
$\{w\in{\cal C}^+|w\delta>0 {\rm ~for~all~effective~(-2)~classes~}\delta\}$.
Applying $\sigma$ to $(H,D)$ we can in fact assume that $H$ is
contained in this chamber.
On a K3 surface the effective divisors are generated by the
effective (-2) classes and $\overline{{\cal C}^+}\setminus\{0\}$. On both sets
$H$ is positive. Thus $H$ is ample.
In order to prove that also $H(2D)$ is ample we show that $D$ is effective
and irreducible.
This follows from the Riemann-Roch-Hirzebruch formula $\chi({\cal O}(D))=2$,
which implies $D$ or $-D$ effective, and $H.D=1$. Thus $C.D\geq0$
for any curve $C$. Thus $H(2D).C>0$.
Since $H(2D)$ is big we conclude that $H(2D)$ is ample.
To prove (a) we choose $H^2:=L^2$ and use the irreducibility
of the moduli space to show that $(X,L)$ degenerates to $(X_0,H)$.
Defining ${\cal L}_0:=H$ this proves (a).
In order to prove (b) we fix $(H(2D))^2:=L^2$ and let $(X,L)$ degenerate
to $(X_0,H(2D))$. The assumption on $H$ translates to $L^2>6$.
With ${\cal L}_0:=H(2D)$ we obtain (b).
\subsection{Deformation of the moduli space}
We start out with the following
\begin{lemma}\label{def} Let $E$ be a simple vector bundle on a K3 surface such
$L:=det(E)$ is big. The joint deformations of $E$ and $X$ are unobstructed,
i.e. $Def(E,X)$ is smooth. Moreover, $Def(E,X)\to Def(X)$ and
$Def(L,X)\to Def(X)$ have the same image.
{\it Proof:} The infinitesimal deformations
of a bundle $E$ together with its underlying manifold $X$ are paramatrized
by $H^1(X,{\cal D}_0^1(E))$, where ${\cal D}_0^1(E)$ is the sheaf of differential
operators of order $\leq1$ with scalar symbol. The obstructions are elements
in the second cohomology of this sheaf. Using the symbol map we have a short
exact sequence
$$\sesq{{\cal E} nd(E)}{}{{\cal D}_0^1(E)}{}{{\cal T}_X}.$$
Its long exact cohomology sequence
$$H^1(X,{\cal D}_0^1(E))\to H^1(X,{\cal T}_X)\to H^2(X,{\cal E} nd(E))\to H^2(X,{\cal D}_0^1(E))\to
compares the deformations of $E$, $X$, and $(E,X)$.
In particular, if $E$ is simple the trace homomorphism $H^2(X,{\cal E} nd(E))\to
H^2(X,{\cal O}_X)$ is bijective and the composition with the boundary map
$H^1(X,{\cal T}_X)\to H^2(X,{\cal E} nd(E))$ is the cup-product with $c_1(E)$.
Since there is exactly one direction in which a big and nef line bundle
$L$ cannot be deformed with $X$ the cup-product with $c_1(L)=c_1(E)$ is
Thus $H^1(X,{\cal D}_0^1(E))\to H^1(X,{\cal T}_X)$ is onto the algebraic
deformations of $X$ and $H^2(X,{\cal D}_0^1(E))$
The following lemma will be needed for the next proposition.
Its proof is quite similar to what we will use to prove the theorem.
\begin{lemma}\label{irr} If ${\rm Pic }(X)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot L$, then $\overline M(L,c_2)$ is
irreducible for $\dim\overline M(L,c_2)=4c_2-L^2-6>8$.
{\it Proof:}
{\it 1st step:} First, we show that $\overline M_H(L,\frac{L^2}{2}+3)$
is irreducible whenever $L$ is an ample line bundle on a K3 surface.\\
By a result of \cite{Q} the moduli spaces $\overline M_H(L,\frac{L^2}{2}+3)$
$\overline M_L(L,\frac{L^2}{2}+3)$ are birational.
In particular, the number of irreducible components is the same.
We consider a deformation as in 2.1.1.
The corresponding family of moduli spaces
$\overline M_{{\cal L}_t}({\cal L}_t,\frac{L^2}{2}+3)$ is proper and by lemma
\ref{def} every stable bundle on $X$ can be deformed to a stable bundle
on any nearby fibre. This shows that $\overline
M_{{\cal L}_0}({\cal L}_0,\frac{L^2}{2}+3)$
has as many irreducible components as $\overline
M_{{\cal L}_{t\not=0}}({\cal L}_{t\not=0},\frac{L^2}{2}+3)$, which is irreducible.\\
{\it 2nd step:} Assume $e:=c_2-\frac{L^2}{2}-3>0$ and $L^2>2$. We apply
By the same arguments as above we obtain that the number of irreducible
components of $\overline M(L,c_2)$ is at most the number of irreducible
components of $\overline M_{{\cal L}_0}({\cal L}_0,c_2)$. Again using \cite{Q}
we know that $\overline M_{{\cal L}_0}({\cal L}_0,c_2)$ is birational to
$\overline M_{{\cal L}_0(2D)}({\cal L}_0,c_2)$. The $\mu$-stable part of the latter
is isomorphic to the $\mu$-stable part of
$\overline M_{{\cal L}_0(2D)}({\cal L}_0(2D),c_2+1)$. We have $({\cal L}_0(2D))^2=L^2+4>2$
and $c_2+1-\frac{({\cal L}_0(2D))^2}{2}-3=e-1$. Therefore
we obtain by induction over $e$
and step 1 that $\overline M_{{\cal L}_0(2D)}({\cal L}_0(2D),c_2+1)$ is irreducible.
Since the locally free $\mu$-stable
sheaves are dense in the moduli spaces, this accomplishes the proof in
this case.\\
{\it 3rd step:} Here we assume that $e:=c_2-\frac{L^2}{2}-3<0$. By assumption
$4c_2-L^2-6\geq10$. Hence $c_2\geq6$ and $L^2>6$.
Now we apply 2.1.3(b). The same arguments as in the previous step show that
the number of irreducible components of $\overline M(L,c_2)$ is at most
that of $\overline M_{{\cal L}_0(-2D)}({\cal L}_0(-2D),c_2-1)$.
$c_2-1-\frac{({\cal L}_0(-2D))^2}{2}-3=e+1$, we can use induction over $-e$ and step
1 to show the irreducibility in this case.\\
{\it 4th step:} It remains to consider the case $L^2=2$. Here we apply 2.1.2
$d=5$. As above we conclude that the number of irreducible components
of $\overline M(L,c_2)$ is at most that of $\overline
M_{{\cal L}_0(2D)}({\cal L}_0(2D),c_2+3)$. Since $({\cal L}_0(2D))^2=L^2+20-8=14$ we can
conclude by
step 2 or 3.
Mukai seems to know that all moduli spaces of rank two bundles on
a K3 surface are irreducible (\cite{Mu2}, p.\ 157). Since we could not find a
of this in
the literature we decided to include the above lemma.
Let $X$ be a K3 surface and $L$ a line bundle on $X$. For any $c_2$ there
exists a coarse moduli space $\overline{M}_s(L,c_2)$ of simple
sheaves of rank two with determinant $L$ and second Chern class $c_2$.
$\overline{M}_s(L,c_2)$ can be realized as a non-separated algebraic space
(\cite{AK}, \cite{KO}).
For any polarization $H$ such that $H-$semi-stabilty implies $H-$stability the
projective manifold $\overline{M}_H(L,c_2)$ is an open subset of
Note that in the case that ${\rm Pic }(X)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot L$ and $H=L$ any simple vector
is in fact slope stable. For sheaves the situation is more complicated.
Now let $({\cal X},{\cal L})\longrightarrow S$ be a family of K3 surfaces with a line bundle ${\cal L}$
on ${\cal X}$ over a smooth curve $S$. By \cite{AK}, \cite{KO} there exists a
relative moduli space of
simple sheaves, i.e. there exists an algebraic space
$\overline{{\cal M}}_s({\cal L},c_2)$ and a morphism from it to $S$ such that
the fibre over a point $t\in S$ is isomorphic to $\overline{M}_s({\cal L}_t,c_2)$.
By a result of Mukai the fibres are smooth \cite{Mu1}. Lemma \ref{irr}
shows that for a family $({\cal X},{\cal L})\longrightarrow S$ both
$\overline{\cal M}_s({\cal L},c_2)$ and $\overline{\cal M}_s({\cal L},c_2)\longrightarrow S$
are smooth (at least over the locally free sheaves).\\
For the following we want to assume that ${\rm Pic }({\cal X}_t)\cong\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot{\cal L}_t$ for
$t\not=0$ and ${\cal L}_t^2>0$.
To shorten notation we denote by $Z^*\longrightarrow S^*$ the restriction of a family
$Z\longrightarrow S$ to $S^*:=S\setminus\{0\}$.
Assume that $\overline M_{{\cal L}_t}({\cal L}_t,c_2)$ is irreducible for $t\not=0$.
Then for any generic ample $H\in {\rm Pic }({\cal X}_0)$
there exists a smooth proper family $Z\longrightarrow S$ of
projective manifolds such that $Z^*\longrightarrow S^*$ has fibres
$\overline{M}_{{\cal L}_t}({\cal L}_t,c_2)$ and the fibre over $0$ is isomorphic
to $\overline{M}_{H}({\cal L}_0,c_2)$. (``The moduli spaces for different $H$ cannot
be separated'')
{\it Proof:}
By $\overline{{\cal M}}({\cal L},c_2)^*\to S^*$ we denote the family of the moduli
spaces $\overline{M}({\cal L}_t,c_2)$. It is proper over $S^*$ and the fibres
are smooth and
{\it Claim:} If $[E]\in \overline M_s({\cal L}_0,c_2)$ is a point in the
closure $T_0$
of $\overline{\cal M}_s({\cal L},c_2)^*\setminus\overline{{\cal M}}({\cal L},c_2)^*$ in
$\overline{\cal M}_s({\cal L},c_2)$, then $E$ is not semi-stable with respect
to any polarization
$H$: Semi-continuity shows that a point $E$ in the closure has
a subsheaf of rank one with determinant $ {\cal L}_0^{\otimes n}$ with $n>0$. Hence
it is
not semi-stable with respect to any polarization.\\
The set $T_1$ of simple sheaves $[E]\in\overline M_s({\cal L}_0,c_2)$ which are
not stable with respect to $H$ is a closed subset of
$\overline{\cal M}_s({\cal L},c_2)$.
We define $Z$ to be the complement of the union of $T_0$ and $T_1$ in
$\overline{\cal M}_s({\cal L},c_2)$. It is an open subset of $\overline{{\cal M}}_s({\cal L},c_2)$.
The fibres meet the requirements of the assertion.\\
{\it Claim:} $Z$ is separated:
Any simple sheaf on any of the fibres ${\cal X}_t$ can also be regarded as
a simple coherent sheaf on the complex space ${\cal X}$. Thus $Z$ is a subspace of
the space of all simple sheaves on ${\cal X}$. In order to show that two
points are separated in $Z$ it suffices to separate them in the bigger space.
Now we apply the criterion of \cite{KO} which says that if two simple coherent
sheaves are not separated then there exists a non-trivial homomorphism between
them. Since any two sheaves parametrized by $Z$ are either supported
on different fibres or stable with respect to the same polarization,
this is excluded.\\
Thus $Z$ is a separated with compact irreducible
fibres over $S^*$. Take
a locally free $E\in \overline M_H(L,c_2)$ and consider a neighbourhood of it
in $\overline{{\cal M}}_s({\cal L},c_2)$. By the arguments above this
neighbourhood contains locally free simple sheaves
on all the nearby fibres. Hence we can assume that all these sheaves on
${\cal X}_{t\not=0}$ are stable, since
${\rm Pic }({\cal X}_t)=\hbox{\sym \char '132}\cdot{\cal L}_t$ for $t\not=0$. This
implies the connectedness of $Z$.
Thus $Z\longrightarrow S$ is proper and smooth.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
{\bf Proof of the theorem:}
{\it i)} We first show that the result of section 1 generalizes to the case
we drop the assumption that $L$ generates ${\rm Pic }(X)$. This is done as follows.
By applying \ref{defofmod} to a
deformation of the type 2.1.1 one sees that
$\overline M_{{\cal L}_t}({\cal L}_t,\frac{{\cal L}_t^2}{2}+3)$ is a deformation of
$\overline M_H(L,\frac{L^2}{2}+3)$ for generic $H$. Since Hodge numbers
are invariant under deformations, both spaces have the same Hodge numbers.
Those of the second were compared in section 1
with the Hodge numbers of the appropriate Hilbert scheme.
By the same trick we can always reduce to the case where the Picard group
is generated by $L$, in particular we can assume that $L$ is ample. \\
{\it ii)}
By applying \ref{defofmod}
to a deformation of type 2.1.2, 2.1.3(a) or 2.1.3(b) we see that $\overline
is a deformation of $\overline M_H({\cal L}_0,c_2)$ for generic $H$.
Since $\mu-$stabilty does not change under twisting by line bundles
we have
$\overline M_H({\cal L}_0,c_2)\cong \overline M_H({\cal L}_0(2D),c_2+{\cal L}_0.D+D^2)$
(or $\overline M_H({\cal L}_0(-2D),c_2-{\cal L}_0.D+D^2)$ in case 2.1.3(b)).
The proof of lemma \ref{irr} shows that by applying 2.1.2, 2.1.3(a) and
2.1.3(b) repeatedly we can reduce to the situation of {\it i)}, i.e.
Let $X$ be an arbitrary K3 surface and $L$ a primitive big and nef line
bundle. As long as a polarization $H$ does not lie on any wall, all
deformation invariants, e.g. Hodge- and Betti numbers,
of $\overline{M}_H(L,c_2)$ are independent of $H$.\hspace*{\fill}\hbox{$\Box$}
For similar results compare \cite{G}.
{\footnotesize |
1994-08-09T11:21:15 | 9408 | alg-geom/9408002 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9408002 | [
] | alg-geom/9408002 | Luca Barbieri-Viale | Luca Barbieri-Viale | ${\cal H}$-cohomologies versus algebraic cycles | 51 pages, LaTeX 2.09 | Math. Nachr. 184 (1997), 5-57 | null | null | null | Global intersection theories for smooth algebraic varieties via products in
{\it appropriate}\, Poincar\'e duality theories are obtained. We assume given a
(twisted) cohomology theory $H^*$ having a cup product structure and we let
consider the ${\cal H}$-cohomology functor $X\leadsto H^{\#}_{Zar}(X,{\cal
H}^*)$ where ${\cal H}^*$ is the Zariski sheaf associated to $H^*$. We show
that the ${\cal H}$-cohomology rings generalize the classical ``intersection
rings'' obtained via rational or algebraic equivalences. Several basic
properties e.g.\, Gysin maps, projection formula and projective bundle
decomposition, of ${\cal H}$-cohomology are obtained. We therefore obtain, for
$X$ smooth, Chern classes $c_{p,i} : K_i(X) \to H^{p-i}(X,{\cal H}^p)$ from the
Quillen $K$-theory to ${\cal H}$-cohomologies according with Gillet and
Grothendieck. We finally obtain the ``blow-up formula'' $$H^p(X',{\cal H}^q)
\cong H^p(X,{\cal H}^q)\oplus \bigoplus_{i=0}^{c-2} H^{p-1-i}(Z,{\cal
H}^{q-1-i})$$ where $X'$ is the blow-up of $X$ smooth, along a closed smooth
subset $Z$ of pure codimension $c$. Singular cohomology of associated analityc
space, \'etale cohomology, de Rham and Deligne-Beilinson cohomologies are
examples for this setting.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 8 Aug 1994 14:29:25 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
After Quillen's proof of the Gersten conjecture (see
\cite{Q}), for algebraic regular schemes, a natural
approach to the theory of algebraic cycles appears to be
by dealing with the ``formalism'' associated to (local)
higher $K$-theory, as it is manifestly expressed by the
work of Bloch and Gillet (cf. \cite{BL}, \cite{GIN}). As
a matter of fact a more general and flexbile setting has
been exploited by Bloch and Ogus (see \cite{BO}) by
axiomatic methods.\\
The aim of this paper is to going further with this
axiomatic method in order to obtain a ``global
intersection theory'' (in the Grothendieck sense
\cite{GI}) directly from a given ``cohomology theory''.
To this aim we will assume given a (twisted) cohomology
theory $H^*$ and we let consider the ${\cal H}$-cohomology
$$X\leadsto H^{\#}_{Zar}(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})$$
where ${\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}$ is the Zariski sheaf associated
to $H^*$. By dealing with a cup-product structure on $H^*$
we are granted of a product in ${\cal H}$-cohomology; by
arguing with the cap-product structure we are able to
obtain a cap-product between algebraic cycles and
${\cal H}$-cohomology classes, for $Y$ and $Z$ closed
subschemes of $X$ ($\mbox{$\Lambda$}\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, H^0({\rm point})$) $$\p{\cap}
:C_{n}(Y;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\otimes H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)}) \to
C_{n-p}(Y\cap Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$$ where $C_{*}(-;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$ is the
``${\cal H}$-homology theory'' given by the hypercohomology of
the complexes of $E^1$-terms of the niveau spectral
sequence.\\ If $X$ is smooth of pure dimension $d$, by
capping with the ``fundamental cycle'' $[X]\in C_d(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$
we have a ``Poincar\'e duality'' isomorphism
$$[X]\p{\cap}- : H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)}) \cong
Thus the ``${\cal H}$-cycle class'' $\eta (Z)\in
H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})$ is defined by $[X]\p{\cap}\eta (Z) =
[Z]$, for $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$ a closed subscheme of pure
codimension $p$ in $X$. By capping with the ${\cal H}$-cycle
class we do obtain Gysin maps for algebraic cycles i.e.
maps $i^!:C_{n}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\to C_{n-p}(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$. Furthermore,
the ${\cal H}$-cycle classes are compatible with the
intersection of cycles (when existing!) so that the
${\cal H}$-cohomology rings generalize the classical
``intersection rings'' obtained via rational or algebraic
equivalences (cf. \cite{GIN} for the ${\cal K}$-cohomology).\\
The covariant property of the niveau spectral sequence
grant us of ``${\cal H}$-Gysin maps'' $$f_*:
H^{\#}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) \to
H^{\#+\rho}_{Z}(X,{\cal H}^{*+\rho}\p{(\cdot+\rho)})$$
associated with a proper morphism $f:Y\to X$ of relative
dimension $\rho$ between smooth schemes. The corresponding
projection formula holds. By the homotopy property of
$H^*$ we are obtaining homotopy and Dold-Thom
decomposition for ${\cal H}$-cohomologies. By observing that
the canonical cycle map for line bundles $c\ell : {\rm Pic}\, (X)
\to H^2(X,\p{1})$ has always its image contained in the
subgroup of the locally trivial cohomology classes i.e.
$H^1(X,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)})$ by the coniveau spectral sequence,
we are able to construct Chern classes in
${\cal H}$-cohomologies according with Gillet and Grothendieck
(see \cite{GIL} and \cite{GC}) $$c_{p,i} : K_i^Z(X) \to
H^{p-i}_Z(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})$$ where $Z$ is any closed subset
of $X$ smooth. These yield Riemann-Roch theorems and,
notably, Chern classes in $H^{2*}(-,\p{*})$ by composition
with the cycle map $H^*(-,{\cal H}^*\p{(*)})\to
H^{2*}(-,\p{*})$ canonically induced by the coniveau
spectral sequence.\\ At last, an immediate application of
this setting is the ``blow-up formula''
$$H^p(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) \cong H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\oplus
H^{p-1-i}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-1-i}\p{(r-1-i)})$$
where $X'$ is the blow-up of $X$ smooth, along a closed
smooth subset $Z$ of pure codimension $c$. Remarkably the
formula is obtained by no use of ``self-intersection''
nor ``formule-clef'' (used by the redundant arguments
made in \cite[Expos\'e VII]{SGA5} for \'etale cohomology or
Chow groups).\\
The paper is organized by adding structure to the assumed
Bloch-Ogus cohomology to proving the claimed results. The
common cohomologies (e.g. \'etale, de Rham or
Deligne-Beilinson cohomology) are examples for this setting
as explained in the Appendix. Some of these results are
already been used by the author for applications (see
\cite{BV1},\cite{BV2}); as our second main goal is
that this ``formalism'' can be used for applications to
birational geometry and algebraic cycles.\\ I would like
to thank H.Gillet and R.W.Thomason for some corroborating
conversations on these topics.
Let $\cat{V}_k$ be the category of schemes of finite type
over a fixed ground field $k$; usually, an object of
$\cat{V}_k$ is called `algebraic scheme'. Let
$\cat{V}^2_k$ be the category whose objects are pairs
$(X,Z)$ where $X$ is an algebraic scheme and $Z$ is a
closed subscheme of $X$; morphisms in $\cat{V}^2_k$ are
fibre products in $\cat{V}_k\ .$ In the following we will
consider a contravariant functor $$(X,Z) \leadsto
H_Z^*(X,\cdot)$$ from $\cat{V}^2_k$ to \Z -bigraded
abelian groups.\\ We need to assume, at least, that the
above functor gives rise to a `Poincar\'e duality theory
with supports' as setted out by Bloch and Ogus
\cite[1.1-1.3 and 7.1.2]{BO}; one can also consider
$K_i^Z(X)$ the relative Quillen $K$-theory \cite{Q} (see
\cite[Def. 2.13]{GIL}). For $X\in \cat{V}_k$ we denote
$H^*(X,\cdot)$ for $H_X^*(X,\cdot)\ .$
\subsection{Bloch-Ogus theory}\label{inter1}
For the sake of notation we recall some facts by
\cite{BO}. Togheter with the cohomology theory $H^*(\
,\cdot)$ is given an homological functor $H_{\star}(\
,\dagger)$ covariant for proper morphisms in $\cat{V}_k$
and a pairing: $$\p{\cap_{X,Z}}: H_l(X,\p{m})\otimes
H_Z^r(X,\p{s})\to H_{l-r}(Z,\p{m-s})$$
having a `projection formula'. For $f$ a proper map let
$f_!$ denote the induced map on homology.
It is also assumed the existence of a `fundamental class'
$\eta_X\in H_{2d}(X,\p{d})$ , $d = {\rm dim} X$ , such
that $f_!(\eta_X)=[K(X):K(Y)]\cdot \eta_Y$
if $f:X\to Y$ is proper and ${\rm dim} X ={\rm dim} Y$
(cf.~\cite[7.1.2]{BO}). For $X$ smooth of dimension $d$
$$\eta_X\p{\cap_{X,Z}}- :
H_Z^{2d-i}(X,\p{d-j})\by{\simeq} H_{i}(Z,\p{j})$$
is an isomorphism (`Poincar\'e duality') suitably
compatible with restrictions (cf.~\cite[1.4]{BO}). For
$Z\subseteq T\subseteq X$ such that $Z$ and $T$ are closed
in $X$ there is a long exact sequence
(see \cite[1.1.1]{BO})
\cdots \to H_Z^i(X,\cdot)\to H_T^i(X,\cdot)\to
H_{T-Z}^i(X-Z,\cdot)\to H_Z^{i+1}(X,\cdot)\to \cdots
\E{equation} suitably contravariant; moreover, for $X$
smooth and irreducible of dimension $d$ , the following
exact sequence ( $h+i=2d\ ,\ \dagger + \cdot =d$ ):
\B{equation}\label{hloc} \cdots \to
H_h(Z,\dagger)\to H_h(T,\dagger)\to H_h(T-Z,\dagger)\to
H_{h-1}(Z,\dagger)\to \cdots \E{equation} is the
corresponding Poincar\'e dual of the above (cf. \cite[6.1
\subsection{Gersten or arithmetic resolution}
Let $Z^p(X)= \{Z\subset X \mbox{: closed of}\ {\rm
codim}_XZ\geq p\}$, ordered by inclusion, and let define
$$H^i_{Z^p(X)}(X,\cdot) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \limdir{\pp{Z\in Z^p(X)}}
H_Z^i(X,\cdot) $$ and for $x\in X$ $$H^i(x,\cdot) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,
\limdir{\pp{ U open \subset \overline{\{ x\} }}}
H^i(U,\cdot)$$ Taking the direct limit of the exact
sequences (\ref{loc}) (over the pairs $Z\subseteq T$ with
$Z\in Z^{p+1}(X)$ and $T\in Z^p(X)$) and using
`local purity' (cf. \cite[Prop.3.9]{BO}) on $X$ smooth
over $k$ perfect, one obtains long exact sequences
H^i_{Z^p(X)}(X,\p{j})\to \coprod_{x\in X^p}^{}
H^{i-2p}(x,\p{j-p}) \to H^{i+1}_{Z^{p+1}(X)}(X,\p{j})
where $X^p$ is the set of points whose closure
has codimension $p$ in $X$. Furthermore, if $f:X \to Y$ is
a flat morphism and $Z\in Z^p(Y)$ then we have $
f^{-1}(Z)\in Z^p(X)$; thus the sequence in (\ref{limloc})
yields a sequence of presheaves for the Zariski topology.
Let $H^*_{Z^p,X}\p{(\cdot)}$ denote the Zariski presheaf
$U \leadsto H^*_{Z^p(U)}(U,\cdot)$ on $X$ and let $a:
\cat{P}(X_{Zar}) \to \cat{S}(X_{Zar})$ be the associated
sheaf exact functor. Denote $$aH^*_{Z^p,X}\p{(\cdot)}\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,
{\cal H}^*_{Z^p,X}\p{(\cdot)}$$ The presheaf
$H^*_{Z^0,X}\p{(\cdot)}$ is just the functor
$H^*\p{(\cdot)}$ on $X_{Zar}$ and so one has
${\cal H}^*_{Z^0,X}\p{(\cdot)} = {\cal H}^*_X\p{(\cdot)}\ .$ One of
the main results of \cite{BO} is in proving the
vanishing of the map $${\cal H}^*_{Z^{p+1},X}\p{(\cdot)} \to
{\cal H}^*_{Z^p,X}\p{(\cdot)}$$ for all $p \geq 0$ . From this
vanishing, sheafifying the sequence (\ref{limloc}),
one has the following exact sequences of sheaves on $X$
smooth over $k$ perfect:
\B{equation}\label{shortloc} 0\to
{\cal H}^i_{Z^{p},X}\p{(j)}\to \coprod_{x\in X^p}^{} i_x
H^{i-2p}(x,\p{j-p}) \to {\cal H}^{i+1}_{Z^{p+1},X}\p{(j)}\to 0
where: for $A$ an abelian group and $x\in X$ we let
$i_xA$ denote the constant sheaf $A$ on $\overline{\{
x\}}$ extended by zero to all $X$. Patching toghether
the above short exact sequences we do get a resolution of
the sheaf ${\cal H}^i_X\p{(j)}$ (`arithmetic resolution'
in \cite[Theor.4.2]{BO}):
0\to {\cal H}^i_X\p{(j)}\to \coprod_{x\in X^0}^{}
i_x H^{i}(x,\p{j}) \to \coprod_{x\in X^1}^{}
i_x H^{i-1}(x,\p{j-1}) \to \cdots
The assumption of $k$ perfect is unnecessary (cf.
\ref{app}.1) if $H^*(\ ,\cdot)$ is the \'etale theory
(namely $H^i(X,\p{j}) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, H^i(\mbox{$X_{\acute{e}t}$},\mu_{\nu}^{\otimes j})$
where $\mu_{\nu}$ is the \'etale sheaf of $\nu^{\rm th}$
root of unity and $\nu$ is any positive integer prime to
char($k$) ).
\subsection{Quillen $K$-theory}\label{inter2}
Let $X\leadsto K_p(X)$ be the Quillen $K$-functor
associated with the exact category of vector bundles on
any scheme $X$ (see \cite{Q}). For a fixed $X$ we let
${\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X)$ be the associated Zariski sheaf on $X$.
For any noetherian separated scheme $X$ we have a complex
of flasque sheaves (`Gersten's complex')
$${\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X}: \coprod_{x\in X^0}^{} i_x K_{q}(k(x))
\to \coprod_{x\in X^1}^{} i_x K_{q-1}(k(x)) \to \cdots $$
conjecturally exact if $X$ is regular, being proved exact
by Quillen \cite{Q} if $X$ is regular and essentially of
finite type over a field. By tensoring coherent modules
with locally free sheaves and sheafifying one has a
pairing of complexes of sheaves for $p,q\geq 0$ (see
$$\cap : {\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X)\otimes
{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X}\to {\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p+q,X}$$
By capping with $1_X$ = the `fundamental class'
i.e. the identity section of the constant sheaf $\Z
\cong {\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{0,X}$ we get an augmentation
$$\cap 1_X : {\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X) \to {\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p,X}$$
which is a quasi-isomorphism if $X$ is regular essentially
of finite type over a field (conjecturally for all
regular schemes.) If $f:X\to Y$ is a proper morphism
between biequidimensional schemes and $r={\rm dim}\,Y -
{\rm dim}\,X$ then there is an induced map of complexes
$f_{!}: f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X} \to {\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q+r,Y}[r]$
(which takes the elements of $K_*(k(x))$ to
$K_*(k(f(x)))$ if dim $\bar{x}$ = dim $\overline{f(x)}$ and
takes them to zero otherwise) and a commutative diagram
(see the `projection formula' \cite[p.411]{GIN}):
\hspace{20pt}f_*{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X)\otimes
f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X}\\
\p{f^{\natural}\otimes id}\nearrow
\ \hspace{40pt}\ \searrow \p{\cap_{f_*}} \\
{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y)\otimes f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X}\hspace{60pt}
f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p+q,X}\\ \p{id\otimes f_{!}}\downarrow \
\hspace{105pt} \ \downarrow \p{f_{!}} \\
{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y)\otimes {\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q+r,Y}[r] \hspace{10pt}
\longby{\cap} \hspace{10pt} {\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p+q+r,Y}[r]
Thus the formula: $f_!(f^{\natural}(\tau)
\cap_{f_*}\sigma) = \tau\cap f_!(\sigma ) $
for all sections $\tau \p{\otimes} \sigma$ of the
complex of sheaves ${\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y)\otimes
f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X}$\ .
Let $X\in \cat{V}_k$ be an algebraic scheme; in the
following we will assume $X$ smooth and the ground field
$k$ perfect. We moreover assume given a cohomological
functor $H_Z^*(X,\cdot)$ satisfying the list of axioms
\cite[1.1--1.3]{BO} and the assumption \cite[7.1.2]{BO}.
We are going to consider a morphism $f:X\to Y$
from $X$ as above to $Y\in \cat{V}_k$ tacitly assuming $Y$
to be smooth.\\ Let X be in $\cat{V}_k$ and let
${\cal H}^i_X\p{(j)}$ (resp. ${\cal K}_{i}({\cal O}_X)$) denote the sheaf
on $X$, for the Zariski topology, associated to the
presheaf $U \leadsto H^i(U, \p{j})$ (resp. $U \leadsto
K_i(\mbox{vector bundles on}\, U)$). If $f:X\to Y$ is any
morphism in $\cat{V}_k$ then there are maps
$f^{\sharp}: {\cal H}^i_Y\p{(j)} \to f_*{\cal H}^i_X\p{(j)}$ (resp.
$f^{\natural}: {\cal K}_{i}({\cal O}_Y) \to f_*{\cal K}_{i}({\cal O}_X)$).
\B{teor} {\rm (Invariance)}
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a proper birational morphism in
$\cat{V}_k$. For $X$ and $Y$ smooths over $k$
perfect then $f^{\sharp}$ yields
the isomorphism $${\cal H}^i_Y\p{(j)}\cong f_*{\cal H}^i_X\p{(j)}$$
for all integers $i$ and $j$.
For $X$ and $Y$ regular algebraic schemes $f^{\natural}$
induces the isomorphism
$$ {\cal K}_{i}({\cal O}_Y)\cong f_*{\cal K}_{i}({\cal O}_X)$$
for all $i\geq 0$.\\
Hence there are isomorphisms
$$H^0(X,{\cal H}^i_X\p{(j)})\cong H^0(Y,{\cal H}^i_Y\p{(j)})$$
$$ H^0(X,{\cal K}_{i}({\cal O}_X))\cong H^0(Y,{\cal K}_{i}({\cal O}_Y))$$
\B{rmk} By the recent results of M. Spivakovsky
the problem of `the elimination of
points of indeterminacy' appears to be solved also in
positive characteristic. Thus, by the Theorem~1, the groups
$H^0(X,{\cal H}^{*}_X\p{(\cdot)})$ and $H^0(X,{\cal K}_{*}({\cal O}_X))$
are birational invariants of $X$ smooth and proper (cf.
The proof of the Theorem~1 is quite natural and easy after
a sheaf form of the projection formula (cf.
Lemma~\ref{chiave} and (\ref{hpr})). We will
first give an explicit description of the map $f^{\sharp}$.
If we are given a morphism $f:X\to Y$ then,
for any open $V$ subset of $Y$, there is a homomorphism
$H^*(V,\cdot) \to H^*(f^{-1}(V),\cdot)$ induced by $f$
simply because $H^*(\ ,\cdot)$ is a contravariant
functor; thus, with the notation previously introduced, we
get indeed a map $$f^H:H^*_Y\p{(\cdot)} \to
f_*H^*_X\p{(\cdot)}$$ of presheaves on $Y$. Moreover there
is a canonical map $f_*H^*_X\p{(\cdot)} \to
f_*{\cal H}^*_X\p{(\cdot)}$ induced by sheafification and
direct image. Hence, taking the associated sheaves, one get
{\cal H}^*_Y\p{(\cdot)} & \by{af^H} & af_*H^*_X\p{(\cdot)}
\nonumber \\
& & \ \downarrow \p{f_a} \\
& & f_*{\cal H}^*_X\p{(\cdot)} \nonumber
Thus the map $f^{\sharp}: {\cal H}^*_Y\p{(\cdot)} \to
f_*{\cal H}^*_X\p{(\cdot)}$ is defined to be the composite of
$af^H$ and $f_a$ as above.
\subsection{Key Lemma}\label{svol1}
In the following, till the end of this subsection, we will
let $f:X\to Y$ be a proper birational morphism between
smooth algebraic schemes over a perfect field. Our goal is
to prove that $f^{\sharp }$ is an isomorphism of
{\it Step 1}.\, We can reduce to proving Theorem~1 for
irreducible schemes because if not then, from smoothness,
the irreducible components coincide with the connected
components and $f$ maps components to components;
hence, if $X_0$ and $Y_0$ are components such that
$f:X_0\to Y_0$ and $y\in Y_0$ then there are
isomorphisms on the stalk $({\cal H}^*_Y\p{(\cdot)})_y\cong
({\cal H}^*_{Y_0}\p{(\cdot)})_y$ and $(f_*{\cal H}^*_X\p{(\cdot)})_y\cong
(f_*{\cal H}^*_{X_0}\p{(\cdot)})_y$
If $X$ is irreducible and $K(X)$ is the function field of
$X$ then we denote $$H^*(K(X),\cdot) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \limdir{U
open\subset X} H^*(U,\cdot).$$ $H^*(K(X),\cdot)$ is
canonically contravariant and birationally invariant.
Hence $f$ induces an isomorphism $H^*(K(Y),\cdot)\cong
H^*(K(X),\cdot).$ So, we moreover assume $X$ and $Y$
{\it Step 2}.\, Case ${\cal H}^0\p{(\cdot)}.$ Assume that the
cohomology theory is concentrated in positive degrees {\it i.e.\/}\
$H^i\p{(\cdot)}=0$ if $i<0$; hence the arithmetic
resolution yields an isomorphism ${\cal H}^0_X\p{(\cdot)}\cong
i_XH^0(K(X),\cdot)$ = the constant sheaf $H^0(K(X),\cdot)$
on $X$. The same holds on $Y$. Since $f$ has connected
fibres (`Zariski main theorem') then
${\cal H}^0_Y\p{(\cdot)}\cong f_*{\cal H}^0_X\p{(\cdot)}\ .$ The non
bounded case is considered below.\\[1pt]
{\it Step 3}.\, So, associated to $f:X\to Y$, by
(\ref{shortloc}) and (\ref{map}), we can construct a
diagram \B{equation} \label{diagramma chiave}
{0}&{\to}&{{\cal H}^i_{Y}\p{(j)}}&{\to}&{i_YH^i(K(Y),\p{j})} &
{\to}& {{\cal H}^{i+1}_{Z^{1},Y}\p{(j)}} &{\to}&{0} \\
& &{\p{f^{\sharp}}\downarrow \ \ } & &{\cong\downarrow\;\;} & &
{\downarrow \ \ \p{f^{\sharp}_{Z^1}}} & &\\
{0}&{\to}&{f_*{\cal H}^i_{X}\p{(j)}}&{
{f_*({\cal H}^{i+1}_{Z^{1},X}\p{(j)})}& &
where the right most vertical arrow (it will
be seen explicitly below) is defined by commutativity of
the left hand square. (Note: because $f$ has connected
fibres then the middle vertical map is an isomorphism. The
commutativity is straightforward.)\\
{}From the above diagram one can see that $f^{\sharp}:
{\cal H}^*_Y\p{(\cdot)} \to f_*{\cal H}^*_X\p{(\cdot)}$ is
injective. Because of $f$ proper, and the arithmetic
resolution is covariant for proper maps, we do aim to get
the following commuative diagram
\B{displaymath}\B{array}{ccccccc} 0
&\to & {\cal H}^{i}_{Y}\p{(j)} & \to &{i_YH^i(K(Y),\p{j})
}&\to &{\displaystyle \coprod_{y\in Y^1}^{} i_y
& &\p{f_{\sharp}} \uparrow \ \ & & \cong \uparrow \ \ & &
\uparrow \\ 0 & \to & f_*({\cal H}^{i}_{X}\p{(j)}) &\to
& f_*(i_XH^i(K(X),\p{j})) &\to & f_*({\displaystyle
\coprod_{x\in X^1}^{} i_x H^{i-1}(x,\p{j-1})})
where $f_{\sharp}$ is an injection.
The Theorem~1 is obtained by proving:
$f_{\sharp}\p{\circ }f^{\sharp}=id$ as a
consequence of the projection formula. Indeed we have:
Let $f:X\to Y$ be a proper birational morphism
between irreducible algebraic smooth schemes. Then there
are maps of sheaves ($k=0,1$):
$$f^{\sharp}_{Z^k}:{\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},Y}\p{(j)} \to
f_*({\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},X}\p{(j)})$$ and
$$f_{\sharp}^{Z^k}:f_*({\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},X}\p{(j)}) \to
{\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},Y}\p{(j)}$$ such that
$$f_{\sharp}^{Z^k}\p{\circ }f^{\sharp}_{Z^k}=id$$
(Remind: $f_{\sharp}^{Z^0} =f_{\sharp}$ and
We will follow the framework given by
Grothendieck in \cite[III.9.2]{GR}.\\ Note that $f(X)$ is
closed and dense in $Y$ irreducible: $f(X)=Y$. For all
$Z\in Z^k(Y)$ so that $f^{-1}(Z)\in Z^k(X)$ ($k=0,1$) we
have a map $H^{i}_{Z}(Y,\cdot)\to
H^{i}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(X,\cdot)$ and since $f$ is a proper
morphism between smooth schemes we have also maps
$H^{i}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(X,\cdot)\to H^{i}_{Z}(Y,\cdot)$ for
all $Z\in Z^k(Y)$. We then have: \B{slemma}\label{prfor}
The composition: $$H^{i}_{Z}(Y,\cdot) \by{f^{\star}}
H^{i}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(X,\cdot) \by{f_{\star}}
H^{i}_{Z}(Y,\cdot)$$ is the identity.
Let $H_*(\ ,\dagger)$ denote the `twin' homology theory and
consider the pairing: $$\p{\cap_{Y,Z}}:
H_l(Y,\p{m})\otimes H_Z^r(Y,\p{s})\to H_{l-r}(Z,\p{m-s})$$
Denote $f_{!}: H_*(f^{-1}(T),\dagger) \to H_*(T,\dagger)$
the homomorphisms induced, by covariance, from the proper
maps $f^{-1}(T) \to T $ for every closed subset $T$ of
$Y$. Let $f^{\star}: H^*_{Z}(Y,\cdot) \to
H^{*}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(X,\cdot)$ be the map given by
contravariancy. Because of \cite[Axiom 1.3.3]{BO} we have
the projection formula:
\cap_{Y,Z}}y$$ for every $x\in H_l(X,m)$ and $y\in
H_Z^r(Y,s)$. Let $\eta_X$ denote the fundamental class
in $H_{2d}(X,d)$ where $d= {\rm dim} X$. Because of
\cite[7.1.2]{BO} and $f$ proper birational we get:
$f_!(\eta_X)=\eta_Y$. Thus the projection formula yields
the equation:
\eta_Y\p{\cap_{Y,Z}}y$$ By Poincar\'e duality
\cite[1.3.5]{BO} the cap product with the fundamental
class is an isomorphism; we define $$f_{\star}(z) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,
f_!(\eta_X\p{\cap_{X,f^{-1}(Z)}}z)$$ for all $z\in
H^{*}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(X,\cdot)$. Thus: $f_{\star}\p{\circ}
Taking the direct limit of the concerned maps over
$Z\in Z^k(Y)$ (note: because $f$ is closed the
direct system $\{ f^{-1}(Z)\, :\, Z\in Z^1(Y)\}$ is
cofinal in $Z^1(X)$) we have that the composition
is the identity as a consequence of the
Sublemma~\ref{prfor} and limit arguments (the
compatibilities are given by
\cite[1.1.2~and~1.2.4]{BO}).\\ Because
of~\cite[1.2.2~and~1.4]{BO} the maps $f_{\star}^{Z^k}$ are
natural trasformations of Zariski presheaves
$H^*_{Z^k,Y}(\cdot) \to f_*H^*_{Z^k,X}(\cdot)$ on $Y$.
Thus, taking the associated sheaves, we have that:
$${\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},Y}\p{(j)} \by{af^{\star}_{Z^k}}
af_*(H^{i}_{Z^{k},X}\p{(j)}) \by{af_{\star}^{Z^k}}
{\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},Y}\p{(j)} $$ is the identity. Now it
sufficies to make up a commutative diagram as follows
{\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},Y}\p{(j)}\ \by{af^{\star}_{Z^k}} &
af_*(H^{i}_{Z^{k},X}\p{(j)}) & \by{af_{\star}^{Z^k}} \
{\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},Y}\p{(j)} \\ \p{f^{\sharp}_{Z^k}}\searrow
& \ \downarrow \p{f_a^{Z^k}}& \nearrow
\p{f_{\sharp}^{Z^k}} \\
& f_*({\cal H}^{i}_{Z^{k},X}\p{(j)}) &
{}From (\ref{bravo}) we then have:
af_{\star}^{Z^k}\p{\circ}\,af^{\star}_{Z^k}=id$$ as
claimed. Indeed $f^{\sharp}_{Z^k}$ is simply defined by
composition; since $f$ is proper, dim$X$ = dim$Y$ and the
arithmetic resolution is covariant for proper maps:
$f_{\sharp}^{Z^k}$ is obtained, e.g. $f_{\sharp}^{Z^1}$
from the commutativity and the exactness of the following:
\B{displaymath}\B{array}{ccccccc} 0 &\to &
{\cal H}^{i+1}_{Z^{1},Y}\p{(j)} & \to &{\displaystyle
\coprod_{y\in Y^1}^{} i_y H^{i-1}(y,\p{j-1}) }&\to
&{\displaystyle \coprod_{y\in Y^2}^{} i_y
H^{i-2}(y,\p{j-2})}\\ & & & & \uparrow & & \uparrow \\ 0
& \to & f_*({\cal H}^{i+1}_{Z^{1},X}\p{(j)}) &\to &
f_*({\displaystyle \coprod_{x\in X^1}^{} i_x
H^{i-1}(x,\p{j-1})}) &\to & f_*({\displaystyle
\coprod_{x\in X^2}^{} i_x H^{i-2}(x,\p{j-2})})
\E{array}\E{displaymath} The proof of the
Lemma~\ref{chiave} is complete. \E{proof}
\subsection{Proof of the Invariance Theorem}\label{H-coda}
To summarize the proof: if $k=0,1$ and
$Z\in Z^k(Y)$ then $f^{-1}(Z)\in Z^k(X)$; we
have a splitting between long exact sequences
(cf.~(\ref{loc})) $$
{\cdots}&{\to}&{H^i(Y,\cdot)}&{\to}&{H^i(Y- Z,\cdot)} &
{\to}& {H^{i+1}_{Z}(Y,\cdot)} &{\to}&{\cdots}\\
& &{\downarrow \ \uparrow} & &{\downarrow\ \uparrow} & &
{\downarrow \ \uparrow} & &\\
f^{-1}(Z),\cdot)} & {\to}& {H^{i+1}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(X,\cdot)}
&{\to}&{\cdots} \end{array} $$
Taking the direct limit of the concerned diagram over
$Z\in Z^1(Y)$ we do get
$$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc}
{\cdots}&{\to}&{H^i(Y,\cdot)}&{\to}&{H^i(K(Y),\cdot)} &
{\to}& {H^{i+1}_{Z^1(Y)}(Y,\cdot)} &{\to}&{\cdots}\\
& &{\downarrow \ \uparrow} & &{\cong\downarrow\;\;\ \uparrow} & & {\downarrow \
\uparrow} & &\\
{\cdots}&{\to}&{H^i(X,\cdot)}&{\to}&{H^i(K(X),\cdot)} &
{\to}& {H^{i+1}_{Z^1(X)}(X,\cdot)} &{\to}&{\cdots}
\end{array} $$ Thus, taking the associated sheaves, we
have: $$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc}
{\cdots}&{\by{zero}}&{{\cal H}^i_{Y}\p{(\cdot)}}&{\to}&{
i_YH^i(K(Y),\p{\cdot})} & {\to}&
{{\cal H}^{i+1}_{Z^{1},Y}\p{(\cdot)}} &{\by{zero}}&{\cdots}\\
& &{\downarrow\ \uparrow} & &{\cong\downarrow\;\;\ \uparrow} & &
{\downarrow \ \uparrow} & &\\
& {\to}& {af_*(H^{i+1}_{Z^{1},X}\p{(\cdot)})} &{\to}&{\cdots}
\end{array} $$ and furthermore
$$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc}
\cdot)} & {\to}& {af_*(H^{i+1}_{Z^{1},X}\p{(\cdot)})}
& &{\downarrow} & &{\cong\downarrow\;\;} & & {\downarrow} & &\\
{0}&{\to}&{f_*({\cal H}^i_{X}\p{(\cdot)}})&{\to}&{
f_*(i_XH^i(K(X),\p{\cdot})} & {\to}&
{f_*({\cal H}^{i+1}_{Z^{1},X}\p{(\cdot)})} &{\to}&{\cdots}
\end{array} $$
One then obtain by patching the diagram (\ref{diagramma
chiave}). Now because of Lemma~\ref{chiave} and
(\ref{diagramma chiave}) we do get the first claimed
isomorphism $f^{\sharp}:
{\cal H}^*_Y\p{(\cdot)} \by{\simeq} f_*{\cal H}^*_X\p{(\cdot)}$\,.
\subsection{Proving the $K$-theory case}\label{svol2}
We now consider the Quillen $K$-theory of vector
bundles. The proof of Theorem~1 is the analogous of the
previous one by using the Gillet's projection formula and
the Gersten's conjecture.\\
To prove the Theorem~1, arguing as in \S\ref{svol1}, we can
assume $X$ and $Y$ irreducibles, $r=0$ and $f_{!}:
f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{0,X} \by{ \simeq} {\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{0,Y}$ given
by $f_{!}(1_X)=1_Y$ (because $K(X)\cong K(Y)$). Hence,
by (\ref{kpr}), we obtain
& &f_*{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X) & &\\ &\p{f^{\natural}}\nearrow \ & &\
\searrow \p{\cap_{f_*}1_X}& \\ {\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y)& & & &
f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p,X}\\ \mbox{\large $\parallel$} & & & & \ \downarrow \p{f_{!}}
\\ {\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y) & & \longby{\cap 1_Y} & &
{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p,Y}
One defines $f_{\natural}:f_*{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X)
\to{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y)$ in the derived category, as follows:
$$f_{\natural} \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, (\ \cap 1_Y)^{-1}\p{\circ} f_{!}
\p{\circ} (\ \cap_{f_*}1_X)$$ Thus:
$f_{\natural}\p{\circ}f^{\natural}=id$ .
(Note: the map $\cap_{f_*}1_X$ is not a quasi-isomorphism
in general, but it induces an isomorphism on homology in
degree zero because $f_*$ is left exact; indeed, taking
$h^0$= the zero homology of a complex, we have the
commutative diagram of sheaves
& &f_*{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X) & &\\
&\p{f^{\natural}}\nearrow \ & &\ \ \searrow \p{\simeq} & \\
{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y)& & & & h^0(f_*{\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p,X})\\
\mbox{\large $\parallel$} & & & & \ \downarrow \p{f_{!}} \\
{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y) & & \longby{\simeq} & &
h^0({\cal I}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p,Y})
and $f_{\natural}\p{\circ}f^{\natural}=id$
between sheaves on $Y$ .)\\
Associated to $f:X\to Y$ proper birational morphism
between regular (irreducible) algebraic schemes, we have
{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y) & \hookrightarrow & i_YK_p(K(Y)) \\
\p{f_{\natural}} \uparrow \downarrow \p{f^{\natural}}
& & \cong\downarrow\;\;\uparrow \ \\
f_*({\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X)) & \hookrightarrow &
so that by the same argument as in \S\ref{H-coda} we do
get the second claimed isomorphism $f^{\natural}:
{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_Y) \by{\simeq} f_*{\cal K}_{p}({\cal O}_X)$\,.
Assuming the Gersten's conjecture and applying the
above argument one can see that $f^{\natural}$ is an
isomorphism if $f$ is a proper birational morphism between
regular biequidimensional schemes.
\section{Homotopy and proto-decomposition}
We maintain the notations and the assumed `cohomology
theory' introduced in the previous Section
(see \S1). Let $\P^n_X$ be the scheme $X\times
_{k}{\rm Proj}\, k [t_0,\ldots,t_n]$; let $\pi_n :
\P^n_X\to X$ denote the canonical projection on $X$ smooth
and equidimensional in $\cat{V}_k$ and assume $k$ perfect.
For any couple of non-negative integers $n\geq m$ let
$j_{(n,m)}$ denote the `Gysin homomorphism'(see
\S\ref{cad1} below) $$H^{p}(\P^m_X,{\cal H}^{q}\p{(j)})\to
H^{p+n-m}(\P^n_X,{\cal H}^{q+n-m}\p{(j+n-m)})$$
given by the smooth pair $(\P^n_X,\P^m_X)$
of pure codimension $n-m$\,; if $m\geq l$ is another such
couple, i.e. $(\P^m_X,\P^l_X)$ is a pair, then $j_{(n,l)} =
j_{(n,m)}\p{\circ}j_{(m,l)}$ .
Let $\A^1_X$ denote the scheme $X\otimes _{k}k [t]$ and
assume that the cohomology theory satisfies the
{\bf Homotopy property}. {\em Let $X$ be an algebraic
smooth scheme. The natural morphism $\pi: \A^1_X \to X$
induces an isomorphism $$\pi^*: H^*(X,\cdot)
\by{\simeq} H^*(\A^1_X,\cdot)$$ by pulling-back along
For ${\cal E}$ a locally free sheaf on $X$, ${\rm rank}\, {\cal E} =
n+1$ and $\pi:{\bf V}({\cal E}) \to X$ the
associated vector bundle, we then get the
isomorphism (see \S\ref{minom} below)
$$H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})\cong H^p_{\pi^{-1}(Z)}({\bf
V}({\cal E}),{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})$$
pulling back along $\pi$ where $Z\subseteq X$ is
any closed subset. Furthermore, it is now possible to prove
the following Dold-Thom type decomposition.
\B{teor} {\rm (Proto-decomposition)}
Let $X$ be algebraic, equidimensional and smooth over a
perfect field. Assuming the homotopy property above then
there is an isomorphism $$H^p(\P^n_X,{\cal H}^q_X\p{(j)})\cong
\bigoplus_{i=0}^{n} H^{p-i}(X,{\cal H}^{q-i}_X\p{(j-i)})$$
where every $x\in H^p(\P^n_X,{\cal H}^q_X\p{(j)})$ is written
as $$\pi^*_n(x_{n})+j_{(n,n-1)}\pi^*_{n-1}(x_{n-1})+\cdots
+j_{(n,1)}\pi^*_1(x_{1})+j_{(n,0)}(x_0)$$ for
$x_{n-i}\in H^{p-i}(X,{\cal H}^{q-i}_X\p{(j-i)})$ and
$i=0,\ldots ,n$ .
\B{rmk} Note that for ${\cal E}$ a locally free sheaf on $X$ ,
${\rm rank}\, {\cal E} = n+1$, we will obtain the decomposition of
$H^p(\P({\cal E}),{\cal H}^q_X\p{(j)})$ in Scholium~\ref{Edeco}.
Before proving the Theorem~2 we need the following results.
\subsection{Gysin maps for ${\cal H}$-cohomologies}\label{cad1}
The category $\cat{V}^2_k$ is the category of pairs of
algebraic schemes over a perfect field $k$ .
\B{lemma}{\rm (Purity) } If $(X,Z)$ is a pure smooth pair
in $\cat{V}^2_k$, ${\rm codim}_XZ=c$, then
$H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q_X\p{(j)})$ is canonically isomorphic to
$H^{p-c}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-c}_Z\p{(j-c)})$. \label{purity}\E{lemma}
\B{proof} Let ${\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}$ denote the arithmetic
resolution of the sheaf ${\cal H}^q\p{(j)}$ on $X$ (resp. on
$Z$) and denote $H^0(X,{\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, {\rm
R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(j)}$ (resp. ${\rm R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(Z)\p{(j)}$
). Then: \B{slemma}\label{sup}
For $Z \subset X$ of pure codimension c :
$$H^0_Z(X,{\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}) \cong {\rm
R}_{q-c}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(Z)\p{(j-c)}[-c]$$
Since ${\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}$ is a bounded complex
(graded by codimension) of flasque sheaves the
hypercohomology spectral sequence ($h^n(C^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,$ the
n$^{th}$ homology group of a complex $C^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}$)
$$'E^{r,s}_2 = h^r(H^s_Z(X,{\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}))
\Rightarrow \H^{r+s}_Z(X,{\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)})$$
degenerates to isomorphisms
$$ h^p(H^0_Z(X,{\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)})) \cong
\H^p_Z(X,{\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)})$$
Taking account of the Sublemma~\ref{sup}, because of the
(flasque) arithmetic resolutions, we do get a chain of
isomorphisms $$\begin{array}{rcl} H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q_X\p{(j)})
& \cong & \H^p_Z(X, {\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}) \\ & \cong &
h^p(H^0_Z(X,{\cal R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}))\\ & \cong &
h^p({\rm R}_{q-c}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} -c}(Z)\p{(j-c)}) \\
& \cong & H^{p-c}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-c}_Z\p{(j-c)})
\end{array} $$
The proof of the Lemma~\ref{purity} is complete.
\B{schol}{\rm (Gysin map) } \label{Gysin}
Let $(X,Z)\in
\cat{V}^2_k$ be a smooth pair of pure
codimension $c$. There is an homomorphism
$$j_{\pp{(X,Z)}} :H^{p}(Z,{\cal H}^{q}_Z\p{(j)})\to
H^{p+c}(X,{\cal H}^{q+c}_X\p{(j+c)})$$ such that if
$(Z,T)$ is another smooth pair then $j_{\pp{(X,T)}} =
j_{\pp{(X,Z)}}\p{\circ}j_{\pp{(Z,T)}}$ .
The map $j_{\pp{(X,Z)}}$ is induced on
cohomology by the composition in the derived category
(by sheafifying the isomorphism in the Sublemma~\ref{sup}
and using the arithmetic resolutions)
$$j_*{\cal H}^{q}_Z\p{(j)}\by{\simeq}j_*{\cal R}_{q,Z}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)}
\by{\simeq}{\bf \Gamma}_Z{\cal R}_{q+c,X}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j+c)}[c]
\to {\cal R}_{q+c,X}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j+c)}[c] \by{\simeq}
{\cal H}^{q+c}_X\p{(j+c)}[c]$$ where $j:Z\hookrightarrow X$
and ${\bf \Gamma}_Z$ are the sections supported in $Z$ .
The compability simply follows by considering the
resolutions ${\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}$ and observing that a global
section of ${\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}$ on $T$ can be seen as a section of
${\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}$ on $Z$ supported in $T$, shifted by the
codimension of $T$ in $Z$, etc\ldots , as a section of
${\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}$ on $X$ shifted by ${\rm codim}_TZ + {\rm
codim}_ZX = {\rm codim}_TX$.
\subsection{Homotopy for ${\cal H}$-cohomologies}\label{minom}
For $X\in \cat{V}_k$ smooth over $k$ perfect, we recall
(see \cite[6.3]{BO}) that exists a spectral sequence
(`coniveau') $$E^{p,q}_2 = H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)})
\Rightarrow H^{p+q}(X,\cdot)$$
\B{lemma}{\rm (Homotopy) } If the functor $H^*(\ ,\cdot)$
has the homotopy property then the functor $H^{\#}_{Zar}(\
,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})$ has the homotopy property.
\label{homotopy} \E{lemma} \B{proof} Let $\pi : \A^1_X \to X$ be the
given structural flat morphism over $X$ smooth. We will
show that $\pi^*: H^{\#}_{T}(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})\cong
H^{\#}_{\pi^{-1}(T)}(\A^1_X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})$ for any
closed subscheme $T\subseteq X$. The proof is divided in
two steps.\\ First step: reducing to the function field
case $\A^1_{K} \to K$ . This is done using a trick
by Quillen \cite[Prop.4.1]{Q}.
Associated to $\pi$ and $Z\subset T\subset X$ closed
subsets, $U =X-Z$ , we have a map of long exact
sequences: $$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc}
\cdots & \to & H^p_T(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) & \to &
H^p_{T\cap U}(U,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) & \to &
H^{p+1}_Z(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) & \to & \cdots \\
& &{\downarrow} & &{\downarrow} & & {\downarrow} & &\\
H^p_{\pi^{-1}(T)}(\A^1_X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) &{\to}&
H^p_{\pi^{-1}(T\cap U)}(\A^1_U,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) & {\to}&
H^{p+1}_{\pi^{-1}(Z)}(\A^1_X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})
&{\to}&{\cdots} \end{array} $$
By the five lemma the induced (middle vertical)
homomorphisms $$H^p_T(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) \to
H^p_{\pi^{-1}(T)}(\A^1_X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})$$ are isomorphisms (all $p$)
if the others vertical maps are. Using noetherian
induction we can assume $H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) \to
H^p_{\pi^{-1}(Z)}(\A^1_X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})$ to be an
isomorphism for all closed subsets $Z\neq T$ and all
$p\geq 0$. We can also suppose $X$ irreducible. Taking the
direct limit over all closed proper subschemes $Z$ of $T$
we can also assume that $T$ is integral of codimension
$t$. Thus by local purity we are left to show that
\B{eqnarray}\label{field} \limdir{U = X-Z} H^p_{T\cap
U}(U,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) & \cong & H^{p-t}({\rm Spec}\,
(K(T)),{\cal H}^{*-t}\p{(\cdot-t)}) \nonumber \\ & &\ \ \ \ \ \
\downarrow \\ \limdir{U = X-Z} H^p_{\pi^{-1}(T\cap
U)}(\A^1_U,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}) & \cong &
H^{p-t}(\A^1_{K(T)},{\cal H}^{*-t}\p{(\cdot-t)}) \nonumber
\E{eqnarray} is an isomorphism for all $p$. (Note: the
horizontal isomorphisms in (\ref{field}) are obtained by
continuity of the arithmetic resolution of the sheaf
${\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)}$ ).\\ Second step: proving the function
field case $K=K(X)$. Having defined $$H^*(\A^1_{K},\cdot)
\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \limdir{U\subset X} H^*(\A^1_{U},\cdot)$$ by
continuity of the coniveau spectral sequence we do have
$$E^{p,q}_2 = H^p(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)}) \Rightarrow
H^{p+q}(\A^1_{K},\cdot)$$ and $E^{p,q}_2 =0$ if $p>1={\rm
dim}\, \A^1_{K}$, thus all the differentials are zero
which just yields short exact sequences $$0 \to
H^1(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(\cdot)})\to
H^q(\A^1_{K},\cdot)\to H^0(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)}) \to
0 $$ Associated to the flat map $\A^1_K \to K$ we have a
commutative diagram
\B{equation}\begin{array}{ccccccccc}\label{split} 0 & \to
& H^1(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(\cdot)}) & \to &
H^q(\A^1_{K},\cdot) & \to & H^0(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)})
& \to & 0\\
& & & &{\cong\uparrow\;\;} & & {\downarrow \ \uparrow}
& &\\
& & & & H^q(K,\cdot) & \by{\simeq} &
H^0(K,{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)}) & & \end{array}
where: because $H^*(\ ,\cdot)$ has the homotopy property
then the middle vertical map is an isomorphism while the
arrow $H^0(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)})\to H^q(K,\cdot)$ is
the evaluation at any $K$-rational point (cf.
\cite[Proof of 2.5]{BR}). From (\ref{split}) it follows
that $H^1(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(\cdot)}) = 0$ hence the
required isomorphism in (\ref{field}) is given by:
$ H^0(K,{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)}) \cong
H^0(\A^1_{K},{\cal H}^q\p{(\cdot)})$
Let $\A^n_X$ denote the n$^{th}$ affine space over
$X$ smooth (i.e. the scheme $X\otimes
_{k}k [t_1,\ldots,t_n]$ ) and let $\pi : \A^n_X \to X$ be
the natural projection. Then $\pi$ induces an isomorphism
$$H^{\#}_{\pi^{-1}(Z)}(\A^n_X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})\cong
H^{\#}_Z(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(\cdot)})$$ \E{schol}
By induction from the Lemma~\ref{homotopy}.
\B{cor}\label{Ehomo} Let ${\cal E}$ be a locally free sheaf on
$X$ smooth and $\pi:{\bf V}({\cal E}) \to X$ the
associated vector bundle, we then get the
isomorphism $$\pi^*: H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})\cong
H^p_{\pi^{-1}(Z)}({\bf V}({\cal E}),{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})$$
\B{proof} By reduction to open Zariski neighborhoods on
which ${\cal E}$ is free and noetherian induction (cf.
the proof of Lemma~\ref{homotopy}).
\subsection{Proof of the proto-decomposition
The proof of Theorem~2 is by induction on $n$. For $n=0$,
$\P^0_X \cong X$, hence the induction starts: one consider
an `hyperplane at infinity' $\infty$ in $\P_X^n$ so that
$\infty \cong \P_X^{n-1}$ and $\P_X^n -
\infty\cong\A_X^n$. There is a standard long exact
sequence of Zariski cohomology groups
$$H^{p-1}(\A_X^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)}) \to H^{p}_{\infty}(\P_X^n,
{\cal H}^q\p{(j)}) \to H^{p}(\P_X^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)}) \to
H^{p}(\A_X^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})$$ Let $\pi_n :\P_X^n\to X$ be
the projection. By homotopy (see \S\ref{minom}) the
restriction $\pi_n \mid_{\pp{\A_X^n}} : \A_X^n \to X$
induces a splitting of the previous long exact sequence,
given by the commutative square $$\begin{array}{ccc}
H^{p}(\P_X^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})&\to
&H^{p}(\A_X^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})\\
\p{\pi_n^*}\uparrow & &\uparrow \cong \ \\
H^{p}( X,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})& = &H^{p}( X,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})
By the purity Lemma~\ref{purity} we have an isomorphism
$$H^{p}_{\infty}(\P_X^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})\cong
H^{p-1}(\P_X^{n-1},{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(j-1)})$$
and, by composing, the Gysin map (see \S\ref{cad1})
$$j_{(n,n-1)}:H^{p-1}(\P^{n-1}_X,{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(j-1)})\to
H^{p}(\P^n_X,{\cal H}^{q}\p{(j)})$$
So one can split the long exact sequence into short exact
sequences $$0 \to H^{p-1}(\P^{n-1}_X,{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(j-1)})
\by{j_{(n,n-1)}} H^{p}(\P^n_X,{\cal H}^{q}\p{(j)})
H^{p}(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)}) \to 0 $$
Thus we do get the formula: $$H^p(\P
_X^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)})\cong H^{p}( X,{\cal H}^q\p{(j)}) \oplus
H^{p-1}(\P_X^{n-1},{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(j-1)})$$ which does the
induction's step: an element $x\in
H^p(\P^n_X,{\cal H}^q_X\p{(j)})$ is written as
$\pi^*_n(x_n)+j_{(n,n-1)}(x')$ for $x_n\in
H^{p}(X,{\cal H}^{q}_X\p{(j)})$ and
$x'\in H^{p-1}(\P_X^{n-1},{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(j-1)})$; this last
$x'$ because of the inductive hypothesis is written as
\cdots +j_{(n-1,1)}\pi^*_1(x_{1})+j_{(n-1,0)}(x_0)$$
for $x_{n-1-i}\in H^{p-1-i}(X,{\cal H}^{q-1-i}_X\p{(j-1-i)})$
and $i=0,\ldots ,n-1$ and because of the compatibility of
the Gysin homomorphisms (see Scholium~\ref{Gysin}) applying
$j_{(n,n-1)}$ we are done.
\section{Cap products}
This section is devoted to construct a cap product
between algebraic cycles and ${\cal H}$-cohomology classes.
\subsection{Sophisticated Poincar\'e duality theories}
Let assume we are given a cohomology theory
$H^*(\p{\cdot})$ and a homology theory $H_*(\p{\cdot})$ on
$\cat{V}_k$ satisfying the Bloch-Ogus axioms
\cite[1.1-1.2]{BO}. Furthermore, we let assume the
existence of a {\it sophisticated}\, cap-product with
supports i.e. for all $(X,Z),(X,Y)\in\cat{V}^2_k$ a
pairing $$\p{\cap_{Y,Z}}: H_n(Y,\p{m})\otimes
H_Z^q(X,\p{s})\to H_{n-q}(Y\cap Z, \p{m-s})$$ which
satisfies the following axioms: \B{description} \item[A1]
$\p{\cap}$ is natural with respect to \'etale maps (or
just open Zariski immersions according with
\cite[1.4.2]{BO}) of pairs in $\cat{V}^2_k$. \item[A2] If
$(X,T),(T,Z)$ are pairs in $\cat{V}^2_k$ then the
following diagram
H_n(Z,\p{m})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) & \longby{\cap} &
\downarrow & & \downarrow \\
H_n(T,\p{m})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) & \longby{\cap} &
\item[A3] For $(X,T),(T,Z)$ pairs in
$\cat{V}^2_k$ let $U=X-Z$ and let $j: U \to X$ be the
inclusion. Let denote $\partial:
H_n(T\cap U,\cdot)\to H_{n-1}(Z,\cdot)$ the
boundary map in the long exact sequence (\ref{hloc}) of
homology groups. Then the following diagram
\ \hspace{20pt} H_n(T\cap U,\cdot)\otimes
H^q(U,\cdot) \\ \p{id\otimes j^*}\nearrow \hspace{50pt}
\searrow\p{\cap}\\H_n(T\cap U,\cdot)\otimes
H^q(X,\cdot)\hspace{40pt} H_{n-q}(T\cap U,\cdot) \\
\p{\partial\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{97pt} \downarrow
\p{\partial} \\ H_{n-1}(Z,\cdot)\otimes H^q(X,\cdot)
\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap} \hspace{10pt}
H_{n-q-1}(Z,\cdot)\E{array} \E{displaymath}
commutes i.e. we have the equation:
\B{equation} \partial
(y\p{\cap}j^*(x))=\partial (y)\p{\cap}x
for $y\in H_n(T\cap U,\cdot)$ and $x\in
\item[A4 {\it (Projection Formula)}] Let $f:X'\to X$ be a
proper morphism in $\cat{V}_k$. For $(X,Y)$ and $(X,Z)$ let
$Y'=f^{-1}(Y)$ and $Z'=f^{-1}(Z)$. The following diagram
\hspace{20pt} H_{n}(Y',\p{m})\otimes
H^{q}_{Z'}(X',\p{s})\\ \p{id\otimes
f^{*}}\nearrow \ \hspace{40pt} \searrow
\p{\cap} \\H_{n}(Y',\p{m})\otimes
H_{n-q}(Y'\cap Z',\p{m-s})\\ \p{f_{*}\otimes
id}\downarrow \hspace{121pt}\downarrow \p{f_{*}} \\
H^{q}_Z(X,\p{s})\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap}
\hspace{10pt}H_{n-q}(Y\cap Z,\p{m-s})
By the way, for $(H^*,H_*)$ as above, we have the
following `projection formula':
\B{schol}\label{A4} Let $f:Y\to X$ be a proper morphism
in $\cat{V}_k$. Let $T$ be any closed subset of $Y$ and
let $f(T)=Z$. Then the following diagram
\ \hspace{20pt}
H_{n}(T,\p{m})\otimes H^q(Y,\p{s})
\\ \p{id\otimes f^*}\nearrow \hspace{50pt}
\searrow\p{\cap}\\ H_{n}(T,\p{m})\otimes
H^q(X,\p{s})\hspace{40pt} H_{n-q}(T,\p{m-s}) \\
\p{f_{*}\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt} \downarrow
\p{f_{*}} \\H_{n}(Z,\p{m})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s})
\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap} \hspace{10pt}
H_{n-q}(Z,\p{m-s}) \E{array} \E{equation}
\B{proof} This is a simple consequence of A4 by observing
that $T\hookrightarrow f^{-1}(Z)$.
\B{defi} We will say that $(H^*,H_*)$ is a {\it
sophisticated} Poincar\'e duality theory with supports if
the axioms A1--A4 are satisfied and Poincar\'e duality
holds i.e. the Bloch-Ogus axioms \cite[1.3.4-5 and
7.1.2]{BO} are satisfied (see \S\ref{inter1}).
\subsection{${\cal H}$-cap product}\label{H-cap}
Associated with the homology theory $H_*$, for
$X\in\cat{V}_k$ possibly singular, we have a niveau
spectral sequence (cf. \cite[Prop.3.7]{BO}) $$E_{a,b}^1 =
\coprod_{x\in X_a}^{} H_{a+b}(x,\p{\cdot}) \Rightarrow
H_{a+b}(X,\cdot)$$ which is covariant for proper morphisms
and contravariant for \'etale maps. Let denote ${\rm
Q}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(m)}$ the (homological) complex
$E_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $},n}^1\p{(m)}$.
\B{prop} \label{hpairing} Let $H^*$ and $H_*$ be
cohomological and homological functors satisfying the
axioms {\rm A1--A3} above. For $X\in\cat{V}_k$ there is a
pairing of complexes $${\rm Q}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(m)}\otimes
H^q(X,\p{s})\to {\rm Q}^{n-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(m-s)}$$
contravariant w.r.t. \'etale maps. \E{prop}
Let $Z\subset T\subseteq X$ be closed subsets of $X$,
dim$T\leq a$, dim$Z\leq a-1$ and let $U=X-Z$; thus by
restriction to $U$ and cap-product we do have a pairing
associated to such pairs $Z\subseteq T$: $$H_i(T\cap
U,\p{j})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) \to H_{i-q}(T\cap U,\p{j-s})
$$ i.e. $t\p{\otimes}x \leadsto t\p{\cap}j^*(x)$ where $j:
U\hookrightarrow X$.
By taking the direct limit over
such pairs (this makes sense because of A1--A2) we do
have a pairing $$\coprod_{x\in X_a}^{}
H_{n+a}(x,\p{m})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) \to
\coprod_{x\in X_a}^{} H_{n-q+a}(x,\p{m-s})$$
We need to check compatibility with the differentials of
${\rm Q}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(m)}$. Because of A2 we have a
pairing $H_{i}(Z_{a},\p{j})\otimes
H^q(X,\p{s})\to H_{i-q}(Z_{a},\p{j-s})$ where
$H_{i}(Z_{a},\p{j}) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \limdir{\pp{T\subset X}}
H_i(T,\p{j})$, $T$ as above. Because of A3 and
limit arguments the following diagram
\B{displaymath} \begin{array}{ccc}
{\displaystyle\coprod_{x\in X_a}^{}
H_{i}(x,\p{j})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s})} &
\longby{\partial\otimes id} &
H_{i-1}(Z_{a-1},\p{j}) \otimes H^q(X,\p{s})\\
{\downarrow \p{\cap}} & &{\downarrow \p{\cap} }\\
{\displaystyle\coprod_{x\in X_a}^{}
H_{i-q}(x,\p{j-s})} &\to& H_{i-q-1}(Z_{a-1},\p{j-s})
commutes (indeed $ \partial (t\p{\cap}j^*(x))=\partial
(t)\p{\cap}x$ ) and A1 implies that the following
\B{displaymath} \begin{array}{ccc}
H_{i-1}(Z_{a-1},\p{j}) \otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) &\to &
{\displaystyle\coprod_{x\in X_{a-1}}^{}
H_{i-1}(x,\p{j}) \otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) }\\
{\downarrow \p{\cap}} & &{\downarrow \p{\cap}}\\
H_{i-q-1}(Z_{a-1},\p{j-s})&\to &{\displaystyle
\coprod_{x\in X_{a-1}}^{}
commutes. By construction, the differential is the
composition of $${\rm Q}^n_{a}(X)\p{(m)}\to
H_{n+a-1}(Z_{a-1},\p{m})\to{\rm Q}^n_{a-1}(X)\p{(m)}.$$
Thus the result.
\B{defi} For $X\in\cat{V}_k$, by taking
associated sheaves for the Zariski topology of the pairing
above, we get a pairing
$$\p{\cap}_{{\cal H}}:{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,X}\p{(m)}\otimes
{\cal H}^q_X\p{(s)}\to {{\cal Q}}^{n-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,X}\p{(m-s)}$$ which
we call {\it ${\cal H}$-cap-product} on $X$.
\subsection{Projection formula}
Let $f:Y\to X$ be a proper morphism in $\cat{V}_k$.
We do have a map of niveau
spectral sequences $$E_{p,q}^1\p{(r)}(Y) \to
which takes $y\in Y_{p}$ to $f(y)$ if dim
$\overline{\{f(y)\}} =$ dim $\overline{\{y\}}$ zero
otherwise and maps $H_i(y)$ to $H_i(f(y))$. Thus by
sheafifying it for the Zariski topology we obtain a map
$$f_{\sharp}: f_*{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,Y}\p{(m)} \to {{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}
of complexes of sheaves on $X$.
\B{prop} The following diagram:
\hspace{10pt} f_*{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,Y}\p{(m)}\otimes
f_*{\cal H}^{q}\p{(s)}\\ \p{id\otimes f^{\sharp}}\nearrow \
\hspace{40pt} \searrow \p{f_*\cap_{{{\cal H}}}} \\
f_*{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,Y}\p{(m)}\otimes
{\cal H}^{q}\p{(s)}\hspace{60pt}
f_*{{\cal Q}}^{n-p}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,Y}\p{(m-s)}\\ \p{f_{\sharp}\otimes
id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt}\downarrow \p{f_{\sharp}} \\
{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,X}\p{(m)}\otimes
{\cal H}^{q}\p{(s)} \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap_{{\cal H}}}
\hspace{10pt}{{\cal Q}}^{n-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} ,X}\p{(m-s)}
\B{proof} The commutative diagram above will be otbained
from the following:
\hspace{20pt} {\rm Q}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(f^{-1}(U))\p{(m)}\otimes
H^{q}(f^{-1}(U),\p{s})\\ \p{id\otimes f^{*}}\nearrow \
\hspace{40pt} \searrow \p{\cap} \\
{\rm Q}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(f^{-1}(U))\p{(m)}\otimes
{\rm Q}^{n-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(f^{-1}(U))\p{(m-s)}\\ \p{f_{*}
\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt}\downarrow
\p{f_{*}} \\
{\rm Q}^{n}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(U)\p{(m)}\otimes
H^{q}(U,\p{s}) \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap} \hspace{10pt}
{\rm Q}^{n-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(U)\p{(m-s)}
\E{array} $$
where $U\subset X$ is any Zariski open subset of $X$, by
taking associated sheaves on $X_{Zar}$.\\
Moreover it sufficies to prove the case of $U=X$.\\
Let $\overline{\{y\}}\subset Y$ such that
$y\in Y_{p}$ and $f(y)\in X_{p}$.
The maps
$$f_{!,y}: \limdir{\pp{V\subset
Y}}H_*({\overline{\{y\}}\cap V}) \to \limdir{\pp{U\subset
X}}H_*({\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap U})$$
are defined by mapping the elements of
$H_*({\overline{\{y\}}\cap (Y-T)})$ by restriction and
the induced maps
$$f_{!,y}: H_*({\overline{\{y\}}\cap (Y-f^{-1}(Z))}) \to
H_*({\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap (X-Z)})$$
where $Z=f(T)$ (Note: compabilities are ensured by
\cite[1.2.2]{BO}). By the definition of the pairing in
Proposition \ref{hpairing} we are left to show that the
following diagram
\B{equation}\B{array}{c} \label{hopen}
\ \hspace{20pt}
H_{*}(\overline{\{y\}}\cap V,\cdot)\otimes H^q(V,\p{s})
\\ \p{id\otimes f^*}\nearrow \hspace{50pt}
\searrow\p{\cap}\\ H_{*}(\overline{\{y\}}\cap V,\cdot)
\otimes H^q(U,\p{s})\hspace{40pt}
H_{*-q}(\overline{\{y\}}\cap V,\cdot \p{-s}) \\
\p{f_{!,y}\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt}
\downarrow \p{f_{!,y}} \\ H_{*}(\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap
U,\cdot)\otimes H^q(U,\cdot) \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap}
\hspace{10pt} H_{*-q}(\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap
U,\cdot \p{-s})
\E{array} \E{equation}
commutes where $f^{-1}(U) = V$. Since
$f(\overline{\{y\}}\cap f^{-1}(U))=
\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap U$ the diagram (\ref{hopen})
commutes because of the projection formula in the
\B{lemma} If $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$ is a closed embedding then the
canonical map $i_{\sharp}: i_*{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)} \to
{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)}$ admits a factorisation by a
quasi-isomorphism $i_Z: i_*{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)}
\by{\sim}{\bf \Gamma}_Z{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)}$ and the
natural map ${\bf \Gamma}_Z{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)} \hookrightarrow
{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)}$
\B{proof} Clear (cf. the proof of the Scholium~3.3).
For $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$ as above the following diagram
\hspace{10pt} i_*{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)} \otimes
i_*{\cal H}^{q}\p{(s)}\\ \p{id\otimes i^{\sharp}}\nearrow \
\hspace{40pt} \searrow \p{i_*\cap_{{{\cal H}}}} \\
i_*{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)} \otimes
{\cal H}^{q}\p{(s)}\hspace{60pt}
i_*{{\cal Q}}^{n-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m-s)} \\ \p{i_{Z}\otimes
id}\downarrow\wr \hspace{105pt}\wr\downarrow \p{i_{Z}} \\
{\bf \Gamma}_Z{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)} \otimes
{\cal H}^{q}\p{(s)} \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap_{{\cal H}}}
\hspace{10pt}{\bf \Gamma}_Z{{\cal Q}}^{n-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m-s)}
\B{proof} This follows by the factorisation of
$i_{\sharp}$ and the projection formula (cf. the Lemma
and the Proposition above).
\subsection{Algebraic cycles}\label{algcyc}
We are now going to consider the cycle group naturally
involved with a fixed theory $(H^*,H_*)$ on $\cat{V}_k$.
To this aim we need to assume a `dimension axiom' (cf.
\cite[7.1.1]{BO}). Let assume that our cohomology
theory $H^*$ takes values in a fixed category of
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-modules where $\mbox{$\Lambda$} = H^0(k,\p{0})$ is a commutative
ring with 1.\\
\B{defi} We will say that $(H^*,H_*)$ satisfies the {\it
dimension axiom}\, when the following properties
\B{description} \item[A5] If dim$X\leq d$ then
$H_i(X,\p{m})=0$ for $i>2d$. \item[A6] If $X$ is
irreducible then the canonical map $\lambda^*: \mbox{$\Lambda$}
\by{\sim} H^0(X,\p{0})$, induced by the structural
morphism $\lambda: X\to k$, is an isomorphism.
hold for any $X\in \cat{V}_k$. We will say that
$(H^*,H_*)$ satisfies the {\it point axiom}\, if the
properties A5-A6 above just hold locally, at the generic
point of any integral subvariety of each $X\in \cat{V}_k$.
\B{rmk} Clearly the dimension axiom implies the point
Thus: if $X$ is reduced and $\Sigma$ is its singular
locus then $$H_{i}(X,\p{m}) \cong H_{i}(X-\Sigma ,\p{m})$$
for $i\geq 2d$ by applying A5 to the long exact sequence
of homology groups. In particular, if $X$ is integral of
dimension $d$ then by A6 $$H_{2d}(X,\p{d}) \cong
H_{2d}(X-\Sigma ,\p{d}) \cong H^0(X-\Sigma ,\p{0}) \cong
\mbox{$\Lambda$} $$
Regarding ${{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)}$ as a (cohomological)
complex of flasque sheaves graded by negative degrees we
do have
$$ \H^{-p}(X,{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(m)})\cong \frac{
{\rm ker} (\coprod_{x\in X_p}^{} H_{n+p}(x,\p{m}) \to
\coprod_{x\in X_{p-1}}^{} H_{n+p-1}(x,\p{m}) )}{{\rm im}
(\coprod_{x\in X_{p+1}}^{} H_{n+p+1}(x,\p{m}) \to
\coprod_{x\in X_p}^{} H_{n+p}(x,\p{m}))}$$
In particular, for $n=p=m$ and the `dimension axiom'
above we do have
$$\H^{-n}(X,{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(n)})\cong {\rm coker}
(\coprod_{x\in X_{n+1}}^{} H_{2n+1}(x,\p{n}) \to
\coprod_{x\in X_n}^{} \mbox{$\Lambda$})$$
where ${\displaystyle\coprod_{x\in X_n}^{} \mbox{$\Lambda$}}$ is the
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-module of algebraic cycles of dimension $n$ in
\B{defi} Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be a theory satisfying the
point axiom. We will denote
$$C_n(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \H^{-n}(X,{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(n)})$$
the corresponding group of $n$-dimensional algebraic
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-cycles modulo the equivalence relation given by
$$ {\rm im}(\coprod_{x\in X_{n+1}}^{} H_{2n+1}(x,\p{n})\to
\coprod_{x\in X_n}^{} \mbox{$\Lambda$})$$
the image of the differential of the niveau spectral
For $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$ a closed embedding we clearly do have an
$$C_n(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \cong \H^{-n}_Z(X,{{\cal Q}}^n_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(n)}).$$
Thus, by taking hypercohomology with supports, the
${\cal H}$-cap-product yields a cap product
C_n(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \otimes H^p_Y(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})\to
C_{n-p}(Z\cap Y;\mbox{$\Lambda$})
Because of the projection formula (\ref{hpr}) this cap
product will have a projection formula as well.
\section{Cup products}
We are now going to show that the cup-product in
cohomology give us a nice intersection theory for
${\cal H}$-cohomology. To this aim we will assume the algebraic
schemes in $\cat{V}_k$ to be equidimensionals and $k$ to
be a perfect field. The main results hold true just
for non-singular varieties nevertheless we will not
assume this hypothesis a priori.
\subsection{Multiplicative Poincar\'e duality theories}
Let assume we are given a twisted cohomology theory
$H^*(\p{\cdot})$ on $\cat{V}_k$ in the sense of
Bloch-Ogus \cite[1.1]{BO}. Furthermore, we want to assume
the existence of a cup-product i.e. for all
$(X,Z),(X,Y)\in\cat{V}^2_k$ an associative anticommutative
pairing $$\p{\cup_{Y,Z}}: H_Y^p(X,\p{r})\otimes
H_Z^q(X,\p{s})\to H^{p+q}_{Y\cap Z}(X,\p{r+s})$$ which
satisfies the following axioms: \B{description}
\item[$\forall$1] $\p{\cup}$ is natural with respect to
pairs in $\cat{V}^2_k$
\item[$\forall$2] If $(X,T),(T,Z)$ are pairs in $\cat{V}^2_k$
then the following diagram
H_Z^p(X,\p{r})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) & \longby{\cup} &
\downarrow & & \downarrow \\
H_T^p(X,\p{r})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) & \longby{\cup} &
\item[$\forall$3] For $(X,T),(T,Z)$ pairs in
$\cat{V}^2_k$ let $U=X-Z$ and let $j: U \to X$ be the
inclusion. Let denote $\partial:
H_{T\cap U}^p(U,\cdot)\to H_Z^{p+1}(X,\cdot)$ the
boundary map in the long exact sequence (\ref{loc}) of
cohomology with supports. Then the following diagram
\ \hspace{20pt} H_{T\cap U}^p(U,\cdot)\otimes
H^q(U,\cdot) \\ \p{id\otimes j^*}\nearrow \hspace{50pt}
\searrow\p{\cup}\\ H_{T\cap U}^{p}(U,\cdot)\otimes
H^q(X,\cdot)\hspace{40pt} H_{T\cap U}^{p+q}(U,\cdot) \\
\p{\partial\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{97pt} \downarrow
\p{\partial} \\ H_Z^{p+1}(X,\cdot)\otimes H^q(X,\cdot)
\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cup} \hspace{10pt}
H_Z^{p+q+1}(X,\cdot) \E{array} \E{displaymath}
commutes i.e. we have the equation:
\B{equation} \partial
(y\p{\cup}j^*(x))=\partial (y)\p{\cup}x
for $y\in H_{T\cap U}^{p}(U,\cdot)$ and $x\in
\B{defi} A twisted cohomology theory with supports
$H^*$ has a {\it cup-product}\, if there is a pairing
H_Y^p(X,\p{r})\otimes H_Z^q(X,\p{s})\to
H^{p+q}_{Y\cap Z}(X,\p{r+s})$ which satisfies the axioms
$\forall$1--$\forall$3 listed above.
If furthermore $(H^*,H_*)$ is a Poincar\'e duality theory
we let assume that the following compatibility between
cap and cup products holds:
\item[$\forall$4] For $X$ smooth of dimension $d$ let $\eta_X\in
H_{2d}(X,\p{d})$ be the fundamental class. Then the
following diagram, where $q+j=2d, s+n=d$,
H^q(X,\p{s})\otimes H_Z^p(X,\p{r}) & \longby{\cup} &
H^{p+q}_{Z}(X,\p{r+s})\\ \p{\eta_X\cap -\otimes id}
\downarrow & & \downarrow\p{\eta_X\cap -} \\H_j(X,\p{n})
\otimes H_Z^p(X,\p{r}) & \longby{\cap} &
H_{j-p}(Z,\p{n-r}) \E{array}\E{displaymath}
commutes i.e. we have the equation:
for $x\in H^q(X,\p{s})$ and $z\in H_Z^p(X,\p{r})$.
Let $f:Y\to X$ be a proper map of {\it smooth}\,
equidimensional algebraic schemes. Let dim $X$ = $\delta$
and dim $Y$ = $d$. Let $\rho =\delta - d$. For
$Z\subseteq X$ a closed subset there are maps $$f_{!}:
Because of Poincar\'e duality $f_{!}$ induces a Gysin map
which is uniquely determined by the equation
for $y\in H^{i}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y,\p{i})$. Thus $H^*$ is a
covariant functor w.r.t. proper maps of pairs $(X,Z)$ where
$Z$ is a closed subset of $X$ smooth: indeed $(1_X)_*=
id$ because of $(1_X)_!=id$ and $(f\p{\circ}g)_* =
f_*\p{\circ} g_*$ because of
The projection formula by \cite{BO} w.r.t. the cap product
give us, via $\forall$4, the following projection formula:
\hspace{20pt} H^{p}(Y,\p{r})\otimes
H^{q}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y,\p{s})\\ \p{id\otimes
f^{*}}\nearrow \ \hspace{40pt} \searrow
\p{\cup} \\ H^{p}(Y,\p{r})\otimes
H^{p+q}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y,\p{r+s})\\ \p{f_{*}\otimes
id}\downarrow \hspace{121pt}\downarrow \p{f_{*}} \\
H^{q}_Z(X,\p{s})\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cup}
\hspace{10pt} H^{p+q+2\rho}_{Z}(X,\p{r+s+\rho})
Indeed we have:
\hfill by (\ref{cap=cup})\\
$=f_!((\eta_Y\p{\cap}y)\p{\cap}f^*(x)) =$\hfill proj. form.
for $\p{\cap}$\\ $=f_!(\eta_Y\p{\cap}y)\p{\cap}x=$\hfill
by (\ref{cov})\\ $=(\eta_X\p{\cap}f_*(y))\p{\cap}x=$
\hfill by (\ref{cap=cup})\\
$=\eta_X\p{\cap}(f_*(y)\p{\cup}x).$} \E{center}
Because of the lack of symmetry of the projection formula
stated above we need to assume the following
``projection formula with supports''.
\item[$\forall$5] For $f:Y\to X$, $Z$ and $\rho$ as above, the
\hspace{20pt} H^{p}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y,\p{r})\otimes
H^{q}(Y,\p{s})\\ \p{id\otimes
f^{*}}\nearrow \ \hspace{40pt} \searrow
\p{\cup} \\ H^{p}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y,\p{r})\otimes
H^{p+q}_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y,\p{r+s})\\ \p{f_{*}\otimes
id}\downarrow \hspace{121pt}\downarrow \p{f_{*}} \\
H^{q}(X,\p{s})\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cup}
\hspace{10pt} H^{p+q+2\rho}_{Z}(X,\p{r+s+\rho})
commutes, i.e. we have the equation
$f_*(y\p{\cup}f^*(x))=f_*(y)\p{\cup}x$ for $x\in
H^{q}(X,\p{s})$ and $y\in
As a matter of fact, in order to obtain the projection
formula (\ref{chpr}) we just need the following apparently
weaker but almost equivalent form of $\forall$5.
\item[$\forall$5'] Let $i:Z\hookrightarrow X$ be a smooth pair of
pure codimension $c$. Then:
H^{p}(Z,\p{r})\otimes H^{q}(Z,\p{s})\\
\p{id\otimes i^{*}}\nearrow \ \hspace{40pt} \searrow
\p{\cup} \\ H^{p}(Z,\p{r})\otimes
H^{p+q}(Z,\p{r+s})\\ \p{i_{*}\otimes
id}\downarrow\wr \hspace{121pt}\wr\downarrow
\p{i_{*}} \\ H^{p+2c}_{Z}(X,\p{r+c})\otimes
H^{q}(X,\p{s})\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cup} \hspace{10pt}
By the way $\forall$5 implies $\forall$5'. (Convention: the purity
isomorphism $i_*$ is induced by the identity on $Z$.)
\B{schol} Let $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$ be a smooth pair.
Then the following square
H^{p}_Z(X,\p{r})\otimes H^{q}(X,\p{s}) &\longby{\cup}
& H^{p+q}_Z(X,\p{r+s})\\
\p{\eta_X\cap -\otimes i^*}\downarrow & &\downarrow
\wr\ \p{\eta_X\cap -}\\
H_{2d-p}(Z,\p{d-r})\otimes H^{q}(Z,\p{s}) &
\longby{\cap}& H_{2d-p-q}(Z,\p{d-r-s})
commutes, i.e. we have the following formula:
\eta_X \p{\cap}(z\p{\cup}x) = (\eta_X
for $z\in H^{p}_Z(X,\p{r})$ and $x\in H^{q}(X,\p{s})$,
{\rm if and only if $\forall$5'} holds.
\B{proof} Let $c$ be the codimension of $Z\subset X$ and
$d=$ dim $X$.\\ Let assume that $\forall$5' holds. Since
we do have the purity isomorphism
$i_*:H^{p-2c}(Z,\p{r-c})\by{\cong} H^{p}_Z(X,\p{r})$ there
is an element $\zeta\in H^{p-2c}(Z,\p{r-c})$ such that
$i_*(\zeta)=z$. Because of $\forall$5' the equation (\ref{rest})
is obtained by showing the following equality
(\eta_X\p{\cap}i_*(\zeta))\p{\cap}i^*(x) \E{equation}
Note: $\eta_Z\p{\cap}- :H^{p-2c}(Z,\p{r-c})
\by{\cong} H_{2d-p}(Z,\p{d-r})$ and $\eta_Z\p{\cap}- =
\eta_X\p{\cap}i_*(-)$ by the definition of $i_*$; thus
the right-hand side in the equation (\ref{zeta}) above
and the left-hand side becomes
which by $\forall$4 (see the equation (\ref{cap=cup})) is exactly
the same of (\ref{eta}).\\ Conversely, if (\ref{rest})
holds we then have
by (\ref{rest})\\
by def. of $i_*$\\
by (\ref{cap=cup})\\
by def. of $i_*$\\
Since $\eta_X\p{\cap}-$ is an isomorphism we can erase
it from the left of the resulting equation.
\B{rmk} As we will see below (cf. Lemma \ref{P5}): the
formula (\ref{rest}), by restriction and the projection
formula w.r.t. cap-product, allow us to deduce $\forall$5
for $X$, $Y$, $Z$ and $f^{-1}(Z)$ smooth. Moreover, by
assuming the formula (\ref{rest}) holds for $Z$ possibly
singular we can as well obtain $\forall$5.
\B{defi} Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be a Poincar\'e duality theory
with supports and let assume that $H^*$ has a cup-product
(so that $\forall$1--$\forall$3 are satisfied). We will
say that $(H^*,H_*)$ is {\it multiplicative}\, if the
axioms $\forall$4 and $\forall$5' (or the strong form
$\forall$5) are satisfied.
\subsection{${\cal H}$-cup products}\label{H-cup}
Let $H^*$ be a twisted cohomology theory with
supports on $\cat{V}_k$. Let $X\in
\cat{V}_k$ be equidimensional but possibly singular.
Applying the exact couple method to the exact sequence
H^i_{Z^p(X)}(X,\p{j})\to \coprod_{x\in X^p}^{}
H^{i}_x(X,\p{j}) \to H^{i+1}_{Z^{p+1}(X)}(X,\p{j})
where: $H^{i}_x(X,\p{j}) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \limdir{\pp{U\subset X}}
H^i_{\overline{\{x\}}\cap U}(U,\p{j})$, we do get the
coniveau spectral sequence $$E^{p,q}_1 =\coprod_{x\in
X^p}^{} H^{q+p}_x(X,\p{\cdot}) \Rightarrow
H^{p+q}(X,\cdot)$$ Let denote ${\rm R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r)}$
the corresponding Gersten type complexes $E^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $},q}_1$.
\B{prop} \label{pairing}Let $H^*$ be a twisted cohomology
theory with supports and cup-product on $\cat{V}_k$.
For $X\in\cat{V}_k$ there is a pairing of complexes
$$ {\rm R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r)}\otimes H^n(X,\p{s})\to
{\rm R}_{q+n}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r+s)}$$
contravariant w.r.t. flat maps.
Let $Z\subseteq T\subseteq X$ with
$Z\in Z^{p+1}(X)$ and $T\in Z^p(X)$ and let $U=X-Z$; thus
by restriction to $U$ and cup-product we do have a pairing
associated to such pairs $Z\subseteq T$:
$$H_{T\cap U}^i(U,\p{r})\otimes H^n(X,\p{s}) \to
H_{T\cap U}^{i+n}(U,\p{r+s}) $$
i.e. $t\p{\otimes}x \leadsto t\p{\cup}j^*(x)$ where $j:
U\hookrightarrow X$. By taking the direct limit over
such pairs (this makes sense because of
$\forall$1--$\forall$2) we do have a pairing
$$\coprod_{x\in X^p}^{} H^{q+p}_x(X,\p{r})\otimes
H^n(X,\p{s}) \to \coprod_{x\in X^p}^{}
H^{q+n+p}_x(X,\p{r+s})$$ In order to check compatibility
with the differentials of ${\rm R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r)}$,
because of $\forall$2 we have a pairing
$H^{i}_{Z^{p}(X)}(X,\p{j})\otimes H^n(X,\p{s})\to
H^{i+n}_{Z^{p}(X)}(X,\p{j+s})$ and, by construction, the
differential is the composition of $${\rm
R}_q^{p+1}(X)\p{(r)}$$ we can argue as in the proof of
the Proposition~\ref{hpairing} via $\forall$3 and limit
\B{defi} For $X\in\cat{V}_k$, by taking
associated sheaves for the Zariski topology of the pairing
above, we get a cap-product pairing
$${{\cal R}}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r)}\otimes
{\cal H}^p_X\p{(s)}\to {{\cal R}}_{p+q}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r+s)}$$ By
sheafifying the cup-product we do have a product
$$\p{\cup}_{{\cal H}}:{\cal H}^p_X\p{(r)} {\otimes} {\cal H}^q_X\p{(s)}\to
{\cal H}^{p+q}_X\p{(r+s)}$$ which we call {\it
${\cal H}$-cup-product} on $X$.
\B{rmk} We list several expected compabilities.\\
\item The ${\cal H}$-products above
are compatible via the canonical augmentations
${\cal H}^p_X\p{(r)}\to {{\cal R}}_p^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r)}.$ But, if $X$
is singular the augmentations are not quasi-isomorphisms.
\item Let suppose the existence of an external
H_Z^p(X,\p{r})\otimes H_T^q(Y,\p{s})\to
H^{p+q}_{Z\times T}(X\times Y,\p{r+s})$$
functorial on $\cat{V}^2_k$ i.e. we have
the equation
\B{equation}(f\p{\times} g)^*(x\p{\times}y)
= f^*(x)\p{\times}g^*(y)
for $f$ and $g$ maps of pairs. Thus, by composing with
the diagonal $\Delta :(X,Z\p{\cap}T) \to (X\times X,
Z\times T)$, we obtain a cup-product satisfying the axiom
$\forall$1.\\ In this case the pairing defined in the
Proposition~\ref{pairing} can be obtained as follows
$$H_{T\cap U}^i(U,\p{r})\otimes H^n(X,\p{s})
\ni t\p{\otimes}x \leadsto \Delta^*(1\p{\times}j)^*(t
where $j: U\hookrightarrow X$.
\item On a smooth variety $X$, after $\forall$4, we have that the
pairing defined in Proposition~\ref{pairing} is Poincar\'e
dual of the pairing defined as follows: let $j:
U\hookrightarrow X$, if $\xi\in H_*(X,\cdot)$ and $t\in
H^*_{\overline{\{p\}}\cap U}(U,\cdot)$ then
$\xi\p{\otimes}t \leadsto j^*(x)\p{\cap}t$. In fact:
$\xi=\eta_X\p{\cap}x$ for some $x\in H^*(X,\cdot)$ and we
then have:
$\eta_U\p{\cap}(j^{*}(x)\p{\cup}t)=$\hfill by $\forall$4\\
\item On a smooth variety $X$, after the equation
(\ref{rest}), we have that the pairing defined in the
Proposition~\ref{pairing} can be obtained by restriction
as follows. Let $t\in H^*_{\overline{\{p\}}\cap
U}(U,\cdot)$ and $x\in H^*(X,\cdot)$ where $X$ is smooth
and $\overline{\{p\}}\cap U \subset U$ is a smooth pair.
Thus $\eta_U\p{\cap}(t\p{\cup}j^*(x))$ is equal to
where $i: \overline{\{p\}}\cap U \hookrightarrow X$.
\subsection{${\cal H}$-Gysin maps}\label{H-Gys}
Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be a Poincar\'e duality theory with
supports. For $X\in\cat{V}_k$ we have a niveau spectral
sequence $E_{a,b}^1 \Rightarrow H_{a+b}(X,\cdot)$
which is covariant for proper morphisms. For $k$ perfect
and $X$ smooth equidimensional, $d=$ dim $X$, by local
purity, we do have that $H^{q+p}_x(X,\p{r})\cong
H^{q-p}(x,\p{r-p})$ if $x\in X^p$ and isomorphisms
=\coprod_{x\in X_{d-p}}^{} H_{2d-p-q}(x,\p{d-r}) \cong
\coprod_{x\in X^p}^{}
H^{q-p}(x,\p{r})\cong E^{p,q}_1\p{(r)}$$
\B{lemma}\label{co=ni}If $X\in \cat{V}_k$ is smooth of pure
dimension $d$ then $E_{d-p,d-q}^1\p{(d-r)}\cong
E^{p,q}_1\p{(r)}$ is an isomorphism of spectral sequences
which is natural w.r.t. \'etale maps.
\B{proof} This is a consequence of the above once we have
identified (via Poincar\'e duality) the long exact sequence
of cohomology with supports with the corresponding long
exact sequence of homology groups.
Let $f:Y\to X$ be a proper morphism between
$k$-algebraic schemes where dim~$X$ = $\delta$ and dim
$Y$ = $d$. Let $\rho =\delta - d$. Since $E^1\p{(\cdot)}$
is covariant w.r.t. proper maps we do have a map of niveau
spectral sequences $$E_{d-p,d-q}^1\p{(d-r)}(Y) \to
E_{d-p,d-q}^1\p{(d-r)}(X)$$ If $X$ and $Y$ are {\it
smooth}\, and equidimensionals, then, via the Lemma
\ref{co=ni}, we get a map of coniveau spectral sequences
as follows: $$E^{p,q}_1\p{(r)}(Y)\cong
E_{d-p,d-q}^1\p{(d-r)}(Y) \to
E_{d-p,d-q}^1\p{(d-r)}(X)\cong E^{p+\rho ,q+\rho
}_1\p{(r+\rho )}(X)$$
\B{defi} For $f:Y\to X$ as above we will call the induced
map of complexes ${\rm R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(Y)\p{(r)}\to {\rm
R}_{q+\rho}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r+\rho)}[\rho]$ the {\it global
Gysin map}. By taking associated sheaves we have the
{\it local} Gysin map
$$f_{\flat}: f_*{{\cal R}}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(Y)\p{(r)}\to
{{\cal R}}_{q+\rho}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(X)\p{(r+\rho)}[\rho].$$ In the
derived category we do have the ${\cal H}$-Gysin map
$${\bf R}f_{\flat}: {\bf R}f_*{\cal H}^q_Y\p{(r)} \to
{\cal H}^{q+\rho}_X\p{(r+\rho)}[\rho].$$
\B{rmk} For $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$ a (smooth) pair of
pure codimension $c$ we do have the isomorphism (cf.
$$i_Z: i_*{\cal R}_{q,Z}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(r)}
\by{\simeq}{\bf \Gamma}_Z{\cal R}_{q+c,X}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(r+c)}[c].$$
Thus, as it is easily seen, the local Gysin map
$i_{\flat}$ is obtained by composition of $i_Z$ with the
canonical map ${\bf\Gamma}_Z{\cal R}_{q+c,X}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(r+c)}[c]
\hookrightarrow {\cal R}_{q+c,X}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(r+c)}[c]$ (see the
proof of Scholium~\ref{Gysin}).
\subsection{Projection formula}
Let $f:Y\to X$ be a proper morphism between smooth
equidimensional algebraic schemes over a perfect field
$k$. Let dim $X$ = $\delta$ and dim $Y$ = $d$. Let $\rho
=\delta - d$.
\B{prop} For $f:Y\to X$ as above we have the following
commutative diagram:
\hspace{10pt} f_*{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X}\p{(r)}\otimes
f_*{\cal H}^{p}\p{(s)}\\ \p{id\otimes f^{\sharp}}\nearrow \
\hspace{40pt} \searrow \p{f_*\cap_{{{\cal H}}}} \\
f_*{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,X}\p{(r)}\otimes
{\cal H}^{p}\p{(s)}\hspace{60pt}
f_*{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p+q,X}\p{(r+s)}\\ \p{f_{\flat}\otimes
id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt}\downarrow \p{f_{\flat}} \\
{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q+\rho ,X}\p{(r+\rho )}[\rho ]\otimes
{\cal H}^{p}\p{(s)} \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap_{{\cal H}}}
\hspace{10pt}{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p+q+\rho,X}\p{(r+s+\rho)}[\rho]
\E{equation} \E{prop}
\B{proof} The commutative diagram above will be otbained
from the following:
\hspace{20pt} {\rm R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(f^{-1}(U))\p{(r)}\otimes
H^{p}(f^{-1}(U),\p{s})\\ \p{id\otimes f^{*}}\nearrow \
\hspace{40pt} \searrow \p{\cap} \\
{\rm R}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(f^{-1}(U))\p{(r)}\otimes
{\rm R}_{p+q}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(f^{-1}(U))\p{(r+s)}\\ \p{f_{\flat}
\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt}\downarrow
\p{f_{\flat}} \\ {\rm
R}_{q+\rho}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(U)\p{(r+\rho)}[\rho]\otimes
H^{p}(U,\p{s}) \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap} \hspace{10pt}
{\rm R}_{p+q+\rho}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(U)\p{(r+s+\rho)}[\rho]
\E{array} $$
where $U\subset X$ is any Zariski open subset of $X$, by
taking associated sheaves on $X_{Zar}$.\\
Moreover it sufficies to prove the case of $U=X$.\\
Let $\overline{\{y\}}\subset Y$ such that
$y\in Y^{c}$ and $f(y)\in X^{c+\rho}$. The Gysin map (cf.
\S\ref{H-Gys}) $$f_{\flat,y}: \limdir{\pp{V\subset
Y}}H^*_{\overline{\{y\}}\cap V}(V) \to \limdir{\pp{U\subset
X}}H^*_{\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap U}(U)$$
is the Poincar\'e dual of $f_{!,y}:
\limdir{\pp{V\subset Y}}H_*({\overline{\{y\}}\cap V}) \to
\limdir{\pp{U\subset X}}H_*({\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap U})$
(see the proof of (\ref{hpr})).
By the definition of the pairing in Proposition
\ref{pairing} we are left to show that the following
\B{equation}\B{array}{c} \label{open}
\ \hspace{20pt}
H_{\overline{\{y\}}\cap V}^p(V,\cdot)\otimes H^q(V,\cdot)
\\ \p{id\otimes f^*}\nearrow \hspace{50pt}
\searrow\p{\cup}\\ H_{\overline{\{y\}}\cap
V}^{p}(V,\cdot)\otimes H^q(U,\cdot)\hspace{40pt}
H_{\overline{\{y\}}\cap V}^{p+q}(V,\cdot) \\
\p{f_{\flat}\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt} \downarrow
\p{f_{\flat}} \\ H_{\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap U}^{p+2\rho}(U,\cdot
+\rho)\otimes H^q(U,\cdot) \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cup}
\hspace{10pt} H_{\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap
U}^{p+q+2\rho}(U,\cdot +\rho) \E{array}
commutes where $f^{-1}(U) = V$. By shrinking the open
sets involved we may assume that $\overline{\{y\}}\cap V
\subset V$ and $\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap U \subset U$ are
smooth pairs. Since $f(\overline{\{y\}}\cap f^{-1}(U))=
\overline{\{f(y)\}}\cap U$ the diagram (\ref{open})
commutes because of the following Lemma.
\B{lemma}\label{P5} Let $f:Y\to X$ and $\rho$ as above.
Let $T$ be a closed subset of $Y$, $f(T)=Z$ and let assume
that $T\hookrightarrow Y$ and $Z \hookrightarrow X$ are
smooth pairs. Then the following diagram
\ \hspace{20pt}
H_{T}^p(Y,\p{r})\otimes H^q(Y,\p{s})
\\ \p{id\otimes f^*}\nearrow \hspace{50pt}
\searrow\p{\cup}\\ H_{T}^{p}(Y,\p{r})\otimes
H^q(X,\p{s})\hspace{40pt} H_{T}^{p+q}(Y,\p{r+s}) \\
\p{f_{\flat}\otimes id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt} \downarrow
\p{f_{\flat}} \\ H_{Z}^{p+2\rho}(X,\p{r
+\rho})\otimes H^q(X,\p{s}) \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cup}
\hspace{10pt} H_{Z}^{p+q+2\rho}(X,\p{r+s+\rho}) \E{array}
\B{proof} We will give two proofs.\\
{\it First proof.}\, Let assume the axiom $\forall$5 (in
which case we do not need the smoothness of $T$ and $Z$).
Let $i: T \hookrightarrow f^{-1}(Z)$ so that $f\mid_{T} =f
\p{\circ} i$ hence $f\mid_{T,!} =f_!\p{\circ} i_!$ and
$f_{\flat} =f_*\p{\circ} i_{\diamond}$ where
$i_{\diamond}: H^*_T(Y,\cdot) \to H^*_{f^{-1}(Z)}(Y\cdot)$
is the canonical map. Thus, for $y\in H^*_T(Y,\cdot)$ and
$x\in H^*(X,\cdot)$
\parbox{3in}{$f_{\flat}(y\p{\cup}f^*(x))=$ \\
$=f_{*}\p{\circ}i_{\diamond}(y\p{\cup}f^*(x))=$\hfill by
$\forall$2\\ $=f_{*}(i_{\diamond}(y)\p{\cup}f^*(x))=$\hfill by
$\forall$5\\ $=f_{*}(i_{\diamond}(y))\p{\cup}x)=$\\
\noindent{\it Second proof.}\, Just assuming the axiom
$\forall$5' we can prove the Lemma as follows.
Let $k:T\hookrightarrow Y$, $i:Z\hookrightarrow
X$ and $f\mid_T: T \to Z$. Thus we have:
$k^*f^*=(f\mid_{T})^*i^*$. Let $y\in H_{T}^{p}(Y,\p{r})$
and $x\in H^q(X,\p{s})$. We have:
\hfill by def. of $f_{\flat}$\\
by (\ref{rest})\\
$=(f\mid_{T})_!((\eta_Y\p{\cap}y)\p{\cap}k^*f^*(x))=$\ \\
(f\mid_{T})^*i^*(x))=$\hfill by \cite[1.3.3]{BO}\\
$=(f\mid_{T})_!(\eta_Y\p{\cap}y)\p{\cap}i^*(x)=$\hfill by
def. of $f_{\flat}$\\
$=(\eta_X\p{\cap}f_{\flat}(y))\p{\cap}i^*(x)=$\hfill by
(\ref{rest})\\ $=\eta_X\p{\cap}(f_{\flat}(y)\p{\cup}x)$.}
Since $\eta_X\p{\cap}-$ is an isomorphism we conclude.
\B{cor} For $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$ a smooth pair of pure
codimension $c$ the following diagram
\hspace{10pt} i_*{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,Z}\p{(r)}\otimes
i_*{\cal H}^{p}\p{(s)}\\ \p{id\otimes i^{\sharp}}\nearrow \
\hspace{40pt} \searrow \p{i_*\cap_{{{\cal H}}}} \\
i_*{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q,Z}\p{(r)}\otimes
{\cal H}^{p}\p{(s)}\hspace{60pt}
i_*{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p+q,Z}\p{(r+s)}\\ \p{i_{Z}\otimes
id}\downarrow\wr \hspace{105pt}\wr\downarrow \p{i_{Z}} \\
{\bf \Gamma}_Z{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{q+c,X}\p{(r+c)}[c]\otimes
{\cal H}^{p}\p{(s)} \hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap_{{\cal H}}}
\hspace{10pt}{\bf \Gamma}_Z{\cal R}^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}_{p+q+c,X}\p{(r+s+c)}[c]
\B{proof} This follows by the factorisation of $i_{\flat}$
(cf. the Remark at the end of \S\ref{H-Gys}) and the
Proposition above.
\subsection{${\cal H}$-cohomology ring}\label{H-ring}
Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be a multiplicative Poincar\'e duality
theory with supports. Let suppose that our cohomology
theory $H^*$ takes values in a fixed category of
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-modules where $\mbox{$\Lambda$} = H^0(k,\p{0})$ is a commutative
ring with 1; we assume that the bigraded $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-module
$\bigoplus_{q,r}^{} H^q(X,\p{r})$ has a $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebra
structure via the cup-product pairing e.g. a canonical
isomorphism of rings $H^0(X,\p{0})\cong \mbox{$\Lambda$}$ if $X$ is
irreducible.\\ Let $$A(X) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \bigoplus_{p,q,r}^{}
H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}).$$ Then $X \leadsto A(X)$ is a
contravariant functor on $\cat{V}_k$. If $f:Y \to X$ is a
proper map of relative dimension $\rho$ then the
${\cal H}$-Gysin maps ${\bf R}f_*{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}\to
{\cal H}^{q+\rho}\p{(r+\rho)}[\rho]$ induce direct image $A(Y)
\to A(X)$ (a map of degree $\rho$) so that $A$ is a
covariant functor w.r.t. proper maps of smooth varieties.
{}From the ${\cal H}$-cup-product pairing by taking cohomology we
have an external pairing
$$\p{\times}:A(X)\otimes_{\mbox{$\Lambda$}}A(Y) \to A(X\times Y)$$
which is associative and anticommutative (can be made
commutative by using the trick in \cite{GIN}). In
particular, let consider the functor $$X \leadsto
\bigoplus_{p}^{} H^p(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, A_{diag}(X).$$
If ${\cal H}^0(\p{(0)})$ is identified with the flasque sheaf
$\coprod_{X^0}^{} \mbox{$\Lambda$}$ (e.g. by assuming the `dimension
axiom') we then have an augmentation $\varepsilon
:A_{diag}(X)\to\mbox{$\Lambda$}$ where $X$ is irreducible and
$\varepsilon^0 : H^0(X,{\cal H}^0\p{(0)})\cong \mbox{$\Lambda$}$ zero
otherwise.\\ Let denote $f_*$ and $f^*$ ``direct and
inverse'' images. We have the following formulas (cf.
\cite[I.1--I.9]{GI}): \B{eqnarray}
=& f^*(-)\p{\times}g^*(\cdot)\nonumber \\
&=&f_*(-)\p{\times}g_*(\cdot)\nonumber \\
\varepsilon (f^*(\cdot))&=&\varepsilon (\cdot)
\nonumber \\ \varepsilon
(-\p{\times}\cdot)&=&\varepsilon (-)\varepsilon (\cdot)
Furthermore, for $X={\rm Spec} k$ we have that
$\varepsilon : A_{diag}(k)\cong \mbox{$\Lambda$}$: let $e$ be the
unique element such that $\varepsilon (e) =1$. We have
the formula: $e\p{\times}-=-\p{\times}e=-$.\\ Let
$\lambda :X\to {\rm Spec} k$ be the structural map and
let denote $\lambda^*(e)\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, 1_X$. This is equal to
$\varepsilon^{-1}(1)$ on $X$ irreducible. For $x\in
A_{diag}(X)$ and $y\in A_{diag}(Y)$ we have
\B{eqnarray} \label{cross}
where $p_1$ and $p_2$ are the first and the second
projections of $X\times Y$ on its factors.\\
By composing the external product
$\p{\times}:A_{diag}(X)\otimes_{\mbox{$\Lambda$}}A_{diag}(X) \to
A_{diag}(X\times X)$ with the diagonal $\Delta^*_X:
A_{diag}(X\times X)\to A_{diag}(X)$ we do get a product
$x\p{\otimes}x\prime \leadsto xx\prime$ in $A_{diag}(X)$
making it an associative anticommutative algebra with
identity $1_X$. The homomorphism $\varepsilon :
A_{diag}(X)\to \mbox{$\Lambda$}$ is an homomorphism of unitary
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebras. For $f:X\to Y$ the map $f^*:
A_{diag}(Y)\to A_{diag}(X)$ is a homomorphism of
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebras. The external product is a homomorphism
of augmented $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebras. This last fact, via the
equations (\ref{cross}), give us the formula
for $x\in A_{diag}(X)$ and $y\in A_{diag}(Y)$.\\
For $f:X\to Y$ a proper map of smooth varieties
over $k$, $A_{diag}$ satisfies the `projection formula' as
a consequence of the projection formula (\ref{chpr}).
Furthermore, if $f$ is surjective of relative dimension
$\rho$ over $Y$ irreducible we have a canonical map
$$\int_{X/Y}: H^{-\rho}(X,{\cal H}^{-\rho}\p{(-\rho)})\to \mbox{$\Lambda$}$$
and its extension by zero $\int : A_{diag}(X)\to\mbox{$\Lambda$}$,
both defined by composition of the ${\cal H}$-Gysin map $f_*$
and the augmentation $\varepsilon$. In particular
$$\int_{X/k}: H^{d}(X,{\cal H}^{d}\p{(d)})\to \mbox{$\Lambda$}$$
for any $X$ proper smooth $d$-dimensional variety; for
any map $f$ between $X$ and $Y$ proper smooth varieties we
have $$\int_{Y/k}f_* = \int_{X/k}$$ Finally, if the proper
map has a section $fs=1$ then $\int$ is a surjection; this
is the case of $X/k$ having a $k$-rational point.
\section{Intersection theory}
Since we are going to deal with Poincar\'e duality
theories which are `sophisticated' {\it and}\,
`multiplicatives' we need to arrange the axioms in order
to be not redundant. This arrangement will yields the
notion of `duality theory {\it appropriate}\, for algebraic
cycles' or for short `appropriate duality theory'. We will
show that the ${\cal H}$-cohomology rings associated with such
a theory reproduce the classical intersection rings.
Roughly speaking, the denomination `appropriate duality'
is the corresponding cohomological version of `relation
d'\'equivalence ad\'equate' introduced by P.Samuel (see
\cite{SAM}) for algebraic cycles.
\subsection{Axiomatic menuet}
Let $H^*$ be a cohomology theory and let $H_*$ be a
homology theory (as defined by \cite[1.1 and 1.2]{BO}).
Let assume that the pair $(H^*,H_*)$ yields a sophisticated
Poincar\'e duality which satisfies the dimension axiom;
furthermore we assume the existence of an associative
anticommutative functorial cup product pairing $$
H_Y^p(X,\p{r})\otimes H_Z^q(X,\p{s})\to H^{p+q}_{Y\cap
Z}(X,\p{r+s})$$ where $\mbox{$\Lambda$} = H^0(k,\p{0})$ is a commutative
ring with 1 and the bigraded $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-module
$\bigoplus_{q,r}^{} H^q(X,\p{r})$ has a $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebra
structure via the cup-product pairing.\\[3pt]
\B{defi} An {\it appropriate}\, duality theory is a pair
$(H^*,H_*)$ as above such that the sophisticated cap
product is compatible with the cup product via Poincar\`e
duality i.e. the following diagram, where $q+j=2d, s+n=d$
and $X$ is smooth
H^q_Y(X,\p{s})\otimes H_Z^p(X,\p{r}) & \longby{\cup} &
H^{p+q}_{Y\cap Z}(X,\p{r+s})\\ \p{\eta_X\cap -\otimes id}
\downarrow & & \downarrow\p{\eta_X\cap -} \\H_j(Y,\p{n})
\otimes H_Z^p(X,\p{r}) & \longby{\cap} &
H_{j-p}(Y\cap Z,\p{n-r})
commutes. In particular, the fundamental class $\eta_X\in
H_{2d}(X\p{d})$ corresponds to the unit $1\in\mbox{$\Lambda$}\cong
H^0(X,\p{0})$ in the $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebra structure.
\E{defi} \hfill\\[4pt]
Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be an appropriate duality theory on
$\cat{V}_k$. Then, by adopting the same notation of
$$\cat{V}_k\ni Y\leadsto
C_{n,m}(Y;\mbox{$\Lambda$}\p{(s)})\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,\H^{-n}(Y,{{\cal Q}}^m_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(s)})$$
is a covariant functor for proper morphisms in
$\cat{V}_k$. It is a presheaf for the \'etale
topology (or just for the Zariski topology, depending with
the homology theory). On the other hand we have a
contravariant functor $$(X,Y)\leadsto
H^p_Y(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$$ which yields the ${\cal H}$-cohomology
ring with the properties stated in \S\ref{H-ring}. Indeed,
on a smooth scheme $X$ of pure dimension $d$, these two
functors are related via the duality isomorphism
$${{\cal Q}}^{d-q}_{-\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d-r)}[d]\cong
{{\cal R}}_q^{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(r)}$$ and this isomorphism is compatible
with the ${\cal H}$-cap and ${\cal H}$-cup products (cf.
\S\ref{H-cap} and \S\ref{H-cup}); by construction this
duality isomorphism identifies Gysin maps (cf.
\S\ref{H-Gys}) and projection formulas (cf. (\ref{hpr})
with (\ref{chpr})). Thus we do have a canonical
cap-product associated with pairs $(X,Y)$ and $(X,Z)$
$$C_{n,m}(Y;\mbox{$\Lambda$}\p{(s)})\otimes H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) \to
C_{n-p,m-q}(Y\cap Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$}\p{(s-r)})$$
and a corresponding projection formula.
We have indeed a canonical ``trace map'' on $X$
$${{\cal Q}}^{d}_{-\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d)}[d]\by{\sim} \mbox{$\Lambda$} $$
yielding a global section $[X]\in C_d(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$; by capping
with this ``fundamental class'' $[X]$ we get the
quasi-isomorphism $${\cal H}^q\p{(r)}\by{\cap [X]}
{{\cal Q}}^{d-q}_{-\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d-r)}[d]$$
By taking hypercohomology with support on $Z$ (a closed
equidimensional subscheme) we do get the ``duality''
\p{\cap}[X]: H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) \by{\sim}
Conversely: for $i:Z\hookrightarrow X$ we have a quasi-isomorphism
$$i_*{{\cal Q}}^{d-q}_{-\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d-r)}[d]\by{\sim} {\bf
\Gamma}_Z{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}$$ hence the canonical isomorphism
\eta : C_{d-p,d-q}(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$}\p{(d-r)})\by{\sim}
H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})
In particular:
\B{schol}\label{prs} We have a commutative diagram
\B{array}{c}\hspace{10pt} C_{d-p}(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\otimes
H^q_{Y\cap Z}(Z,{\cal H}^q\p{(q)})\\ \p{id\otimes
i^*}\nearrow \ \hspace{40pt} \searrow
\p{H^*(\cap_{{{\cal H}}})} \\ C_{d-p}(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\otimes
H^q_{Y}(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(q)})\hspace{60pt}
C_{d-p-q}(Y\cap Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\\ \p{\eta\otimes
id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt}\downarrow \p{\eta}
\\ H^p_{Z}(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})\otimes
H^q_{Y}(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(q)})\hspace{10pt}
\longby{H^*(\cup_{{\cal H}})} \hspace{10pt}H^{p+q}_{Y\cap
Z}(X,{\cal H}^{p+q}\p{(p+q)})
\B{proof} This is a consequence of the commutative
diagram (\ref{hipr}) and the compatibilities between
${\cal H}$-products. \E{proof}
\subsection{${\cal H}$-cycle classes} \label{H-cycle}
We mantain the notations and the assumptions of the
previous section. Let $Z\subset X$ be a prime cycle of
dimension $d-c$. Then $$C_{d-c}(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,
\cong\mbox{$\Lambda$}$$ by the `dimension axiom' and we do have a cycle
\eta (Z) \in H^{c}_Z(X,{\cal H}^{c}\p{(c)})
where: $[Z]\in H_{2d-2c}(K(Z),\p{d-c})$ is obtained
by restriction of the fundamental class $\eta_Z\in
H_{2d-2c}(Z,\p{d-c})$ to the generic point and we have
$$\mbox{$\Lambda$}\ni 1 \leadsto [Z] \leadsto \eta(1)\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, \eta (Z)
\in H^{c}_Z(X,{\cal H}^{c}\p{(c)}).$$
Furthermore, by capping with the fundamental class $[X]$,
we find the formula \B{equation}\label{inv} [Z]=\eta
(Z)\p{\cap}[X] \E{equation}
In particular the cycle class $\eta (Z)$ is independent
from the imbedding of $Z$ as a subvariety and it is
functorial w.r.t. \'etale maps.
For $Y$ and $Z$ prime cycles of codimension $p$ and $q$
in $X$ smooth we have
$$\eta(Y\p{\times}Z) =\eta (Y)
\p{\times}\eta (Z) \in H^{p+q}_{Y\times Z}(X\times
X,{\cal H}^{p+q}\p{(p+q)}).$$ \E{lemma} \B{proof}
By standard sheaf theory the external product is obtained
by using flasque resolutions (see \cite[6.2.1]{GO}). Thus
via the canonical quasi-isomorphisms ${\cal H}\p{()}
\cong{\cal Q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{()}$ we do have a commutative diagram
H_Y^p(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})\otimes H_Z^q(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(q)}) &
\longby{\times} & H^{p+q}_{Y\times Z}(X\times
X,{\cal H}^{p+q}\p{(p+q)})\\
\downarrow\wr& & \downarrow\wr \\
C_{d-p}(Y;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\otimes C_{d-q}(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) & \longby{\times} &
C_{d-p-q}(Y\times Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$})
To conclude one would see that the bottom arrow is in fact
the external product of cycles: this last claim is clear
because the external products are homomorphisms of
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebras. (Note: $C_{dim?}(?;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\cong \mbox{$\Lambda$}$ by the
dimension axiom).
Let $\Delta :X\to X\times X$ be the diagonal embedding
and let $\Delta (X)$ be the diagonal cycle on $X\times X$.
Let $Y$ and $Z$ be prime cycles of codimension $p$ and $q$
in $X$ smooth such that $Y\cap Z$ is of pure codimension
$p+q$. For $d=$dim$X$ we then have
H_{Y\cap Z}^{p+q}(X,{\cal H}^{p+q}\p{(p+q)}) &
\longby{\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}} & H^{p+q+d}_{(Y\times
Z)\cap \Delta (X)}(X\times X,{\cal H}^{p+q+d}\p{(p+q+d)})\\
\p{\eta}\ \uparrow\wr& & \uparrow\wr\ \p{\eta} \\
C_{d-p-q}(Y\cap Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) & \longby{\Delta_*} &
C_{d-p-q}((Y\times Z)\cap \Delta (X);\mbox{$\Lambda$})
where $\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}$ is obtained by making the diagram
commutative and $\Delta_*$ is induced by the isomorphism
$\Delta : Y\cap Z \to (Y\times Z)\cap \Delta (X)$. Thus
the formula
\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(\eta (\ ))=\eta(\Delta_*(\ ))
We have the following formula:
\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\Delta^*(\eta(Y\times Z))=\eta(Y\times
Z)\eta (\Delta (X))
The formula is a consequence of the projection formula
in the Scholium~\ref{prs} (cf. (\ref{hipr}) and
(\ref{ipr}) ) applied to the diagonal embedding $\Delta$ by
taking ${\cal H}$-cohomology with supports on $Y\times Z$ and
compatibility of the ${\cal H}$-products with the canonical
augmentations. \E{proof}
\subsection{Intersection of cycles}\label{int-cyc}
Let now assume that our cycle group $C_{*}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$} )$ has an
intersection product satisfying the classical
properties (cf. \cite{FU}): local nature of the
intersection multiplicity, normalization and reduction to
the diagonal for $X$ a smooth projective variety over a
field $k$.\\ Moreover, for a pair $(X,D)$ where
$X\in\cat{V}_k$ and $D$ is a Cartier divisor on $X$ we let
assume the existence of a homomorphism (cf.
Definition~\ref{line} in \S\ref{H-chern} below)
$$c\ell:H^1_D(X,{\cal O}^*_X)\otimes \mbox{$\Lambda$}\to
H^1_D(X,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)})$$ such that \B{description}
\item[{\it (i)}] $c\ell$ is a natural trasformation of
contravariant functors w.r.t. morphisms $f:X'\to X$ such
that $f^{-1}(D)$ is a divisor on $X'$;
\item[{\it (ii)}] $c\ell$ is compatible with the cap-products
in the sense that the following
H_{D}^{1}(X,{\cal O}^*_X)\otimes \mbox{$\Lambda$} & \by{c\ell} &
H^1_D(X,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)}) \\ \p{\cap [X]}\ \downarrow& &
\downarrow\ \p{\cap [X]} \\ CH_{d-1}(D;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) & = &
C_{d-1}(D;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \E{array}\E{displaymath} commutes, where
\B{rmk} The map $\p{\cap [X]}: H_{D}^{1}(X,{\cal O}^*_X)\to
CH_{d-1}(D)$ is given by the cap-product in
${\cal K}$-cohomology with the canonical cycle $[X]\in
CH_{d}(X)$; when applyed to the cycle class of the
Cartier divisor yields just the associated Weil divisor
(cf. \cite[\S2]{GIN}). By the way, if $X$ is non-singular
then $c\ell$ is an isomorphism.
Thus we can prove the following key lemma.
\B{lemma}\label{intdiv} Let $X$ be smooth. Let $D$ be a
principle effective Cartier divisor and let $i: Z\hookrightarrow X$
be a closed integral subscheme of codimension $c$ in $X$
such that $Z\cap D$ is a divisor on $Z$. Then the
following \B{displaymath}\B{array}{ccc}
H^1_D(X,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)}) &
\by{i^*} & H^1_{Z\cap D}(Z,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)}) \\
\p{\eta}\ \uparrow& & \downarrow\ \p{\cap [Z]} \\
C_{d-1}(D;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) & \by{i^*} & C_{d-c-1}(Z\cap D;\mbox{$\Lambda$})
commutes i.e. we have the following formula
D\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} Z = i^*\eta(D)\p{\cap} [Z]
\B{proof} The claimed commutative diagram is obtained by
the corresponding one for the Picard groups (cf.
\cite[\S2]{GIN}). Let denote $\bar D\in
H_{D}^{1}(X,{\cal O}^*_X)\otimes \mbox{$\Lambda$}$ the canonical class of
the Cartier divisor: thus $\bar D\p{\cap} [X] = [D]\in
CH_{d-1}(D;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$; since $X$ is non-singular, $[D] \leadsto
\bar D$ under the isomorphism $CH_{d-1}(D;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\cong
H_{D}^{1}(X,{\cal O}^*_X)\otimes\mbox{$\Lambda$}$ and $[D] \leadsto
\eta(D)$ under the isomorphism $CH_{d-1}(D;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\cong
H^1_D(X,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)}).$\\ We then have
\B{center} \parbox{3in}{$i^*\eta(D)\p{\cap}
[Z] =$\hfill by {\it (ii)}\\ $=i^*c\ell(\bar D)\p{\cap} [Z]
=$\hfill by {\it (i)}\\ $=c\ell(i^*\bar D)\p{\cap} [Z]
=$\hfill by \cite[\S2]{GIN}\\ $=i^*(D) =$\hfill\\ $=D\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}
Z$} \E{center} where the last equality is just the
normalization property of the intersection theory.
With the above assumptions and notations, let $Y$ and $Z$
be prime cycles of codimension $p$ and $q$ on $X$ smooth
which intersect properly. Then $$ \eta (Y)\eta (Z) = \eta
(Y\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} Z) \in H^{p+q}_{Z\cap Y}(X,{\cal H}^{p+q}\p{(p+q)})$$
\B{proof} The proof is similar to that of the ``uniqueness
of the intersection theory'' and it consists of 3 steps.\\
{\it Step 1.\, (Intersection with divisors).} Let
$Y=D\hookrightarrow X$ be a principle Cartier divisor. Let $i:Z\hookrightarrow
X$. Then \B{center} \parbox{3in}{$\eta (D)\eta (Z)=$\hfill
by Scholium~\ref{prs}\\$\eta (i^*\eta (D) \p{\cap}
[Z])=$\hfill by Lemma~\ref{intdiv}\\$\eta (D\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} Z).$}
{\it Step 2.\, (Intersection with smooth subvarieties).}
Let assume $Y$ to be smooth. Since we can reduce to open
Zariski neighborhoods of the generic points of $Y\cap Z$
we may assume that $X$ is affine and $Y=V(f_1,\ldots
,f_p)$ where $\{f_1,\ldots ,f_p\}$ is a regular sequence.
Thus: $Y={\displaystyle\cap_{i=1}^{p} D_i}$ where $D_i
=V(f_i)$ and
\B{center} \parbox{3in}{$\eta (Y)\eta (Z) =$ \\
$=\eta (D_1\cdots D_p)\eta (Z)=$\\
$=\eta (D_1)\eta (D_2 \cdots D_p)\eta (Z)=\ldots$\\
$\ldots=\eta (D_1)\cdots \eta (D_{p-1})\eta (D_p\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} Z)=
\ldots$\\ $\ldots =\eta (Y\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} Z)$}
by iterative application of Step 1.\\
{\it Step 3.\, (Reduction to the intersection with the
diagonal).} We prove the general case as follows:
\B{center} \parbox{3in}{$\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(\eta (Y)\eta (Z))
=$\hfill by definition\\$=\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\Delta^*(\eta
(Y)\times \eta (Z))=$\hfill by Lemma~\ref{etaext}\\
$=\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\Delta^*(\eta (Y\times Z))=$\hfill by
the formula (\ref{etadiag})\\$=\eta (Y\times Z)\eta (\Delta
(X))=$\hfill by Step 2\\$=\eta (Y\times Z\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} \Delta
(X))=$\hfill int. with the diag.\\$=\eta
(\Delta_*(Y\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} Z)=$\hfill by the formula
(\ref{etapoint})\\ $=\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}(\eta (Y\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} Z))$}
Since $\Delta_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}$ is an isomorphism we conclude.
\B{cor} If $X$ is smooth of pure dimension $d$ then the
graded isomorphism $$\eta : \bigoplus C_{d-p}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \cong
\bigoplus H^{p}(X,{\cal H}^{p}\p{(p)})$$
is a $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebra isomorphism.
\section{Chern classes and blow-ups}
Let $X$ be a variety i.e. $X\in \cat{V}_k$ reduced and
equidimensional over a perfect field $k$, which admits a
closed imbedding in a smooth variety; such varieties
are usually called {\it imbeddable}. The existence of
${\cal H}$-cap-products grant us to construct Gysin maps for
the functor $C_{*}(-;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$ associated with such
imbeddings. By using the results from \S3--\S6 we construct
Chern classes in ${\cal H}$-cohomologies. Furthermore, we are
able to obtain the nice decomposition formula for the
${\cal H}$-cohomology of blow-ups generalising the classical
one for Chow groups.
\subsection{Gysin maps for algebraic
Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be an appropriate duality. We consider an
imbeddable variety $X$ with a fixed ambient smooth
variety $Y$. Let $i:X\hookrightarrow Y$ be a closed imbedding of
pure codimension $c$. Thus we have a ${\cal H}$-cycle
class $\eta (X)\in H^c_X(Y,{\cal H}^c\p{(c)})$ and the
corresponding Gysin maps
$$i^!:C_{n}(Y;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\to C_{n-c}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$$
are defined as follows:
\B{equation}y\leadsto y\p{\cap}\eta (X)\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, i^!(y)
Thus $i^!(Y) = [X]$ because of $[Y]\p{\cap}\eta (X) =[X]$
by the definition of ${\cal H}$-cycle classes.\\[4pt]
\B{rmk} Actually we got ``Gysin maps'' $i^!$ for
imbeddings $i:X\hookrightarrow Y$ where $Y$ is just imbeddable in
$V$ smooth, by capping with the ${\cal H}$-cycle class of $X$
in $V$. This operation will take a cycle of codimension
$p$ on $Y$ to a cycle on $X$ of codimension $p$ plus the
codimension of $Y$ in $V$.
Let denote $i_!:C_*(X)\to C_*(Y)$ the canonical map
induced by $i$. Since $Y$ is smooth we do have the
following equation
\B{equation} \eta i_! = i_{\diamond}\eta
where $i_{\diamond}: H^*_X(Y,{\cal H}^*)\to H^*(Y,{\cal H}^*)$ is the
standard map. Let denote $i^*: H^*(Y,{\cal H}^*)\to
H^*(X,{\cal H}^*)$. Let consider the intersection
product of cycles induced by the ${\cal H}$-cohomology ring,
according with \S\ref{H-ring}.
\B{prop} The operation $i^!$ is functorial and compatible
with \'etale pull-backs. We have the self-intersection
i^!i_! (X) = X\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} X
If $i:X\hookrightarrow Y$ is a smooth pair we then have
$$ i^! = i^*\eta \p{\cap} [X]$$
and $i^!$ is a ring homomorphism; there is a projection
formula $$i_!(x\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} i^!(y))=i_!(x)\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} y$$
for cycles $x$ and $y$ on $X$ and $Y$ respectively.
\B{proof} Compatibilities are easy to check. The
self-intersection property is obtained as follows:
\parbox{3in}{$i^!(i_!(x))=i_!(x)\p{\cap}\eta (X)=$\hfill
proj. form.\\$=x\p{\cap}i^*\eta (X)$}
whence, by taking $x=[X]$, we have
$$[X]\p{\cap}i^*\eta (X)=X\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} X $$
This last equation holds because of the
Scholium~\ref{prs}, giving us the following
$$\eta ([X]\p{\cap}i^*\eta (X))=\eta (X)\eta (X)$$
where $\eta (X)\eta (X)=\eta (X\mbox{\Large $\cdot $} X)$ (see Theorem~3)
and $\eta $ is an isomorphism.\\ The other equation is
given by the following commutative diagram
$$\begin{array}{ccc} H^{*}(Y,{\cal H}^*)\otimes
H^{c}_X(Y,{\cal H}^c\p{(c)}) &\longby{\cdot} &
H^{*+c}_X(Y,{\cal H}^{*+c}\p{(*+c)})\\ \p{i^*\otimes \cap
[Y]}\downarrow & &\downarrow \wr\ \p{\cap [Y]}\\
H^{*}(X,{\cal H}^*)\otimes C_{d-c}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$} ) &
\longby{\cap}& C_{d-c-*}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$} )
which is obtained by the Scholium~\ref{prs} (cf. the
formula (\ref{rest}) ). The projection formula is obtained
from the projection formula w.r.t. the ${\cal H}$-product (cf.
the Scholium~\ref{prs} and the Theorem~3).
By using the contravariant structure of
${\cal H}$-cohomologies we can construct `refined' Gysin maps
$f^!$ for algebraic cycles between imbeddable varieties.
\subsection{Grothendieck-Gillet axioms for Chern classes}
The way to obtain a theory of Chern classes in
${\cal H}$-cohomologies and the corresponding Riemann-Roch
Theorems will be to show that the cohomology theory
$H^{*}_Z(X,{\cal H}^*\p{(*)})$ and the homology theory
$C_{*,*}(-;\mbox{$\Lambda$}\p{(*)})$ satisfy the list of axioms in
\cite[Definition 1.1 -- 1.2]{GIL}. We are going to
consider $X\in\cat{V}_k$ smooth over a perfect
field. We also assume that $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$ (constant sheaf for the
Zariski topology) has finite weak global dimension (see
\cite[Definition 2.6.2]{KS}) in order to consider tensor
products $-\stackrel{L}{\otimes}_{\mbox{$\Lambda$}}-$ in the derived
\B{defi}\label{line} We let say that a natural
transformation $$c\ell :{\rm Pic}\, (X)\otimes\mbox{$\Lambda$} \to
H^1(X,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)})\subset H^2(X,\p{1})$$ of contravariant
functors is a {\it cycle class map for line bundles}
if $c\ell$ localizes satisfiyng the properties
{\it (i) -- (ii)}\, stated in \S\ref{int-cyc}. Therefore
$c\ell$ is compatible via the local triviality property
\cite[1.5]{BO}, with the map obtained mapping a prime Weil
divisor $i: D\hookrightarrow X$ to the Poincar\'e dual of the direct
image under $i$ of the fundamental class $\eta_D$.
\B{teor} Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be an appropriate Poincar\'e
duality on $\cat{V}_k$ for a perfect field $k$, with values
in a fixed category of $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-modules such that $H^*$
satisfies the homotopy property and there is a cycle class
map for line bundles. Then there is a theory of Chern
classes $$c_{p,i} : K_i^Z(X) \to
H^{p-i}_Z(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})$$ associated with any closed $Z$
in $X\in\cat{V}_k$ smooth.
\B{proof} With the notations of \cite{GIL} we let
$\oplus\underline \Gamma^*\p{(p)}\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,\oplus {\cal H}^p\p{(p)}$
be the graded sheaf with the ${\cal H}$-cup-product (according with
\cite[Definition 1.1]{GIL} and \S\ref{H-ring}) defining our
cohomology theory ring on the category $\cat{V}_k$.
We let define the homology as $$H_i(X,\Gamma \p{(j)})\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,
\H^{-i}(X,{{\cal Q}}^{j}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)})=C_{i,j}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$}\p{(j)})$$
which is covariant w.r.t. proper morphisms and a
presheaf for the \'etale topoloy by \cite[3.7]{BO}; the
compatibility \cite[1.2.(i)]{GIL} is ensured by the
compatibility \cite[1.2.2]{BO} and limits arguments (cf.
\S~4.3). The functorial long exact sequence of homology,
for a pair $i:Y\hookrightarrow X$, is obtained via the
hypercohomology long exact sequence with supports
$$\H^{-i}_Y(X,{{\cal Q}}^{j}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)})\to
\H^{-i}(X,{{\cal Q}}^{j}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)})\to
\H^{-i}(X-Y,{{\cal Q}}^{j}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(j)})$$
since $\Gamma_Y{{\cal Q}}^{j}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $},X}\p{(j)}\cong
i_*{{\cal Q}}^{j}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $},Y}\p{(j)}$ and Lemma~4.6 (i.e.
\cite[1.2.(ii)]{GIL} holds). The cap product structure
is given by the ${\cal H}$-cap-product and all the properties
required by \cite[1.2.(iii) -- (viii)]{GIL} are easily
seen by using the results of \S4 and \S5. The homotopy
property \cite[1.2.(ix)]{GIL} is our Lemma~3.4. Thus
we are left to show the following classical Dold-Thom
decomposition (see \cite[1.2.(x)--(xi)]{GIL}).
\B{schol}\label{Edeco}{\rm (Decomposition)} Let ${\cal E}$ be a
locally free sheaf, ${\rm rank}\, {\cal E} = n+1$, on $X$ smooth. Let
$\pi: P\mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\, {\bf P}({\cal E}) \to X$ be the corresponding
projective bundle. For ${\cal O}_P(1)\in {\rm Pic}\, P$ let $$\xi \mbox{\,$\stackrel{\pp{\rm def}}{=}$}\,
c\ell ({\cal O}_P(1)) \in H^1(P,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)})$$ we then have
$$\oplus \pi^*( )\p{\cup}\xi^i: \bigoplus_{i=0}^{n}
H^{p-i}(X,{\cal H}^{q-i}_X\p{(r-i)})\cong
H^p(P,{\cal H}^q_P\p{(r)})$$
Furthermore: \B{equation}\label{trace}
\int_{P/X}^{}\xi^n =1_{\mbox{$\Lambda$}}
\B{proof} The element $\xi\in H^1(P,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)})$ defines
a map $\mbox{$\Lambda$} \to {\cal H}^1\p{(1)}[1]$ in the derived category
$\cat{D}(P_{Zar};\mbox{$\Lambda$})$ of complexes of sheaves of
$\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-modules on the Zariski site. By cup-product we have
a map $\xi^i : \mbox{$\Lambda$} [-i] \to {\cal H}^i\p{(i)}$ hence a map
${\bf R}\xi^i :\mbox{$\Lambda$} [-i] \to {\bf R}\pi_*{\cal H}^i\p{(i)}$ in
$\cat{D}(X_{Zar};\mbox{$\Lambda$})$. On the other hand we have the
canonical map ${\bf R}\pi^{\sharp} :{\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)} \to
{\bf R}\pi_*{\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)}$ induced by contravariancy
(cf. \S 2.1). By taking
${\bf R}\pi^{\sharp} \stackrel{L}{\otimes} {\bf R}\xi^i$ we
obtain the maps $${\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)}[-i]\to {\bf
R}\pi_*{\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)} \stackrel{L}{\otimes}{\bf
R}\pi_*{\cal H}^i\p{(i)}$$ Since the
${\cal H}$-cup-product yields products (cf.
\cite[Expos\'e \S2.1]{SGA5}) $${\bf
R}\pi_*{\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)} \stackrel{L}{\otimes}{\bf
R}\pi_*{\cal H}^i\p{(i)}\to {\bf R}\pi_*{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}$$ by
composing we do get the maps ${\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)}[-i]\to
{\bf R}\pi_*{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}$ whence the map $$\gamma :
\bigoplus_{i=0}^{n}{\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)}[-i]\to {\bf
R}\pi_*{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}$$ in the derived category
$\cat{D}(X_{Zar};\mbox{$\Lambda$})$. Now that $\gamma$ is defined the
claimed decomposition will follows by proving that
$\gamma$ is a quasi-isomorphism because of the Leray
spectral sequence $$H^p(X,{\bf R}\pi_*{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\cong
H^p(P,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$$
In order to show that $\gamma$ is a quasi-isomorphism we
are left to show the isomorphisms of groups
$$(\gamma^p)_x :
Spec}{\cal O}_{X,x},{\cal H}^{q-i}\p{(r-i)})\cong
(R^p\pi_*{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})_x$$
for all $x\in X$ and $p\geq 0$. By continuity of the
arithmetic resolutions the stalks
$(R^p\pi_*{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})_x$ are computed by
$H^{p}(\P^n_{{\cal O}_{X,x}},{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)})$; we need the
following compatibility:
\B{lemma} Let $U\subset X$ be an
open Zariski neighborhood of $x$ on which ${\cal E}$ is free.
Let $\xi\in H^1_{\infty}(\P_U^n,{\cal H}^1\p{(1)})$ be the
restriction of the tautological divisor, where $i:\infty
\cong \P_U^{n-1}\hookrightarrow \P_U^n$ is a hyperplane at infinity.
Then (with the notation of \S3.3)
$$j_{(n,n-1)}\pi^*_{n-1} = \pi^*_{n}\p{\cup}\xi$$
equality between maps from
$H^{p-1}(U,{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(r-1)})$ to
$H^p(\P_U^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$.
Note that $\pi^*_{n-1}=i^*\pi^*_{n}$. The purity
isomorphism $$H^{p-1}(\infty ,{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(r-1)})\cong
H^p_{\infty}(\P_U^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$$ is obtained as $\eta
(- \p{\cap} [\infty])$ and $\eta (\infty ) = \xi$
(because of the compabilities of the cycle
class $c\ell$) thus we have \B{center}
(\pi^*_{n-1}\p{\cap}[\infty])=$\hfill\\ $=\eta
(i^*\pi^*_{n}\p{\cap}[\infty])=$\hfill Scholium~6.2\\
$=\eta (\pi^*_{n}\p{\cup}\eta
(\infty)\p{\cap}[\P^n_U])=$\hfill\\ $=\pi^*_{n}\p{\cup}\eta
(\infty) =$ \hfill\\ $=\pi^*_{n}\p{\cup}\xi$ \hfill as
elements in $H^p_{\infty}(\P_U^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$}
and, by definition of $j_{(n,n-1)}$, the image of it
under $H^p_{\infty}(\P_U^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\to
H^p(\P_U^n,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$ yields the claimed equation.
Thus: $(\gamma^p)_x$ is clearly an isomorphism by
reduction to open Zariski neighborhoods on which ${\cal E}$ is
free, arguing as in \S3.3 via the Lemma above and
induction on the rank of ${\cal E}$.\\ Let show the equation
(\ref{trace}). By the definition of the
${\cal H}$-Gysin map we have that $\pi_*: H^n(P,{\cal H}^n\p{(n)})\to
H^0(X,{\cal H}^0\p{(0)})$ is obtained (via the Leray spectral
sequence) by composition with $${\bf R}\pi_{\flat}:{\bf
R}\pi_*{\cal H}^n\p{(n)}\to {\cal H}^0\p{(0)}[-n]$$ in
$\cat{D}(X_{Zar};\mbox{$\Lambda$})$. Thus (see \S\ref{H-ring} ) we have
to prove that the composition of
$$\mbox{$\Lambda$} [-n] \longby{{\bf R}\xi^n}{\bf
R}\pi_*{\cal H}^n\p{(n)}\longby{{\bf
R}\pi_{\flat}}{\cal H}^0\p{(0)}[-n]\cong\mbox{$\Lambda$} [-n]$$ is the
identity. Arguing as above we are reduced to show the
equation (\ref{trace}) for $\pi:\P^n_{{\cal O}_{X,x}}\to {\rm
Spec} {\cal O}_{X,x}$. By the projection formula
we are left to show that $\pi_*$ is the inverse of the
``decomposition'' isomorphism $$\pi^*( )\p{\cup}\xi^n :
H^0({\rm Spec} {\cal O}_{X,x},{\cal H}^0\p{(0)}) \to
H^n(\P^n_{{\cal O}_{X,x}}, {\cal H}^n\p{(n)})$$
By choosing a $k$-rational point of $\P^n_k$ we get a
proper section $\sigma$ of $\pi$. With the notation
above: $\sigma_* = j_{(n,0)}\pi^*_{0}$ and
by the Lemma we have $$\pi^*(1)\p{\cup}\xi^n
= \sigma_*(1)$$
By applying $\pi_*$ to the latter and taking the
image of it under the canonical augmentation $H^0({\rm
Spec} {\cal O}_{X,x},{\cal H}^0\p{(0)})\cong \mbox{$\Lambda$}$ we do obtain the
claimed formula.
\B{rmk} After Grothendieck-Verdier, this
`decomposition argument' is quite standard. See
\cite[Expos\'e VII]{SGA5} for \'etale cohomology and
\cite[Theor.8.2]{GIL} or \cite{SH} for the $K$-theory.
Let $$A(-) = \bigoplus_{p,q,r}^{}
H^p(-,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$$
be the ${\cal H}$-cohomology ring functor.
\B{cor} Let $\pi :\P({\cal E})\to X$ be as above, ${\rm rank}\, {\cal E} =
n+1$. Then
$$\pi^* : A(X) \to A(\P({\cal E}))$$
is an injective homomorphism of unitary $\mbox{$\Lambda$}$-algebras
and the elements $$1,\xi , \ldots , \xi^n$$ generate freely
$A(\P({\cal E}))$ as $A(X)$-module. Furthermore
$$\pi_* : A(\P({\cal E})) \to A(X)$$
is a surjective homomorphism of $A(X)$-modules (having
degree $-n$).
\B{proof} The statement is clear after \S\ref{H-ring} and
the Scholium above. For example, $\pi_*(\xi^i)=0$ for
$i=0,\ldots ,n-1$ but $\pi_*(\xi^n)=1$ by (\ref{trace})
whence the linear independence of $1,\xi , \ldots , \xi^n$
can be seen as follows: let suppose that $$\pi^*(x_0)+
\cdots +\pi^*(x_n)\p{\cup}\xi^n =0$$ then by applying $\pi_*$
and the projection formula we get $x_n=0$ thus
$$\pi^*(x_0)\p{\cup}\xi+ \cdots +\pi^*(x_{n-1})\p{\cup}\xi^n =0$$
and the same argument gives $x_{n-1}=0$ and so on.
Again: $\pi_*$ is a surjection because of
$$\pi_*(\pi^*(\dag )\p{\cup}\xi^n)=\pi_*(\xi^n)\p{\cup}\dag
\B{rmk} By the prescription of \cite{GC} we therefore
obtain Chern classes $c_p : K_0(X) \to H^p(X,{\cal H}^p\p{(p)})$
satisfying the equation
$$\xi^{n}+\pi^*c_{1}(E)\xi^{n-1}+\cdots +\pi^*c_n(E)=0$$
for $E$ a vector bundle of rank $n$. By \cite{GIL} we
have that $c_p$ is just $c_{p,0}$.
\subsection{Variation on the invariance theme}
Let consider a sophisticated Poincar\'e duality theory
$(H^*,H_*)$ satisfying the point axiom. Let consider
$f:X\to Y$ a proper dominant morphism between connected
smooth schemes in $\cat{V}_k$. If dim$X$ = dim$Y$ then
$K(X)$ is a finite field extension of $K(Y)$; let ${\rm
deg} f=[K(X):K(Y)]$ be its degree. Following the proof of
(\ref{prfor}) we have that the composition
$$H^{*}(Y,\cdot) \by{f^{\star}}
H^{*}(X,\cdot) \by{f_{\star}}
H^{*}(Y,\cdot)$$ is the multiplication by ${\rm deg} f$,
as a consequence of the projection formula and our
assumption that $f_!(\eta_X)={\rm deg} f\cdot\eta_Y$
(cf. \S\ref{inter1}). Thus:
\B{prop}\label{mult} The composition of
$$H^p_Z(Y,{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)}) \by{f^{*}}
H^p_{f^{-1}(Z)}(X,{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)}) \by{f_{*}}
H^p_Z(Y,{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)}) $$
is the multiplication by ${\rm deg} f$.
\B{proof} Let $d=$dim$X=$dim$Y$. Then the projection
formula (\ref{hpr}) looks
\hspace{10pt} f_*{{\cal Q}}^d_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d)}\otimes
f_*{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)}\\ \p{id\otimes f^{\sharp}}\nearrow \
\hspace{40pt} \searrow \p{f_*\cap_{{{\cal H}}}} \\
f_*{{\cal Q}}^d_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d)}\otimes
{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)}\hspace{60pt}
f_*{{\cal Q}}^{d-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d-r)}\\ \p{f_{\sharp}\otimes
id}\downarrow \hspace{105pt}\downarrow \p{f_{\sharp}} \\
{{\cal Q}}^d_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d)}\otimes {\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)}
\hspace{10pt} \longby{\cap_{{{\cal H}}}}
\hspace{10pt}{{\cal Q}}^{d-q}_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d-r)}
By the dimension axiom the complex
${{\cal Q}}^d_{\mbox{\Large $\cdot $}}\p{(d)}$ is concentrated in degree $d$ and
its hypercohomology $C_{d,d}(X,\mbox{$\Lambda$}\p{(d)})$ has a natural
global section $[X]$ corresponding to the fundamental
class $\eta_X\in H_{2d}(X,\p{(d)})$. The same holds on
$Y$ and $[X]\leadsto {\rm deg}f [Y]$ under $f_*$. Thus by
taking cohomology with supports we have the result.
\B{rmk} The same argument applies to the $K$-theory by
using the projection formula in (\ref{kpr}).
\B{lemma}\label{birsplit} Let $f:X'\to X$ be a proper
birational morphism between smooth varieties; let $i:
Z\hookrightarrow X$ and $i':Z'=f^{-1}(Z)\hookrightarrow X'$ be closed
subschemes such that $f: X'-Z' \cong X-Z$. Then we have
splitting short exact sequences $$0\to
H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) \by{u} H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\oplus
H^p_{Z'}(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) \by{v}
H^p(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\to 0$$
$$ u=\left( \begin{array}{c}
\end{array} \right) $$
$$v= (f^*,-i'_{\diamond})$$
The left splitting of $u$ is given by $u':(0,f_*)$.
\B{proof} Let consider the following maps of long exact
sequences $$ \begin{array}{ccccccccc}
\cdots & \to & H^p_{Z'}(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) &
{\by{i'_{\diamond}}}& H^p(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) & \to &
H^{p}(X'-Z',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) & \to & \cdots \\
& &{\p{f_*}\downarrow\uparrow\p{f^*}} &
&{\downarrow\uparrow} & & {\downarrow\wr} & &\\
{\cdots}&{\to}& H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) &{\by{i_{\diamond}}}&
H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) & {\to}&
H^{p}(X-Z,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) &{\to}&{\cdots}
\end{array} $$
Since deg$f=1$ by the Proposition above $f_*f^*=1$;
thus the corresponding Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence
splits (because the boundary is zero) in short exact
sequences as claimed.
\B{schol} Let $X$, $X'$, $Z$ and $Z'$ be as above and
pure dimensional. We have isomorphisms ($d=$dim$X$)
$$C_{d-p}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$})\oplus C_{d-p}(Z';\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \by{\simeq}
C_{d-p}(X';\mbox{$\Lambda$})$$ given by the matrix
\B{array}{cc} 0 & f_! \\ f^! & -i'_!
\E{array}\right) $$ and, for $Z$ and $Z'$ smooth of
codimension $c$ and $c'$: $$H^{p}(X,{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)})\oplus
H^{p-c'}(Z',{\cal H}^{q-c'}\p{(r-c')}) \by{\simeq}
H^{p-c}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-c}\p{(r-c)})\oplus
H^{p}(X',{\cal H}^{q}\p{(r)})$$ given by the matrix
$$\left(\B{array}{cc} 0 & f_* \\ f^* & -j_{\pp{(X',Z')}}
\E{array}\right) $$
where $j_{\pp{(X',Z')}}$ is the Gysin map in
${\cal H}$-cohomology (cf. Scholium~\ref{Gysin},
\S\ref{H-Gys}). \E{schol}
By the Lemma~\ref{birsplit} and purity.
Let $(H^*,H_*)$ be an appropriate Poincar\'e
duality such that $H^*$ satisfies the homotopy property and
there is a cycle class map for line bundles (cf.
\S\ref{H-chern}).\\ Let $f:X'\to X$ be the blow up of a
smooth subvariety $Z$ of codimension $c\geq 2$ in a smooth
variety $X$ of dimension $d$. Thus the exceptional divisor
is the projective bundle over $Z$ given by $\P ({\cal N})$
where ${\cal N}$ is the normal sheaf, locally free of rank $c$.
\B{prop}\label{blow-up} For the blow-up $X'$ of $X$ along
$Z$ as above we have the following canonical formulas
$$H^p(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) \cong H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\oplus
H^{p-1-i}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-1-i}\p{(r-1-i)})$$
and in particular
$$C_{n}(X';\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \cong C_{n}(X;\mbox{$\Lambda$}) \oplus
\bigoplus_{i=0}^{c-2} C_{n-c+1+i}(Z;\mbox{$\Lambda$})$$
\B{proof} Since $f:Z'\to Z$ is a proper morphism,
between smooth varieties, having relative dimension $1-c$
we have a push-forward (see \S\ref{H-Gys}) $$f_*:
H^{p-1}(Z',{\cal H}^{q-1} \p{(r-1)}) \to
H^{p-c}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-c}\p{(r-c)})$$ Because
of purity $f^*: H^p_Z(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)}) \hookrightarrow
H^p_{Z'}(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$ induces a map
$$f^!: H^{p-c}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-c}\p{(r-c)}) \hookrightarrow
H^{p-1}(Z',{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(r-1)})$$ as well. By the
Lemma~\ref{birsplit} we have a splitting exact sequence
$$0\to H^{p-c}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-c}\p{(r-c)}) \by{u}
H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\oplus H^{p-1}(Z',{\cal H}^{q-1}\p{(r-1)})
\by{v} H^p(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\to 0$$
with left splitting $u'= (0,f_*)$. Let consider the
projector $\pi =uu'$; we then have $\pi u=u$, $v\pi =0$
thus $v$ restricts to an isomorphism
$$v: {\rm ker} \pi \cong H^p(X',{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})$$
Now $\pi (x, z') = u (f_*(z')) = (j_{\pp{(X,Z)}}(f_*(z')),
f^!f_*(z'))=0$ if and only if $f_*(z')=0$ (because $f^!$
is injective). Thus we have
$$ {\rm ker} \pi = H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})\oplus {\rm ker}
Since $Z' =\P ({\cal N})$ and $f_{\mid Z'}$ is the standard
projection then, by the Dold-Thom decomposition (see
Scholium~\ref{Edeco}), we have an exact sequence
H^{p-1-i}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-1-i}\p{(r-1-i)}) \by{\xi^i f^*}
H^{p-1}(Z',{\cal H}^{q-1} \p{(r-1)}) \by{f_*}
H^{p-c}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-c} \p{(r-c)})\to 0 $$ where $\xi$ is the
tautological divisor, hence:
$${\rm ker} \pi \cong H^p(X,{\cal H}^q\p{(r)})
H^{p-1-i}(Z,{\cal H}^{q-1-i}\p{(r-1-i)})$$
and the claimed isomorphisms are easily obtained.
\B{rmk} For the ${\cal K}$-cohomology the same proof
applies yielding the formula $$H^p(X',{\cal K}_q) \cong
H^p(X,{\cal K}_q)\oplus \bigoplus_{i=0}^{c-2}
H^{p-1-i}(Z,{\cal K}_{q-1-i})$$
1994-08-24T11:31:56 | 9408 | alg-geom/9408006 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9408006 | [
] | alg-geom/9408006 | Serge M. L'vovsky | S.L'vovsky | On Landsberg's criterion for complete intersections | 4 pages, LaTeX 2.09 | null | null | null | null | In his preprint ``Differential-Geometric Characterizations of Complete
Intersections'' (alg-geom/9407002), J.M.Landsberg introduces an elementary
characterization of complete intersections. The proof of this criterion uses
the method of moving frames. The aim of this note is to present an elementary
proof of Landsberg's criterion that is valid over any ground field.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 24 Aug 1994 08:43:07 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
In his preprint~\cite{Lan}, J.M.~Landsberg introduces an
elementary characterization of complete intersections
(Proposition~1.2 in \cite{Lan}). The proof of this proposition
uses the method of moving frames. The aim of this note is to
present an elementary proof of Landsberg's criterion that is
valid over any ground field.
\section{Notation and statement of results}
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field and ${\bf P}^N= \mathop{\rm Proj}\nolimits
k[T_0,\ldots,T_N]$ the $N$-dimensional projective space over $k$.
If $F$ is a homogeneous polynomial in $T_0,\ldots ,T_N$, we will
denote by $Z(F)\subset {\bf P}^N$ the hypersurface defined by $F$. If
$F$ is a homogeneous polynomial and $x=(x_0:\ldots:x_N)\in \PP^N$,
put $d_x F=\left(\partial F/\partial T_0(z),\ldots, \partial
F/\partial T_N(z)\right)\in k^{N+1}$ (actually $d_x F$ depends on
the choice of homogeneous coordinates for $x$; this abuse of
notation should not lead to confusion). If $x\in X$, where
$X\subset\PP^N$ is a projective variety, then $T_xX\subset \PP^N$
denotes the embedded Zariski tangent space to $X$ at $x$.
If $X\subset {\bf P}^N$ is a projective variety, then its ideal sheaf
will be denoted by $\idsheaf X\subset \O_{{\bf P}^N}$ and its
homogeneous ideal by $I_X\subset k[T_0, \ldots, T_N]$. We will
say that a hypersurface $Y=Z(F)$ {\em trivially contains $X$\/}
iff $F=\sum G_iF_i$, where $G_i$'s and $F_i$'s are homogeneous
polynomials, $F_i$ vanish on $X$ for all $i$, and $\deg F_i<\deg
F$ for all $i$. If $Y$ trivially contains $X$, then $Y\supset X$.
We will say that a hypersurface $W$ {\em non-trivially contains
$X$\/} iff $W$ contains $X$, but not trivially.
The following proposition is a slight reformulation of
Landsberg's criterion (cf.\ \cite[Proposition 1.2]{Lan}):
For a projective variety $X\subset {\bf P}^N$, the following
conditions are equivalent:
$X$ is a complete intersection.
There exists a smooth point $x\in X$ having the following
property: any hypersurface $W\subset {\bf P}^N$ that non-trivially
contains $X$ must be smooth at $x$.
For any smooth point $x\in X$ and any hypersurface $W$ that
non-trivially contains $X$, $W$ is smooth at $x$.
For any smooth point $x\in X$ and any hypersurface $W$ that
non-trivially contains $X$, $T_xW$ cannot contain an intersection
$\bigcap_i T_xW_i$, where each $W_i$ is a hypersurface s.t.\ $W_i
\supset X$ and $\deg W_i<\deg W$ (it is understood that the
intersection of an empty family of tangent spaces is the entire
For the sequel we need two lemmas.
Let $F_1,\ldots,F_r$ be homogeneous polynomials over $k$ in
$T_0,\ldots, T_N$. Assume that $x=(x_0:\ldots:x_N)\in \PP^N$ is
their common zero and that the vectors $d_xF_1,\ldots, d_xF_r$
are linearly dependent. Then one of the following alternatives
There is $j\in [1;r]$ s.t.\ $F_j$ belongs to the ideal in
$k[T_0,\ldots,T_N]$ generated by $F_i$'s with $i\ne j$.
There are homogeneous polynomials $\tilde F_0,\ldots, \tilde F_N$
s.t.\ the ideals $(F_0,\ldots,F_N)$ and $(\tilde F_0,\ldots,
\tilde F_N)$ coincide, $\deg \tilde F_i=\deg F_i$ for all $i$,
and $d_x \tilde F_j=0$ for some $j$.
{\bf Proof.}
Let the shortest linear relation among $d_xF_j$'s have the form
where $\lambda_j\ne 0$ for all $j$. Reordering $F_j$'s if
necessary, we may assume that $\deg F_1\le \deg F_2\le \cdots\le
\deg F_s$. Let $t$ be such a number that $\deg F_t=\deg F_s$ and
$\deg F_{t-1} <\deg F_s$ (if $\deg F_1=\deg F_s$, set $t=1$).
If the polynomials $F_t,\ldots,F_s$ are linearly dependent, then
it is clear that one of them lies in the ideal generated by the
others and there is nothing more to prove. Assume from now on
that $F_t, F_{t+1},\ldots, F_s$ are linearly independent. Then
there exists an index $j\in[t;s]$ and numbers $\mu_i$, where $i
\in [t;s]$ s.t.\
F_j=\sum_{i\in [t;s]\setminus \{j\}}\mu_i F_i+
\mu_j(\lambda_t F_t+\cdots+\lambda_s F_s).
For each $i\in[1;t-1]$, choose a homogeneous polynomial $G_i$
s.t.\ $\deg G_i= \deg F_s-\deg F_i$ and $G_i(x_0,\ldots,
x_N)=\lambda_i$, and set
\tilde F_j=\sum_{i<t}G_iF_i+\sum_{i\ge t}\lambda_i F_i.
If $\tilde F_j=0$, then $F_s\in (F_1,\ldots, F_{s-1})$ and the
first alternative holds. Otherwise, $\deg \tilde F_j=\deg F_j$,
$d_x\tilde F_j=0$ by virtue of (\ref{tilde:def}), and it
follows from (\ref{G:def}) and (\ref{tilde:def}) that
F_j=\sum_{i\in [t;s]\setminus \{j\}}\mu_i F_i +\mu_j \tilde F_j
-\mu_j\sum_{i<t}G_i F_i,
whence $(F_1,\ldots,F_{j-1}, \tilde F_j, F_{j+1},\ldots,
F_s)=(F_1,\ldots,F_s)$. Hence in this case the second alternative
holds, and we are done.
The second lemma belongs to folklore. To state this lemma, let us
introduce some notation. Denote by $\S$ the set of sequences of
non-negative integers $\delta=(\delta_1,\delta_2,\ldots)$ s.t.\
$\delta_M=0$ for all $M\gg 0$. If $\delta,\eta\in \S$, we will
write~$\delta \succ \eta$ iff there is an integer $i$ s.t.\
$\delta_i >\eta_i$ and $\delta_j=\eta_j$ for all $j>i$.
Any sequence $\delta_1 \succ \delta_2 \succ\cdots$ must
\noindent {\bf Proof.}
For any $\delta\in \S$, set $n(\delta)=\max\{j:\delta_j\ne 0\}$,
$\ell(\delta)=\delta_{n(\delta)}> 0$. If $\delta\succ \eta$ and
$n(\delta)=n(\eta)$, then $\ell(\delta)\ge \ell(\eta)$. Let us
prove the lemma by induction on $n(\delta_1)$.
If $n(\delta_1)\le 1$, the result is evident. Assuming that the
lemma is true whenever $n(\delta_1)< m$, suppose that there is an
infinite sequence $\delta_1 \succ \delta_2 \succ\cdots$ with
$n(\delta_1)=m$. If $n(\delta_j)<n(\delta_1)$ for some $j$, we
arrive at a contradiction by the induction hypothesis. Hence,
$n(\delta_j) =n(\delta_1) =m$ for all $j$ and $\ell(\delta_1)\ge
\ell(\delta_2)\ge\cdots >0$. Thus there exists an integer $N$
s.t\ $\ell(\delta_j)$ is connstant for $j\ge N$. For any $j\ge
N$, denote by $\delta'_j\in \S$ a sequence that is obtained from
$\delta_j$ by replacing its last positive term by zero. It is
clear that $\delta'_N \succ \delta'_{N+1} \succ\cdots$, and this
sequence is infinite by our assumption. This is again impossible
by the induction hypothesis since $n(\delta'_j)< n(\delta_j)=m$,
whence the lemma.
\par\addvspace{\smallskipamount of $(ii)\Rightarrow (i)$.
Put $a=N-\dim X$. Let $(F_1,\ldots,F_r)$ be a system of
(homogeneous) generators of $I_X$. To any such system assign a
sequence $\delta(F_1,\ldots, F_r) \in \S$, where $\delta(F_1,
\ldots,F_r)_i = \#\{j\in [1;r]:\deg F_j=i\}$. I claim that
if $r>a$, then $I_X=(\Phi_1,\ldots,\Phi_s)$, where $\Phi_i$'s are
homogeneous polynomials s.t.\ $\delta(F_1,\ldots,F_r)\succ
\delta(\Phi_1,\ldots, \Phi_s)$.
To prove this claim, observe that $d_xF_1,\ldots,d_xF_r$ are
linearly dependent since $X$ is smooth at $x$ and $r>\mathop{\rm codim}\nolimits X$.
Now Lemma~\ref{subst} implies that either one of the $F_j$'s
(say, $F_1$) can be removed without affecting $I_X$, or
$I_X=(\tilde F_1,\ldots,\tilde F_r)$, where $\deg \tilde F_j=\deg
F_j$ for all $j$ and $d_x \tilde F_j=0$ for some $j$. In the
first case, the required $\Phi_1,\ldots,\Phi_s$ can be obtained
by merely removing $F_1$; in the second case, hypothesis~$(ii)$
shows that $\tilde F_j=\sum_{i=1}^t G_i\Psi_i$, where $\Psi_i\in
I_X$ and $\deg\Psi_i < \deg \tilde F_j$ for all $j$. Replacing
$\tilde F_j$ by $\Psi_1,\ldots, \Psi_t$ in the sequence $\tilde
F_1,\ldots,\tilde F_r$ and putting $s=r+t-1$, we obtain a
sequence $\Phi_1,\ldots,\Phi_s$ s.t.\ $I_X =(\Phi_1,\ldots,
\Phi_s)$ and $\delta(\tilde F_1,\ldots,\tilde F_r)\succ
\delta(\Phi_1,\ldots, \Phi_s)$. Since the degrees of $\tilde
F_j$'s and $F_j$'s are the same, this means that $\delta(F_1,
\ldots,F_r)\succ \delta(\Phi_1,\ldots, \Phi_s)$ as well, and the
claim is proved.
Now we can finish the proof as follows. If $r=a$, then $X$ is the
complete intersection of $Z(F_1),\ldots,Z(F_r)$ and there is
nothing to prove. If $r>a$, then by virtue of our claim we can
replace the system of generators $F_1,\ldots,F_r$ by
$\Phi_1,\ldots, \Phi_s$. Let us iterate this process. By virtue
of Lemma~\ref{folk} this process must terminate and by virtue of
our claim this is possible only when we have found a system of
exactly $a$ generators of the ideal $I_X$. This means that $X$ is
a complete intersection, thus completing our proof.
\par\addvspace{\smallskipamount of $(iv)\Rightarrow
(iii)\Rightarrow (ii)$. Trivial.
\par\addvspace{\smallskipamount of $(i)\Rightarrow (iv)$.
Let $X$ be a complete intersection of the hypersurfaces $Z(F_1),
\ldots, Z(F_a)$. Assume that a hypersurface $W=Z(F)$, with $F$
irreducible, non-trivially contains $X$ and that $x=(x_0:\ldots
:x_N)\in \PP^N$ is a smooth point of $X$; set $m=\deg F$. Since
$Z(F)\supset X$ and $X$ is a complete intersection of the
$Z(F_i)$'s, we see that
F=\sum G_iF_i;
since $W$ contains $X$ non-trivially, at least some of the
$G_j$'s must be non-zero constants. Reordering $F_j$'s if
necessary, we may assume that $G_j$ is a constant (hence, $\deg
F_j=m$) iff $1\le j\le s$. Taking $d_x$ of the both parts of
(\ref{expr}), we see that
d_xF=\sum_{i=1}^a c_i d_x F_i,\qquad
\mbox{where $c_i\ne 0$ for some $i\in [1;s]$.}
On the other hand, assume that $W_i=Z(B_i)$ with irreducible
$B_i$'s. Then the hypothesis implies that $d_x F$ is a linear
combination of $d_xB_j$'s, and the fact that $X$ is a complete
intersection of $Z(F_t)$'s and $Z(B_j)\supset X$ implies that,
for each $j$, there is a relation
B_j=\sum_{t>s} G_{jt}F_t
(it suffices to sum only over $t>s$ since for $t\le s$ we have
$\deg F_t= \deg W > \deg B_j$). If we take $d_x$ of both parts of
(\ref{expr'}), we see that, for each $j$, $d_xB_j$ is a linear
combination of $d_x F_t$'s with $t>s$. Hence $d_xF$ is also a
linear combination of $d_x F_t$'s with $t>s$. Taking into account
(\ref{diffls}) we see that $d_xF_i$'s are linearly dependent.
This is, however, impossible since $x$ is a smooth point of the
comlete intersection of $Z(F_j)$'s. This contradiction completes
the proof.
1994-08-29T10:45:38 | 9408 | alg-geom/9408008 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9408008 | [
] | alg-geom/9408008 | Robert W. Berger | Robert W. Berger | Various Notions of Associated Prime Ideals | 27 pages, AMS-LaTeX 1.1 | null | null | null | null | Three notions of associated prime ideals, which are equivalent in the
noetherian case but differ in the non notherian case, are discussed. Examples
illustrate the scope of the notions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 29 Aug 1994 08:37:20 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Robert W.",
] | alg-geom | \section*{Introduction}
In the theory of modules over commutative rings there are several
possibilities of defining associated prime ideals.
The usual definition of an associated prime ideal $\frak p$ for a
module $M$ is that $\frak p$ is the annihilator of an element of $M$.
In \cite{Bourbaki-Alg-Comm-4} \S 1 exercise 17 a generalization of
this notion is given. $\frak p$ is called weakly associated
(faiblement associ\'e) to $M$ if $\frak p$ is minimal in the set of
the prime ideals containing the annihilator of an element of $M$
(see Definition \ref{def-Ass-essential-first-kind}). In
this paper a further generalization of this notion will be given
(Definition \ref{def-assprim}). We use ideas of Krull
As long as the modules are noetherian all these definitions are
equivalent. But for non noetherian $R$-modules this is no longer true,
even if the ring $R$ is noetherian.\\
In this paper we give a selfcontained introduction to the various
concepts and discuss their relation with the support and the radical
of a module. Then we illustrate by examples the scope of the
notions. For a comprehensive introduction the theory we refer to the
now classic lecture notes \cite{Serre-Alg-loc} of Serre and to
Another extensive exposition of the general theory with many examples
was given by Stefan Mittelbach in \cite{Mittelbach-Dipl}.
Throughout this paper ``ring'' always denotes a commutative ring
with unit element denoted by $1$. If $M$ is an $R$-module we always assume
that $1\cdot x=x$ for all $x\in M$.\\
In the first section we recall some basic definitions and facts from
``additive ideal theory''.
\section{Primary Decomposition}
\subsection{Primary and Coprimary Modules. Primary Decomposition.}
Let $R$ be a ring, $M$ an $R$-module.
A submodule $F$ of $M$ is called ``indecomposable in $M$'' iff
from $F=F_1\cap F_2$,\quad $F_1,F_2$ submodules of $M$, it follows that
$F_1=F$ or $F_2=F$.
Obviously $F$ is indecomposable in $M$ iff $(0)$ is indecomposable in
It is well known that in a noetherian $R$-Module every submodule is
can be written as an intersection of finitely many indecomposable
An element $\xi\in R$ is called a ``zero divisor for M'',
iff there exists an element $0\ne x\in M$ with $\xi\cdot x=0$.\\
An element $\xi\in R$ is called ``nilpotent for $M$'',
iff for every $y\in M$ there exists a natural number $n=n(y)$
with $\xi^n\cdot y=0$.
(In \cite{Bourbaki-Alg-Comm-4} these elements are called
{\em presque nilpotent}.)
The set of all non zero divisors for $M$ is a multiplicatively
closed subset of $R$.
The set of all nilpotent elements for $M$ is an ideal of $R$.
If $M\ne(0)$ every nilpotent element for $M$ is also a zero divisor
for $M$.
$M$ is called ``coprimary'', iff $M\ne(0)$ and every zero divisor for
$M$ is nilpotent for $M$.
\label{submodule-coprimary-is coprimary}
From Remark \ref{rem:zerodivisorsmultclosed} it follows that the zero
divisors for a coprimary module $M$ form an ideal $\ne R$, whose complement
is multiplicatively closed, i.e. a {\em prime ideal} $\frak p$.\\
We say that ``$M$ is $\frak p$-coprimary''.\\
Obviously every non zero submodule of a $\frak p$-coprimary module is
again $\frak p$-coprimary.
Let $V$ be a cyclic $R$-module whose annihilator $\operatorname{Ann}_R(V)$ is a
prime ideal $\frak p$. Then $V$ is $\frak p$-coprimary.
By definition we have $V=R\cdot x\cong R/\frak p$. So each element of
$\frak p$ is nilpotent for $V$. On the other hand every zero divisor
for $R/\frak p$ lies in $\frak p$, since $\frak p$ is a prime ideal.
Let $M\ne(0)$ be a noetherian $R$-module, $(0)$ indecomposable in
$M$. Then $M$ is coprimary.
(indirect) If $M$ was not coprimary, there would be a non nilpotent
zero divisor $\rho\in R$. Let
$M_i:=\{x\mid x\in M,\quad \rho^i\cdot x=0\}$.
$M_i$ is a submodule of $M$ and $M_i\subseteq M_{i+1}$. Since $M$ is
noetherian there exists an $n\in\Bbb N$ with $M_n=M_{n+1}$. Further
we have $M_1\ne(0)$ because $\rho$ is a zero divisor for $M$ and
$\rho^n M\ne(0)$ since $\rho$ is not nilpotent for $M$.
But $M_1\cap\rho^n M\stackrel{!}{=}(0)$ (and so $(0)$ would be
decomposable in $M$).\\
Proof: If $x\in M_1\cap\rho^n M$ then
$\rho x=0$ and $x=\rho^n y$ with an $y\in M$. $\Rightarrow
\rho^{n+1}y=0$ $\Rightarrow y\in M_{n+1}$. But $M_{n+1}=M_n$ and
therefore $x=\rho^n y=0$.
If $M$ is non noetherian then Proposition \ref{indcomp-coprim} does
not hold. See Example \ref{0-indcomp-not-coprim}.
A submodule $N$ of $M$ is called ``$\frak p$-primary (or primary
for $\frak p$) in $M$'', iff
$M/N$ is $\frak p$-coprimary.
Immediately from the definitions follows:
\item $M$ is coprimary $\Longleftrightarrow$ $(0)$ is $\frak p$-primary in
\item Let $F$ and $N$ be submodules of $M$ with $M\supseteq F\supseteq
N$. Then:\\
$F$ is $\frak p$-primary in $M$ $\Longleftrightarrow$ $F/N$ is
$\frak p$-primary in $M/N$.
\item If $M=R$ and $N=\frak q$ an ideal in $R$ then $\frak q$ is
primary in $R$ iff $\frak q$ is what is called a primary ideal.
With these notions Proposition \ref{indcomp-coprim} can be
reformulated as:
Let $N$ be a proper submodule of $M$ which is indecomposable in $M$
and $M/N$ noetherian. Then $N$ is primary in $M$.
The converse of Corollary \ref{indecomp-primary} is not true but:
Let $N_1,\dots,N_r$ be $\frak p$-primary submodules of $M$.\\
Then $\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^r N_i$ is also $\frak p$-primary in $M$.
1) Every element of $\frak p$ is nilpotent for
$N:=\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^r N_i$:\\
If $\rho\in\frak p$ and
$x\in M$ then for for every $i$ there is an $n_i\in\Bbb N$ with
$\rho^{n_i}\cdot x\in N_i$. Then with
$n:=\max\{n_1,\dots,n_r\}$ we have $\rho^n\cdot x\in N$.\\
2) Every zero divisor for $M/N$ is an element of $\frak p$:\\
Let $\rho\in R$ be a zero divisor for $M/N$. Then there exists an
$x\in M\setminus N$ with $\rho\cdot x\in N$. Then $x\notin N_{i_0}$
for an $i_0$ and $\rho\cdot x\in N_{i_0}$. Then $\rho$ is a
zero divisor for $M/N_{i_0}$ and therefore $\rho\in\frak p$.
Let $N$ be a submodule of $M$. A decomposition
N=\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^r F_i,\qquad \text{where the } F_i \text{ are }
\frak p_i \text{-primary in }M
is called a ``primary decomposition (or representation) of $N$ in
The $\frak p_i$ are called the ``prime ideals belonging to the
primary decomposition''\\
A primary decomposition of $N$ in $M$ is called ``reduced'' (or
``irredundant'') or a ``normal decomposition (or representation)
of $N$ in $M$'' if
the following two conditions hold:
$i\ne k\Longrightarrow\frak p_i\ne\frak p_k$.
No $F_i$ contains the intersection of the others
From a primary decomposition one can obtain a normal
Group together the $F_i$ which are primary for the same prime
ideal $\frak p$ and take their intersection. By Proposition
\ref{intersection-for-same-primideal} this is again a
$\frak p$-primary submodule of $M$. This take care of condition
(\ref{unequal-primes}) of Definition \ref{primary-decomp}.
Then omit a primary submodule that contains the intersection of
the others. Proceed until also condition (\ref{superfluous}) of
Definition \ref{primary-decomp} is satisfied.
In a $\frak p$-coprimary $R$-module $M$ the submodule $(0)$ has the
normal representation $(0)=(0)$, since $(0)$ is a $\frak p$-primary
submodule of $M$.
From Remark \ref{zero-indcomp}, Corollary \ref{indecomp-primary}
together with Remark \ref{normal-repr-exists} we obtain the well
If $M$ is noetherian then every proper submodul $N$ of $M$
has a normal representation in $M$.
\subsection{Quotient Modules and \boldmath $S$-Components.}
Let $M$ be an $R$-module, $S$ a multiplicatively closed subset of $R$
with $1\in S$,
\psi:M\longrightarrow M_S
the canonical homomorphism of M into the quotient module of $M$ with
respect to $S$.
For an $R_S$-submodule $U$ of $M_S$ we denote by $U\cap M$ the full inverse
image of $U$ under $\psi$:
U\cap M:=\psi^{-1}(U).
$U\cap M$ obviously is an $R$-submodule of $M$.\\[1ex]
For an $R$-submodule $N$ of $M$ we denote by $R_S\cdot N$ the
$R_S$-submodule of $M_S$ generated by $\psi(N)$:
R_S\cdot N:=R_S\cdot\psi(N)=\left\{\frac{x}{s}\mid x\in N, s\in
S\right\} \subseteq M_S
For a subset $A\subseteq M$ we define
$A_S:=\{\frac{x}{s}\mid x\in A, s\in S\}\subseteq M_S$.
Since forming the quotient module is an exact functor we can identify
the submodule $R_S\cdot N$ of $M_S$ with the quotient module $N_S$.
Also the notation $A_S$ for a set $A$ is compatible with the notation
$A_S$ if $A$ is an $R$-module.
\label{up-and down}
For each $R_S$-submodule $U$ of $M_S$ we have
R_S\cdot(U\cap M)= U.
For each $R$-submodule $N$ of $M$ we have
(R_S\cdot N)\cap M=\{x\mid x\in M, \text{ exists } s\in S
\text{ with } s\cdot x\in N \}
\supseteq N
(1) Clearly $R_S\cdot(U\cap M)\subseteq U$.
Now let $\frac{x}{s}\in U$ with $s\in S$. Then
$\psi(x)=\frac{x}{1}\in U$ and
therefore $\frac{x}{t}=\frac{1}{t}\cdot\psi(x)\in U$.
(2)\quad&(N_S)\cap M&=\psi^{-1}(R_S\cdot\psi(N))\cr
&&=\{x\mid x\in M,\ \frac{x}{1}\in N_S\}\cr
&&=\{x\mid x\in M,\text{ ex. }s'\in S,\ y\in N \text{ with }
\frac{x}{1}=\frac{y}{s'} \text{ in }M_S \}\cr
&&=\{x\mid x\in M,\text{ ex. }s',t\in S,\ y\in N\text{ with }
\underbrace{ts'}_{=s\in S}\cdot x=t\cdot y\text{ in }M\}\cr
&&=\{x\mid x\in M,\text{ ex. }s\in S\text{ with }s\cdot x\in N\}
The operation of extending a submodule of $M$ to $M_S$ and then
restricting it back to $M$ plays an important role. Therefore an
extra name is introduced:
For any $R$-submodule $N$ of $M$ and any multiplicatively closed
subset $S$ of $R$ we define
S^M(N):=(R_S\cdot N)\cap M
the ``$S$-component of $N$ in $M$''.\
If no confusion can arise we will also write $S(N)$ instead of $S^M(N)$.
The basic properties of these operations are summarized in the
following Proposition, the proof of which is immediate:
Let $S,T$ be multiplicatively closed subsets of $R$; $N, \widetilde N, N_i$
submodules of $M$. Then:
$R_S\cdot S(N)=R_S\cdot N$
$S(N)\supseteq N$
$T\supseteq S\Longrightarrow S(T(N))=T(N)=T(S(N))$. Especially $S(S(N))=S(N)$
$N\subseteq \widetilde N\Longrightarrow S(N)\subseteq S(\widetilde N)$
$R_S\cdot(N\cap \widetilde N)=R_S\cdot N\cap R_S\cdot \widetilde N$
$S(N\cap \widetilde N)=S(N)\cap S(\widetilde N)$
$\left(\bigcup\limits_i N_i\right)_S=\bigcup\limits_i (N_i)_S$
for arbitrary unions.\\
(But in general these are only sets, not modules\,!)
$R_S\cdot\sum\limits_{i} N_i=\sum\limits_{i} R_S\cdot N_i$ for
arbitrary sums.
$S(N+\widetilde N)\supseteq S(N)+S(\widetilde N)$,\\
but equality does not hold in general (Example \ref{S-comp-non-add}).
If $\frak a$ is an ideal of $R$ then
$R_S\cdot(\frak a\cdot N)=(R_S\cdot\frak a)\cdot(R_S\cdot N)$
Let $R':=R/Ann_R(M)$ and $\phi:R\rightarrow R'$
the canonical homomorphism. Then $M$ and $N$ have natural structures as
$R'$-modules. We denote these by $M'$ and $N'$. Let $S$ be a
multiplicatively closed subset of $R$. Then $S':=\phi(S)$ is a
multiplicatively closed subset of $R'$ and\\
${S'}^{M'}(N')=S^M(N)$ as $R$-modules and as $R'$-modules.
\begin{ex}[$S(N+\widetilde N)\nsubseteq S(N)+S(\widetilde N)$]
$R:=M:=k[X,Y]$ polynomial ring in $X,Y$ over a field $k$,\\
$N:=R\cdot X$,\quad$\widetilde N:=R\cdot Y$\\
$S:=\{(X+Y)^\nu\mid \nu=0,1,2,\dots\}$.\\
Then $S(N)=N$, $S(\widetilde N)=\widetilde N$, but
$S(N+\widetilde N)=R\nsubseteq R\cdot X+R\cdot Y$.
An immediate consequence of Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component}
is the following:
The map
M_S\supseteq U\mapsto U\cap M\subseteq M
is an order preserving isomorphism between the lattice of the
$R_S$-submodules of $M_S$ and the lattice of those $R$-submodules of
$M$ which are $S$-components.\\
(The order is defined by ``$\,\supseteq\,$'' and the lattice operations
are ``$\,\cap\,$'',\ ``$\,+\,$'' in $M_S$ and $``\,\cap\,$'',
\ ``$\,S(\quad+\quad)\,$'' in $M$.)
If $M$ is a noetherian $R$-module then $M_S$ is a noetherian $R_S$-module.
There is a close connection between the primary submodules of $M$ and
There is a one-to-one correspondence
M&\supset& N&\rightmapsto&R_S\cdot N&\subset&M_S\\
M&\supset& U\cap M&\leftmapsto&U&\subset&M_S\\
between the primary submodules $U$ of $M_S$ and those primary
submodules $N$ of $M$ whose prime ideals $\frak p$ don't intersect
with $S$, i.e. $\frak p\cap S=\emptyset$:\\
More precisely:
If $U$ is a $\frak P$-primary submodule of $M_S$ then $U\cap M$ is a
$\frak p:=\frak P\cap R$-primary submodule of $M$, $\frak p\cap
S=\emptyset$ and $R_S\cdot (U\cap M)=U$.
If $N$ is a $\frak p$-primary submodule of $M$ and $\frak p\cap
S=\emptyset$ then $R_S\cdot N$ is a\\
$\frak P:=R_S\cdot\frak p$-primary
submodule of $M_S$ and $R_S\cdot N\cap M=N$.
If $N$ is a $\frak p$-primary submodule of $M$ then:
N&\text{for }\frak p\cap S=\emptyset\\
M&\text{for }\frak p\cap S\ne\emptyset
R_S\cdot N=M_S\quad\text{for }\frak p\cap S\ne\emptyset.
(1) Let $U\subset M_S$ be $\frak P$-primary in $M_S$,\quad $N:=U\cap
M$ and $r\in R$ an arbitrary zero divisor for $M/N$. Then there is a
$x\in M\setminus N$ with $r\cdot x\in N$. It follows that
$\frac{r}{1}\cdot\frac{x}{1}\in R_S\cdot N=U$ (see Proposition
\ref{up-and down}). But $\frac{x}{1}\notin U$, because else
$x\in U\cap M=N$. Therefore $\frac{r}{1}$ is a zero divisor for
$M_S/U$, then $\frac{r}{1}\in\frak P$ and so
$r\in\frak P\cap R=\frak p$. Further every element $r\in\frak p$ is
nilpotent for $M$: Let $x\in M$ arbitrary. Then there is a $n\in\Bbb
N$ with $\left(\frac{r}{1}\right)^n\cdot\frac{x}{1}\in R_S\cdot N=U$
because $\frac{r}{1}\in\frak P$ is nilpotent for $M_S/U$,
and so $r^n\cdot x\in U\cap M=N$: \quad $U\cap M$ is
$\frak P\cap R$-primary. \\
(2) and (3): Let $N$ be $\frak p$-primary in $M$.\\
$1^{st}$ case: $\frak p\cap S\ne\emptyset$. Then there is an
$s\in\frak p\cap S$. $s$ is nilpotent for $M/N$, i.e. for each $x\in
M$ there is an $n\in\Bbb N$ with $s^n\cdot x\in N$ and $s^n\in S$ since $S$
is multiplicatively closed. Therefore by definition
$x\in S^M(N)$ and so $S^M(N)=M$.\\
$2^{nd}$ case: $\frak p\cap S=\emptyset$. Then $\frak P:=R_S\cdot\frak p$ is
a prime ideal of $R_S$. We claim that $R_S\cdot N$ is
$\frak P$-primary in $M_S$ and $S^M(N)=N$.\\
Proof: First we show $S(N)=N$.\quad $S(N)\supseteq N$ is always true
(Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component}). To show the other
inclusion let $x\in S(N)$ be arbitrary. Then there is an $s\in S$ with
$s\cdot x\in N$. If $x\notin N$ then $s$ would be a zero divisor for
$M/N$ and therefore $s\in \frak p\cap S=\emptyset$~! So we have that
Now we show that $M_S/(R_S\cdot N)$ is $\frak P$-coprimary:\\
Let $\frac{r}{s}$ be an arbitrary zero divisor for $M_S/N_S$. There
is an $\frac{x}{t}\in M_S\setminus N_S$ with
$\frac{r}{s}\cdot\frac{x}{t}\in N_S$.
$\Rightarrow\frac{r\cdot x}{1}\in N_S\Rightarrow
r\cdot x\in N_S\cap M =S(N)=N$. But $x\notin N$, because else
$\frac{x}{t}\in N_S$. So $r$ is a zero divisor for $M/N$
$\Rightarrow r\in\frak p$ $\Rightarrow
\frac{r}{s}\in R_S\cdot\frak p=\frak P$.\\
Further each element of $\frak P$ is nilpotent for $M_S/N_S$ because
each element of $\frak p$ is nilpotent for $M/N$.\\
Finally: If $\frak p\cap S\ne\emptyset$ we have
$N_S=R_S\cdot N=R_S\cdot S(N)=R_S\cdot M=M_S$.
Let $N$ be a proper submodule of $M$, $S$ a multiplicatively closed
subset of $R$, and
N=\bigcap_{i\in I} N_i
a normal (resp. primary) decomposition of $N$ in $M$, where the
$N_i$ are $\frak p_i$-primary in $M$.\\
I':=\{i\mid i\in I,\quad \frak p_i\cap S=\emptyset\}
S(N)=\bigcap_{i\in I'}N_i
is a normal (resp. primary) decomposition of $S(N)$ in $M$ and
N_S=\bigcap_{i\in I'}(N_i)_S
is a normal (resp. primary) decomposition of $N_S$ in $M_S$.
From Proposition \ref{primary-up-down} (\ref{S-comp-of-primary}) we
know that
N_i&\text{ for } i\in I'\\
M &\text{ for } i\in I\setminus I'
It then follows from Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component},
(\ref{S-comp-intersect}) that
$S(N)=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}S(N_i)\cap\bigcap\limits_{k\in I\setminus I'}
$=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}N_i$ is a primary decomposition of $S(N)$ in
Clearly, if $\bigcap\limits_{i\in I}N_i$ is irredundant then
$\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}N_i$ is irredundant too, so from a normal
decomposition of $N$ in $M$ one obtains a normal representation of
$S(N)$ in $M$.\\[1ex]
Further from Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component}
(\ref{RS-ext-intersect}) and
Proposition \ref{primary-up-down} (\ref{up-P-primary}) and
(\ref{S-comp-of-primary}) we have\\
$ N_S=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}(N_i)_S\cap
\bigcap\limits_{k\in I\setminus I'}(N_k)_S=
\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}(N_i)_S$, where the $(N_i)_S$ are
$\frak P_i:=R_S\cdot\frak p_i$-primary in $M_S$. \\
If $\frak p_i\ne \frak p_k$ then $\frak P_i\ne\frak P_k$, and if one of the
$(N_i)_S$ could be omitted in the representation
$\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}(N_i)_S$ then the $N_i$ could be omitted in
the representation $S(N)=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}N_i$.\\
So, if
$N=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I}N_i$ was a normal representation then so is
$N_S=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'} (N_i)_S$.\qed
\subsection{Uniqueness Theorems}
Let $N=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I}N_i$ be a normal representation of $N$
in $M$,\ $N_i$ primary for $\frak p_i$ in $M$.\\
The $N_i$, whose prime ideals $\frak p_i$ are minimal in the set of
all $\frak p_i,\ i\in I$, are uniquely determined by $N$ and $M$
(i.e. they belong to any normal representation of $N$ in $M$).
Let $I=\{1,\dots,r\}$ ,\ $\frak p_1$ minimal among the
$\{\frak p_1,\dots,\frak p_r\}$, and
$S:=\complement\frak p_1:=R\setminus\frak p_1$. Then for all $i\ne 1$
we have $\frak p_i\cap S\ne\emptyset$, because else
$\frak p_i\subseteq\frak p_1$ and therefore $\frak p_i=\frak p_1$
because of the minimality of $\frak p_1$, but by definition of a
normal representation $\frak p_i\ne\frak p_k$ for $i\ne k$.
Proposition \ref{prim-decomp-S-comp} yields: $S(N)=N_1$.\\
Let $N=\bigcap\limits_{j\in J}F_k$ be a second normal
decomposition of $N$ in $M$,\ $F_j$ primary for $\frak q_j$.
Again by Proposition \ref{prim-decomp-S-comp} we get
$S(N)=\bigcap\limits_{j\in J'}F_j$ with\\
$J'=\{j\mid j\in J,\ \frak q_j\cap S=\emptyset\}
=\{j\mid j\in J,\frak q_j\subseteq\frak p_1\}$.\\
$N_1$ is $\frak p_1$-primary in $M$, therefore for each $x\in M$ and
each $p\in \frak p_1$ there is a $\nu=\nu(p,x)\in\Bbb N$ with
$p^\nu\cdot x\in N_1\subseteq F_j$ for all $j\in J'$.
Then $p\in\frak q_j$, since $F_j$ is $\frak q_j$-primary in $M$, and so
finally $\frak p_1\subseteq \frak q_j$ for all $j\in J'$.\\
On the other hand by definition of $J'$ we have $\frak q_j\subseteq\frak
p_1$, and so $\frak q_j=\frak p_1$ for all $j\in J'$. Therefore
$J=\{j_0 \}$ contains exactly one element $j_0$,\
($\frak q_{j_0}=\frak p_1$) and therefore
$F_{j_0}=S(N)=N_1$, i.e. $N_1$ belongs also to the second normal
decomposition of $N$ in $M$.
For the next Proposition we need the following facts about prime ideals:
{\shape{n}\selectfont(\cite{Serre-Alg-loc}, Chap I, prop.2)}
Let $\frak a$ be an ideal and $\frak p_1,\dots\frak p_r$
finitely many prime ideals in $R$. Then
\frak a\subseteq\bigcup_{i=1}^r\frak p_i
\text{There exists an } i_0\in\{1,\dots r\}
\text{ with }\frak a\subseteq\frak p_{i_0}
If $\frak p_1,\dots,\frak p_r$ are finitely many prime ideals of $R$
such that
$\frak a:=\bigcup\limits_{i=1}^r\frak p_i$ is an ideal of $R$ then
there exists an $i_0\in\{1,\dots,r\}$ with $\frak a=\frak p_{i_0}$.
By Proposition \ref{union-of-prime-ideals} there is an
$i_0\in\{1,\dots,r\}$ with
$\frak p_{i_0}\subseteq\bigcup\limits_{i=1}^r\frak p_i
=\frak a\subseteq\frak p_{i_0}$ and so $\frak a=\frak p_{i_0}$.
Another immediate consequence of Proposition \ref{union-of-prime-ideals} is:
Let $\frak a$ be an arbitrary ideal, $\frak p_1,\dots,\frak p_r$ prime ideals
in $R$, and $\frak a\supsetneq \frak p_i$ for $i=1,\dots,r$.\\
Then there exists an $a\in\frak a$ with $a\notin\frak p_i$ for all
Otherwise $\frak a$ would be contained in the union of the $\frak
p_i$ and therefore in one of the $\frak p_i$.
Let $\frak p$ be a prime ideal of $R$ and
$N=\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^r N_i$ a primary decomposition of $N$ in $M$,
$N_i$ primary for $\frak p_i$.\\
Assume that $\frak p\ne\frak p_i$ for all $i=1,\dots,r$.\\
Choose an $a\in\frak p$ such that $a\notin\frak p_i$ for all
$\frak p_i$ with $\frak p_i\subseteq\frak p$\\
{\em (such an $a$ exists by Remark \ref{a-in-a-notin-pi})}\\
Let $S:=\complement\frak p$ and $T:=S\cdot\{a^\nu\mid
T\supsetneq S\text{\quad but\quad} T(N)=S(N).
Since the $\frak p_i$ are prime ideals we have:\\
$\frak p_i\cap T=\emptyset\Longleftrightarrow
\frak p_i\cap S=\emptyset \text{ and } a\notin \frak p_i
\Longleftrightarrow \frak p_i\subseteq\frak p \text{ and }
a\notin \frak p_i$.\\
By the choice of $a$ the condition $a\notin\frak p_i$ automatically
holds for all $\frak p_i\subseteq\frak p$ and so we get:\\
$\frak p_i\cap T=\emptyset\Longleftrightarrow \frak p_i\cap S=\emptyset$.\\
Together with Proposition \ref{prim-decomp-S-comp} we obtain
$T(N)=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p_i\cap T=\emptyset}N_i =
\bigcap\limits_{\frak p_i\cap S=\emptyset}N_i =S(N)$.
On the other hand $T\supsetneq S$ since $a\in T\setminus S$.
The situation is quite different for a prime ideal that occurs in a normal
Let $N=\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^r N_i$ be a normal representation of $N$
in $M$,\\
$N_i$ primary for $\frak p_i$, and let
$\frak p\in\{\frak p_1,\dots,\frak p_r\}$,\quad $S:=\complement\frak p$.
\text{For any multiplicatively closed subset }T\supsetneq S
\text{ of }R\\
T(N)\supsetneq S(N).
Let $\frak p=\frak p_{i_0}$. Then by Proposition
\ref{prim-decomp-S-comp} $S(N)=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'} N_i$ with
$I'=\{i\mid \frak p_i\subseteq\frak p \}\ni i_0$ is a normal
decomposition of $S(N)$.\\
Now let $T\supsetneq S$ be an arbitrary multiplicatively closed set
bigger than $S$. Then $T\cap\frak p_{i_0}\ne\emptyset$ and therefore
$T(N)=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I''}N_i$ with
$I''=\{i\mid\frak p_i\cap T=\emptyset\}\subsetneq I'$, since
$i_0\in I'\setminus I''$. It follows that $T(N)\supsetneq S(N)$
because $S(N)=\bigcap\limits_{i\in I'}N_i$ is a normal representation
and therefore $N_{i_0}$ cannot be omitted.
From Propositions \ref{complement-prime-ideal-not-in-primary-decomp}
and \ref{complement-prime-ideal-in-normal-decomp} one obtains:
\label{charact-prime-ideal-in normal-decomp}
{\shape{n}\selectfont(Compare \cite{Krull-Ringe-ohne-Endlichkeit}, Satz 12.)}
Let $\frak p$ be a prime ideal of $R$ and $N$ a proper submodule of
$\frak p$ belongs to every normal representation of $N$ in $M$ if and
only if for any multiplicatively closed subset $T$ of $R$ with
$T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$ one has
$T(N)\ne\complement\frak p(N)$
(i.e. $T(N)\supsetneq\complement\frak p(N)$).
Since Corollary \ref{charact-prime-ideal-in normal-decomp}
gives a characterization of the prime ideals that belong to an
arbitrary normal representation independently of that decomposition
one obtains
The set of prime ideals belonging to a normal representation of $N$ in
$M$ depends only on $N$ and $M$ and not on the representation.
\section{Associated and Essential Prime Ideals}
We would like to define the ``associated'' prime ideals of a module $M$
as those that belong to a normal representation of $(0)$ in $M$. But
for non noetherian modules such a decomposition may not exist.
Nevertheless we can use the characterization given in Corollary
\ref{charact-prime-ideal-in normal-decomp} which makes sense also in
the non noetherian case (compare \cite{Krull-Ringe-ohne-Endlichkeit},
Definition on page 742):
Let $M$ be an arbitrary $R$-module. A prime ideal $\frak p$ of $R$ is
called an ``associated prime ideal of $M$'' iff for any
multiplicatively closed subset $T$ of $R$ with
$T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$
T^M((0))\supsetneq\complement\frak p^M((0))\ .
The set of all prime ideals associated to $M$ is denoted by
If $N$ is a proper submodule of $M$ then the associated prime ideals
of $M/N$ are called the ``essential prime ideals for $N$ in $M$''.
$\frak p$ is essential for $N$ in $M$ iff for any multiplicatively
closed subset $T$ of $R$ with $T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$ one has
$T^M(N)\supsetneq\complement\frak p^M(N)$.
By Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component}
(\ref{S-comp-factor}) we have\\
$T^{M/N}((0))=T^M(N)/N$ and
$\complement\frak p^{M/N}((0))=\complement\frak p^M(N)/N$.\\
Consequently $T^{M/N}((0))\supsetneq\complement\frak p^{M/N}((0))
\Longleftrightarrow T^M(N)\supsetneq\complement\frak p^M(N)$.
Immediately from the definition together with Corollary
\ref{charact-prime-ideal-in normal-decomp} follows:
If there exists a primary decomposition of $N$ in $M$ (e.g. if $M/N$
is noetherian) then $\frak p$ is essential for $N$ in $M$ iff $\frak
p$ belongs to a normal representation of $N$ in $M$.\\
In this case there are only {\em finitely many} essential prime
ideals for $N$ in $M$.
Since in a $\frak p$-coprimary module $(0)=(0)$ is a normal
representation of $(0)$ in $M$ one has:
If $M$ is $\frak p$-coprimary then $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{\frak p\}$\\
(The converse is also true: Corollary \ref{coprimary-iff-Assp}.)
Each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ contains $\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$.
Let $R':=R/\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ and $\phi:R\rightarrow R'$ the canonical
homomorphism. Then $M$ can be regarded as an $R'$-module $M'$
in a natural way. There is a one-one correspondence between $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$
and $\operatorname{Ass}(M')$, given by
\operatorname{Ass}(M)\ni\frak p\longmapsto \phi(\frak p)\in\operatorname{Ass}(M')
If there was an $s\in\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ but $s\notin\frak p$ we would obtain
$\complement\frak p((0))=M$ and therefore also
$T((0))=M=\complement\frak p((0))$ for
all $T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$, which means that
$\frak p\notin\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.\\
Since the prime ideals of $R'$ are in one-to-one correspondence under
$\phi$ with those prime ideals of $R$ that contains $\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$, and
by (\ref{AssM-AnnM}) we know that the elements of $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ contain
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$, we only need to show that $\frak p\in \operatorname{Ass}(M)$ iff
$\frak p':=\phi(\frak p)\in\operatorname{Ass}(M')$. Obviously
$\phi\left(\complement\frak p\right)=\complement\frak p'$.
Let $T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$. Then
$T':=\phi(T)\supsetneq\complement\frak p'$ and vice versa. On the
other hand we know from \ref{basics-for-S-component} (\ref{S-comp-M-M'})
that $T^M((0))={T'}^{M'}((0))$ and also
${\complement\frak p}^M((0))={\complement\frak p'}^{M'}((0)$.
Then it follows immediately from Definition
\ref{def-assprim} that $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)\Leftrightarrow\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}(M')$.
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ iff each element of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is a
zero divisor for $M_{\frak p}$.
$\underline{\Rightarrow:}$ Let $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$, $p\in\frak p$,
$s\in\complement\frak p$, and
$T:=\complement\frak p\cdot\{p^\nu\mid \nu=0,1,\dots\}$.
Then $T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$ and consequently
$T((0))\supsetneq\complement\frak p((0))$, because of
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
Therefore there is an $x\in M$, $x\notin\complement\frak p((0))$ with
$x\in T(0)$, i.e. there are $s'\in\complement\frak p$ and
$\nu\in\Bbb N$ such that $s'\cdot p^\nu\cdot x=0$.
($\nu>0$ since $x\notin\complement\frak p((0))$.)
Then $\frac{p^\nu}{1}\cdot\frac{x}{1}=0$ in $M_{\frak p}$ and
therefore also $(\frac{p}{s})^\nu\cdot\frac{x}{1}=0$ in
$M_{\frak p}$. But $\frac{x}{1}\ne0$ since
$x\notin\complement\frak p(0)$ and so $(\frac{p}{s})^\nu$ and
therefore also $\frac{p}{s}$ is a zero divisor for $M_{\frak p}$.\\
Let $\frak p$ be a prime ideal of $R$ such that each element of
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is a zero divisor for $M_{\frak p}$,
and let $T$ be a multiplicatively closed set with
$T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$. Then there exists a $p\in T\cap \frak p$.
By assumption $\frac{p}{1}$ is a zero divisor for $M_{\frak p}$. So
there are $x\in M$ and $s\in\complement\frak p$ such that
$\frac{x}{s}\ne0$ but $\frac{p}{1}\cdot\frac{x}{s}=0$ in
$M_{\frak p}$. Then there is an $s'\in \complement\frak p$ with
$s'\cdot p\cdot x=0$ in $M$. By definition of $T$ we have $s'\cdot p\in T$
and therefore $x\in T((0))$. But $x\notin\complement\frak p$, since
otherwise $\frac{x}{s}=0$ in $M_{\frak p}$ contrary to our
assumptions. So we get $T((0))\supsetneq\complement\frak p((0))$ and
therefore $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
Since there are no zero divisors for the zero module we get:
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)\Longrightarrow M_{\frak p}\ne (0)$
\label{p-in Ass-is-zero-divisor}
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)\Longrightarrow$ Each element of $\frak p$ is a
zero divisor for $M$. (For the converse see Theorem
If $p\in\frak p$ then by Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp}
$\frac{p}{1}$ is a zero divisor for $M_{\frak p}$. Therefore there is
an $x\in M$ with $\frac{x}{1}\ne0$ and $\frac{p\cdot x}{1}=0$
in $M_{\frak p}$. Then there is an $s\in\complement\frak p$ with
$p\cdot(s\cdot x)=0$ in $M$. But $s\cdot x\ne0$, since else
$\frac{x}{1}=\frac{s\cdot x}{s}=0$ in $M_{\frak p}$. So $p$ is a zero
divisor for $M$.
Let $S$ be a multiplicatively closed subset of $R$ and $\frak P$ a
prime ideal of $R_S$. Then
\frak P\in\operatorname{Ass}(M_S)\Longleftrightarrow \frak P\cap R\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)
Let $\frak p:=\frak P\cap R$. Then
$R_{\frak p}=\left(R_S\right)_{\frak P}$,\quad
$M_{\frak p}=\left(M_S\right)_{\frak P}$,\quad
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}=\frak P\cdot\left(R_S\right)_{\frak P}$.\\
Therefore by Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp}
$\frak P\in\operatorname{Ass}(M_S)\Longleftrightarrow$
each element of $\frak P\cdot\left(R_S\right)_{\frak P}
=\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is a zero divisor for
$\left(M_S\right)_{\frak P}=M_{\frak p}\Longleftrightarrow
\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
If $N$ is a submodule of $M$ then $\operatorname{Ass}(N)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
Let $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(N)$. By Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp}
each element of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is a zero divisior for
$N_{\frak p}\subseteq M_{\frak p}$ and therefore also for
$M_{\frak p}$. Again by Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp} we get
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
\label{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx}
Let $\frak p$ be a prime ideal of $R$, $x\in M$. The following conditions
are equivalent:
$\frak p$ is minimal among the prime ideals containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$.
$\frac{x}{1}\ne0$, and each element of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is
nilpotent for $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$.
$R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ is $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$-coprimary.
(\ref{min-prime-over-ann}) $\Rightarrow$
$\frac{x}{1}\ne0$ in $M_{\frak p}$, because else there would be a
$s\in\complement\frak p$ with $s\cdot x=0$ in $M$. Then
$s\in\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)\subseteq\frak p$, which contradicts
$s\in\complement\frak p$.\\
Now let $p$ be an arbitrary element of $\frak p$, and
$S:=\complement\frak p\cdot\{p^\nu\mid\nu=0,1,\dots\}$.
We show that $\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)=R_S$:\quad
Otherwise there would exist a prime ideal $\frak P'$ of $R_S$ with
$\frak P'\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)$.
Let $\frak p':=\frak P'\cap R$. Then $\frak p'\supseteq
\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)\cap R\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}(x)$ and
$\frak p'\cap S=\emptyset$, since also
$\frak p'\cap\complement\frak p=\emptyset$, i.e.
$\frak p'\subseteq\frak p$. Now by hypothesis $\frak p$ is minimal
among the prime ideals containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$ and therefore
$\frak p'=\frak p$. It would follow that $p\in S\cap\frak p'$,
contradicting $\frak p'\cap S=\emptyset$. So
$\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)=R_S$ and consequently
$\frac{x}{1}=0$ in $M_S$.
Therefore there exist $\nu\in\Bbb N$ and $s\in\complement\frak p$
with $s\cdot p^\nu\cdot x=0$ in $M$. If follows that
$\left(\frac{p}{1}\right)^\nu\cdot\frac{x}{1}=0$ in $M_{\frak p}$.
Since $p$ was an arbitrary element of $\frak p$ we have shown that
each element of $\frac{\frak p}{1}$ and therefore also each element
of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is nilpotent for $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$.
(\ref{nilpotent-in-Rp}) $\Rightarrow$
By assumption each element of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is nilpotent
for $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ and therefore a zero divisor for
$R_{\frak p}\cdot x$, because $R_{\frak p}\cdot x\ne(0)$.
Since the elements of $R_{\frak p}\setminus\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$
are the units of $R_{\frak p}$, $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is the set
of all zero divisors for $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$. Consequently
$R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ is $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$-coprimary.
(\ref{xRp-coprimary}) $\Rightarrow$
$\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}(x)$, because else there would exist an
$s\in R\setminus\frak p$ with $s\cdot x=0$ and therefore
$\frac{x}{1}=0$ in $M_{\frak p}$ which cannot be since
$R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ is coprimary and therefore $\ne (0)$.\\
$\frak p$ is minimal among the prime ideals containing $\operatorname{Ann}(x)$:
Let $\frak p'$ be a prime ideal with
$\frak p\supseteq\frak p'\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}(x)$ and $p\in\frak p$. Then
by assumption $\frac{p}{1}$ is nilpotent for $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$.
Then there exist $s\in R\setminus\frak p$ and $\nu\in\Bbb N$ with
$s\cdot p^\nu\in\operatorname{Ann}(x)\subseteq\frak p'$. But
$s\notin\frak p\supseteq\frak p'$. It follows that
$p\in\frak p'$ and therefore $\frak p=\frak p'$.
Let $0\ne x\in M$ be an arbitrary element of $M$ and $\frak p$ minimal
among the prime ideals containing $\operatorname{Ann}(x)$. Then $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
By Proposition \ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx} $\frac{x}{1}\ne0$
in $M_{\frak p}$ and each element of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$
is nilpotent for $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ and therefore a zero divisor
for $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ and hence also for $M_{\frak p}$. From
Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp}
then follows that $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
A prime ideal $\frak p$ of $R$ is called
``associated of the first kind to $M$''
iff there exists an $x\in M$ such that $\frak p$ is minimal among all
prime ideals that contain $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$:
\operatorname{Ass}_1(M):=\{\frak p\mid \frak p \text{ associated of the first
kind to $M$}\}
A prime ideal $\frak p$ of $R$ is called ``essential of the first
kind for $N$ in $M$'' iff $\frak p$ is associated of the first kind to $M/N$ .
In \cite{Bourbaki-Alg-Comm-4} \S 1 exercise 17 the prime ideals
which we call associated of the first kind to $M$ are called ``faiblement
associ\'e \`a $M$''.
$\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}(M)$, but in general equality does not hold
(Example \ref{Ass-not-Ass1}).
Let $\frak a$ be a proper ideal in $R$.
The prime ideals which are minimal in the set of all prime ideals
containing $\frak a$ are essential of the first kind for $\frak a$ in $R$.
Let $R':=R/\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ and $\phi:R\rightarrow R'$ the canonical
homomorphism. Then $M$ can be regarded as an $R'$-module $M'$
in a natural way. There is a one-to-one correspondence between $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$
and $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M')$, given by
\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)\ni\frak p\longmapsto \phi(\frak p)\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M')
(\ref{Ass1-in-Ass}) follows from Corollary \ref{min-primes-Ann-Ass}.
$M\ne(0)\Rightarrow$ Ex. $0\ne x\in M\Rightarrow\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)\ne R
\Rightarrow$ Ex. prime ideal $\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$ and
therefore there also exists a prime ideal $\frak p'$ which is minimal
among the prime ideals containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$. By definition $\frak
Conversely: If $\operatorname{Ass}(M)\ne\emptyset$ then $M\ne(0)$ (and then also
$\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)\ne\emptyset$ as was just shown), since by
Corollary \ref{p-Ass-Mp-not-0}
one even has $M_{\frak p}\ne(0)$ for all $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
For the residue class $\bar1\in R/\frak a$ we have
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(\bar1)=\frak a$. Therefore the prime ideals $\frak p$ which
are minimal among the prime ideals containing $\frak a$ belong to
$\operatorname{Ass}_1(R/\frak a)$, which means that $\frak p$ is essential of the
first kind for $\frak a$ in $R$.
This follows immediately from the fact that for each $x\in M$ we have\\
$\operatorname{Ann}_{R'}(\phi(x))=\phi\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)\right)$. (See also the proof of
Remark \ref{AssM-and-M'} (\ref{AssM-AssM'}) .)
With respect to quotient modules the elements of $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ behave
similar to those of $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ (Corollary \ref{Ass-up-down}):
Let $S$ be a multiplicatively closed subset of $R$ and $\frak P$ a
prime ideal of $R_S$. Then
\frak P\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M_S)\Longleftrightarrow \frak P\cap R\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)
We use the same notations as in the proof of Corollary
$\frak P\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)\Leftrightarrow$ there
exists $x\in M$ such that $\frak P$ is minimal among the prime ideals
containing $\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)$. By propositon
\ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx} this means that $\frac{x}{1}\ne0$
and each element of $\frak P\cdot\left(R_S\right)_{\frak P}=
\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is nilpotent for
$\left(R_S\right)_{\frak P}\cdot\frac{x}{1}=R_{\frak p}\cdot x$,
which again by Proposition \ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx},
is equivalent to $\frak p$ being minimal among the prime ideals of
$R$ containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$, i.e. $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
Each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ is the union of certain\\
$\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
More exactly:
\frak p=\bigcup_{\frak P'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M_{\frak p})}\frak P'\cap R
\label{finite-union-of Ass1}
If $\frak p'_1,\dots,\frak p'_r\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ are {\em finitely many} prime
ideals of $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ such that
$\bigcup\limits_i\frak p'_i=:\frak p$ is a prime
ideal, then $\frak p$ is equal to one of the $\frak p'_i$ and
therefore $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
If $\frak p_i\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ and $\bigcup\limits_i\frak p_i=:\frak p$ is a prime
ideal then $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
Let $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ and
$\frak P'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1\left(M_{\frak p}\right)$.
Then $\frak P'\cap R\subseteq\frak p$,
and by Proposition \ref{Ass1-up-down}
$\frak P'\cap R\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$. Therefore
$\frak p\supseteq
\bigcup\limits_{\frak P'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1\left(M_{\frak p}\right)}
\frak P'\cap R$.\\
Conversely: Let $p\in\frak p$. Then by Proposition
\ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp}\quad $\frac{p}{1}$ is a zero divisor for
$M_{\frak p}$. Therefore there exists
$0\ne\frac{x}{1}\in M_{\frak p}$ with
\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}\left(R_{\frak p}\cdot\frac{x}{1}\right)$.
Let $\frak P'_x$ be minimal among the prime ideals containing
$\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}\left(R_{\frak p}\cdot\frac{x}{1}\right)$. Then by
Definition \ref{def-Ass-essential-first-kind}\ \
$\frak P'_x\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M_{\frak p})$ and
$p\in\frak P'_x\cap R$. Therefore $\frak p\subseteq
\bigcup\limits_{\frak P'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1\left(M_{\frak p}\right)}
\frak P'\cap R$.
(\ref{finite-union-of Ass1})
This is an immediate consequence of
Corollary \ref{union-finitely-many-primes-ideal}.
Let $\frak p=\bigcup\limits_i\frak p_i$ with $\frak p_i\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ be
a prime ideal. Then $\frak p\supseteq\frak p_i$ and therefore
$\frak P_i:=R_{\frak p}\cdot\frak p_i$ is a prime ideal of
$R_{\frak p}$ and
$M_{\frak p_i}=\left(M_{\frak p}\right)_{\frak P_i}$.
Now let $p\in\frak p$ be an arbitrary element. We show that
$\frac{p}{1}$ is a zero divisor of $M_{\frak p}$:\\
Since $p\in\frak p_{i_0}$ for some $i_0$ and
$\frak p_{i_0}\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ it follows from Proposition
\ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp} that
$\frac{p}{1}\in R_{\frak p_{i_0}}$ is a zero divisor for
$M_{\frak p_{i_0}}$. Then there is an $x\in M$ with
$\frac{x}{1}\ne0$ in $M_{\frak p_{i_0}}$ but
$\frac{p}{1}\cdot\frac{x}{1}=0$ in $M_{\frak p_{i_0}}$.
Then there is a $\rho\in R_{\frak p}\setminus\frak P_{i_0}$
with $\rho\cdot\frac{p}{1}\cdot\frac{x}{1}=0$ in $M_{\frak p}$,
since $M_{\frak p_{i_0}}=\left(M_{\frak p}\right)_{\frak P_{i_0}}$.
But $\rho\cdot\frac{x}{1}\ne0$ in $M_{\frak p}$, because else
$\frac{x}{1}=0$ in
$M_{\frak p_{i_0}}=\left(M_{\frak p}\right)_{\frak P_{i_0}}$.
Consequently $\frac{p}{1}\in R_{\frak p}$ is a zero divisor for
$M_{\frak p}$. Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp}
then yields $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
An immediate consequence of Proposition \ref{union-of-Ass1-primes}
(\ref{each-p-is-union}) and (\ref{finite-union-of Ass1}) is:
Each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ contains a\/ $\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$. Therefore
all minimal elements of $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ (if there are any) lie in $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
If $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ is a finite set then $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
(E.g. if $M$ is noetherian or if $(0)$ has a primary decomposition.)
\bigcup\limits_{\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)}\frak p'=
\bigcup\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)}\frak p=
\{r\mid r\in R,\ r\text{ zero divisor for }M \}.
From $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ follows
$\bigcup\limits_{\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)}\frak p'\subseteq
\bigcup\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)}\frak p$, and because of
Proposition \ref{union-of-Ass1-primes} (\ref{each-p-is-union})
one has also the converse inclusion. That shows the first equality.\\
To show the second equality we only need to show that every zero divisor for
$M$ lies in a $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$, because the other inclusion
follows from Corollary \ref{p-in Ass-is-zero-divisor}.
Let $r\in R$ be a zero divisor for $M$. Then there exists an
$x\in M$, $x\ne0$ with $r\in\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$. Since $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)\ne R$
there exist prime ideals in $R$ containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$. A minimal
element among these primes belongs to $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ by Corollary
\ref{min-primes-Ann-Ass} and contains $r$.
Since $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ describes the zero divisors for $M$
it is plausible that there is also connection with the annihilators
of submodules of $N$:
Let $N\ne(0)$ be a finitely generated submodule of $M$, then
The essential prime ideals for $\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$ in $R$ belong to $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$
The essential prime ideals of the first kind for $\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$ in $R$\\
belong to $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$
If there exists a primary decomposition of $(0)$ in $M$ then there is
also a primary decomposition of $\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$ in $R$:
Let $\frak p$ be essential for $\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$ in $R$ and $T$ a
multiplicatively closed subset of $R$ with
$T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$.
Then by Remark \ref{ess-and-mult-closed}\ \
{\complement\frak p}^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)$.
We will show that $R_{\frak p}\cdot T^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)
R_{\frak p}\cdot{\complement\frak p}^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)$:\\
Trivially ``$\supseteq$'' holds. To show the inequality first remark
that by Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component} (\ref{T-bigger-S})
{\complement\frak p}^R\left(T^R(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N))\right)$ is a
$\complement\frak p$-component
because of $T\supseteq\complement\frak p$.
Therefore from
$R_{\frak p}\cdot T^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)
R_{\frak p}\cdot{\complement\frak p}^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)$
by taking the inverse images in $R$ one would obtain
(using Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component} (\ref{RSN=RN}) and the
definition of the $\complement\frak p$-components):
R_{\frak p}\cdot T^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)\cap R=
R_{\frak p}\cdot{\complement\frak p}^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)\cap R=
{\complement\frak p}^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)$, contradiction.\\
Further, again by Proposition \ref{basics-for-S-component}
(\ref{RSN=RN}), we know that
$R_{\frak p}\cdot\complement\frak p\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)=
R_{\frak p}\cdot\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$, and
$R_{\frak p}\cdot\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)=\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(N_{\frak p})$ , because
$N$ is finitely generated
(Remark \ref{transporteurs} (\ref{transp-quotmodule})), so that finally
$R_{\frak p}\cdot T^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)\supsetneq
\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(N_{\frak p})$.\\
Let $r\in T^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)$ with $\frac{r}{1}\in
R_{\frak p}\cdot T^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)\setminus
\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(N_{\frak p})$, i.e. there is an $x\in N$ with
$\frac{r}{1}\cdot\frac{x}{1}\ne(0)$ in
$N_{\frak p}\subseteq M_{\frak p}$ and so
$r\cdot x\notin{\complement\frak p}^M(0)$.
But $\frac{r}{1}\in R_T\cdot T^R\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)=
R_T\cdot\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)=\operatorname{Ann}_{R_T}(N_T)$ since $N$ is finitely generated
(Remark \ref{transporteurs} (\ref{transp-quotmodule})).
Therefore $\frac{r}{1}\cdot\frac{x}{1}=0$ in $N_T\subseteq M_T$ and so
$r\cdot x\in T^M((0))$.\\
So we have shown that for any
$T\supsetneq\complement\frak p$ we have
$T^M((0))\supsetneq{\complement\frak p}^M((0))$ and consequently
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
(\ref{ess1-Ann-N-Ass1-M}): Now let $\frak p$ be essential of the
first kind for $\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$ in $R$,\\
i.e. $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(R/\operatorname{Ann}_R(N))$. By definition there is an $r\in R$
such that $\frak p$ is minimal among the prime ideals containing the
annihilator $\operatorname{Ann}_R(\bar r)$ of the residue class $\bar r$ of $r$ mod
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$. Then by Proposition \ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx}
\quad $\frac{\bar r}{1}\ne 0$, and for each
$\frac{p}{1}\in\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ there exists a
$\nu\in\Bbb N$ with $\frac{p^\nu\cdot r}{s^\nu}\in
\left(\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)\right)_{\frak p}=\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(N_{\frak p})$,
since $N$ is finitely generated
(Remark \ref{transporteurs} (\ref{transp-quotmodule})).
Then there is an $x\in N$ with
$\frac{r\cdot x}{1}\ne0$ in $N_{\frak p}\subseteq M_{\frak p}$, but
for each $\frac{p}{s}\in\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ there is a
$\nu\in\Bbb N$ with
$\left(\frac{p}{s}\right)^\nu\cdot\frac{r\cdot x}{1}=0$ in
$M_{\frak p}$, showing that each element of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$
is nilpotent for $R_{\frak p}\cdot(r\cdot x)$. Proposition
\ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx} then yields that $\frak p$ is minimal
among the prime ideals containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(r\cdot x)$ and therefore
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
Assume that there is a primary decomposition
$(0)=\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^n F_i$, with $F_i$ primary in $M$. Then
by Remark \ref{transporteurs}
\text{ primary in } R&\text{ if }F_i\nsupseteq N\\
R &\text{ if }F_i\supseteq N
because $N$ is finitely generated.
Hence $\operatorname{Ann}_R(N)$ has a primary decomposition in $R$.
\begin{rem} If $N$ is not finitely generated
Proposition \ref{ess-Ann-Ass-M-prim-decomp-0} is not true
as is shown in Example \ref{0-primary-decomp-Ann-not ass}
In the proof of Proposition \ref{ess-Ann-Ass-M-prim-decomp-0} we used
the following
Let $N$ and $U$ be subsets of the $R$-module $M$
(N:U):=\{r\mid r\in R,\ r\cdot U\subseteq N\}
Let $N$ and $U$ be subsets of $M$.
If $N$ is a $R$-submodule of $M$ then $(N:U)$ is an ideal of $R$
$(N:U)=(N:\langle U\rangle)$, where $\langle U\rangle$ denotes the
$R$-module generated by $U$.
For arbitrary intersections we have
\left(\left(\bigcap\limits_{i\in I}F_i\right):U\right)=
\bigcap\limits_{i\in I}\left(F_i:U\right)
Let $F$ be $\frak p$-primary in $M$ and $U$ a finitely generated
submodule of $M$. Then
(F:U)\text{ is }\left\{
\frak p\text{-primary in }R &\text{ if }F\nsupseteq U\\
=R &\text{ if }F\supseteq U
Let $S$ be a multiplicatively closed subset of $R$,\\
$N$, $U$ submodules of $M$. Then
\left(N_S:U_S\right)\supseteq R_S\cdot\left(N:U\right)\ .
If $U$ is finitely generated equality holds.\\
Especially: If $U$ is finitely generated then
are obvious.
Trivially $(F:U)=R$ if $F\supseteq U$.\\
Let $F\nsupseteq U$. Then $1\notin(F:U)$, i.e. $(F:U)\subsetneq R$.
By hypothesis $F$ is $\frak p$-primary in $M$. Then for each
$p\in\frak p$ and each $x\in U$ there is a $\nu\in\Bbb N$ with
$p^\nu\cdot x\in F$. Now by hypothesis $U$ is finitely generated. Given a
$p\in\frak p$ we define $n$ to the maximum of the $\nu_i$ such that for a
finite set of generators $x_i$ of $U$ we have
$p^{\nu_i}\cdot x_i\in F$. Then by (\ref{submodule-ideal})\
$p^n\cdot U\subseteq F$, which means $p^n\cdot R\subseteq(F:U)$. It
follows that each element of $\frak p$ is nilpotent for
$R/(F:U)$. On the other hand, if $r\in R$ is any zero divisor for
$R/(F:U)$ there exists a $y\in R\setminus(F:U)$ with $r\cdot y\in (F:U)$,
i.e. $y\cdot U\nsubseteq F$, but $r\cdot y\cdot U\subseteq F$.
Therefore there is a $z\in y\cdot U$, $z\notin F$ with
$r\cdot z\in r\cdot y\cdot U\subseteq F$. So $r$ is also a zero divisor for
$M/F$ and hence $r\in\frak p$ since $F$ is $\frak p$-primary in $M$,
and we have shown that $(F:U)$ is $\frak p$-primary in $R$.
From $r\cdot U\subseteq N$ follows
$\frac{r}{s}\cdot U_S\subseteq N_S$ for all $s\in S$, and therefore\linebreak
Now let $U$ be finitely generated, $U=\langle x_1,\dots,x_r\rangle$, and
let $\frac{r}{s}\in\left(N_S:U_S\right)$ be arbitrary.
Then for $i=1,\dots r$\quad $\frac{r}{s}\cdot\frac{x_i}{1}\in N_S$,
i.e. for all $i=1,\dots r$ there exists an $s_i\in S$ with
$s_i\cdot r\cdot x_i\in N$. Define $s':=s_1\cdots s_r$. Then
$s'\cdot r\cdot x_i\in N$ for all $i$ and therefore
$s'\cdot r\in (N:U)$. It follows
$\frac{r}{1}\in R_S\cdot(N:U)$ and therefore also
$\frac{r}{s}\in R_S\cdot(N:U)$.
Without the assumption that $U$ is finitely generated the conclusion
of Remark \ref{transporteurs} (\ref{primary-transp}) may be false
as can be seen from Example \ref{0-primary-decomp-Ann-not ass} with
$F:=(0)$, $U:=M$. Then $(0)$ is $\frak p$-primary in $M$, but
$(F:U)=\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)=(0)$ is not $\frak p$-primary in $R$.
In the classical case of noetherian modules
one defines the associated prime ideals of $M$
as those prime ideals which are annihilators of elements of $M$ and
not just minimal elements in the set of all prime ideals containing
the annihilator of an element. Here we will denote the set of these
prime ideals by $\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$:
\operatorname{Ass}_0(M):=\{\frak p\mid \frak p
{\size{10}{12pt}\selectfont\text{ prime ideal of $R$ such that
there is an $x\in R$ with }}\frak p=\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)\}.
Clearly by definition $\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$. But in general
equality does not hold. (See Example \ref{Ass=Ass1-not-Ass0}.)
If $M$ is noetherian, then $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)=\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$.
(See Theorem \ref{Ass-M-noetherian}.)
In the non noetherian case $\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$ is
not very useful. For instance it may happen that
$\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)=\emptyset$ although there exists a primary decomposition
of $(0)$ in $M$. (See Example \ref{Ass=Ass1-not-Ass0}.)
Let $R':=R/\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ and $\phi:R\rightarrow R'$ the canonical
homomorphism. Then $M$ can be regarded as an $R'$-module $M'$
in a natural way. There is a one-to-one correspondence between $\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$
and $\operatorname{Ass}_0(M')$, given by\hfil
$\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)\ni\frak p\longmapsto \phi(\frak p)\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M')$\\
(See the proof of Remark \ref{Ass1-rems} (\ref{Ass1M-Ass1M'}) .)
Let $M$ be an $R$-module and $\frak p$ a prime ideal of $R$.
If there exists a $\frak p$-coprimary submodule $U$ of $M$, then
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
If $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ and $(0)$ has a primary decomposition in $M$
then there exists a cyclic $\frak p$-coprimary submodule $U$ of $M$.
If there exists a primary decomposition of $(0)$ in $M$ and $\frak p$
is finitely generated then:
$\frak p\in \operatorname{Ass}(M)\Longleftrightarrow \frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$.
Especially, if $M$ and $R$ are both noetherian then
If $R$ is noetherian then $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)=\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$
If $M$ is noetherian then $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)=\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$
(\ref{p-coprim-p-Ass}) Let $U$ be a $\frak p$-coprimary submodule of
$M$. Then by definition $U\ne(0)$. Choose an $0\ne x\in U$. By
Remark \ref{submodule-coprimary-is coprimary} $R\cdot x$ is
$\frak p$-coprimary and therefore by
Proposition \ref{primary-up-down}
$R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ is $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$-coprimary. By
Proposition \ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx}
and the definition of $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ we get $\frak p\in
(\ref{0-primary-decomp-cyclic-p-primary}) By hypothesis there exists
a primary and therefore also a normal decomposition of $(0)$ in
$(0)=\bigcap\limits_{i=1}^n F_i$ with $F_i$ being $\frak p_i$-primary
in $M$. By Remark \ref{essential-primes-for-normal-decomp}
$\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{\frak p_1,\dots,\frak p_n\}$.
Without loss of generality we may assume that $\frak p=\frak p_1$.
We distinguish two cases:\\
1$^{st}$ case: $n=1$. Then $(0)=F_1$ is $\frak p$-primary in $M$, i.e. $M$
is $\frak p$-coprimary, especially $M\ne(0)$. Let $0\ne x\in M$. Then
by Remark \ref{submodule-coprimary-is coprimary}
$U:=R\cdot x$ is a cyclic $\frak p$-coprimary submodule of $M$.\\
2$^{nd}$ case: $n\ge 2$. Let
$\widetilde U:=\bigcap\limits_{i=2}^n F_i$ Then $\widetilde U\ne(0)$, since
$(0)=F_1\cap\dots\cap F_n$ is reduced. We show that $\widetilde U$ is
$\frak p$-coprimary:\\
Since $F_1$ is $\frak p$-primary in $M$, for each $p\in\frak p$ and
each $x\in M$ there exists a $\nu\in\Bbb N$ with
$p^\nu\cdot x\in F_1$. Applying this to an $x\in\widetilde U$ we get
$p^\nu\cdot x\in F_1\cap\widetilde U=(0)$. Therefore each element of
$\frak p$ is nilpotent for $\widetilde U$.\\
Now let $r$ be an arbitrary zero divisor for $\widetilde U$.
Then there is an $0\ne x\in\widetilde U$ with $r\cdot x=0$. We have
$x\notin F_1$, since else $x\in F_1\cap\widetilde U=(0)$, but
$r\cdot x=0\in F_1$. Therefore $r$ is a zero divisor for $M/F_1$,
hence $r\in\frak p$. It follows that $\widetilde U$ is
$\frak p$-coprimary. Then any $0\ne x\in\widetilde U$ generates a
cyclic $\frak p$-coprimary submodule of $M$.
Since $\operatorname{Ass}(M)\supseteq\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)\supseteq\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$
all we have to show is that for each
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ there exists a cyclic submodule of $M$ whose
annihilator is $\frak p$.
By (\ref{0-primary-decomp-cyclic-p-primary}) we have a cyclic
$\frak p$-coprimary submodule $U$ of $M$.
Since each element of $\frak p$ is nilpotent for $U$ and
$\frak p$ and $U$ are finitely generated there exists a
$\nu\in\Bbb N$ with $\frak p^\nu\cdot U=(0)$. Choose $\nu$ minimal
with that property, then $\frak p^{\nu-1}\cdot U\ne(0)$. Let
$0\ne y\in\frak p^{\nu-1}\cdot U$. Then $\frak p\cdot y=0$ and
every $r\in R$ with $r\cdot y=0$ lies in $\frak p$ since
$R\cdot y$ is $\frak p$-coprimary as a submodule of $U$. Therefore
$\operatorname{Ann}(y)=\frak p$.
Let $R$ be noetherian. Since $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)\supseteq\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$ all we have
to show is that each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ belongs to $\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$:\\
For $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ there exists an $x\in M$ such that $\frak p$
is minimal among the prime ideals containing $\frak a:=\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$.
Let $V:=R\cdot x\subseteq M$. Then by definition $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(V)$.
But $V\cong R/\frak a$ is a noetherian $R$-module since $R$ is
noetherian. By~(\ref{0-primary-decomp-cyclic-p-primary-finite-p})
we then get $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(V)$, i.e. there is an element
$y\in V$ with $\frak p=\operatorname{Ann}_R(y)$. But since $y\in V\subseteq M$ we
obtain $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$.
Let $M$ be noetherian, $\frak a:=\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$, and $R':=R/\frak a$.
Then $M$ can be regarded in a natural way as an $R'$-module $M'$ and by
\cite{Nagata-Local-Rings} Corollary (3.17) $R'$ is a noetherian ring.
Therefore by (\ref{0-primary-decomp-cyclic-p-primary-finite-p}) we
have $\operatorname{Ass}(M')=\operatorname{Ass}_1(M')=\operatorname{Ass}_0(M')$ as an $R'$-module.
But then the same equality holds for $M$ as an $R$-module, because of
the one-to-one correspondence between the respective $\operatorname{Ass}$. (See
Remarks \ref{AssM-and-M'}, \ref{Ass1-rems}, \ref{Ass0-rems}.)
$0\rightarrow N\rightarrow M\rightarrow L\rightarrow 0$ be an exact
sequence of $R$-modules.
To simplify the notation we may assume that $N\subseteq M$ and
Since the annihilator of an element $x\in N$ is the same as the
annihilator of $x$ regarded as an element of $M$ it is trivial that
$\operatorname{Ass}_1(N)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ and $\operatorname{Ass}_0(N)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$.
So all we have to show is that each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_i(M)$ lies in
$\operatorname{Ass}_i(N)$ or in $\operatorname{Ass}_i(M/N)$ for $i=0,1$.
(\ref{Ass1-exact-sequ}): If $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ then by
Proposition \ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx}
there is an $x\in M$ such that $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$ is
coprimary for $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$.\\
$1^{st}$ case: $R_{\frak p}\cdot x\cap N_{\frak p}=(0)$. Then $R_{\frak
p}\cdot x\cong R_{\frak p}\cdot x+N_{\frak p}/N_{\frak p}
\subseteq(M/N)_{\frak p}$, which shows that $(M/N)_{\frak p}$ contains a
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$-coprimary submodule. Then by
Theorem \ref{Ass-M-noetherian}, (\ref{p-coprim-p-Ass})\
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\in\operatorname{Ass}_1\left((M/N)_{\frak p}\right)$
and then by Proposition \ref{Ass1-up-down}\ $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M/N)$.\\
$2^{nd}$ case: $U:=R_{\frak p}\cdot x\cap N_{\frak p}\ne(0)$. Then by
Proposition \ref{submodule-coprimary-is coprimary}
$U$ is $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$-coprimary as a
submodule $\ne (0)$ of $R_{\frak p}\cdot x$. Since $U\subseteq N_{\frak p}$
it follows from Theorem \ref{Ass-M-noetherian}, (\ref{p-coprim-p-Ass})\
that $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(N_{\frak p})$ and then by
Proposition \ref{Ass1-up-down}\ $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(N)$.
If $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$ there exists a submodule $U=R\cdot x\cong R/\frak p$
of $M$.\\
$1^{st}$ case: $U\cap N=(0)$. Then $U\cong U+N/N\subseteq M/N$ and
therefore $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M/N)$.\\
$2^{nd}$ case: $U\cap N\ne (0)$. Let $0\ne y\in U\cap N$. Since
$U\cong R/\frak p$ and $\frak p$ is a prime ideal, $\operatorname{Ann}_R(y)=\frak p$, and
therefore $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(N)$.
\begin{rem} While $\operatorname{Ass}(N)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ by Corollary
\ref{Ass-submodule}, in general\\
even if the exact sequence splits,\\
as is shown in Example \ref{Ass-exact-sequ-false}.
\section{The Support of a Module}
Let $M$ be an $R$-module.
\operatorname{Supp}(M):=\{\frak p\mid\frak p\text{ prime ideal of }M
\text{ with }M_{\frak p}\ne0\}
We summarize the basic properties of $\operatorname{Supp}$:
$M\ne0\Longleftrightarrow \operatorname{Supp}(M)\ne\emptyset$
If $0\rightarrow N\rightarrow M\rightarrow L\rightarrow 0$ is an
exact sequence of $R$-modules then
If $\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$ and $\frak p'$ is a prime ideal with
$\frak p'\supseteq\frak p$ then $\frak p'\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)\Longrightarrow\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$\\
(but the converse is not true in general: There may be prime ideals
containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ which do not belong to $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$ as is
shows in Example \ref{Ann-not-in-Supp}.)\\
If $M$ is finitely generated then each $\frak p$ containing
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ also belongs to $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
$\operatorname{Supp}\sum\limits_{i\in I} N_i=\bigcup\limits_{i\in I}\operatorname{Supp}(N_i)$\\
for arbitrary families of submodules $N_i$ of $M$.
Trivially if $M=(0)$ the $M_{\frak p}=(0)$ for all $\frak p$.\\
Conversely: If $M\ne(0)$ let $0\ne x\in M$. Then $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)\subsetneq
R$, and so there is a prime ideal $\frak p$ with
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)\subseteq\frak p$. Then $0\ne\frac{x}{1}\in M_{\frak p}$ and
therefore $\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
For each $\frak p$ the sequence
$0\rightarrow N_{\frak p}\rightarrow M_{\frak p}\rightarrow
L_{\frak p} \rightarrow 0$ is exact. Therefore $M_{\frak p}\ne(0)$
iff $N_{\frak p}\ne(0)$ or $L_{\frak p}\ne(0)$.
Because of $M_{\frak p}=\left(M_{\frak p'}\right)_{\frak p\cdot
R_{\frak p'}}$ from $M_{\frak p}\ne(0)$ follows $M_{\frak p'}\ne(0)$.
If $\frak p\nsupseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ there is an $s\in\complement\frak p
\cap\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$, so that $s\cdot M=(0)$ and therefore
$M_{\frak p}=(0)$. For the converse if $M$ is finitely generated see
This follows immediately from the fact that
$M_{\frak p}=\sum\limits_{i\in I}{N_i}_{\frak p}$
There is a close connection between the support of a module and its
associated prime ideals:
Let $M$ be an $R$-module and $\frak p$ a prime ideal of $R$. Consider
the following conditions:
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$
$\frak p$ contains a prime ideal of $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
\label{p-ess-for submod}
$\frak p$ is essential for a submodule of $M$.
\label{p-ess1-for submod}
$\frak p$ is essential of the first kind for a submodule of $M$.
$\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$.
Then {\fontshape{n}\selectfont(\ref{p-in-Supp})--(\ref{p-ess1-for
submod})} are equivalent,
and {\fontshape{n}\selectfont(\ref{p-contains-Ann})} follows from them.\\
If $M$ is finitely generated then
are equivalent.
(\ref{p-in-Supp}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-Ass-in-p}):
Let $\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$. Then $M_{\frak p}\ne(0)$ and therefore
$\operatorname{Ass}(M_{\frak p})\ne\emptyset$ by Remark \ref{Ass1-rems}
(\ref{M-not-zero-Ass1}). Let $\frak P'\in\operatorname{Ass}(M_{\frak p})$ and
$\frak p':=\frak P'\cap R$. Then $\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ by
Corollary \ref{Ass-up-down} and $\frak p'\subseteq\frak p$.
(\ref{p-Ass-in-p}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-in-Supp}):
Let $\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ and $\frak p'\subseteq\frak p$. Then by
Corollary \ref{p-Ass-Mp-not-0}
$M_{\frak p'}\ne(0)$. But then a fortiori $M_{\frak p}\ne(0)$.
(\ref{p-in-Supp}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-ess1-for submod}):
Let $\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$. Then $M_{\frak p}\ne(0)$. Let
$0\ne y\in M_{\frak p}$, and
$\widetilde N:=\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\cdot y$. Then
$y\notin\widetilde N$ by Krull-Nakayama. Let $N:=\widetilde N\cap
M$, and therefore $\widetilde N=N_{\frak p}$.
We will show that $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M/N)$:\\
Because of Proposition \ref{Ass1-up-down} it is enough to show that
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\in\operatorname{Ass}_1\left((M/N)_{\frak p}\right)=
\operatorname{Ass}_1(M_{\frak p}/\widetilde N)$:\\
If we denote by $\bar y$ the residue class of $y$ mod $\widetilde N$
we have $\bar y\ne0$, since $y\notin\widetilde N$, but
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\cdot\bar y=0$ and therefore
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\subseteq\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(\bar y)$. But
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is the maximal ideal of $R_{\frak p}$ and
so equality holds. That means that
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M_{\frak p}/\widetilde N)
\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}_1(M_{\frak p}/\widetilde N)$.
(\ref{p-ess1-for submod}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-ess-for submod}) is
trivial since $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M/N)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$.
(\ref{p-ess-for submod}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-in-Supp}):
If $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$ then by Corollary \ref{p-Ass-Mp-not-0}
$\left(M/N\right)_{\frak p}\ne(0)$. Because of
$\left(M/N\right)_{\frak p}=M_{\frak p}/N_{\frak p}$ we have
a fortiori $M_{\frak p}\ne (0)$.
(\ref{p-in-Supp}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-contains-Ann}) holds by
Remark \ref{Supp-basics} (\ref{Supp-and-Ann}).\\
Now let $M$ be finitely generated. Then we show\\
(\ref{p-contains-Ann}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-in-Supp}):
Let $\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$. For a finitely generated $R$-module
one has\\
$\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(M_{\frak p})=R_{\frak p}\cdot\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ (while in
general only $\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(M_{\frak p})\supseteq R_{\frak
p}\cdot\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ (Remark \ref{transporteurs}
(\ref{transp-quotmodule}))). Therefore
$\operatorname{Ann}_{R_{\frak p}}(M_{\frak p})\subseteq
\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}\ne R_{\frak p}$ and therefore\\
$M_{\frak p}\ne(0)$.
From (\ref{p-Ass-in-p})$\Rightarrow$(\ref{p-in-Supp}) we get:
Let $\frak a$ be an ideal of $R$. Then
\operatorname{Supp}(R/\frak a)=\{\frak p\mid \frak p\supseteq\frak a\}.
$\frak a=\operatorname{Ann}_R(R/\frak a)$ and $M:=R/\frak a$ is a finitely generated
$R$-module. Proposition \ref{Supp-and-Ass}
(\ref{p-in-Supp}) $\Leftrightarrow$ (\ref{p-contains-Ann})
gives the corollary.
$\frak p'$ is minimal in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)\Leftrightarrow\frak p'$ is minimal
in $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
If $M$ is finitely generated each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$ contains a
$\frak p'\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.\\
If $M$ is not finitely generated there
may be no minimal elements in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
(See Example \ref{no-minimal-primes-in-Supp}.)
Let $\frak p'$ be minimal in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$. Then by Proposition
\ref{Supp-and-Ass} (\ref{p-in-Supp}) $\Rightarrow$ (\ref{p-Ass-in-p})
there is a $\frak p''\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ with $\frak p'\supseteq\frak p''$,
which by Corollary \ref{Ass-in-Supp}
lies in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$ and therefore $\frak p'=\frak p''$, because of the
minimality of $\frak p'$.
So we get $\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ and $\frak p'$ is also minimal in
$\operatorname{Ass}(M)$, because of $\operatorname{Ass}(M)\subseteq\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.\\
Conversely, by the same arguments we see that a minimal prime ideal
of $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ is also minimal in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
By Proposition \ref{Supp-and-Ass}\
$\operatorname{Supp}(M)=\{\frak p\mid\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)\}$.
Now each $\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ contains a
$\frak p'\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$, which is minimal among the prime ideals
containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ and therefore minimal in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
\section{The Radical of a Submodule}
Let $N$ be a proper submodule of $M$. We define the
``radical of $N$ in $M$'' as
\frak r_M(N):=\{r\mid r\in R,\ r \text{ nilpotent for } M/N\}.
$\frak r_M(N)$ is an ideal of $R$.
$\frak r_M(N)=\frak r_{M/N}((0))$.
$\frak r_M((0))\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$.
If $\frak a$ is an ideal of $R$ then
$\frak r_R(\frak a)\supseteq\frak a$.
$\frak r_R((0))=\{\text{nilpotent elements of R}\}$ is the
``nil-radical'' of $R$.
\label{nilpotents-intersection-of Ass}
\frak r_M(N)=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M/N)}\frak p
=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)}\frak p
=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M/N)}\frak p
Since $\operatorname{Ass}_1(M/N)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$ and
each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$ contains a $\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M/N)$ one has
$\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)}\frak p
=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}_1(M/N)}\frak p$.
Because of Corollary \ref{Ass-in-Supp}
we have $\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)\subseteq\operatorname{Supp}(M/N)$ and each\\
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M/N)$ contains a $\frak p'\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$.\\
Therefore $\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M/N)}\frak p
=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)}\frak p$.
Because of Remark \ref{basics-radical} (\ref{radN-rad0}) we may now assume
that $N=(0)$. Then $M\ne(0)$.
Let $r\in\frak r_M((0))$. Then for each $x\in M$ there is a
$\nu\in\Bbb N$ with $r^\nu\cdot x=0$ and therefore $M_S=(0)$ for each
multiplicatively closed set $S$ which contains $r$. But for each
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$ by definition $M_{\complement\frak p}\ne (0)$
and therefore $r\in\frak p$ for all $\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$, i.e.
$\frak r_M((0))\subseteq\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)}\frak
Conversely: Let $r\in\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)}\frak p$ and
let $S:=\{r^\nu\mid\nu=0,1,2,\dots\}$. We will show that $M_S=(0)$,
which means that for each $x\in M$ there is a $\nu\in\Bbb N$ with
$r^\nu\cdot x=0$ and so $r\in\frak r_M((0))$:\\
$1^{st}$ case: $R_S=(0)$. Then also $M_S=(0)$, since we always assume
$M$ to be a unitary $R$-module and in $R=(0)$ the $0$ is the unit
$2^{nd}$ case: $R_S\ne(0)$, hence $1\ne0$ in $R_S$. If $M_S\ne(0)$
there would be an $x\in M$ with $\frac{x}{1}\ne0$ in $M_S$, hence
$\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)\ne R_S$. Then there
would be a prime ideal $\frak P$ of $R_S$ with
$\frak P\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)$.
Let $\frak p:=\frak P\cap R$. Then $\frak p\cap S=\emptyset$, hence
$r\notin\frak p$.\\
But $M_{\frak p}=\left(M_S\right)_{\frak P}\ne(0)$, since
$\frak P\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_{R_S}\left(\frac{x}{1}\right)$. Therefore
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$ and so $r\in\frak p$, contradiction!
\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{\frak p\}\Longleftrightarrow M\text{ is }\frak p\text{-coprimary}.
If $M$ is $\frak p$-coprimary then $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{\frak p\}$ by Remark
Conversely: If $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{\frak p\}$ then by Theorem
$\frak p$ is the set of all zero divisors for $M$ and by
Proposition \ref{nilpotents-intersection-of Ass}
each element of $\frak p$ is nilpotent for $M$.
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)\Longrightarrow\frak p\supseteq\frak r_M((0))$\\
But in general the converse is not true
(Example \ref{p-rad-not-Supp}).\\
If $M$ is finitely generated, then the converse holds.
``$\Longrightarrow$'' holds because of Proposition
\ref{nilpotents-intersection-of Ass}.\\
Let $\frak p\supseteq\frak r_M((0))$ then $\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$
because of Remark \ref{basics-radical}. If $M$ is finitely generated
then also $\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$
by Proposition \ref{Supp-and-Ass}.
Let $N$ be a proper submodule of $M$ and $M/N$ finitely generated or
$\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$ finite. (E.g. if there exists a primary decomposition of
$N$ in $M$.) Then
\frak r_M(N)=\bigcap\limits_{\vbox{\hsize1.8cm\noindent
$\frak p$ minimal in\\
\frak p
We will show that in both cases each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$ contains a
$\frak p'$ which is minimal in $\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$. (Therefore one can
restrict the intersection
$\frak r_M(N)=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)}\frak p$ to the
minimal elements of $\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$.):
If $\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$ is finite this is trivial. If $M/N$ is finitely
generated then by Corollary \ref{min-in-Ass-and-Supp}
each $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$ contains a
minimal element $\frak p'$ of $\operatorname{Supp}(M/N)$, and by
Corollary \ref{min-in-Ass-and-Supp} (\ref{min-Supp-min-Ass}) this is
also minimal in $\operatorname{Ass}(M/N)$.
If $\frak a$ is an ideal of $R$ then
\frak r_R(\frak a)=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\supseteq\frak a}\frak p=
$\frak p$ minimal \\
containing $\frak a$}}
\frak p
By Corollary \ref{Supp-R-mod-a}
$\operatorname{Supp}(R/\frak a)=\{\frak p\mid\frak p\supseteq\frak a\}$
and therefore by \ref{nilpotents-intersection-of Ass}
$\frak r_R(\frak a)=\bigcap\limits_{\frak p\supseteq\frak a}\frak p$.
Since each $\frak p\supseteq\frak a$ contains a $\frak p'$ which is
minimal among the prime ideals containing $\frak a$ one can restrict
the intersection to the minimal ones among the prime ideals.
If $R$ is ``reduced'' (i.e. $\frak r_R((0))=(0)$ ) then
\{\text{zero divisors of }R\}=\bigcap\limits_{\vbox{\hsize2.1cm\noindent
$\frak p$ minimal\\
prime ideal of $R$}}\frak p
By Remark \ref{Ass1-rems} (\ref{essential-primes-for-ideal}) the minimal
prime ideals of $R$ belong to\\
$\operatorname{Ass}(R/(0))=\operatorname{Ass}(R)$, and therefore by
Theorem \ref{ass-zero-divisors} all of their elements are zero divisors for
Conversely: If $r$ is a zero divisor for $R$ there is an $s\in R$,
$s\ne0$ with $r\cdot s=0\in\frak p$ for all minimal prime ideals of
$R$. But since by hypothesis
$\frak p$ minimal\\
prime ideal of $R$}}\frak p=\frak r_R((0))=(0)$ there is a minimal
prime ideal $\frak p$ of $R$ with $s\notin\frak p$ and therefore
$r\in\frak p$.
\section{The (Counter-)Examples}
\begin{ex}[\bf\boldmath $(0)$ indecomposable in $M$ but $M$ not
$R$ be a rank 2 discrete valuation ring in the sense of Krull
\cite{Krull-Bewertung} with valuation $\nu$ and
value group $\Bbb Z\times\Bbb Z$ (lexicographically ordered).\\
$R$ has three prime ideals $\frak P_2\supset\frak P_1\supset (0)$.
Let $\pi_1,\pi_2\in R$ be elements with $\nu(\pi_2)=(0,1)$ and
$\nu(\pi_1)=(1,0)$. Then $\frak P_2=R\cdot\pi_2$ is a principal
ideal, but $\frak P_1$ is not finitely generated. A generating set
for $\frak P_1$ is
$\{\pi_1/\pi_2^i\mid i=0,1,2,\dots\}$.
(Compare also \cite{Berger-Modul-diskret-ganz-Diff}).}\\
Let $M:=R/R\cdot\pi_1$.\\
We claim that
\item $(0)$ is indecomposable in $M$ (i.e. $R\cdot\pi_1$ is
indecomposable in $R$), but
\item $M$ is {\em not} coprimary.
(1) Let $R\cdot\pi_1=\frak a\cap\frak b$ with ideals $\frak a,\frak b$
of $R$. If $R\pi_1\subsetneq\frak a$ and $R\pi_1\subsetneq\frak b$
then an element of value $<\nu(\pi_1)=(1,0)$ must be contained in
$\frak a$ and in $\frak b$. Among these values
$(1,-1)=\nu(\pi_1/\pi_2)$ is the biggest. Since $R$ is a valuation
ring $\pi_1/\pi_2\in\frak a\cap\frak b=R\pi_1$. This cannot happen
because the values of all elements of $R\pi_1$ are
$\ge\nu(\pi_1)=(1,0)$. It follows that $R\pi_1$ is indecomposable in
(2) $\pi_1/\pi_2\notin R\pi_1$ but
$\pi_2\cdot(\pi_1/\pi_2)=\pi_1\in R\pi_1$ $\Rightarrow \pi_2$ is a
zero divisor for $M$.\quad But $\pi_2$ is not nilpotent for $M$;
because for all $i\in\Bbb N$ we have $\pi_2^i\cdot 1\notin R\pi_1$,
since $\nu(\pi_2^i)=(0,i)<(1,0)$. Therefore $M$ is not coprimary.
$R:=k[X_1,X_2,\dots]$ polynomial ring in countably many
indeterminates over a field $k$,\\
$\frak p_i:=(X_1,X_2,\dots,X_i)$\\
$\frak p:=(X_1,X_2,X_3,\dots)$,\\
$M:=\bigoplus\limits_{i=1}^\infty R/\frak p_i =
\bigoplus\limits_{i=1}^\infty R\cdot e_i$
with $e_i:= 1+\frak p_i\in R/\frak p_i$.\\
$\frak p_i$ and $\frak p$ are prime ideals,\\
$\frak p_i=\operatorname{Ann}_R(e_i)$ and therefore
$\frak p_i\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$ for $i=1,2,\dots$.\\
$\frak p=\bigcup\limits_{i=1}^\infty\frak p_i$
and therefore $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ by Proposition
\ref{union-of-Ass1-primes} (\ref{if-union-is-prime}).\\
But $\frak p\notin\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
We have to show that $\frak p$ is not minimal in the set of all prime
ideals containing the annihilator of an element of $M$:\\
Let $0\ne y\in M$ be arbitrary. Then there exists an $n\in\Bbb N$
with $y\in\bigoplus\limits_{i=1}^n R/\frak p_i$.
Let $r\in\operatorname{Ann}_R(y)$ be an arbitrary element of $\operatorname{Ann}_R(y)$.\\
We show that $r\in\frak p_n$:\\
$y=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\xi_i\cdot e_i$ with $\xi_i\in R$.\\
$r\cdot y=0\Rightarrow r\cdot\xi_i\cdot e_i=0
\Rightarrow r\cdot\xi_i\in\frak p_i$ for $i=1,\dots n$.
But for an $i_0\in\{1,\dots,n\}$ we have
$\xi_{i_0}\notin\frak p_{i_0}$ because else $y=0$.
Then $r\in\frak p_{i_0}\subseteq\frak p_n$.\\
It follows that
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(y)\subseteq\frak p_n\subsetneq\frak p$ and therefore
$\frak p$ is not minimal among the prime ideals containing
One can even find a cyclic $R$-module $M$ with
\begin{ex}[\boldmath$M$ cyclic and $\operatorname{Ass}(M)\supsetneq\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$]
$R':=k[X_1,Y_1,X_2,Y_2,\dots]$ the polynomial ring in the
countably many independent indeterminates $X_i,Y_i$, $i=1,2,\dots$
over a field $k$,\\
$\frak a':=\left(X_1\cdot Y_1,Y_1^2,X_2\cdot Y_2,Y_2^2,\dots\right)$
ideal in $R'$,\\
$M:=R:=R'/\frak a'=k[x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2,\dots]$, where the $x_i,y_i$ denote
the residue classes of the $X_i,Y_i$ mod $\frak a'$,\\
$\frak p:=(x_1,y_1,x_2,y_2,\dots)\subset R$.\\
Then $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ but $\frak p\notin\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.
(1) The set
A:=\left\{x_1^{\nu_1}\cdot y_1^{\epsilon_1}\cdots x_n^{\nu_n}\cdot
y_n^{\epsilon_n}\ \big|\
n\in\Bbb N,\
\nu_i\in\Bbb N_0,\
\epsilon_i=0 \text{ if }\nu_i>0\right\}
is a basis for $R$ as a $k$-vector space:\\
Obviously any polynomial of $R'$ can be reduced mod
$\frak a'$ to a linear combination of monomials
X_n^{\nu_n}\cdot~Y_n^{\epsilon_n}$ with
$n\in\Bbb N,\
\nu_i\in\Bbb N_0,\
\epsilon_i=0 \text{ if }\nu_i>0$ and coefficients in $k$.
Therefore $A$ is a set of generators for $R$ as a $k$-vector space.\\
On the other hand one sees that by definition of $\frak a'$ every
monomial of an element of $\frak a'$ contains an $X_i\cdot Y_i$ or an
$Y_i^2$, while a linear combination of the monomials
X_n^{\nu_n}\cdot~Y_n^{\epsilon_n}$ with
$n\in\Bbb N,\
\nu_i\in\Bbb N_0,\
\epsilon_i=0 \text{ if }\nu_i>0$ and coefficients in $k$ never
contains these products. Therefore the elements of the set $A$ are
also linearely independent over $k$.
(2) No element of $R\setminus\frak p$ is a zero divisor of $R$:\\
Let $F\in R'$ and $F=\sum_{i=0}^n F_i$ its decomposition into
homogeneous polynomials (with respect to the total degree, all
$X_i,Y_i$ having degree $1$).
Then $F$ represents an element of
$R\setminus\frak p$ modulo $\frak a'$ iff $F_0\ne 0$, and
$F\in\frak a'$ iff all $F_i\in\frak a'$ since $\frak a'$ is generated
by monomials (homogeneous elements).\\
Now let $T=\sum_{i=1}^n T_i\in R'$ represent an element
$t\in R\setminus\frak p$ and let $Z=\sum_{i=1}^m Z_i\in R'$ represent an
arbitrary element $z\in R$ with $t\cdot z=0$, i.e.
$T\cdot Z\in\frak a'$. We may assume that $T_0=1$.\\
$T\cdot Z=\sum\limits_\lambda
\left(\sum\limits_{\nu+\mu=\lambda}T_\mu\cdot Z_\nu\right)$
is a homogeneous decomposition. Therefore by the preceding remark
$\sum\limits_{\nu+\mu=\lambda}T_\mu\cdot Z_\nu\in\frak a'$ for all
We show by induction on $\lambda$
that all $Z_i\in\frak a'$ and therefore $z=0$:\\
$\lambda=0$:\quad $Z_0\in\frak a'\cap k$=(0).\\
Now let $Z_0,\dots,Z_n\in\frak a'$. Then from
$Z_{n+1}+Z_n\cdot T_1+\dots+Z_0\cdot T^{n+1}\in\frak a'$ we obtain
$Z_{n+1}\in\frak a'$.
(3) From (2) we see that the canonical homomorphism
$M\rightarrow M_{\frak p}$ is injective and so
$\frac{y_1}{1}\cdots\frac{y_n}{1}\ne0$ in $M_{\frak p}$ for all
$n=1,2,\dots$, because $y_1\cdots y_n\ne0$ in $M$ for all $n$ as
elements of a $k$-basis of $M$ according to (1).
(4) We now proof that $\frak p\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ by showing that each
element of $\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ is a zero divisor for
$M_{\frak p}$ (Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp}):
Let $p\in\frak p$ be arbitrary. Then $p$ can be written as
\cdot x_1^{\nu_1}\cdots x_n^{\nu_n}\cdot y_1^{\mu_1}\cdots y_n^{\mu_n}$
with $a_{\nu_1,\dots,\nu_n,\mu_1,\dots,\mu_n}\in k$. Since each
summand $\ne0$ contains at least one $x_i$ or $y_i$ with
$i\in\{1,\dots n\}$, and since $x_i\cdot y_i=0$ and $y_i\cdot y_i=0$,
we obtain $p\cdot y_1\cdots y_n=0$ in $M$ and therefore
$\frac{p}{s}\cdot(\frac{y_1}{1}\cdots\frac{y_n}{1})=0$ in $M_{\frak p}$
for each element $s\in R\setminus\frak p$. By (3)
$\frac{y_1}{1}\cdots\frac{y_n}{1}\ne0$ in $M_{\frak p}$, and
therefore $\frac{p}{s}$ is a zero divisor for $M_{\frak p}$.
(5) $\frak p\notin\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$:\\
Proof (indirect): If $\frak p$ was minimal among the prime ideals
containing $\operatorname{Ann}_R(z)$ for a $z\in M$ then by Proposition
\ref{min-prime-ideal-of Ann Rpx} each element of $\frak p\cdot
R_{\frak p}$ would be nilpotent for $R_{\frak p}\cdot z$.
According to (1) $z$ has a representation by the $k$-basis $A$:\\
$z=\sum a_{\nu_1,\dots,\nu_n,\epsilon_1,\dots,\epsilon_n}\cdot
x_1^{\nu_1}\cdot y_1^{\epsilon_1}\cdots x_n^{\nu_n}\cdot
y_n^{\epsilon_n}$ with $\nu_i\in\Bbb N_0$,\ $\epsilon_i\in\{0,1\}$,\
$\epsilon_1=0$ if $\nu_i>0$, and
$a_{\nu_1,\dots,\nu_n,\epsilon_1,\dots,\epsilon_c}\in k$,
not all of them $=0$.\\
Let $m$ be a natural number $m>n$ and $\lambda\in\Bbb N$ arbitrary.\\
$x_m^{\lambda}\cdot z=
\sum a_{\nu_1,\dots,\nu_n,\epsilon_1,\dots,\epsilon_c}\cdot
x_1^{\nu_1}\cdot y_1^{\epsilon_1}\cdots x_n^{\nu_n}\cdot
y_n^{\epsilon_n}\cdot x_m^\lambda$ is again a representation of
$x_m^\lambda\cdot z$ by the basis $A$ and therefore
$x_m^\lambda\cdot z\ne0$,
since not all of the coefficients are $0$.
By (3) it follows that
$(\frac{x_m}{1})^\lambda\cdot\frac{z}{1}\ne0$ in $M_{\frak p}$.
But $x_m\in\frak p$ and so $\frac{x_m}{1}$ is an element of
$\frak p\cdot R_{\frak p}$ which is not nilpotent for
$R_{\frak p}\cdot z$.
$M$ cyclic and $(0)$ has a primary decomposition in $M$: Let\\
$R$ a valuation ring with value group $\Gamma=\Bbb Q$ or
$\Gamma=\Bbb R$ (rank one, non discrete),\\
$\nu$ the (additive) valuation of $R$,\\
$\frak P=\{z\mid z\in R,\ \nu(z)>0\}$ the maximal ideal of $R$,\\
$\frak a=\{z\mid z\in R,\ \nu(z)\ge 1\}$,\\
$M:=R/\frak a$.\\We show that:
$(0)$ is $\frak P$-primary in $M$. (Therefore $(0)$ has as primary
decomposition in $M$.)
There is no $x\in M$ with $\frak P=\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)$.
It follows from {\shape{n}\selectfont(\ref{zero-primary-dec})} by
Remark \ref{coprimary-Ass} that $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{\frak P\}$ and from
{\shape{n}\selectfont(\ref{noAnn})} by definition that $\frak P\notin\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)$
and therefore
$\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)=\emptyset$ since $\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}(M)$.
\begin{pf} (\ref{zero-primary-dec}): Let $p\in\frak P$ and
$a\in\frak a$. Then there is an $n\in\Bbb N$ with
$n\cdot\nu(p)\ge\nu(a)$, hence $p^n\in R\cdot a\subseteq\frak a$
and therefore $p^n\cdot M=(0)$, i.e. each element of $\frak P$ is
nilpotent for $M$. But since $\frak P$ is the maximal ideal of $R$
all zero divisors for $M$ lie in $\frak P$ and so
it follows that $(0)$ is $\frak P$-primary in $M$.
(\ref{noAnn}): If there was an $x\in M$ with $\operatorname{Ann}_R(x)=\frak P$
there would be a representative $z\in R\setminus\frak a$ with
$p\cdot z\in\frak a$ for all $p\in\frak P$, i.e.
$\nu(z)+\nu(p)\ge1$ for all $p\in\frak P$.
Now $\Gamma\supseteq\Bbb Q$, and therefore for each $n\in\Bbb N$
there is a $p_n\in\frak P$ with $\nu(p_n)=\frac{1}{n}$. Then
$\nu(z)+\frac{1}{n}\ge1$ for all $n\in\Bbb N$ and hence
$\nu(z)\ge 1$, i.e. $z\in\frak a$ against our assumption.
\begin{ex}[{\size{11}{12pt}\selectfont\boldmath $R$ noetherian (local),
Let $R:=k[X,Y]_{(X,Y)}$ localization of the polynomial ring in $X$ and
$Y$ over a field $k$,\\
$\cal P:=\{R\cdot p\mid p\in R,\ R\cdot p\text{ prime ideal of }R\}$,\\
$M:=\bigoplus\limits_{R\cdot p\in\cal P}R/R\cdot p$.\\
$\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)=\{R\cdot p\mid R\cdot p\in\cal P\}$,\\
$\frak m:=(X,Y)\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)\setminus\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$
Denote $U_p:=R/R\cdot p = R\cdot e_p$. Then $\operatorname{Ann}_R(e_p)=R\cdot p$,
hence $R\cdot p\in\operatorname{Ass}_0(M)\subseteq\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$.\\
Conversely let
$0\ne\xi\in M$ arbitrary and $z\in\operatorname{Ann}_R(\xi)$.
$\xi=\sum\xi_p\cdot e_p$ with
$\xi_{p_0}\cdot e_{p_0}\ne0$ for some $R\cdot p_0\in\cal P$, i.e.
$\xi_{p_0}\notin R\cdot p$.
Now from $z\cdot \xi=0$ we get $z\cdot \xi_{p_0}\cdot e_{p_0}=0$, i.e.
$z\cdot\xi_{p_0}\in R\cdot p_0$ and therefore $z\in R\cdot p_0$
since $\xi_{p_0}\notin R\cdot p_0$ and $R\cdot p_0$ is a prime ideal.
It follows that $\operatorname{Ann}_R(\xi)\subseteq R\cdot p_0$. Since the only non
principal prime ideal of $R$ is $\frak m$, which contains all the
$R\cdot p$, it follows that the minimal
elements among the prime ideals containing the annihilator of an
element of $M$ are the principal prime ideals
$R\cdot p$. So we obtain that
$\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)=\{R\cdot p\mid R\cdot p\in\cal P\}$.\\
Then $\frak m\notin\operatorname{Ass}_1(M)$. But $\frak m\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$:\\
In view of Proposition \ref{zero-divisors-in-Mp} we only must show
that each element of
$\frak m$ is a zero divisor for $M$ ($R_{\frak m}=R$ !). To show this
let $z\in\frak m$ be arbitrary. $R$ being a UFD there is a prime
element $p$ and a $z_1\in R$ with $z=z_1\cdot p$. But then
$z\cdot e_p=0$ and therefore $z$ is a zero divisor for $M$.
(Another way of showing $\frak m\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$ would be to use
Proposition \ref{union-of-Ass1-primes} (\ref{if-union-is-prime}).)
\begin{ex}[\boldmath$\operatorname{Ass}(N\oplus L)\nsubseteq\operatorname{Ass}(N)\cup\operatorname{Ass}(L)$]
Let $R$,\ $\frak m$, and $M$ be the same as in Example
$N:=R/R\cdot X$,\\
R\cdot p\in\cal P\\
R\cdot p\ne R\cdot X
\hbox to 6mm{\hss$R/R\cdot p$}$.
Then we have by definition\\
$M=N\oplus L$ and therefore we have the splitting exact sequence\\
$0\rightarrow N\rightarrow M\rightarrow L\rightarrow 0$
We show
$\frak m\in\operatorname{Ass}(M)$
$\frak m\notin\operatorname{Ass}(N)$
$\frak m\notin\operatorname{Ass}(L)$
This was already shown in Example \ref{R-noeth-Ass-not-Ass1}.
Since $X$ is a prime element of $R$ and $N=R/R\cdot X$ we see that
$N$ is $R\cdot X$-coprimary and so $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{R\cdot X\}\not\ni\frak m$.
By definition of $L$ it is obvious that $X$ is not a zero divisor for
$L$ and therefore $\frak m\notin\operatorname{Ass}(L)$, because $X\in\frak m$.
[{\bf\boldmath$\frak p\supseteq\frak r_M((0))$ but
$\frak p\notin\operatorname{Supp}(M)$}]
$R:=\Bbb Z$,\\
0\ne (p)\\
\text{ prime ideal}
\hbox to.3cm{\hss$\Bbb Z/(p)$}$.\quad Then\\
$\operatorname{Supp}(M)=\{(p)\mid 0\ne p\text{ prime element in }\Bbb Z\}$,
$\frak r_M((0))=(0)$.
So $\frak p:=(0)\supseteq\frak r_M((0))$, but
$\frak p\notin\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
$(0)\notin\operatorname{Supp}(M)$, because $M$ is a torsion module and
$R_{(0)}=\Bbb Q$ is a field. Therefore $M_{(0)}=(0)$.\\
$\frak r_M((0))=(0)$: For each $0\ne n\in\Bbb Z$ there is a prime
element $p$ with $p\nmid n$ and therefore $p\nmid n^\nu$ for all
$\nu\in\Bbb N$. So $n^\nu\cdot e_p\ne0$ for all $\nu\in\Bbb N$, with
$e_p:=1+(p)$ in the summand $\Bbb Z/(p)$ of $M$.
Therefore $n\notin\frak r_M((0))$, i.e. $\frak r_M((0))=(0)$.
\begin{ex}[\bf\boldmath$\frak p\supseteq\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$, but
$\frak p\notin\operatorname{Supp}(M)$]
$R:=\Bbb Z$,\quad
$M:=\Bbb Q/\Bbb Z$.\\
Then $\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)=(0)$, but
since $R_{(0)}=\Bbb Q$ is a field and $M$ is a torsion module.
[{\bf\boldmath No minimal elements in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$}]
$R:=k[X_1,X_2,\dots]$ a polynomial ring in countably many
indeterminates over a field $k$,\\
$\frak p_i:=(X_i,X_{i+1},\dots)$,\\
$M:=\bigoplus\limits_{i=1}^\infty R/\frak p_i$.
There are no minimal elements in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$
Let $M_i:=R/\frak p_i$. By Corollary \ref{Supp-R-mod-a} we have
$\operatorname{Supp}(M_i)=\{\frak p\mid\frak p\supseteq\frak p_i\}$.
Further by Remark \ref{Supp-basics} (\ref{Supp-of-sums})
$\operatorname{Supp}(M)=\bigcup\limits_{i=1}^\infty\operatorname{Supp}(M_i)$. For every
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$ there is an $i_0$ with
$\frak p\in\operatorname{Supp}(M_{i_0})$ and therefore
$\frak p\supseteq\frak p_{i_0}\supsetneq\frak p_{i_0+1}
\supsetneq\dots$ and all the $\frak p_i\in\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
So obviously $\frak p$ is not minimal in $\operatorname{Supp}(M)$.
Essential prime ideals for $\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ not in $\operatorname{Ass}(M)$}]
\label{0-primary-decomp-Ann-not ass}\strut\\
$R$ a rank one discrete valuation ring,\quad
$\frak p$ the maximal ideal of $R$,\\
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)=(0)$, a prime ideal of $R$.\\
$\operatorname{Ann}_R(M)$ has a primary decomposition and $(0)$ is essential for
$M$ is $\frak p$-coprimary, because each element of $\frak p$ is
nilpotent for $M$ while the elements of $R\setminus\frak p$ are units
of $R$. Then $\operatorname{Ass}(M)=\{\frak p\}\not\ni(0)$
(Remark \ref{coprimary-Ass}).
1993-01-06T16:06:57 | 9301 | alg-geom/9301003 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9301003 | [
] | alg-geom/9301003 | null | Marc Coppens and Takao Kato | Non-trivial Linear Systems on Smooth Plane Curves | 15 pages, LaTeX 2.09 | null | null | null | null | Let $C$ be a smooth plane curve of degree $d$ defined over an algebraically
closed field $k$. A base point free complete very special linear system $g^r_n$
on $C$ is trivial if there exists an integer $m\ge 0$ and an effective divisor
$E$ on $C$ of degree $md-n$ such that $g^r_n=|mg^2_d-E|$ and
$r=(m^2+3m)/2-(md-n)$. In this paper, we prove the following: Theorem Let
$g^r_n$ be a base point free very special non-trivial complete linear system on
$C$. Write $r=(x+1)(x+2)/2-b$ with $x, b$ integers satisfying $x\ge 1, 0\le b
\le x$. Then $n\ge n(r):=(d-3)(x+3)-b$. Moreover, this inequality is best
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 6 Jan 1993 15:15:44 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Introduction}
Let $C$ be a smooth plane curve of degree $d$ defined over an
algebraically closed field $k$. In \cite{noether}, while studying space
curves, Max Noether considered the following question. For
$n\in{\bbb Z}_{\ge 1}$ find $\ell (n)\in{\bbb Z}_{\ge 0}$ such that there
exists a linear system $g^{\ell (n)}_n$ on $C$ but no linear system
$g^{\ell (n)+1}_n$ and classify those linear systems $g^{\ell (n)}_n$ on
$C$. The arguments given by Noether in the answer to this question
contained a gap. In \cite{cil} C.~Ciliberto gave a complete proof for
Noether's claim using different arguments. In \cite{harts1}
R.~Hartshorne completed Noether's original arguments by solving the
problem also for integral (not necessarily smooth) plane curves (see
Remark \ref{rem:1}).
The linear systems $g^{\ell (n)}_n$ are either non-special, or special
but not very special, or very special but trivial. By a very special
(resp. trivial) linear system on a smooth plane curve $C$ we mean:
\vs 2
{\raggedright {\sc Definition}. }
{\it A linear system $g^r_n$ on $C$ is very special if $r\ge 1$ and
$\dim |K_C-g^r_n|\ge 1$. $($Here $K_C$ is a canonical divisor on $C)$.
A base point free complete very special linear system $g^r_n$ on $C$ is
trivial if there exists an integer $m\ge 0$ and an effective divisor $E$
on $C$ of degree $md-n$ such that $g^r_n=|mg^2_d-E|$ and
$r=\fracd{m^2+3m}{2}-(md-n)$. A complete very special linear system
$g^r_n$ on $C$ is trivial if its associated base point free linear
system is trivial.}
\vs 2
In this paper, we consider the following question. For
$n\in{\bbb Z}_{\ge 1}$ find $r(n)$ such that there exists a very special
non-trivial complete linear system $g^{r(n)}_n$ on $C$ but no such linear
system $g^{r(n)+1}_n$. Our main result is the following:
\vs 2
{\raggedright {\sc Theorem}. }
{\it Let $g^r_n$ be a base point free very special non-trivial complete
linear system on $C$. Write $r=\fracd{(x+1)(x+2)}{2}-\beta$ with $x, \beta$
integers satisfying $x\ge 1, 0\le\beta\le x$. Then
n\ge n(r):=(d-3)(x+3)-\beta .
\vs 2
This theorem only concerns linear systems of dimension $r\ge 2$. But
1-dimensional linear systems are studied in \cite{c3}. From these
results one finds that $C$ has no non-trivial very special linear system
of dimension 1 if $d\le 5$ and for $d\ge 6$, $C$ has non-trivial very
special complete linear systems $g^1_{3d-9}$ but no such linear system
$g^1_n$ with $n<3d-9$. The proof of this theorem is also effective for
case $r=1$ if one modifies it little bit.
Concerning the original problem one can make the following observation.
For $x\ge d-2$ one has $r>g(C)$ and of course $C$ has no non-trivial
very special linear systems $g^r_n$. For $x\le d-3$ one has
$(d-3)(x+2)\le (d-3)(x+3)-x$. So, if the bound $n(r)$ is sharp, then
also the bound $r(n)$ can be found. Concerning the sharpness of the bound
$n(r)$, we prove it in case ${\rm char}(k)=0$ for $x\le d-6$. In case
${\rm char}(k)\ne 0$ we prove that there exists smooth plane curves of
degree $d$ with a very special non-trivial $g^r_{n(r)}$ in case
$x\le d-6$. Finally for the case $x>d-6$ we prove that there exist no
base point free complete very special non-trivial linear systems of
dimension $r$ on $C$. Hence, at least in case ${\rm char}(k)=0$ the
numbers $r(n)$ are determined.
\vs 2
{\raggedright{\sc Some Notations}}
\vs 1
We write ${\bbb P}_a$ to denote the space of effective divisors of degree $a$
on ${\bbb P}^2$. If ${\bbb P}$ is a linear subspace of some ${\bbb P}_a$ then we write
${\bbb P} .C$ for the linear system on $C$ obtained by intersection with
divisors ${\mit \Gamma}\in{\bbb P}$ not containing $C$. We write $F({\bbb P} .C)$ for the
fixed point divisor of ${\bbb P} .C$ and $f({\bbb P} .C)$ for the associated base
point free linear system on $C$, so
$f({\bbb P} .C)=\{ D-F({\bbb P} .C):D\in{\bbb P} .C\}$.
If $Z$ is a 0-dimensional subscheme of ${\bbb P}^2$ then ${\bbb P}_a(-Z)$ is the
subspace of divisors $D\in{\bbb P}_a$ with $Z\subset D$.
\section{Bound on the degree of non-trivial linear systems}
A complete linear system $g^r_n$ on a smooth curve $C$ is called very
special if $r\ge 1$ and $\dim |K_C-g^r_n|\ge 1$. From now on, $C$ is a
smooth plane curve of degree $d$ and $g^r_n$ is a very special base point
free linear system on $C$ with $r\ge 2$.
\vs 1
$g^r_n$ is called a trivial linear system on $C$ if there exists an
integer $m\ge 0$ and an effective divisor $E$ on $C$ of degree $md-n$
such that $g^r_n=|mg^2_d-E|$ and $r=\fracd{m^2+3m}{2}-(md-n)$.
\vs 2
Write $r=\fracd{(x+1)(x+2)}{2}-\beta$ with $x, \beta$ integers satisfying
$x\ge 1, 0\le\beta\le x$. If $g^r_n$ is not trivial, then
n\ge n(r):=(d-3)(x+3)-\beta .
\vs 1
{\rm In the proof of this theorem we are going to make use of the main
result of Hartshorne \cite{harts1} which describes the linear systems on
$C$ of maximal dimension with respect to their degrees. The result is as
Let $g^r_n$ be a linear system on $C$ $($not necessarily very special$)$.
Write $g(C)=\fracd{(d-1)(d-2)}{2}$.
{\rm i)} If $n>d(d-3)$ then $r=n-g$ $($the non-special case$)$
{\rm ii)} If $n\le d(d-3)$ then write $n=kd-e$ with
$0\le k\le d-3, 0\le e<d$, one has
\vs 1
r\le\fracd{(k-1)(k+2)}{2} & {\rm if\ }e>k+1\\
r\le\fracd{k(k+3)}{2}-e & {\rm if\ }e\le k+1.
\vs 1
{\rm Hartshorne also gives a description for the case one has equality.
This theorem (a claim originally stated by M. Noether with an incomplete
proof) is also proved in \cite{cil}. However, Hartshorne also proves the
theorem for integral plane curves using the concept of generalized
linear systems on Gorenstein curves. We need this more general result in
the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:1}}
\vs 2
{\it Proof of Theorem\/} \ref{thm:1}. Assume $g^r_n=rg^1_{n/r}$ and
$n<(x+3)(d-3)-\beta$. Noting $2r=(x+1)(x+2)-2\beta\ge x^2+x+2\ge x+3$,
we have $\fracd{(x+3)(d-3)-\beta}{r}< 2(d-2)$. Hence,
$g^1_{n/r}=|g^2_d-P|$ for some $P\in C$. Since $\dim |rg^1_{n/r}|=r$,
certainly $\dim |2g^1_{n/r}|=2$. But $\dim|2g^2_d-2P|=3$.
A contradiction.
Since $g^r_n$ is special, there exist an integer $1\le m\le d-3$
and a linear system ${\bbb P}\subset{\bbb P}_m$ such that
$g^r_n=f({\bbb P}.C)$ and ${\bbb P}$ has no fixed components. In Lemma
\ref{lem:1} we are going to prove that, because $g^r_n$ is not a multiple
of a pencil, a general element ${\mit \Gamma}$ of ${\bbb P}$ is irreducible.
Now, for each element ${\mit \Gamma}'$ of ${\bbb P}$ we have
$F({\bbb P}.C)\subset{\mit \Gamma}'$ (inclusion of subschemes of ${\bbb P}^2$). In
particular $F({\bbb P}.C)\subset{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'$. This remark is known
in the literature as Namba's lemma. As a subscheme of ${\mit \Gamma}$,
$F({\bbb P}.C)$ is an effective generalized divisor on ${\mit \Gamma}$ (terminology
of \cite{harts1}). We find that for each ${\mit \Gamma}'\in{\bbb P}$ with
${\mit \Gamma}'\ne{\mit \Gamma}$ the residual of $F({\bbb P}.C)$ in ${\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'$ (we denote
it by ${\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'-F({\bbb P}.C)$) is an element of the generalized
complete linear system on ${\mit \Gamma}$ associated to
${\cal O}_{{\mit \Gamma}}(m-F({\bbb P}.C))$. Hence, we obtain a generalized linear
system $g^{r-1}_{m^2-(md-n)}$ on ${\mit \Gamma}$.
Now we are going to apply Hartshorne's theorem (Remark \ref{rem:1}) to
this $g^{r-1}_{m^2-(md-n)}$ on ${\mit \Gamma}$. Since $g^r_n$ is non-trivial on
$C$, we know that $r>\fracd{m^2+3m}{2}-(md-n)$. If
$m^2-(md-n)>m(m-3)$, then i) in Remark \ref{rem:1} implies
$r-1\le m^2+n-md-\fracd{(m-1)(m-2)}{2}$ so $r\le\fracd{m^2+3m}{2}-(md-n)$,
a contradiction.
So $m^2-(md-n)\le m(m-3)$ and we apply ii) in Remark \ref{rem:1}. We
find $x\le m-3$ and $m^2+n-md\ge mx-\beta$, so
$n\ge\varphi (m):=-m^2+m(d+x)-\beta$. Since $x+3\le m\le d-3$, we find
$n\ge\varphi (x+3)=\varphi (d-3)=(d-3)(x+3)-\beta=n(r)$. This completes the proof
of the theorem except for the proof of Lemma \ref{lem:1}.
\vs 2
Let $C$ be a smooth plane curve of degree $d$ and let $g^r_n$ be a base
point free complete linear system on $C$ which is not a multiple of a
one-dimensional linear system. Suppose there exists a linear system
${\bbb P}\subset{\bbb P}_e$ without fixed component for some $e\le d-1$ such
that $g^r_n=f({\bbb P}.C)$. Then the general element of ${\bbb P}$ is irreducible.
\vs 2
{\it Proof\/}. Let $F=F({\bbb P} .C)=\sum_{j=1}^sn_jP_j$ with $n_j\ge 1$ and
$P_i\ne P\j$ for $i\ne j$. For $t\in{\bbb Z}_{\ge 1}, \underline{e} =
(e_1,\dots ,e_t)\in ({\bbb Z}_{\ge 1})^t$ with $\sum_{i=1}^te_i=e$ and
$\underline{m} =[m_{ij}]_{1\le i\le t,1\le j\le s}$, let
V(t,\underline{e} ,\underline{m} )=\{ {\mit \Gamma}_1+\cdots +{\mit \Gamma}_t:{\mit \Gamma}_i\in{\bbb P}_{e_i}{\rm\ is\
irreducible\ and\ }i({\mit \Gamma}_i,C;P_j)=m_{ij}\}.
It is not so difficult to prove that this defines a stratification of
${\bbb P}_e$ by means of locally closed subspaces.
Since ${\bbb P}$ is irreducible there is a unique triple $(t_0,\underline{e}_0,
\underline{m}_0)$ such that ${\bbb P}\cap V(t_0,\underline{e}_0,\underline{m}_0)$ is an open
non-empty subset of ${\bbb P}$. In particular, ${\bbb P}\subset
\{ {\mit \Gamma}_1+\cdots +{\mit \Gamma}_{t_0}:{\mit \Gamma}_i\in{\bbb P}_{e_{0i}}{\rm\ and\ }
i({\mit \Gamma}_i,C;P_j)\ge m_{0ij}\}$. We need to prove that $t_0=1$,
so assume that $t_0>1$. Let forget the subscript $0$ from now on.
Let $F_i=\sum_{j=1}^sm_{ij}P_j\subset C$. For each $D\in g^r_n$ there
exists ${\mit \Gamma} ={\mit \Gamma}_1+\dots +{\mit \Gamma}_t$ with ${\mit \Gamma}_i\in{\bbb P}_i(-F_i)$ and
$D={\mit \Gamma} .C-(F_1+\dots +F_s)=\sum_{j=1}^t({\mit \Gamma}_i.C-F_i)$. Writing
$D_i={\mit \Gamma}_i.C-F_i\in|e_ig^2_d-F_i|$ we find $D=\sum_{i=1}^tD_i$.
Suppose for some $1\le i\le t$ we have $\dim|e_ig^2_d-F_i|=0$. If
${\mit \Gamma}'$ and ${\mit \Gamma}''$ are in ${\bbb P}_i(-F_i)$ then ${\mit \Gamma}'.C={\mit \Gamma}''.C$, but
$e_i<d$ so ${\mit \Gamma}'={\mit \Gamma}''$. This implies that ${\bbb P}_i(-F_i)=\{{\mit \Gamma}_0\}$, but
then ${\mit \Gamma}_0$ is a fixed component of ${\bbb P}$, a contradiction. Hence, for
$1\le i\le t$, we have $\dim|e_ig^2_d-F_i|\ge 1$. Now, let $L_i$ be the
irreducible sheaf on $C$ associated to $|e_ig^2_d-F_i|$ and let $L$ be
the irreducible sheaf on $C$ associated to $g^r_n$. Then
$L=L_1\otimes\cdots\otimes L_t$ and we find that the natural map
H^0(C,L_1)\otimes\cdots\otimes H^0(C,L_t)\to H^0(C,L)
is surjective, while $\dim H^0(C,L_i)\ge 2$ for $1\le i\le t$. From
\cite[Corollary 5.2]{eisen}, it follows that $g^r_n$ is a multiple of a
pencil. But this is a contradiction.
\vs 2
{\rm In \cite{mez} one makes a classification of linear systems on smooth
plane curves for which $r$ is one less than the maximal dimension with
respect to the degree. In that paper one uses arguments like in
\cite{cil}. That classification is completely contained in our Theorem
\vs 2
{\rm If $r\ge n-\fracd{(d-1)(d-2)}{2}+d-1$ then $\dim |K_C-g^r_n|\ge d-2$.
Hence, $|K_C-g^2_d-g^r_n|=|(d-4)g^2_d-g^r_n|\ne\emptyset$. So in this
case we can assume $m\le d-4$ in the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:1}.
Then, in the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:1}, using Bertini's theorem, we
can prove that, for $D\in g^r_n$ general there exists an irreducible
curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $d-3$ with ${\mit \Gamma} .C\ge D$ (see argument in
\cite[p.384]{harts1}). So we don't need the proof of Lemma \ref{lem:1}
under that assumption on $r$.}
\vs 2
{\rm In that case $n=n(r)$, we find $m=x+3$ and $m^2+n-md=mx-\beta$. So the
generalized linear system $g^{r-1}_{m^2+n-md}=g^{r-1}_{mx-\beta}$ on ${\mit \Gamma}$
is of maximal dimension with respect to its degree. The description of
those linear systems in \cite{harts1} implies that it is induced by a
family of plane curves of degree $x$ containing some subspace $E\subset{\mit \Gamma}$
of length $\beta$. Writing $Z=F({\bbb P} .C)\subset{\mit \Gamma}$ we find
$|{\bbb P}_m.{\mit \Gamma} -Z|=|{\bbb P}_x.{\mit \Gamma} -E|$ and so
$Z\in |{\bbb P}_3.{\mit \Gamma} +E|$. In order to find non-trivial $g^r_{n(r)}$'s
it is interesting to find for a smooth curve $C$ of degree $d$, a curve
${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $m$ and a curve ${\mit \Gamma}'$ of degree 3 such that
${\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'\subset C$. We discuss this in \S 3. First we solve the
following postulation problem: let ${\mit \Gamma}'$ be the union of 3 distinct
lines $L_1, L_2, L_3$ and let $D_i$ be an effective divisor of degree
$a$ on $L_i$ with $D_i\cap (L_j\cup L_k)=\emptyset$ for
$\{ i,j,k\} =\{ 1,2,3\}$. Give necessary and sufficient conditions for
the existence of a smooth curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $a$ such that
${\mit \Gamma} .L_i=D_i$ for $i=1,2,3$.}
\section{Carnot's theorem}
We begin with pointing out the following elementary fact:
\vs 1
Let $m(\ge 4)$ and $m_j\ (j=1,\dots ,\ell)$ be positive integers
satisfying $\displaystyle\sum^{\ell}_{j=1}m_j=m$ and let
${\mit \Phi} (X)=\displaystyle\sum^m_{j=1}a_jX^j$ be a non-zero polynomial of
degree at most $m$. If ${\mit \Phi} (X)$ is divisible by $(X-X_j)^{m_j}$
for $\ell$ distinct values $X_1,\dots ,X_{\ell}$, then the ratio
$a_0:\cdots :a_m$ is uniquely determined. In particular,
$a_m\ne 0, a_0=(-1)^ma_m\displaystyle\prod^{\ell}_{j=1}X^{m_j}_j$ and
\vs 1
Using this, we have the following Carnot's theorem and infinitesimal
Carnot's theorems. Another generalization of this theorem is given by
Thas et al. \cite{thas} (see also \cite{ver}). They call this
B.~Segre's generalization of Menelaus' theorem.
\vs 1
\begin{lem}{\rm (Carnot, cf. \cite[Proposition 1.8]{ver},
Let $L_1, L_2, L_3$ be lines in ${\bbb P}^2$ so that
$L_1\cap L_2\cap L_3=\emptyset$ and let
(\displaystyle\sum^{\ell_i}_{j=1}m_{ij}=m, i=1,2,3)$ be an effective
divisor on $L_i$ such that $D_{i_1}\cap L_{i_2}=\emptyset$ if
$i_1\ne i_2$. Assume $(x:y:z)$ is a coordinate system on ${\bbb P}^2$ such
that $L_1, L_2, L_3$ correspond to the coordinate axes $x=0, y=0, z=0$,
respectively. Let the coordinate of $P_{ij}$ be given by
$(x_{ij}:y_{ij}:z_{ij})$ $($of course $x_{1j}=y_{2j}=z_{3j}=0)$. Then,
there exists a curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ not containing any one of the lines
$L_1,L_2,L_3$ of degree $m$ satisfying $({\mit \Gamma} .L_i)=D_i$ $(i=1,2,3)$ if
and only if
\vs 1
{\it Proof\/}. Assume there exists a curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $m$ not
containing any one of the lines $L_1,L_2,L_3$ satisfying $({\mit \Gamma} .L_i)=D_i$
$(i=1,2,3)$. Such a curve is given by
${\mit \Phi} (x,y,z)=\displaystyle\sum_{i+j+k=m}a_{ijk}x^iy^jz^k=0$. In this
description, if $i({\mit \Gamma} ,L_1;P_{1j})=m_{1j}$, then ${\mit \Phi} (0,y,z)$ is
divisible by $(y_{1j}z-z_{1j}y)^{m_{1j}}$.
This implies $a_{00m}=(-1)^ma_{0m0}\displaystyle\prod^{\ell_1}_{j=1}
\left(\fracd{y_{1j}}{z_{1j}}\right)^{m_{1j}}$. Similarly, we have
\left(\fracd{z_{2j}}{x_{2j}}\right)^{m_{2j}}$ and
\left(\fracd{x_{3j}}{y_{3j}}\right)^{m_{3j}}$. Since ${\mit \Gamma}$ does not
contain an intersection point $L_{i_1}\cap L_{i_2}$ for $i_1\ne i_2$, we
have $a_{m00}a_{0m0}a_{00m}\ne 0$. Hence, we have (\ref{eq:31}).
For the converse, take $a_{m00}=1$. Then, by (\ref{eq:31}) we can
determine $a_{ijk}$ so that ${\mit \Gamma}$ has the desired property. This
completes the proof.
\vs 2
Next, we see two infinitesimal cases i.~e. case
$D_{i_1}\cap L_{i_2}\ne\emptyset$ and case
$L_1\cap L_2\cap L_3\ne\emptyset$.
\vs 2
Let $L_1, L_2, L_3$ be lines in ${\bbb P}^2$ so that
$L_1\cap L_2\cap L_3=\emptyset$ and let
(\displaystyle\sum^{\ell_i}_{j=1}m_{ij}=m)$ be an effective divisor on
$L_i$ such that $m_{11}=m_{21}=1, P_{11}=P_{21}=L_1\cap L_2$ and
$D_i\cap L_3=D_3\cap L_i=\emptyset$ $(i=1,2)$. Let $(x:y:z)$ and
$(x_{ij}:y_{ij}:z_{ij})$ be as in Lemma {\rm \ref{lem:car1}}. Then,
there exists a curve ${\mit \Gamma}$, not containing any one of the lines
$L_1, L_2, L_3$, of degree $m$ such that $({\mit \Gamma} .L_i)=D_i$
$(i=1,2,3)$ and whose tangent line $T$ at $P_{11}=(0:0:1)$ is given by
$\alpha x+y=0$ $(\alpha\ne 0)$ if and only if
\vs 1
{\it Proof\/}. We use the same notation as in the proof of Lemma
\ref{lem:car1}. Assume there exists a curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ having the desired
property. The condition that the tangent line at $P_{11}$ is given by
$\alpha x+y=0$ implies that ${\mit \Phi} (0,0,1)=0$ and the linear term of
${\mit \Phi} (x,y,1)$ is divisible by $\alpha x+y$.
Hence, $a_{00m}=0$ and $a_{10,m-1}-\alpha a_{01,m-1}=0$. As in the proof
of the previous lemma, we have $a_{m00}a_{0m0}\ne 0, a_{01,m-1}\ne 0$,
\left(\fracd{y_{1j}}{z_{1j}}\right)^{m_{1j}}$ and $\alpha a_{01,m-1}=
\fracd{x_{2j}}{z_{2j}}\right)^{m_{2j}}$. Hence, we have (\ref{eq:32}).
Similar to the proof of the previous lemma, we have the converse.
\vs 2
Let $L_1, L_2, L_3$ be lines in ${\bbb P}^2$ so that
$L_1\cap L_2\cap L_3\ne\emptyset$ and let
(\displaystyle\sum^{\ell_i}_{j=1}m_{ij}=m)$ be an effective divisor on
$L_i$ such that $D_i\cap L_j=\emptyset$ if $i\ne j$. Let $(x:y:z)$ be
a coordinate system on ${\bbb P}^2$ such that $L_1, L_2, L_3$ correspond
to the line $y-z=0, y=0, z=0$, respectively. Let the coordinate
of $P_{ij}$ be given by $(x_{ij}:y_{ij}:z_{ij})$ $($of course
$y_{1j}=z_{1j}, y_{2j}=0, z_{3j}=0)$. Then,
there exists a curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $d$ not containing any one of the
lines $L_1,L_2,L_3$ such that $({\mit \Gamma} .L_i)=D_i$ $(i=1,2,3)$ if and only if
\vs 1
{\it Proof\/}. Again, we use the same notation as in the proof of Lemma
\ref{lem:car1}. Assume there exists a curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ having the desired
property. Since ${\mit \Gamma}$ does not contain $L_2\cap L_3$, we
have $a_{m00}\ne 0$. By Lemma \ref{lem:31},
{\rm and}\quad
To consider the condition on $L_1$, we take the coordinate system
$(\xi :\eta :\zeta )$ with $\xi =x, \eta =y, \zeta =z-y$. Put
{\mit \Psi} (\xi ,\eta ,\zeta )={\mit \Phi} (\xi ,\eta ,\eta +\zeta )=\sum_{i+j+k=m}a_{ijk}
\xi^i\eta^j(\zeta +\eta )^k=\sum_{i+j+k=m}b_{ijk}\xi^i\eta^j\zeta^k.
Then, $b_{m00}=a_{m00}$ and $b_{m-1,10}=a_{m-1,10}+a_{m-1,01}$. In this
description, if $i({\mit \Gamma} , L_1;P_{1j})=m_{1j}$, then ${\mit \Psi} (\xi ,\eta ,0)$ is
divisible by $(\xi_{1j}\eta -\eta_{1j}\xi )^{m_{1j}}$.
This implies that $b_{m-1,10}=-\displaystyle\sum^{\ell_1}_{j=1}m_{1j}
\fracd{x_{1j}}{y_{1j}}b_{m00}$. Then, we have (\ref{eq:33}).
For the converse, noting that if $a_{m00}\ne 0$ then ${\mit \Gamma}$ does not
contains $L_i$ $(i=1,2,3)$ as a component, we can find a ${\mit \Gamma}$
having the desired property.
\vs 2
{\rm In each of the lemmas \ref{lem:car1}, \ref{lem:car2} and
\ref{lem:car3}, if (\ref{eq:31}) (resp. (\ref{eq:32}), (\ref{eq:33}))
holds, we can find a smooth curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $m$ with ${\mit \Gamma} .L_i=D_i$
for $i=1,2,3$. Indeed, let ${\bbb P}\subset{\bbb P}_m$ be the linear system
of divisors ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $m$ on ${\bbb P}^2$ satisfying, as schemes,
$D_i\subset{\mit \Gamma}\cap L_i$. Clearly $L_1+L_2+L_3+{\bbb P}_{m-3}\subset{\bbb P}$
and we proved that $U=\{{\mit \Gamma}\in{\bbb P}:{\mit \Gamma}{\rm \ does\ not\ contain\ any\
of\ the\ lines\ }L_1, L_2, L_3\}$ is a non-empty open subset of
${\bbb P}$. Because of Bertini's theorem, for ${\mit \Gamma}\in U$ we have
$L_i\cap{\mit \Gamma} =\{ P_{i1},\dots ,P_{i\ell_i}\}$.
Consider the linear system ${\bbb P}'=\{{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\bbb P}^2\backslash (L_1\cup L_2
\cup L_3):{\mit \Gamma}\in{\bbb P}\}$ on $M={\bbb P}^2\backslash (L_1\cup L_2\cup L_3)$.
Since ${\mit \Gamma}\cap M\in{\bbb P}'$
for any ${\mit \Gamma}\in{\bbb P}_{m-3}$, ${\bbb P}'$ separates tangent directions and points
on $M$. Because of Bertini's theorem in arbitrary characteristics (see
\cite{kleiman}), we find that a general element ${\mit \Gamma}$ of ${\bbb P}'$ is
smooth. So, a general element ${\mit \Gamma}$ of ${\bbb P}$ satisfies ${\rm Sing}({\mit \Gamma} )
\subset\{ P_{ij}:i=1,2,3{\rm\ and\ }1\le j\le\ell\}$. But, using
${\mit \Gamma}'\in{\bbb P}_{m-3}$ suited we find ${\mit \Gamma} ={\mit \Gamma}'+L_1+L_2+L_3$ is smooth at
$P_{ij}$, except for the case $P_{11}=P_{21}$ in Lemma \ref{lem:car2}.
In that case, however, if ${\mit \Gamma}\in U$ then ${\mit \Gamma}$ is smooth at $P_{11}$
because of Bezout's theorem. This completes the proof of the remark.
(For Bertini's theorem in arbitrary characteristics, one can also use
\section{Sharpness of the bound}
The next proposition implies that it is enough to solve the postulation
problem mentioned in Remark \ref{rem:3} in order to prove sharpness for
the bound $n(r)$ in Theorem \ref{thm:1}.
\vs 2
Let $C$ be a smooth plane curve of degree $d$ and let
$r=\fracd{(x+1)(x+2)}{2}-\beta$ with $x, \beta\in{\bbb Z}$ satisfying
$4\le x+3\le d-3, 0\le\beta\le x$. Let $n=n(r)=(d-3)(x+3)-\beta$. Suppose
there exists a smooth curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree $m=x+3$, a curve ${\mit \Gamma}'$ of
degree $3$ and an effective divisor $E$ of degree $\beta$ on ${\mit \Gamma}$ such
that $Z\subset C$, where the divisor $Z=({\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}' )+E$ on ${\mit \Gamma}$ is
considered as a closed subscheme of ${\bbb P}^2$. Then $|mg^2_d-Z|$ is a
non-trivial $g^r_n$ on $C$.
\vs 1
{\it Proof\/}. We write $E=P_1+\cdots +P_{\beta}$. Let $L_1,\dots ,L_{\beta}$
be general lines through $P_1,\dots ,P_{\beta}$, resp., and let $L_{\beta +1}
\dots ,L_x$ be general lines in ${\bbb P}^2$. If $P\in C$, then we write
$\mu_P(Z)$ for the multiplicity of $Z$ at $P$.
i) $|mg^2_d-Z|$ is base point free.
Suppose $P$ is a base point for $|mg^2_d-Z|$. Since
${\mit \Gamma} .C-Z\in|mg^2_d-Z|$ one finds $P+Z\le{\mit \Gamma} .C$, hence
$i({\mit \Gamma} ,C;P)>\mu_P(Z)\ge i({\mit \Gamma} ,{\mit \Gamma}';P)$. Also
$({\mit \Gamma}'+\sum_{i=1}^xL_i).C-Z\in|mg^2_d-Z|$, hence
$P\in({\mit \Gamma}'+\sum_{i=1}^xL_i).C-Z=({\mit \Gamma}'.C-{\mit \Gamma}'\cap{\mit \Gamma} )+(\sum_{i=1}^xL_i.C
-E)$ (sum of two effective divisors). Since
$P\not\in\sum_{i=1}^xL_i.C-E$, we find $P\in{\mit \Gamma}'.C-{\mit \Gamma}'\cap{\mit \Gamma}$. This
implies $i({\mit \Gamma}',C;P)>i({\mit \Gamma} ,{\mit \Gamma}';P)$. But
$i({\mit \Gamma} ,{\mit \Gamma}';P)\ge\min (i({\mit \Gamma} ,C;P),i({\mit \Gamma}',C;P))$ (so called Namba's
lemma), hence we have a contradiction.
ii) $\dim (|mg^2_d-Z|)\ge r$.
Indeed, $({\mit \Gamma}'+{\bbb P}_x(-E)).C-Z\subset|mg^2_d-Z|$ and $\dim ({\mit \Gamma}'+{\bbb P}_x(-E))=
\fracd{(x+1)(x+2)}{2}-\beta -1$. But also ${\mit \Gamma} .C-Z\subset|mg^2_d-Z|$ while
${\mit \Gamma} .C\not\in ({\mit \Gamma}'+{\bbb P}_x(-E)).C$. This proves the claim.
iii) $\dim (|mg^2_d-Z|)=r$.
If $\dim (|mg^2_d-Z|)>r$ then on ${\mit \Gamma}$ it induces a linear system
$g^{r'}_{mx-\beta}$ with $r'\ge r$. But Hartshorne's theorem (see 1.3)
implies that this is impossible.
iv) $|mg^2_d-Z|$ is not trivial.
First of all, $|mg^2_d-Z|$ is very special. Indeed $(d-3-m)g^2_d+Z\subset
|K_C-(mg^2_d-Z)|$. If $d-3=m$ then from the Riemann-Roch theorem, one
finds $\dim|Z|=1$.
Suppose $|mg^2_d-Z|$ would be trivial, i.~e. $|mg^2_d-Z|=|kg^2_d-F|$ with
$r=\fracd{k^2+3k}{2}-(dk-n)$. Since $g^r_n$ is very special, one has
$k<d-3$. Consider $D=({\mit \Gamma}'.C-{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}')+(\sum_{i=1}^xL_i.C-E)$ as in
step i). There exists $\gamma\in{\bbb P}_k(-F)$ with $\gamma .C=D+F$. Because of
Bezout's theorem one has $\gamma =\gamma'+L_1+\cdots +L_x$. If $P\in E$ then
$P\not\in{\mit \Gamma}'.C-{\mit \Gamma}'\cap{\mit \Gamma}$, otherwise both $i({\mit \Gamma}',C;P)>i({\mit \Gamma}',{\mit \Gamma} ;P)$
and $i({\mit \Gamma} ,C;P)>i({\mit \Gamma}',{\mit \Gamma} ;P)$, a contradiction to Namba's lemma. This
implies $\gamma'.C\ge{\mit \Gamma}'.C-{\mit \Gamma}'\cap{\mit \Gamma}$. Once more from Namba's lemma, we
obtain ${\mit \Gamma}'.\gamma'\ge{\mit \Gamma}'.C-{\mit \Gamma}'\cap{\mit \Gamma}$ and so
\deg ({\mit \Gamma}'.\gamma')=3(k-x)\ge\deg ({\mit \Gamma}'.C-{\mit \Gamma}'\cap{\mit \Gamma} )=3(d-x-3),
a contradiction to $k<d-3$.
\vs 2
Let $C$ be a smooth plane curve of degree $d$. Assume there exists a
plane curve ${\mit \Gamma}'$ of degree $3$ and a smooth plane curve ${\mit \Gamma}$ of degree
$a\ (4\le a\le d-6)$ such that ${\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'\subset C$ $($as schemes$)$.
Then $C$ posseses a non-trivial linear system $g^r_n$ for
$r=\fracd{(a-2)(a-1)}{2}-\beta, 0\le\beta\le a-3$ and $n=n(r)=a(d-3)-\beta$.
\vs 1
{\it Proof\/}. ${\mit \Gamma} .C={\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'+D$ for some effective divisor $D$ of
degree $a(d-3)$ on $C$. But $a(d-3)\ge d-3\ge a+3$, so we can choose an
effective divisor $E\subset D$ of degree $\beta$ and then one has to apply
Proposition \ref{prop:non-trivial} to $|ag^2_d-Z|$ for $Z={\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'+E$.
\vs 2
{\rm Fix ${\mit \Gamma}'\in{\bbb P}_3, {\mit \Gamma}\in{\bbb P}_a\ (a\ge 4)$ general and look at
${\bbb P}_{a+\varepsilon}(-{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'), (\varepsilon\ge 1)$. Clearly ${\mit \Gamma}'+{\bbb P}_{a+\varepsilon -3}
\subset{\bbb P}_{a+\varepsilon}(-{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'), {\mit \Gamma} +{\bbb P}_{\varepsilon}\subset{\bbb P}_{a+\varepsilon}
(-{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}')$. Take $P\in{\bbb P}^2\backslash ({\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}')$. If
$P\not\in{\mit \Gamma}'$ then using ${\mit \Gamma}'+{\bbb P}_{a+\varepsilon -3}$ one can separate tangent
vectors at $P$. If $P\not\in{\mit \Gamma}$ then one uses ${\mit \Gamma} +{\bbb P}_{\varepsilon}$.
Kleiman's Bertini theorem \cite{kleiman} in arbitrary characteristics
implies that a general element $C\in{\bbb P}_{a+\varepsilon}(-{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}')$ is smooth
outside ${\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'$. But if ${\mit \Gamma}''\in{\bbb P}_{\varepsilon}$ is general then
${\mit \Gamma} +{\mit \Gamma}''$ is smooth on ${\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'$. This implies that a general
element $C\in{\bbb P}_{a+\varepsilon}(-{\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}')$ is smooth. This proves that, for
each $d, 1\le x\le d-6, 0\le\beta\le x$, there exists a smooth plane curve
$C$ of degree $d$ possesing a non-trivial $g^r_{n(r)}$ with
$r=\fracd{(x+1)(x+2)}{2}-\beta$ and $n(r)=(d-3)(x+3)-\beta$.}
\vs 2
In trying to prove this statement for all smooth plane curves of degree
$d$, we only succeeded in case ${\rm char}(k)=0$. This is the following
\vs 2
Let $C$ be a smooth plane curve of degree
$d$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero.
Let $d>m\ge 4$. There exists ${\mit \Gamma}'\in{\bbb P}_3$ and a smooth ${\mit \Gamma}\in{\bbb P}_m$
such that, as schemes, ${\mit \Gamma}\cap{\mit \Gamma}'\subset C$.
\vs 1
{\it Proof\/}. Fix two general lines $L_1, L_2$ in ${\bbb P}^2$, let
$S=L_1\cap L_2$. We may assume neither $L_1$ nor $L_2$ is a tangent
line of $C$ and $S\not\in C$. Choose points $P_{11},\dots ,P_{1m}$ on
$C\cap L_1$ and $P_{21},\dots ,P_{2m}$ on $C\cap L_2$. Choose a general
point $S'$ in ${\bbb P}^2\backslash C\cup L_1\cup L_2$. The pencil of lines
in ${\bbb P}^2$ through $S'$ induces a base point free $g^1_d$ on $C$.
Because $S'$ is general we have:
\item If $Q$ is a ramification point of $g^1_d$ then the associated
divisor looks like $2Q+E$ with $Q\not\in E$ and $E$ consists of $d-2$
different points (here we use characteristic zero).
\item If $Q\in L_i\cap C$ $(i=1,2)$ then $Q$ is not a ramification of
$g^1_d$. The associated divisor is $Q+E$ with
$E\cap (L_1\cup L_2)=\emptyset$.
\item The line $SS'$ is not a tangent line of $C$.
On the symmetric product $C^{(m)}$ we consider
$V=\{ E\in C^{(m)}:{\rm there\ exists\ }D\in g^1_d\ {\rm with\ }E\le D\}$.
In terminology of \cite{c2} it is the set $V^1_k(g^1_d)$ and we consider
$V$ with its natural scheme structure. From Chapter 2 in
{\it loc.~cit.}, it follows that $V$ is a smooth curve.
Let $D_0\in g^1_d$ corresponding to the line $SS'$ and let
$V_0=\{ E\in V:E\le D_0\}$. We define a map
$\psi :V\backslash V_0\to{\bbb P}^1$ as
follows. Associated to $E\in V\backslash V_0$ there is a line $L$
through $S'$. Write $E=P_{31}+\cdots +P_{3m}$.
We distinguish 3 possibilities:
i) $E\cap (L_1\cup L_2)=\emptyset$. Choose coordinates
$x,y,z$ on ${\bbb P}^2$ such that $L_1, L_2, L$ corresponds to the coordinate
axes $x=0, y=0, z=0$, respectively. Let $(x_{ij}:y_{ij}:z_{ij})$ be the
coordinates of $P_{ij}$ $(i=1,2,3;1\le j\le m)$. Then
\psi (E)=
As long as we take $L_1, L_2, L$ as axes, this value is independent of
the coordinates.
ii) $E\cap (L_1\cup L_2)\ne\emptyset$. Say
$P_{11}=P_{31}\in E\cap (L_1\cup L_2)$. Choose coordinates as before
and let $\alpha x+z=0$ be the equation of the tangent line to $C$ at
$P_{11}$ $(\alpha\ne 0)$. Then
\psi (E)=\alpha
Again taking $L_1, L_2, L$ as axes, this value is independent of
the coordinates. (Of course this is a function to ${\bbb C}$ and we
consider ${\bbb P}^1={\bbb C}\cup\{\infty\}$.)
iii) If $\psi (E)$ is not defined in ${\bbb C}$ then $\psi (E)=\infty$.
For $E\in V_0$, we define $\psi (E)=(-1)^m$
This map is a holomorphic map. Indeed, fixing coordinates $(x:y:z)$ such
that $L_1, L_2$ corresponds to $x=0,y=0$, resp. and $S'=(1:1:0)$, we can
write $z-\gamma (x-y)=0$ for the pencil of lines through $S'$ (except for
$SS'$). If $E\in V\backslash V_0$ and $E$ is a part of a divisor of
$g^1_d$ consisting of $d$ different points, then $\gamma$ is a local
coordinate of $V$ at $E$. In case i) we write down $\psi$ locally as a
holomorphic function in $\gamma$. It is easy to check that $\psi$ is
continuous at $E$ in case ii).
For $E\in V_0$, write $\beta z+(x-y)=0$ for the pencil of lines through
$S'$ close to $SS'$. Let $(x_{3j}:x_{3j}:z_{3j})$ be the coordinates at
the points $P_{3j}$ of $E$. For $E'\in V$ close to $E$ we have
$E'=\sum_{j=1}^mP'_{3j}$ and coordinates
$(x'_{3j}:\beta z'_{3j}+x'_{3j}:z'_{3j})$ at $P'_{3j}$. Here we can assume
that $x'_{3j}=x'_{3j}(\beta ), z'_{3j}=z'_{3j}(\beta )$ are holomorphic
functions in $\beta$ (local coordinate at $V$ in $E$) and
$x_{3j}=x'_{3j}(0), z_{3j}=z'_{3j}(0)$.
Choose new coordinates $\xi =\beta z+x-y, \eta =y, \zeta =x$. The coordinates
of $P_{1j}$ are $(0:y_{1j}:\beta z_{1j}+y_{1j})$, of $P_{2j}$ are
$(x_{2j}:0:\beta z_{2j}+x_{2j})$, of $P'_{3j}$ are
$(x'_{3j}:\beta z'_{3j}+x'{3j}:0)$. We find
\psi (E') & = &
\prod^m_{j=1}\frac{y_{1j}}{\beta z_{1j}-y_{1j}}
\prod^m_{j=1}\frac{\beta z_{2j}+x_{2j}}{x_{2j}}
\prod^m_{j=1}\frac{x'_{3j}}{\beta z'_{3j}+x'_{3j}}
& = & (-1)^m-\left(
+o(\beta ).\nonumber
Hence, $\psi$ is continuous at $E$.
Since $V$ is smooth and $\psi$ is continuous on $V$ and holomorphic except
for a finite number of points, $\psi$ is a holomorphic map $V\to{\bbb P}^1$.
At some component of $V$, $\psi$ is not constant.
Indeed, look at a fibre $2Q+E\in g^1_d$ with $E\in C^{(d-2)}$. Take a
close fibre $P_1+P_2+E'$ with $P_1, P_2$ close to $Q$. Choose $F\le E'$
with $\deg(F)=m-1$ and consider $P_1+F\in V$. Let $W$ be the irreducible
component of $V$ containing $P_1+F$. Using monodromy one finds
$P_2+F\in W$. But clearly $\psi (P_1+F)\ne\psi (P_2+F)$, hence
$\psi :W\to{\bbb P}^1$ is a covering.
In particular $\psi^{-1}((-1)^m)\ne\emptyset$.
If for some $E\in W\backslash V_0$ we have $\psi (E)=(-1)^m$ then the
theorem follows from Lemmas \ref{lem:car1}, \ref{lem:car2} and Remark
\ref{rem:33}. So, we have to take a closer look to $\psi$ at $V_0$.
By the equation (\ref{eq:v0}), if $E\in V_0$ is not a simple zero of
$\psi -(-1)^m$ then the theorem follows from Lemma \ref{lem:car3} and
Remark \ref{rem:33}.
Suppose that each zero of $\psi -(-1)^m$ belonging to $V_0$ is simple.
Then $\psi -(-1)^m$ has exactly $\binom{d}{m}$ zeros at those points.
Now we look at zeros of $\psi$ on $V\backslash V_0$. The number of zeros
is finite. For case i) there is none. For case ii) we have two
possiblities. If $E\in V$ corresponds to a line $L$ through $S'$
containing one of the points $P_{21},\dots ,P_{2m}$ but
$E\cap (L_1\cup L_2)=\emptyset$. There are $m\binom{d-1}{m}$ such
possibilities. If $E\in V$ corresponds to a line $L$ through $S'$ not
containing any of the points $P_{11},\dots ,P_{1m}$ but
$E\cap L_1\ne\emptyset$. There are $(d-m)\binom{d-1}{m-1}$ such
possibilities. So, on the components of $V$ where $\psi$ is not constant,
$\psi$ has at least $m\binom{d-1}{m}+(d-m)\binom{d-1}{m-1}$ zeros.
But this number is greater than $\binom{d}{m}$, so $\psi -(-1)^m$ has a
zero on $V\backslash V_0$. This completes the proof of the theorem.
\vs 2
{\rm In order to obtain the bound $r(n)$ mentioned in the introduction,
we have to prove that $C$ possesses no base point free very special
non-trivial linear systems $g^r_n$ with $r\ge\fracd{(d-4)(d-3)}{2}-(d-5)$
(i.~e. $x\ge d-5$). In the introduction we already noticed that
$x\le d-3$. Assume $g^r_n$ is a very special non-trivial linear system.
{}From Theorem \ref{thm:1} we find $n\ge n((d-4)(d-5)/2-(d-5))=d^2-6d+11$.
But then $\deg (K_C-g^r_n)\le (d-1)(d-2)-2-(d^2-6d+11)=3d-11$. However,
very special linear systems $g^s_m$ of degree $m\le 3d-11$ are trivial.
So, the associated base point free linear system $g^s_m$ of $|K_C-g^r_n|$
is of type $|ag^2_d-E|$ with $a\le d-4$, $E$ effective and
$\dim|K_C-g^r_n|=\fracd{a^2+3a}{2}-\deg E$. If $E\ne\emptyset$, then for
$P\in E$ one has $\dim|ag^2_d-E+P|>\dim|ag^2_d-E|$, so $\dim|g^r_n-P|=r$.
This implies that $g^r_n$ has a base point, hence $E=\emptyset$. But
then, $g^r_n=|(d-3-a)g^2_d-F|$ and since $\dim|ag^2_d+F|=\dim|ag^2_d|$,
we have $r=\fracd{(d-3-a)^2+3(d-3-a)}{2}-\deg F$. This is a
contradiction to the fact that $g^r_n$ would be non-trivial.}
\vs 1
{\rm It would be interesting to find an answer to the following questions:
For which values of $n$ do there exist non-trivial base point free very
special linear systems $g^r_n$ on a (general) smooth plane curve.
Classify those linear systems and study $W^r_n$ on $J(C)$. More
concretely, is the subscheme of $W^r_{n(r)}$ corresponding to non-trivial
linear systems irreducible ? What are the dimension of those irreducible
components ? And so on.
1993-02-01T20:50:11 | 9301 | alg-geom/9301006 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9301006 | [
] | alg-geom/9301006 | null | Sheldon Katz | Rational curves on Calabi-Yau manifolds: verifying predictions of Mirror
Symmetry | 12 pages, LaTeX (Replaced version corrects an error in the formula
for bundle $B'$ on page 5, and changes the order of some entries in tables 2
and 3 for compatibility with the associated computer file) | null | null | OSU Math 1992-3 | null | Mirror symmetry, a phenomenon in superstring theory, has recently been used
to give tentative calculations of several numbers in algebraic geometry. In
this paper, the numbers of lines and conics on various hypersurfaces which
satisfy certain incidence properties are calculated, and shown to agree with
the numbers predicted by Greene, Morrison, and Plesser using mirror symmetry in
every instance. This increases the number of verified predictions from 3 to 65.
Calculations are performed using the Maple package {\sc schubert} written by
Katz and Str{\o}mme.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 27 Jan 1993 23:05:22 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 1 Feb 1993 19:39:30 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section*{}
Recently, mirror symmetry, a phenomenon in superstring theory,
has been used to give tentative calculations of several numbers
in algebraic geometry \nolinebreak\footnote{See the papers in \cite{yau} for
general background on mirror symmetry.}. This yields predictions for the
number of rational
curves of any degree $d$ on general Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in
$\P^4\ \cite{cogp},\ \P(2,1^4),\ \P(4,1^4)$, and $\P(5,2,1^3)$
The techniques used in the calculation rely on
manipulations of path integrals which have not yet been put on a rigorous
mathematical footing. On the other hand,
there is currently
no prospect of calculating most of these numbers by algebraic geometry.
Until this point, three of these numbers have been verified, all for the
quintic hypersurface in $\P^4$: the number of lines (2875) was known
classically, the number of conics (609250) was calculated in
\cite{finite}, and the number of twisted cubics (317206375)
was found recently by
Ellingsrud and Str{\o}mme \cite{escub}.
Even more recently \cite{gmp}, higher dimensional mirror symmetry has been
used to
predict the number of rational curves on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces in higher
dimensional projective spaces which meet 3 linear subspaces of certain
dimensions. Again, there is no known way to calculate these using algebraic
The purpose of this paper is to verify some of these numbers in low degree,
giving more evidence for the validity of mirror symmetry. In \S 1, the
number of weighted lines in a weighted sextic in $\P(2,1^4)$ is calculated,
as well as the number of weighted lines in a weighted octic in $\P(4,1^4)$.
In \S 2, the number of lines on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces of dimension up to
10 which satisfy certain incidence properties is calculated. In \S 3,
the number of conics on these same Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces satisfying the
same incidence properties is calculated. These numbers are closely related to
the Gromov-Witten invariants defined in \cite{wittsm,morht,gmp}; and it is {\em
numbers that are recorded here. In all instances, the calculations
agree with those predicted by mirror symmetry. Thus the number of verified
predictions has increased from 3 to 65.
There are two parts to all of these calculations. The first part is to
express the desired numbers in terms of the standard constructs of intersection
theory. The second part is to evaluate the number
using the Maple package {\sc schubert}\
\cite{schub} (although the number of weighted lines in a weighted octic in
$\P(4,1^4)$ was first found via classical enumerative geometry, using a
classical enumerative formula). The short {\sc schubert}\ code is not included
here, but is available upon request.
While it is checked that the data being enumerated is finite, no attempt has
been made here to check that the multiplicities are 1. All enumeration
takes multiplicities into consideration. This suffices for comparison to
the numbers arising in
physics, since the Feynman path integrals would take account of any
multiplicities greater than 1 as well.
Some of the Gromov-Witten invariants were computed in \cite{gmp}
using an intriguing relation between the various invariants. These
relations arise in
conformal field theory. A mathematical proof of the relations for the
invariants corresponding to lines is sketched here.
It is appropriate to point out the recent work of Libgober and Teitelbaum
\cite{ltcy}, who have apparently correctly guessed the mirror manifold of
complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefolds in an ordinary projective space.
Their conjectured mirrors yield predictions for the numbers of rational
curves. The predicted number of lines coincides with the results of a
calculation done by
Libgober 20 years ago, and the predicted
number of conics coincides with the results of an unpublished calculation
done by Str\o mme and Van
Straten in 1990.
I'd like to thank D.~Morrison for helpful suggestions and conversations,
and for encouraging
me to write this paper. I'd also like to thank S.~Kleiman for his
suggestions which have improved the manuscript.
\section{Weighted projective spaces and their Grassmannians}
Let $\P(k,1^n)$ denote an $n$-dimensional weighted projective space with
first coordinate having weight $k>1$, all other coordinates having weight 1.
Thus $\P(k,1^n)$ consists of all non-zero $(n+1)$-tuples $(x_0,\ldots,x_n)$,
with $(x_0,\ldots,x_n)$ identified with $(\l^kx_0,\l x_1,\ldots,\l x_n)$ for
any $\l\neq 0$.
that $\P(k,1^n)$ is smooth outside the singular point $p=(1,0,\ldots,0)$.
There is a natural rational projection map $\pi:\P(k,1^n) ---> \P^{n-1}$
defined outside $p$ given by omitting
the first coordinate.
$X$ be a weighted hypersurface of weight $d$. Assume $p\not\in X$ (this
implies that $k|d$, and that the monomial $x_0^{d/k}$ occurs in an
equation for $X$). It is further assumed that $X$ is smooth. The general
weighted hypersurface whose weight is a multiple of $k$ is an example of such
an $X$.
{\bf Definition}
A {\em weighted $r$-plane in $\P(k,1^n)$} is the image of
a section of $\pi$ over an
$r$-plane in $\P^{n-1}$.
Note that weighted $r$-planes do not contain $p$.
Let $P$ be a weighted $r$-plane, with $L$ its image in $\P^{n-1}$. Let
$(q_0,\ldots ,q_r)$ be any homogeneous coordinates on $L\simeq\P^r$. Then
$P$ may be thought of as the image of $L$ via the mapping
$x_0=f_k(q_0,\ldots,q_r),\ x_i=l_i(q_0,\ldots,q_r)$, where $f_k$ is a form of
degree $k$, and the $l_i$ are all linear. Once $L$ is fixed,
we may fix in mind a choice of the $q_i$ and $l_i$.
The moduli space of weighted $r$-planes can be represented (and compactified)
as follows. Conventions have been chosen to be consistent with those in
{\sc schubert}\ \cite{schub}. Let $G=G(r+1,n)$ be the Grassmannian of
$r$-dimensional linear
subspaces $L$
of $\P^{n-1}$. Let $V$ be the $n$-dimensional vector space of linear forms
on $\P^{n-1}$.
This identifies $\P^{n-1}$ with $\P(V)=Proj(S^*V)$. $G$ is then the space of
quotients of $V$ (since the space of linear forms restricted to $L$ is an
$r+1$-dimensional quotient of $V$). Let $Q$ be the universal rank $r+1$
quotient bundle on $G$.
The equation $x_0-f_k(q_0,\ldots,q_r)=0$ which describes a section of
$\pi$ over
an $r$-plane may be identified with a section $s$ of the bundle
$\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^k(Q)$,
where \mbox{${\bf C}$}\ denotes the trivial bundle. A scalar multiple of this section
would correspond to the equation $ax_0-af_k(q_0,\ldots,q_r)=0$, which
defines the same weighted $r$-plane.
Note that (up to scalar) $s$ does
not depend on any of the choices which have been made.
So $M=\P(\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^k(Q)^*)$ gives a compactification of the space of weighted
$r$-planes. Here, $\P(E)$ denotes the space of rank 1 quotients of the fibers
of the bundle $E$; hence the need for dualizing in defining $M$.
In the sequel, we will also refer to $M^o\subset M$, the open subset which
corresponds to the actual
weighted $\P^1$'s, in other words, $M^o=M-\P(S^kQ^*)$, where $\P(S^kQ^*)$ is
included in $M$ via the map induced by the natural projection
$\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^kQ^*\to S^kQ^*$.
\section{Lines on weighted hypersurface Calabi-Yau threefolds}
Now let $k>1$, and let $X\subset\P(k,1^4)$ be a smooth weighted
hypersurface of weight
$k+4$ with $(1,0,0,0,0)\not\in X$. As has been noted in the previous section,
this implies that $k|k+4$, which in turn implies that $k=2$ or $k=4$. The
weight $k+4$ has been chosen to ensure that $X$ is Calabi-Yau, i.e. that $X$
has trivial canonical bundle.
The rational projection map $\pi$ restricts to a morphism
$\pi:X\to\P^3$. This is
a 3-1 cover for $k=2$, and a 2-1 cover for $k=4$. The goal of this section
is to enumerate the weighted $\P^1$'s contained in $X$.
Let us first consider the case $k=4$. Then an equation for $X$ has the
where $a\in\mbox{${\bf C}$}$
$g_i$ has degree $i$ for $i=4$ or 8. Such an equation naturally induces a
section $s$ of the bundle $\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^4Q\oplus S^8Q$. Consider a point $C\in
We abuse notation by allowing $C$ to also denote the corresponding curve.
Let $(q_0,q_1)$ be homogeneous coordinates on $\P^1$. Identifying $C$ with
$\P^1$, we may describe
$C$ by equations of the form
The equation $x_0-f_4(q_0,q_1)=0$
and its multiples for varying $C$ form the tautological
subbundle $\O_{\P}(-1)\subset\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^4Q$ on $\P=\P(\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^4Q^*)$.
$C$ is contained in $X$ if and only if an equation for $X$, when pulled back
to $\P^1$ via a parametrization of $C$, vanishes. Substituting from the
second of equations~(\ref{param}) into (\ref{hyper}), it is seen that this
if and only if $ax_0^2+g_4(l_1(q_0,q_1),\ldots,l_4(q_0,q_1))x_0+
g_8(l_1(q_0,q_1),\ldots,l_4(q_0,q_1))$ is a multiple of $x_0-f_4(q_0,q_1)$.
Multiplication induces an inclusion of bundles
$$(\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^4Q)\otimes
\O_{\P}(-1)\hookrightarrow \mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^4Q\oplus S^8Q.$$
Putting all this together, we
see that $C\subset X$ if and only the section ${\bar s}$
$$B=(\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^4Q\oplus S^8Q)
/((\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^4Q)\otimes \O_{\P}(-1))$$
induced by
$s$ vanishes at $C$. Note that if $C\in M-M^o$, then $C$ corresponds to a
defined by equations of the form $f_4(q_0,q_1)=0,\ x_i=l_i(q_0,q_1)$.
Since such a curve would contain $p$, it follows that $C$ is not in the zero
locus of ${\bar s}$. Also note that
$\dim(M)=rank(B)=9$; so one expects finitely many zeros of such a section;
hence finitely many weighted $\P^1$'s. It is easy to prove that this is
indeed the case for general $X$.
The actual number is the degree of $c_9(B)$. This may be calculated by
standard techniques in intersection theory \cite{fintthy} and the calculation
may be implemented via
{\sc schubert}\ \cite{schub}.
The case $k=2$ is similar. Changing the meaning of the notation in the
obvious manner, one must consider $M=\P(\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^2Q^*)$, and
calculate the degree of $c_7(B')$, where
$$B'=(\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^2Q\oplus S^4Q\oplus S^6Q)
/((\mbox{${\bf C}$}\oplus S^2Q\oplus S^4Q)\otimes\O_{\P}(-1)).$$
Combining these with the well-known number of lines on a quintic threefold,
the calculation of some examples considered in \cite{fontper,kt,morp-f} via
mirror symmetry may be verified. The results are displayed in
\begin{table}\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|ccc|} \hline
Ambient space & Weighted degree & Number of lines \\ \hline
$\P(1^5)$ & 5 & 2875 \\
$\P(2,1^4)$ & 6 & 7884 \\
$\P(4,1^4)$ & 8 & 29504 \\ \hline
\end{tabular}\end{center}\caption{The number of lines.}
{\bf Problem:} Verify the predictions of mirror symmetry for weighted $\P^1$'s
in a weight 10 hypersurface in $\P(5,2,1^3)$. Also, verify the predictions
of mirror symmetry for weighted conics on the weighted hypersurfaces
considered in this section.
{\em Remark:} The family of weighted conics on the general weighted octic in
$\P(4,1^4)$ is positive dimensional (independently observed by Koll{\'a}r);
hence part of the problem in this case
is to systematically assign numbers to positive dimensional families. This
can be defined as the number of such curves that remain almost holomorphic
under a general almost complex deformation; but it is desirable to
give a purely algebraic description.
\section{Lines on higher dimensional varieties}
In this section and the next, we consider rational curves on
the generic Calabi-Yau hypersurface $X$ in $P^{k+1}$. This is a
hypersurface of dimension $k$ and degree $k+2$. For $k>3$, there will be
infinitely many lines and conics contained in $X$. But there will only be
finitely many lines or conics which satisfy certain incidence properties
with fixed linear subspaces.
Since the normal bundle $N$ of $C$ in $P^{k+1}$ has degree $-2$, one expects
that for general $X$ and any $C\subset X$, $N\simeq\O\oplus\ldots\oplus\O
\oplus\O(-1)\oplus\O(-1)$ (with $k-3\ \O$'s). Since $h^0(N)=k-3$ and
$h^1(N)=0$ in this case, the scheme of rational
curves on $X$ is expected to have dimension $k-3$.
For each $i$, let $L_i\subset\P^{k+1}$ denote a general linear subspace of
codimension $i$. Pick positive integers $a,\ b,\ c$ such that $a+b+c=k$.
Following \cite{wittsm,morht,gmp}, define an invariant
$n^a_b(d)$ of $X$ as the number of holomorphic immersions
$f:\P^1\to X$ with $f(\P^1)$ of degree $d$
such that $f(0)\in L_a,\ f(1)\in L_b,\linebreak f(\infty)\in L_c$.
These numbers, called ``Gromov-Witten invariants'' in \cite{morht},
are expected to be finite. Note that the value of $c$ is implicit in the
notation $n^a_b(d)$ by virtue of the equation $a+b+c=k$.
These invariants are essentially the same as the number of reduced, irreducible
rational curves of degree $d$ in $X$ which meet each of $L_a,\ L_b$, and
$L_c$. The $n^a_b(d)$ differ from the corresponding numbers of curves by one
factor of $d$ for each of the indices $a,b$, or $c$ equal to 1 (since
$C$ meets a general $L_1\ d$ times). There is no difference for lines;
and for conics, we will see that in the calculation of the number of conics
satisfying the required incidence properties, the Gromov-Witten invariants
arise naturally. So the Gromov-Witten invariants will be calculated and
tabulated, while the numbers of rational curves follow immediately
by division by the appropriate power of $d$, if necessary.
In the remainder of this section, we specialize to $d=1$, i.e. lines.
A theorem of Barth-van de Ven \cite{bv} states that
the Fano variety of lines on a degree $l$ hypersurface $X \subset \P^n$ is
smooth of dimension $2n-l-3$ for generic $X$
when $l+3 \le 2n$.
Applied in the present context of $X_{k+2}\subset\P^{k+1}$, we find
that the variety of lines must be smooth of dimension $k-3$ whenever
{}From this, standard techniques show that a general $X$ contains finitely many
lines which meet each of $L_a,\ L_b$, and $L_c$.
So we can calculate the Gromov-Witten invariants by using the
Schubert calculus. The lines are parametrized by the Grassmannian
$G(2,k+2)$. The class of lines meeting $L_a$ is the Schubert cycle
\s{a-1}; similarly for $L_b$ and $L_c$.
Let $Q$ be the rank 2 universal quotient bundle on $G$.
Since the class of the variety of lines on $X$ is represented by
$c_{k+3}(S^{k+2}Q)$ and dimensions work out correctly,
the answer is the degree of
These may be easily worked out as integers using {\sc schubert}.
The answers obtained are displayed in table~\ref{table3}.
The original predictions for the numbers found in \cite{gmp}
resulted from a two-step process arising from mirror symmetry and conformal
field theory. First, the $n^1_b(d)$ are found, followed by what amounts to
an expression for any $n^a_b(d)$ in terms of the various $n^1_{b'}(d')$ for
$d'\le d$. Most of these expressions remain a mathematical mystery at
However, the case $d=1$ can be established mathematically as follows.
Let $X$ be any Calabi-Yau manifold of dimension $k$ in any projective space.
Define $n^a_b(1)$ as above. Assume that there are
finitely many lines in $X$ satisfying each of the respective incidence
conditions needed to define the $n^a_b(1)$. Then
{\em Proof (sketch).} Follows immediately by intersecting the cycle class
(in the
appropriate Grassmannian) of the
scheme of lines in $X$ with the identity
an identity which can be proven by a few applications of Pieri's formula.
\begin{table}\small\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
$k$ & $n^a_b(1)$\\ \hline
3 & $n^1_1(1)=2875$ \\ \hline
4 & $n^1_1(1)=60480$ \\ \hline
5 & $n^1_1(1)=1009792,\ n^1_2(1)=1707797$ \\ \hline
6 & $n^1_1(1)=15984640,\ n^1_2(1)=37502976,\ n^2_2(1)=59021312$ \\ \hline
7 & $n^1_1(1)=253490796,\ n^1_2(1)=763954092,\ n^1_3(1)=1069047153$ \\
& $n^2_2(1)=1579510449$ \\ \hline
8 & $n^1_1(1)=4120776000,\ n^1_2(1)=15274952000,\ n^1_3(1)=27768048000$ \\
& $n^2_2(1)=38922224000,\ n^2_3(1)=51415320000$ \\ \hline
9 & $n^1_1(1)=69407571816,\ n^1_2(1)=307393401172,\ n^1_3(1)=695221679878$
\\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^1_4(1)=905702054829,\ n^2_2(1)=933207509234,\ n^2_3(1)=1531516162891$ \\
& $n^3_3(1)=1919344441597$ \\ \hline
10 & $n^1_1(1)=1217507106816,\ n^1_2(1)=6306655500288$ \\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^1_3(1)=17225362851840,\ n^1_4(1)=28015971489792$ \\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^2_2(1)=22314511245312,\ n^2_3(1)=44023827234816$ \\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^2_4(1)=54814435872768,\ n^3_3(1)=65733143224320$ \\ \hline
\end{tabular}\end{center}\caption{Gromov-Witten invariants for lines.}
\section{Conics on higher dimensional varieties}
It can easily be shown that if $X$ is a general
hypersurface of degree $k+2$ in $\P^{k+1}$, then the variety of conics on $X$
has the expected dimension $k-3$. Standard techniques show that
given positive integers $a,b,c$ with
$a+b+c=k$, there will be a finite number of conics in $X$ which meet each of
$L_a,\ L_b$, and $L_c$. Thus the Gromov-Witten invariants are finite. They
will be calculated here; the answers obtained are displayed in
\begin{table}\footnotesize\begin{center}\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline
$k$& $n^a_b(2)$ \\ \hline
3 & $n^1_1(2)=4874000$ \\ \hline
4 & $n^1_1(2)=1763536320$ \\ \hline
5 & $n^1_1(2)=488959144352,\ n^1_2(2)=1021575491286$ \\ \hline
6 & $n^1_1(2)=133588638826496,\ n^1_2(2)=448681408315392 \
n^2_2(2)=821654025830400$ \\ \hline
7 & $n^1_1(2)=39031273362637440,\ n^1_2(2)=187554590257349088$ \\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^1_3(2)=312074852318965368,\ n^2_2(2)=506855012110118424$ \\ \hline
8 & $n^1_1(2)=12607965435718224000,\ n^1_2(2)=80684596772238448000$ \\
& $n^1_3(2)=200581960800610752000,\ n^2_2(2)=295035175517918176000$ \\
& $n^2_3(2)=444475303469701680000$\\ \hline
9 & $n^1_1(2)=4565325719860021608624,\ n^1_2(2)=37005001823802188657624$ \\
& $n^1_3(2)=127922335050535174614916,\ n^1_4(2)=193693669320390878077186$ \\
& $n^2_2(2)=173901546566279203106468,\ n^2_3(2)=364629304647788940660824$ \\
& $n^3_3(2)=498705676383823268404990$
\\ \hline
10 & $n^1_1(2)=1861791822397620935737344,\
n^1_2(2)=18415607624138339954786304$ \\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^1_3(2)=83885220561474498867757056,\
n^1_4(2)=179982840924749584358866944$ \\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^2_2(2)=107227899142191919158312960,\
n^2_3(2)=297755098999730079369412608$ \\ \cline{2-2}
& $n^2_4(2)=417950364467570984815214592,\
n^3_3(2)=527556832251612742800359424$ \\ \hline
\end{tabular}\end{center}\caption{Gromov-Witten invariants for conics.}
We start with the well known description of the moduli space of conics in
$\P^{k+1}=\P(V)$, where $V$ is a $k+2$-dimensional vector space. To describe
a conic, we first describe the 2 plane it spans,
and then choose a quadric in that 2-plane (up to scalar). So let
$G=G(3,V)$ be the Grassmannian of 2-planes in $\P(V)$ (that is, of rank 3
quotients of $V$), and let $Q$ be
the universal rank 3 quotient bundle of linear forms on the varying subspace.
Then the moduli space of conics is $M=\P(S^2Q^*)$. Following the reasoning in
section~\ref{weight-section} (or \cite{finite}), the scheme of conics on $X$ is
given by the locus over which a certain section of $F=S^{k+2}Q/(S^kQ
\otimes\O_{\P}(-1))$ vanishes. Here $\O_{\P}(1)$ is the tautological sheaf
on $\P(S^2Q^*)$. Since $F$ has rank $2k+5$, the conics on $X$ are represented
by $c_{2k+5}(F)$.
It remains to find the condition that a conic $C$ meets $L_a$.
One way to find this is to consider the moduli
space ${\cal M}$ of pointed conics, i.e. pairs $(p,C)$, with $C$ a conic, $p\in
This may easily be constructed as a bundle over $\P^{k+1}$, with fiber
over $p\in \P^{k+1}$ being the set of conics containing $p$. We start by
constructing the moduli space of pointed 2-planes as follows. Consider the
tautological exact sequence on $\P^{k+1}$:
$$0\to K\to V_{\P^{k+1}}\to \O(1)\to 0,$$
where $V_{\P^{k+1}}$ is a trivial bundle of rank $k+2$ on $\P^{k+1}$
(more generally, $E_Y$
will stand for the pullback of $E$ to $Y$, the morphism used for the pullback
assumed to be clear in context). Let $H=G(2,K)$ be the
Grassmannian of rank 2 quotients of $K$, \mbox{${\cal Q}$}\ its universal rank 2
quotient, and ${\cal S}\subset K_H$ the universal subbundle. These
fit into the exact sequence
$$0\to{\cal S}\to K_H\to \mbox{${\cal Q}$}\to 0$$
of sheaves on $H$. The natural
quotient $V_H\to V_H/{\cal S}$ induces a map $H\to G$ by the universal property
of the Grassmannian; since $V_H\to \O(1)_H$ clearly factors through
$V_H/{\cal S}$, it is easy to see that $H$ may be identified with the space of
pointed 2-planes in $\P(V)$. Here $\O(1)$ denotes the tautological sheaf on
$\P(V)$ as before.
The conics containing $p$ globalize to a rank 5 bundle $W$ on $H$. This
bundle is in fact the the kernel of the natural map
$S^2(V_H/{\cal S})\to\O(2)_H$.
Then the moduli space $M'$ of pointed conics may be seen to be
$\P(W^*)$. Let $\O_W(1)$ be its tautological bundle.
Let $h=c_1(\O(1)_{M'})$. Consider the natural morphism
$f:M'\to M$. The variety of conics meeting $L^a$ is represented by the
class $f_*(h^a)$ for $a>1$. Note that for $a=1$, $f_*(h)=2$. This factor
exactly gives the factor needed to give the Gromov-Witten invariants rather
than the number of conics meeting three linear subspaces. So the Gromov-Witten
invariants are given by the formula
$n^a_b(2)=\int_Mc_{2k+5}(Q)f_*(h^a)f_*(h^b)f_*(h^c)$, which is valid since
the dimensions work out correctly.
To compute these as numbers using {\sc schubert}, everything is clear, except the
description of the morphism $f$. But this may be described merely by knowing
the pullbacks $f^*(Q)$ and $f^*(\O_{\P}(1))$. However, from the above
description and the universal properties, this is just $V_H/{\cal S}$ and
$\O_W(1)$. {\sc schubert}\ takes care of the rest.
1993-03-08T22:08:32 | 9301 | alg-geom/9301007 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9301007 | [
] | alg-geom/9301007 | Zhi-Jie Chen | Zhi-Jie Chen | Bounds of automorphism groups of genus 2 fibrations | 30 pages, LaTeX2.09 | null | null | null | null | For a complex surface of general type with a relatively minimal genus 2
fibration, the bounds of the orders of the automorphism group of the fibration,
of its abelian subgroups and of its cyclic subgroups are determined as linear
functions of $c^2_1$. Most of them are the best.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 29 Jan 1993 21:30:56 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 8 Mar 1993 21:07:47 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Preliminaries}
The surfaces with genus 2 pencils have been largely studied by many authors.
The facts we needed in this paper mostly appeared in [3, 6, 9, 10]. In
particular, Xiao's book \cite{X3} gave a systematic description of the
properties of genus 2 fibrations which are just what we needed here.
Unfortunately, this book has not been translated into English yet, hence it is
not available for most readers. For this reason, we will recall some materials
in this section.
Let $f:S\longrightarrow C$ be a relatively minimal fibration of genus 2,
$\omega_{S/C}=\omega_S\otimes f^*\omega_C^\vee$ the relative canonical sheaf
of $f$. For a sufficiently ample invertible sheaf $\cal L$ on $C$, the natural
morphism $f^*(f_*\omega_{S/C}\otimes{\cal L})\longrightarrow \omega_{S/C}
\otimes f^*{\cal L}$ defines a natural map $\Phi$:
P}\,(f_*\omega_{S/C}\otimes {\cal L})$}}
$\Phi$ is called a relatively canonical map. By a succession of blow-ups, we
can obtain the following commutative diagram:
where $\rho$ and $\psi$ are compositions of finitely many blow-ups,
$\tilde{\theta}$ is a double cover. Then we get the branch loci $\tilde R$ on
$\tilde P$ and $R$ on $P$ such that $\tilde R$ is the minimal even resolution
of $R$ (i.e. the canonical resolution of double cover). If $\cal L$ is
sufficiently ample, then all the singularities of $R$ must be located in one
of the 6 types of singular fibers defined by Horikawa \cite{H1}---0), I),
II), III), IV) or V).
$P$ is a relatively minimal ruled surface. We denote a section which
has the least self-intersection by $C_0$ such that $C_0^2=-e$. We will
use $F$ to denote both the fiber of $f$ or of $\pi$.
A singular point of the branch locus will be called {\it negligible} if
this point itself and all its infinitely near points are double points or
triple points with at least 2 different tangents. By minimal even resolution,
the inverse image of a negligible singular point is composed of $(-2)$-curves.
All other singular points are called {\it non-negligible}. The singular fiber
of type 0) in the classification of Horikawa is nothing else but the fiber
which does not contain any non-negligible singular points.
The minimal even resolution $\psi:\tilde P\longrightarrow P$ can be decomposed
into $\tilde{\psi}:\tilde P\longrightarrow \hat P$ followed by $\hat{\psi}:
\hat{P}\longrightarrow P$, where $\tilde{\psi}$ and $\hat{\psi}$ are composed
respectively of negligible and non-negligible blow-ups. The image of $\tilde{R}
$ in $\hat{P}$ is denoted by $\hat{R}$.
If we take away all the isolated vertical $(-2)$-curves from the reduced
divisor $\hat{R}$, we get a new reduced divisor $\hat{R}_p$, which is called
the {\it principal part} of the branch locus $\hat{R}$. Then for any fiber $F$
of $\pi:P\longrightarrow C$, the second and third {\it singularity index} of
$F$, $s_2(F)$, $s_3(F)$, will be defined as follows:
If $R$ has no quadruple singularities on $F$, then $s_3(F)$ equals the number
of $(3\rightarrow3)$ type singularities of $R$ on $F$. Otherwise $s_3(F)$
equals the number of $(3\rightarrow3)$ type singularities of $R$ on $F$ plus
1. Hence $s_3(F)=0$ if and only if $R$ has no non-negligible singularities on
Let $\phi:\hat{R}_p\longrightarrow C$ be the natural projection induced by
$\pi\circ\hat{\psi}:\hat{P}\longrightarrow C$. Then the second singularity
index $s_2(F)$ of $F$ will be the ramification index of the divisor $\hat{R}_p$
on $f(F)$ with respect to the projection $\phi$. If $\hat{R}_p$ has
singularities (which must be negligible) on $F$, the singularity index $s_2(F)$
can be calculated as follows.
For a smooth point $p\in\hat{R}_p\cap F$, the ramification index of $\phi$ at
$p$ can be defined as for an ordinary smooth curve. If $p\in\hat{R}_p\cap F$ is
a singular point of $\hat{R}_p$, then the ramification index of $\phi$ at $p$
will be defined as the sum of ramification indices of the normalization of
$\hat{R}_p$ at the preimage of $p$ with respect to its projection to $C$ plus
the double of the influence to the arithmetic genus of $\hat{R}_p$ during its
normalization at the singular point $p$. If the normalization of $\hat{R}_p$
contains an isolated vertical component $E$, then the contribution of $E$ to
the ramification index of $\phi$ is equal to $2g(E)-2$.
As there are finite number of fibers $F$ with $s_i(F)\ne0$, we define the
$i$-th {\it singularity index} of $f$, $s_i(f)$, to be the sum of $s_i(F)$ for
all fibers, when $i=2$, 3. If we take away from the branch locus $R$ all the
fibers $F$ with odd $s_3(F)$, we obtain a divisor $R_p$ which is called the
{\it principal part} of $R$. Suppose that
$$R_p\sim -3K_{P/C}+nF,$$
where $K_{P/C}$ is the relative canonical divisor of $\pi$ and $\sim$
represents numerical equivalence. With these definitions, the formula
computing the relative invariants of a genus 2 fibration can be stated as
\begin{Theorem}[Xiao \cite{X3}]\label{ThmX}
Let $f:S\longrightarrow C$ be a relatively minimal fibration of genus 2. Then
$$\chi_f=\chi({\cal O}_S)-(g(C)-1)=\frac1{10}s_2(f)+\frac15s_3(f)=n-s_3(f).$$
\section{Local cases}
We begin with a local fibration $f:S_{\Delta}\longrightarrow\Delta$ where $f$
is an analytic mapping onto the unit disk $\Delta$, $S_{\Delta}$ is a
2-dimensional analytic smooth manifold and the fibers of $f$ are projective
curves. We assume that the fiber of the zero is singular and all the fibers
over $\Delta^*=\Delta-\{0\}$ are smooth curves of genus 2.
Similarly, we have a commutative diagram
Denote the branch locus in $P_\Delta$ by $R_\Delta$. We also denote
the horizontal part of $R_\Delta$ by $R'_\Delta$, that is,
R_\Delta-F_0,&\qquad&\mbox{if $R_\Delta$ contains $F_0$,}\\
$F_0=\pi^{-1}(0)$, $F_t=\pi^{-1}(t)$, $t\in\Delta^*$, and
(S_\Delta)|f\circ\tilde{\sigma}=f\}$. Any automorphism
$\tilde{\sigma}\in K_\Delta$ induces an automorphism $\sigma$ of
$P_\Delta$ satisfying $\pi\circ\sigma
=\pi$ and $\sigma(R_\Delta)=R_\Delta$. We denote the image of
$K_\Delta$ by $\bar{K}_\Delta\subseteq \mbox{Aut }P_\Delta$, then
Note that any finite automorphism subgroup of {\mib P\,}$^1$ must be one of
the following:
$G\subseteq \mbox{Aut({\mib P\,}$^1$)}$&&$|G|$&Number of points in an
Cyclic group&$Z_n$&$n$&1, $n$\\
Dihedral group&$D_{2n}$&$2n$&2, $n$, $2n$\\
Tetrahedral group&$T_{12}$&12&4, 6, 12\\
Octahedral group&$O_{24}$&24&6, 8, 12, 24\\
Icosahedral group&$I_{60}$&60&12, 20, 30, 60
For any $\sigma\in\bar{K}_\Delta$, its restriction to $F_t\cong
\mbox{\mib P\,}^1$, $\sigma|_{F_t}$, must preserve the set of 6 points
contained in $F_t\cap R_\Delta$. Hence $\bar{K}_\Delta$ can be
isomorphic to the following groups: $O_{24}$, $T_{12}$, $D_{12}$,
$D_6$, $Z_6$, $Z_5$, $D_4$, $Z_4$, $Z_3$, $Z_2$ and 1.
If $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong O_{24}$, $T_{12}$ or $D_{12}$, then $F_0$ is
contained in $R_\Delta$ and
$R_\Delta$ has 6 ordinary double points on $F_0$.
In this case, we have $s_2(F_0)=10$, $s_3(F_0)=0$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Since $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong O_{24}$, $T_{12}$ or
$R_\Delta\cap F_t$ ($t\in \Delta^*$) consists respectively of 6
vertices of a
regular octahedron, of 6 points corresponding to the centers of edges
of a regular tetrahedron, or of sixth roots of unit. These 6 horizontal
branches of $R_\Delta$ cannot
intersect when $t\rightarrow 0$. But by assumption, $R_{\Delta}$ must
have some singularities, so $F_0$ is contained in $R_\Delta$.
Since $R_\Delta$ does not contain non-negligible singularities, one
has $s_3(F_0)=0$ and $R_\Delta=\hat{R}_\Delta=(\hat{R} _\Delta )_p$.
On $F_0$, $R_\Delta$ has 6 ordinary double points, the influence of
each double point to the arithmetic genus of $R_\Delta$ during its
normalization is equal to 1. The preimage of $F_0$ in the
normalization of $R_\Delta$ is a smooth vertical rational curve which
does not meet any other branches, so its contribution to the
index $s_2(F_0)$ is equal to $-2$. Therefore $s_2(F_0)=2\times
6+(-2)=10$.\hspace{\fill} $\Box$
We list the following useful lemmas, the proof is evident. Since local
equations are used for calculation of singularity indices, they are
given in simplified form, omitting some higher order terms. All the
non-negligible singularities here are canonical, i.e. defined by
If $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong D_6$ and $R'_\Delta$ is not \'etale over
$\Delta$, then up to a coordinates transformation,
(1) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $(x^3-t^k)(t^kx^3-1)$, $k>0$. In
this case, $s_3(F_0)=0$ implies $s_2(F_0)\ge4$.
(2) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $(x^3-1)^2-t^k(x^3+1)^2$, $k>0$.
In this case,
we have $s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)\ge3$.
If $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong Z_6$ and $R'_\Delta$ is not \'etale over
$\Delta$, then up to a coordinates transformation,
the equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $x^6-t^k$, $1\le k\le3$. If $k=3$, it
has a non-negligible singularity and $s_3(F_0)=1$, $s_2(F_0)=3$.
Otherwise $s_2(F_0)\ge5$.
If $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong Z_5$ and $R'_\Delta$ is not \'etale over
$\Delta$, then up to a coordinates transformation,
(1) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $x(x^5-t^k)$, $k=1$, $2$. In this
case, $s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)\ge6$.
(2) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $x(t^kx^5-1)$, $k=1$, $2$. In this
case, $s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)\ge4$.
If $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong D_4$ and $R'_\Delta$ is not \'etale over
$\Delta$, then up to a coordinates transformation,
(1) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $(x^2-1)((x-1)^2-t^k(x+1) ^2)
(t^k(x-1)^2-(x+1)^2)$, $k>0$. In this case, $s_3(F_0)=0$ implies
$s_2(F_0)\ge 6$.
(2) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $(x^2-1)(x^2-t^k)(t^kx^2-1)$,
$k>0$. In this case, we have $s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)\ge2$.
If $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong Z_4$ and $R'_\Delta$ is not \'etale over
$\Delta$, then up to a coordinates transformation,
the equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $x(x^4-t^k)$, $k=1$, $2$. In this case,
we have $s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)\ge5$.
If $\bar{K}_\Delta\cong Z_3$ and $R'_\Delta$ is not \'etale over
$\Delta$, then up to a coordinates transformation,
(1) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $(x^3-t^{k_1})(t^{k_2}x^3- a(t))$,
$k_1, k_2>0$, $a(0)\ne 0$. In this case,
$s_3(F_0)=0$ implies $s_2(F_0)\ge 4$.
(2) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $x^6+a(t)x^3+t^k$, $1\le k\le 3$.
In this case, $s_3(F_0)=0$ implies $s_2(F_0)\ge5$.
(3) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $(x^3-b-t^{k_1})(x^3-b-
t^{k_2}a(t))$, $k_1, k_2>0$, $a(0)\ne0$ and $b\ne0$.
In this case, we have $s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)\ge 6$.
(4) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $(x^3-t^k)(x^3-a(t))$, $1\le k\le3$,
$a(0)\ne0$. In
this case, we have $s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)\ge2$.
(5) The equation of $R'_\Delta$ is $((x-b)^2-t^ka(t))((x-b\omega)^2-
\omega^2t^k a(t))((x-b\omega^2)^2-\omega t^ka(t))$, $k>0$, $a(0)\ne0$,
$b\ne0$, $\omega=\exp(2\pi i/3)$. In this case, we have $s_3(F_0)=0$,
$s_2(F_0)\ge 3$.
We summarize the results of Lemmas \ref{L2} through \ref{L7} in the
following table. Here we assume that $R'_\Delta$ has only negligible
singularities or ramifications on $F_0$.
If $R'_\Delta$ has only negligible singularities or ramifications on
$F_0$, then $|K_\Delta|/s_2(F_0)\le4$. Moreover, if $\bar
K_{\Delta}\cong Z_6$, $Z_5$, $Z_4$ or 1, then $|K_\Delta|/s_2(F_0)$
\section{Bounds of automorphism groups}
Let $G=\mbox{Aut}(f)$ be the automorphism group of the fibration of
genus two $f:S\longrightarrow C$. Then we have an exact sequence
1&\longrightarrow &K&\longrightarrow &G&\longrightarrow
&H&\longrightarrow& 1,\\
where $H\subseteq \mbox{Aut}(C)$, $K=\{(\tilde{\sigma}, \mbox{id}) \in
G\}=\{\tilde{\sigma}\in\mbox{Aut}(S)|f\circ \tilde{\sigma} =f\}$. Thus
The elements of $H$ are often regarded as transformations of the
fibers of $f$ or $\pi$.
If $f:S\longrightarrow C$ is a relatively minimal fibration of genus 2
with $g(C)\ge2$, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le504K^2_S.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Since $|K|\le48$,
$|H|\le|\mbox{Aut}(C)|\le84(g(C)-1)$, we have
On the other hand, $K^2_{S/C}\ge0$ and the equality holds if and only
if $f$ is locally trivial. Hence
If $f:S\longrightarrow C$ is a relatively minimal fibration of genus 2
which is not locally trivial with $g(C)\ge2$, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le126K_S^2.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Let $R'$ denote the horizontal part of the
branch locus $R$. If $R'$ is not \'etale over $C$, then by
Lemmas of Section 2, we have $|K|\le12$. As $|H|\le84 (g(C)-1)\le
Now assume that $R'$ is \'etale. Since $f$ is not
locally trivial, we must have $K_{S/C}^2>0$, i.e. either $s_3(f)>0$ or
$s_2(f)>0$. So $R$ must contain some fiber $F_0$. By Lemma~\ref{L1},
$s_3(F_0)=0$, $s_2(F_0)=10$. Let $p=f(F_0)$, $n=|H|$. Since $H$ is a
subgroup of Aut$(C)$, $H$ determines a finite morphism $\tau:C
\longrightarrow X=C/H$. Denote the ramification index of $p\in C$ with
respect to $\tau$ by $r$ and the other ramification indices by $r_i$.
Then the Hurwitz's theorem implies that
As the $H$-orbit of the point $p$ has $n/r$ points, this implies that
$s_2(f)\ge10n/r$. Hence
K_S^2&\ge&\dfrac15s_2(f)+8(g(C)-1)=\dfrac{2n}r +4n\left[2g(X) -2+ \sum
It is not difficult to see that the expression $2g(X)-2+1/2r+ \sum(1-
1/r_i)$ reaches its minimal value $2/21$ (under the condition
$2g(X)-2+ \sum(1-1/r_i)>0$) when $g(X)=0$, $r_1=2$, $r_2=3$, and
$r=r_3=7$. That is
\noindent{\bf Remark.} It is not difficult to see that if $f$ is not
locally trivial with $g(C)\ge2$ and $|\mbox{Aut}(f)|=126K_S^2$, then
$|\mbox{Aut}(C)|=84(g(C)-1)$, $|\mbox{Aut}(F)|=48$ for any smooth fiber $F$ and
Aut$(f)\cong \mbox{Aut}(C)\times\mbox{Aut}(F)$. We will give an
example later. In this case, the fibration $f$ is of constant moduli
and $S/\mbox{Aut}(f)\cong{\mib F}_1$.
Let $S$ be a surface of general type which has a relatively minimal
genus 2 fibration $f:S\longrightarrow C$. If the third singularity
index $s_3(f)\ne0$, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le \frac{60}7rK^2_{S/C},$$
$$r=\min_{\mbox{${\scriptstyle s_3(F)\ne0}$}}|\mbox
{\rm Stab}_Hf(F)|,$$
$\mbox{\rm Stab}_Hf(F)$ is the stabilizer of $f(F)$ in $H$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
Let $F_0$ be a singular fiber such that $s_3(F_0)\ne 0$ and
$r=|\mbox{Stab}_H f(F_0)|$. Then
and we get
Let $S$ be a surface of general type which has a relatively minimal
genus 2 fibration $f:S\longrightarrow C$. If the horizontal part $R'$
of the branch locus $R$ is not \'etale and has only negligible singularities or
ramifications, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le20rK^2_{S/C},$$
$$r=\min_{\mbox{\scriptsize ${\scriptstyle F}$
singular fiber}}|\mbox
{\rm Stab}_Hf(F)|.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
Let $F_0$ be a singular fiber with $r=|\mbox{Stab}_Hf(F_0)|$. Since
we have
$$|G|=|K||H|\le\frac{r|K|}{s_2(F_0)}\cdot5K^2_{S/C}\le 20rK^2_{S/C},$$
by Lemma \ref{L8}.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
Let $S$ be a surface of general type which has a relatively minimal
genus 2 fibration $f:S\longrightarrow C$. If the horizontal part $R'$
of the branch locus $R$ is \'etale, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le24rK^2_{S/C},$$
$$r=\min_{\mbox{\scriptsize ${\scriptstyle F}$
singular fiber}}|\mbox
{\rm Stab}_Hf(F)|.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
Let $F_0$ be a singular fiber with $r=|\mbox{Stab}_Hf(F_0)|$. By
assumption, we have $s_2(F_0)=10$. Hence
$$|G|=|K||H|\le\frac{r|K|}{s_2(F_0)}\cdot5K^2_{S/C}\le 24rK^2_{S/C}.$$
Let $\bar{K}$ denote the
subgroup in Aut$(P)$ which is induced by $K$. If $\sigma\in\bar{K}$,
then $\pi\circ\sigma=\pi$ and $\sigma(R)=R$. Let $K_1$ be a cyclic
subgroup of order $m$ of
$\bar{K}$, $Q=P/K_1$ be the quotient surface. Then $Q$ is a ruled
surface. We have a commutative diagram
Let $C_0$ and $C_\infty\sim C_0+eF$ be the reduced ramification
divisors of $K_1$. Let $C'_0$ be a section
of $\pi'$ with the least self-intersection ${C'_0}^2=-e'$, $F'$ be a general
fiber of $\pi'$. Then $\alpha^*C'_0=mC_0$,
$\alpha^*C'_\infty=mC_\infty$, $\alpha^* F'=F$ and $e'=me$.
Let $D=\alpha(R')$, $C'=C'_0+C'_\infty$ be the branch locus.
Then $C'\sim2C'_0+e'F'\sim -K_{Q/C}$.
Assume $\bar{K}\cong D_6$. If $R'$ is not \'etale and has only
negligible singularities or ramifications, then $f$ has more than one
$H$-orbit of singular fibers.
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
Let $K_1$ be the unique cyclic subgroup of order 3 of $\bar{K}$. There
are 2 types of singular fibers as listed in Lemma \ref{L2}. Let $F_0$
be a singular fiber. Then the local equations of $D$ near $F_0$ are
(1) $(x-t^k)(t^kx-1)$, $k\le3$, (2) $(x-1)^2-t^k(x+1)^2$, $k>0$.
In case (1), $D$ meets $C'$ at 2 points in $F_0$. In
case (2), $D$ does not meet $C'$ in $F_0$.
If all the singular fibers of $f$ is of type (1), then $D$ is an
\'etale cover of $C$. This means that $a=e'$,
$C'\sim D$. Hence $DC'=0$ which is impossible because $D$ and
$C'$ meet in $F_0$.
If all the singular fibers of $f$ is of type (2), then $DC'=0$.
Hence $D\sim C'$ and $D(D+K_{Q/C})=0$. This means that $D$ is \'etale
over $C$. A contradiction.\hspace*{\fill}$\Box$
Assume $\bar{K}\cong D_4$. If $R'$ is not \'etale,
then $f$ has more than one
$H$-orbit of singular fibers.
If $H$ is cyclic and $g(C)=0$, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le 12.5K^2_{S/C}.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
In this case, there are 4 sections in $P$ which do not meet each
other. Hence $e=0$. $R'$ contains 2 of these sections and denoted by
$C_0$ and $C_\infty$. Let $K_1$ be a cyclic subgroup of $\bar K$ with
$C_0$ and $C_\infty$ as ramifications. Assume that there is only one
$H$-orbit of singular fibers. If these singular fibers are all of type
(1) in Lemma \ref{L5}, then the local equation of
$D=\alpha(R'-C_0-C_\infty)$ is $(x-t^k)(t^kx-1)$, namely, $D$ is
\'etale. Therefore $D\sim 2C'_0$, $DC'_0=DC'_\infty=0$, a contradiction.
If the singular fibers are of type (2) in Lemma \ref{L5}, then $D$ does
not meet $C'_0$ and $C'_\infty$. Hence $D\sim 2C'_0$, $D^2=0$, a
contradiction. That implies there are at least 2 $H$-orbits.
Now suppose $H$ is cyclic. Let $h=|H|$. We call an $H$-orbit {\it big}
if it
contains $h$ fibers. If there is a big $H$-orbit whose singular fibers
are of type (1), then $s_2(F_0)\ge6$, so $|G|\le (20/3)K^2_{S/C}$. If
$|G|>(20/3)K^2_{S/C}$, then the singular fibers in a big $H$-orbit
must be of type (2) with $k\le2$. Let $F_2$ and $F_3$ denote 2 fibers
fixed by $H$. Then at least one of them is of type (1). The structure
of types (1) and (2) implies that the normalization of
$D=\alpha(R'-C_0-C_\infty)$ is \'etale with respect to $\pi'$. Hence
$D$ must decompose into 2 isomorphic sections $D_1$ and $D_2$,
$D_1\sim D_2\sim C'_0+aF'$. Since both $D_1$ and $D_2$ meet $C'_0$ and
$C'_\infty$, $F_2$ and $F_3$ are all singular of type (1). Since
$D_1D_2=2a=kh$, $D_1C'_0=a=kh/2$. Hence the local equation of $R'$
near $F_2$ or $F_3$ is
$(x^2-1)((x-1)^2-t^{kh/2}(x+1)^2)(t^{kh/2}(x-1)^2-(x+1)^2)$. When
$h\ge6$, these are non-negligible singularities. If $F_i$ ($i=2$, 3)
is singular fiber of type I), $s_3(F_i)=2[(kh-2)/8]+1\ge(kh-1)/4$. If
$F_i$ is of type II), $s_3(F_i)=2[kh/8]\ge(kh-6)/4$. So
$$K^2_{S/C}\ge \frac15\times 2\times
If there are more than one big $H$-orbits, it can be similarly shown
that $|G|\le 12.5K^2_{S/C}$.\hspace*{\fill}$\Box$
Assume $\bar{K}\cong Z_3$. If $R'$ is not \'etale and has only
negligible singularities or ramifications and $f$ has only one
$H$-orbit of singular fibers, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le 6rK^2_{S/C}.$$
$$r=\min_{\mbox{\scriptsize ${\scriptstyle F}$
singular fiber}}|\mbox
{\rm Stab}_Hf(F)|.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
Let $K_1=\bar K$. If the singular fibers are of types (1) or (4) in
Lemma \ref{L7}, then $D\sim 2C'_0+aF'$ is \'etale. $D(K_{Q/C}+D)=0$
implies $a=e'$. Hence $D(C'_0+C'_\infty)=0$, a contradiction. If the
singular fiber $F_0$ is of type (5) with $k=1$, then $D$ is
irreducible and smooth near $F_0$. This implies $DC'_\infty\ne0$, a
contradiction. Therefore $s_2(F_0)\ge5$ for any singular fiber $F_0$.
So $|G|\le6rK^2_{S/C}$.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
Assume $\bar{K}\cong Z_2$. If $R'$ is not \'etale
and $f$ has only one
$H$-orbit of singular fibers, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le 5rK^2_{S/C}.$$
$$r=\min_{\mbox{\scriptsize ${\scriptstyle F}$
singular fiber}}|\mbox
{\rm Stab}_Hf(F)|.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
Let $F_0$ be a singular fiber. $|G|>5rK^2_{S/C}$ implies
$s_2(F_0)\le3$. We distinguish between 2 cases.
{\it Case I.\/} $R'$ contains $C_0$ and $C_\infty$. Then the local
equation of $R'$ near $F_0$ must be (1) $x(x^2-t)(x^2-a(t))$, $a(0)\ne
0$, $s_2(F_0)=3$; (2) $x((x^2-a^2)^2-t)$, $a\ne0$, $s_2(F_0)=2$. Let
$D=\alpha (R'-C_0-C_\infty)\sim 2C'_0+aF'$. If all the singular fibers
are of type (1), then $D$ is \'etale. This is impossible. If the
singular fibers are of type (2), then $D$ is irreducible and does not
meet $C'$. This is impossible.
{\it Case II.\/} $R'$ does not contain $C_0$ and $C_\infty$. Then the
local equation of $R'$ may be (1) $(x^2-t)(x^2-a(t))(x^2-b(t))$,
$a(0)b(0)\ne0$, $a(0)\ne b(0)$, $s_2(F_0)=1$; (2)
$(x^2-t)(ta(t)x^2-1)(x^2-b(t))$, $a(0)b(0)\ne0$, $s_2(F_0)=2$; (3)
$((x^2-a^2)^2-t)(x^2-b(t))$, $ab(0)\ne0$, $s_2(F_0)=2$; (4)
$((x^2-a^2)^2-t)(x^2 -tb(t))$, $b(0)\ne0$, $s_2(F_0)=3$. Let
$D=\alpha(R')\sim 3C'_0+aF'$. If $F_0$ is of type (1) or (2), then $D$
is \'etale and smooth. $D$ must be decomposed into 3 disjoint
components. This means $e'=0$, a contradiction. If $F_0$ is of type
(3) or (4), then $D$ is smooth. The ramification index
$D(D+K_{Q/C})=4a-6e'=|H|/r$. Hence $DC'=2a-3e'=|H|/2r$. This is a
contradiction because we have $DC'=0$ for type (3) and $DC'=|H|/r$ for
type (4). \hspace{\fill}$\Box$
If $S$ is a minimal surface of general type which has a genus 2
fibration $f:S\longrightarrow C$ with $g(C)=1$, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le144K_S^2.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.} In this case, we have
Thus either $s_3(f)>0$ or $s_2(f)>0$.
Let $j(C)$ be the $j$-invariant of the elliptic curve $C$. Let $m$
denote the number of points contained in a smallest $H$-orbit of $C$.
Since $H$ is a finite subgroup of Aut$(C)$, we have
|H|/2&\qquad&\mbox{if $j(C)\ne0$, 1728,}\\
|H|/4&&\mbox{if $j(C)=1728$,}\\
|H|/6&&\mbox{if $j(C)=0$.}
Since $r\le6$, by Lemma \ref{L31}, \ref{L32} and \ref{L33}, the
conclusion is immediate.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
If $S$ is a surface of general type which has a relatively minimal
fibration of genus two $f:S\longrightarrow C$ with $g(C)=0$, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le120(K_S^2+8).$$
Moreover, we have
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le48(K_S^2+8)$$
for $K^2_S\ge33$, and when $K^2_S\le32$, there are only 4 exceptions.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} In this case, we have
Hence either $s_3(f)>0$ or $s_2(f)>0$.
{\it Case I.\/}
Assume that $R'$ is \'etale over $C$.
If $r\le5$, then by Lemma \ref{L33}
If $r\ge6$, then $H$ must be cyclic or dihedral group. In this case,
there are at most 2 singular fibers. Hence $K^2_{S/C}\le4$ by Theorem
\ref{ThmX}. This means $S$ is not of general type[10, Theorem
4.2.5, p.90].
{\it Case II.\/} Assume that $R'$ is not \'etale. Then $f$ is a
fibration of variable moduli. Hence $f$ must contain more than 2
singular fibers (\cite{Beauville}). This implies $r\le5$. The
conclusion is obtained by Lemmas \ref{L31} and \ref{L32}.
In the preceding argument, we can see that $|G|\le48(K^2_S+8)$ holds
if $r\le2$. If $|G|>48(K^2_S+8)$, we must have $r>3$. Then $H$ is one
of $T_{12}$, $O_{24}$ or $I_{60}$.
If $f$ has more than one $H$-orbit
of singular fibers, then
Therefore $f$ has only one $H$-orbit.
If the singular fibers has non-negligible singularities, then by Lemma
\ref{L31}, $|G|\le (60/7)rK^2_{S/C}\le(300/7)K^2_{S/C} <48K^2_{S/C}$.
Suppose that the horizontal part
$R'$ of the branch locus has only negligible singularities or
ramifications, then by Lemmas \ref{L34}, \ref{L35}, \ref{L36} and
\ref{L37}, we have
Thus $|G|>48K^2_{S/C}$ implies that $r\ge4$ and $\bar K$ is $Z_6$
or $Z_5$. If $\bar K\cong Z_6$,
then $r=5$ and $H\cong I_{60}$. To ensure $|G|>48K_{S/C}^2$, we have
$s_2(F_0)=5$, i.e. $R=R'\sim -3K_{P/C}+nF$ is a smooth irreducible
divisor. As a multiple cover on $C$, the ramification index of $R$ is
equal to $R(R+K_{P/C})=12n$. On the other hand, this ramification
index is equal to $5\times(60/5)=60$, i.e. $n=5$. But
$2n=10=K^2_{S/C}\ne s_2(f)/5=12$, a contradiction.
If $\bar K\cong Z_5$, then $|G|>48K^2_{S/C}$ implies $s_2(F_0)=4$. In
this case $R=R'= C_0+R_1$ where $R_1\sim 5C_0+(n+3e)F$ is an smooth
irreducible divisor and $R_1C_0=0$, i.e. $n=2e$. Computing the
ramification index of $R_1$ we get $R_1(R_1+K_{P/C})=10n=4|H|/r$. This
implies $5r||H|$, a contradiction. Hence $|G|>48(K^2_{S}+8)$ implies
that $R'$ is \'etale over $C$. There are only finite number of
We list the possible fibrations with $|G|>48(K^2_S+8)$ as
In the Section \ref{FS} we will show their
If $S$ is a minimal surface of general type which has a genus 2
fibration $f:S\longrightarrow C$ with $g(C)=0$, then
$$|\mbox{\rm Aut}(f)|\le288K^2_S.$$
\noindent{\bf Proof.}
If $K^2_S\ge2$, then
By Proposition \ref{P4} we need only check the 4 exceptional examples.
That fact leads
to the inequality $|G|\le288K^2_S$.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
\section{Abelian automorphism groups}
Let $G\subseteq\mbox{Aut}(f)$ be an abelian group. Then it is well
known that $|K|\le12$.
\begin{Proposition}[{[7, Lemma 8]}]\label{AP1}
Let $f:S\longrightarrow C$ be a relatively minimal fibration of genus
2 with $g(C)\ge2$, $G$ is an abelian automorphism group of $S$, then
Let $\bar G\subseteq\mbox{Aut}(P)$ be the induced automorphism group
of a commutative group $G$, then
$$1\longrightarrow \bar K\longrightarrow \bar G\longrightarrow H
\longrightarrow 1.$$
Assume that $\bar K\cong Z_3$, $g(C)=0$. Let $p\in C$ be a fixed point
of the cyclic group $H$, $F=\pi^{-1}(p)$. If there is a $\bar K|_F$-orbit
containing 3 points in $F$, then
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Since $p$ is a fixed point of $H$, the induced
action of $\bar G$ on $F$ forms a commutative subgroup $\bar
G|_F\subseteq \mbox{Aut}(F)\cong \mbox{Aut({\mib P}\,$^1$)}$. Since
$\bar G|_F$ stabilize this $\bar K|_F$-orbit, $\bar G|_F=\bar K|_F\cong
Z_3$, i.e. $H|_F=1$. Hence the local equation of $R'$ near $F$ has the
form $f(x^3,t^h)$ where $h=|H|$. Or explicitely, the local equation of
$R'$ are (3) $(x^3-b-t^{k_1h}a_1(t^h))(x^3-b-t^{k_2h}a_2(t^h))$; (5)
$((x-b)^2 -t^{kh}a(t^h))((x-b\omega)^2-\omega^2t^{kh}a(t^h))
((x-b\omega ^2)^2-\omega t^{kh}a(t^h))$, $b\ne0$. Thus
$s_2(F)\ge3h=3|H|$. \hspace{\fill}$\Box$
If $S$ is a surface of general type which has a relatively minimal
fibration of genus two $f:S\longrightarrow C$ with $g(C)\le1$, $G$ is
an abelian automorphism group of $f$, then
\noindent{\bf Proof.} It is well known that $H$ must be a cyclic group or
a dihedral group $D_4\cong Z_2\oplus Z_2$.
If $g(C)=1$ and that $H$ does not act
freely on $C$, then $|H|\le6$. Hence
$|G|\le72<12.5(K^2_S+8)$. If $g(C)=0$ and $H\cong D_4$, then
$|G|\le48$, the claim holds too. So we can assume that $H$ is a cyclic
group and that there exists a singular fiber $F_0$ with
{\it Case I.\/} Suppose that the horizontal part $R'$ of the branch
locus $R$ is \'etale over $C$. Then
{\it Case II.\/} Suppose that $R'$ is not \'etale. If there is a big
$H$-orbit with $s_3(F_0)\ne0$,
Now suppose that on the big $H$-orbits $R'$ has only negligible
singularities or ramifications. If $\bar K\cong Z_6$, $Z_5$, $Z_4$ or
1, then by Lemma \ref{L8}, we have
$$|G|\le\frac{|K|}{s_2(F_0)}\cdot 5K^2_{S/C}\le 12.5K^2_{S/C}\le
Suppose that $\bar K\cong D_4$, $Z_3$ or $Z_2$ and that
$|G|>12.5(K^2_S+8)$. Then Lemmas \ref{L35}, \ref{L36} and \ref{L37}
implies that $f$ must have more than one $H$-orbit of singular fibers.
To ensure $|G|>12.5(K^2_S+8)$, $f$ cannot have more than one big
$H$-orbits. Thus we have $g(C)=0$. Lemma \ref{L35} excludes the case
of $\bar K\cong D_4$.
If $\bar K\cong Z_3$, then $s_2(F_0)\le2$. Hence $F_0$ must be of type
(4) of Lemma \ref{L7} with $k=1$. Taking
$K_1=\bar K$ we construct the quotient surface $Q=P/K_1$ as in \S3.
Then $D=\alpha(R')$ is \'etale near $F_0$. But $D$ cannot be \'etale.
Hence at least one of the $H$-stabilized fibers $F_2$ or $F_3$ is of
type (2) $k=1$ or type (5) $k=1$. Lemma \ref{Z3} excludes the case of
type (5). Suppose one of the $F_i$ is of type (2). Then $D\sim
2C'_0+aF'$ is irreducible and smooth. As a smooth double cover of
$C\cong\mbox{\mib P\/}^1$,
the ramification index of $D$ is at least 2. So $F_2$ and $F_3$ are
all of type (2). Then $DC'=D(D+K_{Q/C})=2(a-e')=2$, a contradiction.
If $\bar K\cong Z_2$, then $s_2(F_0)=1$. Hence the local equation of
$R'$ near $F_0$ is $(x^2-t)(x^2-a(t))(x^2-b(t))$, $a(0)b(0)\ne0$,
$a(0)\ne b(0)$. So $D=\alpha(R')$ is \'etale near $F_0$.
If $F_2$ and $F_3$ have no ramifications, the $D$ can be decomposed
into 3 components $D_i\sim C'_0+a_iF'$, $i=1$, 2, 3. These 3
components must meet each other on $F_2$ and $F_3$. So there exists at
least one point on $F_i$ where 3 components intersect. The local
eqution of $R'$ will be $(x^4+a(t)x^2+t^2)(x^2-t^2b(t))$. But as
$D_i(C'_\infty -C'_0)=e'$, we will have $|H|\le1$.
If $F_2$ or $F_3$ has ramifications, the equation of $R'$ near $F_i$
must be (1) $x^6-t$; (2) $(x^4-t)(t^ka(t)x^2-1)$, $a(0)\ne0$; (3)
$((x^2-a^2)^2-t)(x^2-t^k)$, $a\ne0$; (4) $((x^2-a^2)^2-t)(x^2-b(t))$,
$b(t)\ne0$. If $F_2$ is of type (1), then $D$ is irreducible and
smooth. As a smooth triple cover of $C\cong \mbox{\mib P\/}^1$, the
ramification index of $D$ is at least 4. Hence $F_3$ is of type (1) as
well. Let $D\sim 3C'_0+aF'$. Then $2DC'=D(D+K_{Q/C})=4$, impossible.
If $F_2$ is of type (2), then $D$ is smooth and cannot be irreducible.
$D$ has 2 components $D_1\sim2C'_0+aF'$ and $D_2\sim 2C'_0+bF'$. By
the same argument, we have $D_1C'=D_1(D_1+K_{Q/C})+2$. Hence
$D_1C'_0=0$ and $D_1D_2=0$. It is impossible.
Suppose that $G$ is a cyclic automorphism group of $f$. Similarly,
there is an exact sequence
$$1\longrightarrow K\stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow}
G\stackrel{\beta}{\longrightarrow} H\longrightarrow 1$$
where $H\subseteq\mbox{Aut}(C)$, $K=\{(\tilde\sigma, \mbox{id})\in
G\}$. It is known that $|K|\le10$.
Suppose that $f:S\longrightarrow C$ is a fibration and that $G$ is a
cyclic automorphism group of $f$. If there exists a point $p\in C$
such that
(1) $\sigma|_{f^{-1}(p)}\in K|_{f^{-1}(p)}$, for $\sigma\in G$ and
$\sigma$ stabilize $f^{-1}(p)$;
(2) $K\longrightarrow\mbox{\rm Aut}(f^{-1}(p))$ is injective.
Then $|K|$ and $|\mbox{\rm Stab}_H(p)|$ are coprime.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Let $H_1=\mbox{Stab}_Hp$, $F=f^{-1}(p)$. Let
$h=|H_1|$, $k=|K|$, $d=(h,k)$. Assume that $\sigma$ is a generator of
$\beta^{-1}(H_1)$. Then $\beta((\sigma^{k/d})^h)=1$ implies
$\sigma^{hk/d}\in K$. On the other hand, since $\sigma|_F\in K|_F$ by
(1), we obtain $(\sigma^{h/d})^k|_F=\mbox{id}_F$. Thus
$\sigma^{kh/d}=1$ by (2). This is impossible.\hspace{\fill}$\Box$
If $S$ is a surface of general type which has a relatively minimal
fibration of genus two $f:S\longrightarrow C$ with $g(C)=1$, $G$ is
a cyclic automorphism group of $f$, then
for $K^2_S\ge 12$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} If $H$ does not act freely on $C$, then $|H|\le
6$. Hence $|G|\le60$ and the conclusion holds. Therefore we will assume
$H$ acts freely afterwards. So $G\cong K\times H$ and $G$ is cyclic if
and only if $(|K|,|H|)=1$.
We will discuss case by case.
{\it Case I.\/} Suppose that the horizontal part $R'$ of the branch
locus $R$ is \'etale over $C$. There exists a
singular fiber $F_0$ with $|\mbox{Stab}_Hf(F_0)|=1$. It is not
difficult to show that in this case
{\it Case II.\/} Suppose that $R'$ is not \'etale.
({\it a\/}) $\bar K\cong Z_5$. Let $F_0$ be a singular fiber. The
equation of $R'$ near $F_0$ is (1) $x(x^5-t^k)$ or (2) $x(t^kx^5-1)$,
$k=1$, 2. We construct the quotient surface $Q=P/\bar K$ as in Section
3. $R'$ must contain one of the section $C_0$ or $C_\infty$.
We take this section away from $R'$, get a reduced divisor
$R_1$ with $R_1F=5$. Let $D=\alpha(R_1)$, then $D\sim C'_0+aF'$. Since
$DC'_0=0$, $a=e'=5e$. Thus $R_1\sim 5C_0+5eF$ and $R_1C_\infty=5e$.
Since the intersection number of $R_1$ and $F$ on the fiber $F_0$ is
equal to $k\le2$, the number of singular fibers must be a multiple of
5. But $|H|$ can not be divided by 5, hence
the singular fibers are located in different $H$-orbits. This means
({\it b\/}) $\bar K\cong Z_4$. The local equation of $R'$ near a
singular fiber $F_0$ is $x(x^4-t^k)$, $k=1$, 2. We use the same
construction as in case ({\it a}). Then $R'$ must contain $C_0$ and
$C_\infty$. Let $R_1=R'-C_0-C_\infty$, $D=\alpha(R_1)$. Then $D\sim
C'_0+e'F'$. Similarly we deduce $R_1C_\infty=4e$. Since $|H|$ cannot
be even, there are more than one singular $H$-orbits. So
({\it c\/}) $\bar K\cong Z_3$. If $f$ has only one $H$-orbit of
singular fibers and that $|G|>5K^2_S$, then $s_2(F_0)=5$, namely, the
local equation of $R'$ is $x^6+a(t)x^3+t$. Constructing the quotient
surface $Q=P/\bar K$, $D=\alpha(R')\sim 2C'_0+aF'$ is a smooth
irreducible curve and $r\ne|H|$. Since $DC'_0=0$, $DC'_\infty=|H|$, we
get $a=e'=3e=|H|$, i.e. $(|H|,|K|)=3$, a contradiction.
({\it d\/}) $\bar K\cong Z_2$. Lemma \ref{L37} ensures $|K|\le5K^2_S$.
({\it e\/}) $\bar K=1$. If $s_2(F_0)\ge2$, then
$|G|\le5K^2_{S/C}$. If $s_2(F_0)=1$, there is only one situation, i.e.
the local equation of $R'$ near $F_0$ is $(x^2-t)(x-a_1(t))(x-a_2(t))
(x-a_3(t))(x-a_4(t))(x-a_5(t))$, $a_i(0)\ne0$. Suppose that there is
only one singular $H$-orbit. Then $R'$ is a smooth 6-tuple
cover of $C$. The contribution of each singular fiber to the
ramification index equals 1. By Hurwitz formula,
So $|H|$ is even, a contradiction.
If $S$ is a surface of general type which has a relatively minimal
fibration of genus two $f:S\longrightarrow C$ with $g(C)=0$, $G$ is
a cyclic automorphism group of $f$, then
\noindent{\bf Proof.} If $R'$ is \'etale, we have $|G|\le5K^2_{S/C}$.
If there is a singular fiber in a big $H$-orbit with $s_3(F)>0$, then
$|G|\le(50/7)K^2_{S/C}$. Now assume that $R'$ has only negligible
singularities or ramifications in big $H$-orbits. If $\bar K\cong Z_4$
or 1, we have $|G|\le10K^2_{S/C}$ by Lemma \ref{L8}. When $\bar K\cong
Z_3$ or $Z_2$, if $f$ has only one $H$-orbit of singular fibers, then
Lemmas \ref{L36} and \ref{L37} ensure $|G|\le6K^2_{S/C}$. Otherwise,
by the proof of Proposition \ref{AP2}, $f$ has at least 2 big
$H$-orbits of singular fibers, hence $|G|\le10K^2_{S/C}$.
It remains the case of $\bar K\cong Z_5$. The proof of Proposition
\ref{AP3} tells us that if $f$ has only one big $H$-orbit of singular
fibers, then $f$ has another singular fiber which is stabilized by
$H$. By Lemma \ref{L4}, we have
$$K^2_{S/C}\ge \frac45(|H|+1),$$
When $g(C)\ge 2$, we need the following lemma on the order of some
automorphisms of a curve. The proof of the lemma is just a
slight modification of that of the theorem of Wiman\cite{W}. For the
convenience of the reader, we include its proof here which is a
modified copy of the version given in [8, Lemma B].
Let $H$ be a cyclic group of automorphisms of a curve $C$ of genus
$g\ge2$ such that the order of $|\mbox{Stab}_H(p)|$ is odd for any $p\in
C$. Then
\noindent{\bf Proof.} Let $x$ be a non-zero element in $H$ with
maximal number of fixed points, $H'$ the subgroup of $H$ generated by
elements fixing all fixed points of $x$, $n$ the number of fixed
elements of $x$, $k$ the order of $H'$. Then $k$ must be odd.
Let $C'=C/H'$, $g'=g(C')$, and
let $\Sigma$ be the image of the set of fixed points of $H'$ on $C'$.
We have
and the quotient group $H''=H/H'$ is a cyclic group of automorphisms
of $C'$ which satisfies the same condition imposed on $H$, i.e.
$|\mbox{Stab}_{H''} (p)|$ is odd for any $p\in C'$.
If $n=0$, then $g'\ge2$ and $|H|\le g-1$. If $n=2$, then because every
non-zero element of $H''$ induces a non-trivial translation on
$\Sigma$, we must have $|H''|\le2$, so $|H|\le2k$, then $|H|\le2g$ by
(\ref{eq})(note that $g'\ne0$ in this case). So we may assume $n\ge3$.
Suppose $g'=1$, $H''$ acts freely on $C'$. Considering the induced
action $H''$ on $\Sigma$, we see that $|H''|\le n$. So (\ref{eq})
gives $|H|\le 2g+n-2$. On the other hand, since $k\ge3$, (\ref{eq})
also gives $n\le g-1$, therefore
in this case.
Suppose $g'=1$, $H''$ does not act freely on $C'$, then $H''$ has a
fixed point. By assumption, $|H''|$ must be odd. This implies
$|H''|\le3$. So (\ref{eq}) gives
Now suppose that $C'$ is a rational curve. Then the action of $H''$
has exactly 2 fixed points. So $|H''|$ must be odd.
If one of these two points is in $\Sigma$,
then $|H''|\le n-1$ in view of the action of $H''$ on $\Sigma$. Since
$|H''|$ is odd, we have $n\ge4$. So
Suppose that $\Sigma$ and the two fixed points, $\xi$, $\eta$ of
$H''$ are disjoint. Let $H_1\subset H$ be the stabilizer of a point in
the inverse image of $\xi$. Then $[H:H_1]=k$. As the stabilizer of a
point in the inverse image of $\eta$ is also of index $k$ in $H$, we
see that any non-zero element in $H_1$ fixes exactly $2k$ points,
i.e., the inverse image of $\xi$ and $\eta$. Now we can replace $H'$
by $H_1$ and repeat the arguments above (note that the only conditions
we used are that non-trivial elements in $H'$ have same fixed point
set and that $H/H'$ acts faithfully on $\Sigma$). But then $\Sigma$
is composed of two orbits of $H''$, so $|H''|\le n/2$, whereby
by (\ref{eq}).
At last we use induction on $g$. Suppose that $g'\ge2$ and $|H''|\le3g'+3$.
(\ref{eq}) gives
If $n\ge4$, we have done. If $n=3$, by assumption, we must have
$|H''|\le3$. Therefore
$$|H|\le\frac{3(2g+1)}{2g'+1}\le\frac35(2g+1) \le3g+3.$$
If $f:S\longrightarrow C$ is a relatively minimal fibration of genus 2
with $g(C)\ge2$, $G$ is a cyclic automorphism group of $f$, then
for $K^2_S\ge48$.
\noindent{\bf Proof.} (1) Assume that $|H|=4g(C)+2$ and $|K|=10$. Let
$g=g(C)$. By the theorem of Wiman (see the version given in [8, Lemma
B]), $C$ is a cyclic cover of {\mib P\,}$^1$ with ramification index
$r_1=2$, $r_2=2g+1$, $r_3=4g+2$ or $r_1=3$, $r_2=6$, $r_3=(4g+2)/3$.
In fact, these $r_i$ are the orders of Stab$_H(p)$ for $p\in C$. Since
$Z_{10}$ is a maximal cyclic automorphism subgroup of a smooth curve
of genus 2, by Lemma \ref{AG3-1} we have $(|\mbox{Stab}_H(p)|,|K|)=1$
if $f^{-1}(p)$ is a smooth fiber. But in case 1, $r_1$ and $r_3$ are
even, in case 2, $r_2$ and $r_3$ are even. So $f$ has at least
$(2g+10)/3$ singular fibers. By Lemma \ref{L4}, we have $s_2(F)\ge4$
for a singular fiber $F$. Hence
$$|G|=10|H|=40g+20\le \frac{75}{16}K^2_S+45\le5K^2_S+30$$
when $K^2_S\ge48$.
If $|K|\le8$ and $|K|$ is even, then by Lemma \ref{AL1} there exist
points $p\in C$ with $(|\mbox{Stab}_H(p)|,2)\ne1$. Hence
$K^2_S-8(g-1)=K^2_{S/C}\ge1$ and
$$|G|\le8|H|=32g+16\le 4K^2_S+44\le5K^2_S+30$$
when $K^2_S\ge14$.
If $|K|$ is odd, then $|K|\le5$. The inequality is immediate.
(2) Assume that $|H|$ is odd. By Lemma \ref{AL1}, we have
when $K^2_S\ge24$.
(3) Assume that $|H|$ is even and $|H|<4g+2$. If $|K|=10$, $f$ must
have more than one singular fibers by Lemma \ref{L4}. So $K^2_S-8(g-1)
=K^2_{S/C}\ge2$. We get
If $|K|\le8$, it is not difficult to obtain this
It seems that this bound is not the best. In Section 5 we will give an
example to show there are infinitely many fibrations which has an
automorphism with order $3.75K^2_S+60$.
Fibration with $|G|=50K^2_S$.
Let $C$ be a Hurwitz curve, i.e. $|\mbox{Aut}(C)|=84(g(C)-1)$, $F$ be
a curve of genus 2 with $|\mbox{Aut}(F)|=48$. Let $S=C\times F$,
$f=p_1:S\longrightarrow C$. Then $K^2_S=8(g(C)-1)$,
Fibrations with $|G|=126K^2_S$ which is not locally trivial.
Let $F=\mbox{\mib P\,}^1$. Let $p_1=0$, $p_2=\infty$, $p_3=1$,
$p_4=\sqrt{-1}$, $p_5=-1$, $p_6=-\sqrt{-1}$ be 6 points on $F$. Let
$C$ be a Hurwitz curve. Then $C$ has an $H$-orbit $\{ q_1,\dots,q_m\}$
which contains $m=12(g(C)-1)$ points. Let $P=C\times F$. Taking
$R=p^*_1(q_1+\dots+ q_m)+p_2^*(p_1+\dots+p_6)$ as the branch locus, we
construct a double cover of $P$. After desingularization, we get a
smooth surface $S$ with a genus 2 fibration $f:S\longrightarrow C$. By
computation, we obtain $K^2_S=32(g(C)-1)$, $|G|=48\times
Fibrations with $|G|=144K^2_S$ and $g(C)=1$.
Let $F$ and $p_1,\dots,p_6$ as Example \ref{Ex2}. Let $C$ be an
elliptic curve with $j$-invariant $j(C)=0$. Fix a $q_1\in C$, then the
order of the group of automorphisms Aut$(C,q_1)$ of $C$ leaving $q_1$
fixed is equal to 6. Let $H_1\cong Z_m\oplus Z_m$ be a subgroup of
translations of Aut$(C)$. Take an extension subgroup $H_1\subset
H\subset \mbox{Aut}(C)$ such that $H/H_1\cong \mbox{Aut}(C,q_1)$.
Then $|H|=6m^2$. Let $q_1,\dots,q_{m^2}$ be the orbit of $q_1$ under
$H$. Let $P=C\times F$. Using $R=p^*_1(q_1+\dots+q_{m^2})+p_2^*(p_1+
\dots+p_6)$ as the branch locus, we construct a double cover of $P$.
After desingularization, we get a smooth surface $S$ with a genus 2
fibration $f:S\longrightarrow C$. By computation, we get $K^2_S=2m^2$.
On the other hand, $|K|=48$ gives $|G|=288m^2=144K^2_S$.
Rational fibration with $|G|=120(K^2_S+8)$.
Let $F$ and $p_1,\dots ,p_6$ as Example~\ref{Ex2}. Let $C=\mbox{\mib
P\,}^1$, $q_1,\dots,q_{12}$ be the 12 vertices of an icosahedron. Let
$P=C\times F$. Taking $R=p_1^*(q_1+\dots +q_{12})+p_2^*(p_1+\dots
+p_6)$ as the branch locus, we can construct a double cover of $P$.
After desingularization, we obtain a genus 2 fibration
$f:S\longrightarrow C$ with $K^2_S=16$, $|H|=60$, $|K|=48$,
Rational fibrations with $|G|=48(K^2_S+8)$.
Let $F$ and $p_1,\dots,p_6$ as Example~\ref{Ex2}. Let $C=\mbox{\mib
P\,}^1$, $q_1,\dots,q_m$ be the $m$-th roots of unit. Then use the
same construction as Example~\ref{Ex2}, we obtain a genus 2 fibration
with $K^2_S=2(m-4)$, $|K|=48$, $|H|=2m$, $|G|=96m=48(K^2_S+8)$.
Exceptional rational fibrations listed in the proof of Proposition
Using the same construction as Example~\ref{Ex2}, take
$q_1,\dots,q_{20}$ as the 20 vertices of a dodecahedron. We get a
fibration with $K^2_S=32$, $|G|=2880=90K^2_S$. If we take
$q_1,\dots,q_{6}$ as the 6 vertices of an octahedron, we get a
fibration with $K^2_S=4$, $|G|=1152=288K^2_S$. If we take
$q_1,\dots,q_{8}$ as the 8 vertices of a cube, we get a
fibration with $K^2_S=8$, $|G|=1152=144K^2_S$.
Fibrations the order of whose abelian automorphism group is
Let $x_0$, \dots, $x_{2m}$, $x_{2m+1}$ be the homogeneous coordinates
in $\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m+1}$, $\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m}$ be the hyperplane
defined by $x_{2m+1}=0$. Let
$\phi:t \mapsto (1,t,\dots,t^{2m},0)$ be a $2m$-uple embedding of
$\mbox{\mib P\,}^1$ in $\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m}$ and denote its image by
$Y$. Then $Y$ is a rational
normal curve of degree $2m$. Let $X$ be the cone over $Y$ in
$\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m+1}$ with vertex $P_0(0,0,\dots,0,1)$. Denote
i/10m)$. Then the automorphism $\sigma:(x_0,\dots,x_{2m+1})
\mapsto(x_0, x_1\eta,\dots,x_{2m}\eta^{2m},x_{2m+1})$ of
$\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m+1}$ is of order $10m$. The automorphism
\mapsto(x_0, \dots,x_{2m},x_{2m+1}\eta^{2m})$ of
$\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m+1}$ is of order $5$. The cone $X$ is
stabilized by these
automorphisms $\sigma$ and $\tau$. Take a hypersurface $H$ defined by
$x^5_0+x_{2m}^5+x_{2m+1}^5$ which is also stabilized by $\sigma$ and
$\tau$. Moreover,
$P_0\not\in H$. Now blowing up the cone $X$ at the vertex $P_0$ we
get a Hirzebruch surface $P=F_{2m}$ which has an automorphism
$\tilde\sigma$ of order $10m$ induced by $\sigma$ and an automorphism
$\tilde\tau$ of order 5 induced by $\tau$. The pull-back of
the intersection $H\cap X$ is a smooth divisor $R_1$ on $P$ which is
linearly equivalent to $5C_0+10mF$. Taking $R=R_1+C_0\equiv 6C_0+10mF$
which is a smooth even divisor and stabilized under $\tilde\sigma$ and
$\tilde\tau$, as
the branch locus, we can construct a double cover $S$ of $P$ which has
a natural genus 2 fibration $f:S\longrightarrow \mbox{\mib P\,}^1$.
Since $K_P\equiv -2C_0-(2m+2)F$,
$K_S^2=2(K_P+R/2)^2=8(m-1)$. The pull-back of $\tilde\sigma$ on $S$
can generate a cyclic automorphism subgroup $H$ of order $10m$. The
pull-back of $\tilde\tau$ on $S$ together with the hyperelliptic
involution of the fibration $f$ generates a cyclic automorphism
subgroup $K\cong Z_{10}$. As $H$ and $K$ commute, $G=KH\cong
Z_{10}\oplus Z_{10m}$ is an abelian automorphism group of $f$ with
order $|G|=100m=12.5(K^2_S+8)$.
Rational fibrations which has an automorphism with order $12.5K^2_S+90$.
Let $x_0$, \dots, $x_{2m}$, $x_{2m+1}$ be the homogeneous coordinates
in $\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m+1}$, $\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m}$ be the hyperplane
defined by $x_{2m+1}=0$. Let
$\phi:t \mapsto (1,t,\dots,t^{2m},0)$ be a $2m$-uple embedding of
$\mbox{\mib P\,}^1$ in $\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m}$ and denote its image by
$Y$. Then $Y$ is a rational
normal curve of degree $2m$. Let $X$ be the cone over $Y$ in
$\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m+1}$ with vertex $P_0(0,0,\dots,0,1)$. Denote
i/(50m-5))$. Then the automorphism $\sigma:(x_0,\dots,x_{2m+1})
\mapsto(x_0, x_1\eta^5,\dots,x_{2m}\eta^{10m},x_{2m+1}\eta)$ of
$\mbox{\mib P\,}^{2m+1}$ is of order $50m-5$. The cone $X$ is
stabilized by this
automorphism $\sigma$. Take a hypersurface $H$ defined by
$x_0^4x_1+x^5_{2m}+x_{2m+1}^5$ which is also stabilized by $\sigma$
and $P_0\not\in H$. Now blowing up the cone $X$ at the vertex $P_0$ we
get a Hirzebruch surface $P=F_{2m}$ which has an automorphism
$\tilde\sigma$ of order $50m-5$ induced by $\sigma$. The pull-back of
the intersection $H\cap X$ is a smooth divisor $R_1$ on $P$ which is
linearly equivalent to $5C_0+10mF$. Taking $R=R_1+C_0\equiv 6C_0+10mF$
which is a smooth even divisor and stabilized under $\tilde\sigma$, as
the branch locus, we can construct a double cover $S$ of $P$ which has
a natural genus 2 fibration $f:S\longrightarrow \mbox{\mib P\,}^1$.
Since $K_P\equiv -2C_0-(2m+2)F$,
$K_S^2=2(K_P+R/2)^2=8(m-1)$. The pull-back of $\tilde\sigma$ on $S$
can generate a cyclic automorphism group $G_1$ of order $50m-5$. Since
$|G_1|$ is odd, $G_1$ and the hyperelliptic involution of the
fibration $f$ generate a
cyclic automorphism group $G$ of $S$. Therefore
Fibrations which has an automorphism with order $5K^2_S$.
Let $F=\mbox{\mib P\,}^1$. Let $p_1=0$, $p_k=\exp(2k\pi i/5)$,
$k=1,\dots,5$, be 6 points in $F$. Let $C$ be an elliptic curve,
$q_1,\dots,q_m$ be an orbit of a cyclic translation group $H\subseteq
\mbox{Aut}(C)$ of order $m$ where $m$ is an odd prime
different from 5. Then using the same construction as Example
\ref{Ex2}, we obtain a genus 2 fibration with $K^2_S=2m$, $K\cong
Z_{10}$. Let $G=K\times H\cong Z_{10m}$. $|G|=10m=5K^2_S$.
Fibrations which has an automorphism with order $3.75K^2_S+60$.
Let $p_0=0$, $p_k=\exp(2k\pi i/3)$, $k=1$, 2, 3 be 4 points in
$C'=\mbox{\mib P\,}^1$. For any odd prime $m\ne 3$, 5, taking
$D=p_0+p_1+(m-1)p_2+(m-1)p_3$ as a branch locus, we can construct a
$m$-cyclic cover $\sigma:C\longrightarrow C'$. Then $g(C)=m-1$.
$H''=\{x\mapsto x\exp(2k\pi i/3)|k=1,2,3\}\cong Z_3$ is a cyclic
automorphism group of $C'$ which stabilizes the set
$\{p_0,p_1,p_2,p_3\}$. On the other hand, the Galois group $H'$ of the
$m$-cyclic cover $\sigma$ is isomorphic to $Z_m$. We can obtain an
$$1\longrightarrow H'\longrightarrow H\longrightarrow
H''\longrightarrow 1$$
such that $Z_{3m}\cong H\subseteq\mbox{Aut}(C)$.
Let $q_0=0$, $q_k=\exp(2k\pi i/5)$, $k=1,\dots,5$, be 6 points in
$F\cong \mbox{\mib P\,}^1$. Let $P=C\times F$. Take
$R=p_2^*(q_0+q_1+\dots +q_5)$ as branch locus, we can construct a
double cover $\theta:S\longrightarrow P$ which is also a genus 2
fibration $f=p_1\circ\theta:S\longrightarrow C$. $F$ has a cyclic
automorphism group $K_1=\{y\mapsto y\exp(2k\pi i/5)|k=1,\dots,5\}\cong
Z_5$ which stabilizes the set $\{q_0,\dots,q_5\}$ and can be lift to
$P$. It is not difficult to see that we can get $K\cong Z_{10}$ by
adding the involution of the double cover. Then $G=K\times H\cong
Z_{30m}$ is a cyclic automorphism group of $f$ which satisfies
because $K^2_S=8(g(C)-1)$.
1993-01-20T12:50:02 | 9301 | alg-geom/9301004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9301004 | [
] | alg-geom/9301004 | Sorin Popescu | A. Aure, W. Decker, K. Hulek, S. Popescu, K. Ranestad | The Geometry of Bielliptic Surfaces in P^4 | 28 pages. AMSLaTeX 1.1 | null | null | null | null | In 1988 Serrano \cite{Ser}, using Reider's method, discovered a minimal
bielliptic surface in $\PP^4$. Actually he showed that there is a unique family
of such surfaces and that they have degree 10 and sectional genus 6. In this
paper we describe, among other things, the geometry of the embedding of the
minimal bielliptic surfaces. A consequence of this description will be the
existence of smooth nonminimal bielliptic surfaces of degree 15 in $\PP^4$. We
also explain how to construct the degree 15 surfaces with the help of the
quadro-cubic Cremona transformation of $\PP^4$. Finally, we remark that the
quintic elliptic scroll and the abelian and bielliptic surfaces of degree 10
and 15 are essentially the only smooth irregular surfaces known in $\PP^4$ (all
others can be derived via finite morphisms $\PP^4\to\PP^4 $).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 20 Jan 1993 11:44:54 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{Heisenberg invariants on $\Bbb P^2$}
Here we collect some well-known facts about invariants of the
Schr\"odinger representation of $H_3$, the Heisenberg group of level
$3$. Let $x_0,x_1,x_2$ be a basis of
$\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1))$ and consider the dual of the
Schr\"odinger representation of $H_3$ on
$V=\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1))$ given by
\tau_3(x_i)&=\varepsilon_3^{-i}x_i\quad(\varepsilon_3=e^{2\pi i/3})
where $i$ is counted modulo 3 and $\sigma_3$ and $\tau_3$ generate
$H_3$. Note that
hence $H_3$ is a central extension
{\Bbb Z}_3\times{\Bbb Z}_3
The induced representation on
$\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P_2}(3))$ decomposes
into characters since $\sigma_3$ and $\tau_3$ commute on the third
symmetric power of
$\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1))$. By $(a,b)$ we denote
the character where $\sigma_3$ (resp.\ $\tau_3$) acts by
$\varepsilon_3^a$ (resp.\ $\varepsilon_3^b$)). Here again $a,b$ have to
be taken modulo 3. There is a pencil of invariant polynomials, called
the Hesse pencil, spanned by
x_0^3+x_1^3+x_2^3,\quad x_0x_1x_2
and eight invariant polynomials corresponding to the eight non-trivial
F_{(1,0)}&\colon\quad x_0^3+\varepsilon_3x_1^3+\varepsilon_3^2x_2^3\\
F_{(2,0)}&\colon\quad x_0^3+\varepsilon_3^2x_1^3+\varepsilon_3x_2^3\\
F_{(0,1)}&\colon\quad x_0x_1^2+x_1x_2^2+x_2x_0^2\\
F_{(0,2)}&\colon\quad x_0^2x_1+x_1^2x_2+x_2^2x_0\\
F_{(2,2)}&\colon\quad x_0x_1^2+\varepsilon_3^2x_1x_2^2+\varepsilon_3x_2x_0^2
where $F_{(a,b)}$ denotes the curve defined by the corresponding polynomial.
On each smooth member of the Hesse pencil the group acts by translation
of $3$-torsion points. There are precisely four singular members, namely:
T_{(0,1)}&\colon\quad x_0x_1x_2\\
which equal $x_0^3+x_1^3+x_2^3+\lambda x_0x_1x_3$ for
$\lambda=\infty,-3\varepsilon_3^2,-3,-3\varepsilon_3$. For each $(i,j)$ the
subgroup of order 3 which is generated by $\sigma_3^i\tau_3^j$ fixes
the vertices of the triangle $T{(i,j)}$.
Consider the involution
This involution leaves each member of the Hesse pencil invariant.
In fact choosing $(0,1,-1)$ as the origin it acts as $x\mapsto-x$ on
smooth members. The nontrivial characters come in pairs since
The curves $F_{(a,b)}$ are Fermat curves, and $H_3$ acts on each of them
with translation by a 3-torsion point and multiplication by $\varepsilon_3$.
Let $\eta^3=\varepsilon_3$, $\mu^3=\frac19$. Then
& = x_0^3+(\eta x_1)^3+(\eta^2x_2)^3\\
& = (\eta\mu(x_0+\varepsilon_3^2x_1+\varepsilon_3x_2))^3
& = (\eta\mu(x_0+\varepsilon_3^2x_1+\varepsilon_3^2x_2))^3
& = (\eta\mu(x_0+\varepsilon_3^2x_1+x_2))^3
Since $\iota_3(F_{(a,b)})=F_{(-a,-b)}$ all curves are Fermat curves.
The Fermat curve $F_{(a,b)}$ intersects each of the triangles $T_{(i,j)}$,
$(i,j)\ne\pm(a,b)$ in its vertices so $H_3$ has three subgroups of
order 3 with 3 fixed points on $F_{(a,b)}$. The fourth subgroup has
no fixed points, hence $H_3$ acts as stated.
\section{Threefolds containing bielliptic surfaces}\label{Par1}
In this part we will construct a $\Bbb P^2$-bundle over an elliptic curve
$E$, and a $\Bbb P^1$-bundle over the symmetric product $S^2E$ of the
elliptic curve containing bielliptic surfaces.
Choose a smooth element of the Hesse pencil
E=E_\lambda=\{x_0^3+x_1^3+x_2^3+\lambda x_0x_1x_2=0\}
where $\lambda\ne\infty,-3,-3\varepsilon_3,-3\varepsilon_3^2$. We choose the
inflection point $p_0=(0,1,-1)$ to be the origin of $E$.
Let $\xi_0,\xi_1,\xi_2$ be a dual basis of
$x_0,x_1,x_2\in V=\Gamma(\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1))$. The induced action
of $H_3$ is given by
\sigma_3(\xi_i) &= \xi_{i-1}\\
\tau_3(\xi_i) &= \varepsilon_3^i\xi_i.
Note that in this case \eqref{(2)} implies
Next consider the line bundle $\cal O_E(15p_0)$. Let $y_0,\ldots,y_{14}$ be
a basis of $\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_E(15p_0))$ such that $H_{15}$, the
Heisenberg group of level 15, acts in the standard way, i.e., by
\sigma_{15}(y_i) &= y_{i-1}\\
\tau_{15}(y_i) &= \varepsilon_{15}^{-i}y_i
\quad (\varepsilon_{15}=e^{2\pi i/15}).
{}From \eqref{(3)} it follows that
Hence identifying $\sigma_{15}^5$ with $\sigma_3$ and $\tau_{15}^5$
with $\tau_3$ we get an isomorphism of the subgroup of $H_{15}$
generated by $\sigma_{15}^5$ and $\tau_{15}^5$ with
$H_3\subset\operatorname{SL}(V\spcheck)$, where the latter inclusion
is given by the Schr\"odinger representation. Since $y_0,\ldots,y_{14}$
generate $\cal O_E(15p_0)$ this gives an action of $H_3$ on the line bundle
$\cal O_E(15p_0)$ itself.
Hence we can consider the natural action of $H_3\times H_3$ on the rank 3
bundle $W_E=\cal O_E(15p_0)\otimes V$. Let $\Delta$ be the diagonal
of $H_3\times H_3$. Then $\Delta\cong H_3$ and
\sigma_3(y_i\otimes x_j) &= y_{i-5}\otimes x_{j-1}\\
\tau_3(y_i\otimes x_j) &= \varepsilon_3^{-i-j}y_i\otimes x_j.
It follows from \eqref{(1a)} and \eqref{(3a)} that the centre of $H_3$
acts trivially on $W_E$. Hence the quotient
\cal E_E=W_E\spcheck/\Delta
is a rank 3 vector bundle over
E/\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3=E.
\rom{(i)}$\cal E_E$ is stable of degree -5.
\par\noindent\rom{(ii)}$\det\cal E_E=\cal O_E(-5p_0)$
(i) Since $\deg W_E=45$, the degree of $\cal E_E$ is clearly -5.
Now assume that $\cal F\subset\cal E_E\spcheck$ is a subbundle of rank
$r$ ($r=1,2$) and degree $d$ contradicting semistability, i.e., $d/r>5/3$.
Then ${\cal F}$ pulls back to a subbundle $\cal F'\subset W_E$ of degree
This implies that $\cal F'\otimes\cal O_E(-15p_0)$ and hence
$W_E\otimes\cal O_E(-15p_0)$ has a nonconstant section, a contradiction.
\par\noindent(ii) $y_0y_5y_{10}$ is a section of $\det W_E=\cal O_E(45p_0)$
which is invariant under the induced action of $\Delta$ on $\det W_E$.
It defines an invariant divisor on $E$ whose image in the quotient is a
divisor linearly equivalent to $5p_0$.
Let us now look at the corresponding action of $\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3$
on the trivial projective bundle $E\times\Bbb P^2=E\times\Bbb P(V\spcheck )$.
Its quotient is a $\Bbb P^2$-bundle
\Bbb P^2_E=\Bbb P(\cal E_E)
where we use the geometric projective bundle. By the above lemma
$\Bbb P^2_E$ is the unique indecomposable $\Bbb P^1$-bundle
over $E$ with invariant $e=-1$ \cite[V. theorem 2.15]{Ha}.
We consider the quotient map
\pi\colon E\times\Bbb P^2\to\Bbb P_E^2.
Clearly this map is unramified and we can use $\pi$ to compute the
cohomology of line bundles on $\Bbb P_E^2$. This was done in \cite{CC}
for the dual bundle $\cal E_E\spcheck$. We are particularly interested
in line bundles numerically equivalent to the anticanonical bundle.
The Picard group $\Bbb P_E^2$ is generated by the tautological bundle
$\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(1)$ and the pullback of the Picard group on $E$. The
pullback of any line bundle on $\Bbb P_E^2$ to $E\times\Bbb P^2$
is the tensor product of a line bundle on $E$ and a line bundle
on $\Bbb P^2$.
\begin{Lemma}[Catanese, Ciliberto]\label{L3}
If $\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(L)$ is numerically equivalent to the anticanonical
bundle $\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(-K)$ and $h^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P^2_E}(L))>0$
then either $L\equiv-K$ in which case
$h^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(L))=2$
or $3L\equiv-3K$ and $L\not\equiv-K$ in which case
$h^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(L))=1$. Moreover there are 8 nonisomorphic
bundles of the latter kind corresponding to the nontrivial characters
of $\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3$.
Let $L=-K+\rho$ where $\rho$ is the pullback of a degree 0 line bundle on $E$.
Since $\pi$ is unramified $\pi^*(-K+\rho)=-K_{E\times\Bbb P_2}+\rho'$
where $\rho'$ also has degree 0. This bundle can only have sections when
$\rho'=0$. Since
\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(-K+\rho)\subset\pi_*\pi^*\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(-K+\rho)
=\pi_*(-K_{E\times\Bbb P_2})
we are left to consider the decomposition
\pi_*(-K_{E\times\Bbb P_2})
=\bigoplus_{{\cal X}\in(\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3)\spcheck}(-K+L_{\cal X})
where $L_{\cal X}$ is the torsion bundle associated to the character ${\cal X}$.
I.e., $L_{\cal X}$ is a torsion bundle of degree 0 on $E$. Hence $L$ is of
the form stated. The sections of $L$ are given by the sections of
$\cal O_{E\times\Bbb P^2}(-K_{E\times\Bbb P_2})$ associated to the
character ${\cal X}$. By what we have said in the previous paragraph the
dimension of these sections is 2 if ${\cal X}$ is trivial and 1 otherwise.
In the pencil $|-K|$ the singular members are four singular scrolls
while the smooth members are abelian surfaces among which one is
isomorphic to $E\times E$. The divisors $-K+L_{\cal X}$, ${\cal X}$ nontrivial,
are smooth bielliptic surfaces.
The divisors $\pi^*(-K)$ and $\pi^*(-K+L_{\cal X})$ are $E\times E_{\lambda'}$
where $E_{\lambda'}$ is a member of the Hesse pencil and
$E\times F_{(a,b)}$, respectively. On each of these surfaces the
$\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3$-action is the one described in the previous paragraph.
When $E_{\lambda'}$ is smooth then the 9 base points of the Hesse
pencil form a subgroup of the product, so the quotient is abelian.
In particular when $\lambda'=\lambda$ we get $E\times E/\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3$
where $\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3$ acts diagonally. It is easy to see that this
quotient is again isomorphic to $E\times E$ (we shall soon discuss this
in more detail). When $E_{\lambda'}$ is a triangle then the surface
upstairs is the union of three scrolls, whose quotient downstairs is
irreducible since the group acts transitively on the edges of the triangles.
Finally on $E\times F_{(a,b)}$ the group acts with translation on the first
factor and with translation and multiplication on the second factor.
Hence the quotient is bielliptic.
We want to describe the intersection of the abelian and bielliptic surfaces
with the special abelian surface $A_0\cong E\times E$ described above.
By $A_K$ we'll denote the general abelian surface in $|-K|$. Let $T_K$
be the singular scrolls in $|-K|$ and $B_{(a,b)}$ the bielliptic
surfaces. Let us first consider the structure of the abelian and bielliptic
surfaces. Each of them has an elliptic fibration over $E$ whose fibres
are the plane cubic curves $E_{\lambda'}$, $F_{(a,b)}$ respectively.
For the abelian surfaces the elliptic fibration over $E_{\lambda'}$
upstairs remains an elliptic fibration over
$E_{\lambda'}/\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3=E_{\lambda'}$ downstairs, the fibres
being isomorphic to $E$. Upstairs the intersection of $E\times E$ and
$E\times E_{\lambda'}$ is 9 translates of the curve $E$ over the 9 base
points of the Hesse pencil. On the quotient these translates are mapped
to the same curve isomorphic to $E$, which in turn is a member of the
fibration over $E_{\lambda'}$ described above. For the bielliptic surfaces
the elliptic fibration over $F_{(a,b)}$ upstairs is mapped to an
elliptic fibration over $F_{(a,b)}/\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3\cong\Bbb P^1$
downstairs, i.e., a pencil. The intersection upstairs with $E\times E$
is 9 translates by the group of $E$ over the 9 points of intersection
$E_\lambda\cap F_{(a,b)}$ which are mapped to the same curve
$A_0\cap B_{(a,b)}$ downstairs. This is a member of the pencil over
$\Bbb P^1$. The intersection $A_K\cap B_{(a,b)}$ downstairs is linearly
equivalent to and different
from $A_0\cap B_{(a,b)}$, so $|-K|$ restricts to $B_{(a,b)}$ to give
the pencil described above. In particular the three
triple fibres of this pencil are the intersections $T_K\cap B_{(a,b)}$
for the scrolls $T_K$ coming from triangles $T_{(i,j)}$ with
Our next aim is to describe the intersection of $A_K$, resp.\ of
$B_{(a,b)}$ with $A_0$ more arithmetically. We look at the map
-2& -1
\left\{\begin{aligned}E\times E &\to E\times E\\
(q_1,q_2) &\mapsto (3q_1,-2q_1-q_2).
The kernel of this map is the group
$E^{(3)}$ of $3$-torsion points of $E$ embedded diagonally into $E\times E$.
Hence the above map induces an isomorphism
A_0=(E\times E)/\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3\cong E\times E.
Whenever we shall refer to $A_0$ as a product it will be via this
isomorphism. Note that the curve $\{(q,-2q);\ q\in E\}$ goes
9$:$1 onto the first factor and that $\{(0,-q);\ q\in E\}$ is mapped
isomorphically onto the second factor. Moreover the curve
$\{(q,-5q);\ q \in E\}$ goes 9$:$1 onto the diagonal and
$\{(q,q);\ q \in E\}$ is mapped 9$:$1 onto the antidiagonal of $E\times E$.
Finally we consider the map given by $\left(\begin{smallmatrix}-2&-1\\
-5&2\end{smallmatrix}\right)$ upstairs. One checks immediately that this
induces an endomorphism downstairs, and that this endomorphism is
$\left(\begin{smallmatrix}0&3\\3&0\end{smallmatrix}\right)$, i.e., 3 times
the standard involution interchanging the factors of $E\times E$.
Let $\Delta_E$ be the diagonal in $A_0=E\times E$.
\noindent\rom{(i)} The curve $A_K\cap E\times E$ is
\{(q,r);\ 3r+2q=0\}
and $A_K\cap \Delta_E$ consists of the 25 points
\{(p,p);\ 5p=0\}.
\noindent\rom{(ii)} The curves $B_{(a,b)}\cap E\times E$ are
\{(q,r);\ 3r+2q=-\tau_{(a,b)}\}
and $B_{(a,b)}\cap \Delta_E$ are the sets of points
\{(p,p);\ 5p=-\tau_{(a,b)}\},
where $0\ne\tau_{(a,b)}$, $3\tau_{(a,b)}=0$.
(i) Upstairs $E\times E_\lambda\cap E\times E=\{(q,\tau_3);\ q\in E,
\ 3\tau_3=0\}$. The image of this set downstairs is $\{(3q,-2q-\tau_3);
\ q\in E\}$ which is the curve described. The second part follows
\noindent (ii) Similarly $E\times F_{(a,b)}\cap E\times E=\{(q,\tau_9);
\ q\in E,\ 3\tau_9=\tau_{(a,b)}\}$ where the $\tau_{(a,b)}$ are the
3-torsion points on $E$. Downstairs this is
$\{(3q,-2q-\tau_9);\ q\in E\}$ which gives the claim.
At this point we want to return to the product $E\times\Bbb P^2$. Let
$p,q$ be the projections onto $E$ and $\Bbb P^2$. Let
$\cal O_E(15p_0)\boxtimes\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1)=p^*\cal O_E(15p_0)\otimes
q^*\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1)$. The centre of the diagonal
$\Delta\subset H_3\times H_3$ acts trivially on this line bundle which,
therefore, descends to a line bundle $\cal L$ on $\Bbb P_E^2$.
\rom{(i)} $h^\circ(\cal L)=5$\par
\noindent\rom{(ii)} The following sections are invariant under
$\Delta$, hence define a basis of $\mathrm H^\circ(\cal L)$:
s_0 &= y_{ 0}\otimes x_0+y_{ 5}\otimes x_1+y_{10}\otimes x_2\\
s_1 &= y_{ 3}\otimes x_0+y_{ 8}\otimes x_1+y_{13}\otimes x_2\\
s_2 &= y_{ 6}\otimes x_0+y_{11}\otimes x_1+y_{ 1}\otimes x_2\\
s_3 &= y_{ 9}\otimes x_0+y_{14}\otimes x_1+y_{ 4}\otimes x_2\\
s_4 &= y_{12}\otimes x_0+y_{ 2}\otimes x_1+y_{ 7}\otimes x_2
(i) Clearly
\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_E(15p_0)\boxtimes\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1))
= \mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_E(15p_0))\otimes
\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1)).
As an $H_3$-module
\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_E(15p_0)) = 5 V\spcheck.
This can be seen by looking at the subspaces spanned by
$(y_0,y_5,y_{10})$, $(y_3,y_8,y_{13})$, $(y_6,y_{11},y_1)$,
$(y_9,y_{14},y_4)$, $(y_{12},y_2,y_7)$. Hence as an
\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_E(15p_0)\boxtimes\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1))
= 5V\spcheck\otimes V
= 5(\bigoplus_{{\cal X}\in(\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3)\spcheck}V_{\cal X}).
I.e. we have 5 invariant sections, and thus $h^\circ(\cal L)=5$.
\noindent(ii) It is straightforward to check that the $s_i$ are invariant
under $H_3$.
Next we consider the subgroup of $H_{15}$ spanned by $\sigma_{15}^3,
\tau_{15}^3$. From \eqref{(3)}
= \varepsilon_{15}^{-9}\cdot\operatorname{id}
= \varepsilon_5^{-2}\cdot\operatorname{id}
\quad (\varepsilon_5=e^{2\pi i/5}).
Hence mapping $\sigma_{15}^3$ to $\sigma_5$ and $\tau_{15}^3$ to
$\tau_5$ we can identify this subgroup with
$H_5\subset\operatorname{SL}(\Bbb C^5)$, where this inclusion is given
by the representation which arises from the Schr\"odinger representation
of the Heisenberg group $H_5$ of level 5 by replacing $\varepsilon$
by $\varepsilon^2$. Now let $H_5$ act on
$E\times\Bbb P^2$ where the action on the second factor is trivial.
Then $H_5$ acts on $\cal O_E(15p_0)\boxtimes\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1)$
and it is straightforward to check that this action commutes with $H_3$.
Hence we get an action of $H_5$ on $\cal L$.
The action of $H_5$ on $\mathrm H^\circ(\cal L)$ is given by
Straightforward calculation.
We have involutions on $E$ (given by $x\mapsto-x$) and on $\Bbb P^2$
(given by $\iota_3(x_i)=x_{-i}$). Hence we have an involution $\iota$ on
$E\times\Bbb P^2$. This lifts to an involution on
$\cal O_E(15p_0)\boxtimes\cal O_{\Bbb P^2}(1)$ where it acts on sections by
\iota(y_i\otimes x_i) = y_{-i}\otimes x_{-i}.
This involution does not commute with $H_3$, but we have an action
of a semi-direct product $H_3\rtimes\langle\iota\rangle$.
In the quotient this defines an involution on $\Bbb P_E^2$ and on $\cal L$.
Note that on $A_0=E\times E$ this is given by
$\iota$ acts on $\mathrm H^\circ(\cal L)$ by
Immediately from \eqref{(4)}.
Finally we remark that we really have an action of $(\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3)^2$
on $E\times\Bbb P^2$ and that $\Bbb P_E^2$ was constructed by taking the
with respect to the diagonal. Hence we have still got an action of
$\Bbb Z_3\times\Bbb Z_3$ on $\Bbb P_E^2$ which on every fibre of $\Bbb P_E^2$
lifts to the Schr\"odinger representation of $H_3$.
Let $\Delta_E$ be the diagonal in $A_0=E\times E$. We can consider the
\rho\colon U\to\Bbb P_E^2
along $\Delta_E$. Since $\Delta_E$ is a section of $\Bbb P_E^2$ the
variety $U$ has the structure of an $\Sigma^1$-bundle over $E$. Here
$\Sigma^1$ denotes the $\Bbb P^1$-bundle over $\Bbb P^1$ with $e=-1$.
$U$ has the structure of a $\Bbb P^1$-bundle over $S^2E$.
Let $E_\Delta$ be the exceptional surface over $\Delta_E$
and $B=\cal O_{\Bbb P_E^2}(1)$. By $F$ we denote the class of a fibre
of $\Bbb P_E^2$. For $\beta$ sufficiently large $|B-E_\Delta+\beta F|$
is base point free. This linear system maps each $\Sigma^1$
to a $\Bbb P^1$-bundle
over a scroll over $E$, and it remains to determine this scroll. To do this
we look at $A_0=E\times E$. The map given by $|B-E_\Delta+\beta F|$
restricted to a curve $\{q\}\times E$ is nothing but projection of the
plane cubic $E\subset\Bbb P^2$ from the point $q$. Hence we
get an involution on $E\times E$ whose branch locus is the curve
$\Delta'=\{(q,t)\in E\times E;\ 2t+q=0\}$. $\Delta'$ is the
image of $E\to E\times E$, $q\mapsto\left(\begin{smallmatrix}2q\\-q
\end{smallmatrix}\right)$. The isomorphism of $E\times E$ given by the
matrix $\left(\begin{smallmatrix}-1&-1\\
maps $\Delta'$ to the diagonal and the curves $\{q\}\times E$ to the
translates of the antidiagonal $\{(q,-q);\ q\in E\}$. Under this
isomorphism the above involution becomes the standard involution given
by interchanging the factors. This proves that the scroll in question
is indeed $S^2E$. We have indeed a (locally trivial) $\Bbb P^1$-bundle
by \cite[V.4.1]{BPV} and the remark after this.
In view of the above lemma we shall change our notation and write
\Bbb P_{S^2E}^1=U.
The strict transform of $A_0=E\times E$ under the map
$\rho\colon\Bbb P_{S^2E}^1\to\Bbb P_E^2$ is again $E\times E$. The other
abelian surfaces $A_K$ in $\Bbb P_E^2$ are blown up in the points
\Delta_E\cap(A_K\cap A_0) = \{q;\ 5q=0\},
i.e., in 25 distinct points (cf. lemma \ref{L5}). Similarly the surfaces
$B_{(a,b)}$ are blown up in 25 distinct points by $\rho$.
\section{Two quintic hypersurfaces in $\Bbb P^4$}\label{Par2}
Let $E$ be an elliptic normal curve of degree 5 in $\Bbb P^4$, embedded by
the linear system $|5p_0|$, where $p_0 \in E$ is the origin which we have
chosen before. We assume that $E$ is invariant under the action of
$H_5$ given by its Schr\"odinger representation.
In this paragraph we will describe geometrically the following diagram
\put(0,40){$\Bbb P^1_{S^2E}$} \put(32,43){$^\rho$} \put(60,40){$\Bbb
\put(33,20){$\cal F$}
\put(-1,21){$^{\pi_1}$} \put(67,21){$^{\pi_2}$}
\put(6,36){\vector(0,-1){28}} \put(66,36){\vector(0,
\put(18,13.5){$^{p_1}$} \put(50,13){$^{p_2}$}
\put(31,18){\vector(-2,-1){20}} \put(42,18){\vector(2,-1){20}}
\put(2,0){$V_1$} \put(62,0){$V_2$.}
Here $V_1$ and $V_2$ are quintic hypersurfaces in $\Bbb P^4$: $V_1$ is the
secant variety to $E$ and $V_2$ is ruled in an elliptic family of planes.
$V_2$ is singular (set theoretically) along an elliptic quintic scroll
whose trisecant variety it is. $\Bbb P^1_{S^2E}$, $\Bbb P_E^2$ and $\rho$
are as in
\ref{Par1}. Via $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$ they are minimal desingularizations
of $V_1$ and $V_2$. The varieties above are tied together via an incidence
variety $\cal F$ consisting of pairs $(p,Q)$ where $Q$ is a singular quadric
containing $E$ and $p\in\operatorname{Sing}Q$. The morphisms to $V_1$ and
$V_2$ are projections to the first and second factor respectively.
Hence both hypersurfaces can be described in terms of the 3-dimensional
family of singular quadrics through $E$. Furthermore one can make the
$${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2E} = \{(p,\{e_1,e_2\}) | e_1, e_2\in E, p\in L_{\langle e_1,
=\{(p,W_p) | p\in V_1, W_p=\mathrm H^\circ (I_{E\cup \{p\}}(2))\}$$
where $L_{\langle e_1,e_2\rangle}$ is the secant line through $e_1,e_2$.
The second projection for these incidence varieties is the map to
$S^2E\subset{\Bbb P(\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))^{\spcheck})}$. Thus ${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2E}$
is the graph of the quadro cubic Cremona transformation restricted to the
variety $V_1$ of $E$. One can also show that $V_2\subset
{\Bbb P(\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2)))}$ in this setting is the natural dual
to $S^2E\subset{\Bbb P(\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))^{\spcheck})}$.
Since this will not be essential for our argument we will omit the proofs.
of the results we collect here are also contained in \cite{EL}, \cite{Hu},
Let $E$ be as above. It is well known that $h^\circ(I_E(2))=5$ and that a
basis for the space of quadrics through $E$ is given by
Q_i = x_i^2+ax_{i+2}x_{i+3}-\frac1ax_{i+1}x_{i+4}\quad(i\in\Bbb Z_5).
Here $a\in\Bbb C\cup\{\infty\}$ and five such quadrics define a smooth
elliptic curve if and only if $a$ is not a vertex of the icosahedron,
i.e., $a\ne0,\infty,\varepsilon_5^k(\varepsilon_5^2+\varepsilon_5^3),
\varepsilon_5^k(\varepsilon_5+\varepsilon_5^4)$, $k=0,\ldots,4$
($\varepsilon_5=e^{2\pi i/5}$).
\rom{(i)} For $y\in\Bbb P^4$ let $M(y)$ be the symmetric 5$\times$5-matrix
M(y):=(y_{i+j}z_{i-j})\quad0\le i,j\le4
where $z\in\Bbb P^4$, $z_i=z_{-i}$ and $z_0=2$, $z_1=a$, $z_2=-\frac1a$.
\noindent\rom{(ii)} Let $\cal F$ denote the incidence variety
\cal F:=\{(x,y)\in\Bbb P^4\times\Bbb P^4;\ M(y)\tr x=0\}
and let $V_1$ and $V_2$ denote the images under the first and second
$p_1$ and $p_2$ of $\cal F$ to the respective $\Bbb P^4$'s.
\noindent\rom{(iii)} Let $M'(x)$ be the 5$\times$5-matrix defined by
M'(x)\tr y=M(y)\tr x.
This set-up was also considered in \cite{A} in the case of a general point
$z\in\Bbb P^4$. Here we have chosen a special point, namely one that lies
on the conic section invariant under the icosahedral group $A_5$ on the Bring
plane $z_i=z_{-i}$; $i=0,\ldots,4$ (see \cite{BHM}). This conic can be
identified naturally with the modular curve of level 5, $X(5)$, which is in
1$:$1-correspondence with $H_5$-invariantly embedded elliptic quintics
in $\Bbb P^4$. Under this identification $z$ corresponds to the curve $E$
we have started with. The matrix $M$ was first considered by Moore.
\rom{(i)} The set of quadrics $\{xM(y)\tr x;\ y\in\Bbb P^4\}$ is
$\Bbb P(\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2)))$.
\noindent\rom{(ii)} $\cal F$ can be identified with the incidence variety
of pairs $(p,Q)$ where $Q$ is a singular quadric through $E$ and
\noindent\rom{(iii)} $V_1$ and $V_2$ are Heisenberg invariant quintic
hypersurfaces in $\Bbb P^4$.
(i) It is easily checked that
2Q_{3i}(x)=xM(e_i)\tr x\quad(i=0,\ldots,4).
\noindent(ii) This follows immediately since $\cal F$ is given by
$M(y)\tr x=0$.
\noindent(iii) Since $M(y)\tr x=0$ is equivalent to $M'(x)\tr y=0$
it follows that $V_1$ and $V_2$ are given by the quintic equations
$\operatorname{det}M'(x)=0$ resp.\ $\operatorname{det}M(y)=0$. Because both
$M'(x)$ and $M(y)$ are invariant under $H_5$, up to an even number of
permutations of rows and columns, these equations are $H_5$-invariant.
Since $H_5$ has no characters on $\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{\Bbb P_4}(n))$,
$n<5$ it follows that $V_1$ and $V_2$ are in fact reduced of degree 5.
Since the general singular quadric through $E$ has rank 4, it follows that
the projection $\cal F\to V_2$ is generically finite and hence $\cal F$
is also of dimension 3.
\rom{(i)} $V_1$ is the locus of singular points of the singular quadrics
through $E$.
\noindent\rom{(ii)} $V_1=\operatorname{Sec}E$.
(i) is obvious.
\noindent\rom{(ii)} If $p\in\operatorname{Sec}E\backslash E$ then projection
to $\Bbb P^3$ from $p$
maps $E$ to a nodal quintic curve in $\Bbb P^3$, which always lies on a
quadric surface. Hence $p$ lies on a quadric cone through $E$. This
implies $\operatorname{Sec}E\subset V_1$ and since both hypersurfaces have
degree 5, the claim follows.
$V_2$ is the discriminant locus of the family of quadrics through $E$.
The mapping $p_1$ (resp.\ $p_2$) is a ``small resolution'' of $V_1$
(resp.\ $V_2$), i.e., a (singular) point where $M'(x)$ (resp.\ $M(y)$)
has rank 3 is replaced by a $\Bbb P^1$. One of our aims is to describe
the rank 3 loci. For $M(y)$ the corresponding $\Bbb P^1$s yield the locus
of the singular lines. We shall come back to this later. For $M'(x)$ it is
The quintic hypersurface $V_1 = \operatorname{Sec} E$ is singular
precisely at $E$ where it has multiplicity 3.
The curve $E$ is exactly the locus where rank $M'(x) = 3$.
We shall first prove that the multiplicity of $\operatorname{Sec} E$
along $E$ is three. This was already known to Segre \cite{Seg}, \cite{Sem}.
Here we reproduce his proof. We consider a point $p \in E$ and
choose a general line $l$ through $p$. We can assume that $l$ meets
$\operatorname{Sec} E$ transversally at a finite number of smooth points
outside $p$. Since secants and tangents of $E$ do not meet outside $E$
(see \cite[Lemma IV.11]{Hu}) every such point of intersection lies on a
unique secant or tangent of $E$. On the other hand projection from a
general line $l$ maps $E$ to a plane curve of degree 4 which, by the
genus formula, must have 2 nodes. Hence $l$ intersects
$\operatorname{Sec} E$ in precisely 2 points (counted properly) outside
$p$, and it follows that the multiplicity of $\operatorname{Sec} E$
along $E$ is 3.
Now assume that a singularity $x$ of $\operatorname{Sec} E$ exists
outside $E$. Let $l$ be a line through $x$ which meets $E$ in a point
$p$, but is neither a secant nor a tangent line of $E$. (Such a line
exists since $x$ lies on at most one secant or tangent --- see above).
Using \cite[Proposition IV.4.6]{Hu} we can also assume that $l$ is not a
singular line of a rank 3 quadric through $E$. It follows that $l$ is not
contained in $\operatorname{Sec} E$. The latter would only be possible if
projection from $l$ defines a 2:1 map onto a conic, but this implies that
$l$ is the vertex of a rank 3 quadric. Since the multiplicity of
$\operatorname{Sec} E$ along $E$ is 3 and since $x$ was assumed to be
singular, it follows that the intersection of $l$ and
$\operatorname{Sec} E$ consists precisely of the two points $x$ and $p$.
Projection from $l$ now gives a curve of degree 4 and genus 1 in ${\Bbb P}^2$
with exactly one singular point, given by the unique secant or tangent of
$E$ through $x$. On the other hand, we can project from $x$ first. In
this case $E$ is mapped to a quintic curve $E^{\prime}$ in ${{\Bbb P}^3}$
with one singularity and arithmetic genus 2, which lies on a unique
quadric surface $Q'\subset{\Bbb P}^3$. We have two possibilities
$Q'$ is a smooth quadric. In this case $E'$ is a divisor on $Q'$ of
bidegree $(2,3)$. Then projection from a general point on $E'$ (which
corresponds to a general choice of the point $p \in E$) projects $E'$
to a plane quartic with 2 different singularities, a contradiction to
what we have found above.
$Q'$ is a quadric cone. In this case $E'$ contains the vertex of this
cone as a smooth point and meets every ruling of $Q'$ in 2 points
outside the vertex. Again projection from a general point on $E'$
gives a quartic plane curve with two different singularities and we
have arrived at the same contradiction as above.
It follows that $\operatorname{Sec} E$ has no singularities outside $E$.
The locus where rank $M'(x)$ has rank $\le 3$ is contained in
$\operatorname{Sing} V_1$. On the other hand if $p \in E$, then
projection from $p$ gives a smooth quartic elliptic curve in ${\Bbb P}^3$
which lies on a pencil of quadrics. Hence $E$ lies precisely on a
pencil of quadric cones with vertex $p$. It follows that
M(y) \tr{p} = M'(p) \tr{y}
for $y$ in some (linear) ${\Bbb P}^1$, and $M'(p)$ has rank exactly 3.
One shows easily that
M'(x)=\fracwithdelims(){\partial Q_{3j}}{\partial x_i}_{0\le i,j\le4}.
We consider the natural desingularization
\widetilde V_1 := \{(p,\{e_1,e_2\})\in\Bbb P^4\times S^2E;
\ p\in L_{\langle e_1,e_2\rangle}\}
of $V_1=\operatorname{Sec}(E)$, where $L_{\langle e_1,e_2\rangle}$ is
the secant line through $e_1,e_2$.
Projection onto $S^2E$ gives $\widetilde V_1$ a structure of a $\Bbb
the surface $S^2E$. Let $\pi_1$ denote projection to the first factor.
Then $\pi_1$ contracts the divisor
D_1:=\{(p,\{e_1,e_2\});\ p\in\{e_1,e_2\}\}.
We have an isomorphism
\left\{\begin{aligned} D_1 &\cong E\times E\\
(p,\{e_1,e_2\}) &\mapsto (p,e_1+e_2).
Next we consider the natural composition
\widetilde V_1\to S^2E\to E
where the map $S^2E\to E$ maps $\{e_1,e_2\}$ to $e_1+e_2$. The fibre of
this map over a point $e\in E$ is the surface
\{(p,\{e_1,e_2\});\ e_1+e_2=e,\ p\in L_{\langle e_1,e_2\rangle}\}.
This is a ruled surface over the curve
E/\kappa\cong\Bbb P^1
where $\kappa$ is the involution on $E$ given by $\kappa(q)=-q+e$.
Via $\pi_1$ this
is a smooth, rational ruled surface in $\Bbb P^4$, i.e., a cubic scroll.
As an abstract surface this is $\Bbb P^2$ blown up in a point, or
equivalently the Hirzebruch surface $\Sigma^1$. In this way $\widetilde V_1$
acquires the structure of a $\Sigma^1$-fibration over $E$. We denote the
fibre of this fibration over a point $e\in E$ by $\Sigma_e^1$. We shall
often identify $\Sigma_e^1$ with $\pi_1(\Sigma_e^1)$. Thus we can write
\widetilde V_1=\{(p,e);\ p\in \Sigma_e^1\subset V_1\}.
We will use this notation in the sequel.
The map $\pi_1$ defines an isomorphism from $\widetilde V_1\sm D_1$ with
$\operatorname{Sec} E \sm E$. It contracts $D_1$ to the curve $E$ and
its differential has rank 2 at every point of $D_1$.
Since every point on $\operatorname{Sec} E \sm E$ lies on a unique
secant or tangent of $E$ the map from $\widetilde V_1 \sm D_1$ to
$\operatorname{Sec} E \sm E$ is bijective. Since both are smooth, it
is an isomorphism. We have already seen that $\pi_1$ contracts $D_1$
to the curve $E$. Hence the differential of $\pi_1$ along $D_1$ has
rank at most 2. On the other hand consider the fibres $\Sigma_e^1$ of
the map $\widetilde V_1 \to E$. Via the map $\pi_1$ they are embedded into
${\Bbb P}^4$, and hence the differential of $\pi_1$ has rank at least 2 at
every point of $\widetilde V_1$.
Now we return to the cubic scroll $\Sigma_e^1\subset\Bbb P^4$. Since
$\Sigma_e^1$ is the degeneration locus of a 2$\times$3 matrix with linear
coefficients, it follows that there is a $\Bbb P^2$ of quadrics
containing $\Sigma_e^1$. All of these quadrics are singular. Geometrically
they arise as follows: Projection from $p\in\Sigma_e^1$ maps $\Sigma_e^1$
to a quadric in $\Bbb P^3$. Then take the cone over the quadric in
$\Bbb P^3$. Note that the quadric surface in $\Bbb P^3$ is singular if
and only if $p$ is on the exceptional line in $\Sigma_e^1$.
In this case the corresponding quadric hypersurface is singular
along the exceptional line in $\Sigma_e^1$. Finally it follows easily from
$V_1=\operatorname{Sec}E$ that every singular quadric through $E$
arises in the way described above.
We define
\widetilde V_2 := \{(Q_e,e);\ e\in E,
\ \text{$Q_e$ is a quadric through $\Sigma_e^1$}\}.
Via the obvious map $\widetilde V_2\to E$ this carries the structure of a
$\Bbb P^2$-bundle. For $p\in\Sigma_e^1$ we denote by $Q_e=Q_e(p)$ the
unique quadric through $\Sigma_e^1$ which is singular at $p$.
This enables us to define the following maps:
f_1\colon\left\{\begin{aligned}\widetilde V_1 &\to \cal F\\
(p,e) &\mapsto (p,Q_e)
where $(p,e)$ stands for the point $p\in\Sigma_e^1$, and
f_2\colon\left\{\begin{aligned}\widetilde V_1 &\to \widetilde V_2\\
(p,e) &\mapsto (Q_e,e).
In this way we get a commutative diagram
\put(2,40){$\widetilde V_1$} \put(32,43){$^{f_2}$} \put(62,40){$\widetilde
\put(33,20){$\cal F$}
\put(-1,21){$^{\pi_1}$} \put(67,21){$^{\pi_2}$}
\put(6,36){\vector(0,-1){28}} \put(66,36){\vector(0,
\put(18,13.5){$^{p_1}$} \put(50,13){$^{p_2}$}
\put(31,18){\vector(-2,-1){20}} \put(42,18){\vector(2,-1){20}}
\put(2,0){$V_1$} \put(62,0){$V_2$.}
Moreover it follows from our geometric discussion
that $f_2$ contracts precisely the divisor
X:=\{(p,e);\ p\in\ \text{exceptional line in $\Sigma_e^1$}\}.
In other words $f_2$ is the blowing down map from the $\Sigma^1$-bundle
$\widetilde V_1$ to the $\Bbb P^2$-bundle $\widetilde V_2$. Furthermore
$X$ is an elliptic ruled surface and $\pi_1(X)$ is the locus of singular
We now return to the divisor $D_1\cong E\times E$ in $\widetilde V_1$.
\rom{(i)} $f_1$ is an isomorphism outside $D_1$.
\noindent\rom{(ii)} $f_1(p,e)=f_1(p',e')$ if and only if
$p'=p\in E$ and $e+e'=-p$.
This follows from proposition \ref{P16} \rom{(i)}.
If $f_1(p,e) = f_1(p',e')$ then clearly $p= p'$ by construction of the map
Now $Q_e = Q_{e'}$ means that $Q_e$ is a singular quadric with vertex $p\in E$
containing both $\Sigma_e^1$ and $\Sigma_{e'}^1$.
$\Sigma_e^1$ and $\Sigma_{e'}^1$ are determined by the families of planes
in $Q_e$: A plane intersects $E$ in two points besides $p$, defining
a line in the ruling of the scroll. If $L_{\langle e_1,e_2\rangle}\subset
\Sigma_e^1$ and $L_{\langle e_1',e_2'\rangle}\subset\Sigma_{e'}^1$ then
$e_1,e_2,e_1',e_2'$ and $p$ are contained in a $\Bbb P^3$, hence
The converse is analogous.
{}From this lemma it follows that $f_1$ restricts to $D_1\cong E\times E$
as the quotient map to $E\times E/\iota'$, where $\iota'$ is the involution
$\iota'(p,e)=(p,-p-e)$. The curve $\Delta':=\{(-2e,e);\ e\in E\}$
is pointwise fixed under $\iota'$, while $\iota'$ acts as the
standard involution on the curve $(\Delta')^-:=\{(0,e);\ e\in E\}$.
Consider the change of coordinates (compare the proof of lemma \ref{L9}):
\left\{\begin{aligned}E\times E &\to E\times E\\
(p,e) &\mapsto (p+e,-e).
This maps $\Delta'$ to the diagonal $\Delta=\{(e,e);\ e\in E\}$
and $(\Delta')^-$ to the antidiagonal $\Delta^-=\{(e,-e);\ e\in E\}$.
Moreover $\iota'$ becomes the involution $\tilde\iota$ interchanging the
two factors. From now on we shall identify $D_1$ with $E\times E$
via the isomorphism $\psi:=\psi_2\circ\psi_1$. Finally we denote by
$\bar\Delta$ the image of the diagonal $\Delta$ in
$S^2E=E\times E/\tilde\iota$.
The exceptional divisor $X\subset\Sigma_E^1$ intersects $D_1=E\times E$
in the diagonal $\Delta$.
The involution $\iota$ (resp.\ $\iota'$) is induced by a switching of cubic
scrolls in a singular quadric. A fixed scroll is precisely the unique
scroll containing $E$ in a rank 3 quadric.
$\cal F$ is singular along an elliptic scroll $S^2E$. The scroll $f_1(X)$
intersects $S^2E$ along $\bar\Delta$.
The singular scroll $\pi_1(X)$ has degree 15. The curve $\Delta$ is mapped
4$:$1 to $E$ by $\pi_1$.
For the first part see \cite[prop.\ IV.4.7]{Hu}. The second statement
follows since $\Delta'\to E$ is given by $(-2e,e)\mapsto-2e$. It also follows
since the pencil of quadrics with vertex $p\in E$ contains 4 rank 3
quadrics (see the proof of proposition \ref{P16}).
We now turn our attention to the quintic hypersurface $V_2$.
Restricted to $D_1=E\times E$ the blowing down map $f_2$ is an isomorphism.
Fix some $e\in E$. Then the exceptional line in $\Sigma_e^1$ and the curve
$E$ intersect transversally.
The quintic hypersurface $V_2$ is ruled by an elliptic family of
The map $\pi_2$ restricted to $D_1 \subset \widetilde V_2$ maps
$D_1 \cong E {\times} E$ surjectively 2:1 onto a quintic elliptic
scroll $S^2 E$. The scroll $S^2 E$ parametrizes those quadrics which
are singular at a point of $E$. The quintic hypersurface $V_2$ is the
trisecant scroll of $S^2 E$. It is singular exactly at $S^2 E$ (set
Via $\pi_2$ the diagonal $\Delta \subset D_1 \cong E {\times} E$ is
mapped to a degree 10 curve $\bar\Delta$ in ${\Bbb P}^4$. The curve
$\bar\Delta$ parametrizes the rank 3 quadrics through $E$.
The map $\pi_2$ gives an isomorphism of $\widetilde V_2 \sm D_1$ with
$V_2 \sm S^2 E$.
The rank of the differential of $\pi_2$ is 3 everywhere with the
exception of $\Delta$ where it is 2.
The fibre of $\widetilde V_2$ over a point $e \in E$ is mapped to the net of
quadrics through the scroll $\Sigma_e^1$.
We have already seen that $f_1$ restricted to $D_1 \cong E {\times} E$
factors through $S^2 E$. Hence using diagram \eqref{(D)} the same must
be true for $\pi_2$. The map from $S^2E$ to ${\Bbb P}^4$ given by $\pi_2$ is
injective, which means that the image has degree at least 5. The ruling of
$S^2E$ over a point $p\in E$ is mapped to the pencil of quadrics through $E$
which are singular at $p$. Now intersect $V_2$ with a general plane. Since
$V_2$ is singular on the image of $S^2E$, this intersection is a plane curve
with at least 5 singular points. Since the map from
$\widetilde V_2 \sm D_1$ to $V_2 \sm S^2 E$ is bijective, this curve
the elliptic base curve of $\widetilde V_2$, and therefore, by the genus
it cannot have more then 5 singular points. Thus $\pi_2(S^2E)$ has degree 5
and, by the same argument, $V_2$ has no singularities outside $\pi_2(S^2E)$.
If $C_0$ is a section of $S^2E$ with $C_0^2=1$ and $F$ is a fibre, then the
from $S^2E$ to ${\Bbb P}^4$ is given by the linear system $|C_0+2F|$. In fact,
by $H_5-$invariance, the map is given by the complete linear system, in which
case it is well known to be an embedding. We therefore identify $S^2E$ with
image. It remains to show that $V_2$ is the trisecant scroll of $S^2E$. Now,
the curve $C_0$ moves in an elliptic family on $S^2E$, so each member is a
cubic curve. Thus the planes of these curves are part of the trisecant
scroll of $S^2E$. Since $S^2E$ is the singular part of $V_2$, each such
trisecant is contained in $V_2$ by Bezout. But the planes of the trisecant
scroll cannot dominate the elliptic base curve, hence these planes must
with the elliptic family of planes of $V_2$.
The curve $\Delta$ is the branch locus of the map
E {\times} E \to S^2 E \subset {\Bbb P}^4
It is well known that this is mapped to a curve $\bar\Delta$ of degree
10 in ${\Bbb P}^4$ (in fact the class of $\bar\Delta$ on $S^2 E$ is
$4 C_0 - 2 F$ and the assertion follows from
(4 C_0 - 2 F) (C_0 + 2 F) = 10
The assertion that $\bar\Delta$ parametrizes the rank 3 quadrics
through $E$ follows from the description of the map $p_2$ and
proposition \ref{P19}.
We have already seen that the map from $\widetilde V_2 \sm D_1$ to
$V_2 \sm S^2 E$ is bijective. Since both sets are smooth, the claim
By \rom{(iv)} the rank of $d\pi_2$ is 3 outside $D_1$. Since the
fibres of $\widetilde V_2$ are mapped to planes in ${\Bbb P}^4$, it follows
that the rank of the differential is at least 2 everywhere. Since
$\Delta$ is the branch locus of the map $E {\times} E \to S^2 E$ the
rank of $d \pi_2$ cannot be 3 along $\Delta$. It remains to prove
that the rank of the differential is 3 on $D_1 \sm \Delta$. Let $x$ be
a point on $D_1 \sm \Delta$ and let $E_x$ be the elliptic curve
through $x$ which is mapped to a ruling of $S^2 E$. The differential
of $\pi_2$ restricted to $E_x$ is 2 at $x$. Hence it is enough to see
that the ruling $L_x = \pi_2(E_x)$ and the plane ${\Bbb P}^2_x$ which is
the image of the fibre of $\widetilde V_2$ containing $x$ meet
transversally. For this it is enough to show that $L_x$ is not
contained in ${\Bbb P}^2_x$. But the intersection of ${\Bbb P}_x^2$ with
$S^2 E$ is a smooth plane cubic and does not contain a line.
A general symmetric 5$\times$5 matrix with linear coefficients has
rank 3 along a curve of degree 20.
We are now in a position to connect the geometric approach of this paragraph
with the abstract approach from \ref{Par1}. To do this, recall the sections
$s_0,\ldots,s_4$ of $\cal L$ from proposition \ref{P6}.
There is an isomorphism $\widetilde V_2\cong\Bbb P_E^2$ such that the map
$\pi_2$ is given by $s_0,\ldots,s_4$.
The argument has two parts. First we identify $\widetilde V_2$ with ${\Bbb
where $N_E(-2)$ is the twisted normal bundle of the elliptic curve $E\subset
{{\Bbb P}^4}$.
Afterwards we show that ${\Bbb P}(N_E(-2))\cong {\Bbb P_E^2}$ and in fact also
existence of an $H_5$-isomorphism between ${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}(N_E(-2))}(1)$ and
${\cal O}_{{\Bbb P}({\cal E})}(1)$.
We use the basis of $\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))$ given by
Q_i=x_i^2+ax_{i+2}x_{i+3}-\frac1ax_{i+1}x_{i+4}\quad(i\in\Bbb Z_5).
The natural map
\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\otimes\cal O_E\stackrel{\alpha}{\to}N_E^*(2)
\] is surjective and there is an exact sequence
0\to K\stackrel{\beta}{\to}\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\otimes\cal O_E(-1)
\stackrel{A}{\to}\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\otimes\cal O_E
A=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & ax_4 & -x_3 & x_2 & -ax_1 \\
-ax_4 & 0 & ax_2 & -x_1 & x_0 \\
x_3 & -ax_2 & 0 & ax_0 & -x_4 \\
-x_2 & x_1 & -ax_0 & 0 & ax_3 \\
ax_1 & -x_0 & x_4 & -ax_3 & 0
(see \cite[p.\ 68]{Hu}). Dualising this sequence we get
\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\spcheck\otimes\cal O_E
@>(\tr A)=-A(1)>>
\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\spcheck\otimes\cal O_E(1)
K^*\cong N_E^*(3),
K\cong N_E(-3).
We want now to describe the map
\Bbb P(N_E(-2))&\hookrightarrow&\Bbb P(\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2)))\times E\\
&\searrow &\downarrow \\
& &{\Bbb P}(\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2)))
where the horizontal map is given by the inclusion
N_E(-2)\stackrel{\beta(1)}{\hookrightarrow}\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))
\otimes\cal O_E.
We first want to identify the subbundle
\Bbb P(N_E(-2))=
\{(p,Q);\ p\in E,\ Q\in\operatorname{Im}\beta(1)|_p\}
\subset\Bbb P(\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\times E.
$Q\in\operatorname{Im}\beta(1)|_p$ if and only if $Q$ contains the
unique cubic scroll containing the secant $L_{\langle o,-p\rangle}$.
\begin{ProofwCaption}{Proof of the claim}
Consider the matrix
M'=\left(\frac{\partial Q_{3j}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{i,j}\quad
(i,j\in\Bbb Z_5)
from remark \ref{R17}. By proposition \ref{P16} \rom{(ii)} this has rank
$3$ on $E$. One easily checks that the entries of $A\tr M'$ are all
elements of $\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))$. Since $A$ has rank $2$ on $E$ the
\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\otimes\cal O(-1)\stackrel{\tr M'}{\to}
\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\otimes\cal O_E\stackrel{A}{\to}
\mathrm H^\circ(I_E(2))\otimes\cal O_E(1)
is exact. Therefore
\operatorname{Im}\beta(1)=\operatorname{Im}\tr M'.
Since there is a net of quadrics through a cubic scroll it suffices to
show that any quadric in the image of $\tr M'(p)$ contains the scroll.
For this it suffices to show that the secant lines $L_{\langle o,-p\rangle}$
and $L_{\langle\eta_5,\eta_{5-p}\rangle}$, where $\eta_5$ is a
non-zero 5-torsion point, are contained
in $Q$ (recall that the
cubic scroll in question is the union of all secants
$L_{\langle q,r\rangle}$ with $q+r=-p$). If $Q$ contains two secants in the
scroll it must contain the scroll by Bezout.
Now $\operatorname{Im}\tr M'(p)$ is spanned by the elements
M'_i(p)\begin{pmatrix} Q_0 \\
\vdots \\
where $M'_i(p)$ is the $i$-th row of $M'$ evaluated at $p$. The
origin has coordinates $(0,a,-1,1,-a)$ and we can take $\eta_5$ to
be $(a,-1,1,-a,0)$. If $p$ has coordinates $(x_0,\ldots,x_4)$ then
$-p$ has coordinates $(x_0,x_4,x_3,x_2,x_1)$ and $-p-\eta_5$ has
coordinates $(x_4,x_3,x_2,x_1,x_0)$. Evaluating the quadrics in
$\operatorname {Im}\tr M'(p)$ on the secant lines one gets quadrics
in the coordinates $x_i$ which vanish on $E$. This proves the claim.
This shows that $\widetilde V_2=\Bbb P(N_E(-2))$ and that the map to
$\Bbb P^4$ is given by $\cal O_{\Bbb P(N_E(-2))}(1)$.
By \cite[proposition V.1.2]{Hu} the twisted normal bundle $N_E(-2)$ is
indecomposable with $c_1(N_E(-2))=\cal O_E(-1)$. By Atiyah's classification
\cite{At} $N_E(-2)\cong\cal E_E$ and in particular
$\Bbb P(N_E(-2))\cong \Bbb P^2_E$. Both bundles $N_E(-2)$ and $\cal E_E$
come with an $H_5$-action which covers the same action on $E$. Since $N_E(-2)$
resp.\ $\cal E_E$ are stable, and hence simple, the two $H_5$-actions on
$N_E(-2)$ and $\cal E_E$ differ at most by a character. But since the induced
actions on the respective determinants coincide, this character must be
By construction $\cal L =\cal O_{\Bbb P(\cal E_E)}(1)$ (As a check note that
the representation of $H_5$ on both $\mathrm H^0(\cal L)$ (see proposition
\ref{P7}) and on
\mathrm H^0(\cal O_{\Bbb P(\mathrm H^0(I_E(2)))} (1))
\mathrm H^0(I_E(2))\spcheck
are in each case derived from the Schr\"odinger representation by replacing
$\varepsilon$ by $\varepsilon^2$). In any case the above argument shows
that we have an $H_5$-isomorphism between $\cal O_{\Bbb P(N_E(-2))}(1)$ and
$\cal O_{\Bbb P(\cal E)}(1)$ and we are done.
We have seen in proposition \ref{P23} (ii) that $A_0=E\times E$ is
mapped 2$:$1 by $\pi_2$ onto an elliptic quintic scroll. Since the abelian
$A_K$ and the bielliptic surfaces $B_{(a,b)}$ are numerically equivalent to
$A_0$ on $\widetilde V_2$ these surfaces must be mapped to surfaces in ${\Bbb P}^4$
of degree 10.
There is an isomorphism $\widetilde V_1\cong\Bbb P^1_{S^2E}$ such that
$f_2$ is identified with $\rho$.
$f_2\colon\widetilde V_1\to\widetilde V_2$ is the blow up of $\widetilde V_2$
in the diagonal of $D_1$ after we have identified $D_1$ with $E\times E$
via the isomorphism $\psi$. Recall also that the map $\pi_2$ is
bijective outside $D_1$ and that $\pi_2$ restricted to $E\times E$ is a
2$:$1 branched covering onto its image whose branch locus is the
diagonal of $E\times E$. The map $\rho\colon\Bbb P^1_{S^2E}\to\Bbb P^2_E$ is
the blow up of $\Bbb P^2_E$ along the diagonal of $A_0=E\times E$. In view
of our identification of $\pi_2$ with the map given by $s_0,\ldots,s_4$ it
is enough to prove the following: The map $(s_0:\ldots:s_4)$ restricted to
$A_0=E\times E$ is a 2$:$1 branched covering with branch locus the
diagonal. But this is easy to see. Recall that the curve
$\{(q,q)\in E\times E\}\subset E\times\Bbb P^2$ is mapped 9$:$1 to the
antidiagonal $\{(q,-q);\ q \in E\}$
in $A_0$. By construction of $\cal L$ this shows that the degree of $\cal L$
restricted to the antidiagonal, and hence all its translates, is 2.
Moreover the degree of $\cal L$ restricted to $A_0$ is 10. It is
well known that then $A_0$ is mapped 2$:$1 onto a quintic elliptic scroll
with branch locus the diagonal (e.g. see \cite{HL}).
We are now ready to prove that the maps $\pi_1$ and $\pi_2$ give rise to
abelian and bielliptic surfaces of degree 15, resp.\ 10. Before we do
this, we recall from lemma 5 that
A_K \cap A_0 = \{(q,r) \in E \times E;\ 3 r + 2 q = 0\}
B_{(a,b)} \cap A_0 = \{(q,r) \in E \times E;\ 3 r + 2 q = - \tau_{(a,b)}\}.
We set
E_K = A_K \cap A_0, \quad E_{(a,b)} = B_{(a,b)} \cap A_0.
Moreover, we consider the following curves on $E {\times} E$:
\Delta_p^- = \{(e,-e + p),\ e \in E\}.
Under the quotient map $E {\times} E \to S^2 E$ these curves are mapped
to the rulings of the ${\Bbb P}^1$-bundle $S^2 E$.
The curves $E_K$, resp.\ $E_{(a,b)}$, intersect the curves
$\Delta_p^-$ transversally in one point.
A point $(e,-e + p)$ lies on $E_K$ if and only if $-e + 3 p = 0$,
i.e., $e = 3 p$. Both curves are elliptic curves. Two curves on an
abelian surface which do not coincide, meet transversally. The claim
for the curve $E_{(a,b)}$ is proved in exactly the same way.
Let $A_K$ be a smooth element different from $A_0$ in the pencil
$|-K|$ on ${\Bbb P}^2_E \cong \widetilde V_2$. Then $\pi_2$ embeds $A_K$ as a
smooth abelian surface of degree 10.
The bielliptic surfaces $B_{(a,b)}$ are also embedded as surfaces of
degree 10 by the map $\pi_2$.
By proposition \ref{P23} the map $\pi_2$ is an isomorphism outside
$D_1 \cong A_0$. Hence it is sufficient to consider the intersection
$E_K = A_K \cap A_0$. We first claim that $\pi_2$ restricted to $E_K$
is injective. The map $\pi_2$ identifies points $(q,r)$ and $(r,q)$.
Assume that two such points lie on $E_K$. This implies that
3 r + 2 q = 0, \quad 3 q + 2 r = 0.
Subtracting these two equations from each other gives $q = r$, and
hence $(q,r) = (r,q)$. Finally we have to check that the differential
of $\pi_2$ restricted to $A_K$ is injective at the 25 points
$E_K \cap \Delta$. For this recall that the kernel of $d\pi_2$ along
$\Delta$ is given by the directions defined by the curves
$\Delta_p^-$. The claim follows, therefore, from lemma \ref{L27}.
The degree of the embedded surfaces is 10 by remark \ref{R27}.
The same proof goes through for the surfaces $B_{(a,b)}$.
The pencil $|-K|$ contains 4 singular elements corresponding to the 4
triangles in the Hesse pencil. These surfaces are mapped to
translation scrolls of quintic elliptic curves where the translation
parameter is a non-zero 3-torsion point.
All abelian surfaces $A_K$ are isogeneous to a product. Hence this
construction does not give the general abelian surface in ${\Bbb P}^4$. On
the other hand we get all minimal bielliptic abelian surfaces in
${\Bbb P}^4$ in this way (up to a change of coordinates).
The abelian surfaces in ${\Bbb P}^4$ which are of the form
$E {\times} F / {\Bbb Z}_3 {\times} {\Bbb Z}_3$ were studied by Barth and
Moore in \cite{BM}. By their work the pencils which we have
constructed above, are tangents to the rational sextic curve $C_6$ in
the space of Horrocks-Mumford surfaces which parametrizes
Horrocks-Mumford surfaces which are double structures on elliptic
quintic scrolls.
The involution $\iota$ of proposition \ref{P8} induces the involution
$x \mapsto -x$ on the surfaces $A_K$. The surfaces $B_{(a,b)}$ are
identified pairwise, more precisely $\iota B_{(a,b)} = B_{(-a,-b)}$.
This follows since the 8 characters $F_{(a,b)}$ are identified in this
way by the Heisenberg involution on ${\Bbb P}^2$.
Let $A_K$ be a smooth element different from $A_0$ in the pencil
$|-K|$ on ${\Bbb P}^2_E \cong \widetilde V_2$. Then the map $\pi_1$ embeds
$\tilde A_K$ as a smooth non-minimal abelian surface of degree 15 in
${\Bbb P}^4$.
The surfaces $\tilde B_{(a,b)}$ are embedded by $\pi_1$ as smooth
bielliptic surfaces of degree 15.
Again it is enough to look at the intersection of $\tilde A_K$ with
$A_0$ on ${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E} \cong \widetilde V_1$. The curves $\Delta_p^-$ are
contracted by $\pi_1$. These are the only tangent directions which
are in the kernel of the differential of $\pi_1$. Hence our claim
follows again from lemma \ref{L27}. The double point formula reads
d^2 = 10 d + 5 H K + K^2 - e.
In our case $H K = 25$, $K^2 = -25$ and $e = 25$. This leads to
d(d - 10) = 75
and the only positive solution is $d = 15$.
The claim about the bielliptic surfaces can be proved in exactly the
same way.
The degree of the surfaces $\tilde A_K$, resp.\ $\tilde B_{(a,b)}$,
can also be computed by studying the linear system which maps
$\widetilde V_1$ to ${\Bbb P}^4$. We shall come back to this.
We shall now turn our attention to the quintic hypersurfaces which contain
the surfaces $A_K$, $B_{(a,b)}$, $\tilde A_K$ and $\tilde B_{(a,b)}$.
The bielliptic surfaces $B_{(a,b)}$ lie on a unique quintic hypersurface,
namely $V_2$.
We consider the elliptic quintic scroll $S^2E\subset V_2\subset {\Bbb P}^4$.
Recall that $S^2 E$ is the quotient of $E \times E$ by the involution which
interchanges the two factors. Let $C_{p_0}$ be the section of $S^2 E$
which is the image of $\{p_0\} \times E$, resp.\ $E \times \{p_0\}$ in
$S^2 E$ where $p_0$ is the origin of $E$ which we have chosen before.
Note that the normal bundle of $C_{p_0}$ in $S^2 E$ is the degree 1 line
bundle which is given by the origin.
Let $F_{p_0}$ be the fibre over the origin of the map $S^2 E \to E$,
$\{q_1,q_2\} \mapsto q_1 + q_2$. Moreover let $H$ be the hyperplane
section of $S^2 E \subset {\Bbb P}^4$. It follows immediately from our choice
of the line bundle $\cal L$ in \ref{Par1} that
H \sim C_{p_0} + 2 F_{p_0}.
Next we consider the intersection $C_{(a,b)} = B_{(a,b)} \cap S^2 E$.
The curve $C_{(a,b)}$ is by lemma \ref{L27} a section of $S^2E$. Now
$E\times E\to S^2E$ is ramified along the diagonal and maps the curve
$E_{(a,b)}$ isomorphically to $C_{(a,b)}$ so, combining with lemma
\ref{L5}\rom{(ii)}, the intersection of $C_{(a,b)}$ with the diagonal is
twice the set $\{(p,p);\ 5p=-\tau_{(a,b)}\}$. Thus $C_{(a,b)} \equiv
In fact the intersection with the diagonal goes by the map $S^2E\to E$ to
$\{4p;\ 5p=-\tau_{(a,b)}\}$, which summed up is $\tau_{(a,b)}$. Therefore
C_{(a,b)} \sim C_{p_0} + 11 F_{p_0} + F_{(a,b)}
where $F_{(a,b)}$ is the fibre over the 3-torsion point $\tau_{(a,b)}$.
Finally recall that
K \sim - 2 C_{p_0} + F_{p_0}.
Let $Q$ be a quintic containing $B_{(a,b)}$. We first claim that $Q$ must
contain $S^2 E$. In order to see this look at the exact sequence
\cal O_{S^2 E}(5 H - C_{(a,b)})
\cal O_{S^2 E}(5 H)
\cal O_{C_{(a,b)}}(5 H)
It follows from formulas \eqref{(9)}, \eqref{(10)}, and \eqref{(11)} that
5 H - C_{(a,b)}
4 C_{p_0} - F_{p_0} - F_{(a,b)}
-2 K + (F_{p_0} - F_{(a,b)}).
It is well known that $h^0(\cal O_{S^2 E}(-2 K + F_p - F_q)) = 0$
unless $2p = 2q$ (cf. \cite{CC}). Hence $Q$ must contain $S^2 E$. We next
that $Q = V_2$. In order to see this, consider a plane on $V_2$, i.e., a
trisecant plane of $S^2 E$. Both $S^2 E$ and $B_{(a,b)}$ intersect such a
plane in different irreducible cubic curves. Since $Q$ has degree 5 it
must contain this plane and hence $V_2$. By reasons of degree this
implies $Q = V_2$.
The surfaces $A_K$ lie on 3 independent quintics. This follows
e.g.\ from the fact that $A_K$ is the zero-scheme of a section $s$ of
the Horrocks-Mumford bundle $F$ (where we normalize $F$ such that $c_1(F) =
$c_2(F) = 10$). In other words there is an exact sequence
\cal O_{{\Bbb P}_4}
The claim follows from $h^\circ(F) = 4$ (see \cite{HM}).
Note that if we replace $B_{(a,b)}$ by a surface $A_K$ in the proof of
proposition \ref{P33} we obtain $-2 K$ in formula \eqref{(11)}. Since
h^\circ(\cal O_{S^2 E}(-2 K)) = 2
this gives rise to two more elements in
\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{S^2 E}(-2 K))
which vanish along $C_K = A_K \cap S^2 E$.
These can be lifted to $H_5$-invariant quintics in ${\Bbb P}^4$. It is then easy
to check that any $H_5$-invariant quintic which contains $C_K$ must contain
$A_K$. (Look at the intersection of the quintic with the cubic curves on
$A_K$. Unless the quintic contains these curves, this would split up into
two $H_5$-orbits of length 9 and 6 resp., a contradiction).
In this way one can also prove the existence of 3 independent quintics
through the surfaces $A_K$.
We now turn our attention to the degree 15 surfaces.
\rom{(i)} The non-minimal abelian surfaces $\tilde A_K$ lie on exactly
three quintic hypersurfaces. They are linked $(5,5)$ to translation
\par\noindent\rom{(ii)} The non-minimal bielliptic surfaces
$\tilde B_{(a,b)}$ lie on a unique quintic hypersurface, namely $V_1$.
\rom{(i)} Let $\bar H_1$ be the hyperplane section on ${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E}$
given by the map $\pi_1\colon {\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E} \to V_1 \subset {\Bbb P}^4$. Let
$\bar C_{p_0}$, resp.\ $\bar F_{p_0}$ be the fibres over the curves
$C_{p_0}$, resp.\ $F_{p_0}$ in $S^2 E$ with respect to the map
${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E} \to S^2 E$. The classes $\bar H_1$, $\bar C_{p_0}$ and
$\bar F_{p_0}$ generate the Neron-Severi group of ${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E}$.
Under $\pi_1$ the surface $\bar F_{p_0}$ is mapped isomorphically to a
cubic scroll, while $\bar C_{p_0}$ is mapped birationally to the cone
over an elliptic curve of degree 4 in ${\Bbb P}^3$ with vertex in the
origin $p_0$ of the elliptic curve in ${\Bbb P}^4$ for which $V_1$ is the
secant variety. Thus we get the following intersection numbers:
$\bar H_1^3 = 5$,
$\bar H_1^2 \bar C_{p_0} = 4$,
$\bar H_1^2 \bar F_{p_0} = 3$,
$\bar H_1 \bar C_{p_0} \bar F_{p_0} = \bar H_1 \bar C_{p_0}^2 = 1$
\bar C_{p_0}^2 \bar F_{p_0}
\bar C_{p_0} \bar F_{p_0}^2
\bar H_1 \bar F_{p_0}^2
\bar F_{p_0}^3
\bar C_{p_0}^3
The exceptional divisor $X = E_\Delta$ is a section of the ${\Bbb P}^1$-bundle
${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E}$. Under $\pi_1$ it is mapped birationally onto a ruled
surface of degree 15. From this information it is easy to compute that
numerically $X \equiv \bar H_1 - 2 \bar C_{p_0} + 6 \bar F_{p_0}$. It is
also straightforward to check that for the canonical divisor
$K \equiv -2 \bar H_1 + \bar C_{p_0} + 2 \bar F_{p_0}$. In fact we claim
that these equalities are also true with respect to linear equivalence.
It is enough to check this on a section of the composite
projection ${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E} \to S^2 E \to E$.
We consider the curve $D = X \cap D_1 = X \cap (E \times E)$. On
$E \times E$ this is the diagonal by proposition \ref{P19}. Using the
projection ${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E} \to S^2 E$ we can identify the section $X$ with
$S^2 E$. Then by \cite[lemma IV.4.4]{Hu} we have
$D \sim C_{p_0} + 12 f_{p_0}$ on $X$. Since $X$ is mapped to a ruled
surface of degree 15 we have $\bar H_1|_X \equiv C_{p_0} + 7 F_{p_0}$.
Since $D$ is mapped by multiplication with $-2$ four to one onto the
elliptic curve $E$ and since $E$ is embedded by $|5 p_0|$ we have in fact
that this equality also holds with respect to linear equivalence. We also
note that $X$ restricted to $D$ is trivial. This follows since $X$
restricted to $A_0$ is $D$ and since the normal bundle of $D$ in $A_0$ is
trivial. Hence in order to check that
X \sim \bar H_1 - 2 \bar C_{p_0} + 6 \bar F_{p_0}
it is enough to prove that the restriction of
$\bar H_1 - 2 \bar C_{p_0} + 6 \bar F_{p_0}$ to $D$ is trivial. This
follows from
(-C_{p_0} + 13 F_{p_0}) (C_{p_0} + 12 p_0) \sim 0
which has to be read as an equality of divisors on $D \cong E$.
Next we want to prove that
K \sim -2 \bar H_1 + \bar C_{p_0} + 2 \bar F_{p_0}.
We know that $(K + X)|_D \sim K_X|_D \sim -25 p_0$. The first is the
adjunction formula, the second follows from
(-2 C_{p_0} + F_{p_0}) (C_{p_0} + 12 F_{p_0}) \sim -25 p_0.
Since $X|_D \sim 0$ it is now enough to show that
$-2 \bar H_1 + \bar C_{p_0} + 2 \bar F_{p_0}$ restricted to $D$ is
linearly equivalent to $-25 p_0$. This follows from
(-C_{p_0} - 12 F_{p_0}) ( C_{p_0} + 12 F_{p_0}) \sim -25 p_0.
Hence we have proved that
\bar X \sim \bar H_1 - 2 \bar C_{p_0} + 6 \bar F_{p_0},
K \sim -2 \bar H_1 + \bar C_{p_0} + 2 \bar F_{p_0}.
Since $A_K$ is anticanonical on ${\Bbb P}^2_E$ we get that
\tilde A_K
-K + X
\sim 3
\bar H_1 - 3 \bar C_{p_0} + 4 \bar F_{p_0}
Furthermore $-K \sim D_1$, and $D_1$ is contracted under $\pi_1$ to the
curve $E$. Since twice the anticanonical divisor on $S^2 E$ moves in a
pencil it follows that also $4 \bar C_{p_0} - 2 \bar F_{p_0}$ moves in a
pencil on ${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E}$. Note that
5 \bar H_1
-K + \tilde A_K + (4 \bar C_{p_0} - 2 \bar F_{p_0}).
The members of the pencil $(4 \bar C_{p_0} - 2 \bar F_{p_0})$ on
${\Bbb P}^1_{S^2 E}$ are mapped to the translation scrolls of $E$. Take such a
translation scroll (which is not a quintic elliptic scroll). Then it is a
Horrocks-Mumford surface (cf. \cite{Hu2}, \cite{BHM}) and hence lies on three
quintics of which $V_1$ is one. We can choose a pencil of quintics through
such a scroll which does not contain $V_1$. All these quintics contain $E$.
They cut out a pencil of residual surfaces and it follows from \eqref{(13)}
that this is just the pencil formed by the surfaces $\tilde A_K$. Hence
every such surface is linked $(5,5)$ to a translation scroll $S$. Now
consider the well known liaison sequence (cf.\ \cite{PS}):
I_{S \cup \tilde A_K}(5)
I_{\tilde A_K}(5)
We have $h^\circ(I_{S \cup \tilde A_K}(5)) = 2$,
$h^1(I_{S \cup \tilde A_K}(5)) = 0$. Since $S$ is a a Horrocks-Mumford
surface $\omega_S = \cal O_S$ and hence $h^\circ(\omega_S) = 1$. It follows
$h^\circ(I_{\tilde A_K}(5)) = 3$.
Now consider a bielliptic surface $\tilde B_{(a,b)}$. If
$\tilde B_{(a,b)}$ lies on two quintics, it would be linked to a surface
$T$ in the numerical equivalence class of
$4 \bar C_{p_0} - 2 \bar F_{p_0}$. Since $3 \tilde B_{(a,b)}$ is linearly
equivalent to $3 \tilde A_K$, we must have that $3 T$ is linearly
equivalent to $3 (4 \bar C_{p_0} - 2 \bar F_{p_0})$ while $T$ is not
linearly equivalent to $4 \bar C_{p_0} - 2 \bar F_{p_0}$. But in this
numerical equivalence class the only effective divisors are the pencil
$(4 \bar C_{p_0} - 2 \bar F_{p_0})$ and the three divisors
$4 \bar C_{p} - \bar F_{p_0} - \bar F_\tau$ where $\tau$ is a non-trivial
2-torsion point.
At this point we would like to say a few more words about liaison. As said
before, the space $\Gamma(F)$ of sections of the Horrocks-Mumford bundle has
dimension 4. The three-dimensional space ${\Bbb P} \Gamma = {\Bbb P}(\Gamma(F))$
parametrizes the Horrocks-Mumford (\rom{HM}) surfaces $X_s = \{s = 0\}$
where $0 \ne s \in \Gamma(F)$. The space of Heisenberg
invariant quintics is related to $\Gamma(F)$ via the isomorphism
\Lambda^2 \Gamma(F) \cong \Gamma_{H_5}(\cal O_{{\Bbb P}^4}(5))
given by the natural map
\Lambda^2 \Gamma(F)
\Gamma(\Lambda^2 F)
\Gamma(\cal O_{{\Bbb P}^4}(5))
{\Bbb P}_{H_5}^5
{\Bbb P}(\Gamma_{H_5}(\cal O_{{\Bbb P}^4}(5)))
{\Bbb P}(\Lambda^2 \Gamma(F)).
In ${\Bbb P}_{H_5}^5$ we consider the Pl\"ucker quadric $G = G(1,3)$ of
decomposable tensors.
If $X_{s_0} = \{s_0 = 0\}$ is a \rom{HM}-surface, then
\Gamma(I_{X_{s_0}}(5)) = \{s_0 \wedge s;\ s \in \Gamma(F)\}.
This defines a ${\Bbb P}^2$ of decomposable tensors. In $G = G(1,3)$ this is an
$\alpha$-plane, i.e., a plane of lines through one point. In this way we
get a bijection between ${\Bbb P}\Gamma$ and the set of all $\alpha$-planes in
Now consider a line in an $\alpha$-plane, i.e., a pencil of quintics
spanned by quintics of the form $s_0 \wedge s_1$ and $s_0 \wedge s_2$. This
give rise to a complete intersection
Y_1 \cap Y_2 = X_{s_0} \cup X'
where $X'$ is of degree 15. By the liaison sequence which we have already
used before, we find that $h^\circ(I_{X'}(5)) = 3$. The space of quintics
is spanned by $s_0 \wedge s_1$, $s_0 \wedge s_2$ and $s_1 \wedge s_2$. To
see that $s_1 \wedge s_2$ is contained in this space consider
$X' \sm X_{s_0}$. At these points $s_0$ does not vanish and $s_1$ and $s_2$
are linearly dependent of $s_0$. It follows that $s_1 \wedge s_2 = 0$.
Hence all quintics through $X'$ are in particular $H_5$-invariant and the
space of these quintics is a $\beta$-plane in $G$, i.e., a ${\Bbb P}^2$ of lines
which lie in a fixed plane in ${\Bbb P}^3$.
Let $\tilde A_K$ be one of our non-minimal degree 15 abelian surfaces.
By proposition \ref{P35} the surface $\tilde A_K$ is linked to a
translation scroll. Hence it defines a $\beta$-plane in $G$. For every line
in this plane there exists exactly one $\alpha$-plane intersecting the
$\beta$-plane in this line. Hence every such line gives rise to liaison
with an \rom{HM}-surface. In this way $\tilde A_K$ is linked to a
2-dimensional family of \rom{HM}-surfaces. This 2-dimensional family is
parametrized by a linear ${\Bbb P}^2$ in ${\Bbb P} \Gamma$. Since the singular
\rom{HM}-surfaces form an irreducible surface of degree 10 \cite{BM} in
${\Bbb P} \Gamma$, it follows in particular that $\tilde A_K$ is linked to
smooth abelian surfaces.
We want to conclude this paragraph with a short discussion of the
6-secants of the surfaces $A_K$ and $B_{(a,b)}$. The 6-secants of the
surfaces $A_K$ are exactly the 25 Horrocks-Mumford lines \cite{HM}.
The 6-secant formula from \cite{L} shows that the surfaces $B_{(a,b)}$
either also have 25 6-secants or infinitely many. In fact there are exactly
25 6-secants and we shall now describe them. First note that every 6-secant
of $B_{(a,b)}$ must lie in one of the planes of $V_2$ (it must be contained
in $V_2$ by reasons of degree and since the base of the bundle ${\Bbb P}^2_E$ is
elliptic, it must be in one of the fibres). Now fix a point $e \in E$ and
let $f=f_{2}\! \! \shortmid_{\Sigma^{1}_{e}}$ be the blowing down map
$\Sigma_e^1 \to {\Bbb P}_e^2$. If we interpret
$\Sigma_e^1$ as a cubic scroll in ${\Bbb P}^4$, then $\Sigma_e^1$ consists of
the secants of the elliptic quintic curve $E$ joining points $p$ and $q$ with
$p + q = e$. We denote this curve by $E_e \subset \Sigma_e^1$. The map
$f\colon \Sigma_e^1 \to {\Bbb P}_e^2 \subset {\Bbb P}^4$ is given by the linear
system $|X_e + l|$ where $l$ are the fibres of the ${\Bbb P}^1$-bundle
$\Sigma_e^1$ and $X_e$ is the exceptional line. By what we have said
before, we have $l \cap E_e = \{p,q\}$ with $p + q = e$. One also computes
easily that $X_e \cap E_e = \{-2 e\}$ where we consider $-2 e$ as a point
on $E_e$. It follows that the map $f$ is given by the linear system
$(-2 e) + e + p_0 \sim 5 p_0 - 2 e_0$ on $E_e$ where $2 e_0 = e$.
The composite $\pi_{2} \circ f_{2}$ maps both curves $E_{e}$ and
$\iota' E_{e} \subset E\times E$ onto the same plane cubic curve in ${\Bbb P}^{4}$.
When considering the change of coordinates $\psi_2$ followed by the involution
interchanging the factors on $E\times E$, $E_{e}$ is mapped to the first
while $\iota 'E_{e}$ is mapped to the second factor. Therefore, by lemma
\ref{L5} (ii), the intersection $\tilde B_{(a,b)} \cap \iota' (E_{e})$ consists
of the points $\{(p,-p-e);\ 2p=e-\tau_{(a,b)}\}$. These have the same image on
the scroll as the points $p$ on $E_{e}$ with $2p=e-\tau_{(a,b)}$.
These are the points $p_i = e_0 + \tau_{(a,b)} + \tau_i$, where
the $\tau_i$, $i=0,1,2,3$, are the 2-torsion points with $\tau_0 = p_0$.
The points $f(p_i)$, $i=1,2,3$, are collinear if and only if
$\sum_{i = 1}^3 p_i + 2 e_0 = p_0$ which is equivalent to $5 e_0 = p_0$,
i.e., $e_0$ is a 5-torsion point on $E$. In this case we also get
$e_0 = -4 e_0 = -2 e \in X_e \cap E_e$. Hence for $e$ a 5-torsion point on
$E$ the line through these 3 points intersects $B_{(a,b)}$ in addition in
3 points on its plane cubic in ${\Bbb P}_e^2$, hence is a 6-secant. The above
discussion also shows that there are only finitely many 6-secants, and
hence we have found them all.
\section{Cremona transformations}\label{Par3}
In this paragraph we want to explain how the abelian, resp.\ bielliptic
surfaces of degree 15 can be constructed via Cremona transformations.
It is known that the quadrics through an elliptic quintic curve
$E \subset {\Bbb P}^4$ define a Cremona transformation
$\Phi\colon {\Bbb P}^4 \mathrel{\dashrightarrow} {\Bbb P}^4$ \cite{Sem}. Via $\Phi$ the secant variety
of $E$ is mapped to a quintic elliptic scroll $S^2 E$ in ${\Bbb P}^4$. The
locus of $\Phi$ is mapped to the trisecant variety of this scroll. The
cubics through the quintic elliptic scroll $S^2 E$ define the inverse of
$\Phi$. Under $\Phi^{-1}$ the trisecant variety of $S^2 E$ is mapped to
$E$, while the exceptional divisor is mapped to the secant variety of $E$.
We refer to \cite{Sem} for details on the geometry of this transformation.
We consider the scroll $S^2 E$ whose trisecant variety equals $V_2$. On
$S^2 E$ there exist three elliptic 2-sections $E_i$, $i=1,2,3$, such that
$S^2 E$ is the translation scroll of $E_i$ defined by a non-zero 2-torsion
point $p_i$. Let $\widetilde V_2 \cong {\Bbb P}^2_E$ be the desingularization of
$V_2$. Then the curves
\Delta_i = \{(e + p_i,e);\ e \in E\} \subset A_0 \cong E \times E
are mapped 2$:$1 to the elliptic curves $E_i$. Let
$\Delta_E \subset A_0 \cong E \times E$ be the diagonal. Let $\bar H_2$ be the
line bundle on $\widetilde V_2$ given by the map
$\pi_2\colon \widetilde V_2 \to V_2 \subset {\Bbb P}^4$.
Next consider the isomorphism
\phi_i\colon E \times {\Bbb P}^2 &\to E \times {\Bbb P}^2 \\
(e,x) &\mapsto (e + p_i,x).
This commutes with the diagonal action of ${\Bbb Z}_3 \times {\Bbb Z}_3$ on
$E \times {\Bbb P}^2$ and hence induces an isomorphism
\tilde\phi_i\colon \widetilde V_2 \to \widetilde V_2
which maps $\Delta_E$ to $\Delta_i$. Note also that $\tilde\phi_i$ maps the
surfaces $A_K$, resp.\ $B_{(a,b)}$ to themselves. Recall that $\widetilde V_1$
is the blow-up of $\widetilde V_2$ along $\Delta_E$. Let $\widetilde V_1^{(i)}$
the blow-up of $\widetilde V_2$ along $\Delta_i$. Then $\tilde\phi_i$ induces
an isomorphism
\bar\phi_i\colon \widetilde V_1 \to \widetilde V_1^{(i)}
such that the diagram
\widetilde V_1 @>\bar\phi_i>> \widetilde V_1^{(i)} \\
@V\rho VV @VV\rho^{(i)}V \\
\widetilde V_2 @>\tilde\phi_i>> \widetilde V_2
commutes where the vertical maps are the blowing down maps. $X$ is the
exceptional locus of $\rho$. Let $X_i$ be the exceptional loci of the maps
$\rho^{(i)}$. By abuse of notation we denote the pullback of
$\bar H_2$ by $\rho$ also by $\bar H_2$. We denote the pullback of
$\bar H_2$ by $\rho^{(i)}$ by $\bar H_2^{(i)}$. The Cremona transformation
defined by the quadrics through $E_i$ gives rise to the linear system
$|2\bar H_2^{(i)} - X_i|$ on $\widetilde V_1^{(i)}$. Note that
(\bar\phi_i)^* (2\bar H_2^{(i)} - X_i)
\rho^*(\tilde\phi_i)^*(2 \bar H_2) - X
2 \bar H_2 - X.
The latter follows since $\bar H_2$ restricted to $\Delta_E$ has degree 10
and this implies that translation by a 2-torsion point leaves the linear
equivalence class invariant.
$\bar H_1 \sim 2 \bar H_2 - X$.
We first claim that $\bar H_1 \equiv 2 \bar H_2 - X$. The N\'eron-Severi
group of $\widetilde V_1$ is generated by $\bar H_2$, $X$ and $\Sigma^1$
where $\Sigma^1$ denotes the class of a fibre of $\widetilde V_1 \to E$.
Restriction to such a fibre implies immediately that
$\bar H_1 \equiv \alpha \Sigma^1 + 2 \bar H_2 - X$.
To compute $\alpha$ we use $\bar H_1^3 = 5$. Since $(\Sigma^1)^2 = 0$
this implies
5 = 9 \alpha + (2 \bar H_2 - X)^3.
Now $\bar H_2^2\cdot X=0$, and $\bar H_2\cdot X^2=-10$, since $X$
is blown down to the diagonal $\Delta_E\subset A_0$ and $\Delta_E\cdot\bar
On the other hand $X^3=-25$ from our computations in the proof of
proposition \ref{P35}, thus $\alpha =0$ as claimed. In order to prove the
proposition it is now enough to consider the restriction of $\bar H_1$,
resp.\ $2 \bar H_2 - X$ to the section $D$ which we have already used in
the proof of proposition \ref{P35}. Via $\rho$ the curves $D$ and
$\Delta_E$ are identified. We know that $\bar H_1$ restricted to $D$ is
linearly equivalent to $20 p_0$. On the other hand $\bar H_2$ restricted
to $\Delta_E$ is linearly equivalent to $10 p_0$ (this can be seen e.g.\ by
using proposition \ref{P19} and the construction of the line bundle
$\cal L$). We also have already seen in the proof of proposition
\ref{P35} that the restriction of $X$ to $D$ is trivial. This proves the
The map $\pi_1\colon \widetilde V_1 \to V_1$ is given by the complete linear
system $|\bar H_1| = |2 \bar H_2 - X|$.
We have to show that the (affine) dimension of the linear system
$|2 \bar H_2 - X|$ is five. We consider the exact sequence
\cal O_{\widetilde V_1}(2 \bar H_2 - A_0 - X)
\cal O_{\widetilde V_1}(2 \bar H_2 - X)
\cal O_{A_0}(2 \bar H_2 - \Delta_E)
Since $(2H_2-A_0-X)\cdot H_2\cdot\Sigma^1 =-1$ it follows that
$h^\circ( \cal O_{\widetilde V_1}(2 \bar H_2 - A_0 - X)) =0$. Hence we have
the inclusion
\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{\widetilde V_1}(2 \bar H_2 - X))
\mathrm H^\circ(\cal O_{A_0}(2 \bar H_2 - \Delta_E)).
The linear system $|2 \bar H_2 - \Delta_E|$ restricted to $A_0$ has degree
0 on the curves $\{(p,-p + e);\ p \in E\}$ and degree 5 on the curves
$\{(e,p);\ p \in E\}$. It follows that
$h^\circ(\cal O_{A_0}(2 \bar H_2 - \Delta_E)) = 5$ and this proves the
The hyperplane bundle of $\tilde A_K$ is of the form
$2 H' - \sum_{i = 1}^{25} E_i$ where $H'$ is a polarization of type
$(1,5)$ on the minimal model of $\tilde A_K$.
Immediately from proposition \ref{P37}.
1993-04-09T17:12:04 | 9303 | alg-geom/9303005 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9303005 | [
] | alg-geom/9303005 | Roberto Paoletti | Roberto Paoletti | Free pencils on divisors | 18 pages, amslatex | null | null | null | null | Let X be a smooth projective variety defined over an algebraically closed
field, and let Y in X be a reduced and irreducible ample divisor in X. We give
a numerical sufficient condition for a base point free pencil on $Y$ to be the
restriction of a base point free pencil on $X$. This result is then extended to
families of pencils and to morphisms to arbitrary smooth curves. Serrano had
already studied this problem in the case n=2 and 3, and Reider had then
attacked it in the case $n=2$ using vector bundle methods based on Bogomolov's
instability theorem on a surface (char(k)=0). The argument given here is based
on Bogomolov's theorem on an n-dimensional variety, and on its recent
adaptations to the setting of prime charachterstic (due to Shepherd-Barron and
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 28 Mar 1993 21:29:31 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 9 Apr 1993 15:12:29 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
] | alg-geom | \section{\bf {Introduction}}
In algebraic geometry, it is rather typical that the
embedding of a variety $Y$ in another variety
$X$ forces strong constraints on the existence of free linear
series on $Y$.
For example, a classical result in plane curve theory states
the gonality of a smooth plane curve of degree $d$ is $d-1$
It is then natural to
look for general statements of this flavor.
One particular case, which is quite well understood, is
the one where $Y$ is a divisor in $X$.
This problem has been studied by several researchers.
In particular,
a wide range of situations is dealt with by the following
result of Sommese (\cite{so:amp}):
\begin{thm}{(Sommese)} Let $Y\subset X$ be
an irreducible smooth ample divisor
and let $\phi :Y@>>>B$ be a morphism
onto another projective manifold.
If $\dim (Y)\ge \dim (B)+2$ then $\phi$ extends to a morphism
$\psi :X@>>>B$.
(\cite{se:ext}) then studied the case where $B$ is a smooth curve
and $\dim (X)=2$ or $3$. Namely, he proved
the two following theorems:
Let $C$ be an irreducible smooth curve
contained in a smooth surface $S$. Suppose that there exists
a morphism $\phi :C@>>>\bold P^1$ of degree $d$.
If $C^2>(d+1)^2$, then there exists
a morphism $\psi :S@>>>\bold P^1$ extending
Let $X$ be a smooth projective threefold, and let $S\subset X$
be a smooth very ample surface.
Let $\phi :S@>>>\bold P^1$ be a morphism with connected
Let $g(F)$ be the arithmetic genus of a fiber and
set $d=F\cdot S$.
If $S^3>(d+1)^2$ and
$dim H^0(X,\cal O_X(S))\ge 3d+3+2g(F)$,
then $\phi$ extends to a morphism $\psi :X@>>>\bold P^1$.
Actually, Serrano proves more, in the sense that he shows how
these statements imply analogous ones with $\bold P^1$ replaced
by a general smooth curve $B$, and he can also replace
the above numerical conditions by weaker ones if $S+K_X$ is
a numerically even divisor.
His argument is based on Miyaoka's vanishing theorem combined with
a refinement of Bompieri's method.
Serrano applies the above results and methods to the
study of the ampleness of the adjoint divisor.
On the other hand, in a celebrated theorem
Reider \cite{re:vbls} has shown how adjunction
problems on surfaces can be exaustively studied using vector
bundle methods. His argument is based on an application
of Bogomolov's instability theorem.
Reider himself has also given a proof along these lines
of a statement close to Serrano's theorem for surfaces (\cite{re:app}).
Also in light of Serrano's result for threefolds,
it is therefore reasonable to expect that
of this type should
be applicable to obtain some more general statement about
the extension of linear series on a divisor.
Our result in this direction is the following:
Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold,
and let $Y\subset X$ be a reduced irreducible divisor. If
$n\ge 3$ assume that $Y$ is ample, and if $n=2$ assume
that $Y^2>0$ (so that in particular it is at least nef).
Let $\phi :Y@>>>\bold P^1$ be a morphism, and let $F$ denote
the numerical class of a fiber.
(i) If
$$F\cdot Y^{n-2}<\sqrt {Y^n}-1,$$
then there exists a morphism $\psi :X@>>>\bold P^1$
extending $\phi$. Furthermore, the restriction
$$H^0(X,\psi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1))@>>>
H^0(Y,\phi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1))$$
is injective. In particular, $\psi$ is linearly normal if
$\phi$ is.
(ii) If
$$F\cdot Y^{n-2}=\sqrt {Y^n}-1$$
and $Y^n\neq 4$, then either there exists an
extension $\psi :X@>>>\bold P^1$ of $\phi$, or else
we can find an effective divisor
$D$ on $X$ such that
$(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2=(D^2\cdot Y^{n-2})Y^n$ and
$D\cdot Y^{n-1}=\sqrt {Y^n}$,
and an inclusion
$$\phi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1)\subset \cal O_Y(D).$$
When applied to $n=2$ and $n=3$, this gives the
above statements of Serrano.
However, the hypothesis are weaker, because we are
not requiring $Y$ to be smooth
and we don't need the assumption about
the number of sections of $\cal O_X(Y)$.
Besides, we don't require $Y$ to be very ample (unlike
Serrano's statement for $n=3$).
We have furthermore a
description of what happens in the boundary situation; for example,
$(d+1)^2=C^2$ is the case of a minimal pencil on a smooth plane curve
(of degree $d+1$).
With respect to Reider's result on surfaces,
the assumption that $Y^2\ge 19$ and that $Y$ be smooth is
not necessary. The above furthermore shows that
conclusion (a) in Proposition 2.15
of \cite{re:app} always occurs for $f<\sqrt {Y^2}-1$
(just take the Stein factorization of $X@>>>\bold P^1$), and
therefore the other possibilities
can only occur in the boundary case (ii).
This in turn gives more information about this
For example, comparison with Reider's theorem shows that
when $f=\sqrt {Y^2}-1$,
under the additional hypothesis that the curve $Y$ be smooth and $Y^2\ge 19$,
if $\cal O_X(D)$ is not base point free then
it has exactly one base point.
As to $n\ge 4$, this is clearly weaker than Sommese's result except
that we are not requiring $Y$ to be smooth.
The argument provides a direct geometric construction of the extension,
as follows. If we let $A=\phi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1)$,
$V=\phi ^{*}H^0(\bold P^1,\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1))$, we can define
a rank two vector bundle $\cal F$ by the exactness of the sequence
$$0@>>>\cal F@>>>V\otimes \cal O_X@>>>A@>>>0.$$
In light of Bogomolov's instability theorem on a
$n$-dimensional variety,
the given numerical assumption implies that $\cal F$ is Bogomolov
unstable with respect to $Y$, and so we have a saturated destabilzing
line bundle $\cal L\subset \cal F$. Then $\cal L=\cal O_X(-D)$ for
some effective divisor on $X$, and hence we are reduced to arguing that
the numerology forces $D$ to move in a base point free pencil.
Using the relative version of the Harder-Narashiman filtration
(\cite{fl}) this concrete description can be adapted to families of
morphisms, and one can also prove a more general statement about
morphisms to arbitrary smooth curves.
Finally, using recent results of Moriwaki concerning
a version of the Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality
in prime charachteristic, the above statements can be generalized to
varieties defined
over a field of charachteristic $p$.
This paper covers part of the content of my Phd thesis at
I want to thank Robert Lazarsfeld, my advisor, for introducing me to
Algebraic Geometry and taking continuous interest in my progress.
I am also endebted to a number of people for valuable comments
and discussions; among them D. Gieseker, M. Green
and especially A. Moriwaki.
\section{\bf {Instability of rank two bundles}}
In this section we collect
some statements about instability of rank two vector
bundles on a smooth projective manifold.
References in this direction are,
for example, \cite{bo:st}, \cite{gi}
and \cite{mi:cc}. For the statements in charachteristic $p$,
we shall be using results from \cite{mo:fpb}.
Let us first assume $char(k)=0$. We shall keep this
convention until otherwise stated.
The basic result is given by the Bogomolov-Gieseker
inequality for semistable bundles:
Let $S$ be a smooth projective surface, and let $\cal
E$ be a rank two vector bundle on $X$ with Chern
classes $c_1(\cal E)$ and $c_2(\cal E)$.
If $H$ is any polarization and $\cal E$ is $H$-semistable,
then $c_1(\cal E)^2-4c_2(\cal E)\le 0$.
\begin{defn} Let $X$ be any projective $n$-dimensional
manifold and let $\cal E$ be a rank two vector bundle
on $X$. Let $c_i(\cal E)\in A^i(X)$ be the Chern classes
of $\cal E$, $i=1$ and $2$.
Define the {\it discriminant of $\cal E$} as
$$\Delta (\cal E)=c_1(\cal E)^2-4c_2(\cal E)\in A^2(X).$$
\begin{lem} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold
and fix a polarization $H$ on $X$.
Consider a rank two vector bundle $\cal E$ on $X$
which is $H$-unstable. Suppose that $\cal L_1,\cal L_2
\subset \cal E$ are line bundles and set $e=deg_H(\cal E)$,
$l_1=deg_H(\cal L_1)$ and $l_2=deg_H(\cal L_2)$.
Suppose that $2l_i>e$, $i=1,2$ and that
$\cal L_2$ is saturated in $\cal E$.
Then $\cal L_1\subset \cal L_2$.
{\it Proof.} Set $l=min\{l_1,l_2\}$. By assumption, we have
$2l>e$. Let
$$\cal Q=:\cal E/\cal L_2.$$
Then $\cal Q$ is a torsion free sheaf on $X$.
If $\cal L_1\not\subset \cal L_2$, then the induced morphism
$\cal L_1@>>>\cal Q$ is not identically zero, and therefore
it is generically nonzero.
This implies that the obvious morphism of vector bundles
$$\cal L_1\oplus \cal L_2@>>>\cal E$$
is generically surjective. Hence the line bundle
$\wedge ^2\cal E\otimes \cal L_1^{-1}\otimes \cal L_2^{-1}$
is effective, and therefore
$$e\ge l_1+l_2\ge 2l,$$
a contradiction.
\begin{rem} The above argument still works if $2l_1\ge e$.
\begin{cor} Let $\cal E$ be an $H$-unstable rank two vector
bundle on $X$. If $\cal L\subset \cal E$ is a saturated
destabilizing line bundle, then it is the maximal
$H$-destabilizing line bundle of $\cal E$.
$\cal L$ contains any $H$-destabilizing line bundle of $\cal E$.
\begin{defn} Let $S$ be a smooth projective surface, and let
$N^1(S)$ be the vector space of all numerical equivalence classes of
divisors on $S$. The positive cone $K^{+}(S)\subset N^1(S)$
is described by the equations $D^2>0$ and $D\cdot H>0$ for some
(and hence for all) polarizations $H$ on $S$.
If we apply this to the situation of Bogomolov's theorem, we have
\begin{cor} Let $S$ be a smooth projective surface and let $\cal
E$ be a rank two vector bundle on $S$ with $\Delta (\cal E)>0$.
Then there exists a sequence
$$0@>>>A@>>>\cal E@>>>\cal B\otimes \cal J_Z@>>>0,$$
where $Z\subset S$ is local complete intersection codimension
two subscheme and $A$ and $B$ are line bundles on $S$ such that
$A-B\in K^{+}(S)$. Furthermore, $A$ is the maximal destabilizing
line bundle of $\cal E$ with respect to any polarization on $X$.
{\it Proof.} Fix any polarization $H$ on $S$. Since
$\cal E$ is $H$-unstable, there is an exact sequence
$$0@>>>A@>>>\cal E@>>>B\otimes \cal J_Z@>>>0$$
where $A$ is the maximal destabilizing subsheaf of $\cal E$,
and in particular it is saturated.
Hence we have $(A-B)\cdot H>0$. On the other hand, since
$c_1(\cal E)=A+B$ and $c_2(\cal E)=A\cdot B+[Z]$, we also have
$$0<\Delta (\cal E)=(A+B)^2-4A\cdot B-4deg([Z])\le (A-B)^2.$$
This implies $A-B\in K^{+}(S)$, and therefore
$A$ strictly destabilizes $\cal E$ with respect to any polarization
on $S$. On the other hand, being saturated, it then has to
be the maximal destabilizing subsheaf of $\cal E$ with respect to
any polarization on $X$.
We now want to generalize the above results to higher dimensional
We start by recalling the following fundamental result of
Mumford-Mehta-Ramanathan (cfr \cite{mi:cc}):
\begin{thm} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold, and let
$H$ be a polarization on $X$.
Suppose that $\cal E$ is a vector bundle on $X$. If $m\gg 0$,
and $Y\in |mH|$ is general, then the maximal destabilizing
subsheaf of $\cal E|_Y$ is the restriction to $Y$ of the
maximal destabilizing subsheaf of $\cal E$.
\begin{rem} By the {\it maximal destabilizing subsheaf} of $\cal E$
one means the first term $\cal E_1$ of the Harder-Narashiman filtration
of $\cal E$.
If $\cal E$ is semistable,
$\cal E_1=\cal E$.
We generalize definition 1.3 as follows:
\begin{defn} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold, and let
$H$ be a polarization on $X$. Denote by $N^1(X)$ the vector space
of all numerical equivalence classes of divisors on $X$.
Then the {\it $H$-positive cone} $K^{+}(X,H)\subset N^1(X)$
is described by the equations $D^2\cdot H^{n-2}>0$ and $D\cdot
H^{n-1}>0$. Note that this implies $D\cdot H^{n-2}\cdot L>0$ for
any other polarization $L$ on $X$.
We then have:
\begin{thm} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold and let $H$
be a fixed polarization on $X$. Consider a rank two vector bundle $\cal E$
on $X$ of discriminant $\Delta (\cal E)$. If
$\Delta (\cal E)\cdot H^{n-2}>0$, then
there exists an exact sequence
$$0@>>>\cal A@>>>\cal E@>>>\cal B\otimes \cal J_W@>>>0$$
where $W\subset X$ is a (possibly empty) codimension two
local complete intersection subscheme, and $\cal A$ and $\cal B$ are
line bundles on $X$ such that $\cal A-\cal B\in K^{+}(X,H)$.
{\it Proof.} For $n=2$, this is
the content of Corollary \ref{cor:devissage2}.
For $n\ge 3$,
let $V\in |mH|$ be general, with $m\gg 0$.
We may assume that $V$ is a smooth irreducible surface,
and that the maximal $H$-destabilizing subsheaf of $\cal E|_S$
is the restriction of the maximal $H$-destabilizing subsheaf of
$\cal E$ (Theorem \ref{thm:mumera}). By the hypothesis,
$$\Delta (\cal E|_S)=\Delta (\cal E)\cdot mH>0.$$
Therefore, by induction $\cal E|_V$ is Bogomolov-unstable
with respect to $H|_V$,
and so there exists an exact sequence
$$0@>>> A@>>>\cal E@>>> B\otimes \cal J_Z@>>>0,$$
satisfying the conclusions of theorem 1.1.
Furthermore, by the above there is $\cal A\subset \cal E$
such that $\cal A|_S=A$. Being normal of rank one, $\cal A$ is
a line bundle.
\begin{rem} Note the inequality $(\cal A-\cal B)^2
\cdot H^{n-2}\ge \Delta (\cal E)\cdot H^{n-2}$.
Let $X$ be a smooth $n$-dimensional projective variety, and
let $H$ be an line bundle on $X$.
Consider a rank two vector bundle $\cal E$ on $X$.
We shall say that $\cal E$ is {\it Bogomolov-unstable} with respect
to $H$ if there exists a line bundle $\cal L\subset
\cal E$ such that $2c_1(\cal L)-c_1(\cal E)\in K^{+}(X,H)$.
Hence Theorem \ref{thm:main} can be rephrased by saying that if
$\Delta (\cal E)\cdot H^{n-2}>0$, then $\cal E$ is Bogomolov-unstable
with respect to $H$.
Let us now come to the case of positive charachteristic.
The basic result is given here by Moriwaki's generalization
of the Bogomolov-Gieseker inequality (\cite{mo:fpb}).
Before stating his theorem, we need the following:
\begin{defn} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold
and let $H$ be an ample line bundle on $X$.
Let $\cal E$ be a rank two vector bundle on $X$. We say that
$\cal E$ is weakly $\mu$-semistable
w.r.t. $H$ if for any proper subsheaf
$\cal F\subset \cal E$ there exists an ample divisor $D$ on $X$
such that
$\mu (\cal F,H,D)\le \mu (\cal E,H,D)$, where
for a sheaf $\cal G$ we set $\mu (\cal G,H,D)=:\dfrac {c_1(\cal G)
\cdot H^{n-2}\cdot D}
{rank(\cal G)}$.
\begin{rem} In any charachteristic, if $\cal E$ is
w.r.t. $H$ (definition \ref{defn:bogunst}), then it is not
$\mu$-semistable. On the other hand, if $\cal E$
is not $\mu$-semistable w.r.t. $H$ and $\Delta (\cal E)\cdot H^{n-2}
>0$, then it is necessarily Bogomolov-unstable w.r.t. $H$.
Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold, and let
$H$ be an ample line bundle on $X$,
and let $Nef(X)\subset N^1(X)$ denote the nef cone of
$$\sigma (H)=inf_{D\in Nef(X)}\Big \{\frac{(K_X\cdot D\cdot H^{n-2})^2}
{D^2\cdot H^{n-2}}\Big \}.$$
We agree to take the above ratio equal to
$\infty$ when the denumerator vanishes.
\begin{thm} (Moriwaki) Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold
over an algebraically closed field of
charachteristic $p>0$.
Assume that $X$ is not uniruled. Let $H$ be a polarization on $X$,
and let $\cal E$ be a rank two vector bundle on $X$.
Suppose that for all $0\le i<r$ the Frobenius pull-back $\cal E^{(i)}$
of $\cal E$ is weakly $\mu$-semistable with respect to $H$.
Then we have
$$\Delta (\cal E)\cdot H^{n-2}\le \frac {\sigma (H)}{(p^r-1)^2}.$$
Furthermore, Moriwaki proves the following powerful
restriction lemma:
\begin{lem} ($char (k)\ge 0$)
Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold, and let $H$ be a very
ample line bundle on $X$. Suppose that $\cal E$ is a rank two vector bundle
on $X$, which is weakly $\mu$-semistable w.r.t. $H$.
Then for a general $Y\in |H|$ the restriction $\cal E|_Y$
is weakly $\mu$-semistable w.r.t. $H|_Y$.
\begin{defn} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold,
and let $H$ be an ample line bundle on $X$.
$$\beta (H)=inf_{D\in Nef(X)}\Big \{\frac
{(D\cdot (H+K_X)\cdot H^{n-2})^2}{D^2\cdot H^{n-2}}\Big \}.$$
\begin{cor} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold,
with $n\ge 3$ on an
algebraically closed field,
and let $H$ be a very ample line
bundle on $X$.
Suppose that the general $Y\in |H|$
is not uniruled.
Let $\cal E$ be a rank two vector bundle
on $X$ such that
$$\Delta (\cal E)\cdot H^{n-2}>\dfrac {\beta (H)}{(p-1)^2}.$$
Then $\cal E$ is Bogomolov-unstable with respect to $H$,
i.e. there exists an exact sequence
$$0@>>>\cal A@>>>\cal E@>>>\cal B\otimes \cal J_Z@>>>0,$$
where $\cal A$ and $\cal B$ are line bundles on $X$,
$Z\subset X$ is a codimension two local complete intersection
and $\cal A-\cal B\in K^{+}(X,H)$.
Although this is an immediate application
of Moriwaki's theorem \ref{thm:mor}, it is phrased in a way
that makes
it applicable to uniruled varieties.
Furthermore, observe that if $k$ is an uncountable
algebraically closed field and $X$ is a smooth
non-uniruled projective variety over $k$ with a
very ample line bundle $H$ on it,
the general element of
$|H|$ is not uniruled either.
In fact, since $k$ is uncountable, a variety $X$ over $k$ is uniruled if and
only if through a general point of $X$ there passes a rational curve
(\cite{mm}). But a general point in a general divisor of a very
ample linear series is a general point of $X$.
{\it Proof.}
By Lemma \ref{lem:A2}, it is sufficient to
show that for general $Y\in |H|$ the restriction $\cal E|_Y$ is
Bogomolov-unstable with respect to $H|_Y$.
It is easy to deduce this fact from theorem \ref{thm:mor} and
the definition of $\beta (H)$.
\begin{cor} Let $\cal E$ be a rank two vector bundle
on $\bold P^r_k$, where $k$ is an algebraically closed field
of charachteristic $p$. If $\Delta (\cal E)>0$,
then $\cal E$ is unstable.
{\it Proof.}
For $r=2$, this is well-known. For
$r\ge 3$,
we apply corollary
\ref{cor:devissagep} taking the very ample line bundle
in the statement to be $\cal O_{\bold P^3}(4)$, so that
$\beta (H)=0$.
We can also proceed inductively from the case $r=2$
by applying Lemma \ref{lem:A2}.
\section{\bf {Extension Of Pencils}}\label{section:ext}
Let $Y\subset X$ be an inclusion of projective varieties,
and let $|L|$ be a base point free pencil on $Y$. It is natural to
look for conditions under which $|L|$
extends to $X$, in the spirit of the results of Sommese,
Serrano and Reider (\cite{re:app}, \cite{so:amp}, \cite{se:ext}).
Our main result is the following:
\begin{thm} ($char(k)=0$)
Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold,
$n\ge 2$, and let
$Y\subset X$ be a reduced irreducible divisor.
If $n\ge 3$, assume
that $Y$ is ample, and if $n=2$ that $Y^2>0$
(so that in particular it is nef).
Suppose given a morphism $\phi :Y@>>>\bold P^1$
and let $F$ denote the numerical class of a fiber of $\phi$.
(i) Suppose that
$$F\cdot Y^{n-2}<\sqrt {Y^n}-1.$$
Then there exists a morphism $\psi :X@>>>\bold P^1$ extending
and such that
$$H^0(X,\psi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1))\hookrightarrow
H^0(Y,\phi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1)).$$
In particular,
if $\phi$ is linearly complete, then so is
(ii) Suppose $F\cdot Y^{n-2}=\sqrt {Y^n}-1$ and
$Y^n\neq 4$. Then either $\phi ^{*}\cal
O_{\bold P^1}(1)$ extends to a
base-point free pencil on $X$, or else there
exists an effective divisor $D$ on $X$ such that
(a) the following equalities hold:
$$(D^2\cdot Y^{n-2})Y^n=(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2$$
$$D\cdot Y^{n-1}=\sqrt {Y^n}.$$
(b) there is an inclusion
$$\phi ^{*} \cal O_{\bold P^1}(1)\subset \cal O_Y(D).$$
\begin{rem} If $Y$ is ample, the equalities in (a) of (ii)
can be phrased as follows. If $S\subset X$ is a smooth
complete intersection of $n-2$ divisor equivalent to multiples
of $Y$, then
$$D-\frac 1{\sqrt {Y^n}}Y\in Ker\{N(X)@>>>N(S)\}.$$
If $n=2$, this is just saying that $D\equiv _n\frac 1{\sqrt {Y^n}}Y$.
{\it Proof.} Set
A=:\phi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1)
and let
V\subset H^0(Y,A)
be the pencil associated to $\phi$, i.e.
$V=\phi ^{*}H^0(\bold P^1,\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1))$.
Define a sheaf
$\cal F$ on $X$ by the exactness of
the sequence
0@>>>\cal F@>>>V\otimes \cal O_X@>>>A@>>>0.
Then $\cal F$ is a rank two vector bundle with Chern classes
$c_1(\cal F)=-Y$ and
$c_2(\cal F)=[A]$, where
$Y$ denotes the divisor class on $Y$ of an element
of the pencil $|A|$.
In particular, $[A]$ is represented by a fiber $F$ of $\phi$.
Therefore the discriminant of $\cal F$ (definition \ref{defn:discr}) is
\Delta (\cal F)=Y^2-4[A]
and so
\Delta (\cal F)\cdot Y^{n-2}=Y^n-4F\cdot Y^{n-2}.
It is easy to check that
\sqrt {Y^n}-1\le \frac {Y^n}4
and by assumption we then have in particular that
$\Delta (\cal F)\cdot Y^{n-2}>0$, and therefore
$\cal F$ is Bogomolov-unstable with respect to $Y$
(definition \ref{defn:bogunst}).
Hence there exists a saturated invertible subsheaf
$$\cal L\subset \cal F$$
which is the maximal destabilizing subsheaf of $\cal F$
with respect to $(Y,\cdots,Y,L)$, for any
ample divisor $L$ on $X$ (theorem \ref{thm:main}).
Since $\cal L\subset \cal F\subset \cal O_X^2$, we can write
$$\cal L=\cal O_X(-D)$$
for some effective divisor $D$ on $X$.
The instability condition then reads
(Y-2D)\cdot Y^{n-1}\ge 0,
with strict inequality holding if $Y$ is ample.
Furthermore, using the fact that $\cal L$ is saturated one can see
(Y-2D)^2\cdot Y^{n-2}\ge \Delta (\cal F)\cdot Y^{n-2}
(see remark \ref{rem:sat}) and if we set
$f=:F\cdot Y^{n-2}$ this can be rewritten as
f\ge D\cdot Y^{n-1}-D^2\cdot Y^{n-2}.
By assumption, we have $f<\sqrt {Y^n}-1$
and together with (\ref{eq:inst2}) this gives
$$D^2\cdot Y^{n-2}-1> D\cdot Y^{n-1}-\sqrt {Y^n}.$$
Applying the Hodge Index Theorem, we then get
\frac {(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2}{Y^n} -1
>D\cdot Y^{n-1}-\sqrt {Y^n}.
\begin{claim} $\cal L$ is saturated in $\cal O_X^2$.
{\it Proof.} If not, there would exist an inclusion
$\cal O_X(Y-D)\subset \cal O_X^2$
(here we use the fact that $Y$ is reduced and irreducible)
and therefore
we should have
$$(D-Y)\cdot Y^{n-1}\ge 0.$$
Together with (\ref{eq:inst}), this would imply
$Y^n\le 0$, a contradiction.
Hence we have an exact sequence of the form
0@>>>\cal O_X(-D)@>>>\cal O_X^2@>>>\cal O_X(D)
\otimes \cal J_Z@>>>0,
where $Z\subset X$ is a codimension two local complete intersection.
Computing $c_2(\cal O_X^2)=0$ from the above sequence
we then get
(equivalently, one might just observe that $Z$ is the
complete intersection of the two sections of $\cal O_X(D)$
coming from the above sequence).
Therefore under the assumptions of the theorem
either $Z=\emptyset$, or else $D^2\cdot Y^{n-2}>0$.
\begin{lem} $Z=\emptyset$
{\it Proof.} Suppose, otherwise, that
$D^2\cdot Y^{n-2}>0$.
In this case the Hodge Index Theorem yields
$$(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2\ge
(D^2\cdot Y^{n-2})Y^n\ge Y^n$$
and therefore
$$D\cdot Y^{n-1}\ge \sqrt {Y^n}.$$
Therefore the right hand side of (\ref{eq:hit}) is nonnegative.
We can rewrite (\ref{eq:hit}) as
$$\frac {(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2}{Y^n}-1>
D\cdot Y^{n-1}-\sqrt {Y^n}=Y^n\{\frac {D\cdot Y^{n-1}}{Y^n}-
\frac 1{\sqrt {Y^n}}\}.$$
Let us now make use of the destabilizing condition
$Y^n\ge 2D\cdot Y^{n-1}$: we obtain
$$ \frac {(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2}{Y^n}-1>
2\frac {(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2}{Y^n}-2\frac {D\cdot Y^{n-1}}{\sqrt Y^n}$$
and this leads to $0>\Big \{
\dfrac {D\cdot Y^{n-1}}{\sqrt {Y^n}}-1\Big \}^2$, absurd.
Since $Z=\emptyset$, $\cal O_X(-D)@>>>\cal O_X^2$ never drops
rank, and therefore neither does $\cal O_X(-D)@>>>\cal F$. Hence we have
a commutative diagram
@. @. 0 @. 0 @. @. \\
@. @. @VVV @VVV @. \\
0@>>>\cal O_X(-D)@>>>\cal F@>>>\cal O_X(D-Y)@>>>0 \\
@. @| @VVV @VVV @. \\
0@>>>\cal O_X(-D)@>>>V\otimes \cal O_X@>>>\cal O_X(D)@>>>0 \\
@. @. @VVV @VVV @. \\
@. @. A @= \cal O_Y(D) @. @. \\
@. @. @VVV @VVV @. \\
@. @. 0 @. 0 @. @.
from which we see that
$$A\simeq \cal O_Y(D).$$
Furthermore, since
$$(D-Y)\cdot Y^{n-1}\le 2D\cdot Y^{n-1}-Y^n<0$$
by the destabilizing condition (\ref{eq:inst}), we have
$H^0(X,\cal O_X(D-Y))=0$ and therefore an
$$H^0(X,\cal O_X(D))\hookrightarrow H^0(Y,\cal O_Y(D-Y)).$$
Since $\cal O_X(D)$ is a quotient of
$\cal O_X^2$, it is globally generated and $V$ gives
a base point free pencil of sections of
$\cal O_X(D)$.
{\it Proof of (ii)}
Suppose now that $F\cdot Y^{n-2}=\sqrt {Y^n}-1$. It is easy
to see that if $Y^n\neq 4$ then
the inequality (\ref{eqn:easy}) is strict, and therefore
$\cal F$ is still Bogomolov
unstable with respect to $Y$.
Arguing exactly as in the proof of the previous lemma
we get:
\begin{lem} Either $Z=\emptyset$, or else
the following equalities hold:
$$(D\cdot Y^{n-1})^2=(D^2\cdot Y^{n-2})Y^n$$
$$D\cdot Y^{n-1}=\sqrt {Y^n}.$$
To complete the argument, observe that a variant of the
commutative diagram (\ref{eq:bigcd}) gives the exact sequence
$$0@>>>\cal O_X(D-Y)\otimes \cal J_W@>>>
\cal O_X(D)\otimes \cal J_Z@>>>\cal O_Y(D)\otimes \cal I_{Z\cap
where $\cal I$ denotes an ideal sheaf on $Y$.
Therefore we also get an isomorphism
$A\simeq \cal O_Y(D)\otimes \cal I_{Z\cap Y}.$
\begin{cor} (Serrano) Let $S$ be a smooth projective surface
and let $C\subset S$ be an irreducible smooth curve with $C^2>0$.
Then either
$$gon(C)\ge \sqrt {C^2}-1$$
or else for every minimal pencil $A$ on $C$ there exists
a base point free pencil $\cal O_S(D)$ on $S$ such that
$$A\simeq \cal O_C(D).$$
\begin{cor} Let $C\subset
\bold P^2$ be a smooth curve of degree $d$. Then
$$gon(C)= d-1.$$
Furthermore, any base point free pencil on $C$ is
given by projecting through a point of $C$.
{\it Proof.} The bound in the theorem gives
$gon(C)\ge d-1$. On the other hand projecting from a point of
$C$ shows that equality must hold.
Let $A$ be any minimal pencil on $C$. We may assume
that $d>2$.
We are then in the boundary situation
$f=\sqrt {C^2}-1$ (case (ii) of Theorem \ref{thm:ext}, $n=2$).
Hence we must have an inclusion
$A\subset \cal O_C(H)$, which shows that $A$ has the form
A=\cal O_C(H-P)
for some $P\in C$.
But (\ref{eq:proj}) is saying exactly that
$A$ is the pull back of the hyperplane bundle on $\bold P^1$
under the morphism given by projection from $P$.
Hence all the minimal pencils are
obtained in this way.
\begin{exmp} Let us apply the Theorem to the
gonality of Castelnuovo extremal curves
in $\bold P^3$.
If $C$ has even degree $d=2a$,
then $C$ is the complete intersection of a quadric $S$ and
an hypersurface of degree $a$.
Suppose that $S$ is smooth.
Then either $gon(C)\ge \sqrt {C\cdot _SC}-1=\sqrt 2a-1$,
or else a minimal pencil is induced by a base point free
pencil on $S$. $C$ on $S\simeq \bold P^1\times \bold P^1$
is a curve of type $(a,a)$, and restriction to it
of the two rulings gives two pencils of degree $a=\frac d2$,
which is the well-known answer. The argument is the same for
even degree.
\begin{exmp} For an example with $n=3$, let $S\subset
\bold P^3$ be a smooth surface
of degree $s$ containing a line
$L$, and let
$\phi :S@>>>\bold P^1$ be induced by projection from
$L$. Then a straighforward computation shows
that $f>s\sqrt s-1$.
We now give an application to
singular plane curves.
\begin{cor} Let $C\subset \bold P^2$
be a reduced irreducible curve of degree $d$, and
suppose that the only singularities of $C$ are
ordinary singular points $P_1,\cdots,P_k$
of multiplicities $m_1,\cdots,m_k$, respectively.
Let $m=max\{m_i\}$ and denote by $\tilde C$ the normalization
of $C$.
Suppose that
$d^2>\sum _im_i^2$. Then
$$gon(\tilde C)\ge
min\Big \{\sqrt {d^2-\sum _im_i^2}-1,d-\sqrt {\sum _im_i^2}
\Big \}.$$
{\it Proof.} Let
$$f:X@>>>\bold P^2$$
be the blow up of $\bold P^2$
at $P_1,\cdots,P_k$,
for $i=1,\cdots,k$ be the
exceptional divisors,and let
$\tilde C\subset X$ be the proper
transform of $C$.
Then $\tilde C$ is an irreducible smooth curve and
$$\tilde C\in |dH-\sum _{i=1}^km_iE_i|.$$
Therefore we have
$$\tilde C^2=d^2-\sum _{i=1}^km_i^2>0$$
by assumption, and the hypothesis of the theorem
are satisfied.
Hence either
$$gon(\tilde C)\ge \sqrt {\tilde C^2}-1,$$
or else there exists an effective divisor $D$ on $X$ moving in a
base point free pencil and inducing a minimal pencil
on $\tilde C$.
We may then assume that $D$ has the form
$$D=xH-\sum _ia_iE_i$$
with $x>0$ and all the $a_i\ge 0$.
The condition $D^2=0$ then gives
$$x=\sqrt {\sum _ia_i^2}.$$
$$D\cdot \tilde C=xd-\sum _ia_im_i\ge xd-\sqrt {\sum _ia_i^2}\sqrt {
\sum _im_i^2}= $$
$$=xd-x\sqrt {\sum _im_i^2}\ge d-\sqrt {\sum _im_i^2}.$$
The statement follows.
\begin{exmp} Let us consider for example the case
of a reduced irreducible plane curve $C\subset \bold P^2$
whose only singularities are nodes $P_1,\cdots,P_{\delta}$.
Suppose that
$$4\delta <d^2.$$
Then by the Corollary
$$gon (\tilde C)\ge min\{\sqrt {d^2-4\delta}-1,d-2\sqrt {\delta}\}.$$
For example, if we also assume that
$$\delta <d-2$$
and for any effective divisor $D=xH-\sum _ia_iE_i$
with $D^2=0$ it
is easy to see that
$D\cdot \tilde C\ge d-2$.
Since projecting from a node gives a pencil of degree $d-2$,
we then have
$$gon(\tilde C)=d-2.$$
We now show how theorem 2.1 applies to
families of morphisms.
\begin{prop} Let $X$ be a smooth projective $n$-fold
and $Y\subset X$ be a reduced irreducible divisor in $X$.
Suppose that $Y$ is ample when $n>2$ and that $Y^2>0$ when
Let $\Phi :Y\times B@>>>\bold P^1$ be a family of morphisms
with $B$ smooth
and set $\phi _b=\Phi |_{Y\times \{b\}}$. Denote by $F$ the
numerical class of a fiber of $\phi _b$ (it is independent of
$b\in B$), and suppose that
$$F\cdot Y^{n-2}<\sqrt {Y^n}-1.$$
Then there exists a nonempty open subset
$T\subset B$ and a morphism
$$\Psi :X\times T@>>>\bold P^1$$
that restricts to $\Phi$ on $Y\times T$.
{\it Proof.} Let
$$A=\Phi ^{*}\cal O_{\bold P^1}(1)$$
$$V=:\Phi ^{*}H^0(\bold P^1, \cal O_{\bold P^1}(1)).$$
Then we can define a rank two vector bundle on the smooth
variety $X\times B$ in the usual guise, by the exactness
of the sequence
0@>>>\cal F@>>>V\otimes \cal O_{X\times B}@>>>A@>>>0.
For $b\in B$ let us set $X_b=X\times \{b\}$
and $A_b=A|_{X_b}$.
Then we have $\cal F|_{X_b}\simeq \cal F|_b$,
where $\cal F_b=:Ker\{V\otimes \cal O_{X_b}@>>>A_b\}$.
Then $\cal F$ can be seen as a family of vector bundles
on $X$, with Chern classes $c_1(\cal F)=-Y$ and $c_2(\cal F)=
As in the proof of the Theorem, these vector bundles are
Bogomolov unstable with respect to $Y$.
Let $\cal L_b\subset \cal F_b$ be the maximal destabilizing
line bundle of $\cal F_b$. By the construction in Theorem
\ref{thm:ext}, the morphisms $\psi _b$ are associated to base point
free pencils of sections of $\cal L_b^{-1}$ induced by $V$.
Therefore, the proposition will follow once we show that the
line bundles $\cal L_b$ can be glued to a line bundle $\cal L
\subset \cal F|_{X\times T}$
on some open subset $X\times T$.
In fact, we have:
\begin{claim} For some nonempty open subset
$T\subset B$ there exists a line bundle $\cal L\subset
F|_{X\times T}$ such that $\cal L$ restricts to $\cal L_b$
on $X_b$, for each $b\in T$.
{\it Proof} This follows from the relative
version of the Harder-Narashiman
filtration introduced in
\cite{fhs} and \cite{fl}.
This proves the statement of the proposition.
In his paper (\cite{se:ext}) Serrano expressed his results
about extensions in terms of morphisms to arbitrary smooth curves.
It seems in order to give here a corresponding
generalization of theorem 2.1.
\begin{defn} Let $B$ be a smooth curve. We shall denote
by $s(B)$ the smallest degree of a
nondegenerate plane birational model
of $B$, i.e. the smallest $k$ for which $B$ has a birational
Nondegenerate only means that we agree to take
$s(\bold P^1)=2$.
\begin{cor} Let $X$ and $Y$ satisfy the hypothesis of the
theorem, and let $\phi :Y@>>>B$ be a morphism to a
smooth curve. Denote by $F$ the numerical class of a fiber of
$\phi$, and suppose that
$$(s(B)-1)F\cdot Y^{n-2}<\sqrt {Y^n}-1.$$
Then there exists a morphism
$\psi :X@>>>B$ extending $\phi$.
{\it Proof.} We adapt the argument in \cite{se:ext}, Lemma 3.2.
Let $f:B@>>>G\subset \bold P^2$ be a plane birational model
of $B$, of degree $s=s(B)$, and let $B^{*}\subset B$ be the inverse
image of the smooth locus of $G$.
For $b\in B^{*}$, let $\pi _b:B@>>>\bold P^1$ be the projection
from $f(b)$; $\pi _b$ is a morphism of degree $s-1$.
Consider the composition $\phi _b=\pi _b\circ \phi:Y@>>>\bold P^1$.
A fiber of $\phi _b$ is numerically equivalent to a sum
of $s-1$ fibers of $\phi$, and the numerical hypothesis then
imply, by theorem \ref{thm:ext}, that there exist extensions
$\psi _b:X@>>>\bold P^1$.
By Proposition \ref{prop:rel}, we can find a nonempty open subset
$T\subset B$ and a morphism
$$\Psi :X\times T@>>>\bold P^1$$
extending the morphism
$$\Phi :Y\times T@>>>\bold P^1$$
given by $\Phi (y,b)=\phi _b (y)$.
{}From this one sees that, if
$$X@>\gamma _b>>\Delta _b@>g_b>>\bold P^1$$
is the Stein factorization of $\phi _b$, then
$\Delta _b\simeq \Delta$
for some fixed curve $\Delta$ and all the morphisms
$\gamma _b$ can be identified.
Consider the morphism
$$h=(\gamma |_Y,\phi):Y@>>>\Delta \times \bold P^1.$$
It is easy to see that $\pi _1:h(Y)@>>>\Delta$ is an isomorphism.
Hence we can define
$\psi =\pi _2\circ \pi _1 ^{-1}\circ \gamma$.
Let us consider now the case of prime charachteristic.
We give the corresponding version of Theorem \ref{thm:ext}.
\begin{thm} Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field
of charachteristic $p$, and let
$X$ be a smooth projective n-fold over
$k$. Let $Y\subset X$ be a reduced irreducible divisor,
and suppose that there
exists a morphism $\phi :Y@>>>\bold P^1$; let
$F$ denote the numerical class of a fiber of $\phi$.
Then $\phi$ can be extended to a morphism $\psi :X@>>>\bold P^1$
in the following situations:
$char(k)\neq 2,3$,
$n=2$, $Y^2>0$, $deg(F)<\sqrt {Y^2}-1$, $X$ not of general type.
(ii) $n=2$, $Y^2>0$, $X$ is not uniruled and
$$deg(F)<min \Big \{\sqrt {Y^2}-1,\frac 14Y^2-\frac 1{(p-1)^2}
\sigma_S\Big \}.$$
(iii) $n\ge 3$, $X$ is not uniruled and there exists a ample
line bundle
$H$ on $X$, such that $Y\equiv lH$
$$F\cdot Y^{n-2}<min\Big \{\sqrt {Y^n}-1,
\frac 14Y^n-\frac {l^{n-2}}{(p-1)^2}\sigma (H)\Big \}.$$
(iv) $n\ge 3$ and there exists a very ample line bundle $H$ on
$X$ such that $Y\equiv lH$, the general
$Z\in |H|$ is not uniruled and
$$F\cdot Y^{n-2}<min \Big \{\sqrt {Y^n}-1,
\frac 14Y^n-\frac {l^{n-2}}{(p-1)^2}
\beta (H)\Big \}.$$
\begin{rem} The definitions of $\sigma (H)$ and $\beta (H)$
are given in section 2 (definitions \ref{defn:sigma} and
If $n=2$, $\sigma $ does not depend on $H$,
and we denote it by $\sigma _S$.
{\it Proof.}
As to (i), that $\phi$ does not extend means that
$\Delta (\cal F)>0$ (cfr eq. (\ref{eq:F})),
but $\cal F$ is not Bogomolov-unstable. That this forces
$X$ to be of general type is the content of Theorem
7 of \cite{sb}.
For the other
statements, the argument is exactly the same as in the charachteristic
zero case, the extra assumptions being needed to apply
the results about unstable rank two bundles from section 2
(e.g., Corollary \ref{cor:devissagep}).
\begin{rem} For $n=2$, we have to assume that $S$ is not
uniruled to apply the chrarachteristic $p$ version of
Bogomolov's theorem. However, in the case of $\bold P^2$
Bogomolov's theorem still holds (\cite{schw}). We can
therefore still argue as in Corollary \ref{cor:plane}
to deduce the classical statement about the gonality of plane curves.
Theorem \ref{thm:extp} can be strengthened as follows
(see Theorem \ref{thm:mor}).
\begin{thm} Let notation be as in Theorem
\ref{thm:extp}, and suppose that
$F\cdot Y^{n-2}<\sqrt{Y^n}-1$. Assume that $X$ is not uniruled.
Let $r$ be the smallest positive integer such that
$$F\cdot Y^{n-2}<
min\Big \{\sqrt{Y^n}-1,
\frac {Y^n}4-\frac {l^{n-2}}{(p^r-1)^2}\sigma (H)\Big \}.$$
Then if $X^{\prime}\supset Y^{\prime}$ denote
the $(r-1)$-th Frobenius pull-backs of the varieties $X$ and $Y$,
there exists $\psi :X^{\prime}@>>>\bold P^1$ extending
the induced morphism $\phi ^{\prime}:Y^{\prime}
@>>>\bold P^1$.
1993-03-28T20:31:54 | 9303 | alg-geom/9303004 | en | https://arxiv.org/abs/alg-geom/9303004 | [
] | alg-geom/9303004 | Ron Donagi | Ron Donagi and Loring W. Tu | Theta Functions for $\SL(n)$ versus $\GL(n)$ | 10 pages, Latex | null | null | null | null | Over a smooth complex projective curve $C$ of genus $g$ let $\M (n,d)$ be the
moduli space of semistable bundles of rank $n$ and degree $d$ on $C$, and $\SM
(n,L)$, the moduli space of those bundles whose determinant is isomorphic to a
fixed line bundle $L$ over $C$. Let $\theta_F$ and $\theta$ be theta bundles
over these two moduli spaces. We prove a simple formula relating their spaces
of sections: if $h=\gcd (n,d)$ is the greatest common divisor of $n$ and $d$,
and $L\in \Pic ^d(C)$, then $$\dim H^0(\SM (n,L), \theta^k) \cdot k^g=\dim
H^0(\M(n,d),\theta_F^k)\cdot h^g.$$ We also formulate a conjectural duality
between these two types of spaces of sections.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 28 Mar 1993 18:31:37 GMT"
] | 2008-02-03T00:00:00 | [
"Loring W.",
] | alg-geom | \section{Theta bundles}
We recall here
the definitions of the theta bundles on a fixed-determinant moduli
space and on a full moduli space.
Our definitions are slightly different from but equivalent to those in
For $L \in {\rm Pic} ^d (C)$, the Picard group of ${\cal SM} := {\cal SM} (n,L)$ is ${\Bbb Z}$ and
the theta bundle $\theta$ on ${\cal SM}$ is the positive generator of ${\rm Pic} ({\cal SM})$.
When $n$ and $d$ are such that $\chi (E) = 0$ for $E \in {\cal M} (n,d)$,
i. e., when $d=(g-1)n$, there is a natural divisor $\Theta \subset {\cal M}
(n,n(g-1)) $:
$$\Theta = \mbox{closure of } \{ E \mbox{ stable in } {\cal M}(n,n(g-1))\ | \
h^0 (E) \ne 0 \}.$$
The theta bundle $\theta$ over ${\cal M} (n, n(g-1))$
is the line bundle corresponding to this divisor.
We say that a semistable
bundle $F$ is {\it complementary} to another bundle $E$ if
$\chi (E\otimes F) = 0$.
We also say that $F$ is {\it complementary} to ${\cal M} (n,d)$ if $\chi (E \otimes
F) = 0$ for any $E \in {\cal M} (n,d)$.
It follows easily from the Riemann-Roch theorem that if $E \in {\cal M} (n,d)$,
$h=\gcd (n,d), n= h \bar{n}$, and $d= h\bar{d}$, then $F$ has rank $n_F$ and
degree $d_F$, where
$$n_F = k\bar{n} \quad \mbox{ and }\quad d_F = k(\bar{n} (g-1) - \bar{d})$$
for some positive integer $k$.
If $F$ is complementary to ${\cal M}(n,d)$, let
$$\tau _F : {\cal M} (n,d) \to {\cal M} (nn_F, nn_F (g-1))$$
be the map
$$E \mapsto E \otimes F.$$
Pulling back the theta bundle $\theta$ from ${\cal M} (nn_F, nn_F (g-1))$ via
$\tau_F$ gives a line bundle $\theta_F := \tau_F^* \theta$ over ${\cal M}(n,d)$.
(This bundle may or may not correspond to a divisor in ${\cal M}(n,d)$.)
Let $\det: {\cal M}(n,d) \to J_d(C)$ be the determinant map.
When ${\rm \ rk\, } F$ is the minimal possible: ${\rm \ rk\, } F = \bar{n} =n/h$,
then $\theta_F$ is called a {\it theta bundle over} ${\cal M} (n,d)$;
otherwise, it is a multiple of a theta bundle.
Indeed, we extract from \cite{drezet-narasimhan} the formula:
Let $F$ and $F_0$ be two bundles complementary to ${\cal M} (n,d)$.
If ${\rm \ rk\, } F = a {\rm \ rk\, } F_0$, then
$$\theta_F \simeq \theta_{F_0}^{\otimes a} \otimes \det{}^*(\det F \otimes
(\det F_0)^{-a}),$$
where we employ the usual identification of ${\rm Pic}^0(C)$ with ${\rm Pic}^0 (J_0)$.
In particular, $\theta_F$ depends only on ${\rm \ rk\, } F$ and $\det F$.
If $\theta_{F}$ is a theta bundle on ${\cal M} (n,d)$, then for any $L \in
{\rm Pic}^d(C)$, $\theta_{F}$ restricts to the theta bundle on ${\cal SM} (n,L)$.
\section{A Galois covering}
Let $\tau : Y \to X$ be a covering of varieties, by which we mean a finite
\'etale morphism.
A {\it deck transformation} of the covering is an automorphism $\phi : Y \to
Y$ that commutes with $\tau$.
The covering is said to be {\it Galois} if the group of deck transformations
acts transitively (hence simply transitively) on a general fiber
of the covering.
Denote by $J= {\rm Pic} ^0 (C)$ the group of isomorphism classes of line bundles
of degree 0 on the curve $C$, and $G = T_n$ the subgroup of torsion points of
order $n$.
Fix $L \in {\rm Pic}^d(C)$ and let ${\cal SM} = {\cal SM} (n,L)$, $J=J_0(C)$, and ${\cal M} =
{\cal M}(n,d)$.
Recall that the tensor product map
\tau : {\cal SM} \times J &\to& {\cal M}\\
(E, M) &\mapsto& E \otimes M
gives an $n^{2g}$-sheeted \'etale map (\cite{teixidor-tu}, Prop. 8).
The group $G=T_n$ acts on ${\cal SM} \times J$ by
$$N.(E, M) = (E\otimes N^{-1}, N\otimes M).$$
It is easy to see that $G$ is the group of deck transformations of the
covering $\tau$ and that it acts transitively on every fiber.
Therefore, $\tau: {\cal SM} \times J \to {\cal M}$ is a Galois covering.
If $\tau: Y \to X$ is a Galois covering with finite abelian Galois
group $G$, then $\tau_*{\cal O}_Y$ is a vector bundle on $X$ which decomposes into
a direct sum of line bundles indexed by the characters of $G$:
$$\tau_*{\cal O}_Y = \sum_{\lambda \in \hat G} L_{\lambda},$$
where $\hat G$ is the character group of $G$.
{\sc Proof}. Write ${\cal O}= {\cal O}_Y$. The fiber of $\tau_*{\cal O}$ at a point $x\in X$
is naturally a complex vector space with basis $\tau^{-1}(x)$.
Hence, $\tau_*{\cal O}$ is a vector bundle over $X$.
The action of $G$ on $\tau^{-1}(x)$ induces a representation of $G$ on
$(\tau_*{\cal O})(x)$ equivalent to the regular representation.
Because $G$ is a finite abelian group, this representation of $G$ decomposes
into a direct sum of one-dimensional representations indexed by the
characters of $G$:
$$(\tau_*{\cal O})(x) = \sum_{\lambda \in \hat G} L_{\lambda}(x).$$
Thus, for every $\lambda \in \hat G$, we obtain a line bundle $L_\lambda$ on
$X$ such such $\tau_*{\cal O} = \sum_{\lambda} L_\lambda$. \quad\quad$\Box$
We consider the tensor product map
\tau: {\cal SM} (n_1, L_1) \times {\cal M} (n_2, d_2) &\to& {\cal M}(n_1n_2, n_1d_2+n_2d_1)\\
(E_1, E_2) &\mapsto& E_1 \otimes E_2,
where $d_1 = \deg L_1$.
For simplicity, in this section we write ${\cal SM}_1 = {\cal SM} (n_1, L_1)$,
${\cal M}_2 = {\cal M} (n_2, d_2)$, and ${\cal M}_{12} = {\cal M}(n_1n_2, n_1d_2 + n_2d_1)$.
Let $F=F_{12}$ be a bundle on $C$ complementary to ${\cal M}_{12}$.
$$\tau^*\theta_F \simeq \theta^c \boxtimes \theta_{E_1 \otimes F}$$
for any $E_1 \in {\cal SM} (n_1, L_1)$, where
$$c:={ {n_2 {\rm \ rk\, } F}\over {{\rm \ rk\, } F_1}} = {{n_2{\rm \ rk\, } F} \over {n_1/\gcd
and $F_1$ is a minimal complementary bundle to $E_1$.
{\bf Proof.} For $E_2 \in {\cal M}(n_2,d_2)$, let
$$\tau_{E_2} : {\cal SM}_1 \to {\cal M}_{12}$$
be tensoring with $E_2$.
$$(\tau^*\theta_F)|_{{\cal SM} \times \{E_2\}} = \tau_{E_2}^*\theta_F =
\tau_{E_2}^*\tau_F^*\theta = \tau_{E_2 \otimes F}^* \theta = \theta^c,$$
where by Proposition \ref{thetaF}
c&=& {\rm \ rk\, } (E_2 \otimes F)/ {\rm \ rk\, } F_1 \\
&=& {{n_2 {\rm \ rk\, } F}\over {n_1/\gcd(n_1,d_1)}}.
(\tau^*\theta_F)|_{\{E_1\}\times{\cal M}_2} &=& \tau_{E_1}^*\theta_F =
\tau_{E_1}^*\tau_F^*\theta \\
&=& \tau_{E_1\otimes F}^*\theta = \theta_{E_1\otimes F}.
Note that the bundle $\theta_{E_1\otimes F}$ depends only on
${\rm \ rk\, } (E_1\otimes F) = n_1{\rm \ rk\, } F$ and
$\det (E_1 \otimes F) = L_1^{{\rm \ rk\, } F} \otimes (\det F)^{n_1}$.
Hence, both $(\tau^*\theta_F)|_{{\cal SM}_1 \times\{E_2\}}$ and
$(\tau^*\theta_F)|_{\{E_1\} \times {\cal M}_2}$ are independent of $E_1$ and $E_2$.
By the seesaw theorem,
$$\tau^*\theta_F \simeq \theta^c \boxtimes \theta_{E_1\otimes F}.$$
Let $L \in {\rm Pic}^d(C)$ and
$$\tau: {\cal SM} (n,L) \times J_0 \to {\cal M}(n,d)$$
be the tensor product map.
Suppose $F$ is a minimal complementary bundle to ${\cal M} (n,d)$.
Choose $N \in {\rm Pic}^{g-1}(C)$ to be a line bundle
such that $N^n = L \otimes (\det F)^h$,
where $h=\gcd (n,d)$.
$$\tau^* \theta_F = \theta \boxtimes \theta_N^{n^2/h}.$$
{\bf Proof.} Apply the Proposition with ${\rm \ rk\, } F = n/h$ and
$n_1 = n, d_1=d, n_2=1, d_2=0$.
Then $c=1$.
By Proposition \ref{thetaF},
\theta_{E_1\otimes F} &=& \theta_N^{n^2/h} \otimes \det{}^*
(\det (E_1 \otimes F)\otimes N^{-n^2/h}) \\
&=& \theta_N^{n^2/h}.
\section{Proof of Theorem 1}
We apply the Leray spectral sequence to compute the cohomology of
$\tau^*\theta_F^k$ on the total space of the covering
$\tau : {\cal SM} \times J \to {\cal M}$ of Section \ref{covering}.
Recall that ${\cal SM} = {\cal SM} (n,d)$, $J=J_0$, and ${\cal M} = {\cal M}(n,d)$.
Because the fibers of $\tau$ are 0-dimensional, the spectral sequence
degenerates at the $E_2$-term and we have
H^0({\cal SM} \times J , \tau^*\theta_F^k ) = H^0({\cal M}, \tau_*\tau^*\theta_F^k).
By Cor. \ref{jacobian} and the K\"unneth formula, the left-hand side of
(\ref{a}) is
H^0({\cal SM} \times J, \tau^*\theta_F^k))&=& H^0({\cal SM} \times J, \theta^k \boxtimes
&=& H^0({\cal SM}, \theta^k)\otimes H^0(J, \theta_N^{kn^2/h}).
By the Riemann-Roch theorem for an abelian variety,
$$h^0(J, \theta_N^{kn^2/h}) = (kn^2/h)^g.$$
So the left-hand side of (\ref{a}) has dimension
h^0({\cal SM}, \theta^k) \cdot (kn^2/h)^g.
Next we look at the right-hand side of (\ref{a}).
By the projection formula and Prop. \ref{directimage},
\tau_*\tau^*\theta_F^k &=& \theta_F^k \otimes \tau_*{\cal O} \\
&=& \theta_F^k \otimes \sum_{\lambda \in {\hat G}} L_{\lambda}\\
&=& \sum_{\lambda \in {\hat G}} \theta_F^k \otimes L_{\lambda}.
Our goal now is to show that for any character $\lambda \in \hat G$,
H^0({\cal M}, \theta_F^k \otimes L_\lambda) \simeq H^0 ({\cal M}, \theta_F^k).
This will follow from two lemmas.
The line bundle $L_{\lambda}$ on ${\cal M}$ is the pullback under $\det : {\cal M} \to
J_d$ of some line bundle $N_{\lambda}$ of degree 0 on $J_d := {\rm Pic} ^d(C)$.
For $F$ a vector bundle as above, $k$ a positive integer, and $M$ a line
bundle of degree 0 over $C$,
$$H^0 ({\cal M}, \theta_{F\otimes M}^k) \simeq H^0({\cal M}, \theta_F^k ).$$
Assuming these two lemmas, let's prove (\ref{b}).
By Proposition \ref{thetaF},
$$\theta_{F\otimes M} = \theta_F \otimes \det {}^* M^{n_F};$$
$$\theta_{F\otimes M}^k = \theta_F^k \otimes \det {}^* M^{n_Fk}.$$
If $L_{\lambda}= \det{}^*N_\lambda$, and we choose a root
$M= N_{\lambda}^{1/(n_Fk)}$,
$$\theta_F^k \otimes L_{\lambda} = \theta_F^k \otimes \det{}^*N_{\lambda} =
\theta_{F\otimes M}^k.$$
Equation (\ref{b}) then follows from Lemma \ref{independence}.
{\sc Proof of Lemma} \ref{L}.
Define $\alpha : {\cal SM} \times J \to J$
to be the projection onto the second factor,
$\beta : {\cal M} \to J$
to be the composite of $\det : {\cal M} \to J_d$ followed by multiplication by
$L^{-1}: J_d \to J$, and
$\rho: J \to J$
to be the $n$-th tensor power map.
Then there is a commutative diagram
\; & {\cal SM} \times J & \stackrel{\tau}{\to} & {\cal M} &\; \\
& & & & \\
\alpha & \downarrow & \; &\downarrow &\beta \\
& & & & \\
\; & J & \stackrel{\rho}{\to} & J. &\;
Furthermore, in the map $\alpha: {\cal SM} \times J \to J$ we let $G= T_n$ act on
$J$ by
$$N.M = N \otimes M, \quad\quad M \in J,$$
and in the map $\beta: {\cal M} \to J$ we let $G$ act trivially on both ${\cal M}$ and
Then all the maps in the commutative diagram above are $G$-morphisms.
By the push-pull formula (\cite{hartshorne}, Ch. III, Prop. 9.3, p. 255),
$$ \tau_*\alpha^*{\cal O}_J = \beta^*\rho_*{\cal O}_J .$$
By Proposition \ref{directimage}, $\rho_*{\cal O}_J$ is a direct sum of line
bundles $V_\lambda$ on $J$, where $\lambda \in \hat G$.
In fact, these $V_\lambda$ are precisely the $n-$torsion bundles in $J$;
in particular, their degrees are zero.
If $\tau_{L^{-1}} : J_d \to J$ is multiplication by the line bundle $L^{-1}$,
we set $N_\lambda := \tau_{L^{-1}}^* V_\lambda$.
\tau_*{\cal O}_{{\cal SM} \times J}
&=& \beta^*\sum_{\lambda \in \hat G} V_{\lambda} \\
&=& \det{}^*\tau_{L^{-1}}^* \sum V_\lambda \\
&=& \sum \det{}^*N_{\lambda}.
By Prop. \ref{directimage}, $\tau_*{\cal O}_{{\cal SM} \times J} = \sum L_\lambda$.
Since both $L_\lambda$ and $\det{}^* N_\lambda$ are eigenbundles of
$\tau_*{\cal O}_{{\cal SM} \times J}$ corresponding to the character $\lambda \in \hat
$$L_\lambda = \det{}^* N_\lambda.$$
\hfill $\Box$
{\sc Proof of Lemma} \ref{independence}. Tensoring with $M\in J_0(C)$ gives an
\tau_M : {\cal M} &\to& {\cal M} \\
E &\mapsto& E\otimes M,
under which
$$\theta_{F\otimes M} = \tau_M^*\theta_F .$$
$$\theta_{F\otimes M}^k = \tau_M^*(\theta_F^k)$$
and the lemma follows. \quad\quad\quad $\Box$
Returning now to Eq. (\ref{a}), its right-hand side is
H^0({\cal M}, \tau_*\tau^*\theta_F^k) &=& \sum _{\lambda \in \hat G} H^0({\cal M},
\theta_F^k \otimes L_\lambda ) \\
&\simeq& \sum _{\lambda \in \hat G} H^0 ({\cal M}, \theta_F^k),\quad\quad\mbox{ (by
which has dimension
$$h^0({\cal M} ,\theta_F^k) \cdot n^{2g}.$$
By (\ref{left}) the left-hand side of Eq. (\ref{a})
has dimension
$$h^0({\cal SM}, \theta^k)\cdot (kn^2/h)^{g}.$$
Equating these two expressions gives
$$h^0({\cal M}, \theta_F^k) = h^0({\cal SM},\theta^k) \cdot
({k\over h})^g.$$
This completes the proof of Theorem \ref{formula}.
\section{A conjectural duality}
As in the Introduction we start with integers $\bar{n}$, $\bar{d}$, $h$, $k$ such
that $\bar{n}$, $h$, $k$ are positive and $\gcd (\bar{n}, \bar{d})=1$.
$$n_1=h\bar{n} ,\ d_1=h\bar{d},\ n_2=k\bar{n},\ d_2=k(\bar{n}(g-1)-\bar{d}), \ {\rm and }\
L_1\in {\rm Pic}^{d_1}(C).$$
The tensor product induces a map
$$\tau: {\cal SM} (n_1, L_1) \times {\cal M}(n_2, d_2) \to {\cal M} (n_1n_2, n_1n_2(g-1)).$$
As before, write ${\cal SM}_1 = {\cal SM} (n_1, L_1)$, ${\cal M}_2= {\cal M}(n_2,d_2)$,
and ${\cal M}_{12} ={\cal M}(n_1n_2, n_1n_2(g-1))$.
Let $F_2=F$ and $F_{12}={\cal O}$ be complementary to ${\cal M}_2$ and ${\cal M}_{12}$
By the pullback formula (Proposition \ref{pullbackform})
$$\tau^*\theta_{{\cal O}} = \theta^{{n_2}/\bar{n}} \boxtimes \theta_{E_1}.$$
But by Proposition \ref{thetaF},
$$\theta_{E_1} = \theta_F^h \otimes \det{}^*(L\otimes (\det F)^{-h}).$$
If $L= (\det F)^h$, then $\theta_{E_1} = \theta_F^h$ and
$$\tau^*\theta_{{\cal O}} = \theta ^k \boxtimes \theta_F^h.$$
By the K\"unneth formula,
$$H^0({\cal SM}_1 \times {\cal M}_2, \tau^*\theta_{{\cal O}})= H^0({\cal SM}_1, \theta^k)\otimes
H^0({\cal M}_2, \theta_F^h).$$
In \cite{beauville-narasimhan-ramanan} it is shown that
up to a constant, $\theta_{{\cal O}}$ has a unique section $s$ over ${\cal M}_{12}$.
Then $\tau^*s$ is a section of $H^0({\cal SM}_1 \times {\cal M}_2 , \tau^*\theta_{{\cal O}})$
and therefore induces a natural map
H^0({\cal SM}_1, \theta^k)^{\vee} \to H^0({\cal M}_2, \theta_F^h).
We conjecture that this natural map is an isomorphism.
Among the evidence for the duality (\ref{dual}), we cite the following.
\item[i)] (Rank 1 bundles) The results of
\cite{beauville-narasimhan-ramanan} that
$$H^0({\cal SM} (n,{\cal O}), \theta )^{\vee} \simeq H^0({\cal M} (1,g-1), \theta_{{\cal O}}^n)
\quad {\rm and } \quad H^0({\cal M} (n,n(g-1)), \theta_{{\cal O}} ) = {\Bbb C},$$
are special cases of (\ref{dual}), for $(n_2,d_2)=(1,g-1)$ and $(n_1,d_1)
=(1,0)$ respectively.
\item[ii)] (Consistency with Theorem \ref{formula}) Given a triple of
integers $(n_1, d_1, k)$, we define $h, \bar{n}, \bar{d}$ by
$$h=\gcd (n_1,d_1), n_1=h\bar{n}, d_1=h\bar{d}$$
and let $n_2, d_2$ be as before:
$$n_2=k\bar{n}, d_2=k(\bar{n}(g-1)-\bar{d}).$$
Assuming $n_1$ and $k$ to be positive, it is easy to check that the function
$$(n_1,d_1,k) \mapsto (n_2, d_2, h)$$
is an involution.
Write $v(n,d,k)=h^0({\cal M}(n,d), \theta_F^k)$ and
$s(n,d,k)=h^0({\cal SM}(n,d), \theta^k)$.
Then Theorem \ref{formula} assumes the form
v(n,d,k) \cdot h^g = s(n,d,k)\cdot k^g.
The duality (\ref{dual}) implies that
there is an equality of dimensions
s(n_1,d_1, k) = v(n_2, d_2, h).
Because $(n_1,d_1,k) \mapsto (n_2,d_2,h)$ is an involution,
it follows that
s(n_2,d_2, h) = v(n_1, d_1, k).
Putting (\ref{one}), (\ref{two}), and (\ref{three}) together, we get
$$v(n_2,d_2,h)k^g = s(n_2,d_2, h)h^g,$$
which is Theorem \ref{formula} again.
\item[iii)] (Elliptic curves) We keep the notation above, specialized to
the case of a curve $C$ of genus $g=1$:
$$n_1 = h\bar{n}, d_1 = h\bar{d}, n_2= k\bar{n}, d_2= -k\bar{d}.$$
Set $C' := {\rm Pic}^{\bar{d}} (C) $.
The map sending a line bundle to its dual
gives an isomorphism $C'\simeq {\rm Pic}^{-\bar{d}}(C)$.
If $L \in {\rm Pic} ^{\bar{d}}(C)$, viewed as a line bundle on $C$, we let $\ell$
be the corresponding point in $C'$, and ${\cal O} _{C'}(\ell)$ the associated line
bundle of degree 1 on the curve $C'$.
There is a natural map
$$\gamma : {\rm Pic}^{h\bar{d}} (C) \to {\rm Pic} ^h (C')$$
which sends $L:= L_1\otimes \cdots \otimes L_h \in {\rm Pic}^{h\bar{d}}(C)$ to
$L':= {\cal O}_{C'} (\ell _1 + \cdots +\ell_h )$,
where $L_i \in {\rm Pic}^{\bar{d}}(C)$ corresponds to the point $\ell _i \in C'$.
From \cite{atiyah} and \cite{tu} we see that there are natural identifications
$${\cal M}(h\bar{n}, h\bar{d}) \simeq S^h{\cal M} (\bar{n},\bar{d}) \simeq S^h {\rm Pic}^{\bar{d}}(C) = S^hC'$$
$${\cal M}(k\bar{n}, -k\bar{d}) \simeq S^k{\cal M} (\bar{n},-\bar{d}) \simeq S^k {\rm Pic}^{-\bar{d}}(C) \simeq
Furthermore, there is a commutative diagram
\; & {\cal M} (h\bar{n},h\bar{d}) & \stackrel{\sim}{\to} & S^hC' &\; \\
& & & & \\
\det & \downarrow & \; &\downarrow &\alpha \\
& & & & \\
\; & {\rm Pic}^{h\bar{d}}(C)& \stackrel{\gamma}{\to} & {\rm Pic}^h(C'). &\;
Since the fiber of the Abel-Jacobi map $\alpha: S^hC' \to {\rm Pic}^h(C')$ above
$L'$ is the projective space ${\Bbb P} H^0(C',L')$, it follows that there is a
natural identification
$${\cal SM} (h\bar{n}, L) \simeq {\Bbb P} H^0 (C', L').$$
Since the theta bundle is the positive generator of ${\cal SM} (h\bar{n}, L)$, it is
the hyperplane bundle.
For $F\in {\cal M} (\bar{n}, \bar{d})$, let $q\in C'$ be the point corresponding to the line
bundle $Q:= \det F \in {\rm Pic}^{\bar{d}}(C)$.
H^0({\cal SM}(h\bar{n}, (\det F)^h), \theta^k) &\simeq& H^0 ({\Bbb P} H^0(C', {\cal O}_{C'}(hq)),
{\cal O}(k))\\
&=& S^kH^0(C', {\cal O}_{C'} (hq))^{\vee}.
Recall that each point $q \in C'$ determines a divisor $X_q$ on the symmetric
product $S^kC'$:
$$X_q := \{ q+D \ | \ D\in S^{k-1}C'\}.$$
The proof of Theorem 6 in \cite{tu} actually shows that if $F \in
{\cal M} (\bar{n},-\bar{d})$,
then under the identification ${\cal M} (k\bar{n}, -k\bar{d}) \simeq S^kC'$,
the theta bundle $\theta_F$ corresponds to the bundle
associated to the divisor
$X_q$ on $S^kC'$, where $q$ is the point corresponding to $\det F \in
{\rm Pic}^{\bar{d}}$.
Therefore, by the calculation of the cohomology of a symmetric product
in \cite{tu}
H^0 ({\cal M} (k\bar{n}, -k\bar{d}), \theta_F^h) &=& H^0 (S^kC', {\cal O} (h X_q))\\
&=& S^k H^0 (C', {\cal O} (hq)).
So the two spaces $H^0({\cal SM}(h\bar{n}, (\det F)^h), \theta^k)$
and $H^0 ({\cal M} (k\bar{n}, -k\bar{d}), \theta_F^h)$ are naturally dual to each other.
\item[iv)] (Degree 0 bundles) Consider the moduli space ${\cal SM}(n,0)$ of rank
$n$ and degree $0$ bundles.
In this case,
$$n_1=n,\ d_1=0,\ h=\gcd(n,0)=n,\ n_2=k,\ d_2=k(g-1).$$
So the conjectural duality is
$$H^0({\cal SM}(n,{\cal O}), \theta^k)^{\vee} \simeq H^0({\cal M}(k,k(g-1)),\theta_{{\cal O}}^n).$$
Because ${\cal M} (k,k(g-1))$ is isomorphic to ${\cal M} (k,0)$ (though noncanonically),
it follows that in the notation of ii)
$$s(n,0,k) = v(k,0, n).$$
According to R. Bott and A. Szenes, this equality follows from Verlinde's