diff --git "a/opus-data/mt-560/devtests-raw+tok/devs/OPUS100v1_dev-aze_eng.eng.tok" "b/opus-data/mt-560/devtests-raw+tok/devs/OPUS100v1_dev-aze_eng.eng.tok" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/opus-data/mt-560/devtests-raw+tok/devs/OPUS100v1_dev-aze_eng.eng.tok" @@ -0,0 +1,2000 @@ +To Him belongs Judgment and to Him you will all return . +The other said : I dreamed that I was carrying upon my head bread whereof the birds were eating . +They will not stop fighting you until they make you renounce your faith , if they can . +Your wealth and your children are just a test ; and with Allah is a tremendous reward . +Avoid the repugnance of idols , and false and frivolous talk . +O Children of Israel ! +Patch file : +_ Toolbar +Have they feet wherewith they wend ? Have they hands wherewith they grip ? +Remember thy Lord in thy soul , humbly and fearfully , not loud of voice , at morn and eventide . Be not thou among the heedless . +The Queen said : " When the kings enter a country they cause corruption in it and abase those of its people who are held in honour . +So be thou patient ; surely God ' s promise is true . Whether We show thee a part of that We promise them , or We call thee unto Us , to Us they shall be returned . +Or treat alike the God @-@ fearing and the wicked ? +All praise be to God who bestowed on me Ishmael and Isaac in old age . +That surely is easy for God . +Thereupon a shocking catastrophe seized them , so that they lay prostrate in their dwellings . +When if We show you them suffering Our retribution or you die before their suffering , ( they will not be able to escape Our punishment ) they will all return to Us . +Indeed in it are signs for men of intellect . +Nay , woe to those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of Allah ; those are in clear error . +He said , " My Lord , forgive me and my brother and admit us to Your mercy . +by the even and the odd , +The good land - its vegetation comes out by the permission of its Lord , and as for that which is bad , it does not come out except sparsely . +For them who have done good is the best [ reward ] and extra . +And indeed they have passed by the township whereon was rained the fatal rain . +Allah does not want to lay any hardship upon you ; rather He wants to purify you and complete His favours upon you so that you may give thanks . +So turn away ( O Muhammad SAW ) from them for a while , +The life of this world is just a brief usage , and indeed the next abode is one of everlasting stay . " +radio menu item +And thou tarriedst amongst us for many years of thy life ? +Which We have reserved as punishment for evil @-@ doers ? +These are the verses of the Book overflowing with wisdom . +Said he , ' Did I not say that thou couldst never bear with me patiently ? ' +QAF . +But whoever is forced [ by necessity ] , neither desiring [ it ] nor transgressing [ its limit ] , then indeed , your Lord is Forgiving and Merciful . " +And said Firaun , " O Haman ! +Then did ye turn back , except a few among you , and ye backslide ( even now ) . +They said : " O Minister , he has an aged father , so keep one of us in his place . +Thus , We settled Joseph in the land to live wherever he wanted . +When they have reached the end of their waiting period you will not be blamed for what they may reasonably choose to do with themselves : God is aware of what you do . +They are the people of the Fire , and there they shall remain for ever . +And those who disbelieve will be gathered unto hell , +Perfect our light for us , and forgive us ! +And also in Ad , when We loosed against them the withering wind +So he began with their bags , before his brother ' s bag . +And they prostrated except Iblis ( Satan ) , he refused and was proud and was one of the disbelievers ( disobedient to Allah ) . +This is a reminder . And lo ! for those who ward off ( evil ) is a happy journey ' s end , +They ask , " When will this promise be fulfilled , if what you say be true ? " +Or His Messenger ? +He judges between you . +That he may make that which the Satan casteth forth a temptation for those in whose heart is a disease and whose hearts are hardened--and the wrong @-@ doers are in divergence far @-@ off - +And We gave to Dawood Sulaiman , most excellent the servant ! +No intercession with Him will be of any benefit except that of those whom He has granted permission . The angels cannot intercede . +My Lord ! +When he spoke to his wife of this , she asked him who had told him about it . +But you supposed that We would not appoint the time for the fulfillment of Our promise to you . " +The People of the Book adopted many different ways rather than follow the true way of Islam even after the knowledge of truth had reached them , and this merely to commit excesses against one another . +God is not unaware of what you do . +Do not show this dialog again +_ Properties ... +Remember when He made you successors after [ the people of ] ' Ad , and settled you in the land : you build palaces in its plains , and hew houses out of the mountains . +Just look at thy food and drink which have not rotted ! Look at thine ass ! +Gainsay they then the favour of Allah ? +Choose a working directory +Vain are the acts of those who deny Our signs and the meeting in the Hereafter . +They will not fight you in a body except in fortified cities , or from behind the walls . +The mother of Moses was perturbed in the morning . +Mankind were one community and Allah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings , and with them He sent the Scripture in truth to judge between people in matters wherein they differed . +He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them . +That is the thought of the unbelievers . +In fact , they used to worship the jinn , and most of them had faith in them . " +With difficulty is surely ease . +Aye ! man against himself shall be an enlightenment . +Had your Lord willed , He would have made mankind a single nation . +but We shall reduce all this to barren waste . +other than Allah ? +Can your Lord send down to us from heaven a table spread with food ? " +Shaitan ( Satan ) made their deeds fair @-@ seeming to them , and turned them away from the ( Right ) Path , though they were intelligent . +God will show them thus their deeds , and fill them with remorse ; but never shall they find release from the Fire . +The likeness of those who have been loaded with the Torah then they have not carried it , is as the likeness of an ass carrying books . +Allah is Aware of what they do ! +Remember God s blessings ' upon you . +Whosoever of them followeth thee , I will of a surety fill Hell with you all . +Generic C + + Class +This is the path of your Lord and it is straight . +And will not be able to hide from it . +They will call out , ' O Malik ! +Salamun ( peace ) be upon Ibrahim ( Abraham ) ! " +and man says , ' What is the matter with her ? ' +And the Jews say : the hand of God is fettered . +And He shows you ( always ) His Signs : then which of the Signs of Allah will ye deny ? +Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny ? +To Him shall you return , all together -- God ' s promise , in truth . +Until when they came to the valley of the ants , a she ant exclaimed , " O ants , enter your houses - may not Sulaiman and his armies crush you , unknowingly . " +And if they suckle your offspring whom they bore you , then give them due recompense , and graciously settle the question of compensation between yourselves by mutual understanding . +And Allah hath knowledge of all things . +And what will Allah gain by punishing you , if you acknowledge the truth and accept faith ? +They replied , " Shu ' ayb , we do not understand much of what you say . +Even so is the coming forth . +Surely their [ evil ] fortune had been decreed by God , but most of them did not know this . +If you were to spend the wealth of the whole earth , you would not have been able to unite their hearts but God has been able to unite them . +Then hurry from the place whence the other people have hurried , and ask forgiveness of Allah , verily Allah is Forgiving , Merciful . +That is most improbable ! " +Thus do We make it to enter into the hearts of the guilty ; +And so it sailed with them amidst waves like hills . And Noah called to his son , who had kept away , " On my son ! +Whether We shall show thee ( within thy life @-@ time ) part of what we promised them or take to ourselves thy soul ( before it is all accomplished ) , - thy duty is to make ( the Message ) reach them : it is our part to call them to account . +Think not God is oblivious of the deeds of the wicked . +Did not the news reach him , of that which is mentioned in the Books of Moosa ? +Select the text in the matching braces +( Muhammad ) , leave them alone . +Say : What is with Allah is better than sport and ( better ) than merchandise , and Allah is the best of Sustainers . +God will surely bring to light what you are dreading . " +Therefore , double their torment in the Fire . " +Do not act recursively +As for someone who cannot afford [ the offering ] , let him fast three days during the hajj and seven when you return ; that is [ a period of ] ten complete [ days ] . +I follow only that which is revealed to me . " +He replied : " Father , do as you are commanded . +Clean whole project +And obey Allah and His Apostle and do not quarrel for then you will be weak in hearts and your power will depart , and be patient ; surely Allah is with the patient . +We were forced to carry people ' s ornaments . +If He were to call them ( at once ) to account for what they have earned , then surely He would have hastened their punishment : but they have their appointed time , beyond which they will find no refuge . +God is Appreciative and Cognizant . +We don 't have a daughter . +And Allah is Oft @-@ Forgiving , Most Merciful . +What you seek to hasten is not up to me . +Indeed no one despairs of Allah s mercy ' except the faithless lot . ' +Perhaps Allah will put , between you and those to whom you have been enemies among them , affection . +Hallowed be Allah : and I am not of the associators . +The flashing of His lightning all but snatcheth away the sight . +If Allah had willed , they would not have done so : But leave alone them and their inventions . +Celebrate the praises of Allah during the Appointed Days . +But they differed among themselves ; some believed , and others disbelieved . +Alif @-@ Lam @-@ Mim @-@ Suad , +Beleaguered Castle +Indeed they have misled many people . +And if you fear treachery from any people ( with whom you have a covenant ) then publicly throw their covenant at them . +They pervert the words in their places and say : ' If you are given this , accept it ; if not , then beware ' Whomsoever Allah wishes to try , you will not own anything with Allah concerning him . +Kind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by insults . +Verily Allah is , unto mankind , Clement , Merciful . +God is forgiving and merciful . +Verily thou art ever toiling on towards thy Lord- painfully toiling , - but thou shalt meet Him . +Did you not see how God sent down water from the sky with which We bring forth fruit of diverse colours . +But they called him a liar , therefore they shall most surely be brought up . +And when they smote their hands , and saw that they had gone astray , they said , ' If our Lord has not mercy on us , and forgives us not , surely we shall be of the lost . ' +" ' Put him into a chest , then cast it into the river . The river will cast it on to the bank , and there he shall be taken up by an enemy of Mine and his . ' +Then [ if that were so ] , they would not give the people [ even as much as ] the speck on a date seed . +He had no host to help him besides Allah , and he was helpless +New " Maildir " mailbox ... +If you are in dispute over any matter , refer it to God and the Messenger , if you truly believe in God and the Last Day : this is best , and best in the end . +Perhaps your Lord will remove from you your misdeeds and admit you into gardens beneath which rivers flow [ on ] the Day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believed with him . +And verily My curse shall be on thee till the Day of Requital , +So fear God and obey me . +If they wish to have a settlement then God will reconcile them , for God is all @-@ knowing and cognisant . +On that day , the herding will be only towards your Lord . +In this is indeed a sign , yet most of them are not believers . +Then they had no answer to offer other than to say : " Bring Allah ' s chastisement upon us if you are truthful . " +And thy Lord is Most Bountiful , - +Evil indeed is that which they have been doing . +Lo ! Allah will gather hypocrites and disbelievers , all together , into hell ; +His nation came running towards him ; whilst they were doing evil deeds . +O you who believe ! +Then leave in the ear whatever [ grain ] you harvest , except a little that you eat . +It is all the same if you call them or hold your tongue . +O People who Believe ! When you wish to humbly consult with the Noble Messenger , give some charity before you consult ; that is much better and much purer for you ; so if you do not have the means , then ( know that ) Allah is Oft Forgiving , Most Merciful . +Time scale +Document Manager +Surely he is wrong @-@ doing , ignorant . +that they might eat of its fruits and their hands ' labour . +And those who hold to the truth of the Day of Judgment ; +Those who stayed away ( from Tabuk expedition ) rejoiced in their staying behind the Messenger of Allah ; they hated to strive and fight with their properties and their lives in the Cause of Allah , and they said : " March not forth in the heat . " +And he who does not find a slave ( to free ) , shall fast for two months consecutively before they may touch each other ; and he who is unable to do so shall feed sixty needy people . +He prevents the sky from falling on the earth unless He decides otherwise . +And if ye are in safety , then whosoever contenteth himself with the visit for the pilgrimage ( shall give ) such gifts as can be had with ease . +Document Manager +It is God who protects ; it is He who gives life to the dead , for He has power over everything . +But the Messiah had said , ' O Children of Israel ! +_ Edit +Say thou : He is Able to stir up torment on you from above you or from beneath your feet or to confound you by factions and make you taste the violence of one anot her . +No Clear ( Sign ) that hast thou brought us , and we are not the ones to desert our gods on thy word ! +Then you shall neither be able to repel your punishment nor shall get any help from anywhere ; and whoso is guilty. of iniquity " among you , We shall make him taste a severe torment . +So have they not traveled through the earth and observed how was the end of those before them ? +And We shall place shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved . +What they used to conceal before will become clear to them . +Our misfortune overwhelmed us , and we became a people astray ! +And mention in the Book Idrees . +Say : My Lord forbiddeth only indecencies , such of them as are apparent and such as are within , and sin and wrongful oppression , and that ye associate with Allah that for which no warrant hath been revealed , and that ye tell concerning Allah that which ye know not . +" I feel hesitant , and my tongue does not speak fast , therefore make Haroon also a Noble Messenger . " +The unbelievers say : ' The Hour will never come to us ' Say : ' By my Lord , yes , it is surely coming to you ! By Him who knows the Unseen , not even the weight of an atom in heavens and earth escapes Him ; neither is there anything smaller than that , nor greater except that it is in a Clear Book , +The Word of Allah is unchanging , that is the mighty triumph . +Whenever he is told : " Obey God , " his arrogance leads him to more sin ; and sufficient for him shall be Hell : How evil a place of wide expanse ! +My plan is firm . +And that Unto thy Lord is the goal . +Yet among the people is he who argues about God without knowledge , without guidance , and without an enlightening Scripture . +We are well aware that you are disheartened by what they say . +Alif Lam Mim . +There are some among them who talk ill of the Prophet by saying : " He listens to everyone . " +This is the way We requite those who invent falsehoods . +Leave Me Alone ( to deal ) with whom I created Alone ( without any means , i.e. Al @-@ Walid bin Al @-@ Mughirah Al @-@ Makhzumi ) ! +And We sent down iron , wherein is great military might and benefits for the people , and so that Allah may make evident those who support Him and His messengers unseen . +Rename the selected bookmark or topic +" Our Lord , in You we trust , and to You we repent , and to You is the ultimate resort . +And what will explain to thee what Sijjin is ? +Which side is more entitled to security , if you are aware ? " +None knows ( about ) them except God . +And if they should cease , no one could hold them [ in place ] after Him . +and then one of the two women came walking shyly up to him and said , " My father is asking you to come so that he may reward you for watering our flocks for us . " +We sent you as an apostle to mankind , and Allah suffices as witness . +Allah leads the evildoers astray . +Did they witness how their body is constituted ? +In their story , there is a lesson for the people of understanding . +Two God @-@ fearing men on whom God had bestowed favors told them , " Proceed through the gates and when you enter the city you will be victorious . +Whatever you differ upon , its judgement belongs to Allah . +And that which He has multiplied for you in the earth of diverse hues . +And of the people is he who sells himself , seeking means to the approval of Allah . +Allah hath ( now ) revealed the fairest of statements , a Scripture consistent , ( wherein promises of reward are ) paired ( with threats of punishment ) , whereat doth creep the flesh of those who fear their Lord , so that their flesh and their hearts soften to Allah ' s reminder . +Afterwards We drowned the others . +Thus does Allah explain ( the truth ) through examples . +Such similitudes coin We for mankind that haply they may reflect . +We knew him well . +Allah knows that you are indeed His Apostle , and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are indeed liars . +Allah is Aware of what ye do . +Even as those before you who were mightier than you in strength , and more affluent than you in wealth and children . +Allah is Powerful over everything . +Program Parameters +So O men and jinns ! Which favour of your Lord will you deny ? +And [ God does not like ] those who spend their wealth for the sake of ostentation , who do not believe in God or the Last Day . +Then will every soul be [ fully ] compensated for what it earned , and they will not be wronged . +He is the all @-@ mighty and supreme . " +Every soul shall taste death , and We will test you with good and ill by way of test , and to Us you will be brought back . +Why were you hasty about the commandments of your Lord ? " +Say thou : Allah hath spoken the truth ; follow therefore the faith of Ibrahim the upright ; and he was not of the associators . +Lo ! I am delivered of a female - Allah knew best of what she was delivered - the male is not as the female ; and lo ! +Have they not perceived that Allah , Who has created the heavens and the earth , has the power to create the like of them ? +If God should take men to task for what they have earned He would not leave upon the face of the earth one creature that crawls ; but He is deferring them to a stated term . +Are verily the real unbelievers . +We shall reward the thankful . +O ye who believe ! Ask not of things which , if they were made unto you , would trouble you ; but if ye ask of them when the Qur ' an is being revealed , they will be made known unto you . Allah pardoneth this , for Allah is Forgiving , Clement . +The Lord said , " You will only be given a respite +He alone is the Knower , the Wise . +Surely when We pound the earth to powder grounded , pounded to dust , +It is your Lord who drives your ships at sea so that you may seek His bounty . +And [ We destroyed ] ' Aad and Thamud , and it has become clear to you from their [ ruined ] dwellings . +University +If We willed , We would show them to you and you would recognize them by their marks . +They said , " Yes ; " and an announcer between them proclaimed , " The curse of Allah is upon the unjust . " - +Tell the laggardly Bedouins , " You will be called to face strong people whom you will fight right to the end or who will submit to you . +The evil @-@ doers will be told : " So taste what you earned . " +The type " % s " is not a cell renderer type . +And the heaven He has raised high , and He has set up the Balance . +sent to preach to you the message of my Lord and to give you good advice . +Do not be like those who left their homes full of conceit and showing off to others . +Moses said : " I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every insolent imposter who does not believe in the Day of Reckoning . " +Deem it not a bad thing for you ; nay , it is good for you . +And a band of them ask for leave of the Prophet , saying , " Truly our houses are bare and exposed , " though they were not exposed they intended nothing but to run away . +follow those who ask no wage of you and are rightly guided . +So We gave their reward to those of them that believed . +Not so those devoted to Prayer ; - +Open the bookmarks window +Before them is Hell , and what they had earned will not avail them at all nor what they had taken besides Allah as allies . +And certainly God does not guide an unjust people . +Let those who have the desire to be in the presence of God on the Day of Judgment know that their day will certainly be coming . +And whoever turns away - then indeed , Allah is the Free of need , the Praiseworthy . +Then complete the fast until nightfall . +It is in Allah that the believers should put their trust . +And the people of Nuh before ; surely they were most unjust and inordinate ; +Do not marvel at their wealth and children . +Then , it was not Allah Who caused them any wrong ; they rather wronged themselves . +We sent them two Messengers whom they rejected . +Then a visitation from thy Lord visited it , while they were sleeping , +Surely God is forgiving and kind . +The believers say , " Are these the people who proclaimed themselves to be our sworn friends ? " +That is the supreme triumph . +Or do they say , " He has made it up " ? +Alif , Lam , Mim , Ra . +We have not taught him any poetry nor would it be fitting for him . +Forbidden to you ( for marriage ) are : your mothers , your daughters , your sisters , your father ' s sisters , your mother ' s sisters , your brother ' s daughters , your sister ' s daughters , your foster mother who gave you suck , your foster milk suckling sisters , your wives ' mothers , your step daughters under your guardianship , born of your wives to whom you have gone in - but there is no sin on you if you have not gone in them ( to marry their daughters ) , - the wives of your sons who ( spring ) from your own loins , and two sisters in wedlock at the same time , except for what has already passed ; verily , Allah is Oft @-@ Forgiving , Most Merciful . +So , [ O Muhammad ] , let the disbelievers not contend with you over the matter but invite them to your Lord . +How could they not have seen it ? +It is a written record , +Draw anyone of them you can into sin by your voice and by your cavalry and infantry , share their property and children with them and make promises to them . +Because they followed what displeases God , and they were averse to pleasing Him . +They say : Two magicians backing up each other ; and they say : Surely we are unbelievers in all . +Lo ! that in Allah ' s sight would be an enormity . +Yet many people deny that they will meet their Lord . +Exaltations to Him in whose Hand is the Kingdom of all things , and to Him you will be returned . +Those who deny the truth said to their messengers , " We shall banish you from our land unless you return to our ways . " +And say , " [ All ] praise is [ due ] to Allah . +Thereafter We made inheritors of the book those whom We chose of Our bondmen . +Can 't decode object % s +Such are rightful owners of the Garden ; they will abide therein . +Spraying Device +The Fire with which Allah has threatened those who disbelieve . +Unicode ( UTF- _ 32 BE ) +Many of the followers of the Book wish that they could turn you back into unbelievers after your faith , out of envy from themselves , ( even ) after the truth has become manifest to them ; but pardon and forgive , so that Allah should bring about His command ; surely Allah has power over all things . +Tell My worshipers , that they should say words that are the finest , satan would arouse discord among them ; he is the clear enemy of mankind . +Or which army do you have that will help you against the Most Gracious ? +And when the believers used to pass by , they used to gesture at each other with their eyes . +Man Documentation +And the structure which they have erected will ever inspire their hearts with doubts unless it be that their very hearts are cut into pieces . +_ Commit ... +[ But you think it is impossible that ] someone else may be granted [ revelation ] such as you were granted -- or else that they should contend against you before your Lord . +No increase do We give you save of torment . +The shortcut is already used by another component in Anjuta . Do you want to keep it anyway ? +" And take in your hand a bundle of thin grass and strike therewith ( your wife ) , and break not your oath . +And a proclamation from God and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage , that God has disowned the polytheists , and so did His Messenger . +He is the Hearer , the Knower ' +Are the people of the townships then secure from the coming of Our wrath upon them as a night @-@ raid while they sleep ? +Had God pleased , they would not have done so ; so leave them to their false inventions . +And He is Allah ; La ilaha illa Huwa ( none has the right to be worshipped but He ) . +We had given him treasures , so many that a team of wrestlers could hardly lift their keys . +Autosave failed for % s +Then they thought and observed : " Surely you are yourselves unjust . " +Unable to extract project template % s : % s +But they call their comrade and he took and hamstrung ( her ) . +And because they practised usury although it had been forbidden them ; and for using others ' wealth unjustly . +Allah does not burden any human being beyond the means that He has bestowed upon him . +Wellnigh he had led us astray from our gods , but that we kept steadfast to them . ' +Say : ' If I have forged it , you have no power to help me against God . +O you who believe ! +Title +We bestow of Our mercy on whomsoever We will , and We waste not the hire of the well @-@ doers . +and knew nothing of my reckoning . +But if ye reject Faith , to Allah belong all things in the heavens and on earth : And Allah is All @-@ knowing , All @-@ wise . +Make sure ' gdb ' is installed on the system . +Surely , they have been in despair to receive any good in the Hereafter , just as the disbelievers have been in despair about those ( buried ) in graves ( that they will not be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection ) . +Does the human being not consider that We created him from a seed ? +The earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment for a time . +And give unto the orphans their substance , and substitute not the bad for the good ; and devour not their substance by adding it to your substance ; verily that is a great crime . +Patch level : +Glory to Him ! He is high above all that they say ! - Exalted and Great ( beyond measure ) ! +Allah will say : " Then suffer the chastisement as a requital for your disbelieving . " +God is Knowing and Wise . +And herein hath come unto thee the Truth and an exhortation and a reminder for believers . +We raise unto degrees of wisdom whom We will . +Then they wither and you see them turn yellow . +The Prophets who had submitted themselves to the will of God , judged the Jews by the laws of the Torah . +And the earth He extended after that ; +And I say not unto you that with me are the treasures of Allah , nor that I know the Unseen ; nor I say , I am an angel . +Not equal are the inmates of the Fire and the inhabitants of paradise . +Do men fancy that they will be left just upon their declaring , " We believe " , and they will not be tested ? +apart from God , and guide them unto the path of Hell ! +Are not they indeed the mischief @-@ makers ? But they perceive not . +When ye climbed ( the hill ) and paid no heed to anyone , while the messenger , in your rear , was calling you ( to fight ) . Therefor He rewarded you grief for ( his ) grief , that ( He might teach ) you not to sorrow either for that which ye missed or for that which befell you . +Bring me blocks of iron to fill up the passage between the two mountains . " +he said to them : ' I do not know you ' +Their messengers came to them with clear proofs and written ordinances and with the enlightening Scripture . +God is All @-@ Hearing , All @-@ Seeing . +And We revealed unto Musa , when his people asked him for drink : Smite the rock with thy rod . +Thus We set a seal on the hearts of the hostile . +Confer on me a worthy repute among the posterity , +And when they come to you , they greet you in a manner that Allah does not greet you , and say to themselves : " Why does Allah not chastise us for these utterances of ours ? " +We know not save what Thou hast taught us . +He said , " Did you believe in Him before I have given you permission ? He must be your chief , who taught you magic . +Say thou : O people of the Book ! what is it that ye persecute us for save that we believe in Allah and in that which hath been sent down unto us and that which hath been sent down aforetime ? and most of you are transgressors . +cvs _ date +To Allah shall all things return . +So approach homes from their doors , and observe God , that you may succeed . +Did you ( O dear Prophet Mohammed peace and - blessings be upon him ) not see a group of the Descendants of Israel , after Moosa ? +The people most deserving of Abraham are those who followed him , and this prophet , and those who believe . +Nay , but from the Remembrance of their Lord they are turning away . +Thus ! +And built above you seven strong ones ? +These are the ones who lose a great deal . +And they were followed in this [ world ] with a curse and on the Day of Resurrection . +So O men and jinns ! Which favour of your Lord will you deny ? +nor those who , being miserly themselves , urge others to be miserly . +The Messiah , Jesus son of Mary , was only the Messenger of God , and His Word that He committed to Mary , and a Spirit from Him . +You must provide a tool command ! +But those in whose hearts is and deviation follow that which is consimilar therein , seeking discord and seeking to misinterpret the same whereas none knoweth the interpretation thereof a save Allah . +' And therein , you shall dwell forever . +Whether you speak in secrecy or aloud , ( it is all the same to Allah ) . +Yes , indeed Our angels , who are present with them write it down . +The Way of Allah , to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth . +The land of God is vast . +and will abide under this burden for ever . +The ( pursuing ) hosts will surely be drowned , " +We sent her Our angel , who presented himself to her as a full @-@ grown human being . +But Allah is most deserving that you should fear Him , if you are believers . +We too are waiting . ' +Believers , when you go forth in the cause of God , make due investigation and do not say to those who offer you the greeting of peace , " You are no believer ! " because you seek the good things of this life . +Then taste you ( the torment of the Fire ) because of your forgetting the Meeting of this Day of yours , ( and ) surely ! +Then when he brought Unto them evidences , they said : this is magic manifest . +Is it not a guidance for them ( to know ) how many generations We have destroyed before them , in whose dwellings they walk ? +Those who do not believe in the Hereafter set a bad example , while God sets the Highest Example . +And a sign for them is the night , We withdraw therefrom the day , and behold , they are in darkness . +So then if you die , will they live ever after ? +_ Remove ... +Woe , that Day , to the deniers . +Fair @-@ seeming is made unto men the love of pleasurable things from women and children and talents heaped @-@ up of gold and silver and horses branded up and cattle and tilth . +The sentence of our Lord has come true for us . +And not an apostle We have sent but to be obeyed by Allah ' s command . +As such , Allah strikes both the truth and the false . +Avoid the repugnance of idols , and false and frivolous talk . +For a single good deed , one will be rewarded tenfold . +The Desert @-@ Arabs are the most steeped in disbelief and hypocrisy , and the most likely to ignore the limits that God revealed to His Messenger . +Then taste the punishment for that ye disbelieved . +Believers , when believing women come to you as emigrants , test them . Allah best knows their belief . If you find them to be believers do not return them to the unbelievers ; they are not permitted to the unbelievers , nor are the unbelievers permitted to them . But give back to the unbelievers what they have spent , and there is no fault in you to marry such women , provided you give them their dowries . Do not hold on to the ties with unbelieving women , ask what you have spent and let them ask what they have spent . Such is the Judgement of Allah ; He judges between you ; and Allah is the Knower , and the Wise . +For them shall be drink of boiling water and a torment afflictive , for they were wont to disbelieve . +And other have confessed their sins ; they have mixed a righteous deed with another evil . +And Allah is the possessor of great bounty . +Have We not made the earth a repository +If we ever returned , we would truly be evil . " +Anyone of you who kills game deliberately shall make compensation with an animal which is the equivalent of what he has killed , to be determined by two just men from among you , as an offering brought to the Ka ' bah ; or he shall , in expiation , either feed the poor or do the equivalent of that in fasting , so that he may taste the consequence of his deeds . +So how awesome were My chastisement and My warnings ! +For if you dislike them - perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good . +I saw ( in a dream ) eleven stars and the sun and the moon : I saw them prostrating themselves before me . " +Nay , by the moon , +Remember ye were on the hither side of the valley , and they on the farther side , and the caravan on lower ground than ye . +Paste the content of clipboard at the current position +He is verily the one who will raise the dead . +O ye who believe ! +An Arabic Quran , without any crookedness ( therein ) in order that they may avoid all evil which Allah has ordered them to avoid , fear Him and keep their duty to Him . +And love wealth with all your heart . +About which they have been differing ? +Indeed it was great ( heavy ) except for those whom Allah guided . +only those seek exemption who do not truly believe in God and the Last Day , and whose hearts have become a prey to doubt . +If We wish , We will show them to you so that you recognize them by their mark . +No , indeed ! +He does not love the wasteful ! +And round about them will ( serve ) boys of everlasting youth . +If you are killed in the cause of God or you die , the forgiveness and mercy of God are better than all that you amass . +Then they will have on top of it a mixture of boiling water . +Do you not see how Allah causes the night to enter into the day , and the day enter into the night and has subjected the sun and the moon , each running to a named term ? +Select an Image File +" Indeed this promise was given to us and before us to our forefathers - this is nothing but stories of earlier people . " +Yet surely God is All @-@ pardoning , All @-@ forgiving . +Whoso slayeth a believer of set purpose , his reward is hell for ever . +We said , " Abraham , avoid asking Us such questions . +And I swear by the self @-@ reproaching soul . +So because of their breach of their covenant , We cursed them , and made their hearts grow hard . +Program terminated +Then they are brought back to God , their True Master . +Say , " They are for those who believe during the worldly life [ but ] exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection . " +When Moses was about to attack their enemy , he said , " Moses , do you want to kill me as you slew a soul the other day ? +( The Lord ) said : " Trap four birds and tame them , then put each of them on a ( separate ) hill , and call them , and they will come flying to you . +Verily Allah is All @-@ Pardoning , All @-@ Forgiving . +Select code license +O if the evildoers might see , when they see the chastisement , that the power altogether belongs to God , and that God is terrible in chastisement , +Jigsaw - part _ oioo +Those are they who disbelieve in the revelations of their Lord and in the meeting with Him . +Patching complete +Your duty is only to warn him who fears it . +They see the ( Day ) indeed as a far @-@ off ( event ) : +when they were seated around it +So seek all [ your ] provision from Allah , and worship Him and thank Him , and to Him you shall be brought back . ' +In Gardens ; they shall be asking , +You can not escape from ( God ' s retribution ) " . +To Him belong the Best Names . +And in the heaven is Your provision and that which ye are promised . +They have purchased with the revelations of Allah a little gain , so they debar ( men ) from His way . +Say ( to them ) : " Verily , the death from which you flee will surely meet you , then you will be sent back to ( Allah ) , the All @-@ Knower of the unseen and the seen , and He will tell you what you used to do . " +And the Muhajirs and Ansar , the leaders and the first ones and those who followed them in well @-@ doing , --well @-@ pleased is Allah with them , and well pleased are they with Him , and He hath gotten ready for them Gardens where under the rivers flow , as abiders therein forever . +Every time a batch is thrown into it , its keepers will ask them , " Has no warner come to you ? " +And cry not , beside Allah , unto that which cannot profit thee nor hurt thee , for if thou didst so then wert thou of the wrong @-@ doers . +Why should Allah will guidance for the people who disbelieved , after their having accepted faith and bearing witness that the Noble Messenger is a true one , and after clear signs had come to them ? +He it is Who sends down the rain after they despair of it , spreading out His Mercy . +I have forsaken the tradition of people who do not believe in God ; and regarding the Hereafter , they are deniers . " +And all the praises and thanks be to Allah , the Lord of the ' Alamin ( mankind , jinns , and all that exists ) . +He will say , ' Indeed you will stay on . ' +And they will say : " All the praises and thanks be to Allah Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit ( this ) land . +We shall burn them in Fire . As often as their skins are roasted through , We shall change them for other skins that they may taste the punishment . +Sorted in alphabetical order +O you who believe , avoid most suspicions : Some suspicions are indeed sins . +For those who disobey God and His Apostle is the fire of Hell , where they will abide for ever ; +Some Jews knowingly listen to lies and accept the lies which come from others , ( Jews ) , who have no relation with you and who distort certain words of the Bible and say to the people , " Accept only those words which are the same as what We have told you . +La ilaha illa Ana ( none has the right to be worshipped but I ) , so worship Me , and perform As @-@ Salat ( Iqamat @-@ as @-@ Salat ) for My Remembrance . +we had no power over you ; but you yourselves were a rebellious people . +He is Allah , than Whom there is La ilaha illa Huwa ( none has the right to be worshipped but He ) the All @-@ Knower of the unseen and the seen ( open ) . +Whoever does good , it is for his own soul , and whoever does evil , it is against himself ; then you shall be brought back to your-- Lord . +He it is Who appointed the sun a splendour and the moon a light , and measured for her stages , that ye might know the number of the years , and the reckoning . +Those before them planned , but the entire plan is up to God . +Indeed , Allah is Forgiving and the Most Merciful . +O you who believe ! be helpers ( in the cause ) of Allah , as ~ Isa son of Marium said to ( his ) disciples : Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah ? The disciples said : We are helpers ( in the cause ) of Allah . +" I did not tell them anything except what You commanded me to tell them . +Who hinders men from ( doing ) good , the transgressor , the iniquitous , +How can there be a treaty with Allah and with His Noble Messenger for the polytheists , except for those with whom you made a treaty near the Sacred Mosque ? +He asked the Lord to show Himself so that he could look at Him . +To Him do ascend the good words ; and the good deeds , lift them up , and ( as for ) those who plan evil deeds , they shall have a severe chastisement ; and ( as for ) their plan , it shall perish . +Death will approach him from every quarter , yet he will not die . +So fear God and follow me . " +Whenever He decrees a thing , He says to it , " Be , " and it becomes . +So a bearer of glad tidings and a warner has indeed come to you . +foundation +Satan is indeed man ' s manifest enemy . +O ye who believe ! +Unto Allah is your return , and He is Able to do all things . +You are quit of what I do , and I am quit of what you do . " +" He indeed led me astray from the advice that had come to me " ; and Satan deserts man , leaving him unaided . +Say : " I but follow what is revealed to me from my Lord . +Whispering is an act of Satan , one that aims at causing grief to the believers ; yet without Allah ' s leave no harm can be caused to them . +Then We made the sperm @-@ drop into a clinging clot , and We made the clot into a lump [ of flesh ] , and We made [ from ] the lump , bones , and We covered the bones with flesh ; then We developed him into another creation . +And ( as for ) those who believe and do good , We will certainly give them abode in the high places in gardens beneath which rivers flow , abiding therein ; how good the reward of the workers : +Surely people have asked questions before you , and were then found disbelievers therein . +No warrant you have for this . +Those shall dwell in Gardens , honoured . +Match complete lines +In fact , I allowed them and their fathers to enjoy this life till the truth , and the apostle preaching it lucidly , came to them . +Say thou : knowledge thereof is with Allah only ; but most of men know not . +My reward is only from Him , Who created me . +And fear God , and know that God is aware of everything . +Indeed Allah is all @-@ hearing , all @-@ seeing . +But if anyone is forced by necessity , being neither disobedient nor exceeding the limit , then surely your Lord is most forgiving and merciful . +And the House ( Kaaba ) that is visited , +Allah is Rich , the Praised . +Except what is past . +Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers , merciful among themselves . +Nor are equal the living and the dead . +And upon Allah let the believers rely . +Have you seen him who turns his back , +These are not held equal by Allah . +Thus do We requite every ingrate . +They were blind and deaf in their pride , thinking themselves ( to be the chosen nation of God ) and thus safe from calamities . +By the [ angels ] ranged in ranks , +There is no harm if you or they visit one another at other times ( without permission ) . +God s instructions ' to you are excellent . +O men ! +Is there any Allah beside Allah ? +Say , " Which is better , this or the Paradise of immortality which the righteous have been promised ? It is their recompense and their destination . " +The dwelling of these people will be hell fire , a terrible destination . +He who doeth wrong will have the recompense thereof , and will not find against Allah any protecting friend or helper . +Indeed Allah is ever , with what you do , Acquainted . +And He has prepared for them a generous wage . +For the harmdoers there is indeed , a punishment before that , but most of them do not know . +" Then bind him inside a chain which is seventy arm @-@ lengths . " +Select the _ target for the library : +This causes the unbelievers to go further astray . +Allah is Most Forgiving , Most Merciful . +We have expounded most distinctly everything . +Certainly I communicated to you the message of my Lord , and I was your well @-@ wisher , but you did not like well @-@ wishers . ' +This , that ye may put trust in Allah and His messenger . +For indeed we hold irresistible sway over them . ' +It will melt their skins and all that is in their bellies . +God does not guide such unjust people . +I ask of you no wealth therefor . +Then , a visitation from your Lord visited it while they were asleep . +He whom God allows to go astray has no way . +( To them ) will be said : " Enter ye the gates of Hell , to dwell therein : and evil is ( this ) Abode of the Arrogant ! " +Do not grieve for them , and do not be distressed by their plots . +And if you are faithless , [ you should know that ] to Allah indeed belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth , and Allah is all @-@ knowing , all @-@ wise . +There is not a single place wherein any secret counsel can take place between any three people without God being the fourth , nor five people without His being the sixth nor any gathering of more or less people , wherever it may be , without His being with them . +We appointed for Moses thirty nights , and We completed them with ten more ; so that the appointment with his Lord took forty nights . +We destroyed them , for surely they were guilty . +Do not transgress against them ; those who do so are unjust . +Didst thou say unto mankind : Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah ? he saith : Be glorified ! +They will say , " O woe to us ! +Say : " Sufficient for a witness between me and you is Allah and those too who have knowledge of the Scripture ( such as ' Abdullah bin Salam and other Jews and Christians who embraced Islam ) . " +Let those who lack certainty not cause you to be unsteady . +Ha @-@ Mim . [ These letters are one of the miracles of the Quran and none but Allah ( Alone ) knows their meanings ] . +The likeness of the present life is this : water that We send down from the sky is absorbed by the plants of the earth , from which the people and the animals eat . +Even though he be nearly related . Thou canst but admonish such as fear their Lord unseen and establish regular Prayer . +Verily We have prepared Hell to welcome the unbelievers . +Each time a scourge struck them they , said : ' O Moses ! +Eat of the things which Allah hath provided for you , lawful and good ; but fear Allah , in Whom ye believe . +Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan your acknowledged foe . +' Our Lord , make us submissive to You , and [ raise ] from our progeny a nation submissive to You , and show us our rites [ of worship ] , and turn to us clemently . +In the earth are signs for those having sure faith ; +Temporarily unavailable +In preference to women you satisfy your lust with men . +( He is ) the Merciful : as to His Glory , ask the one who knows . +Icosagram +And whoever desires a reward in ( this ) world , We shall give him of it ; and whoever desires a reward in the Hereafter , We shall give him thereof . +A believer may not kill another believer , unless it is by mistake . +He forgives whom He wills , and He punishes whom He wills . +So they went back retracing their footsteps . +So hold that which I have given thee , and be among the thankful . +Allah is witness of the things they do . +No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah . +But the wrongdoers refuse [ anything ] except disbelief . +You are the best of those who show mercy . " +And Allah will protect you from the people . +Changes : +And if you dispute over anything , refer it to God and the Messenger , if you believe in God and the Last Day . +Worst : +The unbelievers say : ' The Hour will never come to us ' Say : ' By my Lord , yes , it is surely coming to you ! +So Allah made them taste degradation in the life of this world , and certainly the chastisement of the Hereafter will be much more grievous . +Can they help you or yet help themselves ? +His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth , and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them . +So announce thou unto him a torment afflictive . +When those who associate partners with God see their associate gods , they will say , " Our Lord , these are our associate gods whom we used to call upon instead of You . " +When you faced them He made ( the enemy ) seem few to you in numbers , and made you appear fewer in their eyes , ( it was ) so that God could accomplish what had been decreed ; for all things rest with God . +Allah , to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth . +and by the moon , when it reaches its fullness : +Branch to switch to : +This is the she @-@ camel of Allah [ sent ] to you as a sign . +When Jesus prayed , " Lord , send us a table full of food from heaven so that it will make a feast for us and for those who are yet to come in this world and an evidence from You . +Allah said : " Thus Allah does what He wills . " +Among you are some who desire this world , and among you are some who desire the Hereafter . +Past developers : +But if they separate ( by divorce ) , Allah will provide abundance for everyone of them from His Bounty . +" And do not believe in anyone except him who follows your religion " ; say ( O dear Prophet Mohammed peace and - blessings be upon him ) , " Only Allah s guidance ' is the true guidance ( " - so why not believe in it ) if someone has been given similar to what was given to you , or if someone may be able to evidence it against you before your Lord ; say ( O dear Prophet Mohammed peace and - blessings be upon him ) , " Undoubtedly the munificence lies only in Allah s Hand ' ( control ) ; He may bestow upon whomever He wills ; and Allah is Most Capable , All Knowing . " +Prostrate yourself and try to come closer to God . +Indeed , He originates the creation , then He will bring it back that He may reward with justice those who have faith and do righteous deeds . +And surely in cattle there is a lesson for you : We give you a drink from the extract of food in their bellies and blood @-@ purest milk so delicious to drink ; +I know what you conceal and what you reveal . +And unto Allah belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth , that He may reward those who do evil with that which they have done , and reward those who do good with goodness . +Say , ' Allah is the creator of all things , and He is the One and the All @-@ paramount . ' +Each of these--theyice thereof is unto thy Lord ever detestable . +And do not spy , neither backbite one another ; would any of you like to eat the flesh of his brother dead ? +Installation failed : % s +I truly think , O Pharaoh , your days are done . " +It is only those who listen ( to the Message of Prophet Muhammad SAW ) , will respond ( benefit from it ) , but as for the dead ( disbelievers ) , Allah will raise them up , then to Him they will be returned ( for their recompense ) . +While conversing with his companion , he said , " I am wealthier than you are , and have a bigger following ! " +But God came at them from where they never expected , and threw terror into their hearts . +Location : +and made from him two kinds , male and female . +Variable text +Wrongdoers certainly never prosper . " +the day they sally forth , and naught of theirs is hidden from God . +Can they be equal ? +Truly , your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path , and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided . +[ That was ] when they disputed among themselves about their affair and [ then ] said , " Construct over them a structure . +They will be turned back to the presence of their Lord , and the witnesses will say , " These are the ones who lied against their Lord ! +If God should take men to task for what they have earned He would not leave upon the face of the earth one creature that crawls ; but He is deferring them to a stated term . +We were promised such things and so were our forefathers before us . +Say : Whoever is the enemy of Jibreel-- for surely he revealed it to your heart by Allah ' s command , verifying that which is before it and guidance and good news for the believers . +( Muhammad ) , We have revealed the Book to you for mankind in all truth . +So , you and those who turned to God with you , should walk along the straight path as you have been commanded , and do not transgress , for He verily sees whatsoever you do . +Have you , too , found that what your Lord promised you is true ? " +Goblets placed ( ready ) , +We shall attend to you , O you two classes ( jinns and men ) ! +They will not avail you in the least against God . +Had the disbelievers fought against you , they would have run away from the battle and would have found no guardian or helper . +You can only warn him who listens to the warning and fears Ar @-@ Rahman secretly . +_ Page Source +And during a part of the night ( also ) , glorify His praises ( i.e. Maghrib and ' Isha prayers ) , and ( so likewise ) after the prayers [ As @-@ Sunnah , Nawafil optional and additional prayers , and also glorify , praise and magnify Allah - Subhan Allah , Alhamdu lillah , Allahu @-@ Akbar ] . +Certainly Aaron had said to them even before ( the return of Moses ) : " My people , you were fallen into error because of the calf . +Indeed We have sent you with the truth as a bearer of good news and as a warner ; and there is not a nation but a warner has passed in it . +There is a goodly pattern for you in Abraham and those with him , when they told their folk : Lo ! we are guiltless of you and all that ye worship beside Allah . We have done with you . And there hath arisen between us and you hostility and hate for ever until ye believe in Allah only - save that which Abraham promised his father ( when he said ) : I will ask forgiveness for thee , though I own nothing for thee from Allah - Our Lord ! In Thee we put our trust , and unto Thee we turn repentant , and unto Thee is the journeying . +Truly ! +And it is asked : " Is there any reciter of charms and amulets ? " +Getting ready to start debugging session ... +Sufficient for them shall be Gehenna , at which they , shall be roasted -- an evil homecoming ! +My wage is only upon Allah and He is Witness over everything ' +Had they gone forth with you , they would not have increased you except in confusion , and they would have been active among you , seeking [ to cause ] you fitnah . +For you [ disbelievers ] have denied , so your denial is going to be adherent . +Neither drowsiness befalls Him nor sleep . +And gold ornament . But all that is not but the enjoyment of worldly life . +Verily Allah is well @-@ acquainted with all things . +O ye who believe ! +loving and of equal age . +These verses are a reminder +gazing towards their Lord . +On the Day of Resurrection you will see those who attributed lies to Allah with their faces blackened . +Pass : +God is too Glorious to have a son ! +And Allah pronounces a doom-- there is no repeller of His decree , and He is swift to take account . +Add Breakpoint ... +Say , " God . " +We gave Moses the Scripture , and sent a succession of messengers after him . +Those who took their religion for diversion and play and whom the life of the world had deceived . +They said : " O Musa ( Moses ) ! We shall never enter it as long as they are there . +Branch name : +the Quran is the final word , +Which of your Lord ' s powers will you twain - you men and jinn then deny - ? +Roast in it ! +They will say : " O Lord , give him who has brought this upon us two times more the torment of Hell ; " +Yet it is not thy concern if he grow not ( in grace ) . +Lo ! those of you who turned back on the day when the two hosts met , Satan alone it was who caused them to backslide , because of some of that which they have earned . +We have wronged ourselves . +Those who were left behind were glad on account of their sitting behind Allah ' s Apostle and they were averse from striving in Allah ' s way with their property and their persons , and said : Do not go forth in the heat . +Before this , we used to pray to Him . +viewport +Indentation and auto @-@ format options +When their skins are burnt up , We shall replace them with new ones so that they may continue to taste the punishment . +( Further , We sent a long line of prophets for your instruction ) . +We lay veils upon their hearts and heaviness in their ears , lest they understand it . +They devised , and Allah devised . +Then the twain journeyed until when they came unto the people of a city , they begged food from the people thereof , but they refused to entertain the twain . +Even if you deny , surely all that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to God ; and God is self @-@ sufficient and praise @-@ worthy . +Musa said to him : You are most surely one erring manifestly . +And the magicians came to Pharaoh . They said , ' We shall indeed have a reward if we were to be the victors ? ' +If God helps you , none can overcome you , but if He withdraws His help from you , who is there who can help you besides Him ? +That is better for you , if you only knew . +When Allah said , ' O Jesus , I shall take you [ r soul ] , and I shall raise you up toward Myself , and I shall clear you of [ the calumnies of ] the faithless , and I shall set those who follow you above the faithless until the Day of Resurrection . +Their light will move swiftly before them and on their right . +O People who Believe ! +And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow , wherein they abide eternally . +He hath loosed the two seas . They meet . +And in the earth are various regions , and are close to each other and gardens - of grapes and fields , and date @-@ palms , growing from a single branch and separately , all being given one water ; and in fruits , We make some better than others in eating ; indeed in this are signs for people of intellect . +Will you not then understand ? +Allah , the Ever @-@ Living , the Self @-@ Subsisting , Who sustains the entire order of the universe - there is no God but He . +We revealed to Moses , [ saying ] , ' Set out with My servants at night , and strike out for them a dry path through the sea . +Then He turned to them ( in mercy ) so that they might also turn ( in repentance ) . +New Identity +Indeed in that is a sign for those who fear the punishment of the Hereafter . +And they tarried in the Cave three hundred years , and to that they added nine more . +so fear you God , and obey you me . ' +We have explained ( things ) in various ( ways ) in this Qur ' an , in order that they may receive admonition , but it only increases their flight ( from the Truth ) ! +But if you are in fear , then on foot , or riding . +Indeed , your Lord is a possessor of forgiveness and a possessor of painful penalty . +Allah knows well what is in the breasts of men . +It is made lawful for you , during the nights of fasting , to have carnal relations with your wives . +O people ! +And at night @-@ time ; have ye then no sense ? +They said , ' O Shu ayb ' , we do not understand much of what you say . +Never shall we call upon any deity other than Him : for that would be an outrageous thing to do . +Can they not use their reason ? +But he cannot harm them in the least , except as Allah permits , and in Allah let the believers put their trust . +And who is a greater wrong @-@ doer than he who fabricateth against Allah a lie even as he is summoned Unto Islam ? +Nay , were ye to know with certainty of mind , ( ye would beware ! ) +Subversion Preferences +Pharaoh said : if you have brought a sign , then bring it forth if you are truthful . ' +Tell them : " O my people , go on acting on your part , I am acting on mine . +That is easy for God to do ; +I dissociate myself from you and whatever you invoke besides Allah . +You took it as a trifling matter whereas it was a grave offence in the sight of Allah . +He whom Allah scorneth , there is none to give him honour . Lo ! +If they see the path of righteousness , they shall not take it as a path ; but if they see the path of error , they shall take it for their path because they belied Our signs and were inattentive towards them . +[ O Allah ! ] +" O sister of Aaron ! +Error starting spell checker : % s +And if you ask them , Who created the heavens and the earth and made the sun and the moon subservient , they will certainly say , Allah . +" By Allah , we were indeed in manifest error +( Abraham ) said : And of my offspring ( will there be leaders ) ? +O believers , take not your fathers and brothers to be your friends , if they prefer unbelief to belief ; whosoever of you takes them for friends , those -- they are the evildoers . +So to that [ religion of Allah ] invite , [ O Muhammad ] , and remain on a right course as you are commanded and do not follow their inclinations but say , " I have believed in what Allah has revealed of the Qur ' an , and I have been commanded to do justice among you . +Say , " I worship God alone and devote myself to His religion . +God is verily with those who are pious and devout , and those who are doers of good . +And those who believe will say : Lo ! the ( eternal ) losers are they who lose themselves and their housefolk on the Day of Resurrection . +The people of Noah impugned before them . So they impugned Our servant and said , ' A crazy man , ' and he was reviled . +Say , ' There is a great sin in both of them , and some profits for the people , but their sinfulness outweighs their profit . ' +Show right margin +But his people ' s only reply was , " Bring down God ' s punishment upon us , if what you say be true . " +But when others are mentioned apart from God , they begin to rejoice . +Say , " It is not for me to change it of my own accord . +That is the supreme triumph . +You are going to know . +If Allah had intended to take a son , He could have chosen from what He creates whatever He willed . +There is no power but with Allah ! ' +But they only mislead themselves , and they cannot harm you in any way . +Fulfil your treaties with them till the end of their term . +Yet you see those in whose hearts is a sickness rushing to them , saying , ' We fear lest a turn of fortune should visit us . ' +Git : Merge complete . +Then when there is sent down a Surah firmly constructed , and fighting is mentioned therein , thou seest those in whose hearts is a disease looking at thee with the look of one swooning Unto death . +Go you and enquire about Yusuf ( Joseph ) and his brother , and never give up hope of Allah ' s Mercy . +They say , ' Yes indeed , a warner came to us ; but we cried lies , saying , " God has not sent down anything ; you are only in great error . +His Hands are outspread ; He spends as He wills . +But they replied : ' How can we speak with a baby in the cradle ' +Among his descendants were David and Solomon , and Job , Joseph , Moses and Aaron . +Then when We decreed death for him , naught discovered his death to them ' save a moving creature of the earth which gnawed away his staff . +And your Lord suffices as trustee . +God is Well @-@ Informed of His servants , All @-@ Seeing . +And there was sent following after them in this world a curse , and upon the Day of Resurrection : ' Surely Ad disbelieved in their Lord : so away with Ad , the people of Hood ! ' +I am for you an honest Messenger . +Those whose souls the angels remove whilst they were wronging themselves ; so now they will plead " We never used to do any wrong " ; " Yes you did , why not ? Indeed Allah well knows what you used to do . " +He hears the verses of Allah recited to him and then , as though he never heard them , persists in insolence . +You can make no one listen , except those who believe in Our verses ; for they are Muslims . +We will not believe in the two of you . ' +God has struck a similitude : a city that was secure , at rest , its provision coming to it easefully from every place , then it was unthankful for the blessings of God ; so God let it taste the garment of hunger and of fear , for the things that they were working . +Allah loves such steadfast ones . +That is purer for your hearts and for their hearts . +Command line parameters +We could certainly compose ( writings ) like them if we choose . They are but only tales of long ago . " +So be steadfast , and you cannot be steadfast except with Allah [ s ' help ] . +( They keep affirming their ) obedience and saying good words . +Changes : +But Allah Has full knowledge of those who do wrong . +Error while reading % dth of % d points +They were stronger than themselves in might and left firmer traces upon the earth ; yet , whatsoever they earned did not help them . +And they disbelieve in what came after it , while it is the truth confirming that which is with them . +That will be better for you , if ye are believers . +It is God Who created you from a single soul and out of it made its spouse to bring it comfort . +In Allah let the trusting put their trust . +Couldn 't open ' % s ' for writing . +Depart with your family in a part of the night and walk behind them and let none of you turn round . +He has in fact shown us our ways ; and we will surely be patient upon the troubles you cause us ; and those who trust must rely only upon Allah . " +He sends rain from the heavens , and knows what is in the mothers ' wombs . +Did he not realise that Allah is watching ? +And obey Allah and His Messenger ; and fall into no disputes , lest ye lose heart and your power depart ; and be patient and persevering : For Allah is with those who patiently persevere : +God said , " Do you not believe ? " +Commit modified +_ Quick Search +When He decrees a matter , He only says to it , ' Be , ' and it is . +Know that God is with those who fear Him . +If they get the better of you , they will not observe towards you any bond or treaty , giving you satisfaction with their mouths but in their hearts refusing ; and the most of them are ungodly . +Deleted : % s +Why did You not send us an apostle so that we might have followed Your signs before we were abased and disgraced ? ' +He surely will be pleased ( when he will enter Paradise ) . +" I have rewarded them this Day for their patience and constancy : they are indeed the ones that have achieved Bliss ... " +There are some people who say : ' We believe in Allah ' yet when such is hurt in the cause of Allah , he makes the persecution of people as though it were the punishment of Allah . +Look again . Can you see faults ? +No one can withhold the mercy which Allah opens to mankind ; and whatever He withholds - so after it , none can release it ; and only He is the Most Honourable , the Wise . +When Abraham said : " My Lord is the giver of life and death , " he replied : " I am the giver of life and death . " +Whether to display line numbers +That is because they loved this present life above the Everlasting Life . +It shall be no offense for them ( to be seen unveiled ) by their fathers , their sons , their brothers , their brothers ' sons , their sisters ' sons , their women , and those whom their right hands possess . +We are your protecting friends in the life of the world and in the Hereafter . +And Allah is the All @-@ Seer of what you do . +If an idolater seeks asylum with you , give him protection in order that he hears the Word of Allah , and then convey him to his place of safety , because they are a nation who do not know . +Mailbox % s does not appear to be an Mbox mailbox . +No darkness nor shame shall cover their faces ! they are companions of the garden ; they will abide therein ( for aye ) ! +They have forgotten all about God who also has ignored them . +Messenger , preach what is revealed to you from your Lord . +If ye do it not , Take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger : But if ye turn back , ye shall have your capital sums : Deal not unjustly , and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly . +We task not any soul beyond its scope . +As for poets , only the wayward follow them . +The Prophet frowned and turned away +We did not wrong them , but they used to wrong their own selves . +_ Configuration Assistant +And Thus We variously propound the revelation , and this is in order that they may say : thou hast studied , and that We may expound it to a people who know . +And set not any other god along with Allah ; lo ! +Allah is well pleased with them , and they are well pleased with Him . +" Our Lord ! +_ Debug Program +No indeed . But they do not understand . +He alone has knowledge of the Hour [ of Judgment ] . +Allah said : what prevented thee , that thou shouldst not prostrate thyself , when I bade thee ? +Have those who deny the truth [ not ] been paid back for their deeds ? +Waiting for authorization from % s ... +It is the same to us whether we are restless or patient : there is no escape for us . ' +Kaf . +Have fear of Allah . +Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day would not ask permission of you to be excused from striving with their wealth and their lives . +Yet do not approach this tree lest you become wrongdoers . " +He said : " You have taken up idols instead of Allah as a bond of love among yourselves in the present life , but on the Day of Resurrection you will disown and curse one another . +Enable code completion +His people said to him , " Do not exult ; God does not love the exultant . +His decree is already recorded in the Book and issuing such a Judgment is not difficult for Him at all . +We did not wrong them , but they wronged themselves . +The Fire -- God has promised it to the unbelievers -- an evil homecoming ! ' +To Allah are all matters referred for decision . +You were a rebellious people , +They are the ones who denied Revelation and hindered you from the Sacred Mosque and the sacrificial animals , detained from reaching their place of sacrifice . +O you who believe ! do not kill game while you are on pilgrimage , and whoever among you shall kill it intentionally , the compensation ( of it ) is the like of what he killed , from the cattle , as two just persons among you shall judge , as an offering to be brought to the Kaaba or the expiation ( of it ) is the feeding of the poor or the equivalent of it in fasting , that he may taste the unwholesome result of his deed ; Allah has pardoned what is gone by ; and whoever returns ( to it ) , Allah will inflict retribution on him ; and Allah is Mighty , Lord of Retribution . +Electric +' So be it between me and you ' said Moses . +Until the Day of the time well @-@ known . " +No , you are humans from among His creatures . +But give them [ a gift of ] compensation - the wealthy according to his capability and the poor according to his capability - a provision according to what is acceptable , a duty upon the doers of good . +Is there no person of understanding among you ? " +And establish your prayer at the two edges of the day and in part of the night . +Surely He knows what is in the hearts . +Worship Him , and put your trust in Him . +Say thou : Allah is the Creator of everything ; and He is the One , the Subduer . +Over every man of knowledge there is one more knowing . +They descend on every lying sinner , +Generic C + + Class +Obey Allah and obey the Noble Messenger , and do not render your deeds void . +Anjuta Plugin +If He wills , He can do away with you , and bring a new creation . +To those who say : ' Allah has directed us that we accept none as Messenger until he makes an offering that the fire will consume ' , say : ' Other Messengers came to you before me with clear signs , and with the sign you have mentioned . +They shall certainly carry their loads , and other loads along with their loads , and upon the Day of Resurrection they shall surely be questioned concerning that they were forging . +Verily Allah is subtile , Aware . +We did not grant immortality to any human being before you . +Let harm be requited by an equal harm . +Behold thou ! how We have preferred some of them over some others ; and surely : the Hereafter is greater in degrees and greater in preferment . +Nor say I unto those whom your eyes scorn that Allah will not give them good - Allah knoweth best what is in their hearts - Lo ! then indeed I should be of the wrong @-@ doers . +No hint available . +and you are not serving what I serve , +" So your Lord has decreed : Do not worship anyone but Him , and be good to your parents . +I only serve Allah Who will cause ( all of ) you to die . +Those are they for whom the Will of Allah is that He cleanse not their hearts . +But if he who oweth the debt is of low understanding , or weak , or unable himself to dictate , then let the guardian of his interests dictate in ( terms of ) equity . +And certainly We sent to Samood their brother Salih , saying : Serve Allah ; and lo ! they became two sects quarrelling with each other . +This is nothing but a fabrication . +O YOU WHO BELIEVE , do not take My enemies and your enemies as friends . +Whoso of you killeth it of set purpose he shall pay its forfeit in the equivalent of that which he hath killed , of domestic animals , the judge to be two men among you known for justice , ( the forfeit ) to be brought as an offering to the Ka ' bah ; or , for expiation , he shall feed poor persons , or the equivalent thereof in fasting , that he may taste the evil consequences of his deed . +We will have nothing to do with the ignorant . " +Lo ! hell verily is all around the disbelievers . +O you who believe ! +If you obey some of People given the Book ( s ) , they will definitely turn you into disbelievers after your having accepted faith . +Ya , Seen . +Then it will be blown again , and at once they will be standing , looking on . +He is your open enemy . +Verily the virtuous shall be in Bliss ; +Now there shall be a painful torment for anyone who transgresses the limits after this . O men of understanding . +So should anyone aggress against you , assail him in the manner he assailed you , and be wary of Allah , and know that Allah is with the Godwary . +Glory be to Him : He is Allah , the One , the Subduer ( of all ) . +Then I fled for fear of you . +And those who believe in Allah and His apostles - those ! they are the saints and martyrs in the sight of their Lord ; theirs will be their full hire and their light . +Thus , they became subject to what the jinn and human beings before were destined to suffer . +Conspiracy for evil purposes is the work of Satan , by which he means to bring grief to believers . +They said : " We were oppressed before you came , and have been since you have come to us . " +Diagram Tree +Burden us not , O Lord , with a burden as You did those before us . +Which of your Lord ' s wonders would you deny ? +He said , ' If I question thee on anything after this , then keep me company no more ; thou hast already experienced excuse sufficient on my part . ' +That is best for you if you only knew it . +This is for those of you who fear falling into fornication ; but it is better that you be continent , and Allah is all @-@ forgiving , all @-@ merciful . +They will say : " We believe in it . " +For God ' s are the armies of the heavens and the earth ; and God is all @-@ knowing and all @-@ wise . +We made a covenant with the children of Israel that they should not worship anyone except Me , that they should serve their parents , relatives , orphans , and the destitute , that they should speak righteous words to people , and that they should be steadfast in their prayers and pay the religious tax . +He said : " Allah forbid ! truly ( thy husband ) is my lord ! he made my sojourn agreeable ! truly to no good come those who do wrong ! " +Truly , I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me ! " +Whoever among you does wrong out of ignorance , and then repents afterwards and reforms - He is Forgiving and Merciful . " +_ Remote repository +People of the Book ! +God will deprive anyone who considers anything equal to God of Paradise and his dwelling will be fire . +Among them are those who listen to you , but when they leave your presence , they say to those given knowledge , " What did he say just now ? " +A great reward awaits those of you who believe and spend their wealth . +Believers , spend of what We have given you before that Day arrives when there shall be neither trade , nor friendship , nor intercession . +And if an offer like it comes to them , they will [ again ] take it . +Say your special ( tahajjud ) prayer during some part of the night as an additional ( obligatory ) prayer for you alone so that perhaps your Lord will raise you to a highly praiseworthy position . +Allah has brought you forth from the bellies of your mothers while you did not know anything . He made for you hearing , eyesight , and hearts so that you may give thanks . +Nay , they say the like of what the ancients said : +The Fire shall now be your abode , and you shall have none to come to your aid . +They said , " Our father , what more do we desire than this ? +And when they saw him , they so admired him that they cut their hands , saying , ' God save us ! +Neither desecrate the symbols of ( devotion to ) Allah , nor the holy month , nor the animals of offering , nor the animals wearing collars indicating they are for sacrifice , nor ill @-@ treat those who have set out for the Holy House seeking from their Lord His bounty and good pleasure . +Unto Allah belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth . +So those who are ill @-@ fated , are in the fire - they will bray like donkeys in it . +Stack frame operations +Do they feel secure against God ' s devising ? +started : +Search variable +Be wary of Allah with the wariness due to Him and do not die except as Muslims . +( This will be ) their cry therein : " Glory to Thee , O Allah ! " +Let neither their wealth nor their children please you . +And let not their wealth or their children amaze you . +And I certainly sought to seduce him , but he firmly refused ; and if he will not do what I order him , he will surely be imprisoned and will be of those debased . " +in which no one will suffer forever +The shortcut is already used by another component in Anjuta . Do you want to keep it anyway ? +So he turned to his household and brought a fattened calf . +Almost might the heavens above be rent asunder while the angels hymn the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on the earth . Lo ! +He knoweth best the transgressors . +The people of al @-@ Hijr also rejected Our messengers : +Yet all of them are not alike . +We sent Noah to his people . +But whoever disbelieves in it from the [ various ] factions - the Fire is his promised destination . +Anyone who lacks the means must fast for two consecutive months . Such is the penance imposed by God . +And fight in the cause of God those who fight you , but do not commit aggression ; God does not love the aggressors . +What kind of record is this that has missed nothing small or great ? " +So call upon Allah , consecrating all your devotion to Him , howsoever much the unbelievers may dislike it . +Nay , but it is a glorious Koran , +In this are signs for men who understand . +Lo ! presently ye shall know . +And how many angels there are in the heavens whose intercession will not avail at all except [ only ] after Allah has permitted [ it ] to whom He wills and approves . +The divorce is twice , after that , either you retain her on reasonable terms or release her with kindness . +And have placed therein firm and tall mountains and given you to drink of water fresh +and it is said : " Is there any enchanter who can step forward and help ( by his chanting ) ? " +Mailbox " % s " is used by Balsa and I cannot remove it . If you really want to remove it , assign its function to some other mailbox . +He is God : there is no deity other than Him . +Do not ask of Me that whereof thou hast no knowledge . +And before that Noah , when he called out , We responded to him and delivered him and his family from the great agony . +It is not lawful for you forcibly to inherit the women ( of your deceased kinsmen ) , nor ( that ) ye should put constraint upon them that ye may take away a part of that which ye have given them , unless they be guilty of flagrant lewdness . +But when He has delivered them safely to land , there are among them those that halt between ( right and wrong ) . +And it ( the ship ) rested on Mount Judi , and it was said : " Away with the people who are Zalimun ( polytheists and wrong @-@ doing ) ! " +" I am a trustworthy Messenger to you . +And We are ever , of all things , Knowing . +If they decide to separate , God will compensate both out of His own abundance : God is bountiful and wise . +Say , " So wait ; I am one of those waiting with you . " +Those who believed , and emigrated , and struggled in God s cause ' with their possessions and their persons , and those who provided shelter and support - these are allies of one another . +Or has He taken , out of what He has created , daughters and chosen you for [ having ] sons ? +And not to invoke any other than God , who can neither help nor hurt me ; for if I do , I would surely be unjust . +There are indeed signs in this for those who have sense . +And should you forget ( and make such a statement ) , remember your Lord and say : " I expect my Lord to guide me to what is nearer to rectitude than this . " +Those of you who die and leave wives behind - a will shall provide their wives with support for a year , provided they do not leave . +Is there a god with Allah ? +God surely rewards those who give alms . " +If you want retaliation , let it be equal to that which you faced . But if you exercise patience it will be better for you . +Allah increases the provision for whom He wills , and straitens ( it for whom He wills ) , and they rejoice in the life of the world , whereas the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter is but a brief passing enjoyment . +And God keeps an eye on His votaries . +Zigzagline +And make not your oaths a means of discord amongst you lest a foot may slip after the fixture thereof , and ye may taste evil for having hindered others from the way of Allah , and unto you there shall be a torment mighty . +Whoever desires to meet his Lord should strive righteously and should worship no one besides Him . +And said : " O my Lord , my bones decay , my head is white and hoary , yet in calling You , O Lord , I have never been deprived . +And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs . +And the heaven will crack ; so on that Day it will be frail . +And were it not that Allah checks the people , some by means of others , there would have been demolished monasteries , churches , synagogues , and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned . +That is how We requite those who fabricate lies . +He said , ' My Lord ! +Allah sufficed for the believers in the fighting ( by sending against the disbelievers a severe wind and troops of angels ) . +They will have no defense against God - as if their faces are covered with dark patches of night . +The people ask you about the Hour . +Which of your Lord ' s wonders would you deny ? +And when they turned in disdain from that forbidding We said to them , ' Be you apes , miserably slinking ! ' +( sent ) to convey to you the messages of my Lord and to advise you , for I know from Allah what you do not know . +When Our clear messages are read out to them you can see denial on the faces of unbelievers . +Ye have charge of your own souls . +Do they not contemplate within themselves ? Allah has not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and for a specified term . +Tell them , ( O Prophet ) : " The earlier ones and the later ones +His promise will certainly come true . +He is the Sublime , the Tremendous . +Moses told them , " You are an ignorant people . +And if a breath of the torment of thy Lord were to touch them , they will say : woe unto us ! we have been wrong @-@ doers . +For them Allah hath gotten ready Gardens whereunder rivers flow , wherein they shall be as abiders . +The words they utter bear no relation to what is in their hearts . +On that Day when the Hour will come to pass the wicked shall swear that they had stayed ( in the world ) no more than an hour . +Death will come to you wherever you may be , even if you were in strong fortresses ; if some good reaches them they say , " This is from Allah " ; and if any misfortune reaches them , they say , " This is from you " ; say , " Everything is from Allah " ; what is wrong with these people , that they do not seem to understand anything ? +Likewise is the Resurrection . +Surely the reckoning of months , in the sight of Allah , is twelve months , laid down in Allah ' s decree on the day when He created the heavens and the earth ; and out of these months four are sacred . That is the true ordainment . +Your Lord has decreed upon Himself mercy : that any of you who does wrong out of ignorance and then repents after that and corrects himself - indeed , He is Forgiving and Merciful . " +He is the Lord of the Universe . " +Verily the record of the virtuous shall be in ' Illiyun . +How could He have a son when He has no consort , and He ( Himself ) created everything , and He is the Knower of all things . +To Him you shall return , and He will tell you of what you have been doing . +To Him belongs the keys of the heavens and the earth . +And the Word concerning nations of the jinn and humankind who passed away before them hath effect for them . +Surely our Lord is Most Forgiving , Most Appreciative ; +They are the enemy , so beware of them . +Those who believe and migrated from their homes and fought for the Way of Allah , and those who have sheltered them and helped them they are truly the believers . +How can you take it back when you have reached one another ( sexually ) and they have taken from you a strong covenant ! +Minute +We do indeed know how thy heart is distressed at what they say . +And if you believe and fear Allah , He will give you your rewards and not ask you for your properties . +Whichever way you turn , there is the Face of God . +Certainly God is forgiving and kind . +the King of people , +For His Mercy He specially chooseth whom He pleaseth ; for Allah is the Lord of bounties unbounded . +And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me . +Tell them : ' Yes , by my Lord , this is altogether true , and you have no power to prevent the chastisement from befalling . ' +He said , ' Our Lord is He who gave everything its creation , then guided it . ' +Facet +" O my People ! +If you close the document anyway , you will lose that information . +This is indeed a strange thing ! " +" God forbid ! " ( they will answer ) . +So pronounce God s name ' upon them as they line up . +But it was ungrateful toward Allah s blessings ' . +When we are dead and turned to dust and bones , shall we be recompensed ? " +You are destined to return to your Lord and He will tell you what you used to do . +And when harm toucheth man , he calleth us on his side , or sitting or standing ; then when We have removed his harm from him , he passeth on as though he had never called Us to a harm that touched him . +Verily he saw one of the greater revelations of his Lord . +These ! it was not for them to enter therein except in fear . +So We delivered him and his followers all , +Allah is Pardoning , Forgiving . +Such is Allah , your Lord . +O Prophet ! +Do you dispute with me regarding names , which you have named - you and your fathers - for which Allah has not sent down any authority ? +Why do you not pay heed ? " +And We have appointed positions for the moon till it returns like an old branch of the date palm . +Will these people then believe in God ? +That is because they are men without knowledge . +When they meet the faithful , they say , " We are believers . " But when alone , they say to each other , " Must you tell them what God has revealed to us ? +Six Foundations +Then see the nature of the consequence of their plotting , for lo ! +By no means ! +Error reading multipage indicator : % s +The sin of disbelief in God is greater than committing murder . +And when Allah the One God is mentioned , the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter get constricted ; and when others ( false deities ) besides Him are mentioned , they rejoice ! +God does not like the treacherous . +I did not agree with your belief that I was equal to God . " +Musa ( Moses ) said to him : " Verily , you are a plain misleader ! " +And of the cattle ( are some ) for burden ( like camels etc . ) and ( some are ) small ( unable to carry burden like sheep , goats etc. for food , meat , milk , wool etc . ) . +God is witness to our agreement . " +God loves those who purify themselves . +That is the great attainment . +( Joseph ) said , " No one will blame you on this day . +Say : " He is the benevolent ; in Him do we believe , and in Him do we place our trust . +By no means ! +And incline not toward those who do wrong , lest the Fire should touch you , and you have no protectors other than Allah , nor you would then be helped . +Believers , if you help God , He will help you and make you steadfast ( in your faith ) . +The chiefs of the people who did not believe and denied the life to come , though We had given them good things of this life to enjoy , ( said ) : " He is only a mortal like you . +He distinctly explains His signs for those who can understand . +Surely those who fabricate lies against Allah will never prosper . +And it is He Who spread out the earth and made mountains as anchors and rivers in it ; and in it made all kinds of fruits in pairs - He covers the night with the day ; indeed in this are signs for people who ponder . +Accept +Add Remote +who hears the signs of Allah being recited to him , yet persists arrogantly as if he had not heard them . +He knows all that is in the land and the sea . +He who holds Satan as friend in place of God will assuredly be damned to perdition . +God ' s retribution is severe . +God only wants to punish them through these things in this world , and let their souls depart while they deny the truth . +Yet after that We pardoned you , so that you might give thanks . +Our Lord , obliterate their wealth , and harden their hearts , they will not believe until they see the painful torment . " +They said : O Salih ! +He said : my Lord ! because Thou hast led me to err I will surely make things fairseeming unto them on the earth and will surely seduce them all : +He said : My Lord ! +And the man who believed said : " O my people ! +And he had already warned them of Our assault , but they disputed the warning . +He forgives whom He wills , and punishes whom He wills . +Most of them were idolaters ' +( Muhammad ) , it is not your concern whether He forgives them or punishes them for they are unjust . +It will be the fierce flame +Anyone of you who knows that the month of Ramadan has begun , he must start to fast . Those who are sick or on a journey have to fast the same number of days at another time . +The scourge of God will fall on the unjust , +They are in truth disbelievers . +He said , " We shall now slay their sons and spare their women ; and indeed we have power over them . " +But those who answered not His Call ( disbelieved in the Oneness of Allah and followed not His Messenger Muhammad SAW ) , if they had all that is in the earth together with its like , they would offer it in order to save themselves ( from the torment , it will be in vain ) . +Verily , Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection about that wherein they used to differ . +Yet Allah is the best of protectors , and He is the most merciful of merciful ones . ' +They are in parable like a hard , barren rock , on which is a little soil : on it falls heavy rain , which leaves it ( Just ) a bare stone . +And there is nothing comparable to Him . " +And of His signs is that the heaven and the earth stand at His disposal . And then , when He calls you out of the earth , you will emerge at once . +He is All @-@ compassionate to the believers . +That is why We have sent it down as an eloquent Qur ' an , and explained in different ways the intimidations through it that they may haply take heed , or perhaps it may lead them to contemplate . +New _ Target ... +They said : Call on your Lord for our sake to make it plain to us what she is . +Allah knows it whereas you do not know . +Allah intendeth for you ease , and intendeth not for you hardship ; so ye shall fulfil the number and shall magnify Allah for His having guided you , and haply ye may give thanks . +Allah warns you to beware of Him ; He is most tender towards His servants . +Gardens of perpetual residence ; they will enter them with whoever were righteous among their fathers , their spouses and their descendants . +We have spread out the earth and how brilliantly it is spread ! +When they meet the faithful , they say , ' We believe , ' and when they are alone with one another , they say , ' Do you recount to them what Allah has revealed to you , so that they may argue with you therewith before your Lord ? +and , when it is recited to them , they say , " We believe in it . +And the dwellers in the wood , and the folk of Tubb ' a : every one denied their messengers , therefor My threat took effect . +All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifieth Allah , and He is the Mighty , the Wise . +The unbelievers say of the believers : ' Had it been any good they would not have believed in it before us ' And because they are not guided by it they say : ' This is an ancient falsehood ' +If you 're ever lost and alone in the woods , hug a tree +But the answer of his folk was only that they said : Bring Allah ' s doom upon us if thou art a truthteller ! +Why , surely those who are in doubt concerning the Hour are indeed in far error . +Yet there are some who contend about God without any knowledge or guidance or enlightening Book , +This is a precept of those who are with me , and a precept of those [ who went ] before me . ' +To make them flee , and for them is a never @-@ ending punishment . +And because the Hour will come , there is no doubt thereof ; and because Allah will raise those who are in the graves . +Configuration script segments +O man ! +So be mindful of God , and settle your differences , and obey God and His Messenger , if you are believers . +They are filthy and their dwelling will be hell as a recompense for what they had gained . +Glory be to God , beyond what they associate . +Why did you give them leave until those who spoke the truth had become manifest to you and you had known the liars ? +This is the true account : There is no god except Allah ; and Allah @-@ He is indeed the Exalted in Power , the Wise . +They have none on earth to protect or help them . +Then , when there comes As @-@ Sakhkhah ( the Day of Resurrection ' s second blowing of Trumpet ) , +And the evil consequences of what they earned struck them . +He said , " Do you bring me good news , when old age has overtaken me ? +He , only He , is the Knower , the Wise . +Then hallow the praise of thy Lord , and ask forgiveness of Him . +And do not knowingly set up rivals to God . +Yet most of them turned away and are not wont to give heed . +You will never be able to maintain justice among your wives and love them all equally , no matter how hard you try . +Whoever God leaves astray has no protector apart from Him . +Total time taken : % lu secs +But what plea have they that Allah should not punish them , when they keep out ( men ) from the sacred Mosque - and they are not its guardians ? +And We adorned the lower heaven with lights , and ( provided it ) with guard . +Patch failed . Please review the failure messages . Examine and remove any rejected files . +Surely , Allah is Mighty , the Wise . +They said , " Have you brought us the truth or are you jesting ? " +Then a section of the Children of Israel believed and a section rejected the call . +If you do not produce a miracle for them , they say , " Why don ' t you improvise one . " +Say to your wives , " If you desire the life of this world and its finery , then let me compensate you , and release you kindly . +No part of the matter is yours whether He turns towards them or punishes them . +Indeed all that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah . +( Muhammad ) , say , " Lord , make me enter through a path that will lead to the Truth and come out of an exit that will take me to the Truth . +O courtiers , give me your opinion about my dream , if you can interpret dreams . ' +Those who deny the truth are in deception . +Even as We have sent among you an Apostle from among you who recites to you Our communications and purifies you and teaches you the Book and the wisdom and teaches you that which you did not know . +Thereupon We delivered Noah and those who were with him in the Ark , and caused those who rejected Our signs as false to be drowned . +We have frequently seen you turn your face towards heaven . +" Until there came to us ( the Hour ) that is certain . " +Do you have a covenant with Us which allows you to do whatever you want until the Day of Judgment ? +Lo ! those who distort Our revelations are not hid from Us . +If they were to be expelled , they would not go with them . +So believe in Allah and His Messenger ( Muhammad SAW ) , the Prophet who can neither read nor write ( i.e. Muhammad SAW ) who believes in Allah and His Words [ ( this Quran ) , the Taurat ( Torah ) and the Injeel ( Gospel ) and also Allah ' s Word : " Be ! " - and he was , i.e. +And indeed He has revealed to you in the Book that when you hear Allah ' s communications disbelieved in and mocked at do not sit with them until they enter into some other discourse ; surely then you would be like them ; surely Allah will gather together the hypocrites and the unbelievers all in hell . +And when Zayd had accomplished what he would of her ( divorce ) , We gave her to you ( Prophet Muhammad ) in marriage , so that there is no fault in believers concerning ( marriage to ) the former spouse of their foster children if they divorced them . +And that which Allah gave as spoil unto His messenger from them , ye urged not any horse or riding @-@ camel for the sake thereof , but Allah giveth His messenger lordship over whom He will . +Say thou : are the blind and the seeing equal ? +He giveth it for an inheritance to whom He will . +It is not ( the purpose ) of Allah to leave you in your present state till He shall separate the wicked from the good . +They have taken their oaths as a shield by means of which they hinder people from the Way of Allah . +We cause ( the drop of sperm ) that We please to remain in the wombs till an appointed time . +Blessed be God , the Lord of all the worlds . +They are the ones whom Allah has cursed , and who incurred His wrath and some of whom were changed into apes and swine , and who served the false deities . +See , they cover their chests to conceal from Him . +She shall have her share of water as you have yours on an appointed day . +Choose a working directory +So read of it what is possible for you , and observe the prayers , and give regular charity , and lend God a generous loan . +O you who believe ! +Whatever is in the heavens and on earth , - let it declare the Praises and Glory of Allah : for He is the Exalted in Might , the Wise . +Remember when We sent Moses with Our signs ( We said ) : " Bring your people out of darkness into light , and remind them of the visitations of God . +He is the Creator , the Designer , the Modeler , and to Him belong all virtuous names . +Ye only worship images instead of Allah , and ye create a falsehood . +And they call ( it ) a lie , and follow their low desires ; and every affair has its appointed term . +He said : that did in order that he may know that I betrayed him not in secret , and that Allah guideth not the guile of betrayers . +Who treated religion as a pastime and an idle sport and whom the life of the world had beguiled . " +There is indeed a sign in that for a people who reflect . +On the day that He will muster them and those whom they worship besides Allah , He will say , ' Was it you who led astray these servants of Mine , or did they themselves stray from the way ? ' +file chooser +In fact , you are a transgressing people . " +A rich man should pay fairly according to his means and a poor man according to his resources , for this is an obligation on the righteous people . +But do they not know that Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare ? +Evaporate +" And withhold not things justly due to men , nor do evil in the land , working mischief . +Lo ! I fear that they will give the lie to me . +The judgement is only God ' s . +Save current file +And they who carefully maintain their prayers - +Soon you will remember what I tell you , and I entrust my affair to Allah . +Then on the Judgment @-@ Day He will humiliate them and say : where are My associates regarding whom ye have been causing cleavage ? +Alif Lam Mim Sad . +So when he had furnished them forth with their provisions , he put the ( golden ) bowl into his brother ' s bag , then a crier cried : " O you ( in ) the caravan ! +Allah is Absolute , Owner of Praise . +We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light , as a confirmation of the Torah and instruction and advice for the pious ones . +Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is far greater than the creation of men , but most people do not know . +Likewise those before them lied , until they tasted Our might . +Build module +And vile will load ! them on the Day of Judgment as a load ! +There shall be no share in the Hereafter for those who sell Allah s covenant ' and their oaths for a paltry gain , and on the Day of Resurrection Allah will not speak to them nor will He [ so much as ] look at them , nor will He purify them , and there is a painful punishment for them . +They shall be calling unto them , ' Were we not with you ? ' +Disable syntax highlighting +Those of you who turned back on the day the two hosts Met , -it was Satan who caused them to fail , because of some ( evil ) they had done . +And whatever of good ye give , be assured Allah knoweth it well . +And Allah guideth not those who reject faith . +When the Verses of the Most Beneficent ( Allah ) were recited unto them , they fell down prostrating and weeping . +And he of Egypt who purchased him said unto his wife : Receive him honourably . +When the magicians came , they asked the Pharaoh , " Will there be any reward for us if we win ? " +_ Add to Project +_ About +But if any of you after this , disbelieved , he has indeed gone astray from the Straight Path . " +Verily those who ask thy leave , those are they who believe in Allah and His apostle . +And whoever has done an atom ' s weight of evil will see it . +Say : " It is He who raised you and gave you ears and eyes and hearts . +" Then eat from all kinds of fruits , and tread the ways of your Lord which are soft and easy for you " ; from their bellies comes a drink of various colours , in which is health for mankind ; indeed in this is a sign for people who ponder . +Most certainly a Messenger came to them from among them ; but they rejected him , calling him a liar . +He has chosen you over all the women of the world . +And there entered the prison with him two youths . +We bring you forth as infants ( and nurture you ) that you may come of age . +In fact , man oversteps all bounds . +And ornaments of gold . But all this would have been nothing but the vanity of this world . +God is bountiful to men : yet most of them are not grateful . +They say : ' Allah has taken ( to Himself ) a son ' Exaltations to Him ( Allah ) . +Indeed , your Lord is Allah , who , in six days created the heavens and the earth and then willed to the Throne , directing affairs . +The true believers trust in God . +You have no other god besides Him . +Let not their riches or their children excite your admiration . +Normal message indicator style : +Indeed Allah is , to the people , Kind and Merciful . +He is too exalted for what they associate with Him ! +Unicode ( UTF- _ 32 BE ) +Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you , and render thanks to Allah if it is ( indeed ) He Whom ye worship . +And remember when you were few , and He multiplied you ; and behold , how was the end of the workers of corruption . +( O Prophet ) , We have made this Book easy in your tongue so that they may take heed . +For Allah did take Abraham for a friend . +that whatever with which you have been warned will inevitably come to pass . +Verily , your Lord is the doer of what He wills . +Verily God does not show the way to an ungrateful liar . +He saith : ' I have wasted riches plenteous . +Saying : Throw him into the ark , and throw it into the river , then the river shall throw it on to the bank , and there an enemy to Me and an enemy to him shall take him . +So he threw it down , and behold , it was a snake , moving swiftly . +Indeed , it is Satan s partisans ' who are the losers . +On the Day when a caller shall call them to a thing most terrible , +Verily , Allah will accomplish his purpose . +God is certainly stern in His retribution to those who change the bounty of God ( His revelation ) , after having received His guidance . +And one whom Allah leaves astray - for him there is no guide . +Impressed with ( the signs ) of your Lord . +The example of what they spend in this worldly life is like that of a wind containing frost which strikes the harvest of a people who have wronged themselves and destroys it . +What ! Have they appointed supporters other than Allah ? +And anyone among you who does so on purpose should offer livestock of equivalent value , determined by two honourable persons among you , ( as atonement ) , to be brought to the Ka ' bah as an offering ; or else expiate by giving food to the poor , or its equivalent in fasting , so that he may realise the gravity of his deed . +Those are the ones who have been true , and it is those who are the righteous . +He is the Most Mighty , the Most Wise . +And they make the angels who are the bondmen of the Compassionate females . +If You do not forgive me and have mercy upon me I shall be among the losers . ' +Evil is the [ ultimate ] abode of the arrogant . ' +File Loader +They ask you what is lawful for them . Say : " All things are lawful for you that are clean , and what the trained hunting animals take for you as you have trained then , in the light of God ' s teachings , but read over them the name of God , and fear ( straying from the path of ) God , for God is swift in the reckoning . " +( You should do this ) so that the People of the Book know that they have no control over Allah ' s Bounty , and that all bounty is in Allah ' s Hand ; He bestows it on whomsoever He pleases . +And ( it will be ) that We may make of him a revelation for mankind and a mercy from Us , and it is a thing ordained . +O you who believe ! +Anon I shall afflict him with a fearful woe . +And when the unjust will see the punishment , from that time on it will not be lightened for them , nor will they get respite . +And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud . +Unfiled +Verily thy Lord knoweth best those who stray from His Path , and He knoweth best those who receive guidance . +The message sent by % s with subject " % s " contains an encrypted part , but it 's structure is invalid . +They said , " You are not but men like us who wish to avert us from what our fathers were worshipping . So bring us a clear authority . " +Thus , will also be your resurrection . +But of that they have no knowledge : they merely conjecture : +We shall house those who believed and acted righteously in the lofty mansions of Paradise beneath which rivers flow . +Allah is Informed of what ye do . +_ Start of Block +Consequently when they rebelled against the command to refrain , We said to them , " Be apes , despised ! " +Abraham asked forgiveness for his father only because of a promise he had made to him . +API Help +Those are like livestock ; rather , they are more astray . +" That you followed me not ( according to my advice to you ) ? +Had they been separate , We would have surely punished the faithless among them with a painful punishment . +In which they will remain forever ; in it they will find neither a protector nor any supporter . +_ View +Configure external packages +Verily , You are the All @-@ Hearer , the All @-@ Knowing . " +And bear in mind that which is recited in your houses of the revelations of Allah and wisdom . +We record them all for him . +For that Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace on me , never shall I be a help to those who sin ! " +O you who have believed , do not prohibit the good things which Allah has made lawful to you and do not transgress . +There is no Allah save Allah , and lo ! +Thereafter We substituted ease in place of adversity until they abounded and said : even Thus tribulation and prosperity touched our fathers . +And say " O my Lord ! +" And when I fall ill , so it is He Who heals me . " +" Such is the will of God , " replied [ the angel ] , " He does what He pleases . " +After that , those who disbelieve are the impious . +Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things ? +It is He who withheld their hands from you , and your hands from them in the valley of Makkah , after giving you victory over them . +And those who believe and work righteous deeds , - them shall We admit to the company of the Righteous . +Now , make no excuses . +They will also say , " Are these ( the people of Paradise ) the ones of whom you swore would receive no mercy from God ? " +Surely it is a tree that @-@ grows in the bottom of the hell ; +" And I fear for my dependents after me , and my wife is barren . +Are we then not to die +Verily I am unto you an apostle trusted . +They will say : " Our Lord ! whoever brought this upon us , - Add to him a double Penalty in the Fire ! " +Surely He comprehends everything . +[ That is ] a promise binding upon Us . +Those are ten complete [ days ] . +He does not love the arrogant . +Then thereafter , verily , their return is to the flaming fire of Hell . +Thereupon , We made each people to follow the other ( to its doom ) , reducing them to mere tales ( of the past ) . +For those who believe in Allah , Allah will guide his heart . +Nor is it any crime in you if ye marry them when ye have given their hires . +Indeed Allah is the All @-@ clement , the All @-@ merciful . +but if you do not , then take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger . +And certainly We have already destroyed the likes of you , but is there anyone who will mind ? +( Looking accusingly at Joseph ) she asked her husband , " What punishment is more fitting for those who have evil desires towards your household other than imprisonment and painful torment ? " +So should We make you see part of what We threaten them with , or should We cause you to die , to Us shall they be returned . +They replied : ' We will ask our father for him . +Command line parameters +People ask you to pronounce a ruling concerning inheritance from those who have left behind no lineal heirs ( kalalah ) . +If those of you , who die , leave wives behind , they should abstain ( from marriage ) for four months and ten days . +There they pass from hand to hand a cup wherein is neither vanity nor cause of sin . +And they were guided to sacred speech ; and they were shown the path of the Most Praiseworthy . +' That is because of what your hands have sent ahead , and because Allah is not tyrannical to the servants . ' +[ But ] woe on that Day to those who reject the truth ! +Create File / Project +The selected audio device was successfully opened but it is impossible to read data from this device . In case it is a pluggable device it may be sufficient to reconnect it . If not , or if it still is not accessible , please check your audio setup . +The people of the Fire and the people of Paradise are not equal . +We have revealed to you this Book so that , by their Lord ' s command , you may lead men from darkness to the light : to the path of the Mighty , the Praiseworthy One , +Where then can you turn away ? +And had the people of those townships believed and feared , We would of a surety have opened up to them blessings from the heavens and the earth ; but they belied , wherefore We laid hold of them for that which they had been earning . +That which I will tell you has been taught to me by Allah . +Replace +And the folk of Noah aforetime . +Spend for God ' s cause : do not cast yourselves into destruction by your own hands . +Believe in what We have revealed ( to Muhammad SAW ) confirming what is ( already ) with you , before We efface faces ( by making them like the back of necks ; without nose , mouth , eyes , etc . ) and turn them hindwards , or curse them as We cursed the Sabbath @-@ breakers . +He said , ' Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three complete nights . ' +No indeed ; it is a Reminder +As such Werecompense sinful people . +And of His Signs are the night and the day , and the sun and the moon . +He calleth you that He may forgive you your sins and reprieve you unto an appointed term . +The chiefs of those who were arrogant among his people said : " We shall certainly drive you out , O Shu ' aib , and those who have believed with you from our town , or else you ( all ) shall return to our religion . " +But Allah hath cursed them for their disbelief , so they believe not , save a few . +_ Transform +Jump to the previous bookmark in the file +He said : I shall betake me to a mountain which will defend me from the water . +He said , " My Lord , give me a sign . " +So those who emigrated and were driven forth from their homes and persecuted in My cause , and who fought and were slain , surely I shall expiate from them their misdeeds and surely I shall make them enter Gardens whereunder rivers flow ; a reward from before Allah ! +What has happened to this people that they seem to understand nothing ? +It is my duty to awaken the world . " +Ibrahim said : and also of my progeny ? +Those who entered the city and the faith before them love those who flee unto them for refuge , and find in their breasts no need for that which hath been given them , but prefer ( the fugitives ) above themselves though poverty become their lot . +If You do not forgive us and do not have mercy on us , we shall surely be among the losers . ' +He chose him , and guided him to a straight path . +Whose will be the dominion that Day ? " +But when the decree of God comes the sentence is passed with justice ; and the lovers of vice and vanity will then come to grief . +GTK + ( Application ) +Do you ask them for a reward , so that they are weighed down with debt ? +' Taste this , and [ know ] that for the faithless is the punishment of the Fire . ' +God transcends what they associate . +His the sovereignty and His is the praise , and He has power over everything . +A passing brief enjoyment ( will be theirs ) , but they will have a painful torment . +As though they never flourished therein . +Hud warned his people beside the sand @-@ dunes -- and there have been other warners before him and since his time -- saying : " Serve none but Allah . +And admonish thou them therewith lest a soul be given up to perdition for that which it hath earned , when for him there shall be no friend or intercessor beside Allah , and when if he offer every equivalent it shall not be accepted of him . +Meditate on your Lord inwardly with humility and trepidation , reciting His Book softly , morning and evening , and be not negligent . +God sees everything you do . +Don ' t you see that the faithless do not prosper ? ' +And they urge you to hasten the punishment . +And as for those who are Fasiqun ( disbelievers and disobedient to Allah ) , their abode will be the Fire , every time they wish to get away therefrom , they will be put back thereto , and it will be said to them : " Taste you the torment of the Fire which you used to deny . " +Line numbers +warning : +Say , " I am not the first Messenger . +Wherefore persevere thou ; verily the promise of Allah is true ; then whether We let thee see a part of that wherewith We have promised them , or whether We cause thee to die , Unto us they all will be caused to retvtn . +But none pays heed except those with insight . +Rename the selected bookmark or topic +The message has been delivered . +Author Name : +Create Web Application +[ Or ] of those who have divided their religion and become sects , every faction rejoicing in what it has . +It shall be proclaimed to the unbelievers : ' Surely , the hatred of Allah for you is greater than your hatred of yourselves . +Surely Allah is All @-@ Knowing , All @-@ Wise . +Avert from us the doom of hell ; lo ! the doom thereof is anguish ; +Commemorate Enoch in the Book . +They have said that no one can ever go to Paradise except the Jews or Christians , but this is only what they hope . +Indeed , it was evil that they were doing . +You will soon know who is in manifest error " . +Except those who believe and do good , and enjoin on each other truth , and enjoin on each other patience . +O wives of the Prophet ! +Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its true recital . They [ are the ones who ] believe in it . +This is truly a strange thing . " +God is bountiful towards the people , but most of them do not give thanks . +Give tidings ( O Muhammad ) of a painful doom to those who disbelieve , +' By Allah , we had indeed been in manifest error +And on the Day when He will gather them together and that which they worship besides Allah [ idols , angels , pious men , saints , ' Iesa ( Jesus ) - son of Maryam ( Mary ) , etc . ] . He will say : " Was it you who misled these My slaves or did they ( themselves ) stray from the ( Right ) Path ? " +And I swear by the blaming soul . +So , do not think , ( O Prophet ) , that Allah will go back upon His promise to His Messengers . +Praised be God , the Lord of all the worlds . +Those who have believed and migrated , and waged jihad in the way of Allah with their possessions and persons have a greater rank near Allah , and it is they who are the triumphant . +In this way Allah makes His Revelations plain to you for He is All @-@ Knowing , AllWise . +So keep your duty to Allah as best ye can , and listen , and obey , and spend ; that is better for your souls . +Is my family more to be honoured by you than Allah ? and ye put Him behind you , neglected ! +He adds to His creation whatever He wills ; for God has the power to will anything . +This present life is naught but a diversion and a sport ; surely the Last Abode is Life , did they but know . +They tasted the mischief of their action , and for them is a painful punishment . +Copy the selection +But Allah is the best guardian , and He is the most merciful of the merciful . " +You need to have no guardian or helper other than God . +Verily God hears all , and sees everything . +Forgive me , Lord , and forgive my parents and all the believers on the Day of Reckoning . " +Have you seen the water you drink ? +So We made them an example to those who witnessed it and those who came after it , and an admonition to those who guard ( against evil ) . +We could not truly have been led aright if Allah had not guided us . +Parameters : +To God have all of you to return , when He will tell you what you were doing . +Say , [ O Muhammad ] , " Indeed , I have been commanded to worship Allah , [ being ] sincere to Him in religion . +O Prophet ! +Those that waxed proud will say to those that were abased , ' What , did we bar you from the guidance after it came to you ? +God is Well @-@ aware of what you do . +He is the First and the Last , and the OutWard and the inward , and He is of everything the Knower . +Say : " O men ! +or the water of your vineyard will be drained deep into the ground so that you will not be able to seek it out . " +Is not Allah the best of the Judges ? +Even so only those of His servants fear God who have knowledge ; surely God is All @-@ mighty , All @-@ forgiving . +They are the ones who disbelieved in their Lord ; they are the ones who shall have shackles around their necks . +We have not Sent down on thee the Qur ' an that thou shouldst be distressed . * Chapter : 20 +Import project +" Peace upon Abraham . " +he has attendant angels , before him and behind him , watching over him by God ' s command . +Seek your sustenance from the bounties of God . Worship Him . +If theygive up the idols ) , God will be Well Aware of what they do . +Say , " To Allah belongs [ the right to allow ] intercession entirely . +Wherefore pray thou Unto thy Lord , and sacrifice . +Soon We shall attend to you -- two big groups [ of jinn and mankind ] . +We sent ( aforetime ) , to the Thamud , their brother Salih , saying , " Serve Allah " : But behold , they became two factions quarrelling with each other . +Believe in God and His Apostle , and spend of what He has given you as His trustee . +And Allah is Ever All @-@ Potent over that . +O ye who believe , say not ( unto the Prophet ) : " Listen to us " but say " Look upon us , " and be ye listeners . For disbelievers is a painful doom . +Say , ' Allah gives you a ruling concerning them and what is announced to you in the Book concerning girl orphans - whom you do not give what has been prescribed for them , and yet you desire to marry them - and about the weak among children : that you should maintain the orphans with justice , and whatever good you do , indeed Allah knows it well . +Continue or suspend the execution of the program +Allah will set your deeds right for you and will forgive you your sins . +Prayer forbids indecency and dishonor . +They think the confederates have not departed . +" There is nothing but our life of this world ! +If you know that they are believers , do not return them to the disbelievers . +Then bring us a clear authority i.e. a clear proof of what you say ) . " +Are they unable to see ? +And during a part of the night , pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you ; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory . +I seek Your refuge from the suggestions of the evil ones ; +And lo ! they surely turn them from the way of Allah , and yet they deem that they are rightly guided ; +For there should separate from every division of them a group [ remaining ] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious . +Remember Our servant David , a man of strength who always turned to Us : +Never were We unaware of the task of creation . +The last thereof ( that wine ) will be the smell of musk , and for this let ( all ) those strive who want to strive ( i.e. hasten earnestly to the obedience of Allah ) . +And it is cried unto them : This is the Garden . Ye inherit it for what ye used to do . +I shall certainly cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides and crucify you all together . " +Thus We returned you to your mother , so that her eyes might be cooled and that she might not grieve . +Do whatever you have been commanded . +Say , " Whatever reward I ask you ( for my preaching ) will be for your own good . +Or do they say , " He has forged it " ? +And treasures and a fair estate . +Do they not see that God expands the provision for whomever He wills , or restricts it ? +A description of the paradise promised to the Godwary : streams run in it , its fruits and shade are everlasting . +He merges Night into Day , and he merges Day into Night , and he has subjected the sun and the moon ( to his Law ) : each one runs its course for a term appointed . +save from their wives , or those whom their right hands possess ; for with regard to them they are free from blame " +Those who were given knowledge will say , " Today shame and misery are upon the disbelievers . " +Are they waiting for God to appear in the balconies of clouds with a host of angels , and the matter to be settled ? +Those who are too proud to worship Me shall enter Gehenna utterly abject ' +None upholds them except the Most Beneficent ( Allah ) . +So that they will deny what We have granted them , and they will enjoy themselves . +Import Accounts +Will you not be warned even then ? +And had He showed them to you to be numerous , you would have flagged and disagreed with one another about fighting them . +They say : ' We believe in Allah and the Messenger and obey ' But a party of them turn away after this . +They all will receive a great reward from Us . +Why do you confound the truth with the falsehood and hide the truth while you know ? +They shall have forgiveness and a great reward . +File +Surely God is aware of all you do . +So when their messenger comes , it will be judged between them in justice , and they will not be wronged +Allah is with the good . +The leaders of the arrogant party among his people said to those who were reckoned powerless - those among them who believed : " know ye indeed that Salih is a messenger from his Lord ? " +And had they believed and feared , surely better had been the reward from before Allah , if they but knew ! +There is no god but Him . +Little do ye reflect ! +[ They are ] avid listeners to falsehood , devourers of [ what is ] unlawful . +And Shaitan ( Satan ) will say when the matter has been decided : " Verily , Allah promised you a promise of truth . +as though they had never dwelt in them before . +Whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah . +When they sail in a boat , they sincerely pray to God with pure faith . +Underline Plain +O People who Believe ! +They called the truth a lie when it came to them ; so they are in a confused state . +Then came forward his wife , clamouring , and she smote her face , and said , ' An old woman , barren ! ' +No . In fact we have been deprived of it . " +Nay , but ( those whom they call sons ) are honoured slaves ; +And We have sent thee ( O Muhammad ) only as a bearer of good tidings and a warner . +Whosoever answers not God ' s summoner cannot frustrate God in the earth , and he has no protectors apart from Him ; those are in manifest error . +And to those you have given your pledge in marriage give their share , for God is witness to everything . +Except his wife , of whom We had decreed that she should be of those who stay behind . +On account of their arrogance in the land and their plotting of Evil , but the plotting of Evil will hem in only the authors thereof . +[ Who is ] possessed of power and with the Owner of the Throne , secure [ in position ] , +And if it iaid unto you go back , then go back . +As if they were frightened ( wild ) donkeys . +You never know that God may perchance lead to a new situation after this . +And were those who did wrong to own all that is in the earth , and there with as much again , they shall surely seek to ransom themselves therewith from the evil of the torment on the Day of Judgment ; and there shall appear Unto them from Allah that whereon they had not been reckoning , +But the recompense of your Lord is best , and He is the best of those who provide sustenance . +" Except for his wife . " +He it is Who causeth life and death . +And Allah has sent down rain from the sky and given life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness . +He winds the night over the day , and winds the day over the night , and He has disposed the sun and the moon , each moving for a specified term . +And the Day when the Trumpet is blown - so all those who are in the heavens and the earth will be terrified , except whomever Allah wills ; and everyone has come to Him , in submission . +For that Allah is the Most High , the Great . +Blessed be Allah , the Lord of the Worlds ! +So direct your face toward the correct religion before a Day comes from Allah of which there is no repelling . +_ Close All Folds +Moses said : " Your tryst is the Day of the Festival , and let the people be assembled when the sun is well up . " +Say : " Do you inform Allah of that which He knows not in the heavens and on the earth ? " +An i * agent +What is amiss with these people that they come not nigh to understand a happening ? +And Musa ( Moses ) said : " If you disbelieve , you and all on earth together , then verily ! +Alif Lam Mim . +But provide for them from it , and clothe them , and speak to them with kind words . +My dog is clean . +Your only friends are God and His Messenger , and those who believe and are steadfast in devotion , who pay the zakat and bow in homage ( before God ) . +So We seized them with the seizure of One Mighty , Omnipotent . +And warn them of the Day of Regret , when the matter will be concluded . Yet they are heedless , and they do not believe . +We have wronged our own souls : If thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy , we shall certainly be lost . " +They will abide in Hell . +" Cast him into the ark , and cast him into the river , and let the river throw him up on the shore . +So set your heart on the upright religion , before there comes a day irrevocable from Allah . +nor do you worship what I worship +But most of them do not know . +So which of your Lord s ' bounties will you both deny ? +Start +And slay them wheresoever ye come upon them , and drive them out whence they drove you out ; and temptation is more grievous than slaughter . +And it sailed with them through waves like mountains , and Noah called to his son who was apart [ from them ] , " O my son , come aboard with us and be not with the disbelievers . " +Unable to delete file +Those who say , ' Our Lord ! +He said , " Let me have charge of it , " and got the better of me with his words . " +Say : Allah giveth you decree concerning them , and the Scripture which hath been recited unto you ( giveth decree ) , concerning female orphans and those unto whom ye give not that which is ordained for them though ye desire to marry them , and ( concerning ) the weak among children , and that ye should deal justly with orphans . +O believers , any one of you who turns back on his faith ( should remember ) that God could verily bring ( in your place ) another people whom He would love as they would love Him , gentle with believers , unbending with infidels , who would strive in the way of God , unafraid of blame by any slanderer . +Parameters : +and you ardently love wealth . +That is easy enough for God . +Then We drowned the rest afterwards +So they twain journeyed on till , when they came unto the folk of a certain township , they asked its folk for food , but they refused to make them guests . +Act as you wish ; God is Well @-@ Aware of whatever you do . +When Our signs are recited to them , they say , ' We have heard already . +And do not be like the woman broke her thread into bits after she had manufactured it ; you make your oaths a phoney excuse between yourselves lest one nation may not be more than the other ; Allah just tries you with it ; and He will surely clarify for you on the Day of Resurrection , the matters in which you differed . +All that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah . +Chinese Traditional ( Big _ 5 ) +Allah is All @-@ Knowing , Most Wise . +Indeed , our Lord ' s Messengers came with the truth . ' +" O my people , " he said , " worship God ; you have no other god but He . +It is they who say : " Do not spend anything on those who side with God s Messenger ' , unless they have dispersed . " +Magnetic Energy +He said , " If you ridicule us , then we will ridicule you just as you ridicule . +Postponement ( of a sacred month ) is only an excess of disbelief whereby those who disbelieve are misled ; they allow it one year and forbid it ( another ) year , that they may make up the number of the months which Allah hath hallowed , so that they allow that which Allah hath forbidden . +" The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail , +And they say , " God has begotten a son . " +Do not say that those killed in the Way of Allah are dead , they are alive , although you are unaware . +Indeed you and what you worship +In fact , they will never believe . +At nightfall they came to their father weeping +Beautified for men is the love of things they covet ; women , children , much of gold and silver ( wealth ) , branded beautiful horses , cattle and well @-@ tilled land . +Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants were Jews or Christians ? +That sends down ( from time to time ) rain from the sky in due measure ; - and We raise to life therewith a land that is dead ; even so will ye be raised ( from the dead ) ; - +It will be but one blast , and they will all be brought before Us together . +" O our Lord ! +and apostles We have recounted to you earlier and apostles We have not recounted to you - and to Moses Allah spoke directly - +They said , " As an excuse to your Lord , and so that they may become righteous . " +They are also waiting . +But he for whom Allah intends fitnah - never will you possess [ power to do ] for him a thing against Allah . +Although they were commanded to worship none but The One God . +Say , " Why do you take protectors other than Him , who can neither benefit nor harm even themselves ? " +Create a template Gtk Builder interface file +thereafter We seize it to Us withdrawing it gently . +Will they not , then , give thanks ? +Disconnected +And they ( angels ) will say : " All kinds of glad tidings are forbidden for you , " [ None will be allowed to enter Paradise except the one who said : La ilaha ill @-@ Allah , " ( none has the right to be worshipped but Allah ) and acted practically on its legal orders and obligations ] . +The program is running . Do you still want to stop the debugger ? +Follow those who ask you of no wage , and are themselves guided . +This is the blessing of God and He grants it to whomever He wants . +This is a Reminder , and verily , for the Muttaqun ( pious and righteous persons - see V. 2 : 2 ) is a good final return ( Paradise ) , +So which of your Lord s ' bounties will you both deny ? +Verily Your Lord is Immensely Mighty , Most Compassionate . +Therefore , have no doubts . +To Him belongs the loftiest similitude ( we can think of ) in the heavens and the earth : for He is Exalted in Might , full of wisdom . +U _ ndo +Those who behave in this way shall reap disgrace in this world and severe punishment on the Day of Resurrection . +Woe to the faithless for a severe punishment +Patch level : +Believers , endure , vie with each other in endurance , stand firm in your faith and fear God , so that you may succeed . +On this world and the hereafter . And they ask you concerning the orphans Say : To set right for them ( their affairs ) is good , and if you become co @-@ partners with them , they are your brethren ; and Allah knows the mischief @-@ maker and the pacemaker , and if Allah had pleased , He would certainly have caused you to fall into a difficulty ; surely Allah is Mighty , Wise . +The maximum number of results has been reached . +Now the ' Ad behaved arrogantly through the land , against ( all ) truth and reason , and said : " Who is superior to us in strength ? " +Oppression is worse than killing . +And also forbidden are the wedded among women , save those whom your right hands own Allah ' s rescript for you . +And a tongue , and two lips ? +He comprehends all that has been given them , and keeps count of everything . +We know that some among you are beliers thereof . +Those who slayed their children in folly , without knowledge , . and forbade the sustenance that Allah has provided them , falsely ascribing that to Allah , are utter losers ; they have gone astray , and are certainly not among those guided to the right way . +Verily along with every hardship is ease . +Do you not then understand ? +And indeed their Lord answers them : ' I do not waste the labor of any that labors among you , male or female you are from each other . And those who emigrated , and were expelled from their houses , those who suffered hurt in My way , and fought , and were killed those I shall surely acquit of their evil deeds , and I shall admit them to Gardens underneath which rivers flow ' A reward from Allah , and Allah with Him is the best reward . +We have written for them a life for a life , an eye for an eye , a nose for a nose , an ear for an ear , a tooth for a tooth , and for wounds equal retaliation , but whosoever forgoes it as a freewill offering , it will be an expiation for him . Whoever does not judge according to what Allah has sent down are the harmdoers . +And they two seek Allah ' s aid , ( and rebuke the son ) : " Woe to thee ! +Say thou : if I have fabricated it , then ye cannot avail me against Allah in aught . +their treasures and a noble station . +It spared naught that it reached , but made it ( all ) as dust . +( We are ) two litigants , one of whom has wronged the other , therefore judge between us with truth , and treat us not with injustice , and guide us to the Right Way . +Then there encompassed it a visitation from your Lord while they were sleeping . +It ' s the truth from our Lord . +But most people do not know . " +That is the supreme success . +Surely there are other torments besides this for those who are wicked , though most of them do not know . +But whoever turns back shall be severely punished by Him . +However , they had asked Moses for things much harder to do than this , by saying , " Show us God in person . " +Glory be to Thee ! +Shell Script File +Remember Allah s blessing ' upon you and His covenant with which He has bound you when you said , ' We hear and obey . ' +and in the life to come , they will surely be the losers . +and sent a messenger to them from among themselves : " Worship God alone . +Indeed , your invocations are reassurance for them . +God guides or causes to go astray whomever He wants . +O you who believe ! +He it is who has made the night for your rest and the day to see . +And when the twain had passed by , he said unto his page : bring us our morning @-@ meal , assuredly we have met from this journey of ours , toil +Remember Allah as you remember your forefathers or with a far more remembrance . +And there believed not with him but a few . +Remote repository tools +The happy end certainly belongs to the pious ones . +Our Lord , give us what You promised us by Your Messengers , and do not abase us on the Day of Resurrection . +( We told him ) that therein they should pray and that Moses should give the glad news ( of God ' s mercy ) to the faithful ones . +Every soul is destined to experience the agony of death . +Say , " Have you considered : if Allah should take away your hearing and your sight and set a seal upon your hearts , which deity other than Allah could bring them [ back ] to you ? " +So whither are you tending in error ? +These are only words he utters . +And they say : Why has not an angel been sent down to him ? +For every happening is a finality , and you will surely know . +We have prepared Hell for the hospitality of infidels . +Thus have We sent you ( O Muhammad SAW ) to a community before whom other communities have passed away , in order that you might recite unto them what We have inspired to you , while they disbelieve in the Most Beneficient ( Allah ) Say : " He is my Lord ! +You will not be answerable for their deeds . +I am a Messenger from the Lord of the ' Alamin ( mankind , jinns and all that exists ) . +They will say : " Glorified be You ! +And morning found those who had coveted his place but yesterday crying : Ah , welladay ! +He has made plain to you of the religion what He enjoined upon Nuh and that which We have revealed to you and that which We enjoined upon Ibrahim and Musa and Isa that keep to obedience and be not divided therein ; hard to the unbelievers is that which you call them to ; Allah chooses for Himself whom He pleases , and guides to Himself him who turns ( to Him ) , frequently . +So establish worship , pay the poor @-@ due , and hold fast to Allah . +He is a person who has been seized with a little madness ; so wait for a while ( perhaps he will improve ) . " +That We may produce from it grain and vegetation , +And they ( disbelievers ) plotted [ to kill ' Iesa ( Jesus ) ] , and Allah planned too . +Lord , do not subject us to the persecution of the unjust ones , +[ We sent them ] with clear proofs and written ordinances . +We shall forgive your trespasses and give those who do good abundance . +How thankless he is ! +The promise of my Lord is true ' +( O Muhammad ! ) If you obey the majority of those who live on earth , they will lead you away from Allah ' s path . +Tell them , " Only God knows about it and most people do not know . " +Yet still they neither repent nor remember . +Allah sets forth a Parable : a city enjoying security and quiet , abundantly supplied with sustenance from every place : Yet was it ungrateful for the favours of Allah : so Allah made it taste of hunger and terror ( in extremes ) ( closing in on it ) like a garment ( from every side ) , because of the ( evil ) which ( its people ) wrought . +( O Messenger ! Remind the Muslims of the occasion ) when you went forth from your home at early dawn ( to the battlefield of Uhud ) and placed the believers in battle arrays . +It is not for the polytheists to maintain the mosques of Allah [ while ] witnessing against themselves with disbelief . +Invent not similitudes for Allah : for Allah knoweth , and ye know not . +Have We not made the earth ( as a place ) to draw together . +Will you submit to magic while you see it ? " +Aye ! they failed them . +If you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture , they will turn you , after your belief , into disbelievers . +Bethinkest thou not of those Who Went forth from their habitations , and they were in their thousands , to escape death Then Allah said unto them : die and thereafter quickened them . +By oath of the night when it covers +Have they not traveled in the land and seen what was the end of those before them ? +They said : Have you come to us to turn us away from what we found our fathers upon , and ( that ) greatness in the land should be for you two ? +The Jews said that the Christians follow nothing ( i.e. are not on the right religion ) ; and the Christians said that the Jews follow nothing ( i.e. are not on the right religion ) ; though they both recite the Scripture . +Little is the thanks you give ! +So they went off , whispering to one another , +The king said : " Bring this man to me . " +We took the Children of Israel ( with safety ) across the sea . They came upon a people devoted entirely to some idols they had . +Nothing in the heavens or the earth is hidden from God . +' If you do good , it is your own souls you do good to , and if you do evil it is to them likewise . ' +Allah hath conferred a favour Unto you inasmuch as He hath guided you to belief , if ye are sincere . +Have fear of God and listen ( properly ) . +On couches wrought of gold , +He creates what He will and God has power over all things . " +Allah faileth not His promise . +Why do you hinder one who believes from the way of Allah , seeking that he follow a crooked way , even though you yourselves are witness to its being the right way ? ' +God has informed us about you ; and God and His Apostle shall watch your conduct . +Surely , those who believe and do good works shall enter gardens of bliss , +He will forgive you your sins and admit you into Gardens beneath which rivers flow , and superb dwellings in everlasting Gardens of Eden ; this is the greatest success . +who realize that ultimately they shall meet their Lord and shall return to Him . +This is from the news of the unseen . +Those who deny the truth declare , " The Hour will never come upon us . " +Discard output +Keep away from them and the falsehood which they invent . +Know that God is the only Lord . +( Had Firaun also said the same , Allah would have granted him faith . ) +God is Strong and Mighty . +Show Me what it is they have created in the ( wide ) earth . +Enter the gates of Gehenna and live there for ever . +He said , ' I will take refuge in a mountain , that shall defend me from the water . ' +They descend on every lying ( one who tells lies ) , sinful person . +Do not wrongfully commit injustice in your religion , and do not follow the people who earlier went astray , and led many others astray , and wandered away from the Straight Path . " +To him among you who wishes to go forward or remain behind . +They will find no guardian or helper besides God . +he will be welcomed with boiling water . +Do not associate anything with Him ; be good to your parents ; and do not kill your children for fear of poverty , We shall provide sustenance for you as well as for them , refrain from committing indecent deeds , whether openly or in secret ; and do not kill the life which God has made sacred , save by right . +Open Folder +And when He decides upon a thing He says to it only : " Be ! " and it is . +He will say : ' So it is . +These are precepts of wisdom We offer to men , but only those who are rational understand . +( Moses ) said , " Let it be a binding contract between us and I shall be free to serve for any of the said terms . +We have come to you with a sign from your Lord ; peace be on him who follows guidance ! +Then let them produce their partners , if they are truthful . +error : -old +You add nothing for me except loss . " +Yet these say : +The day when the Caller calls to a dire thing , +By God ! We have sent messengers before you to other nations . +marked with thy Lord , and never far from the evildoers . +Their call therein is , " Glory be to You , our God . " +Will you then be grateful ? +" Has he fabricated a lie against Allah , or is he insane ? " +And who guard their prayers . +Now there has come to you an exhortation from your Lord , a healing for the ailments of the hearts , and a guidance and mercy for those who believe . +And he sensed within himself apprehension , did Moses . +But it is lawful for you to seek out all women except these , offering them your wealth and the protection of wedlock rather than using them for the unfettered satisfaction of lust . +We exalted some of the prophets over the others ; and to David We gave the Book of Psalms . +He said , ' You are in a worse state ! And Allah knows best what you allege . ' +Tell them : " Bring your witnesses to testify that God has forbidden this ( and this ) . " +So watch and wait ( for the sign ) ; I am waiting and expecting with you . " +And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger , surely the Fire of Hell awaits him ; therein he will abide in perpetuity . " +That is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood , and have given them their dowries , taking ( them ) in marriage , not fornicating nor taking them for paramours in secret ; and whoever denies faith , his work indeed is of no account , and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers . +That is their sum of knowledge . +Do not expel them from their houses , nor should they go away themselves , unless they are openly guilty of adultery . +Nor may you claim that : ' Had the Book been revealed to us , we would have been better guided than they . ' +Insert snippet into editor at current cursor position +On that day neither humans will be questioned about their sins nor jinn . +It is those who do not believe in the Hereafter who will suffer torment , for they have strayed far into error . +For all there will be ranks from what they did . +When the affliction decreed by Us befell them , they did not humble themselves , but rather their hearts hardened , for Satan had made all their doings seem fair to them . +A Messenger from their own was sent to them , but they belied him . +who have exercised patience and who have had trust in their Lord . +Would ye question your Messenger as Moses was questioned of old ? but whoever changeth from Faith to Unbelief , Hath strayed without doubt from the even way . +So in what statement hereafter will they believe ? +So repent to your Creator and kill yourselves . +Their multitude will be put to flight , and they will show their backs . +Lo ! Thou breakest not the tryst . +So do not let yourself be distracted from it by those who do not believe in it and who follow their desires , or you will perish . ' +Your Lord certainly knows the transgressors . +How dreadful was My punishment ! +Which favors of your Lord will you both belie ? +God has power over all things . +And [ mention ] when Jesus , the son of Mary , said , " O children of Israel , indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me , whose name is Ahmad . " +Say : Bethink you then of those ye worship beside Allah , if Allah willed some hurt for me , could they remove from me His hurt ; or if He willed some mercy for me , could they restrain His mercy ? +With Him is ( the knowledge of ) the unseen of the heavens and the earth . +all this as provision for you and your cattle . +Will they then believe in falsehood , and refuse God s favors ' ? +So let the life of the world not delude you , and let not the Deluder delude you concerning Allah . +And there is none comparable unto Him . +So they belied him , so We destroyed them . +My reward is with none but the Lord of the Universe . +They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah , and ( they take as their Lord ) Christ the son of Mary ; yet they were commanded to worship but One Allah : there is no god but He . Praise and glory to Him : ( Far is He ) from having the partners they associate ( with Him ) . +And when they went in before Joseph , he took his brother unto him , saying : Lo ! +Of His mercy hath He appointed for you night and day , that therein ye may rest , and that ye may seek His bounty , and that haply ye may be thankful . +And on that Day , eight ( of them ) will carry the Throne of your Lord above them . +Tape array +Like Pharaoh ' s people and those that have gone before them , they rejected God ' s signs and God seized them for their sins . +A parable of those who defy their Lord : their deeds are like ashes over which the wind blows hard on a tempestuous day : they have no power over anything they have earned . +That is but your saying with your mouths . +Had Allah willed , He could have made you one nation but that He might try you by that which He has bestowed upon you . +By grace from Allah and as a favor ; and Allah is Knowing , Wise . +Indeed , Allah is the Best of all those who provide . +This is a binding promise on Us which We shall assuredly fulfill . +If you are on a journey , and cannot find a scribe , then a security deposit should be handed over . +And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs , but most of men know not . +And indeed , We will make that which is upon it [ into ] a barren ground . +Reply to mailing list +God does not guide the unjust . +At their feet shall flow rivers . +So fear Allah , O people of understanding who have attained to faith . +( Saying ) : Peace be unto you because ye persevered . +And exalted is Allah , Lord of the worlds . +And obey Allah and His Messenger , and do not dispute ( with one another ) lest you lose courage and your strength depart , and be patient . +When Our command was issued and the waters gushed forth from the source , We said : " Take into ( the ark ) a pair of every species , and members of your family other than those against whom the sentence has been passed already , and those who come to believe . " +Your Lord ' s retribution is swift and He is certainly All @-@ forgiving and All @-@ merciful . +And warn them of the Day of anguish when the case hath been decided . +PIX Firewall +We sent all these apostles as bearers of glad tidings and warners in order that there be no plea for mankind against Allah , after the apostle ; and Allah is ever Mighty Wise . +And thy Lord is over everything a Warden . +Do not revile those whom they invoke other than Allah , because they will revile Allah in ignorance out of spite . +Those who believe , Jews , Sabaeans , and Nazarenes whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good shall neither fear , nor shall they sorrow ( as long as they do not reject any of the prophets ) . +None denieth Our signs save every traitor ingrate . +The works of such are in vain and in Fire shall they abide . +save those who believe , and do righteous deeds , and counsel each other unto the truth , and counsel each other to be steadfast . +If your Lord had willed , all the people on the earth would have come to believe , one and all . +Perhaps you wish to disregard some of what is revealed to you , and you may be stressed because of it , since they say , " If only a treasure was sent down to him , or an angel came with him . " +Indeed the wrong @-@ doers are friends of each other , whereas Allah is the friend of the God @-@ fearing . +Thamood cried lies to the warnings +The cheese is yellow . +Say : ' People of the Book ! +And indeed it is mentioned in the earlier Books . +The way these people follow is bound to lead to destruction ; and all their works are vain . +With Him all things are in determined measure . +No vision can grasp Him , but He takes in over all vision ; He is the Subtle and Aware One . +They will not be able to hide anything from God . +New project has been created successfully . +Come to my help at their accusing me of lying . " +If they see the right path , they shall not walk upon it : but if they see the path of error , they shall choose it for their path , because they have given the lie to Our signs and paid no heed to them . +So against them has been realized the Word concerning nations that passed away before them , men and jinn alike ; surely they were losers . +Say : " Is that best , or the eternal garden , promised to the righteous ? for them , that is a reward as well as a goal ( of attainment ) . +And when you testify , be just , even if [ it concerns ] a near relative . +God does not surely love those who are arrogant and boastful , +In Allah let the believers put their trust . +He who gives me food and drink ; +And He is the Best of Judges . +" And indeed My curse is upon you till the Day of Judgement . " +Those are with the faithful , and soon Allah will give the faithful a great reward . +Woe on that Day to those who reject the truth ! +Proclaim , " Physically I am a human * like you - my Lord sends divine revelations to me - that your God is only One God ; so whoever expects to the meet his Lord must perform good deeds and not ascribe anyone as a partner in the worship of his Lord . " ( * Human but not equal to you , in fact the greatest in spiritual status . ) +And if they do not give up this claim , all who have disbelieved among them shall be subjected to painful chastisement . +Have you considered Lat and ' Uzza ? +He understood me . +The One Who produced pasture . +We never destroyed villages unless their inhabitants were harmdoers . +God never wronged them , but they used to wrong their own selves . +Rather , it is a trial , but most of them do not know . +Glory be to God , above that which they associate ! +Verily , We created them of a sticky clay . +Say , " Who then has any power at all [ to intervene ] on your behalf with God , if His will is to do you harm , or if He intends to do you good ? +Nor did we feed the wretched . +Why did you give them leave ( to stay behind ) until it was clear to you which of them was truthful and knew those who lied ? +O you who have faith ! +Indeed We sent Moses with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his nobles . +Whoever brings a good deed ( Islamic Monotheism and deeds of obedience to Allah and His Messenger SAW ) shall have ten times the like thereof to his credit , and whoever brings an evil deed ( polytheism , disbelief , hypocrisy , and deeds of disobedience to Allah and His Messenger SAW ) shall have only the recompense of the like thereof , and they will not be wronged . +He presents to you an example from yourselves . Do you have among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided for you so that you are equal therein would fear them as your fear of one another [ within a partnership ] ? +So consume what you have gained , legitimate and wholesome ; and remain conscious of God . +O ye who believe ! +And if He wants good for you , none can repel His grace . +When the sky is split open , and turns crimson like tanned leather . +Those who were proud say : Lo ! we are all ( together ) herein . +Project manager popup actions +Do the people of the dwellings not fear that Our wrath may come upon them at night while they are asleep ? +Judgment is but Allah ' s ; He hath commanded that ye worship not except Him . +Pour ( bestow abundantly ) patience on us , and bestow us death as Muslims . " +Or have you a clear authority ? +I have come to you from Sheba with reliable news . +C # source files +You will not attain virtuous conduct until you give of what you cherish . +So He caused hypocrisy to take root in their hearts and to remain therein until the Day they meet Him because they broke their promise with Allah and because they lied . +You train them according to what God has taught you . So eat from what they catch for you , and pronounce God s name ' over it . +And you see many of them ( Jews ) hurrying for sin and transgression , and eating illegal things [ as bribes and Riba ( usury ) , etc . ] . +Allah will suffice you . +Certainly they disbelieve who say : Surely Allah is the third ( person ) of the three ; and there is no god but the one Allah , and if they desist not from what they say , a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve . +Yea , to those who take for friends unbelievers rather than believers : is it honour they seek among them ? +How will it be then , when We shall bring , out of each community , a witness , and We shall bring thee against these as a witness ? +And when We said unto the angels : Fall prostrate before Adam , they fell prostrate ( all ) save Iblis ; he refused . +Yet there is among men such a one as disputes about Allah , without Knowledge , without Guidance , and without a Book of Enlightenment , - +_ Always accept +A barrier will divide the two groups , and on the heights there will be men who recognize each group by their marks . They will call out to the people of the Garden , " Peace be with you . " +We certainly saw you ( Muhammad ) often turn your face to the sky , so We shall instruct you to face a qibla that you will like . +Woe unto the repudiators on that day ! +Indeed , Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression . +" And I have followed the religion of my fathers , - Ibrahim ( Abraham ) , Ishaque ( Isaac ) and Ya ' qub ( Jacob ) ] , and never could we attribute any partners whatsoever to Allah . +How are they turning away ( from the truth , i.e. Islamic Monotheism to the falsehood of polytheism ) ? +' O Children of Adam ! +and what could make you understand what the Sijjin is ? -- +Unable to open % s . Debugger cannot start . +And they came to their father at night , weeping . +Believers , do not establish friendship with the people who have become subject to the wrath of God . +Convert EOL to LF +Verily We ! We have made it a temptation for the wrong- doers . +Sybase +Unable to open the file : % s +Lo ! herein , verily , are portents for a people who believe . +Step _ Out +Lua files +Say : " Name them ! +Subversion : Switch complete . +He said : O chiefs ! which of you can bring to me her throne before they come to me in submission ? +Alas the woe that day for those who deny ! +And among them are those who listen to you . +Come ride with us , and be not with the disbelievers . +Do you not hear ? " +For the unbelievers , We have kept ready chains and fetters and a Blazing Fire . +Linker flags : +Those who are faithfully true to their Amanat ( all the duties which Allah has ordained , honesty , moral responsibility and trusts etc . ) and to their covenants ; +Those are the verses of the Clear Book . +Everything in the heavens and on the earth glorifies God . +And that He created pairs , the male and the female +In reply they were told : ' Verily those who worshipped the calf will certainly incur indignation from their Lord , and will be abased in the life of this world . +And we revealed unto Musa : cast down thy rod . +So against themselves will they bear witness that they rejected Faith . +These are the parables that We set forth to make people understand . +Hast thou not seen those who pretend that they believe in that which is revealed unto thee and that which was revealed before thee , how they would go for judgment ( in their disputes ) to false deities when they have been ordered to abjure them ? +We did not send you as their advocate . +They will exchange therein a cup ; wherein is neither harm , nor sin . +Do not be like the lady behind the spinning wheel who has broken the yarn by pulling it with unnecessary force . +No , they used to worship the jinn ; most of them had faith in them . ' +Among Talh ( banana @-@ trees ) with fruits piled one above another , +If I had knowledge of the unseen , I would have availed myself of an abundance of good , and no harm would have touched me . +And to forego and give ( her the full Mahr ) is nearer to At @-@ Taqwa ( piety , right @-@ eousness , etc . ) . +We shall set up just scales on the Day of Resurrection so that none will be wronged in the least . +So in God let the believers put their trust . +Add to project +When they were told , " Come , fight in God ' s cause and defend yourselves , " they replied , " If we knew that fighting would take place , we would surely follow you . " +Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny ? +And I ask of you no hire therefor ; my hire is but with the Lord of the worlds . +Repeat the last Find command +Say : Bring your proof if you are truthful . +Surely there are Signs in this for those who reflect . +Say : ' In both is heinous sin ; and uses for men , but the sin in them is more heinous than the usefulness . ' +for guidance and a reminder for those of understanding . +Has then your Lord ( O Pagans ! ) preferred for you sons , and taken for Himself daughters among the angels ? +He said , " O my people , why are you impatient for evil instead of good ? +From a sperm drop He created him , and enabled him . +Do they not see the earth , how We grow all kinds of noble things upon it ? +And the deluge overtook them , while they were unjust . +Whoso scorneth His service and is proud , all such will He assemble unto Him ; +God shall chastise him with the greatest chastisement . +Surely that is easy for Allah . +It guides to rectitude , so we have believed in it ; and we will never associate anyone with our Lord . +But he who says to his parents : " Shame on you : You intimidate me that I will be resurrected when many generations will have passed before me ? " +Such is the Resurrection . +Judge between them by what Allah has sent down , and do not follow their desires . +Say , " Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth ? +What ails you , that you look not for majesty in God , +Jigsaw - part _ oiio +( O Prophet ) , you cannot grant guidance to whom you please . +Turn away from us the punishment of hell . +Thus do We reward the guilty folk . +C + + compiler flags +Say to the Arabs who lagged behind : ' You shall be called upon to fight a mighty nation , unless they embrace Islam . +Say : " My Lord , forgive and have mercy . +Will you not understand ! +Channel +No license +They said , ' O Dhul Qarnayn ! +And whosoever is rich , let him abstain , and whosoever is needy let him take thereof reputably . +Lo ! thou canst not rend the earth , nor canst thou stretch to the height of the hills . +And if they separate , God will enrich each from His abundance . +Can they be considered as equal ? +Those who estrange their wives by equating them with their mothers , then go back on what they said , must set free a slave before they may touch one another . +Allah ! +Those who believe and do good deeds We shall lodge them in the rooms of Paradise underneath which rivers flow , therein living for ever , an excellent wage for those who labor , +He said : ' If you scoff at us , we too scoff at you in like manner . +Kill not your children for fear of want : We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you . +That day man will say : " Where can I find escape ? " +Close your books . +I fear for you a fate like that of the people of old : +And he swore to them , " I am a sincere advisor to you . " +and Pharaoh , the impaler +And who goeth farther astray than he who followeth his lust without guidance from Allah . Lo ! +Then , has your Lord chosen you for [ having ] sons and taken from among the angels daughters ? +Say thou : I am not an innovator among the apostles , nor I know whatsoever shall be done with me or with you ; I only follow that which is revealed Unto me , and am but a warner manifest . +Then Adam received certain words from his Lord , and He turned to him clemently . +Say , " If His punishment comes upon you in the dead of night , or by the light of day , how will the guilty escape it ? +Those among the migrants ( from Makkah ) and helpers ( in Madina ) who were the first to believe , and those who followed them in goodness , have been accepted by God and they follow His way . +Our Lord ! verily Thou art the Assembler of mankind for a Day whereof there is no doubt . +Tell them ( O Prophet ) : " Continue your mockery if you will . +Likewise We gave clear signs to Jesus , son of Mary , and supported him with the Holy Spirit . +Its expiation is the feeding of ten needy ( people ) with such food as you normally offer to your own people ; or the clothing of them ; or the freeing of a slave . +By no means ! ' +The truth * has come to you from your Lord ; so whoever came to guidance , has come to guidance for his own benefit ; and whoever strayed , has strayed for his own harm ; and I am not a trustee over you . " ( * Prophet Mohammed peace and - blessings be upon him , or Islam or the Qur an . ' ) +O mankind ! +Nay ! +What , will you take it by way of calumny and manifest sin ? +And when evil touches him he is in great despair . +" Verily ! My slaves ( i.e. the true believers of Islamic Monotheism ) , you have no authority over them . +Delete branches +Is it you who create it ( i.e. make this semen into a perfect human being ) , or are We the Creator ? +Then We delivered him and all his family +And Allah warns you against Himself ( His Punishment ) and Allah is full of Kindness to the ( His ) slaves . +There was just one blast , and they were extinguished . +They said , Father ' ! +Set Signal Property +This is the path of thy Lord , a straight path . +and that his labouring shall surely be seen , +We have not heard of this among our fathers of yore : +Thus they used to be deceived in the life of the world . +And Lot believed him . +Say : We believe in Allah and ( in ) that which had been revealed to us , and ( in ) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes , and ( in ) that which was given to Musa and Isa , and ( in ) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord , we do not make any distinction between any of them , and to Him do we submit . +These are the commandments of God We recite to you verily ; God does not wish injustice to the creatures of the world . +Whenever any trouble befalls a person , he prays to Us all the time , lying on his side , sitting or standing ; but when We remove his trouble , he goes on his way as if he had never prayed to Us for the removal of his trouble . +Then We shall deliver those that feared Allah and leave the wrong @-@ doers there on their knees . +Say , " We believe in Allah and what is sent down to us and what was sent down to Ibrahim , and Ismael , and Ishaq , and Yaqub , and to their offspring , and what was bestowed upon Moosa and Eisa ( Jesus ) , and what was bestowed upon other Prophets - from their Lord ; we do not make any distinction , in belief , between any of them ; and to Allah we have submitted ourselves . " +That is the right religion , but most men know not - +And it will be cried out to them : " This is the Paradise which you have inherited for what you used to do . " +Their punishment will be doubled , for they could neither hear nor see . +Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both ( jinns and men ) deny ? +These are the Verses of Allah : We recite them to you ( O Muhammad SAW ) in truth , and Allah wills no injustice to the ' Alamin ( mankind and jinns ) . +We have made for you as among the Symbols of Allah , therein you have much good . +They will surely say : " Allah . " +Indeed in that are signs for a people who listen . +Say thou : that which is with Allah is better than sport and better than merchandise ; and Allah is the Best of providers . +So Allah protected him from the evils they plotted , and the people of Pharaoh were enveloped by the worst of punishment - +Main Class : +This is in accordance with the law ( of God ) . +What aileth you then , that ye are two parties regarding the hypocrites ? whereas Allah hath reverted them because of that which they have earned . +But Allah is the Guardian , and He gives life to the dead , and He has power over all things . +It is the same ( to Him ) whether any of you conceal his speech or declare it openly ; whether he lie hid by night or walk forth freely by day . +But never will they express their desire ( for Death ) , because of the ( deeds ) their hands have sent on before them ! and Allah knows well those that do wrong ! +He is indeed Strong , Terrible in Retribution . +[ This is ] a revelation from the Entirely Merciful , the Especially Merciful - +He said , " My punishment - I inflict it upon whomever I will , but My mercy encompasses all things . +When it bears fruit eat of it and pay what is due ( the zakat ) of it upon the harvest day . +And when Our commandment came to pass We saved Shu ' eyb and those who believed with him by a mercy from Us ; and the ( Awful ) Cry seized those who did injustice , and morning found them prostrate in their dwellings , +Those who persecute the believing men and women without repenting will suffer the torment of hell and that of the burning fire . +The other one said , " In my dream I was carrying some bread on my head and birds were eating that bread . " +They are the worst of creatures . +Believers , whosoever of you turns from his religion , Allah will bring a nation whom He loves and they love Him , humble towards the believers and stern towards the unbelievers , striving for the Path of Allah and fearless of anyone ' s blame . +We have sent down to you a Book which has a reminder for you . +But Allah is Witness , that they verily , are liars . +Nor unto those whom , when they came to thee ( asking ) that thou shouldst mount them , thou didst tell : I cannot find whereon to mount you . They turned back with eyes flowing with tears , for sorrow that they could not find the means to spend . +Subversion Log +Why was it not that the believing men and women , when you heard it , thought good of their own people , and had said , " This is a clear accusation " ? +Does not everything in the heavens and the earth belong to God ? +If ye publish your almsgiving , it is well , but if ye hide it and give it to the poor , it will be better for you , and will atone for some of your ill @-@ deeds . +and We raised him to an exalted station . +God has fixed the mountains on earth lest you should be hurled away when it quakes . Therein He has also made rivers and roads so that you will find your way . +Our protector is He , and in God should the faithful place their trust . " +Select one directory +Separate +Repel evil with that which is better . +They say , ' Our Lord , whoso forwarded this for us , give him a double chastisement in the Fire ! ' +But whosoever comes with evil will be flung face forward into the Fire .